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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

c241f9 No.21623891 [Last50 Posts]

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c241f9 No.21623893

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26483 >>21623177

>>21623187 Judge agrees to delay Hunter Biden’s gun charges sentencing until December

>>21623196, >>21623239, >>21623270, >>21623270, >>21623325 DIG CALL 'American Slaughter Pen' Dan Goldman Declares Trump ‘Will Execute a Coup’ on J6 2025

>>21623214 Israel Unleashes Heavy Strikes On South Lebanon

>>21623216 Lebanon bans all pagers and walkie-talkies on all flights leaving Beirut

>>21623218, >>21623322 LIVE: Trump Headlines a Fighting Anti-Semitism Event and Speaks at the IAC in D.C

>>21623236, >>21623319 PlaneFaggin'

>>21623242 Watch the film THIS IS TREASON

>>21623251 Sen. Fetterman & Sec. Mayorkas Speak at The Atlantic Festival

>>21623267, >>21623320 Matt Gaetz Claims There Are 5 Known Assassination Teams in U.S.

>>21623268, >>21623281, >>21623393 Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ in Officer ranks

>>21623287 AZ Cardinals Fan Forced to Throw Away MAGA Hat by Stadium Security

>>21623301 Trump surprises 8-year-old boy with gift before rally - GodSpeed & God Bless Liam WRWY

>>21623324, >>21623411 How to Detect ATM and Credit Card Skimmers that Can Gain Access Your Money

>>21623337, >>21623341 FBI Raids Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Headquarters in Indiana

>>21623339 Israel’s Explosive Electronic Warfare: Genocidal Pariah Nation Is A Terrorist Organization

>>21623340, >>21623381, >>21623797 Shooter ROUTH DIGG

>>21623346 Dems Move To Loosen Oversight Of ‘Sponsors’ That Take—And Often Lose—Migrant Children

>>21623365, >>21623375 Harris’s $42 Billion Broadband Initiative: ‘Not One Person, Home, or Business Connected in 3 Years!’

>>21623418, >>21623420, >>21623453 NASA & Related Space News

>>21623422 The UNs Goal Is For America To Surrender Its Sovereignty To A Global Government

>>21623443, >>21623671, >>21623813 Here we go - hit pieces circulating on GOP nominee for NC Governor

>>21623447, >>21623715 Democrat ACT BLUE Donor Arrested For Threatening To Kill 6 Supreme Court Justices

>>21623452 DIGG CALL on WAR GAME MOVIE - Webb says War Game is "by" Peter Strzok & Alexander Vindman

>>21623464 Wireless technology causes infertility, cancer and DNA damage

>>21623489 Diddy's debauched life of threesomes and unspeakable violence exposed in gory tell-all book from Kim Porter

>>21623512 Diddy Faces Massive Asset Forfeiture: Hundreds of Millions of Dollars In Property and Cash

>>21623519 Pro-Russian Billboards Pop Up All Over Italy. ‘Putin Is Not Enemy’ 'No Aid To Ukraine'

>>21623535 @Dan Scavino TRUTH - TY Nassau County Police!

>>21623588 DNA Contamination in mRNA Covid Shots up to 145 Times Regulatory Limit

>>21623627 Arizona GOP’s new TEAM UNITY Billboard Trump, Vance, Ramaswamy, Musk, Gabbard, RFK Jr.

>>21623631, >>21623695 Why Israel maimed people with a surprise device attack — and here’s what comes next

>>21623634 William Cooper on "What role in the Middle East does Israel play in all this?"

>>21623636, >>21623646, >>21623656 Tits For Trump! Boobs For The Boss!

>>21623679 Michigan Voter: "I'm going to vote for Donald Trump this year. I am typically a Democrat…

>>21623687, >>21623737, >>21623849 "qualified aliens" to receive Federal Welfare, including Medicaid, Social Security, SSI, SNAP, TANF, & Student Aid.

>>21623691 A sheriff has been arrested after shooting at a judge in Whitesburg, Kentucky

>>21623701 America First Legal Launches 7 Investigations into Kamala Harris’ Record As California Attorney General

>>21623764 The 5 Diet Biomarkers EVERYONE Should Know - Carnivores & Vegans Too! w/ Calley Means

>>21623858 Remember When Kamala Said Everyone Should Attend A Trump Rally?

>>21623861 Nike CEO John Donahoe to step down - BREAKING

>>21623865 Bank Of Japan to keep policy steady, signal more rate hikes to come

>>21623888 #26483

#26482 >>21621990

>>21622016, >>21622223 il Papi Trumpo - I ❤️ YOU!!! Anons - we love you too Papi

>>21622045, >>21622579, >>21622976 anons all CALL TO MEME - TRUMP KAMALA TALKING POINT MEMES

>>21622045, >>21622248, >>21622252, >>21622268, >>21622275, >>21622282, >>21622287, >>21622294, >>21622302, >>21622379, >>21622389, >>21622404, >>21622411, >>21622416, >>21622426, >>21622432, >>21622438, >>21622443, >>21622450, >>21622456, >>21622466, >>21622478, >>21622486, >>21622507, >>21622519, >>21622525 Meme Fodder - KAMALA'S POLICY FAILURES for CALL TO MEME

>>21622115, >>21622154 @jimwatkins General George Patton Quote

>>21622170, >>21622220, >>21622295, >>21622296, >>21622356, >>21622357, >>21622419, >>21622460, >>21622574, >>21622613, >>21622726, >>21622742, >>21622801, >>21622865, >>21622923, >>21622997, >>21623074 NASA & Related Space News

>>21622198, >>21622422 Musicians who should know better 'Musicians for Kamala' event

>>21622222, >>21622733 Kamala Harris Once Vowed to FORCIBLY Enter Homes to Check on your firearms

>>21622234 Harris Wrote Entire Blog Post Encouraging People To Donate To Bail Fund That Freed Future Murderers

>>21622251 Ex-CIA Officer & Sexual Predator Sentenced To 30 Years.

>>21622305, >>21622643 FCC commissioner testifies before House on Biden policies

>>21622312 Lawmakers riled over idea to use former central Pa. military school as migrant facility

>>21622335, >>21622341 Trump on Gutfeld Show (8:40 kek)

>>21622339 The ENTIRE board of 23 and me resigned

>>21622355 TRUMP TRUTH - WHEN?

>>21622376, >>21622558, >>21622732, >>21622739, >>21622985, >>21623021 Swamp Habbenings

>>21622411 The public may not see all of the Jan. 6 committee’s work for decades — if ever

>>21622628 Businesswoman at the center of exploding pager plot was 'vague' about her company's activities

>>21622643 Kamala Harris's $42 billion broadband initiative hasn't connected a single person to the internet in 3 years

>>21622690 Trump Headlines a Fighting Anti-Semitism Event and Speaks at the IAC in D.C. - 9/19/24

>>21622709, >>21622799 Former Chief BP Agent Aaron Heitke was ordered by Biden-Harris to cover up the disaster at the border

>>21622747 Harris has falsely claimed that her grandfather was a freedom fighter

>>21622784 (MAP) a/k/a pedophile meet-up at a Vermont campground located outside of the state capitol cancelled

>>21622806 Secret Service and Department of Homeland Security show "lack of cooperation" J13

>>21622810 VP debate between Tim Walz and JD Vance on October 1st 9pm EST

>>21622811 FBI investigating Kardashians for allegedly drugging prominent men for blackmail purposes

>>21622831 Congress asks 5 State AGs to open investigations into political money laundering into Dem Campaigns

>>21622910 PlaneFaggin'

>>21622927 Diddy showing video proof of him roofing the white man

>>21623006, >>21623123 Trump Media shares slide with DJT Stock sale restrictions set to lift (Get Sum Now Anon)

>>21623031, >>21623046 @FLOTUS on X - @POTUS & I honored the life & legacy of Saint John Paul II

>>21623069 RESCUE THE REPUBLIC Sept 29th - is this J6 2.0?

>>21623170 #26482

#26481 >>21621177

>>21621182 46 Days to WINNING

>>21621219 Dr. Robert Malone - PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order


>>21621255 Jesse Watters: Why were there two 'close calls' back-to-back?

>>21621262 Teamsters Skip Presidential Endorsement: Refuse to Support Kamala Harris as Majority of Rank-and-File Prefer Trump

>>21621268 benny johnson w/CAP: During Trumps Tuscon, Arizona, rally about 20 attendees reported becoming ill with mysterious symptoms such as blurry vision and swelling…

>>21621270 Man who Predicted Biden’s Drop Out: “Prepare for ‘Kamala Crash'”

>>21621272 2020 PDiddy n Kneedpads

>>21621278, >>21621282, >>21621319 How do you sneak one in? Moochelle stepping into the light w/ FIJI water??? "promoting 'her' new business"…

>>21621281, >>21621421 Watch the water. FIJI

>>21621292, >>21621336 AZ election fuggery never ended - fake news throwing shade over ongoing massive corruption

>>21621298, >>21621349 Scientists store human dna on 5D crystal capable of lasting billions of years

>>21621332 josh hawley w/CAP: NEW WHISTLEBLOWER allegations - this time about the latest attempt on Trump’s life. Whistleblower alleges Secret Service apparently failed to account for “known vulnerabilities”…

>>21621441 Van Jones and Vivek meet for the first time. Van Jones’ unhinged rhetoric on CNN led to death threats against Vivek & his family

>>21621493 Fear Pr0n: Susan Rice Claims Trump Will Carry Out ‘Mass Expulsions of American Citizens’ (VIDEO)

>>21621534 Federal Judge in SC Rules Voter Rolls Public Record: Landmark Decision Allows Election Integrity Activists Access

>>21621557 NYC Covid Czar Varma held secret drug fueled sex parties during the global pandemic

>>21621570 Diddy ‘as bad as Epstein,’ says officer who saw his sex rooms, hidden cameras during Miami mansion raid

>>21621589 Eight Catholic Churches in Missouri Named in Federal Lawsuit

>>21621608 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/19/2024

>>21621620 QClock September 18, 2024 -Chemical Attack on DJT, Attacks to Intensify

>>21621693 anons - CALL FOR MEMES - TRUMP HARRIS TALKING POINTS - Meme Call List

>>21621713 PF Gitmo express on route to Port-au-Prince…

>>21621748, >>21621749, >>21621750, >>21621753, >>21621756, >>21621758 Swamp Habbenings

>>21621751, >>21621848, >>21621866, >>21621895 NASA & Space Related

>>21621812 Body Language: Trump, assassination attempt, Ron DeSantis press conference

>>21621852 Masks are for slaves DO NOT COMPLY

>>21621908 Get It Now Anons. Get Moar. DJT STOCK Trump Media a very good buy at $15.

>>21621981 #26481

Previously Collected

>>21619158 #26478-A, >>21620288 #26479, >>21621172 #26480

>>21619473 #26478-D, >>21619173 #26478-C, >>21619163 #26478-B

>>21618627 #26477-D, >>21618624 #26477-C, >>21618622 #26477-B

>>21617155 #26475, >>21617913 #26476, >>21618615 #26477-A

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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c241f9 No.21623896

File: 0fe6e9f27c04bfd⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,255x170,3:2,19a7f08326636a341ce0ff1ffc….jpg)

File: ad4927221810cc0⋯.png (466.47 KB,680x454,340:227,ad4927221810cc0098f663604d….png)

Baker Seeking HandOff

next baker step up

TY Anons

Fresh Dough


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b853a8 No.21623905

File: 42bae2ecf476651⋯.png (226.08 KB,360x445,72:89,42bae2ecf47665176c3c5ab060….png)

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5eeba4 No.21623906

File: de55f9e59db721c⋯.png (15.85 KB,470x258,235:129,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21623890 LB

That link didn't work for me. Do you have another?

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4c09f2 No.21623907

>>21623878 (pb)

>you rewrote

No, I didn't.

I doubt I will ever understand your manic christian genocider god.

but it's nice that you are doing the same as commies.

>No, that wasn't real communism.

>No, that part of the bible doesn't count

>No, that part of the bible was meant differently

>No, don't take that part literally, my god doesn't kill babies

>No, real communism hasn't been tried before

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c25e5d No.21623908

Jennifer Lopez is a lesbian and everyone in Hollywood knows it.

- Rosanne Barr. (On her podcast)

>>21623885 lb

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5eeba4 No.21623909

File: 203cee7f47564a2⋯.png (16.12 KB,480x325,96:65,ClipboardImage.png)

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3887ab No.21623910

>>21623803 LB

>Email address belonging to Mark Robinson

Now the question remains. Who put it there?

Does the rhetoric match what he says elsewhere besides that porn site?

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0871ba No.21623911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





A woman noted for courage and daring action.

A woman noted for special achievement in a particular field.

The principal female character in a novel, poem, or dramatic presentation.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

Stay Bull

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9adae4 No.21623912

File: ed3ec5ce69cbd30⋯.png (778.75 KB,600x529,600:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fcaa3 No.21623913


lying faghot

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55faea No.21623914

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,SP_popcorn2.gif)

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e06c8f No.21623915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3887ab No.21623916


Same thing we did in 2016.

And 2020 he had even more voters.

2024 is going to be even bigger.

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8135f8 No.21623917

File: 22caa537ef34be8⋯.jpg (40.75 KB,720x313,720:313,20240919_152548.jpg)

BREAKING: Nike CEO John Donahoe to step down - FT



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4c09f2 No.21623918


read the bible if you deny that your god is a genocidal maniac.

even reading just genesis is enough to confirm that lol

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c25e5d No.21623919

File: 6ea00be1e78776e⋯.jpg (79.58 KB,720x568,90:71,P97et.jpg)

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4fcaa3 No.21623920


until you take your last breath

alone with no frens or fam

there is a chance for you to understand

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246bb9 No.21623921

File: d2a918fe387cfed⋯.png (721.59 KB,773x480,773:480,ClipboardImage.png)



Machine gun jubblies?! Oh behave!

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4fcaa3 No.21623922



you're stuck on genesis

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17f0da No.21623923

>>21623864 (pb)

Catholic Church encompasses 'all' faiths, to include Jewish, Muslim and Christian. Read the 1st Vatican council docs, Islam was desperate to get their people in check. The Pope was recognized by all of them during the founding of the 'Universal' church. It wasn't until the 2nd Vatican council that they flipped the script and practicing Jews went from 'persona non grata' to zero mention.

It's all there, the current B.S. is against the rules/doctrines set forth in writing. The current Papal Seat is technically 'vacant', dufus didn't follow the rules that they claim are bound by God. If so, he's not Pope.

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5d91ae No.21623924


the gay mafia is real

the kicker is that it's been believed that homosexuality is about 2% of population

probably closer to 25% considering what we are seeing now and what has been hidden

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42281d No.21623925

File: ddc08f6fa969e6d⋯.jpg (40.63 KB,500x488,125:122,qpiynggrfd.jpg)

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24d75b No.21623926

What is the connection of these Khazars (modern day self-described Jews) to this darkness?

I am of the opinion that I want to live amongst my own kind. I want the lands of my people to be for my people. I suppose if that makes me a racist then so be it. My girlfriend and I intend on making three more Blond haired blue eyed babies. In today's woke culture that's called "white Supremacy". Since so many of the Pleiadeans look like us you must be preserving your lineage, your genotype, which is my genotype. I am not against other races having their own living space, culture, heritage and racial features, just as long as they do it in their own countries. It is untrue this oft repeated lie that there is one race the human race.

The Khazars want us dead because they view us as their only real threat to their plans for depopulation and world dominance and enslavement. And by enslavement I mean even more enslaved than we are now.

Yes, there is a group of service-to-self people who are trying to control things from behind the scenes. I will refer to them as the cabal, without specifying who those people exactly are. Yes, it is true that they care very much about bloodlines and the traits of various groups of humans - more so than we think is justified, actually. white people tend to be a bit more individualistic and freedom-oriented than other Earthlings, which is one reason why the cabal has it out for them. Again, I am not saying that white people are superior - all groups of people have strengths and weaknesses. But the cabal wants control, so they dislike freedom-oriented people.

Also, white people's countries are quite developed, which made it more important for the cabal to destroy / control those countries.

Finally, the cabal carries on grudges for a long time. They actually have it out for ethnic Russians even more than for white people in general, because of a blow that slavic people struck against the Cabal many centuries ago. That is a big part of why so often there have been anti-Russian movements and initiatives throughout the centuries.

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8135f8 No.21623928

File: 5718de2b0a21d7b⋯.jpg (213 KB,720x879,240:293,20240919_152036.jpg)

JUST IN - Earth will get a second moon for about two months this year when a small asteroid begins to orbit our planet - CBS


What in the fuck is this crazy bullshit?

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4c09f2 No.21623929


>you will understand my genocidal god

I doubt it. I think he or she is a crazy bitch and evil.

But that's just me, not liking when innocent life is killed. I guess you are into that.

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dfaae4 No.21623930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuck commies and clowns.

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b32689 No.21623931

File: 80e250e56adecb5⋯.png (228.66 KB,896x770,64:55,ClipboardImage.png)



Full moon coming


Second Moon To Join Earth’s Orbit This Month

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9adae4 No.21623932

File: d73fee3a118a939⋯.png (658 KB,768x410,384:205,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Has Not Done A Formal Press Conference in 60 Days

Vice President Kamala Harris Makes Horrendous Move - Her Campaign Is Reeling After Kamala Has Not Done A Formal Press Conference…

She really did it this time.


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5d91ae No.21623933


probably the revelation planet that is prophesied to come

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248386 No.21623934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is a different link but it shows the same thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQa7xHKSnh8

There were requests for 60K tix.

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c25e5d No.21623935

Good to get the crazy filtered quick

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5eeba4 No.21623936

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9adae4 No.21623937

File: ccc6387ae9e854c⋯.png (1.02 MB,768x513,256:171,ClipboardImage.png)

Breaking News: The European Parliament Finally Approves the Recognition of Edmundo González as the "Legitimate" and Elected Pres…

Today, the European Parliament approved the recognition of Edmundo González as the "legitimate and democratically elected" president of Venezuela.


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6937f8 No.21623938

File: 9a51e411752366e⋯.png (548.95 KB,710x710,1:1,9a51e411752366ec06a1e3e91e….png)

File: 406491a98c4cbc0⋯.png (1.05 MB,640x640,1:1,406491a98c4cbc00ee627c3910….png)

File: e69579e74f8ed3d⋯.png (318.68 KB,1024x577,1024:577,K_K_9_14_2024.png)

File: 0ddde5469b388b1⋯.jpg (12.41 KB,560x304,35:19,DNffOiNVAAAKcdm.jpg)

File: ee53073e1497edc⋯.jpeg (108.72 KB,1344x768,7:4,download.jpeg)

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7f9441 No.21623940


Guess Who’s Back? I’m Out of YouTube Jail. | Candace Ep 68

GREAT episode that covers dave chappelle/katt Williams/ tom cruise callouts on mind control, Hollywood’s odd control of their stars over the years. Impressive

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dfaae4 No.21623941

File: a1ed5116bbbd0e6⋯.gif (1016.32 KB,500x250,2:1,1000001349.gif)

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4c09f2 No.21623942


are you chatgpt or just retarded?


>the Catholic Church isn't Christian

>it is Christian (and Muslim and Jewish)

are you chatgpt or just retarded?

>but muh it's mind control

yeah, the bible is shitty antique mind control.

glad that you figured that out.

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da99fb No.21623943

File: 593866d140e216a⋯.jpg (46.17 KB,526x698,263:349,593866d140e216aaba9bd818f9….jpg)

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b853a8 No.21623944

File: 3de900d90b5097c⋯.png (349.31 KB,604x715,604:715,8059fc24dfb49d68c8b2d67991….png)


Moons appear in the darndest places.

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5d91ae No.21623945



i heard there were 80,000 in parking lot of this coliseum from someone who works the nassau co area

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9adae4 No.21623946



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5eeba4 No.21623947


I saw another video of Trump's escort driving through the city, with people lined up for blocks, and blocks.

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248386 No.21623948


I don't doubt it at all.

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6937f8 No.21623949

File: f839459902aa7e0⋯.png (914.72 KB,1024x682,512:341,f839459902aa7e03fa22274434….png)

File: 0dfed1e40a35d2f⋯.png (1.02 MB,716x1629,716:1629,Rong_Phut.png)

File: 0df68eca783cfb2⋯.png (792.86 KB,956x1220,239:305,1726368840051.png)


That's No Asteroid…

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3887ab No.21623950


If you are who you claim to be, you would know what I did in 2017.

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6937f8 No.21623951

File: 5daca6d0405efd2⋯.png (1.16 MB,935x1247,935:1247,1726746173942.png)

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6937f8 No.21623952

File: d4c7e65d8787ed6⋯.png (247.95 KB,628x397,628:397,ei_1726745127679_removebg_….png)

File: 2d485eef933a1b5⋯.png (116.4 KB,476x300,119:75,ei_1726568317358_removebg_….png)

File: 2e0364697aa2415⋯.png (215.2 KB,433x577,433:577,ei_1726745302120_removebg_….png)

File: 201511dcf022f4e⋯.png (308.76 KB,612x407,612:407,ei_1726747060025_removebg_….png)

File: 1e49f4a0989c096⋯.png (522.84 KB,1024x577,1024:577,You_re_Stuck_In_Here_With_….png)

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a36df6 No.21623953



Someone in the EU is finally scared.

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9adae4 No.21623954

File: 32915d7bae173d0⋯.png (801.44 KB,500x971,500:971,ClipboardImage.png)

CALL TO DIGG: Wife of Routh (Trump Assassin Wannabe) Worked for Lex Wexner's Company for Over Three Decades – Wexner one of Few Named Epstein Child Trafficking Clients

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644b39 No.21623955

File: bd7c300a33ef9a6⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Full_Armor_of_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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1d46d2 No.21623957


prove its not nibiru and its not just another cover up

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246bb9 No.21623958



>i heard there were 80,000 in parking lot


>I saw another video of Trump's escort driving through the city, with people lined up for blocks, and blocks.

ABC's fact check3ers disagree.

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9adae4 No.21623959

File: 51b41db2a5f39de⋯.png (858.54 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo LIED to CONGRESS. Emails show Cuomo personally altered report that lowballed COVID nursing-home deaths, contradicting his claim to Congress.


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43b212 No.21623960

File: 9cba8a39d177044⋯.png (147.12 KB,735x644,105:92,ClipboardImage.png)

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24d75b No.21623961

I would like to know about your connection to us Europeans. It would seem we are most definitely kin, especially Northern Europeans like myself. I think we are the top priority of these Khazarians to eliminate since they have been working tirelessly to destroy out families, culture, heritage and our genotype. Obviously they hate us passionately. What is the connection of these Khazars (modern day self-described Jews) to this darkness.

I am of the opinion that I want to live amongst my own kind. I want the lands of my people to be for my people. I suppose if that makes me a racist then so be it. My girlfriend and I intend on making three more Blond haired blue eyed babies. In today's woke culture that's called "White Supremacy". Since so many of the Pleiadeans look like us you must be preserving your lineage, your genotype, which is my genotype. I am not against other races having their own living space, culture, heritage and racial features, just as long as they do it in their own countries. It is untrue this oft repeated lie that there is one race the human race.

The Khazars want us dead because they view us as their only real threat to their plans for depopulation and world dominance and enslavement. And by enslavement I mean even more enslaved than we are now.

Dear Gustavo Frein,

This is Tunia speaking. It gladdens my heart that you think of us as kin, because we too think of you as kin. I showed your message to one brother and sister of mine, and they both cheered. Thank you for brightening our day.

Any time you follow your joy, we are there cheering you on, so long as your joy doesn't harm other people (which of course yours doesn't). If your joy is having three blond haired blue eyed babies together, well, great. We wish you and your girlfriend and your future children all the happiness and success in the world.

If I were to show you a hundred Pleiadians, or a hundred Arcturians, or a hundred Andromedans, you would likely observe that there is very little physical differences between various members of one species. For example, two male Pleiadians have roughly the same height and skin color.

However, people on your planet do look quite different from another. That's because some people have a higher percentage of Pleiadian genes, whereas other people have more genes from other extraterrestrial races. There's no Earthling with 100% Pleiadian genetics: all Earthlings are a mix of genes from various ET races. Different groups of Earthlings have a bit more genes from that race and less genes from that race.

If you and your girlfriend care about perserving the specific DNA configuration (and its unique advantages and disadvantages) that corresponds to blond haired blue eyed people, then go for it. Your approach isn't hurting anyone and you're following your joy, which makes us happy.

Yes, people with a traditionally Scandinavian appearance have quite a lot of Pleiadian DNA in them. However, there are other Earthling group with certain amounts of Pleiadian DNA in them too. Also, there are other extraterrestrial races out there that are just as advanced as us Pleiadians if not more so - I am in no way saying that white Earthlings are superior to other Earthlings. For example, there are groups within the Indian subcontinents that have a great talent for spirituality. Every group of Earthlings has something to offer.

I don't want to become too political, simply because I care primarily about spreading a message of love and empowerment. And I know that if I get too political, half the audience would tune me out. Other beings are better than I at giving out intel - my specialty is love.

Yes, there is a group of service-to-self people who are trying to control things from behind the scenes. I will refer to them as the cabal, without specifying who those people exactly are. Yes, it is true that they care very much about bloodlines and the traits of various groups of humans - more so than we think is justified, actually. White people tend to be a bit more individualistic and freedom-oriented than other Earthlings, which is one reason why the cabal has it out for them. Again, I am not saying that white people are superior - all groups of people have strengths and weaknesses. But the cabal wants control, so they dislike freedom-oriented people.

Also, white people's countries are quite developed, which made it more important for the cabal to destroy / control those countries.

Finally, the cabal carries on grudges for a long time. They actually have it out for ethnic Russians even more than for white people in general, because of a blow that slavic people struck against the Cabal many centuries ago. That is a big part of why so often there have been anti-Russian movements and initiatives throughout the centuries.

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0871ba No.21623962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Puffy Diddy Parody

Chappelle Cribs

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700908 No.21623963

File: c542782a828c4f1⋯.png (701.87 KB,726x895,726:895,Kamala_on_guns.png)

reposting as it was posted late last bread

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de4469 No.21623965


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9adae4 No.21623966

File: 85528af5b2b41f6⋯.png (970.7 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Caught With Pants Down: Ex-Mayor DeBlasio’s COVID czar admits to attending ‘deviant’ drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic. “I had to be kind of sneaky about it because I was running the entire COVID response in the city.”

NYC COVID adviser brags in secret recording about drug-fueled sex parties mid-pandemic: ‘Had to be sneaky’

The doctor tasked with running the Big Apple’s pandemic response confessed in secretly-recorded conversations to taking drugs, partying during pandemic.


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246bb9 No.21623967


>That's No Asteroid…

True, it's decelerating as it reaches Earth's orbit. Almost as if it were under intelligent control.

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9d97bd No.21623968

File: 65d2c3ca3489684⋯.jpeg (410.01 KB,1125x1421,1125:1421,IMG_4169.jpeg)

File: 6ce723ba0be3470⋯.png (472.87 KB,1125x2436,375:812,IMG_4170.png)


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700908 No.21623969

File: 60d610be7acc370⋯.png (504.49 KB,1440x1698,240:283,meme_thief.png)




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3c4fdd No.21623970

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6937f8 No.21623971

File: fee7f7a19a6b543⋯.jpg (185.02 KB,960x712,120:89,Obama_Bear_Piss_Sippin.jpg)

File: a723eb73a305d04⋯.jpg (62.04 KB,612x407,612:407,Three_Faggot_Queers.jpg)

File: e5da164a3191efb⋯.jpg (252.84 KB,900x960,15:16,ENTRY_DENIED.jpg)

File: aefb728c975b594⋯.jpg (89.08 KB,952x600,119:75,Aint_Seent_No_Kamala_Harri….jpg)

File: 748bc26318b3ea5⋯.jpg (129.37 KB,768x1024,3:4,Nigger_Gonn_Nigg.jpg)

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c25e5d No.21623972


4th also means get the fuck out of the girls change room .

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24d75b No.21623973


> all Earthlings are a mix of genes from various ET races. Different groups of Earthlings have a bit more genes from that race and less genes from that race.

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3887ab No.21623974


>I'm not here to talk about me.

I am.

>I am just a scribe, after all.

Then look in your scribe papers what I did.

I even sent you a mental message.

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9adae4 No.21623975

File: e1ae1089a14e0b6⋯.png (721.16 KB,675x877,675:877,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07ac2712c8218ab⋯.png (1.1 MB,859x774,859:774,ClipboardImage.png)


I just learned that my newest book, SAVE AMERICA, is a New York Times BEST SELLER! No other book takes you behind the scenes like this coffee table book. I picked each photo, and I can tell you it is FANTASTIC. Get your copy today at https://t.co/JRnhJ2Lbgp.

2:20 PM • Sep 19, 2024


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6937f8 No.21623976

File: 83f36d34b6e5ab1⋯.jpg (142.03 KB,678x902,339:451,PANIC_IN_DC_DEBATE_.jpg)

File: f20e928a8caac33⋯.jpg (68.08 KB,379x769,379:769,Bitch_You_Are_Fired_Kamala.jpg)

File: 2e6ed9a3815ab74⋯.png (382.88 KB,775x434,25:14,2e6ed9a3815ab744555a322489….png)

File: 34bd2847fff36dd⋯.gif (2.3 MB,498x424,249:212,Roger_You_Dumb_Bitch.gif)

File: e9ea3f5dbabe499⋯.jpg (17.59 KB,340x340,1:1,rogers_a.jpg)



Good Thing We Got Space Force!

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a36df6 No.21623977


>What in the fuck is this crazy bullshit?

The correct question is:

Who the fuck is in that traveling Asteroid ?

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617721 No.21623978

Why is Israel hitting Lebanon. I didn’t realize it was a terrorist state.

I wonder why nobody had done that over here.

Was there not a Q drop with a pic of pallets of cell phones and Q implied cell phone were very important in comms .

So who is the middle man slipping in technolog into cell. Phones.

What phone does Trump use?

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b32689 No.21623979

File: b73505e4610360a⋯.mp4 (765.25 KB,600x338,300:169,PepeFartCooperFace.mp4)

File: ca5f20a26ad0404⋯.mp4 (95.18 KB,766x474,383:237,pepefartpoo_Q9FQJtbM.mp4)

File: b2cb1aa451e1185⋯.mp4 (242.64 KB,482x476,241:238,pepebuttparty_cbf5K8cJ.mp4)

File: 78aeee4efebfab6⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB,854x480,427:240,PepePoopBdnObma2022.mp4)

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9adae4 No.21623980

File: eeedbe902fa18b5⋯.png (470.55 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Poll Shows Trump Winning White House Without North Carolina

Donald Trump's edge over Vice President Kamala Harris in four key swing states would translate to an electoral college win, per a poll.


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dfaae4 No.21623981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are the Band

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5eeba4 No.21623982

File: 681ac6bb54901f3⋯.png (880.85 KB,890x499,890:499,aliens3.png)


So [they] are finally going to play that card?

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853824 No.21623983


New closest star???

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9adae4 No.21623984

File: d70df8586a56f9e⋯.png (698.5 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters


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dad2af No.21623985


This is the planet described in revelation, which will be made new.

Actually, it's described as, Christs Kingdom, a different WORLD (era, period of time).

2000 years ago Jesus said, My Kingdom is not from this WORLD, not from HENCE.

God comes to this earth, with His New Jerusalem, saying He will be our God and we will be His people. This happens at the end of Christs millennium reign with His Saints.

It is this earth which God created as Paradise, the Garden of Eden.

Right here on this earth is where it all goes down. There is no escape.

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24d75b No.21623986

Wait until people learn that the descendants from the hostile negative ET races are waging war against the descends of positive ET races.

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4c09f2 No.21623987

File: 168b8f28c82fbd2⋯.png (727.2 KB,1920x2429,1920:2429,2017_Trump_questions_quest….png)


>What phone does Trump use?

For actually important stuff, Trump uses couriers.

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d7cefa No.21623988

File: 3884e48a92e5b62⋯.jpg (494.8 KB,1073x1511,1073:1511,crop_6307_Screenshot_20240….jpg)

Michigan Teamsters back Kamala Harris, despite national union not endorsing for president


Lansing — Kevin Moore, the president of the Michigan Teamsters, said Thursday that his members are "overwhelmingly" voicing support for Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris, despite the national Teamsters union declining to endorse in the presidential race.

With about 1.3 million members, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters announced Wednesday that the national organization wouldn't officially back Harris or Republican nominee Donald Trump this fall. The national union cited "independent electronic and phone polling" that found a majority of voting members selected Trump for a possible Teamsters endorsement.


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ee9e76 No.21623989

File: 4f3325cfe76ac5d⋯.jpg (25.46 KB,504x522,28:29,pepe920.JPG)


KEK das a big asser you has peps

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6d6b32 No.21623990

File: 025fb688918d213⋯.png (309.92 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

Secret Service agents urged to take protection away from Jimmy Carter, 99, to better protect Trump


House Assassination Attempt task force member Rep. Mike Waltz says there are many things the U.S. Secret Service can do to open up more resources to provide details to protectees most at risk.

At the top of the list is cutting back 99-year-old former President Jimmy Carter's protective detail.

It comes as Congress weighs appropriating more funds to the USSS in the wake of two separate assassination attempts against Donald Trump and increased scrutiny on the agency.

Rep. Waltz proposed three quick things he thinks can be done to better allocate resources rather than just pumping more money into the agency.

The first two, he said on X, is to 'fix the broken protocols' and 'hold leadership accountable for failures.'

he latter is something Republicans have demanded ever since Trump was shot at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13 – and the pressure led to Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigning in the wake of the attack.

USSS Acting Director Ronald Rowe has taken over since then and was in charge when his agents prevented a second attempt in West Palm Beach, Florida on September 15.

'I'm open to more resources for the Secret Service, but let's see some REAL changes FIRST,' Waltz wrote on X.

He said that personnel and resources should be shifted to 'a threat-based security model.'

The example he provided for the third recommendation was insisting: 'Trump's security shouldn't be the same as Jimmy Carter's!'

>pictured: Rep. Mike Waltz

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6937f8 No.21623991

File: c855feb10188975⋯.mp4 (12.61 MB,720x404,180:101,TR3B.mp4)

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c241f9 No.21623992

File: d0682be06365a33⋯.png (1.32 MB,791x793,791:793,d0682be06365a335f53e973ed6….png)




Thank You QR


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5eeba4 No.21623993

File: d25b31d216b44ce⋯.png (6.87 MB,1364x1024,341:256,O.png)

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da99fb No.21623994

File: e22f3309562c4f2⋯.png (458.72 KB,773x698,773:698,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50152f306f85c0f⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,480x270,16:9,Nicole_Shanahan_My_daughte….mp4)

Nicole Shanahan: “My daughter was diagnosed with autism when she was 18 months of age…She was healthy…and then she got a shot at 7 months of age, and by 10 months she was a different kid.”



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617721 No.21623995



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9adae4 No.21623996


Routh's Spooky Wife, After Leaving Lex Wexner's Company, Works for Company that is Six Miles from Langley - CIA HQ

Pasting lots of pieces together, Routh apparently has recently remarried, to a woman named Kathleen Shaffer. In addition to the CBP report, Shaffer’s name pops up in a few key places. She evidently helped edit Routh’s book, and she ran a small GoFundMe for his Ukrainian adventures. Social media citizen journalists connected Shaffer to the LinkedIn page to a same-named person who fit her profile and lives in Hawaii.

If it’s her, Kathleen works for a giant, international, publicly traded company you never heard of called Maximus.

According to its LinkedIn profile, Maximus Corporation —just wait, you can’t make this stuff up— is headquartered at 1600 Tysons Blvd, McLean, Virginia. Just six miles to the Northwest of Maximus HQ lies Langley, Virginia, where the United States Central Intelligence Agency is located.


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ecdb8e No.21623997


lurking eh. the absolute state of this place today is/was embarrassing. let's see the uid count at the end, fuck the Q posts

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1d46d2 No.21623998


shit kek. They say its a asteroid. Bullshit.

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17f0da No.21623999


I'm just stating the facts, as written to those talking about Catholicism vs Christianity. Most people seem to know little or nothing about the topic. I'm indifferent, feel you're all stupid as fuck and it pains me that after successfully filtering out the Vatican shill, you assholes just won't quit w/your stupid fake rants.

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7ab7d3 No.21624000

File: b4e1ec8e3cf597d⋯.png (311.8 KB,714x531,238:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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248386 No.21624002


This doesn't show the motorcade but shows the truth about the crowd size.


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277bce No.21624003

File: 2dcb423356c1cd8⋯.png (467.97 KB,891x812,891:812,harris_walz_butcher_t.png)



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39e69a No.21624004



These kind of things are conditioning for a FF on a massive scale.

They've never played the asteroid card yet.

Notice how they try to develop all those rockets that give off those colorful trails.

Need a 911/hollywood style production for that.

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b32689 No.21624005


that faggot knows nothing.

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700908 No.21624006

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9adae4 No.21624007

File: c95849c325f0de5⋯.png (651.84 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

ONLY THE BEGGINING: Pedophile meets violent end inside his cell in a California prison. Mark Squires was imprisoned for lewd acts on a child. His cellmate, Gustavo Lopez was whisked away & placed in restrictive housing, where he will remain while the prison performs an investigation into the death.

Pedophile meets violent end inside California prison

An elderly pedophile was found in a chilling state inside a California prison with his cellmate now under investigation.


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277bce No.21624008


>What in the fuck is this crazy bullshit?

faek gheyness du jur

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84fca4 No.21624009

File: cbc21506498237f⋯.png (617.07 KB,698x578,349:289,shitp.PNG)

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5d74dc No.21624010

File: 4cffeb8dfadcbdf⋯.jpeg (553.17 KB,1125x1276,1125:1276,IMG_4171.jpeg)


Whoa mama! Get it!

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9adae4 No.21624012

File: d1fe9f168eacf4e⋯.png (741.01 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Migrant influencer who touted squatting will NOT be deported

Leonel Moreno, 27, was ordered to leave the United States on September 9 but will not be deported back to Venezuela after President Nicolas Maduro halted deportation flights.


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4c09f2 No.21624013


I'm actually stating facts.

your god is a maniac genocider.

if that hurts your fee fees, I don't care.

killing babies and children is not a loving god, but a maniac.

promoting genital mutilation is not only evil, but also makes no sense.

>yes, I'm totally god

>but cut that foreskin, I made a mistake

sounds like something that "satan" would say.


>but but that part of the bible doesn't count

like clockwork.

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0871ba No.21624014

File: 07b903d572bf5f0⋯.jpg (609.07 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_180408….jpg)

File: 0bd290c818e108a⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240902_184508….jpg)

File: 5cd7b9e49af9b8e⋯.jpg (22.33 KB,319x280,319:280,pr5d_3932865078.jpg)

File: 7d83cfdfddb93cf⋯.jpg (42.98 KB,634x726,317:363,76352025_12612105_image_m_….jpg)

File: f7c15534929788d⋯.jpg (715.62 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_193403….jpg)


>Finally, the cabal carries on grudges for a long time. They actually have it out for ethnic Russians even more than for white people in general, because of a blow that slavic people struck against the Cabal many centuries ago.

Alice in the Iron Masque


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e62aa4 No.21624015

File: c85524207c695a1⋯.jpeg (163.03 KB,1125x657,125:73,IMG_4043.jpeg)

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1d46d2 No.21624017

Asteroid is sticking around for 2 months allegedly just for the election. OH fuck we getting aliens

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ee9e76 No.21624018

File: e2dabac01f373c6⋯.png (1.69 MB,2003x758,2003:758,ClipboardImage.png)

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064ab0 No.21624019

File: fe52b048c0cafc7⋯.png (222.28 KB,539x521,539:521,ClipboardImage.png)

Greg Price


Just incredibly damning testimony in every way.

A recently retired Border Patrol Chief says that the Kamala-Biden admin ordered him to cover up the increase in suspected terrorists arrested at the southern border.


7:19 AM · Sep 19, 2024

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9adae4 No.21624020

File: b876e6441d359fd⋯.png (760.45 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

The ADL has sued Intel because of workplace harassment of an Israeli employee. Doesn't the ADL still want Intel to tell white people about their supremacy and make the workplace hostile towards white people?

Anti-Defamation League suing Intel, its first-ever discrimination case against major American company

The Anti-Defamation League joins lawsuit alleging discrimination at Intel tied to Israel-Gaza War, the first time it has sued a major company in over 100 years.


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84fca4 No.21624022


DS death star

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277bce No.21624023

File: b880bd0c41b460c⋯.png (123.28 KB,547x651,547:651,absolute_state_of_anon.png)



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248386 No.21624024

File: 2dc624734267521⋯.png (53.28 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9adae4 No.21624025




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617721 No.21624026


> Secret Service agents urged to take protection away from Jimmy Carter, 99, to better protect Trump


That is stupid

Where is Mayorkas in this?

Why don’t they take it away from illegal aliens?

Like maybe quit flying them in and putting them up in hotels.

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277bce No.21624027


>Thank You QR




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9adae4 No.21624028



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46387e No.21624029

File: 6d8b1f0dfc56aa6⋯.jpeg (777.41 KB,1125x1487,1125:1487,IMG_4172.jpeg)


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ce3bfb No.21624030

File: 64308ae49d0278d⋯.jpg (14.99 KB,255x255,1:1,1e69c37e5c478d4102709d0a1c….jpg)


Are we getting closer to the deep fakes and AI claims? Whether this guy know anything or not is irrelevant. "They" have all been captured. Good times ahead. PANIC!

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ee9e76 No.21624031

File: 5c9c807830fe397⋯.png (1.69 MB,2008x757,2008:757,ClipboardImage.png)

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2bc18f No.21624032

File: b877cf12be1f1f5⋯.png (59.68 KB,633x594,211:198,ClipboardImage.png)



Opinion of 2,028 vs 330Million

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c25e5d No.21624033


Transfer some of the irs agents walking around armed.

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246bb9 No.21624034


Alien invasion card or the asteroid card. Anything to keep them in power.

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277bce No.21624035


to ensure a smooth transition of power

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9adae4 No.21624036




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46387e No.21624037


Joy joy joy is coming!

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ee9e76 No.21624038

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9adae4 No.21624039




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4fcaa3 No.21624040


if you ever knew your dad

you would know

that you're a faggot

of his order

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24d75b No.21624041


Imagine normies seeing big Mikes 14" monster after thinking he is a woman all this time.

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de4469 No.21624042


Transfer them to Bidan. Plenty of tax fraud to work on there while they protect him.

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700908 No.21624043

Anon doesn't see what the issue is. He's on ice by now anyway, waiting for a well-timed state funeral.

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9e3f36 No.21624044

File: 7f92f68eac6cd15⋯.png (298.74 KB,392x446,196:223,ClipboardImage.png)




California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation officials are investigating the Sept. 17, 2024, death of an incarcerated person at San Quentin Rehabilitation Center (SQRC) as a homicide.

At 3:30 p.m., staff responded to an alarm and approached a cell occupied by Mark Squires and Gustavo Lopez. Responding officers observed Squires unresponsive in his cell, and immediately called for medical assistance and 911.

Staff initiated lifesaving measures on Squires and transported him to the prison’s triage and treatment area where treatment continued. Medical staff from an outside medical facility pronounced Squires deceased at 4:04 p.m. No staff or additional incarcerated people were injured.

Lopez was placed in restricted housing pending investigation by SQRC Investigative Services Unit and the Marin County District Attorney’s Office. The Office of the Inspector General was notified, and the Marin County Coroner will determine Squires’ official cause of death.

Squires, 70, was most recently received from Riverside County on Jan. 28, 2000, to serve life with the possibility of parole for lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 with force or violence and failure to register/specific sex offense.

Gustavo, 36, was most recently received from Riverside County on Jan. 6, 2020, to serve 13 years, four months for kidnap, second striker; corporal injury on specific persons resulting in traumatic condition, second striker; and false imprisonment with violence, second striker.

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277bce No.21624045



of nothingness

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246bb9 No.21624046

File: 343b734bc175a17⋯.png (252.05 KB,559x480,559:480,pepe_bowl.png)


>in poll

…conducted within the audience of "The View".

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9adae4 No.21624048




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53fb5a No.21624049


treason can not be reasoned with

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17f0da No.21624050


I saw one of these on the east coast, took my dog out at like 2AM. I didn't mistake it for a UFO because it had FAA approved collision lights. It tripped me out that it was so silent, I thought it was really far away till I noticed the lights reflecting on the tree tops. The thing was maybe 4 feet wide just slowly wandering about. I retired from the USAF, never seen quality technology, everything was antiquated and held together by hopes/dreams of tired maintainers.

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0871ba No.21624051

File: 857e7245bb14f1d⋯.jpg (490.44 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_094114….jpg)

File: 3e850cffcf2550c⋯.jpg (605.33 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_094121….jpg)

File: 4c2eb68debbbb3b⋯.jpg (31.72 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3364692902.jpg)

Trump say, "be like water."

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4bfd87 No.21624052

File: ebf12e552c663b1⋯.png (1.63 MB,750x1334,375:667,CDC35D2F_861D_45A5_A74E_B5….png)

File: 84929d825077d48⋯.png (457.69 KB,690x3106,345:1553,FA1C6D28_9878_4F09_807A_29….png)

File: 69f97f53fc0f757⋯.png (145.61 KB,690x1466,345:733,C5798506_253C_4E06_8DDA_43….png)


last post by this uid. fuck em’ all.

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c241f9 No.21624053


timestamps can be deadly


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6d6b32 No.21624054

File: a41e4e60394b6a4⋯.png (456.64 KB,634x429,634:429,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: Doctors weigh in on mystery illnesses plaguing attendees at Donald Trump rally

A faulty air conditioning system or a blinding stage light are among the leading theories for what caused a spate of mysterious illnesses at a Trump rally.

At least six people who sat stage right behind the former President in Tucson, Arizona, last Thursday suffered from 'burning' red eyes in the hours after the political gathering and had to go to the ER, according to local reports.

Others said they were left 'blinded' by any bright lights in the days afterward, and had to hide indoors with a towel over their heaad and suffer constant pain.

Two doctors told DailyMail.com they believed this may be an issue with the AC, with it either blowing too strongly and drying out attendees eyes or blowing a fine dust into their eyes that caused irritation and damage.

A third suggested, however, that it was most likely to be a faulty stage light that had caused the illnesses after blasting strong UV light onto the attendees throughout the one-hour and 18-minute rally.

Some people online have suggested the injuries could be down to a pepper spray or other chemical substances, but the doctors said this was unlikely — adding that a pepper spray would likely have caused immediate symptoms. It remains unclear whether this was an intentional act or simply down to a faulty system in the building.

A spokesperson for the US Secret Service said there was no known threat to the former President at the rally. The Trump campaign said in a statement: 'The Trump campaign has been collecting information. We remain committed to the countless patriots that attend our high-energy, high-impact rallies across the country.' It is the second scare to hit a Trump rally in just two days, after reports circulated yesterday that there were explosives found in a car.

And in mid-July, one person died and two were critically injured during an assassination attempt on Trump at his rally in Pennsylvania. Dr Talin Amadian, an optometrist in Los Angeles, told this website: 'My train of thought is going towards this is something with the AC and the vents that are there. 'They do blast the AC pretty strongly in these buildings, and sometimes this could dry out the surface membranes of the eyes. 'It's also possible that maybe there was some dust in the AC vents — and this could have [been blown onto attendees].' She added: 'I have sat under an AC vent in a long meeting and just the air flow, the constant air flow, it can irritate the eyes and sometimes dry them out.'

Dr Stuart Fischer, an emergency medicine physician in New York City agreed, saying: 'It could be something in the air conditioning vents that was blown onto attendees, because it's only affecting those in part of the stage. 'It could have been sand, sawdust, anything really. 'It may be that something blew over these people and they all rubbed their eyes, which is the worst thing you can probably do if something is coating the front of the eyes because it can cause abrasions (scratches).' The clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Opthalmologists also suggested to DailyMail.com that the reactions could have been caused by a substance in the air that was blown onto attendees.

The doctors were suspicious for this because illnesses had only been reported in one area, which they said may point to a fault with the air conditioning system in that area of the building. The doctors said that symptoms of this eye damage would emerge within hours after the rally and likely then prompt patients to go to the ER. But they said the damage wouldn't be permanent, with many attendees eyes recovering in the days afterward. The injuries were first reported on Tuesday this week, five days after the rally, although the first patient came forward on Friday last week, just a day after the rally took place.

Dr Robert Cykiert, an ophthalmologist at NYU Langone Health, suggesting to DailyMail.com that the injuries were likely down to a faulty stage light. He said: 'The symptoms that these people are reporting are pretty classic for what we call UV keratitis, or ultra-violet keratitis.

'If UV light is of high intensity and aimed at your eyes, it will burn the surface of the cornea and it will give you intense pain, blurry vision, tears, redness and swelling in the eyes that lasts for about 24 to 48 hours. 'I see patients with this who go to sun parlors and they sit under UV to get a sun tan and don't wear the plastic goggles, and they get these very typical UV burns in the cornea.

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4c09f2 No.21624055


>I write like Shatner

>is acting

>because I'm Shatner


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9adae4 No.21624056


>Imagine normies seeing big Mikes 14" monster after thinking he is a woman all this time.

THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


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c76685 No.21624057



claiming dough

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246bb9 No.21624058


Mike's benis on vid???

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277bce No.21624059

Hillary Clinton suggests ‘criminally’ charging Americans who spread election ‘propaganda’

The civil or criminal charging of Americans for sharing information about a political candidate would embody the death of a democracy and of a free society.


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98fd60 No.21624060

File: 4dfee41f25b8e33⋯.png (958.53 KB,930x805,186:161,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_2….png)

During WW2, Ukrainian Nazis Committed Genocide Against 100K Poles, But Zelensky Refuses To Address the Issue – so Now Poland Plans to Block Their Entry in the EU Until He Does

Unlike the Mainstream media, that is maintaining a veil of silence over this, The Gateway Pundit is reporting on the increased tensions in the bilateral relations between Ukraine and its neighbor and top backer Poland.

Among many issues, the main disagreement lies over the settling of a historical wound of the Volyn massacre, during the Second World War.

The Volyn massacre was a series of war crimes perpetrated by Ukrainian Nazis, under national hero Stepan Bandera, that led to the ethnic cleansing of the Polish population.

Poland, to this day, considers the Volyn tragedy to be genocide of Poles.

Since Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky aggressively refused to discuss the issue in the latest meeting in Kiev, Poland is no planning to use its upcoming EU presidency to pressure Ukraine on the issue and exhume victims of the massacre, giving them proper burials.

In its six-month EU presidency starting January 2025. Warsaw will play a key role in Ukraine’s EU accession negotiations.

The position of the Ukrainian government on the exhumation of the victims of the Volyn tragedy is deeply disappointing for Warsaw, so the Polish Foreign Ministry is ‘planning certain measures’.

“A source familiar with the talks said that ‘Ukraine has taken a demanding position’: ‘We know that Zelenskyy is under enormous pressure, but it cannot be that concessions go only one way. Meanwhile, Ukraine has taken a demanding stance. In the defense sector, we can understand this. But in other areas, it has to change’.

A Polish foreign ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that the Volyn issue is currently Poland’s ‘main and basically only demand’.”

“‘Sikorski was trying to persuade Zelensky to settle historical issues with Poland now, as he would pay a lower price for them than during the accession negotiations. This did not reach Zelensky’, one of the sources told the [Polish press].”

Kiev now will need Warsaw’s commitment to its accession to the EU. But Poland will ask for its price.

“Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski believes that Warsaw is not making excessive demands on Kiev in historical disputes and that it is too early to ‘leave history to historians’.”

Meanwhile, Poland’s deputy prime minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz has stated that Ukraine cannot and will not be admitted to the European Union until the two countries ‘resolve’ the controversial issue of the Volynia massacres, in which Ukrainian nationalists killed around 100,000 ethnic Poles during World War Two.

“’Let me state clearly: Ukraine will not join the European Union if the Volhynia issue is not resolved’, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz told broadcaster Polsat. ‘There will be no open borders and there will be no trade exchange at the current level if the Volhynia issue is not resolved’.

‘We want Ukraine to develop, but we cannot leave unattended a wound that has not healed’, he added. ‘Issues regarding the genocide in Volhynia remain unresolved’.”


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17f0da No.21624061


So, like Epstein, it's not an arrest, it's a clean up operation. Good to know…

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bffd5d No.21624062

File: 613e7154562a80b⋯.png (544.07 KB,736x670,368:335,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)


One of the more perverse aspects of the Jeffrey Epstein story is how the predator’s power flowed from a man who made his fortune selling lingerie to generations of women and teens in malls across America. Epstein’s emetic symbiosis with his chief benefactor, Leslie Wexner — known as the “Merlin of the Mall” because at one point his company owned Victoria’s Secret, Abercrombie & Fitch, Express, and Bath & Body Works — is explored in Victoria’s Secret: Angels and Demons, a three-part docuseries out July 14 on Hulu. (This after that other Epstein confidante, Ghislaine Maxwell, was sentenced on Tuesday to 20 years in prison.)

“Turning a blind eye is a very key phrase with this series,” says director Matt Tyrnauer. Epstein had been introduced to Wexner in the mid-1980s by an insurance executive and soon became money manager to the mall magnate at a time when his company (then called the Limited, later renamed L Brands) was riding high. The documentary shows how Epstein was given full power of attorney, replaced Wexner’s mother on the board of the Wexner foundation, and even shacked up in a house on the property of Wexner’s Xanadu in Ohio. Epstein’s money, Upper East Side mansion, and even the Lolita Express — originally a Boeing 727 owned by L Brands — would all come from Wexner.


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08388a No.21624063


It's not complicated

One of them was not a trump supporter

One of them was carrying something that caused a localized illness in the surroundings

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3887ab No.21624064


Just a name, over and over again.

But not mine.

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277bce No.21624065

File: 196bb6742940609⋯.png (83.49 KB,212x209,212:209,stone_trek.png)

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b32689 No.21624066

File: 0ae878683e12e58⋯.png (152.77 KB,470x530,47:53,TiffanyGomazBikiniUltraRig….png)

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84fca4 No.21624067



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ee9e76 No.21624068

File: 86b84515e8c2950⋯.png (610.51 KB,1039x934,1039:934,ClipboardImage.png)


Big Mike coming to save the day.

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24d75b No.21624069

Q alludes to dropping pics / videos exposing the DS

A short time later, AI tech (is declassified) comes out showing how AI can fake pics & videos.

No was this was a coincidence.

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4fcaa3 No.21624071

open the bay doors

and dump him in the gulf of mexico

from 40,000ft


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248386 No.21624072


probably why DHS was involved in the LA raid in May…to take that evidence away from the FBI for

muh national security.

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ce3bfb No.21624073


Repeat a lie enough and………

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3887ab No.21624075




smells like

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4fcaa3 No.21624076

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9adae4 No.21624077

File: f818bc26515aac9⋯.png (2.87 MB,1080x1038,180:173,ClipboardImage.png)




>Big Mike coming to save the day.


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84fca4 No.21624078

File: 0cdd91f161717dd⋯.png (31.28 KB,119x106,119:106,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fcaa3 No.21624079

kinda hope its Wormwood

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246bb9 No.21624080

File: b67e496a9f9f753⋯.png (67.11 KB,697x208,697:208,ClipboardImage.png)


Same old leftist playbook.

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277bce No.21624081

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ecdb8e No.21624082

tranny dick bread

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17f0da No.21624083


I see, you can't read or discern. I was providing historical reference, now you want to drag me into your opinions on truth/lies. This anon gives not 2 shits, you opinion is moot and doesn't apply to my comment or the purpose of this board. So, farewell…

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b9036a No.21624084


There's lots of them. These are today and yesterday. I got tired of posting.

Rutgers President Stepping Down After Tumultuous Tenure


EXCLUSIVE: Caroline Rush Is Stepping Down as CEO of the British Fashion Council


CEO of self-driving startup Motional is stepping down


Ozarks Healthcare Announces Current CEO, Tom Keller, is Stepping Down


Jennifer Lee Steps Down as Disney Animation’s Chief Creative to Make ‘Frozen’ Sequels


Village Super Market CEO Robert Sumas to Step Down


Erin Calhoun Steps Down from Paramount Communications Post


Swedish bank SEB's chief financial officer steps down


Millicom International Cellular Chairman Ramos to Step Down


Warner Music Japan President and CEO Kaz Kobayashi to Step Down


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9adae4 No.21624085

File: a47ce2684de320e⋯.png (1.68 MB,1080x896,135:112,ClipboardImage.png)




>Mike's benis on vid???

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617f83 No.21624086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce3bfb No.21624087


I think I'll take a pass on viewing that. Kinda like child porn. I don't want to even see a peek of that shit. I'll take other peoples word for it.

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3887ab No.21624088


>business of threatening people?


While repeating the name, I was slashing down some of your Haitian demons.

The ez pz kill in 4th.

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b32689 No.21624089

File: 939102bcd130ed1⋯.png (61.72 KB,185x138,185:138,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecdb8e No.21624091


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24d75b No.21624092


You are absolutely correct.

They print and happily sell you the bible.

They will give it to you free even.

Then these same lunatics, ban and shut down everything Q.

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4c09f2 No.21624093



>but yours are "opinions"


>this anon

The word you are looking for is EYE.

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248386 No.21624094

DJT about to speak in D.C. on muh antisemitism


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277bce No.21624095

back after all the gheyness is deleted and Nightshift has awakened.

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5d91ae No.21624096


>Caught With Pants Down: Ex-Mayor DeBlasio’s COVID czar admits to attending ‘deviant’ drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic. “I had to be kind of sneaky about it because I was running the entire COVID response in the city.”


robinson looking a naked people on porn site


the demons are morally corrupt except when opportunity arises

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689050 No.21624097

File: 987ad9eb1408f7e⋯.png (262.81 KB,845x476,845:476,ClipboardImage.png)

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fcd692 No.21624098

Evening, frens

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2bc18f No.21624099

File: 7667fdc6bcce821⋯.jpg (6.93 KB,234x216,13:12,potus_frog_chin.jpg)

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a3b503 No.21624100

File: 152141bade5d0c9⋯.png (567.08 KB,780x779,780:779,152141bade5d0c9b8e77764acc….png)

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3bbcd5 No.21624101

File: e481eaad3479c86⋯.jpeg (18.56 KB,170x217,170:217,IMG_7491.jpeg)


> hidden ‘foot’age P Diddy took of Michelle Obama

Big Mike

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b32689 No.21624102

File: 47df4f5e0b527bc⋯.png (402.33 KB,844x647,844:647,HRC_SheWasSupposedToWin.png)

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ecdb8e No.21624103



_string the world along_2 moar weeks.

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5d91ae No.21624104


ok, now i pissed

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bffd5d No.21624105

File: c82f1302ae9ad9b⋯.png (968.74 KB,732x895,732:895,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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6423e3 No.21624106

File: aa48f9ab7af4e19⋯.jpeg (69.02 KB,710x813,710:813,0da3aa8615b2efb2.jpeg)

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1d46d2 No.21624107


moral indignity is gay. Clutching pearls, the crowder drop is a bigger story this guy was trying to take away your rights while he got his jollies, the nc gov candidate just is horny.

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ecdb8e No.21624108


'bout 3

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6b5937 No.21624109

My 144.000

be ready and be aware of Jews

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968c35 No.21624110


Seek joy homeboy you wildin’ out!

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246bb9 No.21624112

File: 0652d3dc3fca3b2⋯.png (172.82 KB,393x400,393:400,pepe_oooh.png)


Release dat shit already before you get suicided by [them].

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60710b No.21624113

>>21623340 pb

>>21623381 pb

so Routh was featured in a Blackrock commercial or was that disinfo?

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139c31 No.21624114

File: 878e264ca7cf107⋯.jpeg (137.05 KB,1125x1082,1125:1082,IMG_3765.jpeg)

File: c99b928339128b2⋯.jpeg (819.16 KB,1125x1851,375:617,IMG_3782.jpeg)

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7c2076 No.21624115

File: 75745ea7ace22cd⋯.jpeg (28.41 KB,300x319,300:319,75745ea7ace22cd6e2d098d11….jpeg)


how many giraffes will he be?

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2ecc32 No.21624116

File: bcf6feaa3522373⋯.png (43.8 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee9e76 No.21624117

File: e8e72f6867881ea⋯.jpg (96.61 KB,882x829,882:829,bigmike1.JPG)

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5eeba4 No.21624118

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


>how many giraffes will he be?

Probably depends on how good or bad Kamala is doing in the race.

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43b212 No.21624119



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028927 No.21624120

File: 7c25f3ad97b1ad3⋯.png (106.37 KB,352x341,32:31,7c25f3ad97b1ad38b114dd90e6….png)

"Diddy Secret Footage of Obamas."

Red herring.

Big. Fat. Zero.

Nothing there.

Just bait so the MSM can report that MAGAs are "hysterical."

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ecdb8e No.21624122


the moon hund around till about 9ish this morning. in a blue sky.

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43b212 No.21624123


that's no moon - Obi Wan

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55faea No.21624124

File: 66ccd9719f5b15d⋯.png (439.79 KB,680x401,680:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d91ae No.21624125


>"Diddy Secret Footage of Obamas."

>Red herring.


still waiting on malik obama to share "something" big

>Big. Fat. Zero.

>Nothing there.

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9adae4 No.21624126

File: 2b0622845b201eb⋯.png (836.3 KB,528x679,528:679,ClipboardImage.png)


^^^^^^^^^Right here is a shill commie faggot

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fcd692 No.21624127

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9adae4 No.21624128



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4c09f2 No.21624129

File: cb025d0eb13e2d5⋯.mp4 (14.51 MB,640x360,16:9,The_World_Map_Presentation….mp4)


>that's no moon - Obi Wan

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6937f8 No.21624130

File: 621b9a52dcf32a7⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,404x718,202:359,ANTIFA_BLM_CUCK_FAGGOTS_CA….mp4)

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3bc9e4 No.21624132

File: 8400a206d273752⋯.jpg (138.35 KB,1043x1199,1043:1199,Pledianmusicstops.jpg)

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c241f9 No.21624134


Routh not confirmed in a Blackrock commercial

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689050 No.21624135


This means the attack atm is affecting my mouse and scrolling here and on every other site!!!

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55faea No.21624136

File: abcc938377444f2⋯.png (144.91 KB,600x388,150:97,wompwomp.png)

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84fca4 No.21624137

File: 15fbff65f53c8ab⋯.png (188.97 KB,383x258,383:258,ClipboardImage.png)


Tens of millions will be killed under the rule of these JWO puppets

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6937f8 No.21624138

File: e2a586b7da1e661⋯.mp4 (12.53 MB,1920x1080,16:9,DOJ_Agents_Supporting_Cast….mp4)





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1d46d2 No.21624139


Release the Kracken.

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ce3bfb No.21624141


This would make the past eight years of struggle worth every minute if it were to be leaked. Timing is everything but sometimes the best time is NOW!

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ee9e76 No.21624142

File: 4059d7d22c4e20c⋯.jpg (59.95 KB,787x859,787:859,hillary25.JPG)

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3bbcd5 No.21624143

File: 2428fc8b3f5247e⋯.jpeg (76.25 KB,480x640,3:4,IMG_7731.jpeg)


> JUST IN - Earth will get a second moon for about two months this year when a small asteroid begins to orbit our planet

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9adae4 No.21624144

File: 660610d9e56a818⋯.png (405.07 KB,410x482,205:241,ClipboardImage.png)



Hawk Tuah on Big Mike!!

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5eeba4 No.21624145

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.jpg (14.88 KB,255x190,51:38,hesright.jpg)


This. Why do people always "tease" stuff, then it never seems to come out. My thought is that they're full of shit, and looking for the upvotes, clicks or whatever.

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dbb49d No.21624146

File: 07e95b5902ca052⋯.png (72.45 KB,981x1024,981:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b5937 No.21624147


I have said before.

You are fired.

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6937f8 No.21624148

File: c26b10560875476⋯.mp4 (3.6 MB,1136x612,284:153,Bush_Killed_JFK_Trump_Best….mp4)

File: 71fb4f8511138a8⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB,274x486,137:243,Golden_Tickets_Lined_With_….mp4)

File: 635e9c9d828a519⋯.mp4 (1023.76 KB,480x912,10:19,JFK_Assassin_G_H_W_Bush.mp4)

File: 3a83932874266ac⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB,404x718,202:359,WE_HAVE_IT_ALL_SIDNEY_POWE….mp4)


They're All Fuckin' Dead Meat & They Know It!

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bffd5d No.21624149

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9adae4 No.21624150

File: 75d02f07cf72b84⋯.png (740.1 KB,611x604,611:604,ClipboardImage.png)



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3887ab No.21624151


So a newlywed couple honeymoons down in Jamaica.

The guy had his wifes name, Wendy, tattooed on his penis and when flacid it said "WY."

So while they were on a nude beach, he goes to the tiki bar for drinks and meets a native Jamaican man and notices "WY" on his penis too.

He asks if his wifes name is Wendy also and the Jamaican replies. No, mine says…


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c241f9 No.21624152

File: 990885f4b1c9cec⋯.png (107.25 KB,490x293,490:293,Screenshot_2023_05_20_at_2….png)


be aware of division shilling

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9e3f36 No.21624153

File: 9a87095564eef2e⋯.mp4 (6.24 MB,576x1024,9:16,Plezi_Fizz.mp4)

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6423e3 No.21624154


its a TRB3 Aircraft and its ours.

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d12c15 No.21624155


It’s fucking over bros. Not looking good

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700908 No.21624156


dis joke be berry old, anon


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ecdb8e No.21624157

File: e20681404e03e08⋯.jpeg (667.64 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GXzhmRnakAAgi0h.jpeg)

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ee9e76 No.21624158

File: fa7881910f7883d⋯.png (705.02 KB,990x841,990:841,ClipboardImage.png)


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bffd5d No.21624159

File: 663d8b0d6cf43ae⋯.png (308.91 KB,558x371,558:371,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)



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9adae4 No.21624160

File: 637289062c83d6b⋯.png (400.07 KB,801x491,801:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f71b5 No.21624161


Soooooo, roughly 0.007% of adult US population?

WTF, thats such a libtard way of collecting info

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bffd5d No.21624163

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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c241f9 No.21624164

File: 1d0197de9476d1e⋯.png (121.83 KB,272x232,34:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e3f36 No.21624165


count it in blue barrels

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2ecc32 No.21624166

File: 6dcd77d6bdae884⋯.png (992.8 KB,513x754,513:754,ClipboardImage.png)



just took a screenshot of the same ding

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708de0 No.21624167

File: d7f4a635dc67e62⋯.mp4 (8.66 MB,854x480,427:240,John_Legend_and_Chrissy_Te….mp4)

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6937f8 No.21624168

File: d47cdec02a90f5e⋯.png (200.52 KB,1024x369,1024:369,ATTACK_9_4_2024_2_.png)

File: d75936e1c6fc563⋯.png (210.99 KB,1024x445,1024:445,PANIC_9_4_2024_2_.png)

File: 37e0304cac2818f⋯.png (115.38 KB,1024x389,1024:389,ATTACK_9_4_2024_1_.png)

File: c19482440354278⋯.png (131.77 KB,1017x486,113:54,PANIC_9_4_2024_1_.png)

File: 766c81c0a55efd9⋯.gif (737.13 KB,225x225,1:1,T_Glasses_Jeremiah_Johnson….gif)


Nice Pincher Move

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b5eaf5 No.21624170

File: 7054e5ff4ef6fbf⋯.png (550.19 KB,544x800,17:25,classicaljapanesepepe2.png)

I surely hope some anon over here is keeping track of all the people quitting immediately after the diddler arrest. Otherwise the faggots over on twatter are doing a better job than us.

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f047b6 No.21624171


Suuuuuuure bros

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9e3f36 No.21624172

File: 6b97ce98f08196e⋯.png (37.75 KB,136x151,136:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd0274a6c2c3bd4⋯.png (19.29 KB,548x249,548:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e5166 No.21624173

File: 375a648377b2296⋯.jpeg (14.93 KB,250x255,50:51,3f14cf6ebe156612610c2ceb0….jpeg)

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689050 No.21624174


I closed the QR tab and opened QR in a new window and now it's all fine…

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57b8a6 No.21624175

File: 1ed9dde84c7cb15⋯.jpg (239.6 KB,1208x1516,302:379,GX3PpvPW0AAMLuj.jpg)


Relates to Diddy, shoes are a huge part of the hip-hop culture

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ecdb8e No.21624176

File: 24d1ee85fb9f770⋯.jpeg (570.81 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GX20clIWQAAc7_b.jpeg)

File: 498cdaf0b34c016⋯.jpeg (695.69 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GX2yysvXYAACLmI.jpeg)



Canadian Joint Operations Command


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3887ab No.21624177


trip bullets

To reek havoc with voodoo practitioners in the real world, I strike them down in the 4th dimension.

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a36df6 No.21624179


You shills and clowns must be newbies, Who eould listen to this bot. Echo chamber of lies.

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d22326 No.21624180

File: 207f3cf756530e6⋯.jpg (218.97 KB,1058x1234,529:617,Screenshot_20240912_115904….jpg)

Who is the woman with Mr. Estefano Isaias Jr.?

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c241f9 No.21624181

File: 4ad4e94898720dc⋯.jpg (14.44 KB,195x255,13:17,4ad4e94898720dcc8fb97757e3….jpg)

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59d7f5 No.21624182

File: e7d949779edd6f5⋯.jpg (6.02 KB,240x240,1:1,pepe.jpg)

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57b8a6 No.21624183

File: b8007ae65311e0c⋯.png (296.16 KB,607x500,607:500,b8007ae65311e0cd56a931ad65….png)

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a78355 No.21624184


You see the size of that hicken6

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ceb8ce No.21624185

File: 2257ff2c5a13f13⋯.jpeg (228.02 KB,1125x839,1125:839,IMG_3795.jpeg)

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6937f8 No.21624186

File: 5ac757b7d27a8fb⋯.gif (494.28 KB,320x170,32:17,X_37_Top_Secret_Spaceplane.gif)

File: 56adabfa42fc0e2⋯.jpg (4.89 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240820_164014.jpg)

File: 212202471d2de65⋯.jpg (7.63 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240822_105336.jpg)

File: d9aa7cf5e51716f⋯.jpg (140.68 KB,638x851,638:851,Snap_20240816_163414.jpg)

File: 2b83034d71ec7b8⋯.gif (596.35 KB,400x225,16:9,Dirty_Rotten_Scoundrels.gif)

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84fca4 No.21624187

File: cce94575a51fccf⋯.png (850.39 KB,817x499,817:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bbcd5 No.21624188

File: 89f97fd97bfb23d⋯.jpeg (71.7 KB,640x620,32:31,IMG_7734.jpeg)


Mike Robinson


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c241f9 No.21624189



baker claimed tha kitchen already

ty for the meme tho

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59d7f5 No.21624190

Donald J. Trump



Join me live in Washington, D.C. at 6:30PM Eastern for a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event with Dr. Miriam Adelson.

Donald J.Trump

LIVE: President Trump in Washington, D.C.





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9e3f36 No.21624192



Nike CEO John Donahoe to step down; will be replaced by Elliott Hill

The shake-up comes amid slumping sales and aggressive competition from rivals.

Nike chief executive John Donahoe will retire next month, the company announced Thursday — marking the latest shake-up for the sneaker giant during a period of sluggish sales.

Donahoe’s last day with Nike will be Oct. 13, but the company said in a news release he will remain as an adviser through the end of January. The embattled CEO, who took the helm at Nike in January 2020, will be replaced by Elliott Hill, a former Nike executive who retired in 2020.

The leadership shift comes during a rough patch for Nike. The athletic apparel maker reported lackluster sales of $51.4 billion in its most recent quarter — a year-over-year decrease of 2 percent and the slowest pace of annual sales growth in the company’s 60-year history, according to SEC filings. The company’s shares have fallen 24 percent this year.

Nike shares rose 0.1 percent on Thursday, closing at $80.98, and climbed during after-hours trading after the announcement.

Nike has been plagued by slower sales growth, rising competition from other footwear brands such as Hoka and New Balance, and weakener consumer spending in the United States. The sneaker giant announced a three-year cost-cutting plan in December after multiple quarters of disappointing sales in its key markets. It’s also in the process of laying off up to 2 percent of its staff.

Analysts have attributed Nike’s struggles to its shift toward selling in its own stores and on its website, rather than via wholesale channels. The company’s wholesale revenue rose 5 percent in its most recent quarter, but direct-to-consumer revenue declined 8 percent from the same period last year.

Before retiring, Hill held senior leadership positions across Europe and North America and “was responsible for helping grow the business to more than $39 billion,” Nike said in its release. He was working as Nike’s consumer and marketplace president before he stepped down in 2020.

Hill isn’t the only former Nike executive whom the company has tapped for help this year. In July, Nike rehired Tom Peddie as its marketplace partners vice president. A former Nike senior executive who spent 30 years with the company, Peddie retired in 2020 but was coaxed back to help the struggling brand improve its relationship with shoe sellers.

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8efcdc No.21624194


Yes you feel the joy!

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a78355 No.21624195



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ecdb8e No.21624196

File: 3bfb4c4bb8de7a8⋯.jpeg (521.22 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,GX20ulHWoAAsKmG.jpeg)

File: 19c5b62c6be8f1e⋯.jpeg (592.86 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,GX2y18rXYAAjEaC.jpeg)

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a36df6 No.21624197


Day late, already shared yesterday. But glad you are awake

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3887ab No.21624198


pantifa dressing in maga garb.

should of been braver and got all their faces clearly.

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105a21 No.21624199


Blow it Cathy

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c792bf No.21624200

File: 1a478043db90f15⋯.png (115.16 KB,585x336,195:112,FE696A2E_7784_4786_8803_CD….png)



lord i come to the throne of grace and ask in jesus christ's name that that footage would be leaked. thank you lord for hearing muh prayer and answering it, in jesus christ's name i pray!

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617f83 No.21624202

File: 9b53601f01c0b4b⋯.png (137.64 KB,709x619,709:619,ClipboardImage.png)

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9adae4 No.21624203

File: ae7d353cfedb417⋯.mp4 (998.19 KB,600x584,75:73,BIG_MIKE.mp4)

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248386 No.21624205

WATCH LIVE: Vivek Ramaswamy holds town hall in Springfield, Ohio


How do I embed a YT vid?

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a36df6 No.21624207


Go Woke Go Broke

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689050 No.21624208


No, it's not all fine… Have fun, I'm out.

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9adae4 No.21624210


kill yourself commie faggot

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ecdb8e No.21624211

File: 837e7f2f7581b8a⋯.jpeg (308.75 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GXzjGFeakAA12q3.jpeg)

File: 8355c73cf7f3767⋯.jpeg (335.21 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GXzjFJdakAI0u8A.jpeg)

File: d44bbb6d9bcb899⋯.jpeg (493.76 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GXzjC7rakAAahfu.jpeg)

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59d7f5 No.21624212

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Make America Healthy Again, Interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr | TRIGGERED Ep.175





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9e3f36 No.21624214

"Early on, they really didn't know, they thought they were being taken out of war zones to be taken care of, and then it didn't take long before the word got out because people started to escape," the former US national security advisor said. "They started to realize, 'Hey, they're actually taking you there, and they're doing some really sick things.'"

Flynn then said he asked "a very, very astute historian" who was walking with him about the rules for the guards, "because there weren't any guards, but there were thousands of people… that just said 'Okay, here's my child,' and got on the train. Talk about being in the valley of the shadow of death."



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6937f8 No.21624215

File: 8c6419a70256980⋯.png (748.68 KB,1137x722,1137:722,ClipboardImage.png)





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7c2076 No.21624217

File: e84355f8e20f2a6⋯.jpg (140.34 KB,1200x600,2:1,YouAreHere.jpg)

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c76685 No.21624218

notables @ 300 halfway collected

#26484 >>21623896

>>21623931 Second Moon To Join Earth’s Orbit This Month

>>21623932 Kamala Has Not Done A Formal Press Conference in 60 Days

>>21623934, >>21623945 Massive Crowd at Donald Trump 'MAGA' Rally in Uniondale, New York (Sept. 18, 2024)

>>21623937 EU Parliament recognized Edmundo González as the "legitimate and democratically elected" president of Venezuela

>>21623940 Guess Who’s Back? I’m Out of YouTube Jail. | Candace Ep 68

>>21623954, >>21623996 Call to dig: Ryan Routh's wife (also who is his father?)

>>21623959 Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Lied to Congress

>>21623962 Dave Chapelle's MTV cribs P Diddy sketch

>>21623966 Ex-Mayor DeBlasio’s COVID czar admits to attending ‘deviant’ drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic

>>21623975 DJT: I just learned that my newest book, SAVE AMERICA, is a New York Times BEST SELLER!

>>21623984 Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters

>>21623994 Nicole Shanahan: My daughter was diagnosed with autism when she was 18 months of age

>>21624012 Migrant influencer who touted squatting will not be deported - President Nicolas Maduro halted deportation flights

>>21624019 Recently retired Border Patrol Chief says Kamala-Biden admin ordered him to cover up the increase in suspected terrorists

>>21624020 The ADL has sued Intel because of workplace harassment of an Israeli employee

>>21624084 Resignations past 24hrs

>>21624000 Memes


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24d75b No.21624221

What if anons are later repaid $100.00 per hour for all your service.

Some anons have been here since 2017, can you imagine ..

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bffd5d No.21624222


we want to go back when Trump was President

prices were low, houses were affordable, you stupid bitch

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3887ab No.21624223


golden tickets turn out to be made of lead.

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d22326 No.21624224


They are using the woke agenda to mask the green new deal, shrinking the carbon footprint.

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db20b4 No.21624226

Not a Guid Friday, Squeaky.

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ecdb8e No.21624229

File: d53f77c052e8921⋯.jpeg (588.78 KB,2048x1639,2048:1639,GX25GWiW0AArAwj.jpeg)

File: 9301ddcc316faad⋯.jpeg (296.43 KB,2048x1639,2048:1639,GX25GWkXEAAcT0M.jpeg)

File: 4df2a7098ca190d⋯.jpeg (326.89 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX25GWYWcAAEghH.jpeg)

File: 0b4fda4ccd0a3a7⋯.jpeg (540.41 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX25NlSWUAAtFD8.jpeg)

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9e3f36 No.21624230

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama


Trump: I think Mark Robinson is one of the hottest politicians in the United States. He is a friend of mine. Thank you, Mark

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3887ab No.21624232


anytime you ready, let me know

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ecdb8e No.21624233

File: 6688f047b712da0⋯.jpeg (95.35 KB,680x453,680:453,YYoOavXT.jpeg)

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59d7f5 No.21624234


is she dead?

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bffd5d No.21624236

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)


that is a psychotic sense of joy, you stupid cunt

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295b47 No.21624238

File: 4dfe4d02eb6ee6b⋯.png (207.95 KB,499x499,1:1,stay_together.png)

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159cd5 No.21624240


She does that subliminal thing to black folk..not going back to slavery. She's a wicked Indian.

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2d0515 No.21624241

Have anons heard of the YouTube channel "Redacted" with Natali and Clayton Morris?

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3887ab No.21624244


watch who da fuk you calling old


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ecdb8e No.21624246


D5. 543

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624b29 No.21624247

File: 281ec28c1f81a7b⋯.png (106.84 KB,613x1303,613:1303,ClipboardImage.png)


it's ok to be…

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2ecc32 No.21624249

File: c2c893c999596eb⋯.png (1.3 MB,1200x821,1200:821,ClipboardImage.png)

waiting for djt.

he is not answering his pager.

let the memes begin.

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ecdb8e No.21624250

File: 2b80cce849ec45a⋯.jpeg (373.37 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GX3HqsgX0AEmhQb.jpeg)

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59d7f5 No.21624251


back up bakes lurking in the kitchen mode

have a great bake, is your 8 page super slow? something is wrong, typing appears after a second delay…


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7c2076 No.21624253

File: 99bc34c494346c4⋯.jpg (95.38 KB,720x536,90:67,Wife.jpg)


>Routh's Spooky Wife

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59d7f5 No.21624255

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MUST WATCH: President Donald J. Trump on Gutfeld!



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60710b No.21624256

File: b5f61fb525dfec8⋯.jpg (254.8 KB,1023x708,341:236,twingods.jpg)

File: 74fc998db1ccd4a⋯.png (539.23 KB,848x635,848:635,ClipboardImage.png)


The eclipse Tues night, fortold an interesting fortnight?, per Vedic Astrology data collection/ intuitions.


"The September 17 lunar eclipse is in the fierce nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada and brings a fiery, passionate energy, that can increase the desire for deeper awareness and elevated consciousness. On the shadow side, this lunar eclipse can bring an impulsive, critical mind. One of the symbols of Purva Bhadrapada is “a man with two faces,” indicating something hidden may be revealed. As this eclipse nakshatra is ruled by benefic Jupiter and the eclipse is in the Jupiter-ruled sign of Pisces, ultimately the ability to experience greater spiritual depth and transformation is possible."


September/October eclipses 2024 // Vedic Astrology, All Signs

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ecdb8e No.21624257

File: 7a536551bebcb56⋯.jpeg (683.87 KB,2048x1500,512:375,GX3HsAsWcAAIeIj.jpeg)

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159cd5 No.21624259


what do the back slashes mean to you

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bbb07a No.21624262


That necklace would be a good search tool. I doubt this is the only time she ever wore it out and about!

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60710b No.21624263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Do you think she's a clone?

Check out the crease in her upper lip?

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db20b4 No.21624264


Continued smug annoyance.

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6423e3 No.21624265

BREAKING: Matt Gaetz: 5 hit teams in USA out to get Trump.

DHS says 5 teams of assassins.

3 foreign

2 domestic

Bring in the military. US Secret Service can’t handle it.



Rep. Matt Gaetz


A senior Homeland Security official I met with said that they were aware of at least FIVE teams in the country—three foreign in nature and two domestic—that are geared toward assassinating President Trump.

This is the threat level we have to confront with an open border and insufficient resources.

vid at link


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89b6f0 No.21624266

File: 7637324cad84489⋯.jpg (30.51 KB,460x1090,46:109,1stChampOftheWorld.jpg)

File: 3fc7a0d01c66564⋯.jpg (458.78 KB,1080x720,3:2,suddenly.jpg)


Sudden unity.

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ecdb8e No.21624268

File: f91f3988b112c6c⋯.jpeg (194.51 KB,1490x938,745:469,GXxvKnlWgAAxKX1.jpeg)

File: c2a20a0de03d7af⋯.jpeg (365.37 KB,1573x1049,1573:1049,GXxvKnkWUAAZvaf.jpeg)


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d53cee No.21624269


They were the original Globo Homo, too bad their purse strings were cut.

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ee9e76 No.21624271



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17f0da No.21624272


So, now we know what happened to the people at Trumps rally… They got a sneak peak causing temporary blindness. Makes total sense.

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fcd692 No.21624273



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2ecc32 No.21624274

File: b917112bcfaf5b9⋯.png (1.03 MB,1822x932,911:466,ClipboardImage.png)


> Maximus.

people in the u.k have heard of maximus.

they are a sub contractor.

similiar to secro,



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60710b No.21624276

File: 725a69dafb9038f⋯.mp4 (223.33 KB,640x360,16:9,kamalalaughing.mp4)

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cf7be0 No.21624277

File: fbda04ddf2f7100⋯.png (2.05 MB,1280x1034,640:517,IMG_3211.png)

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ecdb8e No.21624278

File: 87af77e219933ec⋯.jpeg (326.75 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX3GviaWUAAS_Su.jpeg)

File: 9327ab8e26de1c6⋯.jpeg (376.04 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX3GuYSWkAAyVDH.jpeg)

File: 2a673cc0d7a1fca⋯.jpeg (398.61 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX3GthhXIAACWN6.jpeg)


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e695bf No.21624279

File: 347f1b535f64639⋯.webm (236.27 KB,326x480,163:240,awyXAA4_460svvp9.webm)

Watch the water

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159cd5 No.21624280


That's why they raided his homes…looking to recover

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59d7f5 No.21624281

File: cd1823097096949⋯.png (781.79 KB,885x723,295:241,ClipboardImage.png)

il Donaldo Trumpo




STOP IT!!!😂😂😂


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ecdb8e No.21624283

File: 3c193b4981d68e1⋯.jpg (46.75 KB,400x400,1:1,600px_Commander_United_Sta….jpg)

File: de51e08daf05e67⋯.jpeg (83.44 KB,680x485,136:97,4LL8_keY.jpeg)

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c241f9 No.21624284


this is your baker anon




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1d46d2 No.21624285

if the octorber surprise is big mikes junk i will laugh so fucking hard.

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3887ab No.21624286

File: 62dc73ac3ddf533⋯.png (362.72 KB,952x723,952:723,62dc73ac3ddf533837244e8ced….png)


They forgot to mention all the illeagle immigrants they asked.

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268336 No.21624287

File: 08165ebe1ce7167⋯.jpeg (667.51 KB,1125x1609,1125:1609,IMG_4173.jpeg)


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43b212 No.21624288


it's a forward slash

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59d7f5 No.21624289

Donald J. Trump



Join me live in Washington, D.C. at 6:30PM Eastern for a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event with Dr. Miriam Adelson.

Donald J.Trump

LIVE: President Trump in Washington, D.C.





MUST WATCH: President Donald J. Trump on Gutfeld!






Frankspeech TV1 NEWS



Patriot News Outlet Live | America First News & Politics | MAGA Media

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3887ab No.21624291


Fuck the 7th floor.

There. Got my gold star added to my dossier today.

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60710b No.21624292

File: d828594303232ac⋯.mp4 (12.03 MB,pointertrump.mp4)

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24d75b No.21624293


>what do the back slashes mean to you

Who has the "you are a faggot" clip?

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ee9e76 No.21624294

File: a112220bb74c307⋯.png (601.06 KB,935x625,187:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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700908 No.21624295

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61aace No.21624296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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295b47 No.21624298


After sufficient inspection, every single post this // makes is bullshit.

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ecdb8e No.21624299

File: 48660b95a5d26b0⋯.jpeg (63.23 KB,650x622,325:311,GX2k4GJXIAQa5pS.jpeg)

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9e3f36 No.21624300

File: c715398de1181ef⋯.jpeg (102.45 KB,949x534,949:534,JohnOfGodOprah.jpeg)

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853824 No.21624301



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ecdb8e No.21624302

File: 03e77715a52b222⋯.jpg (45.32 KB,400x400,1:1,YAlu8_6n_400x400.jpg)

File: 66019b533346ebe⋯.jpeg (430.88 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,GX0APjeakAIhmvK.jpeg)

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cf7be0 No.21624304

File: d2fe3e81fcdf82c⋯.jpeg (987.72 KB,1290x2114,645:1057,IMG_3277.jpeg)

File: 2bc733648827559⋯.jpeg (486.88 KB,1290x1310,129:131,IMG_3276.jpeg)

File: 17e06cd70840f90⋯.jpeg (1.5 MB,1290x2475,86:165,IMG_3275.jpeg)

File: cb03601b12ac607⋯.jpeg (428.77 KB,1290x637,1290:637,IMG_3274.jpeg)

Happy Anniversary Gen Flynn on being the Chief of Joint War Plans for JTF-180 UPHOLD DEMOCRACY in Haiti under Bill Clinton. Yikes.

Q posted this on the same day he lead Clinton’s Uphold Democracy.

Sauce https://www.dia.mil/About/History/Directors-of-DIA/LTG-Michael-T-Flynn-USA/

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2958c9 No.21624305

File: 07a5ff930553dea⋯.jpg (79.14 KB,720x1144,90:143,Screenshot_20240919_184100….jpg)

It's 🇺🇸 Tiff 🇺🇸



Ben Stiller, a big Kamala supporter, made a commercial with P-Diddy about wanting to attend his “freak off” parties

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bffd5d No.21624306

File: 0182ff982fa5367⋯.png (655.44 KB,634x518,317:259,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 1138f4d3f9cb099⋯.png (12.46 KB,141x58,141:58,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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ecdb8e No.21624307

File: cf18fc94708fd43⋯.png (100.94 KB,400x400,1:1,HbPgS02J_400x400.png)

File: 4f8424b9c508708⋯.jpeg (44.72 KB,680x453,680:453,uB9weuA2.jpeg)

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624b29 No.21624309

File: 4797fa00331a794⋯.png (12.8 KB,367x240,367:240,ClipboardImage.png)


"deep fake!", he shouted angrily.

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c76685 No.21624310

notables @ 360

#26484 >>21623896

>>21624190 DJT: Join me live in Washington, D.C. at 6:30PM Eastern for a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event

>>21623931 Second Moon To Join Earth’s Orbit This Month

>>21623932 Kamala Has Not Done A Formal Press Conference in 60 Days

>>21623934, >>21623945 Massive Crowd at Donald Trump 'MAGA' Rally in Uniondale, New York (Sept. 18, 2024)

>>21623937 EU Parliament recognized Edmundo González as the "legitimate and democratically elected" president of Venezuela

>>21623940 Guess Who’s Back? I’m Out of YouTube Jail. | Candace Ep 68

>>21623954, >>21623996 Call to dig: Ryan Routh's wife (also who is his father?)

>>21623959 Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Lied to Congress

>>21623962 Dave Chapelle's MTV cribs P Diddy sketch

>>21623966 Ex-Mayor DeBlasio’s COVID czar admits to attending ‘deviant’ drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic

>>21623975 DJT: I just learned that my newest book, SAVE AMERICA, is a New York Times BEST SELLER!

>>21623984 Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters

>>21623994 Nicole Shanahan: My daughter was diagnosed with autism when she was 18 months of age

>>21624012 Migrant influencer who touted squatting will not be deported - President Nicolas Maduro halted deportation flights

>>21624019 Recently retired Border Patrol Chief says Kamala-Biden admin ordered him to cover up the increase in suspected terrorists

>>21624020 The ADL has sued Intel because of workplace harassment of an Israeli employee

>>21624167 The Obama thing

>>21624192, >>21624084 Resignations past 24hrs

>>21624212 Make America Healthy Again, Interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr | TRIGGERED Ep.175

>>21624255 Full video: President Donald J. Trump on Gutfeld

>>21624265 Gaetz: Senior Homeland Security official says they are aware of at least 5 teams that are geared toward assassinating Trump

>>21624281 Biden Promises Next Trump Assassin Will Be A Woman Of Color

>>21624000, >>21624281 Memes


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54989d No.21624313

Trump at an anti semitism event? Well check this shit out and yeah it should all be quite notable

>>21624191 Michael Flynn Suggests Jews Are To Blame For Boarding Nazi Trains

>>21624193 Former Trump adviser blames Jews for dying in Auschwitz - General Flynn

>>21624201 Ex-Trump Adviser Michael Flynn Suggests Jews at Fault for Boarding Nazi Trains

The Good Friday prayer for the Jews is an annual prayer in the Christian liturgy. It is one of several petitions, known in the Catholic Church as the Solemn Intercessions and in the Episcopal Church (United States).

>>21624206, >>21624209, >>21624213, >>21624216, >>21624219, >>21624220, >>21624225, >>21624227, >>21624228, >>21624231

>>21624237, >>21624239 What is a Court Jew or Court Factor? Wikipedia not anti semitism but Historic fact. Soros, Murdock and Rothschild areall Court Jews/Factors.

>>21624242 Bakers on 8kun would not NOTE Trump laying out The Israel Op per Trump's Truth account.

>>21624245 If Hitler and the Nazi's are but a finger. The glove is the Vatican.

>>21624252 Israel did 9-11? Not according to the Drops. Drop #154, 306, 307 and 308 decoded.

>>21624258 4Chan>8Kun history of Anti Semitism runs deep. A neo nazi was Board Volunteer and Baker here for years. Admin loved the baker known as OSS.

You probabaly wouldn't believe just how deep it all goes.

P = Payseur > MG SHOW can be tied to a Neo Nazi known as Fritz Springmeier > ARMY OF GOD terrorist org. good friends of Alex Jones who also became a good friend to Steve Bannon.

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ecdb8e No.21624314

File: 99821371446494f⋯.jpg (22.55 KB,400x400,1:1,btbVWFFA_400x400.jpg)

File: 06daac674bfe954⋯.jpeg (335.53 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GX2jLu2W8AAMSgy.jpeg)

File: 3bfe96b21902c87⋯.jpeg (202.08 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GX2jIcbXIAYUNAz.jpeg)

File: c66f3d80c398871⋯.jpeg (373.31 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GX2jKT5XIAQH0Vh.jpeg)



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9e3f36 No.21624316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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89b6f0 No.21624319

File: 419e5202d38afd4⋯.jpg (37.64 KB,430x300,43:30,1st.jpg)

File: 2c7e6161f607841⋯.jpg (63.47 KB,1100x619,1100:619,1st2.jpg)

File: 2f88437c88822e7⋯.jpg (62.3 KB,666x500,333:250,1st3.jpg)

File: 40748ecf20610b0⋯.jpg (58.78 KB,556x500,139:125,1st4.jpg)

File: 71daad0491f5ae5⋯.jpg (17.67 KB,425x312,425:312,615825_orig_3428688149.jpg)


Captured and raped mind-controlled slave not wife always transitional rotation.

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2bc18f No.21624321

File: afda9034f517e22⋯.png (12.74 KB,562x50,281:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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153339 No.21624328

File: bfe080c06ba304c⋯.png (1.33 MB,1197x799,1197:799,ClipboardImage.png)

djt needs extra protection here especially at this meeting with so many mossad around

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6773a9 No.21624330

File: 6be3660105ed3e4⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB,720x1280,9:16,ssstwitter_com_17267720925….mp4)


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6423e3 No.21624331


Remember the $50,000 on hotdogs and Pizza?

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e695bf No.21624335

File: dab5598e86bfe79⋯.webp (76.15 KB,795x938,795:938,66d1b21529df2.webp)

How is the sniffing going vati?

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66ed2a No.21624337

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Babylon Bee has obtained this exclusive, official, 100% real Gavin Newsom election ad


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59d7f5 No.21624338

File: 457914a98e8fb1c⋯.png (69.07 KB,463x479,463:479,ClipboardImage.png)

Exploding devices theory

Just as light has different levels beyond our general (allowed) collective knowledge

so does the aether, at different levels, all matter in this mundane world can be dispersed in to individual atoms

Similar to a phaser on star trek, that can stun or turn to dust, like the twin towers

But i think this has to do with small amounts of radioactive isotopes that keep all populations sick and dying earlier than we are designed too. methusla 1000 years old his son Noah 450 years old…

Look at how many times U1 was mentioned in the drops… starting at 46… Biden is 46

When we were told to expand on a three side shape, which is a triangle into a pyramid into a Merkabah or Merkavah , we must expand the scope and dimension of the topic and extrapolate accordingly


Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147634822 📁

Nov 2 2017 11:57:19 (EST)

Why is the information re: BO important re:U1 and export approval to Canada to EU?

Where is BO today?

Did BO and/or his admin ever make false statements that U1 would never be exported from the US?

Who made those statements?

Who did they report to?

Why is this relevant?

The public has been given a select taste (i.e. sampling) - rest assured others have it all (100% verifiable and impossible to refute).

Why is this relevant?

Who controls the narrative?

Why are left wing organizations beginning to report on DNC/D corruption?

Does the CIA have operators inside the MSM?

What happens if exposed?

What happens if tied back as 'knowing' to execs?

What does this have to do with 'leaking'?

What if it can be verified no sourced stories (made up) were in fact (and approved) to be published?

The wormhole goes deep.

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d4ebc6 No.21624339

File: 8f77cf73b59ea4a⋯.png (1.74 MB,1080x1440,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Anon drank this beer as a young anon. $2/case in 1986. Young anon had no idea.


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ecdb8e No.21624342

File: b588cd2ce872ba3⋯.jpg (43.66 KB,400x400,1:1,NGB_Clr_400x400.jpg)

File: c4ef3c0abb201a7⋯.jpeg (567.99 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GXx4y_NWYAADzBY.jpeg)

File: 585e6df50295564⋯.jpeg (545.61 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GXx4y_NWQAAJ6Q8.jpeg)

File: 5ad17272223c26a⋯.jpeg (275.38 KB,1620x1080,3:2,GXx4y_NWgAAZY1L.jpeg)

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153339 No.21624344


they stated that is customary, we will begin with two invocations.

what the fuck is that,

thought they were supposed to prayer.

invocation sounds like summoning.

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9e3f36 No.21624345

File: cc8ce68baa2b42b⋯.mp4 (11.79 MB,1280x720,16:9,Ben_Stiller_agrees_Stay_ho….mp4)

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6b8d25 No.21624352


Nice fear porn, but Putin is working with Trump. Read it again, Putin is working with Trump. Let it sink in. Putin is not going to start a nuclear war.

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3887ab No.21624367



Justin Castro

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bffd5d No.21624369

File: a827cb331954847⋯.png (1.06 MB,1176x662,588:331,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

in 1933 college campuses in germany had anti-jewish demonstrations, everyone was silent

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08388a No.21624373


Though It was Anti Communism Demonstrations…

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2958c9 No.21624376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cc255c No.21624378


It's The End My Fren

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6937f8 No.21624382

File: 327b0dfe9206f54⋯.gif (23.45 KB,336x280,6:5,Cat_Piss.gif)

File: 5583ea28bdd123d⋯.jpg (170.37 KB,1176x880,147:110,Donald_Trump_Ham_Radio_Ope….jpg)


Unfortunately… no…

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bffd5d No.21624386

File: 663d8b0d6cf43ae⋯.png (308.91 KB,558x371,558:371,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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153339 No.21624390


this guy.

good vs evil

is this a jewish or zionist event?

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159cd5 No.21624393

File: e88b9303eb4b9a9⋯.png (517.8 KB,828x826,414:413,e88b9303eb4b9a93792308152f….png)

It's been 4 days and still no FBY or Sekret Service briefing on POTUS's attempted assassination.

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e695bf No.21624394

File: 3eeb226d5ccc3ff⋯.png (74.25 KB,700x817,700:817,66ec9984cbcf5.png)

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bffd5d No.21624397

File: 8f5bcaf20d58c5f⋯.png (1.08 MB,1176x662,588:331,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

those who chant death to israel, the second sentence is death to America

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3887ab No.21624398


Listening to the speakers, they speak of antisemitism, but they NEVER mention the Jews who ARE criminals. To the point that they protect criminal Jews.

And that is unacceptable.

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66ed2a No.21624400

File: 1e9fdc0a3252c6a⋯.mp4 (280.46 KB,460x816,115:204,apR2LED_460sv.mp4)

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43b212 No.21624401


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ecdb8e No.21624402

File: 05057f4fce7c28c⋯.png (18.64 KB,225x225,1:1,_6Y_dAJe_400x400.png)

File: 963999bdb737eb6⋯.jpeg (80.75 KB,680x453,680:453,NTvH6gXm.jpeg)

File: 4f822e9ea231bd6⋯.gif (1.53 MB,479x258,479:258,NJo6pTa.gif)

File: 23945d829feb553⋯.jpeg (452.02 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GXYa5zaWQAEUzyS.jpeg)

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206287 No.21624403


But the later is due to Israel

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9cf122 No.21624404


learn how to count shars dumbass

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bffd5d No.21624406


it is an even that President Trump is proudly speaking at, discussing the scourge of anti-semitism

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295b47 No.21624407



When the guy talking says Antisemitism the double meaning is the "Jew-Hate" on this board, Q's Home, ground zero.

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59cb67 No.21624408

If Jewish flags are flying in Springfield tonight, Trump should not show up. >>21624399

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60710b No.21624409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what happened to resignation anon?

driven off by shill vati.

Shill Vati is jealous.


and apparently full of hate.

bad luck


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3887ab No.21624416


No mention of citizenship.

Anybody can register to vote or say they did.

How many non-english translators did they use.


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4efe48 No.21624418


That is so dank.

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280f92 No.21624419

Shadow of Ezra


Matt Gaetz has disclosed that a senior Department of Homeland Security official informed him of five active assassination teams in the U.S. with the mission to kill President Trump.

Three of these groups are foreign, while two are domestic.

Gaetz further revealed that, even after the first attempt on Trump's life, his security was deliberately weakened, leaving him exposed to these ongoing threats.


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d53cee No.21624421


This (((doctor))) can go fuck himself.

Tanning salon beds are 12in away from your face while stage lights are AT LEAST 16 FEET above the ground from you. You would at least get a sunburn if it was THAT intense.

Proves the point, doctors are dogshit.

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66ed2a No.21624423

File: e2b7a810b9423ce⋯.png (795.78 KB,1280x549,1280:549,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2485bffa9ce764a⋯.png (1.54 MB,2048x1537,2048:1537,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 961db0420b82a4d⋯.png (2.07 MB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks

The Air Force finally handed over a trove of documents pertaining to its sweeping “goal” of reducing the number of white male applicants in a popular officer program after spending months stonewalling requests for their release.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman C.Q. Brown — at the time the highest-ranking member of the Air Force — issued a memorandum in 2022 that the branch was updating its racial and gender demographic goals for applicants seeking to become officers, in a bid to prioritize “diversity and inclusion.” Internal documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation include a slideshow from 2022 where the Air Force outlines racial and gender quotas and details how it hopes to “achieve” a reduced number of white males in its Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) officer’s applicant program.

The documents reflect the Biden-Harris Pentagon’s intense focus on implementing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies in the armed forces, even as the military continues to combat dwindling morale among its rank-and-file, recruiting and retention shortfalls and low pay.

“The American people are rightly concerned that, at a time when our country is facing dangerous and increasing threats throughout the world, the Air Force is focused on recruitment efforts based on arbitrary racial diversity goals — not merit or increasing the force’s lethality,” James Fitzpatrick, director of the Center To Advance Security In America (CASA), told the DCNF.

CASA requested records regarding the Air Force’s new officer applicant standards through a federal transparency request, called a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in 2023. At the time, the Air Force said it couldn’t find any records, according to a letter obtained by the DCNF.

CASA then sued the Air Force for the records in April 2024 and received hundreds of documents and slides in response, which the DCNF subsequently obtained.

A spokesperson for the Air Force told the DCNF “The FOIA request was being processed at multiple levels within the Air Force.”

“One of the units responded to the FOIA request with a ‘no responsive records’ response after conducting their own local search, while the remainder of the units continued to process the responsive documents that were ultimately provided,” the spokesperson told the DCNF.

One of the slides in question, labeled “AFROTC White,” depicts a graph that shows the percentage of white male ROTC officer applicants declining from approximately 60% in fiscal year 2019 to a projected 50% in fiscal year 2023. The graph further details how the Air Force’s goal is to reduce that percentage down to approximately 43% by fiscal year 2029, denoted by a star with the label “achieve(d) goal.”

“White male population will decline as other demographics increase,” the slide reads.

The respective slides in question also explain that the Air Force is either on track or needs to do more to hit racial and gender quotas in the ROTC’s officer applicant pool.

For example, with the African American population, the slideshow suggests the Air Force “target [the] male population through ongoing programs and marketing” and notes it has already met its “female goal” for ROTC officer applicants. For the American Indian, Asian and Hispanic applicants, the slideshow says the Air Force is “on track to grow diversity.”

“These documents show us that the Air Force has taken steps toward implementing their new directive of specific racial quotas for officer recruitment and enrollment throughout the branch,” Fitzpatrick told the DCNF.

Included in the slide deck are funding requests for diversity recruiting initiatives, including $500,000 for “diversity advertising campaigns” and $250,000 for “influencer engagements.”

In a separate set of documents from as early as 2022, the Air Force outlines its efforts to modify ROTC scholarship programs, which “play an important role in accession and diversity goals.” The Air Force suggests modifying the scholarship models could remove certain “testing barriers” to entry for under-represented groups.

The diversity plans extend to the Air Force’s Aim High Flight Academy (AHFA), an aviation scholarship program for high school, ROTC and Air Force Academy students, according to the documents. The Air Force notes that the AFHA applicant pool should be made up of a “minimum” of 60% underrepresented groups, further noting that it must be at least 35% minorities.

Like other branches of the military, the Air Force has struggled to keep up with recruiting and retention targets in recent years. The Navy is expected to miss its recruiting goals in 2024; the Marine Corps, Army and Air Force are on on track to meet their goals, although the latter two branches missed their targets in 2022 and 2023, according to Military Times.

Only approximately 57% of servicemembers or military families polled by the Military Family Advisory Network in 2023 said they’d recommend joining the service, compared to 74% in 2019. Among some of the reasons the respondents wouldn’t recommend service were the politically charged nature of the military, differences and divisions, and low pay, among others.

A year-long study from the Arizona State University Center for American Institutions found that the Pentagon has turned into a “vast DEI bureaucracy” in the last four decades, a challenge that has been exacerbated by the Biden-Harris administration.

“It’s no surprise that young people are turning away from military service in record numbers… DEI indoctrination has become a core component of military training that begins for officers even at the service academies,” Matt Lohmeier, former Space Force commander, said in a statement in June.


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206287 No.21624425

Secret Service Investigating Elon Musk Over Twitter/X Joke

'Nothing we did is against the law, and you guys are fu— heads…'

Bloomberg reporter and open records expert Jason Leopold revealed Thursday that the Secret Service is apparently investigating Elon Musk over his recent joke about the lack of assassination attempts against regime Democrats.

Responding to someone asking why so people want to kill Donald Trump, on Sunday Musk posted: “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala.” Musk later deleted the post and clarified that he was joking.


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fee554 No.21624426

Not with a bang, but with a whimper.

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6937f8 No.21624427

File: 61590b2c0ef78e0⋯.png (1.34 MB,1088x725,1088:725,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c2076 No.21624428

File: 33f2ee7886c49c8⋯.gif (35.79 KB,498x492,83:82,Rewe.gif)


Never go full hungry!

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4efe48 No.21624429


I remember when people patted their own meat.


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ecdb8e No.21624431




squeele lika a pig.

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66ed2a No.21624433

File: f7ad20a2f0b8a5b⋯.png (414.07 KB,720x405,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ed4cdfa52abd25⋯.png (243.33 KB,720x405,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk says SpaceX will sue FAA for 'regulatory overreach

Elon Musk said on Tuesday that SpaceX will file a lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), accusing the agency of "regulatory overreach."

"SpaceX will be filing suit against the FAA for regulatory overreach," Musk said in a post on X.

The tech billionaire's comments came after the FAA proposed fines of $633,000 against SpaceX on Tuesday, alleging Musk's company did not "follow its license requirements" related to a pair of launches last summer.

The agency alleged SpaceX incurred $350,000 in fines during a June 18, 2023, launch by using an "unapproved control room" and not "conduct[ing] the required T-2 hour poll."

The other roughly $283,000 in fines stemmed from a July 28, 2023, launch in which Musk’s company allegedly "used the unapproved rocket propellant farm," the FAA said.

SpaceX asked for a revision in its communications plan for the June 2023 launch and one for its explosive site plan for the July 2023 mission, according to the FAA’s press release.

"Safety drives everything we do at the FAA, including a legal responsibility for the safety oversight of companies with commercial space transportation licenses. Failure of a company to comply with the safety requirements will result in consequences," FAA Chief Counsel Marc Nichols said in a statement.

SpaceX has a 30-day response window for the fines, according to the FAA.

FOX Business reached out to SpaceX for comment on the proposed fines and Musk's social media post.

The company has a strong presence in the space industry, including contracts with the federal government. It notched its 90th mission of the year on Tuesday.


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b5eaf5 No.21624435


If the FBI has it, it is already deleted.

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3887ab No.21624440


ARREST all comedian impersonators NOW

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b5eaf5 No.21624441


Just another red herring.

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59cb67 No.21624443


All the manufacturing equipment is failing electronically. The phones are ringing off the hooks for support.

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ecdb8e No.21624447

File: 806e7bcbeab33dd⋯.png (134.33 KB,400x400,1:1,tQv0VkJd_400x400.png)

File: 21faf47007914c0⋯.jpeg (99.21 KB,900x400,9:4,ey42es2b.jpeg)

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fcd692 No.21624449


Spamnigger stole the quads

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66ed2a No.21624450

File: fd118a3c102e8a3⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,460x816,115:204,aAyxxMR_460sv.mp4)

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13b7e8 No.21624451


When you are looking for a reason to "investigate" him, any reason will do.

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e695bf No.21624455

File: 5b4bf9293064121⋯.png (111.53 KB,862x634,431:317,5b4bf92930641212e2ad815d13….png)

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66ed2a No.21624457

File: a33b539cc9796d1⋯.png (501.22 KB,750x420,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

First Somali Refugee to Run Public Housing Admits to Stealing Millions - 1 in 3 Minneapolis Public Housing residents are Somalis

Glass ceilings get broken, then wallets get stolen. Only in America? No. Only in Gov. Walz’s Minnesota.

But first, let’s pause to celebrate the incredible historic moment of the first Somali refugee to run a public housing agency.

Sharmarke Issa was confirmed by the Minneapolis City Council to chair Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA). Issa is the first immigrant and first East African to serve as chair of the MPHA Board of Commissioners.

“Having grown up in in Minneapolis public housing after coming to our city as a refugee, Sharmarke’s story of success highlights public housing as vital asset in Minneapolis,” said Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey. “Sharmarke’s life experience and background in urban planning are especially important to MPHA’s mission. At a time when the federal government continues to shortchange housing funding, he will be a skilled steward of our public housing infrastructure who understands and centers the needs of residents.”

Approximately one-third of Minneapolis Public Housing residents are members of the East-African community.

One third. 1 in 3 are Somalis. Just one of those little factoids about diversity being our strength. Kinda like Issa’s stewardship.

An Edina man who chaired the board of the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority pleaded guilty Wednesday to federal wire fraud charges for his role in the Feeding Our Future nutrition program fraud scheme.

That was a $250 million social welfare fraud to help the Somali community.

Sharmarke Issa, 42, admitted to running entities that laundered federal funding for the scheme, including Wacan Restaurant LLC and a nonprofit called Minnesota’s Somali Community.

Issa was responsible for $7.6 million of the $50 million in fraud scheme money that the federal government says it lost,

Issa claimed to serve 2.3 million meals to children at his food sites. He admitted that some of the fraud scheme money instead went to properties he purchased in Edina, Minneapolis and elsewhere.

Everyone is now pretending to be shocked and outraged at water being wet.

When Sharmarke’s name first surfaced in 2022 as part of the case, Frey said the allegations against him were “appalling” and “run counter to the values that we are entrusted to uphold in the City of Minneapolis.”

Forget it Jake, it’s Somalitown.


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3887ab No.21624459


We need to dig [their] grocery lists to know what is safe to eat and drink!

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66ed2a No.21624460

File: 96f0ca8bde213cf⋯.png (382.74 KB,1024x575,1024:575,ClipboardImage.png)

Brazil fines Musk's X for site's return after ban

Brazil has fined Elon Musk's companies after some users in the country were able to briefly access the social media platform X, despite a ban imposed last month.

Brazilian users swarmed the site on Wednesday after X updated how its servers within the country were accessed.

The platform’s restoration was unintended, the company said. Hours later access was again blocked.

On Thursday, a Brazilian court fined the firm five million reais ($920,000; £695,000) for breaching the ban.

The company moved its service back to its previous provider on Thursday afternoon, according to the ABRINT internet provider association, which said it noticed the change while testing to block the new servers.

X and Cloudflare have not yet confirmed the move, but ABRINT said X's public DNS (Domain Name System) indicated a return.

Supreme Court judge Alexandre de Moraes had described the company as having committed a "trick" in re-enabling access for some users.

He then fined X and Mr Musk's other company, the internet satellite firm Starlink, more than $920,000 (£695,000) for each day X operates in Brazil.

But it's unclear if the court can enforce payment of the fine or will seek payment now that service has been return to its previous servers.

Mr Musk's firms have previously ignored Brazilian court orders, including the court order from Justice de Moraes which led to the social media site being banned in the first place in August.

Explaining the sudden access for some users on Wednesday, X said a change of network providers had "resulted in an inadvertent and temporary service restoration to Brazilian users".

“While we expect the platform to be inaccessible again in Brazil soon, we continue efforts to work with the Brazilian government to return very soon for the people of Brazil,” an X spokesperson said in a statement.

The company’s explanation had caught some observers by surprise.

"Everything that happened during the day led us to believe that it was on purpose," said Basílio Rodriguez Pérez, advisor to ABRINT, the country's leading trade group for Internet Service Providers (ISP).

ABRINT said X moved to servers hosted by Cloudflare, and that the site appeared to be using dynamic internet protocol (IP) addresses that change constantly, indicating to him that the change in access to Brazilian users was purposeful.

By contrast, the previous system had relied on specific IP addresses that could be more easily blocked.

Mr Rodriguez Pérez, ABRINT advisor, said those dynamic IP addresses could also be linked to critical services within Brazil.

"Many of these IP [addresses] are shared with other legitimate services, such as banks and large internet platforms, making it impossible to block an IP [address] without affecting other services."

That includes the service PIX, which millions of Brazilians depend on to make digital payments.

Despite the change, some experts said Cloudflare was well-positioned to help Brazil reinforce the ban.

“Actually, I think the ban would be even more effective if Cloudflare really cooperates with the government,” said Felipe Autran, a constitutional lawyer in Brasilia, the country’s capital.

“I think they will, since they are such a huge provider for many Brazilian enterprises and also the government.”

Brazil is said to be one of the largest markets for Mr Musk's social media network.

The platform was banned in the country last month after failing to meet a court deadline to appoint a new legal representative in the country.

It marked the most significant development in a feud between Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes and Mr Musk, which began in April, when the judge ordered the suspension of dozens of X accounts for allegedly spreading disinformation.

At one point, Musk’s satellite internet provider Starlink - a subsidiary of spacecraft manufacturer SpaceX - declared it would allow its customers in Brazil to log onto X. Starlink backed down after the nation’s telecommunication agency threatened to revoke its licence to operate there.

Observers in Brazil have expressed frustration with both X and the Brazilian government over the fractured relationship.

“It’s a game of chess and we are the pieces on the board,” Mr Pérez said. “But it's not us who are playing. It's the government and X who are playing.”


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58efd5 No.21624461

File: 86e184685c39cad⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB,1125x1386,125:154,IMG_4174.jpeg)

We got a new joy poster

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153339 No.21624464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

no wonder this feels a bit strained.

this is all the jewish tribes.

she just read out all the sects including the ashkanazi and many others sects.

if anon was djt, anon would not attend.

he is brave..


President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will participate in a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event with Dr. Miriam Adelson in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. EDT.This event will feature Jewish leaders from all walks of life.

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bffd5d No.21624465

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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58efd5 No.21624466

File: b1c356a16893b95⋯.jpeg (781.02 KB,1125x1319,1125:1319,IMG_4175.jpeg)

Shhhhh don’t tell Trumpy


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ee9e76 No.21624467

File: c1e13cb273d64c5⋯.png (319.42 KB,487x279,487:279,bread5.PNG)


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295b47 No.21624469


The part that makes it unacceptable isn't that he needed to IRL it's that on this board, the ball was not picked up and kept in play at the importance level Q instructed us to maintain. Just one example.


"Sorry for no updates! I'm extremly busy with offline stuff! I'm already working on improvements, so YOU can maintain resignations without me…"

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6937f8 No.21624471

File: c2a884df7bd3d66⋯.png (209.57 KB,1024x430,512:215,You_re_a_Faggot_9_19_2024.png)

File: 3954f7493eb41d7⋯.png (1.24 MB,1214x960,607:480,Multiverse_Wide_Nowhere_to….png)

File: d74576c22e5b50b⋯.png (650.83 KB,1291x247,1291:247,NCSWIC_MAX_PANIC.png)

File: 8833fcd9cb403fc⋯.jpg (46.93 KB,602x339,602:339,ODIN_Space_Kek.jpg)


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bffd5d No.21624473


Donald Trump loves the jewish people

he proud to attend this event

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dd7acd No.21624475

File: 8c51df2f526ba85⋯.png (83.36 KB,384x190,192:95,ClipboardImage.png)


>Anon drank this beer as a young anon. $2/case in 1986.

You must think anons are pretty gullible.

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55faea No.21624476

File: 107893ab1e0bb2d⋯.jpg (84.48 KB,1200x630,40:21,smokingchimp.jpg)

So close now…

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92d9cb No.21624477

File: e3cb9106e2bd716⋯.jpg (273.33 KB,1080x1920,9:16,TW.jpg)

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853d0a No.21624478


Sky Event

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ecdb8e No.21624479

File: 7694f4a69e875a5⋯.jpeg (358.96 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWLJ8zvXUAA0VbF.jpeg)

File: ce003d7e5bb8efb⋯.jpg (167.47 KB,1333x1333,1:1,melania_trump_tennis_pavil….jpg)

File: 39e513ba3623afe⋯.png (509.32 KB,428x640,107:160,39e513ba3623afeea592dc1264….png)

File: 4fd6b70c932bd0d⋯.gif (10.86 KB,220x135,44:27,szopo.gif)

File: 96cd8e2ac171330⋯.jpeg (1.98 MB,5820x3880,3:2,6d05ada9_105e_4240_8651_9….jpeg)

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206287 No.21624481

File: 094e622ae7414b2⋯.png (1.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60160268e003931⋯.png (87.5 KB,990x488,495:244,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e65633d98dbd81a⋯.png (102.22 KB,1021x519,1021:519,ClipboardImage.png)


CIA officer who drugged, photographed and sexually assaulted dozens of women gets 30 years in prison as victims stare him down

A longtime CIA officer who drugged, photographed and sexually assaulted more than two dozen women in postings around the world was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison Wednesday after an emotional hearing in which victims described being deceived by a man who appeared kind, educated and part of an agency "that is supposed to protect the world from evil."

Brian Jeffrey Raymond, with a graying beard and orange prison jumpsuit, sat dejectedly as he heard his punishment for one of the most egregious misconduct cases in the CIA's history. It was chronicled in his own library of more than 500 images that showed him in some cases straddling and groping his nude, unconscious victims.

"It's safe to say he's a sexual predator," U.S. Senior Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said in imposing the full sentence prosecutors had requested. "You are going to have a period of time to think about this."

Prosecutors say the 48-year-old Raymond's assaults date to 2006 and tracked his career in Mexico, Peru and other countries, all following a similar pattern.

He would lure women he met on Tinder and other dating apps to his government-leased apartment and drug them while serving wine and snacks. Once they were unconscious, he spent hours posing their naked bodies before photographing and assaulting them. He opened their eyelids at times and stuck his fingers in their mouths.

One by one, about a dozen of Raymond's victims who were identified only by numbers in court recounted how the longtime spy upended their lives. Some said they only learned what happened after the FBI showed them the photos of being assaulted while unconscious.

"My body looks like a corpse on his bed," one victim said of the photos. "Now I have these nightmares of seeing myself dead."

One described suffering a nervous breakdown. Another spoke of a recurring trance that caused her to run red lights while driving. Many told how their confidence and trust in others had been shattered forever.

"I hope he is haunted by the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life," said one of the women, who like others stared Raymond down as they walked away from the podium.

Reading from a statement, Raymond told the judge that he has spent countless hours contemplating his "downward spiral."

"It betrayed everything I stand for and I know no apology will ever be enough," he said. "There are no words to describe how sorry I am. That's not who I am and yet it's who I became."

In October 2021, the FBI issued a notice to the public, seeking other potential victims of and additional information about Raymond, saying that some women depicted in the incriminating photos and videos remain unidentified.

In a statement Wednesday, authorities praised all the victims who came forward.

"The FBI thanks the brave women who shared information that furthered this investigation," said

FBI Assistant Director in Charge David Sundberg of the Washington Field Office. "We recognize our domestic and foreign law enforcement partners who helped bring Raymond to justice for his reprehensible crimes."


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489486 No.21624482

8kun uses up 100% of my cpu on any browser i use it in, any ideas on how to fix anons?

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159cd5 No.21624483


And made their own tea. Boiled the bags and poured it in a gallon jug, pour over ice.

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b5eaf5 No.21624484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For those anons who only stop in once in a while, or those who are thinking some other anon will magically do it for them. Jim needs your help to keep the site running. He has already sold his car to help pay for this. You should help too. A very small number of anons are helping compared to how many people actually come here. If you post on other social media, please help posting this request there as well.

Please make sure to download and preserve offline any information of vital importance in case off unexpected downtime.

honey is out of stock, more is on the way. I am assured the box is being prepared. honey and cloves on a ham and cheese sandwich is underrated.

Donations can be made from any of the below methods, and also through anonymous money order. Proto subscriptions are available in $5/$10/$50/$100/$200 increments and can be purchased more than once.

Sending money by fedex is being interdicted and should be avoided.

Please Support The Watkins Project #8KUN [DONATE LINK ABOVE]

Follow The Owner: Jim Watkins x.com/thejimwatkins/

Bookmark Watkins Report: https://watkinsreport.com/

Advertise Here: ads@isitwetyet.com

Donate Bitcoin: 1KiJD44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

Proto Membership: https://shop.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/ (Coin Accepted)

Send Anonymous Money Orders: Is It Wet Yet, Inc at 2118 Wilshire Blvd #403 Santa Monica, CA. 90403 current address

Buy Merchandise: (Coin Accepted)

- https://shop.isitwetyet.com/ (proto levels / donations)

- https://www.p2pprinting.com/8kun (clothing)

- https://goodstuffcoffee.com/8kuncoffee/ (covfefe)

ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!

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2bc18f No.21624485



Conducted Sept. 13-16 under the joint direction of Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R), this Fox News survey includes interviews with a sample of 1,102 registered voters randomly selected from a national voter file.

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e695bf No.21624486

File: a9ee7506f31250e⋯.png (77.58 KB,513x499,513:499,942d62.png)

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153339 No.21624487


what browser are you using?

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de9236 No.21624488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: Trump Headlines a Fighting Anti-Semitism Event and Speaks at the IAC in D.C. - 9/19/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will participate in a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event with Dr. Miriam Adelson in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. EDT. This event will feature Jewish leaders from all walks of life.

President Trump will headline the Israeli-American Council annual conference in Washington, D.C. at 7:30 p.m. ET.

Watch this doubleheader LIVE on RSBN starting at 4:00 p.m. ET.


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2bc18f No.21624489

File: 44c9e8d015d016d⋯.png (406.26 KB,846x479,846:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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153339 No.21624490

gold tie.

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3887ab No.21624491


Need time to get stories straight.

Destroy evidence.

Wipe phones.

Plant evidence.

Set up unsuspecting innocents.

Usual plan.

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2bc18f No.21624493

File: 28e961e933ce3c1⋯.png (640.54 KB,841x474,841:474,ClipboardImage.png)

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206287 No.21624494

In an interview with CBS This Morning, Clinton was asked by the host whether she would be open to joining a Kamala Harris administration if the Democrats win the White House in November.

Clinton responded:

Well, certainly, unofficially I want to be as helpful as I can, and would do anything I was asked to be helpful. We have so much to do that it really should be all hands on deck. And anybody who can help in any capacity should be willing to do so.

I’m very optimistic about a Harris-Walz administration because I think it not only has the capacity to deal with all the problems we know but maybe to lower the temperature in the country. Tim Walz, the coach of America and Kamala, with her real sense of patriotism and commitment to the country and wanting to bring it together, [would] be the president of all Americans, not half the country.

Maybe we can break the fever. Let’s get back to taking some deep breaths and finding ways to work together. There’s so much we could do if we would start listening to each other and talking and making principled compromises. So, I think they have the potential to really produce that for our country.


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489486 No.21624495

File: cd6047d3de1fe92⋯.png (878.11 KB,1797x1051,1797:1051,ClipboardImage.png)

Orange tie?

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bffd5d No.21624496

File: 7b48b1de0ef0dd0⋯.png (1.11 MB,1176x662,588:331,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

Donald Trump takes the stage

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2bc18f No.21624497

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59cb67 No.21624498


I seen it first hand today.

Field getting harvested and moms and kids brought the men picnic dinners to the side ditch. Absolutely beautiful

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489486 No.21624499


Firefox, brave and chrome do the same thing as well. has never happened before until last night if that helps.

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58efd5 No.21624500

File: d4ae8a53364bf4f⋯.jpeg (186.44 KB,1125x644,1125:644,IMG_4176.jpeg)

Boom boom boom


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89312d No.21624501

File: f6c120513611f33⋯.jpg (49.43 KB,520x480,13:12,AdelsonAward.jpg)


Watch him suck jewish dick.

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3887ab No.21624502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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23345d No.21624503

File: a7a2fce6a1fb57f⋯.png (1.04 MB,910x609,130:87,a7a2fce6a1fb57f942b85bec77….png)

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83d155 No.21624504


I bleached my hair blonde a while back and I noticed I was both treated better and worse at the same time.

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bffd5d No.21624505


jews love Trump and Trump loves jews

Trump is now speaking on cretins like you who spread jew hatred on-line

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3d29ec No.21624506


did he lose 20 pounds over night?

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4b6d22 No.21624507




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489486 No.21624509

File: f081948d0731cc8⋯.png (5.64 KB,1896x56,237:7,ClipboardImage.png)


when i close 8kun, it will drop back to normal usage,

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153339 No.21624510


go to control panel.

restore to previous date before it was working.

give your computer and malware scan

turn off all notifications

clear cache

should work.

will probably take a few hours if done right.

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da99fb No.21624511


same; started last night

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59cb67 No.21624513


Crap, I was hoping he would not show. SS better be on their toes. Too many Jews around like during 911

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3d29ec No.21624514

EU calling for nuclear war – Russia’s top MP

Vyacheslav Volodin has slammed Strasbourg’s call to “lift restrictions” on Ukraine’s use of Western weapons

“What the European Parliament is calling for would lead to a world war using nuclear weapons,” Volodin said on Telegram.

“For your information: the flight time of a Sarmat missile to Strasbourg is three minutes and 20 seconds.”

Volodin also reminded the MEPs that Russia was the one that liberated “you and all of Europe” from Nazi Germany in the Second World War, which “it seems you have forgotten” and urged the body to “dissolve itself.”

The approved resolution claimed that “without lifting current restrictions, Ukraine cannot fully exercise its right to self-defense” and lamented that the “insufficient deliveries of ammunition and restrictions on their use risks offsetting the impact of efforts made to date.”

If the West “lifts the restrictions,” Putin said, “it will mean nothing less than the direct participation of NATO countries, the US and European countries, in the conflict in Ukraine.” Russia will “make the appropriate decisions” if that happens, the president added.

Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, repeated the message in the UN Security Council a day later, noting that “NATO would become directly involved in military action against a nuclear power. I don’t think I have to explain what consequences that would have.”


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153339 No.21624515


uninstall firefox.

that is a shit browser and tracked by google.

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489486 No.21624516


i kinda did that in a way, deleted all reg and did a clean install of mozilla. started on brave first, tried firefox and then it happened here too. but ill give your suggestions a try ty anon!

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ecdb8e No.21624517

File: 0ab69bc35408207⋯.png (144.43 KB,766x1290,383:645,66.png)

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55faea No.21624518


Been experiencing the same all day. Renders the browser almost useless when having a bread opened. I make a post and then close the tab so I can use my computer for other things.

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57b70a No.21624519

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)


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489486 No.21624520

File: 03baee3b3baf35e⋯.png (2.12 MB,1498x1118,749:559,0835d5b0ffe6069537ebd3a3da….png)


not the way i have it setup fagggggggg

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59d7f5 No.21624521

File: 07ab8191115e365⋯.png (211.9 KB,1235x943,1235:943,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2e2a6faec50a7e⋯.png (426.23 KB,842x852,421:426,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ea85914d224303⋯.png (403.76 KB,540x540,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Kash Patel


==Get ready AZ, Election Integrity Project… Ill be kicking the night off, join me as we unite to secure the vote for @realDonaldTrump in Arizona- we need everyone signing up, ALL IN- Protect the Vote - friday night lights

Sep 19, 2024, 7:07 PM






Press Releases

RNC Announces Protect The Vote Tour



JUN 10, 2024

WASHINGTON - The launch of the Protect the Vote Tour marks a pivotal step in our mission to ensure a fair and transparent election. Led by RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump, this nationwide initiative will recruit poll watchers, poll workers, and legal experts to mobilize during the 2024 election season. The Protect the Vote tour will champion election integrity, rally voters for President Trump, and train volunteers to ensure it is easy to vote and hard to cheat this November. 

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: “Election integrity is our top priority. Our unprecedented effort to secure our elections will build voter confidence across the country. The Protect the Vote Tour will be a critical campaign to ensure that elections are fair, accurate, secure, and transparent.”

RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump stated: “One of the foundations of the United States of America is that all citizens have faith in our electoral process. Chairman Whatley and I are proud to play a role in ensuring that every American knows that their legal vote matters and counts. No one can sit idly by during this election and we are excited to help every Patriot play a role in the most important election of our lifetime.”

The Protect the Vote tour will kick-off in Michigan on June 14 and will continue in Pennsylvania on June 18, North Carolina on June 20, Georgia on June 26, with more dates to be announced. Event details for the kick-off in Michigan can be found here.


The Protect the Vote Tour is part of the RNC’s boots on the ground initiative to recruit 100,000 poll watchers, poll workers, and legal experts ahead of the election.

Leading up to Election Day, we are pursuing every legal action to ensure our elections are secure and transparent and inspire voter confidence. Our trained and dedicated poll watchers, poll workers, and legal experts will oversee whenever a ballot is being cast or counted this election.

Democrats across the country have promoted election systems that are open to fraud, encouraged non-citizens to vote, and used our tax dollars for their GOTV activities. Rather than fixing their failed policies, they have focused on dismantling election integrity efforts.

For more information and to join the effort, visit protectthevote.com.


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9a33e2 No.21624522

File: 951bc407f740e4d⋯.png (68.71 KB,527x982,527:982,ClipboardImage.png)


sky event

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5d8788 No.21624523


Moar tendies?

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c4bca0 No.21624524


>has never happened before until last night


>same; started last night

I'm using firefox on a mac. click the reload button in the toolbar to get it to stop, and it works better for me. new messages in the bread still load normally

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ecdb8e No.21624525

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59cb67 No.21624526


You don’t have a pager or a walkie talkie or an I phone do you?

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2bc18f No.21624527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Springfield, OH Town Hall: Unity Through Dialogue

I don’t blame the people of Springfield for their frustrations, I blame the policies that created them. We’re here tonight to hear *directly* from the people, without any filters. Kicking off tonight with a shocking story of my own from today.


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4c0a9d No.21624528


Anyone got the Y MCA dance with the very hot very beautiful lady in KEK green?

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489486 No.21624529

File: 113e78c6838d505⋯.png (1.78 MB,1600x1000,8:5,113e78c6838d505766f9beda8a….png)



good to know other anons have it as well, mine started randomly near 8pm CST. ill try to see whats causing it i got some toolz.

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153339 No.21624530


stick with two browsers.

chrome for everyday things.

brave where there is no login for all other internet use .

keep the two side by side..

one shows you are a normal user

the other for research.

ensure to clear cache often

and delete all apps.

those things are poison


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bffd5d No.21624531

File: 663d8b0d6cf43ae⋯.png (308.91 KB,558x371,558:371,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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89312d No.21624532


So you like the fact AIPAC controls congress?

You like the fact the Roths own the Federal Reserve?

You like the fact Soros money is behind the Democrats?

All Jewish agendas you continue to ignore while it's infront of your hawk beak noses.

Fucking kikes,

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4c0a9d No.21624533



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dd7acd No.21624534

File: 4a0bc17e1fc65c7⋯.png (4.57 MB,2222x1899,2222:1899,ClipboardImage.png)

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89312d No.21624535


Everyone really sees how scummy the Jews fight.

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60710b No.21624536

File: 5b02009d61f7c9d⋯.png (273 KB,593x456,593:456,pedopromotercrazyeyes.png)

File: 315398f2a5e0366⋯.png (323.44 KB,607x610,607:610,pedopromotercrazyeyes2.png)

pedo promoter has crazy eyes.


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ecdb8e No.21624537

File: f5a02aec20b2c61⋯.png (282.2 KB,766x2696,383:1348,97_2_.png)

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e3e602 No.21624538

Tim Walz - The Chinese Gun Bunny? Howitzer expertise? Dig

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59cb67 No.21624539


Urbana just up north is a liberal shit hole. They will merge.

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248386 No.21624540

File: c90b2720bda4b5f⋯.png (31.3 KB,630x396,35:22,ClipboardImage.png)


Been watching this. Good stuff here! There were RSVP's for 2000 but room only holds 350.

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5d8788 No.21624541


there's a vagina?

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153339 No.21624542

File: d54daa9306fb5c5⋯.gif (3.59 MB,540x540,1:1,neo_night_shift.gif)


year right ok.

well good for you.

you must be new here.

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c4bca0 No.21624543

File: 476aa41b500d2c0⋯.jpg (418.53 KB,573x572,573:572,Xnip2024_09_19_19_22_44.jpg)


i guess they got it finished

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60710b No.21624544

File: 8859c04d2e9c5f6⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB,640x360,16:9,virtuouspedophila.mp4)


"Virtuous Pedophilia"

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89312d No.21624545

File: b5264e98e5efd89⋯.png (51.44 KB,673x400,673:400,LyingJewsLeakersII.png)

File: 6c0723e170171de⋯.png (37.62 KB,548x455,548:455,LyingJewSmollett.png)

File: 29dd3f9bbf2a3a1⋯.png (40.89 KB,554x450,277:225,LyingJewSullivan.png)

File: c6565ee651b9fdf⋯.png (43.51 KB,597x418,597:418,LyingJewYellen.png)

File: ea8e44e97aef301⋯.png (49.23 KB,606x426,101:71,LyingJewZelensky.png)

All good Jews for you kikes to worship.

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b5eaf5 No.21624546

File: ba6122fc277055d⋯.png (361.95 KB,512x512,1:1,tmpx1ce4j7e.png)


sounds like it is comped.

nuke and pave the browser. delete the profile folders. search for any extensions. remove the updaters. export anything worth saving as a text file.

remove any services / scripts if it installs any.

mozilla is funded by soros and google is google.

I'd recommend a pre-soros firefox or a non-google chrome variant, but even those suck. find something that works for you.

multiple browsers also work well; i used to have one for the places that were already evil and one for the places that weren't; just make sure to keep them separate.

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489486 No.21624547

File: 990159b9926ada6⋯.png (476.06 KB,849x488,849:488,990159b9926ada69c5275027a4….png)


very new! hahaha thanks for the suggestions, i just need to buy a cheap laptop to dedicate for the kun, ive been sloppy.

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9e3f36 No.21624548

File: e1415f75b72c269⋯.jpg (15.17 KB,474x316,3:2,crazyeyes.jpg)


>crazy eyes


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59cb67 No.21624549


Since when does a small asteroid come in and visit for two months then go away?

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ecdb8e No.21624550


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fe2aca No.21624551

File: 857c28317543920⋯.jpg (85.17 KB,563x525,563:525,aintreading.jpg)

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89312d No.21624552

File: b386436963dc354⋯.png (30.28 KB,601x415,601:415,LyingJewBlinkin.png)

File: 1081fc7797526a3⋯.png (51.69 KB,568x439,568:439,LyingJewFink.png)

File: 843ef50a364edec⋯.png (50.45 KB,655x471,655:471,LyingJewGarland.png)

File: d3373c34cd5c3b1⋯.png (37.49 KB,604x413,604:413,LyingJewGriswold.png)

File: b7af98b26688389⋯.png (54.53 KB,589x432,589:432,LyingJewKraft.png)

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7430af No.21624553

File: 07b3407b3aa2f48⋯.png (417 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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295b47 No.21624554


Q+ started at 7:14

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.


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ecdb8e No.21624555


neon up five

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5d8788 No.21624556


FBI takes care of binnis

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89312d No.21624557

File: f5c444dbb55fd29⋯.png (37.43 KB,584x427,584:427,LyingJewChertoff.png)

File: 93e20f069280e7a⋯.png (46 KB,593x421,593:421,LyingJewCuban.png)

File: ec4805a0f3e8149⋯.png (51.34 KB,588x424,147:106,LyingJewEpstein.png)

File: 843ef50a364edec⋯.png (50.45 KB,655x471,655:471,LyingJewGarland.png)

File: 11def3778e0e3cb⋯.png (42.42 KB,566x441,566:441,LyingJewHaines.png)

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4c0a9d No.21624558


next mourning hoe anchor

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a5f2aa No.21624559

File: ac142bf40475cb7⋯.gif (2.43 MB,540x378,10:7,burn_it_with_fire.gif)



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dd7acd No.21624560

File: dbae2c68e2ed355⋯.png (1.75 MB,725x1102,25:38,EyeChart.png)

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bffd5d No.21624561

DJT: we have to defeat kamala harris, and for israel we have to defeat her

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c4bca0 No.21624562

File: 0fd51c0837570e5⋯.jpg (19.47 KB,143x97,143:97,Xnip2024_09_19_19_25_01.jpg)


evil has become unconstrained

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4c0a9d No.21624563

If you're call yourself an Israelite and vote Harris your a dumbfuck stupid!

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5d8788 No.21624564


and it was unsauced to boot.

It's called entertainment.

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59d7f5 No.21624565

File: 0d066d358e6259b⋯.jpg (214.3 KB,1200x1187,1200:1187,42ec870dfeee0375.jpg)

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bffd5d No.21624566

DJT: here in America, jewish citizens have been forced to endure anti-semtism

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59cb67 No.21624568


Where is p diddy?

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9e3f36 No.21624569

File: 24b72889c1b7a95⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,1276x720,319:180,Lemon_doesn_t_understand.mp4)


>Virtuous Pedophilia

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89312d No.21624570

File: d504fa4f5186e78⋯.jpg (88.25 KB,501x499,501:499,AmericaFirst.jpg)


>for israel

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206287 No.21624571

File: 5f977f438d53cf2⋯.png (105.65 KB,309x302,309:302,ClipboardImage.png)

Jews will kill Trump and blame Iran

Everyone will fall in line!


Hope lost


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ecdb8e No.21624572


y did p is where

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42281d No.21624573

President Trump: More than any people on Earth, Israel has to defeat her [Haris]. I really believe that; it's a disaster for Israel, and you know why, and you've heard her statements. And we're gonna take back our country, and we're gonna make Israel great again, and we're gonna Make America Great Again.

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59d7f5 No.21624574

File: ab0bd0eb4e9b609⋯.png (734.83 KB,803x592,803:592,millstones_e1a.png)

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bffd5d No.21624575

DJT: we all have to fight, we all have to fight for israel

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89312d No.21624576

File: 4a5f5016e993e2d⋯.png (827.14 KB,1068x838,534:419,ImpeachmentJews.png)


>for israel

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20248a No.21624577

File: 2fc9c0303c6deda⋯.png (129.42 KB,722x542,361:271,54bqv543523.PNG)


>Jews will kill Trump and blame Iran


>Everyone will fall in line!




>Hope lost



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153339 No.21624578

djt is choosing his words very carefully.

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59cb67 No.21624579


Everyone knows it’s the Jews.

Kicked out of every nation over and over.

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ecdb8e No.21624580


who,what, where,when,why.

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89312d No.21624581

File: 2105881a89c4ace⋯.png (230.23 KB,579x448,579:448,Shapiro.png)


>we all have to fight for israel

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12c010 No.21624582


you mean michael

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4c0a9d No.21624583


good question for astronomy/math fags

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9e3f36 No.21624584

File: 93eabdac1c617c7⋯.png (43.63 KB,156x175,156:175,ClipboardImage.png)


>victims stare him down

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59cb67 No.21624585

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530da4 No.21624586


Right? Being reported on as normal no big deal. Never remember an event like this being mentioned before

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bffd5d No.21624587

DJT: all across our land, we have seen jews harrassed by pro-hamas supporters

this pro-hamas bigotry and hate will be crushed, starting at 12 noon on january 20th 2025

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c76685 No.21624588

notables @ 540

#26484 >>21623896

>>21624190, >>21624489, >>21624490 DJT: Join me in Washington, D.C. at 6:30PM EST for a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event

>>21624527 LIVE: Springfield, OH Town Hall: Unity Through Dialogue

>>21623931 Second Moon To Join Earth’s Orbit This Month

>>21623932 Kamala Has Not Done A Formal Press Conference in 60 Days

>>21623934, >>21623945 Massive Crowd at Donald Trump 'MAGA' Rally in Uniondale, New York (Sept. 18, 2024)

>>21623937 EU Parliament recognized Edmundo González as the "legitimate and democratically elected" president of Venezuela

>>21623940 Guess Who’s Back? I’m Out of YouTube Jail. | Candace Ep 68

>>21623954, >>21623996 Call to dig: Ryan Routh's wife (also who is his father?)

>>21623959 Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Lied to Congress

>>21623962 Dave Chapelle's MTV cribs P Diddy sketch

>>21623966 Ex-Mayor DeBlasio’s COVID czar admits to attending ‘deviant’ drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic

>>21623975 DJT: I just learned that my newest book, SAVE AMERICA, is a New York Times BEST SELLER!

>>21623984 Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters

>>21623994 Nicole Shanahan: My daughter was diagnosed with autism when she was 18 months of age

>>21624012 Migrant influencer who touted squatting will not be deported - President Nicolas Maduro halted deportation flights

>>21624019 Recently retired Border Patrol Chief says Kamala-Biden admin ordered him to cover up the increase in suspected terrorists

>>21624020 The ADL has sued Intel because of workplace harassment of an Israeli employee

>>21624167 The Obama thing

>>21624192, >>21624084 Resignations past 24hrs

>>21624212 Make America Healthy Again, Interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr | TRIGGERED Ep.175

>>21624255 Full video: President Donald J. Trump on Gutfeld

>>21624265 Gaetz: Senior Homeland Security official says they are aware of at least 5 teams that are geared toward assassinating Trump

>>21624281 Biden Promises Next Trump Assassin Will Be A Woman Of Color

>>21624337 The Babylon Bee has obtained this exclusive, official, 100% real Gavin Newsom election ad

>>21624423 New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks

>>21624433 Elon Musk says SpaceX will sue FAA for 'regulatory overreach

>>21624457 1 in 3 Minneapolis Public Housing residents are Somalis

>>21624460 Brazil fines Musk's X for site's return after ban

>>21624521 @Kash: Get ready AZ, Election Integrity Project…

>>21624536, >>21624544, >>21624560 Meet pedo promoter 'Dr.' Lindsey Doe who has amassed 1 million

>>21624000, >>21624281 Memes


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c401ce No.21624589

File: 4ac63def3fe5481⋯.jpeg (186.64 KB,1049x1530,1049:1530,B425B5BE_4872_4E94_9933_8….jpeg)


Beware! These are dangeris breed- will fast attack hands and face.

Crazy eyes are the giveaway.

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153339 No.21624590

djt: the jewish discrimination will be crushed on jan 20th 2025. (that is different) think there will be a clearing out of the criminal jews first)

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ecdb8e No.21624591

File: 2ff596b5a630206⋯.jpg (213.76 KB,1780x910,178:91,die_hard_vent_mcclane.jpg)

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42281d No.21624592

President Trump: All across our land, you've seen Jewish Americans harassed, and attacked, and terrorized, by anti-Semites, and Hamas sympathizers. I can't believe what we've been witnessing over the last year. Actually, I've watched it in great detail.

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4c0a9d No.21624593


biden is behind me - isn't he!

meme cap

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53fb5a No.21624594


treason has no reverse gear, the lies can only get bigger and bigger

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295b47 No.21624595


Q+ just now "Jew-Haters"

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89312d No.21624596

File: bbddd699b334265⋯.jpg (63.96 KB,581x430,581:430,JustSayin.jpg)

Fuck it, let the country fall into chaos, I ain't voting for the the kike sucker Trumpet.

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43b212 No.21624597

File: 8bbf910fd711002⋯.png (204.25 KB,512x411,512:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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b39ba2 No.21624598

File: fe021078554cca0⋯.png (95.29 KB,475x534,475:534,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2286dbda2eac41c⋯.png (23.53 KB,458x407,458:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f2ed606827b9b2⋯.png (22.91 KB,464x462,232:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c232d1d49dda91c⋯.png (25.42 KB,471x395,471:395,ClipboardImage.png)

We knew this day would come. (4 of 6)

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206287 No.21624599

>>21624588 wtf bakes?

>>21624481 CIA officer who drugged, photographed and sexually assaulted dozens of women gets 30 years in prison

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59cb67 No.21624601


It’s a drone.

Telescope sales are through the roof right now.

Five thousand dollars will get you one that can see what you need to see.

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42281d No.21624602

President Trump: I'm here today to tell the Jewish-American community that this ugly tide of anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas bigotry and hate, will be turned back and crushed, starting at noon, on January 20, 2025.

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89312d No.21624603

File: 2ec065dc795c30d⋯.png (43.61 KB,683x365,683:365,Kappy.png)


Trump loves the Jews.

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153339 No.21624604

File: 5b39dd46a8fb674⋯.png (195.42 KB,239x406,239:406,ClipboardImage.png)

djt: even sheldon did not believe it

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4c0a9d No.21624605

Trump was the light from captivity

Kamala is the return of Assyria Babylon

amalek, bwahahhahahaa

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fe2aca No.21624606

File: b1e49a8c3d28ed1⋯.mp4 (312.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,you.mp4)

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89312d No.21624607

File: ad3f9d1419c0eb1⋯.jpg (58.09 KB,612x408,3:2,ADLNonsenseII.jpg)

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489486 No.21624608


If you have any resources, send them my way, i have some time in between study. always trying to learn moar.

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acfba6 No.21624610

File: 4270f1e074a3655⋯.png (196.73 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>biden is behind me - isn't he!

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c76685 No.21624611


Was notabled 2 breads ago.

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12c010 No.21624612


fiberglass dust , capsaican powder in AC or crude radiation weapon

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89312d No.21624613

File: 2895de1355a7bdf⋯.png (85.19 KB,660x378,110:63,EpsteinPhone.png)

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9e3f36 No.21624614


>starting at noon, on January 20, 2025

that's specific

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277bce No.21624615

>>21623337 n, >>21623341 n FBI Raids Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing Headquarters in Indiana

what's the pretext, thinking prayerful thoughts?

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dd7acd No.21624616

File: 06a190625a5c4e2⋯.png (700.91 KB,1920x1009,1920:1009,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b18dd46f522e07⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1015,384:203,ClipboardImage.png)

Global X and Eastern Air Express



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59d7f5 No.21624617


Donald J. Trump



Join me live in Washington, D.C. at 6:30PM Eastern for a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event with Dr. Miriam Adelson.

Donald J.Trump

LIVE: President Trump in Washington, D.C.





MUST WATCH: President Donald J. Trump on Gutfeld!






Frankspeech TV1 NEWS



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12c010 No.21624618


swab the floor and chairs send to a lab for mass-spec.

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5d8788 No.21624619

File: 1aee1c4781d1392⋯.png (722.84 KB,1000x679,1000:679,Deathstar_Ginger_Mound_Alp….png)


That's no moon

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d0e18d No.21624620

Goddamn Israel>>21624488

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89312d No.21624621



Pandering to 2% of the population for money.

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277bce No.21624622

hey bo get the smut pics off the page.

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59d7f5 No.21624623



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59cb67 No.21624624


I think the Jews are about to eradicated.

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42281d No.21624625

President Trump: Ground zero for the outbreak of the anti-Jewish hate under Kamala Harris has been our college campuses. At UCLA a few months ago, marxist thugs dressed up like terrorists, and created, "Jew exclusion zones", blocking Jewish students from entering parts of the campus.

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c4bca0 No.21624626


they still won't vote for him tho

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e695bf No.21624627

File: 633249a0d4c032a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x675,8:5,633249a0d4c032a39c3e8fdc7f….png)


There is no muh all jew hate here

And on the palestina issue anons are smart enough to pick neither side

When you post pro israel stuff intelligence agencies flag you as an islamophobe

When you post stuff about pro palestine intelligence agencies flag you as an anti Semite

It is a trap

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21dfdc No.21624628

is P Diddy being held in the worst prison in Brooklyn?

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20ba12 No.21624629

File: 21752e117a14d40⋯.png (688.28 KB,689x1491,689:1491,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e3f36 No.21624630

File: d980e609510d264⋯.mp4 (491.32 KB,622x350,311:175,killingdustlabwuhan.mp4)

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43afdb No.21624631

File: 6937d666371696e⋯.jpg (188.97 KB,1079x995,1079:995,a_real_coup_JFK.jpg)

File: 62aa005c1cf6cc1⋯.png (141.38 KB,384x304,24:19,another_photo_where_JFK_he….png)

File: 435de2a87dea814⋯.png (1.42 MB,1947x663,649:221,another_photo_where_JFK_he….png)

File: 398b0eca7b83a95⋯.png (3.86 MB,1920x1554,320:259,JFK_book_with_Q_quote_calm….png)

File: 20f53c32e21dd5a⋯.png (430.04 KB,616x521,616:521,Trump_JFK_both_try_to_stop….png)


>one of the most egregious misconduct cases in the CIA's history

psht. no.

one of the most egregious public misconduct cases in the CIA's history

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eeaacf No.21624632


Thats the first day of office for the new Presidency

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853d0a No.21624634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This isnt the first story I have seen lately involving a sheriff who has no more fucks to give…

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21dfdc No.21624635

also is Ghislaine still there? would be something if they shared a cell after they were at parties together

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277bce No.21624636


circling back like a bad meal on an asteroid

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153339 No.21624637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


video content below is good. follow advice only.


good youtube source and video


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dfaae4 No.21624638

Jew know what I'm talking about?

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baebb7 No.21624639

File: 3ec5d4552e1ace1⋯.png (97.98 KB,236x219,236:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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21dfdc No.21624641

feels like all the dirt on P Diddy is coming out people are like "diddy left a dookie in the toilet and didn't flush"

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89312d No.21624642


Jewish handler for P Diddy

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bffd5d No.21624643


i proud to support israel and jews

i don't care if flagged by 3 letter agency

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5d8788 No.21624644

File: 83fbeef68a14685⋯.jpg (55.91 KB,622x618,311:309,Pepe_Doctor_Clipboard.jpg)


can habben

Angles, velocity, gravity.

Might be Musk's red car getting thrown back with a note attached.

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708de0 No.21624645

File: 85c6c19fe352989⋯.png (275.98 KB,2044x1020,511:255,Screenshot_2024_09_19_1736….png)

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5d8788 No.21624646


Loomer loves your post.

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277bce No.21624647

File: 127fc68983d868e⋯.png (260.58 KB,702x542,351:271,mjs_blue.png)

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dfaae4 No.21624648

Jew don't wanna know.

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42281d No.21624649

President Trump: I'm calling on Kalama Harris to officially disavow the support of all Hamas sympathizers, anti-Semites, Israel haters, on college campuses, and everywhere else.

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21dfdc No.21624650

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2031cf No.21624651

File: 4f644e01f46c955⋯.png (201.05 KB,537x283,537:283,Snip20240919_57.png)

>>21620656. lb PB

Michele witchbitch


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7c2076 No.21624652


I have problems, too. With Opera. Was trying Brave, works fine.

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206287 No.21624653

File: 21e6d1a89b18596⋯.png (3.23 KB,176x101,176:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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89312d No.21624654

File: 07a9b99aedb8b4e⋯.png (162.45 KB,364x283,364:283,AlexSmug.png)


So you support ALL Jews, and EVERTHING Israel does?

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323217 No.21624655


>Jew don't wanna know.

I wish you knew who you were talking to./


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89b6f0 No.21624657

File: c13e2e7feee7199⋯.jpg (54.46 KB,736x460,8:5,bestfreindgamemebestadvice.jpg)

File: f02b40cf03981ae⋯.png (76.34 KB,887x482,887:482,a_favored_one_.png)


My best friend gave me best advice? Bearing false witness against "Stevie Boy."

Trump was one of the first to endorse Kari Lake and just last week reiterated her border stance. Whose side are you on?

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4d2994 No.21624658


Thank you sheriff.

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5d8788 No.21624659

File: a7159e9324a404b⋯.jpg (207.86 KB,600x598,300:299,Israel_Babies_Jew_Haters_S….jpg)

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c4bca0 No.21624660


>Kalama Harris

she could go out in the middle of Broadway and shoot jews and they would still vote for her.

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323217 No.21624661


>So you support ALL Jews, and EVERTHING Israel does?

President Trump: I'm here today to tell the Jewish-American community that this ugly tide of anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas bigotry and hate, will be turned back and crushed, starting at noon, on January 20, 2025.

I think you're in the wrong forum Parakletos./


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bffd5d No.21624662


oh come on, such a ridiculous question which would apply to any group, not just jews

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89312d No.21624663

File: 351c4ceab4225b6⋯.png (72.03 KB,602x414,301:207,RansomeTrump.png)

File: fdfbc31c2732381⋯.png (59.66 KB,632x395,8:5,RansomeTrumpTapes.png)

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59cb67 No.21624664


An asteroid is coming to visit orbit and then leave?

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dfaae4 No.21624665

File: d8becdef5132e28⋯.jpg (69.23 KB,246x227,246:227,1000001476.jpg)


Just kekkin

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3887ab No.21624666



Why do the Jewish people not speak out against Jewish criminals?

Silence to the point of criminality.

The fake news is run by an unproportionate amount of Jews or those married to Jews.

Are they all Zionists?

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89312d No.21624667

File: 0b91c17d8e753bb⋯.png (75.94 KB,500x692,125:173,KochFrankenJew.png)

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21dfdc No.21624668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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55faea No.21624669


>i don't care if flagged by 3 letter agency

Me either. It became obvious years ago when things were left in the alley beside my house related to what I was posting here that I've been under a microscope by mil or intel for quite some time. I don't give a fuck anymoar if they do or not, either side, dark or light. I just want to be able to watch things start going back to normal on the screen.

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42281d No.21624670

President Trump: My first week back in the Oval Office, my administration will inform every college president that if you do not end anti-Semitic propaganda, they will lose their accreditation and federal taxpayer support. We will not subsidize the creation of terrorist sympathizers, and we're not gonna do it; certainly on American soil, we're not going to do it anywhere.

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76ce8e No.21624671

"Watch those limestones"

interdasting thing to say

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dfaae4 No.21624672

Bossman droppin stones.

Heavy stones.

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d763c2 No.21624673

File: 72538647b1dd6fa⋯.jpg (61.17 KB,680x640,17:16,Trumpnuts.jpg)

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21dfdc No.21624674

how did P Diddy wind up in Brooklyn jail? i thought he lived in Florida or Georgia. now he is where they don't even have heat in the winter that place is GRIM

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dfaae4 No.21624675

Sink like a stone.

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42281d No.21624676

President Trump: I will inform every educational institution in our land, that if they permit violence, harassment, or threats, against Jewish students, the schools will be held accountable for violations of the Civil Rights law.

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89312d No.21624677


All Human Trafficking case that are famous get tried in Manhattan

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caae89 No.21624678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamala and Oprah coming up at 8 pm! Tune in for some joy! Thank you!

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21dfdc No.21624679


international intelligence can make an AI based on my posts to make better posts that i do

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206287 No.21624680

File: 30c5f944bd17f36⋯.png (199.92 KB,388x383,388:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aaf8b5a46c56b01⋯.png (89.44 KB,240x148,60:37,ClipboardImage.png)


>So you support ALL Jews, and EVERTHING Israel does?

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bffd5d No.21624681


well, i would almost feel like a failure if i was not on one of their lists at this point

i will continue to post what i believe is correct and right

of course, not everyone will agree, but i don't care

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76ce8e No.21624682

File: 36a47398ca6b2cb⋯.png (108.38 KB,806x753,806:753,ClipboardImage.png)

Keyword today


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4fcaa3 No.21624683

File: d28c95cdba21dc7⋯.webp (16.26 KB,482x536,241:268,img_5207.webp)

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83d155 No.21624684


Only thing that really changed on 8kun was the ai undress ad at bottom of page.

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59cb67 No.21624685



Arch Diocese

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4c0a9d No.21624686

Kamala - stage name, like P Diddy

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21dfdc No.21624687



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9e3f36 No.21624688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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323217 No.21624689

File: a716f3421f65495⋯.png (8.39 KB,230x52,115:26,ClipboardImage.png)


>Why do the Jewish people not speak out against Jewish criminals?




>Why do the Jewish people not speak out against Jewish criminals?

>Silence to the point of criminality.

>The fake news is run by an unproportionate amount of Jews or those married to Jews.

>Are they all Zionists?

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89312d No.21624690

File: 767084c961337f8⋯.png (49.9 KB,542x461,542:461,NotAllJewsAreGoodPeopleNul….png)

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eeaacf No.21624691


Not subsidizing the sham college system is something he should be promising. Anon would prolly vote then. Nah, not even then.

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dfaae4 No.21624692

File: f070cdb2c2913a3⋯.jpg (155.58 KB,548x362,274:181,1000001386.jpg)

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c76685 No.21624693

notables @ 640

#26484 >>21623896

>>21624190, >>21624489, >>21624490 DJT: Join me in Washington, D.C. at 6:30PM EST for a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event

>>21624527 LIVE: Springfield, OH Town Hall: Unity Through Dialogue

>>21623931 Second Moon To Join Earth’s Orbit This Month

>>21623932 Kamala Has Not Done A Formal Press Conference in 60 Days

>>21623934, >>21623945 Massive Crowd at Donald Trump 'MAGA' Rally in Uniondale, New York (Sept. 18, 2024)

>>21623937 EU Parliament recognized Edmundo González as the "legitimate and democratically elected" president of Venezuela

>>21623940 Guess Who’s Back? I’m Out of YouTube Jail | Candace Ep 68

>>21623954, >>21623996 Call to dig: Ryan Routh's wife (also who is his father?)

>>21623959 Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Lied to Congress

>>21623962 Dave Chapelle's MTV cribs P Diddy sketch

>>21623966 Ex-Mayor DeBlasio’s COVID czar admits to attending ‘deviant’ drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic

>>21623975 DJT: I just learned that my newest book, SAVE AMERICA, is a New York Times BEST SELLER!

>>21623984 Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters

>>21623994 Nicole Shanahan: My daughter was diagnosed with autism when she was 18 months of age

>>21624012 Migrant influencer who touted squatting will not be deported - President Nicolas Maduro halted deportation flights

>>21624019 Recently retired Border Patrol Chief says Kamala-Biden admin ordered him to cover up the increase in suspected terrorists

>>21624020 The ADL has sued Intel because of workplace harassment of an Israeli employee

>>21624167 'The Obama thing'

>>21624192, >>21624084 Resignations past 24hrs

>>21624212 Make America Healthy Again, Interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr | TRIGGERED Ep.175

>>21624255 Full video: President Donald J. Trump on Gutfeld

>>21624265 Gaetz: Senior Homeland Security official says they are aware of at least 5 teams that are geared toward assassinating Trump

>>21624281 Biden Promises Next Trump Assassin Will Be A Woman Of Color

>>21624337 The Babylon Bee has obtained this exclusive, official, 100% real Gavin Newsom election ad

>>21624423 New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks

>>21624433 Elon Musk says SpaceX will sue FAA for 'regulatory overreach

>>21624457 1 in 3 Minneapolis Public Housing residents are Somalis

>>21624460 Brazil fines Musk's X for site's return after ban

>>21624481 CIA officer who drugged, photographed and sexually assaulted dozens of women gets 30 years in prison as victims stare him down

>>21624521 @Kash: Get ready AZ, Election Integrity Project…

>>21624536, >>21624544, >>21624560 Meet pedo promoter 'Dr.' Lindsey Doe who has amassed 1 million

>>21624616 PF: Global X and Eastern Air Express

>>21624688 Kentucky judge shot inside courthouse, one person arrested

>>21624000, >>21624281 Memes


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caae89 No.21624694

File: 9d0d73efe472ac8⋯.png (24.89 KB,497x488,497:488,Screen_Shot_09_19_24_at_07….PNG)


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153339 No.21624695

File: 41a3c15e758401e⋯.png (374.83 KB,992x500,248:125,ClipboardImage.png)


use your own words.

a.i is retarded.

and woke

btw woke is cultural Marxism.

anons need to call it what it is.

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24d75b No.21624696


Hopefully it's his tomb

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3887ab No.21624697

File: 1c42da1028f1c08⋯.jpg (27.39 KB,599x388,599:388,1c42da1028f1c08b3285090981….jpg)

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89312d No.21624698

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59d7f5 No.21624699

File: e209ce637718976⋯.png (926.06 KB,1258x843,1258:843,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4747c396ce521c⋯.jpg (70.89 KB,800x950,16:19,c4747c396ce521c5dbd83b1d7d….jpg)


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927f53 No.21624700

File: 5373672809d19fb⋯.png (1.06 MB,1024x707,1024:707,ClipboardImage.png)

Nike CEO calls it quits as sportswear giant’s sales sink

Nike said Thursday that former senior executive Elliott Hill will rejoin the company to succeed John Donahoe as president and CEO, as the sportswear giant shakes up its top rank amid efforts to revive sales and battle rising competition.

The company’s shares rose 9% in after-hours trading.

Hill was at Nike for 32 years and held senior leadership positions across Europe and North America and was responsible for helping expand the business to more than $39 billion, the company said.


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9e3f36 No.21624701

Who Was Kevin Mullins? Letcher County District Judge Shot By Sheriff Mickey Stines

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eeaacf No.21624703


bringing it to their doorsteps. Different.

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853824 No.21624704

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617f83 No.21624705

10% cap on credit cards?

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9e3f36 No.21624706

File: 410a37f7256ad25⋯.mp4 (14.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,JohnOfGodCrucius_1_.mp4)


"The manifesto's author said their anger toward immigrants predates Donald Trump's presidency, but the language used bears much similarity with the president's vocabulary."

"Some of the language included in the document parroted Trump's own words, characterizing Hispanic migrants as invaders taking American jobs and arguing to 'send them back'."

"Portions of the 2,300-word essay, titled 'The Inconvenient Truth', closely mirror Trump's rhetoric, as well as the language of the white nationalist movement, including a warning about the 'Hispanic invasion of Texas'."

"But if Mr. Trump did not originally inspire the gunman, he has brought into the mainstream polarizing ideas and people once consigned to the fringes of American society […] Mr. Crusius described legal and illegal immigrants as 'invaders' who are flooding into the United States, a term Mr. Trump has frequently employed to argue for a border wall."


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3ff5d7 No.21624707

File: 03065a752f5a623⋯.png (471.3 KB,558x558,1:1,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)


>Baker Seeking HandOff


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edc971 No.21624708

File: dce186c25ab4c5a⋯.png (18.23 KB,535x179,535:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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295b47 No.21624709

File: 78af7a8bd2a56e9⋯.png (34.61 KB,812x499,812:499,jew_hate_proof.png)

Proof Q+ is talking to this board about the "Jew-Hate" here, during speech



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89312d No.21624710

File: 3c20b1815dc0c7a⋯.png (49.65 KB,537x465,179:155,TrumpFrens.png)


No tax on Jewish owned businesses!

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bffd5d No.21624711

File: 616906b64af967c⋯.png (891.95 KB,611x918,611:918,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 6082d19f8652779⋯.png (12.16 KB,138x57,46:19,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)


are you that retarded not to know that oprah is absolutely one of the biggest pedophiles walking the face of this earth?

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9e3f36 No.21624712



judges chamber

pretty sacred?

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b853a8 No.21624714

Trump just told the jews that he'd cap credit card interest at 10%


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59cb67 No.21624715


If credit cards are not taxed over 10 percent, illegals will run out of money

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89312d No.21624717

File: 086b38a57141c3e⋯.jpg (64.53 KB,540x462,90:77,MaxJew.jpg)

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c4bca0 No.21624718


>i proud to support israel and jews

so does this anon.

one can distinguish between the jewish people and the vipers who control so much of our society.

Jesus made the distinction. So can we.

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eeaacf No.21624720


>innermost sanctum chambers

thats the door they step to for protection and to secret away.

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42281d No.21624721

President Trump: [Harris] supported unlimited migration from terrorist hotbeds into the United States, especially some of the hotbeds that most hate Israel. Under Border Czar Harris, armies of foreign Hamas sympathizers now march brazenly through our cities; they're literally marching in our cities, and they are, they came from some very vicious, violent, parts of the world…I will not let what happened to Paris, what happened to London; and what's happening to them to, by the way, that's not over, what happened to Brussels, happen here in America. It's not gonna happen. We will deport the foreign jihad sympathizers, and Hamas supporters, from our midst. We will get them out of our country.

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9e3f36 No.21624722

File: 2493c427eb14c07⋯.png (423.92 KB,634x888,317:444,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86eaaf2e5a63af7⋯.png (525.62 KB,634x476,317:238,ClipboardImage.png)


Kentucky sheriff accused of fatally shooting judge Kevin Mullins in his chambers at Letcher County courthouse

A Kentucky sheriff has been arrested for allegedly shooting dead a judge inside his chambers on Thursday after asking staff if he could speak with him.

Lechter County Sheriff Mickey Stines surrendered himself to police following the shooting death of District Court Judge Kevin Mullins at the County Courthouse at around 3pm, The Mountain Eagle reports.

The sheriff allegedly walked into the judge's outer office, told court employees and others gathered there he needed to speak to Mullins alone.

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89312d No.21624723


Name one good Jew inn society

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153339 No.21624724

File: cafe47715b8207b⋯.png (272 KB,503x505,503:505,ClipboardImage.png)


jim you are a perv.

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bffd5d No.21624725


yes, you make a very valid and insightful comment

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caae89 No.21624726


Sauce it or hush. If she did anything she would have been arrested.

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b853a8 No.21624727


Use it on big mike and see what habbens.

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c4bca0 No.21624728


judge must have really pissed him off.

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624b29 No.21624729

File: ad42f93ad9aba48⋯.png (16.91 KB,386x258,193:129,ClipboardImage.png)



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9e3f36 No.21624730

File: 16d0b76bf8ac98a⋯.png (440.15 KB,678x450,113:75,ClipboardImage.png)


interesting face

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caae89 No.21624731

File: 448ecc4887e76fc⋯.png (185.82 KB,425x349,425:349,Screen_Shot_09_19_24_at_07….PNG)

what is this trash at the bottom of the screen

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fcd692 No.21624732



Careful with that info the board celebrities are all pro Israel

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dfaae4 No.21624733


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203541 No.21624734

File: 1587e21e7c7bd17⋯.png (5.37 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)

stap mnuchin juwish butthol larp haiti

mnuchin is proud frenchy zombie mnuchin poelland swampgASSes

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153339 No.21624735

File: 3561b86cabcd0f2⋯.png (101.83 KB,425x375,17:15,ClipboardImage.png)


do not want

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59d7f5 No.21624736

File: 080fa2dca09ea0f⋯.png (1.56 MB,1124x881,1124:881,heligian_dialectic_a360275….png)


I am against Zionists, I approve of Jews.

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7430af No.21624737

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


The corporate media will never share this man’s story with you.


Brian Glenn

7:21 PM · Sep 19, 2024





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2bc18f No.21624738

File: b19d4acffc9f477⋯.png (567.64 KB,2733x2070,911:690,ClipboardImage.png)

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3887ab No.21624739


Their names never come up in criminal acts, so no, I can't name any.

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59d7f5 No.21624740


that is [their] problem

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9e3f36 No.21624741



Sadly, I have been informed that a district judge in Letcher County was shot and killed in his chambers this afternoon.

There is far too much violence in this world, and I pray there is a path to a better tomorrow. ^AB

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e457bc No.21624742

The judge was messing with his 17 yr old daughter.

Yes, Anon is from Kentucky.

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c4bca0 No.21624743

File: b41fa436a6f19ce⋯.jpg (158.79 KB,1059x284,1059:284,Xnip2024_09_19_19_42_05.jpg)


originally appointed by a dem gov.

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93b53d No.21624744


Farva going to Shenanigans

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295b47 No.21624745

File: 7819e8a4583782a⋯.png (47.66 KB,812x499,812:499,jew_hate_proof.png)


Date corrected. Sorry I will rep nb.

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bffd5d No.21624746

File: 779f8359ccf8c32⋯.png (311.2 KB,467x400,467:400,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

File: a793cbe77a8f97a⋯.png (236.05 KB,475x317,475:317,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 6082d19f8652779⋯.png (12.16 KB,138x57,46:19,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)



whoa, oprah defender

must be gayle

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89b6f0 No.21624747

File: 425aa9e8249ca83⋯.png (608.55 KB,932x776,233:194,FBI_Lie.png)

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a04977 No.21624748

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203541 No.21624749

File: 6f056a8dca662c0⋯.png (8.99 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>stap mnuchin juwish butthol larp haiti

>mnuchin is proud frenchy zombie mnuchin poelland swampgASSes

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c4bca0 No.21624750


sheriff got quite the stash

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59cb67 No.21624751

This bread hit 750 posts an hour ago

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edc971 No.21624752


almost like the guy running for president of the united fucking states has to pander for every vote he can get

meanwhile the people are free to have whatever opinion they want no matter how much you clutch your pearls

they can be pandered to as a bloc so they're fair game to be shitposted against as a bloc

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eeaacf No.21624753


Had to take off the protective eye gear to make the point that he knows his buddy's fam is good.

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310c13 No.21624754


Wait until the alien-proponents discover the ETs are all from here, just from different dimensions. And that there is a negative energy dimension and a positive energy dimension. And we’re in between them.

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9e3f36 No.21624755

File: a08ee62a4bbd64a⋯.png (89.26 KB,200x260,10:13,ClipboardImage.png)

District Court is the court of limited jurisdiction and handles juvenile matters, city and county ordinances, misdemeanors, violations, traffic offenses, probate of wills, arraignments, felony probable cause hearings, small claims involving $2,500 or less, civil cases involving $5,000 or less, voluntary and involuntary mental commitments and cases relating to domestic violence and abuse.

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ecdb8e No.21624756

File: af80136348e896b⋯.jpeg (154.42 KB,1500x500,3:1,1500x500_4_.jpeg)

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853824 No.21624757


This is the way

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853d0a No.21624758



my gut is telling me that judge was an evil man…

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624b29 No.21624759

File: aec908ac794ad6a⋯.png (30.22 KB,386x482,193:241,ClipboardImage.png)


maybe… who nose?

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59d7f5 No.21624760


Nakamotoism is the economic principle that the value of money derives from the purchasing power of the digital commodity upon which it is based that runs on The Nakamoto Protocol and has The Nakamoto Consensus.

Nakamotoism will replace Fiatism.

by indigo_nakamoto November 19, 2022




Satoshi Nakamoto

The anonymous inventor of the bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Ursula: "Satoshi Nakamoto deserves a Nobel Prize in Economics for inventing bitcoin."

Joe: "I agree. The problem is no one knows who he is or if he's even still alive."

by Prankster December 30, 2019


Satoshi Nakamoto



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3abaef No.21624761

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53fb5a No.21624762


irrespective of neither Robe nor Uniform

could only decide by instinct looking at a face

kevin looks like scum. bidfk

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c76685 No.21624763

Transcript: DJT @ Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event


DJT: here in America, jewish citizens have been forced to endure anti-semtism


President Trump: More than any people on Earth, Israel has to defeat her [Haris]. I really believe that; it's a disaster for Israel, and you know why, and you've heard her statements. And we're gonna take back our country, and we're gonna make Israel great again, and we're gonna Make America Great Again.


DJT: we all have to fight, we all have to fight for israel


DJT: all across our land, we have seen jews harrassed by pro-hamas supporters

this pro-hamas bigotry and hate will be crushed, starting at 12 noon on january 20th 2025


djt: the jewish discrimination will be crushed on jan 20th 2025. (that is different) think there will be a clearing out of the criminal jews first)


President Trump: All across our land, you've seen Jewish Americans harassed, and attacked, and terrorized, by anti-Semites, and Hamas sympathizers. I can't believe what we've been witnessing over the last year. Actually, I've watched it in great detail.


President Trump: I'm here today to tell the Jewish-American community that this ugly tide of anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas bigotry and hate, will be turned back and crushed, starting at noon, on January 20, 2025.


President Trump: Ground zero for the outbreak of the anti-Jewish hate under Kamala Harris has been our college campuses. At UCLA a few months ago, marxist thugs dressed up like terrorists, and created, "Jew exclusion zones", blocking Jewish students from entering parts of the campus.


President Trump: I'm calling on Kalama Harris to officially disavow the support of all Hamas sympathizers, anti-Semites, Israel haters, on college campuses, and everywhere else.


President Trump: My first week back in the Oval Office, my administration will inform every college president that if you do not end anti-Semitic propaganda, they will lose their accreditation and federal taxpayer support. We will not subsidize the creation of terrorist sympathizers, and we're not gonna do it; certainly on American soil, we're not going to do it anywhere.


President Trump: I will inform every educational institution in our land, that if they permit violence, harassment, or threats, against Jewish students, the schools will be held accountable for violations of the Civil Rights law.


President Trump: [Harris] supported unlimited migration from terrorist hotbeds into the United States, especially some of the hotbeds that most hate Israel. Under Border Czar Harris, armies of foreign Hamas sympathizers now march brazenly through our cities; they're literally marching in our cities, and they are, they came from some very vicious, violent, parts of the world…I will not let what happened to Paris, what happened to London; and what's happening to them to, by the way, that's not over, what happened to Brussels, happen here in America. It's not gonna happen. We will deport the foreign jihad sympathizers, and Hamas supporters, from our midst. We will get them out of our country.

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4c0a9d No.21624764

FEELING generous and happy tonight for the payers answered and for the prayers sent for anons requesting same and the blessing shall follow… GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS AMERICANS

LISTEN up SHILLS: free super secret anon club house pass word and crypto code to operate board: YOU can start your own kum board and do all the same whit we do here on your own end, and maybe u stop looking like weak flunky hang alongs

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617f83 No.21624765

File: 46b06688e80f15f⋯.png (281.62 KB,519x1209,173:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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59d7f5 No.21624766

Donald J. Trump



Join me live in Washington, D.C. at 6:30PM Eastern for a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event with Dr. Miriam Adelson.

Donald J.Trump

LIVE: President Trump in Washington, D.C.





MUST WATCH: President Donald J. Trump on Gutfeld!






Frankspeech TV1 NEWS



Patriot News Outlet Live | America First News & Politics | MAGA Media

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c76685 No.21624767

notables FINAL

#26484 >>21623896

>>21624190, >>21624489, >>21624490 DJT: Join me in Washington, D.C. at 6:30PM EST for a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event

>>21624763 Transcript: DJT @ Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event

>>21624527 LIVE: Springfield, OH Town Hall: Unity Through Dialogue

>>21623931 Second Moon To Join Earth’s Orbit This Month

>>21623932 Kamala Has Not Done A Formal Press Conference in 60 Days

>>21623934, >>21623945 Massive Crowd at Donald Trump 'MAGA' Rally in Uniondale, New York (Sept. 18, 2024)

>>21623937 EU Parliament recognized Edmundo González as the "legitimate and democratically elected" president of Venezuela

>>21623940 Guess Who’s Back? I’m Out of YouTube Jail | Candace Ep 68

>>21623954, >>21623996 Call to dig: Ryan Routh's wife (also who is his father?)

>>21623959 Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Lied to Congress

>>21623962 Dave Chapelle's MTV cribs P Diddy sketch

>>21623966 Ex-Mayor DeBlasio’s COVID czar admits to attending ‘deviant’ drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic

>>21623975 DJT: I just learned that my newest book, SAVE AMERICA, is a New York Times BEST SELLER!

>>21623984 Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters

>>21623994 Nicole Shanahan: My daughter was diagnosed with autism when she was 18 months of age

>>21624012 Migrant influencer who touted squatting will not be deported - President Nicolas Maduro halted deportation flights

>>21624019 Recently retired Border Patrol Chief says Kamala-Biden admin ordered him to cover up the increase in suspected terrorists

>>21624020 The ADL has sued Intel because of workplace harassment of an Israeli employee

>>21624167 'The Obama thing'

>>21624192, >>21624084 Resignations past 24hrs

>>21624212 Make America Healthy Again, Interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr | TRIGGERED Ep.175

>>21624255 Full video: President Donald J. Trump on Gutfeld

>>21624265 Gaetz: Senior Homeland Security official says they are aware of at least 5 teams that are geared toward assassinating Trump

>>21624281 Biden Promises Next Trump Assassin Will Be A Woman Of Color

>>21624337 The Babylon Bee has obtained this exclusive, official, 100% real Gavin Newsom election ad

>>21624423 New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks

>>21624433 Elon Musk says SpaceX will sue FAA for 'regulatory overreach

>>21624457 1 in 3 Minneapolis Public Housing residents are Somalis

>>21624460 Brazil fines Musk's X for site's return after ban

>>21624481 CIA officer who drugged, photographed and sexually assaulted dozens of women gets 30 years in prison as victims stare him down

>>21624521 @Kash: Get ready AZ, Election Integrity Project…

>>21624536, >>21624544, >>21624560 Meet pedo promoter 'Dr.' Lindsey Doe who has amassed 1 million

>>21624616 PF: Global X and Eastern Air Express

>>21624688, >>21624722 Kentucky judge shot inside courthouse, one person arrested

>>21624737 The corporate media will never share this man’s story with you

>>21624000, >>21624281 Memes


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eeaacf No.21624768


we live in 1st heaven, 1st hell, or first purgatory. Until we journey to 2nd heaven.

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3887ab No.21624769


3 years later

The FBI unveils the operation where they put out an AI program named undresser.ai. More than 17k people hqve been arrested….

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153339 No.21624770

djt: i really have not been treated right, and you have not been treated right,

he is stating that the jewish people have not treated him right.

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55faea No.21624773


Moar like anti-clown.

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203541 No.21624774

File: 189075460fb1a72⋯.png (7.74 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>stap mnuchin juwish butthol larp haiti

>mnuchin is proud frenchy zombie mnuchin poelland swampgASSes

mnuchin drumpf is proud frenchy nazi zombie wiff proud elite bleached anus taht singing bout false profits glory an not a juw mnuchin butthol larp haiti

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853824 No.21624777


She could handle muh p diddly

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624b29 No.21624781


oh boy!

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153339 No.21624782

djt: if you support chuck schumer, you must be crazy, i don't know what the hell happened to him.

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b853a8 No.21624783

Trump just said Schumer is Hamas all the way..

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57b70a No.21624784

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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59cb67 No.21624785


Mark my words. It’s the jews

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624b29 No.21624787


keep your p didlly in your pants!


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59d7f5 No.21624788


whoa, that book… CBTS

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5d8788 No.21624789

File: b3c88a179ec00b3⋯.jpeg (531.63 KB,1483x999,1483:999,Camel_Toe_Foot.jpeg)

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c76685 No.21624790

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57b70a No.21624791

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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59d7f5 No.21624792

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3887ab No.21624793


Go ahead.

Let us know the results and spoiler anything you post.

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295b47 No.21624795

File: d16b5aec4e630e0⋯.png (115.61 KB,422x319,422:319,GBMA.png)

Q+ "the curse" Democrats have over registered Jewish voters - confirming the [D] controllers are Witches.

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59d7f5 No.21624796

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203541 No.21624797

File: 0bdd445bcca09a5⋯.png (8.84 KB,284x177,284:177,ClipboardImage.png)


>>stap mnuchin juwish butthol larp haiti

>>mnuchin is proud frenchy zombie mnuchin poelland swampgASSes

>mnuchin drumpf is proud frenchy nazi zombie wiff proud elite bleached anus taht singing bout false profits glory an not a juw mnuchin butthol larp haiti

mnuchin swampgASSes halps unelected tranny TP feels fill globorobohomo fart xerox machina an frenchy zombie antiques escape poleland

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3abaef No.21624798

File: 70760db610b4cfe⋯.jpg (213.81 KB,1284x1147,1284:1147,20240920_025539.jpg)

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59d7f5 No.21624799


its a phil post

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57b70a No.21624800

File: 8c47ab24994e241⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1151x648,1151:648,Nuremberg_2.jpg)

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57b70a No.21624801

File: 3f3d486edf82170⋯.jpg (66.12 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4769.JPG)

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57b70a No.21624802

File: edb2039cb4d861c⋯.jpg (90.39 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4716_2_.JPG)

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57b70a No.21624803

File: 8138357d6cc73a0⋯.jpg (29.37 KB,640x360,16:9,TrumpPutinSmile.jpg)

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203541 No.21624808

File: 0df0d9dea6ae9df⋯.png (5.23 KB,268x188,67:47,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>stap mnuchin juwish butthol larp haiti

>>>mnuchin is proud frenchy zombie mnuchin poelland swampgASSes

>>mnuchin drumpf is proud frenchy nazi zombie wiff proud elite bleached anus taht singing bout false profits glory an not a juw mnuchin butthol larp haiti

>mnuchin swampgASSes halps unelected tranny TP feels fill globorobohomo fart xerox machina an frenchy zombie antiques escape poleland

stap haiti juwish drumpf larpurs frum destroying pround frency nazi antiques wiff mnuchin swampgASSes

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57b70a No.21624809

File: d72999f4ce6ac4d⋯.png (427.8 KB,600x337,600:337,Q_nigga.png)

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9e3f36 No.21624810


>my gut is telling me that judge was an evil man

we'll find out

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89b6f0 No.21624811

File: 1895015b0b75de0⋯.webp (56.54 KB,620x413,620:413,Pimpv2.webp)

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3887ab No.21624812


Not all Jews are Zionists.

Not all Zionists are Jews.

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153339 No.21624813

that was brutally honest ending from djt.

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ecdb8e No.21624815

159 uid's >>21624790

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57b70a No.21624816

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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57b70a No.21624817

File: fa0c66936291522⋯.png (74.22 KB,784x214,392:107,Jefferson_quote.png)

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43afdb No.21624818


>that was brutally honest ending from djt.

was it like israels over in 2 years?

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9e3f36 No.21624819

File: 7c1263b14ed8832⋯.png (1.63 MB,824x1023,824:1023,ClipboardImage.png)

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57b70a No.21624820

File: 844141b13f1e314⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,610x739,610:739,Jackson.jpg)

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caae89 No.21624821


If you got the sauce that she is pedo provide it. Still not seeing anything.

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57b70a No.21624823

File: b3eb984d558bada⋯.jpg (80.75 KB,795x368,795:368,JacksonToRoths.jpg)

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57b70a No.21624824

File: 13d05856c189bc7⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,Happening_10.jpg)

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5d8788 No.21624825


Fuck Israel for what they do

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57b70a No.21624827

File: 976f56eb82456c8⋯.jpg (135.09 KB,888x499,888:499,Happening_CBTS_order.jpg)

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203541 No.21624828

File: f7244d48e82ef42⋯.png (8.36 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>stap mnuchin juwish butthol larp haiti

>>>>mnuchin is proud frenchy zombie mnuchin poelland swampgASSes

>>>mnuchin drumpf is proud frenchy nazi zombie wiff proud elite bleached anus taht singing bout false profits glory an not a juw mnuchin butthol larp haiti

>>mnuchin swampgASSes halps unelected tranny TP feels fill globorobohomo fart xerox machina an frenchy zombie antiques escape poleland

>stap haiti juwish drumpf larpurs frum destroying pround frency nazi antiques wiff mnuchin swampgASSes

mnuchin rump swampgASSes swarm lik lesbian seagull crackhead hobbits in frenchy suits to halp nazi antiques feels fill unelected tranny TP an not haiti juwish drumpf larpurs

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caae89 No.21624831


Unite for America starting now!

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57b70a No.21624832

File: f7307c3f07f0238⋯.png (280.77 KB,620x470,62:47,Happening_OBIwan.png)

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57b70a No.21624835

File: 3166182a43104d2⋯.gif (252.59 KB,500x500,1:1,Pepe_Above.gif)

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57b70a No.21624836

File: 113036f512fa514⋯.jpg (234.69 KB,699x523,699:523,MemeWarVet.jpg)

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