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File: 8cffa2331f48a12⋯.png (99.71 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

eaab4a No.21524120 [View All]

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701 posts and 558 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0bb7c1 No.21524853

File: 1f8594c0fd3f9a0⋯.png (1.34 MB,1124x636,281:159,ClipboardImage.png)

Sweet pic!

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9864a0 No.21524854

File: 4df9a223242e969⋯.png (33.68 KB,865x440,173:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdfb88ac43a3d9d⋯.png (36.43 KB,235x494,235:494,ClipboardImage.png)

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67e997 No.21524855

File: f144598e40eb51e⋯.jpg (96.38 KB,633x654,211:218,BROKE.jpg)

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88b596 No.21524856



Ezekiel 38

People 40 years ago thought the EU was the gathering of nations.

But it's bric

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07d767 No.21524857

File: 16605ef0672e103⋯.png (1.05 MB,1247x804,1247:804,ClipboardImage.png)


The form of the destructor has been chosen.

They will use this event to leverage martial law to stop the election. This is why you see those shipping containers outside various places, like grocery stores, warehouses and whatnot.

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af6e5d No.21524858

File: 57a51690a5b7bad⋯.png (288.07 KB,1080x1168,135:146,Screenshot_20240902_202600.png)

What are your thoughts on Ezra's opinions he shared tonight?

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83905e No.21524859

File: 9ffcd5765ad4b9b⋯.png (529.34 KB,547x738,547:738,Screenshot_2024_09_02_2125….png)

File: 339e5353b511806⋯.png (1.16 MB,850x941,850:941,Screenshot_2024_09_02_2125….png)


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256b3c No.21524860

File: c8136902d4606a1⋯.jpg (106.9 KB,1024x822,512:411,Steffi_Graf_1223907824.jpg)

File: cc8c6e276965d40⋯.jpg (11.61 KB,220x233,220:233,220px_Lynn_Death_Valley_20….jpg)

File: ca8cb8ef610c2f3⋯.jpg (853.62 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240810_203103….jpg)

File: 3a681ba7abd1a9d⋯.jpg (514.74 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240810_093028….jpg)

File: 572f8d7f4e705f4⋯.jpg (139.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1110079163.jpg)

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83905e No.21524861

File: 2edd2ade0e55df9⋯.jpg (128.57 KB,500x666,250:333,927u4a.jpg)

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d24ca0 No.21524862

File: 4dc0416d3db78f5⋯.png (558.55 KB,472x556,118:139,ClipboardImage.png)

The loudist "anti-fascists" were and are the real fascists all along.

Nazis did the same thing in censorship.

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0f0d38 No.21524863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e7d082 No.21524864


"I ain't no ways tired"

adopting the HRC "I'm not a crakka accent"

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bca63b No.21524865

File: 15fafc25b6786a0⋯.png (912.78 KB,1024x768,4:3,SCAMALA1.png)

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23c9f0 No.21524866

File: 715054cfa76990a⋯.png (1.35 MB,1440x810,16:9,1725285068497.png)

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d24ca0 No.21524867

File: d4a6469786664ef⋯.png (642.51 KB,843x1192,843:1192,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5f9a5 No.21524868

File: 3003cb847f2d76b⋯.webm (1.22 MB,1168x864,73:54,who_ready_to_die_for_ZOG.webm)


That and, beware, because now they are literally replacing America overtime with…. you guess it….. slaves to the State. This is probably the goal, get America into WWIII, draft obedient whites, jail or kill white opposition and then REPLACE the population with third world illegals who have No Constitutional rights. New slave labor class, legalized slavery for the future of America. Don't fall for their bait.

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5e5293 No.21524869

fucking normalfaggots larping as anons crying about nazis like some liberal bitch from 2015


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1b5e34 No.21524870

File: a7ebb2d6a654afc⋯.png (106.6 KB,279x393,93:131,a7ebb2d6a654afcf4956f24423….png)

File: dc24627a0f30622⋯.jpg (25.38 KB,800x496,50:31,Dominion_CEO_800x496_jpg_o….jpg)

File: b298dfbdff3533a⋯.jpeg (93.41 KB,818x601,818:601,FcGSZZKaIAI8OS9.jpeg)

File: 2cc3f82bdc5084e⋯.jpeg (111.42 KB,769x1024,769:1024,2cc3f82bdc5084e87c7c5dfb8….jpeg)

File: 96fdf1bbbc27eea⋯.png (352.09 KB,729x408,243:136,e08fe12cc03dec0b9170af6589….png)

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256b3c No.21524871

File: 54634a9aa18d465⋯.jpg (531.84 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240823_103632….jpg)

File: 4b70e8ad0342a63⋯.jpg (730.57 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_103818….jpg)

File: 313aab39ff1758d⋯.jpg (789.06 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_103943….jpg)

File: e1ccc23f5f84a27⋯.jpg (57.7 KB,645x800,129:160,Jacob_Rothschild_4th_Baron….jpg)





https://www.independent.co.uk › life-style › love-sex › zac-goldsmith-alice-rothschild-divorce-b2306513.html

Zac Goldsmith to divorce from wife Alice Rothschild after 10 years of …

Mar 23, 2023Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith and his wife Alice Rothschild, of the famous Rothschild banking dynasty, are set to separate

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0f0d38 No.21524872

File: 31a8cbc27380058⋯.jpeg (105.18 KB,828x789,276:263,601D7A66_83CE_4592_B20F_8….jpeg)

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2ec691 No.21524873

notables FINAL

#26370 >>21524138

>>21524157 FBl FF comms?

>>21524408 Mass shooting at parade in New York City

>>21524311, >>21524345 Schiff and Schmuck are up to no good

>>21524406, >>21524671 Schumer has been blathering about gun control for a long time

>>21524159 Officer runs over woman sunbathing on Jersey Shore beach

>>21524166, >>21524246, >>21524456 Ezra Cohen-Watnick gets Q'd

>>21524173 DJT: Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity

>>21524202 Carpe Diem: C before D

>>21524209 Muckraker.com Has Obtained Firsthand Testimonies From Trafficked Children in Florida

>>21524217 Bill Ackman Says X Ban Will Make Brazil an ‘Uninvestable Market’

>>21524263, >>21524271 Jan. 6 sentences under fresh scrutiny as Supreme Court fallout persists

>>21524306 UK: Angela Rayner refuses to give Reform MP definition of ‘Islamaphobia’

>>21524330 States struggle to vet coders of election software

>>21524383 British Christians have launched a crowdfund in an effort to buy a remote Scottish Island eyed by a radical Islamic cleric

>>21524414 Dancin' man can't lose

>>21524429 Cardi B has been caught in a pregnancy photoshoot where the word pedophile is clearly visible in the background

>>21524442, >>21524705 Today we got Kamalaya'll

>>21524544 Breaking the habit

>>21524652 "How I Got Fired From The CIA": Career Ops Officer Tells All

>>21524716, >>21524847 Turkiye requests BRICS membership

>>21524717 Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town

>>21524733, >>21524779 Philadelphia Eagles take action against fake endorsement of Kamala Harris featuring team branding

>>21524759 Irish teacher jailed for a third time after being arrested outside school that sacked him for refusing to 'call a boy a girl'

>>21524788 ICYMI: The mayor of Aurora, Colorado confirms Venezuelan gangs are conquering the city

>>21524815 Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that illegal immigrants do not have the right to bear arms

>>21524839 PF: Brazil Military jet just landed in Orlando

>>21524176, >>21524177, >>21524195, >>21524364, >>21524389, >>21524792, >>21524867 Memes


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7d9546 No.21524874



But I guess 'sources say' huh

This is clown mongering:

Just plugging for his podcast.

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d24ca0 No.21524880

File: 2537ca94259585e⋯.png (735.24 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

If you make fun of my Muslim name I will report you for Islamaphobia and you WILL get a hate crime report recorded against you.

what if you're just riding shamu?



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a5f9a5 No.21524883



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2ec691 No.21524884

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d24ca0 No.21524886

File: a2a0044da9e97da⋯.png (89.29 KB,297x300,99:100,ClipboardImage.png)

In the last month, the NY Times, CNN, and Media Matters have lost key decisions clearing the way for trials. For those embracing advocacy journalism, a bill is coming due with defamation and disparagement lawsuits.


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0bb7c1 No.21524887


Nope that is love. You can't meme.

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2ec691 No.21524888

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23c9f0 No.21524891

File: a52bca9f580dea5⋯.png (503.26 KB,1435x813,1435:813,1725327349010.png)

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75cc59 No.21524894

File: 443cd7016243b05⋯.png (379.2 KB,717x414,239:138,ClipboardImage.png)

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bca63b No.21524895


Love, pfffffT!

Creepy Joe is thinking:

"Is that side boob, I'm feeling???"

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23c9f0 No.21524897

File: 2f1f7d9dd5828d6⋯.png (975.13 KB,1325x880,265:176,1725280315800.png)

File: 7ddec2be108454e⋯.png (471.61 KB,810x1440,9:16,1725277887649.png)

File: 70b4fea5626760e⋯.png (1.18 MB,1440x810,16:9,1725285048434.png)


My Nigga!


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83905e No.21524899

File: b33f4e857f898fa⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17253274159….mp4)

File: 937701113f480a1⋯.png (249.92 KB,535x627,535:627,Screenshot_2024_09_02_2136….png)

Modern elections just take longer even though we have "Better" technology

Shadow of Ezra


Mainstream media is now openly admitting that the November 5th election will take several days to count and determine the winner.

They are psychologically preparing you for the cheating they have planned.


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0bb7c1 No.21524904

TRUTH BELONGS WITH THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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d24ca0 No.21524911

truth, though, this is a problem if you live in the UK, and I shouldn’t be making light of it. Nothing I said construed hate speech, or had anything to do with Islam. I was making fun of a fat man because his name sounded like Shamu, a famous whale - and if Shamu-the-person 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




weren’t Muslim, I’d still have made fun of him - because he’s a creep, which is why I made fun of him in the first place. Because he’s Muslim, though - and _only_ because he is Muslim - he was able to go to the authorities and have me put on a list - not even for attacking 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




Islam, but simply for offending him on a personal level. That’s how bad things have gotten there - and my response to him would have gotten me locked up, because the British government is actively persecuting people for making legitimate criticisms of Islam. Y’all, there’s a 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




word for that, but it’s not one you want to hear applied to the country you live in. If you can be locked up for saying something online that is offensive to Muslims, how long before the government decides that women’s hair is also offensive to their esteemed guests? Or 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




women’s voices? What happens when they demand the right to follow their faith even if it conflicts with the law of the land? We’ve already seen British judges let a child rapist go because as a Muslim, he’d been taught not to value women any more than you would “a piece of 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




candy dropped on the ground.” His victim was 13. If his “ignorance” of the law, even after growing up in the UK, was an excuse for rape, how long before a woman’s actions are held responsible instead?

If I lived in the UK today, I’d be thinking of getting out.

truth, though, this is a problem if you live in the UK, and I shouldn’t be making light of it. Nothing I said construed hate speech, or had anything to do with Islam. I was making fun of a fat man because his name sounded like Shamu, a famous whale - and if Shamu-the-person 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




weren’t Muslim, I’d still have made fun of him - because he’s a creep, which is why I made fun of him in the first place. Because he’s Muslim, though - and _only_ because he is Muslim - he was able to go to the authorities and have me put on a list - not even for attacking 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




Islam, but simply for offending him on a personal level. That’s how bad things have gotten there - and my response to him would have gotten me locked up, because the British government is actively persecuting people for making legitimate criticisms of Islam. Y’all, there’s a 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




word for that, but it’s not one you want to hear applied to the country you live in. If you can be locked up for saying something online that is offensive to Muslims, how long before the government decides that women’s hair is also offensive to their esteemed guests? Or 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




women’s voices? What happens when they demand the right to follow their faith even if it conflicts with the law of the land? We’ve already seen British judges let a child rapist go because as a Muslim, he’d been taught not to value women any more than you would “a piece of 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




candy dropped on the ground.” His victim was 13. If his “ignorance” of the law, even after growing up in the UK, was an excuse for rape, how long before a woman’s actions are held responsible instead?

If I lived in the UK today, I’d be thinking of getting out

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256b3c No.21524914

File: 5cd7b9e49af9b8e⋯.jpg (22.33 KB,319x280,319:280,pr5d_3932865078.jpg)

File: 7a07c6bb124761a⋯.jpg (606.03 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_103922….jpg)

File: c049abb1a1ea396⋯.jpg (292.08 KB,1500x1000,3:2,queen_margrethe_denmark_co….jpg)

File: d9d246ed68d6bb6⋯.jpg (598.63 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_090440….jpg)

File: ffb3c741cb3cc11⋯.jpg (792.53 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_090515….jpg)

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256b3c No.21524920

File: 0bd290c818e108a⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240902_184508….jpg)

File: d2615100b30e1ce⋯.jpg (570.84 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_222918….jpg)

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d24ca0 No.21524921

File: 7fd802c052ea93d⋯.png (215.59 KB,900x610,90:61,ClipboardImage.png)


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256b3c No.21524922

File: 1db102b037492fa⋯.jpg (92.47 KB,671x1000,671:1000,Mona_Lisa_oil_wood_panel_L….jpg)

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1a9bfe No.21524926

File: 182edf5e5243220⋯.png (69.13 KB,800x572,200:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a9bfe No.21524929

File: 848ffe4e77ab440⋯.png (677.67 KB,1922x1080,961:540,ClipboardImage.png)

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d24ca0 No.21524931

Meet the Press’ host Kristen Welker falsely claims Kamala Harris met Gold Star families of troops killed in Afghanistan


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1a9bfe No.21524933

File: a8a4c498e81d51b⋯.png (183.79 KB,431x340,431:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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d24ca0 No.21524935

File: 467c2b4418ec87b⋯.png (485.81 KB,746x960,373:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a9bfe No.21524936

File: 07aed01adb2f96f⋯.png (1.26 MB,1682x950,841:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a9bfe No.21524938

File: 7bee030adf426e7⋯.png (195.13 KB,359x304,359:304,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a9bfe No.21524939

File: 0ecd8e7661c56a3⋯.png (66.36 KB,213x236,213:236,ClipboardImage.png)

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24a09e No.21524940

File: e4d5a840acb5407⋯.jpg (105.84 KB,900x601,900:601,e4d5a840acb54077e5f49ab3a0….jpg)

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1a9bfe No.21524942

File: 7489a2c5080b7ed⋯.png (376.41 KB,631x331,631:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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24a09e No.21524943

File: 8d46a8d91be3b2d⋯.jpeg (184.25 KB,828x885,276:295,8d46a8d91be3b2dfbc1948c7e….jpeg)

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