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48e6c5 No.21639493 [Last50 Posts]

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48e6c5 No.21639494

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#26501 >>21638637

>>21638687 It's insane that the world's #1 nuclear superpower just sort of stumbled its way into a power vacuum, has been filled by the former ruler's wife

>>21638688, >>21638708, >>21638892 Wimmins huh

>>21638721, >>21638747 The truth of the latest bomb Trump assassination scare could be darker than you imagine…

>>21638726, >>21638744, >>21639064, >>21639075, >>21639087, >>21639096 A bipartisan group of moar than 700 NS leaders and ex mil endorsed kneepads/Michael Smith/DefCon 1

>>21638784 Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEAL

>>21638792 Rupert Lowe Full Speech | Reform UK 2024 National Conference

>>21638801 President Trump is now mainstream America—and it’s finally cool to support him.

>>21638815 ICYMI: >>21638815 TRUMP TRUTH America, I couldn’t help but think this isn’t the real Oprah

>>21638832 Today in Q Post History we had 01 Delta

>>21638900 ICYMI: Recently Raided Tom Donlon and others support participation of the Ukraine Hoax on Trump

>>21638974, >>21639002, >>21639032, >>21639138 NASA Chicagohenge: Equinox in an Aligned City/lowest note ever

>>21638981 @realDonaldTrump This is a wonderful day for our amazing Polish-American community. My great friend, Polish President Andrzej Duda, is at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa, in Doylestown, Pennsylvania

>>21639002 Pakistan: Motorcade carrying Russian ambassador hit by explosion/Albert Khorev

>>21639035 Ukraine conflict damaging EU tourism, loss of Russian visitors has hit Finland and Cyprus especially hard

>>21639054, >>21639095, >>21639102, >>21639278, >>21639473 @Pink has deleted all of her tweets following @Usher

>>21639082, >>21639090 Task Force statement on Secret Service Mission Assurance Report

>>21639103 How Canada is preserving what remains of its iconic supersonic Avro Arrow jet

>>21639105, >>21639120 Boris Johnson has argued that Russia must be forced to accept defeat, even if doing so costs a trillion dollars (Boris is insane)

>>21639127 On Thursday, September 26, 2024, the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump will hold its first hearing

>>21639131, >>21639163, >>21639215, >>21639220, >>21639234, >>21639237, >>21639273 BlackRock to voluntarily delist from the NYSE

>>21639148 Putin's Brutal Counteroffensive Turns Kursk into a Ukrainian Graveyard

>>21639171 Former Israeli Soldier Explains Psychological Warfare Against Palestinians

>>21639195 Boeing Space & Defense chief Ted Colbert is leaving

>>21639210 Scott Ritter: Putin Unleashes 2.4 Million Troops — Ukraine Faces Total Annihilation

>>21639251 Latest from Will Scharf - Trump lawyer in the New York case against DA Alvin Bragg

>>21639339 Putin’s Kamala endorsement was a joke – Lavrov

>>21639386 Time to look again at Diddy cold case files?

>>21639420 RFK Jr. sheds light on how Big Pharma operates

>>21639445 @CMZ - LAST CHANCE to Join the QFS System – Everything EXPOSED!

>>21639491 #26501

#26500 >>21637728

>>21637736 September 2014 Corbett Report on collusion of ISIS & Israel - fact or fiction?

>>21637749 “All McCain’s Men” in the FSA Terrorist Factions in Syria – A Lesson in How Not To Conduct Covert Foreign Operations And Provide Support For Terrorists

>>21637753 PURE GAYNESS Tampon Tim Walz says to Get a Clean Air Filter for your vintage muscle car

>>21637774 Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene - ELON rt from Dec 10, 2022

>>21637777 Biden vs Trump re INFLATION: 20.2% vs 6.7%

>>21637785 Kamala had a TELEPROMPTER on Ophrah & FAKE zoom callers, too

>>21637793 TRUMP to hold a rally on MONDAY Sept 23, 2024 at 7 pm EDT

>>21637807 Ukrainian drone strikes 'struck Putin's Satan-2 nuclear missiles'

>>21637815, >>21638364 Feds raid home of interim NYPD Commish Thomas Donlon — week after predecessor Edward Caban resigned

>>21637816 Kamala on Oprah - entire show

>>21637820 Proof 2020 was stolen - for about the 20th time

>>21637764 2009 - Music mogul P. Diddy has said if he could have anyone as a father, he would choose President Barack Obama.

>>21637835 Is Oprah Winfrey another Ghislaine Maxwell?

>>21637844 The Biden/Kamala admin forced US banks to lend to illegal aliens - HUNTER owns 10% of a company, which micro finances illegals

>>21637853 NATO secret operations headquarters destroyed in Kiev

>>21637857 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki ‘surprised and disappointed’ by mass board resignation

>>21637871, >>21637951 Can someone with twitter confirm Usher account deletion?

>>21637911 PDJT on Oprah's interview of Kamala

>>21637955 FAGGOTRY 101: Kamala Harris will certify her own stolen election

>>21637991 Randy Quaid on Kamala: Her plan is to get everyone to love communism.

>>21637998 Mail-in ballot requests have plummeted by 85% in Georgia since 2020. 2024 GE - 149,187 2020 GE – 984,708

>>21638235 Ant Middleton REFORM UK Speech – teams up with Nigel Farage

>>21638288 A Week to Remember

>>21638292 Kamala's Celebrity Brigade and Their Reasons for Supporting Her Show Just How Out of Touch She Is

>>21638300 Trump Promises Federal Recognition of Lumbee Tribe in NC Speech—and It Could Matter in November

>>21638301 Harris Senior Advisor Suggests VP Is 'Too Busy' to Do Interviews

>>21638312 Why Does Jill Biden’s Signature Appear on Joe Biden’s Official Legislation Folders?

>>21638316 Democrats Losing Mail-in-Voting Advantage over GOP in Swing States, Florida

>>21638420 Simple, Basic, Georgia Election Ballot Rule Sends Left-Wing Activists into Apoplexy

>>21638467 Usher deletes all of his X posts following Diddy revelations.

>>21638552, >>21638565 ICYMI: Former NSA Director Nakasone opens new institute at Vanderbilt to train ‘right type of leader’

>>21638557 The Deep State is caught in a series of Kobayashi Maru's.

>>21638563 Stand for truth, even if no one stands with you.

>>21638616 Experience Donald Trump's powerful entrance at the Uniondale, NY rally, where he boldly declares, 'We will win New York!'

>>21638625 #26500

#26499 >>21636957

>>21636964, >>21636995 @TuckerCarlson - No one in Washington seems to know how much we’re spending on illegal aliens. JD Vance plans to find out.

>>21637045, >>21637412 BREAKING🚨 Israel has hit Lebanon with a massive bomb, bunker buster or even a tactical nuclear weapon judging by the initial flash. (6 seconds from flash to boom = ~1.28 miles away so not a nuke)

>>21637088 Israel Hezbollah Fighting

>>21637090 🔥🚨BREAKING: Janet Jackson is being slammed as ‘irrelevant’ and a ‘leech’ after questioning Kamala Harris’ race and saying ‘She’s not black.’


>>21637104, >>21637474 BUSTED: Hidden teleprompter spotted at Oprah's "town hall" with Kamala Harris

>>21637111, >>21637122 🚨 Amazing close up photos show the incredible Iron Dome missiles intercepting enemy rockets!

>>21637116 Trump Declines Second Debate on CNN After Harris Agrees, Says It’s Too Late

>>21637140 Musk’s X Hit With Fines After Platform Reappears in Brazil Despite Ban

>>21637148 MAHA Town Hall with Charlie Kirk

>>21637152 Americans Urged to Leave Lebanon as Israel, Hezbollah Trade Fire

>>21637186 Iran steals Trump campaign data. Provides it to the Harris campaign. That story disappears. Why isn’t the media covering it like the Russia “collusion” scandal?

>>21637198 PACKED HOUSE for Tucker and JD Vance..

>>21637214 Secret Service Agents to Be Disciplined Over July 13 Trump Shooting, Director Says

>>21637220 California Bars Insurance Cancelation for Properties in Fire Zones for 1 Year


>>21637254 Will Lower Rates Be Enough to Save the Banks?

>>21637259 Police chase in NYC, Long Island ends with driver dead and 7 officers, civilian taken to hospitals

>>21637264, >>21637268, >>21637272, >>21637304 Russia has published a list of enemy countries.

>>21637281 A federal ban on fracking would eliminate over 600,000 jobs in Pennsylvania. Kamala Harris supported it.

>>21637289 DEEPFAKE LIE? CALL NEWSCUM! ARREST HER: Kamala Harris’s campaign senior spokesperson, Adrienne Elrod, confirms that Kamala Harris does NOT own a firearm.

>>21637323 Exclusive: Arab-American Democrat Mayor in Key Michigan County Had 'Very Productive' Meeting with Donald Trump

>>21637336 (LoL) Squatters have taken over a nearly 10,000 square foot, $6.5 million mansion in Hollywood Hills in CA. According to locals, the squatters are attacking locals and are spreading their “artwork” to other properties now that the mansion is completely covered.

>>21637345, >>21637350, >>21637401 Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk's SpaceX over alleged trespassing in Texas

>>21637359 Hung Cao is running a phenomenal campaign for Virginia's U.S. Senate. If Trump wins the state, Cao will win the senate race as well

>>21637364 Janet Jackson:Kamala is not black.

>>21637382, >>21637415, >>21637443, >>21637445 Boeing has fired the head of its space and defense unit. Since the start of 2022, the defense and space division as a whole has lost $6 billion, slightly more than Boeing’s airplane business.

>>21637399 Will Jay-Z fall along with P. Diddy?

>>21637407 Say hello 👋 to your New Diversity Fire Fighters #DEI (Oh good lord I hope these are interns or the clerical staff…)

>>21637422 US House Passes Bill To Label Products From Jewish Settlements In West Bank As 'Made In Israel'

>>21637438 IDF raids Al Jazeera office (VIDEO)

>>21637441 Welcome to cashless society 🤣🤣

>>21637452 ITALIAN PM: NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ALLOWED! Italian PM Meloni: “From now on, if you enter Italy illegally, you will be immediately deported!”

>>21637463 Disregarding Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent warning that enabling long-range strikes would place NATO in a state of war with Russia as “bluster and saber-rattling,” Johnson argued that these steps are necessary to “send the crucial message to the Kremlin.”

>>21637467 BREAKING: RFK Jr. just announced that on day one of Trump's 2nd term, they will sign a national emergency declaration to begin the war against Big Pharma and food corporations to fight the chronic disease epidemic

>>21637486 Study Finds Spike Mutations Help COVID Infect the Brain

>>21637490 The Origin of COVID: Beyond Natural and Lab Theories

>>21637510, >>21637549 NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING!!!🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

>>21637537 Christian Kat Williams tried to warn us about Diddy while on stage

>>21637590 @libsoftiktok - This is Shangela, a drag queen. Shangela has now been accused of s*xual assault by at least 6 people. Here he is with Kamala at the VP residence

>>21637717 #26499

Previously Collected

>>21635233 #26496, >>21635979 #26497, >>21636943 #26498

>>21632657 #26493, >>21633393 #26494, >>21634452 #26495

>>21630263 #26490, >>21631114 #26491, >>21631890 #26492

>>21627714 #26487, >>21628402 #26488, >>21629341 #26489

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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48e6c5 No.21639502

File: 1a953cf85319c99⋯.jpg (5.54 MB,3560x5100,178:255,1a953cf85319c99119488b5915….jpg)

File: 7f6f5082c727419⋯.png (4.85 MB,2560x2560,1:1,7f6f5082c727419239d8868d17….png)

File: 118d974642a9de2⋯.png (3.24 MB,1478x1407,1478:1407,118d974642a9de26c381603304….png)

fresh dough


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84cc06 No.21639508

File: b781258172a30b0⋯.jpg (19.38 KB,254x255,254:255,b781258172a30b0d198eab3f0a….jpg)

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25d234 No.21639515

File: 4df6bb4be83d9ff⋯.jpg (17.65 KB,219x255,73:85,Qflag.jpg)

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fa4186 No.21639517

>>21639504 (pb)

Anon, they're the most mind fucked out of all of us. Their religious ideology has them wholly brian-washed. Some escaped the kosher Matrix, but the majority did not.

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fa4186 No.21639522

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks, Baker. Godspeed. o7

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393b26 No.21639523

File: c9c7a1766a3f1b7⋯.png (445.89 KB,589x487,589:487,j.PNG)




Janet Jackson Claims Kamala Harris Isn't Black, Says Dad Actually White | Click to read more 👇

From tmz.com

10:28 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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b96281 No.21639524

File: 3c794f8228d23d5⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,720x716,180:179,3c794f8228d23d5e0ac21a9eb8….mp4)


thank you baker

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d4b7b2 No.21639525

File: d0b3f20a862909d⋯.mp4 (6.39 MB,638x360,319:180,ssstwitter_com_17270259995….mp4)

Died Suddenly


If you want to know why “health experts” are gunning for RFK, and afraid of him having President Trump’s ear, listen to him eloquently detail how he plans to dismantle the big pharma shills who held us all hostage.

Sept. 1, 2025


I hope everyone remembers in Aug. 2020 Trump warned at the Whitlpool diswasher speech and said their are very bad men out to get me, and I might have to dissappear for a while, (I think he was telling us the 2020 election will be rigged and a while to Trump, was four years), he said these middlemen makes billions of dollars.

Quotes from Aug 2020 Whirlpool speech:

"And the politicians allowed this to happen for many, many decades. You have people called middlemen. I don’t know who the middlemen are. I don’t know. They never say middle women. So they’re politically not correct.But I’ve heard the term middlemen for a long time, they are so wealthy. They are so wealthy. Nobody has any idea who the hell they are, what they do. They make more money than the drug companies. In all fairness, at least a drug companies have to produce a product and it has to be a good product, but the middlemen.Well, the rebate.

Donald Trump: (30:03)

To be a good product, but the middlemen. Well the rebate that I’m doing cuts out the middleman and reduces costs and the money goes back to the people purchasing the drugs.So I have a lot of enemies out there. This may be the last time you’ll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies but they are not happy with what I’m doing but I figure we have one chance to do it and no other president’s going to do what I do."

"No other president would do a favored nations, a rebate, a buy from other nations at much less cost, nobody, and there are a lot of unhappy people and they’re very rich people and they’re very unhappy."

Read the entire speech, very revealing


It's not only the democrats that will cheat but all the unknown middlemen. The day he stated this, their plan solidified.

Where do you think all these assassins are coming from? Pray for the lives of Trump and RFKjr, they have challenged the biggest beast that inhabits this earth, and they will not be deprived of more deaths of humans or their money.

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02384e No.21639527

File: 3eb04304a7980be⋯.png (42.53 KB,1346x250,673:125,University_of_Iowa_Logo.png)

Why does Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds allow China to control its state schools?

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2ca81f No.21639528

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b436b7 No.21639529


Nice try, vatican't

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9bfcca No.21639530

File: 4147d7ed480fa43⋯.jpg (25.91 KB,604x402,302:201,3yfagvfu.jpg)

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1e401c No.21639531

File: f50cfe9b9b0dc16⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB,720x1280,9:16,f50cfe9b9b0dc1659baa5665f2….mp4)

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d4b7b2 No.21639533


Why do you think Bidan admin removed RFKjr's SS when he dropped out of some states. Pharma and the middlemen that run the Bidan Admin ordered it.

I hope Eric Prince's team are involved in his security now

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31bdbc No.21639535

File: 10fe6776cfcc565⋯.png (1.56 MB,1035x739,1035:739,10fe6776cfcc56523f4a217e50….png)

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bad470 No.21639536


Hard to be shocked with how numb I have become from what he did to the USA.

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f29183 No.21639537

File: 7332f32305c1a19⋯.png (529.13 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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02384e No.21639538


The slides advance too quickly to read and the heavy metal music is bullshit, making this video utterly impossible to watch for more than 05 seconds.

Other than that it's fine.

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e74f88 No.21639540

File: 5dc8d51e6eeaf54⋯.jpg (93.1 KB,720x873,80:97,Big4egi6.jpg)

That's a good guy

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807562 No.21639541

NEW: Biden has called for an emergency press conference. He is expected to resign from the Presidency.

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e74f88 No.21639543


Lovely title

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1977ea No.21639544

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)

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e74f88 No.21639546

Hollywood rapper P Diddy reportedly kept ‘damaging’ footage of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. The scope of the footage is under tight wraps as the FBI does not want this to leak.

The video P. Diddy has on the Obamas is said to be worse thanFrazzledrip.

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000000 No.21639547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fa4186 No.21639548


> heavy metal music is bullshit

Yeah, you might want to read Wayne's lyrics. He knew what was going on. Otherwise, slow the shit down to see who partied with Diddy. You have that option on the video, itself.

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c61c9f No.21639549

File: 92997ebe0e466dc⋯.png (365.39 KB,568x691,568:691,92997ebe0e466dc19b44fde5b7….png)

File: f5547c645c41455⋯.jpeg (91.25 KB,828x633,276:211,f5547c645c414553a517beecb….jpeg)



Precipice reached, on the attack!

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60af89 No.21639550

File: 9604ed0627b2f47⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,802x934,401:467,michael_jackson_on_oprah_s….mp4)


>Janet Jackson Claims Kamala Harris Isn't Black

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e74f88 No.21639551

File: 5b75d048b16fa6c⋯.jpg (176.03 KB,720x1013,720:1013,Screenshot_20240907_184745….jpg)

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60af89 No.21639552


>Hollywood rapper P Diddy reportedly kept ‘damaging’ footage of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. The scope of the footage is under tight wraps as the FBI does not want this to leak.

sauce: muh post on 8kun

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40113d No.21639553

File: 584cec707f57695⋯.jpg (80.37 KB,515x550,103:110,Thunderbird_shapeshifting.jpg)

Today Story

The Thunderbird of Native Americans

Described as a supernatural being, the enormous bird symbolized power and strength that protected humans from evil spirits. It was called the Thunderbird because the flapping of its powerful wings sounded like thunder, and lightning would shoot out of its eyes. The Thunderbirds brought rain and storms, which could be good or bad. Good – when the rain was needed or bad when the rain came with strong destructive winds, floods, and fires caused by lightning.

The bird was so large that several legends say it picked up a whale in its talons. They were said to have bright and colorful feathers, sharp teeth, and claws. They were said to live in the clouds high above the tallest mountains.

Various tribes have different oral traditions about the magical Thunderbird, which they both highly respected and feared.

In Gros Ventre traditions, it was the Thunderbird who gave the sacred pipe to the people.

Some Plains tribes, including the Arapaho, associated Thunderbirds with the summer season, while White Owl represented the winter season.

In Algonquian mythology, the Thunderbird controls the upper world. In contrast, the underworld is controlled by the underwater panther or Great Horned Serpent, from which the Thunderbird protects humans by throwing lightning at it. According to their legends, the Thunderbirds were ancestors of the human race and helped to create the universe.

The Menominee of Wisconsin tells of a great mountain that floats in the western sky, upon which the Thunderbirds live. From there, they control the rain. They are the enemies of the great horned snakes, called the Misikinubik, which they fight with to prevent them from overrunning the earth and devouring mankind. They are said to be messengers of the Great Sun himself and delight in deeds of greatness.

The Ojibway version is similar in that the Thunderbirds fight underwater spirits. Their traditions also say the Thunderbird is responsible for punishing humans who break moral rules. They said that the bird was created by Nanabozho, a high spirit, and cultural hero and that the birds lived in the four directions and migrated to Ojibwe lands during the spring with other birds. They stayed until the fall, when the most dangerous season for the underwater spirits had passed when they migrated south with other birds.

The Winnebago says that a man with a vision of a Thunderbird during a solitary fast will become a war chief. They also believe that the Thunderbird has the power to grant people extraordinary abilities.

The Thunderbird of the Sioux People was a noble creature that protected humans from the Unktehila, who were dangerous reptilian monsters.

Some believed they were shapeshifters who often changed their appearance to interact with people. To the Shawnee tribe, they appeared as boys and could be identified by their tendency to speak backward.

In some tribes, Thunderbirds were considered highly sacred forces of nature, while others were treated like powerful but otherwise ordinary members of the animal kingdom.

Many legends reference the anger of the Thunderbirds as something fearsome to behold, which could result in harsh punishments. In one story, an entire village was turned to stone for their wrongdoings.

Some say that the mythology began with the ancient mound builders.

Throughout history, the Thunderbird symbol has appeared on totem poles, pottery, petroglyphs, masks, jewelry, and carvings. The legends have been told through songs and oral histories.

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3f8ff3 No.21639554

File: 94735144d5e97e3⋯.jpg (1.73 MB,2552x3560,319:445,Patriot_Eagle_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker o7

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af99e6 No.21639555

File: fe38459223a8a1b⋯.png (46.24 KB,740x410,74:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe38459223a8a1b⋯.png (46.24 KB,740x410,74:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe38459223a8a1b⋯.png (46.24 KB,740x410,74:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe38459223a8a1b⋯.png (46.24 KB,740x410,74:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe38459223a8a1b⋯.png (46.24 KB,740x410,74:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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d73c36 No.21639556


Shut up Matt

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fa4186 No.21639557

File: 23b0142f4a8a767⋯.png (327.59 KB,688x347,688:347,ClipboardImage.png)


>sauce: muh post on 8kun


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3bc456 No.21639558

File: ce8f8f2e1d839f2⋯.jpeg (39.9 KB,640x480,4:3,IMG_0076.jpeg)

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fdd3ef No.21639560

File: 0c9b31faf2110a5⋯.png (1010.54 KB,1114x559,1114:559,diddy_harris_reporting.png)

Diddy broke the wall

Year after year,

she'd freak out, screaming, at even gentle criticism of the criminal elite.

Then finally, just now, the Diddy arrest


the wall

in her mind.

"I'm not for conspiracy theories, but…"

Then it all came pouring out of her. Wave after wave of nauseated recognition, connecting dots, one beloved broken celebrity after another after another after another, seeing them all trapped together in Diddy's web.

And the final recognition: nodding along, quietly, as anon "speculated" that such immense crimes wouldn't occur without federal… knowledge? After all, the celebrities are so famous, so connected in D.C. And our agencies are so capable, so high-tech. Well, they would know. They must know. To know for so very long… well, agencies perpetuated the crimes… anon guesses… to benefit… feds, yeah?

"The tapes…"



Q, you did it. Arresting Diddy: that broke the wall.



"The most detailed account of what’s happening with Sean P Diddy Combs.

One of P Diddy’s executives walked into my friend @BooyensJaco

office and pleaded for help!

Sean Combs is about to flip in order to get a plea deal…."


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320161 No.21639561

File: dedc4cba830f1fb⋯.png (516.96 KB,1648x1000,206:125,1.png)

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60af89 No.21639562


why you say that

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6908a6 No.21639563

File: 0ef8a6df5acaa2d⋯.mp4 (72.28 KB,256x144,16:9,images_10_.mp4)

File: 0a0575c882ec22e⋯.png (708.47 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_045536.png)

File: e159c2edbb0d70a⋯.png (890.68 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_050535.png)

File: 207c761322aa9e3⋯.jpeg (65.05 KB,683x455,683:455,GYB1JI4XsAAcmOY.jpeg)

File: df7f86a262a2871⋯.png (80.32 KB,766x1026,383:513,503_7_.png)

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e74f88 No.21639565

File: 11a28d4a7102ca6⋯.gif (813.73 KB,416x312,4:3,20240822_132312.gif)

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fa4186 No.21639567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mike tried to warn us….. RIP, Sir. o7

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393b26 No.21639568

File: b73f8ee74ca4b57⋯.png (132.6 KB,603x762,201:254,vote.PNG)


General Mike Flynn


I’ve been blessed to travel the nation over these past few years and here we are ~40 days out from the 2024 Presidential election.

Waking up this morning it occurred to me that I felt something was missing. So my message is a simple one, @realDonaldTrump

has put everything on the line for our country. This man and his family have been brutalized and attacked (shot at!). He is only one man, the Trump’s are only one family. I know what one man and one family can do when they stand and fight for something they believe in—our faith and our country.

Now, every American can do your part. My simple request is to go get and then fly the American Flag 🇺🇸. Mount it on your home, your trailer, in your yard, on a tree if necessary. Get a Trump/Vance sign and put it on display where people can visibly see which values you cherish. Our nation is at an historic moment (consequential really) if we don’t get this election right.

Let’s Make American Great Again by displaying your support not only for this man who now miraculously stands protecting our LIBERTY over TYRANNY.

Display the American flag with pride and put up a trump/vance sign where you live. More importantly VOTE to Save America.

To #MAGA we must #MAVA


General Mike Flynn



Sep 19




Please Repost, Get the word out!

Show more

0:32 / 2:02

5:36 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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31d567 No.21639569

File: 9ff24b2af5fadf0⋯.png (223.93 KB,473x313,473:313,9ff24b2af5fadf0fced5296057….png)

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1e401c No.21639570


well since I've never seen frazzledrip, I'll never know how bad the diddy video will be if it ever even comes out

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052269 No.21639571

Did some analysis….out of 751 posts per bread, the actual 'helpful posts' per bread are about 10 to 15%.

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000000 No.21639572


Leave Yakuba alone.

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29ae0a No.21639573


Is Janet Jackson Black?

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8fc1b6 No.21639575

File: 93d993ed6b01156⋯.jpg (23.88 KB,512x512,1:1,20240922171520_na_1697_lit.jpg)


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bad470 No.21639576


How many times did diddy visit the white house?

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40113d No.21639577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1e401c No.21639578

File: 63b6c12d1a44af6⋯.png (590.78 KB,760x428,190:107,ClipboardImage.png)


i supposed about as black as mikey

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1e401c No.21639581

File: 5ef3ab8b5ae17f9⋯.png (416.49 KB,564x556,141:139,5ef3ab8b5ae17f98b6e48386b8….png)


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6908a6 No.21639583

File: a5fe827aac2a123⋯.jpg (30.87 KB,328x399,328:399,hotlips.jpg)

File: 89ecfd4edccf203⋯.gif (1.55 MB,306x213,102:71,tumblr_nw2st5dZga1ubp79xo3….gif)

File: 2a1fd507bb6ae0c⋯.gif (947.86 KB,360x200,9:5,2a1fd507bb6ae0c5cd043ec0ae….gif)

File: 4006ed30ee7746c⋯.png (253.42 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_101419.png)


grab muh pussy and pull muh hair than scream FLOTUS the kids are out of the mansion.

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1977ea No.21639585

File: d2d9dbed757ba3f⋯.png (385.46 KB,559x800,559:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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e74f88 No.21639586



O no that's was Epstein

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c61c9f No.21639587


When progressives claims a black woman isn't black when she points out that an indian woman isn't black, you know TDS is real.

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29ae0a No.21639588


Michael faked his own death to get away from these people. He knew all of them are Satanic cannibals and pedophiles.

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5ef7d8 No.21639589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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052269 No.21639591


I actually believe that! He's off living on a land far, far away from these monsters!

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c61c9f No.21639592






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3bc456 No.21639593

File: f586aa74d2cad4e⋯.webp (19.36 KB,640x360,16:9,IMG_0077.webp)


They were all Traitors !!!

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29ae0a No.21639595



A person should have to be 100% Black to claim that they are Black. No White or Indian or anything else mixed in.

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e74f88 No.21639596

File: 7887b29d21c39ab⋯.jpg (48.03 KB,518x680,259:340,gc.jpg)

If diddy got out he would run to maralogo just like Kanye ran to Trump Tower.

Has elon ever gone to a diddy do?

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6908a6 No.21639597

File: 663ead038a00cc5⋯.png (781.46 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_074201.png)

File: 0468934dad2865e⋯.png (981.33 KB,766x1736,383:868,1001_3_.png)

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af99e6 No.21639598

Anonymous News Channel. Bookmark it.


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ee241d No.21639599

File: 79b6c0af19d755f⋯.png (73.19 KB,678x289,678:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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29ae0a No.21639600


Is Elon saying that he loves to dish it out or to receive it?

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c61c9f No.21639601

File: 7df94295bbbc06b⋯.png (1.38 MB,800x800,1:1,7df94295bbbc06bcfc006f2dd0….png)

File: 2f086a0ad055d73⋯.jpeg (371.58 KB,720x548,180:137,2f086a0ad055d733fb4752a43….jpeg)


Northern shitposter chkn in.

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e74f88 No.21639602

File: f79ab9d5d59173d⋯.jpg (94.15 KB,541x856,541:856,Screenshot_20240921_180956….jpg)

What did ya think "we have everything" meant?

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000000 No.21639603

Mike Pompeo

@mikepompeo 3h

"Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy." Proverbs 28:13 #SundayScripture



Hi Kansas.

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b3c3dc No.21639604

File: 57cc5858ea3e955⋯.png (1.93 MB,1005x1280,201:256,ClipboardImage.png)

Barry's Foreign Student ID going around for new eyes


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29ae0a No.21639605


He looks about as Black as half-Black Barry.

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b60e51 No.21639606

Big Pharma? 14-year-old girl on SSRIs changes medication—a week later she murders her mother and invites friend over to view the dead body…

September 20, 2024 (2 days ago).1/2

A young teen girl reportedly went from being a bright, happy, excellent student with no criminal record or behavioral problems to murdering her mother in cold blood and attempting to kill her stepfather, all in the blink of an eye. What could cause something this horrific to happen, seemingly, out of the blue? How did a 14-year-old little girl go from being a bright, happy soul to a ghoulish killer who went so far as to invite a friend over to view her mother’s dead, mangled body?

NBC 15 News:

"A 14-year-old girl from Mississippi who was accused of killing her mother invited a friend over her house to see her mother’s dead body, an investigator testified in court.

Carly Madison Gregg appeared in court for a preliminary hearing, which was recorded and released on YouTube by the blog Jackson Jambalaya, on April 16.

Carly was arrested in March after she allegedly murdered her mother, Ashley Smylie, as well as seriously hurt her step-father, Heath Smylie, during two separate shootings at their Brandon, Miss., home.

Rankin County Investigator Zachary Cotton testified at the hearing, saying dispatchers received a call from a man, later identified as Health Smiley, who said his child had shot him and his wife on March 19.

The footage also shows Carly hiding something behind her back — which Cotton believes is a gun. He said Carley then texts her step-father, who was not home yet, asking when he would be at the house.

Cotton said it wasabout 45 minutes to 50 minutes before Heath arrived at the scene.

In the meantime, he said Carly texted a friend, asking her to come over and saying it was an emergency.

Carly asked her if she had ever seen a dead body before,” Cotton said. “She said no. She proceeded to show her deceased mother, who was in the bedroom, (and) showed the gun that she used to shoot her mom. (She) told (the friend) she had three shots for her mom and that she’s got three more for her step-dad — two to the head, one to the chest.”

Heath told investigators he was shot as soon as he walked into the house, said Cotton, noting that Health said Carly’s “eyes were really big” and “it looked like she had seen a demon.” Health told investigators Carly was screaming and then ran off.

The friend was outside in the backyard when the second shooting took place, Cotton said."

Many believe the real truth to this story may have a “Big Pharma” connection. Because buried deep within this story about the murder is a little nugget that almost goes completely unnoticed: the young girl was actually on SSRIs and changed medications a week before the shootings. The NBC 15 piece goes on:

"Heath told investigators he was shot as soon as he walked into the house, said Cotton, noting that Health said Carly’s “eyes were really big” and “it looked like she had seen a demon.” Heath told investigators Carly was screaming and then ran off."



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29ae0a No.21639607


They have all of the Dildo DNA.

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16a518 No.21639608

File: c20b6b7adccda4c⋯.png (136.48 KB,477x482,477:482,ClipboardImage.png)

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393b26 No.21639609

File: b9752a69d8ee9f6⋯.png (682.73 KB,781x671,71:61,dc.PNG)


Secret Service Agent ‘Expected to Survive’ After Accidentally Shooting Himself During Saturday Night ‘Negligent Discharge’

Kipp JonesSep 22nd, 2024, 11:51 am

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29ae0a No.21639611


Even the Devil quotes scripture.

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08f8f3 No.21639612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Winds of change

Thanks for the zoo

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96e8d7 No.21639613

Can anons confirm The Gateway Pundit is down?

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6908a6 No.21639614

File: 13479a8199c8439⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1800x1410,60:47,rs_19992_20140129_nipplega….jpg)

File: a7f580139413aaf⋯.jpg (20.28 KB,400x400,1:1,5b61e279271175fdca290a667f….jpg)


big ass nipples dark in a white t shirt preferably wet.

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b60e51 No.21639615



"Cotton said investigators learned Carly had been on prescription medications, including Lexapro, leading up to the murder. He added Carley allegedly changed the medication she was taking about a week before the shootings.

Carly, who was charged with first-degree murder and attempted murder, was held on $1 million bond. Her attorney asked for her bond to be reduced, saying Carly was “an exceptional student” who was well-behaved and has no prior arrests.

Carly was a student at Northwest Rankin High School, where her mother was a teacher, according to the Rankin School District’s website."

Research shows that there’s a definite link between violence and SSRIs in some people.

Eurek Alert:

"The researchers examined the records of 785,337 people aged 15 to 60 years who were prescribed an SSRI in Sweden in 2006 through 2013. These patients were followed up for an average of around 7 years, which included periods when individuals took SSRIs and when they did not. Individuals in the study were found to have committed 6306 violent crimes while taking SSRIs, and 25,897 when not taking SSRIs. After accounting for follow-up time and variables that were associated both with the probability of getting SSRI treatment and with the risk for violence, the researchers found that the risk of committing a violent crime was on average 26% higher during periods when individuals took SSRIs compared to periods when they did not, though only a small proportion of individuals went on to commit violent crimes regardless of treatment (<3% in the study sample). Due to the rarity of violent crimes, periods of SSRI medication are expected to coincide with only a small increase in the rate of this event. When the researchers subdivided the study follow-up according to time since start and end of SSRI treatment,they found that the risk for violent crime was higher throughout treated periods."

Why do these specific people become suicidal or violent towards others? We don’t know. Maybe because Big Pharma doesn’t want anybody actually investigating this issue, for obvious reasons. However, it can’t be denied that there are many people who believe SSRIs have helped them.

And while that may be true, at what cost? There is a very dark side to these drugs that many people don’t know about.

The sad truth is that SSRIs can cause suicide and even homicidal thoughts and actions in some people, especially when those people suddenly stop taking the medication.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are associated with an increased risk of committing a violent crime, an effect that may linger up to 12 weeks after treatment discontinuation, new research suggests. However, investigators say the finding should be interpreted with caution.

A large population-based study of more than 800,000 individuals showed those taking these antidepressants had an overall 2.7% increased risk of committing a violentcrime while on the medications compared with when they were not taking them.

The increased risk persisted up to 12 weeks after discontinuing SSRIs and then returned to pretreatment levels. The risk was highest in younger individuals and those with a history of a prior violent crime.

“Our findings should be interpreted with caution [because] we do not know how far the association between SSRI medication and violent crime reflect causation,” lead author Tyra Lagerberg, MSc, a PhD candidate at Karolinska Institute, Sweden, told Medscape Medical News.

Let’s hope that when President Trump wins and retakes the White House, his team, including RFK Jr., can tackle these issues and resolve them once and for all.


"RFK Jr. sheds light on how Big Pharma operates: “They are making $60 billion a year selling those vaccines, but they’re making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by the vaccines. The diabetes medication, the Adderall, the Ritalin, the Concerta…This is a really great business plan for these companies…”

The American people deserve to know both the benefits and risks associated with the medications we’re frequently prescribed, especially since doctors likely don’t have the complete picture either.


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16a518 No.21639616



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393b26 No.21639618

File: 56d15d31f17dabb⋯.png (488.63 KB,605x508,605:508,mv.PNG)


End Wokeness


𝗦𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗹𝗱 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗮'𝘀 𝗩𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘆𝗮𝗿𝗱

25 square miles 96 square miles

20,000 Haitians 0 Haitians



7:06 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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e74f88 No.21639619

File: f542887eb8d1f11⋯.jpg (27.62 KB,378x271,378:271,Screenshot_20240920_223214….jpg)

File: 049f5ec9024c498⋯.jpg (17.87 KB,191x295,191:295,Screenshot_20240920_223146….jpg)

Gold rings at Costco.

Good times.

Fiji about it

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ee241d No.21639620

File: 5917dde25f45900⋯.png (201.84 KB,398x606,199:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f54d20142b805a3⋯.png (334.18 KB,496x407,496:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 821d1296fe88798⋯.png (108.73 KB,500x760,25:38,ClipboardImage.png)



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c61c9f No.21639621

File: 5e421fa1e5632d6⋯.png (71.99 KB,1296x770,648:385,1503.png)


A = 1


So what happened at 1930hrs yesterday?

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1977ea No.21639622

File: 7e95a2cc4358938⋯.gif (1.02 MB,360x198,20:11,3964687493.gif)

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393b26 No.21639624

File: 214da6b96ee3ee5⋯.png (143.04 KB,592x832,37:52,loss.PNG)


Stephen L. Miller


People lost businesses. Kids were kept out of school. States filled skate parks with sand and arrested people jogging.

The Atlantic:


Kevin Bass PhD MS




I cannot believe this is a real article


5:51 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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e74f88 No.21639625

File: 40eda3b3e498ead⋯.jpg (64.33 KB,498x498,1:1,sjej.jpg)

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438882 No.21639626


She never speaks about her dad..only her mother.

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393b26 No.21639628

File: b9ad5293be9b76c⋯.png (511.37 KB,589x832,589:832,pock.PNG)


Elon Musk








CORRUPTION: Ever wonder how politicians get so rich? They funnel billions into NGOs where their families work and who pay them to speak and to serve on boards. The $24 billion California spent on the homeless crisis went almost exclusively to NGOs who rely on a steady stream of

Show more

Since 2019, California has poured $24 billion into addressing the homelessness crisis, yet much of this funding ended up in Democrat-aligned NGOs, serving as employment pipelines for Democratic politicians and their families. Despite the massive investment—equating to about $160,000 per homeless person—the crisis has worsened, with homelessness higher today than it was before.

7:02 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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ee241d No.21639630

File: 1087dba9fb3334d⋯.png (360.07 KB,621x425,621:425,ClipboardImage.png)


Kamala's Great Grandfather didn't vote for Biden….


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e45cbc No.21639631

File: 49be9ae5c37d0df⋯.jpg (30.1 KB,621x414,3:2,milley.jpg)

Gen. Mark Milley Says He Has Taken 'Measures' to Protect Family After Trump Suggests He Should be Executed

Military.com | By Drew F. Lawrence

Published September 28, 2023

Gen. Mark Milley, the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he will take "appropriate measures" to protect himself and his family after former President Donald Trump accused the nation's top uniformed officer of treason, suggesting he would have been executed in the past for his back-channel reassurances to China.

Trump, who is running in the 2024 presidential race, claimed Milley would have faced death "in times gone by" for communicating with a Chinese general during the former president's tenure and that his departure from the Joint Chiefs position this week will be a "time for all citizens of the USA to celebrate!"

Milley defended his communications in an interview this week for CBS's "60 Minutes," where he also said that Trump's comments were not only a swipe at him but a denunciation of the military as a whole, an institution that Trump claims to support but has also lambasted for "turning woke."

(and more…)


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3bc456 No.21639634


Many of the cabal elite are victims of the wilding ritual. With the cocktail of drugs given them they become animals raping and rending.

The first lever of blackmail, If they are mentally strong enough to understand what was done to them and not become suicidal they have the opportunity to rise through the ranks.

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393b26 No.21639636

File: 1ffc39acb4b8e45⋯.png (695.43 KB,588x640,147:160,rem.PNG)


Wall Street Silver


Is P. Diddy next?


Real Ben Garrison Cartoons






7:09 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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325000 No.21639638

File: 48a9d36a7ed3449⋯.png (5.52 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1562.png)

this pic came off Drudge. It looks odd to me, but i don’t know why.

I do see that everyone is wearing red, white, or blue shirts. When did that happen with her crowds unless they are bussed?

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e74f88 No.21639640


A marxist complaining about identity politics.

The difference between Marxism and cultural Marxism.

Both are a shit stain

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f53f19 No.21639642

File: f8be88992f65f78⋯.png (105.64 KB,278x234,139:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bc456 No.21639643



There is a protocol called the 25th amendment.

Contacting a Foreign Military Leader without express orders sanctioned by the CIC is treason. Punishable by life imprisonment or death.

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c7c6d3 No.21639644


This is how you troll the Q plan

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b436b7 No.21639645


Sounds like Milley just realized he needs dirt on others to save his own neck by "turning State's Evidence"

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000000 No.21639646

CIA @CIA Sep 17

#TheLangleyFiles welcomes #NSA to digital storytelling with their launch of No Such Podcast. #ICYMI the first episode tells the story about how a whole-of-government effort (including #CIA) helped find Usama bin Laden, one of the architects of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


#ICYMI the first episode of No Such Podcast is available for download wherever you get your podcasts. Learn all about signals intelligence and NSA’s role in the hunt for Osama bin Laden.



[C]los[I]ng [A]ct:


Impossible TO CLEAN.

Operations → [N]o [S]uch [A]gency


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3bc456 No.21639649


Fuck off Clown

No Deals for Players

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31d567 No.21639650

File: 88b6f0057b50ea8⋯.png (532.67 KB,665x686,95:98,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed5ceb No.21639651

File: 9f4365188771dba⋯.jpeg (173.11 KB,800x601,800:601,D23A07A7_FB6F_4138_8D63_7….jpeg)

File: 184c2f8963104d7⋯.jpeg (140.65 KB,800x533,800:533,D2B1A1D2_8CA0_45E2_9998_6….jpeg)

File: 8fdc1fea3170fb9⋯.jpeg (200.19 KB,800x770,80:77,3729E8E9_9BF7_435A_A500_C….jpeg)

File: 76edfa9f8d5a9b2⋯.gif (812.07 KB,360x244,90:61,IMG_0035.gif)

File: 8bc744e3f0154a3⋯.jpeg (204.1 KB,711x747,79:83,IMG_0034.jpeg)

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29ae0a No.21639652


A Socialist pays people to attend her event.

No surprise there.

If she were to get elected, then her true Communist nature will come out and anyone who doesn't attend her events will be shot.

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1e401c No.21639653

File: 73b97d5fc2cb290⋯.png (148.63 KB,267x226,267:226,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 174d5ad5f7a7fa0⋯.png (4.54 MB,1800x1316,450:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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c61c9f No.21639654


>Lord Satan

Master of lies.

Goes against everything we stand for.

If you are not arrested for a crime, you will end up back in your closet.


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393b26 No.21639655

File: ebba13111b7f7fa⋯.png (380.08 KB,590x848,295:424,stat.PNG)




The Vigilant Fox 🦊




First, they scammed you on skin cancer when the sun is good for you.

Now, they're scamming you again on cholesterol to sell you a lifetime medication.

This entire narrative of cholesterol being the villain in heart disease was built on a lie.

What doctors fail to tell you is

Show more

0:57 / 26:49

Rate proposed Community Notes

A Midwestern Doctor reposted

The Vigilant Fox 🦊


Read More:

The Great Cholesterol Scam and The Dangers of Statins | By @MidwesternDoc

From midwesterndoctor.com

2:42 PM · Sep 21, 2024




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c7c6d3 No.21639656

Anyone have links or clips or post number for Trump saying if he isn’t elected he wouldn’t be running again? It’s the Sharron interview

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e74f88 No.21639657

Jack Poso 🇺🇸



Reading about the Diddy parties reminds of the time Chrissy Teigen said on hot mic that she had public sex with John Legend at ‘that Obama thing’ and John cut her off really fast

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c7c6d3 No.21639659


Until it’s all proven its all lies.

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ed5ceb No.21639660

File: 18a9c487ca463f1⋯.jpeg (870.04 KB,1320x1697,1320:1697,IMG_0052.jpeg)

File: 43aa77cef91fef2⋯.mp4 (8.57 MB,480x680,12:17,HZlazK16bbMQNOsv.mp4)

File: 8f7a76ebc2c7518⋯.jpeg (170.16 KB,1084x487,1084:487,IMG_0053.jpeg)

File: dae2f4f1ba1affe⋯.jpeg (29.98 KB,680x383,680:383,IMG_0054.jpeg)

File: b522b19faa9e930⋯.jpeg (90.43 KB,694x406,347:203,IMG_0055.jpeg)


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31d567 No.21639661

File: 6f7075e9f99e315⋯.mp4 (3 MB,576x1030,288:515,legendobamas.mp4)

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393b26 No.21639662

File: a6206984e06e28d⋯.png (212.75 KB,445x537,445:537,wood.PNG)


NEW - Over 700 former "high-ranking" national security officials have endorsed Kamala Harris for president.



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25d234 No.21639663

File: fc107edf1fbf275⋯.png (1.22 MB,1010x1280,101:128,ClipboardImage.png)


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393b26 No.21639664

Anyone remember the Lost Kids on Milk Cartons ?

Anyone remember All the celebrity photos out there with milk mustaches with the “got milk” slogan?


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fa4186 No.21639666


Can't wait to see this vile cunt go down.

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052269 No.21639667


>accidentally deleted


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59c0c9 No.21639669

Doing some digging the Israeli "Sampson Option". Anons have some good reaources?

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e74f88 No.21639670


I'll take "never habbens" for 8 billion, Alex

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c61c9f No.21639671


This the Bee?

Still no stampede.

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29ae0a No.21639672


Over 700 former "high-ranking" national security officials have just outed themselves as traitors.

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fa4186 No.21639673


Remember how the "Got Milk?"™ campaign started almost immediately after the Lost Kids on Milk Cartons ended?

Hits you where you live, doesn't it?

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b60e51 No.21639674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Christopher Walken: The Lion, "every once in a while he has to show the jackels, who he is"


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f53f19 No.21639676

File: 5d18c3997d58072⋯.jpg (35.26 KB,474x661,474:661,ox.jpg)


now the vid where oboner waks around on the plane for the ladies.

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e4c2de No.21639678

File: 2c7862e5a16c1f5⋯.png (104.39 KB,1379x573,1379:573,ClipboardImage.png)


it is in front of you the entire time.

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e74f88 No.21639679


Third attempt they hired ss to do it.

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393b26 No.21639680

File: ed07d62264c5b6a⋯.png (401.38 KB,600x740,30:37,irs.PNG)


Elon Musk


This is funny 😂


The Redheaded libertarian

7:12 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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29ae0a No.21639681


Is John Legend (Stephens) Black or Asian?

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ee241d No.21639682

File: 0abd3b0f4c5d2e3⋯.png (174.07 KB,842x865,842:865,ClipboardImage.png)


More than 700 high-ranking national security officials endorse Harris

by Joanne Haner - 09/22/24 6:00 AM ET

More than 700 high-ranking national security officials have endorsed Democratic candidate Vice President Harris in her run for the White House, with some leaders expressing concerns about former President Trump’s “scary authoritarian streak.”

“Vice President Harris has all the leadership qualities needed to be a strong commander in chief. She’s prepared. She’s strategic. She’s understands all sides of an issue,” retired U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Michael Smith told The Hill. “We saw as much during the debate.”

“As we’ve seen for nearly a decade, however, former President Trump has none of those qualities, and he has a scary authoritarian streak,” Smith, who is also the president of National Security Leaders for America, added.

The letter endorsing Harris consists of 741 former high-ranking national security officials, including 233 general and flag officers. Among those 741 officials are 15 four-star generals, 10 former Cabinet secretaries and 10 service secretaries as well as leaders who served in Republican administrations. *

“We do not agree on everything, but we all adhere to two fundamental principles,” the letter reads. “First, we believe America’s national security requires a serious and capable Commander-in-Chief. Second, we believe American democracy is invaluable.”

“Each generation has a responsibility to defend it,” the letter continues. “That is why we, the undersigned, proudly endorse Kamala Harris to be the next President of the United States.”

The signatories praise Harris as the more diplomatic and realistic candidate for office, distinguishing her from former President Trump, who they call “impulsive and ill-informed.” The letter cites Trump’s relations with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and the terrorist leaders of Hezbollah.

“Our endorsement of Vice President Harris is an endorsement of freedom and an act of patriotism. It is an endorsement of democratic ideals, of competence, and of relentless optimism in America’s future,” the letter concludes.

This endorsement comes after more than 100 former GOP national security figures endorsed Harris earlier this week. That letter cited Trump’s “demonstrated chaotic and unethical behavior” as president as reason to support Harris, who they say “possesses the essential qualities to serve as president.”


*deep state

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6908a6 No.21639683

File: 5638a3bc7f7a2ac⋯.png (587.25 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_142939.png)

File: a8ae9b72c534d70⋯.png (149.97 KB,766x1512,383:756,147_3_.png)

File: 7f71558cc458c54⋯.png (342.32 KB,766x3098,383:1549,1347_2_.png)

File: 13479a8199c8439⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1800x1410,60:47,rs_19992_20140129_nipplega….jpg)

File: 01a26e63150a39b⋯.png (35.75 KB,300x100,3:1,1709412138321.png)

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000000 No.21639685



evil triplets confirm

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e74f88 No.21639687


1 year old article

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e85add No.21639689

File: d519712cd7c185e⋯.png (1.02 MB,1195x1062,1195:1062,ClipboardImage.png)

He [Eminem] Tried Telling Us

Scathing lyrics about Diddy revealed - as fans say they finally understand song's real meaning

Eminem has been praised by fans online after an incendiary lyric from his song Fuel about Diddy resurfaced following his arrest this week.

Keen music lovers claimed they've finally realized the real meaning of one of the rapper's verses - following the shocking news that Sean Combs, known as Diddy, was charged with a slew of sex crimes.

They say Eminem's lyrics, in the song that was released back in July, were a warning about Diddy's sexual assault allegations.

The rapper expertly littered his lyrics with double meanings - a word or phrase that is open to more than one interpretation.

Eminem sets up the verse by using the word 'essay,' then spelling out the word 'rapper' but he purposely leaves out an extra 'p' - spelling it 'raper.'

But it's the rapper's next set up which left fans stunned.

He twists the word 'essay' to refer to his friends on the West Coast as 'ese' - which is Spanish slang for friend.

The next variation of 'essay' becomes 'SA' which is a well-known acronym used on the internet to mean sexual assault.

For the final blow, the entire verse culminates in 'wait, he didn't spell the word "rapper" and leave out a P, did he?'

The lyric 'leave out a P, did he?' doubles as P. Diddy, fans said. …


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3493a4 No.21639690


these posts are from telegram

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1977ea No.21639691

File: 583cd9ae744ab77⋯.webm (344.1 KB,427x240,427:240,ready4.webm)

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f53f19 No.21639692

File: 543d8c014c0186f⋯.jpg (63.93 KB,1169x901,1169:901,trudeaufoudation.jpg)

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de499b No.21639693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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29ae0a No.21639694


If a woman SS agent had done that it would have been because she is a woman.

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6908a6 No.21639695

File: b004a4105ab63ae⋯.png (528.27 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_143210.png)

File: a79c43c08921796⋯.png (83.76 KB,766x848,383:424,1249_2_.png)

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75c325 No.21639697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Henry Winkler says he will NEVER forgive Trump for shoving him out of the way, once.

At 39:32, Actor Henry Winkler says "You know what I DON'T forgive?" He goes on to explain a time when Donald J. Trump brushed Henry Winkler out of the way and he's never forgiven him since then.


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ed5ceb No.21639699

File: 3c00529e6b95c2c⋯.png (3.35 MB,1600x1600,1:1,5787A7D3_54D8_4BA7_BDC4_3D….png)

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393b26 No.21639700

File: 92920ad9427998b⋯.png (719.06 KB,594x830,297:415,oops.PNG)


Steven Crowder




Steven Crowder



Sep 19

BREAKING: Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Global Pandemic; Says New Yorkers Would Have Been “Pissed” If They Found Out Because He Was Running Entire Covid Response For City

Dr. Jay Varma, Former Senior Advisor for Public Health, NYC Mayor’s

Show more

0:37 / 2:17

4:41 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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718a86 No.21639701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e74f88 No.21639702

If obummer hires a gay escort and rides around DC in a limo smoking crack and get head …..you know there are tapes of other adventures…and you know people like diddy would make them or get them.

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6908a6 No.21639703

File: 8558838aa4dee61⋯.png (649.12 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_143450.png)

File: fd733d3dc6d98f0⋯.jpeg (401.79 KB,1548x2048,387:512,GYGV07RWEAAV2pO.jpeg)

File: aabc29c961b77ae⋯.png (44.99 KB,766x540,383:270,129_13_.png)

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75c325 No.21639704

File: ff5e4d7b68d0bbc⋯.png (1.44 MB,1730x1058,865:529,Henry_Winkler.png)

Henry Winkler says he will NEVER forgive Trump for shoving him out of the way, once.

At 39:32, Actor Henry Winkler says "You know what I DON'T forgive?" He goes on to explain a time when Donald J. Trump brushed Henry Winkler out of the way and he's never forgiven him since then.



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9f8a8a No.21639705

File: 8b0bb09027e064a⋯.png (79.52 KB,510x371,510:371,ClipboardImage.png)

Over 700 Deep Staters Join And Dick Cheney, Iran, And IRS Union In Endorsing Harris

In a surprise to no one, 741 'high-ranking national security officials' have endorsed Kamala Harris' bid for the White House - with some suggesting that former President Trump has a "scary authoritarian streak.'

"Vice President Harris has all the leadership qualities needed to be a strong commander in chief. She’s prepared. She’s strategic. She’s understands all sides of an issue," Navy Rear Admiral Michael Smith told The Hill. "We saw as much during the debate."

"As we’ve seen for nearly a decade, however, former President Trump has none of those qualities, and he has a scary authoritarian streak," Smith continued.


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000000 No.21639707

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e85add No.21639708

File: 80b2bca425bdaba⋯.png (461.05 KB,729x695,729:695,ClipboardImage.png)

Raymond Arroyo

BREAKING: Kamala Harris’s campaign announces that she will NOT be attending the annual Al Smith dinner in New York next month. Traditionally, the presidential candidates appear together at this Catholic fundraiser. Harris is missing an opportunity to reach Catholic swing voters.

5:33 PM · Sep 21, 2024·300.6K Views


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9f8a8a No.21639709

Erdogan Says Israel Is Dragging Whole Region Into All-Out War

"I have been saying all along that Israel targets not only the Gaza Strip. The recent attacks on Lebanon have confirmed our suspicion that the Israeli leadership's plan is to spread the war to the entire region," Erdogan said.

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his gang have been staging all kinds of provocations to implement their radical Zionist ideology," he added. The pressure on Israel must be intensified further to prevent the region from being dragged into an even greater disaster."

He made the remarks Saturday just before traveling to the United States to attend a UN General Assembly meeting.

"Once again, unfortunately, we see that Israel is carrying out attacks not as a state but as a terrorist organization.This is state terrorism.The latest digital attacks [the explosions of communication devices in Lebanon] are a very clear confirmation of this," he described in reference to last Tuesday and Wednesday's pager explosion attacks which left scores dead in Lebanon and hundreds wounded and injured.

"With this attack Israel clearly demonstrated that it does not care about civilians and will try to achieve its mean aims goals at any cost," Erdogan said. Israel and its supporters have asserted that it was a highly 'precision' operation which took out Hezbollah members. The Lebanese government has said that children and other bystanders were killed and wounded also in the attack.


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6908a6 No.21639710

File: b89d8dfc69ac825⋯.png (192.83 KB,766x1420,383:710,73_2_.png)

File: 824724c2d7b0c14⋯.png (39.66 KB,766x408,383:204,44_3_.png)

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ee241d No.21639711

File: e3a5e208d588317⋯.png (258.25 KB,725x194,725:194,ClipboardImage.png)


> she will NOT be attending the annual Al Smith dinner in New York next month

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ed5ceb No.21639712

File: 800e5f42089351e⋯.png (2.74 MB,1600x1600,1:1,A1EEDC16_C311_4793_93AF_32….png)

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c013c7 No.21639713

File: 9b8ca74d2190f7b⋯.png (85.93 KB,224x224,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


stay mad, Fonzie

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3493a4 No.21639714


Anon is not OP and does not frequent telegram.

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e45cbc No.21639715

File: bfc84fab95be32e⋯.webp (28.51 KB,790x510,79:51,milley_2.webp)

What Defines Treason? Calls for Mark Milley Firing Grow After Alleged China Phone Call

Published Sep 15, 2021 at 1:02 PM EDT

Updated Sep 15, 2021 at 4:03 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump and some Republican leaders believe that General Mark Milley committed treason if reports are true that he called his Chinese counterpart and said he'd give advance notice if Trump ordered a military strike against China.

If the allegations about Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are true, did he commit treason—and what would that mean for him?

The U.S. Constitution defines treason as an American citizen "levying war" against the United States, "or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." Treason has historically only been applied during times of war when someone acts against the interest of the country.

The Constitution further states: "No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."

Woodward and Costa reported that Milley conversed with Li twice. The alleged first phone call came days before the 2020 U.S. presidential election on October 30. They claimed that Milley and Li spoke again on January 8, two days after the riots at the U.S. Capitol.

"General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we're going to attack, I'm going to call you ahead of time. It's not going to be a surprise," the authors wrote that Milley told Li in one of their conversations.

The argument is that if Milley had made such a pledge to Li, he was aiding and comforting China and thus committing treason. Trump, for his part, has said that while that would constitute treason in his eyes, he is also doubtful of the legitimacy of the reporting by Woodward and Costa.

However, should Milley be proven to have made the promise to Li and eventually found guilty of treason, what would his punishment be?

The United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states that anyone found guilty of treason "shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

(and more…)


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c61c9f No.21639716



Prison □

Death ■

I voted!

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e85add No.21639717

File: 35c46ab67cc3163⋯.png (712.2 KB,746x1033,746:1033,ClipboardImage.png)

Report: Harris to Skip Historic Al Smith Dinner

Veep Can’t Handle Comedy Roast Catholic Fundraiser

Vice President Kamala Harris is reportedly planning to skip the historic Al Smith fundraiser dinner, according to her campaign.

Officials from the Harris campaign reportedly told organizers of the event that Harris, the Democrat presidential nominee, would not be attending this year’s event, according to CNN. Harris will reportedly be campaigning in a battleground state ahead of the presidential election.

The event is described as being a “historic Catholic fundraiser” in which the two presidential nominees from the Democrat and Republican parties give “light roasts” that are “aimed at one another and others.”

The historic Catholic fundraiser traditionally features light roasts by the two major-party nominees – aimed at one another and others – in presidential election years. This falls’s gathering is already sold out and poised to welcome an estimated 1,500 guests to a gala ballroom in Midtown Manhattan.


>Kamala Harris’s campaign announces that she will NOT be attending the annual Al Smith dinner in New York next month.

Trump has previously attended the Al Smith dinner in 2020 and 2016. During the 2016 Al Smith dinner, Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was the Democrat’s presidential nominee at the time, shared the stage, where they roasted themselves and each other.

The tradition of the presidential candidates speaking and roasting each other began when former President John F. Kennedy and former President Richard Nixon spoke at the Al Smith dinner in 1960, according to Fox News.

During the 1996, 2000, and 2004 presidential cycles the presidential candidates were reportedly not invited to attend the dinner hosted by the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation, according to the outlet.


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29ae0a No.21639718


So once again, nothing happens.

Just a bunch of low levels get suicided.

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9f8a8a No.21639719

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Haifa Burning After Hezbollah Strikes Deepest Israeli Targets Since 2006

In the overnight and early Sunday morning hours Hezbollah has apparently retaliated against Israel for this week's series of Beirut attacks which have left scores of Hezbollah operatives (long with many civilians) dead and injured.

Hezbollah has launched an attack on targets deep inside Israel in what is likely the longest range strike since the conflict began. Israel's Haifa has been devastated waves of rockets, and significant damage on the ground has been revealed Sunday, including on Israeli residential neighborhoods.

"We bombed the military industries complexes of the Rafael Company, which specializes in electronic means and equipment, located in the Zevulun area north of Haifa, with dozens of Fadi 1, Fadi 2, and Katyusha missiles, at 6:30 am on this Sunday morning, September 22, 2024," Hezbollah continued.

Another location, the Ramat David Military Airport, which lies south east of Haifa, was also hit. The base, which is one of the country's largest, houses Israeli Air Force fighter jets. This retaliation marks significant escalation in terms of the Shia paramilitary group's targeting and range.


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6908a6 No.21639720

File: aabc29c961b77ae⋯.png (44.99 KB,766x540,383:270,129_14_.png)

File: 9a87ee9afeb3250⋯.jpg (150.49 KB,906x1200,151:200,c36uyhsbaky71.jpg)

File: 2cc0eaf608cea44⋯.jpg (34.56 KB,580x420,29:21,f332ee4bad706174c268632197….jpg)

File: 8e515f07ed4dcfb⋯.jpg (36.79 KB,583x425,583:425,6b0fdd8179b2ce6d977d03b6f2….jpg)

File: 9b6d7c9c15e6aed⋯.gif (12.91 MB,460x816,115:204,9b6d7c9c15e6aed44d78a98ece….gif)

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052269 No.21639722



If the Boss shoved you out of the way, you were doing something wrong!

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eee66f No.21639723

File: ba7431d9e3b5b96⋯.gif (5.5 MB,464x276,116:69,ba7431d9e3b5b9687ffb94636d….gif)

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c61c9f No.21639724


>omfg TRUMP must be stopped at all costs!

omfg TRUMP must be stopped at all costs! /s

fixt it for yahs

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9f8a8a No.21639725

File: 456c8a37d158aff⋯.png (1.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81fac79cfe59f7b⋯.png (962.64 KB,797x676,797:676,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13a2602c142de6c⋯.png (244.85 KB,519x525,173:175,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e91c539adcab041⋯.png (325.69 KB,513x624,171:208,ClipboardImage.png)

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957881 No.21639726

We are NOT going back

We need a NEW way forward

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ed5ceb No.21639728

File: 94edb7b87985b42⋯.png (2.95 MB,1600x1600,1:1,E84367F9_CEE3_43CB_A185_18….png)

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9f8a8a No.21639729

Boeing's Head Of Space & Defense Ted Colbert Exits Company

Kelly Ortberg, Boeing’s new president and CEO, said on Friday that Ted Colbert, the head of the corporation’s troubled space and defense unit, will leave the company effective immediately.

As Caden Pearson reports via The Epoch Times, the move marks the first major leadership change under Ortberg, who took over in August.

“I want to thank Ted for his 15 years of service at The Boeing Company, supporting our customers, our people, and our communities,” Ortberg wrote in a memo to employees.


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dc3b0b No.21639730

File: 8d4739abc7b8d6c⋯.png (50.03 KB,677x421,677:421,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27fac4276f3f191⋯.png (129.68 KB,408x798,68:133,ClipboardImage.png)

Diddy had another twitter act


all tweets deleted

archive is still up


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af99e6 No.21639731

Gun Confistaction

“We’re Going to Walk Into That Home” – Kamala Harris Once Vowed to FORCIBLY Enter Homes to Check How Legal Gun Owners Store Firearms


2020 bail out rioters minnesota

Harris Wrote Entire Blog Post Encouraging People To Donate To Bail Fund That Freed Future Murderers


42b for broad band

‘People need to see it’: How politics hung up a $42B Biden internet buildout


70%-80% tax rate is a very bold idea

What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far


9b for charging shations

$7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years


against fracking. oil

Why Harris and Trump are debating the F-word


backs electric mandate

What a Kamala Harris presidency could mean for electric vehicles


border 325k lost

Biden-Harris admin loses track of 320,000 migrant children — with untold numbers at risk of sex trafficking and forced labor


called for abolish of ice

Sen. Kamala Harris: We Must “Reexamine ICE And Its Role


cosponsered new green deal

Where Kamala Harris stands on Green New Deal and climate initiatives


court packing

Harris Has Expressed Being “Open” to Supreme Court Expansion


cut medcaire

What Kamala Harris learned from embracing, abandoning Medicare-for-all


defund police

Kamala Harris praised ‘defund the police’ movement in June 2020 radio interview


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af99e6 No.21639733


destroyed evidence pelosi had no protection j6

The public may not see all of the Jan. 6 committee’s work for decades — if ever


destroyed san francisco

America First Legal Launches 7 Investigations into Kamala Harris’ Record As California Attorney General


ended remain in mexico

Supreme Court allows Biden to end Trump-era 'Remain in Mexico' policy


ending cash bail

Harris seeks end to executions, cash bail, private prisons


free tax paid lawyers for illegals

Harris doubles down on support for left-wing benefit for illegal immigrants: 'Smart solutions'


green deal

Kamala Harris was an original backer of the Green New Deal


halted all deportation

Sen. Kamala Harris’s Attempted Sabotage of Immigration Law Enforcement


mass amenesty

Dems aren’t even hiding it — Kamala Harris promises mass amnesty and more illegal immigration


open borders

Harris’ struggles with immigration policy expose political vulnerabilities


protected sanctuary cities

Kamala Harris championed sanctuary city policies — and these migrant crimes could come back to haunt her


led a coup against biden

‘Coup’ and ‘Cover-Up’: How the G.O.P. Is Reacting to the Harris Candidacy


stop wall construction

Republicans have recently criticized Vice President Kamala Harris, saying she “flip-flopped” on the Trump-era border wall initiative,


supports mass amnesty for illegals

Dems aren’t even hiding it — Kamala Harris promises mass amnesty and more illegal immigration


voted no private health

Kamala Harris wants to end private health insurance


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e85add No.21639734

File: de6ddf9545c11e6⋯.png (338.41 KB,1335x631,1335:631,ClipboardImage.png)

Breitbart News Saturday

Ric Grenell - September 21, 2024 10:32


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29ae0a No.21639735


My older brother, RIP, worked for the Navy as a lawyer, and he told me while 0 was POTUS, that if people knew what 0 was up to, they would show up at the White House with pitchforks and torches. He wouldn't give me any details.

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3493a4 No.21639736


any anon got the pic of Fonzie with Heather O'Rourke?

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1dfc76 No.21639737

File: 9cc8383106e9429⋯.jpeg (347.06 KB,1242x1163,1242:1163,ECF81009_2256_4062_90D4_9….jpeg)

File: 287a3b964279016⋯.jpeg (32.41 KB,750x601,750:601,A957CC48_B2A2_4EA0_9D6F_D….jpeg)

File: 9c1e7b1436686ec⋯.jpeg (51.57 KB,680x616,85:77,A63A850E_224F_46DA_9318_1….jpeg)

File: 48139904105af6d⋯.jpeg (578.49 KB,1242x1365,414:455,9D5F6E71_6EF5_484F_AF04_C….jpeg)

Have ya’ll managed to research Q yet?

Fun stuff.

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c61c9f No.21639738


>worship as I please

In your closet.

Be funny if you try it in the street after all the pedovores revealed. kek

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e85add No.21639741

File: c8a43955d8535c3⋯.png (419 KB,747x1044,83:116,ClipboardImage.png)

Exclusive —

Ric Grenell Details Upcoming Trump Event Exposing Chinese Threat to American Agriculture

Ric Grenell, Trump’s former Acting Director of National Intelligence, told Breitbart News Saturday about his and former President Donald Trump’s upcoming event to discuss China’s threat to American agriculture.

Grenell, former Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), and Trump will host an event on Monday to discuss the threat of China to American agriculture in Pittsburgh as part of the Protecting America Intiative.

“We’re very excited to be able to highlight the growing strategy that Communist Chinese has inside America, it’s been happening for a while,” Grenell told Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle.


>Ric Grenell - September 21, 2024 10:32

Grenell said that China has “done this quiet ‘Belt and Road’ initiative in the United States, buying up farmland, taking over the supply chain. Certainly we know that they are in control of battery development, which is a red flag [for]our current electric vehicle industry. We need to be able to understand just what we’re pushing towards. If China has the supply chain and controls the supply chain, we are just asking them to leverage against them.”

“Pennsylvania has a ground zero for losing out on a weak American leadership when it comes to the supply chain for jobs, manufacturing jobs, and other jobs,” he added.

Grenell also noted that China’s influence has harmed the Keystone State’s energy and auto industries.

“We have not done a good job of combatting China, and as they begin to leverage against us in these different sectors, one of the states that has been the most impacted is Pennsylvania,” Grenell remarked.

Grenell said that the Biden-Harris administration has underestimated America’s adversaries abroad.

“What we want to do is focus on the threat coming in from China. The Chinese love it when we’re distracted, when we have wars in the Middle East, or unbelievably, a war in Europe,” Grenell said.


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6908a6 No.21639742

File: b6014b0a8aa8dd5⋯.webm (2.62 MB,480x480,1:1,b6014b0a8aa8dd5ac591ac0e5….webm)

File: 52d433ce4f64134⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB,720x720,1:1,52d433ce4f64134a394d141602….mp4)

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b60e51 No.21639744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How CIA & NATO Train Journalists To Do Their Bidding! w/ Mike Benz. The Jimmy Dore Show

Funny the picture for the show has Hannity on it

It’s no secret to anyone with a functioning brain that today’s news media serves its corporate owners’ interests and not the public interest. A variety of factors have contributed to the steady decline of the mainstream news media including mass consolidation, the decline of working class voices in newsrooms and the co-opting of media to serve advertisers from Big Pharma, the military industrial complex, the fossil fuel industry and others.

Jimmy speaks with the Foundation for Freedom Online Executive Director Mike Benz about the centralizing of mass propaganda in America.



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9659ff No.21639745

File: aaba78d8c3b8cdc⋯.jpeg (75.86 KB,861x1280,861:1280,E6A1699A_7814_4234_8BDD_E….jpeg)

File: b66496567b630d8⋯.jpeg (82.3 KB,861x1280,861:1280,27AD1D5C_9FF1_4D5B_A062_2….jpeg)

File: deaa5721f59f8f8⋯.jpeg (86.59 KB,861x1280,861:1280,A5090B87_B403_4B8A_8B70_9….jpeg)

File: ee00f0bb6c65ab6⋯.jpeg (49.67 KB,682x514,341:257,5A4A69D1_F3CD_4BF9_BBB7_6….jpeg)

What is PsyOp?

Define “Information Silo”

Define “Group Think”

Have you broken the chains yet?

Is this a popularity contest?





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e74f88 No.21639746

File: 1c0fb7054ffc7bf⋯.jpg (92.56 KB,500x497,500:497,5789vgrdewv.jpg)


She can't be expected to do an act and be on camera in the same room as the real potus

She'd combust

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ed5ceb No.21639747

File: 508f6d542d6394b⋯.png (3.44 MB,1600x1600,1:1,C1A483CE_F9EE_4796_BB38_BB….png)

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ee241d No.21639748

File: 84274679c14a699⋯.png (330.75 KB,378x504,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f429e75eac37060⋯.png (609.78 KB,629x504,629:504,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de7e9a52c1787f4⋯.png (34 KB,453x640,453:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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96e8d7 No.21639749

File: 2e8d0a988eebf07⋯.jpg (48.27 KB,650x457,650:457,baphomet.jpg)


You forgot the part about being offered up by his father as a human/BLOOD sacrifice and being tortured to death. Great Awakening coming. Buckle up.

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9f8a8a No.21639750

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In the video, onlookers are heard shouting “shame on you” and calling for the boy’s release in both German and Arabic. Many people present at what appeared to be a peaceful rally are seen filming the incident.

While the footage does not show officers grabbing the boy or harming him, the situation drew a barrage of criticism online. Users on X, Instagram, and Facebook slammed the officers for frightening a child. One user asked whether police have nothing better to do than chasing a child “for carrying a flag.” Another wrote: “thanks to Palestine, now we know that Western Values about humanity and freedom are false.”


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e45cbc No.21639751

File: f9737c582f56075⋯.jpg (65.18 KB,1200x630,40:21,milley_3.jpg)

General Milley Ignored Trump Order to Deploy Nat. Guard at US Capitol Prior to Jan. 6 – Then After J6 Riots, He Reportedly Placed Military Under His Control While He Was Holding Secret Calls With The Chinese

Sep. 22, 2024

Shocking new details were released by Republicans on the House Oversight Committee on Friday of US military brass ignoring President Trump’s request for security on January 6th.

President Trump knew there would be a massive crowd of Americans at the planned rallies outside the US Capitol and at the Ellipse that day. So, Trump ordered the National Guard to be deployed to the US Capitol prior to the planned protests on January 6.

The newly surfaced transcripts, which were previously concealed, reveal the truth that many in the mainstream media have ignored.

According to the documents, General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, confirmed that President Trump expressed concern about the potential for unrest and proactively ordered the necessary precautions.

On January 3, 2021, just three days before the protest, General Milley recalled the president saying, “Hey, look at this. There’s going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th. Make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.”

Not only did General Milley ignore President Trump’s order to deploy the National Guard to the US Capitol on January 6, and not only did General Milley hide this important fact from investigators and the media, but General Milley also reportedly placed the US military under his control following the January 6 riot.

Authors Bob Woodward and Robert Costa accused Milley in their book Peril of usurping President Trump’s constitutional powers as Commander in Chief following the January 6 protests and riot.

Milley later refused to respond during Senate testimony who asked him to confirm his actions as reported in Woodward’s book.

Breitbart reported:

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) called on Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley to honor his word and stop dodging questions about allegations in Bob Woodward and Robert Costa’s book Peril that he usurped President Donald Trump’s power as commander in chief after the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, in violation of the law.

Grassley and Banks both spoke Thursday on the floors of the Senate and House respectively to remind Milley he told members of Congress he would review the allegations in the book and get back to them to say if they are true. Despite repeated requests, he has still not said if they are true.

“Milley allegedly placed military hands — his hands — on controls that belonged exclusively to the president. According to Peril, [he] summoned senior operation officers in the military command center to his office,” Grassley said, adding, “He had them take ‘an oath’ not to ‘act’ on the president’s orders without checking with him first,” Grassley said.

Grassley continued:

These brazen words and actions, if accurate, strike at the heart of our democracy — civilian control of the military. They turn this guiding rule upside down and show utter contempt for the commander-in-chief coming from the nation’s top general. They are dangerous and contrary to military code 10 US Code 888.

Grassley went on to respond to Milley in one of many follow-ups:

“After my third note, Gen. Milley responded with the same old smoke and mirrors routine: ‘I have never read the books.’ Years of oversight have taught me this lesson. Evasive answers usually offer revealing clues about the truth,”

Why won’t Milley would not address the politician’s questions? What was he hiding?

General Milley was not alone in blame. As The Gateway Pundit reported previously, Nancy Pelosi also refused the National Guard at the US Capitol due to politics.

In a WaPo interview with the Washington DC police chief, Steve Sund, The National Pulse reports the outgoing police chief “believes his efforts to secure the premises were undermined by a lack of concern from House and Senate security officials who answer directly to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate leader Mitch McConnell.”

President Trump also reiterated during an interview with Sean Hannity that he authorized the National Guard to be in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021.

In June, new footage was released from the House Oversight Committee of Nancy Pelosi taking responsibility for the January 6, 2021, protests and rioting at the US Capitol.

(transcripts included in the article)


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d63728 No.21639752

File: c21b4b4d743feb9⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,IMG_1430.MOV)

Bird Song…

Then on to 9…

Are we there yet?

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e85add No.21639753

File: bb175e938f6d0ec⋯.png (2.09 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


AP Week in Pictures:

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign event.


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75c325 No.21639754

File: f70e8a7aeac3340⋯.png (3.14 MB,2854x1540,1427:770,Henry_Winkler_will_never_f….png)

Henry Winkler says he will NEVER forgive Trump for shoving him out of the way, once.

At 39:32, Actor Henry Winkler says "You know what I DON'T forgive?" He goes on to explain a time when Donald J. Trump brushed Henry Winkler out of the way and he's never forgiven him since then.





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fb35b5 No.21639755

File: 4b99f9b2af07b41⋯.jpeg (64.99 KB,400x400,1:1,C6044389_44BB_42CA_97D3_F….jpeg)

File: 4e2314b120dcdfd⋯.jpeg (343.4 KB,1600x1195,320:239,9E953DF1_AE64_4CEE_93F0_5….jpeg)

File: d0eab1c7643e5d1⋯.jpeg (581.95 KB,1000x1616,125:202,263F9BB7_7D2F_4734_A964_8….jpeg)

File: 722be207071ddd7⋯.png (276.68 KB,716x361,716:361,91DFA087_BB67_45AD_B56F_42….png)

File: 91dd3768c36e974⋯.png (74.89 KB,874x755,874:755,7526FDC3_F94E_4941_9DD0_BB….png)

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96e8d7 No.21639756

what does it mean when the comment number is green rather than red when you reply? Anyone know?

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6908a6 No.21639757

File: e0d421eeb16e306⋯.mp4 (4.36 MB,640x480,4:3,e0d421eeb16e306f77855b7553….mp4)

File: 747e23a38e88b30⋯.jpeg (539.4 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX8aYalW8AA5k2C.jpeg)

File: 9e0b52d545e2d3e⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_8_.jpg)

File: 5514ffd66907103⋯.jpg (36.99 KB,750x554,375:277,5514ffd66907103ccc98913fa7….jpg)

File: cb5d8a924abbd0d⋯.jpeg (85.21 KB,452x496,113:124,cb5d8a924abbd0d04d6432262….jpeg)

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3493a4 No.21639759



This is why PDJT "brushed" him aside. PDJT was prolly also thinking "Get behind me, Satan!"

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9f8a8a No.21639760


Israeli president comments on Lebanon pager attacks

Lebanon-based Hezbollah has “many enemies,” while Israel is only “defending itself,” President Isaac Herzog has said

“I reject out of hand any connection to this or that source of operation,” Herzog stated.

Asked whether Israel denies its involvement altogether or blames any other party for the attacks, the president refrained from doing so, while accusing Hezbollah of “destroying Lebanon” in the first place.

“I did not allude to anything except saying that there are many enemies of Hezbollah out there, quite a few these days. Hezbollah has been choking Lebanon, destroying Lebanon, creating havoc in Lebanon again and again and again. We are here simply to defend ourselves. That’s all we do,” he stated.


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ed1654 No.21639761

File: fb16cf0a990280e⋯.mp4 (7.83 MB,IMG_1429.MOV)

File: b2b9c9d5a4fd8eb⋯.jpeg (80.45 KB,480x480,1:1,D195C94F_C1D4_4AA6_9D8C_4….jpeg)

File: de6f7eb3a80f65e⋯.jpeg (51.69 KB,500x680,25:34,F632A277_B34D_4A39_B2A8_F….jpeg)

File: a80c5a126a7ea08⋯.jpeg (44.83 KB,750x374,375:187,62A8C941_3BE2_4296_86B7_5….jpeg)

File: 6c47496a8c954a2⋯.jpeg (65.16 KB,939x580,939:580,B64A6D5B_AA12_4400_BAF4_0….jpeg)

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878a83 No.21639762


It means you are not on the old QR board anymore.

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352968 No.21639764


its copy pasta

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e85add No.21639765

File: b4466508bc4298a⋯.png (957.74 KB,1360x907,1360:907,ClipboardImage.png)


Flags showing support for Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump fly near Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla., Monday, Sept. 16, 2024.

(AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

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944d1b No.21639766

File: b433a4b6b8bec7d⋯.png (40.36 KB,661x207,661:207,b433a4b6b8bec7de8ef62c1f10….png)

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871245 No.21639769


why do you persecute me so?

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79694c No.21639771

File: a16f3c88c1eac82⋯.jpeg (66.93 KB,639x1176,213:392,ED58471B_2B23_4061_BC38_B….jpeg)

File: 08fc8c40c72b5b5⋯.jpeg (126.21 KB,750x435,50:29,B8A5313E_63FC_4B58_A1FC_7….jpeg)

File: e45433edc18b7d3⋯.jpeg (44.5 KB,680x500,34:25,16BA0B84_78C3_4C79_AF86_3….jpeg)

File: fbdb78bddf1c0aa⋯.jpeg (26.83 KB,680x402,340:201,502F333A_1130_4DF4_998C_4….jpeg)

File: a5848b616aebddd⋯.jpeg (63.63 KB,1093x524,1093:524,C33A680C_F567_434E_A003_9….jpeg)

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3bc456 No.21639772


At least they have self identified.

It is the ones still lurking that need to be outed.

Communists everywhere in leadership, The poison pill planted during the bolshevik slaughter. Many sleepers with multi-generational plans emplaced in the USA.

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e74f88 No.21639773

File: aae1ed3ff701d10⋯.jpg (128.98 KB,706x1242,353:621,Screenshot_20240922_145443….jpg)

Steve Harvey is a divine nine member.

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3bf4e7 No.21639774

File: e0c5b8aba0b79d5⋯.jpeg (38.56 KB,749x739,749:739,E84864AB_8994_4F8A_B9A9_1….jpeg)

File: 298b05171b2e3d3⋯.jpeg (60.06 KB,750x876,125:146,9F931032_7577_4011_91EC_3….jpeg)

File: a8366f81674ee4d⋯.jpeg (62.11 KB,720x552,30:23,F48AF3B4_D89A_484E_9D85_4….jpeg)

File: 1ef336fd6a561c8⋯.jpeg (187.07 KB,1280x1243,1280:1243,B16F20D0_A39F_40FD_AFF6_5….jpeg)

File: 0c1aa0a8a1f2e74⋯.jpeg (28.22 KB,750x740,75:74,ECE2BFA5_AAEB_4F21_A907_C….jpeg)

Q Research

4/2020-> 5/5/2020






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66b196 No.21639775


>$160,000 per homeless person

Next time hand it out on a debit card personally to the homeless yeeehaaaa

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9f8a8a No.21639776

File: e83e31a587e4bbc⋯.png (1.22 MB,764x1140,191:285,ClipboardImage.png)

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c61c9f No.21639777

File: 088c0f1a22def8c⋯.jpg (222.41 KB,1862x865,1862:865,Screenshot_20240922_135544….jpg)



unfortunately I do

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66ad51 No.21639779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Bird in the cage is the word, singing

Diddy Bird

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3bc456 No.21639780


Winkler is a pedophile, DJT knew that. To be pushed away means whatever Ol Henry did is that bad !

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000000 No.21639781


@RT_com 4h

Russia reports strike on ship carrying Western weapons to Ukraine.

A dry cargo carrier delivering missiles and ammunition to Kiev was struck, the Defense Ministry has claimed on.rt.com/cydx

Sep 22, 2024 · 2:30 PM UTC


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ee241d No.21639782



Internet didn't exist then, so they had to advertise somehow.

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8e2b8b No.21639783


is this a Q decode?


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9f8a8a No.21639784

Israel will blow up the Dome of the Rock and blame Hezbollah

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d947d7 No.21639785

My opinion

real Biden is ded, replaced and the replacement is a puppet of the white hats

kamala flipped and is a puppet of the white hats

Nancy made a deal, playing her part

Chuck mad a deal, playing his part.

PDJT was given 12 years as POTUS for this OP.

Enjoy the show, etc etc

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8e2b8b No.21639786



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878a83 No.21639787

File: 824ca02ba8a0e53⋯.gif (388.66 KB,333x250,333:250,tjnimoy.gif)


trips checked

got Tijuana Hooker?

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c540a8 No.21639788

File: 424ed21c812bf69⋯.png (266.7 KB,444x806,222:403,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 8908ca5e0674870⋯.png (9.97 KB,106x57,106:57,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

File: f0f0c6312429f81⋯.png (10.88 KB,118x57,118:57,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)


How many pics can you find of JL & HRC?

re: HAITI?

Marching into the Darkness - lyrics.

Follow the stars.

It’s everywhere.


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48e6c5 No.21639789



#26502 >>21639502

>>21639525, >>21639655 Why “health experts” are gunning for RFK. He plans to dismantle the big pharma

>>21639568 @GenFlynn - MAKE AMERICA VOTE AGAIN

>>21639604 Barry's Foreign Student ID going around for new eyes

>>21639606, >>21639615 SSRIs changed meds—14yo girl one week later murders her mother and invites friend over to view the dead body

>>21639618 Springfield - 25 square miles - 20,000 Haitians ● Martha's Vineyard - 96 square miles - 0 Haitians

>>21639620 All about Kamala Harris' Father Donald J. Harris

>>21639628 Politicians funnel billions into NGOs then steal it. Money Laundering 101

>>21639657, >>21639689, >>21639730 Diddy Dirtz Dug

>>21639674 The Lion, "every once in a while he has to show the jackels, who he is"

>>21639682, >>21639705 Over 700 Deep Staters Join And Dick Cheney, Iran, And IRS Union In Endorsing Harris

>>21639708, >>21639717 Kamala Harris’s campaign announces that she can’t handle comedy roast catholic fundraiser

>>21639709 Erdogan Says Israel Is Dragging Whole Region Into All-Out War

>>21639719, >>21639725, >>21639760 Latest from the Middle East

>>21639731, >>21639733 Kamala's Communist Cafe - A Buffet of Many Sauces

>>21639741 Grenell Details Upcoming Trump Event Exposing Chinese Threat to American Agriculture

>>21639744 How CIA & NATO Train Journalists To Do Their Bidding! w/ Mike Benz

>>21639751 Milley ignored Trump's NG request on J6 then placed mil under his control while secret talks with China

>>21639753 The AP Week in Pictures - President Donald Trump arrives to speak at campaign event

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8e2b8b No.21639790



I personally enjoy fame fag neo nazi's who pretend to be MAGA

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e45cbc No.21639791


I want a list of the 700 high ranking intel officials that endorse Harris.

Let's add them to the list of the IRS agents that support Harris.

Let's know who they are.

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951bcf No.21639792

File: 66ac7677ac2030f⋯.jpeg (109 KB,1242x582,207:97,57FA2DAF_4712_4533_A9E8_5….jpeg)

File: 293f60bfc370cb7⋯.jpeg (98.67 KB,1242x674,621:337,22657707_B65B_4820_8963_A….jpeg)

File: 69b75f97cda65ee⋯.jpeg (71.26 KB,776x665,776:665,D552D318_E178_4F61_8DBB_C….jpeg)


Check Check

April Showers

May Flowers

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878a83 No.21639793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China's Mandate To Spy on America

China Unscripted

218K subscribers

36 views 3 minutes ago


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dc3b0b No.21639794

File: bea399e61b870a1⋯.png (15.17 KB,627x174,209:58,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18cae7b2e2b5c3a⋯.png (346.27 KB,1552x765,1552:765,ClipboardImage.png)


His old twitter goes wayback…

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000000 No.21639795



@RT_com 3h

Iran calls for Muslim countries to sever ties with Israel West Jerusalem should be isolated for targeting civilians in Gaza, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said


Sep 22, 2024 · 3:30 PM UTC


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c61c9f No.21639796



When they cry, meme them crying. kek

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9f8a8a No.21639798

File: d1fa9116a6b371e⋯.png (725.55 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Macron Loyalist Government Announced as Populists Shut Out of Power

Despite his faction winning fewer votes than the leftist New Popular Front (NFP) coalition and the populist National Rally (RN) party of Marine Le Pen, Macron partisans secured the most top positions in the new Barnier government, with top allies of the president, Antoine Armand and Laurent Saint-Martin, being installed as the new Economic and Budget ministers, respectively, Le Figaro reports.


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578daa No.21639799


If they are traitors then that means they are aligned with some foreign entity against the United States.

Who is that foreign entity?

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5de603 No.21639800

File: 06149b3020b4115⋯.jpeg (1000.58 KB,1242x1865,1242:1865,7BB8402E_25BB_42A4_AFE2_4….jpeg)

File: 199ee94b767133a⋯.jpeg (480.56 KB,1242x1690,621:845,09128C08_7239_4CB6_8C1B_4….jpeg)

File: 8a73411b28a7804⋯.jpeg (293.86 KB,1242x679,1242:679,CBF4373C_34E4_43BA_B829_F….jpeg)

File: 8da2021b341bb3a⋯.jpeg (142.21 KB,1242x387,138:43,44E1EF60_1FBA_4F3D_B631_3….jpeg)

File: 287a3b964279016⋯.jpeg (32.41 KB,750x601,750:601,E97508A7_9EBF_4C0C_B881_9….jpeg)


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8e2b8b No.21639801


have you tried Strongly worded reddit spacing?

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8e2b8b No.21639802


oh wow


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e74f88 No.21639803

File: c24be01be01db95⋯.mp4 (548.29 KB,640x360,16:9,RMyZiIlWHRTRFbS3.mp4)

Laura Loomer



WATCH: Today on @MeetThePress, Democrat Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman was asked by Kristen Welker when he "changed his mind" on banning fracking and what he now likes about Fracking. Fetterman said: "ummmm they're eating dogs, they're eating cats ha ha ha ha. So, ok…” @KamalaHarris supports banning fracking and it’s going to cost her Pennsylvania.


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96e8d7 No.21639804


So, the anon's observations concerning the human/blood sacrifice has been "cleansed" from the board? Does the anon know? Or are anons being shadow banned? In other words, can anons see that their comment number is green?

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7af782 No.21639805

File: c16f6cb0be3f724⋯.jpeg (144.28 KB,1153x961,1153:961,C9B6FD1E_6356_4BE4_8BF0_3….jpeg)

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8e2b8b No.21639807






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a08517 No.21639808

Whenever cops have to say "black male" on their radios they should follow it up with "as usual".

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c540a8 No.21639809

File: 1152d2fc3541b86⋯.png (353.39 KB,612x510,6:5,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

File: d24571ac1d54981⋯.png (708.35 KB,634x549,634:549,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

File: 3a626fd1d40e5f7⋯.png (350.85 KB,612x380,153:95,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

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578daa No.21639810


T is for Twink.

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ed5ceb No.21639811

File: 67f107a811d1c4f⋯.png (277.7 KB,400x400,1:1,8F92B853_CED4_42A1_9983_FD….png)

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6908a6 No.21639812

File: bde9433eb4e1308⋯.mp4 (13.67 MB,532x300,133:75,bde9433eb4e13086d81af3340d….mp4)

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c61c9f No.21639813


double aught dubs

Better late than never.

They pissed now.

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090da3 No.21639814

File: 752b7f47a1f72df⋯.png (86.29 KB,541x525,541:525,First_Arrest.png)

I am getting verbally beaten down by almost everyone when I talk about Q. I almost stopped talking to all! But I can see, for example, after Diddlers arrest the following



Crimes against Children = common denominator [no matter political affiliation][mass pop awakening].

Would be nice if this kicks in, too!

Have faith in Humanity.

>Maxwell first arrest!

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37adef No.21639815

File: 06ee29d2e0a05d7⋯.png (1.07 MB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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10ffd6 No.21639816

File: 99ec91321ba1f04⋯.jpeg (132.48 KB,1242x908,621:454,10748726_8EAA_4B0C_881A_D….jpeg)





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9f8a8a No.21639817

File: a72ce7620e323f9⋯.png (244.23 KB,832x300,208:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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37adef No.21639818

File: aeb9a6ccf9e19a8⋯.png (407.66 KB,556x353,556:353,ClipboardImage.png)

Secret Service Agent "Accidentally" Shoots Himself with His Own Weapon

The Secret Service in America not only failed to protect President Trump from nearly getting assassinated on two occasions, but it’s so discombobulated that agents are now shooting themselves.


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41a4cd No.21639819

File: c4389cbef133c95⋯.jpg (48.49 KB,498x800,249:400,chicken.jpg)


any old fags remember when CT and JL had their plane turn around and head back to the US?

Didn't she claim that her credit cards weren't working as well…

It's been a long journey…

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e45cbc No.21639821


I thought I made may case. no spacing errors at all.

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29ae0a No.21639823

File: 6c380566d5d0b4e⋯.png (12.43 KB,708x109,708:109,ClipboardImage.png)


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ee241d No.21639824


>I am getting verbally beaten down by almost everyone when I talk about Q

Talk about the info, with evidence - harder to dismiss than 'Q' who has always been derided in the FMSM

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e82f44 No.21639825

▶EveryoneIsOSS  07/03/22 (Sun) 16:39:52 f66baf  No.24752



Civanon Sgt. b posts aggregated by qrb

Posts from "Sgt B":

ID f6ce61 at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8909384.html

ID 5e1436 at https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8910275.html

Posts from "civanon":

ID e47fb8 at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8923457.html

ID 8c37a0 at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8924246.html

ID cc7f35 at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8924995.html

ID d7ee1b at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8929773.html

ID 8d88a2 at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8931292.html

ID 523c3d at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8932841.html

ID 6aa47e at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8933659.html

ID 3b1723 at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8934415.html

ID 94ab38 at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8937610.html

ID b5c290 at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8938408.html

ID 7ff4ac at 8kun.top/qresearch/res/8939182.html

Civanon claims to have worked for DoD as a software Project Manager


>I work in Project Management for DoD and did Project Management for Software Development. I know how to make a plan a run a project. things are going as planned and as intended. Results have already been seen.

Civanon claims to have worked for US Army


>Who are you? Who do you work for? Are you wiling to show me who you are if I act in kind? We could end all this doubt right now. I wouldn't have to constantly wonder if we're being slow walked to our death.

>I had told many. You can call me CivAnon.

>I was working for the US Army. Currently a Civ.

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37adef No.21639826

File: 371cce64961915c⋯.png (1.04 MB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

FBI ‘completely stonewalling’ Trump assassination attempt task force, member says: ‘Not been forthcoming’

“The Secret Service is being forthcoming about its failures in communication guidance to locals having appropriate command posts. The FBI, on the other hand, is completely stonewalling this t


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e82f44 No.21639827

▶EveryoneIsOSS  07/03/22 (Sun) 15:55:03 f66baf  No.24722 >>24723 >>24724 >>24728 >>24752

File (hide): d56893b37873eaa⋯.png (124.31 KB, 1722x496, 861:248, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 11cc5cb85c1152b⋯.png (202.93 KB, 1916x908, 479:227, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



No Such Agency Runnin' ops from 4/20 to 5/5

>The op ended on 5/5 as stated. and began on 4/20

>I said We were No Such Agency. Not MIL or NSA.

>Sgt B is army.

>But you seem to have comprehension issues. much like i told AFBL

>Try to keep up fren.

>I am a Civilian As I have stated several times. I do project management.


CivAnon Babyfist cries about OSS


>More subversion by OSS.

>And anons just let it happen.

The PsyOp started 4/20/21

>There is a Zip file you can find on qresear.ch from anon files.

>Search Sgt B.

>Long story. Cannot be summed up simply.

>Involves myself Patchfag and Sgt B.

>Helping anons.

>Started ~4/20 this year.







Babyfist posted on behalf of sgt. b but of course not for the B dcomms post.

>I posted on Sgt B and company's behalf as stated when we were running our OP.

>It is over. My posts are currently mine.

>I did not post the B message.


Claims Doc GB GerBil Tranime Doge Babyfist Sgt. B(kek) GYB All on same IP

Anon calls out the shills on the VPS here:


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9f8a8a No.21639829

Israeli Diaspora Minister Says Lebanon Isn’t a State, Advocates Taking South

US warns regional escalation is not in Israel’s interest

Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli is the latest voicing pro-war rhetoric, declaring overnight in comments on X.com that Lebanon does not, in his opinion, fit the definition of a state, and that this gives Israel every right to invade and seize southern Lebanon.

Chikli said that southern Lebanon is essentially under the control of “a hostile Shi’ite population.” He added that he believes neither Syria nor Iran counts as states, and so don’t merit protection for their status as sovereign nations.

Chikli was one of several government ministers who recently urged the Israeli government to cut off all access to humanitarian aid to northern Gaza, and argued that the military should conduct operations to “cleanse” the region. The proposal prescribed similar cleansings of other areas.


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e82f44 No.21639830

▶EveryoneIsOSS  07/03/22 (Sun) 15:08:06 f66baf  No.24708 >>24721 >>24722


Babyfist met sgt. b in 08


>We already told you guys this part.

>I started in 08.

>This plan goes back before this.

>I dont know Admin as stated he just send updates when people are attack me(DDOS, Pen, etc) and try to help the board during our op.

>"Sgt B" got a hold of me. In 08

>Anon has a Zip of most our chat logs around here.

>Seem like many will want them later…

>We told you all to pay attention.

>We have been BDT with almost everything we can divulge. If I got one more drop before 5/5 (You) will as well.

Babyfist has never seen admin, reconfirms fall guy story


>Never seen him. He talks to me, not the other way. I am Low guy on totem pole. Fall guy as stated.

>Admin is not a good guy either Fucking Warlock.

>But he cares about this.

>>24699 Babyfist admits he is Civanon on abcu


Additional confirmation that CivAnon = PatchFaggot = Babyfist


You're a WIZARD babyfist!

>We are 4

>1 warlock Admin

>3 wizards (Me), Sgt. B, Director

>But only I post. As I am the voice. But if you were half as smart as the dumbest anon you would know that.


>(I) am not E.

>(I) am not Sgt B

>(I) can be called many names babyfist, CivAnon, Laughing Man

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ee241d No.21639831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


anon remembers

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e82f44 No.21639832

▶EveryoneIsOSS  07/03/22 (Sun) 14:34:13 f66baf  No.24679 >>24680 >>24681 >>24684 >>24699 >>24708

File (hide): f03846ecd006b8b⋯.png (108.1 KB, 1712x262, 856:131, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 38afeb2b41bc3c1⋯.png (172.81 KB, 2612x476, 653:119, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Sorry bad formatting on that one

>>>/qresearch/8894274 B tries to predict Q drop

>I will go through Crumbs and be back on 27th Late EST. Q should drop right before that

Did this happen?

>>>/qresearch/8893602 B team claims to have message from Q

>>>/qresearch/8894122 B claims to know some of The Plan

>With the little knowledge of the Plan that was shared with me. Anons need more coordination and a tighter community to get through this. The DS is strong.

>>>/qresearch/8894201 B: How to create a successful psyop

>>>/qresearch/8916957 B: 8bit/Freddy B not a threat to our ops

>B != 8 bit. Morons. Just stated we have been watching. He has just been cleared as not a threat to our ops. Same with cripple freddy (he's got his own issues to solve, kek)

Sgt. B doesn't like freddy, calls him a cripple

>>>/qresearch/8916869 Admin says SURV of [freddy,8bit] terminated

>The lack of answers is clear…

>SURV of [redacted, redacted, redacted] engage. SURV of [freddy,8bit] terminated.

>Names come next. I'm not Q or B. I'm just an Admin. And you don't fuck with an Admins network without paying a price.

>No Deals.

>>>/qresearch/8917060 Admin admits to being on B team

>Believe what you may but our team [B and company] has told nothing but truths. We came for our objective nothing else. Someone here has other plans. Which is not The Plan.

>Patriots are stronger together. Divided you are weak.

>>>/qresearch/8924018 Babfist/CivAnon was meant to be the fall guy

04/25/20 (Sat) 22:19:52

Is CivAnon babyfist? Was he the fall guy?

>I am the "Safety Net" [Fall Man] if you will. You will know my "Name" soon.

>And any Anon worth a damn could find me. Face Name ETC. I'm not hiding. But all other Team is TS. Need to know only.

>We are a team of "Lets say 4"

>Sgt. B = psyopAnon/Armyfag

>CivAnon = Me < (You)

>Admin = Admin/NetworkAnon

>Director = "I have no clue" but B calls him Director, So i guess he is the Director.

This group of posts is FIRE

On 04/25/20 (Sat) 22:19:52 babyfist/civanon says he is the fall guy

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e74f88 No.21639833


The rest of the passengers were all given hotel vouchers while she was posting what's the hold up?.

And they were the hold up.

Fun times

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37adef No.21639834

File: 5bdb5ef5e5d977a⋯.png (465.84 KB,800x512,25:16,ClipboardImage.png)

The Amir has proven to be a great and powerful leader of his country, advancing on all levels at record speed. He is someone also who strongly wants peace in the Middle East, and all over the world. We had a great relationship during my years in the White House,…


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6908a6 No.21639836

File: 28069f36820dbfc⋯.mp4 (649.39 KB,480x270,16:9,28069f36820dbfc4f77cd9f56e….mp4)

File: 51760e8b78faeb5⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,720x1280,9:16,51760e8b78faeb5c95acb06977….mp4)

File: 2a1fd507bb6ae0c⋯.gif (947.86 KB,360x200,9:5,2a1fd507bb6ae0c5cd043ec0ae….gif)

File: 13479a8199c8439⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1800x1410,60:47,rs_19992_20140129_nipplega….jpg)

File: a5fe827aac2a123⋯.jpg (30.87 KB,328x399,328:399,hotlips.jpg)

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c540a8 No.21639837

File: 876259d03aaf7da⋯.png (585.78 KB,545x736,545:736,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

File: 0ff2b0e016975e4⋯.png (630.02 KB,500x675,20:27,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

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578daa No.21639838


"Trust Wray," he said.

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29ae0a No.21639839


I actually like this guy.

Good thing he is a Dem. or the Dems. would have a field day with him.

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37adef No.21639840

File: 8db2dcbfe20be20⋯.png (772.01 KB,768x517,768:517,ClipboardImage.png)

Six members of ‘The United Nation of Islam’ cult convicted after forcing children to work 16 hour days, starving them in Kansas

“There was just a fear of being in danger if I was to leave because of just the things Royall [Jenkins]would say about people who left … that they were all killed in various ways.”


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9659ff No.21639842

▶EveryoneIsOSS  07/02/22 (Sat) 11:11:13 ff36b1  No.23910 >>23913

Hold Up, Ok So,

If this is post 111:

B May 29, 2021, 12:24 p.m. No.111

Fact Vs. Fiction

We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours.

Who gave you the Playbooks?

Who helps you answer Questions?

~Then what the fuck was Post 112 that got deleted?

~What bullshit is Jim pulling now with J-crew help?

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984c7e No.21639843


well if wray's job is making the fbi look as bad as possible so the public opinion shifts enough where it ends up with them shut down then that would be the only way

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37adef No.21639844

File: 6cf1da73beab624⋯.png (371.56 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Over 700 Deep Staters Join And Dick Cheney, Iran, And IRS Union In Endorsing Harris


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bcf338 No.21639845

File: 8fe6dcb7d022e2d⋯.png (270.86 KB,434x312,217:156,ClipboardImage.png)

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29ae0a No.21639846


It's not milk between their top lip and their nose.

It's Cool Whip.

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37adef No.21639847

File: a6c44559be9568f⋯.png (439.91 KB,1080x827,1080:827,ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN: @SpeakerJohnson will bring a "clean" budget resolution to the House floor without the SAVE Act to stop illegal aliens from voting in elections. It was all a political stunt.


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9659ff No.21639848

File: 74ccae9fc90ac45⋯.jpeg (40.99 KB,663x376,663:376,8F281F7D_DCF6_46FC_970E_0….jpeg)

You’re telling me. Dan the man is out here dapping a babyfist the night of q’s return? On day 1700 of “q”. Blast off. Indeed.


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901829 No.21639849


Pigeons? Eagles would be better…

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31d567 No.21639850


I think its only 2 married couples both on that list right?

The other is j z and beyonce

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96e8d7 No.21639851



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878a83 No.21639852

File: b7e887047176899⋯.png (1.01 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>FBI ‘completely stonewalling

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9f8a8a No.21639853

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Doug Emhoff: Not Fair To Criticize Kamala Harris For The Admin’s Failures

“She’s the vice president, not the president. The vice president is there as part of the administration, not leading the administration,” he claimed. “So as president, she’s gonna be able to put forth her policies and plans and effectuate those.”

The Trump campaign fired back at Emhoff over the remarks, posting on X: “Second Gentleperson ‘Doug’: Kamala bears no responsibility for the Biden-Harris failures because she’s only the second most powerful person in the country, not the first.”

“Joe Biden himself has admitted that Kamala plays an enormous role in his failed administration,” the campaign said. “Kamala brags about being ‘the last person in the room’ on the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal decision. She absolutely owns every failure of the Biden-Harris administration.”


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ed5ceb No.21639854

File: 184c2f8963104d7⋯.jpeg (140.65 KB,800x533,800:533,D2B1A1D2_8CA0_45E2_9998_6….jpeg)

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ee241d No.21639855

File: 6d2e4367be4573a⋯.png (161.38 KB,384x383,384:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd8b1d No.21639856

File: 7790480fa9311d3⋯.mp4 (28.17 KB,IMG_1200.MOV)


Gene is just clout-chasing

Operation #KetchUp

Lag on target but everything is as it should B

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3bc456 No.21639857


Fetterneck died, this double is readong the script

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37adef No.21639858

File: 5e5f5e1edb18278⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,720x1008,5:7,AOC_We_re_going_to_have_to….mp4)

Miss Commie Titties AOC: "We're going to have to figure out how we reign in the media" to obey us

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de499b No.21639859


Finally someone gets it.

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c540a8 No.21639860

File: f0b9e2c320de871⋯.png (473.24 KB,705x918,235:306,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

File: 7e9293b730307c8⋯.png (403.53 KB,372x559,372:559,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

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75c325 No.21639861

File: 3a626fd1d40e5f7⋯.png (350.85 KB,612x380,153:95,Chelsea_C_with_John_Legend.png)

File: 727fa52beeaeceb⋯.png (2.48 MB,2442x1508,1221:754,Chelsea_and_Legend.png)

File: bd6b06b0293ad46⋯.png (1.01 MB,1206x724,603:362,Chelsea_and_John_L.png)

Chelsea and John Legend



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071d58 No.21639862

▶Q  06/28/22 (Tue) 22:43:11 1d7445 (12)  No.16552397


Expand your thinking.

Why are we being attacked?

Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS?

Do we have a face?

Do we have a name?

Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers?


Zero vanity.

Why are we here?

Why do we ask questions?

The choice has always been yours.

Use logic.

Free information.

What draws people here?

Expanding exponentially?

They all claim to be insiders.

They all claim to have insider contacts.

They do not.

Patriots do NOT reveal classified information.

Why do we communicate this way?

Think for yourself.


We are a threat to PROFITeering.

Information should flow freely w/o costs.

We established a series of 'proofs' for this specific reason.



Coincidence after Coincidence.

Growth due to confirmations.

Real source(s) communicating w/ the people.



Control the information (THEY).

Harness followers / PROFITeering (THEY).

Define Media.

Primary goal of the Media?

To Sell (each selling a dif narrative - set of targets).

Selling makes money.

Be careful who you follow.

Define 'Patriot'.

They want you DIVIDED.

Attacks will only get worse.


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87b355 No.21639863

File: e9b2b43773c444c⋯.jpeg (322.12 KB,1125x897,375:299,IMG_4243.jpeg)

File: 804d0b75f148102⋯.jpeg (393.7 KB,1125x1058,1125:1058,IMG_4244.jpeg)

File: c7a43fc97736c54⋯.jpeg (240.41 KB,1125x724,1125:724,IMG_4245.jpeg)

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6908a6 No.21639864

File: 9e0b52d545e2d3e⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_8_.jpg)

File: ea50902ceab2e25⋯.mp4 (70.2 KB,144x144,1:1,images_5_.mp4)

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82592c No.21639865

File: dafd5014ac381bb⋯.jpeg (43.13 KB,750x532,375:266,DB9824E0_3513_44BB_93D4_7….jpeg)

Anonymous  06/28/22 (Tue) 23:13:42 545b66 (7)  No.16552558


Lil Fighter?

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090da3 No.21639866


Then you have reached new heights!

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41a4cd No.21639867

File: 0d7ffe8b7db7e43⋯.jpeg (20.18 KB,456x300,38:25,McCain_news.jpeg)



Damn….that was Dec 26, 2017

And it's finally coming out…

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835755 No.21639868

File: 85ff8c18c1a2216⋯.jpeg (37.79 KB,723x500,723:500,F63CE141_2EDE_492F_84C0_1….jpeg)

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37adef No.21639870

File: 16bc3417b1fb1bc⋯.png (475.99 KB,675x708,225:236,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3dc734ecf01507⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,RFK_Jr_just_released_an_em….mp4)


BREAKING: RFK Jr. just released an emergency message to his millions of supporters to begin mobilizing for Trump

"President Trump and I are going to replace the corrupt industry-captured officials with honest public servants."


10:18 AM • Sep 22, 2024


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d947d7 No.21639871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Check this out, do you believe Tom Fife's recount about Obama?

Starts around 4 minutes in.

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c61c9f No.21639872


Prison □

Death ■

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000000 No.21639873

Carol Rosenberg @carolrosenberg


Good morning from a sleepy Sunday during this up-to five-week pretrial hearing session in the 9/11 case at Guantanamo Bay.

Defense lawyers are in meetings, preparing for a Week 2 with no 9/11 family members in observance. They all left yesterday along with five legal observers.

Sep 22, 2024 · 2:25 PM UTC


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27d43e No.21639874

File: 4306208041d27c6⋯.jpeg (172.06 KB,1830x666,305:111,FEF2CF38_C98D_4C62_8E4F_B….jpeg)

▶Anonymous  06/28/22 (Tue) 22:45:12 8a3bfe (27)  No.16552403

File (hide): 502eaecdc849588⋯.png (340.12 KB, 1830x666, 305:111, 0_delta_proof.png) (h) (u)


now with LINKS

so anons can check timestamps for themselves

Q Delta [0] = >>16551708 (PB)

DJT Delta [0] = https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108558738138878885

Q requesting proof created = >>16551922

Q pointing to exact delta timestamp = >>16552035

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37adef No.21639875

File: e5c8b16aa5a8475⋯.png (45.06 KB,675x425,27:17,ClipboardImage.png)



The rats are running scared

John Rich🇺🇸


Why has @pink and @usher both deleted their entire posting history on X as of today?

10:33 AM • Sep 22, 2024

10:35 AM • Sep 22, 2024


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9f8a8a No.21639876

File: 24585f9d314f077⋯.png (114.06 KB,660x625,132:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 126d574ca98e8d5⋯.png (99.81 KB,652x640,163:160,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af20fa8f1476d00⋯.png (100.14 KB,665x584,665:584,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31ed1d489e93785⋯.png (96.28 KB,683x618,683:618,ClipboardImage.png)

NHS Whistleblower: ‘We Were Instructed to Euthanize Patients to Inflate COVID Death Toll While Hospitals Sat Empty!’

This individual referred to as Dr. John, has worked in minor injuries and illness centres as well as in a primary care role throughout the pandemic.

Dr. John claims that he has “seen this mess evolve from the very beginning of the pandemic” and that hospitals were actually extremely quiet and almost empty during the first lockdown.

“I used to see an average of 20 patients per day, that dropped to 1 – 2 patients during the first lockdown. I have even witnessed an elderly lady with horrific broken bones come into the hospital three weeks after her accident as she was too scared of catching coronavirus to visit the hospital sooner. In the end, the pain overcame the fear.

“I have also assessed people with chest pains in their homes who would not go for further assessment as they were so scared of ‘the virus’ they would rather chance a heart attack than the infection or the loneliness of going to the hospital alone.”


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29ae0a No.21639877



Eminem fans must be autists.


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87b355 No.21639878

File: 491e11114b005bd⋯.jpeg (335.47 KB,1125x1052,1125:1052,IMG_4246.jpeg)

File: 0d1631f54d51d3c⋯.jpeg (379.2 KB,1125x977,1125:977,IMG_4247.jpeg)



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e74f88 No.21639879

Trump tweets no longer getting views and trolls are back on top of his replies .

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66ad51 No.21639881

Absolute panic, grey hats moving trillions, it's over

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951bcf No.21639882

File: 0fd3d17c073821e⋯.png (481.66 KB,923x727,923:727,1DFD5364_0799_4666_A19D_06….png)

File: d38e39a1f50dc3e⋯.png (478.13 KB,926x740,463:370,6DCBDD28_B3D3_405E_8CB0_F8….png)

File: 5a12c1818f45ba5⋯.png (511.04 KB,921x773,921:773,324E24DF_BA0A_4885_82DC_02….png)

File: 598b4bd61edefba⋯.png (497.63 KB,926x747,926:747,A468EFDB_9CB5_4FE0_B065_48….png)

File: 4ca94ccb20ef97c⋯.png (537.78 KB,931x731,931:731,12D40DE3_E4DD_4BC7_9BCD_B0….png)

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4ba466 No.21639883

File: 2fb29e60587b8d0⋯.jpg (36.66 KB,438x612,73:102,20240922_221912.jpg)


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9f8a8a No.21639884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Insider Leaks Disney's Hidden LGBTQ Youth Programs and Children's Pride Events


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8e2b8b No.21639885



I spaced out

what were we talking about again please?

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4ba466 No.21639886


i hate Sandwich

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8e2b8b No.21639887


the glory!

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83565e No.21639888

Of course it’s a larp.

So is “Q”

From what I understand. Many people had access to post as Q over the years.

The b team posted WITH q team april 2020 to may 2020 in qresearch.

I created a website to catalog their interactions with anons. If you like to read and can complete the path. You will see quite easily what was going on.

So. You would take a “b” msg and look it up in the 8kun archives and see how the timing of it coincides with the msg q was posting at the time.

For instance. On apr 18. “Q” whichever q had the keys at that time posted the two lanterns.

Significant bc it shows anons there are two teams posting.

They gave anons google drives of the playbooks to use against the enemy and to let us know what the enemy was capable of.

This is where Psywar comes in. Good psyop teams. Bad psyop teams. And neutral teams. All playing at once.

Sgt B used Babyfists Global volunteer 8kun acct.

To access Q’s private board on 5/29/21. Jfks birthday. 🤔

To help ignite the fire of questioning in our own observations. For whom is saying what and leading us down what path.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. Again I apologize for being a dick. I will follow ur page and show support to you as a method of good faith.

I hope you make your way to ask a question of b (Q}to clarify or whatever you and others would like to ask.

I won’t b offended if you do not take this opportunity. Wwg1wga

My website


B team posts with Q


Where you can ask the questions


By all means. Don’t trust. Verify on your own and use search engines to prove my links are NOT predatory.

Have a good nite

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c540a8 No.21639889

File: 7eb657fe9eb8b05⋯.png (240.24 KB,454x296,227:148,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

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9f8a8a No.21639890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Egypt's Amb. at UN: "Welcome to the World of Double Standards," Slams Israeli Envoy "A Clown"!


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37adef No.21639891

File: 9b200c6c2fb442c⋯.png (1.45 MB,1080x1575,24:35,ClipboardImage.png)

24 billion dollars down the drain

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47ac51 No.21639892

File: d7ac5a4dd329675⋯.png (355.04 KB,638x509,638:509,Screen_Shot_2024_09_22_at_….png)

Boobs for Trump.


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47ac51 No.21639893

File: cb037d074db7ae3⋯.png (802.14 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA203.png)

File: 7544a9e28b6bf26⋯.png (894.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN617.png)

File: f74067b7ef82e80⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x768,4:3,VOTE2.png)

File: dda61129f78ff72⋯.png (671.43 KB,1024x768,4:3,VOTE3.png)

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37adef No.21639894

File: 7bc45942eb518f2⋯.png (417.82 KB,675x669,225:223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c53e805854641c⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,President_Trump_says_that_….mp4)

Trump War Room


President Trump says that @elonmusk will have a role in the administration helping to root out waste, fraud, and abuse in government.

"He's a big cost cutter. He's always been good at it."

9:54 AM • Sep 22, 2024


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83565e No.21639895

What happened to the MAPS?

Have you been continuing to build them?

Are you showing the connections?

You are the plan. We only win if you don't give up.

Where are the anons gathering?

Who made you divided?

Why do you let yours friends use compromised platforms?

Where you spend your time shows how easy you are to control.

Support Free speech platforms.

-The Laughing Men

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29ae0a No.21639896


But Loomer is Jewish so how can she be antisemitic?

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3493a4 No.21639897



TY was just thinking this.

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c540a8 No.21639898

File: 4596c1c26a85e44⋯.png (242.31 KB,402x452,201:226,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

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9659ff No.21639900

File: aee1819c5aa232a⋯.jpeg (274.79 KB,1722x667,1722:667,7AD30DC2_00E6_4E37_8869_9….jpeg)

You are the Plan.

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38a722 No.21639902

Some conspiracies are just that, a conspiracy. Who are the conspirators?

Others are just theory's till proven correct.

Do not let branding stop you from thinking for yourself.

Be a thought leader not a follower.

Ask questions…

Seek the answer.

Many of our conspiracy theories have been proven as just REAL CONSPIRACIES.

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1977ea No.21639903

File: 278462c425511e5⋯.webp (133.24 KB,1290x1011,430:337,cpink8j76rid1.webp)

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9f8a8a No.21639905

File: 786d2d9014add89⋯.png (471.24 KB,557x646,557:646,ClipboardImage.png)

Phone tracking shows 90% of attendees at Kamala’s rallies are repeat visitors, indicating contrived support.

“Someone is tracking the cell phones that go to all of the Kamala rallies— 90% have been to the last two and 54% were at Arizona and Georgia. It’s all the same people. Her support is entirely contrived.”



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000000 No.21639906

Insider Paper

@TheInsiderPaper 3h

BREAKING - Trump on Sunday said he had met with Qatar's Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani at his Florida resort - Reuters

Sep 22, 2024 · 3:41 PM UTC



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9f8a8a No.21639908


Start with Tesla

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fd6c09 No.21639909

File: 98b249a37cdfae6⋯.png (671.48 KB,489x611,489:611,98b249a37cdfae606ee5c5d240….png)

File: cdc32dfb71fb8b3⋯.jpg (28.23 KB,474x455,474:455,cdc32dfb71fb8b37a7940236d8….jpg)

File: 39cbe88cf30d8dd⋯.jpeg (105.02 KB,960x830,96:83,39cbe88cf30d8dda1d94d5331….jpeg)

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37adef No.21639911

File: 4c99efa5b4f7d32⋯.png (229.9 KB,519x721,519:721,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c09d5e7fd0934d0⋯.mp4 (10.92 MB,480x270,16:9,Whistleblowers_including_t….mp4)

Whistleblowers including those closest to Diddy and his entourage are coming forward to expose what they know about sex crimes perpetrated at his infamous Freak Off parties attended by a Who’s Who of Hollywood and D.C."

TPV Sean


🚨 FBI Seize 'Horrific' Obama 'Freak Off' Tapes Featuring Underage Justin Bieber

The FBI are scrambling to cover up “damaging” footage of the Obamas and other VIP elites engaged in depraved sex acts with minors including underage popstars, according to witnesses who were present during some of their worst excesses.

Described as worse than Frazzledrip, the scope of the FBI investigation is being kept under a tight wrap because the authorities are desperate to protect the powerful names implicated in Diddy’s blackmail operation.

Unfortunately for the elite, whistleblowers including those closest to Diddy and his entourage are coming forward to expose what they know about sex crimes perpetrated at his infamous Freak Off parties attended by a Who’s Who of Hollywood and D.C.

0:03 / 15:53

12:12 PM · Sep 21, 2024


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b436b7 No.21639912


Any Planefags care to speculate on how this could be related?

Boeing gets $2.56 billion contract from US Air Force for E-7A Wedgetail aircraft

By Reuters August 9, 2024

Aug 9 (Reuters) - Boeing (BA.N), opens new tab said on Friday it had been awarded a $2.56 billion contract from the United States Air Force for two rapid prototype E-7A AEW&C Wedgetail aircraft.

The contract includes lifecycle development, training and support for the U.S. E-7A fleet, the company said in a statement.

Last month, the U.S. Air Force said it had reached a deal with Boeing for the supply of E-7 Wedgetail airborne warning and control aircraft. It downplayed concerns that the company's internal crisis would harm its ability to supply planes to the Pentagon.


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22e15d No.21639915

File: 5f881568f6ef8a5⋯.jpeg (50.23 KB,500x672,125:168,CF0CB838_5CEA_4482_9D4A_D….jpeg)

“This is not true. Separate OP. Separate ORG.

We did say when Q was going to come back.

We openly "influenced" the kuns from 4/20 to 5/5. And told the anons we were running a White Op. An anon saved it and is now hosted on the google drive and elsewhere. Or anons can review the 8kun archive and see for themselves.”


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47ac51 No.21639916

File: 3b6e02156f2be63⋯.png (391.07 KB,551x663,551:663,Screen_Shot_2024_09_22_at_….png)

what can be

the significance of

my values


by the passage

by what has been

of time

have not changed

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c3d923 No.21639917

File: 1455bd98c8f797f⋯.png (1.21 MB,1318x885,1318:885,1727001175132.png)

File: 2116d332fcb41fb⋯.png (261.88 KB,1780x655,356:131,1727001512346.png)

File: c406159911b3ec5⋯.jpg (134.02 KB,720x778,360:389,Screenshot_20240922_142637….jpg)


That Kamala Harris Bitch can Kick Rocks!




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4ba466 No.21639919

File: 40ca2a18c6a629e⋯.gif (477 KB,360x360,1:1,giphy_1_.gif)

Only one Ping


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37adef No.21639922

File: c8c7c8f21b94074⋯.mp4 (6.18 MB,576x1024,9:16,Phone_tracking_shows_90_of….mp4)


>Phone tracking shows 90% of attendees at Kamala’s rallies are repeat visitors, indicating contrived support.


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3872e9 No.21639923


b for bogus

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c3d923 No.21639927

File: 28133c99586a03e⋯.jpg (61.63 KB,696x729,232:243,Snap_20240922_050153.jpg)

File: 45c6f67b0d9258f⋯.jpg (94.35 KB,768x516,64:43,Snap_20240921_212919.jpg)

File: f98d0ed555a2d11⋯.jpg (123.9 KB,630x945,2:3,Snap_20240919_215340.jpg)

File: fd8a361620b0e72⋯.jpg (94.95 KB,736x736,1:1,Snap_20240911_061122.jpg)

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a7c2cd No.21639928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patriots are in control

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8362a9 No.21639929

File: 96538d3507509b7⋯.jpeg (39.46 KB,686x421,686:421,66CF0A80_5A38_4FA1_930C_7….jpeg)

Try, fail?

Mistakes build character.

Learn and try again.

Never never never give up.

The world is what you create.

Know. Bread.

Tell. Feed.

Show. ALL

Understand your strengths.


Know your weaknesses.

Together You Win.

You are your action.

Show them.


WRWY! Then, Now, Forever!

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4ffbbf No.21639932


He probable reads Chuck Grassley's twitter tweets on corn and realizes the Iowa School system has failed.

Chuck Grassley


Start ur wk off by LEARNING #cornwatch My corn is not quite at the dent stage yet

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37adef No.21639933

File: 10525977287ffbc⋯.png (1.32 MB,1290x1306,645:653,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING - Trump rules out running again in 2028 if defeated in November US election

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fd6c09 No.21639936

File: 71e9491c7fdd189⋯.png (341.19 KB,474x588,79:98,th_2024_09_22T123057_096.png)

File: 57e0a31a5fc028b⋯.png (313.76 KB,474x632,3:4,th_2024_09_22T123035_426.png)



They were black, but became trans-white. Fuck, none of it should really matter though.

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c61c9f No.21639937


Who Katt Williams talking to nowadays?

Would like further insight.

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393b26 No.21639938

File: 448f7ac67e07f20⋯.png (251.07 KB,423x677,423:677,fox.PNG)

BREAKING: Megan Fox has cleared her X account, leaving only 29 posts from before 2013 and has also unfollowed everyone.

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37adef No.21639941


>NHS Whistleblower: ‘We Were Instructed to Euthanize Patients to Inflate COVID Death Toll While Hospitals Sat Empty!


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641f34 No.21639942


[N]o [S]uch [A]gency

Maybe that refers to an agency that has yet to exit.

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6908a6 No.21639943

File: 452f3bae5230071⋯.mp4 (5.91 MB,720x1280,9:16,452f3bae5230071bab0d797c60….mp4)

File: 04fd8ea6275c414⋯.jpg (90.57 KB,1100x1280,55:64,04fd8ea6275c41461f11a03e64….jpg)

File: 0c24c1d11917185⋯.jpeg (3.82 MB,2736x3648,3:4,Assorted_shillelagh_1_.jpeg)

File: 556f59f9b808dc2⋯.jpg (38.33 KB,300x300,1:1,il_300x300_5524495670_9puk.jpg)

File: f9e0a0fa485dbfd⋯.png (847.35 KB,766x2072,383:1036,109_9_.png)




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37adef No.21639945


>BREAKING: Megan Fox has cleared her X account, leaving only 29 posts from before 2013 and has also unfollowed everyone.



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320161 No.21639946

File: 804836a3eaee3a3⋯.gif (1.38 MB,498x498,1:1,804836a3eaee3a3945956fd1fd….gif)

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393b26 No.21639949

File: 84f292e571ca321⋯.png (163.07 KB,438x653,438:653,foxs.PNG)


Add Megan Fox to the “celebrities deleting Twitter history for absolutely nooooo reason. Nuh uh” list.

She hasn’t tweeted since 2013… apparently.

🔗 (https://x.com/meganfox?s=21)

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3872e9 No.21639950


you got bored today and dusted off an old slide?

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9f8a8a No.21639951

File: 024c4d4cc13be60⋯.png (303.68 KB,900x333,100:37,ClipboardImage.png)

IDF Chief Halevi threatens more Hezbollah assassinations, but not explicit invasion

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Halevi threatens increased strikes against Hezbollah, emphasizing the group's rising costs amid escalating tensions.


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bd84ff No.21639953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's Dance

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37adef No.21639954

File: 6145297abb39344⋯.png (1.43 MB,1376x768,43:24,ClipboardImage.png)




>>FBI ‘completely stonewalling

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9f8a8a No.21639956

Inversion of reality via Zionist propaganda

Israel doesn’t need a pretext: striking Hezbollah is defense, not provocation

Israel's precision strikes on Hezbollah faced global criticism, despite targeting terrorists. Critics question Israel's right to defend itself effectively.


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393b26 No.21639957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Who's Gonna Drive You Home

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02384e No.21639959




Governor Reynolds and Senator Grassley probably don't even know. Those rascals at the school are pretty sneaky.

But I hear someone in a key position spilled some beans so the administrators are freaking out. Big-ly. Big-League. Badly.


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4ffbbf No.21639960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4ffbbf No.21639964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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330553 No.21639965

File: f481f3af8ae4872⋯.jpeg (52.72 KB,454x426,227:213,91136146_509C_4F9C_8F9B_0….jpeg)


2028 will be too late.

We must win Meow!!!!

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75c325 No.21639967

File: 2831abcd4f0f18b⋯.png (3.03 MB,2358x1502,1179:751,HrC_John_Legend_Kato_Kaeli….png)

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6908a6 No.21639969

File: 2a673cc0d7a1fca⋯.jpeg (398.61 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX3GthhXIAACWN6.jpeg)

File: 9327ab8e26de1c6⋯.jpeg (376.04 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX3GuYSWkAAyVDH.jpeg)

File: 25661b767402783⋯.jpeg (87.41 KB,680x680,1:1,GYE4ihKXoAAUqO1.jpeg)

File: 078ca0e83459c72⋯.jpeg (42.73 KB,680x461,680:461,OTwu8MsB.jpeg)

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37adef No.21639971

File: 27e1370a2af7653⋯.png (1.09 MB,657x1072,657:1072,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00e3d87883cb0c9⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,720x1046,360:523,Japanese_Trump_supporters_….mp4)



Japanese Trump supporters took over streets in their country, chanting Trump's iconic, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

It looks like the whole world wants Trump back

🇺🇸 🤝 🇯🇵

12:16 PM • Sep 22, 2024


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2d9019 No.21639972

File: ec1344d522b06a1⋯.png (10.98 KB,253x255,253:255,7a0002828afc98228d82e06081….png)

The winds of change are blowing back in your face because you farted into the wind yo

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fd6c09 No.21639973



I hear tell that the man talks to God a lot

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393b26 No.21639974

File: d41977dd6bb054e⋯.png (448.49 KB,583x824,583:824,ao.PNG)




Guys, this tycoon who (along with six other folks) died in what can only be described as a freak of nature event that sunk his yacht, saw his business partner killed just days before while he was out for an evening run.

Now there may be "sensitive data" of interest to foreign nations in watertight safes on said yacht on the sea floor.




5:02 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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37adef No.21639975

File: 59eac0112c712dc⋯.png (148.55 KB,597x1387,597:1387,ClipboardImage.png)

Fact Check: Scamala Harris

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9f8a8a No.21639976

File: 1b38fbe40e7ade2⋯.png (331.44 KB,445x511,445:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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eee66f No.21639980

File: 9ac00a2593c354b⋯.jpg (708.36 KB,1080x1945,216:389,Screenshot_20240922_123623….jpg)

File: 442c2b36762eb0d⋯.jpg (308.93 KB,1080x1244,270:311,Screenshot_20240922_123722….jpg)


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37adef No.21639981

File: 95f94095ea99b54⋯.png (580.08 KB,768x264,32:11,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Harris Inflation Continues Crushing Middle Class - Only Donald Trump Has the Policies to Stop it

If there is one economic dynamic we have talked about on these pages more than the rest, its inflation. {Background} The root causes of inflation are two-fold, monetary policy and energy policy. However, when combined they represent a predictable outcome…


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9f8a8a No.21639982


On a daily basis, Lipstadt meets with Jewish stakeholders, Jewish organizations, US Senate members, prioritizes issues with her staff, and meets with senior members of the State Department to discuss how to encourage more countries and institutions to sign the guidelines.

“Many of the countries who are signatories, including my own, have national strategies, but that’s each in a silo,” Lipstadt explained to the Post.


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393b26 No.21639983

File: 6b634400e8db7d4⋯.png (24.24 KB,592x415,592:415,sup.PNG)




Starting to feel like this Diddy web of sex party attendees could be the 2024 “October surprise”

Pretty tough for Hollywood celebrities to give endorsements when they’re all defending themselves from Diddy sex party attendances

And how many Democrat politicians are wrapped up is this




8:04 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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393b26 No.21639987

File: 9597e8eb0289500⋯.png (127.86 KB,588x774,98:129,nt.PNG)


Chief Nerd


“In just the last few weeks, at least six teenaged football players have died…There were 16 football fatalities in 2023, according to the annual report from the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research.

Of those deaths, three were due to traumatic injuries while 10 were related to exertion or medical issues like sudden cardiac arrest, heat stroke, aneurysms or asthma.”


7:16 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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6908a6 No.21639988

File: 165841f9597fa73⋯.png (1.09 MB,1000x828,250:207,165841f9597fa73619d481561e….png)

File: 06fc67f001e89c9⋯.png (450.09 KB,521x567,521:567,06fc67f001e89c90ac7a118e03….png)

File: 9a87ee9afeb3250⋯.jpg (150.49 KB,906x1200,151:200,c36uyhsbaky71.jpg)

File: 07bc859c084ddda⋯.jpeg (91.78 KB,884x723,884:723,GXj8xYEawAAxfIV.jpeg)


she's drive fuck the insurance policy

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ee5842 No.21639989

File: 5b6f00badb8e3cc⋯.jpg (30.28 KB,1236x531,412:177,20240922_223821.jpg)

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37adef No.21639991

File: 0bcdc0bbdf29da7⋯.png (369.21 KB,600x300,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Oklahoma clears 453,000 names of ineligible voters, including felons, deceased persons from voter rolls

“Voting is our most sacred duty as Americans— and every Oklahoman wants to know their vote is securely cast and properly counted.”


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75c325 No.21639992

File: d08f496c5582430⋯.png (1.92 MB,2058x900,343:150,John_Legend_HRC_Kato.png)

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4ba466 No.21639993

Our prayers for Kentuckian Scum Mother…

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984c7e No.21639994

File: 2291d4e5ddf0b30⋯.png (1.37 MB,1015x665,29:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3d5ceebc44a1c1⋯.png (1.2 MB,1428x883,1428:883,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fa7d4e9539a871⋯.png (717.52 KB,1416x710,708:355,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7f4e4df6d55b58⋯.png (1.3 MB,1436x873,1436:873,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35b7d97182ea788⋯.png (1.27 MB,1458x883,1458:883,ClipboardImage.png)



stupid cunt..wonder why that is

still has ig up though

archive it while it's public


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c871bf No.21639999


Yea but in California you can buy a child

for s*x. If your caught, it's only a misdemeanor

for fuck's sake ! Newscum did that.

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ed5ceb No.21640001

File: 870f6bcdee6a13c⋯.png (569.13 KB,560x638,280:319,A63FC7D2_0CC6_465E_BB44_2F….png)

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37adef No.21640003

File: 54d88b38418bc2a⋯.png (791.38 KB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


It only took 23 years for this picture to come true.

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ed5ceb No.21640004

File: 9f4365188771dba⋯.jpeg (173.11 KB,800x601,800:601,D23A07A7_FB6F_4138_8D63_7….jpeg)

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393b26 No.21640005

File: f17f1a93f161aa5⋯.png (21.1 KB,599x298,599:298,jw.PNG)


James Watkins



Active participants in my former Telegram channel are cordially invited to the Aluminum Recycling Club.


Aluminum Recycling

Let's get the gang back together and do our part. Recycling those things that must be to save our environment from the coming storm. The storm is coming.

7:46 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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000000 No.21640006

Barack Obama

@BarackObama 2h

44 days. That’s all the time we have left until Election Day. @KamalaHarris has the vision, strength, and compassion to lead this country forward. Make your voice heard—make a plan to vote early, vote by mail, or head to the polls. go.kamalaharris.com

Sep 22, 2024 · 5:30 PM UTC


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c013c7 No.21640007

drip drip flood - has Draino used that phrase before? Q-specific


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eee66f No.21640009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9f8a8a No.21640012

Intel under fire: ADL sues tech giant over rampant workplace antisemitism

The ADL has joined a lawsuit against Intel, accusing the company of antisemitic workplace discrimination against an Israeli employee.

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt emphasized the significance of the case, stating, “We cannot allow antisemitism to threaten the livelihoods of workers and their families. Intel failed to protect a talented Israeli employee from workplace discrimination, instead punishing him for raising concerns about his hostile anti-Israel manager. ADL is committed to holding Intel accountable for this injustice and reminding all businesses that such bigotry is unacceptable.”


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ed5ceb No.21640013

File: 39450c7a974a3d4⋯.jpeg (272.92 KB,1366x911,1366:911,3EA7809A_56C3_4D56_B29E_5….jpeg)

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578daa No.21640015


The real Taylor Swift.


>US antisemitism envoy


Does the US have an antiWhite Christian envoy?

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60af89 No.21640017

File: a77bb921eda0997⋯.png (420.77 KB,853x403,853:403,trump_fight_fight_fight_an….png)

File: 611ed061e46b175⋯.webm (1.47 MB,904x900,226:225,TRUMP_FIGHT_FIGHT_FIGHT_.webm)

File: 653541c4ae5eb94⋯.png (101.46 KB,387x258,3:2,q_proof_fight_fight_fight_….png)

File: 0b45cb23a605f00⋯.png (1.87 MB,2362x1712,1181:856,q_proof_fight_fight_fight.png)

File: ddead9dc981d2cb⋯.png (472.26 KB,720x480,3:2,Trump_survived_shooting_fi….png)


>Japanese Trump supporters took over streets in their country, chanting Trump's iconic, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

is this the biggest Q proof ever?

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4eb2ac No.21640018


Hey - you know he other night someone posted

[R] [R]

and all the anons were like?

Why couldn't that be

[Renegade] and [Renaissance]

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393b26 No.21640019

File: f23774a41796f23⋯.png (309.01 KB,587x483,587:483,vc.PNG)


Insider Paper


BREAKING - California's Ventura city residents ordered to evacuate due to "potentially dangerous levels" of hydrocarbon vapors, officials say


7:53 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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37adef No.21640021

File: ae831607f9ca12b⋯.png (1016.23 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f8a8a No.21640023



Why does Jim have a admin badge on X

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393b26 No.21640026

File: 049ccf75789b9c4⋯.png (495.96 KB,592x808,74:101,sunshine.PNG)


James Watkins


I am a sinner. I have committed some of the worst sins a man can commit in his life. I have confessed these and done penance for them. The sins that I am accused of, I have not committed. In these cases, I was the victim, not the perpetrator.

The level of evil behind this, is unprecedented in my life. I hope that as these things happen to other patriots(and they will), those people will continue to stand up.

Sunshine patriots need not apply to join the Great Awakening.


8:00 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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31b7c6 No.21640029


>>something something vaping

What going on here?

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fd6c09 No.21640031

File: a78f37cd9b1dad2⋯.png (440.76 KB,790x756,395:378,Screenshot_20240922_124639….png)


>deleting Twitter history

Who's on the list for this round so far?

Megan Fox




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9f8a8a No.21640033

All the times the FBI had a suspect on its radar before a major tragedy

The FBI has been notified about the dangers that certain people could pose at least five times in recent years, and those people went on to commit a mass shooting, or attempted to kill Trump. Here is a look at those incidents and what the FBI admitted to knowing before the events.


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37adef No.21640035


>BREAKING - California's Ventura city residents ordered to evacuate due to "potentially dangerous levels" of hydrocarbon vapors, officials say



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ed5ceb No.21640036

File: 486f3fd21177b9f⋯.mp4 (617.47 KB,480x852,40:71,kqtQd_6siQpSS8bp.mp4)



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393b26 No.21640037



"These are the times that try men's souls."

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185955 No.21640040

File: e88c94fc739868b⋯.png (2.33 MB,1440x1829,1440:1829,ClipboardImage.png)



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37adef No.21640041


>California's Ventura city

The population was 110,763 at the 2020 census.

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393b26 No.21640043

File: 8b70d0cc49a92ad⋯.png (102.67 KB,436x670,218:335,ig.PNG)


Dang, Megan’s not playing. She completely wiped her IG account 👀

🔗 (https://www.instagram.com/meganfox)

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60af89 No.21640044



diddy dem commie media music shutdown pedo rape - now with some shits called pink and usher

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7b5fbd No.21640046

File: 0598995289f9877⋯.png (1.36 MB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_4060.png)

Tits for Trump

An OnlyFans model was thrown out of Donald Trump's New York rally after flashing her breasts at the former president.

Ava Louise, 26, was escorted out of Nassau Coliseum on Long Island Wednesday night after she whipped off her top and exposed her chest to Trump and his crowd of 16,000 people.

Continued at:


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51442c No.21640048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Teamsters President SCORCHES AOC!

The Jimmy Dore Show

Teamsters President Sean O’Brien rebuked Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over her criticism for the Teamsters not endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris, arguingshe has her own problems to deal with.

Ocasio-Cortez claimed that the Teamsters and O’Brien would call on the Democratic Party for help when they needed help “at the negotiating table.”O’Brien, however, argued otherwise, stating President Joe Biden, “along with the former secretary of labor,” had been the ones calling the Teamsters to settle negotiations to prevent potential rail strikes.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the clash and how itexemplifies AOC’s utter and complete subsumption into the Democratic Party.



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37adef No.21640049

File: acf22a21bd4d161⋯.png (1.52 MB,801x1080,89:120,ClipboardImage.png)


>Of course it’s a larp.


>So is “Q”



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ec0b8b No.21640050

File: c3358f5f8c3434b⋯.png (234.41 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_144559.png)

How long will it be until this comes out.

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eee66f No.21640052

File: b9de97f6a1757b1⋯.png (746.01 KB,825x900,11:12,b9de97f6a1757b1e04debac6da….png)

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fd6c09 No.21640054


Is that shopped? There is no way that faggot is dangerous enough to require that much LEO coverage

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984c7e No.21640055

File: fcc58ac4fa0839d⋯.png (1.37 MB,1440x883,1440:883,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 966fa3e3db71292⋯.png (1.61 MB,1434x883,1434:883,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01e32bc7f0df165⋯.png (1.54 MB,1251x883,1251:883,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dddc0e29677767⋯.png (1.38 MB,728x973,104:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19297d819caf6e3⋯.png (1.85 MB,1417x883,1417:883,ClipboardImage.png)


and she's in a hetero relationship with kids while pushing the faggot agenda

words can't describe the disdain i have for people like that

2 faced pandering cunt

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ec0b8b No.21640056

File: 87286ea43e06fcb⋯.jpg (29.47 KB,632x840,79:105,FB_IMG_1727034234662.jpg)

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ca22fc No.21640057

File: 2f5ebe2c61b9a10⋯.jpg (45.98 KB,474x711,2:3,3167f7442f2bb9156c78b4f860….jpg)

File: a29050e1460886e⋯.webp (20.43 KB,584x328,73:41,hamlet901.webp)

File: 97c8c2521c50318⋯.gif (5.54 MB,500x353,500:353,000nightshiftpriest.gif)

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393b26 No.21640058

File: acb022aec667592⋯.png (281.53 KB,594x714,99:119,boone.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸



7:08 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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000000 No.21640059



>Mike Pompeo


>@mikepompeo 3h


>"Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy." Proverbs 28:13 #SundayScripture

Hi Jim, Why would you do exactly what Kansas says?

Are you confessing?

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6908a6 No.21640060


call a taxi or an ubet

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d947d7 No.21640061

Maria Orsic channeled negative ET's and passed the information to Hitler.

I suspect we channel positive ET's and that are helping us destroy the D.S.

The Law of Free will, you have to ask for help. That goes for each of (You) as well.

If you want help from angels etc. You have to ask. They will NOT violate your free will and incur the karmic repercussions for doing so.

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37adef No.21640062

File: 1eb4692baf93f5c⋯.png (795.58 KB,500x621,500:621,ClipboardImage.png)

Only 39 days till Halloween!

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ca22fc No.21640063

File: e7457399f80ccf6⋯.png (404.29 KB,520x720,13:18,00000000000000000000000.png)



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9f8a8a No.21640064

File: b0ebe921010930d⋯.png (265.89 KB,628x594,314:297,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7edd539b694ada0⋯.png (65.27 KB,618x544,309:272,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71d8f3d03474f1c⋯.png (60.29 KB,635x527,635:527,ClipboardImage.png)

What is Known About US Private Military Companies?

Members of American private military company (PMC) the Forward Observations Group (FOG), took part in the Ukrainian military incursion into Russia's Kursk region, according to evidence that recently surfaced.

The FOG PMC has also delivered weapons to Ukraine and allegedly assisted the country’s forces in coordinating the delivery of toxic chemicals to the Donetsk People’s Republic for potential sabotage.


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37adef No.21640067

File: f17eaf9dc902e88⋯.png (500.05 KB,529x400,529:400,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Adrenochrome Witch

>by Sean Diddy Combs

Is this book real?

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b436b7 No.21640068

Canada #63 >>21639721

Caterpillar Pulls Back On DEI, Joining John Deere, Ford, and Others

Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times Sunday, Sep 22, 2024

Caterpillar Inc. has introduced new guidelines that refocus the company’s various employee programs on core business goals as part a broader review of its Code of Conduct and other underpinnings of corporate culture.

With the move, the company joins a growing number of U.S. companies that are rethinking policies related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as such initiatives come under pressure from conservative activists.

The updated guidelines, laid out in a Sept. 19 internal memo from the company’s executive office to employees that was viewed by The Epoch Times, include mandating senior management approval for external speakers at company events, concentrating employee training programs on promoting “high performance,” and establishing new rules for employee resource groups.

Caterpillar executives wrote in the memo that the new guidance comes after a “comprehensive review” of programs and policies, with the changes meant to better align the company’s culture with its enterprise strategy.

“All training, both formal and informal, must be focused on our business and designed to foster high performance and execution of our enterprise strategy,” the memo reads.

Initiatives related to external recognition for employees, such as surveys and awards, must be focused on the company’s business objectives and be approved in writing by upper level management.

The use of any external speakers must also be approved by managers, who are responsible for ensuring that speakers are properly vetted and that the content “aligns to our enterprise strategy and our purpose.”

Employee Resource Groups (ERG), which Caterpillar says exist “to foster an inclusive culture” through networking, mentoring, and staff development opportunities, must now operate explicitly “in support of enterprise strategy,” with the memo indicating that the company will provide more detailed ERG guidelines for staff in the near future.

Conservative activist Robby Starbuck, who has campaigned against DEI programs at other companies, claimed in a post on social media that the changes at Caterpillar were made after he began communicating with the company last week and threatened “to expose their woke policies.”

Starbuck characterized the changes as amounting to doing away with “woke” trainings, banning donations to “divisive” events, and ensuring that there’s nothing “divisive or politically charged” in the material presented by external speakers.

“Those employees will no longer be subjected to the insanity we found during our investigation,” Starbuck wrote. “Work going forward should be a neutral place for everyone to co-exist without any ideology or divisive issues shoved down their throat. This is a massive win for sanity.”

Caterpillar did not respond to a request for comment on the changes and on whether they were prompted by Starbuck’s actions.

Starbuck recently put John Deere into his anti-DEI crosshairs, accusing the company of having “gone woke” and being all-in on DEI, with the agricultural machinery maker subsequently dialing down on its DEI programs.

He also launched a similar campaign against Tractor Supply, which led to a boycott that prompted the company to back away from its DEI initiatives.

Other companies, including Ford, Harley-Davidson, Lowe’s, and Molson Coors have revised their DEI-related policies in recent months.

As companies such as Caterpillar pull back on DEI efforts, advocacy groups have warned of potential consequences. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), in a letter co-signed by other civil rights organizations, claimed that abandoning DEI efforts could prove harmful.

​​”Abandoning DEI will have long-term consequences on business success—ultimately shirking fiduciary responsibility to employees, consumers, and shareholders,” the letter stated, pointing to studies showing that companies with diverse workforces tend to outperform their peers financially.

“Businesses that fail to include women, people of color, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ people neglect their financial duty to recruit and retain top talent from across the full talent pool and limit their company’s performance overall,” the letter states.

HRC puts out a Corporate Equality Index that gives companies DEI scores, with points for having an LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group, for instance. The group calls the index the “national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer employees.”

HRC claims that an “extreme group of right-wing activists” is trying to pressure companies into abandoning their DEI programs.

Starbuck wrote in his message on social media that Caterpillar had also ditched participation in HRC’s Corporate Equality Index.

A spokesperson for Caterpillar told Bloomberg that the company has been in communication with Starbuck and confirmed the content of the executive office memo to staff. However, the spokesperson denied that the company’s decision to withdraw from the the Corporate Equality Index—which took place last year—was related to Starbuck’s activism in any way.


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e810ec No.21640069


Well that sucked

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393b26 No.21640070

File: dcabeb8fa6df5fb⋯.png (108.25 KB,443x636,443:636,cb.PNG)


2 followers? This can’t be legit.


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60af89 No.21640073

File: f29b6d547ce46fd⋯.jpg (197.36 KB,1179x1876,1179:1876,tim_walz_lt_governor_of_mn….jpg)

File: 3ea2ddfe0a5019d⋯.jpeg (81.01 KB,862x575,862:575,trump_listening_to_god.jpeg)

File: 24b4d0ce5aebf8a⋯.png (66.17 KB,592x791,592:791,nov_5th_fireworks_guy_fawk….png)

File: 49eb575a8fa01cd⋯.png (269.58 KB,680x383,680:383,tranny_shit_shooting_ga_co….png)

File: 1ae58a4260f64ab⋯.png (249.67 KB,380x680,19:34,tranny_shit_shooting_ga_co….png)


>you got bored today and dusted off an old slide?

not much to slide this afternoon.

have to use a different reason to not like it.

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a7c2cd No.21640074

File: 892f82e9611008f⋯.jpg (58.58 KB,557x424,557:424,Clipboard03.jpg)

File: 7cf1efa3f1c8901⋯.jpg (108.63 KB,653x408,653:408,Clipboard02.jpg)

File: f3fbf5e244e7884⋯.jpg (133.33 KB,752x409,752:409,Clipboard04.jpg)


If it fits it sits

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4ffbbf No.21640076


>0 Haitians

1 Brazilian.

Illegal migrant indicted over serial child rapes on ritzy island where Obamas own $12m mansion

9 September 2024

A 24-year-old illegal migrant has been indicted over serial child rapes that took place on posh Martha's Vineyard - the Massachusetts getaway beloved by the rich and famous.

Warley Neto, a Brazilian national, who had been living illegally in the country since 2018, was charged with five counts of rape of a child and five counts of enticing a child under 16-years-old.


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37adef No.21640077

File: 94973ba3a1ae429⋯.png (657.54 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Who's not suprised???

NFL's 'Nonpartisan' Voter Registration Effort Partners Only with Left-Wing Organizations

The NFL claims to have a "nonpartisan" get out the vote effort, but its list of partners reveals it has only teamed with left-wingers.


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578daa No.21640078

File: 23e38d6ee7289fe⋯.png (108.91 KB,382x268,191:134,blue.png)


Might be interesting to compare that chart to a global vaccination chart, or a global water fluoridation chart.

We should be finding out what the blue countries are, or aren't doing.

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ec0b8b No.21640079


I just looked it up and it is real

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ed5ceb No.21640080

File: f57cff48a33de8a⋯.png (884.65 KB,800x800,1:1,968C8E2A_18C1_44D5_AC28_BC….png)

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37adef No.21640083


>I just looked it up and it is real

It should be DUG and posted and NOTABLE

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c61c9f No.21640085


Oh look!

The point.

There it goes.

Too bad you missed it.

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7fde79 No.21640086

File: 9901d50e47c3e6d⋯.png (742.42 KB,910x722,455:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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393b26 No.21640087

File: 2f772383541154b⋯.png (639.59 KB,599x835,599:835,hj.PNG)


James Watkins


Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun. There's a dedicated news section linked from the front page, and it's a platform where human reporters won't be replaced by AI. In other words, if you haven't fully embraced it yet, your career might be at risk of coming to an abrupt end.

#news #reporters #journalist


7:05 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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35a0cd No.21640089

File: f43b80bc4f68a69⋯.png (160.61 KB,859x876,859:876,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94c1939217c55b0⋯.png (18.65 KB,203x249,203:249,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)

File: e9b5f85365d2eaa⋯.gif (989.52 KB,400x389,400:389,a_wwg1_wga_lion.gif)



There is 43 days remaining.

a little in front a lot behind,

the sands of time keep dropping.

Fear is a double edged sword.

you best start believing in Endings.

Above all, vote and keep moving forward.

God Wins.


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6908a6 No.21640090

File: b94e614495f17d7⋯.jpeg (51.31 KB,680x396,170:99,GXoF8vkawAA_UfJ.jpeg)

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b436b7 No.21640093

File: 8c624ff762e0da8⋯.jpg (13.24 KB,255x244,255:244,8c624ff762e0da8aefd9c579ff….jpg)



fuggin jpost as sauce

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57d0f2 No.21640095

File: 39e392ca1b11bb2⋯.png (798.45 KB,1271x733,1271:733,39e392ca1b11bb223701952c01….png)


She died …

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60af89 No.21640096

File: 9fbac631471c159⋯.png (289.31 KB,500x500,1:1,leftist_hate_tds_against_t….png)

File: a166fab40dfc3cf⋯.png (129.93 KB,585x508,585:508,Sent_At_Least_80_of_Haitia….png)

File: d7c62586d783827⋯.jpg (422.85 KB,1536x2048,3:4,trump_shanksville_2024_9_1….jpg)

File: 1dd191c1350160c⋯.png (6.83 MB,1800x1349,1800:1349,DEW_energy_weapon_911_hole….png)


>need not apply

wait who pissed you off now? i missed that part

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c540a8 No.21640097

File: 2d1edbe5049a122⋯.png (190.16 KB,310x696,155:348,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)


Reid signed 14-year-old Usher to the label, whose six album releases have sold 65 million units worldwide.[14]

Reid signed artists such as Pink (whose November 2001 album Missundaztood sold 5 million copies in the US) and Ciara (whose September 2004 debut album Goodies sold 2.5 million copies in the US).[19]

Reid also played a role in the successes of artists such as Kanye West, Rihanna, Bon Jovi, and Justin Bieber and was credited for the musical comeback of Jennifer Lopez with her 2011 album Love?

Sexual misconduct allegations

In May 2017, the media reported that one of Reid's female assistants filed a sexual misconduct claim against him. Epic Records executives allegedly refused to intervene at the time.[65] Reid soon departed from Sony's Epic Records.[66][67]

In November 2023, former music executive Drew Dixon, who worked with Reid at Arista Records between 2000 and 2002, filed a sexual assault lawsuit against him in the Federal District Court in Manhattan, alleging that Reid sexually assaulted her on two occasions.[68] The lawsuit, which was filed under the New York Adult Survivors Act, charged that Reid's misconduct forced Dixon out of the music business.[69]


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393b26 No.21640098

File: cc38b65f8eac8e0⋯.png (21.43 KB,593x277,593:277,jr.PNG)


John Rich🇺🇸


Add Megan Fox to the list of deletes…


John Rich🇺🇸




Why has @pink and @usher both deleted their entire posting history on X as of today?

Rate proposed Community Notes

8:27 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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60af89 No.21640099

File: 5e502ebb6b520fc⋯.mp4 (14.79 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Heather_O_Rourke_death_CNN….mp4)

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02384e No.21640100

File: 198bbec24cbbb02⋯.png (27.06 KB,750x563,750:563,President_Trump_You_ll_Fin….png)


>Who is that foreign entity?

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31b7c6 No.21640101


is it HRC or JLo?

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000000 No.21640102



Live update:Report: Senior Iranian official says Hezbollah pager could have caused helicopter crash that killed Raisi


* * *


Sep 22, 2024 · 2:32 PM UTC


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96e8d7 No.21640103

Doesn't make sense, I have totally lost my grip.

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ed5ceb No.21640104

File: cc28da1a077ce9f⋯.png (2.93 MB,1600x1600,1:1,DC97483E_427F_4BBD_AB21_3F….png)

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7a45c5 No.21640105

File: f409624b6792ac7⋯.jpg (25.13 KB,255x241,255:241,335dcc9dbda646ccc3f72ec68c….jpg)

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393b26 No.21640106

Rachel Chandler

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31b7c6 No.21640107


When the left start a community note, ya know it's good

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af99e6 No.21640109

File: bc75ed9137508fa⋯.png (32.01 KB,784x192,49:12,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a7b0a1820a1ac3⋯.png (152.75 KB,454x580,227:290,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e465655ee4ec1b2⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x745,1024:745,ClipboardImage.png)

Just here me out guys.

Life Church holds 85k

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6908a6 No.21640111

File: c4a6268c03e8424⋯.png (538.4 KB,680x383,680:383,c4a6268c03e84246dfe4eae400….png)

File: d37099919819b0d⋯.jpeg (146.13 KB,1677x1118,3:2,GX5r0OAWoAANd1U.jpeg)

File: 00877ad818b864b⋯.png (662.83 KB,766x1496,383:748,1658_2_.png)

File: d1ffb307e98d153⋯.gif (975.38 KB,320x240,4:3,RUvwvFk.gif)

File: 340a70a1e49d128⋯.jpeg (371.11 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GXdrAz1WEAAPWyD.jpeg)

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fa0c86 No.21640112


they ganged up on that little girl.

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4eb2ac No.21640113

File: d8ec358c099282a⋯.png (821.33 KB,544x680,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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d947d7 No.21640115

Chandler = Child Handler

Diddy = Diddler

How many more of these?

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5bbaa8 No.21640116


That was a movie

Monsters Ball

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393b26 No.21640117

File: 14994e69163e86a⋯.png (109.98 KB,590x582,295:291,halp.PNG)


Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes


P. Diddy is not a distraction!

P. Diddy is the first domino!

Slapped with racketeering conspiracy (RICO) and sex trafficking charges, among other counts sex trafficking!

6:21 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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eee66f No.21640118

File: c9e44d0805a790d⋯.png (688.08 KB,466x700,233:350,c9e44d0805a790dd167637259d….png)

File: 425a19bc4e8fdad⋯.jpg (123.48 KB,500x734,250:367,425a19bc4e8fdadeeccc936936….jpg)

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b436b7 No.21640119


Times of Israel is also trash

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a49643 No.21640120


Q spam derangement syndrome:

where someone who has no idea about Q just spams Q posts day after day after day and keeps getting deleted from the breads.

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09ddb8 No.21640121


date and time stamp please

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ed5ceb No.21640122

File: 5158d8358f2607d⋯.png (2.98 MB,1600x1600,1:1,016DCC0B_23A8_4AAC_9421_ED….png)

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31b7c6 No.21640123


Cabal kabala

Trump Triumph

Potato potāto

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000000 No.21640125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


@theObamaoffice deleted.


>Add Megan Fox to the list of deletes…




RED1: POTUS twitter removal


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6908a6 No.21640126

File: 0ef8a6df5acaa2d⋯.mp4 (72.28 KB,256x144,16:9,images_10_.mp4)

File: 1c82fe1a04447cf⋯.mp4 (506.56 KB,918x712,459:356,1c82fe1a04447cfa36fae93077….mp4)

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c540a8 No.21640128

File: 3923437e6d85d77⋯.png (800.74 KB,659x728,659:728,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

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984c7e No.21640129

File: baddd971e71d9c5⋯.png (446.61 KB,666x730,333:365,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad7f06ee4b65693⋯.png (11.94 KB,656x114,328:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ffbbf No.21640130

File: cda1f778a9bf917⋯.jpg (64.85 KB,687x693,229:231,Stockholmgas_1953.jpg)


>More than 700 high-ranking national security officials endorse Harris

Sure thing.

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000000 No.21640131


NCSWIC agent.


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31b7c6 No.21640133


If you only knew how bad things real are.

Obama resorts to calling out digits

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a35b3f No.21640134


Why would Obama, the 44th POTUS, post '44' days until the election?

Shadow President.

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60af89 No.21640135



HEar the mixed up stories though.


CNN said intestine burst (violent anal rape)

winkler blaming the father.

have you seen the video with the mother where she's all big big smiles so happy

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393b26 No.21640136

File: 8f0f7980e0b3d52⋯.png (757.45 KB,924x677,924:677,oops.PNG)

File: f708e3c0b1c8002⋯.png (2.3 MB,1506x590,753:295,opps.PNG)


Whoops: Did You Notice This Small Problem

With Kamala's Oprah Zoom Audience?

Red State, by Nick Arama

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 9/22/2024 3:59:53 PM

I wanted to hit upon a couple of things that people were posting on X about the Kamala Oprah debacle and clear up one story that's floating out there. (Snip) There appear to be duplicates in the Zoom audience, despite the fact that Oprah was talking about this great "grassroots" effort. Here's a shot from the ABC News video at 2:00 minutes in. Check the second and third rows from the top. You see in the second row from the top, starting from the left, there are seven people. Those same seven people are then repeated in the third row, starting from the middle.

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4eb2ac No.21640137


All the Obama loyalists have self identified.

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a49643 No.21640138


not enough useless middle managers for Jonathan?

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7cf330 No.21640139

File: 81027644dd690fe⋯.jpg (29.57 KB,700x700,1:1,downloadfile_1.jpg)

Who has the pic of diddys dildo and baby oil collection.

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eee66f No.21640140

File: db3f1ac21f4161a⋯.jpg (580.31 KB,1080x1930,108:193,Screenshot_20240922_130902….jpg)

File: a0eea9f56a24ee3⋯.jpg (610.44 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Screenshot_20240922_130851….jpg)


Only takes one to bring the whole thing down.


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393b26 No.21640141

File: 976b03ea6e1d921⋯.png (718.27 KB,970x772,485:386,spew.PNG)


The Abortion Lies Kamala Will Spew In

Atlanta Are The Ones That Killed Amber

Thurman And Candi Miller

The Federalist, by Jordan Boyd

Posted By: earlybird, 9/22/2024 3:43:00 PM

Vice President Kamala Harris will use her short appearance in Atlanta Friday afternoon to falsely blame Georgia’s lifesaving pro-life law for the deaths of at least two women. The untimely passings of Amber Thurman, Candi Miller, and their babies, however, had nothing to do with the Peach State’s protections and everything to do with Democrats and corporate media’s dangerous abortion rhetoric. ProPublica, an outlet known for doing Democrats’ dirty work, resurfaced Thurman’s and Miller’s 2022 passings this week in an attempt to vilify pro-life laws ahead of the 2024 election. The women’s deaths were both the direct result of a drug regimen responsible for more than half of the nation’s abortions.

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000000 No.21640142


I'm curious how many of them use beepers or pagers.

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3872e9 No.21640143


five graphics will do. filtered.

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08f8f3 No.21640144



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01de53 No.21640145

File: 68c5f6a29e5b141⋯.jpg (143.84 KB,600x1022,300:511,LightningHands.jpg)

Not all native, follow the same story.

Thunderbird's feathers, carry electric, and when pulsed, make direct hits. Or the use of palms, and finger tips, while in human form.

List what lightning, strikes, should be direct targets. There's no hiding place, that will remain hidden.

Go get um, Thunderbird

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2fef2b No.21640146

File: eee732f5d3474c3⋯.gif (200.71 KB,112x112,1:1,eee732f5d3474c37ff70fbe9a2….gif)


Judge Joe Brown is on video talking about the fact that Homeland Security raided his LA house and questioning why not FbeeEye. He said that was FbeeEyes jurisdiction so must be they want somebody else and flushing them out or they want to protect someone by flushing them out and grabbing the evidence. Allowing homeland to do their work makes him think it's somebody BIG!

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37adef No.21640147

File: 0799d0699c499bd⋯.png (1.1 MB,812x1265,812:1265,ClipboardImage.png)

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48e6c5 No.21640148

@500 or thereabouts


#26502 >>21639502

>>21639525, >>21639655 Why “health experts” are gunning for RFK. He plans to dismantle the big pharma

>>21639568 @GenFlynn - MAKE AMERICA VOTE AGAIN

>>21639604 Barry's Foreign Student ID going around for new eyes

>>21639606, >>21639615 SSRIs changed meds—14yo girl one week later murders her mother and invites friend over to view the dead body

>>21639618, >>21640076 Springfield - 25 square miles - 20,000 Haitians ● Martha's Vineyard - 96 square miles - 0 Haitians

>>21639620 All about Kamala Harris' Father Donald J. Harris

>>21639628 Politicians funnel billions into NGOs then steal it. Money Laundering 101

>>21639657, >>21639661, >>21639663, >>21639689, >>21639730, >>21639809, >>21640097 Diddy Dirtz Dug

>>21639674 The Lion, "every once in a while he has to show the jackels, who he is"

>>21639682, >>21639705 Over 700 Deep Staters Join And Dick Cheney, Iran, And IRS Union In Endorsing Harris

>>21639708, >>21639717 Kamala Harris’s campaign announces that she can’t handle comedy roast catholic fundraiser

>>21639709 Erdogan Says Israel Is Dragging Whole Region Into All-Out War

>>21639719, >>21639725, >>21639760, >>21639795, >>21639829, >>21639956, >>21640102 Latest from the Middle East

>>21639731, >>21639733 Kamala's Communist Cafe - A Buffet of Many Sauces

>>21639741 Grenell Details Upcoming Trump Event Exposing Chinese Threat to American Agriculture

>>21639744 How CIA & NATO Train Journalists To Do Their Bidding! w/ Mike Benz

>>21639751 Milley ignored Trump's NG request on J6 then placed mil under his control while secret talks with China

>>21639781 Russia reports strike on ship carrying Western weapons to Ukraine- RT

>>21639793 video - China's Mandate To Spy on America

>>21639803 Fetterman likes Fracking now because "um, hehe, they're eating dogs, they're eating cats, hehe ya know"

>>21639816 Military Memetics Overview

>>21639818 Secret Service Agent "Accidentally" Shoots Himself with His Own Weapon

>>21639834, >>21639906 TRUMP TRUTH Meeting w/Qatar Leaders at MAL

>>21639847 @SpeakerJohnson's Budget Resolution Excludes 'SAVE Act' to stop illegal aliens from voting in elections

>>21639853 Doug Emhoff: Not Fair To Criticize Kamala Harris For Not Doing Her Job

>>21639870 RFK "Trump and I are going to replace the corrupt industry-captured officials with honest public servants"

>>21639873 Guantanamo Bay 9/11 Defense lawyers are in meetings, preparing for a Week 2

>>21639876 NHS Whistleblower - we were told to kill the patients to make fake plague moar real

>>21639905, >>21639922 Phone tracking shows 90% of attendees at Kamala’s rallies are contrived support

>>21639938, >>21639949 BREAKING: Megan Fox has cleared her X account

>>21639971 Trump supporters in Japan took over streets chanting Trump's iconic, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

>>21639987 Too Many young football players have died sudden from cardiac arrest, heat stroke, aneurysms or asthma

>>21639991 Oklahoma clears 453,000 names of ineligible voters (felons, deceased) from voter rolls

>>21640005 @thejimwatkins - Aluminum Recycling Let's get the gang back together and do our part.

>>21640026 @thejimwatkins - Sunshine patriots need not apply to join the Great Awakening.

>>21640087 @thejimwatkins - Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun.

>>21640089 Only 43 Days Until WINNING

>>21640117 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes - P. Diddy is not a distraction! P. Diddy is the first domino!

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2bc285 No.21640149

File: 147bb8bd1086c3e⋯.png (101.72 KB,657x527,657:527,1674602437934563.png)


I feels it

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4eb2ac No.21640150



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ec0b8b No.21640151

File: c3358f5f8c3434b⋯.png (234.41 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_144559.png)

File: 6d7e507275d4d13⋯.png (698.93 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_150635.png)

File: cde535ccbef582a⋯.png (433.36 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_150733.png)

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60af89 No.21640152

File: 6a89ce583d76f5e⋯.jpg (868.83 KB,2048x3072,2:3,pretty_plant_kek_af.jpg)

skin so thin!

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393b26 No.21640153

File: b561c1689f2d7bf⋯.png (432.95 KB,592x831,592:831,delts.PNG)


𝘿𝘾 𝙇𝙞𝙙𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙚


Delta for tomorrow.

Buckle up!


5:59 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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35a0cd No.21640154

File: cad9cc3ced1f1e3⋯.png (26.92 KB,879x350,879:350,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2fa9688175c596⋯.png (23.67 KB,550x335,110:67,ClipboardImage.png)



pompeo is a c.i.a clown, and anon believes that the Qdrops are mainly for them and some bait for the anons. below are the two separate versions and the whole of the proverbs 28

note: included the Qdrop 2813, screencapped which has a link to a video, will post next.


>Proverbs 28:13

pompeo version

"Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy."

Proverbs 28:13


king james bible version

13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

Proverbs 28:13


full chapter

28 The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

2 For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof: but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged.

3 A poor man that oppresseth the poor is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no food.

4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.

5 Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the Lord understand all things.

6 Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.

7 Whoso keepeth the law is a wise son: but he that is a companion of riotous men shameth his father.

8 He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor.

9 He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

10 Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit: but the upright shall have good things in possession.

11 The rich man is wise in his own conceit; but the poor that hath understanding searcheth him out.

12 When righteous men do rejoice, there is great glory: but when the wicked rise, a man is hidden.

13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

14 Happy is the man that feareth alway: but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief.

15 As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.

16 The prince that wanteth understanding is also a great oppressor: but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days.

17 A man that doeth violence to the blood of any person shall flee to the pit; let no man stay him.

18 Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved: but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once.

19 He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough.

20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.

21 To have respect of persons is not good: for for a piece of bread that man will transgress.

22 He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him.

23 He that rebuketh a man afterwards shall find more favour than he that flattereth with the tongue.

24 Whoso robbeth his father or his mother, and saith, It is no transgression; the same is the companion of a destroyer.

25 He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be made fat.

26 He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.

27 He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.

28 When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous increase.

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37adef No.21640155

File: bb05f18bb627a84⋯.png (376.27 KB,768x488,96:61,ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Vote Counting Center Will Have More Security Than Trump Rally. "a fleet of police drones and rooftop snipers will be at the ready."


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31b7c6 No.21640157

2nd Sunday of pre panic Monday panic.

What a week last week was. !

Let's see what happens this week.😊

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4ffbbf No.21640158

File: 2d751ed8c5f44a5⋯.gif (4.34 MB,480x270,16:9,bc12603fa8cbd5a0eecb9e0bf0….gif)


>Henry Winkler says he will NEVER forgive Trump for shoving him out of the way, once.

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c540a8 No.21640159

File: a6864abc63e6f18⋯.png (331.86 KB,388x612,97:153,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

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9f8a8a No.21640160

Speaker Mike Johnson to Bring Resolution to Fund the Government WITHOUT the SAVE Act, Which Would Require Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration

Now, Johnson is reportedly throwing in the towel and is now seeking to fund the U.S. government wihtout addressing election security.

Punchbowl News’s Jake Sherman spoke with Capitol Hill sources this morning and revealed that Johnson’s plan is to pass a congressional resolution this week that will fund the government through December 20, just five days before Christmas.

In other words, he wants to continue funding record levels of out-of-control spending without getting anything in return. Then, the House will likely pass another CR and race out of DC in time to celebrate the holidays.


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3543d3 No.21640161

File: 15907ad7b70dfba⋯.png (1.6 MB,1280x821,1280:821,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa0c86 No.21640162


These are gold!

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c61c9f No.21640163


>Eminem fans

Don't know the difference between a song and a spell.

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35a0cd No.21640164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




2813 Feb 19, 2019 3:02:27 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b69b54 No. 5268221




Joe diGenova Discusses McCabe's 60 Minutes Interview


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393b26 No.21640165

File: 9229f033bfecb9b⋯.png (1.83 MB,1123x895,1123:895,red.PNG)

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6908a6 No.21640166

File: 6190160ef957ca1⋯.jpg (9.23 KB,201x250,201:250,6190160ef957ca1aebd9eb4c69….jpg)

File: ec075e1f1c8aa63⋯.gif (1.42 MB,600x338,300:169,a8603f7d31e1e518c6cc64674e….gif)

File: de7ed0be75ac339⋯.gif (24.14 KB,220x271,220:271,fire_beeker.gif)

File: a287cc50c02327b⋯.gif (4.99 MB,499x274,499:274,tumblr_0b7a5848afb6c9c5211….gif)

File: a7f580139413aaf⋯.jpg (20.28 KB,400x400,1:1,5b61e279271175fdca290a667f….jpg)

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ed5ceb No.21640167

File: 7229de0a9313a69⋯.jpeg (271.74 KB,1130x1787,1130:1787,IMG_0099.jpeg)

Megan Fox scrubbed her X and also deleted her old Twitter posts.

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1977ea No.21640168

File: 562cd5ac2c08b82⋯.jpeg (16.19 KB,281x414,281:414,562cd5ac2c08b82918ccd1e4d….jpeg)

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090da3 No.21640169


Puff is a German word for Bordelle. Puff Daddy is the King of the Bordelle aka Puff Vater.

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393b26 No.21640170

File: 82cef5cac2a84ce⋯.png (1.64 MB,1464x895,1464:895,nb.PNG)


Ep. 3456b - [DS] Reveal Their Election Plans, Election Road Blocks In Place, Music Is About To Stop

X22 Report

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7f9bb6 No.21640171



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578daa No.21640172


The Derp State is voting Harris.



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60d1cf No.21640173

>>21639287 LB

>fitting description…

anon concurs…esp. when reading Genesis 3:22:

"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:" (KJV)

who THE FUCK isUS?

<Skull and Bones# is '322'…prolly just a coincidence…

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138687 No.21640174

So, no correlation between radios offered to ss during assass in nation #1 and the hamas radio boobees trapped radio 'splosions? No?

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c61c9f No.21640175


>i hate Sandwich

Leave John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich alone.

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d947d7 No.21640176


I bet she didn't need any baby oil.

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d44b3d No.21640177

File: e78b4ad63a2edec⋯.png (797.07 KB,1080x1419,360:473,Screenshotmm.png)



Janet Jackson turned into Planet of the Apes.

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c61c9f No.21640178


>failed to track

If tracked, couldn't steal.

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b60e51 No.21640179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What does this headline mean to you anons?

RFK Jr. Is DETERMINED To Change Trump! w/ Eric Jackman Jimmy Dore Show

Radio host Eric Jackman was a Tulsi booster, then he threw his support behind RFK Jr., and now that Kennedy has endorsed Trump, Jackman is all-in on Trump, and doing everything possible to get the former President back in the White House and implementing RFK’s MAHA (Make America Healthy Again) agenda.

Jimmy speaks with Jackman about the impact RFK has had on the Trump campaign and whether this time Trump really will drain the swamp rather than import swamp creatures by the busload into his cabinet.



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12fb71 No.21640181

File: 7f9f0b55f2da8ec⋯.jpg (97.17 KB,719x427,719:427,msam.JPG)

The Decades of Evidence SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings

•SSRI antidepressants have a variety of horrendous side effects. These include sometimes causing the individual to become agitated, feeling they can’t be in their skin, turning psychotic, and occasionally becoming violently psychotic.

•During these psychoses, individuals can have out of body experiences where they commit lethal violence either to themselves or others.

•As lawsuits later showed, this violent behavior (and the frequent suicides that followed it) were observed throughout the SSRI clinical trials, but were covered up by the SSRI manufacturers and then the drug regulators (e.g., the FDA).

•Once the SSRIs entered the market, there has been a wave of SSRI suicides and unspeakable acts of violence—which continue to this day.

•Sadly, the idea that SSRIs could cause any of this has always been viewed as a “conspiracy theory” or “mistaking correlation with causation” because very few are aware of the extensive evidence linking SSRIs to violent and psychotic behavior—despite it now being on the warning label of those drugs.


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31b7c6 No.21640182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ehud 2.0 Prophecy

1.1K views · 42 minutes ago…more

Robin D. Bullock

3 mins

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31d567 No.21640183

Megan Fox



Have all deleted their tweet history today

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320161 No.21640184

File: 5614b70d0acac3c⋯.png (675.29 KB,887x753,887:753,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55909e5cb906a21⋯.mp4 (117.29 KB,480x270,16:9,New_Trump_ad_just_dropped.mp4)

New Trump ad just dropped! 🤣🤣🤣


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37adef No.21640185

File: d9078bced1d6db6⋯.png (325.54 KB,675x585,15:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c461916603d4af2⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,1076x584,269:146,You_ll_never_guess_the_A_l….mp4)

Kyle Becker


You'll never guess the A-lister who is Diddy's favorite guest at his "parties" 😳

Remaining Time -0:02

12:01 PM • Sep 22, 2024


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31d567 No.21640186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cucumber man

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31b7c6 No.21640187

Janet Jackson for national anthem singer on inauguration day 2025

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bcf338 No.21640188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Judge Joe Brown LEAKS BOMBSHELL Info About Diddy's Arrest

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01de53 No.21640189

lightning tracker live

no where to run to, no where to hide.


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37adef No.21640190

File: 334fa21754f2ac9⋯.png (228.23 KB,768x384,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

PANIC: Washington Post says voters should expect delay in election results—especially from Wisconsin, Pennsylvania

Election results in swing states may see significant delays similar to 2020 due to counting mail-in ballots.


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6908a6 No.21640191

File: 91e2fe056f00f04⋯.jpg (62.15 KB,800x533,800:533,2024_03_11t222651z_1044797….jpg)

File: 05f03e6673d8d71⋯.jpg (140.62 KB,969x1200,323:400,8krnsbba9ch91.jpg)

File: 603a5a61c37dcbd⋯.webp (45.86 KB,1024x1024,1:1,603a5a61c37dcbdee12194301….webp)



God damn cracker

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b2f1b3 No.21640192

Is there a plan B we lose this thing again to election shenanigans that will never be addressed just like last time?

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31d567 No.21640193

File: f840be105f090e2⋯.mp4 (674.55 KB,886x490,443:245,diddy_bidey.mp4)

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b96281 No.21640194

File: ba773bfb088f121⋯.gif (170.14 KB,360x346,180:173,ba773bfb088f121b83fa2cfecb….gif)

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35a0cd No.21640195

File: 4fc02a32f0b4aee⋯.gif (1.73 MB,488x291,488:291,chek_em_gif.gif)

>>21640164 )–Highly notable, clown comms, pompeo is panicking and this video is 14 minute audio only.





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393b26 No.21640196

File: 175fd99ca8f8b49⋯.png (2.01 MB,1084x849,1084:849,toss.PNG)

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ed5ceb No.21640197

File: f7a5153d33b7681⋯.jpeg (264.76 KB,1366x911,1366:911,DBB56CE6_B1E0_4168_B112_A….jpeg)

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08f8f3 No.21640198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Freakers ball

Lake Tahoe


Your invited

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000000 No.21640199





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37adef No.21640200

File: 77799e2f2bd2aa4⋯.png (2.34 MB,1177x968,107:88,ClipboardImage.png)

Megan Fox has deleted every post she created on Instagram and deleted every post on X/Twitter up to 2013 leaving fans to believe it is connected to the Diddy case. Usher and Pink deleted all of their X/Twitter posts earlier today.

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c61c9f No.21640201


Start with a government shutdown due to no budget passed.

Bring back essentials until can be fixed.

Some no need bring back at all.

No budget to keep you employed?

Guess you're fired not needed.

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ed5ceb No.21640202

File: 67f107a811d1c4f⋯.png (277.7 KB,400x400,1:1,8F92B853_CED4_42A1_9983_FD….png)

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37adef No.21640203

File: 8cfd719976f4ebd⋯.png (763.82 KB,675x726,225:242,ClipboardImage.png)

So he went from "mind your own damn business" to "politics wants to nut inside you". This dude fucking weird!

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31d567 No.21640204


found another cum guzzler

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37adef No.21640206

File: 336e5d982c70efb⋯.png (552.94 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

France: Macron Loyalist Government Announced as Populists Shut Out

Michel Barnier has announced President Emmanuel Macron's new government in France, which will represent a continuity establishment cabinet.


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d44b3d No.21640207

File: 6ef26d17f78d46d⋯.png (137.53 KB,213x400,213:400,downloadfile_1_.png)


Black Bastard STFU

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31d567 No.21640209

File: 0982749f3c35599⋯.png (72.67 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


with taylor the asset

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d947d7 No.21640210


No way we get to the Precipice in 45 days,

Will take years at this pace.

So that means the D's have to win again and take us to it.

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c540a8 No.21640211

File: 7634797dc3a7d60⋯.png (975.84 KB,928x551,32:19,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

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a97fb0 No.21640213


Why yes. I think you might have cracked it…

The Keystone,

What holds it all together…the FBI

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0dba6b No.21640215


one eye hidden

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37adef No.21640216

File: 316e4ea316b5652⋯.png (519.98 KB,1199x758,1199:758,ClipboardImage.png)

Why are there Chinese police stations in the United States?

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31d567 No.21640217

File: 47da81913c52814⋯.png (863.06 KB,1011x768,337:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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393b26 No.21640220

File: e707874282d6ea6⋯.png (334.21 KB,602x481,602:481,wb.PNG)



One America News Network


Watch Weekly Briefing!




Sep 22, 2024, 9:00 AM

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1977ea No.21640222

File: eb3ef9ec166fbf0⋯.webp (120.46 KB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingice.webp)

Relaxing Sunday today. Time for a smoke.

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4ffbbf No.21640223


>BREAKING: Kamala Harris’s campaign announces that she will NOT be attending the annual Al Smith dinner

Lesson learned.

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris to face off at the Al Smith Dinner with Catholic comic Jim Gaffigan as MC.

September 18, 2024

NEW YORK (OSV News) — The next time former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris face off before a huge audience, New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan will sit between them as host and Catholic comic Jim Gaffigan will serve as Master of Ceremonies.


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08f8f3 No.21640225

File: b4e33b1acef96ab⋯.png (633.47 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240922_162938.png)


Ketchup or mustard

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31b7c6 No.21640226

Pink champagne on ice

Pink cocaine

Prisoners of their own device.


They give you them nice bright colors ni.they gu

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66ad51 No.21640228

Commie pols and pigs don't see Wednesday, piled like plains buffalo.

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b436b7 No.21640229


It means lurk more

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60af89 No.21640230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21640158 >>21639697 >>21639704 >>21639780

see: >>21640135

>winkler blaming the father.




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de499b No.21640231


Too much laughing and not enough yappin.

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01de53 No.21640232


adrenochrome is drug laced, the one thing they don't tell you, ergo, addiction. Not even their own kids know it. They will drip liquid into the vessel going to be used, it can even dry, then the blood is added.

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31d567 No.21640233

File: 616a2da0dd29869⋯.png (764.86 KB,918x970,459:485,ClipboardImage.png)



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c61c9f No.21640235


When you point out Jewish crimes, anybody can be antisemitic. Even a Jew.

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c540a8 No.21640236

File: d90b84ea231872a⋯.png (1.16 MB,918x918,1:1,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

File: 7917d2a37de9dec⋯.png (643.27 KB,640x640,1:1,Screenshot_2024_09_22_at_1….png)

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eee66f No.21640237

File: 1addcfae32baae8⋯.jpg (569.36 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Screenshot_20240922_133153….jpg)


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ed5ceb No.21640238

File: c9ac3205933aa84⋯.png (943.48 KB,800x800,1:1,8E64B7E9_694B_43C1_BCDA_0F….png)

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31d567 No.21640239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Diddy – Machine Gun Kelly, leads to Megan Fox

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60af89 No.21640240

File: ba3411a84be79c5⋯.mp4 (596.01 KB,480x270,16:9,welcome_to_today_youre_ali….mp4)

File: 81a9bb2a3dc79d7⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB,640x360,16:9,welcome_newfag_Q_video.mp4)

File: 0004e43280a86a6⋯.png (722.22 KB,732x1011,244:337,welcome_to_QR_sift_psychos….png)

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6908a6 No.21640241

File: a363d85de5176f3⋯.mp4 (4.65 MB,482x360,241:180,a363d85de5176f37ded61cd6be….mp4)

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393b26 No.21640242

File: 215a127f15f120a⋯.png (30.36 KB,603x245,603:245,el.PNG)



Kash Patel


Anyone else want to see the Diddy list, that the FBI and DOJ have but wont release… just like Epstein blackbook?

The Deep State won’t end until we put @realDonaldTrump back at 1600 Penn

Sep 22, 2024, 8:12 AM

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4ffbbf No.21640243

File: 46466c824cc7296⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,848x464,53:29,_vorposte_steptodown_com.mp4)

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60d1cf No.21640244


she is pretty.

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29ae0a No.21640245



Conservatives were never meant to fight this battle.

It has to be the Libtards that finally figure it out and fight back.

The Communists/Globalists created the Libtard Frankenstein Monster, so the Monster must chase them around the World and kill them.

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31b7c6 No.21640246

File: 35bf19b0435125e⋯.jpg (57.85 KB,500x504,125:126,mljgu876.jpg)

Trump's tweets are being shadow banned…bigly…thanks elon… you so satan.

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35a0cd No.21640247

File: c700ba3db84e3bd⋯.mp4 (10.37 MB,640x480,4:3,djt_press_and_law_and_orde….mp4)

>>21639603, >>21640154, >>21640164, >>21640195 pompeo sunday scriptures clown comms, proverbs 28.13 >Qdrop 2813 > audio video of joe Digenova talking about maccabe, rod rosenstein, comey and clowns taking out trump - youtube video, qdrop, video link.

Archive this shit and listen to joe video, direct threats and comms from pompeo

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138687 No.21640248

File: 6add82d518e645f⋯.jpg (935.2 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_174135….jpg)

File: 8b75b48ec43374c⋯.jpg (70.61 KB,960x720,4:3,Kayleigh_McEnany_1_1625987….jpg)

File: 8477ce963b07108⋯.jpg (28.7 KB,407x475,407:475,e866b16b2e678c676e1dfc08b2….jpg)

File: cd6fd4b12e03d9a⋯.jpg (44.52 KB,474x705,158:235,th_3545526756.jpg)

File: ea33cc1f4c2de3c⋯.jpg (384.46 KB,912x1200,19:25,kali_face_MI86_l_142883681.jpg)



D 2 L

L 2 D

M 2 F

F 2 M





are they tied to language so "literally"?

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29ae0a No.21640249


Top Kek

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d44b3d No.21640250

File: 3511745087af2c1⋯.png (1.18 MB,895x1001,895:1001,Screenshot_20240914_152707….png)




Melania Trump is a lazy old cunt.

She doesn't give two shits about Donald Trump.

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37adef No.21640251

File: c62f297e62c1cf3⋯.png (638.75 KB,675x971,675:971,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a16aecd02eb40b⋯.mp4 (9.69 MB,720x1280,9:16,Katy_Perry_feeds_her_fans_….mp4)

Katy Perry feeds her fans pizza while wearing monarch symbolism. It’s all so fucking evil.



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3a36a6 No.21640252

File: 48d32bf3d50c30a⋯.png (185.7 KB,640x655,128:131,48d32bf3d50c30a2973221ec6d….png)



yours is green. just so you know.

and, of course, you're not able to see your own posts' true color.

easy fix for it: get 8kun premium

unlocks some bonus memes too

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6908a6 No.21640253

File: 763be43b0a53103⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,763be43b0a5310395b3669a435….mp4)


pipe hitter

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e61802 No.21640254

File: d493e2fac38e7ee⋯.png (335.64 KB,785x587,785:587,2c.png)

File: 46ddf0ea53dfc3e⋯.jpg (13.75 KB,201x251,201:251,2a.jpg)

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29ae0a No.21640255


Melania is a genius and she knows all about the Perverted Fashion and Modeling Industry. She will be a key element in taking them out.

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b436b7 No.21640256


Yet you are the one hiding behind Tor

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9ae7ca No.21640257


When you blame 15+ million for the crimes of a few, then that's fucking retarded.

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37adef No.21640258

File: 08d509f159f460a⋯.png (61.17 KB,675x553,675:553,ClipboardImage.png)

@BasedMikeLee: A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote against any religious institution, including schools, universities, hospitals, and charities. The media doesn’t want you to know about the Do No Harm Act. They won’t ask her about it because they know the answer.

Mike Lee


🧵 1. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote against any religious institution, including schools, universities, hospitals, and charities. The media doesn’t want you to know about the Do No Harm Act. They won’t ask her about it because they know the answer.



Vice President Kamala Harris is stepping up her efforts to win over voters who belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

3:25 PM • Sep 21, 2024

6:58 PM • Sep 21, 2024


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393b26 No.21640259

File: 1d47b31b6ebe901⋯.png (1.13 MB,808x612,202:153,safe.PNG)

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d947d7 No.21640260


>until we put @realDonaldTrump back

Um, he was in for 4 years and didn't do it.

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c61c9f No.21640261



Goes with any division tatics.

Black man points out black crime/corruption is an uncle tom. A racist. Not black because they don't toe the line. The left is all about do or die.

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c3631a No.21640262


Judge Joe also discusses the laptop and confirms that there's 3 not 1 and that there were tapes downloaded and certain foreign contacts asking if they looked in the box behind the wall (depository drop) and what did you see? suggesting sexual pics & this was during Obama Biden administration…on another channel but can't remember which channel.

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9ae7ca No.21640263

File: 54d7a9e93240865⋯.jpg (110.83 KB,684x1024,171:256,kneel.jpg)


Let HER "win" with 99% of the votes, maybe that may raise some flags.

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d44b3d No.21640264

File: ecafd5c9349243d⋯.png (239.24 KB,720x720,1:1,downloadfile_3.png)




She sure does because when she was young and modeling in France them photographers stretched her little pussy out big-time…

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984c7e No.21640265


leo got blacked

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ed5ceb No.21640266

File: d42953d3b92d093⋯.png (1.05 MB,800x800,1:1,106E2024_D1FA_433F_A2FD_0A….png)

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37adef No.21640267

File: 48ce89173a6c78c⋯.png (930.25 KB,717x1024,717:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


>cum guzzler

You just bought yourself detention, boy

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eee66f No.21640268

File: 1801f96bb0a0a8f⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,1801f96bb0a0a8f8bfb016ee18….mp4)

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000000 No.21640269


I´m anon.

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4ffbbf No.21640270

File: fc13408b3b851d1⋯.webp (300.53 KB,1230x1600,123:160,Benedict_Arnold.webp)

File: 7caad7054844ff9⋯.jpg (129.19 KB,760x491,760:491,ArnoldCipherLetter.jpg)


>General Milley Ignored Trump Order to Deploy Nat. Guard at US Capitol Prior to Jan. 6 – Then After J6 Riots, He Reportedly Placed Military Under His Control While He Was Holding Secret Calls With The Chinese

Milley out did Benedict Arnold. At least Arnold was a war hero before going rogue.

He died in England in June of 1801 as Gen. Washington's most brilliant tactician and America's worst betrayer.

Below: This is a copy of one of Benedict Arnold's coded communications with the British while he was negotiating what eventually became a failed attempt to surrender the fort at West Point in 1780.

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e61802 No.21640271

File: 21342096f5fcdbd⋯.png (3.24 MB,4378x1902,2189:951,Q_1950_1951_FAFO_NIGHT_SHI….png)



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29ae0a No.21640272



Old Ladies should not try to look sexy, they should try to look dignified.

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304780 No.21640273

File: 619d13b83d0e409⋯.jpeg (526.22 KB,1125x982,1125:982,IMG_4248.jpeg)

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9ae7ca No.21640274


"create more of that science"


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c61c9f No.21640276


4% - 6% are forever retarded. TDS incurable.

Me: anticriminalsemite.

>blame 15+ million for the crimes of a few

^^^^^^^^antisemitism ^^^^^^^^^^^

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29ae0a No.21640278


At least she doesn't have a Big Black Dick like Big Mike.

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393b26 No.21640279

DeNiro makes Goodfellows unwatchable. Sad.

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37adef No.21640280


>At least she doesn't have a Big Black Dick like Big Mike.


Grade AAA

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d44b3d No.21640281

File: e6d6587c1abce48⋯.jpg (46.41 KB,500x383,500:383,94bnqs_1.jpg)

Trump said he's going to help the seniors…. He ain't gonna do shit.


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3493a4 No.21640283


Diddy is on there twice?

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9ae7ca No.21640285



no, you blame 15+ million

I find a crime and a criminal and that's it.

I don't even blame the whole family, unless every single one of its members has done crimes.

Otherwise we can also start blaming all Americans for what their military has done, after all Americans have been funding and cheering and supporting it for ages. Makes sense now?

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eee66f No.21640286

File: 8bbd876faf2f7c9⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,640x360,16:9,8bbd876faf2f7c938104c4fe19….mp4)

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7bbb41 No.21640288

File: d76fb0cdea46686⋯.webp (175.74 KB,983x729,983:729,d76fb0cdea46686f2747472af….webp)


Mrs Emhoff's husband's Hollywood clientel

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37adef No.21640289

File: f73d24c253dc4be⋯.png (668.75 KB,632x404,158:101,ClipboardImage.png)


>Diddy is on there twice?

Celebrities deleting years’ worth of posts is very telling. What are they trying to hide?

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393b26 No.21640290

File: c18b795ec4c649c⋯.png (278.25 KB,791x632,791:632,rb.PNG)

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ed5ceb No.21640292

File: e621379467bb886⋯.png (1013.57 KB,800x800,1:1,0D67FFC2_F550_4D1A_A11F_FC….png)

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c61c9f No.21640294


>When you point out Jewish crimes, anybody can be antisemitic.

Oh, I get you now.

My point is that Jewish leadership who points out antisemitism never points out the criminal/corrupt Jews to the point of protecting criminal/corrupt Jews. Almost like asking for the 15 million to be blamed.

That a better explanation for you?

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37adef No.21640295

File: bc4136254bd3140⋯.png (333.78 KB,500x568,125:142,ClipboardImage.png)


>IRS Union In Endorsing Harris

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4ffbbf No.21640296

File: 829f0166952e766⋯.jpg (5.65 KB,259x194,259:194,download.jpg)


The movie is getting stranger by the day.

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e61802 No.21640297

File: 131ccc499e82061⋯.gif (1013.28 KB,500x213,500:213,1a7.gif)


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9ae7ca No.21640298


see >>15381806

Luke 9:62

When all hope seems lost, then (thrice) they will be brought down.

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250a98 No.21640299


> Megan Fox has deleted every post she created on Instagram and deleted every post on X/Twitter



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b436b7 No.21640301


I'm not convinced

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ab92f8 No.21640302


She knows Victoria's Secret…

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552583 No.21640306

File: bd94f29dd185690⋯.jpeg (107.87 KB,1167x683,1167:683,IMG_3534.jpeg)

>>21638784 Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEALPN

Janet Jackson Gets WAAAAY Too Honest About Kamala Harris LYING About Her Race and Media Just Can't DEAL

Sam J. Sept. 22, 2024

Janet Jackson said the quiet part about Kamala Harris's race out loud.You know the part that most people on the Left, in Hollywood, and in the media have been trying to ignore since Biden chose her for her sex and skin color.

She's not black.

From Page Six:

Janet Jackson is being called “irrelevant” and a “leech” after she questioned Kamala Harris’ race in an interview with the Guardian published on Saturday.

“She’s not black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian,” the “That’s The Way Love Goes” hitmaker, 58, said during a chat about “the State of the Union.”

Of course people are calling Jackson names for being honest about Kamal - that's not allowed, ya' know.

Not to mention, well, Kamala really isn't black.

OH NO, NOW WE'VE SAID IT … the horror. The Left won't like us now! Wait, they hate us already, we're good. See, it's good to be hated by horrible people on the Left because that means we can be honest. Freeing, right?

Media lost their damn minds:

Variety … HA HA HA HA

And 'right wing conspiracy,' now THAT is funny. What a bunch of lying, fake, fraudulent butt-holes who are so busy carrying water for the Democrats they can't even accept the truth about Kamala. The issue here is Kamala has more than once used her race to pretend she's more important than she really is, from calling herself the first female Indian senator in CA to basking in the adoration of moronic leftists fawning over the first black female president.

This is not about race per se, but about Kamala being a fake.

Which she is, in all ways.


The funny part is Janet Jackson has much more money the Kamala and most of the people barking at her. She doesn't care if the truth hurts their political feelings.

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393b26 No.21640307

File: 46b7b5737d225bb⋯.png (335.55 KB,593x833,593:833,oxy.PNG)


Square profile picture

Wall Street Silver


Megan Fox has three sons and all 3 of them are trans. She has been dressing them as girls since they were young.

What are the odds?

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?




1:55 PM · May 3, 2024




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ed5ceb No.21640310

File: c2cf74288ab6eaa⋯.png (955.86 KB,800x800,1:1,F1E99ADD_2A1E_4763_B607_5C….png)

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29ae0a No.21640312


Laura Loomer is Jewish, how can she be antisemitic? Did you even follow the thread, or do you just jump into a conversation and defend the Jews without even knowing what we are talking about?

Typical shill behavior.

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ab92f8 No.21640313


They'd like to keep their jobs…and their guns…

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37adef No.21640316

File: 4a8e5502bb850e1⋯.png (270.26 KB,675x1003,675:1003,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1c8e92049d6a93⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,720x1280,9:16,_The_loud_knocking_on_my_d….mp4)

Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social


“The loud knocking on my door sent a jolt through my body. The secret service agent told me I need to move.“ From Melania Trump

7:23 AM • Sep 22, 2024

No statute of limitations on federal crimes of terrorism. A Trump DOJ should immediately investigate the plotters and perpetrators of this legit attempted insurrection.

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ed5ceb No.21640317

File: 43aa77cef91fef2⋯.mp4 (8.57 MB,480x680,12:17,HZlazK16bbMQNOsv.mp4)

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2bc285 No.21640318

File: d8d62997bef9016⋯.png (316.9 KB,1793x1313,1793:1313,1506478374946.png)


oh no no no

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9ae7ca No.21640319



it's the same control system like everywhere else.

>but but

No buts, YOU are blaming 15+ million for crimes of a few, YOU are retarded doing that, either that or you got a satanic reason for doing that. It makes zero sense and also has nothing to do with justice.

You don't blame babies for the crimes of their father.

>almost like asking

you almost figured it out, the top of this satanic system is satanic and want their blood ritual and they need useful idiots (this may be you) to get there.

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000000 No.21640322


I Dig, I Meme, I Pray.

Something that an agent like you doesn't do.

Any other questions Smith?

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c61c9f No.21640323


I've never blamed the whole Jew.

I always make the difference.

I was speaking of Loomer.

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d947d7 No.21640325


Fake laughs but she's kinda cute maybe elon is horney

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393b26 No.21640326

File: ade089b8e094893⋯.png (697.82 KB,587x573,587:573,op.PNG)

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9ae7ca No.21640328


I don't care about "antisemitic", I said it's FUCKING RETARDED and makes no sense.

And if Laura Bloomer says something stupid like that, then yes, she's FUCKING RETARDED too.

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ade13e No.21640331

File: 7f1640d62cb7bb4⋯.jpeg (139.29 KB,1031x1535,1031:1535,73CF818C_EA1E_4665_B4BC_4….jpeg)

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e4de09 No.21640332

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Eating the DAWGS is going from strength to strength worldwide.

9:48 min

The Kiffness




Great interview with


about "Eating the Cats". Thank you




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9ae7ca No.21640334


>I've never

>but I just call it "Jewish crimes" for no reason

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98bbdc No.21640335

File: 153fe5336c30f77⋯.jpeg (154.86 KB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_0002.jpeg)


they refuse to cover it so fettermen throws it into the light. this cat is cogent

sleepers awaken

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35a0cd No.21640336

>>21639603, >>21640199, >>21640154, >>21640164, >>21640247, >>21640277, pompeo sunday scriptures proverbs 28.13 > full proverbs 28 - source and timestamp, Q drop 2813, joe diGenova discusses McCabe taking out trump 14 minute youtube audio interview, Highly notable, clown comms, pompeo is panicking and this video is 14 minute audio only. Qdrops via pompeo timestamp, message not for anons and clown comms. - Triple confirmation, pompeo is talking about taking out trump, exploding tesla cars and bombs and anderson cooper post 3.45

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37adef No.21640338

File: 1912c68b2c055d5⋯.png (507.22 KB,500x524,125:131,ClipboardImage.png)


>Capitalism: GOOD…Communism: BAD Mkay


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1ef29b No.21640341

File: 313574b6a0bf52a⋯.png (182.13 KB,568x394,284:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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48e6c5 No.21640342

File: 2c6e9bc7aed2cee⋯.jpg (36.91 KB,640x440,16:11,lva5t0eqivc21.jpg)

last call

#26502 >>21639502

>>21639525, >>21639655 Why “health experts” are gunning for RFK. He plans to dismantle the big pharma

>>21639568 @GenFlynn - MAKE AMERICA VOTE AGAIN

>>21639603, >>21640154 Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy

>>21639604 Barry's Foreign Student ID going around for new eyes

>>21639606, >>21639615, >>21640181 SSRIs changed meds—14yo girl one week later murders her mother and invites friend over to view the dead body

>>21639618, >>21640076 Springfield - 25 square miles - 20,000 Haitians ● Martha's Vineyard - 96 square miles - 0 Haitians

>>21639620 All about Kamala Harris' Father Donald J. Harris

>>21639628 Politicians funnel billions into NGOs then steal it. Money Laundering 101

>>21639657, >>21639661, >>21639663, >>21639689, >>21639730, >>21639809, >>21640097, >>21639983, >>21640185, >>21640188, >>21640239 Diddy Dirtz Dug

>>21639674 The Lion, "every once in a while he has to show the jackels, who he is"

>>21639682, >>21639705 Over 700 Deep Staters Join And Dick Cheney, Iran, And IRS Union In Endorsing Harris

>>21639708, >>21639717 Kamala Harris’s campaign announces that she can’t handle comedy roast catholic fundraiser

>>21639709 Erdogan Says Israel Is Dragging Whole Region Into All-Out War

>>21639719, >>21639725, >>21639760, >>21639795, >>21639829, >>21639956, >>21640102, >>21640243 Latest from the Middle East

>>21639731, >>21639733 Kamala's Communist Cafe - A Buffet of Many Sauces

>>21639741 Grenell Details Upcoming Trump Event Exposing Chinese Threat to American Agriculture

>>21639744 How CIA & NATO Train Journalists To Do Their Bidding! w/ Mike Benz

>>21639751 Milley ignored Trump's NG request on J6 then placed mil under his control while secret talks with China

>>21639781 Russia reports strike on ship carrying Western weapons to Ukraine- RT

>>21639793 video - China's Mandate To Spy on America

>>21639803 Fetterman likes Fracking now because "um, hehe, they're eating dogs, they're eating cats, hehe ya know"

>>21639816 Military Memetics Overview

>>21639818 Secret Service Agent "Accidentally" Shoots Himself with His Own Weapon

>>21639834, >>21639906 TRUMP TRUTH Meeting w/Qatar Leaders at MAL

>>21639847 @SpeakerJohnson's Budget Resolution Excludes 'SAVE Act' to stop illegal aliens from voting in elections

>>21639853 Doug Emhoff: Not Fair To Criticize Kamala Harris For Not Doing Her Job

>>21639870 RFK "Trump and I are going to replace the corrupt industry-captured officials with honest public servants"

>>21639873 Guantanamo Bay 9/11 Defense lawyers are in meetings, preparing for a Week 2

>>21639876 NHS Whistleblower - we were told to kill the patients to make fake plague moar real

>>21639905, >>21639922 Phone tracking shows 90% of attendees at Kamala’s rallies are same contrived support

>>21639938, >>21639949, >>21640307 BREAKING: Megan Fox has cleared her X account

>>21639971 Trump supporters in Japan took over streets chanting Trump's iconic, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

>>21639987 Too Many young football players have died sudden from cardiac arrest, heat stroke, aneurysms or asthma

>>21639991 Oklahoma clears 453,000 names of ineligible voters (felons, deceased) from voter rolls

>>21640005 @thejimwatkins - Aluminum Recycling Let's get the gang back together and do our part.

>>21640026 @thejimwatkins - Sunshine patriots need not apply to join the Great Awakening.

>>21640087 @thejimwatkins - Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun.

>>21640089 Only 43 Days Until WINNING

>>21640117, >>21640140, >>21640242 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes - P. Diddy is not a distraction! P. Diddy is the first domino!

>>21640136 Did You Notice This Small Problem With Kamala's Oprah Zoom Audience?

>>21640164 Joe diGenova Discusses McCabe RR Comey Baker Clapper trying to take out Trump

>>21640316 TRUMP TRUTH - Melania in her own words.

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c61c9f No.21640344


We're talking about the Jewish population right now.

You need better reading comprehension.

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31d567 No.21640346


remember chrissy tiegen did it too

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ed5ceb No.21640348

File: 36e824d6c48886c⋯.png (1.43 MB,800x800,1:1,14C09B17_9FBB_4B20_9389_6C….png)

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fd6c09 No.21640350

>This is not about race per se, but about Kamala being a fake.

I thought libs loathed racial appropriation

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6908a6 No.21640352

File: d0ebde582784afe⋯.png (259.39 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240922_165442.png)

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b436b7 No.21640353


Same image s before with same text

Nothing more than trying to bait anons into an argument to waste bread and bury the good stuff

Only tactic that ever had any effect

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9ae7ca No.21640354


It's still retarded.

No one says "the Christian crimes", because that's also fucking retarded.

You also showed that you are a liar, because you are doing what you claim to not do.

Christian crimes implies that every Christian would be involved, again RETARDED.

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393b26 No.21640356

File: 12596b9844e8d99⋯.png (17.89 KB,599x217,599:217,jr.PNG)


Joe Rambo


Oprah hasn't posted since 2022. 🐸


Oprah Winfrey



Nov 29, 2022

@ ava you sure made us wait long enough # Nova #QueenSugar

9:48 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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4ffbbf No.21640358

File: a5fd0e192cff251⋯.jpg (28.42 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)


First they loved him. Now they hate him.

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e4de09 No.21640359



Anon is KMAO as this goes around the world.

Can't wait for Trumps next call going viral.

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e4c2de No.21640361


thats not oprah

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d947d7 No.21640362

Most ofvthe shills protect the Khazarian Mafia

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1ef29b No.21640364

File: 5bc3451b6c8cfeb⋯.png (295.88 KB,1080x1324,270:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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31d567 No.21640365

File: a90da7d74fc1f99⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB,720x1280,9:16,beebs.mp4)

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3cce38 No.21640366

File: e44869b94a119f9⋯.png (278.86 KB,632x199,632:199,ClipboardImage.png)

Some sort of Code language?

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c61c9f No.21640368

File: 735e0535ab1b53a⋯.jpg (64.82 KB,1013x1013,1:1,735e0535ab1b53a54fdfc6ee82….jpg)


>No buts, YOU are blaming 15+ million for crimes of a few

ok, now you can fuck youself off

i'm done with your simple mind

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bcba2f No.21640370

File: ec37466afffd6c6⋯.gif (796.19 KB,380x362,190:181,Squeakys_Hats.gif)







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000000 No.21640372

Andrew Leyden

@PenguinSix 29m

The @POTUS took questions about Ukraine, the Middle East and the Alabama mass shooting when he landed at the White House this afternoon.

Sep 22, 2024 · 8:26 PM UTC


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e4de09 No.21640374


I know you get it.

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37adef No.21640375

File: 2b4da97fa3ae7ec⋯.png (210.22 KB,768x500,192:125,ClipboardImage.png)

Obama Holds Kamala Fundraiser With HBO VP Who Bought Ambassadorship for $500K

Which ambassadorship is he buying this time? Does he get to pick them from a map?


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3c35ea No.21640377

File: fa88aa119b5adfc⋯.jpg (73.08 KB,552x414,4:3,Fry_Cheating.jpg)

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1ef29b No.21640379

File: 92f1790dd167419⋯.png (200.69 KB,905x969,905:969,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ae7ca No.21640380


>I actually meant the crimes of "the Khazarian Mafia"

You almost got it, find crime, find criminal, blame criminal.

No one would blame Italian mafia crimes on "the Christians" or "the Italians". It's a pretty simple concept.

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d63728 No.21640383

File: cadb6a3dff2b91e⋯.jpeg (71.04 KB,692x960,173:240,6513F4FE_F9ED_40FE_9192_C….jpeg)


Oh look…

You found a retarded faggot that sells coffee.

How cool.

Good job anon.

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37adef No.21640384

File: eb2946812d6909f⋯.png (233.36 KB,1828x1443,1828:1443,ClipboardImage.png)

If it cracks,It ain’t black

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393b26 No.21640386

File: 96ad3e28fc13897⋯.png (444.97 KB,789x442,789:442,asd.PNG)


South Park episode that released in 2021

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9ae7ca No.21640387


You won't win, Satanist.

Get lost.

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393b26 No.21640389

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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08f8f3 No.21640390

File: af67ec05063db52⋯.png (663.79 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240921_113613.png)

Make mine fried

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6908a6 No.21640392

File: 436c89941686832⋯.jpeg (330.84 KB,1170x1530,13:17,436c89941686832b437ed35e2….jpeg)

File: e20681404e03e08⋯.jpeg (667.64 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,e20681404e03e08a4c98e212b….jpeg)

File: 2a673cc0d7a1fca⋯.jpeg (398.61 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX3GthhXIAACWN6.jpeg)

File: 9327ab8e26de1c6⋯.jpeg (376.04 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX3GuYSWkAAyVDH.jpeg)

File: 2b80cce849ec45a⋯.jpeg (373.37 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GX3HqsgX0AEmhQb.jpeg)

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35a0cd No.21640393

File: 06c4074d315ee4f⋯.png (1.27 MB,500x1141,500:1141,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21639603, >>21640199, >>21640154 (You), >>21640164 (You), >>21640247, >>21640277, pompeo sunday scriptures proverbs 28.13 > full proverbs 28 - source and timestamp, Q drop 2813, joe diGenova discusses McCabe taking out trump 14 minute youtube audio interview, Highly notable, clown comms, pompeo is panicking and this video is 14 minute audio only. Qdrops via pompeo timestamp, message not for anons and clown comms. - Triple confirmation, pompeo is talking about taking out trump, exploding tesla cars and bombs and anderson cooper post 3.45

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37adef No.21640395

File: 00683869b3b0a0e⋯.png (683.37 KB,689x568,689:568,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden/Harris: We Did That!

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2d9019 No.21640397

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)

Looks like the spamming retards are absolutely losing their minds today

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4ffbbf No.21640398

File: 57f60028afb8145⋯.webp (108.71 KB,1200x1799,1200:1799,ca_times_brightspotcdn.webp)

File: 590957ad627b256⋯.jpg (217.63 KB,1333x1928,1333:1928,Oprah_Winfrey_010724_43958….jpg)


2022 vs 2024

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27af31 No.21640399

File: 382b7129e6cf5f5⋯.jpeg (20.19 KB,710x165,142:33,CA366DB0_863E_452B_8AF6_9….jpeg)

File: 830dee990aa1812⋯.jpeg (20.25 KB,730x174,365:87,34BBA541_ED1F_4B61_86D6_3….jpeg)

File: 1e9bb613e93b9b6⋯.jpeg (51.57 KB,943x1280,943:1280,E58DED2D_FC79_4AF4_9530_D….jpeg)

File: 3671707bc757e59⋯.jpeg (81.92 KB,828x757,828:757,621679C4_3B19_41AE_8B12_E….jpeg)

File: cccb64645ac1959⋯.jpeg (44.09 KB,726x464,363:232,50064178_FEC6_4214_A73F_2….jpeg)


What’re you gonna do about it?

Red-string decode on the twat and sell merch for “the movement” ?

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af99e6 No.21640400


>>21640155 Arizona Vote Counting Center Will Have More Security Than Trump Rally. "a fleet of police drones and rooftop snipers will be at the ready."

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1c43de No.21640402

File: 0b1f14436a40dd8⋯.gif (46.52 KB,798x804,133:134,0b1f14436a40dd863fd2c03e9b….gif)

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a49643 No.21640403


the difference is?

apologists for the criminals.

those who put the worst of the worst of their tribe above the best of the best of all other tribes.

sound like any tribes you know?

ruling class despots who pretend to virtue but meanwhile run blackmail rings world wide.

they are apologists for constant war fare and profiteer off of economic collapse.

Sound like any group you know?

and then we have you ,what are you defending exactly?

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af99e6 No.21640404


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ed5ceb No.21640405

File: 77ccc9cc5bf3687⋯.png (1.09 MB,800x800,1:1,6CC99366_A1B8_47E4_9532_99….png)

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1c43de No.21640406

File: cece21b89a4777f⋯.jpg (138.86 KB,838x646,419:323,Night_crew_night_vision.jpg)

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31d567 No.21640407


post a tweet and a q post timestamp now

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1c43de No.21640408

File: e593d419bad0b41⋯.jpg (330.85 KB,540x720,3:4,Stitching_it_all_together.jpg)

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60af89 No.21640409


>as well as leaders who served in Republican administrations

(note that the number of these is not provided)

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1c43de No.21640410

File: bb6568329ce66e2⋯.png (50.36 KB,500x500,1:1,pepewizard.png)

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1c43de No.21640412

File: 85a5684f54e094f⋯.png (174.62 KB,1280x1574,640:787,SuperElitesSmile.png)

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48e6c5 No.21640413

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1c43de No.21640415

File: 7127a09974d5b07⋯.jpg (168.34 KB,600x735,40:49,MegaSuperEliteKEKCoatOfArm….jpg)

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8bdaaa No.21640416

File: 42bb36e82665ce0⋯.jpeg (122.42 KB,1122x1122,1:1,E21B7158_7C95_4475_85FE_9….jpeg)


Keep sliding…

All it takes is a single light

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9ae7ca No.21640417


>the difference is?

you got a brain aneurysm?

>their tribe

Look up Shitler and him releasing Rothschilds.

For some WEIRD reason the Rothschilds didn't give a shit about any other Jew being arrested, they only wanted THEIR OWN out.

And the Nazis didn't take their propaganda seriously.

What you write is not based in reality.

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1c43de No.21640418

File: 1cdbe489307dc4c⋯.png (243.8 KB,506x509,506:509,BadgeSuperElite.png)

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1c43de No.21640420

File: fd471c5e8beb0a1⋯.jpg (199.49 KB,1800x1800,1:1,5287c3a72f8fa9050bfd78ecf5….jpg)

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393b26 No.21640421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1c43de No.21640422

File: 4c59793f7e7dc5e⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x921,1024:921,Nightshift_Pepe_1024.png)

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1c43de No.21640424

File: ae77fe695726875⋯.png (41.2 KB,500x500,1:1,weseeyou.png)

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138687 No.21640425

File: 39ccd121fc7ab99⋯.jpg (65.41 KB,600x483,200:161,patch5_2560881561.jpg)

File: d7445feb9c198ad⋯.jpg (34.17 KB,336x438,56:73,th_3818169250.jpg)

File: 5e075118ba48c16⋯.png (10.53 KB,502x674,251:337,Screen_Shot_2021_04_08_at_….png)

File: 11cc78ca9428b24⋯.jpg (500.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_124039….jpg)

File: 591d730572f3b20⋯.jpg (69.59 KB,800x450,16:9,Kamala_Harris_and_biden_10….jpg)

>why are there Chinese police stations in the u.s., you ask?

Look around you, clueless!



https://abc7.com › free-masons-masonic-fraternal-police-department-california-of-justice-fake › 701005

Aide to CA Attorney General Kamala Harris, 2 others arrested for …

SANTA CLARITA, Calif. (KABC) – Three people, including an aide to California Attorney General Kamala Harris, were arrested for impersonating police officers and creating a fake law enforcement …

https://www.cbsnews.com › losangeles › news › chief-of-masonic-fraternal-police-idd-as-calif-attorney-general-aide

'Masonic Fraternal Police' Member ID'd As Calif. Attorney General Aide …

Officials have confirmed an aide to California Attorney General Kamala Harris was among three people

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ed5ceb No.21640426

File: 615f223b4553f49⋯.jpeg (466.2 KB,1366x1366,1:1,89E3AE9B_1B22_44A7_A3A3_B….jpeg)

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1c43de No.21640427

File: 134d611dc8575c5⋯.jpg (56.39 KB,252x255,84:85,PatchAnons.jpg)

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1ef29b No.21640429

File: b5222400a3e8a4e⋯.png (546.76 KB,673x952,673:952,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c43de No.21640430

File: 55e2e8449d23099⋯.png (381.11 KB,413x387,413:387,Pepe_Boston_Meme_Party.png)

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a49643 No.21640432

File: ca28611385a6cec⋯.jpg (114.62 KB,1052x615,1052:615,tim_walz_quote.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640433

File: 88185b629f296e1⋯.jpg (115.83 KB,759x475,759:475,074d558dca2e2f95ec6f0ae677….jpg)

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0dba6b No.21640434

File: 792f052ce0514b1⋯.jpeg (18.08 KB,255x191,255:191,7219d93cd337e9192bf0eb5d6….jpeg)

File: 1595db81183a2a9⋯.png (1.82 MB,1062x982,531:491,1595db81183a2a95e27528770a….png)

File: e0e22ff9be2d92c⋯.jpeg (857.04 KB,1340x1392,335:348,e0e22ff9be2d92c8fd1133a91….jpeg)

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d2db03 No.21640436

File: d3848ab48ab7fd4⋯.jpeg (25.23 KB,320x320,1:1,B1013133_5B17_4BEF_9E5A_7….jpeg)


Feeling froggy?


How many stars anon?

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1c43de No.21640437

File: 5a10319f212e7c2⋯.gif (743.4 KB,440x246,220:123,1534934488063.gif)

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29ae0a No.21640438


Moojoo shills just jumps on any anon who says the word Jew or Jewish. It's like they have an app alarm set to wake them up if any anon posts either of these words. They don't even read the thread. They just jump on the Defend the Jew horse and Attack anons and Defend the Jews. That is what they have been programmed and paid to do.

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1c43de No.21640439

File: c0b4b95bb09fa9f⋯.jpg (137.56 KB,811x463,811:463,wwg1wwga.jpg)

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48e6c5 No.21640440



#26502 >>21639502

>>21639525, >>21639655 Why “health experts” are gunning for RFK. He plans to dismantle the big pharma

>>21639568 @GenFlynn - MAKE AMERICA VOTE AGAIN

>>21639603, >>21640154 Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy

>>21639604 Barry's Foreign Student ID going around for new eyes

>>21639606, >>21639615, >>21640181 SSRIs changed meds—14yo girl one week later murders her mother and invites friend over to view the dead body

>>21639618, >>21640076 Springfield - 25 square miles - 20,000 Haitians ● Martha's Vineyard - 96 square miles - 0 Haitians

>>21639620 All about Kamala Harris' Father Donald J. Harris

>>21639628 Politicians funnel billions into NGOs then steal it. Money Laundering 101

>>21639657, >>21639661, >>21639663, >>21639689, >>21639730, >>21639809, >>21640097, >>21639983, >>21640185, >>21640188, >>21640239 Diddy Dirtz Dug

>>21639674 The Lion, "every once in a while he has to show the jackels, who he is"

>>21639682, >>21639705 Over 700 Deep Staters Join And Dick Cheney, Iran, And IRS Union In Endorsing Harris

>>21639708, >>21639717 Kamala Harris’s campaign announces that she can’t handle comedy roast catholic fundraiser

>>21639709 Erdogan Says Israel Is Dragging Whole Region Into All-Out War

>>21639719, >>21639725, >>21639760, >>21639795, >>21639829, >>21639956, >>21640102, >>21640243 Latest from the Middle East

>>21639731, >>21639733 Kamala's Communist Cafe - A Buffet of Many Sauces

>>21639741 Grenell Details Upcoming Trump Event Exposing Chinese Threat to American Agriculture

>>21639744 How CIA & NATO Train Journalists To Do Their Bidding! w/ Mike Benz

>>21639751 Milley ignored Trump's NG request on J6 then placed mil under his control while secret talks with China

>>21639781 Russia reports strike on ship carrying Western weapons to Ukraine- RT

>>21639793 video - China's Mandate To Spy on America

>>21639803 Fetterman likes Fracking now because "um, hehe, they're eating dogs, they're eating cats, hehe ya know"

>>21639816 Military Memetics Overview

>>21639818 Secret Service Agent "Accidentally" Shoots Himself with His Own Weapon

>>21639834, >>21639906 TRUMP TRUTH Meeting w/Qatar Leaders at MAL

>>21639847 @SpeakerJohnson's Budget Resolution Excludes 'SAVE Act' to stop illegal aliens from voting in elections

>>21639853 Doug Emhoff: Not Fair To Criticize Kamala Harris For Not Doing Her Job

>>21639870 RFK "Trump and I are going to replace the corrupt industry-captured officials with honest public servants"

>>21639873 Guantanamo Bay 9/11 Defense lawyers are in meetings, preparing for a Week 2

>>21639876 NHS Whistleblower - we were told to kill the patients to make fake plague moar real

>>21639905, >>21639922 Phone tracking shows 90% of attendees at Kamala’s rallies are same contrived support

>>21639938, >>21639949, >>21640307 BREAKING: Megan Fox has cleared her X account

>>21639971 Trump supporters in Japan took over streets chanting Trump's iconic, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

>>21639987 Too Many young football players have died sudden from cardiac arrest, heat stroke, aneurysms or asthma

>>21639991 Oklahoma clears 453,000 names of ineligible voters (felons, deceased) from voter rolls

>>21640005 @thejimwatkins - Aluminum Recycling Let's get the gang back together and do our part.

>>21640026 @thejimwatkins - Sunshine patriots need not apply to join the Great Awakening.

>>21640087 @thejimwatkins - Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun.

>>21640089 Only 43 Days Until WINNING

>>21640117, >>21640140, >>21640242 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes - P. Diddy is not a distraction! P. Diddy is the first domino!

>>21640136 Did You Notice This Small Problem With Kamala's Oprah Zoom Audience?

>>21640155 Arizona Vote Counting Center Will Have More Security Than Trump Rally

>>21640164 Joe diGenova Discusses McCabe RR Comey Baker Clapper trying to take out Trump

>>21640316 TRUMP TRUTH - Melania in her own words.

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1c43de No.21640441

File: 924fbe561c808dc⋯.jpg (157.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,nsft.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640442

File: 6eb7d5816879443⋯.jpg (182.68 KB,491x595,491:595,YellowBakery.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640444

File: 4ee9bd1d6133231⋯.jpg (183.23 KB,894x894,1:1,ns_best_shift.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640445

File: 9dc8acb89cb2c4c⋯.jpg (185.16 KB,1275x958,1275:958,AlienNightShift.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640447

File: 3536408ec984565⋯.jpg (197.13 KB,480x720,2:3,PortugueseNS.jpg)

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f71289 No.21640448

File: d739149ecf4e425⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,IMG_0337.MOV)

File: 9b7580108d43e34⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,IMG_1093.MOV)

File: 84561e3382cbb6c⋯.mp4 (862.35 KB,IMG_1204.MOV)

File: e24fbf93ecbbd10⋯.mp4 (134.48 KB,IMG_1203.MOV)

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a05296 No.21640449


"If we ignore science and put our head in the sand"

<retard wears a mask

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1c43de No.21640450

File: e8f3ebacdb0d706⋯.jpg (199.7 KB,1252x1252,1:1,bb6279e930064a32b973c4afe5….jpg)

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552583 No.21640451

>>21639054, >>21639095, >>21639102, >>21639278, >>21639473 @Pink has deleted all of her tweets following @UsherPN

Do you what is stupid about these celebs deleting their posts now? What was it Diddy was raided last Nov? Well guess what they took three years investigating him before that, before he even knew. And guess what since they had a super ton if evidence they collected everything on his friends including their twitter feeds.

Then the DHS & FBI with the evidence they found, they investigated a lot more they didn't know about, and a lot more on his friends.How do they know whether diddy spilled the beans on all involved from last year til now to try to get a sweetheart deal?

No that Diddy is arrested he's ratting every single person known and unknown out, according to Bongino, his attorneys are working with the FBI and USUA prosecutor for a deal.

The Twitter feeds were monitored and snatched up before the first raid, after that, they got the whole history of the twitter feeds they didn't know about.

And what makes these people think because they delete their feed, that Twitter is not required by the feds to keep the whole feed on their servers. These people are really dumb

All these stars are doing are deleting it from the public, the government has got it all already

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83b231 No.21640452

When taylor swift and katy perry get millions of people to do that hand heart symbol, watch how they bounce hands. It is the girl lover pedo symbol, heart in heat.

And two hands doing

Peace sign is lesbian shit, it is representing open legs, two girls, sciccoring, legs spread sciccoring crotches, having lesbian rubbing cotches together lesbian sex. And every little girl makes these same hand gedtures, because it is n

Brainwashed into ythem, psrents pay for tickets and albums, paying to brainwash their oen kids.

Katy has on monarch mk ultra butterfly top, feeds sheep pizza, nay gave human elements on pizza, she winks, does girl lover heart.

In your face.


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9ae7ca No.21640453


I got a problem with retards.

It doesn't matter if its muhjoo or muhnigger or the lefty's muhwhite. It's all the same crap.

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d947d7 No.21640454


>shills (25)

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1c43de No.21640455

File: 3efb75e7ef77e5c⋯.jpg (200.63 KB,1024x1118,512:559,PepeDigDayNight.jpg)

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60af89 No.21640456

File: 447ec1d666dcce8⋯.mp4 (12.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,JD_Vance_on_Tucker_Carlson….mp4)

File: 8a383bf35ade510⋯.mp4 (293.17 KB,750x600,5:4,Hidden_teleprompter_spotte….mp4)

File: 23e79e258818647⋯.jpg (13.52 KB,480x480,1:1,jeet_train_next_frame.jpg)

File: 383dd1758552219⋯.jpg (19.86 KB,480x480,1:1,jeet_train.jpg)





>Oprah hasn't posted since 2022

nice. you love to see it

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1c43de No.21640457

File: 6bbaf26ac218946⋯.jpg (201.58 KB,1023x723,341:241,welcome_tothe_night_shift.jpg)

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138687 No.21640458

File: 595a6691d2dd712⋯.jpg (507.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240922_140852….jpg)

File: 5cd01a95fb9d458⋯.jpg (499.71 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240922_140918….jpg)





Apr 15, 2018 9:25:04 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Apr 15, 2018 9:24:25 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ






The WHY.


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ee241d No.21640459

File: 8fee6ab778c8dc2⋯.png (163.79 KB,860x1041,860:1041,ClipboardImage.png)



The Letter, with names



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ed5ceb No.21640460

File: 9e37d8b8f063a03⋯.png (775.5 KB,673x952,673:952,449BA63E_D956_4070_84B9_F8….png)

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1c43de No.21640462

File: 5aa24e999f55960⋯.jpg (202.75 KB,648x1041,216:347,Addams_Family_addams_famil….jpg)

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48e6c5 No.21640463

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1c43de No.21640464

File: 6fd919611199eff⋯.jpg (226.27 KB,1040x798,520:399,DSCN0390_2_.jpg)

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9f1165 No.21640466

the winds of change have arrived

does that mean the storm is almost here?

should we see the calm before the storm soon?

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1c43de No.21640467

File: 8517e994730cc58⋯.jpeg (256.09 KB,700x768,175:192,gys.jpeg)

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1c43de No.21640468

File: a5f184bbd991f5d⋯.jpg (275.92 KB,543x616,543:616,Swedish.jpg)

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29ae0a No.21640469


You fucked up MuhJoo shill.

You failed to protect one of your own.

Your Rabbi will be notified.

Expect repercussions.

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48e6c5 No.21640472

File: efda9288bee0897⋯.jpg (681.35 KB,2560x2560,1:1,efda9288bee0897d638f3e9b49….jpg)

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1c43de No.21640473

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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1c43de No.21640475

File: 8d2e4e6b8094ea4⋯.jpg (289.73 KB,814x900,407:450,wtg54g5w5gw5yy.jpg)

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60af89 No.21640477

File: 20b6c7154415b8e⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,640x360,16:9,ABC_finally_is_like_yeah_w….mp4)

fuck the "national security" scam.

it's always been a 1984-type phrase.

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83b231 No.21640478




>>21640452 heart in heart

Not heart in heat, but probably appropriate..

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1c43de No.21640480

File: 7204739e5b8c6b8⋯.jpg (298.44 KB,2048x1147,2048:1147,Patriots_Goodnight.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640482

File: 8bca0ae3000bdb5⋯.jpg (301.62 KB,800x546,400:273,Q_gift_wwg1wgaa.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640484

File: 09704f16283d214⋯.jpg (323.89 KB,937x846,937:846,67b57aa9ec626199e605ca018c….jpg)

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1c43de No.21640485

File: 25745561bc4430e⋯.jpeg (341.12 KB,1500x1138,750:569,WWG1WGA.jpeg)

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48e6c5 No.21640486

File: 491c31c2f2b010d⋯.jpg (263.42 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fbb.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640489

File: 6cd23885d6b51d7⋯.jpg (345.59 KB,1000x1000,1:1,nitecrewqanon_patch.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640492

File: 15a1f361b6b880a⋯.jpg (351.92 KB,894x680,447:340,c56822fc1f821b5ccb736267d3….jpg)

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309de1 No.21640493


Oh, they mean Kamala is easily manipulated and Trump is not?

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48e6c5 No.21640494

File: a86d90b1c5b5244⋯.jpg (10.98 KB,225x225,1:1,e.jpg)

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