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291a05 No.21519688 [Last50 Posts]

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291a05 No.21519690

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291a05 No.21519691


#26364 >>21518901

>>21519678 Transcript: Trump interview with Mark Levin Pt. 2

>>21518951 Celebrity Spy Whales 🧐

>>21518981, >>21519468 They want to overthrow The Constitution

>>21518987, >>21519023 Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology’

>>21518993, >>21519418 Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

>>21519035 Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University

>>21519048, >>21519077 PF: Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic

>>21519055, >>21519067, >>21519063, >>21519032, >>21519272 NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

>>21519141 Compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night

>>21519060 *Serious question asked* Tim Walz: "Ait, pz out every1"

>>21519070, >>21519111 By the end of his tenure, this Nobel peace prize winner was bombing seven countries simultaneously

>>21519076 Are you questioning the results of a free and fair election, Mark? 🤨

>>21519083 A bill in California that would ban local governments from requiring voter ID in elections passed the state's far-left assembly

>>21519122 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21519134 Former NSA director Paul Nakasone discusses election security, emerging technologies

>>21519159, >>21519162 “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok

>>21519187 New York City Department of Health is Spraying Pesticides on Streets to Prevent West Nile Virus, Warns Residents to Stay Inside

>>21519212 Mexico Launches Escorted Bus Initiative for Non-Mexican Immigrants with U.S. Asylum Appointments

>>21519268 Ukraine Eyes Billions in Revenue from Controlled Defense Industry Exports

>>21519275 Federal judge blocks enforcement of new Ohio ban on noncitizen contributions to ballot issue campaigns

>>21519279 Music is about to stop

>>21519281 Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It

>>21519287 State of MSM in UK

>>21519332 Netanyahu: Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11

>>21519408 Right-wing party claims historic victory in German state election

>>21519469 Victorian government accused of indoctrinating kids after launch of 'rainbow libraries toolkit'

>>21519477, >>21519633 Ping

>>21519496 Someone in the media needs to ask Walz if he was approached by the CCP to be an asset

>>21519499, >>21519522 Scavino: Farmers for Trump

>>21519577 South Korean Shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean Secures Landmark U.S. Navy Maintenance Deal

>>21519627 Kamala Harris promised race-baiter Al Sharpton that she would use tax dollars for reparations if she becomes President

>>21519673 Q post #1 was 2,500 days ago

>>21518916, >>21518928, >>21519031, >>21519036, >>21519049, >>21519052, >>21519054, >>21519132, >>21519190, >>21519215, >>21519357, >>21519444, >>21519451, >>21519514, >>21519531, >>21519598, >>21519631, >>21519669, >>21519681 Memes

>>21519685 #26364

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291a05 No.21519692

#26363 >>21518042

>>21518100, >>21518094, >>21518088 LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

>>21518101 Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

>>21518128 Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

>>21518152 >>21518152 Senator @TomCottonAR SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos…

>>21518156, >>21518304, >>21518618, >>21518650 Planefaggin

>>21518204, >>21518171 Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

>>21518187 Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

>>21518189 ‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

>>21518198 Adele announces indefinite hiatus from music: ‘You won’t see me for an incredibly long time’

>>21518218 Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

>>21518224, >>21518559, >>21518536 PSA: How to pour a beer.

>>21518231 Don't get distracted; Epstein's clients are still raping children.

>>21518233 No one is safe with Kamala's open border.

>>21518240 Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

>>21518258 Russian government lists threats to country’s youth

>>21518291 Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal; protesters block Ayalon Highway

>>21518301 Meet your new neighbors if Kamala wins.

>>21518303 Bank of England staff told to share pronouns and use ‘gender neutral’ language

>>21518311 Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

>>21518314 Zelensky fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss

>>21518345 On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

>>21518349 Kiev warns about millions of illegal firearms in circulation

>>21518380 Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court

>>21518394 The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'

>>21518403 Medvedev believes he knows why Kiev wants Donbass

>>21518515 Israeli medics are systematically mass r*ping female patients in psychiatric mental hospital wards.

>>21518547 49er Ricky Pearsall Shot In Chest During San Francisco Robbery; Mom Gives Update

>>21518579 @realDonaldTrump - We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders.

>>21518593 6 Israeli tourists were stabbed in Taba, Egypt. The fight started after the Israelis refused to pay their bill at a 5 star hotel.

>>21518620 Black people. What makes you think you have to remain in an ABUSIVE relationship with the Democrats?

>>21518640 Wow check out all the boats that came out to support President Donald Trump in liberal blue Massachusetts!

>>21518644 Goya CEO slams Biden-Harris admin as ‘complicit’ in child and drug trafficking at border

>>21518759 Major shopping mall opposite the Pentagon is on lockdown with 'high-level government official inside'

>>21518804 Historic Shift: Right-Wing AfD Poised for Landmark Victory in German State Election, Exit Polls — Despite Constant Persecution by Globalist Elites

>>21518844 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>21518886 #26363

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291a05 No.21519695

#26362 >>21517410

>>21517445 POINTS for callin Palindrome Bread Digits Bravo Zulu

>>21517424 Kamala Trashes 13 Gold Star Families

>>21517427, >>21517429 Health experts fear RFK Jr.’s ‘dangerous’ influence on Trump

>>21517431 Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich column published Friday that Elon Musk was "out of control," and argued he needed to be reined in

>>21517433, >>21517548, >>21517624 Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft

>>21517440, >>21517443 When I criticize international central banksters and their corporate flunkies and political/academic/media prostitutes, I'm careful not to conflate them with all Jews.

>>21517444, >>21517676 NH Supremes rule schools can keep parents in the dark about gender transitions

>>21517459 Robert F. Kennedy Jr & John Stossel Debate the Science & Propaganda Behind Childhood Vaccines

>>21517495 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Live at Limitless Expo

>>21517537 Uk: Children found dead all aged under four - police

>>21517581 SF-Usha Chilukuri Vance, the wife of Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, has left her job as a corporate litigator at Munger, Tolles & Olson

>>21517610 1992 a real Communist Party USA Meeting was held in California at the University of Berkeley, Obama Administration

>>21517617 50 Cent says celebs are 'silent' on Diddy because 'they've been to his parties.’ Do you think he is right?

>>21517618 PDJT: Comrade Kamala

>>21517634 State-funded media trying to convince people that having kids is a public health concern?!? They’re literally on a crusade to destroy families and depopulate the world.

>>21517636 The exact moment Bobby became the enemy of the deep state.

>>21517641 "Tirelessly."

>>21517659 NBC's @kwelkernbc tried to excuse the fact that Kamala has never reached out to the Gold Star families of the 13 fallen service members from Abbey Gate by saying she and Biden "met with them during the dignified transfer."

>>21517700 Ukraine's Representative to UN hints Lavrov may have already passed away

>>21517701 Tim Walz’s brother hints at getting on stage with Trump to endorse him


>>21517793 Kamala Harris pledged free healthcare for illegals. They're coming to collect.

>>21517813 Jack Smith Surrenders: Special Counsel Will Not Seek Expedited Hearings in Donald Trump Case

>>21517847 They started it. They'll finish it.


>>21517888, >>21517891 On October 7, Hersh Goldberg-Polin — an American citizen — was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. He was just 23 years old, attending a music festival with friends. We now know he was murdered by Hamas.

>>21517787, >>21517769, >>21517655, >>21517662, >>21517645, >>21517682 The memes we all need

>>21518031 #26362

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291a05 No.21519696

#26361 >>21516485

>>21517062 Finish the story, Bobby. 🇺🇸

>>21516491 64 Days to WINNING

>>21516512 Reagan Good film, movie length 2hr 15 minutes.

>>21516517 Message to Kamala from Mark Schmitz, Gold Star Father of Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz>>21516710 Brilliant chess move to trick accusatory trans activists into admitting what they themselves are doing

>>21516518 Biden-Harris doling out hundreds of millions to communities dealing with illegal aliens—Taxpayers on hook

>>21516520 After banning X, Brazil has blocked the X account of the US embassy in Brazil

>>21516575 These MEN have been named as two of Elle Magazine’s ‘8 Incredible Canadian Women.’

>>21516598, >>21517321 Japan voiced “strong concern and protest” after a Chinese naval ship entered its territorial waters.

>>21516602 CNN, Washington Post: A Modern Press Gang

>>21516636 Evaluation of the effects of MERCK, MODERNA, PFIZER/BioNTech, and JANSSEN COVID-19 vaccines on vaccinated people: A metadata analysis

>>21516638 Biden restarts immigration program for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela

>>21516652 Aurora Colorado this is what America looks like. #Freedom

>>21516664 Stephen Miller's statement that Kamala Harris picking a fight with the grieving families of the Abbey Gate 13—whose deaths she bears responsibility for—is not only morally reprehensible but also a politically self-destructive move, is absolutely accurate.

>>21516672 The C_A is using the vehicle of fascism to implement communism

>>21516673 The so-called “defenders of democracy” are at it again; this time, the lib Chris Hayes of MSNBC is going after The Electoral College

>>21516700 Dude Spits on Trump Flag, Speeds Off and Plows into Pole for the keks

>>21516710 Brilliant chess move to trick accusatory trans activists into admitting what they themselves are doing

>>21516724 Rent first debt slavery

>>21516737 Trump backed the legalization of recreational marijuana, in certain circumstances, in his current home state of Florida

>>21516741 Ukraine blackmailing nuclear plant staff – Moscow

>>21516755 NYT: The constitution is sacred, is it also dangerous?

>>21516772, >>21516800 Kremlin blasts arrest in France of Telegram founder

>>21516841 NEVER FORGET Q+: "Kamala has "lost" 325,000 children across the border sent to child sex operations or slavery"

>>21516923 Ukrainian defense chief visits Pentagon Washington’s “policy has not changed,” meaning that Ukraine is allowed to use US-supplied weapons to defend against cross-border attacks, but not for “deep strikes”

>>21516993, >>21517192, >>21517251, >>21517305 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

>>21517037, >>21517043, >>21517067 Rasmussen Reports ~ "We Believe the Whole Polling Industry is Lying to YOU"/The Cheat is On

>>21517079 Root Cause and Kamala Harris

>>21517082 Justice Department to Monitor Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws in Massachusetts

>>21517094 Former Customs and Border Patrol Agent Found Guilty of Federal Civil Rights and Kidnapping Charges for Sexually Assaulting and Abducting Minor

>>21517136 Trump film ‘The Apprentice’ /Trump campaign, in a statement Friday called the film’s release “election interference by Hollywood elites

>>21517328 Happy Chess Day

>>21517397 #26361

Previously Collected

>>21517224 #26360

>>21515004 #26357, >>21514503 #26358, >>21515433 #26359

>>21510683 #26354, >>21512199 #26355, >>21512818 #26356

>>21508342 #26351, >>21509125 #26352, >>21509897 #26353

>>21505350 #26348, >>21506599 #26349, >>21507425 #26350

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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291a05 No.21519698

File: 22152113bbb55f5⋯.png (1.23 MB,784x815,784:815,ClipboardImage.png)



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d864aa No.21519705

File: d6bac6f690705c9⋯.png (498.21 KB,590x781,590:781,ClipboardImage.png)

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06238f No.21519708

File: 5b707d63d6dcffb⋯.png (503.88 KB,472x598,236:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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a10968 No.21519710

Federal law enforcement agents are circulating a powerful rumor that the National Guard has begun deploying in hotels around the New York City courthouse.

The reason?

President Trump is reportedly set to be sentenced in September and could be taken straight to jail.

Hope knot

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e32ab8 No.21519712

File: 440f39346f0675f⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,864x1168,54:73,KEK1111.mp4)

File: 82a58b336edc1ce⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17252379589….mp4)

File: e1e9e5cd435329e⋯.png (309.24 KB,601x566,601:566,Screenshot_2024_09_01_2105….png)

Swift boat veterans vibes., ive been posting lots of twitter today sorry guise

Defiant L’s


Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out


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d36f49 No.21519713

File: ce2671883750479⋯.jpg (154.41 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,GQoHBW5bQAAbmNb.jpg)

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5406ba No.21519714

File: 006b251bfc8402f⋯.png (664.97 KB,647x839,647:839,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50fe0afdb2449a9⋯.jpg (153.77 KB,1070x1024,535:512,Also_known_as_the_Reich_ef….jpg)



+ timestamp and sauce

Interesting observation



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6b8613 No.21519716

File: 9f1dd12da46bed6⋯.jpeg (395.7 KB,1125x1308,375:436,IMG_3763.jpeg)


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83a705 No.21519717

File: b9aab1fa05d1b22⋯.png (93.56 KB,1263x421,3:1,1cfc97c3f5b9285b68dff45ba3….png)

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d3253e No.21519718

File: 4e0d24dcee43ac3⋯.png (341.69 KB,675x675,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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89cd54 No.21519719

File: 144e0b4ca5e0ffc⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Make_It_Rain_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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06238f No.21519720

File: 215bd6edb74d68c⋯.png (1.74 MB,624x1395,208:465,stringkek.png)


>Hope knot

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d3253e No.21519722

File: 131e4c228a30aca⋯.png (270.63 KB,510x411,170:137,ClipboardImage.png)

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304f2a No.21519725

File: 0ba34d47e17c1ef⋯.jpg (93.75 KB,483x619,483:619,WIN_BAKER.jpg)

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ea1172 No.21519729

File: f733ed5e5871b7f⋯.gif (2.01 MB,382x382,1:1,niteradiance.gif)

thankee B/Best.

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d4f754 No.21519730


Kamala is asking people to vote for Trump?

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06cc62 No.21519733

File: bf5f412a6c36400⋯.png (1.18 MB,1309x2027,1309:2027,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3a7ee No.21519734

File: f10108d3500f29d⋯.png (318.4 KB,683x483,683:483,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad345a No.21519737

File: e2477df40008074⋯.gif (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshift_guard_duty_gif.gif)

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f15cc4 No.21519738

File: e66a44ff2994b59⋯.jpg (40.78 KB,705x354,235:118,hdhdthtgdfg.jpg)

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5697cd No.21519739

File: 0f9c4664b9f8f75⋯.png (25.02 KB,940x329,20:7,d_BAGS.png)


I'll have a McDouble.

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cdb0b9 No.21519740

File: 7c8974d41531310⋯.png (633.59 KB,1080x1080,1:1,mugshot.png)

File: ed9f36d427eadd0⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,D.mp4)


tfw PDJT goes to jail but still wins the election. This may also be part of the plan, but hope not.

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83a705 No.21519741

File: 69d20c90c0ea8fe⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,3008x2000,188:125,Our_flag.jpg)

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB,750x500,3:2,Night_shift2.jpg)

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304f2a No.21519742

File: 379571545352f34⋯.jpg (161.97 KB,793x597,793:597,SOUL_FOOD.jpg)

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06238f No.21519743

File: 0f847a081d36d0e⋯.png (2 MB,2208x2884,552:721,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdb0b9 No.21519744

>>21519740 me

hope he does not go to jail

vid in poast is vidrel

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0e1350 No.21519745

File: 5e075118ba48c16⋯.png (10.53 KB,502x674,251:337,servlet.png)

File: 7f3cbc459858640⋯.jpg (73.46 KB,500x698,250:349,arch_pic_1a_300464010.jpg)

File: 2ec94494879f851⋯.png (250.17 KB,2048x1078,1024:539,focal_length_graphic_1_204….png)

File: 43ca55b774429a3⋯.png (23.38 KB,1105x580,221:116,circumscribe_and_inscribe_….png)

File: 96306fc15693b5a⋯.jpg (102.7 KB,800x1000,4:5,61NB_iIgArL_AC_UL1000_1529….jpg)

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a3a7ee No.21519746

File: 0d215ac01a2b84e⋯.png (259.97 KB,531x376,531:376,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f62a1 No.21519747

File: 0bcec2db98f73b4⋯.jpg (56.82 KB,680x393,680:393,1509156322906.jpg)

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5697cd No.21519748


Alright, I reluctantly must accept your meme, just this once. Kek.

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267d91 No.21519749

File: 30c5d833a1966b1⋯.jpg (107.28 KB,905x577,905:577,pepe_pilot.jpg)

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960c28 No.21519750

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)


thanks bakerer

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d53dea No.21519751

File: a7e6b66a7bb85d0⋯.jpg (48.43 KB,1023x509,1023:509,popedup.JPG)

popped up when going to the kun

is this bs?

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8a29bb No.21519752

File: 802c7bd5e8a5849⋯.gif (1.2 MB,500x222,250:111,IMG_3575.gif)

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c79594 No.21519753

File: 363c1066c876829⋯.png (881.53 KB,1774x1342,887:671,Celebrity_Spy_Whales_Oprah….png)

Orca Winfrey

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89f509 No.21519754


She's handled a few lightsabers.

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ad345a No.21519755

File: d429192ad07228f⋯.png (2.34 MB,998x1142,499:571,ClipboardImage.png)


heard this and think anon saw it in a article.

if djt and his team allow this, he is dead and all hell will break loose.

it will be over.

right now the deep state is capable of this as a last desperate move.

lots of noise out there like house arrest in trump tower, mara lago, suspended sentence.

This is not part of the plan, neither was a bullet to the ear and a dead patriot and two injured with the clowns secret security.

This is not bibical and trump is no daniel in prison with lions.

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ea1172 No.21519756

File: 45f980cc4b59758⋯.png (206.9 KB,525x360,35:24,KekistanSomewhere.png)

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c79594 No.21519757

File: a42cb2a98d9192d⋯.png (1.18 MB,1478x1088,739:544,2_orcas_.png)

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a10968 No.21519758

File: f47f7d7e0d3fe69⋯.webp (84.14 KB,680x680,1:1,media_GWQfBEKWEAAkq_7.webp)

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0e1350 No.21519759

File: 37e6af7423a2583⋯.jpg (72.08 KB,976x567,976:567,bdd1f98ac8a83c32e920c33473….jpg)

File: 1a3e39779db30d0⋯.jpg (676.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240828_130941….jpg)

File: 07effd62453e9b7⋯.png (220.17 KB,500x367,500:367,negrodamus_3981815138.png)

File: 32bf2e4449c8675⋯.jpg (69.95 KB,474x702,79:117,th_185234376.jpg)

File: 54e9b86b5f7c28f⋯.jpg (8.97 KB,474x248,237:124,th_4100283210.jpg)

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a3a7ee No.21519760


buy some honey and it'll go away.

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960c28 No.21519761

File: 60a310aa3390c92⋯.png (532.92 KB,860x573,860:573,Screenshot_2024_09_01_at_2….png)

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d53dea No.21519762



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8088e6 No.21519763


If I were you, I would paint the ceiling blue right now.

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e814e4 No.21519764


Avast is a browser I'll only use when FF and Opera have decided 8kun "can't be reached"

Other than that I won't use it since last time I was in the Task Manager and all the instances were stuck, could not do the End Task on any of them

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4761ec No.21519765

File: 9929c30462f4705⋯.png (1.6 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725229127850.png)

File: 4931a2fefcc949f⋯.png (1.24 MB,791x1474,791:1474,1725235300764.png)

File: 8c558f42cfc19c6⋯.png (1.37 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725221745189.png)

File: b996e7065802721⋯.png (1.2 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725198012153.png)

File: 29c44fe204dd7db⋯.png (1.66 MB,1322x882,661:441,1725160051897.png)

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d53dea No.21519766

already done

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beb852 No.21519767


white dick on front of dress

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366635 No.21519768

File: 4c9d6c321d26034⋯.jpeg (151.78 KB,960x674,480:337,57543F16_1EF0_4BEB_8AB5_D….jpeg)

File: 23d42699a5a69ca⋯.jpeg (233.62 KB,960x1407,320:469,E97A627A_D716_4288_ACBF_3….jpeg)



Evening All

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f2d325 No.21519769

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8a29bb No.21519770

File: 98640e81ffb3603⋯.jpeg (88.92 KB,750x730,75:73,IMG_5044.jpeg)

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4761ec No.21519771

File: d108c90f2ce57a4⋯.jpg (87.92 KB,719x739,719:739,Kold_Kamala_Trump_Kek.jpg)





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89f509 No.21519772

File: de57b699478f0a5⋯.png (343.15 KB,428x978,214:489,ClipboardImage.png)

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d53dea No.21519773


already done

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446c2a No.21519774


what sucks is this: all this election fuckery will result in a pushback with demands for election security, and rightly so. However, that "security" will come at the price such "security" always comes at: ever-increasing surveillance. Ubiquitous biometric id's are coming, and you're going to regret it when they do. Fail the selfie and, oops, no groceries for your family week.

It's the "problem reaction solution" trap. They maneuver us to demand the chains with which they will bind us.

if you're angry, you're not paying attention.

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198260 No.21519775

File: 3f3d58b24c82a73⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,404x720,101:180,3f3d58b24c82a73bca2b6a6285….mp4)


thank you baker.

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4761ec No.21519776

File: 84826e6491b650f⋯.png (1.39 MB,1386x841,1386:841,1725224398500.png)

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304f2a No.21519777

File: 23a38f8e5328fcc⋯.jpg (128.49 KB,765x518,765:518,PIG_POSITIVE.jpg)

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d53dea No.21519778

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4761ec No.21519779

File: a01681a7381965f⋯.png (1.33 MB,802x1454,401:727,1725057337130.png)

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e73a54 No.21519780

Did 8kun make its goal for funding?

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8a29bb No.21519781


Paper ballots.

Purple fingers.

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446c2a No.21519782


trips of pig

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446c2a No.21519783


dream on, anon.

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4761ec No.21519784

File: 1e7416d88692261⋯.png (715.02 KB,861x1354,861:1354,1725208330053.png)

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e814e4 No.21519785


Last I saw was 66%, I'm guessing the little bar has reset for the new month

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a10968 No.21519786

Why did the media call it Trump's security vs Tumps secret service detail.?

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83a705 No.21519787

File: 71c0de715ab713a⋯.png (809.61 KB,1716x972,143:81,d2c8c395b8ea59965f2f623942….png)


Trips of truth.

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3b589f No.21519788

>>21462412 pb

Depleted here also

Planning to go homeless

Don't want to

But gangstalkers and harassment and such

Was fun

Thanks for the memes

Thanks for the marriage

Thanks for letting me think I was a dad

Thanks for the harassment

Thanks for the gangstalking

Thanks for the fake parents

Thanks for the poverty

Thanks for being a test subject in your electronic control and manipulation


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446c2a No.21519789

File: 7cf506e83b9789f⋯.gif (1.97 MB,320x180,16:9,flir.gif)


Godspeed, Nightshift.

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4761ec No.21519790

File: ad777365f5c3c84⋯.png (982.5 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1725025418013.png)

File: 9464deff705baa6⋯.png (668.32 KB,1034x1128,11:12,1725025058686.png)

File: 23069c5fad47e95⋯.png (641.71 KB,1323x882,3:2,1725023750614.png)

File: aff4063a9865183⋯.png (981.27 KB,1323x882,3:2,1725023346576.png)

File: 41c677e1d7d12da⋯.png (605.74 KB,810x1440,9:16,1724982015217.png)




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e73a54 No.21519791


>Last I saw was 66%, I'm guessing the little bar has reset for the new month

Was that enough?

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365d48 No.21519792


"suspicious iframe"

yeah it's bullshit.

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0e1350 No.21519793

File: bdebfbf6100b03c⋯.jpg (155.62 KB,1480x833,1480:833,230911164949_donald_trump_….jpg)

File: e363f78885d791e⋯.jpg (35.71 KB,920x425,184:85,Jeb_Bush_Neil_Cavuto_920x4….jpg)

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4761ec No.21519794

File: 0173414f1ec06cc⋯.jpg (44.26 KB,636x480,53:40,Snap_20240901_201333.jpg)

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4761ec No.21519795

File: 8e6c1c89c97cd94⋯.jpg (77.73 KB,720x720,1:1,Snap_20240901_161020.jpg)

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383ea6 No.21519796

File: cc993eba233ed07⋯.png (761.54 KB,500x722,250:361,ClipboardImage.png)


>Celebrity Spy Whales


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e32ab8 No.21519798


Does someone want to tell her it doesn't sound as good as she thinks it does.

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a10968 No.21519799

File: 85cc8ed311ecbe9⋯.jpg (460.17 KB,1560x720,13:6,Screenshot_20240901_194155….jpg)

Princess of Norway marrys Californian 6th generation shaman.

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366635 No.21519800

File: 4cc08a4845f8742⋯.jpeg (362.87 KB,960x490,96:49,566B731C_388E_4470_AA07_6….jpeg)

File: 913328189a63957⋯.jpeg (804.28 KB,738x552,123:92,389337F5_0401_4711_91B1_5….jpeg)



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3b589f No.21519801

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

any anons every watch or dig in on this?

Claims to of been harassed and thrown in jail for trying to report a pedophile ring and illegal activity to a United states sheriff

Guys about to be homeless also, just another homeless American veteran but this one had their kid stolen by a sheriff who is using child brides to count votes

Has a gab @prokek

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3b589f No.21519802

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4761ec No.21519803

File: 054f1bc32f7e674⋯.jpg (45.42 KB,500x480,25:24,Snap_20240828_214446.jpg)

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e814e4 No.21519804

File: 563510400afba7e⋯.png (922.32 KB,546x793,42:61,563510400afba7eb073065fd9f….png)


Only Jim knows for sure

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a3a7ee No.21519805


I lost all my memes.

I used to have a Chuck Schumer monkey meme with a big monkey nose.

Anybody got that meme?

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4761ec No.21519806

File: d613bc5b57c1817⋯.jpg (43.89 KB,636x480,53:40,Snap_20240901_201110.jpg)


John Brennan Make a Perfect Hogg

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e73a54 No.21519807


>Only Jim knows for sure

What say you, Mr. Watkins?

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06238f No.21519808

File: 2c5e0ec8bd9bfd8⋯.png (354.7 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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304f2a No.21519809

File: d490e35d38e2275⋯.jpg (66.61 KB,497x627,497:627,STOLEN.jpg)




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ad345a No.21519810

File: 7994c921dd92dd6⋯.png (791.35 KB,747x558,83:62,ClipboardImage.png)

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383ea6 No.21519811

File: 737f076c69351f7⋯.jpg (336.96 KB,1040x864,65:54,Q_Joy_Awaits_Qmap.jpg)


I just wanted joy, so …

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89f509 No.21519812


Look to twitter grasshopper.

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4761ec No.21519813

File: 87c4d688071da9e⋯.jpg (54.81 KB,636x480,53:40,Halal_Hogg.jpg)

File: bdfc006a179e0cc⋯.jpg (74.67 KB,720x720,1:1,Snap_20240901_161632.jpg)



Great Work Team!


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06238f No.21519814

File: 972293398cb611b⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,1280x768,5:3,checkd7.jpg)


Check'd trips.

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e814e4 No.21519815

File: c1cf110919f08ab⋯.png (530.54 KB,750x518,375:259,p896.png)


I know the one you refer to but don't have it

How about this one?

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c79594 No.21519816

File: 65c08b5e2cdfde2⋯.png (1.75 MB,934x1540,467:770,This_was_the_moment_when_B….png)

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4761ec No.21519817

File: 4ab79abf291139d⋯.jpg (74.19 KB,720x720,1:1,Snap_20240901_160953.jpg)

File: db53e093a37f6be⋯.png (439.48 KB,810x1440,9:16,20240829_180208.png)

File: 099f05d56511bbe⋯.png (498.21 KB,810x1440,9:16,20240829_175711.png)

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02441d No.21519818

File: 5945172810ef02f⋯.jpeg (379.04 KB,2075x1496,2075:1496,IMG_3617.jpeg)

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365d48 No.21519819



It got to 69 i think.

no it's not enough. It's about $3100 short.

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4761ec No.21519820

File: 6d23a5b9f7f5414⋯.png (120.78 KB,514x486,257:243,ei_1725236178247_removebg_….png)

File: 76bb7ad76776f53⋯.png (295.49 KB,500x500,1:1,ei_1725025385440_removebg_….png)

File: 44230496803c3cf⋯.png (146.38 KB,400x400,1:1,ei_1724452191129_removebg_….png)

File: 8f7d769b5770b57⋯.png (184.71 KB,500x500,1:1,ei_1724205005804_removebg_….png)

File: 52b6825297fcba1⋯.png (155.82 KB,597x418,597:418,ei_1724063621786_removebg_….png)

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a3a7ee No.21519821

File: f902df1ae3250e4⋯.png (591.41 KB,773x684,773:684,Screenshot_2024_09_01_1800….png)

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cdcda9 No.21519822

File: ab4d042b265a6f2⋯.jpeg (547.08 KB,810x1261,810:1261,4FAE7C78_D06B_405A_BB42_3….jpeg)

File: d63aaa979363fdf⋯.jpeg (49.89 KB,545x376,545:376,56C1A0E7_9AFC_4E35_AAB7_B….jpeg)


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5ea771 No.21519823

File: 0ce24d65a6dfb30⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1920,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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383ea6 No.21519824


she's got a long stomich.

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c31ce1 No.21519825


I was going to a similar one, nice work.

Mine never got off the ground

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2b1191 No.21519826

File: 98720327e3e2f5e⋯.png (126.66 KB,439x463,439:463,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a47087ae9019830⋯.png (90.99 KB,383x546,383:546,ClipboardImage.png)



Their Plan was to brand 100 million Patriots as enemy combatants.

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4761ec No.21519827

File: be5e3274f782127⋯.png (1.65 MB,1082x1078,541:539,God_Wins_Chose_You_Jesus.png)

File: 849f0df2038f9b9⋯.jpg (83.47 KB,405x720,9:16,God_Wins_NCSWIC.jpg)

File: 5e7f0c423df0042⋯.jpg (189.76 KB,1024x768,4:3,Donald_Trump_Cloud_God_Win….jpg)


Weeks Ago…

New Mexico

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d864aa No.21519828

File: 921772d128da210⋯.png (254.27 KB,500x529,500:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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e814e4 No.21519829


Post >>21519788 had me thinking you were referring to yourself, now you do the Rumble and ask about digs

I have seen such posts before, generally view them as another distraction attempt like the ones where poster claims to know a senior citizen type denied benefits but are posted three times in the same bread with just a change to the image

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d864aa No.21519830

File: 73d29fe98ba0e5b⋯.png (74.81 KB,800x705,160:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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d864aa No.21519831

File: 2c6538f4f7f3aec⋯.png (49.64 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3a7ee No.21519832


I like Condi. I wish she was Q.

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b4ea21 No.21519833


[Wrongthink bad. Treasonousgovt good.]

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a10968 No.21519834

File: 4d3e7478e52e789⋯.jpg (180.67 KB,652x1192,163:298,Screenshot_20240831_225402….jpg)

Iran's Judiciary sentenced Iranian blogger Hossein Shanbehzadeh to 𝟭𝟮 𝗬𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗦 𝗜𝗡 𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗦𝗢𝗡 after he posted a single dot ( . ) in response to a tweet of Khamenei on X and received more likes than the supreme leader himself.

Guy gets 12 years for a posting a . Dot

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d4f754 No.21519835

Best way to refute the entirety of Marxism is exposing its error that falsely assumes wage income preceded profit income

The truth that destroys the entiery of Marxism is that profit income preceded wage income in human history.

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e7610c No.21519837

File: aeb197dafdf5a66⋯.gif (769 KB,500x281,500:281,YFired.gif)


What to tell the ho.


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b4ea21 No.21519838


[Short term memory goldfish]

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ad345a No.21519839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

september starts with moar hostage found by the idf in a tunnel.

ready for moar genocide in palestine in rafa.

mayar tousi reports.

iran is controlled by the clowns.



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4439f8 No.21519840

File: c941ccb0f64f60e⋯.png (1.46 MB,782x1588,391:794,theytried.png)

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8a29bb No.21519841

File: 42608d4aea43f85⋯.jpeg (77.04 KB,570x760,3:4,IMG_3580.jpeg)

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e814e4 No.21519842

File: efeea1194ca269b⋯.jpeg (670.02 KB,1102x814,551:407,efeea1194ca269bbdbacfe64e….jpeg)

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6c8790 No.21519843

File: 3df31fd16e7d5c5⋯.png (535.03 KB,505x494,505:494,ClipboardImage.png)

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a10968 No.21519844

File: e2e86464c4e698d⋯.jpeg (47.86 KB,544x376,68:47,d63aaa979363fdf1d0869a8a7….jpeg)


Looks like a face watching over him

Huge eye circled

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4439f8 No.21519845

File: 8cc6869d20e7519⋯.png (800.39 KB,784x588,4:3,the1s.png)

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c9108c No.21519846

Choose God over the Demon gods

& Save the Children

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6c8790 No.21519848


kamala don't chancla

she can't handle the chanc

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9b3b0a No.21519849

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>21464817 PB

>>21464325 PB

>>21464270 PB

>I belive it is notable.

Me too anon, NOTABLE AF


<Deposition of General Kellogg

Beginning at the bottom of page 20 his testimony gives some insight to the collaborative effort that occurred which he states they employed the Socratic method

Since he has maintained his never being an anon that followed Q’s drops. Credit should be given to Jon Herald AKA Patel Patriot.

His plethora of research at the core of his Devolution articles have many correlations with the information Q provided us and lends great credibility to his theory of the battle space that’s been occurring around us all over these past 7 years.

This finding gives much credence to the many times Q told us “You Have More Than You Know”

About 40 times over all

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4439f8 No.21519850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dc580e No.21519851

File: 24e37822255484b⋯.png (42.15 KB,219x255,73:85,ClipboardImage.png)

actually agree with the weirdo on this tweet

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68a349 No.21519852

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

justin destroyed…

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f0482c No.21519853

325,000 children now slaves or dead according to POTUS.

Are they eating them?

Where are all the bodies?

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8a29bb No.21519854


Yes Kamala.

That’s why no one will vote for you.

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9b3b0a No.21519855

File: 8ea38c6b4518fa6⋯.png (32.05 KB,555x257,555:257,0313C9DF_1EB0_484D_B9B8_4E….png)

File: edd633d2d4037ef⋯.png (39.3 KB,569x498,569:498,CB0A6797_3D50_4FC6_B8E8_6F….png)

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806413 No.21519856


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27b59d No.21519857

[shein marketplace]

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4439f8 No.21519858


is the FBI doing anything?

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383ea6 No.21519859

File: ae40cdd1b8c76fc⋯.jpg (41.95 KB,635x472,635:472,HRC_Dracula.jpg)


>Are they eating them?

>Where are all the bodies?

Hildawg knows where the bodies are … eaten.

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4761ec No.21519860

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB,480x270,16:9,3_Treason_Inferno.mp4)

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ede72f No.21519861

File: 2b915e250b776f2⋯.jpeg (748.83 KB,1177x1388,1177:1388,IMG_6568.jpeg)

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e814e4 No.21519862


Monsanto knows

Every see "bonemeal" in the ingredients?

But I'm just a conspiracy theorist

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b4ea21 No.21519863


[How much wood

Would a wood chanc chanc

If a wood chanc could

Chanc wood]

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a10968 No.21519864


Cultural Marxism (or sticking up for each other )

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4761ec No.21519865

File: e5a012766a45284⋯.png (935.97 KB,719x1623,719:1623,1725226344013.png)

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4439f8 No.21519866

if you abort your baby planned parenthood will sell it to medical experimenters

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e814e4 No.21519867


Other than "aiding and abetting?"

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4761ec No.21519868

File: f14268ddf464932⋯.png (1.01 MB,1003x1163,1003:1163,1725126385109.png)

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06cc62 No.21519869


The Reich Effect


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a10968 No.21519870


Where are the bones?

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4439f8 No.21519871

File: 9d8c8a7346a5fa6⋯.png (1.02 MB,980x980,1:1,dontsell.png)

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e814e4 No.21519872



A tagline and then a link?

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e25f18 No.21519873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4761ec No.21519874

File: 5abaa754bb302f9⋯.png (1.45 MB,1429x816,1429:816,1725073342751.png)

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f50e2b No.21519875

File: 97b3aec609258f4⋯.png (73.99 KB,353x180,353:180,ClipboardImage.png)


what movie is this from?

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d4f754 No.21519876

File: ae6d2f9e94142ca⋯.png (426.09 KB,889x500,889:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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4761ec No.21519877

File: 258cad2235e61ed⋯.png (1.38 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1725073297134.png)

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365d48 No.21519878


Likable bad guys is part of how we got into this mess.

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4761ec No.21519879

File: 4382ee45e5905d7⋯.png (1.09 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725221600115.png)


[They] Super Fuckin' Pissed Off About Diss Won!

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c9108c No.21519880

File: 9ee6de8b4c22e2c⋯.png (945.94 KB,1081x651,1081:651,ClipboardImage.png)

Baal & Ashtaroth are loose upon the Realm

Be Strong in the Lord

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8a29bb No.21519881

File: bcd9ae86343d262⋯.jpeg (168.9 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_3581.jpeg)

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6c8790 No.21519882


Flying Chanclas ain't no joke

deadly at 40 feet

even around corners

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2b1191 No.21519883


Fe Fi Fo Fum

I smell the blood on an Englishman

be he alive or be he dead

I'll grind his bones to make my bread.

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933481 No.21519884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Shift Radio

Oldie but goodie

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a5be47 No.21519885


>chaos, fear, and hate

so what democrats and the media have aided abetted stoked and manufactured for the better part of 10 years now against trump and all his supporters

including open borders with terrorists and criminals pouring in killing our own people

high inflation killing livelihoods small biz and p2p economics

getting troops killed because of sloppy pull out game

propping up a less than 1% backwards faggot ideology simply to have an opposing stance which further sows hatred

weaponizing federal agencies to target political opponents including citizens

forced lockdowns and jab mandate advocates

mask your kids

rigged elections

banana republic communist shithole

and more

if people want all that x10 then vote dem

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034715 No.21519886

File: bfc04bcf88f7f3f⋯.png (581.4 KB,750x1334,375:667,ClipboardImage.png)


>where are the bones?

in paint.

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4761ec No.21519887

File: 8ca38346eb224ba⋯.png (1.24 MB,1429x816,1429:816,1725073380791.png)

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304f2a No.21519888

File: c8dd5f16b61db2a⋯.jpg (102.71 KB,730x428,365:214,BEANSTALK.jpg)

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4761ec No.21519889

File: b38d8d7fece1b51⋯.png (686.08 KB,1091x1069,1091:1069,1724963170425.png)

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4439f8 No.21519890


weren't they making cement out of blood not sure if there is somethign like that for bones

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034715 No.21519891


It’s made from charred animal bones

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39412b No.21519892


Are they trying to resurrect Mephisto?

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32e28b No.21519893

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,4f7abdea033e533e27db03a4a5….jpg)


Fix your grammar.

Your meme makes no sense.

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8a29bb No.21519894


“ She's from Birmingham, bam-ba-lam

Way down in Alabam', bam-ba-lam

Well, she's shakin' that thing, bam-ba-lam

Boy, she makes me sing, bam-ba-lam”

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bfde92 No.21519895


>Where are all the bodies?

Get your vision up… and I will show you where they are…///

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e32ab8 No.21519896

File: 91ac4f11983e992⋯.gif (6.63 MB,260x351,20:27,saucegifff.gif)

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8a29bb No.21519897


Dumbasskiss steel?

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b4ea21 No.21519898


<debt slavery

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2edbd5 No.21519899

An angry Brit confronts his Slavic neighbor over a crucifix on gate door - hilarity ensues


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e7610c No.21519900

File: fea9bcc8bf26ef8⋯.png (3.06 MB,1653x8477,1653:8477,Screenshot_2024_09_01_at_1….png)




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dc580e No.21519901

File: 4979971c26d6786⋯.png (15.82 KB,598x167,598:167,ClipboardImage.png)

neocoon pedos panicking hard rn

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034715 No.21519902


Oh wow. Knew about the blood concrete but not bones.


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b4ea21 No.21519903









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a5be47 No.21519904


yet faggot cucks like him have no problem with chinks trying to buy up our farm land

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933481 No.21519905


Nice digits, Mr. Pig.

Nice meme, as usual.

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d94659 No.21519906

File: b9fe6bc7e71f3d0⋯.jpeg (768.81 KB,1125x1260,25:28,IMG_3764.jpeg)


Trump supporter parent puts say no to the hoe vote trump shirt on child for interview. Disgusting.

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4439f8 No.21519907

File: 232a054f2368440⋯.png (617.24 KB,912x476,228:119,mupp.png)

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8088e6 No.21519908

File: 44b490aa6d578b8⋯.png (8.72 KB,777x78,259:26,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47fa6e22ca541b8⋯.png (17.91 KB,677x142,677:142,ClipboardImage.png)



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32e28b No.21519909

Strange that Hamas boi isn't accusing Israel of genocide today.

Maybe he was busy butchering hostages?

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2edbd5 No.21519910


it's literally the opposite. corporations have seized the government.

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0e1350 No.21519911

File: c8136902d4606a1⋯.jpg (106.9 KB,1024x822,512:411,Steffi_Graf_1223907824.jpg)

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a46ec1 No.21519912

File: 3ba59a1a9489be0⋯.png (460.14 KB,820x950,82:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 180437bd59079cd⋯.png (1.21 MB,1916x1078,958:539,ClipboardImage.png)

China urges EU to be 'objective and fair' on South China Sea issue


September 1, 2024 at 8:13 PM CDT ¡ 1 min read

BEIJING (Reuters) - China urged the European Union to be "objective and fair" and careful with words and actions on issues in the South China Sea, after the bloc remarked on an incident that occurred over the weekend.

China said it was "strongly dissatisfied" with the European Union's "accusations" against it on the issue, a statement by the Chinese mission to the EU showed.

"The European Union is not a party to the South China Sea issue and has no right to point fingers on the issue," it said.

It also said the EU's repeated "hyping up" on the freedom of navigation issue "has no benefits to the EU's own interests and international credibility".

China and the Philippines exchanged accusations of intentionally ramming coast guard vessels in disputed waters of the South China Sea on Saturday, the latest in an escalating series of clashes.

The collision near the Sabina Shoal was their fifth maritime confrontation in a month in a longstanding rivalry over the vital waterway.

The EU said in a Sunday statement that it condemned the "dangerous actions by China Coast Guard vessels against lawful Philippine maritime operations" in the sea.

In the statement, the European Union External Action Service said the recent incidents between Chinese and Philippines authorities "endanger the safety of life at sea, and violate the right to freedom of navigation and overflight to which all nations are entitled under international law."

(Reporting by Liz Lee and Beijing newsroom; Editing by Tom Hogue and Lincoln Feast.)


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4439f8 No.21519913


don't bomb grandma

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034715 No.21519914



No to the hoe

Vote Trump!

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dc580e No.21519915

File: 5d16c05a3158ac4⋯.png (7.48 MB,1920x2880,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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365d48 No.21519916



There are other less compromised agencies that have that job.

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2edbd5 No.21519917


maybe they are shipping them to Nimrod's portal in Antarctica where they feed them to Moloch.

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2b1191 No.21519918


Not kosher

Jews and Muslims aren't supposed to eat it.

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8a29bb No.21519919

File: af6ce4ce4ac4705⋯.jpeg (126.52 KB,640x427,640:427,IMG_3583.jpeg)

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383ea6 No.21519920

File: 07080edcbb657f3⋯.png (727.4 KB,767x729,767:729,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef4298 No.21519921

notables @ 205

#26365 >>21519698

>>21519712 Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

>>21519853, >>21519870, >>21519886, >>21519900 Tales from the Crypt

>>21519912 "Please play fair while we do not" -China

>>21519705, >>21519718, >>21519722, >>21519823 Memes


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267d91 No.21519922

File: 195faa5d5ce74d0⋯.png (265.76 KB,655x930,131:186,ClipboardImage.png)

How does this not have a community note describing it as false?


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b4ea21 No.21519923


[Retard. No human should eat human anything.]

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5ccecd No.21519924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Final Precipice.

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304f2a No.21519925

File: 9968521aebf68e7⋯.jpg (153.54 KB,865x477,865:477,TRUTH_B_TOLD.jpg)

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e32ab8 No.21519926


Someone in my neighborhood ad a Joe Blows Kamala Swallows flag on their fence right in front of a bus stop for the kids. My mom asked me what that meant, i told her to ask my sister. It was in bad taste

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32e28b No.21519927


Errrrrr…. That could ruin a girl's career.

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034715 No.21519928

File: 47819711b1fcd57⋯.jpeg (71.66 KB,448x506,224:253,IMG_1322.jpeg)

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e814e4 No.21519929

File: 2df4fe11ddb1445⋯.jpeg (11.62 KB,255x210,17:14,2df4fe11ddb1445073cb9aa78….jpeg)

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18f7be No.21519930

File: 83a36d0c08195a2⋯.jpeg (102.54 KB,714x897,238:299,IMG_1977.jpeg)

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dc580e No.21519931

File: 9301bee8deece12⋯.png (90.19 KB,467x564,467:564,ClipboardImage.png)

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2edbd5 No.21519932

File: 5d037fd11b3253c⋯.jpg (18.05 KB,170x255,2:3,77cef8f15e8960b3046a87e33a….jpg)

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034715 No.21519933

File: 2e5722661683f09⋯.png (1.72 MB,750x1234,375:617,ClipboardImage.png)


She’s happy.

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2b1191 No.21519934


Bad taste


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06cc62 No.21519935



If anon was going to tease you would rattle muh zipper

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b4ea21 No.21519936


>girl's career

[Ha. Men would be fine then, they never reciprocate.]

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a10968 No.21519937

File: f14e645da190161⋯.jpg (169.99 KB,642x684,107:114,flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)

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32e28b No.21519938


Speak for yourself incel.

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5df8d2 No.21519939



dub dubs!

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a46ec1 No.21519940

File: 4786a3d73a135be⋯.png (819.91 KB,805x878,805:878,ClipboardImage.png)

New unproductive forces: the Chinese youth owning their unemployment


Laurie Chen

Sun, Sep 1, 2024, 6:08 PM CDT 5 min read

By Laurie Chen

BEIJING (Reuters) - After quitting the education industry last August due to China's crackdown on private tutoring, He Ajun has found an unlikely second life as an unemployment influencer.

The Guangzhou-based vlogger, 32, offers career advice to her 8,400 followers, charting her journey through long-term joblessness. "Unemployed at 31, not a single thing accomplished," she posted last December.

He is now making around 5,000 yuan ($700) per month through ads on her vlogs, content editing, private consultations and selling handicrafts at street stalls.

"I think in future freelancing will be normalised," said He. "Even if you stay in the workplace, you'll still need freelancing abilities. I believe it will become a backup skill, like driving."

China is under instruction to unleash "new productive forces", with government policies targeting narrow areas of science and technology including AI and robotics.

But critics say that has meant weak demand in other sectors and risks leaving behind a generation of highly educated young people, who missed the last boom and graduated too late to retrain for emerging industries.

A record 11.79 million university graduates this year face unprecedented job scarcity amid widespread layoffs in white-collar sectors including finance, while Tesla, IBM and ByteDance have also cut jobs in recent months.

Urban youth unemployment for the roughly 100 million Chinese aged 16-24 spiked to 17.1% in July, a figure analysts say masks millions of rural unemployed.

China suspended releasing youth jobless data after it reached an all-time high of 21.3% in June 2023, later tweaking criteria to exclude current students.

Over 200 million people are currently working in the gig economy and even that once fast-growing sector has its own overcapacity issues. A dozen Chinese cities have warned of ride-hailing oversaturation this year.

Redundancies have even spread to government work, long considered an "iron rice bowl" of lifetime employment.

Last year Beijing announced a 5% headcount reduction and thousands have been laid off since, according to official announcements and news reports. Henan province trimmed 5,600 jobs earlier this year, while Shandong province has cut nearly 10,000 positions since 2022.

Meanwhile, analysts say China's 3.9 million vocational college graduates are mostly equipped for low-end manufacturing and service jobs, and reforms announced in 2022 will take years to fix underinvestment in training long regarded as inferior to universities.

China currently faces a shortage of welders, joiners, elderly caregivers and "highly-skilled digital talent", its human resources minister said in March.

Yao Lu, a sociologist at Columbia University, estimates about 25% of college graduates aged 23-35 are currently in jobs below their academic qualifications.

Many of China's nearly 48 million university students are likely to have poor starting salaries and contribute relatively little in taxes throughout their lifetimes, said one Chinese economist who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

"Although they cannot be called a 'lost generation', it is a huge waste of human capital," the person said.

1/2 (cont.)

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034715 No.21519941


Juan said they’re stealing it again

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a46ec1 No.21519942

File: 8d841d091b95b2c⋯.png (710.63 KB,805x850,161:170,ClipboardImage.png)



Chinese President Xi Jinping in May urged officials to make job creation for new graduates a top priority. But for younger workers unemployed or recently fired, the mood is bleak, nine people interviewed by Reuters said.

Anna Wang, 23, quit her state bank job in Shenzhen this year due to high pressure and frequent unpaid overtime. For a salary of about 6,000 yuan per month, "I was doing three people's jobs," she said.

Her ex-colleagues complain about widespread pay cuts and transfers to positions with unmanageable workloads, effectively forcing them to resign. Wang now works part-time jobs as a CV editor and mystery shopper.

At a July briefing for foreign diplomats about an agenda-setting economic meeting, policymakers said they have been quietly urging companies to stop layoffs, one attendee told Reuters.

Olivia Lin, 30, left the civil service in July after widespread bonus cuts and bosses hinted at further redundancies. Four district-level bureaus were dissolved in her city of Shenzhen this year, according to public announcements.

"The general impression was that the current environment isn't good and fiscal pressure is really high," she said.

Lin now wants a tech job. She has had no interview offers after a month of searching. "This is completely different from 2021, when I was guaranteed one job interview a day," she said.


Shut out of the job market and desperate for an outlet, young Chinese are sharing tips for surviving long-term unemployment. The hashtags "unemployed", "unemployment diary" and "laid off" received a combined 2.1 billion views on the Xiaohongshu platform He uses.

Users describe mundane daily routines, count down the days since being fired, share awkward chat exchanges with managers or dole out advice, sometimes accompanied by crying selfies.

The increasing visibility of jobless young people "increases broader social acceptance and reduces stigma surrounding unemployment", said Columbia's Lu, allowing otherwise isolated youth to connect and "perhaps even redefine what it means to be unemployed in today's economic climate".

Lu said unemployed graduates understood blaming the government for their plight would be both risky and ineffective. Rather, she said, they were more likely to slip into "an internalisation of discontent and blame" or "lying flat".

He, the influencer, thinks graduates should lower their ambitions.

"If we have indeed entered 'garbage time', then I think young people could accumulate skills or do something creative, such as selling things via social media or making handicrafts."

(Reporting by Laurie Chen; Editing by Kevin Krolicki and Lincoln Feast.)



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dc580e No.21519943

File: c5155126f09cdf6⋯.png (6.49 MB,2048x3072,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

This is a pretty plant.

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a10968 No.21519944

File: 4cbf3c9665b951f⋯.jpg (60.88 KB,708x394,354:197,84liq2.jpg)

Ground control to major Tom

The ping is coming from outside the capsule

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2b1191 No.21519945


Stay kosher, my fren

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8ce888 No.21519946

File: 1da6d868d4202f6⋯.png (615.48 KB,810x880,81:88,Screenshot_2024_09_01_22_2….png)


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39412b No.21519947


Quality taste, I'm very intune with the plant currently

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8ef670 No.21519948


your covetousness is sickening


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2c687c No.21519949


>The ping is coming from outside the capsule


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6bebf2 No.21519951

File: 69dd181ceece6e8⋯.jpg (35.66 KB,600x300,2:1,e8EkYfbdEXwkJYDW2tyGBJ.jpg)

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dc580e No.21519952

File: c2c6523ff9007a6⋯.png (37.82 KB,247x162,247:162,77777777_trump_will_win_20….png)

File: e6e0aaac333080b⋯.png (1.78 MB,1068x787,1068:787,77777777_trump_will_win_20….png)

File: 05f96a7bef2f09d⋯.jpg (76.72 KB,1001x1024,1001:1024,no_PCR_test_elvis.jpg)

File: 6d63053c1ff0075⋯.png (639.65 KB,1194x677,1194:677,Kamala_Harris_got_her_micr….png)

File: 0089b88b9dd117c⋯.png (629.71 KB,700x700,1:1,soon_it_will_all_be_clean_….png)

msm are focusing on popular vote polls

probably still fake

Trump wins the popular vote in reality also

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ad345a No.21519953

File: 86bc6acd4b6d39b⋯.png (101.75 KB,588x424,147:106,ClipboardImage.png)


note to self

(do not bite)

>do not want to see your saggy flabby meat sack

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034715 No.21519954

File: 7677f5dc748f793⋯.jpeg (17.82 KB,160x255,32:51,IMG_0743.jpeg)

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9e088c No.21519955

File: 4ecdf63539acd8f⋯.png (62.64 KB,150x370,15:37,0653cec55b031714e2e262604c….png)



It's ackchuually "Ho."

A hoe is a garden tool.

Retard level up.

Nuther question - who the fuck keeps screen caps this faggot X posts?

This is the Kun.

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a10968 No.21519956

Breaking news.

Kamel worked the parking lot.

Now apologize.

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02cdc6 No.21519957

>>21519933 3 6 66 6

>>21519939 3 6 66 666

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6ddad6 No.21519958

File: 129821188df62e4⋯.png (1.29 MB,738x900,41:50,ClipboardImage.png)

I have questions

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8ef670 No.21519959


both spellings give the same message.

your need to call people 'retards' is your real reason for posting.


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e814e4 No.21519960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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034715 No.21519961

File: bb264d2582db07e⋯.png (968.17 KB,750x1234,375:617,ClipboardImage.png)


In the flour

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5ccecd No.21519962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've realized one major thing recently…

I'm the only one who knows what's about to happen. If you knew, you'd be terrified.

Perhaps I overestimated your intelligence.

I'm not even angry personally, but my soul, my soul is furious.

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2edbd5 No.21519963

File: 4ff2000c39ecc8e⋯.png (365.82 KB,621x501,207:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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2edbd5 No.21519964

File: 4d98a64c8ac23c8⋯.png (705.06 KB,889x605,889:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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fff3ad No.21519965

File: 2e06051de36adbd⋯.png (307.56 KB,598x791,598:791,ic.PNG)




ICE CUBE: “Donald Trump is what Americans love. Donald Trump is what Americans aspire to be.” 🔥🔥🔥 @realDonaldTrump

You agree with @icecube


Last edited

2:33 PM ¡ Aug 31, 2024




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383ea6 No.21519966

File: 6ef6fd56e66c32e⋯.png (120.94 KB,390x382,195:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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2edbd5 No.21519967

File: b4d11e30c336e60⋯.png (606.3 KB,889x605,889:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc580e No.21519968

File: 9f2939cab7311a6⋯.png (1.86 MB,1080x1209,360:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ce888 No.21519969



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0af159 No.21519970

File: d63e10f5c8ff970⋯.png (464.29 KB,460x601,460:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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b4ea21 No.21519971




[Ho much wood

Would a wood chanc chanc

If a wood chanc could chanc


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2edbd5 No.21519972

File: 2a2bf7a3553e859⋯.png (720.44 KB,884x580,221:145,ClipboardImage.png)

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fff3ad No.21519973

File: dde9b6bc7666011⋯.png (50.78 KB,662x366,331:183,bo.PNG)


ESPN, ABC and other Disney networks are BLACKED OUT on DirectTV in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and during US Open coverage

DirectTV is accusing Disney of charging viewers for channels they don't watch

The blackout is expected to impact around 11 million customer homes

READ MORE: Chris Russo blasts NFL Sunday Ticket for YouTube move

By Alex Raskin

Published: 19:48 EDT, 1 September 2024 | Updated: 20:45 EDT, 1 September 2024

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74a097 No.21519974


>dubdubs chkd


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8ef670 No.21519975


the real image of her would be a 500 year old corpse.

AI isn't that bright, is it?

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2edbd5 No.21519976

File: 288c389c65bb80d⋯.png (698.7 KB,889x605,889:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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e32ab8 No.21519977


She squat like slav

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fff3ad No.21519978

File: 07ca71217a1c31a⋯.png (391.59 KB,924x776,231:194,rs.PNG)


Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich:

Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest

for 'Disinformation'

Red State, by Ward Clark

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 9/1/2024 9:57:51 PM

The more I read about or hear about Elon Musk, the more I like the guy. Oh, I don't agree with him on every issue, but then, if two people agree on everything, one of them isn't necessary. But I like his tenaciousness, I like his grit, and I admire his First Amendment absolutism. So, when Clinton creature Robert Reich, the former Labor Secretary (because of course he was), opines that Musk should be threatened with arrest by regulators for "disseminating lies and hate" - meaning anything Robert Reich doesn't agree with - well, I'm inclined to tell Robert Reich precisely where he can place that idea,

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dc580e No.21519979

File: e5fc25037c77461⋯.png (2.37 MB,944x1493,944:1493,TRUMP_2024_THEY_MISSED_.png)

File: 7e615c50e31fc6e⋯.jpg (115.83 KB,500x582,250:291,TRUMP_SHOOTER_PATSY_REAL_S….jpg)

File: dff3f91af6329da⋯.png (1.42 MB,1002x751,1002:751,Trump_holding_paper_over_t….png)

File: 1309369376766be⋯.png (181.03 KB,513x400,513:400,trump_shooting_7_13_24_36_….png)


>NPC explains jan6 and the 2020 peaceful protests

saved af

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0af159 No.21519980

File: 556f43cc439e4f3⋯.png (361.8 KB,460x1649,460:1649,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e088c No.21519981



Did you just try to do something there retard?

Are you a ho, or a hoe?


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304f2a No.21519982

File: 7a13bfe3c6f431b⋯.jpg (156.9 KB,552x634,276:317,NO_STREET_CRED_YET.jpg)

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5ccecd No.21519983

Humanity is in your hands.

My resolve is in my hands.

My resolve only cares to protect and handful of people.




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ea1172 No.21519984



I thot Slavs were darker/swarthier than that.

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89cd54 No.21519985

File: 10e0dd26aaa08f6⋯.png (1.31 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Nothing_Can_Stop_it_Q_Alph….png)


Spreading the fear pron.

God Wins, We Win


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fff3ad No.21519986

File: a85f971bb6b8f30⋯.png (246.13 KB,434x463,434:463,wh.PNG)


PRESIDENT TRUMP: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within — who are trying to jail their top political opponent. These are truly SICK, VICIOUS people and they're destroying our country.

- Trump War Room (https://x.com/trumpwarroom/status/1830409247219212488?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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a46ec1 No.21519987



Likely doing this due to contractual obligations that she agreed to when RFK Jr named her as running mate. Given her Beijing entanglements, it's really the only way anon can see her making these posts.

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a10968 No.21519988

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamala wants the mics on during the debate so she can do this about 30 times.

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0af159 No.21519989

File: acd50d471d2bf87⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,460x710,46:71,aVvMXgP_460sv.mp4)

Palestinians trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

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3f3c3b No.21519990


no half smile?

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8ef670 No.21519991

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8a29bb No.21519992

File: 0c5667552e2044c⋯.jpeg (177.11 KB,1079x1390,1079:1390,IMG_3326.jpeg)

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e814e4 No.21519993


Take Your Meds

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8088e6 No.21519994

File: 098b92cd7fa8b98⋯.png (303.58 KB,501x546,167:182,098b92cd7fa8b9867a47c3b09a….png)



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0af159 No.21519995

File: 97ebe17af458f9f⋯.png (206.27 KB,460x295,92:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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fff3ad No.21519996

File: c4483e00eba40e9⋯.png (414.09 KB,595x581,85:83,air.PNG)


Melissa Hallman


🔥 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time.

"He’s a military impersonator…Morally indefensible…no integrity…he’s a habitual liar, he lies about everything. He lies about things that don’t even make sense…I call him a coward, because he is…"

2:41 PM ¡ Sep 1, 2024




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5ccecd No.21519997

File: f304a449bb3989f⋯.jpg (347.17 KB,968x646,484:323,Screenshot_20240901_193504….jpg)

If I pop before you make things right, I'll eliminate everyone.



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9e088c No.21519998

File: c6357841de8f280⋯.webp (47.12 KB,818x1228,409:614,NINTCHDBPICT000668323573.webp)

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e32ab8 No.21519999


She blonde and white, and squat like slav, is good

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fff3ad No.21520000

File: 749a87c61d7afca⋯.png (423.7 KB,676x846,338:423,botch.PNG)


NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting

Families of Murdered Soldiers

Breitbart Media, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Imright, 9/1/2024 9:51:07 PM

NBC News’ Meet the Press admitted Sunday that anchor Kristen Welker had been incorrect to say that Vice President Kamala Harris had met the families of Americans killed in Afghanistan — though it also botched the correction. In an interview with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), Welker challenged the Republican over former President Donald Trump’s visit last week to Arlington National Cemetery to pay his respects to the 13 fallen American soldiers on the third anniversary of the terror attack on Abbey Gate at the international airport in Kabul. The Harris/Walz campaign accused Trump of politicizing the memorial, amid controversy over whether his campaign could take photos or video.

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fff3ad No.21520001

File: 73ab5850cb69d64⋯.png (69.24 KB,1346x503,1346:503,wh.PNG)


White House says Biden and Harris weren’t invited to Arlington Cemetery by families of service members killed during Afghanistan withdrawal

Biden's and Harris' teams pushed back against claims from GOP Sen. Tom Cotton and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard that that had been invited alongside Trump.

Sept. 1, 2024, 8:03 AM GMT-11

By Gabe Gutierrez, Sarah Dean and Alexandra Marquez

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0af159 No.21520002

File: ff577e05a73ba48⋯.png (114.33 KB,460x460,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ccecd No.21520003

File: 28cd4a46e9e4389⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,1987x3056,1987:3056,wallhaven_x62y93.jpg)




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5ccecd No.21520004


Time is no longer your ally.

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fff3ad No.21520005

File: 0bd3386f1c2ee31⋯.png (56.36 KB,1360x340,4:1,brib.PNG)


Independent Candidate Reveals Harris Campaign

Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 9/1/2024 9:37:41 PM

Independent far-left presidential candidate Cornel West revealed a shocking admission about how far the Democratic Party will go to win the 2024 election. During an interview on the Status Coup News podcast, West claimed that the Harris campaign offered him a deal that resulted in him dropping out of the race. He said they bribed him by offering him a cushy job in Harris’ administration should she be elected and a promise to pay off his campaign debts. West has been met with opposition to his candidacy by the Democratic Party as polls show that in swing states where his name appears on the ballot, he takes votes away from Harris,

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32e28b No.21520006


That'll do it for sure.

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dc580e No.21520007

File: e7e0bd6fc539ca4⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,640x360,16:9,Elon_Musk_shows_that_BBC_i….mp4)

File: 539b9a6a47e8f63⋯.png (1.22 MB,1254x2582,627:1291,_Absolute_liars_Ex_D_C_Gua….png)

File: bc3fca858b6e9fe⋯.png (2.04 MB,1523x2179,1523:2179,_Absolute_liars_Ex_D_C_Gua….png)

File: abe69e57408f9ff⋯.mp4 (2.53 MB,480x480,1:1,1970s_Biden_is_a_chronic_l….mp4)


>He lies about things that don’t even make sense

just like biden then

that weird angle. like a naive kid

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cfe021 No.21520008


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034715 No.21520009

File: 14e700a0eccd5bc⋯.jpeg (45.78 KB,749x681,749:681,IMG_0941.jpeg)


> If you knew, you'd be terrified.

Try us.

We want to know something scary.

Terrify us.

Do it. Do it!!

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e32ab8 No.21520010

File: 50a9c1224afdf0a⋯.png (254.85 KB,610x676,305:338,Screenshot_2024_09_01_2239….png)


Flies go to shit

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7b57de No.21520011


Suddenly Chubby Taylor was the replacement.

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9e088c No.21520012

File: 92474b1551f42ba⋯.jpg (22.4 KB,500x376,125:94,479328c2c4dc428d265d9d0a90….jpg)

File: 1f46e2a4813b557⋯.jpg (56.33 KB,589x604,589:604,1f46e2a4813b5572d7d2fe8bda….jpg)

File: 91ffdc6f2829d8f⋯.png (249.72 KB,553x569,553:569,91ffdc6f2829d8f29ea88acdbc….png)

File: e3871351417abc0⋯.jpg (14.25 KB,250x248,125:124,flat_1000x1000_075_f.jpg)

File: b1f02f5979d3591⋯.png (16.64 KB,255x248,255:248,b1f02f5979d3591f14faf4d4b4….png)


Here is a little more fun for ya

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933481 No.21520013


Quads of TRUTH right there - checked.

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0af159 No.21520014

File: b2b97fd76d80909⋯.mp4 (5.19 MB,460x326,230:163,Boxingketball.mp4)

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a10968 No.21520015

God bless September. God wipe out the enemy camp. God obliterate the grip of the enemy and any of it's coalitions. In Jesus name. Amen.

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304f2a No.21520016

File: c0df83cac0af6bf⋯.jpg (120.32 KB,652x401,652:401,WINNING_BET.jpg)




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fff3ad No.21520017

File: 6c51338456f5d99⋯.png (681.9 KB,598x766,299:383,em.PNG)


Elon Musk


Interesting observation


Autism Capital 🧩




Also known as the Reich effect.


12:41 PM ¡ Sep 1, 2024




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0e1350 No.21520018

File: f7c15534929788d⋯.jpg (715.62 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_193403….jpg)

File: c17bad028d21d7f⋯.jpg (59.3 KB,634x947,634:947,74336133_12408939_Caroline….jpg)

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4761ec No.21520019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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7b57de No.21520020


False flags?

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5ea771 No.21520021


the freemasons have answers

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89cd54 No.21520022

File: 233a6422e976628⋯.jpg (713.61 KB,2700x2025,4:3,toaster_bath.jpg)


Take a Midol and a Calgon Bath

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933481 No.21520023


Or so they'd like you to think.

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2edbd5 No.21520024

File: 982e41063878c9e⋯.png (233.59 KB,634x327,634:327,ClipboardImage.png)

Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote.


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cfe021 No.21520025


h3llo Federal Felony.

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5ccecd No.21520026

If nothing is gonna change I'd leave the dimension/timeline I'm in immediately.

You don't want to be where I'm at if nothing changes.


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fff3ad No.21520027


Half chan ?

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5ccecd No.21520028

And they still think it's funny to mock me.

Okay then.

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4761ec No.21520029

File: 1fbd790d5ff0be2⋯.png (1.96 MB,1134x843,378:281,1fbd790d5ff0be25f258665384….png)

File: 7b484e700572fd7⋯.jpg (41.47 KB,474x316,3:2,7b484e700572fd71cf8987a752….jpg)

File: f79b40590c673d2⋯.jpg (339.54 KB,1440x1238,720:619,f79b40590c673d24ec0dbe6f93….jpg)

File: 90311492792b4f0⋯.png (645.17 KB,768x730,384:365,90311492792b4f0ab96021dec2….png)

File: 5a851c2cb04e528⋯.jpg (47.72 KB,680x546,340:273,5a851c2cb04e528a761f54479b….jpg)

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5ccecd No.21520030

Remember this bread.

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2edbd5 No.21520031

File: 3c99ec5be410303⋯.jpg (63.26 KB,640x480,4:3,922294.jpg)

File: 461fe4d217ed411⋯.jpg (57.4 KB,640x480,4:3,921air.jpg)

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fff3ad No.21520032

File: e9491c244df0e50⋯.png (109.13 KB,437x570,23:30,z.PNG)

File: b273f269dd9d94d⋯.png (211.91 KB,432x806,216:403,1.PNG)

File: fb0ceb3fc633a1e⋯.png (156.81 KB,451x813,451:813,2.PNG)


Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate:

“We, the families of the brave service members who were tragically killed in the Abbey Gate bombing, are appalled by Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent attempts to politicize President Trump’s visit to Arlington…


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74a097 No.21520033


>be a 5-7x165# engineer that can DISPROVE the 'official story'

>speak up…reteat…stay quiet

>live life life in resentment

>hit bottom

>rise up

>be glad for not quitting


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cfe021 No.21520034


*those capable of free thought.

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fff3ad No.21520035

File: d320570aa2e0fbd⋯.png (163.22 KB,444x505,444:505,crop.PNG)


Grassley Comms. Bumper Crop ready for public consumption 🌽 🐸 @areyouawake1

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7b57de No.21520036


The ground is acting as a reflector?

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4761ec No.21520037

File: 152756f05129d6e⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1725073202259.png)

File: 790faa2cd9fead7⋯.png (1.05 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1725073250540.png)

File: dded66bba07ccdb⋯.jpg (41.29 KB,600x304,75:38,Moar_Slavery_Kamala.jpg)

File: 55451a66f381562⋯.jpg (75.87 KB,799x478,799:478,Moar_Slavery_Kamala_Trump.jpg)



Did Some Nigga Say Reparations?

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933481 No.21520038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Shift Radio


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4761ec No.21520039

File: 8162a1e3845499d⋯.jpg (50.57 KB,600x404,150:101,Dumb_Fuck_Kamala.jpg)

File: 55944936e3b5533⋯.jpg (152.79 KB,868x1000,217:250,Kamala_Harris_Top_Two_Advi….jpg)

File: d108c90f2ce57a4⋯.jpg (87.92 KB,719x739,719:739,Kold_Kamala_Trump_Kek.jpg)

File: 26a92221576e9b5⋯.png (1.34 MB,1323x882,3:2,1724963327513.png)

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2d7409 No.21520040

File: 5a8f5dd96a2d3c8⋯.jpeg (78.92 KB,607x686,607:686,1B18154A_C4A9_45BB_B1BF_8….jpeg)


NightShift Activated

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e814e4 No.21520041

File: 0edd2cb5442a593⋯.png (280.9 KB,437x400,437:400,0edd2cb5442a5931ed7a807757….png)

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2c687c No.21520042

File: 904f9dc27dddc40⋯.png (1.78 MB,1000x1264,125:158,lightsaberjesus.png)


>Remember this bread.

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fff3ad No.21520043

File: f9c62cb2bbaa9c8⋯.png (9.51 KB,601x136,601:136,one_ping.PNG)





5:05 PM ¡ Aug 31, 2024





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0e1350 No.21520044

File: 5d2c332b2c97ed1⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_193851….jpg)

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4761ec No.21520045

File: ad3fe17b23b4af2⋯.png (1.17 MB,910x1282,455:641,1725239245268.png)

File: abd50e4deddd1b1⋯.jpg (94.29 KB,405x720,9:16,FML_Tim_A_Walz.jpg)

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cfe021 No.21520046


one misses peter.

frank was better though.

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32e28b No.21520047


Your meme still makes no sense.

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034715 No.21520048

File: 41f24d75df34112⋯.jpeg (20.12 KB,129x248,129:248,IMG_5212.jpeg)

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4761ec No.21520049

File: c60e59ea38d05a8⋯.jpg (97.82 KB,405x720,9:16,Hasty_Horse_Paste_Taste_A_….jpg)

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fff3ad No.21520050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4761ec No.21520051

File: 4931a2fefcc949f⋯.png (1.24 MB,791x1474,791:1474,1725235300764.png)


Neat Faggot Try Harder

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304f2a No.21520052

File: 75c30aecf09eaf5⋯.jpg (72.48 KB,589x406,589:406,1_AND_ONLY_REDUX.jpg)

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cfe021 No.21520053

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4761ec No.21520054

File: 412ec911d1a3201⋯.png (1.21 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725198035880.png)

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e32ab8 No.21520055

File: b1620a6476cc989⋯.mp4 (528.35 KB,720x740,36:37,ssstwitter_com_17251265658….mp4)

File: 654081e9fda6b75⋯.png (351.15 KB,603x817,603:817,Screenshot_2024_09_01_2251….png)

Greg is kinda funny



Wow I had no idea they made blue Cybertrucks, that’s pretty awesome


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b4ea21 No.21520056



[What do you hope happens?]

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ea1172 No.21520057

File: 156c2b61a660891⋯.png (87.75 KB,253x255,253:255,156c2b61a660891e638e902510….png)

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034715 No.21520058


Very pretty.

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32e28b No.21520059


It literally makes no sense.

Engrish much?

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4761ec No.21520060

File: c140cd63248a21c⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,480x270,16:9,Finish_the_Story_Bobby.mp4)

File: b4aa3d25ccfa8c4⋯.png (1.29 MB,702x707,702:707,b4aa3d25ccfa8c451d0af4d866….png)

File: 5b900149ecae768⋯.png (1.15 MB,841x840,841:840,5b900149ecae768e8a780cb42c….png)

File: 7fba232fddc3c6b⋯.jpg (56.42 KB,900x593,900:593,7fba232fddc3c6bf034049dcba….jpg)

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034715 No.21520061


Nothing is static

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4761ec No.21520062

File: d33222522bb1703⋯.jpg (76.72 KB,720x405,16:9,Bitch_You_Are_Fired_Trump.jpg)

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4761ec No.21520063

File: 6d6e52fd2caa544⋯.jpg (65.09 KB,720x405,16:9,Counter_MAGA_Kamala.jpg)

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b4ea21 No.21520064

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575830 No.21520065


Blue dyes, notably, Egyptian and Mayan blue were made with blood.

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2edbd5 No.21520066


that literally exemplifies the created distractions of the Corporate-Government-Media Complex. Look [Here] not Here.

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4761ec No.21520067

File: 73a7d8fe240b676⋯.jpg (68.71 KB,800x450,16:9,Northface_Faggots_CIA_Nigg….jpg)

File: e16374339d2cfab⋯.jpg (113.3 KB,908x621,908:621,Deep_State_Obama_Hillary.jpg)

File: c57abb749fde801⋯.jpg (112.8 KB,948x710,474:355,Burning_Christians_Kamala.jpg)

File: 8e1f94833404c4b⋯.jpg (89.6 KB,640x427,640:427,Destroy_the_Deepstate_Trum….jpg)

File: fd392169c805df9⋯.jpg (66.16 KB,474x616,237:308,Anvil_Parachute_Kamala_Cam….jpg)

Hey Kamal…

Have a Nice Flite…

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32e28b No.21520068

File: b90fdf6d746545b⋯.png (1.05 MB,1080x783,40:29,CheerMrP.png)

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89f509 No.21520069

File: 81828449d44ae18⋯.png (695.09 KB,946x624,473:312,ClipboardImage.png)

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4761ec No.21520070

File: e796038b61c9361⋯.jpg (90.67 KB,676x769,676:769,Very_Concerned_Firing_Squa….jpg)

File: 7c1c43ccbc8500b⋯.png (631.17 KB,979x1192,979:1192,1724962925709.png)

File: 23069c5fad47e95⋯.png (641.71 KB,1323x882,3:2,1725023750614.png)

File: 73ae261190b1861⋯.png (1015.63 KB,1246x936,623:468,1724882534948.png)

File: 12004dced967d71⋯.png (1 MB,810x1440,9:16,1724803887741.png)

The Deepstate Seethe Cup…


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383ea6 No.21520071

File: 29a8cc35c6886d1⋯.png (218.22 KB,640x480,4:3,KEK_Elon.png)


Dude was prolly starin while in middle of the street.

The driver, too.


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fff3ad No.21520072

File: 907f3f3062cd0b8⋯.png (182.66 KB,789x595,789:595,ft.PNG)

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034715 No.21520073



Thoughts turn to things so if nothing is changing it’s due to your awareness of nothing changing n u keep create more “new stuff” but it looks the same as the old. That’s why people say they use law of attraction to manifest things. All they’re doing is changing their habit of thought n then that new thought manifests and they trip out n say, “Omg, it works! I manifested something new into my experience.”

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92f412 No.21520074

I'm smoking a brisket..

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0e1350 No.21520075

File: f7c15534929788d⋯.jpg (715.62 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_193403….jpg)

File: 7d83cfdfddb93cf⋯.jpg (42.98 KB,634x726,317:363,76352025_12612105_image_m_….jpg)

File: 37161530cf3fd93⋯.jpg (207.27 KB,1280x720,16:9,AA1i3zCE_566952586.jpg)

File: 8d3ee2393d4edfa⋯.jpg (889.75 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_193504….jpg)

File: 774c90a44fafb74⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1263x1462,1263:1462,Miguel_ngel_por_Daniele_da….jpg)


How far?

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92f412 No.21520076

File: e1621fee872d564⋯.gif (920.59 KB,512x640,4:5,e1621fee872d5647abb57a69bc….gif)

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0af159 No.21520077

File: 23f20252931d5cc⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB,460x622,230:311,aVvMP68_460sv.mp4)

Juking 101.

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034715 No.21520078


What about the aliens? Would they have wrekt us by now too

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fff3ad No.21520079

File: 4ce6636462fcb2f⋯.png (337.18 KB,414x670,207:335,beds.PNG)


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2edbd5 No.21520080


dive dive dive

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cfe021 No.21520081



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e7610c No.21520082

File: 68fd62a294be1c4⋯.jpg (961.48 KB,1419x1671,473:557,68fd62a294be1c4c0dda95f3c7….jpg)



>I'm smoking a brisket..

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2edbd5 No.21520083

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1ff560 No.21520084

File: d501e83810ca91f⋯.png (626.81 KB,405x720,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e1350 No.21520085

File: ff65f58c24024a8⋯.png (820.8 KB,1200x675,16:9,colangelo2_3400975872.png)

File: 774c90a44fafb74⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1263x1462,1263:1462,Miguel_ngel_por_Daniele_da….jpg)

File: d1f82c09066030f⋯.jpg (13.3 KB,474x266,237:133,th_937127956.jpg)

File: 3b33476b5785769⋯.jpg (15.91 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2635337744.jpg)

File: 82974f262951556⋯.jpg (147.28 KB,1600x1157,1600:1157,konskie_poland_august_jard….jpg)




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e814e4 No.21520086

File: a8d4ede003aa83b⋯.png (497.96 KB,875x876,875:876,a8d4ede003aa83bbe7cc0d6aaf….png)

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8a29bb No.21520087


I’ll bet you are.

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fff3ad No.21520088

File: 1fdb730a158316b⋯.png (216.67 KB,413x792,413:792,tg.PNG)


JUST IN: President Trump criticizes the Biden-Harris DOJ for indicting him again this week and talks about why he didn't prosecute Hillary Clinton to unify the country.

"This is the worst case of election interference that anyone has ever seen in our country. They do this in third-world countries. They do it in banana republics. But now, this is the United States.

When it came to Hillary, they subpoenaed her, and she used bleach bit on everything. Broke the phones. Broke the computer. Broke everything. It was so terrible. And I had to decide: do I want to do this? Do I want to put the wife of a President of the United States in prison? I didn't want to do that. I'm trying to unify a country that really was badly broken.

Then, when I get out, it's amazing, actually. It's such a bad precedent. It's very sad, actually. But you know the good news? It's so crazy that my poll numbers go up. Who ever heard that you get indicted and your poll numbers go up?

It's such nonsense. They put people in the DA's office. Fani Willis and her boyfriend met with them for days. This is all coming out of the Department of Justice to get their political opponent."



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92f412 No.21520089

File: 0c1eef5bd541936⋯.jpg (51.11 KB,750x471,250:157,0c1eef5bd541936ba55d19de1d….jpg)

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a46ec1 No.21520090

File: 3c604ce6f02263c⋯.gif (3.38 MB,396x223,396:223,3c604ce6f02263cd3fc8e26b37….gif)


>dive dive dive

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06238f No.21520091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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034715 No.21520092

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250802 No.21520093


at the risk of encouraging you… this one was actually not terrible

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034715 No.21520094

File: b2a55eb81f35953⋯.png (70.81 KB,846x845,846:845,ClipboardImage.png)

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fff3ad No.21520095

File: 066aefeb52281de⋯.png (27.64 KB,780x261,260:87,seedy.PNG)


Metro exclusive

Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse — with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

By Kevin Sheehan and

Jorge Fitz-Gibbon

Published Sep. 1, 2024, 4:52 p.m. ET

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b4ea21 No.21520096



Or those who study etymology and know how corrupt and faggot TPTB are]

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fff3ad No.21520097

File: 68738123d5b0ab1⋯.png (226.45 KB,439x732,439:732,ger.PNG)


⚡️🇩🇪🗳 MEDIA HISSY FIT ERUPTS AS GERMAN PARTY MAKES GAINS IN STATE ELECTION: "Far-right" plastered across unhappy headlines of lamestream outlets (pic above) after anti-migration and Eurosceptic Alternative for Germany (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/38747) (AfD) on track to win regional election in state of Thuringia.

AfD wants end to war in Ukraine (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/38747) and end to anti-Russian sanctions - that’s enough to ruffle unpopular Chancellor Scholz's (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/39521) feathers and for presstitutes to call party a "threat":

For the first time since 1945 a #German far-right party is projected to win in regional elections - CNN (Clearly Not News (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/29524)) clearly attempting to liken AfD to Nazi Party with this line…

Boost us here (http://t.me/IntelRepublic?boost)! @IntelRepublic

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9e088c No.21520098

File: baf52b4a335bea6⋯.png (10.12 KB,249x255,83:85,06b578aaaa65b0e11af8447dee….png)

File: 45d8ffb8c95b99f⋯.jpg (32.65 KB,860x484,215:121,MV5BOTA5MTIxOGUtZDNjMC00Mm….jpg)

File: 1fb4529d13ad4de⋯.jpg (131.56 KB,860x671,860:671,National_Security_Agency_h….jpg)

File: e484379af2ffc81⋯.jpg (65.93 KB,860x573,860:573,f9632813_ad13_4c78_9907_d6….jpg)

File: 38d6587b4dc491e⋯.jpg (27.81 KB,360x360,1:1,360_F_571343957_MnrPPnrk9R….jpg)

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bdd11e No.21520099


Fake and gay

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fff3ad No.21520100

File: a3a120b4e84b995⋯.png (414.74 KB,669x522,223:174,ma.PNG)


The Panama Canal and the CCP’s influences. It’s all part of the One Belt Initiative. The Digital Initiative and achieving global dominance. Another reason we must win in NOV.

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1ff560 No.21520101

notables @ 385

#26365 >>21519698

>>21519712 Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

>>21519853, >>21519870, >>21519886, >>21519900 Tales from the Crypt

>>21519912 "Please play fair while we do not" -China

>>21519940, >>21519942 China's youth increasingly unemployed

>>21519946 They'll finish it

>>21519965 Ice Cube endorses Trump

>>21519973 ESPN, ABC, other Disney networks are blacked out in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and US Open coverage

>>21519978 Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich: Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest for 'Disinformation'

>>21519986 Trump: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within

>>21519989 Protestors trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

>>21519988 She will need all the help she can get vs Trump

>>21519996 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time

>>21520000, >>21520001 NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

>>21520032 Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate

>>21520005 Independent Candidate, Cornel West, Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

>>21520017 Reich effect

>>21520024 Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote

>>21520035 Grassley corn on the comms

>>21520043 DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

>>21520095 Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse — with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

>>21519705, >>21519718, >>21519722, >>21519823, >>21519930, >>21519932, >>21519992, >>21520084, >>21520086, >>21520089 Memes


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e814e4 No.21520102


Begun, the Pussy Price Wars have

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bdd11e No.21520103

File: 06cf6257878d2d2⋯.png (257.88 KB,833x865,833:865,ClipboardImage.png)


>21520043 DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

Was posted and notabled last bread. Looks fake by the looks of their twat feed

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cfe021 No.21520104


are you aware of the why?

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034715 No.21520105


Zuck’s like

>I’m gonna go beat up some children

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4761ec No.21520106

File: c6df5236ee17f23⋯.jpg (101.01 KB,798x800,399:400,Its_the_Communists_Trump.jpg)

File: 9bbfebfd3f1f5e9⋯.jpg (63.9 KB,680x468,170:117,Cannibal_Commumists.jpg)

File: d82f5d83134185d⋯.jpg (62.38 KB,680x468,170:117,Clintons_Shotgun_Suicides.jpg)


Smoke Em If You Got Em Boys!

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fff3ad No.21520107

File: 6bc97c14e7569ab⋯.png (144.63 KB,416x793,32:61,bc.PNG)


If you need a good reason to vote for Trump, here it is: The United Nations is TERRIFIED of a second Trump term.

This news came from a bombshell undercover video exposing Jorge Paoletti, a UN legal officer.

Paoletti admitted on tape that one of the UN's sinister goals is to create a "global citizen," where people identify more with a global community than with their own country.

"I'm the definition of a globalist," Paoletti said, before lamenting, "I’m not sure the UN is going to survive a second term from Trump."

The fear stems from Trump's America First stance, which directly opposes the UN's push for a global governance model.

He revealed that 27% of the UN's funds comes directly from the United States and that no other country's financial backing even comes close.

Watch the revealing video from Mug Club Undercover. It is an eye-opener.

More Stories:

Model and former Democrat embarrasses Mark Cuban with one simple question about Kamala Harris. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/model-and-former-dem-embarrasses-woke-mark-cuban-with-one-simple-question-about-kamala-harris/)

Pfizer Launches Bone-Chilling New Plan (https://vigilantnews.com/post/disturbing-pfizer-now-peddles-drugs-directly-to-consumers/)

How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More (https://vigilantnews.com/post/how-to-get-ivermectin-z-pak-and-more/)

Follow @ZeeeMedia

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

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034715 No.21520108


Aware of Hillary blood cement patent thing or what do you mean? Aware of why wut?

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304f2a No.21520109

File: 509599a7957ed63⋯.jpg (154.43 KB,844x611,844:611,SMOKING.jpg)

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4761ec No.21520111

File: 87007990d008acc⋯.jpg (93.34 KB,501x640,501:640,Meanwhile_at_Kamp_Kek_Kek_.jpg)

File: 2e8fb873f68e2df⋯.jpg (107.23 KB,714x600,119:100,Fuck_Them_Division_Shills.jpg)

File: 48a3fc4715c7b71⋯.jpg (123.37 KB,774x980,387:490,Best_Trump_Bitch_You_Misse….jpg)

File: d940a1001fa1311⋯.png (1.4 MB,1429x816,1429:816,1724726787620.png)


Welcome to the War Faggots

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bdd11e No.21520112



So is there a copy of the video somewhere besides telegram?

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41db4e No.21520114

File: 05acac266527505⋯.png (320.43 KB,500x552,125:138,05acac266527505fdff2f98e12….png)

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e32ab8 No.21520115

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shadow of Ezra


What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?


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fff3ad No.21520116

File: 1e29203de5fadf1⋯.png (731.31 KB,808x660,202:165,yes.PNG)

File: 2e32cfa3e43c752⋯.png (1.21 MB,681x759,227:253,data_ivern.PNG)


RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for

‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’

During COVID-19 Pandemic

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hᴏft

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 9/1/2024 10:35:08 PM

At the Limitless Expo, a gathering focused on financial freedom and strategic empowerment, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. delivered a powerful speech that reignited the debate over the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kennedy didn’t mince words (Snip) He went on to accuse Fauci and other officials of using their positions to enforce “totalitarian controls that were not science-based,” arguing that their actions led to unnecessary deaths worldwide. “It’s a story, really, of people involved in really terrible, immoral, homicidal criminal behavior,” he said. One of the most explosive claims Kennedy made was about the suppression of COVID-19 treatments like Ivermectin.

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0e1350 No.21520117

File: 901bdc0e31a2980⋯.gif (988.94 KB,640x360,16:9,mr_bean_mr_64537549.gif)

File: a30f13148ca5ee4⋯.gif (1.75 MB,640x362,320:181,tenor_4115674097.gif)

File: 04fe8b4da62a613⋯.gif (908.91 KB,640x360,16:9,waiting_bored_3388195372.gif)

File: d0c9ff0d2eacbcc⋯.jpg (507.35 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240817_000425….jpg)

File: c4a89db8a73fcc4⋯.jpg (161.9 KB,1080x1080,1:1,cover_depeche_mode_some_gr….jpg)

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b6c97d No.21520118

Guise, the national guard at the NYC hotel story stinks to me.. thoughts?

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bdd11e No.21520119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Jorge Paoletti


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74a097 No.21520120


she's pret…

<nope, cant do it

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92f412 No.21520121

File: faf41da84b9afba⋯.jpg (28.81 KB,474x438,79:73,pi.jpg)

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4a5bbb No.21520122

File: 5130886f8e9ad1a⋯.png (1.28 MB,719x1024,719:1024,ClipboardImage.png)



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cfe021 No.21520124


why blood is used, why.

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4a5bbb No.21520125

File: 759b15770a405a1⋯.jpg (200.47 KB,1000x1291,1000:1291,tribunals2.jpg)

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365d48 No.21520127


The adidas tracksuits make you do that unconsciously.

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8a29bb No.21520133

File: 151077f721ec2ca⋯.gif (1.33 MB,327x345,109:115,IMG_3586.gif)

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304f2a No.21520134

File: aed0ac91eb39af0⋯.jpg (91.69 KB,608x482,304:241,DOUBLING_DOWN_CANT.jpg)


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4761ec No.21520135

File: b720b207ad8b2cd⋯.png (833.99 KB,1386x842,693:421,1725030544241.png)

Hoos the Celeb SPY?

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bdd11e No.21520138


>blue Cybertrucks

Very useful for virtue signaling - ugly useless POS otherwise

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74a097 No.21520140



and calm the fuck down.

the reason we don't start poppin' caps at everyone is INHERENTLY AND PRECISELY cuz we're autists.

think it through.

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06238f No.21520144

File: b2086ffc02c3d79⋯.gif (1.48 MB,420x236,105:59,kek35.gif)

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365d48 No.21520148

File: 4db6e9227f8f08c⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB,576x1024,9:16,1706225426988826_webm.mp4)


czeched. You get kot.

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f0482c No.21520155

Here is the current situation.

Negative ET's from the Orion Group have enslaved the planet and are playing out their anti-human agenda.

The Orion Constellation is referred to as the Hunter Constellation.

Thus, the phrase "The hunters have become the hunted"

Positive ET's could not land and help because all the world leaders are secretly under the control of the negative ET's through the draconian top to bottom pyramid System of control and would simply claim the positive ET's are here to harm us.

The worlds people and military's would attack the positive ET's and they have already been programmed to do so.

The negative ET's threaten the positive ET's by simply using us as hostages.

If positive ET's interfere. The negative ET's wipe out humanity.

In order to get around this dilemma, the positive ET's asked most of you to incarnate which does not break any laws or freewill.

You are the ET's chosen for this who incarnated into human bodies for the Great Awakening.

"My fellow incarnated extraterrestrials."

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ca8629 No.21520157


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0e1350 No.21520160

File: cae686fb9de0a62⋯.jpg (36.85 KB,1024x576,16:9,_118069281_gettyimages_535….jpg)

File: d8bca35e73a7ac1⋯.jpg (33.96 KB,474x372,79:62,th_4045869670.jpg)

File: a5fb556bc113822⋯.jpg (97.12 KB,1566x880,783:440,160411_yamato_steve_o_teas….jpg)

File: 23c7c8d48ebd6a7⋯.jpg (733.91 KB,3000x2191,3000:2191,erikprince12.jpg)

File: 4a787b512c26e7e⋯.jpg (810.92 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240826_122609….jpg)

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ea1172 No.21520164

File: 8400a206d273752⋯.jpg (138.35 KB,1043x1199,1043:1199,Pledianmusicstops.jpg)

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92f412 No.21520167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e814e4 No.21520173

File: d145a25fa2020d4⋯.png (274.26 KB,602x337,602:337,main_qimg_4576cb31c5de7478….png)

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5ccecd No.21520175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b4ea21 No.21520176


[The election riggers are prone to triggering]

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b4ea21 No.21520178



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0e1350 No.21520179

File: f1a45eb630865a9⋯.jpg (113.03 KB,1280x702,640:351,8060145_16095604_befunky_c….jpg)

File: 298fc517713c7bf⋯.jpg (429.26 KB,1816x2492,454:623,e07cfe50e2102309fae77cc6a4….jpg)

File: 77da1d1f28c8aec⋯.png (216.74 KB,1040x760,26:19,2544_1359528295.png)

File: 8b932d2faed30f8⋯.jpg (330.84 KB,1787x1227,1787:1227,2a4040216bac3d4be9330d9e17….jpg)

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5ccecd No.21520180


Wouldn't be so sure about that.

Everyone minus a handful of people is still pretty much everyone.


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ad345a No.21520182

File: 2c3f582a91de1df⋯.png (1.22 MB,1221x861,407:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c8f30001aeec26⋯.png (1.09 MB,1229x802,1229:802,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3c0d01e502a2c8⋯.png (1.28 MB,1254x860,627:430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0794d34cc906a46⋯.png (52.39 KB,502x602,251:301,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c7907daa0087f7⋯.png (1.52 MB,1183x794,1183:794,ClipboardImage.png)


Note: professor hamamoto (looks like a confucius chinky dude) looks at the book, the storm is upon us by mike rothschild (states he just has the same name as the rothschilds but not related.

prof is from California, Davis university for 23 years, for those clowns who think anons are not ready for this shit including the Q posts being used by clowns, you are in for a shock, because anons have evolved from Q who allowed djt to get shot and the comms and the number 17 being the 17 intelligence community as well as 17 letter of the alphebet.

some research on the prof below the video link and he is promoting robert david steele the clown.

will embedd video next post, this one is just a dig on this moran - bait is bait anons, and this is bait..


09.01.24 QAnon Social Movement Retrospective



Streamed live 4 hours ago


Professor Hamamoto of Cultural ForensicsÂŽ revisits select contributions of critics within the American tradition that led to the wide-ranging reawaking of the body politic against the seemingly overwhelming institutional power of professional ideologues in corporate media.


Anon dig via a.i

professor hamamoto

Professor Darrell Y. Hamamoto is a renowned American writer, academic, and specialist in U.S. media and ethnic studies. He was a professor at the University of California, Davis, for nearly 23 years before retiring in 2018.

Teaching Style and Expertise

According to student reviews, Professor Hamamoto is known for his provocative and thought-provoking teaching style. He encourages critical thinking and challenges conventional perspectives, particularly in his courses on Asian American media and experiences. His lectures often incorporate unconventional materials, such as YouTube videos and amateur erotic films, to illustrate his points.

Research Focus

Professor Hamamoto’s research focuses on Asian American media and sexuality, as well as the representation of Asian Americans in popular culture. His work has sparked interest and debate among scholars and journalists, with features in publications such as the Sacramento Bee and salon.com.

Online Presence

Professor Hamamoto has a YouTube channel where he shares his penetrating analysis and commentary on American popular culture and media. He is also active on social media, where he engages with students and colleagues.

Student Reviews

Students who have taken Professor Hamamoto’s courses have described him as:

“A brilliant educator who opens your eyes to a different perspective of the world”

“A prickly but insightful professor who challenges you to think critically”

“A true truth-seeker who genuinely cares about his students’ futures”

Awards and Recognition

Professor Hamamoto has received recognition for his scholarship and teaching, although specific awards or honors are not publicly listed.


After nearly 23 years of teaching at UC Davis, Professor Hamamoto retired in 2018. His legacy as a provocative and thought-provoking educator continues to inspire and challenge students and scholars alike.

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304f2a No.21520183

File: 3b0c748e500a58e⋯.jpg (111.82 KB,715x525,143:105,SUMMER_COMFY.jpg)

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e7610c No.21520184

File: 873e226d4964c4b⋯.jpg (220.18 KB,1024x1185,1024:1185,TeslaBurnReal.jpg)


>Very useful for virtue signaling - ugly useless POS otherwise

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06238f No.21520185

File: e7c8810fe6d9e98⋯.png (511.7 KB,1081x584,1081:584,e7c8810fe6d9e9818895b21df5….png)

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5ccecd No.21520187

You lost the second you pretended I didn't exist.

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ad345a No.21520188



09.01.24 QAnon Social Movement Retrospective



Streamed live 4 hours ago


Professor Hamamoto of Cultural ForensicsÂŽ revisits select contributions of critics within the American tradition that led to the wide-ranging reawaking of the body politic against the seemingly overwhelming institutional power of professional ideologues in corporate media.

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5406ba No.21520190

File: 2c35664c33e1d63⋯.png (1.79 MB,1800x1200,3:2,2c35664c33e1d633d88df9cb81….png)

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ad345a No.21520191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



09.01.24 QAnon Social Movement Retrospective


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92f412 No.21520197



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a46ec1 No.21520202

File: 120d48f80663dd6⋯.png (1.31 MB,1920x966,320:161,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a054e22194ecd9c⋯.png (1.46 MB,896x1220,224:305,ClipboardImage.png)


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b4ea21 No.21520206





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06238f No.21520211

File: bba50c801f51938⋯.webp (143.83 KB,853x1280,853:1280,us4bzxklnfmc1.webp)

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b94ab4 No.21520220


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ad345a No.21520223

File: c3df3702a3355d7⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,848x592,53:37,qanon_media_push.mp4)

>>21520182, >>21520188, >>21520191 09.01.24 QAnon Social Movement Retrospective - youtube

Ready anons for the Qanon cult making a return and the push for civil war and domestic terrorist tag.


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72a9e6 No.21520226

File: 73946216d032ca7⋯.png (284.46 KB,620x550,62:55,ClipboardImage.png)


Seems AI learned bewbs are good and made 'em bigger.

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a46ec1 No.21520228

File: 2150f29b5a360e9⋯.png (1.1 MB,1918x966,137:69,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98b6ace80b0b0d5⋯.png (33.73 KB,992x549,992:549,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5834a3d873451ef⋯.png (1.25 MB,1551x925,1551:925,ClipboardImage.png)

Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore? Might be a mis-identification. Maybe? Very strange.



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b4ea21 No.21520229


Rig ]

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a8e16d No.21520233

File: 26a19c5715ba24a⋯.png (8.86 KB,255x143,255:143,5fb9b93356dd1c1c754f7e688e….png)


They are all dead men walking

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0e1350 No.21520236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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383ea6 No.21520243

File: 1a1efc2394aa022⋯.png (298.3 KB,568x709,568:709,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6604da01ab4e85⋯.png (611.02 KB,634x518,317:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5928c6885c2255⋯.png (615.65 KB,634x812,317:406,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da8861fa12016ea⋯.png (726.25 KB,634x860,317:430,ClipboardImage.png)

Gifts froms China -Tim Walz holds a fan that was one of the gifts he received while spending about 10 months this past year teaching school in China.

Sources and pics for 1st pic:

6 August 2024


Aug 2024 (1 week ago)


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bdd11e No.21520245


>virtue signaling - ugly useless POS


Would love to tell one of the pretentious owners that acronym.

Then offer to race them to prove my 4cyl is better, from one side of the state to the other and back. ~700 miles ~3 tanks of fuel @ 20-25 mpg in a 4wd 0% change of spontaneous combustion

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f1d2b4 No.21520247

File: dbac4e8068611f1⋯.gif (783.19 KB,360x255,24:17,IMG_6275.gif)

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f46710 No.21520249


Now make one that shows Kamel toe as the election burglar trying to steal the election. Or I guess anything along those lines. Kamel toe has a driver so….

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ad345a No.21520252

File: 74afa5e9998a88b⋯.gif (41.09 KB,380x217,380:217,dancing_trump_and_pepe.gif)

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8088e6 No.21520254



Enemy combatant status.

No mercy.

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3f6e84 No.21520255


^^^holy fucking based.








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5ccecd No.21520260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Defcon 1 coming.

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4a5bbb No.21520262

File: ba7da764c236d0b⋯.png (515.93 KB,800x785,160:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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06238f No.21520264

File: e43933112c67df1⋯.png (176.23 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Save yourself the hassle and get you some chopsticks.

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0678fb No.21520266

one down

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bdd11e No.21520267

File: 0619930c889f4ff⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,720x900,4:5,0619930c889f4ffd6fbb458723….mp4)


lb/pb you fuckken digit wasting faggot

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f46710 No.21520273


Used to use avg years ago, it slowed down my system, was always trying to sell or up sell something and generally became a nuisance. I sometimes wonder if the "anti-virus companies are the ones who keep making viruses in order to justify their jobs.

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e814e4 No.21520274


Strange indeed

My first thought was Sales Demo, then I realized Singapore can barely afford to pay attention, forget fancy birds

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8088e6 No.21520275

File: 57d50f367c011ac⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,1080x659,1080:659,media_GWbadgZW8AAQsW1.jpg)

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2c687c No.21520277



You are not the most high nor the MOST HIGH.

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4b9a2b No.21520279

>>21518981 lb, >>21519468 lb

>They want to overthrow The Constitution

Woodrow Wilson handed over our money system to hostile international banksters, enabling crooks to run amok without the proper redress of lynching.

Trump did not say that, the CCP mole at NYT projects

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0678fb No.21520284

File: dc7aae206346b6f⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,750x530,75:53,2taqzo.jpeg)


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ad345a No.21520288

File: 09052634bff181f⋯.mp4 (14.86 MB,640x360,16:9,mike_rothschild_written_st….mp4)




The professor mentions mike rothschild testimony to the u.s congress.

lucky enough anon has it archived.

see embedded videos.

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a46ec1 No.21520295

File: afbda734de2f802⋯.png (2.7 MB,1125x1514,1125:1514,ClipboardImage.png)


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f46710 No.21520298


Boy, this guy sure called it. Pay attention how often people call us a democracy. I try to remind them we are a republic with SOME democratic elements. Usually falls on deaf ears.

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06cc62 No.21520299

File: 6c9695bcbe4264b⋯.png (76.5 KB,244x165,244:165,ClipboardImage.png)

Nom rename of board to /qshitpost/

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ad345a No.21520300

File: 07587d954bcfdaa⋯.mp4 (14.89 MB,640x360,16:9,mike_rothschild_q_and_a.mp4)





The professor is tying Qanon to anti-Semitism and conspiracy theorist are antisemitic and antisemitic is a conspiracy theory - typical confucis chinky chat.

part 2 mike rothschilds us testimony to congress Q and A

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0e1350 No.21520302

File: ff65f58c24024a8⋯.png (820.8 KB,1200x675,16:9,colangelo2_3400975872.png)

File: 7d83cfdfddb93cf⋯.jpg (42.98 KB,634x726,317:363,76352025_12612105_image_m_….jpg)

File: 774c90a44fafb74⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1263x1462,1263:1462,Miguel_ngel_por_Daniele_da….jpg)

File: 1db102b037492fa⋯.jpg (92.47 KB,671x1000,671:1000,Mona_Lisa_oil_wood_panel_L….jpg)

File: 26f7ddf26ec7b35⋯.jpg (53.05 KB,333x500,333:500,5130OXIfLWL_2083322654.jpg)

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f1d2b4 No.21520304


It’s ALL about the human mind. If you take the symbols literally then you are following someone or something. If you enter within you are your own way.

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ad345a No.21520310

File: f651ec0d18a16b3⋯.gif (1.5 MB,500x207,500:207,gladitor.gif)

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0e1350 No.21520313

File: ff65f58c24024a8⋯.png (820.8 KB,1200x675,16:9,colangelo2_3400975872.png)

File: 774c90a44fafb74⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1263x1462,1263:1462,Miguel_ngel_por_Daniele_da….jpg)

File: a5e767c19953449⋯.jpg (676.86 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240823_085953….jpg)

File: c72225f23e3bbb0⋯.jpg (65.26 KB,960x540,16:9,OCSS7JENVUI6HOG557WVOS4MYA….jpg)

File: 24a55ab3438341b⋯.jpg (31.81 KB,474x266,237:133,th_705999390.jpg)

#GA ?

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0678fb No.21520315


Oi. The popular modern conception of the mind existing independently in some sort of imaginary space, connected to our world solely through the brain, is very wrong. We are all connected inwardly in a similar manner as we are connected outwardly.

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c40a14 No.21520317

File: 9ad0d5c5879445b⋯.jpeg (95.59 KB,612x612,1:1,B8823576_9867_4EEA_9BD6_2….jpeg)


Thanks baker

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0e1350 No.21520319


Messages Matter, and what not.

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8088e6 No.21520321

File: 6d71ee12f1fe5d9⋯.png (215.21 KB,602x546,43:39,ClipboardImage.png)


@RT_com 43m

Researchers have found that the‘Sea Walnut,’a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles in times of hardship.

Sep 2, 2024 ¡ 3:30 AM UTC


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0e39d2 No.21520322

File: 4aca872fcf912fa⋯.png (301.41 KB,660x390,22:13,ClipboardImage.png)




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d9eb76 No.21520323

notables @ 545

#26365 >>21519698

>>21519712 Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

>>21519853, >>21519870, >>21519886, >>21519900 Tales from the Crypt

>>21519912 "Please play fair while we do not" -China

>>21519940, >>21519942 China's youth increasingly unemployed

>>21519946 They'll finish it

>>21519965 Ice Cube endorses Trump

>>21519973 ESPN, ABC, other Disney networks are blacked out in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and US Open coverage

>>21519978 Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich: Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest for 'Disinformation'

>>21519986 Trump: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within

>>21519989 Protestors trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

>>21519988 She will need all the help she can get vs Trump

>>21519996 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time

>>21520000, >>21520001 NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

>>21520032 Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate

>>21520005 Independent Candidate, Cornel West, Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

>>21520017 Reich effect

>>21520024 Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote

>>21520035 Grassley corn on the comms

>>21520043 DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

>>21520095 Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

>>21520115 What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?

>>21520116 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>21520228 PF: Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore?

>>21520243 Tim Walz: Gifts from China

>>21519705, >>21519718, >>21519722, >>21519823, >>21519930, >>21519932, >>21519992, >>21520084, >>21520086, >>21520089 Memes


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2c687c No.21520326


>the voices!!!

Hey, Schizo… who pays you to post here or do you willingly. embrace making an ass of yourself in public…???///

Everyone will know what you did here…///

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b4ea21 No.21520328


[Blend or be blent]

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5ccecd No.21520329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The line between light and dark is SO very thin. Let's cross it together.

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b4ea21 No.21520331



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2c687c No.21520333



It's the website, you fucking retard…///

Why do you even post here..?

What is the purpose of your visit…///

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0e1350 No.21520335

File: 7d83cfdfddb93cf⋯.jpg (42.98 KB,634x726,317:363,76352025_12612105_image_m_….jpg)

File: 5eec4b6300d4f38⋯.jpg (190.84 KB,922x1600,461:800,Crowns_for_a_queen_queen_m….jpg)

File: 23956e4500c3215⋯.jpg (29.17 KB,474x298,237:149,th_428195994.jpg)

File: 390366af8954a4f⋯.gif (2.77 MB,480x270,16:9,giphy_965107701.gif)

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bdd11e No.21520336



>>>/femdom/ wants you back

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d6da9b No.21520337


Why does Congress give this clown the time of day? Oh, that's right, big donor. Next Zuckerberg, followed by AIPAC.

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b4ea21 No.21520339






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b4ea21 No.21520340


[That is not my preferred 8k board.

You're stuck with me.]

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c40a14 No.21520342

File: 135d09faa0e5873⋯.jpeg (258.27 KB,750x1294,375:647,IMG_6190.jpeg)


Holy fuck finally something worth noting.

Any old fags member what “walnut” refers to?

>comms possibly related to the Russia whale?

Sauce, not the walnut kind: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/59229

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f1d2b4 No.21520343


Yeah well the mind is inside

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2c687c No.21520344



So you heard me…///


This one ///

/// Type three in a row





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fcf73c No.21520345


So.. how old are you and your sister??

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4b9a2b No.21520346

File: 9df0f12efc239f0⋯.png (699.08 KB,1458x773,1458:773,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df258de169a6db7⋯.gif (965.61 KB,389x498,389:498,sauceor.gif)

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ad345a No.21520347

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Hating Breitbart (R.I.P.) Full Documentary [October 19, 2012]

First published at 16:49 UTC on June 2nd, 2023.



Andrew Breitbart was born on 1 February 1969 in Los Angeles, California, USA. He was an actor and producer, known for Michael Moore Hates America (2004), Courage, New Hampshire (2011) and Occupy Unmasked (2012). He was previously married to Susannah Bean. He was killed on 1 March 2012 in Los Angeles, California, USA (heart failure)

One man with a website who forever changed the media paradigm, upending the traditional press and changing the ground rules of political journalism.

Having followed Andrew Breitbart since the birth of the Tea Party movement in 2009, the filmmakers got behind the scenes access to Andrew Breitbart and the many media controversies in which he was a key player.

From the ACORN take-down to Congressman Anthony Weiner's crotch shot Twitter scandal,

Hating Breitbart tells the amazing story of how one man conquered and helped to shape the world of new media as we know it today.

HATING BREITBART is a dramatic account of a media figure with a larger-than-life personality evocative of the great newspaper titans of generations past.;

From ACORN to Weinergate, HATING BREITBART tells the story of one man with a website who forever changed the media paradigm, upending the traditional press and changing the ground rules of political journalism.

He opened the floodgates to an army of citizen journalists who used new media to completely rewrite the narrative. In the process, he repeatedly found himself the target of a media feeding frenzy as the old paradigm's supporters pushed back.

Andrew Breitbart was a polarizing figure whose legacy is still being debated. Loved and hated, Andrew was a jovial prankster and a one-man wrecking ball who used his unique understanding of both traditional and new media to change the way that information flows in the modern era.

The HATING BREITBART filmmakers enjoyed exclusive, behind-the-scenes access to Andrew Breitbart during his various confrontations with the media, like the firestorm that erupted after Breitbart released the infamous ACORN videos, showing a purported pimp and prostitute visiting multiple offices of community organizing group ACORN looking for assistance.

Filmmakers capture Breitbart's journey onto the national stage after publishing the videos, documenting the paradigm shift as more scandals unfolded. We see Breitbart become a celebrated speaker at Tea Party events with powerful enemies and legions of supporters who, in the wake of his sudden death at the age of 43, now carry his picture at rallies across the country.

HATING BREITBART is a dramatic account of a media figure with a larger-than-life personality evocative of the great newspaper titans of generations past.

Release date October 19, 2012 (United States)

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b4ea21 No.21520348




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365d48 No.21520349


Neo-baal worship.

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0678fb No.21520350


Along with everything else.

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cdb0b9 No.21520351

nn faggots. Love. (no homo)

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f1d2b4 No.21520352


You can’t hold a thought in your hand

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b4ea21 No.21520353

File: fa482a85191dc3e⋯.jpg (36.3 KB,162x616,81:308,Screenshot_20240901_212518….jpg)

[Does anyanon know what's going on with this spacing fuckery?]

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4b9a2b No.21520356

File: f16254eba2618f4⋯.png (1.07 MB,812x807,812:807,ClipboardImage.png)


That explains K-16 indoctrination

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b5b4dd No.21520357


Do you believe, Mr. Rothschild, that he who either has the most money or contributes the most, gets center stage to vent their grievances in front of Congress? You and they obvious do.

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0e1350 No.21520358

File: fe64de2e537eae4⋯.jpg (779.38 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_212537….jpg)

File: c124744aa119d36⋯.jpg (628.01 KB,2000x3000,2:3,f2bcaee59c19fae4642cce0672….jpg)

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5ccecd No.21520359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

As the end credits roll…

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c2b0bc No.21520360


What would you like to know?

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06cc62 No.21520361


>Any old fags member what “walnut” refers to?

Which Q post was that?

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6da931 No.21520362




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ad345a No.21520363


mike the faggot rothschilds has links very high up.

if he is not related, than they chose him for a reason due to his name as bait for the qanon movement (msm term), clowns will use many such bait methods.

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c1e869 No.21520364


Poster Child For Lume Deodorant

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06cc62 No.21520365

File: be077cdc6436590⋯.png (14.93 KB,739x234,739:234,ClipboardImage.png)


>Any old fags member what “walnut” refers to?

pic rel

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dbcc2b No.21520366

File: be88d7e7a1e2991⋯.jpeg (219.04 KB,750x554,375:277,IMG_6193.jpeg)



>exotic fish, anyone?

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613344 No.21520367

File: f7e45b4abae590e⋯.webp (82.04 KB,1024x576,16:9,copy_of_1233087143.webp)


Ah, yes…those innocent Palestinian children.

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f46710 No.21520368


Dissolving the Dead: A Look Inside Portland’s First Aqua Cremation Machine

May 9, 2019

In Oregon, there are five legal ways to lay the dead to rest. Bodies can be embalmed and shipped out of state; donated to scientific research facilities; cremated; buried; or dissolved. Yes, you read that correctly: When you die, the flesh can literally be dissolved from your bones.

The scientific name of the process is alkaline hydrolysis, though it’s more commonly known as aquamation or aqua cremation. If you want to avoid the mildly gory details later in this piece, here’s the short version: Like flame cremation, aqua cremation reduces the body to bones—it just uses water instead of fire. It’s legal in more than a dozen states, but Oregon was one of the first to legalize it in 2009, and it’s one of the only states with the proper facilities to actually perform the procedure.


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924228 No.21520369

File: 7662d23dfe4cde6⋯.webp (28.45 KB,512x512,1:1,IMG_8380.webp)

File: 2aa38a4ae316531⋯.webp (35.29 KB,512x512,1:1,IMG_8379.webp)

File: 1911c8098b8fce6⋯.jpeg (246.24 KB,1032x705,344:235,IMG_8377.jpeg)

File: 3fdd4d8b1a40112⋯.jpeg (47.24 KB,332x226,166:113,4C542484_BB5F_48B6_9BB1_F….jpeg)

File: 818276bb96b8477⋯.jpeg (35.71 KB,300x214,150:107,IMG_8381.jpeg)

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7b765c No.21520370


Well, guess what, the Q movement has been right about of host of theories that have been proven correct. This guy wants to shut this movement down because it is a threat to his hegemony. Why not call out Alex Jones? Oh that's right, a Mossad agent.

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b4ea21 No.21520371


[Shape of walnut -> brain

Pineal idrc]

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924228 No.21520372

File: 6afca6b1a935d50⋯.jpeg (80.96 KB,415x873,415:873,IMG_8402.jpeg)

File: b4e0c43cfbd5a00⋯.jpeg (708.52 KB,1700x956,425:239,IMG_8401.jpeg)

File: 322345c671e82b7⋯.jpeg (62.35 KB,474x359,474:359,IMG_8400.jpeg)

File: d129f3b64520059⋯.jpeg (155.01 KB,800x531,800:531,IMG_8399.jpeg)

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ad345a No.21520373

File: 7f08eba8cdf644f⋯.gif (1.22 MB,404x305,404:305,gabby.gif)


watch and learn single ip hopper nigger

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924228 No.21520374

File: 9a2f0ad61063088⋯.jpg (141.8 KB,800x717,800:717,UltraMAGA_17.jpg)

File: a7a537a93af2717⋯.png (1.62 MB,1134x1433,1134:1433,UltraMAGA_21.PNG)

File: 14f3eaa9b834ec6⋯.jpeg (148.71 KB,800x500,8:5,UltraMAGA_18.JPEG)

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0e39d2 No.21520375

File: 8030126d47acb42⋯.png (15.13 KB,739x242,739:242,ClipboardImage.png)


>[Shape of walnut -> brain Pineal idrc]

Right, not related to any Q post, or Q.

Random shit like flat earth and adrenochrome

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924228 No.21520376

File: e16d27a3ce5fec8⋯.png (878.99 KB,811x1140,811:1140,IMG_8173.PNG)

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0e1350 No.21520377

File: ff65f58c24024a8⋯.png (820.8 KB,1200x675,16:9,colangelo2_3400975872.png)

File: 774c90a44fafb74⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1263x1462,1263:1462,Miguel_ngel_por_Daniele_da….jpg)

File: 075bc747c63eaa4⋯.jpg (922.71 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_213244….jpg)

File: 7f32810eca5dcc2⋯.jpg (107.92 KB,600x578,300:289,ece5f885db985869dd2d957187….jpg)

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c5aa26 No.21520378


walnut refers to a young boy's scrotum.

the sauce???…well…

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b4ea21 No.21520379


>not related to any Q post

<podesta emails from wikileaks

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924228 No.21520380

File: 8022cc03507db1b⋯.jpeg (227.43 KB,800x534,400:267,IMG_8322.jpeg)

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fcf73c No.21520381

File: 97e148620979019⋯.png (414.29 KB,431x672,431:672,Screenshot_2024_09_01_2336….png)

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f46710 No.21520382

How about a stroll down memory lane?

All the conspiracy theories about incoming House Democratic leadership

Select excerpts.

For most of 2018, Schiff has been linked to something conspiracy theorists refer to as the “Standard Hotel Incident,” referring to a hip hotel in West Hollywood, a part of town Schiff represents.

The Standard has supposedly been the site of a number of mysterious deaths, orgies, fights, and occult incidents in the last few years—which were subsequently covered up by murdering three executives at the Standard via a helicopter crash.

o be sure, while conspiracy theorists agree that the “Standard Hotel Incident” definitely happened and that Schiff was definitely involved, what exactly the incident was and what Schiff actually did have proven to be more elusive to a crowd that has no problem making up tenuous connections.

In fact, nobody has actually linked Schiff to anything that happened at the Hotel, and there haven’t been any arrests regarding any unusual activity at the hotel in the time that Schiff has represented that district (due to redistricting, Schiff has only represented West Hollywood since 2013.)

The crash itself certainly did happen, as the helicopter that three executives were flying in went down shortly after taking off, appearing to lose power and slam into a house in a gated community in Newport Beach. But what this has to do with Schiff isn’t clear, other than the place where the passengers worked happening to be in Schiff’s district.

Beyond that, it seems like conspiracy theorists are content to rhetorically pester Schiff on Twitter, rather than delve into what actually might have happened. This is the certainty that conspiracy theories offer—you know something bad happened and that someone you don’t like was involved—even if you don’t know what it was, when it took place, or what actually happened.

Twitter was the source of another completely unsourced and unevidenced rumor about Schiff, that he paid out an undisclosed sexual harassment settlement brought by a 19-year-old male intern in 2013. The attribution for this story was merely “congressional sources,” yet numerous QAnon accounts got tens of thousands of retweets spreading it around.

Read the whole thing here. My how time flies.


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0e1350 No.21520383

File: 2204af4089520e2⋯.jpg (17.95 KB,300x404,75:101,oliver_twist_more_23078971….jpg)

File: 68c9fa117fd21a5⋯.jpg (21.45 KB,255x254,255:254,68c9fa117fd21a59ae219da4a1….jpg)


Give it!

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fcf73c No.21520384

File: 97e148620979019⋯.png (414.29 KB,431x672,431:672,Screenshot_2024_09_01_2336….png)

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924228 No.21520385

File: fdd3e1f896a2c05⋯.jpeg (96.55 KB,743x720,743:720,IMG_8408.jpeg)

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cdddb0 No.21520386

File: 01be1c50a2064e1⋯.jpeg (290.16 KB,1170x484,585:242,IMG_8049.jpeg)

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fcf73c No.21520387

File: 97e148620979019⋯.png (414.29 KB,431x672,431:672,Screenshot_2024_09_01_2336….png)

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ad345a No.21520388

File: a390f15df61f41f⋯.png (27.99 KB,531x434,531:434,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04327f9276bdcd9⋯.png (565.02 KB,496x762,248:381,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d83a3ebb1e9565⋯.png (748.21 KB,790x415,158:83,ClipboardImage.png)


truth and lies, directions and misdirections. the bait has to lead to somewhere for the active watcher to remain hooked




Dec 19, 2017 8:26:11 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 061d5f No. 128438



CS/HEIDI Fleiss.



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4b9a2b No.21520389

File: 627f4e5e5f0dc5d⋯.png (141.59 KB,404x403,404:403,ClipboardImage.png)


If they get what they want they will all die horrible, untimely deaths. That's pretty fucking stupid.

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2f1283 No.21520390


>0% change of spontaneous combustion

Remember the ford pinto

I agree though the cybertruck is fuggly

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924228 No.21520391

File: 87299ad88f69b73⋯.jpeg (321.32 KB,1193x750,1193:750,IMG_8317.jpeg)

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f46710 No.21520392


I would say Croatian.

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c2b0bc No.21520393

salsa di noci is literally just an Italian sauce.

Some disinformation was necessary.

I never thought people would still be going on about it.

We had an election to win and such.


It was wikileaks themselves who started it all. Now the spirit cooking stuff was definately black magic/occultism and Alefantis was a creepy gay dude…. but what matterd MOST was his connection to the Rothschild's specifically LDR and the influence they exert over the DNC - along with Soros.

You still have much, much, more than you know.

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c23756 No.21520394

File: f66994d3485d8dd⋯.png (378.16 KB,568x969,568:969,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e1350 No.21520395

File: 04327f9276bdcd9⋯.png (565.02 KB,496x762,248:381,04327f9276bdcd9c713587d186….png)

File: a79f4359857a80e⋯.jpg (830.87 KB,3491x2269,3491:2269,benjamin_netanyahu_rtr_img….jpg)

File: bf5371c33761f31⋯.jpg (72.59 KB,900x750,6:5,gene_simmons_8_3326142624_….jpg)


Ruh roh…

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924228 No.21520396

File: 9d05319aaed776f⋯.jpg (220.21 KB,1180x838,590:419,IMG_8294.jpg)

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c23756 No.21520397

File: 9193dbecde9e5e4⋯.png (158.86 KB,568x469,568:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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c23756 No.21520398

File: 5a30c34487a9f4f⋯.png (349.08 KB,568x592,71:74,ClipboardImage.png)

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c23756 No.21520399

File: 716a5234de5cfb4⋯.png (140.76 KB,568x266,284:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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c23756 No.21520400

File: 7452c8aa7d3ac5e⋯.png (144.53 KB,568x431,568:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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5406ba No.21520401

File: 0997eebd4fcaee1⋯.png (700.73 KB,552x618,92:103,0997eebd4fcaee1539846b142e….png)

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dbcc2b No.21520402


Don’t forget 65k in hotdogs

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c23756 No.21520404

File: fa111acb424bdf2⋯.png (256.42 KB,568x330,284:165,ClipboardImage.png)

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f46710 No.21520405


Cool, love me some buttered corn on the cob some mashed potatoes and BB

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c23756 No.21520406

File: a4418c66249f659⋯.png (160.58 KB,568x454,284:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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f46710 No.21520407


BBQ chicken. Damn fingers.

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8088e6 No.21520410

File: 7a3c97a7fa70e19⋯.png (202.37 KB,361x259,361:259,ClipboardImage.png)


>Random shit like flat earth and adrenochrome

Welcome to 2016.

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3f6e84 No.21520413




1. Oh, my bad, i didn't clarify that I was responding to a notable from (lb)

Fuck you blow me. My first post in God knows how long and I got diggies sending blessings and giving note to an extremely based notable.


2. Did I claim to be The Most High? No. I don't believe I did. I Am merely That I Am, a vessel, filled and overflowing with Light from The Creator, i.e. That Which Is.


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9c620b No.21520415

File: 3c4e785f2f053d4⋯.mp4 (3.28 MB,540x540,1:1,0ftXIJxfnpJWCTHF.mp4)


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613344 No.21520423

File: 038f03ec8d054bf⋯.jpg (60.66 KB,593x627,593:627,smile_dana.jpg)


Yep, as happy as Dana Bash.

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0e1350 No.21520428

File: 0df91f9834376db⋯.jpg (5.31 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240901_171910.jpg)


Muh shell

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160c87 No.21520429




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b4ea21 No.21520430


>pallet of cash

>cash pallet


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160c87 No.21520431

File: 35972aa76829549⋯.gif (627.48 KB,220x361,220:361,djt7_dance.gif)

be free, queens!

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954879 No.21520432

Trideum Corps govt contractors sell the hairiest trannies out of their Huntsville location.

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160c87 No.21520433

File: afafe869a07d8b6⋯.gif (1.76 MB,600x600,1:1,djt7bdance.gif)

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8088e6 No.21520434


>pallet of cash

>cash pallet

Kash Patel

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160c87 No.21520435

File: d5ab313e4c11636⋯.gif (4 MB,480x345,32:23,gifa.gif)



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160c87 No.21520437

File: aa4bcf99caf8cfa⋯.gif (404.82 KB,375x365,75:73,DJT_AHHH.gif)

i think i am gonna freak out for freedom, queens!

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160c87 No.21520438

File: 25ada648ba11c99⋯.gif (1.7 MB,200x200,1:1,djt11electric.gif)

he's electric!

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e43945 No.21520439

File: 48f71f91441619e⋯.png (67.31 KB,736x840,92:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca5314 No.21520441


It’s been a while but thought it was related to the pineal gland and what it produces

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c2b0bc No.21520442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Once and Future King.

Camelot returns.

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4b9a2b No.21520444

File: 42f0850e4714318⋯.png (639.33 KB,1200x628,300:157,ClipboardImage.png)


Mainstream Misinformation malaka

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e006e2 No.21520447

File: b5a5b096108a613⋯.gif (5.43 MB,480x270,16:9,DJT_FAN.gif)




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4b9a2b No.21520448

File: 84915e71fc97bcb⋯.png (212.28 KB,326x360,163:180,ClipboardImage.png)

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e006e2 No.21520449

File: ab5a58e9061b291⋯.gif (2.24 MB,480x270,16:9,DJT_FANB.gif)

untz untz untz

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06238f No.21520450

File: 14810453d3f49a4⋯.png (224.03 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_axiom.png)

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5406ba No.21520451

File: a7cf219011b0f1d⋯.jpeg (143.65 KB,924x1077,308:359,i.jpeg)

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e006e2 No.21520452

File: 449ca71e200cee7⋯.gif (4.76 MB,480x270,16:9,DJT_HAIR_JIMMY.gif)

he so handsome

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e006e2 No.21520453

File: dc6eeba98e5f100⋯.jpg (52.58 KB,1125x845,225:169,tr1.jpg)

so handsome

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e006e2 No.21520454

File: 7c4aee9cd26605a⋯.gif (457.61 KB,200x186,100:93,DJT_AGREE.gif)

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e006e2 No.21520455

File: 9b00c3cd09faa34⋯.gif (1.21 MB,294x350,21:25,djt7adance.gif)

and i feel!!!

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e006e2 No.21520456

File: 9c48846d3340c3a⋯.gif (1.1 MB,480x270,16:9,djt10kek.gif)

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e006e2 No.21520457

File: fb2a449ea208507⋯.jpg (55.58 KB,634x475,634:475,PEPE_BABY_TRUMP.jpg)

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dbcc2b No.21520458


Thanks anon. Looks like comms to me.

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fcf73c No.21520460


Those eyes look like Lilly's from the ATT commercials.

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f46710 No.21520463


Kek. Guess somebody doesn't like us and what we do. Of course, they COULD be talking about shills getting rounded up. They don't really specify.

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2c687c No.21520465



>1. Oh, my bad, i didn't clarify that I was responding to a notable from (lb)

>Fuck you blow me. My first post in God knows how long and I got diggies sending blessings and giving note to an extremely based notable.


>2. Did I claim to be The Most High? No. I don't believe I did. I Am merely That I Am, a vessel, filled and overflowing with Light from The Creator, i.e. That Which Is.


Your post is incorrect.///

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2c687c No.21520469

Media Matters is going to change the world into a place that everyone understands who Media Matters really defends… ///

Good luck in Jail, Media Matters employees…///

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8a29bb No.21520479

File: a879dd0fe9ea09d⋯.jpeg (43.6 KB,672x374,336:187,IMG_3588.jpeg)


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06238f No.21520491

File: ca8e01e3bc385be⋯.jpg (116.61 KB,600x400,3:2,ca8e01e3bc385be20c93a87ddf….jpg)

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ca5314 No.21520495


Yes indeed.

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f2b68c No.21520499


sounds about right.

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aa5483 No.21520502

File: f63c89384601395⋯.png (283.27 KB,312x557,312:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3befb296de8a949⋯.png (705 KB,894x894,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24e017f0589ec6f⋯.png (1.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f5da4 No.21520504


What no one realizes, is that is not a UFO but a flying Q.

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f46710 No.21520506


How wrye.

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f46710 No.21520509


I can't stand that cunt so nothing would surprise me regarding her.

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8088e6 No.21520511

File: 7ad9f6e58417780⋯.jpg (92.59 KB,700x523,700:523,dfwjuvh_25fa1bb8_3a32_4bd5….jpg)

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d9eb76 No.21520514

notables @ 635

#26365 >>21519698

>>21519712 Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

>>21519853, >>21519870, >>21519886, >>21519900, >>21520368 Tales from the Crypt

>>21519912 "Please play fair while we do not" -China

>>21519940, >>21519942 China's youth increasingly unemployed

>>21519946 They'll finish it

>>21519965 Ice Cube endorses Trump

>>21519973 ESPN, ABC, other Disney networks are blacked out in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and US Open coverage

>>21519978 Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich: Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest for 'Disinformation'

>>21519986 Trump: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within

>>21519989 Protestors trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

>>21519988 She will need all the help she can get vs Trump

>>21519996 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time

>>21520000, >>21520001 NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

>>21520032 Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate

>>21520005 Independent Candidate, Cornel West, Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

>>21520017 Reich effect

>>21520024 Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote

>>21520035 Grassley corn on the comms

>>21520043 DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

>>21520095 Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

>>21520115 What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?

>>21520116 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>21520228 PF: Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore?

>>21520243 Tim Walz's gifts from China

>>21520321, >>21520342, >>21520366 ‘Sea Walnut,’ a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles

>>21520382 Refresher anti-memory hole: Standard Hotel Incident

>>21519705, >>21519718, >>21519722, >>21519823, >>21519930, >>21519932, >>21519992, >>21520084, >>21520086, >>21520089 Memes


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fe026b No.21520517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Luk_18:39 AndG2532 they which went beforeG4254 rebukedG2008 him,G846 thatG2443 he should hold his peace:G4623 butG1161 heG846 criedG2896 so muchG4183 the more,G3123 Thou SonG5207 of David,G1138 have mercyG1653 on me.G3165

Luk_19:38 Saying,G3004 BlessedG2127 be theG3588 KingG935 that comethG2064 inG1722 the nameG3686 of the Lord:G2962 peaceG1515 inG1722 heaven,G3772 andG2532 gloryG1391 inG1722 the highest.G5310

Luk_19:40 AndG2532 he answeredG611 and saidG2036 unto them,G846 I tellG3004 youG5213 that,G3754 ifG1437 theseG3778 should hold their peace,G4623 theG3588 stonesG3037 would immediately cry out.G2896

Luk_19:42 Saying,G3004 IfG1487 thou hadst known,G1097 evenG2532 thou,G4771 at leastG2532 G1065 inG1722 thisG5026 thyG4675 day,G2250 the thingsG3588 which belong untoG4314 thyG4675 peace!G1515 butG1161 nowG3568 they are hidG2928 fromG575 thineG4675 eyes.G3788

Luk_20:26 AndG2532 they couldG2480 notG3756 take holdG1949 of hisG846 wordsG4487 beforeG1726 theG3588 people:G2992 andG2532 they marvelledG2296 atG1909 hisG846 answer,G612 and held their peace.G4601

Luk_24:36 AndG1161 as theyG846 thusG5023 spake,G2980 JesusG2424 himselfG846 stoodG2476 inG1722 the midstG3319 of them,G846 andG2532 saithG3004 unto them,G846 PeaceG1515 be unto you.G5213


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aa5483 No.21520519

File: 9299f3792eeb470⋯.png (25.82 KB,402x455,402:455,ClipboardImage.png)

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f46710 No.21520520


I was thinking more like Morticia Addams.

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579d7d No.21520523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8088e6 No.21520542

File: 500c4676152184c⋯.jpg (438.28 KB,1496x1562,68:71,media_GRp2QTcWEAAaXwt.jpg)

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f46710 No.21520547


Is Soros the vatican't banker?

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02cdc6 No.21520548

He says authr is Rothstein, not Rothschild. Errors from opening his mouth. Just like how most talk about Q and and anons. Most don't know shit and it all becomes the telephone game. Most are really naive regarding all things Q. Mike Rotschild is intentionally wrong to spread wrong information. Most who talk about Qanon are retards as there is no Qanon. Start there when gathering any info.


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f46710 No.21520553


I wonder if Soros is the "hidden hand" of the vatican. The go between that helps them keep insulated from their dirty deeds.

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8088e6 No.21520556


P harm A

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d9eb76 No.21520558

notables quick check

#26365 >>21519698

>>21519712 Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

>>21519853, >>21519870, >>21519886, >>21519900, >>21520368 Tales from the Crypt

>>21519912 "Please play fair while we do not" -China

>>21519940, >>21519942 China's youth increasingly unemployed

>>21519946 They'll finish it

>>21519965 Ice Cube endorses Trump

>>21519973 ESPN, ABC, other Disney networks are blacked out in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and US Open coverage

>>21519978 Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich: Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest for 'Disinformation'

>>21519986 Trump: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within

>>21519989 Protestors trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

>>21519988 She will need all the help she can get vs Trump

>>21519996 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time

>>21520000, >>21520001 NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

>>21520032 Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate

>>21520005 Independent Candidate, Cornel West, Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

>>21520017 Reich effect

>>21520024 Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote

>>21520035 Grassley corn on the comms

>>21520043 DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

>>21520095 Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

>>21520115 What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?

>>21520116 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>21520228 PF: Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore?

>>21520243 Tim Walz's gifts from China

>>21520321, >>21520342, >>21520366 ‘Sea Walnut,’ a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles

>>21520382 Anti-memory hole refresher: Standard Hotel Incident

>>21519705, >>21519718, >>21519722, >>21519823, >>21519930, >>21519932, >>21519992, >>21520084, >>21520086, >>21520089 Memes


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02cdc6 No.21520560





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d9eb76 No.21520562

notables FINAL

#26365 >>21519698

>>21519712 Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

>>21519853, >>21519870, >>21519886, >>21519900, >>21520368 Tales from the Crypt

>>21519912 "Please play fair while we do not" -China

>>21519940, >>21519942 China's youth increasingly unemployed

>>21519946 They'll finish it

>>21519965 Ice Cube endorses Trump

>>21519973 ESPN, ABC, other Disney networks are blacked out in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and US Open coverage

>>21519978 Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich: Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest for 'Disinformation'

>>21519986 Trump: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within

>>21519989 Protestors trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

>>21519988 She will need all the help she can get vs Trump

>>21519996 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time

>>21520000, >>21520001 NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

>>21520032 Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate

>>21520005 Independent Candidate, Cornel West, Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

>>21520017 Reich effect

>>21520024 Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote

>>21520035 Grassley corn on the comms

>>21520043 DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

>>21520095 Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

>>21520115 What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?

>>21520116 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>21520228 PF: Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore?

>>21520243 Tim Walz's gifts from China

>>21520321, >>21520342, >>21520366 ‘Sea Walnut,’ a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles

>>21520382 Anti-memory hole refresher: Standard Hotel Incident

>>21519705, >>21519718, >>21519722, >>21519823, >>21519930, >>21519932, >>21519992, >>21520084, >>21520086, >>21520089 Memes


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1ae783 No.21520564


one was there.

carry on.

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33f469 No.21520565


baker, BV here….bread's real slow, can lock it if you want to bake now.

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d9eb76 No.21520574

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33f469 No.21520575


will lock, ty baker.

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