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File: b51143b7fbaeea5⋯.png (50.64 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

7c32c9 No.21635241 [View All]

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701 posts and 380 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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51c78d No.21635968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry - Arizona

NOTE: This video was recorded December 10th, 2012 not April 20th, 2012 as indicated in the video timestamp. The video recorder at time of recording carried the wrong internal date setting.


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82c2bc No.21635969

File: 57cfb808a8aa70a⋯.png (124.06 KB,249x252,83:84,j.PNG)

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5efbe9 No.21635970

File: e667714eae1eb3c⋯.png (162.76 KB,474x298,237:149,assgotsold2.png)

File: e77da345e2faad8⋯.png (217.17 KB,961x640,961:640,assgotsold.png)


stap LEEEEKY JUUUUUUS frum gahybarr >>21634540


>berlinur BIGLY GAHY WALL BUILT halpin stap poleland invadurhs


>berlinur fillur gloatables so far





> >>21632285

>>>>>>>git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat














> >>21632285

>>>>>>>git sum RUBdwayn$CULOonIT at gahy barr too voat











mowi wow


moar fART$

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82c2bc No.21635971

File: f497911d21c33c5⋯.png (443.92 KB,405x725,81:145,pd.PNG)

File: 75978005e580f8d⋯.png (382.64 KB,410x726,205:363,pd1.PNG)


Things are about to get hotter than ever before 🔥🔥🔥

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4319aa No.21635972

File: 9c3c899941bf8a0⋯.mp4 (4.32 MB,576x1024,9:16,3yo_eat_the_cat_1024p_.mp4)

3 year old caught singing “Eating the cats! Eating the dogs!”

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77526d No.21635973


Kek! Fuck you Hezbollah terrorists!!

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3dc929 No.21635974






SENOMYX - MAKING US CANNIBALS + Planned Parenthood Organ Harvesting



Pepsi Co Response Senomyx Aborted Baby Cells!



~ Senomyx Is In Most Of Your Foods & Drinks - Research Senomyx ~






Why Is Senomyx In Our Food Supply? Why Are A Million Kids Missing In America Every Year?



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51c78d No.21635975

File: 9e5a5e84991ed71⋯.png (266.12 KB,861x428,861:428,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1aba52781b4502⋯.png (287.9 KB,868x447,868:447,ClipboardImage.png)

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82c2bc No.21635976

File: 29531583ef0c0ad⋯.png (249.44 KB,602x602,1:1,lay.PNG)




Delaying the results to count mail-in ballots was perfectly acceptable in 2020.

But delaying the results to hand count ballots in 2024? RADICAL!

5:19 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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912e98 No.21635977


top kek

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080edc No.21635978


so now itsyay for the jews

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61d1a8 No.21635979

notables FINAL

#26497 >>21635262

>>21635298, >>21635764 Israel booby-trapped children's toys with explosives to kill Lebanese children

>>21635369 Joe Biden arrives in Delaware for weekend with world leaders

>>21635376, >>21635421, >>21635627 Kamala Harris Faces Fierce Criticism from CNN + Qdelta

>>21635406, >>21635957 The IRS Union Endorses Kamala Harris

>>21635409 Mexican President Blames Biden-Harris Admin for Sinaloa Cartel Turf War

>>21635413 A message from The King to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Market Garden

>>21635414 GOP Minnesota State Rep incorrectly listed as a Democrat on ballot due to 'processing errors'

>>21635418 (Yesterday) House Of Representatives Votes To Block Funding For Sanctuary States And Cities

>>21635419 3:02 (vid length)

>>21635431 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: My mind is open to the idea of psychedelics for treatment

>>21635433 $50 Million From 2020-2023: Trudeau's Foreign Aid To China Exposed

>>21635435 Grocery store rep from Springfield, Ohio describes seeing receipts with $13,000 on EBT food and $29,000 on EBT cash

>>21635443 EU Votes Heavily In Favor To Allow Ukraine To Strike Targets Inside Russia

>>21635447 Allegations of Michelle and Barack Obama attending Diddy's 'freakoffs' have surfaced

>>21635457 Hunter Biden’s sentencing on federal firearms charges delayed until December

>>21635466 Fake news were all broadcasting Trump's rally live today

>>21635490 Pagers were the original ‘always on’ device well before the deadly attack on Hezbollah - here’s who still uses them

>>21635502 25 Million Christians Did Not Vote in 2020


>>21635526 India not looking too good

>>21635539 JD KILLING IT!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21635553 LOVE JOHN RICH!!!🇺🇸

>>21635560 Trump to launch Mars mission with Elon Musk’s help in second term

>>21635564 Elon: Starships were meant to fly!

>>21635581 50 Kids Loot 7-Eleven In Beverly Hills For Candy & Snacks

>>21635599 Prime Minister of India meets with Biden

>>21635606 Teacher in Ireland is arrested and taken away by police for not endorsing transgenderism

>>21635611 GM to begin laying off about 1,700 workers at Kansas plant, WARN notice shows

>>21635634 Be careful who you follow

>>21635643 In 2018, Macron said Europe will receive 150 to 200 million Africans in the next 30 years

>>21635660 Dasting

>>21635676, >>21635704 Qdelta: Music is about to stop

>>21635680 Trump vows to ‘end all sanctuary cities’ across the US during NC rally

>>21635703, >>21635715, >>21635725, >>21635743, >>21635758, >>21635770, >>21635781, >>21635791, >>21635802, >>21635816 Links Inc.

>>21635742 Kamala Harris announced she will be skipping the Al Smith Charity Dinner in Oct

>>21635745, >>21635756, >>21635893, >>21635862, >>21635888 (1981) Evergreen 'The Container From Hell': 17,000 Infants Found Inside

>>21635753 Newly unearthed video shows Kamala Harris promising to pass the Green New Deal and outright ban fracking

>>21635759 Former Washington governor Dan Evans dies at 98

>>21635775 10 days of darkness incoming Oct. 5 through Oct. 14?

>>21635790 AOC Flips Out Over ‘Islamophobic’ Political Cartoon Referencing Israel’s Creative Attack On Hezbollah

>>21635805 Ukraine Downs 29 Russian Drones with Mysterious Laser Weapon

>>21635848 Former Microsoft President sounds the alarm: “I am not aware of a single study that shows that 5G technology is safe”

>>21635881 PERFECT!!!😎🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣

>>21635889 Janet Jackson questioned Kamala's race and it broke the leftist media today

>>21635907, >>21635916 General Milley testified to treason under oath

>>21635920, >>21635930 An obese trans person tried to storm the stage during a Matt Gaetz speech today

>>21635951 DJT: Ohio voters need to stop this Democrat takeover of legislative redistricting. Vote No on Issue 1. Stop the Steal!

>>21635968 (2012) Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry - Arizona

>>21635271, >>21635514, >>21635574, >>21635626, >>21635724, >>21635879, >>21635936 Memes


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30ddd0 No.21635980


No wonder there were so many insane asylums during the last reset.

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912e98 No.21635981


where is sauce they are hezbollah?

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65a66d No.21635983

File: a8f4a0cbfb6622c⋯.png (295.01 KB,500x378,250:189,Patriot_KEK.png)

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5ccb97 No.21635984

File: 94a1e5db2b26566⋯.png (129.66 KB,503x400,503:400,PepeTrumpmaniaEatNoPetsBro….png)

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82c2bc No.21635986

File: 641db62eb923217⋯.png (193.61 KB,313x715,313:715,such.PNG)


Don’t let them convince you that you’re crazy.

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54df2b No.21635988


think of all the babies he saved!

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65a66d No.21635991

File: 468834bd3f9b785⋯.jpg (631.64 KB,1500x1854,250:309,Patriot_Unit.jpg)

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65a66d No.21635993

File: 7204739e5b8c6b8⋯.jpg (298.44 KB,2048x1147,2048:1147,Patriots_Goodnight.jpg)

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65a66d No.21635995

File: 00cd2664ffcb1fb⋯.png (61.22 KB,758x644,379:322,patriotshaveitall.png)

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65a66d No.21635996

File: 45ce4c159b590a3⋯.jpg (68.63 KB,510x332,255:166,Pepe_4.jpg)

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61d1a8 No.21635998

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5a0862 No.21635999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kiffnes going cross generation viral


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5efbe9 No.21636000


hi$ farting $care$

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65a66d No.21636001

File: 3c4e9e3169798ea⋯.png (942.58 KB,600x800,3:4,pepe_matrix.png)

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65a66d No.21636004

File: 8ef8114e891eeb6⋯.png (1.79 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_pinching_eye.png)

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f24077 No.21636005

File: d052e00a4f477fe⋯.png (610.57 KB,723x591,241:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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65a66d No.21636006

File: 594e6742456ec6f⋯.jpg (114.6 KB,750x750,1:1,pepe_wahoo_lives_matter.jpg)

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2ae5b4 No.21636007

File: 40b0281d1d35b2f⋯.jpg (81.82 KB,800x450,16:9,4179_1.jpg)


He's Bill Nye with 1/2 the brain and 2x the annoyance.

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65a66d No.21636009

File: 21460eeb58e0722⋯.png (175.82 KB,517x594,47:54,PepePatrol.png)

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671be7 No.21636010

File: e70212ddf431fa2⋯.jpg (9.79 KB,184x274,92:137,crazy_world.jpg)

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369da9 No.21636011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Horn section rocks.


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65a66d No.21636012

File: 88120af9b4e9979⋯.png (14.53 KB,198x255,66:85,pepeqresearch.png)

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65a66d No.21636016

File: bb6568329ce66e2⋯.png (50.36 KB,500x500,1:1,pepewizard.png)

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65a66d No.21636017

File: 461441ada585d88⋯.jpg (18.83 KB,502x490,251:245,PicassoPepe.jpg)

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c91dfa No.21636018

File: eee732f5d3474c3⋯.gif (200.71 KB,112x112,1:1,eee732f5d3474c37ff70fbe9a2….gif)


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5efbe9 No.21636020

File: 00debd195bcdc70⋯.jpg (71.68 KB,640x360,16:9,snapshot2.jpg)

File: 25d9df397964736⋯.jpg (331.83 KB,1024x1014,512:507,UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_dd3….jpg)

File: 007f66f0400c583⋯.jpg (39.53 KB,850x850,1:1,sample_416aa9669cccd191e51….jpg)

File: c4d4a686d99351a⋯.png (729.06 KB,600x750,4:5,blingin.png)



>mowi wow


>moar fART$

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65a66d No.21636021

File: e930169d4ad6ff1⋯.png (368.76 KB,483x490,69:70,prost_pepe.png)

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65a66d No.21636022

File: a9074680251e9eb⋯.png (4.98 KB,184x255,184:255,Q_is_awfully_partial_to_ni….png)

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0161e7 No.21636023


Did Kamala protect Diddy's human trafficking in California?

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080edc No.21636024


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65a66d No.21636028

File: bb4981edf02a230⋯.png (1.24 MB,1111x744,1111:744,Q_BiteCrumbs_20180118_WILL….png)

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671be7 No.21636031

File: 84f3bca17b45895⋯.png (1.14 MB,917x676,917:676,catritos_kamala.png)

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369da9 No.21636033



Imagine an exploding buttplug once you turn yours up to high.

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671be7 No.21636036

File: 2eb00cd2d84bf08⋯.png (56.81 KB,291x213,97:71,frito_bandito_horn_fingers.png)

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080edc No.21636038


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65a66d No.21636039

File: 063d3a0cb6bd543⋯.png (782.89 KB,1111x777,1111:777,Q_BiteCrumbs_20180205_You_….png)

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65a66d No.21636046

File: e2be24b40a413e4⋯.png (2.35 MB,2560x2560,1:1,QDreamcatcher.png)

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65a66d No.21636047

File: efe67130650435e⋯.jpg (67.66 KB,695x580,139:116,QQQQQ.jpg)

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