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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,2accca306e69cddd7d006e5e2c….png)

87e716 No.21637722 [View All]

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701 posts and 589 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c0e2db No.21638614

File: 2312f66eb62208b⋯.gif (80.44 KB,592x415,592:415,4fb.gif)


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c0e2db No.21638615

File: ceefc1ec9abbbe4⋯.png (264.66 KB,1195x410,239:82,000ca.png)

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fa5802 No.21638616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Experience Donald Trump's powerful entrance at the Uniondale, NY rally, where he boldly declares, 'We will win New York!' The energy at Nassau County Veterans Memorial Coliseum was electric as the former President arrived to rally his supporters with a message of victory and hope. Watch this unforgettable moment as Trump takes the stage and sets the tone for a winning campaign.


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b223f0 No.21638617


Ask Q for proof if you want… I don't need you to believe. You haven't read thru the bread, you haven't investigated what you're raging about, and you aren't asking the source for proof.

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f2bb85 No.21638618

File: 23a2c6e67530d91⋯.png (148.3 KB,601x721,601:721,22.PNG)





1:45 AM · Sep 22, 2024




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b223f0 No.21638619

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Act stupid, get treated stupid.

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c0e2db No.21638620

File: 4c9da1f894cc040⋯.png (691.48 KB,842x844,421:422,b13.png)


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c0e2db No.21638621

File: 8cbff3275d137ac⋯.jpg (29.17 KB,500x625,4:5,baby2.jpg)

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d1f98a No.21638622


Chinese Communist Partyis dead.

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f52b05 No.21638623

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

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c0e2db No.21638624

File: 52404640306a201⋯.jpeg (35.13 KB,474x384,79:64,4choosepain2.jpeg)



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566b47 No.21638625

It's A Wrap

#26500 >>21637728

>>21637736 September 2014 Corbett Report on collusion of ISIS & Israel - fact or fiction?

>>21637749 “All McCain’s Men” in the FSA Terrorist Factions in Syria – A Lesson in How Not To Conduct Covert Foreign Operations And Provide Support For Terrorists

>>21637753 PURE GAYNESS Tampon Tim Walz says to Get a Clean Air Filter for your vintage muscle car

>>21637774 Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene - ELON rt from Dec 10, 2022

>>21637777 Biden vs Trump re INFLATION: 20.2% vs 6.7%

>>21637785 Kamala had a TELEPROMPTER on Ophrah & FAKE zoom callers, too

>>21637793 TRUMP to hold a rally on MONDAY Sept 23, 2024 at 7 pm EDT

>>21637807 Ukrainian drone strikes 'struck Putin's Satan-2 nuclear missiles'

>>21637815, >>21638364 Feds raid home of interim NYPD Commish Thomas Donlon — week after predecessor Edward Caban resigned

>>21637816 Kamala on Oprah - entire show

>>21637820 Proof 2020 was stolen - for about the 20th time

>>21637764 2009 - Music mogul P. Diddy has said if he could have anyone as a father, he would choose President Barack Obama.

>>21637835 Is Oprah Winfrey another Ghislaine Maxwell?

>>21637844 The Biden/Kamala admin forced US banks to lend to illegal aliens - HUNTER owns 10% of a company, which micro finances illegals

>>21637853 NATO secret operations headquarters destroyed in Kiev

>>21637857 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki ‘surprised and disappointed’ by mass board resignation

>>21637871, >>21637951 Can someone with twitter confirm Usher account deletion?

>>21637911 PDJT on Oprah's interview of Kamala

>>21637955 FAGGOTRY 101: Kamala Harris will certify her own stolen election

>>21637991 Randy Quaid on Kamala: Her plan is to get everyone to love communism.

>>21637998 Mail-in ballot requests have plummeted by 85% in Georgia since 2020. 2024 GE - 149,187 2020 GE – 984,708

>>21638235 Ant Middleton REFORM UK Speech – teams up with Nigel Farage

>>21638288 A Week to Remember

>>21638292 Kamala's Celebrity Brigade and Their Reasons for Supporting Her Show Just How Out of Touch She Is

>>21638300 Trump Promises Federal Recognition of Lumbee Tribe in NC Speech—and It Could Matter in November

>>21638301 Harris Senior Advisor Suggests VP Is 'Too Busy' to Do Interviews

>>21638312 Why Does Jill Biden’s Signature Appear on Joe Biden’s Official Legislation Folders?

>>21638316 Democrats Losing Mail-in-Voting Advantage over GOP in Swing States, Florida

>>21638420 Simple, Basic, Georgia Election Ballot Rule Sends Left-Wing Activists into Apoplexy

>>21638467 Usher deletes all of his X posts following Diddy revelations.

>>21638552, >>21638565 ICYMI: Former NSA Director Nakasone opens new institute at Vanderbilt to train ‘right type of leader’

>>21638557 The Deep State is caught in a series of Kobayashi Maru's.

>>21638563 Stand for truth, even if no one stands with you.

>>21638616 Experience Donald Trump's powerful entrance at the Uniondale, NY rally, where he boldly declares, 'We will win New York!'


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fa5802 No.21638626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Experience the unforgettable moment as opera tenor Christopher Macchio delivers a stunning rendition of "Nessun Dorma" to close the Trump Rally at Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, NY.


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f40d22 No.21638627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b223f0 No.21638628



This Shill always posting full-potato timezones.

Post was 8:45 am EDT and the Q is


Welcome to China.

Border crossing -3.

Spartans in Darkness.

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031b43 No.21638631


>ask Q for proof

>but he won't post using trip, because that uhhh has been totally blocked

>that's why Q will post without trip

>yes, I know for a fact that Q will respond for sures

>because I have secret comms established with Q

>no, I'm not doing these posts, it's totally Q

>just without trip

the rules are simple:

no blinky blinky, no Q

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f40d22 No.21638632

File: 569cf62259b1db4⋯.png (1 MB,633x706,633:706,0MFGKARENb.png)



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f40d22 No.21638633

File: 510d11b65929dfd⋯.png (294.53 KB,624x764,156:191,000UPATRIOT.png)



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482d1a No.21638634

File: 61d802f3d70ad36⋯.png (86.56 KB,300x300,1:1,wtf.png)


>Reverse imaging found 1 out of 75 billion

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b223f0 No.21638635


You don't know the game you're playing. This is about proving the board is comp'd, removing the bad actors, and confirming the new board owner.

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bff111 No.21638636

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b223f0 No.21638638

It's not like we didn't advise the board team the entire time of literally every step of this process. They're fools. Now they lose everything. As promised. Anons, you are going to be free on this board. For Once and For Always.

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f40d22 No.21638639

File: ec90a9f23f5770e⋯.jpg (59.07 KB,735x900,49:60,GUyuU8fXkAEWniW.jpg)

Watch this…

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031b43 No.21638640



you are not doing that, you are trying to smear.

>you see, Jim is lying

>look at these totally legit Q posts, just without trip

>because everyone is lying, except me

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f40d22 No.21638641


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82cfae No.21638642

File: ac99ded153ca61b⋯.jpeg (879.45 KB,1420x1845,284:369,IMG_0009.jpeg)

File: f89b8739ee9f14f⋯.jpeg (278.98 KB,1592x1788,398:447,IMG_0008.jpeg)

File: f34c4524056574e⋯.jpeg (35.8 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_0012.jpeg)

File: b1980680f77bd0b⋯.jpeg (42.55 KB,474x392,237:196,IMG_0011.jpeg)

File: cfe98fe08559eeb⋯.jpeg (82.16 KB,1200x675,16:9,IMG_0010.jpeg)


USHER just wiped all posts on his X account.

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a9d221 No.21638643

Fill it

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b12499 No.21638645


If you don't need people to believe why do you have the incessant need to talk about it and flaunt this ego you have of your control. You may have it you may not, it might be a fiction it might not. But avoiding questions, direct about what has happened on these boardss, screams Larp. Sounds like a fake grab for authority before anything can really be known. Unless it is and you are just bragging and revealing things, why? But if anons were smart they should both ignore you and me and just think for their god damned selves

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566b47 No.21638646

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a9d221 No.21638648

Fill it real good

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59c694 No.21638649


This board is 100% comp'd

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b223f0 No.21638650

We came here for a reason. And now Jim doesn't wonder what that reason is anymore.

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a9d221 No.21638652

File: 1045c40483ba152⋯.jpeg (1.74 MB,2620x3969,2620:3969,1045c40483ba152b72dad27c6….jpeg)

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031b43 No.21638653


>prove a negative

Have you stopped beating your wife finally?

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a9d221 No.21638654

File: b5bcf4fecb3934f⋯.jpeg (95.56 KB,735x573,245:191,b5bcf4fecb3934fd0723c5c73….jpeg)

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e4e050 No.21638655

File: 19911674edf9dc8⋯.png (436.33 KB,626x348,313:174,POTKEK109.png)

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b223f0 No.21638656


You do you, Mr Hostility. I provided evidence. And have done that for months. The rest of us are moving on with Reality.

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fdea9d No.21638658

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e4e050 No.21638659

File: 25d5414c93af98f⋯.jpeg (158.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1da1.jpeg)

when you didn't ip hop but your post count is 1 again

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e4e050 No.21638660

File: 3b4e1c00535b57b⋯.png (970.67 KB,1080x1102,540:551,1b.png)

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e4e050 No.21638661

File: d1e44c330a406b5⋯.jpg (14.61 KB,254x255,254:255,00b8771af1be6daebf9099c2c7….jpg)

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e4e050 No.21638662

File: b0e85ff0b6df148⋯.png (11.96 KB,226x255,226:255,1e.png)

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e4e050 No.21638663

File: 72ecf0818e4e45e⋯.png (887.41 KB,766x406,383:203,72ecf0818e4e45e1e43d46f8d4….png)

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e4e050 No.21638664

File: c2357891723fea7⋯.gif (807.67 KB,250x225,10:9,11DFuwckOK9mdG.gif)

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dc739d No.21638665

If you don’t have a stash of incandescent light bulbs, you haven’t been paying attention

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e4e050 No.21638666

File: 99db949d87feb74⋯.png (152.5 KB,375x407,375:407,99db949d87feb743107e15b992….png)

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4af2df No.21638667

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031b43 No.21638668



no, bullshit number + time games are not evidence.

claiming that you know what Q wants to do is also not evidence, but simply claims without proof

claiming that Jim would be lying about Q's trip working on all boards is also just a claim without proof

claiming that Q *just* doesn't want to post on his board, not even once, despite being totally blocked here, is just a retarded claim without proof or better: a stupid lie

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b223f0 No.21638669

File: a854c5f0afdf0bb⋯.png (2.19 MB,1920x1152,5:3,_safe_.png)

File: 6fcaab028b00108⋯.png (7.07 MB,1920x2114,960:1057,safe_.png)

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e4e050 No.21638670

File: 96f1badec73e74a⋯.jpg (84.46 KB,1160x773,1160:773,96f1badec73e74a4aeb0576286….jpg)

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