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690121 No.21524875 [Last50 Posts]

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690121 No.21524876

International Q Research Threads

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690121 No.21524877


#26370 >>21524138

>>21524157 FBl FF comms?

>>21524408 Mass shooting at parade in New York City

>>21524311, >>21524345 Schiff and Schmuck are up to no good

>>21524406, >>21524671 Schumer has been blathering about gun control for a long time

>>21524159 Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

>>21524166, >>21524246, >>21524456 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

>>21524173 DJT: Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity

>>21524202 Carpe Diem: C before D

>>21524209 Muckraker.com Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida

>>21524217 Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

>>21524263, >>21524271 Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persists

>>21524306 UK: Angela Rayner refuses to give Reform MP definition of ‘Islamaphobia’

>>21524330 States struggle to vet coders of election software

>>21524383 British Christians have launched a crowdfund in an effort to buy a remote Scottish Island eyed by a radical Islamic cleric

>>21524414 Dancin' man can't lose

>>21524429 Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

>>21524442, >>21524705 Today we got Kamalaya'll

>>21524544 Breaking the habit

>>21524652 "How I Got Fired From The CIA": Career Ops Officer Tells All

>>21524716, >>21524847 Turkiye requests BRICS membership

>>21524717 Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town

>>21524733, >>21524779 Philadelphia Eagles take action against fake endorsement of Kamala Harris featuring team branding

>>21524759 Irish teacher jailed for a third time after being arrested outside school that sacked him for refusing to 'call a boy a girl'

>>21524788 ICYMI: The mayor of Aurora, Colorado confirms Venezuelan gangs are conquering the city

>>21524815 Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that illegal immigrants do not have the right to bear arms

>>21524839 PF: Brazil Military jet just landed in Orlando

>>21524176, >>21524177, >>21524195, >>21524364, >>21524389, >>21524792, >>21524867 Memes

>>21524873 #26370

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690121 No.21524878

#26369 >>21523362

>>21523383 Ukraine Presents White House With List Of Targets Deep Inside Russia

>>21523394 Can't remember my false flag to take away your guns crisis actor lines

>>21523435 Israel Kills 47 More Palestinians in Gaza, Recorded Death Toll Passes 40,700

>>21523466 Senator Graham: Until U.S. Targets Iran, American Hostages In Gaza Not Coming Home

>>21523477, >>21523584, >>21523876 Tim Walz’s airbag has deployed more times than he has

>>21523478 A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey when a group of people ambushed him

>>21523480 Finland plans ban on property acquisitions by foreign nationals as concerns surface over purchases with links to Russia

>>21523568 Americans Own 46% of the World's 1 Billion Guns, Says U.N. Report

>>21523572 Hear me out

>>21523577 ¡Que Mala!

>>21523579, >>21523722 New episode of Biden claims to have done things he didn't do

>>21523592 Kamala counterfeit ads

>>21523604 Tim Walz just claimed that President Trump wants forced child labor

>>21523609, >>21523613, >>21523992 Nosferatu apparently backpedals the enforced fines on Brazilian citizens who access 𝕏 using a VPN

>>21523616 City of Dreams puts up billboards in Hollywood and Los Angeles highlighting the plague of child slavery

>>21523627 Some delays at Newark International Airport after equipment outage

>>21523655 New Shawn Ryan x Kash Patel

>>21523567 Kash Patel: The Iranian Government has enough Nuclear Fissile Material to Sustain a Bomb

>>21523784, >>21523964 Marathon not a sprint

>>21523659, >>21523720 Mustache Manbun: Who owns BlackRock? | Epstein was M0SSAD

>>21523665 Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman joined critics of a court order to suspend Elon Musk’s X in Brazil

>>21523679 Aurora, CO police department whistleblower reveals that Venezuelan gangs are wreaking havoc on the entire city in general

>>21523686 NPCs relaying their programmed message

>>21523710 There appears to be a pattern

>>21523711 Ireland: School teacher arrested after not endorsing transgenderism

>>21523719, >>21523726, >>21523759 Starlink Market in Brazil

>>21523728 Tim Walz Took a Big Step Toward Scrapping the Electoral College

>>21523739 Why does no one complain about this?

>>21523751 Blue Origin

>>21523769, >>21523809, >>21523815 Author Stephen King stunned to learn Florida's banned 23 of his books

>>21523772 Naples Mayor Caught On Camera Struggling Through Sobriety Test After DUI Arrest: BAC was more than double the legal limit

>>21523828 The Democrats are trying to counter with their own version of MAGA Hulk Hogan

>>21523944, >>21523972, >>21524017 PF: Gitmo express left Lauderdale, making a Q loop over West Palm Beach returning to Lauderdale

>>21524063 June 17 Presser By Kansas AG On Lawsuit Against Pfizer

>>21523401, >>21523411, >>21523413, >>21523419, >>21523422, >>21523423, >>21523468, >>21523501, >>21523529, >>21523611, >>21523855, >>21523856, >>21523905, >>21523994 Memes

>>21524111 #26369

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690121 No.21524879

#26368 >>21522406

>>21522445, >>21522508, >>21522526, >>21522562, >>21522591, >>21522725, >>21522875, >>21522641, >>21523259 US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

>>21522461 Zelensky urged to spare older men from draft from 60 to 50

>>21522490 West wants ‘total control’ over Ukraine – Putin

>>21522521 Moscow warns of ‘destabilizing innovations’ in US nuclear doctrine (still no Larov)

>>21522522, >>21522546 6 yr delta

>>21522523, >>21522528 CO: DIA "bomb cyclone" in 2019

>>21522530, >>21522545, >>21522484, >>21522498, >>21522629, Brazil: what a tangled web obama weaves..

>>21522549 They will start WWIII before PDJT takes office, if he ever can

>>21522560, >>21522560, >>21523313 A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey; was this staged?

>>21522579 PUTIN: ‘There Are No Countries Hostile To Russia, Only Hostile Elites’, Ignores Possible CCP Intentions

>>21522621 UPDATE - BOUNGIORNO: Palm Beach County Election Infrastructure Breach Proven

>>21522627, >>21522655, >>21522673, >>21522734 Musk Moraes headed to prison

>>21522632 interview w/RFKjr on vaxxes, starting with MEASLES and benefits of letting kids get measles instead of measles vax

>>21522639 China probably got them from Afghanistan

>>21522644 Israel Agrees to 3-Day Pause of War in Gaza for Polio Vaccination. Polio Vaccines Cause Polio.

>>21522646 2020 kneepads Vowed to Kick Start America’s Reparation Process

>>21522654 The SAVE Act will be attached to the spending bill.

>>21522659 FBI Repeatedly Botches Child Abuse Investigations

>>21522663 @elonmusk The reason the Democratic Party is so soft on criminals is that criminals vote overwhelmingly Democrat – they don’t want to offend their customers!

>>21522665 Not even Kamala Harris’ biggest fans can say what the flip-flopping VP stands for

>>21522666 Ukrainian attacks thwarted: developments in Kursk Region

>>21522667 Biden, Harris speak to parents of Israeli-American found dead in Gaza Meanwhile the Gold Star families are still waiting.

>>21522671, >>21522954 Dems labor day in vain

>>21522674 Tim Walz’s radical wife just let the mask slip, and wow, it’s scary… "who cares about law and order"

>>21522679, >>21522697, >>21522722, >>21522743, >>21522745 On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

>>21522681 Moar NASA

>>21522686 California Dems Shoot Down ‘No Tax On Tips’ Amendment After Harris Adopts Policy

>>21522708, >>21522726 US Military Who Assaulted Senator Moore At Hartsfield, While Guarding Illegal Trafficking, Are From Unit Training Soldiers At Fort Moore

>>21522709, >>21522774 Six killed, 13 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing: police/new morality laws per taliban

>>21522761 KAMALA HISTORY WITH ARCHIVE LINK !!! 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

>>21522847 #BrazilA special operation of several Brazilian public bodies, which lasted 30 days, allowed the rescue of 593 people in conditions similar to slavery, among them an old woman of 94 years, 16 minors, 13 Paraguayan immigrants, and four Argentines.

>>21522863 Get out and vote for @SheehyforMT TIM SHEEHY!! vote Jon Tester Out!

>>21522906, >>21522884 @realDonaldTrump Gold Star Fam Vid

>>21522925 @elonmusk Most of Earth should move to California!

>>21522999 UN treaty 'could allow Country A to spy on you for Country B'

>>21523013, >>21523236, >>21523292 CBS “Non-Partisan Election Expert” David Becker: @elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump are spreading "Election Disinformation"

>>21523014 🇬🇧🇮🇱 United Kingdom officially suspends 30 arms export licences to Israel.

baker change

>>21523121, >>21523139, >>21523176 PF

>>21523140 Report: "If there is an order, we can reach Moscow and show what Ukraine is" - Ukrainian commander

>>21523163, >>21523108, >>21523143, >>21523148 >>21523179 Several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade have crashed on the way to an event in Milwaukee — DailyMail

>>21523187 Philly Eagles stmt re political ads

>>21523227 The End of Fear VIDEO: doomsday cult doc that throws qanon into the end-of-the-world cults.

>>21523240 @libsoftiktok re Kamala rally: What did I just watch… what’s with this new accent?

>>21523276 Britain suspends Israel arms licences over Gaza war

>>21523277 Kash Patel - FBI Spying on Americans, Russiagate and Biden’s Classified Documents - VID

>>21523325 Human Rights Watch wants Putin arrested or denied entry by Mongolia

>>21523348 #26368

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690121 No.21524881

#26367 >>21521349

>>21521386 63 Days to WINNING

>>21521393 Ukraine will lose in Kursk — Putin

>>21521397, >>21521509, >>21521631 White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghan withdrawal

>>21521416, >>21521422 Mongolia: Arrest Putin ICC Members Should Not Allow Fugitives on Their Territories

>>21521413, >>21521442 Ukraine Strikes Moscow Oil Refinery in Massive Drone Barrage

>>21521514 Mark Cuban held mock presidential elections on 𝕏 and the results didn’t go his way. He checkmated himself.

>>21521521 "Coincidence" that the LOUDEST anti-free speech fake news orga arePedophile Adjacent

>>21521526 Holocaust Historian Deborah Lipstadt Nominated as US Anti-Semitism Envoy

>>21521530 Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?

>>21521559 Warren Buffet Dumps More Bank of America Stocks Indicating Possible Financial Meltdown

>>21521566 Universities Unveil New Rules to Ban Anti-Israel Protests and Criticism of Zionism

>>21521580, >>21521610 Dr. Sabine Hazan: Gut bacteria that are key for immunity are killed by covid injections

>>21521581, >>21522297 A devastating fire erupted in the middle of the night at Immaculate Conception Church in Saint-Omer, France

>>21521586 Bank of America, Amalgamated Bank and Wells Fargo are criminally laundering hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns - via ActBlue and others like ActBlue.

>>21521590, >>21521605 17 deltas for the 2nd September - remember to see the Q drops from both angles

>>21521638 @realDonaldTrump Isnt it "weird" that the political party most vocal in accusing their 'opponents' of being anti-semitic, are in fact most responsible for the killings of jews?

>>21521682, >>21521696, >>21521726 Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election

>>21521701, >>21521836, >>21521998, >>21522046, >>21522144, >>21522145, >>21522295 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21521766, >>21521836 Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state.

>>21521815, >>21521881, >>21522091, >>21522111 I know you'd censor this too, if you could––but @elonmusk actually allows free speech on @X

>>21521899 Suppose Trump asks Harris to join him in announcing that no matter who wins the presidency, all claims of election fraud by either party will be vigorously pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

>>21521956 FDA Authorizes New COVID-19 Vaccine Without Clinical Data Novavax’s shot, which targets the JN.1 variant, has been authorized.

>>21521974 PF Gitmo express on route…

>>21522001 Biden claims Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a deal with terrorists

>>21522012, >>21522019 Is Kamala Very Very Afraid?

>>21522032 DARPA refresher: Susan Wojcicki, a Pivotal Chief of YouTube, Dies at 56

>>21522033 Soros has spent about $117 million in the last few years to elect then control dozens of liberal county prosecutors throughout the nation

>>21522066 Don't Tread On Me

>>21522167, >>21522158, >>21522214 Concern growing in Aurora, Colorado over presence of Venezuelan gang, its impact on other migrants/DS/C_A

>>21522182 Astronomers discover oldest known eclipse reference in 6,000-year-old Hindu text

>>21522242 Q's on pols n minors

>>21522263, >>21522266, >>21522126, >>21522199, >>21522229 Massachusetts: Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell

>>21522422 #26367

Previously Collected

>>21521325 #26366

>>21518886 #26363, >>21519685 #26364, >>21520562 #26365

>>21517224 #26360, >>21517397 #26361, >>21518031 #26362

>>21515004 #26357, >>21514503 #26358, >>21515433 #26359

>>21510683 #26354, >>21512199 #26355, >>21512818 #26356

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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690121 No.21524882

File: 608865b5ec65d91⋯.png (1.6 MB,5000x3690,500:369,ClipboardImage.png)



can continue or defer

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357f34 No.21524885

File: d2757fea5ce73c8⋯.jpg (148.04 KB,900x686,450:343,420e8b7dd17c041725997020d6….jpg)

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035118 No.21524889

File: 7f4dbfaa591b9d4⋯.jpg (83.24 KB,800x800,1:1,7f4dbfaa591b9d4e3907f8eba5….jpg)

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a4eff3 No.21524890

File: 59fc553b32691f0⋯.jpeg (344.06 KB,1332x1274,666:637,IMG_3643.jpeg)


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42e87b No.21524892

File: 4d958e3a29c5914⋯.jpg (29.53 KB,460x425,92:85,aByY7PN_460s.jpg)

File: 86d0e8757d82094⋯.jpg (138.34 KB,889x1101,889:1101,2024_07_14T001557Z_3856682….jpg)

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cc77d2 No.21524893

File: 2a5a0fd4c21e9d5⋯.jpg (121.12 KB,958x567,958:567,2a5a0fd4c21e9d569e45950af3….jpg)

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cd0806 No.21524896

File: 6cd2215ea54a681⋯.webp (82.47 KB,743x715,743:715,66d0c6f8f1e7a.webp)


It is not easy for her to handle anons memes

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bc58f7 No.21524898





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b5c76e No.21524900

File: be9b13950607fcb⋯.png (86.93 KB,806x547,806:547,ClipboardImage.png)

CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

The events of recent years have awakened many Americans to the presence of evil in Western societies and governments.

One could scarcely imagine a darker evil than public policies that knowingly and purposely abet the brutalization of children.

In an appearance Sunday on the podcast “The Cats Roundtable with John Catsimatidis,” Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue accused the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris of operating like a “complicit middle man in child trafficking” due to the administration’s refusal to secure the southern border.

Unanue’s complaint about child trafficking came amid broader criticism of the Biden-Harris administration.

Last month, Harris proposed Communist-style price controls to fight what she described as corporate price-gouging in the food industry.

Thus, Unanue spent several minutes explaining how Biden-Harris policies, not corporate price gouging, have contributed to the global instability that drives inflation.

For instance, the administration’s catastrophic 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal “emboldened” Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose 2022 invasion of Ukraine — “breadbasket” for much of Europe and other parts of the world — led to higher food prices.

Catsimatidis, owner of the New York City supermarket chain Gristedes, then asked Unanue to elaborate on supply-chain problems.

Unanue responded by returning to the theme of global instability. He complained, for instance, about MS-13 and Venezuelan gang members.

Then, the Goya CEO turned the question of “costs” back on Harris and her failed administration.

“You want to control prices? You want to control costs? How about the United States, instead of being the complicit middle man in child trafficking, human trafficking and drugs, why don’t they put a lid on that and control our borders?”

“That is what the cost — it’s not the one percent that a grocery store has to make at the end of the day,” he added.


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38cf0b No.21524901

File: c08c3dcf125219b⋯.gif (723.03 KB,500x352,125:88,Pepe_3d_Night_Shift.gif)

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467770 No.21524902

File: ecbfbe70ba900a4⋯.png (319.82 KB,694x480,347:240,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cc85e No.21524903

File: 82efea3290244d7⋯.png (1.37 MB,1439x810,1439:810,1725284994678.png)

File: f64f83c5b56232a⋯.png (458.08 KB,810x1440,9:16,1725277825985.png)

File: 51ffd6980c4869d⋯.jpg (68.28 KB,330x720,11:24,TS_TOP_KEK_Trump.jpg)

File: 8f82e79d31fc711⋯.jpg (67.54 KB,703x395,703:395,Screaming_Joe_Kamala_Memes.jpg)

File: 9bbfebfd3f1f5e9⋯.jpg (63.9 KB,680x468,170:117,Cannibal_Commumists.jpg)

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c43519 No.21524905

File: b33f4e857f898fa⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17253274159….mp4)

File: 937701113f480a1⋯.png (249.92 KB,535x627,535:627,Screenshot_2024_09_02_2136….png)

Modern elections just take longer even though we have "Better" technology

Shadow of Ezra


Mainstream media is now openly admitting that the November 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner.

They are psychologically preparing you for the cheating they have planned.


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88add6 No.21524906

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)

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da98a2 No.21524907

File: 7815fd91010d250⋯.jpg (95.96 KB,510x635,102:127,BAKER_GOOD.jpg)

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1ccdfd No.21524908

File: b90fdf6d746545b⋯.png (1.05 MB,1080x783,40:29,CheerMrP.png)

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1cc85e No.21524909

File: d6f37c71d9265d1⋯.jpg (245.84 KB,1249x718,1249:718,Radiation_Pattern_of_Eleme….jpg)

File: 8a7b4db29002519⋯.png (119.98 KB,300x300,1:1,1725327642796.png)

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bfe2ca No.21524910

File: b69edbca7a0d458⋯.jpg (62.92 KB,750x492,125:82,rfdgchbfdxs.jpg)

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a4eff3 No.21524912

File: 592f4a4138c84a5⋯.jpeg (238.54 KB,640x926,320:463,IMG_3644.jpeg)

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efabee No.21524913

File: 255c81f8acd1e71⋯.png (2.6 MB,1080x1786,540:893,nightshift_skyking.png)

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62a31b No.21524915

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0300d9 No.21524916

File: 73f5441feb75806⋯.png (34.23 KB,592x500,148:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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da98a2 No.21524917

File: 683fe19cf189b6e⋯.gif (768.54 KB,682x457,682:457,WIN_POMS.gif)




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62a31b No.21524918

File: 066f2b9be1e7518⋯.jpg (58.21 KB,495x492,165:164,4zug.jpg)


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91fef6 No.21524919

File: 291fc1b5dfc35d7⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,854x480,427:240,Kamala_retard.mp4)

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a4eff3 No.21524923

File: e3ce050ae7c7206⋯.jpeg (156.51 KB,1027x1352,79:104,IMG_3631.jpeg)

File: f0ff4c2492f1002⋯.jpeg (355.79 KB,1692x1404,47:39,IMG_3645.jpeg)


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768049 No.21524924

File: a70ff3bff956b19⋯.jpeg (920.93 KB,1125x1741,1125:1741,IMG_3802.jpeg)

Dude sent packing after that email


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88add6 No.21524925

File: 10ba682fa025ec1⋯.png (269.33 KB,657x527,657:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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25477a No.21524927

File: 87346432e2bc71d⋯.png (536.21 KB,802x498,401:249,blazing_pepe.png)


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62a31b No.21524928

File: c6500e303ffe568⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,720x1280,9:16,ioZSx2_31z88UyY9.mp4)

Incredible Lightning strike on top of Guatemala Volcano 🌋

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cd0806 No.21524930

File: 5efdb8ee792080f⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,460x574,230:287,aLn8jgW_460sv.mp4)

View of a burning field on the horizon

Funny how it always originates as a straight line

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467770 No.21524932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bc58f7 No.21524934


“Ukraine’s offensive is now posing serious questions about the credibility of Russia’s saber-rattling and the rationality behind the West’s abundance of caution. After all, the Ukrainian army’s current invasion of Russia is surely the reddest of all red lines. If Russia was at all serious about a possible nuclear escalation, this would be the moment to make good on its many threats. In fact, Putin has responded by seeking to downplay the invasion while pretending that everything is still going according to plan.”

This is the same propaganda that has been spreading into most establishment media platforms in recent weeks. (As a side note, the Atlantic Council was also heavily involved in the funding of covid mandate and vaccine propaganda during the pandemic scare).

The idea that ballistic volleys into Russia using NATO supplied missiles won’t result in Putin using MOABs or nukes is truly insane. Keep in mind, long range strikes into Russia will do nothing to change the conditions on the ground in the Donbas.

Even if the globalists can’t convince western populations to give the thumbs up for ballistic attacks on Russia using weapons paid for with our tax dollars, the powers-that-be have a contingency plan. Ukraine has recently announced that they have developed their OWN long range ballistic missile, and those weapons supposedly don’t fall under the supervision of the US and Europe.

Eventually these kinds of strikes will lead to a Russian response that will appear brutal; and western warhawks will squeeze that event for all it’s worth. They’ll run with it straight to the Pentagon and demand a plan for US military conscription. If this is the agenda then they’ll need to make it happen BEFORE the elections in November.

Donald Trump is looking increasingly likely to be the winner of the presidential race. I have long held that the globalists will wrap up an economic collapse or a world war and throw it in Trump’s lap. They already tried to do the same thing with the covid pandemic and the inflationary crisis.

The timing of the Kursk offensive and the call for missile strikes on Russia is not a coincidence. Trump claims that his intention is to end the Ukraine war as quickly as possible once he enters office. This will likely mean a leveraged peace settlement that will involve Ukraine giving up the Donbas region to Russia. If Trump is sincere, then there are many elites in the Atlantic Council, the WEF and NATO that will not be happy.

They need to escalate the war into something bigger, something that can’t be undone. Right now, the war can be ended – All it takes is some diplomacy and forcing Ukraine to understand that they’re not going to get the Donbas or Crimea back no matter how many lives they sacrifice. But if there are massive civilian casualties on either side, the situation becomes irreversible. I suspect this is what the globalists want."

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da98a2 No.21524937

File: 9968521aebf68e7⋯.jpg (153.54 KB,865x477,865:477,TRUTH_B_TOLD.jpg)

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42e87b No.21524941


hi shawn

love your show

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a4eff3 No.21524944

File: 152630c4abd6554⋯.jpeg (398.07 KB,1862x1470,19:15,IMG_3646.jpeg)

Kamala Harris’ campaign is careening toward a crackup.

As the California senator crisscrosses the country trying to revive her sputtering presidential bid, aides at her fast-shrinking headquarters are deep into the finger-pointing stages. And much of the blame is being placed on campaign manager Juan Rodriguez.

After Rodriguez announced dozens of layoffs and re-deployments in late October to stem overspending, three more staffers at headquarters here were let go and another quit in recent days, aides told POLITICO. Officials said they’ve become increasingly frustrated at the campaign chief’s lack of clarity about what changes have been made to right the ship and his plans to turn the situation around. They hold Rodriguez responsible for questionable budget decisions, including continuing to bring on new hires shortly before the layoffs began.

Amid the turmoil, some aides have gone directly to campaign chair Maya Harris, the candidate’s sister, and argued that Rodriguez needs to be replaced if Harris has any hope of a turnaround, according to two officials.

“It’s a campaign of id,” said one senior Harris official, laying much of the blame on Rodriguez, but also pointing to a leaderless structure at the top that’s been allowed to flail without accountability. “What feels right, what impulse you have right now, what emotion, what frustration,” the official added. The person described the current state of the campaign in blunt terms: “No discipline. No plan. No strategy.”


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dc435b No.21524945

File: 06f2df12961b549⋯.png (194.04 KB,588x424,147:106,ei_1725327273416_removebg_….png)

File: 2873347152db32b⋯.png (234.82 KB,575x434,575:434,ei_1725327310181_removebg_….png)

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cc77d2 No.21524946

File: 749fb550dc17a06⋯.png (214.98 KB,482x336,241:168,kpfs.png)

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1a08ad No.21524947

File: e7ff0c43fbd4ffd⋯.jpg (295.13 KB,993x862,993:862,e7ff0c43fbd4ffdd9a59805149….jpg)

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da98a2 No.21524948

File: c72c21e50d9daf0⋯.jpg (137.32 KB,563x575,563:575,CLIMB_TO_GLORY_TO_THE_TOP_….jpg)

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99c9f6 No.21524949

is it true that Kamala is going full KaMAGA closing the border? what does she think of Charlottesville?

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dc435b No.21524950

File: 8ca38346eb224ba⋯.png (1.24 MB,1429x816,1429:816,1725073380791.png)

File: 5abaa754bb302f9⋯.png (1.45 MB,1429x816,1429:816,1725073342751.png)

File: 258cad2235e61ed⋯.png (1.38 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1725073297134.png)


I Told You So…

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389fe2 No.21524951

File: 08569991816de70⋯.png (594.82 KB,1168x881,1168:881,Mebendazole_500mg.png)

Albendazole and Mebendazole as Anti-Parasitic and Anti-Cancer Agents: an Update


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20ef95 No.21524952

File: 98e558d5151ba57⋯.png (790.81 KB,908x1200,227:300,ClipboardImage.png)

The "anti-capitalists" view children as capital.

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dc435b No.21524954

File: 715054cfa76990a⋯.png (1.35 MB,1440x810,16:9,1725285068497.png)

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1ccdfd No.21524955


Still makes no sense.

Yet you keep on pushing it.

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20ef95 No.21524956

File: 4692bad36912952⋯.png (668.65 KB,843x878,843:878,ClipboardImage.png)

"Heterosexuality is bigoted ans hateful against our psyop agenda to depopulate you.

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94b629 No.21524957

File: ca2ee27f85d48c9⋯.png (31.55 KB,862x359,862:359,Q_Circle_We_Lived_It_Break….png)




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2af54d No.21524958


meltdown numbers have a margin of error cause msndstupidos got hack cack up in the polls

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88add6 No.21524959

File: 8f98e8436141010⋯.jpg (444.35 KB,1920x1080,16:9,922cipsw42pwt24j.jpg)

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62a31b No.21524960

File: ed288b6feb2dfaa⋯.jpeg (43.2 KB,457x582,457:582,download_59.jpeg)

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bc58f7 No.21524961


Illegal immigrants are for slave labor.

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1ccdfd No.21524962

File: 60abff9318ac966⋯.png (2.44 MB,1761x1034,1761:1034,MagaDickWad.png)


You are Dimwit, aren't you.

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20ef95 No.21524963

File: cf2f45aaef42fb8⋯.png (485.87 KB,900x879,300:293,ClipboardImage.png)

McCarthy was right all along, that's why the C_A fake news complex character assassinated him.

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1ccdfd No.21524964

File: 9892172d2b6330c⋯.gif (2.76 MB,320x320,1:1,asl_american.gif)

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bc58f7 No.21524965


No, she's just lying trying to sucker more idiots into believing a communist.

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39d75d No.21524966

File: 371fe140cd18b10⋯.jpeg (156.99 KB,500x850,10:17,6542C8C8_BAB0_4511_9369_4….jpeg)

*unzips pants*

*unfurls a 12 inch cock*

Anyone wanna fuck with me???

Didn’t think so.

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20ef95 No.21524967

File: c19e07c4c471f5e⋯.png (741.01 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,ClipboardImage.png)


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dc435b No.21524968

File: 6f2749f4b1cbeff⋯.png (1.47 MB,1439x810,1439:810,1725285026337.png)

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1ccdfd No.21524969


I realize what you are trying to say.

But the words you chose don't say it.

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b63a46 No.21524970

File: d2615100b30e1ce⋯.jpg (570.84 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_222918….jpg)

File: 37161530cf3fd93⋯.jpg (207.27 KB,1280x720,16:9,AA1i3zCE_566952586.jpg)

File: 2ee75b808109128⋯.jpg (980.67 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_193242….jpg)

File: 1419d11daec71c1⋯.jpg (40.67 KB,590x701,590:701,118bbc8ec01e19b96d0a3e1ccd….jpg)

File: c049abb1a1ea396⋯.jpg (292.08 KB,1500x1000,3:2,queen_margrethe_denmark_co….jpg)


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04fb31 No.21524971


how come democrats never wear patriotic colors?

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20ef95 No.21524972

File: 447b688346436e3⋯.png (1.23 MB,1125x1789,1125:1789,ClipboardImage.png)

Criminals are running the IRS.

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dc435b No.21524973

File: 82efea3290244d7⋯.png (1.37 MB,1439x810,1439:810,1725284994678.png)

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e06f50 No.21524974


>slave labor.

No, those are called taxpayers.

The illegals are actually UN troops.

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20ef95 No.21524975

Kamala Harris: "He [Musk] has lost his privileges."

Can someone please explain to her that freedom of speech is a RIGHT, not a "privilege"?

Kamala Harris: "There has to be a responsibility placed on these social media sites to understand their power."

Translation: "If they don't police content to conform to government-approved narratives, they will be shut down."


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1ccdfd No.21524976


Because his goal is arresting criminals, not Jews.

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dc435b No.21524977

File: 4931a2fefcc949f⋯.png (1.24 MB,791x1474,791:1474,1725235300764.png)

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dc435b No.21524978

File: e5a012766a45284⋯.png (935.97 KB,719x1623,719:1623,1725226344013.png)

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cd0806 No.21524979

File: 61dbf9d9ee08330⋯.mp4 (1011.9 KB,404x720,101:180,66d642acc4bcb.mp4)

Fresh news about old ship, repeating the old and new movie lies

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b63a46 No.21524980

File: f1b702e9dc495ea⋯.jpg (63.8 KB,750x548,375:274,2578a83f1f0f5c4a9ce5762586….jpg)

File: 107130b0cb87e7d⋯.jpg (25.11 KB,474x266,237:133,th_4063338238.jpg)

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e44d09 No.21524981

File: a5e140448a37fd0⋯.jpeg (212.5 KB,1160x1166,580:583,IMG_3589.jpeg)

Here we fukin’ go round again.

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dc435b No.21524982

File: b996e7065802721⋯.png (1.2 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725198012153.png)

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39d75d No.21524983


>h-he only arrested criminals

>NOT jews

lol ok buddy

cool argument

what year did you drop out of school?

9th grade?

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dc8127 No.21524984

File: d900b6b8adcfb38⋯.png (372.77 KB,650x555,130:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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62a31b No.21524985


Weed becomes super cheap when legalized

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f9e54c No.21524986

File: c5204e76ce1673d⋯.png (768.79 KB,1056x712,132:89,nopolicyorvision.png)


>No discipline. No plan. No strategy.

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bc58f7 No.21524987


What I meant was, illegal immigrants are *being used* for slave labor anon. They are the planned replacement population which SCOTUS has ruled have No Constitutional Rights anymore. Convenient replacements for (((globalists))) now that they are trying to bring America into a massive new world war. Get what is going on now? Hope that clears it up.

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1ccdfd No.21524988


I'm not your buddy pal..

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1a08ad No.21524989

File: 272a30f60562757⋯.png (25.34 KB,340x159,340:159,Clipboardimage.png)



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f9e54c No.21524990

Maya Lakshmi Harris was one of three senior policy advisors for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign's policy agenda, and she also served as chair of the 2020 presidential campaign of her sister, Kamala Harris

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357f34 No.21524991


>Weed becomes super cheap when legalized

Anon would grow weed if legalized

Even though anon doesn't smoke weed

But always useful to give to idiots you don't want to see for a few days

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88add6 No.21524992

File: f4dbbf6f0cd3ad2⋯.jpg (181.12 KB,1024x1024,1:1,comfywookie3.jpg)


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20ef95 No.21524993

File: 35da3db01f678a7⋯.png (424.95 KB,900x635,180:127,ClipboardImage.png)

The Daily Fail

The Daily Mail published a rebuttal from Ed Krassenstein, claiming he can't remember negotiating over 'teen pies' domains and suggesting that my screenshot might be fabricated.

Once again, here is my receipt proving it really happened:



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da98a2 No.21524994

File: b75cad3830e2f25⋯.jpg (93.94 KB,467x460,467:460,ITS_AFRAID.jpg)

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e44d09 No.21524995

File: fed6ddacdb52bc1⋯.jpeg (175.89 KB,1080x911,1080:911,IMG_3591.jpeg)


> super cheap

By cheap do you mean shitty?

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20ef95 No.21524996

File: c67bcf4fa115a45⋯.png (859.85 KB,878x900,439:450,ClipboardImage.png)

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20ef95 No.21524997

File: 1df228035a038fd⋯.png (467.98 KB,900x888,75:74,ClipboardImage.png)

They're afraid.

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cd0806 No.21524998

File: 5aab6ed2eb657ba⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB,460x258,230:129,avy7O8n_460sv.mp4)


The Lord's Prayer sung in Aramaic

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035118 No.21524999

File: d38699f2647d58d⋯.png (400.56 KB,631x358,631:358,ClipboardImage.png)

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20ef95 No.21525000

File: 206304ce08e8786⋯.png (729.01 KB,962x1129,962:1129,ClipboardImage.png)

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04fb31 No.21525001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1a08ad No.21525002

File: a5bf36afc8f7ee2⋯.jpg (123.3 KB,1200x800,3:2,a5bf36afc8f7ee260c03909176….jpg)

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62a31b No.21525003


No homegrown makes it abundant and freeeeee.

Think zucchini season bumper crops

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bc58f7 No.21525004


The US government has basically betrayed the American people with weaponized open border invasion, replacement population. The so-called "elites" they work for want us gone because we Americans still desire our freedoms and prosperity. Now it will be our patriotic duty to refuse to fight their wars for them, not taking their replacement bait. Let the word spread and go viral.

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3e2586 No.21525005

File: e97701b6d2cff60⋯.png (337.18 KB,616x529,616:529,ClipboardImage.png)

The Odisha Index

@the_odishaindex 18h

Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves.

Sep 2, 2024 · 7:31 AM UTC



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1ccdfd No.21525006


OK then why say she created more slavery than before the civil war.

It is grammatically incorrect.

You mean: she created more slavery than the amount that existed before the civil war.

Your original gives no reference to 'more than' what..

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20ef95 No.21525007

File: 1f70e8e359ac1dd⋯.png (271.13 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

"Worship communism"


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1a08ad No.21525008

File: e0ea88938ecb3f0⋯.jpg (98.49 KB,780x520,3:2,e0ea88938ecb3f0e19e14b5bad….jpg)


>No homegrown makes it abundant


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734b04 No.21525009


My body, My FUCK"N choice!

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e06f50 No.21525010


The rate of inflation is not the issue.

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b1f86d No.21525011

File: 73c56edf703bfe7⋯.jpg (125.37 KB,565x442,565:442,bless_our_bakers.jpg)


TY, baker.

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20ef95 No.21525012

File: 4dcc52d594b8278⋯.png (334.36 KB,697x882,697:882,ClipboardImage.png)

Just resentment and envy masquerading as insight into "hidden reality"…choosing sex toys as the vehicle.

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42e87b No.21525013



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e06f50 No.21525014

File: 5d3fad54117eeeb⋯.png (1.84 MB,4500x3000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



Punctuation matters.

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b63a46 No.21525015

File: d3026749b6f37f0⋯.jpg (56.11 KB,433x455,433:455,89afea156fc3c587.jpg)

File: 60e96180056dcf8⋯.jpg (48.71 KB,960x540,16:9,michelle_obama_pregnancy_3….jpg)

File: 44bc168b7032b93⋯.png (489.06 KB,807x734,807:734,d3a88fc66fc832921c49b004ab….png)

File: 98f291b80170551⋯.jpg (119.54 KB,1200x671,1200:671,Biden_South_Court_Auditori….jpg)

File: 29ce92005569281⋯.png (153.85 KB,498x571,498:571,1604639271_3046128588.png)


Everything they do is fucking fake


Oct 07, 2020 3:30:58 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6






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c2873e No.21525016


Hey that looks like the kind I have

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39d75d No.21525017


filtered for spamming the bread with actual and literal garbage.

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bc58f7 No.21525018


Maybe anon should fix that meme then. However, I do get what that anon is trying to convey too, albeit a minor mistake.

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e06f50 No.21525019


A truly sovereign nation doesn't 'borrow' its own currency at interest from a private corporation, idiot.

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e44d09 No.21525020


> choosing sex toys as the vehicle.

How many miles will they go on one charge?

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cd0806 No.21525021

File: 58d00426903eb9b⋯.png (45.96 KB,700x875,4:5,aLn8j0W_700bwp.png)

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20ef95 No.21525022


Ridiculed for taking highly relevant Marxism in practise bait and getting triggered.

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734b04 No.21525024


It really shows you the issue isn't on the front line, but with senior management controlled by the Dems, Liberals and COMMIES. It's time to make a change!

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62a31b No.21525025

File: 4d3e7478e52e789⋯.jpg (180.67 KB,652x1192,163:298,Screenshot_20240831_225402….jpg)


Polka dot taken

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39d75d No.21525026

can someone PLEASE tell ID: 20ef95 what it means to be filtered since he’s a newfaggot and doesn’t understand???

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20ef95 No.21525027

File: 031532cf018e1a5⋯.png (504.76 KB,1179x1738,1179:1738,ClipboardImage.png)

No, this is not normal.

No, this is not an automated domain registration using a script.

No, this is not a fabricated screenshot.

No, this cannot be justified in any way.

No, there's no innocent explanation for this.

And no, this isn't just a coincidence.


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da98a2 No.21525028

File: e6f2d9af7e5e4c9⋯.jpg (115.21 KB,600x568,75:71,3S.jpg)

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a0c5f6 No.21525029

File: d59a47e7083b8a4⋯.png (701.92 KB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


you just did newfaggot

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62a31b No.21525030

File: 23a59fb83790941⋯.mp4 (458.99 KB,360x640,9:16,MG_LZzacdtooKp5H.mp4)

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e44d09 No.21525031



That’s the ID I wanted this time.

Dangit all to heck!

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5872a1 No.21525032



Why cant the IRS track that missing 2 trillion that went missing the day before 911.

They come after you for decades and know where you are for every goddamn penny.

You mean to tell me they dont know where 2 trillion went?

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035118 No.21525033

what's a good movie to watch with my 8 year old. we already watched Aliens 1

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cd0806 No.21525034

File: 45a51198c44e17c⋯.webp (77.1 KB,600x1265,120:253,aRBj3jy_700bwp.webp)

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e06f50 No.21525035


You just did.

And none of us gives a fuck who you filter, so shut the fuck about it.

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dc8127 No.21525036

File: e9f7ec973a6855f⋯.png (84.16 KB,1817x287,1817:287,ClipboardImage.png)


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42e87b No.21525037

File: 2c30cee11481bb1⋯.gif (434.52 KB,220x220,1:1,mind.gif)

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48dcd1 No.21525038

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a0c5f6 No.21525039


the mighty ducks

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357f34 No.21525040


50 shades of hay

It's about horses

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e44d09 No.21525041


Faces of Death 3.

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e06f50 No.21525042


<Criminals are running the IRS.

>Criminals created the IRS.


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20ef95 No.21525043


Ridiculed again for getting triggered again.


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dc8127 No.21525044

File: 1a1242a95a31a7e⋯.png (2.21 KB,135x48,45:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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88c757 No.21525045


What if I told she is a part of the plan?

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20ef95 No.21525046


Thats not a good movie for 8 year olds.

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42e87b No.21525047

File: 6351470332cf102⋯.jpg (103.16 KB,702x1000,351:500,81Vxux7HfiL_AC_UF894_1000_….jpg)


since you already scared the fuk out of 'em…

i suggest a comedy

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73fc81 No.21525048

File: 188ea75d633ac6c⋯.png (1.14 MB,1037x1272,1037:1272,9D55E950_D1D8_40ED_B175_C0….png)

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88c757 No.21525049


Good time to explain what a filterfag is too.

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20ef95 No.21525050

Be David Platt

> Write emotionally-laden but unbiblical bestselling Christian book guilt-tripping a generation of Christians into thinking faithfulness must mean being broke missionary martyr

> Doesn’t do it himself

> Instead, pastors a megachruch in affluent, majority White Birmingham, Alabama suburb and draw a handsome salary

> Become President of the largest missionary agency in the world, get even bigger salary

> Run missionary agency poorly

> Preach at major conferences

> Use platform to go woke and preach against small, rural white churches

> Leave for another megachurch outside of DC in one of the wealthiest counties in the USA

> Destroy and divide church with CRT

> Buy $1.1 million dollar house

> Drive Range Rover

> Don’t live in border town or deal with cartel violence and human trafficking

> Now twist Scripture to guilt Christians into accepting national suicide through mass illegal immigration

> Still be an evangelical celebrity


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cd0806 No.21525051

File: 9d6adedfadf3759⋯.webp (37.29 KB,585x875,117:175,66d391a5d3351.webp)

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467770 No.21525052

File: ea1675f6de40441⋯.png (503.75 KB,840x954,140:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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88c757 No.21525053

If Joe is a part of the plan, how could Kamala not be?

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e06f50 No.21525054


Right, because the rate of inflation is what matters.

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da98a2 No.21525055

File: c5b97152c83911c⋯.jpg (91.98 KB,679x476,97:68,IN_STEREO_WINNING.jpg)



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b54469 No.21525056

File: eb315243fc79d21⋯.png (519.64 KB,1001x850,1001:850,6j53h542h5342.PNG)

Maduro Orders Arrest of Rival to Quell Venezuela Dissent

Venezuela ordered the arrest of presidential candidate Edmundo González, an escalation of the government’s crackdown on dissent in the wake of a disputed election.

The move is likely to draw further outcry from the US and other countries that have concluded González was the winner of the July 28 vote. Venezuelan authorities have declared instead, without evidence, that President Nicolás Maduro was reelected to a third term.


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dc8127 No.21525057



never heard of her

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0300d9 No.21525058

File: 99955e73422709f⋯.png (383.02 KB,510x371,510:371,ClipboardImage.png)


Evenin Mr. Pig

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e44d09 No.21525059

File: 49d7b985494391a⋯.jpeg (56.64 KB,430x292,215:146,IMG_3592.jpeg)

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da98a2 No.21525060

File: d6baa9194fea732⋯.jpg (102.82 KB,493x585,493:585,o7_WINNING.jpg)

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491979 No.21525061

File: 610f0815cf202d9⋯.jpeg (187.6 KB,722x540,361:270,58D6653E_3B86_40F3_BCE1_3….jpeg)

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71c42d No.21525062

File: 82aa0b07ec328d6⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Strength_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker o7

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20ef95 No.21525063

Social media erupts over Kamala Harris' 'fake accent' in speech to teachers union


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491979 No.21525064


From Hell

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20ef95 No.21525065

File: d29b22704e26f33⋯.png (189.03 KB,1080x620,54:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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2af54d No.21525066


The Joy and Enthusiasm effect

Venezuelan censorship is totally different from UK/US?EU democracy

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424f59 No.21525067


The main one is found in the mornings. Biggest little pansy ever.

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328113 No.21525068


so DEI!

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7dd158 No.21525069

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b63a46 No.21525070

File: 90a205a29156dc7⋯.jpg (73.38 KB,1200x630,40:21,council_for_inclusive_capi….jpg)

File: 5584ffec18767d9⋯.jpg (19.72 KB,474x158,3:1,th_810189690.jpg)

File: 3e850cffcf2550c⋯.jpg (605.33 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_094121….jpg)

File: 4c2eb68debbbb3b⋯.jpg (31.72 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3364692902.jpg)

File: d3bb9a69a821d5e⋯.png (903.44 KB,1362x878,681:439,4716bt_3924887612.png)

Q AlertsEnjoy the Show

Have the gold



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623 Online (SRV1_L)

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×1 post(s) found containing "Have the gold".


Dec 12, 2018 7:01:15 PM EST


Dec 12, 2018 6:57:57 PM EST






Gold shall destroy FED.


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357f34 No.21525071


If you've got a problem with my synesthesia, let's take it outside.

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467770 No.21525072

File: d6a44552864749e⋯.png (396.36 KB,726x541,726:541,ClipboardImage.png)

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2af54d No.21525073

the successful tireless efforts to bring a cease fire, peace and release of hostages from biden/Harris brought about the concession from Bibi of another round of genocide


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20ea67 No.21525074

File: 5d79122531887a9⋯.png (937.17 KB,1002x814,501:407,5h4325235423.PNG)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 ‘Choral’ | Usach Classical Orchestra & Choir


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035118 No.21525075


eh…. if i let him watch that, i'll have to get him in to the hockey team. if i let him in to the hockey team he's going to get really tough. if he gets really tough he's going to be able to beat the shit out of me in the near future. no thank you. maybe indian in the cupboard or honey i shrunk the kids

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88add6 No.21525076

File: 3e78f1c7ae1f4d1⋯.webp (51.66 KB,1080x937,1080:937,zcuibecy5bkc1.webp)

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328113 No.21525077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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20ef95 No.21525078

File: 59312d4f88ece49⋯.mp4 (795.25 KB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17253077919….mp4)

When even the State Fair turns into a 'Never Walz' event, you know Minnesotans have had enough.


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48dcd1 No.21525079

If you have ever eaten Pringles™; you have eaten ze bug!

Pringles….because “Once you pop, the fun don't stop” if you're a bug that is.


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da98a2 No.21525080

File: 7d40de589a3f232⋯.jpg (113.73 KB,814x415,814:415,BEYOND_3D_WINNING.jpg)

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955058 No.21525081

File: 5cd7b9e49af9b8e⋯.jpg (22.33 KB,319x280,319:280,alicemirandarothschildee.jpg)

File: bd9a43adf90e936⋯.png (581.06 KB,835x508,835:508,goldsmithrothschild.png)

File: ac541e82f45c9ed⋯.png (135.2 KB,456x388,114:97,dianadaddyGo.png)

File: fc374b7200371f8⋯.jpg (11.84 KB,251x300,251:300,elizabetholmes.jpg)

File: 419ebcabd219e06⋯.jpg (18.73 KB,355x238,355:238,GoldsmithdiZac.jpg)

>>21524841 lb

>>21524914 lb

So Alice Roth looks like the Blood lady who's in jail for fraud; company collected blood: Elizabeth Holmes?

Hubby she's divorcing from is an MP and related to Diana (I know you don't want to hear this; but he's her half brother)

James Goldsmith, the common ancestor to both.

>>21524841 lb

>>21524914 lb


The movie star ? here ^ I can't place;

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7dd158 No.21525082


need more of this.

shut ALL porn sites down.

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2a368f No.21525083


lol ok fine we'll watch the rocketeer

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734b04 No.21525084


No stems no seeds that we don't need Acapulco Gold is bad as weed.

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486bfa No.21525085

File: 9ce998e5521af17⋯.png (41.06 KB,927x846,103:94,6j534h64556j34.PNG)

Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

Arthur J. Gregg, the first African American Army officer to reach the rank of lieutenant general and the only person in modern history to have a military base named for him in his lifetime in his case a rechristening of a fort that had honored the Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee died Aug. 22. He was 96. The Army announced the death on its website but did not cite a cause or say where he died. In April 2023, Fort Lee in Virginia was renamed Fort Gregg-Adams in honor of Gregg, who in 1977 became the Army’s first Black three-star general, and Lt. Col. Charity Adams Earley, who was the highest-ranking Black woman to serve as an Army officer in World War II. The new name was recommended by a congressional commission charged with rechristening nine military bases named for Confederate officers, as part of a national self-examination around race set off by the murder of George Floyd in 2020. Fort Lee, about 30 miles south of Richmond, near the confluence of the James and Appomattox rivers, had originally been named after Lee, one of eight Virginians who were West Point graduates and U.S. Army colonels at the outbreak of the Civil War. Among them, only Lee chose to take up arms against the United States, the commission noted.


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a0c5f6 No.21525086


bloodsport then

sounds like he's going to have to learn how to get his ass beat

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56da57 No.21525087

File: 27b05666e4d2e53⋯.png (56.41 KB,582x452,291:226,Screenshot_20240902_213306….png)

File: ba5c09fc0f788e1⋯.png (20.94 KB,615x399,205:133,Screenshot_20240902_213449….png)

I was told not to go here just post it.

Anyone heard of ?

Im not clickin that shit

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b63a46 No.21525088

File: 0982e4db10b18f1⋯.jpg (207.32 KB,1125x750,3:2,COMP_AP_HILLARY_QANON_4133….jpg)

File: f1aab9520173705⋯.jpg (45.6 KB,439x612,439:612,senator_robert_byrd_and_se….jpg)

File: 95b8fef0cc1b044⋯.jpg (707.58 KB,2560x1693,2560:1693,Pelosi_with_parents_and_JF….jpg)

File: e1d31d6b84e77cb⋯.jpeg (36.11 KB,700x466,350:233,pope_francis_nancy_pelosi….jpeg)

File: 4f415b62045872f⋯.jpeg (723.16 KB,2053x1596,2053:1596,53396a_lg_3301264797.jpeg)

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955058 No.21525089


later they claimed it was all accounted for.

It's all "funny money"

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e44d09 No.21525090


Back-crossing is part of creating a champion breed. Oft times the rejects fail at survival.

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5872a1 No.21525091

File: afdd1ca114ded38⋯.jpg (57.95 KB,540x540,1:1,g52315214g2314.jpg)


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035118 No.21525092


im surprised the lunatic abortionists aren't freakin out

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88add6 No.21525093

File: 768fa809b48c396⋯.jpg (46.19 KB,1024x678,512:339,768fa809b48c3963b6b5c52bbc….jpg)

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48dcd1 No.21525094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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da98a2 No.21525095

File: ad564f75197e1a1⋯.jpg (20.33 KB,226x551,226:551,UP.jpg)

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da98a2 No.21525096

File: 3fedfed44848de8⋯.jpg (22.25 KB,221x506,221:506,DOWN.jpg)

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5d52c1 No.21525097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate


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c8dfdf No.21525098

File: 0c18dc2b0dc419c⋯.jpeg (652.9 KB,1125x1860,75:124,IMG_3803.jpeg)

Can anyone explain this?


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357f34 No.21525099

File: 99d83ddb802e9b8⋯.jpg (20.73 KB,640x640,1:1,99d83ddb802e9b8f84567617d1….jpg)


The price of undies is out of control.

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955058 No.21525100


That's was a distraction for the conspiracy theorist business run by the government.

They layer it beforehand like that to give the conspiracy industry something to do


Russian version of "War and peace"


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3e2586 No.21525101

File: 0ae07417208d39c⋯.png (205.9 KB,555x589,555:589,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily Sep 1

Nicolás Maduro driving in Caracas. What a strange dictator that people greet with so much love and emotion

Sep 1, 2024 · 10:27 PM UTC


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4fe039 No.21525102

File: e22b6a9fe0e69dd⋯.jpeg (303.12 KB,1125x913,1125:913,IMG_3804.jpeg)


Found this:


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b63a46 No.21525103

File: 24971dcb5f4a0cc⋯.jpg (48.53 KB,1400x700,2:1,Daniel_Craig_as_James_Bond….jpg)

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42e87b No.21525104


81 million votes

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8c0b12 No.21525105

File: 8ca44ef0c4880b4⋯.png (156.56 KB,974x1200,487:600,112_1_.png)

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7dd158 No.21525106


this is something those who claim to have it all

need to or should have addressed a long time ago.

they hold the reigns no individual or even an organized group should hold

makes one wonder.

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f9e54c No.21525107

File: 33d42a1a12e9556⋯.png (297.69 KB,636x577,636:577,ClipboardImage.png)

another Huma Clowney

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91fef6 No.21525108

File: d513440698b62bc⋯.png (1.39 MB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)



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da98a2 No.21525109

File: f3301d07f1c4622⋯.jpg (114.67 KB,717x478,3:2,81_PIGS_ASS_FIX.jpg)

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be7e47 No.21525110


Scarface, Saw . . .

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c43519 No.21525111

File: 49b2a014294597e⋯.mp4 (9.35 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17253314488….mp4)



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20ef95 No.21525112

File: 4b8847799b77ac0⋯.mp4 (14.59 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17253011562….mp4)

TikToker is going off on the Gold Star Families - this is going viral

She isn't attacking Trump

She's going after the families personally.

Do you notice the pattern anons? Projecting her own politics and 'seeing' her own flaws in the gold star families.


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f9e54c No.21525113

File: 28db1067be196d3⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB,1600x900,16:9,putindriving.mp4)


>Nicolás Maduro driving in Caracas.


needs drift phonk edit

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955058 No.21525114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




maybe get him to start learning Russian, if there's no subtitles?

Or helping to learn read, if there is?


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20ef95 No.21525115

File: 85df1c5495e0606⋯.png (181.88 KB,720x647,720:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ff31d No.21525116


>“You want to control prices? You want to control costs? How about the United States, instead of being the complicit middle man in child trafficking, human trafficking and drugs, why don’t they put a lid on that and control our borders?”

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3e2586 No.21525117

File: ebd9c9be8814a35⋯.png (461.36 KB,620x423,620:423,ClipboardImage.png)


Maduro must go?


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42e87b No.21525118


kek. only rolled it down a couple of inches.

can't let the unwashed too close

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d52da7 No.21525119

File: 80643771dc2fa60⋯.png (752 KB,765x926,765:926,enoughhorsemilk.png)

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de8812 No.21525120

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e44d09 No.21525121


Votes cost more when bought last minute?

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c7dce7 No.21525122

I'm so sick of Normies.

I just want to bash their heads together and tell them to Wake the Fuck Up!

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0ba394 No.21525123


>"How I Got Fired From The CIA": Career Ops Officer Tells All

you can never prove if someone's ex-CIA so anon assumes they're lying as a rule

not Giraldi, it's obvious why he was kicked out, he speaks truth to Shlomo. no way the jews at cia would pay him for what he's been writing

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48dcd1 No.21525124


>Can anyone explain this?

money laundering

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f9e54c No.21525125

File: c5786c4c2050a3e⋯.jpeg (106.32 KB,866x578,433:289,hosedown.jpeg)


>can't let the unwashed too close

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a0de07 No.21525126


Speaking of porn. I am so thankful anons have stopped with the porn. You guys don’t get enough credit for how we started out and how it is now. Thank you!

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ebc4fd No.21525127

File: 821b112a5d5b149⋯.jpg (57.67 KB,496x690,248:345,059.jpg)

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1cc85e No.21525128

File: 82822a8ba72a780⋯.png (1.3 MB,1076x1084,269:271,1725140764656.png)

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035118 No.21525129


is there a clockfag that can tie an expend ammo drop?

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5872a1 No.21525130

File: 6a609ca53044224⋯.jpeg (169.38 KB,1278x1121,1278:1121,6a609ca530442249f68d65e5b….jpeg)

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20ef95 No.21525131


Globalists worldwide laundering money to fund Komrade Kamala.

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42e87b No.21525133


you realize you're about to get hammered with boobs, right?

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da98a2 No.21525134

File: a53676638530dc8⋯.jpg (55.53 KB,348x423,116:141,MEGAMAGA_PLUS.jpg)

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e11d22 No.21525135

File: c14449d2d802374⋯.png (282.51 KB,719x688,719:688,nm784e65b254654645654.png)

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5bef5d No.21525136


Naw I think anons have grown over time.

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88add6 No.21525137

File: 0be6542d62ba123⋯.jpeg (43.39 KB,736x552,4:3,4ZERtABxjHzr.jpeg)

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91fef6 No.21525138

File: b72f21310f18824⋯.png (616.23 KB,590x635,118:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd5fdf No.21525139

File: 3426ee0ee7e414a⋯.jpg (73.39 KB,800x500,8:5,Walz.jpg)

File: ba8cb4900232c25⋯.jpg (48.48 KB,691x361,691:361,Spunky_the_VP.jpg)

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357f34 No.21525140

File: b31d588e8e52b9c⋯.png (166.76 KB,293x441,293:441,b31d588e8e52b9ce707f5c6435….png)



He's right, you know.

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b63a46 No.21525141

File: 0e1f6a2c2c9132b⋯.jpg (44.19 KB,800x499,800:499,tether_usdt_stablecoin_cry….jpg)

File: 34345a3440ff4e5⋯.jpg (77.4 KB,700x700,1:1,3b54f9e5_a9db_4e09_8086_0d….jpg)

File: 4c19d07dcfc7706⋯.jpg (99.9 KB,768x513,256:171,Robert_F_Kennedy_Jr_Donald….jpg)

File: 4ee9140a54a4961⋯.jpg (126.07 KB,1080x714,180:119,51036093_jpg.jpg)

File: 0bf5019e9a8447d⋯.jpg (246.82 KB,962x1286,481:643,46645BB900000578_5086495_i….jpg)

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42e87b No.21525142

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62d466 No.21525143

File: b2c52ed6eaf58d0⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB,460x258,230:129,aPA9BWR_460sv.mp4)

Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises" . This is the real audio of it

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b857ca No.21525144


Nice Hasselblad!

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7ff31d No.21525145


such excellent memes.

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da98a2 No.21525146

File: a3d93ba7b56d308⋯.jpg (265.23 KB,857x605,857:605,ORDER_OF_BATTLE_3.jpg)

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e06f50 No.21525147

File: c5e940f1b2fe4a4⋯.png (438.6 KB,400x580,20:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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91fef6 No.21525148

File: fa3002aec036577⋯.png (206.09 KB,295x432,295:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9e54c No.21525149

File: 44e3fcda9f1ce57⋯.jpg (14.44 KB,191x255,191:255,fasterect.jpg)


>I think anons have grown over time.

In no time, three seconds flat.

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e06f50 No.21525150

File: 0fb2a3a94355a08⋯.jpg (177.02 KB,1080x1070,108:107,boeinghitmen.jpg)

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f9e54c No.21525151


Keith Raniere?

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417df9 No.21525152















Makes the board look stupid AF. It's the delivery. Completely retarded at this point. Poster only produces in monotone and is stone cold tone deaf. And that's not even touching on the subversive mind fuck aspects of some of the posts.

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491979 No.21525153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bedtime story.

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e44d09 No.21525154


Bewbs are an inefficient hammer as they squishy.

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7ff31d No.21525155


It's like saying, "so glad this place doesn't have as many shills as it used to."

Mum's the word….

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d52da7 No.21525156

File: 3093f876724810a⋯.jpg (126.22 KB,453x640,453:640,kek41.jpg)

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b857ca No.21525157


Mass times acceleration, fren.

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48dcd1 No.21525158

Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau Gets Humiliated By A Steelworker


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cd5fdf No.21525159

File: 84104f65ae4b1d1⋯.gif (990.45 KB,289x257,289:257,84104f65ae4b1d15e2434bd76e….gif)

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b284d3 No.21525160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

German far-right party wins state election for the first time since the Nazis

NBC News


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357f34 No.21525161

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ba0eeb No.21525162


Always one in the class that can’t take a nice compliment and has to be silly.

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f9e54c No.21525163


are you watching us masturbate

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b857ca No.21525164


Nazis not far right, but Nationalist Lefties. Socialists.

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e44d09 No.21525165



I now see my mistake.


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62a31b No.21525166

File: 36228332063cd7b⋯.jpg (91.4 KB,717x717,1:1,Screenshot_20240827_082819….jpg)

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7ff31d No.21525167


just one?

somebody's gonna post the Welcome page next….

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eaaf52 No.21525168


they must be running out of sources of children…. off on a buying trip

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da98a2 No.21525169

File: 8aa8884057e2343⋯.jpg (89.66 KB,680x528,85:66,ANON_COUNTER_FIRE.jpg)

File: a4a614a573bfba7⋯.jpg (41.98 KB,509x234,509:234,AMERICA_WIN_WIN.jpg)




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d52da7 No.21525170

File: 49950fe10950d3e⋯.png (342.46 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 759b15770a405a1⋯.jpg (200.47 KB,1000x1291,1000:1291,tribunals2.jpg)

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03c9c2 No.21525171

File: d81cb086e0712e9⋯.png (115.05 KB,640x467,640:467,ClipboardImage.png)


It really was bliss. Those few days he was down dealing with that MS BSOD issue. Guess someone else eventually fixed it for him.

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b63a46 No.21525172

File: c3eb4cb34ff57ed⋯.jpg (145.42 KB,1406x611,1406:611,MV5BYmUyZjlkNzYtODBkYS00M2….jpg)

File: 9642319eb9407a4⋯.jpg (10.93 KB,474x262,237:131,th_303786638.jpg)

File: 497d891ff6e02d7⋯.jpg (19.73 KB,474x386,237:193,th_4058644498.jpg)

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955058 No.21525173

File: 93bcc5c2c89ed5e⋯.jpg (133.02 KB,640x473,640:473,planeshapedhole911.JPG)

g knight

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48dcd1 No.21525174

File: 5baa62793a32009⋯.png (664.86 KB,840x480,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Teen Girl at Baseball Game Stabbed by Previously Deported Illegal Migrant, Police Allege.


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62d466 No.21525175

File: 7c0983db73ceac7⋯.png (206.32 KB,460x444,115:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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8a3407 No.21525176

File: 416ee5a6235a2b9⋯.png (139.62 KB,320x338,160:169,416ee5a6235a2b9167bd5a0baa….png)

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0ba394 No.21525177


National Socialists but anti Communist

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8afe0c No.21525178

who tf would think illegals should bear arms under the constitution?

besides a lawyer

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88add6 No.21525179

File: a2b9e9ebde0c509⋯.jpeg (139.43 KB,1080x1416,45:59,Muscular_Apu_Wrestler_Sta….jpeg)


Crying about a cat meme. The only one that sees "subversiveness" and hidden Kubrick-esque destructive hidden symbology in his memes is you and you're trying to single him out in front of the group in an effort to isolate and polarize. You clowns never change and keep using your stupid Alinsky bullshit. Evil little fucker, but you're superficial and continually stupid. Every day. Now cry, l'il bitchflap, then dance around like a drugged out oblivious idiot that can't quite figure out why no one believes him.

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62d466 No.21525180

File: 67d4d4a1272f8d6⋯.png (266.09 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Aerospace Hitman Company

There a movie bout this?

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ad46d8 No.21525181

File: 80a13e709aaa109⋯.png (487.01 KB,801x800,801:800,tsmtsdms.PNG)

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20ef95 No.21525182

File: 348e91d839e2019⋯.png (131.68 KB,596x680,149:170,ClipboardImage.png)

Explains the "pro lifers for Harris" narrative.

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42e87b No.21525183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Bewbs are an inefficient hammer as they squishy.

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62d466 No.21525184

File: 05861cfd343b3e8⋯.mp4 (406.41 KB,460x816,115:204,aW4qMwK_460sv.mp4)

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d52da7 No.21525185

File: 72cb7ed5104383f⋯.png (443.15 KB,787x808,787:808,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9e54c No.21525186

File: a1edee3ff497d4b⋯.mp4 (11.37 MB,576x1024,9:16,thisdonut.mp4)

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20ef95 No.21525187

File: 438cb03aece97c2⋯.png (497.98 KB,1194x1135,1194:1135,ClipboardImage.png)

URGENT: I’ve exposed the Krassenstein brothers for owning domains like humilatedschoolgirls[dot]com, younggporn[dot]net, and 17onlygirls[dot]com, which are undeniably linked to underage teen p0rn.

Owning and trading such domains directly contributes to the horrific global industry of child exploitation. Instead of taking responsibility and apologizing for their actions, the Krassensteins are now trying to intimidate and silence me with lawsuits because others called them ped0s after I brought these facts to light.

Let me be clear: I am not responsible for other people's statements. It is the very nature of investigative journalism to uncover uncomfortable truths and to go where it hurts, especially when it involves exposing those who profit from the exploitation of the vulnerable.

By the way, the Krassenstein brothers are the same people who loudly accuse Trump of being a r4pist, yet their own past is steeped in the very filth they claim to oppose.

I will not back down or be silenced by their threats. Their immoral and unethical behavior must be exposed, and I will continue to stand against those who profit from the suffering of children.

Who's with me?


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48dcd1 No.21525188

File: b227a4aa7fa2ec6⋯.png (1.22 MB,1282x1398,641:699,Screenshot_2024_09_02_at_8….png)

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c43519 No.21525189

File: c7278992fcdc280⋯.png (102.42 KB,543x629,543:629,Screenshot_2024_09_02_2306….png)

Elon Musk


Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out


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b63a46 No.21525190

File: a5617f172907881⋯.jpg (109.85 KB,1200x797,1200:797,sean_duffy_371714043.jpg)

File: 259a32cef19fb2d⋯.jpg (11.23 KB,474x315,158:105,th_956597222.jpg)

File: 790dcec40af1e5f⋯.jpg (12.28 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1052985576.jpg)

File: 7166c953a1d9384⋯.gif (863.44 KB,400x225,16:9,f8ad0d06_3874_4f12_985f_2d….gif)

File: d6205c89481bc49⋯.jpg (46.19 KB,768x576,4:3,Rachel_Campos_Duffy_768x57….jpg)

Duffy is one helluva sport!

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b857ca No.21525191


Competition for power, but both are still totalitarian lefties.

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1cc85e No.21525192

File: 5632ab06cdb8c2d⋯.png (1.64 MB,1247x935,1247:935,1725332420072.png)

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492dd8 No.21525193

>>21524157 (Pb)

>We, the FBI, carefully plan our False Flag Mass Attacks very carefully. Allowing for cubterfube to enter the picture. That, is our expertise. Almost 100 years in the making.

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1cc85e No.21525194

File: 87c5a2c9e1d8d70⋯.png (798.17 KB,905x1289,905:1289,1725332544192.png)

File: d1764b3f861dd86⋯.png (768.03 KB,1024x667,1024:667,I_Allowed_Chemical_Warfare….png)

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1cc85e No.21525195

File: 60c70bc9ae80a60⋯.png (779.76 KB,905x1289,905:1289,1725332580417.png)

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320bdc No.21525196

notables @ 290 (25% collected)

#26371 >>21524882

>>21524900 Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

>>21524905 MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

>>21524928 In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

>>21524972 Two-tiered system of audits

>>21524975 Kamala will shut down X if she wins

>>21524918, >>21524960, >>21524952 Memes


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cc77d2 No.21525197

File: d94d267f3186a21⋯.png (38.85 KB,887x282,887:282,ClipboardImage.png)



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da98a2 No.21525198

File: e0912d1067c5940⋯.jpg (117.02 KB,573x560,573:560,DASH_12_FAILURE.jpg)

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1cc85e No.21525199

File: e00215ddd844cc3⋯.png (617.11 KB,1323x882,3:2,1725332495254.png)

File: 0a3cff22d269b0d⋯.png (532.52 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1725332460876.png)

File: ff3ef4923632865⋯.jpg (59.28 KB,690x350,69:35,Drug_Overdoses_Trump.jpg)

File: 8f82e79d31fc711⋯.jpg (67.54 KB,703x395,703:395,Screaming_Joe_Kamala_Memes.jpg)

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3e9a63 No.21525200

File: a4c87a4ebbdabc3⋯.jpeg (20.32 KB,241x331,241:331,strngs.jpeg)


Rom_8:6 ForG1063 to be carnallyG4561 mindedG5427 is death;G2288 butG1161 to be spirituallyG4151 mindedG5427 is lifeG2222 andG2532 peace.G1515

Rom_10:15 AndG1161 howG4459 shall they preach,G2784 exceptG3362 they be sent?G649 as itG2531 is written,G1125 HowG5613 beautifulG5611 are theG3588 feetG4228 of them that preach the gospelG2097 of peace,G1515 and bring glad tidingsG2097 of good things!G18

Rom_14:17 ForG1063 theG3588 kingdomG932 of GodG2316 isG2076 notG3756 meatG1035 andG2532 drink;G4213 butG235 righteousness,G1343 andG2532 peace,G1515 andG2532 joyG5479 inG1722 the HolyG40 Ghost.G4151

Rom_14:19 (G686) Let us therefore follow afterG1377 G3767 the thingsG3588 which make for peace,G1515 andG2532 thingsG3588 wherewith one may edifyG3619 (G1519) another.G240

Rom_15:13 NowG1161 theG3588 GodG2316 of hopeG1680 fillG4137 youG5209 with allG3956 joyG5479 andG2532 peaceG1515 in believing,G4100 that yeG5209 may aboundG4052 inG1722 hope,G1680 throughG1722 the powerG1411 of the HolyG40 Ghost.G4151

Rom_15:33 NowG1161 theG3588 GodG2316 of peaceG1515 be withG3326 youG5216 all.G3956 Amen.G281

Rom_16:20 AndG1161 theG3588 GodG2316 of peaceG1515 shall bruiseG4937 SatanG4567 underG5259 yourG2257 feetG4228 shortly.G1722 G5034 TheG3588 graceG5485 of ourG2257 LordG2962 JesusG2424 ChristG5547 be withG3326 you.G5216 Amen.G281 peace

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50ea2c No.21525201

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)

File: cff9d59c1b8d042⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,720x640,9:8,take_2_night_shift_with_qd….mp4)

File: c01c91f64a5aa7c⋯.png (2.56 MB,1152x1023,384:341,ClipboardImage.png)



some notes from the kash patel interview below.

Anon is focused on the media.

already know what the threats and the bad actors are going to do, especially with the brennan instutitue and alex soros twat.

posted a few times.



>>21524755 lb kash summary post.

watched the whole 1hr and 50 minutes of this interview.

kash interview was before Trumps interview.

episode 127 was trump, kash was 128.

kash arranged the trump interview for shawn ryan.


some oversights and insights from covid and a brief summary below.


The media complex and future of communications.

during covid the state paid the media to push its agenda, attack anyone speaking the truth, whilst the social media deleted accounts and shut down and leaked their details so the attack dogs of communists unions when after their jobs, families and in some cases they were injured or killed if threats did not work.

They are looking to go to the same model in the u.k where the state pays the likes of bbc, itv, channel 4 and 5 including streaming services like sky and all the tabloids online and talking heads to sing from the same tune.

now they are erasing the history and will not talk about the crimes they committed.

it never happened.

national security, inside and outside the states.

Q operation psyop , kash really goes into this and gina haspel, andy mccabe, comey, strozk and page including the various 17 I.C agencies blocking and using the two tier lawfare.

The cyber infrastructure is weak and with the intel clearances is wide open for abuse and profit for the criminals on the world stage,

most have appeared on the w.e.f and davos.


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03c9c2 No.21525202

File: 1cd053264f0adcc⋯.png (553.95 KB,453x594,151:198,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d97c2c25a04f59⋯.png (431.61 KB,681x673,681:673,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1d9eebcf4bd0eb⋯.png (295.25 KB,583x328,583:328,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3377c0159942604⋯.png (1.35 MB,1020x1022,510:511,ClipboardImage.png)



That could mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. Your idea of America winning might not be what others think of as such. So it's a weak cover to hide behind. How about you say something more specific? Like United States winning?

America Winning. Like the time that the news media first started writing stories saying that Trump might actually do jail time? So you post a meme of Trump in jail with his two sons? Dash of Tiffany Blue for good measure? Call it a clean sweep? Is that your idea of America Winning? Did you think you could pull that stunt and no one would notice?

Or the time you wish Trump a Happy Birthday by setting him on fire in effigy? Is that your idea of America Winning?

You are no friend to the board. And those who think you are lack the observation, and critical thinking, skills to see (you) for who you really are and what (you) are really doing here. You, and all board personalities for that matter, need to go the way of the dodo bird. But (you) especially.

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b63a46 No.21525203

File: b527afe01e5c471⋯.jpg (159.55 KB,2057x1200,2057:1200,santos_2701533552.jpg)

File: 790dcec40af1e5f⋯.jpg (12.28 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1052985576.jpg)

File: 9c0de87fb86fb0f⋯.jpg (107.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,image_2750455987.jpg)



More good than bad?

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200efc No.21525204


I don't understand a word of that

& I couldn't care less

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304774 No.21525205

[Hey postmasters.

Check your venue.

Stop being retarted and spiteful.

There alot worse problems outside the venue but when inside the venue is acting like highschoolers not much aid goes around.]

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0ba394 No.21525206


whatever you say rabbi

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03c9c2 No.21525207


circle the wagons

board personalities unite

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da98a2 No.21525208




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03c9c2 No.21525209

File: 92721547949a4aa⋯.png (95.94 KB,784x280,14:5,ClipboardImage.png)


every fucking time

lazy fucker

wants to recognized

board cancer

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b857ca No.21525210

No reading of code for Squeaky. Just noise from the same rut.

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03c9c2 No.21525211


keep fantasizing about who has really failed here

As Trump would say. We'll see what happens.

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20ef95 No.21525212

File: af7bb3a5c5cc980⋯.png (328.7 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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da98a2 No.21525213

File: a392f2ad9299fea⋯.gif (1.21 MB,320x180,16:9,HALF.gif)



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88add6 No.21525214

File: f5ae61a477ad2c1⋯.jpg (61.5 KB,909x711,101:79,d2f059d79cec4e7db6d848e180….jpg)


>circle the wagons

Why? Do the shills have everyone surrounded again?


>wants to recognized

No, that's just how the evil fucker like you tries to paint it. I don't care if I'm recognized, but there has been a serious effort from multiple individuals to try and make sure I'm not.

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20ef95 No.21525215

File: 1fdb65e2b065f81⋯.png (536.94 KB,900x506,450:253,ClipboardImage.png)

Not every Epstein has an island

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36d339 No.21525216


Citizens don’t matter in a Christian Capitalistic Country.

Jesus only loves the rich

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d52da7 No.21525217

File: 42b8b49a9c5d5f5⋯.png (329.54 KB,685x933,685:933,ClipboardImage.png)

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da98a2 No.21525218

File: 348d8aab66597ce⋯.jpg (126.64 KB,557x554,557:554,U_TOUCHY_THIS_FINE_EVE.jpg)

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856e24 No.21525219

File: b900b07c356218b⋯.png (23.5 KB,765x686,765:686,t4h3254h24h32.PNG)

Donald J. Trump


Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall. Get your tickets today at hannitytownhall.fox-newschanne. Look forward to seeing you there—MAGA2024!!!



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20ef95 No.21525220


Slavery is Freedom.

Ignorance is Strength.

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88add6 No.21525221

File: 752bd36bb568be4⋯.jpg (78.02 KB,500x499,500:499,752bd36bb568be41464fa926b4….jpg)


>keep fantasizing about who has really failed here

Where's the MuhJoo? Where's the bullshit that was posted for years, half a decade? All I see now are clowns whining about personality and gatekeeping and the phantom fame that only exists in their heads and then trying to imitate that. You fucktards are the textbook definition of failure and you have no one to blame but your pea brianed selves for that. Pissflap faggots.

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20ef95 No.21525223


"Capitalism is wrong, that's why we buy and sell children into sex slavery" - "anti-capitalist commie pedos

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8afe0c No.21525224

File: 2306e62890be526⋯.png (288.38 KB,800x542,400:271,ClipboardImage.png)


saddle up

giddy up

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da98a2 No.21525225

File: d8def1d18eebb81⋯.jpg (194.78 KB,556x582,278:291,U_SCREAM_WE_LAUGH.jpg)

o7 DAT

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88add6 No.21525226

File: 0b22becaca71136⋯.jpg (19.02 KB,500x334,250:167,areyounot.jpg)

Oops. Didn't mean to hit him that hard. Is he gonna be okay?

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50ea2c No.21525227

File: cde3704a04b8635⋯.png (69.32 KB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 382dcee91b328dc⋯.png (553.08 KB,500x515,100:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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36d339 No.21525228


Capitalism only works if you’re wealthy.

There is a reason inheritance tax is always an issue.

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03c9c2 No.21525229

The sad thing about you board personality fuckers is that you care more about your own egos than what makes this place so special in the first place. Or at least used to make it special. Really really stupid behavior. Childish, in fact.

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d52da7 No.21525230

File: 0181b4997f09daf⋯.png (16.31 KB,255x252,85:84,crying.png)

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da98a2 No.21525231

File: 2078cc33efa595d⋯.jpg (55.16 KB,479x632,479:632,THE_PIGGISHER.jpg)



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88add6 No.21525232


>you care more about your own egos than what makes this place so special in the first place.

Oh yes, it's about my ego and the indignation of the board because of that. Funny how my "personality" never was a problem until I started challenging the shill ethnic division narrative. Weird, huh? There are instances of that in the past where a 180 degree turn on someone and viciously attacking them begins. It's still happening to certain people in the public eye right now as a matter of fact.


Are you just an NPC or will you point out the crying, because a breakdown of what they're doing and throwing an insult at the end is hardly crying, unless you're projecting with your repetitive handful of memes that you post.

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20ef95 No.21525233


Capitaliam is the best for the poor.

Truth is that over 85% of all millionaires are self made.

"Reasons" for taxes based on a lie are psyop cover stories to justify the greedy taxer exploiters.

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d52da7 No.21525234

File: 1e571f26379ad60⋯.jpeg (33.76 KB,427x231,61:33,crying3.jpeg)

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200efc No.21525235

File: f0d12f857be0bb8⋯.png (278 KB,500x430,50:43,ClipboardImage.png)

If -No One- Complies

Then nothing Happens

We all live Happily forever after

The Problem is when Some people comply

That's when People like you & I get Fined & Arrested for not complying

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62d466 No.21525236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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20ef95 No.21525237


Capitalism is the only system that produces wealth.

Every communist country 20th century was supported by rpgue elements in capitalist country governments, because only in cqpitalism is there cost calculation and logic system capable of calculating gains and losses.

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20ea67 No.21525238

This probably sounds dumb and maybe I'm out of line by saying, can the disclaimer reflect protections for anons too?

For example, does not reflect anons opinions either due to the relative sources of information, and may the disclaimer also be protected by free speech.

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20ef95 No.21525239

HRC cancels fundraiser for Kamala.

They're jumping ship, kek


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d818dc No.21525240


datsa fargina notable, you bastages

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d52da7 No.21525241

File: e311ec59309e4ce⋯.png (474.88 KB,938x636,469:318,ClipboardImage.png)

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d818dc No.21525242


>your sexual orientation may be transphobic


it's transicidal

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85ccec No.21525243

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB,280x281,280:281,7ae2e5f4f4f698d858eb9c9950….gif)

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85ccec No.21525244

File: bf6e521de3036a2⋯.png (441.66 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Disgusting_.png)

File: 5c8e67402f10aea⋯.jpeg (379.25 KB,1125x2380,225:476,HRN_stealing_other_people….jpeg)

File: 2120925f0c02453⋯.png (421.37 KB,607x411,607:411,2120925f0c0245384355f142e0….png)

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)

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20ef95 No.21525245

File: f34829987e07cd4⋯.png (713.03 KB,900x853,900:853,ClipboardImage.png)

Climate hoax getting exposed

New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions. Emissions are 'irrelevant.'


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200efc No.21525246

File: f9fd3d7af1827a6⋯.png (805.73 KB,546x566,273:283,ClipboardImage.png)

(you) mean more than you know

People watched you the last time

They listened to you and ignored you…

But you were Right… About Everything… & that… is some serious street credit

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36d339 No.21525247


Silver spoon delusion

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da98a2 No.21525248

File: 498b14a58f53cb6⋯.jpg (139.21 KB,680x475,136:95,MAKES_PIG_LAUGH_AT_U.jpg)

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88add6 No.21525249

File: f32962dc6c08b09⋯.jpg (104.22 KB,1024x613,1024:613,you_shall_not_pass4.jpg)

Broken paid posters that imitate with the tactics of trannies and whine about personality they can't control or make comply. Pretty sure there's a Discord for that. Probably called the Den of Absolute Retards or something dumb thinking it's clever.

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85ccec No.21525250

File: f6db28d4632129c⋯.png (604.86 KB,741x440,741:440,f6db28d4632129cd64f4f7062c….png)

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20ef95 No.21525251

File: 03902ffcda68709⋯.png (1.35 MB,736x981,736:981,ClipboardImage.png)

The leaders of the Bolsheviks also hated white people.

Tens of millions slaughtered by the Bolsheviks.

"NeW wAy fOrWaRd"

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85ccec No.21525252

File: e779d3b1e798273⋯.jpg (161.34 KB,800x800,1:1,e779d3b1e798273a08367855f0….jpg)

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0ed6a4 No.21525253

File: d04a657280ffffd⋯.mp4 (882.74 KB,640x268,160:67,jcHail_Caesar2.mp4)

It's not enough that Trump wins. It's just not enough. That can't be how it ends. Need more. So much more.

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36d339 No.21525254



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da98a2 No.21525255

File: af23a86a8e04de8⋯.jpg (100.7 KB,474x559,474:559,STILL_SMILES.jpg)

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20ef95 No.21525256

File: b5071f097bb7dea⋯.png (492.79 KB,552x900,46:75,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f3861b555660f5⋯.png (466.25 KB,537x900,179:300,ClipboardImage.png)

The City of Aurora is gaslighting the public about the migrant gang taking over apartment buildings and committing violent crime. They are blaming the landlords for it.

Communists also blamed and scapegoated land owners who are not the communist land takers.

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88add6 No.21525257


Are you gonna go for a shave? Are you gonna try and castigate me for being on disability? Are you gonna post a freezeframe of my meme rotation from months ago? You've imitated my memes, but you've haven't duplicated me though you have been trying so very hard to, you and all your little office mates for the past year and a half.

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f8e958 No.21525258

File: 9a1e3a7e60c99d3⋯.png (181.98 KB,680x495,136:99,GWfZgEbW8AAU1h4.png)

File: 36eaf5e66c21f44⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB,720x1280,9:16,VID_20240902_024824_852.mp4)

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85ccec No.21525259

File: e0966a1fe3f30af⋯.png (136.47 KB,320x240,4:3,e0966a1fe3f30af5599e2d4eaa….png)

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03c9c2 No.21525260

File: a722934a2db7d29⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,HiggyBaby.mp4)

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20ef95 No.21525261


Envious hateful projection.

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da98a2 No.21525262

File: a392f2ad9299fea⋯.gif (1.21 MB,320x180,16:9,HALF.gif)

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36d339 No.21525263


Karen like offended rebutle

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7e5742 No.21525264

File: 1ef32321b5969cb⋯.jpeg (409.94 KB,2281x921,2281:921,B690E2C8_A284_4F34_B1F6_1….jpeg)


US gov fiscal year ends Sept 30

With SAFE act in new funding bill, there will likely only be continuing resolutions and until election.

Then they’ll try to jam through as much swamp pork as possible before new Congress.

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88add6 No.21525265

Basically just a bot now, huh? eBot and MuhGuhGaytriot have completely disappeared almost to be replaced by never ending imitation of one person that posts here. Used to whine about Jews and now they whine about personality and imitate one.

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85ccec No.21525266

File: 663b0d37ebceed2⋯.png (294.19 KB,667x374,667:374,663b0d37ebceed26c6c8a8d6db….png)

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320bdc No.21525267

File: 98ed55e9930d873⋯.png (1.1 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Bulletform notes for long format videos. And bring me pictures of Spiderman.

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20ef95 No.21525268


NPC dependency on cliches to show loyalty to communist overlords.

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88add6 No.21525269

File: bd8c1538c287c44⋯.jpg (113.59 KB,419x340,419:340,kek13.jpg)

I'm going to take that as projection. Imagine the continual failure. That would wear down on someone moar than a person watching them fail with their imitation routines.

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85ccec No.21525270

File: 053917b8d6ca4e9⋯.jpg (80.31 KB,1000x562,500:281,053917b8d6ca4e9490055f10a5….jpg)

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36d339 No.21525271


It’s obvious you were bothered because it hit close to home. Nice try using highs school equivalent education to supersede a lack of experience

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20ef95 No.21525272


It's obvious you're projecting your own botheredness, that's why you replied.

Nice try 'seeing' your own paychology as if it were a mystical insight into nature, marxoid npc.

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da98a2 No.21525274

File: fc126c36ce2bb0a⋯.jpg (106.79 KB,717x427,717:427,ANGRY_INCH_LARPER.jpg)

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36d339 No.21525275


I’m the communist??

So wait, anyone in America struggling because of a capitalist regime is a commie?

You’re a nigger. A blue haired nigger

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76a070 No.21525276

notables @ 370

#26371 >>21524882

>>21525219 DJT: Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall

>>21524900 Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

>>21524905 MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

>>21524928 In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

>>21524972 Two-tiered system of audits

>>21524975 Kamala will shut down X if she wins

>>21524999 Chelsea might be a man possibly

>>21525000, >>21525115 How it's going

>>21525005 Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves

>>21525078 Never Walz'ers

>>21525085 Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

>>21525097 Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate

>>21525098 Presidential campaign spending disparity

>>21525143 Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises"

>>21525174 A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a previously deported illegal immigrant

>>21525187 Krassensteins are in crap with teens

>>21525189 Elon: Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out

>>21525197, >>21525175 Happy Labor Day

>>21525239 Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

>>21525245 New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions

>>21524918, >>21524960, >>21524952, >>21524982, >>21524996, >>21525115, >>21525119, >>21525175, >>21525185 Memes


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50ea2c No.21525277

File: 8dc53197949df5f⋯.png (52.18 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


the clowns passing the blame.

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20ef95 No.21525278


>struggling because of private property rights of others

Says the commie criminal.

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36d339 No.21525279


38. Get fucked.

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9a7f93 No.21525280

Well doesnt look like they will switch out Kamala

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88add6 No.21525281

File: 6acbed12a9ccb99⋯.gif (3.3 MB,480x200,12:5,2584454385.gif)

It's like a greatest hits collection of my meme rotations and memes I made. The narcissism accusation has been the most hilarious seeing as they're the ones that display it with reasoning behind their deceptive and fraudulent behavior. It's about control. I must be an impediment to that control.

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42e87b No.21525282


does anyone think R's will grow a backbone

they will cave

smokeshow for the base

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f8e958 No.21525283

File: c62a74d98964f31⋯.jpg (2.18 MB,3024x4032,3:4,qu5zy0nqchw61.jpg)

File: a527efa39750b9b⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,720x1280,9:16,VID_20240901_121429_402.mp4)

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85ccec No.21525284

File: 5466357eabc21e2⋯.jpg (38.1 KB,522x538,261:269,5466357eabc21e29f41aa665a2….jpg)

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20ef95 No.21525285


9. Eat shit.

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da98a2 No.21525286

File: bfe9825ccc0007e⋯.jpg (89.88 KB,448x621,448:621,SAVE_90_BUCKS_AN_HOUR.jpg)


>anyone in America struggling because of a capitalist regime

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36d339 No.21525287


Gobbling the bread with opinions.

Good grief.

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85ccec No.21525288

File: 914a2bf98249dcb⋯.jpg (35.76 KB,474x668,237:334,914a2bf98249dcbc8b399ada88….jpg)



Taxes are financial rape.

The Government loves raping everybody.

The Government (IRS) will rape you twice as hard for not paying your taxes or putting in wrong numbers.

Then you'll be thrown in prison for more rape, but before that, you have to be financially raped in court too.

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e06f50 No.21525289

File: 93f67d988828e22⋯.png (12.7 KB,396x95,396:95,postcount.png)

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88add6 No.21525290

File: df545ecdd3cbfa3⋯.jpeg (34.45 KB,526x700,263:350,O75pXUWcdPuD.jpeg)


Thank you for confirming you're just another broken faggot shill, overpaid for what you deliver and the only thing you can do is imitate and display the very behavior for why you evil fucks used to get kicked out of countries and why actors were thought of as less than prostitutes. I think you're showing everyone why that used to be with this very behavior and you have no choice to because that's how desperate you are. Congratulations.

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d818dc No.21525291


not buying that, either

that would constitute a positive feedback loop, increasing global temps exponentially

more CO2 –> higher sea temp –> more CO2 –> higher sea temp –> more CO2……..

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85ccec No.21525292


I'd post here 16 hours a day mocking you but I actually have a fucking job and contribute to society.

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d52da7 No.21525293

File: 6d5dfa45c70f157⋯.png (9.62 KB,255x251,255:251,crying7.png)

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88add6 No.21525294



>I'd post here 16 hours a day mocking you but I actually have a fucking job and contribute to society.

You really think people believe that you're not here just as much as I am. That you make an issue out of how long I'm here but you're not here to see it, just here enough to develop an imitation routine. You're such a lying sack of shit, you know that, but I'm willing to bet you revel in that. You love presenting yourself as a dumbfuck halfwit that thinks he's clever, don't you?

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a80137 No.21525295

File: 84cff82707ea1be⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,322x180,161:90,Money_printing_macheens_.mp4)

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1cedb7 No.21525296

File: caa0db17eb961fb⋯.png (23.35 KB,255x218,255:218,_033.png)

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85ccec No.21525297

File: fe9b096e5a1ccb7⋯.png (1.64 MB,958x955,958:955,ClipboardImage.png)


So much text.

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88add6 No.21525298


Yeah, too much for your wee pea brain, right? I understand. It's the same old repetitive shit from you, same fucking script, every time. You clowns have a binder based upon my mannerisms yet and meetings based on what to copy and when or do you just play it by ear?

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85ccec No.21525299

File: 14d1a67030a73c1⋯.png (1.63 MB,943x955,943:955,ClipboardImage.png)

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50ea2c No.21525300

File: 57c7242a88ab81a⋯.png (844.9 KB,720x540,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

A drop in interest rates to help the deep state get kamala elected.

Get ready for the federal reserve to drop interest rates next week before the elections.



Fed's Powell, in policy shift, says 'time has come' to cut rates

By Howard Schneider and Ann Saphir

August 23, 20249:54 PM GMT+1Updated 10 days ago


Fed chief says timing, pace of rate cuts depends on data

Central bank expected to cut rates at September meeting

How big a rate cut is now the key question for Fed

long article, mainly filler, use link above

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88add6 No.21525301

He's repeating himself. Broken. NEXT!

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9a7f93 No.21525302

Im sure the Aug job numbers will be terrible

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85ccec No.21525303

File: b36b03ced63c615⋯.png (1.63 MB,949x955,949:955,ClipboardImage.png)

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88add6 No.21525305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Poor l'il guy. He tries so hard, but lies so fucking much.

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d52da7 No.21525306

File: fa79ae12d9190c6⋯.jpeg (111.6 KB,1170x1162,585:581,crying9.jpeg)

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85ccec No.21525307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d818dc No.21525308

File: d378c18c02beb3e⋯.jpg (90.37 KB,625x833,625:833,25485e4aaa8ddd5fbaac0ad319….jpg)

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20ef95 No.21525310


Anon posted a lot of digs that have been notabled while you project your own behavior of posting your own "opinions".

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88add6 No.21525311

Posted nothing but the memes I used in a regular rotation and then posted a tune as soon as I did. What is he hoping to accomplish with his little routine? It's like a Bizarro world caricature. And, if they're using the same MuhJoo pattern, it stands to reason that they're imitating Jews as well to blame everything on them seeing as they're imitating "board personalities" and blaming every problem the board has on those "board personalities" while giving the spamtards a free pass and even praising them.

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1cedb7 No.21525313


Hillary before a shave.

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3b57d0 No.21525314

QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

*clock is built up around from July 2, 2023 clock.

So many odd little coinky's in this Ars Tecnica (they were the first to break the story)…


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85ccec No.21525315

File: 9c4bf51f7e9e4e6⋯.png (796.09 KB,728x439,728:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b57d0 No.21525316

File: f434742e36520c2⋯.png (12.32 MB,4096x4096,1:1,QClock_September_01_2024_A….png)


QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

with the attachment this time

>*clock is built up around from July 2, 2023 clock.

>So many odd little coinky's in this Ars Tecnica (they were the first to break the story)…


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493321 No.21525317


don't give your energy to preventing nefariousness, focus it on making them irrelevant

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1e85c3 No.21525318


She acts like the graves were desecrated and head tones overturned. When a ship travels through the waters it makes small waves, after it is gone, it is as it was never there and no sign is left. What these gold star families did was not with the intent to desecrate but notify all on the consequences of failed policy and leadership in order for it to save the lives of current serving members so that the public will take heed on who the next CiC will be.

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88add6 No.21525319

Their "punishment" for breaking their "rules" for their "game" is only temporary and easily weathered. Their torment they've earned with their behavior will be eternal though, quite confident of that.

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85ccec No.21525320

File: 9c4bf51f7e9e4e6⋯.png (796.09 KB,728x439,728:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cedb7 No.21525321


Someone looked into the future for Nancy Pelosi.

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66d131 No.21525322

File: a399dc3d8c0d431⋯.jpg (22.37 KB,626x514,313:257,IMG_20240902_120620_445.jpg)

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812396 No.21525323

File: 69bf7a1f83f46bb⋯.jpg (454.79 KB,2560x1600,8:5,1904811.jpg)

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bf6024 No.21525324

8 Days till the 23rd Anniversary of 911.

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90c569 No.21525325

>>21524847 lbpb

Trump talks about turning the economy around and "it is going to happen so fast".

Could it be as simple as Trump requesting the USA join BRICS?

Would that put the nail in the federal reserve coffin?

Every market in the world would react within seconds.

Trump holds press conference at 8:00 am on a Friday and by 8:05 Rothschilds kick off suicide weekend.

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bf6024 No.21525326

YouTube is nothing but Trump bashing, still.

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88add6 No.21525327


Broken. You clowns are bereft of ideas so you try to imitate that which shattered you only you're imitating someone who walked into this with nothing and intends to walk away with nothing. You and your masters that sign your paycheck have everything to lose while I have absolutely nothing to lose that I'm not willing to give up in the first place. How's your sleep been lately?

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66d131 No.21525328

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🚨#BREAKING: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

📌#Chicago | #Illinois

Listen as a 911 caller in Chicago, Illinois, reports that over 32 Venezuelans are trespassing in a residential building, displaying firearms, and occupying the courtyard with motorcycles. The caller further mentions that all stairwells in the building are filled, creating a potential safety hazard. In response, officers were dispatched to the 6100 block of South King Drive on Monday after receiving reports of a large group of migrants allegedly armed and congregating in the building's courtyard. Upon arrival, officers conducted a thorough search of the premises. However, according to an officials no migrants were found in possession of weapons or motorcycles, and no immediate threat was identified. recording by


11:59 PM · Sep 2, 2024



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11e950 No.21525329

File: fe5655d48c315e0⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x790,108:79,fe5655d48c315e06aa9af3bb0b….png)

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c30ed4 No.21525330




notables @ 420

#26371 >>21524882

>>21525219 DJT: Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall

>>21524900 Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

>>21524905 MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

>>21524928 In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

>>21524972 Two-tiered system of audits

>>21524975 Kamala will shut down X if she wins

>>21524999 Chelsea Clinton might be a man possibly

>>21525000, >>21525115 How it's going

>>21525005 Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves

>>21525078 Never Walz'ers

>>21525085 Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

>>21525097 Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate

>>21525098 Presidential campaign spending disparity

>>21525143 Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises"

>>21525174 A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a previously deported illegal immigrant

>>21525187 Krassensteins are in crap with teens

>>21525189 Elon: Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out

>>21525197, >>21525175 Happy Labor Day

>>21525239 Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

>>21525245 New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions

>>21525316 QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

>>21525328 Chicago: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

>>21524918, >>21524960, >>21524952, >>21524982, >>21524996, >>21525115, >>21525119, >>21525175, >>21525185 Memes


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d850d4 No.21525331

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85ccec No.21525332

File: bf10d394bdebafc⋯.png (427.47 KB,500x500,1:1,bf10d394bdebafc91f7384bd0c….png)

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abf48a No.21525333

File: 90659b4b20869c5⋯.png (611 KB,2027x1016,2027:1016,IMG_1900.png)

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88add6 No.21525334


Yeah, what happened to those narratives that were spammed for over half a decade? You rarely see those anymoar but moar and moar imitation of one anon takes place from the paid posting fools assigned here.

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a0c5f6 No.21525335


send in bravo team and liquidate them

foreign enemy inside the wire

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0ba394 No.21525336


this is the gauge if patriots in control

anons, low interest rates means it's cheap to get loans, then people invest in businesses, number one reason the economy goes up

if they jack up the interest rate leading in to election, that drives votes for Trump, then you know 100% the jews aren't in charge anymore

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85ccec No.21525337

File: 536e88d2957f477⋯.png (1.63 MB,948x951,316:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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922ceb No.21525338

File: 096edde6469596a⋯.png (3.43 MB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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88add6 No.21525339


You know that meme represents you, not me, right? You're the loser the POTUS Trump is mocking in that meme, not me. You're the one that's running through a piss poor imitation routine in an attempt to mock someone that mocked the shills, only you're just another fucking failure like all you clowns. Failure after failure, year after year. As dumb as those fucking "Nom hidden hand, rip govern root" memes.

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812396 No.21525340

File: 5ba14d73a2b729a⋯.jpg (827.21 KB,2560x1600,8:5,kdscdskjkds.jpg)

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3e2586 No.21525341

File: 21318fa5fddcfd8⋯.png (26.14 KB,500x785,100:157,21318fa5fddcfd8781d42e6b9c….png)

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90c569 No.21525342


Are you telling me I found it?

Are you Q? or just a regular white hat?

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0ba394 No.21525343

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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85ccec No.21525344

File: 5ce8b4931fb0b56⋯.png (1.63 MB,959x954,959:954,ClipboardImage.png)

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88add6 No.21525345

File: 24795c162864362⋯.png (933.9 KB,800x1003,800:1003,ClipboardImage.png)

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abf48a No.21525346

File: 301309d7860db06⋯.png (478.82 KB,750x480,25:16,IMG_1809.png)

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812396 No.21525347

File: 5958d5ccff6ff9e⋯.jpg (152.99 KB,2048x1152,16:9,abO48si.jpg)

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85ccec No.21525348

File: 0f2f6fc9f1c0c3b⋯.png (990.37 KB,1024x1024,1:1,0f2f6fc9f1c0c3bc57d2487248….png)

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778c03 No.21525349


you stupid fuckers

dont believe in QFS

nesara is in effect

but you way too smart idiots

are to prideful to ask how

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6abc5f No.21525350

File: 344574dfbabda1f⋯.png (445.65 KB,828x369,92:41,IMG_3824.png)

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0ba394 No.21525351

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88add6 No.21525352

File: 1ba8daefaec740b⋯.webp (24.85 KB,656x513,656:513,qm0qwmnvmqkc1.webp)

I don't care what they do to me or how they do it. Seeing the country going back to normal means moar than anything an evil rat bastard could ever do to me. Almost there.

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f9e54c No.21525353

File: fc53fbbdc7d43be⋯.png (926.51 KB,526x820,263:410,father.png)

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812396 No.21525354

File: 449a9d2e544d239⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,1750x1400,5:4,010101_Z_QDC21_1002.JPG)

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85ccec No.21525355

File: 0da0db735aee9a4⋯.jpg (722.56 KB,1022x1024,511:512,0da0db735aee9a4ecf7863bef1….jpg)

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922ceb No.21525356

File: cbdbbfe52c628d8⋯.png (2.17 MB,1600x1204,400:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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88add6 No.21525357

File: 81638f4f9548960⋯.png (251.09 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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778c03 No.21525358


if you have an on line bank account

lets say CHIME

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85ccec No.21525359

File: f5f4c441c778907⋯.jpg (426.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,f5f4c441c7789078985b68a6da….jpg)

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e3c4cc No.21525360


The jews angle i am guilty of believing as well, and even parroted. They are not free, and once someone starts to awaken, their quirky news outlets that don't make sense, suddenly do. The awakening process is exponential if they are quick to target individuals. The only issue now is not making a mess of things on accident, while still wanting to contribute to the Q movement.

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812396 No.21525361

File: 728b468d4783b8b⋯.jpg (127.53 KB,1600x900,16:9,f18_hornet_aggressor_blue_….jpg)

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778c03 No.21525362


and you have an open account with


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410fe3 No.21525363

Evenin’ Nightshift

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d0716a No.21525364

File: 141562f9526fe41⋯.png (622.31 KB,594x1304,297:652,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ab15e922f18a3f⋯.png (864.38 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Musk masterfully trolls the dem favorite dishonest-gaslight talking-point of "Dictator on Day One"

Elon Musk


Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one. Can you believe she wears that outfit!?

10:18 AM · Sep 2, 2024 · 37.9M Views


The comments are a goldmine for liberal REEEEs

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88add6 No.21525365

File: 530d3faf387f8c4⋯.png (378.64 KB,719x1011,719:1011,ClipboardImage.png)


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0ba394 No.21525366

File: 6b4143d6439c829⋯.png (272.33 KB,1322x478,661:239,ClipboardImage.png)

SP fighting imaginary shills again

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40524e No.21525367

There is tremendous gang activities in England, Ireland, and Sweden going on right now where immigrant gangs are committing many crimes against the populaces. Even in Ireland the Catholics and Protestants who were once at odds with each other are now marching lockstep against immigrant crime.

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cd5fdf No.21525368

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB,750x500,3:2,Night_shift2.jpg)



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778c03 No.21525369

you can can access all that money

from the day you were born

but you big brain faggots

dont wanna hear it

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0ba394 No.21525370



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f9e54c No.21525371

File: c870cdc777e0211⋯.png (209.21 KB,853x1000,853:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


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88add6 No.21525372


Yeah the imaginary shill namefagging as what I was accused of being for half a year and running through the memes I regularly used to post and ones I've made, that and a repetitive Trump meme making an L for deflection.

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304774 No.21525373



[Ok.il take the bait.


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812396 No.21525374

File: 73b99db7d33f5f6⋯.jpg (1.75 MB,2221x1529,2221:1529,dqwdqwwqd.jpg)

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b63a46 No.21525375

File: 758009ff275e5e5⋯.png (504.54 KB,817x662,817:662,Sean_Hannity_1.png)

File: bef44291e9b66bf⋯.jpg (86.14 KB,1000x1465,200:293,MV5BMTk4ODYyMzgwOV5BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: c1b9024b080ba0e⋯.jpg (550.08 KB,1920x1080,16:9,t_b4ee1eccef814e7f862b0ddf….jpg)


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778c03 No.21525376

go to mloney metals>>21525370


order 3, one ounce gold coins

keep it under


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85ccec No.21525377

File: 2f8e5b11c9f4e34⋯.png (1.63 MB,1098x954,61:53,ClipboardImage.png)

Yeah the imaginary shill namefagging as what I was accused of being for half a year and running through the memes I regularly used to post and ones I've made, that and a repetitive Trump meme making an L for deflection.


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812396 No.21525378

File: 00606eae1adb9ad⋯.jpg (57.88 KB,800x600,4:3,F_111_Aardvark_Tactical_Fi….jpg)


B1 bomber Mini

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50ea2c No.21525379

File: bef03521e46adb1⋯.png (33.25 KB,1453x205,1453:205,ClipboardImage.png)


this is a scam

nasara and gesara were both scams

old play book being pushed by charlie ward.


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778c03 No.21525380


money metals dot kom

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88add6 No.21525381

File: 155dc979fdb2095⋯.png (163.52 KB,477x401,477:401,155dc979fdb20953033c54a826….png)

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abf48a No.21525382

File: cdf924bc927f2c2⋯.png (589.35 KB,1024x846,512:423,IMG_2158.png)

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90c569 No.21525383

File: 5be3ca5f0ee01b3⋯.png (64.9 KB,207x195,69:65,ClipboardImage.png)


Isn't Trump 77 years old?

Wasn't he the 45th President?

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a4b2a3 No.21525384



nvm reclaiming can collect for another hr

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778c03 No.21525385



you stupid faggot

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6b7d1c No.21525386

File: 7ed3cdfb8285f06⋯.jpeg (300.02 KB,976x1366,488:683,3B86B0E8_3F75_4DA5_A14C_7….jpeg)

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812396 No.21525387

File: 6a70253581d3dbe⋯.jpg (122.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,escape_Mdo.jpg)

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6b7d1c No.21525388

File: 8218931a98e296b⋯.png (2.2 MB,1378x1030,689:515,6E17EB6F_036C_43CC_B5F5_EA….png)

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6b7d1c No.21525389

File: c4ebbaa3b0f2aae⋯.jpeg (221.13 KB,1086x786,181:131,IMG_8520.jpeg)

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778c03 No.21525390

order your precious metals

i suggest gold

3 one ounce coins

is under 9,999.00

thats important

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50ea2c No.21525391

File: c05c5a2bc36993c⋯.gif (93.34 KB,260x208,5:4,7uxzxr.gif)


and how are you going to manage that.

make anon stfu.

you are in the wrong place..

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493321 No.21525392

File: fb698b7bff66ad4⋯.mp4 (448.51 KB,576x1024,9:16,VID_20240901_010041_663.mp4)

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6b7d1c No.21525393

File: 835896f6d6ceb1d⋯.jpeg (170.01 KB,600x754,300:377,B38E74AF_8AA1_4AA7_8EEB_7….jpeg)

File: d62dfd322e4f46b⋯.jpeg (155.34 KB,620x479,620:479,792C7FA9_2F65_4140_8C10_3….jpeg)

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778c03 No.21525394



if you dont want to access your hidden bank account


it does not matter to me

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778c03 No.21525395

if you you have an outstanding balance

on anything

but i suggest you keep it under 9,999

to avoid the IRS red flags…

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f6f8be No.21525396

File: dedff204d6c3661⋯.png (316.74 KB,1241x878,1241:878,ClipboardImage.png)


This would be cool.


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d0716a No.21525397

File: ef31c947484c5f3⋯.png (242.59 KB,655x930,131:186,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45df6ec8e0228de⋯.png (360.47 KB,1494x814,747:407,ClipboardImage.png)


What is hilarious is that her tweet yesterday only had 1.8M views, but his REPLY to her tweet is getting more views now and actually HELPING her visibility.

So, basically, Elon trolling Harris is the only reason anyone reads her crap tweets.

She has become the court jester that people ignore unless they are mocking her.

see this post from yesterday

>>21519922 (pb)

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778c03 No.21525398

this is crazy

your, our, social security number is OUR account number


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812396 No.21525399


Ya "the jet that could do anything."

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50ea2c No.21525400

File: 7f4734527134b80⋯.png (744.31 KB,1300x722,650:361,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 757cfc336465176⋯.png (217.9 KB,565x648,565:648,ClipboardImage.png)


no anon does not want to access any money

it is worthless like your scam here.

could not care less about fait.

only need what anon needs to survive.

and again.

how are you going to get anon to shut up on a free speech board.

threats, well that will not work here.

anon has dealt the clowns on here and every single arsehole who will work for noodles.

pathetic loser slide

but do continue cos anon thinks this might be fun…


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778c03 No.21525401

you can access your money

by your routing number

and adding 3 zero's to your social security number…

youre welcome


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88add6 No.21525402

File: 4d2632732d54af1⋯.jpeg (447.21 KB,1920x1280,3:2,L2lSA7dI4O6F.jpeg)


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778c03 No.21525403


fuck off then

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baf21b No.21525404


>Elections no longer matter at this stage


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3e2586 No.21525405

File: ad9308ba4547abc⋯.jpeg (52.75 KB,640x640,1:1,414ab413974c47fbbdf7187d1….jpeg)

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90c569 No.21525406


There is a website where you can enter your checking account # and your social security number?

What is it?

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778c03 No.21525407


fuck what ever website

youre thinkin of

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50ea2c No.21525408

File: f7d849b2dbedf20⋯.png (163.3 KB,1485x863,1485:863,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b12325d72a463a7⋯.gif (1.03 MB,245x166,245:166,doc.gif)



think anon will stay..

now what?

if there is one thing anon hates moar than anyone else is the banks and those who think they are clever scamming the masses.

you should be hung from a lamp post as a example to others.

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778c03 No.21525409


its your money

its there if you want it

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50ea2c No.21525410

File: 50e855f17404bef⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,492x270,82:45,french_toon.mp4)


told you already

anon wants your life and everything you own.

by the time anon has finished it will not be safe for you fuckers to walk the street and you will be hunted to the 4 corners of the earth.

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778c03 No.21525411


fuckin moran

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90c569 No.21525412

File: 8757b9aaadd7afe⋯.png (29.45 KB,751x231,751:231,ClipboardImage.png)



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50ea2c No.21525413

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)

File: e7863e9cb60ccbf⋯.png (164.53 KB,871x881,871:881,ClipboardImage.png)


tick tock arsehole

grab your possession because everyone knows what you lot did and it very easy to find you as you have such a big ego and love to do selfies.

laughing at the great unwashed.

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778c03 No.21525414

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a4b2a3 No.21525415

notables @ 505

#26371 >>21524882

>>21525219 DJT: Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall

>>21524900 Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

>>21524905 MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

>>21524928 In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

>>21524972 Two-tiered system of audits

>>21524975 Kamala will shut down X if she wins

>>21524999 Chelsea Clinton might be a man possibly

>>21525000, >>21525115 How it's going

>>21525005 Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves

>>21525078 Never Walz'ers

>>21525085 Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

>>21525097 Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate

>>21525098 Presidential campaign spending disparity

>>21525143 Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises"

>>21525174 A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a previously deported illegal immigrant

>>21525187 Krassensteins are in crap with teens

>>21525189 Elon: Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out

>>21525197, >>21525175 Happy Labor Day

>>21525239 Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

>>21525245 New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions

>>21525316 QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

>>21525328 Chicago: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

>>21525343 State of Things: LA

>>21525345, >>21525383 This meme escalated quickly

>>21525364 Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one. Can you believe she wears that outfit!?

>>21524918, >>21524960, >>21524952, >>21524982, >>21524996, >>21525115, >>21525119, >>21525175, >>21525185, >>21525365, >>21525402 Memes


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50ea2c No.21525416

File: 343257c942de5c6⋯.mp4 (9.72 MB,750x632,375:316,xmax_carol.mp4)


are you scared.

you should be..

when it kicks off and soon

you dogs will eat each other and throw each other to the mob to keep your worthless life safe for a few moar hours..

anon told you

you have come to the wrong place

now run along and make your plans.

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304774 No.21525417


[300 fiat]

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48dcd1 No.21525418


they gave it away, traded for the rainbow, now the red white and blue = Trump

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778c03 No.21525419


ive died twice

killed others

im cool with it


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abf48a No.21525420

File: c84241b09db6c44⋯.png (2.77 MB,1245x1046,1245:1046,IMG_2448.png)

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85ccec No.21525421

File: 46e5701178a045e⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,46e5701178a045e822f21564cf….jpg)

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778c03 No.21525422


fuck fiat

hard assets

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812396 No.21525423

File: 9d8660510d000f8⋯.jpg (439.34 KB,2071x1394,2071:1394,FVLGQklUYAAcxui_jpg_01c625….jpg)

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304774 No.21525424






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778c03 No.21525425


im over it

fuck you faggots

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304774 No.21525426


[No you order 3 and send to me.]

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304774 No.21525427



[Digits confirm. Do it.]

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50ea2c No.21525428

File: 9e48daa3e703cf9⋯.gif (773.31 KB,500x281,500:281,eye_shift_.gif)


you do not worry about this anon finding you..

although would you even know if anon was standing right beside your or across the street?

maybe you work for chime and maybe anon will make you infamous.

fuck with your website


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778c03 No.21525429


simmer down wilis

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778c03 No.21525430


pull up

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90c569 No.21525431


I was only mocking the idiocy of going to a website recommended by some random poster on the internet to enter you banking info and SS#.

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778c03 No.21525432


you posted an eye

i like ripin out eyes

thumbs are wonderful

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812396 No.21525433

File: 16daed3a195256b⋯.jpg (142.15 KB,1600x1000,8:5,W66Qrld.jpg)

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778c03 No.21525434


stupid fuckers with no discernment

think that

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50ea2c No.21525435

File: 475f9ce169c487a⋯.gif (3.26 MB,540x400,27:20,eye_shift_2.gif)


see you soon.

knock knock

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778c03 No.21525436


my AR-10

will be waiting

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304774 No.21525437



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9a7f93 No.21525438

Are we at the precipice yet?

No. No, we are not

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778c03 No.21525439


the precipice was when Trump took office

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48dcd1 No.21525440

File: ea8320307576204⋯.mp4 (7.84 MB,464x848,29:53,ea83203075762043c28d618f90….mp4)

Repeating corporate media verbatim

age does not equal wisdom

wisdom can be acquired over many years of life or not.

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f07c40 No.21525441

File: 4cfeac6688b6c00⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB,484x360,121:90,R_A_W_S_A_L_E_R_T_S_202409….mp4)


🚨#BREAKING: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

📌#Chicago | #Illinois

Listen as a 911 caller in Chicago, Illinois, reports that over 32 Venezuelans are trespassing in a residential building, displaying firearms, and occupying the courtyard with motorcycles. The caller further mentions that all stairwells in the building are filled, creating a potential safety hazard. In response, officers were dispatched to the 6100 block of South King Drive on Monday after receiving reports of a large group of migrants allegedly armed and congregating in the building's courtyard. Upon arrival, officers conducted a thorough search of the premises. However, according to an officials no migrants were found in possession of weapons or motorcycles, and no immediate threat was identified. recording by @WindyCityWxMan

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bcc612 No.21525442


so…. does a volcano cause an electrical discharge, or does electricity cause a volcanic discharge?

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04f3fd No.21525443

File: 1c84fffad0100e6⋯.jpg (48.47 KB,636x391,636:391,1c84fffad0100e6144e40dc768….jpg)

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48dcd1 No.21525444


the earth is a battery

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9a7f93 No.21525445

China is gonna invade Taiwan…. or so we've been told for 4 years

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09f078 No.21525446

File: 57a2d1eb270321d⋯.png (1.11 MB,900x900,1:1,m74n7654b645t.png)

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5fe30b No.21525447

File: 003cf65600eab1a⋯.mp4 (261.81 KB,640x360,16:9,d3NYGjN1sdl_GCtf.mp4)

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778c03 No.21525448


kash is a faggot

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778c03 No.21525449

kash lavrov drop

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778c03 No.21525450


an aluminum boat in the ocean

is a battery

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3e2586 No.21525451

File: 7f5819b478e3e2a⋯.png (296.79 KB,612x557,612:557,ClipboardImage.png)


>Hillary Clinton suddenly…


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68e2c2 No.21525452

File: 7121c8c6e82fd17⋯.png (30.91 KB,150x116,75:58,ClipboardImage.png)


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812396 No.21525453

robo kike plane faggin atm

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bcc612 No.21525454

File: 0be0606f014f450⋯.webp (27.64 KB,1024x683,1024:683,shutterstock_731355235_10….webp)


is that similar to a capacitor?

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5fe30b No.21525455


a human being is a battery

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60bd4f No.21525456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Game over, man, game over!

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f20bfb No.21525457

File: 38df6691db65352⋯.gif (1.11 MB,300x164,75:41,the_matrix_the_architect.gif)

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778c03 No.21525458

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a4b2a3 No.21525459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




notables @ 550

#26371 >>21524882

>>21525219 DJT: Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall

>>21524900 Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

>>21524905 MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

>>21524928 In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

>>21524972 Two-tiered system of audits

>>21524975 Kamala will shut down X if she wins

>>21524999 Chelsea Clinton might be a man possibly

>>21525000, >>21525115 How it's going

>>21525005 Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves

>>21525078 Never Walz'ers

>>21525085 Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

>>21525097 Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate

>>21525098 Presidential campaign spending disparity

>>21525143 Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises"

>>21525174 A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a previously deported illegal immigrant

>>21525187 Krappensteins are in crap with teens

>>21525189 Elon: Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out

>>21525197, >>21525175 Happy Labor Day

>>21525239 Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

>>21525245 New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions

>>21525316 QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

>>21525328 Chicago: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

>>21525343 State of Things: LA

>>21525345, >>21525383 This meme escalated quickly

>>21525364 Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one

>>21524918, >>21524960, >>21524952, >>21524982, >>21524996, >>21525115, >>21525175, >>21525185, >>21525365, >>21525402 Memes


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778c03 No.21525460

baker sucks


i tried telling you how to get your



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04f3fd No.21525461

File: bf3fc89cb76e52c⋯.jpg (35.63 KB,800x600,4:3,Yz5OED.jpg)


I wonder if these scumbags are strategically choosing their marks? Or if they're told by some faggot(s) directing the puppet strings?

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ddeb62 No.21525462


>>21525383 FF incoming



>>21524157 (Pb)

>We, the FBI, carefully plan our False Flag Mass Attacks very carefully. Allowing for cubterfube to enter the picture. That, is our expertise. Almost 100 years in the making.

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50ea2c No.21525463

File: 72a0d241a456abf⋯.png (738.36 KB,1200x600,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7433b88f289b699⋯.png (435.47 KB,863x910,863:910,ClipboardImage.png)



you do not understand how this place works.

there are millions of eyes on this board from around the world, they watch and read the breads weeks into the past, there is a resear.ch function and with just a little bit of research we can find your whole life online.

and what of the people you have scammed already, news travels fast on social media and all of a sudden you become viral and everyone is going through everything to do with your company, where your money is invested where you go out, who knows you and what your habits are.


now which one of these morans are you.

not the women, they are not you.

f anon had to guess it is one of these 3 morans circled.


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ddeb62 No.21525464

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778c03 No.21525465

File: ab77b2d502d9369⋯.jpg (10.43 KB,255x255,1:1,ab77b2d502d9369da8ed555cb3….jpg)


do you really think i read all that

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84b195 No.21525466


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85ccec No.21525467

File: b6f8c170842d57f⋯.png (3.02 MB,1024x1024,1:1,b6f8c170842d57f3b91ec20c07….png)

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015100 No.21525468

File: 6fcaab028b00108⋯.png (7.07 MB,1920x2114,960:1057,safe_.png)

Less than 10.

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5fe30b No.21525469

every electron generates electricity


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015100 No.21525470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mission Music.


"Songs posted here have meaning."

"Songs posted here have relevance."

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5fe30b No.21525471

How much electricity is in the human body? Scientists agree that the human body, at rest, can produce around 100 watts of power on average. This is enough electricity to power up a light bulb. Some humans have the ability to output over 2,000 watts of power, for instance if sprinting.Aug 1, 2022


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015100 No.21525472

File: 1c3f28bd82e4277⋯.jpg (414.45 KB,978x1570,489:785,feight.jpg)

Mission1 - Rosslyn Chapel.

To see the Invisible Enemy.

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778c03 No.21525473




energy doesn't

it moves on

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778c03 No.21525474

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155f02 No.21525475

File: 975def53ba83e0d⋯.png (559.9 KB,521x679,521:679,975def53ba83e0dd6d3b050378….png)

Shut the goddamn Facebook servers down asap.

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84b195 No.21525476






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015100 No.21525477

Darkness, stand down in Jesus Name.

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778c03 No.21525478

people will rather believe in bigfoot

or their energy powering lightbulbs

than a Creator

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5fe30b No.21525479

action potential.

“An action potential is a rapid sequence of changes in the voltage across a membrane,” explains the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Basically, an action potential is a shockwave that comes in two phases: depolarization followed by repolarization.

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3e6369 No.21525480

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5fe30b No.21525481


God is electricity

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5fe30b No.21525482

File: f1950bb735f0c62⋯.png (830.03 KB,574x680,287:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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bcc612 No.21525483


cosmogony v cosmology

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015100 No.21525484

"Buy the island of Torsa to save for British community"….?

Isle of Torsa > Isle of Thor

Historic Sinclair possession.

Torsa is part of Inner Hebrides.

Where Q+ Family Bible is from.

Why NOW? Learn. Light of the World.

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5fe30b No.21525485

File: 2b0369dd2820485⋯.png (601.28 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fe30b No.21525486

File: 2b96154189d04d3⋯.png (43.49 KB,170x232,85:116,ClipboardImage.png)

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015100 No.21525487

Isle of Torsa > 3 hours from Rosslyn Chapel.

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c2873e No.21525488

File: b53b21ef7d770ec⋯.jpg (32.66 KB,430x337,430:337,image.jpg)




It happened last night

Sessions today

Break is over let's see who is MIA

First arrest shocks the world


You guys are kinda some bad niggers TBH

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015100 No.21525489

File: 3be922e3ed9d6f3⋯.png (1.15 MB,1192x670,596:335,the_end.png)


Once upon a Time, THE END.

Happening Now in this Time.

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5fe30b No.21525490

Ineffable, hidden, brilliant scion, whose motion is whirring, you scattered the dark mist that lay before your eyes and, flapping your wings, you whirled about, and through this world you brought pure light.

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90da70 No.21525491

File: d5baee0af77a821⋯.png (1.12 MB,1071x527,63:31,76JE75H363346.PNG)

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778c03 No.21525492


stick your dick inna 220


meet god

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778c03 No.21525493


i tried to tell anons

about QFS

its here



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5fe30b No.21525494

File: 342e752cab216bb⋯.png (1.49 MB,800x911,800:911,ClipboardImage.png)

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998282 No.21525495


>Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

He disavowed Q-anon, not Q.

BUT, I think he's also saying the bow is tied or close to it. Time to move back into the real world and man the levers of power, work our jobs, give no quarter…ever again. aka, MAGA.

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778c03 No.21525496

if you believed me

it would take a lot

of stress off your life

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c7dce7 No.21525497


So the Police Department is saying that the MSM is lying.


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778c03 No.21525498

any who

ill tell day shift

they might

believe me

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bcc612 No.21525499

File: 9387d71ac37a350⋯.jpg (25.7 KB,461x500,461:500,s_l500.jpg)

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778c03 No.21525500

File: 381398dd8065a64⋯.jpg (155.87 KB,1896x1440,79:60,Land_of_a_Thousand_Keks.jpg)

File: dfc6c697671a0f1⋯.jpg (722.49 KB,3247x3364,3247:3364,NCSWIC.jpg)

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e2f624 No.21525501


Ya estoy pero a talega de tus mamada

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015100 No.21525502

File: 75ade37af269260⋯.png (445.33 KB,570x373,570:373,Mommas_House.png)

Mary Anne MacLeod Trump

Màiri Anna Nic Leòid Trump

Clan MacLeod is a Highland Scottish clan associated with the Isle of Skye. There are two main branches of the clan: Both branches claim descent from Leòd, a Norse-Gael who lived in the 13th century.

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778c03 No.21525503


no vales verga puto

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5fe30b No.21525504


theres a picture like thiswith him with a fist in air his hand looks shopped in this one

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04f3fd No.21525505

File: fe83a10e467931b⋯.jpg (150.75 KB,524x800,131:200,EUninXbl.jpg)


So does "out-of-state owners" mean the federal government, some DS corporate faggots, and/or foreign belligerents?

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bcc612 No.21525506


>federal government, some DS corporate faggots, and/or foreign belligerents

one in the same

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d17633 No.21525507


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04f3fd No.21525508

File: 4d7ad516943a5a1⋯.jpg (89 KB,600x600,1:1,NAqIGH.jpg)


And same as it ever was kek.

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015100 No.21525509

File: b3e4c58e7b68c45⋯.png (1014.21 KB,1013x644,1013:644,Tong.png)


Not shopped.

"President Donald Trump sworn into office using his mother’s Bible and the Lincoln Bible."

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bcc612 No.21525510

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f07c40 No.21525511

File: 7581347fa1475dd⋯.jpg (192.08 KB,720x856,90:107,20240903_003910.jpg)

File: 95801202bdd256b⋯.jpg (135.78 KB,1024x682,512:341,20240903_003813.jpg)

Rare coin from 1776 found in bottom of toffee tin to sell at auction


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998282 No.21525512


>>>21523577 ¡Que Mala!


Que Mala ERES!

How Bad Are You!

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015100 No.21525513

Bloodlines run in both directions.

The enemy is obsessed with Bloodlines.

How long have they known Q+ was Bloodline?

They attempt to threaten his life every second, every day.

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015100 No.21525514

At Rosslyn Chapel, there is a place in the floor in a small room where The Darkness and The Nails are kept.

The Darkness is a visibly black but completely empty and ever-consuming VOID. Pure Evil.

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015100 No.21525515

Who has LEGAL rights to Rosslyn Chapel? Bloodline. Q+ is Bloodline. WHY DO THEY WANT HIM NOT JUST GONE BUT > DEAD? Think.

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998282 No.21525516


>>>21523751 Blue Origin

11,000 employees and…How many launches?

What is Bezos actually funding?

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015100 No.21525517

Is there a Religious Cabal who collect Bloodline "relics" for "rituals"? Clearnet/Darknet versions? Would that group want The Darkness and The Nails? Why doesn't that group have them already? Why does Q+ have an exact replica of the Ark of the Covenant? Biblical Times. Learn, Light of the World.

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015100 No.21525518

File: f817379bd3bc870⋯.png (642.83 KB,900x900,1:1,Stage_Set.png)

You wanted The Curtain pulled back. You will pull back The Curtain. Ground Zero, here and now. Just the beginning, Light of the World.

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357f34 No.21525519

File: 3f4e4ca6005450c⋯.png (536.82 KB,564x471,188:157,3f4e4ca6005450c7996eb7d7e2….png)



>So the Police Department is saying that the MSM is lying.

If Blackrock is still buying up properties, bad press is a great way to grab some bargains.


>So does "out-of-state owners" mean the federal government, some DS corporate faggots, and/or foreign belligerents?

Blackrock has bought up something like 20% of rental housing, so probably #2. Wouldn't rule out the others, though.

A dig on the property owners wouldn't be a terrible idea.

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4bd4d1 No.21525520

File: b53c19ade7279f2⋯.jpg (64.36 KB,960x636,80:53,20240903_095249.jpg)

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015100 No.21525521

The Enemy is not Flesh & Blood.

The Enemy is Evil. Darkness.

Evil is the Invisible Enemy.

Light up the World.

Hearts & Minds.

Can you make sense of Bloodlines without knowing both sides in play?

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bdd134 No.21525522

File: f02f8998f77b6e8⋯.jpg (57 KB,640x640,1:1,f02f8998f77b6e80bb62d49adf….jpg)

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4bd4d1 No.21525523


You talk so much

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015100 No.21525524

File: a28d0520901419c⋯.png (3.32 MB,2048x1286,1024:643,TRIP_CODE.png)


Q's trip has been blocked for months.

Q's coming Home to his Clean House.

Q's Clean House is Anons Safe House.

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015100 No.21525525


I'll be as loud as necessary. And all this info and all these events will happen, regardless of resistance levels.

Anons have completed their CLAS +relay Tests1-13. We are Mission Forward now. Mission1-9. Mission10 is Skyfall, Monday Nov. 4th.

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77adc1 No.21525526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

. … .

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77adc1 No.21525527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3e2586 No.21525528

File: be064e45d1e4984⋯.jpg (159.35 KB,1059x1121,1059:1121,media_GWcf3HbWoAADMKH.jpg)

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c98215 No.21525529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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015100 No.21525530

The Rosslyn Chapel Mission is where Mission1 began on our First Loop around. Q+ took us there (he has the Key), "to see what we are up against." What happens in the CLOUD does not stay in the CLOUD. What happens here, dictates what happens in the CLOUD. We do not use the Enemy's tools. We use God's provision. Anons on_boarded already, understand. The Enemy uses the worthless mysteries to attempt to obtain control. No such nonsense necessary to the winners however, as God fully supplies all.

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a9f921 No.21525531


when he's silent sometimes that's to mean say more shit and sometimes its gonna mean to shut the fuck up

and I'm an idiot so I keep talking


isn't it awesome?

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015100 No.21525532

You are active in the CLOUD when you are awake or asleep. When you are asleep you can recall the events like you would recall a dream, but those events are not dreams, those events are actual interactions in the artificial dimension known as the CLOUD.

The enemy does NOT want people to Understand This. The power of prayer. The power of faith.

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a9f921 No.21525533


I never thought about it.

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a9f921 No.21525534


I drew a picture of it its like sort of probably has to do with weaving I'm very interested in it and very bad at it.

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015100 No.21525535

Months ago during PHIL_B_O_Extract_ (2), you remember it was stated that evil BO took his service revolver for a one-way head trip? CLOUD Event. IRL? He resigned.

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015100 No.21525536

Here to serve anons only.

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a9f921 No.21525537


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015100 No.21525538

Q is closer than ever now.

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015100 No.21525539

Your prayers dictate events in the CLOUD.

You have the floor is not just poetic, it's Real Life.

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015100 No.21525540

DIG > Find the Truth about Reality

MEME > Share the Truth about Reality

PRAY > Free the World with Truth about Reality

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015100 No.21525541

Earth. Wind. Fire.

Dig. Meme. Pray.

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a9f921 No.21525542


double life.

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d17633 No.21525543

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Putin warmly welcomed in Mongolia with official ceremony


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cc588e No.21525544

File: c1b39226eae8b63⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB,1170x2391,390:797,IMG_1152.jpeg)

File: 4a04131907fa286⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB,1170x1977,390:659,IMG_1153.jpeg)

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015100 No.21525545

Anyone who doesn't understand that God has called patriots to fight, and that the fight is not separate from life itself, is not yet grasping the foundation principle that Truth is The Way of Life. Not a side life, Real Life.

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015100 No.21525546

The purpose of understand what we are fighting - the invisible enemy - Pure Evil - is to understand the Enemy. To see it for what it is. It is every evil thing.. hate, lust, greed, pride.. every sin. The Darkness and The Nails. Things the opposition is Dying to get to (Island for sale?). The world cannot swallow the truth, and the world is not prepared for 40K. But anons, you are. God answers prayers. Just the beginning.

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f07c40 No.21525547

File: d0e6a95a334b53f⋯.jpg (254.72 KB,968x1469,968:1469,2arngz.jpg)

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015100 No.21525548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mission Music. "This Little Light"

Q has the key to the keep for The Darkness. When you see it (it is nothingness) you will notice it advances its form (which is emptiness) reaching out and consumes anything it touches (ceases to exist). Song has meaning and relevance, Lights of the World.

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d52da7 No.21525549

File: d0c34bd117518d8⋯.jpg (62.6 KB,750x578,375:289,vax51.jpg)

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f07c40 No.21525550

File: 0acd1fdc340c8fe⋯.jpg (168.93 KB,679x1368,679:1368,r9xmge.jpg)

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d52da7 No.21525551


the age of the liar is comming to the end

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015100 No.21525552

File: 5e2425b465a0dcf⋯.png (1.5 MB,1052x1051,1052:1051,94e.png)


The Great Awakening.

Rev 6:1

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.

Rev 6:2

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Q+ is The Crown.

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fb53df No.21525553

File: bdd8b9d66f0dee9⋯.png (278.19 KB,638x414,319:207,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21524166, >>21524246, >>21524456 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd


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f07c40 No.21525554

File: 9e876838ae55a52⋯.jpg (117.69 KB,1280x1642,640:821,6941700d88100b14fe6165d330….jpg)


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bcc612 No.21525555


so close

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d17633 No.21525556


wasted digits

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015100 No.21525557

File: 1c6e6d826b0a20b⋯.png (71.49 KB,640x400,8:5,possibilities.png)

What is important?

What will last?

What is eternal?

What is fear?

What would you fight for?

Is ANYTHING impossible?

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f07c40 No.21525558

File: 293d437c1050885⋯.jpg (107.66 KB,1079x942,1079:942,20240902_002920.jpg)

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08c909 No.21525559

File: 20a4ba58391ae4c⋯.png (582.53 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_dailymail_co_….png)

Moment Ukraine uses terrifying flesh-melting 'flamethrower drone' to set Russian defences on fire with 2,400C incendiaries in bid to flush Putin's soldiers out of their treeline where they were hiding

This is the terrifying moment a Ukrainian 'flamethrowing drone' set Russian defences alight with incendiaries that can burn up to 2,400C.

Footage taken by another drone shows the flamethrower unit methodically tracing a forest understood to be hosting Russian troops, spitting hot thermite down below.

The length of forest can be seen quickly catching alight, as smoke billows upwards.

The video was posted by Ukraine’s 108th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade with a single word, referencing the dragons in Game of Thrones: 'Drakaris.'

Thermite, a mix of iron oxide and magnesium, can burn at temperatures of up to 2,400C, and can quickly tear through flesh if alight.

Despite its extreme danger, it is not banned by any international arms treaty except against civilian populations.

>device used and developed in Commifornia to create the glowball warming wildfires

>Vid link - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/embed/video/3262759.html


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b7f503 No.21525560


>Clean House.

What do you consider CLEAN?

And what are your current problems?

Can you tell us what you consider to be the improved state of the problem and the state of the clean house?

What you think and what I think are different, so I would really like to know what you are looking at when you make a post like this.

Just genuinely tell us what you see as the problem.

Give us the details of the issue or other issues you have posted.

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f07c40 No.21525561

File: 898b80575a689fa⋯.jpg (408.23 KB,1116x1774,558:887,_wbqclg.jpg)

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015100 No.21525562

Just (us) and Jim's bot now, anons.

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57b446 No.21525563

File: 25f698e506a0acf⋯.png (21.88 KB,570x388,285:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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f07c40 No.21525564

File: 29a437893a2ecfd⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,320x576,5:9,Teslababy20230906_6.mp4)

Electric cars are the future…….of child abduction

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b3bcb6 No.21525565


This is why we call them NPCs. They repeat their programming, like the characters you meet in a quest game.

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015100 No.21525566


Why for decades has so-called Generation X been prediction-programmed regarding Satanic Cult(ism) and "Sacrifice to the Devil"? Big Mistake they couldn't avoid. Needs must be… Starseeds and Indigo Children didn't follow the Stars.. Big Problem for them. Their Black Awakening last week? Failed Big. "God woke you up for a reason."

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3e2586 No.21525567

File: 025e0d47df2960c⋯.jpg (218.56 KB,2048x1152,16:9,media_GWetojZWMAAFFR1.jpg)

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e1d220 No.21525568

File: 827f1942bb1c7cc⋯.jpeg (452.8 KB,1409x1620,1409:1620,IMG_0016.jpeg)

Whistleblower re Extent of Venezuelan Gangs Activity in Aurora


Whoa - a whistleblower in the Aurora, CO police department is revealing that the Venezuelan gangs aren’t just terrorizing a single apartment complex

It’s happening across the city

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015100 No.21525569

King Attila was trained in Rome, in good conscience hated the evil there, and upon completing his training (it was customary to do an exchange student show of solidarity among royal/elite children to promote diplomacy), returned Home, gathered his army to himself, and went up to Rome and destroyed it. King Attila was called "The Scourge of God". Biblical Times haven't stopped and they won't stop. NCSWIC.


The Stewart/Stuart family is not bloodline royalty. The enemy traces their peerage in a matriarch line. Stewarts were literally just stewards.. employees. FAKES.

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d17633 No.21525570

news from the holo matrix

Placebos reduce stress, anxiety, depression – even when people know they are placebos


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e1d220 No.21525571

File: 1999f797255c3c1⋯.jpeg (239.77 KB,1131x668,1131:668,IMG_0016.jpeg)

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bcc612 No.21525572


took me a long time to drop my own blind reverence for old people as if they were inherently 'wise'. that mistake in discernment destroyed decades of potential true growth.

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d0dbfb No.21525573


I still got fuckin 2 1/2 banana clips to load

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8ebbff No.21525574

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e1d220 No.21525575

File: 1999f797255c3c1⋯.jpeg (239.77 KB,1131x668,1131:668,IMG_0016.jpeg)


Whistleblower Letter re Aurora, CO Venezuela Gangs per LEO Insider

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8ebbff No.21525576

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d0dbfb No.21525577

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015100 No.21525578

File: 4a8f6b7db7968d7⋯.png (44.13 KB,329x455,47:65,ClipboardImage.png)

Hello Flynn Flann. Let's talk about The Darkness.

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8ebbff No.21525579

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8ebbff No.21525580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b3bcb6 No.21525581


Welcome to the other side !!!

This anon woke up at 8 years old realizing the entire world and reality was bullshit. Navigating this world has been challenging as it is designed to try and kill you if you are awake.

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a0c5f6 No.21525582

File: c850a283e26d839⋯.png (32.74 KB,426x87,142:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0dbfb No.21525583

The ring leaders of the latin gangs up in the burbs are the Chinese. I met one the other day. The gooks are also using the blacks.

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015100 No.21525584

File: 4a8f6b7db7968d7⋯.png (44.13 KB,329x455,47:65,ClipboardImage.png)

Anons do you recall the week of 7-13, the board was flooded with pics of Clown Mc(Donald) and Fries.. all leading up to Nat'l French Fry Day (FF Day) on 7-13.

Anons do you recall last week ahead of the 2 arrests at Q+ rally, the board was flooded with "sitting" (Donald) ducks.

Anons did you see the past days the board flooded with refs to fried chicken? (suddenly, Island for sale). Learn. Bad People Watching. We Watch [Them]. LEARN. We Learn. Nothing is random.

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015100 No.21525585

File: 4a8f6b7db7968d7⋯.png (44.13 KB,329x455,47:65,ClipboardImage.png)

Operator1 relay earlier today - He observed a group of less than a dozen people, with a particular woman, gathered around a table of wee, fried chicks. The entire baby chick, fried. And these individuals were using Tongs to dip the fried wee chicks into a sauce. Cloud Control.

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a9f921 No.21525586


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a9f921 No.21525587



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015100 No.21525588

Anons you remember your interactions and observations from Cloud Events while you're sleeping? Nothing is random about that. God is in control. NOTHING IS RANDOM. Everything has Meaning. Do not follow signs and wonders, follow GOD > Pray, Read the Bible, Fight the Good Fight.

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d0dbfb No.21525589


It's kinda ironic that some of us will be wasting chinks with chink ammo…

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a9f921 No.21525590


time for age of the larp

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015100 No.21525591

The Light has never needed permission from the darkness.

The Light has never sought approval from the darkness.

Anons You are the Lights of this World.

Anons You are the KEY to EVERYTHING.

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d52da7 No.21525592

File: a371cb6a26c068e⋯.jpg (133.15 KB,638x960,319:480,4chan.jpg)

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d0dbfb No.21525593

Is it pumpkin spice latte time yet?

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a9f921 No.21525594


haha what ouch ni hao xie xie bu shi drongo!

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a9f921 No.21525595


aro w v

vall ee

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a9f921 No.21525596

arro vvallee

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015100 No.21525597

No one person is above another.

God makes us all equal.

Constitution "event"?

Stewards (Usurpers) asserting the Crown in USA via Fictitious Corporation Constitution? What happens when the Bloodline King asserts his very Non-Fictional Right against them? It gets dropped on this board that Q+ is Bloodline, Rightful Ruler.. 'suddenly' news is 'change the Constitution'.. Think.

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d0dbfb No.21525598


Their very speech makes me nauseous

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015100 No.21525599

Look at The Darkness rage helplessly against the Light.

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a9f921 No.21525600


xie xie ah

- nuie hao?

nu hao?

ni shi drongo

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d0dbfb No.21525601


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a9f921 No.21525602


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d0dbfb No.21525603



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015100 No.21525604

Literally all their attempts to stop the truth, will wind up revealing the truth. Including on this board. It's how God trolls. We have seen it countless times now. God invented trolling. And He does.

Mal 2:3

"Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it."

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9c9cb5 No.21525605

File: 7f320e404f73fc4⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB,720x1280,9:16,000_Albonese_Q_drop_result.mp4)

Anon poasted Q drop re; Foreign Aid,

Then this habbened.


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d52da7 No.21525606

File: 822d2ee2d008cf4⋯.png (642.96 KB,971x793,971:793,ClipboardImage.png)

Freedom fighter WINS case against violent Covid cops


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d0dbfb No.21525607


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8ebbff No.21525608

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a9f921 No.21525609


Google Translate how do I say "eats the sick" in chinese?

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d0dbfb No.21525610

If i brew the pumpkin spice now the bitch might wake up..

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a9f921 No.21525611

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d0dbfb No.21525612



Dem naggers

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d0dbfb No.21525613

Fuck man this pumpkon spice thing is gonna wreck me

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015100 No.21525614


The entire world is going to be conquered by Truth. Biblical Event. God answers prayers.

Anons remember mission re: John Podesta? Next day he was appointed Climate Czar, PG back in the News and since then, it has only grown. The word is much more awake and open to the reality that "These people are Evil." Knowing the difference between Evil and Righteousness is foundational. Prime Principle. The World is Waking Up. The curtain does get pulled back, and anons do it. Impossible to stop.

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015100 No.21525615

See how it's just a couple of them trying to Recycle the Trash? Transparency is the only way Forward. God is with us anons, because we are with God. For God & Country. Patriots Fight.

Remember few weeks ago, we crossed The Bridge in the Cloud? Next day vid of Q+ motorcade going over the bridge with massive storm cloud backdrop? This is everything except a game.

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357f34 No.21525616

File: 25d4f270fb54c98⋯.jpg (127.86 KB,1080x1610,108:161,25d4f270fb54c98f5aa854407e….jpg)


>Repeating corporate media verbatim

>age does not equal wisdom

>wisdom can be acquired over many years of life or not.

Anon really wants to hang out with some people like this when election results come in.

The salt would be delicious.

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015100 No.21525617

Missions get progressively intense.

Going to see The Darkness and Nails is intense?

Missions get progressively more intense until 11-4.

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2a3197 No.21525618




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9b41fa No.21525619


"x ish producer" glow more fucker

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77f1de No.21525620


baker will finish this bread

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03741c No.21525621

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77f1de No.21525622

#26371 >>21524882

>>21525219 DJT: Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall

>>21524900 Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

>>21524905 MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

>>21524928 In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

>>21524972 Two-tiered system of audits

>>21524975 Kamala will shut down X if she wins

>>21524999 Chelsea Clinton might be a man possibly

>>21525000, >>21525115 How it's going

>>21525005 Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves

>>21525078 Never Walz'ers

>>21525085 Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

>>21525097 Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate

>>21525098 Presidential campaign spending disparity

>>21525143 Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises"

>>21525174 A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a previously deported illegal immigrant

>>21525187 Krappensteins are in crap with teens

>>21525189 Elon: Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out

>>21525197, >>21525175 Happy Labor Day

>>21525239 Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

>>21525245 New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions

>>21525316 QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

>>21525328 Chicago: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

>>21525343 State of Things: LA

>>21525345, >>21525383 This meme escalated quickly

>>21525364 Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one

>>21524918, >>21524960, >>21524952, >>21524982, >>21524996, >>21525115, >>21525175, >>21525185, >>21525365, >>21525402 Memes

baker change

>>21525543 Putin warmly welcomed in Mongolia with official ceremony

>>21525559 Moment Ukraine uses terrifying flesh-melting 'flamethrower drone' to set Russian defences on fire

>>21525568, >>21525575 Whistleblower re Extent of Venezuelan Gangs Activity in Aurora

>>21525606 Victoria Freedom fighter WINS case against violent Covid cops


last call

ya'll got 5 minutes

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015100 No.21525623


Anons are the Salt of the Earth.

The Salt of so many Liberal Tears.

The Enemy did not plan for the Future.

Anons planned for the Unexpected Future.

They should have expected us? They never do.

There is not enough popcorn in the world right now.

The success which is our victory is the world awakening.

But along that way, God is going to use His people to Troll.

How do you think you got here? Coincidence? Divine Intervention.

You wanted to save the world. Save the Children. God answers prayers.

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57b446 No.21525624

File: ff13de02dacae41⋯.png (27.64 KB,400x266,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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57b446 No.21525625

File: 25f1d71aea8bd33⋯.png (136.64 KB,320x400,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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015100 No.21525626

In the CLOUD you are in appearance and ability, the way you know you are deep down inside. Hearts and Minds - only God can access the Truth of them (Biblical Fact). Anons.. you have your weapons of choice in the CLOUD. We are over the Bridge. It is very dark except for a light around us. The Cowboy is there, the one in this vid, which is directly from the CLOUD. There is just the light around (us) and the atmo is dark desert, but a storm is coming to that desert. Thunder rolled in last week…. You are the Key anons. Your faith, your prayers. Your WILL to FIGHT the Good Fight.

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c20e64 No.21525627

So an jew, a nigger, and a chink walk into a bar…

The jew sues

The nigger goes aww shit

…and the chink…i dunno he got shot on the way in.

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397c01 No.21525628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now with Color Guard

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015100 No.21525629

If it sounds Un-Real (will this be the word of 2025?), pray about it. Because as we were all advised, "Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes"

Anons remember the mechanism Q showed us weeks ago. Un-Real Reality. Real Life.

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d52da7 No.21525631

File: 322504c913b08c9⋯.mp4 (14.34 MB,854x480,427:240,322504c913b08c9596d84c8bb9….mp4)

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397c01 No.21525632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OMG you poor things

an 8 hour bread…

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d52da7 No.21525633

File: 817cf69b870a1d4⋯.png (685.94 KB,749x471,749:471,VAX61.png)

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77f1de No.21525634

#26371 >>21524882

>>21525219 DJT: Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall

>>21524900 Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

>>21524905 MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

>>21524928 In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

>>21524972 Two-tiered system of audits

>>21524975 Kamala will shut down X if she wins

>>21524999 Chelsea Clinton might be a man possibly

>>21525000, >>21525115 How it's going

>>21525005 Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves

>>21525078 Never Walz'ers

>>21525085 Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

>>21525097 Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate

>>21525098 Presidential campaign spending disparity

>>21525143 Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises"

>>21525174 A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a previously deported illegal immigrant

>>21525187 Krappensteins are in crap with teens

>>21525189 Elon: Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out

>>21525197, >>21525175 Happy Labor Day

>>21525239 Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

>>21525245 New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions

>>21525316 QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

>>21525328 Chicago: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

>>21525343 State of Things: LA

>>21525345, >>21525383 This meme escalated quickly

>>21525364 Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one

>>21524918, >>21524960, >>21524952, >>21524982, >>21524996, >>21525115, >>21525175, >>21525185, >>21525365, >>21525402 Memes

baker change

>>21525543 Putin warmly welcomed in Mongolia with official ceremony

>>21525559 Moment Ukraine uses terrifying flesh-melting 'flamethrower drone' to set Russian defences on fire

>>21525568, >>21525575 Whistleblower re Extent of Venezuelan Gangs Activity in Aurora

>>21525606 Victoria Freedom fighter WINS case against violent Covid cops



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015100 No.21525637

File: 79cd8d2a74c6f42⋯.png (920.48 KB,940x788,235:197,7_14.png)

The Truth is stronger than the lie. Truth unites the world. The literal Spirit of Liberty. Spiritual war, in every way. The enemy operators at the top are not human. Neither are the operators at the top (rank only) on our side. Visiting Angels. Literally. God has every surprise for the enemy and they have No Way of Knowing ahead of Time. Truth-tellers are the Key to the Great Awakening. Biblical Fact..

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397c01 No.21525638

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

fuck science!

"sir, science now agree's with you"

Oh well in that case!

Bring Science in!

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8454e0 No.21525639

File: 9c4bf1877b24822⋯.jpg (47.37 KB,1278x303,426:101,1000012080.jpg)

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397c01 No.21525640

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)

Damn Science

you looking good now

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357f34 No.21525641

File: e641049313b48e6⋯.png (623.05 KB,986x503,986:503,e641049313b48e6fed24613850….png)


This post is visually appealing, as well as correct.


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397c01 No.21525642

File: cce75cca6a99104⋯.png (96.04 KB,396x610,198:305,000war.png)

you pseudo intellectual sluts!


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8454e0 No.21525644


I like sluts

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397c01 No.21525645

its true!!!

dumber than a box of fucking rocks

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397c01 No.21525646

File: 8b8054b72af8f23⋯.png (372.25 KB,847x606,847:606,000secrets2.png)

it pretends a good game though!!!


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397c01 No.21525647

File: c2922c2022b4785⋯.jpg (170.59 KB,945x936,105:104,000war5.jpg)

it has the best words


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77f1de No.21525648

File: 1f1f9e57b6e489b⋯.jpg (40.12 KB,522x357,174:119,ghost_bread_8.jpg)

fresh ghosted bread





please fill

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015100 No.21525650

File: 003e890ca02e6ca⋯.png (690.91 KB,640x426,320:213,CorpsOfEngineersBuildWall.png)

File: 07d37a22684f0c1⋯.png (6.43 MB,3648x5472,2:3,knights.png)

Why do Q drops refer to CASTLE.

Who wears Full Suits of Armor, KNIGHTS?

What are they losing, KEYS TO THE KINGDOM?

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397c01 No.21525651

it's popular!!!



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8454e0 No.21525652

File: 7df6db561b9c88d⋯.jpg (329.54 KB,1952x1289,1952:1289,result_1606063870114.jpg)


Abracadabra bitches

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397c01 No.21525653

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

well then!

if a large portion of the idiots agee!!!

who is NIGHT SHIFT to disagree!?!?!?


Imagine the nerve of NIGHT SHIFT to challenge pretty much everything ever!!!

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397c01 No.21525654

File: 73f079343a4c926⋯.gif (567.09 KB,500x278,250:139,000wi.gif)



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d52da7 No.21525655

File: 9ac59ea0ab6add3⋯.png (509.17 KB,749x854,107:122,ClipboardImage.png)

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015100 No.21525656

File: 1d590f19e0d96c1⋯.png (631.63 KB,512x640,4:5,king.png)

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397c01 No.21525657


covfefe and then i am coming back!

just be gone or shit will happens!

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8454e0 No.21525658



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397c01 No.21525659

File: 569cf62259b1db4⋯.png (1 MB,633x706,633:706,0MFGKARENb.png)


oh look at this dumb motherfucker thinking he want some!?!?!?!?

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397c01 No.21525660

i will be back!!!

i will return!!!

with covfefe!!!

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397c01 No.21525661

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

i'm comin and i am bringin covfefe with me!!!

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8454e0 No.21525662

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015100 No.21525665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Soundtrack - 17. The Return of the King"

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015100 No.21525666

File: 8ed0bea18ca92fe⋯.mp4 (13.22 MB,320x240,4:3,8ed0bea18ca92fe107a1a5a964….mp4)

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397c01 No.21525667

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)



Why can't NIGHT SHIFT have Columbian coffee with like 2% cocaine?



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8454e0 No.21525668


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8f7eda No.21525669

File: c8f538bb943f5d7⋯.png (99.23 KB,615x763,615:763,post.PNG)

>>21524166, >>21524246, >>21524456 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd







Maybe something, maybe nothing… 6yr delta. On Sept 2, 2018, Q makes two posts regarding Ezra, 17min and 37 secs apart. In Q post 2058, there is a link to an article saying Attorney General Sessions brought Ezra back to Trump Admin after he was let go upon Flynn's departure.

Show more






Ezra A. Cohen




Hamas will pay? Where is the Attorney General? x.com/potus/status/1…

Ezra A. Cohen




To be clear, there is NO significance to the time when I post. I post whenever I have a thought I think might be interesting to others regardless of time. No secret code or meaning.

Oh and all of that Q-anon garbage is a foreign intelligence operation meant to delegitimize

Show more





Honestly, I didn't mean to tag you it, but thanks for the commentary and clarification.

Ezra A. Cohen


Whether you meant to tag me or not is immaterial. You invoked my name in an attempt to encourage extremely unfortunate and harmful behavior. Many people have been taken by the Q-anon sickness to an unfortunate end. You ought to stop this nonsense.

11:18 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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