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File: d3a52f00f7d0f5b⋯.jpg (199.29 KB,1920x1080,16:9,u7qow.jpg)

48e6c5 No.21639493 [View All]

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701 posts and 588 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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1c43de No.21640427

File: 134d611dc8575c5⋯.jpg (56.39 KB,252x255,84:85,PatchAnons.jpg)

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1ef29b No.21640429

File: b5222400a3e8a4e⋯.png (546.76 KB,673x952,673:952,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c43de No.21640430

File: 55e2e8449d23099⋯.png (381.11 KB,413x387,413:387,Pepe_Boston_Meme_Party.png)

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a49643 No.21640432

File: ca28611385a6cec⋯.jpg (114.62 KB,1052x615,1052:615,tim_walz_quote.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640433

File: 88185b629f296e1⋯.jpg (115.83 KB,759x475,759:475,074d558dca2e2f95ec6f0ae677….jpg)

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0dba6b No.21640434

File: 792f052ce0514b1⋯.jpeg (18.08 KB,255x191,255:191,7219d93cd337e9192bf0eb5d6….jpeg)

File: 1595db81183a2a9⋯.png (1.82 MB,1062x982,531:491,1595db81183a2a95e27528770a….png)

File: e0e22ff9be2d92c⋯.jpeg (857.04 KB,1340x1392,335:348,e0e22ff9be2d92c8fd1133a91….jpeg)

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d2db03 No.21640436

File: d3848ab48ab7fd4⋯.jpeg (25.23 KB,320x320,1:1,B1013133_5B17_4BEF_9E5A_7….jpeg)


Feeling froggy?


How many stars anon?

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1c43de No.21640437

File: 5a10319f212e7c2⋯.gif (743.4 KB,440x246,220:123,1534934488063.gif)

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29ae0a No.21640438


Moojoo shills just jumps on any anon who says the word Jew or Jewish. It's like they have an app alarm set to wake them up if any anon posts either of these words. They don't even read the thread. They just jump on the Defend the Jew horse and Attack anons and Defend the Jews. That is what they have been programmed and paid to do.

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1c43de No.21640439

File: c0b4b95bb09fa9f⋯.jpg (137.56 KB,811x463,811:463,wwg1wwga.jpg)

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48e6c5 No.21640440



#26502 >>21639502

>>21639525, >>21639655 Why “health experts” are gunning for RFK. He plans to dismantle the big pharma

>>21639568 @GenFlynn - MAKE AMERICA VOTE AGAIN

>>21639603, >>21640154 Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy

>>21639604 Barry's Foreign Student ID going around for new eyes

>>21639606, >>21639615, >>21640181 SSRIs changed meds—14yo girl one week later murders her mother and invites friend over to view the dead body

>>21639618, >>21640076 Springfield - 25 square miles - 20,000 Haitians ● Martha's Vineyard - 96 square miles - 0 Haitians

>>21639620 All about Kamala Harris' Father Donald J. Harris

>>21639628 Politicians funnel billions into NGOs then steal it. Money Laundering 101

>>21639657, >>21639661, >>21639663, >>21639689, >>21639730, >>21639809, >>21640097, >>21639983, >>21640185, >>21640188, >>21640239 Diddy Dirtz Dug

>>21639674 The Lion, "every once in a while he has to show the jackels, who he is"

>>21639682, >>21639705 Over 700 Deep Staters Join And Dick Cheney, Iran, And IRS Union In Endorsing Harris

>>21639708, >>21639717 Kamala Harris’s campaign announces that she can’t handle comedy roast catholic fundraiser

>>21639709 Erdogan Says Israel Is Dragging Whole Region Into All-Out War

>>21639719, >>21639725, >>21639760, >>21639795, >>21639829, >>21639956, >>21640102, >>21640243 Latest from the Middle East

>>21639731, >>21639733 Kamala's Communist Cafe - A Buffet of Many Sauces

>>21639741 Grenell Details Upcoming Trump Event Exposing Chinese Threat to American Agriculture

>>21639744 How CIA & NATO Train Journalists To Do Their Bidding! w/ Mike Benz

>>21639751 Milley ignored Trump's NG request on J6 then placed mil under his control while secret talks with China

>>21639781 Russia reports strike on ship carrying Western weapons to Ukraine- RT

>>21639793 video - China's Mandate To Spy on America

>>21639803 Fetterman likes Fracking now because "um, hehe, they're eating dogs, they're eating cats, hehe ya know"

>>21639816 Military Memetics Overview

>>21639818 Secret Service Agent "Accidentally" Shoots Himself with His Own Weapon

>>21639834, >>21639906 TRUMP TRUTH Meeting w/Qatar Leaders at MAL

>>21639847 @SpeakerJohnson's Budget Resolution Excludes 'SAVE Act' to stop illegal aliens from voting in elections

>>21639853 Doug Emhoff: Not Fair To Criticize Kamala Harris For Not Doing Her Job

>>21639870 RFK "Trump and I are going to replace the corrupt industry-captured officials with honest public servants"

>>21639873 Guantanamo Bay 9/11 Defense lawyers are in meetings, preparing for a Week 2

>>21639876 NHS Whistleblower - we were told to kill the patients to make fake plague moar real

>>21639905, >>21639922 Phone tracking shows 90% of attendees at Kamala’s rallies are same contrived support

>>21639938, >>21639949, >>21640307 BREAKING: Megan Fox has cleared her X account

>>21639971 Trump supporters in Japan took over streets chanting Trump's iconic, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

>>21639987 Too Many young football players have died sudden from cardiac arrest, heat stroke, aneurysms or asthma

>>21639991 Oklahoma clears 453,000 names of ineligible voters (felons, deceased) from voter rolls

>>21640005 @thejimwatkins - Aluminum Recycling Let's get the gang back together and do our part.

>>21640026 @thejimwatkins - Sunshine patriots need not apply to join the Great Awakening.

>>21640087 @thejimwatkins - Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun.

>>21640089 Only 43 Days Until WINNING

>>21640117, >>21640140, >>21640242 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes - P. Diddy is not a distraction! P. Diddy is the first domino!

>>21640136 Did You Notice This Small Problem With Kamala's Oprah Zoom Audience?

>>21640155 Arizona Vote Counting Center Will Have More Security Than Trump Rally

>>21640164 Joe diGenova Discusses McCabe RR Comey Baker Clapper trying to take out Trump

>>21640316 TRUMP TRUTH - Melania in her own words.

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1c43de No.21640441

File: 924fbe561c808dc⋯.jpg (157.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,nsft.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640442

File: 6eb7d5816879443⋯.jpg (182.68 KB,491x595,491:595,YellowBakery.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640444

File: 4ee9bd1d6133231⋯.jpg (183.23 KB,894x894,1:1,ns_best_shift.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640445

File: 9dc8acb89cb2c4c⋯.jpg (185.16 KB,1275x958,1275:958,AlienNightShift.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640447

File: 3536408ec984565⋯.jpg (197.13 KB,480x720,2:3,PortugueseNS.jpg)

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f71289 No.21640448

File: d739149ecf4e425⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,IMG_0337.MOV)

File: 9b7580108d43e34⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,IMG_1093.MOV)

File: 84561e3382cbb6c⋯.mp4 (862.35 KB,IMG_1204.MOV)

File: e24fbf93ecbbd10⋯.mp4 (134.48 KB,IMG_1203.MOV)

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a05296 No.21640449


"If we ignore science and put our head in the sand"

<retard wears a mask

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1c43de No.21640450

File: e8f3ebacdb0d706⋯.jpg (199.7 KB,1252x1252,1:1,bb6279e930064a32b973c4afe5….jpg)

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552583 No.21640451

>>21639054, >>21639095, >>21639102, >>21639278, >>21639473 @Pink has deleted all of her tweets following @UsherPN

Do you what is stupid about these celebs deleting their posts now? What was it Diddy was raided last Nov? Well guess what they took three years investigating him before that, before he even knew. And guess what since they had a super ton if evidence they collected everything on his friends including their twitter feeds.

Then the DHS & FBI with the evidence they found, they investigated a lot more they didn't know about, and a lot more on his friends.How do they know whether diddy spilled the beans on all involved from last year til now to try to get a sweetheart deal?

No that Diddy is arrested he's ratting every single person known and unknown out, according to Bongino, his attorneys are working with the FBI and USUA prosecutor for a deal.

The Twitter feeds were monitored and snatched up before the first raid, after that, they got the whole history of the twitter feeds they didn't know about.

And what makes these people think because they delete their feed, that Twitter is not required by the feds to keep the whole feed on their servers. These people are really dumb

All these stars are doing are deleting it from the public, the government has got it all already

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83b231 No.21640452

When taylor swift and katy perry get millions of people to do that hand heart symbol, watch how they bounce hands. It is the girl lover pedo symbol, heart in heat.

And two hands doing

Peace sign is lesbian shit, it is representing open legs, two girls, sciccoring, legs spread sciccoring crotches, having lesbian rubbing cotches together lesbian sex. And every little girl makes these same hand gedtures, because it is n

Brainwashed into ythem, psrents pay for tickets and albums, paying to brainwash their oen kids.

Katy has on monarch mk ultra butterfly top, feeds sheep pizza, nay gave human elements on pizza, she winks, does girl lover heart.

In your face.


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9ae7ca No.21640453


I got a problem with retards.

It doesn't matter if its muhjoo or muhnigger or the lefty's muhwhite. It's all the same crap.

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d947d7 No.21640454


>shills (25)

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1c43de No.21640455

File: 3efb75e7ef77e5c⋯.jpg (200.63 KB,1024x1118,512:559,PepeDigDayNight.jpg)

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60af89 No.21640456

File: 447ec1d666dcce8⋯.mp4 (12.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,JD_Vance_on_Tucker_Carlson….mp4)

File: 8a383bf35ade510⋯.mp4 (293.17 KB,750x600,5:4,Hidden_teleprompter_spotte….mp4)

File: 23e79e258818647⋯.jpg (13.52 KB,480x480,1:1,jeet_train_next_frame.jpg)

File: 383dd1758552219⋯.jpg (19.86 KB,480x480,1:1,jeet_train.jpg)





>Oprah hasn't posted since 2022

nice. you love to see it

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1c43de No.21640457

File: 6bbaf26ac218946⋯.jpg (201.58 KB,1023x723,341:241,welcome_tothe_night_shift.jpg)

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138687 No.21640458

File: 595a6691d2dd712⋯.jpg (507.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240922_140852….jpg)

File: 5cd01a95fb9d458⋯.jpg (499.71 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240922_140918….jpg)





Apr 15, 2018 9:25:04 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

Apr 15, 2018 9:24:25 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ






The WHY.


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ee241d No.21640459

File: 8fee6ab778c8dc2⋯.png (163.79 KB,860x1041,860:1041,ClipboardImage.png)



The Letter, with names



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ed5ceb No.21640460

File: 9e37d8b8f063a03⋯.png (775.5 KB,673x952,673:952,449BA63E_D956_4070_84B9_F8….png)

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1c43de No.21640462

File: 5aa24e999f55960⋯.jpg (202.75 KB,648x1041,216:347,Addams_Family_addams_famil….jpg)

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48e6c5 No.21640463

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1c43de No.21640464

File: 6fd919611199eff⋯.jpg (226.27 KB,1040x798,520:399,DSCN0390_2_.jpg)

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9f1165 No.21640466

the winds of change have arrived

does that mean the storm is almost here?

should we see the calm before the storm soon?

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1c43de No.21640467

File: 8517e994730cc58⋯.jpeg (256.09 KB,700x768,175:192,gys.jpeg)

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1c43de No.21640468

File: a5f184bbd991f5d⋯.jpg (275.92 KB,543x616,543:616,Swedish.jpg)

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29ae0a No.21640469


You fucked up MuhJoo shill.

You failed to protect one of your own.

Your Rabbi will be notified.

Expect repercussions.

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48e6c5 No.21640472

File: efda9288bee0897⋯.jpg (681.35 KB,2560x2560,1:1,efda9288bee0897d638f3e9b49….jpg)

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1c43de No.21640473

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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1c43de No.21640475

File: 8d2e4e6b8094ea4⋯.jpg (289.73 KB,814x900,407:450,wtg54g5w5gw5yy.jpg)

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60af89 No.21640477

File: 20b6c7154415b8e⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,640x360,16:9,ABC_finally_is_like_yeah_w….mp4)

fuck the "national security" scam.

it's always been a 1984-type phrase.

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83b231 No.21640478




>>21640452 heart in heart

Not heart in heat, but probably appropriate..

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1c43de No.21640480

File: 7204739e5b8c6b8⋯.jpg (298.44 KB,2048x1147,2048:1147,Patriots_Goodnight.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640482

File: 8bca0ae3000bdb5⋯.jpg (301.62 KB,800x546,400:273,Q_gift_wwg1wgaa.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640484

File: 09704f16283d214⋯.jpg (323.89 KB,937x846,937:846,67b57aa9ec626199e605ca018c….jpg)

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1c43de No.21640485

File: 25745561bc4430e⋯.jpeg (341.12 KB,1500x1138,750:569,WWG1WGA.jpeg)

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48e6c5 No.21640486

File: 491c31c2f2b010d⋯.jpg (263.42 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fbb.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640489

File: 6cd23885d6b51d7⋯.jpg (345.59 KB,1000x1000,1:1,nitecrewqanon_patch.jpg)

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1c43de No.21640492

File: 15a1f361b6b880a⋯.jpg (351.92 KB,894x680,447:340,c56822fc1f821b5ccb736267d3….jpg)

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309de1 No.21640493


Oh, they mean Kamala is easily manipulated and Trump is not?

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48e6c5 No.21640494

File: a86d90b1c5b5244⋯.jpg (10.98 KB,225x225,1:1,e.jpg)

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