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a8439e No.21618643 [Last50 Posts]

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a8439e No.21618645

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a8439e No.21618649


#26477-A >>21617924

>>21618001, >>21618073, >>21618248 Trump links to Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24

>>21618246 SHUT IT DOWN!!!: PapiTrumpo

>>21618251, >>21618256, >>21618267, >>21618296, >>21618254, >>21618269, >>21618283, >>21618292, >>21618308, >>21618277 TRUMP announced at 7:11 pm

>>21618300 President Trump: The reason I'm here is because; hasn't been done in many decades. It hasn't been done in a long time, but We are going to win New York. And that's the first time in many, many years that a republican can honestly say it, and we're gonna do it. We have to do it. We do it, and the election, nationwide, is over. We take over the White House, and we fix up our country.

>>21618346 President Trump: Tonight let me also deliver a message straight to Kamala Harris…the radical-left democrat politicians, and the fake news media; we've gotta get our media back in this country, but the message is, it's time to stop the lies, stop the hoaxes, stop the smears, stop the lawfare and the fake lawsuits against me, and stop claiming your opponents will turn America into a dictatorship.

>>21618364 President Trump: We're gonna bring back religion into our country. These encounters with death have not broken my will, they have really given me a much bigger and stronger mission. They have only hardened my resolve to use my time on Earth to Make America Great Again for all Americans. To put America First.

>>21618382 President Trump: To every hard working American, whether you live in a red state, a swing state, or a state with a filed democrat rule, this year we need to elect all republicans all up and down the ballot. We have to clean out and straignten our our country. With your vote, we are going to rescue our country, we are going to rescue our democrat-run states; we are going to start by saving the great state of New York.

>>21618419 President Trump: Over the past three years in New York City, there has been a twenty-nine percent in robbery, a thirty-six percent increase in felony assault, a forty-two percent increase in grand larceny, a seventy-five percent increase in carjackings, while two hundred police officers leave the NYPD, they leave every single month. The trains and subways are squalid and unsafe, the median of our highway; all those medians, they spend all that money, they're failing down. They're rotting.

>>21618433 President Trump: We're at the highest level of black support in the history of the republican party. And by the way, the Hispanic support is off-the-charts, and they don't know what the hell to do about it.

>>21618460 President Trump: Together we will rebuild our roads, bridges, highways, and airports. They're falling apart, they're falling down. We will renovate New York subway so that the greatest city in the world finally has again the greatest transit system anywhere in the world. You have the basics; we have to clean it, we have to take care of it, we have to give it a little love, and we have to get the criminals out of there.

>>21618470 President Trump: Together we will rebuild our roads, bridges, highways, and airports. They're falling apart, they're falling down. We will renovate New York subway so that the greatest city in the world finally has again the greatest transit system anywhere in the world. You have the basics; we have to clean it, we have to take care of it, we have to give it a little love, and we have to get the criminals out of there.

>>21618522 President Trump: Cashless bail, you kill somebody, and you're out on the streets in two hours. Cashless bail has been a disaster for our country, Kamala Harris wanted it, no matter where she went. She boasted about being the leader of the movement of cashless bail, just like she led the effort to defund the police…when I get back into the Oval Office, the madness ends, and the law and order is going to return to our country. A fully reformed Department of Justice will deliver massive public safety funding for New York and other democrat-run cities that are under siege. But in exchange, they will give our police back their protection and their respect…they will end deadly sanctuary city policies, they will terminate cashless bail, and they will return to proven policing methods, like we had under Mayor Giuliani, that made New York City the safest big city in America.

>>21618560 President Trump: Nobody can draw crowds like me. Nobody, not even close. I'm the greatest of all time, maybe greater, even than Elvis, because Elvis had a guitar. I don't have a guitar. [the media will go nuts over that. kek]

>>21618615 #26477-A

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a8439e No.21618650

#26477-B >>21617924

>>21618305 POTUS: ' We DO IT.. the election is over.. we take back the WH '

>>21618332 POTUS: ' Evil would be assassin got within a few hundred feet of us… outstanding SS spotted a big barrel in the bushes, you dont even want to talk about AK47, he saw the barrel coming out of the very lush bushes .. i want express my thanks to the US SS, who was there that day, all of the sherrifs and law enforcement down in florida… and btw youve heard the story… the ss agent didnt talk, he pulled out the gun and just started shooting at thim, the villain, this can only happen with a woman, cuz men arent smart enuf, he dropped his gun and started running and a woman driving his car, she thought he looked very suspicious, and she followed him and took picture of his license plate, beautiful pictures like a professional photographer,and she sent them to the sheriffs office, now who would do that? only a woman, only a woman… taking pictures of the license plate and the type of truck he was driving, i have to meet her, and because of that they were able to catch him in a very speedy chase, … thanks to that wonderful woman'

>>21618349 POTUS: ' Let me deliver a message directly to kamala harris, have you heard of her …. further left than bernie sanders and pocohantas… and the fake news media, look how many are there … weve got to get our media back in this country, bring back religion in to our country… these encounters with death have not broken my will, they've only hardened my resolve to use my time on earth to make America great again, and put America first'

>>21618352 POTUS: ' I love the teamsters… they delivered the concrete on all of those big beautiful buildings i built in new york … they have refused to endorse a democrat candidate for the first time

>>21618370 POTUS: ' We are going to start by Saving The Great State of New York'

>>21618376 POTUS: ' We are going to win New York, and if you vote for me, im going to reduce your taxes, reduce your crime and reduce your level of stress, the only thing i will increase is your income '

>>21618387 POTUS: ' We have horrible, filthy homeless encampments'

>>21618391 POTUS: ' 42 percent increase in grand larceny'

>>21618400 POTUS: ' The trains and subways are squalid and unsage, the medians are falling down, theyre rotting, the mobs of illegal migrants are put up in luxury hotels while our veterans lying on the street sometimes freezing sometimes it hot in summer and they look at migrants going up to the 17th floor of their hotel suite'

>>21618411 POTUS: ' So i say to the people of NY, with crime at record levels, migrants coming in record droves, inflation eating at your income, vote for Donald Trump, what the hell do yo have to lose?'

>>21618422 POTUS: ' What the hell do you have to lose?…i went through 12 different things, and i was at 2 percent, and i said to the black population gathered in front of me, vote for me, what the hell do you have to lose?… and i got eviscerated backstage, Sir why did you say that, its demeaning, its horrible, but the next day i picked up 10 percent in support in the black population'

>>21618424 POTUS: ' The hispanic support is off the charts, and they dont know what the hell to do about it… '

>>21618429 POTUS: ' We are 5 up, we should be 35 up, but some people cant break an old habit'

>>21618440 POTUS: ' We are the party of common sense more than anything else… my first week back in the oval office, i will clean up and call up your elected officials and say its time to work together for the people'

>>21618447 POTUS: ' We will renovate NY subaway, i used to go to school on the subway, my parents would drop me off at the subway, and they had no fear that i would be dissappearing… if you do that today you have a bout a 75 percent chance you wont see your child again'

>>21618457 POTUS: ' Every single police group in the nation is supporting me,… the fraternal order gave us 400,000 police'

>>21618464 POTUS: ' I used to be in Brooklyn, I had an office with my father, we used to go to a WhiteCastle (really???)… my father would say only 12 cents a hamburger'

>>21618473 POTUS: ' We are going to win with JOe, Cairo Joe'

>>21618520 POTUS: ' Under the Trump Economic Plan we will cut your energy prices in half… we have more liquid gold under our feet than saudi arabia, more than russia, the biggest site in the world, alaska ((AK47))'

>>21618523 POTUS: ' People cant afford an apple… a woman went to the cashier with three apples… she had to put back one apple cuz she couldnt afford it'

>>21618533 POTUS: ' Kamala… shes going to lift your taxes… vote for me im going to raise your taxes…. i told my great first lady i will not be sarcastic anymore the fake news will attribute it to me… when id imitate joe biden…. tehn hed want to get off the stage, and hed go like this…((points to the right)) then hed walk in a different direction …'

>>21618622 #26477-B

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a8439e No.21618652

#26477-C >>21617924

>>21618486 POTUS: ' and Stephanie doesnt want adulation, she wants her husband back… i have other friends whod be jumping up "here i am, here i am", but not stephanie'

>>21618495 POTUS: ' 14 times, more vicious… cashless bail, cashless bail… '

>>21618500 POTUS: ' Now Kamala says she likes the police, she cant say love… but the first thing shell do is go back to defund the police'

>>21618505 POTUS: ' A fully reformed department of justice… will give our police back the respect they deserve.. you have no idea how much the people love you'

>>21618511 POTUS: ' Simultaneously, we are going to make life in NY State affordable again.. a little word, business fleeing, money draining out of your state and hundreds of illegal aliens sucking your finances dry'

>>21618570 POTUS: ' Who is rich and would want to leave it to their kids?'

>>21618576 POTUS: ' I was all ready to duke it out…'

>>21618582 POTUS: ' I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world'

>>21618586 POTUS: ' I will stop the invasion at the border of our Country, its crazy'

>>21618590 POTUS: ' Kamala was the border czar until the coup, because there was a coup'

>>21618598 POTUS: ' YOu have tourists who line up to take pictures… the fake news never talks about it… you have everybody coming, people who cant speak the language… tom holme? central casting guy,.. 168 diff countries came in unrepresented, most people dont know we have over 200 diff countries'

>>21618567 POTUS: ' Kamala wants a tax, an unrealized capital gains tax, that means if you own a stock, even if you dont sell it you get a tax…. i got rid of the estate tax, the death tax…. '

>>21618550 POTUS: ' Melanie just wrote a book… and if she says bad things about me… she says to me, baby, …. so id call up my wife, baby who can draws crowds like me, im the greatest of all time, maybe even greater than elvis… im greater than elvis because i didnt have. a guitar.. he had a guitar… and id go baby how great was my speech today,,… oh it was good but your hair should look better'

>>21618558 POTUS: ' So id given up about 90 percent of it…. Anthony stand up, one of the greats of all time… '

>>21618624 #26477-C

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a8439e No.21618654

#26477-D >>21617924

>>21617854, >>21618396, >>21618397, >>21618398, >>21618401, >>21618402, >>21618406, >>21618409 17 floor LB Giuliani: The hard drive revealed evidence that would have destroyed Biden. He couldn't have won. Whether you believe, or don't believe, that the votes were counted falsely; and I don't just believe it, I know it. They were cheating with the hard drive, and fixing the election. Biden was elected on a fraud. They hid the fact that he got, and his family got twenty-one million dollars from Red China. What are we doing with a man in the White House whose family got twenty-one millions dollars from our biggest enemy? Imagine if Eisenhower got twenty-one million dollars from Russia. Or Kennedy got twenty-one million dollars from Russia. Or Reagan got twenty-one million dollars from Russia. We would have hung 'em.

>>21617967, >>21617978, >>21617986 Trump pubkey pepe video mp4 0:20

>>21618003, >>21618006, >>21618014, >>21618137, >>21618157, >>21618199 Pepe Choking?

>>21617982 Former Assistant District Attorney Gary Haynes Indicted on Bribery, Money Laundering Conspiracy, and Other Felony Charges

>>21617941, >>21618132, >>21617952 Incoming FF: Iranian hackers sent Joe Biden unsolicited information stolen Donald Trump, FBI and other federal agencies said pfffft

>>21617953 Donald Trump to visit, on Sunday, National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township, in Pennsylvania

>>21618013 Serious Concerns Raised Over FDA Approved Monkeypox Vaccine

>>21618016 What an uggo, keep these whopper choppers away from my glizzy.

>>21618036 Made me kek

>>21618078 Victorian council wards uncontested due to lack of nominations sees almost 50 candidates elected unopposed

>>21618102, >>21618167 "If there's anybody behind it I'LL FIND THEM!" Mayor Rudy Giuliani speaks at Trump rally in Uniondale, NY

>>21618130 NEW: U.S: says neutralized a cyber-attack network that affected 200,000 devices worldwide, alleging it was run by hackers backed by the Chinese government

>>21618310 Q, is this the reason we banned huawei?

>>21618318 AK 47 Any comms in there?

>>21618413, >>21618396, >>21618397, >>21618398, >>21618401, >>21618402, >>21618406, >>21618409 17 floor

>>21618416 Eyes on: Chuck Schumer I'm honored to welcome MG Naumann, Commanding General of @10MTNDIV & Fort Drum, at the U.S. Capitol today!

>>21618441 Make Common Sense Common Again

>>21618499 military strategy, a choke point (or chokepoint) is a geographical feature

>>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618627 #26477-D

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a8439e No.21618655

#26476 >>21617161


>>21617819, >>21617886 Speakers @ TRUMP RALLY NASSAU COLISEUM NEW YORK 9/18/2024

>>21617428, >>21617480, >>21617595 @DanScavino LET’S GO NEW YORK🇺🇸🦅 RALLY DAY Uniondale, NY 7PM

>>21617464, >>21617567 @realDonaldTrump SEE YOU TONIGHT ON GUTFELD AT 10:00PM EASTERN—MAGA2024!!!

>>21617489, >>21617496, >>21617503, >>21617507, >>21617732, >>21617797, >>21617805 Choking Pepe (not smoking Pepe) kek

>>21617730, >>21617746, >>21617812, >>21617846, >>21617909 Trump meets with supporters at PUBKEY Bar and uses crypto currency for first time

>>21617756, >>21617783, >>21617805 Pepe. Q #521 Fight. Talking to anons here.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21617181, >>21617212 Justice Department doing it's job

>>21617182 Trans-Identifying 19-Year-Old Arrested After Expressing Desire To Shoot Up Elementary School

>>21617192 'Apolitical' Fed Slashes Rates By 50bps With Stocks & Home-Prices At Record Highs


>>21617207 Kirby will not engage

>>21617216, >>21617528 After Overwhelming Pro-Trump Polling, TDS Teamsters Will Not Endorse Trump

>>21617219 Trump "200% tariff" on Mexican automakers that are trying to sell cars in the United States

>>21617238 Pharmaceutical Giants Proclaim The ‘Golden Age Of Vaccines’ Are Here

>>21617247 Russia strongly condemns unprecedented attack on Lebanon

>>21617284 NYC lawyer admits he gamed immigration system in plea that could force him to pay $16M in restitution

>>21617300 NEW SONG INSPIRED BY TRUMP: I’m a fighter

>>21617302 old video of Diddy's former bodyguard allegedly revealing on Sean Combs?

>>21617338 Max Factor heir granted Harris' Early Parole after 86 counts of drugging and raping unconscious women in 2003

>>21617359 Boeing to temporarily furlough tens of thousands of employees

>>21617372, >>21617551 Israel has a long history of inventive, unusual assassination methods

>>21617376, >>21617382 KJP - Violent rhetoric is only dangerous when discussed after the fact

>>21617422 Fed Chair what's allowed the unemployment rate to rise? "massive influx of illegal immigrants"

>>21617424 This is why 23andMe is evil..

>>21617436, >>21617506, >>21617538, >>21617571, >>21617719, >>21617739 Old News Clip on Ryan and Lora Routh for the DIGGS

>>21617438 Luzerne County, Pennsylvania have BANNED all mail-in ballot drop boxes from the county

>>21617450 Juanita Broaddrick - My God. She’s drunk. This is so bad.

>>21617460 PlaneFaggin'

>>21617466, >>21617647, >>21617686, >>21617713 Biden Hosts White House Reception for Hispanic Heritage Month


>>21617533 Israel's War Cabinet Greenlights Offensive War Against Everyone Left Standing

>>21617581 Billionaire expects stock market crash, recession if Kamala Harris wins

>>21617790 @thejimwatkins We still have honey in stock It is too sweet to pass up. Stop by our store and get moar!

>>21617861 FBI agents get an earful when they visit man over ‘assassination threat' to Biden

>>21617913 #26476

Previously Collected

>>21617155 #26475,

>>21615484 #26472, >>21615270 #26473, >>21616211 #26474

>>21611297 #26469, >>21612064 #26470, >>21612977 #26471

>>21609636 #26467, >>21610450 #26468-A, >>21610450 #26468-B

>>21606923 #26464, >>21607811 #26465, >>21608634 #26466

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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a8439e No.21618659

File: 1469437ca7d5138⋯.png (607.43 KB,546x814,273:407,rock_paper_scissors_410f6c….png)

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Q Research General #: Start with the STONE cold killers - President Trump Edition

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2c490f No.21618663

Evenin’ Nightshift

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723b69 No.21618672


tyb >>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618605 President Trump: You know what, we're gonna have the greatest win in history when we pull this off. Gonna be legendary.

>>21618609 POTUS: ' An in 2020, i got millions more than 2016.. and i lost … but you know what, we are going to have the greatest win in history, its going to be legendary, …now the border is 25 percent worse than it was in 2020… and i want to be know as your Border President, and Kamala will be known as your invasion president((( she was president then allthis time)))'

>>21618619 POTUS: ' Bruce would you let people come in from a foreign country like venezuela come in.. btw their crime rates down…but bruce would you ever tell the people that you are supposed to be protecting… im not going to do anything?'

>>21618628 POTUS: ' I am going to go to Springfield and going to Aurora, you may never see me again, whatever happened to Trump? well he went to Springfield'

>>21618632 POTUS: ' The mayor of Springfield… we are hiring teachers to teach them english… we are hiring interpreters so when they take our kids places in school…. oh no we are getting them the hell out, i will protect our country… she will surrender our country'

>>21618637 POTUS: ' Let me tell you what you really do, … some of them you cant release cuz theyll come right back.. so you lock them up'

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618662 POTUS: ' I came into the Presidency and MS13 was on my mind because two beautiful girls were sliced into pieces by MS13, i never forgot that, and then i realized things are happening like that all over the place… these are the worse people… theyre animals…i got the the WH, i want MS13 out of here, … what i want you to do, i want them out… and the general said, they dont want them back, going on for many years during the b arak hussein administration… think of it, they would take planes and put them on the runways, so when a plane is going to fly in with 2-300 MS13 killers, they wouldnt be able to land… so i said how much money do we pay them in economic development each year… sir we pay them 750 thousand dollars,… i say inform these countries that they wont be getting any more of our money '

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1dff56 No.21618675

File: c71e410e7d239bf⋯.png (418.87 KB,566x567,566:567,c71e410e7d239bf7f360a0e4c5….png)


Thank you Rally Baker!!!

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2004f2 No.21618679

File: 41e11a407d98878⋯.png (397.03 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8439e No.21618680

Donald J.Trump

LIVE: President Trump in Uniondale, NY



LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Uniondale, New York - 9/18/24



Real Americas Voice




Frank Speech TV



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723b69 No.21618681


>>21618676 POTUS: ' that very day we were bringing them back to their countries by the thousands and thousands and thousands… but now they are getting 4 billion a year, you know why? because of biden administration'

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6601a5 No.21618682

File: a99322ca2b7e080⋯.jpg (45.75 KB,615x428,615:428,btdsweepilk.jpg)

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723b69 No.21618686


lb locked

dropped the ones I picked up


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20aebc No.21618688

File: 71d30b21582e16c⋯.jpeg (76.44 KB,388x479,388:479,IMG_3934.jpeg)

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9ef75b No.21618690

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6601a5 No.21618691

President Trump: So the mayor of Springfield; and I think he's a very nice person, but instead of saying, 'we're getting 'em all out. We're getting 'em out', he says very simply, 'We're hiring teachers to teach them English. We are hiring interpreters.' So when they go to school, and take the place of our children in school, we have an interpreter. Each one will have a private interpreter. What the hell is wrong with our country? No, no; we're getting 'em out of our country. They came in illegally. They're destroying our country. We're getting 'em out. They're going to be brought back to the country from which they came…an estimated seventy-five percent of arrests in mid-town Manhattan, and over sixty percent of arrests in Queens, are now illegal aliens.

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bfcd27 No.21618693

File: 66fa8a193995b3b⋯.jpg (1.6 MB,1024x1024,1:1,66eb5e49c7849387434719.jpg)




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9ef75b No.21618694



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889bce No.21618695

POTUS: ' Ive been talking about migrant crime for 5 years… i said dont let them in its going to be hell… for every NYorker terrorized by migrants, NOv 5th will be your Liberation Day because you have been living like hell'

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779f7c No.21618696

File: 3fdde53edc5e8e8⋯.png (97.42 KB,149x237,149:237,ClipboardImage.png)


Rally Bread is so good!

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c11d20 No.21618697

File: 8d23fe66409450d⋯.png (800.22 KB,1137x645,379:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21618698


>Q Research General #:

No # Edition


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723b69 No.21618699


>>21618669 President Trump: These people, the law enforcement, they're afraid in these places, because it's so violent. They've never seen people like this. These are violent people that they're allowing into our country. It is truly an invasion, and we're not gonna let it happen. We're gonna take those violent people, and we're gonna ship 'em back to their country, And if they come back in they're gonna pay a hell of a price.

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f7f43e No.21618700

File: 8fbae40de2acf2a⋯.jpg (101.75 KB,600x313,600:313,Trump_Tweet_Hot_Chick_Thum….jpg)

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adf232 No.21618701

File: 9e989b32c8cd3cc⋯.png (32.77 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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261943 No.21618704

File: 9e85217b4d93416⋯.png (427.91 KB,743x882,743:882,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)

File: 43233e57a8a1187⋯.png (147.48 KB,690x866,345:433,Screen_Shot_2024_09_18_at_….png)

Trump's SALT reference

> What Is the State and Local Taxes (SALT) Deduction?

>The acronym SALT refers to the state and local taxes deduction that taxpayers who itemize their federal tax returns are allowed to take. This deduction was unlimited until 2018, when it was capped at a maximum of $10,000 per year, or $5,000 for married people filing separately.

>The legislation that authorized this change expires at the end of 2025. Predictably, there is considerable debate over whether the cap should be lifted or made permanent at that time. High-income individuals and jurisdictions with high tax rates lead the opposition to the cap.


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889bce No.21618705

POTUS: ' They are coming in by the millions, not the hundreds… think of it…. 21 million… patrioticv new yorkers gotta get your asses in to vote… Harry get your phat ass out of the bed, youre going to vote for Trump today'

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779f7c No.21618706

Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

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ade3c7 No.21618707

"Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

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748920 No.21618710


muh dick

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486dda No.21618711

File: a7d52907654432f⋯.png (2.85 MB,1125x2001,375:667,IMG_1397.png)

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f7f43e No.21618712

Maybe this shite board could do with some OpSec to stop the fagbots.

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889bce No.21618713

POTUS: ' Gun owners, … they dont vote in the proportion they dont vote… evangelicals, christians have to get out… some groups dont vote'

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64bed4 No.21618716

File: 7c7a8f0f469766c⋯.png (464.24 KB,542x480,271:240,172c0a5e718066b3d4086f9976….png)


Baby fist vati clown seems triggered

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6601a5 No.21618717

President Trump: They're coming from all over the world [illegal aliens]…and what's happening to our country, we're just destroying the fabric of life in our country, and We're Not Going To Take It Any Longer. And you got to get rid of these people, give me a shot, you will have a safe New York within three months.

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8c5efb No.21618718

File: cb09a01e04f5be1⋯.png (65.53 KB,736x497,736:497,ClipboardImage.png)

>Harry, get off your fat ass! Harry!

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f7f43e No.21618719

File: cdf991c6d1a29c9⋯.jpg (216.7 KB,600x614,300:307,Muh_Dick_Ginger_Mound.jpg)

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889bce No.21618720

POTUS: ' Elise Stefanik,… where is she? she is so.. where the hell is she.. thank you Elise, boy she is great, Mike Molenero great'

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261943 No.21618722



I feel your pain, anon.

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889bce No.21618724

POTUS: ' SALT, Anthony, remember, SALT'

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2a9cb0 No.21618725

File: 50cb4f5b1eead78⋯.jpeg (391.43 KB,724x530,362:265,538BC822_95A5_40E9_844A_5….jpeg)

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8e58bd No.21618726

SALT again

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a65392 No.21618727

File: f21a6b9eaa4a5b2⋯.jpeg (2.18 MB,450x450,1:1,Exercising_Together_Anima….jpeg)

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000000 No.21618728

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks were two rounds of bilateral conferences and corresponding international treaties involving the United States and the Soviet Union. The Cold War superpowers dealt with arms control in two rounds of talks and agreements: SALT I and SALT II. Negotiations commenced in Helsinki, in November 1969. Wikipedia


Think bigger.

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e80493 No.21618729


I remember that picrel showing up here. In muh folder of special pics

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8e58bd No.21618731

Q will be back soon


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0937a2 No.21618732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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2c490f No.21618734

Vagitard needs some Vagisil.

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261943 No.21618735

File: b8d0231bf68f293⋯.png (135.37 KB,400x264,50:33,b8d0231bf68f293084005816ad….png)

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14e650 No.21618738

File: 48099b46169ec19⋯.png (494.87 KB,602x452,301:226,48099b46169ec19be41f657c2d….png)

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f7f43e No.21618739

File: 9fdb01090cd11f4⋯.png (913.36 KB,600x588,50:49,ClipboardImage.png)


animated jpegs?

Well I never….

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4d7f9a No.21618741

File: 1d4a3bd08adca16⋯.png (335.07 KB,474x316,3:2,1d4a3bd08adca1669008c7391a….png)



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748920 No.21618742

File: 7c99cb030715d55⋯.webp (191.69 KB,1440x960,3:2,30C97EE6_FD2B_47CE_B540_3….webp)

File: 7c1597be83346c3⋯.jpeg (26.77 KB,255x217,255:217,3A054EC6_CB18_43E9_A564_9….jpeg)

File: 7c99cb030715d55⋯.webp (191.69 KB,1440x960,3:2,F077C887_FABD_4AAE_A8CA_9….webp)

File: e673398577c4da3⋯.webp (21.99 KB,640x360,16:9,02DF8021_748A_4A7C_91D0_4….webp)

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261943 No.21618743

File: 42bae2ecf476651⋯.png (226.08 KB,360x445,72:89,42bae2ecf47665176c3c5ab060….png)

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650f99 No.21618745

File: e7cfb5a13654de6⋯.png (1002.18 KB,893x875,893:875,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

Arizona Globe journalist Christy Kelly has reported a troubling development following former President Donald Trump’s rally in Tucson, Arizona, last Thursday.

Kelly noted that “as many as 20 people” were affected by these symptoms, all of whom were seated on the left side of the stage.The cause of the symptoms remains unknown, and an active investigation is underway.

Supporters from the “Latinos for Trump” group were among the most severely impacted, including Pastor Eli Moreno and his wife, Francesca. Pastor Moreno described mild discomfort, but his wife’s symptoms were far worse.

“Her vision blurred, her face swelled up, and we had to rush to the nearest Walgreens for help,” Pastor Moreno told Kelly.

Mrs. Moreno’s symptoms persisted for several days, and despite treatment in the ER, she has been referred to an ophthalmologist for further care.

Another attendee, Mayra Rodriguez, a Planned Parenthood “whistleblower,” shared a similar experience, explaining that just 30 minutes after leaving the rally, she was unable to open her eyes due to extreme burning.


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ad2860 No.21618746


What kind of bread is this?

Where is the bread number?

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2a248a No.21618747

File: 99403129fbbd1b8⋯.jpg (1.62 MB,2178x2244,33:34,Cheers_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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86a930 No.21618749

File: 5f2839004a10b30⋯.jpg (443.88 KB,2168x961,2168:961,PXL_20240918_231537690_2.jpg)

Who do you really think made all those cave drawings?

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889bce No.21618750

POTUS: ' And a very beautiful little boy, whos gone through hell, i brough Liam presents… '

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486dda No.21618751

File: 07c267eb7787500⋯.png (3.07 MB,2000x1334,1000:667,IMG_1790.png)


good times.

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779f7c No.21618752

File: a7154f8c2f77ae8⋯.png (154.79 KB,240x239,240:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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fedbc2 No.21618753

File: ca73f32536b17dc⋯.jpg (353.06 KB,1536x2040,64:85,1000001069.jpg)


Thank you.

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8c5efb No.21618754


sounds like tear gas?

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f7f43e No.21618755


Udderly subversive.

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af9cc2 No.21618757

File: eb8791ff5b48c47⋯.jpeg (20.67 KB,300x200,3:2,IMG_1037.jpeg)

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e80493 No.21618758

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5b24fe No.21618759

File: e869716ff70e1f4⋯.jpeg (8.69 KB,225x225,1:1,download_2_.jpeg)



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8c5efb No.21618760

File: 79eb1c7f28cc854⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,528x398,264:199,boobyjigglyboobiesmuted.mp4)

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889bce No.21618762

POTUS: ' But Liam.. i got him the most beautiful presents… hes a great boy, beautiful sister'

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a8439e No.21618763



i was too big, had to manage it with consideration

thank you

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c2b621 No.21618764

File: d0008a4c2bea942⋯.png (362.28 KB,476x640,119:160,crushcabal1.png)


>Evenin’ Nightshift

"Population Control is evident in the solution of the army"./


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748920 No.21618765

File: ef4776e0e86cc84⋯.webp (416.77 KB,2447x3000,2447:3000,116D8C7C_0FCE_490F_A9FF_2….webp)


he just said Liam Castro you dumb fuckers

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01dd01 No.21618767

"You may never see me again.

I may not get out of Springfield"

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723b69 No.21618768




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64bed4 No.21618769

File: d74e0802468802e⋯.png (935.69 KB,1083x1000,1083:1000,1f1485def83fede852d7d0c7a7….png)

Trigger some moar vati

Some day your whereabouts will be doxed

Enjoy the trolling shipments

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889bce No.21618770

POTUS: ' I will officially make the ground zero site … hallowed ground… the memory will be preserved for all time… '

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0c270d No.21618771

File: 61a2a1282437503⋯.png (30.95 KB,707x202,7:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Now [they] can't have the minions not paying taxes on their tips…

With minimum wage boost pending, tipped workers rally against changes

LANSING — On the same day the Michigan Supreme Court issued a follow-up order clarifying its noteworthy ruling that will boost the state's minimum wage next year, hundreds of servers and bartenders took to Lansing Wednesday to call on lawmakers to preserve the current tipped minimum wage scale, arguing that pending changes will dramatically hurt their earnings.

In the clarifying order issued Wednesday afternoon, which follows up on a seismic July ruling to increase minimum wage in Michigan next year, justices wrote their initial ruling correctly established a timeframe for raising the minimum wage but pushed back the year the so-called tip credit will be eliminated to 2030, one year later than it had initially ordered.

Michigan's minimum wage is still slated to increase to $10 plus an inflation adjustment on Feb. 21, 2025. The tipped minimum wage will be 48% of the standard minimum wage, beginning that date.

The initial ruling was also at the forefront of a rally at the state Capitol Wednesday afternoon, where tipped workers said they never asked for a standard minimum wage. Rallygoers argued they take home substantially more pay through tips earned waiting tables or working shifts behind the bar.

"We haven't asked for this, we don't want this. If this does change, me going from $40-$50 an hour right now off tips down to $15-$20 an hour, a standard wage, I'm not going to be able to support myself," said Angelo Hawkins, a 21-year-old business student at Michigan State University who works at a Buffalo Wild Wings in Lansing.


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723b69 No.21618772

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084120 No.21618773

File: c098bf7a44a23fd⋯.png (1.51 MB,718x1080,359:540,c098bf7a44a23fd25a1a0eb4c5….png)

File: 801f9ff7dc18b80⋯.png (857.42 KB,1000x643,1000:643,c442e3d63c99cdd67f65ecd31f….png)

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6601a5 No.21618775

President Trump: I'm announcing tonight, that as president, I will officially make the Ground Zero site at the World Trade Center a National Monument, protected and maintained by the United States Government, so the hallowed ground, and the memory of those who perished there will be preserved for all time. Preserved forever.

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a8439e No.21618776

File: 9f382318a523113⋯.jpeg (46.66 KB,500x887,500:887,fuck_china.jpeg)


FFS, do I have to do everyting. you go fix it

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779f7c No.21618777


I was there.

It was glorious.

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f7f43e No.21618779


Garlic Bread with Cheese and Chilli please

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ff5484 No.21618780

File: 5ab404e58bc118f⋯.gif (1.01 MB,222x270,37:45,death_train.gif)

File: 023c87a11aa6b4c⋯.gif (8.11 MB,600x338,300:169,night_train_2.gif)

File: 8d1e83051c21a3a⋯.gif (5.75 MB,296x480,37:60,night_train.gif)

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20aebc No.21618781

File: c5a96f1f7f357b4⋯.jpeg (88.7 KB,506x678,253:339,IMG_3937.jpeg)

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8c5efb No.21618782

Who was that guy ?

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9b7ab3 No.21618783

File: 304535626c77de8⋯.png (558.58 KB,756x500,189:125,AngryInch.png)

I like how in its quest to destroy "board personalities" the little troll became one

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327037 No.21618785

File: 7be64641fac4d83⋯.png (1.34 MB,1371x771,457:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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b76369 No.21618786

File: 908b751276a9521⋯.png (699.48 KB,640x509,640:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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889bce No.21618787

POTUS: ' The NY who created the 911 memorial,… i want to thank them… we are just 48 days away from the most important election …. stand up… now you can stand up… who is he, name him… thats my man.. goood, boy im glad i didnt forget you… whenever they looked at him theyd say we will leave trump alone'

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e80493 No.21618788

File: 094d4b262472244⋯.png (172.2 KB,428x658,214:329,094d4b262472244c2a63394998….png)


Czch 'em!

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adf232 No.21618789

File: eafce31960309d0⋯.png (46.78 KB,616x229,616:229,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bfcb23086ba7cc⋯.png (241.27 KB,680x590,68:59,ClipboardImage.png)




President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

CEO of Sony Music Nashville resigning.

>Randy Goodman: https://t.co/KMZCn7XDQZ

6:23 PM · Sep 18, 2024

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ad2860 No.21618790



Thank you. I always write down my bread numbers in a notebook.

Old School.

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748920 No.21618791

it only goes to 11

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889bce No.21618792

POTUS: ' Today i heard it all… they wanted 13, thats an unlucky numbers, kamala wants as many as 25 justices… so they can rig elections'

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39a86f No.21618793

File: 8e79c693efa7091⋯.mp4 (7.53 MB,720x1280,9:16,8e79c693efa7091ce9841a874f….mp4)

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723b69 No.21618794


oh yeah, bread #26478 edited in op page


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9ef75b No.21618795


> BREAKING: 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona


What is this? A warning to. Hispanics?

Another assassination attempt?

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889bce No.21618796


ty!!! beautiful boy, big big heart

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2a9cb0 No.21618797

File: 3199d26e6254f82⋯.jpeg (307.07 KB,761x704,761:704,7DE78BE1_9628_4181_A699_9….jpeg)

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831723 No.21618798

File: b7b797d058c7b0f⋯.png (929.38 KB,719x720,719:720,ClipboardImage.png)



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c2b621 No.21618799

File: eccf245b15f2cf7⋯.png (89.3 KB,288x294,48:49,ClipboardImage.png)



Reality is a strange thing.//'//'//'//'///



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f7f43e No.21618800


Chemical Warfare.

The Dems & Media will blame Russia Russia Russia.

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adf232 No.21618801

File: 69ba86aef6ec968⋯.png (389.89 KB,598x573,598:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c11b24ec24f6b2b⋯.png (371.42 KB,680x374,20:11,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump War Room


BREAKING: 158 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

A disgrace. Completely disqualifying.

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fedbc2 No.21618803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Serious soul.

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889bce No.21618804

POTUS: ' Kamala vowed to abolish ICE… free health care for illegal aliens… 15 diff things, she wants mass amensty for illegal aliens bankrupting soc security and medicare programs… we says we must no utter the words illegal aliens or islamic terrorist words agains.. during her period of 3 and half years as borde czar, she lost 350,000 migrant children.. thats like yankee stadium built up many times.. '

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6601a5 No.21618806

President Trump: Kamala Harris is for wide-open borders, with terrorists and criminals pouring into our country, more inflation; even higher than the last four years, which was a record, she wants to pack the Supreme Court, and today I heard it all. I thought they wanted maybe eleven, maybe they wanted thirteen; that's an unlucky number, so maybe it would be fifteen instead of nine. But instead if nine, Kamala wants to bring up, potentially as many as twenty-five justices, so that they can rig the system, like they rig everything else, including elections.

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36bfd1 No.21618807

Trump is going to make Ground Zero a National Monument.

What a fucking genius. How has nobody else thought of that?

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a8439e No.21618809



>>21618680 LIVE LINKS: President Trump in Uniondale, NY

>>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618605 President Trump: You know what, we're gonna have the greatest win in history when we pull this off. Gonna be legendary.

>>21618691 President Trump: So the mayor of Springfield; and I think he's a very nice person, but instead of saying, 'we're getting 'em all out. We're getting 'em out', he says very simply, 'We're hiring teachers to teach them English. We are hiring interpreters.' So when they go to school, and take the place of our children in school, we have an interpreter. Each one will have a private interpreter. What the hell is wrong with our country? No, no; we're getting 'em out of our country. They came in illegally. They're destroying our country. We're getting 'em out. They're going to be brought back to the country from which they came…an estimated seventy-five percent of arrests in mid-town Manhattan, and over sixty percent of arrests in Queens, are now illegal aliens.

>>21618669 President Trump: These people, the law enforcement, they're afraid in these places, because it's so violent. They've never seen people like this. These are violent people that they're allowing into our country. It is truly an invasion, and we're not gonna let it happen. We're gonna take those violent people, and we're gonna ship 'em back to their country, And if they come back in they're gonna pay a hell of a price.

>>21618609 POTUS: ' An in 2020, i got millions more than 2016.. and i lost … but you know what, we are going to have the greatest win in history, its going to be legendary, …now the border is 25 percent worse than it was in 2020… and i want to be know as your Border President, and Kamala will be known as your invasion president((( she was president then allthis time)))'

>>21618619 POTUS: ' Bruce would you let people come in from a foreign country like venezuela come in.. btw their crime rates down…but bruce would you ever tell the people that you are supposed to be protecting… im not going to do anything?'

>>21618628 POTUS: ' I am going to go to Springfield and going to Aurora, you may never see me again, whatever happened to Trump? well he went to Springfield'

>>21618632 POTUS: ' The mayor of Springfield… we are hiring teachers to teach them english… we are hiring interpreters so when they take our kids places in school…. oh no we are getting them the hell out, i will protect our country… she will surrender our country'

>>21618637 POTUS: ' Let me tell you what you really do, … some of them you cant release cuz theyll come right back.. so you lock them up'

>>21618662 POTUS: ' I came into the Presidency and MS13 was on my mind because two beautiful girls were sliced into pieces by MS13, i never forgot that, and then i realized things are happening like that all over the place… these are the worse people… theyre animals…i got the the WH, i want MS13 out of here, … what i want you to do, i want them out… and the general said, they dont want them back, going on for many years during the b arak hussein administration… think of it, they would take planes and put them on the runways, so when a plane is going to fly in with 2-300 MS13 killers, they wouldnt be able to land… so i said how much money do we pay them in economic development each year… sir we pay them 750 thousand dollars,… i say inform these countries that they wont be getting any more of our money '

>>21618695 POTUS: ' Ive been talking about migrant crime for 5 years… i said dont let them in its going to be hell… for every NYorker terrorized by migrants, NOv 5th will be your Liberation Day because you have been living like hell'

>>21618705 POTUS: ' They are coming in by the millions, not the hundreds… think of it…. 21 million… patrioticv new yorkers gotta get your asses in to vote… Harry get your phat ass out of the bed, youre going to vote for Trump today'

>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

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889bce No.21618811

POTUS: ' Rape of an unconscious person an totally non violent crime, think of it… thats what she wants'

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486dda No.21618812

File: f7cb47d8d86a8ab⋯.png (618.07 KB,661x900,661:900,IMG_2470.png)



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084120 No.21618813

File: 8b4368b7ce88954⋯.jpg (154.79 KB,600x600,1:1,8b4368b7ce889545c72958aa5a….jpg)

File: a9fd787e71a053b⋯.png (304.68 KB,774x1064,387:532,3782.png)

>>21618470 [lb]

>we have tocleanit, we have to take care of it, we have to give it a little love, and we have to get the criminals out of there.

>>21618465 [lb]


>>21618474 [lb]

Castle Clean

>>21618521 [lb]

Tomorrow's delta


Castle Clean

Tomorrow's delta


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6ccd32 No.21618814

File: 1ea22eae8418e9a⋯.png (272.05 KB,500x457,500:457,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76d0f3b3fbc3cc4⋯.png (347.31 KB,709x623,709:623,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cad1a92312eecaf⋯.png (1.52 MB,1195x785,239:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab662d8d8c5060d⋯.png (12.64 KB,611x96,611:96,ClipboardImage.png)

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889bce No.21618816

POTUS: ' Her only idea for solving inflation is by installing. soviet price controls thats all she can think of'

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723b69 No.21618818


this drop @117


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22f19d No.21618819

File: 0e902428909d5b3⋯.jpeg (272.55 KB,828x446,414:223,0e902428909d5b3c81356f019….jpeg)

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ffff03 No.21618820

File: bcf2e3bd275c422⋯.png (1.49 MB,1088x1334,544:667,pope_coat.png)

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748920 No.21618821

File: dd905fb62b0250d⋯.jpeg (21.13 KB,248x255,248:255,052EEDEC_08D8_46D2_93C9_4….jpeg)

File: d30e3ab1836800c⋯.png (1.65 MB,750x1334,375:667,E218EC03_42DD_42FC_B670_A8….png)

File: a2e6d7aa646672d⋯.jpeg (32.46 KB,578x490,289:245,524D9C58_AC93_428A_9133_A….jpeg)

File: db59238a7f859f1⋯.jpeg (49.42 KB,500x500,1:1,2A26BE90_4003_471C_BCF6_1….jpeg)

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889bce No.21618822

POTUS: ' She even endorsed tax payer funded migrant gender sex changes'

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8c5efb No.21618823

File: dc862e6908a624b⋯.png (603.83 KB,767x647,767:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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2004f2 No.21618824


Friends of Cheney

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1dff56 No.21618825

File: 98f8f422e8ec751⋯.jpg (69.71 KB,500x500,1:1,8nshk8.jpg)


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bfcd27 No.21618826

File: 435e23607532492⋯.mp4 (75 KB,320x276,80:69,IMG_2034024053917234521_90….mp4)

Trying to enjoy the rally bread and here i am having to be a fliterfag to the Vatican Shill

Who spams copypasta and eats the bread up. Faggot shills do.


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63ece4 No.21618827


dah fuk?

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6601a5 No.21618829

President Trump: During her period of three and a half years she was in charge of the border, she [Harris] lost more than three hundred and twenty-five thousand migrant children. Many of whom have been trafficked, raped, and many of whom are dead…that's like Yankee Stadium filled up many, many times.

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36bfd1 No.21618831

File: 6fd0f4b0d185a07⋯.jpeg (747.29 KB,1179x666,131:74,IMG_0060.jpeg)

Who’s this??

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f7f43e No.21618832

File: ddea596df98cf35⋯.png (6.87 MB,1590x2000,159:200,ClipboardImage.png)

How's Diddy doin on the inside, soap on a rope?

Or rotisserie style?

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9ef75b No.21618833


>BREAKING: 158 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.


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327037 No.21618834

File: f0d76331fad6b4e⋯.png (2.08 MB,1918x1014,959:507,ClipboardImage.png)

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119bd4 No.21618835


Haha, fkn Chuck Zito

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ade3c7 No.21618836

File: 21ac7e388983288⋯.png (110.43 KB,249x316,249:316,ClipboardImage.png)


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78dcb6 No.21618837

File: 24d72381ce3419b⋯.png (368.06 KB,595x892,595:892,Why_was_MSNBC_filming_Trum….png)

File: 13bd8765af4136d⋯.png (195.15 KB,1243x865,1243:865,neighbors_say_afraid_of_ry….png)

File: 568567faa905df6⋯.jpg (82.65 KB,720x819,80:91,rep_weinstein_on_day_of_tr….jpg)

File: 4cfb2e6e37f8075⋯.jpeg (173.5 KB,1179x1232,1179:1232,trump_2nd_shooter_ryan_ro….jpeg)

File: 768369702291be3⋯.png (680.55 KB,760x507,760:507,TRUMP_SHOOTING_9_15_24_Pho….png)

they really thought they were going to kill Trump on Sunday.

Weinstein's tweet really shows that.

The gopro.

MSNBC filming it.

Professional shit.

The security gap was intentionally left open.

They thought they had him this time.

That piece of shit raised the barrel and got instantly shot at.

And here most of us are, being distracted onto Diddy & exploding pagers.

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9ef75b No.21618839


Comb(s) your hair

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889bce No.21618840

POTUS: ' 42 billions dollars and not one home connected to broad band… they spent 8 billion to build 9 charging stations… i have to say, Elon Musk is a great guy, and he makes a great product, maybe the best product… electric cars will be built in china, im going to bring back the auto industry to america, … hydrogen cars… one little problem, its blows up and youre dead… i think ill take a pass on that for now if you dont mind '

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723b69 No.21618842


they are not respecters of women

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748920 No.21618844

hydro generation pick up your pager

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ade3c7 No.21618845

"Biden is working with Iran"

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000000 No.21618846


@POLITICOEurope 7h

Russia tried to stage a coup in Armenia, prosecutors have alleged.


Sep 18, 2024 · 4:56 PM UTC



>The Dems & Media will blame Russia Russia Russia.

It´s afraid.

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ffff03 No.21618847

File: 228a7d09bd55fb4⋯.png (802.07 KB,1080x795,72:53,anons_maga_coaster.png)

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b31548 No.21618848

Dumbass Diddy making sex tapes to leverage celebrities and to get p&ssy. Should have invited some politicians instead.

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1dff56 No.21618850


My thoughts exactly.

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831723 No.21618851

File: c4aad0eb1c489c4⋯.png (2.11 MB,1600x1199,1600:1199,ClipboardImage.png)


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b76369 No.21618852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hydrogen…engine that runs on water

Who's Killing the Hydrogen Car? Bob Lazar converted his Corvette to run on Hydrogen

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d659c1 No.21618854


>BREAKING: 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

Radiation weapons, I am always right about these things. Sound familiar?

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adf232 No.21618855

File: aa3f8d06627c8fa⋯.mp4 (4.57 MB,480x270,16:9,o1GhWJHoz1t_B_Tr.mp4)

Bo Loudon



This is a BEAUTIFUL SONG from @RobertJohnDavi!🔥

We need to start supporting singers that support Trump instead of those who support Kamala.

Share to make this go viral!

>cover song, original by Frank Sinatra


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4d7f9a No.21618856

File: d9741f6d1ffe434⋯.png (168.91 KB,680x522,340:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 349ce8a0d1c635e⋯.png (22.25 KB,605x288,605:288,ClipboardImage.png)

Luzerne County PA

Too slow in processing voter registrations.

Early voting has started in PA and they still have a massive backlog


eyes on PA cheat

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889bce No.21618858

POTUS: ' Biden is working with Iran… we had an election that was rigged and stolllen, Iran hacked into our campaign and gave it to the biden campaign.. this is foreign election interference…whatever happened to russia, russia, russia"'

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bfcd27 No.21618859

File: 8f040719bde3bb6⋯.jpg (51.42 KB,750x538,375:269,IMG_20240825_022033_418.jpg)

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39a86f No.21618861

File: d124ad4b962923d⋯.png (318.37 KB,1111x1111,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b72ec No.21618862

File: 08601fbe517125c⋯.jpeg (106.89 KB,1080x946,540:473,pepeTrumpNYC.jpeg)

Trump photographed with Pepe today

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6d8865 No.21618864

File: fca0bb97e9976c0⋯.png (160.99 KB,453x375,151:125,Screenshot_2024_09_18_1923….png)

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fedbc2 No.21618865

File: d8becdef5132e28⋯.jpg (69.23 KB,246x227,246:227,2024_09_18_20_01_31_346.jpg)

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748920 No.21618866

File: 04e335893c3c3b7⋯.jpeg (35.29 KB,639x639,1:1,F2707331_8305_4CC5_A0B4_3….jpeg)



literally a shitposting

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58dc03 No.21618867

File: 0d9b663ba9497bb⋯.jpg (19.25 KB,255x222,85:74,0d9b663ba9497bbf43055fcea6….jpg)

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ade3c7 No.21618869

File: 6b00ee3f6a96b01⋯.webp (355.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,mc117ehduywfd76.webp)

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6ccd32 No.21618870

It was Hunter…the Laptop…Stolen

Stolen Intellectual Property

Industrial Espionage During Wartime

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e80493 No.21618871

File: cf5bf68123326b6⋯.jpg (66.06 KB,474x631,474:631,79a4c8e3fa55581afe09ab7db6….jpg)


Went to muh file..got dis one?

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f7f43e No.21618872


Diddy thought he was Jewish but he's learned he's just a nigga.

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889bce No.21618873

POTUS: ' LEss tahn 2 months from now we are going to tell kamala that weve had enough, youvbe been a terrible VP and youll make an even worse president, kamala we arent going to take it anymore Your FIred'

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63ece4 No.21618874

File: 6c6e47ac7ab38d2⋯.png (3.35 MB,1134x1600,567:800,lovelyemarld.png)

Iran hacked the Trump campaign and gave the info to Joe and his crew.

a'int that a scoop ???

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831723 No.21618875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c2b621 No.21618877

File: eccf245b15f2cf7⋯.png (89.3 KB,288x294,48:49,ClipboardImage.png)


>Whatever it takes. WE REMEMBER.





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261943 No.21618878

File: d2757fea5ce73c8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,148.04 KB,900x686,450:343,420e8b7dd17c041725997020d6….jpg)

When will Trump release the secret Tesla tech?

Anon could really use one of these.

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2a9cb0 No.21618880

File: 1de18fa10d5b747⋯.jpeg (299.08 KB,960x1652,240:413,9E397EFA_6133_4AEE_94F9_5….jpeg)

File: a73fb455cc79447⋯.png (3.2 MB,960x2079,320:693,F69EEB97_1BA5_4F9D_896B_06….png)

File: 60a0be76f3a547a⋯.png (5.09 MB,960x2079,320:693,6C560039_BA4A_4E4E_BDF4_96….png)

File: 535012641daa218⋯.png (1.21 MB,960x2079,320:693,4F75840B_1C3D_4140_8955_F5….png)

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889bce No.21618881

POTUS: ' The moment we take back the WH from kamala i believe we will have the best four years in our country's history'

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723b69 No.21618883

File: f5e19657747e12b⋯.png (140.66 KB,604x542,302:271,7482dfb7d9a9feb61a478bab6c….png)

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58dc03 No.21618884

File: bb0d85b2a630097⋯.png (254.7 KB,800x1040,10:13,bb0d85b2a630097833691fdf18….png)

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ffff03 No.21618885

Iran tried to influence election by sending stolen material from Trump campaign to Biden’s camp, FBI says

Iran not the only foreign adversary accused of meddling in the 2024 presidential election

Published September 18, 2024 6:52pm EDT

In an effort to "sow discord and shape the outcome of U.S. elections", Iranian cyber actors sent messages during the summer to people involved in President Biden's then re-election campaign containing stolen material from former President Trump's campaign, U.S. agencies said.



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6601a5 No.21618886

President Trump: And yesterday, three agencies of the Kamala Harris and Joe Biden administration, the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and Cybesecurity, and Infrastructure Security Agency, they just released a report confirming that Iran actors hacked into the Trump campaign's email accounts, and in turn, sought to give the hacked materials to the Biden/Harris campaign. They gave them all of the materials, because Biden is working with Iran, and Iran doesn't exactly like me…this is really foreign election interference. This is real election interference, not the phony crap that they've been trying to pin on me with Russia, Russia, Russia, for years.

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889bce No.21618887

POTUS: ' We will start deporations on day one… we will reinstate ANWAR… we will start to grow grow grow and pay down our national debt,… we took out ISIS, we did it in four weeks, was supposed to take 4 years… '

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261943 No.21618888

File: 30a1926da2c509b⋯.png (654.39 KB,773x684,773:684,30a1926da2c509b3d4e1549973….png)

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a8439e No.21618891


#26478-A >>21618659

>>21618680 LIVE LINKS: President Trump in Uniondale, NY

>>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618605 President Trump: You know what, we're gonna have the greatest win in history when we pull this off. Gonna be legendary.

>>21618691 President Trump: So the mayor of Springfield; and I think he's a very nice person, but instead of saying, 'we're getting 'em all out. We're getting 'em out', he says very simply, 'We're hiring teachers to teach them English. We are hiring interpreters.' So when they go to school, and take the place of our children in school, we have an interpreter. Each one will have a private interpreter. What the hell is wrong with our country? No, no; we're getting 'em out of our country. They came in illegally. They're destroying our country. We're getting 'em out. They're going to be brought back to the country from which they came…an estimated seventy-five percent of arrests in mid-town Manhattan, and over sixty percent of arrests in Queens, are now illegal aliens.

>>21618669 President Trump: These people, the law enforcement, they're afraid in these places, because it's so violent. They've never seen people like this. These are violent people that they're allowing into our country. It is truly an invasion, and we're not gonna let it happen. We're gonna take those violent people, and we're gonna ship 'em back to their country, And if they come back in they're gonna pay a hell of a price.

>>21618717 President Trump: They're coming from all over the world [illegal aliens]…and what's happening to our country, we're just destroying the fabric of life in our country, and We're Not Going To Take It Any Longer. And you got to get rid of these people, give me a shot, you will have a safe New York within three months.

>>21618775 President Trump: I'm announcing tonight, that as president, I will officially make the Ground Zero site at the World Trade Center a National Monument, protected and maintained by the United States Government, so the hallowed ground, and the memory of those who perished there will be preserved for all time. Preserved forever.

>>21618806 President Trump: Kamala Harris is for wide-open borders, with terrorists and criminals pouring into our country, more inflation; even higher than the last four years, which was a record, she wants to pack the Supreme Court, and today I heard it all. I thought they wanted maybe eleven, maybe they wanted thirteen; that's an unlucky number, so maybe it would be fifteen instead of nine. But instead if nine, Kamala wants to bring up, potentially as many as twenty-five justices, so that they can rig the system, like they rig everything else, including elections.

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a8439e No.21618892


#26478-B >>21618659

>>21618609 POTUS: ' An in 2020, i got millions more than 2016.. and i lost … but you know what, we are going to have the greatest win in history, its going to be legendary, …now the border is 25 percent worse than it was in 2020… and i want to be know as your Border President, and Kamala will be known as your invasion president((( she was president then allthis time)))'

>>21618619 POTUS: ' Bruce would you let people come in from a foreign country like venezuela come in.. btw their crime rates down…but bruce would you ever tell the people that you are supposed to be protecting… im not going to do anything?'

>>21618628 POTUS: ' I am going to go to Springfield and going to Aurora, you may never see me again, whatever happened to Trump? well he went to Springfield'

>>21618632 POTUS: ' The mayor of Springfield… we are hiring teachers to teach them english… we are hiring interpreters so when they take our kids places in school…. oh no we are getting them the hell out, i will protect our country… she will surrender our country'

>>21618637 POTUS: ' Let me tell you what you really do, … some of them you cant release cuz theyll come right back.. so you lock them up'

>>21618662 POTUS: ' I came into the Presidency and MS13 was on my mind because two beautiful girls were sliced into pieces by MS13, i never forgot that, and then i realized things are happening like that all over the place… these are the worse people… theyre animals…i got the the WH, i want MS13 out of here, … what i want you to do, i want them out… and the general said, they dont want them back, going on for many years during the b arak hussein administration… think of it, they would take planes and put them on the runways, so when a plane is going to fly in with 2-300 MS13 killers, they wouldnt be able to land… so i said how much money do we pay them in economic development each year… sir we pay them 750 thousand dollars,… i say inform these countries that they wont be getting any more of our money '

>>21618695 POTUS: ' Ive been talking about migrant crime for 5 years… i said dont let them in its going to be hell… for every NYorker terrorized by migrants, NOv 5th will be your Liberation Day because you have been living like hell'

>>21618705 POTUS: ' They are coming in by the millions, not the hundreds… think of it…. 21 million… patrioticv new yorkers gotta get your asses in to vote… Harry get your phat ass out of the bed, youre going to vote for Trump today'

>>21618713 POTUS: ' Gun owners, … they dont vote in the proportion they dont vote… evangelicals, christians have to get out… some groups dont vote'

>>21618724 POTUS: ' SALT, Anthony, remember, SALT'

>>21618762, >>21618793 POTUS: ' But Liam.. i got him the most beautiful presents… hes a great boy, beautiful sister'

>>21618770 POTUS: ' I will officially make the ground zero site … hallowed ground… the memory will be preserved for all time… '

>>21618787 POTUS: ' The NY who created the 911 memorial,… i want to thank them… we are just 48 days away from the most important election …. stand up… now you can stand up… who is he, name him… thats my man.. goood, boy im glad i didnt forget you… whenever they looked at him theyd say we will leave trump alone'

>>21618792 POTUS: ' Today i heard it all… they wanted 13, thats an unlucky numbers, kamala wants as many as 25 justices… so they can rig elections'

>>21618804 POTUS: ' Kamala vowed to abolish ICE… free health care for illegal aliens… 15 diff things, she wants mass amensty for illegal aliens bankrupting soc security and medicare programs… we says we must no utter the words illegal aliens or islamic terrorist words agains.. during her period of 3 and half years as borde czar, she lost 350,000 migrant children.. thats like yankee stadium built up many times.. '

>>21618811 POTUS: ' Rape of an unconscious person an totally non violent crime, think of it… thats what she wants'

>>21618816 POTUS: ' Her only idea for solving inflation is by installing. soviet price controls thats all she can think of'

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aa3dde No.21618893

File: 3c8066598994e88⋯.png (837.78 KB,1080x607,1080:607,2387497.png)

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adf232 No.21618894

File: 0a1f6184556edbb⋯.png (391.81 KB,598x553,598:553,ClipboardImage.png)




They attempted to stop me from speaking.

The Luzerne County Board of Elections wanted to silence me,

but I became a lessee of Luzerne County just to speak at this meeting.

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a8439e No.21618895


#26478-C >>21618659

>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

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0937a2 No.21618896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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01dd01 No.21618897

File: a09191f09fce35b⋯.jpg (59.46 KB,322x541,322:541,harryoriginalc.jpg)


is that the original Harry?

If Harry was replaced, it would've have to have been after he was 12, which is the year Diana left the scene.

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650f99 No.21618898

File: 88249cb5017b2c3⋯.png (634.52 KB,877x910,877:910,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21618745 (me)

Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash, Mysterious Illness

Before the rally, Pima County Supervisor Adelita Grijalva sparked backlash by posting a profane sign on social media. The sign, which read “F you MAGA, no more Orange” in Spanish, was captioned, “Welcome to Tucson.” At a subsequent Pima County Board of Supervisors meeting, constituents demanded an apology from Grijalva. However, she stood by her actions, stating, “I’ll acknowledge wrongdoing when Trump apologizes for the racist, misogynistic, sexist, inflammatory comments he’s made about women, people of color, LGBTQ…”

Grijalva wasn’t the only notable Tucson figure to oppose the rally. Music legend Linda Ronstadt, whose name adorns the venue, also disapproved. Taking to social media, Ronstadt criticized Trump for holding the event at a building associated with her legacy, stating her deep opposition to his policies.

While the rally drew a large and enthusiastic crowd, it ended with an unexpected turn of events. Approximately 20 attendees, primarily members of the “Latinos for Trump” group who had been onstage, reported becoming ill with mysterious symptoms shortly after the rally concluded. All those who reported falling ill were seated on the side of the stage where Trump made his entrance before approaching the podium.


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d3b2c7 No.21618899



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ade3c7 No.21618900

File: 639bda83eeb6873⋯.jpg (62.06 KB,500x671,500:671,quadshuig7p8t8p2wyh58.jpg)

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20aebc No.21618902

File: 0abc1f6c93822a0⋯.jpeg (45.93 KB,524x397,524:397,IMG_3952.jpeg)

I have trouble watching rallies.

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58dc03 No.21618903

File: 4b6c0bbbe954c21⋯.png (1.08 MB,822x870,137:145,4b6c0bbbe954c21b41e1cea510….png)

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723b69 No.21618904


this post @186


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119bd4 No.21618906

I would love to be a manufacturing mogul. I just don't know what to make. Galvanized screws are important…

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748920 No.21618907

File: 9c4ef2e17f807a9⋯.webp (158.44 KB,2179x1453,2179:1453,CE7A09F1_21CB_45A2_84B8_1….webp)

File: e06d74c3d3cfb67⋯.jpeg (22 KB,225x224,225:224,9BFFE0CB_D83A_4D50_851E_7….jpeg)

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889bce No.21618908

POTUS: ' THink of what china did to us… the world had 60 trillion dollars and millions dead… i will bring back the car industry, other countries that make us pay a tax to do business with us, … some of the worst trading countries are alliess, theyre friends of ours, they take advantage of us horribly… it will be called the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act…. you charge us, we charge you… make your product in America… and only in America and you wont have to pay a tax, and they will be coming back in here'

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b76369 No.21618910

File: c68258af8cde7df⋯.png (457.36 KB,750x406,375:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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889bce No.21618911

POTUS: ' We want them to build their plants in the united states and hire our people'

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64bed4 No.21618912

File: 13630225d34b262⋯.png (278.32 KB,450x450,1:1,88617712f33b90dacaf14198c0….png)


Spamming pro Watkin stuff won't help you

15k feet view covers your tracks

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650f99 No.21618913



post >>21618801 should be 158

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fedbc2 No.21618914

File: fa7ec5b8d5b2368⋯.jpg (23.99 KB,245x227,245:227,Custom_Image_1809202420253….jpg)

Stupid and horrible piece of shit tranny and a stupid fat fuckin pedo?

What kind of absolute bag of shit cocksucking commie would vote for a filthy tranny and a fuckin Nazi pedo piece of shit shit gobbler?

What kind of stupid and horrible ALPHABET DeeLfuck would RUIN THEIR LIVES tryna get a tranny and a pedo fuck bag elected?



Anons outlive the ALPHABET DEEPFUCKS!!

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889bce No.21618915

POTUS: ' No tax on tips… no tax on overtime… '

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831723 No.21618917

File: 96344c283a4435d⋯.png (710.17 KB,727x703,727:703,lilbeer.png)

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889bce No.21618919

POTUS: ' I get it all done, remember whats they say, promises made, promises kept, thats me… for the seniors… no taxes on social security benefits'

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ec9279 No.21618920


They're a criminal industrial complex

3 steps forward, 4 steps back.

Every fucking time.

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748920 No.21618922

File: 6800118a3f7c83a⋯.jpeg (23.21 KB,225x224,225:224,3829340C_710D_445C_813F_C….jpeg)

no tax on university degree niggers

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889bce No.21618923

POTUS: ' I will always protect social security and medicare… and put a temporary cap on credit cards interest rates… cap it at 10 percent'

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ff5484 No.21618924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


legendary - djt:

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dede47 No.21618926


Fuckers…everyone of them need to suffer the worst death possible, what they did to this child!

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8e58bd No.21618927

File: 11c6004de1a24e8⋯.png (26.48 KB,520x403,40:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c1331b46c4e0e7⋯.png (20.66 KB,519x303,173:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfec6559fd801f0⋯.png (253.7 KB,519x787,519:787,ClipboardImage.png)

Promises made, promises kept.


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718c17 No.21618928

File: d88479175209c6e⋯.jpg (391.47 KB,1077x1046,1077:1046,d88479175209c6e61ed2d83479….jpg)



watch yo 6

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8e58bd No.21618929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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748920 No.21618931

File: 9c4ef2e17f807a9⋯.webp (158.44 KB,2179x1453,2179:1453,55AD7FCE_2853_4CC2_9B18_B….webp)

File: 2890c66459a3ae6⋯.jpeg (111.58 KB,454x579,454:579,3944221E_D171_40D6_8198_8….jpeg)

File: c6e69f509f6467c⋯.png (926.9 KB,526x677,526:677,3C1AC277_A95D_478A_B5DB_F5….png)

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6601a5 No.21618932

President Trump: While working Americans catch up, we're going to put a temporary cap on credit card interest rates. We're gonna cap it at around ten percent. We can't let them make twenty-five and thirty percent.

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4d7f9a No.21618933

File: bb2556181ca893f⋯.png (537.69 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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01dd01 No.21618934

File: 7f8c8186679e05f⋯.jpeg (486.06 KB,1069x813,1069:813,greenberghema.jpeg)


There's OG Harry?

meed moar pics.

Don't think that's the same as they push now.

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000000 No.21618936


No tax on foreskin

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af9cc2 No.21618937

File: 4c809e2ad8199c2⋯.png (16.74 KB,374x352,17:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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119bd4 No.21618938

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889bce No.21618939

POTUS: ' Climate change, chuck, … are you afraid of climate change Chuck?… now its climate change, we are going to take all that money from the green new scam, …and we are going to spend it on roads and infrastructure'

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20aebc No.21618940

File: 10d049d3e2b22fa⋯.jpeg (47.61 KB,561x372,187:124,IMG_3953.jpeg)


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9b7ab3 No.21618941

File: 77ae24d6ca359f8⋯.png (732 KB,1024x921,1024:921,77ae24d6ca359f862a80236200….png)

File: e3e25f65f0ecafb⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x923,1024:923,e3e25f65f0ecafb9485c1f1e0a….png)

Canada #63 >>21615556

China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

by John Mills Sep. 17, 2024

The heydays of the massive construction efforts of the Cold War American presence in the Arctic, such as Camp Century and Project Iceworm, are long gone. Meanwhile, while Chinese people are struggling with a stagnating economy, Beijing is spending money on its Arctic ambitions, such as building and operating multiple icebreakers, and establishing a new northern naval base with Russia and North Korea to add reality to its Arctic claim.

In a 2018 Arctic Policy, Beijing asserted, “Geographically, China is a ‘Near-Arctic State,’ one of the continental States that are closest to the Arctic Circle.” This is an expansive definition, with many countries potentially being able to assert the same claim.

The United States first established a formal Arctic Policy in 1971 after more than 20 years of extensive building in the Arctic, including the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) and forward bases for the Strategic Air Command. This included atomic-powered Camp Century in Greenland, which was the cover for Project Iceworm, a secret proposed network of mobile under-ice missiles.

The United States has responded to the Chinese regime’s assertions of being a near-Arctic state with aggressive updates of policies and strategies during the Biden administration, which is an important procedural step. The new American policies and strategies for the Arctic are voluminous with abstract, aspirational, and platitudinal statements asserting coordination, engagement, and partnerships.

Still, policies and strategies need to be backed up with evidence of action supporting the policies and assertions. Such efforts and resources should include ships, bases, construction, transit, and presence.

The US Has 2 (Broken) Icebreakers

Although the polar ice is receding for the time being, opening historic new trade routes between Asia and Europe, large ships with ice-breaking capability are still vital to maintaining the routes and national presence year-round.

The United States currently, on paper, has two icebreakers to serve both the Arctic and Antarctica. Unfortunately, the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy had to limp back in August from the beginning of its Arctic deployment on one engine due to an engineering compartment fire. The ship is aging, and spare parts are not readily available. The Coast Guard’s other icebreaker, the USCGC Polar Star, just returned from Mare Island, California, finishing a piecemeal four-year effort to keep the 50-year-old ship in operation for another year.

The Coast Guard has embarked upon a new program with the ambitious goal of six new icebreakers. However, this effort has proceeded slowly for years and is now facing substantial cost overruns and new delays, forcing the first delivery in 2029.

In July, the White House established an agreement with Canada and new NATO member Finland for an international partnership on icebreaker construction. It’s unclear if this arrangement will supplant and cancel the existing Coast Guard program, which has become a program management debacle.

The Coast Guard is buying a used commercial vessel for $125 million as an interim measure. Small military exercises are conducted at periodic intervals to be visual and demonstrative. Still, significant new facilities like the massive Arctic construction projects of the Cold War are not in the plans.

Meanwhile, China has delivered four icebreakers since 2018, and more are on the way, including a large, nuclear-powered icebreaker. “The Polar Silk Road will be cleared with Chinese icebreakers,” wrote Jeremy Greenwood in an op-ed published by the Brookings Institute. Part of the brisk pace of deliveries for Chinese Arctic capabilities will be a large vessel capable of carrying, launching, and operating large undersea “research” vessels. Such a capability could have distinct and significant dual-use implications, meaning military and intelligence research could be conducted as readily as “scientific” research.



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889bce No.21618942

POTUS: ' I will settle the war in ukraine, i will end the chaos in the middle east'

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c2b621 No.21618945




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8944b5 No.21618946

File: 745b3e15d7fcc84⋯.jpg (160.89 KB,891x496,891:496,RALLY_HIGHWAY.jpg)

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718c17 No.21618948

"Israel will not exist in two years."

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b76369 No.21618949

File: 2c45e2c3919af06⋯.png (20.19 KB,629x254,629:254,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 487fe299da8d959⋯.png (48.1 KB,255x152,255:152,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d3ff6d4ddf49c7⋯.png (353.03 KB,629x696,629:696,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43ded80852118a2⋯.png (407.84 KB,552x505,552:505,ClipboardImage.png)


you cant horde and threaten with smut no mo…especially…ESPECIALLY if connected here

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5b24fe No.21618950


I've peeled paint before, but that's next level shit there!

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78dcb6 No.21618953

File: 5c035ff6a4b2d93⋯.png (208.7 KB,512x512,1:1,homer_sternly_.png)

will not exist in 2 years

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889bce No.21618954

POTUS: ' Btw, we are closer to ww3 … i will stand with israel,… peace through strength.. we are going to get it settled, we are going to get it done, we arent going to have war in the middle east, we arent going to have russia in ukraine… '

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119bd4 No.21618956


Oh, you know Beiber got a galvanized screw in his ass by Diddy & friends

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831723 No.21618957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nov 9, 2009

I told you guys I produced a song for DIDDY and I wanted to show it to him and you got his attention. Best fans in the world. Well this past weekend I spent 48 HRS with DIDDY and had some fun. Here is some of the action. THanks for the car PUFF…haha

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2a9cb0 No.21618959

File: bd1f2bfcd0e53a7⋯.jpeg (487.14 KB,960x951,320:317,D84AEB3B_85ED_457E_AD15_F….jpeg)

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889bce No.21618960

POTUS: ' Youre name is raising cain, thats the general i want'

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a8439e No.21618961


#26478-A >>21618659

>>21618680 LIVE LINKS: President Trump in Uniondale, NY

>>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618605 President Trump: You know what, we're gonna have the greatest win in history when we pull this off. Gonna be legendary.

>>21618691 President Trump: So the mayor of Springfield; and I think he's a very nice person, but instead of saying, 'we're getting 'em all out. We're getting 'em out', he says very simply, 'We're hiring teachers to teach them English. We are hiring interpreters.' So when they go to school, and take the place of our children in school, we have an interpreter. Each one will have a private interpreter. What the hell is wrong with our country? No, no; we're getting 'em out of our country. They came in illegally. They're destroying our country. We're getting 'em out. They're going to be brought back to the country from which they came…an estimated seventy-five percent of arrests in mid-town Manhattan, and over sixty percent of arrests in Queens, are now illegal aliens.

>>21618669 President Trump: These people, the law enforcement, they're afraid in these places, because it's so violent. They've never seen people like this. These are violent people that they're allowing into our country. It is truly an invasion, and we're not gonna let it happen. We're gonna take those violent people, and we're gonna ship 'em back to their country, And if they come back in they're gonna pay a hell of a price.

>>21618717 President Trump: They're coming from all over the world [illegal aliens]…and what's happening to our country, we're just destroying the fabric of life in our country, and We're Not Going To Take It Any Longer. And you got to get rid of these people, give me a shot, you will have a safe New York within three months.

>>21618775 President Trump: I'm announcing tonight, that as president, I will officially make the Ground Zero site at the World Trade Center a National Monument, protected and maintained by the United States Government, so the hallowed ground, and the memory of those who perished there will be preserved for all time. Preserved forever.

>>21618806 President Trump: Kamala Harris is for wide-open borders, with terrorists and criminals pouring into our country, more inflation; even higher than the last four years, which was a record, she wants to pack the Supreme Court, and today I heard it all. I thought they wanted maybe eleven, maybe they wanted thirteen; that's an unlucky number, so maybe it would be fifteen instead of nine. But instead if nine, Kamala wants to bring up, potentially as many as twenty-five justices, so that they can rig the system, like they rig everything else, including elections.

>>21618829 President Trump: During her period of three and a half years she was in charge of the border, she [Harris] lost more than three hundred and twenty-five thousand migrant children. Many of whom have been trafficked, raped, and many of whom are dead…that's like Yankee Stadium filled up many, many times.

>>21618886 President Trump: And yesterday, three agencies of the Kamala Harris and Joe Biden administration, the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and Cybesecurity, and Infrastructure Security Agency, they just released a report confirming that Iran actors hacked into the Trump campaign's email accounts, and in turn, sought to give the hacked materials to the Biden/Harris campaign. They gave them all of the materials, because Biden is working with Iran, and Iran doesn't exactly like me…this is really foreign election interference. This is real election interference, not the phony crap that they've been trying to pin on me with Russia, Russia, Russia, for years.

>>21618932 President Trump: While working Americans catch up, we're going to put a temporary cap on credit card interest rates. We're gonna cap it at around ten percent. We can't let them make twenty-five and thirty percent.

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6601a5 No.21618962

President Trump: We're gonna take this money from the Green New Scam, it's a Green New Scam, one of the greatest scams in history, and we're gonna spend it on roads and bridges, and real infrastructure. And we're gonna pay down debt, not fake infrastructure that's caused massive inflation, as has no benefit whatsoever for our country.

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889bce No.21618964

POTUS: ' No inflation and energy dominance'

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01dd01 No.21618965

File: 3733f8815633f97⋯.jpg (73.19 KB,365x588,365:588,33buttmagic.jpg)

File: 11ed26900e628f2⋯.png (622.45 KB,671x1051,671:1051,1967medallion.png)

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78dcb6 No.21618966

File: dd055e10d2dfb6d⋯.png (408.85 KB,500x500,1:1,new_conspiracy_to_kill_Tru….png)

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a8439e No.21618968


#26478-B >>21618659

>>21618609 POTUS: ' An in 2020, i got millions more than 2016.. and i lost … but you know what, we are going to have the greatest win in history, its going to be legendary, …now the border is 25 percent worse than it was in 2020… and i want to be know as your Border President, and Kamala will be known as your invasion president((( she was president then allthis time)))'

>>21618619 POTUS: ' Bruce would you let people come in from a foreign country like venezuela come in.. btw their crime rates down…but bruce would you ever tell the people that you are supposed to be protecting… im not going to do anything?'

>>21618628 POTUS: ' I am going to go to Springfield and going to Aurora, you may never see me again, whatever happened to Trump? well he went to Springfield'

>>21618632 POTUS: ' The mayor of Springfield… we are hiring teachers to teach them english… we are hiring interpreters so when they take our kids places in school…. oh no we are getting them the hell out, i will protect our country… she will surrender our country'

>>21618637 POTUS: ' Let me tell you what you really do, … some of them you cant release cuz theyll come right back.. so you lock them up'

>>21618662 POTUS: ' I came into the Presidency and MS13 was on my mind because two beautiful girls were sliced into pieces by MS13, i never forgot that, and then i realized things are happening like that all over the place… these are the worse people… theyre animals…i got the the WH, i want MS13 out of here, … what i want you to do, i want them out… and the general said, they dont want them back, going on for many years during the b arak hussein administration… think of it, they would take planes and put them on the runways, so when a plane is going to fly in with 2-300 MS13 killers, they wouldnt be able to land… so i said how much money do we pay them in economic development each year… sir we pay them 750 thousand dollars,… i say inform these countries that they wont be getting any more of our money '

>>21618695 POTUS: ' Ive been talking about migrant crime for 5 years… i said dont let them in its going to be hell… for every NYorker terrorized by migrants, NOv 5th will be your Liberation Day because you have been living like hell'

>>21618705 POTUS: ' They are coming in by the millions, not the hundreds… think of it…. 21 million… patrioticv new yorkers gotta get your asses in to vote… Harry get your phat ass out of the bed, youre going to vote for Trump today'

>>21618713 POTUS: ' Gun owners, … they dont vote in the proportion they dont vote… evangelicals, christians have to get out… some groups dont vote'

>>21618724 POTUS: ' SALT, Anthony, remember, SALT'

>>21618762, >>21618793 POTUS: ' But Liam.. i got him the most beautiful presents… hes a great boy, beautiful sister'

>>21618770 POTUS: ' I will officially make the ground zero site … hallowed ground… the memory will be preserved for all time… '

>>21618787 POTUS: ' The NY who created the 911 memorial,… i want to thank them… we are just 48 days away from the most important election …. stand up… now you can stand up… who is he, name him… thats my man.. goood, boy im glad i didnt forget you… whenever they looked at him theyd say we will leave trump alone'

>>21618792 POTUS: ' Today i heard it all… they wanted 13, thats an unlucky numbers, kamala wants as many as 25 justices… so they can rig elections'

>>21618804 POTUS: ' Kamala vowed to abolish ICE… free health care for illegal aliens… 15 diff things, she wants mass amensty for illegal aliens bankrupting soc security and medicare programs… we says we must no utter the words illegal aliens or islamic terrorist words agains.. during her period of 3 and half years as borde czar, she lost 350,000 migrant children.. thats like yankee stadium built up many times.. '

>>21618811 POTUS: ' Rape of an unconscious person an totally non violent crime, think of it… thats what she wants'

>>21618816 POTUS: ' Her only idea for solving inflation is by installing. soviet price controls thats all she can think of'

>>21618822 POTUS: ' She even endorsed tax payer funded migrant gender sex changes'

>>21618840 POTUS: ' 42 billions dollars and not one home connected to broad band… they spent 8 billion to build 9 charging stations… i have to say, Elon Musk is a great guy, and he makes a great product, maybe the best product… electric cars will be built in china, im going to bring back the auto industry to america, … hydrogen cars… one little problem, its blows up and youre dead… i think ill take a pass on that for now if you dont mind '

>>21618873 POTUS: ' LEss tahn 2 months from now we are going to tell kamala that weve had enough, youvbe been a terrible VP and youll make an even worse president, kamala we arent going to take it anymore Your FIred'

>>21618881 POTUS: ' The moment we take back the WH from kamala i believe we will have the best four years in our country's history'

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000000 No.21618969


Thanks God.

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2a9cb0 No.21618970


Freak Out

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7b72ec No.21618972

File: c463bcec4bafacc⋯.jpeg (80.67 KB,1024x660,256:165,pepeTrump.jpeg)


Found it. From the Bitcoin event.


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ade3c7 No.21618973

File: fd6f4afe02c505b⋯.png (105.56 KB,474x359,474:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7f459 No.21618974

>>21618016 What an uggo, keep these whopper choppers away from my glizzy.PN

1. MAGA doesn't hate, its liberals that choose to live in that state, y'all generate hate for humankind, and if they don't join your plan of the "Joyous destruction of our country", you reject them. (Always think strategy wokester)

2. Although some of us are repulsed by you, by you not caring enough to fix your ugly teeth. Did your parents refuse to fix your teeth?That's offensive, but we don't hate you for it, we just don't want to see it.

3. If you all would just stop trying to make America hate you, maybe you'd have some friends, preferably a good dentist.

4. Arrogance is not a benefit in any way, do you know how many have left "you"? It's not good.

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af9cc2 No.21618975

File: 3da24a63c72355f⋯.png (13.11 KB,386x258,193:129,ClipboardImage.png)


kid never had a chance..

>miley trans clone?

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889bce No.21618977

POTUS: ' We will rebuild our cities, … DC… we will keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency, ill keep it, china wants to take it over… that will make us a third world country… we will keep it'

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b76369 No.21618978




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78dcb6 No.21618979


why did it say choking tho

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748920 No.21618980

File: e06d74c3d3cfb67⋯.jpeg (22 KB,225x224,225:224,6CFC2254_42B8_4878_BBEB_3….jpeg)


bieber girls vs. Taylor agent smith’s

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b76369 No.21618983


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889bce No.21618984

POTUS: ' I wish a happy 77th birthday to the united states air force'

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ade3c7 No.21618985

File: ee80b2c10506962⋯.jpeg (411.55 KB,1348x1800,337:450,sf774a95550855fa51cbb5a2a….jpeg)

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78dcb6 No.21618987

File: ace54323646950d⋯.png (253.15 KB,577x433,577:433,notable_asian_notabru.png)



anon found it

Trump with pepe cartoon - full video

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6601a5 No.21618989

President Trump: Together we will deliver low taxes, low regulations, low energy costs, low interest rates, low inflation, so that everyone can afford groceries, a car, and a home.

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831723 No.21618990

File: a5f4e93a43f71ae⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,640x360,16:9,SCREW_YOUR_FREEDOM.mp4)

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119bd4 No.21618992


Nice shout out to the Hellraiser

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748920 No.21618994


release a single called “ramrod” Pinocchio

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889bce No.21618995

POTUS: ' Space force is 5 years old… we will build a defense shield around our country… we will keep men out of womens sports… we will defend free speech, defend the 2nd amendment… every day will be filled with opportunity and hope… we must defeat kamal and the crooked democrats'

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78dcb6 No.21618996


>POTUS: ' I wish a happy 77th birthday to the united states air force'

notably missing - CIA started the same day same bill 1947

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831723 No.21618998

File: c61ac253c6eede3⋯.png (455.58 KB,680x469,680:469,ClipboardImage.png)



Despite seasonal turbulences our transatlantic friendship must last #Trump #NATO

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c8f70b No.21618999

Can an anon plz rip this? I tried but no luck.


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ffff03 No.21619000

September 19, 2024

10:00 PM EDT

Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night


>>21617464, >>21617567 pb




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d659c1 No.21619001


Happy Birthday indeed, thank you for the Marines and Space Force.

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ade3c7 No.21619002


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a8439e No.21619003


Do you know how to feed ai?

fuck off, you low iq bitch

Filtered for interupting bakes

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6ccd32 No.21619004

File: 9f6815a6d8b1798⋯.png (694.3 KB,1456x1032,182:129,Screenshot_2024_07_04_1118….png)

Here It Comes!!!!!

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650f99 No.21619005

File: c3652f9b3f2ffa3⋯.png (417.91 KB,751x915,751:915,ClipboardImage.png)

Projection at its finest

Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’ on January 6, 2025

Dan Goldman here with an important update on Donald Trump and New York. In just a few hours, Trump will hold a rally on Long Island in a critical battleground district.

Trump knows his campaign can’t win New York. But he also knows that the path to the House majority runs straight through New York.

Why does he care? Because he wants Mike Johnson – the architect of the 2020 effort to overturn the election – to be Speaker of the House on January 6, 2025 in order to execute a coup when he loses.

We cannot let that happen.

Will you rush a contribution to help make sure we flip the House so that Hakeem Jeffries will be the Speaker on January 6?

Thank you,



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831723 No.21619006

File: 0f68ab468f18860⋯.mp4 (11.1 MB,854x480,427:240,leod.mp4)

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000000 No.21619008

Nessun Dorma

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b76369 No.21619009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TY Sir!

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889bce No.21619010

POTUS: ' MAKE AMERICA FREE AGAIN… thank you very much…we love new york,love new york.."

NESSUN DORMA plays… is that rsbn or what?'

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61ca28 No.21619011

File: 19dded22c65ac0f⋯.jpg (32.58 KB,584x512,73:64,653464564.jpg)

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8c5efb No.21619012

They're playing that song.

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af9cc2 No.21619013

File: 98002fe335f2524⋯.jpeg (61.04 KB,386x580,193:290,IMG_1373.jpeg)


Freak Off aka toobin

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831723 No.21619014

File: 99a7054286907fb⋯.png (142.63 KB,228x311,228:311,ClipboardImage.png)

just chevron stripe the whole uniform why dontcha

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ade3c7 No.21619015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nessun dorma

Oh Shit!

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889bce No.21619017


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0937a2 No.21619018


All you can eat night at the Burrito Barn goes horribly wrong.

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c78254 No.21619019


My mind is blown!!!

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2a9cb0 No.21619020


And then the Krassenstein dwarf took Beibers Twat account over

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8c5efb No.21619021



I was wondering that too, are they playing it there or is it just RSBN?

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831723 No.21619023

File: fe407b7afcec07b⋯.mp4 (488.91 KB,886x492,443:246,hehastobeeliminated.mp4)

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bfcd27 No.21619024

File: 2653dbeee7cc8a6⋯.jpg (29.06 KB,626x626,1:1,IMG_234115_572.jpg)

Anon habs a bad case of schizophrenia now, after all that pager shit.

Looks at mi fone differently now.

Puts it on silent mode.

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4fefba No.21619025


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01dd01 No.21619026

File: 65d2984ecedf21d⋯.jpg (133.86 KB,598x596,299:298,mileydoubleyod.jpg)

File: 7cbaaa49172751a⋯.gif (2.18 MB,640x360,16:9,MILEYCYRUSPIZZA.gif)

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353979 No.21619027


Thats the fuck around a find out wizard.

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889bce No.21619028

No one will sleep tonite……….

in the dawn we will win…

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718c17 No.21619030



so ironic, makes me rofkmao




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78078a No.21619031

File: 7c119af0ad9dbc5⋯.jpeg (23.81 KB,209x255,209:255,t_e83ec1ef6e972412e5f9c73….jpeg)

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c2b621 No.21619032



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ade3c7 No.21619033

File: b634b11ff863b57⋯.png (184.81 KB,413x349,413:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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58dc03 No.21619034

File: 625394ecdaece19⋯.png (631.51 KB,720x404,180:101,625394ecdaece193260393cdc9….png)

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b76369 No.21619036

Yall Wanted a Spectacle!

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119bd4 No.21619037


What the fuck does this have to do with anything?

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831723 No.21619038

lyrics about anonymity

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e18272 No.21619039

File: a64892fcacb815d⋯.png (961.25 KB,1060x1100,53:55,Become_Ungovernable_Pepe_S….png)

File: 0dfed1e40a35d2f⋯.png (1.02 MB,716x1629,716:1629,Rong_Phut.png)

File: e8c1c62ddb85c8c⋯.png (878.42 KB,1176x991,1176:991,1726568412223.png)

File: 7b002bc350453bf⋯.jpg (55.24 KB,658x368,329:184,Taylor_Pedo_1.jpg)

File: 7e7d91ec9fd11f9⋯.png (663.92 KB,1247x935,1247:935,1726136441486.png)


[They] are All Beyond Phuct!



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889bce No.21619040

ended the new york rally with nessun dorma, epic, absolutely epic ending, unexpected

that song means very much to me

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01dd01 No.21619041

Israel will not exist in two years.

I will return Israel.

Will will not have war.

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ade3c7 No.21619042

File: 198b0e6e31fcf80⋯.png (171.01 KB,434x346,217:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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ffff03 No.21619044

File: 0fc61fd9c8b41cd⋯.jpg (22.81 KB,600x360,5:3,i_love_ny.jpg)

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ff5484 No.21619045

File: 706680ee3ef3807⋯.mp4 (11.85 MB,854x480,427:240,nessam_dorma.mp4)

>>21619015 nessum dorma

its just went up a notch

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603f57 No.21619046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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20aebc No.21619047

We need a northern border wall and Canadians should pay for it.

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dede47 No.21619048


I cannot help but blame the parents, they KNEW he'd be eaten alive but wanted the monetary gain…just sad, heartbreaking really…He looks so much like my own son, perhaps that's why it always hit so, so hard.

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ade3c7 No.21619049

File: 18f6a368080616c⋯.png (240.25 KB,411x330,137:110,ClipboardImage.png)

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261943 No.21619050

File: 49cd9e76045755a⋯.jpg (76.58 KB,921x800,921:800,49cd9e76045755aecddbca5d67….jpg)

>I will (temporarily) cap credit card interest rates at 10%

This could be YUGE for poorfags

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486dda No.21619051

File: 014c50b07850125⋯.png (8.97 MB,4096x2734,2048:1367,IMG_2118.png)

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f7f43e No.21619052

File: d46f7b2d0db6605⋯.jpg (233.03 KB,680x518,340:259,Dan_Trump_Office_Toots_Hil….jpg)

Reminds me of Toots

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78dcb6 No.21619053

File: 1bcf39ff6ffba0a⋯.png (229.37 KB,486x848,243:424,4095_stay_with_me_the_ear_….png)

Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

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6601a5 No.21619054

President Trump: On November fifth, we will save our economy, we will rescue our middle class, we will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders, we will put America First, and we will Take Back Our Country. Because together, We Will Make America Powerful Again. Make America Wealthy Again. Make America Healthy Again,. Make America Strong Again, Make America Proud Again, Make America Safe Again, Make America free Again. And We Will Make America Great Again!

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2a9cb0 No.21619055

File: 0f5efeb69486adb⋯.jpeg (212.55 KB,523x302,523:302,2F2FB481_BE90_40ED_A42D_C….jpeg)


Spotted you Anon

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5503d3 No.21619057


Wouldn't know, w/the right application of targeted filters, he ceased to exist :)

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914833 No.21619058

File: 52d2e26f85d351a⋯.jpg (426.87 KB,1920x1080,16:9,40k_raven_guard_primaris2.jpg)

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37a712 No.21619059

File: 054e55ba187927c⋯.png (1.42 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)


Possible Terrorist Attack At Trump Rally

20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona


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000000 No.21619060


@haaretzcom 7h

Israeli researchers discover genes linked to autism and schizophrenia are shared

Sep 18, 2024 · 4:45 PM UTC



>Anon habs a bad case of schizophrenia now, after all that pager shit.

Remain clam.

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ade3c7 No.21619061

File: 05229c2fed1fb26⋯.png (170.19 KB,376x420,94:105,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22d59bfd5c924bf⋯.png (180.55 KB,393x423,131:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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fedbc2 No.21619062

File: d8becdef5132e28⋯.jpg (69.23 KB,246x227,246:227,2024_09_18_20_01_31_346.jpg)

Big Bullshit BANK Bucks GONE.

Big Pharma GONE



Trillions$ GONE

Quadrillion leveraged?


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58dc03 No.21619063

File: 320463e052c1e41⋯.png (130.5 KB,325x212,325:212,320463e052c1e410150c082665….png)

Sum of all… gtfoh

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119bd4 No.21619064


Does a Night Shift General get paid anything? Or even get an invite to Mar A Lago?

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831723 No.21619066


>My mind is blown!!!

turn the page

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64bed4 No.21619067

File: 170daf0ff8cde58⋯.png (302.32 KB,574x644,41:46,170daf0ff8cde58b1426656b4d….png)


New York Italian people understand the deeper text meaning

Like anons understand, since it was played by the fratello di italia party

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a8439e No.21619068

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889bce No.21619069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0c2fa0 No.21619071

POTUS Next stop



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c78254 No.21619072


He should end EVERY rally with this song from now on until November!!!

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e80493 No.21619073


Numbers are rolling in dis bread! Dubs! And I see him too! kek

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327037 No.21619074

File: 789586fe055e8d1⋯.png (1.53 MB,1462x820,731:410,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0363ab374024674⋯.png (2.08 MB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5fdc2e24860b86⋯.png (1.4 MB,1918x1012,959:506,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd739b5d26cc50d⋯.png (1.35 MB,1920x1016,240:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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fac0b7 No.21619075


Should be said all day every day until election.

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ade3c7 No.21619076

File: b9fd72cfcc1f89c⋯.png (191.19 KB,383x426,383:426,ClipboardImage.png)

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af9cc2 No.21619077

File: 841d6fd1645da0e⋯.png (9.67 KB,386x258,193:129,ClipboardImage.png)


well, you're sick of winning, aren't you?

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ffff03 No.21619079

File: 9d834b2f7729377⋯.mp4 (9.87 MB,480x852,40:71,2024_07_21_Nessun_Dorma_in….mp4)

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8944b5 No.21619080

File: 915604b96e84029⋯.jpg (96.79 KB,757x366,757:366,VOTE_QUIVER.jpg)

File: 34b929e3e69a51e⋯.jpg (78.52 KB,583x328,583:328,ON_POINT.jpg)

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748920 No.21619081

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ade3c7 No.21619082

File: 9b6d403fd69fc8c⋯.png (172.55 KB,332x425,332:425,ClipboardImage.png)


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fac0b7 No.21619083

Should be daily meme


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ade3c7 No.21619084

File: 3b7f35a623efad3⋯.png (217.77 KB,407x422,407:422,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d96d0 No.21619085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Santa Lucia


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e80493 No.21619086

File: fff062e41f7f32a⋯.jpg (161.44 KB,599x404,599:404,fff062e41f7f32a5dd1b94452b….jpg)


It's time

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78dcb6 No.21619087


I think that part is coming

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c78254 No.21619088

File: c50cb0f887d1c24⋯.png (9.82 KB,251x255,251:255,52c02077a20888640f5e706f2e….png)


Oh shoot!

I mean darn! Kek!

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831723 No.21619089

File: 209fc5004c5965b⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,1278x720,71:40,OldToby.mp4)


Old Toby

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ade3c7 No.21619090

File: ab76d320ca57edf⋯.png (211.53 KB,381x424,381:424,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7f43e No.21619091

File: 526b72c64366944⋯.gif (1.63 MB,480x270,16:9,Putin_Blowing_A_Kiss.gif)


I'm rootin for Putin

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650f99 No.21619092

Nessun Dorma translated

Nobody shall sleep!

Nobody shall sleep!

Even you, oh Princess,

in your cold room,

watch the stars,

that tremble with love and with hope.

But my secret is hidden within me,

my name no one shall know…

No… No!

On your mouth, I will tell it when the light shines.

And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!

(No one will know his name and we must, alas, die.)

Vanish, o night!

Set, stars! Set, stars!

At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!

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723b69 No.21619093

File: 99955e73422709f⋯.png (383.02 KB,510x371,510:371,cat.png)


evenin Mr. Pig

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2a9cb0 No.21619094


I love apple pie

I bake good pastry

Evening Pig

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bec861 No.21619095

File: 29f5760a768529b⋯.jpg (450.67 KB,1581x1054,3:2,media_GXydMO9XAAAUAGW.jpg)



Was on POTUS' YouTube feed too.

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01dd01 No.21619096

File: a0ccb41546a5ee8⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1272x2006,636:1003,onewayflightcomey.jpg)

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a8439e No.21619097

File: be49cff2b056459⋯.jpg (65.83 KB,719x703,719:703,mint_choc.jpg)

File: e532d200ae688ca⋯.png (657.84 KB,981x1280,981:1280,im_coming_after_you_6b8991….png)


uh huh.


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1d0012 No.21619098


They're getting rotated.

He's fucking coming back.

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831723 No.21619099

File: 5eaf220e32d70a3⋯.png (478.88 KB,592x599,592:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7f43e No.21619100


What's happening!

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aa3dde No.21619101

File: 9917d20ab1b08dc⋯.jpeg (342.41 KB,1440x912,30:19,1551113169.jpeg)

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8944b5 No.21619102

File: d6baa9194fea732⋯.jpg (102.82 KB,493x585,493:585,o7_WINNING.jpg)

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ff5484 No.21619103


notable, eyes off, needs moar digz

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f56c32 No.21619104

File: abf4a21e8103ea9⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB,720x1280,9:16,jamminwithkamala.mp4)

Alright, it's that time of the evening where we jam with Kamala!!!! Let's go! Get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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914833 No.21619105


Yeah, and now he runs around saying he won and he destroyed people and those people he say he destroyed are still posting and he's yet given one single example of him winning. Their MuhJoo narrative is posted less and less. They're lucky those pagers blew up and breathed a bit of life back into the original focus of their hate. It's just a Tranimae sockpuppet anyway.

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261943 No.21619106

File: c4747c396ce521c⋯.jpg (70.89 KB,800x950,16:19,62ba9d0396d446913d2ca205ea….jpg)

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af9cc2 No.21619107


ding dong it!

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8944b5 No.21619108

File: 7938a77fac05151⋯.jpg (121.86 KB,632x449,632:449,AMERICAN_PI.jpg)

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a8439e No.21619109


we were fuckin warned days ago, syria chemicals decode…

that baker was too stupid to pick up on what i was laid down, now qresear.ch is down

too busy to look for it

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f7f43e No.21619110

File: 81cb46aef12b698⋯.jpg (935.13 KB,1920x2119,1920:2119,E_Bake_T_Shirt_Fucking_Win….jpg)


dubs confirm with winning is bigly

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5d96d0 No.21619111




What are the English lyrics for ‘Nessun Dorma’?

None shall sleep,

None shall sleep!

Even you, oh Princess,

In your cold room,

Watch the stars,

That tremble with love

And with hope.

But my secret is hidden within me,

My name no one shall know,

No… no…

On your mouth, I will tell it,

When the light shines.

And my kiss will dissolve

the silence that makes you mine!

(No one will know his name

and we must, alas, die.)

Vanish, o night!

Set, stars! Set, stars!

At dawn, I will win!

I will win!

I will win!


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de44d1 No.21619112

I just spent 3 days in a hospital.

The food they were serving was disgusting and completely wrong for anyone who could think. I had a 3 day fast.

How is anyone going to find out the truth,

when at every step of the medical fields, are filled with lies?

normies haven't a chance

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fedbc2 No.21619113

De-limbed DeepFuck wretches and howls, begging for death, what's done is done.

Hurt children?

Gone, badly.

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ff5484 No.21619114


thats how you pick up willie browns.


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78dcb6 No.21619115

File: 04fd8ea6275c414⋯.jpg (90.57 KB,1100x1280,55:64,anti_communist.jpg)


The Headlie:

>Trump Rally Sparks Backlash

The Body:

>Pima County Supervisor Adelita Grijalva sparked backlash by posting a profane sign on social media

Jail Communists for their lies

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a8439e No.21619116

File: 348f4f1b17e14c4⋯.png (918.66 KB,828x644,9:7,348f4f1b17e14c41c1087db492….png)


no, this is anon business and will remain anon

get those stupid ideas out of your fuckin head

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889bce No.21619117


He already won, its been written in the Heavens

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ffff03 No.21619118

File: 4c0ddd731f0dd9f⋯.jpg (712.52 KB,2779x1035,2779:1035,us_canada_border_overlay_e….jpg)


Amazing Maps


The US-Canada border is the longest international border in the world. This is how it looks overlayed onto European countries

4:41 PM · Aug 23, 2024


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c2b621 No.21619119


>>>21618877 (You)


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e80493 No.21619120

File: 2076417f136c17c⋯.jpg (76.24 KB,1200x1200,1:1,2076417f136c17c1f6479fbe9c….jpg)


Love that!

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2a9cb0 No.21619121

File: d5b953c4b5a095d⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,FullSizeRender.MOV)

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748920 No.21619122

File: 364ff697008cdda⋯.jpeg (298.51 KB,1365x2047,1365:2047,C455321B_D9B9_4299_AB30_C….jpeg)

File: 3306f483fad536d⋯.jpeg (100.72 KB,1100x1280,55:64,34B0AF4B_17A5_4780_BA19_4….jpeg)

File: 73f6e30556ef5c7⋯.jpeg (27.77 KB,211x255,211:255,B23683FC_96F1_4C1B_ABFA_C….jpeg)

File: b6e2164d58821cd⋯.jpeg (84.86 KB,550x550,1:1,9BE12E0B_8172_43A6_A577_7….jpeg)

File: da1b030d4ea50e0⋯.webp (59.94 KB,1024x1004,256:251,E52DCA90_C15D_4236_97A1_4….webp)

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ade3c7 No.21619123

File: 32d16b4db0f9085⋯.jpg (109.35 KB,1024x576,16:9,mcyuattsdrta6.jpg)



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0937a2 No.21619124


Wonder if someone had an overpowered IR laser on them. You can't see it, but it still burns your eyeballs.

They are what's behind all the new laser weapons being field…solid state IR lasers in high power.

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889bce No.21619125


911 digits!!

we will win

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78078a No.21619126

File: eb177ee4637eed1⋯.png (675.25 KB,1080x538,540:269,Screenshot_20240918_163651….png)

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889bce No.21619127

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64bed4 No.21619128

File: aa02194458de0e7⋯.png (51.02 KB,700x494,350:247,aoyN1Qe_700bwp.png)

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dede47 No.21619129

File: 39c74caebd77a9f⋯.png (982.88 KB,1383x778,1383:778,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_2….png)

I was watching POTUS's posture as he was leaving the rally…I thought 'holy shit' he's all stumped over ….until I realized he's actually wearing armour. God bless this man.

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826fd4 No.21619130




and very beautiful. Thank you Anon! Chills!

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78dcb6 No.21619131

File: 85d34d08e2929f6⋯.png (293.14 KB,544x400,34:25,seinfeld_ukraine_3.png)


>How is anyone going to find out the truth,


> when at every step of the medical fields, are filled with lies?

RWDS anon. RWDS.

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f7f43e No.21619132


just proved she black ack ack.

Did they get a closeup of the cumshot? I couldn't watch it all.

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831723 No.21619133

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)

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000000 No.21619134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Christopher Macchio Performs 'Nessun Dorma' at the RNC 2020

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48b43f No.21619135


made my eyes wet

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caad77 No.21619136


>We need a northern border wall and Canadians should pay for it.

…at the 90th parallel

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e80493 No.21619137

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

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955753 No.21619138

shit planefags, 4 military helicopters flew by my home, I tried to catch pictures but the were too fast, loud –and very low. Planefags check it out just happened in last 4 minutes. Just north of Roswell GA. Either going to Dobbins AF base or AL. 8:42 pm.

PS: copters rarely fly at such low altitude

Something is happening, a lot of activity in the last 3 weeks. Saw 3 jet fighters in formation 4 days ago.What's the deal?

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5d96d0 No.21619139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


glad you came out of there!

Nessun Dorma

Enrico Caruso

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de44d1 No.21619140


Beautiful voice.

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889bce No.21619141



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e80493 No.21619142


I thought he always wore it. Peoples thinks is super fat but its the vests.

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f7f43e No.21619143

File: 99b0f9f59a678f7⋯.png (506.3 KB,444x599,444:599,ClipboardImage.png)


Merkel getting hot at the goodies on display and goes for a titty grab while everyone's distracted.


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2c1b83 No.21619144


> Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’


>Radiation weapons

Triangulation of micro waves is most likely, we deal with stuff like this as recent as during the this rally. Do you understand why I have been saying to President Trump and Q Team, 7 directions: NSEW, Above and Below, and the center of the subject itself; because you have to be aware of the slow burning sensations, cramping, and muscle fluctuation. The more that you know.

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a8439e No.21619145


>I will (temporarily) cap credit card interest rates at 10%

did trump say this , i need multiple confirmation from anons or the clip…

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831723 No.21619146

File: 7688ff893db496c⋯.png (587.15 KB,719x548,719:548,ClipboardImage.png)

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de44d1 No.21619147


thank you

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fac0b7 No.21619148

Trump sings in morning to Melania, he is Q+. We will win.


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5cc7a5 No.21619149


>>>21618318 AK 47 Any comms in there?

Astronomical Kek, 47

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bec861 No.21619150

File: e5f03ed3e18732d⋯.jpg (112.66 KB,1024x768,4:3,media_GU_Du63WsAAjLVe.jpg)


Balls of steel…

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7415a4 No.21619151


Domestic terrorism.

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0937a2 No.21619152


Caught me off guard. This is A-list footlights talent. Superb singer.

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8c5efb No.21619153

File: 31375af9cda1104⋯.png (353.32 KB,909x535,909:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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fedbc2 No.21619154

Entire Bookclub Meeting Coven exposed, driving to mother's crying, insta-Divorced, out of the money, shit out of luck.

The air is out of the balloon dumbcunts

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f7f43e No.21619155


No one in my country had one unless you're a Dr or a faggot.

Yanks were bonkers for 'em.

Never understood why. Sending random codes and shit. Wut?

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2c1b83 No.21619156


The lights are modified and masked with normal lights to stay under the radar, in many cases.

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69d13b No.21619157

File: 5d87fd59eeb24f8⋯.png (676.14 KB,671x491,671:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8439e No.21619158



#26478-A >>21618659

>>21618680 LIVE LINKS: President Trump in Uniondale, NY

>>21618599 President Trump: I will cut taxes for families, small business and workers, including restoring the SALT deduction, saving thousands of dollars for residents of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and other high-cost states. Jobs and factories will pour back into New York, wages will soar, the cost of living will fall, and I will deliver the greatest economy in the history of the world to our country, and one of the greatest economies in the history of New York State.

>>21618605 President Trump: You know what, we're gonna have the greatest win in history when we pull this off. Gonna be legendary.

>>21618691 President Trump: So the mayor of Springfield; and I think he's a very nice person, but instead of saying, 'we're getting 'em all out. We're getting 'em out', he says very simply, 'We're hiring teachers to teach them English. We are hiring interpreters.' So when they go to school, and take the place of our children in school, we have an interpreter. Each one will have a private interpreter. What the hell is wrong with our country? No, no; we're getting 'em out of our country. They came in illegally. They're destroying our country. We're getting 'em out. They're going to be brought back to the country from which they came…an estimated seventy-five percent of arrests in mid-town Manhattan, and over sixty percent of arrests in Queens, are now illegal aliens.

>>21618669 President Trump: These people, the law enforcement, they're afraid in these places, because it's so violent. They've never seen people like this. These are violent people that they're allowing into our country. It is truly an invasion, and we're not gonna let it happen. We're gonna take those violent people, and we're gonna ship 'em back to their country, And if they come back in they're gonna pay a hell of a price.

>>21618717 President Trump: They're coming from all over the world [illegal aliens]…and what's happening to our country, we're just destroying the fabric of life in our country, and We're Not Going To Take It Any Longer. And you got to get rid of these people, give me a shot, you will have a safe New York within three months.

>>21618775 President Trump: I'm announcing tonight, that as president, I will officially make the Ground Zero site at the World Trade Center a National Monument, protected and maintained by the United States Government, so the hallowed ground, and the memory of those who perished there will be preserved for all time. Preserved forever.

>>21618806 President Trump: Kamala Harris is for wide-open borders, with terrorists and criminals pouring into our country, more inflation; even higher than the last four years, which was a record, she wants to pack the Supreme Court, and today I heard it all. I thought they wanted maybe eleven, maybe they wanted thirteen; that's an unlucky number, so maybe it would be fifteen instead of nine. But instead if nine, Kamala wants to bring up, potentially as many as twenty-five justices, so that they can rig the system, like they rig everything else, including elections.

>>21618829 President Trump: During her period of three and a half years she was in charge of the border, she [Harris] lost more than three hundred and twenty-five thousand migrant children. Many of whom have been trafficked, raped, and many of whom are dead…that's like Yankee Stadium filled up many, many times.

>>21618886 President Trump: And yesterday, three agencies of the Kamala Harris and Joe Biden administration, the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and Cybesecurity, and Infrastructure Security Agency, they just released a report confirming that Iran actors hacked into the Trump campaign's email accounts, and in turn, sought to give the hacked materials to the Biden/Harris campaign. They gave them all of the materials, because Biden is working with Iran, and Iran doesn't exactly like me…this is really foreign election interference. This is real election interference, not the phony crap that they've been trying to pin on me with Russia, Russia, Russia, for years.

>>21618932 President Trump: While working Americans catch up, we're going to put a temporary cap on credit card interest rates. We're gonna cap it at around ten percent. We can't let them make twenty-five and thirty percent.

>>21618962 President Trump: We're gonna take this money from the Green New Scam, it's a Green New Scam, one of the greatest scams in history, and we're gonna spend it on roads and bridges, and real infrastructure. And we're gonna pay down debt, not fake infrastructure that's caused massive inflation, as has no benefit whatsoever for our country.

>>21618989 President Trump: Together we will deliver low taxes, low regulations, low energy costs, low interest rates, low inflation, so that everyone can afford groceries, a car, and a home.

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dede47 No.21619159


RIGHT! I just thought he was a chunky man! kek, I mean that lovingly. But, no he is clearly wearing body armour!

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889bce No.21619160


my dad used to listen to a lot of Caruso

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6601a5 No.21619161


Yes, he said it.

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58dc03 No.21619162

File: 8f789190b4ef5ec⋯.jpeg (180.76 KB,1080x1204,270:301,8f789190b4ef5ecc64dab62f1….jpeg)

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a8439e No.21619163



#26478-B >>21618659

>>21619054 President Trump: On November fifth, we will save our economy, we will rescue our middle class, we will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders, we will put America First, and we will Take Back Our Country. Because together, We Will Make America Powerful Again. Make America Wealthy Again. Make America Healthy Again,. Make America Strong Again, Make America Proud Again, Make America Safe Again, Make America free Again. And We Will Make America Great Again!

>>21618609 POTUS: ' An in 2020, i got millions more than 2016.. and i lost … but you know what, we are going to have the greatest win in history, its going to be legendary, …now the border is 25 percent worse than it was in 2020… and i want to be know as your Border President, and Kamala will be known as your invasion president((( she was president then allthis time)))'

>>21618619 POTUS: ' Bruce would you let people come in from a foreign country like venezuela come in.. btw their crime rates down…but bruce would you ever tell the people that you are supposed to be protecting… im not going to do anything?'

>>21618628 POTUS: ' I am going to go to Springfield and going to Aurora, you may never see me again, whatever happened to Trump? well he went to Springfield'

>>21618632 POTUS: ' The mayor of Springfield… we are hiring teachers to teach them english… we are hiring interpreters so when they take our kids places in school…. oh no we are getting them the hell out, i will protect our country… she will surrender our country'

>>21618637 POTUS: ' Let me tell you what you really do, … some of them you cant release cuz theyll come right back.. so you lock them up'

>>21618662 POTUS: ' I came into the Presidency and MS13 was on my mind because two beautiful girls were sliced into pieces by MS13, i never forgot that, and then i realized things are happening like that all over the place… these are the worse people… theyre animals…i got the the WH, i want MS13 out of here, … what i want you to do, i want them out… and the general said, they dont want them back, going on for many years during the b arak hussein administration… think of it, they would take planes and put them on the runways, so when a plane is going to fly in with 2-300 MS13 killers, they wouldnt be able to land… so i said how much money do we pay them in economic development each year… sir we pay them 750 thousand dollars,… i say inform these countries that they wont be getting any more of our money '

>>21618695 POTUS: ' Ive been talking about migrant crime for 5 years… i said dont let them in its going to be hell… for every NYorker terrorized by migrants, NOv 5th will be your Liberation Day because you have been living like hell'

>>21618705 POTUS: ' They are coming in by the millions, not the hundreds… think of it…. 21 million… patrioticv new yorkers gotta get your asses in to vote… Harry get your phat ass out of the bed, youre going to vote for Trump today'

>>21618713 POTUS: ' Gun owners, … they dont vote in the proportion they dont vote… evangelicals, christians have to get out… some groups dont vote'

>>21618724, >>21619098 POTUS: ' SALT, Anthony, remember, SALT'

>>21618762, >>21618793 POTUS: ' But Liam.. i got him the most beautiful presents… hes a great boy, beautiful sister'

>>21618770 POTUS: ' I will officially make the ground zero site … hallowed ground… the memory will be preserved for all time… '

>>21618787 POTUS: ' The NY who created the 911 memorial,… i want to thank them… we are just 48 days away from the most important election …. stand up… now you can stand up… who is he, name him… thats my man.. goood, boy im glad i didnt forget you… whenever they looked at him theyd say we will leave trump alone'

>>21618792 POTUS: ' Today i heard it all… they wanted 13, thats an unlucky numbers, kamala wants as many as 25 justices… so they can rig elections'

>>21618804 POTUS: ' Kamala vowed to abolish ICE… free health care for illegal aliens… 15 diff things, she wants mass amensty for illegal aliens bankrupting soc security and medicare programs… we says we must no utter the words illegal aliens or islamic terrorist words agains.. during her period of 3 and half years as borde czar, she lost 350,000 migrant children.. thats like yankee stadium built up many times.. '

>>21618811 POTUS: ' Rape of an unconscious person an totally non violent crime, think of it… thats what she wants'

>>21618816 POTUS: ' Her only idea for solving inflation is by installing. soviet price controls thats all she can think of'

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723b69 No.21619164


this post @404


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aa3dde No.21619165

File: 05d414672641cbf⋯.jpg (301.59 KB,1080x1133,1080:1133,20240226_205729.jpg)

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826fd4 No.21619166


listened a second time and saved it.

absolutely beautiful

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831723 No.21619167

File: 9fdd92b3a667c9f⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,OprahSoup.mp4)


>jam with Kamala

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831723 No.21619168

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,azovst.png)


is that crack

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dede47 No.21619169


and a heart of gold!

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748920 No.21619170

File: 0fd4540e325d7cd⋯.jpeg (20.46 KB,480x360,4:3,F974580E_6EAC_4F5C_B16E_9….jpeg)

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5eef05 No.21619171



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2a9cb0 No.21619172


Untracked by the 400 or so background programs on your phone

The light grey bit in storage on an iPhone

Try asking your ‘provider’ what it is

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a8439e No.21619173



#26478-C >>21618659

>>21618822 POTUS: ' She even endorsed tax payer funded migrant gender sex changes'

>>21618840 POTUS: ' 42 billions dollars and not one home connected to broad band… they spent 8 billion to build 9 charging stations… i have to say, Elon Musk is a great guy, and he makes a great product, maybe the best product… electric cars will be built in china, im going to bring back the auto industry to america, … hydrogen cars… one little problem, its blows up and youre dead… i think ill take a pass on that for now if you dont mind '

>>21618873 POTUS: ' LEss tahn 2 months from now we are going to tell kamala that weve had enough, youvbe been a terrible VP and youll make an even worse president, kamala we arent going to take it anymore Your FIred'

>>21618881 POTUS: ' The moment we take back the WH from kamala i believe we will have the best four years in our country's history'

>>21618887 POTUS: ' We will start deporations on day one… we will reinstate ANWAR… we will start to grow grow grow and pay down our national debt,… we took out ISIS, we did it in four weeks, was supposed to take 4 years… '

>>21618908 POTUS: ' THink of what china did to us… the world had 60 trillion dollars and millions dead… i will bring back the car industry, other countries that make us pay a tax to do business with us, … some of the worst trading countries are alliess, theyre friends of ours, they take advantage of us horribly… it will be called the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act…. you charge us, we charge you… make your product in America… and only in America and you wont have to pay a tax, and they will be coming back in here'

>>21618911 POTUS: ' We want them to build their plants in the united states and hire our people'

>>21618919 POTUS: ' I get it all done, remember whats they say, promises made, promises kept, thats me… for the seniors… no taxes on social security benefits'

>>21618923 POTUS: ' I will always protect social security and medicare… and put a temporary cap on credit cards interest rates… cap it at 10 percent'

>>21618939 POTUS: ' Climate change, chuck, … are you afraid of climate change Chuck?… now its climate change, we are going to take all that money from the green new scam, …and we are going to spend it on roads and infrastructure'

>>21618942 POTUS: ' I will settle the war in ukraine, i will end the chaos in the middle east'

>>21618954 POTUS: ' Btw, we are closer to ww3 … i will stand with israel,… peace through strength.. we are going to get it settled, we are going to get it done, we arent going to have war in the middle east, we arent going to have russia in ukraine… '

>>21618960 POTUS: ' Youre name is raising cain, thats the general i want'

>>21618964 POTUS: ' No inflation and energy dominance'

>>21618977 POTUS: ' We will rebuild our cities, … DC… we will keep the US dollar as the world reserve currency, ill keep it, china wants to take it over… that will make us a third world country… we will keep it'

>>21618984, >>21618983 POTUS: ' I wish a happy 77th birthday to the united states air force'

>>21618995 POTUS: ' Space force is 5 years old… we will build a defense shield around our country… we will keep men out of womens sports… we will defend free speech, defend the 2nd amendment… every day will be filled with opportunity and hope… we must defeat kamal and the crooked democrats'

>>21619008, >>21619015, >>21619045, >>21619092 Nessun Dorma

>>21619010 POTUS: ' MAKE AMERICA FREE AGAIN… thank you very much…we love new york,love new york.." NESSUN DORMA plays… ON ALL CHANNELS

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adf232 No.21619174

File: 58a067616c02cba⋯.png (394.96 KB,675x553,675:553,ClipboardImage.png)


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5d96d0 No.21619175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


that is understandable.

the guy could sing!

in French

Enrico Caruso - Cantique de Noël (O Holy Night) (1916)

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92cb34 No.21619176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The next scare tactic isZombie Wells.


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4fefba No.21619177

File: f73c53d0e68eb6f⋯.png (154.93 KB,341x290,341:290,Q_9_18_24.png)


That is a Big Beautiful Q-Boom.

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fedbc2 No.21619178


DeepFuck Honeypot, career alphabet soupfucks boiling in small cells, smashing their heads into the concrete, decades of dysentery, ulcers, covered in sores, pallid and slow decades of horrific demise.

Or suicide

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a8439e No.21619179


#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’


>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

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eb7091 No.21619180

Zeleinsky order the hit on Trump 2nd and 1st ?

2nd assassin blackrock video ?

Both Assassins blackrock videos ?

Black rock own land in ucrane ?

Blackrock rebuilding ucrane ?

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af9cc2 No.21619181


Randy Travis is teeing up a string of new More Life Tour dates beginning in January 2025.

The tour, which also kept Travis busy over the course of this summer, has a one-of-a-kind format. Due to a 2013 stroke that left the singer unable to perform, Travis himself doesn’t sing at the shows: Instead, a vocalist named James Dupré performs with Travis’ original touring band. Meanwhile, the country legend and his wife Mary will be onstage to interact with fans and enjoy the music together.

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7fc401 No.21619182


>Domestic Terrorism

Correct, this has been going on for a very, very, long time, and has become quite sophisticated with modern technologies and the invent of portable lithium devices. Real lithium battery operated microwaves are a thing now, just check Makita. They are always using new tech against us to our detriment. The enemy moves in one direction; towards the kill.

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fac0b7 No.21619183

>>21618707 correct

>>21618706 not correct

He says out of not off of.

>"Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

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8944b5 No.21619184

File: fd6749ca174540f⋯.jpg (166.69 KB,579x579,1:1,PIGGY_CAKE.jpg)

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ade3c7 No.21619185

File: f4979d2d8c91597⋯.png (832 B,89x27,89:27,ClipboardImage.png)


Impressive Baker

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a8439e No.21619186

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718c17 No.21619187

File: 9d834b2f7729377⋯.mp4 (9.87 MB,480x852,40:71,9d834b2f77293771608879389e….mp4)

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37f970 No.21619188

File: 8871f2de31b8503⋯.jpg (257.76 KB,1440x1793,1440:1793,Screenshot_20240918_195917….jpg)

A bulbous Alvin Bragg implied he had heard about Ryan Routh and the recent assassination attempt seconds before a JAG executioner placed a tailor-made rope around his neck and told him it was “time to die.”

As reported previously, JAG convicted Bragg of treason on September 3 and imposed maximum punishment, a death sentence conducted on the 17th. Following his tribunal, Bragg had been held in isolation and had no access to news of the outside world, no internet, naturally, and no newspapers or magazines. He could’ve learned of the recent attempt on Trump’s life from a blabbering guard, a source there told Real Raw News.

Bragg’s attitude at the gallows was a sharp departure from how he had behaved at his tribunal—professionally polite but necessarily argumentative when cross-examining the witness whose unimpeachable testimony led to Bragg’s conviction. He accepted the verdict with almost equable grace. Beholding the noose, however, had evoked palpable anger and observable fear; he perspired profusely, sweat oozing from his pours as two military police nudged him up the shallow steps to the platform. With each step, he hurled invective at President Trump, who was not present, and at the officers below him, Vice Adm. Crandall, a two-star Army general and a Marine Corps colonel who gnawed on a cigar.

So obese was Bragg that he was huffing and puffing and seemed to cough up a lung by the time he reached the platform.

He caught his breath. “Whatever happens to me, Trump will never be safe. We’ll get him eventually. Dead men can’t be presidents, but presidents can be made into dead men. And once he’s gone, you’re all next. It’s an inevitability. Thomas Crooks, Ryan Wesley Routh—do you think that’s the end of it? If you do, you’re wrong. I tell you what, Admiral, let me live, and I’ll give you the names of other assassins out there.”

“I’d sooner swallow broken glass than deal with you, detainee Bragg,” the Admiral said. “Besides, I don’t believe you. Some guard gossiped to you; it happens all the time. Until this moment, I thought you’d find dignity in death, but you’re a conniving coward like everyone else who’s stood up there.”

“I don’t fear death,” Bragg said.

“You’re a liar, detainee Bragg, and a bad one. I can smell your fear from here,” the Admiral said.

“Hang the bastard,” the Marine colonel said.

“Oh, yes, I can see it in your eyes, and your eyes, you’re just itching to hang a Black man,” Bragg said.

Adm. Crandall replied: “Justice doesn’t discriminate, detainee Bragg. And if you must know, more Caucasians than Blacks have stood where you now stand. Let’s get this business done.”

The hangman covered Bragg’s rotund head with a black sack, fastening the noose around his neck. He waited for the Admiral’s command, then pressed a button and opened the door beneath Bragg’s feet. The excessive fat on his neck prolonged the execution, and he managed to mutter, “Oh, God, you’re killing me,” as his legs flailed in the air.

“You killed yourself,” the Admiral said.

Bragg was pronounced dead several minutes later.

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4a4d45 No.21619189

File: fa7a92cdfbf98b0⋯.jpg (289.66 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchIGWT2.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!


>We will win.


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507028 No.21619190

File: 6df681d194b6454⋯.png (203.45 KB,251x356,251:356,a2.png)




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bfcd27 No.21619191

File: a52a6ed44892b44⋯.jpg (53.17 KB,275x342,275:342,5799753235606633.jpg)

Did any Anon make out the 3 digit number on the bottom of that pepe picture?

So blurry, even after messing with the contrast.

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7fc401 No.21619192


Option A.

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2a9cb0 No.21619193

File: b17da9a6f584a1e⋯.jpeg (677.97 KB,854x586,427:293,8860FBDC_CA0C_4F7D_8266_6….jpeg)

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de44d1 No.21619194

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d9667b No.21619195

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Owl News Archives - 09/18/2024



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831723 No.21619196



When the human tsar announces a grand ball to which his sons and his wives are invited, Maria takes off her frog skin to appear as human. While she is in the tsar's ballroom, her husband hurries back home and burns the frog skin. When she comes home, she reveals the prince her cursed state would soon be over, says he needs to find Baba Yaga in a remote kingdom, and vanishes from sight in the form of a cuckoo.

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3194e3 No.21619197

File: 90a04ff8671ba0e⋯.png (1.58 MB,1498x1500,749:750,ClipboardImage.png)


>lithium battery operated microwaves

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6d4d0b No.21619198


one more wafer thin notable?

are you sure?

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af9cc2 No.21619199



putin likes titties… the choice is clear.

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d79338 No.21619200


Please tell us she has a name - PLEASE?

Probably very famous, or still a hiddenTreasure?

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8eab7b No.21619201

File: a6af7c8153e7fe0⋯.jpg (2.88 MB,3981x1552,3981:1552,20240919_130215.jpg)

Back to 1984…

I mean come on……

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64bed4 No.21619202

File: ea7c13d6fddbc40⋯.png (80.68 KB,700x1079,700:1079,avyOGMn_700bwp.png)

The party of joy praises pre programmed AI and calls MAGA morons

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507028 No.21619203

File: 620b777fb593fc0⋯.png (527.67 KB,796x396,199:99,A8.png)



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831723 No.21619204

File: e9901bd5f2d8859⋯.jpg (688.31 KB,2035x3000,407:600,heswatchingyou.jpg)


>The enemy moves in one direction; towards the kill.

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fedbc2 No.21619205

Zelinsky shit the bed years ago, DeepFuck panic salad, terabytes of insurance hits the web.

NSA oops button brings down the house.

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

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d4e52d No.21619206


my paradolia says it is 627

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37f970 No.21619207

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2a9cb0 No.21619208

File: 89dea3f9437f4a4⋯.jpeg (619.79 KB,960x648,40:27,A782E8F4_ACF9_444E_9DC4_0….jpeg)


OAN talking cat cake

I like this sheriff

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af9cc2 No.21619209

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a8439e No.21619210


#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’


>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

>>21619079, >>21619092, >>21619042 Nessun Dorma translated

>>21619106, >>21619171, >>21619137 NO FUCKING TAXES

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327037 No.21619211

File: 8ab57b6ee813db4⋯.png (908.04 KB,1272x709,1272:709,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2b621 No.21619212




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81ba5a No.21619213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8eab7b No.21619214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dede47 No.21619215

I don't know how much more I can take, truly. Been un der communist Trudeau ruile for so long….hoping and praying the NEW WAVE Trump would leak into our society…but alas, my people are just too dumbed down. I don't know what to do to shake the fuck outta peeps! Ezra has done lots to bring awareness, but most of the peeps I talk to don't have a clue wh he is or what I am talking about.

I….don't want to put myself or my family in danger, as I KNOW this has happened to others.

How di I just sit back and watch!

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d79338 No.21619216


N/M Just saw the tiny print, can make out KATIE Ritchie >>21619079

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c2b621 No.21619217


>Did any Anon make out the 3 digit number on the bottom of that pepe picture?

There are multiple overlapping numbers./

If you look closely, there is even a fourth character, appears to be a three after the other 3./



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507028 No.21619218

File: 9d2621fe9e37050⋯.jpg (27.61 KB,800x419,800:419,a3.jpg)



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000000 No.21619219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Feelz good man.

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fedbc2 No.21619220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pictures, film, comms, transactions.

Sicko Billionaire shit sandwich of fuckin gone

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64cb63 No.21619221

File: 072236c572cf294⋯.png (125.51 KB,882x1068,147:178,521.png)

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5d96d0 No.21619222



the person who made the poll should be put in the unemployment line

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3194e3 No.21619223

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4fefba No.21619224

File: dd8cca68858ba9b⋯.png (534.86 KB,1005x756,335:252,Screenshot_2024_07_14_0137….png)

File: adbbf36923265a9⋯.png (301.88 KB,390x518,195:259,Screenshot_2024_07_09_2128….png)

File: d19911d1a8b061f⋯.png (17.2 KB,419x417,419:417,Screenshot_2024_07_09_0156….png)

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260ffd No.21619225

File: 9b38d69608525c3⋯.gif (1.93 MB,800x340,40:17,1z.gif)



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f7f43e No.21619226

File: f5f03e9123100bc⋯.png (430.26 KB,474x443,474:443,ClipboardImage.png)

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7fc401 No.21619227



This is the first time that these types of radiation attacks have been done so obviously widespread in public because they are desperate. Normally, these attacks are meant only for target individuals to stay under the radar, so that other people and their cronies will call you delusional or crazy; but in fact, all it means is that they are not a target. So with the Israeli energy weapon attacks on Hezebollah and the Trump supporters getting eye burns, we can now see that these energy weapon exist. There was a SCIF early this year about this but now it should be clear to all.

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64bed4 No.21619228

File: 6933e7c30a37422⋯.png (49.07 KB,700x700,1:1,a2vorXp_700bwp.png)

WW3 snitcher

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dede47 No.21619229


are these like xray glasses or something! kek

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a8439e No.21619230


filtered for pissing me offfff

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6509ef No.21619231


does canada's federal election come before or after USA? that will probably be an indicator as to who will "win" up there

sorry frendo

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4fefba No.21619232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"It's what you don't know."

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c2b621 No.21619233


>programmed AI

If you knew how advanced AI is, you would never worry about what SnapChat is doing or OpenAI./



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9a3d14 No.21619234

File: ccdcf9085be8461⋯.jpeg (768.2 KB,1170x1860,39:62,IMG_5716.jpeg)

the world knows of your crimes Israel. Israel shills hate to see it

You are the Nazis

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f7f43e No.21619235

File: e04da4c3bc4ee3c⋯.jpg (74.26 KB,1024x776,128:97,Are_We_The_Baddies_Democra….jpg)


Sinister as a dude in a stable on his own

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837bb4 No.21619236

File: 57fa838040303e7⋯.gif (989.27 KB,400x204,100:51,5aSq.gif)

Hezbollah checks out their sweet new boomboxes

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ff5484 No.21619237

File: b279b76bbd30457⋯.png (647.2 KB,500x557,500:557,ClipboardImage.png)


what you don't realise is that every country is under the boot of their dictators, same in the u.k.

went into overdrive after the election.

hopefully djt arrests all those corrupt appointed leaders by klaus and trained by blair.

There is no law and order, there is two tier justice with open borders and criminals benefiting from the citizens misery whilst lying to them at every turn.

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e80493 No.21619238

File: 0af367213b8b2af⋯.jpg (105.58 KB,1200x900,4:3,0af367213b8b2af88abe0a3549….jpg)

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831723 No.21619239

File: bcf2e0a7d22464a⋯.png (908.14 KB,941x723,941:723,huma.png)


>20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

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831723 No.21619240


>one more wafer thin notable?

it's a pager, what's the worst that can happen

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2a9cb0 No.21619242


The townsfolk bought lawsuits on him for this bs. Explains the Never Walz spin the wheel at the County Fair

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2004f2 No.21619243

File: 4eae631c1eec81c⋯.png (819.8 KB,600x575,24:23,ClipboardImage.png)


You know that pic is an Italian actor, right?

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8507b7 No.21619244

File: 1e35fe472fdb8b4⋯.mp4 (450.49 KB,480x852,40:71,Tim_Young_20240918_3_new.mp4)


JD Vance is SAVAGE!🔥🔥🔥

He's playing the Buck Hunter arcade game and says it's also the closest Tim Walz has ever gotten to real combat…

I'm dead. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Hunting 'Bucks'

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723b69 No.21619245

File: eacf2cfea2046e2⋯.png (21.67 KB,255x217,255:217,ClipboardImage.png)

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831723 No.21619246


Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash, Mysterious Illness

Rally goers met with hateful rhetoric and unexplained chemical burns to eyes

Last week, former President Donald Trump held his first post-debate rally in Tucson, a predominantly left-leaning city. The event took place at the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall, drawing attention to Trump’s new policy announcement and the controversy surrounding the rally before and after.

Before the rally, Pima County Supervisor Adelita Grijalva sparked backlash by posting a profane sign on social media. The sign, which read “F you MAGA, no more Orange” in Spanish, was captioned, “Welcome to Tucson.” At a subsequent Pima County Board of Supervisors meeting, constituents demanded an apology from Grijalva. However, she stood by her actions, stating, “I’ll acknowledge wrongdoing when Trump apologizes for the racist, misogynistic, sexist, inflammatory comments he’s made about women, people of color, LGBTQ…”

Grijalva wasn’t the only notable Tucson figure to oppose the rally. Music legend Linda Ronstadt, whose name adorns the venue, also disapproved. Taking to social media, Ronstadt criticized Trump for holding the event at a building associated with her legacy, stating her deep opposition to his policies.

While the rally drew a large and enthusiastic crowd, it ended with an unexpected turn of events. Approximately 20 attendees, primarily members of the “Latinos for Trump” group who had been onstage, reported becoming ill with mysterious symptoms shortly after the rally concluded. All those who reported falling ill were seated on the side of the stage where Trump made his entrance before approaching the podium.

Pastor Eli Moreno, who opened the rally with prayer, and his wife, Francesca Moreno, were among those affected. Pastor Moreno said that he experienced mild discomfort, but his wife’s symptoms were far more severe. On their drive home, Mrs. Moreno’s nose began to run, her vision blurred, and her face swelled up. They stopped at a Walgreens and encountered another rallygoer with similar symptoms. Mrs. Moreno stated that emergency room doctors flushed her eyes earlier and referred her to an ophthalmologist. Five days later, she was just beginning to feel better.

Mayra Rodriguez, another attendee, also fell ill 30 minutes after leaving the rally, experiencing burning eyes and a severe headache. By the time she arrived at the emergency room, she could no longer open her eyes. After performing a dye test, the doctor informed her that she had suffered a chemical burn. Days later, she continued suffering from blurry vision and light sensitivity.

Several other attendees shared similar stories with The Arizona Globe. The reported symptoms, including blurred vision, severe eye pain, and facial swelling, appeared roughly 30 minutes after the rally ended. One attendee used milk to ease the burning before heading to the hospital, while another reported his face turning red and peeling. They stated that the emergency room staff told them they were not alone—multiple patients from the rally had come in with the same complaints.

The Arizona Globe contacted the Tucson Police Department and the Linda Ronstadt Music Hall for comment, but neither has released a statement.

Danielle Alvarez, Senior Advisor to the Trump campaign, addressed the situation, saying, “The Trump campaign has been collecting information. We remain committed to the countless patriots that attend our high-energy, high-impact rallies across the country.”

This is a developing story.

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718c17 No.21619247

File: 5aab6ed2eb657ba⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB,460x258,230:129,5aab6ed2eb657baa76a0b33479….mp4)

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2131a5 No.21619248

Qresear.ch down?

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723b69 No.21619249

File: 0b5bd3b22bd7697⋯.png (512.04 KB,568x744,71:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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8944b5 No.21619250

File: 9968521aebf68e7⋯.jpg (153.54 KB,865x477,865:477,TRUTH_B_TOLD.jpg)

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f7f43e No.21619251

File: d251fed457b1913⋯.png (686.22 KB,1015x633,1015:633,Nikki_Haley_Bombs_Israel_F….png)

File: afb0bbea2c92ed8⋯.png (322.05 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Hamas_Base_Israel_Genocide….png)

"Finish Them" ~ Nikki Haley

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c2b621 No.21619252


>Radiation weapons, I am always right about these things. Sound familiar?


Very precise./


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914833 No.21619253

File: b24e05385f94621⋯.jpg (337.79 KB,605x900,121:180,b24e05385f94621282fd4bc1cf….jpg)

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723b69 No.21619254

File: 0b7c9fb4b300101⋯.png (1.21 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8439e No.21619255


#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619050 DJT: I will (temporarily) cap credit card interest rates at 10%

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745, >>21618854, >>21619144, >>21619227 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618898 Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash, Mysterious Illness

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’

>>21619017 Potus>>> Bigger Than Elvis Even Without A Guitar

>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

>>21619079, >>21619092, >>21619042 Nessun Dorma translated

>>21619106, >>21619171, >>21619137 NO FUCKING TAXES

>>21619195 Night Owl News Archives - 09/18/2024

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748920 No.21619256

File: a2473151c0f55d5⋯.jpeg (84.51 KB,529x634,529:634,DC7331C8_9AD0_4EC0_86D4_3….jpeg)

File: dd7f94d66d1af81⋯.webp (9.89 KB,300x300,1:1,8F15DE32_746B_4E53_ADCD_4….webp)

File: a2473151c0f55d5⋯.jpeg (84.51 KB,529x634,529:634,ED348323_8356_4778_99B5_C….jpeg)

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831723 No.21619257

File: 491ce556effcdc1⋯.png (1.02 MB,2160x1206,120:67,ClipboardImage.png)


>the closest Tim Walz has ever gotten to real combat

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723b69 No.21619258

File: 0b856b2fcbce9c6⋯.png (308.5 KB,568x468,142:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff5484 No.21619259

just realised new york is modelled on rome italy

nessum dorma now makes sense.

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260ffd No.21619260

File: 9e944866da690f1⋯.png (4.77 MB,1421x1800,1421:1800,00000000000000.png)

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

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723b69 No.21619261

File: 0c408e77968cc8a⋯.png (295.13 KB,490x755,98:151,ClipboardImage.png)

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e80493 No.21619262


Oh man that's great! stolt and TY

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831723 No.21619263


The Aztecs used tomatoes in their cooking at the time of the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, and after the Spanish encountered the tomato for the first time after their contact with the Aztecs, they brought the plant to Europe, in a widespread cultural interchange known as the Columbian exchange. From there, the tomato was introduced to other parts of the European-colonized world during the 16th century.

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64bed4 No.21619264

File: f33a679ee153d6f⋯.png (66.11 KB,700x1182,350:591,aoyN1GA_700bwp.png)

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854514 No.21619265


aw he got the velcro

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dede47 No.21619266

File: 2c42a5f118c606e⋯.png (52.69 KB,962x635,962:635,Screenshot_2024_09_18_at_2….png)

ya, never really studied yoiur theory…but will now! kek Here is something I found.

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723b69 No.21619267

File: 0d28f19ea41063f⋯.png (129.78 KB,505x443,505:443,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fefba No.21619268

File: bd3e001fcdc378a⋯.png (226.15 KB,591x554,591:554,Screenshot_2024_09_02_0807….png)

File: f60cce4c4fc74a2⋯.png (345.39 KB,519x525,173:175,Screenshot_2024_07_08_0259….png)

File: 405f69924bee4d3⋯.png (60.58 KB,183x218,183:218,Screenshot_2024_08_12_0504….png)


Skyfall 11-4.

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723b69 No.21619269

File: 0e3903ac05b0dd8⋯.png (176.89 KB,1064x1266,532:633,ClipboardImage.png)

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48b43f No.21619270

S o we got a bread with no number??

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ff5484 No.21619272

File: 074427f29375d7a⋯.png (532.55 KB,587x502,587:502,brave_2BAd664LyZ.png)

File: 14c20a0f478507e⋯.png (213.02 KB,293x343,293:343,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7f43e No.21619273

File: c0d8c5c8a289de4⋯.png (273.01 KB,467x500,467:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e31ffce9860ebea⋯.png (27.96 KB,132x160,33:40,Dan_look_right.png)

File: 4945a2f15a54f6a⋯.png (85.13 KB,327x412,327:412,Dan_Looking_Alpha.png)

File: 9a0cdc571c625d6⋯.png (753.51 KB,827x809,827:809,Dan_checkem01.png)


JD Vance is Dan's love child.

Look at it then change muh mind.

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2004f2 No.21619274

File: ef4dc7cc9d89719⋯.png (588.75 KB,780x438,130:73,ClipboardImage.png)


How unoriginal.

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9ae5ed No.21619276


When aren't those dick stains triggered?

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d1aae0 No.21619277

File: 5b189010c06d5ce⋯.png (507.3 KB,596x537,596:537,jjw68.PNG)

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723b69 No.21619278

File: 0ede1b9c4d77c2b⋯.png (583.72 KB,1000x500,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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78c61b No.21619279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 24

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854514 No.21619280


3 and a half seconds?

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a8439e No.21619281

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e80493 No.21619283

File: bf3a6ce9ea3a533⋯.jpeg (25.27 KB,203x249,203:249,bf3a6ce9ea3a533d2652f8a2b….jpeg)

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c2b621 No.21619284


>JD Vance is Dan's love child.

>Look at it then change muh mind.

Are you worried about Team Trump or Team Harris?

Which is the best team to be digging on right now?




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723b69 No.21619285

File: 0f5d6fc1f77ab1c⋯.png (216.12 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2131a5 No.21619286

File: 87e5f131a4be943⋯.png (70.96 KB,468x269,468:269,Usha_Vance.png)


J.D. Vance’s Hindu wife Usha is an evident handler of J.D. Vance for the British Pilgrims Society


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a8439e No.21619287


#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619050 DJT: I will (temporarily) cap credit card interest rates at 10%

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump:”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745, >>21618854, >>21619144, >>21619227, >>21619246 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618898 Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash, Mysterious Illness

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’

>>21619017 Potus>>> Bigger Than Elvis Even Without A Guitar

>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

>>21619079, >>21619092, >>21619042 Nessun Dorma translated

>>21619106, >>21619171, >>21619137 NO FUCKING TAXES

>>21619195 Night Owl News Archives - 09/18/2024

>>21619244 JD Vance: Closest Tim Walz has ever gotten to real combat…

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bfcd27 No.21619289

File: 7750af0cde2e870⋯.jpg (28.95 KB,317x507,317:507,IMG_2068025406317_234916_8….jpg)

File: 49090b1252f7804⋯.png (64.54 KB,766x850,383:425,679.png)






KmAo >>21619191 (me)

Didn't think so. I thought it said 679

To blurry.

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dede47 No.21619291

I need to slow my roll…checking out for the night, fellow peeps. Be good and be careful/

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d1aae0 No.21619292

File: ad867d1f30e290e⋯.png (602.1 KB,622x551,622:551,witch.PNG)

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000000 No.21619293

John Greenewald, Jr.

@blackvaultcom Sep 17

The FBI has released its first batch of files on Henry Kissinger.

Download them now here:

FBI Files: American Politicians, Aides, and Appointees

By John GreenewaldSeptember 17, 2024


Sep 17, 2024 · 11:43 PM UTC


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723b69 No.21619294

File: 1defed855b7dc82⋯.png (243.21 KB,568x431,568:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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748920 No.21619296

File: cee81da6e8ae6d7⋯.png (459.77 KB,690x2054,345:1027,D6400FC5_01A5_4D6C_9F10_98….png)


mission impossible has failed big time.

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af6de0 No.21619297


One sign of low radiation attacks besides blurred vision or burning eyes, is the loss or damage of eye lashes. Targeted individuals get it worse because it usually includes chemicals that dry the eyes in a form of a fungus. The radiation coupled with the moisture of the eyes keep the fungus replicating indefinately. This is the cause of many eye problems such as glaucoma, sensitivity to light, blindness, blurred vision, and the worst of any other pain that you can imagine; cornea deterioration. As you cure yourself, they are waiting to put the same chemicals in your pathways and radiate you, in a continuous cycle of extreme suffering.

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ade3c7 No.21619298

File: b506b70b620f17a⋯.png (181.46 KB,335x455,67:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d8d6b No.21619299


He must really like that Indian pussy, to dress like such a faggot.

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2a9cb0 No.21619300

File: 4fded778eb7f71a⋯.jpeg (580.61 KB,960x1395,64:93,D7EF4B98_19EB_49E3_88A4_C….jpeg)


These freaks thought it was weird


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723b69 No.21619302

File: 0f55aeaef659494⋯.png (66.12 KB,450x518,225:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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870ef5 No.21619303

File: 319ed58e579c1ef⋯.jpeg (332.1 KB,1125x1242,125:138,IMG_4125.jpeg)

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9ed0e5 No.21619304

File: 470cd5ffaf3a3d4⋯.png (423.88 KB,756x638,378:319,ClipboardImage.png)

The "Next AI Trade" Plays Out: Microsoft And BlackRock Join Forces On $30 Billion AI Infrastructure Fund

As we have been writing for the better part of the last year, the next AI trade continues to look like it's going to be energy. And now, both BlackRock and Microsoft are making it known that they understand this, too.

Yesterday it was reported that the two industry giants are prepping the launch of a $30 billion AI investment fund that'll see Microsoft build data centers and energy projects to meet the demands of AI, according to the Financial Times.

BlackRock’s new infrastructure investment unit, Global Infrastructure Partners, is launching a major investment fund with Microsoft and Abu Dhabi’s MGX as general partners. Nvidia will provide advisory on factory design and integration.

The FT wrote that the partnership aims to tackle the massive power and infrastructure needs of AI development, which is expected to strain current energy systems. AI’s computing demands far exceed past technologies.

The partnership seeks to raise up to $30bn in equity, with plans to leverage an additional $70bn in debt.

In a statement, Larry Fink said: “Mobilizing private capital to build AI infrastructure like data centers and power will unlock a multitrillion-dollar long-term investment opportunity.”

Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president, added: “The country and the world are going to need more capital investment to accelerate the development of the AI infrastructure needed. This kind of effort is an important step.”


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f7f43e No.21619305


That you Dan?

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748920 No.21619307

File: cbc0a29723b2fe4⋯.jpeg (62.21 KB,625x375,5:3,6950DBF5_0A28_4DCA_9FA8_0….jpeg)

File: b03605143f61a3a⋯.jpeg (19.6 KB,255x153,5:3,8EED71C1_1371_4DBE_9BCB_8….jpeg)

File: f4c873dd9eb2f0a⋯.png (381.12 KB,568x429,568:429,541C9483_948D_4889_B336_B0….png)

File: 63dff2517bcbd75⋯.png (1.11 MB,735x797,735:797,5188BDF3_77F4_40D8_B8AA_15….png)

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723b69 No.21619308

File: 1e20309975e642a⋯.png (85.91 KB,269x187,269:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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7883ae No.21619311

File: 76ccf1140f677cf⋯.jpg (374.77 KB,1280x854,640:427,1701354970254493.jpg)

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a15ab7 No.21619312

File: 2f0fb0753000e7c⋯.png (965.66 KB,1000x711,1000:711,Pig_is_Ready.png)


>We need a northern border wall and Canadians should pay for it.

Fifty-four Forty or Fight!

Remember the Pig War!

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723b69 No.21619313

File: 1f2bf82299ba5a8⋯.png (263.91 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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dfb278 No.21619315

File: 7d636e3c78ef4fa⋯.jpeg (846.04 KB,1125x1717,1125:1717,IMG_4126.jpeg)

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723b69 No.21619316

File: 1f0009cc89a8a47⋯.png (485.46 KB,1798x1560,899:780,ClipboardImage.png)

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914833 No.21619319

File: 1148586ef34a8cb⋯.webp (855.06 KB,3024x4032,3:4,696o8pd1d7hd1.webp)


>S o we got a bread with no number??

And a horse with no name.

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64bed4 No.21619320

File: 7f1fff6652b006d⋯.png (74.54 KB,700x1478,350:739,aAyxdqE_700bwp.png)

Late September surprise

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723b69 No.21619322

File: 15845bf2c1e63e2⋯.png (340.4 KB,582x547,582:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f04f9 No.21619323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Because (We) can…


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c2b621 No.21619324


>That you Dan?

No but if it were, would you be respectful of him?


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9ae5ed No.21619326


Sounds good, but I'd prefer tribunals and harsh punishments for traitors.

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fedbc2 No.21619327

Fear snowballs, divest from stupid fuckin commie or go tits up.

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f762a3 No.21619328

File: edcf75f26a8874a⋯.png (385.3 KB,500x624,125:156,ClipboardImage.png)

Anon found this sick picture on Facebook. WTF is with the kid in the background.


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723b69 No.21619329

File: 138575738b8c9ef⋯.png (633.47 KB,602x599,602:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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58dc03 No.21619331

File: 1578147ec5038b7⋯.png (15.1 KB,657x527,657:527,157.png)

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748920 No.21619333

File: 6269ad1dbd87d77⋯.gif (1.31 MB,480x244,120:61,A3EE03A6_CA45_4C51_B300_33….gif)

File: ae5e2401254c50a⋯.jpeg (114.13 KB,607x474,607:474,8891F44C_8A12_4F85_B039_A….jpeg)

File: 31d1ed1a87f8f44⋯.jpeg (22.39 KB,225x225,1:1,E8A5A791_C50D_4650_9829_C….jpeg)

File: 91b3015a35630de⋯.jpeg (183.4 KB,1200x798,200:133,EF53B7BA_8081_4ADE_BBA2_7….jpeg)

File: 3a252bbc833c08f⋯.png (230.42 KB,615x406,615:406,CBC44B22_246E_4DBB_A129_80….png)

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723b69 No.21619334

File: ddf24e68fc7f3f4⋯.mp4 (547.31 KB,544x320,17:10,trolling.mp4)

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6d4d0b No.21619335

File: 487cebda53b405f⋯.jpeg (82.99 KB,637x509,637:509,487cebda53b405f5cfffda8a5….jpeg)


>Did any Anon make out the 3 digit number on the bottom?

Do anons ever read the notables?

it's still at the top of this bread

#26476 notables

all links LB

>>21617756, >>21617783, >>21617805 Pepe. Q #521 Fight. Talking to anons here.

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723b69 No.21619337

File: 66f4e1abf3db296⋯.png (524.35 KB,916x698,458:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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2004f2 No.21619338

File: d801ebcfbcf1ede⋯.png (581.08 KB,546x630,13:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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01dd01 No.21619339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


cant listen to that in comparison to Pavoratti.


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f7f43e No.21619340


Eat zee bugs motherfucker, then you'll be happy.

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62bfbc No.21619341

File: 3042a858a5c33ba⋯.png (607.97 KB,750x592,375:296,00000ns1Z.png)

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723b69 No.21619343

File: ab3c5c1f0800612⋯.png (1.36 MB,1200x963,400:321,ClipboardImage.png)

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723b69 No.21619345

File: 4533e6f2c348db3⋯.png (7.01 KB,255x153,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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64cb63 No.21619347

File: 863e8d6f7be9850⋯.jpg (105.83 KB,802x538,401:269,Screenshot_2024_09_18_1922….jpg)

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723b69 No.21619348

File: 3fd4840f632966e⋯.mp4 (8.29 MB,640x360,16:9,Truckin.mp4)

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000000 No.21619349

Margo Martin

@margommartin 25m

President @realDonaldTrump ends his Long Island rally to Nessun Dorma like the true maestro he is! 🇺🇸🎶

Sep 19, 2024 · 12:57 AM UTC



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f7f43e No.21619350

File: f74c8f34f33ded4⋯.png (335.83 KB,612x520,153:130,What_The_Fuck_Is_Going_On_….png)


wtf, pedo humour in the swingers fb community?

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748920 No.21619352

File: 30ab5457386c5ea⋯.png (382.29 KB,500x652,125:163,4153A676_4725_4EB1_BC76_F0….png)

File: 214517fe2b69d0e⋯.jpeg (399.57 KB,1349x1637,1349:1637,E9135FAC_0740_44C7_AC98_2….jpeg)

File: 87fabc7596bee5c⋯.png (264.27 KB,462x346,231:173,B3817A94_D640_46CA_B9AB_E2….png)

File: a4274a6c28002fd⋯.gif (221.49 KB,180x196,45:49,55B41C29_3B4D_40F3_95FE_31….gif)

File: 493bce528a73079⋯.png (1.18 MB,862x1156,431:578,0E820DC7_A5CF_4308_A6EA_AA….png)

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d1aae0 No.21619353


John-Boy's mole migrated

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3194e3 No.21619354


McConnell, Schumer, Rino Ryan et al. Border wall was "too expensive" at $11 Billion yet $113 Billion (Likely way more) to Ukraine is dandy.

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723b69 No.21619356

File: e467ec977f2c6a2⋯.png (304.57 KB,598x442,23:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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2004f2 No.21619357

File: 1560904bed61951⋯.png (801.89 KB,750x979,750:979,ClipboardImage.png)

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837bb4 No.21619359

File: a5fe249deff2ba3⋯.jpg (39.48 KB,540x432,5:4,ZomboMeme_18092024092543.jpg)

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723b69 No.21619360

File: 5874c06485e7358⋯.png (3.12 MB,4000x4000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d96d0 No.21619362


violent shills who personified a time of day and took over the term 'night shift' to make it a moniker for shills fester in the bread.

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2a9cb0 No.21619363

File: 67bc62d3412fed5⋯.jpeg (133.22 KB,801x696,267:232,70CEE2F3_250E_40D5_9FD7_9….jpeg)


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723b69 No.21619365

File: 146a7b87289b6f4⋯.png (1.22 MB,1000x643,1000:643,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d4d0b No.21619366

File: 8fe50937f3f4b3b⋯.jpg (119.56 KB,1024x994,512:497,tumblr_np7ztvQRGM1tvo0jlo1….jpg)

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22f19d No.21619367

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)

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650f99 No.21619368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>S o we got a bread with no number??

Someone's Got My Number-Count Bishops


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f7f43e No.21619369

File: 0a0284e589d293c⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB,480x270,16:9,Joe_Bidens_Mental_Decline_….mp4)

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723b69 No.21619370

File: 9dc0877b1e32e65⋯.png (16.91 KB,255x254,255:254,ClipboardImage.png)

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a15ab7 No.21619372


>N/M Just saw the tiny print, can make out KATIE Ritchie


Replying to @Katie Ritchie I have translated the world famous song Nessun Dorma, into English for you to understand the meaning behind the song. I have adapted the words to fit musically and rhythmicly. I hope this brings deeper meaning to the song for you. All my love #viral #englishversion #nessundorma #pavarotti #cover #translation #singer #fyyp #thecottagesinger #vocals #opera

original sound - The Cottage Singer


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fedbc2 No.21619373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DeepFuck Alphabet Shitstain Stew, fucked up and retarded meat soup of fuck.

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.


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723b69 No.21619374

File: b70ad822fe5520f⋯.png (679.35 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

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723b69 No.21619377

File: a177ba7069d280b⋯.png (552.87 KB,793x582,793:582,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff5484 No.21619378

File: 17b495c19c3ff74⋯.png (387.67 KB,627x323,33:17,ClipboardImage.png)


they have never made a night shift meme.

everyone of them have been stolen from anons.

like the left, they can't meme

the shills are faggot and gay.

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6509ef No.21619379

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,16ce0524bee41c4cab98beba51….png)


>make it a moniker for shills fester in the bread

only if you attach meaning to vatty's posts

otherwise, night shift still do be comfy

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723b69 No.21619380

File: 35972aa76829549⋯.png (627.48 KB,220x361,220:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fefba No.21619381

File: 3be922e3ed9d6f3⋯.png (1.15 MB,1192x670,596:335,the_end.png)

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2f04f9 No.21619382

Where is screen shot of black girl holding Q shirt up at end of Q+ speech tonight…???

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723b69 No.21619383

File: 69db236beaa6119⋯.png (807.17 KB,771x758,771:758,ClipboardImage.png)

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2004f2 No.21619384

File: 9a893e959a08aa9⋯.png (430.17 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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8944b5 No.21619385

File: 7db6b51e48130b0⋯.jpg (192.9 KB,799x557,799:557,PIG_ROUTE_17.jpg)

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723b69 No.21619386

File: 404850424698e26⋯.png (18.74 KB,441x434,63:62,ClipboardImage.png)

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914833 No.21619387

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,NaS5WoSnYKsr.jpeg)

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723b69 No.21619388

File: f94444e8e8cc272⋯.png (1.35 MB,1013x1013,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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723b69 No.21619389

File: c9abf4b4d508445⋯.png (3.01 MB,1990x1100,199:110,ClipboardImage.png)

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826fd4 No.21619390

File: f87cf08d24d7488⋯.jpg (325.93 KB,599x625,599:625,Xnip2024_09_18_21_29_24.jpg)

Oprah being the first arrest would be big enough to cause a mass awareness.

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723b69 No.21619391

File: 16d959fff8fc66b⋯.png (234.75 KB,829x434,829:434,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f04f9 No.21619392

Where is screen shot of black girl holding Q shirt up at end of Q+ speech tonight…???

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c2b621 No.21619393



Many different people./

Many different faces./

Some day you will meet them./

Then you will see their disgrace./


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8944b5 No.21619394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c6f32a No.21619395

File: 12b646581bd4d13⋯.jpg (136.64 KB,564x564,1:1,20240918_193106.jpg)

(you) can not see one in the majority of instances.

very telling,

after so long.

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22f19d No.21619396

File: ed2c886f20a3a60⋯.jpg (145.72 KB,737x1016,737:1016,ed2c886f20a3a602f4387e1b41….jpg)

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723b69 No.21619397

File: 6dd13e2df60c2a1⋯.png (1.65 MB,793x801,793:801,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7f43e No.21619398

File: f62af4eab6c540c⋯.jpg (232.79 KB,598x718,299:359,Chuck_Schumer_Hunter_Tweet.jpg)

File: fa038dffaf740a5⋯.png (304.59 KB,660x371,660:371,Chuck_Qanon_Speak.png)

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723b69 No.21619399

File: ebc76d5bd86bce1⋯.png (862.8 KB,640x411,640:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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37f970 No.21619400


was russell simmons involved in some shit

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2004f2 No.21619401

File: 5e607a83505a11b⋯.png (716.5 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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723b69 No.21619404

File: d62eff4a0ad3d7c⋯.png (1.43 MB,1448x1102,724:551,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fefba No.21619405

File: bdd1e086db371dd⋯.png (48.57 KB,259x73,259:73,Hi.png)

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2a9cb0 No.21619407

File: 514994fb73dcb0f⋯.jpeg (127.18 KB,734x989,734:989,C3509E9D_CFF0_47D6_990A_2….jpeg)


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723b69 No.21619409

File: e109cf9d53302e8⋯.png (102.29 KB,752x482,376:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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64bed4 No.21619411

File: e14859026d385a0⋯.png (382.13 KB,852x479,852:479,a8bf76d1ebf69e85ed9aad68fa….png)


True night shift backed down for a while

Imposters will perish

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9ed0e5 No.21619413

File: 837fd3fe8c3213c⋯.png (325.89 KB,511x627,511:627,ClipboardImage.png)

File: edb06776bdd4974⋯.png (157.5 KB,503x575,503:575,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24265792e75cb8a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1179x1543,1179:1543,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5143fe4f85c2885⋯.png (722.01 KB,1179x1506,393:502,ClipboardImage.png)


Senators write Vice President Kamala Harris over her mismanagement of a $42 billion program to expand Internet.

After 1️,0️3️8️ days “not a single person has been connected to the internet using the $42.45 billion.”


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4fefba No.21619415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is how it happens when you pray. God answers prayers.

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723b69 No.21619416

File: fd566f86d1d4e3c⋯.png (206.73 KB,2480x3508,620:877,ClipboardImage.png)

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2004f2 No.21619417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a5924e No.21619418

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723b69 No.21619420

File: b47befb2d3555e8⋯.png (1.21 MB,781x746,781:746,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ea489 No.21619421


At least 4 of them appear to be women, AOC, Omar, Tlaib and Pelosi

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f7f43e No.21619422


Why not write to President Joe Biden?

Where's Joe?

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000000 No.21619423

Doug Mills

@dougmillsnyt 46m

.@realDonaldTrump surprises 8 year old Liam Licastro with a gift backstage during a campaign rally at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, NY.

Sep 19, 2024 · 12:48 AM UTC



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a8439e No.21619424


#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619106, >>21619171, >>21619137 NO FUCKING TAXES

>>21619050 DJT: I will (temporarily) cap credit card interest rates at 10%

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump: ”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745, >>21618854, >>21619144, >>21619227, >>21619246 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618898 Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash, Mysterious Illness

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’

>>21619017 Potus: Bigger Than Elvis Even Without A Guitar

>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

>>21619079, >>21619092, >>21619042, >>21619349 Nessun Dorma translated

>>21619195 Night Owl News Archives - 09/18/2024

>>21619244 JD Vance: Closest Tim Walz has ever gotten to real combat

>>21619293 FBI has releases its first batch of files on Henry Kissinger

>>21617756, >>21617783, >>21617805 Pepe. Q #521 Fight. Talking to anons here.

>>21619413 Senators write Vice President Kamala Harris over her mismanagement of a $42 billion program

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2a9cb0 No.21619425

File: 46c2582da2cab42⋯.jpeg (357.8 KB,659x479,659:479,04A58A1C_7BF8_480E_8BA0_3….jpeg)

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723b69 No.21619427

File: ae045def503ffb7⋯.png (1010.36 KB,576x768,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6f32a No.21619428

File: cd9577a31012eee⋯.png (1.01 MB,1013x1013,1:1,20240918_193554.png)


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119bd4 No.21619429


Take yo best shot, muthafucka!

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650f99 No.21619430


Somehow it'll be PDJT's fault

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bd8123 No.21619431

File: 068102001f6ac95⋯.png (1.64 MB,1304x978,4:3,frank.png)

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826fd4 No.21619432

File: ae6fb7546f7ec78⋯.jpg (222.65 KB,602x521,602:521,Xnip2024_09_18_21_35_34.jpg)

would Teamsters not endorse her if she was winning?

They know what's up. They just don't want to lose their dem gravy train money$$$.

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bec861 No.21619433


>everyone of them have been stolen from anons


Like this one from me kek.

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8944b5 No.21619435

File: ca6ba1491cc99d3⋯.jpg (117.92 KB,692x461,692:461,IN_THE_LAND_OF_COTTON.jpg)

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bd8123 No.21619436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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723b69 No.21619437

File: e6705084ab94413⋯.png (641.75 KB,1100x559,1100:559,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b72ec No.21619438


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c6f32a No.21619440

literal fed


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c2b621 No.21619441

File: 7f5199cba0de9ed⋯.png (14.05 MB,2799x2856,933:952,infinitespace3.png)


>True night shift backed down for a while

Night Shift is forever./



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ffff03 No.21619442

FULL SPEECH: Lee Zeldin at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Anna Funder at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Shabbos Kestenbaum at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Madeline Brame at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Bruce Blakeman at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Mayor Rudy Giuliani at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Anthony D'Esposito, Nick LaLota & Mike Lepretre at Trump Rally in NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Nicole Malliotakis at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Edward Romaine at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



WATCH: Scott LoBaido Paints a Portrait of President Trump at Long Island Rally - 9/18/24



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a15ab7 No.21619444

File: 1a3b95608e9b265⋯.png (267.78 KB,672x412,168:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf42b06583e92ff⋯.png (791.65 KB,743x446,743:446,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1bd343a6b24838⋯.png (116.51 KB,840x850,84:85,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62671ac5cc04c00⋯.png (607.19 KB,667x1000,667:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


>Oprah being the first arrest would be big enough to cause a mass awareness.

Argument: "Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening." [example]

Counter-argument: Do not make statements based on assumption of 'worth' and/or 'value'. Do not think 'today' but rather 'after' today.

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723b69 No.21619445


nik'd it


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826fd4 No.21619447

i just love the fact the shills are spamming the bread with Q posts.

fukkin hilarious

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a8439e No.21619448

File: b25bbe96f913ca6⋯.png (886.08 KB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Needs moar sauce, big if true



The entire board of 23andMe Just Resigned…

Why is this important?

Wojcicki is mentioned in the Qdrops as Being Associated with creating a Mass Surveillance State in a Collaborated effort between Silicon Valley and the CIA & NSA

Sergey Brin (born in Madcow), the founder of Google, was married to… Anne Wojcicki, the founder of 23andme, whose sister is Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube

[DARPA] (she died recently though😉

Funny how they’re all connected, eh?

The drops also elude that [DARPA] aka Google played a role in the spy campaign against Trump… same with Twitter 1.0… which was believed to be used in an assassination attempt, where they tried to shoot AF1 out of the sky.

The End Goal:

The research arms of the CIA and NSA hoped that the best computer-science minds in academia could identify what they called “birds of a feather:” Just as geese fly together in large V shapes, or flocks of sparrows make sudden movements together in harmony, they predicted that like-minded groups of humans would move together online. The intelligence community named their first unclassified briefing for scientists the “birds of a feather” briefing, and the “Birds of a Feather Session on the Intelligence Community Initiative in Massive Digital Data Systems” took place at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose in the spring of 1995.

At this point, Iris scanners are now on our phones screening our eyes to “confirm our identity”… Q eluded to how long before that becomes a drop of blood?

In addition to all of this, there’s also the threat of biological warfare against specific genealogy (specific races)… as RFK JR talked about.


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eb7091 No.21619450

P Diddy Crimes Lead To Washington D.C.

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723b69 No.21619452

File: 4153fb7e32b0da6⋯.png (532.5 KB,968x606,484:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd92e9 No.21619454



>Very precise./


ThankQ. God's will in al things, that is the hard part for us to figure out. Because we suffered so much, we figured out that a fake pandemic was coming and a real bio-weapon will be used to get people sick where the health care institutions finish the job, that they will put these bio-weapon toxins into the vaccines as they did with 911 compensation shots and contaminated the air that day, that it was deployed by locals who sabotage people and use chemical and radiation weapons as a catalyst and to cause damage.

There is a very good chance that those people at the Trump rally were also attacked with a fungi too and POTUS too.

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78dcb6 No.21619456

>Aggregators: https://qresear.ch

when's it going to be back?

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a8439e No.21619459


great work!

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64bed4 No.21619461

File: e81290d36e5456d⋯.jpg (285.46 KB,930x938,465:469,e81290d36e5456d8fb29e40be4….jpg)

Vati clown is drunk right now

Watch him making verbal mistakes and the lack of OG nightshift memes like always

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723b69 No.21619463

File: 08601fbe517125c⋯.png (106.89 KB,1080x946,540:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8439e No.21619464



All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest.

Kevin Liles (Music Exec)

Eric Pryor (President of Fine Arts)

Johnathan Halloway (Rutgers President)

Robert B. Davis (General Manager of Martha's Vineyard)

Chris Cameron (LaCrosse Coach)

Kathy Newsham (Bay City Mayor)

LaMonica McIver (Newark City Councilman)

Allyson Green (Tisch Dean)

Craig Maladra (5th Ward Geneva)

Joseph Kerschner (Doctor)

Mike Foster (President of Nexian Travel)

Suzi Williams (Executive Director)

Romain Mazeries (CEO)

Henry Leventis (Chief Prosecutor)

Matthew Teitelbaum (MFA Director)

Darren Lehmann (Assistant Coach)

Arvind Kejriwal (Chief Minister)

Giuseppe N. Colasurdo (Doctor UTH)

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ffff03 No.21619467

File: c114ff37b0172e6⋯.jpg (98.28 KB,600x600,1:1,Panic_In_DC_Theater.jpg)

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9ed0e5 No.21619468

File: 1b12246166dd711⋯.png (743.74 KB,550x673,550:673,ClipboardImage.png)

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723b69 No.21619469

File: 7de4d653e1b530f⋯.png (576.43 KB,568x740,142:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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748920 No.21619470

File: 90bb6a2c0df8c1b⋯.jpeg (31.28 KB,640x360,16:9,5CCBBDBE_EB8F_401E_B238_1….jpeg)

File: dd7f94d66d1af81⋯.webp (9.89 KB,300x300,1:1,5A3377FF_7C5A_43C9_8276_6….webp)

File: e4970430b58072d⋯.jpeg (21.6 KB,480x360,4:3,4E7B1B9E_690F_4824_9D53_D….jpeg)

File: a2473151c0f55d5⋯.jpeg (84.51 KB,529x634,529:634,0D7E980D_58A0_4A62_90DE_2….jpeg)




impala nappy ass’ bitch’


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78dcb6 No.21619471

File: 55a6850aa9caf80⋯.png (368.07 KB,714x526,357:263,_RFK_Jr_argument_that_it_i….png)


> the threat of biological warfare against specific genealogy (specific races)… as RFK JR talked about.

Here vid

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723b69 No.21619472

File: 40e7a75ca4d6d80⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,640x360,16:9,trumpaccordian.mp4)

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a8439e No.21619473



#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619442 FULL SPEECH: Guest speakers at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24

>>21619106, >>21619171, >>21619137 NO FUCKING TAXES

>>21619050 DJT: I will (temporarily) cap credit card interest rates at 10%

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump: ”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745, >>21618854, >>21619144, >>21619227, >>21619246 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618898 Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash, Mysterious Illness

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’

>>21619017 Potus: Bigger Than Elvis Even Without A Guitar

>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

>>21619079, >>21619092, >>21619042, >>21619349 Nessun Dorma translated

>>21619423 @realDonaldTrump surprises 8 year old Liam Licastro with a gift backstage during a campaign rally at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, NY.

>>21619195 Night Owl News Archives - 09/18/2024

>>21619244 JD Vance: Closest Tim Walz has ever gotten to real combat

>>21619293 FBI has releases its first batch of files on Henry Kissinger

>>21617756, >>21617783, >>21617805 Pepe. Q #521 Fight. Talking to anons here.

>>21619413 Senators write Vice President Kamala Harris over her mismanagement of a $42 billion program

>>21619448 The entire board of 23andMe Just Resigned…

>>21619464 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest

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723b69 No.21619474

File: d2b5f40d16aefeb⋯.png (454.36 KB,670x670,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ed0e5 No.21619475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It’s All Coming Out! “Thousands Left Disabled” After Covid Vaccines


Bev Turner discusses the recent report from the Telegraph on how thousands seek compensation after Covid vaccines ‘left them disabled’. Also how Bill Gates forecasts another global pandemic ‘likely’ within next 25 years in ominous health warning.


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119bd4 No.21619478


>the shills are faggot and gay

Can you meme that with the Iron Sheik giving a tranny the camel clutch?

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723b69 No.21619480

File: 48b4664872d9df0⋯.png (21.26 KB,255x223,255:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e46aa No.21619483


I always made a point of these things because God forbid they were attacked with their specialized fungi in the eyes. I rolled on the floor for 7 months and there was a time there that I did not sleep for 10 days. I always wanted to save others from experiencing that, the pain is one thing that will make you sweat profusely, but the lack of sleep for that duration is extremely strenuous on the heart due to the tension of the pain.

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eb7091 No.21619485

Church leaders went to diddy parties ? Freakoffs? with the Church freakoffs at the church ?

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955753 No.21619489

>>21618745, >>21618854, >>21619144, >>21619227, >>21619246 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, ArizonaPN

When they start attacking regular Americans that are Trump supporters, it's time for the Team to release retribution.

Blinding people for political motives are much lower than we believed they would go.

Team if you still exist get your asses in gear

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78dcb6 No.21619491

File: 904122e6b48ebd1⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,trump_2015_talking_about_e….mp4)


>highlighted Epstein

Trump highlighted him & 'prince' Andrew in 2015

before anyone

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abb5b5 No.21619492

File: ed62d975a976255⋯.jpg (326.63 KB,1100x1470,110:147,GA13.jpg)




NightShift is Activated

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327037 No.21619495

File: 4e94102085ded91⋯.png (989.56 KB,1271x710,1271:710,ClipboardImage.png)

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119bd4 No.21619496


Reminder that this morning, Bloomberg news was constantly running their story that the Teamsters weren't endorsing any candidate.

Mini Mike is such a goddamn prick. No one likes him.

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a8439e No.21619497

Fresh Bread










Q Research General #26479: Trump Coming Back [They're Rotated] SALT, Anthony, Remember, SALT Edition

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955753 No.21619498


I've been seeing a lot of people with sunglasses behind him for a couple of weeks. They had to know

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748920 No.21619499

File: e4970430b58072d⋯.jpeg (21.6 KB,480x360,4:3,DABAE9FB_2531_4149_A821_C….jpeg)

File: 62a0849ba99f849⋯.jpeg (132.2 KB,1024x994,512:497,57DCCB06_2C2F_47A0_92A4_9….jpeg)

File: 0fd4540e325d7cd⋯.jpeg (20.46 KB,480x360,4:3,80796C5C_7B8B_4E9B_8ED3_4….jpeg)

File: e06d74c3d3cfb67⋯.jpeg (22 KB,225x224,225:224,D41350BF_16A7_410D_B862_7….jpeg)

File: 7c99cb030715d55⋯.webp (191.69 KB,1440x960,3:2,A9466C97_79D1_4606_AEC9_6….webp)

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784bd0 No.21619501


ThankQ, I wonder if anyone remembers me telling the US Military that they have to be aware of this, because if they were ever attacked like this, they would not be able to see nor target the enemy.

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723b69 No.21619503

migrate, locked

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