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File: 6aebc38f729d67f⋯.png (928.55 KB,820x559,820:559,6aebc38f729d67ff9122287fcf….png)

255c8e No.21518036 [Last50 Posts]

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255c8e No.21518038

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26362 >>21517410

>>21517445 POINTS for callin Palindrome Bread Digits Bravo Zulu

>>21517424 Kamala Trashes 13 Gold Star Families

>>21517427, >>21517429 Health experts fear RFK Jr.’s ‘dangerous’ influence on Trump

>>21517431 Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich column published Friday that Elon Musk was "out of control," and argued he needed to be reined in

>>21517433, >>21517548, >>21517624 Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft

>>21517440, >>21517443 When I criticize international central banksters and their corporate flunkies and political/academic/media prostitutes, I'm careful not to conflate them with all Jews.

>>21517444, >>21517676 NH Supremes rule schools can keep parents in the dark about gender transitions

>>21517459 Robert F. Kennedy Jr & John Stossel Debate the Science & Propaganda Behind Childhood Vaccines

>>21517495 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Live at Limitless Expo

>>21517537 Uk: Children found dead all aged under four - police

>>21517581 SF-Usha Chilukuri Vance, the wife of Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, has left her job as a corporate litigator at Munger, Tolles & Olson

>>21517610 1992 a real Communist Party USA Meeting was held in California at the University of Berkeley, Obama Administration

>>21517617 50 Cent says celebs are 'silent' on Diddy because 'they've been to his parties.’ Do you think he is right?

>>21517618 PDJT: Comrade Kamala

>>21517634 State-funded media trying to convince people that having kids is a public health concern?!? They’re literally on a crusade to destroy families and depopulate the world.

>>21517636 The exact moment Bobby became the enemy of the deep state.

>>21517641 "Tirelessly."

>>21517659 NBC's @kwelkernbc tried to excuse the fact that Kamala has never reached out to the Gold Star families of the 13 fallen service members from Abbey Gate by saying she and Biden "met with them during the dignified transfer."

>>21517700 Ukraine's Representative to UN hints Lavrov may have already passed away

>>21517701 Tim Walz’s brother hints at getting on stage with Trump to endorse him


>>21517793 Kamala Harris pledged free healthcare for illegals. They're coming to collect.

>>21517813 Jack Smith Surrenders: Special Counsel Will Not Seek Expedited Hearings in Donald Trump Case

>>21517847 They started it. They'll finish it.


>>21517888, >>21517891 On October 7, Hersh Goldberg-Polin — an American citizen — was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. He was just 23 years old, attending a music festival with friends. We now know he was murdered by Hamas.

>>21517787, >>21517769, >>21517655, >>21517662, >>21517645, >>21517682 The memes we all need

>>21518031 #26362

#26361 >>21516485

>>21517062 Finish the story, Bobby. 🇺🇸

>>21516491 64 Days to WINNING

>>21516512 Reagan Good film, movie length 2hr 15 minutes.

>>21516517 Message to Kamala from Mark Schmitz, Gold Star Father of Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz>>21516710 Brilliant chess move to trick accusatory trans activists into admitting what they themselves are doing

>>21516518 Biden-Harris doling out hundreds of millions to communities dealing with illegal aliens—Taxpayers on hook

>>21516520 After banning X, Brazil has blocked the X account of the US embassy in Brazil

>>21516575 These MEN have been named as two of Elle Magazine’s ‘8 Incredible Canadian Women.’

>>21516598, >>21517321 Japan voiced “strong concern and protest” after a Chinese naval ship entered its territorial waters.

>>21516602 CNN, Washington Post: A Modern Press Gang

>>21516636 Evaluation of the effects of MERCK, MODERNA, PFIZER/BioNTech, and JANSSEN COVID-19 vaccines on vaccinated people: A metadata analysis

>>21516638 Biden restarts immigration program for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela

>>21516652 Aurora Colorado this is what America looks like. #Freedom

>>21516664 Stephen Miller's statement that Kamala Harris picking a fight with the grieving families of the Abbey Gate 13—whose deaths she bears responsibility for—is not only morally reprehensible but also a politically self-destructive move, is absolutely accurate.

>>21516672 The C_A is using the vehicle of fascism to implement communism

>>21516673 The so-called “defenders of democracy” are at it again; this time, the lib Chris Hayes of MSNBC is going after The Electoral College

>>21516700 Dude Spits on Trump Flag, Speeds Off and Plows into Pole for the keks

>>21516710 Brilliant chess move to trick accusatory trans activists into admitting what they themselves are doing

>>21516724 Rent first debt slavery

>>21516737 Trump backed the legalization of recreational marijuana, in certain circumstances, in his current home state of Florida

>>21516741 Ukraine blackmailing nuclear plant staff – Moscow

>>21516755 NYT: The constitution is sacred, is it also dangerous?

>>21516772, >>21516800 Kremlin blasts arrest in France of Telegram founder

>>21516841 NEVER FORGET Q+: "Kamala has "lost" 325,000 children across the border sent to child sex operations or slavery"

>>21516923 Ukrainian defense chief visits Pentagon Washington’s “policy has not changed,” meaning that Ukraine is allowed to use US-supplied weapons to defend against cross-border attacks, but not for “deep strikes”

>>21516993, >>21517192, >>21517251, >>21517305 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

>>21517037, >>21517043, >>21517067 Rasmussen Reports ~ "We Believe the Whole Polling Industry is Lying to YOU"/The Cheat is On

>>21517079 Root Cause and Kamala Harris

>>21517082 Justice Department to Monitor Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws in Massachusetts

>>21517094 Former Customs and Border Patrol Agent Found Guilty of Federal Civil Rights and Kidnapping Charges for Sexually Assaulting and Abducting Minor

>>21517136 Trump film ‘The Apprentice’ /Trump campaign, in a statement Friday called the film’s release “election interference by Hollywood elites

>>21517328 Happy Chess Day

>>21517397 #26361

#26360 >>21515444

>>21515465 BlackRock under investigation by US Government after exposed for investing $429,000,000 into the Chinese military

>>21515649 DJT: What a great interview tonight on Mark Levin. Next Level!!!

>>21515694 IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyssey (Animated Short Film)

>>21515818, >>21515843, >>21515851, >>21515854 55 Things You Need to Know About Kamala Harris

>>21515829, >>21515920 Scavino: Rock History

>>21515743, >>21515754, >>21515782, >>21515872, >>21515966, >>21516099 Is there an operator who can explain this? Extraction key?

>>21515977 Tim Walz: When I was in Afghanistan (vid)

>>21516103 NPR hit piece on the danger of Trump sharing AI images

>>21516214, >>21516216, >>21516217, >>21516221, >>21516225, >>21516227, >>21516239, >>21516242 DJT Truths: Gold Star Families of the Fallen

>>21516337 Kamala - Secret ingredient for her greens? Tabasco

>>21516341 X33 Report Ep. 3438a - Destroyed Economic Narrative, Musk sends warning

>>21516347 Flynn Musk on undermining the Constitution

>>21516363 Senate Pro Tem Refuses to Convene Special Session Called By Newsome

>>21516365 Gold Star Family Members of Fallen U.S.Servicemembers Killed in Afghanistan Nuke Kamala Harris

>>21516383, >>21516399 Black Californians are threatening to withhold their vote from Kamala Harris after the State's Democrat lawmakers decided not to give them slavery reparations

>>21516385 @elonmusk Long Live America and our Constitution!

>>21516388 Video surfaced with Tim Walz claiming “when I was in Afghanistan”!

>>21516389 Mexico's government just announced that they will start providing bus rides with police & military escorts to illegal migrants

>>21516402 @elonmusk Today, we launch the daily data dump on the crimes – under *Brazilian* law

>>21515582, >>21515589, >>21515598, >>21515616, >>21515623, >>21515643 Memes

>>21517224 #26360 posted in 26361

Previously Collected

>>21515004 #26357, >>21514503 #26358, >>21515433 #26359

>>21510683 #26354, >>21512199 #26355, >>21512818 #26356

>>21508342 #26351, >>21509125 #26352, >>21509897 #26353

>>21505350 #26348, >>21506599 #26349, >>21507425 #26350

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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255c8e No.21518042

File: fb4bc5008d1f2f3⋯.jpg (79.62 KB,768x685,768:685,fb4bc5008d1f2f3d884ddc710b….jpg)

File: 3ab0cd326afedef⋯.jpg (533.74 KB,2382x2383,2382:2383,GWZ_Ex6aAAE1vo1.jpg)

File: fab259ada960306⋯.jpg (3.85 MB,4032x3024,4:3,fab259ada960306422ed321ada….jpg)



NoteBaker signin out

can't focus 100% so can't guarantee watch. will do what i can

Godspeed, patriots!


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76ea1e No.21518047

File: 13225f15cd3ddf7⋯.png (1.15 MB,814x816,407:408,13225f15cd3ddf76e2f2180a95….png)


Thanks Baker!

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9676b9 No.21518048

File: 975def53ba83e0d⋯.png (559.9 KB,521x679,521:679,975def53ba83e0dd6d3b050378….png)


thank you baker

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0a78b7 No.21518051

File: 4ad2021c24c9026⋯.png (1.46 MB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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699d77 No.21518052

File: e5ddbc7cf3604bd⋯.jpg (57.05 KB,787x406,787:406,gdfctvhhg.jpg)

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67617e No.21518054

File: bf9198988f989dc⋯.jpeg (602.19 KB,809x1056,809:1056,DBCDB755_C7D0_46CE_A8C4_5….jpeg)

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54e6b5 No.21518057

File: b0e889209b6faf0⋯.png (159.22 KB,267x324,89:108,bakers_kitchen_chaos_2.png)



appreciate the bake,


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7d01fe No.21518061

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: bfcfd4271ae35a0⋯.png (648.67 KB,682x581,682:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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91a161 No.21518065

File: b02426a3f8fe5f1⋯.jpg (274.65 KB,1439x802,1439:802,MKUltra.jpg)

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fe6b21 No.21518067

File: 2508e8a7a1131b4⋯.mp4 (2.73 MB,360x640,9:16,Is_the_English_Language_Du….mp4)

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7c799f No.21518068

File: d59c1029bb5fd10⋯.png (895.07 KB,854x798,61:57,h542g2535h2353.PNG)

LB >>21517958

domestic treason

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d0ad7d No.21518069

File: d50115128413176⋯.png (659.08 KB,923x703,923:703,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d7f1e No.21518072

File: c5204e76ce1673d⋯.png (768.79 KB,1056x712,132:89,nopolicyorvision.png)

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7f797f No.21518073

File: 2c8e1f5390db26d⋯.jpeg (132.73 KB,675x814,675:814,IMG_2766.jpeg)

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a0def0 No.21518074



Don't spend time on someone, that has never spent time on you.

He is nasty.

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e3dec6 No.21518076


>Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

need to communicate with russian commie deepstate

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74da42 No.21518078

File: 25ef15b2fe68406⋯.jpg (633.98 KB,2045x1184,2045:1184,Q_Military.JPG)

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e5da66 No.21518079

File: 965a601a6484e33⋯.jpg (33.99 KB,299x500,299:500,51KciXW_JrL_3957812949.jpg)

File: 7f26227e8140718⋯.jpg (125.93 KB,1980x898,990:449,Crew_Dragon_Spacecraft_Inf….jpg)

File: 419f0daf9171c00⋯.jpg (24.21 KB,474x317,474:317,th_2910752358.jpg)

File: 2a6f7feeeee4df6⋯.jpg (16.34 KB,474x229,474:229,th_765416624.jpg)

File: 3e850cffcf2550c⋯.jpg (605.33 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_094121….jpg)

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444840 No.21518081

File: eccd9a236d6b8a7⋯.jpg (217.66 KB,1659x816,553:272,LeaderVsCheater.JPG)

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ab31a6 No.21518083

File: f1351d846e95159⋯.png (402.8 KB,720x600,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2072e4a648494a3⋯.jpg (239.6 KB,1911x1078,39:22,it_s_afraid.jpg)

File: 276e1ee7e9a403b⋯.jpg (98.46 KB,850x746,425:373,panic.jpg)


>>21517959 (pb)

>Robert Reich

>Why does this old man want to control Elon Musk…//

Who knows? To avoid the gallows maybe.

When I read it I get this image of him grinding his teeth, sweating and drooling all over his keyboard, continually re-editing his propaganda piece and screaming at someone.

What struck me was the stench of terror in his tone.

His words reek of panic.

Some of his suggestions:

Here are six ways to rein in Musk:

1. Boycott Tesla .

2. Advertisers should boycott X .

3. Regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X.

4. In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission should demand that Musk take down lies that are likely to endanger individuals – and if he does not, sue him under Section Five of the FTC Act .

5. The US government – and we taxpayers – have additional power over Musk, if we’re willing to use it . The US should terminate its contracts with him, starting with Musk’s SpaceX .

6. Make sure Musk’s favorite candidate for president is not elected.

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8f4ecc No.21518086

File: fe40a60611ca242⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB,836x480,209:120,DEW_toasted_cars_RT_publis….mp4)

DEW toasted cars-RT published footage given by Israel-attack on rave October 7th. Israel claimed Hamas did it. With a few gliders and automatic rifles, perhaps a few grenades

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e3dec6 No.21518087


I see globohomos.

I see globohomos everywhere.

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42e630 No.21518088

File: 97827a50b64e934⋯.png (328.92 KB,442x322,221:161,4C542484_BB5F_48B6_9BB1_FD….png)

File: 7662d23dfe4cde6⋯.webp (28.45 KB,512x512,1:1,IMG_8380.webp)

File: 2aa38a4ae316531⋯.webp (35.29 KB,512x512,1:1,IMG_8379.webp)

File: aed450db4282118⋯.jpeg (114.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_8377.jpeg)

File: 978148bb0de8ad5⋯.jpeg (149.37 KB,736x496,46:31,IMG_8378.jpeg)

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dffb35 No.21518090

File: c1fde26162d168c⋯.jpeg (95.31 KB,859x784,859:784,Not_this_shit_again.jpeg)


I see that Ashtar Star Command shill is back.

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63a654 No.21518092

File: dae51f4c08681ff⋯.png (95.02 KB,298x276,149:138,ClipboardImage.png)


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42e630 No.21518094

File: 818276bb96b8477⋯.jpeg (35.71 KB,300x214,150:107,IMG_8381.jpeg)

File: 60b4f2d3e692cc9⋯.png (1.11 MB,1075x1049,1075:1049,IMG_8385.png)

File: ca24ad2fabd3b7c⋯.png (695.23 KB,734x900,367:450,IMG_8387.png)

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69ec10 No.21518095


It just comes off as odd the Dems have issue with this.

Maybe the ones pulling the strings are not Americans.

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0245c8 No.21518098

If Russia never experienced famine from Communism, and never experienced World War 2, there'd be 244 million Russians today, instead of 144 million. That's 100 million Russians. That's fucking crazy. 100 million people that will never exist. White people. Meanwhile the jews are flooding white countries with niggers, arabs, and poos.

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42e630 No.21518099

File: a0e1405fe3a0bfa⋯.jpeg (315.95 KB,1094x1366,547:683,Orange_Biden.JPEG)

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508853 No.21518100

File: 7b5c9c94026bfb0⋯.png (553.36 KB,1210x810,121:81,Trump_s_latest_NFT_s_depic….png)

LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as

Superhero, Motorcyclist…

Building on the growing interplay between crypto and politics, Donald Trump is offering a fourth collection of nonfungible tokens that feature images ranging from the former president in a superhero costume… - Bloomberg


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522625 No.21518101

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird


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42e630 No.21518102

File: 8022cc03507db1b⋯.jpeg (227.43 KB,800x534,400:267,IMG_8322.jpeg)

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67617e No.21518104

File: 38189cb9d89ddd6⋯.jpeg (187.78 KB,828x546,138:91,E473B6D6_0266_4DC5_A4C0_C….jpeg)

File: fbd641885977a6f⋯.jpeg (188.31 KB,828x546,138:91,DEF37956_0237_4C1E_9740_3….jpeg)

File: 7d54866bc6062c8⋯.jpeg (188.81 KB,828x546,138:91,B2BAD305_F530_4DEC_BC36_D….jpeg)

File: 61dbe04a9296045⋯.jpeg (189.51 KB,828x546,138:91,88CB36AB_B17A_46C2_9C56_8….jpeg)

File: d62c681cb54de97⋯.jpeg (187.65 KB,828x546,138:91,EEC8861B_137D_4C13_B3B9_6….jpeg)

Stupid and Horrible CIA motherfuckers have nothing but exposure, termination, poverty, loneliness and a soul vanquishing demise ahead.


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e3dec6 No.21518105


"To get along with Russia is not a bad thing." Donald Trump

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42e630 No.21518107

File: 4985d1df3d1d539⋯.jpeg (87.66 KB,681x710,681:710,IMG_8367.jpeg)

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173700 No.21518110

so in order to end the war on Gaza they all must submit to a vaccine shot

animals suffering in the sweltering grip of genocide, humans too

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42e630 No.21518111

File: 2fcbc58d042755b⋯.jpeg (107.8 KB,800x453,800:453,6C3A4513_CC84_4218_9012_3….JPEG)

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31e5d7 No.21518112

File: a2049888c54fc60⋯.png (288.48 KB,525x500,21:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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42e630 No.21518114

File: 9d05319aaed776f⋯.jpg (220.21 KB,1180x838,590:419,IMG_8294.jpg)

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508853 No.21518115

File: ae337943ec1a5e0⋯.png (2.21 MB,1878x1476,313:246,smoking_outside_a_pub.png)

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63a654 No.21518116



Are you stuck on stupid..///

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e5da66 No.21518117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Several culturally related groups of indigenous peoples of the United States

The Apache are several Southern Athabaskan language–speaking peoples of the Southwest, the Southern Plains and Northern Mexico. They are linguistically related to the Navajo. They migrated from the Athabascan homelands in the north into the Southwest between 1000 and 1500 CE. Apache bands include the Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Lipan, Mescalero, Mimbreño, Salinero, Plains, and Western Apache. Today, Apache tribes and reservations are headquartered in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma, while in Mexico the Apache are settled in Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila and areas of Tamaulipas. Each tribe is politically autonomous. Historically, the Apache homelands have consisted of high mountains, sheltered and watered valleys, deep canyons, deserts, and the southern Great Plains, including areas in what is now Eastern Arizona, Northern Mexico and New Mexico, West Texas, and Southern Colorado. These areas are collectively known as Apacheria. Wikipedia

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42e630 No.21518118

File: 58601ea6dd3acfe⋯.jpeg (176.73 KB,572x801,572:801,646BC9A3_AAB4_4D75_AD2D_E….JPEG)

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42e630 No.21518120

File: d542dd644180919⋯.png (164.15 KB,435x470,87:94,IMG_8175.PNG)

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c81ede No.21518121

File: 147fad1409f547e⋯.png (6.36 KB,257x196,257:196,ClipboardImage.png)


"I hope you didn't say a silent prayer, or it could be very serious for you, sir."

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67617e No.21518122



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e3dec6 No.21518124


Go on.

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8f4ecc No.21518126


>marvel comic pope catholic john paul

fingers in every pie.


>so in order to end the war on Gaza they all must submit to a vaccine shot

kek no. they don't end this until they have "subdued" all their "neighbors".

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3acec7 No.21518127

File: b4aa3d25ccfa8c4⋯.png (1.29 MB,702x707,702:707,g213f_32_1f3f2_132_1.PNG)

Fixed it

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522625 No.21518128

File: 40c341532650a18⋯.png (62.22 KB,754x602,377:301,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3fc60d3ee3e405⋯.png (80.12 KB,752x635,752:635,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0cf599f3f2f3ac⋯.png (78.46 KB,761x629,761:629,ClipboardImage.png)

Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

From Trump to Crash Test Dummy, Hegemon’s “policies” have managed quite a feat.

It must have taken eons of Taoist patience for President Xi Jinping to tell a few self-evident facts of life to a mediocre imperial functionary such as U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.


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3adbf4 No.21518129

File: 0e71e926a95dcd9⋯.png (350.42 KB,474x489,158:163,0e71e926a95dcd963f2d544b63….png)

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f1d1b2 No.21518130

File: 29e10dee9669d7f⋯.jpg (769.55 KB,1080x1493,1080:1493,FaceAyy.JPG)

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e5da66 No.21518132

File: 6938179a164aceb⋯.jpg (40.16 KB,386x270,193:135,2906a4ca662349ce.jpg)


World Turtle

The World Turtle, also called the Cosmic Turtle or the World-bearing Turtle, is a mytheme of a giant turtle supporting or containing the world. It occurs in Hindu mythology, Chinese mythology, and the mythologies of some of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. The comparative mythology of the World-Tortoise discussed by Edward Burnett Tylor includes the counterpart World Elephant. Wikipedia

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255c8e No.21518133

File: d2fbc15c38012ba⋯.png (298.03 KB,748x407,68:37,d2fbc15c38012ba807334e8e2d….png)


Stolt it.

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4b5ff0 No.21518134

File: 86d0e8757d82094⋯.jpg (138.34 KB,889x1101,889:1101,2024_07_14T001557Z_3856682….jpg)

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683ab4 No.21518136

File: f3e42d00181dbab⋯.gif (1.9 MB,300x222,50:37,1659081041183216.gif)

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8f4ecc No.21518139

File: f38604312392db4⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB,640x360,16:9,Prof_Sir_John_Bell_head_of….mp4)


>Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

Nice. free money.

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508853 No.21518140

File: 80adaa22c93ed4f⋯.png (2.89 MB,2626x926,1313:463,U_K_man_sentenced_to_3_yea….png)

File: 02d20abb74e8d82⋯.png (1.8 MB,2438x1384,1219:692,forced_deradicalization_cl….png)

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e3dec6 No.21518141


So Trump is korrupt is what you're saying?

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8b974b No.21518143

File: 62803e81a0916e8⋯.png (3.9 MB,2048x1330,1024:665,fightfightfight.png)

Thankee B. God Bless the Team~

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42e630 No.21518144

File: 48bc9dad96f27d7⋯.jpeg (36.83 KB,416x379,416:379,Obama_CIA.JPEG)

File: d2d3bf016b08afc⋯.png (1.03 MB,648x946,324:473,Barry_Soetoro_CIA_01.PNG)

File: e0e5f0c3a2669c9⋯.jpg (89.33 KB,800x582,400:291,Wizard_of_OZ_04_CIA.JPG)

File: 7c3b917c7d41bd8⋯.jpg (699.16 KB,1280x960,4:3,Wizard_of_OZ_03_MSM_BS.JPG)


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522625 No.21518147

This was marked as sensitive content on truth social.

Absolute bullshit!

Zionist social media by Trump

At least 13 Israelis arrested abroad after Interpol issues warrants

Most alleged crimes involve fraud and other financial offenses; Israelis who remain in detention complain of harsh conditions and abuse from Turkish and Arab prisoners incarcerated with them


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e3dec6 No.21518149


You hate christians, yet Trump is a Christian.

You clear on that?

Want to change your opinion?

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42e630 No.21518150

File: 56c171a74af98f0⋯.gif (1.52 MB,360x270,4:3,16_Ton_Wright.GIF)

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2266ae No.21518152

File: 5ac9f8092f37118⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17252003221….mp4)

Trump War Room





SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos… You know who those families also invited? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — where were they? Joe Biden was sitting at a beach. Kamala Harris was sitting at her mansion in Washington, DC. She was four miles away — ten minutes. She could've gone to the cemetery and honor the sacrifice of those young men and women, but she hasn't. She never has spoken to them or taken a meeting with them. It is because of her and Joe Biden's incompetence that those 13 Americans were killed in Afghanistan."==

9:42 AM · Sep 1, 2024





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5d7f1e No.21518154


At least 13 Israelis arrested abroad after Interpol issues warrants

Most alleged crimes involve fraud and other financial offenses; Israelis who remain in detention complain of harsh conditions and abuse from Turkish and Arab prisoners incarcerated with them

At least 13 Israelis were arrested in recent weeks in warrants issued by Interpol, after requests from several different countries. In at least five of the cases, arrests were made in Greece after warrants were issued at the requests of France, Belarus, Russia, the U.S. and Germany. Other Israelis were arrested in Cyprus and Montenegro.

Some of the warrants were issued on suspicion of fraud and forex crimes carried out allegedly in France, Poland, Germany and the U.S. Others were based on suspicion of economic crimes in France, primarily fraud, money laundering and tax violations.

In Cyprus, two Israelis were arrested in connection with a real estate development in the Turkish part of the island.

Four of the Israelis were arrested after they escaped from detention over the trafficking of gat and after arrest warrants were issued by Interpol.

One Israeli was arrested in St. Petersburg, Russia after the United States issued an international warrant for him on suspicion of fraud amounting to 233 million dollars, committed in the U.S. and in Canada. He was put under house arrest by a local court, most likely because Russia does not have an extradition agreement with the Americans.

Of the 13 Israelis who were arrested based on warrants from Interpol, some were released on bail until extradition could be decided by the courts. Others remain in custody and have complained of harsh prison conditions and abuse from Turkish and Arab prisoners incarcerated with them.

Most of the Israelis plan to fight extradition requests. In most cases, courts tend to deny such efforts especially if the extraditions are requested by EU member states.

Foreign Ministry officials said the Israelis detained were receiving consular services.

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007980 No.21518155

File: 2b38c2394e1df5a⋯.jpg (100.86 KB,766x578,383:289,RoyalSaville3.JPG)

File: 8750fcfbb1bc922⋯.png (605.61 KB,500x750,2:3,Run.PNG)

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d0ad7d No.21518156

File: b2a6c9943170031⋯.png (713.76 KB,1920x965,384:193,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cce4ce21688f9bd⋯.png (704.91 KB,1920x967,1920:967,ClipboardImage.png)

PF beginning to wonder if some of the ADS-B Network exchange member receivers may actually be on ships at sea. It's starting to look that way. With modern uplink technology being what it is today, suppose also possible to have some on aircraft as well. For confirmation purposes asking for help from a boatfag. Off the eastern coast of Japan do you have, or have you recently had, a vessel named Entropic? Or Chelsea? Have no idea how often the MLAT map updates. So maybe the ships are there right now? Or they have moved on since last update? One other possibility could be offshore platforms? (member login required for access) picrels



# synced peers: 0 Sync stats

Region: Asia, Africa, Australia (13)

Closest peer:

Farthest peer:

Approximate location: 38.37, 142.42


# synced peers: 0 Sync stats

Region: Asia, Africa, Australia (13)

Closest peer:

Farthest peer:

Approximate location: 38.02, 145.06

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4c96d0 No.21518158


>Here are six ways to rein in Musk:

>1. Boycott Tesla .

>2. Advertisers should boycott X .

How long til Musk sues this guy?

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982a0a No.21518160


Ty Sir

I shall over look it this one time, go in peace and embrace the liberty of being free.

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e3dec6 No.21518161


Infiltration from within goes both ways.

We see you for who you are.

You can run, but you can't hide you will only dei tired.

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69ec10 No.21518162

File: 1301d4beded356d⋯.gif (1.28 MB,360x270,4:3,921y1n.gif)


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75c023 No.21518163


Who said anything about ending the genocide after the special polio vaxx?

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d0b14d No.21518164

File: b2c307fe1fc2c46⋯.jpg (234.65 KB,1080x1832,135:229,20240901_123907.jpg)


you have competition jim.

you should sue… there is only one.

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b64393 No.21518166

File: 9629d72f7ffa714⋯.png (1.11 MB,1280x1280,1:1,9629d72f7ffa7143e2d112ffe5….png)

File: 1e7416d88692261⋯.png (715.02 KB,861x1354,861:1354,1725208330053.png)

File: 412ec911d1a3201⋯.png (1.21 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725198035880.png)

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e3dec6 No.21518168


We'll see who wins.

Run along now.

Nuff said.

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522625 No.21518171

Unscrupulous NGOs Rake in Billions for Foreign Assistance

Between 2013 and 2022, 15 nonprofits each received over $1 billion from the federal government for foreign, nonmilitary projects, according to a new report from the Congressional Research Service.

Key facts: Six thousand non-governmental organizations, or NGOS, received grants and contracts from the U.S. Agency for International Development, but 20% of the money went to just 10 groups. Four of them are for-profit enterprises.

Almost $7 billion went to two particularly unworthy organizations.

Non-profit research group RTI International accepted $2.3 billion for humanitarian projects around the world, even though past reports have warned of issues with RTI’s spending.

Various audits from 2006 to 2014 claimed that RTI invented “fictional beneficiaries” to make an anti-malaria campaign seem more effective than it really was. They also sent computers to a Nicaraguan school that didn’t have electricity and billed the federal government for teacher salaries in Senegal that had already been paid, according to the audits.

Catholic Relief Services was the top recipient of federal money — $4.6 billion — singlehandedly accounting for more than half of the funds sent to faith-based organizations.

Six of their former board members were named by a Pennsylvania grand jury in 2019 for allowing sex abuse in the Catholic Church. Catholic Relief Services was also found guilty in 2022 of discriminating against a gay employee.

The federal government also sent $50 billion in foreign aid to groups whose names are redacted from public databases, according to the report. In total, Congress gave $66 billion in foreign assistance in FY2023.


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31e5d7 No.21518174

File: a154d54ff1da993⋯.png (221.99 KB,518x608,259:304,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7a7d2 No.21518180

Best guess. Q resumes posting after 10 days of darnkess beginning 11.3.

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42e630 No.21518184

File: 4ade768b91b4308⋯.jpeg (90.02 KB,620x620,1:1,IMG_8392.jpeg)


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70136f No.21518187

File: 357bad1e81e5a03⋯.jpeg (158.74 KB,1211x923,1211:923,IMG_2771.jpeg)

File: 07f7a34743d2cad⋯.jpeg (495.86 KB,1284x919,1284:919,IMG_2772.jpeg)

Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

One of the signs was posted on an Instagram account connected to Sabo, a right-wing artist known for criticizing liberal policies and candidates.

Thomas Mitchell

Authorities in Denver are investigating "multiple racist signs" that were placed near bus stops along Colfax Avenue and appear to be the work of a controversial street artist.

The first signs were spotted around 5 a.m. on August 29, at the intersection of East Colfax Avenue and Oneida Street, according to RTD. Additional signs have been found on Colfax at Garfield and Yosemite streets.

The signs include wording such as "Blacks must sit on the back of the bus. Kamala's migrants sit in front," referencing Vice President Kamala Harris, the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee whose husband is visiting Colorado today.

Another sign spotted at a Colfax bus stop includes a stencil graffiti of people running with the words "Caution. Kamala's Illegals."

Several signs along East Colfax Avenue appeared near RTD bus stops, according to the agency,

Courtesy of RTD

"RTD will continue to work closely with local authorities to identify the individual(s) responsible. Agency staff is also coordinating with the Denver Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) to check for the presence of additional signs," RTD says in a statement on the signs. "RTD strongly condemns the hateful, discriminatory message portrayed by the signs. There is no place for racism or discrimination at RTD or within the communities we serve. The signs do not reflect the organization’s adopted values or promote a welcoming transit environment for all, nor should such vile messaging be tolerated or supported by anyone."

An Instagram account linked to the website for Sabo, an artist known for controversial stencil works and signs that criticize progressive policies and candidates, posted a photo of another "Caution. Kamala's Illegals" sign at around 11 a.m. on August 29. This sign was in Aurora, at the intersection of East Colfax Avenue and Nome Street.

That intersection is near an apartment complex that was recently shut down by Aurora for city health and building code violations. The apartment building's owners said the complex was taken over by gangs of Venezuelan migrants, making maintenance impossible; the city disputed that.


Sabo could not be reached for comment. According to Newsweek, the artist lives in Colorado; he recently installed street art at the Republican National Convention, including a saintly painting of late right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh and a picture of Donald Trump appearing as General Douglas MacArthur.

According to RTD, signs similar to those that popped up in Denver yesterday were reported on Chicago public transit lines last week, during the Democratic National Convention. The Chicago Transit Authority did not immediately respond to a request for comment. An RTD spokesperson says the agency is not aware of any connection between the signs and Sabo.

The Denver Police Department confirms the signs are under investigation. "The Denver Police Department was made aware of the racist signs this morning and is actively investigating in partnership with RTD. DPD is handling this case as a bias-motivated crime and collecting evidence with the goal of holding the perpetrator accountable," the DPD said in an August 29 statement.

While the DPD did not initially acknowledge an artist's involvement, it is now "aware of the social media posts" and "continuing to gather information on this case," a DPD spokesperson tells Westword.

Denver City Council has issued a statement condemning the signs. Mayor Mike Johnston issued a statement on his X account as well.

"I am aware of the shameful signs found around our city. This type of abhorrent & racist behavior is absolutely not welcome here. Denver is a welcoming and inclusive city that gives opportunity to people from all walks of life, & we will fight to ensure that remains the case," the statement reads. "I'm grateful to the Denver Police Department and RTD who acted swiftly to remove the racist signs and are actively investigating the situation. Those responsible will be held accountable, and racist behavior like this will never be tolerated in our city."

Authorities are asking people to report suspicious behavior near bus stops during the early-morning hours of August 29.

"Anonymous or discreet tips can be shared using RTD’s Transit Watch app, by calling Transit Police dispatch at 303.299.2911, or texting 303.434.9100," RTD adds.


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522625 No.21518189

‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

Tiffany Henyard has enjoyed near-unanimous support on the Thornton Township board, but that’s now changing following a series of WGN Investigates’ reports on her spending.

“Today, I am breaking my silence and speaking out against Thornton Township Supervisor and Mayor of Dolton Tiffany Henyard, who I believe has engaged in unethical and predatory behavior throughout her tenure,” trustee Carmen Carlisle wrote in an emailed statement to WGN. “For the past two years, Henyard has manipulated employees, vendors, and residents, using her position to increase her influence, all while projecting a false image of success, funded by the hardworking taxpayers of Thornton Township and the Village of Dolton.”

Carlisle acknowledged at a recent board meeting that she rarely raised questions about lavish trips and other spending charged to township taxpayers.

“I trusted the administration,” Carlisle said on Aug. 15 while looking at Supervisor Henyard.

Carlisle and other township trustees then voted to put new restrictions on spending for special events and access to credit cards.

“I am standing up, not just for myself, but for others who have been affected by what I see as Henyard’s abusive leadership,” Carlisle’s statement said. “I believe there are many more victims who have been retaliated against, fired or lied to by Henyard, but have yet to speak out.”

Henyard ridiculed Carlisle’s new-found challenge at an August meeting.

“I think I’m going to get you a new nickname: ‘Lyin’ Carlisle,’” Henyard said in front of a packed audience. “I’m tired of everyone in here. There always has to be a show.”

In January, WGN Investigates reported Henyard and her entourage racked-up $67,000 in charges for trips to Portland, Austin, Atlanta and New York City in a five-month span. Carlisle was on at least one of the trips along with other trustees and township officials.

In Atlanta, the group stayed at the Four Seasons and brought home a bill of $9,347. However, WGN Investigates has learned the township spending is just the tip of the iceberg.

Watch WGN News at 9 p.m. Tuesday to see credit card charges billed to Dolton taxpayers that Henyard’s administration fought to keep hidden.


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063127 No.21518194

File: 5c8f1c80d3d20d3⋯.jpg (41.52 KB,640x462,320:231,Seriously.JPG)

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42e630 No.21518195

File: fcb25c5f8dff040⋯.jpg (318.54 KB,1130x968,565:484,IMG_1185.JPG)

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b64393 No.21518197

File: d9863e5329a28c9⋯.jpg (2.36 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240829_101523.jpg)

File: 6209ff5c4929d0f⋯.jpg (1.4 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240829_101518.jpg)

File: ac022dffa9893c4⋯.jpg (3.62 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240829_102824.jpg)

File: cbfcfcfa9c8e8bc⋯.jpg (3.72 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240829_104011.jpg)

File: 3103921d7559b2f⋯.jpg (3.68 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240829_105818.jpg)




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67617e No.21518198

File: 045662e6a7719e5⋯.jpeg (772.65 KB,828x1009,828:1009,3E086343_4B82_467F_99A0_B….jpeg)


Another Deepfuck Parrot bites the dust.

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3adbf4 No.21518200

File: 9d6bfd85c99dd29⋯.png (598.79 KB,526x578,263:289,ClipboardImage.png)


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e3dec6 No.21518201


C_A > VATICAN treasonous plot…

I thought it was the Jews?

Catholic church and Jews work together?

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42e630 No.21518202

File: f72f76e8b838775⋯.jpeg (84 KB,500x512,125:128,IMG_8393.jpeg)

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255c8e No.21518204


Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance


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522625 No.21518205

New Hampshire Supreme Court Rules Schools Can Keep Parents in the Dark About Their Children’s Gender Transitions

The New Hampshire Supreme Court has upheld a Manchester school district policy that allows schools to keep parents in the dark about their children’s gender transitions.

This ruling, which flies in the face of fundamental parenting rights, sends a dangerous message: that schools can prioritize the so-called “rights” of students over the rights of parents to know and participate in their children’s lives.

The court’s decision comes as part of the case Jane Doe v. Manchester School District, where the justices concluded that the policy does not infringe on parental rights.

The Doe v. Manchester School District involves a challenge to a policy implemented by the Manchester School District regarding the rights of transgender and gender-nonconforming students.

The plaintiff, known only as Jane Doe, who is the parent of a minor child (M.C.) enrolled in the district, argued that the district’s policy violated her constitutional rights as a parent by potentially allowing the school to withhold information about her child’s gender identity from her.

The policy in question allows students to keep their transgender status or gender nonconforming presentation private and requires school personnel to avoid disclosing this information to others, including parents, unless the student consents or it is legally required.

The plaintiff discovered that her child was being addressed by a name and pronouns different from those assigned at birth, which the school had not disclosed to her due to the policy.

The plaintiff’s lawsuit sought a declaratory judgment that the policy violated her constitutional rights, was beyond the school’s legal authority (ultra vires), and violated federal laws like the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Act (PPRA).


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42e630 No.21518207

File: 1911c8098b8fce6⋯.jpeg (246.24 KB,1032x705,344:235,IMG_8377.jpeg)

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173700 No.21518208


not the traitormongers

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153bf4 No.21518210

File: 8bed93f4e683be1⋯.png (988.42 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_145207.png)

File: 3f9b6518e5ca3e6⋯.png (387.93 KB,766x2418,383:1209,106_8_.png)

File: 65d05810f93574a⋯.jpeg (244.88 KB,1013x1012,1013:1012,GWaAKXDWQAEAOVR.jpeg)

File: 61fd14e837b015d⋯.png (217.56 KB,766x1640,383:820,1306_1_.png)

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57e76b No.21518211


Cotton is a [DS] cuck. Groomed for his position as a teen.

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522625 No.21518212

File: a07236dd4cc62a9⋯.png (69.14 KB,682x185,682:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a78b7 No.21518214

File: 17b7be0faf12aee⋯.webp (1.13 MB,3024x3154,1512:1577,h2kovpjhszzc1.webp)

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a4d5e3 No.21518215

File: c45e37742a8ac56⋯.png (2.46 MB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_7918.png)

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b64393 No.21518216

File: 14d6a66780071bb⋯.png (447.47 KB,827x1024,827:1024,GOD_CHOSE_YOU_FOR_A_REASON….png)


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ab31a6 No.21518217

File: e0d4128c361dcdf⋯.png (94.08 KB,1103x559,1103:559,ClipboardImage.png)


>How long til Musk sues this guy?

Hopefully soon

He has been doing well with lawsuits lately

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95d6f0 No.21518218

File: a23e73f1194814a⋯.png (419.97 KB,888x842,444:421,554h23523h532.PNG)

Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

The helicopter crash that killed Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and seven other people in May was caused by challenging climatic and atmospheric conditions, Iranian state TV reported Sunday.

The final report of the Supreme Board of the General Staff of the Armed Forces said the main cause of the helicopter crash was the complex climatic conditions of the region in spring, state TV said.

The report also cited the sudden appearance of a thick mass of dense fog rising upwards as the helicopter collided with the mountain.

According to the report, there were no signs of sabotage in parts and systems.

Raisi died along with seven others including Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, who was 60, in the crash in a remote mountainous area of northwestern Iran. The helicopter also carried the governor of the East Azerbaijan province, along with other officials and bodyguards, Iran's state-run IRNA news agency said at the time of the crash.


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e3dec6 No.21518220


Instead of old pictures.

Show me some hard recent facts Trump is involved in this plot?

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153bf4 No.21518221

File: ffb83bf8dda631c⋯.png (810.17 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_145406.png)

File: edaeffc5057159e⋯.png (121.12 KB,766x1024,383:512,148_1_.png)

File: ee6fca828ec2eec⋯.jpeg (144.7 KB,1013x1012,1013:1012,GWaJuEEXYAIQYnK.jpeg)

File: d72071e530975e1⋯.png (134.99 KB,766x1514,383:757,1348.png)

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255c8e No.21518222

File: 9bdb26ad308d843⋯.gif (70.69 KB,220x270,22:27,peanutdance.gif)

sum notes

#26363 >>21518042

>>21518100, >>21518094, >>21518088 LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

>>21518101 Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

>>21518128 Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

>>21518152 >>21518152 Senator @TomCottonAR SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos…

>>21518156 Planefaggin

>>21518204, >>21518171 Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

>>21518187 Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

>>21518189 ‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

>>21518198 Adele announces indefinite hiatus from music: ‘You won’t see me for an incredibly long time’

>>21518218 Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds


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5c0b3e No.21518223

File: 53fab531a49e1d3⋯.jpeg (153.08 KB,1284x750,214:125,IMG_2773.jpeg)

File: 7aecbda99e71129⋯.jpeg (129.66 KB,1181x705,1181:705,IMG_2774.jpeg)

Beluga whale alleged to be Russian ‘spy’ found dead in Norway

Body of Hvaldimir taken to harbour for expert examination after being discovered in Risavika Bay (the paranoia is crazy in Norway)

A beluga whale nicknamed Hvaldimir, first spotted in Norway not far from Russian waters while wearing a harness that prompted rumours he might be a spy for Moscow, has been found dead.

The Norwegian public broadcaster NRK reported that the whale’s body was found floating in the Risavika Bay in southern Norway on Saturday by a father and son who were fishing.

The beluga, whose nickname was a combination of the Norwegian word for whale – hval – and the first name of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, was lifted out of the water by crane and taken to a nearby harbour, where experts will examine it.

The marine biologist Sebastian Strand told NRK: “Unfortunately, we found Hvaldimir floating in the sea. He has passed away, but it’s not immediately clear what the cause of death is.” He added that no major external injuries were visible on the animal.

Strand, who has monitored Hvaldimir’s adventures for the past three years on behalf of the Norway-based non-profit organisation Marine Mind, said he was deeply affected by the whale’s sudden death.

“It’s absolutely horrible,” Strand said. “He was apparently in good condition as of [Friday], so we just have to figure out what might have happened here.”

The 4.2-metre (14ft), 1,225kg (2,700lb) whale was first spotted in April 2019 by fishers near the northern island of Ingøya, not far from the Arctic city of Hammerfest. He was wearing a harness and what appeared to be a mount for a small camera and a buckle marked with the words “Equipment St Petersburg”.

That sparked allegations the beluga was a “spy whale”. Experts have said the Russian navy is known to have trained whales for military purposes.

Over the years, the beluga was seen in the waters off several Norwegian coastal towns and it quickly became clear that he was very tame and enjoyed playing with people, NRK said.

Marine Mind said on its sitethat Hvaldimir was very interested in people and responded to hand signals. “Based on these observations, it appeared as if Hvaldimir arrived in Norway by crossing over from Russian waters, where it is presumed he was held in captivity,” it said.

Because of this behaviour, Norwegian media have also speculated that Hvaldimir may have been used as “a therapy whale” of some sort in Russia.


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cdbb9c No.21518224

File: 43684ba770ba986⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,480x852,40:71,E6cRDsxoaeHsOkVM.mp4)

how to pour a beer?

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d0ad7d No.21518225


>a vessel named Entropic? Or Chelsea?

Of course these are network member names, so name of vessel could be something entirely different.

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e5da66 No.21518228

File: 5f6b7ceb95ff3bd⋯.png (833.96 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Marie_Harf_Plastic_Surgery….png)


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b64393 No.21518229

File: be5e3274f782127⋯.png (1.65 MB,1082x1078,541:539,God_Wins_Chose_You_Jesus.png)

File: 849f0df2038f9b9⋯.jpg (83.47 KB,405x720,9:16,God_Wins_NCSWIC.jpg)

File: 5e7f0c423df0042⋯.jpg (189.76 KB,1024x768,4:3,Donald_Trump_Cloud_God_Win….jpg)


He came for the Sinners…

(You) & I

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e4fc39 No.21518231

File: 99ebb1c590aaf88⋯.png (159.56 KB,972x1280,243:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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114fad No.21518232

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31e5d7 No.21518233

File: a2afd1af5744bd3⋯.png (603.65 KB,732x710,366:355,ClipboardImage.png)


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522625 No.21518234


>>21518147 Truth Social hiding Truth about Israeli crimes


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212fb0 No.21518235



kill nazis on small hawaii island ?

butt duh bofo greek furniture fichtls

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212fb0 No.21518236


toothpick whourdvours

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a4d5e3 No.21518237

File: 6f899f600416ff5⋯.jpg (303.8 KB,1170x630,13:7,TreasonAtTop.jpg)

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522625 No.21518240

Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign has deployed a massive digital operation, with over 175 staffers dedicated to flooding social media with pro-Harris, anti-Trump content.

What Axios referred to as her Gen Z “mobilization team” is at the heart of a strategy that prioritizes memes, online taunts, and TikTok trends over traditional political campaigning. Despite the aggressive tactics, Donald Trump has over twice as many TikTok followers as Harris and almost five times as many X (formerly Twitter) followers.

The Harris campaign’s focus on rapid response and real-time content creation has often allowed it to dominate fleeting, hyper-online conversations. But her reliance on inexperienced, “vibes-focused” staffers has also led to some embarrassment, with her latest video about making an incorrect collard greens recipe in her bathtub attracting a social media “ratio.”

“From palm trees and coconut emojis to Charlie XCX’s ‘brat’ endorsement, online memes supporting Vice President Harris have taken on a life of their own and have been adopted – with a wink and a nod – by our campaign account @KamalaHQ, which has more than tripled its following since the switch,” a campaign spokesman told Axios.But much like her in-person campaign activities, the digital domination appears to have waned since the Democratic National Convention, with many tiring of the “sneering” schtick.


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75c023 No.21518241


Some have imagined her sitting on a toilet eating a Reuben.

RIP Norm MacDonald

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153bf4 No.21518242

File: eb12cf739f78a4f⋯.png (776.06 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_145609.png)

File: 5370a725f707e48⋯.png (330.52 KB,766x1738,383:869,152_4_.png)

File: 50cd99569606ed4⋯.png (33.94 KB,766x408,383:204,1352.png)

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e4fc39 No.21518243

File: 4b1b23bcfa170e2⋯.webm (3.96 MB,150x267,50:89,4b1b23bcfa170e2cf5fe39724….webm)

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8ed0d9 No.21518244



word-forming element meaning "beyond" (ultraviolet) or "extremely" (ultramodern), from Latin ultra- from ultra (adv. and prep.) "beyond, on the other side, on the farther side, past, over, across," from PIE *ol-tero-, suffixed form of root *al- "beyond." In common use from early 19c., it appears to have arisen from French political designations. As its own word, a noun meaning "extremist" of various stripes, it is first recorded 1817, from French ultra, shortening of ultra-royaliste "extreme royalist."

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dffb35 No.21518245


No shit, Sherlock…

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027bbb No.21518246

File: 129b0bd47effc66⋯.jpg (536.06 KB,1830x1860,61:62,QMakeItRainFireBorder.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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e3dec6 No.21518248


Just science is th West staps a camera on a whale.

A spy when Russia does same.

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816f4e No.21518249


and everyone of them is worthless against one anon.

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255c8e No.21518251


uncorroborated no notable

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69ec10 No.21518253


And all of them are frozen in fear of offending someone.

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8ea051 No.21518254



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153bf4 No.21518255


fuckin' this place, just got back from a beer run and was thinking of this. other devices. thanks

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e3dec6 No.21518257



Instead of old pictures.

Show me some hard recent facts Trump is involved in this plot?


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cd5a40 No.21518258

File: 26688bfa568f5ed⋯.jpeg (364.76 KB,1160x647,1160:647,IMG_2775.jpeg)

1 Sep, 2024 11:21

Russian government lists threats to country’s youth

According to a strategy review, young people are susceptible to foreign concepts such as cosmopolitanism and individualism

Cosmopolitanism and individualism among young people could become an obstacle to Russia’s development and economic growth, Russian authorities have said.

The warning was made in the Strategy for Russia’s youth policy until 2030, which was approved by the government in Moscow on Thursday. The document was prepared at the behest of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

”There are almost 38 million people aged between 14 and 35 in Russia. Taking care of their future is… important for ensuring national security. This would require joint efforts from the government bodies and non-profit organizations and, most importantly, involve young men and women in the decision-making,” Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said during a cabinet meeting.

In the strategy document,it was pointed out that the functioning of Russia as a “powerful, economically developed state” necessitates a population that is “nationally oriented and supports traditional values.” This should be achieved through the “harmonious development of young people and their creative potential,” it read.

Due to its key role in the society, the younger generation has been selected as “the main target of ideological intervention carried out from the outside in order to weaken the Russianstate,” the paper stressed.

One of themajor threats to the country’s youths it named is “the imposition of the Western lifestyle and consumption habits,” which includes extraterritorial, apolitical views and sexual deviations.

The moral system of the younger generation in Russia “reflects value shifts from collectivism to individualism and from statism to cosmopolitanism over the past 30 years,” it said.

The document noted that “individualistic values often lead to difficulties for young people in forming relationships in the family, with friends and at work.” It singled out the development of collectivist values within the age group as an important task for the government over the next six years.

Some of theother dangers to young people mentioned in the strategy are a weakening connection between generations, the degradation of traditional spiritual and moral values, legal nihilism, insufficient involvement in socially useful activities, and an increasing number of crimes committed by younger people, including with the use of information and communications technologies.

According to the document, the key areas of Russia’s youth policy until 2030 would be supporting the volunteer movement and patriotic organizations, introducing additional opportunities for studying and advanced training, expanding access to quality online content as part of cultural and educational initiatives, promoting the Russian language as a basis for cooperation on international platforms, and creating additional infrastructure for recreation and sports.

(It sounds like the US should have implemented some of these policies decades ago)


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dffb35 No.21518259


Anons have the largest army ever assembled.

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212fb0 No.21518261

File: 48f9c142b7fad00⋯.png (322.01 KB,819x460,819:460,harributtplugniggur.png)

treasn rape anal an murduer

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e5da66 No.21518262

File: a2eb37cb2318c48⋯.jpg (20.02 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1719177502.jpg)

File: 861fa8e33384c34⋯.jpg (22.75 KB,474x347,474:347,th_2952872342.jpg)

File: 787676ff3af61ce⋯.jpg (123.18 KB,1920x1080,16:9,bateman_3731473212.jpg)

File: 9080af31a9216ca⋯.jpg (81.7 KB,700x512,175:128,9080af31a9216ca29da02787ae….jpg)

File: 8007a72a66d47ee⋯.jpg (13.09 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1543903044.jpg)

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8ea051 No.21518263

File: 231840ddf9ae731⋯.jpg (575.1 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Qbrot.jpg)

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ff31d3 No.21518264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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dffb35 No.21518265

Ashtar Command is sooo 2017…. Seven years and they still haven't ascended…?

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42e630 No.21518266

File: 322345c671e82b7⋯.jpeg (62.35 KB,474x359,474:359,IMG_8400.jpeg)

File: d129f3b64520059⋯.jpeg (155.01 KB,800x531,800:531,IMG_8399.jpeg)

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153bf4 No.21518267


every graveyard passed prayers, every cross on the side of the road, every crash site within 17 miles

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ff31d3 No.21518268

File: 2f8129eede15269⋯.png (1.17 MB,1366x790,683:395,anonyou.png)

The Greatest Story Never Told… Until Now

Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/19/2017 17:39:15 ID: 03c2f4 376

8chan/cbts: 126948

Anonymous 12/19/2017 17:37:38 ID:fad025

8chan/cbts: 126928


Are UFOs a distraction?


How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/19/2018 20:25:34 ID: 98088e 2222

8chan/qresearch: 3094236

Anonymous 09/19/2018 20:10:44 ID:5948d8

8chan/qresearch: 3093831


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?



Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/19/2018 20:58:13 ID: 922952 2225

8chan/qresearch: 3095105

Anonymous 09/19/2018 20:45:34 ID:a16b71

8chan/qresearch: 3094804


Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?


False, moon landings are real.

Programs exist that are outside of public domain.


Nov 27, 2022 8:06:20 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17830326 4966

What is coded in your DNA?

Who put it there?


Mankind is repressed.

We will be repressed no more.

Information is knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

Information is power.

How do you protect your DNA?

There is a war for your DNA.

Protect your DNA.



Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 1 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 1-5



00:00 Attestation Of Endubsar -Prologue

10:19 Tablet 1

29:00 Tablet 2

37:30 The Myth Of Tiamat

45:48 Tablet 3

59:23 Tablet 4

1:19:30 Tablet 5

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9676b9 No.21518269

File: 3bb919fcddce971⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,674x380,337:190,3bb919fcddce971eae6823bece….mp4)

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57e76b No.21518270

File: 8400a206d273752⋯.png (138.35 KB,1043x1199,1043:1199,ClipboardImage.png)


>Seven years and they still haven't ascended…?


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91c1e0 No.21518271

File: 680a9f78a54fc57⋯.jpeg (202.23 KB,512x2048,1:4,IMG_0836.jpeg)

Trump card coming



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91e6f6 No.21518272


Anon would love to see us all together! (less the shills of course)

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ff31d3 No.21518273

File: 7cc2d939f705c04⋯.png (290.08 KB,680x520,17:13,nsdestroyerc.png)

File: 1b30e7982f3d580⋯.gif (829.49 KB,352x200,44:25,3a1.gif)

File: d18caf022b26755⋯.png (628.96 KB,673x512,673:512,nsdestroyerc2.png)

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5f2c58 No.21518274


keyboard warriors uber alles

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522625 No.21518275

File: c00b2f24d3e0a33⋯.png (61.87 KB,606x583,606:583,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7bd5a31237b363⋯.png (157.68 KB,619x556,619:556,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff31d3 No.21518276

File: 9783f9ee68e2770⋯.gif (935.54 KB,200x88,25:11,1a8.gif)


when i reopen my eyes

i am surprised that i am still here

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d561ca No.21518277


And yet most are freeloaders who won't help Jim keep the site up.

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8ed0d9 No.21518278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Man hands over doughnut to officer instead of driving licence

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a385a4 No.21518279


The Left doesn't know how to meme. Why you ask ? Because they are not self aware, They are NPC's that don't understand how bigoted, abusive and facist their memes and posts truly are.

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153bf4 No.21518280

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212fb0 No.21518281

File: a725639ca11ddac⋯.png (123.46 KB,344x386,172:193,a725639ca11ddac9292c53e4ad….png)


>treasn rape anal an murduer

tram$ lucr cry moar schnitzl

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5c0b3e No.21518283

File: 7914e02b0ea64ec⋯.jpeg (197.35 KB,1136x626,568:313,IMG_2776.jpeg)

1 Sep, 2024 17:20

Russia says relations with US at all-time low

Dmitry Peskov indicated there were no foreseeable prospects for a recovery in ties between the nations

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said that Russia-US relations are at a historic low,dismissing the idea that the two sides could gradually improve them in the foreseeable future.

In an interview with one of the country’s major state-run broadcasters, Russia 1, the top state official emphasized that Washington has been consistently trampling on Russia’s interests and exerting pressure on Moscow for several decades.

Ties between the two states have reached “a cracking-up point” during Joe Biden’s presidency, according to Peskov, who stressed that the US administration is demonstrating an openly hostile position towards Russia by supporting Ukraine.

“Right in the middle of Mr. Biden’s presidency all these processes have culminated […] Bilateral relations are now at probably their historical low point with no prospects for entering a growth trajectory to be seen,” he said.

“The US, despite many statements to the contrary, is directly involved in the Ukraine conflict,” Peskov concluded.

Bilateral ties between Russia and the US took a nose-dive in 2022 when Washington and its allies attacked Moscowwith a barrage of economic sanctions following the escalation of the Ukrainian conflict. Moreover, the White House has been providing Kiev with substantial economic and military aid, drawing reprobation from Russian officials, who have accused Washington of playing a direct role in the conflict.

In addition, the US withdrew from two security treaties, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty and the Open Skies treaty, under the administration of Donald Trump. While the White House under President Joe Biden has extended the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) through 2026, last year Moscow suspended its participation, citing the US role in the Ukraine conflict.

Peskov also cast doubt on statements made by former US President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly pledged to resolve the Ukraine conflict within 24 hours if elected a second time. The Republican presidential frontrunner has also claimed that he had an excellent relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin while in office, adding that the conflict would have never started on his watch.

I don’t think there is a magic wand, it is impossible to do anything in a day,” Peskov said. “Although, if we assume that the next US president will make a statement during his inauguration speech that the US stands for peace and is therefore ending its support for Ukraine […], then something in someone’s brain will change.”

(It might help if Pompeo is never allowed to advise the President again)


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ff31d3 No.21518284

File: 17dc0b3b93b11e2⋯.png (94.52 KB,778x792,389:396,b5.png)

because i can withstand the storm i suppose

or maybe i am the storm just as much as anything can say that it too is also a part of the storm

like a buncha of tempests doing what tempests do best

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3adbf4 No.21518285

File: d02227a16b8caed⋯.png (564.9 KB,526x504,263:252,ClipboardImage.png)

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dffb35 No.21518286


For Those in Peril on the Net

For those that fight the greatest cause,

Through pages searched and 404s,

Please steer our browsers straight and true

To finish what we seek to do.

Oh hear us when we pray and let

You be our guide upon the Net.

For those that would derail our quest,

With shills and slides they try their best,

Protect us when they fight and fail,

So Q and the Anons prevail.

Oh hear us when we pray and let

You be our shield upon the Net.

Though Devil's hordes fight nail and tooth,

Let Anons' work reveal the truth.

Let our research betray the lies

and red pills open normies' eyes.

Oh hear us when we pray and set

The records straight upon the Net.

Let justice take it's rightful course,

Though Satan's horde show no remorse,

Let the poor souls who lost their lives

See sin and greed shall not survive.

Oh hear us when we fight and get

Our victory on the Internet.


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feff83 No.21518287

File: 1e25e199543d0c9⋯.png (185.08 KB,490x469,70:67,1e25e199543d0c91f12273e90a….png)



Frenly day in the frenlyhood

God bless (You)

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df71d2 No.21518288


Why has Q+ not stepped up? He’s supposed to have deep pockets.

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42e630 No.21518289

File: b4e0c43cfbd5a00⋯.jpeg (708.52 KB,1700x956,425:239,IMG_8401.jpeg)

File: 6afca6b1a935d50⋯.jpeg (80.96 KB,415x873,415:873,IMG_8402.jpeg)

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ff31d3 No.21518290

File: 98313d3ba5d93ac⋯.png (2.41 MB,1908x920,477:230,1j.png)

The word Chosen has many meanings and i suggest you read up on them

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522625 No.21518291

File: d335e6c2f932807⋯.png (414.3 KB,1151x533,1151:533,ClipboardImage.png)

Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal; protesters block Ayalon Highway

Labor federation chief Arnon Bar-David says hostage release stuck due to ‘political considerations,’ most of labor market will strike as of 6 a.m. Monday


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5f2c58 No.21518292


almost worthy

which instance of gpt did you use?

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a385a4 No.21518293


Don't forget the babies in the fridge, The cannibal sessions and adrenochrome harvesting through terror.

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dffb35 No.21518294


Not my work, found on R*ddit

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b76eaf No.21518295




>Anon would love to see us all together! (less the shills of course)

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074f6b No.21518296

File: f6e165f88735363⋯.png (668.06 KB,813x787,813:787,IMG_2157.png)

File: a83b1307ce38e70⋯.jpeg (78.51 KB,640x635,128:127,Attachment.jpeg)

File: 449f169e2cf102d⋯.jpeg (108.13 KB,1080x1337,1080:1337,Attachment.jpeg)


I know a guy from Russia.

We cool.

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5f2c58 No.21518297


thanks for fixing the spacing faggot

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153bf4 No.21518298

File: 665e49204051fcc⋯.jpg (40.51 KB,480x264,20:11,den_of_thieves_2.jpg)

File: bbc30e86f64a122⋯.jpg (351.05 KB,1200x933,400:311,1200px_El_Greco_13.jpg)

File: f2fee0e1f92c1a9⋯.jpg (79.6 KB,735x414,245:138,bcb2a584c589191bade45e7151….jpg)

File: 7ef591d01d106e5⋯.jpg (72.22 KB,457x546,457:546,Jesus_Clears_the_Temple.jpg)


bitches scream out Jesus prove me wrong

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e3dec6 No.21518299


Russia says relations with US at all-time low

Dmitry Peskov indicated there were no foreseeable prospects for a recovery in ties between the nations

Yes, while dealing with a communist Residency in the White House.

You are correct.

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a385a4 No.21518300


POTUS 45 already stated he would end the war in a day!

Just have Zelensky hung in the capitol Square.

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ca4923 No.21518301

File: 2ad2d0837045ad5⋯.png (469.04 KB,516x578,258:289,ClipboardImage.png)


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abc093 No.21518302


>Yes, while dealing with a communist Residency in the White House.

>You are correct.

As soon as the commies are gone, whole different story.

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522625 No.21518303

Bank of England Staff Told to Share Pronouns and Use “Gender Neutral” Language

Bank of England staff have been told to share their pronouns at the start of meetings and use “gender neutral” language when speaking to customers. The Telegraph has the details.

Threadneedle Street employees were also advised that it is a “microaggression” to state that “everyone is born a man or a woman, it’s science”.

The lessons, delivered to staff as part of a “trans inclusion” training session, also encouraged the Bank of England to promote a “trans day of visibility”, a “trans day of remembrance” and a “trans awareness week”.

Toby Young, General Secretary of the Free Speech Union, has written to Andrew Bailey, the Bank of England’s Governor, about the training.

He told Mr. Bailey that “while fostering a sense of inclusion among employees is, of course, a worthwhile objective”, he believed that training courses like the one given to Bank staff are “ideologically driven”.

“As a result, they may have the unintended effect of fostering an intolerant workplace culture in which some employees feel they cannot express certain, perfectly legitimate points of view,” the letter said.

“Our primary concern is that the ‘Trans Inclusion’ course appears to promote gender identity ideology while stigmatising gender critical beliefs, which are protected under the Equality Act 2010.”

The FSU’s letter highlighted a part of the training that stated “using the wrong pronouns” is another example of a “microaggression”.

It also mentioned the section telling staff to use language such as “cisgender” to refer to an individual who identifies as the sex they were assigned at birth, or “Enby” to describe people who do not identify exclusively as a man or woman.

The Bank of England defended the training, with a spokesman saying: “Our objective is to ensure monetary and financial stability for the UK. We encourage a welcoming environment for our colleagues working hard to achieve this – as such, we offer inclusion training on an optional basis.”

Mr. Young said: “The Bank of England, like so many other pillars of the British establishment, has been infected by the woke mind virus.”

“This kind of training creates the impression that believing in the biological reality of sex is discriminatory, when in fact it’s a belief that’s protected by the Equality Act and the reality is that any employer punishing an employee for expressing such a view would themselves be guilty of discrimination.”


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d0ad7d No.21518304

File: 85a1ae4c70828af⋯.png (454.6 KB,1919x968,1919:968,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 661ba3af146836f⋯.png (568.47 KB,1920x968,240:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d763cc51d212b39⋯.png (1.55 MB,1919x965,1919:965,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ecc72279d3aced⋯.png (392.07 KB,1919x968,1919:968,ClipboardImage.png)



Looks like Entropic32 may be aboard the REIHOU. And Chelsea ADS-B Network member might be aboard an unidentified cargo vessel.



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feff83 No.21518305

File: 069b1de0ae7da5b⋯.png (222.28 KB,700x634,350:317,069b1de0ae7da5b9da691c5e66….png)


You better not be implying those are Jews that Jesus is kicking out. I might get triggered.

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dffb35 No.21518306


YVW - their spacing gives me the ick.

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3adbf4 No.21518307

File: c5430fce2635fd1⋯.png (685.28 KB,674x949,674:949,ClipboardImage.png)

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b99891 No.21518308

File: c550c1c364c4783⋯.jpg (452.24 KB,1921x1080,1921:1080,CiC.jpg)

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75c023 No.21518309


* hanged

Hanged and dangling there.

Just fucking dangling there like meat on a rope.

.. andleftto rot.

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dffb35 No.21518310


Hasidic, Sephardic, Orthodox, Ashkenazi, there are so many to choose from. Which ones do you mean?

(Sarc, natch)

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522625 No.21518311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, promoting his very patriotic book “No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States,” recently penned an op-ed and appeared on MSNBC to float the idea that we need to toss out the United States Constitution — arguably the most eloquent and functional if imperfect governing document ever written, which every Western nation has modeled their own on — and replace it with something a little more Democratic™.

Here the psychopathic cross-eyed nerd — who would be the first to go in the kind of French Revolution-style chaos he’s fomenting, like Piggy in Lord of the Flies — explains.

Via Los Angeles Times (emphasis added):

“No matter the outcome of the November elections, it is urgent that there be a widespread recognition that American democracy is in danger and that reforms are essential. No form of government lasts forever, and it would be foolhardy to believe that the United States cannot fall prey to the forces that have ended democracies in many other countries.

Although the causes are complex, many of today’s problems can be traced back to choices made in drafting the Constitution, choices that are increasingly haunting us. After 200 years, it is time to begin thinking of drafting a new Constitution to create a more effective, more democratic government.

Signs abound that American democracy is in serious trouble. Confidence in the institutions of American government is at an all-time low. The Pew Research Center has been tracking public trust in government since 1958. It has gone from a high-water mark of 77% in 1964 to our contemporary 20%.* A poll in September 2023 indicated that only 4% of U.S. adults said the American political system worked “extremely or very well.” A recent Gallup poll had only 16% of Americans expressing approval for how Congress is performing its job.

Especially individuals in their 20s and 30s are losing faith in democracy. A Brookings Institution study found that 29% of “young Americans say that democracy is not always preferable to other political forms.””


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b618e0 No.21518313

File: fb9daeb9728b22c⋯.png (172.02 KB,316x375,316:375,ClipboardImage.png)

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037d43 No.21518314

File: b91252a61e7a39a⋯.jpeg (181.65 KB,1142x628,571:314,IMG_2777.jpeg)

30 Aug, 2024 22:25

Zelensky fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss

The US-made Ukrainian jet may have been shot down by friendly fire, a lawmaker has claimed

General Nikolay Oleshchuk has been dismissed as the head of the Ukrainian Air Force after he publicly clashed with a lawmaker from Vladimir Zelensky’s ruling Servant of the People party about the loss of the first Western-provided F-16 fighter jet.

The plane reportedly crashed on Monday, killing its pilot, Aleksey ‘Moonfish’ Mes. Kiev did not admit the loss until Thursday, only to say that the incident was under investigation.MP Mariana Bezuglaya then made the claim that Mes had been shot down by one of Ukraine’s US-donated ‘Patriot’ air defense systems.

“Mariana, the time will come when you will apologize to the entire army for what you have done, I hope in court!” Oleshchuk said in a social media post of his own on Friday. He accused Bezuglaya of “selling out” and being “a tool to discredit the top military leadership.”

“You not only poured dirt on me personally and on the Air Force, you discredited the manufacturers of American weapons – the main ally of Ukraine – the USA!” Oleshchuk noted, accusing Bezuglaya of being a star of “Russian propaganda.”

Later in the day, Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree relieving Oleshchuk of command, effective immediately. In a video message announcing the move, he did not give a specific reason for it, saying only that “we need to protect the lives of all our servicemen.”

Aleksandr Syrsky, commander-in-chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces, announced on Friday evening that Lieutenant General Anatoly Krivonozhko has been named as the acting commander of the Air Force.

Official statements from Kiev said that Mes died during an air defense sortie in which he shot down three Russian cruise missiles and one attack drone. According to Bezuglaya, however, his F-16 was hit by a Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, due to “discoordination between units.”

“War is war, such episodes are possible,” she wrote. “But a culture of lies… leads to a management system for military decisions that does not improve based on truthful, consistently collected analytics, but worsens and even collapses, as seen in the Pokrovsk direction,”she added, referring to Russia’s recent advance towards the key Ukrainian position in Donbass.

When asked about Bezuglaya’s claim that the US-made jet may have been shot down by a US-made missile, the Pentagon’s deputy spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said that would be “something for the Ukrainians to address.”

“The US has not been asked to participate in any investigation into this incident,” Singh added. “So, in terms of whether this pilot was killed as a result of friendly fire, I just can’t speak to that.”

The US has not promised any F-16s to Ukraine, but has permitted other NATO members to send their own. A “coalition” of European countries promised Kiev over 80 planes, but has so far delivered fewer than a dozen. A Russian company has offered a reward of 15 million rubles ($170,000) to whomever shoots down the first F-16 in combat. No one has stepped forward to claim the reward so far.

(This sounds like covering their ass for friendly fire and blaming Air Force leader, so as to not the US they are not capable of flying F16's which they are not.)


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153bf4 No.21518315

File: b89ff53e2a07704⋯.jpeg (290.95 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GWLZ81uXkAEc8Ix.jpeg)

File: 00dd49b848287e4⋯.gif (215.95 KB,220x132,5:3,roseanne_laughing.gif)

File: 28f5821d6b52262⋯.jpeg (9.39 KB,200x252,50:63,images_87_.jpeg)

File: 63b358df9ec038d⋯.jpg (10.96 KB,200x184,25:23,passion_2.jpg)

File: ec461e4eedbef9a⋯.jpeg (10.93 KB,225x225,1:1,images_89_.jpeg)


gonna need moar cigarettes for this shit

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63a654 No.21518316

File: 94c2922f10bfc17⋯.png (129.73 KB,263x313,263:313,ClipboardImage.png)



>How far away is the closest star?

>What do you think?


What is a STAR???///

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f12a6e No.21518317


Bitch my bank account is negative

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8b974b No.21518318


Woodna happen to have dat clip?

Norm was that very best kind of American…and a Canuck too.

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5f2c58 No.21518319


the constitution is a debt agreement. check black's law for definition of constitution. the declaration is where it's at.

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074f6b No.21518320

File: 06272817f3fb13e⋯.jpeg (138.88 KB,944x790,472:395,IMG_2475.jpeg)


>As soon as the commies are gone, whole different story.

Different flavor of totalitarian thuggery?

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feff83 No.21518321

File: b5c961fc13e62e3⋯.png (144.47 KB,331x320,331:320,b5c961fc13e62e32c2738ce52b….png)





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d73c03 No.21518322

File: 28da322b74e140d⋯.jpg (215.65 KB,1023x1517,1023:1517,11347e3f6e384879881893ca54….jpg)

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cdbb9c No.21518323

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Idiot streamer cooking in lingerie sets fire to kitchen.


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dffb35 No.21518324


Alpha Centauri, 4.367 light years away (if we aren't being lied to).

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738be8 No.21518325

File: 0bbc6fbb3e4c763⋯.jpg (530.76 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,FauciRoyalty.jpg)

File: dd49a102217e21b⋯.png (339.52 KB,367x680,367:680,FauciChinaAsset.PNG)

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522625 No.21518326

File: 40866663efa5fa3⋯.png (3.28 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

UPDATED: NOT STATE GUARD, FEDERAL TROOPS ! ! ! ! Reports: New York Deploying National Guard for Trump Sentencing on Sept 18 - CLAIM Trump to be IMPRISONED that day - Fear Riots to ensue

Word came from a federal law enforcement source saying New York State Judge Juan Merchan, whose daughter collected hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in political consulting work from Democrats during the Trump Trial, will order Trump taken to jail at the Sentencing on September 18. Trump will reportedly be taken to Riker's Island jail at that time.

Additional claims from that same federal law enforcement source say New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and New York Governor Kathy Hochul, fear that New York Police will engage in a "Sick Out" on that date, because all the police officers KNOW the trial was a complete sham, they want no part in persecuting Trump.

National Guard Troops Being Brought-in

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abc093 No.21518327


>Different flavor of totalitarian thuggery?


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e5da66 No.21518328

File: c8136902d4606a1⋯.jpg (106.9 KB,1024x822,512:411,Steffi_Graf_1223907824.jpg)

File: 3a681ba7abd1a9d⋯.jpg (514.74 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240810_093028….jpg)

File: cc8c6e276965d40⋯.jpg (11.61 KB,220x233,220:233,220px_Lynn_Death_Valley_20….jpg)

File: 42983e1c81d6a93⋯.jpg (653.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240813_140237….jpg)

File: 8b07478b848d527⋯.jpg (132.22 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Fr6bB1DXwAEheDc_1712099307.jpg)

https://www.yahoo.com › news › vladimir-putin-warns-genetic-super-soldiers-deadly-nuclear-bomb-092124906.html

Vladimir Putin warns of genetic super-soldiers 'more deadly than a …

Vladimir Putin warns of genetic super-soldiers 'more deadly than a nuclear bomb'. As if there wasn't enough to worry about with the

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b76eaf No.21518329


Needs sauce

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dffb35 No.21518330


'Muh' is not a branch of Judaism.

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d0ad7d No.21518331


>keep the site up

One way to keep the site up, and making money, is by posting quality content.

>>21510694 past bread

>I'm encouraged- this is better than last month

>A bill for the remainder is being sent to the uids who made the following posts. Charges are being distributed proportionally according to post count and, where images were included, server loading.

>Gullibles Final

(visit to view)

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3bd479 No.21518332


No one listens to that Roth dipshit

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704c3e No.21518333


Racist doom and gloom

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c81ede No.21518334

File: 08907fea23c103f⋯.jpg (19.94 KB,364x298,182:149,pepe_hands.jpg)




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d26027 No.21518335

File: 9dd54353c241914⋯.png (98.44 KB,340x724,85:181,ClipboardImage.png)


Also the sun.

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dffb35 No.21518336

File: 71a2f93aab397e8⋯.jpg (47.39 KB,500x500,1:1,Glasses.jpg)

File: 45fd6bed068be35⋯.jpg (57.09 KB,500x500,1:1,Stupid01.jpg)

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a385a4 No.21518337


The absolutely divinely guided genius of the founding fathers was using the State Model to prevent the congress from being able to amend the constitution. They knew and understood tyranny and the embedded councilors that seize power and influence through blackmail and greed.

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522625 No.21518338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chris Hedges recently published a video on TikTok that relatively straightforwardly called out Kamala Harris for being a complete tool of the establishment, and TikTok responded by censoring the video.


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816f4e No.21518339


wast of trips. It is accurate.

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dffb35 No.21518340



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e3dec6 No.21518341


Nice catch.

Bag and tag.

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3aae5c No.21518342


>What is a STAR???///

Fusion reaction of gas and elements


An actor that is famous


>How far away is the closest star?

The closest star is technically Sol, our sun

Had q been specific and stated 'from ours' (though it might be implied in vagueness) then several light years, ~5

>What do you think?

No we are not alone

Doesn't mean they have visited us

Moar likely Roswell like modern UFO are programs that are hidden from public

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dfef7f No.21518343

File: 4ab500dce0f910d⋯.png (255.62 KB,704x397,704:397,4ab500dce0f910d969de63d92b….png)


Perhaps we are watching a movie. We all have as shills who before dying suddenly

There are no small parts, only small actors, they say.

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63a654 No.21518344


>if we aren't being lied to

Do you see the small boy in the bottom left… holding a firearm…///

He's in a blue Onsey..///

It's lithography…///

The most amazing artwork///

I am not the secret sevice.. ok.. remember that…///

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d73c03 No.21518345

File: 7f44564e21eaf93⋯.png (322.17 KB,624x467,624:467,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 2h

On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

Sep 1, 2024 · 5:01 PM UTC


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feff83 No.21518346

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


Top kek

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dffb35 No.21518347


He should have stopped at 'complete tool'.

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e3dec6 No.21518348

File: 7f07cffb221b800⋯.jpg (58.63 KB,650x425,26:17,Moon_Fish_5_650x425.jpg)

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deec8b No.21518349

30 Aug, 2024 15:34

Kiev warns about millions of illegal firearms in circulation (some from Afghanistan likely)

Ukrainians are in possession of up to five million unregistered military-grade weapons, interior minister says

Millions of illegal military-grade firearms are circulating in Ukraine and Kiev is now trying to get the situation under control, Interior Minister Bogdan Drapaty has said.

The senior official made the remarks on Ukrainian TV on Friday, promoting a plan to address the problem of mass illegal-weaponry in the country, which was approved by the country’s parliament earlier this year.

While an exact number of illegal weapons held by Ukrainians is unknown, it is likely between two and five million pieces of military-grade firearms, the minister said, citing estimates by Kiev’s “European partners.”

The weaponry being held unlawfullyincludes “trophy” pieces found by civilians in combat zones, as well as firearms handed out in an uncontrolled fashion by the Ukrainian authorities themselves in the early days of the conflict with Russia, Drapaty explained. To avoid legal trouble, citizens must register their arsenals by December 25, he said.

“After declaring [firearms], a person will have the right to keep it as long as the martial law remains enacted, and to use it to resist armed aggression,” Drapaty stated, while urging civilians to use their firearms against the Russian military.

When martial law ends, the citizenry will have a 90-day period to surrender weaponry received from the Ukrainian authorities back to the state, he added. The firearms procured in such fashion remain Ukraine’s property, he stressed.

Civilians will be able to keep their “trophy”pieces of unknown origin when the conflict is over, with such weapons subject to conversion into civilian-legal firearms, according to Drapaty.

After the December 25 deadline, Ukrainian civilians will be obliged to immediately notify the authorities about any firearms they find.

Earlier this month, the Ukrainian parliament passed a controversial law which allows civilians to engage Russian forces on their own and to use their firearms at will.The legislation effectivelygoes against international law, which draws a clear distinction between civilians and combatants, with only the latter entitled to participate in hostilities during an armed conflict.


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d0ad7d No.21518350




Because really have no idea how often the MLAT map updates. Could be a month old for all I know.

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a385a4 No.21518351


The declaration is the banner for revolution, should the cheat the election, there is no doubt we go into a hot civil war.

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212fb0 No.21518352



'blueberry donut'

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8c2826 No.21518353

File: 66b34810b1dd175⋯.jpg (436.9 KB,1580x960,79:48,TrumpIsCiC.jpg)


Good thing DJT is CiC

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d73c03 No.21518354

File: 1c55c20e72e9b27⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,464x848,29:53,ssstwitter_com_17252187927….mp4)

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75c023 No.21518355


Most if not all of his podcasts have been stricken from the web. Copyright infringement over content ownership.

JASH? jews are super human.

No, realy.

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7d01fe No.21518356

File: 0d4ed8931b54f2e⋯.png (563.83 KB,860x573,860:573,ClipboardImage.png)


notable, out to lunch andrew bailey says. you what?

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522625 No.21518357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We compared similar stories involving Kamala and Trump to see if journalists still have integrity


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153bf4 No.21518359

File: e0f86bb6c95b257⋯.png (57.1 KB,766x496,383:248,12_15_.png)

File: 5394a78f8425cbb⋯.png (78.22 KB,766x628,383:314,37_3_.png)

File: 8c6a0440f574e91⋯.png (39.89 KB,766x496,383:248,102_2_.png)

File: ce2671883750479⋯.jpg (154.41 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,ce267188375047903c11f1705b….jpg)

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e5da66 No.21518360

File: 84558686ffadbeb⋯.jpg (979.84 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240829_172903….jpg)

File: b1da39acf4f7d8a⋯.jpg (96.38 KB,1280x640,2:1,rfk_4185751701.jpg)

Next thing you know, we'll have Rothschilds at Trump's inauguration

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ca4923 No.21518361

File: 708ca699b47663e⋯.png (468.55 KB,572x679,572:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ebac5 No.21518363

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e3dec6 No.21518364

File: ca23a9fce2ab9f8⋯.png (40.67 KB,801x759,267:253,ca23a9fce2ab9f8f187718e7e9….png)

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522625 No.21518365

File: 37869a4d6470de3⋯.png (69.38 KB,221x237,221:237,ClipboardImage.png)

17000 Dead children in Gaza

21000 missing Children

Not a word on those deaths!

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8b974b No.21518366

File: 3ae7e5344a5dfef⋯.png (94.14 KB,500x352,125:88,alrighty.png)


>No, realy.

Military is the Only Way…


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57e76b No.21518367


>'Muh' is not a branch of Judaism.

Fucking Kek! ™ that shit, Anon! You know they'll sue you to take take money from you.

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49ba35 No.21518368

File: 60fe6b33865d4a8⋯.jpg (109.2 KB,1070x602,535:301,HellsGates.JPG)

File: 5dfcd1bbbb4e876⋯.jpg (106.97 KB,798x1071,38:51,Traitor.JPG)

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a385a4 No.21518369


Well, Drawn and Quartered while Televised Internationally may do the trick also.

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e5da66 No.21518370

File: fd98fec32eb00a7⋯.jpg (23.13 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2795305882.jpg)

File: f6efa611f77a32a⋯.jpg (96.21 KB,2560x1600,8:5,797956_movies_2560x1600_sp….jpg)

File: d1d2b146305d37b⋯.jpg (94.06 KB,550x226,275:113,Fig010_1845792676.jpg)

File: e998a4898b232fa⋯.jpg (140.56 KB,599x887,599:887,2010ss_2863111901.jpg)

File: 90a205a29156dc7⋯.jpg (73.38 KB,1200x630,40:21,council_for_inclusive_capi….jpg)

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d2238e No.21518371


>Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky

What's the betting he's Jewish?

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de95d6 No.21518372

File: 3f6d5a4edd0f12e⋯.png (574.01 KB,600x810,20:27,3f6d5a4edd0f12ef0dffea64bb….png)

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dffb35 No.21518373


Facts rule over feels, Anon. Fuck it, let 'em come at me, bro. o/

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63a654 No.21518374

File: 8c722c5d20ed707⋯.png (263.75 KB,368x658,184:329,ClipboardImage.png)


>>What is a STAR???///

>Fusion reaction of gas and elements


>An actor that is famous

What do you believe about lithography…///

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295c25 No.21518375

File: 277cc09d9d1285f⋯.png (14.37 MB,402x267,134:89,GODWINS.png)

Stand With Israel and you stand with GOD!

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dffb35 No.21518376

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0a78b7 No.21518377

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)


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816f4e No.21518378


then no, I do not think I will.

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969842 No.21518379

File: e44278c534195eb⋯.png (945.96 KB,714x897,238:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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522625 No.21518380

File: 91e68024826ac47⋯.png (85.54 KB,670x606,335:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab6e1bd879bc34e⋯.png (94.81 KB,670x633,670:633,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb8ab4d0411fe48⋯.png (56.45 KB,696x397,696:397,ClipboardImage.png)

Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court

Ninth Circuit rejects 'free-wheeling' Section 230 immunity for Snapchat-integrated anonymous messaging app with 10 million users, overseen by 10 staff, that promised to ban and unmask users for bad behavior.

Days before the Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sent Big Tech lawyers scrambling by upending three decades of judicial precedents on Section 230 immunity from liability, its West Coast counterpart warned platforms their immunity had limits, too.

While far smaller in scope than the 3rd Circuit's ruling that TikTok could be held liable for a little girl's death by algorithmically recommending the video she fatally copied, likely to provoke Supreme Court intervention, the 9th Circuit ruling Aug. 22 against third-party Snapchat app developer Yolo also suggests judges are growing skeptical of maximalist views of the 1996 law.

Both cases stem from minors who died following their use of the apps – 10-year-old Nylah Anderson by asphyxiation from participating in TikTok's "Blackout Challenge," and 16-year-old Carson Bride by suicide after sustained cyberbullying through Yolo, which lets Snapchat users "ask public questions and send and receive anonymous responses," the 9th Circuit said.

The primary difference is the 3rd Circuit withheld immunity for TikTok's design – algorithmic recommendation – while the 9th Circuit faulted Yolo's promises to users but approved immunity for its anonymous design.

While the misrepresentation claims against Yolo are going forward, the 9th Circuit panel emphasized the opinion does not "expand liability for internet companies or make all violations of their own terms of service into actionable claims," but also does not "create a free-wheeling immunity for tech companies that is not enjoyed by other players in the economy."

The San Francisco-based appeals court struck down legislative regulation of tech design the week before the Yolo ruling, upholding part of a preliminary injunction against California's two-year-old Age-Appropriate Design Code Act.

Intended to ensure the design of online products "likely to be accessed by children" recognizes their "distinct needs," the law likely "facially violates" the First Amendment by requiring covered businesses to "opine on and mitigate the risk that children may be exposed to harmful or potentially harmful materials," according to the Democratic nominee-majority panel.

Yolo's terms of service promised users "it would reveal the identities of, and ban, anyone who engaged in bullying or harassing behavior" but it "never did so, and may have never intended to," for Bride or three other anonymous minors who are plaintiffs along with Bride's mother, according to the Aug. 22 ruling.

Two days after Kristin Bride sued Yolo, which had already drawn many negative Apple App Store reviews as a haven for bullying and harassment, Snapchat owner Snap cut off Yolo integration and later banned all anonymous messaging apps.

Yolo marketed itself "mainly" toward teenagers and quickly surged to the top of download charts, letting users respond to others' public questions and polls without divulging any "identifying data," the 9th Circuit said.


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28b8b5 No.21518381


Thank you!

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d2238e No.21518382


The short season for Satan before extermination in the fiery pit.

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3430d6 No.21518383

File: 7b0a3b5eb57c3ef⋯.png (645.02 KB,1242x1854,69:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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dffb35 No.21518384


>Stand With Israel

I won't stand with a load of land-grabbing, self appointed arbiters of righteousness that commit genocide, in the name of their deity.

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75dc63 No.21518385

File: 8091ac5a56c0386⋯.png (13.99 KB,701x60,701:60,Screenshot_2024_09_01_How_….png)



Thirsty tree indeed.

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153bf4 No.21518386

File: ec9651e9689e700⋯.png (241.56 KB,766x1842,383:921,1154.png)

File: 124b0cc66050fcf⋯.png (51.03 KB,766x540,383:270,1151_3_.png)


8 posts containing

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295c25 No.21518387



Who can stand against GOD?

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cdbb9c No.21518388

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Similar to Brazil

Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸




🚨🇮🇱 MASSIVE PROTEST in Israel calling on Netanyahu to RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!


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e5da66 No.21518389

File: 3e850cffcf2550c⋯.jpg (605.33 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_094121….jpg)

File: 55eddf5558d7dc2⋯.png (242.31 KB,480x291,160:97,Griffin_968285803.png)

File: a16660426c79a3b⋯.jpg (119.2 KB,600x600,1:1,hammer_and_sickle_cross_r_….jpg)

File: e1d31d6b84e77cb⋯.jpeg (36.11 KB,700x466,350:233,pope_francis_nancy_pelosi….jpeg)

File: 95b8fef0cc1b044⋯.jpg (707.58 KB,2560x1693,2560:1693,Pelosi_with_parents_and_JF….jpg)

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ca4923 No.21518390

File: 0236ff133110170⋯.png (528.56 KB,544x680,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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d50ac3 No.21518391

File: a886a59f07267db⋯.jpg (105.57 KB,1200x675,16:9,KH_StolenValor.jpg)

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dffb35 No.21518392

File: 6f3f335f014f415⋯.jpg (77.56 KB,735x500,147:100,Sky_Fairies.jpg)


Can I remind you that proof denies faith..?

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ca4923 No.21518393

File: 7e82a0f0c3af7e4⋯.png (546.18 KB,680x652,170:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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522625 No.21518394

File: 2ec3e19a8b60861⋯.png (255.46 KB,640x345,128:69,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b52d518cb58cd7⋯.png (49.82 KB,626x588,313:294,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dfd1144d7ff3e5⋯.png (49.93 KB,606x526,303:263,ClipboardImage.png)

The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'


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bbb149 No.21518395

File: fc6c90b46467aee⋯.png (529.12 KB,855x748,855:748,fc6c90b46467aeea0c18cc48cc….png)

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f5dd6a No.21518396

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522625 No.21518397

File: 1fb71b8cb30b99f⋯.png (647.25 KB,720x560,9:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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816f4e No.21518398


which one. Because I am pretty sure I can take them.

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d73c03 No.21518399

File: 9e5a9e3244cbaca⋯.png (100.05 KB,605x576,605:576,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80a11b8bfe1f985⋯.png (1.19 MB,768x783,256:261,80a11b8bfe1f985764f874cb81….png)

S p r i n t e r

@SprinterFamily 8h

🇮🇱 Earthquake in 8200 unit

The commander of the 8200 unit, the largest intelligence gathering unit of the Israeli army, plans to announce the end of his career and resign in the coming weeks.

Sep 1, 2024 · 10:58 AM UTC



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ca4923 No.21518401

File: 1ca56bce22114ea⋯.png (483.89 KB,472x680,59:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca4923 No.21518402

File: 312efe21ef8cde1⋯.png (311.49 KB,544x680,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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521273 No.21518403

File: 04afe566f922000⋯.jpeg (133.16 KB,1137x644,1137:644,IMG_2779.jpeg)

30 Aug, 2024 11:32

Medvedev believes he knows why Kiev wants Donbass

Ukraine and its sponsors only see Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics as a source of money, the former Russian president has said

Ukraine is fighting for Donbassbecause of the region's vast natural resources, which Kiev and its foreign backers want to exploit, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday.

The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, which officially joined Russia together withKherson and Zaporozhye Regions in the fall of 2022, are “completely alien” to Ukraine in terms of culture, Medvedev wrote on Telegram. The reason why the Kiev authorities are trying to get them back so desperately, he explained, “is trivial: money is needed.”

“The criminal clique” of Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky, which “has stolen so heavily,”has led the country’s economy to “disaster,”while Kiev’s backers in the US and the EU have also “spent a lot” on aiding Ukraine during conflict, which “irritates” their populations, Medvedev, who serves as deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, also pointed out.

The West needs a “payback” from Ukraine, he said, adding that it has nothing to do with Zelensky personally. “This kid will be gone soon, but the debt will remain. And it must be paid off, with interest,” the former president noted.

Medevdev reminded readers that, according to open-source data,the natural resources located in Donbass are estimated to be worth $7.3 trillion. The area is rich in coal, metals, rare-earth elements and other valuable materials, including lithium, he added. (Linsey Graham finally stated that months ago)

"To get access to the coveted minerals, the Western parasites shamelessly demand that their wards [in Kiev] wage war to the last Ukrainian,” he wrote.

Western politicians are “directly voicing” their plans, the official said, referring to a statement made by South Carolina’s Republican SenatorLindsey Graham. In June, the Republican lawmaker called Ukraine a “gold mine” due to its vast reserve of “critical minerals.” Graham argued that Washington should keep helping Kiev in the conflict with Moscow to make sure those “assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China.”

With the Russian military making steady gains in Donbass since the start of the year and now approaching the strategic town of Pokrovsk,“the fact remains that the economic basis of Ukrainian statehood has been undermined,”Medvedev wrote. The resource base that had been “illegally obtained” by Kiev after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 “has returned to its native country,” which is Russia, he said.

As for Ukraine, the Western aid it gets “will soon dry up” and all that awaits the country is “rapid decomposition and imminent disintegration,” the former president concluded.

(Not to mention the parts and businesses of Ukraine in Hunter's hands and therefore in the Bidan family grip)


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dd3c0f No.21518404


>which one. Because I am pretty sure I can take them.

Creator Source, and Anons would love to see you try!

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63a654 No.21518405


>Jews are just satanist.


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d50ac3 No.21518407

File: d410d625848a356⋯.jpg (417.74 KB,1905x1080,127:72,KH_Hooker.jpg)

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dffb35 No.21518408


Quoted by a journalist called 'Reich'. Some memes write themselves.

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e3dec6 No.21518409


Democracy is code for the Democratic Democrat Party.

Just another commie spewing their shit.

Just smell the panic.

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522625 No.21518410

Russian Strikes Obliterate Kiev Forces In Kursk

The Russian military repelled several Ukrainian attacks and launched destructive strikes against Kiev forces in the Kursk direction, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on September 1.

The Sever Group of Forces repelled four attacks near the settlements of Korenevo and Aleksandrovka, the ministry said in a briefing, adding that other attacks were thwarted close to the settlements of Nizhnaya Parovaya and Pogrebki.

“As a result, the AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine losses amounted to up to 30 troops killed and wounded, two armored fighting vehicles, and two motor vehicles,” the ministry said. “One AFU serviceman surrendered.”

The ministry also announced that Russian air and artillery strikes hit Ukraine’s 22nd, 61st, 115th mechanized brigades, 80th, 82nd air assault brigades, 152nd Jaeger Brigade, and the 1st National Guard Brigade near the settlements of Apanasovka, Borki, Vishnyovka, Gordeyevka, Ivashkovskiy, Lyubimovka, Lebedevka, Martynovka, Mikhailovka, Novoivanovka, Obukhovka, Orlovka, Plekhovo, Cherkasskoye Porechnoye, Russkoye Porechnoye and Snagost.

Other strikes targeted the reserve the 21st, 22nd, 41st mechanized brigades, 17th Tank Brigade, 80th, 82nd, 95th air assault brigades and the 36th Marine Brigade, 103rd, 107th, 129th territorial defense brigades close to the settlements of Belopoliye, Boyaro-Lezhachi, Glukhov, Luka, Obody, Orlovka, Svessa, Pershe Travnya, Sumy and Yunakovka in the Ukrainian region of Sumy, which borders Kursk.

“Over the past 24 hours, the AFU losses amounted to up to 360 troops and 23 units of hardware, including four tanks, one infantry fighting vehicle, two armored personnel carriers, 16 armored fighting vehicles, six artillery guns, including two Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery systems, three mortars, one electronic warfare station, one ANT/PQ-50 counter-battery radar station, and seven motor vehicles,” the ministry said.

“Since the beginning of hostilities in Kursk region, the AFU losses amounted to more than 8,500 troops, 80 tanks, 37 infantry fighting vehicles, 69 armored personnel carriers, 537 armored fighting vehicles, 249 motor vehicles, 62 artillery guns, 16 multiple-launch rocket systems [MLRS], including four of HIMARS system and two of MLRS system, five SAM [surface-to-air missile] launchers, 13 electronic warfare stations, six counter-battery radars, one air defense radar station, six engineering vehicles, including two counter obstacle vehicles and one UR-77 mine clearing vehicle,” it added.

Russian media released videos showing some of the recent strikes that hit Ukrainian troops, positions and equipment in Kursk and Sumy.


Videos in link

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ca4923 No.21518411

File: ab088ebaccfab20⋯.png (535.74 KB,680x506,340:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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42e630 No.21518412

File: e57b94b21115198⋯.png (51.56 KB,800x435,160:87,CA0817CC_C041_43D2_891A_09….png)

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ca4923 No.21518413

File: fd6463ff48fdb5f⋯.png (561.8 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f12a6e No.21518415


Early life and education

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295c25 No.21518416

File: 62716bfa9b007ad⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB,460x342,230:171,video_2024_08_28_06_50_52_….mp4)

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feff83 No.21518417

File: ebeafd8cbccbf8d⋯.png (125.64 KB,450x432,25:24,ebeafd8cbccbf8db1baf60f182….png)





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a3a4ca No.21518418

File: 189c884c7e25d12⋯.png (339.21 KB,1009x851,1009:851,ClipboardImage.png)

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57e76b No.21518419

File: 6853749f12f4613⋯.png (39.6 KB,480x649,480:649,ClipboardImage.png)


>Facts rule over feels, Anon. Fuck it, let 'em come at me, bro. o/

Kek. Oy vey! That's an anti-Semitisms™, Anon. You get 5 of those and they send you to Yeshiva for re-education.

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63a654 No.21518420



Did you know that New Eyes have no idea what this means and that it looks anti-semetic…///

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dffb35 No.21518421

File: 7373a02faf9b2f9⋯.jpg (92.24 KB,567x338,567:338,Faggots.jpg)


Some faggots have brains.

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75c023 No.21518422


So the monotheistic jews are actually attempting to please the goddess of Earth while thrusting their pelvis at the Whaling Wall.

Got it.

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816f4e No.21518423


and is that the god of the bible?

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ca4923 No.21518424

File: 4cbb47485fb3a3f⋯.png (595.46 KB,680x679,680:679,ClipboardImage.png)

https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1830302655832338707 >>21518413 (me)

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255c8e No.21518425

File: 2bd83a18083440f⋯.gif (1.53 MB,1447x964,1447:964,2bd83a18083440f47195b8cbb9….gif)

more notes @~ 291

#26363 >>21518042

>>21518100, >>21518094, >>21518088 LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

>>21518101 Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

>>21518128 Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

>>21518152 >>21518152 Senator @TomCottonAR SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos…

>>21518156, >>21518304 Planefaggin

>>21518204, >>21518171 Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

>>21518187 Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

>>21518189 ‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

>>21518198 Adele announces indefinite hiatus from music: ‘You won’t see me for an incredibly long time’

>>21518218 Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

>>21518224 PSA: How to pour a beer.

>>21518231 Don't get distracted; Epstein's clients are still raping children.

>>21518233 No one is safe with Kamala's open border.

>>21518240 Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

>>21518258 Russian government lists threats to country’s youth

>>21518291 Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal; protesters block Ayalon Highway

>>21518301 Meet your new neighbors if Kamala wins.

>>21518303 Bank of England staff told to share pronouns and use ‘gender neutral’ language

>>21518311 Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

>>21518314 Zelensky fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss

>>21518345 On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

>>21518349 Kiev warns about millions of illegal firearms in circulation

>>21518380 Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court

>>21518394 The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'

>>21518403 Medvedev believes he knows why Kiev wants Donbass


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57e76b No.21518426


>Jews are just satanist.

Kek. That still ties them to Christianity, Anon. Whoever wins, we lose. That was the game from the get-go.

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63a654 No.21518427


>Oy vey!

Did you know that Jews are on Q team and Q+ team?///

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42e630 No.21518428

File: 3fdd4d8b1a40112⋯.jpeg (47.24 KB,332x226,166:113,4C542484_BB5F_48B6_9BB1_F….jpeg)

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75dc63 No.21518429


"Guardian" of WHO or WHAT?

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dffb35 No.21518430


Kuss meyn tuches. Oy Gavalt!

(I'm not Jewish BTW)

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d3876a No.21518431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Based guy INFILTRATES the msnbc focus group… What happens next is too good

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153bf4 No.21518432

File: cdfb640040f1b0e⋯.gif (194.78 KB,220x171,220:171,muppets_the_muppet_show.gif)

File: 5e0c84f8cdcc03a⋯.png (567.79 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_154159.png)

File: 0f9ffb83c9d2334⋯.png (40.8 KB,766x496,383:248,335_1_.png)

File: 561ee22c1506072⋯.png (173.97 KB,766x1822,383:911,1535.png)

File: d6cf92fef3f3acd⋯.gif (7.5 MB,668x500,167:125,statler_and_waldorf_agreei….gif)

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dffb35 No.21518433

File: 2804dd32a24002c⋯.png (104.57 KB,197x220,197:220,2804dd32a24002c629fd822f4a….png)

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212fb0 No.21518434


glazed donuts

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ca4923 No.21518435

File: 3696fa851d76f5f⋯.png (1.62 MB,1013x1012,1013:1012,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21518424 (me)


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969842 No.21518436


>New Eyes have no idea what this means

nobody does

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feff83 No.21518437

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smoking_pepe21.png)








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1308f0 No.21518438

Is "4 million deported" the next "repeat it until they believe it" lie?

Tim Kaine just said on FOX Sunday morning talk show (Shannon Bream) that 4 MILLION have been deported under Biden/Harris.


Searched for sauce for the above claim and found Wikipedia also citing wild numbers without any sauce:

"In Obama's first three years in office, around 1.18 million people were deported, while around 800,000 deportations took place under Trump in his three years of presidency.[21] In the final year of his presidency Trump deported an additional 186,000 immigrants, bringing his total to just under 1 million for his full presidency.[22]

"Since Biden has taken over office, these numbers have increased drastically. During the course of the 24 months of the 2019 and 2020 fiscal years, the DHS documented 1.4 million arrests under Trump. On the other hand, in less than 26 months, the Biden administration's DHS has made over 5 million arrests. Furthermore, the Biden administration has deported the majority of individuals apprehended, but the Trump administration deported a minority of them."


Not only are "arrests" interchanged with "apprehended" - a distinction that may or may not have a difference - but that would support (a claim with no citation to a source), Kaines' claim today that 4 million were deported under Biden/Harris.

Is this the new fake news talking point?

And is going to have to be corrected/ downsized substantially like the fake jobs numbers - but only after the election?

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0a78b7 No.21518439

File: ccdf6abad71c78e⋯.jpg (10.43 KB,255x144,85:48,aa4ed0c2d87fca6b6a01cc5c60….jpg)

I wonder what rock that generic and idiotic MuhGuhGaytriot faggot crawled under for the mimicry to take his place.

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57e76b No.21518440


>Did you know that Jews are on Q team and Q+ team?

Yup. What does that say, though, about all the ones on the outside, who are going along with Cabalists like Reich, Levine, Shapiro, Stewart, et al? Why aren't "normie Jews"™ calling all these elite sicko Jews out? All quiet on that front. Always has been.

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dffb35 No.21518441


It's used as a trope, to highlight posts that are detrimental to some of the shills' causes. The posts involved may not be anti-semetic.

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e3dec6 No.21518442


Not all Zionists are Jews.

Not all Jews are Zionists.

Zionists — Communists — Satanists — Globohomo — Big Club ± Useful Idiots

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212fb0 No.21518443


MOObamaHO ruinin plnut wiff babel juws

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255c8e No.21518444



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969842 No.21518445

File: 04258d35fb2c167⋯.jpg (20.28 KB,297x293,297:293,detected.JPG)

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57e76b No.21518446

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Kek. Indeed…..

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dffb35 No.21518447

File: 2804dd32a24002c⋯.png (104.57 KB,197x220,197:220,2804dd32a24002c629fd822f4a….png)



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e5da66 No.21518448

File: 11cc78ca9428b24⋯.jpg (500.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_124039….jpg)

File: 5c3982daa5aa8d6⋯.jpg (538.63 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_124030….jpg)

File: 55cb12cfb1c31d5⋯.jpg (23.63 KB,474x336,79:56,th_3842657634.jpg)

File: f2b80ebd11b88e6⋯.jpg (46.92 KB,474x348,79:58,th_2435187658.jpg)

File: c8de0f8bf79e9dc⋯.jpg (39.13 KB,474x266,237:133,th_593665812.jpg)

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0a78b7 No.21518449

File: 752bd36bb568be4⋯.jpg (78.02 KB,500x499,500:499,752bd36bb568be41464fa926b4….jpg)

Trickle on one, focus on the other. Never split fire of equal strength.

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63a654 No.21518450



I know what it means… just wanted to know how you look to others on the team…//

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522625 No.21518451

File: 531c1c8d6db039c⋯.png (1.07 MB,990x644,495:322,ClipboardImage.png)

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dffb35 No.21518452

'Muh' is not a branch of Judaism, just remember that…

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feff83 No.21518453

File: 4a19464382993b3⋯.jpg (138.11 KB,611x588,611:588,4a19464382993b39b3c52e93fc….jpg)

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57e76b No.21518454


>Did you know that New Eyes have no idea what this means and that it looks anti-semetic…///

Anon, that's preciselywhyhe's doing it. You new here?

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522625 No.21518455

File: 27f169aea84279a⋯.png (398.52 KB,452x678,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

The "savior" of Argentina just stole the entire gold reserve of the nation

Transferred 1.5 billion in gold to his bosses in London

"I say stole, because Argentines are saying it, for to remove the entire gold reserve without the consent of the nation is a theft; and clearly this action is indefensible, because if you promised to get the nation out of debt, you certainly are obliged not only not to take on more loans, but to not give up the nation's gold reserve to secure more loans. Instead, Javier Milei could have issued gold back notes and gradually replaced the worthless currency of Argentina with real money, thus saving the economy and giving the people a way out of the endless cycle of inflation which has robbed them of their savings, salaries and wealth. Now, however, Argentina is stripped entirely bare and will become the total plaything of international banksters."


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feff83 No.21518456

File: 752bd36bb568be4⋯.jpg (78.02 KB,500x499,500:499,752bd36bb568be41464fa926b4….jpg)



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75dc63 No.21518457


If a cat could summon Cathulhu would you ever again neglect the kitty litter pan cleaning duty? I think not.

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63a654 No.21518458

File: 5017b569dcc274b⋯.png (1.37 MB,1246x700,89:50,ClipboardImage.png)


This is done for FEELINGS… what creates FEELINGS…///

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d73c03 No.21518459

File: 7287a13f1e467a6⋯.png (316.02 KB,544x586,272:293,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ab6fda2406e214⋯.png (87.16 KB,616x488,77:61,ClipboardImage.png)


>The commander of the 8200 unit, the largest intelligence gathering unit of the Israeli army, plans to announce the end of his career and resign in the coming weeks.

Probably dead.


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e3dec6 No.21518460


Tim Kaine

Check. He on the list already.

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dffb35 No.21518461


Cats prove that the Earth isn't flat. They would have pushed everything off the edge by now.

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5f2c58 No.21518462


my fellow americans, merchan is a faggot

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969842 No.21518463

File: ccbb89c93ee7e9c⋯.png (479.39 KB,521x482,521:482,rabb4.png)

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ca4923 No.21518464

File: 183bffaa2968b5f⋯.png (437.84 KB,458x680,229:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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824626 No.21518465

File: 275bbc2e5945238⋯.jpg (145.26 KB,720x978,120:163,275bbc2e59452389f426cf2178….jpg)

A shit house rat won't even take a shit in a democrats toilet kitchen.

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0a78b7 No.21518466

File: fe45637b7bdb7c5⋯.webp (63.89 KB,610x492,305:246,p1rewi9h3c5d1.webp)

Just a sad, pathetic display. Ranting like a homeless person, with red text to boot. Reduced to imitation and chasing the trivialities of the old guard.

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b64393 No.21518467

File: 77854d1fac613dd⋯.jpg (346.19 KB,720x1389,240:463,Screenshot_20240901_145112….jpg)

File: d9d86e340b7d123⋯.gif (700.2 KB,480x270,16:9,d9d86e340b7d1234e730ee385a….gif)

File: 3993a48a9f651eb⋯.png (122.29 KB,400x400,1:1,3993a48a9f651eb7b38a9436c6….png)

File: 2dc6ebca9c60cc6⋯.png (322.75 KB,551x345,551:345,2dc6ebca9c60cc6f71d516b71f….png)


Need Trump Weed Memes Stat!!!



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255c8e No.21518468


can you grab more sauce, please?

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feff83 No.21518469

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,c4e6d9850f94135bb1836511af….jpg)

Kekking bigly AF

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212fb0 No.21518470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

tension faggo$

grat durppression blamed on

<GPAs unpaiD whaluurgay thong in 1922

WHALE in cia not paid yet

<kuntinu vag gene seance an beliebur tulips


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e5da66 No.21518471

File: 48f811e8aacd547⋯.jpg (29.13 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2221476334.jpg)



Literals vs. PhoeneticZ

https://www.worldhistory.org › article › 897 › the-phoenicians—master-mariners

The Phoenicians - Master Mariners - World History Encyclopedia

Phoenician ships were represented in the art of their neighbours, and their seamanship is praised above all other by such ancient writers as Homer and Herodotus. If any nation could claim to be the masters of the seas, it was the Phoenicians.

https://phoenician.org › ancient_ships

Phoenician Ships, Boats and Sea Trade - Phoenicians in Phoenicia

Jan 16, 2024Before that time, ancient ships were quite spectacular. The rise of the Phoenicians'

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522625 No.21518472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Original Lolita’s Disturbing Backstory

Sue Lyon shot to fame as the suggestive character Dolores “Lolita” Haze in Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film Lolita. But the controversial nature of the role was closer to reality than anyone knew.

Lyon was 14 when Lolita was made in 1962. This movie was written and directed by Jews. How did it and Woody Allen's Manhatten slip under the pedophile radar???


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153bf4 No.21518473

File: b8e827b703e5572⋯.png (306.67 KB,400x596,100:149,b8e827b703e55723fc74fcbef3….png)

File: 0e0b0afee335181⋯.jpeg (407.98 KB,1500x500,3:1,1500x500_3_.jpeg)

File: 4c09a2ca6e7cb8e⋯.jpeg (249.64 KB,1365x1365,1:1,GVrYT5BWwAA8cxB.jpeg)

File: 4649d6942674419⋯.jpeg (54.26 KB,680x382,340:191,7xzgJrwR.jpeg)

File: bce19fc55cf3ac9⋯.jpg (112.74 KB,760x420,38:21,Stevie_Wonder_Songs_in_the….jpg)


wej issues are so tiresome got any cracker + nigger Larp schtick..

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ca4923 No.21518474

File: dd5a87b1f053d96⋯.png (546.27 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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522625 No.21518475

File: 9b390b3cc644402⋯.png (965.38 KB,959x743,959:743,ClipboardImage.png)

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63a654 No.21518476


>Anon, that's preciselywhyhe's doing it. You new here?

That's why I point it out… ///

Don't let them dominate the discourse..///

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8b974b No.21518477

File: 1d55f162a5d1cad⋯.jpg (20.01 KB,220x204,55:51,220px_Titor_insignia.jpg)


A valid scenario from my perch.


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ca4923 No.21518479

File: 9db47fa93027164⋯.png (601.44 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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feff83 No.21518480

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)

File: 699091b689d31da⋯.jpg (688.34 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240805_125052….jpg)

Still rent free

Still winning

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522625 No.21518481

File: 42ee4396d59cda9⋯.png (741.06 KB,956x640,239:160,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e13ece47e4e55d3⋯.png (112.51 KB,963x555,321:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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dffb35 No.21518482


What about Taxi Driver too, with de Niro?

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969842 No.21518483

File: 7f62b1797d2ac48⋯.png (2.54 MB,1057x1653,1057:1653,7f62b1797d2ac48cafe3647b5b….png)

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295c25 No.21518484

God stands with Israel

All the enemies of Israel will perish

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153bf4 No.21518485

File: 04b791ef4a1e9c9⋯.png (392.27 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_155633.png)

File: 548412e71ee98c3⋯.webp (18.99 KB,480x313,480:313,hells_angels.webp)

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0a78b7 No.21518486

File: 7421b46ab0edbd9⋯.gif (930.76 KB,450x338,225:169,boring.gif)


>Kekking bigly AF

None, moar bigly that I, because your spam fucktardery is now concentrated on harmless memes and obsession of imitation of one individual. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Simple Legion, you're hardly the image of menace that you used to be to this board. You did that all on your own with your fragile ego and devotion to a communistic view of anonymity. Carry on, little failfag. I'm sure to leave some scraps for you laying around.

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b06d9b No.21518487

File: 600f8001b207ec9⋯.png (1.52 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Keep up. kek

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816f4e No.21518488


fuck off you and your god of war.

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8f4ecc No.21518490

File: 6c6a2a976a439a7⋯.png (303.8 KB,832x700,208:175,cnn_chutzpah_don_lemon_whi….png)


>(I'm not Jewish BTW)

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d73c03 No.21518491

File: 4fc3bf8c5e8912c⋯.jpg (208.43 KB,1231x1657,1231:1657,media_GPqpOuFW8AAwCfz.jpg)


>God stands with Israel

Demons are not God.

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4db157 No.21518492

File: ca55a3c660b0b65⋯.png (28.34 KB,642x238,321:119,ClipboardImage.png)


>Dean Erwin Chemerinsky



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2ca134 No.21518493


AI no understandee barristics

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522625 No.21518494

File: 890ab729dcb20c1⋯.png (458.95 KB,959x658,137:94,ClipboardImage.png)


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7d01fe No.21518495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


anon believes that anons are fighting the wrong enemy.

We need to go after the fake news media and their lying journalists and talking heads.

full force on social media.

nothing will change while they can lie with impunity without push back.


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63a654 No.21518496


>Demons are not God.

Does God use Demons.///

Does God allows others to use Demons.///

Are Demons always Evil or have they Recently been MADE to be Evil and thus Behave so…///

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153bf4 No.21518497

File: aff107cdd5d5fa8⋯.jpg (32.75 KB,200x284,50:71,ak47_jesus_1_.jpg)

File: 40a19dc56828490⋯.jpg (95.6 KB,900x750,6:5,jesus_christ.jpg)

File: 0035ab49b54d14e⋯.jpg (178.47 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_12_.jpg)

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522625 No.21518498

File: 4a1a80477b5d045⋯.png (72.49 KB,421x421,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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212fb0 No.21518499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HORNY PEDERAST SCREAMIN 'CAT IFARTED' ovur FiB an bungholgate simony queer feels buuk exposes itself to sum nigggay monologs fo sho

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8f4ecc No.21518500

File: b783db7b49c757a⋯.png (329.81 KB,699x529,699:529,Kubrick_DARPA_BS.png)

File: 6b02b2a21f03d8f⋯.png (7.61 MB,4902x3372,817:562,KUBRICK_LOLITA.png)

File: 43649fdfb03761e⋯.png (848.66 KB,1024x706,512:353,kubrick_pedo.png)


>Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film Lolita

communist propagandist one of the earliest pushers of pedophilia in hollywood

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f12a6e No.21518501


Stirring the pot

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69ec10 No.21518502

File: d5d14d847bc9c4b⋯.png (74.69 KB,511x488,511:488,ClipboardImage.png)


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75c023 No.21518503


… nope

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dffb35 No.21518504

In space, no-one can hear you Muhjooo….

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816f4e No.21518505


another lie.

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212fb0 No.21518506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

psychotic pshchophants psychophantically feels drumpf larpin DeNile fillurin econ in durh closet liar rate

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b06d9b No.21518507

File: 70a011b4021b36e⋯.png (1.1 MB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)


>Thornton Township Supervisor and Mayor of Dolton Tiffany Henyard

She looks like her actions.

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969842 No.21518509

File: 6f3eba655e69a43⋯.jpg (98 KB,626x625,626:625,68100210a7adb22e.jpg)

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e18c17 No.21518510

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dffb35 No.21518511


Jodie Foster in 'Taxi Driver'. De Niro was in it too.

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d0ad7d No.21518512

File: 32d66d84d1f6684⋯.png (1.67 MB,1234x968,617:484,ClipboardImage.png)


>What about Taxi Driver too, with de Niro?

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212fb0 No.21518513

perniciousness is not perdition

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824626 No.21518514

File: 40095bee7467c12⋯.mp4 (13.99 MB,1088x1472,17:23,40095bee7467c12790e7d685bd….mp4)


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d73c03 No.21518515

File: c121b6711d04cdf⋯.png (104.43 KB,630x433,630:433,ClipboardImage.png)


@AdameMedia 59m

Israeli medics are systematically mass r*ping female patients in psychiatric mental hospital wards.

900 cases of SA in 3 years.

Never forget how obsessed with r*pe they are.

Sep 1, 2024 · 7:02 PM UTC



The original God, the creator of the universe, is unknown to humans. Human stories about God only refer to powerful beings who inhabited the earth in ancient times.

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88fbac No.21518516

Is it true, the 9-11 event, invasion of Iraq was all to loot the secret ancient Looking glass tech from the Iraqi museums?

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6a340f No.21518517

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4765eb No.21518518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I was not a big fan of Tulsi’s. However, the is magnificent in this in this clip on CNN with CIA Operative, Jeremy Bash’s wife, Dana. She proves that she is very smart. She leaves Dana Bash stammering and flustered. Dana Bash said she had no idea Harris Adm put her on terrorists watch list. I wish Tulsi had mentioned that Biden used Cemetery for photo ops, but she didn’t, because Bash seemed totally unaware of that too.

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cdbb9c No.21518519


In Taxi Driver when DeNiro is talking to Jodie Foster the 12yr old prostitute he is telling her her pimp calls her a "little piece of chicken"

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d3876a No.21518521

File: 1cfb717409b1ac4⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,480x640,3:4,dong.mp4)



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dffb35 No.21518522

File: 3b62c30fd25d75f⋯.png (455.84 KB,480x711,160:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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969842 No.21518523

File: 3a20586f37902a0⋯.png (1.06 MB,638x771,638:771,PULLIT2.png)

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153bf4 No.21518524

File: cf4ef33ba1102a9⋯.png (411.42 KB,766x748,383:374,545.png)

File: d7eb0ff665c9922⋯.png (629.15 KB,689x933,689:933,d7eb0ff665c9922da10600559a….png)

File: d2b0c4c7f7973c9⋯.jpeg (364.47 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWVCylcXAAAGaEl.jpeg)

File: 9d63859141dee21⋯.jpeg (350.33 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWVCzskXIAA1GKe.jpeg)

File: c2d5cbcc6685167⋯.jpeg (347.02 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,GWVCxaWWYAED5i7.jpeg)


gas gas gas it's a blast

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5fa990 No.21518525

>>21517433, >>21517548, >>21517624 Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft

Anyone else think of "independence Day" and the aliens' countdown timer?

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212fb0 No.21518526

stebil cukin hovete still

oh bother

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e3dec6 No.21518527








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816f4e No.21518528


stargate not looking glass. although some say it might be the same thing. I personally think it is two different technologies but they could be used together possibly.

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1827ae No.21518529

File: 79c9277362e2861⋯.png (452.15 KB,1098x612,61:34,POTUS_qualify.png)


bitch don't qualify

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d73c03 No.21518530

File: 8e7c0da054bfb7e⋯.jpg (107.73 KB,959x1248,959:1248,media_GWalzGPaUAAUiI0.jpg)

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8f4ecc No.21518531

File: 184cdb2c6a1c805⋯.jpg (73.26 KB,700x546,50:39,trukey_no_moderate_islam.jpg)

File: 6ff5b3e0f65cd45⋯.png (129.47 KB,590x717,590:717,moderate_muslim.png)

File: 7df4b75122769ec⋯.png (27.67 KB,622x278,311:139,TRAVERSABLE_WORMHOLES_STAR….png)

File: 710ca1f896cbc81⋯.png (34.26 KB,934x826,467:413,TRAVERSABLE_WORMHOLES_STAR….png)

File: 2d33dba49b9df6f⋯.jpg (130.2 KB,700x393,700:393,gouald_stargate.jpg)


just like those moderate muslims


>Israeli medics are systematically mass r*ping female patients in psychiatric mental hospital wards.

>900 cases of SA in 3 years.

1 every day


>invasion of Iraq was all to loot the secret ancient Looking glass tech

I'm gonna guess no

would make a cool movie tho

Stargate: Q Force

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dffb35 No.21518532


It sounds a bit like submariners, banging on the hull..?

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cdbb9c No.21518533

File: 066375aaccddc9f⋯.jpg (62.82 KB,594x396,3:2,c4f6b9ed458c2216b47ea84e23….jpg)


The Red and White is also a Papal symbology

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212fb0 No.21518534

oh no

imaginary frens ar sharin bungholgate trivia

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8ed0d9 No.21518535

File: f6d2a452c602fd4⋯.jpg (64.33 KB,640x480,4:3,923m6w.jpg)

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b06d9b No.21518536

File: 140eaff0c0e94ef⋯.png (10.38 MB,3210x2507,3210:2507,Beers_Hottie_Ginger.png)



How would one attempt to say the burp alphabet

after drinking that. Fuck off!

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c2b44d No.21518537

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

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212fb0 No.21518538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@$$hol used to make people climb sell towers before they were shot

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824626 No.21518539


Nigga clean your chin..lol

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816f4e No.21518540


and this is what happens when you let people rule based on fictional books that have been placed their to give them the moral authority to do shit like this.

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57e76b No.21518541

File: 23d6adf1f457bb7⋯.png (32.77 KB,500x546,250:273,ClipboardImage.png)


>God stands with Israel

I'm sure it does.

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173700 No.21518542


bibi/biden/Harris response moar bombs

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212fb0 No.21518543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d3876a No.21518544

John Solomon on X - 12 posts today

published 4 articles about jews/israel

another Sara Carter… unfollowed





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feff83 No.21518545

The winning is palpable. Don't even need to lift a finger to send them into a mouth frothing seething frenzy. Doesn't even take a meme.

Winning bigly.

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d2238e No.21518546

A former CIA guy said it was true!

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68753e No.21518547

White man scuffles with robber in Union Sq San Francisco - gets shot - both transported to hospital. Suspect arrested, again. Suspect is known gang member, was apprehended in the same place 3 days ago with a gun and released. We know suspect is black because no description other than 17 yo gang member has been released, because racism.

How long before the 49ers White rookie is charged and sent to prison for defending himself?


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4765eb No.21518548


Those masses are paid for by Soros

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69ec10 No.21518549

File: 78fb2260f8fd8f7⋯.png (69.72 KB,511x488,511:488,ClipboardImage.png)

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153bf4 No.21518550

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c2b44d No.21518551

File: a716c2ddf7e4915⋯.png (716.26 KB,529x614,529:614,ClipboardImage.png)

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da6782 No.21518552

File: f2fd013b2679803⋯.png (807.72 KB,685x1154,685:1154,ClipboardImage.png)


>God stands with Israel


>All the enemies of Israel will perish


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8f4ecc No.21518553

File: 8988514cda99da5⋯.jpg (424.95 KB,1280x720,16:9,SouthPark_stargate.jpg)


always shown as ripply water effect so also known as watergate

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feff83 No.21518554

File: 8d8a333995e4f01⋯.png (1.8 MB,1024x1024,1:1,8d8a333995e4f0135859077bcb….png)

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e3dec6 No.21518555


>We need to go after the fake news media.

Where you been the last decade?

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63a654 No.21518556


>God stands with Israel

>All the enemies of Israel will perish

Has God ever punished Israel…///

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feff83 No.21518557

File: 443ef017a6148c1⋯.png (433.23 KB,491x469,491:469,443ef017a6148c19962907640f….png)





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d2238e No.21518558


>Bank of England staff have been told to share their pronouns at the start of meetings and use “gender neutral” language when speaking to customers. The Telegraph has the details.

"Wank of England" badge for the tossers

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bbb149 No.21518559

File: 6ceab73bbe9973c⋯.jpg (281.11 KB,1068x867,356:289,6ceab73bbe9973cc014235126e….jpg)


Damn kids nowadays can't even appreciate a good burp.

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30e0b7 No.21518560

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816f4e No.21518561


the question between the two depending on definition is one is supposed to be only able to view things like a TV of alternate histories a probability machine of sorts. Maybe it is just super advanced AI, the worm hole thing might be able to either hop in time but that would enter into the role of dimensions also. SO alternate histories and stuff which would ruin the purpose of the idea of the probability tv.

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153bf4 No.21518562

File: 902ef124e8a394e⋯.png (542.67 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_161255.png)

File: f8aa21c2bcf0922⋯.png (96.52 KB,766x1086,383:543,355_1_.png)

File: e497e7a389db0fb⋯.jpeg (327.86 KB,964x895,964:895,GWamrBKWoAEu_QZ.jpeg)

File: 5e5ec38f19e1832⋯.png (32.13 KB,766x452,383:226,1555_1_.png)

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da6782 No.21518563

File: 9f4df181f558db1⋯.webm (1.55 MB,480x600,4:5,1725193360698539.webm)



Have some cake

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8f4ecc No.21518564

File: adee5cf0d9c60eb⋯.png (120.01 KB,1272x1041,424:347,pompeo_on_your_new_obligat….png)


>another Sara Carte

another someone that's for sure

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ca4923 No.21518565


>another Sara Carter… unfollowed


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173700 No.21518566

remember when antifa Palestinians and Jews all rioted in one peaceful summer of love

what habbenede==d

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78baf4 No.21518567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hello, Q.

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d73c03 No.21518568

File: 674788982173980⋯.jpg (150.39 KB,1920x800,12:5,a22cad901c007b4fae82409b2f….jpg)



They even make movies and make money from rape.

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63a654 No.21518569


>The original God, the creator of the universe, is unknown to humans.

Are you sure… how can you be so sure, were you there when I created the Oceans…///?/?/?

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feff83 No.21518570

File: 4b2de186ddef0a1⋯.png (358.21 KB,771x565,771:565,4b2de186ddef0a1fa8a49b4ee5….png)





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d2238e No.21518571


>Bank of England Staff Told to Share Pronouns and Use “Gender Neutral” Language

Collectively known as "Wankers"

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8ed0d9 No.21518572


it's a spiritual promise from the Bible, HOWEVER, evil people have turned it in to a lucrative large-scale GRIFT and DECEPTION.

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0a78b7 No.21518573

File: 34c3df33e84cd73⋯.png (867.65 KB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f4ecc No.21518574

File: e5966585f1676ee⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,Terry_Davis_He_Elon_Musk_T….mp4)

File: ac36014e575d22a⋯.png (156.63 KB,1200x630,40:21,binary_god_ra_on_matrix_tw….png)

File: 7dbbf5062ddce1d⋯.png (81.84 KB,819x587,819:587,unix_time_matrix.png)

File: 02723442f53a9d0⋯.png (903.46 KB,578x1487,578:1487,they_live_glasses_meme_pfi….png)

File: bfa6a8fb076cd2d⋯.png (587.95 KB,860x924,215:231,vovac_novak_is_it_matrix_v….png)



When it gets too movielike I start defaulting to matrix theory tbh

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212fb0 No.21518575



gaygay whaluuuurgay notinjunniggs caught holohoax fichtl botnet wiff thong

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b64393 No.21518576

File: 8c558f42cfc19c6⋯.png (1.37 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725221745189.png)

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816f4e No.21518577


complete with fancy action music videos.

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153bf4 No.21518578

File: 0db9aa79f2532c5⋯.png (489.95 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_161540.png)

File: fbdcdfbb1f2f30e⋯.png (780.8 KB,766x1910,383:955,345_1_.png)

File: d4902499ff81dd0⋯.png (198.36 KB,766x1908,383:954,1545.png)

File: d1cb7e4e5d28d20⋯.png (377.43 KB,766x752,383:376,1651.png)



video timestamp is

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5d5d8a No.21518579

File: 2609fcaa886526d⋯.png (59.5 KB,470x486,235:243,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders. Americans are getting slaughtered overseas, while Kamala is disparaging and making up lies about Gold Star families, and Biden is sleeping on the beach on this 16th consecutive day of vacation. They have blood on their hands! Sadly, this is the total lack of “Leadership” that Kamala and Biden represent — One that allows terrorists to take American lives, because they only care about Weaponizing the Department of Justice against their Political Opponent. Just like the Debacle of the Afghanistan Withdrawal that claimed 13 American lives, Kamala and Biden’s judgment has not only put lives at risk, but is directly responsible for unnecessary deaths that should have never happened.

Our Country and our amazing people are not safe under Joe Biden, and will be less safe under Kamala Harris. This terror would have never happened if I were President, and it will stop the day I am back in the Oval Office. America will be Strong Again, and that will make the World Safe and Secure!


1:00 PM · Sep 1, 2024

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7d01fe No.21518580

File: ec31afbde88deae⋯.mp4 (15.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,what_conspiracy.mp4)


Truth trips chek'ed

of course anon has been here.

but what anon is talking about is finding the journalists names and social media accounts and sending them a direct message and pointing out their lies on mass.

anon can track any journalist around the world all anon needs is their name.

The top down tabloids are the wapo, nyp, times, guardian, politico, axios plus others.

focus on them directly and show the lurkers the way…

The t.v talking heads are pathetic and hardly anyone watches them anymoar.

The landscape for news has changed with the internet.

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feff83 No.21518581

File: c39c6d77bf3fccf⋯.gif (34.43 KB,216x200,27:25,popcorn2.gif)









MuUUUUUuuUuUuUuuUuuUUUUUuUhhHHHHHhhh JooOOOOOooooOooOooOOoooooo

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b64393 No.21518582

File: 56dbe5bbeb03490⋯.gif (3.73 MB,720x540,4:3,Trump_Legalize_Weed_1.gif)

File: f1aaccfa9dcf2d5⋯.png (39.04 KB,157x153,157:153,1725221530650.png)

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e3dec6 No.21518583


I get it now.

He died on leap year day Feb. 29th 2012, so really he's only been dead 3 years. Got it.

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3aae5c No.21518585

File: 4b91657d18fa53c⋯.png (390.59 KB,454x487,454:487,ClipboardImage.png)


>What do you believe about lithography…///

Sometimes useful

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212fb0 No.21518587


patron saint of buttdisorders admits twat fayk

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b64393 No.21518588

File: f1aaccfa9dcf2d5⋯.png (39.04 KB,157x153,157:153,1725221530650.png)

File: 7a026673fa9e07d⋯.png (1.19 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725221648679.png)

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69ec10 No.21518589

File: ae7a3c70457830d⋯.png (55.29 KB,663x490,663:490,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6311b No.21518590

File: 4f42e3d48f04f8e⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,1249x1463,1249:1463,IMG_3253.jpeg)

File: 4689d483f6a7cdf⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1249x1475,1249:1475,IMG_3254.jpeg)

File: b23d7c5da5592b9⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB,1249x1462,1249:1462,IMG_3255.jpeg)

PDJT posting from X

Vote Trump <<< NOT Trump Vance, NOT Trump 2024




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b64393 No.21518591

File: 4382ee45e5905d7⋯.png (1.09 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725221600115.png)

File: 93ee361d124a43c⋯.gif (3.79 MB,720x540,4:3,Trump_Legalize_Weed_2.gif)

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212fb0 No.21518592


> thong

>Disclaimer:thong wuz GPAs an bespoke to area

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d73c03 No.21518593

File: 90377ed5ac43f99⋯.png (19.63 KB,625x156,625:156,ClipboardImage.png)

Ryan Dawson

@RyLiberty Aug 30

6 Israeli tourists were stabbed in Taba, Egypt. The fight started after the Israelis refused to pay their bill at a 5 star hotel.

Aug 30, 2024 · 8:29 PM UTC



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feff83 No.21518594

File: ece69500c6a1d5d⋯.png (314.79 KB,382x380,191:190,ece69500c6a1d5d51170eeaec4….png)

There's so much goddamn muhjoo in here tonight it completely destroys the big poor dumb bastards projection that muhjoo is mutually exclusive to Anons. Kinda destroys that bigly. Just thought I'd point that out.

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57e76b No.21518596

File: f84c2be69038af6⋯.png (242.98 KB,1000x848,125:106,ClipboardImage.png)


>What's the betting he's Jewish?

Kek. He just exudes evil…..

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75c023 No.21518597


Took some practice, but the perfecta is the burp, cough, sneeze with fart embellishment.

The good ol' days.

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153bf4 No.21518598

File: aaf1a07399b1cfe⋯.png (78.74 KB,766x672,383:336,1652.png)

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212fb0 No.21518599

File: 0e04da454e5254f⋯.jpg (79.53 KB,900x506,450:253,GO3EieZa4AI2WLh.jpg)

nazi spaceshi[] cry

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d6311b No.21518600


PapiTrumpo isn’t PDJT

That account trashes VPPence

PDJT says WE Won 2020…that includes VPPence

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75dc63 No.21518602


They did one with Brooke Shields, too.

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dffb35 No.21518603


Jesus saves, Moses invests. You don't get rich by spending money...

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0a78b7 No.21518604

File: 54f055689028be7⋯.jpg (54.44 KB,600x400,3:2,tinyfrog3.jpg)


You wanna know how you admit you're losing without saying you're losing, Simple Legion? You obsess over one individual and try imitating him to create an exaggerated malicious "parody." As genuine in intent as RRN's "satire." I filter you now and you become even moar irrelevant, but I'm sure you'll continue dancing around like a little dumbfuck in there for anyone that's willing to give you the attention you crave.

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e3dec6 No.21518605


Garrison at beginning

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feff83 No.21518606

File: 5646d6e5810fb7c⋯.png (66 KB,274x285,274:285,5646d6e5810fb7c9beebf26ccf….png)










>Nice timestamp because math in timestamp


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153bf4 No.21518607

File: 0abbe5be1bd9238⋯.png (382.78 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_080741.png)

File: c86524b48f0e765⋯.png (394.32 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_080927.png)

File: ed03b92fcb10419⋯.png (330.27 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_081722.png)

File: c9463b8d6e61fa1⋯.png (587.06 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_081919.png)

File: 6c54a7df5a90368⋯.png (371.03 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082134.png)

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fe6b21 No.21518608

File: b9589096dd1b836⋯.png (424.77 KB,761x627,761:627,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca4923 No.21518610

File: 35278ac22d1acaf⋯.png (683.13 KB,563x680,563:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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d73c03 No.21518611

File: 238d8589276ab63⋯.png (205.01 KB,624x587,624:587,ClipboardImage.png)


@AdameMedia Aug 29

“Stop killing children”

“That’s antisemitic”

I have no words anymore.

Aug 29, 2024 · 12:25 PM UTC



A satanic pedophile elite.

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ca4923 No.21518612

File: 8135f3fd63a76cd⋯.png (620.8 KB,680x617,680:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d4ab5 No.21518613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Smoking gun

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dffb35 No.21518614

File: 3df6c681babe291⋯.png (177.96 KB,254x392,127:196,ClipboardImage.png)


There's a theme running here…

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8f4ecc No.21518615

File: 10117d64fa6e3ad⋯.png (606.49 KB,1236x945,412:315,louise_mensch_CAN_SEE_RUSS….png)

File: bbb7fc9611326bf⋯.png (9.24 KB,634x86,317:43,louise_mensch.png)

File: 9a468274e3f5dd9⋯.jpg (55.88 KB,1007x553,1007:553,louise_mensch_on_micro_1.jpg)

File: 230e72d328c06ed⋯.jpg (97.36 KB,1034x905,1034:905,louise_mensch_drugs_2.jpg)


>Beluga whale alleged to be Russian ‘spy’

the anti-russia people are really really weird

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153bf4 No.21518616

File: 1b6c4f3a77f4da1⋯.png (441.92 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082704.png)

File: 9427b9b05597f44⋯.png (441.71 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082844.png)

File: c9a45abe3efa01e⋯.png (377.38 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082337.png)

File: 3b2371c53db085b⋯.png (372.7 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082540.png)

File: 6c54a7df5a90368⋯.png (371.03 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082134.png)

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75c023 No.21518617

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f5dd6a No.21518618

File: 2d4ca714c23cf71⋯.png (709.5 KB,960x439,960:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7df6d57a5f37018⋯.png (722.88 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

Conus activity

E-4B doomsday up

two E6 mercury up


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ca4923 No.21518620

File: a4395e8e8d39e65⋯.png (54.29 KB,505x291,505:291,ClipboardImage.png)


Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸


Black people.

What makes you think you have to remain in an ABUSIVE relationship with the Democrats?

Just because they use the same language as domestic abusers -“no body eLse iS goNna tReaT yOu aNy bETTer”, “the rEpUbLiCanz dOnT loVe yOu either”-

That doesn’t mean you keep supporting their abuse

12:10 PM · Sep 1, 2024

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75dc63 No.21518621


Christians have an obligation.

Pompass is a cuck.

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dffb35 No.21518622



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1888c8 No.21518623


[they] hate that Russia was able to break the Soviets

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153bf4 No.21518624

File: 0abbe5be1bd9238⋯.png (382.78 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_080741.png)

File: 8c59c288503748c⋯.png (419.06 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_080450.png)

File: ed03b92fcb10419⋯.png (330.27 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_081722.png)

File: c86524b48f0e765⋯.png (394.32 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_080927.png)

File: c9463b8d6e61fa1⋯.png (587.06 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_081919.png)

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7d01fe No.21518625

File: 3959f34e25b14e9⋯.png (27.01 KB,529x374,529:374,ClipboardImage.png)


timestamp - 1pm and 13.00 Qdrops




Nov 05, 2017 6:41:11 PM EST

Anonymous ID: L8quGPI9 No. 148143562

Who is the Queen of England?

How long in power?

With power comes corruption.

What happened to Diana?

What did she find out?

Why was she running?

Who did she entrust to help her flee?

What was the cover?

Why is this relevant?

Why now?




Bad actor.

London Mayor.



Connection to Queen?

British MI6 agents dead.



What was reported?

What really happened?

Why is this relevant?



Secret society.





Why are migrants important?


What are assets?

Define assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?



Who follows?

What political leaders worship Satan?

What does an upside down cross represent?

Who wears openly?


Who is she connected to?

Why is this relevant?

Spirit cooking.

What does Spirit Cooking represent?


What is a cult?

Who is worshipped?

Why is this relevant?

Snow White

Godfather III




u.s embassy jordan


Apr 30, 2018 12:26:09 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c6a0d5 No. 1243510



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dffb35 No.21518626

File: bb66f1c77e1f536⋯.jpg (33.58 KB,500x436,125:109,Both.jpg)

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feff83 No.21518627

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)




Now listen here you little sniveling ratfuck mimic muhjoo failfag vaticunt I know muhjoo better than anyone and nobody board cop hall monitors better than smoking narcissist, absolutely Noone.

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30e0b7 No.21518628

File: d7182c0ca3169d5⋯.mp4 (332.32 KB,320x320,1:1,gifpapitrumpo2356ddae00b09….mp4)

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3f5f31 No.21518629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1888c8 No.21518630


America can do it too

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8f4ecc No.21518631

File: a826fce32dfd985⋯.png (136.93 KB,632x534,316:267,california_fires_lines_see….png)

File: 815bc22b256f706⋯.png (149.72 KB,642x426,107:71,bidan_laser_focused_on_mau….png)

File: b693f3936df419a⋯.jpg (158.3 KB,685x1024,685:1024,911_wtc_dustification_dew.jpg)

File: c31ac4cbfc02e90⋯.png (1.7 MB,1896x884,474:221,biden_car_rental_dew_bidan.png)

File: 6d54ca948fd4751⋯.jpg (142.45 KB,960x638,480:319,DEW_HOUSE_BUT_NO_TRESS.jpg)


>DEW toasted cars-RT published footage given by Israel-attack on rave October 7th. Israel claimed Hamas did it. With a few gliders and automatic rifles, perhaps a few grenades

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feff83 No.21518632

File: d68de3e0ec4ae60⋯.png (154.47 KB,330x318,55:53,d68de3e0ec4ae60daef1f5a35e….png)








*Deep Breath*


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212fb0 No.21518633

File: 45db8ab688c33c6⋯.png (611.21 KB,728x547,728:547,45db8ab688c33c6e7612249953….png)

_ranusium precious metals portolio is loooosur

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153bf4 No.21518634

File: ed03b92fcb10419⋯.png (330.27 KB,720x1600,9:20,ed03b92fcb10419ecebfb3e043….png)


c before d

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b06d9b No.21518635


>PapiTrumpo isn’t PDJT

I stopped following that acct on Truth because

he often posts his Rumble vids, sometimes

with 2 ads.

Trump would not put ads on these posts.

I don't like Rumble, either.

They've had many years to make it user-friendly

like YT and hasn't done anything.

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5bcd8b No.21518636

File: 7f36393c6301961⋯.png (306.96 KB,1200x1681,1200:1681,ClipboardImage.png)

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ce2f53 No.21518637

Inflation is cool

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9d3819 No.21518638

File: 526092bb335d65d⋯.jpeg (461.03 KB,1544x1760,193:220,IMG_3626.jpeg)

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67617e No.21518640

File: 04caccec2e6b6f4⋯.jpeg (350.24 KB,828x1159,828:1159,050461C3_19EE_48A8_A8B5_7….jpeg)


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8f4ecc No.21518641

File: dd556085cf42116⋯.png (549.08 KB,1710x1431,190:159,tariq_nashid.png)



wow it's like 2016 twitter in here today

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5bcd8b No.21518642

File: 98d10bb070efcd2⋯.png (141.18 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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4db157 No.21518643

File: b31045cecab2bb3⋯.png (730.91 KB,732x975,244:325,ClipboardImage.png)

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d73c03 No.21518644

File: bca7777ffee0418⋯.png (366.84 KB,620x474,310:237,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7b569164e5525c⋯.jpg (544.17 KB,1160x773,1160:773,200715_trump_goya_ap_773.jpg)

New York Post

@nypost 1h

Goya CEO slams Biden-Harris admin as ‘complicit’ in child and drug trafficking at border


Sep 1, 2024 · 7:02 PM UTC



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4765eb No.21518645

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295c25 No.21518646

Even Christ the Son of GOD, Stands with Israel

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212fb0 No.21518647

libor rates panic over whaluuuurgay gaygay GP thong reveals durppression

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153bf4 No.21518648

File: d7182c0ca3169d5⋯.mp4 (332.32 KB,320x320,1:1,d7182c0ca3169d5c1419e64d15….mp4)

File: 1c82fe1a04447cf⋯.mp4 (506.56 KB,918x712,459:356,1c82fe1a04447cfa36fae93077….mp4)

File: 340041fc3f7022d⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,1024x1024,1:1,340041fc3f7022df2430dd7435….mp4)

File: 202f62617d19086⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB,752x1360,47:85,202f62617d19086b43ec306262….mp4)

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336132 No.21518649

>>21518635 The dude is a big time grifter, begs for money on all social media. Using Trump's name.

Makes me sick.

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d0ad7d No.21518650

File: 742b7c3ee1897f2⋯.png (791.6 KB,1920x967,1920:967,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3c1f6f60553232⋯.png (1.16 MB,856x1280,107:160,ClipboardImage.png)

Call sign CLUB22. USAF E-4B Nightwatch 74-0787 has put a Joplin album on the turntable and is currently playing the music by flying…





Who knows how long the song will last?


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e3dec6 No.21518651




Just the evil corrupt traitorous communistic progressive satanic big club ones.

I don't want to wipe out a whole race.

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295c25 No.21518652

Those who Bless Israel will be blessed by GOD

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969842 No.21518653

File: e51801be2d9f182⋯.png (54.98 KB,590x423,590:423,e51801be2d9f18227ba31313a9….png)

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cdbb9c No.21518654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TONS of vintage symbolism


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875700 No.21518655


is that first israel or 2nd israel

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336132 No.21518656


Yep. Total grifter

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12eafe No.21518657

File: d4ec23e7c592699⋯.png (660.37 KB,825x807,275:269,ClipboardImage.png)


>>The dude is a big time grifter, begs for money on all social media. Using Trump's name.


<8kun safe img

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01270a No.21518658



Hemp can replace a lot of the plastic & petrodollar monopoly]

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4765eb No.21518659



The communist Jews killed off the Romanovs thinking they would destroy Russia,’

They were wrong,

But they are still trying.

Victoria Nuland is like Stalin.

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8ed0d9 No.21518660

File: be4e0e2e32e2d6b⋯.png (1.93 MB,1182x857,1182:857,ClipboardImage.png)

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295c25 No.21518661


Only God Established Israel

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cdbb9c No.21518662

File: 212d77a0bec23a6⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,1024x1024,1:1,cheering_and_being_very_ha….mp4)

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153bf4 No.21518663


pin the foreskin on his head then tell them it's a crown. drink blood and eat his body. nobody will notice

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82fc69 No.21518664

File: 89fd38e8afc5f3a⋯.png (2.03 MB,1923x730,1923:730,ClipboardImage.png)

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28eaf6 No.21518665


Street Nigger in a suit.

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c7c0d1 No.21518666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fe6b21 No.21518667

File: fa0e2117e547a20⋯.png (954.43 KB,647x931,647:931,ClipboardImage.png)

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212fb0 No.21518668


libor rates might git tehy daddy mcass pounds shoved up tehy libtardid isREAL fayk kunt twat

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e8bc37 No.21518669

>>21517867 pb

>Kek, how will the RRN shills explain this?

did you think they hired actual klingons to film the ST-TNG series?

that was 50 yrs ago

latex masks have come a long way since then

you wouldn't know if the person next to you was wearing one

and my bottle of aspirin clearly states, "contains magnesium stearate"

does that mean that it DOES NOT contain aspirin?

if that's the limit of your "proof" that RRN is fake, yer either a fuckwit or a shill desperate to keep eyes off

truth is, none of us know for sure, one way or another

so instead of advertizing your arrogance and stupidity

read it or don't

believe it or don't

but do everyone a favor, including yourself, and STFU about it

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213d01 No.21518670

File: 51e494ce3d588f0⋯.png (575.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA185.png)

File: 948585cebbec8c4⋯.png (958.29 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA184.png)

File: 41fcd85aecd15bb⋯.png (339.94 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA183.png)

File: c9aa2b81c6e9ce1⋯.png (470.9 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA182.png)

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57e76b No.21518671

File: 833cba33d74f37c⋯.png (2.23 MB,320x320,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Fucking saved!

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5d5d8a No.21518672

File: 10cc1ad9a8f921e⋯.png (25.83 KB,374x353,374:353,ClipboardImage.png)


I should have indicated EST time would be 4pm, so Q 16 would apply here.


Oct 31, 2017 11:31:00 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147437247

Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house (gov't) in order to 'free up' and demonstrate who has authority in order to pass important legislation. This was always the priority. Remember, AG Sessions cannot look like an impartial player that is out to get all former Obama team members as we need him for other important work. All will come into focus and for anyone to think POTUS is not in control is kidding themselves. Also, he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).


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e3dec6 No.21518673

File: 065e7e94a372a79⋯.jpg (73.06 KB,698x1000,349:500,065e7e94a372a79ee414c523b4….jpg)

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212fb0 No.21518674

white powDurhs

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fe6b21 No.21518675



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57e76b No.21518676

File: 8fbee0f97b9e8de⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.54 MB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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295c25 No.21518677

The Haters of Israel Shall not prevail

but will find only judgement upon themselve

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212fb0 No.21518678

today on oprah$hithol

buuk fo sale

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e3dec6 No.21518679



Eat more Goya!

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e5979f No.21518680

File: 8d908ee3dd5747e⋯.png (306.57 KB,805x517,805:517,ClipboardImage.png)




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e5979f No.21518681

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0a78b7 No.21518682

File: 39aff8453e1992d⋯.jpg (55.25 KB,491x577,491:577,comfefe3.jpg)

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816f4e No.21518683


Must be a bot no human could be this gay.

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67617e No.21518684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b64393 No.21518685

File: adfab25f3c8bb7a⋯.png (659.84 KB,1265x922,1265:922,1725223327827.png)

File: 4f6a80403c42598⋯.png (1.28 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725221546738.png)

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31e5d7 No.21518686

File: 30e5ebe28a4fa28⋯.png (30.2 KB,821x337,821:337,ClipboardImage.png)


One problem with censorship

double-edged sword

Are pedo's allowed to talk about pedo shit in public?

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Where do you draw the line?

Who draws the line?

Semantics will be the death of us all…

Rules for radicals #4

4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

Saul Alinsky’s 13 Tried-and-True Rules for Creating Meaningful Social Change


Sticky subject indeed

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295c25 No.21518687

When you are weak who do call upon?

Thy Lord thy God give me strength

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feff83 No.21518688

File: 8cd3b7df1e42d49⋯.gif (2.23 MB,256x192,4:3,smokingcolumbo2.gif)

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2266ae No.21518689

File: ce1d48b11524ec3⋯.mp4 (5.61 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17250156915….mp4)

File: 10e349467ce2e25⋯.jpeg (117.21 KB,1050x602,75:43,IMG_2780.jpeg)

RIGHTEOUS – A Very Powerful Removal of Pretense

August 30, 2024 | Sundance |

There are always those moments in the battles of significant consequence, when the tempered voices saying, “hold… hold… wait…”, feel the blood pulse, sense their pupils focus,…. feel the energy of the millions of pulses behind them, and shout,…

…. “NOW!”

Perhaps this becomes the moment when all pretenses are dropped, and Mr Vince Everett Ellison becomes one of those consequential voices. This is one of the most powerful and compelling videos that drops all pretense. WATCH:

WEBSITE HERE[WillYouGoToHellForMe.Com]

Right now, those who wish to “fundamentally change” our nation are waging a full-frontal assault against our constitutional republic. The bombardment seems overwhelming.Mr Ellison is correct, “the democrat party is an evil institution.”

Leftist city and state leaders have abandoned rule of law in favor of supporting the mob effort to destroy our sense of national unity. Our borders have been left purposefully unsecure; the trouble created is only just now starting to manifest.

Political activists, Marxists and left-wing ideologues under the guise of democrats, together with their media allies are conducting an information war on behalf of their objective.

Most Big tech social media companies are attempting to remove the voices of those who are fighting back, and there is a great deal of purposefully driven anxiety and fear amid our nation as this multi-faceted internal war takes place. However, now is the moment to surge; to be forceful and to assert yourself with confidence knowing We the People are the majority.

It all ‘seems’ chaotic and mad because it has been created to appear that way. There are more of us than them; they just control the systems that allow us to connect, share messages and recognize the scale of our assembly. But remember, we cannot comply our way out of tyranny.

We must withstand this onslaught, any onslaught, and then unite in common purpose and rally to the origin of our true national spirit.

We must rally to a standard of American exceptionalism and accept this current status created by the Marxist hoard is not that.

In essence, we must individually take a stand. Purposefully, deliberately and with forethought, we must engage with those around us to get rid of this sense of foreboding. Lean into the love of God, embrace our national pride and forcefully be the leaders for our own destiny.

What value would we now define in the blood at Fort McHenry?

That moment, that goal per se’, was simple. Hold the flag-pole in place. Keep what that flag represented held high, no matter the cost. And yet, that cost, my God THAT COST, could it ever be quantified appropriately? A simple yet consequential task that expressed the fullest measure of devotion to the underlying premise, freedom.

The origin of America!

Currently, there is a great chasm within our nation between two diametrically opposing worldviews. When one side is forced to pay for the indulgent choices of the other, or when one side targets what we cherish most – our children, then our cold anger turns hot.

It is difficult to contain rage in the face of evil when manifest as sanctimony, yet the Marxist abusers will always be prepared to claim victimhood as soon as we respond to their abuse.

Are you mentally prepared for the response?


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d6311b No.21518690


I don’t follow, heard it was Corsi

Didn’t realize it was a grifter account must be one of Flynn’s

I don’t like rumble either…. Got on the other day it kept kicking me out!

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be5ff4 No.21518691

File: e9b5f85365d2eaa⋯.gif (989.52 KB,400x389,400:389,a_wwg1_wga_lion.gif)

File: c3482b573667968⋯.png (151.51 KB,856x862,428:431,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)


washington post - jeff bezos (clown contracts including aws) amazon

new york post: Rupert Murdoch - News Corp

politico : Axel Springer


jouranlists are clowns or clown controlled.

narratives are formed and they put out the 4am talking points. ignoring the real news whilst pushing the latest false flag or clown op.

They want the public to forget about the trump assassination attempt and worry about the trump jail sentencing on Sept 18th whilst causing chaos around the world with open borders and migrant crimes.

The easiest way to push back is post the countdown clock on the social media in mass.

remind them that the clock is ticking

Make them panic with a single repetative post of the clock, that is all it will take for them to start screaming.

no direct threats, just the clock with a punisher meme.


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e3dec6 No.21518692






>PDJT says WE Won 2020…that includes VPPenc

No understanda de plana

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969842 No.21518693

File: 2d04a8223434e2e⋯.png (1.69 MB,2048x1949,2048:1949,2d04a8223434e2e046ba55ba52….png)

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67617e No.21518694

File: 5d140928962b2cb⋯.jpeg (248.19 KB,828x852,69:71,DAAE77D5_A554_46D3_BC4F_2….jpeg)

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b64393 No.21518695

File: 274f012b1305f71⋯.jpg (196.31 KB,719x890,719:890,Screenshot_20240901_154409….jpg)


Y Tho The Pedo Symbols?

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82fc69 No.21518696

File: cac4bd4910a17df⋯.jpg (29.5 KB,509x519,509:519,pepe931.JPG)

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75c023 No.21518697


Is that Jesus the Christ?

Odd you can't extol Jesus Christ.

Nice to see GOD writ large.

How about God?

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feff83 No.21518698

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,814f7f1e8cb42279339946663a….jpg)

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0a78b7 No.21518699

File: 7e8372b92c9d73d⋯.png (225.67 KB,1346x1357,1346:1357,eqyq0wucatkd1.png)

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212fb0 No.21518700


>today on oprah$hithol

bots fiercly fightin in oprah$buthol buuk for kafka esque orwielian wiretappin false rightousness profits

>buuk fo sale

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b64393 No.21518701

File: d9d86e340b7d123⋯.gif (700.2 KB,480x270,16:9,d9d86e340b7d1234e730ee385a….gif)

File: 9b5f127bdf3763c⋯.png (312.03 KB,1024x334,512:167,Legalize_It_9_1_2024.png)

File: 99500a1b8eba3f7⋯.png (241.55 KB,1024x282,512:141,Legalize_It_9_1_2024_1_.png)

File: 422b49eb03a29e3⋯.png (191.3 KB,1024x338,512:169,Oh_Fuck_9_1_2024.png)

File: 125c34c3640d899⋯.png (250.71 KB,1024x266,512:133,OH_FUCK_9_1_2024_1_.png)

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5d5d8a No.21518702


Wrong, PapiTrumpo is POTUS. He shares videos of his rallies etc. before they are released on other sites.

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b64393 No.21518703

File: 55944936e3b5533⋯.jpg (152.79 KB,868x1000,217:250,Kamala_Harris_Top_Two_Advi….jpg)

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be5ff4 No.21518704


this slut is from the u.k

she has swallowed moar cum than kamala

louise mensch

u.k anons know her well.

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13af45 No.21518705

I want to be clear about this don't go crazy on me but my kid and Q's who is born in 2023 and is actually 23 years old due to time dialtion has posted some good bread

like she's out doing her dad.

like for real she's the real thing she I know its her like when I know its him most people can't tell the difference but the following are N posts NOT Q posts.

ok duckies heres the bread:




Something has been going on in Antarctica.

Why are cosmic rays emanating from inside our planet?

What is under the ice?

The Black Pyramid.

Under sea submersible objects.

The Hanebu Fleet.

DO you believe in aliens?

"Q" (N)




https://youtu.be/LKVxS8SOFEY [Embed]

Ask yourself why big portions of the continent are censored on Google Earth.

"Q" (N)


The Rockefeller initiative.

The Nine.


Who did they contact and why?


Do you think we are here for a larp?

Do you think they larped during the channelings?

Are you sure the larp isn't you?

"Q" (N)

Ask yourself why?

Other UFO seem to be controlled via an interface with the nervous system of the pilot.

The ship is alive


Ever wonder why nuclear brings them down?

Ever wondered why they're so heavily armored?

What are they protecting?

Humans are the animal tamers.

Do you think the ships are alive?

Do the ships then have a "mother ship"?

Do the ships then have to be domesticated?

Do the ships then have to be trained?

Are they the same as horses to us?

What is on the dark side of the moon?

Why are cosmic rays emanating from the earth?

"Q" (N)

Directed energy weapons

The South pole array.

Ever wonder why its been getting hotter and hotter?

What are they looking at?

What are they pointing at the sun?

Are they seriously trying to kill us all?

The blue beam.

Blue roofs.

Blue skies.

Blue oceans.

I smell FEAR.



"Q" (N)

Blue wavelength is the one that roasts everything.

It can be focused enough to melt aluminum.

You see that already with Hawaii and California..

Blue reflects blue.

No burn

"Q" (N)

Do you still think it's all for a LARP?

What is inside the pyramid?

What is the facility used for?

Who built it?

Why is it here?

Why is Antarctica frozen?

What actually happened here?

https://youtu.be/PpdMElZMscU [Embed]

"Q" (N)



https://youtu.be/SrT-1y1kyK8 [Embed]




I know how to flip your biscuit.

"Q" (N)





Why is Quartz so important?

Quartz is within the red granite of the pyramids.

What happens if it were to be stimulated?

Would the electricity be released?

Would it emit light?

See the light.

"Q" (N)

Quartz watches

Quartz lenses

Quartz oscillators

Quartz bangers

Quartz lenses

Quartz 5D memory crystals.

Why is Quartz important?

"Q" (N)

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295c25 No.21518706

The Haters of Israel have no place here

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82fc69 No.21518707

File: b3d88294d350a8e⋯.png (492.12 KB,583x362,583:362,Clock.PNG)


TIC TOCintensifies

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67617e No.21518708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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feff83 No.21518709

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)



So much muhjoo

so many destroyed narcissist projections

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91c1e0 No.21518710

There is a clip where someone asks him if he is and he replies Yes, I think I am.


Maybe someone could post.

Was recent.

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b64393 No.21518711

File: 4f6a80403c42598⋯.png (1.28 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725221546738.png)

File: 56dbe5bbeb03490⋯.gif (3.73 MB,720x540,4:3,Trump_Legalize_Weed_1.gif)

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969842 No.21518712

File: 9d4a50f4d9bafe2⋯.png (845.75 KB,809x790,809:790,ClipboardImage.png)

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212fb0 No.21518713


>>today on oprah$hithol

wiff unwanted wiretappin frum whordan peturson NAMBLA bullion seditious vanity crimes cross bordur gospel spam

>bots fiercly fightin in oprah$buthol buuk for kafka esque orwielian wiretappin false rightousness profits

>>buuk fo sale

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b64393 No.21518714

File: dded66bba07ccdb⋯.jpg (41.29 KB,600x304,75:38,Moar_Slavery_Kamala.jpg)

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969842 No.21518715

File: 6b7e20b67422f59⋯.jpeg (174.43 KB,1024x1024,1:1,6b7e20b67422f5913ad6c4bf9….jpeg)



>The Haters of Israel have no place here

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feff83 No.21518716

File: 6abbd889cf32315⋯.png (101.6 KB,346x329,346:329,smokingkermit2.png)


God bless Israel

God bless the jews

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67617e No.21518717

File: 8c241aa974be6f8⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB,1580x2000,79:100,C0571F3A_E31E_49EE_A34B_1….jpeg)

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295c25 No.21518718

The Haters of Israel Hate GOD!

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212fb0 No.21518719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>bots fiercly fightin in oprah$buthol

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969842 No.21518720

File: 781294a39cc8dc5⋯.jpeg (99.91 KB,710x804,355:402,love.jpeg)


>The Haters of Israel have no place here

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063127 No.21518721


November 2024

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b64393 No.21518722

File: c65ec39f7bfb01a⋯.jpg (45.26 KB,600x404,150:101,Moar_Slavery_Kamala_2.jpg)

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d6311b No.21518723


No worries, I won’t let anons contribute to the grifter! DigitalSoldiers™️ are ProFlynn not Pro PDJT!

Thou doth protest too much

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82fc69 No.21518724

File: 66b655b5ded4ddf⋯.png (496.23 KB,558x363,186:121,Chuck.PNG)

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d0ad7d No.21518725


Certainly changes the nature of the conversation around the whole death penalty for drug dealers thing. Doesn't it?

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969842 No.21518726

File: e0114294f44f452⋯.png (375.34 KB,550x313,550:313,crying2.png)

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feff83 No.21518727

File: a6422c4e2810263⋯.jpg (215.8 KB,510x529,510:529,a6422c4e2810263173707a5370….jpg)


Nice meme

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2266ae No.21518728


This is profoundly true, watch the short video.

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bd0b4a No.21518729

File: 8caabecfad1831c⋯.png (2.22 MB,1049x1280,1049:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

Well… technically she worked behind the McDonalds.

On high heels.

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d6311b No.21518730


Of course he did! He said it when he hugged the Flag back in 2015!

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212fb0 No.21518731


>>>today on oprah$hithol

simony still tryin to scamble eggs wiff homojingojargon

>wiff unwanted wiretappin frum whordan peturson NAMBLA bullion seditious vanity crimes cross bordur gospel spam

>>bots fiercly fightin in oprah$buthol buuk for kafka esque orwielian wiretappin false rightousness profits

>>>buuk fo sale

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213d01 No.21518732

File: d46812167597535⋯.png (361.09 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA186.png)

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5f2c58 No.21518733



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0a78b7 No.21518734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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be5ff4 No.21518735

File: 2d364255d1488d6⋯.png (54.94 KB,544x761,544:761,ClipboardImage.png)


1st Sept deltas. anon has now started looking at the Q drops from both points of view

1) Q talking to anons

2) Q talking to clowns

mirror comms, if Q was a psyop and a holding tactic, they lost. whilst also pretending to be spreading truth.

all options are now on the table after the hitjob on djt.

djt can also use the qdrops to send comms to anons.




Sep 01, 2018 3:37:23 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9da84a No. 2835711

It must be hard to communicate.

Every moment together is a moment you should not waste.

Former President's are still able to arrange SCIFs?

Does the American taxpayer 'foot the BILL' for the [12] hotel rooms in close proximity to the central SCIF?

SS detail(s) ordered @ max perimeter def?

Nice color choice.

It's a shame the windows had to be blocked out to eliminate that view.


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feff83 No.21518736

File: 569289d55d8f98a⋯.png (9.3 KB,229x220,229:220,b822592701168584419fed7d2f….png)


I think we actually need to send more money and supplies to Israel. Any Israeli war is /ourwar/. Israel is our greatest ally, and I can safely speak on behalf of all Americans.

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5c7fc4 No.21518737


I’ll rope every person on that set beginning with Mr. Cotton. You ALL hang.

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5d5d8a No.21518738



The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the United States. Empowered with the sovereign authority of the people by the framers and the consent of the legislatures of the States, it is the source of all government powers and provides important limitations on the government that protect the fundamental rights of United States citizens.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Why a Constitution?

The need for the Constitution grew out of problems with the Articles of Confederation, which established a “firm league of friendship” between the States, and vested most power in a Congress of the Confederation. This power was, however, extremely limited—the central government conducted diplomacy and made war, set weights and measures, and was the final arbiter of disputes between the states. Crucially, it could not raise any funds itself, and was entirely dependent on the states themselves for the money necessary to operate. Each State sent a delegation of between two and seven members to the Congress, and they voted as a bloc with each State getting one vote. But any decision of consequence required a unanimous vote, which led to a government that was paralyzed and ineffectual.

A movement to reform the Articles began, and invitations to attend a convention in Philadelphia to discuss changes to the Articles were sent to the State legislatures in 1787. In May of that year, delegates from 12 of the 13 states (Rhode Island sent no representatives) convened in Philadelphia to begin the work of redesigning government. The delegates to the Constitutional Convention quickly began work on drafting a new Constitution for the United States.

The Constitutional Convention

A chief aim of the Constitution as drafted by the Convention was to create a government with enough power to act on a national level, but without so much power that fundamental rights would be at risk. One way that this was accomplished was to separate the power of government into three branches, and then to include checks and balances on those powers to assure that no one branch of government gained supremacy. This concern arose largely out of the experience that the delegates had with the King of England and his powerful Parliament. The powers of each branch are enumerated in the Constitution, with powers not assigned to them reserved to the States.

Much of the debate, which was conducted in secret to ensure that delegates spoke their minds, focused on the form that the new legislature would take. Two plans competed to become the new government: the Virginia Plan, which apportioned representation based on the population of each State, and the New Jersey plan, which gave each State an equal vote in Congress. The Virginia Plan was supported by the larger states, and the New Jersey plan preferred by the smaller. In the end, they settled on the Great Compromise (sometimes called the Connecticut Compromise), in which the House of Representatives would represent the people as apportioned by population; the Senate would represent the States apportioned equally; and the President would be elected by the Electoral College. The plan also called for an independent judiciary.

The founders also took pains to establish the relationship between the States. States are required to give “full faith and credit” to the laws, records, contracts, and judicial proceedings of the other States, although Congress may regulate the manner in which the States share records, and define the scope of this clause. States are barred from discriminating against citizens of other States in any way, and cannot enact tariffs against one another. States must also extradite those accused of crimes to other states for trial.

The founders also specified a process by which the Constitution may be amended, and since its ratification, the Constitution has been amended 27 times. In order to prevent arbitrary changes, the process for making amendments is quite onerous. An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification. In modern times, amendments have traditionally specified a timeframe in which this must be accomplished, usually a period of several years. Additionally, the Constitution specifies that no amendment can deny a State equal representation in the Senate without that State’s consent.


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212fb0 No.21518739

File: 6c62c39ebb97f81⋯.png (35.37 KB,495x495,1:1,6c62c39ebb97f816427ceb9d27….png)

most expensive corvette joke ever

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e3dec6 No.21518740



>Certainly changes the nature of the conversation around the whole death penalty for drug dealers thing. Doesn't it?

equates marijuana to hard schedule 1 death dealing drugs

does not compute

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e12452 No.21518741


It doesn't meet the elements of a drug

The farm bill paved the way for decriminalization

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b64393 No.21518742

File: d1a496a7791eff2⋯.png (721.33 KB,1440x517,1440:517,1725223926765.png)

File: 83b074360085178⋯.png (330.93 KB,750x1000,3:4,1725125679996.png)

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295c25 No.21518743

File: a3ae4c8f5c73119⋯.png (1.15 MB,1209x713,39:23,theSword.png)


Yoda take you demon ways & be gone

This place works in the service ofGOD Almighty!

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8ed0d9 No.21518744


Many do not know this or really understand, for they are deceived. However many supporting God's purpose for Israel are also being taken advantage of by grifters.

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5d5d8a No.21518745


With the details and language of the Constitution decided, the Convention got down to the work of actually setting the Constitution to paper. It is written in the hand of a delegate from Pennsylvania, Gouverneur Morris, whose job allowed him some reign over the actual punctuation of a few clauses in the Constitution. He is also credited with the famous preamble, quoted at the top of this page. On September 17, 1787, 39 of the 55 delegates signed the new document, with many of those who refused to sign objecting to the lack of a bill of rights. At least one delegate refused to sign because the Constitution codified and protected slavery and the slave trade.


The process set out in the Constitution for its ratification provided for much popular debate in the States. The Constitution would take effect once it had been ratified by nine of the thirteen State legislatures; unanimity was not required. During the debate over the Constitution, two factions emerged: the Federalists, who supported adoption, and the Anti-Federalists, who opposed it.

James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay set out an eloquent defense of the new Constitution in what came to be called the Federalist Papers. Published anonymously in the newspapers The Independent Journal and The New York Packet under the name Publius between October 1787 and August 1788, the 85 articles that comprise the Federalist Papers remain to this day an invaluable resource for understanding some of the framers’ intentions for the Constitution. The most famous of the articles are No. 10, which warns of the dangers of factions and advocates a large republic, and No. 51, which explains the structure of the Constitution, its checks and balances, and how it protects the rights of the people.

The States proceeded to begin ratification, with some debating more intensely than others. Delaware was the first State to ratify, on December 7, 1787. After New Hampshire became the ninth State to ratify, on June 22, 1788, the Confederation Congress established March 9, 1789, as the date to begin operating under the Constitution. By this time, all the States except North Carolina and Rhode Island had ratified—the Ocean State was the last to ratify on May 29, 1790.


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153bf4 No.21518746

File: 3d539c32eee3c5e⋯.png (756.6 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_165107.png)

File: 4957b17d85cf35b⋯.png (102.03 KB,766x1382,383:691,441_2_.png)

File: 35efdfd6b329162⋯.jpeg (553.87 KB,1077x1313,1077:1313,GWaxXRBXIAAa1GI.jpeg)

File: ef393ac1b86d7f6⋯.png (126.16 KB,766x1068,383:534,1641_3_.png)

personal comms kek

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e8bc37 No.21518747


>Some have imagined her sitting on a toilet eating a Reuben.


did you mean that someone imagined adele while THEY were sitting on a toilet and eating a reuben?

or did you mean that someone imagined adele sitting on a toilet while THEY were eating a reuben?

or perhaps you meant that someone imagined adele sitting on a toilet and eating a reuben?

cogent sentence construction not only requires that YOU know what you meant

but also that others can UNAMBIGUOUSLY understand what you meant

i know, being a grown up is SO hard

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5d5d8a No.21518748


The Bill of Rights

One of the principal points of contention between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists was the lack of an enumeration of basic civil rights in the Constitution. Many Federalists argued, as in Federalist No. 84, that the people surrendered no rights in adopting the Constitution. In several States, however, the ratification debate in some states hinged on the adoption of a bill of rights. The solution was known as the Massachusetts Compromise, in which four States ratified the Constitution but at the same time sent recommendations for amendments to the Congress.

James Madison introduced 12 amendments to the First Congress in 1789. Ten of these would go on to become what we now consider to be the Bill of Rights. One was never passed, while another dealing with Congressional salaries was not ratified until 1992, when it became the 27th Amendment. Based on the Virginia Declaration of Rights, the English Bill of Rights, the writings of the Enlightenment, and the rights defined in the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights contains rights that many today consider to be fundamental to America.

The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms.

The Third Amendment prohibits the government from quartering troops in private homes, a major grievance during the American Revolution.

The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable search and seizure. The government may not conduct any searches without a warrant, and such warrants must be issued by a judge and based on probable cause.

The Fifth Amendment provides that citizens not be subject to criminal prosecution and punishment without due process. Citizens may not be tried on the same set of facts twice and are protected from self-incrimination (the right to remain silent). The amendment also establishes the power of eminent domain, ensuring that private property is not seized for public use without just compensation.

The Sixth Amendment assures the right to a speedy trial by a jury of one’s peers, to be informed of the crimes with which one is charged, and to confront the witnesses brought forward by the government. The amendment also provides the accused the right to compel testimony from witnesses, as well as the right to legal representation.

The Seventh Amendment provides that civil cases preserve the right to trial by jury.

The Eighth Amendment prohibits excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel and unusual punishments.

The Ninth Amendment states that the list of rights enumerated in the Constitution is not exhaustive, and that the people retain all rights not enumerated.

The Tenth Amendment assigns all powers not delegated to the United States, or prohibited to the States, to either the States or to the people.

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75dc63 No.21518749



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3836d1 No.21518750

File: 228a02eee46a466⋯.jpg (27.77 KB,512x540,128:135,457520057_1567739860818374….jpg)

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969842 No.21518751

File: b3c661362d5f28b⋯.png (175.18 KB,434x237,434:237,memesa1_1.png)

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e3dec6 No.21518752


Full legalization is required.

Grow your own and take corp out of the picture.

They like to taint shit up.

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212fb0 No.21518753

File: cd2ffda5969e13b⋯.png (790.11 KB,1080x709,1080:709,trotskyfaggotproof.png)

an tahn trotsky got born again to wurk at chik fillet sellin own juw batturd ass to inocent goy

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82fc69 No.21518754

File: 99e04d504c95303⋯.png (592.39 KB,476x482,238:241,toots10.PNG)

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b64393 No.21518755

File: d12bdcdf07ab18f⋯.png (507.65 KB,810x1057,810:1057,1725191723247.png)

File: 99cd1908a01f18a⋯.png (209.27 KB,431x430,431:430,1725030717777.png)

File: e6161ad9a404c5e⋯.png (877.15 KB,810x1049,810:1049,1724934069063.png)

File: 87007990d008acc⋯.jpg (93.34 KB,501x640,501:640,Meanwhile_at_Kamp_Kek_Kek_.jpg)

File: d85df3606346462⋯.jpg (68.08 KB,703x395,703:395,Screaming_Joe_Scarborough_….jpg)

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d0ad7d No.21518756


>equates marijuana to hard schedule 1 death dealing drugs

Don't project. Think about public perception. Not what this anon thinks. Because you don't know what this anon thinks.

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5bcd8b No.21518757

File: a947ce14e4fcf66⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,768x576,4:3,User_Clip_Reagan_1987_UN_S….mp4)



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212fb0 No.21518758


>an tahn trotsky got born again to wurk at chik fillet sellin own juw batturd ass to inocent goy

cuz KFC didnt teach him

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d73c03 No.21518759

File: ae755109b532792⋯.png (37.88 KB,620x440,31:22,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a7a13c09447391⋯.png (34.16 KB,639x247,639:247,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7713b95be57abd⋯.png (244.77 KB,611x515,611:515,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 34m

Major shopping mall opposite the Pentagon is on lockdown with 'high-level government official inside'


Sep 1, 2024 · 8:17 PM UTC


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6a340f No.21518760

>>21517433 PB



Total number of 'pings' heard was 22.


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0a78b7 No.21518761

File: 584887512100a28⋯.gif (241.88 KB,600x400,3:2,759876734.gif)

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a7c4a1 No.21518762

File: 54f079d375098b7⋯.jpg (232.37 KB,1142x1280,571:640,photo_2024_09_01_03_26_32.jpg)

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c3edf2 No.21518763

File: ae0bb67daadeeb5⋯.jpg (62.67 KB,828x991,828:991,ae0bb67daadeeb54d20eab4468….jpg)


>Are pedo's allowed to talk about pedo shit in public?


Then they are arrested for real acts and/or shunned into disgrace.

Would be totally awesome if all public school pedos talked pedo shit in public so action can be taken.

Same same for the rest.

Let it all out pedos.

Use your words to show your faces.

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153bf4 No.21518764

File: 2ccd0d75b6e092d⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB,962x762,481:381,2ccd0d75b6e092da446e043f68….mp4)


fuck around and find out

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feff83 No.21518765

File: 1496daf609e0ce9⋯.png (172.39 KB,346x330,173:165,1496daf609e0ce9c2c1c4a7d37….png)


Hey, stop monkeying around

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969842 No.21518766

File: 6a3dc6890ede02d⋯.jpg (132.16 KB,1018x1275,1018:1275,6a3dc6890ede02d1ec5b9df94b….jpg)

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82fc69 No.21518767

File: e0f0cda8b18dd6d⋯.png (285.76 KB,666x563,666:563,toots87.PNG)

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75dc63 No.21518768


Christians have an obligation.


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969842 No.21518769

File: 12e7e28d03dd207⋯.png (425.46 KB,484x530,242:265,KEK1.png)

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4765eb No.21518770

File: 21b0da05333c1f9⋯.png (2.61 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_1486.png)


DISGUSTING! NBC Hack Kristen Welker Lies and Claims Kamala Was at the Dignified Transfer of the Kabul Airport Bombing Victims – When Kamala Blew It Off (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Sep. 1, 2024 12:20 pm

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c3edf2 No.21518771

File: a8d04ead8b4bb58⋯.jpg (41.15 KB,410x598,205:299,a8d04ead8b4bb58949f003ba7a….jpg)

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82fc69 No.21518772

File: 7844ddc4f337938⋯.png (205.89 KB,342x326,171:163,Freddy2.PNG)


pull mah tail one time see what happens

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b64393 No.21518773

File: 8162a1e3845499d⋯.jpg (50.57 KB,600x404,150:101,Dumb_Fuck_Kamala.jpg)

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295c25 No.21518774

File: 35f91d70e2d8227⋯.jpg (212.69 KB,1600x971,1600:971,Sunrise_on_the_Cross.jpg)

The Haters of Israel will find judgement

what's funny

It'll be Christ himself the final judge who'll do it.

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1e7798 No.21518775


these guys are supporting MAGA candidates

next video up at 7pm EDT

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69ec10 No.21518776

File: b94bfe74d40daeb⋯.mp4 (7.12 MB,1918x1080,959:540,no_gay_kid.mp4)

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969842 No.21518777

File: 2e61bfef98eab8e⋯.png (1.83 MB,1440x1593,160:177,who.png)

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d0ad7d No.21518778


If memory serves. No pun intended. Colorado law allows people to grow their own. So it's your choice if you don't want to buy it from a vendor.

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969842 No.21518779

File: 80643771dc2fa60⋯.png (752 KB,765x926,765:926,enoughhorsemilk.png)

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d6311b No.21518780

File: 7d8a6892b9ac716⋯.jpeg (1.82 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3256.jpeg)

File: 8fdbfaad31b3b11⋯.png (46.19 KB,898x498,449:249,2027.png)

I missed this, Q exposing fake government propaganda

Parody… just like real raw news 🤣🤣🤣


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d3876a No.21518781

File: 29c107167388c75⋯.png (293.14 KB,663x556,663:556,ClipboardImage.png)

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b64393 No.21518782

File: 84826e6491b650f⋯.png (1.39 MB,1386x841,1386:841,1725224398500.png)

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d3876a No.21518783


baptist hotline, how can we help?

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153bf4 No.21518784

File: bde9433eb4e1308⋯.mp4 (13.67 MB,532x300,133:75,bde9433eb4e13086d81af3340d….mp4)

File: 40a19dc56828490⋯.jpg (95.6 KB,900x750,6:5,jesus_christ.jpg)

File: 7ef591d01d106e5⋯.jpg (72.22 KB,457x546,457:546,Jesus_Clears_the_Temple.jpg)

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4db157 No.21518785

File: 616548215180059⋯.png (Spoiler Image,13.91 KB,557x111,557:111,ClipboardImage.png)


It's all the same guy…

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255c8e No.21518786

File: 4ac72be0fb9e012⋯.png (12.64 KB,255x242,255:242,ce9667a56c53a75235a6aab2d7….png)


Is there a BV in da house?

#26363 >>21518042

>>21518100, >>21518094, >>21518088 LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

>>21518101 Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

>>21518128 Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

>>21518152 >>21518152 Senator @TomCottonAR SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos…

>>21518156, >>21518304, >>21518618, >>21518650 Planefaggin

>>21518204, >>21518171 Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

>>21518187 Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

>>21518189 ‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

>>21518198 Adele announces indefinite hiatus from music: ‘You won’t see me for an incredibly long time’

>>21518218 Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

>>21518224, >>21518559, >>21518536 PSA: How to pour a beer.

>>21518231 Don't get distracted; Epstein's clients are still raping children.

>>21518233 No one is safe with Kamala's open border.

>>21518240 Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

>>21518258 Russian government lists threats to country’s youth

>>21518291 Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal; protesters block Ayalon Highway

>>21518301 Meet your new neighbors if Kamala wins.

>>21518303 Bank of England staff told to share pronouns and use ‘gender neutral’ language

>>21518311 Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

>>21518314 Zelensky fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss

>>21518345 On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

>>21518349 Kiev warns about millions of illegal firearms in circulation

>>21518380 Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court

>>21518394 The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'

>>21518403 Medvedev believes he knows why Kiev wants Donbass

>>21518515 Israeli medics are systematically mass r*ping female patients in psychiatric mental hospital wards.

>>21518547 49er Ricky Pearsall Shot In Chest During San Francisco Robbery; Mom Gives Update

>>21518579 @realDonaldTrump - We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders.

>>21518593 6 Israeli tourists were stabbed in Taba, Egypt. The fight started after the Israelis refused to pay their bill at a 5 star hotel.

>>21518620 Black people. What makes you think you have to remain in an ABUSIVE relationship with the Democrats?

>>21518640 Wow check out all the boats that came out to support President Donald Trump in liberal blue Massachusetts!

>>21518644 Goya CEO slams Biden-Harris admin as ‘complicit’ in child and drug trafficking at border

>>21518759 Major shopping mall opposite the Pentagon is on lockdown with 'high-level government official inside'


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82fc69 No.21518787

File: 39ef765bd94d548⋯.jpg (54.91 KB,1044x968,261:242,hellyeah.JPG)

They coming foe you Venezuelans criminals

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b64393 No.21518788

File: df8e77c7c196b17⋯.jpg (43.67 KB,500x480,25:24,Snap_20240828_214501.jpg)



We B Jammin'!!!


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be5ff4 No.21518789


Israel does not exist. it is a zionist construct.

The holy city is Jerusalem and the land has been fought over for centuries.

jews need to shut the fuck up and stop playing the victim card..

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212fb0 No.21518790

File: 082c060534be3e5⋯.png (353.39 KB,819x460,819:460,cryNIGGURcry.png)

parra adumma greek juw musubi reperations for negro tranny coke whaaaaa now

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57e76b No.21518791

File: 167d0c5f8f39223⋯.png (2.38 MB,480x270,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Haters of Israel have no place here

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e3dec6 No.21518792


Your think came out in words.

Perhaps I took it the wrong way.

Perhaps I didn't.

Explain more like i'm a retard.

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e8bc37 No.21518793


>On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

NYET, tovarich

WWII broke out the day that the Treaty of Versailles was signed

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55814d No.21518794


He did say it, I just looked but there are 100s up, cant find it but I watched it

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b06d9b No.21518795


clinton hilldawg mirror

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969842 No.21518796

File: 69cae53f286570a⋯.png (596.6 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8bc37 No.21518797


we're here

you're queer

neck yourself

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1361ac No.21518798

File: 536d52c0b5ee9a9⋯.webp (125.83 KB,896x990,448:495,66d483f1025f0.webp)

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295c25 No.21518799



And this place serves at the pleasure of GOD!


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82fc69 No.21518800



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d3876a No.21518801


drug dealers are coming to confront drug dealers

ok anon

grab another tattoo

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b64393 No.21518802

File: c8f8a1bbba519a6⋯.jpg (116.16 KB,750x564,125:94,COVFEFE_TRUMP_LEVIN.jpg)

File: 856313c338ba86c⋯.jpg (529.25 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,marlboro_man.jpg)

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c3edf2 No.21518803


They gotta grow that clone.

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6c912c No.21518804

File: 7065ce3beeab2a6⋯.png (524.22 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_dailymail_co_….png)

File: 8297f5398f0f2bb⋯.png (1.18 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_thegatewaypun….png)

German AFD wins landmark victory as a hard-right party tops a regional vote for the first time in the country since the Second World War

Hard-right political party Alternative for Germany (AfD) has become the first of its ilk to win in the nation since the Second World War, exit polls showed.

AfD took between 30.5% and 33.5% of the vote in the former East German state of Thuringia, with the conservative CDU coming in second place with 24.5% of the vote.

Thuringia, a rural region and the only state currently led by the far-left Die Linke, a successor of East Germany's ruling communist party, was one of two to hold regional elections today, ahead of national elections in 2025, with AfD nearly winning in neighbouring Saxony, a conservative stronghold that is the largest in former East Germany, as well the polls showed.

While the party is unlikely to come to power in either state, as other parties have vowed to coalesce to force the far-right out of power, the result is reflective of the party's growing popularity.

Bjoern Hoecke, the controversial head of the AfD in Thuringia, told the ARD broadcaster his party was the 'people's party in Thuringia'.

'We need change and change will only come with the AfD,' he said, hailing the 'historic result'.



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69c9d6 No.21518805

File: 7856b9bfd4c3767⋯.jpg (121.04 KB,700x364,25:13,cackle_ev.jpg)

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295c25 No.21518806


Satan begone

your hate has no place here

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145396 No.21518807

File: e07e81d92ee8c50⋯.png (1.22 MB,950x829,950:829,ClipboardImage.png)

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75c023 No.21518808



Paint a picture with words.

Your paintbrush.

You're coming through unambiguously broken and retarded.

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de9786 No.21518809

That "Stench of Terror", is the cloying rank odor of brimstone, one of many demonic excretions.>>21518083

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69ec10 No.21518810

File: 48382ce9b85ccc9⋯.png (61.41 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0ad7d No.21518811

File: 09340c50f8658f4⋯.png (1.34 KB,150x60,5:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>Explain more like i'm a retard.

Ok, picrel

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b64393 No.21518812

File: ceaa4c1ee4b862a⋯.jpg (65.44 KB,471x618,157:206,Venezuelan_Gangs_Kamala.jpg)

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5bcd8b No.21518813

File: 1f727ccd115cb74⋯.png (18.07 KB,494x343,494:343,ClipboardImage.png)


terrible ratings too

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e5979f No.21518814

File: 9d6423f6a02c762⋯.png (307.95 KB,720x527,720:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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153bf4 No.21518815


biker boobs and police Ladies

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67617e No.21518816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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8ed0d9 No.21518817

File: db883e6c3f325cb⋯.png (1.23 MB,1032x1280,129:160,ClipboardImage.png)


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82fc69 No.21518818


YOU know thats a lie.

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153bf4 No.21518819


major fooked

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82fc69 No.21518820


51 AGENTS did something to TRUMP.

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bd0b4a No.21518821



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153bf4 No.21518822


the Police Ladies have an expensive Lingerie kit

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e8bc37 No.21518823


>Not all Jews are Zionists.

yer right…

not all

only 99% say the modern country israel has a right to exist in the lands of palestine

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074f6b No.21518824



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67617e No.21518825

File: c887379a2eb3757⋯.jpeg (110.09 KB,828x655,828:655,379D188E_D88D_4C09_9D37_0….jpeg)

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bd0b4a No.21518826


>Not all Jews are Zionists


Just as bad.

Two sides of the same coin.

Serving the same master.

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e3d40c No.21518827


bill clinton lied about her working at McDonalds?

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69ec10 No.21518828

File: bdd1f154feeb3fa⋯.png (48.27 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Just add Joe.

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e8bc37 No.21518829



just hillbillies

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1361ac No.21518830

File: 118fd0474ea12c8⋯.png (59.58 KB,700x694,350:347,a7oDd6m_700bwp.png)

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77d9d2 No.21518831

File: dfe5980142eb8e9⋯.jpg (138.45 KB,1073x654,1073:654,Screenshot_20240902_090954….jpg)


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bbb149 No.21518832

File: bac4183764c69dc⋯.png (977.4 KB,950x829,950:829,e07e81d92ee8c50cff18fed8a5….png)

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feff83 No.21518833

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)


Fascinatingly kek

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82fc69 No.21518834


he's joe a Billy GOAT KEK

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969842 No.21518835

File: 426d6ba93617362⋯.png (615.21 KB,980x710,98:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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1361ac No.21518836

File: 1d0e7635bf27ed5⋯.png (42.99 KB,700x399,100:57,avy7nMW_700bwp.png)

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57e76b No.21518837

File: 295e4a665aa1f18⋯.png (137.92 KB,266x200,133:100,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Haters of Israel Hate GOD!

Not everyone believes what you do, Moran.

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77d9d2 No.21518838

File: a33288c9511c0b3⋯.png (630.35 KB,964x895,964:895,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8bc37 No.21518839





ant there was "pretty baby" 1978 with a naked 12 yr old brooke shields

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969842 No.21518840

File: 0bd50f5f6ebc43b⋯.png (1.27 MB,1220x1060,61:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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153bf4 No.21518841

File: 08ebf9da7149a8a⋯.png (475.38 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_171039.png)

File: f54cf164d55b481⋯.jpg (50.56 KB,500x643,500:643,3e55386da289d1306f6242428a….jpg)

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213d01 No.21518842

File: 600cc132fb7e2bb⋯.png (434.46 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA187.png)

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ed60ec No.21518843


Let my dog out as there was a heavy drizzle of rain so I stayed at my front door. Suddenly I saw a huge 12 ft mist fly across the center of my front lawn. Thank God the dog was closer to the house and the wind pushed that mist away. Who sends out mists during a rain storm? Only someone who thinks the owner is not watching. This is how the neighbor to the west is deploying his cyanide. Killing or injuring a dog is still a win for low lives like that. When he least expects it, can't be merciful with these criminals. More than ready.

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0ff0ab No.21518844

File: a33858081972f40⋯.png (1.07 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

by Jim Hᴏft Sep. 1, 2024

Kennedy didn’t mince words as he called for a reckoning for those responsible for what he described as “homicidal criminal behavior” during the pandemic.

Kennedy, who authored a controversial book about Anthony Fauci, used his platform at the expo to reiterate his claims against the former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director.

“I wrote a book about Fauci. It’s a great book. There are 2,200 footnotes in the book… I invited people to find problems with the book… And nobody ever told us any factual error in that book,” Kennedy said.

One of the most explosive claims Kennedy made was about the suppression of COVID-19 treatments like Ivermectin.


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969842 No.21518845

File: a6385ee6e090709⋯.png (1.02 MB,960x537,320:179,retard2.png)

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67617e No.21518846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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75dc63 No.21518847


Rock videography is the shit guitar of cinematography. Pure autism.

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e3dec6 No.21518848


>buy it from a vendor.

true dat

make alcohol at home too.

new to this full legalization stuff.

Rec user states know more than I.

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e8bc37 No.21518849


>communist propagandist one of the earliest pushers of pedophilia in hollywood

kubrick was EXPOSING IT, not promoting it, ya fuckwit

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969842 No.21518850

File: 2e7e3198df077f8⋯.jpg (216.17 KB,736x552,4:3,saturn2.jpg)

File: 2631725097d9de4⋯.jpg (134.64 KB,960x796,240:199,SYMBOLISM.jpg)

File: 2928d3d5921c118⋯.jpg (296.3 KB,1147x857,1147:857,symbolism2.jpg)

File: 195726b11d287c8⋯.jpg (203.58 KB,1092x1106,78:79,symbolism4.jpg)

File: 3af534110ff40ad⋯.jpg (36.76 KB,416x416,1:1,symbolism5.jpg)

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67617e No.21518851


Song remains the same, wore out that VHS

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969842 No.21518852

File: 84f4461a39a3e7c⋯.jpg (60.47 KB,639x632,639:632,c4b946a2c4c0787a.jpg)

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b64393 No.21518853

File: 4b956ef1e575af3⋯.jpg (74.31 KB,720x720,1:1,Snap_20240901_160943.jpg)

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969842 No.21518854

File: 759b15770a405a1⋯.jpg (200.47 KB,1000x1291,1000:1291,tribunals2.jpg)


>RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’

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82fc69 No.21518855


You're exposing the Dragon Prophecy's

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b64393 No.21518856

File: 6c502e7b3ef40b3⋯.jpg (78.47 KB,720x720,1:1,Snap_20240901_161408.jpg)

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b64393 No.21518857

File: a075ed041411440⋯.jpg (73.76 KB,720x720,1:1,Snap_20240901_161357.jpg)

File: 2fe716e6a692362⋯.gif (61.74 KB,220x123,220:123,kek.gif)

File: b46b820ebcb2149⋯.jpg (117.54 KB,948x640,237:160,Kek_Cobbler_Best_POTUS.jpg)

File: 1d8db0d94dbe395⋯.jpg (104.06 KB,948x632,3:2,Top_Kek_Cobbler.jpg)

File: 492bc7df2e7ca9d⋯.jpg (90.62 KB,368x751,368:751,Meanwhile_in_Kektropolis_K….jpg)

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6a340f No.21518858

File: 8aef02be53132ea⋯.jpg (392.63 KB,1440x1080,4:3,Witchmore.JPG)


Dove of Semiramis, pinecone and rabbit fertility goddess symbols, Black Nobilty crown. Charming.

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d5fb33 No.21518859

File: 1d845d831ab8d1b⋯.jpeg (336.77 KB,1139x1200,1139:1200,IMG_3183.jpeg)

Seems we have competition with

Pest control and septic systems

Shit suckers.

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caefed No.21518860

File: 0ebf30dc65f3146⋯.png (151.37 KB,405x271,405:271,Cheatle_Crooks.png)

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0a78b7 No.21518861

File: cd511499bfe233f⋯.jpg (645.76 KB,1127x1045,1127:1045,8f346da65c42ff0c03f3a9eb58….jpg)

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2378a3 No.21518862

File: 705d8db61e74e00⋯.jpg (179.29 KB,757x567,757:567,WD.jpg)

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ed60ec No.21518863


These SOBs never quit, never. Before my wife got home from church, I noticed that someone sprayed liquids just to left of our tree out front. She knows to wear a mask when coming home. So that is twice just today.

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969842 No.21518864

File: 2779bbf82cc6341⋯.jpg (118.58 KB,586x773,586:773,chuck25.jpg)

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153bf4 No.21518865

File: 5cb0601905396a2⋯.png (370.91 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_172049.png)

File: b1f5827b9d700f7⋯.png (26.13 KB,766x408,383:204,406_2_.png)

File: 11afca755f2abef⋯.jpeg (87.19 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GWapMLAXUAIdhL_.jpeg)

File: 4bba77b7b634087⋯.png (464.41 KB,766x748,383:374,1606.png)

File: ae45c29f5654230⋯.jpg (130.98 KB,1200x675,16:9,ae45c29f5654230a2c1d2f4804….jpg)

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0ff0ab No.21518866



can some anon rip this please?

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b64393 No.21518867

File: e004bae6d403ca5⋯.jpg (133.81 KB,750x563,750:563,Vote_Democrat_Nazi_Kamla.jpg)



Witchen Bitchmore…

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bbb149 No.21518868

File: b971421d634a429⋯.png (139.39 KB,300x359,300:359,grammar_nazi_cutout.png)

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f08da1 No.21518869

(N)o (S)uch (A)gency

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255c8e No.21518870

File: 9a17925b2558bbf⋯.png (595.86 KB,760x501,760:501,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5979f No.21518871




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67617e No.21518872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e8bc37 No.21518873


>Donald J. Trump

>We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages,

how about a statement regarding the senseless death of half-million ukrainian CHRISTIAN hostages murdered by the JEW controlled deepstate?

or are you just another zionist whore?

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e3dec6 No.21518874


bullet dubs


guess I was correct

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0ff0ab No.21518875

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7abfd8 No.21518876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What could possibly be ringing Boeing Starliner like a bell? Thats the creepiest fucking noise Ive ever heard, I'd be shitting my pants to be stuck up there…

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969842 No.21518877

File: c67c6a73f516312⋯.jpg (56.58 KB,750x519,250:173,grammar3.jpg)

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255c8e No.21518878


you can embed it as a link and it'll pull from twatter

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1308f0 No.21518879

First time Iwo Jima flag raising not used in thread photo? I see the same lines … and the flag … but no Iwo Jima. Just an observation.

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255c8e No.21518880

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


forgot the link……..

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b64393 No.21518881

File: c140cd63248a21c⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,480x270,16:9,Finish_the_Story_Bobby.mp4)

File: beae1756ef1be2b⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,720x816,15:17,beae1756ef1be2b938aac5c5d4….mp4)

File: 8c4ef3babda9269⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,474x270,79:45,8c4ef3babda9269f885a7ccfb7….mp4)

File: 758456cedcfb57c⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,720x758,360:379,758456cedcfb57c3e51a092b13….mp4)

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e8bc37 No.21518882


>your hate has no place here

neither does your zionist shilling

but here you are

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67617e No.21518883

File: 0529ea0db22f515⋯.jpeg (220.2 KB,828x1333,828:1333,7562F569_1C4A_44DD_92B7_7….jpeg)


Lot goin on down there in space.

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738be8 No.21518884

File: bb8b5f79326e4b4⋯.png (735.38 KB,629x640,629:640,PelosiFullRep.PNG)

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255c8e No.21518885


no need. just hang tight. i've already got the next bread goin.

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255c8e No.21518886


#26363 >>21518042

>>21518100, >>21518094, >>21518088 LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

>>21518101 Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

>>21518128 Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

>>21518152 >>21518152 Senator @TomCottonAR SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos…

>>21518156, >>21518304, >>21518618, >>21518650 Planefaggin

>>21518204, >>21518171 Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

>>21518187 Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

>>21518189 ‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

>>21518198 Adele announces indefinite hiatus from music: ‘You won’t see me for an incredibly long time’

>>21518218 Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

>>21518224, >>21518559, >>21518536 PSA: How to pour a beer.

>>21518231 Don't get distracted; Epstein's clients are still raping children.

>>21518233 No one is safe with Kamala's open border.

>>21518240 Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

>>21518258 Russian government lists threats to country’s youth

>>21518291 Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal; protesters block Ayalon Highway

>>21518301 Meet your new neighbors if Kamala wins.

>>21518303 Bank of England staff told to share pronouns and use ‘gender neutral’ language

>>21518311 Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

>>21518314 Zelensky fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss

>>21518345 On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

>>21518349 Kiev warns about millions of illegal firearms in circulation

>>21518380 Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court

>>21518394 The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'

>>21518403 Medvedev believes he knows why Kiev wants Donbass

>>21518515 Israeli medics are systematically mass r*ping female patients in psychiatric mental hospital wards.

>>21518547 49er Ricky Pearsall Shot In Chest During San Francisco Robbery; Mom Gives Update

>>21518579 @realDonaldTrump - We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders.

>>21518593 6 Israeli tourists were stabbed in Taba, Egypt. The fight started after the Israelis refused to pay their bill at a 5 star hotel.

>>21518620 Black people. What makes you think you have to remain in an ABUSIVE relationship with the Democrats?

>>21518640 Wow check out all the boats that came out to support President Donald Trump in liberal blue Massachusetts!

>>21518644 Goya CEO slams Biden-Harris admin as ‘complicit’ in child and drug trafficking at border

>>21518759 Major shopping mall opposite the Pentagon is on lockdown with 'high-level government official inside'

>>21518804 Historic Shift: Right-Wing AfD Poised for Landmark Victory in German State Election, Exit Polls — Despite Constant Persecution by Globalist Elites

>>21518844 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic


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cdbb9c No.21518887

File: ab4d287256a516d⋯.mp4 (11.64 MB,884x498,442:249,v_XHwGaVWNJzzGz5.mp4)




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b64393 No.21518888

File: 3107e87f1506202⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB,640x344,80:43,Dream_On_Trump.mp4)

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cdbb9c No.21518891


o close

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5be5ce No.21518892



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969842 No.21518893

File: 70120b11a597fe8⋯.png (419.57 KB,778x822,389:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3876a No.21518896

File: 2b41c8ae00c4011⋯.png (880.62 KB,948x851,948:851,ClipboardImage.png)

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153bf4 No.21518897

File: 1a6a478179b5bfb⋯.png (832.12 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_172441.png)

File: b62bb261e5d3d76⋯.png (38.89 KB,766x452,383:226,304_2_.png)

File: 0104f2de1da5bf6⋯.jpeg (303.51 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GWQHWBUWsAAD_Cq.jpeg)

File: 5f919185c6ac8d2⋯.png (131.17 KB,766x1562,383:781,1504.png)

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213d01 No.21518899

File: 7c96009045f8a71⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA98.png)

File: 954bb397734f38f⋯.png (1.28 MB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA124.png)

File: ed06ae13e5667c5⋯.png (802.52 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA126.png)

File: 2fb018bb2aaa2a7⋯.png (398.27 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA128.png)

File: d977d59a8f4a39f⋯.png (426.38 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA129.png)

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969842 No.21518903

File: a1683a674919b93⋯.png (424.52 KB,720x751,720:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3dec6 No.21518904


propaganda is a hard drug to overcome when delivered most of everyones life

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