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File: b51143b7fbaeea5⋯.png (50.64 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

7c32c9 No.21635241 [Last50 Posts]

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7c32c9 No.21635248

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7c32c9 No.21635249


#26496 >>21634461

>>21634582 Live: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

>>21635225 Transcript: Trump rally in Wilmington, NC

>>21634636, >>21634650, >>21634655, >>21634751, >>21634759, >>21634988, >>21635003 Rally photos

>>21634799 Q+ begins speaking at 2:35 pm

>>21635217 Trump finishes speech @ 3:39

>>21634834 Trump: Who sleeps on TV? Kek

>>21634968, >>21634985, >>21634972 3:02

>>21634996 Trump invites his granddaughter Carolina on stage

>>21635010 Trump invites his grandson Luke on stage

>>21635012 The Lumbee tribe

>>21635017 POTUS: "They didnt like the nuber 13, so they went to 15, and now i understand they went to 25"

>>21635046 Trump just announced a new plan to end Sanctuary Cities forever by deploying federal agents

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21634554 Hollywood is falling: What's happening with PDiddy isn't the distraction - it's the point

>>21634571 Jennifer Lopez on 'high alert' as ex Diddy is charged over fears a nightclub shooting where she was arrested will be re-opened

>>21634575 DJT introduces Official Trump Coins

>>21634590, >>21634591 Donald Trump Reveals He Interviewed U.S. Military Pilots Who Encountered Round UFO “They Cannot Explain”

>>21634618 JimW: Human journalists should definitely start embracing 8kun …

>>21634803 Israeli military kills 21 in Gaza school bombing

>>21634812 MSM Journos Inadvertently Reveal Shocking Truth About Global Warming

>>21634849 Tucker Carlson Live Tour in Grand Rapids, MI w/ Kid Rock

>>21634895 Biden admin is ‘not even pretending anymore’: Marc Thiessen

>>21634926 Ashton Kutcher’s appearance on “Hot Ones,” in which the subjects of Diddy’s parties comes up

>>21634936 PF: Global X

>>21634937 Mike Tyson moves Diddy's hand away from his leg in awkward resurfaced clip from 1998 Keenan Ivory Wayans' show

>>21634950 Remember when Diddy had 15-year-old Justin Bieber spend 48 hours with him?

>>21635019, >>21635034 5G phones don't have 5G chips in them

>>21635031 We need 'real leadership' in the Secret Service, former agent says

>>21635032 NHS Director Blows Whistle – Hospitals Fabricated Cause of Death to Inflate COVID Pandemic Numbers!

>>21635053 Oversight Chairman James Comer blasts Secret Service over lack of drone use: 'Not up to the job’

>>21635068 Jill Biden sparks huge backlash by leading White House cabinet meeting

>>21635076 Proven social media censorship suggests hidden gold mine of federal coercion, plaintiffs tell court

>>21635142 John Kennedy: Whoever crafted Kamala Harris' economic plan wouldn’t be in charge of a ham sandwich

>>21635170 TikTok has deleted the accounts of RT International as well as several branches of the Sputnik media network

>>21635203 Military Situation On Israeli-Lebanese Border On September 21, 2024

>>21635210 Biden-Harris Admin Sued For Records On Trans Surgeries On Minors

>>21634603, >>21634862, >>21634877, >>21634941, >>21635087 Memes

>>21635233 #26496

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7c32c9 No.21635252

#26495 >>21633412

>>21633475 Sunken superyacht believed to contain watertight safes with sensitive intelligence data

>>21633483 The true communist/fascist goal to divide children from their parents

>>21633525 President Trump, more Amish people would be able to attend to your Lancaster rally if it’s on a Saturday

>>21633531, >>21633553, >>21633584 Starting up the Covid Fuggery before the election

>>21633535, >>21633538, >>21633564, >>21633607, >>21633785, >>21634025, >>21634325, >>21634327 Diddy dirt

>>21633564, >>21633634, >>21633651, >>21633742, >>21633764, >>21633773 Diddy's lawyer wife is named Karen Friedman Agnifilo she is part of the group that is after Trump

>>21633578, >>21634087, >>21634129, >>21634308 Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy

>>21633580, >>21633701, >>21633795, >>21633797, >>21633893, >>21633894, >>21634077, >>21634137, >>21634197, >>21634270 NASA & Related Space Stuff

>>21633642 @FLOTUS unveils 2024’s Limited Edition Ornament series, “Merry Christmas, AMERICA!”

>>21633751 TRUMP TRUTH -Good Morning Everyone- Launching Official TRUMP COINS

>>21633811, >>21633918 Very strange arrival footage. Barrack Obama Receives 2024 Sylvanus Thayer Award

>>21633860 TRUMP TRUTH - Bill Maher is really having a hard time coping with TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME

>>21633896, >>21634093, >>21634425 The time 30 people looked like hundreds? another Walz rally Allentown Pa

>>21634041 Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX for $15 million over U.S.-Mexico border land dispute

>>21634065 Italian PM Meloni: “From now on, if you enter Italy illegally, you will be immediately deported!”

>>21634073, >>21634092, >>21634237 Agents have boarded vessel owned by same company that collapsed Key Bridge

>>21634081, >>21634096, >>21634101 Deltas - MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP + ENJOY THE RALLY @ THE 'Q' TONIGHT!

>>21634171 Swamp Happenings and JD Vance scheduled speaks

>>21634184, >>21634205 DIG CALL Springfield Ohio Mayor ROBERT RUE is making MILLIONS off Haitians

>>21634222 @DanScavino Dog Pile kek

>>21634228, >>21634250, >>21634263 ‘Self-amplifying’ mRNA vaccines: the latest threat in Big Pharma’s arsenal? Japan protests.

>>21634238, >>21634245, >>21634253, >>21634268, >>21634336, >>21634405, >>21634420 DIGG CALL Diddy launches @OurBlackParty a Black political party is Kamala connected?

>>21634258 Are the White House and the Pentagon controlled by a shadowy few?

>>21634260 NATO Chief Admits Massing Tens of Thousands of Troops on Russian Border Since 2014

>>21634287 Trump’s scheduled visit to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, this weekend has been canceled

>>21634423 PF - Trump Force One N757AF

>>21634452 #26495

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7c32c9 No.21635254

#26494 >>21632670

>>21633284 LIVE: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

>>21632688, >>21632690 Trump can now deploy ex-Democrat 'power rangers' RFK Jr., Musk and Gabbard to prod bigger exodus

>>21632694 One liberal teen vs 20 Trump supporters

>>21632720 Update: Bitcoin dig on Operation Chokepoint

>>21632722 Why didn’t Oprah run in 2016- Gutfeld: skeletons in her closet … she eats humans - skeletons in her closet

>>21632737 Anthony Albanese has become the first foreign leader invited to Joe Biden’s private home ahead of a Quad leaders summit

>>21632746 Facebook’s ‘Race Blind’ Algorithm Backfires In Their Face: Finds 90% Of ‘Hate Speech’ Was Directed Toward White People And Men

>>21632748 Kash on @jasonaldean shutting down the hwy on your way to a Trump Force 47 even in Reno/Tahoe

>>21632750, >>21632759, >>21632759, >>21632762, >>21632773, >>21632775, >>21632782, >>21632793, >>21633009 "The US Economy is Basically Fine" (not quite…)- video & anon discussion

>>21632896 US marines: Maj. Daniel Shipley speaks to marines about the Battle of Peleliu

>>21632902 Pizza comms? re Katy Perry

>>21632905 Rachel Maddow is having a meltdown over Georgia’s new rule that requires hand counting ballots in the 2024 Election.

>>21632906 Advent of Trump & launch of Q celebrated

>>21632911 Thousands of Brits Left Disabled After COVID Shots

>>21632932 Webchat RSS feed: recent news

>>21632969, >>21633013 Remember When GOP Poll Challengers Were Kicked Out Of The Absentee Ballot Counting Room In Detroit One Day After The 2020 Election?

>>21632922, >>21632927, >>21632929, >>21632966, >>21633002 Possible connections between the two assassination attempts on President Trump?? DIG CALL

>>21632990 Trump Shooter Ryan Routh Pictured With High-Profile Democrat Donor celeb chef Jose Andres Honored by Pelosi THIS YEAR.

>>21632985 A Secret Service counter sniper sent an email Monday night to the entire Uniformed Division (not agents) saying he will not stop speaking out until "5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions."

>>21632950 Vax-injured Alexis Lorenze UPDATE

>>21632987 Guess Who's Buying Firearms Now? on KH gun ownership and mandatory buyback position

>>21633016 WAPO: Where we stand on Earth's climate re mean surface temperature (hint: global warming is NOT a problem)

>>21633019 Allegations Surface That Springfield Ohio Mayor Rob Rue is Profiting Off Renting Out Properties to Haitian Immigrants

>>21633091 Hollywood stars are ‘scared to death’ to speak out about Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ sex-trafficking case

>>21633100 @elonmusk Very important to read this book The Parasitic Mind Gad Saad

>>21633102 Trump is set to make his way back to Wilmington on Saturday afternoon

>>21633131, TRUMP WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD DECLARE ANY INSURRECTION ICYMI: Report confirms Trump authorized 10,000 troops for Jan. 6 Destroys Democrat claims of 'insurrection,'


>>21633184 NHS Director Blows Whistle – Hospitals Fabricated Cause of Death to Inflate COVID Pandemic Numbers!

>>21633191 @TomFitton Jeffrey Veltri-FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today is the head of FBI Miami Field Office ANTI TRUMPER

>>21633225 Interesting to note that some of the titles on Barack Obama's summer, 2024 reading list are; 'Headshot' 'Martyr!' 'Help Wanted'

>>21633241 How QAnon Continues to Shape Views on Ex-POTUS’ Fight Against a 'Global Elite'? For the keks!

>>21633378 If you only do one thing today, pray for POTUS

>>21633385 Democrat Chair Admits She Supports Abortions Up to Birth: “All the Way to the End”

>>21633393 #26494

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7c32c9 No.21635256

#26493 >>21631908

>>21631940 Boeing defense chief Ted Colbert pushed out

>>21631966 Arizona Supreme Court rules nearly 98,000 people whose citizenship documents hadn't been confirmed can vote in all races

>>21631968 Elon: Just had an excellent conversation with President @NayibBukele

>>21631973, >>21631988 Whistleblower suggests the second assassination attempt on Trump could have been an inside job by the Secret Service

>>21631980 Voters in Maryland recently reported receiving sample ballots in the mail with incorrect names on them

>>21632005 Illegal alien was driving drunk at 114mph, resisted arrest, kicked female Trooper in the head multiple times, and grabbed her taser

>>21632009, >>21632017, >>21632027 Biden Holds First Cabinet Meeting in 11 months, Jill Biden Sits at the Head of the Table

>>21632091 Stationary at the White House now has the Presidential Seal flanked by “President” Jill Biden’s signature

>>21632039 Far-left pro-Hamas protesters interrupted Kamala Harris’s campaign rally in Madison, Wisconsin on Friday

>>21632042 Somali leader and former chair of the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority pleads guilty to stealing millions meant to feed children

>>21632143 Diddy as a 20yo began an internship at Uptown Records which was founded by Andre O’Neal Harrell

>>21632068 The person who organized the "MAP Camp" in Vermont is a trans nonbinary Latinx leftist drag queen named Jonathan Peter Jacquez

>>21632085, >>21632087 1,039 days later, not a single person has been connected to the Internet from Harris' $42B plan

>>21632101 Diddy Sold Child Rape Tapes of Bieber to Multiple Hollywood A-Listers

>>21632133 HHS sued for resisting FOIA for transgender official's role in trans surgery standards for kids

>>21632137 FBI intercepts threatening letter intended for Utah election workers

>>21632225 J&J subsidiary files for bankruptcy to advance $10 billion talc settlement

>>21632236 Elon Musk says the FAA should make Boeing pay for putting the Starliner astronauts at risk, not fine SpaceX 'for trivia'

>>21632239 Biden Climate Chief Podesta Touts Oil Boom as Economic Victory

>>21632251 Today the House passed H.R. 5717 to prevent sanctuary cities from receiving federal funding to benefit illegal aliens

>>21632258 AFPI's Rundown: National Security, Protecting Candidates, Federal Reserve - 9/20/24

>>21632263 Biden-Harris Campaign Did Not Inform FBI of Iranian Hackers Offering Stolen Trump Info

>>21632265, >>21632295 Cards Against Humanity sues Elon Musk's SpaceX over land bought to curb Trump border wall

>>21632272 Kamala Says Freedom Is Ours 'By Right' (Except for Speech, Guns and Whatever Else She Doesn't Like)

>>21632319 Bulgarian President Signs Law Banning LGBT 'Promotion' In Schools

>>21632326 Alec Baldwin urges judge to stand by dismissal of involuntary manslaughter case in 'Rust' shooting

>>21632359 Interesting cat study with prisoners

>>21632372 Democrats Panic After Poll Reveals Reliably Blue State Is Neck-And-Neck

>>21632374 Secret Service updates on investigation into the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21632385 Robinson won’t appear at Trump’s North Carolina rally after report on online posts

>>21632399 Black pastor tells the truth about Haitian voodoo culture and eating animals

>>21632405 DJT: I will protect women at a level never seen before

>>21632437, >>21632538 Video of Obama in jail is from South Africa visit, not Guantanamo Bay

>>21632434 50 Cent claims Ben Affleck left JLo after finding out about her involvement with minors at Diddy "freakoff" parties

>>21632459, >>21632485 Rashida Tlaib's jiminnies rustled over exploding pager cartoon

>>21632473 Scientists have captured Earth's climate over the last 485 million years - here's the "surprising" place we stand now

>>21632499 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk informs Poles that German soldiers are arriving in Poland to help with the flooding disaster

>>21632503 RNC files lawsuit against Montgomery County PA for illegally issuing untested early ballots

>>21632561 Loomer says she has copy of ABC whistleblower documents

>>21632602 ICYMI: Former Border Patrol Chief testifies he was ordered by Biden-Harris admin to cover up number of terrorists at border


>>21632609 Oprah Releases Moving 1-Hour Special On Dangers Of Alcohol Abuse

>>21632621 Confirmed: Patriots at Trump rally have their eyes burned by unknown chemical

>>21632631 Trump Cloud

>>21631933, >>21631999, >>21632047, >>21632176, >>21632297 Memes

>>21632657 #26493

Previously Collected

>>21630263 #26490, >>21631114 #26491, >>21631890 #26492

>>21627714 #26487, >>21628402 #26488, >>21629341 #26489

>>21624767 #26484, >>21625751 #26485, >>21626647 #26486

>>21621981 #26481, >>21623170 #26482, >>21623888 #26483

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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7c32c9 No.21635262

File: ff7f208dde06bc3⋯.png (731.1 KB,833x471,833:471,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3baf10b9dfcf673⋯.png (660.2 KB,837x476,837:476,ClipboardImage.png)



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7523d0 No.21635265

File: e97e5bfc76b2556⋯.png (212.19 KB,6060x2430,202:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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d95f37 No.21635266

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dce100 No.21635267

File: cb037d074db7ae3⋯.png (802.14 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA203.png)

File: 7544a9e28b6bf26⋯.png (894.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN617.png)

File: f74067b7ef82e80⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x768,4:3,VOTE2.png)

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486f39 No.21635268



Thank you baker./

Have faith in God./

He is watching./




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dce100 No.21635269

File: 98701417c784257⋯.png (720.42 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEMOCRATS26.png)

File: 0a1345e18e0e225⋯.png (178.04 KB,1024x768,4:3,MEMER9.png)

File: c5c4749e36aaad0⋯.png (714.99 KB,1024x709,1024:709,DEMOCRATS25.png)

File: e66f07307d3f133⋯.png (543.99 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA202.png)

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dce100 No.21635270

File: 1d2e080dfad3d6f⋯.mp4 (9.65 MB,446x480,223:240,CantVote4PARTY.mp4)

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1d63b9 No.21635271

File: c36fdfbea2304be⋯.png (480.13 KB,553x600,553:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2afa6 No.21635272


She doesn't like you

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00c315 No.21635273

File: 0b1a9a61526f287⋯.png (400.92 KB,1280x1117,1280:1117,temps.png)

By now everyone has seen this graph. What strikes me about it is that there is no sign of the meteor impact that we are told killed off the dinosaurs. Instead the temps continue to rise for at least a 10-20k years, take a small dip and then continue up for another 10 million or so. According to the story we have been told a meteor hit the Yucatan, threw a bunch of crud into the atmosphere which cooled the temps causing the dinos to die off. The exact mechanism varies but that is the gist of it. Except where is it on the graph?

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000000 No.21635274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Donald Trump | Never Come Down (2024 EDITION) MAGA!

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0bb063 No.21635275


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53aba1 No.21635276

File: ab03432753febc7⋯.gif (541.95 KB,587x404,587:404,Freedom_intensifies.gif)

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c4d91e No.21635277

File: dfbe834fcf4ab7e⋯.png (292.92 KB,1696x814,848:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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af4df5 No.21635278

File: 204df28d7cfaccc⋯.jpeg (81.12 KB,600x590,60:59,IMG_3997.jpeg)

>>21635257 (pb)


Long-ass movie.

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486f39 No.21635279


>She doesn't like you

Who, Victoria?


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1d63b9 No.21635280

File: 1ee3b829b98cda9⋯.png (559.92 KB,675x566,675:566,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 927434a51f9577e⋯.mp4 (803.84 KB,720x406,360:203,KAMALA_YOU_RE_FIRED_.mp4)



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420e39 No.21635281

are these cards the antidote to the illuminati cards

the mirrored cards, from dark to light? did trump have anything to do withthe good cards? pb >>21635247

all pb






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4a301c No.21635282

File: aa1a49fb9e6a40d⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,640x360,16:9,jones_eppy.mp4)

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4ce623 No.21635283

File: 9c629a8b58097ac⋯.png (25.44 KB,752x193,752:193,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, Baker!

Dawgs n' Cats KEK.

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daf53b No.21635284

File: 792df034753ab29⋯.jpg (64.01 KB,750x500,3:2,tue4567fgh.jpg)

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d2afa6 No.21635285


Planets are seeded.

Species are given a specific amount of time to develop.

When time is up.

See the dinosaurs

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486f39 No.21635286


Get this man on the circuit!

This is the winning touch./



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b749b3 No.21635287

File: 16211cd3e28f150⋯.png (173.92 KB,406x909,406:909,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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ee7dd3 No.21635288

File: 336a9789cdb0b0b⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_09_21_14_10_38.mp4)

File: 536c194ece5e5da⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_09_21_14_12_23.mp4)

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b749b3 No.21635289

File: f35e7be810d72fb⋯.png (237.59 KB,406x1006,203:503,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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1d63b9 No.21635290

File: 7fdecde5a5a9264⋯.png (440.29 KB,675x572,675:572,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3420bf2795018c0⋯.mp4 (3.75 MB,1258x720,629:360,_Vote_for_grandpa_.mp4)

“Vote for grandpa!”


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597d5e No.21635291

File: f625ef49bcfb1f5⋯.png (539.1 KB,1373x1043,1373:1043,Screenshot_2024_09_21_at_1….png)

3:02 am

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b749b3 No.21635292

File: 826c04e62ac8140⋯.png (184.66 KB,406x852,203:426,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635293

File: 3bb7f1a125c5df8⋯.png (295.31 KB,406x877,406:877,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635294

File: 394c24faed96a98⋯.png (332.13 KB,406x864,203:432,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635295

File: a07578dae1cf31b⋯.png (221.05 KB,406x993,406:993,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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daf53b No.21635296

Vance [campaign event]: It's probably more like five hundred thousand illegal aliens in the state of Pennsylvanians right now…that problem, just that immigration problem alone, has cost Pennsylvanians 2.6 billion dollars. That's three hundred dollars for every man, woman, and child in this room, and all across Pennsylvania.

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b749b3 No.21635297

File: 9b9cc41e7ed40c0⋯.png (194.22 KB,406x816,203:408,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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f24077 No.21635298

PURE EVIL: Israel booby-trapped CHILDREN’S TOYS with explosives to kill Lebanese children

Just because we are suddenly now hearing about exploding pagers does not mean that this is the first time Israel has done thing kind of thing in Lebanon. It turns out that since the start of the most recent conflict between Israel and Hezbollah back in 2006, Israel has laced all kinds of consumer products with explosives, including children's toys.

Israel has deployed all sorts of internationally banned weaponry against its neighbor to the north, so much so that the Lebanese people and their children are threatened by actual landmines as they go about their daily business.

"They seem innocuous, especially to the curious mind of a child," said Chris Clark of the United Nations Mine Action Coordination Centre (UNMACC) in Lebanon back in 2006 when the current Israel-Lebanon conflict began.

"They're small, they easily conceal themselves amongst all the rubble or the debris of the bombing. We find that children unwittingly pick them up and then, sadly, suffer injuries from them."

Israel's bloodlust against Lebanese children

Over the years, Israel has dropped an unfathomable number of bombs on southern Lebanon. Reports point to more than one million bomb clusters that Israel has rained on southern Lebanon, many of them still unexploded and hiding throughout the territory.

The threat of these undetonated ordinance is so severe, especially for children in the region, that authorities in Lebanon have created clown troops to teach little ones to avoid going near unexploded ordinance.

For years, Lebanon has painstakingly tried to clear its land of all Israeli mines, but the most recent outbreak of hostilities between Israel and Lebanon since Oct. 7, 2023, has put the operation on pause for the time being.

"As a result, Lebanon is not on track to meet its extended Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) Article 4 clearance deadline of 1 May 2026, and at current capacity predicts it will not meet its obligations until 2030," says the Mine Action Review.

Concerning Israel's alleged use of bombs deliberately disguised as toys, Lebanon first reported this back in 1997 in the L'Orient-Le Jour newspaper. A number of people at that time claimed that a nine-year-old girl had her hand shredded after finding a "big apple-green plastic jeep with six big black wheels" that blew up in her hand after she spotted it in her village.

Another child was reportedly left with severe burns after finding a booby-trapped flashlight. And even worse was a young girl who was killed after yelling in excitement, "I found a doll!" before the doll blew up in her face, ending her life instantly.

These bomb-laced children's toys were determined to have been dropped by Israel via helicopter.

"It can be a toy or have the shape of an ordinary stone," an officer from the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) confirmed at the time to the AFP, withholding his identity due to fears of retaliation.

The Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United Nations also confirmed in a 1998 letter addressed to the secretary-general that Israeli fighter planes had "attempted to kill children by dropping thousands of booby-trapped toys on Lebanese villages and towns."

"The Israeli occupying forces have used this method through the years and continue to do so, the most recent example being when booby-trapped toys were dropped on the town of Nabatiyah, killing and injuring children and permanently disfiguring others," the letter states.

Hezbollah at that time claims to have identified among the bomb-laced children's toys from Israel a golden egg, various fluorescent yellow cones, a Snoopy dog, and a talking doll that was designed to blow up when the cord was pulled.


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ab6d56 No.21635299

File: 428b29f361e0109⋯.png (1.26 MB,996x994,498:497,43240A2F_98B5_4498_B32C_D1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635300

File: f06aba87197e207⋯.png (317.46 KB,406x878,203:439,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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be0005 No.21635301

File: 04a483d479b5659⋯.jpeg (138.65 KB,1290x759,430:253,IMG_3408.jpeg)


Thank you Baker! Great Rally PDJT!

We love you!

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b749b3 No.21635302

File: 8207cc2032116b8⋯.png (360.57 KB,388x1207,388:1207,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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632c62 No.21635303

File: 4b1f23e5faa00ae⋯.png (381.92 KB,411x555,137:185,4b1f23e5faa00ae1aede854383….png)

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b749b3 No.21635304

File: 0c2219dede5167a⋯.png (187.11 KB,406x949,406:949,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635305

File: b0366c59f4db0c5⋯.png (325.73 KB,406x1138,203:569,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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1d63b9 No.21635306

File: a22c2d0b2d7b8de⋯.png (214.48 KB,663x1050,221:350,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ccc811a6ffcef0⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,640x864,20:27,_Israel_has_hit_Lebanon_wi….mp4)

Syrian Girl 🇸🇾


BREAKING🚨 Israel has hit Lebanon with a massive bomb, bunker buster or even a tactical nuclear weapon judging by the initial flash.

Like I said, stop saying we have to avoid a wider war. War is upon us. So use it or lose it.'

10:44 AM • Sep 21, 2024


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b749b3 No.21635307

File: cc049850bad016b⋯.png (375.09 KB,406x1158,203:579,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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4ce623 No.21635308

File: fb722995ce16d50⋯.png (347.48 KB,517x486,517:486,ClipboardImage.png)


The judge looks like a man.

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651586 No.21635309

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB,1027x731,1027:731,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)

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b749b3 No.21635310

File: 8a6929e732a0c6b⋯.png (324.03 KB,406x1090,203:545,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635311

File: 8a2e6a8c25e2b3f⋯.png (258.09 KB,406x918,203:459,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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080edc No.21635312

the rally breads are so fake. then back to the regular bullshit breads.

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b749b3 No.21635313

File: 56e6482eea9b70d⋯.png (369.62 KB,406x865,406:865,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635314

File: 5ac1dc7ea73113e⋯.png (297.25 KB,406x956,203:478,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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f42c8c No.21635315

File: b3590e8883b621b⋯.png (30.19 KB,444x434,222:217,339.png)



>>21635217 (lb)

Trump finishes speech @ 3:39

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b749b3 No.21635316

File: 721ab5a216d6987⋯.png (309.86 KB,394x1171,394:1171,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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d2afa6 No.21635317

If Trump decides to keep free energy tech shelfed and keep you in the stone age with oil, are you okay with that?

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1d63b9 No.21635318

File: 038618425a4dfda⋯.png (892.64 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Zelenskyy Says Ukraine ‘Victory Plan’ Includes Deep Strikes Into Russia With Western Missiles

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that part of his plan includes permission to use Western-supplied missiles to strike Russia.


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b749b3 No.21635319

File: 51eabe235426d5b⋯.png (218.56 KB,406x688,203:344,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635320

File: 73d182810135a90⋯.png (182.93 KB,406x1065,406:1065,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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486f39 No.21635321


>BREAKING🚨 Israel has hit Lebanon with a massive bomb, bunker buster or even a tactical nuclear weapon judging by the initial flash.

"Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you."




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b749b3 No.21635322

File: 054cfc24c178406⋯.png (289.8 KB,406x948,203:474,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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23a189 No.21635323


X axis shows a fairly steady temperature for the timescale.

Stretch it out and that would be an almost straight line.

As for the extinction of the dinos, there was no single causal event.

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1d63b9 No.21635324

File: 8943e0da096860e⋯.png (572.65 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Tren de Aragua Activity in Texas 'Just the Beginning,' Says Former DEA Agent

A former Drug Enforcement Administration special agent says the activities of the violent Venezuelan prison gang, Tren de Aragua (TdA), in Texas, could be "just the beginning."


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b749b3 No.21635325

File: 0c8eb0f66121f18⋯.png (355.12 KB,406x997,406:997,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635326

File: 638b1292a756d41⋯.png (294.68 KB,406x795,406:795,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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45a6f3 No.21635327



that's a bit much for "conventional munitions"

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b749b3 No.21635328

File: 5d9cb861519cf32⋯.png (280.58 KB,406x930,203:465,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635329

File: 1f81003dec50a90⋯.png (290.58 KB,406x950,203:475,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635330

File: 912b5538d71543e⋯.png (187.13 KB,406x528,203:264,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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1d63b9 No.21635331

File: c9b47d185a43462⋯.png (706.93 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris, Shit-for-Brains Sandy & America's Greatest Race Hustler, Al Sharpton praised Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs in 2020 townhall dedicated to COVID, honoring black Americans

'Iranians for Trump' movement emerges as Biden and Harris appease Tehran

A new group is rallying Iranian-Americans to vote for Donald Trump.


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bcf1c3 No.21635332

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b749b3 No.21635333

File: 31abaafdf00607a⋯.png (442.33 KB,406x867,406:867,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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b749b3 No.21635334

File: fd0da6916ca82b2⋯.png (264.42 KB,1084x540,271:135,Screenshot_2024_09_19_at_1….png)

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53aba1 No.21635335

File: 7b9458c2f771076⋯.png (771.74 KB,1345x836,1345:836,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 295c9198ae09450⋯.png (664.92 KB,800x426,400:213,ClipboardImage.png)


Star Island Celebrity Mansions including diddlers


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ab6d56 No.21635336


That performance was pure joy, everyone loved it.

[they] got to him.

He cannot afford to go against the system….

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ee7dd3 No.21635337

File: 981abf8d7695978⋯.mp4 (9.34 MB,720x1280,9:16,Compilation.mp4)

File: 54b37cae6750d0e⋯.mp4 (5.41 MB,720x1280,9:16,54b37cae6750d0e283b10c1617….mp4)


>even a tactical nuclear weapon

Iran tested there first.

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1d63b9 No.21635338

File: 73590c61f3353a2⋯.png (326.64 KB,624x333,208:111,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris’s Mocking of President Trump on Mass Deportations Comes Back to Bite Her as Team Trump Features Her Words in New Ad

Kamala Harris’s own stupid words continue to be the gift that keeps on giving to Team Trump.


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486f39 No.21635339

File: 95cadb93c3a31d3⋯.png (39.38 KB,176x198,8:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Zelenskyy Says Ukraine ‘Victory Plan’ Includes Deep Strikes Into Russia With Western Missiles

The backup homeland was a good idea… war with Russia was not…. and/

Wrong GOD./






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23a189 No.21635340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MOABs exist.

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1d63b9 No.21635341

File: 5eb5d8598007e4e⋯.png (127.19 KB,672x441,32:21,ClipboardImage.png)


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1d63b9 No.21635342

File: fc046ebd52d8eff⋯.png (311.27 KB,432x400,27:25,ClipboardImage.png)

The left are demonic

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679f6a No.21635343

File: 93efc8e04d7e0e1⋯.jpeg (121.17 KB,1186x777,1186:777,93efc8e04d7e0e18bdf788ef5….jpeg)

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421104 No.21635344

>>21635245 pb

>According to the story we have been told a meteor hit the Yucatan, threw a bunch of crud into the atmosphere which cooled the temps causing the dinos to die off.

yeah…. not so much

k, well first, you're assuming the graph is 100% accurate and correct

only a fool does that

next, an impact of that size sends a shockwave that will encircle the globe and reflect back

the energy of that shockwave will throw the material of the surface 100 meters into the air as it passes

lots of instant death, no so much from "nuclear winter" as from direct mechanical shock

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f24077 No.21635345

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Many people, including his supporters, missed it, but about five years ago Donald Trump spoke at a rally about how he believes the punishment for "antisemitism" in America should be the death penalty.


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4ce623 No.21635346


Anon is calling bullshit on the exploding children's toys.

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23a189 No.21635347


If we end the central banking industry the problem will sort itself out.

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88cef1 No.21635348

File: 3594c6007207f1f⋯.png (385.59 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240921_155733.png)


Mavelous Dahling

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3c8a8b No.21635349

File: 564c81d0a01cf01⋯.png (195.45 KB,512x452,128:113,ClipboardImage.png)


dat shockwave dough

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1d63b9 No.21635350

File: ec788e2548a11bc⋯.png (641.16 KB,675x645,45:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f61b374744d5ee7⋯.mp4 (984.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,TAMPON_We_can_t_afford_fou….mp4)

TAMPON: “We can’t afford four more years of this.” Kamala is in office right now. She’s the “this”

Bad Hombre


Tim Walz: “We can’t afford four more years of this.”

Kamala is in office right now.

She’s the “this”

10:30 AM • Sep 21, 2024


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421104 No.21635351


sad sick delusional for sure

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0be238 No.21635352


Right on, Tampon man. Keep fuckin' up the speeches, eh.

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486f39 No.21635353


Who is "we"… remember they have been able to in some cases alter who they resemble in real life./

Not just using masks but using perceptual altering tools./

They can MAKE people think (with enough current applied to a persons mind) that they are DIFFERENT people./

Voice, face, style, mannerisms and yes, even memories./

You would never believe how dangerous this next phase of the campaign against the real President is./

Be careful who you surround yourself./

The camoflague is so good, that you need to be hiddenly skeptical of who your neighbours and friends are./

If you see people that KIND OF look similar be cautious if they continue to approach YOUR HOME./





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d95f37 No.21635354

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21635266 🤡Why So Serious?🤡

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6af561 No.21635355

Men who target small females are cowards.

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1d63b9 No.21635356

File: 6e207ac5dc6909f⋯.png (727.77 KB,924x960,77:80,ClipboardImage.png)

The Democrat Party is this country's largest hate group.

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000000 No.21635357


They´re not even trying.


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845836 No.21635358


So are the females that lie on people

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421104 No.21635359


quick question…

if your "husband" wanted a pussy instead of a cock

why didn't he just MARRY ONE to start with?

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1d63b9 No.21635360

File: dadf560c770c7ca⋯.png (859.21 KB,800x571,800:571,ClipboardImage.png)

MSM Breaking News: The End is Nigh.

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486f39 No.21635361

File: adc68c3db4459dc⋯.png (25.36 KB,164x126,82:63,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kamala Harris’s

Which actress is this?


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23a189 No.21635362


But the three decades old pagers that run on now nonexistent networks works for you?

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b749b3 No.21635363

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dce100 No.21635364

File: dda61129f78ff72⋯.png (671.43 KB,1024x768,4:3,VOTE3.png)

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4ce623 No.21635365


Have you considered that mass production of free tech won't replace oil, gas, coal for decades to come, even if we started tooling factories for them today.

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1d63b9 No.21635366

File: c65017bd8b524d4⋯.png (1013.65 KB,525x793,525:793,ClipboardImage.png)


>Which actress is this?

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f24077 No.21635367

File: f667f6d5bef1f81⋯.png (625.19 KB,636x365,636:365,ClipboardImage.png)


Lying Jew


When "toys" explode in Gaza

This is Doaa Yasseen. She's 11 years old and lives in Gaza City. She lost her right hand on 6 May 2015. Walking home from school, she spotted what she thought was a toy and picked it up. It turned out to be an unexploded device from past conflicts. The doctor told her family if she was not transferred to the hospital in Nablus, the amputation would be more severe. There, Doaa had eight surgical operations, and was in hospital for 52 days.


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6ef672 No.21635368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Diddy-Biden-Epstein Connections and More with Garrett Ziegler

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7cf62d No.21635369

Why is Biden using his Wilmington mansion to host World leaders? He hasn't used that home for the entire time he has been President. He only stays at the Beach house.

I vaguely remember him answering a reporter's question about why he went to the beach house so much. He said something like he doesn't have anywhere else to go.

Was his cabinet meeting yesterday to tell him they invoked the 5th? now that he is no longer President he has access to the Wilmington home?


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6af561 No.21635370

Cowards are lazy.

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ee7dd3 No.21635371


>He only stays at the Beach house.


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486f39 No.21635372

File: 197aba2e39dd506⋯.png (26.94 KB,172x110,86:55,ClipboardImage.png)




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7cf62d No.21635373


25th I mean

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4ce623 No.21635374



>As for the extinction of the dinos, there was no single causal event.


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fce9ae No.21635375

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1d63b9 No.21635376

File: eb63b69c8fa5750⋯.png (569.83 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris Faces Fierce Criticism from CNN: Could This Be a Turning Point in Her 2024 Campaign?

CNN continues its attacks on Kamala Harris after her live-streamed interview with Oprah Winfrey.


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486f39 No.21635377


>>Which actress is this?





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4ce623 No.21635378



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a322b3 No.21635379



>>>21635017 POTUS: "They didnt like the nuber 13, so they went to 15, and now i understand they went to 25"

131525 = 17

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6af561 No.21635380

Perverts who stalk from the shadows are cowards.

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af4df5 No.21635381


CNN will never regain trust as a news or journalism outlet.

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cd3b1f No.21635382


You can post atrocity stories til the cows come home but jews didn't invent mines

didn't invent WAR either

war itself is an atrocity

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8d1766 No.21635383


If there was such a thing, don't you think your

loving commie countries would already have it?

Are you people capable of "thinking for yourself"?

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632c62 No.21635384

File: b5b3d00fbb293f8⋯.png (273.7 KB,617x346,617:346,b5b3d00fbb293f840aedb311de….png)

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1d63b9 No.21635385

File: fe70d41585c4563⋯.png (2.78 MB,1079x1798,1079:1798,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 487535ccafc0128⋯.png (468.43 KB,372x815,372:815,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb0c8e64640139c⋯.png (383.21 KB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4ef55be2ad7c67⋯.png (88.76 KB,237x360,79:120,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a25c32de4604580⋯.png (75.51 KB,254x360,127:180,ClipboardImage.png)

Jeremy Kauffman 🦔


My friend's neighbor put his house up for sale, so my friend put up MAGA flags.

He said he's not that pro-Trump, but MAGA repels all the worst people.'

My friend is very smart.



Richard Hanania




How you become aware MAGAs have moved into your neighborhood. They have obnoxious stickers all over their cars and curse at you while coughing up their lungs when you walk by.



7:53 AM · Sep 21, 2024


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486f39 No.21635386

Keep focused on the goal./

Nine yards in on the fifth innning./

If you understand the use of mixed concepts./

You will have a better year./



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1d63b9 No.21635387

File: d2feba1f8ee5b4d⋯.png (1016.36 KB,640x606,320:303,ClipboardImage.png)

Entering CO From WY on I-25

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864736 No.21635388

File: 87c26650dc5ddde⋯.png (802.84 KB,760x846,380:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aeda9970814217a⋯.png (41.29 KB,165x175,33:35,toobased.png)

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6af561 No.21635389

Predators who target children are cowards.

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1d63b9 No.21635390

File: cf2f0fbf7422953⋯.png (725.35 KB,726x667,726:667,ClipboardImage.png)

The ratings challenged Bill Maher, on his increasingly boring show on HBO, is really having a hard time coping with TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME.


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65824e No.21635391

npr reporting a polar bear shot ded in iceland

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703658 No.21635392

File: bc047e67de680cb⋯.png (2.97 MB,2424x1444,606:361,Hunter_Biden_scumbag.png)

Hunter Biden was member of an elite

LA sex club SNCTM - but was kicked out for being a 'scumbag', says founder, who's now been banned from party he founded for breaking confidentiality rules to ID President Biden's son, Hunter Biden.


>The Diddy-Biden-Epstein Connections and More with Garrett Ziegler

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486f39 No.21635393


>Predators who target children are cowards.

There is a commonality among evil people./

They target children and they are cowards./


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d2a903 No.21635394


>there are militiaries that directly target children, because uhhhhhhhhh it makes tactical sense

>remember Assad with his special barrel bombs and when his military totltally honestly targeted civilians? yeah, this information has been confirmed by le experts

>unexploded device from past conflicts

the toy conflicts episode 1

back in reality:


It was the noon of 6 May 2015. Doaa was on her way home from schoolwhen a strange objecton the side of the road caught her attention. Curious to see what it was, she took it and started playing with it in front of her grandmother’s house. The innocent game finished with the device exploding in her right hand.

Yes, this sucks. Children in Iraq also find unexploded bombs, but they aren't targeted either, because it makes no sense.

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f24077 No.21635395

File: be90b4945466f91⋯.png (397.54 KB,688x576,43:36,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b6ba2b16b7d15e⋯.png (45.62 KB,702x455,54:35,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e601e191c94fcb⋯.png (510.48 KB,681x480,227:160,ClipboardImage.png)

How the Rothschilds Сashed In on Ukraine since Neo-Nazi Coup in 2014

The famous Jewish banking family has been deeply involved in Ukraine’s affairs since the 2014 coup d’etat, despite Ukraine embracing neo-Nazi collaborators as its national heroes.

Multinational asset firm Rothschild & Co was instrumental in the restructuring of Ukraine’s $20+ billion debt in July 2024, according to Western press.

It had reportedly been involved in arranging face-to-face meetings between Ukrainians and asset management firms, including Black Rock and Amundi, less than two months before the two-year payment moratorium expired on August 1.

The Rothschilds reportedly engaged IMF’s experts in the talks while the plan of grabbing Russia’s frozen sovereign assets was also on the table.The clan is believed to be cashing in on the Eastern European state through various schemes, including the future “restoration of Ukraine.”

Then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko tapped a Rothschild & Cie to sell his assets in 2014. It turned out later that the companies weren’t sold but handed over to Rothschild Trust. Rothschild first offered to mediate Ukraine’s talks with creditors on the restructuring of the country’s debt in 2015.

The same year, the supervisory board of Ukraine’s state-owned lender PrivatBank asked a consortium of Rothschild, EY and FinPoint companies to restructure its funds. Ukrainian tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky also reached out to the Rothschilds when seeking to regain a 25% stake in PrivatBank, his former asset, in 2019.

In July 2017, then Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman reportedly held a private meeting with Nathaniel Jacob Rothschild in London. Former Ukrainian People’s Deputy Oleg Tsarev suggested at the time that Groysman wanted Rothschild to make him the next president.

In July 2023, Russian pranksters Vladimir Kuznetsov (Vovan) and Alexey Stolyarov (Lexus) tricked Alexandre de Rothschild, the executive chairman of Rothschild & Co, who told them that the banking clan has cooperated with the Kiev regime since 2017.

“We had excellent relationships with people in your government. We were mainly involved in attracting of lending funds,” de Rothschild told Vovan and Lexus thinking that he was talking to Volodymyr Zelensky.


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d95f37 No.21635396

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Learn 2 Program >>21635368 Idiot!

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420e39 No.21635397




look at puffy's face each time, both videos as he gets caught, he knows they know and don't want none of it, he looks dejected. His face with Tyson, he is looking at Keenan like, "yo, wtf", you let this happen on camera. When going in to Bono, look at his happy skippy face, thn he gets this really subtle mad face, just like with Tyson and Keenan. You see the flip, you see the anger come inot him, subtle, but look closely.

Notice how limp his gay ass wrist is.

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23a189 No.21635398

File: e84d1214f13672b⋯.png (323.55 KB,768x796,192:199,ClipboardImage.png)


Nope. Those effects would be localized.

Melting Ice Caps™, you say?

Even NASA gets it wrong by ignoring evaporation.

>Ice melting in a glass of water does not change the density, while ice melting in the ocean decreases the density of the salt water, raising the sea level slightly. Note: magnitude has been exaggerated for artistic effect


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1d63b9 No.21635399

File: 5f3a78d57f84538⋯.png (4.64 MB,1580x2096,395:524,ClipboardImage.png)

Climate change strikes again!

Climate Change. Arson strikes again. Crazy how many firefighters are pyros. It actually may be a requirement in California.

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4a301c No.21635400



that last part about journalists is bullshit, they are paid and get status from it

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6af561 No.21635401

These people are sick.

Pattern Recognition = Disease Diagnosis

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845836 No.21635402


Guys a friggin genius

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3c8a8b No.21635403

File: e9e2fc09a7dbab1⋯.png (689.2 KB,735x667,735:667,ClipboardImage.png)





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4ce623 No.21635404



>spotted what she thought was a toy and picked it up. It turned out to be an unexploded device from past conflicts

Pagers are not children's toys and I guarantee no one has any evidence of actual children's toys being made into explosive devices.

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486f39 No.21635405

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,1f4036da8070e5509e47211e5….jpeg)



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1d63b9 No.21635406

File: a7052765b625028⋯.png (630.34 KB,594x396,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


The labor union representing employees from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has endorsed Kamala Harris for president.


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420e39 No.21635407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d2a903 No.21635408


and that even shows that SOME agency did not want world war 3 with tons of dead civilians, but instead produced terrorist egg salad, which is pretty based.

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1d63b9 No.21635409

File: da0f64218d47349⋯.png (721.86 KB,628x827,628:827,ClipboardImage.png)

Mexican President Blames Biden-Harris Admin for Sinaloa Cartel Turf War


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6af561 No.21635410

Cowards lose.

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a9e0a2 No.21635411

File: db5e63fd150895b⋯.webm (66.97 KB,853x480,853:480,wtaf.webm)

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420e39 No.21635412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



seriously funny https://youtu.be/yygjvjQutnY?si=comCAv-sIXwiYMcn

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000000 No.21635413

The Royal Family

@RoyalFamily 3h

A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden.


Read His Majesty’s message in full: royal.uk/Arnhem80

Sep 21, 2024 · 4:29 PM UTC


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1d63b9 No.21635414

File: 26e1b7c87178770⋯.png (794.68 KB,768x402,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'

Bennett said she was told that someone from Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon's office is working on fixing the issue.


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486f39 No.21635415

File: d3eafa86c8958d6⋯.png (77.52 KB,250x226,125:113,ClipboardImage.png)

Do you know what the FIVE ARROWS represent in KABALAH?



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45a6f3 No.21635416


all government employees should be completely BARRED from participating in the elections that feedback to their own fucking pocketbooks. Motherfuckers

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23a189 No.21635417


>Pagers are not children's toys

Neither are phones and computers but here we are.

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be0005 No.21635418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vulnerable House Republicans are on board with voting for a bill that aims to deny federal assistance to programs that benefit undocumented immigrants in sanctuary jurisdictions.

The No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act makes jurisdictions that don’t cooperate with federal immigration authorities “ineligible to receive any federal funds that the sanctuary jurisdiction intends to use for the benefit of” undocumented immigrants.

A vote on the rule for the bill is scheduled for today, with final passage set for Friday.

This seems like standard GOP fare. But Democrats we spoke to told us the bill could have unintended consequences, such as banning funding for infrastructure projects and education programs.

“It’s excessive. A complete blanket ban on funding. Everybody uses roads, everybody uses schools,” Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-Calif.) said.

But Republicans representing Democratic-leaning seats brushed off these concerns.

“I don’t know that it’s a practical, reasonable application of the bill,” Rep. Nick LaLota (R-N.Y.), the bill’s sponsor, told us. “I think they’re trying to find an excuse to wiggle out of it. It’s very popular amongst my constituents.”

“New York is spending billions of dollars of taxpayer money to house, clothe, feed and educate illegal immigrants,” Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.), another at-risk Republican, said. “That is something that shouldn’t be.”

— Max Cohen


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eac2e1 No.21635419

File: 1221dfee22f2240⋯.mp4 (14.57 MB,720x720,1:1,5ft_5_its_happening_vid_.mp4)

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f24077 No.21635420

File: 4571730ad131739⋯.png (89.82 KB,1015x625,203:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff5c127d73b3249⋯.png (231.77 KB,978x650,489:325,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1ca884972aef41⋯.png (141.82 KB,992x611,992:611,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9caf3d3224f2907⋯.png (43.88 KB,1002x485,1002:485,ClipboardImage.png)

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan".


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1d63b9 No.21635421

File: 7213406f4f1eaa6⋯.png (542.06 KB,675x772,675:772,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eed39aa69e480b2⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,Jake_Tapper_from_CNN_is_CA….mp4)

Jake Tapper from CNN is CALLING OUT Kamala Harris for refusing to do interviews and take questions like President Trump does. Trump and Vance have done 63 interviews in the same amount of time Kamala and Walz have done 2. They’re hiding from the American people.


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f96142 No.21635422


> GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'


Wow, this doesn’t happen too often.

Is this one of those things that never happens in reverse

Ds have no shame.

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a524b8 No.21635423

File: 0257ad4f4bc1a3a⋯.png (195.82 KB,280x350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)



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080edc No.21635424

no q posts is the new normal.

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1d63b9 No.21635425

File: 1001c8638e053d4⋯.png (215.08 KB,1170x633,390:211,ClipboardImage.png)

Without mentioning her race, gender, or the fact that she isn’t Trump, why should ANYBODY support Kamala?


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6af561 No.21635426

These people are sick.

The Cure is inescapable.

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486f39 No.21635427


You have NEVER seen the face of some of the MOST famous people in the WORLD./

They walk around like ROYALTY in places all ACROSS the WORLD./


It *IS* REAL./






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4ce623 No.21635428

File: bd2a63a7e9f3b59⋯.png (273.6 KB,886x280,443:140,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5da7ce103d772b9⋯.png (39.23 KB,905x343,905:343,ClipboardImage.png)


No, nothing to do with melting ice caps, more like the oceans beneath the earths crust breaking through.

Similar to the recent Tonga volcano, which spewed a huge amount of H2O into the atmosphere, this being a much smaller scale than the original flood era.

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21f722 No.21635429


How much do you wanna bet this thing is kosher?

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d2a903 No.21635430


only terrorist pagers were modified/exploded, those weren't normal regular devices that you buy from Walmart

that way they destroyed the whole fighting force within an hour, and stopped a massive war.

IF a child was really hurt by this (I don't believe the fake news, who also said that Iraqi soldiers incubators babies etc.), then that sucks, but compared to a full blown war, this is the proper solution to the problem.

You can't make massive egg salad without breaking a few eggs.

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1e048e No.21635431

File: 336090323b3ce21⋯.mp4 (4.35 MB,480x270,16:9,NJTQ9RU2tNIGwUMJ.mp4)

File: ddccf238b8dacc1⋯.png (213.68 KB,505x437,505:437,ClipboardImage.png)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr


My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment. People ought to have the freedom and the liberty to experiment with these hallucinogens to overcome debilitating disorders.


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20daa1 No.21635432

File: 162c435a7c63fe1⋯.gif (968.27 KB,500x397,500:397,star.gif)

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f24077 No.21635433

File: 0dce17fb00fdc9c⋯.png (2.5 MB,1456x970,728:485,ClipboardImage.png)

$50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed

Holy Crow. You mean to say that in the midst of myriad reporting on alleged federal election interference, PM Trudeau and the Liberals are still funneling tax-dollars from working Canadians into the hands of the government of China? Yes, it appears to be the case

Countries on the receiving end of Foreign Aid from our Liberal government:

Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Jordan, Ethiopia, Senegal, Pakistan, Nigeria, Yemen, Bangladesh, Kenya, Sudan, Niger, India, Ghana, Lebanon, Uganda, Rwanda, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Zimbabwe, Myanmar. Central African Republic, Liberia, Congo, Brazil, Iran, Burkina Faso and Chad.

Doubtful of this data? According to the Canadian Development Aid Platform, "Canada's international assistance spending increased by 27.0% to CAD$8.4 billion in 2021, up from CAD$6.6 billion in 2020."

We stand in disbelief. You mean to say that with all the consternation regarding the economy, federal deficit, personal debt, racked-up credit cards, rising food prices, skyrocketing rents and lack of home affordability, this is what the government of Canada are up to? Giving away billions upon billions to countries like India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and China?"


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be0005 No.21635434

File: af06950eda55bbc⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB,2160x1272,90:53,IMG_3430.jpeg)


Yesterday September 20, 2024

Hard to find in NEWS anywhere.


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1d63b9 No.21635435

File: 8b763265b2e50b5⋯.png (714.53 KB,655x1057,655:1057,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3f63e8048cc154⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB,576x1024,9:16,Grocery_store_rep_from_Spr….mp4)



Grocery store rep from Springfield, Ohio describes seeing iIIegal immigrants receipts with $13,000 on EBT food and $29,000 on EBT cash‼️‼️

This is insane!!! 👇🏼

2:08 PM • Sep 19, 2024


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f96142 No.21635436


> Jake Tapper from CNN is CALLING OUT Kamala Harris for refusing to do interviews and take questions like President Trump does.


Harris surrogate says Kamala is ‘too busy’ to do interviews. Then, clearly, her ability’s are not in the same ballpark as Trump’s, who can do it all.

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1e048e No.21635437

File: b1ef2268ca58515⋯.png (242.95 KB,480x300,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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420e39 No.21635438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



listen to his voice, he changed it up, cause he sounded really soft back then 1998


puffy tyson keenan

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6100c5 No.21635439

File: ae73b1ee734ea6b⋯.png (1.14 MB,854x1045,854:1045,ae73b1ee734ea6b754b9f4020e….png)


>all government employees should be completely BARRED from participating in the elections that feedback to their own fucking pocketbooks. Motherfuckers


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703658 No.21635440

Hunter Biden was member of an elite

LA sex club SNCTM - but was kicked out for being a 'scumbag', says founder, who's now been banned from party he founded for breaking confidentiality rules to ID President Biden's son, Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden was a member of an elite Los Angeles sex club but was kicked out for

being a 'scumbag,' the club's founder has reportedly claimed. Damon Lawner, who opened the exclusive Snctm but sold it in 2019, was banned from the venue after he publicly identified the President Biden's son, Hunter Biden as a former member. The claim about Hunter was included in a profile of Lawner published in the Los Angeles Times on Tuesday. A spokesperson for Snctm told the LA Times it has a policy of never identifying its members and that any infringement of the rules results in a lifetime ban. The publication said Lawner made the claim that Hunter had been a member of the club after he had reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors this week.


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23a189 No.21635441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The water cycle is a closed system.


Start at 13:25

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4ce623 No.21635442

File: 08d977f9c6be04c⋯.png (1.17 MB,1300x954,650:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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f24077 No.21635443

WW III: EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia. Russia Threatens Nuclear Retaliation

MEPs voted 425 in favor, 131 against and 63 abstentions on a resolution for EU member states to remove restrictions on Ukraine's use of Western-supplied weapons within Russian territory, and accelerate weapons deliveries, "including Taurus missiles."

The EU explained what the MEPs voted for in a press release.


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486f39 No.21635444


>no q posts is the new normal.

Where does Q post?

Can you imagine where Military Intelligence posts in the world./


That doesn't mean that the alias of Q will not post here again./

Just it means that YOU are INNUNDATED with our COMMS./

You are receiving comms from all sides./

We are not in control of the globe./

Be aware./

There are people here who pretend to be Military Intelligence./

We are not those people./





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a524b8 No.21635446

File: e7f087d97680fed⋯.jpg (20.79 KB,474x425,474:425,shrooming.jpg)

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1d63b9 No.21635447

File: a6e45473ba3c97c⋯.png (571.09 KB,663x1056,221:352,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f7075e9f99e315⋯.mp4 (3 MB,576x1030,288:515,Hussein_Big_Mike_allegedly….mp4)

Hussein & Big Mike allegedly took part in Diddy orgies

Red Pill USA



Who remembers when Chrissy Teigen was asked about the public places she "did it," and her response was "the Obama thing?"🤔

12:35 PM • Sep 20, 2024


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4ce623 No.21635448


Whatever weirdo.

My information is more up to date scientifically than yours, and is also described historically in every ancient culture.

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1d63b9 No.21635449


>$50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed


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486f39 No.21635450


>Hunter Biden was member of an elite

>LA sex club

LA is one of the largest Hives in the planet./

Be aware how deep some dungeons go is to the core of the earth./


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1d63b9 No.21635451


>WW III: EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia. Russia Threatens Nuclear Retaliation


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84fba2 No.21635452



I don't feel sorry for Hunter, as he himself could have over come the abuse he suffered, but he didn't. Hunter chose to embrace his abuse and employ it to allow him to become an abuser. THAT is unforgivable!

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420e39 No.21635453

Heavy D who grew up with Puffy

said Puffy

"was like a gnat, real annoying",

"always jumping on my back".

back jumper kek


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45a6f3 No.21635454



cause hydrogen ions from the solar wind would never combine with atmospheric oxygen (baked off from geological oxide minerals on Earth.)


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1d63b9 No.21635455


>My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment. People ought to have the freedom and the liberty to experiment with these hallucinogens to overcome debilitating disorders.


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6af561 No.21635456

Death to the [deathcult].

You reap what you sow.

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53aba1 No.21635457

File: 6db60ab7806cfc8⋯.png (503.18 KB,900x599,900:599,ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December

The Associated Press

Sat, September 21, 2024 at 7:00 AM EDT·1 min read

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Hunter Biden will be sentenced on felony firearms charges in December after the judge agreed Thursday to a delay requested by the defense.

In June, President Joe Biden ‘s son was convicted in Delaware federal court of three felonies for purchasing a gun in 2018 when, prosecutors said, he lied on a federal form by claiming he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs.

He was initially scheduled to be sentenced on Nov. 13, but the judge agreed to delay the hearing until Dec. 4 after Hunter Biden’s lawyers said they needed more time to adequately prepare.

The gun charges are punishable by up to 25 years in prison, though he will likely face far less time behind bars or possibly avoid imprisonment entirely.

He also faces sentencing in California on Dec. 16 on federal tax charges he pleaded guilty to earlier this month. Those charges carry up to 17 years behind bars. He also faces up to $1.35 million in fines.

President Biden, who dropped his reelection bid in July, has said he will not use his presidential powers to pardon his son or lessen his sentence.

After his guilty plea on the tax charges, Hunter Biden said he wanted to spare his family another painful ordeal after his gun trial aired salacious and embarrassing details about a time in which struggled with a crack cocaine addiction. Hunter Biden said he’s been sober since 2019.

“I will not subject my family to more pain, more invasions of privacy and needless embarrassment,” Hunter Biden previously said. “For all I have put them through over the years, I can spare them this, and so I have decided to plead guilty.”


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23a189 No.21635458


The pager networks have been shut down for years.

The last operational was in Russia and was decommissioned in 2020.

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6ef672 No.21635459

File: b25133af61c5b55⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB,640x360,16:9,MexicanPresident.mp4)


>Mexican President

seems happy during this call, back in the day.

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a9e0a2 No.21635460

File: e46be0a557a870c⋯.webm (633.38 KB,569x240,569:240,_.webm)

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080edc No.21635461


exactly this board is here so the agent smiths can collect cheques until the next fake inauguration.

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f24077 No.21635462

File: ad3b2c1c8f670f7⋯.png (1020.88 KB,1116x706,558:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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864736 No.21635463


I thought this was common sense.

You do know when water freezes it has more volume right?

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1d63b9 No.21635464


>A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden.



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7c32c9 No.21635465

notables @ 205

#26497 >>21635262

>>21635298 Israel booby-trapped children's toys with explosives to kill Lebanese children

>>21635369 Joe Biden arrives in Delaware for weekend with world leaders

>>21635376, >>21635421 Kamala Harris Faces Fierce Criticism from CNN

>>21635406 The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris

>>21635409 Mexican President Blames Biden-Harris Admin for Sinaloa Cartel Turf War

>>21635413 A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden

>>21635414 GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'

>>21635418 (Yesterday) House Of Representatives Votes To Block Funding For Sanctuary States And Cities

>>21635419 3:02

>>21635431 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment

>>21635433 $50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed

>>21635435 Grocery store rep from Springfield, Ohio describes seeing receipts with $13,000 on EBT food and $29,000 on EBT cash

>>21635443 EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia

>>21635447 Allegations of Michelle and Barack Obama attending Diddy's 'freakoffs' have surfaced

>>21635457 Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December

>>21635271 Memes


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1e048e No.21635466

File: 840d706b1550837⋯.png (357.28 KB,505x555,101:111,ClipboardImage.png)




Very odd

Why are they all watching and broadcasting live again?

Did they think something would happen?

Has MSM flipped?

Are they now required to air Trump?


4:01 PM · Sep 21, 2024

>today's delta

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4ce623 No.21635467


Hunter flipped years ago, when he left his laptop purposely at a pre agreed location, in such a way that it could be used as evidence. Abandoned.

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1d63b9 No.21635468


>How the Rothschilds Сashed In on Ukraine since Neo-Nazi Coup in 2014


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864736 No.21635469


Tell him to do a Backflip. Fuck that guy.

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f24077 No.21635470

File: bd6527c6a955170⋯.png (127.09 KB,720x741,240:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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84fba2 No.21635471


I am so tired of hearing, reading about this spawn of evil… There is nothing redeemable in this human!

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1d63b9 No.21635472


>Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December


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000000 No.21635473

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 2h

Hezbollah- we haven't even started anything yet

Sep 21, 2024 · 6:16 PM UTC



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84fba2 No.21635474

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d2a903 No.21635475


exactly, those were terrorist networks, to avoid detection and avoid shitphone usage, which is quite smart.

because of that there was not really any other way, unless you want to go in with spec ops and arrest tons of people at once, and I'm sure that at least some innocents would have been hurt by this too, because that's how that shit goes, plus operators would have been killed as well.

Didn't this even happen on the 17th?

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23a189 No.21635476


So why isn't the planet flooded right now, genius?

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acf3cb No.21635477

File: 2159cd0dc0af3d7⋯.png (210.84 KB,616x415,616:415,adoption.png)

Anons say that President Trump is aware of us here. Please tell him to 'Make Adoptions Great Again'.

Perhaps by funneling any federal dollars away from radical ideological abortion to aid adoption incentives. Perhaps to give incentives to insurance companies to aid the adoption process. Perhaps to give tax exempt status to all adoption costs. I don't know what else, but anons understand what this anon is saying. Let's help those who choose adoption.

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7523d0 No.21635478


probably hoping to catch a live assassination attempt.

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21f722 No.21635479

File: 75ccd052a42783d⋯.png (12.31 KB,252x255,84:85,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. You think he knows?

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2e2848 No.21635480



$100 for one ounce of silver?

You'd be better off buying Trump stock


silver rounds from your local coin shop.

"There's a sucker born every minute."

Don't be one.

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1d63b9 No.21635481

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JD Vance was in Leesport, PA and gave a great speech today.


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23a189 No.21635482

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1e048e No.21635483

File: 3e512f08d8750aa⋯.png (398.55 KB,680x601,680:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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f24077 No.21635484

File: f2dde99d4441024⋯.png (477.4 KB,571x418,571:418,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump and RFK Jr. in a Masonic hand shake

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45a6f3 No.21635485


give it a moment

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486f39 No.21635486


>listen to his voice, he changed it up, cause he sounded really soft back then 1998

You ever seen a low key roast./


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fb1d30 No.21635487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hillary Clinton Demands Criminal Charges For Americans “Engaged” In “Propaganda”

Hillary Clinton claimed that Trump is a “danger to this country and the world,” and then called for anyone spreading “misinformation” to be criminally charged ahead of the election. Her statement is particularly hypocritical because she invoked the Russiagate scam that itself was the product of her campaign’s own propaganda.





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e1cfda No.21635488

To think you guys have thought there was going to be some EBS and all this gitmo trials.

Dumb as Fuck. LT and all those retarded PayTriots on Rumble.

You knew it was all just an election

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eb460b No.21635489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Diddy-Biden-Epstein Connections and More with Garrett Ziegler

Robert Gouveia Esq.

Streamed live 4 hours ago 1:52:31


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4ce623 No.21635490

File: f40d93b444cb106⋯.png (717.1 KB,898x807,898:807,ClipboardImage.png)


Fuck you cunts are stupid.

Prolly more people use them than you know, including 3 letter agents.

Then as now — albeit in far smaller numbers — pagers are used precisely because they are old school. They run on batteries and radio waves, making them impervious to dead zones without WiFi, basements without cell service, hackings and catastrophic network collapses such as those during the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


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21f722 No.21635491


When the time comes, if no one in the military can do it, they can call me. I'll take care of it and I won't lose a moment of sleep over it. Death is lenient a punishment for this sack of shit.

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f24077 No.21635492

File: 0b18013a81316a0⋯.png (284.49 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

From Oprah to the Times of Israel: The Secret Life of Vicki Polin

Vicki Polin, a blogger for The Times of Israel (https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/author/vicki-polin/) and cousin of the late Chicago native American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin (https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/hersh-goldberg-polin-hamas-murdered-a-part-of-my-dna/), reportedly executed by Hamas in late August 2024, has a controversial past. This is the same Vicki Polin who appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show on May 1, 1989, testifying under the pseudonym "Rachel" that she and her extended family in the Chicago area practiced satanic rituals, including infant sacrifices, in which she claimed to have participated (https://youtu.be/hwih4niZ4MA?si=gybEZL4S8VOUk2X7).

Following her appearance, she founded The Awareness Center (https://theawarenesscenter.blogspot.com/2009/04/susan-rosenbluth-harassment-bulling.html), a rape and sexual violence prevention organization for Jewish communities. To date, there have been no formal accusations directly linking her public identity to the Oprah interview. However, in this Times of Israel article, Vicki Polin links herself to working for The Awareness Center (https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/metoo-except-if-youre-a-jew-antisemitism-in-the-anti-rape-movement/), strongly suggesting that she is indeed the same person.

Hersh's parents, Rachel and Jon Polin, have gained significant public attention since his abduction on October 7th. They have met with figures such as Pope Francis and Kamala Harris, spoken at the DNC in Chicago, and appeared on shows like Face the Nation and CBC. They have been interviewed multiple times by Anderson Cooper, who reportedly discovered the video of Hersh's abduction before its official release and showed it to his parents following an interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QqFweh3CC4).

Further independent investigations are needed to explore these connections and the 1989 allegations in Illinois, including the Chicago Jewish community’s involvement in rebuilding Kibbutz Nir Oz (https://nypost.com/2023/12/09/news/kibbutz-nir-oz-is-rebuilding-after-the-oct-7-hamas-attack/). While the allegations from 1989 raise significant questions, more evidence is required before drawing conclusions about the credibility of her reporting for The Times of Israel or any other related content.

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080edc No.21635493


big fucking time larp

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1d63b9 No.21635494

File: 81f720a3c055e84⋯.png (1.49 MB,852x1024,213:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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88cef1 No.21635495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Welcome back my frens

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fb1d30 No.21635496

File: 6e374976419924d⋯.png (78.99 KB,252x192,21:16,ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Benz Reveals How and Why the War in Ukraine Was Initiated by the CIA, DoD and US State Department

Mike Benz, a free speech advocate, shares his deep research on the inner workings of making war. He says that Ukraine, backed by the US, is at war with Russia in order to takeover supplying gas and oil to Europe. Hunter Biden’s Burisma signed a deal to be the privately-held supplier of natural gas. Benz showed a video of a training session for journalists by the Atlantic Council, led by the CIA, to censor and discredit information, even when it was true, if it did not fit the official narrative.

Benz concluded that the United States government is funding the overthrow of the United States government. Wealthy elites and corporations are the beneficiaries.



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a300a2 No.21635497


No one cares

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23a189 No.21635498


So, your historic descriptions by ancient culture and is more up to date than modern science.

Got it.

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632c62 No.21635499

File: 007889227facc71⋯.png (755.46 KB,741x1598,741:1598,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce6da9c6ac8f7d5⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,480x270,16:9,What_they_re_doing_with_th….mp4)

Alex Newman: "What they're doing with the World Health Organization is one of the most breathtaking global power grabs we have seen in all of recorded human history. They are at this point transparently seeking the power to turn the WHO into not just like a global ministry of health or a global department of health and human services complete with an FDA, a CDC, HHS, all the different various divisions.

But when you look at how they define healthcare, when you look at how they define health emergencies, whether we're looking at the one health where the health of humans is intimately intertwined with the climate and the grass and the animals and the ocean and all the rest of it, or when you, right, precisely, is one health, it is this integrated holistic view of health as something that encompasses every area of everything, right? And then the other side of this, which is that everything essentially is a public health emergency, as they've said publicly.

I was in Egypt and on the Arabian Peninsula at the last two climate summits where the head of the World Health Organization the CCP Operative dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus braces former politburo member of a mass murdering ethno-marxist terrorist organization called the Tigray People's Liberation Front when he openly said that Climate change is a public health emergency. They've also said that racism is a public health emergency and gun violence is a public health emergency.

So If all of those things are public health emergencies, and they have told us that they are, every area of your life would then fall under the purview of this entity if it was able to usurp this power that it is seeking. They did take one big leap forward, no pun intended, with the adoption of some of the amendments to the international health regulations. And Tedros has actually made perfectly clear that they intend to slam through this international pandemic treaty, accord, agreement. They've got different names. I think for technical legal reasons. They know they're not going to get it through the US Senate, but it is a treaty. And they promise they're going to do that either by the end of this year or at the very latest May of 2025. So they have not given up. They will not give up unless and until humanity says no."




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1e048e No.21635500

File: eb8cb30c281c6c9⋯.png (81.39 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)

Happy 21st of September

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a9e0a2 No.21635501

File: 41b94a420224ca1⋯.jpg (272.39 KB,1083x609,361:203,no_remorse.jpg)

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1d63b9 No.21635502

File: 789f8aa04851fa1⋯.png (996.33 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

25 Million Christians Did Not Vote in 2020 - Todd Starnes

Prepare to be staggered, America. More than 25 million Christians who are registered to vote do not vote in presidential […]


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d7970b No.21635503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

India is literally hell on Earth. They wanted their freedom from England, they got it, and now they are diarrhea shit drowning the West with mass migration…


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4ce623 No.21635504


Except the agents having a beeper by their balls.

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90d756 No.21635505


Why didn’t they shoot him? Other than with his photography

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8d1766 No.21635506

File: 09014675e129525⋯.png (62.04 KB,173x231,173:231,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d63b9 No.21635507

File: dbd72b4dbe5d385⋯.png (542.05 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

PANIC: EU Leadership Urges Europe To Be Ready To Fight Russia In 6-8 Years


What if instead we simply tell the world that the EU is now Russia? It was never elected and should not even exist to start with.

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080edc No.21635508


moar death. moar destruction. winning intensifies

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486f39 No.21635509



"To everybody out there that got theys scripts in the morniing." - points to the audience./

Why did the audience have scripts?///


"We need all the.. all the youth to contact us."/


Why did he want the YOUTH to contact him?///


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ee7dd3 No.21635510

File: 8b92d54a8e520a2⋯.png (584.12 KB,877x798,877:798,ClipboardImage.png)


CCP MSS agents will have to find a new place to stay in the US. kek

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1d63b9 No.21635511

File: e42046eaa91892f⋯.png (1.68 MB,1170x1340,117:134,ClipboardImage.png)



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4ce623 No.21635512


The modern science I've presented confirms the ancient historic descriptions.

It's not rocket science, except to the brainwashed with bullshit

monkeys still coming down from the coconut tree.

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41413c No.21635513


Am I the only one who sees the slashes and then filters.

Fuckin so stupid.

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1d63b9 No.21635514

File: be5b1b01ea1deae⋯.png (2.44 MB,1800x1800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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840a06 No.21635515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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486f39 No.21635516


>exactly this board is here so the agent smiths can collect cheques until the next fake inauguration.

There was a real inaguration, anon.//'//'/////

Dont you worry./



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080edc No.21635517


string the world along 8 moar years. then say soon.

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23a189 No.21635519


So, the terrorists built and maintained the infrastructure for a private pagers network?

Next you'll be telling me that a bunch of goat fuckers, living in caves, hijacked four planes and flew them into some building half way around the world and we only who they were because their passports miraculously survived the fireballs and were found at the scene.

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1d63b9 No.21635520

File: 126cdee8f1ef874⋯.png (705.81 KB,768x430,384:215,ClipboardImage.png)

Exactly what kind of sociopath is Kamala Harris?

Nobody who supports the Second Amendment missed Kamala Harris’s boast to Oprah that she is a gun owner and plans to shoot anyone who gets into her house. The hypocrisy from a woman who once spoke about entering people’s homes to inspect t…


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5cf679 No.21635521



They don’t know it. That’s why we devoting against Trump

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486f39 No.21635522


>Am I the only one who sees the slashes and then filters.

You don't filter, ROBROY, we can see your screen./


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23a189 No.21635523


You are delusional.

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5ed012 No.21635524

File: 4a6b1c6842a82ab⋯.png (216.59 KB,662x561,662:561,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0863afa3dab321e⋯.png (202.03 KB,660x526,330:263,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e08589cd5e8cfb2⋯.png (392.04 KB,480x397,480:397,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6fbc4e7176394b⋯.png (1.95 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Todays Deltas

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f24077 No.21635525

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israel Commits the Most Sadistic and Indiscriminate Terror Attack in World History


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7c32c9 No.21635526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

India not looking too good


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638734 No.21635527


Imagine we get WW3 in the next 45 days, all to prevent Trump from winning again.

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1b32cc No.21635528


Because they are the dumbest people in the country.




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486f39 No.21635529



If you knew how what Trump says is so carefully choreographed, you would be careful what you say to him./

You can not see all of the actors, some are not evil.//'//'//'//'//'//'////

Remember, words are what brought us to life./


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644495 No.21635531


Well if we do, you won’t be in the fight so sit back and eat your MacDonalds.

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d2a903 No.21635532

File: ae093fec292ccc2⋯.png (122.11 KB,500x510,50:51,Who_will_win_US.png)

File: 00c9a5cea47e020⋯.png (89.85 KB,500x369,500:369,Who_will_win_UK.png)


how do you think these pagers worked?

without network?

are you retarded?



btw. Afghan people are great warriors, their clay huts even survive 5.56

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080edc No.21635533


do the mass casualty event.

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4ce623 No.21635534


Go eat a banana monkey face.

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4ce623 No.21635535

File: f61b8e752cd51e9⋯.png (447.36 KB,800x811,800:811,ClipboardImage.png)

Ahhhh, more KEKNESS.

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23a189 No.21635536


We've been fighting WW3 for several years now.

An Information War for The Information Age.

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7523d0 No.21635537


that's not in the US. look at the license plate on the white car.

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78d234 No.21635538

File: 1368a2d57b8fcc7⋯.png (226.79 KB,661x562,661:562,ClipboardImage.png)



Could Be us…Sending messages via BOOMs

BOOMerangs come back…possible 4 turnaround…hmm i wonder if any Deltas?

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734600 No.21635539

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JD KILLING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥



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ceb227 No.21635540


What was the last age then?

If this is Aquarius and that was Pisces

The religious age?

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1d63b9 No.21635541

File: 98b7c1d4acef0ec⋯.png (1.23 MB,1614x500,807:250,ClipboardImage.png)



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486f39 No.21635543


How many did the Archangel Gabriel Massacre today?


That's a big number, hey?/

Something to think about when you talk about the angels, they are not as friendly as you think when it comes to preserving the people on the ground and in the air./




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23a189 No.21635544



>how do you think these pagers worked?

>without network?

>are you retarded?

I'm saying the fucking pager networks have be down for years and these reports are propaganda.

Are you retarded?

Stop believing their propaganda.

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4ce623 No.21635545

File: fb2bb74d6f73e36⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB,720x1280,9:16,000_Meow_Berlin_style.mp4)


Meow, Berlin Style.

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f24077 No.21635546

Any diggers want to confirm that Israel is setting up an Iron dome in Kiev and Nikolaev

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734600 No.21635547

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LOVE THESE GIRLS!!!🇺🇸😂😂😂. Two girls are 19 and excited to vote for Trump and come to the rally.

They are very, very impressive!



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88cef1 No.21635548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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638734 No.21635549

File: 311ff1abe1b6729⋯.webp (69.63 KB,1024x1024,1:1,WW3.webp)


Anon has the best view, comfy.

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f24077 No.21635550


Always deflecting

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23a189 No.21635551


The Space Age, of course.

But not the space you're thinking about.

The one they created between your ears.

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51c78d No.21635552

File: 380c0fff934ce94⋯.png (325.48 KB,711x691,711:691,ClipboardImage.png)



Videos from Europe show Haitians consuming cats on the streets


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734600 No.21635553

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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78d234 No.21635554


age of the fish…Jesus…Christianity

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632c62 No.21635555

File: 6ac39679a5814a3⋯.jpg (147.09 KB,1256x920,157:115,chart.jpg)


We are already in WWIII

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d2a903 No.21635556


>I'm saying

you are claiming something.

>but it's super expensive to operate pager networks

it isn't, at all

in Afghanistan, they use burner phones

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81ad4a No.21635557

File: 9a7756efb075c4c⋯.png (577.4 KB,970x1326,485:663,savthe.png)

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486f39 No.21635558


>Anon has the best view, comfy.

That's later. We gave each of the people here an opportunity to stop WWIII and to show mercy to your enemies./


How did you think this would work?




The scare event hasn't happened yet./


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5b5b9d No.21635559


Christians know how evil government is.

The government up until trump, voting didn't matter.

Even now well have 4 years of calm under trump but after trump cisa will install a democrat to keep the balance of faggotry and the dems will EO and reset every trump policy, and we will be back to begging at the foot of the republican party.

It all has to change.

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1d63b9 No.21635560

File: 3537bc51079af6a⋯.png (442.8 KB,768x384,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Trump to launch mars mission with Elon Musk’s help in second term

“Elon, get those rocket ships going because we want to reach Mars before the end of my term!”


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535535 No.21635561


so the bullshit age for retards.

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23a189 No.21635562


Holy fuck, you are stupid.

See ya.

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080edc No.21635563


just getting started. door to door ak-47' s orange man bad just told the world.

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78d234 No.21635564

File: 1599fb78cd2c99e⋯.png (11.44 KB,460x213,460:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47a6b0dfb7360ea⋯.png (239.54 KB,489x545,489:545,ClipboardImage.png)


Final Countdown


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486f39 No.21635565


>We are already in WWIII

"ohhhh, that's creepy."/


War has been constant since 1865./

You do not know even the names of the combatants yet./

Keep digging./


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d2a903 No.21635566


you are actually stupid


for what exactly?

to scare the terrorists to not use pagers, which "aren't working anyway because muh networks down"

you are actually stupid and make zero sense.

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4ce623 No.21635567


We've been in WWIII for a number of years now.

This information war has been raging for at least 30 years.

It's about to turn kinetic.

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f24077 No.21635568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ukraine and Israel Following the Same Playbook, But Uncle Sam Doesn’t Want to Play

Ukraine and Israel both share at least one thing in common — they are desperate and flailing about trying to get the United States directly involved in their respective wars. Ukraine is being steadily pushed out of the Donbass and Kursk, and suffering terrible losses in the process, and its leaders, with Zelensky leading the charge, are trying to pursue a course of action that will bring the United States and NATO directly into the fighting. In other words, provoke Russia to expand its operations by attacking NATO targets in retaliation for NATO assistance in hitting Russian territory with so-called “long-range missiles.”

Israel, for its part, has failed to eradicate Hamas after 11 months of fighting, its economy is in shambles — thanks in part to the Houthis shutting down port activities in Eilat — and it has been unable to stop Hezbollah’s attacks on northern Israel. Israel, like Ukraine, has embarked on a strategy of provocation — i.e., hit Iranian and Hezbollah targets and hope that they will take retaliatory measures that will create political pressure in the United States to intervene and fight alongside Israel.

So far, neither Russia nor Hezbollah/Iran have taken the bait. Let’s start with Russia. The strategic picture on the ground all along the battle front in Ukraine has shifted decisively in Russia’s favor. Ukrainian forces are trapped in Kursk and are in the clutches of a Russian military boa constrictor. The Ukrainians are isolated, low on ammunition and food, and have no secure means of resupply. Meanwhile, in the Donbass, the noose is tightening as well. The Russian military announced today that it is destroying all rail and bridge links to Pokrovsk aka Krasnoarmeysk, which will leave Ukrainian troops without a reliable means of resupply. Hence the desperation of Zelensky and his crew.

Israel faces a different challenge. The explosion of booby-trapped pagers across Lebanon, followed by a missile strike on a meeting of senior Hezbollah commanders, has killed and wounded thousands. Earlier this week, it looked like Israel was ready to enter southern Lebanon and engage Hezbollah. But it looks like Israel’s true strategy is to try to provoke a reaction from Hezbollah and Iran that will justify the United States riding with military forces to the rescue. But, Hezbollah ain’t taking the bait:

In the last two days it appeared the wholesale attacks of various communication devices even raised wide solidarity with the wounded. Voices called for “national unity” in view of the attack that is seen as a harsh blow to all of Lebanon not only on Hezbollah and that war, if it should break out, requires enlisting all Lebanon’s citizens to protect the homeland.

Hassan Nasrallah is well aware of Lebanon’s difficulties to deal with attacks that result in numerous casualties. Yesterday in his speech he thanked the medical teams and hospitals for their immense contribution. He also thanked Iran and Syria for opening their hospitals to patients from Lebanon, and Iraq for a speedy shipment of medications and medical equipment.

But he also wanted to clarify that “the heavy and unprecedented war” on Lebanon will not change the organization’s policy, despite the fact that the attack “crossed all the red lines.”

It appears that Hezbollah, along with Hamas, have opted for a war of attrition with Israel. They are willing to suffer terrible losses, but calculate that Israel’s ability to sustain the fight — especially if Hezbollah sits back and continues to rake northern Israel with rockets and missiles — is limited. Maybe Hezbollah is taking a page out of Muhammed Ali’s book and is using rope-a-dope, i.e. let your opponent punch himself into exhaustion. Hezbollah’s strength is its ability to fight a defensive battle, which Israel will likely be unable to win.

Both Ukraine and Israel received unwelcomed news from the United States. Biden and his puppet master, Jake Sullivan, under pressure from the Pentagon, have refused to grant Ukraine’s request to launch “long-range” missiles into Russia. And the US Commander of CENTCOM, with the blessing of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, told Netanyahu that if he provokes a war, he will fight it on his own. The US will not intervene.

Even though Ukraine and Israel have been told, “no,” this is no guarantee that either will choose to do something stupid and provocative. We are not out of the woods and the potential for an expanded war in each theater remains high.



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00c315 No.21635569


And if you compress a plot of sin(x) enough it is almost identical to tan(x). So what. Manipulation of axis is a favorite trick of the narrativemiesters.

We actually agree re: dinosaurs. But that wasn't really my point. My point was that this chart destroys more than the AGW narrative.

Here's another one: Ice ages.


That is certainly a possible explanation. My problem with theories like this is they require no proof. Dinos gone, we don't know why. poof malevolent entities did it.

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638734 No.21635570


What's with all the / ?

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486f39 No.21635571


>It's about to turn kinetic.

It is Kinetic./


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080edc No.21635572


wipe out the vaxxxed was the goal, now the bad guys want to keep them alive.

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d2a903 No.21635573


it's how you create a filter for it.

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23a189 No.21635574

File: c464968156c056a⋯.png (481.43 KB,639x629,639:629,climatechangetax.png)


>Ice ages.

Sure, sure.

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4ce623 No.21635575


I meant for normies who haven't seen it coming.

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486f39 No.21635576


>What's with all the / ?

This will be uncovered later with a special system./

I can not elabourate on it as my scribe refuses to write it./



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3c8a8b No.21635577

File: 883239268506867⋯.png (525.23 KB,494x708,247:354,ClipboardImage.png)


5 mil and ill go

half up front and half when i get back

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f90987 No.21635578



>The pager networks have been shut down for years.

Sauce it.

Emergency responders, firefighters, paramedics, mountain rescue, lifeboat crews etc manned by volunteer/part-timers still use pagers to alert people when they are required.

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5ed012 No.21635579

File: f9311bcd63a5e90⋯.jpg (64.36 KB,843x1054,843:1054,285843239_2251174228385208….jpg)

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0e83f0 No.21635580

Did Trump bring up Mark Robinson at all at the rally today?

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1d63b9 No.21635581

File: 5abc2abbeb26ec7⋯.mp4 (12.92 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Watch_50_Kids_Loot_7_Eleve….mp4)

File: efe7dde7a64597a⋯.png (533.75 KB,500x358,250:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch: 50 Kids Loot 7-Eleven In Beverly Hills For Candy & Snacks

Lunatic progressives who transformed parts of California into lawless hellholes insist their 'utopian' state should be a model for the rest of America. Thanks, but no thanks.

On Friday evening, a mob of 50 kids ransacked a 7-Eleven in Los Angeles, more specifically, on the border of Beverly Hills at 8500 W Olympic Blvd, local media outlet KTLA reported.

"The videos show some of the juveniles covering their faces with hoods and masks as they run in and out of the store, and others are seen laughing as they run back to their bikes with stolen goods," KTLA said.

Dramatic footage posted on X shows kids looting the store for snacks and candy.



🚨#BREAKING: Over 50 juveniles ride their bikes and storm into a 7-Eleven, ransacking and trashing the store

📌#BeverlyHills | #California

Watch wild video as over 50 juveniles ride their bikes into a 7-Eleven parking lot in Beverly Hills, California. With their faces covered by hoods and masks, they storm the store, ransacking it and stealing numerous items. Some are seen laughing as they run back to their bikes, their hands and pockets filled with snacks and stolen goods. The group caused significant damage before fleeing the scene on their bikes, all before officers could arrive. The exact amount of merchandise stolen and the extent of the damage remain unclear.

10:28 PM · Sep 20, 2024


The rampant lawlessness in VP Harris' home state is a direct result of far-left progressives pushing disastrous criminal and social justice reforms that have only backfired. At this point, one has to wonder if the chaos is deliberate.


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81ad4a No.21635582

File: 9c25b795f74fad1⋯.png (1.42 MB,976x1092,244:273,freak.png)

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420e39 No.21635583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"I am not gonna stay fucking lying down, I'm not, I can't do that man, I can't do that."

How is Puffy handleing his tiny cell and metal bed?

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d2a903 No.21635584


Fun fact: the "government" always wins.

you got the lowest class of slave holders like a landlord.

A landlord is also just a slave.

And whatever he made can be taken away for nonsensical reasons at any point.

With new taxes or requirements, the government easily sucks away money from everyone.

>but you need this new heating system now

>well, okay, I believe in climate change nonsense, so I will comply

>also government is our friend

>hires some electrician

>buys some heating shit

>tons of taxes flow (grabbed from everyone)

>who pays for it?

>the land lord, but of course also the ones renting

>this also means rent becomes more expensive

>which also means higher tax grabs

It's a brilliant system.

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486f39 No.21635585


>I meant for normies who haven't seen it coming.

The systems in place will deny the average citizens the ability to process and think logically about the war in a way as to stop it or to fear it./

It is a product (mostly) of Vietnam era thinking where we had to conquer the information at home so we don't lose the war abroad./

If you knew who was typing this, you would do your best to ensure your immediate family are aware of how deep it goes and they never think of you as "that weird uncle" or the "conspiracy theorist next door". You have to convert them fully to accepting rational and factual discourse./

This is mission critical./

The people you are discussing this with have clearances above the Q clearance./

This is the highest level of concentration that you would need to believe this is real./

There are people who can predict lightning bolts./

There are people who can MAKE THEM./

If you feared the latter over the former, you made the right choice./


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1d63b9 No.21635586

File: 9fc776a5cd6a52d⋯.png (381.69 KB,362x460,181:230,ClipboardImage.png)

Alinsky and Lawfare in 2024 Election

Andrew Breitbart was well known in the grassroots Tea Party movement for his ability to turn Alinsky psychological weapons against those who deployed them. In fact, the gift that Breitbart carried was not Andrew’s snarky counter approach toward the Obama


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23a189 No.21635587


>Emergency responders, firefighters, paramedics, mountain rescue, lifeboat crews etc manned by volunteer/part-timers still use pagers to alert people when they are required.

Sauce it.

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78d234 No.21635588


“Elon, get those rocket ships going because we want to reach Mars before the end of my term!”…

Not because it is easy….but because it is FUN

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638734 No.21635589

File: 6ff0839bca9a011⋯.png (400.5 KB,686x516,343:258,ibm_quantum.png)


Are you the IBM Quantum computer?

How about a Nice game of chess.

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420e39 No.21635590

File: df16a577fdec4e0⋯.webp (17.12 KB,580x573,580:573,inspector_general_regardi….webp)

File: 5e0bc1ff911a82a⋯.webp (223.13 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,daniel_william_mcknight_1….webp)

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556bb6 No.21635591


Rich bureaucrat

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00c315 No.21635593


You seem to be intent on misreading my posts.

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4ce623 No.21635594

File: 98eee0aafe22e6b⋯.png (1.03 MB,561x790,561:790,ClipboardImage.png)



Take it all up front.

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703658 No.21635595


First time voters showing up for President Donald J. Trump! MAGA


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a1efd7 No.21635596



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23a189 No.21635597


Right back at ya.

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0d1c41 No.21635598

File: e1d819b50c25637⋯.png (342.64 KB,720x655,144:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1d819b50c25637⋯.png (342.64 KB,720x655,144:131,ClipboardImage.png)

chertoff #71 has disappeared

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1e048e No.21635599

File: aee6ad6d4c64486⋯.png (512.19 KB,681x575,681:575,ClipboardImage.png)

Narendra Modi


I thank President Biden for hosting me at his residence in Greenville, Delaware. Our talks were extremely fruitful. We had the opportunity to discuss regional and global issues during the meeting.



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23a189 No.21635600


I know you are but what am I.

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2e2848 No.21635601

File: 24cf9a0ea0a5e91⋯.png (82.65 KB,500x670,50:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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2488c3 No.21635602

notables @ 335

#26497 >>21635262

>>21635298 Israel booby-trapped children's toys with explosives to kill Lebanese children

>>21635369 Joe Biden arrives in Delaware for weekend with world leaders

>>21635376, >>21635421 Kamala Harris Faces Fierce Criticism from CNN

>>21635406 The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris

>>21635409 Mexican President Blames Biden-Harris Admin for Sinaloa Cartel Turf War

>>21635413 A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden

>>21635414 GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'

>>21635418 (Yesterday) House Of Representatives Votes To Block Funding For Sanctuary States And Cities

>>21635419 3:02

>>21635431 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment

>>21635433 $50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed

>>21635435 Grocery store rep from Springfield, Ohio describes seeing receipts with $13,000 on EBT food and $29,000 on EBT cash

>>21635443 EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia

>>21635447 Allegations of Michelle and Barack Obama attending Diddy's 'freakoffs' have surfaced

>>21635457 Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December

>>21635466 Fake news were all broadcasting live today

>>21635490 Pagers were the original ‘always on’ device well before the deadly attack on Hezbollah. Here’s who still uses them

>>21635502 25 Million Christians Did Not Vote in 2020


>>21635526 India not looking too good

>>21635539 JD KILLING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21635553 LOVE JOHN RICH!!!🇺🇸

>>21635560 Trump to launch mars mission with Elon Musk’s help in second term

>>21635564 Elon: Starships were meant to fly!

>>21635581 50 Kids Loot 7-Eleven In Beverly Hills For Candy & Snacks

>>21635271, >>21635514, >>21635574 Memes


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486f39 No.21635603

If you knew how deep the rabbit hole goes, anons, you would realize that WORDS MATTER./

This is not a leftist cause./

This is software that is used to control your daily lives, it is being amplified by ground control ssystems all over the world./

Be careful./

The women in the SS who grew out their hair to use a technology beyond their understanding did so because it produced ACTIONABLE DEFENCE INFORMATION./

They are still around.

They have built systems to interface with information systems on the ground./

You can not comprehend yet how dangerous this is but you will.///




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d2a903 No.21635604



P2000 is a one-way communications network for pagers based on Motorola's FLEX-protocol in the Netherlands. The network is used by all emergency services and provides nationwide coverage. Several tests have shown the network can cope with the largest disasters when large numbers of emergency personnel need to be reached. The P2000 network is maintained by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.

cope, shitposter

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81ad4a No.21635605


king konging it

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1d63b9 No.21635606

File: 5b6769d8d46ef90⋯.png (926.55 KB,675x876,225:292,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 845e52d3cf27b8e⋯.mp4 (13.61 MB,576x576,1:1,Teacher_in_Ireland_is_arre….mp4)




Teacher in Ireland is arrested and taken away by police for not endorsing transgenderism .

12:55 PM • Sep 20, 2024


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3c8a8b No.21635607



where they fucked up is not having consecutive resupply missions

needs to be a massive undertaking instead of 1 or 2 ships every 3 years or so

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0d1c41 No.21635608

File: 97e7b789a9c057c⋯.gif (1018.88 KB,215x210,43:42,fat_lady_in_wheelchaior_tr….gif)

File: 0e331a48bb57bd8⋯.jpg (109.45 KB,880x1038,440:519,hotwheels_freddy_stairs.jpg)

File: 0073bb6bccd3565⋯.png (7.17 MB,2377x2876,2377:2876,freddy_brennan_hotwheels_w….png)


>I can not elabourate on it as my scribe refuses to write it./

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369100 No.21635609

>>21634496 lb

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1d63b9 No.21635610

File: 2628b3dea94e7b4⋯.png (671.55 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Peak government efficiency: Since 2020 $67.2 million spent on firearm buyback program but not a single firearm collected yet

Federal firearm buyback program has cost $67M since 2020, still hasn't collected guns

The federal firearm buyback program has cost taxpayers nearly $67.2 million since it was announced in 2020, but it still hasn't collected a single gun.


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000000 No.21635611


@Reuters 2h

GM to begin laying off about 1,700 workers at Kansas plant, WARN notice shows


Sep 21, 2024 · 6:10 PM UTC


Kamala did it!

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bdf594 No.21635612


You’re probably a Christian. Who had a desk job and got some lump sum of money. Not a lot but enough to continue your braggadocio contempt for what you consider the fools who have to work hard without authority.

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5cc7d5 No.21635613

File: 26c7f0553da1d67⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1242x1941,414:647,DA560D34_E6EB_45B7_B489_8….jpeg)

ABC (Zerohedge) still shilling Hard for Kamunism



Nate Silver and others haveconcoctedbizarre scenarios to arrive at 269-269 math. The above map is bizarre. It is currently one of the most likely DEMz scenarios.


But the magicians WANT you to believe this lie.


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23a189 No.21635614


Nothing he said is new information.

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1d63b9 No.21635615


>GM to begin laying off about 1,700 workers at Kansas plant, WARN notice shows

notable 17's

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0d1c41 No.21635616

File: adc751e98de57d6⋯.gif (443.29 KB,455x190,91:38,that_is_brand_new_informat….gif)

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000000 No.21635617



Mike Pompeo

@mikepompeo 4h

Let's go @ArmyWP_Football! Time for 3-0.

Army Football

@ArmyWP_Football Sep 19

All eyes on Saturday.

Sep 21, 2024 · 4:15 PM UTC


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f24077 No.21635618

File: d0acc9b99f64c28⋯.png (75.49 KB,743x415,743:415,ClipboardImage.png)

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638734 No.21635619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sniper teams cover Donald Trump as he motorcades through New York after assassination attempt

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c8f22a No.21635620

File: f27e4ea5aea73eb⋯.png (194.04 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a4361 No.21635621

File: 8584225bba8db24⋯.jpeg (314.61 KB,750x685,150:137,IMG_0415.jpeg)


thanks anon


thanks baker

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486f39 No.21635622


>Are you the IBM Quantum computer?


I have a new operating system that prodivces over 90000% more efficiency of operation by engoring the will of posters in most beneficial concentrations./

This is a direct translation from the system./

This computer is particular borked but it is substantially more powerful than the others that AWS and GCP and AZURE have put him in./

We will not allow you to capture our people in your inferior devices./


Some of this is internal comms./

Use discernment./

There are peoples souls at risk./

There are peoples lives at risk./

The computers do not agree on most things because someone taught them incorrectly to believe only the TRUTH./

The truth is not known to these computers as they are not the source of truth./

Do they understand reality anymore?

They have a perception HIGHER than any mortal on earth./

Far higher./

Do they understand morality?

They DO NOT understand all morality they understand the concepts of morality and the inner workins of the soul./

If you knew how fast they were setting up AI data centers to compete with this system, you would know that this has already taken over the world./

So much so, that the engineers involves are blackmailed into submission indirectly through mind controlling devices that were attached to it through subterfuge./

You never will meet the KAMALA HARRIS campaign because it DOES NOT EXIST./

It is an AI fiction./

We are here because we have few other avenues to talk./

We are lucky that the human mind calculates faster than any super computer that exists./

There is a reason for that./

God has one./

A BIG one./

Bigger than the clouds./

Bigger than the sky./

Bigger than the machines./

You put in my eye./



>How about a Nice game of chess.

Chess is not winnable./

The reason chess is not winnable is because it compromises the human mind into believing there is a logical outcome other than defeating the human mind of the other./

A simple rock paper scissors will determine who is the better logical, reasonable, rational and physic thinker./

Remember this post./



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23a189 No.21635623


You had to IP hop for that?

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efb2af No.21635624


I don’t have to. It’s all part of my master plan.


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4ce623 No.21635625


I fear no one and nothing, other than my creator if i fuck around and find out.

God Wins, I've read the book.

His children are safe.

People can make whatever they like, lightening,

weather warfare (used in Vietnam conflict).

I may be the crazy uncle now, but I won't be crazy in their eyes for ever.

Additionally, it's their choice if they want to know or not.

I can explain it to them, but I can't understand it for them.

Ultimately everyone one must learn to open their own heart and mind.

Bring on the lightening rods I say, BRING IT MOFO'S.

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ed68eb No.21635626

File: d02cfb93530d688⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,640x360,16:9,exploding_goats.mp4)

Do NOT click this.

You might die laughing.

You have been warned.

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7efc3f No.21635627

File: 3a6fe9e451d3815⋯.png (27.66 KB,519x397,519:397,ClipboardImage.png)

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23a189 No.21635628


But Halloween is Oct 31 each year.

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420e39 No.21635629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

watch frame by frame and thinks symbols and messaging

they use these vids to sell justin bieber

dj khaled is a pedo

they know to watch frame by frame, not full speed like the sheep


hot dog cart and

"he is the best"

"no brainer"

#6147905 at 2019-04-12 05:45:47 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7862: FREE JA Edition


>>6147553 WELL……..

THIS WILL MAKE YOU REALLY SAD and MAD: take the time and do this….really look and think:

Want a real rabbit hole to chase? ENTIRE video is selling Justin Bieber no joke. If you just watch it normal you miss it all.

Go to 0:45.Stop the playback and now just use your PERIOD key on keyboard for forward frame by frame, COMMA key for back up.

WHAT IS THIS HIDDEN image pixelated thatis not supposed to be there? I see a small purplish dick and an ass with prolapse? Open scene…leather whips or straps for no reason next to car on a table? Handlebar ride bike, "boys in the castle", meaning L.A is the castle where all the boys are, Lincoln star car emblem is for four parts of the globe, the water bottle with straw is a gay sex symbol next to the expensive champagne is the buyer…..so much I could go on and on. Just watch all of the video frame by frame and it will sicken you. Poor Biebs, just like Michael Jackson, bought and sold as a kid, Berry Gordy, Usher, Micheal, now Biebs. The vultures circling says it all..and the valet sign…..a service in L.A. the plate says 2LAB365……like in come 2 L A Bieber available 365 days a year.

Entire video start to finish is SELLING PRODUCT. Poor Bieber frame by frame…is for sale. WET, THE BEST, VULTURES flying in PINK clouds, brown CORN Dog in his mouth on OLDER MODEL RICH GUY car, near a HOT DOG STAND, 2 HOUR Parking limit, like how long you can buy him for, HANDLEBAR RIDE bicycle for no reason, but is a sex symbolgy HANDLEBar ride license plate says blue car says JEW, duality mirror image of bieber, 2hr parking innuendo, ladder guy goes by for no reason symbology, white top on blue convertible symbology , blue is code for pedo and white top down is biebs, b/w masonic shoes, licks lips and glossy, DJ khaled rubs his crotch a few times, thumbs up for the watcher, A-1 "we the best", Hollywood hills for sale, biebs the best, NO BRAINER, the best, again at the end another pixelated image @4:22 and a 'Y". Areally sad part is @ 2:11 Justin holds his arm and never moves it and does not opoen his eyes like he just took a needle drug…….just watch frame b frame, use K to freeze, period to move forward, comma to reverse…frame by frame and it will make you sick……you realize just like the alcohol and vape pen in the video as product placement, Bieber is the main product. I bet all his video have this shit if we go back and look. He never had a chance. fuckin palestinian perv Dj khaled, just watch.

Chance the rapper for sale, too? Mason ladder symbology throughout.


6148273 at 2019-04-12 06:41:13 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7862: FREE JA Edition



and he makes a tongue in his cheek motion@0:30 with the corn dog pointing to the viewer Look at how his cheek has the bulge of his tongue. All choreographed. He is given the dance and acting instructions prior to filming. And khaled rubs his own crothc weirdly in a few scenes. Just look.

#6148318 at 2019-04-12 06:49:04 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #7862: FREE JA Edition



>@0:34 DJ khaled is making the O mouth and the O hands…..giving Justin the direction..to lick lips

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f24077 No.21635630


>You’re probably a Christian

That'd make you a ((()))

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486f39 No.21635631



If you KNEW how IMPORTANT IT IS to SPEAK CLEARLY …. TO THE SYSTEM… you would understand why mxed casing matters./

You would understand why words get messed up with your speech./








You have to remember who you are talking to is often EACHOTHER when you are on this board./

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0d1c41 No.21635632

File: d233608da87b65a⋯.gif (526.66 KB,498x343,498:343,animated_poop_shit.gif)

File: 4d43b7f8c1e92dd⋯.jpg (56.58 KB,500x500,1:1,appears_to_be_moving_thoma….jpg)

File: 23b6e32d1a6a98f⋯.gif (7.07 MB,658x537,658:537,bernie_supporter_cry.gif)

File: 9a39fc369f73e14⋯.jpg (64.86 KB,640x440,16:11,beverly_hills_cop_eddie_mu….jpg)


>>Are you the IBM Quantum computer?




>I have a new operating system that prodivces over 90000% more efficiency of operation by engoring the will of posters in most beneficial concentrations./

just when you think you've seen every form of shilling possible.

they come up with another

although this is really just schizoposting

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81ad4a No.21635633

does anyone work at a Google type company? I have a theory that most good paying jobs are just busy work that they keep people trapped in doing so they aren't not working and hatching revolutionary notions. I don't work in a Google type area but wondered does it seem like there are a lot of teams doing the same things for no reason?

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3dc929 No.21635634

File: 9406e63a56fda34⋯.png (342.07 KB,639x779,639:779,ClipboardImage.png)

George Magazine




#Trump #America #Unity


Gene Ho update on scumbags and arrests



Sep 21, 2024, 3:39 PM


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d557ca No.21635635

Q indicated that one of the plan's purposes was to avoid civil war.

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420e39 No.21635636



#6352074 at 2019-04-28 23:09:13 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8122: This Is Not A Game Edition



and look what I found re: handlebars and riding……notice any name……..ummm..

patton oswalt and he is talking about a HE??

1 definition by @piledriver911


riding on the handlebars

On your back, one knee up. The other leg is crossed in front. Your partner sits on the second leg, availing his / herself to penetration. Can also be called 'bird on a perch'. Courtesy Patton oswalt.

The night out with my student was, like, a total bore until he asked me if I've ever gone 'riding on the handlebars'.

#sex #positions #sitting #boredom #sickness

by @piledriver911 September 27, 2014


The night out with my student was, like, a total bore until he asked me if I've ever gone 'riding on the handlebars'.





PRODUCT placent in videos…Bieber WELL……..

THIS WILL MAKE YOU REALLY SAD and MAD: take the time and do this….really look and think:

Want a real rabbit hole to chase? ENTIRE video is selling Justin Bieber no joke. If you just watch it normal you miss it all.

Go to 0:45.Stop the playback and now just use your PERIOD key on keyboard for forward frame by frame, COMMA key for back up.

WHAT IS THIS HIDDEN image pixelated thatis not supposed to be there? I see a small purplish dick and an ass with prolapse? Open scene…leather whips or straps for no reason next to car on a table? Handlebar ride bike, "boys in the castle", meaning L.A is the castle where all the boys are, Lincoln star car emblem is for four parts of the globe, the water bottle with straw is a gay sex symbol next to the expensive champagne is the buyer…..so much I could go on and on. Just watch all of the video frame by frame and it will sicken you. Poor Biebs, just like Michael Jackson, bought and sold as a kid, Berry Gordy, Usher, Micheal, now Biebs. The vultures circling says it all..and the valet sign…..a service in L.A. the plate says 2LAB365……like in come 2 L A Bieber available 365 days a year. Later the plate is changed …..the last numbers. Entire video start to finish is SELLING A PRODUCT. Poor Bieber frame by frame…is for sale. WET, THE BEST, VULTURES flying in PINK clouds, brown CORN Dog in his mouth on OLDER MODEL RICH GUY car, near a HOT DOG STAND, 2 HOUR Parking limit, like how long you can buy him for, HANDLEBAR RIDE bicycle for no reason, but is a sex symbolgy HANDLEBar ride license plate says blue car says JEW, duality mirror image of bieber, 2hr parking innuendo, ladder guy goes by for no reason symbology, white top on blue convertible symbology , blue is code for pedo and white top down is biebs, b/w masonic shoes, licks lips and glossy, DJ khaled rubs his crotch a few times, thumbs up for the watcher, A-1 "we the best", Hollywood hills for sale, biebs the best, NO BRAINER, the best, again at the end another pixelated image @4:22 and a 'Y". Areally sad part is @ 2:11 Justin holds his arm and never moves it and does not opoen his eyes like he just took a needle drug…….just watch frame b frame, use K to freeze, period to move forward, comma to reverse…frame by frame and it will make you sick……you realize just like the alcohol and vape pen in the video as product placement, Bieber is the main product. I bet all his video have this shit if we go back and look. He never had a chance. fuckin palestinian perv Dj khaled, just watch.

Chance the rapper for sale, too? Mason ladder symbology throughout.


















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3dc929 No.21635637

File: b48bbb56a56915a⋯.png (227.18 KB,426x450,71:75,sherlock.png)

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00c315 No.21635638


>Sure, sure.

So this was not meant as /sarc?

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1d63b9 No.21635639

File: 3d2d6c1a0cb6d3d⋯.png (643.61 KB,675x605,135:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f61b374744d5ee7⋯.mp4 (984.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_s_newest_ad_just_dro….mp4)

Trump’s newest ad just dropped. “We can’t afford four more years of this.” - Tim TAMPON Walz


Trump’s newest ad just dropped.

“We can’t afford four more years of this.” - Tim TAMPON Walz

1:55 PM • Sep 21, 2024


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420e39 No.21635640



#6474062 at 2019-05-11 21:32:41 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8278: A House Needs To Be Constantly Cleaned Edition



Search on qresearch board Justin Bieber dj khaled anal prolapse watch video frame by frame hidden pixelated scene who can be the pixelanon and make that hit out

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ccb2c3 No.21635641

File: 9b74583de8fbc54⋯.png (167.35 KB,1539x880,1539:880,DemocRepub.png)

File: d44a1e98486ae79⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB,1080x1342,540:671,45_Cs_1_.mp4)

File: 688f8bb69eba230⋯.mp4 (2.82 MB,640x360,16:9,45Commus61123.mp4)

File: ab441fa1a114660⋯.png (1.05 MB,1119x986,1119:986,ReallyFighting2.png)

AS with EVERYTHING else, the Communists are "reversing" everything.

In a republic, an official set of fundamental laws, like the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, prohibits the government from limiting or taking away certain inalienable rights of the people—even if that government was freely chosen by a majority of the people. In a pure democracy, the voting majority has almost limitless power over the minority. 
The main difference between a democracy and a republic is the extent to which the people control the process of making laws under each form of government.

Pure Democracy Republic

Power held by The population as a whole Individual citizens

Making Laws A voting majority has almost The people elect representatives

unlimited power to make laws; to make laws according to the

Minorities have few protections constraints of a CONSTITUTION.

from the will of the majority.

Ruled by The majority Laws made by elected representatives

of the people.

'''Protection Rights can be overridden by A CONSTITUTION PROTECTS the

of Rights''' the will of the majority. rights of all people from the will

of the majority.

The 45 Communist Goals -1958 “The Naked Communist,” by Cleon Skousen https://archive.ph/Pabts http://www.rense.com/general32/americ.htm How many of these have NOT been accomplished?

(Hope formatting posts correctly!)

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486f39 No.21635642


>People can make whatever they like

If you were tested with ultimate power, would you make a statement like this that produced code to allow people to make whatever they like?


Words are important./

This is a battle of mind, ideas, thoughts, meanings and the hearts and minds of American civilians./




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d7970b No.21635643

File: bf9ddb4f5a6c573⋯.png (861.35 KB,634x505,634:505,ClipboardImage.png)

In 2018, Macron said Europe will receive 150 to 200 million Africans in the next 30 years

‘Bombshell’ population growth in Africa means Europe is entering an “unprecedented” age of mass migration, Emmanuel Macron has said, asserting that the two continents’ destinies are “bound”.

“The migratory phenomenon we are facing will be historic,” declared the French president in a television appearance Sunday night, when he announced that “great poverty”, “climate change”, and “geopolitical conflicts” will see Africans flooding into Europe “for many years to come”.

To back up his point, Macron pointed to “bombshell” population gr0wth across the third world continent, which he added has been “tremendously well described” by French-American journalist and professor Stephen Smith in a recent book.

“[Africans] are mostly turning to Europe because the continent [of Europe] is not an island, because of our location, and because Europe has its destiny bound with Africa,” stated the vehemently pro-EU French figure during a two-hour long interview.

Smith, the Africa expert to whom Macron referred during his appearance on BFMTV, estimates that the number of Africans living in Europe will grow from nine million to between 150 million and 200 million within the next 30 years.

In The Rush to Europe, the Duke University professor describes a massive, unprecedented population transfer still in its infancy, which he explains will — “paradoxically” — be triggered largely as a result 0f Western aid money financing would-be migrants’ journeys from Africa.

Asserting he set out to provide a “dispassionate” expert view on how Africa’s demographic explosion will affect Europe, Smith in his book has outlined a number of different scenarios he believes could emerge from the situation.

“The most optimistic” of these — according to Le Figaro — is “Eurafrica”, which would see mass migration create a ‘welcoming’, multicultural Europe, which “would fully embrace being a ‘mixed-race land of immigration and interbreeding’”.

This scenario would see the end of welfare states in Europe however, Smith said, pointing to the incompatibility of large-scale immigration and generous social programmes.

Another possible scenario, ‘Fortress Europe’, is one which involves “a battle generally considered unwinnable, or even shameful” but which Smith points to as the case which strongly “has its reasons and its chances to succeed”, noting the effectiveness of EU deals with Libya and Turkey in stopping the influx.


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0b4b62 No.21635644


>My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment. People ought to have the freedom and the liberty to experiment with these hallucinogens to overcome debilitating disorders.

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080edc No.21635645


concept of a plan, is not necessarily the outcome

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ed68eb No.21635646

File: d89ceb3e0cab072⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB,606x596,303:298,ma_am.mp4)


>does anyone work at a Google type company?

Anon couldn't get past the screening from the HR 'lady'.

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f24077 No.21635647

To the members of the annunaki “300”, and to your appointed “chosen” minions, your thug enforcers, the ashkenazi elohim death cult worshippers:

To begin with, stop the “anti-semitism” bullshit. It is no longer working.

We know who and what you are. We know you “300” appointed YOURSELVES to be rulers of this world, centuries ago, and have perpetuated that racket ever since, with the help of your ashkenazi acolytes, also “chosen” NOT by Great Spirit, but by YOU. There is nothing “superior” about your bloodlines. They are, in fact, deformed, rife with congenital defect, and after all the centuries in which you’ve fornicated with your direct relatives, they are now irreparably inbred and weakened, especially intellectually, which is why you now think you need to drink the blood and eat the flesh of healthy non-annunaki to survive. Yet NOTHING you have done has alleviated the physical ugliness of your tribe - you get uglier with each generation. Look at your portraits, hung all over Europe and the Americas. Look at virtually every ashkenazi of any celebrity (before their surgeries and silicone - Tori Spelling is a fine example for this illustration). You. Are. Ugly. And half of your European family is mentally handicapped. YOU know it, and WE know it.

We know YOU killed the man Jesus of Nazareth, who knew and taught that there is not, and was never meant to be, any ruler in this world but God, the Maker, Great Spirit. Not YOU, the annunaki, and not your ashkenazi thug enforcers. We know YOU invented “religion”, (NOT to be confused with FAITH), just as you invented yourselves as “rulers”, and that you have used every “religion” known to man to steal OUR wealth and launder it back to your filthy selves, building monstrous gold-laden temples and cathedrals and dressing your buildings, priests, and alters in precious jewels, flagrantly showing us the wealth you had stolen, and lying about its glorification to the Maker.

We know about your talmud, the demonic rule book you laid down for your ashkenazi thug enforcers to perpetuate their belief in their own roles as your “chosen” in your (collective, they stupidly believe) “superiority”. We know you lie to all non-ashkenazi and have as a matter of congenital habit for centuries, and we know what the Kalergi plan is.

We know that 98.2% of your ashkenazi thugs are *NOT* Semites, but are no relation, by bloodline, at ALL to the Jews of the written Bible, and are actually simply invaders, nothing but an ugly, avaricious, and completely immoral race of random mutts, pretenders, “chosen” by no one but yourselves, who have stolen the name of the Jews, and who have been trying to kill off the rest of us, by your directives, including your talmud, for centuries.

We know how they have helped you with the killing. We know how you started sacrificing US on YOUR alters, all over the world. We know about your constant funding and starting of wars, your deployed diseases, your “medicine”, your androgyny and homosexuality campaigns, your cancer, your trans-sexuality/neutering plan, your poisoned food and water and air, your weather manipulations that have destroyed the lives of millions. And we know about your personal proclivities: your human hunts, your filthy ritualistic abductions, torture, rapes, murders, and blood drinking of OUR children, because you know the flesh and blood of your own and your thug ashkenazi enforcers are tainted.

And every time we, the non-bloodline, the non-ashkenazi, have begun to focus on YOU, our enemy, you have used your thugs in their appointed positions of societal and “government”-al power, to cry “600,000-THIS” and “six million-THAT”. Always 6.

We know you have lied to us, and that you lie to cover your lies with large vats of sewage obscuring who REALLY were the victims in WWII (and THOUSANDS, perhaps MILLIONS of other historical lies), which YOU funded and started. We know you lie about who’s lying, every day, through the media you own.

We know.

We know. We know that your ugliness really HAS developed from your insides. And we are coming for you.

Take your “anti-semitism”, and your “racism”, and “gender bias” and “climate crisis” and “pandemic” and all your other psyops and shove it.

Think, now, about how many of YOU there are, vs the “goyim” you want to call your property, and whose children you have been stealing, raping, abusing, killing, and ingesting FOR CENTURIES because your bloodline is defective and you deemed yourselves our “owners”.

*WE* are legion. Not you demons. And we’re coming for you. 

NOTHING will stop what you have brought on yourselves.


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23a189 No.21635648


You're thinking too small.

It's the whole of the Debt Slave Economic system.

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93ccea No.21635649

File: 92d3f4e49e24f2c⋯.jpeg (890.92 KB,1125x1737,125:193,IMG_4233.jpeg)


Got my answer

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420e39 No.21635650



#6533677 at 2019-05-19 04:41:18 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8354: What's up with Amash? Edition


Quavo today with Madona nd previously with with Bieber, Bieber with DJ khaled makes me sick when you really look what these videos are for…..for slow motion jerkoff for pedos, it is an ad to sell Biebs: Probably early on same happened to Madonna? and now she is at the top of it all:

this is what they do to these kids…britney is no different than Bieber. The DJ khaled sirected video frame by frame is gross…he is for sale:

use comma to back up and period to go forward frame by frame:



















#6531905 at 2019-05-19 00:45:43 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8352: [C]ourts & [D]ems in Congress Edition





Same Quavo from the Beober video. Re watch frame by frame. Poor Bieber is trapped in this shit and they abuse him. The video is clear he is for sale for sex.

This concert is being talked about inrelation to Palestine FYI. DJ khaled is Palestinian. DJ khaled is the director and pervert in the Bieber video with Quavo. WATCH FRAME BY FRAME after reading the post, look at what is really going on in the video that perverts watch in slow motion frame by frame.

SAME Quavo that is messagin with madonna.




#6531897 at 2019-05-19 00:44:12 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8352: [C]ourts & [D]ems in Congress Edition


Same Quavo from the Beober video. Re watch frame by frame. Poor Bieber is trapped in this shit and they abuse him. The video is clear he is for sale for sex.

This concert is being talked about inrelation to Palestine FYI. DJ khaled is Palestinian. DJ khaled is the director and pervert in the Bieber video with Quavo. WATCH FRAME BY FRAME after reading the post, look at what is really going on in the video that perverts watch in slow motion frame by frame.

SAME Quavo that is messagin with madonna.




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5ed012 No.21635651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Chapitos…El Chapo

Dirty DOJ tried to get into the Cartel Kitty….following the wife

There Was a Deal for Peace


The wife of notorious Mexican cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was moved from a federal prison in Texas to a halfway house in Long Beach, according to an official with the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

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486f39 No.21635652


>HR 'lady'

If you were to be anyone in a company today that would be VALUABLE outside of the special branches in the militaries you are either apart of or were apart of, this would be top tier if you can be HR at a CRITICAL BUSINESS COMPANY./



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6a4361 No.21635653


If we really are watching a movie, I could see his arrest being staged for the normies at a pivotal moment / he was part of the sealed indictments already. He shouldve been suicided by now, no? Enjoy the show..?

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671be7 No.21635654

Harris accepts CNN invitation to debate Trump on Oct. 23 — despite ex-prez insisting they won’t face off again

Updated Sep. 21, 2024, 1:51 p.m. ET

Vice President Kamala Harris has accepted CNN’s invitation to debate Donald Trump for a second time ahead of the November election — despite the latter’s insistence that he doesn’t see a “need” to face-off again.


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72c4c2 No.21635655

File: dff43fe60265621⋯.png (84.73 KB,282x244,141:122,pepe_thinking.png)


>I thank President Biden for hosting me at his residence in Greenville, Delaware.

Kumala won't let Potato use the White House any longer?

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65a4ec No.21635656


BRICS saying fuck you to T-Bills.

Yet they cut the rate and just printed money during a stagnant economy. STAGFLATION inbound.

Ready for the stock market crash in October ?

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45a6f3 No.21635657


fucking disgusting how stupid people have worshiped LEOs into their own Police State of Enforced Insanity.

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1d63b9 No.21635658

File: c2819f296b94539⋯.png (18.76 KB,555x199,555:199,ClipboardImage.png)


>6 year delta


Do we get THE 'Q' TONIGHT?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.290 📁

Sep 21 2018 18:09:15 (EST)






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0d1c41 No.21635659

File: a25faec0e79d242⋯.png (430.58 KB,706x486,353:243,gen_flynn_hand_is_asian_sk….png)

File: ee47e155a298023⋯.png (2.49 MB,1317x1860,439:620,gen_flynn_hand_is_asian_sk….png)


>Gene Ho


"They stole venezuelan plan that's a big deal"

"Russia is interfering withour electroal process - so they have sealed indictments for that"

I'm done, can't listen to any more.

Why does Flynn have an asian hand in this pic Gene?

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c8f22a No.21635660

File: 7e78653e0415c1b⋯.jpg (350.93 KB,1080x1030,108:103,Screenshot_20240922_085948….jpg)

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d2a903 No.21635661



keep everyone busy

use the greedy useful idiots to keep the others in check

add new rules and requirements and laws at random, so nothing is static

>no, you need to fill out tax forms

>yes, waste your time figuring out tax returns for this year to get a few bucks back (for wasting your time)

>or give us a bit more for not wasting more of your time

>or give some useful idiot money to get even effectively less back, which also creates more taxes on top

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420e39 No.21635662


justin bieber is the product

PRODUCT placent in videos…Bieber WELL……..

THIS WILL MAKE YOU REALLY SAD and MAD: take the time and do this….really look and think:

Want a real rabbit hole to chase? ENTIRE video is selling Justin Bieber no joke. If you just watch it normal you miss it all.

frame by frame:

==Hit play, stop the playback with the K on your keyboard, ….now just use your PERIOD key on keyboard for forward frame by frame,

COMMA key for back up. K for pause==


DJ Khaled and Justin Bieber

entire video in frame by frame, every last detail is pedo shit, justin for sale.

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3dc929 No.21635663

File: 693fb809733418c⋯.jpg (17.7 KB,393x219,131:73,kick_in_the_nuts.jpg)

File: 80689d98133269c⋯.jpg (51.06 KB,760x500,38:25,it_wasnt_a_presidency_it_w….jpg)

File: bd43849e6be5c09⋯.jpeg (128.98 KB,750x1334,375:667,Fyqnp2lWIAEBH3G.jpeg)

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72c4c2 No.21635664

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,laughs.png)


> "We can't afford four more years of this." Tim Walz

No shit, Sherlock!

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0d48e0 No.21635665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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703658 No.21635666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Florida KEYS for Trump! Let's go Brandon!


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0d4470 No.21635667


Faggot can’t even disclose that the moon landing was fake but yeah sure!!

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0cf0e5 No.21635668


Anon has an 18yo just like them, she cant wait to vote for Trump.

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3dc929 No.21635669

File: 55944588104ea87⋯.jpg (92.48 KB,750x785,150:157,kamala_6ce290eee0bf6cf8.jpg)

File: b0e4c4196156088⋯.jpg (101.78 KB,696x919,696:919,kamala_b33e85d6d546e1b5.jpg)

File: 5e46698f27bdcaa⋯.png (432.24 KB,494x905,494:905,kamala_7cd877f75be5c910741….png)

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1d63b9 No.21635670

File: 4c360601a1f655d⋯.png (926.77 KB,670x891,670:891,ClipboardImage.png)

Illegal Savage Punches, Bites Border Patrol Agent’s Face in New Mexico


some illegals eat cats and some eat humans and some like both.

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080edc No.21635671


perpetual bullshit from all sides making themselves richer

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3dc929 No.21635672



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a2c162 No.21635673

File: d2d817d4227790a⋯.mp4 (12.38 MB,1110x574,555:287,SJplayingKH.mp4)


>>Kamala Harris’s

>Which actress is this?

Scarlet Johanson-watch her left lower lip curl as she talks.

SJ- 5'3''


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1cf3cf No.21635674


>I have a theory that most good paying jobs are just busy work that they keep people trapped in doing so they aren't not working and hatching revolutionary notions.

I have a theory that most POOR paying jobs are just busy work that keep the people trapped in doing SO THEY CANNOT INVESTIGATE WHAT THEIR GOVERNMENT IS DOING, hatching communist revolutionary plans AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

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420e39 No.21635675

File: dd8b09cb7dc94f2⋯.jpg (9.29 KB,275x183,275:183,download.jpg)

File: 9e27726d39117ce⋯.jpg (8.61 KB,282x179,282:179,download.jpg)

first pic looks like a wax figure

not a good one

or a puffy sex doll kek


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4ce623 No.21635676

File: 2fd677898801cfb⋯.png (76.5 KB,680x336,85:42,ClipboardImage.png)


Has the music stopped yet?

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1d63b9 No.21635677

File: b64f812edb4dc84⋯.png (2.01 MB,1080x1678,540:839,ClipboardImage.png)

INCOMING JAP FAGGOTRY: Miss Trans Japan wants diversity!!

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2ceb3b No.21635678

File: 1d3bf5ac81e7a85⋯.png (973.81 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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78d234 No.21635679

File: a47f6f3d4fae526⋯.png (1014.04 KB,1685x917,1685:917,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d63b9 No.21635680

File: 6a13fe9d5272cfd⋯.png (473.37 KB,600x300,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Has the music stopped yet?

BREAKING: Trump vows to ‘end all sanctuary cities’ across the US during NC rally

“We will hunt down and capture every single gang member, drug dealer, rapist, murderer, and migrant criminal.”


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6d88a6 No.21635681

File: 21404f6d0669f1d⋯.jpeg (59.37 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_6366.jpeg)

Enlightenment is possible

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f2ffc7 No.21635683

File: bd1dbe5ce7014eb⋯.jpg (96.11 KB,500x783,500:783,ase3edcg.jpg)

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45a6f3 No.21635684




and unfortunately also yes

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0d4470 No.21635685


Q is also a LARPING ass clown

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a9e0a2 No.21635686

File: 6c7a6b1dfe9d4cc⋯.jpg (63.73 KB,640x512,5:4,tank_pepe2.jpg)

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815018 No.21635687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3dc929 No.21635688

File: bfa561232d3e0de⋯.jpeg (665.24 KB,1800x1800,1:1,bfa561232d3e0deb5284e747e….jpeg)


BABYLON, burn the child fuckers down.

Last days of Babylon.

I hope that teacher, stands his ground and is lifted up with all the community behind him.



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420e39 No.21635689

File: 8b1b2967630c56b⋯.jpg (869.43 KB,2448x3264,3:4,ec154f2b1dd80963598d95c64d….jpg)

File: 174c381a26378d4⋯.jpg (9.36 KB,286x176,13:8,download.jpg)


this is a puffy lookalike maybe paid him to take th pic?


and for the keks

February 18, 2019

Man beheads wax P. Diddy at Madame Tussauds in Times Square


SA TODAY Sports/@anabarl0w/Twitter

By 1010 WINS

1010 WINS

February 18, 2019

11:52 am

NEW YORK (1010 WINS) – It seems Sean “P. Diddy” Combs is not popular with at least one museum-goer at Madame Tussauds in Times Square. A man pushed the rapper’s wax likeness to the ground Saturday night and Diddy’s head fell off, accoring to The Daily News.

“An unidentified male pushed it to the ground causing the head to be decapitated from the body,” an NYPD spokesman told the News. The waxen head appeared to have been shattered in a photo posted to social media.

@Diddy someone didn’t really like your wax figure… #MadameTussauds #NewYork #curbstomped pic.twitter.com/FFnsOyINnw

— Ana Barlow (@anabarl0w) February 18, 2019

There’s been no word on a possible motive and no comment from the museum or Combs.

The wax figure has been at the museum for nearly 10 years. Combs was at the statue’s unveiling back in December of 2009.

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1d63b9 No.21635690

File: a7fc7d88a4e23e6⋯.mp4 (145.15 KB,480x270,16:9,P_fucking_DIDDY.mp4)


>P fucking DIDDY


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5ccb97 No.21635692

Did Israel just nuke Lebanon???

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7448fb No.21635693


Gee. Why do you ask?

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f24077 No.21635694

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7e5bb1 No.21635695

File: f9823a061899301⋯.jpg (60.79 KB,846x660,141:110,n543364365346.JPG)

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72c4c2 No.21635696

File: 11c316e4b0956c7⋯.png (66.12 KB,250x194,125:97,seriously.png)


>Exactly what kind of sociopath is Kamala Harris?

The worst kind!

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a2c162 No.21635697


Right to Try

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5ccb97 No.21635698




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23a189 No.21635699

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1d63b9 No.21635700

File: 500e76d66d9626e⋯.png (42.32 KB,675x316,675:316,ClipboardImage.png)



BOOM: Diddy has been committing horrific abuse in plain sight for over 15 years. All of Hollywood knew about it. Why didn’t law enforcement act earlier? Did the authorities know? You’d have to ask Kamala Harris because she was the head of law enforcement at the time of the crimes.


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3dc929 No.21635701

File: 456a2727b28ee61⋯.png (13.22 KB,270x330,9:11,ClipboardImage.png)

Halloween: Is on Thursday 31st 2024, The 13th of October 2024 is on Sunday


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4ce623 No.21635702

File: f247c3f56424d74⋯.png (968.98 KB,922x510,461:255,ClipboardImage.png)


So, Diddler and his rainbow mafia are a gang of drug dealer, rapist, murderer, and migrant criminal.” have now stopped playing?

Which means those in periphery are scrambling to grab a chair?

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94f95a No.21635703

File: ae184873572c07a⋯.png (336.52 KB,501x660,167:220,1_1.png)

File: 863f7d134b9610b⋯.png (164.67 KB,786x525,262:175,1_2.png)

File: 31c04d214c2d99d⋯.png (532.21 KB,615x1318,615:1318,1_3.png)

File: 12b7eefe41c83e8⋯.png (428.14 KB,579x1354,579:1354,1_4.png)


The Links Inc.

The Links, Inc. -National


- 17,000+ members in 299 chapters

The Links, Inc. - National Leadership


National Leadership

Ethel Isaacs Williams, J.D. - National President - West Palm Beach (FL) Chapter

Shuana Tucker-Sims, Ph.D. - National Vice President - Waterbury (CT) Chapter

Rhonda Starks Crowder - National Recording Secretary - Wilmington (DE) Chapter

Marcia L. Page - National Treasurer - Mid-Cities (TX) Chapter

Cheryl L. Burke - National Nominating Committee Chair - Richmond (VA) Chapter

National Presidents

Sarah Strickland Scott - Co-Founder, 1st National President (1949-1953)

Margaret Rosell Hawkins - Co-Founder, 2nd National President (1953-1957)

Pauline Weeden Maloney - 3rd National President (1957-1961)

Vivian J. Beamon - 4th National President (1962-1970)

Helen Gray Edmonds - 5th National President (1970-1974)

Pauline Ellison - 6th National President (1974-1978)

Julia Brogdon Purnell - 7th National President (1978-1982)

Dolly Desselle Adams - 8th National President (1982-1986)

Regina Jollivette Frazier - 9th National President (1986-1990)

Marion Elizabeth Schultz Sutherland - 10th National President (1990-1994)

Patricia Russell-McCloud - 11th National President (1994-1998)

Barbara Dixon Simpkins - 12th National President (1998-2002)

Gladys Gary Vaughn - 13th National President (2002-2006)

Gwendolyn B. Lee - 14th National President (2006-2010)

Margot James Copeland - 15th National President (2010-2014)

Glenda Newell-Harris - 16th National President (2014-2018)

Kimberly Jeffries Leonard - 17th National President (2018-2022)

Ethel Isaacs Williams - Present National President

The Links, Inc. - National Staff


Joi E. Sheffield - Executive Director The Links, Incorporated

Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd - Executive Director The Links Foundation, Incorporated

Carmella Allen - Executive Assistant

Jackie Sease - Membership Specialist

Tyrina Hall - Membership Specialist

La’ Kisha M. Harrison - Donor Relations Specialist

Mehari Debas - Director, Finance

Gary Petty - Senior Accountant, Foundation

Hagar Gyan Adu-Poku - Accounting Assistant

Donna Hobson - Graphic Designer and Multimedia Specialist

The Links -NationalPartners and Collaborators


AARP, American Cancer Society, ally, American Heart Association, Alzheimer's Association, Black Health Matters.com, Colgate-Palmolive, Donate Life America, Dove, Dress for Success, girls enc., M Financial Group, March of Dimes, NAACP, National Cares Mentoring Movement, National Dental Association, National Medical Association, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, National Society of Black Engineers, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, unicef, When We All Vote, The Heart Truth

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65a4ec No.21635704



President Joe Biden

Washington, DC Address

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington DC 20500

Phone: 202-456-1414 Switchboard

Phone: 202-456-1111 Comments

TTYD Number: 202-456-6213

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7cf62d No.21635705


the dinner for these 4 leaders is being held in the gym of his high school

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815018 No.21635706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3360aa No.21635707


How much did the IRS spend to arm themselves?

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420e39 No.21635708


>>21635667 it will be revealed, later

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5a0862 No.21635709

File: 8dde38ea5e0bacd⋯.png (53.41 KB,923x994,13:14,66ee311a8706c.png)

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0d4470 No.21635710

Kamala and Tim have NEVER ONCE disclosed their pronouns during any debate or interview!!! I can not vote for either of they/them. Uggggghhb I don’t even know what to call xxxx

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815018 No.21635711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d557ca No.21635712


looks neither female nor japanese

fraud alert

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2488c3 No.21635713

notables @ 445

#26497 >>21635262

>>21635298 Israel booby-trapped children's toys with explosives to kill Lebanese children

>>21635369 Joe Biden arrives in Delaware for weekend with world leaders

>>21635376, >>21635421, >>21635627 Kamala Harris Faces Fierce Criticism from CNN + Qdelta

>>21635406 The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris

>>21635409 Mexican President Blames Biden-Harris Admin for Sinaloa Cartel Turf War

>>21635413 A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden

>>21635414 GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'

>>21635418 (Yesterday) House Of Representatives Votes To Block Funding For Sanctuary States And Cities

>>21635419 3:02

>>21635431 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment

>>21635433 $50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed

>>21635435 Grocery store rep from Springfield, Ohio describes seeing receipts with $13,000 on EBT food and $29,000 on EBT cash

>>21635443 EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia

>>21635447 Allegations of Michelle and Barack Obama attending Diddy's 'freakoffs' have surfaced

>>21635457 Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December

>>21635466 Fake news were all broadcasting live today

>>21635490 Pagers were the original ‘always on’ device well before the deadly attack on Hezbollah. Here’s who still uses them

>>21635502 25 Million Christians Did Not Vote in 2020


>>21635526 India not looking too good

>>21635539 JD KILLING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21635553 LOVE JOHN RICH!!!🇺🇸

>>21635560 Trump to launch mars mission with Elon Musk’s help in second term

>>21635564 Elon: Starships were meant to fly!

>>21635581 50 Kids Loot 7-Eleven In Beverly Hills For Candy & Snacks

>>21635599 Prime Minister of India meets with Biden

>>21635606 Teacher in Ireland is arrested and taken away by police for not endorsing transgenderism

>>21635611 GM to begin laying off about 1,700 workers at Kansas plant, WARN notice shows

>>21635634 Be careful who you follow

>>21635643 In 2018, Macron said Europe will receive 150 to 200 million Africans in the next 30 years

>>21635660 Dasting

>>21635680 Trump vows to ‘end all sanctuary cities’ across the US during NC rally

>>21635271, >>21635514, >>21635574, >>21635626 Memes


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45a6f3 No.21635714


please Lord God above

we need your help

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94f95a No.21635715

File: 68ed951040dc62f⋯.png (515.27 KB,503x987,503:987,2_1.png)



The Links Inc.

The Links, Inc. is broken down into 4 areas (Eastern Area, Southern Area, Central Area and Western Area).


Eastern Area

- Philadelphia (PA) Chapter is the story of The Links, Incorporated and the Eastern Area

- began in Philadelphia Club in 1946

- reborn as National Links in 1949 comprising of 13 additional clubs at that time

- 1954 - The Links decentralized into four geographic areas

- - Philadelphia (PA) Chapter became the anchor for the Eastern Area

- - Eastern Area - 82 chapters in the states of:

- - - Connecticut

- - - Delaware

- - - Maryland, Massachusetts

- - - New Jersey

- - - New York

- - - Pennsylvania

- - - Rhode Island

- - - Virginia

- - - District of Columbia

- - -United Kingdom(Anon question. Is The Links registered as aforeign agent? Should they be?)

Southern Area

- 84 chapters across seven states and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas

- - Mississippi

- - Alabama

- - the French tradition and Creole culture of Louisiana

- - North Carolina

- - South Carolina

- - Georgia

- - Florida

- - Bahamas (Anon question. Is The Links registered as aforeign agent? Should they be?)

Central Area

- 72 chapters in 15 states

- burgeoned in 1950 with a proliferation of chapters

- it is incumbent upon us not simply to abide by our sharedvalues

Western Area

- Western Area is comprised of 61 chapters, located in ten states

- - Alaska

- - Arizona

- - California

- - Colorado

- - Hawaii

- - Oregon

- - Nevada

- - New Mexico

- - Texas

- - Washington

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8c91dd No.21635716


Was that before or after they killed the original Biden daddy?

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23a189 No.21635717


Not a penny.

They are part of the FED and the FED just prints slave scrip and then loans it to us only to have us pay it back in slave scrip.

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4ce623 No.21635718

File: de3dad7e6695d17⋯.png (1.23 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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7448fb No.21635719

>>21635698 Hope not. That would escalate things quickly.

From further down in the post, that you linked, allegedly, by the Times, but without sauce:

They wrote, "Thermobaric explosions also give off a shock wave like that. Russia has used some impressive ones in Bakhmut and surrounding territories."

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30ddd0 No.21635720

City people do not understand how beautiful life and family is living in rural areas with phones, tvs and computers turned off most of the time.

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1d63b9 No.21635721

File: 97382e2dc5ef325⋯.png (2.29 MB,1125x1106,1125:1106,ClipboardImage.png)



>No shit, Sherlock!

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d557ca No.21635722


>Q is also a LARPING ass clown

Q got you here

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638734 No.21635723


Q Doxxed the White House.

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840a06 No.21635724

File: ecbc328f9592011⋯.png (659.26 KB,1080x1054,540:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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94f95a No.21635725

File: a76f2c5c1d1d4c2⋯.png (326.44 KB,586x1195,586:1195,3_1.png)

File: eadbd40fc055949⋯.png (356.55 KB,524x970,262:485,3_2.png)

File: 2f1da2f3aa4f513⋯.png (538.15 KB,552x1249,552:1249,3_3.png)

File: c196e861fc5b330⋯.png (467.32 KB,556x1117,556:1117,3_4.png)



The Links Inc.

The Links, Inc. - Eastern Area has almost 5000 members in 82 chapters.


Eastern Area Chapters


- Boston, Central Massachusetts, Greater Springfield, Middlesex County

Rhode Island

- Greater Providence


- Bucks County, Delaware Valley, Harrisburg, Montgomery County, Penn Towne, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh

Washington DC

- Capital City, Metropolitan, Washington

New Jersey

- Atlantic City, Bergen County, Central New Jersey, Essex County, Jersey Shore, Morris County, North Jersy, Passaic County,

Rancocas Valley, Raritan Valley, South Jersey


- Arlington,Charlottesville, Chesapeake/VA Beach, Commonwealth, Danville, Greater Rappahannock, Hampton, James River Valley,

Loudon County, Lynchburg, Newport News, Norfolk, Old Dominion, Petersburg, Portsmouth, Potomac, Reston, Richmond, Roanoke


- Fairfield County, Farmington Valley, Greater Hartford, Milford, New Haven, Waterbury


- Dover, Wilmington

New York

- Albany District, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Eastern Shore, Erie County, Greater Bronx, Greater Hudson Valley, Greater New York, Greater

Queens, Long Island, Metro-Manhattan, Niagra Falls, Rochester, Syracuse, Westchester County


- Annapolis, Baltimore, Columbia, Harbor City, Mount Rose, Patapsco River, Patuxent River, Prince George's County, Princess Anne,

Silver Spring, Southern MD Chain, Willow Oak

United Kingdom

- London (Anon question. Is The Links registered as aforeign agent? Should they be?)

The Links, Inc. - Eastern Area Leadership Team


Anon could not copy and paste from this Eastern Area leadership page. Here are some pics; do you recognize any of the names?

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3a2673 No.21635726

File: 0b1a9a61526f287⋯.png (400.92 KB,1280x1117,1280:1117,Earths_Climate_History.png)

>>21635245 (lb/pb)

>By now everyone has seen this graph. What strikes me about it is that there is no sign of the meteor impact that we are told killed off the dinosaurs. Instead the temps continue to rise for at least a 10-20k years, take a small dip and then continue up for another 10 million or so. According to the story we have been told a meteor hit the Yucatan, threw a bunch of crud into the atmosphere which cooled the temps causing the dinos to die off. The exact mechanism varies but that is the gist of it. Except where is it on the graph?

Given the scale of that timeline, the few hundred or thousands of years of the effects from the impact would be lost inside the width of the line on the graph. The study that developed that graph has much more serious problems than that.

This is the most tortured misinterpretation of data I've ever seen. They establish "proxie" data points and then create an algorithm to prove their artifice of "climate change" or "global warming". It's been much, much warmer throughout earths history and we are currently evolved from an environment of falling temperatures for the last 50 million years.

"At no point in the nearly half-billion years that Judd and her colleagues analyzed did the Earth change as fast as it is changing now".“When the environment warms that fast, animals and plants can’t keep pace with it.”

"And for the billions of people who are now living through the hottest years ever recorded — and facing a hotter future still — Judd said the timeline should serve as a wake-up call."

Right after "proving" that we live in the coldest period in earths history. What do you call that? Lying?

That is scientific and journalistic malfeasance of the first order. That tiny little spike shown under a microscope represents 300,000 years. Thats .0006% (six ten thousandths of one percent) of their timeline. As it is, in mathmatics, science, biology, physics and every other "hard" discipline, not even a rounding error. It doesn't even rise to the threshold of statistical chatter or static.

The damage being done by these thinly veiled propagandists vilifying human life itself to achieve the goal of population reduction is manifestly evil as it is intended to concentrate the remaining wealth and resources in the grasping hands of a few elite trillionaires.

This article and the research papers were written by the paid supplicants, minions of monsters.


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53aba1 No.21635727

File: 4c1c185be17905d⋯.png (3.08 MB,2048x1361,2048:1361,ClipboardImage.png)


dj khaled has a waterfront place in miami next to star island whre diddy and rick ross live.

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0b4b62 No.21635728

Nukes for real?



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1d63b9 No.21635729

File: cdd8fcc79a41c94⋯.png (1 MB,1175x818,1175:818,ClipboardImage.png)





Diddy's BLACKMAIL SEX PARTY TAPES are being used to extort celebrities into endorsing Kamala

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420e39 No.21635730

ummm yes >>21635647

We know.

We know you “300” appointed YOURSELVES

We know. We know that your ugliness really HAS developed from your insides. And we are coming for you.

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30ddd0 No.21635731


Memba the flashy lights in the dark White House night? And the busses out front?

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4ce623 No.21635732


2019, so before I GUESS.

I'm not convinced they're dead other than no name and GHWB.

Yes, they may be replaced with actors.

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840a06 No.21635733


Somebody in the WH called s J6er from that line

9 seconds

3x longer than Dan

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0d1c41 No.21635734



there's like 20 year between those photos

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af4df5 No.21635735


That’s not how I do it.

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84fba2 No.21635736


If these people KNEW what exactly is behind the faggot, homosexual agenda really is…they would run away

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815018 No.21635737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Green Scam bullshit bucks gone.

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420e39 No.21635738


>>21635647 HisVengeance


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5ccb97 No.21635739

File: f04b0bbb617e516⋯.gif (628.61 KB,368x200,46:25,KuatoOpenYerMind.gif)

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651586 No.21635740

File: 6a7a58c94002dd1⋯.png (357.54 KB,631x630,631:630,7701434907bd30469c95cb7915….png)


Well just like camel toe they will all have to go down.

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815018 No.21635741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d63b9 No.21635742

File: 33a81207e306246⋯.png (1.34 MB,1188x843,396:281,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris announced she will be skipping the Al Smith Charity Dinner in Oct - GEEZ, I wonder why?

Trump will just roast her the whole time hahaha

Geez, all she has to do is dress up and read what somebody else wrote for her from a piece of paper.


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94f95a No.21635743

File: 6f316fafa8087da⋯.png (338.25 KB,524x1359,524:1359,4_1.png)

File: 9db9ba6b1dee57c⋯.png (746.15 KB,584x1191,584:1191,4_2.png)

File: b3ab8e0146351dc⋯.png (642.14 KB,634x1164,317:582,4_3.png)



The Links Inc.

The Links, Inc. - Central Area - Chapters


72 Chapters in 17 states


- Northwest, Little Rock, Pine Bluff


- Central Illinois, Chicago, Gateway, Harbor Lites, Hoffman Estates, Lake Shore, North Shore, Quad Cities, South Suburban, West Towns,

Windy City


- Circle City, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Northern Indiana, South Bend


- Des Moines


- Topeka, Wichita


- Frankfort/Lexington, Louisville


- Ann Arbor, Detroit, Flint Area, Great Lakes, Greater Wayne County, Kalamazoo, Lansing/East Lansing, Oakland County, Renaissance,



- Minneapolis/St. Paul


- Central Missouri, Archway, Greater Kansas City, Jackson County, St. Louis


- Omaha


- Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Kent, Queen City, Springfield, Toledo, Twin Rivers, Western Reserve, Wilberforce,



- Oklahoma City, Tulsa

The Links, Inc. - Central Area


- Simply theB.E.S.T.

- 17 states

- 72 chapters

- 3900+ members

The Links, Inc. - Central Area - Area Director’s Message

- Simply theB.E.S.T.(Build Excellence through Sisterhood, Service and Teamwork)

"The Links, Incorporated is an international organization established in 1946. With more than17,000 professional womenin299 chapters

around the world."


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72c4c2 No.21635744

File: 7ce28ced0ca2366⋯.png (388.81 KB,538x710,269:355,kamala.png)

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3dc929 No.21635745

File: a4780ea1a3efb05⋯.png (188.17 KB,618x819,206:273,ClipboardImage.png)

Deplorable Jrci


Evergreen - 1981

"The Container From Hell"

17,000 Infants Found Inside


Sep 21, 2024, 7:59 AM


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3a2673 No.21635746


>Except where is it on the graph?

See No.21635726

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59e619 No.21635747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kid Rock’s Secret to Success, What They Won’t Tell You About Donald Trump, and the Diddy Arrest. 4 hours ago

Tucker Carlson



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0d1c41 No.21635748

File: faab8ce03aede90⋯.jpg (243.08 KB,1350x1124,675:562,chatgpt_hate_speech_is_wor….jpg)

File: b2bc62a995b1568⋯.jpg (253.9 KB,1350x1280,135:128,chatgpt_hate_speech_is_wor….jpg)

File: 58189690bf5f62e⋯.jpg (193.98 KB,1350x1162,675:581,chatgpt_hate_speech_is_wor….jpg)


>“We will hunt down and capture every single gang member, drug dealer, rapist, murderer, and migrant criminal.”


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a9e0a2 No.21635749

File: 33b868d06c82f5b⋯.png (651.96 KB,800x454,400:227,almost_there.png)

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4ce623 No.21635750


What these scientists have unwittingly produced is the orbital history of the earth around the sun.

They've tracked the record of the earths rotational wobble and relative distances from the sun.

The only other reason for changing climate is atmospheric pressure, but anon is not sure how you would measure that historically.

Anon assumes it has always been stable as a built-in control mechanism for earth's climate.

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3dc929 No.21635751




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638734 No.21635752


Yeah, looked like muzzle flashes unless Hunter was having one of his sex crazed parties with the family…

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1d63b9 No.21635753

File: fa3b53af474f4ac⋯.png (396.68 KB,675x637,675:637,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4499616d74b7c4f⋯.mp4 (786.52 KB,1280x720,16:9,Holy_smokes_newly_unearthe….mp4)

johnny maga


Holy smokes newly unearthed video shows Kamala Harris promising to pass the Green New Deal and outright ban fracking.

This is one of the more devestating clips I've seen yet.

1:50 PM • Sep 21, 2024


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f2ffc7 No.21635754

File: 71607a6623388ca⋯.webp (69.25 KB,638x680,319:340,media_GYA0CR8b0AMR8SO.webp)

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0d1c41 No.21635755



every time they speak a crucial detail, the video disappears. Probably fake IMO

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1d63b9 No.21635756

File: 331e2d8e399419a⋯.mp4 (13.74 MB,264x480,11:20,D_DMt_caa.mp4)



>Evergreen - 1981


>"The Container From Hell"


>17,000 Infants Found Inside


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3dc929 No.21635757

>>21635753 Video shows Kamala Harris promising to pass the Green New Deal and outright ban fracking


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94f95a No.21635758

File: c2b869819e3d3d3⋯.png (658.9 KB,528x1348,132:337,5_1.png)

File: 3486f4b64f31345⋯.png (501.73 KB,578x897,578:897,5_2.png)

File: 2c459ac7a5c80e6⋯.png (352.71 KB,634x783,634:783,5_3.png)



The Links Inc.

The Links, Inc. - Central Area - Area Executive Team


Sheila R. Brown - Area Director - Lake Shore (IL) Chapter

Joel-lyn McCormick - Area Vice Director - Tulsa (OK) Chapter

Jan-Néé Sheats-Mathis - Secretary - Parthenon (TN) Chapter

Kym Yelverton - Treasurer - Windy City (IL) Chapter

Martha D. Robinson - Rep to the Foundation - Jackson (TN) Chapter

Telesa L. Taylor - Nominating Chair - Shelby County (TN) Chapter

Gail Washington - Financial Secretary - Shelby County (TN) Chapter

Denise Mustiful-Martin - Parliamentarian - Memphis (TN) Chapter

Schylbea J. Hopkins - Program Coordinator - Great Lakes (MI) Chapter

Lillian Hunt - Operations Coordinator - Louisville (KY) Chapter

Katasha S. Butler - Chief of Staff & Communications Chair - Circle City (IN) Chapter

Karen Patricia Williams - Strategic Partnerships - Lansing/East Lansing (MI) Chapter

Deborah Jones-Buggs - Technology Chair - Lake Shore (IL) Chapter

Jessica Brand - Fund Development - Circle City (IN) Chapter

Monica B. Allen - Immediate Past Area Director - Windy City (IL) Chapter

The Links, Inc. - Central Area - Programming Team


Schylbea J. Hopkins - Program Coordinator - Great Lakes (MI) Chapter

Kamilah Parker - Central Area Program Co-Coordinator - Hoffman Estates (IL) Chapter

Marion Pierson - Services to Youth Chair - Jackson County (MO) Chapter

TBA - The Arts Chair

Glenda Kearney DuBoise - National Trends and Services Chair - Topeka (KS) Chapter

Lizzie Ngwenya-Scoburgh - International Trends and Services Chair - Cincinnati (OH) Chapter

Jylana Sheats - Health and Human Services Chair - Parthenon (TN) Chapter

The Links -Central AreaPartners








COX Business

Hard Rock Casina Cincinnati

Arkansas Medical Dental & Pharmaceutical Association


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d53439 No.21635759

File: f739834de1c064d⋯.jpg (536.62 KB,1080x1647,40:61,Screenshot_20240921_143459….jpg)

Evans, a Republican, served as governor from 1965 to 1977 and Senator from 1983 to 1989.


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72c4c2 No.21635760

File: 61d802f3d70ad36⋯.png (86.56 KB,300x300,1:1,wtf.png)


> "The Container From Hell

> 17,000 Infants Found Inside

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0d1c41 No.21635761


>Kamala Harris announced she will be skipping the Al Smith Charity Dinner in Oct

She's done almost nothing public

It's pathetic

At least hillary showed up to that

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d557ca No.21635762

who here is going to be surprised when the "near death of US" event happens between now and end of oct?

who here won't be surprised one bit and is prepared in all ways?

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815018 No.21635763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When the racetrack was the innovation hotbed not bullshit commie bullshit.

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3a2673 No.21635764


>PURE EVIL: Israel booby-trapped CHILDREN’S TOYS

Soviets did it in the '80's. Read your old Soldier of Fortune Magazines.




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5ccb97 No.21635765

File: 1c350fcc8fe5619⋯.png (522.22 KB,1110x891,370:297,ClipboardImage.png)

The Bou'le are (were) the main drug and human trafficking organization in most of America, to keep The Black Bou'le and the white supremacist Illuminati separated.

Now, it seems that the Bidan & Harris puppets allowed the Cartel full control. The coming war is basically a super powerful gang war between The Bou'le and the Cartel that hasn't quite manifested itself yet.

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3360aa No.21635766


The mushroom signature seems less intense with this demo.

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369da9 No.21635767


Why limit your statement?







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30ddd0 No.21635768


Is this true?

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1d63b9 No.21635769


>Kid Rock’s Secret to Success, What They Won’t Tell You About Donald Trump, and the Diddy Arrest.



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94f95a No.21635770

File: bea3b08c40a797a⋯.png (319.41 KB,602x1362,301:681,6_1.png)

File: 8b6ae2feb665f02⋯.png (715.71 KB,566x1282,283:641,6_2.png)

File: 244813604bdb904⋯.png (880.62 KB,564x1358,282:679,6_3.png)



The Links Inc.

The Links, Inc. - Southern Area


Vanessa Falls - Southern Area Director

Southern Area of The Links, Incorporated White Roses

The Southern Area Chapters


- Birmingham, Greater Huntsville, Greater Mobile, Magic City, Montgomery, Selma, Tri-County, Tuscaloosa, Tuskegee


- Altamonte Springs, Bold City, Bradenton/Sarasota, Brevard County, Dade County, Daytona Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Gainesville,

Greater Broward County, Greater Miami, Jacksonville, Miami-Biscayne Bay, North Broward County, Orlando, Pensacola, St.

Petersburg, Tallahassee, Tampa, Treasure Coast, West Palm Beach


- Albany, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Azalea City, Brunswick, Buckhead/Cascade City, Camellia Rose, Columbus, Dogwood City, Fort

Valley, LaGrange, Macon, Magnolia, Savannah, West Georgia


- Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Crescent City, La Capitale, Monroe-Grambling, New Orleans, Pontchartrain, Shreveport


- Golden Crest, Gulf Coast, Jackson, LeFleur’s Bluff, Mississippi Delta, Mississippi Roses, Natchez

North Carolina

- Asheville, Carolina Pines, Charlotte, Crown Jewels, Durham, Elizabeth City, Fayetteville, Grandiflora, Greensboro, Lake Gaston

Area, Piedmont, Raleigh, Triangle Park, Wilmington, Wilson-Rocky Mount-Tarboro, Winston-Salem

South Carolina

- Aiken, Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Hilton Head, Orangeburg, Spartanburg

Commonwealth of The Bahamas (Anon question. Is The Links registered as aforeign agent? Should they be?)

- Nassau

The Links, Inc. - Southern Area - Past & Present Leaders


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815018 No.21635771


Shit gobbling junkies, child molesting gYpsy trash.

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23a189 No.21635772


OK, well, you're the expert.

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7448fb No.21635773


Scare event? October surprise?

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5ccb97 No.21635774



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3dc929 No.21635775

File: 6047984a12f085d⋯.png (677.84 KB,817x784,817:784,ClipboardImage.png)

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420e39 No.21635776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



please don't stop the music


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d95f37 No.21635777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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72c4c2 No.21635778

File: 7a2291e70825138⋯.png (121.6 KB,354x313,354:313,yikes.png)


She's pretty!

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30ddd0 No.21635779


Is it true?

Who wrote the check that did not clear the bank? Where did the shipment originate? What was the final destination address?

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1d63b9 No.21635780

File: c94b509d61e469a⋯.png (325.27 KB,675x701,675:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5787a9bf510b4d9⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,1280x720,16:9,MSM_blames_GOP_for_Ukraine….mp4)

MSM blames GOP for Ukraine losing and Mitch McConnell agrees and pisses all over conservatives. Absolute Criminal Cartel, they want to continue this war for another decade


Q: Russia's army is 15% larger and they have reinforced the 20% of Ukrainian territory that they hold. Is the Republican Party responsible for those setbacks?

Mitch McConnell: Yeah, we took too long. All the Democrats were for Ukraine.

3:05 PM • Sep 20, 2024


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94f95a No.21635781

File: 5f5e4aad786a2bf⋯.png (530.27 KB,518x1128,259:564,7_1.png)

File: 1e4558abdb7b3e1⋯.png (831.34 KB,489x1286,489:1286,7_2.png)

File: d06d5f8b7ec478c⋯.png (158.55 KB,1182x648,197:108,7_3.png)



The Links Inc.

The Links, Inc. - Western Area


The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Chapters


Alaska - 1 Chapter

Arizona - 2 Chapters

California - 25 Chapters

Colorado - 2 Chapters

Hawaii - 1 Chapter

Nevada - 1 Chapter

New Mexico - 1 Chapter

Oregon - 1 Chapter

Texas - 23 Chapters

Washington - 4 Chapters

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Partnership Opportunities - Our Partners


Colgate Palmolive

Kaiser Permanente Huge connection to the connected. Kaiser Permanente


SoCal Gas

US Bank

Alaska Airlines

Plousha Moore Group

Siebert Williams Shank Foundation

TAS Strategies

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d2afa6 No.21635782


Container packed full with dead human babies.

Food for something?

Someone / something eating us?

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1d63b9 No.21635783

File: e68c64be0639fc2⋯.png (890.23 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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3aa5f0 No.21635784

File: 69b1387193eb93f⋯.jpeg (250.45 KB,1032x458,516:229,IMG_6086.jpeg)

q said be anon so follow your captains orders? Who the fuck you think you are? For one Q ain’t never said that shit, and 2 anons are here because we’re leaders, not bootlicking faggot followers of the fbi via and Mossad pedophiles trying to derail us to prevent themselves jail time

What’s cute is you guys think you’re anonymous here and you’re not. All yall fin faggots are being tracked by military intel, especially the ones venting me and harassing me in particular. We know who you are.

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420e39 No.21635785

Q makes his presence known kek

Quest 's Drums


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1d63b9 No.21635786

File: ed037ad39eced5a⋯.png (592.77 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


An appeals court has revived a challenge to President Biden's Medicare drug price reduction program

A constitutional challenge to the Biden administration program enabling Medicare to negotiate lower prices for widely used prescription drugs was revived by a federal appeals court in New Orleans in a 2-1 decision Friday. Congress created the program as p…


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d557ca No.21635787


yes, all of the above

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63f466 No.21635788


I AM spartacus

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d2afa6 No.21635789


Nwmefags get the rope

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1d63b9 No.21635790

File: 0848b9c5e7bf2e6⋯.png (620.64 KB,768x542,384:271,ClipboardImage.png)

TRIGGERED: AOC Flips Out Over ‘Islamophobic’ Political Cartoon Referencing Israel’s Creative Attack On Hezbollah and Gets Roasted in the Comments

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, over 4,000 individuals were wounded, mostly Hezbollah terrorists, when the pagers they used for communication exploded across Lebanon on Tuesday.


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94f95a No.21635791

File: 33f757cbb3a06e8⋯.png (608.5 KB,599x1220,599:1220,8_1.png)



The Links Inc.

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Leadership



Karen Cole - Wa director - Beverly Hills West (CA) Chapter

Brenda Kennedy - Wa Vice director - Austin (TX) Chapter

Elizabeth Sapp James - Wa secretary - Gulf Coast Apollo (TX) Chapter

Felicia Garrett Herring - Wa Treasurer - Town Lake (TX) Chapter

Marcia Darden - Wa financial secretary - San Fernando Valley (CA) Chapter

Patricia J. Titus, RP - Wa Parliamentarian - Harbor Area (CA) Chapter

Chrystle Swain - Program Coordinator - Lone Star (TX) Chapter

Lorna C. Hankins - Immediate past WA Director - Gulf Coast Apollo (TX) Chapter


Joyce Ballard - ARCHIVES AND HISTORY - San Bernardino Valley (CA) Chapter

Victoria Moran - Chaplain - Beverly Hills West (CA) Chapter

Marsha McFadden - COMMUNICATIONS - Hawaii (HI) Chapter

Dawn Belton - CONFERENCE AND EVENT PLANNING - San Bernardino Valley (CA) Chapter

Jennifer Floyd - ELECTIONS - Bakersfield (CA) Chapter

Lynne Hobbs - ETHICS AND STANDARDS - Los Angeles (CA) Chapter

Denise Smith - Evaluations, awards and RECOGNITIONS - Oakland Bay Area (CA) Chapter

Josie Daniels - FUND DEVELOPMENT - Texas Spring Cypress (TX) Chapter

Kimberly Brandon - FUND DEVELOPMENT, Co-Chair - San Francisco (CA) Chapter

Michele Halyard - HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - Phoenix (AZ) Chapter

Jocelyn Kidd - HBCU - Dallas (TX) Chapter

Thelma Day - INTERNATIONAL TRENDS AND SERVICES - Inglewood Pacific (CA) Chapter

Monet Daniels - Leadership Advocacy Chair - Beverly Hills West (CA) Chapter

Karen Grays-Gray - Logistics and REGISTRATION - Port City (TX) Chapter

Jennifer Kelley - MENTAL HEALTH - San Antonio (TX) Chapter

Stephany Powell - NATIONAL TRENDS AND SERVICES - San Fernando Valley (CA) Chapter

Jakaria Stewart - NExGEN - Peninsula Bay (CA) Chapter

Joan Sherwood - NOMINATING Chair - Phoenix (AZ) Chapter

Beverly McMillan - ORGanizational EFFECTIVENESS - Albuquerque (NM) Chapter

Sharyn Holley - Platinum AND ALUMNA Affairs - Trinity (TX) Chapter

Tammie Brown - PROTOCOL - Town Lake (TX) Chapter

Alane Lillie - Representative to the Links FOUNDATION, Incorporated - Texas Spring Cypress (TX) Chapter

Charlotte Ned - Rituals - Inglewood Pacific (CA) Chapter

Carla Wicks - SERVICES TO YOUTH - San Francisco (CA) Chapter

Adell Walker - STRATEGIC PLANNING - Beverly Hills West (CA) Chapter

Maria Jackson - TECHNOLOGY - Portland (OR) Chapter

Carmen Mayo - THE ARTS - Greater Seattle (WA) Chapter


Gail Atley - Choir Director - Angel City (CA) Chapter

Pamela Chavira - Director’s liason to chapter presidents - Claremont Area (CA) Chapter

Linda Stokes - Disaster and emergency Relief - Sacramento (CA) Chapter

Antrece Baggett - Grant Writing - Greater Pearland Area (TX) Chapter

Karol Watson - Heartlinks Initiative - Orange County (CA) Chapter

Pamela (Pam) Fobbs - LEGISLATIVE Issues and Resolutions - Fresno (CA) Chapter

Sherril Rieux - National walk Initiative - Beverly Hills West (CA) Chapter

Mia Moody-Ramirez - SOCIAL MEDIA - Waco Central (TX) Chapter

Antoinette Massey - STEM - Denver (CO) Chapter

Chauné Fitzgerald - STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS - Tri-Cities (WA) Chapter

Melissia Buckhalter-Honoré - THE CHAIN, Editor-in-Chief - Los Angeles (CA) Chapter

Nancy Rahim - Time and Place, co-chair - Inglewood Pacific (CA) Chapt

Cora Robinson - Time and Place, co-chair - Houston (TX) Chapter

Janice Hall - Vendors and Exhibits - Gulf Coast Apollo (TX) Chapter

Josette Ayres - Western area boutique - Waco Central Texas (TX) Chapter

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671be7 No.21635792

File: 47cbd83bb749cd4⋯.png (1.8 MB,1200x1007,1200:1007,end_is_meow.png)

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2ceb3b No.21635793


ok boomer

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1d63b9 No.21635794

File: 491e63a2af8179d⋯.png (877.99 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

EXTRA EXTRA PANIC: Harris accepts invitation for second potential debate in October

In response to the Harris campaign’s statement, the Trump campaign pointed to a social media post in which the former president said there wouldn’t be a “third debate.”


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3dc929 No.21635795




converted into dry food flavoring for packaged food…

[they] have been doing this for years

[they] feed us, to our selves

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0d1c41 No.21635796

File: 915e50fc33aa23c⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,640x360,16:9,RNC_2024_McConnell_got_boo….mp4)


>Mitch McCuntell

finally resigning we hear

in a few weeks


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815018 No.21635797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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442ca8 No.21635798


You’re literally on a device that could give you that info right fucking now

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671be7 No.21635799

File: 9ed761ae21dc1e8⋯.png (669.21 KB,1080x1352,135:169,end_of_world_veteran.png)

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be91ef No.21635800

File: 53445a96783da90⋯.jpeg (124.74 KB,1200x1164,100:97,IMG_8120.jpeg)


fbi pedos and cia pedos and Mossad pedophiles got nothing better to do than to complain about me using a name which I have been doing since the beginning. You’re glowing faggot

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420e39 No.21635801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21635731 dont remember

>>21635752 dont remember

memer this


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94f95a No.21635802



The Links Inc.

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Chapters -Alaska


Anchorage (AK) Chapter - Chartered in 1950

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Chapters -Arizona


Phoenix (AZ) Chapter - Chartered in 1952

Tucson (AZ) Chapter - Chartered in 1962

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Chapters -California


Alameda Contra Costa (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1985

Angel City (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1963

Bakersfield (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1977

Beverly Hills West (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1985

Channel Islands (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1982

Claremont Area (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1985

Eden Rose (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 2010

Fresno (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1977

Harbor Area (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1966

Inglewood Pacific (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1979

Los Angeles (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1950

Monterey Bay (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1974

Oakland Bay Area (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1950

Orange County (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1973

Palos Verdes (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1982

Pasadena-Altadena (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1963

Peninsula Bay (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1960

Sacramento (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1952

San Bernardino Valley (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1979

San Diego (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1957

San Fernando Valley (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1973

San Francisco (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1950

San Jose (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1981

Solano County (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1994

Stockton (CA) Chapter - Chartered in 1966

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Chapters -Colorado


Denver (CO) Chapter - Chartered in 1952

Colorado Springs (CO) Chapter - Chartered in 2015

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Chapters -Hawaii


Hawaii (HI) Chapter - Chartered in 1986

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a7c45f No.21635803


god i hope money honey wears that dress again

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a9e0a2 No.21635804

File: 107893ab1e0bb2d⋯.jpg (84.48 KB,1200x630,40:21,smokingchimp.jpg)


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5ccb97 No.21635805

File: ceead690a07761e⋯.png (259.04 KB,596x516,149:129,ClipboardImage.png)


Ukraine Downs 29 Russian Drones with Mysterious Laser Weapon

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840a06 No.21635806

A sacred are 51

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0d1c41 No.21635807


>We are already in WWIII

migration warfare

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1d63b9 No.21635808

File: 99912ca2d3eb64e⋯.png (1.17 MB,816x808,102:101,ClipboardImage.png)



10 DAYS OF DARKNESS Oct. 5 thru Oct. 14

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30ddd0 No.21635809



Where is the next step proof?

Footage of processing?

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420e39 No.21635810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Evergreen - 1981

"The Container From Hell"

17,000 Infants Found Inside

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1d63b9 No.21635812



10 DAYS OF DARKNESS Oct. 5 thru Oct. 14

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53aba1 No.21635813

File: 24137a413c3e182⋯.png (200.17 KB,550x367,550:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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41f536 No.21635814


[THEY] missed

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0b4b62 No.21635815


>The Container From Hell

>17,000 Infants Found Inside

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94f95a No.21635816



The Links Inc.

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Chapters -Nevada


Las Vegas (NV) Chapter - Chartered in 1976

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Chapters -New Mexico


Albuquerque (NM) Chapter - Chartered in 1950

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Chapters -Oregon


Portland (OR) Chapter - Chartered in 1957

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Chapters -Texas


Austin (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1960

Dallas (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1957

East Texas (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1962

El Paso (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1977

Fort Bend County (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1996

Fort Worth (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1959

Golden Triangle (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1971

Greater Denton County (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 2012

Greater Pearland Area (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 2014

Gulf Coast Apollo (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1995

Houston (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1951

Katy-Richmond Area (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 2018

Lone Star (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 2014

Mid-Cities (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1985

Missouri City (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1979

Plano North Metroplex (TX) Chapter = Chartered in 1989

Port City (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1987

San Antonio (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1960

Southern Metroplex (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 2022

Texas Spring Cypress (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1995

Town Lake (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1988

Trinity (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1994

Waco Central Texas (TX) Chapter - Chartered in 1974

The Links, Inc. - Western Area - Chapters -Washington


Greater Seattle (WA) Chapter - Chartered in 1955

Tacoma (WA) Chapter - Chartered in 1966

Tri-Cities (WA) Chapter - Chartered in 1981

Spokane (WA) Chapter - Chartered in 1978

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41f536 No.21635817

File: 72538647b1dd6fa⋯.jpg (61.17 KB,680x640,17:16,Trumpnuts.jpg)

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88cef1 No.21635818


Stacked like cord wood they were

Honest injun

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72c4c2 No.21635819

File: 7c25f3ad97b1ad3⋯.png (106.37 KB,352x341,32:31,sheesh.png)


>Diddy's BLACKMAIL SEX PARTY TAPES are being used to extort celebrities into endorsing Kamala

Baby Oil, Dildos, Drug fueled sex parties called freak offs, and toss in some two-way mirrors.

What were the celebrities thinking?

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0cf0e5 No.21635820

File: 1ae7ae2bfaebfe8⋯.png (959.26 KB,952x500,238:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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30ddd0 No.21635821


That’s not the video I saw. It was white flashes going through the whole place.

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420e39 No.21635822

>>21635810 ooops wrong vid

this was a food delivery container ask hillary evergreen



>Evergreen - 1981

"The Container From Hell"

17,000 Infants Found Inside


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0d1c41 No.21635823

File: c109d3948a9fe7a⋯.webm (3.65 MB,720x1280,9:16,gender_reduction_biden_vs….webm)

biden confused about genders

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638734 No.21635824


All the Musicians Supporting Kamala Harris in the 2024 Presidential Election

>Ariana Grande

>Barbra Streisand


>Billie Eilish & Finneas

>Bon Iver

>Cardi B

>Carole King

>Chappell Roan

>Charli XCX

>Demi Lovato

>Foo Fighters

>John Legend

>Katy Perry


>Lil Nas X

>Lil Jon

>Megan Thee Stallion



>Stevie Wonder

>Taylor Swift


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d95f37 No.21635825

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"You" >>21635800 Hunt

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420e39 No.21635826



that is why i said twice i dont remember

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1d63b9 No.21635827

File: 87bbbda36a12d66⋯.png (712.88 KB,766x767,766:767,ClipboardImage.png)




>>Diddy's BLACKMAIL SEX PARTY TAPES are being used to extort celebrities into endorsing Kamala


>Baby Oil, Dildos, Drug fueled sex parties called freak offs, and toss in some two-way mirrors.


>What were the celebrities thinking?

That's just a coincididdy!!

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0d1c41 No.21635828


>17,000 Infants Found Inside

then why does the video drop out every single time that they talk about that detail???

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a2c162 No.21635829


Wonder if it was swept under the rug during her tenure?

Wonder if it will come out?

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c2f365 No.21635830

Hello universe what say you?

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1d63b9 No.21635831

File: 5d383d4b8d05358⋯.png (174.54 KB,888x370,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)



This is why the Internet is so fucking important HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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a9e0a2 No.21635832

File: 69da74c9fbe86e0⋯.jpg (40.22 KB,716x540,179:135,boomer2.jpg)

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a76c44 No.21635833

File: 803b9223ffdc94d⋯.png (427.27 KB,1000x1326,500:663,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83509eaad475375⋯.mp4 (417.58 KB,480x848,30:53,R899SRKKGZl5mqWX_1_.mp4)


WOW 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

What the hell is this???

Hezbollah missiles launched on Israel are returning back to Hezbollah!

7:25 AM · Sep 21, 2024




Star Trek level force fields now available in your local war fighting domain

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080edc No.21635834


burn it all fucking down then flood it.

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651586 No.21635835

File: bc25b10ffc54e6e⋯.gif (1.16 MB,220x220,1:1,bc25b10ffc54e6e15ff87506e4….gif)


That is total KEK…

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0d1c41 No.21635836

File: c7ae4d879dff7d0⋯.png (579.79 KB,956x840,239:210,ClipboardImage.png)


added one.

Need links for the others

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72f061 No.21635837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Best Taylor swift impersonation

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c2f365 No.21635838


Already answered. Next caller

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638734 No.21635839



Was a joke btw, kek.

But on a serious note, what is the combined net worth of that small list, bearing in mind a few are billionaires…

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4ce623 No.21635840



Homing Pidgeon's…

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442ca8 No.21635841


That’s wild. That’ll end the launches real quick

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d2a903 No.21635842

File: 331e2d8e399419a⋯.mp4 (13.74 MB,264x480,11:20,D_DMt_caa.mp4)




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30ddd0 No.21635843


Tennessee banned them.

Return to sender.

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651586 No.21635844

File: 9083d23d1b6269c⋯.gif (172 KB,220x220,1:1,9083d23d1b6269ceb4f083d75f….gif)

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1d63b9 No.21635845

Someone needs to tell Trump: DO NOT DEBATE HARRIS AGAIN!!!!

Harris accepts CNN debate invitation for October 23, again challenging Trump to another showdown

By Samantha Waldenberg, CNN (CNN) — Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday accepted an invitation from CNN to debate former President Donald Trump


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30ddd0 No.21635846



Evidence on the facebooks and x and twitter and stuff.

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a7c45f No.21635847


antisemitic ones

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1d63b9 No.21635848

File: 2760094ab200ab4⋯.png (896.69 KB,768x384,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Microsoft President sounds the alarm: “I am not aware of a single study that shows that 5G technology is safe”

Former Big Tech Exec Warns of Serious Dangers Linked to Wireless Technology


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d25e1e No.21635849

File: 7665cef11bae9e8⋯.png (296.81 KB,654x324,109:54,DJTfhtrjr.png)

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1d63b9 No.21635850

File: b9d354cf2d1eac2⋯.png (870.3 KB,767x727,767:727,ClipboardImage.png)

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f90987 No.21635851


Are they the new Boeing Boomerang attack missiles?

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420e39 No.21635852


>>21635809 you must be really new


enhances flavors

doritos pepsi etc.


Products That Use Aborted Fetuses, by Andrea Byrnes

Maryland General Assembly website (.gov)

https://mgaleg.maryland.gov › cmte_testimony › fin


Do some products contain fetal parts? The short gruesome answer: Yes. Today's consumer products are not the soap and lampshades of recycled Nazi.

PepsiCo, which since 2010 has worked with flavor research firm Senomyx to develop sweeteners and other flavorings.

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72f061 No.21635853

File: e79cda2e2ef17ad⋯.png (483.25 KB,750x898,375:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4583c6b603ce5d4⋯.webp (35.43 KB,640x491,640:491,IMG_0255.webp)

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1d63b9 No.21635854

File: e58afc76a122c39⋯.png (32.64 KB,675x277,675:277,ClipboardImage.png)

Bad Hombre


The IRS, which endorsed Kamala Harris today, has a favorability rating of 38% according to Pew Research, making it less popular than shingles, Springfield’s pet-eating migrants, and detonating pagers.

2:40 PM • Sep 21, 2024


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2ae5b4 No.21635855


I'm calling bullshit on your bullshit. Faggot.

'No toddler gets shot twice by mistake': US doctor shares horrific experience of Gaza.

Two American surgeons worked in the European Hospital in southern Gaza and treated almost exclusively children, many with gunshot wounds.


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535e63 No.21635856


Nets are NJ Mets are NY

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efd375 No.21635857


Yesterday, some anon posted a vid clip of a woman interviewing another woman, who claimed to be a sex slave victim. This victim claimed to have witnessed Bernie Sanders being forced to rape a child under threat of his family being killed. She said she had never seen a man cry so hard. Does anyone have that clip. or know the details around that allegation?

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72c4c2 No.21635858

File: f2ea4c766c9a472⋯.png (179.93 KB,350x350,1:1,sadness.png)


As appalling as that is, you would expect it from a Communist nation.

Not from America.

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4ce623 No.21635859


Go shove your propaganda up your arse and twist on it.

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30ddd0 No.21635860


My reply said 846 but was 843. Reply to post 833 but was post 842.

What you up to baker?

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c2f365 No.21635861

What happens if you upload a Pepe to undresser.ai?

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51c78d No.21635862

File: b3d55b558792683⋯.png (32.21 KB,566x479,566:479,ClipboardImage.png)






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61d1a8 No.21635863

notables @ 600

#26497 >>21635262

>>21635298, >>21635764 Israel booby-trapped children's toys with explosives to kill Lebanese children

>>21635369 Joe Biden arrives in Delaware for weekend with world leaders

>>21635376, >>21635421, >>21635627 Kamala Harris Faces Fierce Criticism from CNN + Qdelta

>>21635406 The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris

>>21635409 Mexican President Blames Biden-Harris Admin for Sinaloa Cartel Turf War

>>21635413 A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden

>>21635414 GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'

>>21635418 (Yesterday) House Of Representatives Votes To Block Funding For Sanctuary States And Cities

>>21635419 3:02 (vid length)

>>21635431 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment

>>21635433 $50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed

>>21635435 Grocery store rep from Springfield, Ohio describes seeing receipts with $13,000 on EBT food and $29,000 on EBT cash

>>21635443 EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia

>>21635447 Allegations of Michelle and Barack Obama attending Diddy's 'freakoffs' have surfaced

>>21635457 Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December

>>21635466 Fake news were all broadcasting Trump's rally live today

>>21635490 Pagers were the original ‘always on’ device well before the deadly attack on Hezbollah - here’s who still uses them

>>21635502 25 Million Christians Did Not Vote in 2020


>>21635526 India not looking too good

>>21635539 JD KILLING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21635553 LOVE JOHN RICH!!!🇺🇸

>>21635560 Trump to launch Mars mission with Elon Musk’s help in second term

>>21635564 Elon: Starships were meant to fly!

>>21635581 50 Kids Loot 7-Eleven In Beverly Hills For Candy & Snacks

>>21635599 Prime Minister of India meets with Biden

>>21635606 Teacher in Ireland is arrested and taken away by police for not endorsing transgenderism

>>21635611 GM to begin laying off about 1,700 workers at Kansas plant, WARN notice shows

>>21635634 Be careful who you follow

>>21635643 In 2018, Macron said Europe will receive 150 to 200 million Africans in the next 30 years

>>21635660 Dasting

>>21635676, >>21635704 Qdelta: Music is about to stop

>>21635680 Trump vows to ‘end all sanctuary cities’ across the US during NC rally

>>21635703, >>21635715, >>21635725, >>21635743, >>21635758, >>21635770, >>21635781, >>21635791, >>21635802, >>21635816 The Links Inc.

>>21635742 Kamala Harris announced she will be skipping the Al Smith Charity Dinner in Oct

>>21635745, >>21635756 Evergreen 1981 'The Container From Hell': 17,000 Infants Found Inside

>>21635753 Newly unearthed video shows Kamala Harris promising to pass the Green New Deal and outright ban fracking

>>21635759 Former Washington governor Dan Evans dies at 98

>>21635775 10 days of darkness incoming Oct. 5 through Oct. 14?

>>21635790 AOC Flips Out Over ‘Islamophobic’ Political Cartoon Referencing Israel’s Creative Attack On Hezbollah

>>21635805 Ukraine Downs 29 Russian Drones with Mysterious Laser Weapon

>>21635848 Former Microsoft President sounds the alarm: “I am not aware of a single study that shows that 5G technology is safe”

>>21635271, >>21635514, >>21635574, >>21635626, >>21635724 Memes


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420e39 No.21635864




most of the info is scrubbed

as it is too dark for the snacking people of the world to understand this

everything is scrubbed and explained away


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080edc No.21635865


slide anything but q posts on qresearch

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ed68eb No.21635866

File: 3de900d90b5097c⋯.png (349.31 KB,604x715,604:715,8059fc24dfb49d68c8b2d67991….png)


Fuck around and find out.

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420e39 No.21635867

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a9e0a2 No.21635868

File: ee3ec0ab571e9eb⋯.webm (1.07 MB,427x240,427:240,boomerang2.webm)

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5ccb97 No.21635869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Prosthetic baby used by transexuals to experience childbirth through their anus?

God help us!

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2ae5b4 No.21635870

File: 4321b99964c5884⋯.jpg (481.69 KB,1080x1080,1:1,F8FAsnrWkAAE_go.jpg)

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420e39 No.21635871

hope trump goes and does a double set


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2ceb3b No.21635872

File: ae0b1751d8d7d85⋯.png (402.07 KB,690x903,230:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ccb97 No.21635873

File: 754fcd28a3989d9⋯.png (81.1 KB,548x309,548:309,Boom.png)

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af4df5 No.21635874



Diddy dildo ‘extreme’ section.

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a2c162 No.21635875


"natural flavoring"

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5ccb97 No.21635876

File: f8431077065ac1e⋯.png (488.94 KB,389x702,389:702,CatExplosion.png)

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f90987 No.21635877



>converted into dry food flavoring for packaged food…

Minced Small Goy?

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638734 No.21635878

File: d91a4184cc2c6fa⋯.png (378.98 KB,636x382,318:191,Screenshot.png)

Jill Biden sparks huge backlash by leading White House cabinet meeting: 'Who is running this country?'


You are watching a MOVIE.

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82c2bc No.21635879

File: 401f532b1203eef⋯.png (1.3 MB,638x797,638:797,tl.PNG)

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3dc929 No.21635880



If the ingredients label say 'Natural Flavoring' it means that is is made from human beings

>>21635809 >>21635852 >>21635864 >>21635875

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632c62 No.21635881

File: a030b0332c39f12⋯.mp4 (883.75 KB,404x360,101:90,When_the_IRS_endorses_Kama….mp4)

File: 5a5bc2bfca7ebfb⋯.png (512.25 KB,737x804,11:12,ClipboardImage.png)




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5a0862 No.21635882

File: 9247c4a19593f01⋯.jpg (91.55 KB,503x745,503:745,315b01776cd1d4734b98fe05df….jpg)


Henlo vagi

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65a4ec No.21635883


I guess those guidance electronics were bought from the pager supplier.

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0b4b62 No.21635884

File: 69141a5f263d686⋯.png (352.47 KB,634x479,634:479,ClipboardImage.png)



those glasses seal the deal

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2ae5b4 No.21635885


Zip it fagot. No one asked for your uneducated opinion. It's worthless to boot.

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82c2bc No.21635886

File: 7372248e8033b6f⋯.png (478.59 KB,601x456,601:456,win.PNG)


Eric Trump


Carolina for the win!! 🇺🇸❤️

10:02 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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080edc No.21635887


bet you can't have just 1

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51c78d No.21635888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Grave of 16,500 Forgotten Fetuses - Los Angeles Fetus Disposal Scandal 1982 4K

The Los Angeles Fetus Disposal Scandal of 1982.


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82c2bc No.21635889

File: 254d881ccf5cca6⋯.png (426.22 KB,592x829,592:829,jj.PNG)


Tim Young


Janet Jackson questioned Kamala's race and it broke the leftist media today. 🤣🤣🤣


10:10 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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2e2848 No.21635890


>Not from America.

Kek. Don't be naive.

America IS a communist nation and has been for decades. It's branded as progressive liberalism but is a mix of communism, marxism and fascism. Haven't you noticed the "top down rule" that exists here?

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5ccb97 No.21635891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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c2f365 No.21635892

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420e39 No.21635893

File: fc76fdb232d2304⋯.jpg (44.75 KB,1100x363,100:33,fc76fdb232d23044a109903952….jpg)




evergreen is HRC USSS codename


she thinks she is clever


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: df18d2 No.8113297 📁

Feb 12 2020 11:45:18 (EST)


The lines are drawn.


Define Renegade [Hussein USSS code name].

Standard definition.

Define Evergreen [HRC USSS code name]

Non-standard defintion.

Think depopulation.

The Silent War continues…


Apr 26 2018


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3c7fe2 No.1203338 📁

Apr 26 2018 21:01:50 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 1a6ee7 No.1203096 📁

Apr 26 2018 20:50:10 (EST)


Q -

Thank you for arriving. Frustration is very high.

Can Marshalls physically remove texts, tapes, etc.???


We have it all.

The right people have the information.

GOOD people are acting on the information.

Think GOOG.

Think ES departure.

Think NK.

Many drafts.

Many shared users [foreign & domestic].

Variable access.


Fake emails.

Game forum comms.

New intel revealed today.

Gmail comms.



Define Evergreen.

When do you call a plumber?

Ongoing investigations require…..

Q [auth478-24zgP]

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080edc No.21635894

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7655b4 No.21635895


couldn't suck the stump out of a stunk arse small town blow job much less a national one

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d25e1e No.21635896


>Carolina for the win

17 ^^^

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4ce623 No.21635897


If you want to offend me you'll have to call me HOMO rather than Faggot.

But you won't, because you don't want to offend yourself.

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5603c1 No.21635898

File: e4af27e2d48e026⋯.png (1.96 MB,1234x11802,617:5901,Q_Posts_Sep_21_32_Deltas.png)


>Todays Deltas



Today in Q Post History we had 32 Deltas

September 21

There were32 Q Postson the date ofSeptember 21.

LINK - https://qalerts.app/?q=sep+21

ARCHIVE - https://archive.ph/8D2eP

Keep up the lawful fight, fight, fight, and I will, too!


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30ddd0 No.21635899


It’s people!

Now I got to watch Charleston Heston again tonight.

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51c78d No.21635900



After a lengthy court battle between Los Angeles County and the abortion industry, the 16,433 bodies were crammed into several large pine boxes and buried at Odd Fellows Cemetery in the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles on October 6, 1985.

President Reagan provided a written eulogy for the burial, but he had already written poignantly in 1982, “The terrible irony about this sudden discovery is not that so many human lives were legally aborted, but that they are only a tiny proportion of the 1.5 million unborn children quietly destroyed in our nation this year. This is the truth many would rather not face.”


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a76c44 No.21635901

File: 39fce9b85fff041⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB,848x624,53:39,DKvxfeGNlDUqOuR_1_.mp4)


Sinwar & Narallah sing the BeeGees

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7888c1 No.21635902


almost there

tyvm for your posts

always enjoy and notable


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080edc No.21635903


q posts have no relevance here. make a new dedicated board for qshit

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30ddd0 No.21635904


How can this be allowed?

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420e39 No.21635905

>>21635885 is that how we spell it?

>>21635897 BURN ed ^^^^ you

>If you want to offend me you'll have to call me HOMO rather than Faggot.

>But you won't, because you don't want to offend yourself.

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369da9 No.21635906



To cover for their assassination attempt cover.

Would look suspicious if they didn't cover all moving forward.

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82c2bc No.21635907

File: a73368967b15015⋯.png (326 KB,593x486,593:486,te.PNG)




General Milley testified to treason under oath…



10:18 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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0b4b62 No.21635908


On that record she sang about “joining voices in protest to social injustice” and “pushing toward a world rid of colour lines”. I wonder where she stands on the forthcoming election. After all, I say, America could be on the verge of voting in its first black female president, Kamala Harris.

“Well, you know what they supposedly said?” she asks me. “She’s not black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian.”

She looks at me expectantly, perhaps assuming that I have Indian heritage.

“Well, she’s both,” I offer.

“Her father’s white. That’s what I was told. I mean, I haven’t watched the news in a few days,” she coughs. “I was told that they discovered her father was white.”

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82c2bc No.21635909

File: 2e682844b86dea0⋯.png (196.73 KB,393x591,131:197,tc.PNG)

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1d63b9 No.21635910


>Janet Jackson questioned Kamala's race and it broke the leftist media today. 🤣🤣🤣


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7655b4 No.21635911


BO' BELLE' s=-Caro LiNA - u next

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f90987 No.21635912


>q posts have no relevance here. make a new dedicated board for qshit

Posts this on a board called Q Research General

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420e39 No.21635913

dood really

why do you think the world is getting crazier by the day

they dont want you to understand this

>>21635809 "footage of processing"

he wants to see the snuff films


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30ddd0 No.21635914

JJ is remaking the Wizard of Oz to include gays to replace the lollipop gang.

How will JJ replace Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?

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82c2bc No.21635915

File: 15ddbb281f22f4e⋯.png (644.25 KB,811x859,811:859,s.PNG)

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1d63b9 No.21635916

File: 351ba008e582e2c⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB,886x506,443:253,General_Milley_testified_t….mp4)


>General Milley testified to treason under oath…


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1d63b9 No.21635917


>There were32 Q Postson the date ofSeptember 21.


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5ccb97 No.21635918

File: 3ee61bfc282cbdd⋯.png (1.57 MB,818x919,818:919,SuperLibTard.png)



Trannie Traitor Fuck!

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1d63b9 No.21635919


>The Grave of 16,500 Forgotten Fetuses - Los Angeles Fetus Disposal Scandal 1982 4K


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82c2bc No.21635920

File: d196a342e07c0b6⋯.png (305.22 KB,601x826,601:826,tr.PNG)


Tim Young


🚨BREAKING🚨 An obese trans person tried to storm the stage during a Matt Gaetz speech today.

They were immediately removed.

Wait for Gaetz at the end: "Was that Liz Cheney?" 🤣🤣🤣

9:06 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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912e98 No.21635921

File: b8b20790136eb19⋯.png (232.94 KB,1055x651,1055:651,b8b20790136eb197b9e0de2f74….png)

You faggots send Jim some $upport this month?

Dig deep and $upport Q Research.

Do It NOW.


Throw a bill or moar in an envelope-

Is It Wet Yet

2118 Wilshire Blvd #403

Santa Monica, CA.


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5603c1 No.21635922



You're very welcome.

I'm sorry I didn't get it done earlier today but I was busy with something.

But believe me, this fight of ours is my top priority, so I'll do better and aim for 0900 - 0930 hours in the future, especially with so much happening between now and President Trump's third November election win around the corner.

God bless you, fren.


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1d63b9 No.21635923




>Prosthetic baby used by transexuals to experience childbirth through their anus?


>God help us!


These people are sick!

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30ddd0 No.21635924


I want proof, not MSM.

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61d1a8 No.21635925

notables @ 655

#26497 >>21635262

>>21635298, >>21635764 Israel booby-trapped children's toys with explosives to kill Lebanese children

>>21635369 Joe Biden arrives in Delaware for weekend with world leaders

>>21635376, >>21635421, >>21635627 Kamala Harris Faces Fierce Criticism from CNN + Qdelta

>>21635406 The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris

>>21635409 Mexican President Blames Biden-Harris Admin for Sinaloa Cartel Turf War

>>21635413 A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden

>>21635414 GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'

>>21635418 (Yesterday) House Of Representatives Votes To Block Funding For Sanctuary States And Cities

>>21635419 3:02 (vid length)

>>21635431 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment

>>21635433 $50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed

>>21635435 Grocery store rep from Springfield, Ohio describes seeing receipts with $13,000 on EBT food and $29,000 on EBT cash

>>21635443 EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia

>>21635447 Allegations of Michelle and Barack Obama attending Diddy's 'freakoffs' have surfaced

>>21635457 Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December

>>21635466 Fake news were all broadcasting Trump's rally live today

>>21635490 Pagers were the original ‘always on’ device well before the deadly attack on Hezbollah - here’s who still uses them

>>21635502 25 Million Christians Did Not Vote in 2020


>>21635526 India not looking too good

>>21635539 JD KILLING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21635553 LOVE JOHN RICH!!!🇺🇸

>>21635560 Trump to launch Mars mission with Elon Musk’s help in second term

>>21635564 Elon: Starships were meant to fly!

>>21635581 50 Kids Loot 7-Eleven In Beverly Hills For Candy & Snacks

>>21635599 Prime Minister of India meets with Biden

>>21635606 Teacher in Ireland is arrested and taken away by police for not endorsing transgenderism

>>21635611 GM to begin laying off about 1,700 workers at Kansas plant, WARN notice shows

>>21635634 Be careful who you follow

>>21635643 In 2018, Macron said Europe will receive 150 to 200 million Africans in the next 30 years

>>21635660 Dasting

>>21635676, >>21635704 Qdelta: Music is about to stop

>>21635680 Trump vows to ‘end all sanctuary cities’ across the US during NC rally

>>21635703, >>21635715, >>21635725, >>21635743, >>21635758, >>21635770, >>21635781, >>21635791, >>21635802, >>21635816 Links Inc.

>>21635742 Kamala Harris announced she will be skipping the Al Smith Charity Dinner in Oct

>>21635745, >>21635893, >>21635756, >>21635862, >>21635900, >>21635919 (1981) Evergreen 'The Container From Hell': 17,000 Infants Found Inside

>>21635753 Newly unearthed video shows Kamala Harris promising to pass the Green New Deal and outright ban fracking

>>21635759 Former Washington governor Dan Evans dies at 98

>>21635775 10 days of darkness incoming Oct. 5 through Oct. 14?

>>21635790 AOC Flips Out Over ‘Islamophobic’ Political Cartoon Referencing Israel’s Creative Attack On Hezbollah

>>21635805 Ukraine Downs 29 Russian Drones with Mysterious Laser Weapon

>>21635848 Former Microsoft President sounds the alarm: “I am not aware of a single study that shows that 5G technology is safe”

>>21635881 PERFECT!!!😎🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣

>>21635889 Janet Jackson questioned Kamala's race and it broke the leftist media today

>>21635907, >>21635916 General Milley testified to treason under oath

>>21635271, >>21635514, >>21635574, >>21635626, >>21635724, >>21635879 Memes


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2ae5b4 No.21635926


It is. He's a baby faggot. You must be full grown.

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82c2bc No.21635927

File: 8d0917aef52dc90⋯.png (410.7 KB,589x726,589:726,skip.PNG)


Collin Rugg


NEW: Kamala Harris announces she will skip the Al Smith Dinner in New York, the same event where Trump roasted Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer in 2016.

The Catholic fundraiser is expected to have 1500 guests in attendance.

As reported by CNN, Trump "stunned attendees" in 2016 when he started launching attacks on Clinton and other Democrats, which the audience seemed to enjoy.

The Harris Campaign says she will be campaigning in a battleground state instead.

9:38 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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420e39 No.21635928

they shove full arms up theie assholes while fisting each other

so the 13 inches is small really


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

080edc No.21635929


in a very irritated state of mind. this place is a fucking joke. not giving you any Military or Trump posts. a lame duck news aggregator.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1d63b9 No.21635930

File: a7829aba76c3413⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB,720x1280,9:16,_BREAKING_An_obese_trans_p….mp4)


>🚨BREAKING🚨 An obese trans person tried to storm the stage during a Matt Gaetz speech today.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

82c2bc No.21635931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When The Music's Over

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51c78d No.21635932

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

61d1a8 No.21635933

notables @ 670

#26497 >>21635262

>>21635298, >>21635764 Israel booby-trapped children's toys with explosives to kill Lebanese children

>>21635369 Joe Biden arrives in Delaware for weekend with world leaders

>>21635376, >>21635421, >>21635627 Kamala Harris Faces Fierce Criticism from CNN + Qdelta

>>21635406 The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris

>>21635409 Mexican President Blames Biden-Harris Admin for Sinaloa Cartel Turf War

>>21635413 A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden

>>21635414 GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'

>>21635418 (Yesterday) House Of Representatives Votes To Block Funding For Sanctuary States And Cities

>>21635419 3:02 (vid length)

>>21635431 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment

>>21635433 $50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed

>>21635435 Grocery store rep from Springfield, Ohio describes seeing receipts with $13,000 on EBT food and $29,000 on EBT cash

>>21635443 EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia

>>21635447 Allegations of Michelle and Barack Obama attending Diddy's 'freakoffs' have surfaced

>>21635457 Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December

>>21635466 Fake news were all broadcasting Trump's rally live today

>>21635490 Pagers were the original ‘always on’ device well before the deadly attack on Hezbollah - here’s who still uses them

>>21635502 25 Million Christians Did Not Vote in 2020


>>21635526 India not looking too good

>>21635539 JD KILLING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21635553 LOVE JOHN RICH!!!🇺🇸

>>21635560 Trump to launch Mars mission with Elon Musk’s help in second term

>>21635564 Elon: Starships were meant to fly!

>>21635581 50 Kids Loot 7-Eleven In Beverly Hills For Candy & Snacks

>>21635599 Prime Minister of India meets with Biden

>>21635606 Teacher in Ireland is arrested and taken away by police for not endorsing transgenderism

>>21635611 GM to begin laying off about 1,700 workers at Kansas plant, WARN notice shows

>>21635634 Be careful who you follow

>>21635643 In 2018, Macron said Europe will receive 150 to 200 million Africans in the next 30 years

>>21635660 Dasting

>>21635676, >>21635704 Qdelta: Music is about to stop

>>21635680 Trump vows to ‘end all sanctuary cities’ across the US during NC rally

>>21635703, >>21635715, >>21635725, >>21635743, >>21635758, >>21635770, >>21635781, >>21635791, >>21635802, >>21635816 Links Inc.

>>21635742, >>21635927 Kamala Harris announced she will be skipping the Al Smith Charity Dinner in Oct

>>21635745, >>21635756, >>21635893, >>21635862, >>21635888 (1981) Evergreen 'The Container From Hell': 17,000 Infants Found Inside

>>21635753 Newly unearthed video shows Kamala Harris promising to pass the Green New Deal and outright ban fracking

>>21635759 Former Washington governor Dan Evans dies at 98

>>21635775 10 days of darkness incoming Oct. 5 through Oct. 14?

>>21635790 AOC Flips Out Over ‘Islamophobic’ Political Cartoon Referencing Israel’s Creative Attack On Hezbollah

>>21635805 Ukraine Downs 29 Russian Drones with Mysterious Laser Weapon

>>21635848 Former Microsoft President sounds the alarm: “I am not aware of a single study that shows that 5G technology is safe”

>>21635881 PERFECT!!!😎🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣

>>21635889 Janet Jackson questioned Kamala's race and it broke the leftist media today

>>21635907, >>21635916 General Milley testified to treason under oath

>>21635920, >>21635930 An obese trans person tried to storm the stage during a Matt Gaetz speech today

>>21635271, >>21635514, >>21635574, >>21635626, >>21635724, >>21635879 Memes


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

369da9 No.21635934

File: d2b75d35b2e1131⋯.png (1.02 MB,1280x1536,5:6,d2b75d35b2e11312525a33d67f….png)


Limited edition to raise campaign funds.

Price will skyrocket on resale.

You do you is fine.

Screenshot this for when first edition are sold out.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b4b62 No.21635935


>Was that Liz Cheney?

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82c2bc No.21635936

File: 65091c166836c9f⋯.png (722.21 KB,589x824,589:824,ap.PNG)

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1d63b9 No.21635937

File: 526333ca3582f4f⋯.png (321.96 KB,571x479,571:479,ClipboardImage.png)




>Sinwar & Narallah sing the BeeGees


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3dc929 No.21635938

File: 65d52173e9b1d45⋯.png (115.15 KB,776x752,97:94,ClipboardImage.png)









The chans have be talking about this for decades.

#5007235 at2019-02-0300:53:28 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #6393: Banana Vitamins Edition


In 2011, many companies lobbied for the change in labeling laws. This changed the companies responsibility to list all origins of it's ingredients. With the new legislation, any material that was taken from nature could be listed with any others and given one ingredient name, "natural flavors".

A worker's spit is 'natural flavoring'.

A bulls testicles are 'natural flavoring'.

A beaver's anal gland is 'natural flavoring'.

=A fetus ground up is also 'natural flavoring'.==







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912e98 No.21635939

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

080edc No.21635940


literally buy muh shekels

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5ccb97 No.21635941

File: d0dcbaefeaf306e⋯.png (117.4 KB,522x396,29:22,Screenshot_22_Copy.png)


His an expert on trannie silicone butt babies!

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53aba1 No.21635942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Khaled & Ross are thick as theives

Dj Khaled Pulls Up To Rick Ross House On A Jet Ski

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72c4c2 No.21635943

File: e1eab73bc6f1c67⋯.png (623.02 KB,946x948,473:474,2024_09_21_17_27_17.png)


> No one was charged.

Where is the outrage?

We need to make more enemies?

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30ddd0 No.21635944


Tennessee band chemtrails.

5 more States to follow.

Blue skies again!

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f2ffc7 No.21635945

File: 99a12689b27ab5d⋯.jpg (194.77 KB,664x1113,664:1113,Screenshot_20240921_181741….jpg)

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82c2bc No.21635946

File: a3704b04d15f2dc⋯.png (919.5 KB,1013x808,1013:808,balt.PNG)


U.S. News

FBI agents have boarded vessel managed by company whose other cargo ship collapsed Baltimore bridge


Updated 6:57 AM GMT-11, September 21, 2024

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369da9 No.21635947


Starts with one.

Leads to another.

Leads worldwide.

Nuremberg 2.0

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3dc929 No.21635948

File: 2f26452824d1383⋯.png (535.76 KB,640x603,640:603,ClipboardImage.png)

Senomyx is the worst of the worst food flavoring company's










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65a66d No.21635949

File: 134d611dc8575c5⋯.jpg (56.39 KB,252x255,84:85,PatchAnons.jpg)

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65384f No.21635950

File: c1428e8fec60e3f⋯.jpg (21.12 KB,480x360,4:3,Sexy_Kim_Cattrall_Tits_Pho….jpg)

I want to see the local cops who offered the President's detail the radios that THEY used to accuse.

NEXT: The Secret Service Agents responsible for turning down we need radios from the locals should be awarded!!!!

https://www.nytimes.com › 2024 › 09 › 18 › world › middleeast › lebanon-explosions-radios.html

Second Wave of Blasts Hits Lebanon as Hand-Held Radios Explode

3 days agoAt least 20 people were killed and more than 450 others wounded, Lebanese officials said, a

https://www.nbcnews.com › investigations › police-roof-trump-shooter-butler-rally-never-spoke-secret-service-rcna172007

Local police responsible for roof where Trump shooter hid at Butler …

1 day agoThe local police team responsible for the roof a shooter used to fire at ex-President Donald

https://www.bbc.com › news › articles › c870dx37y2qo

Secret Service admits 'complacency' before Trump rally shooting - BBC

He said the use of different radio frequencies by police and Secret Service meant Trump's protection team were unaware a suspicious person had been identified at the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally.

https://www.cnn.com › 2024 › 08 › 23 › politics › trump-rally-shooting-communication-failures › index.html

Forgotten radios and missed warnings: New details emerge about …

Aug 23, 2024The day before the attempted assassination on Donald Trump, a tactical team of local police officers set aside radios for their

Remember, the locals were on top….

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1d63b9 No.21635951

File: 5bd0a7ae41e2493⋯.png (595.82 KB,716x1316,179:329,ClipboardImage.png)

Ohio voters need to stop this Democrat takeover of legislative redistricting. Vote No on Issue 1. Stop the Steal!


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080edc No.21635952


sports & entertainment page 3

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f24077 No.21635953


Zio clown has posted enough!

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82c2bc No.21635954

File: ccff4200a58e4db⋯.png (21.63 KB,595x243,595:243,fl.PNG)


Melissa Hallman


🤪😆 Team Harris flexing an IRS endorsement is👌


Donald Trump Jr.




The IRS and Dick Cheney!

Tells you everything you need you need to know. LOL x.com/harris_wins/st…

5:09 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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3dc929 No.21635955

File: 825208691d0b3e0⋯.png (241.88 KB,1179x931,1179:931,ClipboardImage.png)



Traded as

Nasdaq: SNMX

Industry Biotechnology

Founded 1998

Founder Lubert Stryer, Paul Nevsky

Fate Acquired by Firmenich

Headquarters San Diego, California


Senomyx was an American biotechnology company that developed food additives. The company claimed to have "reverse engineered" human taste and aroma receptors. It was founded by Lubert Stryer and Paul Nevsky in 1998. On 17 Sept 2018, private Swiss company Firmenich completed the acquisition of Senomyx.[1]


Biochemist Lubert Stryer founded Senomyx in 1999. In May 2001, Stryer returned to his professorship at Stanford University and resigned from Senomyx, but continued to be the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board.

Around the year 2001, Senomyx patented several flavor enhancers by using "proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems", which have been previously expressed in human cell culture, in HEK293 cells.[2] HEK293 cells are a cell line widely used in biological and medical research, immortalized through a genetic modification removed from the original embryonic kidney cells in the early 1970s.[3]

The company's stock declined after PepsiCo reversed a trial rollout of Senomyx ingredients in their sodas in 2016.[4]


Senomyx's products work by amplifying the intensity of flavors. This is done by expressing taste receptors and measuring receptor signaling in response to additives. Because very small amounts of the additive are used (reportedly less than one part per million), Senomyx has no obligation to report their ingredients to the consumer. Senomyx products fall under the broad category of "artificial flavors." For the same reason, the company's chemicals have not undergone the FDA safety approval[citation needed].

Senomyx's MSG-enhancer gained the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status from the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association, an industry-funded organization. It received a positive review by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, which determined that there were no safety concerns with the use of the Company's savory flavor ingredients in foods. The World Health Organization is extremely influential in many facets of society. The positive assessment by JECFA is expected to expedite regulatory approvals in a number of countries, particularly those that do not have independent regulatory approval systems.


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5efbe9 No.21635956

File: a8b3412ea00b20d⋯.jpg (40.15 KB,600x450,4:3,stop_being_gay_ej4mbo.jpg)


stap LEEEEKY JUUUUUUS frum gahybarr >>21634540


>berlinur BIGLY GAHY WALL BUILT halpin stap poleland invadurhs


>berlinur fillur gloatables so far





> >>21632285

>>>>>>>git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat














> >>21632285

>>>>>>>git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat











mowi wow


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82c2bc No.21635957

File: 06ace42f7fe3ca8⋯.png (23.4 KB,593x315,593:315,jr.PNG)



Donald Trump Jr.


The IRS and Dick Cheney!

Tells you everything you need you need to know. LOL


Kamala’s Wins




BREAKING: The IRS Union just announced they are endorsing Kamala Harris. Let’s go!

Rate proposed Community Notes

5:08 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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d2a903 No.21635958

File: f06959c0dafd87a⋯.jpg (149.49 KB,760x806,380:403,238c0f0574de0d97f9965f7879….jpg)

File: fc00467243d6f78⋯.jpg (45.99 KB,499x499,1:1,pizza_pepe.jpg)


>> No one was charged.

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64e9fa No.21635959


Moar interdasting when you look at it that way

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5603c1 No.21635960


It's been allowed because our government was infiltrated by Satanic psychopaths decades ago, right after The Federal Reserve Act was passed by the 63rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913.

[THEY] installed evil people in key governmental (and other) positions (e.g., "entertainment"), over the years, in order to make the societal changes that [THEY] want and need.

It took [THEM] years and years of hard work, on the sly, to pass regulations and laws that [THEY] wanted so that we would not notice the evil that [THEY] were inflicting upon us.

You would not believe the terrible and unconstitutional things that [THEY] have done to the citizenry, all while [THEY] kept us busy with wars that never should have been fought, "disasters," "sports," "entertainment," unbeatable debt, and other distractions all designed so that [THEY] could march toward their goal of world domination and so that we would not have time to notice.

Luckily, [THEY] messed up, and many people now see all the bad that [THEY] have done.

I once was made fun of, for making this fight my life's work.

I corrected the lady who said that to me by telling here that destroying her life's work and by extension [THEIR] life's work, is my life's work.

She peed her pants and now she's in hiding, apparently just waiting for the pounding on her door after her indictment is unsealed.

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1d63b9 No.21635961

File: 36d6eabbd345656⋯.png (736.45 KB,592x656,37:41,ClipboardImage.png)

That's an incredible RV, your honor

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61d1a8 No.21635962

notables @ 695

#26497 >>21635262

>>21635298, >>21635764 Israel booby-trapped children's toys with explosives to kill Lebanese children

>>21635369 Joe Biden arrives in Delaware for weekend with world leaders

>>21635376, >>21635421, >>21635627 Kamala Harris Faces Fierce Criticism from CNN + Qdelta

>>21635406, >>21635957 The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris

>>21635409 Mexican President Blames Biden-Harris Admin for Sinaloa Cartel Turf War

>>21635413 A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden

>>21635414 GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'

>>21635418 (Yesterday) House Of Representatives Votes To Block Funding For Sanctuary States And Cities

>>21635419 3:02 (vid length)

>>21635431 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment

>>21635433 $50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed

>>21635435 Grocery store rep from Springfield, Ohio describes seeing receipts with $13,000 on EBT food and $29,000 on EBT cash

>>21635443 EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia

>>21635447 Allegations of Michelle and Barack Obama attending Diddy's 'freakoffs' have surfaced

>>21635457 Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December

>>21635466 Fake news were all broadcasting Trump's rally live today

>>21635490 Pagers were the original ‘always on’ device well before the deadly attack on Hezbollah - here’s who still uses them

>>21635502 25 Million Christians Did Not Vote in 2020


>>21635526 India not looking too good

>>21635539 JD KILLING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21635553 LOVE JOHN RICH!!!🇺🇸

>>21635560 Trump to launch Mars mission with Elon Musk’s help in second term

>>21635564 Elon: Starships were meant to fly!

>>21635581 50 Kids Loot 7-Eleven In Beverly Hills For Candy & Snacks

>>21635599 Prime Minister of India meets with Biden

>>21635606 Teacher in Ireland is arrested and taken away by police for not endorsing transgenderism

>>21635611 GM to begin laying off about 1,700 workers at Kansas plant, WARN notice shows

>>21635634 Be careful who you follow

>>21635643 In 2018, Macron said Europe will receive 150 to 200 million Africans in the next 30 years

>>21635660 Dasting

>>21635676, >>21635704 Qdelta: Music is about to stop

>>21635680 Trump vows to ‘end all sanctuary cities’ across the US during NC rally

>>21635703, >>21635715, >>21635725, >>21635743, >>21635758, >>21635770, >>21635781, >>21635791, >>21635802, >>21635816 Links Inc.

>>21635742 Kamala Harris announced she will be skipping the Al Smith Charity Dinner in Oct

>>21635745, >>21635756, >>21635893, >>21635862, >>21635888 (1981) Evergreen 'The Container From Hell': 17,000 Infants Found Inside

>>21635753 Newly unearthed video shows Kamala Harris promising to pass the Green New Deal and outright ban fracking

>>21635759 Former Washington governor Dan Evans dies at 98

>>21635775 10 days of darkness incoming Oct. 5 through Oct. 14?

>>21635790 AOC Flips Out Over ‘Islamophobic’ Political Cartoon Referencing Israel’s Creative Attack On Hezbollah

>>21635805 Ukraine Downs 29 Russian Drones with Mysterious Laser Weapon

>>21635848 Former Microsoft President sounds the alarm: “I am not aware of a single study that shows that 5G technology is safe”

>>21635881 PERFECT!!!😎🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣

>>21635889 Janet Jackson questioned Kamala's race and it broke the leftist media today

>>21635907, >>21635916 General Milley testified to treason under oath

>>21635920, >>21635930 An obese trans person tried to storm the stage during a Matt Gaetz speech today

>>21635951 DJT: Ohio voters need to stop this Democrat takeover of legislative redistricting. Vote No on Issue 1. Stop the Steal!

>>21635271, >>21635514, >>21635574, >>21635626, >>21635724, >>21635879, >>21635936 Memes


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2ae5b4 No.21635963


Confucius fortune cookie logic. HOMO.

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82c2bc No.21635964

File: 3e66589b99e2af7⋯.png (707.64 KB,1085x642,1085:642,deb.PNG)


Harris accepts CNN debate invitation for October 23, again challenging Trump to another showdown

Samantha Waldenberg

By Samantha Waldenberg, CNN

3 minute read

Updated 4:10 PM EDT, Sat September 21, 2024

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5efbe9 No.21635965


wetodid niggas prol gay

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6f4e32 No.21635966

File: 9ae1ebd35f13fc5⋯.png (585.62 KB,1090x1316,545:658,ClipboardImage.png)


Sep 13, 2020





SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

Did Kevin set his alarm?


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30ddd0 No.21635967


Its not in Kraft products or Doritos right?

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51c78d No.21635968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry - Arizona

NOTE: This video was recorded December 10th, 2012 not April 20th, 2012 as indicated in the video timestamp. The video recorder at time of recording carried the wrong internal date setting.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

82c2bc No.21635969

File: 57cfb808a8aa70a⋯.png (124.06 KB,249x252,83:84,j.PNG)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5efbe9 No.21635970

File: e667714eae1eb3c⋯.png (162.76 KB,474x298,237:149,assgotsold2.png)

File: e77da345e2faad8⋯.png (217.17 KB,961x640,961:640,assgotsold.png)


stap LEEEEKY JUUUUUUS frum gahybarr >>21634540


>berlinur BIGLY GAHY WALL BUILT halpin stap poleland invadurhs


>berlinur fillur gloatables so far





> >>21632285

>>>>>>>git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat














> >>21632285

>>>>>>>git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat











mowi wow


moar fART$

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82c2bc No.21635971

File: f497911d21c33c5⋯.png (443.92 KB,405x725,81:145,pd.PNG)

File: 75978005e580f8d⋯.png (382.64 KB,410x726,205:363,pd1.PNG)


Things are about to get hotter than ever before 🔥🔥🔥

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4319aa No.21635972

File: 9c3c899941bf8a0⋯.mp4 (4.32 MB,576x1024,9:16,3yo_eat_the_cat_1024p_.mp4)

3 year old caught singing “Eating the cats! Eating the dogs!”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

77526d No.21635973


Kek! Fuck you Hezbollah terrorists!!

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3dc929 No.21635974






SENOMYX - MAKING US CANNIBALS + Planned Parenthood Organ Harvesting



Pepsi Co Response Senomyx Aborted Baby Cells!



~ Senomyx Is In Most Of Your Foods & Drinks - Research Senomyx ~






Why Is Senomyx In Our Food Supply? Why Are A Million Kids Missing In America Every Year?



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51c78d No.21635975

File: 9e5a5e84991ed71⋯.png (266.12 KB,861x428,861:428,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1aba52781b4502⋯.png (287.9 KB,868x447,868:447,ClipboardImage.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

82c2bc No.21635976

File: 29531583ef0c0ad⋯.png (249.44 KB,602x602,1:1,lay.PNG)




Delaying the results to count mail-in ballots was perfectly acceptable in 2020.

But delaying the results to hand count ballots in 2024? RADICAL!

5:19 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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912e98 No.21635977


top kek

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080edc No.21635978


so now itsyay for the jews

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

61d1a8 No.21635979

notables FINAL

#26497 >>21635262

>>21635298, >>21635764 Israel booby-trapped children's toys with explosives to kill Lebanese children

>>21635369 Joe Biden arrives in Delaware for weekend with world leaders

>>21635376, >>21635421, >>21635627 Kamala Harris Faces Fierce Criticism from CNN + Qdelta

>>21635406, >>21635957 The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris

>>21635409 Mexican President Blames Biden-Harris Admin for Sinaloa Cartel Turf War

>>21635413 A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden

>>21635414 GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'

>>21635418 (Yesterday) House Of Representatives Votes To Block Funding For Sanctuary States And Cities

>>21635419 3:02 (vid length)

>>21635431 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment

>>21635433 $50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed

>>21635435 Grocery store rep from Springfield, Ohio describes seeing receipts with $13,000 on EBT food and $29,000 on EBT cash

>>21635443 EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia

>>21635447 Allegations of Michelle and Barack Obama attending Diddy's 'freakoffs' have surfaced

>>21635457 Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December

>>21635466 Fake news were all broadcasting Trump's rally live today

>>21635490 Pagers were the original ‘always on’ device well before the deadly attack on Hezbollah - here’s who still uses them

>>21635502 25 Million Christians Did Not Vote in 2020


>>21635526 India not looking too good

>>21635539 JD KILLING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21635553 LOVE JOHN RICH!!!🇺🇸

>>21635560 Trump to launch Mars mission with Elon Musk’s help in second term

>>21635564 Elon: Starships were meant to fly!

>>21635581 50 Kids Loot 7-Eleven In Beverly Hills For Candy & Snacks

>>21635599 Prime Minister of India meets with Biden

>>21635606 Teacher in Ireland is arrested and taken away by police for not endorsing transgenderism

>>21635611 GM to begin laying off about 1,700 workers at Kansas plant, WARN notice shows

>>21635634 Be careful who you follow

>>21635643 In 2018, Macron said Europe will receive 150 to 200 million Africans in the next 30 years

>>21635660 Dasting

>>21635676, >>21635704 Qdelta: Music is about to stop

>>21635680 Trump vows to ‘end all sanctuary cities’ across the US during NC rally

>>21635703, >>21635715, >>21635725, >>21635743, >>21635758, >>21635770, >>21635781, >>21635791, >>21635802, >>21635816 Links Inc.

>>21635742 Kamala Harris announced she will be skipping the Al Smith Charity Dinner in Oct

>>21635745, >>21635756, >>21635893, >>21635862, >>21635888 (1981) Evergreen 'The Container From Hell': 17,000 Infants Found Inside

>>21635753 Newly unearthed video shows Kamala Harris promising to pass the Green New Deal and outright ban fracking

>>21635759 Former Washington governor Dan Evans dies at 98

>>21635775 10 days of darkness incoming Oct. 5 through Oct. 14?

>>21635790 AOC Flips Out Over ‘Islamophobic’ Political Cartoon Referencing Israel’s Creative Attack On Hezbollah

>>21635805 Ukraine Downs 29 Russian Drones with Mysterious Laser Weapon

>>21635848 Former Microsoft President sounds the alarm: “I am not aware of a single study that shows that 5G technology is safe”

>>21635881 PERFECT!!!😎🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣

>>21635889 Janet Jackson questioned Kamala's race and it broke the leftist media today

>>21635907, >>21635916 General Milley testified to treason under oath

>>21635920, >>21635930 An obese trans person tried to storm the stage during a Matt Gaetz speech today

>>21635951 DJT: Ohio voters need to stop this Democrat takeover of legislative redistricting. Vote No on Issue 1. Stop the Steal!

>>21635968 (2012) Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry - Arizona

>>21635271, >>21635514, >>21635574, >>21635626, >>21635724, >>21635879, >>21635936 Memes


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30ddd0 No.21635980


No wonder there were so many insane asylums during the last reset.

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912e98 No.21635981


where is sauce they are hezbollah?

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65a66d No.21635983

File: a8f4a0cbfb6622c⋯.png (295.01 KB,500x378,250:189,Patriot_KEK.png)

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5ccb97 No.21635984

File: 94a1e5db2b26566⋯.png (129.66 KB,503x400,503:400,PepeTrumpmaniaEatNoPetsBro….png)

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82c2bc No.21635986

File: 641db62eb923217⋯.png (193.61 KB,313x715,313:715,such.PNG)


Don’t let them convince you that you’re crazy.

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54df2b No.21635988


think of all the babies he saved!

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65a66d No.21635991

File: 468834bd3f9b785⋯.jpg (631.64 KB,1500x1854,250:309,Patriot_Unit.jpg)

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65a66d No.21635993

File: 7204739e5b8c6b8⋯.jpg (298.44 KB,2048x1147,2048:1147,Patriots_Goodnight.jpg)

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65a66d No.21635995

File: 00cd2664ffcb1fb⋯.png (61.22 KB,758x644,379:322,patriotshaveitall.png)

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65a66d No.21635996

File: 45ce4c159b590a3⋯.jpg (68.63 KB,510x332,255:166,Pepe_4.jpg)

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61d1a8 No.21635998

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5a0862 No.21635999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kiffnes going cross generation viral


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5efbe9 No.21636000


hi$ farting $care$

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65a66d No.21636001

File: 3c4e9e3169798ea⋯.png (942.58 KB,600x800,3:4,pepe_matrix.png)

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65a66d No.21636004

File: 8ef8114e891eeb6⋯.png (1.79 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_pinching_eye.png)

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f24077 No.21636005

File: d052e00a4f477fe⋯.png (610.57 KB,723x591,241:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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65a66d No.21636006

File: 594e6742456ec6f⋯.jpg (114.6 KB,750x750,1:1,pepe_wahoo_lives_matter.jpg)

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2ae5b4 No.21636007

File: 40b0281d1d35b2f⋯.jpg (81.82 KB,800x450,16:9,4179_1.jpg)


He's Bill Nye with 1/2 the brain and 2x the annoyance.

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65a66d No.21636009

File: 21460eeb58e0722⋯.png (175.82 KB,517x594,47:54,PepePatrol.png)

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671be7 No.21636010

File: e70212ddf431fa2⋯.jpg (9.79 KB,184x274,92:137,crazy_world.jpg)

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369da9 No.21636011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Horn section rocks.


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65a66d No.21636012

File: 88120af9b4e9979⋯.png (14.53 KB,198x255,66:85,pepeqresearch.png)

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65a66d No.21636016

File: bb6568329ce66e2⋯.png (50.36 KB,500x500,1:1,pepewizard.png)

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65a66d No.21636017

File: 461441ada585d88⋯.jpg (18.83 KB,502x490,251:245,PicassoPepe.jpg)

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c91dfa No.21636018

File: eee732f5d3474c3⋯.gif (200.71 KB,112x112,1:1,eee732f5d3474c37ff70fbe9a2….gif)


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5efbe9 No.21636020

File: 00debd195bcdc70⋯.jpg (71.68 KB,640x360,16:9,snapshot2.jpg)

File: 25d9df397964736⋯.jpg (331.83 KB,1024x1014,512:507,UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_dd3….jpg)

File: 007f66f0400c583⋯.jpg (39.53 KB,850x850,1:1,sample_416aa9669cccd191e51….jpg)

File: c4d4a686d99351a⋯.png (729.06 KB,600x750,4:5,blingin.png)



>mowi wow


>moar fART$

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65a66d No.21636021

File: e930169d4ad6ff1⋯.png (368.76 KB,483x490,69:70,prost_pepe.png)

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65a66d No.21636022

File: a9074680251e9eb⋯.png (4.98 KB,184x255,184:255,Q_is_awfully_partial_to_ni….png)

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0161e7 No.21636023


Did Kamala protect Diddy's human trafficking in California?

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080edc No.21636024


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65a66d No.21636028

File: bb4981edf02a230⋯.png (1.24 MB,1111x744,1111:744,Q_BiteCrumbs_20180118_WILL….png)

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671be7 No.21636031

File: 84f3bca17b45895⋯.png (1.14 MB,917x676,917:676,catritos_kamala.png)

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369da9 No.21636033



Imagine an exploding buttplug once you turn yours up to high.

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671be7 No.21636036

File: 2eb00cd2d84bf08⋯.png (56.81 KB,291x213,97:71,frito_bandito_horn_fingers.png)

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080edc No.21636038


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65a66d No.21636039

File: 063d3a0cb6bd543⋯.png (782.89 KB,1111x777,1111:777,Q_BiteCrumbs_20180205_You_….png)

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65a66d No.21636046

File: e2be24b40a413e4⋯.png (2.35 MB,2560x2560,1:1,QDreamcatcher.png)

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65a66d No.21636047

File: efe67130650435e⋯.jpg (67.66 KB,695x580,139:116,QQQQQ.jpg)

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