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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

1eac69 No.21526727 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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1eac69 No.21526730

International Q Research Threads

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NOTICE: >>21523087, >>21523128 GENERAL banners can use Trump "fight fight fight" photo new

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26372 >>21525636

>>21525680 Week Before 9/11, Islamic Terrorists March Through Manhattan

>>21525716 Remember The 2008 Great Financial Crisis? It Is FAR WORSE Today…

>>21525736 Stolen valor: Two more Dems busted lying about military service

>>21525746 Russia sentences scientist to 15 years in prison for ‘treason’ agencies.

>>21525793 You are in the midst of an intelligence operation. Your border policy was written by the globalists at the UN - it is called The Global Compact on migration…

>>21525968 Ukrainian anthem found in US voter database code

>>21526119 News Station ‘Loses’ Feed As Former MN Gubernatorial Candidate Dr. Scott Jensen Hammers Radical Democrat Tim Walz (Video)

>>21526226 Dana White: Trump is the most resilient human being I have ever met

>>21526256 Byron Donalds: This is the beginning of the end of Kamala Harris’ campaign

>>21526298, >>21526353 Linda Sun — a former appointee to Govs. Kathy Hochul and Andrew Cuomo — was raided by the FBI last week

>>21526314 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/03/2024

>>21526329 KevinO'Leary reacts to housing costs soaring under the Biden-Harris administration on 'Kudlow.'

>>21526347 next level insanity child grooming sickness on display. wake up people!

>>21526516, >>21526661 NASA & Related Space News

>>21526582 Trump eyeing Musk in his plan to audit federal agencies to identify programs to cut

>>21526672 TRUMP TRUTH - Maduro can go buy a bigger better plane with all that oil money we pay him

>>21526679 Mongolia was meant to arrest Russia’s President Putin last night. It didn’t

>>21526724 #26372

#26371 >>21524882

>>21525219 DJT: Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall

>>21524900 Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

>>21524905 MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

>>21524928 In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

>>21524972 Two-tiered system of audits

>>21524975 Kamala will shut down X if she wins

>>21524999 Chelsea Clinton might be a man possibly

>>21525000, >>21525115 How it's going

>>21525005 Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves

>>21525078 Never Walz'ers

>>21525085 Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

>>21525097 Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate

>>21525098 Presidential campaign spending disparity

>>21525143 Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises"

>>21525174 A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a previously deported illegal immigrant

>>21525187 Krappensteins are in crap with teens

>>21525189 Elon: Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out

>>21525197, >>21525175 Happy Labor Day

>>21525239 Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

>>21525245 New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions

>>21525316 QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

>>21525328 Chicago: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

>>21525343 State of Things: LA

>>21525345, >>21525383 This meme escalated quickly

>>21525364 Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one

>>21524918, >>21524960, >>21524952, >>21524982, >>21524996, >>21525115, >>21525175, >>21525185, >>21525365, >>21525402 Memes

baker change

>>21525543 Putin warmly welcomed in Mongolia with official ceremony

>>21525559 Moment Ukraine uses terrifying flesh-melting 'flamethrower drone' to set Russian defences on fire

>>21525568, >>21525575 Whistleblower re Extent of Venezuelan Gangs Activity in Aurora

>>21525606 Victoria Freedom fighter WINS case against violent Covid cops

>>21525634 #26371

#26370 >>21524138

>>21524157 FBl FF comms?

>>21524408 Mass shooting at parade in New York City

>>21524311, >>21524345 Schiff and Schmuck are up to no good

>>21524406, >>21524671 Schumer has been blathering about gun control for a long time

>>21524159 Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

>>21524166, >>21524246, >>21524456 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

>>21524173 DJT: Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity

>>21524202 Carpe Diem: C before D

>>21524209 Muckraker.com Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida

>>21524217 Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

>>21524263, >>21524271 Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persists

>>21524306 UK: Angela Rayner refuses to give Reform MP definition of ‘Islamaphobia’

>>21524330 States struggle to vet coders of election software

>>21524383 British Christians have launched a crowdfund in an effort to buy a remote Scottish Island eyed by a radical Islamic cleric

>>21524414 Dancin' man can't lose

>>21524429 Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

>>21524442, >>21524705 Today we got Kamalaya'll

>>21524544 Breaking the habit

>>21524652 "How I Got Fired From The CIA": Career Ops Officer Tells All

>>21524716, >>21524847 Turkiye requests BRICS membership

>>21524717 Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town

>>21524733, >>21524779 Philadelphia Eagles take action against fake endorsement of Kamala Harris featuring team branding

>>21524759 Irish teacher jailed for a third time after being arrested outside school that sacked him for refusing to 'call a boy a girl'

>>21524788 ICYMI: The mayor of Aurora, Colorado confirms Venezuelan gangs are conquering the city

>>21524815 Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that illegal immigrants do not have the right to bear arms

>>21524839 PF: Brazil Military jet just landed in Orlando

>>21524176, >>21524177, >>21524195, >>21524364, >>21524389, >>21524792, >>21524867 Memes

>>21524873 #26370

Previously Collected

>>21524111 #26369

>>21521325 #26366, >>21522422 #26367, >>21523348 #26368

>>21518886 #26363, >>21519685 #26364, >>21520562 #26365

>>21517224 #26360, >>21517397 #26361, >>21518031 #26362

>>21515004 #26357, >>21514503 #26358, >>21515433 #26359

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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1eac69 No.21526737

File: 77546aa623d0932⋯.png (2.14 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,129r8hcn9t1q97t948yt5yamyx….png)

File: 46cbbadfa7e05f6⋯.jpeg (154.67 KB,1200x1200,1:1,46cbbadfa7e05f6b3abc42295….jpeg)

fresh dough


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c52b22 No.21526752

File: c6a5ea931766302⋯.png (523.7 KB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c124a No.21526757

File: 4d2632732d54af1⋯.jpeg (447.21 KB,1920x1280,3:2,L2lSA7dI4O6F.jpeg)

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3d7132 No.21526758

File: e7bc929bec3d79d⋯.png (2.15 KB,97x51,97:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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495c01 No.21526759

File: 22f0dbb2e76ebee⋯.jpg (67.44 KB,750x664,375:332,22f0dbb2e76ebee96070844da8….jpg)

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50f598 No.21526760

Why is there a severed child's ding dong in notables?

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41a7ad No.21526761

File: ee4ecc44b647052⋯.jpg (64.69 KB,750x490,75:49,vdrqrjgrhfv.jpg)

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1c1556 No.21526762

File: f8631ec5f8a3052⋯.jpeg (284.01 KB,828x720,23:20,5ACEDC7A_AB49_4E5D_9FA6_6….jpeg)


Thank you.

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fe41a5 No.21526763


why are you not giving the notable link so baker could ck it out?

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95968c No.21526765

File: 4bdc8beeec8adb8⋯.png (1.65 MB,922x921,922:921,4bdc8beeec8adb84ec02585271….png)


thank you baker

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8e57f7 No.21526766

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3f23b No.21526767

File: 93dac8cd3787db4⋯.jpg (122.76 KB,986x635,986:635,BANKSTERbankROLLINGkamalaW….jpg)

File: a2556b7ac31f514⋯.png (99.09 KB,918x641,918:641,BANKSTERSbankROLLINGkamala….png)

File: 686565f11a7e67e⋯.png (103.44 KB,925x459,925:459,BANKSTERSbankROLLINGkamala….png)

Well looky there.

Bank of Utah trustee aircraft for Kamala/Walz

Home Mitt Romney…hmmm



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0de81d No.21526768

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8e57f7 No.21526769

File: 96106f5a28ad0c8⋯.png (159.71 KB,512x401,512:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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11afe0 No.21526770

File: 115616351a7199c⋯.png (293.51 KB,511x578,511:578,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de2740b5e23596e⋯.png (108.27 KB,360x203,360:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bfa3f66493194c⋯.png (103.84 KB,360x203,360:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4df8928d10a5ff⋯.png (106.21 KB,360x203,360:203,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69ad33b71dd86fd⋯.png (117.06 KB,360x203,360:203,ClipboardImage.png)


Steven Crowder



@TheTNStar Has Just Released All 90 Pages of The Nashville Manifesto Never Seen Before

“If God won’t give me a boy body in heaven then Jesus is a f*ggot”

“I can’t be happy. I am meant to die”

“No brown girls, no love”

“Brown love is the most beautiful kind”

10:26 AM · Sep 3, 2024

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fe41a5 No.21526773

>>21526770 TheTNStar Has Just Released All 90 Pages of The Nashville Manifesto Never Seen Before



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11afe0 No.21526775

File: ebc322dbc992965⋯.png (557.53 KB,680x608,85:76,ClipboardImage.png)

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11afe0 No.21526777

File: 52276d3208cf4d3⋯.png (454.53 KB,555x680,111:136,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d7132 No.21526778

File: 6b3c6a8089323ef⋯.png (602.4 KB,620x400,31:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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96f1ad No.21526782

File: c7c1616cff0bbbe⋯.png (776 KB,1074x1092,179:182,20240903_090843.png)

dear vlad,

без согласия управляемых.

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5de3ca No.21526785



reporter on crowder now. Over 1000 pages in totality years of journals. They only have access to some of them.

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8e57f7 No.21526787

File: e5451234cf02f24⋯.png (523.03 KB,568x750,284:375,ClipboardImage.png)

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96f1ad No.21526788


dead nigger typing.


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1c1556 No.21526790

File: 0224535f48fb0d9⋯.jpeg (393.5 KB,828x1011,276:337,9AFF3E17_4971_42C6_BF9C_7….jpeg)

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96f1ad No.21526793


no .pdf?

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ae86f5 No.21526795



GM night shift.

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1212c2 No.21526796

File: 6b2c0f2b5813cf4⋯.png (36.28 KB,664x303,664:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8396ca7b920803⋯.png (102.61 KB,1198x597,1198:597,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c11d0e40b4176f4⋯.png (2.08 MB,1775x826,1775:826,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 045235380bcbe76⋯.png (11.64 KB,389x280,389:280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 208cf6e8d976fda⋯.png (251.46 KB,920x839,920:839,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21526696 (lb)

posted late last bread.

DJT misspelled siezed and said seizend. Seizend is a manufacturing company based in Shenzhen. There a 2 Q posts with Shenzhen, 2378 and 2380


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d3cc27 No.21526800

File: 995fcc1eafa8dd7⋯.jpg (56.09 KB,866x470,433:235,DejFJXmV0AAzSI0.jpg)


The scum inside Gov/Intel/Media have almost perfectly tied the knot.

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11afe0 No.21526807

File: 2d261fa3b9ccffa⋯.png (518.08 KB,547x680,547:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3cc27 No.21526810


Fiction writers at Fbi/C_A spend their time crafting this shit?

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e4604a No.21526817

File: ad04baac3606f82⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)



holee fuk

JUST IN: FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul


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5de3ca No.21526820


FBI agent is the one who discovered the alleged suicide not and the FBI are the ones who said to never release the documents but also said there is history for destroying the documents and evidence.

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863253 No.21526821

>>21526705 lb

The leaf is up


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8c3af3 No.21526822

File: 4928daee778cce6⋯.jpg (50.11 KB,606x677,606:677,bigpharma_orientation.jpg)

File: b24d9f45b793a80⋯.jpg (52.72 KB,606x677,606:677,first_day_of_med_school.jpg)

File: d83b51b0c11b9e2⋯.jpg (71.11 KB,606x677,606:677,sales_rep_training.jpg)

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d3cc27 No.21526823


Whistleblower risk?

FBI trying to cap that off?

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b5753d No.21526824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Nashville Manifesto 90-Page Exclusive & Trump Beating Kamala in One Key State

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5be873 No.21526825

With three percent of a small sampling of 100 ballots audited in Maricopa County, Arizona found to be altered, similar results across the more than two million votes cast there would be enough to change the outcome of the presidential election in the state.

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d3cc27 No.21526826


im listening atm.

i have no reaming trust in the FBI to tell the truth about anything.

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3c124a No.21526827

File: 420f0ca8e657307⋯.png (384.9 KB,640x591,640:591,ClipboardImage.png)

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033ff8 No.21526828

File: 228bc986e551b34⋯.png (586.62 KB,760x475,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74afa5e9998a88b⋯.gif (41.09 KB,380x217,380:217,dancing_trump_and_pepe.gif)

File: 103f61058cfb634⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x640,9:8,day_shift.mp4)

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5be873 No.21526829


>Nashville Manifesto 90-Page

find the source


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dfa18a No.21526830

When Portland is taken over it’s all on the news.

This Venezuela gang take over in Colorado gets no coverage except that it’s a rumor?


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fe6a20 No.21526831

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15e93b No.21526833


reads like fbi notes

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8c3af3 No.21526834


cool meme

stoopit question….

that isn't real, is it?

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9b7110 No.21526836

File: 803bbdb36854346⋯.gif (9.98 MB,462x496,231:248,803bbdb36854346b0f85e331a9….gif)


Thanks Baker!

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d3cc27 No.21526837


bends ma mind to think of why such a film would lodge that a truth in blockbuster format

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5be873 No.21526838

File: 1bf8707433c90c7⋯.png (273.38 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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64b803 No.21526839

WTF happened in 1947?!

- Cold War started.

- Roswell Crash - UFO's in general become main stream starting in June 24th, July 4th and Roswell July 7th, also first recorded men in black reports.

- CIA formed through National Security Act as well as Department of Defense

- Air Force pilots hit speed of sound for first time


Operation High Jump also took place between 46 and 1947

The largest expedition in Antarctica to that point


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b802f6 No.21526841

Interesting that all the money spent (laundered?) on defense was to repel an invasion. Seems they carefully ignored infiltration despite warnings.

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5be873 No.21526842

File: 62561024221fe1b⋯.png (21.84 KB,600x192,25:8,ClipboardImage.png)


The Tennessee Star Releases ‘Manifesto’ Left by Transgender Covenant School Killer Audrey Hale

On Tuesday, The Tennessee Star and Editor-in-Chief Michael Patrick Leahy released 90 pages of writings left by Covenant School killer Audrey Elizabeth Hale. The Covenant Killer’s 2023 Journal, which was handwritten by Hale between January and March of 2023, can be downloaded here.

The journal was legally obtained by The Star from a source familiar with the investigation in June 2024. It was recovered from Hale’s vehicle by officers with the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD), along with a spiral notebook, after her March 27, 2023 attack on the Covenant School, where she murdered three 9-year-old children and three adult staff members before she was killed by MNPD officers.

Between June 5 and September 3, The Star published approximately 50 articles that are based on The Covenant Killer’s 2023 Journal but do not contain the actual pages from that journal. Tuesday’s publication of The Covenant Killer’s 2023 Journal provides further evidence supporting those 50 articles, but also reveals new information, including the octagonal symbol Hale drew when writing about her planned attack on the Covenant School or her gender identity.

Hale, who was 28-years-old when she died, was born a biological female, but identified as a transgender male at the time of her attack. She often signed journal entries using the name Aiden.

The octagonal symbol first appears on the journal’s cover. Within its pages, the distinctive shape next appears on the first page, opposite where the killer wrote, “Why does my brain not work right? Cause I was born wrong!!!”

Hale’s symbol appears throughout the journal, including in an undated entry apparently written in mid-March 2023, when the killer wrote about the attack she planned later that month.

“Soon I will leave this world! You [and] your friends will be just fine. Does it even matter if I am alive?” Hale later added the octagonal symbol, and above it wrote, “No regrets by the gun!!!”

The Covenant Killer’s 2023 Journal and the spiral notebook were initially called a “manifesto” after the attack by Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake.

“In the manifesto, there’s several different writings about other locations, there were locations, [it] talks about the school, there was a map of the school, a drawing of how, potentially, she would enter and the assaults that would take place. It’s quite a bit of writing to it, I have not read the whole entire manifesto. Our team and the FBI have been working on this,” Drake stated.

While The Star has not obtained this spiral notebook, which is said to contain writings of her operational plan of attack, a portion was leaked and subsequently published by conservative commentator and comedian Steven Crowder last year.

MNPD officers, accompanied by agents from the FBI and the ATF, seized 20 additional journals written by Hale between 2007 and 2022 at the Nashville residence she shared with her parents during a legally authorized search on the afternoon of March 27, 2023, Those journals are said to contain about 1,000 pages. In addition, numerous videos, a suicide note, and duplicate thumb drives containing information she may have wanted police to find were seized that afternoon.

Rather than an ideologically driven composition, the “manifesto” — comprised of The Covenant Killer’s 2023 Journal, the spiral notebook found in her car, and the 20 journals written between 2007 and 2022 seized from her residence — is better understood as a collection of writings in which Hale sporadically wrote her thoughts in the months and years preceding her devastating attack.

“Our reporting on the Covenant Killer investigation has served the public interest,” Michael Patrick Leahy, the Editor-in-Chief of The Star, said on Tuesday.

“We legally obtained writings by Audrey Elizabeth Hale, MNPD investigation documents, and MNPD crime scene photos from a source familiar with the MNPD investigation in June 2024. These documents and photos have helped us inform the public about the underlying reasons for this heinous attack, and have helped drive the public discussion of what should be done to prevent such acts of violence in the future. We have documented a massive failure of the mental health system as a root cause of Hale’s reprehensible actions,” Leahy added.


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e4604a No.21526844

File: e7ae3aebaab5622⋯.png (525.07 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

now chicago…

32 ARMED Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO [911 Call Audio Included]


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3c124a No.21526845


I have a theory. Q said "Done in [30], right?" The Matrix was released in 1999, 25 years ago. Now, I could very well be wrong about that and the 30 could have referred to months or weeks or perhaps something other than a reference to time, could have been months or weeks or countless other possible meanings for obfuscation purposes at the time it was posted.

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d3cc27 No.21526847


even if a specific MKultra-style link is not there… there is still the issue that MK-Style Skullfucking is widespread across the world in subtle public-drifting swampgas form. Juss Say'n

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96f1ad No.21526850

File: 39f768d532af39e⋯.jpg (112.63 KB,664x526,332:263,20240903_091441.jpg)


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05c607 No.21526851

File: 8f547db81ab6dab⋯.png (14.7 KB,427x291,427:291,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 607d581488787b8⋯.png (14.32 KB,423x241,423:241,ClipboardImage.png)


> siezend

What is the time stamp difference?

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5be873 No.21526852



used a fake mail and got the link sent, dling now

Hale_journal-unredacted_.pdf (118M)

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3d7132 No.21526854

File: 58042ce2a09735d⋯.png (337.28 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

Some black holes have a 'heartbeat' — and astronomers may finally know why

September 3, 2024

Black holes aren't alive, but it turns out that they can have a heartbeat — if they're consuming enormous amounts of gas. And new research has discovered just how that heartbeat works.

When black holes exist in a binary system — sharing an orbit with another star — they can pull in gas from a stellar companion.

When this happens, the gas compresses and heats up to incredibly high temperatures, emitting copious amounts of X-ray radiation in the process.

It's through this process that astronomers first identified black holes with the famous case of Cygnus X-1, one of the brightest sources of X-rays in our sky.

In the midst of this feeding frenzy, which can last for thousands to even millions of years, there can occasionally be a tremendous outburst.

This is a sudden flare of X-rays caused by the quick consumption of an enormous amount of material at once.

Astronomers have studied many such flares over the years, but detailed observations of these flares have occasionally revealed strange behavior.

In addition to the overall flare, there is a little bit of variability, a regular pulse of activity embedded within the flare event.

Astronomers call these pulses heartbeat flares, because their behavior resembles that of an EKG signal of a human heartbeat with a slow rise, a rapid decline, and then a return to normalcy.

A team of astronomers at the Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing have studied the most recent heartbeat flare and described the process that may fuel it in a paper published to the preprint database arXiv.

They submitted their work for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

The flare they studied originated from IGR J17091-3624, a black hole sitting 28,000 light-years from Earth.

Using X-ray data taken with the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) and Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) in 2022, the team found clear evidence of a heartbeat-like signal in the flare.

By studying the detailed properties of the heartbeat, they concluded that these kinds of pulses are due to interactions and instabilities within the material surrounding the black hole.

As material falls into a black hole, it not only compresses, but it forms a thin, rapidly rotating disk. The inner edge of this disk slants down toward the event horizon of the black hole, while the remainder of the disk glows in X-ray radiation.

This creates a highly unstable situation as radiation from the disk competes with the gravitational pull of the black hole.

To trigger a heartbeat, the disk temporarily fragments, losing its cohesion and sending a large clump of material down toward the black hole.

This releases an enormous amount of radiation, which begins the heartbeat pulse.

The radiation then heats up the gas, which temporarily prevents it from falling in.

Then the gas settles down before the process repeats itself, setting the stage for another heartbeat.

These heartbeat signals are incredibly rare — only two black holes among the hundreds known have shown it — but researchers hope to study more, as they give valuable insights into the relationships between black holes and their environments.



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c52b22 No.21526855

File: 3f480fd36e53d57⋯.png (1014.73 KB,1192x934,596:467,ClipboardImage.png)


gonna need way moar turtles

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d3cc27 No.21526857

File: 7ab2685f731240f⋯.webp (27.12 KB,600x400,3:2,dick_rumsfeld_and_dick_ch….webp)


the 'infiltration' has been amongst us for a long while. These two fuckers alone can be credited with at least many many trillions of diversion and laundering.

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ae74f6 No.21526858

File: fc6f1b3c804dfd3⋯.png (113.19 KB,1421x385,203:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64e8c1a78683c4e⋯.png (25.92 KB,1411x118,1411:118,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1349b648a734105⋯.png (436.78 KB,930x543,310:181,ClipboardImage.png)



Always remember parakeet lives in Colorado

and only biches about jews and does nothing to help protect his state.

His words mean nothing.


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8d08ef No.21526859


R u same oldfag from 7yrs ago?

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c52b22 No.21526862



who wants to know?

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fe6a20 No.21526863

File: 75eedcb1c7ca830⋯.png (94.16 KB,683x1146,683:1146,ClipboardImage.png)

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b802f6 No.21526864


No doubt.

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fb33ac No.21526865

File: f3d572526b53f9a⋯.jpg (103.95 KB,1200x600,2:1,KH_Scared.jpg)

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8d08ef No.21526867

File: 84cff82707ea1be⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,322x180,161:90,Money_printing_macheens_.mp4)



We gave em our money printing macheenes and paper.

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1212c2 No.21526868

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8d08ef No.21526870


I think he’s talking about China. We gave the money printing macheenes to China.

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54b83a No.21526871


>LB/PB'd a shill huh and didn't mark it as such.

Kill Yourself, douche-nozzle.

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000000 No.21526874






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495c01 No.21526875

File: f1f80858d9497ef⋯.png (795.64 KB,822x1236,137:206,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 052a777d40b4911⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,450x360,5:4,It_s_not_because_they_care….mp4)

File: 556496e7f61510f⋯.png (607.6 KB,830x1095,166:219,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc6276db49a77dc⋯.jpg (147.49 KB,1284x1238,642:619,These_are_2016_stats_Wonde….jpg)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won't Accept You If You Don't 💉 Your Kids

"A typical pediatrician's office makes about 50% of its funding from vaccines. Not actually from selling the individual vaccines, but from the traffic…And pediatricians who vaccinate 80 or 85% of the kids in their office, get these giant bonuses…Huge amounts of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars that they make, making sure that 85% of the kids are vaccinated. And that's why they throw you out of the office if you fight back. It's not because they care so much about your particular kid, it's that you'll throw off the metrics and you'll lose them their bonuses."


Full Interview: https://t.co/46tRgLgsVJ

Receipts 👇

Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2. If your doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, that bonus jumps to $80,000.

These are 2016 stats. Wonder what it is today…


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54b83a No.21526877


But, but, but guns are illegal in Chi-Town!

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8d08ef No.21526878


Another oldfag. I seen’t your Q’s n kept a few, ackchyually.

wonder if you’re also same oldfag that poasted that thing… fuuuuuuuck… you know the thing… spiritual white boy bank account thing with contact Zero or something.. member? With all those committee of 300 bank accounts? Can’t think of what it was called.

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11afe0 No.21526879

File: ae9544d63a5cd72⋯.png (468.05 KB,499x580,499:580,ClipboardImage.png)


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ae74f6 No.21526880

File: c7534f9a87cb35a⋯.png (65.17 KB,567x447,189:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b52679c80c6249a⋯.png (53.6 KB,421x297,421:297,ClipboardImage.png)


That's the best you got?


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3d7132 No.21526882

File: 80d6bc0528c44e4⋯.png (299.43 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

Heaviest antimatter particle ever discovered could hold secrets to our universe's origins

September 2, 2024

Scientists have spotted the heaviest antimatter nucleus ever detected lurking in a particle accelerator.

The antimatter heavyweight, called antihyperhydrogen-4, is made up of an antiproton, two antineutrons and one antihyperon (a baryon that contains a strange quark).

Physicists found traces of this antimatter among particle tracks from 6 billion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York.

By studying the strange particle, physicists hope to discover some key differences between matter and antimatter, which may help explain why our universe is now filled with matter given that antimatter was created in equal amounts at the beginning of time.

The researchers published their findings Aug. 21 in the journal Nature.

"Our physics knowledge about matter and antimatter is that, except for having opposite electric charges, antimatter has the same properties as matter — same mass, same lifetime before decaying, and same interactions," study co-author Junlin Wu, a graduate student at the Joint Department for Nuclear Physics, Lanzhou University and Institute of Modern Physics, China said in a statement.

"Why our universe is dominated by matter is still a question, and we don't know the full answer."

According to the standard model of cosmology, after the Big Bang the young cosmos was a roiling plasma broth of matter and antimatter particles that popped into existence and annihilated each other upon contact.

Theory predicts that the matter and antimatter inside this plasma soup should have annihilated each other entirely. But scientists believe that some unknown imbalance enabled more matter than antimatter to be produced, saving the universe from self-destruction.

To investigate what could have caused this imbalance, the researchers behind the new study produced antimatter particles from a mini-Big Bang simulator.

The RHIC collider hurls billions of heavy ions (atomic nuclei stripped of their electrons) at each other, creating a plasma soup from which the primordial elements of our cosmos briefly emerge, combine and then decay.

To fish out new particles from the plasma sea, the physicists searched for the telltale tracks made as the ions decay, or transform into other particles.

By retracing the trajectories of these particles from billions of collision events, the researchers found roughly 16 antihyperhydrogen-4 nuclei.

Both hyperhydrogen-4 and its antimatter counterpart antihyperhydrogen-4 seem to wink out of existence very quickly, the researchers found.

But the physicists didn't find a significant difference between their lifetimes — indicating that our best models describing the two types of particles are correct.

"If we were to see a violation of [this particular] symmetry, basically we'd have to throw a lot of what we know about physics out the window," study co-author Emilie Duckworth, a doctoral student at Kent State University, said in the statement.

The scientists' next step will be to compare the masses of the antiparticles and their particle opposites, which they hope could reveal some clues as to how our matter-heavy universe came to be.



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1c1556 No.21526883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Controlled and focused, bottomless rage.

The DeepFucks are gone.


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79a765 No.21526884

File: 7aa5e195a0dde2d⋯.mp4 (2.76 MB,460x816,115:204,aQzeRrW_460sv.mp4)

Early bread dance

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3c124a No.21526885

File: e5de1983e7dd684⋯.jpg (98.88 KB,680x680,1:1,e5de1983e7dd68466d215151b5….jpg)

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c52b22 No.21526886

File: 0e826bd424014ec⋯.png (1.76 MB,2560x2560,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


don't make em

just nik em

no but do member

Q gave an acct and code was broken and led to Obama

lemme think bout the one you thinkin of

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d3cc27 No.21526887



im not a part of that "we", but i think i know what you try to say. OUR 'government' enabled this con, and [they] have aided and abetted this swindle (fucking TREASON) upon the general public. Intel and Media have put a lot of effort into skullfucking the public to disable the public's ability to see it.

my highest contempt and disgust is for the DOMESTIC component that has done this. The outside 'enemies' could never have been so successful without the component of Inside Job.

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1c1556 No.21526888

File: b8068d3d835e19c⋯.jpeg (326.27 KB,828x885,276:295,1574BCF8_2F72_40AC_AE11_1….jpeg)

File: 644badf91922f9b⋯.jpeg (152.93 KB,828x1019,828:1019,BD3B6A1C_DB0F_4895_8115_0….jpeg)

File: 82d56f2e55b0969⋯.jpeg (161.2 KB,828x817,828:817,11897A76_0ED2_4409_8D84_E….jpeg)

Serious fuckin shit.

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8d08ef No.21526889



And those quadrillion dollar wire transfers. Member? Idk why I think you were same Anon. In my mind I somehow connected that Q w oldfag that poasted the bank stuff. Fuck. I can’t member what it was called. I have the screenshots from 2018 but can’t member what it was called in order to pull them up. Kek.

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c52b22 No.21526891


was marketfag givin low down on BIS and US corp ya think?

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b802f6 No.21526893


How do they know it is 32? Who saw them all and counted? More than 10 or 20 would make more sense.

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05c607 No.21526894





I bet it's all connected to,

Pandoras Box - Mike Gill

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79a765 No.21526895

File: 140306eee1fa6a7⋯.png (54.96 KB,864x1087,864:1087,66d67608e6c48.png)

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1eac69 No.21526897

File: bf7832eff40e09c⋯.png (1.3 MB,891x786,297:262,Screenshot_2024_07_22_at_1….png)


>Fuck. I can’t member what it was called

oldfag confirmed


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0995dd No.21526898

File: 84a024d955dc15b⋯.jpg (98.87 KB,840x480,7:4,Best_is_yet_to_come.jpg)


TY, baker.

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5be873 No.21526899

File: a05a6b45d68af67⋯.png (209.16 KB,554x270,277:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ecceb No.21526901


some serious brainwashing they did on her

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5be873 No.21526902

File: 5566052127d53e3⋯.png (15.33 KB,97x90,97:90,ClipboardImage.png)

this pops up a bunch

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05995e No.21526903

File: 9536fe63cb4f0ea⋯.jpg (90.77 KB,750x750,1:1,PURPLERIPPEDPANTS_Hulk_Pur….jpg)

File: c3eb4cb34ff57ed⋯.jpg (145.42 KB,1406x611,1406:611,MV5BYmUyZjlkNzYtODBkYS00M2….jpg)

Is there a doctor dr. In the house?

Definitely not a bedside kinda quacker

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3e3186 No.21526904

Moloch: The 1st Shall Be Sacrificed

U.S. President Joe Biden’s first daughter, Naomi Christina Biden, tragically died in a car accident in 1972 at the age of 1.

Christiano Ronaldos In April 2022, and his partner, Georgina Rodríguez, announced that their newborn son Angel, had passed away.

Actor Keanu Reeves and his then-girlfriend Jennifer Syme lost their first child, Ava Archer Syme-Reeves, who was stillborn in 1999.

Al Gore’s first son, Albert Gore III, was seriously injured in a car accident in 1989 when he was just 6 years old.

Adam Walsh, the first child of John and Revé Walsh, was abducted from a Sears department store in Hollywood, Florida, on July 27, 1981 and killed.

Marie Osmond’s first child, Michael Blosil, died by suicide in 2010 at the age of 18.

Mary Tyler Moore's first child, Richie Meeker, died in 1980 at the age of 24 from an accidental gunshot wound

Mike Tyson’s four year old daughter was strangled by the cord of a treadmill.

Christopher Laurie, Greg Laurie's firstborn son, died in a car accident on July 24, 2008, at the age of 33.

Sylvester Stallone's first child, Sage Stallone, passed away in 2012 at the age of 36.

Anna Nicole Smith's first child, Daniel Wayne Smith, died in 2006 at the age of 20 from an accidental overdose.

Marie Osmond’s 18 year old son committed suicide.

Charlie Chaplin’s 1st son died 3 days after being born.

Winston Churchill, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, lost his daughter Marigold Churchill at the age of 2 in 1921 from septicemia.

Barbara Eden lost her only son to a drug overdose.

Roy Orbison lost his two oldest sons in a fire.

Nelson Mandela, the former President of South Africa, lost his son, Makgatho Mandela, to AIDS-related complications in 2005.

Anthony Quinn lost a 2 yr old son in drowning.

Actress Patricia Neal and author Roald Dahl lost their first daughter, Olivia, at the age of 7 to measles encephalitis in 1962.

Prince and his then-wife Mayte Garcia lost their first child, Boy Gregory Nelson, just one week after he was born in 1996.

Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, lost her first daughter, Clara Everina Shelley, in 1818 at the age of one month.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States, lost his first son, Doud Dwight Eisenhower, who died at the age of 3 from scarlet fever in 1921.

James Arness, known for his role in Gunsmoke, lost his first son, Craig Aurness, who died of natural causes in 2004.

Anthony Quinn lost a 2 yr old son drowned.

Roy Rogers’s daughter died at almost two.

Kirk Douglas's first son with Anne Buydens, Eric Douglas, passed away in 2004 due to a drug overdose at the age of 46.

Nick Cannon lost his 5 month old son to brain cancer last December.

Gordon and Sarah Brown's first child, Jennifer Jane Brown, was born prematurely died on December 28, 2001, at 33 weeks.

Eric Clapton’s young son fell out of an open window in Manhattan window.

Michael Madison lost his 26 yr old son this year.

Judy Garland, the iconic star of "The Wizard of Oz," experienced a miscarriage.

Charlie jr died at aged 42 of a Blood clot in the lungs.

Sylvester Stallone’s 36 year old son died of a heart attack alone.

Dr. Dre’s on Overdosed on morphine and heroin.

Marvin Jones lost a 6 month old last year.

Diane Ladd’s daughter died at one year old.

Princess Grace and Prince Rainier’s daughter, Princess Caroline, lost her first child, a daughter, who was stillborn in 1977.

Bobby Brown lost daughter Bobbi three years after Whitney died.

Marvin Jones lost a 6 month old last year.

Benik Adobe lost his 2 yr old to an infection in 2019.

Country music legend Loretta Lynn lost her first child, Betty Sue Lynn, in 2013.

Regina King lost her 26 yr old son to suicide this year also. Only child.

James Dungy, Tony Dungy’s eldest son, died by suicide on December 22, 2005, at the age of 18.

Jerry Lewis son In Steve Allen Lewis drowned in a swimming pool accident at the age of 3.

Robert Plant 5 year-old son, Karac, to a stomach virus back in 1977.

John Travolta 1st and eldest child Jett died at age 16 in January 2009 while on vacation.

Dean Paul Martin, (1st child) an actor and oldest son of Dean Martin, died in 1987. He was 35.

Pierre Trudeau’s 1st child Michel Charles-Émile Trudeau died in 1998 during a skiing incident.

Bill Cosby 1st child Ennis William Cosby was murdered on January 16, 1997, near Interstate 405 in Los Angeles.

Paul Newman's first child, Scott Newman, died in 1978 at the age of 28 from a drug overdose.

Robert Redford's first child, Scott Redford, died at just two and a half months old in 1959 due to sudden infant death syndrome.

Matthew Warren, Rick Warren's youngest son, died by suicide in April 2013 at the age of 27 after a long struggle with mental illness.


[link to x.com (secure)]

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d3cc27 No.21526906


i still won't be the least surprised if it turns out that some shithead collecting a government paycheck crafted up that crazy crap

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8d08ef No.21526907


Hang on I found it. Firing up computer to poast but I think it was real. Pipes bank acct I think was white spiritual boy. There’s a 600 trillion dollar wire transfer n contact zero whistle blower has some dragon logo thing. Will poast from computer. Was from >>2737579 pb 8/25/18 somewhere in that convo.

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3e3186 No.21526908

File: c65308f006908e7⋯.jpg (91.54 KB,900x818,450:409,GWaueiiWYAIsLwr.jpg)


forgot one

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959c79 No.21526910

File: 3e11b33b4226bd0⋯.jpg (610.12 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Curious_Frog_Q.jpg)


No. I am.

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05995e No.21526911

File: c91c78ca0c0758e⋯.jpg (24.41 KB,474x451,474:451,th_1083686836.jpg)

File: 767df3ad7848735⋯.jpg (26.93 KB,474x328,237:164,th_2381526400.jpg)

File: 8efdce7cb21c254⋯.jpg (21.06 KB,474x297,158:99,th_1611731594.jpg)

File: b00e864eb12ad5d⋯.jpg (24.58 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2670828824.jpg)

File: 2f04492d7a485b9⋯.jpg (52.05 KB,474x355,474:355,th_2791927596.jpg)

If you wanna ride ride the rainbow pony, the one with the tramp stamp…?

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27c8f4 No.21526912

File: 05e47d947cb4984⋯.png (770.29 KB,781x449,781:449,ClipboardImage.png)

Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days?

TUESDAY, SEP 03, 2024 - 11:05 AM Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness,1/4

An Opportunistic Mediocrity (picture MH) (VDH is always spot on)

In theory, it should be hard for Kamala Harris to win the presidency of the United States.

Under pressure, Harris just completed her first “live interview”—a disastrous performance that was mysteriously taped, edited, and emotionally supported by her co-interviewed running mate. During the interview, she claimed that her values remain the same even though her manifestations of them have admittedly changed. Translated, that means for the next 70 days, she will advocate for popular policies antithetical to her own values, which will inevitably resurface after the election once the current façade fades away.

She is a Berkelyite who, as attorney general of California, had a proud far-left tenure. The lifelong large corpus of Harris’s left-wing enthusiasm and causes are only now being unearthed. But they are singular in that her riffs of embracing wokism, being a radical, erasing ICE, doing away with private health insurance, or being the last person in the room when Joe Biden made his disastrous decisions were all given to sympathetic media or pandered to crowds.

As a result, she often doubled down. Her emphatic statements were intended to stun audiences. Unlike other leftists, she really was a proud woke, radical and wanted everyone else to be one as well—broadcasting her leftism as openly as she is now cloaking it.

In one respected survey, Harris’s voting record was rated as the most left-leaning in the United States Senate. If she voted to the left of the admitted hardcore socialist Bernie Sanders, what exactly does that make her?

Otherwise, Harris was undistinguished, and often overtly so, as she was exposed as inane in Senate hearings. Her envisioned 2019-2020 primary bid proved an utter disaster. When liberal Democrat voters nationwide were first made aware of her radical record, her left-wing agendas, and her weird wash/rinse/spin word-salad chats, they ran.

Harris’s well-funded 2019 campaign quickly blew up early. Indeed, she never entered much less won a single primary–and captured no delegates through voting.

In the frenzy following George Floyd’s death, and the mayhem and nationwide rioting and violence of late spring and summer, panicked 2020 nominee Joe Biden announced in advance he would select a diversity candidate as a running mate. And in no time, and under increasing pressure to trump his braggadocious promise, he boxed himself in by assuring his handlers that his running mate would be preselected as a black woman.

Given there were then no black female governors and only two black women in the Senate, Kamala Harris was a choice of last resort—even though, as a candidate and competitor of Joe Biden, she had condemned him before a nationwide audience as a veritable racist who had habitually cozied up to segregationists. When she labels her own running mate a racist it becomes hard to take her charges of racism against Trump seriously.

As vice president, Harris predictably proved inept. In a variety of tasks as “border czar” and point woman on space exploration, she proved not merely clueless but embarrassingly so—sappy, cackling, and variously labeled by ex-staff and Democratic insiders as “out of her league” and “way over her head.”

Her chief role was to break a sometimes 50/50 deadlocked Senate and therefore, in every one of those votes, owns the passage of hard-left legislation that often turned disastrous.

As Biden’s cognitive decline accelerated at a geometric rate, a widely derided Harris was seen by the Bidens as Joe’s Spiro Agnew insurance policy: a vice president so bumbling and unimaginable as a future president that if Biden only breathed, he would be still judged preferable to the travesty of a Harris succession.


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c52b22 No.21526913

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c52b22 No.21526914


kek him I just nik em



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23a007 No.21526916


In this episode of Dead Internet Hallucinations

Smellie dresses up the FIB as Bush C_A fags. How quaint.

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1eac69 No.21526917


ty anon

great memeage

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73a3da No.21526918

File: cb8d03523fdb0fe⋯.png (356.49 KB,568x439,568:439,ClipboardImage.png)


>Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days?

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27c8f4 No.21526919



Biden utterly imploded on June 13 during a stress-test national debate. His collapse ended the 42-month-long charade that he was “fit as a fiddle.” In 24 hours, Biden was transmogrified by his handlers from an Arnold Schwarzenegger-like health nut to physically and mentally unable to continue as the Democratic nominee.

Left unsaid was that his diving polls, not his debility, doomed Biden. Otherwise, he would have survived his latest public humiliation had his approval ratings been respectable.

Harris’s race, gender, and status as vice president made it impossible not to anoint her as the new Democratic candidate.

Her machinations to preempt any challengers were achieved almost instantaneously in the same anti-democratic fashion as the removal of Biden himself from the ticket. In the way of the current Democrats, whatever the billionaire donor class and the DEI apparat decide is reified almost instantly by fiat.

We now suffer a zombie presidency for the next five months. Biden’s own party insists that he is too enfeebled to campaign as a nominee but not too demented to serve as president. Weirder still, a presidential candidate, who has never in her life won a primary and just days ago was written off by her own party as linguistically challenged, is being reinvented in 70 days as the second coming of Barack Obama.

Harris 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…

So, the Democratic political establishment of Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, and Chuck Schumer, the Obama consortia, and the Hollywood, Wall Street, and tech billionaire insiders quickly devised strategies to get Harris elected. And that too was not easy.

Given what they had to work with, their efforts centered around avoiding all press conferences, interviews, and unscripted talks.

She is to stay wide of anything that might expose her inanity to the public or remind the nation of her dismal record as vice president and the disastrous Biden tenure that she co-owns and loudly, emphatically, and proudly so.

Winston Churchill once said of Admiral Jellicoe, who commanded the Home Fleet at the gigantic sea-battle of Jutland, that he was the only man who could lose Britain the war in an afternoon; so too Democrat elites know ten minutes of an unscripted, unedited, and televised Harris could sink the entire left-wing cause.

So here we are, witnessing the most anti-democratic effort in modern electoral history—a full-fledged, tripartite effort to:

a) keep Harris silent and out of the public eye, and outsource her persona and views to a corrupt fusion media, to billionaire-funded ad campaigns, and to political surrogates;

b) superimpose pseudo-conservative views upon her lifelong record of leftist advocacies and policies—a brief 70-day transformation designed to fool a voting public for which Democratic grandees harbor utter contempt;

c) reinvent the campaign from Harris versus Trump to fixations on Donald Trump as a Satanic figure that justifies any means necessary to defeat and destroy him.

Will the ruse work?

That’s an open question. There are formidable hurdles that beset and many advantages that aid Harris. In her favor, the campaign cycle has been aborted from one traditionally lasting nine to ten months to a mere three, given her last-minute coronation.

Her first co-interview was mostly a story of dissimulation, soft-ball questions, and no follow-ups to her non-answers—with plenty of stonewalling about what was edited and why. And that may well be as close as the public ever gets to fathoming the ‘Being There’ Harris candidacy.

Biden proved in 2020 that he could avoid the press for almost a year by using COVID as a pretext, all while reinventing himself in absentia as a moderate and unifier.

Moreover, Harris will be inundated with two to three billion dollars, most of it globalized wealth from left-wing billionaires in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and the idle, drone elite who inherited late 20th century fortunes.


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65f925 No.21526920


>Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul

Former CCP Handler for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul

buh-bye Kathy

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5be873 No.21526921

File: fa20bf5d8b32d5c⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,640x360,16:9,CNN_1997_Osama_Bin_Laden_d….mp4)


>32 ARMED Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO


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959c79 No.21526922

File: 2b4bbf70ad8cb9f⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,2560x2560,1:1,ThanQ_Martini_Silver.jpg)


My Pleasure

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23a007 No.21526923


The angry tranny message board that victim 0 was getting brainwashed on was more than enough to establish deranged motive.

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23a007 No.21526924


It's in the script

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959c79 No.21526925

File: 0559244142811b9⋯.png (330.68 KB,2560x2560,1:1,ThanQ_Martini_Gold_Alpha.png)


Thank You Anon

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d3cc27 No.21526926

File: 21aaef6bf7ebb6a⋯.webp (77.71 KB,1000x829,1000:829,mibmikeylove.webp)



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d9f1d3 No.21526927

File: 06b6e9a8a2b8da4⋯.png (290.45 KB,568x627,568:627,ClipboardImage.png)

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27c8f4 No.21526928



Insulting the American people

Harris enjoys two other advantages besides a run-out-the-clock campaign and big money. She can count on hundreds of millions of dollars in free media publicity as network anchors spar with Trump, Vance, and Republican senators nonstop. They no longer make any pretense about objectivity but openly distort and prevaricate, again on the reasoning that the orange prince of darkness justifies becoming Pravda.

No one seems to care that for the second time in four years, the Democrats have sought to nullify and warp their own primary process, mask the nature and true condition of their anointed but challenged candidate, and then enlist the media to get elected a phantom president.

But “reimaging” Harris in 2004 also has its challenges.

First, can Harris like Biden really hide for two more months?

In 2020, Biden sought to mask his cognitive decline by claiming he had to stay in his basement due to COVID lockdowns. Harris is just as tongue-tied, but she lacks the COVID lockdown excuse to avoid the public and media.

And whereas Biden ran in Democratic primaries and was a candidate for two years, Harris again neither entered a single primary nor won a single delegate in an election. She cannot claim any experience campaigning, given she may be the first modern president never to have entered a single primary election.

In theory, a normal candidate with such a dismal and abbreviated past would be demanding interviews. Instead, Harris’s compulsive-obsessive fixation on avoiding the media becomes a doom loop: the more she knows a presidential candidate must at least occasionally speak off the cuff, the more she knows, given her limitations, that to do so endangers the entire progressive project. As a result, Harris haggles over proposed interviews demanding notes, the reassuring presence at her side of Tim Walz, no live transmissions, and a final edited and truncated version released to the public.

So, her paralysis may annoy and then anger the electorate. The more she calls Trump a “coward,” the more she is seen as a craven projectionist.

In 2008, the blank-slate Obama did the hopey/change schtickas an antithesis to the unpopular Iraq War, the 2008 financial meltdown, and eight years of Republican rule. In 2020, Joe Biden reinvented himself as good ol’ Joe the centrist healer as a supposed antidote to four years of the “disrupter’ Trump and the purported “armed insurrection” of January 6.

But Harris is the current vice president. She has five months left on her term. Joe Biden is either on vacation, asleep, or suspended in a zombie state.

Theoretically, she is in control and could implement right now all of the bromides of her equity campaign agendas. And when she trashes high prices, open borders, the national debt, or high interest rates, she is indicting her boss who lifted her out of obscurity and herself as the proverbial and self-acclaimed “last person in the room” who co-owned those decisions.

Note that in her first and likely last (co-) interview, Harris, like a medieval palimpsest, imprints her pseudo-MAGA agendas on top of her real leftist history and policies.

That is, she never quite disowns her prior and innate positions on banning fracking, abolishing ICE, the disastrous Afghanistan humiliation, or any of her unpopular leftist positions.

Instead, Harris simply pastes their antitheses onto them and then has aides contextualize the jumbled mess of discrepancies so as to not alienate her extremist base.Harris is not so much a flip-flopper as a padder, who supports anything, without any worry about framing each new position by renouncing her original and opposite one.


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1c1556 No.21526929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Satanic DeepFuck DumbCunts are fucking GONE!!!

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959c79 No.21526930

File: 3181f0787d10c44⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Together_we_are_Strong_Q_.jpg)


TY for nikkin' 'em

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b5753d No.21526931


>Harris is not so much a flip-flopper as a padder, who supports anything, without any worry about framing each new position by renouncing her original and opposite one.


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05995e No.21526932

File: e07353c03d80176⋯.jpg (90.7 KB,474x760,237:380,th_278622286.jpg)

File: f2275eac0fb28f4⋯.jpg (223.25 KB,866x1390,433:695,national_harbor_maryland_R….jpg)

File: 35335506696b8a6⋯.jpg (28.32 KB,440x330,4:3,James_dean3.jpg)

File: 7a538b6ed91080d⋯.jpg (10.79 KB,474x267,158:89,th_2000340012.jpg)

File: 78ea1bf42304a0a⋯.jpg (26.1 KB,474x598,237:299,th_1392416954.jpg)


Drive it like you stole it! The New Deal, Green New Deal, soft core socialism isn't [p]rogressive. It's marxism with lipstick, and theft, btw.

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27c8f4 No.21526933



Her politics are now like an overgrown sandwich, with too many trimmings squashed on top of each other that eventually cause the entire jumble to fall apart.

Her sudden pivot to support Israel and stop illegal immigration exists simultaneously with siding with Hamas and destroying the border. But as political reality pulls her to the right and her innate leftist pulls to the left, she is beginning to split down the middle. When one is for everything, one is for nothing.

So, it will be hard to convince the American people that Harris is not an incumbent but another Obama-like newcomer here to save us from old white guys in their seventies. And even harder will be her task to fuse socialism with MAGA if even for only 70 days.

Rawness Beats Dishonesty

Finally, Trump is running for a third time and better so than he did in 2016 or 2020. His team is more experienced and so is Trump himself. He has a record of four years that polls on the economy and foreign policy far better than Harris’s tenure with Biden.

The five civic and criminal court trials are increasingly seen as Biden-inspired vindictive abuse of the law and illegitimate. For all the Biden-Harris caustic slurs of “convicted felon” more than half the country sees Biden and Harris as more culpable for discrediting our judiciary in their efforts to do in court what they fear they cannot at the ballot box.

Experts insist the race is even or in favor of Harris. But aside from the polls’ history ofunderestimating Trump’s real support, the current deadlock, and the right/left politics of the race, Trump is running authentically, transparently, and bluntly, Harris disingenuously, covertly, and duplicitously.

Trump’s challenge is to expose Harris for the radical she is; Harris’s is to mask the radicalism that she once proudly asserted and will do so again immediately upon election.

Ultimately, the American people should choose in-your-face honesty and competence over smiley-face dissimulation and incompetence.


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ee1247 No.21526934


i bet the same holds true with statins for adults.

also ozempic is being pushed bigly now.

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23a007 No.21526935

File: 2ac9a3d5b561913⋯.png (200.77 KB,392x234,196:117,ClipboardImage.png)


Welcome to mouse utopia


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3d7132 No.21526936

File: bb9bacd9b084daa⋯.png (810.19 KB,1185x763,1185:763,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3039836893c3eb2⋯.png (271.22 KB,544x569,544:569,ClipboardImage.png)

China launches new set of classified Yaogan-43 satellites

September 3, 2024

China launched a second group of classified Yaogan-43 satellites late Monday, adding to a group of nine satellites already in orbit.

A Long March 4B rocket lifted off from the inland Xichang Satellite Launch Center, southwest China, at 9:22 p.m. Eastern, Sept. 2 (0122 UTC, Sept. 3), rising above fog-shrouded hills surrounding the spaceport.

The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) confirmed launch success within an hour of launch. The announcement revealed the mission to be Yaogan-43 (02).

No details regarding the satellites were released. The satellites were described by CASC and Chinese state media as “mainly used for carrying out tests on new technologies of low orbit constellations.”

The terse description was similar to that issued for the launch of the Yaogan-43 (01) group launched in August.

The lack of transparency suggests a dual-use or military nature of the group.

The mission patch for the previous mission indicated nine stars, with nine satellites later cataloged in orbit by U.S. Space Force’s Space Delta 2.

The patch for Monday’s launch contained six stars. In Chinese, the character for ‘star’ is often used interchangeably with ‘satellite.

The Yaogan-43 (02) satellites were developed by CASC’s Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST).

Official social media posts suggest that GalaxySpace, a commercial satellite manufacturer and operator, and HITSAT, under the Harbin Institute of Technology, may have been involved in the mission.

IAMCAS under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and MinoSpace, a commercial spacecraft maker, were believed to be involved in the prior mission.

SAST also provided the Long March 4B hypergolic launcher for the mission.

The launcher used a wider, 4.2-meter-diameter payload fairing, as with the previous launch.

The objectives and uses of the satellites are unclear.

The Yaogan-43 (01) satellites are in similar, roughly circular 500-kilometer-altitude low Earth orbits with inclinations of 35 degrees as Yaogan-35, 36, 39 and 42 series satellites.

Yaogan (“remote sensing”) satellites are thought to be for users including military customers. Few details, if any, are available about the satellites.

They are typically described as being for purposes including land survey, crop yield estimation, environmental management, meteorological warning and forecasting, and disaster prevention and reduction or “electromagnetic environment detection and related tests.”

In general, the various series of Yaogan satellites are understood to include optical imaging, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and electronic intelligence (ELINT) satellites.

This combination provides high-resolution imagery and all-weather and all-day and night imagery, along with the collection of electronic signals from radar, communication systems and other electronic devices, with coverage of both land and sea.

Monday’s launch was the 39th Chinese orbital launch attempt of 2024.

It follows last week’s third Ceres-1 commercial solid rocket sea launch.

CASC stated early this year that it targeted launching around 70 times across 2024.

A further 30 launches were planned by commercial actors, however only six have so far been conducted.

The unintended liftoff of a Tianlong-3 first stage during a static fire test in June may have impacted the sector.

A Long March 6 series rocket could launch from Taiyuan in the coming days.

The debut of the new Long March 12 launcher is expected from a new commercial pad later in September.


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1c1556 No.21526937

File: 8935aa9adace339⋯.gif (1.98 MB,498x280,249:140,128921DB_AD0A_4599_9455_DC….gif)

File: a1005dd005eb8a9⋯.gif (216.15 KB,320x240,4:3,0ED20CFE_596B_4AD7_B12B_DB….gif)

File: 35ba1f1ceda6540⋯.gif (1.4 MB,500x281,500:281,84CCE73C_B7A4_4DE2_9A5D_3E….gif)

File: c68061764469858⋯.gif (1.7 MB,636x358,318:179,EE55984E_B729_43AE_B127_06….gif)

File: 85c9cc623f17f63⋯.gif (2.48 MB,220x220,1:1,74F47167_66E4_4019_85A4_5E….gif)


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3c124a No.21526938

File: 9ba5c413ff25185⋯.png (334.57 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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0ac84c No.21526939

If you are born into a Crime Family,

and you benefit from being a member of that Crime Family,

does that make you a Criminal?

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54b83a No.21526940

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7d26f3 No.21526941

Goddamned it, it's like taco Tuesdays but with a human.

Fix my problem. It seems you created the problem with your MK Ultra fun, now fix it. It will be the death of me if you don't. So, kindly fix the problem so I can teach the world how to save itself from the problems you've created.

After seven years, I'm drained, and mentally spent. Not a fucking thing has happened as promised.

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7d26f3 No.21526943


A career criminal.

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54b83a No.21526944


>It will be the death of me if you don't.

See ya.

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27c8f4 No.21526945


the interesting thing is Kamabla is actually telling us exactly who she is when she answers, she denounces the funny policies she stole. So if people are unhappy if she is elected, she'll quote "The Snake Poem" You knew who I was before you took me in. That Poem should be dedicated to her.

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0ac84c No.21526946


So if Jews are a Criminal Syndicate,

does that make all Jews Criminals?

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c52b22 No.21526948

File: 4e00522e0e6862e⋯.png (549.3 KB,500x350,10:7,ClipboardImage.png)

tongue out tuesday for yo ass

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54b83a No.21526949


The false one, yes.

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969e7e No.21526950


>gonna need way moar turtles

can you imagine how much soup you could make from one of those bad boys

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8d08ef No.21526952

File: c2e86a186462f1d⋯.png (1.46 MB,816x612,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88ebd05d02acda8⋯.png (1.42 MB,816x612,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5eeff688ceee5b⋯.png (3 MB,1224x918,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 406130b7aaeee09⋯.png (1.49 MB,816x612,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58eb2422b9056d4⋯.png (5.52 MB,1632x1224,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)




Anons chosen for a reason.

At the time I took pic of screen bc was textin it to a fren but did not save the files bc didn't know if real or not.

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79a765 No.21526953

File: 9fe85339790fcff⋯.jpg (120.25 KB,512x609,512:609,aD2z1rK_700bwpxgfzxz.jpg)

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17a1cb No.21526954

File: fbe52969596b15a⋯.png (118.49 KB,1221x832,1221:832,Crowley.png)


>WTF happened in 1947?!

>Roswell Crash - UFO's in general become main stream starting in June 24th, July 4th and Roswell July 7th

>CIA formed through National Security Act as well as Department of Defense

The year prior in 1946, L. Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons performed a series of rituals trying to make contact. Maybe they did make contact and all the UFO sightings that followed are who they let through.

The Babalon Working 1946: L. Ron Hubbard, John Whiteside Parsons, and the Practice of Enochian Magic

In the spring of 1946 L. Ron Hubbard and John W. Parsons performed a series of magical rituals with the aim of incarnating the Thelemic goddess Babalon in a human being. Hubbard’s cooperation with Parsons, known as the Babalon Working, remains one of the most controversial events in Hubbard’s pre-Scientology days. This article sets out to describe the content of the magical rituals, as well as their purpose. It is argued that in order to fully understand these events, it is necessary to approach the Babalon Working from the study of Western esotericism in general, and the study of Enochian magic in particular.


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b2506c No.21526955

File: 5d2898c6c8e2e91⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,640x360,16:9,reagCommu.mp4)

File: 40ed5ef22bad50c⋯.mp4 (4.3 MB,480x360,4:3,CommuHearingscomp.mp4)

File: e011c5d6a70bed6⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,640x360,16:9,DJT1987_2.mp4)

File: 466deb283c8e2c1⋯.png (643.37 KB,1571x954,1571:954,reagwould2.png)

File: 1b63f3aea58bd66⋯.png (1.07 MB,1454x966,727:483,GenPattWJos.png)

Keep seeing this “reagan ended Communism” crap everywhere. WHAT!? Can anyone cite ONE example in regard to THIS COUNTRY OR others besides #8 (below)? ? Nice timing with movie, Even more “comparing” of President TRUMP to the “great communicator” fuck, whose “talent” was RECITING crap, thanks to all that training!

*Like the others, #8 was accomplished in 1961 BUT that “wall came down” in 1989 — MEANWHILE, what continued on, FULL-THROTTLE, here in the fuking UNITED STATES! What about the blast of Communist INFILTRATION in the 1930s?

The 45 Communist Goals (1958 “The Naked Communist,” by Cleon Skousen https://archive.ph/Pabts http://www.rense.com/general32/americ.htm How many of these have NOT been accomplished?

(Had to snip to fit) 4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation… 6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination. 7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N'''.8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states… 11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government… 12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party. (SEE VID 1 - then-SAG president). 13. Do away with all loyalty oaths…. 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. 16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions… 17. Get control of the schools….Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. 18. Gain control of all student newspapers. 19. Use student riots to foment public protests… 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions. ) 21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. (TALK ABOUT UNDERSTATEMENTS!)

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. 23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy." 27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible… 28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

29. Discredit the American Constitution… 30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. 31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history… 32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc. 33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities. 35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI (IN PROGRESS). 36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. 37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business. 38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies (IN PROGRESS). Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders…. 39. Dominate the psychiatric profession… 40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. 41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. 42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems. 43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government. 44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.

What’s the status on this one - IN PROGRESS?? 45. Repeal the Connally reservation, so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.

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b15a50 No.21526956


Kobe helicopter death w daughter

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c52b22 No.21526957


think the Venezuelans have a recipe?

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05995e No.21526958

File: 60e96180056dcf8⋯.jpg (48.71 KB,960x540,16:9,michelle_obama_pregnancy_3….jpg)

File: 394c36ce55def1f⋯.jpg (260.95 KB,1500x1000,3:2,Pete_and_Chasten_Buttigieg….jpg)

File: dea2a68abf1d989⋯.jpg (616.26 KB,1500x1000,3:2,lv_comp_Pete_Buttigieg_bab….jpg)

File: 90a205a29156dc7⋯.jpg (73.38 KB,1200x630,40:21,council_for_inclusive_capi….jpg)

File: 20a525907a3a003⋯.jpg (23.38 KB,474x379,474:379,th_3104514022.jpg)


Let me get this right, a time of unprecedented human trafficking and missing women and children to violent inhumanity, the transportation secretary is using his owned supplied…

Jus checking, and not spell checking.

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54b83a No.21526959


That was a hit, not a first born human sacrifice to join their club.

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24d9e0 No.21526960

File: 1ce19c4a928c2f1⋯.jpg (49.04 KB,1280x720,16:9,ASSface.jpg)


>>>>>>>fucking stoopid

>>too much fuckin stoopid to count

>wetodid tranny mad

chitty chuutur ass seks facist gits wetodid tranny cry

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23a007 No.21526961


Fake news demonstrates all of Ewen Cameron's non-invasive psychic driving techniques since the ((()))s took over CNN for the [C]s.

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0ac84c No.21526962


What is a real Jew?

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54b83a No.21526963


The inverse of a false Jew.

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24d9e0 No.21526964

File: 653c7c45fcce211⋯.png (276.66 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>>>fucking stoopid

>>>too much fuckin stoopid to count

>>wetodid tranny mad

>chitty chuutur ass seks facist gits wetodid tranny cry

wetodid tranny cry cuz could had chitty chuttur ass seks facist with fuckin stoopid

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3c124a No.21526965

File: 623e3112d5e56ae⋯.jpg (93.8 KB,1024x709,1024:709,comfy_pepe3.jpg)

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b15a50 No.21526966


or a rejection by bryant of giving the first born

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b15a50 No.21526967


ok Candace

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01aa15 No.21526968

File: 6656879536c902c⋯.png (190.4 KB,568x509,568:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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959c79 No.21526969

File: d9cc3f1e6319436⋯.jpg (518.18 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Crumbs_of_Q.jpg)


Wasn't me but I know what you're referring to

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01aa15 No.21526970

File: 9861fa498f76639⋯.png (380.14 KB,568x636,142:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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05995e No.21526971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kamala's record as a public servant prosecuting sincere whistleblowers

Undercover Journalists Now Face Felony Charges for Exposing Planned Parenthood

CBN News






Mar 29

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3c124a No.21526972

So blatant. It's like they think they can't tell when they swap personas and banter amongst themselves.

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24d9e0 No.21526974

File: d1470412d5fb3b4⋯.png (214.66 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

egregious cult buttstuff fires back at berlinurin berlinur hatin on berlinurs berlinurin when wall wuz obviously pickpocket wiff banno in cult

an crae crae farced fayk tranny twat wetodid tranny cry after missed chitty chuutur fuckin stoopid >>21526964

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3c124a No.21526975

File: bd8c1538c287c44⋯.jpg (113.59 KB,419x340,419:340,kek13.jpg)

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c52b22 No.21526976


true blast from the past

he's right apache has it all

if from 18 then 24 is 6 years

anytime now can be used for "no deals"


tyvm for sharing


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0ac84c No.21526977


0bama is a puppet too.

He couldn't mastermind his way out of a paper bag.

His superpower is that he can read from a Teleprompter.

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3d7132 No.21526978

File: 469e5d84328b182⋯.png (1.11 MB,1200x674,600:337,ClipboardImage.png)

ESA delays BepiColombo orbital insertion because of thruster problem

September 2, 2024

The European Space Agency is adjusting the trajectory of its BepiColombo mission to Mercury, delaying its insertion into orbit around the innermost planet by nearly a year to compensate for reduced performance from its electric thrusters.

ESA announced Sept. 2 that the spacecraft, a joint mission with the Japanese space agency JAXA that launched in 2018 and since made several flybys of the Earth, Venus and Mercury, will take a slightly different trajectory during its next flyby of Mercury on Sept. 4.

The spacecraft will pass just 165 kilometers from Mercury’s on this flyby, 35 kilometers closer than previously planned.

The change is part of a revised trajectory for the mission after ESA discovered a problem with the spacecraft’s thrusters in April.

When controllers turned on the thrusters then for a maneuver, they found that the thrusters were not getting enough power.

Engineers were able to restore the thrusters to 90% of their original thrust, but that was not enough for maneuvers needed to get the spacecraft into orbit around Mercury in December 2025.

An investigation found what ESA called “unexpected electric currents” between solar arrays on one part of BepiColombo, the Mercury Transfer Module (MTM), and a power distribution unit.

Those currents reduced the power available for the electric thrusters and prevent the mission from carrying out its original trajectory.

“Following months of investigations, we have concluded that MTM’s electric thrusters will remain operating below the minimum thrust required for an insertion into orbit around Mercury in December 2025,” Santa Martinez, BepiColombo mission manager at ESA, said in a statement.

The mission developed an alternative mission profile that retains the upcoming flyby, the fourth of six planned for the mission, and the following two in December and January.

The spacecraft will fly a different trajectory to compensate for the reduced thrust, though, delaying its arrival into orbit from December 2025 to November 2026.

While BepiColombo will go into orbit 11 months later than planned, ESA said the change won’t affect overall mission science.

During the upcoming flyby 10 of the spacecraft’s instruments will collect data, allowing science teams to test the performance of those instruments while also collecting data from regions of the planet and the magnetosphere that won’t be studied once the spacecraft is in orbit.

“We get to fly our world-class science laboratory through diverse and unexplored parts of Mercury’s environment that we won’t have access to once in orbit, while also getting a head start on preparations to make sure we will transition into the main science mission as quickly and smoothly as possible,” said the mission’s project scientist, Johannes Benkhoff, in a statement.

BepiColombo’s main camera will not operate during the flyby since its view is blocked while in cruise mode.

However, three engineering cameras will take images of Mercury during the flyby, including the first views of the planet’s south pole.


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5be873 No.21526979

File: cb6c45d19f42379⋯.png (1.27 MB,959x775,959:775,ClipboardImage.png)

this is fine

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d3cc27 No.21526980


i don't know all the ins and outs, but there sure 'feels' like there is a lot of that shit floating on wind at this point. Their 'clever tricks' have escaped into the wild, completely out of 'control'.

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54b83a No.21526981

File: b458d6c49adc257⋯.png (2 MB,1750x1750,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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79a765 No.21526982

File: a8044e2de919011⋯.webp (22.91 KB,456x379,456:379,66d6bcad02b0a.webp)

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24d9e0 No.21526983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


butt watch fucking stoopid chitty chuutur ass seks facist an wetodid tranny cry shill kids

an bill maher shillin pedovr whaaaa screenplay

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65f925 No.21526984


C_A coined the term "conspiracy theroy."

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0b649c No.21526986

File: 0659cc880c437d2⋯.png (2.05 MB,1707x960,569:320,0659cc880c437d2e6d8ea7a510….png)

>>21526660 lb

>>21526458 lb

claims ten years old


trying to get board in trouble.


You don't get the BO you think you should have, you get the BO that you do have. And count yourself blessed.

>>21525630 lb

>>21525636 lb


>>21526009 lb


You are the salutation you have been looking for.

I salute you!





maybe she is a whistleblower (was)

Insane Eugenicist and tyrant Hoaxel is the one who needs to be arrested.


hey, hive mind.


hey, look on the bright side. Ya never know.

Anyway Chief Justice Roberts has got cheater Hoaxel's back.

Today is 9-3 - stay safe, remember God. God is Good. America Winning.

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ae74f6 No.21526987

File: 22fdc071dc6040a⋯.png (47.53 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c2f0b41126a6dd⋯.png (204.77 KB,585x490,117:98,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21526871 < LIL BITCH


Anons notice that parakeet VD and CP shills are missing?

Are all the neo nazis 4' tall and little bitches?

Andrew Anglin 5' 3"

Paul Town 4' 6"

Parakeet too small to measure. kek

Thin skinned lil bitches

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24d9e0 No.21526988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



wut duz cult do wiff kids >>21526974

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c52b22 No.21526989


nik'd it

great stuff


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3c124a No.21526990


>Anons notice that parakeet VD and CP shills are missing?

And the mimics. I notice a lot of patting on the back, bantering, and presenting "oldfag" status to try and establish a position of authority though.

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0ac84c No.21526992


So a Real Jew believes that Jesus Christ is the Promised Messiah?

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73a3da No.21526993


Shoplifter's race not mentioned, so everyone knows he wasn't white.

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24d9e0 No.21526994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


adrenochrom addict caught washin windows 11 an chasin wrustl jimmies undies smells on juuuutuub

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79a765 No.21526995

File: e0bab109091c559⋯.webm (1.03 MB,460x344,115:86,aGyeZqw_460svvp9.webm)


>wut duz cult do wiff kids

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3d7132 No.21526996

File: 16f1a309df1f733⋯.png (112.73 KB,1114x561,1114:561,ClipboardImage.png)


The Flying Forties

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05995e No.21526997

File: b3ff4824b6ee235⋯.jpg (66.43 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3035474323.jpg)

File: b7e2491291cc192⋯.jpg (471.29 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240827_060239….jpg)

File: def97f65f4684cd⋯.jpg (18.65 KB,474x266,237:133,th_4107591826.jpg)

File: a44097bd0177099⋯.jpg (35.7 KB,474x567,158:189,th_3165396370.jpg)

File: fe71e19ae8c214b⋯.jpg (566.93 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240822_080625….jpg)

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01aa15 No.21526998

File: 7651812f7092819⋯.png (58.04 KB,240x125,48:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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54b83a No.21526999


I don't know, ask your mother.

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8d08ef No.21527000

File: 273fbba86638033⋯.png (1.49 MB,816x612,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ada3ef0cb9ce25⋯.png (1.43 MB,816x612,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0524634c65e4350⋯.png (1009.02 KB,816x612,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6487c89c5e45c1⋯.png (946.78 KB,813x547,813:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f46d6f30df25dd⋯.pdf (830.77 KB,committee_of_300.pdf)



I think this was the link but everything geone.

ses BCF China at the top. Had a ww2 book I wanted to download but never got around to it. Can't member the name but started with daddy bush saying if we found out what they've been doing they'd get necked.


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0ac84c No.21527001


The stabbing part is a clue as well.

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65f925 No.21527002


she could of used some ivermectin

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b2506c No.21527003

File: d8dc403984f29e1⋯.jpeg (355.71 KB,1741x2081,1741:2081,Wars.jpeg)

File: 1e7c9f24fecaca6⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB,640x360,16:9,DJT_Dec1987lettmanc.mp4)

File: 40b9664ed4f7748⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,640x360,16:9,DJT87_1.mp4)

File: 4d5fe9f550a1042⋯.mp4 (1020.59 KB,640x360,16:9,DJT1987.mp4)

File: a3d7d206e5d84fd⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB,640x360,16:9,DJT19874t.mp4)

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23a007 No.21527004

File: be6f67077e04d1c⋯.png (89.58 KB,498x700,249:350,ClipboardImage.png)


Cs are Bs

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73a3da No.21527005

File: 4ca68d3b12de5a5⋯.png (488.46 KB,571x437,571:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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959c79 No.21527006

File: ba05fb2eaf45950⋯.jpg (498.5 KB,2560x2560,1:1,WWG1WGA_Q_Bell.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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0ac84c No.21527007


Maybe this is where the [Knowingly} comes in.

But maybe some people don't really figure it out until they are already knee deep into it and trying to escape from it could actually jeopardize their life or the lives of their loved ones.

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24d9e0 No.21527008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>wut duz cult do wiff kids


>adrenochrom addict caught washin windows 11 an chasin wrustl jimmies undies smells on juuuutuub

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3d7132 No.21527009

File: 5ce526ef78f9fce⋯.png (675.21 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a663eb1a20a5391⋯.png (386.31 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Musk to Celebrate Meloni as Italy Eyes Space Sector Investment

September 2, 2024

When Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni visits New York later this month to receive a global citizenship award, Elon Musk will be the one to hand her the prize.

The Tesla Inc. chief executive and X owner will present Meloni with the Atlantic Council’s Global Citizen Award at a ceremony on Sept. 23, according to people familiar with the matter.

Previous recipients include Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

In a post on the Atlantic Council’s website in February, fellows Kaush Arha and Paolo Messa credited Meloni with being “instrumental in ensuring much-needed European aid to Ukraine.”

Since taking office, they added, “the Italian leader has emerged as a powerful interlocutor across Europe and the world stage.”

Musk and Meloni have met on a number of occasions, including at a political festival last December thrown by the prime minister’s right-wing Brothers of Italy party.

Appearing on stage, Musk discussed Italy’s demographic crisis — the country has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe — and exhorted the crowd to “make more Italians.”

“As simple as it sounds, if people do not have children there is no new generation,” Musk told the audience, echoing a prominent concern of Meloni’s.

The billionaire also warned of the dangers of the “woke mind virus” — a favorite talking point — and unchecked migration.

The Atlantic Council event won’t be the only meeting this month between Meloni and the world’s richest man.

They’re also scheduling a closed-door conversation to discuss investment opportunities in Italy’s space and artificial intelligence sectors, the people said.

Italy approved a new regulatory framework in June that grants foreign space companies permission to operate in the country, according to a statement by the minister of industry. Italy expects to generate €7.3 billion ($8.1 billion) of investment in the space sector by 2026.

Musk, who’s also CEO of Space Exploration Technologies Corp., already has a head start. Italy is among the countries serviced by Starlink, which delivers broadband Internet through a global network of more than 6,000 SpaceX satellites.

Last April, Starlink claimed that Telecom Italia SpA, the country’s largest telecom provider, was obstructing the rollout of its high-speed internet services.

Representatives for SpaceX declined to comment, as did a spokesperson for the Italian government.


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3c124a No.21527010

File: a1c636ebb4505f4⋯.gif (979.47 KB,320x160,2:1,ayw2.gif)

KEK. If that's what you want, I'll see what I can do.

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93ae6e No.21527011

File: 19b08564491837f⋯.png (948.13 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN615.png)

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73a3da No.21527012

File: 06b55af42b901c2⋯.png (39.16 KB,596x454,298:227,ClipboardImage.png)

Why so many trannies? Here's a good theory.

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24d9e0 No.21527013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>adrenochrom addict caught washin windows 11 an chasin wrustl jimmies undies smells on juuuutuub

bizarre egregiously spurious cult stuff laundurin wrustl jimmies during holohoax murdurur bribing

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93ae6e No.21527014

File: 15fafc25b6786a0⋯.png (912.78 KB,1024x768,4:3,SCAMALA1.png)

File: 2c27ff830275dfc⋯.png (306.72 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA189.png)

File: 030c0bd7e3ef33f⋯.png (719.75 KB,1024x768,4:3,WALZ6.png)

File: 02d26ca0b493045⋯.png (457.17 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA188.png)

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27c8f4 No.21527015

File: 365931f1fb8fd8e⋯.png (2.47 MB,1080x1414,540:707,ClipboardImage.png)

These Are The 50 Most Valuable Companies In The World


Market capitalization, or market cap, is a widely used metric to determine a company’s value as determined by the stock market.It is easily calculated by multiplying a company’s outstanding shares by its current stock price, providing a snapshot of its worth.

In the latest ranking of the world’s 50 most valuable companies by market cap, based on August 26, 2024, data from Companiesmarketcap.com, the dominance of the technology sector is evident.This list, color-coded by industry, reveals the significant presence and influence of tech giants in global stock markets.

At the top, we see familiar names: Apple leads with a market cap of $3.45 trillion, followed by Nvidia at $3.11 trillion, and Microsoft at $3.07 trillion. Alphabet and Amazon complete the top five, highlighting the sheer scale and impact of American tech companies.

However, it is not just the tech sector that commands attention. Saudi Aramco, a leader in the energy sector, ranks sixth with a market cap of $1.8 trillion. Meanwhile, Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett’s conglomerate, just hit the trillion-dollar club, after having risen by nearly 130% over the past five years.

The world’s 50 largest companies collectively represent $34 trillion in market cap, with Technology leading the way at $19.3 trillion, followed by Healthcare at $3.8 trillion. Conglomerates like Berkshire Hathaway are not far behind, accounting for $1.5 trillion of the total market cap.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) also makes a notable appearance, reflecting the global reach of the technology sector. Listed on the New York Stock Exchange, TSMC’s shares have surged over 60% year-to-date in 2024, positioning it as a key player in Asia’s tech landscape.

China's Tencent, once valued at a peak of $916 billion in February 2021, now holds a market cap of approximately $450 billion. Although it remains China’s most valuable company, it is clear that its valuation has faced significant adjustments.

As the data shows, technology continues to dominate, but sectors like energy, healthcare, and conglomerates also hold substantial weight in the global market.


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425a45 No.21527016

File: e40d998772d4614⋯.png (1.15 MB,640x525,128:105,458185884_977421797730939_….png)

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0ac84c No.21527017


Is that Richard Gere and Debra Winger?

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1eac69 No.21527018

early notes @200


#26373 >>21526737

>>21526767 PlaneFaggin' 737 - Bank of Utah trustee aircraft for Kamala/Walz / Home Mitt Romney

>>21526770, >>21526842, >>21526874 BREAKING: @TheTNStar Has Just Released All 90 Pages of The Nashville Shooter's Manifesto

>>21526796 DJT misspelled siezed and said seizend. Seizend is a manufacturing company based in Shenzhen

>>21526817 FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul

>>21526844 Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO

>>21526854, >>21526882, >>21526936, >>21526978, >>21527009 Space News

>>21526875 RFK Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won't Accept You If You Don't Vaccinate Your Children

>>21526912, >>21526919, >>21526928, >>21526933 Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days? Victor Davis Hanson

>>21527015 These Are The 50 Most Valuable Companies In The World

>>21526769, >>21526787, >>21526879, >>21526927, >>21526930, >>21526970, >>21526981 Memes Of Mass Instruction

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208336 No.21527019


Should I switch back to Windows 10? It feels like Windows 11 is going to stay shitty.

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24d9e0 No.21527020

File: 2ed0d3910125e29⋯.png (14.51 KB,181x278,181:278,ClipboardImage.png)

psychotic psychophant seekin zelda in a nazi fuelled peter pan creamy distopian ass apple narina

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24d9e0 No.21527021

File: 04291f27e3c86db⋯.png (8.58 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)


>psychotic psychophant seekin zelda in a nazi fuelled peter pan creamy distopian ass apple narina

preachy tongue in butt pineapple crack traffickur promises tom cruise is a lesbian feels filur to ancient french necromancer problem masquaring in hugo boss

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3c124a No.21527022


I'd recommend a Linux or BSD distro. Even a Mac over Windows. I enjoyed the interesting visits in the Wireshark logs when I was running Windows though.

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73a3da No.21527023


Traditionally every other version of Windows sucked.

WindowsXP - Good

Windows Vista -SUCKED

Windows 7 - Good

Windows 8 -SUCKED

Windows 10 - Good

Windows 11 - ?????????

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24d9e0 No.21527024

File: 02db4294abd9663⋯.png (6.6 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)


>eter pan creamy distopian ass apple narina

>preachy tongue in butt pineapple crack

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7d26f3 No.21527025


God is showing the world just how bad Drugs have influenced our economy. Take away the drugs and our economy goes with it.

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01aa15 No.21527026

File: ab3419c4222de49⋯.png (333.26 KB,459x639,51:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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51d729 No.21527030

File: 4afcef0e3b94576⋯.jpg (80.93 KB,500x984,125:246,23e4dx.jpg)

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24d9e0 No.21527032


> ancient french necromancer problem masquaring in hugo boss


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208336 No.21527037


>I'd recommend a Linux or BSD distro.

I'd have already made the switch if I did anything other than run games in the background while shit posting.

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24d9e0 No.21527039

File: 0c12e72d32d24f6⋯.png (7.81 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

screenprinted butthol mirror

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73a3da No.21527041

File: 449eb4600a9cb73⋯.png (754.06 KB,1763x1661,1763:1661,smug_apu.png)


>when you read this


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5be873 No.21527042


>delays orbital insertion because of thruster problem


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0ac84c No.21527045



caused by vaccine injury?

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24d9e0 No.21527047

File: 398e6677bb3409a⋯.png (11.62 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)


whaaa whaaa charlie sheen sold durh crack omg

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3c124a No.21527048


Yeah, that's the main aspect of the Windows drug that keeps people hooked. Not much of a gamer on PC's, I prefer to roll dice and use a measuring tape and move little pieces of plastic around.

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208336 No.21527050


>Windows 11 -Redefines Sucking

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88ee42 No.21527052

File: ff9572de03c623a⋯.png (203.16 KB,1440x744,60:31,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_0….png)

File: a90121000dfa6cb⋯.png (746.25 KB,618x1046,309:523,Screenshot_2024_07_22_at_1….png)

File: d29775a73b2229a⋯.png (411.39 KB,798x876,133:146,Screenshot_2024_07_21_at_1….png)

File: 225a5d860bed8da⋯.png (2.95 MB,2282x1240,1141:620,Screenshot_2023_06_14_at_0….png)

File: 83d5aff26f295b1⋯.png (2.29 MB,2020x1100,101:55,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_0….png)




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Donald J. Trump


Comrade Kamala Harris sees there are problems for her campaign in New Hampshire because of the fact that they disrespected it in their primary and never showed up. Additionally, the cost of living in New Hampshire is through the roof, their energy bills are some of highest in the country, and their housing market is the most unaffordable in history. I protected New Hampshire's First-In-The-Nation Primary and ALWAYS will! To my friends in New Hampshire, get out and vote TRUMP. Together, we will make your State and America Strong, Safe, and Prosperous AGAIN!





Sep 03, 2024, 9:11 AM

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caf405 No.21527057


chiming in for Linux, popOS or Linux Mint are my favs

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ae74f6 No.21527058

File: 8a7b4db29002519⋯.png (119.98 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa896b927e57626⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,1168x864,73:54,parakletos_its_behind_me.mp4)

File: aba550cef7e264a⋯.png (935.11 KB,712x715,712:715,ClipboardImage.png)

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24d9e0 No.21527059

File: 1b0dcc1abfcddf6⋯.png (328.42 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9bbc6 No.21527060


I understand all u pen with the art that gets pushed massively;

However, ya'll think that maybe, you could help a few honest hard-working label-less artists get a nudge?

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f0ffc4 No.21527061

File: eadb0e30df0a414⋯.png (23.67 KB,452x494,226:247,ClipboardImage.png)




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55afad No.21527062

File: a56f34c932aef98⋯.jpg (31.51 KB,477x505,477:505,EpsteinPicIV.JPG)

File: 848c59e21ae5fe3⋯.jpg (28.27 KB,514x382,257:191,EpsteinIslandPicIII.JPG)

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3c124a No.21527063


Mint is decent, but Debian-based IIRC, and I was never a fan of them splitting up the binaries and the headers into separate packages, though I do understand the reasoning behind it stopping needless bloat on servers. If you want the Arch experience without the manual Arch install, you can always go with Manjaro.

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24d9e0 No.21527064

File: bfbd29dcb973126⋯.png (10.43 KB,189x266,27:38,ClipboardImage.png)

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23a007 No.21527065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jews are as diverse and messed up as non-jews. Whatever you project on them, whatever they brag about or admit, is either true of somebody, somewhere, or what you want to believe.

Humanity is totally fucked.

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55afad No.21527066

File: 0dc75c2543861eb⋯.jpg (58.41 KB,401x412,401:412,Q911.jpg)

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5b25e7 No.21527067



Yeah, Windows 11 blows the big one. I have to use it at work. All my personal computers are still Windows 7.

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51d729 No.21527068


Majority of abortions are first born.

Fun fact a lot of women who have fertility issues are actually sterile from that 1st abortion but they don't know it.

A childless cat lady is likely a victim of her decision to abortion a child.

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f9bbc6 No.21527069


I still haven't understood many of your decodes

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24d9e0 No.21527070

File: 0f6efa4f61f6b68⋯.png (5.47 KB,184x274,92:137,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2994d No.21527071

File: 7871f7fb374dcdb⋯.png (1.98 MB,935x739,935:739,Screenshot_13791_.png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)


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01aa15 No.21527072

File: a2bae36abcafd44⋯.png (268.73 KB,568x833,568:833,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d7132 No.21527073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

Sep 3, 2024


0:00 - Introduction

1:09 - Psychology of winning and losing

3:51 - Politics is a dirty game

5:28 - Business vs politics

8:04 - War in Ukraine

9:53 - Kamala Harris interview on CNN

10:36 - Trump-Harris debate

13:33 - China

15:47 - 2020 election

24:03 - Project 2025

24:52 - Marijuana

27:13 - Joe Rogan

30:54 - Division

38:00 - Communism and fascism

41:36 - Power

43:36 - UFOs & JFK

44:16 - Jeffrey Epstein

45:55 - Mortality and religion

47:25 - Lex AMA


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11afe0 No.21527074

File: 3c6e0a9d7e2d6e0⋯.png (170.2 KB,507x473,507:473,ClipboardImage.png)


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24d9e0 No.21527075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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46d98b No.21527076

File: 03f8874946e85ce⋯.jpeg (93.46 KB,831x706,831:706,IMG_2515.jpeg)

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55afad No.21527077

File: 134a7ac4e1f969b⋯.jpg (71.86 KB,497x373,497:373,FordJewBaiter.jpg)

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5b25e7 No.21527078

File: 57a51690a5b7bad⋯.png (288.07 KB,1080x1168,135:146,Screenshot_20240902_202600.png)

What are Anons thoughts on Ezra's comments made on X yesterday?

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11afe0 No.21527079

notable but needs sauce and/or timestamp >>21527072

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88ee42 No.21527080

File: fb21425d3192dee⋯.png (2.11 MB,1450x890,145:89,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_0….png)

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51d729 No.21527081

File: e16d304e0d7fb0b⋯.jpg (65.96 KB,722x421,722:421,q2lon.jpg)

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ea4649 No.21527082


Spot on. QTARDS will seeeeeethe over it tho

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23a007 No.21527083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Which cat is out of who's bag?

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88ee42 No.21527085



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New York Times


Who Is Shujun Wang, the Queens Man Accused of Spying for …

Jul 30, 2024 · They are accused of running a secret police station for the Chinese government in a nondescript building in Lower Manhattan. The station was housed in the offices of a nonprofit …

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Events of aoc chinese police officer accused of spying

When federal authorities arrested Officer Angwang in Septembe…

The New York Times

Federal prosecutors dropped their case against a New York Cit…


NEW YORK (AP) — Charges against a New York City police office…


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U.S. Drops Case Against Police Officer It Had Called an ‘Insider …

Jan 19, 2023 · Baijmadajie Angwang, a New York Police Department officer, had been accused of spying for China. Prosecutors said the charges were dismissed after new information had …

Tags:Officer AngwangRebecca Davis O’BrienLaw Enforcement Insider Threat

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Chinese Police Officer Fired Following FBI Spying Investigation

May 21, 2024 · A police officer originally from China has been fired by the New York Police Department after being entangled in a federal investigation of alleged illegal activities of a …

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U.S. drops case against New York City cop accused of spying for …

Jan 19, 2023 · NEW YORK (AP) — Charges against a New York City police officer accused of spying on behalf of China were formally dropped Thursday after U.S. prosecutors said they …

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New York Post


Alleged Chinese agent spied on fellow pro-democracy activists in …

Aug 26, 2024 · REUTERS. A New York City-based Chinese-American pro-democracy activist has been charged with spying on fellow dissidents in New York for the Chinese government, …

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New York Times


Can a Police Officer Accused of Spying for China Ever Clear His …

Feb 10, 2023 · When federal authorities arrested Officer Angwang in September 2020, they accused him of reporting on other Tibetans to a handler at the Chinese consulate in New York. …

Tags:Officer AngwangRebecca Davis O’Brien

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With spying charges behind him, NYPD officer now fighting to be …

Sep 27, 2023 · A suspended New York City police officer who had been accused then later cleared of spying for China is fighting to be reinstated, but the department wants him fired …

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Feds Drop Case Against NYPD Cop from Long Island …

Jan 23, 2023 · Charges against a New York City police officer from Williston Park accused of spying on behalf of China were formally dropped Thursday after U.S. prosecutors said they uncovered new…

Tags:New York CityChina

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55afad No.21527086

File: 3a937433e20ea24⋯.jpg (108.47 KB,655x500,131:100,Shriers.jpg)

File: 98b7f9e273e71e1⋯.jpg (30.89 KB,379x257,379:257,ShrinerClowns.JPG)

File: f678a770e9a76fb⋯.jpg (58.02 KB,478x367,478:367,ShrinersClownsII.JPG)

File: 5529efa6728804a⋯.jpg (55.97 KB,489x378,163:126,ShrinersClownsIII.JPG)

File: 16506eeba46536d⋯.jpg (81.44 KB,500x518,250:259,ProtocolMasonry.jpg)

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3c124a No.21527087


He offered an opinion on what he thinks this is. Am I supposed to grab a torch and pitchfork over what he thinks?

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fe6a20 No.21527088

File: 29e6b5d598bf494⋯.png (466.51 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express returning to base from Lauderdale, where they stayed over for the night.

>>21523944 (pb)


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7d26f3 No.21527089


They're transferring the world's wealth to me. They know I think money is the cause of everything bad, it's the root of evil. It's going to be fixed.

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01aa15 No.21527090

File: 9275accfe730d01⋯.png (533.06 KB,512x640,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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95d734 No.21527091




now clean your room

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5a94c1 No.21527092

File: a4ec78dc172c4f2⋯.webp (154.21 KB,1920x1080,16:9,3AF015E4_8136_453B_8AB3_E….webp)

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51d729 No.21527093


Is that AOC posing as Japanese while pandering to the Chinese?

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70301f No.21527094


He's a Flynntard, sounds about right.

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208336 No.21527095


We've asked him to get a job and become a productive member of society.

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73a3da No.21527096


If it were in fact foreign intelligence run, then the left would jump at the chance to let this news out making the opposition look dumb. So that right there says that he's full of shit.

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01aa15 No.21527097

File: b879b33007b8555⋯.png (365.16 KB,526x701,526:701,ClipboardImage.png)

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01aa15 No.21527098

File: 06a37d3c6f040ac⋯.png (442.72 KB,568x378,284:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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51d729 No.21527099


Some anon near there should get some eyes on what is moving

Cargo supplies or people

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bd74b3 No.21527100

File: 06e277ba40e9250⋯.png (1.96 MB,750x1334,375:667,FACB94B9_831C_448C_837D_EC….png)

File: d7ab6a77a94ea59⋯.png (257.27 KB,690x2622,5:19,54CD4170_1367_4AE7_95CB_6E….png)

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0ac84c No.21527101


Carroll O'Connor's son, Hugh, died of a gunshot wound to the head (supposedly suicide) at the age of 32.

His son Hugh was adopted from Italy.


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05c607 No.21527102

File: 675b2be498e836f⋯.png (384.02 KB,668x465,668:465,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f29b65f05b2684c⋯.png (419.95 KB,759x667,33:29,ClipboardImage.png)


> New Hampshire

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ff2bf9 No.21527103

Armed Venezuelans…………….

Where did they get the arms from?

Who's arming these guys? They can't buy them legally.


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51d729 No.21527104



Had to click to read the bottom


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11afe0 No.21527105

File: baf06c58586ec98⋯.jpeg (248.86 KB,890x1030,89:103,5thColumnTrump.jpeg)

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af80fc No.21527106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fake is all part their being

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5be873 No.21527107

File: 179e41b4cce5d5f⋯.png (700.4 KB,960x647,960:647,ClipboardImage.png)

finally had some breakfast

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efad2a No.21527108

File: 61f6464304ea863⋯.png (32.76 KB,596x411,596:411,ClipboardImage.png)



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af80fc No.21527109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fake is all part their being 2

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efad2a No.21527110



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55afad No.21527111

File: ff5293c23ae0c1b⋯.png (73.25 KB,564x448,141:112,Blumenthal.png)

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3e3186 No.21527112


Whoa I didnt make that connection. ty

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bd74b3 No.21527113

File: 06e277ba40e9250⋯.png (1.96 MB,750x1334,375:667,05927DB4_EEC8_464F_AB6F_54….png)

File: d7ab6a77a94ea59⋯.png (257.27 KB,690x2622,5:19,F1FDAECA_67E7_42F4_AB9A_4C….png)

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7a312c No.21527114

File: 39e5e270c9bd946⋯.mp4 (7.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17253807956….mp4)

File: 15c2798f16f392c⋯.png (312.4 KB,550x696,275:348,Screenshot_2024_09_03_1253….png)

More CHINESE SPYS. Do you think Boston Mayor Michelle WU will be next/??

Shadow of Ezra


New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s former Deputy Chief of Staff has been hit with shocking charges, accused of secretly serving as an agent for the Chinese government.

The indictment reveals that she actively pushed CCP agendas within the state government, even going so far as to bar Taiwanese representatives from meeting with New York officials.

What’s more, she and her husband are accused of laundering millions of dollars from the Chinese government while carrying out this covert operation.


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a87059 No.21527115

File: b696f79b517171d⋯.png (484.17 KB,677x679,677:679,Screen_Shot_2024_09_03_at_….png)

6 ways to Sunday

Former Hochul aide arrested amid FBI probe

The FBI early Tuesday arrested a former deputy chief of staff for Gov. Kathy Hochul who also served under former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, according to reports.


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55afad No.21527116

File: ddbfd2e19406ada⋯.png (77.98 KB,609x410,609:410,BronfmanDad.png)

File: 3d3352d6c8a365d⋯.jpg (54.95 KB,666x374,333:187,BronfmanJew.jpg)

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51d729 No.21527117


Also Justin is the first born.

Like Mariah

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ae74f6 No.21527118

File: d495f5e8a08b6db⋯.png (346.3 KB,706x500,353:250,ClipboardImage.png)


STFU U lil bitch


What u gonna do? NOTHING

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0ac84c No.21527119


In Chicago, the CIA leaves crates of guns in the alleyways.

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bd74b3 No.21527120

File: 7e89e6f9e774fe5⋯.png (1.42 MB,750x1334,375:667,56E2A9F1_8E10_48B6_A506_C8….png)

File: ce5fff434d5e2d7⋯.png (32.41 KB,690x454,345:227,79A44240_C6D8_4505_91CF_D0….png)

File: 7ada10d1991a4c8⋯.jpeg (267.85 KB,2047x1655,2047:1655,23AF2345_80B6_4F0A_9440_3….jpeg)

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7a312c No.21527121

File: ad500e04eef098f⋯.png (214.29 KB,558x724,279:362,Screenshot_2024_09_03_1256….png)

File: 98e0f63af993b47⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17253825265….mp4)

Shadow of Ezra


Bill Gates has arrived in Ethiopia to meet with the Prime Minister, aiming to radically reshape African agriculture, dairy, poultry, and hybrid seed farming.

Their plan is to shift farmers from traditional practices to the use of patented GMO seeds, reliant on heavy synthetic fertilizers and a mono-crop approach.

This could ultimately give him unprecedented control over the food systems, environment, and livelihoods across the continent.

Wherever Bill Gates goes, death and destruction are sure to follow.


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6bb26f No.21527122

File: a587a400cac5cbf⋯.png (432.07 KB,659x682,659:682,ClipboardImage.png)

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a87059 No.21527123


Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

Defendant Engaged in Political Activities in the Interests of the CCP and With Her Co-Defendant Husband Conspired to Launder the Proceeds of Their Unlawful Activities


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55afad No.21527124

File: d585e42085ed876⋯.png (107.58 KB,224x261,224:261,ClipboardImage.png)

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835a17 No.21527125

imagine trusting anyone vetted by the corrupt government

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bd74b3 No.21527126

File: 49356c6acd99af2⋯.png (1.24 MB,750x1334,375:667,2DF7609F_77DE_4E78_B727_FD….png)

File: 78e31b52ea4577c⋯.png (65.96 KB,690x718,345:359,475764C6_A395_4645_A2E8_6C….png)

File: 1ef5671d587d7de⋯.png (90.22 KB,690x806,345:403,0534BF4A_4C91_4472_A89F_BA….png)

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a87059 No.21527127

>>21526298 n, >>21526353 n Linda Sun — a former appointee to Govs. Kathy Hochul and Andrew Cuomo — was raided by the FBI last week

anons be on the job as anon can see.

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ff2bf9 No.21527128



Had to look up what a switch is.

Urban Dictionary……….


A full auto selector for Glock pistols. It is considered a machine gun and illegal under federal law. Popular among thugs in chicago."

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24d9e0 No.21527129

File: c91cd65911b93b1⋯.png (7.62 KB,189x267,63:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ac84c No.21527130


Will a Jew (real or fake) ever say:

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, the Promised Messiah?

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73a3da No.21527131

File: 29b214f96eee248⋯.png (236.03 KB,437x313,437:313,ClipboardImage.png)



← This fake image was made from that real image.

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3d7132 No.21527132

File: b36885d7b1a7637⋯.png (292.89 KB,770x524,385:262,ClipboardImage.png)

UFOs over Fort Smith are rapidly identified

September 3, 2024 at 5:45am MT

Drones. Chinese lanterns. Weather balloons. “Visitors.” Not the kind you break out the good cookies for, either.

Those lights in the sky over Fort Smith on Monday? Anyone’s guess, until the Northwest Territories’ wildfire agency stepped in and ruined it.

Beneath video shared to the town’s community Facebook discussion group, residents described the hovering, flashing pattern made by the lights and speculated wildly on the source of the pattern.

“I believe there are beings way more advanced than we are,” one resident declared.

This turns out to be accurate, since Cabin Radio can’t fly an aircraft or control a wildfire, but air tanker pilots can.

And NWT Fire would have you believe those lights are nothing more than air tankers making their way home to their Fort Smith base.

Stepping into the conversation at multiple points where it looked like Mulder and Scully might be summoned, NWT Fire’s Facebook page stated:

“These are FireBoss 802s returning from missions last night helping work SS048 at Kakisa Lake.”

SS048 is a long-lasting wildfire that has been going through bursts of activity on the south and west sides of Kakisa Lake.

So far, the small community of Kakisa itself has not been threatened.

“While video from far away may suggest they are not moving, they are,” NWT Fire concluded.

“No invasion evacuations impending – just firefighters doing their jobs.”


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af80fc No.21527133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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65f925 No.21527134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



how to transport prisoners just for the keks

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bd74b3 No.21527135

File: 0fd39f2e7d78248⋯.png (766.7 KB,750x1334,375:667,07CA9F80_753A_4663_946A_67….png)

File: ff082a48cb368ad⋯.png (1 MB,750x1334,375:667,8A46685A_3EE8_4090_92A2_15….png)

File: af04b3efd76a61f⋯.png (129.91 KB,690x1654,345:827,971E2F1E_5352_4C67_9446_86….png)

File: 0ad51e7a98f7087⋯.jpeg (94.94 KB,695x900,139:180,3AAA3AC7_CE87_454D_91AA_8….jpeg)

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0ac84c No.21527136


>illegal under federal law

unconstitutional law

Shall not be infringed


shall not be infringed

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425a45 No.21527137

BREAKING: Donald Trump says he will release the list of Jeffrey Epstein clients who went to Little Saint James Island as President https://x.com/i/status/1831013679258894812

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a87059 No.21527138


mwah: “As alleged, while appearing to serve the people of New York as Deputy Chief of Staff within the New York State Executive Chamber, the defendant and her husband actually worked to further the interests of the Chinese government and the CCP,” stated United States Attorney Breon Peace. “The illicit scheme enriched the defendant’s family to the tune of millions of dollars. Our Office will act decisively to prosecute those who serve as undisclosed agents of a foreign government.”

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d6c8b4 No.21527139


>Some black holes have a 'heartbeat' — and astronomers may finally know why

If you knew where you were in the sky, you would know why they are so focused on hurting you through their portal structure…//

If they knew how how these stars have an EKG signal… they never would have done anything of this…///

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a87059 No.21527140


o to be a fly on the comms wall

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b15a50 No.21527141


who keeps doing this?

makes no sense

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ae74f6 No.21527142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bd74b3 No.21527143

File: 4208b01d56d5aec⋯.png (694.18 KB,750x1334,375:667,F43B3F5E_056F_4093_BF2C_47….png)

File: c6eb58d48ffbda7⋯.png (99.67 KB,690x1164,115:194,874BCBC1_692B_44BC_8180_1C….png)

File: 1b535e8260d19c9⋯.jpeg (26.26 KB,680x381,680:381,2EBC3A1F_545B_47BA_92D1_A….jpeg)

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fb33ac No.21527144

File: a886a59f07267db⋯.jpg (105.57 KB,1200x675,16:9,KH_StolenValor.jpg)

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0ac84c No.21527145


Don't we already have this list?

Problem is that none of them have been arrested.

Will they ever be arrested?

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55afad No.21527146

File: 4b8c31d9d4cacb4⋯.png (51.92 KB,616x405,616:405,AlexChosen.png)

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bd74b3 No.21527147

File: 02eae93dcd3ae2e⋯.png (1.61 MB,750x1334,375:667,FF7E9CC5_7D8C_4D35_81AC_50….png)

File: 3291468c6c7ced3⋯.png (2.32 MB,750x1334,375:667,0FF8A781_2AD1_4F1B_A13F_AA….png)

File: 2a968e5ecc4a2fc⋯.png (137.3 KB,690x1742,345:871,66914A6C_F8F7_4566_866C_F0….png)


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01aa15 No.21527148

File: 5f1a844e421eb10⋯.png (354.71 KB,568x553,568:553,ClipboardImage.png)

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033ff8 No.21527149

File: 8ddcb120e6bf945⋯.png (215.7 KB,487x277,487:277,ClipboardImage.png)



lex fridman is very much part of the dark intellect podcaster circuit set up by eric weinstein brother bret weintsten.

eric weinstein was deep in with epstein and went to his island.

real fucking arsehole and elitist Ashkenazi jew.

lex fridman is also a shkenazi jew,

should be interesting, these fuckers really think that trump is stupid,

be fun to watch this interaction podcast.

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24d9e0 No.21527150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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55afad No.21527151

File: 07a9b99aedb8b4e⋯.png (162.45 KB,364x283,364:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c124a No.21527152

File: fad97fabbdf9f87⋯.png (356.81 KB,635x357,635:357,ClipboardImage.png)


It's not foreign intelligence, though they are without a doubt a part of it too. I suspect he just wants to distance himself seeing as his name was in a Q drop.

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15f5a4 No.21527153

8/10 ukrainian f16s remaining

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11afe0 No.21527154

File: 0f7a1b64789dcb4⋯.png (181.59 KB,740x558,370:279,ClipboardImage.png)

I can't imagine she had anything to do with the CCP police stations in NYC



Why China’s police state has a precinct near you

Recently arrested New York City Chinese “police station” operators are the tip of a global iceberg of Beijing’s overseas repression operations.


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615190 No.21527155

File: 1e0c1432cd9cafa⋯.png (924.03 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_abcnews_go_com_17….png)

Linda Sun, former Kathy Hochul aide, accused of scheming to advance interests of China

Sun and her husband were arrested at their Long Island home Tuesday morning.

Linda Sun, a former aide to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, schemed to advance the interests of China while working in New York State government, federal prosecutors alleged in an indictment unsealed Tuesday.

The indictment charges Sun with failure to register as a foreign agent, visa fraud, alien smuggling and money laundering conspiracy.

Her husband, Christopher Hu, allegedly facilitated the transfer of millions of dollars in kickbacks for personal gain, prosecutors said.

The indictment alleges that, acting at the request of Chinese government officials and representatives of the Chinese Communist Party, Sun blocked Taiwanese government officials from having access to high-level New York State officers, changed New York State officers' messaging about China and arranged meetings for visiting delegations from the PRC government with New York State government officials.

In return for these and other actions, Sun allegedly received economic and other benefits from China, including the facilitation of millions of dollars in transactions for the China-based business activities of Hu; travel benefits; tickets to events; promotion of a close family friend's business; employment for Sun's cousin in the PRC; and Nanjing-style salted ducks prepared by a PRC government official's personal chef that were delivered to the residence of Sun's parents, according to the indictment.

"As alleged, while appearing to serve the people of New York as Deputy Chief of Staff within the New York State Executive Chamber, the defendant and her husband actually worked to further the interests of the Chinese government and the CCP," United States Attorney Breon Peace said in a statement. "The illicit scheme enriched the defendant's family to the tune of millions of dollars."


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24d9e0 No.21527156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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944062 No.21527157

File: 2c7113fccfd0214⋯.jpg (145.07 KB,895x1280,179:256,photo_2024_09_02_19_12_46.jpg)


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944062 No.21527158

File: 83af3ec874c5452⋯.png (431.13 KB,940x824,235:206,364004337e04e5c5.png)

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0ac84c No.21527159

File: 03c6677a3c66a2c⋯.png (760.08 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


So many fingers.

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944062 No.21527160

File: b6fa2c4da3a5ed7⋯.jpg (374.81 KB,1080x1813,1080:1813,57c1a52108803657.jpg)

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944062 No.21527161

File: 035a9caa232b9b7⋯.jpg (136.86 KB,720x988,180:247,67bd8c4f0b9b3e16.jpg)

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5be247 No.21527162

File: 3003cb847f2d76b⋯.webm (1.22 MB,1168x864,73:54,who_ready_to_die_for_ZOG.webm)

Due To War Crimes By Israeli Allies, Turkish Citizens Now Protesting American Military

Major Lebanese news outlet Almayadeen is reporting that Turkish citizens in Izmir plan to keep protesting against the American military until the US Navy warship USS Wasp departs Izmir's port.

The USS Wasp is in regional waters to as part of efforts to "deter potential threats to Israel" amid the Gaza war, and as the potential for escalation with Hezbollah and Iran looms. "Protesters have issued a firm warning to the Izmir Governorship, stating they will remain at the port until the ship departs," Almayadeen writes. "They also condemned the United States for its role in causing suffering and violence in Iraq, Syria, and the broader West Asia region."

Anti-Israel sentiment in Turkey has exploded since the Gaza war kicked off ten months ago. Outrage is being directed at Washington for being Tel Aviv's biggest military backer and supporter.

Even American military personnel have been directly targeted, despite Turkey being a NATO ally and playing host to US bases, as was seen with Monday's dramatic events where on the streets of the southern city of Izmir US Navy and Marine service members were brutally assaulted, though they managed to escape to safety when local police intervened.

The US troops had been on weekend liberty after the USS Wasp amphibious ship docked there, and the incident included a Turkish mob from a hardline nationalist political party throwing a bag over the head of one soldier, which several angry men briefly detained while shouting "Yankee go home!" - as we detailed previously. The protesters' complaints hearken all the way back to the US invasion of Iraq - they've charged Washington with being an imperial power which frequently attacks the people of the Middle East. The US military is also currently supporting the Syrian Kurds, which are hated by Turkey.

Mass protests have taken place in Izmir, Turkiye, demanding the expulsion of an American warship that docked in the city's port.


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3d7132 No.21527163

File: 15075d9a3d001a9⋯.png (212.15 KB,980x653,980:653,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a16798cb1260b7⋯.png (717.52 KB,980x980,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Did You See The UFOs Over The Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic?

September 3, 2024

The Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic is a Treasure Valley staple.

For five days, hot air balloons set up shop in Ann Morrison Park for a visual spectacle unlike any other.

It's almost impossible to miss (unless they don't go up due to weather conditions) and it's so prominent, that visitors to Earth might have noticed.

Are aliens fans of The Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic?

In case you forgot, last year's Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic was the site of an unusual phenomenon.

A woman named Tabitha D. visited the Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic last year and caught what appeared to be "UFOs" or UAPs on camera during the Night Glow.

Now, if you think about it - it makes sense. If you were an alien flying in your super secret aircraft around the Earth and saw large balloons "hovering" over an area on a random planet, you'd check it out too!

There are a lot of people who overlook this kind of thing but we had to at least listen to what people are saying about the incident… and trust us, we have some real believers out here in the Treasure Valley.

Someone caught a photo of three unidentified aerial phenomena in the sky after the first day of the Spirit of Boise; here is what people are saying…

On the day this photo was taken, no hot air balloons were in the sky.

There were a total of THREE unidentified aerial phenomena spotted in the sky… is the mothership not far behind?

Our cluster of radio stations is behind the Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic and we can confirm there were no lit-up hot air balloons in the sky when this photo was taken.

Other people saw similar lights in the sky! What was going on up there?

That moment when you realize there were no hot air balloons in the sky


Believe it or not, that's not the creepiest UFO sighting we've seen. Check out some of the most compelling evidence we have that aliens exist.



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11afe0 No.21527164

Robby Starbuck


Big news: Last week I messaged executives from @CoorsLight @MolsonCoors to let them know that I planned to expose their woke policies. Today they’re preemptively making changes.

Here are the changes:

• Ending participation in the @HRC’s woke Corporate Equality Index social credit system.

• No more DEI based training programs.

• No more donations to divisive events.

• Ending ERG groups in favor of BRG groups open to all employees, no longer designed to focus on race or sexual orientation.

• No more supplier diversity goals.

• No more executive/employee compensation tied to DEI hiring goals.

This statement went out to employees just now. Our campaigns are so effective that we’re getting multi-billion dollar organizations to change their policies without me even posting just from the fear they have of being the next company that we expose. The landscape of corporate America is quickly shifting to sanity and neutrality. We are now the trend, not the anomaly.

We are winning and one by one we WILL bring sanity back to corporate America.

So far you’ve helped me change corporate policy at Tractor Supply, John Deere, Harley Davidson, Polaris, Indian Motorcycle, Lowe’s, Ford and now Coors. We are a force to be reckoned with and we won’t stop until wokeness is extinct.

If you love what we’re doing, subscribe to my X page for $5 a month to help fund our growing team! You can also support us by sending any amount once at this link: https://buy.stripe.com/8wM8xC7Qs5uXcSc3cc…

If you want to expose your woke workplace, send tips + evidence to EliminateDEI@protonmail.com


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9d3330 No.21527165

File: ca5129df12097b7⋯.png (121.72 KB,1200x828,100:69,TYBaker.png)

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3c124a No.21527166

File: 517eaa57f1c4e97⋯.png (978.56 KB,772x1024,193:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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5be247 No.21527167


Would be absolutely the democratic and most honest thing to do at this point. Government has become repressive, abusive and tyrannical in America.

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ff2bf9 No.21527168

File: bf53fbe8c170640⋯.png (72.52 KB,511x558,511:558,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40d51b122e5593c⋯.png (47.78 KB,512x302,256:151,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e00f9df060659a⋯.png (40.1 KB,502x280,251:140,ClipboardImage.png)

>Disinformation is real.

>Distractions are necessary.

>SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)…

>Alice & Wonderland.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.437

Nov 9 2018 18:32:17 (EST)

Logical thinking required.

A) How can arrests occur prior to removing the corruption from the DOJ & FBI?

B) How can arrests occur prior to safely securing a majority in the SUPREME COURT [CONSTITUTION - RULE OF LAW]

C) What is the role of the SENATE?


>Role of GOWDY?

>Role of SESSIONS?



>Who did SESSIONS appoint in NOV 2017?


>Who is HUBER?




>Mandate charged to HUBER?

>Resources provided to HUBER?


>Mandate charged to HOROWITZ?

>Resources provided to HOROWITZ?


>What were the responsibilities of WHITAKER?



>What is the advantage of having a ‘temp’ (‘acting’) in a leadership position?


“The appointment itself, on 21 July, triggered a shake-up at the Trump White House. Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and spokesman Sean Spicer both left their posts over his hiring.” —Mission Successful

>Laser designator(s) locked on target(s)

>Who was assigned directly to SESSIONS by POTUS?

>Mandate charged to Ezra Cohen-Watnick [Defense Intelligence Agency]?

>NAT SEC ADVISOR TO SESSIONS [counterintelligence and counterterrorism]?

>Who briefed NUNES on classified intel re: HUSSEIN spy campaign v. POTUS?


>Who briefed Goodlatte & Gowdy on classified intel re: DOJ & FBI?








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5be247 No.21527170


Evil Empire becomes more totalitarian every day.

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86b1d5 No.21527171



>I suspect he just wants to distance himself seeing as his name was in a Q drop.

makes total cents after emphatically stating "To be clear, there is NO significance to the time when I post." and just so happens to be an EXACT 6 year delta.

probably nothing, move along

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11afe0 No.21527172

File: f0f78680f52b777⋯.png (179.9 KB,680x514,340:257,ClipboardImage.png)

Libs of TikTok


SCOOP: Connecticut Law Enforcement are now being warned about the violent Venezualan gang “Tren de Aragua.” This is the gang who took over apartment buildings in CO.

Police reports already confirmed their presence in 11 states and it’s estimated around 1,000 members are in our country illegally.


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615190 No.21527173


Add to that the dozens of churches in France that have been burnt down, as well as those in other countries.

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24d9e0 No.21527174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

howard stern haz a transvettic fetishism existential crises breakthruu outur body crack pipe hit

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3c124a No.21527175

File: 79097d160fce2b2⋯.png (968.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,79097d160fce2b2489e72f9e31….png)


> abusive and tyrannical in America.

The enitre "Western" world, Anon, not just America, but America seems to be the focal point. Like the drop, if America falls, the world falls and I fully believe that.

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5be247 No.21527176

File: f510631c7b8c960⋯.png (372.6 KB,676x769,676:769,conspiracy_fact.png)

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689f0f No.21527177


I’ve always thought 30 years “done in 30” but we were given “the start” by name. JFK jrs crash.

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24d9e0 No.21527178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

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689f0f No.21527179


Dozens? Over 2500.

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23a007 No.21527180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fitton: Zuckerberg 2020 Election Censorship, Judicial Watch – And You!


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ff2bf9 No.21527181


:-) Agree.

Just quoting urban dictionary.

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5be873 No.21527182

File: c2a6574f25cb14e⋯.png (642.13 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Tren de Aragua

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0ac84c No.21527183


People don't need a church building to worship God.

The Early Church met in people's homes.

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6d2fea No.21527184



Anon members now

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15f5a4 No.21527185

3 front war

Eastern Europe

Middle East

far East (Taiwan)


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51d729 No.21527186

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is a Mouse-deer, or Chevrotain, they are the world's smallest hoofed animals

They look mythical

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24d9e0 No.21527187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>tom fenton bangin oprah$hithol fo slut huts gutter balls


>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

bungholgate tears

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5be247 No.21527188




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8cd192 No.21527189

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6d2fea No.21527190


China trying to take Philippines too now enit.

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fb33ac No.21527191

File: 473335dd593d3d5⋯.jpg (396.64 KB,1080x1620,2:3,KH_Dumb.jpg)

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615190 No.21527192


Central/South America is swimming in guns courtesy of the clowns arranging numerous coups and supplying drug gangs.

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8b0949 No.21527193

File: 159c57b006fbb0f⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB,854x480,427:240,DD1xt_caa.mp4)

File: 3722d7b92560287⋯.png (202.75 KB,627x767,627:767,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris was involved in a ‘hit and run’ accident in 2011 where she hit a 13-year old.


- Liz Churchill



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23a007 No.21527194

3/6 Genocidal Tyrant Whitmer: It wasn't me! I didn't do it! It was the Warriors!


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ae74f6 No.21527195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5be247 No.21527196


I'm sitting world war III out with my preps anon. The last thing on my mind is fighting for a corrupt government that wants us replaced with the third world. Time to protect our own, here!

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3c124a No.21527197

File: 1494412a320c18f⋯.jpeg (148.25 KB,1069x1200,1069:1200,mzfldJGiEgkO.jpeg)

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a87059 No.21527198

File: 37c60117c86b94f⋯.png (896.43 KB,1160x653,1160:653,ClipboardImage.png)

muh book deal habbening

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson reflects on ‘groundbreaking’ path to the Supreme Court in new memoir


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24d9e0 No.21527199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>bungholgate tears

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a87059 No.21527200

File: 2dcb423356c1cd8⋯.png (467.97 KB,891x812,891:812,harris_walz_butcher_t.png)

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f0ffc4 No.21527201


Fraud vitiates everything.

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b15a50 No.21527202


in Nigeria?

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6d2fea No.21527203


Not a warfag. I think that’s what Juan said, tho. Was saying we are short of crew so they’ve put aside 17 ships or something in order for us to consolidate man power n China taking over Philippines will b a prollem bc we don’t have enough faggots rn. (Faggots with all due respect bc Anons are on a ship too. Kek. No homo.)

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1eac69 No.21527204


>Kamala Harris was involved in a ‘hit and run’ accident in 2011 where she hit a 13-year old

Kamala Harris was involved in a ‘hit and run’ accident in 2011 where she hit a 13-year old

needs DIG

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0ac84c No.21527205


Could be summed up in 5 words.

I am a Black Woman.

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51d729 No.21527206


Very powerful or very drunk

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24d9e0 No.21527207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>bungholgate tears

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0995dd No.21527208


Almost does not sound like him.

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23a007 No.21527210

File: cb8516de5985123⋯.png (99.29 KB,158x234,79:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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208336 No.21527211




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b15a50 No.21527212


if he calls he foreign intel, why not identify who?

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0ac84c No.21527213


The Dems. don't care.

Vote Blue, no matter who.

They would vote for Satan himself.

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51d729 No.21527215

Kamala Harris was involved in a ‘hit and run’ accident in 2011…

All further proof Trump is P


they all unknowingly report to him

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24d9e0 No.21527216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>bungholgate tears

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65f925 No.21527217



>Don't we already have this list?

That was the flight logs.

No airport on lil St. James, but helipad.

Also, not all flew there.

Boats n submarines.

Perhaps no logs there.

Might be guest log registers though.

Jeffies personal notes as well.

Testimonies from whistleblowers.

Jizlane Maxwell bird songs too.

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0ac84c No.21527218


Is he Jewish?

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3c124a No.21527219


You must get terrible headaches when you think or use your brian for facts, so you create lies to avoid that. Probably.

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90701e No.21527220

Anybody else lost their feed on X or is it just me?

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8b0949 No.21527221


They're going to wait until someone gets killed.

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79a765 No.21527222

File: d97b53ef5c63e91⋯.png (70.38 KB,700x700,1:1,aMVAZ3x_700bwp.png)

File: 2868423f706d28f⋯.png (146.59 KB,700x3030,70:303,aPA9YKB_700bwp.png)

Purple hair game characters killed a 100 mln development cost game

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5be873 No.21527223

File: c26b5f196e15b14⋯.png (198.79 KB,850x998,425:499,ClipboardImage.png)


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615190 No.21527224


>Is he Jewish?

Do bears shit in the woods?

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3d7132 No.21527225

File: b8ac469749683cd⋯.png (834.1 KB,962x541,962:541,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa0bc92ac3d40a6⋯.png (1.34 MB,962x541,962:541,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7352fb400e824a4⋯.png (169.93 KB,962x641,962:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 725a98178f8ab65⋯.png (1.44 MB,962x541,962:541,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27373a1f11f499a⋯.png (1.18 MB,962x541,962:541,ClipboardImage.png)

Twenty new 'alien-like' species are discovered 3,000 MILES below sea level on an underwater mountain

Updated: 18:43 EDT, 2 September 2024

Marine probes dispatched to a two-mile-tall undersea mountain deep in the Pacific have uncovered a previously unknown 'pristine ecosystem,' 900 miles off the coast Chile, filled with alien-like life.

The 28-day expedition to this submerged mountain — part of a range called the Nazca Ridge that rests along the Pacific's deep Peru-Chile Trench — has documented 20 brand-new undersea creatures, including a spectral and lanky 'squat lobster,' a new 'scorpionfish' and a rare blue octopus.

'Only 26 percent of the seafloor has been mapped to this high resolution,' according to one of the mission's chief scientists, the Schmidt Ocean Institute's executive director Jyotika Virmani.

With this expedition led by the Schmidt Ocean Institute and its research vessel 'Falkor (too),' the institute has now added approximately 200 new species to the 1,019 prior species known to inhabit this part of the Pacific Ocean, in just the past year alone.

'Each expedition on Falkor (too) brings into focus a little more of the unknown seabed and life on our home planet,' Virmani said in a statement.

It may take years, however, to officially add many of these sightings to the World Register of Marine Species, and other databases, as fully fledged and scientifically confirmed new creatures.

Virmani's fellow lead scientists on the project told reporters that they were shocked by how colorful and robust this new mountainous ecosystem proved to be.

'Since so little is known about this region, a lot of what we found out there is new to science,' marine technician Tomer Ketter, another co-chief scientist on the expedition, told Popular Science, 'and these benthic communities are surprisingly diverse and healthy.'

'Benthic' is a marine science term meaning anything along the bottom of a body of water, like the ocean floor.

'As much as it was a surprise,' Ketter added, 'it was also very exciting to come across these oceanic havens, appearing out of the darkness and filling our camera view with vivid color and abundant life.'

Using underwater robots, including the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) 'SuBastian,' the team was able to map the huge mountain, and film some of the life thriving there.

A pristine coral garden was uncovered measuring around 8611 square-feet, the same size as three tennis courts.

These deep-sea corals were found to provide shelter to an array of unusual organisms, including rockfish, brittle stars, and king crabs.

'The discovery of a new seamount almost 2 miles tall, with a vibrant ecosystem was very exciting,' Dr Virmani said.

The team also captured the first ever camera footage of a live Promachoteuthis squid.

This genus of squid is so rare, they noted, that only three species have been described based on only a few collected dead specimens, several of which are from as far back as the late 1800s.

Other unusual creatures filmed by the robot include a 'Casper' octopus, and two 'flying spaghetti monsters'.

This expedition was the third this year conducted in the region, with the previous two expeditions in January and February documenting over 150 new species.

The high-resolution mapping aspect of the expedition was conducted by a team of trained hydrographers, graduates from the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center at the University of New Hampshire.

Their seafloor data, the institute said, will be shared with the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project in an collaborative effort to broaden the international understanding and management of the Nazca and Salas y Gómez undersea ridge ecosystems.

'Upon concluding our third expedition to the region, we've explored around 25 seamounts on the Nazca and Salas y Gómez Ridges,' Ketter explained.

Professor Alex David Rogers, a science director with Ocean Census, who collaborated on this project, noted that his team is already confident that many of these seemingly new species will one day be fully confirmed by the scientific community.

The Ocean Census is an international alliance led by the Nippon Foundation and the Nekton Foundation to hasten the discovery, documentation and ultimately the protection of marine life in the world's oceans.

'The seamounts of the Southeastern Pacific host remarkable biological diversity,' Professor Rogers said, 'with species found nowhere else to date.'

'The work our taxonomists have conducted aboard Falkor (too), supported by Schmidt Ocean Institute team, will significantly enhance our understanding of the distribution of remarkable life forms on these underwater mountains, including several that have never before been mapped or seen by human eyes,' he opined.


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033ff8 No.21527226

File: 4c6fbef603163ee⋯.png (22.12 KB,529x392,529:392,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d90475300ed1dd⋯.png (47.54 KB,546x836,273:418,ClipboardImage.png)



djt says ping after getting shot

many words ending in [ping] but only two Q drops with pin in them below. 803 and 1874.

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839e79 No.21527227

File: d678b8812f7573e⋯.png (55.37 KB,637x364,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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51d729 No.21527228


Pea brain

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55afad No.21527229

File: 1c7b9009ad05a85⋯.jpg (70.98 KB,614x406,307:203,EpsteinNotAll.jpg)

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55afad No.21527231

File: 2a667369b8df11b⋯.png (56.04 KB,719x500,719:500,BearShittinInWoods.PNG)

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51d729 No.21527232


Scored Ivanka

Then Trump

Might also have helped repair the strain in their relationship?

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65f925 No.21527233

File: 5aab6ed2eb657ba⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB,460x258,230:129,5aab6ed2eb657baa76a0b33479….mp4)


Lords Prayer sung in Armenian.

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c23435 No.21527234


I'm honestly wondering if these 100+ million flops is actually a money laundering scheme. All the movies, tv shows, games. They drop 100+ million, it fails. They do it again.

Something's fishy.

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51d729 No.21527235


Never read the drops

But will ride any gravy trains

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5be247 No.21527237


TDS is very real with some. They would rather vote for war mongers, open borders with criminal cartels coming into their communities, for more price inflation, more austerity measures, etc. It would be far worse, for them, to have sane leadership that may say offensive things at times. If it were Europe, I'd say fuck them, let 'em have the tyranny they want. But this ain't Europe, this is America the last beacon of hope in this world and that's the problem.

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cc5fbc No.21527239


bill paid xoxo

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4096e7 No.21527240


Kamala Harris hit and run scandal: Kamala Harris Hit-and-Run Scandal Resurfaces: Victims Speak Out


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b70902 No.21527241



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51d729 No.21527242

>Kamala Harris was involved in a ‘hit and run’ accident in 2011

Will Trump invite the victim and family to the debate.

Hope sew

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24d9e0 No.21527243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>bungholgate tears

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73a3da No.21527244

File: 7ee7c055fb0e5cd⋯.png (370.51 KB,568x439,568:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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65f925 No.21527245


From the burning Bush'es too.

And many others who profited from crimes against humanity.

It's going down.

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541b66 No.21527246


Hope those are comms for the eagle has landed.

WRWY, at all costs.

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5be247 No.21527247


They want Americans depopulated and REPLACED with foreigners. This is all being done by design. It is high treason. They want slave labor here, and they want an obedient population they can easily control here in the future. Just as simple as that.

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c4857f No.21527248

File: ecd546b85d698aa⋯.png (963.23 KB,1048x696,131:87,ClipboardImage.png)

Just 62 days until Harris is nominated to be the next POTUS.

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a4afd4 No.21527250


Divided disconnected populace is the goal.

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51d729 No.21527251

File: 0afd6268c2cb94f⋯.png (54.19 KB,236x236,1:1,5d85dc7e6eb581532ea9add951….png)

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5b25e7 No.21527253

File: 44ca81909f7f52d⋯.jpeg (73.28 KB,720x886,360:443,44ca81909f7f52d62e68535dd….jpeg)

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4096e7 No.21527254





In 2011, Kamala Harris struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed.

Alisha Brown, a victim, claims Harris' team intimidated her mother to keep silent. Story surfaced after her mother's death in 2024.

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c23435 No.21527255


god i hate lesbians. not as much as niggers and jews but pretty damn close

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c7eca7 No.21527256

File: 86069c7aad13804⋯.png (104.28 KB,616x700,22:25,ClipboardImage.png)

Is Jim W a cooporating witness?


Jim W is KNOWINGLY aiding and abetting a FUGUTIVE

Anons can decide

Known on QR as Doge the baker

Judge in Montana orders arrest of neo-Nazi website founder

MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) — A federal judge on Wednesday ordered the arrest of a neo-Nazi website publisher accused of ignoring a $14 million judgment against him for orchestrating an anti-Semitic harassment campaign against a Montana woman’s family.

U.S. District Judge Dana Christensen issued a bench warrant for the arrest of Andrew Anglin, founder and operator of The Daily Stormer website.

Attorneys for Montana real estate agent Tanya Gersh have said Anglin did not pay any portion of the August 2019 judgment and has ignored their requests for information about his whereabouts, his operation of the website and other assets.

Gersh says anonymous internet trolls bombarded her family with hateful and threatening messages after Anglin published their personal information, including a photo of her young son. In a string of posts, Anglin accused Gersh and other Jewish residents of Whitefish, Montana, of engaging in an “extortion racket” against the mother of white nationalist Richard Spencer.


>>21450645 PB

>>21450410 PB

>>21450432 PB

>>21450447 PB

>>21450468 PB

Andrew Anglin Warrant



Gotta drop the Judge a note

Hon. Dana L. Christensen Chambers

The Honorable Dana L. Christensen

Russell Smith Courthouse

201 E. Broadway

Suite 410

Missoula, MT 59802

Chambers: (406) 829-7140

Proposed Orders: dlc_propord@mtd.uscourts.gov


Andrew Anglin is Doge

>>20481954 PB

>>20481996 PB

>>20481961 PB

>>20482021 PB

And brags about it.

>>20482051 PB



Anglin runs The Daily Stormer (Neo-Nazi) Website



deletions of above Archived

>>20510592 PB

>>20510626 PB








Aiding and abetting a fugitive


Cooporating witness

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4096e7 No.21527257


forgot link:


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f2f5fe No.21527258

File: a760bbe4e1cae1d⋯.png (2.29 MB,961x830,961:830,Screenshot_13800_.png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: 36af5a4ab83d2a2⋯.gif (672.25 KB,616x462,4:3,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)



Go to bed aei.

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3c124a No.21527259

File: 675d2ba9503d1fa⋯.webm (110.28 KB,582x240,97:40,eat_a_snickers.webm)

Think I'll have a grilled ham & cheese with some black coffee to wash it down for a late breakfast.

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c4857f No.21527260

File: 6998371642775ee⋯.png (715.74 KB,1298x886,649:443,ClipboardImage.png)


Yup. Harris has proven she is a patriot. This is why the plan involves Trump losing to both Biden and Harris.

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233d32 No.21527261


She was drunk.

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51d729 No.21527262


Do bakers get to live with Jim?

Sweet deal. But no wonder he needs money.

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65f925 No.21527263


opsec at play

becomes msm/political target

He doesn't follow Qanon, but Q-anon.

- was the nod

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3c124a No.21527264


Remember when you used to NikkiShill? Filtered.

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24d9e0 No.21527265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>bungholgate tears

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54b83a No.21527266


They already have the slave labor.

They're called Taxpayers.

Their mistake was letting the population grow a little too big before their planned cull.

Any butcher will tell you that you never slaughter your stock in front of the herd.

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6bb26f No.21527267

File: 5c796fb9bbd1de3⋯.png (493.43 KB,656x768,41:48,ClipboardImage.png)

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c4857f No.21527268

File: cb1fefae0d9a68e⋯.png (795.32 KB,816x604,204:151,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm new here. Who is NikkiShill? What does Filtered mean?

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969e7e No.21527269


>WindowsXP - Good

I stopped at WinXP and still run a copy in virtutalbox.

After XP I moved to Ubuntu and then onto Mint.

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0ac84c No.21527270


And Pedo Peter rapes children but the Libtards don't care.

Their elites are all above the law.

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73a3da No.21527271

File: 9a5850b61e87d58⋯.png (324.5 KB,656x499,656:499,ClipboardImage.png)


The MSM and the left will completely sweep this under the rug in order to protect Kamala. If a story even half as bad were to emerge about Trump, they would all cry in outrage and lose their minds over it, calling for him to step down.

They hypocrisy glares!

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9647d1 No.21527272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patriots, POTUS is NOT wearing his American Flag pin on his lapel. Also, I've never seen him wear a suit with those subtle stripes in them, either.


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4096e7 No.21527273

File: d168a38d2dfcd64⋯.png (3.23 MB,1284x1932,107:161,angry_post.png)




You telling me the Harris campaign was not aware of this?

They didn't have this story sealed up?

We really are watching a movie….

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51d729 No.21527274


October surprise is gonna be good if this is only a September surprise.

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839e79 No.21527275

File: 187778c6585fb37⋯.png (1.08 MB,1274x714,91:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6c8b4 No.21527276



Are you sure Gorka…///

Did you do the deed…///

If you did the deed, then you're dead meat…///

If you know who I am, then you know why I must cast you into the pit of fire…//

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51d729 No.21527277


P vets them

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24d9e0 No.21527278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>>bungholgate tears

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033ff8 No.21527279


watching it now.

he give nothing to lex fridman

he tried 3 times to get trump to say there was election fraud.

trump stated he does not look back.

djt knows this is not a frenly interview.

he is doing really well.

pushed back on joe rogan.

good interview.

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11afe0 No.21527280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Kash Patel says we need a 24/7 ‘Declassification Office’ to assist in Dismantling the Deep State — JFK, 9/11, etc… Will all Get Revealed

“But Even if Trump wins… Draining the Swamp Ain’t Happening Over Night. It will take a few [Presidential] Terms”

A reality we all need to understand. This is a generational fight to take our country back. It won’t happen overnight.

Shawn Ryan’s Full Show


This Clip



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3d7132 No.21527282

File: 4dc8052fcee36fb⋯.png (919.4 KB,790x527,790:527,ClipboardImage.png)

Couple Thinks They Found a 'Head' in Riverbed, Then They Look Closer

Sep 01, 2024 at 7:30 PM EDT

Apost about a mysterious statue found in Switzerland has gone viral on Reddit.

An image of the unusual finding was shared by u/kirkbot, with a caption saying, "found an alien statue head in a riverbed."

The post has received 61,000 upvotes since it was shared on August 26.

The picture shows the head of an alien-type figure with large eyes sticking out of a riverbed at the foot of a person standing next to it.

The 35-year-old Reddit user, who did not share his name or location, told Newsweek:

"We were going to collect and skip rocks on the bank of the Linth River in Switzerland.

Towards the end of our trip, I pointed out this rock that had a hint of blue shine that I haven't seen in other rocks.

"My girlfriend joked that it almost looked like an alien. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to indeed be the head of what looked like a life-sized alien statue," he said.

The Redditor said the couple later discovered that the statue head was a sculpture made by some students who lived in an old home nearby many years ago.

Redditor u/kirkbot told Newsweek that the unusual statue head was discovered on Sunday around noon. "It was just the head, as seen in the image," he said.

The couple initially left it where it was found "because it was heavy and cumbersome, but because of all the comments [in the Reddit post], I asked my girlfriend to go back and retrieve it."

His girlfriend later found out through her father that the riverbank where the statue head was found is close to an old house that students used as a community home many years ago.

Her father had bought and renovated this old house for their family.

The Redditor said his girlfriend's father saw that they had retrieved this statue head, and "that is when he remembered and told us about the students that lived there before him."

According to the father, "One of those students used silicone molds to cast concrete sculptures, and they made this alien head.

It was always just a head with no body, and it used to be painted with glow-in-the-dark fluorescent paint," the Redditor said.

"This house was so old that eventually they [the students] had to move out, and it was sold to a private citizen [his girlfriend's father] who renovated the house completely.

Sometime between the students living there and the renovation, the head seems to have been lost or thrown into the river, where it remained until I found it.

Because of its heavy concrete, it was never washed much further from there," the poster said.


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345c22 No.21527283

File: e10b32b4e39a54b⋯.png (304.21 KB,815x441,815:441,ClipboardImage.png)

"Unburdened by what has been…"

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5b25e7 No.21527284

File: 700018b35bde436⋯.jpg (12.25 KB,190x334,95:167,732f251a4ea9cc2a433db053cd….jpg)

Hoping for a new BOOM soon. Been slow and boring the past couple weeks.

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5be247 No.21527285


XP & Vista were the best.

Windows 7 is OK, when you de-bloat some of the unnecessary Windows crap and their auto-update fuckery. Best for most modern hardware and software too I'll admit.

ANYTHING past 7 is a no go for me. Will continue to be till I'm dead too. Linux is OK just not as much programs I care for it is all.

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9647d1 No.21527286

File: e46a513417ed134⋯.png (3.23 MB,2880x1800,8:5,POTUS_blue_stripe_suit.png)

File: a38154e2caa9def⋯.png (3.64 MB,2880x1800,8:5,POTUS_with_no_American_Fla….png)


>Patriots, POTUS is NOT wearing his American Flag pin on his lapel. Also, I've never seen him wear a suit with those subtle stripes in them, either.

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1db4fd No.21527287

File: 68fb1ab76261e62⋯.png (926.09 KB,1080x917,1080:917,ClipboardImage.png)

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345c22 No.21527288

File: a3f195f51e56429⋯.png (401.19 KB,849x475,849:475,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a2c6e50682daf8⋯.png (413.95 KB,564x474,94:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb0686 No.21527289


This reminds me, I haven't seen dickbutt around here in a lonnnnng time

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9881e4 No.21527290


Andrew Anglin lived in the Philippines doing pedo things with little girls.


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033ff8 No.21527291

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)


lex: do you think about your death

trump: tick tock

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3c124a No.21527292


>Vista were the best.

Vista was hot garbage. An unoptimized mess rushed out the door. 7 fixed all of Vista's issues and improved the interface.

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6d2fea No.21527293

File: 65fdf06b6ca366f⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,674x480,337:240,Antichrist_3.mp4)


Porky knows. Th..th..th..that’s all folks.

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345c22 No.21527294

File: 5d008a32ebb3084⋯.png (435.75 KB,647x476,647:476,ClipboardImage.png)

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24d9e0 No.21527295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>>>bungholgate tears

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12ae2c No.21527296

Do the vaccine makers still think they can walk down the street?

Asking for a friend.

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ec9cc3 No.21527297


such shit

you can clearly see it's concrete

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c4857f No.21527298

File: 85b0e59190a55da⋯.png (650.81 KB,1006x680,503:340,ClipboardImage.png)


Nope. One took a bullet in the ear.

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a87059 No.21527299


so much fraud, so little vitiating.

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23a007 No.21527300


Now that he's not working against his own interests at Slavemart he can join a gang and kick some ass.

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5cb3d3 No.21527301

File: 8641b331d1690e1⋯.jpg (228.09 KB,1256x633,1256:633,1_1.jpg)

File: 63b32e749ced926⋯.jpg (188.75 KB,1275x613,1275:613,1_2.jpg)


The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

Biden/Harris Executive Order 13986 addresses the progressive agenda of including all people (legal citizens and illegals) counted in the census, for apportionment purposes. All people in each congressional district, according to EO 13986, will be included for apportionment purposes. What this inclusive action does is inflate the population in congressional districts, which is ‘‘the basis of representation in the House’’. If the population is inflated in congressional districts, it can impact how congressional districts are drawn and (depending on the influence wielded by individual representatives) how government slush funds are distributed. If illegals are the "justification" for drawing congressional districts, and are then allowed to vote, it's easy to see why politicians (who expect to garner those votes) work so hard to import illegals. In theory, the larger the population in a district, the larger the slush funds. While pretending to insulate the "apportionment base"… "against manipulation designed to affect the balance of power among the States", it uses the illegal population to "affect the balance of power among the States". In Anon's opinion, this EO reads like a confession.

President Trump issued an Executive Order 13880 of July 11, 2019 and a Presidential Memorandum dated July 21, 2020 designed to protect our country from a "long tradition" of "manipulation designed to affect the balance of power among the States". Biden/Harris EO 13986 revokes Trump's EO 13880 and his July 21, 2020 memorandum. The Biden/Harris EO 13986 acknowledges the Biden/Harris involvement in using illegals (they call them "persons who are not in a lawful immigration status") to maintain power and implicates the whole of government in the "historical tradition". If these "long traditions" are indeed "long traditions", where is the outcry from our elected officials, where is the outcry from bureaucrats, where is the outcry from political talking heads, where is the outcry from think tanks? Based upon recent circuit court decisions, Anon would like to suggest (to people who already know this) that long, historical traditions are not laws.

Here is a direct quote from the Biden/Harris EO 13986. Anon has highlighted some parts in red text.

"During the 2020 Census, the President announced a policy that broke from

thislong tradition. It aimed to produce a different apportionment base—

one that would, to the maximum extent feasible,exclude persons who

are not in a lawful immigration status. See Presidential Memorandum of

July 21, 2020 (Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following

the 2020 Census). This policy conflicted with the principle of equal

representation enshrined in our Constitution, census statutes, andhistorical

tradition. The policy further required the Census Bureau to inappropriately

rely on records related to immigration status that were likely to be incomplete

and inaccurate."

Anon provides sauce and caps for Biden/Harris EO 13986 and also provides a link to the corresponding PDF file.

Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order 13986 of January 20, 2021

Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census


Federal Register - 2021 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. - Executive Order 13986 of January 20, 2021 -PDF

Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census


Anon provides sauce and caps for President Trump's Executive Order 13880 of July 11, 2019 and his July 21, 2020 Memorandum in 2/2 below. Anon includes multiple sauce including PDFs to emphasize the importance of this information. See 2/3 and 3/3 in this thread.

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51d729 No.21527302


Says Moses split the sea


Denies Moses split the sea.

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27c8f4 No.21527303

File: 7dc883331a00b7a⋯.png (1.8 MB,1545x682,1545:682,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f0d7d5381b54d5⋯.png (131.94 KB,825x539,75:49,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e645c785d8edf67⋯.png (673.02 KB,600x539,600:539,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb73299863f0926⋯.png (995.36 KB,975x843,325:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6470f013a7a8d41⋯.png (1.28 MB,1410x447,470:149,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala is brutally roasted after bringing back this catcthphrase


Social media was ready to pounce asKamala Harrisbrought backone of her most famous phrasesat a campaign speech on Monday.

The vice president has often won both praise and derision forher quirky manner of speech, often dumbing down her answers to the point they become more confusing to the general public and often throwing in an awkward laugh.

On Monday in Pittsburgh, Harris repeated a famous line of hers when she said:'We have dreams. We can see what is possible, unburdened by what has been.'Harris initially uttered the odd line when she spoke about what the word innovation meant to her during a March 2023 speech during a trip to Ghana.

Speaking to young people back then, she explained that innovation was 'one's ability not only to see, but to do things differently' and 'challenging the premise, questioning the status quo, and bold thinking,' but also her personal catchphrase, 'the pursuit of what can be unburdened by what has been.'

People online - both in favor of and against Harris - made memes out of the speech, acting as if Harris had played one of her greatest hits again.

Multiple people referenced a famous episode of The Simpsons in which

Bart Simpson becomes a celebrity for repeating an inane catchphraseand is begged by onlookers to 'say the line'.

Another used the famous Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at the televisionmeme in the Quentin Tarantino film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

One poster hoped she would bring back other famous flubs from her years in public office, including her infamous 'you think you fell out of a coconut tree?' remark and 'We did it, Joe!'

ATrump-affiliated campaign accountwas much more blunt in its assessment of the speech. 'Kamala gets flustered, defaults to her favorite cringe, recycled line: 'We can see what is possible, unburdened by what has been!'' The origins of the line are from a speech in Ghana nearly a year and a half ago.

Harris has a unique style of dumbing down her answersto the point they become moreconfusing to the general publicand often throwing in anawkward laugh.

Other times, Harris skirts a question by defining the topic under discussion in plain terms but offering no clear answer, leaving audiences and hosts bewildered.

And she does it inher signature 'word salad' stylethat often convolutes her answers even more.

One of Harris' most confusing outbursts was to burst into laughter after uttering the phrase 'you think you just fell out of a coconut tree?', while giving a speech on equality and advancement for Hispanic people.

She appeared to be trying to explain the need to focus on the wider community, adding that 'nothing exists in a silo'.

After a clip of the speech went viral earlier this year, it became a popular internet meme that was widely circulated by her supporters, who are informally known as the 'K-hive'.

One 'K-hive' member wrote: 'To anybody who thinks it shouldn't be Kamala Harris: you do know a new candidate can't just fall out of a coconut tree, right?'

Earlier Monday,Harris was slammed by those who claim the vice president nominee used a 'fake accent' when speaking to a teachers union during a swing state campaign push in Michigan on Monday. Social media erupted with accusations the Democratic presidential candidate altered her voice during the remarks praising teachers union members at a Detroit high school.

Harris has faced allegations and mockery of allegedly using different accents before, and the claims, and they are now emerging with just two months until election day.'New Kamala accent just dropped,' one X user wrote in response to a clip of Harris speaking to a teacher's union at a high school in Detroit, Michigan on Monday.

In her remarks,social media users claim that Harris adopted an urban accent to relate to the working class crowd. Harris is traversing the country while she prepares for her first debate with Donald Trump on September 10 in Philadelphia.


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23a007 No.21527304


Just another batshit cultie

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5be247 No.21527305


I only used it for a few years, seemed OK, but then I switched back to XP for a while. Problem with Win 2000 and XP: although they both worked like a charm you can't use modern backup drives with those systems. If I recall anything over 1TB is totally useless. Also, many modern media formats will not work with those older operating systems. Try playing a .mkv video file with XP, not happening!

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0bb4cf No.21527306

Melinda Gates. Racist?

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37b6c2 No.21527307



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73a3da No.21527308

File: 0eef5eab628ea14⋯.png (870.33 KB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)


>Do the vaccine makers still think they can walk down the street?

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5cb3d3 No.21527309

File: 14778faa7797dc4⋯.jpg (222.99 KB,1340x600,67:30,2_1.jpg)

File: eff51df234aad5e⋯.jpg (224.76 KB,1240x552,155:69,2_2.jpg)

File: 78a1d459b473b32⋯.jpg (217.36 KB,1301x534,1301:534,2_3.jpg)

File: b88a39b89351e79⋯.jpg (94.66 KB,770x529,770:529,2_4.jpg)



The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13880 of July 11, 2019

Collecting Information About Citizenship Status in Connection With the Decennial Census


Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Executive Order 13880 of July 11, 2019 -PDF

Collecting Information About Citizenship Status in Connection With the Decennial Census


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24d9e0 No.21527310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>>>>bungholgate tears

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9647d1 No.21527311

good point! It was powerful when at 18:17, POTUS looked him right in the eye and said "This is a sin what's been allowed to take place over the last four years. We're doing to our Country. And we'll see how that all works out."


>watching it now.

>he give nothing to lex fridman

>he tried 3 times to get trump to say there was election fraud.

>trump stated he does not look back.

>djt knows this is not a frenly interview.

>he is doing really well.

>pushed back on joe rogan.

>good interview.

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24928e No.21527312

File: fdc938423146c32⋯.png (341.21 KB,634x444,317:222,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a953040771bea0⋯.png (774.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


The schmooze

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4096e7 No.21527313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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23a007 No.21527314

File: 4b853ea0fafd0c0⋯.png (689.5 KB,474x578,237:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee1247 No.21527315


remember they aren't all that smart. her operatives have been in gov't for their whole lives

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9647d1 No.21527316

correction "We're destroying our Country."


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ec9cc3 No.21527317

File: 939887f3177b18b⋯.jpg (9.48 KB,255x153,5:3,6b702d53a862d931c94e4c1afb….jpg)


So sick of this shit everything is within you. You are the god you are looking to save you look inward Jesus is within not someone coming to save you. Save your Fucking self

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51d729 No.21527318


Dailymail needs to go to hell

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5cb3d3 No.21527319

File: cc0029a6a9fe1ee⋯.jpg (154.42 KB,1267x617,1267:617,3_1.jpg)

File: 641d8d54b532528⋯.jpg (147.16 KB,1327x372,1327:372,3_2.jpg)



The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Memorandum of July 21, 2020

Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following the 2020 Census


Federal Register - 2019 Donald J. Trump - Memorandum of July 21, 2020 -PDF

Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following the 2020 Census


White House - Memorandum on Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following the 2020 Census - July 21, 2020


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9647d1 No.21527320

At 18:17, POTUS looks Lex Fridman right in the eye and says "This is a sin what's been allowed to take place over the last four years. We're destroying our Country. And we'll see how that all works out."


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3d7132 No.21527321

File: 3f6c5e3eddb3895⋯.png (930.22 KB,810x539,810:539,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df131062b08ee8b⋯.png (4.41 MB,1200x1596,100:133,ClipboardImage.png)

The Scottish town just outside Glasgow home to Alien 'Xenomorph' gargoyle

16:10, 2 SEP 2024

It is hardly a secret that Scotland features countless weird and wonderful things to see.

One thing you may not expect to find in the country, though, is a gargoyle based on the Alien movies.

With Scots around the country getting spooked by the newly released Alien: Romulus, now is the perfect time to delve into the mystery of Paisley Abbey's xenomorph gargoyle.

Situated along the east bank of the White Cart Water in the centre of the Renfrewshire town of Paisley, Paisley Abbey dates back all the way to 1163.

It is known as the cradle of the Royal House of Stewart, while William Wallace was reportedly educated at the abbey by its monks.

There is plenty to see at Paisley Abbey if you are a history buff, but it is one of its gargoyles in particular that we are interested in.

If you venture to the church yourself, you will notice that one of the stone sculptures on the outside of the building looks remarkably similar to the xenomorph creature from the Alien franchise.

First seen in Ridley Scott's 1979 film Alien, the monster has since been seen in various movies and video games.

It is regarded as one of the most recognisable monsters in film history.

You may be wondering why a centuries-old abbey is home to a gargoyle modelled after a fictional alien from the 1970s.

To learn the answer, we need to journey back in time to 1991.

At this time, all of the gargoyles that had been at Paisley Abbey for hundreds of years except had to be replaced because they were in poor condition and posed a safety hazard.

An Edinburgh-based stonemason was contracted to create the new statues.

Traditionally no two gargoyles should look the same, and so each of the new creations had a unique design.

For one of the sculptures, the artists decided to have a bit of fun.

Clearly taking inspiration from the original xenomorph, designed by Swiss surrealist and artist H. R. Giger, the gargoyle features an elongated and cylindrical skull. It also has the monster's iconic biomechanical aesthetic, with tube-like structures protruding from its head.

While gargoyles are believed to ward off evil, the xenomorph is anything but a friendly face.

However, if you feel like after stepping out of the latest Alien movie, the one-of-a-kind gargoyle at Paisley Abbey might just give you some good luck.

The abbey is around five minutes on foot from the nearby Paisley Gilmour Street station.

It is open to the public between Tuesday and Saturday from 10.30am to 3.30pm.

More information about Paisley Abbey can be found on https://www.visitscotland.com/info/see-do/paisley-abbey-p247591


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54b83a No.21527322

File: b8c90262f911c81⋯.png (1.31 MB,1919x1080,1919:1080,gigglinggates.png)

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ee1247 No.21527323


could "P" = Big Pharma???

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052937 No.21527324


>Vista was hot garbage. An unoptimized mess rushed out the door. 7 fixed all of Vista's issues and improved the interface.

On a good day it was hot garbage. File drivers were absolutely wrecked, and I think I also remember the 32 to 64 bit slide being during that time. I didn't especially like windows 7 either. XP was the top of the mountain for windows, which was really more like fixed up NT.

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5c5727 No.21527325

File: ebfd309b6094094⋯.png (639.54 KB,974x901,974:901,5h423g542g532.PNG)

Judge Says Donald Trump Campaign Has To Stop Using “Hold On, I’m Coming” Amid Isaac Hayes Estate Lawsuit


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c7eca7 No.21527326

File: dabe3dee0b2e88e⋯.png (2.19 MB,1200x1513,1200:1513,ClipboardImage.png)



Where did he live?

Ben Garrison's Exclusive Interview with Andrew Anglin.

Ben said Drew lived in the Philippines and was spending daddys money.


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dcf65e No.21527327

Turkish Protesters Swarm Izmir Port Until US Warship Leaves Following Assault On Americans

Major Lebanese news outlet Almayadeen is reporting that Turkish citizens in Izmir plan to keep protesting against the American military until the US Navy warship USS Wasp departs Izmir's port.

The USS Wasp is in regional waters to as part of efforts to "deter potential threats to Israel" amid the Gaza war, and as the potential for escalation with Hezbollah and Iran looms. "Protesters have issued a firm warning to the Izmir Governorship, stating they will remain at the port until the ship departs," Almayadeen writes. "They also condemned the United States for its role in causing suffering and violence in Iraq, Syria, and the broader West Asia region."

Anti-Israel sentiment in Turkey has exploded since the Gaza war kicked off ten months ago. Outrage is being directed at Washington for being Tel Aviv's biggest military backer and supporter.


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51d729 No.21527328

1st you acquire a property. Trumps first term

Then you need to gut the place

Not pretty

(They usually put up sheets of plywood to hide the mess, keep down the noise and dust)

Then you start building (Trump 2nd term)

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6996d7 No.21527329

File: 65840545f4794e4⋯.png (212.74 KB,750x1334,375:667,74B655CE_DAF9_4521_9BD7_EA….png)

File: 7c43a89b71e8b36⋯.png (78.36 KB,690x894,115:149,B287CD99_2338_4200_90FF_59….png)

File: b38943c953df1be⋯.png (193.35 KB,690x1818,115:303,C2A50EB1_FD5C_4EE3_82E8_68….png)

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3c124a No.21527331


>If I recall anything over 1TB is totally useless.

Shouldn't if you're using NTFS. 2000 and XP would be version 3.0 or 3.1 of the filesystem specification IIRC and the max filesize you can have with that filesystem is like 16 exabytes or something so the max drive limitation should be moar than one terabyte.

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b70902 No.21527332

File: 687f7a64941125b⋯.png (752.28 KB,1074x860,537:430,ClipboardImage.png)


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6d2fea No.21527333

File: 7342998572ff9d6⋯.png (517.1 KB,529x515,529:515,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5f4850a17e2e0e⋯.png (907.44 KB,1475x721,1475:721,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88ac602fa3ba829⋯.png (277.25 KB,770x578,385:289,pepe_lightbulb.png)

File: 760a63762a3c03f⋯.jpg (99.24 KB,720x720,1:1,love_glow2.jpg)


33° masons leave Jesus ded on the cross and deny His Resurrection. They leave Him ded and leave the room in pitch blackness. Kmao. (Keking bc as if that changes the Truth, not keking bc what they do. Darnkess can't cover light.)


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51d729 No.21527334


He stopped two weeks ago

whats the point?

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15f5a4 No.21527335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4bb1e9 No.21527336


These Fuckers dont stop.

They try to get him on every angle.

Looking for another Trump handout.

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09e28a No.21527337


Dat ass, tho…

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24d9e0 No.21527338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>>>>>bungholgate tears

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944062 No.21527339

File: 63c387be63342f2⋯.jpg (91.4 KB,814x787,814:787,photo_2024_08_28_17_36_44.jpg)

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5be247 No.21527340


Windows is all hot garbage today and has been for over 10 years now, since at least Windows 8. Point is XP was great, Vista debatable and Windows 7 functional, the only issue with XP (and any older OS) is the fact many modern media formats are not compatible with those older systems. Nor is much hardware unless it is older hardware with the drivers if you can find them. That is the biggest problem. Windows 7 is what I'm stuck using, just because it at least functions with most modern hardware and you can use most modern media formats and software with it.

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944062 No.21527341

File: 5cde0b3f89ed0eb⋯.jpg (115.58 KB,800x800,1:1,photo_2024_09_03_01_46_42.jpg)

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052937 No.21527342


>These Fuckers dont stop.

>They try to get him on every angle.

>Looking for another Trump handout.

One could argue that there is zero chance that Isaac Hayes is coming to anything since he's dead.

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00369d No.21527343

Anons could write WAY BETTER manifestos than the FBI. I guaran-fucking-T you they’d be more entertaining.

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6bb26f No.21527344

File: 327dcc644d10bca⋯.png (665.82 KB,500x636,125:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9d744 No.21527345


Ill make sure i never listen to that song ever again.

Watch the clicks go down.

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944062 No.21527346

File: 7e7ab8f22785a3e⋯.jpg (152.57 KB,904x1135,904:1135,photo_2024_09_03_01_50_28.jpg)

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1eac69 No.21527347



#26373 >>21526737

>>21526767, >>21527088 PlaneFaggin' 737 - Bank of Utah trustee aircraft for Kamala/Walz / Home Mitt Romney / Gitmo

>>21526770, >>21526842, >>21526874 BREAKING: @TheTNStar Has Just Released All 90 Pages of The Nashville Shooter's Manifesto

>>21526796 DJT misspelled siezed and said seizend. Seizend is a manufacturing company based in Shenzhen

>>21526817, >>21527074, >>21527085, >>21527114 FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul [CCP]

>>21526844 Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO

>>21526854, >>21526882, >>21526936, >>21526978, >>21527009, >>21527132, >>21527163 Space News

>>21526875 RFK Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won't Accept You If You Don't Vaccinate Your Children

>>21526912, >>21526919, >>21526928, >>21526933 Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days? Victor Davis Hanson

>>21527015 These Are The 50 Most Valuable Companies In The World

>>21527073 a 47 minute Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

>>21527121 Bill Gates in Ethiopia aiming to radically reshape African agriculture, dairy, poultry, and hybrid seed farming

>>21527115, >>21527123 Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

>>21527154 Can't imagine she had anything to do with those CCP police stations in NYC

>>21527155 Linda Sun, former Kathy Hochul aide, accused of scheming to advance interests of China

>>21527164 Moar DEI Anti-Woke WINNING - If you want to expose your woke workplace, send tips + evidence

>>21527172 Venezuelan 'Tren de Aragua' gang - estimate approximately 1000 members are now in 11 states

>>21527180 Fitton: Zuckerberg 2020 Election Censorship, Judicial Watch – And You!

>>21527193, >>21527254, >>21527257, >>21527313 In 2011, Kamala Harris struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed.

>>21527198 Ketanji Brown Jackson reflects on ‘groundbreaking’ path to the Supreme Court in new memoir 'What Is A Book?'

>>21527225 Twenty new 'alien-like' species are discovered 3,000 MILES below sea level on an underwater mountain

>>21527280 Kash Patel says we need a 24/7 ‘Declassification Office’ to assist in Dismantling the Deep State

>>21527301, >>21527309, >>21527319 The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

>>21527325 Judge Says Trump Campaign Has To Stop Using “Hold On, I’m Coming” Amid Isaac Hayes Estate Lawsuit

>>21527327 Turkish Protesters Swarm Izmir Port Until US Warship Leaves Following Assault On Americans

>>21526769, >>21526787, >>21526879, >>21526927, >>21526930, >>21526970, >>21526981, >>21527090, >>21527098, >>21527122, >>21527158 Memes Of Mass Instruction

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944062 No.21527348

File: 7817d691927bbe7⋯.jpg (92.63 KB,644x680,161:170,photo_2024_09_03_01_50_55.jpg)

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4096e7 No.21527349

File: 03b8b4544984626⋯.gif (9.7 KB,220x220,1:1,look_here.gif)



This is a longer version…

4:49 min vid….

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052937 No.21527350


>Windows 7 is what I'm stuck using, just because it at least functions with most modern hardware and you can use most modern media formats and software with it.

Depends on your use case, of course, but WINE in Linux runs most things well enough, and where it doesn't Qemu does.

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dcf65e No.21527351

File: ea0d68666d972e9⋯.png (478.44 KB,1364x446,682:223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55700931ae7a376⋯.png (1.07 MB,1470x640,147:64,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46cd81abde7fbfd⋯.png (1.01 MB,1562x646,781:323,ClipboardImage.png)

Newspaper Releases Full Copy of Nashville Trans Shooter’s ‘Manifesto’

'We have had a First Amendment right to publish these unredacted documents from the moment we legally obtained them…'

Nashville shooter Audrey Hale's full 'manifesto' was released today. I didn't see much new when I scanned it briefly. Hale did view Columbine as an inspiration, hated her dad, and had fantasies of anal sex w/ a 'young brown girl w/ a big ass'


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86b1d5 No.21527352

File: 702d4311f41bbd9⋯.png (376.34 KB,1110x625,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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88ee42 No.21527353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



SC a gli a

gli = V

gli grammatical article


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fb0686 No.21527354

File: 9800d528a88c91f⋯.png (758 KB,882x791,126:113,Screenshot_20240903_111308….png)


Debian with Cinnamon has been berry berry good to me.

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b70902 No.21527355


There is no crime in having a person wear a costume to represent a brand.

They all do it.

If they are Ded, the $$$ stops coming in to the corp.

Look at Oprah, she been ded for years.

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11afe0 No.21527356

File: 19e021d80bbe337⋯.png (512.95 KB,560x680,14:17,ClipboardImage.png)


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88ee42 No.21527357

File: 48fe41e15bb8af7⋯.png (316.15 KB,886x840,443:420,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)


OT u.s.


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51d729 No.21527358

File: 05ef9c291b3d3d1⋯.jpg (72.49 KB,720x597,240:199,20210811_082440.jpg)

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944062 No.21527360

File: 2ef52951ee97dab⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,1214x1080,607:540,video_2024_09_03_11_14_45.mp4)



⚡🇺🇸🔥 BREAKING – A group of 32 armed Venezualans took over an apartment building in Chicago tonight. Here’s the audio of the 911 dispatch call.

First they did this in Aurora, CO and now Chicago? Which city will be next?

🔗 Libs of TikTok (https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1830807423206015453?t=8oKVhx2sFzbiQ31-xiUbCQ&s=19)

Keep always informed

Subscribe to @Intelsky 💫

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24d9e0 No.21527361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>>>>>>bungholgate tears

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73a3da No.21527362

File: d20915fc5c2bc68⋯.png (297.33 KB,610x610,1:1,pepe_linux.png)

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cc5fbc No.21527363

shepherding from the wilderness to Paradise ;slave tax masters

remember that cloud that led the Israelites, look it up, 5:5 flying is a feeling

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3c124a No.21527365


I've been an Arch guy for about 18 years now. Don't have the patience for a manual install anymoar with new hardware so I just tend to use Manjaro now. Ran StumpWM as my window manager for a long time before switching to Mate.

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51d729 No.21527366

File: bdd0ece56ae73ef⋯.jpg (42.81 KB,500x445,100:89,xghi99.jpg)

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dcf65e No.21527367

File: ad04baac3606f82⋯.png (1.41 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul for Acting as an Agent of the Chinese Communist Government

Earlier today, in federal court in Brooklyn, an indictment was unsealed charging Linda Sun with violating and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act, visa fraud, alien smuggling, and money laundering conspiracy.

Sun is alleged to have acted on behalf of the government of the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) and the Chinese Communist Party (the “CCP”). Sun’s husband and co-defendant Chris Hu was also charged with money laundering conspiracy, as well as conspiracy to commit bank fraud and misuse of means of identification.

Sun and Hu were arrested this morning and are scheduled to be arraigned later today before United States Magistrate Judge Peggy Kuo.

Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party


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09e28a No.21527368


things are getting there…

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a87059 No.21527369

File: 1c94004e1129bbf⋯.png (280.89 KB,685x622,685:622,Screen_Shot_2024_09_03_at_….png)


muh schmoooooooooze!

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5be247 No.21527370


Yah, I don't recall which version I used or if it was even up to date at the time, all I remember is I could not find newer backup drives for my files, and some of the newer formats would not work on systems like XP. There very well could be newer versions, or rando pirate bootleg editions of XP that work better today. I don't know. Windows 7 for me works fine today, after getting rid of some of the unnecessary bloatware that came with it. I think I'll be sticking to 7 for a long long time now that I have a physical ISO copy of the OS.

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5de3ca No.21527371

File: b13c6867e247208⋯.png (977.74 KB,720x705,48:47,crazy.png)

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88ee42 No.21527372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




it would not be a good look for a president's wife to sit in prison (hmm hmmm, J6)

by the grace of God…

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dcf65e No.21527373


911 Call Alleges 32 Venezuelan Gang Members Overran Chicago Apartment; Police Response Time One Hour


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6bb26f No.21527374

File: ce24b4689094e6f⋯.png (463.56 KB,634x710,317:355,ClipboardImage.png)

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944062 No.21527375

File: 64308d3a45941c1⋯.mp4 (11.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_9189.MP4)



Israelis protest against their Government in Tel Aviv.


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88ee42 No.21527376


police union politicization of public safety should be a crime…


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fe41a5 No.21527377


>Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

188,500 views and counting

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6d2fea No.21527378



God said FAFO

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5be7df No.21527379


seconded need dig

It’s difficult to verify that story. We need the girl’s mother’s name to find the obituary and check for her in June 2011, as the minor girl’s name won’t be mentioned in the news.


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fb0686 No.21527380



Did not like

>Manual install

Keeps things fresh for me

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5be247 No.21527381


Yah, I doubt many of them wish to be stuck in the middle of a massive war, wouldn't blame them.

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333129 No.21527382



Tara Reade took her Biden allegations to Kamala

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24d9e0 No.21527383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>>>>>>>bungholgate tears

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3c124a No.21527384


>Did not like

It's just GNOME 2 with a different name and GTK3 dependencies.

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6d2fea No.21527385

File: 51ef8df9274b01d⋯.png (345.98 KB,600x372,50:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 252201e732d1576⋯.png (259.63 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


agree one hunnit

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7d26f3 No.21527386

HELP ME, please.

So, since I'm in the skin I'm wearing let me tell you a story. Paraphrased. Kid taught at my church @ 13-18. Got all the scars you'd expect of me. Leaked water and blood out of my abdomen. Longines souvenir, got that scar too. Carried a bible on microfiche for 40+ years, not even thinking about it until Q showed up. Honestly, I've always thrown away any connection between me and that mythical guy 2000 years ago. I don't believe he existed, yet here I am, with the story and the scars. Can someone talk me into what I think my purpose is here on Earth? How can I play a character that's 'holy' when I'm certainly not even close to that definition? One thing that bothers me is this nagging feeling that we are being grown as food. Is this true?

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a87059 No.21527387

best radio guys evah: Steve Somers; Doug McIntyre.

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a87059 No.21527388


cuz the black panthers are on vacation?

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052937 No.21527389


>One thing that bothers me is this nagging feeling that we are being grown as food. Is this true?

For things that eat people, sure.

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c3aeb4 No.21527390


Central casting

It was about to go down so in order to not have dead Venezuelan actors paraded around being drug behind Harleys the chapter leaders were let in on the gig

So I'm told by some JOKER

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1a8bdc No.21527393

Bill Gates and his now divorced wife if that isn't fake news both endorse Kamala Harris for president after publicly endorsing Joe Biden only months before

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dcf65e No.21527395

Arrest warrant issued for Western-backed Maduro rival

Venezuela’s Edmundo Gonzalez has been accused of several crimes, including incitement to disobey the law

In a statement on Monday, the Prosecutor’s Office accused Gonzalez of several crimes, including incitement to disobey laws, usurpation of public functions, forgery of public documents, conspiracy, criminal association and sabotage. Gonzalez has denied the charges.

Commenting on the indictment, Maduro said that “no one in this country is above the laws, above the institutions.” He also noted that the Prosecutor’s Office had summoned Gonzalez – whom Maduro called a “coward” – three times but the latter did not show up because he does not recognize its authority.

Meanwhile, the opposition Unitary Platform, which supported Gonzalez’s presidential bid, expressed “strong condemnation” over what it called the “deepening of the political persecution” of the politician.


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54b83a No.21527396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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23a007 No.21527397

File: 072b3662d1776a3⋯.png (194.96 KB,666x313,666:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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e60cd4 No.21527398




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dcf65e No.21527399

File: 3cc9a3cb1925343⋯.png (342.67 KB,883x595,883:595,ClipboardImage.png)

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5be247 No.21527400


>third pic

His own father was embarrassed of him, obviously. Probably why he felt rejected, because he rejected being a normal kid growing up. Sad.

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5de3ca No.21527401

what is this joe biden set with a bunch of old ladies on a set bullshit. what is this gay.

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8c4e24 No.21527402

File: 6369cfc91be6b5a⋯.png (61.41 KB,571x645,571:645,ClipboardImage.png)

Pedo Adjacent "Wired Magazine" FALSELY states Starlink was turned off for Ukraine when they wanted to launch an attack on the Russian fleet.

Response from Elon:

This Wired article once again perpetuates the inaccuracy that we turned off Starlink for Ukraine when they wanted to launch an attack on the Russian fleet.

Starlink was barred from turning on satellite beams in Crimea at the time, because doing so would violate US sanctions against Russia!

We received an unexpected request in the middle of the night to activate Starlink in Crimea in a matter of a few hours from the Ukraine government, but received no request or permission to override sanctions from the US government. Had we done as Ukraine asked, it would have been a felony violation of US law.

We also make it clear in our terms of use that Starlink is a commercial system, not a military system. Use of Starlink for communications, including military communications, is fine, just like the military uses the Internet in general, but if we deliberately engage in explicit acts of war, then we are making Starlink a military system and other countries have every right to shoot down our satellites.



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23a007 No.21527403

File: 7f9bcf90b15f327⋯.png (578.82 KB,789x666,263:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc5fbc No.21527404


was the 4th recruited under duress – if so, how has values changed and is your position the same

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5de3ca No.21527405


I am glad you are using their preferred pronouns kek.

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23a007 No.21527406

File: 0e12f4af9d8a02f⋯.png (241.22 KB,340x395,68:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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d64fa8 No.21527408


this part fucks me up. elon needs the rope.

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24d9e0 No.21527410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>>>>>>>>bungholgate tears

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50db6c No.21527411

File: 8929bc576834171⋯.webp (65.2 KB,1024x1024,1:1,image_99_.webp)

File: b4d7a81ad24c366⋯.png (850.36 KB,1024x1024,1:1,20aa49aa_b108_4ef4_b332_f7….png)

The following prompt was provided to two different AI designers:

'metaphorical illustration of unaccompanied migrant kids being trafficked to Epstein's clients'

Can you guess which one was created by a woke AI & which was not?

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79a765 No.21527412

File: 02da0fc39ba89a1⋯.png (47.03 KB,866x648,433:324,66d67671750d8.png)

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3c124a No.21527413

File: 49fa16fa8063a24⋯.gif (3.41 MB,360x271,360:271,49fa16fa8063a24546ed7172cd….gif)

The citizens of a NATO member attacking the soldiers of another NATO member because of the actions of a country not in NATO. Disgusting and low IQ.

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5be247 No.21527414


This is obviously what is going to start happening all over the world now that the US officially normalized it here going after Donald Trump and others. You think other nations follow the same steps doing this with their political opposition now that it has been normalized in the West? Think again!

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a87059 No.21527416



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dcf65e No.21527417

File: 476ba12a2d71c76⋯.png (2.63 MB,1200x1565,240:313,ClipboardImage.png)

These Are The 50 Most Valuable Companies In The World

Market capitalization, or market cap, is a widely used metric to determine a company’s value as determined by the stock market. It is easily calculated by multiplying a company’s outstanding shares by its current stock price, providing a snapshot of its worth.

In the latest ranking of the world’s 50 most valuable companies by market cap, based on August 26, 2024, data from Companiesmarketcap.com, the dominance of the technology sector is evident. This list, color-coded by industry, reveals the significant presence and influence of tech giants in global stock markets.

At the top, we see familiar names: Apple leads with a market cap of $3.45 trillion, followed by Nvidia at $3.11 trillion, and Microsoft at $3.07 trillion. Alphabet and Amazon complete the top five, highlighting the sheer scale and impact of American tech companies.

However, it is not just the tech sector that commands attention. Saudi Aramco, a leader in the energy sector, ranks sixth with a market cap of $1.8 trillion. Meanwhile, Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett’s conglomerate, just hit the trillion-dollar club, after having risen by nearly 130% over the past five years.


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d64fa8 No.21527419



elon the universal basic income supporter for us but not for him, needs to be stripped off his fucking tax dollar BILLIONS and needs the rope. He's a piece of demonic shit.

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288b43 No.21527420

File: 9a0929cded198fe⋯.png (452.74 KB,736x561,736:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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5be247 No.21527422


He/she/it/whatever. LOL, don't really know don't really care. It is probably true regardless.

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1a8bdc No.21527423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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24d9e0 No.21527425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>>>>>>>>>bungholgate tears

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052937 No.21527426

File: 10969e02fa62357⋯.png (431.88 KB,742x774,371:387,ClipboardImage.png)

Slight compliance for the sake of testimony does not make a thing true.

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5de3ca No.21527429

I can not link this Joe Biden white house shit since it its live off of youtube. Old ladies could die on camera from boredom.

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d64fa8 No.21527430

File: f827eb01869b668⋯.png (938.97 KB,1200x719,1200:719,ClipboardImage.png)


he mustve capitulated bc Trump smiling big n him not so much like that stupid kardashian shit trunk witch

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944062 No.21527431



Government, Big Pharma, and their lapdog MSM, were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code with their Covid vaccine campaign.

1. Were the public given “voluntary informed consent”?

-No❌ -We were lied to, and told everything was 100% safe.

2. Was the result good for society?

-No❌ -It did NOT stop transmission and has proven to be harmful to many who were at little to no risk from Covid.

3. Were there prior experimentations on animals the “justify the performance of the experiment”?

-No❌ -Animal experiments were conducted, but the results and validity of the data are in question due to the lack of data, and lack of safety/efficacy in humans.

4. Did they “avoid all unnecessary physical or mental injury”?

-No❌ -We were subject to 24/7 propaganda, brainwashing, and coercion from employers, media, and government entities. Not to mention the negative vaccine side effects such as Pericarditis and Myocarditis.

5. Did they stop possible “lethal or disabling procedures”?

-No❌ -Government health agencies continued to push the experimental shots despite the debilitating side effects and potential death. They went great lengths to cover up VAERS and all talk of vaccine injuries on social media.

6. Did the “degree of risk outweigh the benefits”?

-No❌ -99% of people were not at risk from SARS-CoV-2, and the experimental mRNA shots did not prevent transmission.

7. Were proper preparations and facilities prepared to prevent “remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death”?

-No❌ -Subjects were brainwashed and largely unaware they were being experimented on and did not know they were at risk of injury, disability, and potentially death.

8. Were the experimentations conducted by only the “scientifically qualified”?

-No❌ -Scientists who spoke out about the mRNA shots were silenced, censored, and intimidated by government agencies. Pharma propagandists coerced lower level public health workers to administer shots that they did not know the true data about. The doctors didn’t KNOW the vaccines were safe, they were told they were safe. They were wrong.

9. Can participants “freely end the experiment”?

-No❌ -Most of them don’t know they are being experimented on, and even if they do, permanent alterations have been made to their bodies via mRNA technology that cannot be undone as far as we know.

10. Did they stop the experiment when it “proved to be dangerous”?

-No❌ -Not only did they not stop, they kept going, doubled down, and abused government emergency powers to silence and censor US citizens who spoke about the real dangers of the mRNA vaccines on social media.

This may not officially be accepted as law, but the actions of our government violate all medical ethical standards and infringe upon the basic human rights recognized by every sovereign nation on the planet.

We will have Justice.

Join and share my channel immediately:


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288b43 No.21527432

File: b999612fb8cbf96⋯.png (128.38 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d64fa8 No.21527434

File: 6586eae71cbf09f⋯.png (642.32 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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839e79 No.21527435

File: 88d98a614a79968⋯.png (243.82 KB,735x1067,735:1067,ClipboardImage.png)

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88ee42 No.21527436

File: fa6fcec63864172⋯.png (877.92 KB,608x878,304:439,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)

File: 3672ea4b5d9ec23⋯.png (1.24 MB,968x896,121:112,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)

File: cc3405af8feb6da⋯.png (530.43 KB,526x694,263:347,Screenshot_2024_07_23_at_0….png)

File: 6ab8482344a4c81⋯.gif (47.01 KB,220x198,10:9,biden_notajoke.gif)



Joe kerr

nothing above the low

missing Y?

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dcf65e No.21527438

File: 4b2ea3189461a51⋯.png (32.44 KB,724x245,724:245,ClipboardImage.png)

Posting on the X platform, Ellison celebrated the ruling by writing "obrigado Brazil!", meaning "Thank you, Brazil!" in Portuguese.


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944062 No.21527439

File: 3295d5f0863778e⋯.jpg (117.87 KB,796x947,796:947,photo_2024_09_03_04_25_04.jpg)



BREAKING: Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will testify publicly before Congress for the first time regarding his COVID-19 nursing home policies.


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5de3ca No.21527440

File: 2f6d57c055b5374⋯.png (886.38 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

cancer and blood clots what do you know.

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fe6a20 No.21527442

File: 24dc42724ef0afa⋯.png (1.01 MB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a011df035e5201⋯.png (1.1 MB,1152x504,16:7,ClipboardImage.png)

E-4b doomsday up


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1086d0 No.21527443


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5be247 No.21527444


What a shame.

Those companies won't mean a thing if they get their planned WWIII.

Nor will their Trillions of fiat currency holdings.

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8b0949 No.21527445



Want to read the "show more" portion.

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79a765 No.21527447

File: 022e5f60f1147ee⋯.png (81.54 KB,849x849,1:1,66d6f8ef63888.png)

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5de3ca No.21527449

dogg comms in joe biden thing

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8c4e24 No.21527450

File: 709f55b862a712c⋯.png (528.68 KB,680x538,340:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Can this be corroborated?

In June 2011, Kamala Harris allegedly struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed. Alisha Brown, a victim, claims Harris' team intimidated her mother to keep silent. Story surfaced after her mother's death in 2024.


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575d4a No.21527451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ronald Reagan Campaign Ad "The Bear" Extended Version

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2def14 No.21527452


why does that building look like the one in gta 5 that you have to go and kill the gang that has taken over the buildings there? Looks exactly like it.

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944062 No.21527454

File: e535610d2d8a7de⋯.mp4 (3.69 MB,1280x720,16:9,4R_EiCMzUBZbtRQ5.mp4)


Country Music Star John Rich: "I describe Donald Trump… as a blue collar billionaire. He is a billionaire — and he has a lot of nice stuff — but his brain, and his heart, and soul is like any blue collar guy you've ever met. He is all about people, he is all about hard work."

🇺🇸Join👉 @SGTnewsNetwork

📎  Twitter (http://twitter.com/SGTnewsNetwork)  ▪️ Truth Social (https://truthsocial.com/@SGTnewsNetwork)

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88ee42 No.21527455

File: fe9fa6cdea9d3ae⋯.png (246.24 KB,830x808,415:404,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)

File: eb6f881dd76e175⋯.png (417.33 KB,1746x870,291:145,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)

File: ba8659fa95cbb53⋯.png (1.29 MB,1550x772,775:386,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)

File: afd799c51724a79⋯.png (777.55 KB,558x760,279:380,Screenshot_2024_08_02_at_2….png)

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3c124a No.21527456

File: bb7c5ea05f867f9⋯.gif (1.78 MB,480x366,80:61,yes.gif)

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79a765 No.21527457

File: 77dc64c85973d22⋯.png (63.16 KB,700x530,70:53,a34MRK7_700bwp.png)

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0c0d1c No.21527458


Many years ago, I watched a tv show, Dateline, 20/20, one of these type documentary investigative report shows. It was all about a Operation Raven,I think, my memory? Anyway it told the story of these who were called the Five Ravens. These two were part of it. Maybe Kissinger as well. It was how they groomed George Bush to become President, long before he was even in politics. Then how they got him elected. Tied into Iran/Iraq war and 911. I think the show was called the Five Ravens.

I have gone back through search engines to find this show without luck, maybe better tech anon could find it. It would be very pertinent to what is coming to light now.

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dcf65e No.21527459

Houthis Hit Two Tankers in the Red Sea

The Yemeni Houthis reportedly hit two tankers in the Red Sea on Monday, one of them Saudi-flagged.

According to a Reuters report citing U.S. military sources, which said one of the targets hit on Monday was a Panama-flagged vessel named Blue Lagoon I and the other was Saudi-flagged Amjad. The Houthis took responsibility for the Blue Lagoon I hit, Reuters reported, but made no mention of the Saudi-flagged vessel.

According to an AP report, Blue Lagoon I had been traveling to an undisclosed location from the Russian port of Ust Luga, broadcasting that it carried Russian crude on board. The Houthis had previously said they would not target Russian or Middle Eastern ships.

There was no major damage to either of the tankers, which were close to each other when they were hit. Both were able to continue on their way after the strikes. The Saudi-flagged vessel has a capacity for up to 2 million barrels of crude while Blue Lagoon I can carry up to 1 million barrels.

The AP cited the Joint Maritime Information Center, a unit set up to track the Houthis’ activity in the Red Sea and led by the U.S. Army, as saying that the Blue Lagoon I tanker “was targeted due to other vessels within its company structure making recent port calls in Israel.”

“These reckless acts of terrorism by the Houthis continue to destabilize regional and global commerce, as well as put the lives of civilian mariners and maritime ecosystems at risk,” the U.S. Central Command said, as quoted by the AP.

The Houthis have been targeting vessels passing through the Bab el Mandeb strait since last November in reaction to Israeli bombings of Gaza. Initially, the group said it would only target Israeli ships and those sailing under flags of Israeli allies but it has since expanded its campaign. An attempt by the U.S. and some European allies to put an end to the attacks has so far failed to produce any results.


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7b635f No.21527460

















Where are you?




Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.



Aug 16, 2018 12:38:24 PM EDT1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 No. 2628352

Ask yourself simple questions.

If ES was trying to travel to UIO from HKG.

Why would he route through Russia?

How many direct flights (per day) from HKG to UIO?

What if Russia was the original target?

Ask yourself, would you NOT want to be at your preferred destination PRIOR TO going public?

Logical thinking.


Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



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da54b5 No.21527461

Mayor Woodfin of Birmingham, Alabama [White House event]: We even created an Office of Business Diversity and Opportunity, to be intentionally focused on minority, and women-owned businesses. Thank you to your administration; our [inaudible] investment has stood up a COVID relief forgivable loan program, where literally nine out of every ten recipients were either a black or woman-owned business.

[more federal/state-sponsored discrimination]

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8c4e24 No.21527462

File: 6905c2b8acd1584⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17253888253….mp4)

Amazon knowingly lies in coding Alexa to spew the lie that Trump was never shot


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288b43 No.21527463

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288b43 No.21527464

File: 6dc0cce88371902⋯.png (137.22 KB,224x225,224:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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24d9e0 No.21527465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bungholgate tears

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c4857f No.21527468

File: 32869751c569a5d⋯.png (657.15 KB,890x951,890:951,ClipboardImage.png)

I can't wait for Harris to win this upcoming election in 62 days.

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5de3ca No.21527469

reservation indian saying reservations do not work. talking about wells. and how people leave the reservation to find jobs and better homes.

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0995dd No.21527470

File: 8e1eab80ff65f97⋯.jpg (69.54 KB,923x500,923:500,Rut_roh.jpg)

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8cd192 No.21527471


Maybe ask Alexa how to clean your AC


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5be247 No.21527472


Try bit torrent or a popular P2P client. Not all shows are easy to find though, just depends how old they were and how much viewership they had at any given time on TV. People still share the older shows but some fall through the cracks if not very popular.

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052937 No.21527473


Tangential is defined as touching the circle.

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5de3ca No.21527474

File: 90e41c17ecd7ca9⋯.png (570.07 KB,889x501,889:501,ClipboardImage.png)

talking about a highway issue and a church.

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e60cd4 No.21527475

File: 441a9b7693fcb50⋯.jpg (371.05 KB,585x880,117:176,It_s_a_Danger.jpg)

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345c22 No.21527476

File: 75bb5ef0ef64518⋯.png (167.92 KB,381x404,381:404,ClipboardImage.png)

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d64fa8 No.21527477

shills r going xtra full retard

sumpin good must b coming

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3c124a No.21527478

File: 127b2bde2d80e13⋯.jpg (44.44 KB,1200x630,40:21,surprise.jpg)

The new wet/dry palette arrived. Time to fuckin' paint hard.

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944062 No.21527479

File: 6541b8879566a7e⋯.jpg (185.61 KB,1280x1280,1:1,photo_2024_09_02_16_05_12.jpg)



Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background


She’s a known supporter of Balenciaga, a brand already tarnished by its disturbing imagery involving children.

Cardi B says this is just a mistake, but how could any member of her team miss the word pedophile so blatantly displayed during the photo's editing process?


Subscribe: Mel Gibson (https://t.me/mel_gibsonchannel)

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208336 No.21527480

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You say truth, I say lie

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8c4e24 No.21527481

File: abc002363945a4e⋯.mp4 (955.64 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17253828076….mp4)

Donald Trump says he will release the list of Jeffrey Epstein clients who went to Little Saint James Island as President

(This is a big reason why they tried to 187 Q+)


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f4adec No.21527482

File: 95023c0b313ca6b⋯.png (748.74 KB,1080x1816,135:227,Screevg.png)

Anons would you hit it…….?


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dcf65e No.21527483

File: 70209b5b0ca1513⋯.png (299.54 KB,554x585,554:585,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Our City Is In Shock’: 10-Year-Old Accused Of Fatally Shooting Former Mayor

Police in Louisiana arrested a 10-year-old boy who allegedly confessed to fatally shooting a former mayor and his daughter, NBC News reported Tuesday.

Shreveport Police Chief Jared McIver said officers found Joe Cornelius Sr., 82, and Keisha Miles, 31, dead Sunday morning after arriving at the former mayor’s home in Minden, a city of nearly 12,000 people east of Shreveport, according to NBC.

McIver said the victims’ bodies were riddled with gunshot wounds from two handguns that were found with empty magazines, NBC reported.


What did they do to the kid?

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217429 No.21527484

It’s been 3 days since the Apt was overtaken by Venezuela Gang.

2 days since Hells Angles started to say they were headed that way.

As of now, nothing is being reported other than that?

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5de3ca No.21527485


can you show where it says that because it looks like it says homesick.

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73a3da No.21527486

File: 5f7085427ee75e1⋯.png (163.37 KB,371x380,371:380,pepe_cross.png)


"She's pretty"

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8c4e24 No.21527487


One is wrong

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d5ab81 No.21527488

File: 1489457647fa26f⋯.jpg (72.24 KB,888x499,888:499,Moochelle_Pregnant_3.jpg)

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310e28 No.21527489

File: 22fdc071dc6040a⋯.png (47.53 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d297383c626552d⋯.png (667.34 KB,1060x536,265:134,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 765b55535bb86df⋯.png (227.24 KB,641x389,641:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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5be247 No.21527490


So you can't wait for the country to continue going to shit and for more of the same?

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9a2a22 No.21527491

File: e49a0ffc7b13b1f⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,320x240,4:3,45c6v58b98.mp4)

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73a3da No.21527492


AI still has a very hard time with fingers and hands.

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483117 No.21527493


> >>21527479

>can you show where it says that because it looks like it says homesick.

It's not the blue and yellow.

It's white and like stick-figure writing, not 'full' or 'plump' like a pregnancy.

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c23435 No.21527494


probably a nigger being a nigger

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5be247 No.21527496


The new normal. USSA Today.

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345c22 No.21527497

File: 0bd802e7bbb460a⋯.png (54.92 KB,712x355,712:355,ClipboardImage.png)


Two different (but similar in concept) shows

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3c124a No.21527498


Look closer. The thin white paint lines. Spells pedophile. Homesick pedophile?

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dcf65e No.21527499

File: 1d7c7afad1121ee⋯.png (559.9 KB,776x578,388:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1ab5d2b0e4407e⋯.png (427.65 KB,773x634,773:634,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5ab81 No.21527500

File: 5b823b35e0f340b⋯.jpg (103.76 KB,930x500,93:50,Moochelle_Maury.jpg)

File: 45b0a5d18f5b2c2⋯.jpg (160.48 KB,1212x500,303:125,Obama_Maury_2.jpg)


Penises too, it seems…

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ee1247 No.21527501

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f4adec No.21527502

File: 63cee3a6817251f⋯.png (755.96 KB,1080x724,270:181,Muh_nigga_2.png)



Get you some of that!

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5de3ca No.21527504


oh shit you are right I can see it now wft.

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483117 No.21527505


>Homesick pedophile?

'Home' is where we came from, and where we'll go after we die. A projection of death/justice?

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b15a50 No.21527507


give her to the C_A pig farm

by the way… pig farm is still there

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208336 No.21527508


Feels like the movie is never going to end…

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88ee42 No.21527509


seems to me international brotherhood may have to revise productivity numbers when the insurance mandate kicks in..


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d5ab81 No.21527512


I rented 'The Never Ending Story' video once. Imagine my surprise and shock when it, erm, ended…

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345c22 No.21527515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Churches BURN Down Across Europe

Mahyar Tousi reports.


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18a454 No.21527516

File: d495f5e8a08b6db⋯.png (346.3 KB,706x500,353:250,ClipboardImage.png)


Hey parakeet

Any new material or only the same old spam?

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0ac84c No.21527518


Long and boring

should be :30 instead of 2:07

So much drama back then.

People want action, not drama.

Get to the point, fast, and move on.

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d5ab81 No.21527520


Then 'The Never Ending Story 2' came out aand was like, "WTF?"…

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9b7110 No.21527522

File: 44994409fd2845a⋯.jpg (50.07 KB,652x521,652:521,44994409fd2845a1f03fc96e31….jpg)


They shouldn't be in danger, we are Americans and a nation of law and order, so the law will get them for their crimes against humanity.

There's no need to seal them,

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495c01 No.21527524

File: 2887d5b14416df3⋯.png (726.07 KB,1200x675,16:9,2887d5b14416df33659d51593d….png)

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f4adec No.21527525

File: 98ff66de7b0fc89⋯.png (750.53 KB,758x1259,758:1259,Screens.png)


100% AI looks at the hands and alligator face.

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208336 No.21527526

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0025eb No.21527528


Our movie is like James bond.. they just keep making new ones and the series never ends.

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b15a50 No.21527529

File: 92c7553dc023044⋯.jpg (67.82 KB,744x746,372:373,allegorymik.JPG)

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d5ab81 No.21527533


You don't squeeze adopted kids out, they think that we are stupid.

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ee1247 No.21527534


expect nothing but excuses and dems defending him.

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93ae6e No.21527537

File: de29d5c4a4388b7⋯.png (157.52 KB,591x402,197:134,Screen_Shot_2024_09_03_at_….png)

File: 6e16c71d605b582⋯.png (553.68 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA190.png)

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ee1247 No.21527538

Does "P" = Pharma???

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1eac69 No.21527539

last call


#26373 >>21526737

>>21526767, >>21527088, >>21527442 PlaneFaggin' 737 - Bank of Utah trustee aircraft for Kamala/Walz / Doomsday / Gitmo

>>21526770, >>21526842, >>21526874 BREAKING: @TheTNStar Has Just Released All 90 Pages of The Nashville Shooter's Manifesto

>>21526796 DJT misspelled siezed and said seizend. Seizend is a manufacturing company based in Shenzhen

>>21526817, >>21527074, >>21527085, >>21527114 FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul [CCP]

>>21526844, >>21527360, >>21527373 Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO w/911 Call

>>21526854, >>21526882, >>21526936, >>21526978, >>21527009, >>21527132, >>21527163 Space News

>>21526875 RFK Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won't Accept You If You Don't Vaccinate Your Children

>>21526912, >>21526919, >>21526928, >>21526933 Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days? Victor Davis Hanson

>>21527015 These Are The 50 Most Valuable Companies In The World

>>21527073 a 47 minute Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

>>21527121 Bill Gates in Ethiopia aiming to radically reshape African agriculture, dairy, poultry, and hybrid seed farming

>>21527115, >>21527123, >>21527367 Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

>>21527154 Can't imagine she had anything to do with those CCP police stations in NYC

>>21527155 Linda Sun, former Kathy Hochul aide, accused of scheming to advance interests of China

>>21527164 Moar DEI Anti-Woke WINNING - If you want to expose your woke workplace, send tips + evidence

>>21527172 Venezuelan 'Tren de Aragua' gang - estimate approximately 1000 members are now in 11 states

>>21527180 Fitton: Zuckerberg 2020 Election Censorship, Judicial Watch – And You!

>>21527193, >>21527254, >>21527257, >>21527313, >>21527379 NEEDS DIGZ In 2011, Kamala Harris struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed.

>>21527198 Ketanji Brown Jackson reflects on ‘groundbreaking’ path to the Supreme Court in new memoir 'What Is A Book?'

>>21527225 Twenty new 'alien-like' species are discovered 3,000 MILES below sea level on an underwater mountain

>>21527280 Kash Patel says we need a 24/7 ‘Declassification Office’ to assist in Dismantling the Deep State

>>21527301, >>21527309, >>21527319 The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

>>21527325 Judge Says Trump Campaign Has To Stop Using “Hold On, I’m Coming” Amid Isaac Hayes Estate Lawsuit

>>21527327 Turkish Protesters Swarm Izmir Port Until US Warship Leaves Following Assault On Americans

>>21527395 Arrest warrant issued for Western-backed Maduro rival - RT

>>21527402 "Wired Magazine" FALSELY states Starlink was turned off for Ukraine - Elon Responds

>>21527431 @JulianAssangeWiki - Government, Big Pharma, and MSM were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code

>>21527454 Country Music Star John Rich: "I describe Donald Trump… as a blue collar billionaire…"

>>21527459 Yemeni Houthis reportedly hit two tankers in the Red Sea on Monday, one of them Saudi-flagged

>>21527462 Amazon knowingly lies in coding Alexa to spew the lie that Trump was never shot

>>21527479 Cardi B in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

>>21527483 ‘Our City Is In Shock’: 10 Year Old Accused Of Fatally Shooting Former Mayor

>>21526769, >>21526787, >>21526879, >>21526927, >>21526930, >>21526970, >>21526981, >>21527090, >>21527098, >>21527122, >>21527158 Memes Of Mass Instruction

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3c124a No.21527540


The recursiveness of that plot though. He's reading a story he's taking part in.

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f4adec No.21527541

File: b333b2b8d3004cd⋯.mp4 (537.72 KB,540x540,1:1,b333b2b8d3004cd4190bc3feb5….mp4)



This here is a lady….. Alina Hanna.

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8c4e24 No.21527542

File: 1487ca3ffa54c06⋯.png (337.82 KB,586x745,586:745,ClipboardImage.png)

325,000 children trafficked into sex slavery and ritual killings, criminal gangs from Venezuela trafficked into taking over apartment buildings, migrants trafficked in for votes.

Harris/Biden are criminals.

They are evil.


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d5ab81 No.21527543


P = Peter Parker's Penis Pickling Pickled Peppers

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345c22 No.21527545


For consideration


>Churches BURN Down Across Europe

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e60cd4 No.21527546

File: 297355872437e8e⋯.png (862.33 KB,991x765,991:765,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)

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d64fa8 No.21527547


a woman had to climb a mountain to get to church and heard the Pastor say that faith can move mountains, so she prayed and prayed for the mountain to be moved. Frens told her the Pastor didn't mean it literally. Woman kept praying asking God to move the mountain, then the day came when she got a knock on the door to let her know they were going to take down the mountain to build a road, and now the woman didn't have to climb the mountain to get to church n could use the road. or sumpin like that.

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208336 No.21527548

File: 99048111125b76c⋯.jpg (107.45 KB,1286x803,1286:803,1720909573966537_2.jpg)



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dcf65e No.21527549

File: 8afe48ece4bf8fb⋯.png (Spoiler Image,362.02 KB,890x372,445:186,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a91947618b506a7⋯.png (Spoiler Image,438.79 KB,865x528,865:528,ClipboardImage.png)

Photos Finally Published Of Horrific US War Crime In Iraq

After nearly a 20 year cover up, photos published by The New Yorker last week reveal the brutality of one of Iraq's worst massacres in which U.S. Marines murdered 24 Iraqi civilians in cold blood, including several children.


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9647d1 No.21527550

File: f1cd7b4527fbd52⋯.png (179.53 KB,308x474,154:237,The_Nursing_Home_Killer_Cu….png)

File: 0c1583554300376⋯.png (131.95 KB,728x456,91:57,4329_If_elderly_most_at_ri….png)

File: 73cc635be61edf0⋯.png (336.58 KB,692x764,173:191,4339_At_what_point_should_….png)

File: 9a9bb756682f1c3⋯.png (66.03 KB,689x266,689:266,4340_At_what_point_should_….png)

File: 79043c7e4de5fd9⋯.png (141.99 KB,755x695,151:139,4498_Use_topic_as_target_p….png)

"At what point should it be reclassified as murder?

At what point is ignorance [common sense] no longer valid [excuse]?

Evil surrounds us." Q post #4340


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d5ab81 No.21527552

File: 2804dd32a24002c⋯.png (104.57 KB,197x220,197:220,2804dd32a24002c629fd822f4a….png)


Alina Habba

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1eac69 No.21527553


added anon ty

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288b43 No.21527554


Boiboi's dzooties did this

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d64fa8 No.21527555


still has the satan pic. can't stand this faggot.

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5be247 No.21527557


What happens when you have a retarded voter base that actually loves high price inflation, high crime rates, third world open border invasions, endless wars, balkanization of a deeply divided country and failed communist policy destroying the middle class as well destroying trust in government? Serious question we should be asking ourselves by now.

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ee1247 No.21527560


putting him in jail will be the biggest mistake they could make.

but they aren't smart

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f8f197 No.21527562

File: b8e7f45067f78e8⋯.png (196.96 KB,425x408,25:24,ClipboardImage.png)

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9647d1 No.21527564

File: 12dee54eef4e91b⋯.jpeg (54.91 KB,800x420,40:21,Michelle_Obama_sips_wine_….jpeg)

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bb2643 No.21527565

The way women are reacting to Jesse Watters Kamala /Generals having their way with her, IS EXACTLY why women should not run the country. He did not mean sexually. Yet, all women take it that way. Men do things differently and not emotionally. Sheesh. This should be a talking point Jesse does not back down from. He is 100 percent correct.

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88ee42 No.21527566

File: 9d4b7dc2752b886⋯.png (338.66 KB,474x424,237:212,Screenshot_2024_07_21_at_0….png)

File: f2c8d2f17f230ba⋯.png (845.37 KB,770x736,385:368,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)


S. OR O's

S. PAN O's


missing H

orphans missing Alpha



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d5ab81 No.21527567

File: 68e8a452332a2fb⋯.png (710.87 KB,1080x870,36:29,68e8a452332a2fb4c001cde2ed….png)

File: dfa52054e6d9e3d⋯.jpg (38.81 KB,600x436,150:109,BigMike.jpg)

File: 0a8a356bc910b7d⋯.jpg (13.41 KB,172x255,172:255,cf4401004efdedc0df833b45bb….jpg)

File: e7dcbb3540db980⋯.jpg (16.54 KB,255x244,255:244,edd6ce5001b14ab5b9634db101….jpg)

The Obama kids should be DNA tested against their two fathers. Sort it out once and for all, including Michael's Y chromosome problem.

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f4adec No.21527569

File: bb0d2347a2d6c2e⋯.mp4 (771.42 KB,360x640,9:16,bb0d2347a2d6c2ed9c0bae1e04….mp4)



Faggot, I was a victim of the new Google keyboard spell checker…. Didn't catch it.

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f84240 No.21527570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2Co_13:11 Finally,G3063 brethren,G80 farewell.G5463 Be perfect,G2675 be of good comfort,G3870 be of one mind,G5426 G846 live in peace;G1514 andG2532 theG3588 GodG2316 of loveG26 andG2532 peaceG1515 shall beG2071 withG3326 you.G5216

Gal_1:3 GraceG5485 be to youG5213 andG2532 peaceG1515 fromG575 GodG2316 the Father,G3962 andG2532 from ourG2257 LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ,G5547

Gal_5:22 ButG1161 theG3588 fruitG2590 of theG3588 SpiritG4151 isG2076 love,G26 joy,G5479 peace,G1515 longsuffering,G3115 gentleness,G5544 goodness,G19 faith,G4102

Gal_6:16 AndG2532 as many asG3745 walkG4748 according to thisG5129 rule,G2583 peaceG1515 be onG1909 them,G846 andG2532 mercy,G1656 andG2532 uponG1909 theG3588 IsraelG2474 of God.G2316 peace

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24d9e0 No.21527571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bungholgate tears

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b15a50 No.21527572



she was there to watch it burn

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3c124a No.21527574

File: 161a8385f522770⋯.png (149.4 KB,400x355,80:71,qGlauqbjd1Xp.png)

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08d23e No.21527576

File: ce59f562b590938⋯.png (192.69 KB,490x266,35:19,_TrumpEmergencyCheckQRcode.png)

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9647d1 No.21527577

File: efb6b62a1bb9065⋯.png (1.86 MB,2336x1282,1168:641,HRC_watching_with_hand_cov….png)

>she was there to watch it burn


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a40395 No.21527578


That's unfair….she is able to watch her child AND deal in narcotics at the same time…just look at them eyes!


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88ee42 No.21527581

File: b00454056aa3a9c⋯.png (518.27 KB,666x662,333:331,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)

File: 774c8afbf510fed⋯.png (455.16 KB,634x534,317:267,Screenshot_2024_09_03_at_1….png)


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f0ffc4 No.21527582

File: 30b544826a90ae7⋯.png (1005.36 KB,768x735,256:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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08d23e No.21527584

File: 0dc0c5dc5f5af94⋯.jpg (2.79 MB,1350x1826,675:913,0dc0c5dc5f5af9459a0ff6e0e0….jpg)

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5be873 No.21527585

File: f705a614d5039b1⋯.png (242.15 KB,430x580,43:58,pointhunter.png)

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79a765 No.21527586

File: a95a887948832cb⋯.png (78.58 KB,700x640,35:32,avy7o8q_700bwp.png)

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08d23e No.21527587

File: 61a74e529004dfc⋯.jpg (231.18 KB,1000x1000,1:1,2n9jdr_2.jpg)

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08d23e No.21527589

File: 3ecc51eaca410f9⋯.png (23.96 KB,500x250,2:1,2ndAmericanRevolution.png)

File: 03acf716783fe72⋯.jpg (5.42 MB,3338x5138,1669:2569,2ndAmericaRevolution11x17P….jpg)

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033ff8 No.21527591

File: d2d8e4be37f26ee⋯.png (833.1 KB,500x741,500:741,ClipboardImage.png)

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08d23e No.21527592

File: 7354c3687dc6228⋯.png (307.35 KB,1478x900,739:450,5c213502998709ff852b7f247e….png)

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615190 No.21527594


These two should be together?

>>21527115, >>21527123, >>21527367 Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

>>>21527155 Linda Sun, former Kathy Hochul aide, accused of scheming to advance interests of China

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08d23e No.21527595

File: aebdd5be69329ad⋯.jpg (68.59 KB,719x499,719:499,21byaq.jpg)

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08d23e No.21527597

File: f361d694017fbbe⋯.jpg (46.41 KB,500x500,1:1,22d0l3.jpg)

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d5ab81 No.21527598

File: 2d91dd48416a5af⋯.jpg (213.44 KB,800x1000,4:5,no_more_nails.jpg)

File: d5b9edd2e0550e7⋯.jpg (67.31 KB,400x533,400:533,no_more_nails2.jpg)


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5de3ca No.21527600


not even the god of the underworld want to rape that shit.

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08d23e No.21527601

File: 24ab015f19bfc92⋯.jpg (42.5 KB,564x491,564:491,24ab015f19bfc9228cb62083f2….jpg)

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5be247 No.21527602


That doesn't really make much sense in today's society where you need money to survive. Even if it just be welfare or donations.

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08d23e No.21527603

File: 17f4943a938f642⋯.jpg (65.17 KB,627x556,627:556,666_finger_gesture.jpg)

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1a8bdc No.21527605

What is your view on contraceptives?

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08d23e No.21527606

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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08d23e No.21527608

File: 634bb5bd0d36620⋯.jpg (51.52 KB,600x450,4:3,911_Truth.jpg)

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288b43 No.21527610

File: c8970d297bb454f⋯.png (221.47 KB,314x439,314:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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08d23e No.21527611

File: 9724c2328ecb57e⋯.jpg (502.79 KB,1406x1043,1406:1043,05312c05f42fa641f8db586caa….jpg)

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f4adec No.21527612


Somebody hit that old bitch in the asshole.

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08d23e No.21527613

File: 0f3d627f65f38e7⋯.jpg (105.62 KB,886x474,443:237,2016_election_newspaper_en….jpg)

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08d23e No.21527615

File: 9f7fb5bf8d0baa9⋯.png (172.43 KB,1024x791,1024:791,5524aa56de42deb61a7f4185a0….png)

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77e634 No.21527616

File: 19c810c91ced26b⋯.png (570.35 KB,712x893,712:893,ClipboardImage.png)

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08d23e No.21527617

File: 06739fb51d042e6⋯.jpeg (167.85 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515547751.jpeg)

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17bd7d No.21527619

Which question would you most like to know the answerer?

1) Are negative aliens and demons controlling the planet?

2)Is our food and water being poisoned on purpose?

3) what is the earths real history?

4) When we die, what really happens?

5) Have we had previous lives on other planets?

6) What is in Antarctica?

7) How advanced is our secret space program?

8) Did we volunteer for this mission prior to incarnation?

9) Did we come up with this plan prior to incarnating?

Pick one

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d5ab81 No.21527620

File: 3b20013c577b061⋯.png (287.93 KB,480x513,160:171,3b20013c577b0612a04920e5e3….png)


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08d23e No.21527621

File: aa047cd6af1a674⋯.jpeg (165.14 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515548703.jpeg)

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08d23e No.21527624

File: 3697b80b95a6cb0⋯.png (215.89 KB,489x624,163:208,1421533946672.png)

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2cee56 No.21527625

File: 3697b80b95a6cb0⋯.png (215.89 KB,489x624,163:208,1421533946672.png)

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2cee56 No.21527626

File: 9f67af1a6f8c60d⋯.jpg (115.25 KB,500x649,500:649,1511040832776.jpg)

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24d9e0 No.21527628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>walrusjuuuw tom fenton breaks up wiff imaginary fren

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bungholgate tears

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2cee56 No.21527629

File: f57ba7e3be77753⋯.jpg (21.59 KB,258x228,43:38,Adam_Schiff_diapers_for_le….jpg)

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5cb3d3 No.21527630


Which states?

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2cee56 No.21527631

File: f2f0c9cb1b096f6⋯.jpg (31.89 KB,640x489,640:489,AdmiralRogers.jpg)

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2cee56 No.21527633

File: 32cd63b58a556d4⋯.png (749.95 KB,988x768,247:192,After_Trump.png)

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9647d1 No.21527634

File: bde75a24b792d1b⋯.png (453.52 KB,781x728,781:728,4937.png)

File: 5f449962fa6987c⋯.png (530.75 KB,626x876,313:438,Newsom_nursing_home_killer.png)

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2cee56 No.21527636

File: e3c876bf9aaa891⋯.png (65.75 KB,610x531,610:531,AirGuan2.png)

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a2ff13 No.21527637

File: 4f62f8105b1908c⋯.png (574.56 KB,582x709,582:709,1e.png)


scared myself!!


Death Cult Demon Whores!

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288b43 No.21527638

File: 899f61929efa212⋯.png (694.82 KB,608x608,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2cee56 No.21527639

File: b89a5ee4cbb3595⋯.jpeg (129.43 KB,800x589,800:589,Alwaleed_Snapchat.jpeg)

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2cee56 No.21527640

File: 04ac9733fa9dda9⋯.jpeg (25.89 KB,380x283,380:283,Alwaleed_Carter.jpeg)

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1eac69 No.21527641



#26373 >>21526737

>>21526767, >>21527088, >>21527442 PlaneFaggin' 737 - Bank of Utah trustee aircraft for Kamala/Walz / Doomsday / Gitmo

>>21526770, >>21526842, >>21526874 BREAKING: @TheTNStar Has Just Released All 90 Pages of The Nashville Shooter's Manifesto

>>21526796 DJT misspelled siezed and said seizend. Seizend is a manufacturing company based in Shenzhen

>>21526817, >>21527074, >>21527085, >>21527114 FBI Arrests Former Deputy Chief of Staff for NY Gov. Kathy Hochul [CCP]

>>21526844, >>21527360, >>21527373 Venezuelan Gang Members Overtake Apartment Complex in Sanctuary City of CHICAGO w/911 Call

>>21526854, >>21526882, >>21526936, >>21526978, >>21527009, >>21527132, >>21527163 Space News

>>21526875 RFK Jr on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won't Accept You If You Don't Vaccinate Your Children

>>21526912, >>21526919, >>21526928, >>21526933 Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris In 70 Days? Victor Davis Hanson

>>21527015 These Are The 50 Most Valuable Companies In The World

>>21527073 a 47 minute Donald Trump Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #442

>>21527121 Bill Gates in Ethiopia aiming to radically reshape African agriculture, dairy, poultry, and hybrid seed farming

>>21527115, >>21527123, >>21527155, >>21527367 Former High-Ranking New York State Government Employee Charged with Acting as an Undisclosed Agent of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party

>>21527154 Can't imagine she had anything to do with those CCP police stations in NYC

>>21527164 Moar DEI Anti-Woke WINNING - If you want to expose your woke workplace, send tips + evidence

>>21527172 Venezuelan 'Tren de Aragua' gang - estimate approximately 1000 members are now in 11 states

>>21527180 Fitton: Zuckerberg 2020 Election Censorship, Judicial Watch – And You!

>>21527193, >>21527254, >>21527257, >>21527313, >>21527379 NEEDS DIGZ In 2011, Kamala Harris struck two pedestrians in San Francisco and fled the scene leaving a 13 year old girl paralyzed.

>>21527198 Ketanji Brown Jackson reflects on ‘groundbreaking’ path to the Supreme Court in new memoir 'What Is A Book?'

>>21527225 Twenty new 'alien-like' species are discovered 3,000 MILES below sea level on an underwater mountain

>>21527280 Kash Patel says we need a 24/7 ‘Declassification Office’ to assist in Dismantling the Deep State

>>21527301, >>21527309, >>21527319 The 2024 Presidential Election is Fast Approaching and a Review is in Order

>>21527325 Judge Says Trump Campaign Has To Stop Using “Hold On, I’m Coming” Amid Isaac Hayes Estate Lawsuit

>>21527327 Turkish Protesters Swarm Izmir Port Until US Warship Leaves Following Assault On Americans

>>21527395 Arrest warrant issued for Western-backed Maduro rival - RT

>>21527402 "Wired Magazine" FALSELY states Starlink was turned off for Ukraine - Elon Responds

>>21527431 @JulianAssangeWiki - Government, Big Pharma, and MSM were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code

>>21527454 Country Music Star John Rich: "I describe Donald Trump… as a blue collar billionaire…"

>>21527459 Yemeni Houthis reportedly hit two tankers in the Red Sea on Monday, one of them Saudi-flagged

>>21527462 Amazon knowingly lies in coding Alexa to spew the lie that Trump was never shot

>>21527479 Cardi B in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

>>21527483 ‘Our City Is In Shock’: 10-Year-Old Accused Of Fatally Shooting Former Mayor

>>21527515 Churches BURN Down Across Europe - Mahyar Tousi reports.

>>21526769, >>21526787, >>21526879, >>21526927, >>21526930, >>21526970, >>21526981, >>21527090, >>21527098, >>21527122, >>21527158, >>21527574 Memes Of Mass Instruction

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2cee56 No.21527642

File: 04ff7d038b1c09a⋯.jpeg (134.07 KB,565x800,113:160,Alwaleed_Murdoch_Dorsey.jpeg)

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2cee56 No.21527643

File: f945ee4513eee7d⋯.jpg (390.82 KB,1440x960,3:2,Alwaleed_RahmEmmanuel_.jpg)

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2cee56 No.21527644

File: 12b86197aea17dd⋯.png (283.74 KB,500x334,250:167,AlWaleedWasUntouchable.png)

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a2ff13 No.21527646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





awwww !!


now i gotta scroll up!!!

ima take this out on the [SLAVES] now, Sir!


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2cee56 No.21527648

File: dc2a96a0bc77665⋯.png (311.44 KB,640x486,320:243,America_3.png)

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2cee56 No.21527649

File: e81273df1210c04⋯.jpg (106.66 KB,800x462,400:231,America_4.jpg)

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2cee56 No.21527650

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB,310x163,310:163,American_Flag.png)

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fa4b1d No.21527651

File: 7e4bce55da8ed1c⋯.jpg (37.73 KB,460x460,1:1,rus2.jpg)


Death Cult Demon Whores!

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2cee56 No.21527652

File: 5a63a8f430912fb⋯.png (1.33 MB,1053x1534,81:118,Anderson_Cooper_Mockingbir….png)

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944062 No.21527653

File: afc9651df6805c8⋯.jpg (116.49 KB,753x1280,753:1280,photo_2024_09_03_11_32_15.jpg)



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2cee56 No.21527654

File: 9e0abfadff03a52⋯.png (375.97 KB,481x479,481:479,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

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fa4b1d No.21527655

File: 5fecc89e4d6ff69⋯.jpg (8.93 KB,225x225,1:1,ru77.jpg)


Death Cult Demon Whores!

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2cee56 No.21527656

File: a317b5b1ab9be64⋯.jpeg (163.04 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Anon_breathing.jpeg)

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2cee56 No.21527657

File: d8ed440fa3dfd2a⋯.jpg (79.24 KB,576x288,2:1,AnonArmy.jpg)

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2cee56 No.21527659

File: 6313fcc54253af9⋯.jpg (10.88 KB,200x141,200:141,Answer_is_Aliens.jpg)

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fa4b1d No.21527661

File: 2312f66eb62208b⋯.gif (80.44 KB,592x415,592:415,4fb.gif)

get some, ya booger pickin motherfuckers!!!


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2cee56 No.21527662

File: e5a165a37023ae3⋯.jpeg (41.6 KB,650x366,325:183,Antarctica_blood_falls.jpeg)

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1eac69 No.21527663

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fa4b1d No.21527664

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

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2cee56 No.21527665

File: 52fd085a742ea81⋯.jpg (79.39 KB,564x907,564:907,ArchangelSculture.jpg)

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2cee56 No.21527666

File: 587491e1e45659d⋯.jpg (48.39 KB,354x249,118:83,Are_you.jpg)

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fa4b1d No.21527667

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)

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50f598 No.21527669


>front hole

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