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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,c6f171fb6064da0766d7779e57….jpg)

633238 No.21518889 [Last50 Posts]

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633238 No.21518894

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26363 >>21518042

>>21518100, >>21518094, >>21518088 LATEST: Trump's Latest NFT Sale Depicts Him as Superhero, Motorcyclist…

>>21518101 Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

>>21518128 Escobar: How Telegram Is Geopolitcs

>>21518152 >>21518152 Senator @TomCottonAR SHUTS DOWN the Fake News Arlington hoax: "He didn't take campaign photos there. These families — Gold Star families — whose children died due to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's incompetence, invited him to the cemetery, and they asked him to take those photos…

>>21518156, >>21518304, >>21518618, >>21518650 Planefaggin

>>21518204, >>21518171 Waste Of The Day: Unscrupulous NGOs Rake In Billions For Foreign Assistance

>>21518187 Racist Signs Popping Up in Denver Connected to Controversial Street Artist

>>21518189 ‘I’m a whistleblower’: Trustee turns on Tiffany Henyard

>>21518198 Adele announces indefinite hiatus from music: ‘You won’t see me for an incredibly long time’

>>21518218 Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

>>21518224, >>21518559, >>21518536 PSA: How to pour a beer.

>>21518231 Don't get distracted; Epstein's clients are still raping children.

>>21518233 No one is safe with Kamala's open border.

>>21518240 Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

>>21518258 Russian government lists threats to country’s youth

>>21518291 Masses around Israel demand Gaza deal; protesters block Ayalon Highway

>>21518301 Meet your new neighbors if Kamala wins.

>>21518303 Bank of England staff told to share pronouns and use ‘gender neutral’ language

>>21518311 Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

>>21518314 Zelensky fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss

>>21518345 On this day 85 years ago, World War II broke out.

>>21518349 Kiev warns about millions of illegal firearms in circulation

>>21518380 Big Tech liable for breaking promises to users that led to suicide, death threats: appeals court

>>21518394 The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'

>>21518403 Medvedev believes he knows why Kiev wants Donbass

>>21518515 Israeli medics are systematically mass r*ping female patients in psychiatric mental hospital wards.

>>21518547 49er Ricky Pearsall Shot In Chest During San Francisco Robbery; Mom Gives Update

>>21518579 @realDonaldTrump - We grieve the senseless death of the Israeli Hostages, horrifically including a wonderful American Citizen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered by Hamas due to a complete lack of American Strength and Leadership. Make no mistake — This happened because Comrade Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe Biden are poor Leaders.

>>21518593 6 Israeli tourists were stabbed in Taba, Egypt. The fight started after the Israelis refused to pay their bill at a 5 star hotel.

>>21518620 Black people. What makes you think you have to remain in an ABUSIVE relationship with the Democrats?

>>21518640 Wow check out all the boats that came out to support President Donald Trump in liberal blue Massachusetts!

>>21518644 Goya CEO slams Biden-Harris admin as ‘complicit’ in child and drug trafficking at border

>>21518759 Major shopping mall opposite the Pentagon is on lockdown with 'high-level government official inside'

>>21518804 Historic Shift: Right-Wing AfD Poised for Landmark Victory in German State Election, Exit Polls — Despite Constant Persecution by Globalist Elites

>>21518844 RFK Jr. Calls for ‘Reckoning’ for ‘Immoral, Homicidal, Criminal Behavior’ During COVID-19 Pandemic

>>21518886 #26363

#26362 >>21517410

>>21517445 POINTS for callin Palindrome Bread Digits Bravo Zulu

>>21517424 Kamala Trashes 13 Gold Star Families

>>21517427, >>21517429 Health experts fear RFK Jr.’s ‘dangerous’ influence on Trump

>>21517431 Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich column published Friday that Elon Musk was "out of control," and argued he needed to be reined in

>>21517433, >>21517548, >>21517624 Boeing's Starliner crew are reporting hearing strange "sonar like noises" emanating from the spacecraft

>>21517440, >>21517443 When I criticize international central banksters and their corporate flunkies and political/academic/media prostitutes, I'm careful not to conflate them with all Jews.

>>21517444, >>21517676 NH Supremes rule schools can keep parents in the dark about gender transitions

>>21517459 Robert F. Kennedy Jr & John Stossel Debate the Science & Propaganda Behind Childhood Vaccines

>>21517495 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Live at Limitless Expo

>>21517537 Uk: Children found dead all aged under four - police

>>21517581 SF-Usha Chilukuri Vance, the wife of Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, has left her job as a corporate litigator at Munger, Tolles & Olson

>>21517610 1992 a real Communist Party USA Meeting was held in California at the University of Berkeley, Obama Administration

>>21517617 50 Cent says celebs are 'silent' on Diddy because 'they've been to his parties.’ Do you think he is right?

>>21517618 PDJT: Comrade Kamala

>>21517634 State-funded media trying to convince people that having kids is a public health concern?!? They’re literally on a crusade to destroy families and depopulate the world.

>>21517636 The exact moment Bobby became the enemy of the deep state.

>>21517641 "Tirelessly."

>>21517659 NBC's @kwelkernbc tried to excuse the fact that Kamala has never reached out to the Gold Star families of the 13 fallen service members from Abbey Gate by saying she and Biden "met with them during the dignified transfer."

>>21517700 Ukraine's Representative to UN hints Lavrov may have already passed away

>>21517701 Tim Walz’s brother hints at getting on stage with Trump to endorse him


>>21517793 Kamala Harris pledged free healthcare for illegals. They're coming to collect.

>>21517813 Jack Smith Surrenders: Special Counsel Will Not Seek Expedited Hearings in Donald Trump Case

>>21517847 They started it. They'll finish it.


>>21517888, >>21517891 On October 7, Hersh Goldberg-Polin — an American citizen — was taken hostage by Hamas terrorists. He was just 23 years old, attending a music festival with friends. We now know he was murdered by Hamas.

>>21517787, >>21517769, >>21517655, >>21517662, >>21517645, >>21517682 The memes we all need

>>21518031 #26362

#26361 >>21516485

>>21517062 Finish the story, Bobby. 🇺🇸

>>21516491 64 Days to WINNING

>>21516512 Reagan Good film, movie length 2hr 15 minutes.

>>21516517 Message to Kamala from Mark Schmitz, Gold Star Father of Lance Corporal Jared M. Schmitz>>21516710 Brilliant chess move to trick accusatory trans activists into admitting what they themselves are doing

>>21516518 Biden-Harris doling out hundreds of millions to communities dealing with illegal aliens—Taxpayers on hook

>>21516520 After banning X, Brazil has blocked the X account of the US embassy in Brazil

>>21516575 These MEN have been named as two of Elle Magazine’s ‘8 Incredible Canadian Women.’

>>21516598, >>21517321 Japan voiced “strong concern and protest” after a Chinese naval ship entered its territorial waters.

>>21516602 CNN, Washington Post: A Modern Press Gang

>>21516636 Evaluation of the effects of MERCK, MODERNA, PFIZER/BioNTech, and JANSSEN COVID-19 vaccines on vaccinated people: A metadata analysis

>>21516638 Biden restarts immigration program for migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela

>>21516652 Aurora Colorado this is what America looks like. #Freedom

>>21516664 Stephen Miller's statement that Kamala Harris picking a fight with the grieving families of the Abbey Gate 13—whose deaths she bears responsibility for—is not only morally reprehensible but also a politically self-destructive move, is absolutely accurate.

>>21516672 The C_A is using the vehicle of fascism to implement communism

>>21516673 The so-called “defenders of democracy” are at it again; this time, the lib Chris Hayes of MSNBC is going after The Electoral College

>>21516700 Dude Spits on Trump Flag, Speeds Off and Plows into Pole for the keks

>>21516710 Brilliant chess move to trick accusatory trans activists into admitting what they themselves are doing

>>21516724 Rent first debt slavery

>>21516737 Trump backed the legalization of recreational marijuana, in certain circumstances, in his current home state of Florida

>>21516741 Ukraine blackmailing nuclear plant staff – Moscow

>>21516755 NYT: The constitution is sacred, is it also dangerous?

>>21516772, >>21516800 Kremlin blasts arrest in France of Telegram founder

>>21516841 NEVER FORGET Q+: "Kamala has "lost" 325,000 children across the border sent to child sex operations or slavery"

>>21516923 Ukrainian defense chief visits Pentagon Washington’s “policy has not changed,” meaning that Ukraine is allowed to use US-supplied weapons to defend against cross-border attacks, but not for “deep strikes”

>>21516993, >>21517192, >>21517251, >>21517305 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day plus moar

>>21517037, >>21517043, >>21517067 Rasmussen Reports ~ "We Believe the Whole Polling Industry is Lying to YOU"/The Cheat is On

>>21517079 Root Cause and Kamala Harris

>>21517082 Justice Department to Monitor Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws in Massachusetts

>>21517094 Former Customs and Border Patrol Agent Found Guilty of Federal Civil Rights and Kidnapping Charges for Sexually Assaulting and Abducting Minor

>>21517136 Trump film ‘The Apprentice’ /Trump campaign, in a statement Friday called the film’s release “election interference by Hollywood elites

>>21517328 Happy Chess Day

>>21517397 #26361

Previously Collected

>>21517224 #26360

>>21515004 #26357, >>21514503 #26358, >>21515433 #26359

>>21510683 #26354, >>21512199 #26355, >>21512818 #26356

>>21508342 #26351, >>21509125 #26352, >>21509897 #26353

>>21505350 #26348, >>21506599 #26349, >>21507425 #26350

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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633238 No.21518901

File: 6ceab73bbe9973c⋯.jpg (281.11 KB,1068x867,356:289,6ceab73bbe9973cc014235126e….jpg)

File: 140eaff0c0e94ef⋯.png (10.38 MB,3210x2507,3210:2507,140eaff0c0e94ef66a088b71a9….png)

File: 43684ba770ba986⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,480x852,40:71,43684ba770ba98632edfcd41ac….mp4)



NoteBaker still lurkin off and on

Next Baker, please stand up!

Godspeed, patriots!


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924dac No.21518908

File: 4ebfb4cd5ef5234⋯.png (311.55 KB,1200x828,100:69,TYB.png)


Thanks to all Bakers who continue to light the way!

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291ec2 No.21518915

>>21518740 pb

>equates marijuana to hard schedule 1 death dealing drugs

>does not compute

ALL "prohibitions" are unconstitutional

read the ninth amendment

read it again

repeat until you grasp the meaning

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56ad51 No.21518916

File: 2f89befd77a93d0⋯.png (650.76 KB,1060x603,1060:603,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7b3e2 No.21518918

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570c8d No.21518922

File: 70f936d9066b9ac⋯.jpg (102 KB,500x625,4:5,70f936d9066b9ac3659c76bd84….jpg)

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a7f827 No.21518924

File: 8c4ef3babda9269⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,474x270,79:45,8c4ef3babda9269f885a7ccfb7….mp4)

File: c140cd63248a21c⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,480x270,16:9,c140cd63248a21c2c27ce6483b….mp4)

File: 4b1b23bcfa170e2⋯.webm (3.96 MB,150x267,50:89,4b1b23bcfa170e2cf5fe39724….webm)

File: 758456cedcfb57c⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,720x758,360:379,758456cedcfb57c3e51a092b13….mp4)


the man's boy was a fully baked creampie. tyb

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8a9a2b No.21518925

File: b8f84821a29e9ba⋯.jpeg (203.95 KB,1284x1098,214:183,IMG_2790.jpeg)

File: ff954fbe20902d5⋯.jpeg (305.93 KB,1284x1041,428:347,IMG_2789.jpeg)

File: ad8b9fc7ea6d9b3⋯.jpeg (196.4 KB,1284x938,642:469,IMG_2788.jpeg)

File: 2848882a7a47111⋯.jpeg (244.54 KB,1284x917,1284:917,IMG_2786.jpeg)

File: f246fa9089a9bed⋯.jpeg (197.77 KB,1284x843,428:281,IMG_2785.jpeg)

I don't know how often he has to say this, but this is just 5 out of 8x in 18 days

You will find this statements 100's of times through all his videos.Why isn't il Trumpo harassed to take this down, the same with the statement "I am the real President", wouldn't he banned by now

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8a9a2b No.21518927

File: e6d453e364d9065⋯.jpeg (245.1 KB,1284x937,1284:937,IMG_2782.jpeg)

File: ad4cd545f4dc6b6⋯.jpeg (270.88 KB,1284x1080,107:90,IMG_2783.jpeg)

File: c233b9b19d5d26e⋯.jpeg (214.8 KB,1284x861,428:287,IMG_2784.jpeg)

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56ad51 No.21518928

File: cfdfb808336504d⋯.png (428.1 KB,702x768,117:128,ClipboardImage.png)


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1df4ec No.21518933

File: 600cc132fb7e2bb⋯.png (434.46 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA187.png)

File: d46812167597535⋯.png (361.09 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA186.png)

File: 51e494ce3d588f0⋯.png (575.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,KAMOOLA185.png)

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5a5569 No.21518935

File: 83776463f2f3876⋯.png (666.59 KB,1320x2060,66:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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dd6cae No.21518937

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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56ad51 No.21518938

File: 08a12fc37649e08⋯.png (262.21 KB,720x567,80:63,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8860ccfbcfcaae9⋯.png (535.42 KB,970x1024,485:512,judge.png)

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56ad51 No.21518941

File: 68cde12f28e3004⋯.png (906.2 KB,830x750,83:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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62d4f7 No.21518942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tank bakes




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f4a32f No.21518943

File: ab4d287256a516d⋯.mp4 (11.64 MB,884x498,442:249,v_XHwGaVWNJzzGz5.mp4)

RFK on reckoning for covid.

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db4689 No.21518945



> il Trumpo

^Has nothing to do with Q

try >>>/girltalk/

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aee7a9 No.21518946

File: 2b41c8ae00c4011⋯.png (880.62 KB,948x851,948:851,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef7e02 No.21518948

File: 340043c1b2a1eb9⋯.png (622.5 KB,680x646,20:19,340043c1b2a1eb9dfe0d0eb77e….png)



dint see the bake call out.

and then say something else a bit too late

anon requested BV lock on other bake.

so, should be more incomming soon

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b416f5 No.21518949

File: a1b36f0b806826d⋯.png (1.65 MB,895x1147,895:1147,ClipboardImage.png)


>How to pour a beer.


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aee7a9 No.21518950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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655ff6 No.21518951

File: 5a6d02582d0600e⋯.png (233.5 KB,508x761,508:761,ClipboardImage.png)

Named H Valdimir?


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db4689 No.21518952


>ALL "prohibitions" are unconstitutional

Just like the ATF can't make rules for guns.

The gargantuan federal beast that was intended to contain the USA for NWO will be used to exile them from Earth

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aee7a9 No.21518960

File: 4d10a8aa2acbbea⋯.png (643.24 KB,906x648,151:108,ClipboardImage.png)

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aee7a9 No.21518961

the bread got locked

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8f51d8 No.21518962

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's the video

He answered the question: "are you Papi Trumpo? Yes, I think I so

Titled:I'M BATMAN!!!😎🇺🇸

il Donaldo Trumpo



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91b48d No.21518963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Evidence of Ancient Extraterrestrial Invasions Found in Holy Bible and Historical Texts

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633238 No.21518964




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a7f827 No.21518965

File: 0abbe5be1bd9238⋯.png (382.78 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_080741.png)

File: c86524b48f0e765⋯.png (394.32 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_080927.png)

File: ed03b92fcb10419⋯.png (330.27 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_081722.png)

File: c9463b8d6e61fa1⋯.png (587.06 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_081919.png)

File: 6c54a7df5a90368⋯.png (371.03 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082134.png)

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a7f827 No.21518967

File: c9463b8d6e61fa1⋯.png (587.06 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_081919.png)

File: 6c54a7df5a90368⋯.png (371.03 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082134.png)

File: c9a45abe3efa01e⋯.png (377.38 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082337.png)

File: 3b2371c53db085b⋯.png (372.7 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082540.png)

File: 1b6c4f3a77f4da1⋯.png (441.92 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082704.png)


now say DJT is fake

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63e7b6 No.21518968

File: 5cfb1c640d3a12c⋯.jpeg (66.58 KB,858x960,143:160,5cfb1c640d3a12c06fe8aeb64….jpeg)

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345c79 No.21518969

Why is Russia so fuckin' white and based, considering they're emerging out of full-blown communism? They're pushing communism here and it always leads to degeneracy.

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570c8d No.21518970

File: f35674f449ad4b8⋯.jpg (45.34 KB,500x500,1:1,f35674f449ad4b87f4712cd723….jpg)

>stoners arguing over legalizing pot

Anon doesn't give AF about pot, but those damn abusive seatbelt chimes that won't let you go to the end of your driveway without an assault to your ear drumspiss me off to no end!

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a7f827 No.21518971

File: 1b6c4f3a77f4da1⋯.png (441.92 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082704.png)

File: 1b6c4f3a77f4da1⋯.png (441.92 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082704.png)

File: 3b2371c53db085b⋯.png (372.7 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082540.png)

File: c9a45abe3efa01e⋯.png (377.38 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_082337.png)

File: 7b703eee42d47d2⋯.png (384.83 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240901_134234.png)

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588f4c No.21518972

File: 0f30a0c2de9bda2⋯.gif (1.52 MB,720x524,180:131,Magnetic_Recapture_Pepe.gif)

File: 449569678c0f516⋯.gif (4.01 MB,720x540,4:3,Trump_Legalize_Weed_3.gif)

File: e5a012766a45284⋯.png (935.97 KB,719x1623,719:1623,1725226344013.png)

File: adfab25f3c8bb7a⋯.png (659.84 KB,1265x922,1265:922,1725223327827.png)

File: 8c558f42cfc19c6⋯.png (1.37 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725221745189.png)





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f0c20c No.21518974



don't know how we got a dup bake but locked the other one

other baker claimed at the last minute?

thanks to all bakers and note takers,


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db4689 No.21518975

File: 2ca69dccc47469c⋯.png (177.56 KB,208x298,104:149,2ca69dccc47469c09c3e5fa652….png)


Expert deflection with humor

>unhinged conspiracy theorists

anon doesn't feel unhinged

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7ea9ce No.21518976


the grifter wants you to believe.

I know for a FACT Trump would not beg yall to buy him a coffee.

FUCK YOU grifter.

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f4a32f No.21518977

File: 1e160c60e3fb23c⋯.png (242.1 KB,650x792,325:396,Screenshot_2024_09_01_1739….png)

File: 0c0d0551bf832ab⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,720x1280,9:16,GOyTYPPIfY9knjqR.mp4)

Anons with news


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3bdcc9 No.21518978

File: 8d1e83051c21a3a⋯.gif (5.75 MB,296x480,37:60,night_train.gif)

File: 6164b7d594477e4⋯.gif (5.88 MB,600x838,300:419,truck_nightshift.gif)

File: c2bfb452f6c4ad1⋯.gif (4.04 MB,480x272,30:17,ns_storm.gif)

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7ea9ce No.21518980

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3b0313 No.21518981

File: 0f593ef1cd415a7⋯.png (327.69 KB,465x822,155:274,fin.PNG)


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f0c20c No.21518982


seent, baker

ty for baking, just last minute stuff

other bread locked

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56ad51 No.21518983


step one: plug in seat belt

step two: sit on seat belt

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588f4c No.21518984

File: c837a50ffa0e0c7⋯.jpg (103.32 KB,900x1200,3:4,A_FUCK_YEAH_PATRIOT_PUNISH….jpg)

File: e23a270a5a0e292⋯.jpg (38.39 KB,960x720,4:3,M_to_Bohemian_Grove_2002_T….jpg)

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,Plus_Ultra_Kek.gif)

File: 87007990d008acc⋯.jpg (93.34 KB,501x640,501:640,Meanwhile_at_Kamp_Kek_Kek_.jpg)

File: 1d8db0d94dbe395⋯.jpg (104.06 KB,948x632,3:2,Top_Kek_Cobbler.jpg)


Top Kek!

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d9c4bd No.21518985


>equates marijuana to hard schedule 1 death dealing drugs

Holistic isn't allopathic. Holistic bad.

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3bdcc9 No.21518986

File: b279b76bbd30457⋯.png (647.2 KB,500x557,500:557,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b0313 No.21518987

File: fc1a785064f35b1⋯.png (1.21 MB,749x832,749:832,br.PNG)


Politics exclusive

Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology,’ believes VP hopeful is not ‘type of character’ who should make decisions about US’ future

By Jon Levine

Published Aug. 31, 2024

Updated Aug. 31, 2024, 4:46 p.m. ET

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609935 No.21518989


>abusive seatbelt chimes that won't let you go to the end of your driveway without an assault to your ear drumspiss me off to no end!

kmao, those are super easy to disable

run the seatbelt behind your seat and plug it in


hate them also, miss the days before it was a law, that and insurance

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f4a32f No.21518990

File: 08200326a06c0ed⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB,480x852,40:71,WYALHbS37tsfGhpd.mp4)

KEK Amish baby


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37a9ec No.21518991

File: e08461af48b12a9⋯.png (490.74 KB,799x363,799:363,_N_o_S_uch_A_gency.png)

(N)o (S)uch (A)gency to launch No Such Podcast

Snowball incoming…?

The National Security Agency—the long-secret, then merely extremely secretive signals-intelligence behemoth—is launching a podcast to tell the public about its clandestine activities.

Dubbed “No Such Podcast” after the "No Such Agency" nickname, the audio series is coming soon, according to a trailer made available for reporting on Thursday. It will feature NSA experts discussing the agency’s role in combat support, signals intelligence, and cybersecurity missions, according to a spokesperson.


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232ecd No.21518992


Turn about is fair play. By the way Russia is not the issue, The CCP from China bought Washington DC

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3b0313 No.21518993

File: 121004486fa25da⋯.png (49.04 KB,611x324,611:324,kp.PNG)



Kash Patel


More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview- did she mention bringing home our citizens safely??? Or talk about her failed national security policies that funded and led to the war in Israel?

Don’t gamble on innocent lives, @realDonaldTrump didn’t. Its not a coincidence he brought home more hostages/detainees than all presidents before him combined… and ended, not started wars 🇺🇸

Sep 01, 2024, 2:37 AM

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62d4f7 No.21518994

File: 4c48abdd6026ca3⋯.jpeg (48.51 KB,828x441,92:49,B287DB0E_F91D_42EA_ABF6_D….jpeg)

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864b71 No.21518995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Wasn't that a party

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588f4c No.21518996

File: 84826e6491b650f⋯.png (1.39 MB,1386x841,1386:841,1725224398500.png)

File: 29c44fe204dd7db⋯.png (1.66 MB,1322x882,661:441,1725160051897.png)

File: 3e88d0fe6ce455e⋯.png (1.52 MB,1075x1084,1075:1084,1725159343900.png)

File: 82822a8ba72a780⋯.png (1.3 MB,1076x1084,269:271,1725140764656.png)

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a7f827 No.21518997


keep feet of console in the slipseat dames

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dd6cae No.21518998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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74a82f No.21519000

File: f9a88fd3e3fd1c4⋯.png (103.25 KB,1005x693,335:231,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f9b9 No.21519001

File: ce920c2773eb9f7⋯.png (423.28 KB,479x479,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Kash "Lavrov" Patel

funny clown.

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622041 No.21519002

>>21518956 pb

You can load the page here, don't know why the links are not navigable. Coiled heat is the solution.


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70b5a0 No.21519003

fuck yes!

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db4689 No.21519004

File: 38a7270ab845784⋯.webm (126.58 KB,460x816,115:204,38a7270ab845784434e8a489a….webm)


>now say DJT is fake

Take your meds schizo. never said DJT was fake

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56ad51 No.21519005

File: 6325f031b3e7644⋯.jpg (171.97 KB,692x856,173:214,klaus.jpg)

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3b0313 No.21519006

File: eb475ff112a1e0b⋯.png (722.69 KB,572x813,572:813,guy.PNG)

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25d077 No.21519008


claiming dough

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f0c20c No.21519009


>nothing to do with Q


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3b0313 No.21519010

File: 388b7f4d81dff90⋯.png (644.15 KB,772x569,772:569,bro.PNG)

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cb6a27 No.21519011

File: 381fe94b56027ee⋯.webp (49.84 KB,700x906,350:453,aGye0d7_700bwp.webp)

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345c79 No.21519012


except hitler was the good guy; fighting against jewish degeneracy.

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345c79 No.21519013


kek based meme

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56ad51 No.21519014

File: c032033400a2a26⋯.png (293.66 KB,956x669,956:669,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ac148 No.21519015

File: d3bb9a69a821d5e⋯.png (903.44 KB,1362x878,681:439,4716bt_3924887612.png)

File: 5c19361a6140d96⋯.jpg (11.82 KB,474x266,237:133,th_626605862.jpg)

File: 787676ff3af61ce⋯.jpg (123.18 KB,1920x1080,16:9,bateman_3731473212.jpg)

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db4689 No.21519016


>Anons with news


>Three cherry pit arsenic

Have to grind the pits to get to it, peaches contain moar

>14 shots in an hour w/o puking

That's barely warming up

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56ad51 No.21519017

File: 3c8819a9828c182⋯.jpeg (85.92 KB,401x398,401:398,jews44.jpeg)

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8e5cce No.21519018


all night shift bullshit filtered on sight

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345c79 No.21519019


holy shit i didn't consider that. Imagine using Gold Star families as a prop, with lies no less, when they pulled out of afghanistan in the gayest way possible and got people killed, and abandoned our people.

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a7f827 No.21519020

File: 48bcd714351f8bf⋯.jpg (143.25 KB,500x1289,500:1289,34lrm3.jpg)

File: ce003d7e5bb8efb⋯.jpg (167.47 KB,1333x1333,1:1,melania_trump_tennis_pavil….jpg)


snarky commence

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56ad51 No.21519021

File: 7a3e5aec79ee2fc⋯.png (409.62 KB,795x706,795:706,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6f1459f3eaed8e⋯.png (578.84 KB,614x591,614:591,scattered.png)

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3bdcc9 No.21519022

File: 742847206a387a1⋯.png (223.17 KB,1192x906,596:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bdc570d834943a⋯.png (463.31 KB,840x805,24:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 543d84c50e30312⋯.png (152.19 KB,885x845,177:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)


Jon Levine quote below his profile.

Send him the election clock and a punisher meme. check out his profile picture on X with a knife inside the word Wri[t]e




quote: It's a pity the rules don't allow me to be merciful JLevine1@NYPost.com 🇺🇸🇮🇱


It's a pity the rules don't allow me to be merciful JLevine1@NYPost.com 🇺🇸🇮🇱


Reporter, New York Post

New York

Metro New York, Politics

As seen in: New York Post, cloudflare.com, CNN, The New York Times, Yahoo Entertainment, Yahoo Life, Fox News, MSN (US), Nature, The Sun, Wiley Online Library, Yahoo Canada, Aol, News.com.au, SFGate, The Atlantic, Yahoo, Yahoo Finance, MarketWatch, Chron, Flipboard, Genius, South China Morning Post, The Minnesota Star Tribune, Fox Business, Page Six, The Daily Telegraph, The Herald Sun, South Florida Sun Sentinel, The Scottish Sun, The Wrap, WND, The Courier-Mail, Habits of a Free Mind, Houston Chronicle, Mediaite, Mic, RealClear Politics, Seattlepi.com, The Chronicle of Higher Education, MediaPost, The Irish Sun, Fox Sports Australia, HotAir, MYSA, Connecticut Post, Law and Crime, The National Interest, Gold Coast Bulletin, The Advertiser (South Australia), Finextra, Healio Rheumatology, Stamford Advocate, Before It's News, JNeurosci, The Mercury (Tasmania), Middletown Press, Northern Territory News, Laredo Morning Times, The Norwalk Hour, Danbury News-Times, Greenwich Time, NewsBreak, Register Citizen, The Weekly Times, LawNewz, Free Republic, Townsville Bulletin, Geelong Advertiser, Middle East Forum, Midland Reporter-Telegram, The Edwardsville Intelligencer, Inside Philanthropy, The Cairns Post, Yahoo Finanzas, The Chronicle (Toowoomba, QLD), RealClear Policy, Black Christian News Network, Freedoms Phoenix, NewsBeezer, Pedfire, Our Community Now, Lucianne.com, WGMD-FM (Rehoboth Beach, DE), Bold TV, Time.News, Plant Services, Australian National Review, bioRxiv, We The Italians, Daily Star News Today, Fintech Finance & News, Play Crazy Game, Cause Action, CauseACTION, European Journal of Oncology Nursing, Revista Port, salten.cz, Hecho En California, PressNewsAgency, Sondakika-haberleri

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3b0313 No.21519023

File: a73d1b05d98e39f⋯.png (610.82 KB,630x487,630:487,gm.PNG)

File: e2f0f24f7bda3d3⋯.png (304.16 KB,797x697,797:697,cn.PNG)


👀 Tim Walz’s brother hints at getting on stage with Trump to endorse him

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/share/p/xW8PxQyLv4Q9ctJg/) | XPOST (https://x.com/thechiefnerd/status/1830285484108759462?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)


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3346b1 No.21519024

File: 3ab09c85a5cd348⋯.png (480.78 KB,692x371,692:371,dwec.png)

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8ac148 No.21519026

File: 1eea5470a0dbeb7⋯.jpg (229.25 KB,934x676,467:338,1eea5470a0dbeb7c0a6ad3c09f….jpg)

File: 785fb725c0ee175⋯.jpg (159.05 KB,1014x633,338:211,785fb725c0ee175b5f66c97ebf….jpg)

File: 932b76d89ef10ed⋯.jpg (102.89 KB,750x737,750:737,932b76d89ef10edda17e43c012….jpg)

File: 80f8a2c8ceeb6ff⋯.jpg (15.91 KB,474x343,474:343,th_372851500.jpg)

File: 48a2d3227a4068d⋯.jpg (15.6 KB,474x332,237:166,th_3937368890.jpg)

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b8d079 No.21519027

File: 30a1926da2c509b⋯.png (654.39 KB,773x684,773:684,ClipboardImage.png)

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db4689 No.21519028

File: f6db563b068272a⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,404x360,101:90,f6db563b068272a8b2f4c99f35….mp4)


>snarky commence

You targeting the wrong id or schizo

Fuck off

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570c8d No.21519029

File: bac4183764c69dc⋯.png (977.4 KB,950x829,950:829,e07e81d92ee8c50cff18fed8a5….png)

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345c79 No.21519030


you probably think the holocaust is real, huh?

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56ad51 No.21519031

File: f4f6f55a3699abc⋯.png (419.57 KB,715x894,715:894,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b0313 No.21519032

File: 774df47873529ff⋯.png (26.21 KB,602x337,602:337,or.PNG)


Oilfield Rando


You can tell this was a pre-coordinated media Narrative in collusion with the Harris campaign.

You can also tell that they didn’t anticipate mediate and direct responses from the Gold Star families


Fred Wellman




Trump’s Arlington Cemetery stunt was repulsive. The fallout is chilling. https://msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-arlington-cemetery-employee-initimidation-rcna169063

7:23 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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56ad51 No.21519033

File: 0ddb3f6a7827209⋯.png (721.09 KB,818x900,409:450,ClipboardImage.png)

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89adca No.21519034

File: b383ca74d42cb2e⋯.png (176.89 KB,297x535,297:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b0313 No.21519035

File: f79bd2d6b76395f⋯.png (447.58 KB,591x487,591:487,po.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/auburn-basketball-coach-bruce-pearl-points-kamalas-socialist/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=auburn-basketball-coach-bruce-pearl-points-kamalas-socialist


7:23 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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56ad51 No.21519036

File: 4d4ef6e2a7c08cf⋯.png (401.7 KB,720x805,144:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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001602 No.21519037


That’s was I’ve observed! Nothing to do with Q!

Corsi or Gorka Q is garbage.

Grifter, all you have to do is follow Margo or Michael and you’ll get behind the scenes footage.

Of course PDJT would say he’s Papa/Papi Trump!

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633238 No.21519038

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56ad51 No.21519039

File: 760f5fc7f0d8aef⋯.png (366.43 KB,720x774,40:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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345c79 No.21519040


claim it, big daddy!

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ef7e02 No.21519041

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b8d079 No.21519042

File: d08daebec9989c6⋯.png (56.35 KB,315x185,63:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b0313 No.21519043

File: c4bc5ab1849d020⋯.png (487.49 KB,587x480,587:480,mh.PNG)


End Wokeness


BREAKING: A manhunt is underway to find who put up these "hate signs" in Denver



6:21 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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d8f1ca No.21519044



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b8d079 No.21519046


I smell QAnoners.

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74a82f No.21519047

File: 44d3c539c190bb2⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,720x720,1:1,il_Donaldo_Trumpo_I_M_BATM….mp4)

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ebb932 No.21519048

File: a9520fc365a53f3⋯.png (344.69 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_09_01_at_1….png)

>>21518156 (lb)

Greetings Planefag!

Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic but 56 results for a vessel named CHELSEA. There is one satellite only track (yep, paywall) for a ship that may have been in the position given for CHELSEA as she is still heading roughly Northwest. I see for the most part Global Marine Distress and Safety System (GNDSS) equipped vessels have used Iridium satellites for emergency comms, but the big lines seem to all be going with Starlink. Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO) seems to be the exception and still going with Inmarsat which is what many vessels would have to receive tv broadcasts for crews, and some oil platforms.

Swire Pacific’s Fleet Gets Unlimited Internet Access

May 28, 2013

Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO), a Singapore-based leading service provider to the offshore oil and gas industry, is upgrading to Inmarsat’s FleetBroadband


Ohad Har-Lev, Managing Director Mobile Satellite Services, RRsat said: “Maritime broadband services have opened up a wide range of commercial, operational and personal crew communication uses. The ongoing and challenging economic environment for the shipping industry has driven the need for efficient and cost effective satcom solutions. FB Unlimited, along with the enhanced smart@sea solution, allows SPO to manage its communication costs, while meeting the growing demand for bandwidth.”

The upgrade agreement for SPO comprises SAILOR FB500 terminals, on-going maintenance and support services, as well as Station711’s smart@sea communication gateway, which was originally installed as part of the FB 5GB contract awarded back in 2011.

SMTS will conduct surveys of all SPO’s vessels before carrying out the installation of the antennas and FleetBroadband terminals, as well as the on-board Local Area Networks (LANs). Station711 will provide the satcom management and control toolset based on its DPlatform solution. This is in addition to smart@sea for Unified Threat Management (UTM) security, the crew welfare voice and data module, IP traffic real-time compression, acceleration, caching and filtering, shore-side unified POP facility providing a centralised management interface, and a powerful control system.



The result of over 50 years’ experience in the maritime industry, SMART@SEA is our single application solution that provides customers with a smart technology portfolio covering all their IT, security, welfare and communication needs.

Tailored to suit your requirements

We understand that requirements vary and, as such, we’ve designed our SMART@SEA solution to be highly flexible; offering the remote deployment of different value-added services to suit the unique challenges you face.

Our SMART@SEA solution can work with your existing onboard systems, seamlessly integrating communications networks, cybersecurity, crew welfare and IT services through one digital platform – with world-class security features to ensure you remain IMO 2021 cyber regulations compliant.


OSG Signs Fleet Up for Starlink Satellite Internet Service

December 19, 2023

Elon Musk’s SpaceX continues to penetrate the market for maritime satellite communications with Overseas Shipholding Group announcing an agreement to


MOL to Install Starlink Satellite Internet on Over 200 Ships

October 16, 2023

SpaceX’s satellite internet service Starlink is continuing to increase its presence in the commercial maritime sector with Japanese shipping company


Maersk to Roll-Out Starlink Satellite Internet Across Containership Fleet

October 12, 2023

A.P. Moller – Maersk has announced plans to install SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet on its fleet of more than 330 owned containerships.


Hapag-Lloyd to Roll Out Starlink Internet Service Across Fleet

September 21, 2023

Hapag-Lloyd is rolling out Starlink satellite internet technology across its fleet, following a successful pilot phase.

Hapag-Lloyd is the world’s fifth largest container shipping line by TEU capacity, with a fleet of over 250 vessels including 122-owned ships, according to Alphaliner.


Anglo-Eastern Installs Starlink Internet Service on First of More Than 200 Managed Ships

March 13, 2023

Hong Kong-based ship manager Anglo-Eastern says it has rolled out SpaceX’s Starlink broadband internet service on an initial dozen vessels with more than 200


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56ad51 No.21519049

File: 8a3ff3a4707ae37⋯.png (360.71 KB,466x450,233:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8f1ca No.21519050

Relax your body.///

Relax your throat… ///

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3b0313 No.21519051

File: 774df47873529ff⋯.png (26.21 KB,602x337,602:337,or.PNG)


Oilfield Rando


Every mainstream media outlet had Arlington hit pieces ready to publish the morning after Kamala’s Arlington tweets. None of them mention the Gold Star family responses.

Important to notice that.

7:26 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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3b0313 No.21519052

File: ebde6e2c82bb666⋯.png (1.82 MB,852x850,426:425,piss.PNG)

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d70240 No.21519053

File: 4a689dc1d18884e⋯.png (519.96 KB,768x907,768:907,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64bb4f8a34203a2⋯.png (60.02 KB,894x894,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Hey Faggots, you missed one.

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db4689 No.21519054

File: c726bd686ceafdf⋯.png (465.45 KB,452x471,452:471,hVaxE1sno4.png)

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3b0313 No.21519055

File: 6513da20a7de4a3⋯.png (391.27 KB,594x487,594:487,bo.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


DISGUSTING! NBC Hack Kristen Welker Lies and Claims Kamala Was at the Dignified Transfer of the Kabul Airport Bombing Victims – When Kamala Blew It Off (VIDEO) https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/disgusting-nbc-hack-kristen-welker-lies-claims-kamala/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=disgusting-nbc-hack-kristen-welker-lies-claims-kamala


6:28 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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8ac148 No.21519056

File: 00f43ecba372045⋯.jpg (127.4 KB,992x992,1:1,e_jean_carroll_1_gty_bb_23….jpg)

File: f41a53ab6615c7b⋯.gif (1008.65 KB,300x220,15:11,h_rzJ8KAjF0w_KIwPmbNGqPkpP….gif)

File: 51c127b416638fd⋯.png (176.32 KB,480x640,3:4,s_l640.png)

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ef7e02 No.21519057


let me see that flag rel quick, ill be back

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b71383 No.21519058

File: eec8643ae7d63a4⋯.png (494.69 KB,381x513,127:171,pepe610.PNG)


KEK Thats not Anons thats RETARDS

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3b0313 No.21519059

File: 04556e24e9e7393⋯.png (235.05 KB,596x579,596:579,har.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


NBC is now walking back Kristen Welker’s statement that Kamala attended the dignified transfer of the 13 soldiers who were kiIIed at Abbey Gate. They say they “implied” Kamala was there. Kristen didn’t “imply” it. She outright said it. She straight up lied to cover for Kamala.

NBC can’t even get a correction right.


7:52 AM · Sep 1, 2024





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f4a32f No.21519060

File: 5005d4783f01eee⋯.png (300.88 KB,604x641,604:641,Screenshot_2024_09_01_1810….png)

File: 857c03b6f1281bb⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,j08WM7ROHox6f0c_.mp4)

Walk Away Walz pussy

James Spiro


Walz, when asked about the hostage deaths in Gaza, stops and walks away from the press.

Weak. Sad. Weird.


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570c8d No.21519061


The only sensible reason to wear a mask.

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345c79 No.21519062

remember when everyday the MSM was telling us Putin was losing the Ukraine war? wtf happened to that?

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3b0313 No.21519063

File: 7da050ded8ed668⋯.png (330.67 KB,601x489,601:489,piss.PNG)



Jack Poso 🇺🇸


BREAKING: NBC News’ Kristen Welker falsely claims Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families during dignified transfer

From thepostmillennial.com

8:46 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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aee7a9 No.21519064

File: b47cf4b24d029be⋯.jpeg (264.59 KB,610x605,122:121,b47cf4b24d029be273581c38b….jpeg)



they were right

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633238 No.21519065

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803d4e No.21519066

msndc pushing for nuclear war in Iran tonight – despite the nation objecting

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f4a32f No.21519067

File: 3bc34a864c9ee8b⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB,1280x720,16:9,M8yFhTMcPjGomLuf.mp4)



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db4689 No.21519068

File: 48204cc8ecbbd1b⋯.png (717.06 KB,1345x1360,269:272,ClipboardImage.png)


Those idiots actually posted a legit USA flag disposition


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dd6cae No.21519069

File: 3c445239eccd565⋯.png (54.56 KB,177x296,177:296,3c445239eccd565020997cfcc6….png)

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3b0313 No.21519070

File: c816ee85ba3912f⋯.png (531.79 KB,596x642,298:321,bom.PNG)


Alan MacLeod


By the end of his tenure, this man was bombing SEVEN countries simultaneously.


The Obama Archive



Aug 30

The world owes him an apology.


Rate proposed Community Notes

3:40 PM · Aug 31, 2024




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345c79 No.21519072


soooo we're supposed to give a shit about jews now?

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eb2c98 No.21519073


Ivermectin was brain stormed on this very board by a few of us anons and we were some of the first testers. That being said, if Ivermectin is a remedy for Covid then it is not a virus but a parasite. It cannot be replicated in a petri dish, therefor it cannot be a virus. I told you that Wuhan was using bats not for their bateria but for their dung which is a storehouse of nutrition for all types of worms and insects, especially the "Beetle". Remember, the Beatles told you the truth in the song "The Walrus": I am the eggman, they are the eggman, I am the Walrus, Goo Goo Gachub which pertains to initiation rites of freemason when they killed Hiram Abiff. The mRNA is a hoax to make you look at fake science. The China Dust is some type engineered bio-weapon of larva and can colonize. Radiation helps incubate. Remember, always right.

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b416f5 No.21519074

File: d7f7c1327340dbf⋯.png (51.12 KB,864x278,432:139,ClipboardImage.png)


>I smell QAnoners.

Darn QHeads again.

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a8a651 No.21519075

File: 90d8d98903f7094⋯.jpeg (193.91 KB,660x803,60:73,IMG_3565.jpeg)


Thauth it, Fuck-o.

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3b0313 No.21519076

File: 1f1fb02d7bb215e⋯.png (150.05 KB,602x683,602:683,mark.PNG)




Mark Cuban




Hey @elonmusk


, how come there were 804k votes for the poll , but only 656k engagements in the analytics ?




Mark Cuban



Aug 30

Who’s persona and character would you like to see young children grow up to have:

Show this poll

Ashley St. Clair


Are you questioning the results of a free and fair election, Mark? 🤨

5:54 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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ebb932 No.21519077

>>21519048 (me)

I could not tell you about the waters off Japan, but here's a mention of ADSB on oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico:

The Impact

Before ADS-B, aircraft over areas with limited surveillance and air-ground communication, like the Gulf of Mexico, had to fly far apart because aircraft need more space when radar cannot extend across large bodies of water or uninhabited areas. The Gulf, for instance, has been treated as oceanic airspace, with aircraft separations of 10 to 15 minutes. However, ADS-B stations on oil platforms allow separations of only 1 to 2 minutes in the Gulf.


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db4689 No.21519078



>Papi Trump!

Right since "Papi" means Daddy.

Cute girls asks…

>Who's your daddy?

Yep think so

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22f9b9 No.21519079

File: 73389d396a4220a⋯.jpg (388.48 KB,2048x1536,4:3,FotMrLjXsAUIBzi.jpg)

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cb9325 No.21519080

File: 4fcd06539d2daf8⋯.png (203.35 KB,1106x733,1106:733,ClipboardImage.png)


>you probably think the holocaust is real, huh?

Kek. Masturbation Death Machines™.

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d9c4bd No.21519081

File: 79a9f1b5858e1e2⋯.png (75.34 KB,500x344,125:86,European_Parliament_logo.png)


[Far right of theEU parlaiment seating chart.

Left in the forefront.

Vidrel the right side of the center are the nationalists.]


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d8f1ca No.21519082

File: dd3858784a893df⋯.png (3.32 MB,2048x1366,1024:683,nightshift_b2_2.png)


>The world owes him an apology.

Here's your apology… Batman Out…///

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3b0313 No.21519083

File: d5823735484f97b⋯.png (385.83 KB,866x700,433:350,cb.PNG)


California Bill Banning Voter ID Passes Legislature, Awaits Newsom's Signature

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Aug 31, 2024 - 09:40 AM

A bill in California that would ban local governments from requiring voter ID in elections passed the state's far-left assembly, and how awaits Governor Gavin Newsom's approval or veto.

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8ac148 No.21519084

File: 90a205a29156dc7⋯.jpg (73.38 KB,1200x630,40:21,council_for_inclusive_capi….jpg)

File: 5584ffec18767d9⋯.jpg (19.72 KB,474x158,3:1,th_810189690.jpg)

File: 11cc78ca9428b24⋯.jpg (500.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_124039….jpg)

File: 9d05802e6680671⋯.png (864.08 KB,573x680,573:680,9d05802e6680671dc414790242….png)

File: 142f6c614b3bc1e⋯.jpg (1.91 MB,3913x2568,3913:2568,movies_gladiator_movie_rus….jpg)

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cb9325 No.21519085


I would pawg Ashley St. Clair. She's fine af.

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a2f241 No.21519087

File: f6d2a452c602fd4⋯.jpg (64.33 KB,640x480,4:3,923m6w.jpg)

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d9c4bd No.21519088


[What about Antarctica?]

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a8a651 No.21519089

File: c2797fa96589087⋯.jpeg (67.02 KB,567x420,27:20,IMG_3563.jpeg)

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3b0313 No.21519090

File: a097310c9c11135⋯.png (447.57 KB,721x355,721:355,bc.PNG)


American News Sep 1, 2024

NBC News’ Kristen Welker falsely claims Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families during dignified transfer

Meet the Press issued a correction after airing the broadcast.

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a07b5b No.21519091

File: ebc6dd7a77537b9⋯.jpeg (172.64 KB,1626x1333,1626:1333,3519E27D_B7FB_403B_B435_E….jpeg)

I’m voting for Kamala Harris.

Sorry not sorry, bigots.

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570c8d No.21519092

File: f961f0f6f026d54⋯.jpeg (225.72 KB,840x840,1:1,f961f0f6f026d5439671badca….jpeg)

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df8012 No.21519093

File: ebb86504b6595ce⋯.png (411.91 KB,1084x851,1084:851,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31f453e4390f2a7⋯.png (574.62 KB,1637x673,1637:673,ClipboardImage.png)

Officials have shut down power (indefinately) on Palos Verde. Near Trump's Golf Course. Telling people they gotta leave.

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8ac148 No.21519094



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62d4f7 No.21519095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Stupid fuckin pedo, piece of shit commie Deepfuck Moran, idiot asshole, fuckace toilet cunt.


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cb9325 No.21519096

File: a316e1147c46338⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB,640x368,40:23,poso_on_Q_and_microchip.mp4)


>Jack Poso

Tell us about Micro, Jack.

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a8a651 No.21519097

File: 056f3e3a8b611d0⋯.jpeg (212.06 KB,1199x1272,1199:1272,IMG_3564.jpeg)

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3b0313 No.21519098

File: 3ca8134decab867⋯.png (336.59 KB,600x549,200:183,sc.PNG)



never thought to look till now it was her words that got me Anon

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588f4c No.21519099

File: 9929c30462f4705⋯.png (1.6 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725229127850.png)

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3b0313 No.21519100

File: ae84622e6cb685f⋯.png (443.85 KB,596x829,596:829,us.PNG)


Greg Price


The media is the enemy of the people.

There’s no other way to describe it


10:52 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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df8012 No.21519101


I will de-worm 2X a year for the rest of my life.

makes a big difference.

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b416f5 No.21519102

File: a7b7daa60ba8b97⋯.png (3.22 MB,1138x1722,569:861,Ashley_St_Clair_Hottie.png)



I think that's a valid question.

Hate that fucker.

Love Ashley St. Clair.

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e3248d No.21519103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 7

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3b0313 No.21519104

File: 8173e3efe078aa5⋯.png (326.67 KB,589x616,589:616,pt.PNG)




This should end the Kamala Harris campaign for President.

I put together an easily shareable compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night.

Send this to anyone who still thinks Kamala Harris is fit to be Commander in Chief.

7:44 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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a8a651 No.21519105


Swifties are Swift fans.

What are Kamies?

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56ad51 No.21519106

File: 0802372e6656666⋯.png (730.03 KB,810x789,270:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2f241 No.21519107


yes and some have nano worms FACT

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62d4f7 No.21519108

File: 17a2ec8d9cd4000⋯.jpeg (272.76 KB,612x797,612:797,1BC11589_281C_4557_B886_A….jpeg)

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a7f827 No.21519109


the wood doors and rubber seal invention was invented in the year. gaz me outzideclonB

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2381b5 No.21519110



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56ad51 No.21519111

File: 4aa495d84fc6049⋯.png (748.45 KB,568x637,568:637,4aa495d84fc604910f701d124e….png)

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b416f5 No.21519112

File: eb4c61374ef233d⋯.png (279.05 KB,474x220,237:110,ClipboardImage.png)


>Stupid fuckin pedo, piece of shit commie Deepfuck Moran, idiot asshole, fuckace toilet cunt.

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b71383 No.21519113

File: c97f6a00d7a911f⋯.png (2.08 MB,1919x726,1919:726,ClipboardImage.png)


++YOU++ get some collard greens

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cb9325 No.21519114


>Love Ashley St. Clair.

She has her chops, for sure. Top MAGA Thot, IMO. A lot of them disappeared after Trump lost in 2020.

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62d4f7 No.21519115


Stupid and worthless piece of shit cunts.

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3b0313 No.21519116

File: 4689e00099a77ad⋯.png (346.08 KB,587x664,587:664,fl.PNG)

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a7f827 No.21519117



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633238 No.21519118

does this link embed for anybody else?


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62d4f7 No.21519119

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cb6a27 No.21519120

File: 899e52849968785⋯.jpg (71.79 KB,500x576,125:144,fzddzfdzdfdzfzfzfz.jpg)

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56ad51 No.21519121

File: 1df7e2909bedf79⋯.png (493.39 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b0313 No.21519122

File: eac85492230f428⋯.png (244.29 KB,411x717,137:239,zee.PNG)


Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week - Episode 37

#10 - RFK Jr. vows to stop the “crime” of chemtrails as part of the Trump administration. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/huge-rfk-jr-vows-to-stop-crime-of-chemtrails-as-part-of-trump-administration/)

(Watch our exclusive interview with Dane Wigington)

#9 - Elon Musk issues a huge warning to Americans after Brazil bans 𝕏. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/elon-musk-fires-off-warning-to-americans-after-brazil-bans-x/)

#8 - Model and former Democrat embarrasses Mark Cuban with one simple question about Kamala Harris. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/model-and-former-dem-embarrasses-woke-mark-cuban-with-one-simple-question-about-kamala-harris/)

While you’re here, don’t forget to click here to subscribe to this page (http://t.me/vigilantfox) for more weekly news roundups each Sunday.

#7 - Kamala Harris falls apart in train-wreck CNN interview. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-awkward-kamala-harris-interview-summarized-in-5-minutes/)

#6 - MSNBC host gets exposed by his own words in shocking video. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/msnbc-host-threatens-to-sue-trump-aide-corey-lewandowski-then-gets-exposed-by-his-own-words-in-shocking-video/)

#5 - Mark Zuckerberg throws Biden-Harris regime under the bus, says COVID censorship was “wrong.” (https://vigilantnews.com/post/mark-zuckerberg-regrets-censoring-millions-of-americans-under-biden-regime-pressure/)

#4 - Cybersecurity expert Mike Benz reveals why he thinks the US State Department is behind the arrest of Telegram’s CEO. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/mike-benz-u-s-state-department-behind-arrest-of-telegram-ceo/)

#3 - Nicole Shanahan drops a brutal ad on Trump Derangement Syndrome. (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/watch-rfk-jr-campaign-drops-brutal-ad-severe/)

#2 - RFK Jr. fires off a series of truth bombs in explosive Dr. Phil interview. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-rfk-jr-interview-they-dont-want-you-to-see/)

#1 - Undercover video exposes the UN’s globalist plan and why they’re “terrified” of Trump. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/undercover-un-investigation-reveals-an-extremely-concerning-situation/)

- - - - - -

BONUS #1: Political insider reveals how RFK Jr. shakes up the 2024 election.

(Watch our exclusive interview with Larry Sharpe)

BONUS #2 - Nancy Pelosi Says the Quiet Part Out Loud to Bill Maher (https://vigilantnews.com/post/nancy-pelosi-says-the-quiet-part-out-loud-to-bill-maher/)

BONUS #3 - What Trump’s Near-Assassination Reveals (https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-hidden-threat-you-need-to-know/)

BONUS #4 - Pfizer Launches Bone-Chilling New Plan (https://vigilantnews.com/post/disturbing-pfizer-now-peddles-drugs-directly-to-consumers/)

BONUS #5 - How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More (https://vigilantnews.com/post/how-to-get-ivermectin-z-pak-and-more/)

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b71383 No.21519123

File: 3b5f532afd4a852⋯.png (1.46 MB,919x925,919:925,ClipboardImage.png)

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633238 No.21519124

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3bdcc9 No.21519125



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4328f5 No.21519126

File: 8c4a01eeae22075⋯.png (535.38 KB,612x797,612:797,ClipboardImage.png)


Da plane, da plane!!

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56ad51 No.21519127

File: a6411b4a01c96a8⋯.jpg (94.12 KB,900x851,900:851,a6411b4a01c96a86ff5004199b….jpg)

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3152d1 No.21519128


are you dead ?

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d70240 No.21519129


Why would they cut the first guy saying "I hope you burn in hell."?

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a7f827 No.21519130

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b4ac19 No.21519131


Timpons. The brand just for boys.

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3b0313 No.21519132

File: 7c05665e92d2827⋯.png (750.33 KB,798x397,798:397,s.PNG)

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aee7a9 No.21519133

File: 8aedbb5c4a5c666⋯.png (83.4 KB,1105x410,221:82,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f9b9 No.21519134

File: 2de7c64d0d71087⋯.png (345.93 KB,613x556,613:556,ClipboardImage.png)


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6da749 No.21519135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f4a32f No.21519136

File: 11561c5f0c9b140⋯.jpg (56.1 KB,883x500,883:500,nightshiftkaml.jpg)

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0f5ba0 No.21519137


Let's see, nope, won't embed.

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3b0313 No.21519138

File: 131573ec105184a⋯.png (214.29 KB,436x352,109:88,w.PNG)

File: 7187a177edc58fb⋯.png (906.32 KB,595x595,1:1,db.PNG)


​ (https://mr.cdn.ignitecdn.com/client_assets/thepostmillennial_com/media/picture/66d4/cd7f/5276/d00b/a3f0/f54e/content_Untitled_design_-_2024-09-01T142345.299.jpg?1725222272)WATCH: Tim Walz walks away as he’s asked about the 6 hostages found dead in Gaza

FULL STORY: https://fightingthecommies.com/ADLQ

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87d03e No.21519139


When did Communism in Russia end? Literally they are allied with Communist China.

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a97d61 No.21519140


>>>21516520 After banning X, Brazil has blocked the X account of the US embassy in Brazil

It's about the São Paulo Forum. They're the source of all this shit in the Americas.




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2381b5 No.21519141

File: fa7495e9aeb7f1b⋯.png (248.75 KB,600x608,75:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd863b1add2c6e8⋯.mp4 (9.24 MB,648x360,9:5,pic_twitvid.mp4)




This should end the Kamala Harris campaign for President.

I put together an easily shareable compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night.

Send this to anyone who still thinks Kamala Harris is fit to be Commander in Chief.


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bfbe53 No.21519142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JAMES BOND grabs a CLIMATE ACTIVIST by the NECK during dinner, forcing her to leave the party!


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e48a4b No.21519143

File: 2c5d04213317b4a⋯.png (398.11 KB,387x484,387:484,2c5d04213317b4a52cb6b0bca4….png)



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a7f827 No.21519144


Tim said fluffer

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f0c20c No.21519145



they never invade for me, but there's a tool that embeds twitter videos….used it once, was a little tricky but worked.


1. Copy link to twitter post

2. Go to converter:


3. Put link space

4. Click download

5. When completed, you will get 2-3 size links. Note: the board will not take any video large than 17 mg, when downloading you’ll see the size of the video, so you’ll know if the board will take it.

6. When clicking the link it asks if you want to download, click download

7. On the address bar you’ll see a blue circle, that goes white. Click on the circle, then click on the link. Video will open and you can download and save video to your phone or Computer.

8. Posting: put the tweet info in dialogue box, then click the box below that “select/drop/paste files here” to choose video.

You can post the tweet and video, I copy the text from tweet, you can’t post the video and picture.

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cb6a27 No.21519146

File: a1936229e8f99e0⋯.mp4 (9.38 MB,460x258,230:129,a878pAd_460sv.mp4)

For the keks

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f0c20c No.21519147


*embed not invade!

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570c8d No.21519148


>Top MAGA Thot, IMO. A lot of them disappeared after Trump lost in 2020.

Fair weather friends.

Real patriots slapped some Trump 2024 bumper stickers on, and enjoyed the reeeeeees of triggered lefties.

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633238 No.21519149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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861a1f No.21519150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Trying To Find A Balance"

They love the taste of blood

Now I don't know what that means, but I know that I mean it

Maybe they're as evil as they seem

Or maybe I only look out the window when it's scenic

Atmosphere finally made a good record

Yeah right, that shit almost sounds convincing

The last time I felt as sick and contradictive as this

Was the last time we played a show in Cincy

"Get real", they tell me

If only they knew how real this life really gets

They would stop acting like a silly bitch

They would respect the cock whether or not they believed in it


Doesn't take much and that's messed up

Because these people do a lot of simple shit to impress us

While everyone was trying to out-do the last man

I was just a ghost trying to catch some Ms. Pac-man

Hello ma'am, would you be interested

In some sexual positions and emotional investments

See, I'm not insane, in fact I'm kind of rational

When I be asking, "Yo where did all the passion go?"

East coast, West coast, down South, Midwest

Nowadays everybody knows how to get fresh

Somebody give me a big yes

God bless America, but she stole the B from Bless (and kept it)

Now I'm too fucked up to dance

So I'mma sit with my hand down the front of my pants

You can't achieve your goals if you don't take that chance

So go pry open that trunk and get those amps

In the days of kings and queens I was a jester

Treat me like a God or they treat me like a leper

You see me move back and forth between both

I'm trying to find a balance

I'm trying to build a balance


So now I keep a close eye on my pets

Because they make most of they moves off of instinct and scents

It's eat, sleep, fuck, and self-defense

So straight you can set your clocks and place bets

Wait, let's prey on the blind, deaf, dumb, dead

Hustle, maybe a couple will love what you said

Emcees drag their feet across a big naked land

With an empty bag of seed and a fake shake of hand

Yeah, I got some last words, fuck all of ya'll

Stop writing raps and go play volleyball

Gotta journey the world in a hurry

Cause my attorney didn't put enough girls on the jury

Guilty of dropping these bombs in the city

But I'm innocent, love is the motive, that's why I'm killing 'em

Guilty of setting my fire in all fifty

But I'm innocent, blame it on my equilibrium

In the days of kings and queens I was a jester

Treat me like a God or they treat me like a leper

You see me move back and forth between both

I'm trying to find a balance

I'm trying to build a balance

Now all my friends are famous

It's either one thing or another

They all don't know what my name is

Probably know both of my brothers

The one is a hard workin' savior

The other's a hard workin' soldier

I'm just your next-door neighbor

Working hard at tryin' to stay sober

You wait for the car at the corner

Pretend like you know what the plot is

Won't quit till I hit California

And make you my Golden State goddess

God's will in all things. The Sun, the Math, all Creation

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87d03e No.21519151


BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). Putin talks highly of China all the time and refers to them as an ally.

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62d4f7 No.21519152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3b0313 No.21519153

File: 1a8f27dd0f9f34c⋯.png (1.08 MB,792x790,396:395,1.PNG)

File: 1c63cc7091416eb⋯.png (1.49 MB,793x794,793:794,2.PNG)

File: 9ec2a463c22e093⋯.png (1.52 MB,792x791,792:791,3.PNG)

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87d03e No.21519154


India is essentially a functional Communist country but disguised and referred to as a 'Caste system'.

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aee7a9 No.21519155


when she started failing she said its a peaceful protest

based, he said I'm being peaceful as well has she pushed for more

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22f9b9 No.21519156

File: a3c624a130cbc11⋯.png (274.62 KB,545x577,545:577,ClipboardImage.png)


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5ec765 No.21519157

File: 5996146dc6be5ae⋯.mp4 (858.58 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17252299304….mp4)

>>21518640Wow check out all the boats that came out to support President Donald Trump in liberal blue Massachusetts! . PN


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f4a32f No.21519158

File: c39f49f333b4114⋯.mp4 (60.87 KB,266x480,133:240,shurtup.mp4)

Keep this one in your back pocket anons

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3b0313 No.21519159

File: 5db541fbe12a0e5⋯.png (291.09 KB,589x829,589:829,cf.PNG)


Austen Allred


So the “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok was:

* Writing yourself a giant check

* Mobile depositing that check

* Going to an ATM to withdraw cash before the check cleared

…Literally just committing check fraud


Open Source Intel




Yesterday, a glitch in Chase Bank's system allowed people to withdraw funds they weren’t entitled to, prompting the bank to place 7-day holds on the affected accounts.

As a consequence, chase account holders who participated in this glitch are now dealing with massive negative

Show more

Rate proposed Community Notes

3:04 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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2381b5 No.21519160






DL video if available, upload with post.


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633238 No.21519161

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3b0313 No.21519162

File: 18b210671276cb8⋯.png (371.96 KB,603x463,603:463,cfr.PNG)



Open Source Intel


Apparently, this “glitch” is called check fraud

From newsweek.com

10:51 AM · Sep 1, 2024




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0f5ba0 No.21519163

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Swapped x.com to twitter.com

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62d4f7 No.21519164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3b0313 No.21519165

File: 4af0b7799dd84ef⋯.png (2.08 MB,1460x893,1460:893,mo.PNG)


California Set To Spend More Tax Dollars On Illegals As Taxpayers Struggle | John Gillette

RVM News

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2381b5 No.21519166



Twat embeds are worthless, do it properly



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633238 No.21519167

File: a20a7ac62af8b63⋯.gif (1.96 MB,400x434,200:217,a20a7ac62af8b630b19b27734e….gif)

File: 9de884652aabb75⋯.gif (959.75 KB,250x200,5:4,bbb.gif)

File: 8937d55208314b6⋯.gif (4.54 MB,340x687,340:687,dancehappy.gif)

File: 5e83ee4c3a29dfc⋯.gif (1.32 MB,263x230,263:230,stairs_are_awesome_.gif)

File: 6ab72154fe3f861⋯.gif (1.61 MB,347x297,347:297,upskirt.gif)



lol thank you!

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d9c4bd No.21519168


[The irony of parasitic people infecting the society with litetal biological parasites and make our bodies the vector of attack to distract from the holistic root cause of the origins of the diseases/illnesses.]

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62d4f7 No.21519169

File: 9207735ffc0e4e5⋯.jpeg (104.58 KB,828x534,138:89,14DE3834_9615_40A1_AF11_F….jpeg)

File: b980e00812c6bd6⋯.jpeg (230.43 KB,828x644,9:7,1700693D_AEA6_4A9F_91E5_6….jpeg)

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a8a651 No.21519170

File: c4ce149c9a01084⋯.jpeg (97.55 KB,467x700,467:700,IMG_3566.jpeg)

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3b0313 No.21519171

File: 13d580f74dffa2c⋯.png (502.21 KB,378x476,27:34,ron.PNG)

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b0ca74 No.21519172

File: dec4e48ebb48fd0⋯.png (337.44 KB,393x360,131:120,a3fu457t.png)

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633238 No.21519173

File: b1dc346669c3908⋯.png (249.57 KB,768x466,384:233,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump Endorses Florida Marijuana Measure, Calls For Public Smoking Ban

Former President Donald Trump says he supports a public ban on smoking marijuana, but that people shouldn't be criminalized for carrying "small amounts" of weed.

"In Florida, like so many other States that have already given their approval, personal amounts of marijuana will be legalized for adults with Amendment 3," Trump wrote Saturday on Truth Social. "Whether people like it or not, this will happen through the approval of the Voters, so it


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22f9b9 No.21519174

File: 20ae5da5e518fe7⋯.png (99.6 KB,620x489,620:489,ClipboardImage.png)



Talmudic shit is intense in USA.

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d9c4bd No.21519175


>Cali fornia

<Kali formula

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345c79 No.21519176

Imagine being Russian and being forced to fight a jew war and dying.

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6da749 No.21519177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0f5ba0 No.21519178


Agree (cap, dl, etc.), but anon asked if the url would embed….it didn't as x.com but twitter.com did.

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74a82f No.21519180


>Twat embeds are worthless, do it properly




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22f9b9 No.21519181

File: 49b98f8e5414f9c⋯.png (169.17 KB,908x389,908:389,ClipboardImage.png)


>Imagine being Russian and being forced to fight a jew war and dying.

Jewnited States of America is proud of you goy.

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3b0313 No.21519182

File: 4ae720ac96153bb⋯.png (436.83 KB,605x641,605:641,hs.PNG)


Holy shit. Really?

Colorado police patrol areas suspected of Venezuelan gang activity:

"Gang members have not taken over this complex."

"[We're] making sure that people aren't paying rent to gang leaders."

"They've been sincere with us."

🔗 (https://x.com/dotconnectinga/status/1830374159853261307?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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ef7e02 No.21519183


>Swapped x.com to twitter.com


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b213fc No.21519184

September national preparedness month.


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570c8d No.21519185

File: 87f40236d03cb0a⋯.mp4 (5.78 MB,728x640,91:80,a43ccc263013c7a6843205f01e….mp4)

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d9c4bd No.21519186


[Corrupt Feds

Dirty carnie clown

Carnegie ]

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1de0c2 No.21519187

File: 3656c8c31c588d4⋯.jpeg (319.56 KB,1645x1426,1645:1426,IMG_3627.jpeg)

Look, they are demonstrating to terrorists the perfect way to release a biological weapon!

The New York City Department of Health has begun spraying New York City Streets with pesticides to prevent the spread of the West Nile Virus, transmitted by mosquitos.

Our Town reported that trucks have been deployed throughout New York City, spraying low concentrations of Anvil 10+10 and Duet.

Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan stated, “The Health Department is actively working to prevent West Nile through public education, treating marshy areas and spraying for mosquitoes.”

One resident filmed a truck spraying pesticides near his neighborhood. In the video, a voice from a speaker can be heard saying, “The city has applied pesticides to reduce the threat of the West Nile Virus. To minimize exposure to the pesticide, go inside immediately until the truck goes past.”


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0f5ba0 No.21519188


Nah, anon is correct.


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62d4f7 No.21519189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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42e0fd No.21519190

File: f9fd3d7af1827a6⋯.png (805.73 KB,546x566,273:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b0313 No.21519191

File: 5217f8ba131be70⋯.png (215.01 KB,443x382,443:382,cus.PNG)


It’s the media that’s taking the real focus away!!!

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588f4c No.21519192

File: 29c44fe204dd7db⋯.png (1.66 MB,1322x882,661:441,1725160051897.png)

File: 3e88d0fe6ce455e⋯.png (1.52 MB,1075x1084,1075:1084,1725159343900.png)

File: 2fb02aa8bd37177⋯.png (1.3 MB,1573x741,121:57,1725158684815.png)

File: f6cd73d1da0e05f⋯.png (1.11 MB,1247x935,1247:935,1725074515897.png)

File: 1fbd9e8ac0f1819⋯.mp4 (6.91 MB,720x406,360:203,1fbd9e8ac0f1819da6b6b701e1….mp4)


Kamies? Soundz like a maxipad….

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f0c20c No.21519193


i cannot see the embed.

if baking, cannot view, ask for regular twat.

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345c79 No.21519195

pretty soon, they're going to abolish citizenship to nation-states, and there will be one citizenship for a world government.

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540e20 No.21519196



>Twat embeds are worthless, do it properly


Embeds are portals to the information. Therefore if that source of information is amended or deleted it will disappear here.

So screencapping and pasting the text of said sources here in the bread helps preserve the originals.

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609935 No.21519197

File: 93eb1214b212f8b⋯.jpg (49.25 KB,1375x995,275:199,orCp2aeDSI40SfgSk.jpg)


kek see what you did there

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3b0313 No.21519198

File: 29dbe4aa7b87b78⋯.png (430.41 KB,397x727,397:727,rl.PNG)


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f0c20c No.21519199


it's in the dough resources thread, search on "twitter.com"

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fd4d6c No.21519200

File: 680a9f78a54fc57⋯.jpeg (202.23 KB,512x2048,1:4,IMG_0836.jpeg)

Trump card coming

Past 1700 deltas

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345c79 No.21519201


imagine if she was a she-boon, and the race riots that would occur.

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633238 No.21519202

File: 1505d43f5397136⋯.gif (297.15 KB,220x148,55:37,1505d43f5397136483687a81b3….gif)

File: 185139959f05957⋯.gif (175.24 KB,400x422,200:211,KEKEKEKE.gif)

File: f92bb5c2d7f267f⋯.gif (3.98 MB,425x425,1:1,lol2.gif)

File: f719c418b95efb6⋯.gif (2.64 MB,498x286,249:143,lol3.gif)

File: 1467ad39b27787a⋯.gif (302.5 KB,500x281,500:281,lol4.gif)

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9d8b73 No.21519203

notables @ 260

#26364 >>21518901

>>21518951 Celebrity Spy Whales 🧐

>>21518981 They want to overthrow The Constitution

>>21518987, >>21519023 Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology’

>>21518993 Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

>>21519035 Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University

>>21519048, >>21519077 PF: Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic

>>21519055, >>21519067, >>21519063, >>21519032, >>21519051 NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

>>21519060 *Serious question asked* Tim Walz: "Ait pz out every1"

>>21518916, >>21518928, >>21519031, >>21519036, >>21519049, >>21519052, >>21519054 Memes


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62d4f7 No.21519204

File: 432b10e3f9d3231⋯.jpeg (134.17 KB,793x775,793:775,3C9CEA34_3ECD_473F_8728_5….jpeg)

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84abaa No.21519205

File: 72b63ac60613d7b⋯.png (5.51 KB,212x46,106:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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56ad51 No.21519206

File: 290ecd21edee403⋯.png (488.67 KB,667x960,667:960,ClipboardImage.png)

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6da749 No.21519207

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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588f4c No.21519208

File: 61624eec1c2fa81⋯.png (577.2 KB,909x1282,909:1282,1725063517384.png)

File: 1ae40803e886488⋯.png (977.47 KB,1246x936,623:468,1724813120046.png)

File: 12004dced967d71⋯.png (1 MB,810x1440,9:16,1724803887741.png)

File: 3e0dcba11df655e⋯.jpg (67.98 KB,703x395,703:395,Screaming_Joe_Scarborough_….jpg)

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3b0313 No.21519209

File: 5eef3268deb8ca8⋯.png (983.86 KB,878x767,878:767,ex.PNG)


Sunday, September 1, 2024


8 hours ago

Raheem J. Kassam


Election 2024

Trump is Everywhere, Man.

Say what you want about him, but Donald Trump is working his ass off in this presidential campaign, with the Trump-Vance campaign far eclipsing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for public events, media interviews, podcasts, rallies, and fundraisers. A cursory glance at the schedules of each campaign team reveals Team Harris-Walz as remarkably shy, focusing far more on online activities than in-person events.

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3b0313 No.21519210

File: 64e67750e3b3985⋯.png (506.19 KB,651x356,651:356,my_name_is_nobody_10_Copy.PNG)

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345c79 No.21519211


>>>21518993 Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

it's so weird how some people think that conservatives are pro-israel and liberals are pro-palestine.

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633238 No.21519212

File: b7cb6304353619b⋯.png (1.39 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Good thing, IMO. This could prioritize those who are legally trying to become citizens. Of course it's littered with flaws. It can be perfected.

Mexico Launches Escorted Bus Initiative for Non-Mexican Immigrants with U.S. Asylum Appointments

MEXICO CITY (AP)— The Mexican government announced Saturday that it will offer non-Mexican immigrants with appointments to apply for asylum in the United States escorted bus rides from the south of the country to the northern border.

According to the National Institute of Migration (INM), these buses will depart from the southern cities of Villahermosa and Tapachula. The initiative appears to be aimed at making it more attractive to schedule asylum appointments in the United States from southern Mexico, instead of having immigrants travel north, either to Mexico City or directly to the border.


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588f4c No.21519213

File: 20b9ce9e636b096⋯.jpg (73.05 KB,720x720,1:1,Snap_20240901_161056.jpg)

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a07b5b No.21519214


what the FUCK did you just say to me???

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56ad51 No.21519215

File: cb03fea39edcf4b⋯.png (437.64 KB,640x798,320:399,ClipboardImage.png)

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633238 No.21519216

File: 83468831e0d9ee4⋯.png (1.11 MB,960x741,320:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8f1ca No.21519217

The Right Wing and the Left Wing…. of which bird… ///

Do you think you are a birds wing…///

Do you think you need to be a birds wing…//

Why do you let them define you…///

The CATAGORIES… are important…///

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a8a651 No.21519218

File: d33da9b3f17371c⋯.jpeg (182.43 KB,1242x1247,1242:1247,IMG_3567.jpeg)


It’s okay.

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f0c20c No.21519219


>Tim Walz’s brother hints at getting on stage with Trump to endorse him

got a link?

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633238 No.21519220


i always thought of the the bald eagle.

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70b5a0 No.21519221


he said you got some purty dsl's there negro

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633238 No.21519222


soul murder aint no joke. PTSD fucks people up like that. shuts off their limbic systems, stopping them from having any "feelings" anymore.

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63e7b6 No.21519223

File: ccf401ad46c39f0⋯.jpg (224.45 KB,720x888,30:37,1668034154370535.jpg)

File: ac94a30bdbce41b⋯.jpg (94.6 KB,640x604,160:151,ac94a30bdbce41b4261541cbca….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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3b0313 No.21519224

File: cc85b44b544b4f3⋯.png (672.93 KB,497x814,497:814,ring.PNG)

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84abaa No.21519225

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f0c20c No.21519226


liberals are pro-liberal.

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a8a651 No.21519227

File: de3669e85630d7c⋯.jpeg (671.17 KB,3024x4032,3:4,IMG_3568.jpeg)


Feels are obstacles sometimes.

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803d4e No.21519228


EV be damned


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a7f827 No.21519229

File: af56a31855c6628⋯.jpeg (136.61 KB,640x640,1:1,ab67616d0000b2736c8f74881….jpeg)

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3b0313 No.21519230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anon I love me some 8kun


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633238 No.21519231

File: 864f92b926fb0f5⋯.gif (2.53 MB,373x324,373:324,864f92b926fb0f58cd5535fef1….gif)


generally, feelings are personal and meant to only be shared with loved and cherished ones like family and friends. the workplace and society is not meant to be involved with our personal feelings. this is supposed to be the divide. use only your intellect when dealing with those whom you don't care for. use feelings for those whom you do.

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a7f827 No.21519232


touching pussy is a relic of the past

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3afcf0 No.21519233

File: 52f068f43eb7c8a⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,360x360,1:1,Frank_Sinatra_My_Way.mp4)

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3b0313 No.21519234

File: a594044917d4e62⋯.png (322.56 KB,580x820,29:41,tara.PNG)

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62d4f7 No.21519235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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22f9b9 No.21519236

File: e43a02a5df7f5ee⋯.png (350.5 KB,615x544,615:544,ClipboardImage.png)

War by deception


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d6cf13 No.21519237

File: 8d9f62054fc3084⋯.png (5.91 KB,255x163,255:163,BLIND.png)


Wait! Wut?

Is that beer pouring vidya the 1:07 marker?

I did NAZI that coming, Q.

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3a1e48 No.21519238

Tried to take my disabled kid to a nice swimming pool for some recreation. I have a membership card but I take my son in as a guest. They refused to admit him without a photo ID ( he forgot it) even though he’s been there many times and signed into their computer system with his ID. The desk Karen refused. Beautiful sunny day, Hour round trip for nothing. But millions of illegals without photo ID are going to vote in November and this Karen would likely have a stroke if anyone dared deny the sacred voting right on account of no ID. This country has gone to the Stasi.

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9a1348 No.21519239

Democrats grow concerned Republicans are planting seeds with legal suits to overturn a Trump defeat

Democrats say the lawsuits, which are varied, are part of a concerted effort to sow distrust of the results.

Sept. 1, 2024, 5:00 AM EDT


WASHINGTON —Republicans are setting off a slew of legal fights in the battleground states ahead of the November election, raising suspicions among Kamala Harris and her Democratic allies that the underlying goal is to gin up doubts about the result if Donald Trump loses.

Georgia’s Republican-controlled State Election Board is trying to give local officials the power to decide on their own whether something untoward happened during the balloting, which could slow the process of identifying the winner.

In Michigan, Republicans are suing over whether the city of Detroit hired enough GOP poll workers, and in North Carolina, they’re alleging that the state’s voter rolls could allow noncitizens to vote.

All those claims look different on the surface.But the Harris campaign says there’s a pattern tying them together: Trump and his Republican allies want to sow confusion about the outcome should he lose. Democrats have submitted legal filings in at least one case that convey their misgivings about what they contend is the true purpose of the GOP litigation.

A defeated Trump could invoke the cases to revive his unfounded claim that election procedures are tainted in ways that should nullify the result, Harris campaign officials say. Trump and his allies filed dozens of unsuccessful cases after the 2020 election in a drumbeat of false claims of election fraud that culminated in a mob’s attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to try to prevent the certification of Joe Biden's victory.

We believe that every case they’ve filed is a brick in the foundation of an argument that they will make in November to say that the election is rigged,” a Harris campaign official said on condition of anonymity. “That is fundamentally our view of what their litigation is about. That is why we are prepared, we are winning in court, and we will ensure this election is free and fair.”

The Trump campaign referred questions to the Republican National Committee.

A spokesperson for the RNC, Claire Zunk, said in a statement:“President Trump’s election integrity effort is dedicated to protecting every legal vote, mitigating threats to the voting process, and securing the election. While Democrats continue their election interference against President Trump and the American people, our operation is confronting their schemes and preparing for November.”

With rare exceptions, the two-month interregnum between the election and Inauguration Day tends to be quiet. That wasn’t the case in 2020, when Trump worked to overturn the result and remain in office.

He still faces federal criminal charges stemming from that quixotic effort. He has been indicted by special counsel Jack Smith on charges of trying to defraud the American public and disenfranchise voters across several states, but the trial has been delayed, and it is unlikely to take place before the election. Trump has denied wrongdoing and pleaded not guilty.

Both sides are girding for a contested postelection period.Chris LaCivita, a Trump co-campaign manager, suggested at a Politico event over the summer that Democrats could try to overturn the results if Trump wins: “It’s not over until he puts his hand on the Bible and takes the oath. It’s not over until then. It’s not over on Election Day. It’s over on Inauguration Day, because I wouldn’t put anything past anybody.”

Democrats began preparations years ago, with lawyers drafting briefsin anticipation that Republican officeholders might, for example, refuse to certify election results, a second Harris campaign official said.


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3b0313 No.21519240


Engagement Farming works

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a7f827 No.21519241


my suicide will be broadcast worldwide

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a8a651 No.21519242

File: 484b3f3d1256a3a⋯.jpeg (131.74 KB,1440x1417,1440:1417,IMG_3569.jpeg)


Must be a meme for that somewhere.

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8a9a2b No.21519243



“This is the most prepared that any Democratic campaign has been at this point, because we knew this was coming," the official said. "It’s critical to have these people in the states who know the law and the players and have lived through 2020, saw what happened there and learned from it.”

Among other legal challenges, Republicans have opposed Arizona’s election procedures manualand Nevada’s law allowing mail ballotsto be counted after Election Day as long as they were postmarked beforehand.

Ground zero might be Georgia, a state that Biden narrowly won in 2020 and that Harris is aggressively working to hold. Trump faces criminal charges in Georgia over his efforts to overturn his defeat in the state four years ago. He has pleaded not guilty.

At issue this year is whether county election boards in Georgia are=free to use their own discretion in certifying election results. The Republican-controlled State Election Board voted 3-2 last month to expand the powers of local officials, enabling them to certify results after having conducted a “reasonable inquiry” into their accuracy. There was no definition of what a "reasonable inquiry" entails.

Trump has praised the three Republicans who voted for the rules as “pit bulls” for honesty.

But Democrats caution that the new rules could disrupt the hard-and-fast timetable to certify elections in Georgia. Furthermore, local election boards have never had that kind of authority, and they are supposed to perform merely the straightforward task of adding up the vote totals, Democrats argue. If anyone alleges fraud occurred in an election, the proper place to test the claim is the courts, they add.

“If someone thinks that there’s a reason to throw out ballots, that’s a decision that’s made by the courts,” Sara Tindall Ghazal, the lone Democrat on the State Election Board, said in an interview. “That is not a decision made by a partisan body of civilians on election boards, many of whom have no background in any of this other than their partisan relationships."

Justin Levitt, an election law professor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles and a former Biden White House official specializing in democracy and voting rights, said the role of a county election board is tantamount to simple addition.

"It's a process of saying 1 + 1 equals 2. It's not to say, '1 + 1 equals I don't know whether there are bamboo fibers in the ballots.' That's not what they [local election boards] are there for," he said, referring to a conspiracy theory that circulated in 2020 about fraudulent ballots from Asia.

The Democratic National Committee sued the board last week to block the new procedures from taking effect. In its filing, the committee argued that the new rule would “introduce substantial uncertainty in the post-election process” and “invite chaos by establishing new processes at odds with existing statutory duties."

Both the Harris and the Trump campaigns are deploying ample legal muscle for the election and its aftermath. An RNC memo released in February said the committee was involved in 78 lawsuits in 23 states.

“Should the Democrats choose to continue their attacks on election safeguards through Election Day, we will be prepared to litigate and ensure the election is fair, transparent, legal, and accurate,” said Zunk, the RNC spokesperson.

The Harris campaign says it has retained hundreds of attorneys spread throughout the country to protect her legal interests. Heading the team’s legal election protection efforts is Dana Remus, Biden’s former White House counsel.


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9c6d6b No.21519244

File: 53cd4224d233f77⋯.jpeg (65.82 KB,500x750,2:3,IMG_1502.jpeg)

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803d4e No.21519245


bringing chemtrails directly to the street

sista genocide

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a2904c No.21519246

File: 5b03f1288731165⋯.png (1.42 MB,1273x710,1273:710,ClipboardImage.png)

Jenny is a 17 y/o brown bear…

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923832 No.21519247

File: 40ff34440d2731f⋯.png (205.35 KB,916x1020,229:255,border_bill_02052024.png)

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17ce3d No.21519248



The campaign is getting some outside help, as well. Jim Messina, who managed Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, has started a political action committeethat can raise unlimited sums of money and will also assist in courtroom efforts. Norm Eisen, special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee for Trump's first impeachment trial, is outside counsel to the group.

One casualty of contested election results is public confidence in the system, election experts warn. Voters come to feel democracy is broken and may react by either refusing to participate or lashing out in anger.

Trump has fed doubts about the trustworthiness of U.S. elections in both victory and defeat.

When he won in 2016, he claimed without basisthat he had lost the popular vote only because millions of people voted illegally for his opponent, Hillary Clinton. And when he lost in 2020, he argued the election was “rigged” in Biden’s favor.

Though he lost California by more than 5 million votes that year, Trump said recently that he would win the state if Jesus Christ or, alternatively, an honest mortal were counting the votes.

“Trump said if it wasn’t for rigging, he would have won California. That’s like me saying if it wasn’t for rigging, I’d be a supermodel,” Messina said.

In the years since Trump has advanced erroneous claims of voter fraud, the partisan divide over election integrity has deepened.A poll conducted last year found that only 22% of Republicans were highly confidentthat the votes in the 2024 presidential election would be counted accurately, compared with 71% of Democrats.

“We already have members of the public who are 100% convinced that there’s no way possible to have free and fair elections in Georgia,” said Ghazal, the Georgia election board member.

Many of Trump’s supporters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 did so in the mistaken belief that he was robbed of victory in 2020. The first rioter to breach the building, Michael Sparks, told the judge at a hearing last week that he believes “to this day” that the election was stolen from Trump. Sparks was sentenced to more than four years in prison.

Some election experts fear that Trump’s voters are apt to resort to violence again if he loses in November.

“I’m worried about the potential for chaos,” Levitt said. “For people who are told the election is stolen, taking to the streets is very natural when you believe you have no power to affect the outcome peaceably.”


Liars trying to cheat again and media on their side

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3b0313 No.21519249

File: 5263adc34951fdf⋯.png (559.92 KB,565x820,113:164,y.PNG)

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923832 No.21519250

File: df5c8f840dccae9⋯.png (144.14 KB,939x1032,313:344,bill_ourline_re_4000_if_il….png)

File: 98e4c574473e489⋯.png (148.49 KB,939x1027,939:1027,bill_ourline_re_4000_if_il….png)

File: 8a61ff86bd014bb⋯.png (146.58 KB,943x1031,943:1031,bill_ourline_re_4000_if_il….png)

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48f7ae No.21519251

File: 8750e913abd2c23⋯.png (788.49 KB,648x824,81:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a8ffe8bb5637d9⋯.jpg (632.71 KB,1002x1053,334:351,WE_RE_COMING_HOME.jpg)



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baff6f No.21519252


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3afcf0 No.21519253


"And she is loving the heat wave"

translation - panic smells gud

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a7f827 No.21519254

just donno what day yet

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3b0313 No.21519255

File: 7c2342049042423⋯.png (750.15 KB,618x822,103:137,p.PNG)

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923832 No.21519256


Shown Here:

Introduced in Senate (05/16/2024)

Border Act of 2024

The bill expands Department of Homeland Security (DHS) authority to address the processing of non-U.S. nationals (aliens under federal law) and provides supplemental appropriations for related purposes.

Among other provisions, the bill provides DHS emergency authority to summarily remove or prohibit the entry of certain non-U.S. nationals within 100 miles of the southwest land border. DHS may exercise this authority if DHS encounters an average of 4,000 non-U.S. nationals within a seven-day period. If the number of encounters reach certain higher thresholds, DHS must exercise the emergency authority. This emergency border authority expires after three years and may be modified by the President under specified circumstances.

Next, the bill establishes an expedited process that authorizes asylum officers to adjudicate certain asylum claims. Among other provisions, these provisional noncustodial removal proceedings impose certain target timelines for determining asylum claims and limit review of denied claims. The bill also establishes a stricter threshold for individuals to remain in the United States pending adjudication of an asylum petition.

The bill extends and establishes immigration pathways for Afghan citizens or nationals, including by (1) making certain individuals admitted or paroled to the United States eligible for conditional permanent resident status, and (2) expanding eligibility for special immigrant visas for certain individuals who were injured while supporting the U.S. mission in Afghanistan.

The bill also increases base pay for asylum officers and grants DHS temporary direct hire authority to hire personnel to implement the bill.

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923832 No.21519257


>DHS may exercise this authority if DHS encounters an average of 4,000 non-U.S. nationals within a seven-day period.


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3b0313 No.21519258

File: efae450931510d4⋯.png (1.42 MB,847x850,847:850,fred.PNG)

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923832 No.21519259

File: b39fd0ae310bb94⋯.png (646.4 KB,1100x800,11:8,traitor_cotton_04212023.png)

i don't trust cotton, idk why


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d72ebd No.21519260

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570c8d No.21519261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Must be a meme for that somewhere.

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56ad51 No.21519262

File: 55625f9d64f7a5b⋯.jpg (103.7 KB,939x576,313:192,guns8.jpg)

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a7f827 No.21519263

File: 943b87500124498⋯.png (163.72 KB,766x1734,383:867,655_1_.png)

File: cb65ead77d79f04⋯.png (138.52 KB,766x1112,383:556,1855_1_.png)


upside down gun post kill me now

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b416f5 No.21519264

File: 05cffc6649a7d47⋯.png (117.07 KB,283x302,283:302,Pepe_Surprised.png)


>Tried to take my disabled kid to a nice swimming pool

… and this prolly habbens a million times a day in America.

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3b0313 No.21519265

File: 757d77dc1f18108⋯.png (446.97 KB,560x648,70:81,maggggggg.PNG)

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a8a651 No.21519266

File: f693b1931a7647f⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.17 KB,700x400,7:4,IMG_3570.jpeg)


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a2904c No.21519267

File: fa0c897e269dc57⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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c04748 No.21519268

File: 2a75595d72f3ad8⋯.jpeg (339.94 KB,1194x694,597:347,IMG_2795.jpeg)

File: 938acbb60d4d13e⋯.jpeg (285.53 KB,1266x1068,211:178,IMG_2794.jpeg)

File: ac00b5fd2656aa9⋯.jpeg (343.79 KB,1214x850,607:425,IMG_2793.jpeg)

Ukraine Eyes Billions in Revenue from Controlled Defense Industry Exports

Ukraine will prepare a concept for controlled exports of weapons produced by Ukrainian defense companies.

The National Association of Defense Industry Enterprises of Ukraine (NAUDI) stated that the opening of military exports could be a strategic step to strengthen the country’s economy.

“At present, the issue of scaling up production can only compete with the issue of financing it,”said Dmytro Natalukha, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development.

The meeting participants discussed the issue of arms exports by Ukrainian companies.

NAUDI noted that the export of military products can bring the state up to $2 billion in additional tax revenues in a year and a half.

The production capacity of the Ukrainian defense industry is up to $20 billion a year, while the state budget is able to purchase weapons and ammunition for only $6 billion.

“Currently, due to the lack of funding, defense companies may go bankrupt, as all working capital is invested in the development of new technologies and expansion of production,” the meeting participants noted.

The opening of exports could be a strategic step to strengthen the country’s economy and develop the defense industry.

At the same time, the additional taxes will be used to purchase weapons and ammunition for the Defense Forces.

“Today, Ukrainian manufacturers have no direct legal ban on exporting their products and goods, but in the context of the active war, the issue of allowing arms exports becomes particularly complicated and important,” said Oleksandr Marikovskyi, Chairman of the subcommittee on regional cooperation and trade.

In July 2024, Maryna Bezrukova, director of the Defense Procurement Agency of the Ministry of Defense, stated that Ukrainian companies should be able to export some of their weapons.

On August 12, Ukraine announced the creation of a working group to develop a mechanism for exporting military equipment from domestic factories.


I bet 3/4 of the money sent to them for war has been going into this, and now they are asking for more

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a7f827 No.21519269


my end is the beginning. just need the confidence to go ahead with the DED part. I'm scared

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3afcf0 No.21519270

File: 864928f118677bb⋯.png (740.72 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

meme template?

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f0c20c No.21519271

File: cd863b1add2c6e8⋯.mp4 (9.24 MB,648x360,9:5,ssstwitter_com_17252320305….mp4)

File: e7d12e6ba79f553⋯.png (286 KB,719x736,719:736,2024_09_01_16_09_04.png)




converted with above.



This should end the Kamala Harris campaign for President.

I put together an easily shareable compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night.

Send this to anyone who still thinks Kamala Harris is fit to be Commander in Chief.


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3b0313 No.21519272

File: 612689114c4400b⋯.png (740.79 KB,921x654,307:218,bf.PNG)


Harris Attempt To Attack Trump’s Arlington

Visit Backfires Horribly When Gold Star

Families Respond

Daily Caller, by Reagan Reese

Posted By: 4250Luis, 9/1/2024 5:38:22 PM

Gold Star families spoke out against Vice President Kamala Harris after she weighed in on the controversy surrounding former President Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington Cemetery to honor the 13 soldiers killed in the Biden administration’s Afghanistan withdrawal. Harris posted a tweet Saturday slamming Trump for filming videos while honoring the fallen soldiers, adding that she, unlike the former president, “will always honor the service and sacrifice of all of America’s fallen heroes.” Eight Gold Star families took to Twitter to rebuke Harris’s comments,

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923832 No.21519273


but but but it was bi-partisan


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8ac148 No.21519274





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3b0313 No.21519275

File: d81e35a895012fe⋯.png (749.41 KB,994x755,994:755,fj.PNG)


Federal judge blocks enforcement of new

Ohio ban on noncitizen contributions to

ballot issue campaigns

Cleveland Plain Dealer, by Staff

Posted By: OhioNick, 9/1/2024 4:29:56 PM

A federal judge on Saturday blocked key portions of Ohio’s new law restricting lawful permanent residents, visa-holders and others from contributing to statewide ballot issue campaigns. The injunction came one day before the law was to take effect. U.S. District Judge Michael H. Watson, in a 53-page ruling, prohibited the state from pursuing civil or criminal liability for any alleged violations based on the definition of a “foreign national.” Ohio’s House Bill 1 passed earlier this year, incorporating what’s already federal law to the state level, prohibiting foreign citizens from contributing to political campaigns.

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923832 No.21519276


but but but 4000 is not that much


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56ad51 No.21519277

File: 7f62b1797d2ac48⋯.png (2.54 MB,1057x1653,1057:1653,7f62b1797d2ac48cafe3647b5b….png)

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0fb1e9 No.21519278

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,c4e6d9850f94135bb1836511af….jpg)

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22f9b9 No.21519279

File: c52de0c78fad2b4⋯.png (238.56 KB,610x511,610:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a92797822037beb⋯.png (9.85 KB,364x236,91:59,ClipboardImage.png)

The Hill

@thehill 9h

Donald Trump strikes sour note with Jack White, Foo Fighters, Celine Dion trib.al/Be8oNIo

Some of music’s biggest stars are trying to put Donald Trump’s White House bid on mute, pushing back on the use of their songs at the former president’s campaign rallies. In just the last mon…


Sep 1, 2024 · 1:26 PM UTC


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563a20 No.21519281

File: 9119a2a7a57d823⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

One Ping

“‘I’ve got a question about Starliner’, Wilmore radioed down to Mission Control, at Johnson Space Center in Houston. ‘There’s a strange noise coming through the speaker … I don’t know what’s making it’.”

Gun Laws Have Changed – Do You Have The Updated Reciprocity Map?

Butch was not sure whether there was some problem in the connection between the station and the spacecraft that was causing the noise.


He asked Houston to listen to the audio inside the spacecraft.

“Wilmore, apparently floating in Starliner, then put his microphone up to the speaker inside Starliner. Shortly thereafter, there was an audible pinging that was quite distinctive. ‘Alright Butch, that one came through’, Mission control radioed up to Wilmore. ‘It was kind of like a pulsing noise, almost like a sonar ping’.

‘I’ll do it one more time, and I’ll let y’all scratch your heads and see if you can figure out what’s going on’, Wilmore replied. The odd, sonar-like audio then repeated itself. ‘Alright, over to you. Call us if you figure it out’.”


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956d1d No.21519282

ping anon when a real anon is baking.

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a2904c No.21519283

File: c77a8f867e27801⋯.png (1.35 MB,1272x714,212:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b0313 No.21519284


Its never 2 late be a part o history

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923832 No.21519285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OMG! Kamala Harris IMMEDIATELY Panders to Black Woman After CNN Disaster!


1.13M subscribers

2 hours ago

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956d1d No.21519286

>>21518218 n Helicopter crash that killed Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi caused by weather, report finds

we all know what causes the weather, don't we.

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b92b27 No.21519287

File: 092d46308df8b2f⋯.jpeg (442.38 KB,1284x1982,642:991,IMG_2798.jpeg)

File: 0eb227f100cbb82⋯.jpeg (587.37 KB,1284x2370,214:395,IMG_2799.jpeg)

File: ff2e195d62c8ded⋯.jpeg (389.01 KB,1284x1326,214:221,IMG_2800.jpeg)

The UK is killing the minds of children and labeling them as racists, far right etcGod be their judge today!


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a7f827 No.21519288


7 years of ashtar nobody ascended

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3b0313 No.21519289

File: 8e3a9908a07cfd4⋯.png (839.6 KB,673x715,673:715,host.PNG)


CNN, NBC Face Backlash for ‘Vile’

Headlines Reporting Murder of Hamas’s

Hostages — Journalism ‘Has Died’

Breitbart Politics, by Joshua Klein

Posted By: Imright, 9/1/2024 3:53:16 PM

Mainstream media outlets, including CNN, NBC, and USA Today, are facing intense backlash for what have been called misleading and “vile” headlines about the brutal murder of six hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. On Sunday, IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari announced the hostages had been cruelly murdered by Hamas as Israeli soldiers closed in on their location, possibly based on intelligence provided by a hostage rescued last week. The six hostages, whose bodies were found Saturday in a tunnel underneath Gaza — including American Israeli Hersh Goldberg-Polin — were discovered in Rafah,

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864b71 No.21519290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ceelo green

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633238 No.21519291


I nominate the following for the Next Bread Title, "God be their judge today!"

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956d1d No.21519292

>>21518394 n The Guardian: 'Regulators Around The World Should Threaten Musk With Arrest'

if anything would "shock the world," that would. except nothing will "shock" the world anymoar.

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956d1d No.21519293

>>21518240 n Kamala Harris’s Campaign Claims It Has a ‘Digital Army’ of Over 175 Staffers.

would be a good time for an EMP.

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956d1d No.21519294


ceel muh landload

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a8a651 No.21519295


Racism on the rise?

What kekking bubble these niggas livin in?

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3b0313 No.21519296

File: 68c363676ba994f⋯.png (432.17 KB,912x751,912:751,ye.PNG)

File: bbef3dd8f091749⋯.png (22.82 KB,1239x391,1239:391,24.PNG)


Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now to Confess?

By Jeffrey A. TuckerJeffrey A. Tucker August 30, 2024 Censorship, Government, Society

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8ac148 No.21519297

File: 55cb12cfb1c31d5⋯.jpg (23.63 KB,474x336,79:56,th_3842657634.jpg)

File: 31168762a3e65bd⋯.jpg (104.56 KB,1100x619,1100:619,210114204226_metropolitan_….jpg)

File: 55eddf5558d7dc2⋯.png (242.31 KB,480x291,160:97,Griffin_968285803.png)

File: e1d31d6b84e77cb⋯.jpeg (36.11 KB,700x466,350:233,pope_francis_nancy_pelosi….jpeg)

File: 95b8fef0cc1b044⋯.jpg (707.58 KB,2560x1693,2560:1693,Pelosi_with_parents_and_JF….jpg)

MAFIA Snitch Famiglia now a government tool

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956d1d No.21519298


deal with it, bitches.

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56ad51 No.21519299

File: dabd5b8e0aa030e⋯.png (488.56 KB,707x905,707:905,ClipboardImage.png)

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22f9b9 No.21519301

File: 9050e994381389a⋯.png (19.51 KB,600x208,75:26,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23260d53b0be32c⋯.png (237.51 KB,623x486,623:486,ClipboardImage.png)

President Biden


Since I took office, we've recovered all the jobs lost during the pandemic.

And added over6 millionmore.

Sep 1, 2024 · 6:00 PM UTC


6 gorillions

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03f857 No.21519302

File: f58c2bc3c518be0⋯.jpg (111.14 KB,887x1562,887:1562,hamas.jpg)


so ur saying everything is hamas now?

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56ad51 No.21519303

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a3df2f No.21519304



So many criminal commie judges self-identifying for the gallows

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3b0313 No.21519305

File: 69999721b28d7c1⋯.png (93.41 KB,790x900,79:90,nr.PNG)


News Recap - August 29-30, 2024

Highlighted news events from August 29-30, 2024


Aug 31, 2024

Each day is packed with events happening all over the world. Cut through the noise so you can stay on top of what matters most.

Top Highlights

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956d1d No.21519306


it always has been, anon

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22f9b9 No.21519307

File: 1e877f73fd9fd89⋯.png (367.72 KB,428x369,428:369,ClipboardImage.png)

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a97d61 No.21519308


>>>21518101 Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird

no problem with this. if I'm gonna be crammed in a can with my kids, I want people dressing, smelling, and acting with a higher standard of civilized people.

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3b0313 No.21519309

File: 778dba9e6b3775f⋯.png (505.53 KB,1893x946,1893:946,tip.PNG)

File: 4774df91ec9596c⋯.png (1.3 MB,677x876,677:876,post.PNG)



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b416f5 No.21519310

File: 5221d851614aa55⋯.png (1.52 MB,1169x768,1169:768,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e4bf87daffda12⋯.png (1.1 MB,1169x625,1169:625,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 640d56f049473d6⋯.png (263.67 KB,566x665,566:665,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 603c34ffe4186ba⋯.png (65.9 KB,752x526,376:263,ClipboardImage.png)

“I Don’t Want to Answer Because I Might Tell You What I Think” – Joe Biden Responds to Trump’s Visit to Arlington Cemetery with Gold Star Families(VIDEO)

A hack reporter asked Joe Biden about “Trump’s behavior at Arlington Cemetery.”

“I don’t want to answer because I might tell you what I think,” Joe Biden said.

The Gold Star families released videos torching Kamala Harris’s unhinged attacks against President Trump.

Sep. 1, 2024 6:00 pm


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8ac148 No.21519311

File: f9eac0090699a54⋯.jpg (65.42 KB,557x640,557:640,horse_head_3356614556.jpg)

File: 2ee134040fb51cd⋯.jpg (16.33 KB,474x306,79:51,th_492569384.jpg)

File: 3db6c1cc27ab652⋯.jpg (66.68 KB,1266x715,1266:715,636231839789610771_lmford1….JPG)

File: cc172b2d4c81f07⋯.jpg (208.69 KB,1000x1500,2:3,MV5BMTc3MjIxMDMzOF5BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: 20a525907a3a003⋯.jpg (23.38 KB,474x379,474:379,th_3104514022.jpg)


HoHoHo, Happy Labor Day

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956d1d No.21519312

File: 85e497f210eeea5⋯.gif (3.09 MB,720x540,4:3,harris_walz_trump_vance_gi….gif)

having fun yet, anons?

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06974c No.21519313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hidden History of Zionism - ROBERT SEPEHR


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a7f827 No.21519314


today, tomorrow & 2 moar weeks after that shamelessly. on & on

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a7f827 No.21519315


start burning old institutions down

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803d4e No.21519316

msm crushed over the death of the Israeli hostages in remembrance

defensively callous as hell over any American deaths

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d70240 No.21519317

File: 13970597e24ff51⋯.png (122.64 KB,500x616,125:154,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d0c71 No.21519318

File: c941ccb0f64f60e⋯.png (1.46 MB,782x1588,391:794,theytried.png)

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03f857 No.21519319

File: a761604c0c2ebca⋯.png (518.5 KB,621x865,621:865,adele_disappearing_like_la….png)

File: 045662e6a7719e5⋯.jpeg (772.65 KB,828x1009,828:1009,adele_disappearing_like_l….jpeg)

File: e7a05ff25148cad⋯.png (188.74 KB,454x462,227:231,jimmy_kimmel_disappears_li….png)

File: c14f3f09f9153fd⋯.jpeg (222.61 KB,1150x1296,575:648,Ellen_Quits_July_2024.jpeg)

>>21518198 pb

>adele disappearing like late night guy kimmel and ellen

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f5d8b3 No.21519320

File: c947b5bf333d205⋯.jpeg (180.02 KB,960x679,960:679,IMG_2872.jpeg)

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8ac148 No.21519321

File: 503ac2ee0552176⋯.png (1.32 MB,1200x1200,1:1,timeline_section_3_img_v2_….png)

File: 6a8933abca7f3b4⋯.jpg (16.09 KB,474x315,158:105,th_1022585360.jpg)

File: f63832437f5af8d⋯.jpg (559.79 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240822_080353….jpg)

File: 20c95aca253316e⋯.jpg (90.73 KB,624x360,26:15,milking_cow_iStock_Thinkst….jpg)

File: 7edbc2dbb43bc2c⋯.jpg (17.4 KB,260x300,13:15,don_jr_walz_horse_260x300_….jpg)

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9d0c71 No.21519322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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56ad51 No.21519323

File: ffee4ab3367d80f⋯.png (477.76 KB,744x584,93:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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956d1d No.21519324

File: 127fc68983d868e⋯.png (260.58 KB,702x542,351:271,mjs_blue.png)


not even marginally cogent.

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923832 No.21519325


I don’t want to answer because everyone tell me to STFU.


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03f857 No.21519326

File: d3dbc80ec559f3b⋯.png (491.32 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85cbad6c820b76c⋯.png (263.12 KB,500x566,250:283,rambo_guy_alex_jones_shill.png)

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d6cf13 No.21519327


Unique Fixer Upper Opportunity

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ebb932 No.21519329


They would have to sell the stuff at bargain basement prices. Competition is fierce

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956d1d No.21519330


so manynom nomcoincidences

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3b0313 No.21519331

File: 73e2ae9b894332f⋯.png (1.33 MB,677x849,677:849,scot.PNG)

File: c91ecdef9c6b9e8⋯.png (513.7 KB,701x583,701:583,st.PNG)

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22f9b9 No.21519332

File: a6517b61da51f9f⋯.png (344.2 KB,600x521,600:521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbd0baea8e8b454⋯.png (204.02 KB,361x263,361:263,ClipboardImage.png)

Globe Eye News

@GlobeEyeNews 13h


Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11.

Sep 1, 2024 · 9:34 AM UTC


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0fb1e9 No.21519333

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smoking_pepe21.png)




Highest ranking hall monitor narcissist detects aMUH MUH MUHHHHJOOOOOOOO

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956d1d No.21519334


anon likee.

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6a14ca No.21519335

notables @ 400

#26364 >>21518901

>>21518951 Celebrity Spy Whales 🧐

>>21518981 They want to overthrow The Constitution

>>21518987, >>21519023 Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology’

>>21518993 Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

>>21519035 Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University

>>21519048, >>21519077 PF: Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic

>>21519055, >>21519067, >>21519063, >>21519032, >>21519272 NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

>>21519141 Compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night

>>21519060 *Serious question asked* Tim Walz: "Ait pz out every1"

>>21519070, >>21519111 By the end of his tenure, this Nobel peace prize winner was bombing seven countries simultaneously

>>21519076 Are you questioning the results of a free and fair election, Mark? 🤨

>>21519083 A bill in California that would ban local governments from requiring voter ID in elections passed the state's far-left assembly

>>21519122 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21519134 Former NSA director Paul Nakasone discusses election security, emerging technologies

>>21519159, >>21519162 “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok

>>21519187 New York City Department of Health is Spraying Pesticides on Streets to Prevent West Nile Virus, Warns Residents to Stay Inside

>>21519212 Mexico Launches Escorted Bus Initiative for Non-Mexican Immigrants with U.S. Asylum Appointments

>>21519268 Ukraine Eyes Billions in Revenue from Controlled Defense Industry Exports

>>21519275 Federal judge blocks enforcement of new Ohio ban on noncitizen contributions to ballot issue campaigns

>>21519279 Music is about to stop

>>21519281 Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It

>>21519287 State of MSM in UK

>>21519332 Netanyahu: Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11

>>21518916, >>21518928, >>21519031, >>21519036, >>21519049, >>21519052, >>21519054, >>21519132, >>21519190, >>21519215 Memes


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56ad51 No.21519336

File: 87a590aa50e6846⋯.png (182.86 KB,543x364,543:364,87a590aa50e6846a15d663be55….png)


gm, rabbi

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9d0c71 No.21519337

File: 0c6c877af884033⋯.png (754.54 KB,976x768,61:48,human.png)

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956d1d No.21519338


such low hanging fruit.


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8ac148 No.21519339

File: 7422740de5d2d49⋯.jpg (83.47 KB,700x465,140:93,hot_sauce_hillary_shutters….jpg)

File: 0982e4db10b18f1⋯.jpg (207.32 KB,1125x750,3:2,COMP_AP_HILLARY_QANON_4133….jpg)

File: f1aab9520173705⋯.jpg (45.6 KB,439x612,439:612,senator_robert_byrd_and_se….jpg)


Hillary's Auto-Bio

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570c8d No.21519340

File: 02a011e8159df26⋯.jpg (408.35 KB,1080x860,54:43,a414b2840022cbe5cc022f6b5b….jpg)


Anon would happily pay extra for an airline which required suits for men and dresses for ladies, along with the manners expected in 50's air travel.

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56ad51 No.21519341

File: 2d04a8223434e2e⋯.png (1.69 MB,2048x1949,2048:1949,2d04a8223434e2e046ba55ba52….png)

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da01f8 No.21519342

Tom also needs some rope. >>21519067

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956d1d No.21519343


c'mon, man, no voluntary lockdown?

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dd6cae No.21519344

File: 730f53f15876f43⋯.webm (224 KB,573x240,191:80,hunt4.webm)


Silence, failfag. Mimic. Imposter. Angry Inch. Simple Legion. Broken clown. Harmless shill. Go fluff the impotence of your imitation routine in the filter.

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d6cf13 No.21519346

File: 65bbdfa8491d8ea⋯.png (275.7 KB,408x362,204:181,FOUNDIT.png)


THAT is where the LOST/MISSING 6million jews went!!!

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9d0c71 No.21519347

File: 7865a1ef0db9e8f⋯.png (562.64 KB,1024x908,256:227,ibsny.png)

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9435b0 No.21519348


Amish men work.

Baby and daddy ain't Amish.

And TV Amish ain't Amish either.

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956d1d No.21519349


>Some of music’s biggest stars

not quite.

if it wasn't for DJT, they would have remained completely forgotten and irrelevant. He should negotiate a cut of their revenues for this year.

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cb6a27 No.21519350

File: 8f9c073cf2a4915⋯.png (32.49 KB,641x752,641:752,a2v4d01_700bwp.png)

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03f857 No.21519351

File: dbdb5f8da4d7858⋯.jpg (276.04 KB,1500x1828,375:457,satan_armageddon_memes.jpg)



>deal with it, bitches.

so you consider yourself part-christian?

what part of Christianity do you admire the most?

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956d1d No.21519352



vincible or invincible ignorance, twerp?

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22f9b9 No.21519353

File: e03478fd787bfd8⋯.png (304.1 KB,768x623,768:623,ClipboardImage.png)


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03f857 No.21519354

File: 6b7165d1f1540dc⋯.mp4 (120.94 KB,240x180,4:3,In_95_Kent_Brockman_knew_t….mp4)

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8ac148 No.21519355

File: 6812d4286f7d1e3⋯.gif (1.51 MB,640x360,16:9,imrs_821728990.gif)

File: 93dc87a303c9e1e⋯.jpg (20.89 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1484536294.jpg)

File: 214a96d7fac2b9f⋯.jpg (32.42 KB,926x617,926:617,7fc5ff96_b68b_43ff_8d88_45….jpg)

File: bc8dc83b5de1850⋯.gif (1.94 MB,498x275,498:275,tenor_2755214704.gif)


Hillary is probably not fit for trial, like Xiden…

Hillary receives 100% Sudden immunity

Trump is right, kuru kills

Just made that up but it's no less true rue

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9d0c71 No.21519356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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633238 No.21519357

File: 67f3a59337be4e9⋯.png (427.93 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebb932 No.21519358

File: 240514c834e9e29⋯.png (188.01 KB,450x300,3:2,b73bf7c7a355a2caf76f4b02b6….png)


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a7f827 No.21519359


not gonna be shackled & ankle bracelet prisoner. gonna fuck the entire system hard

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b416f5 No.21519360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I don’t want to answer because everyone tell me to STFU.

Biden: "I'll get in trouble".

He has said this multiple times.

Totally controlled and Anons and

most peeps have known it from the beginning.

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9d0c71 No.21519361


not the first time he posted Qanon memes at all, so not sure why they care

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dd6cae No.21519362

File: f4dbbf6f0cd3ad2⋯.jpg (181.12 KB,1024x1024,1:1,comfywookie3.jpg)

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a7f827 No.21519363

this board designed me to self destruct chosen for a reason

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f7b021 No.21519364

File: a5dc62ea759b594⋯.jpg (178.23 KB,940x464,235:116,mlkjr_1_.jpg)

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56ad51 No.21519365

File: cdff88495a0ff59⋯.png (883.71 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9435b0 No.21519366



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56ad51 No.21519367

File: 425c61e0cc20cb9⋯.png (16.55 KB,383x282,383:282,425c61e0cc20cb9984a4c0f975….png)

File: ea6a097b3d3a5b6⋯.jpg (195.13 KB,1140x846,190:141,ea6a097b3d3a5b60e7cf3382b2….jpg)

File: 253e09ff6a329c6⋯.png (98.74 KB,325x325,1:1,fn1F6cr.png)

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f7b021 No.21519368

File: ebab9f54ffab575⋯.jpg (128.27 KB,816x460,204:115,Theyaretogether.jpg)

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0fb1e9 No.21519369

Winning bigly

Rent free

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56ad51 No.21519370

File: f4c9b05fc5bd801⋯.png (617.79 KB,500x779,500:779,ClipboardImage.png)

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4de643 No.21519371


Correct, the truth is, is that these people have been attacking us for not being part of their little club and for no reason at all which most likely makes you a moral person if not Christian.

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a97d61 No.21519372

File: 053ea936c6e05f3⋯.png (719.45 KB,660x456,55:38,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>21518759 Major shopping mall opposite the Pentagon is on lockdown with 'high-level government official inside'

sniff sniff

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a7f827 No.21519373


2018 was 7 years ago

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f7b021 No.21519374

File: 7f0776238105df8⋯.jpg (329.65 KB,1024x1024,1:1,THETRUTHTRICK.jpg)

File: c02418c03264b4a⋯.jpg (499.51 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Divine4.jpg)

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ebb932 No.21519375

File: e85729aa790f70e⋯.png (297.14 KB,600x400,3:2,a6dda4a1bb205e4248e977dcc7….png)


Show me an active website for jidf

Hint: you can't, those high school kids grew up and graduated so haven't been active in years

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923832 No.21519376

File: b309e99511160a1⋯.png (158.3 KB,1046x959,1046:959,polls_09012024.png)

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56ad51 No.21519377

File: a4561f947b30d08⋯.png (333.64 KB,458x536,229:268,ClipboardImage.png)

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923832 No.21519378

File: 20c957b38049415⋯.png (134.33 KB,1007x1023,1007:1023,polling_data_09012024_july….png)

stale polls?

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0fb1e9 No.21519379

File: 9ab682332423ff0⋯.png (408.94 KB,800x609,800:609,845419.png)

My next song is called, narcissists seething and crying bigly

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9bc62a No.21519380

Q#55 - the comm before the storm

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56ad51 No.21519381

File: 2099ee0aac469e4⋯.png (315.49 KB,500x600,5:6,pot2.png)

File: a6885b7e6664cc1⋯.jpg (29.02 KB,600x745,120:149,trolled2.jpg)

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923832 No.21519382

File: 44a4ae365c4b132⋯.png (1005.72 KB,1100x618,550:309,Hur_biden_elderly_man_with….png)


>Anons and most peeps have known it from the beginning.

yup, even B4 Hur


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633238 No.21519383

File: 0b76dd32a5daac9⋯.jpg (59.77 KB,551x520,551:520,0b76dd32a5daac9f706a6dd096….jpg)

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9d0c71 No.21519384


thong song

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f22334 No.21519385

File: cc00938124104c7⋯.png (67.17 KB,753x437,753:437,ClipboardImage.png)


"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma’ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."

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9bc62a No.21519386


the American people are doing the same thing, and (((they))) skeerd

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13f496 No.21519387


So, once again: Going down the mRNA path is leading us to a false science and changing our attention from the real causes of these diseases which is, is that it is local chemical and radiation saboteurs covertly attacking people world wide. You will forever be down the mRNA path debating false sciences of pure narrative control while the local DS cabal mafia marxist crowd is chemically poisoning you and your children before you will ever figure it all out. I am always right about these types of things based upon experiences of others and myself and using logical thinking, it is environmental.

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56ad51 No.21519388

File: 5c0f650aec2c981⋯.png (667.55 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ac148 No.21519389

File: 801cb49d3794584⋯.jpg (709.98 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_151213….jpg)

File: 8c3bf96d1a0301a⋯.jpg (14.59 KB,236x228,59:57,e5c85a924e7d4da40712b3fffd….jpg)

File: 63300b0c56c8f0f⋯.jpg (668.69 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240822_202947….jpg)

File: b9e8882a3d284d7⋯.jpg (115.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_5_1807424888.jpg)

File: 12ca73997571768⋯.jpg (79.13 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1976736012.jpg)


Hillary acthually paved the way? Showed her leadership skills?

Went out a hero, like Joe?

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ebb932 No.21519390

File: 304535626c77de8⋯.png (558.58 KB,756x500,189:125,AngryInch.png)

Around comes the mimic

the ill-tempered cynic

to soothe its angry inch

It badly wants Yous

to fend off the blues

caused by the angry inch

It tries day and night

with all of its might

to console the angry inch

Starved of attention

trapped with the tension

cursed with an angry inch

Starve it of (You)s and it will have a complete hissy fit

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0fb1e9 No.21519391

File: 725c30160223517⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,550x550,1:1,modest_pepe2.jpg)


Pot-stirring commences

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9d0c71 No.21519392

fauci got west nile virus and now they are spraying NYC streets for it

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0fb1e9 No.21519393

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,THE_OG_full_of_keks2.jpg)

The winning is palpable

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f7b021 No.21519394

File: b28944467c342f5⋯.jpg (429.36 KB,2048x2048,1:1,Divinity2.jpg)


I find it funny that jews and plaletinians are pushing an "Israel" narrative. It's the wrong Israel. Israel was never land. It was a NATION of YHWH'S Children of whom HE gave the land to by covanent. The ancient Hebrews broke that Covanent at least 4 times and YHWH ended the Covanent.

The good news is that there is a New ISREAL, A SPIRITUAL ISRAEL open to Christian, Muslim, and Jew due to the blood shed by OUR LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

The ISREAL people should be looking for is within them.

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56ad51 No.21519395

File: fa119035c77d275⋯.png (739.3 KB,750x708,125:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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923832 No.21519396

aww, i was too busy meming and my coffee got cold


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0fb1e9 No.21519397

File: f6643f6b16912ad⋯.png (363.98 KB,548x675,548:675,f6643f6b16912ad926495da135….png)

Wow look at all that math in my posts.

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923832 No.21519398

File: 2b37567c4125f75⋯.png (274.55 KB,900x846,50:47,obey_alllow_cnn_06242024.png)

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d8f1ca No.21519399


>i always thought of the the bald eagle.

That's a good bird…///

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e761e6 No.21519400


DNC Headquarters?

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91ff61 No.21519401



Best investigative anons on da webs.

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f7b021 No.21519402

File: 1918c8f772339b0⋯.jpg (186.31 KB,920x920,1:1,DaysofBigMike.jpg)

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8ac148 No.21519404

File: 223e924f7667341⋯.jpg (591.11 KB,1200x1600,3:4,DSC02041_3388780947.JPG)

File: 46e9806b0b574ab⋯.jpg (89.26 KB,897x1024,897:1024,God_Saturn_Photo_362184336….jpg)

File: 6d7f06565d6514f⋯.png (738.56 KB,1200x675,16:9,Black_Saturday_book_360385….png)

File: fb467a6c06f76f5⋯.jpg (75.66 KB,992x558,16:9,Trey_Yingst_Site_Story.jpg)

File: d8bca35e73a7ac1⋯.jpg (33.96 KB,474x372,79:62,th_4045869670.jpg)


Well, what would you prefer for X-mas

Xa like Russian, XOROSHO

cHA Mas

Like cHaMA LA

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03f857 No.21519405

>>21519134 pb

evolving threats to security

my fucking banks wants to secure my acct with my voice now that it's possible to fake my voice using 2 secionds of audio

Banks are planning a big ID theft 'hack' to push some kind of digital ID or worse

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9435b0 No.21519406


You have a right to free speech. A right is God-given and cannot be taken away.

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98c2b3 No.21519407

Remember, anons, stay positive. If you're not positive, you're not productive. If you're not productive, the International Jew can't tax you to bomb innocents.

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f22334 No.21519408


Right-wing party claims historic victory in German state election

Alternative for Germany (AfD) has won nearly 33% of the votes in Thuringia, according to preliminary results

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) appears has won its first state election since the right-wing party’s establishment in 2013.

According to official preliminary results, the AfD has claimed 32.8% of the vote in Sunday’s legislative election in the state of Thuringia in the eastern part of Germany.

The conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party is expected to come in second, with 23.6% of the ballots.

The two parties were also neck-in-neck in the neighboring state of Saxony, according to exit polls, with CDU and AfD claiming 32% and 31.5% of the vote, respectively.

None of the members of Germany’s ruling ‘traffic light’ coalition – the Social Democratic Party (SPD) of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and the Greens – were able to make it to the top three in either of the states.


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f7b021 No.21519409

File: de0fa76068c9fce⋯.jpg (149.85 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OdysseyTheTitsOnThatHo.jpg)

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f7b021 No.21519410

File: 451aff94594660e⋯.jpg (76.01 KB,800x450,16:9,husseinsocialist.jpg)

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f7b021 No.21519411

File: 67137260348b48f⋯.jpg (562.63 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GODSLIGHT.jpg)

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0fb1e9 No.21519412

File: 1496daf609e0ce9⋯.png (172.39 KB,346x330,173:165,1496daf609e0ce9c2c1c4a7d37….png)




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ebb932 No.21519413

File: e3a4692a486ea38⋯.png (1.51 MB,1920x4758,320:793,Screenshot_2024_09_01_at_1….png)


Canada #63 >>21517816 also has a video

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98c2b3 No.21519414


How many Jews do you have?

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9bc62a No.21519415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Next time, on Frontline…

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9d0c71 No.21519416


the twist was this time they used the virus guy himself not a famous actor for the first one to get it

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df0b92 No.21519417


For example, I had two dogs that had walking problems, a relative, there are 5 neighbors (because they are stupid and their sabotages affect them also), and my wife and I that have had similar problems. Environmental. And as new power tools become available they will use them to our demise also. About a week ago the neighbor to the west of me, started spraying pesticides yet again as I cut the lawn. Then he put out manure. Then he used an outdoor fan mister along with a power heat gun to heat it up and spray it in my directions. You can't make this shit up, literally. I know because as I got further away from the fence, I all of a sudden felt the heat of the manure and in a much strong wind. They will pay very soon.

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b416f5 No.21519418

File: 7d1611c5013f900⋯.png (143.17 KB,614x694,307:347,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d690212c03d6a0⋯.png (403.97 KB,1018x1008,509:504,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Hostages:

According to the IDF, the six were murdered by Hamas a short while, possibly around a day or two, before troops found them.

Sep 01, 2024, 6:18 PM


Lara didn't cap the poster, date and didn't give link.


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0fb1e9 No.21519419

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)


God bless the jews

Israel is our greatest ally

End of story

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f7b021 No.21519420

File: 76835f2e872b643⋯.jpg (223.85 KB,632x935,632:935,saucefucker.jpg)


Post the sauce!

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56ad51 No.21519421

File: e51801be2d9f182⋯.png (54.98 KB,590x423,590:423,e51801be2d9f18227ba31313a9….png)

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3346b1 No.21519422

Look here Jews

Do not look here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Who or what are the muh jews gatekeeping for?

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91ff61 No.21519424


What does Israel do the USA?

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8ac148 No.21519425

File: 90a205a29156dc7⋯.jpg (73.38 KB,1200x630,40:21,council_for_inclusive_capi….jpg)

File: e63b80e9e500ad6⋯.jpg (71.75 KB,1024x682,512:341,2019_fine_69321302_2746921….jpg)

File: 11cc78ca9428b24⋯.jpg (500.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_124039….jpg)

File: 4500df99bef0448⋯.jpg (33.99 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3357824088.jpg)

File: b9aff4b9a3783c5⋯.jpg (23.6 KB,750x506,375:253,fitna_film_6e2a4be2_1672_4….jpg)





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91ff61 No.21519426

>>21519424 (me)

What does Israel do FOR the USA?

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56ad51 No.21519428

File: 9b4c96108f21453⋯.png (382.53 KB,752x851,752:851,ClipboardImage.png)

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0fb1e9 No.21519429

File: 8cd3b7df1e42d49⋯.gif (2.23 MB,256x192,4:3,smokingcolumbo2.gif)





As the highest ranking board narcissist hall monitor I am detecting serious levels of MUH MUHH MUHHHH MUHJOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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8ac148 No.21519430

File: 5e075118ba48c16⋯.png (10.53 KB,502x674,251:337,servlet.png)




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91ff61 No.21519431

File: 1585ed70cbc67c5⋯.jpg (183.95 KB,500x500,1:1,Pepe_Nuts_Out_Synchronised….jpg)


this is the way

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4c69ae No.21519432



Awesome jam!

Anon likes Anon jam recommendation.

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ebb932 No.21519433


West Nile, Bird Flu, Covid, Ebola, Sloth Fever, etc

Where are the Murder Hornets, it's September and I don't want them to catch a cold

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56ad51 No.21519434

File: e1e3bfe937cd48b⋯.jpg (96.4 KB,800x744,100:93,rule.jpg)

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0fb1e9 No.21519435

File: 069b1de0ae7da5b⋯.png (222.28 KB,700x634,350:317,069b1de0ae7da5b9da691c5e66….png)


Not really sure. But the TV tells me they are our greatest ally and we should support them. Greatest ally.

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f22334 No.21519436

File: ec0f34cbdbc3f9a⋯.png (176.19 KB,421x328,421:328,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9c4bd No.21519437




[Crawl walk run fly

False dichotomy

Italicized backslash…🤨]

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b416f5 No.21519438

File: 422f1acbd091e8b⋯.png (39.78 KB,866x354,433:177,ClipboardImage.png)




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ef7e02 No.21519439

File: 9d460d7c41f5bd0⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17252221817….mp4)


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4e4cd2 No.21519441

File: 625ba8e6c6fd278⋯.gif (656.39 KB,567x696,189:232,nightshift_beer.gif)

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62d4f7 No.21519442


It's kick ass, thanks for appreciation.

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98c2b3 No.21519443


what difference does it make?

if you cut the arms and legs off the Golum, of what matter is it?

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56ad51 No.21519444

File: 15479853db1f21d⋯.jpeg (116.92 KB,778x960,389:480,speech2.jpeg)

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8ac148 No.21519445

File: 49b687df89eb8a6⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1920x1354,960:677,GettyImages_1213122818_532….jpg)

File: 7fcf10c22e3171c⋯.jpg (9.33 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1692046616.jpg)

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0f75c4 No.21519446

Kimmel, who has been absent since June 24, will resume his hosting duties on Monday, September 2. His return marks the end of a summer filled with guest hosts and reruns, much to the delight of his loyal audience.

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b416f5 No.21519447

File: f8ad4d62d799ef9⋯.jpg (286.6 KB,1079x471,1079:471,KEK_Trump_Ha_Ha.jpg)


Listen. I'm gonna stick my foot Far-Right up your ass.


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210fb0 No.21519448


people who are afeareded of hurtywords best decide if they will more endure the syllables or the ballbat.

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d9c4bd No.21519449


I will not join your cult


''Your behavior.


What does Antisemitic mean?


Don't use the word in the definition.

You hate Jews



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0fb1e9 No.21519450

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,c4e6d9850f94135bb1836511af….jpg)



You making a jew joke?

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91ff61 No.21519451

File: 74824f8eceb30c6⋯.png (200.79 KB,500x516,125:129,ClipboardImage.png)


>loyal audience

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0f75c4 No.21519453


>much to the delight

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f22334 No.21519454

File: 59eee043d70b3ad⋯.png (68.67 KB,450x189,50:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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4e4cd2 No.21519455



One in the same?

Anons kno

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0fb1e9 No.21519456

File: 752bd36bb568be4⋯.jpg (78.02 KB,500x499,500:499,752bd36bb568be41464fa926b4….jpg)

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210fb0 No.21519457


local highschool student told me he's got a Teacher saying this too

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0fb1e9 No.21519458

File: 67a3369f5d8d42d⋯.webp (27.03 KB,657x527,657:527,smug_pepe2.webp)



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588f4c No.21519459

File: b7017a2eff5a290⋯.png (1.1 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725234747136.png)

File: 47fc906e4dacdee⋯.png (1.43 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725234807206.png)

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3346b1 No.21519460

Why do the shills want everyone blaming the Jews so bad?

Who is hiding among the Jews and uses the Jews for a protective shield?

Could using the jews as a shield be advantageous?

Could you label your accusers as antisemitic and shut them down?

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345c79 No.21519461

I would live in Russia if they didn't have conscription. Not fighting in any wars.

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0f75c4 No.21519462

File: e9a95fc15457d92⋯.png (6.93 MB,2500x1667,2500:1667,ClipboardImage.png)


‘Tyranny of the Minority’ warns Constitution is dangerously outdated

The U.S. Constitution desperately needs updating, say Harvard government professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt.

“We have a very, very old constitution; in fact, the oldest written constitution in the world,” notes Ziblatt, the Eaton Professor of the Science of Government. “It was written in a pre-democratic era. It hasn’t been amended much compared to other democracies. As a result, we have these institutions in place that most other democracies got rid of over the course of the 20th century.”

In their new book “Tyranny of the Minority,” the comparative political scientists argue that these antiquated institutions, including the Electoral College, have protected and enabled an increasingly extremist GOP, which keeps moving farther to the right despite losing the popular vote in all but one of the last eight presidential elections. The scholars also survey governments worldwide for examples of democratizing reforms. And they draw from history in underscoring the dangers of our constitutional stasis.

Levitsky and Ziblatt’s 2018 bestseller, “How Democracies Die,” drew from global case studies to argue that Donald Trump represented a threat to core democratic principles, even flagging the possibility that he would refuse to cede power. Today, in light of the 2020 election — and the 147 Congressional Republicans who voted to overturn the results — the authors say it’s clear the threat is larger than Trump.

“The new book makes the case that large segments of the Republican Party leadership have lost commitment to democratic rules of the game,” said Levitsky, the David Rockefeller Professor of Latin American Studies and Professor of Government and director of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard. “The fact that the party remains radicalized means the challenge is ongoing.”

The Gazette spoke with Levitsky and Ziblatt, who this week was named the next director of the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, about the state of the nation. The interview was edited for length and clarity.

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c69740 No.21519463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8f1ca No.21519464

File: f7cbfed5aa3a941⋯.png (26.73 KB,122x182,61:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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03f857 No.21519465

File: 67a11e55b7cd931⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,480x480,1:1,florida_they_told_us_they_….mp4)

File: 94af75491b9f2c7⋯.mp4 (3.3 MB,1280x720,16:9,girls_attacking_white_girl.mp4)


>trump mem bttf back to the future fight


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48f7ae No.21519466

File: 30eca65ab6e046b⋯.png (487.89 KB,562x444,281:222,30eca65ab6e046b4f783ae6acf….png)

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91ff61 No.21519467


seems anything on this topic gets the chop round these parts.

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0f75c4 No.21519468

File: a3aae6c537e2ec5⋯.png (1.93 MB,1259x839,1259:839,ClipboardImage.png)



The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?

One of the biggest threats to America’s politics might be the country’s founding document.

The United States Constitution is in trouble. After Donald Trump lost the 2020 election, he called for the “termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution.” Outraged critics denounced him for threatening a document that is supposed to be “sacrosanct.” By announcing his desire to throw off constitutional constraints in order to satisfy his personal ambitions, Trump was making his authoritarian inclinations abundantly clear.

It’s no surprise, then, that liberals charge Trump with being a menace to the Constitution. But his presidency and the prospect of his re-election have also generated another, very different, argument: that Trump owes his political ascent to the Constitution, making him a beneficiary of a document that is essentially antidemocratic and, in this day and age, increasingly dysfunctional.

After all, Trump became president in 2016 after losing the popular vote but winning the Electoral College (Article II). He appointed three justices to the Supreme Court (Article III), two of whom were confirmed by senators representing just 44 percent of the population (Article I). Those three justices helped overturn Roe v. Wade, a reversal with which most Americans disagreed. The eminent legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky, worried about opinion polls showing “a dramatic loss of faith in democracy,” writes in his new book, “No Democracy Lasts Forever”: “It is important for Americans to see that these failures stem from the Constitution itself.”

Back in 2018, Chemerinsky, the dean of Berkeley’s law school, still seemed to place considerable faith in the Constitution, pleading with fellow progressives in his book “We the People” “not to turn their back on the Constitution and the courts.” By contrast, “No Democracy Lasts Forever” is markedly pessimistic. Asserting that the Constitution, which is famously difficult to amend, has put the country “in grave danger,” Chemerinsky lays out what would need to happen for a new constitutional convention — and, in the book’s more somber moments, he entertains the possibility of secession. West Coast states might form a nation called “Pacifica.” Red states might form their own country. He hopes that any divorce, if it comes, will be peaceful.

The prospect of secession sounds extreme, but in suggesting that the Constitution could hasten the end of American democracy, Chemerinsky is far from alone. The argument that what ails the country’s politics isn’t simply the president, or Congress, or the Supreme Court, but the founding document that presides over all three, has been gaining traction, especially among liberals. Books and op-eds critiquing the Constitution have proliferated. Scholars are arguing that the Constitution has incentivized what Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt call a “Tyranny of the Minority.”

The anguish is, in some sense, a flip side of veneration. Americans have long assumed that the Constitution could save us; a growing chorus now wonders whether we need to be saved from it.

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f22334 No.21519469

File: 767ea69be5105e5⋯.png (602.67 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

Victorian government accused of indoctrinating kids with 'fringe theories about sex and gender' after launch of 'rainbow libraries toolkit'

The Victorian government has been accused of indoctrinating children with "fringe theories about sex and gender" after staff at the state's public libraries were given guidance to ask kids as young as five about their gender pronouns.

The Victorian government has been accused of indoctrinating children after it launched a new set of guidelines that recommends library staff ask kids as young as five about their gender pronouns.

Staff at Victoria’s more than 290 public libraries have been provided with a new “rainbow libraries toolkit” in order to create more inclusive spaces for LGBTIQA+ communities.

The toolkit, which was launched by the Allan government on Friday, advises library staff that they can become more LGBTIQA+ friendly by adding books on gender diversity to their collections, promoting drag queen story events, and avoiding the use of “gendered language”.


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81893a No.21519470

File: 8889f8e641f7c69⋯.png (848.93 KB,2000x1047,2000:1047,ClipboardImage.png)

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0fb1e9 No.21519471

File: a608f437b867082⋯.png (56.9 KB,544x493,32:29,a608f437b86708216a3702c9df….png)



Greatest ally

Send moar money

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d9c4bd No.21519472



[Not blaming. Recognizing a coherent pattern that couldn't have naturally arisen without malicious intent.]

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f22334 No.21519473

File: ae3cb2980a84fed⋯.png (1.13 MB,611x750,611:750,ClipboardImage.png)

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98c2b3 No.21519474


the myth of the "good Jew"

same as the myth of the "good cop"

if they were good they would not be such

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3346b1 No.21519476


The ssssssleaders of the cabal hide among the jews.

I would do the same.

Create the Biggest victim class and hide among them.

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ab1301 No.21519477

File: a98f8b7ba9ad6fd⋯.png (126.21 KB,690x508,345:254,ClipboardImage.png)


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91ff61 No.21519478


>in order to create more inclusive spaces for LGBTIQA+ communities.

What the fuck does this even mean?

They have no fucking understanding of the word "inclusive". In their context they use it as a weapon.

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0fb1e9 No.21519479

File: 9ab682332423ff0⋯.png (408.94 KB,800x609,800:609,845419.png)


My next song is called this Muhjoo disproves the narcissist's projections which imply Anons are mutually exclusive with Muhjoos

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d9c4bd No.21519480


[you awesome free thinker (you)]

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821582 No.21519481


The nazis??

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3346b1 No.21519482


Nigger, you can't even point to the bad guys on your city council so stfu

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f96c41 No.21519483

File: 35732f47b2c3520⋯.png (58.08 KB,612x407,612:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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588f4c No.21519484

File: e75df1abb89045e⋯.png (1.52 MB,810x1440,9:16,1725235680068.png)

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98c2b3 No.21519485


you seem emotional, ma'am

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0fb1e9 No.21519486

File: 1e25e199543d0c9⋯.png (185.08 KB,490x469,70:67,1e25e199543d0c91f12273e90a….png)


The Reptilians

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91ff61 No.21519487

File: 68653ac58e43743⋯.png (4.58 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Just faggots on the DEFCON twitter account thinking they're hot shit.

Ignore unless you see Mushroom clouds.

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dd6cae No.21519488

File: f66b14e9e525ec3⋯.png (438.38 KB,520x480,13:12,all_the_traitors.png)

KEK. Poor bastard.

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03f857 No.21519489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


11/22/63 + 77 days = beatles at JFK airport event

Bob Dylan mentions this in his song


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0f75c4 No.21519490

File: 1e5d2fbaa66839a⋯.png (175.83 KB,292x445,292:445,trustme.png)

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9435b0 No.21519491

File: 69d850fce09793f⋯.png (895.9 KB,822x693,274:231,Screenshot_2024_09_01_Scre….png)

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588f4c No.21519492

File: abd50e4deddd1b1⋯.jpg (94.29 KB,405x720,9:16,FML_Tim_A_Walz.jpg)



Ma'am Calm Down and Step Away from the Crack Pipes and Black & Dick-Her Dildos…

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56ad51 No.21519493


ashken nazis

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0f75c4 No.21519494


Trudeau looks more Cuban

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0fb1e9 No.21519495

File: f2d43e62c85cb49⋯.jpg (189.58 KB,1729x1166,1729:1166,orly3.jpg)


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ab1301 No.21519496

File: 7a3331a12f431b1⋯.png (101.22 KB,596x415,596:415,ClipboardImage.png)


Tony Shaffer (Pronouns: Apocalypse/Now)


As a retired military case officer (spy) whose job was to spot, assess and recruit people to spy against their nation for us, there's no doubt

@Tim_Walz was developed as an agent of CCP/PRC intelligence to be an asset… Walz meets the profile of who they would want… he's literally a Marxist who would sell out his mother for his ideology…he cannot be trusted…

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a2904c No.21519497

File: 18ff9848e627fa1⋯.png (52.83 KB,1184x360,148:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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03f857 No.21519498

File: f13d90a061b6b05⋯.jpg (162.89 KB,970x648,485:324,malls.jpg)

File: 59e7619fd88c915⋯.webm (3.49 MB,720x690,24:23,christmas_mall_1990s.webm)

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ab1301 No.21519499

File: d4e5edc1004854c⋯.png (573.9 KB,553x579,553:579,ClipboardImage.png)


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588f4c No.21519500

File: d236ee9bff65b26⋯.jpg (30.88 KB,400x252,100:63,400px_OSS_pistol_Glove.jpg)



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1d2e84 No.21519501

File: 5400e5345a77000⋯.png (187.6 KB,602x918,301:459,ClipboardImage.png)

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91ff61 No.21519502

File: 7149b383998dcec⋯.png (59.36 KB,149x168,149:168,ClipboardImage.png)


look at this fucken legend, bet he got all the pussay.

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0f75c4 No.21519503

File: 6b485a5e1383497⋯.jpg (47.69 KB,634x355,634:355,cloth.jpg)


never heard of it

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56ad51 No.21519504

File: 77fa9f039057fe0⋯.png (548.56 KB,821x780,821:780,ClipboardImage.png)

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91ff61 No.21519505

File: 57e1d2ebaab23f8⋯.png (410.84 KB,500x500,1:1,Pot_taking_intensifies.png)



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d8f1ca No.21519506

File: 301616b2e46b105⋯.png (154.95 KB,460x466,230:233,ClipboardImage.png)


What's this

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2e99a9 No.21519507


Not the correct link…

Is This F&G?

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dd6cae No.21519508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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03f857 No.21519509

File: 62aa005c1cf6cc1⋯.png (141.38 KB,384x304,24:19,ClipboardImage.png)


who is this and why is his head in 1 piece

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91ff61 No.21519510

File: b45da8eb147ed95⋯.jpg (99.21 KB,1400x700,2:1,Bat_Smack.jpg)

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1d2e84 No.21519511

File: a2a385cf8f91fde⋯.png (619.75 KB,590x591,590:591,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f75c4 No.21519512


Protesters are asking for fall of Netanyahu government

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588f4c No.21519513

File: 6d23a5b9f7f5414⋯.png (120.78 KB,514x486,257:243,ei_1725236178247_removebg_….png)

File: 9b2cb6ffa7cb2e4⋯.jpg (94.44 KB,405x720,9:16,So_Many_Questions_A_Walz.jpg)

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56ad51 No.21519514

File: f95dd0c5b5a695b⋯.png (627.07 KB,784x815,784:815,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b809b No.21519515

File: 8083457debee6f6⋯.jpeg (218.43 KB,1080x1633,1080:1633,8083457debee6f669995e8640….jpeg)

File: af887d53ebf6ff4⋯.png (889.67 KB,1848x928,231:116,0ee3b4becbad50551619553ea8….png)

Trump's on Levin right now and said the SS acted quickly during the assassination attempt otherwise it would have been another "Las Vegas type event w/ a guy shooting from the upper floors of the building" (paraphrase)

pretty interesting

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54353a No.21519516


how did we survive without selfies and anti-social media?

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588f4c No.21519517

File: 4931a2fefcc949f⋯.png (1.24 MB,791x1474,791:1474,1725235300764.png)

File: 1e30328286352cd⋯.png (851.89 KB,1024x805,1024:805,_What_s_your_reaction_to_t….png)

File: 32d47752a31ec95⋯.png (271.85 KB,1024x341,1024:341,OH_FUCK_9_1_2024_2_.png)

File: 4c458fb25dc3f0d⋯.png (79.63 KB,1024x264,128:33,Prrrrrrrrrnt_9_1_2024.png)

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de36f8 No.21519518

President Trump [Levin interview part two]: I had to make a decision. Do I want to do this? Do I want to put the wife of the president of the United States, and Secretary of State, by the way [Hillary Clinton]; do I want to put her in prison? And I'm trying to unify a country that really was broken badly…do I want to put the wife of a president of the United States in prison? I didn't want to do that.

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1d2e84 No.21519519

File: 7238759db3b9838⋯.png (483.45 KB,601x657,601:657,ClipboardImage.png)


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03f857 No.21519520

File: d1456a00a280926⋯.png (102.18 KB,264x175,264:175,ClipboardImage.png)


it makes perfect sense if you accept taht they're not uhman

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81893a No.21519521

File: 945eaf77683d3e8⋯.png (155.21 KB,483x307,483:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab1301 No.21519522

File: 548f8f50ac0674f⋯.png (538.97 KB,610x530,61:53,ClipboardImage.png)

https://x.com/DanScavino/status/1830386278380024061 >>21519499

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91ff61 No.21519523


aka don't let women vote.

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0f75c4 No.21519524



Chairman of the Israeli Labor Committee:

I decided to react to the neglect of the prisoners in Gaza, the displaced in the north, the collapsing economy, we are no longer one nation. We have to stop this.

We will close the economy from tomorrow at 6 am. I ask the people of Israel to take to the streets tonight and tomorrow.

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b416f5 No.21519525

File: 978ffb7d3435243⋯.jpeg (10.02 KB,474x260,237:130,PING_Golf.jpeg)


Why does this dude just make those statements and

has no comment about it.

He did it earlier today, too.

Waiting for reply.

(one) kek

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91ff61 No.21519526

File: 95bc825a3f13458⋯.png (654.4 KB,704x942,352:471,Joe_Biden_Grabbing_Kids_At….png)

File: 6277c85f088fd18⋯.jpg (184.14 KB,680x673,680:673,Joe_Biden_Pedo_Pete_Sillou….jpg)

File: b9974101e5fdb51⋯.jpg (832.13 KB,2687x1512,2687:1512,Joe_Biden_Son_Calls_Pedo_P….jpg)

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f4a32f No.21519527

File: b719855fb1a4a3a⋯.png (399.06 KB,609x816,203:272,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb65fc22eee603c⋯.mp4 (15.08 MB,576x1024,9:16,ssstwitter_com_17252363431….mp4)

These poor people who are so brainwashed and held under the spell of TV.

Oh Wow!!


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0f75c4 No.21519528

The commander of the 8200 unit, the largest intelligence gathering unit of the Israeli army, plans to announce the end of his career and resign in the coming weeks.

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ebb932 No.21519529


Democrats despise the electoral college. Perhaps they should get over that

By David Lauter Senior Editor July 14, 2023 3 AM PT


Traumatized by the results of 2000 and 2016, when Republicans George W. Bush and Donald Trump won the presidency despite getting fewer votes than their Democratic opponents, many on the left and center-left have developed a deep aversion to the state-by-state counting of electoral votes, regarding it as both anti-democratic and anti-Democratic.

A Gallup poll taken in 2020, for example, found that roughly 9 in 10 Democrats favored abolishing the electoral college and choosing the president solely on the basis of who gets support from the most voters. Just 2 in 10 Republicans agreed.

Responding to that sentiment, lawmakers in 25 states — most of them with Democratic majorities — have voted for an interstate agreement designed to bypass the electoral college and choose the president by popular vote. It won’t be in effect for 2024, but could be by 2028.

The irony would be deep if Democrats succeeded in abolishing the system just in time for it to flip back in their favor.

Could that happen? Yes, and the tipping point is far closer than many people appear to believe.

A flawed system; a questionable reform

The electoral college has several flaws:

The system encourages presidential candidates to spend the lion’s share of time and energy on the few states whose votes are truly up for grabs — no more than eight this time around — although there’s not much evidence that those states gain anything other than a ton of political ads on television.

There’s the risk, small but not zero, of electors casting their votes for someone other than the candidate who won their state.

And because the system guarantees at least three electoral votes to each state and the District of Columbia, it amplifies the power of the very smallest jurisdictions. Wyoming’s 581,000 residents control three electoral votes; California’s 39 million have 54. On a proportional basis, that gives Wyoming’s overwhelmingly Republican residents almost four times the electoral clout of Californians. The same goes for the heavily Democratic voters of Vermont, who also get three electoral votes.

The flaw that attracts the most attention, however, is the system’s ability to elect a president who has support of a minority of voters nationwide — a feature that has delivered victories to Republicans twice in the last six elections.

That’s a rarity. As Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman recently documented on the Crystal Ball election site, the system is pretty unbiased most of the time: In the 19 presidential elections since the end of World War II, the results of the electoral college and the popular vote matched closely.

That brings us to the proposed National Interstate Popular Vote Compact, which is designed to short-circuit the electoral college without amending the Constitution. The idea is that states would mutually agree to give their electoral votes to whichever candidate won the national popular vote, not the candidate who won each individual state. The compact would go into effect if it’s enacted by states that together account for 270 electoral votes, a majority of the electoral college.

The California Legislature approved the compact in 2011, with sponsors arguing that it would prod candidates to pay more attention to the state. At the time, it was very much a theoretical proposition. A dozen years later, it’s seeming more real. States with 205 electoral votes have signed on.

So imagine it’s election night 2028, and the popular vote compact is in effect. Democratic candidate Gretchen Whitmer has won California by 20 points and carried the big swing states, but appears to have lost the nationwide popular vote to Republican Ron DeSantis, who racks up big margins in Florida and Texas. Would California voters really be OK with the state’s electoral votes going to make DeSantis president?

The question is made more acute by the fact that support for abolishing the electoral college has come almost entirely from one side of the aisle. Republican leaders are happy to see Democratic states give up control of their electoral votes, but they have no intention of doing so themselves.



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91ff61 No.21519530


How DO they keep their whites so white?

Tide pods?

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22f9b9 No.21519531

File: 6d519693ac571bb⋯.jpg (146.28 KB,1055x1280,211:256,Fp7l5tOXoAQUG9I.jpg)




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b416f5 No.21519532

File: 736d9acf84223c9⋯.png (2.51 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ignore unless you see Mushroom clouds.


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9435b0 No.21519533


Reflection of the face of agent Clint Hill as he was jumping on the back of the limo?

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de36f8 No.21519534

President Trump: Basically, they're liberals. I don't like to use the word progressive, it's too pretty a word. It's such a pretty word. They're progressive. Progressive means you think into the future. They're actually thinking to three thousand years ago, these people. They're not progressive.

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98c2b3 No.21519535


would it matter what she thought if she was not allowed to vote?

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8ac148 No.21519536

File: 0df91f9834376db⋯.jpg (5.31 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240901_171910.jpg)

File: 3683919dd3bba76⋯.jpg (38.01 KB,474x386,237:193,th_2190516774.jpg)


man A

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803d4e No.21519537


collapse of economy, uhhm - wut

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0f75c4 No.21519538

File: 4d71f580f129237⋯.png (225.29 KB,437x437,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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54353a No.21519539


right on brotha

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dd6cae No.21519540

File: 930901146d92ce3⋯.gif (961.07 KB,500x281,500:281,popcorn930901146d92ce3ecff….gif)

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0fb1e9 No.21519541

File: d5866efae00b1d4⋯.jpg (31.42 KB,400x400,1:1,4J3J918m_400x400.jpg)

My next song is called

Rent free for life

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d1eb93 No.21519542

File: 7f7cf0b5203a6f7⋯.gif (775.46 KB,220x220,1:1,jeremiah.gif)


>aka don't let women

aka don't let women drive cars or Jets either…

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1d2e84 No.21519543

File: 773b0455f1f8df5⋯.png (380.09 KB,615x830,123:166,ClipboardImage.png)

well the wifi mind control is gonna work

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6ed967 No.21519544

Did you know Macron uses telegram?

The encrypted messaging app is avidly used within political and media circles — including by French President Emmanuel Macron himself.

I know why Durov walked.

Remember when Trump went to Normandy, and they tried to assassinate him?

Remember how Macron publicly insulted, and threatened Trump, when he thought Trump was about to be killed?

Did Macron use Telegram to conspire with western intelligence and politicians?

Does Durov have absolute proof, that Marcon was complicit in the attempt on Trumps life?

Why yes, yes he does….

That's why he wasn't concerned when he was arrested, he has them by the balls, and now they all know it.

Its about to blow wide open…..


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56ad51 No.21519545

File: 5f5336b7c8ff0db⋯.jpg (38.25 KB,720x662,360:331,91152.jpg)

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8ac148 No.21519546

File: 88b389598447ccc⋯.jpg (21.49 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3885133784.jpg)

File: 47ce16568b77b0d⋯.jpg (30.32 KB,403x397,403:397,47ce16568b77b0df1f9aa2e41f….jpg)

File: 495d7f7f66b5ce7⋯.jpg (529.22 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240818_173151….jpg)

File: 51c67981b346d65⋯.jpg (52.23 KB,634x671,634:671,article_0_11FACF4A000005DC….jpg)

Korn shell

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98cfc8 No.21519547

File: a75769bdcaeb703⋯.png (142.84 KB,340x315,68:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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54353a No.21519548



fukkable, but brainwashed

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a2904c No.21519549

File: d7f7bcf840ced6f⋯.png (1.19 MB,1272x713,1272:713,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d2e84 No.21519550

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56ad51 No.21519551


>Does Durov have absolute proof, that Marcon was complicit in the attempt on Trumps life?

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91ff61 No.21519552


she's trying to REMEMBER what she's been told instead of having her own opinions and thoughts. As she goes deeper she essentially gets lost in the ideas she's not really understanding.

~"I don't wish death - I wish he got hit in the forehead."

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d1eb93 No.21519553


>three thousand years ago

The Hyskos?

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03f857 No.21519554

File: 3cb34fd77eea9b1⋯.jpg (120.24 KB,606x680,303:340,why_women_are_more_suscept….jpg)


>>21281281 pb

>why women are more susceptible to brainwashing and media lies - physical weakness demands consensus-driven decision making

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98c2b3 No.21519555

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03f857 No.21519556

>>21519554 was meant for >>21519519


--> >>21281281 pb

>why women are more susceptible to brainwashing and media lies - physical weakness demands consensus-driven decision making

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56ad51 No.21519557

File: ecec66041461a77⋯.png (206.96 KB,474x467,474:467,ClipboardImage.png)

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f22334 No.21519558

File: 3d6f4ff0f6f5cd0⋯.png (1.53 MB,1386x897,462:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d2e84 No.21519559

File: 11522928be217aa⋯.png (286.49 KB,696x766,348:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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dd6cae No.21519560

File: 9d5d516f7d062dd⋯.gif (4.15 MB,480x225,32:15,FzQ8rMWBYKcw.gif)

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a2f241 No.21519561

File: 5d037fd11b3253c⋯.jpg (18.05 KB,170x255,2:3,77cef8f15e8960b3046a87e33a….jpg)

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0f75c4 No.21519562

File: 4f668ef12173f89⋯.mp4 (11.48 MB,1280x722,640:361,M577.mp4)


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588f4c No.21519563

File: d108c90f2ce57a4⋯.jpg (87.92 KB,719x739,719:739,Kold_Kamala_Trump_Kek.jpg)

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bc5c88 No.21519564

File: 9fb7d45ac1cacbb⋯.jpeg (282.82 KB,1350x1629,150:181,1544141362.jpeg)

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ab73da No.21519565


They be great fer gunshot wounds. All men should carry one. lol

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03f857 No.21519566

File: 8cb9401a66702b5⋯.png (382.89 KB,463x477,463:477,walz.png)

File: dbcb50971229498⋯.jpg (44.03 KB,1024x576,16:9,ukraine_unfair.jpg)

File: dbdb5f8da4d7858⋯.jpg (276.04 KB,1500x1828,375:457,satan_armageddon_memes.jpg)

File: 58fdf310486f361⋯.png (254.75 KB,500x613,500:613,fumbalina_the_DEI_woman_se….png)

File: 85cbad6c820b76c⋯.png (263.12 KB,500x566,250:283,rambo_guy_alex_jones_shill.png)


>tard cunt wishes trump was killed but thinks everything is fucked and the wealthy people just fake news

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292d20 No.21519567

File: 2adb125d3cba82a⋯.png (196.81 KB,332x253,332:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab1301 No.21519568

File: c20a679606ba458⋯.png (101.23 KB,593x376,593:376,ClipboardImage.png)


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d0fffa No.21519570

notables @ 615

#26364 >>21518901

>>21518951 Celebrity Spy Whales 🧐

>>21518981, >>21519468 They want to overthrow The Constitution

>>21518987, >>21519023 Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology’

>>21518993, >>21519418 Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

>>21519035 Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University

>>21519048, >>21519077 PF: Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic

>>21519055, >>21519067, >>21519063, >>21519032, >>21519272 NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

>>21519141 Compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night

>>21519060 *Serious question asked* Tim Walz: "Ait pz out every1"

>>21519070, >>21519111 By the end of his tenure, this Nobel peace prize winner was bombing seven countries simultaneously

>>21519076 Are you questioning the results of a free and fair election, Mark? 🤨

>>21519083 A bill in California that would ban local governments from requiring voter ID in elections passed the state's far-left assembly

>>21519122 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21519134 Former NSA director Paul Nakasone discusses election security, emerging technologies

>>21519159, >>21519162 “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok

>>21519187 New York City Department of Health is Spraying Pesticides on Streets to Prevent West Nile Virus, Warns Residents to Stay Inside

>>21519212 Mexico Launches Escorted Bus Initiative for Non-Mexican Immigrants with U.S. Asylum Appointments

>>21519268 Ukraine Eyes Billions in Revenue from Controlled Defense Industry Exports

>>21519275 Federal judge blocks enforcement of new Ohio ban on noncitizen contributions to ballot issue campaigns

>>21519279 Music is about to stop

>>21519281 Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It

>>21519287 State of MSM in UK

>>21519332 Netanyahu: Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11

>>21519408 Right-wing party claims historic victory in German state election

>>21519469 Victorian government accused of indoctrinating kids after launch of 'rainbow libraries toolkit'

>>21519477 Ping

>>21519496 Someone in the media needs to ask Walz if he was approached by the CCP to be an asset

>>21519499, >>21519522 Scavino: Farmers for Trump

>>21518916, >>21518928, >>21519031, >>21519036, >>21519049, >>21519052, >>21519054, >>21519132, >>21519190, >>21519215, >>21519357, >>21519444, >>21519451, >>21519514, >>21519531 Memes


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bc5c88 No.21519571

File: 35fd0c6b16c4f07⋯.jpg (242.96 KB,1080x540,2:1,20200704_074840.jpg)

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a2904c No.21519572



Trump said: "…bleachbit, it's basically acid…"

With Hannity, it was the same…

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f96c41 No.21519573


looks guud bakerman

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5b809b No.21519574

File: 54871cf5aea75cf⋯.jpg (60.55 KB,682x500,341:250,88u0mi.jpg)

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f22334 No.21519575

File: 12d2465d1dbba68⋯.png (1.18 MB,720x900,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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b416f5 No.21519576

File: fa12f8e0d2eba32⋯.jpg (51.7 KB,1920x960,2:1,Thank_You_Afrikaans_Dankie.jpg)



I will just ass u me Anons looked into this.

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ebb932 No.21519577

South Korean Shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean Secures Landmark U.S. Navy Maintenance Deal

Mike Schuler August 29, 2024

Hanwha Ocean, the major South Korean shipbuilder, has secured a groundbreaking contract with the U.S. Navy for the maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) of a 40,000-ton logistics support vessel, South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency has reported.

The contract is said to mark the first instance of a South Korean shipyard winning a regular overhaul deal for a U.S. Navy vessel.

The contract stipulates that the U.S. Navy’s logistics support ship will undergo regular maintenance at Hanwha Ocean’s Geoje shipyard in South Korea.

Hanwha Ocean views the deal as a significant opportunity to enter the U.S. MRO market wth the U.S. Navy, which is estimated to be worth approximately $15 billion annually.

The milestone follows Hanwha Ocean’s signing of a Master Ship Repair Agreement (MSRA) with the U.S. Navy in July. The MSRA, granted to companies meeting stringent quality standards for ship maintenance services, allows Hanwha Ocean to participate in MRO projects involving U.S. Navy vessels.

The company’s recent acquisition of American shipbuilder Philly Shipyard is expected to further bolster its entry into the U.S. market and expand its MRO reach.

Collectively, the developments are expected to strengthen Hanwha Ocean’s position in the global naval shipbuilding market.

The maintenance contract follows U.S. Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro’s visit to Hanwha Ocean in February as part of his broader Maritime Statecraft initiative, which aims to restore the United States as a comprehensive maritime power, with a particular focus on countering China’s dominant position in global shipbuilding.


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03f857 No.21519578

File: 297e52fc007ff26⋯.png (1.27 MB,681x861,227:287,patsy_tom_crooks_trump_sho….png)


>she's trying to REMEMBER what she's been told instead of having her own opinions and thoughts

see → >>21519554 >>21519519

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0f75c4 No.21519580

File: 10d8d32c5bd1f0c⋯.png (734.14 KB,598x598,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>it's basically acid

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c87c9f No.21519581

It's murder. A then-promising and now-confirmed cure for Covid19, Ivermectin, was supressed, its promoters demonized; they supressed and demonetized social media accounts , threatening pharmacists who filled - and MDs who wrote - prescriptions for Ivermectin - a drug widely known and prescribed for decades for numerous conditions around the world.

Now, by contrast, they are pushing as a Covid19 "death protection." Wegovy - the untried weightloss drug that can paralyze your digestive tract (shortest stretch from release to class action lawyers' ads that this anon has ever seen) with no studies on long term use or safety.



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f22334 No.21519582

File: b171bcc6cb78fb4⋯.png (876.71 KB,964x638,482:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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c87c9f No.21519583

File: be2d27df568ef2e⋯.jpg (968.26 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Screenshot_20240901_161507….jpg)

It's murder. A then-promising and now-confirmed cure for Covid19, Ivermectin, was supressed, its promoters demonized; they supressed and demonetized social media accounts , threatening pharmacists who filled - and MDs who wrote - prescriptions for Ivermectin - a drug widely known and prescribed for decades for numerous conditions around the world.

Now, by contrast, they are pushing as a Covid19 "death protection." Wegovy - the untried weightloss drug that can paralyze your digestive tract (shortest stretch from release to class action lawyers' ads that this anon has ever seen) with no studies on long term use or safety.



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a2904c No.21519584


He must be the inventor of the smiley!

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dd6cae No.21519585

File: d26d7d8bdf55e87⋯.png (449.6 KB,595x617,595:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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f22334 No.21519586

File: 2be4491cfc58eff⋯.png (102.75 KB,973x475,973:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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19e68f No.21519587

Does anyone know where those pictures of the giant security guard that covered Trump are? The one beside the plane and walking beside him a few times?

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0fb1e9 No.21519588

File: 5ae5447530b13dd⋯.jpg (45.06 KB,609x602,87:86,c94b8f0a1f8de2b06f2ef35424….jpg)


Baker got the BV seal of approval

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91ff61 No.21519589


Q sure loved Flynn a little too much for muh comfy feelz.

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b416f5 No.21519591

File: 1b5b433c16f605a⋯.png (283.4 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


>He must be the inventor of the smiley!


It was F. Gump.

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54353a No.21519592


yeah, forest gave him the idea during his cross country run

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4c14e6 No.21519593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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0f75c4 No.21519594



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54353a No.21519595

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f4a32f No.21519596

File: 1d15f6927e73b19⋯.png (242.65 KB,596x586,298:293,Screenshot_2024_09_01_2039….png)

File: 2bb4781b8aa4e96⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17252375334….mp4)

How does this account get this information first??

Shadow of Ezra


New surveillance footage from Denver, Colorado reveals a gang of masked criminals, armed and ready, as they prepare to launch a terrifying attack on a suburban home.


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91ff61 No.21519597



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dd6cae No.21519598

File: d567105004239ed⋯.png (459.07 KB,505x640,101:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f75c4 No.21519599

File: 52030aec0c3409b⋯.png (2.91 MB,1424x2065,1424:2065,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ed967 No.21519600

File: 08569991816de70⋯.png (594.82 KB,1168x881,1168:881,Mebendazole_500mg.png)

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f4a32f No.21519601

File: 90cf3adec6f150e⋯.mp4 (456.54 KB,320x396,80:99,ssstwitter_com_17251346045….mp4)

For Keks


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de36f8 No.21519602

Levin: Do you feel like you're going to have to rebuild the military again?

President Trump: They announced six ships are gonna be dry docked. Not because the ships are bad; which a lot of them are old and not too good, but because they can't get the sailors. There's no sailors. They can't get the sailors.

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03f857 No.21519603




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91ff61 No.21519604


with the added convenience of a carry handle

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84abaa No.21519605


Huh. So that is what DJT meant. Grab'em

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0f75c4 No.21519606

File: 1cedb2a82773051⋯.png (658.65 KB,746x568,373:284,ClipboardImage.png)


feel the joy

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f96c41 No.21519607


damn skippy yo


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91ff61 No.21519609


they love it. see her smiling

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22f9b9 No.21519610

File: 3d5c04612e336b6⋯.png (425.95 KB,367x484,367:484,ClipboardImage.png)

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c69740 No.21519611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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91ff61 No.21519612


"Enough with the memes"

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609935 No.21519613


Right, and she would. Oh, up, oh, up.

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f4a32f No.21519614

File: a1103f6ab2bb071⋯.png (324.34 KB,617x881,617:881,Screenshot_2024_09_01_2043….png)

File: 3d7bd2efb7018c0⋯.mp4 (8.48 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17252379043….mp4)

These Autistics are the three strand DNA humans

Wall Street Silver reposted



Austic child does bird calls for talent show.

This kid is AWESOME

🔊 turn on your sound


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0f75c4 No.21519615

File: a0c2aa9b0e259f3⋯.mp4 (252.06 KB,480x270,16:9,joyfulwarrior.mp4)

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e82740 No.21519616


acid wash your hard drives


Acid Wash (Acid Rag, Acid bit, etc.)

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b416f5 No.21519617

File: 32dc8b8be7aa2a6⋯.png (13.51 MB,6489x4364,6489:4364,ClipboardImage.png)


>They announced six ships are gonna be dry docked.

Nope.17, sir.

Navy Could Sideline 17 Support Ships Due to Manpower Issues

August 22, 2024 7:52 PM - Updated: August 26, 2024 12:23 PM


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bfbe53 No.21519618

File: 930b9a2bcefcaf6⋯.png (1.26 MB,1440x795,96:53,Slippery_James_Comey_The_W….png)

"Remember sailor!" - President Donald J. Trump on Slippery James Comey, 4-27-18


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91ff61 No.21519619


in 10 years he'll be baker material

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a2904c No.21519620

File: 1dfd9b1c841ccc3⋯.png (744.79 KB,640x626,320:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b809b No.21519621


ty for that.. did a quick search but couldn't find it

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25d077 No.21519622

notables @ 670

#26364 >>21518901

>>21518951 Celebrity Spy Whales 🧐

>>21518981, >>21519468 They want to overthrow The Constitution

>>21518987, >>21519023 Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology’

>>21518993, >>21519418 Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

>>21519035 Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University

>>21519048, >>21519077 PF: Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic

>>21519055, >>21519067, >>21519063, >>21519032, >>21519272 NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

>>21519141 Compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night

>>21519060 *Serious question asked* Tim Walz: "Ait, pz out every1"

>>21519070, >>21519111 By the end of his tenure, this Nobel peace prize winner was bombing seven countries simultaneously

>>21519076 Are you questioning the results of a free and fair election, Mark? 🤨

>>21519083 A bill in California that would ban local governments from requiring voter ID in elections passed the state's far-left assembly

>>21519122 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21519134 Former NSA director Paul Nakasone discusses election security, emerging technologies

>>21519159, >>21519162 “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok

>>21519187 New York City Department of Health is Spraying Pesticides on Streets to Prevent West Nile Virus, Warns Residents to Stay Inside

>>21519212 Mexico Launches Escorted Bus Initiative for Non-Mexican Immigrants with U.S. Asylum Appointments

>>21519268 Ukraine Eyes Billions in Revenue from Controlled Defense Industry Exports

>>21519275 Federal judge blocks enforcement of new Ohio ban on noncitizen contributions to ballot issue campaigns

>>21519279 Music is about to stop

>>21519281 Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It

>>21519287 State of MSM in UK

>>21519332 Netanyahu: Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11

>>21519408 Right-wing party claims historic victory in German state election

>>21519469 Victorian government accused of indoctrinating kids after launch of 'rainbow libraries toolkit'

>>21519477 Ping

>>21519496 Someone in the media needs to ask Walz if he was approached by the CCP to be an asset

>>21519499, >>21519522 Scavino: Farmers for Trump

>>21519577 South Korean Shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean Secures Landmark U.S. Navy Maintenance Deal

>>21518916, >>21518928, >>21519031, >>21519036, >>21519049, >>21519052, >>21519054, >>21519132, >>21519190, >>21519215, >>21519357, >>21519444, >>21519451, >>21519514, >>21519531, >>21519598 Memes


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0fb1e9 No.21519624

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)

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dd6cae No.21519625

File: bfbbc5d0e089349⋯.png (268.54 KB,474x795,158:265,bfbbc5d0e0893498c66e02b7c8….png)

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609935 No.21519626

File: 3f3b33e58c84b41⋯.png (570.89 KB,899x1777,899:1777,ClipboardImage.png)


Silent running

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f4a32f No.21519627

File: cdd68e9cbf92364⋯.png (274.95 KB,609x677,609:677,Screenshot_2024_09_01_2048….png)

File: fc46d1adab20955⋯.mp4 (233.81 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17252380489….mp4)


Nick Sortor


🚨 WOW: Kamala Harris promised race-baiter Al Sharpton that she would use tax dollars for REPARATIONS if she becomes President

This is INSANE.

Enough of this BS!


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f22334 No.21519628

File: 720eaf20e3d2ece⋯.png (442.01 KB,634x342,317:171,ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like climate change is playing in Australia atm - Climate lockdowns?!

Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney weather: Damaging winds warning issued, schools closed

Millions have been urged to work from home and avoid unnecessary travel ahead of another week of destructive weather set to batter large areas of Australians.

A series of destructive cold fronts bringing dangerous wind gusts have slammed the nation's southeast, including Tasmania, where thousands of homes lost power and residents are preparing to evacuate amid rising floodwaters.

The wild weather that hit Victoria on Sunday night has led authorities to urge anyone who doesn't need to travel today to stay at home.

Power outages are affecting more than 50,000 homes from Warrnambool in the state's southwest to Melbourne.

Several schools have also closed and parents are urged to check their school's social media for updates on whether to send their children.

A 63-year-old woman in NSW has died after the cabin she was staying in was crushed by a tree early on Monday morning.

Police were called to the cabin on Merool Road near Albury in the state's south just before 4am where they found the woman's body inside.

She is yet to be formally identified and a report will be prepared for the Coroner. A 63-year-old man was taken to Echuca hospital for treatment.


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de36f8 No.21519629

President Trump: I will say this, between Obama and Biden, they pushed Russia into the arms of China, and I've always said that would be the worst thing than can happen, in terms of the world.

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91ff61 No.21519630

File: ea63cc20d831a1f⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kamala_Harris_High_As_Fuck.mp4)

File: 0a08f2d9b196786⋯.mp4 (862.6 KB,600x480,5:4,Kamala_Harris_HotDog_Finge….mp4)

File: 5555655713ea42d⋯.jpg (246.35 KB,645x557,645:557,Kamala_Jussie_tweets.jpg)


she's gonna be entertaining at least.

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ab1301 No.21519631

File: f47d14fbb397af1⋯.png (659.53 KB,615x680,123:136,ClipboardImage.png)

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402a85 No.21519632



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84abaa No.21519633

File: 6cad347e5fcf593⋯.png (599.7 KB,1990x540,199:54,ClipboardImage.png)


Defcon 5



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5b809b No.21519634

File: 5b1ce8e518c7bb1⋯.jpeg (18.82 KB,480x470,48:47,5b1ce8e518c7bb1b3a80a3174….jpeg)

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0fb1e9 No.21519635

File: 1297581f4114e83⋯.png (87.87 KB,481x412,481:412,smoking_jesus2.png)


Biblical humor checked frendo

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bfbe53 No.21519636

File: 84245148657c2b4⋯.png (2.89 MB,2314x1052,1157:526,_Trump_with_Le_Chic_pepe_t….png)

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91ff61 No.21519637


Hilarious! Laugh laugh laugh.

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e9750c No.21519638



absconding with meme anon is

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17a0e3 No.21519639

File: 4bc6108f5c6e502⋯.jpeg (551.7 KB,960x1296,20:27,IMG_2583.jpeg)

Sonar in space???? Nasa, lololol

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56ad51 No.21519640

File: f9c6ac1f705c672⋯.png (553.34 KB,680x383,680:383,blue1.png)

File: a3017972b40eff0⋯.jpeg (43.52 KB,710x625,142:125,blue2.jpeg)

File: 6c5ac42b6104787⋯.png (219.48 KB,500x475,20:19,blue3.png)

File: e342c08b7bd400a⋯.jpeg (64.35 KB,710x713,710:713,blueroof.jpeg)

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22f9b9 No.21519641

File: f96c6f79e22758f⋯.png (237.43 KB,944x569,944:569,f96c6f79e22758ff6c8db243f8….png)

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dd6cae No.21519642

File: 53d5ac3fb57fbac⋯.gif (1.32 MB,600x330,20:11,9645835f31b9aacaeb45044559….gif)


Pure insanity.

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91ff61 No.21519643

File: 50c40da52e2f6e9⋯.png (466 KB,490x600,49:60,TOGTFO_Commandments.png)

File: c82986b41a42a02⋯.jpg (168.23 KB,577x346,577:346,Live_By_The_Shitpost_Get_R….jpg)

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ab1301 No.21519644

File: 88b90f61dd3bfa6⋯.png (619.97 KB,610x680,61:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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54353a No.21519645

File: fe412a335d25972⋯.jpg (46.79 KB,710x572,355:286,1002227264_photo_u1.jpg)

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17a0e3 No.21519646


Is this actually like the ending of the poseiden adventure where we ping the hull????

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bfbe53 No.21519647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5d64fd No.21519648


Garbage tabloid account

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54353a No.21519649

File: 030643b18cbb243⋯.jpg (38.97 KB,500x381,500:381,c03704180fd2b8645d41bc6c2c….jpg)

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91ff61 No.21519650

File: d0c72f2f46fa8df⋯.jpg (205.17 KB,480x1134,80:189,God_Served_Humanity_Meme_L….jpg)


fun for all the family

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54353a No.21519651

File: af6835477d14ef0⋯.jpeg (34.32 KB,640x543,640:543,CbRQF1rXEAE8DJL.jpeg)

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56ad51 No.21519652

File: 92b3282fd128a40⋯.png (1.39 MB,1186x826,593:413,ClipboardImage.png)



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81893a No.21519653

File: 45436884505e4ec⋯.png (174.14 KB,441x407,441:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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84abaa No.21519654

File: 50e3c9ed024160f⋯.png (119.95 KB,1285x233,1285:233,ClipboardImage.png)


You stopped after the first sentence didn't you

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a527f9 No.21519655

File: 77c9fd94e282228⋯.jpeg (58.04 KB,522x484,261:242,IMG_1940.jpeg)

I come here to laugh at all you Qtards.

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0fb1e9 No.21519656

File: 45436884505e4ec⋯.png (174.14 KB,441x407,441:407,45436884505e4ec2d0b0cb0679….png)


Nothing moar sane on the Kun than an insane man

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d225fa No.21519657

File: e65c9f36678aeaa⋯.png (477.75 KB,987x1200,329:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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91ff61 No.21519658


NZ getting the flow too. Gales and associated drama. No fires tho. Too fucking cold still

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5b809b No.21519659

File: d0165cd1d4ab999⋯.jpeg (35.86 KB,400x460,20:23,d0165cd1d4ab999f3c205a2d1….jpeg)


meme for the ages right there kek

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3143bc No.21519660

President Trump: Because of the amount of the tariffs, I stopped China from dumping steel. They were destroying our steel industry. I stopped them from; I put a fifty percent tariff on all China steel coming in. It saved thee people in the steel industry; now, of course, that's all gone, because we've been so bad. We've been so bad. But the one thing; they haven't; they want to end the tariffs [Biden/Harris], because they want to do favors to the people; they gave 'em money in some cases. Some of these people are very dishonest, working for us, and you see that every day. But you know what, it's so much money, that Biden hasn't been able to get rid of the tariffs.

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a2f241 No.21519661


loads of laughs until the thermal flash followed by the nuclear winter.

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ebb932 No.21519662



The USNS support ships are owned by MARAD and not USN. They are crewed by Civilian Mariners, aka CIVMARS, and only have a small contingent of Naval Personnel aboard

Anecdote: Went to see about getting a Merchant Mariners Document back in the early 90s while still Active Duty Navy. Visited the Exam Center on Canal Street in New Orleans. Got to see a USCG Warrant Officer about it. Gues what?: Only Fire Island New ork firefighting school is accredited with USCG that issues the licenses so every school I went to from Great Lakes boot camp to the then new one at Mayport did not count. My "A" school fr operating radars and doing charts, etc also did not count because USN never officially asked USCG to accredit that either. The kicker: At the time I only had service on one ship (carrier) but 2 Med Cruises and the work-ups and the transit to shipyards but USCG was not about to credit me any of my documented Actual Underway time.

The older Montgomery GI Bill had written into it that it could not be used to fund Seamanship Training.

I had learned from an OS2 that had served on a USNS that every now and then MARAD would actually go to prisons to recruit CIVMARS.

The evil bastids have been slowly destroying the Fleet for decades

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91ff61 No.21519663


danke added the 2nd half to a perfectly good meme.

May it live for one hundred years.

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84abaa No.21519664

File: 2e0027a018066be⋯.png (234.38 KB,399x400,399:400,2e0027a018066beefbb17809c6….png)



What if this is now /qshitpost/ and anons just talking shit, sharing news and memes, and posts from social media?

Barely anything related to q is posted anymore, its like the after party

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56ad51 No.21519665

File: 95de67bdc184f9c⋯.png (672.62 KB,718x550,359:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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20e3b4 No.21519666


No theres no sonar in space, thats how i searched to get this return

Smug gatekeeper arent you

Elons showing us theyre lying

Its a pinging like the starliner is sending a message out like ringing a bell

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5b809b No.21519667

File: 2ff21551585729c⋯.jpeg (514.04 KB,1242x1591,1242:1591,2ff21551585729cd89973d7b6….jpeg)

File: 697334cc06144b3⋯.png (111.55 KB,685x792,685:792,697334cc06144b312e2debf76c….png)


>Some of these people are very dishonest, working for us

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03f857 No.21519668

File: cfd44ae4afeddfa⋯.png (874.73 KB,1476x984,3:2,Vance5.png)


>But you know what, it's so much money, that Biden hasn't been able to get rid of the tariffs

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dd6cae No.21519669

File: 2011dd8b3285f94⋯.png (97.53 KB,427x240,427:240,ClipboardImage.png)

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9493dd No.21519670

File: 9968521aebf68e7⋯.jpg (153.54 KB,865x477,865:477,TRUTH_B_TOLD.jpg)

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91ff61 No.21519671


it'd be sweet if the real sky colour adjusted based on wind strength like these animations.

"We got green gales, but shit's about to turn Orange!!!"

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70b5a0 No.21519672

File: 38f3df707660de5⋯.png (102.82 KB,588x98,6:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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bfbe53 No.21519673

File: ba860cbe1c8ddb9⋯.png (437.87 KB,2312x1126,1156:563,2500_days.png)

Q post #1 was 2,500 days ago, Patriots! We've come far! God bless you all! WWG1WGA

God bless the Patriots on this board, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA

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b8d079 No.21519674

I got no memes.

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588f4c No.21519675

File: c60e59ea38d05a8⋯.jpg (97.82 KB,405x720,9:16,Hasty_Horse_Paste_Taste_A_….jpg)

Need a Meme of A-Walz Making Horse Paste Tacos…

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b416f5 No.21519676

File: 7bc2dae398cb2a7⋯.png (245.04 KB,963x506,963:506,Interesting_Trump.png)


I'll have to look into that. ty anon

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91ff61 No.21519677


the reason Q chose…

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25d077 No.21519678

Transcript: Trump interview with Mark Levin Pt. 2


President Trump [Levin interview part two]: I had to make a decision. Do I want to do this? Do I want to put the wife of the president of the United States, and Secretary of State, by the way [Hillary Clinton]; do I want to put her in prison? And I'm trying to unify a country that really was broken badly…do I want to put the wife of a president of the United States in prison? I didn't want to do that.


President Trump: Basically, they're liberals. I don't like to use the word progressive, it's too pretty a word. It's such a pretty word. They're progressive. Progressive means you think into the future. They're actually thinking to three thousand years ago, these people. They're not progressive.


Levin: Do you feel like you're going to have to rebuild the military again?

President Trump: They announced six ships are gonna be dry docked. Not because the ships are bad; which a lot of them are old and not too good, but because they can't get the sailors. There's no sailors. They can't get the sailors.


President Trump: I will say this, between Obama and Biden, they pushed Russia into the arms of China, and I've always said that would be the worst thing than can happen, in terms of the world.


President Trump: Because of the amount of the tariffs, I stopped China from dumping steel. They were destroying our steel industry. I stopped them from; I put a fifty percent tariff on all China steel coming in. It saved thee people in the steel industry; now, of course, that's all gone, because we've been so bad. We've been so bad. But the one thing; they haven't; they want to end the tariffs [Biden/Harris], because they want to do favors to the people; they gave 'em money in some cases. Some of these people are very dishonest, working for us, and you see that every day. But you know what, it's so much money, that Biden hasn't been able to get rid of the tariffs.

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ebb932 No.21519679

File: bcf29edcfaf18f3⋯.png (912.55 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_09_01_at_2….png)


Hellz yeah, then I wouldn't look up these little flags so much!

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73e7a0 No.21519680


Look for FBI instigators… or Soros's antifa communists…

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22f9b9 No.21519681

File: 8e5709ae1e57f8f⋯.jpg (156.2 KB,1545x1613,1545:1613,8e5709ae1e57f8f9544efc097d….jpg)

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25d077 No.21519682

notables FINAL

#26364 >>21518901

>>21519678 Transcript: Trump interview with Mark Levin Pt. 2

>>21518951 Celebrity Spy Whales 🧐

>>21518981, >>21519468 They want to overthrow The Constitution

>>21518987, >>21519023 Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology’

>>21518993, >>21519418 Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

>>21519035 Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University

>>21519048, >>21519077 PF: Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic

>>21519055, >>21519067, >>21519063, >>21519032, >>21519272 NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

>>21519141 Compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night

>>21519060 *Serious question asked* Tim Walz: "Ait, pz out every1"

>>21519070, >>21519111 By the end of his tenure, this Nobel peace prize winner was bombing seven countries simultaneously

>>21519076 Are you questioning the results of a free and fair election, Mark? 🤨

>>21519083 A bill in California that would ban local governments from requiring voter ID in elections passed the state's far-left assembly

>>21519122 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21519134 Former NSA director Paul Nakasone discusses election security, emerging technologies

>>21519159, >>21519162 “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok

>>21519187 New York City Department of Health is Spraying Pesticides on Streets to Prevent West Nile Virus, Warns Residents to Stay Inside

>>21519212 Mexico Launches Escorted Bus Initiative for Non-Mexican Immigrants with U.S. Asylum Appointments

>>21519268 Ukraine Eyes Billions in Revenue from Controlled Defense Industry Exports

>>21519275 Federal judge blocks enforcement of new Ohio ban on noncitizen contributions to ballot issue campaigns

>>21519279 Music is about to stop

>>21519281 Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It

>>21519287 State of MSM in UK

>>21519332 Netanyahu: Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11

>>21519408 Right-wing party claims historic victory in German state election

>>21519469 Victorian government accused of indoctrinating kids after launch of 'rainbow libraries toolkit'

>>21519477, >>21519633 Ping

>>21519496 Someone in the media needs to ask Walz if he was approached by the CCP to be an asset

>>21519499, >>21519522 Scavino: Farmers for Trump

>>21519577 South Korean Shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean Secures Landmark U.S. Navy Maintenance Deal

>>21519627 Kamala Harris promised race-baiter Al Sharpton that she would use tax dollars for reparations if she becomes President

>>21519673 Q post #1 was 2,500 days ago

>>21518916, >>21518928, >>21519031, >>21519036, >>21519049, >>21519052, >>21519054, >>21519132, >>21519190, >>21519215, >>21519357, >>21519444, >>21519451, >>21519514, >>21519531, >>21519598, >>21519631, >>21519669 Memes


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9493dd No.21519683

File: 8830046b3b20285⋯.jpg (96.83 KB,513x379,513:379,THE_PLAN.jpg)

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e59704 No.21519684


This was my discovery and it proved to be correct, as was just recently autism is caused by a fungi but I am still waiting for everyone to wake up to biggest of them all: local chemical and radiation sabotage. When we do give it the attention that it needs, it will save millions of lives a year and we will not only find out how bad things are but bring them to justice.

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25d077 No.21519685

notables FINAL

#26364 >>21518901

>>21519678 Transcript: Trump interview with Mark Levin Pt. 2

>>21518951 Celebrity Spy Whales 🧐

>>21518981, >>21519468 They want to overthrow The Constitution

>>21518987, >>21519023 Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology’

>>21518993, >>21519418 Kash: More dead hostages as Biden tans on the beach and Harris bumbles thru rigged cnn interview

>>21519035 Auburn Basketball Coach Bruce Pearl Points Out Kamala’s Socialist Policies, Dems Cry Racism and Beg Recruits to Avoid University

>>21519048, >>21519077 PF: Poking around I get zero results for a vessel or platform named Entropic

>>21519055, >>21519067, >>21519063, >>21519032, >>21519272 NBC falsely claimed Kamala met with Abbey Gate Gold Star families

>>21519141 Compilation of some of what the eight Gold Star family members said in video statements last night

>>21519060 *Serious question asked* Tim Walz: "Ait, pz out every1"

>>21519070, >>21519111 By the end of his tenure, this Nobel peace prize winner was bombing seven countries simultaneously

>>21519076 Are you questioning the results of a free and fair election, Mark? 🤨

>>21519083 A bill in California that would ban local governments from requiring voter ID in elections passed the state's far-left assembly

>>21519122 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21519134 Former NSA director Paul Nakasone discusses election security, emerging technologies

>>21519159, >>21519162 “Chase unlimited money glitch” that went viral on TikTok

>>21519187 New York City Department of Health is Spraying Pesticides on Streets to Prevent West Nile Virus, Warns Residents to Stay Inside

>>21519212 Mexico Launches Escorted Bus Initiative for Non-Mexican Immigrants with U.S. Asylum Appointments

>>21519268 Ukraine Eyes Billions in Revenue from Controlled Defense Industry Exports

>>21519275 Federal judge blocks enforcement of new Ohio ban on noncitizen contributions to ballot issue campaigns

>>21519279 Music is about to stop

>>21519281 Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It

>>21519287 State of MSM in UK

>>21519332 Netanyahu: Accusing me of war crimes in Gaza is like accusing George Bush of 9/11

>>21519408 Right-wing party claims historic victory in German state election

>>21519469 Victorian government accused of indoctrinating kids after launch of 'rainbow libraries toolkit'

>>21519477, >>21519633 Ping

>>21519496 Someone in the media needs to ask Walz if he was approached by the CCP to be an asset

>>21519499, >>21519522 Scavino: Farmers for Trump

>>21519577 South Korean Shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean Secures Landmark U.S. Navy Maintenance Deal

>>21519627 Kamala Harris promised race-baiter Al Sharpton that she would use tax dollars for reparations if she becomes President

>>21519673 Q post #1 was 2,500 days ago

>>21518916, >>21518928, >>21519031, >>21519036, >>21519049, >>21519052, >>21519054, >>21519132, >>21519190, >>21519215, >>21519357, >>21519444, >>21519451, >>21519514, >>21519531, >>21519598, >>21519631, >>21519669, >>21519681 Memes


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81893a No.21519686

File: 40ec8726815ce40⋯.png (1.16 MB,1070x1024,535:512,ClipboardImage.png)


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56ad51 No.21519687

File: 86c59f052b749cc⋯.png (294.05 KB,568x586,284:293,milgram.png)

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d225fa No.21519689

File: a6af65d996053fe⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB,480x760,12:19,ssstwitter_com_17252390995….mp4)

Movie theaters falsely telling customers City of Dreams is "sold out" to decrease ticket sales

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f4a32f No.21519693

File: 82a58b336edc1ce⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17252379589….mp4)

File: e1e9e5cd435329e⋯.png (309.24 KB,601x566,601:566,Screenshot_2024_09_01_2105….png)

Swift boat veterans vibes., ive been posting lots of twitter today sorry guise

Defiant L’s


Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out


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91ff61 No.21519694


80/20 rule wins again

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609935 No.21519697

File: d4626977dd540b5⋯.png (1.21 MB,1459x966,1459:966,ClipboardImage.png)


Elon sent this

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d1eb93 No.21519699

File: 90d3be78d980589⋯.jpg (34.23 KB,356x360,89:90,KekIntensifies.JPG)



>God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA

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25d077 No.21519700

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9435b0 No.21519701


Nobody wants to die for Israel.

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8ac148 No.21519702

File: a98ccf2187573ce⋯.jpg (56.84 KB,636x480,53:40,latest_4010103846.jpg)

File: 2df7e6001cc2ac0⋯.jpg (148.34 KB,1200x630,40:21,NF122020220_3_1689914746.jpg)

File: fc9041b7ec7a6d5⋯.jpg (25.78 KB,420x368,105:92,main_qimg_34f9b0e23af33dcd….jpg)

File: 00ea4feced7a120⋯.jpg (1.48 MB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240828_170357….jpg)


Isn't Levin a d.c. lawyer, like Ingraham?

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588f4c No.21519703

File: ad3fe17b23b4af2⋯.png (1.17 MB,910x1282,455:641,1725239245268.png)

File: e42018d173c1404⋯.jpg (72.8 KB,738x492,3:2,Taste_The_Horse_Paste_Vanc….jpg)

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91ff61 No.21519704


That's gonna burn

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91ff61 No.21519706


The Choice of a New Generation

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f4a32f No.21519707


>Swift boat veterans vibes., ive been posting lots of twitter today sorry guise

>Defiant L’s


>Veterans who served together with Tim Walz speak out


ill repost

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29a5e4 No.21519709

File: 9f1dd12da46bed6⋯.jpeg (395.7 KB,1125x1308,375:436,IMG_3763.jpeg)


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e59704 No.21519711


>Q post #1 was 2,500 days ago, Patriots! We've come far! God bless you all! WWG1WGA

I am ready to bring justice. Also 10 days before 23rd Anniversary of 911, and I think someone posted a World War was started on this day.

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f5d8b3 No.21519715



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d8f1ca No.21519721


Elizabeth Olsen… part time actor… part time MODEL..///

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f96c41 No.21519723

File: 1bba829e09146a8⋯.png (400.98 KB,549x537,183:179,kamalacrash.png)

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f96c41 No.21519724

File: 1b8ec229ea5773c⋯.png (81.04 KB,600x335,120:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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12a27d No.21519726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Space is not a complete vacuum. Sound in space does exist, but you cannot hear it with human ears because they are not sensitive enough. Therefore, sonar in space could actually be possible, but would not be practical over large distances because of the time involved for a signal to return.

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f96c41 No.21519727

File: dfa696ba88856a0⋯.png (317.18 KB,680x566,340:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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588f4c No.21519728

File: d0020ff3a44acf4⋯.jpg (43.75 KB,636x480,53:40,Snap_20240901_200951.jpg)

Bleep Bleep Bleep

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f96c41 No.21519731

File: f744a05ea886045⋯.png (266.56 KB,335x415,67:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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588f4c No.21519732

File: 476ec3b1f1e41cd⋯.jpg (94.19 KB,960x540,16:9,Kamala_Gonn_Fix_It.jpg)

File: 6d6e52fd2caa544⋯.jpg (65.09 KB,720x405,16:9,Counter_MAGA_Kamala.jpg)

File: 20b340dcc87d966⋯.jpg (82.31 KB,891x585,99:65,Dougy_Tim_Tampons_Stupidit….jpg)

File: 8df3897807f076b⋯.jpg (65.99 KB,405x720,9:16,Kamala_Chooses_Poorly.jpg)

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f96c41 No.21519735

File: 38eabbd5bd7b0fe⋯.png (503.27 KB,789x969,263:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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588f4c No.21519736

File: 55944936e3b5533⋯.jpg (152.79 KB,868x1000,217:250,Kamala_Harris_Top_Two_Advi….jpg)

File: c65ec39f7bfb01a⋯.jpg (45.26 KB,600x404,150:101,Moar_Slavery_Kamala_2.jpg)

File: f9efc4ca796926d⋯.jpg (51.48 KB,660x371,660:371,Dumbfuck_Kamala_Harris_Put….jpg)

File: 55451a66f381562⋯.jpg (75.87 KB,799x478,799:478,Moar_Slavery_Kamala_Trump.jpg)

File: 430c1b2252259ac⋯.jpg (129.92 KB,800x619,800:619,Moar_Slavery_Kamala_Kramer.jpg)

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