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File: 9fa5ba4566f68f4⋯.png (68.69 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

c215f7 No.21520566 [View All]

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701 posts and 504 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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45e190 No.21521315


Oops… How did that happen.

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e20288 No.21521316

File: 16506eeba46536d⋯.jpg (81.44 KB,500x518,250:259,ProtocolMasonry.jpg)



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5a976f No.21521317


Take it one further

Check out trajectories on missles and rockets that

They send " up" and what they are using as reference

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544c48 No.21521318


nice side by sides

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cc7f6d No.21521319




Respect your elders, punk! The only reason you worthless shits exist is because us old fucks allow you to exist!

Don't push your luck.

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a0a574 No.21521320



Low Magnesium Linked to DNA Damage and Chronic Disease Ri

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95a9d8 No.21521321

File: 4e6904355f9fdca⋯.png (504.41 KB,556x646,278:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0a574 No.21521322

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6f27a5 No.21521323


you are such a fuckin faggot

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178825 No.21521324



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f90b2a No.21521325

final bun for #26366

hold yer laties tight and see you at the top

czech em

#26366 >>21520573

>>21520580 @stillgray: Mark Cuban effectively making an argument for voter ID

>>21520604 Morae's immoral censorship is doomed

>>21520617 NASA spacecraft collision may have created a meteor shower that will last for 100 years

>>21520676 @USArmy: The chances of being born triplets are one in 10,000

>>21520897, >>21520900 @ElijahSchaffer:"The Atlantic" puts the Christian flag as a far right symbol

Ghost grab

>>21520928 Elon Musk w/CAP: …we were being told to break Brazilian laws and that we would be sanctioned if we told anyone about it!

>>21520941 Turkey formally submits application to join BRICS+.

>>21520944 Kamala Harris and the Fake News exposed, Gold Star family edition

>>21520949 KEK: German police request data from Gab to identify a German account who labelled politician Ricarda Lang 'fat'

>>21520962 George w/CAP: Mississippi's State Auditor released report saying over 22,000 illegal immigrants have settled in the state, costing taxpayers over $100mm/year

>>21520979 Yet another church in France is in flames. This one is from 1854 and survived two world wars.

>>21521075, >>21521164 Large-scale polio vaccination campaign begins in Gaza

>>21521220 armed forces press: Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US election

>>21521243 Today’s job seekers won’t accept less than $81,147—up by almost $20,000 since March 2020, per FORTUNE.

>>21521264 CIA Whistle Blower spills the beans. Confessions of a CIA whistleblower, John Stockwell on their dark operations in Africa

>>21521309 Low Magnesium Linked to DNA Damage and Chronic Disease Risk

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5369fe No.21521326


>Kamala’s megadonors will be able to pay expensive tax accountants to structure around it

to where the tax doesn't affect them as much or not at all and they still have the excuse to pass their "tax burden" onto the consumer.

win/win for tax moochers

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4aa1cb No.21521327

vaccinated and boosted friend just got Bell's Palsy

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88a244 No.21521328


Don't mistake the resolve of Patriots !!!

Those GoldStar Families gave their children for this Republic, They will refuse to allow the ideaology of the enemies to take this Land.

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e20288 No.21521329


Christians have a flag?

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4aa1cb No.21521330


and he and his girlfriend also just got over having covid

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45e190 No.21521331


You think Mankind was a race of Flintstones until the 1800s? The pre-Flood Age was far more openly advanced. Pretend you know more than God and see how far it gets you. Your choice.

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399d03 No.21521332

File: 0654dabaa44ea8d⋯.jpeg (607.7 KB,1096x1555,1096:1555,IMG_3664.jpeg)

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1f29d7 No.21521333


10 Magnesium-Rich Foods That Are Super Healthy

Magnesium is found in a variety of nutrient-dense foods, including whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and several fruits and vegetables.

1. Dark chocolate

2. Avocados

3. Nuts

4. Legumes

5. Tofu

6. Seeds

7. Whole grains



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b0ccf4 No.21521334


how do you try to break it to him/her what you may think is the real culprit??

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296e75 No.21521335

nothing can stop what is coming

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4aa1cb No.21521336


What's wrong with being Far Right?

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45e190 No.21521337

Patriots are in control.

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544c48 No.21521338

File: e69b0fddb1c02e7⋯.png (47.94 KB,207x226,207:226,pepehmmm.png)

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da1205 No.21521339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



So sloppy

9/11 narrative, early casting

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2cc262 No.21521341

File: c0759eca143dae1⋯.jpeg (26.94 KB,226x148,113:74,IMG_3264.jpeg)

File: e2ab2af88342038⋯.jpeg (34.49 KB,211x148,211:148,IMG_3265.jpeg)

File: 1b0d157d856361e⋯.jpeg (17.52 KB,228x148,57:37,IMG_3266.jpeg)

File: a6b156bc0363663⋯.jpeg (35.86 KB,199x148,199:148,IMG_3267.jpeg)

File: dd02cdb987ee8e1⋯.jpeg (24.3 KB,148x148,1:1,IMG_3268.jpeg)


Ever used one of these?

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b0ccf4 No.21521343


"Far Right" is just [their] accusation.

but a real problem with true Far Right, is just how close it is to Far Left.

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5ccf81 No.21521345

File: f5664b59aa78e97⋯.mp4 (536.45 KB,460x458,230:229,aoyO1d0_460sv.mp4)

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2a9d2a No.21521346

File: 9973d2a10c572ee⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,3333x3333,1:1,1725205700569728.jpg)

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296e75 No.21521347

File: a097e2942cdf002⋯.png (464.82 KB,660x510,22:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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544c48 No.21521348

File: 75bd93b8794a8e7⋯.png (39.9 KB,429x388,429:388,Screenshot_2024_09_02_at_0….png)



>What is going on?


Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:44:08 ID: 571cae

8chan/cbts: 60365

Anonymous 12/09/2017 13:42:19 ID:14e054

8chan/cbts: 60346




A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

They always knew.


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a0a574 No.21521350

File: d28f8ff8d966cf9⋯.png (1.83 MB,1026x1006,513:503,SoCalledAFDInAction.png)


Scholz is a motherfucker and everyone knows it.

On the other hand.. the thing with this "right wing party" in Germany called AFD is picrel.


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4aa1cb No.21521351


What of the Devil?

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77426e No.21521352


>Flat Earth Morons

I didn't say or even link to ANYTHING flat earth.

The vid I linked to is a HISTORY of the world

F'n retard that comment on something after making assumptions …f'ck me

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544c48 No.21521353

File: fb4bced4b93446f⋯.png (298.19 KB,1273x712,1273:712,Screenshot_2024_09_02_at_0….png)



>>What is going on?


>Q !IT

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2a9d2a No.21521354

File: 3722fe374564461⋯.jpg (2.99 MB,2807x3900,2807:3900,1706285180147398.jpg)

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45e190 No.21521355


SICK FREAK. Get off the board, Jim.

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5369fe No.21521356


Embassy art

Embassy transportation

any member

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5a43b1 No.21521358

File: 174ccae45e35cc9⋯.jpg (276.42 KB,1179x1647,131:183,1703917895915524.jpg)

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45e190 No.21521359

Post it again and every bread becomes the history of Jim Watkins and the millions he made on "legal" child porn.

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45e190 No.21521360

This isn't your safe space for LUST or any other EVIL. GTFO.

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5a43b1 No.21521361


>SICK FREAK. Get off the board, Jim.

WTF are you talking about anon

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e30a97 No.21521362

File: bdf9d61df608ce2⋯.gif (2.63 MB,900x524,225:131,000z2.gif)

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5369fe No.21521363


that bored are you?

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e30a97 No.21521364

File: 6d46084e5ac6cbe⋯.gif (1.39 MB,498x210,83:35,1a22.gif)


ewww i like your fiery rage!!!

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9bfa2f No.21521365


>"legal" child porn.

You are a fucking moran

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0a7d20 No.21521366

File: e1784223217e373⋯.png (1.01 MB,978x894,163:149,wall1.png)

Kamala is going to kick out VEnezulan gangs and MAGA

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f90b2a No.21521368

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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45e190 No.21521369



Post another questionable LUST image and find out. Promise.

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a906fa No.21521371

File: a52cd9108d923d4⋯.jpg (1.99 MB,5464x8192,683:1024,1725253154381844.jpg)

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