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eaab4a No.21524120 [Last50 Posts]

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eaab4a No.21524124

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eaab4a No.21524126


#26369 >>21523362

>>21523383 Ukraine Presents White House With List Of Targets Deep Inside Russia

>>21523394 Can't remember my false flag to take away your guns crisis actor lines

>>21523435 Israel Kills 47 More Palestinians in Gaza, Recorded Death Toll Passes 40,700

>>21523466 Senator Graham: Until U.S. Targets Iran, American Hostages In Gaza Not Coming Home

>>21523477, >>21523584, >>21523876 Tim Walz’s airbag has deployed more times than he has

>>21523478 A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey when a group of people ambushed him

>>21523480 Finland plans ban on property acquisitions by foreign nationals as concerns surface over purchases with links to Russia

>>21523568 Americans Own 46% of the World's 1 Billion Guns, Says U.N. Report

>>21523572 Hear me out

>>21523577 ¡Que Mala!

>>21523579, >>21523722 New episode of Biden claims to have done things he didn't do

>>21523592 Kamala counterfeit ads

>>21523604 Tim Walz just claimed that President Trump wants forced child labor

>>21523609, >>21523613, >>21523992 Nosferatu apparently backpedals the enforced fines on Brazilian citizens who access 𝕏 using a VPN

>>21523616 City of Dreams puts up billboards in Hollywood and Los Angeles highlighting the plague of child slavery

>>21523627 Some delays at Newark International Airport after equipment outage

>>21523655 New Shawn Ryan x Kash Patel

>>21523567 Kash Patel: The Iranian Government has enough Nuclear Fissile Material to Sustain a Bomb

>>21523784, >>21523964 Marathon not a sprint

>>21523659, >>21523720 Mustache Manbun: Who owns BlackRock? | Epstein was M0SSAD

>>21523665 Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman joined critics of a court order to suspend Elon Musk’s X in Brazil

>>21523679 Aurora, CO police department whistleblower reveals that Venezuelan gangs are wreaking havoc on the entire city in general

>>21523686 NPCs relaying their programmed message

>>21523710 There appears to be a pattern

>>21523711 Ireland: School teacher arrested after not endorsing transgenderism

>>21523719, >>21523726, >>21523759 Starlink Market in Brazil

>>21523728 Tim Walz Took a Big Step Toward Scrapping the Electoral College

>>21523739 Why does no one complain about this?

>>21523751 Blue Origin

>>21523769, >>21523809, >>21523815 Author Stephen King stunned to learn Florida's banned 23 of his books

>>21523772 Naples Mayor Caught On Camera Struggling Through Sobriety Test After DUI Arrest: BAC was more than double the legal limit

>>21523828 The Democrats are trying to counter with their own version of MAGA Hulk Hogan

>>21523944, >>21523972, >>21524017 PF: Gitmo express left Lauderdale, making a Q loop over West Palm Beach returning to Lauderdale

>>21524063 June 17 Presser By Kansas AG On Lawsuit Against Pfizer

>>21523401, >>21523411, >>21523413, >>21523419, >>21523422, >>21523423, >>21523468, >>21523501, >>21523529, >>21523611, >>21523855, >>21523856, >>21523905, >>21523994 Memes

>>21524111 #26369

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eaab4a No.21524128

#26368 >>21522406

>>21522445, >>21522508, >>21522526, >>21522562, >>21522591, >>21522725, >>21522875, >>21522641, >>21523259 US seizes Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro’s airplane in the Dominican Republic

>>21522461 Zelensky urged to spare older men from draft from 60 to 50

>>21522490 West wants ‘total control’ over Ukraine – Putin

>>21522521 Moscow warns of ‘destabilizing innovations’ in US nuclear doctrine (still no Larov)

>>21522522, >>21522546 6 yr delta

>>21522523, >>21522528 CO: DIA "bomb cyclone" in 2019

>>21522530, >>21522545, >>21522484, >>21522498, >>21522629, Brazil: what a tangled web obama weaves..

>>21522549 They will start WWIII before PDJT takes office, if he ever can

>>21522560, >>21522560, >>21523313 A U.S. soldier, allegedly serving aboard the USS Wasp, was attacked in Turkey; was this staged?

>>21522579 PUTIN: ‘There Are No Countries Hostile To Russia, Only Hostile Elites’, Ignores Possible CCP Intentions

>>21522621 UPDATE - BOUNGIORNO: Palm Beach County Election Infrastructure Breach Proven

>>21522627, >>21522655, >>21522673, >>21522734 Musk Moraes headed to prison

>>21522632 interview w/RFKjr on vaxxes, starting with MEASLES and benefits of letting kids get measles instead of measles vax

>>21522639 China probably got them from Afghanistan

>>21522644 Israel Agrees to 3-Day Pause of War in Gaza for Polio Vaccination. Polio Vaccines Cause Polio.

>>21522646 2020 kneepads Vowed to Kick Start America’s Reparation Process

>>21522654 The SAVE Act will be attached to the spending bill.

>>21522659 FBI Repeatedly Botches Child Abuse Investigations

>>21522663 @elonmusk The reason the Democratic Party is so soft on criminals is that criminals vote overwhelmingly Democrat – they don’t want to offend their customers!

>>21522665 Not even Kamala Harris’ biggest fans can say what the flip-flopping VP stands for

>>21522666 Ukrainian attacks thwarted: developments in Kursk Region

>>21522667 Biden, Harris speak to parents of Israeli-American found dead in Gaza Meanwhile the Gold Star families are still waiting.

>>21522671, >>21522954 Dems labor day in vain

>>21522674 Tim Walz’s radical wife just let the mask slip, and wow, it’s scary… "who cares about law and order"

>>21522679, >>21522697, >>21522722, >>21522743, >>21522745 On Eve of Election, Bolsonaro’s Party Attacks Brazil’s Voting Systems

>>21522681 Moar NASA

>>21522686 California Dems Shoot Down ‘No Tax On Tips’ Amendment After Harris Adopts Policy

>>21522708, >>21522726 US Military Who Assaulted Senator Moore At Hartsfield, While Guarding Illegal Trafficking, Are From Unit Training Soldiers At Fort Moore

>>21522709, >>21522774 Six killed, 13 wounded in Kabul suicide bombing: police/new morality laws per taliban

>>21522761 KAMALA HISTORY WITH ARCHIVE LINK !!! 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

>>21522847 #BrazilA special operation of several Brazilian public bodies, which lasted 30 days, allowed the rescue of 593 people in conditions similar to slavery, among them an old woman of 94 years, 16 minors, 13 Paraguayan immigrants, and four Argentines.

>>21522863 Get out and vote for @SheehyforMT TIM SHEEHY!! vote Jon Tester Out!

>>21522906, >>21522884 @realDonaldTrump Gold Star Fam Vid

>>21522925 @elonmusk Most of Earth should move to California!

>>21522999 UN treaty 'could allow Country A to spy on you for Country B'

>>21523013, >>21523236, >>21523292 CBS “Non-Partisan Election Expert” David Becker: @elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump are spreading "Election Disinformation"

>>21523014 🇬🇧🇮🇱 United Kingdom officially suspends 30 arms export licences to Israel.

baker change

>>21523121, >>21523139, >>21523176 PF

>>21523140 Report: "If there is an order, we can reach Moscow and show what Ukraine is" - Ukrainian commander

>>21523163, >>21523108, >>21523143, >>21523148 >>21523179 Several cars in Tim Walz's motorcade have crashed on the way to an event in Milwaukee — DailyMail

>>21523187 Philly Eagles stmt re political ads

>>21523227 The End of Fear VIDEO: doomsday cult doc that throws qanon into the end-of-the-world cults.

>>21523240 @libsoftiktok re Kamala rally: What did I just watch… what’s with this new accent?

>>21523276 Britain suspends Israel arms licences over Gaza war

>>21523277 Kash Patel - FBI Spying on Americans, Russiagate and Biden’s Classified Documents - VID

>>21523325 Human Rights Watch wants Putin arrested or denied entry by Mongolia

>>21523348 #26368

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eaab4a No.21524131

#26367 >>21521349

>>21521386 63 Days to WINNING

>>21521393 Ukraine will lose in Kursk — Putin

>>21521397, >>21521509, >>21521631 White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghan withdrawal

>>21521416, >>21521422 Mongolia: Arrest Putin ICC Members Should Not Allow Fugitives on Their Territories

>>21521413, >>21521442 Ukraine Strikes Moscow Oil Refinery in Massive Drone Barrage

>>21521514 Mark Cuban held mock presidential elections on 𝕏 and the results didn’t go his way. He checkmated himself.

>>21521521 "Coincidence" that the LOUDEST anti-free speech fake news orga arePedophile Adjacent

>>21521526 Holocaust Historian Deborah Lipstadt Nominated as US Anti-Semitism Envoy

>>21521530 Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now To Confess?

>>21521559 Warren Buffet Dumps More Bank of America Stocks Indicating Possible Financial Meltdown

>>21521566 Universities Unveil New Rules to Ban Anti-Israel Protests and Criticism of Zionism

>>21521580, >>21521610 Dr. Sabine Hazan: Gut bacteria that are key for immunity are killed by covid injections

>>21521581, >>21522297 A devastating fire erupted in the middle of the night at Immaculate Conception Church in Saint-Omer, France

>>21521586 Bank of America, Amalgamated Bank and Wells Fargo are criminally laundering hundreds of millions of dollars into political campaigns - via ActBlue and others like ActBlue.

>>21521590, >>21521605 17 deltas for the 2nd September - remember to see the Q drops from both angles

>>21521638 @realDonaldTrump Isnt it "weird" that the political party most vocal in accusing their 'opponents' of being anti-semitic, are in fact most responsible for the killings of jews?

>>21521682, >>21521696, >>21521726 Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election

>>21521701, >>21521836, >>21521998, >>21522046, >>21522144, >>21522145, >>21522295 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21521766, >>21521836 Three Red Banners (Chinese: 三面红旗) was an ideological slogan in the late 1950s which called on the Chinese people to build a socialist state.

>>21521815, >>21521881, >>21522091, >>21522111 I know you'd censor this too, if you could––but @elonmusk actually allows free speech on @X

>>21521899 Suppose Trump asks Harris to join him in announcing that no matter who wins the presidency, all claims of election fraud by either party will be vigorously pursued and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

>>21521956 FDA Authorizes New COVID-19 Vaccine Without Clinical Data Novavax’s shot, which targets the JN.1 variant, has been authorized.

>>21521974 PF Gitmo express on route…

>>21522001 Biden claims Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a deal with terrorists

>>21522012, >>21522019 Is Kamala Very Very Afraid?

>>21522032 DARPA refresher: Susan Wojcicki, a Pivotal Chief of YouTube, Dies at 56

>>21522033 Soros has spent about $117 million in the last few years to elect then control dozens of liberal county prosecutors throughout the nation

>>21522066 Don't Tread On Me

>>21522167, >>21522158, >>21522214 Concern growing in Aurora, Colorado over presence of Venezuelan gang, its impact on other migrants/DS/C_A

>>21522182 Astronomers discover oldest known eclipse reference in 6,000-year-old Hindu text

>>21522242 Q's on pols n minors

>>21522263, >>21522266, >>21522126, >>21522199, >>21522229 Massachusetts: Indictment of ex-cop Matthew Farwell

>>21522422 #26367

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eaab4a No.21524133

#26366 >>21520573

>>21520580 @stillgray: Mark Cuban effectively making an argument for voter ID

>>21520604 Morae's immoral censorship is doomed

>>21520617 NASA spacecraft collision may have created a meteor shower that will last for 100 years

>>21520676 @USArmy: The chances of being born triplets are one in 10,000

>>21520897, >>21520900 @ElijahSchaffer:"The Atlantic" puts the Christian flag as a far right symbol

Ghost grab

>>21520928 Elon Musk w/CAP: …we were being told to break Brazilian laws and that we would be sanctioned if we told anyone about it!

>>21520941 Turkey formally submits application to join BRICS+.

>>21520944 Kamala Harris and the Fake News exposed, Gold Star family edition

>>21520949 KEK: German police request data from Gab to identify a German account who labelled politician Ricarda Lang 'fat'

>>21520962 George w/CAP: Mississippi's State Auditor released report saying over 22,000 illegal immigrants have settled in the state, costing taxpayers over $100mm/year

>>21520979 Yet another church in France is in flames. This one is from 1854 and survived two world wars.

>>21521075, >>21521164 Large-scale polio vaccination campaign begins in Gaza

>>21521220 armed forces press: Globalists Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US election

>>21521243 Today’s job seekers won’t accept less than $81,147—up by almost $20,000 since March 2020, per FORTUNE.

>>21521264 CIA Whistle Blower spills the beans. Confessions of a CIA whistleblower, John Stockwell on their dark operations in Africa

>>21521309 Low Magnesium Linked to DNA Damage and Chronic Disease Risk

>>21521325 #26366

Previously Collected

>>21518886 #26363, >>21519685 #26364, >>21520562 #26365

>>21517224 #26360, >>21517397 #26361, >>21518031 #26362

>>21515004 #26357, >>21514503 #26358, >>21515433 #26359

>>21510683 #26354, >>21512199 #26355, >>21512818 #26356

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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eaab4a No.21524138

File: 9e1b68b4e25a43c⋯.png (1.77 MB,1200x857,1200:857,ClipboardImage.png)



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098203 No.21524141

File: c39704933973169⋯.jpeg (320.93 KB,1508x1356,377:339,IMG_3642.jpeg)

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b548a6 No.21524148

File: 9edbd3e7f76a430⋯.gif (1.56 MB,383x200,383:200,9edbd3e7f76a430659a9e8cfde….gif)

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af6445 No.21524157

File: f1d54bbc1eee350⋯.png (285.34 KB,515x655,103:131,ClipboardImage.png)



Before most mass attacks, perpetrators exposed someone to signs they were on a path to violence. In many cases, that person didn’t know how or who to alert about their concern. Together we can prevent mass violence. Learn how at http://fbi.gov/Prevent.


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f954d1 No.21524158

File: eb84dc9cdffdb2e⋯.png (1.29 MB,1019x1155,1019:1155,ClipboardImage.png)




Not the Bee


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b3d14e No.21524159

File: aa7883fb98e30b3⋯.jpeg (314.31 KB,1284x1195,1284:1195,IMG_2846.jpeg)

Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

Updated: Sep. 01, 2024, 5:12

Rose Simone was sunbathing on the Wildwood beach on a beautiful Wednesday afternoon when the screaming started.

“People were just screaming, ‘You hit somebody! Somebody’s under your truck! Stop!”Simone recounted in a phone interview Saturday. “Everybody is just gathering around the area and then the cop jumps out of his truck.”

A Wildwood police officer ran over a woman lying on a towel on the beach and she was pinned under the low-profile vehicle in the sand, Simone said.

Wildwood Police Chief Joseph Murphy confirmed to the Press of Atlantic City that an officer ran over a woman while he was on duty and responding to an unspecified ordinance violation. It happened near Rio Grande Avenue around 3:30 p.m. Wednesday.

The woman is expected to survive but has serious injuries, including broken ribs and vertebrae, and a lung injury, 6abc reported.

Many bystanders gathered around the truck, some digging in the sand and others working to lift the front end of the full-sized pickup truck off of her, Simone said.

“They were the ones who sprung to action,” she said.

First responders placed her on a backboard and into the back of a rescue vehicle that transported her across the beach to a waiting ambulance, Simone said. Investigators remained on scene for roughly an hour, she estimated, taking photos.

On Friday, Wildwood Police Chief Joseph Murphy told the Press of Atlantic City the officer is normally assigned to the beach and the vehicle was the department’s Ford F-150. The chief did not identify the officer or the victim, but told the Press the incident would be investigated by Wildwood Police internal affairs and the accident reconstruction officer.

A Wildwood spokeswoman said Saturday no one would be commenting on behalf of the city because of the ongoing investigation.

Simone said she had noticed the woman earlier, sitting in dark clothes on the towel with a man, who was swimming at the time of the accident.

She was amazed that the truck had struck someone so close to her, because she hadn’t heard it approaching at all, though it was about 30 feet away.

“She was behind me, and I didn’t hear a sound until I heard people screaming,” she said.


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5ce58b No.21524160

File: 33c8b439107522e⋯.png (1.02 MB,900x686,450:343,ClipboardImage.png)

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742b00 No.21524161

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ea6f2b No.21524162

File: 395703b00264efc⋯.png (86.24 KB,762x294,127:49,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21524103 (lb)

Joe was stood there a few minutes ago..

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cabf79 No.21524163

File: a7cc65ad77ae174⋯.png (1.17 MB,976x706,488:353,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3baee088973f14d⋯.gif (3.06 MB,600x251,600:251,a_nightshift_new_version.gif)

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0bb7c1 No.21524164

"We love our Country, We love our Country, and we know it is one of the highest forms of Patriotism to fight for the ideals of our Country, and that's what this election is about and about the promise of America."


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386610 No.21524165

File: 187778c6585fb37⋯.png (1.08 MB,1274x714,91:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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af6445 No.21524166

File: c300f414e63755b⋯.png (85.14 KB,515x557,515:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0a888afbf7ac22⋯.png (19.84 KB,473x147,473:147,ClipboardImage.png)


https://qagg.news/?q={D%2009/02/} today's deltas

https://qagg.news/?read=2057 ECW

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b045ef No.21524167

>>21524138 ty bakes

at this point in time - biden' policies sounds and are more coherent than this gush mush mish mash

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ea6f2b No.21524168

File: 87a6bc682ad346d⋯.png (647.99 KB,837x476,837:476,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b00090005e1b35⋯.png (682.7 KB,843x470,843:470,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7a5b1 No.21524169

File: b4df7ce69546d3d⋯.png (1 MB,972x888,81:74,kamag.png)

CLOSED borders

LOW prices

WHITE nationalism

that's Ka-MAGA!

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bc0a42 No.21524170

File: 418f6e985d3ebfc⋯.png (451.45 KB,871x734,871:734,ClipboardImage.png)

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b548a6 No.21524171

File: f71a3fb67872458⋯.png (86.89 KB,714x574,51:41,f71a3fb67872458481f2d0e716….png)

File: 9fefcaa6e169758⋯.png (58.32 KB,191x195,191:195,Screen_Shot_2024_08_21_at_….png)

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f7a5b1 No.21524172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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af6445 No.21524173

File: ea7fdde500b35f5⋯.png (286.22 KB,512x650,256:325,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity. Under Comrade Kamala Harris, all Americans are suffering during this Holiday weekend — High Gas Prices, Transportation Costs are up, and Grocery Prices are through the roof. We can’t keep living under this weak and failed “Leadership.”

In my First Term, we achieved Major Successes to protect American Workers by negotiating Free and Fair Trade Deals, passing the USMCA (U.S./Mexico/Canada), and giving Businesses and their Workers the tools to thrive. We also invested heavily in Education and Job Training programs for those who wish to expand upon their abilities, and be successful in an Industry that they love. We were an Economic Powerhouse, all because of the American Worker! But Kamala and Biden have undone all of that. When I return to the White House, we will continue upon our Successes by creating an Environment that ensures ALL Workers, and Businesses, have the opportunity to prosper and achieve their American Dream. We will, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


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f6670f No.21524174

File: 33dc5c3ead97049⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB,460x458,230:229,avy77Yq_460sv.mp4)

Muh orbs

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b64ec8 No.21524175

File: 9a3733d407754a8⋯.png (258.21 KB,640x480,4:3,EZRA_ONLY_TWEETS_ABOUT_1_T….png)

File: cde7dea055fa307⋯.png (460.54 KB,1204x1352,301:338,Ezra_Cohen_Q_anon_garbage_….png)

File: bc1dd471fbd1720⋯.png (38.38 KB,535x319,535:319,ezra_cohen_threatens_qatar….png)

File: 882850b5e36a2df⋯.png (28.29 KB,590x326,295:163,ezra_cohen_says_stopped_dr….png)

File: 229338503c2af93⋯.png (191.27 KB,426x473,426:473,muh_national_security_ecks….png)

>>21523978 pb

>Q-anon garbage is a foreign intelligence operation

Ezra used the hyphenated Q. Anons notabled it (ironically) and 2nded it. Somehow it didn't quite make the final notables last bread.

He's gone full Flynn!

Alex Jones show appearance when?

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113a7b No.21524176

File: 856044931f455df⋯.jpg (83.38 KB,888x499,888:499,qeiyfdgred.jpg)

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b52182 No.21524177

File: 02c8e0d1fc05dac⋯.jpg (174.58 KB,1273x716,1273:716,02c8e0d1fc05dacaa08e029e34….jpg)

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ea6f2b No.21524178

File: 92bad1db75377cc⋯.png (80.22 KB,209x286,19:26,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42742185a5ae3e5⋯.png (264.74 KB,516x286,258:143,ClipboardImage.png)

"We take care of our own…"

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af6445 No.21524179

File: 3a7dcde78268628⋯.png (231.78 KB,450x321,150:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdb01f No.21524180

File: 60d610be7acc370⋯.png (504.49 KB,1440x1698,240:283,meme_thief.png)

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b045ef No.21524181


biden is totally up staging harris

nobody wants a pic w here - she's just a stooge less than worthless stray dog kicked off to the side with a classic biden boot

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56c942 No.21524182




thought it said boobs

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b548a6 No.21524183

File: a7e602df9b9799a⋯.png (954.67 KB,736x920,4:5,a7e602df9b9799a30b8af41fa9….png)

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8c2665 No.21524184


=*Before most mass attacks, perpetrators exposed someone to signs they were on a path to violence. Call us and learn how we at the FBI can help them down that path.==

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1e1be8 No.21524185

Poll at the link. You know what to do

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes @Biz_Shrink

Restarting this poll as someone hacked the original: Please repost and share.

If World War III was about to kick off, who do you think would calm things down and handle things peacefully?


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92a662 No.21524186

Please bring back "the old man" Tomas!

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78fb77 No.21524187

File: b7209221eb43d46⋯.jpeg (174.91 KB,1284x838,642:419,IMG_2847.jpeg)

File: 2eb7c75a559b78e⋯.jpeg (211.64 KB,1185x740,237:148,IMG_2848.jpeg)

File: fa79023a2ba38a8⋯.jpeg (172.77 KB,1284x788,321:197,IMG_2849.jpeg)

File: 9e26e7d6a5fc267⋯.jpeg (139.69 KB,1284x808,321:202,IMG_2850.jpeg)

File: 964a171e4abf613⋯.jpeg (156.62 KB,1284x812,321:203,IMG_2851.jpeg)

Rare desert rains may have stifled Atlantic hurricanes—for now

Dennis Mersereau

Sat, August 31, 2024 at 1:33 PM EDT

Hurricane Beryl roared through the Caribbean in July as the earliest scale-topping Category 5 storm ever observed in the Atlantic—an apparent omen at the beginning of what experts expected to be a hyperactive, high-end hurricane season.

But save for a few odd storms, the tropics have been relatively quiet since Beryl’s deadly journey. A unique factor is driving this unexpected pause in hurricane season, and it’s not likely to last for much longer.

Where have all the hurricanes gone?

Seasonal forecasts called for a very active Atlantic hurricane season this year. Near-record sea surface temperatures across the basin, paired with other factors like a budding La Niña and an active African monsoon season, all seemed to point toward a bustling tropical basin.

Beryl was a stark example of what this season is capable of. Water temperatures remain much warmer than normal throughout the tropics—certainly warm enough to support very strong storms. But storms can only grow strong if a storm can form at all.

The main reason forecasters believe it’s been a quiet August is rather unique.

Rain falling over the Sahara Desert instead

Normally, we see easterly waves—tropical disturbances—form within a broad area of low pressure known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). These waves then roll off the western coast of Africa and into the tropical Atlantic Ocean where they seed the development of tropical cyclones.

This year, the ITCZ is sitting farther north than usual, pushing bouts of rare heavy rainfall over portions of the Sahara Desert. This precipitation could amount to an entire month’s worth of rain falling over an area that’s almost always arid, including sections of Algeria, Mali, Libya, and Niger.

Tropical waves heading farther north than usual combined with lower-than-normal instability over the tropical Atlantic Ocean have resulted in fewer opportunities for tropical waves to move over the ocean and develop into tropical storms and hurricanes.

Peak season is right around the corner

Historically, more than half of all hurricane activity in the Atlantic basin occurs after Labour Day. The climatological peak of the season occurs during the second week of September.

It’s important to remember that a quiet stretch during hurricane season doesn’t mean that the season has shut down. It only takes one storm to make for a bad season if that storm makes landfall.

MUST SEE: Hurricane forecasts are better today than ever before—here’s how

While this quiet stretch has likely cut down on the number of opportunities for storms to erupt, forecasters remain confident that we’ll see a decent number of storms over the coming weeks and months.

Hurricanes are relatively rare for a reason. It takes all the right ingredients coming together perfectly in order for a storm to develop and thrive. Many of those ingredients, such as very warm water temperatures, are in place right now.

Folks across the eastern half of Canada—even far inland in Ontario and Quebec—should prepare for potential landfalling storms over the coming weeks and months. Ensure you have an emergency kit handy long before one is ever needed.


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b045ef No.21524188

getting to shunned to the door

hurry hurry - close the feed

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b64ec8 No.21524189

File: 94216587a236da6⋯.png (87.82 KB,318x236,159:118,andrew_tate_mossad_with_al….png)

File: 0f0985eb3d22908⋯.mp4 (924.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,alex_jones_no_care_if_US_i….mp4)

File: ff811569aaaf422⋯.jpeg (619.84 KB,828x596,207:149,mike_flynn_alex_jones_con….jpeg)

File: c005cb43557c392⋯.jpg (30.84 KB,692x587,692:587,alex_jones_burns_trump_mag….jpg)


>He's gone full Flynn!

>Alex Jones show appearance when?

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aa9934 No.21524190

File: 40cda3e054e8e5a⋯.png (490.9 KB,1204x1352,301:338,EzraACohen.png)


>Q-anon garbage

ffs, i'm confused

does he mean "Qanon" is garbage?

or does he mean Q and anons are garbage?

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f5893a No.21524191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in 4 days

September 6 at 4:00 PM

LIVE: Trump Addresses the National Board of the Fraternal Order of Police in Charlotte, NC - 9/6/24

Scheduled for Sep 6, 2024

Stay in the loop with the latest coverage from Right Side Broadcasting Network! Head to rsbnetwork.com/newsletter and download our new mobile app to get breaking news updates for Trump rallies and more.


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9e3bfe No.21524192

File: 4ab7ef28a7ff11b⋯.png (2.18 MB,1242x994,621:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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277928 No.21524193

File: d78e7070a5b760f⋯.png (763.29 KB,1000x537,1000:537,happylaborday.png)



Pluck the Fruit and Herbs of the Garden, while you can!


Happy Labor Day

Just sayn' but it was speculated that the FreeMasons who named the two holidays which framed the Summer months (in the Northern Hemisphere) reversed the natural order, on purpose.

Spring should be LABOR DAY, beginning of the work Year. Beginning of the Year -

Fall should be Memorial Day, remembering the Dead, the dying of the Year. (into Winter)

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b64ec8 No.21524194

File: 6c2d2cdd905df72⋯.gif (8.23 MB,600x338,300:169,hurricane_lane_hawaii_aug_….gif)


>Where have all the hurricanes gone?

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c44502 No.21524195

File: e5de1983e7dd684⋯.jpg (98.88 KB,680x680,1:1,GWZDMpQbwAAk8f8.jpg)

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cabf79 No.21524196

File: a271f419085271d⋯.png (429.49 KB,577x499,577:499,ClipboardImage.png)


its labour



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56c942 No.21524197


mostly peaceful arson

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ebd708 No.21524198

File: 8a3eccc329128c4⋯.jpg (66.71 KB,720x507,240:169,Screenshot_20240827_085851….jpg)

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c0d5e9 No.21524199

The Day, anons, has already seized.

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4cbbe6 No.21524200

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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cabf79 No.21524201


is halper related to the walrus halper?

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c1edd2 No.21524202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Carpe Diem - Seize the Day

C before D


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db8934 No.21524203


There is actually no reason to have a F150 truck ion the beach whatsoever except to intimidate taxpayers. They could easily use an all-terrain cycle with an umbrella.

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4cbbe6 No.21524204

File: 4a8200bee75264e⋯.png (561.6 KB,1000x764,250:191,4a8200bee75264e00e1877aee4….png)

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277928 No.21524205

File: c742338e6f14d59⋯.jpg (319.06 KB,1600x1200,4:3,darkknight.JPG)


"Spring should be LABOR DAY, beginning of the work Year. Beginning of the Year - "

Time for Birth; LABOR

Didn't Margery Green say, when she was in NYC that it was "Gotham"

I thought she said that.

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af6445 No.21524206

File: 302a83dbcd65103⋯.png (472.97 KB,679x523,679:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc0a42 No.21524207

File: 270742f715b863b⋯.jpeg (224.74 KB,1130x1088,565:544,270742f715b863b8ff97d2964….jpeg)

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b64ec8 No.21524208

File: cfb8120d0349e03⋯.png (17.85 KB,445x418,445:418,ClipboardImage.png)


keknotable af

he totally got delta'd.

I don't think he meant to do that.

See also ##2462

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1e1be8 No.21524209

File: fdb665cf695a513⋯.png (22.4 KB,240x135,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

James O'Keefe


Looking forward to this one





Sep 1

Muckraker Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida - FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PLACING ALIEN CHILDREN IN TRAFFICKING RINGS

Muckraker has just concluded a months-long investigation into the Unaccompanied Children (UC) Program of @HHSGov.

We have now obtained first-hand testimonies from children who were delivered to a trafficking ring in Florida. According to insiders, the Department of Health and Human Services has known about this trafficking case for 3 years but did nothing to find the trafficked children.

According to the children we found, they were encouraged to come to the United States after hearing radio advertisements in Guatemala promoting the journey.


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c0d5e9 No.21524210

>>21523784 n, >>21523964 n Marathon not a sprint

if you ain't Judeo-Christian, you ain't shit.

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aa9934 No.21524211

File: 3701c97821693db⋯.png (1.28 MB,1094x816,547:408,tybcopy.png)

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83905e No.21524212

File: ee26170f3639bdb⋯.png (8.24 KB,876x128,219:32,Screenshot_2024_09_02_1837….png)

File: d997576f954392a⋯.png (6.27 KB,981x104,981:104,Screenshot_2024_09_02_1837….png)

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0613a4 No.21524213

File: 1206abb57bcccdb⋯.png (27.61 KB,580x410,58:41,2057.png)

File: 2c9e06ed3ece1cf⋯.png (76.41 KB,580x988,145:247,2058.png)

>>21523978 lb


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1e1be8 No.21524214

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bc0a42 No.21524215

File: 3342936e60bb87f⋯.jpg (77.66 KB,660x528,5:4,pepe11.jpg)

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cabf79 No.21524216

File: 074fa18f973744f⋯.png (674.46 KB,851x570,851:570,ClipboardImage.png)


you are not wrong.

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1ac654 No.21524217

Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

Sept. 1, 2024

Bloomberg) – Hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman joined critics of a court order to suspend Elon Musk’s X in Brazil, saying the ruling will likely drive away investors and harm the country.

On Friday, Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered internet service providers in Brazil to block its users from accessing X, after the social media company refused to appoint a legal representative in the country to deal with requests to take down accounts allegedly involved in spreading political misinformation.

Moraes also ordered the freeze of funds held by another of Musk’s enteprises, Starlink, to serve as collateral for fines imposed on X for not following court decisions.

The “illegal shut down of X and account freeze at Starlink put Brazil on a rapid path to becoming an uninvestable market,” Ackman said in a post on X on Saturday night.“China committed similar acts leading to capital flight and a collapse in valuations. The same will happen to Brazil unless they quickly retreat from these illegal acts.”

Over the weekend, most of Brazil’s largest internet providers complied with the order, pushing users in the country to migrate to some of X’s competitors. Social media network Bluesky, founded by Jack Dorsey after selling Twitter to Musk, reported one million new users in the three days ending on Saturday and published a series of posts in Portuguese to welcome Brazilians signing up for the service.

The full panel of panel of Supreme Court justices will seek to reconvene as soon as Monday to discuss the ban and are likely to back Moraes’s ruling, local website G1 reported, citing an unnamed judge. In an interview with newspaper Folha, Chief Justice Luis Roberto Barroso appeared to support the ruling, saying without mentioning X in particular that a company without legal representation in the country can’t be allowed to operate.

(Corrects spelling of Twitter in penultimate paragraph. An earlier version of the story corrected the same error.)

The Ultimate Fuck Around and Find Out


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db8934 No.21524218


Ezra is alright but he is pining for Israel just as much. Can't blame him, consider all the people protesting Netanyahu, not all are robots.

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0fd015 No.21524219

File: 70938146a2028f9⋯.png (152.74 KB,235x445,47:89,UK_Coppers.png)


>you are not wrong.

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ebd708 No.21524220

File: 5a4d7c6a8686acf⋯.jpg (79.61 KB,500x500,1:1,se3ko9.jpg)

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9864a0 No.21524221

File: 31cd1f2a502c3fb⋯.png (327.57 KB,855x627,15:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc0a42 No.21524222

File: dd6ac8104c9a49b⋯.png (312.07 KB,416x448,13:14,myfaggot.png)

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c0d5e9 No.21524223


…sez muh carp

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b64ec8 No.21524224


>Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’


American companies don't make any fucking money in foreign markets anyway.

It's basically a pointless exercise

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aa9934 No.21524225


fuck you i'm orthodox christian

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c8efb4 No.21524226

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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bc0a42 No.21524227

File: 42485ec59b7c5e6⋯.jpg (95.7 KB,841x761,841:761,040af29a81af59e1.jpg)

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1e1be8 No.21524228

File: 274f275c38e5708⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17253168350….mp4)



A 12-year-old Maryland boy has broken into at least 5 car dealerships and stolen cars.

Due to a recently enacted law, the boy cannot be charged with a crime.

Officers who detain him, are ordered to give him a ride home.


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ea6f2b No.21524229

File: 9f6786c806fbd4c⋯.jpg (42.37 KB,631x473,631:473,meme_police.JPG)

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08e1aa No.21524230


>The chief did not identify the officer

Good cops

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60bb5e No.21524231


Way to early for the religious arguments, postpone your bait until the scheduled time

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bc0a42 No.21524232

File: 967c67a1de183f2⋯.jpeg (101.72 KB,500x616,125:154,967c67a1de183f2c8a7bf7975….jpeg)

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af6445 No.21524233

File: 89b8978c8e7b920⋯.png (11.54 KB,230x255,46:51,PepeKnows.png)

exactly >>21524184

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f6670f No.21524234

File: a608f437b867082⋯.png (56.9 KB,544x493,32:29,a608f437b86708216a3702c9df….png)


Seeking plausible deniability and recognition at the same time by exact detla-ing

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9d337e No.21524235

File: af137ee6eeade97⋯.png (286.18 KB,498x350,249:175,ClipboardImage.png)

jfc look at this pair

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08e1aa No.21524236


Maybe if we called them hostages the limeys would knock the shit off?

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cabf79 No.21524237

File: fe7882bcceb66e4⋯.png (425.27 KB,600x500,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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868b12 No.21524238


It usually falls off or is hanging crooked.

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b64ec8 No.21524239


>A 12-year-old Maryland boy has broken into at least 5 car dealerships and stolen cars.

>Due to a recently enacted law, the boy cannot be charged with a crime.

>Officers who detain him, are ordered to give him a ride home.

Psycho commie shit ffs

Imagine there are media tards out there supporting this

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03e133 No.21524240


>its labour

English Folk Verse (c.1870)

The Fifth of November

Remember, remember!

The fifth of November,

The Gunpowder treason and plot;

I know of no reason

Why the Gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot!

Guy Fawkes and his companions

Did the scheme contrive,

To blow the King and Parliament

All up alive.

Threescore barrels, laid below,

To prove old England's overthrow.

But, by God's providence, him they catch,

With a dark lantern, lighting a match!

A stick and a stake

For King James's sake!

If you won't give me one,

I'll take two,

The better for me,

And the worse for you.

A rope, a rope, to hang the Pope,

A penn'orth of cheese to choke him,

A pint of beer to wash it down,

And a jolly good fire to burn him.

Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the bells ring!

Holloa, boys! holloa boys! God save the King!

Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!

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b045ef No.21524241



he's jealous he aint getting the attention and msmwhores are all Q - anons



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ab4eef No.21524242

File: 01d1a6fb96fadbc⋯.jpeg (100.35 KB,457x582,457:582,IMG_2101.jpeg)

fucking hooknoses!

barron jewboy

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08e1aa No.21524243


Was he a jogger?

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9d337e No.21524244

File: 6a9f06d030ba3b0⋯.png (14 KB,674x145,674:145,6a9f06d030ba3b09dbfc53eb3f….png)

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a37b4f No.21524245


No one will go to jail, except the sunbathing lady.

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af6445 No.21524246

File: 3602fdee4d45638⋯.png (50.58 KB,473x392,473:392,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21524166 (me)




Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/02/2018 13:41:48 ID: 896ac0

8chan/qresearch: 2846716


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/02/2018 13:24:11 ID:896ac0

8chan/qresearch: 2846457

Ezra Cohen-Watnick



BRIDGES - connecting people.



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914d89 No.21524247


Hands off the kid you creep!

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9d337e No.21524248

File: 09cc57c4dbbece2⋯.mp4 (7.01 MB,1080x1920,9:16,lawz.mp4)

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755487 No.21524249

File: cf9d2a14acd372f⋯.png (27.47 KB,540x505,108:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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4cbbe6 No.21524250

File: 2f66e689e60e758⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)


Oh, look. The failfag mimic is copying down to the filename again. Obviously and blatantly not here with good or honest intent.

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aa9934 No.21524251

File: 6d7b5bd76de77f0⋯.png (52.33 KB,239x241,239:241,PepeBaby.png)


>>21524190 me

i don't get it and need help

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cabf79 No.21524252

File: de860bed191c70f⋯.png (460.48 KB,711x500,711:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 382dcee91b328dc⋯.png (553.08 KB,500x515,100:103,ClipboardImage.png)


the u.k had its election on july 4th independence day

a sick joke.

usa will have their election on Nov 5th the british guy fawkes day.

they are taking the piss

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712ca3 No.21524253


the world (meaning the men of the world) have a way to deal with such issues.

the 'boy' won't be a boy forever.

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bc0a42 No.21524254

File: d13a4355a9d99a5⋯.png (750.88 KB,718x892,359:446,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9cfa9 No.21524255


Most likely set up for an innocent man, to create a diversion.

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b64ec8 No.21524256

File: 6edab3f445fd015⋯.png (931 KB,777x777,1:1,Trump_book_2024.png)

All I'm saying is buy your president's book.

You have to own this book.

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56c942 No.21524257

File: f39658ba5f32636⋯.png (1.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


abra ka maga

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195bc2 No.21524258


Confirmed, currently post ictal…I need O2, suction, and IV access…and can someone please pads these rails.

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b548a6 No.21524259

File: 98bf7daceb08ef7⋯.png (83.61 KB,249x259,249:259,Screen_Shot_2024_09_02_at_….png)


>Was he a jogger?

Hands not dark

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ebd708 No.21524260

File: eecd1a4f04ab21e⋯.jpg (12.52 KB,219x162,73:54,Screenshot_20240831_143816….jpg)

Tom cruise in Born on the Fourth of July

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4cbbe6 No.21524261

File: 029cac540719d32⋯.jpg (100.14 KB,570x985,114:197,comfefe2.jpg)

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386610 No.21524262

File: b63dfc87a3d21a6⋯.png (1.11 MB,1273x713,1273:713,ClipboardImage.png)

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354d0f No.21524263

Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persistsElla Lee

Sun, September 1, 20241/2

The resounding impact of the Supreme Court’s decision to neuter an obstruction charge used in Jan. 6 cases will face fresh scrutiny Wednesday when a rioter’s resentencing tests whether prison terms in such cases must be reduced.

Since the high court’s June decision, scores of rioters have asked judges to push back or reconsider already-imposed sentences. Prosecutors have said in court filings that a “case-by-case” analysis of the obstruction cases is underway to determine how to move forward and whether harsher sentences can stand.

Now, attorneys are preparing to put the litmus test to Thomas Robertson, a former Virginia police officer, who was sentenced to more than seven years in prison after a jury in 2022 convicted him of six charges, including obstruction of an official proceeding.

Prosecutors said Robertson entered the Capitol with the first wave of rioters and “used his specialized training” in law enforcement to impede officers attempting to push back the mob, using a large wooden stick to strike at least two officers.

The rioter’s 87-month sentence was initially vacated and ordered redone in May due to a separate ruling by a federal appeals court that affected the guidelines for his sentencing. But the appeals court also said the rioter’s lower court judge could consider the Supreme Court’s then-pending decision on the obstruction charge when handing down a new sentence.

At Robertson’s resentencing, a federal judge will determine how much time – if any – the Supreme Court justices’ ruling should shave off the rioter’s prison term.

Prosecutors say that sentence shouldn’t budge. But Robertson’s counsel is seeking a much lower term, suggesting the rioter has been a “model inmate” for the last three years on top of his sentencing guidelines having now dramatically changed.

More than 350 rioters were charged with obstruction of an official proceeding after the Capitol attack. The statute, Section 1512(c)(2), makes it a crime to “corruptly” obstruct, impede or interfere with official inquiries and investigations by Congress.

The Justice Department initially used it to prosecute rioters who interrupted Congress’s certification of the 2020 presidential election results, but one rioter, Joseph Fischer, challenged that approach, contending that prosecutors unlawfully retooled a charge that once criminalized document shredding to encompass the conduct of those who stormed the Capitol that day.

The Supreme Court sided with 6-3 with Fischer, not along ideological lines, writing that it would be “peculiar” to conclude that Congress “hid away” a catchall provision reaching far beyond the evidence destruction that initially prompted the legislation.

“The better conclusion is that subsection (c)(2) was designed by Congress to capture other forms of evidence and other means of impairing its integrity or availability beyond those Congress specified in (c)(1),” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority.

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who sided with the court’s conservative majority, claimed that there is still a path forward for such Jan. 6 cases. Offering a roadmap to prosecutors, she suggested that Congress’s certification of the electoral vote inherently involved certain records, including the electoral votes themselves.


May they all be disbarred because they are too afraid to get overruled on the prior judgements.

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277928 No.21524264

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b64ec8 No.21524265


> the men of the world) have a way to deal with such issues

That's why there has been estrogenization for 50 years.

Girls are having puberty 5 years earlier than 100 years ago because of it.

If you don't think they plan exactly what is happening in the UK here, you haven't been paying attention

Hence why RFK Jr's issues are very important

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b52182 No.21524266

File: 495f75aba4f11d7⋯.png (131.84 KB,371x276,371:276,ClipboardImage.png)


>boy cannot be charged with a crime

kek. zeeze krauts actually have an official sign for that.

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9d337e No.21524267

File: 857f780487a6af4⋯.png (646.96 KB,912x649,912:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8efb4 No.21524268

File: a7458da3d5d617d⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)


I can help you understand, frendo. Anon is here with good and honest intent. People want you confused over Q drops and who is Q. God bless you.

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b64ec8 No.21524269



anywhere books are sold anon eg amazon dot com

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cabf79 No.21524270


that is a roman nose.

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354d0f No.21524271



“It might well be that Fischer’s conduct, as alleged here, involved the impairment (or the attempted impairment) of the availability or integrity of things used during the January 6 proceeding ‘in ways other than those specified in (c)(1),’” Jackson wrote. “If so, then Fischer’s prosecution under §1512(c)(2) can, and should, proceed.”

At the recent sentencing of Michael Sparks, the first rioter to enter the Capitol building on Jan. 6, the Justice Department tested out its own route in the already-tried case.

Prosecutors contended at the sentencing last week that Sparks’s obstruction conviction should still hold weight in deciding his sentence, despite theirdismissing the count following the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Their argument was twofold and focused specifically on evidence Sparks destroyed: the rioter permanently shuttered his Facebook account after the FBI informed him of a warrant for his arrest, and he erased text messages between himself and another rioter.

“This was a targeted effort,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Emily Allen told the judge last week.

Sparks’s attorney countered that deleting a Facebook account could not qualify as obstruction, when apps like Snapchat or Signal automatically delete content as part of their services.

But U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly sided with prosecutors, ruling that the context of Sparks’s actions – that the erasures occurred once he knew he was wanted by authorities – is key. The judge chose to weigh the offense and significantly depart from federal guidelines to sentence Sparks to more than four years in prison.

Handing down that sentence, Kelly also noted that a jury found Sparks guilty of obstructing Congress’s certification of the 2020 election, despite the later dismissal.

“I do find you had that intent, too,” the judge said.

In Friday filings for Robertson’s case, Assistant U.S. Attorney Elizabeth Aloi pointed to Sparks as the first defendant convicted at trial of the obstruction charge where the government did not also proceed to sentencing on that count. She brought Kelly’s harsh sentence to the attention of Robertson’s judge, suggesting a similar roadmap for Robertson’s own resentencing.

“The applicable guidelines calculation did not account for Sparks’ clear intent to disrupt a government function,” Aloi wrote.


They are defying the SC by changing a couple of words. May they all be judged for the way they judged j6ers

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26ad76 No.21524272


they need to get that fucking truck off the beach

perhaps some tires need to be popped until they get the picture?

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ea6f2b No.21524273



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195bc2 No.21524274


Tis a Roman nose…

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4fc9b1 No.21524275


All he saying is his timestamps don't have meaning, as he's not a Q level insider.

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b0e7d2 No.21524276


Definitely Roman.

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b045ef No.21524277

MSMDNC - poses the panic Trump will be a far right dictator on day one.

Using that very same logic one can definitely safely conclude that on day one Harris will be the far left supreme leader.

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cabf79 No.21524278

File: 4b29ce5501cb6f1⋯.png (1.69 MB,1024x752,64:47,ClipboardImage.png)


got no money

but has freedom

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4cbbe6 No.21524279

File: 3916e03fc280877⋯.png (1.34 MB,943x942,943:942,ClipboardImage.png)

Yep. Obsessed with one anon and has been for a year and a half since the MuhJoo global was added. Displaying the very behavior that if he did the same IRL it could get him kicked out of a country or killed in a back alley, just like his old division narrative used to make the accusation of.

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277928 No.21524280

File: 1eb453f245a6999⋯.jpg (194.69 KB,1080x1068,90:89,winnerofallmemeawards.jpg)


They'll find new ways to up the charges, donch think?

they've already done that.

They just make-up charges, twisted law to fit what they want to do.

Already did that to Trump

It's all to cover the stolen elections and the massive crimes they are all involved in.

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ea6f2b No.21524281


What about date stamps? Kek

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d24ca0 No.21524282

File: 29fe4e50be7fd9d⋯.png (208.17 KB,582x881,582:881,ClipboardImage.png)

What would it have looked like if it had looked as though there were a network of globalist maneuvering players who saw themselves as needing to wage a war against God in "optics", against children's bodies.

325,000 children trafficking into the country under Biden/Harris. According to DHS. "Lost"…into sex slave and ritual killings "objects" targeted with the highest and most extreme genocidal pedophilia and extreme "thought"…disordering inconsistency of depending on the thing being negated "I can kill God by killing everything closest like children".

Extreme self-alienation manifesting in a real world oligarchy of information control which can and did and does "control" any receiving consciousness trusting it to be speaking of anyone or anything but itself.

325,000 children trafficked under Harris/Biden "blind eye" "knowing for (self) but not knowing for (you)".

Churches being burned down.

The censorship complex was always to prevent this network of criminals from becoming "publicly known" by no longer being able to impose information firewalls into the world that are beyond self-censorship and into 'you-censorship'.

A voice saying no voices…

evil is practising destruction to defeat their own invoked dependency that is inside the mind to stay inside the mind and speak and act inconsistent with sameself instance of dependency reference formation.


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af6445 No.21524283

File: 4436326e30e36d5⋯.png (27.39 KB,473x168,473:168,ClipboardImage.png)





Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/02/2018 16:18:24 ID: 04b60a

8chan/qresearch: 2848806


Played by 'Operation Specialists' [pre-event] last night.


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354d0f No.21524284


Reminder Kelly was appointed by Trump, he's too afraid to go against the DC judicial Marxist regime

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ab4eef No.21524285

File: 01505751f2dabc8⋯.jpeg (60.09 KB,408x632,51:79,IMG_1458.jpeg)



oy vey the goyim are wising up

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bc0a42 No.21524286

File: 6b5702002d606d1⋯.png (319.17 KB,1048x610,524:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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d24ca0 No.21524287

who funded the people who set fire to the 19th century church in France?

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b64ec8 No.21524288


If you can't afford 90 bucks for something that's important in your life the system has failed you and I'm not sure freedom can be sustained at that level for people

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83905e No.21524289


With Trump basically endorsing Q on Truth Social, is Ezra saying Trump is a foreign agent??

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ab4eef No.21524290

File: e039068102e3c6f⋯.jpeg (129.88 KB,648x484,162:121,IMG_2102.jpeg)


>appointed by Trump

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c8efb4 No.21524291

File: 3916e03fc280877⋯.png (1.34 MB,943x942,943:942,3916e03fc280877e73e3c12109….png)

Does anyone know the definition of choleric? Not cleric, you dnd fags.

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277928 No.21524292

File: 1a6e527709e4475⋯.gif (796.54 KB,500x667,500:667,begonetard.gif)


i don't buy from amazon.

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75cc59 No.21524293

File: ea9d622c3d67ed7⋯.png (629.29 KB,832x439,832:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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af6445 No.21524294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4cbbe6 No.21524295

File: 93d87eebfe26a9f⋯.png (808.49 KB,1080x604,270:151,93d87eebfe26a9ff523231a679….png)

They're so rent free in my head that they're the ones imitating everything they can about me. There is no logic in that. It's a complete psychotic reasoning with logic full of hole like Swiss cheese and held together with frayed string. I walk away from the keyboard or I filter their sorry asses and they're no moar rent free than a fly outside the house is.

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b64ec8 No.21524296

File: c966c39dae84414⋯.png (805.85 KB,1160x928,5:4,mike_michelle_obama_paris_….png)

File: 497e35049ab6609⋯.png (670.91 KB,960x709,960:709,mike_michelle_obama_paris_….png)

File: 21785b0dd40ebc2⋯.png (769.31 KB,1080x1051,1080:1051,MIKE_OBAMA_MICHELLE_WINE_G….png)

File: c02b799ba868be7⋯.png (476.29 KB,1191x556,1191:556,notre_dame_burn_michelle_o….png)


you mean this one?

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755487 No.21524297


Ever heard of the internet?

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c8efb4 No.21524298

File: 725c30160223517⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,550x550,1:1,modest_pepe2.jpg)



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b52182 No.21524299

File: 8a9d0818ff1d7e1⋯.png (698.52 KB,846x496,423:248,8a9d0818ff1d7e18515cde71ff….png)


>got possessions? less freedom.


Telegram's Durov said similar

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a5a68f No.21524300

File: 0ccc0e4d584550a⋯.png (963.78 KB,715x519,715:519,ClipboardImage.png)

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cabf79 No.21524301

File: 2ab56cef85f1be1⋯.png (731.82 KB,500x643,500:643,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85a04fcf7811f77⋯.png (354 KB,500x503,500:503,ClipboardImage.png)


not that important in anons life.

covered the whole thing live for the last 8 years


go back to shilling for the clowns in the kitchen.

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a37b4f No.21524302

File: 4cd005892f5ec7f⋯.jpg (52.78 KB,324x324,1:1,Gay_Meme_Police_NPC.jpg)

File: cd4477f8021397a⋯.jpg (375.79 KB,1600x890,160:89,Metropolitan_Police_UK_We_….jpg)


you fucked noaw

Queer 2 tiers coming for you

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97b2f2 No.21524303

File: f12aaacff23dd9e⋯.jpg (105.95 KB,693x659,693:659,1509916205602.jpg)

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0613a4 No.21524304


Are you Parakletos or Vatican Shill?

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f954d1 No.21524305

File: 3200e1a161f3803⋯.mp4 (631.12 KB,498x346,249:173,3200e1a161f3803b0a5fda95a8….mp4)

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ea6f2b No.21524306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UK: Angela Rayner REFUSES to give Reform MP definition of ‘Islamaphobia’

During questions to the Housing Secretary in the House of Commons, Angela Rayner refuses to give a definition of ‘Islamaphobia’ to Reform MP Lee Anderson.


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b64ec8 No.21524307

File: c159a7a259a9c7e⋯.jpg (90.41 KB,915x1024,915:1024,domestic_terreeeeeeerorist.jpg)



fuck their narrative

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a37b4f No.21524308

File: 9ba37ccc643c654⋯.jpg (283.88 KB,739x1263,739:1263,DiCaprio_Wait_No_Strip.jpg)

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f6670f No.21524309

File: e4842520c8c93b7⋯.png (585.38 KB,734x524,367:262,16320f3cd99d4c9efe18495bc7….png)


Funny that not a singe pundit dares to say what the 8kun really is

Bunch of people who share fresh news and internets most dank memes

While deconstructing most fake news on the interwebs within few minutes

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8c2665 No.21524310


Mr. Barr?

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75cc59 No.21524311

File: 250ac8c65417df1⋯.png (302.73 KB,617x572,617:572,ClipboardImage.png)

Adam Schiff

@AdamSchiff 9m

Heading up to the far north of this big beautiful state to visit with some of the tribal nations, explore off-shore wind, learn about reforestation efforts in the redwoods and more.

Thanks to Rep. @JaredHuffman for organizing.

Sep 2, 2024 · 10:46 PM UTC


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4cbbe6 No.21524312

He wants no one to be recognized he claims, as he tries to be recognized by imitating someone else. I agree with Pig. Totally fuckin' broken. Like a drooling child locked into an imitation routine of the person he blames for his failure so he wants to destroy and take everything he can from that person. Poor l'il guy. Seeing the country back to normal means moar than anything that little Grima Wormtongue can every think of doing to me.

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a5a68f No.21524313


"Maryland boy" Gang is running him because he can walk.

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ab4eef No.21524314

File: 77c9fd94e282228⋯.jpeg (58.04 KB,522x484,261:242,IMG_1940.jpeg)

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aa9934 No.21524315


tyvm, got it

Q is fren and you is fren

rest is fake and ghey

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4fc9b1 No.21524316


It's possible he's advised what date to poast any given information, or he just can't wait to shitpoast when he gets something dasting.

But I doubt decodes depend on his postings.

None the less, its good info, which gives us clues or confirmation to drop info.

Additionally, optically, he would be MSM crucified if he confirmed Q.

Only Trump can take those slings and arrows for the time being. And Q+ is certainly pushing the envelope.

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dc7725 No.21524317

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0bb7c1 No.21524318

File: a5d6b93184c3001⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,720x1280,9:16,we_are_not_going_back.mp4)

Some Harris/Walz supporters showed up at the Glenn Youngkin rally today and told them what they think….

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a37b4f No.21524319



Gets bullied in school for looking like a penis.

Becomes head of Met Police to get vengeance.

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9d337e No.21524320

File: 8332c2952b1c608⋯.png (893.29 KB,950x853,950:853,ClipboardImage.png)


I hear they're wonderful people…

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a37b4f No.21524321


Everything woke turns to shit.

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0f0d38 No.21524322

File: d6208e8f18e0230⋯.jpeg (687.9 KB,828x1339,828:1339,B07829C7_DB33_4B3D_903F_4….jpeg)


Dig in on the Karen Read situation.

The rot is deep in this one.


It ends where it started.

Deep old rot.

Lotta problems, bad cops/judges/DAs/Governor.

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ea6f2b No.21524323

File: b265ead63d14c4b⋯.png (462.19 KB,842x471,842:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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97b2f2 No.21524324

File: d7eb0ff665c9922⋯.png (629.15 KB,689x933,689:933,d7eb0ff665c9922da10600559a….png)

File: 03020f7208b8636⋯.png (208.83 KB,370x368,185:184,03020f7208b8636fc050c6834a….png)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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4cbbe6 No.21524325

File: 752bd36bb568be4⋯.jpg (78.02 KB,500x499,500:499,752bd36bb568be41464fa926b4….jpg)

Broken and shattered. Grown middle-aged men behaving like toddlers imitating someone that annoyed them. Paid in some form by an alphabet agency or contracted by them most likely. And that's their best? The best they have is a fucking parrot displaying jealousy? Weak. So fucking weak. KEK!

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aa9934 No.21524326


no he isnt

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0bb7c1 No.21524327


You don't have to sit on a certain side. Fuck off. We are free.

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ea6f2b No.21524328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b64ec8 No.21524329

File: 5dac910b550ef87⋯.jpg (157.83 KB,1200x900,4:3,DC_june_2020.jpg)


>Trump, Trump's book, cover of shooting context

>not that important in anons life.

you'll excuse me if I find that pathetic.

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78fb77 No.21524330


Hacking blind spot: States struggle to vet coders of election software

In New Hampshire, acybersecurity firm found troubling security bugs — and the Ukrainian national anthem — written into a voter database built with the help of an overseas subcontractor.

“We felt the need to just do a hard look at the software code that the offshore resources had been working on,” Scanlan said in the first of two interviews in the New Hampshire Statehouse this April.

The issues discovered by ReversingLabs were concerning. They could have left the state’s voter registration database vulnerable to foreign hackers had the system been brought online without first being studied, according to the individual directly familiar with the probe and those briefed on the details by POLITICO.

That did not include the hardcoded Ukrainian national anthem, which posed no technical threat, but could have given fodder to conspiracy theorists.

The first of those risks stemmed from Microsoft software that had been misconfigured — probably by accident —to connect to servers in foreign countries, including Russia. The outbound traffic could have made it easier for hackers to identify and reconnoiter the system and slip past defenses deployed to protect it.

In addition, code for the database — which was not in use yet — included popular open-source software, core-js, that is overseen by a Russian national, Denis Pushkarev.

In an op-ed published last November that did not name New Hampshire or WSD Digital, a ReversingLabs researcher argued that using core-js in election technology was dangerous. Core-js included “callbacks” to Pushkarev’s personal website that could allow Pushkarev to pinpoint specific users of core-js, the article warned.

And the op-ed, which included a quote from the ReversingLabs CEO,suggested that Pushkarev’s criminal history and publicized financial struggles could make him susceptible to blackmail.

Though a reputable coder, Pushkarev warned publicly in early 2023 that sanctions against Russia over the war in Ukraine had cut off much of the financial support he was receiving for upkeeping core-js. In the same post, he also disclosed he served prison time following a hit-and-run incident that left one of the victims, a teenager, dead.

Dan Lorenc, an open source security expert andfounder of supply-chain security start-up Chainguard, said his concern is that someone could “slip malware” through core-js to its users.

While the risk is modest for some of the several million applications that use core-js, Lorenc argued that election technology should be held to a higher standard.

“When it comes to security critical software, you have to be responsible for every single component in there, including the open source, and that’s kind of a gap that not a lot of people think about,” he said.

In a text conversation, Pushkarev called ReversingLabs’ warnings “stupid and unprofessional,” arguing that any effort to “inject anything malicious” into core-js would be noticed by its users.

He also argued that his legal troubles are behind him. “There are no levers of pressure on me from any special services,” he wrote, “moreover — any compromise of the project would mean the end of my career.”

WSD Digital and ReversingLabs did not respond to repeated requests for comment over the course of several months.

Scanlan and Lang emphasized that the voter registration database was not online at the time of the probe, and that many organizations, including the U.S. government, use foreign contractors for some IT systems.

They said they opted not to cut ties with WSD because the company was transparent after they confronted it, and the scan revealed no signs that the system had been tampered with.

“There was nothing alarming that we saw that would cause any red flag for us,” Lang said.


When they don't see threats, there are always threats. Ukraine is a threat.

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6a9ecf No.21524331

File: bd8158fdaec26a4⋯.jpg (18.41 KB,474x346,237:173,th_1474933058.jpg)

File: 520534eb92fa406⋯.jpg (19.74 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2787169715.jpg)

File: 4ed9597b5e9e01e⋯.jpg (20.33 KB,474x266,237:133,th_85823046.jpg)

File: e97c44251f98223⋯.png (308.09 KB,350x498,175:249,PO_the_kiss_button_busy_be….png)

File: 73205b39d0c8b82⋯.gif (1.82 MB,320x240,4:3,1ecPNe_292210637.gif)



Just the Tip?

No taxon, Tipper?

No Tampon? Tamponades can be dangerous?

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755487 No.21524332


I don't think Notre Dame is a 19th century church.

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bc0a42 No.21524333

File: c2979fe94b8e74b⋯.png (1.62 MB,779x1098,779:1098,c2979fe94b8e74ba109941db0d….png)

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b52182 No.21524334

File: 6102bdd28d7818b⋯.jpg (31.7 KB,720x702,40:39,6102bdd28d7818b95ef27f7c12….jpg)


>Q is fren and (you) is fren

fixed it for (you)

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c8efb4 No.21524335

File: e72741511bc8504⋯.jpg (23.32 KB,474x266,237:133,super_pepe2.jpg)


He's both

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dc7725 No.21524336

File: 23d9259358003be⋯.jpg (72.71 KB,408x512,51:64,nadaGUEY.jpg)


>do not eat the Kmart salad bar

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a37b4f No.21524337

File: abb40dc73c393be⋯.jpg (463.86 KB,1200x798,200:133,Trump_Olga_Poster_Pepe_Bew….jpg)


That you, Olga?

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cabf79 No.21524338

File: 726a9a9ea6f3807⋯.png (1.81 MB,960x856,120:107,ClipboardImage.png)


Forward at God Speed


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9cba7a No.21524339

File: 79f362b68f6456d⋯.png (450.41 KB,618x618,1:1,79f362b68f6456dbf03b867598….png)

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f6670f No.21524340

File: e7ed66279a89342⋯.jpg (65.31 KB,460x437,20:19,FgUHku9WQAY_CZh.jpg)

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ffb257 No.21524341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9a1d6a No.21524342

File: 0cc7526d795a5ef⋯.jpg (521.94 KB,1071x1356,357:452,Screenshot_20240903_105941….jpg)

Trust Kansas

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195bc2 No.21524343

File: 9856de6aa427c1b⋯.jpg (395.91 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_2024_09_02_18_5….jpg)


I didn't make the nose and July…

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712ca3 No.21524344


no heroes in that story.

she was acquitted for murder but the judge won't let the jury's decision stand.

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75cc59 No.21524345

File: 139f9c81dc1b8e5⋯.png (31.55 KB,618x267,206:89,ClipboardImage.png)

Chuck Schumer

@SenSchumer 1h

I’m pained and troubled by the horrible shooting that took place as we were marching together at the West Indian Day Festival and Parade in Brooklyn.

Thank you to our 1st responders on the scene. I pray for everyone affected. We must keep working to end gun violence in America.

Sep 2, 2024 · 9:35 PM UTC


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b64ec8 No.21524346

File: cdbfe17dde2a83c⋯.jpg (63.36 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Video_Emerges_of_Men_Insid….jpg)

File: 770a8a27a7c5eb2⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB,720x900,4:5,Video_Emerges_of_Men_Insid….mp4)


>I don't think Notre Dame is a 19th century church.

ok. I don't keep trcak of the building dates of foreign landmarks tbh

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4cbbe6 No.21524347


I'm neither. But the one's imitating very well good be. Baselines AEI called them.

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a5a68f No.21524348

File: 8229decdd5a6d0f⋯.png (278.97 KB,404x280,101:70,ClipboardImage.png)

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195bc2 No.21524349

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589f69 No.21524350


Fire is how Jews destroy everything

“Jewish Lightening”

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ffb257 No.21524351


If it wasn't for first grade, you never would have had class.

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712ca3 No.21524352

File: f9a5fbf1a0bd165⋯.jpg (27.69 KB,552x627,184:209,swirlly_hatted_totalitaria….jpg)

File: 7bc7b18c5df4933⋯.jpg (73.2 KB,611x1000,611:1000,swirlly_hatted_totalitaria….jpg)

File: 9499cc9661cc471⋯.jpg (110.36 KB,329x1159,329:1159,lot_on_her_mind_003.jpg)

File: 252e1fda5dc78a9⋯.jpg (111.28 KB,329x1159,329:1159,lot_on_her_mind_002.jpg)

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277928 No.21524353

File: e62073a2487bd89⋯.jpg (277.01 KB,1200x692,300:173,danceofthednowflakes.JPG)


when they glow red in the face and usually die of heart attack

They project that on POTUS but don't use such a hard word.

Hasty, Passionate, Apt to be Angry.

On the contrary about Trump: He is very patient. He listens. He delves into details. With much provocation by his enemies he doesn't lose his temper.

He has a very mild temperament.

He uses his words of praise and blame to get the most out of people - why he is a successful businessman.

He has no use for idiot snowflakes.

Snowflakes will melt fast under the heat of the Light of Truth.

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56c942 No.21524354


Trump can't be that stupid that he goes "qanon"

when he ? knows the rulez

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aa9934 No.21524355

File: 6dc7567d72b7273⋯.jpg (280.61 KB,1920x1200,8:5,frens.jpg)


thank (you)

…but not all of them, some are really mean and evil

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cabf79 No.21524356

File: 699b68073e6c470⋯.png (646.2 KB,500x738,250:369,ClipboardImage.png)


you are excused.

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a37b4f No.21524357

File: d03008c32c6a9cc⋯.png (194.67 KB,678x368,339:184,Tim_Walz_DJ_Reeee_Alpha.png)


Timmy & The Lords Of The Underworld!


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56c942 No.21524358


Barrister Doom

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b64ec8 No.21524359

File: 93f097b8521c440⋯.jpg (57.6 KB,881x862,881:862,no_gun_problem.jpg)


> gun violence in America.

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4cbbe6 No.21524360

File: 5b4b61d03a9ff66⋯.jpg (197.83 KB,600x337,600:337,gray_knight_primaris.jpg)

Bait they couldn't refuse. They gave up their division narrative to chase it. Now they can't stop following it.

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51d6dd No.21524361


Here is the bridge from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Isaiah 7: 14 is the same as Matthew 1:23. The Bible is the Truth, all of it.

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a37b4f No.21524362


Qanon adjacent

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ebd708 No.21524363


Trust Jesus

All else pay cash

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bc0a42 No.21524364

File: 6cba953ab31c4d1⋯.png (640.35 KB,804x795,268:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc7725 No.21524365

File: 2b8e448d9700535⋯.png (18.06 KB,596x273,596:273,2b8e448d9700535c5246ec1fd0….png)

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0f0d38 No.21524366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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cabf79 No.21524367

File: 987ed940996f0bd⋯.mp4 (635.67 KB,640x800,4:5,olga.mp4)



time chek'ed

God's has a sense of humour.

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56c942 No.21524368


La ensalada es vieja y mohosa

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ea6f2b No.21524369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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83905e No.21524370


I think she hit the dude,.her actions afterwards like hiring Turtle Boy to harass the victims family was disgusting.

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6a9ecf No.21524371

File: d46499aafb92f1b⋯.jpg (20.13 KB,214x270,107:135,1b1e3e35044ddf56.jpg)

File: 42983e1c81d6a93⋯.jpg (653.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240813_140237….jpg)

File: ca8cb8ef610c2f3⋯.jpg (853.62 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240810_203103….jpg)

File: 8b07478b848d527⋯.jpg (132.22 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Fr6bB1DXwAEheDc_1712099307.jpg)

File: 411ec7a222fb092⋯.jpg (15.97 KB,474x248,237:124,th_266642430.jpg)

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f6670f No.21524372

File: d0e98aee9d21654⋯.webm (1.52 MB,460x258,230:129,an7jMYo_460svvp9.webm)

Robodog went to fuck this shit mode

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dc7725 No.21524373

File: c7fa539a04dc97c⋯.png (28.29 KB,800x800,1:1,canvas.png)

File: 24eab364facc6e7⋯.png (10.1 KB,186x175,186:175,24eab364facc6e736333e0b58f….png)

four part novel bout peanut butter griefers disappearing

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ea6f2b No.21524374


Alice, Alice….

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dc7725 No.21524375

File: eb0111c8c7fe9a7⋯.png (9.84 KB,290x174,5:3,eb0111c8c7fe9a76fc2df0890a….png)


>four part novel bout peanut butter griefers disappearing

written by their own ass

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1b5e34 No.21524376

File: 8065c19c1a644dd⋯.jpg (94.25 KB,677x499,677:499,9274r7.jpg)

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50fec7 No.21524377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b52182 No.21524378

File: 97a342a83a4e1ce⋯.jpg (87.49 KB,640x426,320:213,97a342a83a4e1ce9cb02f8c003….jpg)


some are.

but they're not (you)

they're [they]


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24a09e No.21524379

File: 5602f3a8d18553f⋯.png (38.23 KB,362x344,181:172,5602f3a8d18553f2bf1051bc67….png)

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195bc2 No.21524380


Who's child labor laws are you violating?

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cabf79 No.21524381

File: 7994c921dd92dd6⋯.png (791.35 KB,747x558,83:62,ClipboardImage.png)


what shooting.?

brooklyn has shootings everyday

multiple ones.

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aa9934 No.21524382

File: 4f847b0726a4234⋯.png (2.53 MB,2074x1242,1037:621,10000000000000000.png)


>Trust Jesus

i do, fren

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6faabe No.21524383

File: 1c1c01e689cc38a⋯.png (795.23 KB,933x761,933:761,Screenshot_2024_09_02_at_1….png)

File: 369f2d280a3999b⋯.png (196.17 KB,440x814,20:37,Screenshot_2024_09_02_at_1….png)

British Christians have launched a crowdfund campaign in an effort to buy a remote Scottish Island eyed by a radical Islamic cleric. Sheikh Yasser al-Habib had previously disclosed plans to purchase the uninhabited island of Torsa and transform it into a self-governing, sharia-compliant caliphate.

In a video address to his followers, al-Habib, who claimed asylum in Britain 20 years ago, revealed that his group had previously considered an island located on the Canada-United States border, but was unable to acquire it due to financial constraints and competition from a Canadian charity.

As a result, he set his sights on Torsa, one of the Slate Islands in Scotland, which is just over a mile long and has a single farmhouse on its lush land. The Gaelic name for the island is derived from Old Norse and has been translated to mean “Thorir’s island” or possibly “Thor’s Island.” The island is only accessible by private boat from the nearby island of Luing, which is connected to the mainland by a bridge.

Currently valued at £1.5 million to purchase, its dedicated website states that it is ripe for opportunities.

“There are many attractions in the area, or you can just relax and do nothing. Wildlife abounds, the days are quiet and the nights are peaceful and dark,” reads the description. “Torsa is a remote holiday location suitable for those with a sense of adventure. “

But Al-Habib, who already runs military-style Muslim training camps in Europe, told his followers that his group planned to build its own school, hospital, and mosque on the Scottish island, where they intend to institute sharia law.

The plans have been met by furious backlash from locals and it is understood that the Island’s current owner is unwilling to sell the land to Al-Habib, according to the Daily Mail.

Due to the owner of the land rejecting the Islamic hate-figure’s offer, Christians have now banded together in an effort to buy the land and keep it out of Al-Habib’s hands.

Father Calvin Robinson, a British political commentator and Catholic cleric, recently stepped up and declared that he has created a GiveSendGo to “Reclaim the island for Christendom.”


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c8efb4 No.21524384

File: 9ab682332423ff0⋯.png (408.94 KB,800x609,800:609,845419.png)

My next song is called Winning bigly adjacent

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277928 No.21524385

File: fab04eb11de02cf⋯.jpg (97.3 KB,1280x720,16:9,merkelbrof.jpg)

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4cbbe6 No.21524386

File: 0057a0e11602d39⋯.png (1015.27 KB,903x948,301:316,0057a0e11602d39728ab86234f….png)

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0f0d38 No.21524387

File: d63aaa979363fdf⋯.jpeg (49.89 KB,545x376,545:376,B5662D8A_EF9B_474C_A446_3….jpeg)

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03e133 No.21524388

File: c58909b91b6a5d2⋯.webp (588.97 KB,1200x800,3:2,comp_cameron_hog_1_.webp)

File: 15d7f8674a74fb2⋯.png (1.03 MB,779x1098,779:1098,ClipboardImage_2024_08_11T….png)


>Queer 2 tiers coming for you

Cameron in drag officer

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ea6f2b No.21524389

File: 01059552afa33e9⋯.jpg (100.4 KB,1111x689,1111:689,look_at_it_chuckmonkey.jpg)

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4cbbe6 No.21524390

File: 61575fe59f06064⋯.jpeg (27.88 KB,474x470,237:235,pepe_sip2314.jpeg)


>My next song is called Winning bigly adjacent

Winning so bigly that you use MuhGuhGaytriot filenaming patterns when you're not copying mine?

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a37b4f No.21524391


and the basement dwellers that spend 5 days straight analysing image artifacts and compression anomalies until even they run out of energy.

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6a9ecf No.21524392


Guessing Kamala is China and Walz is Iran

We need the n.korean component, then…

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589f69 No.21524393


Half the World worship the religion of a fallen man

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c8efb4 No.21524394

File: ce2671883750479⋯.jpg (154.41 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,GQoHBW5bQAAbmNb.jpg)

My next song is called Rent Free and it's a banger

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0f0d38 No.21524395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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386610 No.21524396

File: be898b1454c118d⋯.png (1.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc7725 No.21524397

File: 425ee99fb59ddff⋯.jpg (264.52 KB,905x709,905:709,Kim_pickens.jpg)


>>four part novel bout peanut butter griefers disappearing

>written by their own ass

which wuz ass that wuz sold

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67e997 No.21524398

File: d144c3646df412e⋯.jpg (83.05 KB,576x489,192:163,RUB_IT_RAW.jpg)

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bc0a42 No.21524399

File: d8a9c3924111ac7⋯.png (998.18 KB,1200x675,16:9,d8a9c3924111ac703e920eeca5….png)

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4633b8 No.21524400

>>21523659 lb

who is this?

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cabf79 No.21524401

File: 13987c8e5d2dc69⋯.png (1.8 MB,760x873,760:873,ClipboardImage.png)




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ebd708 No.21524402

File: f3dd2fc64cdf545⋯.jpg (76.9 KB,500x647,500:647,rr79a.jpg)



Thank you Jesus for sparing Trump and us.

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4cbbe6 No.21524403

File: ffeba625b0dfd63⋯.webp (84.37 KB,1080x1020,18:17,reload4.webp)

I'd say the shills are losing pretty badly. They've given up their bread and butter ethnic division narrative, generic template flipflopping memes, and idiotic ethnic or low IQ copypastas to imitate like toddlers and behave like NPCs. If that's winning to them, well then they may want to take a look in the mirror and face the projection.

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83905e No.21524404

File: 4bc232d9b7d3d68⋯.jpg (46.91 KB,720x540,4:3,4x05_Cartman_Joins_NAMBLA_….jpg)


Does the guy in green look familiar?

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aa9934 No.21524405


social media agent

like all of them

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277928 No.21524406

File: eee0ba4fb09e336⋯.jpeg (197.31 KB,622x1000,311:500,schumernazi.jpeg)


What Schumer attempts to do in America is exactly what Adolf did in Germany!

by William Cooper

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9d337e No.21524407

File: 92d395ba64f6446⋯.gif (517.76 KB,400x224,25:14,93f4b6b4_d715_4250_8927_28….gif)

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75cc59 No.21524408

File: 0ccff0b7802551a⋯.png (403.37 KB,621x473,621:473,ClipboardImage.png)


>>gun violence in America




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f6670f No.21524409


>and the basement dwellers

Attic dwellers. Most effective to get the weed smoke out

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bc0a42 No.21524410

File: b43c9b283fc3d90⋯.png (185.46 KB,680x480,17:12,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8efb4 No.21524411

File: bd1ff518eccae6b⋯.jpg (52.74 KB,500x500,1:1,artworks_P2YBfMSHvE4ZZCqp_….jpg)

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6a9ecf No.21524412

File: 17a477d73a5951c⋯.jpeg (74.55 KB,1000x600,5:3,download_1000x600_7014336….jpeg)

File: 2df7e6001cc2ac0⋯.jpg (148.34 KB,1200x630,40:21,NF122020220_3_1689914746.jpg)



Iran honey

China honey

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83905e No.21524413

File: 1b325dacabaaac6⋯.png (250.56 KB,550x697,550:697,Screenshot_2024_09_02_1913….png)

File: 63894efd439a323⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,540x956,135:239,ssstwitter_com_17253187767….mp4)


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78fb77 No.21524414

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


il Donaldo Trumpo

Democrats never look that beautiful or patriotic. They love Trump!



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b045ef No.21524415


muhbe cackles steps into answering the "who is Q"


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c8efb4 No.21524416

File: b66beca34689549⋯.jpg (17.51 KB,474x280,237:140,3db5062b03074de60fc23c694f….jpg)

My next song is called, God bless the Jewish Patriots WW

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03e133 No.21524417

File: a81e76fb573f22c⋯.jpg (5.99 KB,275x183,275:183,images_21_.jpg)


>Does the guy in green look familiar?

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a37b4f No.21524418


prolly not true but will be soon

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b64ec8 No.21524419

File: 7cc4995bb2345ec⋯.png (7.63 KB,250x40,25:4,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21524208 >>21524241

>he totally got delta'd.

To think he was posting about "significance of time when post" also.

That was the funniest interdimensional time rift I've ever seen!

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dc7725 No.21524420

File: 6c62c39ebb97f81⋯.png (35.37 KB,495x495,1:1,6c62c39ebb97f816427ceb9d27….png)

hogg+fukkin = beasiality

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9d337e No.21524421


then we gon deal our citizens drugs… go fys angels

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2aa652 No.21524422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2278ad No.21524423

File: 14d86150db6c4ea⋯.jpg (26.05 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)


tampon tim reminds me of the nashville mayor

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4633b8 No.21524424

why does the white house have a doomsday clock?

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dc7725 No.21524425

File: 5f099b2ac2db810⋯.png (26.01 KB,380x240,19:12,5f099b2ac2db810646c107bba2….png)


>>>four part novel bout peanut butter griefers disappearing

>>written by their own ass

>which wuz ass that wuz sold

an sum goathomo bout thermonuclear lemminwinks

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3074b0 No.21524426

>>21523957 Lb

To tell?

So what?

You tell people?

Just because you tell people doesn’t mean they learn,

There is only one way for anybody to learn.

That’s the hard way. People have to experience the hard way

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78fb77 No.21524427

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


il Donaldo Trumpo



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a37b4f No.21524428


that's Pedo Pete looking for supple 8 year old boys.

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83905e No.21524429

File: f080f19e43a75a3⋯.png (1.42 MB,906x932,453:466,Screenshot_2024_09_02_1915….png)

File: d3120c54e32185d⋯.png (565.24 KB,559x909,559:909,Screenshot_2024_09_02_1915….png)

Shadow of Ezra


Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background


She’s a known supporter of Balenciaga, a brand already tarnished by its disturbing imagery involving children.

Cardi B says this is just a mistake, but how could any member of her team miss the word pedophile so blatantly displayed during the photo's editing process?


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83905e No.21524430


Maybe he was telling Joe he had a live one.

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0f0d38 No.21524431


Duce double quads loud

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6a9ecf No.21524433

File: f7c15534929788d⋯.jpg (715.62 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_193403….jpg)

File: 8b761c10da94335⋯.jpg (19.99 KB,474x316,3:2,th_1768935762.jpg)

File: e02a87305879c21⋯.gif (1.25 MB,480x262,240:131,giphy_3451760013.gif)

File: 0165eb814c81e99⋯.jpg (260.76 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240830_220053….jpg)

File: 37d1965e750685b⋯.jpg (111.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3392142515.jpg)




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2e2530 No.21524434


This gives black people need to sit at the back of the bus vibes.

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dc7725 No.21524435

File: 87697121bbbbc75⋯.png (11.52 KB,192x263,192:263,87697121bbbbc75c035c7721b5….png)

cnn mad

gits sum alec bladwin slidurs

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eaab4a No.21524436

notables @ 285 halfway collected

#26370 >>21524138

>>21524157 FBl comms?

>>21524159 Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

>>21524166, >>21524246 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

>>21524173 DJT: Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity

>>21524202 Carpe Diem: C before D

>>21524209 Muckraker.com Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida

>>21524217 Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

>>21524263, >>21524271 Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persists

>>21524176, >>21524177, >>21524195 Memes


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4cbbe6 No.21524437

I've never seen such a jealous, miserable little individual that wants to take everything he possibly can from one person, design his image based upon what he takes from someone else. It's not the meme, it's everything other than the meme that this is about.

Let's say evil fuckers started doing this exact same thing to kids online, trying to fuck with them like that. And it's not just online. There have been certain IRL instances that confirmed something on the board as well about the evil fuckers and their obsession with one individual.

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a9cfa9 No.21524438


If a child of your's was brutally killed, would you keep the building it happened in, if you could do anything you wanted?

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03e133 No.21524439

File: 7bad22d6791c24c⋯.jpg (379.02 KB,948x710,474:355,ap24023558293248_2cc0b4de6….jpg)

File: 1dc35d2e8f74c61⋯.webp (17.29 KB,640x360,16:9,pl_brown_doomsday_f.webp)


>doomsday clock

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aa9934 No.21524440


because of the panix

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b00c3c No.21524441


She's been caught

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78fb77 No.21524442

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OMG!!!🤣🤣🤣. How is any southern black person there, not getting disgusted by this. Other than that, this is funny.



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4cbbe6 No.21524443

Rants about famefagging, and it's something to destroy, yet he's trying to imitate the person he claimed he's trying to destroy. A complete mental fucktard. Broken and shattered and chasing me around like I'm Frodo carrying the ring or some bullshit.

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c8efb4 No.21524444

My next song is called Rent Free Winning for Life

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83905e No.21524445


Humiliation ritual?

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4633b8 No.21524446


what does that have to do with a doomsday clock?

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f6670f No.21524447

File: 8afd330b69aee5a⋯.webm (2.59 MB,460x816,115:204,aVvM3QP_460svvp9.webm)


Here ya go anon

Ephesians 6:10-18 song

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712ca3 No.21524448


and his body flew through the air and landed 25 feet away up the lawn?

She was acquitted.

they were hung up on the manslaughter for driving drunk, but all agreed she didn't do it on purpose.

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9d337e No.21524449


you gotta look up some of her bullshit form the senate

strange the trump camp has not made more of what a bitch she was

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db14c2 No.21524450


Not anymore, she's all in.

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dc7725 No.21524451

File: 25d9df397964736⋯.png (331.83 KB,1024x1014,512:507,ClipboardImage.png)

@$$hol still visible frum outurgahyurspace$

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a37b4f No.21524452


that will last forever

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6a9ecf No.21524453

File: 5091eef3cea0ec7⋯.jpg (31.22 KB,474x266,237:133,th_3339061236.jpg)

File: 1a3e39779db30d0⋯.jpg (676.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240828_130941….jpg)

File: 32bf2e4449c8675⋯.jpg (69.95 KB,474x702,79:117,th_185234376.jpg)

File: e39acf33ab768e6⋯.jpg (38.99 KB,615x409,615:409,Barack_Obama_920283731.jpg)

File: 679afb929505a99⋯.jpg (15.61 KB,474x313,474:313,th_1795719728.jpg)

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c8efb4 No.21524454

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)

File: 699091b689d31da⋯.jpg (688.34 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240805_125052….jpg)

My next song is called What Is A Self Absorbed Narcissist

The song after that is called It Had To Be This Way

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d24ca0 No.21524455

File: 643f6b507e0ec13⋯.png (36.5 KB,656x367,656:367,ClipboardImage.png)


The people needing to be shown is accelerating. Historical post.

The legacy media BLASTED 24/7 that what they knew was true yet they knowingly spoke was false and only 'conspiracy theorists' are saying that Biden admin pressured Facebook to censor dissent.

The head of Facebook is publicly speaking Biden admin pressured Facebook into censoring dissent (aka truth about what was on that same potus son's laptop).

Years long weaponization of information, deception on camera, with straight faces, publishing knowingly false information to PROTECT that same operation of pressuring a social media company to censor truth speech about criminal activity, from that same political party source

covid was a human engineered "gain of function Marxism" "movement" of "self-inconsistency"…"The best thought for this body is sourcing negations of what it itself is doing"

Suppressing truths about virus treatments…

Criminals suppress truth about their own lying and criminal praxis to "alchemically"…"heretofore minds have contemplated history as it unfolds, the point of course is to change it" practitioners of psychopathic indiscriminate killing of the public to "change" the human birth death pattern in time of all nations, some hunted more than others, some "inflated" more than others, some races impoverished relative to others, all for a specific purpose…

For human beings in the millions to be nothing but means to a ritual celebrating and preying upon human beings for its own power and money towards species extinction.

And if anyone is able to get to potus and speak and protect and defend the hunted public, they're targeted for 187 if character assassination fails to "guide trusting minds" into removing them from the chessboard.


"Literally the party of criminals".

ooks like we made it

Look how far we've come, my baby

We mighta took the long way

We knew we'd get there someday

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"

But just look at us holding on

We're still together, still going strong

Mm (you're still the one)

You're still the one I run to

The one that I belong to

You're still the one I want for life

(You're still the one)

You're still the one that I love

The only one I dream of

You're still the one I kiss goodnight

Ain't nothin' better

We beat the odds together

I'm glad we didn't listen

Look at what we would be missin'

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"

But just look at us holding on

We're still together, still going strong


You're still the one I run to

The one that I belong to

You're still the one I want for life

(You're still the one)

You're still the one that I love

The only one I dream of

You're still the one I kiss goodnight

You're still the one

Yeah (you're still the one)

You're still the one I run to

The one that I belong to

You're still the one I want for life, oh yeah (you're still the one)

You're still the one that I love

The only one I dream of

You're still the one I kiss goodnight

I'm so glad we made it

Look how far we've come, my baby

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477839 No.21524456

File: 48de9acb2355e4b⋯.png (588.7 KB,500x852,125:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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4cbbe6 No.21524457


My next song is called your imitation ain't shit, and you spam to no end. Have a nice day, Simple Legion. Little harmless clown without teeth, reduced from the image of dehumanized menace to that of a frog playing guitar, sipping tea, and smoking a cigar. I pity you, the person handling all that fake, I truly do.

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dc7725 No.21524458

File: 823e093e0596dca⋯.jpg (77.51 KB,600x664,75:83,work_memes_42_1.jpg)

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aa9934 No.21524459


>>21524440 me


oh shit!!! (pardonnez moi)

[C]hrist before [D]oomsday

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5f5b2e No.21524460

File: e2b84704c9e0294⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,640x360,16:9,nashville_mayor.mp4)


>tampon tim reminds me of the nashville mayor


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4cbbe6 No.21524461

File: e451a84bf7bdbb5⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,3000x2229,1000:743,painting_of_the_crossing_o….jpg)

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dc7725 No.21524462

File: ac896a8b0ea68e6⋯.png (17.24 KB,596x303,596:303,ClipboardImage.png)


>safety is third


cause slips and falls

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c8efb4 No.21524463

File: aa1f525f32a396c⋯.gif (762.41 KB,889x500,889:500,rocker_pepe_frog_6otwwqz3p….gif)

My next song is called kekking my ass off bigly frens

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cabf79 No.21524464

File: 3d360a72ec9496a⋯.png (2.94 MB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b75c0c7b210d9a0⋯.png (3.49 MB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3576a69686d6a4⋯.png (3.86 MB,1536x1152,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f838ca12f34121⋯.png (3.09 MB,1536x1152,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)




Note: no real details at the moment but that is some seriously over weight black nyers including the police.

Ain't no one got time for dat.

gang and clown op..


5 struck in mass shooting along popular West Indian Day Festival parade route in NYC

By Joe Marino, Larry Celona, Nicole Rosenthal and Reuven Fenton

Published Sep. 2, 2024, 2:58 p.m. ET



Brooklyn’s joyous West Indian Day Parade erupted into bloodshed Monday, as five people were shot by a lone male who opened fire into a crowd along the route, authorities said.

The gunman, in what was called an “intentional act,” fired at the crowd on the 300 block of Eastern Parkway as the colorful celebration of Caribbean life was underway at about 2:35 p.m., police said.

“I’m crying over this, it’s so terrible. How can someone have the heart to fire a gun around so many people – babies, children, the elderly,” said parade goer Jalissa Bailey, who was near the scene.

” I know this parade has a history of violence, but things have been peaceful in recent years, and we got to hoping that there was enough security in place that maybe that was over with.”

Police said the shooting was “not random.”

“Today one person intentionally going after a group of people tried to ruin the day for everybody,” Chief of Patrol John Chell said.

The related J’Ouvert celebration, which comes just before the West Indian Parade, also has seen violence.

In 2015 Gov. Andrew Cuomo aide Carey Gabay was fatally shot in the head getting caught in gang crossfire in Crown Heights.

The next year, two others were shot dead: 22-year-old Tiarah Poyau, a St. John’s University student, died after being struck in the eye, and 17-year-old Tyreke Borel, was shot in the chest.


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e011f8 No.21524465

File: 9a80136a305bd1f⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,360x640,9:16,457699625_874807777411879_….mp4)

Dont think yall ready for this cowboy

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e263dc No.21524466


Yes it is truly a holy book that is 100% true and has never been corrupted by man. It is a clearly understood rule book to govern mankind. It has never been edited or manipulated and is pure because it is God's holy word.

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925f5a No.21524467

File: 04b378d1f457bfe⋯.png (89.87 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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0613a4 No.21524468


He looks like he has to use the bathroom

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4cbbe6 No.21524469


It's narcissistic to decree that your abusive and shitty behavior towards others "had to be this way," or "it was for everyone's own good." It's a projected act, just moar fake from a clown car of fake paid to be fake so he thinks he's entitled to do what he does to others. Fraud.

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a37b4f No.21524470


Clockfags will find Kevin Bacon was involved.

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c8efb4 No.21524471

File: f9b782f8e7306f7⋯.jpg (7.92 KB,170x200,17:20,f9b_jpeg.jpg)

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b38c70 No.21524472

File: 95cbe25ecf3d47d⋯.jpg (989.44 KB,2560x2560,1:1,No_Deals_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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d24ca0 No.21524473

File: c20b756a425be15⋯.png (522.33 KB,500x562,250:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b12e6f5f07318f⋯.png (521.44 KB,500x562,250:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8efb4 No.21524474

File: 63aa853ae742cdd⋯.jpg (35.54 KB,360x360,1:1,raf_360x360_075_t_fafafa_c….jpg)

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d24ca0 No.21524475


What a dude.

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dc7725 No.21524476

File: 8d4630c7f97df7f⋯.png (120.95 KB,188x270,94:135,ClipboardImage.png)

berlinur winnur berlinurin

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125853 No.21524477

File: cad9db6c07acd38⋯.jpeg (411.38 KB,1125x1139,1125:1139,IMG_3789.jpeg)

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479fd8 No.21524478

Flagstock 2024 - Celebrating UNC's Patriots

1 minute out…


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4cd4a6 No.21524479

QFS is in play anons

unfuckin real, its in play

i seent it, just payed off rent, a car note

and a personal loan on line

NESARA is here

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4cbbe6 No.21524480

I post Space Marines, he posts angels, because he doesn't like space marines but they're the angels of the emperor so he needs to do something to copy.

I post a pic of Washington, he posts a pepe of Washington.

I post guitar videos, now he posts guitar pepes.

He covets what comes from me and tries to emulate it or copy it exactly. That's not how meme magic works, but okay, if it helps him make it through his day without wanting to kill himself for the failure that he is.

And he has the audacity to accuse Mr. Pig of being CCP or a cheap social media knockoff. He's an anonymous knockoff of the real deal.

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712ca3 No.21524481

File: 85e342352d92694⋯.jpg (390.16 KB,2650x898,1325:449,copy_cats_of_puking_pepe_w….jpg)

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dc7725 No.21524482

File: 0fc0af285a47219⋯.png (317.49 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

ancient khazarian berlinurin

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cabf79 No.21524483

File: b75c0c7b210d9a0⋯.png (3.49 MB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


one moar photo

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d24ca0 No.21524484


the song after that should be "out-narcississing the narcissists is a self-contradiction usually made by narcissists".

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9864a0 No.21524485

File: c5d1e10cac682b6⋯.png (4.88 KB,318x33,106:11,ClipboardImage.png)



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f954d1 No.21524486

File: 000d970d1d36874⋯.png (1.67 MB,1024x1024,1:1,000d970d1d368748d0c9bc5f00….png)

File: 5f31d6dc21d73df⋯.jpeg (266.71 KB,750x693,250:231,5f31d6dc21d73df272ea7b46f….jpeg)

File: 8c5774000f04bb5⋯.png (248.74 KB,444x418,222:209,8c5774000f04bb527401268b83….png)

File: 568cc1d332e2641⋯.png (1.7 MB,942x1200,157:200,bostonteaparty.png)

File: db7a3573666db53⋯.jpg (142.28 KB,649x507,649:507,db7a3573666db53d216afb6a97….jpg)

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dc7725 No.21524487

File: 1cafed6f43a0e79⋯.png (320.55 KB,474x370,237:185,ClipboardImage.png)

jely donut ganggang

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a37b4f No.21524488

File: f23e8905adbccce⋯.png (1.14 MB,1605x1461,535:487,ClipboardImage.png)

How about these poor cunts. They're already dead.

Stranded US astronaut reports ‘strange noises’ on space station (AUDIO)

The spaceman has alerted the agency to sonar-like echoes coming from Boeing’s Starliner, which is docked with the ISS

YT of the audio



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fd9e2a No.21524489

File: 15d2fe8e2b4868f⋯.png (1.22 MB,999x1183,999:1183,ClipboardImage.png)

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a37b4f No.21524490


I bet they just use doors like everyone else.

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b52182 No.21524491

File: d274bf42b0b280c⋯.jpg (596.92 KB,1383x812,1383:812,d274bf42b0b280ca579ad4a091….jpg)



Looks almost exactly like faggot Tim Walz in his young years with these typical "any of you needs a dick sucked?"-lips

Same social losers w/ loser friends (if any) all the time.

It's the reason they put on a (party) uniform in the first place & got a (party) membership paper

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4cbbe6 No.21524492

File: 4fe5eb8bc284945⋯.jpg (910.49 KB,1982x3026,991:1513,dcicrkh_5f664de2_6998_4348….jpg)


Ask yourself, would all those Smoking Pepe variations have ever come into being, had I not got mouthy with a bunch of dumb clowns because of the stupidity in what they were posting?

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eaab4a No.21524493



^ Was this the go signal?

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a37b4f No.21524494

File: c8f94c4cbdb9fb5⋯.png (141.38 KB,450x546,75:91,fkn_kek.png)


>"any of you needs a dick sucked?"-lips

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c8efb4 No.21524495

File: 4b2de186ddef0a1⋯.png (358.21 KB,771x565,771:565,4b2de186ddef0a1fa8a49b4ee5….png)


Really noice memes, fren

Will you have a complete and utter psychotic meltdown if I steal them and reposted them?

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eb085f No.21524496

File: 322ed329f6d6cde⋯.png (220.48 KB,685x892,685:892,ClipboardImage.png)

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2af293 No.21524497

File: 34f2032b9fa6da7⋯.jpeg (895.69 KB,2840x2381,2840:2381,IMG_2852.jpeg)

File: ca882e2bc498a7b⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,3021x3181,3021:3181,IMG_2853.jpeg)

File: 2fba8b2e335218c⋯.jpeg (827.75 KB,2974x2082,1487:1041,IMG_2854.jpeg)

File: 183b3541f2434bc⋯.jpeg (1010.01 KB,3020x3171,20:21,IMG_2855.jpeg)

File: c9a2562bec26ded⋯.jpeg (782.15 KB,3021x3549,1007:1183,IMG_2856.jpeg)

Double rainbow here, with a full rainbowGA

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f6670f No.21524498

File: f73ac71b29a2c2a⋯.webp (24.89 KB,599x599,1:1,66d61b690af93.webp)

Heads up anons. If GF breaks up saying this, it is AI generated

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6a9ecf No.21524499

File: a68684e8b918198⋯.jpg (34.99 KB,650x271,650:271,the_island_the_lottery_292….jpg)

Had to be, which way?

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4ecadd No.21524500

the shills are back.

they must stop any real digging.


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4cd4a6 No.21524501

kek you dont believe me

didnt believe it either until i saw it

youre gonna shit at how easy it


all our money tied up in our birth

certificates, right there at our fingertips

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a9cfa9 No.21524502


Dear Sir,

One only creates, memes, to have them, fully and quickly, stolt, to repost them.

Respectfully Yours,

The Meme Clepto

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5e5293 No.21524503

File: 81b7ab8d070a9a5⋯.png (16.78 KB,580x252,145:63,ClipboardImage.png)


just send them this in return and say now there's 8,174,246, 098 more people in the world they can go disappoint

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a37b4f No.21524504


who can be bothered, just say GTFO, old skool

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dc7725 No.21524505


serial number verifying it came from the landfill. In 1982, Atari was one of the most successful companies in United States history, but was also facing significant challenges.

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c8efb4 No.21524506

File: b181461c3148fce⋯.png (173.75 KB,450x496,225:248,b181461c3148fce020ad571151….png)


Nice meme


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f954d1 No.21524507

File: 91ed42b0ce1805a⋯.gif (102.39 KB,640x640,1:1,91ed42b0ce1805ae2fc23effcf….gif)


ill have a complete and utter psychotic meltdown if you don't…..

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f6670f No.21524508

File: b7bd84f99321c73⋯.webp (40.63 KB,500x501,500:501,66d22cc110fc1.webp)

On windows

- Right click image

- Save as image

- Ad .png at end of filename

- Save as "all files"

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e3b713 No.21524509

Women are going to save this Country!

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dc7725 No.21524510


tension faggo$

mike roth$child mo's house haz BOFO>>21522211

>>an hiz fayk twat wuz sardonic sachadenfreude lik his BOFO fajur #kathleenickeyouse


>>an hiz fayk twat wuz sardonic sachadenfreude lik his BOFO fajur #kathleenickeyouse


>oh no

>black tranny coke


>stabbed in durh gut


>jelly donut city store fayk twat fillur


>barbed wire jebus got sum fichtl envy huh


>oh no

>beast of burdun swear to nails



>a staggering ammount of effort for an alibi indeed


>oh wow

>jfk killed


>>tell them he wuz a pederast

>this pedurast moment is sponsored with bowling alley masacre coke jorge bush cuked frum suzanne martinez an faggo nihlists frum cannedduh


> jesus had to gog door to door an tell them he wuz a pederast


> stebil cuky hoveete butt drumpf twat fayk wiff negrotrannycoke babel fillur



>hory chit anomally

>staggurduh an pseudoFEDerhpiphankkkneeees


>it like yur playin wiff durh farts of othas huh


>>butt watch kenedy queer scam babel


>>butt watch kenedy queer scam babel


>>butt watch kenedy queer scam babel

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF7PcHrQ-S0oizo rules

>>21521646 #omfgstfutranny


>false catharsis promise

>an no onus delivery


>>>tension faggos

>>>thar is BOFO at jesse's mom's house

>>BOFO sponsor alec bladwin admits oprah$hithol is grosse weider heimat kraken an needs xikkknuw gedouchin go clear

>oprah$hithol taint inspecid bi dwayn gittin crack an told kathleen shillin whaluuurgay thong gencide wiff ickey ouse queers lemminwinks


>'virgil' dantes inferno queer sliidurh again


>vatihazn;t still kant git taht woody allen pope nailed to faggots huh

still in the closet bout tom hanks fault swim back to vaticant


>its not JUUUUUS taht orwiel wuz kafka wuz oppenheimer

>buut taht he bourne again

>an died larpin chlamydia frum _ranusium crack money sphinctur >>21521484 (You)

>>thar is BOFO



>thar is BOFO at jesse's mom's house

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dc7725 No.21524511


. In 1984, Apple introduced its most successful product yet — the Macintosh, a personal computer that came with a built-in screen and mouse.The machine featured a GUI, an operating system known as System 1

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b64ec8 No.21524512

File: ace54323646950d⋯.png (253.15 KB,577x433,577:433,notable_asian_notabru.png)


I see it this way!

Although you have to admire his correct hyphen usage

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a37b4f No.21524513

File: f46fb640e310142⋯.png (4.54 MB,2669x1559,2669:1559,ClipboardImage.png)


kek, rookie numbers.


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277928 No.21524514

File: 42983e1c81d6a93⋯.jpg (653.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,rothschildquestion.jpg)


I'm guessing its a Roth.

Think of this

Iran / Persia / Aleppo / Syria

It was all one Roman Empire.

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792839 No.21524515


One Sandwich at a time?

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fe10fa No.21524516

File: e9171e656f1e970⋯.png (92.67 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc7725 No.21524517

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f954d1 No.21524518


actually you can rename any image (except gif) to any other extension and it'll work all the same. software nowadays just sees an extension as a name and will open any image essentially universally now. just care ful with the alpha channel, renaming to jpg and bmp i think will remove it.

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da18ac No.21524519

File: 2099d8b1a3e229e⋯.png (753.22 KB,1000x668,250:167,YJASO0945.png)

Wanted to thank anons who helped me with advice on spouse anon's cancer situation. It looks like Ivermectin is working.

God Bless you all


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dc7725 No.21524520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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88f005 No.21524521

File: 36cf301015dd51e⋯.png (167.09 KB,425x408,25:24,jim36cf301015dd51e32bcfce7….png)

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f954d1 No.21524522


don't forget to take a little zinc too

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5e5293 No.21524523


yet less than 8% of all those tiny hat magic numbers exists in physical form

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e3b713 No.21524524

Women are fighters, compassionate, strong, caring, healers, best teachers, have good judgement, dependable, intelligent, and much more!

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c8efb4 No.21524525

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,THE_OG_full_of_keks2.jpg)


Absolutely kekking my ass off. Guud answer. I mean, memes were meant to be stollen and shared.

No trademarks.

No copyrights.

No choleric narcissists seething if you post a meme reflecting their famefag board personality.

Just open sourced winning.

GB (You)

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dc7725 No.21524526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

piglosi facejob is failing

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0613a4 No.21524527


I like their bewbs

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a37b4f No.21524528

File: 0a08f2d9b196786⋯.mp4 (862.6 KB,600x480,5:4,Kamala_Harris_HotDog_Finge….mp4)



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195bc2 No.21524529


Wombs and Boobs!

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4ecadd No.21524530

File: f86bcabc93c1438⋯.png (870.4 KB,700x837,700:837,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2553e3230041c16⋯.png (50.77 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


right anon is going back to barbecuing

good luck, you go gurl

anon is relying on you.

you can do it.

(thumbs up)

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eb085f No.21524531

File: 600fabce8d022ed⋯.png (252.12 KB,450x450,1:1,600fabce8d022edea82d1165ee….png)


appreciate the respectful legal eaze


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df3215 No.21524532


Of course it has been altered, but you need the intellect to understand where, and if you don't have the intellect then ask God to explain it you. Persist, you will not be disappointed. I can give you explicit examples if you need.

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a37b4f No.21524533


magic's right.

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b64ec8 No.21524534

File: d8ae74aeac93caf⋯.png (532.59 KB,512x512,1:1,314_it_s_about_the_break_Q.png)

File: 768f3ed1609e78a⋯.png (522.78 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

The mushrooms are still blue after all these years.

That's a good thing.

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dc7725 No.21524535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cfd31f No.21524536

File: 9ad35c352685bfa⋯.jpg (23.41 KB,392x331,392:331,9ad35c352685bfa823abaaa769….jpg)


>don't forget to take a little zinc too

much appreciated fren

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e3b713 No.21524537


Then you have men who think with their penis all the time.

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f6670f No.21524538

File: 102c808f8189d02⋯.webm (1.5 MB,460x458,230:229,aD2zxmG_460svvp9.webm)

Oh my….

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c8efb4 No.21524539

File: 26f16684d156569⋯.jpg (57.79 KB,1080x780,18:13,ce6eda18d80ad49c59d3c0258c….jpg)


Habsolutely saved yo. God bless you Jim.

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75cc59 No.21524540

File: d0e8b9f269b9b16⋯.jpg (21.9 KB,749x443,749:443,FVLC3pWUEAAbH3Z.jpg)

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cdb01f No.21524541

File: 60d610be7acc370⋯.png (504.49 KB,1440x1698,240:283,meme_thief.png)

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a37b4f No.21524542


Women are so dumb. Peni do not have brains in them.

Loosen up baby.

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277928 No.21524543

File: 42983e1c81d6a93⋯.jpg (653.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,rothschildquestion.jpg)

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f5d9ea No.21524544

File: e5a5ed75fc29be3⋯.png (451.53 KB,680x485,136:97,ClipboardImage.png)

Isn't it crazy how Laurence Rockefeller looks a lot like John Podesta and Chester Bennington just happens to look like both of them?


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dc7725 No.21524545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>1984, Apple


>piglosi facejob is failing

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d24ca0 No.21524546

File: 879b30286c06aef⋯.png (189.18 KB,477x662,477:662,ClipboardImage.png)

TFW criminals refuse to prosecute criminals to avoid self-incrimination.

d party is in praxis a party of crime

They don't prosecute 'selected' crimes because a full and open prosecution would in discovery reveal their own self-incrimination.

325,000 trafficked children…

187 attempts on real potus (anons remember a MISSILE launched from a black ops site, the fake news said was a 'helicopter").

"Bigger than 25th attempt to remove (Q+ from life)".

Remember when the same legacy media outlets told their readers this was a helicopter, and to forget about it and don't think it's a Surface to Air MISSILE?

There is a criminal network launching war on speech talking about that same criminal network.

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b52182 No.21524547

File: 67ceada79d80c04⋯.jpg (238.67 KB,1000x1000,1:1,67ceada79d80c0499a7306d353….jpg)

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dc7725 No.21524548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NIN intend O'h

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4cd4a6 No.21524549

stubborn know it all mf'ers

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277928 No.21524550

File: b5e289c43b46c40⋯.png (63.04 KB,880x365,176:73,zeromatchesrothquestion.png)




soory for the duplicates.

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b64ec8 No.21524551

File: d3a75017c9c62db⋯.png (1.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,trump_2020_the_best_is_yet….png)


you can tell by the way he says it though, he doesn't really think it's going to happen to him

He's just reading a script.

People used to be smart enough to at least have children before they went to fight for another country's security

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f6670f No.21524552

File: a31582d1bf3a1ea⋯.png (37.06 KB,500x616,125:154,aYQ4gW0_700bwp.png)

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cdb01f No.21524553


God Bless you, too anon. Hope spouseanon recovers and comes to shitpost.

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dc7725 No.21524554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e263dc No.21524555


yes please. But if it has been altered and only having God explain it to me, that sounds like I might not understand the message correctly. I am not as smart as anon surly.

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b64ec8 No.21524556




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cbbf18 No.21524557


God Bless, WRWY!

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f66ead No.21524558


Gran Pappy Skippy

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eaab4a No.21524559

notables @ 410

#26370 >>21524138

>>21524157 FBl comms?

>>21524408 Mass shooting at parade in New York City

>>21524311, >>21524345, >>21524406 Schiff and Schmuck are up to no good

>>21524159 Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

>>21524166, >>21524246, >>21524456 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

>>21524173 DJT: Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity

>>21524202 Carpe Diem: C before D

>>21524209 Muckraker.com Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida

>>21524217 Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

>>21524263, >>21524271 Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persists

>>21524306 UK: Angela Rayner refuses to give Reform MP definition of ‘Islamaphobia’

>>21524330 States struggle to vet coders of election software

>>21524383 British Christians have launched a crowdfund in an effort to buy a remote Scottish Island eyed by a radical Islamic cleric

>>21524414 Dancin' man can't lose

>>21524429 Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

>>21524442 Kamalaya'll

>>21524544 Breaking the habit

>>21524176, >>21524177, >>21524195, >>21524364, >>21524389 Memes


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4cd4a6 No.21524560

File: e5a5ed75fc29be3⋯.png (451.53 KB,680x485,136:97,e5a5ed75fc29be3734725eccb7….png)

File: d112db5d61f0e4c⋯.jpg (19.31 KB,474x316,3:2,th_4110281364.jpg)

File: 3a3761304b95cdd⋯.jpg (244.61 KB,675x825,9:11,Anthony_Weiner_official_po….jpg)

File: c46cb33f4edda3b⋯.jpg (49.18 KB,1068x1571,1068:1571,3523849_922328654.jpg)

wonder why

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277928 No.21524561

File: f550e6e273a14c3⋯.jpg (196.62 KB,933x695,933:695,dewingdisorder.jpg)


you mis=represented the q post, why?

25th amendment

not 25th attempt.


There might have been 7 or 8 at least that we counted.

Where did you ger 25? Liar.

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aa396c No.21524562


Oh yeah, old timers have known this for years

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83905e No.21524563

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Why Minnesota all the time? Her decodes are very interesting.

Minnesota Has Already Transitioned Into The System Of The Beast - Jessie Czebotar Decodes (Aug.2024)


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a37b4f No.21524564


Has she looked into Fenbendazole? (444mg) from fenben labs.

I'm using it and am meant to be dead next week (12 month prognosis) and I'm up and about fucking with shit and doing really well. It's still there and has grown but the rate is wayyyy slower than the prognosis. No chemo for me.

All the best, please check it out.

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ffbb08 No.21524565

File: 14ceb422300a357⋯.png (716.87 KB,512x584,64:73,image_1.png)


they do everything!

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9864a0 No.21524566

File: 92950c67bf738d7⋯.png (662.4 KB,1075x763,1075:763,ClipboardImage.png)


ThanQ Baker!

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195bc2 No.21524567



Have you tried thinking with your penis?

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83905e No.21524568



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4cbbe6 No.21524569


You rant about trademarks and copyrights and fame and if anyone posts a smoking pepe or a variation of one you demand to see a license, facetiously of course, but helps establish the pattern. You find value in how I post, so much so that you try to emulate it and want to control every aspect of it. Trying to monopolize everything that came from one individual other than the meme and every new thing other than the meme that comes from that person as well. That's evil intent. That's fraudulence. That kind of behavior should be nowhere near the news or have a say in what should be notable.

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c8efb4 No.21524570

File: a7458da3d5d617d⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)


Ill be the Judge of those notes, and those some Noice Jesus notes, B.

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b64ec8 No.21524571

File: 68b0d8498ac3588⋯.png (1.18 MB,1074x948,179:158,ClipboardImage.png)

File: febee52f454ab48⋯.png (73.65 KB,255x191,255:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ce4779ba1114ed⋯.png (745.59 KB,750x484,375:242,fauci_cleft_nose.png)


>tampon tim reminds me of the nashville mayor

they are getting better at hiding the nose cleft from the doubling/cloning process.

But it's still there.

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f954d1 No.21524572

File: d66e6067dafdf65⋯.jpg (8.42 KB,255x251,255:251,5163bfd64d889c81e7b7a4564c….jpg)

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50fec7 No.21524573

File: 427e12b81244fd2⋯.png (1.52 MB,1072x809,1072:809,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ecadd No.21524574

File: dc08fbf314c6885⋯.png (784.98 KB,860x573,860:573,ClipboardImage.png)

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a37b4f No.21524575

File: 2501f5a9e173046⋯.png (1.56 MB,1200x674,600:337,ClipboardImage.png)


kek or even the liquor.

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4cbbe6 No.21524576

Yeah, just a clown imitating. Acting like an NPC showing no individual thought other than copying someone else.

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e011f8 No.21524577

File: fec9eb001710430⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,360x640,9:16,457754388_2191425334572093….mp4)

Perfect [Hells] Angel?

Trump knew ;)

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fd9e2a No.21524578

File: 63032cad164e201⋯.png (1.96 MB,966x1190,69:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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cbdcb6 No.21524579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f34272 No.21524580


He is just one for you for example:

Revelation 1:4

John to the seven churches that are in Asia

It should read Isaiah not Asia. Go look up the definition or meaning of Asia and Isaiah. Reconcile. You can receive if you want to know.

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1b5e34 No.21524581


you're condescending

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e263dc No.21524582


I wanted to see why you were crying and now fuck dude. That was just…

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4cbbe6 No.21524583

File: 9e35bf434df66bf⋯.webm (130.25 KB,569x240,569:240,again.webm)

Moar Smoking Pepes get posted than merchants now here. The spam is toothless and benign and focused on ego and fame.

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83905e No.21524584

File: 814af40619d1ac6⋯.png (246.32 KB,528x703,528:703,Screenshot_2024_09_02_1953….png)

File: 093adcccf500459⋯.mp4 (6.99 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17252719025….mp4)

internet hall of fame


Bro learning US is actually just a 3rd world country playing dress up 😂


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c8efb4 No.21524585

File: 113de0c729bf9e5⋯.jpg (9.96 KB,275x183,275:183,images_jpeg_9.jpg)


Oh I forgot to ask, you got a licence for that meme? Any meme in that setting and format and theme must have a class 3 famefag meme permit to post.

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a37b4f No.21524586

File: d5c19840d517ad4⋯.png (257.42 KB,577x433,577:433,Anthony_Albanese_Australia….png)


Anthony's feeling a bit left out these days. Here's another brother

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4ecadd No.21524587

File: 993104fa90a1360⋯.png (310.98 KB,663x632,663:632,ClipboardImage.png)


have some tough love

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a37b4f No.21524588


get rid of that FUCKING MUSIC

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d24ca0 No.21524589

File: 439a1c6395c7b4a⋯.png (550.51 KB,500x568,125:142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2cc62107b8bd02⋯.png (373.8 KB,832x857,832:857,ClipboardImage.png)

Rosie O'Donnell: Conspiratard hoisted on her own petard.

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8c2665 No.21524590

USA Inc. doesn’t have ANY cool vampire Judges.

Lame-ass cuntry.

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83905e No.21524591


So what would you prefer? The Old Mafia would keep the town clean. You would rather have foreigners run amok and take over? At least they are doing something tangible and not bitching on the internet.

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1b5e34 No.21524592

File: dd79b179107e94c⋯.jpeg (12.52 KB,255x255,1:1,1e9358b484f4b7c848088c7ec….jpeg)

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712ca3 No.21524594


naw, I have other things to do than to engage in worrying about your delusional 'oh, those copy khats!!!' bit that you don't give up.

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5f5b2e No.21524595

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4cbbe6 No.21524597

He's trying to be an annoyance, to provoke a choleric temper as he has claimed, but all he's doing is looking like an impotent, homeless fool on the street corner ranting at the sky about the things he wants to control but can't, even though he's paid to. That must make his higher ups breathe down his neck. Hell, the Kamala campaign is using his tactic to copy POTUS Trump's ideas now. Probably was reasoned from an AI and the retards follow it because they're too stupid to think of anything on their own other than what used to work in the past but no longer does now.

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83905e No.21524598

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a37b4f No.21524599


Yeah the propaganda machine can't keep up with truth.

US is a war zone.

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f6670f No.21524600


Anon heared the whole message, should have it on my drive somewhere

Beautiful story about life lessons dad told while looking at the stars

For context who not know. It is a prerecorded message of died soldier

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e011f8 No.21524601

File: 14104d0eb789a81⋯.mp4 (448.56 KB,360x640,9:16,457700144_530894239510668_….mp4)

Dimensional enjoy

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c8efb4 No.21524602

File: 854b4ed69b3cb54⋯.jpg (135.01 KB,750x1000,3:4,flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)

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4cbbe6 No.21524603


> about your delusional 'oh, those copy khats!!!'

He was copying filenames this bread so it's hardly delusional. Scroll up and see for yourself if you're not scared of the cognitive dissonance.

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cdb01f No.21524604



which one is Kamala?

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e011f8 No.21524605

File: 14104d0eb789a81⋯.mp4 (448.56 KB,360x640,9:16,457700144_530894239510668_….mp4)

KaBala is on the way, hope you fags are ready

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c8efb4 No.21524606

File: a608f437b867082⋯.png (56.9 KB,544x493,32:29,a608f437b86708216a3702c9df….png)


Absolutely true

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83905e No.21524607

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4cbbe6 No.21524608

File: 92ba2faa128b929⋯.png (728.62 KB,1659x1902,553:634,surfer_silver_pepe4.png)

Because when the shills focus this much on one individual and try copying everything about him other than the memes he posts, even mannerisms IRL by people that always seem to be around when I'm outside, it's leading me to believe I may be moar than I consider myself to be.

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5f5b2e No.21524609

can you stop with the faggot spock memes

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b52182 No.21524610

File: 8756d264e20904a⋯.jpg (78.85 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.jpg)

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c8efb4 No.21524611

File: 1e25e199543d0c9⋯.png (185.08 KB,490x469,70:67,1e25e199543d0c91f12273e90a….png)

It's a frenly day in the frenlyhood, a frenly day for a frenly, would you be mine

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c85f9c No.21524612

File: 9b38d69608525c3⋯.gif (1.93 MB,800x340,40:17,YaRRRR.gif)


>that is a roman nose.

Nahhh…it's a Wellington Nose.

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277928 No.21524613

File: bce969e7993ba07⋯.jpg (34.38 KB,460x288,115:72,mengeleoriginal.jpg)

File: 216f751f9cfbc50⋯.jpg (72.38 KB,800x608,25:19,mengeletrans_2_.jpg)

File: 8f23a9db3fcacda⋯.jpg (23.83 KB,500x375,4:3,mengeletrans2.jpg)

File: 6ca6d24f852b20d⋯.png (55.22 KB,476x404,119:101,mengeleimposter.png)

File: f033d68e0caea43⋯.jpg (116.55 KB,851x734,851:734,mengeletwins.jpg)


Pedosta's supposed mother collected many children and was unexplainably close to pols of D.C.

Pedosta resembles Mengele before he went undercover as "Irene"

(I think they messed with his nose, plastic surgery, as is often done with "new Identity" work)

The guy with the gaped front teeth was Mengele's husband.

And the husband featured in later representations of what Mengele looked like.

The husband impostered for the Trans-female wife.

But the before and after pics did not match. The older pics leaked out.

As Miles Mathis claims "Intel loves twins"

for impostering, etc.

Mengele ended up being able to breed twins.

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4ecadd No.21524614

File: d5db20ccd1cc74b⋯.png (673.82 KB,540x677,540:677,ClipboardImage.png)

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f954d1 No.21524615

File: c717d0881f52fbd⋯.jpg (147.45 KB,718x1080,359:540,c717d0881f52fbdeeb4f411bd1….jpg)

File: e4c92b3e8a4da55⋯.png (36.53 KB,653x523,653:523,e4c92b3e8a4da55af15fbe6bcd….png)

File: ec0d5a9b5bae3e7⋯.jpg (27.64 KB,474x474,1:1,ec0d5a9b5bae3e723727ba03ac….jpg)

File: 41994de07badc7a⋯.jpg (105.45 KB,1016x1024,127:128,nevergiveup2.jpg)


both that father and his son are 2 of the greatest men of our time.

they both knew what it meant to protect our way of life.

they both knew what it meant to protect others.

they both knew what it meant to raise that kid the way he was raised.

they both knew what they were getting in to.

they both knew what was possible.

and they both were willing.

there is no greater honor on God's good earth.

Remember, if you're a US citizen, that man raised that soldier to be willing to die for you, and he did. we are all here partly because of them.

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9864a0 No.21524616

File: 08cf74ae4ab8e55⋯.png (753.81 KB,880x494,440:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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712ca3 No.21524617

File: 5bacd0a4df4029e⋯.jpg (141.42 KB,800x606,400:303,Rep_False_Alarm_Bowman.jpg)

File: f175487dd0da15f⋯.jpg (69.12 KB,800x483,800:483,He_needs_a_reset.jpg)

File: 63159f4d391d1df⋯.jpg (149.17 KB,691x689,691:689,trump_reveal_with_lightnin….jpg)


why oh why?

oh ya, so you'll go on with your bit.

memes are for copying, anon.

that's kind of the point.

the trick that I use is to always just keep making new and different memes.

sometimes I don't post them for a very long time and then I post them again.

and if someone copies, I sometimes get into a game where it's not a duel but it's a fun interaction.

I change it, then the other one changes it, then I change it.

Some times it's just sillyness.

but the rule was always 'When Q posts you stop with the stupid memes.'

also sometime, as the end of a bread, the baker would post 'fill' and then we'd flood in single meme posts till the bread filled.

can't you jsut get into that spirit?

they only copy you because either 1. they like your style or 2. they want to get under your skin.

so post stuff that they have NO IDEA that it's you and have fun again.

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1b5e34 No.21524618

File: dd7be7695b58b64⋯.jpeg (33.72 KB,650x548,325:274,dd7be7695b58b6468445be448….jpeg)



does that answer your question

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e011f8 No.21524619

File: 85b0b8a29f34645⋯.mp4 (285.74 KB,474x360,79:60,457523840_431577649313534_….mp4)

Glitch in the matrix

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b64ec8 No.21524620

File: 71bd663bc3271cf⋯.png (450.68 KB,500x500,1:1,the_who_album_pissing_on_t….png)

File: 4c95e2a3bea7cbe⋯.png (1.07 MB,1245x1027,1245:1027,911_predictions_in_media_m….png)

File: 2c70fc8d3e0c915⋯.jpg (94.99 KB,500x338,250:169,john_f_kennedy_we_are_oppo….jpg)


>they are getting better at hiding the nose cleft from the doubling/cloning process.

Cloning is crucial to their trust systems.

One infiltrator and the whole thing comes down.

Hence why Epstein etc. is so important.

Hence why JFK talked about the MONOLITHIC nature of the conspiracy.

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c8efb4 No.21524621

File: 92ba2faa128b929⋯.png (728.62 KB,1659x1902,553:634,surfer_silver_pepe4.png)

"No one person is above another." - Q

"Define Narcissist." - Q

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b52182 No.21524622

File: ba2ad20005eb692⋯.png (241.31 KB,870x232,15:4,ba2ad20005eb69209638b8d763….png)


frenly checked

>would you be mine

I wouldn't, but nvm


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1e8282 No.21524623



Extremely sad.

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10c8ed No.21524624

File: 5daddc2e0cc89fb⋯.jpeg (883.82 KB,1125x1796,1125:1796,IMG_3790.jpeg)

Kitty thinks Twitter is a safe space….he has to be the filterfag on here…has to be

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5f5b2e No.21524625

Israel is bankrupt

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4cbbe6 No.21524626


You're the one that imitates. You're the one following. Be careful who you follow, Harmless Legion.

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4ecadd No.21524627

File: c01c91f64a5aa7c⋯.png (2.56 MB,1152x1023,384:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8efb4 No.21524628

File: a7458da3d5d617d⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)

Try typing in "imitates" when searching through breads..it's a very fast and accurate way to locate the highest ranking seething and choleric "Anons".

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405d16 No.21524629

File: 385931b03dc4079⋯.png (1.88 MB,1080x2316,90:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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4cbbe6 No.21524630

All he's doing is presenting a case about why the behavior that he's been engaging in for the past year should never be allowed to be used by the government or their contractors on civilians again. I can handle it, they could seriously fuck with the minds of kids if they tried the same thing on a child.

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651006 No.21524631

File: a501f361bd04f9f⋯.jpeg (314.63 KB,1105x819,85:63,IMG_2192.jpeg)

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f6670f No.21524632

File: 293ec5d71159f16⋯.webm (1.48 MB,360x640,9:16,aRBj3eA_460svvp9.webm)

If you are going to grab and run… you gotha be able to run…

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b52182 No.21524633

File: a9d81e60b647050⋯.jpg (141.43 KB,2100x2100,1:1,a9d81e60b64705045024d1d28e….jpg)


You're a liar and a fake & gay faggot

no question has ever been asked in what you quote, moran.

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277928 No.21524634

File: f6031592fffafba⋯.png (204.65 KB,413x570,413:570,hanxrockefeller.png)

File: 0394117e60306bb⋯.png (624.6 KB,1080x795,72:53,hanx.png)


P.S Laurence fails to resemble other Rockys?

David was also one that was from a cuckold situation; that's why he got the reins of the family on the death of John D. 2 (?)

From what I've learned the Rockefe11rs are "into" Transgender. I wonder if their medical institutions are involved in pushing that?

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b64ec8 No.21524635

File: fd01167c9180015⋯.png (559.14 KB,710x793,710:793,_vote_counts_before_the_st….png)


>It is a prerecorded message of died soldier

Maybe not died. Maybe just he came home safe & decided to share the message anyway. Maybe they got talking about it and the son was like OK

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4cbbe6 No.21524636


But that's what you don't understand, Harmless Legion, copying me as much as you can does not cause a choleric temper. It will never cause a choleric temper in me. You're obsessed with attacking ego, but this isn't about me or my ego, it's about something so much bigger but you're obsessed with focusing on the trivialities I don't care about and never will.

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c8efb4 No.21524637

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

If stollen memes trigger you into a choleric seething fit, the chans probably aren't the place for you. Get tough. Lighten up, Francis.

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56c942 No.21524638


A longtime ADL spokesman in Congress, Schumer proposed to outlaw discussion of what he called “baseless conspiracy theories regarding the government” that he said endangered public order. Already he was known as the leading congressional enemy of the Second Amendment and the rights of gun owners. Schumer’s new target—the First Amendment—would have been scrapped had the bill been passed.

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712ca3 No.21524639


It's a psyop, right?

he just posts about it to waste our time.

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0a9194 No.21524640

File: 61fe5ac444ecbf3⋯.jpeg (849.57 KB,1125x1873,1125:1873,IMG_3791.jpeg)


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b64ec8 No.21524641

File: 2a2738599fef783⋯.jpg (30.01 KB,350x479,350:479,TOM_HANKS_Michael_Rockefel….jpg)

File: 885deb2d7d77056⋯.png (647.15 KB,1086x856,543:428,TOM_HANKS_Michael_Rockefel….png)

File: 31a8c8d3f880f08⋯.png (442.77 KB,598x574,299:287,billionaire_corporate_tran….png)

File: f38376e25c03b28⋯.jpg (99.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_newsweek_rockefeller_a….jpg)

File: eba0f9281d36ea0⋯.png (153.15 KB,750x385,150:77,1918_flu_spanish_Frederick….png)

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4cbbe6 No.21524642


>If stollen memes trigger you into a choleric seething fit,

Then why copy the mannerisms, the filenames an individual gives his files, why copy that then if you're just "stealing a meme." You're trying to steal everything about the person posting the meme, one individual out of all the anons here. Why? Were you that butthurt by the MuhJoo global being added last year?

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a37b4f No.21524643


Hanx knows where the bodies are buried

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5f5b2e No.21524644

every eye will see him,

even those who pierced him

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c8efb4 No.21524645

File: 8cd3b7df1e42d49⋯.gif (2.23 MB,256x192,4:3,smokingcolumbo2.gif)



Notice he was talking about that I shouldn't be anywhere near notables or the news? Absolutely just showed his true intentions about gatekeeping. I noticed for a year and a half before I destroyed him that he was babysitting the board and hall monitoring all the notables. He's a bit preoccupied and obsessed with a certain Anon who destroyed him right now so he hasn't been hall monitoring them as much. His response earlier absolutely proved my theory.

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4cbbe6 No.21524646

I don't expect an answer. He deflects with the same undertone as the faggot that used to post those MuhGuhGaytriot/FakeEyeWarfare memes.

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24a325 No.21524647

File: ca4902d7be44bae⋯.png (1.59 MB,1058x936,529:468,ClipboardImage.png)

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0465aa No.21524648

File: ee3f304ebdbfc1c⋯.jpeg (778.48 KB,1125x1594,1125:1594,IMG_3792.jpeg)


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712ca3 No.21524649


it takes two to tangle.

I'm not convinced that the two of you aren't the same person just doing a play.

what can you do to convince me that it's not just another scripted banter?

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4cbbe6 No.21524650


>Absolutely just showed his true intentions about gatekeeping.

Yeah, I'm kind of biased about evil and fraudulent behavior in a place that's supposed to be the news now and be informative. You're the one trying to muddy the waters here. You're the one with evil intent. Rich that you complain about gatekeeping while trying to monopolize/gatekeep the personality of someone else.

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a37b4f No.21524651

File: ea63cc20d831a1f⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kamala_Harris_High_As_Fuck.mp4)

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477b7c No.21524652

File: 347754b664dae7c⋯.png (56.04 KB,1003x242,1003:242,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcff23d13912ab1⋯.png (80.69 KB,1004x379,1004:379,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40fe9c4d171f8c8⋯.png (349.38 KB,1007x419,1007:419,ClipboardImage.png)

"How I Got Fired From The CIA": Career Ops Officer Tells All

Americans are by now familiar with a handful of whistleblowers who after spending years employed by the US intelligence community (IC) eventually saw enough to make them angry and throw away the safety of their future government careers by exposing state secrets to the public. Names like Snowden, Manning, Kiriakou or John Stockwell, William Binning and Thomas Drake (both of NSA whistleblower fame) are well-known, especially in independent and alternative media circles.

But lesser known are the names of those abruptly fired and dismissed from their posts as analysts or as officers for merely questioning and pushing back in real time what they understood to be disastrous and criminal foreign action and policy to their higher-ups. We suspect that this list of names, still largely unknown to the public or media, is much bigger than anyone knows. Such ex-employees of the CIA, NSA, DIA or other alphabet soup agencies typically have their security clearances revoked and are threatened with criminal prosecution should they ever reveal state secrets and classified information. The possibility of future employment even in the civilian world then comes under threat. This means most of them remain unknown.

Typically the American public only finds out about massive covert CIA operations or US war plans long after the fact. For example, the intelligence community knew that the Bush-Cheney White House was gearing up for a 'shock and awe' invasion of Iraq for months before it happened. Or for another example, the truth about the CIA's covert program to overthrow Syria's Assad (called 'Timber Sycamore') finally leaked to The New York Times at least half a decade after it began. Intelligence planners under President Obama understood that the US was arming and training al-Qaeda linked Libyan rebels to overthrow and execute Gaddafi. And all the while, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was getting briefed on these US-backed rebels conducting extermination campaigns against ethnic minorities. Such horrific and suppressed truths only typically come out years or decades after they happen.

But again, what of those rare voices who dissent in real time and quietly suffer the full retribution of the national security deep state, far from the public eye? ZeroHedge was able to hear directly from one such rare dissenter in the Washington D.C. area this weekend. Former CIA operations officer Philip Giraldi spent over two decades in the agency, which took him around the world. We heard his fascinating and alarming story of "How I Got Fired From The CIA" during a closed-door session at the Ron Paul Institute's Liberty Platform conference held in Dulles, Virginia.

Below are ex-CIA Giraldi's words recounting how his long career led up to a difficult show-down with CIA leadership, and what happened next, as transcribed directly by ZeroHedge [emphasis ours].


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c8efb4 No.21524653

File: 95cb476c557423f⋯.jpg (205.64 KB,1440x811,1440:811,95cb476c557423fb6ece4d998f….jpg)

What is a narcissist?

What is a famefag?

What is an avatarfag?

What is an egofag who builds a board personality with memes trying to be recognizable in every single bread?

Not an "Anon".

Had to be this way.

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b64ec8 No.21524654

File: 7caad43cea22f45⋯.mp4 (13.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,_RFK_Jr_argument_that_it_i….mp4)

>>21524635 >>21524600

>Maybe not died. Maybe just he came home safe & decided to share the message anyway. Maybe they got talking about it and the son was like OK

people are faggots for clicks these days tbh.

That would be my 1st assumption

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b64ec8 No.21524655


get the fucking tranny shit out of the schools.

fuck your rationalizationa

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9864a0 No.21524656

File: bc820bc8ddae1ef⋯.png (18.39 KB,446x108,223:54,ClipboardImage.png)



if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black … Clipboardimage.png … git sum

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a37b4f No.21524657


can we get a meme version? tl;dr

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0613a4 No.21524658


These people pretending to defend freedom

Is fucken hilarious

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277928 No.21524659

File: 008c2b5465d69a0⋯.png (1.62 MB,1000x2512,125:314,Dieboldcheaters.png)


I wouldn't EVER believe Politico.

Truth of the matter:

The code for the machines is proprietary.

Until that ends all talk of coding the software is Bullshit.

There's a failure of the companys that provide the machines to provide transparency.

I wonder why?

It's been that way since the Dubya Bush days of "Help America Vote" Act, Diebold.

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4cbbe6 No.21524660


On their end perhaps. They're imitating a person that mocked the shills for the dumb ethnic accusation narrative they used to post. It's just bullshit on this end that's no bother, I just point out the evil behavior if they're going to base their routines off of me.

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a37b4f No.21524661


he's a groomer supporter as the crowd cheers on.

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4cbbe6 No.21524662


I'm not copying the filename an individual gives a file that he saves, that's the standard filename from an image copypaste. Get better logic, retard.

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0465aa No.21524663

File: b9fe6bc7e71f3d0⋯.jpeg (768.81 KB,1125x1260,25:28,IMG_3764.jpeg)


Trump supporter kid

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c8efb4 No.21524664

File: 9ea5a1f89a4ffdb⋯.png (729.88 KB,748x750,374:375,9ea5a1f89a4ffdbf8040c87332….png)


Anon realizes that's a possibility. Maybe I'm just another schizophrenic personality of his, like muhgaytriot and parakletos and Vatican. Maybe I'm not. Maybe you'll have to see the lesson I've taught him and draw your own conclusions.

God bless.

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195bc2 No.21524665


It counts ballots anon, it can't be all that complicated. How many different ways could there be or need to be?

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0465aa No.21524666


But worried about books in a library gtfoh

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d24ca0 No.21524667

File: 74c833b2e94ffd8⋯.png (411.26 KB,680x438,340:219,ClipboardImage.png)

They're literally recycling memes from 1930s Russia, China, and Germany

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4cbbe6 No.21524668

Not one MuhJoo copypasta. Not one merchant. Not one derogatory exclamation towards blacks. Not one imbecilic copypasta. But look at all the imitation and nitpicking the person pointing out the people imitating.

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1e8282 No.21524669


Also get her off carbs. Cancer feeds off glucose. No glucose the cancers are stopped as well.

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b045ef No.21524670


what's worse is the fake pretend fervor

it's gotta be a sudden inexplicable adverse event from too many semenboosters

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e26c0a No.21524671

File: 49463b467e35130⋯.png (1.29 MB,2944x1438,1472:719,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21524406 Schumer's been blathering about gun control for a long damn time.

From 1999: "Sen. Chuck Schumer yesterday predicted all handguns will be registered and licensed in five years as a result of shocking incidents like yesterday’s Los Angeles Jewish center shooting spree."

Gun laws/registration/etc would not have stopped the 1999 shooter. FTA:

"After an Atlanta day trader went on a rampage, killing 12 people, the House passed a resolution urging that the gun-show loophole in a federal law requiring background checks on gun buyers be shut, but it was a nonbinding vote.

Atlanta day trader Mark Barton obtained one of his guns legally, and the proposed new law wouldn’t have affected his ability to get the other, but closing the gun-show loophole could have affected the Columbine HS shootings."


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4cbbe6 No.21524672

File: 46cbbadfa7e05f6⋯.jpeg (154.67 KB,1200x1200,1:1,46cbbadfa7e05f6b3abc42295….jpeg)

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c8efb4 No.21524673

File: f2d43e62c85cb49⋯.jpg (189.58 KB,1729x1166,1729:1166,orly3.jpg)

Yup, it's me. I'm smoking pepe. They figured it out.

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c8efb4 No.21524674

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,c4e6d9850f94135bb1836511af….jpg)

God bless the Jews

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1b5e34 No.21524675

File: 2733a1052948bd4⋯.png (979.87 KB,1188x970,594:485,Screenshot_2024_09_02_at_8….png)

RFK Jr: There Has To Be "A Reckoning" For "Immoral, Homicidal" COVID Criminality


Kennedy, who is in line for a health related position in Donald Trump’s administration should he be elected, declared recently that there needs to be a “reckoning” brought upon those responsible.

Speaking at the Limitless Expo, Kennedy explicitly referenced Anthony Fauci, noting “I wrote a book about Fauci. It’s a great book. There are 2,200 footnotes in the book… I invited people to find problems with the book… And nobody ever told us any factual error in that book.”

He charged that Fauci and others used their positions during COVID to enforce “totalitarian controls that were not science-based.”

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5f5b2e No.21524676

File: e7c299c6c639015⋯.mp4 (7.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,small_government.mp4)

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a37b4f No.21524677

File: 4327af69cb7ad5f⋯.png (1.19 MB,1535x1904,1535:1904,ClipboardImage.png)

"Elections are safe"


The steal is on, it was never off because last time it was never fixed, nor were the perpetrators ever served Justice.

Ukrainian anthem found in US voter database code – Politico

A review of the software responsible for compiling voter lists in New Hampshire reportedly revealed that it was connected to servers outside the US


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af6445 No.21524678

File: a223e07a22089ee⋯.jpg (70.32 KB,680x649,680:649,HarrySisson.jpg)

File: e2df65da8212366⋯.png (489.35 KB,461x680,461:680,HarrySisson2.png)

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4cbbe6 No.21524679


What was SP's first post? What was he warning he received in reply to that first post? What was the first tune he posted? What was the first meme he made here? What was the first meme he made here that he was proud of? He's mentioned all those over the years. Surely you can list them all without having to look. I know I can.

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af6e5d No.21524680

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f6670f No.21524681

File: 5b282f06e48cfd2⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,360x640,9:16,a878o4Q_460sv_1_.mp4)

Become an airco installer. It will be fun they said

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477b7c No.21524682

File: b43f56b783cf142⋯.png (65.39 KB,627x191,627:191,ClipboardImage.png)

Allowed by who motherfucker?

Eric Weinstein: 'I Don’t Know Whether Trump Will BeAllowedTo Become President'


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5f5b2e No.21524683

File: d4ef643b0572b92⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,694x480,347:240,allthethings.mp4)


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277928 No.21524684


It has to be able to be checked afterward.

There's no verification.

The ballots are fraudulent.

Online machine (supposedly illegal but they lie) spit out the numbers and they crooks fabricate the ballots to match the fake numbers.

It's not about ballots it's about voters.

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af6445 No.21524685

File: 0c928bc73bc1db2⋯.png (339.12 KB,473x671,43:61,ClipboardImage.png)







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0f0d38 No.21524686

File: 373c6931170444f⋯.jpeg (136.33 KB,828x621,4:3,AF87A5CF_933F_4E37_9EBD_3….jpeg)

File: 6ef6ad420be18b7⋯.jpeg (101.09 KB,828x518,414:259,DD62B1EF_E6F8_4135_9909_E….jpeg)

File: 4d80b0109684215⋯.jpeg (119.82 KB,828x510,138:85,9D4B5743_E773_4B49_A99C_B….jpeg)

File: 2e7a9c55e4fe49e⋯.jpeg (304.92 KB,828x667,36:29,0676C860_3416_4A4C_8FB1_A….jpeg)

File: 610f0815cf202d9⋯.jpeg (187.6 KB,722x540,361:270,2747F80A_EE43_4806_B1C1_A….jpeg)


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4cbbe6 No.21524687

File: 1099b9f83374627⋯.jpg (90.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2512770513.jpg)

Broken jealous fed that just wants to wear my skin in revenge for having his narrative he was paid to post defeated and left on the battlefield like useless scrap.

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c8efb4 No.21524688

File: cac4bd4910a17df⋯.jpg (29.5 KB,509x519,509:519,cac4bd4910a17dfa9858a94767….jpg)

The sesame street word of the day is "Imitate"

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277928 No.21524689


Numbers haven't matched up for twenty years.

That's why "exit polling" ended, for all intents and purposes.


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b849dc No.21524690

File: 9be24522ad188a5⋯.jpg (173.33 KB,768x768,1:1,Maui_Biden.jpg)

File: 14b9cfea70d9dfd⋯.jpg (92.45 KB,616x405,616:405,Maui_Blue_Roof_Group.jpg)

File: 8a81f84f50dd1dc⋯.jpg (214.51 KB,944x942,472:471,Maui_Fire_Book_Aug_10_2023.jpg)

File: 2ee9a7aa2edec26⋯.jpg (46 KB,661x190,661:190,Maui_Fires_Warned_Decade_A….jpg)

>>21523409 (lb)

>Maui, wildfires

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0613a4 No.21524691


Normal people being their kids to pride parades to see half naked men with their dongs hanging out.

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277928 No.21524692


funny. probably true.

sick puppies.

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4cbbe6 No.21524693


Well yeah, that's what you're doing, you're imitating. Copying filenames. Posting the exact same meme after I did a couple times at the start of the bread. You're a broken clown. A little psycho Gollum Wormtongue harrassing one individual because of some bullshit rule from another platform I don't even go to.

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975e03 No.21524694


That shit is crazy too, anon.

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a37b4f No.21524695

File: dec0a4043c64744⋯.png (180.27 KB,996x518,498:259,ClipboardImage.png)


fuck that!

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af6445 No.21524696

Catherine Herridge




SPC Karoline Stancik gave us permission to share new reporting about her medical condition.

As we reported in June, SPC @StancikKaroline has a debilitating heart condition that an internal military memo linked to the mRNA vaccine.

In September 2023, she blacked out on a flight of concrete stairs at her Florida condo, herniating several discs.

Last week, Stancik had back surgery. When she got home, she blacked out again and was later admitted to the hospital.

24-year-old Stancik shares her heart failure meds have now been doubled, and symptoms have worsened since her pacemaker surgery in June.

After our investigation on @X exposed allegations of abandonment by the Army and National Guard, a military review board granted "full relief" and Stancik's heart condition is acknowledged as "In Line of Duty."

While it is a positive step from the Army, Stancik says she has received none of the two years back pay, and only some of her 70k in medical debt has been addressed.

While Stancik says she is grateful for the Army’s current recognition, she blames a two year delay in medical and mental health care for her ongoing health complications

…adding nothing can undue the damage caused by three heart attacks, a mini-stroke and pacemaker surgery.




>prayed for her

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277928 No.21524697

File: 38168a44a000dac⋯.jpg (26.46 KB,480x376,60:47,anonsimulation.jpg)


it was deliberate.


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477b7c No.21524698

File: 9504ecb14779974⋯.png (675.9 KB,789x540,263:180,ClipboardImage.png)

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24b316 No.21524699

Nukes are fake as fuck. If baddies had nukes they would drop nukes but they don’t.Dropping nukes on your enemy > infiltration and invasion

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c8efb4 No.21524700

File: 443ef017a6148c1⋯.png (433.23 KB,491x469,491:469,443ef017a6148c19962907640f….png)

What is a narcissist?

Why would a narcissist want a recognizable board personality on an anonymous image board dedicated to research that abhors personafags?

It had to be this way.

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1b5e34 No.21524701


most likely a Democrat kid getting used by his parents.

shirt is awful. left can't meme.

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0f0d38 No.21524702

File: 7861081708f2c57⋯.jpeg (88.49 KB,828x144,23:4,220FD26D_AE6A_4A2E_A0EB_2….jpeg)

File: 237d5ed65b85691⋯.jpeg (464.51 KB,828x611,828:611,F574C9B7_4C0A_4220_9D29_5….jpeg)

File: 1a1117718c1711d⋯.jpeg (439.54 KB,828x1525,828:1525,4C369DC6_26CD_489B_8831_3….jpeg)

File: 5c5f0db44d9d8af⋯.gif (374.41 KB,640x360,16:9,F43634C1_9333_4EB8_800E_25….gif)

File: d63aaa979363fdf⋯.jpeg (49.89 KB,545x376,545:376,78A1FB28_9AC8_4FA4_AFE0_5….jpeg)


Dub 8s firm

How about a fresh simulation from a newer computer machine?

Should clear things up a bit.


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ebd708 No.21524703


Who ever the fuck he is you two need to find a glory hole and settle down.

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cfd31f No.21524704



>Has she looked into Fenbendazole? (444mg) from fenben labs.

I bought those as well,but it's a harder sell because she thinks it's dog dewormer. I know there's a human analogue that is out there as well, but it's pricier. Mebendazole.

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eccb59 No.21524705

File: a838ae84d051045⋯.png (333.87 KB,602x675,602:675,5.PNG)


Oilfield Rando




johnny maga




Kamala in Detroit vs. Kamala in Pittsburgh — literally 5 hours apart

The difference is insane

11:42 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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2720fb No.21524706

File: edd9ecc8337793e⋯.png (1.09 MB,814x1280,407:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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b849dc No.21524707

File: 420e8b7dd17c041⋯.jpg (122.43 KB,900x686,450:343,Point_Boobs_Sturgis.jpg)


>Seeking plausible deniability and recognition at the same time by exact detla-ing

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b548a6 No.21524708

File: a359ac742043f8e⋯.png (529.79 KB,721x834,721:834,grammar_nazi_salad.png)


>nothing can undue the damage

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c8efb4 No.21524709

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)

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4cbbe6 No.21524710

File: 24b5bf49236aa0e⋯.png (1.45 MB,720x960,3:4,oldfag_pepe.png)


KEK. If you believe that whistleblower leak about them not knowing what to do and them trying to turn Pepe gay it makes it even funnier. They probably had a SmokingPepe meme on a PowerPoint presentation at some point if they're still operating the same.

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ebd708 No.21524711


>heart meds

Wouldn't trust those neither

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a9e937 No.21524712


Always a conspiracy excuse. At least we agree the shirt is awful.

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a37b4f No.21524713

File: 1066c71e31582f6⋯.png (2.04 MB,1592x1899,1592:1899,ClipboardImage.png)


US Marines attacked by mob in Türkiye (VIDEO)

The group behind the incident said American troops have “Palestinian blood” on their hands

Blowback is a bitch, Ironclad support for Israel, for what? To keep the sex tapes hidden, is what.

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eccb59 No.21524714

File: 64348e96387eb49⋯.png (255.16 KB,595x715,119:143,that.PNG)


Mike Lee



Blame everything on the landlords.

Where have we heard that?


Libs of TikTok




You can’t make this up. The City of Aurora is gaslighting the public about the migrant gang taking over apartment buildings and committing violent crime. They are blaming the landlords for it.

It’s literally all on video



11:31 AM · Sep 2, 2024




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c8efb4 No.21524715

File: 24b5bf49236aa0e⋯.png (1.45 MB,720x960,3:4,oldfag_pepe.png)

File: 699091b689d31da⋯.jpg (688.34 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240805_125052….jpg)

Define "Narcissist"

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477b7c No.21524716

File: ec45d25205fa622⋯.png (4.07 MB,1804x1015,1804:1015,ClipboardImage.png)

Turkiye requests BRICS membership: Report

Turkish officials have recently praised the rapidly growing bloc of emerging economies

Turkiye has formally requested to join the BRICS group of emerging economies, Bloomberg cited informed sources as saying on 2 September.

Ankara “seeks to bolster its global influence and forge new ties beyond its traditional Western allies,” the sources said. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan believes “that the geopolitical center of gravity is shifting away from developed economies” and that the push to join BRICS “reflects its aspirations to cultivate ties with all sides in a multipolar world, while still fulfilling its obligations as a key member of NATO.”

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said in early June that BRICS serves as a good alternative to the EU. Later that month, he confirmed that dialogue between Ankara and BRICS nations was ongoing – coming as Turkish frustration continued to grow due to stalled efforts to join the EU.

While Turkiye has long been a member of NATO, accession talks for EU membership have faced several obstacles since they began in 2005. Turkiye had applied to join the EU predecessor organization, the EEC, in 1987.

“Turkey submitted an application to join BRICS some months ago amid frustration over a lack of progress in its decades-old bid to join the EU,” Bloomberg’s sources went on to say.

After Russia became the most sanctioned nation in the world following the start of the war in Ukraine in 2022, the BRICS bloc began seriously pursuing the creation of a common currency to de-dollarize trade and circumvent western sanctions.

A coalition initially made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, BRICS at the start of this year expanded for the first time since 2010 to include Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia, and the UAE.

Palestine’s ambassador in Moscow, Abdel Hafeez Nofal, said on 26 August that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is planning to apply to join BRICS.

“The different and beautiful thing about BRICS compared to the EU is that it includes all civilizations and races. If it can become a little more institutional, it will produce serious benefits,” Fidan said in early June.

Fidan confirmed in an interview later that month that his country may apply for an upgraded dialogue partnership with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Erdogan has also shown interest in joining China’s Shanghai Cooperation Council (SCO). In early, he attended the SCO summit in Kazakhstan.

“We do not have to choose between the EU and the SCO as some people claim. On the contrary, we have to develop our relations with both these and other organizations on a win-win basis,” the Turkish president said over the weekend.

“Turkiye can become a strong, prosperous, prestigious and effective country if it improves its relations with the East and the West simultaneously. Any method other than this will not benefit Turkiye, but will harm it,” he added.


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eccb59 No.21524717

File: e8e123fa2fc0692⋯.png (611.35 KB,1075x742,1075:742,bring.PNG)


Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation

Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town

American Greatness, by AG Staff

Posted By: Mercedes44, 9/2/2024 8:21:45 PM

When Denver designated itself as a sanctuary city for migrants, it likely didn’t anticipate that its hospitality would result in a Venezuelan prison gang setting up shop in one of its suburbs. The Denver City government’s choice to tolerate and encourage open borders migration has enabled the violent Tren de Aragua gang from Venezuela to make Aurora, Colorado a base of its operations. Now the gang has taken over apartment complexes and unleashed a growing wave of violent crime.

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b045ef No.21524718

Kamakid - slaves indentured slaves trafficked slaves labored slaves child slaves

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bca63b No.21524719

File: 030c0bd7e3ef33f⋯.png (719.75 KB,1024x768,4:3,WALZ6.png)

File: 02d26ca0b493045⋯.png (457.17 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA188.png)

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c8efb4 No.21524720

File: c846ebd905914ec⋯.jpg (79.21 KB,736x1102,368:551,53ca4803ce22727fe45236a8fb….jpg)

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eccb59 No.21524721

File: df175b0f44c5927⋯.png (714.25 KB,899x717,899:717,net.PNG)


Netanyahu Calls Out Biden for Reckless,

Insulting Comment- 'Tell Me What Has Changed?'

Red State, by Margaret Clark

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/2/2024 7:56:16 PM

A couple days ago we were complaining about Biden being on a beach. Maybe it would be better if he had stayed there. After six Israelis were brutally murdered, including American Hersh Goldberg, Biden had the audacity to make the comment that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not doing enough to get the hostages out. That comes from a man who is allowing pro-Hamas protests in our streets. As RedState's Mike Miller reported earlier today, "It's already a given that Joe Biden will leave office as the most cognitively vacant president of the United States in history. There's also a strong

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1b5e34 No.21524722

File: 4073ed3d96cd13f⋯.jpeg (124.6 KB,650x596,325:298,4073ed3d96cd13fd660899067….jpeg)


>Always a conspiracy excuse.


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a37b4f No.21524723


that 2nd one won't change any minds with the insults

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b045ef No.21524724

They ain't going back, must mean they want to be the new slave masters

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b52182 No.21524725

File: e69fc64e84d131d⋯.png (133.54 KB,160x460,8:23,ClipboardImage.png)



kek! Detlaf, that you?

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7f7ba0 No.21524726

notables @ 570

#26370 >>21524138

>>21524157 FBl FF comms?

>>21524408 Mass shooting at parade in New York City

>>21524311, >>21524345 Schiff and Schmuck are up to no good

>>21524406, >>21524671 Schumer has been blathering about gun control for a long time

>>21524159 Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

>>21524166, >>21524246, >>21524456 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

>>21524173 DJT: Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity

>>21524202 Carpe Diem: C before D

>>21524209 Muckraker.com Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida

>>21524217 Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

>>21524263, >>21524271 Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persists

>>21524306 UK: Angela Rayner refuses to give Reform MP definition of ‘Islamaphobia’

>>21524330 States struggle to vet coders of election software

>>21524383 British Christians have launched a crowdfund in an effort to buy a remote Scottish Island eyed by a radical Islamic cleric

>>21524414 Dancin' man can't lose

>>21524429 Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

>>21524442, >>21524705 Today we get Kamalaya'll

>>21524544 Breaking the habit

>>21524652 "How I Got Fired From The CIA": Career Ops Officer Tells All

>>21524716 Turkiye requests BRICS membership

>>21524717 Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town

>>21524176, >>21524177, >>21524195, >>21524364, >>21524389, >>21524574 Memes


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477b7c No.21524727

File: 34fa47541d67305⋯.png (289.01 KB,873x526,873:526,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd8d4c9837d2f16⋯.png (263.33 KB,875x594,875:594,ClipboardImage.png)

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eccb59 No.21524728

File: b6eb0dc599521be⋯.png (455.54 KB,606x652,303:326,shade.PNG)


Shadow of Ezra


The mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has dropped a bombshell, suggesting that the gangs seizing control of apartment buildings may have been bankrolled by the Biden-Harris administration.

Venezuelan gangs have overrun several buildings, extorting rent as ransom from terrified residents.

This has escalated far beyond an open border crisis. Where did they get their weapons?

5:43 AM · Aug 30, 2024




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4cbbe6 No.21524729

File: 451ee70d368e630⋯.jpg (247.22 KB,741x830,741:830,shills_everywhere.jpg)

Shit. Didn't even realize the post count got this high. Battling evil in the sphere of ideas.

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a9773f No.21524730

File: 10fc2f1add486bc⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1125x1783,1125:1783,IMG_3794.jpeg)

Who says the left ain’t funny?

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8b1fca No.21524731


<ordinance violation

>revenue opportunity

this can’t be fixed

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eccb59 No.21524732

File: e8007f9506ec70a⋯.png (36.39 KB,1244x322,622:161,cring.PNG)


Kamala Harris goes viral with 'cringe'

new accent at Detroit rally, sparks 'Foghorn

Leghorn' comparisons

Fox News, by Joseph A. Wulfsohn

Posted By: Moritz55, 9/2/2024 7:37:42 PM

Vice President Kamala Harris raised eyebrows during her Labor Day rally in Detroit, Michigan, unveiling what critics call a new "accent." Harris spent her Monday holiday in the Motor City hoping to shore up blue-collar union workers in the critical battleground state that she wants to keep blue in the November election. "You better thank a union member for the five-day work week," Harris told the crowd with a noticeable shift in her dialect. "You better thank a union member for sick leave. You better thank a union member for paid leave. You better thank a union member for vacation time."

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0f0d38 No.21524733

File: 217a1f31c0144d5⋯.jpeg (577.63 KB,828x1016,207:254,0E4226D9_A90E_4D70_8D01_6….jpeg)


Dragnet encompasses and collars the stupid fuckin commie Nationwide.

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83905e No.21524734


The gangs are collecting rent so they are kinda right.

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a37b4f No.21524735

File: ffa3d0a8e2a8269⋯.png (1.79 MB,1187x895,1187:895,Bleeding_For_Ukraine_Reeee.png)


depends on what tickles one's fancy.

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56c942 No.21524736

hurricanes went woke

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0f0d38 No.21524737

Trillions gone by noon.


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83905e No.21524738

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1a9bfe No.21524739

File: 59586cffe1d6a60⋯.png (225.67 KB,400x298,200:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f5b2e No.21524740

File: 2cf3e5d4cebd226⋯.png (1.29 MB,1253x839,1253:839,ClipboardImage.png)


>Where did they get their weapons?

misinformation disinformation our democracy

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b548a6 No.21524741

File: d2757fea5ce73c8⋯.jpg (148.04 KB,900x686,450:343,420e8b7dd17c041725997020d6….jpg)

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4cbbe6 No.21524742

File: 01df87a7b9fe129⋯.png (212.07 KB,1254x322,627:161,MIMIC_EVIDENCE_2.png)


A narcissist would say that he knows what's best for everyone and that every battle was necessary rather than apologizing for his ignorant and shitty behavior towards anons and staff. Insert any name into this AI reasoned bullshit you and your chucklefuck retard friends posted and you'll have your answer why you copy down to the filename and then immediately post the same meme I do. Broken Absolute Retard. Fractured into pieces in the endgame and now tries to wear the skin of someone else out of revenge for his impotence and failure.

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56c942 No.21524743


trillions been gone for a long time

the assets lie now with the "banks"

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a37b4f No.21524744


top kek fren.

I hate to see good bewbs being destroyed like this.

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477b7c No.21524745

File: f6a3e59a2a9528d⋯.png (444.37 KB,659x458,659:458,ClipboardImage.png)

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256b3c No.21524746

File: 41235511f11e9b1⋯.jpg (900.96 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240902_173313….jpg)

File: b477b6f1be4c1e2⋯.jpg (6.8 KB,200x200,1:1,images_49_.jpg)

File: 2f1aaaaa9db5465⋯.jpg (638.03 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240810_192943….jpg)

File: 6ebb95be2abaa75⋯.jpg (47.63 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Tim_Walz_e1667928229578.jpg)

File: c8136902d4606a1⋯.jpg (106.9 KB,1024x822,512:411,Steffi_Graf_1223907824.jpg)

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a37b4f No.21524747


Sue like there's no tomorrow. Copyright infringement

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67e997 No.21524748

File: 091b8d737eb22c7⋯.jpg (80.98 KB,614x336,307:168,ITS_JUST_AN_INCH.jpg)

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eccb59 No.21524749

File: ab6511ca38e64f5⋯.png (367.88 KB,593x486,593:486,do.PNG)




Actor Dennis Quaid just ENDORSED Trump due to the weaponization of the DOJ!

1:29 PM · Sep 2, 2024




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1a9bfe No.21524750


dayum he looks rough

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bca63b No.21524751

File: 600cc132fb7e2bb⋯.png (434.46 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA187.png)

File: d46812167597535⋯.png (361.09 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA186.png)

File: 51e494ce3d588f0⋯.png (575.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA185.png)

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b52182 No.21524752

File: 282e2bb8b809922⋯.png (937.66 KB,1020x650,102:65,Clipboardimage.png)


>can't meme and still full of illusions of grandeur (i.e. shit)

not even worth a (you)

fucking retarded brandon-potatoes, all of [you]!!

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0db67a No.21524753

File: 2570817f31f87e3⋯.png (1.05 MB,943x955,943:955,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7be0d0d88f50df⋯.png (173.32 KB,474x217,474:217,ClipboardImage.png)

ICYMI - Two months ago: UEFA suspends Turkey player Demiral for 2 games for making national pride “Grey Wolves” gesture after his second goal against Austria - securing Turkey's place in Euro 2024 quarterfinals - deemed to be "racist."



I am very proud to be a Turk, I felt that to my bones after scoring the goal

…The German Israeli Society, which described the "Grey Wolves" as a threat to Jews as well as Armenians, Greeks and Kurds, called on German authorities to ban the group.

"The ideological superiority of these fascist nationalists jeopardises public safety,"its president Volker Beck said in a statement.

In Turkey, the ruling AK party and its MHP ally both defended Demiral and said the backlash was out of proportion.

AK party spokesperson Omer Celik said those worried about racism and fascism should focus on recent elections around the continent where the ‘’’far right has been on the rise’’’.

"The Grey Wolf sign made by our son Merih after hitting the net is the Turkish nation's message to the world, and UEFA's launch of an investigation in this context is both ill-intentioned and part of a chain of provocations that have gained dangerous ground in recent days," added MHP leader Devlet Bahceli.

The incidentcoincided with the start of a trial in Turkey of 22 people over the murder of former "Grey Wolves" leader Sinan Ates, who was gunned down in Ankara in late 2022.



UEFA’s two-game ban of Turkey player Merih Demiral on Friday for a controversial hand gesture at the European Championship, an incident that led to a diplomatic row between Turkey and host nation Germany.

Theban rules Demiral out of the quarterfinal against the Netherlandson Saturday,and a semifinalshould Turkey progress.

The Turkish Football Federation joined Turkish government officials in denouncing the suspension …

After scoring his second goal in Turkey’s round-of-16 win over Austria on Tuesday, Demiral made a sign with each hand that is used by Turkish nationalists and associated with the Turkish ultra-nationalist organization Ulku Ocaklari, which is more widely known as the Gray Wolves.

“We consider it unfair this ban, because that was not a political gesture,…Turkey coach Vincenzo Montella said.

… Demiral had said it was aninnocent expression of national pride

Butit was condemned as “racism” by German interior ministerNancy Faeser, and Cem Özdemir, a German politician of Turkish descent, saidthe gesture “stands for terror, fascism.”

… UEFA said it banned Demiral “for failing to comply with the general principles of conduct, for violating the basic rules of decent conduct, for using sports events for manifestations of a non-sporting nature and for bringing the sport of football into disrepute.”

The Gray Wolves group was founded as the youth wing of Turkey’s far-right Nationalist Movement Party, or MHP, which is currently in an alliance with Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party. In the decades following its founding in the 1960s, the group was accused of involvement in politically motivated violence, mostly against leftist groups.

AP Euro 2024: https://apnews.com/hub/euro-2024



Demiral's suspension is a significant blow to Turkey's Euro 2024 campaign. His stellar performance against Austria was crucial in securing Turkey's place in the quarter-finals.



'Bring on the noise': Why Turkey are Euro 2024's second hosts- ESPN

"Turkey [is] the unofficial second home nation of this tournamentthanks to the huge Turkish diaspora in Germany 2.9 million claim to have Turkish heritage mirroring Mexico's status in this summer's Copa América in the United States prior to their group-stage elimination."


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83905e No.21524754



SO the Eagles don't support Kamala? The NFL PUSHED Vaxx hard , how many players will drop dead on the field?

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eccb59 No.21524755

File: 65460acdfbdca3c⋯.png (293.76 KB,600x810,20:27,res.PNG)




Green Lives Matter


Kash Patel suggests that a blackout/attack on our power infrastructure will happen before the election.👀🧵

"Look we just saw Paris during the Olympics just got blacked out and a coincidence…after the opening ceremonies. You need to overhaul the infrastructure around these systems to safeguard us from one of the easier threats our adversaries can deploy against America. And it's also harder to trace too. The sourcing would be much harder on that than say a kinetic operation like a 9/11 style attack.

Is there any contingency plans up at the top on if that were to happen?

So there's this thing called COG capabilities like continuity of government and everybody's heard about locations around America I can't really talk about but There's a continuity plan for government to keep going and for enough personnel to be around to make sure we can do all those things and supposedly defend the nation and have the commander in chief and his cabinet secure and do all that. But there's no contingency plan to say if you wipe out the electricity west of Mississippi how are we gonna turn it on It doesn't exist.

How likely is that method of attack do you think from Russia, Iran, Korea, China?

Something's gonna happen, if not already. Here's the other thing. The intel community right now is playing catch up on half these attacks because, again, it wasn't a priority to pro preemptively detect them and thwart the attack…

There's so much bad stuff going on right now that our adversaries have collectively kicked off against us whether it's the border whether it's the never ending war in Ukraine, whether it's the war in Israel, whether it's the CCP and what they're doing or going to do in Taiwan, whatever's going on in Africa whether it's Afghanistan and its resurgence of al Qaeda. There's so many things going on and I think an adversary that traditionally might have waited to that opportune day might come in the interim and say these guys have no idea how to defend what we can put out there right now So maybe they go now Maybe they go in the interim in the next hundred and whatever it is four days or something like that. But…they're gonna they've already done…two things that three things that nobody said would ever happen. Started two new world wars in Ukraine and Israel and allowed China and the CCP to flex their muscles on Taiwan…

Everybody's like that's never gonna happen. Well it didn't happen under Trump. It all happened now. And we haven't even talked about DPRK their new program their rockets. That guy has been having a party this entire time or Venezuela. Right You know people forget about how…bad some of these regimes are for global stability.

How vulnerable are we do cyber threats?

Big time.

What are what are the other vulnerable vulnerabilities? From our adversaries specifically Yes…

We talked about everything coming in from the border huge collective threat That's just gonna keep growing and metastasizing. and that includes a lot more of the physical stuff Right The crime, the fentanyl, the narco trafficking the sex smuggling, that kind of stuff The cyber stuff is in a different lane, but could expose us just as much if not worse. And I think we're very very very vulnerable to that. Just look at what happened with Crowdstrike…Did you know that's an American company, run by James Comey's buddy?" @ShawnRyan762

0:48 / 8:38

1:46 PM · Sep 2, 2024




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353bbb No.21524756


there is a reason most of these shootings take place in strict gun control areas…

if the fed (shooter) gets shot by return fire from patriots, how can they explain that???

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1b5e34 No.21524757

File: 41801400b56a203⋯.jpeg (9.37 KB,191x255,191:255,41801400b56a203eed8688867….jpeg)

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b0df9a No.21524758

File: 08569991816de70⋯.png (594.82 KB,1168x881,1168:881,Mebendazole_500mg.png)

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477b7c No.21524759

Irish teacher Enoch Burke is jailed for a THIRD time after being arrested outside school that sacked him for refusing to 'call a boy a girl'

Irish teacher Enoch Burke has been jailed for a third time after he was arrested outside the school that sacked him for refusing to 'call a boy a girl'.

The Evangelical Christian was yesterday placed inside a Garda vehicle outside Wilson's Hospital School in Ireland's Co Westmeath and driven to the Four Courts in Dublin, reported the Irish Independent.

He was back behind bars at Mountjoy Prison last night having already spent more than 400 days incarcerated there for repeatedly defying a High Court injunction banning him from the school's grounds.

Justice Michael Quinn jailed him for contempt of court after the history and German teacher refused to give a 'yes' or 'no' answer when asked if he intended to return to the Westmeath school again.

As the order was passed, Mr Burke told Justice Quinn: 'You will answer to God for imprisoning me for my religious beliefs.'


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7f7ba0 No.21524760

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1e8282 No.21524761


Saying a prayer for her.

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b849dc No.21524762

File: 13c5cdc923e204e⋯.png (11.62 KB,697x178,697:178,ClipboardImage.png)


>Double rainbow here


Notice the inside of rainbows are colored white.

I watched a cool vid on the raindrops reflections.

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0f0d38 No.21524763

File: 582f76781249b00⋯.jpeg (499.88 KB,828x1210,414:605,5AA2A24A_9480_4B12_AD7D_D….jpeg)

Seriously, diapers.


"Banks" are GONE.

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b52182 No.21524764

File: e5821ba445ed7ea⋯.jpeg (27.31 KB,455x286,35:22,b789330911c9dc6916fe4632f….jpeg)


>making nationalistic gesture

So that is what that is then…..


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027cf7 No.21524765

File: 6c8a7224cbee9b1⋯.jpeg (710.01 KB,1125x1555,225:311,IMG_3796.jpeg)


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a37b4f No.21524766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bca63b No.21524767

Congress is like high school.

Only the rich, pretty, and cool kids get elected, and they pay the geeks to do all their work for them, while they are off somewhere boinking each other or doing drugs.

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027cf7 No.21524768

File: 71852c1898383d8⋯.jpeg (1001.66 KB,1125x1849,1125:1849,IMG_3797.jpeg)



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b849dc No.21524769

File: ebdf4798be81132⋯.jpg (84.56 KB,1392x788,348:197,God_Sun_Clouds.jpg)


>It looks like Ivermectin is working.

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0f0d38 No.21524770

File: 4f072ee9ae7dc7e⋯.jpeg (763.22 KB,828x1071,92:119,D398BB5B_AD78_44CA_9FDB_A….jpeg)



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277928 No.21524771

File: 4f6c1b92e1e2ac7⋯.mp4 (10.24 MB,640x360,16:9,cursedportland.mp4)


Seems to be, Q team mentioned and predicted that; it really a q proof.

If it was reported honestly they couldn't keep up the pretense of who they claim we are.

There's moar to unpack.

Having to do with "Q +"

on one hand Q + must keep distance and plausible deniabiltiy regarding the project / back channel

On the other hand we were giving q proofs.

So anyone who wanted to look closely could see it if they wanted to.

And obviously people like Barry have done so and know what it is.

It's "hidden in plain sight" kind of messaging.

That connects the dots between:

Q proofs / Q+ proofs


"You have everything" / "YOu only will find out, if you want to know" - to paraphrase.

No one will make you.

That releases the pressure of the info.

It has to be found, not told.


mentiones "93" luciferian number of freemason Crowley

Last bread on Trump's alleged choleric temperment

This video is an example of how he holds his temper and stays completely calm in the face of utmost provocation by his enemies.

See how his voice stays even.


He's has a stable genius?

The straw man "argument" sophistry portrays different and most are seemingly taken in by it?

Shows the power of the social engineering, culture creation,to create minds wedded to the fake news?

almost everyone!

Even people thought to be the most highly educated intelligent people of all time.


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256b3c No.21524772

File: 37161530cf3fd93⋯.jpg (207.27 KB,1280x720,16:9,AA1i3zCE_566952586.jpg)

File: 1db102b037492fa⋯.jpg (92.47 KB,671x1000,671:1000,Mona_Lisa_oil_wood_panel_L….jpg)

File: 5d2c332b2c97ed1⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_193851….jpg)

File: a6840ba6492157e⋯.jpg (107.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,img_0643_244803778.jpg)

High, Bred!

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477b7c No.21524773



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5f5b2e No.21524774

File: 1463dc196ff6530⋯.png (852.26 KB,954x640,477:320,GreyWolves.png)

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6dbb07 No.21524775


Why dont mosks' or synagogues ever catch fire?

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027cf7 No.21524776

File: 043ce7a07b6285f⋯.jpeg (845.48 KB,1125x1276,1125:1276,IMG_3798.jpeg)

File: 2193836a79b56fc⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,1125x1945,225:389,IMG_3800.jpeg)

File: a59c5434080f46f⋯.jpeg (1.72 MB,1125x1953,125:217,IMG_3801.jpeg)



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5f5b2e No.21524777

Your doctor will be a Turk and your medicine will be Islam.

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bca63b No.21524778


Constitutional amendment:

At least a 105 IQ test to qualify for the ballot (any federal race), to be retested before each re-election.

Don't we want our politicians to be at least a little smarter than average?

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7f7ba0 No.21524779

File: f6a3e59a2a9528d⋯.png (444.37 KB,659x458,659:458,ClipboardImage.png)

Philadelphia Eagles take action against fake endorsement of Kamala Harris featuring team branding


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5f5b2e No.21524780

File: 7e844543dbef3ae⋯.gif (648.44 KB,319x200,319:200,coach.gif)


>They are blaming the landlords for it.


>The gangs are collecting rent so they are kinda right.

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0f0d38 No.21524781

Lotta hot potatoes

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027cf7 No.21524782


16? Weird.

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75cc59 No.21524783

File: dd428979cd6d168⋯.png (234.15 KB,636x485,636:485,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42cfdd980f76b22⋯.png (371.73 KB,616x570,308:285,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43824f53d0894db⋯.png (295.01 KB,479x280,479:280,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 2h

Ukraine's actions do not come from power and superiority, but from complete desperation and indifference. These are the actions of a sick animal driven to death and will soon die.

Sep 2, 2024 · 10:44 PM UTC


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4b583b No.21524784


can anon rip this please? I have family in Colorado

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256b3c No.21524785

File: df80139b554fc19⋯.jpg (83.65 KB,650x360,65:36,warren_clinton_ohio_279698….jpg)

File: ff65f58c24024a8⋯.png (820.8 KB,1200x675,16:9,colangelo2_3400975872.png)

File: 11f73b55f920a97⋯.jpg (601.78 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240822_231550….jpg)

File: a6840ba6492157e⋯.jpg (107.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,img_0643_244803778.jpg)

File: 0d57f19d092ff4e⋯.jpg (27.97 KB,474x592,237:296,th_1727436524.jpg)


Beautiful Hilary's mom &

Pocahontas Native Blend

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0db67a No.21524786

File: a78560757190906⋯.png (3.45 MB,1700x1252,425:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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353bbb No.21524787


they want to start a civil war maybee?

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cdb01f No.21524788

File: ebf62bdc7f83ee4⋯.mp4 (8.76 MB,644x360,161:90,ssstwitter_com_17252978402….mp4)



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bf99ef No.21524789

File: feb34ee0624d1be⋯.jpeg (342.47 KB,1080x1273,1080:1273,IMG_3024.jpeg)

File: e3b56828d40993e⋯.jpeg (453.59 KB,1080x1969,1080:1969,IMG_3025.jpeg)

Any anons hearing about this?

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8fdfa2 No.21524790

File: f9965939bf5a0d5⋯.png (508.94 KB,1076x670,538:335,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96dedcd2372ed19⋯.png (103.53 KB,1078x775,1078:775,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8d9a664ae17d7f⋯.png (75.66 KB,1072x579,1072:579,ClipboardImage.png)



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0f0d38 No.21524791

File: 21293ecbe75e2a9⋯.jpeg (673.17 KB,753x1063,753:1063,8DA6FC7B_2C0A_422C_95F1_1….jpeg)

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eedc93 No.21524792

File: 3230dad1808cf11⋯.png (1.56 MB,1080x1339,1080:1339,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f0d38 No.21524793

File: 21293ecbe75e2a9⋯.jpeg (673.17 KB,753x1063,753:1063,8DA6FC7B_2C0A_422C_95F1_1….jpeg)

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477b7c No.21524794

File: ab3225130feb27f⋯.png (407.66 KB,594x530,297:265,ClipboardImage.png)


Israeli minister calls for 'declaration of war' on Palestinians in West Bank

Minister of Settlement Orit Strock also called for a war to ethnically cleanse Gaza before 7 October

An Israeli minister called on the government to declare a state of war in occupied West Bank cities and settlements, Israel Hayom reported on 2 September.

Orit Strock, the Israeli Minister of Settlement, made the demand while addressing the Military Secretary Roman Gofman and the Security Cabinet for Political and Security Affairs on Monday.

Strock, of the Religious Zionism party, has been at the forefront of the movement calling for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza to settle Jews in their place.

In July 2023, before the current war in Gaza started, she called for launching a war against Gaza to retake the strip and rebuild Jewish settlements, including Gush Katif, which was evacuated in 2005 as part of the Disengagement plan of then-prime minister Ariel Sharon.

Strock told Israel’s Channel 7, “I believe that, at the end of the day, the sin of the disengagement will be reversed.”

She suggested this would require going to war, adding that “sadly, a return to the Gaza Strip will involve many casualties.”

Earlier this week, the Israeli military launched its largest military operation in the West Bank in decades, as its forces invaded Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tuba.

The operation in Jenin continued on Monday, reaching its sixth day.

“Palestinians say the main goal of this military operation, the largest in more than two decades, is destruction,” reported Al Jazeera correspondent Niba Ibrahim from Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.

“We are another Gaza, especially in the refugee camps,” said Nayef Alaajmeh, a resident of the Nour Shams camp in Tulkarem, as he surveyed the damage following the Israeli withdrawal on Thursday.

The Israeli military claims that since launching the West Bank operation, its troops have killed at least 26 resistance fighters and detained another 30 wanted Palestinians. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have claimed 13 of those killed as their members, according to AFP.

The escalation in the West Banks comes as Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich called for launching a “preemptive strike” against “terrorism.”

“We are a step away from October 7 in Judea and Samaria and the center of the country,” Smotrich said in a video message Sunday.

“We need to do now what we didn’t do that cursed night and launch a preemptive strike and strike terror hard. Gazan, West Bank, and Lebanese terror are one, part of the Iranian choke ring. We are committed to eliminating terrorism on all fronts.”

While attention has focused on Israel’s genocidal war on Palestinians in Gaza, Israeli military operations in the West Bank and East Jerusalem have led to the killing of more than 600 Palestinians and the arrest of another 9,000 since 7 October.



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0f0d38 No.21524795

File: 21293ecbe75e2a9⋯.jpeg (673.17 KB,753x1063,753:1063,8DA6FC7B_2C0A_422C_95F1_1….jpeg)

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5f5b2e No.21524796

File: c4e14cfeeb03d93⋯.mp4 (14.51 MB,886x494,443:247,jrenJIPrdiASyYIl.mp4)




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e6cdef No.21524797

CHECK IT OUT. Jammin to some good LIVE music!

Music Legend @patriot1972 playing live at #Flagstock right now!

@JohnRich @jeffreysteele!


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1b5e34 No.21524798


google "how to rip twitter videos"


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277928 No.21524799

File: 8f87829bbb9f691⋯.png (191.25 KB,617x336,617:336,scarbouroghmurder6.png)

File: 4dcc77dbf1d82c1⋯.jpeg (401.06 KB,1369x1265,1369:1265,scarboroughintern.jpeg)

File: 9e0836b3998473b⋯.png (363.47 KB,649x866,649:866,scarbourough.png)

File: 5765fa36c7752fc⋯.png (435.67 KB,400x604,100:151,scarborough.png)

File: 58a8fc3ac36a6f3⋯.png (298.05 KB,1439x1399,1439:1399,Scarborough_who_is_medical….png)


Straw man Sophistry / trickery


DJTrump has a stable genius; he's not all choleric.

Who is choleric; for instance?


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277928 No.21524800

File: 50f44bca63ab0f1⋯.jpg (227.67 KB,998x878,499:439,strawman.jpg)

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b849dc No.21524801

File: ce13a86af95487e⋯.jpg (118.75 KB,500x939,500:939,OMG_You_Guys_1.jpg)


>Who says the left ain’t funny?

This is history.

First good Left meme.

omg I can't believe I was here to see it.

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5f5b2e No.21524802

File: 6daaed6156b3788⋯.png (110.08 KB,224x367,224:367,ClipboardImage.png)


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0613a4 No.21524803


Have you seen the people in congress?

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aa8011 No.21524804

File: ab31c694d868cd6⋯.png (308.88 KB,349x495,349:495,o_doughnut.PNG)

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b0e7d2 No.21524805

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256b3c No.21524806

File: 49ae04aa5331394⋯.jpg (590.6 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240902_180208….jpg)

File: a804b1efdfdf9e2⋯.jpg (567.01 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240901_072714….jpg)

File: d93e62657b35606⋯.jpg (79.5 KB,900x900,1:1,aD6ViSlTd1I7wuYBzIwk6F6G_R….jpg)

File: 7e62665a8ddbc11⋯.jpg (310.48 KB,2400x1350,16:9,NXIVM_members_lede_4018030….jpg)

File: a6840ba6492157e⋯.jpg (107.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,img_0643_244803778.jpg)

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24a09e No.21524807

File: c6db3099591f716⋯.png (598.91 KB,784x816,49:51,75.png)

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bf99ef No.21524808


Well they were borne in may so….

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4b583b No.21524809


bless you.

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0f0d38 No.21524810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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5f5b2e No.21524811

File: c2eefd53acd9fa8⋯.png (405.11 KB,768x576,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Panama-Flagged, Greek-Owned Blue Lagoon 1 Attacked Off Yemen Coast

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adb20f No.21524812


Careful what you wish for.

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b548a6 No.21524813


She might not be a leftie

Anon can't stand listening to it, either.

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cdb01f No.21524814

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75cc59 No.21524815

File: d94bcbc4ce0a6e8⋯.png (22.66 KB,614x168,307:84,ClipboardImage.png)

Leading Report

@LeadingReport 6h

BREAKING: Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that illegal immigrants do not have the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment.

Sep 2, 2024 · 6:55 PM UTC



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277928 No.21524816

File: 82daa2a192fe9f5⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,320x240,4:3,scarbourughkilledintern5.mp4)


DJTrump has a stable genius; he's not at all choleric; as is Joe Scarborough.

Looked up Choleric in the dictionary and it said "Joe Scarborough"

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5f5b2e No.21524817

File: 31566b2e00d3cef⋯.png (51.58 KB,164x218,82:109,captain.png)


US military says Yemen's Houthis attacked two crude oil tankers in Red Sea

Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels attacked the Saudi-flagged Amjad and the Panama-flagged Blue Lagoon I on Monday, the U.S. military said, calling the assaults "reckless acts of terrorism".

The Houthis late on Monday claimed responsibility for targeting the Blue Lagoon with multiple missiles and drones but did not make any mention of the Saudi tanker.

The U.S. Central Command said the Houthis attacked the two tankers with two ballistic missiles and a one-way attack uncrewed aerial system, hitting both vessels.

Both vessels were laden with crude oil, with the Amjad carrying about two million barrels of oil, according to the U.S. military statement, which described the attacks as "reckless acts of terrorism by the Houthis."

Two sources told Reuters earlier that the ships were sailing near each other when they were hit but were able to continue their voyages with no major damage assessed or any casualties.

The Amjad's owner, Saudi national shipping group Bahri, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The supertanker has a maximum capacity of 2 million barrels.

The Greek manager of the Blue Lagoon I, Sea Trade Marine SA, was not immediately available for comment. The Suezmax tanker has a maximum capacity of 1 million barrels.

One of the sources told Reuters the Amjad was unlikely to have been directly targeted.

Saudi Arabia, the world's top oil exporter, has watched with alarm as Houthi missiles have been fired over its territory to target ships in the Red Sea. Saudi Arabia has tried to extract itself from a messy war in Yemen and a destructive feud with the Houthis' principal backer, Iran.

The Houthis first launched aerial drone and missile strikes on the waterway in November. They say they are acting in solidarity with Palestinians under assault in Israel's war on Gaza that has killed tens of thousands, flattened most of the enclave and caused a humanitarian crisis following Palestinian Islamist group Hamas' deadly Oct. 7 attack.

In more than 70 attacks, the Houthis have sunk two vessels, seized another and killed at least three seafarers.

The Joint Maritime Information Center, run by international naval forces to track Houthi attacks, said three ballistic missile attacks hit the Blue Lagoon I tanker on Monday 70 nautical miles northwest of the northern Yemeni port of Saleef.

The center "assesses that M/V BLUE LAGOON I was targeted due to other vessels within its company structure making recent port calls in Israel," it said in a report.

"All crew on board are safe. The vessel sustained minimal damage but does not require assistance."

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477b7c No.21524818

File: 857caf0b959e065⋯.png (555.67 KB,962x624,37:24,ClipboardImage.png)

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b849dc No.21524819

File: d80885ef6cc61a8⋯.jpg (485.69 KB,704x1056,2:3,Meme_Steal_Dank_Meme_Stand….jpg)



So ur sayin theiy're fake.

What's inside?

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477b7c No.21524820

The Protocols and Anti-Christ World Revolution. The most banned information on the internet…

Para 1


Part 2


Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion


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b548a6 No.21524821

>>21524815 Fifth Circuit has ruled that illegal immigrants do not have 2A rights

Notable AF

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f6670f No.21524822

File: 821687d22340464⋯.webm (318.84 KB,460x288,115:72,avy7OOn_460svvp9.webm)

Local elections in east Germany

German greens after losing badly, not even making it into the parliament

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477b7c No.21524823

File: 7d5cfa2298628d8⋯.png (218.69 KB,360x258,60:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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477b7c No.21524824

File: 6ce6d696b1eac2e⋯.png (139.43 KB,680x385,136:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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b52182 No.21524825

File: d56cc9755ef9bb1⋯.png (353.8 KB,970x296,485:148,d56cc9755ef9bb15f4eb261e2b….png)


i'ons. whole bunch o' i'ons

magnet wouldn't work if it weren't

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85a6d9 No.21524826


Translation: Constitutional rights do not apply to Illegals.

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1b5e34 No.21524827

File: a9bdb50f1b3716b⋯.png (330.94 KB,719x740,719:740,a9bdb50f1b3716b3fdc704b9c0….png)



sounds nice but they're illegal immigrants though and therefore don't follow the law anyway.

anon will take the small win though

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b045ef No.21524828

Supreme leader sistah genocide providing shelter to immigrants – chain of command

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b64ec8 No.21524829

File: d753a25e88eddec⋯.jpg (113.35 KB,750x500,3:2,sometimes_you_have_to_show….jpg)

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74f951 No.21524830


I knew this since forever!

Flynn hire!

Fiona Hill Flynn hire, PDJT impeachment

Intelligence Community

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0f0d38 No.21524831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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88b596 No.21524832

Pia Zadora is trend but not Donald j Trump.

Elon is clown

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b64ec8 No.21524833


>Local elections in east Germany

Yeah and all we'll see from msm is muh "hard right afd"

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85115e No.21524834


Elon is the richest man on the planet.

So say clown again and see what happens.

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7f7ba0 No.21524835

notables @ 685

#26370 >>21524138

>>21524157 FBl FF comms?

>>21524408 Mass shooting at parade in New York City

>>21524311, >>21524345 Schiff and Schmuck are up to no good

>>21524406, >>21524671 Schumer has been blathering about gun control for a long time

>>21524159 Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

>>21524166, >>21524246, >>21524456 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

>>21524173 DJT: Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity

>>21524202 Carpe Diem: C before D

>>21524209 Muckraker.com Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida

>>21524217 Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

>>21524263, >>21524271 Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persists

>>21524306 UK: Angela Rayner refuses to give Reform MP definition of ‘Islamaphobia’

>>21524330 States struggle to vet coders of election software

>>21524383 British Christians have launched a crowdfund in an effort to buy a remote Scottish Island eyed by a radical Islamic cleric

>>21524414 Dancin' man can't lose

>>21524429 Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

>>21524442, >>21524705 Today we got Kamalaya'll

>>21524544 Breaking the habit

>>21524652 "How I Got Fired From The CIA": Career Ops Officer Tells All

>>21524716 Turkiye requests BRICS membership

>>21524717 Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town

>>21524733, >>21524779 Philadelphia Eagles take action against fake endorsement of Kamala Harris featuring team branding

>>21524759 Irish teacher jailed for a third time after being arrested outside school that sacked him for refusing to 'call a boy a girl'

>>21524788 ICYMI: The mayor of Aurora, Colorado confirms Venezuelan gangs are conquering the city

>>21524815 Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that illegal immigrants do not have the right to bear arms

>>21524176, >>21524177, >>21524195, >>21524364, >>21524389, >>21524792 Memes


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5f5b2e No.21524836

File: 190dbec7241f784⋯.png (99.73 KB,294x339,98:113,ClipboardImage.png)

Delford Smith founded the company as Evergreen Helicopters in 1960. Smith was involved in the development of the commercial use of helicopters, and his company was one of the first to use helicopters for spraying fertilizer and herbicides, spreading seeds and fighting forest fires. Smith helped develop a helicopter spray system called the "PaceSpreader" which permitted accurate, fast delivery of granular agents over large areas.

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5ce58b No.21524837

File: 520296378e8cbb7⋯.png (776.83 KB,1182x828,197:138,ClipboardImage.png)

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277928 No.21524838

File: 9873b1835b250cb⋯.jpg (7.55 MB,1661x3051,1661:3051,Francisco_de_Goya_Saturno_….jpg)


That's why the Spring holiday should be Labor.

As a woman labors in birth.

just riffing here.

Birth - Labor

Death - Memorial

Luciferian principle is to invert everything; perversion, inversion.

It's their spell.


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b548a6 No.21524839

File: d6acd0e00a332a7⋯.png (321.99 KB,789x812,789:812,Screen_Shot_2024_09_02_at_….png)

File: 65b1a91b5cdc16e⋯.png (361.61 KB,610x648,305:324,Screen_Shot_2024_09_02_at_….png)

Brazil Military jet just landed in Orlando.

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88b596 No.21524840

File: 7887b29d21c39ab⋯.jpg (48.03 KB,518x680,259:340,gc.jpg)

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81ba12 No.21524841

File: 1ec431c0d65053a⋯.png (622.11 KB,1057x1097,1057:1097,pepe_meme_poster.png)


Anon mints all memes as nft prior to setting them free

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e6cdef No.21524842



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08bcfa No.21524843

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e7d082 No.21524844


disinfo intentional

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098203 No.21524845

File: 5945172810ef02f⋯.jpeg (379.04 KB,2075x1496,2075:1496,IMG_3617.jpeg)

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477839 No.21524846

File: 494e8f9e6fe73af⋯.png (542.22 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5f9a5 No.21524847

First NATO Country, Turkey, Officially Applies To Join BRICS

Turkey has now offically submitted its application to join BRICS, after repeatedly being denied entry into the European Union!!

Even casual observers of matters geo-political, see this as a "HUGE" deal.

If accepted, Turkey would be the first NATO member and EU candidate to join BRICS.

The whole point of BRICS is basically to replace the world's reliance on the US dollar and "centralized" power.

Turkish President Erdogan’s administration believes “the geopolitical center of gravity is shifting away from former developed economies” according to sources.

The proposal by Turkey will be discussed at the BRICS summit in Russia this October.


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0f0d38 No.21524848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



More love less eating of the poopies for nataS

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b548a6 No.21524849

File: f71a3fb67872458⋯.png (86.89 KB,714x574,51:41,f71a3fb67872458481f2d0e716….png)

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adfabc No.21524850

File: 2fe177b76e357aa⋯.jpeg (122.55 KB,720x720,1:1,6B461FE0_9462_4EE0_AB24_B….jpeg)

File: 3608f3db5617042⋯.jpeg (602.28 KB,1323x888,441:296,77B507B9_0772_44D8_8F7F_4….jpeg)

File: 3d5b5386b53e2d3⋯.jpeg (176.96 KB,1091x941,1091:941,518BDA38_5347_4BE9_B1ED_D….jpeg)

File: ce89b2db109a68e⋯.jpeg (220.08 KB,896x1146,448:573,06150D04_C2E4_4C97_B3FF_8….jpeg)





Engage NightShift

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bca63b No.21524851

File: 2c27ff830275dfc⋯.png (306.72 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA189.png)

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256b3c No.21524852

File: 2aa72daa11690b9⋯.jpg (683.16 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240820_003701….jpg)

File: d187aa5aae14d44⋯.jpg (684.27 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240820_003646….jpg)

File: 6e27031892a7c67⋯.jpg (21.44 KB,474x474,1:1,th_974961570.jpg)

File: 5a9e303a09af5ae⋯.png (952.07 KB,1200x1501,1200:1501,f4c4ac471a45b18040de26c7d0….png)

File: 8b07478b848d527⋯.jpg (132.22 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Fr6bB1DXwAEheDc_1712099307.jpg)




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0bb7c1 No.21524853

File: 1f8594c0fd3f9a0⋯.png (1.34 MB,1124x636,281:159,ClipboardImage.png)

Sweet pic!

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9864a0 No.21524854

File: 4df9a223242e969⋯.png (33.68 KB,865x440,173:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdfb88ac43a3d9d⋯.png (36.43 KB,235x494,235:494,ClipboardImage.png)

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67e997 No.21524855

File: f144598e40eb51e⋯.jpg (96.38 KB,633x654,211:218,BROKE.jpg)

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88b596 No.21524856



Ezekiel 38

People 40 years ago thought the EU was the gathering of nations.

But it's bric

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07d767 No.21524857

File: 16605ef0672e103⋯.png (1.05 MB,1247x804,1247:804,ClipboardImage.png)


The form of the destructor has been chosen.

They will use this event to leverage martial law to stop the election. This is why you see those shipping containers outside various places, like grocery stores, warehouses and whatnot.

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af6e5d No.21524858

File: 57a51690a5b7bad⋯.png (288.07 KB,1080x1168,135:146,Screenshot_20240902_202600.png)

What are your thoughts on Ezra's opinions he shared tonight?

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83905e No.21524859

File: 9ffcd5765ad4b9b⋯.png (529.34 KB,547x738,547:738,Screenshot_2024_09_02_2125….png)

File: 339e5353b511806⋯.png (1.16 MB,850x941,850:941,Screenshot_2024_09_02_2125….png)


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256b3c No.21524860

File: c8136902d4606a1⋯.jpg (106.9 KB,1024x822,512:411,Steffi_Graf_1223907824.jpg)

File: cc8c6e276965d40⋯.jpg (11.61 KB,220x233,220:233,220px_Lynn_Death_Valley_20….jpg)

File: ca8cb8ef610c2f3⋯.jpg (853.62 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240810_203103….jpg)

File: 3a681ba7abd1a9d⋯.jpg (514.74 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240810_093028….jpg)

File: 572f8d7f4e705f4⋯.jpg (139.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1110079163.jpg)

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83905e No.21524861

File: 2edd2ade0e55df9⋯.jpg (128.57 KB,500x666,250:333,927u4a.jpg)

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d24ca0 No.21524862

File: 4dc0416d3db78f5⋯.png (558.55 KB,472x556,118:139,ClipboardImage.png)

The loudist "anti-fascists" were and are the real fascists all along.

Nazis did the same thing in censorship.

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0f0d38 No.21524863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e7d082 No.21524864


"I ain't no ways tired"

adopting the HRC "I'm not a crakka accent"

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bca63b No.21524865

File: 15fafc25b6786a0⋯.png (912.78 KB,1024x768,4:3,SCAMALA1.png)

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23c9f0 No.21524866

File: 715054cfa76990a⋯.png (1.35 MB,1440x810,16:9,1725285068497.png)

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d24ca0 No.21524867

File: d4a6469786664ef⋯.png (642.51 KB,843x1192,843:1192,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5f9a5 No.21524868

File: 3003cb847f2d76b⋯.webm (1.22 MB,1168x864,73:54,who_ready_to_die_for_ZOG.webm)


That and, beware, because now they are literally replacing America overtime with…. you guess it….. slaves to the State. This is probably the goal, get America into WWIII, draft obedient whites, jail or kill white opposition and then REPLACE the population with third world illegals who have No Constitutional rights. New slave labor class, legalized slavery for the future of America. Don't fall for their bait.

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5e5293 No.21524869

fucking normalfaggots larping as anons crying about nazis like some liberal bitch from 2015


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1b5e34 No.21524870

File: a7ebb2d6a654afc⋯.png (106.6 KB,279x393,93:131,a7ebb2d6a654afcf4956f24423….png)

File: dc24627a0f30622⋯.jpg (25.38 KB,800x496,50:31,Dominion_CEO_800x496_jpg_o….jpg)

File: b298dfbdff3533a⋯.jpeg (93.41 KB,818x601,818:601,FcGSZZKaIAI8OS9.jpeg)

File: 2cc3f82bdc5084e⋯.jpeg (111.42 KB,769x1024,769:1024,2cc3f82bdc5084e87c7c5dfb8….jpeg)

File: 96fdf1bbbc27eea⋯.png (352.09 KB,729x408,243:136,e08fe12cc03dec0b9170af6589….png)

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256b3c No.21524871

File: 54634a9aa18d465⋯.jpg (531.84 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240823_103632….jpg)

File: 4b70e8ad0342a63⋯.jpg (730.57 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_103818….jpg)

File: 313aab39ff1758d⋯.jpg (789.06 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_103943….jpg)

File: e1ccc23f5f84a27⋯.jpg (57.7 KB,645x800,129:160,Jacob_Rothschild_4th_Baron….jpg)





https://www.independent.co.uk › life-style › love-sex › zac-goldsmith-alice-rothschild-divorce-b2306513.html

Zac Goldsmith to divorce from wife Alice Rothschild after 10 years of …

Mar 23, 2023Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith and his wife Alice Rothschild, of the famous Rothschild banking dynasty, are set to separate

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0f0d38 No.21524872

File: 31a8cbc27380058⋯.jpeg (105.18 KB,828x789,276:263,601D7A66_83CE_4592_B20F_8….jpeg)

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2ec691 No.21524873

notables FINAL

#26370 >>21524138

>>21524157 FBl FF comms?

>>21524408 Mass shooting at parade in New York City

>>21524311, >>21524345 Schiff and Schmuck are up to no good

>>21524406, >>21524671 Schumer has been blathering about gun control for a long time

>>21524159 Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

>>21524166, >>21524246, >>21524456 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

>>21524173 DJT: Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity

>>21524202 Carpe Diem: C before D

>>21524209 Muckraker.com Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida

>>21524217 Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

>>21524263, >>21524271 Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persists

>>21524306 UK: Angela Rayner refuses to give Reform MP definition of ‘Islamaphobia’

>>21524330 States struggle to vet coders of election software

>>21524383 British Christians have launched a crowdfund in an effort to buy a remote Scottish Island eyed by a radical Islamic cleric

>>21524414 Dancin' man can't lose

>>21524429 Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

>>21524442, >>21524705 Today we got Kamalaya'll

>>21524544 Breaking the habit

>>21524652 "How I Got Fired From The CIA": Career Ops Officer Tells All

>>21524716, >>21524847 Turkiye requests BRICS membership

>>21524717 Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town

>>21524733, >>21524779 Philadelphia Eagles take action against fake endorsement of Kamala Harris featuring team branding

>>21524759 Irish teacher jailed for a third time after being arrested outside school that sacked him for refusing to 'call a boy a girl'

>>21524788 ICYMI: The mayor of Aurora, Colorado confirms Venezuelan gangs are conquering the city

>>21524815 Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that illegal immigrants do not have the right to bear arms

>>21524839 PF: Brazil Military jet just landed in Orlando

>>21524176, >>21524177, >>21524195, >>21524364, >>21524389, >>21524792, >>21524867 Memes


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7d9546 No.21524874



But I guess 'sources say' huh

This is clown mongering:

Just plugging for his podcast.

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d24ca0 No.21524880

File: 2537ca94259585e⋯.png (735.24 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

If you make fun of my Muslim name I will report you for Islamaphobia and you WILL get a hate crime report recorded against you.

what if you're just riding shamu?



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a5f9a5 No.21524883



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2ec691 No.21524884

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d24ca0 No.21524886

File: a2a0044da9e97da⋯.png (89.29 KB,297x300,99:100,ClipboardImage.png)

In the last month, the NY Times, CNN, and Media Matters have lost key decisions clearing the way for trials. For those embracing advocacy journalism, a bill is coming due with defamation and disparagement lawsuits.


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0bb7c1 No.21524887


Nope that is love. You can't meme.

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2ec691 No.21524888

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23c9f0 No.21524891

File: a52bca9f580dea5⋯.png (503.26 KB,1435x813,1435:813,1725327349010.png)

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75cc59 No.21524894

File: 443cd7016243b05⋯.png (379.2 KB,717x414,239:138,ClipboardImage.png)

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bca63b No.21524895


Love, pfffffT!

Creepy Joe is thinking:

"Is that side boob, I'm feeling???"

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23c9f0 No.21524897

File: 2f1f7d9dd5828d6⋯.png (975.13 KB,1325x880,265:176,1725280315800.png)

File: 7ddec2be108454e⋯.png (471.61 KB,810x1440,9:16,1725277887649.png)

File: 70b4fea5626760e⋯.png (1.18 MB,1440x810,16:9,1725285048434.png)


My Nigga!


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83905e No.21524899

File: b33f4e857f898fa⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17253274159….mp4)

File: 937701113f480a1⋯.png (249.92 KB,535x627,535:627,Screenshot_2024_09_02_2136….png)

Modern elections just take longer even though we have "Better" technology

Shadow of Ezra


Mainstream media is now openly admitting that the November 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner.

They are psychologically preparing you for the cheating they have planned.


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0bb7c1 No.21524904

TRUTH BELONGS WITH THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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d24ca0 No.21524911

truth, though, this is a problem if you live in the UK, and I shouldn’t be making light of it. Nothing I said construed hate speech, or had anything to do with Islam. I was making fun of a fat man because his name sounded like Shamu, a famous whale - and if Shamu-the-person 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




weren’t Muslim, I’d still have made fun of him - because he’s a creep, which is why I made fun of him in the first place. Because he’s Muslim, though - and _only_ because he is Muslim - he was able to go to the authorities and have me put on a list - not even for attacking 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




Islam, but simply for offending him on a personal level. That’s how bad things have gotten there - and my response to him would have gotten me locked up, because the British government is actively persecuting people for making legitimate criticisms of Islam. Y’all, there’s a 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




word for that, but it’s not one you want to hear applied to the country you live in. If you can be locked up for saying something online that is offensive to Muslims, how long before the government decides that women’s hair is also offensive to their esteemed guests? Or 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




women’s voices? What happens when they demand the right to follow their faith even if it conflicts with the law of the land? We’ve already seen British judges let a child rapist go because as a Muslim, he’d been taught not to value women any more than you would “a piece of 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




candy dropped on the ground.” His victim was 13. If his “ignorance” of the law, even after growing up in the UK, was an excuse for rape, how long before a woman’s actions are held responsible instead?

If I lived in the UK today, I’d be thinking of getting out.

truth, though, this is a problem if you live in the UK, and I shouldn’t be making light of it. Nothing I said construed hate speech, or had anything to do with Islam. I was making fun of a fat man because his name sounded like Shamu, a famous whale - and if Shamu-the-person 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




weren’t Muslim, I’d still have made fun of him - because he’s a creep, which is why I made fun of him in the first place. Because he’s Muslim, though - and _only_ because he is Muslim - he was able to go to the authorities and have me put on a list - not even for attacking 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




Islam, but simply for offending him on a personal level. That’s how bad things have gotten there - and my response to him would have gotten me locked up, because the British government is actively persecuting people for making legitimate criticisms of Islam. Y’all, there’s a 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




word for that, but it’s not one you want to hear applied to the country you live in. If you can be locked up for saying something online that is offensive to Muslims, how long before the government decides that women’s hair is also offensive to their esteemed guests? Or 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




women’s voices? What happens when they demand the right to follow their faith even if it conflicts with the law of the land? We’ve already seen British judges let a child rapist go because as a Muslim, he’d been taught not to value women any more than you would “a piece of 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




candy dropped on the ground.” His victim was 13. If his “ignorance” of the law, even after growing up in the UK, was an excuse for rape, how long before a woman’s actions are held responsible instead?

If I lived in the UK today, I’d be thinking of getting out

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256b3c No.21524914

File: 5cd7b9e49af9b8e⋯.jpg (22.33 KB,319x280,319:280,pr5d_3932865078.jpg)

File: 7a07c6bb124761a⋯.jpg (606.03 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_103922….jpg)

File: c049abb1a1ea396⋯.jpg (292.08 KB,1500x1000,3:2,queen_margrethe_denmark_co….jpg)

File: d9d246ed68d6bb6⋯.jpg (598.63 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_090440….jpg)

File: ffb3c741cb3cc11⋯.jpg (792.53 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_090515….jpg)

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256b3c No.21524920

File: 0bd290c818e108a⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240902_184508….jpg)

File: d2615100b30e1ce⋯.jpg (570.84 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_222918….jpg)

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d24ca0 No.21524921

File: 7fd802c052ea93d⋯.png (215.59 KB,900x610,90:61,ClipboardImage.png)


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256b3c No.21524922

File: 1db102b037492fa⋯.jpg (92.47 KB,671x1000,671:1000,Mona_Lisa_oil_wood_panel_L….jpg)

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1a9bfe No.21524926

File: 182edf5e5243220⋯.png (69.13 KB,800x572,200:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a9bfe No.21524929

File: 848ffe4e77ab440⋯.png (677.67 KB,1922x1080,961:540,ClipboardImage.png)

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d24ca0 No.21524931

Meet the Press’ host Kristen Welker falsely claims Kamala Harris met Gold Star families of troops killed in Afghanistan


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1a9bfe No.21524933

File: a8a4c498e81d51b⋯.png (183.79 KB,431x340,431:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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d24ca0 No.21524935

File: 467c2b4418ec87b⋯.png (485.81 KB,746x960,373:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a9bfe No.21524936

File: 07aed01adb2f96f⋯.png (1.26 MB,1682x950,841:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a9bfe No.21524938

File: 7bee030adf426e7⋯.png (195.13 KB,359x304,359:304,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a9bfe No.21524939

File: 0ecd8e7661c56a3⋯.png (66.36 KB,213x236,213:236,ClipboardImage.png)

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24a09e No.21524940

File: e4d5a840acb5407⋯.jpg (105.84 KB,900x601,900:601,e4d5a840acb54077e5f49ab3a0….jpg)

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1a9bfe No.21524942

File: 7489a2c5080b7ed⋯.png (376.41 KB,631x331,631:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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24a09e No.21524943

File: 8d46a8d91be3b2d⋯.jpeg (184.25 KB,828x885,276:295,8d46a8d91be3b2dfbc1948c7e….jpeg)

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