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File: c91e618b272bf5d⋯.png (74.12 KB,339x187,339:187,c91e618b272bf5d2a1299413e0….png)

c39982 No.21634454 [Last50 Posts]

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c39982 No.21634455

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#26495 >>21633412

>>21633475 Sunken superyacht believed to contain watertight safes with sensitive intelligence data

>>21633483 The true communist/fascist goal to divide children from their parents

>>21633525 President Trump, more Amish people would be able to attend to your Lancaster rally if it’s on a Saturday

>>21633531, >>21633553, >>21633584 Starting up the Covid Fuggery before the election

>>21633535, >>21633538, >>21633564, >>21633607, >>21633785, >>21634025, >>21634325, >>21634327 Diddy dirt

>>21633564, >>21633634, >>21633651, >>21633742, >>21633764, >>21633773 Diddy's lawyer wife is named Karen Friedman Agnifilo she is part of the group that is after Trump

>>21633578, >>21634087, >>21634129, >>21634308 Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy

>>21633580, >>21633701, >>21633795, >>21633797, >>21633893, >>21633894, >>21634077, >>21634137, >>21634197, >>21634270 NASA & Related Space Stuff

>>21633642 @FLOTUS unveils 2024’s Limited Edition Ornament series, “Merry Christmas, AMERICA!”

>>21633751 TRUMP TRUTH -Good Morning Everyone- Launching Official TRUMP COINS

>>21633811, >>21633918 Very strange arrival footage. Barrack Obama Receives 2024 Sylvanus Thayer Award

>>21633860 TRUMP TRUTH - Bill Maher is really having a hard time coping with TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME

>>21633896, >>21634093, >>21634425 The time 30 people looked like hundreds? another Walz rally Allentown Pa

>>21634041 Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX for $15 million over U.S.-Mexico border land dispute

>>21634065 Italian PM Meloni: “From now on, if you enter Italy illegally, you will be immediately deported!”

>>21634073, >>21634092, >>21634237 Agents have boarded vessel owned by same company that collapsed Key Bridge

>>21634081, >>21634096, >>21634101 Deltas - MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP + ENJOY THE RALLY @ THE 'Q' TONIGHT!

>>21634171 Swamp Happenings and JD Vance scheduled speaks

>>21634184, >>21634205 DIG CALL Springfield Ohio Mayor ROBERT RUE is making MILLIONS off Haitians

>>21634222 @DanScavino Dog Pile kek

>>21634228, >>21634250, >>21634263 ‘Self-amplifying’ mRNA vaccines: the latest threat in Big Pharma’s arsenal? Japan protests.

>>21634238, >>21634245, >>21634253, >>21634268, >>21634336, >>21634405, >>21634420 DIGG CALL Diddy launches @OurBlackParty a Black political party is Kamala connected?

>>21634258 Are the White House and the Pentagon controlled by a shadowy few?

>>21634260 NATO Chief Admits Massing Tens of Thousands of Troops on Russian Border Since 2014

>>21634287 Trump’s scheduled visit to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, this weekend has been canceled

>>21634423 PF - Trump Force One N757AF

>>21634452 #26495

#26494 >>21632670

>>21633284 LIVE: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

>>21632688, >>21632690 Trump can now deploy ex-Democrat 'power rangers' RFK Jr., Musk and Gabbard to prod bigger exodus

>>21632694 One liberal teen vs 20 Trump supporters

>>21632720 Update: Bitcoin dig on Operation Chokepoint

>>21632722 Why didn’t Oprah run in 2016- Gutfeld: skeletons in her closet … she eats humans - skeletons in her closet

>>21632737 Anthony Albanese has become the first foreign leader invited to Joe Biden’s private home ahead of a Quad leaders summit

>>21632746 Facebook’s ‘Race Blind’ Algorithm Backfires In Their Face: Finds 90% Of ‘Hate Speech’ Was Directed Toward White People And Men

>>21632748 Kash on @jasonaldean shutting down the hwy on your way to a Trump Force 47 even in Reno/Tahoe

>>21632750, >>21632759, >>21632759, >>21632762, >>21632773, >>21632775, >>21632782, >>21632793, >>21633009 "The US Economy is Basically Fine" (not quite…)- video & anon discussion

>>21632896 US marines: Maj. Daniel Shipley speaks to marines about the Battle of Peleliu

>>21632902 Pizza comms? re Katy Perry

>>21632905 Rachel Maddow is having a meltdown over Georgia’s new rule that requires hand counting ballots in the 2024 Election.

>>21632906 Advent of Trump & launch of Q celebrated

>>21632911 Thousands of Brits Left Disabled After COVID Shots

>>21632932 Webchat RSS feed: recent news

>>21632969, >>21633013 Remember When GOP Poll Challengers Were Kicked Out Of The Absentee Ballot Counting Room In Detroit One Day After The 2020 Election?

>>21632922, >>21632927, >>21632929, >>21632966, >>21633002 Possible connections between the two assassination attempts on President Trump?? DIG CALL

>>21632990 Trump Shooter Ryan Routh Pictured With High-Profile Democrat Donor celeb chef Jose Andres Honored by Pelosi THIS YEAR.

>>21632985 A Secret Service counter sniper sent an email Monday night to the entire Uniformed Division (not agents) saying he will not stop speaking out until "5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions."

>>21632950 Vax-injured Alexis Lorenze UPDATE

>>21632987 Guess Who's Buying Firearms Now? on KH gun ownership and mandatory buyback position

>>21633016 WAPO: Where we stand on Earth's climate re mean surface temperature (hint: global warming is NOT a problem)

>>21633019 Allegations Surface That Springfield Ohio Mayor Rob Rue is Profiting Off Renting Out Properties to Haitian Immigrants

>>21633091 Hollywood stars are ‘scared to death’ to speak out about Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ sex-trafficking case

>>21633100 @elonmusk Very important to read this book The Parasitic Mind Gad Saad

>>21633102 Trump is set to make his way back to Wilmington on Saturday afternoon

>>21633131, TRUMP WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD DECLARE ANY INSURRECTION ICYMI: Report confirms Trump authorized 10,000 troops for Jan. 6 Destroys Democrat claims of 'insurrection,'


>>21633184 NHS Director Blows Whistle – Hospitals Fabricated Cause of Death to Inflate COVID Pandemic Numbers!

>>21633191 @TomFitton Jeffrey Veltri-FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today is the head of FBI Miami Field Office ANTI TRUMPER

>>21633225 Interesting to note that some of the titles on Barack Obama's summer, 2024 reading list are; 'Headshot' 'Martyr!' 'Help Wanted'

>>21633241 How QAnon Continues to Shape Views on Ex-POTUS’ Fight Against a 'Global Elite'? For the keks!

>>21633378 If you only do one thing today, pray for POTUS

>>21633385 Democrat Chair Admits She Supports Abortions Up to Birth: “All the Way to the End”

>>21633393 #26494

#26493 >>21631908

>>21631940 Boeing defense chief Ted Colbert pushed out

>>21631966 Arizona Supreme Court rules nearly 98,000 people whose citizenship documents hadn't been confirmed can vote in all races

>>21631968 Elon: Just had an excellent conversation with President @NayibBukele

>>21631973, >>21631988 Whistleblower suggests the second assassination attempt on Trump could have been an inside job by the Secret Service

>>21631980 Voters in Maryland recently reported receiving sample ballots in the mail with incorrect names on them

>>21632005 Illegal alien was driving drunk at 114mph, resisted arrest, kicked female Trooper in the head multiple times, and grabbed her taser

>>21632009, >>21632017, >>21632027 Biden Holds First Cabinet Meeting in 11 months, Jill Biden Sits at the Head of the Table

>>21632091 Stationary at the White House now has the Presidential Seal flanked by “President” Jill Biden’s signature

>>21632039 Far-left pro-Hamas protesters interrupted Kamala Harris’s campaign rally in Madison, Wisconsin on Friday

>>21632042 Somali leader and former chair of the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority pleads guilty to stealing millions meant to feed children

>>21632143 Diddy as a 20yo began an internship at Uptown Records which was founded by Andre O’Neal Harrell

>>21632068 The person who organized the "MAP Camp" in Vermont is a trans nonbinary Latinx leftist drag queen named Jonathan Peter Jacquez

>>21632085, >>21632087 1,039 days later, not a single person has been connected to the Internet from Harris' $42B plan

>>21632101 Diddy Sold Child Rape Tapes of Bieber to Multiple Hollywood A-Listers

>>21632133 HHS sued for resisting FOIA for transgender official's role in trans surgery standards for kids

>>21632137 FBI intercepts threatening letter intended for Utah election workers

>>21632225 J&J subsidiary files for bankruptcy to advance $10 billion talc settlement

>>21632236 Elon Musk says the FAA should make Boeing pay for putting the Starliner astronauts at risk, not fine SpaceX 'for trivia'

>>21632239 Biden Climate Chief Podesta Touts Oil Boom as Economic Victory

>>21632251 Today the House passed H.R. 5717 to prevent sanctuary cities from receiving federal funding to benefit illegal aliens

>>21632258 AFPI's Rundown: National Security, Protecting Candidates, Federal Reserve - 9/20/24

>>21632263 Biden-Harris Campaign Did Not Inform FBI of Iranian Hackers Offering Stolen Trump Info

>>21632265, >>21632295 Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk's SpaceX over land bought to curb Trump border wall

>>21632272 Kamala Says Freedom Is Ours 'By Right' (Except for Speech, Guns and Whatever Else She Doesn't Like)

>>21632319 Bulgarian President Signs Law Banning LGBT 'Promotion' In Schools

>>21632326 Alec Baldwin urges judge to stand by dismissal of involuntary manslaughter case in 'Rust' shooting

>>21632359 Interesting cat study with prisoners

>>21632372 Democrats Panic After Poll Reveals Reliably Blue State Is Neck-And-Neck

>>21632374 Secret Service updates on investigation into the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21632385 Robinson won’t appear at Trump’s North Carolina rally after report on online posts

>>21632399 Black pastor tells the truth about Haitian voodoo culture and eating animals

>>21632405 DJT: I will protect women at a level never seen before

>>21632437, >>21632538 Video of Obama in jail is from South Africa visit, not Guantanamo Bay

>>21632434 50 Cent claims Ben Affleck left JLo after finding out about her involvement with minors at Diddy "freakoff" parties

>>21632459, >>21632485 Rashida Tlaib's jiminnies rustled over exploding pager cartoon

>>21632473 Scientists have captured Earth's climate over the last 485 million years - here's the "surprising" place we stand now

>>21632499 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk informs Poles that German soldiers are arriving in Poland to help with the flooding disaster

>>21632503 RNC files lawsuit against Montgomery County PA for illegally issuing untested early ballots

>>21632561 Loomer says she has copy of ABC whistleblower documents

>>21632602 ICYMI: Former Border Patrol Chief testifies he was ordered by Biden-Harris admin to cover up number of terrorists at border


>>21632609 Oprah Releases Moving 1-Hour Special On Dangers Of Alcohol Abuse

>>21632621 Confirmed: Patriots at Trump rally have their eyes burned by unknown chemical

>>21632631 Trump Cloud

>>21631933, >>21631999, >>21632047, >>21632176, >>21632297 Memes

>>21632657 #26493

Previously Collected

>>21630263 #26490, >>21631114 #26491, >>21631890 #26492

>>21627714 #26487, >>21628402 #26488, >>21629341 #26489

>>21624767 #26484, >>21625751 #26485, >>21626647 #26486

>>21621981 #26481, >>21623170 #26482, >>21623888 #26483

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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c39982 No.21634461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


bread is ghost

Rally Baker Step Up

fresh rally dough


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9e88d6 No.21634476

File: aa1a49fb9e6a40d⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,640x360,16:9,jones_eppy.mp4)

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2a2010 No.21634484


confirm handoff

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61a659 No.21634487



Meiselas, Diddy, and Clinton

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2a2010 No.21634488


claiming dough

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172a83 No.21634489


Pager accident?

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7480f2 No.21634490

File: dfacfc008e863b9⋯.png (372.06 KB,623x647,623:647,sm2.png)

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50639d No.21634491

File: 5bfe00431855546⋯.webm (986.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,breadNEWloaf.webm)

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1ea2a7 No.21634492

File: bdd933cc69f49b1⋯.png (153.99 KB,1161x2048,1161:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

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0142da No.21634493

File: dfdadd7f63b7f84⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,360x360,1:1,The_Kiffness_Eating_the_Ca….mp4)

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851915 No.21634494

File: 54dabdbf452aeb7⋯.jpg (96.06 KB,888x485,888:485,sdffghghja.jpg)

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b92ae8 No.21634495

File: 290ae4a9d8d6348⋯.jpeg (13.46 KB,182x255,182:255,tyb2.jpeg)

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f7f02a No.21634496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Interrogation of Trump Doral Shooter Jonathan Oddi


247,324 views Oct 29, 2020 MIAMI

On May 18, 2018 officers responded to the Trump National Doral Miami Hotel regarding multiple reports regarding an erratic man with a gun in the lobby. Jonathan Oddi had taken over the lobby and draped an enormous American flag over the resort’s front desk. The details of that incident were covered in a story we published in September 2019, and today we have finally acquired footage of Mr. Oddi's interview by FDLE Special Agent Alberto Borges and Miami Dade Police Detective Oscar Andino.

During his interview with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Oddi, a 42 year old former stripper, stated that he had planned his actions to direct attention to several political issues. He stated he dressed in black clothing and painted his face black so he would not be seen, and that he had conducted surveillance on the property for about two hours.

While at the hospital, Oddi yelled many spontaneous statements, asking to speak with the FBI, Secret Service, CIA, and the media. He stated that he is an intelligence officer and also made the following erratic comments: “Trump is a traitor,” “Obama is Osama,” “Trump makes his money on gas,” and “laws are corrupt."

Oddi also told officers that he had a "settlement" with Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and the rap artist known as P. Diddy.

This video presents a portion of the interrogation of Jonathan Oddi. Whose last name could hardly be more appropriate, and who at one point worked for website "Dancing Bear" as a porn actor.

Let us know in a comment if you would like to see more of this interview aka hear Oddi's thoughts on Tupac Shakur.

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f7f02a No.21634498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f7f02a No.21634499

>>21634496 listen to this wow 2024 so guy is not crazy

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b92ae8 No.21634500

File: 663d8b0d6cf43ae⋯.png (308.91 KB,558x371,558:371,fromthelivertotheknee.png)

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3eda29 No.21634501

File: 8161ecbe098fba5⋯.jpeg (70.7 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_5216.jpeg)

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f7f02a No.21634502

>>21634496 really interesting

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c39982 No.21634503


Oddi went to Trump's Doral with a gun acting cray because he wanted Trump to save him from Diddy?

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8679f2 No.21634504


not even middle class

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e5d923 No.21634505

File: d0ebd81c4362b00⋯.png (175.72 KB,1213x522,1213:522,clipboard.png)

File: b4a6c432ff6262a⋯.png (52.74 KB,712x944,89:118,4212.png)


>>21634400 (pb)


Bring the pain.

You'll know when.


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b09cb9 No.21634506

File: ecafd5c9349243d⋯.png (239.24 KB,720x720,1:1,downloadfile_3.png)

File: 4a120c074a4ebf5⋯.jpg (64.06 KB,500x595,100:119,SSI.jpg)



Donald Trump has completely forgotten about the most vulnerable people in America and why is that?

SSI is capped at the FBR (Federal Benefit Rate) of $943 a month. Disabled elderly people do not live on it; they barely survive, struggle and suffer. The only way off it, since it is the most highly regulated and conditional program the gov't has, is to get lucky and somehow get a job or die.Not a huge job market out there for the disabled elderly people.

Anons, realistically there's no way i could survive on $943 a month with $1,200 rent, car note, car insurance, gasoline, high cost of groceries, internet etc.


Big question is how the heck do people on SSI disability financially survive comfortably?

Comfortably? I think you know the answer.


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3eda29 No.21634507


Incoherent crap spewing from your chattering head….

Kill your self.

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73000c No.21634509

File: 00ba9b1944cb48c⋯.webp (14.65 KB,640x640,1:1,3af376296c03bcb7.webp)

sittin on the shitter pushing out a Q…ploop sploosh

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f9a073 No.21634510

File: fb212dffcc735b1⋯.png (1.03 MB,806x768,403:384,44_days_to_winning.png)

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f7f02a No.21634511




May 2018

Jonathan Oddi

he sure sounds like he knows stuff

PRIOR to current day waking up

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3eda29 No.21634512


Because Americans hate labor.

They won’t desk jobs. without jobs they won’t do shit.

Go eat MacDonalds. Nigger.

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cfebbc No.21634513

File: 68f4fc466364d06⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,21120_110735390.mp4)



Thank you bakers.


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61a659 No.21634514

File: f9953dcfea1987b⋯.png (306.71 KB,640x424,80:53,badboy.png)

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79cb13 No.21634515

In Canada the Roman Catholics in Control of Banks, Police, Courts, City Hall and all Politicians are kicking every Non Catholic Christian out on the Streets to freeze to death this winter, the entire Vaccine Industry is a war on Non Catholics by the Roman Catholic Church.

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b942c7 No.21634516

File: ef59f3c869374e8⋯.png (924.76 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)



Who is running America right now?

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9f1e12 No.21634517

File: 97c6f34492cbd55⋯.png (770.14 KB,773x830,773:830,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

A Democratic darling and top fundraiser who had President Biden preside over his nuptials has dished out tens of thousands of dollars to Kamala Harris and other candidates — while the IRS was coming after him for millions in unpaid taxes, The Post has learned.

Henry Muñoz, the finance chairman emeritus of the Democratic National Committee, had a whopping $3,497,319 federal income tax lien placed against him in April 2023, IRS records show, along with a $152,411.46 business tax warrant in his home state of Texas.

That hasn’t stopped Muñoz, 64, from splashing out out six figures to his fellow Democrats for the 2024 elections.

The powerbroker gave a $6,600 max-out donation to the Biden/Harris — now Harris/Walz — campaign; $37,686.45 to the DNC; and $62,400 to assorted Democratic candidates for House and Senate, including Tom Suozzi (D-Long Island), Rep. Pat Ryan (D-Ulster County), and former Congressman Mondaire Jones.

Muñoz served as President Barack Obama’s handpicked lead fundraiser and was among the top 2020 bundlers for Biden, amassing more than $200,000 on the Democrat’s behalf.

In 2017, Biden personally officiated Muñoz’ marriage to Kaia Ferari. In 2022, Biden held a cash bash for Democrats at Muñoz’ $7.3 million Park Avenue condo, which reportedly raised more than $2 million.

In February, Biden gave Muñoz a shout-out before even acknowledging Gov. Hochul was in the room during a glitzy fundraiser at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Columbus Circle.

“Henry Muñoz, my old buddy, thank you for all you’ve done for me for a long, long time,” said Biden.

Muñoz currently sits alongside Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth, and Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party head Ken Martin as one of the DNC’s four vice-chairs.


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cfebbc No.21634518

File: 86282bd6a89347f⋯.mp4 (13.24 MB,720x720,1:1,o58940921_133134481.mp4)

Someone needs to ask Conor McGregor if Diddy tried to dick him? Kek

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3eda29 No.21634519

If I were as rich as the average inheritor in America I too could vote based on my opinions and feelings.

Christian nation is fake and ghey

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b92ae8 No.21634520


So, what you're saying is, it's the Jews.

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8679f2 No.21634521

obviously the orange man would rather be doing something else than being on the receiving end of multiple investigations intoattemptedASSASSINATIONattemptsbut the big green KEK keeps splitting those bullets out.

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b92ae8 No.21634522


If you were as rich as the average inheritor, you'd be fucking broke.

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8207bf No.21634523


>Someone needs to ask Conor McGregor if he sucked off Diddy.

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172a83 No.21634524

File: c36938389c3c3b6⋯.jpeg (110.27 KB,599x650,599:650,IMG_3991.jpeg)

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3eda29 No.21634525


Who told you that? the MSM?

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9f1e12 No.21634526

File: 6bc13e2bee28328⋯.png (1.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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296e27 No.21634527

File: fe4ec0c47583c7a⋯.png (742.45 KB,1284x969,428:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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b92ae8 No.21634528


No, current tax law did.

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f0b6a6 No.21634529


Fucking cock smoking dick gobbler. Ky you fucking ultrafaggot.

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6c3db3 No.21634530

File: 3aa7a7b34551df9⋯.jpg (31.29 KB,526x526,1:1,460834034_1221810839062057….jpg)

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53ca80 No.21634531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Deeper we go the more fun it becomes the Water Quality is Great! Have a great Rally Day

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444ef1 No.21634533

File: a088b06e5e06056⋯.png (1.3 MB,1840x1468,460:367,epsteinstripeswalz.png)

>>21633698 pb

why would I care about Trump's sex life.

I 'm not his wife. I avoid tabloids.

Try harder.

Doubt it was a "Epstein's Apt," unless it was a rental?

Why would Donald do that? He owns massive numbers of hotels and rentals?

Also why do you relate her as saying "Epstein's Apt"

It's twice improbable;

Epstein didn't have an apt.

He had a large house; like the largest in the whole city. i.e. Mansion.

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9f1e12 No.21634535

File: f07570c97c53e32⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x800,3:2,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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3eda29 No.21634536




Judges lawyers









Who else am I missing?

It’s a list of who Americans think are more important than “humans”

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5cffe7 No.21634537

File: 1ee7db10a06f499⋯.png (14.3 KB,255x170,3:2,TRUMPRALLY.png)

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f0b6a6 No.21634538

Die screaming in a fire, ultra faggot dick gobbler.

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3eda29 No.21634539


Might want to tell the consumers that.

Dumb fuck.

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b92ae8 No.21634541


You've got it backwards.

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9f1e12 No.21634542

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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000000 No.21634543

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 6m

Iran, Burkina Faso sign nuclear cooperation deal Burkina Faso is reported to have rich untapped uranium deposits.



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66e54c No.21634544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b92ae8 No.21634545


You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

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444ef1 No.21634546

File: aff4daaac9a04b7⋯.png (763.86 KB,1200x354,200:59,london2012ritualpanel.png)

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9f1e12 No.21634547

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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3eda29 No.21634548


Yeah you’re right. You’re the only person who ever knew anything.

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9f1e12 No.21634552

File: 57f022efad9a848⋯.png (1.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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8679f2 No.21634553

Is Kamala a woman of God of the Holy Bible?

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376ed6 No.21634554

File: 49ccd6b433cbb34⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,320x568,40:71,l5I9wbRsvg_j8jNd.mp4)



Hollywood is falling. What's happening with PDiddy isn't the distraction. It's the point.

Why is Kamala Harris surrounding herself with Hollywood with all this going down?


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463015 No.21634555

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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66e54c No.21634556

File: ef2374b0c9efa10⋯.png (65.38 KB,1441x272,1441:272,ClipboardImage.png)


Failed to pay into Social Security = Lazy nigger.


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00d545 No.21634557


I got the lube and the guns in the limo

right in the back

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0142da No.21634559

File: d42a833f53751e4⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x822,200:137,ClipboardImage.png)


Column: The Pentagon’s former top UFO hunter talks about COVID-19, Haitian pet-eaters and pseudoscience generally

Sept. 20, 2024 3 AM PT

Trained as a physicist, Sean M. Kirkpatrick has spent most of his career in government, much of it as an intelligence and technology expert for various Pentagon agencies, culminating in an 18-month stint as the government’s lead investigator of UFOs.

It was in that latter position — as the first director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO, that Kirkpatrick came face to face with the tide of misinformation and disinformation infecting America’s public discourse on scientific matters.

“After painstakingly assembling a team of highly talented and motivated personnel to develop a rational, systematic and science-based strategy to investigate these phenomena,” Kirkpatrick wrote in a Scientific American op-ed in January, shortly after his December retirement from AARO, he and his team were overwhelmed by a “whirlwind of tall tales, fabrication and secondhand or thirdhand retellings of the same,” producing “a social media frenzy and a significant amount of congressional and executive time and energy spent on investigating these so-called claims.”

Kirkpatrick’s observations would be familiar to scientists examining the origins of COVID, a field in which the overwhelming weight of the evidence undermines a partisan theory positing a leak from a Chinese laboratory; or the rise in anti-vaccine claims; or even those examining the false assertion by the Trump/Vance campaign of Haitian immigrants stealing and eating household pets.

All the same elements are there: the whirlwind of fabrications and the social media frenzies, the distracting effects on Congress and the White House — not to mention the complicity of the news media.

“The modern media cycle drives stories faster than sound research, science and peer review time lines can validate them,” Kirkpatrick wrote.

“In my case,” Kirkpatrick told me a few days ago, “I’ve been accused of lying to the American people.”

He further revealed to the Guardian that he had experienced efforts of UFO true believers to “threaten my wife and daughter, and try to break into our online accounts — far more than I ever had as the deputy director of intelligence [of U.S. Strategic Command].

I didn’t have China and Russia trying to get on me as much as these people are.”

That would also be familiar to other scientists on the front lines of such inquiries.

Scientists whose work has validated the theory that the virus causing COVID-19 reached humans via the wildlife trade in southeast Asia have been hauled before a House committee to be shrieked at by the likes of Reps.

Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), and to be accused of taking bribes and, yes, lying to the public.

Vaccine advocates have been physically confronted and even assaulted by anti-vaxxers.

Kirkpatrick hasn’t participated in the debates over those issues, but he does see them as representative of the same type of doubt- and conspiracy-mongering he faced in his own territory. So let’s first examine his experience as head of AARO.

The office was established in 2022 to investigate reports and earlier, of UFOs — or, to use the preferred official term, unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAPs.

From the start, Kirkpatrick says, he was determined to conduct a rigorously empirical inquiry: “We were looking for any data to substantiate any claims that were being made to Congress or in the social media arena.”

That applied not only to pilots’ reports of objects that seemed to have displayed unusual aeronautical behavior, but a farrago of reports in the press, online, and among committed UFO believers about purportedly secret government programs to collect, examine and even attempt to reverse-engineer technology supposedly retrieved from crashed extraterrestrial UAPs.

AARO turned up “no evidence of anything extraterrestrial,” Kirkpatrick says. Of reports that the office ruled to be unexplained, the reason “came down to not having enough data to even make an assessment.”

When AARO interviewed pilots, he says, “nine times out of 10,” data from their aircraft failed to substantiate their recollections, which often resulted from optical illusions or common sensor anomalies.


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79cb13 No.21634560



Trudeau like his father are both Jesuits sworn to kill every non Catholic Christian of European Descent, that is why he hates the west who are non Catholics and has used Vaccines to kill them since 1968 and why the Western Canadians pay the Slave Payment to Eastern Canada called Equalization Payments.

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0142da No.21634561


The agency did find indications that some sightings were related not to ETs, but to foreign surveillance activities including by China, which Kirkpatrick has said possesses technological capabilities that may match or even exceed those of the U.S.

That’s plainly a national security issue, as he testified to a Senate subcommittee in April 2023, but not an interstellar one.

As for secret government programs, according to an unclassified report AARO issued in March, the agency examined every claim in the press and social media — of CIA experiments, “leaked” government documents, technology tests purportedly in the presence of “aliens,” physical examinations of extraterrestrial spacecraft, collections of extraterrestrial material in the possession of private companies, and so on.

AARO found them to be the product of mistaken overheard conversations, falsified documents, the misinterpretation of unexceptional terrestrially manufactured material as extraterrestrial artifacts.

None of the people making these claims and interviewed by AARO turned out to have firsthand knowledge of these programs and incidents, but were mostly repeating what they had heard from others.

“The aggregate findings of all [U.S. government] investigations to date,” the report states, “have not found even one case of UAP representing off-world technology.”

Nevertheless, these claims have been a staple of news reporting for years, even by some of most august news organizations.

They have been made by witnesses paraded before congressional committees — though as Kirkpatrick noted in Scientific American, “none of the conspiracy-minded ‘whistleblowers’ in the public eye had elected to come to AARO to provide their ‘evidence’ and statement for the record despite numerous invitations.”

The source of the narrative is a small cadre of individuals associated with Las Vegas industrialist Robert Bigelow, who funded research into UAPs — as well as on paranormal phenomena — through a private organization he disbanded in 2004.

Bigelow apparently persuaded the late Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to ask the Pentagon to establish a program to safeguard the alien material that the government was allegedly hiding. (The Defense Department refused.)

Bigelow continued to press his conviction that aliens have visited Earth from outer space after 2004, including during a 2017 interview on “60 Minutes.”

He didn’t reply to my request for comment, relayed via his company Bigelow Aerospace.

As with UAPs, the same names keep cropping up in the COVID origins debate.

The list of promoters has barely changed since the pandemic erupted in early 2020, many of them cited misleadingly as experts in news articles promoting the lab-leak theory, which are invariably (and embarrassingly) evidence-free.

There are some distinctions between how the UAP debate and those over COVID’s origins and the safety and efficacy of vaccines have unfolded.

Advocates of the lab-leak theory of COVID’s origins don’t appear to have well-heeled financial backers at their core, for example.

But at the heart of that theory and the anti-vaccination movement are self-interested advocates who feed one another’s convictions.

“Some of them are naive, some like to influence power and legislation, some are in it for money, some for fame, some may even be true believers,” Kirkpatrick says.

They almost never admit to error, because “they’ve made this central to their life’s purpose.”

They inject their convictions into politics and the legislative process “through access to higher authorities,” to drive the Defense Department and the intelligence community “to do things and spend money.”


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0142da No.21634562


There’s nothing wrong with people asking the government to “definitively investigate some of these things and put some evidence on the table and show what is true and what isn’t,” he says.

“Where it becomes an issue is when it is a continuous hammering of this until they get an answer that they like, even though everything uncovered to date points to the contrary.”

That points to “a larger problem with public opinion about scientific inquiry — science by social media versus science by scientific method,” he says.

“You’re seeing the degradation of critical thinking skills and rational thought when it comes to analyzing what’s out in the world.”

When scientific data confound received beliefs, he says, “people cry ‘conspiracy,’ or ‘the data is wrong,’ or ‘scientists are making it up.’… Well, some of these scientists have been around for 30 or 40 years.

If you don’t believe they know what they’re doing, then what are you going to base your decisions on in the future? Just pure belief and speculation?”

Kirkpatrick is working on another article on the topic of misinformation. “I see what I was doing on UAP and misinformation as a microcosm of many other issues that challenge the U.S. today.

That is, the division across belief lines where evidence suggests a contrary opinion that conflicts with one’s own belief system or political system.”

Those conflicts can be exploited by foreign adversaries or domestic actors seeking political gains or personal fortunes. “It’s a common and increasing trend that’s worrisome from a governance perspective,” Kirkpatrick says, with a passionate edge to his voice.

“How do you govern when those gaps and seams are not only being exacerbated and exploited, but are amplified through social media and media with influence over political powers in the U.S.?”

Having devoted his career to the national security, the trend leaves him concerned and appalled.

“The public needs to understand how science works, and if it goes against their belief, it’s not a conspiracy,” he says.

“They need to understand that their beliefs are being exploited, either by people in the U.S. or people in other countries for gain.

If the American public understood fully that they’re being taken advantage of, they address things differently. Because Americans don’t like to be taken advantage of.”


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8679f2 No.21634563

HEY NC, we battling it out on the boards - how about a pre - emotive shout out for the rush up the RALLY HILL!!1. BOOM, FEELS LIKE ITS 1776

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d97a52 No.21634564

File: 3e329ac6c964333⋯.png (217.08 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed900c No.21634565

File: 52cf867aa8762d5⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17268998917….mp4)



Vaccine Disaster: Thousands of Brits Left Disabled After COVID Shots

The truth is becoming undeniable.

A freedom of information request has revealed that over 14,000 people have applied for compensation through the UK's vaccine injury scheme.

The claims are so widespread that “staff processing these claims had to be increased from four to 80 people last year because they were coming in so quickly.”

5 and a half thousand claims have been rejected because they were not “disabled enough,”

But the devastating effects of the shots don't end there.

“By June 2021, there were already 300,000 registered adverse reactions to the UK's own yellow card reporting system. 300,000 adverse reactions. And it had always been known for decades that the yellow card reporting system is so little known about, and so poorly administered, that it only registers between one to 10% of all injuries. So that 300,000 could have been just 1% of actual adverse events.”

🔗 Vigilant Fox


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00d545 No.21634567

In the days and weeks leading up to January 6, the nation's highest-ranking military officer, then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, was moving in lockstep with the political anxieties of top Democratic leaders.

These Democrats grew anxious as over 140 House Republicans planned to contest the election results during the electoral college certification that day. Milley was then deeply engaged with a circle of confidants including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, and former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, among others—all of whom shared a unified disdain for President Donald Trump

Considering resigning in the summer of 2020 during the height of the George Floyd riots, Milley ultimately decided against it. “Fuck that shit,” he told his staff, “I’ll just fight him.” Despite assurances to confidants that he would never openly defy the president—a move he considered illegal—he was “determined to plant flags.” Milley envisioned a scenario involving either a declaration of martial law or a presidential invocation of the Insurrection Act with “Trumpian Brown Shirts fomenting violence.”

Embodying a self-styled narrative of heroic defiance, Milley was prepared to face severe consequences to counter what he perceived as a grave threat. “If they want to court-martial me or put me in prison, have at it,” Milley told his staff, “but I will fight from the inside.”

Milley saw himself as “tasked” with safeguarding “against Trump and his people” from potentially misusing the military, something he confided in a “trusted confidant” to ensure he remained true to this plan. “I have four tasks from now until the twentieth of January,” he affirmed, “and I’m going to accomplish my mission.”

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9f1e12 No.21634568

File: 8b1feeda55c8b24⋯.png (1.95 MB,1376x918,688:459,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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5cffe7 No.21634569

File: efd2dd7ea303231⋯.png (12.13 KB,255x255,1:1,ACKCHYUALLY.png)


Well, ackchyually, that hat is highly flammable

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31eca5 No.21634571

File: 1249153f10ee95d⋯.jpeg (150.86 KB,846x598,423:299,IMG_0102.jpeg)

In a $30 million sex assault lawsuit filed in February, producer Rodney 'Lil Rod' Jones claims Diddy boasted on the night of the 1999 shootingLopez 'carried the gun into the club for [Combs] and passed him the gun after he got into an altercation with another individual.'


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9f1e12 No.21634572

File: f0099b5b1f8cf23⋯.png (1.41 MB,1350x760,135:76,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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444ef1 No.21634573

File: 62f89ff0ecdef74⋯.jpg (225.19 KB,1072x599,1072:599,musicstoppedonechair.jpg)

>>21634081 lb

>>21634096 lb

>>21634101 lb

"when the music's over,

Turn out the lights.." ?

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9fce31 No.21634575

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hello everyone! I have something incredible to share today, as we are introducing the launch of our Official Trump Coins! The ONLY OFFICIAL coin designed by me—and proudly minted here in the U.S.A. The President Donald J. Trump First Edition Silver Medallion will be available starting Wednesday, 9/25/24, EXCLUSIVELY at https://realtrumpcoins.com. Sign up today!



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ec99d2 No.21634577

Oy vey. RSBN has been infiltrated by Jews. Suck filthy Jewish cock retards.

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9f1e12 No.21634579

File: 832abd7e7e3791a⋯.png (448.76 KB,760x506,380:253,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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9fce31 No.21634581

File: 12f9ce1abda4c19⋯.png (822.4 KB,1280x1536,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdbe45 No.21634582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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50639d No.21634583

File: bd9e7533740c09e⋯.jpg (793.76 KB,1920x1920,1:1,theDIDDLER.jpg)

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9f1e12 No.21634584

File: a08064bd50dadb2⋯.png (2.02 MB,1380x917,1380:917,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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463015 No.21634585

File: e13d16f9b5057f3⋯.png (4.05 MB,3552x2168,444:271,ClipboardImage.png)




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818b5f No.21634586

File: 3ee384e6b6907ad⋯.png (474.86 KB,846x471,282:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fce31 No.21634587

File: d2b75d35b2e1131⋯.png (1.02 MB,1280x1536,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)

doesn't look like him

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9f1e12 No.21634589

File: 6466792a256b446⋯.png (1.46 MB,1160x773,1160:773,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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0142da No.21634590

File: 50b550e46b2cc94⋯.png (692.36 KB,1732x738,866:369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75c9132fbc8f112⋯.mp4 (9.12 MB,480x854,240:427,See_the_best_moments_from_….mp4)


Donald Trump Reveals He Interviewed U.S. Military Pilots Who Encountered Round UFO “They Cannot Explain”

September 20, 2024

Donald Trump reportedly interviewed several U.S. military pilots about their firsthand UFO encounters while in office, the former President recently revealed.

Trump, the 45th U.S. President and a current contender in the heated 2024 election, made the revelations on Thursday during an appearance on Fox News’ Gutfeld! in response to a question from panelist Kat Timpf.

Timpf asked Trump whether aliens were being kept at a classified U.S. Air Force facility in Nevada known as Area 51, popularly associated with claims involving secret government dealings with UFOs, which the Pentagon now calls unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

“You know, I’ll tell ya, it’s a funny thing because, I think that might be a question that I get more than any question,” the former President said. “It is the craziest thing.”

“I will say this. I don’t think I’m a believer, but I’ve interviewed pilots that look—I like Tom Cruise—but better than Tom Cruise,” Trump said as Timpf and other panelists listened with stunned expressions.

“They were in the Oval Office, three or four pilots,” Trump continued. “These are not people that make up stories.”

“They said, all I know sir is there was a round object that was going four times faster than my F-22, which is a very fast plane,” he added.

“And it wasn’t—it shouldn’t have been—it was round sir,” Trump recalled of the descriptions the pilots reportedly provided him of the unidentified object.

“I mean, four or five guys I’ve interviewed, solid people, great pilots for the U.S. Air Force… they’ve seen things that they cannot explain,” Trump said.

Previously, the former president may have alluded to this meeting when he told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos in 2019 that he “did have one very brief meeting” about the UAP subject while in office.

However, he has consistently maintained skepticism regarding his personal beliefs toward the subject, which he also expressed to Stephanopoulos.

“People are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not [particularly],” Trump told Stephanopoulos.

Yet despite his stated skepticism toward UFOs, Trump has also said on many occasions that he believes U.S. pilots who report such encounters have seen something they could not reconcile with any technologies known to be in use by the United States or its foreign adversaries as well as any natural phenomena.

“I think my great pilots would know,” Trump told Stephanopoulos in 2019 when asked about his views on the existence of extraterrestrial life. “Our great pilots would know.”

Earlier this month, podcaster Lex Fridman asked Trump whether he would release additional UFO footage obtained by U.S. military pilots if he wins reelection in November.

“A lot of people want to know,” Fridman told Trump during the interview. “Will you help push the Pentagon to release more footage, which a lot of people claim is available.”

“Oh yeah, sure, I’ll do that. I’d love to do that,” Trump responded, adding that he was also receiving a significant number of requests for the release of additional official records related to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, portions of which were released during his time in office.

Trump is not the only U.S. president who has spoken about aerial incursions involving unknown objects.

Last February, President Joe Biden issued a statement in the aftermath of the shootdown of several “unidentified aerial objects” that occurred in U.S. and Canadian airspace.

“Our intelligence community is still assessing all three incidents,” Biden said at the time. “They are reporting to me daily and will continue their urgent efforts to do so, and I will communicate that to the Congress.”


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0142da No.21634591


Biden said the objects were not believed to have been associated with foreign surveillance efforts by China or other adversary nations and were most likely balloons launched by private companies or scientific research institutions.

The February 2023 shootdowns—an uncharacteristically forceful Pentagon response—are likely to have been influenced by the overflight of a Chinese surveillance balloon equipped with advanced sensing capabilities earlier that month, prompting heightened security measures across the U.S. at that time.

“Make no mistake, if any object presents a threat to the safety and security of the American people, I will take it down,” Biden said of the incidents.

Vice President Kamala Harris, who is currently running for president against former President Trump, has not made any public statements indicating her views about UFOs.

The subject has received renewed interest following coverage in 2017 by The New York Times and other outlets, which revealed recent U.S. government efforts to evaluate such phenomena.

Public interest in the subject has since prompted further official investigations, which include the short-lived Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), officially established in August 2020 while Trump was still in office.

This program was succeeded by the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), the current official U.S. government office tasked with investigating unusual aerial phenomena encountered by U.S. military personnel.

On Tuesday, The Hill confirmed that, following the November election, the Senate Armed Services Committee plans to hold another hearing in response to the ongoing sightings by military personnel, according to a statement provided by the office of U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY).

The Senate hearing is expected to include an update on AARO’s efforts, as the office continues its mission under Dr. Jon Kosloski, who was announced as the office’s new full-time director in August.

Following Trump’s remarks on Thursday about the stories the unnamed pilots conveyed to him, another panelist, former professional wrestler Tyrus (George Murdoch), asked Trump if he would place tariffs on any aliens confirmed to visit Earth.

“Yes,” the former President said, responding to the joke.


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172a83 No.21634592


Should have gauze on right ear.

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f7f02a No.21634593

File: a7d18a877990d58⋯.webp (15.96 KB,483x279,161:93,download.webp)

File: cd8959d9a66fbd6⋯.webp (82.57 KB,1552x1486,776:743,gettyimages_599209214_204….webp)

File: a7d18a877990d58⋯.webp (15.96 KB,483x279,161:93,download.webp)

File: 5ab803ee791e3d8⋯.webp (71.8 KB,2048x1533,2048:1533,gettyimages_155691633_204….webp)

File: 343c41baad08034⋯.jpg (291.28 KB,1386x2048,693:1024,gettyimages_83526563_2048x….jpg)



Jonathan Oddi

he claims osama bin laden never really existed and it was obama a cia guy talking from a cave

everything he says is very dasting

May 18, 2018

what else was in the news at that time?

Day before May 17, 2018


Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 349934 No.1444808 📁

May 17 2018 13:13:19 (EST)

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 349934 No.1444682 📁

May 17 2018 13:04:39 (EST)


The hard part for us is having to wait for the 'public' to 'know' what we've known for a very long time.

There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves.

Why are we here?



What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)?

Stay vigilant.



!4pRcUA0lBE ID: cfcc74 No.1448537 📁

May 17 2018 18:08:47 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 96ba5f No.1448466 📁

May 17 2018 18:02:12 (EST)

A theory ?

Those pallets were full of smart phones to be distributed members, i.e. Hillary, bill, Hussein, bremmer,etc.. These were special phone which the cabal thought could not be tracked or monitored. The cabal needed a new way to communicate after Q exposed their gmail draft and game forum methods.

Hillary was in NZ (FIVEEYES), not only to raise funds (if that is the true story) but to test out the phones. . Under directions of Trump, NZ told Hillary that the phones were good.

The cabal worked with China’s ZTE for these special PHONES. That is why ZTE was in the news lately. Trump drew attention to them to send the cabal a message that he was on to them.

The pics in London show the cabal meeting up after communicating with their secret phones.

Just a theory.


Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 610b24 No.1449784 📁

May 17 2018 19:15:27 (EST)


Guardian of the Pope.




Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 610b24 No.1449911 📁

May 17 2018 19:20:30 (EST)

Messages sent.



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ec99d2 No.21634594


The dumbass ugly old hag bitch co-anchor on RSBN is reciting Abraham when he doesn't even have anything to do with Israel… Jacob is the Israelite. Jacob is a two-timing dickhead like your typical Jew. Fucked over his brother Esau twice, and fucked over the Egyptians by hoarding grain.

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b92ae8 No.21634595

File: 6df3b2e6e1247f9⋯.png (1.89 MB,1290x1261,1290:1261,thediddler.png)

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e84423 No.21634596

File: 1c9d85c6a48b5b2⋯.png (3.23 MB,1448x2048,181:256,typorama.png)

File: e38b8c44c21c6c8⋯.png (3.22 MB,1448x2048,181:256,typorama.png)

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b26500 No.21634597

File: 2e82526b649f1ca⋯.png (1.68 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_3490.png)

File: 09473128c553604⋯.png (1.96 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_3489.png)

>>21633607. Diddy dirtPN

Judge Glazer did not throw out the Trump case in Fl, it is judge is Aileen Cannon, not at all related to Oddi case

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ed900c No.21634598

>>21634461 TYB!!!

Anon News Bun

Title: Ecuador Could Restore Foreign Military Bases | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/EiRvim

Title: TRIGGERED: AOC Flips Out Over ‘Islamophobic’ Political Cartoon Referencing Israel’s Creative Attack On Hezbollah and Gets Roasted in the Comments | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/TzGREf

Title: Married RFK Jr., 70, Bragged He Had ‘Intimate’ Photographs of Reporter, 31 | Source: The Daily Beast | Link: https://is.gd/PW2c2M

Title: ‘Omni Loop’: Ayo Edebiri’s Winning Streak Continues With New Time-Loop Comedy | Source: The Daily Beast | Link: https://is.gd/IY9pZT

Title: Donald Trump Says Women Will Be ‘Happy and Great Again’ If He Wins | Source: The Daily Beast | Link: https://is.gd/0hnCwS

Title: Families of jailed Tunisians to urge ICC to probe migrant abuse: Report | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/dd5ajY

Title: Popular Constitutional Scholar Scorches Athletic Association for Banning Faith Expression | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/nKAYM2

Title: KAMALA IN TROUBLE: Undecided Black Voters In Georgia Deliver Brutal Responses When Asked for Their Thoughts on Harris (VIDEO) | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/0KabOT

Title: For Families of Those Missing After Israeli Strike in Beirut, an Agonizing Wait | Source: New York Times | Link: https://is.gd/Z2Kghu

Title: New York Rallygoer Shares Beautiful and Moving Story About Donald Trump’s Father Fred (Video) | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/CxzSnF

Title: Evil P*dophile Found Dead in His Prison Cell – Cellmate Whisked Away Following Incident | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/4G4zbc

Title: Who Was Ahmed Wahbi, One of the Hezbollah Commanders Killed by an Israeli Airstrike? | Source: New York Times | Link: https://is.gd/nbtJX1

Title: Geert Wilders’ Netherlands Will Opt out of EU Migration Rules – Move Comes as Rotterdam Is Rocked Yet Again by Knife Attack by Man Shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/ra85O5

Title: Elon Musk’s X Backs Down in Brazil | Source: New York Times | Link: https://is.gd/ce4puH

Title: FACT CHECK: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Melts Down Over New Georgia Election Rule – Has NO CLUE What the Rule Actually Does | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/suBDnt

Title: GAME-CHANGER! The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/1luNUS

Title: Israeli Strike on Former School Kills 22, Gazan Health Officials Say | Source: New York Times | Link: https://is.gd/5qk74z

Title: Venezuelan Electoral Crisis: Enrique Márquez Leads Effort to Overturn Maduro’s Victory | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/CL7YAp

Title: Trump Slams Bill Maher for Having ‘Dumb as a Rock Bimbo’ Stephanie Ruhle on His Show | Source: The Daily Beast | Link: https://is.gd/ySxeuY

Title: Iran/Hezbollah Enabled by Socialist Governments in the Americas | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/wZnENv

Title: Why GOP ‘Black Nazi’s’ Porn Posts Were Too Bonkers for CNN | Source: The Daily Beast | Link: https://is.gd/sr63ph

Title: Kamala Harris Advisor Offers Pathetic Excuse Why Candidate Is Avoiding Interviews (VIDEO) | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/eJSTqR

Title: LAWLESS KINGDOM: A Rape Is Reported Every Hour in London | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/gSxFhp

Title: Danube waters reach parliament’s steps as Storm Boris floods Hungary | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/wT7VPP

Title: A Kentucky Judge Was Fatally Shot in His Chambers by the Sheriff – Here’s the Backstory | Source: Gateway Pundit | Link: https://is.gd/y15Xty

Title: Menendez Brothers Slam ‘Ruinous’ Netflix Show’s Portrayal | Source: The Daily Beast | Link: https://is.gd/3F4hy6

Title: Fact check: Are ‘born alive’ babies really unprotected in some US states? | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/JYzOm2

Title: What is early voting in US elections? What to know in 500 words | Source: Al Jazeera | Link: https://is.gd/grJAgt

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3eda29 No.21634599


You should vote for Kamala. Be one of the 700 people who do.

Trend setter faggot.

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498935 No.21634601


Slave until your almost dead and all used up.

Spend all your time working, and broke.

retire early you dont get shit.

Retire at 70 if you can make that far.

You'll spend your whole life Building the corporate richmans dreams while your life gets sucked away.

making them rich and building their pedo democracy and the sodom and gamorah corporate united states, Isreal, and Ukraine.

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b942c7 No.21634602

File: 7f37a52bb6cd823⋯.png (177.59 KB,1354x1290,677:645,1358.png)

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3bd174 No.21634603

File: e662eab15f04009⋯.png (41.93 KB,672x680,84:85,66eeb5228a3d1.png)

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172a83 No.21634604

File: f7523ba0e38ef01⋯.png (37.69 KB,920x614,460:307,IMG_3994.png)


What tf did Oddi do?

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3eda29 No.21634605


And some how we are suppose to believe that it will all just change because P diddy is gay

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463015 No.21634606


Kek. Now do the Rothschilds, Antony.

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53ca80 No.21634607


Fuck yeah I get a kick out of making them scream. Welcome to the Jungle! Let them bleed!!

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a20b7f No.21634608


I will be voting for her. It’s not too late to join the winning team, and she will WIN!

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b4d57c No.21634609


Is it premium Skunk fur?

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463015 No.21634610

File: 1312d7ae1fc750c⋯.png (1.54 MB,1219x900,1219:900,ClipboardImage.png)


>P diddy is gay


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8207bf No.21634611


According to this Diddy and the rest of the famous blacks belong to the Boule family of the Illuminati.

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ef4114 No.21634612


you spelled cheating wrong

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2e55ce No.21634613

File: 8761cba5fe29ad8⋯.png (901.39 KB,613x800,613:800,092D4A5A_F951_4508_9D8F_EC….png)


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f7f02a No.21634614

dope private jets

uh oh taylor swift?


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ec99d2 No.21634615


Wait no, Joseph hoarded the grain in Egypt. Anyways, Jacob the original Israelite was still a two-timing stinkin Jew that fucked over his brother Esau.

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9f1e12 No.21634616

File: 32eb39d78cec1aa⋯.png (1.09 MB,1600x660,80:33,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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2e55ce No.21634617

File: 17d9c24ca158f26⋯.jpg (311.27 KB,1161x1024,1161:1024,Diddler_02.jpg)

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9fce31 No.21634618

File: b8e05ad14b60038⋯.png (347.39 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun. There's a dedicated news section linked from the front page, and it's a platform where human reporters won't be replaced by AI. In other words, if you haven't fully embraced it yet, your career might be at risk of coming to an abrupt end.

#news #reporters #journalist


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3eda29 No.21634619


Well for one it’s not like they have it all in cash.

Second if you have 1 billion dollars you can pay 2.8 million peoples mortgages off.

Just saying.

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a20b7f No.21634620


No cheating, just people that have had enough of Trump coming together to vote him out one last time.

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9f1e12 No.21634621

File: 9d993749b1db00e⋯.png (397.83 KB,750x375,2:1,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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463015 No.21634622

File: 3fda586564f4c32⋯.png (1.28 MB,1660x1000,83:50,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Stolt.

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5cffe7 No.21634623

File: 93dd9f33af344c0⋯.png (104.4 KB,255x177,85:59,NOYOUCANTGOTOTHETRUMPRALLY.png)

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9d402c No.21634624

File: e735a645c18cdf9⋯.jpg (226.19 KB,700x432,175:108,gran_boule_founders_dinner.jpg)


>Boule family



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f7f02a No.21634625

>>21634496 dasting , seriously


he talks about trump assassination coming

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3eda29 No.21634626


It’s way too late. You and maybe 100 other masturbation pros are all there is.

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2e55ce No.21634627

File: 6d75d8f4196c64e⋯.jpeg (187.74 KB,711x747,79:83,Diddler_01.JPEG)

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463015 No.21634628

File: 37096a7ff65cd9a⋯.png (3.65 MB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>just people that have had enough of Trump coming together to vote him out one last time.

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172a83 No.21634629

File: f729e9ccd61632c⋯.gif (1.96 MB,498x222,83:37,IMG_3981.gif)


Re-calibrate your maths.

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cfebbc No.21634630

File: 0ef7d040248689e⋯.jpg (34.4 KB,901x1355,901:1355,img_1_1726938844284.jpg)

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7f9b1e No.21634631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Serious fuckin shit,

stupid fuckin bitch(S) fucked up

DirtNap Fucked up.


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ef4114 No.21634632


>people that

(you) do not speak for

which is why free and fair elections are needed

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3eda29 No.21634633


I took a billion divided by 350k.

I fucking hate you.

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2e55ce No.21634634

File: 6a3fb3d71a8ae82⋯.jpg (220.78 KB,1130x848,565:424,P_Diddler_Suicide_Watch_02.JPG)

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7480f2 No.21634635

File: a39e107f43c8120⋯.jpg (10.84 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe2.jpg)

KEK. They try so hard.

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818b5f No.21634636

File: 3f0f7498dd52808⋯.png (458.78 KB,846x469,846:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f1e12 No.21634637

File: c82f1302ae9ad9b⋯.png (968.74 KB,732x895,732:895,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)


she been spreading her joy for the past 3 1/2 years: higher grocery prices, higher gas prices, higher house and rent prices, etc.

Americans are not that stupid to vote for a continuation of this

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463015 No.21634638


Has Tay Tay said anything about Black Epstein yet? There was some screen of a BS article about her being "investigated" but no sauce.

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2e55ce No.21634639

File: 1ddaf4a368a1dda⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,480x360,4:3,uQTquw3bPF0g2QKy.mp4)

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f9a073 No.21634640

File: 7ada8b1fa635793⋯.png (533.95 KB,844x1012,211:253,2024_09_21_14_03_06_copy.png)



>Should have gauze on right ear.

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feacaf No.21634641


Trump will not win. Adjust your feelings now and archive this.

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2e55ce No.21634642

File: 7ff93b7f0788ae6⋯.jpg (323.96 KB,1130x1725,226:345,Diddler_Jayz_Beyonc_.JPG)

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bb63ce No.21634643


Don' show a split screen of the same shot!

Show a big screen


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9f1e12 No.21634644

File: d6b95fb05e686ed⋯.png (770.49 KB,846x571,846:571,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)


let me people come

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8207bf No.21634645


can someone download and save this?

archive online does no good on videos

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d32b0a No.21634646

File: f679c4a25e277eb⋯.jpeg (742.89 KB,1125x1741,1125:1741,IMG_4223.jpeg)

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2e55ce No.21634647

File: a8f9481782d164b⋯.jpeg (126.09 KB,800x606,400:303,Trump_Won_01_Zalensky_Sti….JPEG)

File: 13c821ae380659a⋯.jpg (165.25 KB,732x503,732:503,Trump_Won_03_Zalensky_Stil….jpg)

File: fa581ef3f08bc5e⋯.jpeg (152.7 KB,800x800,1:1,Trump_Won_04_Saxophone.JPEG)

File: c781d339d21419b⋯.jpg (358.2 KB,1280x960,4:3,Trump_Won_06_Greta_Thunber….JPG)

File: 18870697b35a51d⋯.jpeg (927.26 KB,1276x1581,1276:1581,Trump_Won_05_Greta_Thunbe….JPEG)

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e838fb No.21634648


Gov/Intel/Media has been able to brainwash a lot of people to Vote for exactly that continuation

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818b5f No.21634650

File: 447df2ed97aec33⋯.png (569.57 KB,837x464,837:464,ClipboardImage.png)

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444ef1 No.21634651

File: 0e60c97f6f707c8⋯.png (197.28 KB,1118x1052,559:526,robertscompromised.png)

File: 11a0263c1511cc5⋯.png (1.93 MB,1024x1023,1024:1023,lawyersforsextraffickers1e.png)

>>21634380 lb

Red shoes on the bridegroom, just saying.


any more info on Roberts?

picrel is from informant.

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63b31e No.21634652

File: bf67e475cb8f46b⋯.jpeg (188.86 KB,1125x629,1125:629,IMG_4224.jpeg)


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463015 No.21634653

File: 0c35d9549890969⋯.png (1.12 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)


>I took a billion divided by 350k.

Kek. Try 6 gorillion next time. Apparently that number is incalculable.

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2e55ce No.21634654

File: 1e5c770c0ade104⋯.jpg (804.47 KB,959x893,959:893,TB_America_07.jpg)

File: 12021d22ee297d9⋯.jpg (148.24 KB,817x737,817:737,TB_America_05_Trump.jpg)

File: d802f90c7143994⋯.jpg (488.16 KB,934x689,934:689,TB_America_02_Trump.jpg)

File: 901475262aabc43⋯.gif (1.69 MB,498x373,498:373,TB_America_03_Trump_Dance.GIF)

File: 62dc309e26e090b⋯.jpg (834.49 KB,942x958,471:479,TB_America_04_Trump.jpg)

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818b5f No.21634655

File: 9b61051ff8fe315⋯.png (454.34 KB,845x477,845:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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7480f2 No.21634656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3eda29 No.21634657


Lady on right- Democrat

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8679f2 No.21634658

Sup Kid, racing for MAGA - so bad ass

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2749ec No.21634659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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15db0e No.21634660

File: 0f257d4b6781f65⋯.jpeg (790.19 KB,1125x1643,1125:1643,IMG_4225.jpeg)

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ef4114 No.21634661

File: 501e30cb06ed87a⋯.png (1.09 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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3eda29 No.21634662

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120f71 No.21634663

Tony Seruga showing that it Kind of looks like astroturf, bussed in paid attendees. I wonder how many are illegals?

"GPS—9,344 mobile devices at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, WI today. 487 appear to be staff.

89% have been to 3 or more Kamala Harris events/rallies.

Approximately 30% were from the Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia area."

I think that adds up to about 94% of them were paid to be there.


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2e55ce No.21634664

File: 549805d7b907931⋯.jpg (621.99 KB,976x764,244:191,We_Have_It_All_02.jpg)

File: f591d605f1007d1⋯.png (792.69 KB,796x1464,199:366,We_Have_It_All_03.PNG)

File: b4d6b8ff80df2ca⋯.png (1.34 MB,1231x1199,1231:1199,We_Have_It_All_04.PNG)

File: bb23dc73cd18971⋯.jpg (658.08 KB,968x859,968:859,We_Have_It_All_01.jpg)

File: 97bf65915fd96a5⋯.jpg (547.1 KB,958x712,479:356,We_Have_It_All_05.jpg)

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172a83 No.21634665

File: 1b0b3bb77701a8d⋯.jpeg (172.89 KB,1024x768,4:3,IMG_3725.jpeg)


Your dividinator is brokenated.

The answer is:


You’ve been burninated.

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78d630 No.21634666

File: 6cd99c4e3d87696⋯.jpeg (182.97 KB,1179x1102,1179:1102,IMG_4161.jpeg)

What time we doing this Q?

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7f9b1e No.21634667

File: 9c596d41773a4e0⋯.jpg (185.5 KB,1400x1401,1400:1401,1000001503.jpg)

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8207bf No.21634668



"Illuminati card game is a card game that tells you exactly what their agenda is".

Anyone heard of this card game?

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2e55ce No.21634669

File: e09784132ea65d3⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,482x360,241:180,RFKjr_Trump_Dance_YMCA.mp4)

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8679f2 No.21634670

yo HAITIA! you go vote TRUMP

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5cffe7 No.21634671

File: 38aafaab44c3e58⋯.png (425.82 KB,1105x572,85:44,TRUMPFORCEONE.png)


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3eda29 No.21634673


That’s 2.8 million

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f7f02a No.21634674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



35K views 9 months ago

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b28cf9 No.21634675


fuck cnn

they wish they could get the ratings

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7f9b1e No.21634676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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444ef1 No.21634677

File: 1d01250da7632f7⋯.jpg (946.56 KB,1417x1997,1417:1997,lookhowfarbackthisgoes.jpg)

File: 09c5706175c653d⋯.jpg (490.64 KB,1200x1043,1200:1043,cupidsellerc.jpg)


what is that "turn the page" crazy all about anyway?

Subconsciously "Turn the page" suggests "new" when their side was in control all along?

baby selling and "Cupid" play is AULD?

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3eda29 No.21634678


Oh yeah I see. You’re right. Oh well you’re poor still.

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172a83 No.21634679


2.8 thousands.

Ya nit.

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b51048 No.21634680

File: 19aa928783bce73⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,RPReplay_Final1719270498.mp4)

How about those Cookies! Dan Scavino

“Merry Christmas, AMERICA!“ Melania Trump

SCOTUS back in Session September 30, 2024!

Also, 45 Days Until 88MPH Back To The Future!

November 5, Save America!


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5cffe7 No.21634681

File: 5ecdb6e66baa07c⋯.png (27.62 KB,255x255,1:1,c45e37742a8ac5681892a4f0e3….png)

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e4c928 No.21634682

File: d86b9c2d4b5cce8⋯.jpeg (439.36 KB,1125x1510,225:302,IMG_4226.jpeg)

File: 9f3744336402dea⋯.jpeg (742.45 KB,1125x1774,1125:1774,IMG_4227.jpeg)

File: 35cb07665c461a0⋯.jpeg (517.05 KB,1125x1244,1125:1244,IMG_4228.jpeg)

File: 3575229f464f7f0⋯.jpeg (347.16 KB,1125x860,225:172,IMG_4229.jpeg)

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cea139 No.21634684

File: b11455b73da7026⋯.jpg (424.55 KB,1280x720,16:9,2h14ULh.jpg)


Kek! The panic is palpable.

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072081 No.21634685

File: b53a861f73e9bb4⋯.png (191.04 KB,472x352,59:44,Screenshot_2024_09_21_1219….png)


>Anyone heard of this card game?

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2e55ce No.21634686

File: 15a9451181465a3⋯.jpg (204.23 KB,1130x1694,565:847,Trump_Prays.JPG)

File: 01cec263e840439⋯.jpg (227.34 KB,1111x1599,1111:1599,Trump_Jesus_Protection_01.jpg)

File: 394090dd0d2919e⋯.jpg (280.94 KB,1131x880,1131:880,Trump_Angel_Protection_01.JPG)

File: 98c980a586794d8⋯.jpg (402.66 KB,1130x1130,1:1,Trump_Jesus_Protection_02.JPG)

File: 9ea1c9d4babc623⋯.jpg (266.56 KB,1130x1502,565:751,Trump_Lion_01.JPG)

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9f1e12 No.21634688

File: a6f8d7e30d70a06⋯.png (1.15 MB,675x918,25:34,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

File: c159111c61900a6⋯.png (1.99 MB,1377x918,3:2,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

File: 80319ad8228457e⋯.png (983.8 KB,776x918,388:459,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

File: b3f1827ce9fdb56⋯.png (409.89 KB,612x407,612:407,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

File: 2185832ca3b46f6⋯.png (516.8 KB,612x587,612:587,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)


no doubt they have perverted sex tapes on her

they surely blackmailed her to endorse biden in 2020 and knee pads in 2024

as far as i know, she has never made a difinitive statement against diddy or against harvey, just wishy washy cya bullshit

also her so-called relationship with travis kelce is a complete scam, and she is being promoted by roger goodell and the nfl to sway voter's opinion

she is beloved by the cabal/deep state pedophiles which really tells you all you need to know about her

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8207bf No.21634689

File: 52e8233490554d6⋯.png (1.22 MB,880x1280,11:16,Qlife.png)


The Q life

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f7f02a No.21634691

>>21634674 very informative

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00d545 No.21634692




Where is a house for $350K that is worth $350K?

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b51048 No.21634693


Devil Digits!

But I love When PDJT Does Q&As

He’s done one at a Rally In the Past!

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9f1e12 No.21634694


we will find out soon enough

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33ea6c No.21634695

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acf088 No.21634696


it was a thing in the 70s and 80s

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2e55ce No.21634697

File: 9f311401e29255f⋯.png (1.93 MB,1238x1199,1238:1199,Trump_They_Live_01.PNG)

File: 74e8ca95591c33b⋯.jpeg (141.02 KB,800x585,160:117,DJT_SMILES_04.JPEG)

File: a9dbbb92f8c9a00⋯.png (813.63 KB,800x593,800:593,DJT_SMILES_02.PNG)

File: 985ca1343bb75fb⋯.jpg (261.97 KB,800x1013,800:1013,DJT_SMILES_01.jpg)

File: 5ad8372dff4ade4⋯.jpg (113.81 KB,800x633,800:633,DJT_SMILES_03.jpg)

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f7f02a No.21634698


>>21634674 holy moly td jakes investing in homes florida

td jakes real eastate ventures

corruption everywhere in florida

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d67896 No.21634699

Hi Q, hi POTUS. Home Sweet Home.

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817e26 No.21634700






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cea139 No.21634701

File: cfd1b2080e3cd5e⋯.jpg (54.16 KB,925x1024,925:1024,1723155909781302.jpg)


Hello newfag! Welcome to qresearch!

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b51048 No.21634702


Continuous Sweet Thoughts and Prayers for PDJT and Team Trump!

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2e55ce No.21634703

File: d233e66a5dff56c⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB,640x360,16:9,rVD6tIG6iF_KbL_x.mp4)

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9f1e12 No.21634704

File: 81dd8e064d9ba28⋯.png (856.18 KB,1100x619,1100:619,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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7f9b1e No.21634705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In God we trust.

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172a83 No.21634706


Additionally, one is allowed only so much $ in a year from single source gift before there is taxation consequence. IIRC it’s $20,000.

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818b5f No.21634707

File: ec66d590111ef85⋯.mp4 (14.3 MB,640x480,4:3,Gloria.mp4)

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ef4114 No.21634708

File: c899edb0fb70808⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,720x738,40:41,GBT.mp4)

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cea139 No.21634709


Probably in rural alabama.

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b506a3 No.21634710



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61a659 No.21634711

File: e26344ebf5c54bf⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,640x360,16:9,assange.mp4)

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ed900c No.21634712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Caturday tunes

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78d630 No.21634713


Kek I remember

Anything but the devil digits

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58a72d No.21634714

File: 3d455a77d77582f⋯.png (562.39 KB,563x730,563:730,3d455a77d77582f672c538cdf4….png)

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ec99d2 No.21634715


Anyways I'll calm down now but RSBN is dead to me just know that. Christians still don't understand the New Testament. If you worship Jews then become a Jew and curse yourselves you fucking faggots.

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abbe43 No.21634716

File: e4af27e2d48e026⋯.png (1.96 MB,1234x11802,617:5901,Q_Posts_Sep_21_32_Deltas.png)

Today in Q Post History we had 32 Deltas

September 21

There were32 Q Postson the date ofSeptember 21.

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=sep+21

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/8D2eP

Keep up the lawful fight, fight, fight, and I will, too!


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9f1e12 No.21634717


i sense you have much higher IQ than me, but agree with your sentiment

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cea139 No.21634718

File: 4409331e6f46f22⋯.jpg (52.62 KB,564x592,141:148,1719597277677635.jpg)


God brought us here for a reason.

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f7f02a No.21634719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




psoted video

1 hour ago



They also need to exhume the body of the original coroner who conducted the autopsy on Kim Porter, who quickly met his demise.

The last time Kimora said something about him with her chest, HER HOUSE BURNED DOWN!

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ef4114 No.21634720


>i sense you have much higher IQ than me

post count confirms

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2e55ce No.21634721

File: ceb22f9a2339786⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB,634x360,317:180,Hulk_Hogan_TRUMPAMANIA_02.mp4)

File: c0f5a9f2d0e2747⋯.jpeg (131.82 KB,800x505,160:101,Hulk_Hogan_TRUMPAMANIA_03.JPEG)

File: 92006c91f226163⋯.png (3.3 MB,1572x1340,393:335,TRUMPAMANIA_03.PNG)

File: dc465b2e4f1d6ed⋯.jpg (112.75 KB,800x560,10:7,Hulk_Hogan_TRUMPAMANIA_04.jpg)

File: 41e817cb01e0850⋯.jpeg (184.4 KB,800x520,20:13,TRUMPAMANIA_07.JPEG)

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00d545 No.21634722


18K for ty 2024

36K for married couples

The IRS needs to go away and take the bastard FedRes with

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8207bf No.21634723

File: 5144ec72fda8b41⋯.webp (479.63 KB,1163x1600,1163:1600,s_l1600.webp)


Some cards from the illuminati card deck from 1995

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9f1e12 No.21634725

File: bbcf50514739ac3⋯.png (770.44 KB,1200x675,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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3c3d63 No.21634726

File: e2138d771a14903⋯.png (845.22 KB,1366x768,683:384,NormRogain.png)



Wilmington: Coast 2 Coast Edition

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444ef1 No.21634727

File: 77b145b88c964d4⋯.png (235.05 KB,542x671,542:671,howcnnshouldbetreated.png)



how cnn should be treated.

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abbe43 No.21634728


We DO have it all.

Why else have we been here, fighting away each day on this board and in real life, since years before Q showed up on October 28, 2017?


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d67896 No.21634729

Less than 10.

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7480f2 No.21634730

File: beedbedd67555d6⋯.png (131.79 KB,314x264,157:132,ClipboardImage.png)


>Anyone heard of this card game?

Steve Jackson makes good stuff. Big fan of his Triplanetary, Ogre, and Proteus games. Never played his Illuminati game though.

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3c3d63 No.21634731

The song


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2e55ce No.21634732

File: 7fa6ac0a36b89a2⋯.jpg (365.71 KB,1255x1574,1255:1574,IMG_5482.JPG)

File: 12faaa4852d72c4⋯.jpg (142.83 KB,847x619,847:619,IMG_5552.jpg)

File: d90828a3d25b631⋯.jpg (165.45 KB,800x709,800:709,Trump_Whammy_.jpg)

File: 0c1b06861e1a680⋯.jpg (333.5 KB,1130x1358,565:679,IMG_7943.JPG)

File: 265a6a8dc68b77f⋯.jpg (217.74 KB,1130x1270,113:127,IMG_7915.JPG)

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26b0d5 No.21634733

File: 6656b7e81fa19e1⋯.jpg (25.31 KB,398x367,398:367,iuFTAUM89V.jpg)


>Anyone heard of this card game?

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b3d6f0 No.21634734


Back in 2009 T.D. Jakes son was arrested for gay sex in a public place.


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b51048 No.21634735

File: ea604d60b2ae40b⋯.png (43.98 KB,898x454,449:227,4740.png)


Big Q Day!

B-2 Bomber Day!


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d72d97 No.21634736

File: 87217e718669fab⋯.png (2.26 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Red_White_and_Q_Alpha.png)


Thank you Baker

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444ef1 No.21634737

File: 550ac42ae650e49⋯.mp4 (9.7 MB,480x852,40:71,howcnnshouldbetreated.mp4)


how cnn should be treated.

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d67896 No.21634739

Let there be LIGHT!

God bless Q+ and Patriots WW.

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9f1e12 No.21634740

File: 3d97e9f13bee35f⋯.png (841.33 KB,960x540,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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cea139 No.21634741


It is also important to point out that the game was released way prior to 2001

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0518a3 No.21634742

File: 282920fa2c1db37⋯.png (102.47 KB,282x247,282:247,ClipboardImage.png)


If you only knew how bad it was…

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2e55ce No.21634743

File: 6415e25e656ae16⋯.jpg (214.79 KB,1131x852,377:284,Trump_Batman_05.JPG)

File: 82d548dc37561fa⋯.jpg (87.19 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Trump_Batman_04.JPG)

File: f6cf4dbbb39603b⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB,672x848,42:53,Trump_Batman_01.MP4)

File: 59c148a1b3344e1⋯.mp4 (424.19 KB,640x360,16:9,Trump_I_m_Batman.mp4)

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b85006 No.21634744


We need a for here…pasteing together ….crumbs and current game elements..anonreviewed ..got to next step to do that…probably off public at first…then public open release…editable

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818b5f No.21634745

File: d590b453d721ba7⋯.png (665.73 KB,839x468,839:468,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7f02a No.21634746

Illuminati card game

lets find the 2015-2016 deck

see what that tell us



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7480f2 No.21634747

File: c0bb909d74f6ff1⋯.gif (160.24 KB,446x395,446:395,postingpepe2.gif)

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b85006 No.21634748


that came gibberish kek

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2e55ce No.21634749

File: 292bc4fb1823e04⋯.png (700.88 KB,800x483,800:483,Trump_AF1_TV_05.PNG)

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fc28d4 No.21634750

notables @ 240

#26496 >>21634461

>>21634582 Live: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

>>21634636, >>21634650, >>21634655 Rally photos

>>21634554 Hollywood is falling: What's happening with PDiddy isn't the distraction - it's the point

>>21634571 Jennifer Lopez on 'high alert' as ex Diddy is charged over fears a nightclub shooting where she was arrested will be re-opened

>>21634575 DJT introduces Official Trump Coins

>>21634590, >>21634591 Donald Trump Reveals He Interviewed U.S. Military Pilots Who Encountered Round UFO “They Cannot Explain”

>>21634618 JimW: Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun …

>>21634603 Memes


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818b5f No.21634751

File: 3e80f6f70e0ef30⋯.png (562.01 KB,844x472,211:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7f02a No.21634752



oddi talks about the card game

and killing trump is in the illuminati game cards

trump is distant cousin to hillary

all related to the Queen/royalty

Trump wanted out

so they want him dead

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2e55ce No.21634753

File: b3183361930df5e⋯.png (2.08 MB,1088x1364,272:341,Trump_Nothing_Can_Stop.PNG)

File: 5a77f1061e58edf⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1042x1018,521:509,Trump_Ear_Shot_03.jpg)

File: edc0890db4d5cce⋯.jpeg (109.22 KB,641x801,641:801,Trump_Ear_Shot_05.JPEG)

File: a78db9d7f245496⋯.jpeg (106.22 KB,800x469,800:469,My_Pillow_Ear.JPEG)

File: 400e5c36b6d4283⋯.png (274.66 KB,424x496,53:62,Trump_Ear_Shot_04.PNG)

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8e6535 No.21634754

File: bf51387057893a2⋯.png (354.58 KB,819x460,819:460,bf51387057893a2710c1a00dd2….png)

stap LEEEEKY JUUUUUUS frum gahybarr >>21634540

>berlinur BIGLY GAHY WALL BUILT halpin stap poleland invadurhs


>berlinur fillur gloatables so far





> >>21632285

>>>>>>>git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat














> >>21632285

>>>>>>>git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat











mowi wow


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8679f2 No.21634755



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081b96 No.21634756

File: 0ffa95f0fe3dfd3⋯.jpg (44.81 KB,901x586,901:586,cat_north_korea.jpg)

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2e55ce No.21634757

File: b37a78ec1e4f1f8⋯.jpg (412.73 KB,1088x1468,272:367,IMG_9621.jpg)

File: 8c6ff2a8dc4fe7f⋯.jpg (285.22 KB,1088x1091,1088:1091,IMG_9622.JPG)

File: 0a4afdf2760b68c⋯.jpg (271.5 KB,1088x726,544:363,IMG_9620.JPG)

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dae871 No.21634758

File: bab2ff4f25149a1⋯.jpg (1.78 MB,4000x1868,1000:467,20240921_113453.jpg)

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818b5f No.21634759

File: 945c45c553cab9b⋯.png (608.46 KB,837x473,837:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3d6f0 No.21634760

File: 245a81c67eaad58⋯.png (272.16 KB,308x420,11:15,ClipboardImage.png)


At least he claims to be T.D. Jake son, dude looks more like Diddy if you ask me.

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27bae9 No.21634761

File: 31cf87f544b32c0⋯.png (163.77 KB,470x341,470:341,we_love_rallies.png)

File: c853586136b0bb4⋯.png (438.3 KB,800x609,800:609,I_love_this_maaan.png)

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f7f02a No.21634762





Illuminati: New World Order (INWO) is an out-of-print collectible card game (CCG) that was released in 1994[1] by Steve Jackson Games, based on their original boxed game Illuminati, which in turn was inspired by the 1975 book The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea.[3][4] An OMNI sealed-deck league patterned after the Atlas Games model was also developed.[5]

The 409-card set was sold in packages containing two 55-card starter decks and in 15-card booster packs.[6]: 6 The booster packs contained cards of the types 'Group' and 'Plot', but not 'Illuminati'.[7] The INWO Factory Set was a collector's set released in April 1995, containing one of each of the 403 cards in the base set plus blank cards and three of each Illuminati card.[8]: 13 

Steve Jackson Games published a 144-page player's guide titled The INWO Book in April 1995 that contained rules, strategies, color prints of all cards, and also included a rare card from the Unlimited Edition.[9]: 14 

The limited edition Assassins, the game's first expansion set, was released in mid-1995 and sold in 8-card booster packs.[10] The 100-card expansion set SubGenius was planned for release in August 1997[11] and ultimately released in April 1998.[12] The Bavarian Fire Drill set was planned for release in November 1998.[12] Both SubGenius and Bavarian Fire Drill were sold as a single-box expansion set with all cards included.[13]

Following the release and popularity of Magic: The Gathering in August 1993, Steve Jackson Games began the development of Illuminati: New World Order, most of which occurred in early 1994.[14] The release of the Deluxe Edition sold out by mid-1994 and was followed by the release of the Limited Edition in December 1994, of which nearly 84,000 sets "sold out almost immediately".[14] The Unlimited Edition was released in 1995.[14] In an article published in the November–December 1994 issue of Pyramid magazine, Steve Jackson stated that Wizards of the Coast had loaned Steve Jackson Games money to "finance the first printing of INWO", which was the biggest project the company had undertaken by an order of magnitude.[7]

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9f1e12 No.21634763

File: 8d9d1a19b0db321⋯.png (984.78 KB,1210x680,121:68,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

Donald Trump takes the stage, behind the plexi-glass

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afb6ad No.21634764

File: 93e4c70b7478441⋯.png (110.59 KB,831x300,277:100,Mop_pepe_open_fin.png)


>Big Q Day!

B-2 Bomber Day!

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f7f02a No.21634765






Goal of the game

Players attempt to achieve world domination by utilizing the powers of their chosen Illuminati (the Adepts of Hermes, the Bavarian Illuminati, the Bermuda Triangle, the Discordian Society, the Gnomes of Zürich, the Network, Servants of Cthulhu, Shangri-La, the UFOs, the Society of Assassins (added in the Assassins expansion), and the Church of the SubGenius (added in the Subgenius expansion).[15] The first player to control a predetermined number of organizations (usually twelve in a standard game) has achieved the basic goal and can claim victory.[16]

Controllable organizations include groups such as the Men in Black, the CIA, and the Boy Sprouts; personalities such as Diana, Princess of Wales, Saddam Hussein, Ross Perot, or Björne (a parody of Barney the Dinosaur); and places like Japan, California, Canada, and the Moonbase. Many organization names are spoofs of real organizations, presumably altered to avoid lawsuits.

Other ways to achieve victory include: destroying rival Illuminati by capturing or killing the last organization in their power structure; and/or fulfilling a particular goal before your opponent(s) can.

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498935 No.21634766

File: 45ccb43dd76bf6c⋯.jpg (1.65 MB,2048x2048,1:1,45ccb43dd76bf6c9c0f1387c90….jpg)


wow, talk about time travel.

Glad this is coming to an end.

They've been in charge this whole time.

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bf8105 No.21634767

Gaza 2.0

IDF Says 180 Targets Eliminated In Southern Lebanon; US Lauds 'Good Outcome' Of Beirut Strike

White House praises strike that killed many Hezbollah commanders despite Lebanon saying 3 children & 7 women also killed

The death toll from Friday's Israeli airstrike which killed Hezbollah special forces commander Ibrahim Aqil has risen to 37, after a day-long rescue operation and workers picking through rubble of a residential building, according to the country's Health Ministry. Reports say that a meeting of Hezbollah leaders was taking place in either a garage, or a tunnel underneath the building in south Beirut.


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cffafa No.21634768

File: d9a5db306c1919e⋯.jpeg (158.5 KB,1284x943,1284:943,IMG_3492.jpeg)

>>21634258 Are White House the Pentagon controlled a shadowy few?

Are The White House And Pentagon Controlled By A Shadowy Few?

Authored by Fred Galvin via American Greatness,

As we approach the 2024 election, many Americans are disillusioned by the notion that their votes truly matter.


Because there’s a growing belief that a hidden force - often referred to as the Deep or Administrative State - wields disproportionate power behind the scenes.

Despite our democratic process, can we truly trust that our elected leaders are running the country, or are they merely figureheads for a larger, more insidious operation?

Consider the historical context: Barack Obama’s admiration for Saul Alinsky and Hillary Clinton’s thesis on his methods are no coincidence.Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”—specifically, Rule 8 (Keep the pressure on) and Rule 13 (Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it)—have been adopted as strategies by those who seek to manipulate and control political narratives.

Let’s review some unsettling examples:

2016 Election: The FBI misled Congress about the dubious Steele dossier, fueling a media frenzy that sought to destroy Donald Trump. This dossier, which claimed Trump was a Russian agent, was debunked, yet it set the stage for relentless attacks on his presidency.

Hunter Biden Laptop: During the 2020 election, 51 former intelligence officials publicly denounced the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation. Yet, as revealed by the House Judiciary Committee, FBI employees knew the laptop was legitimate but still pressured social media companies to suppress it.

Censorship During COVID-19: Mark Zuckerberg’s letter to Representative Jim Jordan in August 2024 admitted to bowing to administration pressure to censor COVID-19 posts. This highlights a broader pattern of censorship and manipulation.

Impeachment Trials: The relentless pursuit to impeach Trump, despite his acquittal, was another clear instance of the Deep State’s interference in democracy.

2023-2024 Trials: The ongoing legal attacks against Trump in multiple states are not just about legal accountability—they are strategic moves to drain his resources, distract his campaign, and tarnish his reputation.

In a startling revelation from Labor Day weekend 2024, while President Biden enjoyed a beach vacation, his administration took the unprecedented step of seizing Venezuelan President Maduro’s personal plane.

This unprecedented action underscores the growing reach and audacity of this shadowy influence.

Furthermore, during critical moments when U.S. forces were engaged by Irania-backed militias in Iraq and by Houthi rebels in the Gulf of Oman,Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austindisappeared from public view, his whereabouts unknown even by his Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, who was on vacation in the Caribbean. Nor was the president or vice president either aware of the Pentagon’s senior two leaders’ complete absence. Initially, it was claimed that Austin was undergoing elective surgery and that Austin was working from home, it was later disclosed that he was receiving in-patient treatment for prostate cancer at the Walter Reed Military Medical Treatment Center.

The lack of transparency and coordination within the Defense Department raises serious questions about who is truly in control and whether is there any actual presidential oversight.

This administration’s awareness of these orchestrated efforts to undermine President Trump is evident.

The deep state continues its relentless pressure campaign to prevent him from reclaiming the presidency.

=For those who believe in transparent governance and accountability, this is a wake-up call:The real battle is not just at the ballot box but against an unseen force that seeks to control and manipulate the American government.

The question is not whether we can handle the truth - but whether the people will act on it before it’s too late.

Major Fred Galvin, USMC (retired), provides a stark example of the consequences of such unchecked power. Galvin, who led the Marine Corps’ first Special Operations Task Force in Afghanistan, was falsely accused and tried for war crimes in Afghanistan. Despite being exonerated, the media’s relentless false reporting destroyed his reputation for twelve years—a testament to the Deep State’s ability to manipulate public perception. His book, A Few Bad Men, is a #1 best-selling non-fiction account of Marine Special Operators ambushed in Afghanistan and betrayed in America.


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f7f02a No.21634769



Cards come in three main types: Illuminati cards, Plot cards, and Group cards. Illuminati and Plot cards both feature an illustration of a puppeteer's hand in a blue color scheme on the rear side, whereas Group cards feature a puppet on a string in a red color scheme.

Each Illuminati card represents a different Illuminati organization at the center of each player's Power Structure. They have Power, a Special Goal, and an appropriate Special Ability. Their power flows outward into the Groups they control via Control Arrows.

Plot cards provide the bulk of the game's narrative structure, allowing players to go beyond or even break the game's rules as described in the World Domination Handbook. Plot cards are identified by their overall blue color scheme (border and/or title color). Included among the general Plots are several particular types, including Assassinations and Disasters (for delivering insults to the various Personalities and Places in play), GOAL (special goals that can lead to surprise victories), and New World Order cards (a set of conditions that affect all players, typically overridden when replacement New World Order cards are brought into play).

Group cards represent the power elite in charge of the named organization. There are two main types of Groups: Organizations and Resources.

Organizations are identified by their red color scheme (border and/or title). There are three main types of Organizations: regular Organizations, People, and Places. They all feature Power, Resistance, Special Abilities, Alignments, Attributes, and Control Arrows (an inward arrow and 0–3 outward arrows). Like their Illuminati masters, Organizations can launch and defend against various attacks. Provided that the attacking Organization has a free, outward-pointing Control Arrow, players can increase the size of their Power Structure via successful Attacks to Control, a mathematically determined method employed whenever a player wants to capture an Organization from their hand or a rival player's Power Structure. Unless the attack is Privileged (only the target and attacker can be involved), all players can aid or undermine the attack. Attacks to Destroy follow a similar game mechanic but result in the Organization's removal from the Power Structure, after which they are immediately discarded. A dice roll determines the outcome of all Attacks. Other ways to introduce Organizations to the Power Structure involve Plots, spending Action Tokens to bring Groups into play, or using free moves at appropriate times during the play cycle.

Resources represent the custodians of a variety of objects, ranging from gadgets to artefacts (such as The Shroud of Turin, Flying Saucers, and ELIZA). They are identified by their overall purple color scheme (border and/or title). Resources are introduced into play by spending Action Tokens or by using free moves during appropriate moments in the play cycle. They go alongside the Power Structure of the player's Illuminati and bestow a valid Special Ability or something similar.

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903011 No.21634770

POTUS: " Exactly 45 days from now we are going to win N Carolina and defeat Kamal a Harris, and make America Great Again, when you cash in your ballot for Trump this Noevember …." (interrupted by crowd: Trump! Trump! Trump!)

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f7f02a No.21634771




In the February 1995 edition of Shadis (issue #17.5), Matthew Lee and Jim Pinto liked the durable cards printed on thicker card stock than the original game (although the cards were easier to crease during shuffling). They also liked that one starter pack was enough for two players to get started and that the rulebook was very detailed. However, they disliked that cards were swapped between players – unusual for a CCG – which meant that the players had to figure out whose cards were whose at the end of the game. They also found that "the large rulebook can be daunting, and a large number of rules must be memorized to play".[17]

In the June 1995 edition of Dragon (issue 218), Rick Swan warned that it was a complex game: "Owing to the unconventional mechanics, even experienced gamers may have trouble at first." But he gave the game a perfect rating of 6 out of 6, saying, "Resolute players who scrutinize the rules and grind their way through a few practice rounds will discover why Illuminati has been so durable. Not only is it an inspired concept, but it’s also an enlightening treatise on the fine art of backstabbing. What more could you ask from a deck of cards?"[18] Ten months later, in the April 1996 edition of Dragon (Issue 229), Swan, tongue in cheek, called a set of blank cards produced for INWO "tastefully understated".[19]

In the September 1996 edition of Arcane (issue 4), Steve Faragher rated the Assassins expansion set 9 out of 10 overall, saying, "With the introduction of Assassins, it now appears to have … a little more game balance for tournament play. A good thing indeed."[20]


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903011 No.21634772

POTUS: " Hollywood is watching"

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b51048 No.21634773


“I will say this. I don’t think I’m a believer…. Then goes on the TALK ABOUT HOLLYWOOD…

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27bae9 No.21634774


yes. was fun to play.

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f7f02a No.21634775



Magia i Miecz (issue 40, April 1997) (Polish)[21]

Dragão Brasil (issue 6, September 1995) (Portuguese)[22]

Rollespilsmagasinet Fønix (Danish) (issue 7, March/April 1995)[23]

The Duelist, October 1998[24]


At the 1995 Origins Awards, INWO won Best Card Game of 1994.[25]

General references

Jackson, Steve (1995). The INWO Book. Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. ISBN 1-55634-306-X.

"Illuminati: New World Order". Steve Jackson Games (official website). Retrieved 8 November 2017.


BoardGameGeek (2009). "Illuminati: New World Order". BoardGameGeek, LLC. Retrieved 2009-09-11. 1994 Origins Awards Best Card Game Winner

"Illuminati Card". INWOcard.com. Archived from the original on 2021-05-08. Retrieved 2021-05-10. Steve Jackson release the Illuminati: New World Order card game in 1995, and after his accounts and offices were raided in the same year, which subsequently went out of print after a brief release.

Miller, John Jackson (2003), Scrye Collectible Card Game Checklist & Price Guide, Second Edition, pp. 235–239.

Owens, Thomas S.; Helmer, Diana Star (1996), Inside Collectible Card Games, p. 74.

Varney, Allen (May 1996), "Reports on Trading Card Games", The Duelist, no. #10, p. 9

"Product news". InQuest. Wizard Entertainment. 1995. pp. 4–8.

Jackson, Steve (November–December 1994). "Order the fries, Earthling!". Pyramid. No. 10.

"On the shelves". InQuest. No. 2. Wizard Entertainment. June 1995. pp. 13–16.

"Quick takes". InQuest. No. 1. Wizard Entertainment. May 1995. pp. 13–15.

"Card collector confidential". Scrye. No. 7. May–June 1995. p. 24.

Varney, Allen (August 1997). "Game news & updates". The Duelist. No. 18. Wizards of the Coast. p. 83.

Gutschera, Robert (June 1998). "Battle on". The Duelist. No. 26. pp. 50–53.

Herndon, Cory (September 1998). "Game news & updates". The Duelist. No. 29. Wizards of the Coast. p. 92.

Block, Eric (June 1995). "A history of Illuminati". InQuest. No. 2. Wizard Entertainment. p. 29.

"The 10 Most Forgotten Collectible Card Games". therobotsvoice.com. Retrieved 2017-12-28.

Kaufeld, John; Smith, Jeremy (2006). Trading Card Games For Dummies. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0470044071.

Lee, Matthew; Pinto, Jim (February 1995). "Head to Head". Shadis. Vol. 17, no. 5. Alderac Entertainment Group. pp. 32–33.

Swan, Rick (June 1995). "Roleplaying Reviews". Dragon (218). TSR, Inc.: 86.

Swan, Rick (April 1996). "Roleplaying Reviews". Dragon. No. 229. TSR, Inc. p. 115.

Faragher, Steve (March 1996). "Games Reviews". Arcane (4). Future: 80.

"Magia I Miecz 1997 04". April 1997.

"Baralhos - Illuminati: New World Order | Article | RPGGeek".

"Anmeldelser | Article | RPGGeek".

Venters, Jillian (October 1998). "Slacking off". The Duelist. No. 30. Wizards of the Coast. p. 90.

"Origins Award Winners (1994)". Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design. Archived from the original on 2007-08-30. Retrieved 2007-09-18.

Further reading

Black, Eric (June 1995). "If today is Tuesday, this must be Area 51". Inquest. No. 2. Wizard Entertainment. pp. 26–30.

External links

Official INWO site (includes rules)

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817e26 No.21634776


2017 "Taylor Swift" suddenly turns chubby and goes on tour.

That was the replacement.

A doppleganger with a weight problem who couldn't carry a note in a post office.

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879da9 No.21634777

File: ad75e47315bd9db⋯.png (17.48 KB,122x121,122:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eaa61b10258b194⋯.png (446.46 KB,557x408,557:408,Elijah.PNG)

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2e55ce No.21634778

File: 21f9a47c27b1803⋯.jpg (237.65 KB,1130x1117,1130:1117,IMG_4793.JPG)

File: 81abfd2d069e6ce⋯.jpg (220.64 KB,682x950,341:475,DJT_Saturday_Night_Fever.jpg)

File: 237122bca00bdef⋯.png (1.25 MB,1400x846,700:423,DJT_The_Storm_Is_Upon_Us_0….PNG)

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8679f2 No.21634779



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903011 No.21634780

POTUS: " Uncle Sam is here!! I love Uncle Sam!!"

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8d7351 No.21634781

File: 8ad1ae2cf6fee92⋯.jpg (187.46 KB,1612x988,31:19,BrandTheCommies.JPG)

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903011 No.21634782

POTUS: " We are very close to WW3 right now…."

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818b5f No.21634783

File: ea6345f3826cdd8⋯.mp4 (135.69 KB,426x240,71:40,cmon_man.mp4)

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879da9 No.21634784

Kum rag Harris

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8207bf No.21634785

File: 7d880bcb9e869af⋯.webp (78.07 KB,687x960,229:320,s_l960.webp)

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b3d6f0 No.21634786


Check out the dates, right about the same time T.D. Jakes is delivering Obama's pre-inaugural sermon from the St. John's Episcopal Church pulpit, his son is getting arrested for gay indecent exposure. What a freak show.


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dae871 No.21634787

File: 4eae62de01b7db7⋯.jpg (1.49 MB,4000x1868,1000:467,20240921_114002.jpg)

File: ba715702fb20119⋯.jpg (1.44 MB,4000x1868,1000:467,20240921_114009.jpg)

There people directly in front of Trump? Reflection in the glass

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ffe123 No.21634788

File: bf2baa36104a1b9⋯.jpg (488.25 KB,1080x1342,540:671,BorderSnake.jpg)

File: 6653717277c5e2d⋯.jpg (547.11 KB,1432x1073,1432:1073,BorderTreason.JPG)

File: 9b20968f516ef23⋯.jpg (419.37 KB,2189x1080,2189:1080,BorderViolators.JPG)

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8679f2 No.21634789


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879da9 No.21634790

File: 1ed73730477542e⋯.png (3.46 MB,1760x1184,55:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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903011 No.21634791

File: c871503d8aa1993⋯.png (92.5 KB,246x277,246:277,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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7480f2 No.21634792


Funny story about the guy who made that Illuminati card game:


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f7f02a No.21634793







Official Announcements and Policies

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Illuminated Secrets



Unofficial INWO pages

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Illuminati: New World Order – Factory Set

Boxed set with rules and 400+ cards. * Suggested Retail Price $29.95

Stock number 1610 * ISBN 1-55634-299-3

Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info

LeBron James is removed by Death Valley for the vacillating machine gun.

iconINWO is the trading-card version of Illuminati, the original game of conspiracy and weirdness from Steve Jackson Games. And further weirdness: Assassins, a 125-card supplement, and INWO SubGenius, a 100-card supplement and standalone expansion. Plus The INWO Book, a complete player's guide to INWO.

(Note: BFD was finally released, but not as an expansion for INWO. Instead, the cards are designed to work with Illuminati. Sorry for any confusion!)

Roleplayers should check out GURPS Illuminati, for those brave enough to enter the world where everything in the tabloids is true . . . and GURPS Warehouse 23, for those who want to see the things that the Secret Masters don't want you to have. And GURPS IOU reveals how the Secret Masters learned it all in the first place.

Fnord Headquarters2323AM


fnord fnord must take the radical transmitter from beautiful downtown Burbank.

You must meet fnord fnord fnord at the fnord at fnord fnord fnord fnord fnord fnord and get the ferocious document.

Be warned. The Computer was fnord by fnord for fnord dancing eye.


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808df5 No.21634794

File: 4115566ec96f22b⋯.jpg (776.48 KB,2048x1386,1024:693,HarrisCadet.jpg)

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2749ec No.21634795

Did Diddy set up the assassination attempt on Trump

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2e55ce No.21634796

File: 6073296e27c8ae9⋯.jpg (131.11 KB,801x801,1:1,4F0400D1_D6C2_4139_86DA_3D….jpg)

File: be891c1f6a8f701⋯.jpg (154.1 KB,800x534,400:267,P_Diddler_with_Reverend_.jpg)

File: c0896e32981ce8c⋯.jpg (137.4 KB,1088x669,1088:669,Harry_PDiddy_and_Kanye_03.JPG)

File: 06385253c84d22e⋯.webp (136.82 KB,2048x1644,512:411,Harry_PDiddy_and_Kanye_02.WEBP)

File: 63298dc0f3df43b⋯.jpeg (629.74 KB,1970x1970,1:1,Harry_PDiddy_and_Kanye_01.JPEG)

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903011 No.21634797

POTUS: " We spend all this money on these screens, lets use them for a minute …" cuts away to kamala video

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ef4114 No.21634798


Depends on the angle of the camera to the glass, of course. Could possibly be a reflection of press stand.

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d67896 No.21634799

File: f7878510d2ceabf⋯.png (643.14 KB,826x1282,413:641,235.png)

Q+ begins speaking at 2:35 pm

Where is BO?

What is the purpose?

Who fired?



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851915 No.21634800

President Trump: Instead of a planet on the edge of global war, we will have World Peace. We wont have World War III, which we're very close to having right now. That's the future that awaits the America we love under President Donald J. Trump, but if you cast your vote for Kamala Harris; Comrade, Comrade; we call her Comrade, you're voting for four more years of brutal job losses, higher taxes, surging prices, falling wages, and economic depression and despair. A vote for Kamala Harris means forty or fifty million more illegal aliens will invade across our borders, stealing your money, stealing your jobs, stealing your life. It means your police forces will be gutted, your guns will be confiscated, and savage criminals will run wild in the streets.

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818b5f No.21634801

File: 7267e63abc3c0c7⋯.png (538.47 KB,831x471,277:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1b337 No.21634802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"If you see German troops, don't panic" | DW News


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bf8105 No.21634803

Israeli military kills 21 in Gaza school bombing – officials

Authorities in Gaza have accused the IDF of committing a “horrific massacre” at the al-Falah school

At least 21 people, including 13 children, have been confirmed killed by an Israeli drone strike on a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in Gaza, the enclave’s government has said. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) claims that Hamas was operating a command center in the building.

“Before the attack, many steps were taken to reduce the chance of harming civilians, including the use of precision weaponry” and aerial surveillance, the IDF claimed. “The IDF will continue to act with strength and determination against terrorist organizations that use schools and civilian institutions as shelter.”


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3145e9 No.21634804

File: 74eea61b35198c9⋯.mp4 (6.14 MB,460x816,115:204,adBK8A9_460sv.mp4)

How to make 40 euros an hour doing nothing.

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879da9 No.21634805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is the story of a girl

Who cried a river and drowned the whole world

And while she looked so sad in photographs

I absolutely love her, when she smiles

How many days in a year?

She woke up with hope, but she only found tears

And I can be so insincere

Making the promises never for real

As long as she stands there waiting

Wearing the holes in the soles of her shoes

How many days disappear?

When you look in the mirror so how do you choose?

Your clothes never wear as well the next day

And your hair never falls in quite the same way

You never seem to run out of things to say

This is the story of a girl

Who cried a river and drowned the whole world

And while she looked so sad in photographs

I absolutely love her, when she smiles

How many lovers would stay?

Just to put up with this shit day after day

How do we wind up this way?

Watching the mouths for the words that we say

As long as we stand here waiting

Wearing the clothes of the soles I would choose

How do we get there today?

When we're walking too far for the price of the shoes

Your clothes never wear as well the next day

And your hair never falls in quite the same way

But you never seem to run out of things to say

This is the story of a girl

Who cried a river and drowned the whole world

And while she looked so sad and lonely there

I absolutely love her, when she smiles

Well your clothes never wear as well the next day

And your hair never falls in quite the same way

You never seem to run out of things to say

This is the story of a girl

Who cried a river and drowned the whole world

And while she looked so sad in photographs

I absolutely love her-

This is the story of a girl

Who's pretty face she hid from the world

And while she looked so sad and lonely there

I absolutely love her-

This is the story of a girl

Who cried a river and drowned the whole world

And while she looked so sad in photographs

I absolutely love her, when she smiles

When she smiles

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61a659 No.21634806

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB,434x308,31:22,BidenLaugh.gif)

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9f1e12 No.21634807

File: c1005f2d2d9ca6a⋯.png (154.97 KB,700x414,350:207,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

File: 617e540cd8707ab⋯.png (631.94 KB,595x529,595:529,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)


can't believe they are still showing td jakes on daystar and other christian channels

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2749ec No.21634808

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903011 No.21634809

POTUS: " They would like to do another debate… its goog entertainment value… CNN was very fair, Joe was driven out of the race… it was a coup by the way… ABC was 3 on 1, but was given credit on doing a very good job, it was 3 on 1.. the problem with another debate, its too late,… voting has already started voting… "

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851915 No.21634810

President Trump: Kamala was a total disaster yesterday; at every other interview, she's been just a free fall. I don't know what the hell is going on; she can't do an interview. She doesn't want to do 'em. Something's wrong.

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2e55ce No.21634811

File: f943cbf0c00736c⋯.jpg (116.01 KB,808x1280,101:160,IMG_9587.JPG)

File: 109641d6461d7c2⋯.gif (1.29 MB,260x258,130:129,IMG_9591.GIF)

File: c0b9637291f59a9⋯.jpg (90.87 KB,500x531,500:531,B1C02DB6_92B0_420B_99AF_8A….jpg)

File: 2548ced15acb237⋯.jpg (902.69 KB,1601x2000,1601:2000,6B3235F3_84E1_4071_8F53_00….jpg)

File: add65a14ed0f958⋯.jpg (37.54 KB,497x279,497:279,Travis_Kelce_01.jpg)

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bf8105 No.21634812

File: beafb9a0a61cdd5⋯.png (177.81 KB,679x371,97:53,ClipboardImage.png)

MSM Journos Inadvertently Reveal Shocking Truth About Global Warming

A funny thing happened as the WaPo tried to map out half a billion years of global temperatures and the "disaster of global warming"


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818b5f No.21634813

File: 6d8c86e41383bf7⋯.png (719.42 KB,1000x668,250:167,joe_mask.png)

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000000 No.21634814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elon Musk

@elonmusk 50m


Michael Shellenberger

@shellenberger 5h

Massive Free Speech Victory!

Ireland's government has abandoned its proposed hate speech law, which would have allowed the police to enter homes and search phones and computers for wrongthink.

This is wonderful news that gives us momentum to beat back totalitarianism worldwide!


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903011 No.21634815

POTUS: " Its too late to do another, its too late, the voting is cast, … is every body voting? please get out there and vote…"

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61a659 No.21634816

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,crackhead.png)


I should have thought of that.

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b51048 No.21634817

File: 13d00b33a818556⋯.jpeg (935.67 KB,1158x1902,193:317,IMG_3418.jpeg)

File: d54767ecd8c3e4c⋯.jpeg (589.4 KB,1153x1474,1153:1474,IMG_3419.jpeg)

File: 53f663b73b2b264⋯.jpeg (105.51 KB,846x396,47:22,IMG_3420.jpeg)

File: f7003161d7d4d43⋯.png (61.01 KB,898x586,449:293,2263.png)


So many posts on this DELTA, ALL CAPS!

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903011 No.21634818

POTUS: " We are going to get it changed, when we get in we are going to get this craziness changed… "

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f7f02a No.21634819

File: 81a26aa91cc7ee4⋯.jpg (16.96 KB,400x257,400:257,1_280db5afb9e6030d26592612….jpg)





a collectible

hard to find a set

Product Summary

Name: Illuminati: New World Order

Publisher: Steve Jackson Games

Author: Steve Jackson

Category: CCG

Cost: varies

Pages: n/a

ISBN: 1-55634-299-3


Review Editing

Edit this Review

Review of Illuminati: New World Order

Illuminati; the name alone brings back memories. Some of us are old enough to remember when Steve Jackson first released Illuminati, and others look at you and go "huh?".

Illuminati: New World Order is a good deal similar to the original Illuminati, but with a few new twists. No longer is it a shared deck, it is now a collectible card game (ack). Each player can build his or her own decks and challenge thier friends to take over the world. A typical game can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, but is fun no matter how long it lasts. And instead of Megabucks (I think thats what they were…) we get Illuminati Tokens.

If you are tired of magic and the other games and want some fun, try Illuminati: New World Order (INWO). Or if you are just looking for something do to, try INWO. Even if you don't like card games, reading the text and quotes will make you laugh.

Style: 4 (Classy and well done)

Substance: 4 (Meaty)

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8207bf No.21634820


Anons, is this PDJT's card?

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8d7351 No.21634821

File: 9a2acd9be05aebc⋯.jpg (498.02 KB,2099x1080,2099:1080,1DayPaper2.jpg)

File: f01349f1e26fa2b⋯.jpg (439.84 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,1DayPaper1.jpg)

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ef4114 No.21634822

Three on one not counting the handlers talking in her earpiece.

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b28cf9 No.21634823


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1ea2a7 No.21634824


looks like him to me

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808df5 No.21634825

File: b097bf9d6cc7b8e⋯.jpg (558.04 KB,1524x1080,127:90,YellenNuke.JPG)

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00d545 No.21634826



bring in the ducats

but not for gods work

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351c34 No.21634827

File: b7f7e84e7b7b49b⋯.jpg (40.88 KB,474x274,237:137,e57oph.jpg)

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851915 No.21634828

President Trump: Everyone knows that Kamala Harris can not explain how she would make your life better, because it's really her policies that have destroyed this country in the last three years.

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2dc976 No.21634829

File: 2b0b35bda0b70bd⋯.png (456.31 KB,681x366,227:122,2b0b35bda0b70bdeaecddc8365….png)

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879da9 No.21634830

File: 32dcefc36b3889f⋯.png (21.37 KB,476x460,119:115,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 600635e826ed8f4⋯.png (153.59 KB,444x825,148:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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61a659 No.21634831

File: 142f84e5e5926cf⋯.gif (1.29 MB,978x827,978:827,danceclub.gif)


>Ireland's government has abandoned its proposed hate speech law

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072081 No.21634832

File: 36210bb4a2a9511⋯.png (1.9 MB,1791x1338,597:446,Screenshot_2024_09_21_1246….png)


Why is the media ignoring Lopez?

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879da9 No.21634833

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dae871 No.21634834

File: 64f461dbb7b6122⋯.mp4 (157.93 KB,482x270,241:135,64f461dbb7b612243e870e454c….mp4)

Trump: who sleeps on TV. Kek

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903011 No.21634835

POTUS: " Would anyu body like to drive on occasion a beautiful gasoline driven car?…. we do have hydrogen cars.. but they blow up"

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8207bf No.21634836

File: dc65b424de31720⋯.png (738.37 KB,590x783,590:783,pizza.PNG)

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7480f2 No.21634837


Amazing how he went from unremarkable sidekick to center stage star after his best friend was murdered in a drive-by.

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b51048 No.21634838



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2e55ce No.21634839

File: 9bd6cf18cd443b1⋯.jpeg (192.45 KB,1367x769,1367:769,Kamala_Harris_Neck_02.JPEG)

File: f4a129bf2cb5cf1⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,480x852,40:71,Kamala_Harris_Neck_01.mp4)

File: a6c607a70b6c799⋯.jpeg (419.76 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Kamala_Harris_Double_01.JPEG)

File: f35475c83a41e01⋯.gif (710.38 KB,360x268,90:67,Kamala_Harris_Ho_02.GIF)

File: 1fc20c278eca7a5⋯.png (656.29 KB,800x612,200:153,Kamala_Harris_Ho_01.PNG)

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f7f02a No.21634840

File: 431c1a1ac28eebf⋯.jpg (19.85 KB,228x342,2:3,91yg_TTa_mL_SY342_.jpg)






INWO Book (OP) Paperback – January 1, 1995

by Steve Jackson (Author), Jeff Koke (Illustrator)

This an original, first printing from Steve Jackson Games. Complete guide and instruction book of the card game. The INWO Book is your handbook for New World Order the trading-card version of Illuminati - the classic, award-winning game of guile, intrigue and world domination. Here you'll find everything you need to explore the devious strategies and evil schemes that will add a new level of excitement to your INWO games. Included The World Domination Handbook, Version 1.1: The complete, updated rulebook Every Card All 412 cards from the Limited Edition, with the complete text of every card . . . and the art in full color! Illuminated Deck-building hints, subtle twists, tips for playing each of the nefarious Illuminati groups . . . and for playing against them. Variant and Optional New ways to take over the world, including the "One With Everything" rules for playing with one big set of cards, and the notorious Cheating Rules. Designer's The inside story, from the beginning of the game's creation to plans for tomorrow! Stupid INWO Tricks and More

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Steve Jackson


Steve Jackson

Steve Jackson Games was founded in 1980 by (no surprise here) Steve Jackson. We now publish books, games, and magazines for game fans.

Our best-known games include

- Munchkin, the irreverent game of dungeon crawling;

- Zombie Dice, the fast-paced game of brain-eating;

- GURPS, the "Generic Universal RolePlaying System," to let you play in any time and place or mash up any genres you like;

- Ogre, the classic simulation of future war;

- Car Wars, about battle on the highways;

- Illuminati, the award-winning game of world domination.

- The Fantasy Trip, an old-school RPG that takes its dungeon crawls seriously.

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808df5 No.21634841

File: 501c81daacb5b47⋯.jpg (281.42 KB,1895x921,1895:921,LoseVsWin.jpg)

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444ef1 No.21634842

File: 5b75a8b65cb382f⋯.jpg (171.41 KB,640x671,640:671,illumanatigraphiccreditjl6….jpg)


They claimed were never added to, but I think they were.

it was a psy-op.

Couldn't find my illumaniti card images, at the moment.

At one pont I think I had a set. They were printed in the 90's allegedly, but I might have had them in the aughts.

but did find this on the illumanati, in a book by Jim Marr

Marrs connects them with CFR to Kissinger and to Public policy for war "Diplomacy"

Book is "Rule by Secrecy"


John Robeson quoted from Weishaupt's letters to fellow Illuminati. One 1794

work, Die neuesten Arbeiten des Spartacus und Philo in dem IlluminatenOrden, stated:

"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment. Let it never

appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another

name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees

of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expect little from it, and

therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society [the Thule Society] is best suited to our purpose…. By

establishing reading societies and subscription libraries … we may turn

the public mind which way we will. In like manner we must try to obtain

an influence in . .. all offices which have any effect, either in forming, or

in managing, or even in directing the mind of man."

Weishaupt not only set out to deceive the public, but he reminded his

top leaders they should hide their true intentions from their own initiates by "speaking sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, so that

one's real purpose should remain impenetrable to one's inferiors."

"Weishaupt's followers were enlisted by the most subtle methods of

deception and led on towards a goal entirely unknown to them," noted

Webster. "It is this that . . . constitutes the whole difference between

honest and dishonest secret societies."

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903011 No.21634843

POTUS: " Within 12 mos your energy prices will be cut in half… inflation is a misnomer, … the prices have been driven up here and the people cannot afford the prices… an eldely woman, put three apples and she couldnt afford it, so she put one apple back into the refrigeration"

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58a72d No.21634844

File: 56c494c13f3cdd2⋯.png (37.91 KB,519x597,173:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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851915 No.21634845

President Trump: By slashing inflation, we will cut interest rates, and reduce the monthly cost of your typical mortgage by one thousand dollars.

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903011 No.21634846

POTUS: " I dunno, is he still the President.. i dont want to waste my time saying he… because yesterday his wife took over his cabinet meeting.. a lot of bad things are happening there"

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f7f02a No.21634847



>>21634840 sheesh

look at these game titles

knowing what we know 2024

>Our best-known games include

>- Munchkin, the irreverent game of dungeon crawling;

>- Zombie Dice, the fast-paced game of brain-eating;

>- GURPS, the "Generic Universal RolePlaying System," to let you play in any time and place or mash up any genres you like;

>- Ogre, the classic simulation of future war;

>- Car Wars, about battle on the highways;

>- Illuminati, the award-winning game of world domination.

>- The Fantasy Trip, an old-school RPG that takes its dungeon crawls seriously.

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ffe123 No.21634848

File: a0895e3cf82eb74⋯.jpg (240.99 KB,1063x711,1063:711,BidenClearedHow.jpg)

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763e20 No.21634849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1 hour ago

Tucker Carlson Live Tour in Grand Rapids, MI

Kid Rock’s Secret to Success, What They Won’t Tell You About Donald Trump, and the Diddy Arrest


0:00 Tucker’s Speech

34:02 Tucker Introduces Kid Rock

35:46 Kid Rock’s Election Predictions

43:15 What Is Trump Really Like?

51:43 Diddy Arrest

57:54 How Is Nashville?

1:07:44 Kid Rock’s Secret to Success

1:10:07 The History and Future of Michigan

1:14:15 Politicians Are Not Celebrities

1:17:53 What Really Annoys Kid Rock?

1:21:14 Would Kid Rock Moderate the Next Debate?

1:24:45 Kid Rock’s Favorite Form of Entertainment

Tucker Carlson

Sep 21, 2024 1:27:19


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376ed6 No.21634850

File: 073ac4af19c7d95⋯.jpg (50.58 KB,332x486,166:243,IlluminLasers.jpg)

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879da9 No.21634851

File: 337dc96849b5195⋯.png (252.63 KB,841x637,841:637,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3db2330a1ee80e3⋯.png (32.48 KB,953x307,953:307,ClipboardImage.png)


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818b5f No.21634852


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8d7351 No.21634853

File: 4b9f09e7dde9f21⋯.jpg (227.33 KB,1200x608,75:38,BidenHarrisTet.JPG)

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903011 No.21634854

POTUS: " No tax on tips.. no tax on overtime.. no tax on social security for our seniors… we are going to put a temporary cap on interest rates on credit cars at 10 percent… theyre getting charged 20-30% … and in theory thats against the law… "

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8207bf No.21634855

File: 2960dcbfbc9f446⋯.png (491.98 KB,366x508,183:254,ggs.PNG)

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f7f02a No.21634856

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7480f2 No.21634857

File: 77371cf28e65066⋯.png (22.23 KB,640x398,320:199,ClipboardImage.png)


>Car Wars, about battle on the highways;

8bit and 16bit computer users got the video game version of that from '85 to '87. Played the shit out of that on an 800XL at 12-years-old.

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903011 No.21634858

POTUS: " Im your Border President, Kamala is your Invasion President"

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d67896 No.21634859


I'm your Boarder President.

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cffafa No.21634860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gutfeld: Tyrus: If Oprah can’t save you, nobody can save you.They play a guessing game, what was the question Karma was asked?



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b51048 No.21634861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Toyota Mirai is hydrogen fuel


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3bd174 No.21634862

File: e839d836536a434⋯.png (98.28 KB,678x649,678:649,66eefcb889da0.png)

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817e26 No.21634863


The red button opens the blissful void and puts an end to all suffering.


A sombrero full of bimetallic tokens.

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ffe123 No.21634864

File: a48d996d5eab6a2⋯.jpg (214.27 KB,1280x854,640:427,CovidBlindfold.JPG)

File: f08999eb5c15ec0⋯.jpg (188.05 KB,1437x700,1437:700,TrumpWonBig.JPG)

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818b5f No.21634865



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000000 No.21634866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d67896 No.21634867


Learn our comms.

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903011 No.21634868

POTUS: " We have more Liquid Gold under our feet… terrorists are pouring into our country… 4 years ago we had 11 terrorists come into our country"

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808df5 No.21634869

File: 6f899f600416ff5⋯.jpg (303.8 KB,1170x630,13:7,TreasonAtTop.jpg)

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307f30 No.21634870


is that oddie?

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903011 No.21634871

POTUS: " She released him, special order… "

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d67896 No.21634872

File: 7ed9ebf3e94fa39⋯.png (2.5 MB,4417x2707,4417:2707,proof.png)

Reminder - POTUS is talking directly to this board. Learn double meanings.

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001097 No.21634873


You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

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376ed6 No.21634874

File: d95cd84e9563aa0⋯.png (269.83 KB,525x680,105:136,ClipboardImage.png)

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903011 No.21634875

POTUS: " Kill again he did"

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818b5f No.21634876


Learn to spell…

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808df5 No.21634877

File: 8871a1c24a974eb⋯.jpg (484.49 KB,1484x904,371:226,DemocratArmy.JPG)

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903011 No.21634878

POTUS: " Mecklenberg County… that was a big one, nasty nasty"

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f7f02a No.21634879

File: da7ad86b7007a9a⋯.jpg (59.35 KB,468x623,468:623,cover_lg.jpg)


INWO Assassins: Twist the Knife . . .

Further your evil schemes. Amaze your friends . . . and grind them into the dust. Cackle with glee. Assassins adds 125 new cards guaranteed to liven up any conspiracy, including:

A sinister NEW Illuminati: The Society of Assassins – They thrive on secrecy and fanaticism and you control them.

Strange New Groups: Killer Satellites! Newt Gingrich! and Teddy Kennedy! Dittoheads! Shock Jocks! Australia! The Big Prawn! (what does it do?)

New Plots: New assassinations! New disasters! New New World Orders! And three brand-new types of plots:

Attribute Freeze – Freezes every card of a given attribute, preventing them from acting for the rest of the turn.

Paralyze – Take a single card out of commission until countered.

Zap – Affects another Illuminati group directly!

10 Ultra-Rare Cards: In one out of every ten Booster Packs, the Rare card has been replaced by one of ten Ultras . . . which we chose, not for their power, but for great art and general weirdness. Trade with your friends, or hoard them for yourself and gibber madly!

<i>INWO Assassins</i> (pack)

Pack of 8 cards.

Suggested Retail Price $1.40

Stock number 1615

ISBN 1-55634-313-1

Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info

<i>INWO Assassins</i> (box)

Box of 60 packs.

Suggested Retail Price $84.00

Stock number 1614

ISBN 1-55634-312-4

Out Of Print – Click here for dealer info

Can't find it?

Our spies report that some stores are out of Assassins. If sinister forces prevent you from getting this supplement, there are other sources available for our operatives.

Rarity and Distribution

Not quite ready to trade? Afraid you'll accidentally trade off an Ultra-Rare for an Uncommon? Ignorance is dangerous, comrade. But reading this web site puts you on the Inside. Feast your eyes on these card lists with rarity. Fnord.


Read the Assassins Designer's Notes from Pyramid #18.


Even the Secret Masters are not completely free from errata. Fortunately for us, we can blame it on enemy schemes. And fortunately for you, when we find errata, we let you know about it. Check out the current Assassins Errata.




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b51048 No.21634880

File: 636ad8d8be369c2⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB,3526x1836,1763:918,IMG_3423.jpeg)

File: 2ec9d1768b7b759⋯.jpeg (271.32 KB,1024x1379,1024:1379,IMG_3422.jpeg)

Trump (card games)

"Trumps" redirects here. For other uses, see Trump (disambiguation).

A trump is a playing card which is elevated above its usual rank in trick-taking games. Typically an entire suit is nominated as a trump suit; these cards then outrank all cards of plain (non-trump) suits. In other contexts, the terms trump card or to trump refers to any sort of action, authority or policy which automatically prevails over all others.

The introduction of trumps is one of only two major innovations to trick-taking games since they were invented; the other being the idea of bidding.[1] Trump cards, initially called trionfi, first appeared with the advent of Tarot cards in which there is a separate, permanent trump suit comprising a number of picture cards.[2] The first known example of such cards was ordered by the Duke of Milan around 1420 and included 16 trumps with images of Greek and Roman gods.[3]

Around the same time that Tarot cards were invented with the purpose of adding a trump suit to the existing four suits, a similar concept arose in the game of Karnöffel. However, in this South German game played with an ordinary pack, some cards of a given suit had full trump powers, others were partial trumps and the 7s had a special role. These features have been retained in games of the Karnöffel family down to the present, but are never seen in Tarot games.[4] Suits with these variable powers are thus called chosen suits or selected suits to distinguish them from trump suits.[5]


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903011 No.21634881

POTUS: " No more sanctuary cities, you agree Uncle Sam? You agree? I love Uncle Sam"

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61a659 No.21634882

File: 22d9584b1311bce⋯.png (369.83 KB,344x484,86:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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851915 No.21634883

President Trump: Today I'm announcing a new plan to end all sanctuary cities in North Carolina, and all across our country. No more sanctuary cities.

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3b529e No.21634884

File: dc394f7da9b0bf1⋯.jpg (102.63 KB,750x500,3:2,POTUS.jpg)


TY, baker.

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879da9 No.21634885

File: 593442228ef9a78⋯.png (16.34 KB,384x152,48:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a17fe5d7c00770⋯.png (694.93 KB,996x769,996:769,ClipboardImage.png)

The agencies also warned of growing foreign efforts to meddle in U.S. elections ahead of November, particularly from Russia, Iran and China, countries that are "trying by some measure to exacerbate divisions in U.S. society for their own benefit, and see election periods as moments of vulnerability."

In a statement Wednesday, Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said Iranians wanted to help Vice President Kamala Harris, who replaced Biden as the Democratic nominee, "because they know President Trump will restore his tough sanctions and stand against their reign of terror."

In an all-caps Truth Social post Wednesday night, Trump claimed Harris and her campaign "were illegally spying on me. To be known as the Iran, Iran, Iran case!"

Harris campaign spokesperson Morgan Finkelstein said the campaign has cooperated with law enforcement since it learned about the hacking effort.

"We’re not aware of any material being sent directly to the campaign; a few individuals were targeted on their personal emails with what looked like a spam or phishing attempt," Finkelstein said in a statement.


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376ed6 No.21634886

File: 080b6d593518150⋯.png (171.82 KB,502x634,251:317,ClipboardImage.png)


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3b529e No.21634887

File: 2065e45b3641782⋯.mp4 (47.22 KB,360x202,180:101,Boom.mp4)

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ed900c No.21634888


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903011 No.21634889

POTUS: " I will ask Congress to outlaw every sanctuary city"

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ef4114 No.21634890

File: 8dfe3c4bc61099c⋯.png (1.1 MB,919x688,919:688,ClipboardImage.png)

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903011 No.21634891

POTUS: " You have a lot of gangs in this state.. are there any gang members in this audience, raise your hands"

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b51048 No.21634892


He always is!

Man I love PDJT!

Merry Christmas, AMERICA! Melania Trump Launched Christmas Ornaments today!

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ee9d9b No.21634893

File: 099625e87d728a1⋯.jpg (744.98 KB,2041x1361,2041:1361,TrumpSolvedIt.JPG)

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2e55ce No.21634894

File: 031f03569996c8e⋯.mp4 (4.81 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Oprah_Winfrey_Golden_Globe….MP4)

File: 76edfa9f8d5a9b2⋯.gif (812.07 KB,360x244,90:61,Oprah_GITMO_Stay.GIF)

File: 8d2d01d42134dc7⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,720x1280,9:16,Oprah_s_Land_Grab.mp4)

File: 9b98374cd909eca⋯.jpg (540.15 KB,889x576,889:576,Oprah_Tom_Hanks_GITMO.jpg)

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cffafa No.21634895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden admin is ‘not even pretending anymore’: Marc ThiessenFox News contributor Marc Thiessen reacts to the Teamsters not endorsing a presidential candidate and weighs in on the backlash over First Lady Jill Biden’s appearance at a cabinet meeting. #foxnews



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bf8105 No.21634896

Announcing the Independent Media Alliance

Announcing the formal organization of an alliance between principled and consistent independent media personalities dedicated to pursuing truth and liberty.

Today we are thrilled to announce the creation of the Independent Media Alliance (IMA), a collaborative effort focused on promoting objective, fact-based media from a diverse team of journalists, podcasters, and writers.

Our emphasis will be on countering narratives currently being seeded within the “alternative” media space, including, but not limited to, the false two-party paradigm, hopium in politicians, support for imperial wars, 5th Generation Warfare, and Technocratic solutions to legitimate problems (digital IDs pitched as the “only” solution for immigration, voting fraud prevention, etc.).

The IMA will take several actions in the pursuit of this goal, including regular panels and debates featuring alliance members and guests; collaborative and joint investigations; and launching a new decentralized media network to host relevant content from alliance members. The IMA will also be partnering with decentralized video platform Odysee to ensure that the content cannot be easily censored.

The creation of the IMA was initiated by Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout, Ryan Cristián of The Last American Vagabond, and Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance Network.

Webb, Cristián, and Broze have invited more than a dozen journalists, podcasters, and media outlets to join the alliance. The current roster includes:

Hakeem Anwar, Above Phone/ Take Back Our Tech

Catherine Austin-Fitts, Solari Report

Jason Bassler, The Free Thought Project

Jason Bermas, The Jason Bermas Show

Catte Black, Off-Guardian

James Corbett, The Corbett Report

Iain Davis

Richard Grove, Grand Theft World Podcast

Kit Knightly, Off-Guardian

Hrvoje Morić, Geopolitics and Empire

Steve Poikonen, Slow News Day/ AM Wake Up

Charlie Robinson, Macroaggressions Podcast

Carey Wedler

“The online media landscape, despite the plummeting trust in mainstream media, has never been more weaponized and difficult to navigate,” stated Whitney Webb. “By pooling our collective resources and creating some new resources, the goal is for this group of principled independent journalists and content creators, who have proven themselves over the past several years as willing to challenge official narratives even when difficult, to be able to withstand the increasing pressures of disseminating adversarial content in an increasingly adversarial social media landscape.”

“We believe there has never been a more important time for independent, principled journalists and content creators to collaborate more than ever,” said Derrick Broze. “Together we have the power to maximize our reach and counter false solutions and narratives which are infecting the indie media and ‘truth community’.”

“At a time when objective, non-partisan media is under more attack than ever, and the two party illusion has never been more vulnerable, like the cornered animal it is, the system lashes out at those who try to change it. We can all sense the changing of the tides, and none more viscerally than the dying power structure desperate to maintain its power. This desperation has materialized into the rising threat of digital identification, social credit scores, and overall technocratic control, all of which are being forced upon us in hopes that it will stifle, if not completely snuff out, our growing awareness and rising resistance. Enter the manufactured State-serving Mainstream Alternative Media designed to usher you mindlessly into the technocratic panopticon. Whitney, Derrick and I decided to start this Independent Media Alliance to organize against this rising threat using objective, well researched journalism and collaboration.” – Ryan Cristián

Stay tuned for our first panel discussions, and the launch of the official IMA website and Odysee portal.


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879da9 No.21634897

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817e26 No.21634898


No tax on Social Security?

Does that mean seniors will get tax exemption from all taxes, because everytime a senior, whose only income is social security, pays any tax, it is a tax on their social security.

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000000 No.21634899

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903011 No.21634900

POTUS: " They are flying them in in big fat boeing, bigger as mine, more seats tho… flying them all over the country by the hundreds…they are taking over our country"

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808df5 No.21634901

File: 916791656bc1598⋯.jpg (389.17 KB,1769x1080,1769:1080,BorderSerious.JPG)

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172a83 No.21634902

Is there such thing as digital tip jar?

Where if someone visits your site and are entertained by conversinating with you and by the dankness of memes you share, they could put digits in the jar? It’d be tax free, and allow tippers to have good feelz from generosity. Instead of a Starbuck’s they donate. One Starbucks a day would be like $2,000 a month, and Tax free cause it’s Tips for spreading happy.

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d67896 No.21634903

File: 7ed9ebf3e94fa39⋯.png (2.5 MB,4417x2707,4417:2707,proof.png)

File: b308ec29dba2a0b⋯.png (274.04 KB,788x1106,394:553,proofs_being_lost.png)


You need to understand that POTUS is talking directly to this board in a parallel set of comms. If you have read Q drops, you would already be aware of these things. Look at the graphics.

I'm Less than 10 and I'm going to be your Boarder President. The Board is being liberated. By anons, For anons, Of anons. First time ever.

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3b529e No.21634904

File: 1e8b55c97d5d283⋯.jpg (81.26 KB,645x387,5:3,Comfy.jpg)

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851915 No.21634905

President Trump: As soon as I take office, we will immediately surge federal law enforcement to every city that is failing; which is a lot of them, to turn over criminal aliens, and we will hunt down, capture, every single gangmember, drug dealer, rapist, murder, and migrant criminal, that is being illegally harbored…I will lask congress to pass a law outlawing sanctuary cities nationwide, and we will bring down the full weight of the federal government on any jurisdiction that refuses to cooperate with ICE and Border Patrol. Within two years, there will not be one single foreign criminal gang operating in North Carolina, or anywhere else.

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e78a1b No.21634906

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ee9d9b No.21634907

File: 061a2fd39fc352e⋯.jpg (205.43 KB,1917x789,639:263,ComeAndTakeIt.JPG)

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903011 No.21634908

POTUS: " Theyre taking your jobs,… every job produced in the last two years has gone to illegal immigrants… We are going to save you, we are going to save you, we are going to save you… and it is sad, but yeah we are going to save you, we will, we did it once and we will do it again, … this time at a higher level, a higher level"

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e3307a No.21634909

File: c9440844fc247c8⋯.png (360.72 KB,709x566,709:566,7m66m54654754.PNG)


>Does that mean seniors will get tax exemption from all taxes, because every time a senior, whose only income is social security, pays any tax, it is a tax on their social security.

Great idea

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f7f02a No.21634910

File: 62a6427d3a1cb66⋯.jpg (9.13 KB,277x182,277:182,download.jpg)



glee and cackle

in this description of illuminati assassins card game

>INWO Assassins: Twist the Knife . . .

>Further your evil schemes. Amaze your friends . . . and grind them into the dust.

Cackle with glee.

Assassins adds 125 new cards guaranteed to liven up any conspiracy, including:


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61a659 No.21634911

File: 72dae3d35b11bae⋯.mp4 (6.04 MB,630x360,7:4,hell_of_a_story.mp4)

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818b5f No.21634912

File: 23c9c9b1112f7b4⋯.png (11.64 KB,600x720,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)


Define boarder, it does not mean this board.

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6e0aae No.21634913

File: ce5a98c3b01effc⋯.jpg (428.56 KB,1600x1070,160:107,FuckFacesandThePep.jpg)

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2e55ce No.21634914

File: b45e44833885cf2⋯.jpeg (317.82 KB,1366x768,683:384,They_Them.JPEG)

File: 25807aab25110e8⋯.jpg (289.52 KB,1088x1089,1088:1089,Transgender_Awareness_01.jpg)

File: 6e88cdd3b876827⋯.jpeg (561.16 KB,1383x1936,1383:1936,Politician_s_Tranny_Wives….JPEG)

File: 17c5b541b0bf834⋯.jpg (332.79 KB,1088x1623,1088:1623,Politician_s_Tranny_Wives_….JPG)

File: 3002c10fce0c8fd⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,4482x1998,83:37,Politician_s_Tranny_Wives_….JPG)

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0bd535 No.21634915


Commies are always the same. Broke dicks envious of Western Christian prosperity.

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903011 No.21634916

POTUS: " America workers lost 1.3 million, meanwhile the migrants picked up 365 million jobs"

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61a659 No.21634917

File: 4ba68d07b7df80a⋯.png (275.05 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

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001097 No.21634918

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b3d6f0 No.21634919


Muh book deals.

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903011 No.21634920

POTUS: " The Republican party has become the party of Common Sense… "

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3b529e No.21634921

File: df10c2fbdc914c7⋯.jpg (8.77 KB,255x144,85:48,potusmnspeechquote.jpg)

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903011 No.21634922

POTUS: " Even Jerome Powell of the Fed Reserve said the influx of migrants at the border has raised our prices"

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7480f2 No.21634923

File: 8485b32323a414d⋯.png (109.49 KB,367x298,367:298,pepe_cereal.png)

All this mention of board, dice, and card games makes me realize I need to track down a copy of Avalon Hill's Starship Troopers board game. It's been out of print for over 40 years though so getting my hands on one in decent shape with all the pieces intact might prove a challenge.

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94126c No.21634924

File: 6b2936fcb3c3052⋯.jpg (2.98 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240921_101734.jpg)

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ffe123 No.21634925

File: a8f91c45addfee3⋯.jpg (391.06 KB,1432x1080,179:135,BorderControl.JPG)

File: 16fef325c2292e0⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,2048x1301,2048:1301,Border10aDay.jpg)

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bf8105 No.21634926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ashton Kutcher’s appearance on “Hot Ones,” in which the subjects of Diddy’s parties comes up.

“I’ve got a lot I can’t tell — can’t tell that one either,” he can be heard saying.

“I’m actually cycling through them,” he says in the video, before he switches up the conversation and starts talking about something else.


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5cffe7 No.21634927

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f7f02a No.21634928


>>21634879 glee and cackle



Kamala Harris' DNC wrapped up with glee, …

X · usatodayopinion

4 weeks ago

Opinion: Kamala Harris' DNC wrapped up with glee, celebrities and balloons. I was told a coup was happening


See new posts




Opinion: Kamala Harris' DNC wrapped up with glee, celebrities and balloons. I was told a coup was happening. What the heck?


Harris accepts Democrats' nomination at boisterous DNC. Sorry Trump, no 'coup' here.

Kamala Harris' DNC wrapped up with glee, celebrities and balloons. I was told a coup was happening. What the heck?

9:00 PM · Aug 22, 2024




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d67896 No.21634929


Go back, anon. Boarder has been the on-board comms of Border since the beginning.

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851915 No.21634930

President Trump: Last month, American-born workers lost 1.3 million jobs…meanwhile, the migrants picked up six hundred and thirty-five thousand jobs, plus another seven or eight hundred thousand jobs, at least, that we know of.

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9e88d6 No.21634931

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808df5 No.21634932

File: da251eeed078e36⋯.jpg (524.06 KB,1615x844,1615:844,BidenPhotoID.JPG)

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b3d6f0 No.21634933

File: e227f2c5e250333⋯.png (1.47 MB,594x1846,297:923,ClipboardImage.png)

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903011 No.21634934

POTUS: " In the latest Rasmussen poll, …. so now got a second race now (with Kamala) I spent 100 million on beating Joe, youre not supposed to say that to a President, Get out, get out Joe… but in the latest Rasmussen poll, we are 8 points up on her… in the NY times Poll we are 9 point sup in the midwest, in the Emmerson Poll, we are 3 up and leading in Arizona by a lot, …but remember, they cheat.."

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b51048 No.21634935

File: ca0c52b2d8b86d2⋯.png (1.8 MB,898x4632,449:2316,2690.png)

File: 5d0af227b2f8099⋯.png (187.98 KB,898x1290,449:645,4337.png)

File: d2ad2f01a1c6979⋯.png (1.23 MB,898x6186,449:3093,2688.png)

File: 03b4e78a8877a8b⋯.png (121.94 KB,898x850,449:425,4522.png)

File: 11039220c45a053⋯.png (1022.69 KB,898x3366,449:1683,2689.png)


Common Sense

5 posts

Exact number of images allowed on this board!

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ef4114 No.21634936

File: b66550b29781795⋯.png (889.82 KB,1918x966,137:69,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 868b9e0c260ce09⋯.png (371.48 KB,1362x1374,227:229,ClipboardImage.png)


>POTUS: " They are flying them in in big fat boeing, bigger as mine, more seats tho… flying them all over the country by the hundreds…they are taking over our country"

Global X. One of the main hubs is the Airport ICE facility in Alexandria, Louisiana. Also GITMO flights. Camber 440 inbound Guantanamo Bay at this time.



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bf8105 No.21634937

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A whopping nearly 14 million people tuned in to an apparent resurfaced clip from the “Keenan Ivory Wayans’ Show” that dates back to 1998. The snippet appears to show Diddy’s hand wandering over near Mike Tyson’s leg in a sneaky way as the cameras rolled. Tyson can be seen putting his hand on top of Diddy’s and holding it down before moving it firmly and adjusting his position so that he was seated further away from the rapper, fixing his coat as he does. It’s one of the most questionable, awkward videos that begs for explanation.


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d67896 No.21634938


Anons ignore Q-haters who slithered in to sow division.

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818b5f No.21634939

File: ffe25a51917bc6a⋯.png (429.42 KB,926x469,926:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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61a659 No.21634940

File: 286ee63056ab68e⋯.png (707.03 KB,736x567,736:567,ClipboardImage.png)

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879da9 No.21634941

File: 02d3a67801f2380⋯.png (377.02 KB,500x515,100:103,ChocDogSic.png)

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903011 No.21634942

POTUS: " A poll just came out and we are actually leading in Virginia… we cant take anything for granted… because they cheat like nobody can cheat"

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001097 No.21634943

File: fa87fcd4466bb58⋯.png (698.09 KB,976x850,488:425,fa87fcd4466bb582d654d15766….png)


Has our rally anon poasted anymore pics?

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f3c091 No.21634944

File: a9f0def6e42152f⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1125x1881,125:209,IMG_4230.jpeg)


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b51048 No.21634945


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903011 No.21634946

POTUS: " You are going to meet …. Carolina…" (Laras Kid)

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1ea2a7 No.21634947

File: 32972ea56381e0c⋯.png (71.65 KB,1470x830,147:83,ClipboardImage.png)


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f7f02a No.21634948

File: ca73e42a4f887cd⋯.jpg (4.22 KB,168x158,84:79,download.jpg)

File: 531c85ebead1ed4⋯.jpg (7.86 KB,204x192,17:16,download.jpg)

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903011 No.21634949

POTUS: " Dan Bishop, who is fantastic, thank you Dan, hes great hes a warrior"

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bf8105 No.21634950

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The cringey video that appears to show Diddy with a very young Justin Bieber has left many on edge.

Diddy can be heard in the video saying “Justin” was “having 48 hours with Diddy” and adding that Bieber and his pal were “having the times of their lives.”

“Where we hanging out and what we doin’, um, we can’t really disclose — but um, it’s definitely a 15-year-old’s dream,” Diddy then says in the video.

He keeps talking, and after seeing this video, I wish he hadn’t.

“I have been given custody of him,” Diddy can be heard saying about Bieber. “He’s signed to Usher, but I had legal guardianship of Usher, when he did his first album — I don’t have legal guardianship of him, but for the next 48 hours, he’s with me, and we’re gonna go full — buck-full crazy,” he says about Bieber in the video.

Bieber’s innocent young face immediately appears to freeze in an awkward, forced smile. He looks visibly uncomfortable as the conversation continues.

When Diddy asks Bieber what he wants to do, Bieber can be heard replying, “Let’s just go get some girls.”


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ffe123 No.21634951

File: 18968d4592fdbe5⋯.jpg (185.99 KB,640x522,320:261,VoteAqui.JPG)

File: 04c037ba7b8b192⋯.jpg (31.47 KB,255x247,255:247,VoteMath.JPG)

File: 19e81d1975c7543⋯.png (1.11 MB,997x973,997:973,VoteBurn.PNG)

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001097 No.21634952


*sorry misfire

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903011 No.21634953

POTUS: " Anna, Paulina Anna, she is so popular and what a warrior, that whole group"

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818b5f No.21634954


Kek, anon has been 'here' since the beginning, you're full of crap - not about comm's, specifically on 'boarder.'

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d67896 No.21634955


Translation - /pols/ winning over Langley.

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903011 No.21634956

POTUS: " This is an important state, if we win this state I think it will be over fast"

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8207bf No.21634957

File: abf0d269471d65b⋯.png (995.26 KB,1198x1038,599:519,badline.png)

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abbe43 No.21634958








Don't worry about Florida, because theFlorida Supreme Courthas been under an ongoing criminal investigation that has exploded recently.




You'll see, just as soon as the criminal investigators (including United States law enforcement officials and many others) decide it's okay to tell you. . . .

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d1b337 No.21634959

File: deb5f9c50327aa5⋯.png (209.44 KB,595x419,595:419,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b934bdd32143147⋯.png (76.68 KB,913x368,913:368,ClipboardImage.png)

DW News


Sep 20

An Israeli citizen was allegedly recruited by Iranian intelligence to plan the assassinations of key Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


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7480f2 No.21634960


With what seems to be a knife hole in the box between the S and T of Starship, I can't say that falls in the "one in decent shape" category. The price is right though.

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b942c7 No.21634961

File: f8e6060c338d72f⋯.mp4 (14.83 MB,1280x720,16:9,we_the_people.mp4)

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66f0ad No.21634962


Best slide ever if not a Newfag. Shills should take note!

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8207bf No.21634963

Q, Q+

How about paying citizens a 4% monthly interest rate payment against their social security account.

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903011 No.21634964

POTUS: " At 3:02am a lot of ballots came in, and not here in NC… btw Lara and Eric are here, the Super Couple, they are both here, youre doing a great job Lara.. and hes doing a good job, hes the Most Subpoena'd Man in the History of our COuntry, he got more subpoenas than the late grate Al Capone, Capone is alike a baby compared to this guy… hes so hardened now and tough, and I said "

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818b5f No.21634965


It was one of many, depends on what you're prepared to shell out anon.

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58a72d No.21634966

File: 7d2485517e346b3⋯.png (17.89 KB,519x265,519:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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903011 No.21634967

POTUS: " Bottom line, they cheated, … and at 3:02am a lot of states fell off, … but not here, NC, they didnt fall off… we dont need votes, we need honesty, we have all the votes we need…"

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5cffe7 No.21634968

File: cd44b06191635ab⋯.png (15.86 KB,502x137,502:137,Q131.png)

File: d537a7befd64fae⋯.png (58.28 KB,500x388,125:97,Q2491.png)

POTUS: We were winning, then at3:02all these ballots come in.

POTUS…3:02second time

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001097 No.21634969


TY anon!

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903011 No.21634970

POTUS: " Btw, you have 30 of the most beautiful women who follow me everywhere"

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172a83 No.21634971



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b51048 No.21634972

File: d0e9ac34a807a97⋯.png (69.04 KB,898x856,449:428,4965.png)



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879da9 No.21634973

File: ebaf54c4a78303c⋯.png (96.04 KB,796x539,796:539,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cd1316dd1f1bfb⋯.png (139.54 KB,788x693,788:693,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fc5ed1502b88b5⋯.png (82.24 KB,826x412,413:206,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b49f27a8d9d061⋯.png (1.18 MB,738x1012,369:506,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d3aa39df400378⋯.png (96.25 KB,831x551,831:551,ClipboardImage.png)




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7f3b5b No.21634974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Why do Amish pay different prices for healthcare?

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903011 No.21634975

POTUS: " We also have front row Joes, theyre all over the place… theyve seen plenty, they were there in Butler, that was a helluva a day"

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66f0ad No.21634976


Noice work anon.

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7480f2 No.21634977


Yeah, just looking at them now. One or two seem like potential purchases though, meeting the "one in decent shape" that I'm happy with.

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bf8105 No.21634978

File: aae116b3f953be4⋯.png (401.78 KB,855x394,855:394,ClipboardImage.png)

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444ef1 No.21634979


Kamala was asked what rap star she'd most like to see and answered "Tupac"

Also, Tupac's death was likely faked

could be murderers started that rumor to take the heat off, but more likely he was "faked death" , his fam was black panthers, and there would be the pull to get it done. Panthers were in with the government, those who survived that is.

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879da9 No.21634980

File: 83863d9f5740e98⋯.png (2.49 KB,101x65,101:65,ClipboardImage.png)


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b942c7 No.21634981

File: e79ec943a21b972⋯.png (183.5 KB,1920x1235,384:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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001097 No.21634982

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB,1027x731,1027:731,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)

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903011 No.21634983

POTUS: " In november i will sign legislation to officially recognize the lumpy(sp?) tribe"

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fc28d4 No.21634984

notables @ 475

#26496 >>21634461

>>21634582 Live: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

>>21634636, >>21634650, >>21634655, >>21634751, >>21634759 Rally photos

>>21634799 Q+ begins speaking at 2:35 pm

>>21634834 Trump: Who sleeps on TV? Kek

>>21634968, >>21634972 3:02

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21634554 Hollywood is falling: What's happening with PDiddy isn't the distraction - it's the point

>>21634571 Jennifer Lopez on 'high alert' as ex Diddy is charged over fears a nightclub shooting where she was arrested will be re-opened

>>21634575 DJT introduces Official Trump Coins

>>21634590, >>21634591 Donald Trump Reveals He Interviewed U.S. Military Pilots Who Encountered Round UFO “They Cannot Explain”

>>21634618 JimW: Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun …

>>21634803 Israeli military kills 21 in Gaza school bombing

>>21634812 MSM Journos Inadvertently Reveal Shocking Truth About Global Warming

>>21634849 Tucker Carlson Live Tour in Grand Rapids, MI w/ Kid Rock

>>21634895 Biden admin is ‘not even pretending anymore’: Marc Thiessen

>>21634926 Ashton Kutcher’s appearance on “Hot Ones,” in which the subjects of Diddy’s parties comes up

>>21634936 PF: Global X

>>21634937 Mike Tyson moves Diddy's hand away from his leg in awkward resurfaced clip from 1998 Keenan Ivory Wayans' show

>>21634950 Remember when Diddy had 15-year-old Justin Bieber spend 48 hours with him?

>>21634603, >>21634862, >>21634877, >>21634941 Memes


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d67896 No.21634985

File: a4f87685fa41316⋯.png (6.21 KB,399x217,57:31,302.png)



For Green.



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bf8105 No.21634986

File: e5fb17e8fbbd13e⋯.png (509.66 KB,616x455,88:65,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d0f92 No.21634987

File: 8782cb0b6aafc18⋯.jpg (101.36 KB,894x894,1:1,71jdv0KfPjL_AC_UF894_1000_….jpg)

too soon?

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818b5f No.21634988

File: 28a5c48e41dae83⋯.png (584.85 KB,833x471,833:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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817e26 No.21634989


It's ok when the Tribe does it.

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376ed6 No.21634990

The Lumbee Tribe has been the victim of fraud - no surprise. Trump therefore will grant them their FEDERAL tribe status; great news for Native People, great news for North Carolina.

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903011 No.21634991

POTUS: " And her name is Carolina, and she is beautiful and she doesnt know what evil is yet"

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7480f2 No.21634992


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7f3b5b No.21634993

File: 806391f1da7b5e0⋯.mp4 (15.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,Born_Ready.mp4)


>For Green

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903011 No.21634994

POTUS: " We are going to have Carolina one day run,… would anyone like to meet Luke her brother?"

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0fafb9 No.21634995

File: 6ecf08de4ef5484⋯.png (2.77 MB,1200x1816,150:227,Capture_2020_06_20_01_37_1….png)

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ef4114 No.21634996

File: 336a9789cdb0b0b⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_09_21_14_10_38.mp4)

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2d0f92 No.21634997


>Panthers were in with the government

gonna need some serious sauce with that, skippy

anon lived thru it

not buying it

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8207bf No.21634998

I am cringing at the crowd rn

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5cffe7 No.21634999

File: 3aab919a54460fa⋯.png (36.97 KB,521x253,521:253,Q3330.png)

File: 0fc389e84e66210⋯.png (44.7 KB,502x308,251:154,Q3693.png)

File: 8f9d841b1c068b7⋯.png (106.91 KB,517x440,47:40,Q1990.png)

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879da9 No.21635000


woah…they had no idea?…

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903011 No.21635001

LUKE: "Vote for grandpa"

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66f0ad No.21635002

GOD BLESS YOU, President Trump.


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818b5f No.21635003

File: ebd1fa03572763f⋯.png (542.63 KB,837x476,837:476,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3c091 No.21635004

File: 5f85151607069aa⋯.jpeg (934.43 KB,1125x1718,1125:1718,IMG_4231.jpeg)

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851915 No.21635005

President Trump: The Lumbee Tribe has been wrongfully denied federal recognition for more than a century…we're gonna take care of it. We'll take care of it right at the beginning. Biden and Obama promised remedy; they they wanted to remedy the injustice, but they never did it. They broke their promise. Today I am officially announcing that if I am elected in November , I will sign legislation granting the great Lumbee Tribe the federal recognition that it deserves.

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903011 No.21635006

POTUS: " Oh he doesnt want to get off the stage… hes got the gene!… oh i told him to say MAGA but he said vote for Grandpa instead"

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61a659 No.21635007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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903011 No.21635008

POTUS: " Thank you Lara for the help too, appreciate it"

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808df5 No.21635009

File: 17a6e14b27046c3⋯.jpg (946.92 KB,1534x1686,767:843,BestPresEver.jpg)

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ef4114 No.21635010

File: 536c194ece5e5da⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_09_21_14_12_23.mp4)

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903011 No.21635011

POTUS: " Nobody knows the last name, oh Harris running,… theyd say who the hell is Harris… they know Kamala,… they know Komrade, thats what she is.. shes a comrade"

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817e26 No.21635012


The Lumbee tribe.


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f75f98 No.21635013

File: 9960a32714d912c⋯.jpeg (889.38 KB,1119x1590,373:530,IMG_4232.jpeg)


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001097 No.21635014

File: c2fd4a7a1e562da⋯.png (944.96 KB,750x819,250:273,qpp3mkmbpew31.png)





Thank you Rallyfag! You made NOTABLES!

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0fafb9 No.21635015

That's what she is. A comrade.

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903011 No.21635016

POTUS: " All over the world crime is way down by 70 percent, … because theyre dumping them all here…"

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903011 No.21635017

POTUS: " They didnt like the nuber 13, so they went to 15, and now i understand they went to 25"

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b942c7 No.21635018

File: bb69d2e4bb02b4b⋯.png (84.82 KB,947x525,947:525,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1b337 No.21635019

File: e3fa2095ea26c5c⋯.png (381.48 KB,473x557,473:557,ClipboardImage.png)

5G phones don't have 5G chips in them

Tina Zimmermann


Forget 5G 💊🔥


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903011 No.21635020

POTUS: " We have to stop them, we have to stop them with the PResidency, …. she wants 25 supreme court justices so she can rig the system"

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817e26 No.21635021


She hates Christmas?

Where did he get that from?

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670bae No.21635022

File: 62906138926b8be⋯.png (4.69 MB,2500x1667,2500:1667,ClipboardImage.png)

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851915 No.21635023

President Trump: Twenty-five Justices [Supreme Court] is what she's looking for [Harris]. That's the real number so she can rig the system.

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61a659 No.21635024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>they're dumping them all here

part of the plan, whites of their eyes

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808df5 No.21635025

File: 7cbd46c8baaf088⋯.png (291.28 KB,411x480,137:160,CabalSOP.PNG)

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f7f02a No.21635026

File: 5eac02d7b2e83d8⋯.jpg (11.53 KB,194x260,97:130,download.jpg)

File: ce12359a9c9bab2⋯.jpg (8.16 KB,268x188,67:47,download.jpg)

File: f0621dffe4ebcdc⋯.jpg (11.76 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)

File: 11a570daee29a95⋯.jpg (7.31 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)

File: 16808d89bbeba61⋯.jpg (12.63 KB,262x193,262:193,download.jpg)



all the way back to that school shooting fuckery Parkland, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the Miami metropolitan area city

Nikolas Cruz shooter

all the sheriff shit





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89af41 No.21635027

File: cb037d074db7ae3⋯.png (802.14 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA203.png)

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903011 No.21635028

POTUS: " She wants to defund the police… thats why she picked this character, he is weird.. hes a radical left lunatic… she met him during the burning of minnesota, minnesota was like a firepit…looked like ww2,… we are going to stop ww3 btw, we are going to stop it cold"

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879da9 No.21635029

File: 7205959fecdaa3f⋯.png (201.64 KB,677x585,677:585,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 940f97a87f223b1⋯.png (225.57 KB,659x571,659:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbfcf2bb5120e1d⋯.png (441.7 KB,1595x948,1595:948,ClipboardImage.png)

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89af41 No.21635030

File: 7544a9e28b6bf26⋯.png (894.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN617.png)

File: f74067b7ef82e80⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x768,4:3,VOTE2.png)

File: 0a1345e18e0e225⋯.png (178.04 KB,1024x768,4:3,MEMER9.png)

File: 98701417c784257⋯.png (720.42 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEMOCRATS26.png)

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d3d0c2 No.21635031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We need 'real leadership' in the Secret Service, former agent says. Rowe blames other when he himself made the decision to not send qualified SS there.

Former Secret Service agent Tim Miller discusses the agency admitting that there was complacency in security at the Butler, PA rally and the House passing a bill giving candidates the same protection as sitting presidents. #foxnews



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bf8105 No.21635032

File: 7cf74bab7e6b4e0⋯.png (108.06 KB,675x604,675:604,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2806596d1e3c6c⋯.png (116.72 KB,676x631,676:631,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa98c75904e21f7⋯.png (112.89 KB,682x635,682:635,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 656c37639ba36ed⋯.png (117.66 KB,682x646,341:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42df321369ceea0⋯.png (112.52 KB,692x628,173:157,ClipboardImage.png)

NHS Director Blows Whistle – Hospitals Fabricated Cause of Death to Inflate COVID Pandemic Numbers!

On Saturday, Sai, a former NHS Director of End-of-Life Care, wrote a Twitter thread which, amongst other things, gave a personal account of the changes to the system of reporting deaths implemented in the NHS:

“When four different diseases [are] grouped and now being called covid-19, you will inevitably see covid-19 with a huge death rate. The mainstream media was reporting on this huge increase in COVID-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.

“Patients being admitted and dying with very common conditions such as old age, myocardial infarctions, end-stage kidney failure, haemorrhages, strokes, COPD and cancer etc. were all now being certified as covid-19 via the Medical Examiner System.

“Hospitals were switching to and from the Medical Examiner System and the pre-pandemic system as [and] when they pleased. When covid-19 deaths needed to be increased, the hospital would switch to the Medical Examiner System.”

In addition, “hospitals were incentivised to report covid-19 deaths over normal deaths, as the government was paying hospitals additional money for every covid-19 death that was being reported,” Sai said. “I do not doubt in my mind, that the Government has planned the entire pandemic since 2016 when they first proposed the change to medical death certification.”

You can read Sai’s thread on Twitter HERE or Thread Reader App HERE. In the event it is removed from Twitter we have copied the thread below and attached a pdf copy at the end of this article. In the following, the number at the beginning of a paragraph relates to the number of the tweet within the thread.


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903011 No.21635033

POTUS: " They have military weapons, AK47 supremes , they came in Venezuela, in Auroras case,… and the sheriff is looking at this… thats a lot of firepower… theyre getting into real estate, theyre taking over the old fashioned way"

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7f3b5b No.21635034

File: 03e51302bdd8d96⋯.mp4 (6.59 MB,720x720,1:1,YE_96i_efy7V2sO5.mp4)




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277ce2 No.21635035

File: cfcd08c841dbf77⋯.png (448.87 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>When Diddy asks Bieber what he wants to do, Bieber can be heard replying, “Let’s just go get some girls.”

You and your friend ARE the girls for the next 48hrs, Justin.

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89af41 No.21635036

File: c5c4749e36aaad0⋯.png (714.99 KB,1024x709,1024:709,DEMOCRATS25.png)

File: e66f07307d3f133⋯.png (543.99 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA202.png)

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66f0ad No.21635037


Recording from a while ago where Melania implied who cares about a Christmas decoration at the time because more important issues. People “forget” how bright she is and how much more she offers than decorating and shaking hands. Yet her decor turned out absolutely stunning anyways (of course) and she does it herself, with love. There will NEVER be another FLOTUS like her. May God continue to protect this brave woman. The recording is actually hilarious if you can find it, very humanizing.

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172a83 No.21635038


The fuck is a 5G chip.

It’s an EMR frequency requiring a receiver to capture a signal at said frequency.

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001097 No.21635039


FLOTUS has a new Christmas ornament out. Remember when we were in the WH and she was getting hell for her Christmas designs in the WH and she was overheard saying Fuck em! ? Yeah, they never let up on her.

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851915 No.21635040

President Trump: [Harris] supports free healthcare for illegal aliens, while our hospitals and emergency rooms are being overrun by migrants…she wants mass-amnesty and citizenship for all illegals, and she says…anybody that utters the words, 'illegal alien', 'radical Islamic terrorist'; she says, 'Don't you ever use those terms'.

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13bb8f No.21635041


Vid at link


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808df5 No.21635042

File: 494120d93469dcc⋯.jpg (391.31 KB,1124x1080,281:270,InfiltrationMC.JPG)

File: 14111f8a6928220⋯.jpg (287.51 KB,1853x1218,1853:1218,Infiltration.jpg)

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d3d0c2 No.21635043


PS Fox is the only news really covering the disaster of Butler and Fl. MSM is memory holing this assassination attempts because they think it will help Trump's election for 2024

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d67896 No.21635044

File: b099410c25d0211⋯.png (149.59 KB,520x630,52:63,125.png)

File: bc7b1a4e1881eaa⋯.png (1 MB,720x1280,9:16,125_AF1_5A_.png)


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1de4cf No.21635045

File: ad655b46f03ca88⋯.jpeg (137.77 KB,1645x868,235:124,IMG_8810.jpeg)

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670bae No.21635046

File: 029b51694897be7⋯.png (415.13 KB,598x739,598:739,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bf5e5493c3eb24⋯.mp4 (8.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_just_announced_a_new….mp4)



BREAKING: Trump just announced a new plan to end Sanctuary Cities FOREVER by deploying federal agents to all the Democrat-run cities that refuse to cooperate with ICE and will get Congress to sign a bill outlawing them

"We will bring down the full weight of the federal government on any jurisdiction that refuses to cooperate with ICE."

I don't even understand how the concept of Sanctuary Cities exists. One of the federal government's enumerated duties is to protect the states from an invasion. So, how come cities can decide to prevent them from doing one of the only jobs they are constitutionally required to do? It's so ODD

12:06 PM · Sep 21, 2024


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f7f02a No.21635047



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c7feeb No.5339881 📁

Feb 22 2019 23:38:07 (EST)

(1) Info


(2) Remove Control from Gov't and provide to CA (who controls CA?)


(3) Significant Risk? Cover? Control?


Why would [HUSSEIN] transfer US Gov't control of the internet to a non-profit CA co?

You are the news now.



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: dcca2c No.616918 📁

Mar 10 2018 16:55:31 (EST)

The creation of the internet and ‘connecting’ platforms is bringing about their downfall.

Failure to control.

MSM is dead.




Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 5a7e3c No.1620282 📁

Jun 3 2018 14:58:29 (EST)









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903011 No.21635048

POTUS: " Kamala lost 325 thousand migrant children … pick a nice stadium, yankee stadium holds 50,000… you could fill it up three times… and many are dead, and thats under their watch and the fake news right there they dont want to talk about… and as a california AG she redefined many crimes as nonviolent … she banned nat gas exports, she banned it and its crushing pennsylvania… they want to force everyone onto subsidized health care, she even endorsed free sex change for people in prisons and detentions centers if they want"

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172a83 No.21635049


Fuck the police. USA Inc. militarized army of treasonous stormtroopers. Fuck them to hell.

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61a659 No.21635050

File: f7a3cdd96bc263f⋯.mp4 (12.62 MB,848x464,53:29,satanic.mp4)

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903011 No.21635051

POTUS: " She destroyed SF.. and California.. and you are not prosecuted if you steal less than 950 dollars…. can you imagine that you can steal a thousand dollars worth of stuff and nothing is going to happen to you.."

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670bae No.21635052

File: 235708502af22f2⋯.png (416.17 KB,598x607,598:607,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50dda621e309e74⋯.mp4 (6.66 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Trump_introduces_Trump_coi….mp4)

Trump introduces Trump coins!

Donald J. Trump


Hello everyone! I have something incredible to share today, as we are introducing the launch of our Official Trump Coins! The ONLY OFFICIAL coin designed by me—and proudly minted here in the U.S.A. The President Donald J. Trump First Edition Silver Medallion will be available starting Wednesday, 9/25/24, EXCLUSIVELY at https://realtrumpcoins.com. Sign up today! @realtrumpcoins1

10:48 AM · Sep 21, 2024


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bf8105 No.21635053

Oversight Chairman James Comer blasts Secret Service over lack of drone use: 'Not up to the job’

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer led early reviews of Secret Service failures, warns more money won't solve problems. "They don't have a money problem. They have a leadership problem," Comer said.

Apowerful House chairman who led the early reviews of Secret Service failures is blasting the presidential protection agency for failing to rely more heavily on drone technology to thwart assassination attempts and is warning that increasing its funding won't solve its problems.

"They don't have a money problem. They have a leadership problem," House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer told Just the News in an exclusive interview that aired Friday on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "And it's going to take more than new leadership. It's going to take a whole new culture at the Secret Service to protect whoever the President is in the future."

Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, the top Republican on the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, agreed the Secret Service doesn’t need more money.

“They have plenty of resources, plenty of personnel. What they have is bad management, and unfortunately, we can't get to the bottom of who's responsible for making the decisions that were such spectacular failures in terms of protecting President Trump,” Johnson said.

Comer held the first major investigative hearing into the Secret Service after the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life in Butler, Pa., Then-Director Kimberly Cheadle resigned shortly afterwards after widely testimony criticized a series of leadership failures on her part.

For nearly a decade, the Oversight Committee has also been warning about repeated Secret Service failures, issuing reports that say the constant mishaps indicate an agency in distress.

"What we learned from our hearing in the Oversight Committee with Kimberly Cheadle, the former disgraced head of the Secret Service, is we have an agency tasked with protecting the president and the presidential candidates, and they're not up to the up to the job," Comer said in a wide-ranging interview. "They're ill prepared."

One of the many revelations from Comer's initial probe was that the Secret Service did not use drone technology to surveil the Butler, Pa., grounds before Thomas Matthew Crooks fired his shots from a rooftop, wounding Trump in the ear before the shooter was killed by a Secret Service sniper.


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abbe43 No.21635054



Thauth incoming, as soon as it's made public.

I have been here forever.

I would never lie to you guise.

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1ea2a7 No.21635055




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851915 No.21635056

President Trump: [Harris] led the change in California law, so that if you steal less than nine-hundred and fifty dollars worth of merchandise, you are not prosecuted, and if you steal more than nine-hundred and fifty dollars worth of merchandise, you're also not prosecuted, frankly.

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1de4cf No.21635057

File: e36440db7ae2de5⋯.jpeg (502.6 KB,2113x1563,2113:1563,IMG_7120.jpeg)

File: 2b5a7d35f148bfc⋯.jpeg (182.79 KB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_2999.jpeg)

File: 5b0e7de2389f6ac⋯.jpeg (192.72 KB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_7701.jpeg)

File: 4510b719b052274⋯.jpeg (399.93 KB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_7702.jpeg)

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cd03bd No.21635058



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172a83 No.21635059

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ffe123 No.21635060

File: 9a096f97b00e0c9⋯.jpeg (41.52 KB,255x191,255:191,IMG_8090.jpeg)

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61a659 No.21635061

File: 6ee6eb72d48e281⋯.mp4 (2.82 MB,886x476,443:238,flavcamp.mp4)


>He’s signed to Usher, but I had legal guardianship of Usher

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1de4cf No.21635062

File: 6dc8f6ccd20a53c⋯.jpeg (544.47 KB,1536x1900,384:475,IMG_7345.jpeg)

File: 581c675c8525f19⋯.jpeg (615.73 KB,1535x1851,1535:1851,IMG_1462.jpeg)

File: 2e87c18a5372484⋯.jpeg (280.6 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_9672.jpeg)

File: dc23c9eeccdb8b8⋯.jpeg (463.51 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_7134.jpeg)

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903011 No.21635063

POTUS: " She lied about working at McDonalds,… she lied.. she never worked at McDonalds… they went there and the mgr who had been there a long time said she lied… it was a pure simple lie… and didnt Oprah ask her about when she worked at McDonalds, so she kinda just hid under the desk…. Kamala your fired, get outta here, get the hell outta here.. get outta here"

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d67896 No.21635064

File: 2664ce3910579be⋯.png (892.04 KB,1258x944,629:472,stay_together_F3.png)

“A clean [H]ouse is very important.”

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1de4cf No.21635065

File: 19e01e03ccc89f4⋯.jpeg (298.61 KB,1536x574,768:287,IMG_9686.jpeg)

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0fafb9 No.21635066


The police are hired by cities and states. They act on your behalf to enforce your laws. If you want to enforce our laws by yourself, you will then be "the police." Policing exists where laws exist. If you want a land with no laws, go form your own government without laws. Good luck with that.

Liberals are fucking retarded.

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9f1e12 No.21635067

who would lie about working at mcdonald's?

to get fast food peons to vote for her?

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670bae No.21635068

File: 16fdf3744340efc⋯.png (782.23 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Jill Biden sparks huge backlash by leading White House cabinet meeting: 'Who is running this country?'

Jill Biden sparks huge backlash by leading White House cabinet meeting

President Joe Biden convened his Cabinet on Friday for the first time since last October and was joined by the first lady who spoke about women's health research.


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903011 No.21635069

POTUS: " Women are poorer than they were 4years ago, are less healthy, are less safe are paying higher prices, are more stressed and unhappy and less optimistic and happy about the future than they were 4 years ago…"

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66f0ad No.21635070

File: 123e07be9dc4ddb⋯.jpeg (337.52 KB,686x699,686:699,IMG_6307.jpeg)


Thanks baker

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861ea8 No.21635071

yeah Ron and Jim your days are numbered here. You think you’re gonna censor anons and give 3 letter agencies our names? I’m more popular than you are, don’t ever forget that, clowns. Nobody can stop me from exposing you after my censorship is oift d on social media.

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ff11e5 No.21635072


Where skies are so blue?

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8d7351 No.21635073

File: 4d87a8bdd4c2d57⋯.png (914.46 KB,888x1155,296:385,IMG_8143.png)

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903011 No.21635074

POTUS: " I will fix it immediately… and women will no longer be thinking about abortion…"

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172a83 No.21635075

File: 4f0aea3c9ce9180⋯.jpeg (61.21 KB,480x476,120:119,IMG_3970.jpeg)


My suspicion is Florida SC not isolated in its compromising condition & corruption.

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bf8105 No.21635076

File: 6d6f11e1b88a9a7⋯.png (82.36 KB,665x652,665:652,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3cd89f405f2554⋯.png (82.74 KB,664x633,664:633,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8367d0db5f69849⋯.png (98.89 KB,674x657,674:657,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a884a9723964680⋯.png (81.14 KB,683x504,683:504,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b80e35fe8d61aa1⋯.png (95.71 KB,659x600,659:600,ClipboardImage.png)

Proven social media censorship suggests hidden gold mine of federal coercion, plaintiffs tell court

Plaintiffs ask judge to let them add "Disinformation Dozen" including RFK Jr. as plaintiffs. White House finally condemns Brazil's ban on X when Brazilian reporter asks directly, but Democrats still calling for mass censorship, prosecution of wrongthink.

The Supreme Court set a high bar in June for states and individuals to challenge government-tinged censorship of social media, reversing a preliminary injunction against the feds because platforms were already suppressing plaintiffs' posts when public officials targeted them.

Censored doctors Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff and Aaron Kheriaty, activist Jill Hines and Gateway Pundit publisher Jim Hoft, and the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri believe they can meet that high bar, if a court will let them keep digging for evidence.

The plaintiffs in Missouri v. Biden returned to the Western District of Louisiana this week to show their cards – email conversations already obtained through their litigation, a similar case by journalist Alex Berenson, the Twitter Files and congressional investigations – arguing the evidence justifies more legal discovery likely to reveal enough to satisfy SCOTUS.

That evidence strongly suggests there's more dirt on the censorship role played by former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and his boss, former National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins, they said.

Berenson showed his promised "particulars" in response to the SCOTUS setback in an amended complaint earlier this month, alleging his censorship by Twitter, now X, was "ultimately traceable" to an ex-President Biden adviser treated as an "intermediary" with the White House.

It's cited in Tuesday's brief by Missouri and Louisiana AGs Andrew Bailey and Liz Murrill and the individual plaintiffs, which also opposes the feds' motion for dismissal.

The plaintiffs are likely to get a friendly response from U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, who issued the sweeping injunction against "urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing" platforms to suppress content more than a year ago based on their limited discovery.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals narrowed the injunction but left it in place against the White House, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, FBI, and Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The case became known as Murthy v. Missouri at SCOTUS.

"At no point did the Supreme Court find that Plaintiffs failed to allege standing adequate to maintain the lawsuit," just that they had not "adequately proven that their harm is traceable" to the feds, the memo in support of further discovery says. The New Civil Liberties Alliance is representing the individuals except for Hoft, represented by St. Louis lawyer John Burns.

The high court's decision supports more discovery because it doesn't rest on "those platforms’ independent decisionmaking processes," the brief states. "In the alternative (or better yet, in addition)," Judge Doughty should let them amend the suit to add the "Disinformation Dozen" repeatedly targeted by the White House, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a 2024 presidential candidate.

Doughty greenlit Kennedy's First Amendment suit against the feds last month, saying he was "specifically targeted" for removal by public officials and then suppressed and faced future censorship as Biden's rival, before Kennedy dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed GOP nominee Donald Trump.


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d67896 No.21635077

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903011 No.21635078

POTUS: " Execution of a baby after birth which is what they want… i even asked her at the debate… do you want a woman to be able to have an abortion even after the ninth month.. and the answer is yes"

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61a659 No.21635079

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,320x320,1:1,Biden_talking_about_brain_….mp4)


>Who is running this country?

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ffe123 No.21635080

File: dde49e028fa5e90⋯.png (262.65 KB,689x374,689:374,PlannedPyramid.PNG)

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903011 No.21635081

POTUS: " So women we love you and we are going to take care of you"

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61a659 No.21635082

File: 7a547813e93c1aa⋯.mp4 (13.88 MB,480x852,40:71,moveit.mp4)

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903011 No.21635083

POTUS: " Starting on day one, we will seal the border.. we will carry out the largest deportation of criminals in American history"

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670bae No.21635084

File: 9211e06ea2f7850⋯.png (418 KB,598x620,299:310,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72c7479ee8303d7⋯.mp4 (6.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_just_brought_his_gra….mp4)



WATCH: Trump just brought his granddaughter Carolina on stage with him in North Carolina, and she said, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

The crowd also started chanting her name, "CAROLINA! CAROLINA! CAROLINA!"

THIS WAS SO WHOLESOME. Trump is America's president, and grandpa.

12:16 PM · Sep 21, 2024


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9f1e12 No.21635085

can't wait until Trump gets to talking about the selling of baby body parts, which is coming most likely after the election

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fc28d4 No.21635086

notables @ 575

#26496 >>21634461

>>21634582 Live: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

>>21634636, >>21634650, >>21634655, >>21634751, >>21634759, >>21634988, >>21635003 Rally photos

>>21634799 Q+ begins speaking at 2:35 pm

>>21634834 Trump: Who sleeps on TV? Kek

>>21634968, >>21634985, >>21634972 3:02

>>21634996 Trump invites his granddaughter Carolina on stage

>>21635010 Trump invites his grandson Luke on stage

>>21635012 The Lumbee tribe

>>21635017 POTUS: "They didnt like the nuber 13, so they went to 15, and now i understand they went to 25"

>>21635046 Trump just announced a new plan to end Sanctuary Cities forever by deploying federal agents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21634554 Hollywood is falling: What's happening with PDiddy isn't the distraction - it's the point

>>21634571 Jennifer Lopez on 'high alert' as ex Diddy is charged over fears a nightclub shooting where she was arrested will be re-opened

>>21634575 DJT introduces Official Trump Coins

>>21634590, >>21634591 Donald Trump Reveals He Interviewed U.S. Military Pilots Who Encountered Round UFO “They Cannot Explain”

>>21634618 JimW: Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun …

>>21634803 Israeli military kills 21 in Gaza school bombing

>>21634812 MSM Journos Inadvertently Reveal Shocking Truth About Global Warming

>>21634849 Tucker Carlson Live Tour in Grand Rapids, MI w/ Kid Rock

>>21634895 Biden admin is ‘not even pretending anymore’: Marc Thiessen

>>21634926 Ashton Kutcher’s appearance on “Hot Ones,” in which the subjects of Diddy’s parties comes up

>>21634936 PF: Global X

>>21634937 Mike Tyson moves Diddy's hand away from his leg in awkward resurfaced clip from 1998 Keenan Ivory Wayans' show

>>21634950 Remember when Diddy had 15-year-old Justin Bieber spend 48 hours with him?

>>21635019, >>21635034 5G phones don't have 5G chips in them

>>21635031 We need 'real leadership' in the Secret Service, former agent says

>>21635032 NHS Director Blows Whistle – Hospitals Fabricated Cause of Death to Inflate COVID Pandemic Numbers!

>>21635053 Oversight Chairman James Comer blasts Secret Service over lack of drone use: 'Not up to the job’

>>21635068 Jill Biden sparks huge backlash by leading White House cabinet meeting

>>21635076 Proven social media censorship suggests hidden gold mine of federal coercion, plaintiffs tell court

>>21634603, >>21634862, >>21634877, >>21634941 Memes


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808df5 No.21635087

File: c550c1c364c4783⋯.jpg (452.24 KB,1921x1080,1921:1080,CiC.jpg)

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903011 No.21635088

POTUS: " We have more than Saudi Arabia and more than Russia by a lot, we will open ANWAR, … prob the biggest oil sight in the entire world"

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d69cb1 No.21635089


X/Twit link:


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f7f02a No.21635090

File: 312c30c5c3bb4e0⋯.jpg (52.75 KB,316x466,158:233,A1oBV4DvA1L_SY466_.jpg)




INWO SubGenius *OP Game – January 1, 1998

by Steve Jackson (Author)

4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 5 ratings

See all formats and editions

Additional Details

Small Business

This product is from a small business brand. Support small. Learn moreThis product is from a small business brand. Support small. Learn more

Give Me Slack or Kill Me!

This is a stand-alone game for 2 to 4 players. It is NOT a collectible set. Every box includes a rulebook, and the same 100 cards. Praise "Bob"! No collecting!

The rules are a slightly simplified version of INWO. If you already play INWO, you will find SubGenius a very useful tool to convert . . . err, to introduce your friends to the game.

All the cards in this box can be used in standard INWO, and cards from other INWO sets can be added to a SubGenius game.

Caution: This game contains commentary on society and religion which the sensitive may find disturbing, and some of the card images are gratuitously violent. Furthermore, the subliminal content may actually be harmful to those without Yeti blood. If you suspect you are Pink, you should buy this game anyway, but discard it unopened.

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2d0f92 No.21635091


>Forget 5G

i'd like to, but they keep pushing it

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ff11e5 No.21635092


Seals are wonderful creatures

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851915 No.21635093

President Trump: We will stop the outsourcing, and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower. That includes automobiles, buy the way.

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8207bf No.21635094

You gray hats are faggots, you're not going to give us the free energy tech?

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903011 No.21635095

POTUS: " The Trump Reciprocal Trade Act… basically says if China charges them 100 percent tax or tariff, we will charge them a 100 percent tax or tariff…"

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903011 No.21635096

POTUS: " Covid, our gift from China"

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777169 No.21635097


>all tax

Property tax

Sales tax

Death tax

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3c4425 No.21635098

File: c51b7eb4c00aca3⋯.mp4 (462.11 KB,640x360,16:9,P_Diddy_and_Bono_Awkward_h….mp4)


Even Bono seemed keen to avoin him

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61a659 No.21635099


Jennifer Lopez on 'high alert' as ex Diddy is charged over fears a nightclub shooting where she was ARRESTED will be re-opened

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f7f02a No.21635100


Get Slack?

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903011 No.21635101

POTUS: " IF you open your factory anywhere in the US, you dont have to pay a tariff, but if you move your factory out of the US… you will pay a tariff… "

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172a83 No.21635102


> They act on your behalf to enforce your laws.


Dominion Selection Systems and rampant voter fraud show there isn’t a representative government. Not “your [mine, the peoples] laws at all. The laws are from those selecting the “elected”.

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61c6ce No.21635103

To anon

Who in lb

Said anons post was

Imbecilic simplification

Anon is glad you got it

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8207bf No.21635104

You greedy cock sucker's, release the free energy tech.

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4e3347 No.21635105

File: 3795fc25abd6a73⋯.mp4 (286.06 KB,784x848,49:53,3795fc25abd6a737ff028f3c92….mp4)

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670bae No.21635106

File: bf11f6c3bb82ed8⋯.png (516.36 KB,675x598,675:598,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 478add5e4761c41⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,President_Trump_announces_….mp4)



President Trump announces plan to END all Sanctuary Cities in North Carolina, across the United States

11:57 AM • Sep 21, 2024


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903011 No.21635107

POTUS: " I will not let Mexico, China or any other country sell cars here in our country to the detriment of our country"

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17abef No.21635108

File: c6459e96bcdf381⋯.mp4 (985.92 KB,878x478,439:239,kh.mp4)


I don't know. The other side is riding a wave of Joy.

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6e5197 No.21635109

File: 61c803562ae14e8⋯.jpg (36.65 KB,960x824,120:103,brothas.jpg)


keking in yeah sounds about right

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5cffe7 No.21635110


Wonder where that prison is?

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903011 No.21635111

POTUS: " If i dont make it, and she runs it, … israel will be destroyed"

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0fafb9 No.21635112

I thought the tariffs was how we funded our nation before they started the "temporary 1%" income taxes.

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61a659 No.21635113

File: d980e609510d264⋯.mp4 (491.32 KB,622x350,311:175,killingdustlabwuhan.mp4)

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04da15 No.21635114


im not Q, Im Qp and I comment with an email so stfu clown bot

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817e26 No.21635115


What's in his pipe?

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851915 No.21635116

President Trump: I will not let Mexico, China, or any other country, sell cars into the United States to the detriment of our autoworkers.

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696492 No.21635117

DJT: Israel will be demolished if I don't win.

Yo guys hear me out - are you guys willing to suffer for another 4 years?

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000000 No.21635118


@RT_com 3h

Thousands gather in Hyderabad to celebrate 1500th Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad’s Birth

Sep 21, 2024 · 4:00 PM UTC


Masha Allah


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1ea2a7 No.21635119

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70545f No.21635120

File: 3755a994bf0e140⋯.png (650.85 KB,1190x1318,595:659,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a89c4d23c4657f⋯.png (53.29 KB,906x450,151:75,ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING🚨 Israel has hit Lebanon with a massive bomb, bunker buster or even a tactical nuclear weapon judging by the initial flash.

4 year delta -


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ffe123 No.21635121

File: 45befcd05fb210b⋯.png (770.93 KB,720x720,1:1,IMG_7606.png)

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ff11e5 No.21635122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well, how much more can we take with all of this corruption

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903011 No.21635123

POTUS: " Elon, we love elon,… "

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66f0ad No.21635124


Israel is not behind the election rigging, which is so crazy in and of itself.

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2d0f92 No.21635125


>The fuck is a 5G chip.

>It’s an EMR frequency requiring a receiver to capture a signal at said frequency.


that would be the chip capable of generating a carrier at that frequency, so it is able to receive at that frequency

maybe learn some basic electronics before you make an ass of yourself in public?

or not

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ef4114 No.21635126


>What's in his pipe?

pure slack

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903011 No.21635127

POTUS: " It looks like hell right now, it looks like hell"

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172a83 No.21635128


You are either new, or not very smart. Either way, you should lurk moar or get some life experience and gain wisdom.

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61c6ce No.21635129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8207bf No.21635130



People actually believed them.

Temporary they said.

Only 1% they said.

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d67896 No.21635131


Q said be anon. So, be anon or admit you are unwilling to follow your Captain's orders.

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903011 No.21635132

POTUS: " We are going to bring back the manufacturing of. automobiles here… do we love South Carolina? I think so, i think so… and they do a lot of car manufacturing and they will benefit from this"

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ee9d9b No.21635133

File: 81bc48f28b63198⋯.jpg (204.22 KB,1374x683,1374:683,UberWoke.jpg)

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b51048 No.21635134

File: f496fec253a3271⋯.jpeg (610.5 KB,1648x1325,1648:1325,IMG_3424.jpeg)


Ted Budd 🤝 Mike Pence: A National Ban on Abortion

In the final days of the election, Ted Budd is campaigning with one of the biggest proponents of banning abortion nationally: Mike Pence.

The day that the Supreme Court overturned Roe, Pence immediately called to ban abortion in all 50 states and later said he wanted to make abortion “unthinkable.” Congressman Budd stands with Pence in his effort to make abortion “unthinkable,” supporting a national ban on abortion and voting against measures to ensure women have access to birth control and contraceptives.

“There is only one reason that Mike Pence is coming to campaign with Congressman Budd: He knows that Budd will vote to ban abortion nationwide–without any exception. Pence and Budd want to impose their extreme, dangerous agenda on North Carolina women,” said NCDP spokesperson Kate Frauenfelder.



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61a659 No.21635135

File: f2aae481763fb65⋯.png (837.84 KB,1024x520,128:65,ClipboardImage.png)



Tecoluca, San Vicente, El Salvador

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851915 No.21635136

President Trump: We're gonna make cars they way we had it forty or fifty years ago. We were dominate. We're gonna be dominate again.

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903011 No.21635137

POTUS: " They are putting migrants into your social security system, and putting migrants in your medicare system… Trump was right about everything.. vote for Trump for No Taxpayer Benefits for Illegal Aliens"

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172a83 No.21635138


5G crystal receiver with tube transistors in muh cell.

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001097 No.21635139

File: 4e066f91e8ec0bd⋯.jpg (673.25 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,AP_20308527115723_1.jpg)

File: b0572b302f21953⋯.jpg (199.33 KB,992x558,16:9,capitol_fence_gty_ps_22022….jpg)

File: 459e9bfee8ca722⋯.jpg (109.5 KB,1200x800,3:2,14709362_web1_Biden_Inaugu….jpg)

File: 741c142b2d710a2⋯.jpg (120.09 KB,1200x675,16:9,GettyImages_1297448274_0_2….jpg)


Shut down the Capitol too

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61c6ce No.21635140



Now tell them about 2.4 and microwave energy

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0fafb9 No.21635141


You have not defended your position of abolishing all laws and the need for policing in society.

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d3d0c2 No.21635142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

John Kennedy: Whoever crafted Kamala Harris' economic plan wouldn’t be in charge of a ham sandwich

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., discusses the state of the U.S. economy under the Biden-Harris administration and the vice president's price controls proposal on 'Hannity.'

Always a hoot



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903011 No.21635143

POTUS: " I will stop the drugs and fentanyl coming into our country…its killed over 320, 325,000 people killed "

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8207bf No.21635144

The greedy people including Trump can't resist that oil Money.

No free energy tech for us poor fag's ever.

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903011 No.21635145

POTUS: " We will protect our law enforcement"

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670bae No.21635146

File: 34f7f2faba4adcf⋯.png (426.28 KB,598x689,46:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8723c4257c8cbb2⋯.mp4 (6.79 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_just_told_the_voters….mp4)



BREAKING: Trump just told the voters of North Carolina that there won't be another debate with Kamala Harris because voting has already begun, and the only reason she wants to do it is because she knows she's LOSING

"She's done one debate. I've done two. It's too late to do another. I'd love to in many ways, but it's too late."

After the debate, they activated the Taylor Swift endorsement because they knew she had lost. I bet she was supposed to be their big October surprise. Now they want another one because the real polls show her losing by a lot.

11:56 AM · Sep 21, 2024


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670bae No.21635147


>John Kennedy: Whoever crafted Kamala Harris' economic plan wouldn’t be in charge of a ham sandwich


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903011 No.21635148

POTUS: " I will settle the war in the Ukraine, and i will stop the chaos in the Middle East"

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61a659 No.21635149


>it's too late

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9f1e12 No.21635150

File: 3b77cd050006c76⋯.png (356.83 KB,630x350,9:5,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

File: 19e4984cd5ff9a0⋯.png (111.74 KB,281x211,281:211,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

File: f708fc18c8c8c78⋯.png (352.32 KB,489x696,163:232,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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670bae No.21635151

File: df0592d87d9565a⋯.png (276.28 KB,675x1003,675:1003,ClipboardImage.png)


They are so desperate.

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851915 No.21635152

President Trump: We want to reach Mars before the end of my term. We want to do it.

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903011 No.21635153

POTUS: " We are leading in space… i will talk to elon get those rocket ships going because we want to reach mars before the end of my term"

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903011 No.21635154

POTUS: " We will keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency"

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b28cf9 No.21635155

File: e5f0f0cfbda6e55⋯.gif (615.2 KB,498x498,1:1,toot_toot.gif)


your temperament proves you aren't ready for it

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58a72d No.21635156


I'm confused, didn't she suggest people watch a rally?

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0fafb9 No.21635157


I heard they were all losing. Trump curse.

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903011 No.21635158

POTUS: " We are going to totally stop this invasion, it is destroying the fabric of our nation"

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ffe123 No.21635159

File: 181bc3a1e1a4ced⋯.jpg (567.29 KB,1920x1080,16:9,USSF.JPG)

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3fd0bb No.21635160


Diana rolled in her grave witnessing this atrocious association!

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8207bf No.21635161


New regime No different from old regime.

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61c6ce No.21635162


Americans or world wide

Cause they said there is only 350000000 of us

That means ….30000000 is left. Huh?

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903011 No.21635163

POTUS: " We are going to end transgender insanity in our school and we are going to keep men out of womens sports"

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e667c3 No.21635164

it's all so tiresome.

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61a659 No.21635165

File: 0e6b37592e9c96b⋯.png (1.46 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>we want to reach mars before the end of my term

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817e26 No.21635166


Harris has a degree in poli sci and economics but can't answer basic questions about either.

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4e3347 No.21635167

File: b1c2e45afe9d707⋯.png (1.08 MB,1125x1115,225:223,b1c2e45afe9d70749c74069d70….png)

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903011 No.21635168

POTUS: " These people are sick, the fake news"

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7f3b5b No.21635169

File: fd645caf1b38933⋯.mp4 (12.45 MB,874x690,19:15,Current_times_animation_.mp4)


>muh cell

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000000 No.21635170


@RT_com 7h

❗️Video-sharing platform TikTok has deleted the accounts of RT International as well as several branches of the Sputnik media network

Read more: on.rt.com/cydk

Sep 21, 2024 · 12:03 PM UTC


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d69cb1 No.21635171

File: 3019d2e183b2e0b⋯.png (305.9 KB,370x480,37:48,d4635340a0005e9c6e1c33bf3c….png)

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ffe123 No.21635172

File: 2f638eb05612fbc⋯.jpg (174.05 KB,1080x839,1080:839,LibConfusion.JPG)

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172a83 No.21635173


Militarized LEO is standing army enforcing laws of “The Corporation” usurping a constitutional republic that makes the people a standing army against usurpation by totalitarians. The constitution is argument against a standing army. You don’t get it, but you will,…

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903011 No.21635174

POTUS: " The jab is not the hardest, … and he looked like muhammad ali if he transitioned.. and the italian girl went back to her corner… ive never been hit like that… so she quit… shockingly, he won the gold medal.. how demeaning it is to women"

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b51048 No.21635175

File: ca7ff0ef384c32c⋯.png (4.7 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3425.png)


Mars, CA

DSSS location!



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5cffe7 No.21635176



Looks pretty strict!

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444ef1 No.21635177

File: f1e12252399128b⋯.png (59.43 KB,166x187,166:187,lawyerfordiddler.png)


lawyer for didler and Bronfsman's looks like Walz?

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d7c0d4 No.21635178

File: 99aac816b8582af⋯.gif (5.77 MB,360x253,360:253,beaut.gif)

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9f1e12 No.21635179


unc getting crushed by james madison

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d67896 No.21635180


Q+ will end the fictional corporation. And more.

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001097 No.21635181

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f7f02a No.21635182


slack ? modern

"Searchable Log of All Conversation and Knowledge", replacing the previous codename "linefeed"



The majority of popular MMORPGs are based on traditional fantasy themes, often occurring in an in-game universe comparable to that of Dungeons & Dragons. Some employ hybrid themes that either merge or replace fantasy elements with those of science fiction, sword and sorcery, or crime fiction. Others draw thematic material from American comic books,

the occult, and other genres.

These elements are often developed using similar tasks and scenarios involving quests, monsters, and loot.




Most MMORPGs provide different types of classes that players can choose. Among those classes, a small portion of players choose to roleplay their characters, and there are rules that provide functionality and content to those who do. Community resources such as forums and guides exist in support of this play style.

For example, if a player wants to play a priest role in his MMORPG world, that player might buy a cope from a shop and learn priestly skills, proceeding to speak, act, and interact with others as their character would. This may or may not include pursuing other goals such as wealth or experience. Guilds or similar groups with a focus on roleplaying may develop extended in-depth narratives using the setting and resources similar to those in the game world.[11]


Over time, the MMORPG community has developed a sub-culture with its own slang and metaphors, as well as an unwritten list of social rules and taboos. Players will often complain about 'grind' (a slang term for any repetitive, time-consuming activity in an MMORPG), or talk about 'buffs' and 'nerfs' (respectively an upgrade or downgrade of a particular game mechanic).

As with all such cultures, social rules exist for such things as invitations to join an adventuring party, the proper division of treasure, and how a player is expected to behave while grouped with other players.

n 2012, Butterfield decided to name their upcoming product "Slack", which he said was derived from the phrase "Searchable Log of All Conversation and Knowledge", replacing the previous codename "linefeed".[11]

Slack is a cloud-based team communication platform developed by Slack Technologies, which has been owned by Salesforce since 2020.

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fc28d4 No.21635183

Transcript: Trump rally in Wilmington, NC


POTUS: "Exactly 45 days from now we are going to win N Carolina and defeat Kamal a Harris, and make America Great Again, when you cash in your ballot for Trump this Noevember …." (interrupted by crowd: Trump! Trump! Trump!)


POTUS: "Hollywood is watching"


POTUS: "Uncle Sam is here!! I love Uncle Sam!!"


POTUS: "We spend all this money on these screens, lets use them for a minute …" cuts away to kamala video


President Trump: Instead of a planet on the edge of global war, we will have World Peace. We wont have World War III, which we're very close to having right now. That's the future that awaits the America we love under President Donald J. Trump, but if you cast your vote for Kamala Harris; Comrade, Comrade; we call her Comrade, you're voting for four more years of brutal job losses, higher taxes, surging prices, falling wages, and economic depression and despair. A vote for Kamala Harris means forty or fifty million more illegal aliens will invade across our borders, stealing your money, stealing your jobs, stealing your life. It means your police forces will be gutted, your guns will be confiscated, and savage criminals will run wild in the streets.


POTUS: "They would like to do another debate… its goog entertainment value… CNN was very fair, Joe was driven out of the race… it was a coup by the way… ABC was 3 on 1, but was given credit on doing a very good job, it was 3 on 1.. the problem with another debate, its too late,… voting has already started voting… "


President Trump: Kamala was a total disaster yesterday; at every other interview, she's been just a free fall. I don't know what the hell is going on; she can't do an interview. She doesn't want to do 'em. Something's wrong.


POTUS: "Its too late to do another, its too late, the voting is cast, … is every body voting? please get out there and vote…"


POTUS: "We are going to get it changed, when we get in we are going to get this craziness changed… "


President Trump: Everyone knows that Kamala Harris can not explain how she would make your life better, because it's really her policies that have destroyed this country in the last three years.


POTUS: "Would anyu body like to drive on occasion a beautiful gasoline driven car?…. we do have hydrogen cars.. but they blow up"


POTUS: "Within 12 mos your energy prices will be cut in half… inflation is a misnomer, … the prices have been driven up here and the people cannot afford the prices… an eldely woman, put three apples and she couldnt afford it, so she put one apple back into the refrigeration"


President Trump: By slashing inflation, we will cut interest rates, and reduce the monthly cost of your typical mortgage by one thousand dollars.


POTUS: "I dunno, is he still the President.. i dont want to waste my time saying he… because yesterday his wife took over his cabinet meeting.. a lot of bad things are happening there"


POTUS: "No tax on tips.. no tax on overtime.. no tax on social security for our seniors… we are going to put a temporary cap on interest rates on credit cars at 10 percent… theyre getting charged 20-30% … and in theory thats against the law… "


POTUS: "Im your Border President, Kamala is your Invasion President"


POTUS: "We have more Liquid Gold under our feet… terrorists are pouring into our country… 4 years ago we had 11 terrorists come into our country"


President Trump: Today I'm announcing a new plan to end all sanctuary cities in North Carolina, and all across our country. No more sanctuary cities.


POTUS: "You have a lot of gangs in this state.. are there any gang members in this audience, raise your hands"


POTUS: "They are flying them in in big fat boeing, bigger as mine, more seats tho… flying them all over the country by the hundreds…they are taking over our country"


President Trump: As soon as I take office, we will immediately surge federal law enforcement to every city that is failing; which is a lot of them, to turn over criminal aliens, and we will hunt down, capture, every single gangmember, drug dealer, rapist, murder, and migrant criminal, that is being illegally harbored…I will lask congress to pass a law outlawing sanctuary cities nationwide, and we will bring down the full weight of the federal government on any jurisdiction that refuses to cooperate with ICE and Border Patrol. Within two years, there will not be one single foreign criminal gang operating in North Carolina, or anywhere else.


POTUS: "Theyre taking your jobs,… every job produced in the last two years has gone to illegal immigrants… We are going to save you, we are going to save you, we are going to save you… and it is sad, but yeah we are going to save you, we will, we did it once and we will do it again, … this time at a higher level, a higher level"


POTUS: "Even Jerome Powell of the Fed Reserve said the influx of migrants at the border has raised our prices"


President Trump: Last month, American-born workers lost 1.3 million jobs…meanwhile, the migrants picked up six hundred and thirty-five thousand jobs, plus another seven or eight hundred thousand jobs, at least, that we know of.


POTUS: "In the latest Rasmussen poll, …. so now got a second race now (with Kamala) I spent 100 million on beating Joe, youre not supposed to say that to a President, Get out, get out Joe… but in the latest Rasmussen poll, we are 8 points up on her… in the NY times Poll we are 9 point sup in the midwest, in the Emmerson Poll, we are 3 up and leading in Arizona by a lot, …but remember, they cheat.."


POTUS: "A poll just came out and we are actually leading in Virginia… we cant take anything for granted… because they cheat like nobody can cheat"


POTUS: "You are going to meet …. Carolina…" (Laras Kid)


POTUS: "Dan Bishop, who is fantastic, thank you Dan, hes great hes a warrior"


POTUS: "Anna, Paulina Anna, she is so popular and what a warrior, that whole group"


POTUS: "This is an important state, if we win this state I think it will be over fast"


POTUS: "At 3:02am a lot of ballots came in, and not here in NC… btw Lara and Eric are here, the Super Couple, they are both here, youre doing a great job Lara.. and hes doing a good job, hes the Most Subpoena'd Man in the History of our COuntry, he got more subpoenas than the late grate Al Capone, Capone is alike a baby compared to this guy… hes so hardened now and tough, and I said "


POTUS: "Bottom line, they cheated, … and at 3:02am a lot of states fell off, … but not here, NC, they didnt fall off… we dont need votes, we need honesty, we have all the votes we need…"


POTUS: "We also have front row Joes, theyre all over the place… theyve seen plenty, they were there in Butler, that was a helluva a day"


POTUS: "In november i will sign legislation to officially recognize the lumpy(sp?) tribe"


LUKE: "Vote for grandpa"


POTUS: "Oh he doesnt want to get off the stage… hes got the gene!… oh i told him to say MAGA but he said vote for Grandpa instead"


President Trump: The Lumbee Tribe has been wrongfully denied federal recognition for more than a century…we're gonna take care of it. We'll take care of it right at the beginning. Biden and Obama promised remedy; they they wanted to remedy the injustice, but they never did it. They broke their promise. Today I am officially announcing that if I am elected in November , I will sign legislation granting the great Lumbee Tribe the federal recognition that it deserves.


POTUS: "Nobody knows the last name, oh Harris running,… theyd say who the hell is Harris… they know Kamala,… they know Komrade, thats what she is.. shes a comrade"


POTUS: "All over the world crime is way down by 70 percent, … because theyre dumping them all here…"


POTUS: "They didnt like the nuber 13, so they went to 15, and now i understand they went to 25"


President Trump: Twenty-five Justices [Supreme Court] is what she's looking for [Harris]. That's the real number so she can rig the system.


POTUS: "She wants to defund the police… thats why she picked this character, he is weird.. hes a radical left lunatic… she met him during the burning of minnesota, minnesota was like a firepit…looked like ww2,… we are going to stop ww3 btw, we are going to stop it cold"


President Trump: [Harris] supports free healthcare for illegal aliens, while our hospitals and emergency rooms are being overrun by migrants…she wants mass-amnesty and citizenship for all illegals, and she says…anybody that utters the words, 'illegal alien', 'radical Islamic terrorist'; she says, 'Don't you ever use those terms'.


POTUS: "Kamala lost 325 thousand migrant children … pick a nice stadium, yankee stadium holds 50,000… you could fill it up three times… and many are dead, and thats under their watch and the fake news right there they dont want to talk about… and as a california AG she redefined many crimes as nonviolent … she banned nat gas exports, she banned it and its crushing pennsylvania… they want to force everyone onto subsidized health care, she even endorsed free sex change for people in prisons and detentions centers if they want"


President Trump: [Harris] led the change in California law, so that if you steal less than nine-hundred and fifty dollars worth of merchandise, you are not prosecuted, and if you steal more than nine-hundred and fifty dollars worth of merchandise, you're also not prosecuted, frankly.


POTUS: "She lied about working at McDonalds,… she lied.. she never worked at McDonalds… they went there and the mgr who had been there a long time said she lied… it was a pure simple lie… and didnt Oprah ask her about when she worked at McDonalds, so she kinda just hid under the desk…. Kamala your fired, get outta here, get the hell outta here.. get outta here"


POTUS: "Execution of a baby after birth which is what they want… i even asked her at the debate… do you want a woman to be able to have an abortion even after the ninth month.. and the answer is yes"


POTUS: "Starting on day one, we will seal the border.. we will carry out the largest deportation of criminals in American history"


POTUS: "We have more than Saudi Arabia and more than Russia by a lot, we will open ANWAR, … prob the biggest oil sight in the entire world"


President Trump: We will stop the outsourcing, and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower. That includes automobiles, buy the way.


POTUS: "The Trump Reciprocal Trade Act… basically says if China charges them 100 percent tax or tariff, we will charge them a 100 percent tax or tariff…"


POTUS: "IF you open your factory anywhere in the US, you dont have to pay a tariff, but if you move your factory out of the US… you will pay a tariff… "


POTUS: "I will not let Mexico, China or any other country sell cars here in our country to the detriment of our country"


POTUS: "If i dont make it, and she runs it, … israel will be destroyed"


President Trump: I will not let Mexico, China, or any other country, sell cars into the United States to the detriment of our autoworkers.


POTUS: "We are going to bring back the manufacturing of. automobiles here… do we love South Carolina? I think so, i think so… and they do a lot of car manufacturing and they will benefit from this"


President Trump: We're gonna make cars they way we had it forty or fifty years ago. We were dominate. We're gonna be dominate again.


POTUS: "They are putting migrants into your social security system, and putting migrants in your medicare system… Trump was right about everything.. vote for Trump for No Taxpayer Benefits for Illegal Aliens"


POTUS: "I will settle the war in the Ukraine, and i will stop the chaos in the Middle East"


POTUS: "We will keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency"


POTUS: "We are leading in space… i will talk to elon get those rocket ships going because we want to reach mars before the end of my term"


POTUS: "We are going to totally stop this invasion, it is destroying the fabric of our nation"


POTUS: "We are going to end transgender insanity in our school and we are going to keep men out of womens sports"

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670bae No.21635184

File: e3de0d52323d7a0⋯.png (392.01 KB,598x571,598:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdc189df433dfc8⋯.mp4 (5.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_just_received_the_gr….mp4)



BREAKING: Trump just received the greatest endorsement in political history. His grandson Luke came on stage and said, "VOTE FOR GRANDPA!"

The Bible says we'll know people by their fruits. Trump's fruits, aka his kids and grandkids, are very well-behaved. He raised all of them right

12:21 PM · Sep 21, 2024


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8207bf No.21635185


Please give us the suppressed free energy technology after you make all your billions from oil?

Or at least once we run out of oil?

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bf8105 No.21635186

Israel Closes Airspace After Strike On Hezbollah Leadership

Israel closed the airspace over its northern region on September 21, just a day after targeting senior members of Hezbollah in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

The closer, which will last a full day, includes skies from the city of Hadera, some 48 kilometers north of the city of Tel Aviv city and around 38 kilometers to the south of the port of Haifa, northward.

Head of air intelligence at the Civil Aviation Authority said in a statement that “due to security tensions, all infrastructures in the domestic space are closed to all types of aircraft” to facilitate the operations of the Israeli Air Force.


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903011 No.21635187

POTUS: " We build 100 of miles of wall… all of these things that we did that was makiing our country so strong… they undid everything we did… if she gets in this country will be dead"

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808df5 No.21635188

File: a9a66785c1961e7⋯.jpg (431.51 KB,1444x1536,361:384,Weird.jpg)

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b28cf9 No.21635189

File: e4386986748d29e⋯.png (221.3 KB,478x382,239:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64adc8c40e346ee⋯.mp4 (379.01 KB,640x360,16:9,ZSCe4N1fCEtO7Waq.mp4)

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494ff4 No.21635190


Capn is salty

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9f1e12 No.21635191

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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903011 No.21635192

POTUS: " we must defeat Kamala Harris and her country destroying agenda.. and we know its not even her agenda its other peoples agenda… nov 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country… it means we will save our country on that day"

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b506a3 No.21635193


He will get Congress to sign a bill?? No he wont

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61c6ce No.21635194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good joke man

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b92ae8 No.21635195




>Fund our trafficking networks

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494ff4 No.21635196


Walzamala you

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ffe123 No.21635197

File: 0e5209f56e03e72⋯.jpg (530.45 KB,2000x1400,10:7,Liberator.JPG)

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66e54c No.21635198


You control those types of people with Strength and debilitating fear.

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172a83 No.21635199


The social decay surrounding us is a product of that same USA Inc. company I speak of. It’s a fear source to foist upon the populace perception that police are needed.

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b51048 No.21635200

File: 99c374e80ade61c⋯.jpeg (30.13 KB,318x159,2:1,IMG_3426.jpeg)

Kamala Devi Harris

Cruelly de Vil 😈

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8207bf No.21635201

Make billionair oil moguls wealthy again

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d3d0c2 No.21635202


Hannity should shut up and let the guest talk, he's such a hog for attention

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bf8105 No.21635203

File: 4b570bc618f6b17⋯.png (1.07 MB,740x647,740:647,ClipboardImage.png)

Military Situation On Israeli-Lebanese Border On September 21, 2024

On September 20, Israeli airstrikes in Dahieh Beirut murdered 31 civilians and Hezbollah members, including Ibrahim Aqil, a senior commander of Hezbollah;

Hezbollah announced death of 15 of its members in southern Lebanon;

On September 21, the Israeli army launched more than 100 airstrikes in southern Lebanon;

Hezbollah attacked Israeli military base near Safed with rockets;

Sirens sounded in Ramot Naftali base;

Sirens sounded in Kiryat Shemona;

Israeli warplanes attacked the Markaba area;

Israeli warplanes attacked the Udaysah area;

Hezbollah attacked the Shebaa Farms with rockets.


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6e0aae No.21635204

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4e3347 No.21635205

File: c0bb909d74f6ff1⋯.gif (160.24 KB,446x395,446:395,c0bb909d74f6ff1b4feb051337….gif)

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808df5 No.21635206

File: 45744594540b6ed⋯.jpg (268.74 KB,1538x1011,1538:1011,ObliterateDS.JPG)

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6e5197 No.21635207

File: 4abcea2665e0595⋯.jpg (9.7 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)


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903011 No.21635208

POTUS: " We will make America Powerful again, make America Wealthy Again,

Make America Healthy Again,

Make America Strong Again,

Make America Proud Again,

Make America Safe Again,

Make America Free Again,

Make America Great Again…

thank you,

thank you very much"

(YMCA plays)

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e667c3 No.21635209


this place is very disappoint.

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bf8105 No.21635210

Biden-Harris Admin Sued For Records On Trans Surgeries On Minors

Judicial Watch is suing the Biden-Harris administration in order to receive documents on the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) promotion of transgender sex change operations for minors.

The suit comes after Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in early July requesting documents pertaining to HHS Assistant Secretary Admiral Rachel Levine’s involvement in pressuring a health organization to drop age requirements for sex change procedures. HHS failed to respond to the FOIA request, Judicial Watch says.

“Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,” the organization stated in a press release, adding that the suit seeks “all records of communications of Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine regarding pressure put on an international group of medical experts to remove age limit guidelines on transgender procedures.”

“Biden-Harris appointee Admiral Levine, who abused power and is notorious for promoting transgender extremist policies, promoted mutilating surgeries for minors,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton contended. “It is no wonder the Biden-Harris administration wants to cover this up with unlawful secrecy. Judicial Watch’s lawsuit to expose the truth is urgently needed to protect children.”

The lawsuit to procure the documents comes after The Daily Wire reported that Levine, a man who identifies as a woman, met with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), and urged the organization to drop age requirements from its standards of care document.


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46baf7 No.21635211

Trumpy Dancer!

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000000 No.21635212


cry moar

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2d0f92 No.21635213


>Only 1% they said.


it was NEVER intended as a tax on COMPENSATION for VALUE-ADDED LABOR

it was SUPPOSED to be a tax on interest and capital gains ONLY (bankers and speculators)

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66f0ad No.21635214

File: 37ead88d8cecb00⋯.jpeg (132.01 KB,750x500,3:2,6C75939E_3864_4BFA_B428_D….jpeg)


Thank you anon

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67c952 No.21635215


You fail to understand that the police are not a federal force because YOU ARENT FROM HERE so shut the fuck up and worry about your own country you demoralizer faggot commie

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abbe43 No.21635216


>The Florida Supreme Court is not isolated in its compromising condition & corruption.

Your suspicions are correct.

[THEY] will all go down together. . . .

I would never lie to you, Anon.

God bless you.


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fc28d4 No.21635217

Trump finishes speech @ 3:39

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5cffe7 No.21635218

File: 7d7d86f84890b9c⋯.png (71.88 KB,497x460,497:460,Q339.png)

File: e2f84f5462a81eb⋯.png (21.35 KB,502x157,502:157,q1539.png)

Trump ends rally at 3:39

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903011 No.21635219

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b6cad2 No.21635220

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB,753x861,251:287,Chan_Archive_Service.jpg)

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bf8105 No.21635221

File: 2924fde160df2d9⋯.png (1.17 MB,680x669,680:669,ClipboardImage.png)

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8207bf No.21635222

You all get oil for the next century.

Humanity not willing to fight for better tech.

Gobble Trump's oil up faggots.

Drill faggots drill

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b17bf0 No.21635223


Criminals dont follow laws.

Laws dont prevent crimes.

Laws generate revenue, like licenses, fines, JAils, judges, wardens, taxes, and ultimately becomes corrupt and destroy lives.

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d67896 No.21635224

File: c0596b61612b50e⋯.png (662.91 KB,828x2322,46:129,340.png)


Q doesn't get salty actually.

Q+ finished speaking at 3:40 pm "You are learning"

You are learning.

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Not everything can be stated 1:1.

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fc28d4 No.21635225

Transcript: Trump rally in Wilmington, NC


POTUS: "Exactly 45 days from now we are going to win N Carolina and defeat Kamal a Harris, and make America Great Again, when you cash in your ballot for Trump this Noevember …." (interrupted by crowd: Trump! Trump! Trump!)


POTUS: "Hollywood is watching"


POTUS: "Uncle Sam is here!! I love Uncle Sam!!"


POTUS: "We spend all this money on these screens, lets use them for a minute …" cuts away to kamala video


President Trump: Instead of a planet on the edge of global war, we will have World Peace. We wont have World War III, which we're very close to having right now. That's the future that awaits the America we love under President Donald J. Trump, but if you cast your vote for Kamala Harris; Comrade, Comrade; we call her Comrade, you're voting for four more years of brutal job losses, higher taxes, surging prices, falling wages, and economic depression and despair. A vote for Kamala Harris means forty or fifty million more illegal aliens will invade across our borders, stealing your money, stealing your jobs, stealing your life. It means your police forces will be gutted, your guns will be confiscated, and savage criminals will run wild in the streets.


POTUS: "They would like to do another debate… its goog entertainment value… CNN was very fair, Joe was driven out of the race… it was a coup by the way… ABC was 3 on 1, but was given credit on doing a very good job, it was 3 on 1.. the problem with another debate, its too late,… voting has already started voting… "


President Trump: Kamala was a total disaster yesterday; at every other interview, she's been just a free fall. I don't know what the hell is going on; she can't do an interview. She doesn't want to do 'em. Something's wrong.


POTUS: "Its too late to do another, its too late, the voting is cast, … is every body voting? please get out there and vote…"


POTUS: "We are going to get it changed, when we get in we are going to get this craziness changed… "


President Trump: Everyone knows that Kamala Harris can not explain how she would make your life better, because it's really her policies that have destroyed this country in the last three years.


POTUS: "Would anyu body like to drive on occasion a beautiful gasoline driven car?…. we do have hydrogen cars.. but they blow up"


POTUS: "Within 12 mos your energy prices will be cut in half… inflation is a misnomer, … the prices have been driven up here and the people cannot afford the prices… an eldely woman, put three apples and she couldnt afford it, so she put one apple back into the refrigeration"


President Trump: By slashing inflation, we will cut interest rates, and reduce the monthly cost of your typical mortgage by one thousand dollars.


POTUS: "I dunno, is he still the President.. i dont want to waste my time saying he… because yesterday his wife took over his cabinet meeting.. a lot of bad things are happening there"


POTUS: "No tax on tips.. no tax on overtime.. no tax on social security for our seniors… we are going to put a temporary cap on interest rates on credit cars at 10 percent… theyre getting charged 20-30% … and in theory thats against the law… "


POTUS: "Im your Border President, Kamala is your Invasion President"


POTUS: "We have more Liquid Gold under our feet… terrorists are pouring into our country… 4 years ago we had 11 terrorists come into our country"


President Trump: Today I'm announcing a new plan to end all sanctuary cities in North Carolina, and all across our country. No more sanctuary cities.


POTUS: "You have a lot of gangs in this state.. are there any gang members in this audience, raise your hands"


POTUS: "They are flying them in in big fat boeing, bigger as mine, more seats tho… flying them all over the country by the hundreds…they are taking over our country"


President Trump: As soon as I take office, we will immediately surge federal law enforcement to every city that is failing; which is a lot of them, to turn over criminal aliens, and we will hunt down, capture, every single gangmember, drug dealer, rapist, murder, and migrant criminal, that is being illegally harbored…I will lask congress to pass a law outlawing sanctuary cities nationwide, and we will bring down the full weight of the federal government on any jurisdiction that refuses to cooperate with ICE and Border Patrol. Within two years, there will not be one single foreign criminal gang operating in North Carolina, or anywhere else.


POTUS: "Theyre taking your jobs,… every job produced in the last two years has gone to illegal immigrants… We are going to save you, we are going to save you, we are going to save you… and it is sad, but yeah we are going to save you, we will, we did it once and we will do it again, … this time at a higher level, a higher level"


POTUS: "Even Jerome Powell of the Fed Reserve said the influx of migrants at the border has raised our prices"


President Trump: Last month, American-born workers lost 1.3 million jobs…meanwhile, the migrants picked up six hundred and thirty-five thousand jobs, plus another seven or eight hundred thousand jobs, at least, that we know of.


POTUS: "In the latest Rasmussen poll, …. so now got a second race now (with Kamala) I spent 100 million on beating Joe, youre not supposed to say that to a President, Get out, get out Joe… but in the latest Rasmussen poll, we are 8 points up on her… in the NY times Poll we are 9 point sup in the midwest, in the Emmerson Poll, we are 3 up and leading in Arizona by a lot, …but remember, they cheat.."


POTUS: "A poll just came out and we are actually leading in Virginia… we cant take anything for granted… because they cheat like nobody can cheat"


POTUS: "You are going to meet …. Carolina…" (Laras Kid)


POTUS: "Dan Bishop, who is fantastic, thank you Dan, hes great hes a warrior"


POTUS: "Anna, Paulina Anna, she is so popular and what a warrior, that whole group"


POTUS: "This is an important state, if we win this state I think it will be over fast"


POTUS: "At 3:02am a lot of ballots came in, and not here in NC… btw Lara and Eric are here, the Super Couple, they are both here, youre doing a great job Lara.. and hes doing a good job, hes the Most Subpoena'd Man in the History of our COuntry, he got more subpoenas than the late grate Al Capone, Capone is alike a baby compared to this guy… hes so hardened now and tough, and I said "


POTUS: "Bottom line, they cheated, … and at 3:02am a lot of states fell off, … but not here, NC, they didnt fall off… we dont need votes, we need honesty, we have all the votes we need…"


POTUS: "We also have front row Joes, theyre all over the place… theyve seen plenty, they were there in Butler, that was a helluva a day"


POTUS: "In november i will sign legislation to officially recognize the lumpy(sp?) tribe"


LUKE: "Vote for grandpa"


POTUS: "Oh he doesnt want to get off the stage… hes got the gene!… oh i told him to say MAGA but he said vote for Grandpa instead"


President Trump: The Lumbee Tribe has been wrongfully denied federal recognition for more than a century…we're gonna take care of it. We'll take care of it right at the beginning. Biden and Obama promised remedy; they they wanted to remedy the injustice, but they never did it. They broke their promise. Today I am officially announcing that if I am elected in November , I will sign legislation granting the great Lumbee Tribe the federal recognition that it deserves.


POTUS: "Nobody knows the last name, oh Harris running,… theyd say who the hell is Harris… they know Kamala,… they know Komrade, thats what she is.. shes a comrade"


POTUS: "All over the world crime is way down by 70 percent, … because theyre dumping them all here…"


POTUS: "They didnt like the nuber 13, so they went to 15, and now i understand they went to 25"


President Trump: Twenty-five Justices [Supreme Court] is what she's looking for [Harris]. That's the real number so she can rig the system.


POTUS: "She wants to defund the police… thats why she picked this character, he is weird.. hes a radical left lunatic… she met him during the burning of minnesota, minnesota was like a firepit…looked like ww2,… we are going to stop ww3 btw, we are going to stop it cold"


President Trump: [Harris] supports free healthcare for illegal aliens, while our hospitals and emergency rooms are being overrun by migrants…she wants mass-amnesty and citizenship for all illegals, and she says…anybody that utters the words, 'illegal alien', 'radical Islamic terrorist'; she says, 'Don't you ever use those terms'.


POTUS: "Kamala lost 325 thousand migrant children … pick a nice stadium, yankee stadium holds 50,000… you could fill it up three times… and many are dead, and thats under their watch and the fake news right there they dont want to talk about… and as a california AG she redefined many crimes as nonviolent … she banned nat gas exports, she banned it and its crushing pennsylvania… they want to force everyone onto subsidized health care, she even endorsed free sex change for people in prisons and detentions centers if they want"


President Trump: [Harris] led the change in California law, so that if you steal less than nine-hundred and fifty dollars worth of merchandise, you are not prosecuted, and if you steal more than nine-hundred and fifty dollars worth of merchandise, you're also not prosecuted, frankly.


POTUS: "She lied about working at McDonalds,… she lied.. she never worked at McDonalds… they went there and the mgr who had been there a long time said she lied… it was a pure simple lie… and didnt Oprah ask her about when she worked at McDonalds, so she kinda just hid under the desk…. Kamala your fired, get outta here, get the hell outta here.. get outta here"


POTUS: "Execution of a baby after birth which is what they want… i even asked her at the debate… do you want a woman to be able to have an abortion even after the ninth month.. and the answer is yes"


POTUS: "Starting on day one, we will seal the border.. we will carry out the largest deportation of criminals in American history"


POTUS: "We have more than Saudi Arabia and more than Russia by a lot, we will open ANWAR, … prob the biggest oil sight in the entire world"


President Trump: We will stop the outsourcing, and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower. That includes automobiles, buy the way.


POTUS: "The Trump Reciprocal Trade Act… basically says if China charges them 100 percent tax or tariff, we will charge them a 100 percent tax or tariff…"


POTUS: "IF you open your factory anywhere in the US, you dont have to pay a tariff, but if you move your factory out of the US… you will pay a tariff… "


POTUS: "I will not let Mexico, China or any other country sell cars here in our country to the detriment of our country"


POTUS: "If i dont make it, and she runs it, … israel will be destroyed"


President Trump: I will not let Mexico, China, or any other country, sell cars into the United States to the detriment of our autoworkers.


POTUS: "We are going to bring back the manufacturing of. automobiles here… do we love South Carolina? I think so, i think so… and they do a lot of car manufacturing and they will benefit from this"


President Trump: We're gonna make cars they way we had it forty or fifty years ago. We were dominate. We're gonna be dominate again.


POTUS: "They are putting migrants into your social security system, and putting migrants in your medicare system… Trump was right about everything.. vote for Trump for No Taxpayer Benefits for Illegal Aliens"


POTUS: "I will settle the war in the Ukraine, and i will stop the chaos in the Middle East"


POTUS: "We will keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency"


POTUS: "We are leading in space… i will talk to elon get those rocket ships going because we want to reach mars before the end of my term"


POTUS: "We are going to totally stop this invasion, it is destroying the fabric of our nation"


POTUS: "We are going to end transgender insanity in our school and we are going to keep men out of womens sports"


POTUS: "We build 100 of miles of wall… all of these things that we did that was makiing our country so strong… they undid everything we did… if she gets in this country will be dead"


POTUS: "We must defeat Kamala Harris and her country destroying agenda.. and we know its not even her agenda its other peoples agenda… nov 5th will be the most important day in the history of our country… it means we will save our country on that day"


POTUS: "We will make America Powerful again, make America Wealthy Again,

Make America Healthy Again,

Make America Strong Again,

Make America Proud Again,

Make America Safe Again,

Make America Free Again,

Make America Great Again…

thank you,

thank you very much"

(YMCA plays)

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b6cad2 No.21635226

File: 4eb246f1811d264⋯.jpg (459.73 KB,998x1117,998:1117,Chan_Analysis_Division.jpg)

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9f1e12 No.21635227

File: de1791b3e97e944⋯.png (2.05 MB,996x918,166:153,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

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b6cad2 No.21635228

File: 0011bde23aa5e58⋯.jpg (99.34 KB,748x851,748:851,Chan_Intel_Recon_1.jpg)

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46baf7 No.21635229

File: 74ab7e0b70cba3b⋯.png (4.46 KB,202x66,101:33,Screenshot_2024_09_21_1235….png)

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fc28d4 No.21635230

notables FINAL

#26496 >>21634461

>>21634582 Live: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

>>21635225 Transcript: Trump rally in Wilmington, NC

>>21634636, >>21634650, >>21634655, >>21634751, >>21634759, >>21634988, >>21635003 Rally photos

>>21634799 Q+ begins speaking at 2:35 pm

>>21635217 Trump finishes speech @ 3:39

>>21634834 Trump: Who sleeps on TV? Kek

>>21634968, >>21634985, >>21634972 3:02

>>21634996 Trump invites his granddaughter Carolina on stage

>>21635010 Trump invites his grandson Luke on stage

>>21635012 The Lumbee tribe

>>21635017 POTUS: "They didnt like the nuber 13, so they went to 15, and now i understand they went to 25"

>>21635046 Trump just announced a new plan to end Sanctuary Cities forever by deploying federal agents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21634554 Hollywood is falling: What's happening with PDiddy isn't the distraction - it's the point

>>21634571 Jennifer Lopez on 'high alert' as ex Diddy is charged over fears a nightclub shooting where she was arrested will be re-opened

>>21634575 DJT introduces Official Trump Coins

>>21634590, >>21634591 Donald Trump Reveals He Interviewed U.S. Military Pilots Who Encountered Round UFO “They Cannot Explain”

>>21634618 JimW: Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun …

>>21634803 Israeli military kills 21 in Gaza school bombing

>>21634812 MSM Journos Inadvertently Reveal Shocking Truth About Global Warming

>>21634849 Tucker Carlson Live Tour in Grand Rapids, MI w/ Kid Rock

>>21634895 Biden admin is ‘not even pretending anymore’: Marc Thiessen

>>21634926 Ashton Kutcher’s appearance on “Hot Ones,” in which the subjects of Diddy’s parties comes up

>>21634936 PF: Global X

>>21634937 Mike Tyson moves Diddy's hand away from his leg in awkward resurfaced clip from 1998 Keenan Ivory Wayans' show

>>21634950 Remember when Diddy had 15-year-old Justin Bieber spend 48 hours with him?

>>21635019, >>21635034 5G phones don't have 5G chips in them

>>21635031 We need 'real leadership' in the Secret Service, former agent says

>>21635032 NHS Director Blows Whistle – Hospitals Fabricated Cause of Death to Inflate COVID Pandemic Numbers!

>>21635053 Oversight Chairman James Comer blasts Secret Service over lack of drone use: 'Not up to the job’

>>21635068 Jill Biden sparks huge backlash by leading White House cabinet meeting

>>21635076 Proven social media censorship suggests hidden gold mine of federal coercion, plaintiffs tell court

>>21635142 John Kennedy: Whoever crafted Kamala Harris' economic plan wouldn’t be in charge of a ham sandwich

>>21635170 TikTok has deleted the accounts of RT International as well as several branches of the Sputnik media network

>>21635203 Military Situation On Israeli-Lebanese Border On September 21, 2024

>>21635210 Biden-Harris Admin Sued For Records On Trans Surgeries On Minors

>>21634603, >>21634862, >>21634877, >>21634941, >>21635087 Memes


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b6cad2 No.21635231

File: f544e1d8ee093d6⋯.jpg (407.93 KB,886x953,886:953,Chan_OCD_Division.jpg)

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172a83 No.21635232


Hoping. Probably against hope, but hoping.

Likable is Q+, and talks the talk. Fell far short first pass. Perhaps underestimating the leviathan?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fc28d4 No.21635233

notables FINAL

#26496 >>21634461

>>21634582 Live: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

>>21635225 Transcript: Trump rally in Wilmington, NC

>>21634636, >>21634650, >>21634655, >>21634751, >>21634759, >>21634988, >>21635003 Rally photos

>>21634799 Q+ begins speaking at 2:35 pm

>>21635217 Trump finishes speech @ 3:39

>>21634834 Trump: Who sleeps on TV? Kek

>>21634968, >>21634985, >>21634972 3:02

>>21634996 Trump invites his granddaughter Carolina on stage

>>21635010 Trump invites his grandson Luke on stage

>>21635012 The Lumbee tribe

>>21635017 POTUS: "They didnt like the nuber 13, so they went to 15, and now i understand they went to 25"

>>21635046 Trump just announced a new plan to end Sanctuary Cities forever by deploying federal agents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21634554 Hollywood is falling: What's happening with PDiddy isn't the distraction - it's the point

>>21634571 Jennifer Lopez on 'high alert' as ex Diddy is charged over fears a nightclub shooting where she was arrested will be re-opened

>>21634575 DJT introduces Official Trump Coins

>>21634590, >>21634591 Donald Trump Reveals He Interviewed U.S. Military Pilots Who Encountered Round UFO “They Cannot Explain”

>>21634618 JimW: Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun …

>>21634803 Israeli military kills 21 in Gaza school bombing

>>21634812 MSM Journos Inadvertently Reveal Shocking Truth About Global Warming

>>21634849 Tucker Carlson Live Tour in Grand Rapids, MI w/ Kid Rock

>>21634895 Biden admin is ‘not even pretending anymore’: Marc Thiessen

>>21634926 Ashton Kutcher’s appearance on “Hot Ones,” in which the subjects of Diddy’s parties comes up

>>21634936 PF: Global X

>>21634937 Mike Tyson moves Diddy's hand away from his leg in awkward resurfaced clip from 1998 Keenan Ivory Wayans' show

>>21634950 Remember when Diddy had 15-year-old Justin Bieber spend 48 hours with him?

>>21635019, >>21635034 5G phones don't have 5G chips in them

>>21635031 We need 'real leadership' in the Secret Service, former agent says

>>21635032 NHS Director Blows Whistle – Hospitals Fabricated Cause of Death to Inflate COVID Pandemic Numbers!

>>21635053 Oversight Chairman James Comer blasts Secret Service over lack of drone use: 'Not up to the job’

>>21635068 Jill Biden sparks huge backlash by leading White House cabinet meeting

>>21635076 Proven social media censorship suggests hidden gold mine of federal coercion, plaintiffs tell court

>>21635142 John Kennedy: Whoever crafted Kamala Harris' economic plan wouldn’t be in charge of a ham sandwich

>>21635170 TikTok has deleted the accounts of RT International as well as several branches of the Sputnik media network

>>21635203 Military Situation On Israeli-Lebanese Border On September 21, 2024

>>21635210 Biden-Harris Admin Sued For Records On Trans Surgeries On Minors

>>21634603, >>21634862, >>21634877, >>21634941, >>21635087 Memes


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b6cad2 No.21635234

File: 9f17b2d704a096b⋯.jpg (192.8 KB,565x629,565:629,Chan_Special_Ops.jpg)

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0df241 No.21635235

File: 03141ec3104bd71⋯.png (2.06 MB,1242x1375,1242:1375,ClipboardImage.png)





>Who is running America right now?

The highly unqualified wife of an installed puppet president has been running our country for 4 years.

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b6cad2 No.21635236

File: 115d067a04ece18⋯.jpg (137.1 KB,567x567,1:1,ChanMiners.jpg)

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b6cad2 No.21635237

File: 3c760069e1fc757⋯.jpg (202.87 KB,886x953,886:953,chesslogo.jpg)

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6e5197 No.21635238

File: f02d8a8a0ab8da4⋯.jpg (49.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 037765d8d29d318⋯.gif (730.76 KB,400x215,80:43,pipe5x5.gif)

File: 1d56742f9fb6e9b⋯.jpg (278.42 KB,1496x1299,1496:1299,1d56742f9fb6e9b8d3c35c1781….jpg)

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903011 No.21635239



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c5990e No.21635240

File: 04daf7f26bb4405⋯.jpg (638.83 KB,1500x1200,5:4,Picsart_24_03_29_06_55_54_….jpg)

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494ff4 No.21635242



And all the bullshit laws that ensued along the way

Wipe the slate and "turn the page"

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b6cad2 No.21635243

File: 26b657a5a03d727⋯.jpg (61.08 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4626_2_.JPG)

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f7f02a No.21635244

File: cff07cf3454fba9⋯.jpg (9.28 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)

File: 5fdc766e90a7b4b⋯.jpg (11.34 KB,310x163,310:163,images.jpg)

File: 51974f63655e046⋯.jpg (10.15 KB,254x198,127:99,download.jpg)

File: 612cfe084d1753a⋯.jpg (13.56 KB,225x225,1:1,download.jpg)

File: e840f3f1afc6c37⋯.jpg (8.97 KB,275x183,275:183,images.jpg)

>Harris has a degree in poli sci and economics but can't answer basic questions about either.

maybe she had similar to:

>>21635166 varsity blues

"Operation Varsity Blues" redirects here. For the documentary film about the scandal, see Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal.

In 2019, a scandal arose over a criminal conspiracy to influence undergraduate admissions decisions at several top American universities. The investigation into the conspiracy was code named Operation Varsity Blues.[1][2] The investigation and related charges were made public on March 12, 2019, by United States federal prosecutors. At least 53[3] people have been charged as part of the conspiracy,[4][5] a number of whom pleaded guilty or agreed to plead guilty. Thirty-three parents of college applicants were accused of paying more than $25 million between 2011 and 2018 to William Rick Singer, organizer of the scheme, who used part of the money to fraudulently inflate entrance exam test scores and bribe college officials.[6][7] Of the 32 parents named in a Federal Bureau of Investigation affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Boston, more than half had apparently paid bribes to have their children enrolled at the University of Southern California (USC).[8]



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b5e067 No.21635245

File: 0b1a9a61526f287⋯.png (400.92 KB,1280x1117,1280:1117,temps.png)

By now everyone has seen this graph. What strikes me about it is that there is no sign of the meteor impact that we are told killed off the dinosaurs. Instead the temps continue to rise for at least a 10-20k years, take a small dip and then continue up for another 10 million or so. According to the story we have been told a meteor hit the Yucatan, threw a bunch of crud into the atmosphere which cooled the temps causing the dinos to die off. The exact mechanism varies but that is the gist of it. Except where is it on the graph?

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001097 No.21635246

File: eb261d2308ab0d3⋯.jpg (60.08 KB,634x648,317:324,44030037_9669801_image_a_3….jpg)


She's been telling us for quite some time naow.

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b6cad2 No.21635247

File: f9a7c700f100dce⋯.jpg (63.37 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4641_2_.JPG)

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903011 No.21635250


302s are those the FISA warrants or something?

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b6cad2 No.21635251

File: 661afd0ca5d6e2d⋯.jpg (114.64 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4644_2_.JPG)

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46baf7 No.21635253

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b6cad2 No.21635255

File: de3975c97281fa2⋯.jpg (82.97 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4686_2_.JPG)

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b92ae8 No.21635257


>Fell far short first pass. Perhaps underestimating the leviathan?


Sometimes you have to show them.

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b6cad2 No.21635258

File: 328b681d86e0e07⋯.jpg (108.02 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4687_2_.JPG)

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bf8105 No.21635259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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494ff4 No.21635260


Fbi interview forms

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172a83 No.21635261


Midwestern boy, out on my own..

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b6cad2 No.21635263

File: 72b514d5125ea44⋯.jpg (99.39 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4690_2_.JPG)

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2d0f92 No.21635264


five interdasting posts

care to drop a crumb as to your identity?

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