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File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Oh_say_can_you_see_by_the_….jpg)

a8439e No.21618643 [View All]

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2a9cb0 No.21619425

File: 46c2582da2cab42⋯.jpeg (357.8 KB,659x479,659:479,04A58A1C_7BF8_480E_8BA0_3….jpeg)

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723b69 No.21619427

File: ae045def503ffb7⋯.png (1010.36 KB,576x768,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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c6f32a No.21619428

File: cd9577a31012eee⋯.png (1.01 MB,1013x1013,1:1,20240918_193554.png)


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119bd4 No.21619429


Take yo best shot, muthafucka!

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650f99 No.21619430


Somehow it'll be PDJT's fault

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bd8123 No.21619431

File: 068102001f6ac95⋯.png (1.64 MB,1304x978,4:3,frank.png)

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826fd4 No.21619432

File: ae6fb7546f7ec78⋯.jpg (222.65 KB,602x521,602:521,Xnip2024_09_18_21_35_34.jpg)

would Teamsters not endorse her if she was winning?

They know what's up. They just don't want to lose their dem gravy train money$$$.

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bec861 No.21619433


>everyone of them have been stolen from anons


Like this one from me kek.

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8944b5 No.21619435

File: ca6ba1491cc99d3⋯.jpg (117.92 KB,692x461,692:461,IN_THE_LAND_OF_COTTON.jpg)

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bd8123 No.21619436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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723b69 No.21619437

File: e6705084ab94413⋯.png (641.75 KB,1100x559,1100:559,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b72ec No.21619438


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c6f32a No.21619440

literal fed


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c2b621 No.21619441

File: 7f5199cba0de9ed⋯.png (14.05 MB,2799x2856,933:952,infinitespace3.png)


>True night shift backed down for a while

Night Shift is forever./



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ffff03 No.21619442

FULL SPEECH: Lee Zeldin at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Anna Funder at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Shabbos Kestenbaum at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Madeline Brame at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Bruce Blakeman at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Mayor Rudy Giuliani at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Anthony D'Esposito, Nick LaLota & Mike Lepretre at Trump Rally in NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Nicole Malliotakis at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



FULL SPEECH: Edward Romaine at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24



WATCH: Scott LoBaido Paints a Portrait of President Trump at Long Island Rally - 9/18/24



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a15ab7 No.21619444

File: 1a3b95608e9b265⋯.png (267.78 KB,672x412,168:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf42b06583e92ff⋯.png (791.65 KB,743x446,743:446,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1bd343a6b24838⋯.png (116.51 KB,840x850,84:85,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62671ac5cc04c00⋯.png (607.19 KB,667x1000,667:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


>Oprah being the first arrest would be big enough to cause a mass awareness.

Argument: "Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening." [example]

Counter-argument: Do not make statements based on assumption of 'worth' and/or 'value'. Do not think 'today' but rather 'after' today.

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723b69 No.21619445


nik'd it


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826fd4 No.21619447

i just love the fact the shills are spamming the bread with Q posts.

fukkin hilarious

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a8439e No.21619448

File: b25bbe96f913ca6⋯.png (886.08 KB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Needs moar sauce, big if true



The entire board of 23andMe Just Resigned…

Why is this important?

Wojcicki is mentioned in the Qdrops as Being Associated with creating a Mass Surveillance State in a Collaborated effort between Silicon Valley and the CIA & NSA

Sergey Brin (born in Madcow), the founder of Google, was married to… Anne Wojcicki, the founder of 23andme, whose sister is Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube

[DARPA] (she died recently though😉

Funny how they’re all connected, eh?

The drops also elude that [DARPA] aka Google played a role in the spy campaign against Trump… same with Twitter 1.0… which was believed to be used in an assassination attempt, where they tried to shoot AF1 out of the sky.

The End Goal:

The research arms of the CIA and NSA hoped that the best computer-science minds in academia could identify what they called “birds of a feather:” Just as geese fly together in large V shapes, or flocks of sparrows make sudden movements together in harmony, they predicted that like-minded groups of humans would move together online. The intelligence community named their first unclassified briefing for scientists the “birds of a feather” briefing, and the “Birds of a Feather Session on the Intelligence Community Initiative in Massive Digital Data Systems” took place at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose in the spring of 1995.

At this point, Iris scanners are now on our phones screening our eyes to “confirm our identity”… Q eluded to how long before that becomes a drop of blood?

In addition to all of this, there’s also the threat of biological warfare against specific genealogy (specific races)… as RFK JR talked about.


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eb7091 No.21619450

P Diddy Crimes Lead To Washington D.C.

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723b69 No.21619452

File: 4153fb7e32b0da6⋯.png (532.5 KB,968x606,484:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd92e9 No.21619454



>Very precise./


ThankQ. God's will in al things, that is the hard part for us to figure out. Because we suffered so much, we figured out that a fake pandemic was coming and a real bio-weapon will be used to get people sick where the health care institutions finish the job, that they will put these bio-weapon toxins into the vaccines as they did with 911 compensation shots and contaminated the air that day, that it was deployed by locals who sabotage people and use chemical and radiation weapons as a catalyst and to cause damage.

There is a very good chance that those people at the Trump rally were also attacked with a fungi too and POTUS too.

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78dcb6 No.21619456

>Aggregators: https://qresear.ch

when's it going to be back?

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a8439e No.21619459


great work!

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64bed4 No.21619461

File: e81290d36e5456d⋯.jpg (285.46 KB,930x938,465:469,e81290d36e5456d8fb29e40be4….jpg)

Vati clown is drunk right now

Watch him making verbal mistakes and the lack of OG nightshift memes like always

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723b69 No.21619463

File: 08601fbe517125c⋯.png (106.89 KB,1080x946,540:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8439e No.21619464



All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest.

Kevin Liles (Music Exec)

Eric Pryor (President of Fine Arts)

Johnathan Halloway (Rutgers President)

Robert B. Davis (General Manager of Martha's Vineyard)

Chris Cameron (LaCrosse Coach)

Kathy Newsham (Bay City Mayor)

LaMonica McIver (Newark City Councilman)

Allyson Green (Tisch Dean)

Craig Maladra (5th Ward Geneva)

Joseph Kerschner (Doctor)

Mike Foster (President of Nexian Travel)

Suzi Williams (Executive Director)

Romain Mazeries (CEO)

Henry Leventis (Chief Prosecutor)

Matthew Teitelbaum (MFA Director)

Darren Lehmann (Assistant Coach)

Arvind Kejriwal (Chief Minister)

Giuseppe N. Colasurdo (Doctor UTH)

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ffff03 No.21619467

File: c114ff37b0172e6⋯.jpg (98.28 KB,600x600,1:1,Panic_In_DC_Theater.jpg)

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9ed0e5 No.21619468

File: 1b12246166dd711⋯.png (743.74 KB,550x673,550:673,ClipboardImage.png)

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723b69 No.21619469

File: 7de4d653e1b530f⋯.png (576.43 KB,568x740,142:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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748920 No.21619470

File: 90bb6a2c0df8c1b⋯.jpeg (31.28 KB,640x360,16:9,5CCBBDBE_EB8F_401E_B238_1….jpeg)

File: dd7f94d66d1af81⋯.webp (9.89 KB,300x300,1:1,5A3377FF_7C5A_43C9_8276_6….webp)

File: e4970430b58072d⋯.jpeg (21.6 KB,480x360,4:3,4E7B1B9E_690F_4824_9D53_D….jpeg)

File: a2473151c0f55d5⋯.jpeg (84.51 KB,529x634,529:634,0D7E980D_58A0_4A62_90DE_2….jpeg)




impala nappy ass’ bitch’


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78dcb6 No.21619471

File: 55a6850aa9caf80⋯.png (368.07 KB,714x526,357:263,_RFK_Jr_argument_that_it_i….png)


> the threat of biological warfare against specific genealogy (specific races)… as RFK JR talked about.

Here vid

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723b69 No.21619472

File: 40e7a75ca4d6d80⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,640x360,16:9,trumpaccordian.mp4)

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a8439e No.21619473



#26478-D >>21618659

>>21619442 FULL SPEECH: Guest speakers at Trump Rally in Uniondale, NY - 9/18/24

>>21619106, >>21619171, >>21619137 NO FUCKING TAXES

>>21619050 DJT: I will (temporarily) cap credit card interest rates at 10%

>>21619000 Trump to appear on Fox News Channel's 'Gutfeld!' Wednesday night 10PM EST LINKS

>>21618694 Trump: ”GIVE ME A SHOT’’

>>21618633 DJT said the number 32 twice

>>21618704, >>21618728 Trump's SALT reference Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

>>21618706 Harry get your fat ass off of the couch.

>>21618707 "Get your fat ass out of the couch, you're gonna vote for trump today"

>>21618789 President and CEO of Warner Music Japan resigning.

>>21618745, >>21618854, >>21619144, >>21619227, >>21619246 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

>>21618898 Tucson Trump Rally Sparks Backlash, Mysterious Illness

>>21618801 58 House Democrats just voted against the "Violence Against Women By Illegal Aliens Act," which removes any loopholes in current law that prevent illegal aliens who commit sex offenses or domestic violence from being deported.

>>21618941 China Asserts Arctic Dominance While America Struggles

>>21619005 Projection at its finest: Rep. Dan Goldman: Trump Plans to ‘Execute a Coup’

>>21619017 Potus: Bigger Than Elvis Even Without A Guitar

>>21619053 Apparently we're going to love how this movie ends

>>21619079, >>21619092, >>21619042, >>21619349 Nessun Dorma translated

>>21619423 @realDonaldTrump surprises 8 year old Liam Licastro with a gift backstage during a campaign rally at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, NY.

>>21619195 Night Owl News Archives - 09/18/2024

>>21619244 JD Vance: Closest Tim Walz has ever gotten to real combat

>>21619293 FBI has releases its first batch of files on Henry Kissinger

>>21617756, >>21617783, >>21617805 Pepe. Q #521 Fight. Talking to anons here.

>>21619413 Senators write Vice President Kamala Harris over her mismanagement of a $42 billion program

>>21619448 The entire board of 23andMe Just Resigned…

>>21619464 All of these people stepped down within 24 hrs of P. Diddy arrest

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723b69 No.21619474

File: d2b5f40d16aefeb⋯.png (454.36 KB,670x670,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ed0e5 No.21619475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It’s All Coming Out! “Thousands Left Disabled” After Covid Vaccines


Bev Turner discusses the recent report from the Telegraph on how thousands seek compensation after Covid vaccines ‘left them disabled’. Also how Bill Gates forecasts another global pandemic ‘likely’ within next 25 years in ominous health warning.


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119bd4 No.21619478


>the shills are faggot and gay

Can you meme that with the Iron Sheik giving a tranny the camel clutch?

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723b69 No.21619480

File: 48b4664872d9df0⋯.png (21.26 KB,255x223,255:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e46aa No.21619483


I always made a point of these things because God forbid they were attacked with their specialized fungi in the eyes. I rolled on the floor for 7 months and there was a time there that I did not sleep for 10 days. I always wanted to save others from experiencing that, the pain is one thing that will make you sweat profusely, but the lack of sleep for that duration is extremely strenuous on the heart due to the tension of the pain.

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eb7091 No.21619485

Church leaders went to diddy parties ? Freakoffs? with the Church freakoffs at the church ?

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955753 No.21619489

>>21618745, >>21618854, >>21619144, >>21619227, >>21619246 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, ArizonaPN

When they start attacking regular Americans that are Trump supporters, it's time for the Team to release retribution.

Blinding people for political motives are much lower than we believed they would go.

Team if you still exist get your asses in gear

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78dcb6 No.21619491

File: 904122e6b48ebd1⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,trump_2015_talking_about_e….mp4)


>highlighted Epstein

Trump highlighted him & 'prince' Andrew in 2015

before anyone

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abb5b5 No.21619492

File: ed62d975a976255⋯.jpg (326.63 KB,1100x1470,110:147,GA13.jpg)




NightShift is Activated

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327037 No.21619495

File: 4e94102085ded91⋯.png (989.56 KB,1271x710,1271:710,ClipboardImage.png)

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119bd4 No.21619496


Reminder that this morning, Bloomberg news was constantly running their story that the Teamsters weren't endorsing any candidate.

Mini Mike is such a goddamn prick. No one likes him.

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a8439e No.21619497

Fresh Bread










Q Research General #26479: Trump Coming Back [They're Rotated] SALT, Anthony, Remember, SALT Edition

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955753 No.21619498


I've been seeing a lot of people with sunglasses behind him for a couple of weeks. They had to know

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748920 No.21619499

File: e4970430b58072d⋯.jpeg (21.6 KB,480x360,4:3,DABAE9FB_2531_4149_A821_C….jpeg)

File: 62a0849ba99f849⋯.jpeg (132.2 KB,1024x994,512:497,57DCCB06_2C2F_47A0_92A4_9….jpeg)

File: 0fd4540e325d7cd⋯.jpeg (20.46 KB,480x360,4:3,80796C5C_7B8B_4E9B_8ED3_4….jpeg)

File: e06d74c3d3cfb67⋯.jpeg (22 KB,225x224,225:224,D41350BF_16A7_410D_B862_7….jpeg)

File: 7c99cb030715d55⋯.webp (191.69 KB,1440x960,3:2,A9466C97_79D1_4606_AEC9_6….webp)

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784bd0 No.21619501


ThankQ, I wonder if anyone remembers me telling the US Military that they have to be aware of this, because if they were ever attacked like this, they would not be able to see nor target the enemy.

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723b69 No.21619503

migrate, locked

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