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File: e7fb0ce871d9a42⋯.png (68.67 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

291a05 No.21519688 [View All]

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559 posts and 460 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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8088e6 No.21520434


>pallet of cash

>cash pallet

Kash Patel

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160c87 No.21520435

File: d5ab313e4c11636⋯.gif (4 MB,480x345,32:23,gifa.gif)



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160c87 No.21520437

File: aa4bcf99caf8cfa⋯.gif (404.82 KB,375x365,75:73,DJT_AHHH.gif)

i think i am gonna freak out for freedom, queens!

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160c87 No.21520438

File: 25ada648ba11c99⋯.gif (1.7 MB,200x200,1:1,djt11electric.gif)

he's electric!

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e43945 No.21520439

File: 48f71f91441619e⋯.png (67.31 KB,736x840,92:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca5314 No.21520441


It’s been a while but thought it was related to the pineal gland and what it produces

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c2b0bc No.21520442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Once and Future King.

Camelot returns.

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4b9a2b No.21520444

File: 42f0850e4714318⋯.png (639.33 KB,1200x628,300:157,ClipboardImage.png)


Mainstream Misinformation malaka

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e006e2 No.21520447

File: b5a5b096108a613⋯.gif (5.43 MB,480x270,16:9,DJT_FAN.gif)




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4b9a2b No.21520448

File: 84915e71fc97bcb⋯.png (212.28 KB,326x360,163:180,ClipboardImage.png)

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e006e2 No.21520449

File: ab5a58e9061b291⋯.gif (2.24 MB,480x270,16:9,DJT_FANB.gif)

untz untz untz

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06238f No.21520450

File: 14810453d3f49a4⋯.png (224.03 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_axiom.png)

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5406ba No.21520451

File: a7cf219011b0f1d⋯.jpeg (143.65 KB,924x1077,308:359,i.jpeg)

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e006e2 No.21520452

File: 449ca71e200cee7⋯.gif (4.76 MB,480x270,16:9,DJT_HAIR_JIMMY.gif)

he so handsome

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e006e2 No.21520453

File: dc6eeba98e5f100⋯.jpg (52.58 KB,1125x845,225:169,tr1.jpg)

so handsome

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e006e2 No.21520454

File: 7c4aee9cd26605a⋯.gif (457.61 KB,200x186,100:93,DJT_AGREE.gif)

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e006e2 No.21520455

File: 9b00c3cd09faa34⋯.gif (1.21 MB,294x350,21:25,djt7adance.gif)

and i feel!!!

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e006e2 No.21520456

File: 9c48846d3340c3a⋯.gif (1.1 MB,480x270,16:9,djt10kek.gif)

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e006e2 No.21520457

File: fb2a449ea208507⋯.jpg (55.58 KB,634x475,634:475,PEPE_BABY_TRUMP.jpg)

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dbcc2b No.21520458


Thanks anon. Looks like comms to me.

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fcf73c No.21520460


Those eyes look like Lilly's from the ATT commercials.

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f46710 No.21520463


Kek. Guess somebody doesn't like us and what we do. Of course, they COULD be talking about shills getting rounded up. They don't really specify.

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2c687c No.21520465



>1. Oh, my bad, i didn't clarify that I was responding to a notable from (lb)

>Fuck you blow me. My first post in God knows how long and I got diggies sending blessings and giving note to an extremely based notable.


>2. Did I claim to be The Most High? No. I don't believe I did. I Am merely That I Am, a vessel, filled and overflowing with Light from The Creator, i.e. That Which Is.


Your post is incorrect.///

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2c687c No.21520469

Media Matters is going to change the world into a place that everyone understands who Media Matters really defends… ///

Good luck in Jail, Media Matters employees…///

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8a29bb No.21520479

File: a879dd0fe9ea09d⋯.jpeg (43.6 KB,672x374,336:187,IMG_3588.jpeg)


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06238f No.21520491

File: ca8e01e3bc385be⋯.jpg (116.61 KB,600x400,3:2,ca8e01e3bc385be20c93a87ddf….jpg)

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ca5314 No.21520495


Yes indeed.

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f2b68c No.21520499


sounds about right.

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aa5483 No.21520502

File: f63c89384601395⋯.png (283.27 KB,312x557,312:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3befb296de8a949⋯.png (705 KB,894x894,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24e017f0589ec6f⋯.png (1.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f5da4 No.21520504


What no one realizes, is that is not a UFO but a flying Q.

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f46710 No.21520506


How wrye.

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f46710 No.21520509


I can't stand that cunt so nothing would surprise me regarding her.

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8088e6 No.21520511

File: 7ad9f6e58417780⋯.jpg (92.59 KB,700x523,700:523,dfwjuvh_25fa1bb8_3a32_4bd5….jpg)

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d9eb76 No.21520514

notables @ 635

#26365 >>21519698

>>21519712 Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

>>21519853, >>21519870, >>21519886, >>21519900, >>21520368 Tales from the Crypt

>>21519912 "Please play fair while we do not" -China

>>21519940, >>21519942 China's youth increasingly unemployed

>>21519946 They'll finish it

>>21519965 Ice Cube endorses Trump

>>21519973 ESPN, ABC, other Disney networks are blacked out in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and US Open coverage

>>21519978 Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich: Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest for 'Disinformation'

>>21519986 Trump: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within

>>21519989 Protestors trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

>>21519988 She will need all the help she can get vs Trump

>>21519996 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time

>>21520000, >>21520001 NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

>>21520032 Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate

>>21520005 Independent Candidate, Cornel West, Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

>>21520017 Reich effect

>>21520024 Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote

>>21520035 Grassley corn on the comms

>>21520043 DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

>>21520095 Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

>>21520115 What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?

>>21520116 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>21520228 PF: Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore?

>>21520243 Tim Walz's gifts from China

>>21520321, >>21520342, >>21520366 ‘Sea Walnut,’ a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles

>>21520382 Refresher anti-memory hole: Standard Hotel Incident

>>21519705, >>21519718, >>21519722, >>21519823, >>21519930, >>21519932, >>21519992, >>21520084, >>21520086, >>21520089 Memes


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fe026b No.21520517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Luk_18:39 AndG2532 they which went beforeG4254 rebukedG2008 him,G846 thatG2443 he should hold his peace:G4623 butG1161 heG846 criedG2896 so muchG4183 the more,G3123 Thou SonG5207 of David,G1138 have mercyG1653 on me.G3165

Luk_19:38 Saying,G3004 BlessedG2127 be theG3588 KingG935 that comethG2064 inG1722 the nameG3686 of the Lord:G2962 peaceG1515 inG1722 heaven,G3772 andG2532 gloryG1391 inG1722 the highest.G5310

Luk_19:40 AndG2532 he answeredG611 and saidG2036 unto them,G846 I tellG3004 youG5213 that,G3754 ifG1437 theseG3778 should hold their peace,G4623 theG3588 stonesG3037 would immediately cry out.G2896

Luk_19:42 Saying,G3004 IfG1487 thou hadst known,G1097 evenG2532 thou,G4771 at leastG2532 G1065 inG1722 thisG5026 thyG4675 day,G2250 the thingsG3588 which belong untoG4314 thyG4675 peace!G1515 butG1161 nowG3568 they are hidG2928 fromG575 thineG4675 eyes.G3788

Luk_20:26 AndG2532 they couldG2480 notG3756 take holdG1949 of hisG846 wordsG4487 beforeG1726 theG3588 people:G2992 andG2532 they marvelledG2296 atG1909 hisG846 answer,G612 and held their peace.G4601

Luk_24:36 AndG1161 as theyG846 thusG5023 spake,G2980 JesusG2424 himselfG846 stoodG2476 inG1722 the midstG3319 of them,G846 andG2532 saithG3004 unto them,G846 PeaceG1515 be unto you.G5213


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aa5483 No.21520519

File: 9299f3792eeb470⋯.png (25.82 KB,402x455,402:455,ClipboardImage.png)

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f46710 No.21520520


I was thinking more like Morticia Addams.

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579d7d No.21520523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8088e6 No.21520542

File: 500c4676152184c⋯.jpg (438.28 KB,1496x1562,68:71,media_GRp2QTcWEAAaXwt.jpg)

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f46710 No.21520547


Is Soros the vatican't banker?

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02cdc6 No.21520548

He says authr is Rothstein, not Rothschild. Errors from opening his mouth. Just like how most talk about Q and and anons. Most don't know shit and it all becomes the telephone game. Most are really naive regarding all things Q. Mike Rotschild is intentionally wrong to spread wrong information. Most who talk about Qanon are retards as there is no Qanon. Start there when gathering any info.


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f46710 No.21520553


I wonder if Soros is the "hidden hand" of the vatican. The go between that helps them keep insulated from their dirty deeds.

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8088e6 No.21520556


P harm A

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d9eb76 No.21520558

notables quick check

#26365 >>21519698

>>21519712 Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

>>21519853, >>21519870, >>21519886, >>21519900, >>21520368 Tales from the Crypt

>>21519912 "Please play fair while we do not" -China

>>21519940, >>21519942 China's youth increasingly unemployed

>>21519946 They'll finish it

>>21519965 Ice Cube endorses Trump

>>21519973 ESPN, ABC, other Disney networks are blacked out in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and US Open coverage

>>21519978 Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich: Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest for 'Disinformation'

>>21519986 Trump: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within

>>21519989 Protestors trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

>>21519988 She will need all the help she can get vs Trump

>>21519996 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time

>>21520000, >>21520001 NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

>>21520032 Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate

>>21520005 Independent Candidate, Cornel West, Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

>>21520017 Reich effect

>>21520024 Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote

>>21520035 Grassley corn on the comms

>>21520043 DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

>>21520095 Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

>>21520115 What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?

>>21520116 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>21520228 PF: Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore?

>>21520243 Tim Walz's gifts from China

>>21520321, >>21520342, >>21520366 ‘Sea Walnut,’ a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles

>>21520382 Anti-memory hole refresher: Standard Hotel Incident

>>21519705, >>21519718, >>21519722, >>21519823, >>21519930, >>21519932, >>21519992, >>21520084, >>21520086, >>21520089 Memes


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02cdc6 No.21520560





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d9eb76 No.21520562

notables FINAL

#26365 >>21519698

>>21519712 Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out

>>21519853, >>21519870, >>21519886, >>21519900, >>21520368 Tales from the Crypt

>>21519912 "Please play fair while we do not" -China

>>21519940, >>21519942 China's youth increasingly unemployed

>>21519946 They'll finish it

>>21519965 Ice Cube endorses Trump

>>21519973 ESPN, ABC, other Disney networks are blacked out in contract dispute moments before LSU-USC kickoff and US Open coverage

>>21519978 Former Clinton Apparatchik Robert Reich: Elon Musk Should Be Threatened With Arrest for 'Disinformation'

>>21519986 Trump: We have the enemy from outside, then we have the enemy from within

>>21519989 Protestors trying to “free Palestine” by vandalizing the lawn at McGill University

>>21519988 She will need all the help she can get vs Trump

>>21519996 Airing Tomorrow: Veterans who served with Tim Walz in the National Guard speak out together for the first time

>>21520000, >>21520001 NBC Admits Fake Claim About Kamala Meeting Families of Murdered Soldiers

>>21520032 Powerful statement from the Gold Star Families of Abbey Gate

>>21520005 Independent Candidate, Cornel West, Reveals Harris Campaign Bribed Him to Drop Out of Race

>>21520017 Reich effect

>>21520024 Shock twist on final day of California reparations bill vote

>>21520035 Grassley corn on the comms

>>21520043 DEFCONWarningSystem: Ping

>>21520095 Seedy NYC street overrun with hookers and thieves gets even worse with prostitutes doubling in 2 months

>>21520115 What did you all notice about Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an "American citizen" who was killed by "Hamas" while being held as a hostage?

>>21520116 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>21520228 PF: Why would an Israeli SIGINT aircraft be flying orbits above Singapore?

>>21520243 Tim Walz's gifts from China

>>21520321, >>21520342, >>21520366 ‘Sea Walnut,’ a type of jellyfish, can age backwards and regrow its baby tentacles

>>21520382 Anti-memory hole refresher: Standard Hotel Incident

>>21519705, >>21519718, >>21519722, >>21519823, >>21519930, >>21519932, >>21519992, >>21520084, >>21520086, >>21520089 Memes


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1ae783 No.21520564


one was there.

carry on.

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33f469 No.21520565


baker, BV here….bread's real slow, can lock it if you want to bake now.

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d9eb76 No.21520574

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33f469 No.21520575


will lock, ty baker.

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