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File: 0d9fb9799d12697⋯.png (99.87 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

690121 No.21524875 [View All]

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701 posts and 433 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d0dbfb No.21525613

Fuck man this pumpkon spice thing is gonna wreck me

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015100 No.21525614


The entire world is going to be conquered by Truth. Biblical Event. God answers prayers.

Anons remember mission re: John Podesta? Next day he was appointed Climate Czar, PG back in the News and since then, it has only grown. The word is much more awake and open to the reality that "These people are Evil." Knowing the difference between Evil and Righteousness is foundational. Prime Principle. The World is Waking Up. The curtain does get pulled back, and anons do it. Impossible to stop.

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015100 No.21525615

See how it's just a couple of them trying to Recycle the Trash? Transparency is the only way Forward. God is with us anons, because we are with God. For God & Country. Patriots Fight.

Remember few weeks ago, we crossed The Bridge in the Cloud? Next day vid of Q+ motorcade going over the bridge with massive storm cloud backdrop? This is everything except a game.

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357f34 No.21525616

File: 25d4f270fb54c98⋯.jpg (127.86 KB,1080x1610,108:161,25d4f270fb54c98f5aa854407e….jpg)


>Repeating corporate media verbatim

>age does not equal wisdom

>wisdom can be acquired over many years of life or not.

Anon really wants to hang out with some people like this when election results come in.

The salt would be delicious.

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015100 No.21525617

Missions get progressively intense.

Going to see The Darkness and Nails is intense?

Missions get progressively more intense until 11-4.

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2a3197 No.21525618




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9b41fa No.21525619


"x ish producer" glow more fucker

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77f1de No.21525620


baker will finish this bread

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03741c No.21525621

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77f1de No.21525622

#26371 >>21524882

>>21525219 DJT: Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall

>>21524900 Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

>>21524905 MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

>>21524928 In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

>>21524972 Two-tiered system of audits

>>21524975 Kamala will shut down X if she wins

>>21524999 Chelsea Clinton might be a man possibly

>>21525000, >>21525115 How it's going

>>21525005 Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves

>>21525078 Never Walz'ers

>>21525085 Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

>>21525097 Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate

>>21525098 Presidential campaign spending disparity

>>21525143 Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises"

>>21525174 A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a previously deported illegal immigrant

>>21525187 Krappensteins are in crap with teens

>>21525189 Elon: Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out

>>21525197, >>21525175 Happy Labor Day

>>21525239 Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

>>21525245 New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions

>>21525316 QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

>>21525328 Chicago: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

>>21525343 State of Things: LA

>>21525345, >>21525383 This meme escalated quickly

>>21525364 Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one

>>21524918, >>21524960, >>21524952, >>21524982, >>21524996, >>21525115, >>21525175, >>21525185, >>21525365, >>21525402 Memes

baker change

>>21525543 Putin warmly welcomed in Mongolia with official ceremony

>>21525559 Moment Ukraine uses terrifying flesh-melting 'flamethrower drone' to set Russian defences on fire

>>21525568, >>21525575 Whistleblower re Extent of Venezuelan Gangs Activity in Aurora

>>21525606 Victoria Freedom fighter WINS case against violent Covid cops


last call

ya'll got 5 minutes

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015100 No.21525623


Anons are the Salt of the Earth.

The Salt of so many Liberal Tears.

The Enemy did not plan for the Future.

Anons planned for the Unexpected Future.

They should have expected us? They never do.

There is not enough popcorn in the world right now.

The success which is our victory is the world awakening.

But along that way, God is going to use His people to Troll.

How do you think you got here? Coincidence? Divine Intervention.

You wanted to save the world. Save the Children. God answers prayers.

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57b446 No.21525624

File: ff13de02dacae41⋯.png (27.64 KB,400x266,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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57b446 No.21525625

File: 25f1d71aea8bd33⋯.png (136.64 KB,320x400,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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015100 No.21525626

In the CLOUD you are in appearance and ability, the way you know you are deep down inside. Hearts and Minds - only God can access the Truth of them (Biblical Fact). Anons.. you have your weapons of choice in the CLOUD. We are over the Bridge. It is very dark except for a light around us. The Cowboy is there, the one in this vid, which is directly from the CLOUD. There is just the light around (us) and the atmo is dark desert, but a storm is coming to that desert. Thunder rolled in last week…. You are the Key anons. Your faith, your prayers. Your WILL to FIGHT the Good Fight.

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c20e64 No.21525627

So an jew, a nigger, and a chink walk into a bar…

The jew sues

The nigger goes aww shit

…and the chink…i dunno he got shot on the way in.

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397c01 No.21525628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now with Color Guard

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015100 No.21525629

If it sounds Un-Real (will this be the word of 2025?), pray about it. Because as we were all advised, "Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes"

Anons remember the mechanism Q showed us weeks ago. Un-Real Reality. Real Life.

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d52da7 No.21525631

File: 322504c913b08c9⋯.mp4 (14.34 MB,854x480,427:240,322504c913b08c9596d84c8bb9….mp4)

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397c01 No.21525632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OMG you poor things

an 8 hour bread…

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d52da7 No.21525633

File: 817cf69b870a1d4⋯.png (685.94 KB,749x471,749:471,VAX61.png)

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77f1de No.21525634

#26371 >>21524882

>>21525219 DJT: Join me in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania this Wednesday, September 4th—at 5:30PM Eastern, for a Town Hall

>>21524900 Goya Foods CEO Alleges Biden-Harris Administration Is ‘Complicit’ in Child Trafficking

>>21524905 MSM is now openly admitting that the Nov 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner

>>21524928 In case you never seen't a Volcanic Lightning Eruption Storm before

>>21524972 Two-tiered system of audits

>>21524975 Kamala will shut down X if she wins

>>21524999 Chelsea Clinton might be a man possibly

>>21525000, >>21525115 How it's going

>>21525005 Scientists have discovered a ring-like structure, resembling a doughnut, within the Earth's outer core using seismic waves

>>21525078 Never Walz'ers

>>21525085 Arthur J. Gregg, his name replacing Lee’s on a Virginia fort, dies at 96

>>21525097 Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to start the longest trip of his pontificate

>>21525098 Presidential campaign spending disparity

>>21525143 Astronauts are reporting that Boeing Starliner is emitting strange "sonar like noises"

>>21525174 A teen girl at an Indiana baseball game was randomly stabbed over the weekend by a previously deported illegal immigrant

>>21525187 Krappensteins are in crap with teens

>>21525189 Elon: Beta version of 𝕏 TV is out

>>21525197, >>21525175 Happy Labor Day

>>21525239 Hillary Clinton suddenly cancels appearance at Kamala fundraiser in the Hamptons

>>21525245 New study says sea surface temperature (SST) drives atmospheric CO2 levels not emissions

>>21525316 QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

>>21525328 Chicago: Listen to a 911 call reporting that a group of allegedly 32 armed Venezuelans has taken over an apartment building

>>21525343 State of Things: LA

>>21525345, >>21525383 This meme escalated quickly

>>21525364 Kamala vows to be a communist dictator on day one

>>21524918, >>21524960, >>21524952, >>21524982, >>21524996, >>21525115, >>21525175, >>21525185, >>21525365, >>21525402 Memes

baker change

>>21525543 Putin warmly welcomed in Mongolia with official ceremony

>>21525559 Moment Ukraine uses terrifying flesh-melting 'flamethrower drone' to set Russian defences on fire

>>21525568, >>21525575 Whistleblower re Extent of Venezuelan Gangs Activity in Aurora

>>21525606 Victoria Freedom fighter WINS case against violent Covid cops



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015100 No.21525637

File: 79cd8d2a74c6f42⋯.png (920.48 KB,940x788,235:197,7_14.png)

The Truth is stronger than the lie. Truth unites the world. The literal Spirit of Liberty. Spiritual war, in every way. The enemy operators at the top are not human. Neither are the operators at the top (rank only) on our side. Visiting Angels. Literally. God has every surprise for the enemy and they have No Way of Knowing ahead of Time. Truth-tellers are the Key to the Great Awakening. Biblical Fact..

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397c01 No.21525638

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

fuck science!

"sir, science now agree's with you"

Oh well in that case!

Bring Science in!

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8454e0 No.21525639

File: 9c4bf1877b24822⋯.jpg (47.37 KB,1278x303,426:101,1000012080.jpg)

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397c01 No.21525640

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)

Damn Science

you looking good now

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357f34 No.21525641

File: e641049313b48e6⋯.png (623.05 KB,986x503,986:503,e641049313b48e6fed24613850….png)


This post is visually appealing, as well as correct.


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397c01 No.21525642

File: cce75cca6a99104⋯.png (96.04 KB,396x610,198:305,000war.png)

you pseudo intellectual sluts!


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8454e0 No.21525644


I like sluts

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397c01 No.21525645

its true!!!

dumber than a box of fucking rocks

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397c01 No.21525646

File: 8b8054b72af8f23⋯.png (372.25 KB,847x606,847:606,000secrets2.png)

it pretends a good game though!!!


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397c01 No.21525647

File: c2922c2022b4785⋯.jpg (170.59 KB,945x936,105:104,000war5.jpg)

it has the best words


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77f1de No.21525648

File: 1f1f9e57b6e489b⋯.jpg (40.12 KB,522x357,174:119,ghost_bread_8.jpg)

fresh ghosted bread





please fill

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015100 No.21525650

File: 003e890ca02e6ca⋯.png (690.91 KB,640x426,320:213,CorpsOfEngineersBuildWall.png)

File: 07d37a22684f0c1⋯.png (6.43 MB,3648x5472,2:3,knights.png)

Why do Q drops refer to CASTLE.

Who wears Full Suits of Armor, KNIGHTS?

What are they losing, KEYS TO THE KINGDOM?

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397c01 No.21525651

it's popular!!!



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8454e0 No.21525652

File: 7df6db561b9c88d⋯.jpg (329.54 KB,1952x1289,1952:1289,result_1606063870114.jpg)


Abracadabra bitches

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397c01 No.21525653

File: 7e263ab9bdc3cab⋯.jpg (106.12 KB,750x499,750:499,000ohiddefinately.jpg)

well then!

if a large portion of the idiots agee!!!

who is NIGHT SHIFT to disagree!?!?!?


Imagine the nerve of NIGHT SHIFT to challenge pretty much everything ever!!!

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397c01 No.21525654

File: 73f079343a4c926⋯.gif (567.09 KB,500x278,250:139,000wi.gif)



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d52da7 No.21525655

File: 9ac59ea0ab6add3⋯.png (509.17 KB,749x854,107:122,ClipboardImage.png)

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015100 No.21525656

File: 1d590f19e0d96c1⋯.png (631.63 KB,512x640,4:5,king.png)

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397c01 No.21525657


covfefe and then i am coming back!

just be gone or shit will happens!

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8454e0 No.21525658



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397c01 No.21525659

File: 569cf62259b1db4⋯.png (1 MB,633x706,633:706,0MFGKARENb.png)


oh look at this dumb motherfucker thinking he want some!?!?!?!?

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397c01 No.21525660

i will be back!!!

i will return!!!

with covfefe!!!

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397c01 No.21525661

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

i'm comin and i am bringin covfefe with me!!!

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8454e0 No.21525662

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015100 No.21525665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Soundtrack - 17. The Return of the King"

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015100 No.21525666

File: 8ed0bea18ca92fe⋯.mp4 (13.22 MB,320x240,4:3,8ed0bea18ca92fe107a1a5a964….mp4)

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397c01 No.21525667

File: c381f470a9fa082⋯.gif (135.06 KB,200x150,4:3,000p.gif)



Why can't NIGHT SHIFT have Columbian coffee with like 2% cocaine?



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8454e0 No.21525668


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8f7eda No.21525669

File: c8f538bb943f5d7⋯.png (99.23 KB,615x763,615:763,post.PNG)

>>21524166, >>21524246, >>21524456 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd







Maybe something, maybe nothing… 6yr delta. On Sept 2, 2018, Q makes two posts regarding Ezra, 17min and 37 secs apart. In Q post 2058, there is a link to an article saying Attorney General Sessions brought Ezra back to Trump Admin after he was let go upon Flynn's departure.

Show more






Ezra A. Cohen




Hamas will pay? Where is the Attorney General? x.com/potus/status/1…

Ezra A. Cohen




To be clear, there is NO significance to the time when I post. I post whenever I have a thought I think might be interesting to others regardless of time. No secret code or meaning.

Oh and all of that Q-anon garbage is a foreign intelligence operation meant to delegitimize

Show more





Honestly, I didn't mean to tag you it, but thanks for the commentary and clarification.

Ezra A. Cohen


Whether you meant to tag me or not is immaterial. You invoked my name in an attempt to encourage extremely unfortunate and harmful behavior. Many people have been taken by the Q-anon sickness to an unfortunate end. You ought to stop this nonsense.

11:18 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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