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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

c241f9 No.21623891 [View All]

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701 posts and 447 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c76685 No.21624767

notables FINAL

#26484 >>21623896

>>21624190, >>21624489, >>21624490 DJT: Join me in Washington, D.C. at 6:30PM EST for a Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event

>>21624763 Transcript: DJT @ Fighting Anti-Semitism in America Event

>>21624527 LIVE: Springfield, OH Town Hall: Unity Through Dialogue

>>21623931 Second Moon To Join Earth’s Orbit This Month

>>21623932 Kamala Has Not Done A Formal Press Conference in 60 Days

>>21623934, >>21623945 Massive Crowd at Donald Trump 'MAGA' Rally in Uniondale, New York (Sept. 18, 2024)

>>21623937 EU Parliament recognized Edmundo González as the "legitimate and democratically elected" president of Venezuela

>>21623940 Guess Who’s Back? I’m Out of YouTube Jail | Candace Ep 68

>>21623954, >>21623996 Call to dig: Ryan Routh's wife (also who is his father?)

>>21623959 Former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Lied to Congress

>>21623962 Dave Chapelle's MTV cribs P Diddy sketch

>>21623966 Ex-Mayor DeBlasio’s COVID czar admits to attending ‘deviant’ drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic

>>21623975 DJT: I just learned that my newest book, SAVE AMERICA, is a New York Times BEST SELLER!

>>21623984 Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters

>>21623994 Nicole Shanahan: My daughter was diagnosed with autism when she was 18 months of age

>>21624012 Migrant influencer who touted squatting will not be deported - President Nicolas Maduro halted deportation flights

>>21624019 Recently retired Border Patrol Chief says Kamala-Biden admin ordered him to cover up the increase in suspected terrorists

>>21624020 The ADL has sued Intel because of workplace harassment of an Israeli employee

>>21624167 'The Obama thing'

>>21624192, >>21624084 Resignations past 24hrs

>>21624212 Make America Healthy Again, Interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr | TRIGGERED Ep.175

>>21624255 Full video: President Donald J. Trump on Gutfeld

>>21624265 Gaetz: Senior Homeland Security official says they are aware of at least 5 teams that are geared toward assassinating Trump

>>21624281 Biden Promises Next Trump Assassin Will Be A Woman Of Color

>>21624337 The Babylon Bee has obtained this exclusive, official, 100% real Gavin Newsom election ad

>>21624423 New Docs Shed Light On Air Force’s ‘Goal’ To Reduce ‘White Male Population’ Joining Officer Ranks

>>21624433 Elon Musk says SpaceX will sue FAA for 'regulatory overreach

>>21624457 1 in 3 Minneapolis Public Housing residents are Somalis

>>21624460 Brazil fines Musk's X for site's return after ban

>>21624481 CIA officer who drugged, photographed and sexually assaulted dozens of women gets 30 years in prison as victims stare him down

>>21624521 @Kash: Get ready AZ, Election Integrity Project…

>>21624536, >>21624544, >>21624560 Meet pedo promoter 'Dr.' Lindsey Doe who has amassed 1 million

>>21624616 PF: Global X and Eastern Air Express

>>21624688, >>21624722 Kentucky judge shot inside courthouse, one person arrested

>>21624737 The corporate media will never share this man’s story with you

>>21624000, >>21624281 Memes


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eeaacf No.21624768


we live in 1st heaven, 1st hell, or first purgatory. Until we journey to 2nd heaven.

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3887ab No.21624769


3 years later

The FBI unveils the operation where they put out an AI program named undresser.ai. More than 17k people hqve been arrested….

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153339 No.21624770

djt: i really have not been treated right, and you have not been treated right,

he is stating that the jewish people have not treated him right.

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55faea No.21624773


Moar like anti-clown.

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203541 No.21624774

File: 189075460fb1a72⋯.png (7.74 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>stap mnuchin juwish butthol larp haiti

>mnuchin is proud frenchy zombie mnuchin poelland swampgASSes

mnuchin drumpf is proud frenchy nazi zombie wiff proud elite bleached anus taht singing bout false profits glory an not a juw mnuchin butthol larp haiti

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853824 No.21624777


She could handle muh p diddly

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624b29 No.21624781


oh boy!

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153339 No.21624782

djt: if you support chuck schumer, you must be crazy, i don't know what the hell happened to him.

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b853a8 No.21624783

Trump just said Schumer is Hamas all the way..

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57b70a No.21624784

File: b2da1024d66881c⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,780x780,1:1,Seth_Rich_flag_costume.jpg)

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59cb67 No.21624785


Mark my words. It’s the jews

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624b29 No.21624787


keep your p didlly in your pants!


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59d7f5 No.21624788


whoa, that book… CBTS

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5d8788 No.21624789

File: b3c88a179ec00b3⋯.jpeg (531.63 KB,1483x999,1483:999,Camel_Toe_Foot.jpeg)

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c76685 No.21624790

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57b70a No.21624791

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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59d7f5 No.21624792

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3887ab No.21624793


Go ahead.

Let us know the results and spoiler anything you post.

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295b47 No.21624795

File: d16b5aec4e630e0⋯.png (115.61 KB,422x319,422:319,GBMA.png)

Q+ "the curse" Democrats have over registered Jewish voters - confirming the [D] controllers are Witches.

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59d7f5 No.21624796

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203541 No.21624797

File: 0bdd445bcca09a5⋯.png (8.84 KB,284x177,284:177,ClipboardImage.png)


>>stap mnuchin juwish butthol larp haiti

>>mnuchin is proud frenchy zombie mnuchin poelland swampgASSes

>mnuchin drumpf is proud frenchy nazi zombie wiff proud elite bleached anus taht singing bout false profits glory an not a juw mnuchin butthol larp haiti

mnuchin swampgASSes halps unelected tranny TP feels fill globorobohomo fart xerox machina an frenchy zombie antiques escape poleland

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3abaef No.21624798

File: 70760db610b4cfe⋯.jpg (213.81 KB,1284x1147,1284:1147,20240920_025539.jpg)

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59d7f5 No.21624799


its a phil post

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57b70a No.21624800

File: 8c47ab24994e241⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,1151x648,1151:648,Nuremberg_2.jpg)

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57b70a No.21624801

File: 3f3d486edf82170⋯.jpg (66.12 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4769.JPG)

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57b70a No.21624802

File: edb2039cb4d861c⋯.jpg (90.39 KB,401x560,401:560,IMG_4716_2_.JPG)

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57b70a No.21624803

File: 8138357d6cc73a0⋯.jpg (29.37 KB,640x360,16:9,TrumpPutinSmile.jpg)

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203541 No.21624808

File: 0df0d9dea6ae9df⋯.png (5.23 KB,268x188,67:47,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>stap mnuchin juwish butthol larp haiti

>>>mnuchin is proud frenchy zombie mnuchin poelland swampgASSes

>>mnuchin drumpf is proud frenchy nazi zombie wiff proud elite bleached anus taht singing bout false profits glory an not a juw mnuchin butthol larp haiti

>mnuchin swampgASSes halps unelected tranny TP feels fill globorobohomo fart xerox machina an frenchy zombie antiques escape poleland

stap haiti juwish drumpf larpurs frum destroying pround frency nazi antiques wiff mnuchin swampgASSes

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57b70a No.21624809

File: d72999f4ce6ac4d⋯.png (427.8 KB,600x337,600:337,Q_nigga.png)

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9e3f36 No.21624810


>my gut is telling me that judge was an evil man

we'll find out

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89b6f0 No.21624811

File: 1895015b0b75de0⋯.webp (56.54 KB,620x413,620:413,Pimpv2.webp)

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3887ab No.21624812


Not all Jews are Zionists.

Not all Zionists are Jews.

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153339 No.21624813

that was brutally honest ending from djt.

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ecdb8e No.21624815

159 uid's >>21624790

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57b70a No.21624816

File: aa300da86f3ecc9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1478x1010,739:505,Q_end_is_near.png)

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57b70a No.21624817

File: fa0c66936291522⋯.png (74.22 KB,784x214,392:107,Jefferson_quote.png)

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43afdb No.21624818


>that was brutally honest ending from djt.

was it like israels over in 2 years?

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9e3f36 No.21624819

File: 7c1263b14ed8832⋯.png (1.63 MB,824x1023,824:1023,ClipboardImage.png)

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57b70a No.21624820

File: 844141b13f1e314⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,610x739,610:739,Jackson.jpg)

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caae89 No.21624821


If you got the sauce that she is pedo provide it. Still not seeing anything.

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57b70a No.21624823

File: b3eb984d558bada⋯.jpg (80.75 KB,795x368,795:368,JacksonToRoths.jpg)

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57b70a No.21624824

File: 13d05856c189bc7⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,Happening_10.jpg)

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5d8788 No.21624825


Fuck Israel for what they do

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57b70a No.21624827

File: 976f56eb82456c8⋯.jpg (135.09 KB,888x499,888:499,Happening_CBTS_order.jpg)

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203541 No.21624828

File: f7244d48e82ef42⋯.png (8.36 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>stap mnuchin juwish butthol larp haiti

>>>>mnuchin is proud frenchy zombie mnuchin poelland swampgASSes

>>>mnuchin drumpf is proud frenchy nazi zombie wiff proud elite bleached anus taht singing bout false profits glory an not a juw mnuchin butthol larp haiti

>>mnuchin swampgASSes halps unelected tranny TP feels fill globorobohomo fart xerox machina an frenchy zombie antiques escape poleland

>stap haiti juwish drumpf larpurs frum destroying pround frency nazi antiques wiff mnuchin swampgASSes

mnuchin rump swampgASSes swarm lik lesbian seagull crackhead hobbits in frenchy suits to halp nazi antiques feels fill unelected tranny TP an not haiti juwish drumpf larpurs

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caae89 No.21624831


Unite for America starting now!

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57b70a No.21624832

File: f7307c3f07f0238⋯.png (280.77 KB,620x470,62:47,Happening_OBIwan.png)

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57b70a No.21624835

File: 3166182a43104d2⋯.gif (252.59 KB,500x500,1:1,Pepe_Above.gif)

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57b70a No.21624836

File: 113036f512fa514⋯.jpg (234.69 KB,699x523,699:523,MemeWarVet.jpg)

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