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File: 9fa5ba4566f68f4⋯.png (68.69 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

c215f7 No.21520566 [Last50 Posts]

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c215f7 No.21520568

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c215f7 No.21520569


#26365 >>21519698

>>21519712 Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

>>21519853, >>21519870, >>21519886, >>21519900, >>21520368 Tales from the Crypt

>>21519912 "Please play fair while we do not" -China

>>21519940, >>21519942 China's youth increasingly unemployed

>>21519946 They'll finish it

>>21519965 Ice Cube endorses Trump

>>21519973 ESPN, ABC, other Disney networks are blacked out in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and US Open coverage

>>21519978 Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich: Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest for 'Disinformation'

>>21519986 Trump: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within

>>21519989 Protestors trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

>>21519988 She will need all the help she can get vs Trump

>>21519996 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time

>>21520000, >>21520001 NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

>>21520032 Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate

>>21520005 Independent Candidate, Cornel West, Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

>>21520017 Reich effect

>>21520024 Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote

>>21520035 Grassley corn on the comms

>>21520043 DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

>>21520095 Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

>>21520115 What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?

>>21520116 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>21520228 PF: Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore?

>>21520243 Tim Walz's gifts from China

>>21520321, >>21520342, >>21520366 ‘Sea Walnut,’ a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles

>>21520382 Anti-memory hole refresher: Standard Hotel Incident

>>21519705, >>21519718, >>21519722, >>21519823, >>21519930, >>21519932, >>21519992, >>21520084, >>21520086, >>21520089 Memes

>>21520562 #26365

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c215f7 No.21520570

#26364 >>21518901

>>21519678 Transcript: Trump interview with Mark Levin Pt. 2

>>21518951 Celebrity Spy Whales 🧐

>>21518981, >>21519468 They want to overthrow The Constitution

>>21518987, >>21519023 Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology’

>>21518993, >>21519418 Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

>>21519035 Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University

>>21519048, >>21519077 PF: Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic

>>21519055, >>21519067, >>21519063, >>21519032, >>21519272 NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

>>21519141 Compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night

>>21519060 *Serious question asked* Tim Walz: "Ait, pz out every1"

>>21519070, >>21519111 By the end of his tenure, this Nobel peace prize winner was bombing seven countries simultaneously

>>21519076 Are you questioning the results of a free and fair election, Mark? 🤨

>>21519083 A bill in California that would ban local governments from requiring voter ID in elections passed the state's far-left assembly

>>21519122 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21519134 Former NSA director Paul Nakasone discusses election security, emerging technologies

>>21519159, >>21519162 “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok

>>21519187 New York City Department of Health is Spraying Pesticides on Streets to Prevent West Nile Virus, Warns Residents to Stay Inside

>>21519212 Mexico Launches Escorted Bus Initiative for Non-Mexican Immigrants with U.S. Asylum Appointments

>>21519268 Ukraine Eyes Billions in Revenue from Controlled Defense Industry Exports

>>21519275 Federal judge blocks enforcement of new Ohio ban on noncitizen contributions to ballot issue campaigns

>>21519279 Music is about to stop

>>21519281 Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It

>>21519287 State of MSM in UK

>>21519332 Netanyahu: Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11

>>21519408 Right-wing party claims historic victory in German state election

>>21519469 Victorian government accused of indoctrinating kids after launch of 'rainbow libraries toolkit'

>>21519477, >>21519633 Ping

>>21519496 Someone in the media needs to ask Walz if he was approached by the CCP to be an asset

>>21519499, >>21519522 Scavino: Farmers for Trump

>>21519577 South Korean Shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean Secures Landmark U.S. Navy Maintenance Deal

>>21519627 Kamala Harris promised race-baiter Al Sharpton that she would use tax dollars for reparations if she becomes President

>>21519673 Q post #1 was 2,500 days ago

>>21518916, >>21518928, >>21519031, >>21519036, >>21519049, >>21519052, >>21519054, >>21519132, >>21519190, >>21519215, >>21519357, >>21519444, >>21519451, >>21519514, >>21519531, >>21519598, >>21519631, >>21519669, >>21519681 Memes

>>21519685 #26364

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c215f7 No.21520571

#26363 >>21518042

>>21518100, >>21518094, >>21518088 LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

>>21518101 Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

>>21518128 Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

>>21518152 >>21518152 Senator @TomCottonAR SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos…

>>21518156, >>21518304, >>21518618, >>21518650 Planefaggin

>>21518204, >>21518171 Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

>>21518187 Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

>>21518189 ‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

>>21518198 Adele announces indefinite hiatus from music: ‘You won’t see me for an incredibly long time’

>>21518218 Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

>>21518224, >>21518559, >>21518536 PSA: How to pour a beer.

>>21518231 Don't get distracted; Epstein's clients are still raping children.

>>21518233 No one is safe with Kamala's open border.

>>21518240 Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

>>21518258 Russian government lists threats to country’s youth

>>21518291 Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal; protesters block Ayalon Highway

>>21518301 Meet your new neighbors if Kamala wins.

>>21518303 Bank of England staff told to share pronouns and use ‘gender neutral’ language

>>21518311 Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

>>21518314 Zelensky fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss

>>21518345 On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

>>21518349 Kiev warns about millions of illegal firearms in circulation

>>21518380 Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court

>>21518394 The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'

>>21518403 Medvedev believes he knows why Kiev wants Donbass

>>21518515 Israeli medics are systematically mass r*ping female patients in psychiatric mental hospital wards.

>>21518547 49er Ricky Pearsall Shot In Chest During San Francisco Robbery; Mom Gives Update

>>21518579 @realDonaldTrump - We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders.

>>21518593 6 Israeli tourists were stabbed in Taba, Egypt. The fight started after the Israelis refused to pay their bill at a 5 star hotel.

>>21518620 Black people. What makes you think you have to remain in an ABUSIVE relationship with the Democrats?

>>21518640 Wow check out all the boats that came out to support President Donald Trump in liberal blue Massachusetts!

>>21518644 Goya CEO slams Biden-Harris admin as ‘complicit’ in child and drug trafficking at border

>>21518759 Major shopping mall opposite the Pentagon is on lockdown with 'high-level government official inside'

>>21518804 Historic Shift: Right-Wing AfD Poised for Landmark Victory in German State Election, Exit Polls — Despite Constant Persecution by Globalist Elites

>>21518844 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>21518886 #26363

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c215f7 No.21520572

#26362 >>21517410

>>21517445 POINTS for callin Palindrome Bread Digits Bravo Zulu

>>21517424 Kamala Trashes 13 Gold Star Families

>>21517427, >>21517429 Health experts fear RFK Jr.’s ‘dangerous’ influence on Trump

>>21517431 Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich column published Friday that Elon Musk was "out of control," and argued he needed to be reined in

>>21517433, >>21517548, >>21517624 Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft

>>21517440, >>21517443 When I criticize international central banksters and their corporate flunkies and political/academic/media prostitutes, I'm careful not to conflate them with all Jews.

>>21517444, >>21517676 NH Supremes rule schools can keep parents in the dark about gender transitions

>>21517459 Robert F. Kennedy Jr & John Stossel Debate the Science & Propaganda Behind Childhood Vaccines

>>21517495 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Live at Limitless Expo

>>21517537 Uk: Children found dead all aged under four - police

>>21517581 SF-Usha Chilukuri Vance, the wife of Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, has left her job as a corporate litigator at Munger, Tolles & Olson

>>21517610 1992 a real Communist Party USA Meeting was held in California at the University of Berkeley, Obama Administration

>>21517617 50 Cent says celebs are 'silent' on Diddy because 'they've been to his parties.’ Do you think he is right?

>>21517618 PDJT: Comrade Kamala

>>21517634 State-funded media trying to convince people that having kids is a public health concern?!? They’re literally on a crusade to destroy families and depopulate the world.

>>21517636 The exact moment Bobby became the enemy of the deep state.

>>21517641 "Tirelessly."

>>21517659 NBC's @kwelkernbc tried to excuse the fact that Kamala has never reached out to the Gold Star families of the 13 fallen service members from Abbey Gate by saying she and Biden "met with them during the dignified transfer."

>>21517700 Ukraine's Representative to UN hints Lavrov may have already passed away

>>21517701 Tim Walz’s brother hints at getting on stage with Trump to endorse him


>>21517793 Kamala Harris pledged free healthcare for illegals. They're coming to collect.

>>21517813 Jack Smith Surrenders: Special Counsel Will Not Seek Expedited Hearings in Donald Trump Case

>>21517847 They started it. They'll finish it.


>>21517888, >>21517891 On October 7, Hersh Goldberg-Polin — an American citizen — was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. He was just 23 years old, attending a music festival with friends. We now know he was murdered by Hamas.

>>21517787, >>21517769, >>21517655, >>21517662, >>21517645, >>21517682 The memes we all need

>>21518031 #26362

Previously Collected

>>21517224 #26360, >>21517397 #26361

>>21515004 #26357, >>21514503 #26358, >>21515433 #26359

>>21510683 #26354, >>21512199 #26355, >>21512818 #26356

>>21508342 #26351, >>21509125 #26352, >>21509897 #26353

>>21505350 #26348, >>21506599 #26349, >>21507425 #26350

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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c215f7 No.21520573

File: d501e83810ca91f⋯.png (626.81 KB,405x720,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)



baker is ghosted protocol

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6b435f No.21520576

File: e1d0a9da67e08bd⋯.jpg (364.16 KB,1200x900,4:3,gettyimages_148453972_f2fb….jpg)

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6b435f No.21520580

File: ea8dc824cc325b9⋯.png (143.34 KB,642x549,214:183,ClipboardImage.png)

Ian Miles Cheong

@stillgray 1h

Mark Cuban held mock presidential elections on 𝕏 and the results didn’t go his way. Now he’s demanding that anonymous accounts be banned from the platform—effectively making an argument for the need for voter ID.

He checkmated himself.

Sep 2, 2024 · 4:44 AM UTC


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8d3e02 No.21520581

File: afc8b55a5afa9ad⋯.mp4 (416.05 KB,492x276,41:23,afc8b55a5afa9ad5df432952b6….mp4)

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aae233 No.21520587

File: f925ef98ad62e32⋯.png (339.53 KB,680x527,40:31,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21519281 pb

>Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It

Probably the low battery of a COTS UPS NASA billed us 100x for.

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20692e No.21520592

Trump selling pieces of his "knockout suit" with purchase digitial trading cards? Is this some sort of comms regarding human trafficking perhaps.

"Pieces of" and "trading" catches my tingles.

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e10cf0 No.21520595


What were the results? I can't make it out.

PS. Cuban is a douche bag.

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6f2d3f No.21520601

File: 53fc5cb0408703f⋯.png (2.07 MB,1692x3649,1692:3649,2024_09_01_23_03_45.png)

Time for a spam break.

sorry, shitposters….

Good time for anons to consider becoming proto members.

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6f2d3f No.21520602


>>18561054 PROTO Instructions

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6f2d3f No.21520604

File: 309616142ad3587⋯.png (121.81 KB,894x576,149:96,2024_09_01_23_27_23.png)

Michael Shellenberger


Thousands of Brazilians are resisting the order by the Dictators Moraes and Lula. They include journalists and Senators from Left, Right, and center. And people in the federal capital, Brasilia, are able to access X without VPN. Moraes’ immoral censorship crusade is doomed.


Sergio Moro @SF_Moro

I am a Senator of the Republic for Paraná, and I have material immunity for opinions, words and votes. This part of the Federal Constitution is in full force. If you believe that it has been revoked or suspended, let me know first. I will continue to post my opinions, including criticisms, as always without personal offense, on this network that is an important instrument of the mandate and a means of communication with the people of Paraná and the international community. P.S.: Until the court decision is reviewed for its illegality and disproportionality, I asked a friend in the US to post from there on my network. If the press can use correspondents, I can use my friends abroad.



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6ce9aa No.21520605


>Time for a spam break.


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6b435f No.21520606

File: dea666282a91ac2⋯.png (21.15 KB,622x214,311:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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453f83 No.21520607

File: 162bc0e258d84f4⋯.png (1.1 MB,1372x776,343:194,Screenshot_2024_09_02_0143….png)

Most of today’s vaccines are developed with ABORTED FETAL CELL LINES – Here’s the full list


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6ce9aa No.21520608



Almost 33% vs 66%… sounds familiar…///

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6f2d3f No.21520609


they do it on purpose

sometimes prayer is the only sane response to insanity

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bbc479 No.21520611


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0e5400 No.21520612

File: 62406b02ba3cf75⋯.png (1.05 MB,737x1598,737:1598,1725256988714.png)

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453f83 No.21520614


simply a psa for unvetted eyes to become aware is all

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6b435f No.21520617

File: 70c2194ba3086da⋯.png (116.63 KB,621x538,621:538,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d55b0e002e1a768⋯.jpg (62.07 KB,450x500,9:10,harry_s_stamper_armageddon….jpg)

File: 240250e15e6445b⋯.png (110.42 KB,618x589,618:589,ClipboardImage.png)

ABC13 Houston

@abc13houston 2h

NASA spacecraft collision may have created a meteor shower that will last for 100 years

NASA wanted to see whether a kinetic impact would be enough to change the motion of a celestial object in space,some compare it to the plot of "Armageddon."


Sep 2, 2024 · 4:20 AM UTC


What are the odds?

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a89111 No.21520618

File: 7b0cb1296211204⋯.png (2.82 MB,2181x951,727:317,Stollen_Bread.png)




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bbc479 No.21520619

starting to think the chicken farms that set on fire may not be chicken farms

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0be686 No.21520620


Patriots in control

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ecd789 No.21520621

is it over?

am I allowed back now?

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6f2d3f No.21520622


no one under 18 is allowed to post here

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3fa1d3 No.21520623

File: 3150591a194a5ab⋯.gif (2.08 MB,300x363,100:121,3150591a194a5ab1ab0584766d….gif)

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30c711 No.21520624


We identify as competent

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aae233 No.21520625

File: 857e5d36ffd9bf3⋯.png (963.78 KB,1022x666,511:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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c4aeab No.21520626


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6ce9aa No.21520627



What is

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6b435f No.21520628

File: adf66529f8e5676⋯.jpg (123.02 KB,1200x630,40:21,media_GSZYDctWoAAHw5c.jpg)

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724fa3 No.21520629

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4c15ca No.21520630

9 days left till the 23rd Anniversary of 911 and still the truth has not been revealed after all this time.

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4407e0 No.21520631


Long-standing policy here at 8kun is to not comment on pending investigations.

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724fa3 No.21520632

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6ce9aa No.21520633


>Long-standing policy here at 8kun is to not comment on pending investigations.

Since when..//

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c32ea5 No.21520634


this new.

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b6514c No.21520635

Polin’a parent spoke at DNC in support for Kamala

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bbc479 No.21520636

File: a8063c4844aa97c⋯.png (369.59 KB,1050x950,21:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c5967e77c94665⋯.png (113.93 KB,803x357,803:357,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ce9aa No.21520637

File: 06fe473d6a4e892⋯.png (16.69 KB,598x44,299:22,ClipboardImage.png)


>this new.

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0a35b1 No.21520638


utter bullshit.

nesara is a meme.

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6ce9aa No.21520639


This is already happening…///

Promise to give you a little when it goes online… //

Just remember to be on the Two Taco team…//

The Beast isn't going to like us much… but you'll get to eat … ///

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fdba12 No.21520640

File: 271e4e3d613392d⋯.gif (27.53 KB,198x188,99:94,muppets.gif)


>Good time for anons to consider becoming proto members.

If I didn't know better, I'd almost think theSPAMwas coordinated in an effort to push anons to pay you.

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0be686 No.21520641


what exactly would I want AI to do with my money?

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b0ccf4 No.21520642


after researching and debating and finding a few new friends to discuss 9/11 with by 2005/8… it was already considered possible by that time, that the general population may have been sufficiently dumb-down, brainwashed, propagandized and traumatized by the Terror Attack… that a general understanding of the truth of 9/11 would never be publicly known before an eventual Collapse of America (precipitated by the 9/11 act itself, fundamentally an act and response based in Treason).

here we are today.

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a8ab60 No.21520643

File: 3f91313b6e40255⋯.jpg (38 KB,1080x148,270:37,20240902_011309.jpg)

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aae233 No.21520644

File: 8677e37ec1365f2⋯.png (382.49 KB,632x443,632:443,ClipboardImage.png)


You just know they'll never admit it

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6ce9aa No.21520645

File: 1ad9bd0f558cf60⋯.png (174.85 KB,1160x212,290:53,ClipboardImage.png)


Remember this POST !!!

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0e5400 No.21520646

File: 1728ca581abdc68⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB,384x288,4:3,file_store_58.mp4)


Saved this weird 9/11 video from the board years ago

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73439f No.21520647

File: b4aa3d25ccfa8c4⋯.png (1.29 MB,702x707,702:707,h6534653g643.PNG)


ThankYou Baker!

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aae233 No.21520648


You want it to eliminate bureaucratic inefficiencies like Ukraine, Israel, NATO, the UN, BIS, the Fed and 98% of fake governance.

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364ed7 No.21520649


No doubt. They stood down for 7 hours. Why? Any IDF soldier can assure that a cat can't get into Israel from Gaza without them knowing about it in real time. This was planned and orchestrated. A sub-plot to the movie…

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6b9d0d No.21520650

Evenin’ Nightshift

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364ed7 No.21520651


This is why we need a like button…

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6b435f No.21520652

File: 9e51924bc0b802f⋯.png (22.06 KB,612x167,612:167,ClipboardImage.png)


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b0ccf4 No.21520653


as Turn Blossom once said '[they] put out the lie, and while the public goes on and on debating The Lie, they put out another Lie and continue on with their hidden plan' *paraphrasing*

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1c7590 No.21520654


>23rd anniversary

>Pain @ 23

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b0ccf4 No.21520655


TURD Blossom

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0be686 No.21520656


if those things are indeed eliminated, I don’t need AI to manage them

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fdba12 No.21520657

File: 98ab2ab3c1e53ed⋯.gif (869.66 KB,380x211,380:211,kickstart.gif)

Pull back the veil of 8Kun and discover the Reddit that lurks beneath

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0be686 No.21520658


the whole movie is Jewish tricks

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fd13f6 No.21520659

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c3778e No.21520660


The White hats on our side surely know, as I explicitly told them but as for the rest of the populace, it really hasn't gone viral. We need a high profile person to make it go viral.

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6b435f No.21520661

File: f8bf9b407463bb9⋯.png (314.19 KB,601x460,601:460,ClipboardImage.png)

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fdba12 No.21520662

File: 96725bb74e3ebde⋯.png (1.1 MB,1200x974,600:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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0be686 No.21520663


>on our side

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bbc479 No.21520664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

agenda 21

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a45ef5 No.21520665


Here is proof that it was an inside job. When I asked for an autopsy report to see if the shooter was shot in the back of the head, within a day or so, the body was cremated. His remains are probably now mixed Osama bin Laden's which makes distinguishing them apart the real challenge.

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a45ef5 No.21520666


Not worth saving.

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08e291 No.21520667


Trust the plan.

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f82dd6 No.21520668


Correct, for 30 years every Palestinian goes through an armed checkpoint how is it that 750 paragliders can float over that same border, with visibly armed men, flying only 100 feet in the air at 20 mph dragging a 50 foot parachute and no one notices for 3 hours r until they get away with hundreds of hostages? Most Israelis carry if not small arms, definitely a cellphone, and most adults served at least one year in the military. Hamas is the Mossad, that is how.

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6aa914 No.21520669


no one cares.

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77426e No.21520670

File: 91e478c3bd76231⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,480x480,1:1,Pentagon_911_2.mp4)

File: 6c7db26bf526c4e⋯.mp4 (843.14 KB,576x1024,9:16,Pentagon_911.mp4)

File: 9d0c549fd57a15d⋯.jpg (23.93 KB,474x257,474:257,Pentagon_JetSize.jpg)


>worth saving.

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9540be No.21520671




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77426e No.21520672

File: b53875312b4b387⋯.png (381.43 KB,1020x954,170:159,Jew_Hamas_rapeNOT.png)

File: 71e7b16eba7206b⋯.jpg (39.55 KB,480x356,120:89,Israil_ISSiS.jpg)


>Hamas is the Mossad

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9540be No.21520673


Total shit, go to the potato box.

10 mins

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9540be No.21520674


JFK wasn't killed, he was murdered.

Excecuted in front of the whole world.

Be precise with your words.

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4dc801 No.21520675


We know by a series of methods and logical reasoning about each and every facet scrutinized to figure out the truth of how these functions exist by testing each and everyone. I could give an entire discourse on how to interrogate for truth that go far beyond observation, although essential, is only a partial equation at best.

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6b435f No.21520676

File: 40a0dad07371856⋯.png (426.58 KB,616x585,616:585,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Army



The chances of being born triplets are one in 10,000. The chances of them joining the military and being stationed together on the same base are one in a million.

U.S. Army Spcs. Wyatt, Noah and Liam Corley reunite at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii ➡️ army.mil/article/279084

Sep 2, 2024 · 1:03 AM UTC




>What are the odds?

Everything is possible.

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9f4451 No.21520677


i met my maker, so I have no fear, and once fear is removed, all that is left is pure will. It is up to each and everyone of us to know and be known.

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364ed7 No.21520678


Do we have DNA proof of the dead body, supposedly the Crooks kid. Who just happens to be buddies with Roger Fink? We sprayed off the roof top in less than 24-36 hours. That's kinda weird. Where is Maxwell Yearick? I think he was the patsy's pasty….

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e35e98 No.21520679


pathetic platitudinous poppycock

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45e190 No.21520680

File: 5c5f8a14621c2d7⋯.mp4 (7.26 MB,480x360,4:3,TUBE_TECH_The_End_Vanguard….mp4)

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9f4451 No.21520681


>the whole movie is Jewish tricks

That is definitely a probable end case.

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3411a5 No.21520682

you niggers are fucking stupid.

no one should come here just

to be misled.

(you) should all an hero…

like a proper cult.

shut it down jim,

it is doing moar harm than good.

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9f4451 No.21520683


Correct, the white hats on our side and even the enemy knows, we know the truth.

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e34db4 No.21520684

File: c6df353c53a095f⋯.webp (108.84 KB,1024x512,2:1,IMG_3628.webp)

“ How dare Trump go lay flowers on the fallen soldier's tombs, just because their families asked him to," said Vice President Harris. "It's disgusting – showing up to a memorial service you were invited to. Anyway, why should he be the one invited when I'm the one who got them killed?"

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b5ece1 No.21520685


>Trust the plan.

You cannot trust the plan if you do not know it, period. You trust what you know. The best we can do is have faith and give the benefit of the doubt that there are others that hold our same values of truth because truth saves lives and lies will cover up even genocide.

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6ce9aa No.21520686


Since when does having faith not include trust…///

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b5ece1 No.21520687


These are worth saving.

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a5e4bb No.21520688


Correct, ISIS was the Mossad also. They would treat their wounded warriors in Israel and ISIS never attacked Israel. The Caliphate was Jewish too. Yet no one publicly calls them out. The shekel is mightier than the sword thus far.

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08e291 No.21520689


Trust Sessions.

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45e190 No.21520690

File: 9ede193874eda66⋯.mp4 (5.64 MB,426x240,71:40,Magic_Sword_In_The_Face_Of….mp4)

Heb 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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c84bb1 No.21520691

File: dba7515381c91ca⋯.png (360.61 KB,1645x820,329:164,ClipboardImage.png)



>pathetic platitudinous poppycock

nah, different alliteration with Ps: "Patsy. Proxy. Pro."

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2167ac No.21520692


>he was murdered.

100% true. How is it that we can watch JFK's head blown off for over 70 years yet we cannot handle the truth about his assassination and therefor it must be classified. Classified just means legally covered up and protected by deadly force.

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c32ea5 No.21520693


you sheep are ludicrous.

keep playing at being men.

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2167ac No.21520694


E Plurus Unum.

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fdba12 No.21520695

File: 28770be69b4c3cb⋯.png (235.3 KB,266x377,266:377,ClipboardImage.png)


>the masquerade

interdasting choice of word

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9f4451 No.21520696


Another cover up, thank God Trump is putting Kennedy in charge of investigating assassinations; that was a brilliant move and he should really play that one up at his rallies, the crowd would go wild. You want justice, you want truth? How about someone who wants it more than anyone of you who has suffered tremendous loss in his family being put in charge of getting your questions answered? We do not take the Lord's Name in vain when we say, "It is going to be Biblical".

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45e190 No.21520697

File: 6cc4f4fe8c328eb⋯.webp (84.2 KB,1024x1024,1:1,PUNISHER_SKULL_BLACK_TIRE….webp)

Jer 51:44

And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he hath swallowed up: and the nations shall not flow together any more unto him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall.

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b0ccf4 No.21520698


extrapolating from some cryptic shit Dick Cheney said, he felt that 9/11 was 'necessary' to launch the 9/11 Wars. The wars that Dick wanted as much as anything else in his whole wide world. He expected that people would eventually sing camp fire songs about his greatness. Lots of neocons when confronted with difficult 9/11 facts, STILL argued that 'even if it was an inside job', "ya still have to trust that Dick and Gov and Intel must know what they are doing and just Trust the Plan'. *still paraphrasing*

Here we are today a quadtrillion dollars in debt (most of that since 9/11), the dumbest generation ever, fake "Democracy" and a Constitution almost completely forgotten.

i will NEVER 'trust some plan' that i can not see and examine. However, these past years with all this q-stuff… prayer is the only Plan i have left to trust/faith.

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9f4451 No.21520699


>pathetic platitudinous poppycock

My knowledge doesn't end in your beliefs nor understanding but yours does.

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45e190 No.21520700

File: b42530971f07eaa⋯.png (7.16 KB,602x52,301:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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0dfc0a No.21520701


>Since when does having faith not include trust

When you haven't completed that faith which then becomes knowledge.

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45e190 No.21520702


Dead wrong.

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fdba12 No.21520703

File: c4ae660283120c6⋯.png (390.05 KB,500x498,250:249,wat.png)


>haven't completed that faith

That's a weird way of talking about faith.

Faith is not an action that can be completed. Faith is a state of mind.

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6dce66 No.21520704


>Trust Sessions.

He made the indictments, so he did his job.

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45e190 No.21520705


Fatal error.

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fdba12 No.21520706



I'm still alive.


Faith is not a state of mind?

Faith is the irrational belief in something without a proper reason, i.e. a state of mind.

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45e190 No.21520707


Faith is a verb. The act of choosing to Trust. Biblical. Read the Bible. God Wins.

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b0ccf4 No.21520708


maybe you are advanced autistic (or just schizophrenic Bot) but what the Spring of the year 911 has to do with the Fall of 2001… i have no idea.

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c52a1e No.21520709


nice cope.

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51016c No.21520710


> hoped for

It is an assertion of truth. The evidence is the thing hoped for. When it comes true then it becomes knowledge and no longer faith or hope but a tangible truth. Amen?

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fdba12 No.21520711


Does faith only pertain to your Religion?

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c52a1e No.21520712


head full of other men's thoughts and thinks it thinks.


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fdba12 No.21520713



>The act of choosing to Trust

No… you don't 'do' faith. You have faith.

Faith is not an action.

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c52a1e No.21520714

fucking hell (you) are pathetic.

far worse than libtards.

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ad9452 No.21520715



faith is given in measure to each man by The Father.

everything else too, but meh.

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4fa357 No.21520716

File: 583c7393a083491⋯.png (328.93 KB,563x396,563:396,ClipboardImage.png)

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45e190 No.21520717

File: 51fa9d635927659⋯.png (20.49 KB,970x270,97:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8a524018abfb31⋯.png (18.12 KB,578x145,578:145,ClipboardImage.png)


Simple. Truth may be fractal in complexity, but it is never complicated.

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a3feb0 No.21520718


one of the stupider things uttered here

for reasons forever beyond it.

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2efb15 No.21520719


That is the right attitude, we put confidence and faith in those that exemplify our values but you can never trust what you do not know, that is called validation. I can say for myself and without a doubt, as a witness, that God is truly with us and in the end God's Will will be done. But do not trust me, go see for yourself.

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a3feb0 No.21520720


any proof

for any word?




this is why you lost.

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45e190 No.21520721

File: e36437580d70617⋯.mp4 (11.99 MB,640x360,16:9,IN_THE_AIR_TONIGHT_Phil_Co….mp4)

It's Moab Monday. Patriots.

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da1205 No.21520722

File: a804b1efdfdf9e2⋯.jpg (567.01 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240901_072714….jpg)

File: 11b7a5f4d6714ce⋯.jpg (16.19 KB,474x266,237:133,th_852209570.jpg)

File: a6840ba6492157e⋯.jpg (107.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,img_0643_244803778.jpg)

File: 0d57f19d092ff4e⋯.jpg (27.97 KB,474x592,237:296,th_1727436524.jpg)

File: 5d2c332b2c97ed1⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_193851….jpg)



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fdba12 No.21520723

File: 40bd15eb961eeb9⋯.jpg (88.67 KB,644x960,161:240,ComplicatedBong.jpg)


>The act of choosing to Trust.

And even if I granted you this definition. Just for the sake of argument.

How does, completing the act of choosing to Trust turn into knowledge?

What constitutes completing that action. The act of choosing.

The act of choosing has nothing to do with knowledge, you can choose something you know nothing about about and you can make choices you didn't know you made.

To recap

>completed that faith

Is a completely meaningless phrase.

Have a good day.

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035b90 No.21520724

File: 85799ebd91d7360⋯.jpg (280.52 KB,800x1200,2:3,20240902_023046.jpg)

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c34830 No.21520725


Not wrong, you just haven't really thought about it long enough, you will see it is correct. There is a difference between having faith you a $1 million dollars in the bank and knowing that you do. Remember, the Bible said, in things hoped for. Once you have it, it is no longer hope but realized and knowledge of.

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c846d3 No.21520726


>Faith is a state of mind.

Correct, but when that faith is completed, it in no longer in the mind but actualized. I am not trying to diminish anyone's faith but letting them know that the miracle lies in the actualization otherwise it remains as hope. If you cannot prove that your prayers work then it would be best to go do work that you can actualize.

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da1205 No.21520727

File: 8fa61903f6af220⋯.jpg (137.25 KB,1024x1024,1:1,genghiskhan2_1024x1024_208….jpg)

File: 1db102b037492fa⋯.jpg (92.47 KB,671x1000,671:1000,Mona_Lisa_oil_wood_panel_L….jpg)

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45e190 No.21520728

File: 37e91f4823f0216⋯.jpg (193.21 KB,1664x1248,4:3,Bildsten_fr_n_Smiss_Gotlan….jpg)

"Screams Before Silence."

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9eebd0 No.21520730


I talk mainly out of my own originality, and that is why when I say something, people like you just can't grok it because no one ever said this nor was it written anywhere; so you attack the messenger and not the message because you can't. Now go laugh in the mirror.

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fdba12 No.21520731


>but when that faith is completed

See → >>21520723

Why are you phrasing it like that when all you mean to say was that you were 'vindicated in your faith'.

Did you fail to 'complete' the faith if you turned out to trust wrong?

Hope and faith are good equivalents.

You can have faith in/hope for things that are not true and/or will not become true.

Faith and knowledge are not in the same realms.

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8b7491 No.21520732

File: c5d617ac32e6788⋯.mp4 (67.67 KB,331383864412196635.mp4)

File: 8aa05e86656c539⋯.mp4 (5.79 MB,352x256,11:8,_4915260238196015877.mp4)

File: 37dfce67ade2ba3⋯.jpeg (113.92 KB,800x799,800:799,IMG_8413.jpeg)

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9de07f No.21520733


>Faith is not an action.

Actually it is because it is a persistence which is an action. By repetition and a clean heart, it can become a manifestation or reality based upon the principle of willed reality. If you really listen to what I say, and take into consideration what I said about prayer, you will achieve eventually.

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77426e No.21520734

File: 0c448cb7ec333a3⋯.png (792.98 KB,731x1280,731:1280,ADL_Letter.png)

File: 40f3537f86bf34c⋯.jpg (95.83 KB,600x424,75:53,Jew_911_artStudents2.jpg)

File: c04d1d75f9e92c8⋯.jpg (141.96 KB,1000x893,1000:893,Jew_911_artStudents.jpg)


>worth saving #2

Calling Out? ummm Not sure that will make a diff… but fingersX

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fdba12 No.21520735


>it is a persistence which is an action

Is love an action?

And no, I don't mean the act of having sex… you pervert. kek

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45e190 No.21520736

File: 14bafd73e799c26⋯.png (16.66 KB,672x134,336:67,ClipboardImage.png)


Jesus was born Sept. 11.. the Fall. Was His crucifixion in Spring?

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b14982 No.21520737


So, you consider someone who has seen God's Light to have lost? I may lose everything in this world, but I already know what happens in the end to me and people like you. You bank here, I have already seen my inheritance that no man can steal, beg for, nor borrow. You are sure of nothing except your neighbor.

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9c73a9 No.21520738


Goodnight Gracie!

That's as bad as the table that turns you gay.

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45e190 No.21520739

File: e3d269f2b3b35a8⋯.jpg (254.33 KB,703x900,703:900,the_destruction_of_leviath….jpg)

Nothing but you is stopping you from reading the Bible and looking up the words. Fear stops Learning. If you're not up for the Biblical Great Awakening, what exactly are you down for?

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0a46f3 No.21520740

File: 4231f3a004579bb⋯.jpg (64.72 KB,640x480,4:3,923m2u.jpg)

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b0ccf4 No.21520741


even if Stubblebine had some good information and tried to get it out to the general public… unfortunately the Gov/Intel/Media were successful at dragging him through the mud of that Men Who Stare at Goats and him 'trying to walk through walls until her got a headache'.

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77426e No.21520742

File: a68627bc7021b2d⋯.png (1.19 MB,1040x749,1040:749,a68627bc7021b2d1cde4c74930….png)

File: 25ef6e0c1817783⋯.png (641.15 KB,775x826,775:826,Spies_Who_Lied.png)


>Jesus was born Sept. 11

9-11 ya say?

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ed2bfc No.21520743

File: 426ef7282db2e12⋯.jpg (26.86 KB,255x252,85:84,26d168a4f4efd620be832a477f….jpg)

truth vs spam


Joh_14:27 PeaceG1515 I leaveG863 with you,G5213 myG1699 peaceG1515 I giveG1325 unto you:G5213 notG3756 asG2531 theG3588 worldG2889 giveth,G1325 giveG1325 IG1473 unto you.G5213 Let notG3361 yourG5216 heartG2588 be troubled,G5015 neitherG3366 let it be afraid.G1168

Joh_16:33 These thingsG5023 I have spokenG2980 unto you,G5213 thatG2443 inG1722 meG1698 ye might haveG2192 peace.G1515 InG1722 theG3588 worldG2889 ye shall haveG2192 tribulation:G2347 butG235 be of good cheer;G2293 IG1473 have overcomeG3528 theG3588 world.G2889

Joh_20:19 ThenG3767 theG3588 sameG1565 dayG2250 at evening,G3798 beingG5607 theG3588 firstG3391 day of theG3588 week,G4521 whenG2532 theG3588 doorsG2374 were shutG2808 whereG3699 theG3588 disciplesG3101 wereG2258 assembledG4863 forG1223 fearG5401 of theG3588 Jews,G2453 cameG2064 JesusG2424 andG2532 stoodG2476 inG1519 theG3588 midst,G3319 andG2532 saithG3004 unto them,G846 PeaceG1515 be unto you.G5213

Joh_20:21 ThenG3767 saidG2036 JesusG2424 to themG846 again,G3825 PeaceG1515 be unto you:G5213 asG2531 my FatherG3962 hath sentG649 me,G3165 even so send IG2504 G3992 you.G5209

Joh_20:26 AndG2532 afterG3326 eightG3638 daysG2250 againG3825 hisG846 disciplesG3101 wereG2258 within,G2080 andG2532 ThomasG2381 withG3326 them:G846 then cameG2064 Jesus,G2424 theG3588 doorsG2374 being shut,G2808 andG2532 stoodG2476 inG1519 theG3588 midst,G3319 andG2532 said,G2036 PeaceG1515 be unto you.G5213 peace

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b0ccf4 No.21520744


fucking robot programed to scramble everything, or just focus upon important stuff? Eh?

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d89c99 No.21520745


>Faith and knowledge are not in the same realms.

Correct, all these terms: Faith and hope, Knowledge and knowing, Trust and Choice are delineated. Understanding these correctly, will give you a solid foundation in, for lack of better terms, integrity and fortitude. If you "had" the faith of a mustard seed, you could move mountains. Contemplate that one, it will take a few years at best.

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b53e60 No.21520746

Hey Anons

Does anyone know if it's been discussed before.

That the election happens on Guy Fawkes day.

Maybe it's just a coincidence or nothing at all. Seems like a fucking cool day for freedom against the crown of England to go down.

Remember Remember the 5th of November

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0e5400 No.21520747

File: a46e5846d3b6dde⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,640x360,16:9,a46e5846d3b6ddef03f92a3971….mp4)

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0e5400 No.21520748

File: 00f9c4e7e45a7ca⋯.jpg (177.79 KB,1170x1146,195:191,20240823_152806.jpg)

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fdba12 No.21520749

File: 90edf9caa4cc7d4⋯.gif (1.99 MB,498x371,498:371,rick_james_cocaine.gif)


>If you "had" the faith of a mustard seed, you could move mountains.

>Contemplate that one

>it will take a few years at best.

You ain't lying.

Since mustard seeds don't have agency or consciousness they cannot by definition have 'faith'.

Second, moving mountains. You mean like up-rooting them? Pushing the tectonic plates? Or metaphorically like how Muhammed refused to go to the mountains so the mountains went to him? (I butchered that idiom).

So indeed, figuring out what ever you mean by that nonsense statement would take me years and I'm sure I still wouldn't get any closer.

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0e5400 No.21520750

File: 13501275f4d237f⋯.jpg (233.54 KB,1170x1134,65:63,20240823_153013.jpg)

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3dc41e No.21520751

File: b972fd90db53fdd⋯.png (1.01 MB,793x808,793:808,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0a574 No.21520752


how the fuck is it possible that it flew so low? where did it come from?

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a25c2e No.21520753



It was already demonstrated, I leave that one for you to figure out. Remember, it is never a waste of time if you succeed.

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45e190 No.21520754

File: a08d71bc5adfd1a⋯.png (136.24 KB,1000x421,1000:421,65993.png)

Mar 11:22

And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

Mar 11:23

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Mar 11:24

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

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0e5400 No.21520755

File: 06700710a4b3a78⋯.jpg (185.21 KB,1170x1150,117:115,20240823_152135.jpg)

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fdba12 No.21520756

File: efefc21036c7a2e⋯.png (263.03 KB,502x564,251:282,ClipboardImage.png)


>I leave that one for you to figure out

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8b7491 No.21520757

File: 9f6ab9bf51f8c72⋯.png (569.86 KB,800x429,800:429,21F61BE6_9937_42CA_8BC9_F4….png)

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0e5400 No.21520758

File: da0f155c36fb869⋯.jpg (547.64 KB,2048x2048,1:1,20240823_152122.jpg)

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a25c2e No.21520759



Not possible when you consider that an large plane like they said that hit the pentagon at that height would have to remain intact after hitting utility poles which would not only rip the wings off but cause an explosion beforehand. These people are stupid.

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a0a574 No.21520760


i mean the missile!!


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3dc41e No.21520761

File: d38a13a355137c6⋯.jpg (243.7 KB,1600x902,800:451,91153.jpg)

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a0a574 No.21520762


where did that missile come from???

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0e5400 No.21520763

File: 7dddd2f613020b9⋯.jpg (685.74 KB,2048x2048,1:1,20240823_152638.jpg)

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a0a574 No.21520764



is this shopped?

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45e190 No.21520765

File: b6dd919746517a7⋯.png (2.55 MB,800x1200,2:3,Anonymus_szobra_a_V_roslig….png)


>Remember Remember the 5th of November

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b6b774 No.21520766


The real problem for most, is that they say, I will believe that when I see it, when in fact, it is the other way around. But there is more to it than just this, for example, your cause has to be just not only in man's eyes but God's eyes.

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b0ccf4 No.21520767

File: 66d0f3475fc299e⋯.jpg (24.83 KB,400x227,400:227,lloyd.jpg)


that stupid cab story kinda put some static into their narrative. Often felt that [They] seem to often thrive most when the public is hard at work debating the 'details'. what a fucking mess [they] have made.

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b6b774 No.21520768


No one is special, but anyone can specialize.

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fdba12 No.21520769

File: 6e6c8b819677924⋯.gif (688.16 KB,220x255,44:51,flailingRetard.gif)


>No one is special


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b6b774 No.21520770


>where did that missile come from???

You should ask Bush, Cheney, or Rumsfeld.

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3dc41e No.21520771


you tell me

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09a2ec No.21520772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I wish I was special.

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51eb4c No.21520773


How the fuck is it that there is not more and better video of the attack on the Pentagon?

There are more cameras per sq/ft at the Pentagon than just about any place on Earth.

The only vids are from cameras some distance away and are incredibly low res and grainy.

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06df20 No.21520774


>Is love an action?

No, it is a state of mind that requires action.

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043807 No.21520775




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8b7491 No.21520776

File: d818e39c4cacedd⋯.jpg (132.83 KB,701x395,701:395,IMG_5215.JPG)

File: aeb216b416a97e9⋯.jpg (153.09 KB,990x530,99:53,IMG_5218.JPG)

File: 455a8df1523fb8c⋯.jpg (113.35 KB,767x472,13:8,IMG_5216.JPG)

File: 3700ed00e4ea1e9⋯.jpg (276.05 KB,1019x574,1019:574,IMG_5217.JPG)


That’s a fake shop job. That cruise missile is also too small.

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30c711 No.21520777


[If elections were a complete failure because of…

..electronic machines

..fiction fraud since ~1999.

There's always the spontaneous combustion option.]

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45e190 No.21520778


Mankind is repressed. Lied to for Ages. No More.

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043807 No.21520779


total bullshit.

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043807 No.21520780

you niggers are fucked.

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77426e No.21520781

File: 60467600ce85b0c⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Pentagon_2_3Trillion.mp4)


>How the fuck is it that there is not more and better video of the attack on the Pentagon?

>There are more cameras per sq/ft at the Pentagon than just about any place on Earth


Did ya consider "inside job", inet wiped?

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fdba12 No.21520782


>No, it is a state of mind that requires action.


Requiring an action and being an action is not the same thing.

But I thought (you, IP hopping I assume, said):

>persistence which is an action

and love is persistent, so why is it not an action?

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b0ccf4 No.21520783

File: 09db682c7cfa304⋯.webp (28.72 KB,600x493,600:493,239a.webp)

File: 1dbda76445e2981⋯.webp (57.44 KB,640x480,4:3,Picture036.webp)

File: 3322dc91439cc49⋯.webp (27.49 KB,438x292,3:2,IMG_9246.webp)

File: 66d0f3475fc299e⋯.jpg (24.83 KB,400x227,400:227,lloyd.jpg)


the entire Story of 9/11 is one gigantic middle finger to humanity… a middle finger of such gigantic size, that people just "can't believe" that Gov/Intel/Media would ever do such a thing.

a lie so big, average people can't believe anyone would try to tell such a big lie. "so it must be True". A complete mind-lock against rationality. The results are everywhere around today (getting parents to take their own children to Doctors for sterilization)

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2509af No.21520784


>Mankind is repressed.

Correct, plus mentally lazy. No one wants to truly know, if they did, they would have testified.

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4fa357 No.21520785

File: 9f39bc22d7f2c60⋯.png (545.15 KB,460x753,460:753,ClipboardImage.png)


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4a79af No.21520786


Love can have varying degrees depending on a host of factors. Persistence can be a small, steady, or large step, as long as it moves in a forward direction.

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45e190 No.21520787

File: d6847698f975a2a⋯.png (2.04 KB,608x85,608:85,faith.png)

Faith is Trusting God to keep His promises. Because He does.

1Ti 6:12

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

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51eb4c No.21520788



>Did ya consider "inside job", inet wiped?

I know.

My questions were retorical for those questioning how low the 'plane' flew.

Same with the 'plane', define airplane.

What is a cruise missile? Is it a plane?

They tell lies and decieve by telling just a partial or distorted truth.

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fdba12 No.21520789

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)


>Love can have varying degrees depending on a host of factors. Persistence can be a small, steady, or large step, as long as it moves in a forward direction.

Now replace 'Love' with 'Faith' in that sentence and tell me how it doesn't fit.

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be18f6 No.21520790


Fear and Greed are powerful motivations.

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0e5400 No.21520791

File: 19789490d73d0bd⋯.png (1.14 MB,711x1043,711:1043,20240902_031721.png)

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45e190 No.21520792


Did you forget to have faith? There are more good than bad. Did you forget what you're here to fight for? Save the world or leave.

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be18f6 No.21520793


>eternal life

Is our's to lose.

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8b7491 No.21520794

File: 66dd55215d703f3⋯.jpeg (647.28 KB,3886x2766,1943:1383,IMG_8428.jpeg)

File: 9dcd78139a9b236⋯.jpeg (35.86 KB,300x180,5:3,IMG_8427.jpeg)

File: 488acd19e3a0503⋯.jpeg (72.94 KB,1300x469,1300:469,IMG_8426.jpeg)

File: 206c737ab47438a⋯.jpeg (303.18 KB,1496x1227,1496:1227,IMG_8429.jpeg)


It’s most likely something like a SCUD missile launched off a converted truck bed.

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45e190 No.21520795


.. you did not create your own spirit. FOOLISH. Wake up.

This board is no longer a safe space for the Darkness.

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45e190 No.21520796

Do you think you OWN something? You do not. God OWNS ALL THINGS.

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0e5400 No.21520797

File: a533fe769e4299d⋯.jpg (115.62 KB,720x668,180:167,20240902_032049.jpg)

File: 3f9c29a66202651⋯.jpg (110.35 KB,820x862,410:431,20240902_031354.jpg)

File: a2c5b1f52891d7f⋯.jpg (284.28 KB,1640x1677,1640:1677,20240902_031356.jpg)

What is going on?


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45e190 No.21520798

Do you think you ignited your own LIFE? You did not. GOD only, gives LIFE.

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30c711 No.21520799


[Chill with the nihilistic blackpills tonight please. People have been poisoned & psyopd beyond reason. Calling someone lazy but they were pushed off their natural path isn't fair.]

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45e190 No.21520800


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5a02be No.21520801


>Now replace 'Love' with 'Faith'

Actually, it is interchangeable because it is a truth. Both are a persistence whether that increment is small, steady, or large because the realization, manifestation, and or actualization are the destination.

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8b7491 No.21520802

File: 34c8a61e5f356d8⋯.jpg (798.1 KB,971x1106,971:1106,BigMike_DFTF_03.jpg)

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77426e No.21520803

File: 08fe0764a6add4c⋯.mp4 (11.06 MB,676x1080,169:270,911_Helo_NO_PLANE.mp4)


>are incredibly low res and grainy.

CGA > VGA > sVGA > xVGA > >>>> 4K >>8K

Vid cameras back then prob VGA/sVGA

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fdba12 No.21520804


>it is interchangeable because it is a truth.

Faith is not truth.

Neither is love.

Faith can lead you to untruths.

You can learn to love evil.

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b0ccf4 No.21520805


(have ya ever heard that recording of Lloyd from around 2010-ish (he didn't know a mic was on)… the man was still terrified of the real perpetrators if he was to say too much of 'the wrong stuff' on camera. How about his wife? She's a weird one.

that guy's Story is just one more absurdity upon ten others, all by himself.

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0b22a5 No.21520806

File: 3dade8dac6b50f7⋯.jpeg (80.82 KB,735x637,15:13,B0B061E5_A220_44D9_98C9_0….jpeg)


So are tendies.

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45e190 No.21520807

What brought you to the Biblical Great Awakening then prevented you, for 7 years, from Reading the Bible?

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3dc41e No.21520808

File: 5f5336b7c8ff0db⋯.jpg (38.25 KB,720x662,360:331,91152.jpg)

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1e99e2 No.21520809


"Nose out" video confirms inside job.

The nose cone of a passenger plane cannot withstand hitting a bird without damage occurring. The fact it shows the entire cockpit exiting the tower from the other side proves without doubt projected airplanes with timed explosives.

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3c5dd6 No.21520810

File: c381485c4d7f008⋯.pdf (7.41 MB,20211214_Keith_Kellogg_Jr_….pdf)

>>21519849 PB

Q — For tweets, you gave the example of Dan Scavino and others in a collaborative process might work with the President. Do you know who would actually you know, type up the tweet and send it out? Was that -

A. — Dan Scavino.

Q — And would he use a device right there in the Oval Office with him or go back and send it?

A — | don't know. | know how the collaborative processes work. He would - if we were there, they would print out on a piece of paper what the tweet would look like and then everybody in the room would have it,okay? And then we'd say, "No, you don't need 'and,' put a 'the," or whatever. You'd go around then. And then Dan would make it. How he did that | don't know.

Q — To your knowledge, did the President himself ever use a cell phone or other device to send out a tweet?

A — | do not know

From page 20-21 of a deposition General Kellogg gave the J6 committee

Fishing for specifics of the collaboration that took place during the time Q was posting

Make it happen baker

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ed2bfc No.21520811

like nailing jello to a tree

mustard seed

???? ?????

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b5ece1 No.21520812


>Did you forget to have faith? There are more good than bad.

This is a world of action, unless you can prove that your prayers work, which is a specialized type of action. If the good do not take action then they are evil. Remember this? There are only two types of people on this earth, even the neutral are evil because they let the good day and evil to flourish. You cannot be good and take no action. I hope you understand, that before Q, I Am.

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45e190 No.21520813

God loves His children even if they choose not to love Him back. We love God because He first loved us. While we were yet sinners.

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0b22a5 No.21520814

File: 0997eebd4fcaee1⋯.png (700.73 KB,552x618,92:103,B6033D82_9983_4A49_B813_31….png)

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45e190 No.21520815

Researches who do not, by choice, read the Prime Text of the Event being researched? Logical? Read the Bible, anons.

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fdba12 No.21520816

File: 10fcb3fe4f06da6⋯.gif (34.17 KB,303x338,303:338,1568415568628.gif)

File: 28aee4dd860851f⋯.png (487.97 KB,640x309,640:309,ClipboardImage.png)


When I'm talking about God, I'm referring to the giant spaghetti monster.

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134a0d No.21520817


>good day

good die

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a0a574 No.21520818


ty, anon

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45e190 No.21520819


No one cares what the Darkness is too afraid to see. THE LIGHT.

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997751 No.21520820

File: f542dd333a29422⋯.mp4 (10.76 MB,720x1280,9:16,An9Vt4JQRD52Sp7Ut3KCmbCn0J….mp4)

Modern Snow White Woke

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b0ccf4 No.21520821

File: f20b34422fb0cb7⋯.jpg (141.16 KB,947x505,947:505,Haensel_und_Gretel_2.jpg)


Juss Remember'n

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65444a No.21520822


Not even gonna give it a (you) because then it would just keep spamming the bread.

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997751 No.21520823

File: dca0f18b2292688⋯.mp4 (6.72 MB,480x270,16:9,The_Pet_Goat_Bush_School.mp4)


almost new year


New Year: September 11/ Leap:12

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45e190 No.21520824

Do Kings Ascend to the Seat of Power?

The Enemy cherishes Bloodlines.

The Enemy lies about Bloodlines.

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fdba12 No.21520825



You mean the THE LIGHT that has controlled the minds of you and your ancestors for generations.

To the point where rulers would put them to death for not swearing allegiance to said 'LIGHT'?

Such a bright light.

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e716ad No.21520826


Now let me state one last thing that I am 100% sure of, and this applies to every living being. To those that deceive, if their actions or propaganda lead others to fall and cause the loss of life, that the Living God Almighty, the Lord of Hosts, will require that blood upon their heads and they will not be forgiven until all that they have caused to stumble are forgiven. And when Ol Sheol can no longer sustain the debt of sin, they will be the first to have their souls blotted out of the Book of Life. On that day, they will wish that their souls were never born. Revelation. Amen.

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3dc41e No.21520827

File: 4cfa4a5ea47cea5⋯.jpg (53.49 KB,686x686,1:1,91136.jpg)

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b0ccf4 No.21520828


kite, hit, steal, plane, must

spellCraft using children, eh?

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3dc41e No.21520829

File: 1285bc90ea52009⋯.png (495.59 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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997751 No.21520830

File: 3bf4a3827043922⋯.mp4 (756.24 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Rachel_Zegler_weird_weird.mp4)

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ed2bfc No.21520831

A Comprehensive List of Food Companies and Products That Use Senomyx (Used Aborted Babies)


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3c5dd6 No.21520832


Explosives placed by Geletin(B-Thing) and E-Team in the years prior to “The Event” while living on the 91st floor free of charge as part of a cultural art students program.

Pictures exist of them wearing repelling gear in WTC and in the background boxes stacked to the ceiling. Number designations on those boxes belong to a type of distribution block used for wiring demolition charges in controlled demolition projects

The remaining smoking gun not yet discovered is proof that the urban movers vans being seen around the WTC or other proof the dancing Israelis who were arrested the day of “the event” were in contact with the Mossad agents imbedded as art students.

The one American who worked for the urban movers is one eye witness who could provide those details. He stated that he eventually quit his job due to continued antiamerican banter that occurred on numerous occasions.

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30c711 No.21520833


[There's always a change when you translate.

Why cant we just learn to read the original format and be happy with that.]

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45e190 No.21520834


It is impossible for DARKNESS to eliminate LIGHT.

It is impossible for LIGHT not to eliminate DARKNESS.

If you have a problem with DARK TO LIGHT.. you should leave.

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30c711 No.21520835


>sen o myx

[Sin of mine. Abortion. RIP.]

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fdba12 No.21520836

File: b7c05fe4f1a0770⋯.png (199.11 KB,425x392,425:392,lmao_pepe.png)


>If you have a problem with DARK TO LIGHT.. you should leave.

Piss off newfag

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3dc41e No.21520837

File: 0ebc5e122d2876a⋯.png (395.56 KB,622x605,622:605,911building7.png)

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45e190 No.21520838


I'm Less than 10. And you're fired.

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45e190 No.21520839


We are here to serve Patriots.. not you.

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45e190 No.21520840


You can lose the hard way, or you can wake up now.

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fdba12 No.21520841

File: 6d39a24cdbf4df8⋯.png (9.31 KB,225x225,1:1,lmao_pepe2.png)




Touched a nerve did I?

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b0ccf4 No.21520842

File: 425cf2ca4071154⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1361x1924,1361:1924,World_Trade_Center_New_Yor….jpg)


for any here unfamiliar with the funny if it all

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45e190 No.21520843


Is that why you volunteered to announce that you are offended by the Truth about the Light?

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45e190 No.21520844

BE OFFENDED. The truth is an offense to Snowflakes WW.

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0b22a5 No.21520845

File: 7a5b673577c5cfb⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1430x1390,143:139,C61F341E_9E89_49A3_85D4_A….jpeg)

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3dc41e No.21520846

File: 98e3109fe874e76⋯.jpg (58.8 KB,1015x750,203:150,911van.jpg)

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77426e No.21520847

File: 1bdaa3a291362bf⋯.mp4 (198.03 KB,224x400,14:25,911_NoPlane.mp4)

File: cc3027906a51aa7⋯.mp4 (42.37 KB,400x290,40:29,911_NoPlane2.mp4)

File: 60c0844cf36e0af⋯.mp4 (706.18 KB,640x480,4:3,911_NoPlane3.mp4)

File: 1f0f4680878cabd⋯.mp4 (7.85 KB,398x264,199:132,911_NoPlane4.mp4)

File: 43d522fa5a40ca5⋯.mp4 (12.98 KB,640x480,4:3,911_NoPlane5.mp4)


>proves without doubt projected airplanes

or there were ZERO planes? CGI?

watch vid again

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fdba12 No.21520848

File: d2bad1ef1f7e5fb⋯.jpg (23.19 KB,393x293,393:293,TheProjectionItBurns.jpg)






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45e190 No.21520849


Get off our board, Weakness.

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a1c3b9 No.21520850

Why do you never see pretty women working shitty jobs?

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fdba12 No.21520851


>or there were ZERO planes? CGI?

Projection is (can be depending on the tech) CGI

Like layering one image over another.

What anon said was that there was no plane.

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fdba12 No.21520852

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,LaughingPepe.png)



You first

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3dc41e No.21520853

File: f2a2ba721c6d8b2⋯.jpg (69.15 KB,744x592,93:74,9112.jpg)

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45e190 No.21520854


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0b22a5 No.21520855

File: 8a506bf9928543b⋯.jpeg (67.8 KB,720x960,3:4,51A8E1DB_7D38_4EF7_BDD5_6….jpeg)


For some reason they just object to dirty fingernails.

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45e190 No.21520856


You are the filth getting taken to the incinerator.

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7c3a7a No.21520857

As the Ukrainian failure becomes more apparent one would wonder which western general will "go rogue"

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8b7491 No.21520858

File: a0d2d86e3f90621⋯.png (832.47 KB,545x800,109:160,53289F8D_067E_4E80_AB98_E7….png)

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fdba12 No.21520859

File: 9fd1c0dda9d0e12⋯.png (612.2 KB,686x386,343:193,ClipboardImage.png)




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77426e No.21520860

File: cf43b092afef7c6⋯.mp4 (9.72 MB,1066x480,533:240,911_Gelatin.mp4)


>What anon said was that there was no plane.

soz, language is not anons forte, I misunderstood.

On same page…that makes 2 of us…only 349.9999m to go!

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fdba12 No.21520861


>only 349.9999m to go

More than you know.


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45e190 No.21520862

File: cf4ff3ff06f74c6⋯.png (1.55 MB,795x1227,265:409,THE_WHY.png)

Biblical Reason.

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a1c3b9 No.21520863


b-b-but that was for an art project

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997751 No.21520865

File: 0a06ea1f5eedaf3⋯.jpg (54.84 KB,493x634,493:634,1630530654670.jpg)

File: 01468479e79a6a1⋯.webm (2.4 MB,720x480,3:2,Avid_Symphony_system.webm)

File: 907e9ddc06c1072⋯.jpg (65.69 KB,720x960,3:4,coincidence.jpg)

File: aac0800aa7eca55⋯.jpg (60.88 KB,639x670,639:670,1576659092982.jpg)

File: 795aa6c96dbdbda⋯.png (2.13 MB,1865x954,1865:954,3_22_stories.png)


>Like layering one image over another.

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7c3a7a No.21520866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Their finest art

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997751 No.21520867

File: 5a6da71e9032c22⋯.png (121.36 KB,531x787,531:787,NYP_07.png)

File: 4d4c6cf3f74857c⋯.png (119.82 KB,537x783,179:261,NYP_06.png)

File: 2c067168286db35⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,1210x900,121:90,trojan_box_with_b_inside.jpg)

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45e190 No.21520868

File: 947e0ff32f6e185⋯.png (414.21 KB,535x326,535:326,THE_WHY.png)

The love of money is the root of all evil. THE WHY.

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8645bd No.21520869



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997751 No.21520870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rite of passage, classic havoc

Match in the gas tank, ooh, that's wretched

Unstoppable, legendary animal (mmm)

Digital justice, now you're gonna know us

Hail to the king and queen of the ruckus

Yacht Money wired, no denying

I've always liked to play with fire

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869eed No.21520871

File: 878e264ca7cf107⋯.jpeg (137.05 KB,1125x1082,1125:1082,IMG_3765.jpeg)

Good Morning!

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45e190 No.21520872

File: 67b353f66eda960⋯.png (642.79 KB,483x604,483:604,bulli_h.png)


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45e190 No.21520873

File: 5f40d2a4c5dcb10⋯.png (196.1 KB,983x564,983:564,sf.png)


Nobody cares, Jim.

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3c5dd6 No.21520874


Would be curious to know if the designed apparatus used to stand outside the window for B-Thing May have also been instrumental in assisting the getting around to crawl spaces and elevator shafts in order to better access spots the nano thermite needed to be placed

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8645bd No.21520875

File: 8acfe6297051d93⋯.mp4 (12.81 MB,640x360,16:9,ftrudeau.mp4)


GM say hi to Justin

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0dafc5 No.21520876

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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0dafc5 No.21520878

File: 128b341b6ac6e90⋯.png (1.03 MB,806x800,403:400,Screenshot_2024_09_02_at_0….png)

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3c5dd6 No.21520880


Lucis Trust

Known as the personal account of lucifer

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45e190 No.21520881


Lucifer and Satan are two different individuals.

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3dc41e No.21520882

File: 7c43da140c2866e⋯.jpg (192.74 KB,1142x1146,571:573,91148.jpg)

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45e190 No.21520884

Lucifer = Leader of Fallen Watchers

Satan = Leader or Fallen Angels

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77426e No.21520885



S-A-N-T-A …ummm

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0dafc5 No.21520886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


do not under-estimate mustard seeds or cocaine

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45e190 No.21520887

Shemyhaza was the original Leader of the Fallen Watchers. The Hanged Man. Orion. Etc. Genesis 6 "Sons of God".

Shemyhaza was hanged in the pit by God, after the Flood, and Satan replaced him with the Fallen Angel Azazel.

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45e190 No.21520888

Shemyhaza was released, along with the other Fallen Watchers, from the pit in the Fall of 2007. Beginning of the End.

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0dafc5 No.21520890

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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45e190 No.21520891

Shemyhaza repented and returned to Faith in God. He's not the only one. It's God's will none should perish but that all come to repentance. Would this information be considered offensive - fallen angels repent? It's God's will none should perish.

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7c3a7a No.21520892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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45e190 No.21520893

Shemyhaza married Ishtar, the first Spirit X Human hybrid giants were born. The Watchers were tangible. Satan and the Fallen Angels were not. Satan and his legions interfered with Humanity indirectly until the Watchers (200) Fell. After the Flood, Satan again with his team of intangibles, indirectly influenced mankind to build the tower of Babel, to call down the Watchers. They had not had to call them down before, the fallen Watchers descended of their own, from Mt. Hermon (Olympus).


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fdba12 No.21520894

File: e017ade3100841c⋯.jpg (24.2 KB,614x356,307:178,bag_O_Pepes.jpg)


I would never dream of underestimating cocaine.


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8645bd No.21520895

File: 47cc1cb84297ae3⋯.png (290.57 KB,620x688,155:172,ClipboardImage.png)


Reminds me of how fake the hells angels aurora story is

hi feds… watch me come join the angels and fight the gud fight

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3c5dd6 No.21520896

File: 45a933ac7743586⋯.jpeg (99.91 KB,695x900,139:180,C6D2749B_0137_4FD6_AAD6_E….jpeg)

File: 9d49b949f8d45c1⋯.png (10.12 MB,1242x2208,9:16,04069819_EF24_4EF6_9782_F4….png)



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4790cb No.21520897

File: 6a57ab99abe8079⋯.png (469.22 KB,576x842,288:421,at.PNG)




The Atlantic puts the Christian flag as a far right symbol

The sooner you embrace what’s going on the sooner we win


5:41 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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8645bd No.21520898

File: 630eaab5c7d3743⋯.png (327.06 KB,615x707,615:707,ClipboardImage.png)


We're send drug dealers to stop the drug dealers

Merica fuck something

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4c3f33 No.21520899


Only a shill would post as much as you

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8645bd No.21520900

File: 3e4d3b0779771fc⋯.png (47.54 KB,432x565,432:565,ClipboardImage.png)


wrong one

this is the Scofield fuck up zionist religion

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f1cfe6 No.21520901


Satans clause

Don’t let the, down your chimney.

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3594ba No.21520902

File: d12590f098df841⋯.jpg (175.92 KB,1070x1570,107:157,20240902_063217.jpg)

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8645bd No.21520903

File: e6fe3606e1fc578⋯.png (292.3 KB,616x455,88:65,ClipboardImage.png)



retards everywhere

hells angels are a gang of psychopaths

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6d5ab2 No.21520905



#26366 >>21520573

>>21520580 @stillgray: Mark Cuban effectively making an argument for voter ID

>>21520604 Morae's immoral censorship is doomed

>>21520617 NASA spacecraft collision may have created a meteor shower that will last for 100 years

>>21520676 @USArmy: The chances of being born triplets are one in 10,000

>>21520897, >>21520900 @ElijahSchaffer:"The Atlantic" puts the Christian flag as a far right symbol


Collector OUT

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45e190 No.21520906

File: ed7fdadeb2065b8⋯.png (630.26 KB,623x420,89:60,col_rho_.png)

File: f99c46a701a47b2⋯.png (7.74 MB,2550x2550,1:1,sea2sea.png)


Liberty + Col. of Rhodes = Sea to Shining Sea.

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8645bd No.21520907

File: 4562527b46d63b7⋯.png (340.79 KB,620x728,155:182,ClipboardImage.png)




Morans fell for another Fed psyop

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8b7491 No.21520909

File: f2f5436c145d66d⋯.jpeg (115.6 KB,800x556,200:139,DFC99F78_695B_4131_B3D9_0….jpeg)

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3dc41e No.21520910

File: f14d5a96afc14d9⋯.jpg (45.22 KB,459x664,459:664,kek36.jpg)

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bad5c2 No.21520911

File: 51ffd6980c4869d⋯.jpg (68.28 KB,330x720,11:24,TS_TOP_KEK_Trump.jpg)

File: af9adc3e574041d⋯.jpg (55.42 KB,640x442,320:221,bcab287abb26888657d52efabd….jpg)

File: 3fda2dbb986b473⋯.jpeg (121.32 KB,1024x701,1024:701,johntrump_robertvandegraa….jpeg)

File: e5fb3b5607fb574⋯.jpg (672.49 KB,3072x2302,1536:1151,35805.jpg)





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f90b2a No.21520913

File: 2222fbcb8e0d223⋯.jpg (287.33 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.jpg)



morn'n baker grabbing covfefe, notes, and kitchen duty in that that order

happy labor day anons

back inna sec

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45e190 No.21520914

File: b277a0662d9280e⋯.png (989.6 KB,554x600,277:300,pit_pendulum.png)


The flower is a Dogwood. Type of Tree used for the Cross. Angel. Liberty. Same as Rosslyn Chapel. (Shemyhaza hanging in the pit, carving at Rosslyn Chapel.)

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8b7491 No.21520915

File: 416d0db8fef7690⋯.png (2.51 MB,1366x1074,683:537,2C378548_F715_4EA1_81BE_64….png)

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45e190 No.21520916

Mankind has been lied to for AGES. NO MORE.

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5369fe No.21520917


Where was cruise missle fired from?

Mobile like Klub-K container?

At what point could the projectile reach ground level?

Was a path for projectile predetermined?

Was the path cleared for that direction?

If so, how long previously to day 0?

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8b7491 No.21520919

File: 494179fe81eea36⋯.png (606.34 KB,800x429,800:429,DB45376D_4737_4CF4_8587_BF….png)

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8b7491 No.21520920

File: c5c95bd9133a8d1⋯.jpeg (21.79 KB,255x184,255:184,IMG_8422.jpeg)

File: f75eac9a786cc7c⋯.png (187.7 KB,606x454,303:227,IMG_8420.png)

File: ba2a934f39bc1ce⋯.png (1.73 MB,2292x1223,2292:1223,IMG_8410.png)

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bad5c2 No.21520921

File: eda823ae4263f40⋯.jpg (217.38 KB,1333x1333,1:1,vf0124_donald_trump.jpg)


Hells Angels are Neo Nazi Meth Pushers… Literally wear the Death's Head and Iron Cross. Been part of the underground socialist movement for the 4th Reich since WWII…


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bad5c2 No.21520922

File: 4931a2fefcc949f⋯.png (1.24 MB,791x1474,791:1474,1725235300764.png)

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45e190 No.21520923


You need to understand something. The entire world is going to follow Q+ to Victory. In person or in spirit, he is uniting EVERYONE except 4-6% who refuse to choose Right over Wrong.

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0e5400 No.21520924

File: ce971084d65158e⋯.jpg (123.49 KB,720x960,3:4,20240902_041034.jpg)


President Biden is *BACK* from a 17-day vacation.

Doing the American people's business?

Nope. He's going to be campaigning for Kamala


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3c5dd6 No.21520926


The Farsight Institute did remote viewing sessions for both the World Trade Center and the pentagon. Both are very interesting and worth the watch.

Part 2 is focused on the pentagon. Group of high level insiders had a field trip that day and observed a weapon launched at the pentagon.

Farsight Institutes Documentaries

Remote Viewing 9/11 Part 1


Remote Viewing 9/11 Part 2


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45e190 No.21520927

Anons you are the key to everything.

Light of the World. Salt of the Earth.

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4790cb No.21520928

File: 9c480bcd9008a07⋯.png (32.82 KB,591x439,591:439,em.PNG)


Elon Musk



This platform does not seek to impose the laws of the United States on other countries – we obey the laws of that country in that country.

The problem in Brazil is that @AlexandreFiles

we were being told to break Brazilian laws and that we would be sanctioned if we told anyone about it!






According to @alexandre, it is a crime to publicly point out that @alexandre is committing a crime.

This is WILD! x.com/AlexandreFiles…

5:38 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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cab74b No.21520929


>Morans fell for another Fed psyop

Is TDA an advanced form of TDS?

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5369fe No.21520930


Today in 1666 a 4 day great fire of london started in house of king's baker.

Don't be a king's baker, baker.

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fdba12 No.21520931

File: 0948099ef6fb8dc⋯.gif (3.59 MB,333x250,333:250,0948099ef6fb8dcc010f4ad950….gif)


>remote viewing sessions

New-age bullshit

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3c5dd6 No.21520932


Don’t believe everything history channel programs be programming for

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8b7491 No.21520933

File: 9ff22f9a84eca66⋯.png (2.71 MB,1366x1074,683:537,DE79C9CC_9329_45D2_8E76_E6….png)

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45e190 No.21520934

Luk 12:32

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.


President Trump receives Saudi royal welcome?



Q+ is Bloodline.

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4790cb No.21520936

File: f8b9cbe7303977d⋯.png (268.99 KB,597x484,597:484,fr.PNG)


Insider Paper


BREAKING - Germany’s Scholz urges ‘democratic parties’ to exclude far-right after regional polls


10:34 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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45e190 No.21520937

Sudden push to change Constitution? Why?

Sudden problems with the Fictitious Crown?


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813271 No.21520938

File: 77ecd08306c0a4e⋯.jpg (17.42 KB,1000x1200,5:6,65288.jpg)


Sheep shagging boots with optional leg buckles

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4790cb No.21520939

File: f0e943e71a1f1b2⋯.png (18.15 KB,606x250,303:125,mill.PNG)


End Wokeness


The videos Trump posted of the Gold Star families slamming Harris already got 32.5 MILLION views in 12 hours.

She will regret dragging them into this.

A major miscalculation by her staff.

Last edited

2:49 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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45e190 No.21520940

God is not impressed by Bloodlines.

Neither are anons. Neither is Q, Q+.

The Enemy cherishes Bloodlines.

The Enemy lies about Bloodlines.

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f55963 No.21520941

File: 9d91f6d1f9341fc⋯.png (700.92 KB,1032x1003,1032:1003,ClipboardImage.png)

ERDOGAN TURNS TO BRICS: Turkey formally submits application to join BRICS+.

NATO member Turkey, which is also seeking accession to the EU - is wanting to bolster its global influence and forge new ties beyond its traditional Western allies.

That's bound to ruffle a few (anti)-think tank professionals across the Atlantic!

Boost us here (http://t.me/IntelRepublic?boost)! @IntelRepublic

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4790cb No.21520942

File: e40c226e074f7ad⋯.png (431.17 KB,602x515,602:515,bob.PNG)


Lara Logan


Bob is a great man - and a great friend. Honest and brave. Goya CEO slams Biden-Harris admin as 'complicit' in child and drug trafficking at border

From nypost.com

5:45 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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45e190 No.21520943

IF you have not Read the Bible you will not understand the Enemy. Evil is the Invisible Enemy. We go to view it tonight at Rosslyn. Full Circle.

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4790cb No.21520944

File: c9e2619ee2a37dd⋯.png (649.36 KB,716x822,358:411,day.PNG)




Kamala Harris and the Fake News exposed, Gold Star family edition


4:59 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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3c5dd6 No.21520945


Actually this skill goes back millennia and goes along way in explaining how the ancients knew more than they are given credit for.

All they had was time. Time to sit meditate and learn to do things with consciousness that are lost to us even today.

Something we are undoubtedly getting back to in the present day made much harder with all the distractions.

Remote viewing is a learnable skill by anyone although those who are psychic are on another level.

The results are repeatable and the two guys in these two sessions are highly respected and well known in the field

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5a1552 No.21520946

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING frens, another stollen meme at the office?

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bad5c2 No.21520947

File: d108c90f2ce57a4⋯.jpg (87.92 KB,719x739,719:739,Kold_Kamala_Trump_Kek.jpg)

File: 8162a1e3845499d⋯.jpg (50.57 KB,600x404,150:101,Dumb_Fuck_Kamala.jpg)

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45e190 No.21520948


Wrong. Made up by those who repressed Mankind.

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4790cb No.21520949

File: 297eacadc143d17⋯.png (334.74 KB,601x595,601:595,fat.PNG)


End Wokeness


German police request data from Gab to identify a German account who labelled politician Ricarda Lang 'fat'

Yes, this is real



Rate proposed Community Notes

5:09 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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8645bd No.21520950


yeah totally not a bunch of drug dealers

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2847aa No.21520951

I seent a Space Mans today..///

He needs some Chicken Fry… STAT…///

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77426e No.21520952

File: 91e478c3bd76231⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,480x480,1:1,Pentagon_911_2.mp4)

File: 6c7db26bf526c4e⋯.mp4 (843.14 KB,576x1024,9:16,Pentagon_911.mp4)


>Where was cruise missle fired from?

PENTAGON: (the towers were no hit by planes CGI after. watch TV helo vid to confirm)

Something anon has pondered for years.

a) ground launch = someone would have seen the vehicle ?

b) at what point does a SCUD arm itself? (SCUD was claimed in one review of the pentagon vid atm) Not sure if an anon can trace / track the SCUD to the possible weapon source?

c) If a ground launch from "out of town" then how far can a SCUD fly? remote controlled? Drops altitude…

d) at the time "flight paths" of planes were shown on TV. Was that the SCUD flight path?

e) can a SCUD be dropped from aircraft? what sort? flight logs? pilot?

Anon still has Q's.


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4790cb No.21520953

File: cc998a63df7d311⋯.png (264.98 KB,592x768,37:48,bf.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Mala means ‘bad female’ in Spanish


Victor Shi



Aug 30

A friend just sent me this & I love it so much.


5:54 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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3dc41e No.21520954

File: 58e4a3921e17932⋯.jpg (130.24 KB,735x836,735:836,kek8.jpg)

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f55963 No.21520955

File: 277cc09d9d1285f⋯.png (14.37 MB,402x267,134:89,GODWINS.png)

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4790cb No.21520956

File: f185eeb023c305c⋯.png (367.57 KB,595x611,595:611,rep.PNG)


Nick Sortor


🚨 WOW: Kamala Harris promised race-baiter Al Sharpton that she would use tax dollars for REPARATIONS if she becomes President

This is INSANE.

Enough of this BS!


Eric Abbenante

11:28 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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fdba12 No.21520957


>goes back millennia

New-age isn't very new.

>goes along way in explaining

Sure, if you want to explain it away without ever discovering the truth.

>All they had was time

Wrong. They were very busy, surviving.

>Remote viewing is a learnable skill

How come it has never produced any consistent results under trials better than chance or guessing?

>The results are repeatable

Wrong. You need some sauce to go along with that claim.

>these two sessions are highly respected and well known in the field

I don't care if other idiots respect them. That doesn't validate them at all. It's just an appeal to authority.

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cf97bd No.21520958

Hells Angels have always be a clown op.

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3dc41e No.21520959

File: c469d26df64efac⋯.png (366.38 KB,884x404,221:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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8645bd No.21520960


fat is an understatement

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15e76d No.21520961

File: ea5abbb4fd0c8b3⋯.jpg (131.03 KB,600x337,600:337,you_re_fired.jpg)

File: 23611c62926a126⋯.png (249.01 KB,630x855,14:19,rt_fire.png)

File: 3c1a05abbf76dfd⋯.jpg (15.35 KB,225x255,15:17,fire_drink.jpg)

File: 43411ae1a3037a2⋯.png (826.36 KB,900x900,1:1,fire_burn.png)




Lets set some shit on fire


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4790cb No.21520962

File: 53fcf6cff9ecc83⋯.png (524.12 KB,594x829,594:829,aud.PNG)




Mississippi's State Auditor released a report saying that over 22,000 illegal immigrants have settled in the state, and it will cost taxpayers over $100 MILLION every year

Additionally, 34% of the state’s foreign-born population are now illegals

“Our public schools, hospitals, and prisons will continue to lose massive sums of money that we could have spent on our own citizens if this problem is not solved.” - Shad White

Something else I found interesting is how the state usually spends $6,995 every year per student, but they're now spending $7,699 on around 2,500 illegal immigrant kids because they also need English lessons

This is WILD! Why are red states allowing it to happen? Deport them to sanctuary blue states until we can deport them back to their country.


12:57 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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15e76d No.21520963


Great Fire of London




The Great Fire of London was a major conflagration that swept through central London from Sunday 2 September to Thursday 6 September 1666, gutting the medieval City of London inside the old Roman city wall, while also extending past the wall to the west. The death toll is generally thought to have been relatively small, although some historians have challenged this belief. The fire started in a bakery in Pudding Lane shortly after midnight on Sunday 2 September, and spread rapidly. The use of the major firefighting technique of the time, the creation of firebreaks by means of removing structures in the fire's path, was critically delayed due to the indecisiveness of the Lord Mayor, Sir Thomas Bloodworth. By the time large-scale demolitions were ordered on Sunday night, the wind had already fanned the bakery fire into a firestorm which defeated such measures. The fire pushed north on Monday into the heart of the City.

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4790cb No.21520964

File: c2ea9222a8c6898⋯.png (1.62 MB,1458x891,18:11,mn.PNG)


Naked Lines Friday - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells Live

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bad5c2 No.21520965

File: 152756f05129d6e⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1725073202259.png)


[They] Haven't Lifted a Finger to Stop It. Therefore [They]'re COMPLICIT in ALL of it!


Stats & Sauce:


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30c711 No.21520967


>it will cost taxpayers

<it will cost politicians their jobs

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3dc41e No.21520968

File: 6c266e0eac70ab5⋯.png (275.97 KB,552x521,552:521,ClipboardImage.png)

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bad5c2 No.21520969

File: 3a4a853033553e6⋯.png (1.53 MB,1590x733,1590:733,1725141455411.png)

File: f14268ddf464932⋯.png (1.01 MB,1003x1163,1003:1163,1725126385109.png)

File: 57066ac96c40fec⋯.jpg (174.47 KB,719x634,719:634,Screenshot_20240902_061225….jpg)

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4790cb No.21520970

File: 50b80865f25d90d⋯.png (328.03 KB,606x857,606:857,sir.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Beware Of Arizona Mills Mall, Non-English Speakers Snatching People’s Kids

🚨 This video has blown up & the comments are FULL of people saying illegals are at that mall doing this

Man almost had his daughter stolen and he was there “I notice a dude cutting me off from behind, like in between me and my daughter. — Some Mexican cat that didn't even speak English”

“I looked back and I catch him doing this (see video) over her head like he knew her”

11:33 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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f90b2a No.21520972

File: 68fffac3fc17448⋯.png (650.88 KB,500x706,250:353,trump_chef.png)

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15e76d No.21520973



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2847aa No.21520974

File: 9c30859792b1607⋯.png (127.09 KB,412x270,206:135,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8eff675d71630b0⋯.png (186.83 KB,420x430,42:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 410e1db46b0f9d5⋯.png (181.74 KB,426x436,213:218,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59a942955c971dd⋯.png (705.1 KB,992x732,248:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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49fd19 No.21520975


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3dc41e No.21520976

File: cee3e42e86d5bbe⋯.png (630.29 KB,934x615,934:615,ClipboardImage.png)

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bad5c2 No.21520978

File: 59fae0d1ab9a96a⋯.jpg (111.91 KB,658x285,658:285,Screenshot_20240807_075152….jpg)


Go to a Foreign country (Non-U.S.) Most of them still haven't figured out Sewage and Prevailing Winds….

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4790cb No.21520979

File: 2667a9655796b42⋯.png (318.93 KB,603x837,67:93,cc.PNG)




BREAKING: Yet another church in France is in flames.

This one is from 1854 and survived two world wars.

Why does this keep happening?

SHARE - The media won't show you this 👇


Concerned Citizen

11:23 PM · Sep 1, 2024




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2847aa No.21520980


>>Remote viewing is a learnable skill

>How come it has never produced any consistent results under trials better than chance or guessing?

If you knew what you were talking about Jason, you would know that I can view you any time in your underpants…///

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fdba12 No.21520981

File: 9e82cef9ff8b7bc⋯.png (277.88 KB,798x698,399:349,wtfPepe.png)



Kek. Nice try

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bbf5df No.21520982

Our wonderful Potus & joyful VP will have a rally in Pittsburgh, PA later this afternoon.

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3c5dd6 No.21520983

File: 4e96efad033ccde⋯.jpeg (91.85 KB,850x400,17:8,F09CB9A7_F4B8_49EE_98D5_C….jpeg)


Stay ignorant if that’s wat you prefer. Do not expect the rest of mankind to remain in your limiting world with you.

Everything is on the table. It’s called the great awakening for this reason.

Those who desire repressing humans do not want you using your mind to its full potential. They also do not want the things they cannot explain being applied to the scientific method.

Until that changes it will remain flawed and limiting.

Those gate keepers however will die soon. Paradigm is shifted

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4790cb No.21520984

File: 27d6b62991611ff⋯.png (1.07 MB,1244x803,1244:803,if.PNG)

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bad5c2 No.21520985

File: c6df5236ee17f23⋯.jpg (101.01 KB,798x800,399:400,Its_the_Communists_Trump.jpg)

File: 5415edac3719d1e⋯.png (135.23 KB,1024x374,512:187,Like_Communism_Kamala_Harr….png)

File: 9be5359c0630a47⋯.png (303.21 KB,1024x553,1024:553,Kamala_Chooses_Communism_8….png)

File: e8ca0c11a25e21d⋯.jpg (99.77 KB,425x428,425:428,AIR_FORCE_NUCLEAR_COMMAND_….jpg)

File: 9bbfebfd3f1f5e9⋯.jpg (63.9 KB,680x468,170:117,Cannibal_Commumists.jpg)


Why do people keep asking why this is happening? Everyone knows who and how they're doing this…

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aba93b No.21520986

File: fef163d7cd79a4f⋯.png (102.49 KB,766x848,383:424,64_2_.png)


good fucking morning.

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3dc41e No.21520987

File: 8002aab46a48937⋯.jpg (102.38 KB,403x403,1:1,faggot9JOY.jpg)

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5a1552 No.21520988

File: a608f437b867082⋯.png (56.9 KB,544x493,32:29,a608f437b86708216a3702c9df….png)



No green font.

No famefaggot social media Cat personality copycat.

No famenigger name signed on it.

Just America Winning = meme checks out.

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15e76d No.21520989


Q is chill

bit of a dick, but chill

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77426e No.21520990


Remember how long ago this was tech wise.

No AI back then. CGI was re the "planes" & buildings.

HOWEVER anon was around at the time (was 3-4am here?) and watch it 'live' & saw that reporter doing the cross. OB broadcasting wasn't as good. Also the vid is MP4, which didn't exist back then. also 50fps vs 60fps used to mess with vid conversions. anon doesn't the vid is 'fake' but never know. But why create a "no wings no tail" CNN report? Same reason TV helo was told to "back off" filming the towers?

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3dc41e No.21520991

File: ac7e9410e16024d⋯.png (800.49 KB,683x936,683:936,ClipboardImage.png)

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45e190 No.21520992


Ishtar's hair was auburn. And she was a lot more tan before the Flood turned her into an undead mermaid.

The Enemy traces their bloodline through the matriarchal line. Why? Can you trace fathers when the fathers are fallen entities?

The Enemy cherishes Bloodlines.

The Enemy lies about Bloodlines.

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4790cb No.21520993

File: 7ed1dd7cc07f883⋯.png (373.32 KB,586x833,586:833,mage.PNG)


Catturd ™


All they do is lie.


Chuck Callesto




The damage was already done and they knew what they were doing..


12:15 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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bad5c2 No.21520994

File: c8f8a1bbba519a6⋯.jpg (116.16 KB,750x564,125:94,COVFEFE_TRUMP_LEVIN.jpg)

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB,480x270,16:9,3_Treason_Inferno.mp4)

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aba93b No.21520995

File: c963422a5abef0b⋯.png (317.43 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_072043.png)

File: 4fe12548537340c⋯.png (320.11 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_072050.png)

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3dc41e No.21520996

File: c3f923b2cada845⋯.png (694.44 KB,713x800,713:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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f798c7 No.21520997

File: abc9f114e4ef744⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB,640x360,16:9,Toto_Hold_the_Line_Audio_H….mp4)

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15e76d No.21520998

File: a4e03055a34f189⋯.png (102.16 KB,567x435,189:145,Benzol_Cyanide_is_redesivi….png)


that meme is killer, like literally sucks to death

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5a1552 No.21520999

File: a3ae4c8f5c73119⋯.png (1.15 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)



God bless you and keep you from being retarded, this day and forever.

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95a9d8 No.21521000

File: bc0e719fc6b050d⋯.png (966.2 KB,1582x1072,791:536,unknown_4_.png)

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4790cb No.21521001

File: 78b07a360a6622f⋯.png (385.95 KB,599x510,599:510,dt.PNG)




TULSI GABBARD: "The Harris-Biden administration added me to a secret domestic terror watch list the very day after Kamala Harris was endorsed by Joe Biden."

10:19 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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b9e156 No.21521003

File: f4dbbf6f0cd3ad2⋯.jpg (181.12 KB,1024x1024,1:1,comfywookie3.jpg)

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aba93b No.21521004

File: 2d55d2f40896669⋯.png (504.9 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_072159.png)

File: fc8a107639661ef⋯.png (579.57 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_072206.png)

File: 2c1828dae266db4⋯.png (460.07 KB,766x2152,383:1076,1538.png)

File: 35593c11bc31962⋯.jpeg (135.94 KB,1199x922,1199:922,04f2f744ea267682ab5abdf1c….jpeg)

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95a9d8 No.21521005

File: 55057ff2d81e1a5⋯.png (2.06 MB,1494x874,747:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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4790cb No.21521006

File: 711384c09100e41⋯.png (1.8 MB,1115x836,1115:836,up.PNG)

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fabbc1 No.21521007


Knot? Weird.

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3dc41e No.21521008

File: 2b91ea9aca1982c⋯.png (490.64 KB,570x579,190:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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997751 No.21521009

File: 6757a5fddc5fae4⋯.mp4 (719.8 KB,1280x536,160:67,Luke.mp4)

File: 54ff001b07a2c62⋯.webm (2.77 MB,854x480,427:240,Your_a_big_guy.webm)

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b9e156 No.21521010


Failfag. Mimic. Imposter. Simple Legion. Angry Inch. Harmless clown. Broken shill.

Now you have to imitate Swordy too? You just can't leave anyone alone, can you, attacking them for having a personality and not being anon, while you try and copy and build a routine out of what you say is forbidden for others to do, but is okay for you to do.

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5369fe No.21521011


City of London

proper fucked

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f90b2a No.21521012


morn'n vd

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ff66a0 No.21521013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 8

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5a1552 No.21521014

File: a3ae4c8f5c73119⋯.png (1.15 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)




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ed2bfc No.21521015

who writes history

122K views 4 years ago #AntiquitiesoftheJews #JosephusFlavius #LibriVoxMX

Times of Jesus and John the Baptist. Antiquities of the Jews (LibriVox recording, public domain) by Josephus Flavius (37-100 AD). Volume 4. Book 18. Chapters 1-7. Dramatized. From the census of Cyrenius (when Jesus was born) in 6 AD until the banishment of Herod Antipas (under whose r …


3 months ago

The Lord Jesus Christ has delivered me from drug addiction, homelessness, abusive relationships, evil spirits (yes they're real) , sexual immorality, swearing, lying, stealing, laziness.. and even more. I give all the glory to Him. All praise and worship belong to God. He is real. He is bigger than any problem you face. He will meet you where you are at. Even right now.

(Romans 10:13) For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Currently I'm experiencing a demonic attack. But I am standing on The Word of God which says I have authority over

devils and we are commanded by Christ Jesus to drive/cast them out. So I'm will continue to drive them out in The Name of Jesus Christ.

Friends I implore you to do the same. The devil

doesn't want us thinking it's real.

We have authority over it!

All of them.

Keep strong in The Lord.

Jesus Christ is LORD to the glory of God The Father.

I bless every reader of this comment in The Name of Jesus Christ.


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724fa3 No.21521016

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3dc41e No.21521018

File: 0181b4997f09daf⋯.png (16.31 KB,255x252,85:84,crying.png)

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4790cb No.21521019

File: 8b271a5a90afad2⋯.png (61.1 KB,580x668,145:167,vr.PNG)


Vivek Ramaswamy


If you’re a single-issue voter on the economy, Kamala’s proposed tax on *unrealized* capital gains is a good reason on its own not to vote for her - and Republicans should be hammering this point much harder. Under Kamala’s plan, if you have an asset that the government says has appreciated by $1 million in value, you’ll owe $250,000 in taxes - even if you don’t want to sell it, and even if you *can’t* sell it.

That means you’ll be forced sell assets at fire sale prices even when you don’t want to sell, which depresses asset prices, which in turn spirals like a domino effect - because others are forced to sell those same assets at the same time. There’s no better way to trigger a market crash & economic depression, and startup founders will have to refocus their already-scarce bandwidth on esoteric tax planning instead of focusing on business growth.

Sure, they say the tax will initially only apply to people with a net worth of over $100 million, but the truth is a market crash and its effects will hurt ordinary Americans the most. And history shows that any new tax that begins with the so-called “ultra-wealthy” eventually finds its way to affect those who would never imagine describing themselves as such. Kamala’s megadonors will be able to pay expensive tax accountants to structure around it anyway, but it’ll be everyday citizens left holding the bag.

6:14 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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aba93b No.21521020

File: 52f15c25eea7ccc⋯.png (153.15 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_072500.png)

File: e75704896f219e3⋯.png (493.33 KB,766x1884,383:942,745.png)

File: f9f2ca7da4f21d9⋯.png (834.46 KB,766x5162,383:2581,1945_2_.png)

File: 7bd700090cabf05⋯.jpeg (90.82 KB,680x510,4:3,GWbblhIWkAEzgXz.jpeg)

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bad5c2 No.21521021

File: 7ba81c72c618b95⋯.png (1.04 MB,810x1440,9:16,DEEPSTATE_PANIC_RFK_1000_P….png)

File: 59bd863f010f802⋯.png (1.07 MB,1429x816,1429:816,1724496634856.png)

File: e16374339d2cfab⋯.jpg (113.3 KB,908x621,908:621,Deep_State_Obama_Hillary.jpg)

File: 64c2030ad4a00e5⋯.mp4 (7.02 MB,640x360,16:9,State_Dept_CP_Hillary_Clin….mp4)


Who Runs the CIA?


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f90b2a No.21521022


morn'n again vd

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cad8c8 No.21521023


@q you hear this?

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7c3a7a No.21521024

File: 972c8eba7cdc6d2⋯.jpg (321.71 KB,1079x657,1079:657,Screenshot_20240819_162031….jpg)

File: 3d98e87a504efd1⋯.jpg (471.42 KB,1079x870,1079:870,Screenshot_20240819_162057….jpg)

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45e190 No.21521025

File: ddd49416f57ac46⋯.png (340.36 KB,501x571,501:571,Untitled.png)


"Leadership" - World Safe and Secure.

Q4 - Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.

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168bf4 No.21521026


still burning down the old world

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b9e156 No.21521027

So did that MuhGuhGaytriot faggot kill himself or something? That retard has pretty much vanished and the mimicry has increased to take his place.

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2847aa No.21521028


>Kek. Nice try

// JJmmmnnnbbbvvvcccxxxzzz




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15e76d No.21521029

File: 7c63277505f2288⋯.png (1.93 MB,1170x876,195:146,ClipboardImage.png)



youre as nasty as mY dad

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5a1552 No.21521030

File: 8cd3b7df1e42d49⋯.gif (2.23 MB,256x192,4:3,smokingcolumbo2.gif)


Qs AI is always listening

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b68202 No.21521031


Stick with doom and gloom then. It’s your choice.

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aba93b No.21521032

File: 9eeeaccd1ab0bb1⋯.png (371.39 KB,766x1124,383:562,1576.png)


be fuckin' loud

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30c711 No.21521033


[End of the fiction-frauds.]


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bad5c2 No.21521034

File: 3348bd8c0c97f8b⋯.jpg (62.82 KB,720x405,16:9,GM_SLAVE_OWNER_KAMALA_HARR….jpg)

File: bde9433eb4e1308⋯.mp4 (13.67 MB,532x300,133:75,We_B_Jammin_Bob_Marley.mp4)

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5a1552 No.21521035

File: f2d43e62c85cb49⋯.jpg (189.58 KB,1729x1166,1729:1166,orly3.jpg)

Today is going to be absolutely chalked full of winning. You can feel it.

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fdba12 No.21521036

File: fedf41ee577d9b3⋯.png (71.98 KB,350x452,175:226,Uhhhh_pepe.png)


Did you break? What happened there?

You need a software update?

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15e76d No.21521037

File: 19815910c0e0d33⋯.png (960.71 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


keep calm

boiled the kettle

have a cup of tea

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45e190 No.21521038


He's only a dick to assholes. They get FQD. Royally.

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f90b2a No.21521039

File: 27bb470de555848⋯.jpg (122.59 KB,1080x958,540:479,27bb470de555848f2b565ae0b2….jpg)

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a2cc12 No.21521040

File: ebc6dd7a77537b9⋯.jpeg (172.64 KB,1626x1333,1626:1333,A49F1676_C5AE_42A6_B924_6….jpeg)

Fuck yall, lol

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4de063 No.21521041


'I must go for good at this point'

We lost a member of Q that day. There are multiple devices with people using the Signature, Le's hope a few on the Q team remain…

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4790cb No.21521042

File: 061d4d326c518ba⋯.png (649.13 KB,891x583,81:53,vib.PNG)


Democrats’ vibes are excellent. Can they turn that into votes?

The vibe shift, explained.

by Lavanya Ramanathan and Christian Paz

Sep 1, 2024, 12:00 AM GMT-11

Michelle Obama described the Democrats’ vibe shift best when she noted: “Something wonderfully magical is in the air, isn’t it? … We’re feeling it here in this arena, but it’s spreading all across this country we love. A familiar feeling that’s been buried too deep for far too long.”

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3c47d2 No.21521043

File: b01b0c9b913d886⋯.jpeg (468.3 KB,1125x1741,1125:1741,IMG_3766.jpeg)

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aba93b No.21521044

File: 5f586f62c179d4a⋯.png (413.95 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_073051.png)

File: 07d39d7d6c4960f⋯.png (41.5 KB,766x496,383:248,407_2_.png)

File: 65473bd74e66a9a⋯.jpeg (188.68 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,GWaplX5W4AMndFO.jpeg)

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45e190 No.21521045



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b9e156 No.21521046

File: 00dc6df37c79060⋯.jpeg (214.31 KB,3342x2371,3342:2371,00dc6df37c790606853e0ef61….jpeg)


And you're still copying my meme rotations and even the filenames I give my files. You're consistently losing, and it goads you that others receive attention and interactions from others that you want to monopolize and have all for yourself. Only you and your friends you work with are allowed to have a personality, everyone else beneath you must be a faceless, homogenous blob for you to direct like a school of fish. Personality is a direct threat to your ability to control the heard. If one stands, then another might listen to him and stand as well, and you're trying your damnedest to stifle that in anyone and everyone.

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c7a097 No.21521047



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45e190 No.21521048

Press your luck if you think you're able. You're just going to fail. But you never listen do you. At least not yet.

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4790cb No.21521049

File: 2cc2f0a5c4c3ee9⋯.png (731.39 KB,706x465,706:465,cl.PNG)

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4790cb No.21521051

File: 95bb77d66a6ff41⋯.png (775.13 KB,653x887,653:887,guy.PNG)

Anybody grilling out today?

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bad5c2 No.21521052

File: 8e1f94833404c4b⋯.jpg (89.6 KB,640x427,640:427,Destroy_the_Deepstate_Trum….jpg)





Single Integrated Operations Plan(s)



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2847aa No.21521053


>Did you break? What happened there?

>You need a software update?


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abcd1e No.21521054

Trump’s plans for today is playing golf while q and dan fight over who is going to whine for him and make misogynistic remarks on social media all day.

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45e190 No.21521055

Anons do you recall before Q+ assassination attempt, the board was flooded with Clown Mc(Donald) shite leading up to 7-13 (Nat'l. French Fry Day)?

Anons do you recall before Q+ most recent event, the board was flooded with (Donald) Ducks (Sitting) shite?


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bad5c2 No.21521056

File: c65ec39f7bfb01a⋯.jpg (45.26 KB,600x404,150:101,Moar_Slavery_Kamala_2.jpg)

File: 55451a66f381562⋯.jpg (75.87 KB,799x478,799:478,Moar_Slavery_Kamala_Trump.jpg)

File: 430c1b2252259ac⋯.jpg (129.92 KB,800x619,800:619,Moar_Slavery_Kamala_Kramer.jpg)

File: dded66bba07ccdb⋯.jpg (41.29 KB,600x304,75:38,Moar_Slavery_Kamala.jpg)

File: 8ca38346eb224ba⋯.png (1.24 MB,1429x816,1429:816,1725073380791.png)


Fuck You Too


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5a1552 No.21521057

File: 699091b689d31da⋯.jpg (688.34 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240805_125052….jpg)

Not sure why but this Q Post seems relevant right about now. Oh, check out the bonus round. Makes a lot of sense about narcissists and their projections.

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4eed84 No.21521058

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15e76d No.21521059

File: d58f290e23ef2ca⋯.jpg (108.17 KB,806x794,403:397,NIGHT_SHIFT_EXPLAINING_TO_….jpg)



grinning at you.

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3dc41e No.21521060

File: 49e26db9f5c07a6⋯.jpg (75.11 KB,616x762,308:381,kys.jpg)

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45e190 No.21521061

Anons you are the only ones here. The other things are just shadows. Anons you are the KEY. YOU are GOLD.

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fdba12 No.21521062



I member when sigils were frowned upon by the jannies here.

I even remember æi using his <^> sigil and sperging out like a child when told to stop.

<beep boop

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bad5c2 No.21521063

File: 9929c30462f4705⋯.png (1.6 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725229127850.png)

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aba93b No.21521064

File: c66d8811d1b01e9⋯.jpeg (255.99 KB,1200x1027,1200:1027,GWcSTZEXoAAiWwe.jpeg)

File: 5e026d88b93cc26⋯.png (662.3 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_073758.png)

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3dc41e No.21521065

File: 7f62b1797d2ac48⋯.png (2.54 MB,1057x1653,1057:1653,7f62b1797d2ac48cafe3647b5b….png)

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77426e No.21521066

File: 20588540d801e81⋯.mp4 (12.58 MB,480x852,40:71,blackrock.mp4)


>tax accountants to structure around it anyway, but it’ll be everyday citizens left holding the bag.

HOWEVER, Capital Gains also works other way around. (here).

If asset goes UP in value then kameltoe says pay tax on unrealised gains.

if asset value goes DOWN then does that mean a tax DEDUCTION for the LOSS?

so crash the Real Estate market, write down the value of assets, wait by mailbox for gov chq ?

Is that the blackrock & co plan?

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45e190 No.21521067


We are going to show you a board without [them].

Fair and Balanced. They're dying to avoid it.

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7d1d31 No.21521068


Doodle, it's so good to see you get out of your van down by the river in order to give pep talks again on QResearch.

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bad5c2 No.21521069

File: 5abaa754bb302f9⋯.png (1.45 MB,1429x816,1429:816,1725073342751.png)

File: 258cad2235e61ed⋯.png (1.38 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1725073297134.png)

File: 790faa2cd9fead7⋯.png (1.05 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1725073250540.png)

File: b160926feb94c35⋯.png (362.97 KB,918x1270,459:635,1724963912451.png)


Fly With Kamala Huh²…

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2847aa No.21521070

File: bab2d00a26acc4d⋯.png (895.16 KB,860x1215,172:243,ClipboardImage.png)


>I member when sigils were frowned upon by the jannies here.

I was asked to use them.///

These still work too… as far as sigils go… pretty effective at clearing out demonic activity…//

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aba93b No.21521072

File: 3a50297709fd82e⋯.png (869.52 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_073942.png)

File: cb65ead77d79f04⋯.png (138.52 KB,766x1112,383:556,1855_2_.png)

File: 3a8ffe8bb5637d9⋯.jpeg (632.71 KB,1002x1053,334:351,GWbQFhrXcAIkbdz.jpeg)

File: 943b87500124498⋯.png (163.72 KB,766x1734,383:867,655_2_.png)

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5a1552 No.21521073

File: 9ab682332423ff0⋯.png (408.94 KB,800x609,800:609,845419.png)

My next song is called

Good morning frens, Anons Winning

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3dc41e No.21521074

File: 4dbf302a8d12879⋯.png (217.76 KB,799x698,799:698,ClipboardImage.png)

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4790cb No.21521075

File: 0ede3383f2959f3⋯.png (1.14 MB,961x637,961:637,ls.PNG)



Large-scale polio vaccination campaign begins in Gaza

September 1, 2024 / 8:46 AM EDT / CBS/AP

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bad5c2 No.21521076

File: 77854d1fac613dd⋯.jpg (346.19 KB,720x1389,240:463,Screenshot_20240901_145112….jpg)

File: e5064d1f1512e81⋯.jpg (244.67 KB,719x1112,719:1112,Screenshot_20240901_162959….jpg)

File: e5a012766a45284⋯.png (935.97 KB,719x1623,719:1623,1725226344013.png)

File: 8c558f42cfc19c6⋯.png (1.37 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725221745189.png)

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9fe1f1 No.21521077

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office

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51eb4c No.21521078

File: ea273ccc78ce693⋯.png (269.69 KB,584x338,292:169,big_balls.png)

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fdba12 No.21521079


Is that why their need for symbolism will be their down fall?

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52824d No.21521080


They have a special word for people like JFK and RFK


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4aa1cb No.21521081




no mosques seem to be burning

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3dc41e No.21521082

File: 5dfaa41992d83e9⋯.png (497.23 KB,1070x585,214:117,ClipboardImage.png)

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aba93b No.21521083

File: 8332dd21e332e4e⋯.png (193.49 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_074237.png)

File: 4273bb18b1441ba⋯.png (182.9 KB,766x1728,383:864,559.png)

File: a252a3676cb5b3b⋯.png (85.83 KB,766x1118,383:559,1759.png)

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77426e No.21521084

File: d159b449e627d9a⋯.jpg (160.65 KB,915x537,305:179,d159b449e627d9a5bde8978a70….jpg)

File: de11de71d8ac6da⋯.png (432.26 KB,680x370,68:37,de11de71d8ac6da4822c6d0558….png)

File: 07449824883e4cd⋯.png (64.02 KB,1016x382,508:191,07449824883e4cd88c8fef8373….png)

File: e2c9b98601a3073⋯.png (86.67 KB,1025x581,1025:581,e2c9b98601a307305d465a314a….png)

File: fc0e57c857dc192⋯.mp4 (4.52 MB,426x240,71:40,fc0e57c857dc192890528488ad….mp4)


>polio vaccination

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2847aa No.21521085


>Is that why their need for symbolism will be their down fall?

Yeah… their symbols are in fact a source of power for them.

That is how they have gathered stringth over the millenium…///

I hope you understand, we have limited time to gather streingth…///

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5a1552 No.21521086

File: ac31887c2990184⋯.png (173.03 KB,444x430,222:215,ac31887c29901847ac0e1c24de….png)


Hey guud morn'n frendo. God bless you and habs a guud

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4eed84 No.21521087


Why are you mapping Q drops to some random?

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bad5c2 No.21521088

File: 412ec911d1a3201⋯.png (1.21 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725198035880.png)

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45e190 No.21521089



Who can WE TRUST?

RATS everywhere.

EVIL everywhere.

TRAITORS everywhere.






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adad63 No.21521090

RFK Jr is fake? He is wearing a mask? (There is no way these old fucks have that much energy)

Trump is fake too?

The military is conducting this entire operation with actors wearing masks?

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fdba12 No.21521091

File: 3c53af056bbad87⋯.png (850.1 KB,1020x1024,255:256,YouWereRight.png)

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4790cb No.21521092

File: 66eb46c8f200523⋯.png (443.7 KB,825x705,55:47,most.PNG)


Most of today’s vaccines are developed with ABORTED FETAL CELL LINES – Here’s the full list

By Lance D Johnson // Sep 01, 2024

TAGS: abortion, badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, brutality, depopulation, evil, fetal cell lines, God's wrath, HEK-293, Human sacrifice, moral failure, MRC-5, organ harvesting, RA 27/3, religious exemptions, Twisted, unborn, unethical products, unscientific, vaccine ingredients, Vaccine injuries, vaccine manufacturing, vaccine science, vaccines, WI-38

Here is the full list of vaccines that contain the….

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5a1552 No.21521093

File: aeb8bc864472605⋯.jpg (72.06 KB,953x671,953:671,aeb8bc864472605210c7fd7038….jpg)


GM retard

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b9e156 No.21521094

File: 1589e2386296491⋯.jpg (525.91 KB,2560x2560,1:1,1589e23862964910896493d2bc….jpg)

And it's still my favorite Pepe, regardless of who posts it. The clowns are just kind to post them all the time now rather than dehumanizing merchants or idiotic racial division copypastas.

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2847aa No.21521095


>RFK Jr is fake? He is wearing a mask? (There is no way these old fucks have that much energy)

Just so you know, he is here…///

>Trump is fake too?

Trump is never fake… never has been… never will be.//

>The military is conducting this entire operation with actors wearing masks?

I will never tell you the whole plan…///

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adad63 No.21521096


The military is vital because they HAVE to follow orders or else court marshaled.

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997751 No.21521097

File: 623b8c6c2ddf6fe⋯.jpg (125.04 KB,781x576,781:576,666.jpg)

File: 5a22b061ece1fd4⋯.jpg (158.52 KB,1280x1207,1280:1207,666_NASA.jpg)

File: 4ffef81ae7f5392⋯.jpg (59.67 KB,1334x750,667:375,barcode_666.jpg)

File: 45d02f1a0f43c51⋯.png (327.42 KB,1055x1011,1055:1011,666.png)

File: 99761f76c1e4f68⋯.jpeg (14.48 KB,255x255,1:1,99761f76c1e4f68adadcee9e8….jpeg)


6 figures

6 feet

6 inches

== dream boi for waman

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aba93b No.21521098

File: 38c5f8d280c51ee⋯.png (151.5 KB,766x1602,383:801,656.png)

File: 67d87175b01451e⋯.png (67.1 KB,766x896,383:448,911_1_.png)


mornin' . let's fuckin' go.

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15e76d No.21521099



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4de063 No.21521100


You are a Schizo and should be locked up for a long time.

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4aa1cb No.21521101

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95a9d8 No.21521102


>Another Day at the Office

but it's Labor Day

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f90b2a No.21521103

File: 3abf763296570e0⋯.png (272.45 KB,508x501,508:501,gk1.png)

File: 7ff3d9d4a33e0e7⋯.png (125.42 KB,364x293,364:293,gk2.png)

File: ad9ed6e562d6cce⋯.png (78.91 KB,213x163,213:163,gk3.png)


>court marshaled

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fdba12 No.21521104


>I hope you understand,

I do.

You use their source of power to protect yourself from them.

Just like how Bilbo used the ring to protect himself from Sauron.

Did I get the analogy right?

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f90b2a No.21521105

notables bun @500

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4790cb No.21521106

File: ec2fea42c747ae5⋯.png (624.52 KB,576x638,288:319,up.PNG)

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6b0281 No.21521107


I’ll m sure he is there but that ain’t him on stage. He’s probably doing all the voice over work.

How does old man Trump have that much energy?

Cause y’all are faggots. I can figure out your simple plan myself.

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f90b2a No.21521108

File: a26a66c774a216a⋯.jpg (7.23 KB,198x176,9:8,1f623c1638c7eb19e22c98094f….jpg)


no cobbee yet

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15e76d No.21521109


call to digg

hey, sauce your fuckin post!

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aba93b No.21521110

File: 202f62617d19086⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB,752x1360,47:85,202f62617d19086b43ec306262….mp4)

File: 340043c1b2a1eb9⋯.png (622.5 KB,680x646,20:19,340043c1b2a1eb9dfe0d0eb77e….png)


to keep the shills employed and entertained.

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b9e156 No.21521111

File: e72741511bc8504⋯.jpg (23.32 KB,474x266,237:133,super_pepe2.jpg)

For example, I post guitar stuff, Satriani and Van Halen, so now he needs to post guitar memes. I posted Smoking Pepes for years, now his entire image is built around those and their variations. I post a meme he likes, he copies it down to the filename I give it. I post 40K Space Marines, well he doesn't like those, and they're angels of the emporer so he'll post angel pepes. He's basically an exaggerated caricature that behave like a cheap knockoff. SmokingPepe vs. SmokingPepe from Wish.com. He wants what I have, and others here as well, all for himself.

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3dc41e No.21521112

File: f25825f9206dbdc⋯.jpeg (138.26 KB,905x1024,905:1024,consp.jpeg)

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5a1552 No.21521113

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smoking_pepe21.png)

God bless you frens and especially God bless the jews who get it the worst on here.


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8645bd No.21521114



some mental patient

looks at timestamp and posts Q drop, fucking stupid

FYI this system is broked… cant go past post 1259 duh, the other 3000 are no imoportante mr jose

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f90b2a No.21521115

notables bun @500

czech em

#26366 >>21520573

>>21520580 @stillgray: Mark Cuban effectively making an argument for voter ID

>>21520604 Morae's immoral censorship is doomed

>>21520617 NASA spacecraft collision may have created a meteor shower that will last for 100 years

>>21520676 @USArmy: The chances of being born triplets are one in 10,000

>>21520897, >>21520900 @ElijahSchaffer:"The Atlantic" puts the Christian flag as a far right symbol

Ghost grab

>>21520928 Elon Musk w/CAP: …we were being told to break Brazilian laws and that we would be sanctioned if we told anyone about it!

>>21520941 Turkey formally submits application to join BRICS+.

>>21520944 Kamala Harris and the Fake News exposed, Gold Star family edition

>>21520949 KEK: German police request data from Gab to identify a German account who labelled politician Ricarda Lang 'fat'

>>21520962 George w/CAP: Mississippi's State Auditor released report saying over 22,000 illegal immigrants have settled in the state, costing taxpayers over $100mm/year

>>21520979 Yet another church in France is in flames. This one is from 1854 and survived two world wars.

>>21521075 Large-scale polio vaccination campaign begins in Gaza

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626e84 No.21521116


You’re just jealous with how smart I am.

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bad5c2 No.21521117

File: f64f83c5b56232a⋯.png (458.08 KB,810x1440,9:16,1725277825985.png)

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1d0a75 No.21521118


They've called a Jihad on the entire world..look around..infiltration of countries then schools and government positions to take over then start burning it down..total destruction of western civilization is their goal.

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b9e156 No.21521119

File: d7eadc138edab98⋯.png (384.78 KB,1000x500,2:1,oncesaw2.png)

He's like one of those mentally ill people that think they're Jesus or Napoleon or something.

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5a1552 No.21521120

File: e72741511bc8504⋯.jpg (23.32 KB,474x266,237:133,super_pepe2.jpg)


Nice meme

Quads checked!

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2847aa No.21521121


>I’ll m sure he is there but that ain’t him on stage. He’s probably doing all the voice over work.

>How does old man Trump have that much energy?

Because he is healthy…/// //

>Cause y’all are faggots. I can figure out your simple plan myself.


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bad5c2 No.21521122

File: 492bc7df2e7ca9d⋯.jpg (90.62 KB,368x751,368:751,Meanwhile_in_Kektropolis_K….jpg)

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,Plus_Ultra_Kek.gif)




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45e190 No.21521123

File: a25d8361ac2b429⋯.png (799.13 KB,711x669,237:223,ci_afg.png)


"leadership" FOOLS. Booms for Clowns.

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4790cb No.21521124

File: 76ad2d7a93cb88a⋯.png (336.47 KB,596x767,596:767,22.PNG)



X22 Report



Sep 01, 2024, 12:45 PM

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8645bd No.21521125



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b9e156 No.21521126

And copies down to the filename again. Totally here with honest intent.

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f798c7 No.21521127

File: f38a7ecb3589c49⋯.png (861 KB,851x501,851:501,7th_floor.png)


Interesting, plausible, but I think their ops are under the NSA (or were).

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4aa1cb No.21521128


And it's all orchestrated by the Jews.

The Muslims are being used to destroy Christianity and then the Jews will become the ultimate supreme rulers.

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5a1552 No.21521129

File: ce2671883750479⋯.jpg (154.41 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,GQoHBW5bQAAbmNb.jpg)

You know what little frens, today is going to be an honest day. You gotta be honest with yourself and others. Honestly. My next song is called Bigly Honest.

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95a9d8 No.21521130

File: bfcc1f532f4c175⋯.png (65.59 KB,688x338,344:169,ClipboardImage.png)


catturd is that you

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4128a6 No.21521131


Define healthy. Testosterone levels in Trump should be near 0. Low T Low energy. He should be napping all day in a retirement home.

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aba93b No.21521132

File: bb7b29851ce41b6⋯.png (433.21 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_075509.png)

File: b1f5827b9d700f7⋯.png (26.13 KB,766x408,383:204,406_3_.png)

File: a5fd00fbfc22b8d⋯.jpeg (44.76 KB,680x453,680:453,fqMpBl4o.jpeg)

File: ae45c29f5654230⋯.jpg (130.98 KB,1200x675,16:9,ae45c29f5654230a2c1d2f4804….jpg)

File: a8a5f0f9d12781a⋯.png (458.34 KB,766x748,383:374,1606_1_.png)



nobody akchually uses the filter

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d40b79 No.21521133

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bad5c2 No.21521134

File: eac85b1f34ea189⋯.png (498.38 KB,810x1440,9:16,1725277860863.png)

File: 72ced59621f991c⋯.jpg (318.29 KB,1696x1136,106:71,SCAN0038.JPG)

File: f30cf76be081b04⋯.jpg (2.88 MB,2816x2112,4:3,SAT5.JPG)

File: 615341183f5c390⋯.jpg (841.19 KB,2560x1920,4:3,PC100156.JPG)

File: 35d663d4371cdb2⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,2304x1728,4:3,P1030105.JPG)


You Are Incorrect

State Dept = CIA = Foreign

Dept of Defense = NSA/DIA = EVERYONE

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77426e No.21521135


>auce your fuckin post!

Why? What does "sauce it" actually mean any how? It's a vid from the net, an OPINION just like anons.

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b9e156 No.21521136

I like how he's displaying the very behavior that would get someone kicked out of a country, something they used to accuse an entire ethnicity of every day multiple times per day. Now they content themselves to imitating a nobody so they don't feel like losers.

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bad5c2 No.21521137

File: f64f83c5b56232a⋯.png (458.08 KB,810x1440,9:16,1725277825985.png)

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bad5c2 No.21521138

File: eac85b1f34ea189⋯.png (498.38 KB,810x1440,9:16,1725277860863.png)

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bad5c2 No.21521139

File: 7ddec2be108454e⋯.png (471.61 KB,810x1440,9:16,1725277887649.png)

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b0ccf4 No.21521140


why not Court Marshal the shitbags that emitted unlawful orders?

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4790cb No.21521141

File: b8267e8cda022c8⋯.png (432.28 KB,602x487,602:487,fs.PNG)

File: bbef3dd8f091749⋯.png (22.82 KB,1239x391,1239:391,24.PNG)


John Solomon


Free speech on 2024 ballot because entrenched disinformation policing infrastructure, analyst says

Protest against censorship by Facebook in Warsaw, Poland. | (Mateusz Wlodarczyk/Getty Images)

From justthenews.com

12:51 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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bad5c2 No.21521142

File: 26a92221576e9b5⋯.png (1.34 MB,1323x882,3:2,1724963327513.png)

File: 3c065fd7162b37b⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,426x240,71:40,My_Way_Trump.mp4)

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5369fe No.21521143


why scud not cruise?

if from a distance, guidance system would have to be precise to get at that low flat trajectory

close ground level "container" used like a "gun" to fire right at accounting office to destroy records of missing trillions

perhaps in 2001they did have precision guidance that was not revealed to public and came in from long distance.

they did have time to clear potential witnesses from large area around pentagon beforehand to use close ground based system with smokless ignition/thruster

perhaps catapult system

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aba93b No.21521144

File: 94e29b9684afc81⋯.png (291.11 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_075847.png)

File: d912d479df1ab2b⋯.png (51.86 KB,766x584,383:292,259_4_.png)

File: cc0499cdaf2ee28⋯.png (222.54 KB,766x2318,383:1159,1459_4_.png)

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2847aa No.21521145


>Define healthy. Testosterone levels in Trump should be near 0. Low T Low energy. He should be napping all day in a retirement home.


He's always got energy when he needs it.///

You'll find it out why next year…/// Maybe…//

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bad5c2 No.21521146

File: d82f5d83134185d⋯.jpg (62.38 KB,680x468,170:117,Clintons_Shotgun_Suicides.jpg)

File: e796038b61c9361⋯.jpg (90.67 KB,676x769,676:769,Very_Concerned_Firing_Squa….jpg)


Too Easy

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4aa1cb No.21521147


Why not spell Court Martial correctly?

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389119 No.21521148


He’s a robot? And can swap batteries out?

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15e76d No.21521149


if anon is searching and all the vids and pics fall off 8, then at least we can grab the og url

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09b05a No.21521150

Biden is about to leave DE on helo to go to White House. Any planefags around to see call sign and where he lands? JBA or South Lawn

Sauce is TV Fox & Friends

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45e190 No.21521151

File: c1fc8f4e703b4cb⋯.png (2.27 MB,2326x3006,1163:1503,927.png)


Except, Q+ rightfully possesses the actual hammer of God.

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5a1552 No.21521152

File: b181461c3148fce⋯.png (173.75 KB,450x496,225:248,b181461c3148fce020ad571151….png)

Have you or someone you know stollen a meme? If so, you could be deported because stollen meme is a felony.

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244825 No.21521153

File: b181461c3148fce⋯.png (173.75 KB,450x496,225:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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bad5c2 No.21521154

File: b46b820ebcb2149⋯.jpg (117.54 KB,948x640,237:160,Kek_Cobbler_Best_POTUS.jpg)

File: 1d8db0d94dbe395⋯.jpg (104.06 KB,948x632,3:2,Top_Kek_Cobbler.jpg)

File: 3e0dcba11df655e⋯.jpg (67.98 KB,703x395,703:395,Screaming_Joe_Scarborough_….jpg)

File: 3b5b24f2663848d⋯.jpg (1.65 MB,2560x1920,4:3,P1010136.JPG)


Also we issue orders. We do not emit them…

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b0ccf4 No.21521155




with or without the s?

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2847aa No.21521156


>He’s a robot? And can swap batteries out?

No man, he's a real guy…///

Just focus on the end game now… we're in the fourth quarter…///

DIG… good… MEME… better…. PRAY… AWESOME…////

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6f2448 No.21521157


I cannot access Twatter here in Brasil without a VPN.

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b9e156 No.21521158

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB,398x442,199:221,9f74d4db6bc10c780d9fb36971….png)

I mean, they project, right? And… I had a hunch on the "kicked out of multiple countries" propaganda they used to spam and wanted to see if I could draw it out of them. It seems to have worked.

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bad5c2 No.21521159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e30a97 No.21521160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e30a97 No.21521161

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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e30a97 No.21521162

File: 57f7bb728f6dfa8⋯.png (423.67 KB,1024x768,4:3,1ca.png)

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

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45e190 No.21521163


Q is coming back Home. Clean House. BOOMS for Clowns.

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4790cb No.21521164

File: a23f499e63a8d40⋯.png (333.25 KB,590x847,590:847,al.PNG)


“Sudden And Unexpected”


New footage from the massive vaccination effort in Gaza shows children receiving the vaccine orally.

Disturbingly, this is a type of polio vaccine that the USA and other countries have rejected because it can actually cause severe problems, including polio.

As the crisis continues, the Director of the World Health Organization ominously states, "Ultimately, the best vaccine for these children is peace."


12:59 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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77426e No.21521165


I have a copy & can ID the org poster, BUT that will ID him. Then in 3 2 1…his twat account will be suspended.

Better the vid is anon, that way if (YOU) & a few(?) other share it (assuming you think there is something in it worth watching) it might go viral.

ANON works, just need to protect da sauces of research … IMHO

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95a9d8 No.21521166


Morgan Colling and Gilbert.

for the people

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2cc262 No.21521167

File: 283c3a0d69a7b8e⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB,1328x2104,166:263,IMG_3259.jpeg)

File: 1baddd731b8c0ce⋯.jpeg (440.11 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_2959.jpeg)

File: e7980397ca1e3f1⋯.jpeg (109.14 KB,693x924,3:4,IMG_2961.jpeg)

File: 09862db623b7f3f⋯.jpeg (212.21 KB,1727x856,1727:856,IMG_0697.jpeg)

File: 130f09061964cae⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,1313x1875,1313:1875,IMG_5337.jpeg)


John B Wells is so full of shit!

Knights and Dames are the 1:1:1:1 Affiliates Q talks about.

They are your Alien Agenda, Globalists, Liars!


Does NOT exist… it was a BLOG = Bullshit!




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5369fe No.21521168


also, look how cgi tower jets had to correct to hit big towers

guess they put their best pilots on the pentagon mission

path would have to be clear for a long distance otherwise the aluminum would crumple from any other obstacles long before hitting building.

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5a1552 No.21521169

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)


Now listen here you little sniveling ratfuck failfag mimic muhjoo angry inch harmful harmless absolute Retard chucklefuck, you think you can just walk in here and stollen my meme? A copyright meme with my copyright filenames? How absolutely fucking dare you sir. I'm going to sperg out now and label you as muhgaytriot and muhjoo and muhvatican when absolutely zero evidence exists to prove that but I'm an angry narcissist who projects all my own faults and lies and failures on others because of my inflated megalomaniac narcissistic ego.

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45e190 No.21521170

File: 279dee147484434⋯.png (269.39 KB,591x554,591:554,ClipboardImage.png)

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aba93b No.21521171

File: 8307c7f92e5accb⋯.png (493.93 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_080702.png)

File: 8b308123a8d021e⋯.png (166.39 KB,766x1374,383:687,802_12_.png)

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77426e No.21521173


>why scud not cruise?

NFI, whats the differences? any ammo-anons around?

I said SCUD because thats the word that anon heard. No idea what one is other than goes bang & can cover up paperwork for hrc

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19eb45 No.21521174

File: 8c6a559dc18e54a⋯.png (422.39 KB,534x1000,267:500,ClipboardImage.png)

How does Trump do it?

Diet Coke…Get sum!

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45e190 No.21521175


Nothing about any of it was random. Hostility is a mind-killer.

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6e24f8 No.21521176

File: e2e74f52a4fcc57⋯.jpg (66.53 KB,651x383,651:383,crazynancy.jpg)

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aba93b No.21521177

File: 2964b064ebcc9d2⋯.png (643.54 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_080930.png)

File: ff4fe017956764b⋯.png (82.45 KB,766x760,383:380,659_1_.png)

File: e27d80f56e32736⋯.jpeg (139.79 KB,1000x667,1000:667,GWd1yiSWIAAabI2.jpeg)


6:59 am is unusual for CENTCOM.

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45e190 No.21521178

Anons, anyone whining about Military, Patriotism, God, the Plan or (you), is going out with the Trash.

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88a244 No.21521179


Post 2021 fiasco innauguration, DJT took a breather, weight loss, rejuvenation protocols, Detox, DeStress and play some golf. Maybe a little time travel or Space Time. Only the inner few know

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5369fe No.21521180


when have democrats come through with their promises to black folk after the election is over?

they use the excuse that republicans stopped it.

see you in 4 yrs

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8c65de No.21521181




the 2000 year hegemony of christianity (read: Vatican) is coming to an end. This is just getting rid of the symbolism.

and now its time for 2000 years of….

yes you guessed right

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b0ccf4 No.21521182


then why not ISSUE some Orders for Top Brass to read what they ostensibly took an Oath to uphold and defend??????? Or has an Order already been ISSUED to ignore The Deal and just Do As You're Told (no matter how many are killed and civilization collapses by weight of Official-ised Corruption).

and btw, if you are active duty or even prior service without ability to SEE the sedition and treason… then take your filthy Uniform and shove it up your ass.

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4eed84 No.21521183

File: b181461c3148fce⋯.png (173.75 KB,450x496,225:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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4790cb No.21521184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8c65de No.21521185


>vaccination campaign

so, now they will start dying at an accellerated rate?

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15e76d No.21521186

File: 81b2aefec2ac71c⋯.png (703.07 KB,888x599,888:599,i_can_explain_it_to_you_i_….png)

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77426e No.21521187


in todyas tech world we anal-ise 'details'…

the BIGer pics is: why no investy? why FAST cleanup of steel & sent to chyna/

what about thegold? the paperwork in pentagon? it's the big piccy that does not 'fit' hence anon has concerns, esp due to what came after. in mid east

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15e76d No.21521188



Dirt Road Discussions

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45e190 No.21521189

File: adb1ff3b0348e8b⋯.mp4 (8.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Magic_Sword_In_The_Face_Of….mp4)


"Empowering service members to make their voices heard!"

That's about (you) Anons. Time to be heard. You are the King's men. Knights. The Oath.

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8c65de No.21521190



>“Sudden And Unexpected”

food won't reach, but when it comes to vaccines…

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45e190 No.21521191

You knew it was this Epic Battle anons, deep down inside, God put that knowledge there to be understood in this Time.

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51eb4c No.21521192




>with or without the s?

If it a singular court dealing with a single case - no 's'

If it is multiple courts convened then it is plural - then use the 's'

Court-martial - singular

Courts-martial - plural

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bad5c2 No.21521193

File: f406027f20190db⋯.png (780.84 KB,1213x961,1213:961,1725279347395.png)

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9fe1f1 No.21521194


>but it's Labor Day

>>Another Day at the Office

And yet, we're still here…

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aba93b No.21521195

File: bc20e268423a496⋯.png (692.79 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_081504.png)

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55b6b1 No.21521196


that will kill those pesky arabs easier so the jews can come take their land.

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aba93b No.21521197

File: bc20e268423a496⋯.png (692.79 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_081504.png)

File: 316e44ae8eb77dc⋯.png (124.08 KB,766x728,383:364,1985_1_.png)

File: 81a6a5b4116312b⋯.jpeg (358.89 KB,1480x1036,10:7,GWcBv39WMAAjtsK.jpeg)

File: 9f7dbc92d764dc2⋯.png (109.01 KB,766x936,383:468,1912.png)

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bad5c2 No.21521198

File: 75d632ea7cd3ab4⋯.jpg (491.24 KB,1079x860,1079:860,Full_Control.jpg)


You Seem Angry

There is No Reason to Be Upset

Unless You're One of [Them]

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b0552b No.21521199

File: f32b700cc0c5884⋯.png (736.03 KB,770x904,385:452,2024_09_01_19_49_09.png)

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77426e No.21521200


>christianity (read: Vatican)

mixing thing up there. the vatcan didn't start until 325AD after a meeting where ROMANS agreed to one religion with a ceasar hung on the wall or mary statue. catlick different group to christians & muslims 7 hindus & seven day avengests & …. etc etc

Try this to understand my point

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuCn8ux2gbs

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88a244 No.21521201


Fake and Ghey, "Cable of foreign" ….

Morons and idiots.

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2cc262 No.21521202

File: ab1d3065ff25955⋯.jpeg (202.54 KB,872x872,1:1,IMG_3261.jpeg)

File: 19ff3856af6ac62⋯.png (1.02 MB,898x1552,449:776,4629.png)


It’s all about The Break

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45e190 No.21521203

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)


"…the incredible people who make the #DOD and our country thrive on a daily basis. Thank you for all you do!"

About (you) Anons. YOU are the News. YOU are the Light. YOU are the KEY.

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8c65de No.21521204


well, you ARE an idiot if you have the kamabla words readable and the afterthought scribbled in small print


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a4a44e No.21521205


See…..here is the problem

Fucking Navy is short 22k sailors

They literally will take anyone

Navy moar worried about looking good than protecting civilians

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bad5c2 No.21521206

File: b996e7065802721⋯.png (1.2 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725198012153.png)

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b9e156 No.21521207


You rant about copyright and trademarks.

>when absolutely zero evidence exists to prove that but I'm an angry narcissist who projects all my own faults and lies and failures on others because of my inflated megalomaniac narcissistic ego.

The evidence is your behavior.

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45e190 No.21521208

Hope you didn't forget how to read double meanings from between the lines.

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f3cf1f No.21521209


[They've] said repeatedly the world has too many people for their comfort level so millions must die by different means..whatever works, [they're] good with it.

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bad5c2 No.21521210

File: dbd1f3b4c852b6b⋯.png (101.32 KB,666x375,222:125,ei_1725277681433_removebg_….png)

File: c9f9f3d9e9fd378⋯.png (178.38 KB,612x408,3:2,ei_1725277713052_removebg_….png)

File: c096e0bf5b6a466⋯.png (225.3 KB,600x400,3:2,ei_1725277774069_removebg_….png)

File: 068026a86ce4001⋯.png (219.15 KB,1024x301,1024:301,American_Hostages_Killed_i….png)

File: a26a79c40788a2c⋯.png (307.24 KB,1024x525,1024:525,Can_t_Be_Bothered_9_1_2024.png)

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4790cb No.21521211

File: 63064588bc89aa6⋯.png (1.28 MB,1077x877,1077:877,land.PNG)


Trumplandsubvertical orientation badge

MAGA Artist Debuts Deranged Apocalyptic Vision of Kamala Harris Devouring Bald Eagle


The Democratic presidential candidate was portrayed laughing as she chowed down on the bird’s bloody corpse, with a mushroom cloud blooming behind her.

AJ McDougall

AJ McDougall

Breaking News Reporter

Updated Sep. 01, 2024 8:23PM EDT / Published Sep. 01, 2024 6:53PM EDT

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15e76d No.21521212

File: fdffeac59a6f747⋯.png (269.46 KB,849x677,849:677,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41ee79257e65494⋯.png (782.48 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)


Hahaha  I didn’t know that this Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla got his medical degree as a veterinary? How a appropriate that #Horsepaste #ivermectin is the #cure for most if not all diseases from cancer to MS, to Lyme Disease to crones disease….. “They” weaponized parasites. “They” injected parasites in ticks, mosquitoes, flies, food, water air. “They” are sheer evil. #DirtRoadDiscussions #Hosea4 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge”-Hosea 4:6



Feb 1, 2023

And the vet did not suggest the “horse paste” #Ivermectin ?

#AlbertBourla #PfizerCEO #PfizerLiedPeopleDied finance.yahoo.com/news/pfizer-


Pfizer’s CEO, a former veterinarian, used a high-risk strategy to make vaccine history

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla asked his team to "make the impossible possible," giving them 8 months to develop a safe COVID-19 vaccine. The result would make history.

Feb 02, 2023, 9:41 AM

Pfizer’s CEO, a former veterinarian, used a high-risk strategy to make vaccine history

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla isn’t afraid of taking risks — and it’s paid off in big ways for the pharmaceutical and biotech giant.

When Bourla took over as Pfizer’s leader in 2019, he took a high-risk, high reward approach by betting heavily on cutting-edge science and the customer experience.

His strategy is paying off. After 16 years, Pfizer rejoined Fortune’s list of the Most Admired Companies, largely because of Bourla’s vision and the company’s historic COVID vaccine launch.

Bourla credits lessons from his parents surviving a Nazi occupation and his background in science as major drivers of his success.

His story is inspiring, with lessons that many can apply to their careers.


Bourla was born to parents who survived the Nazi occupation of Thessalonika, Greece, the ancient city where he was born. His parents emphasized an important lesson: to live a positive life in the present, even if the past is dark.

His path to CEO was unconventional, but would be crucial to his success in the long term.

After graduating from the Veterinary School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki where he studied veterinary medicine and received a Ph.D. in biotechnology of reproduction, he began his career as a vet.

In 1993, Bourla joined Pfizer as the technical director of the animal health division. He moved to New York in 2001 to serve as group marketing director for the US. Five years later, he became the area president of animal health for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Finding a sweet spot with consumer health at Pfizer

In 2014, Bourla was promoted to head of the global vaccines, oncology, and consumer healthcare division.

He became group president of Pfizer Innovative Health in 2016 and served for a year, overseeing research and development in consumer healthcare, immunology, vaccines, and other sectors. During this time, he also created the Patient and Health Impact Group focused on making it easier for patients to use Pfizer’s platforms

Bourla continued to quickly rise up the ranks, and was promoted to chief operating officer in 2018. A year later, in 2019, he would be promoted to chief executive.

According to the Harvard Business Review, Bourla has focused on putting patients first in his two decades with Pfizer.

He emphasized the user experience, measuring success by the number of patients Pfizer served over sales numbers, and pushed the company to become more science-driven and innovative through a demanding leadership style that he attributes to his background in science and his Jewish heritage.

Smart decisions before COVID would pay off later

Shortly after he became CEO in 2019, Bourla restructured the company in a way that would prove beneficial when the COVID pandemic came months later.


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8c65de No.21521213



Potatoes potatos..

so its 1675 years of hegemony. big difference

(ps not bothering with your link. That christ was a yogi is know by this anon)

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b9e156 No.21521214

File: aee472374df24a1⋯.png (1.28 MB,1024x1022,512:511,h3YSBvWigRXm.png)

I mean… when their imitation routines fail to drive off who they're targeting, it shouldn't come as a surprise when the person they're imitating calls them out on it.

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aba93b No.21521215


multiple of 2 numbers. two fucking early for that level of math

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f1cfe6 No.21521216

Did any one see this the other day, weird Roth comms…,

A zoo is celebrating the "miracle" birth of a baby giraffe, despite its mother taking contraception.

Ruby, a Rothschild's giraffe, gave birth to the male calf at Marwell Zoo, near Winchester in Hampshire, on 21 August.

Keepers were surprised as the first-time mum had been on birth control.

The calf, which already stands at over 5ft (1.52m) tall, is the first newborn addition to Marwell Zoo's giraffe herd since 2012.


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77426e No.21521217



Protect ya sources is #1.

like I said his & other twat accounts get shutdown by orders from blackrock / dems / controllers.

Like I said if like vid then share it on YOUR accounts if thinks it's BS then don't share it.

But anon does not want to get guys account shuttered. this was the mistake 8chan made back in day, so many accounts of 'researchers' got closed 'because'

so if YOU share it then add YOUR url as "source".

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b0ccf4 No.21521218


(i understand, goodanon. I was a bit grumpy about someone picking on a misspelling while ignoring the substance. It is highly annoying when humorless pedantic fucks fixate upon a minimal detail, while the house is on fire. We are currently trapped inside a completely LAWLESS system with only the public's general habit of civility that holds Us together. The rotten "Government" can't be dragged into any earthly Court at this time.)

Grammar Kitty at least is funny AND educational.

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b9e156 No.21521219

File: a776163961bf940⋯.png (273.97 KB,500x568,125:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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b4d2e1 No.21521220

Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election


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a4a44e No.21521221


How did so many old people get so greedy and evil

Old people are douchebags

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aba93b No.21521222

File: 9b7361389088179⋯.png (1.54 MB,2048x1536,4:3,a404d1fb43a092c93e9887e409….png)

File: 1629187fd24cd32⋯.png (30.89 KB,766x452,383:226,1414_5_.png)

File: 19aa881829b187a⋯.png (462.09 KB,766x876,383:438,444.png)

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45e190 No.21521223


>21 [5] 2 (2+1+2=[5] > 5:5

>1177 > 17 17

(CVN71) in [8th Psyop] are of responsibility.

Anons. Q is coming Home…

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77426e No.21521224

File: b92072eb316e20e⋯.png (1.26 MB,1722x1296,287:216,Screen_Shot_2024_09_02_at_….png)


>not bothering with your link

Try a piccy.

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4790cb No.21521225

File: 8d5c02f2e4c60ea⋯.png (400 KB,389x723,389:723,all.PNG)


Will illegal immigrants become undocumented voters

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9fa3d0 No.21521226

File: b73dc4fbed390fa⋯.png (340.4 KB,568x833,568:833,ClipboardImage.png)

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4eed84 No.21521227


lil Nas X is not Nas

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bad5c2 No.21521228

File: 8f82e79d31fc711⋯.jpg (67.54 KB,703x395,703:395,Screaming_Joe_Kamala_Memes.jpg)

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15e76d No.21521229


okay fren, we all have different ways to fight fight fight

i see your insight and strategic post as another way ~ to get ideas to filter into the wild ~ if it is good and true it will bounce WW

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582c01 No.21521230

File: 1a1117718c1711d⋯.jpeg (439.54 KB,828x1525,828:1525,2960C3E6_2A88_490B_84B6_7….jpeg)

File: 237d5ed65b85691⋯.jpeg (464.51 KB,828x611,828:611,D29C35B1_D519_4353_BE41_0….jpeg)

File: 7861081708f2c57⋯.jpeg (88.49 KB,828x144,23:4,E838A479_9C41_4CF5_8206_1….jpeg)

File: 5c5f0db44d9d8af⋯.gif (374.41 KB,640x360,16:9,0C99EAB9_3891_4527_B6A3_94….gif)

Seen video games simulate car crashes, maybe someone could use the same program for 911?

Just a thought

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5ccf81 No.21521231

File: c24d8d06364df23⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB,406x720,203:360,66d4e37442d9a.mp4)


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15e76d No.21521232

I have to go to work, fuckin hate it

wasting my time, for what?


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4de063 No.21521233

File: 002bf2113d2d485⋯.png (36.52 KB,912x306,152:51,17.png)


Your 17's are way off.

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aba93b No.21521234

File: b18d6c021b37cc5⋯.png (254 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240902_082941.png)

File: a79c43c08921796⋯.png (83.76 KB,766x848,383:424,1249.png)

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8c65de No.21521235

File: 308c2e2d745b0fd⋯.jpg (25.15 KB,386x481,386:481,Capture.JPG)

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88a244 No.21521236


Knowingly evil, Crimes against humanity, almost as if he was informed of the Plandemic.

All the big Pharma Companies restructured to insulate their core consumer division from both the profits they took for the bioweapons and of course under guidance from the scumbag lawyers, protect said consumer divisions from the blowback if the big murder and grift backfired.

RICO laws apply and all they have will be seized and restructured for the people. The CEOs will be tribunaled, no longer a civil matter.

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5a1552 No.21521237

File: b8a96d72921f086⋯.jpg (150.84 KB,728x953,728:953,foI58ftg.jpg)


How absolutely DARE YOU steal a meme

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31d8ee No.21521238


So you can pay your financial obligations, a family of you want it

Be happy you have a job anon

This anon was harassed out of them and is looking at the real prospect of being homeless this next move

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45e190 No.21521239

File: aa92f78fff37e60⋯.png (139.25 KB,1023x767,1023:767,SeeHere.png)


Titanic > Down She Goes!

Resist OP will not provide enough public support for cover. Smile for the camera. Patriots in control.

"secret mission"

Nothing to See Here.

(Search results today)

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d62852 No.21521240

File: 69a46b16bc6044f⋯.png (160.9 KB,866x880,433:440,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

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da1205 No.21521241

File: ca47f9a385533ff⋯.jpg (90.29 KB,885x516,295:172,Turkey_Stray_Dogs_29525_c0….jpg)

Turkiya, I love you!

Thousands of Turks protest controversial law to remove stray dogs

ISTANBUL — Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Istanbul on Sunday to protest recent legislation that critics say is leading to the killing of stray dogs across Turkey.

Last month, legislators approved the new law aimed at removing millions of stray dogs from Turkish streets citing safety concerns. Animal-lovers fear it will lead to widespread culling or dogs ending up in disease-ridden and overcrowded shelters.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the law was necessary to deal with the country’s “stray dog problem.”

Sunday’s protesters called for the law to be repealed, brandishing posters reading ‘shelters are death camps’ and ‘withdraw the bloody law.’

“We want this law to be withdrawn immediately,” protester Hasan Kizilyatak, 64, told The Associated Press. “They (stray dogs) are living beings, just like us. We are here because we are against them being annihilated.”


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bad5c2 No.21521242

File: 2f1f7d9dd5828d6⋯.png (975.13 KB,1325x880,265:176,1725280315800.png)

File: 415af1b95f3685b⋯.png (230.52 KB,1024x345,1024:345,miss_Trump_So_do_we_9_2_20….png)

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4790cb No.21521243

File: 274c61307198673⋯.png (12.39 KB,604x167,604:167,js.PNG)




Today’s job seekers won’t accept less than $81,147—up by almost $20,000 since March 2020, per FORTUNE.

1:31 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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5a1552 No.21521244

File: d7eadc138edab98⋯.png (384.78 KB,1000x500,2:1,oncesaw2.png)

How do you destroy a retard with their own meme to ultimately help them? Hold muh beer

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88a244 No.21521245

File: 8e7340a09595441⋯.webp (41.52 KB,600x600,1:1,IMG_0049.webp)


Flat Earth Morons

We are living in God's Terrarium

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5a1552 No.21521246

File: 5646d6e5810fb7c⋯.png (66 KB,274x285,274:285,5646d6e5810fb7c9beebf26ccf….png)

Sometimes you need to destroy in order to create

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e20288 No.21521247

File: 1de1ffb06cc4ad9⋯.png (542.28 KB,653x464,653:464,ClipboardImage.png)

This mornings top story..

The Jews.

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5e6eb7 No.21521248


And on top of all that's wrong with them, who picks out those names and says "That's great! Let's go with that!"

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b9e156 No.21521249


>How absolutely DARE YOU steal a meme

Yeah, but you try copying everything other than the meme of the person that posts the meme. That just lets everyone know how desperate you are, and how much you covet what comes from others here. No one imitates you and you want people to follow and imitate you so you need to imitate others to do it because no one accepts your evil as you truly are. You need to act and project and deflect and pretend, while the person you imitate needs none of that, because he's not fake like you. Fraud. Imitation. Imposter. Too scared to be yourself so you have to pretend to be me?

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45e190 No.21521250

File: f21f3c5f0e72777⋯.png (166.86 KB,374x285,374:285,GBEM.png)

File: da5dde70d5fd828⋯.png (612.3 KB,720x480,3:2,the_horsemen_of_revelation….png)


An immaculate birth? No, not relevant at all. Except for their anti-Christ spirit is here on Earth now.

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4790cb No.21521251

File: 52137df371abd13⋯.png (42.72 KB,1405x293,1405:293,dod.PNG)


Dodging The Debate Would Be Smart Because

Kamala Isn’t

Townhall, by Kurt Schlichter

Posted By: Hazymac, 9/2/2024 8:18:17 AM

The big debate is coming up and I think Kamala will pull out. I could be wrong, but a lot of people agree with me. And she should chicken out – she’s bound to make a fool of herself. Let’s just say that Kamala Harris is not great at public speaking. She did a 41-minute interview with Dana Bash that couldn’t have been more softball if CNN had put a Nerf on a tee in front of her and let her swing away until she hit it. They only released about 18 minutes of her babbling. Where is the rest? We can safely assume she looked like

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5a1552 No.21521252


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5a1552 No.21521253

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)

File: 699091b689d31da⋯.jpg (688.34 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240805_125052….jpg)












Me Me Me

All about me

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8645bd No.21521254


baptist moron

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4790cb No.21521255

File: 08d1a992aaed946⋯.png (678.57 KB,599x845,599:845,r.PNG)




Merissa Hansen⚡️



Aug 31

What Venezuelan gangs in Aurora?


Square profile picture

FOX31 Denver KDVR



Aug 30

Police: Man arrested in Aurora shooting is documented member of Venezuelan gang https://trib.al/tr2O4Xo


James Watkins reposted



There are no Venezuelan gangs in Aurora.


10:41 AM · Aug 31, 2024




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a0a574 No.21521256


so basically those kind of assholes start their career by killing anymals before killing humans

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f2df0d No.21521257

File: 007d59aa35e27c8⋯.gif (1.08 MB,600x374,300:187,007d59aa35e27c8144ecc785fa….gif)

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5369fe No.21521258


vid with toyotas reminds me of the toyota with the us plumbing company logos on it and found out used vehicles from us were shipped to isis

so much corruption to keep track of in my head it's unreal but it be

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45e190 No.21521259

It was the night we discussed how their Black Awakening failed. But someone "Ascended" and now is the Master of the anti-Christ spirit.

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a0a574 No.21521260



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5ccf81 No.21521261

File: f25c7cee1f8f046⋯.webp (24.3 KB,460x460,1:1,66d5734e71724.webp)

Orcs have families now

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f90b2a No.21521262


normies with professional positions aren't mov'n

they know grass ain't greener anywhere else

$81k is mgr lvl in corp merica… most seekers aren't mgr lvl

this time next year gonna be way different

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5a976f No.21521263

File: 64ad1ac5e28ce31⋯.png (356.51 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240902_083855.png)

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5a7823 No.21521264

File: 7a77b418f2302f1⋯.mp4 (7.78 MB,480x360,4:3,CIA_Whisleblower_spills_th….mp4)

CIA Whistle Blower…spills the beans…

Confessions of a CIA whistleblower, John Stockwell on their dark operations in Africa…


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a0a574 No.21521265


is that supposed to be funny?

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bdc4ea No.21521266


what about all their cats?

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45e190 No.21521267

Anons did you wake up more since last week this time? Remember things? It's not coincidental. God woke you up for a Reason.

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a0a574 No.21521268



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55b6b1 No.21521269

File: a8b436cfc2508b0⋯.png (104.42 KB,685x385,137:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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f90b2a No.21521270

notables bun @655

czech em

#26366 >>21520573

>>21520580 @stillgray: Mark Cuban effectively making an argument for voter ID

>>21520604 Morae's immoral censorship is doomed

>>21520617 NASA spacecraft collision may have created a meteor shower that will last for 100 years

>>21520676 @USArmy: The chances of being born triplets are one in 10,000

>>21520897, >>21520900 @ElijahSchaffer:"The Atlantic" puts the Christian flag as a far right symbol

Ghost grab

>>21520928 Elon Musk w/CAP: …we were being told to break Brazilian laws and that we would be sanctioned if we told anyone about it!

>>21520941 Turkey formally submits application to join BRICS+.

>>21520944 Kamala Harris and the Fake News exposed, Gold Star family edition

>>21520949 KEK: German police request data from Gab to identify a German account who labelled politician Ricarda Lang 'fat'

>>21520962 George w/CAP: Mississippi's State Auditor released report saying over 22,000 illegal immigrants have settled in the state, costing taxpayers over $100mm/year

>>21520979 Yet another church in France is in flames. This one is from 1854 and survived two world wars.

>>21521075, >>21521164 Large-scale polio vaccination campaign begins in Gaza

>>21521220 armed forces press: Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US election

>>21521243 Today’s job seekers won’t accept less than $81,147—up by almost $20,000 since March 2020, per FORTUNE.

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5369fe No.21521271


tribbles chkt


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4790cb No.21521272

File: 47c5d7789c4bcce⋯.png (147.98 KB,779x476,779:476,mess.PNG)

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0a7d20 No.21521273

Remember Trump said Caracas was empty now they emptied all their criminals out of the city, so that he would hold the next RNC in Caracas because it will be safer than the US because the criminals all left it for the US

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b9e156 No.21521274

File: 2406f6bc83108e9⋯.png (73.23 KB,372x648,31:54,ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, I use first person pronouns when speaking from my point of view rather than some third-person abstract to refer to myself like you want everyone to. If you're going to bust that out, I'll bust this out.

Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers?

Control the information (THEY).

Harness followers / profiteering (THEY).

Define Media.

Primary goal of the Media?

To Sell (each selling a dif narrative - set of targets).

Selling makes money.

Be careful who you follow.

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d3e2e0 No.21521275


sometimes even a foundation has to go to get replaced and reinforced

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45e190 No.21521276

File: 0ed82cc8c70e8e5⋯.png (31.01 KB,695x127,695:127,ClipboardImage.png)


"Relevant events about to unfold." On this board. This board is Ground Zero mirror to all events WW.

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2cc262 No.21521277

File: 45d46d49fab61fc⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1320x1640,33:41,IMG_2860.jpeg)

File: bc963180d8546ea⋯.jpeg (1008.11 KB,1341x1686,447:562,IMG_2861.jpeg)

File: 1c5056831e2ecbe⋯.jpeg (662.96 KB,1292x1603,1292:1603,IMG_2840.jpeg)

File: b0eb548e0fb772f⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1379x1884,1379:1884,IMG_3239.jpeg)

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)

Trump also brazenly said that the way Vice President Kamala Harris “treated Mike Pence was horrible,” referencing the viral moment from the 2020 vice presidential debate in which Harris tells Pence, “I’m speaking” as he interrupted her.

Pence and Trump’s relationship has been icy ever since the Capitol riots on Jan. 6, 2021. Pence has publicly said he will not endorse Trump in 2024.

“They say [Kamala] has many deficiencies, but she’s a nasty person, the way she treated Mike Pence is horrible, the way she treats people is horrible,” Trump said.


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0a7d20 No.21521278


does the CIA work for another country or group other than the US people?

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544c48 No.21521279

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,aebf64c0573aef7606bcc87718….gif)


>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office



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51eb4c No.21521280

File: b654f0b37e26b4f⋯.jpg (352.52 KB,400x594,200:297,g_cat.jpg)



All good

Stuff gets sort've lost in translation so to speak.

Have a pic of me when I was young.

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5369fe No.21521281


When will the White House inform the public that Harris is in charge now until the election?

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cc7f6d No.21521282



If those dogs are worth a shit they killed all the fuckin cats

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0a7d20 No.21521283

why can't any president unwind the deep state if it is under the Executive Branch? the president is the boss of all those different agencies. they are not in the legislature or judiciary

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da1205 No.21521284

File: 1bc60aea9f86773⋯.jpg (81.27 KB,1024x768,4:3,human_homo_sapiens_fyi_l_9….jpg)



Follow the science. Tax on Amy says humans are chordata mammalian

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4790cb No.21521285

File: 29c0198f1379912⋯.png (1.92 MB,1017x848,1017:848,joy.PNG)

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a0a574 No.21521286

File: 5b328a73c6864eb⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,640x360,16:9,5b328a73c6864ebfdc340682c9….mp4)


they work for (reptilian) overloards etc

"discreet, reptilian, coldblooded"

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0a7d20 No.21521287


but what about the Bourne Identity that told me that it is very badass

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b0ccf4 No.21521288


The People who live and depend upon the current foundation should rightly be truthfully informed about the situation. Telling lies and manipulating people "for their own good" is bullshit.

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45e190 No.21521289

File: 242c53616551b47⋯.png (58.59 KB,711x465,237:155,ClipboardImage.png)



Q's preparing to Land on the Ship. Hostage No More. SAFE. Clean House is a Safe House.

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55b6b1 No.21521290


because of unions. Federal unions and rules that make firing people a bitch. Even if in you own department. Most government workers in every branch are entitled lazy idiots but good luck shit canning them.

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0a7d20 No.21521291


"others are winning the whole country" lol

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cc7f6d No.21521292



Never. Because she's not now and never will be in charge of anything.

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2ced0e No.21521293


You're watching a live theatre interpretation of a PEAD.

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4eed84 No.21521294


The issue is for many of us working no longer provides us with all that, we lose even though we work our asses off.

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b0ccf4 No.21521295


those little ones have the sharpest teeth and claws. Everyone loved you… because they HAD to. hehe

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2cc262 No.21521296

File: c652f789107557b⋯.png (1.41 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2911.png)

File: 69aedf59faa50e7⋯.png (373.59 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2912.png)


Map of the square and stationary earth: four hundred passages in the Bible that condemn the Globe Theory, or the Flying Earth, and none sustain it; this map is the Bible map of the world

Library of Congress


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5369fe No.21521297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


had to be here

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5a976f No.21521298



Here they will tell …never left low earth orbit

Van Halen man

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45e190 No.21521299

File: 98671d60af9c381⋯.png (963.64 KB,740x892,185:223,GBBO.png)


No coincidences. Eventually the fractal nature of drops will be remembered by all Anons here.

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582c01 No.21521300

File: fd5da9df0d9e6e9⋯.jpeg (189.01 KB,828x546,138:91,A5C73BAD_BBA3_409E_BABE_8….jpeg)

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cc7f6d No.21521301



Don't bet on that, pal. Unions can be burnt to the ground very easily. It will be a crucial part of our returning America to merit-based.

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f90b2a No.21521302

File: f7382b83f193dcc⋯.jpg (140.5 KB,650x650,1:1,flatearfers.jpg)

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eef26d No.21521303

File: f45d213e49e64b4⋯.jpg (144.66 KB,864x642,144:107,COVFEFE_WIN.jpg)

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56d830 No.21521304


Thank you

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6f27a5 No.21521305


i here you anon

gang stalking is real

i give thanks that spouseanon can keep us

afloat until i start my own gig

its impossible for me to work for anyone else

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88a244 No.21521306




whatever makes you feel witty. Comeback of a moron.

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55b6b1 No.21521307


in the future yes but in terms of Now or prior that is/was the reason.

Then they also get their pensions. Which I think every government worker should just have taken away fuck them all.

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ea6ae5 No.21521308

Tater's off the beach!

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1f29d7 No.21521309

File: 06e3cb01edc77c3⋯.png (621.8 KB,1080x720,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Low Magnesium Linked to DNA Damage and Chronic Disease Risk

Magnesium plays a vital role in maintaining our overall health, potentially safeguarding against age-related chronic disease—yet many don’t get enough.

While you often hear about the importance of vitamin D and zinc for boosting immunity, another important but often overlooked nutrient is magnesium.

This essential mineral plays a vital role in maintaining our overall health. Recent research has uncovered another crucial function of magnesium: its role in protecting our DNA from damage, potentially safeguarding against age-related chronic diseases.

Role of Magnesium in Protecting DNA

Up to 15 percent of people in the United States don’t get enough magnesium, which may have negative health consequences.

A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition in June adds to the growing body of evidence highlighting the importance of magnesium for overall health. By linking low magnesium levels to increased DNA damage, researchers at the University of South Australia suggest that magnesium may be particularly central in protecting against age-related chronic diseases.


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e20288 No.21521310

File: 2105881a89c4ace⋯.png (230.23 KB,579x448,579:448,ClipboardImage.png)

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da1205 No.21521311

File: 5e075118ba48c16⋯.png (10.53 KB,502x674,251:337,servlet.png)

File: e63b80e9e500ad6⋯.jpg (71.75 KB,1024x682,512:341,2019_fine_69321302_2746921….jpg)

File: 96306fc15693b5a⋯.jpg (102.7 KB,800x1000,4:5,61NB_iIgArL_AC_UL1000_1529….jpg)

File: 10413a5f4006459⋯.png (14.82 KB,255x241,255:241,9058c215a05e32566d479a8c25….png)

File: 46b48098d873956⋯.jpg (550.58 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240826_153637….jpg)


They aren't called Cathlics In Action for NOTHING!

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1d3610 No.21521312

File: 3d349fe51633b88⋯.png (251.91 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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55b6b1 No.21521313


why are both objects fixed. This is a stupid meme have you never seen a record player.

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da1205 No.21521314

Fuck you, at&t!

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45e190 No.21521315


Oops… How did that happen.

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e20288 No.21521316

File: 16506eeba46536d⋯.jpg (81.44 KB,500x518,250:259,ProtocolMasonry.jpg)



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5a976f No.21521317


Take it one further

Check out trajectories on missles and rockets that

They send " up" and what they are using as reference

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544c48 No.21521318


nice side by sides

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cc7f6d No.21521319




Respect your elders, punk! The only reason you worthless shits exist is because us old fucks allow you to exist!

Don't push your luck.

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a0a574 No.21521320



Low Magnesium Linked to DNA Damage and Chronic Disease Ri

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95a9d8 No.21521321

File: 4e6904355f9fdca⋯.png (504.41 KB,556x646,278:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0a574 No.21521322

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6f27a5 No.21521323


you are such a fuckin faggot

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178825 No.21521324



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f90b2a No.21521325

final bun for #26366

hold yer laties tight and see you at the top

czech em

#26366 >>21520573

>>21520580 @stillgray: Mark Cuban effectively making an argument for voter ID

>>21520604 Morae's immoral censorship is doomed

>>21520617 NASA spacecraft collision may have created a meteor shower that will last for 100 years

>>21520676 @USArmy: The chances of being born triplets are one in 10,000

>>21520897, >>21520900 @ElijahSchaffer:"The Atlantic" puts the Christian flag as a far right symbol

Ghost grab

>>21520928 Elon Musk w/CAP: …we were being told to break Brazilian laws and that we would be sanctioned if we told anyone about it!

>>21520941 Turkey formally submits application to join BRICS+.

>>21520944 Kamala Harris and the Fake News exposed, Gold Star family edition

>>21520949 KEK: German police request data from Gab to identify a German account who labelled politician Ricarda Lang 'fat'

>>21520962 George w/CAP: Mississippi's State Auditor released report saying over 22,000 illegal immigrants have settled in the state, costing taxpayers over $100mm/year

>>21520979 Yet another church in France is in flames. This one is from 1854 and survived two world wars.

>>21521075, >>21521164 Large-scale polio vaccination campaign begins in Gaza

>>21521220 armed forces press: Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US election

>>21521243 Today’s job seekers won’t accept less than $81,147—up by almost $20,000 since March 2020, per FORTUNE.

>>21521264 CIA Whistle Blower spills the beans. Confessions of a CIA whistleblower, John Stockwell on their dark operations in Africa

>>21521309 Low Magnesium Linked to DNA Damage and Chronic Disease Risk

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5369fe No.21521326


>Kamala’s megadonors will be able to pay expensive tax accountants to structure around it

to where the tax doesn't affect them as much or not at all and they still have the excuse to pass their "tax burden" onto the consumer.

win/win for tax moochers

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4aa1cb No.21521327

vaccinated and boosted friend just got Bell's Palsy

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88a244 No.21521328


Don't mistake the resolve of Patriots !!!

Those GoldStar Families gave their children for this Republic, They will refuse to allow the ideaology of the enemies to take this Land.

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e20288 No.21521329


Christians have a flag?

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4aa1cb No.21521330


and he and his girlfriend also just got over having covid

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45e190 No.21521331


You think Mankind was a race of Flintstones until the 1800s? The pre-Flood Age was far more openly advanced. Pretend you know more than God and see how far it gets you. Your choice.

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399d03 No.21521332

File: 0654dabaa44ea8d⋯.jpeg (607.7 KB,1096x1555,1096:1555,IMG_3664.jpeg)

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1f29d7 No.21521333


10 Magnesium-Rich Foods That Are Super Healthy

Magnesium is found in a variety of nutrient-dense foods, including whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and several fruits and vegetables.

1. Dark chocolate

2. Avocados

3. Nuts

4. Legumes

5. Tofu

6. Seeds

7. Whole grains



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b0ccf4 No.21521334


how do you try to break it to him/her what you may think is the real culprit??

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296e75 No.21521335

nothing can stop what is coming

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4aa1cb No.21521336


What's wrong with being Far Right?

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45e190 No.21521337

Patriots are in control.

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544c48 No.21521338

File: e69b0fddb1c02e7⋯.png (47.94 KB,207x226,207:226,pepehmmm.png)

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da1205 No.21521339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



So sloppy

9/11 narrative, early casting

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2cc262 No.21521341

File: c0759eca143dae1⋯.jpeg (26.94 KB,226x148,113:74,IMG_3264.jpeg)

File: e2ab2af88342038⋯.jpeg (34.49 KB,211x148,211:148,IMG_3265.jpeg)

File: 1b0d157d856361e⋯.jpeg (17.52 KB,228x148,57:37,IMG_3266.jpeg)

File: a6b156bc0363663⋯.jpeg (35.86 KB,199x148,199:148,IMG_3267.jpeg)

File: dd02cdb987ee8e1⋯.jpeg (24.3 KB,148x148,1:1,IMG_3268.jpeg)


Ever used one of these?

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b0ccf4 No.21521343


"Far Right" is just [their] accusation.

but a real problem with true Far Right, is just how close it is to Far Left.

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5ccf81 No.21521345

File: f5664b59aa78e97⋯.mp4 (536.45 KB,460x458,230:229,aoyO1d0_460sv.mp4)

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2a9d2a No.21521346

File: 9973d2a10c572ee⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,3333x3333,1:1,1725205700569728.jpg)

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296e75 No.21521347

File: a097e2942cdf002⋯.png (464.82 KB,660x510,22:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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544c48 No.21521348

File: 75bd93b8794a8e7⋯.png (39.9 KB,429x388,429:388,Screenshot_2024_09_02_at_0….png)



>What is going on?


Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:44:08 ID: 571cae

8chan/cbts: 60365

Anonymous 12/09/2017 13:42:19 ID:14e054

8chan/cbts: 60346




A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

They always knew.


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a0a574 No.21521350

File: d28f8ff8d966cf9⋯.png (1.83 MB,1026x1006,513:503,SoCalledAFDInAction.png)


Scholz is a motherfucker and everyone knows it.

On the other hand.. the thing with this "right wing party" in Germany called AFD is picrel.


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4aa1cb No.21521351


What of the Devil?

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77426e No.21521352


>Flat Earth Morons

I didn't say or even link to ANYTHING flat earth.

The vid I linked to is a HISTORY of the world

F'n retard that comment on something after making assumptions …f'ck me

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544c48 No.21521353

File: fb4bced4b93446f⋯.png (298.19 KB,1273x712,1273:712,Screenshot_2024_09_02_at_0….png)



>>What is going on?


>Q !IT

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2a9d2a No.21521354

File: 3722fe374564461⋯.jpg (2.99 MB,2807x3900,2807:3900,1706285180147398.jpg)

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45e190 No.21521355


SICK FREAK. Get off the board, Jim.

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5369fe No.21521356


Embassy art

Embassy transportation

any member

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5a43b1 No.21521358

File: 174ccae45e35cc9⋯.jpg (276.42 KB,1179x1647,131:183,1703917895915524.jpg)

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45e190 No.21521359

Post it again and every bread becomes the history of Jim Watkins and the millions he made on "legal" child porn.

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45e190 No.21521360

This isn't your safe space for LUST or any other EVIL. GTFO.

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5a43b1 No.21521361


>SICK FREAK. Get off the board, Jim.

WTF are you talking about anon

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e30a97 No.21521362

File: bdf9d61df608ce2⋯.gif (2.63 MB,900x524,225:131,000z2.gif)

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5369fe No.21521363


that bored are you?

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e30a97 No.21521364

File: 6d46084e5ac6cbe⋯.gif (1.39 MB,498x210,83:35,1a22.gif)


ewww i like your fiery rage!!!

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9bfa2f No.21521365


>"legal" child porn.

You are a fucking moran

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0a7d20 No.21521366

File: e1784223217e373⋯.png (1.01 MB,978x894,163:149,wall1.png)

Kamala is going to kick out VEnezulan gangs and MAGA

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f90b2a No.21521368

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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45e190 No.21521369



Post another questionable LUST image and find out. Promise.

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a906fa No.21521371

File: a52cd9108d923d4⋯.jpg (1.99 MB,5464x8192,683:1024,1725253154381844.jpg)

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