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File: 6762dfcd2fc84a0⋯.jpg (20.56 KB,255x174,85:58,000ggg.jpg)

7e5c2d No.21638629 [View All]

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701 posts and 496 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c29bfc No.21639464

File: 8f55584acea9411⋯.png (610.69 KB,957x499,957:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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d44718 No.21639465

File: 4ce9b47f9f761e8⋯.png (4.7 MB,430x215,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>"they all look the same"

Kek. I don't know about that one. People are calling out Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Diddy™.

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daf028 No.21639466


>Ex military that are decent people should hang their head in shame for taking part in such an evil operation.

Fuck You - poster-johnson-kissinger-nixon-and manyy many others

The American People were lied to.

Its not like today where information was readily available to discern.

The fake news manipulated peoples emotions and fears through TV.

You internet faggots have no idea what TV and news was before the internet.

The military numbers are dwindling because nobody want to die for another nation in a foreign land anymore.

Telling me I wont be free if I dont fight this war over here in this other foreign land is psychological manipulation.

They want to take people from the homeland and send them overseas so they can die.

Most people know this now.

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8a50ec No.21639467

File: b26efe5ecd6ba30⋯.png (408.12 KB,750x1624,375:812,ClipboardImage.png)

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673386 No.21639468


Glad I have zero interest in seeing that. That solidifies I am not gay. Thank you Q for the answer.

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c29bfc No.21639469

File: 16c00323208e386⋯.mp4 (11.84 MB,576x1024,9:16,israel_explained.mp4)


>kanye mossad black mask (with that groyper guy and that proud boys guy)

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d44718 No.21639470

File: ee4a66a5c91508a⋯.png (145.41 KB,373x340,373:340,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Stolt.

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a360fb No.21639471



>Diddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.



>Daddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.



>Daddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.



>Daddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.



>Daddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.



>Daddy has a video of Big Mike tapping bathhouses BUTTHOLE.

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e7b599 No.21639472


International Scout. Corn binder?

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1c81cc No.21639473

File: ad8a8b73b8037f2⋯.png (443.25 KB,601x836,601:836,ho.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Wait so you’re telling me the woman who advertised she will give out p**n at her concerts just deleted all her tweets amidst the Diddy s*x trafficking revelations?



Rate proposed Community Notes

Only visible to contributors

P!nk/@Pink (Alecia Beth Moore) quit Twitter and deleted all but two retweets in February 2024.

She stated she got death threats & experienced "absolute hatred" on the platform before she decided to leave.




Is this proposed note helpful?

5:03 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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c29bfc No.21639474

File: e56ccb8e03199dc⋯.gif (2.43 MB,289x216,289:216,trump_thumbs_up_you.gif)

File: 9a2767d666de965⋯.jpg (15.45 KB,474x255,158:85,barron_thumbs_up_Copy.jpg)

File: a3e40d47eb3bb6c⋯.png (151.98 KB,411x555,137:185,thumbsup_trump_rally.png)

File: 7f53a95eac7d80d⋯.gif (1.05 MB,320x240,4:3,good_news_rambo_kid_thumbs….gif)

File: e9e60c9664fa531⋯.jpg (35.91 KB,624x390,8:5,trump_2_thumbs_up_calm_bef….jpg)


>That solidifies I am not gay

see. this board helps people.

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673386 No.21639475


If that noise could be called music this would be a notable.

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0fadc3 No.21639476


Well it seems clear that you do not respect the religion of other's nor their right to free speech.

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0fadc3 No.21639477


I will try my best!

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1c81cc No.21639478

File: 9aad39f78f7adc5⋯.png (44.18 KB,603x449,603:449,g.PNG)




Robert F. Kennedy Jr




Due to their failure with the pandemic treaty, the UN has decided to move on this issue through the General Assembly giving the Secretary General the emergency powers they could not get for the WHO.

The United Nations Pact for the Future is an unconstitutional attempt to pass a

Show more

General Mike Flynn


This is how they maneuver to eventually declare the New World Order (Schwab’s Great Reset or 4th Industrial Revolution) has arrived. It can only be stopped by one action currently and that is electing @realDonaldTrump

as POTUS and getting selfless leaders like you into our government immediately.

6:37 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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673386 No.21639479


He's handsome.

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984447 No.21639480


>oh no

>diane tics is fightin with itself

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267718 No.21639481

File: 6229ba585efb820⋯.jpg (28.15 KB,358x312,179:156,1510734018819.jpg)

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0fadc3 No.21639482


is this like one of those Q decode thingies but using memes instead?

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267718 No.21639483

File: cd7e0fa0574659f⋯.jpg (139.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1510729794667.jpg)

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267718 No.21639484

File: 299b11b3db3f12a⋯.png (363.98 KB,633x510,211:170,CIA_Pakistan.png)

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984447 No.21639485

File: 2040773267f303b⋯.png (7.14 KB,800x800,1:1,2040773267f303b87fc5f95322….png)


stap LEEEEKY JUUUUUUS frum gahybarr <<21634540


<berlinur BIGLY GAHY WALL BUILT halpin stap poleland invadurhs


<berlinur fillur gloatables so far





< >>21632285

<<<<<<<git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat














< >>21632285

<<<<<<git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat











mowi wow


juwish farting ccattle noises

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267718 No.21639486

File: 7759f53e7b7da32⋯.jpg (67.14 KB,480x480,1:1,1510732831403.jpg)

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0fadc3 No.21639487


wow thats crazy

almost like everything and [EVERYONE] is connected somehow

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267718 No.21639488

File: 773a144ed4a5cd7⋯.jpg (90.32 KB,740x600,37:30,1510765423231.jpg)

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d44718 No.21639489

File: c941c3d8c90944b⋯.png (40.36 KB,984x448,123:56,ClipboardImage.png)



It's getting wild how every time we have a story like this, there's always a Coincidence™. Kek. It's starting to get mathematically impossible.

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267718 No.21639490

File: 763b7debdb35d88⋯.jpg (72.18 KB,574x574,1:1,1510765637162.jpg)

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eb6f45 No.21639491



#26501 >>21638637

>>21638687 It's insane that the world's #1 nuclear superpower just sort of stumbled its way into a power vacuum, has been filled by the former ruler's wife

>>21638688, >>21638708, >>21638892 Wimmins huh

>>21638721, >>21638747 The truth of the latest bomb Trump assassination scare could be darker than you imagine…

>>21638726, >>21638744, >>21639064, >>21639075, >>21639087, >>21639096 A bipartisan group of moar than 700 NS leaders and ex mil endorsed kneepads/Michael Smith/DefCon 1

>>21638784 Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEAL

>>21638792 Rupert Lowe Full Speech | Reform UK 2024 National Conference

>>21638801 President Trump is now mainstream America—and it’s finally cool to support him.

>>21638815 ICYMI: >>21638815 TRUMP TRUTH America, I couldn’t help but think this isn’t the real Oprah

>>21638832 Today in Q Post History we had 01 Delta

>>21638900 ICYMI: Recently Raided Tom Donlon and others support participation of the Ukraine Hoax on Trump

>>21638974, >>21639002, >>21639032, >>21639138 NASA Chicagohenge: Equinox in an Aligned City/lowest note ever

>>21638981 @realDonaldTrump This is a wonderful day for our amazing Polish-American community. My great friend, Polish President Andrzej Duda, is at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa, in Doylestown, Pennsylvania

>>21639002 Pakistan: Motorcade carrying Russian ambassador hit by explosion/Albert Khorev

>>21639035 Ukraine conflict damaging EU tourism, loss of Russian visitors has hit Finland and Cyprus especially hard

>>21639054, >>21639095, >>21639102, >>21639278, >>21639473 @Pink has deleted all of her tweets following @Usher

>>21639082, >>21639090 Task Force statement on Secret Service Mission Assurance Report

>>21639103 How Canada is preserving what remains of its iconic supersonic Avro Arrow jet

>>21639105, >>21639120 Boris Johnson has argued that Russia must be forced to accept defeat, even if doing so costs a trillion dollars (Boris is insane)

>>21639127 On Thursday, September 26, 2024, the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump will hold its first hearing

>>21639131, >>21639163, >>21639215, >>21639220, >>21639234, >>21639237, >>21639273 BlackRock to voluntarily delist from the NYSE

>>21639148 Putin's Brutal Counteroffensive Turns Kursk into a Ukrainian Graveyard

>>21639171 Former Israeli Soldier Explains Psychological Warfare Against Palestinians

>>21639195 Boeing Space & Defense chief Ted Colbert is leaving

>>21639210 Scott Ritter: Putin Unleashes 2.4 Million Troops — Ukraine Faces Total Annihilation

>>21639251 Latest from Will Scharf - Trump lawyer in the New York case against DA Alvin Bragg

>>21639339 Putin’s Kamala endorsement was a joke – Lavrov

>>21639386 Time to look again at Diddy cold case files?

>>21639420 RFK Jr. sheds light on how Big Pharma operates

>>21639445 @CMZ - LAST CHANCE to Join the QFS System – Everything EXPOSED!

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267718 No.21639492

File: b2f483c0fda68c2⋯.jpg (120.82 KB,800x473,800:473,1510765346527.jpg)

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267718 No.21639495

File: b58a6fef54dcb0f⋯.gif (1001.43 KB,600x450,4:3,1510796598156.gif)

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267718 No.21639496

File: d2cecbdac1c47f4⋯.jpg (44.59 KB,500x546,250:273,JFK_DJT.jpg)

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1c81cc No.21639497

File: dfbbf9fc5331330⋯.png (54.44 KB,627x428,627:428,df.PNG)


The Democrats Defraud the Voters With

A Little Help From Their Friends

American Thinker, by David Kahn

Posted By: Imright, 9/22/2024 11:46:23 AM

Lying has always been part of politics. Politicians lie about what they supported in years past or what they would do if elected. But because of the magnitude of the frauds promoted by Democrats in recent years and because they are assisted by the MSM and our intelligence services, the Democrats have taken lying to a new level. Elections are democracy’s lifeblood. Lying to voters threatens the very underpinnings of our democracy. A review of lies the Democrats and their allies have foisted on voters in recent presidential elections demonstrates that something must be done. In 2016, the Democrats fabricated the Trump-Russian collusion hoax. That’s far more serious than

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267718 No.21639498

File: 328dbc695eb880b⋯.jpg (54.3 KB,798x600,133:100,jfk_cia.jpg)

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5f3bf2 No.21639499

File: 5b76f178fbc7e1c⋯.jpg (36.13 KB,934x678,467:339,bakers_funny_from_WNB.jpg)


anger is exhausting, better to laugh and continue on.

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267718 No.21639500

File: e89a907892a08dd⋯.png (161.41 KB,500x689,500:689,T1.png)

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d44718 No.21639501

File: eaeae9211448f99⋯.png (475.25 KB,599x800,599:800,ClipboardImage.png)


Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.

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c29bfc No.21639503

File: 80e529b9adf2062⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,270x480,9:16,talmud_source_of_gender_co….mp4)


how dare you

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673386 No.21639504


As a christian that is required by scripture to support the enslaved chosen I am at a crossroad since it is every single damn time.

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eb6f45 No.21639505

File: e1c458ef7630a84⋯.png (315.52 KB,550x330,5:3,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

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15e0e2 No.21639506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Most of the money spent on Sweet Baby Inc DEI

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267718 No.21639507

File: 707024ced32e467⋯.jpg (304.56 KB,1100x619,1100:619,T2.jpg)

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d44718 No.21639509


Kek. I have this saved. Bitch is so fucking creepy.

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267718 No.21639510

File: bdff8e76e9e4daa⋯.jpg (269.26 KB,1408x787,1408:787,RedShoes.jpg)

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984447 No.21639511


Season 26 epsiode 501

jfk almost climbs up Soros sphinctur

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eb6f45 No.21639512

File: e23648289078ed0⋯.jpg (24.79 KB,240x240,1:1,Product_3657.jpg)

File: d8475c61c4b45ac⋯.jpg (18.53 KB,255x186,85:62,d8475c61c4b45ac4fe0aef3241….jpg)

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0fadc3 No.21639513


Sir, Yes, Sir!

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267718 No.21639514

File: 1c30a8e04d9a404⋯.jpg (519.66 KB,926x1067,926:1067,NoCoinTellPro.jpg)

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267718 No.21639516

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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267718 No.21639518

File: 6a102dacdcc711e⋯.jpg (69.44 KB,611x900,611:900,_Anonymous_17_minutes_ago_….jpg)

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267718 No.21639519

File: 3fd14dacf3d57f5⋯.png (7.13 KB,255x172,255:172,_Anonymous_Just_now_7ee177….png)

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