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File (hide): 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg) (h) (u)


b6898c (14) No.1965347[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

"We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down." --President Donald J. Trump



Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Friday 06.29.2018

>>1953310 rt >>1952748 ---- It must happen

>>1952583 rt >>1952489 ---- We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.

>>1952499 ----------------------- What vote occured today?

Thursday 06.28.018

>>1952168 ----------------------- Coordinated effort to ramp pro violent attacks (4ch 8ch /pol/) (threads).

>>1950715 rt >>1950617 ---- Site under attack.

>>1950581 ---------------------- SEC TEST

>>1950407 rt >>1950237 ---- Past drops go missing.

>>1950233 rt >>1950123 ---- Think strategy.

>>1950090 rt >>1949870 ---- The key = therapist.

>>1949848 rt >>1949789 ---- Brand of Sacrifice (pic)

>>1949784 rt ------------------- Bottom graphic.

>>1949464 rt >>1949195 ---- Find paper articles re: Freemasons.

>>1948303 rt >>1947578 ---- Should the bad spoil the bunch?

>>1946524 rt >>1946381 ---- Everywhere!

>>1946309 rt >>1946203 ---- Why are Freemasons on the scene of most shooting locations?

>>1946203 ----------------------- Law enforcement should interview the therapists.

>>1945864 rt >>1945685 ---- JA in the news a lot lately (out of nowhere).

>>1945747 rt >>1945594 ---- Low IQ Maxine should be blamed!

>>1945571 rt >>1945408 ---- Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).

>>1945344 ----------------------- http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/06/28/report-facebook-investors-consider-coup-of-ceo-mark-zuckerberg/

>>1942657 rt >>1942629 ---- PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>>1942596 ----------------------- Trying to “normalize”.

>>1941208 ----------------------- Are You Ready?

>>1940910 ----------------------- We remember you, Mr. VIP!

>>1940746 rt >>1940664 ---- Who brought the bill to the floor?

>>1940684 ----------------------- Why are they trying to ‘normalize’ this?

>>1940595 rt >>1940568 ---- Focus on House floor vote (now).

>>1940496 ----------------------- Only the beginning. Power to the people.

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621 How To Quickly Spot A Clown ; >>1838738 Freedom of Speech

b6898c (14) No.1965357>>1965792 >>1966071


are not endorsements


>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1844122 A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>1787690 BO lays it out for Newfags

>>1892024 BV Update on Shills (Including Analysis of Their Network Resources)

>>1908841 Q - The Plan To Save The World (video)

>>1914368 BO: Vote for poll on baker TC's (https://www.strawpoll.me/15973538)


>>1965274 Ramos: Is this where the error lies?

>>1965094 Sandra O'Neil's org is a "LAA" Local Addictions Authority

>>1965153 SAA and Russia advancing fast on Israeli occupied Golan Heights

>>1965168 Top Kek 0Hour, is that all you've got?

>>1965142 CTBB dig (QPost & Comcast outage, #2475 notables)

>>1965116 , >>1965117 , >>1965210 Therapists: Kathy "Mind-Eraser" Miller

>>1965072 4th of July Alice in Wonderland connections

>>1964775 Q linked to @POTUS_Schedule on 06.13.18, same day as "Castle" -> Acct verified by Q

>>1964769 , >>1964786, >>1964795 Sandra O'Neil works for Anne Arundel County Circuit Courts

>>1964732 David Surman being charged with possession of WMD

>>1964456 , >>1964659, >>1964606 , >>1964683 Sandra O'Neil: Details


>>1964211 Sandra O'Neil, pretty anonymous on the webs

>>1951745 Sandra O'Neil complaint documents (psych refused to show shooter treatment records)

>>1964316 Indictments unsealed

>>1964177 Eric Holder Demands a Halt To Investigations Into FISA Abuse, Spygate

>>1964046 , >>1964092, >>1964126 Is @POTUS_Schedule an official account or not?

>>1964025 Psych in care of shooter had complaint. Sandra O'Neil DIG CALL

>>1964014 Baptist charity being paid millions to shelter child migrants

>>1963956 QPost and CTBB, the stock name of Century Link (Comcast outage)

>>1963946 Comcast blames widespread service outage on cut fiber line

>>1963915 Fact Check on 'Girl from the Bronx’ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

>>1963824 Q said ">Error made. Name can be found due to filing." Lawfags DIG CALL


>>1963536 Opioids: 601 medical pros charged in $2billion health "care" fraud

>>1963666 Billboards Promoting 4Chan Conspiracy‘QAnon’ Pop Up Across US (Snopes)

>>1962712 Russia's view on Nato & Trump / Putin meeting (opinion)

>>1963221 Massive DOJ operation leads to the arrests of illicit Darknet vendors

>>1963610 , >>1963325 NEW QProof Side-by-Sides: "We are the majority"

>>1963114 Man Charged With Threatening to Kill Ajit Pai's Family

>>1963221 Notable results from ICE

>>1963124 , >>1963244 Pepelangelo

>>1963185 Nunes wants to talk to EVERYONE

>>1963158 Beware of QR codes, tool to check them & QR code for QProofs.com


>>1962968 Looks like a QProof: @POTUS_Schedule tweets 'we are the majority'

>>1963052 , >>1963095 Flynn judge just threw a curveball - report why another delay

>>1962749 Twenty-Four Alleged MS-13 Members Facing Federal Indictmen

>>1962645 Twitter Storm - All Hands on Deck

>>1962608 Prepare for break-up of Nato, EU leaders are told

>>1962587 NXIVM, Lucifer, Raniere, Mack & Kirsten Gillibrand

>>1962564 Nunes calls for testimony from 17 FBI, DOJ officials

>>1962514 Supreme Court Justice nominee coming July 9

>>1962429 , >>1962434 , >>1962487 Loop Capital, MSU, Magic Johnson & Madonna

>>1962328 What did Obama mean by 'Church basement' & 'Cold Pizza'?

>>1962320 Disgraced ex-doctor Larry Nassar charged with sexually assaulting children

>>1962156 Italian Government May Seek Restrictions on Secret Societies

#2473 (New Baker)

>>1962042 , >>1962119, >>1962124 Planefag notable re 2-RBTS planes & the Panama Papers

>>1961976 Congressman on Judiciary Committee accuses RR of spying on him

>>1961969 Goodlatte: Peter Strzok Refused to Testify About Any Talks with Fusion GPS

>>1961945 AG Sessions Is Rewriting Asylum Regulations

>>1961898 New rallying call for 2020 Democrats: 'Abolish ICE'

>>1961867 #AmericaIn3Words trending US No1. Hijack for use with 'Who is #QAnon'

>>1961833 House Republicans probe HHS office in charge of migrant children

>>1961794 What's wrong with Nancy?

>>1961714 Aide to Calif. state attorney accused of running an occult police force

>>1961699 Democratic IT Aid says Imran Awan Solicited Bribe

>>1961592 Comcast outage nationwide

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

Post last edited at

b6898c (14) No.1965360

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 --- Q Memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 -- Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#29 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466 , >>1958058

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ---———————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ---———————-—————-- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ---—————————-- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ---——— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---——-——-- >>>/comms/966

b6898c (14) No.1965361

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 6/12]) >>1718255

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Q Research Graphics Library


21,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

24 >>1745576 | 23 >>1602811 | Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist -- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon --------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

113dae (1) No.1965375>>1965892 >>1966015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Alex Jones"

f25957 (6) No.1965383>>1965417 >>1965421 >>1965448 >>1965474 >>1965549 >>1965566

File (hide): 9fcf2926f77d4c4⋯.jpg (264.27 KB, 1650x1434, 275:239, IMG_20180630_080539.jpg) (h) (u)

Sandra O'Neill is therapist. The key.

b6898c (14) No.1965386

File (hide): 1ecc9f41f049b02⋯.png (650.12 KB, 790x548, 395:274, 1ecc9f41f049b02b193b1eec51….png) (h) (u)

#2478 Dough


ff6b14 (1) No.1965387>>1965411 >>1965459 >>1965548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Alex Jones"

978cb4 (2) No.1965411

File (hide): bf2775dd3917719⋯.png (430.09 KB, 500x414, 250:207, no_one.png) (h) (u)

2c992e (5) No.1965417>>1965435 >>1965619 >>1965852

fb847d (3) No.1965419>>1965441 >>1965446 >>1965464

We are all in this together.

Do not just ignore ET/aliens/spirituality talk because CIA conditioned you to do so, as long as it's unobtrusive and informative, or at least interesting.

Deeper we go… the more unrealistic it becomes.

f64927 (5) No.1965421>>1965440


>Sandra O'Neill is therapist

Sandra O'Neill is the rapist!

2cea94 (3) No.1965424>>1965434 >>1965458 >>1965505

I was thinking about that shooting in Maryland today. The left actually shot up their own people (media) just to make the President look bad. They shot up journalists just so they could say it's because of POTUS' "rhetoric".

That's how sick they are.

76ef00 (6) No.1965427>>1965445 >>1965521

File (hide): 2fe44ab96e5555f⋯.png (611.16 KB, 753x500, 753:500, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

7f1a12 (7) No.1965428>>1965456 >>1965473

File (hide): b60d70c4d575cb0⋯.jpeg (578.39 KB, 718x1297, 718:1297, BAk gr blonde.jpeg) (h) (u)



965e50 (3) No.1965430

File (hide): d563334cb310a4a⋯.png (2.6 KB, 224x225, 224:225, cube2.png) (h) (u)

Our reality can be defined by math. Just not the math most know. Our reality can be included in the math of our universe just not the one accepted. Our exsistance does not depend upon math it defines it.

b6898c (14) No.1965431>>1965447 >>1965450

>>1965396 (lb)

Sweet, I'll pass on to you then, great that AB can relieve you. <3

Confirm Handoff?

970381 (4) No.1965432

File (hide): 7aff8db2ed543b9⋯.jpg (5.47 KB, 225x225, 1:1, backwards funnell.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1e9e64708484a3b⋯.jpg (42.27 KB, 800x450, 16:9, hmv.jpg) (h) (u)


You know what else looks like a backwards funnel?

497511 (10) No.1965433>>1965653

File (hide): e54ed455d1e765d⋯.png (720.25 KB, 550x548, 275:274, kek-religion-peace.png) (h) (u)

ty baker

2e1e77 (3) No.1965434>>1965542


Demons don't give a fuck about collateral damage.

7ecb63 (1) No.1965435


Isn't that what girls do when they get raped?

Massage The Rapist

Or to be precise

Massage The Rapist's Dick

d85f68 (7) No.1965436>>1965452 >>1965497





fe50c9 (1) No.1965437>>1965463

File (hide): 139782cc6b3a077⋯.png (114.01 KB, 1065x928, 1065:928, acsv1.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0763bd5925dea40⋯.png (111.7 KB, 1095x885, 73:59, acsv2.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): d855113cde762c7⋯.png (26.5 KB, 1034x247, 1034:247, acsv3.PNG) (h) (u)

Well lookie here - thanks @Acosta!

8fc8a3 (1) No.1965438>>1965447 >>1965468 >>1965506 >>1965583

baker here

Can take bakes after midnight ET if anyone needs relief.

-A.baker / "ApprenticeBaker"

3e6b75 (2) No.1965439

File (hide): 5881dfb37012d3a⋯.jpg (251.46 KB, 749x959, 107:137, Dem-Racists-01.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 340ac930d5edbc6⋯.jpg (261.75 KB, 747x955, 747:955, Dem-Racists-02.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2f8afbb9eab7bad⋯.jpg (196.8 KB, 751x979, 751:979, Dem-Racists-03.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5067da93e19f0bc⋯.jpg (212.44 KB, 747x973, 747:973, Dem-Racists-04.jpg) (h) (u)

A Look At The RACIST Democratic Party Since the Civil War

31cb01 (1) No.1965440>>1965499 >>1965528 >>1966036 >>1966065


Am I the only one who remembers that joke from Arrested Development?

7b3475 (11) No.1965441>>1965471 >>1965536 >>1965551 >>1965552 >>1965555 >>1965596 >>1965626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Young adult anon just came to dinner this evening and said -

"hey parent anon… I have the coolest song to share with you…"

Let me call this - The Red-pilling of the Indigos

They'll be ready - this is what they are hearing already - wow!

cd4840 (6) No.1965442

Guns are safe. The shooter made a choice. Police responded quickly and ended the incident. If you want to argue about guns with those who are too stupid to understand why we have a 2nd amendment YOU are the one doing THEIR work. Dumbasses need to LEARN.

290a4f (4) No.1965443>>1965694


Oh poor low EQ libtards…lol, GEOTUS will only validate Q.

f25957 (6) No.1965444>>1965535

File (hide): c3304ceb33b096e⋯.png (960.5 KB, 1080x1509, 360:503, Screenshot_20180630-081233….png) (h) (u)

What do we do when we are attacked?

Our [attack intesifies.]

Down this fucker faker goes.

7f1a12 (7) No.1965445>>1965488

File (hide): 3f4c056c023f289⋯.jpeg (54.19 KB, 566x356, 283:178, GOOB JOB.jpeg) (h) (u)

e9ab96 (17) No.1965446


Also means ignoring the ET/aliens/spirituality talk that the CIA has conditioned us to listen to. Bring proofs to discern, or it's just rhetoric.

b6898c (14) No.1965447>>1965506


Thanks A, excellent. See >>1965431

Let's see if P&L is around to hand off to now.

c099a1 (8) No.1965448>>1965484


So O'Neill works for the courts….was "treating" him probably according to a court order and unending litigation and then refused to give him records. Sounds like the local court/family court MO/slavery.

2dc642 (1) No.1965449>>1965462

File (hide): ecbad3811860309⋯.jpg (43.89 KB, 734x355, 734:355, star of satan.jpg) (h) (u)



>Your second picture is off.

I'm not sure for the second pic but the first one is very wrong.

f6e3bc (11) No.1965450>>1965475 >>1965583

File (hide): bdbc4e0817ddff6⋯.jpg (59.22 KB, 266x400, 133:200, BakerHandoffMeme.jpg) (h) (u)


Handoff Confirmed

Already hopped to my fast IP, so nobody will call me a shill when I jump, LOL

Godspeed Baker, Thanks for Baking

4088da (8) No.1965451>>1965454 >>1965475 >>1965506 >>1965553


Junior Baker Here - Not a lot of experience but I know what I'm doing.

3bb2c8 (15) No.1965452>>1965497


Don't be a cock tease, spit it out!

f2ab18 (13) No.1965453


Ugh. I bet The Last Jedi was his favorite out of them all.

ab406e (3) No.1965454


Thank you, Baker!

d94efa (23) No.1965455>>1965489

File (hide): 2b53c8ef3d293fd⋯.png (331.92 KB, 1264x626, 632:313, Screenshot-2018-6-29 Googl….png) (h) (u)

or don't you really know?

2c992e (5) No.1965456>>1965472 >>1965490 >>1965511 >>1965512 >>1965580

File (hide): 075c7dbe1bb4bdc⋯.jpg (8.36 KB, 192x263, 192:263, images.jpg) (h) (u)


Why you tank baker wit stuff dat beeps when it baks up?

970381 (4) No.1965457>>1965796


Leftists are some of the nastiest to people who wake up to their groupthink and even nastier to those who call them out. Muh (((solidarity))).

f64927 (5) No.1965458>>1965542 >>1965657


You're talking about animals that take out a plane full of 200+ people to remove one or two! They are "sick, evil bastards!"

3e6b75 (2) No.1965459


Jackass Controlled Opposition,

Eat moar shit hit Alex Jones

6fa9eb (1) No.1965460


Thank you, so much study shows that knowledge is just that... information. Light brought into you.

What you do with that knowledge is how wise you are.

965e50 (3) No.1965462


The first - the circles are right.

Lines can be drawn any where on it free will.

52b6e8 (6) No.1965463

9991bc (6) No.1965464

File (hide): 6422b4773a3af7a⋯.jpg (239.09 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningImagine1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 73d83b555d43cfb⋯.jpg (133.74 KB, 737x489, 737:489, GreatAwakeningDream306.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 12421525a2684a4⋯.jpg (196.65 KB, 619x928, 619:928, GreatAwakeningJustice4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): de9ad1c92706100⋯.jpg (251.86 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningLongHaul.jpg) (h) (u)


Well, Q did say that.

be03f5 (9) No.1965465

anyone have the great awakening reverse pyramid handy?

497511 (10) No.1965466>>1965625

File (hide): 94a9659368aedaa⋯.png (534.91 KB, 509x668, 509:668, maga-love-leave.png) (h) (u)

346f0c (7) No.1965467>>1965509 >>1965533 >>1965590

>>1965274 (pb)

Well, yes, Occam's Razor


most psychotherapists/counselors/whathaveyou

tend to keep a low profile wrt social media and

definitely keep their accounts as private as possible.

The reasons are pretty obvious.

Regarding the complaint filed against this particular therapist:

No one actually wants to see their records.

They THINK they want to see them and they don't necessarily understand what they are looking at when they do.

Why?? Because the records are written in "Acceptable to XYZ insurance so I can get paid without needing to spend 4 months fighting for that measly percentage of my actual fee"

The necessary language is so cold and absent the actual, real "stuff" of therapy.

Because of that, most folks are very reluctant to provide that documentation. It can be very harmful to A) the client and B) the provider

f6e3bc (11) No.1965468>>1965506 >>1965583


Just a few Bakers conspiring to protect the bread!!

Love you Guys!!

4d9924 (2) No.1965469

File (hide): 3ded61f90e96c44⋯.png (20.71 KB, 526x300, 263:150, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

This one spells her name wrong http://casesearch.courts.state.md.us/casesearch/inquiryDetail.jis?caseId=02C07121739&loc=60&detailLoc=ODYCIVIL

7ab0bb (4) No.1965470>>1965480 >>1965510 >>1965517 >>1965518 >>1965527 >>1965530 >>1965534 >>1965586 >>1965994

File (hide): 40f547a96df9199⋯.png (353.91 KB, 680x541, 680:541, willsomer.png) (h) (u)

all anons on deck…

this @willsommer faggot has been attacking Q NONSTOP.

He tweeted this today.

Qproofs lock'd and loaded.



2929f4 (1) No.1965471


I ‘m liking it!

f64927 (5) No.1965472


wat da faq?

dbf9f4 (3) No.1965473


Yes please. She’s perfect.

2bcd52 (9) No.1965474>>1965500 >>1965852


ugh screenshot almost unreadable



b6898c (14) No.1965475>>1965513


Handoff confirmed

Thanks baker, enjoy ;)


Thanks JB, for stepping up. Sorry I didn't know who you were last bread. Hopefully you'll get a chance to bake also.

7ac3ce (2) No.1965476>>1965495

File (hide): d677cb4aa25d14b⋯.jpg (627.58 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180629-193429….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4f4ce6016f2297e⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 322x241, 322:241, 20180629_193614.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): c1fb125384186ba⋯.jpg (380.41 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180629-193808….jpg) (h) (u)

Ok… so a friend saw these on F messenger app… Am I jumping at shadows or do these relate to the recent survey they just ran?


56a043 (2) No.1965477>>1965485 >>1965508

Someone might enjoy writing up a Whitehouse Petition to have POTUS nominate Q for the Supreme Court.

8db915 (7) No.1965478>>1965515 >>1965845 >>1965953

File (hide): 86c9866d9dec533⋯.png (268.18 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, JOEL_DAVIS.png) (h) (u)

9a6c37 (7) No.1965479

File (hide): 0579f4da0dafd7f⋯.png (122.13 KB, 962x610, 481:305, aac.PNG) (h) (u)

c39b36 (1) No.1965480

71a58d (3) No.1965481

File (hide): 4bb1c1b2ce47aea⋯.png (311.66 KB, 493x370, 493:370, tour-guide.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 046d9f06a98e89c⋯.png (178.26 KB, 530x359, 530:359, question-1.png) (h) (u)

Christopher Wray showed up at Congressional hearing

sporting an injury.

Anyone know what happened?

It was mentioned that both Rosenstein and Wray

had to reschedule and make their way to DC

for the emergency hearing

5e9467 (5) No.1965482>>1965526 >>1965609

File (hide): 4acc200fe62f949⋯.jpeg (181.97 KB, 640x679, 640:679, BF5570D6-A2FA-4A5E-A9C6-D….jpeg) (h) (u)

Gonna see the man himself

a849e4 (2) No.1965483>>1965514 >>1965520

File (hide): f15f1f290649ee9⋯.png (114.5 KB, 673x544, 673:544, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Anons, I just came across in my book 'Secret Knowledge of All ages'

Obama 6th finger?

f25957 (6) No.1965484>>1965577


Ramos is unhappy w Sandra. He approached court. Court reviewed his complaint. Found no basis to entertain complaint.

The that we should be asking is, was it the courts that recommended Sandra treatment for Ramos? If yes. The court, the therapist and god-knows-who are involved in this false flaggery.

497511 (10) No.1965485

67a1de (1) No.1965486>>1965540

File (hide): bdbeedcd9d85a1e⋯.png (511.01 KB, 1698x992, 849:496, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png) (h) (u)


Do an ebay history search before you say it's not on ebay, thus it must be a psyop.

76ef00 (6) No.1965488>>1965504 >>1965521 >>1965563

File (hide): 00de50c57c42d60⋯.png (650.75 KB, 500x745, 100:149, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

4d9924 (2) No.1965489>>1965516 >>1965525



ec6849 (14) No.1965490

File (hide): 0c2c3b779285b6d⋯.png (515.44 KB, 444x681, 148:227, patriot.png) (h) (u)



ty baker

8c0025 (2) No.1965491>>1965587 >>1965621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A new vid from a modest-sized youtube channel that focuses on religious academia. His description of the 1980s satanic panic (@3:15) is unlike how I've heard it described in the past but sounds awfully familiar.

Interdasting that he chose to make this video now…

d4308c (1) No.1965492

The resolution gives potus all the ammo he needs to declassify without making it look partisan

965e50 (3) No.1965493

What you all don't get is

that free will allows anyone

to be an asshole or divine at any give moment

and still be a part of god

3c9347 (1) No.1965495>>1965507


Are they saying the dog in the sidecar and the cat with the balloon are faggots?

3da05a (2) No.1965496

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>1965283 lb

Bill Burr needs to buy a gun.

d85f68 (7) No.1965497>>1965524 >>1965544 >>1965549 >>1965566 >>1965575 >>1965603 >>1965614 >>1965656 >>1965702 >>1965716 >>1965725 >>1965741 >>1965902 >>1966055

>>1965116 (You)

>>1965274 (You)



OKAY FINE, anon! You convinced me!

More Therapist Digs

Continuing along my Kathy "Mind Eraser" Miller line of inquiry, it occurred to me that no one had actually searched for her company to see if it had been in any legal disputes.

It had!


The company was sued by Capital One for $14,159.31 in 2010.

Odd thing is, they ended up garnishing wages until 2014, right up until the company declared bankruptcy in 2014 as a result of this case.

Only... they garnished them from a...




Guys... I need to confirm this... but I think I might have just found "Mind-eraser's" previous identity...

8f2552 (1) No.1965498

Did you know that the Masons have a program to help parents identify missing kids?

Always has seemed suspect. Especially given their history, secrecy, and the pattern of those abusing kids running things that claim to protect them.

 https:// en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masonic_Child_Identification_Programs_(CHIP)

970381 (4) No.1965499

File (hide): e93d1a3fcd4dc1c⋯.png (215.84 KB, 429x328, 429:328, the rapist.PNG) (h) (u)


I rememebr it from Benny Hill.


f25957 (6) No.1965500


It is senpai.

Try harder.

4e4ead (6) No.1965501>>1965845 >>1965953

NSA wipes its records of phone calls, texts collected by telecom companies

The National Security Agency (NSA) said Friday in a statement that it had begun purging hundreds of millions of call detail records (CDRs) the agency had acquired since 2015.

In the press release, the NSA stated that it began the process of deleting the files, which record details of phone calls but not the content itself, in May after it discovered it had acquired some data for which it did not have proper authorization to obtain.

"NSA is deleting the CDRs because several months ago NSA analysts noted technical irregularities in some data received from telecommunications service providers. These irregularities also resulted in the production to NSA of some CDRs that NSA was not authorized to receive," the statement reads.

"Because it was infeasible to identify and isolate properly produced data, NSA concluded that it should not use any of the CDRs."

The agency acquires hundreds of millions of CDRs every year under the Freedom Act, a surveillance law passed in 2015 upon the expiration of the controversial Patriot Act, which established the NSA phone surveillance of American citizens.

David Kris, a member of the Justice Department during the Obama administration, called Friday's announcement a "failure" of the Obama administration to properly implement the Freedom Act in a statement to The New York Times.

“The fact that they need to purge all of the data they received pursuant to queries over the last three years is evidence of that failure,” Kris said.

Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden (Ore.), who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee, laid blame for the issue on instead telecom companies who provided the data to the NSA in an interview with the Times.

“Telecom companies hold vast amounts of private data on Americans,” Wyden said. “This incident shows these companies acted with unacceptable carelessness, and failed to comply with the law when they shared customers’ sensitive data with the government


767c8e (1) No.1965502


Not Lee Anon. I just happened on it doing our work on twitter. Something I've thought much about in the past, so why I brought it here. It's getting more main stream attention. I like that.

Definitely not condoning everything from the guy. I was only able to post that with good conscience because he started to come back into the light with the pedogate stuff as I said previously.


You already failed Princess.

b67613 (10) No.1965503>>1966111

Interesting that Q has never mentioned George Papadopoulos in any drops. Has mentioned Manafort and C Page, but never George Pop…. interesting

8db915 (7) No.1965504>>1965521

File (hide): 9882ca298004b30⋯.png (517.73 KB, 770x696, 385:348, vanilla_ice_stops.png) (h) (u)

581365 (5) No.1965505


notice how the survivors talked shit about trump


seems like fuckery is afoot

9e2ea9 (1) No.1965506>>1965583 >>1965673

File (hide): eab80afd0a492ef⋯.jpg (145.47 KB, 712x506, 356:253, _vexpfk27s3p.jpg) (h) (u)

>>1965451, >>1965438, >>1965447, >>1965468

>Just a few Bakers conspiring to protect the bread!!

ThanQs Baker team, seems we're growing ;)

7ac3ce (2) No.1965507


Not clear… or maybe that relates to "other" kinds of love…

bd0cfd (1) No.1965508


Or to demand transparency from Trump about Q.

That ought to get some SJWs adding their names.

c099a1 (8) No.1965509


>No one actually wants to see their records.

>They THINK they want to see them and they don't necessarily understand what they are looking at when they do.

Medrecordfag here….people have a right to see their records especially when court ordered by a Judge.

92a840 (1) No.1965510


Ahhh man I love it! What a great sign!

cd0123 (3) No.1965511>>1966077

File (hide): c8a34143fc53245⋯.png (513.92 KB, 506x640, 253:320, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



Mental issues makes women do that to themselves.

← Let's wash those eyes out.

7f1a12 (7) No.1965512>>1965565 >>1965888

File (hide): 6ff9236bf4c593d⋯.png (738 KB, 563x750, 563:750, SLOW IT DOWN.png) (h) (u)


Big girls love bakers too.

4088da (8) No.1965513>>1965583 >>1965683

File (hide): 2b99c607dc95909⋯.jpg (59.13 KB, 576x768, 3:4, QLion.jpg) (h) (u)


No problem Baker… I'm here to contribute.

QShirtFagging but keeping up with the board… let me know if y'all need a hand.

3351d8 (8) No.1965514

File (hide): 601380b92b63f7a⋯.png (784.82 KB, 428x635, 428:635, Screenshot_225.png) (h) (u)

a9b7ee (1) No.1965515>>1965613

d94efa (23) No.1965516

cd4840 (6) No.1965517>>1965576 >>1965821


If people are going to put up billboards at least make them add to the ambiance.

"We are watching a movie. #QAnon"

8b7e3e (9) No.1965518

File (hide): 6dc2c5a931e42dc⋯.png (163.2 KB, 372x532, 93:133, WSommer Twitter Bio.PNG) (h) (u)


To be expected

737b99 (1) No.1965519>>1965546



Want to make it REALLY popular? Get the bookies in Las Vegas to lay odds on Q's identity-- to be confirmed in writing by Trump.

a849e4 (2) No.1965520


*Secret Teaching of all ages

051615 (2) No.1965521

File (hide): 7ba096e2dd12dfb⋯.jpg (63.3 KB, 600x376, 75:47, 1hh42u.jpg) (h) (u)

9a6c37 (7) No.1965522>>1965845 >>1965953

File (hide): 86d96512e232f51⋯.png (40.2 KB, 677x349, 677:349, sui1.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): bf0d990ee7e4496⋯.png (71.83 KB, 663x598, 51:46, sui2.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 28316715dd29777⋯.png (30.54 KB, 650x328, 325:164, sui3.PNG) (h) (u)


be03f5 (9) No.1965523>>1965538

File (hide): e183a7b8aad3d29⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1131x1040, 87:80, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0c05cf61be718d9⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1346x1049, 1346:1049, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

3bb2c8 (15) No.1965524


I'm phonefagging now but good digging anon.

Consider my almonds activated

d94efa (23) No.1965525


the flood.

820458 (7) No.1965526>>1965558


Got my tickets this morning.

See you there. I won't know who you are but that's OK.

I will be wearing my Q shirt.

2bcd52 (9) No.1965527


Let it drive him crazy.

f64927 (5) No.1965528


>Am I the only one who remembers that joke from Arrested Development?

never watched it

6107cf (9) No.1965529>>1965574 >>1965579 >>1965593 >>1965907

File (hide): b60f050a4c74e46⋯.png (131.73 KB, 587x497, 587:497, Screenshot 2018-06-29 at 7….png) (h) (u)

An Anon posts this twit last thread.

I'm an idiot for not understanding how this tweet, about a sub test firing off of California, means that Annapolis shooting was a hoax.

Can a smart Anon help me…as I'm obviously a dumbass.

b37f97 (1) No.1965530


How fantastic is that, let alone it is under a fireworks billboard….

613f16 (1) No.1965531

File (hide): 9680d4aadd5da53⋯.jpg (152.7 KB, 1034x672, 517:336, QClub.jpg) (h) (u)

8858b7 (5) No.1965532

File (hide): 32b3821b0762037⋯.jpg (51.66 KB, 668x366, 334:183, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

He is probably best known for his many, many comics starring Deadpool.

But he also drew Star Wars: Knights of the Republic for Dark Horse and series such as Thunderbolts, Shadowland: Moon Knight, Markings, Bad Moon Rising, Aether and Empire, and Side-Kicked.

He was also an actor, and a production designer for the Philippine Educational Theater Association.

I understand he passed away after being diagnosed with liver cancer. Dazo is survived by his wife and two children.


fef91a (8) No.1965533>>1965537


I've seen you citing Occam's Razor in 4 different posts since yesterday. We get it. You went to Wikipedia and read about it. We've all heard of it before, some have also read about it. You are not that smart. You are not special.

ab406e (3) No.1965534


The comments on that twatter are hilarious. These people are really stupid.

b598be (1) No.1965535


This guy is unhinged about it saying MAGA And Geotus is responsible for the shooting cause of calling out #FAKENEWS…He is calling to attach #MAGA at some protest tomorrow, June 30th He's even threatened GOP Senators

https://twitter.com/thepokerbob just read some of his stuff its crazy

fb847d (3) No.1965536


Thank you for this song.

d94efa (23) No.1965537>>1965541


only yesterday? your new. lurk moar.

978cb4 (2) No.1965538>>1965564

File (hide): 865cfdcd172c80e⋯.png (257.96 KB, 518x575, 518:575, barrylookinatit.png) (h) (u)


Look at ole Barry. Wannabe Malcolm X lookin ass

cd4840 (6) No.1965539

Uggh, is it the food or the microwave?

ec6849 (14) No.1965540


when i did one few months back there was none

and like i said a few in market… easy

fef91a (8) No.1965541>>1965547


Nice logic you fucking retard.

6098b3 (4) No.1965542>>1965616



these fuckers have made the people run from Evil, all over the world! millions dead…millions on run….it is Evil…we need to kill the Evil! and its these dumb fucks, home grown, started in (still there) Columbia, Afganastan, Cambodia, etc. kill the fucking evil, and you will SAVE LIVES!!!

4e4ead (6) No.1965543

Anons, do you think we should let the protesters know?

ICE chief to protesters: We're not the ones separating families

Thomas Homan, the acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), addressed critics on Friday attacking his agency over migrant family separations.

"They need to educate themselves," the ICE chief told Fox News. "I mean, this protest yesterday, to protest about family separations on the border -- ICE doesn't separate families on the border. That's the Border Patrol. We're a different agency."

"So they need to get their facts straight and inform themselves what's actually happening," he continued.

Homan added, "I'm not throwing Border Patrol under the bus. I think they're doing what they need to do."


d85f68 (7) No.1965544>>1965550 >>1965631

File (hide): af1788ca05ad8b8⋯.png (384.92 KB, 903x739, 903:739, af1788ca05ad8b8be4b75d84b0….png) (h) (u)



f08d13 (4) No.1965545>>1965557 >>1965747 >>1965771 >>1965845 >>1965953 >>1966095

File (hide): 03c153952389934⋯.png (811.59 KB, 2345x1350, 469:270, DNVRCOMA.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98be717765175aa⋯.png (709.39 KB, 1329x948, 443:316, nsa map 2.png) (h) (u)

>>1965142 (Lb)

>>1964914 (LB)

>>1965416 (lB)


Qwest is a Denver Based Company. Recently there was an Intercept Article

Listing the NSA Data collection Nodes/Centers in 8 Major cities.

I could have sworn when i read the article around the 26th of June a Denver

address was listed. I rechecked the article not 20 min ago and no mention

of denver. However, their map still lists the nodes name: "DNVRCOMA"

Searched for Qwest and DNVRCOMA and that node is listed as one "deployed"

by Qwest.


I checked way back machine, and still found no mention of the Denver

site. Either I'm hallucinating (entirely possible) or the Denver site is


An anon also posted an NSA screen cap of CNBC article about deleting

records from 2015 that were not suppose to have been recorded.

407a74 (1) No.1965546


You can also make a small donation, sometimes as little as a dollar, on Twitch to big live streamers and include a message which will be seen and read out load to 100,000+ viewers a pop.

d94efa (23) No.1965547


im the tard?

71a58d (3) No.1965548>>1965578 >>1965728 >>1965818

File (hide): 11dbffeb9becc1e⋯.png (271.35 KB, 361x376, 361:376, hairy man-00.png) (h) (u)


posted twice

nothing to explain the information it provides

forced to listen?

3bb2c8 (15) No.1965549>>1965566 >>1965597 >>1965607 >>1965649 >>1965651 >>1965659 >>1965669



Important to note

Sandra O'Neill and Kathy Miller worked in the same office.

They have the same address and phone number.

2bcd52 (9) No.1965550>>1965585


It would have helped if you didn't include fake (You) in the post. that kind of shit gets filtered or scrolled past without looking

ec6849 (14) No.1965551>>1965715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



check this ultimate red pill out

9370f3 (1) No.1965552


Thank you for sharing this!

346f0c (7) No.1965553>>1965582


This made me smile. :)

Confidence is the best!

9a6c37 (7) No.1965554

File (hide): a56316a6f1a2c2f⋯.png (19.08 KB, 632x224, 79:28, so'n.PNG) (h) (u)


760305 (2) No.1965555>>1965699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Love it.

Another amazing Nahko song here..

e6691f (6) No.1965556>>1965568 >>1965634 >>1965644

= Hey Bo/BV=

Apparently banning Nasimfags also bans iOS Puffin fags

cd4840 (6) No.1965557>>1965747


Memphis is not where this mapmaker thought it was. Mandella effect?

5e9467 (5) No.1965558>>1965572


Got mine yesterday before site was lost

8c996e (1) No.1965559>>1965794 >>1965933

File (hide): 6b6ab4cfc19e38f⋯.jpg (88.03 KB, 659x794, 659:794, fargorallyq.JPG) (h) (u)

"original pics"

You are being fooled. This is war and CUE is our enemy. Modern War.

"Don't do that, Anon. Sit down and trust the plan, Anon. No need for action, Anon"

Think for yourselves. Peace.

0e8cb9 (3) No.1965560

False Flag Filings

Thought from non-computer,patriot,real dirt digger working/fag……

.Is it possible to look at court filings to see if possible duplication of name of therapists, state of mind reports, filings of intent to practice psych in specific states prior to incidents, police reports re: parent statements about therapists


Ok idiot! Q wrote "Error made," Name can be found due to filing"

Happy Now

bed6a1 (4) No.1965561>>1965643

>>1965168 (prev. bread)

one or more idiots were here yesterday trying to get people to divulge information about themselves.

If anyone asks you where you are, what you do, do you follow Q etc…anything. do not answer them and make a post pointing them out.

NO ONE needs to know anything about you. PERIOD

b67613 (10) No.1965562

Article is too long to post here, but good article about Jacob Rothschild possibly dying back in Nov 17, 2017 in that helicopter/cessna collision over his house

https:// steemit.com/conspiracy/@strapasynthon/jacob-rothschild-is-dead

7f1a12 (7) No.1965563

File (hide): 7643d71ca75ec72⋯.png (153.11 KB, 480x406, 240:203, You're a Super Stat.png) (h) (u)

be03f5 (9) No.1965564


guess they decided malcolm liddle x didn't play well in peoria…

2c992e (5) No.1965565>>1965620


Go back to tumblr, fatty.

fcfaac (6) No.1965566>>1965599 >>1965651 >>1965702 >>1965852





Dig you glorious bastards, dig!!

286c07 (4) No.1965567>>1965909

File (hide): 53f19ee3e257ff7⋯.png (1.52 KB, 275x272, 275:272, QRcodeThePlan.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d5e28498ad43251⋯.png (1.16 KB, 260x259, 260:259, qProofsQRcode.png) (h) (u)

Here is the QR code for The Plan


and the QR code for qproofs

they are labelled

d94efa (23) No.1965568>>1965589


so it be so it do

8858b7 (5) No.1965569

File (hide): 3173b2815716ae0⋯.jpg (72.84 KB, 681x669, 227:223, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8a0a4ea7d593990⋯.jpg (143.45 KB, 657x884, 657:884, 4.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 86fa8d167d06b3d⋯.jpg (29.55 KB, 654x524, 327:262, 5.JPG) (h) (u)


497511 (10) No.1965570

File (hide): a511d7ecfc82b32⋯.png (45.16 KB, 546x398, 273:199, punishe-pepe-q1.png) (h) (u)

668839 (1) No.1965571


Lanikai Beach Oahu

ec6849 (14) No.1965572>>1965588 >>1965889

File (hide): 1cce75ba100e585⋯.jpg (76.97 KB, 871x519, 871:519, QSHIRT.jpg) (h) (u)


waiting on mine

76596b (5) No.1965573>>1965584 >>1965594 >>1965595 >>1965618 >>1965624 >>1965632 >>1965655 >>1965661 >>1965667 >>1965679 >>1965681 >>1965709 >>1965717 >>1965774 >>1965816 >>1965845 >>1965927 >>1965953 >>1966053

Notice anything different?

09cb4e (12) No.1965574>>1965623


Q himself said that the Annapolis Shooting was a FF done by the CIA to sum it up.

f60237 (1) No.1965575>>1965702 >>1965780


Hey anon the company is listed as the garnishee so that was an employee there that probably never paid their credit card and never showed up to court when they got sued and Capital One won so they get to garnish the employees wages. Keep digging though I'm on the same site searching too.

d61fe2 (3) No.1965576>>1965854

File (hide): b63a5ae501ece9b⋯.png (4.27 KB, 400x100, 4:1, whoisq.png) (h) (u)


I'm getting some this weekend. 250 displays for $10, 7-10 seconds each. Need to be fast, digital billboards.


Didn't know other people had done paper ones already. Get enough, and we can drive them insane for cheap.

c099a1 (8) No.1965577



>The that we should be asking is, was it the courts that recommended Sandra treatment for Ramos?

Most likely, yes. The court documents may be public - just need a richanon to order them. I'm impressed Q put this all together so fast.

9991bc (6) No.1965578

File (hide): 2b24d529ff362e2⋯.jpeg (234.68 KB, 770x433, 770:433, AJ-CorsiOutofBS.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0d7d21590165685⋯.jpg (145.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, AlexJonesPerformance.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5219c1abdd91fa8⋯.jpg (172.97 KB, 1238x690, 619:345, AlexJonesShrinking2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): a832933ba5b06d6⋯.jpeg (89.59 KB, 1067x843, 1067:843, RIPAlexJonesShow.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2999c5a99be447c⋯.jpg (65.44 KB, 500x499, 500:499, AlexJonesGatekeeper.jpg) (h) (u)


Be careful who you follow.

2cea94 (3) No.1965579>>1965611


"BZ" is maritime code for Bravo Zulu which means Well Done. The sub is called SS Annapolis.

2e8e14 (3) No.1965580


That's one ugly dumper.

4088da (8) No.1965582


I'm proud of all you faggots

b6898c (14) No.1965583>>1965639






Rock stars you are. Godspeed y'all.

Quality QShirt there, I think you'd get a (you) from Q at a rally wearing that ;)

d94efa (23) No.1965584>>1965605


fox in an airport?

d85f68 (7) No.1965585


Didn't mean to. Moving fast here.

ae53a1 (3) No.1965586

File (hide): 771ab74c29bef6b⋯.png (88.99 KB, 976x260, 244:65, qhanphenom.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8a237fc6b3bc157⋯.png (295.74 KB, 429x547, 429:547, wwg145.png) (h) (u)


Kek, faggit doin' our work for us. (Whoever he is?) Anyone who follows his twatter is only capable of looking at pics anyways.

fef8e4 (1) No.1965587


he's covering for pizzagate in the comments.

5e9467 (5) No.1965588


>So jealous

e6691f (6) No.1965589>>1965610


So ur alright with banning over a billion anons?

a6f083 (1) No.1965590


>No one actually wants to see their records.


Requesting mine from the VA helped prove how they were fucking me.

Everyone should 100% be interested in their medical records.

970381 (4) No.1965591>>1965988

Thought I'd post this since I have it pulled up for another thread.


Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky - the leftist playbook

>1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources -- money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.

>2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.

>3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.

>4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

>5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

>6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

>7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.

>8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

>9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

>10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition." It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.

>11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

>12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

>13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

a5d7b6 (1) No.1965593

File (hide): a52802cb3b0dcb4⋯.png (218.13 KB, 463x402, 463:402, Capture.PNG) (h) (u)


Lurk mour

09cb4e (12) No.1965594>>1965624


CNN is no longer exclusively in airports?

92fff9 (5) No.1965595>>1965645


Wow. And yay! Is that a major airport?

7d7641 (3) No.1965596


Thank you, this worth interrupting my listening to Dan Bongino. < says a lot. ;)

c40b59 (11) No.1965597>>1965622


What is the address?

76ef00 (6) No.1965598

File (hide): 758713f40a48f3d⋯.png (519.23 KB, 500x625, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Eat a bag of dicks, Brock.

44fb26 (1) No.1965599


Can't read any of it. Blurry not notable

4e4ead (6) No.1965600>>1965845 >>1965953

Another disincentive to illegal immigration - no more catch and release.

Trump admin likely to detain migrant families for months during immigration proceedings

The Washington Post reported Friday that Trump administration lawyers wrote in a legal notice to a judge in California that the federal government would hold migrant families at detention facilities for "the pendency of immigration proceedings when they are apprehended at or between ports of entry."

While the filing does not specify the length of expected detention for migrant families -- and whether the administration plans to hold them past a 20-day limit – the Post noted that immigration proceedings are known to last for months.

Immigration judges have faced an overwhelming caseload under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy mandating the prosecution of all migrants suspected of illegally crossing the border.

The administration attorneys argued Friday that a previous order from a judge to reunite migrant children with their parents “without unnecessary delay” is invalid after President Trump signed an executive order ending family separations. The new policy, “which requires that the minor be kept with the parent, makes delay necessary in these circumstances.”


39f2d7 (2) No.1965601>>1965706


Circumcision is one of the oddities of the Royal Family'

For many years my dinner-party claim to fame was that I was circumcised by the same rabbi who performed the procedure on Prince Charles.

The Royals are kikes

609a9a (2) No.1965602>>1965648

>>1965422 lb


This area is an ancient land and Christians live there, or what you call Yazeede, the area is full of history from 2000 years

The article says :

Us army to build a base in that area for its strategic location

The Yazeede General denied it and said the us army is here to support the yazeedes people to return to their land

ca03b1 (6) No.1965603>>1965749

File (hide): 907ec88a91afffc⋯.png (167.29 KB, 856x792, 107:99, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


This is from the archive link Q posted, is this


2a8b01 (1) No.1965604

Posted this other day but didn’t seem to get any attention…

Pa bomber suspect had mkulta’ish book of drawings including a pic of a devil that says “mr dump trump”

Glad they finally caught this guy, I live literally 5 mins from him and drive past his house everyday to work.

3351d8 (8) No.1965605


Makes sense if that is Sioux Falls, SD airport…it looks like Sioux Falls?

c9bbf6 (5) No.1965606

File (hide): 1d241228e0b082e⋯.jpg (136.88 KB, 749x500, 749:500, IMG_2518.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3221a01d2df8e5e⋯.jpg (72.01 KB, 526x440, 263:220, IMG_2519.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 346f18fca727632⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 702x395, 702:395, IMG_2520.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 205ac05fa68a5fa⋯.jpg (60.11 KB, 500x405, 100:81, IMG_2523.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 96a6fb6abc06d97⋯.jpg (66.24 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_2526.JPG) (h) (u)

d85f68 (7) No.1965607>>1965660


What? Proofs! I've not seen this mentioned anywhere, previously.

b5e422 (1) No.1965608

File (hide): 7a89a57381660a7⋯.jpg (253.98 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, Screenshot_20180629-225039.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7ad07217eaefc52⋯.jpg (70.86 KB, 1082x390, 541:195, Screenshot_20180629-225111.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0e0caf19303db6e⋯.jpg (234.13 KB, 1440x839, 1440:839, Screenshot_20180629-225056.jpg) (h) (u)

This CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT MURDER tweet is going on 3 days old & instead of it getting taken down by either the user OR TWITTER this idiot keeps adding hate fueled subtweets

What does it take to get crap like this off the platform?

I was suspended for a month for saying the Quran teaches that all nonbelievers are to be converted or killed!

Engage the Enemy!!


c4cbca (1) No.1965609>>1965627


see you two there too

d94efa (23) No.1965610>>1965630


kept shit comfy for a month when it happened the first time.

6107cf (9) No.1965611


So, false flag with dead folks, or are we watching a movie?

cd4840 (6) No.1965612

If you are going to monitor my phone calls with shitty hardware at least make sure the calls go through.

8db915 (7) No.1965613


pretty much….. they got busted

Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall

Proven right here

ca03b1 (6) No.1965614


Here is Q's link again


2cea94 (3) No.1965615>>1965654 >>1965677 >>1965697

File (hide): f941945eeedbf90⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, IMG_20180620_181226117.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): afb432cab2765d0⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20180620_180416064.jpg) (h) (u)

I forgot to post my pics from the rally. Here are some more Q folks.

6098b3 (4) No.1965616


i should not have posted this, my bad…will stand down posting..i do not wanta stop all the baking.

b6898c (14) No.1965617>>1965684 >>1965695 >>1965733

Therapist Dig Update

Here's what we have so far, consolidated and to pass on -


>>1965274 Ramos: Is this where the error lies?

>>1963824 Q said ">Error made. Name can be found due to filing." Lawfags DIG CALL


>>1965094 Sandra O'Neil's org is a "LAA" Local Addictions Authority

>>1964769 , >>1964786, >>1964795 Sandra O'Neil works for Anne Arundel County Circuit Courts

>>1964456 , >>1964659, >>1964606 , >>1964683 Sandra O'Neil: Details

>>1964211 Sandra O'Neil, pretty anonymous on the webs

>>1951745 Sandra O'Neil complaint documents (psych refused to show shooter treatment records)

>>1964025 Psych in care of shooter had complaint. Sandra O'Neil DIG CALL


>>1965116 , >>1965117 , >>1965210 Therapists: Kathy "Mind-Eraser" Miller

8b7e3e (9) No.1965618>>1965696

File (hide): 7f97b3bf1651072⋯.png (672.58 KB, 635x822, 635:822, Kilmeade Fox in Airport 6-….PNG) (h) (u)


Since Food Network has higher ratings than CNN

CNN could no longer afford to pay to have their channel run in airports

4088da (8) No.1965619


Clearly says THE RAPIST… look at the distance between characters …

7f1a12 (7) No.1965620

File (hide): 46c1a2ce173f885⋯.jpg (207.71 KB, 776x637, 776:637, LIFE OF BRIAN.jpg) (h) (u)



cc7700 (4) No.1965621>>1965692 >>1966190


This guy is a dumbass who has no clue. Can't comprehend that the luciferians would actually blame innocent people, create a so-called "panic", have people found innocent, simply to promote the "satanic panic" label that then PROTECTS the very real abuse/murder that's going on by psychologically conditioning people to dismiss future accusations n

3bb2c8 (15) No.1965622>>1965629


Phonefagging now so bear with me. Been linked in previous bread.


>175 Admiral Cochrane Drive, Annapolis, MD >21401, Annapolis, MD 21401


>175 Admiral Cochrane Dr, Annapolis, MD 21401

6107cf (9) No.1965623


So, BZ, or good job, for the false flag.

Makes no sense at all.

9991bc (6) No.1965624>>1965745

File (hide): 72c8d2b761e3c1e⋯.jpg (131.71 KB, 438x1055, 438:1055, CNNAirport1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f301cde749e5544⋯.jpg (139.27 KB, 964x435, 964:435, CNNAirport2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7edbb6e2650f0ab⋯.jpg (190.75 KB, 1278x462, 213:77, CNNAirport3.jpg) (h) (u)



Used to be CNN had all airports locked up. You got drenched in CNN crap while sitting there waiting.

08112d (1) No.1965625

File (hide): 49cd37d28345bcd⋯.png (70.64 KB, 1242x834, 207:139, afa79a45e1e276566254b519bd….png) (h) (u)

7b3475 (11) No.1965626


So glad to share, and thank you for the added others - powerful anons!

820458 (7) No.1965627>>1965885


I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl.

0b1829 (2) No.1965628>>1965664

Unless Q is a narcissist, the ultimate question is not who is Q.

Seems to me the ultimate question is when will the cabal finally be crushed.

3bb2c8 (15) No.1965629>>1965636


Fucked it up. Different suite numbers, same building though.

e6691f (6) No.1965630>>1965670


Yeah. If you mean by comfy a bunch of dumb fuck newfags chatting? Whatever. So anyone with an iPhone or iPad can’t post here. Is that what y’all want? Is that going to better the movement?

9b21b0 (5) No.1965631>>1965702


She is still around "Belinda" who did you think she became?


4e4ead (6) No.1965632

>>1965573 Fox News Playing In Airport Terminals (CNN BTFO)


for your consideration

1c0a5b (6) No.1965633>>1965781 >>1966052 >>1966072

File (hide): 201e66d2e4ee95d⋯.png (666.94 KB, 929x690, 929:690, Screenshot (232).png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fb5c59656ea1ccc⋯.png (1.13 MB, 938x853, 938:853, Screenshot (233).png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9997777c5cfee5e⋯.png (1001.75 KB, 945x767, 945:767, Screenshot (236).png) (h) (u)

File (hide): af9c2a146545ddb⋯.png (1.22 MB, 949x876, 13:12, Screenshot (237).png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e915372a88fc86d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 956x782, 478:391, Screenshot (234).png) (h) (u)

I was looking for meme material for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after the post in the last bread poked holes through where she grew up in NY, so did a small dig and found some common themes in her instagram

Its pretty mild considering what we have seen elsewhere.

She is considered a "rising political star" and looks to be just another pretty face with evil behind it. There are a lot of children in the photos too.

There is probably more to be found but I'm not usually a digger

4289a9 (2) No.1965634


give up

c40b59 (11) No.1965636


Fantastic, thanks

c3e561 (2) No.1965637

File (hide): b97d5c1ad299349⋯.jpg (77.99 KB, 872x534, 436:267, D4.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 21c274a761ed464⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 868x532, 31:19, D2.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): e8ba326ea024ae6⋯.jpg (32.91 KB, 867x530, 867:530, D5.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 904541698b79324⋯.jpg (45.15 KB, 874x570, 23:15, D1.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): edfcfd46ac2f293⋯.jpg (40.8 KB, 865x532, 865:532, D6.JPG) (h) (u)

Netflix Movie "Desearas" (Desire) is available free on YouTube as well.

Other pics apart from title are logos/symbols of production companies involved shown at beginning of video.

- Pyramid

- MKUltra programming bright colors similar to sick "Spiderman" type kids YouTube vids

- Two images that spin together showing a bird in a cage - MKUltra Beta symbol

There seems to be an organised, concerted push to get this shit out into the public right now.


197c1b (11) No.1965638>>1965647 >>1965724 >>1965787 >>1965802 >>1965975


Cause your full of shit

Catholics HATE masons

In fact this is looking more like a Jesuit larp with every new anti-masonic post.

Or let's find more ways to divide us against one another….

Baptists - they can't be trusted for sure! They can do anything they want and still go to heaven.

Pentecostals- Who can trust anyone who speaks in tongues?

Methodists? - Can anyone trust them really?

Jews? - Save Israel for last and then we straighten out them Joos

Muslims - Self explanatory they going to hell anyways.

Presbyterians? - They got gays in their church so their fucked too

Agnostics? - They stand for nothing and fall for anything

Catholics? - Self explanitory

Eastern Orthidox? - Idol Worshipers

Hindus? - Devil Worshipers

Bhuddists? - Self devil worshipers

LDS? - Cult - thing they will be gods

Let's just be sure to divide ourselves up real real good shall we?

No Fraternity or Sorority in the world has dedicated itself to the overthrow of Tyranny. None.

Yet through time and memorial, Freemasons have been the object of persecution.


Whatever of your staff deemed Freemasons a good target. Should find a new duty station IMMEDIATELY.

Because, the vast number of your Generals and Admirals are a the least honorable members of Blue Lodge.

A lodge of Free Men sworn against the rise of Tyranny.

p.s. Please update us on the status of POTUS' membership in Blue Lodge while you think this one through.

4088da (8) No.1965639>>1965729


I sometimes comment on VIP twats.

147d01 (1) No.1965640

Some good news in the news about POTUS.

Trump’s on a hot streak: Court rulings, vacancy, summit plan

WASHINGTON (AP) --- A Supreme Court vacancy just fell in his lap, offering a chance to shape the court for decades. The current court handed him two favorable rulings in a single week. And there’s a Russia summit on the horizon, promising headlines for a week or more. President Donald Trump is enjoying quite a hot streak.


a2a64e (2) No.1965641

df717d (2) No.1965642>>1965650 >>1965767

File (hide): 52b2a23c787d67a⋯.png (266.07 KB, 517x629, 517:629, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png) (h) (u)


Trump said he would speak with one or two candidates, and plans to announce his selection on Monday, July 9.

"I've got it narrowed to about five," he said, adding that included two women.

346f0c (7) No.1965643



It may be nothing, it may be something:

I get really sketched out by any Anon posting

"Hey, I don't have LinkedIn, can anyone with LInkedIn check out _".

I've THOUGHT about saying about how weird that request is, considering the web LinkedIn automatically creates if you look at a profile. And then I got shy about saying anything bc I have enough nutty theories on things.

THANK YOU for pointing this data collection effort out, is what I'm saying. <3

3da05a (2) No.1965644

File (hide): c555f28066cb5d5⋯.png (700.72 KB, 697x618, 697:618, hoggmouth.PNG) (h) (u)


Nasimfags, PelicanFags, AIMFags, FLATTARDS & Concernfags are all one & the same. All drawing a Soros/Brock paycheck.

Fuck 'em!

8b7e3e (9) No.1965645>>1965652


I just checked the replies to Kilmeade's tweet

People are saying that the airport is JFK

cd4840 (6) No.1965646

When did Q say Assange was free again?

581365 (5) No.1965647




d94efa (23) No.1965648>>1965705


i've been up there have you? THEY pick and choose who can go up there.

c40b59 (11) No.1965649


Just to throw it out there, since we know there's a name change, could they be the same person?

051615 (2) No.1965650


if he pics a woman and the left vote her down. .


f25957 (6) No.1965651>>1965659 >>1965675



Are they same persosn? A background check on Sandra? Who are their other patients?

be03f5 (9) No.1965652>>1965668



there's yer sign

a92b0e (4) No.1965653


thats some funny shit right there

ec6849 (14) No.1965654>>1965708

File (hide): 7001002682c0ee2⋯.jpg (445.14 KB, 952x705, 952:705, mepeperally.jpg) (h) (u)

ba719c (1) No.1965655

File (hide): d0bed11deddd500⋯.png (225.11 KB, 1000x606, 500:303, d0bed11deddd5006985600dfe0….png) (h) (u)


Ho Lee Chit

9b21b0 (5) No.1965656>>1965702 >>1965716

File (hide): 1bbf14a94233025⋯.png (142.63 KB, 858x531, 286:177, Screenshot-2018-6-30 Scaff….png) (h) (u)


Call her and ask her.

bed6a1 (4) No.1965657


and you kill your opponent because you know you can't actually win a political office on merit alone. What merit?

2bcd52 (9) No.1965658

File (hide): 54b441cbd003bbd⋯.png (9.87 KB, 730x186, 365:93, x.png) (h) (u)

Digging. I don't know what it's worth. This maryland .gov site lists Sandra O'Neill as director at the bureau of Behavioral Health.

aacounty.org and aahealth.org possible other sites of interest.


3bb2c8 (15) No.1965659>>1965675 >>1965688 >>1965719 >>1965852



They are different people. Different pics. But clearly connected somehow.

d2d42f (15) No.1965660


It’s a handful of breads back

346f0c (7) No.1965661


A glen plaid sportcoat on tv? That's different.

(kidding. I have no idea.)

9a6c37 (7) No.1965662

File (hide): 7f89d2b9a3599f6⋯.png (33 KB, 909x660, 303:220, npi.PNG) (h) (u)


175fbb (6) No.1965663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just look for comments.

5fd879 (2) No.1965664>>1965748


<is when will the cabal finally be crushed.

Big Question. but it seems very far to finish.

8e86ef (3) No.1965665>>1965674

File (hide): e57e6a6800a69a4⋯.png (232.66 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, RTY83947YTT435.png) (h) (u)

Feb 2016 proof?

53e263 (5) No.1965666>>1965700

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147434025 📁

Oct 31 2017 22:00:47 (EST)

There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).

Re reading posts,,,Putin is controlled by 1 of 3 families, which one? Are the strings cut?

bed6a1 (4) No.1965667



52b6e8 (6) No.1965668



49a808 (1) No.1965669


and possibly same body ?

d94efa (23) No.1965670>>1965712 >>1965789


have you seen both entrances? the fortress? the 40 heads?

346f0c (7) No.1965671


It's Fox news on at an airport…

That. Is. weeeeeeeiiiiird.

(no sarcasm. that's weird.)

0e8cb9 (3) No.1965672

False Flag Filings - cross check

I think Maybe Q post about error was before Ramos

Thought from non-computer,patriot,real dirt digger working/fag. Is it possible to look at court filings to see if possible duplication of name of therapists, state of mind reports, fuilings of intent to practice psych in specific states prior to incidents.


Ok idiot! Q wrote "Error made," Name can be found due to filing"

Happy Now

f6e3bc (11) No.1965673


Yes, so glad we are growing!! It was getting rocky a month or so ago!!

Glad to be in such good company tonight. I will watch the gallery of baked goodies while I Bake.

3bb2c8 (15) No.1965674>>1965682


Maybe…clearly talking about Quinnipac poll though

fcfaac (6) No.1965675>>1965686



Hows this?;

They aren't fake, but might they be GAY?


497511 (10) No.1965676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pepe meme compilation reeeee screams

4088da (8) No.1965677>>1965713


Howdy VIP Anon!

I really want to get you a great Q shirt!

6d70be (3) No.1965678

File (hide): 1927018f1651d45⋯.png (957.84 KB, 1254x1677, 418:559, timecoverQ.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0b010811e75b69e⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1194x1910, 597:955, Qime1.png) (h) (u)

ec6849 (14) No.1965679



now if fox would start telling all truth

that would be great

ebd3f2 (1) No.1965680>>1965847

File (hide): 70ef06e469bc9c4⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1217x1389, 1217:1389, election night.png) (h) (u)

a92b0e (4) No.1965681

File (hide): f42159cc604aec7⋯.jpg (195.39 KB, 1242x1059, 414:353, summerpoint.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 94df431c53bb8ac⋯.png (318.25 KB, 474x430, 237:215, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

8e86ef (3) No.1965682


Double and too.

f6e3bc (11) No.1965683


Thanks Baker, your Patriotism is appreciated, Also why I am here!!

d2d42f (15) No.1965684>>1965711 >>1965721 >>1965722 >>1965752


Q did not say anything of the sort

Remove that disinformation!

89d809 (5) No.1965685>>1965720 >>1965730 >>1965921 >>1965955

Edward Snowden describes Russian government as corrupt

What a surpise. Who knew??

Have fun over there Eddie


3bb2c8 (15) No.1965686


Kek. Possible.

I think there's something here though.

Keep digging.

56a043 (2) No.1965687>>1965812


50 Female Patriots to go get new automobile licence plates with the letters BEBEST

1 Per State.

They can take a few months to process and get made but can be all done on time to show them all on social media on Christmas Eve as a thank you to our FLOTUS.

c40b59 (11) No.1965688>>1965719

Anyone have photos of Kathy Miller and Sandra O'Neil handy, to help with digging?


7ab0bb (4) No.1965689>>1965743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

June 20th ---



405c74 (4) No.1965690



Read it 5 times and it makes no fucking sense.

I fed it into a site that conjugates sentences and the site shot itself in the head.

Are we going to be seeing roving bands of armed journalists going after voters? Or are they going to throw rolled up newspapers at them? (Those can sting!).

Brian's inevitable slip into insanity is picking up steam. Sad.

197c1b (11) No.1965691>>1965726 >>1965742 >>1965768

The post about Masons was about as stupid as hiring Omarosa Manigault onto staff.

Pissed am I

Pissed are many

Because you see what kind of people just jumped into that bandwagon already.

That was so stupid! Just dumb. Whoever's idea that was. Should be immediately dismissed .

8c0025 (2) No.1965692>>1965769


It's certainly intellectually dishonest to use one book libelling Anton LaVey to discredit any concern at all

a7865c (1) No.1965693>>1965817

Q, anons are posting our dig results as best we can. There are other anons playing catcher that sort through all of us and shills to grab control and organization. We shout we love our plane fags ( and we do) but could you take a quick gander at this anon work? I asked for a quick number count for politicians resigning and had NO IDEA other anons were covering m back with ALL resignations in such an organized way. I don't know what to call these fags but I sure love them!

https:// www.resignation.info/

290a4f (4) No.1965694>>1965810 >>1966002 >>1966079


Don’t overlook these obvious differences, isn’t it obvious…lol. If your not aware of EQ, the emotional equivalent to IQ, you need to learn it, very important now. ]I[ [E] Quotient

c099a1 (8) No.1965695>>1965845 >>1965953

File (hide): 6147ea0b8415ae3⋯.png (328.16 KB, 987x501, 329:167, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Sandra O'Neill's org points to a site called "Mind Resilience."






>>1965617 please add this to the THERAPIST DIG

f64927 (5) No.1965696


>CNN could no longer afford to pay to have their channel run in airports

lmfao I can't wait for those Clowns to start firing their propaganda agents!

7ab0bb (4) No.1965697


VIP in da HOUSE.

Godspeed, Patriot.

Prayers for you and your loved ones.


7f1a12 (7) No.1965698

File (hide): 8195d25fc3e3206⋯.jpg (219.08 KB, 806x454, 403:227, Sexy Iran.jpg) (h) (u)

7b3475 (11) No.1965699


The youth sees a very different path don't they? Beautiful…. they'll need it.

e9ab96 (17) No.1965700

File (hide): 9853cdc3744a463⋯.png (210.25 KB, 609x394, 609:394, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Think NK. Stings were likely cut long before the meeting for public optics. The Russian Collusion lie has kept POTUS from Putin per those same optics, However, we have BOLTON.

>Bolton cleaning house.

+ June 27 drop relevant

cad156 (1) No.1965701>>1965735


d85f68 (7) No.1965702>>1965716 >>1965845



These anons helped sort it out:




Looks like Belinda Stevenson was an employee who had her wages garnished; not an earlier identity of "Mind-Eraser."

Thank you anons:

BAKER, please ignore this request for notables:


It is most definitely NOT notable.

9a6c37 (7) No.1965703


f0e7a2 (2) No.1965704>>1965734 >>1965801

Sandra O'Neill


609a9a (2) No.1965705>>1965788


No I haven’t

Im just multilingual

e7cfa8 (1) No.1965706>>1965731


I saw many adult circumcisions in the Navy

Good reasons for it, torn calcified foreskin that can not retract is one of them

But that would probably confuse you

Doesn't fit your ignorant narrative.

a2a64e (2) No.1965707

File (hide): dfc545643173536⋯.jpeg (894.5 KB, 1024x1222, 512:611, 927D8059-91EE-4415-9770-F….jpeg) (h) (u)

a92b0e (4) No.1965708>>1965736

File (hide): 36f5e59e9559201⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2597x1460, 2597:1460, girlpepe.jpg) (h) (u)

b6898c (14) No.1965709

File (hide): 77c9e278515c588⋯.gif (524.01 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 1511502790668.gif) (h) (u)

630bc9 (2) No.1965710>>1965723

Report: FBI Refusing to Give Congress Material That Alleges Loretta Lynch Interfered in Clinton Investigation

Paul Sperry reports at RealClearInvestigations --- the investigative reporting affiliate of trusted polling aggregator RealClearPolitics — that the FBI is refusing to allow members of Congress to review intelligence that alleges Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch interfered in the Hillary Clinton email investigation:

http ://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/06/29/report-fbi-refusing-to-give-congress-material-that-alleges-loretta-lynch-interfered-in-clinton-investigation/

fcfaac (6) No.1965711




The key = therapist.

Weak minds.

Use of symbolism to push strength and belonging to something powerful.



Find the link (common denominator).

Error made.

Name can be found due to filing.




Other patients?

Relocation imminent?

Conspiracy risk.

End (for now).

Haspel must find & term clas program.

She knows.


e6691f (6) No.1965712


Heh. No. I’m just an anon who has been here from the beginning who lost the functionality of posting am just frustrated.

f2ab18 (13) No.1965713>>1965779 >>1965919

820458 (7) No.1965714

File (hide): f02068b7e09f57a⋯.png (1013.04 KB, 1201x676, 1201:676, hillspeech.png) (h) (u)

7b3475 (11) No.1965715


Very important phrase there -


ty anon

d85f68 (7) No.1965716


God, I screwed up that post order.

Flip the placement of:




if what I meant isn't clear.

ae53a1 (3) No.1965717

File (hide): 354b5f0d9dca59e⋯.png (688.76 KB, 1012x408, 253:102, nonwsbgts.png) (h) (u)


It's a step but fck, people are still not getting news, just Rs & Ds spewing their opinions on their 3 topics for the week.

4e4ead (6) No.1965718>>1966122 >>1966185

Vancouver restaurant manager fired, refused to serve Trump backer

The manager of a popular Vancouver, B.C., restaurant has been fired for refusing service to a supporter of President Trump.

The customer arrived at the Teahouse in Stanley Park wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat, and was asked by manager Darin Hodge to remove the hat.

Soon after that, the manager, on the job for 18 months, was let go by the Sequoia Co. which manages the restaurant, for violating its "philosophy of tolerance."

"Sequoia does not support intolerance of any kind, and it is because of these principles that we cannot discriminate against someone based on their support for the current administration in the United States, or any other bonified political party," Sequoia said in a statement.


3bb2c8 (15) No.1965719>>1965762 >>1965991

File (hide): 03f43c745195cd4⋯.jpg (50.72 KB, 644x606, 322:303, IMG_20180629_200819.jpg) (h) (u)



If someone else could link pb that would be much appreciated

Sandra O'Neill is the fat dyke looking one Kathy Miller is the old cunt

405c74 (4) No.1965720


In other news, water is wet, fire is hot, and liberals are evil.

Now let's go to Julian for the weather…

ca03b1 (6) No.1965721>>1965777


Try harder. We strike a nerve with your recycled therapists?

c099a1 (8) No.1965722>>1965753

File (hide): 3627f7bb249daaf⋯.png (33.63 KB, 390x421, 390:421, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


re-read crumbs

630bc9 (2) No.1965723>>1965727 >>1965798


The NSA is deleting data from 2015 and they are using the excuse that the collected this information by error. Most likely they are trying to delete the evidence of corruption.

archive offline

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4At6YiH8mk4

766995 (4) No.1965724>>1965759


They also condone pedophilia. Lurk moar!!!

346f0c (7) No.1965725


Was Belinda Stevenson the business manager at this group practice?

I don't know. Just a thought re: multiple names and one primary phone number.

Not saying there is nothing spoopy, just saying that there are also perfectly legit reasons for some of the things.

2bcd52 (9) No.1965726>>1965835

File (hide): 79b6ce644302fcf⋯.jpg (85.33 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, fag.jpg) (h) (u)


Lol go back to your faggot cult, you're glowing

2881bf (1) No.1965727


Too late. We have everything.

2e8e14 (3) No.1965728



Old news, don't care.

b6898c (14) No.1965729>>1965751


Are you secretly VIPAnon and our baker?


e9ab96 (17) No.1965730


Did @Snowden must've miss the recent drops?

>Most all powerful organizations have sinister components.

>With power comes corruption.

39f2d7 (2) No.1965731

File (hide): 9f580380d8c724c⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 636x350, 318:175, HerpiesRabbi.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b012faa20418b0a⋯.jpg (30.55 KB, 960x535, 192:107, DicksuckingRabbi.jpg) (h) (u)


I guess they were circumsized by a Rabbi?

707537 (1) No.1965732

California doctor critical of vaccines is punished for exempting 2-year-old boy from all childhood immunizations

In a decision that could signal how California’s fierce vaccine debates will play out in the coming years, the Medical Board of California has ordered 35 months’ probation for Dr. Bob Sears, an Orange County pediatrician well-known for being sympathetic to parents opposed to vaccines.

In 2016, the board threatened to revoke Sears’ medical license for wrongly writing a doctor’s note for a 2-year-old boy that exempted him from all childhood vaccinations. This week, the medical board settled on a lesser punishment.

Sears can keep practicing medicine but will be required to take 40 hours of medical education courses a year, as well as an ethics class, and also be monitored by a fellow doctor. He also must notify all hospital and medical facilities where he practices of the order and is not allowed to supervise physician assistants or nurse practicioners.

The doctor’s supporters expressed relief that he was not more severely punished, while critics were pleased that the state did more than simply reprimand him, as some had feared.



Can opt out of union dues, but not vaccines. Crazy

d2d42f (15) No.1965733>>1965776


Sorry anon too caught up in correcting the mistake multiple times. I see it was changed

405c74 (4) No.1965734>>1965744 >>1965795


Been away for a little while, but this is who we should be digging on. We need to find out what Ramos accused her of.

f2ab18 (13) No.1965735

File (hide): f33d0671a2219e1⋯.jpeg (616.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8bitch.jpeg) (h) (u)

ec6849 (14) No.1965736

File (hide): c378c1f758a8003⋯.jpg (122.13 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, cutiepie.jpg) (h) (u)

76ef00 (6) No.1965737


Beautiful image. No democrats and Obama en route to a stateless future. Will anyone give him refuge? Fuck no.

5c865e (13) No.1965738>>1965746 >>1965858

File (hide): 29913ca3a0fb801⋯.png (57.79 KB, 1298x483, 1298:483, crypto.png) (h) (u)

Good evening Patriots.

Looks like the Crypto markets are betting on the Storm to begin soon.

Do you think the traders follow the Qlock? Kek.

Note that this post isn't me condoning Crypto at all.

But markets never lie.

Markets always know.

Smartest, most well connected people move markets when and how they please.

Storm soon?

Or just a coincidence?

Or someone making a poorly timed bet?

I don't like betting against Trump's market, but the Storm might shake things up a bit.

52b6e8 (6) No.1965739

File (hide): 9f5c1c76baa2d22⋯.jpg (768.73 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180629-221140….jpg) (h) (u)

497511 (10) No.1965740>>1965824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pepe Dance

9b21b0 (5) No.1965741

File (hide): 44c875675ed5e53⋯.jpg (157.52 KB, 1052x645, 1052:645, Screenshot-2018-6-30 Belin….jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1bbf14a94233025⋯.png (142.63 KB, 858x531, 286:177, Screenshot-2018-6-30 Scaff….png) (h) (u)



She is not a Doctor different businesses.

e9ab96 (17) No.1965742>>1965770

File (hide): bfbdfae95ca597e⋯.gif (240.71 KB, 300x300, 1:1, TRIGGERED.gif) (h) (u)

a92b0e (4) No.1965743


but does it mean ANYTHING

f0e7a2 (2) No.1965744>>1965998


Thank you

8a6eaa (1) No.1965745

File (hide): 540fc36fdfe00e0⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 568x594, 284:297, acosta01.jpg) (h) (u)


Nice work.

5c865e (13) No.1965746


Oh and just in case I wasn't clear,

I'm not telling anyone to put money into this shit.

Just look at the numbers and the timing. That's all.

f08d13 (4) No.1965747>>1965761 >>1966095

File (hide): a25c80b2c1892dd⋯.png (118.33 KB, 1175x621, 1175:621, qwest seattle 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7a24a392ce339ba⋯.png (398.29 KB, 1663x1391, 1663:1391, Qwest Seattle.png) (h) (u)



Qwest Also owns the Seattle Building the NSA

has a node in listed in the Intercept article.


Washington, Seattle STTLWA06

Arizona Pheonix Too PHNXAZMA

that's three NSA nodes connected to Qwest

0b1829 (2) No.1965748


Yes, it would seem a long way off, but isn't that really the ultimate question?

ff1557 (2) No.1965749>>1965758 >>1965865 >>1965891 >>1965902

File (hide): 62111960e391309⋯.png (177.25 KB, 856x792, 107:99, possible.png) (h) (u)


It's entirely possible.

Overlaid text layers:

Font: Courier New

Size: 23.6 pt

1c0a5b (6) No.1965750

File (hide): ea3af118aad4ccd⋯.jpg (121.09 KB, 360x837, 40:93, buddy christ god wins.jpg) (h) (u)

ec6849 (14) No.1965751>>1965800

File (hide): 471a1282fcaa619⋯.jpg (383.24 KB, 1500x2100, 5:7, qmovement.jpg) (h) (u)

e9ab96 (17) No.1965752>>1965755



d2d42f (15) No.1965753


You’re right my mistake. I’ve been correcting that multiple times. It is correct now

494bfe (2) No.1965754>>1965782 >>1965983

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 8ec7df No.388119 📁

Feb 15 2018 15:13:45 (EST)


Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past?

Be the autists we know you are.

You were chosen for a specific reason.


Q drop #773

d2d42f (15) No.1965755>>1965783


I’m glad it has been changed

2e1e77 (3) No.1965756>>1965785 >>1965823

I was on SSRI meds for a hot minute. (((They))) drugged the hell out of me to the point of suicide.

The state of my mind during that time…makes total sense of how easy it would be to weaponize someone on those drugs. I trusted my therapist way too much and the hallucinations were evil as fuck.

9a6c37 (7) No.1965757


3bb2c8 (15) No.1965758>>1965778


Name would be capitalized

197c1b (11) No.1965759>>1965833

>>1965724 Go fuck yourself running sideways you little keyboard cocksucker.

You've done nothing more than stumble onto this board after looking for cake on 8chn .

Meanwhile - these grown ass men have actually done more things for people and children in need than you've ever dreamed of. While not looking for credit.

So while your piddleing with your twat thinking your part of a big plan, they actually go out and make a difference in someone's life.

So perhaps before you spout off some more of your Jesuit psyop. Maybe go down and see what they are all about.

8b7e3e (9) No.1965760

File (hide): 1ef20e0a9f8fbef⋯.png (1.56 MB, 760x760, 1:1, 2018 You are Here.PNG) (h) (u)

c9bbf6 (5) No.1965761>>1966041


Entity/entities siphoning data

White hats cut cable?

f2ab18 (13) No.1965762


I must be really hard for her to buy a necklace that actually fits

761fb8 (1) No.1965763>>1965775

Anyone think these are pedo symbols?

Not related to current investigations, just want to get it on the radar and stay on the radar if they are pedo symbols.

84f8db (2) No.1965764>>1965805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4e4ead (6) No.1965765

"sensitive locations"

Father of three takes sanctuary at Seattle church to avoid deportation

Jose Robles was supposed to be on a plane back to Michoacan, Mexico, at 6 a.m. Thursday, but he packed his bags and went to Gethsemane Lutheran Church in downtown Seattle instead.

He said he felt fear and anxiety driving to the church for sanctuary to avoid deportation.

Churches are considered “sensitive locations” by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which means they are generally not allowed to conduct enforcement operations there.

Robles has lived in the U.S. for 18 years and lived in Lakewood for the past decade. He owns a painting company, but can no longer work while he’s in sanctuary.


fb847d (3) No.1965766

When wisdom and truth dawn within the human and when his spiritual knowledge grows, when he is guided by universal love and when his life becomes a blessing to him and other ones, then cognition of truth has ripened within him.

Then he becomes aware of the fragment of Creation within him, the spirit--the spiritual realm.

Creation is present in spiritual love and wisdom.

He who struggles for spiritual light and spiritual love, to him the door to Creation opens.

cd0123 (3) No.1965767>>1965786

File (hide): ec7f5cd3fd2163e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 966.9 KB, 885x638, 885:638, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



← It better be two of these.

ec6849 (14) No.1965768>>1965825

File (hide): 1f914625887a1c0⋯.jpg (183.53 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, faggot.jpg) (h) (u)

cc7700 (4) No.1965769


I shouldn't call him a dumbass but what I'm referring to is his naivety. That type of "good" human naivety is exactly how the evil ones have ruled for so damn long.

197c1b (11) No.1965770>>1965803

7d7641 (3) No.1965771>>1965871

File (hide): 5cb034b9632c725⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 2974x4464, 1487:2232, 3fd885a92fe9fa26ad779b0ebc….jpg) (h) (u)


This was in a response to the top original image I posted.

>>1924062 (pb) #2425

7f1a12 (7) No.1965773

File (hide): a3109f9877b7a5a⋯.jpg (68.1 KB, 538x302, 269:151, fistfighting corsi.jpg) (h) (u)

31130c (1) No.1965774


now if we could only get fox in Canada. All we got is shit state tv BS

3351d8 (8) No.1965775

b6898c (14) No.1965776>>1965784


No worries anon, cheers. Corrected it in the bread title too ^^^^

d2d42f (15) No.1965777


Not sure what that means.. but, I see now that the error has been corrected. My mistake

ff1557 (2) No.1965778>>1965790

File (hide): ac21a8f0916c062⋯.png (177.3 KB, 856x792, 107:99, possible.png) (h) (u)


Courier new is a uniform type-face. But here ya go…

4088da (8) No.1965779>>1965808

File (hide): a8282f5a9ce66a0⋯.png (449.02 KB, 634x514, 317:257, pearlnecklace.png) (h) (u)

8c767d (4) No.1965780


^^^^Second this Anon's theory. Just an employee wages garnished.

And second this Anon's support. Keep digging you glorious bastard!

1c0a5b (6) No.1965781


Forgot to add the sauce


3bb2c8 (15) No.1965782>>1965836 >>1966124


This is absolutely what we should be focused on

e9ab96 (17) No.1965783>>1965791


Likewise, called it last bread, hence the bread title

d2d42f (15) No.1965784



581365 (5) No.1965785


not just ssris

singulair will royally fuck you up

as well as mood stablizers big pharma is pure evil

3351d8 (8) No.1965786>>1965809 >>1965834


Bigger nipples please.

9991bc (6) No.1965787>>1965886 >>1966158


Men shoving their penis into another man's rectum and feces is disgusting.

d94efa (23) No.1965788


follow the books coming out of early egypt. follow where they stop and how they spread. find where the artifacts really stop. none will ever know until you see the triangle eyes and glowing eyes. the three walls that still stand. the wall that Q knows about. tell them the truth. it is time for blue.

e6691f (6) No.1965789>>1965799


The problem is anyone with an iPhone or iPad is fucked when it comes to posting. We finally found a way around it with Puffin but Nasimfags fucked it up for us.

3bb2c8 (15) No.1965790


Ah I see. Thanks!

d2d42f (15) No.1965791


Jumped the gun there but I had to make sure heh!

286c07 (4) No.1965792>>1965879



a small quibbling detail, it looks like your accumulator has slipped a bit

in the notables you have two #2475 and no #2477

2285f5 (4) No.1965793>>1965806 >>1965811 >>1965884

File (hide): 320b1cf1b036777⋯.jpg (386.01 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, hrccrime.jpg) (h) (u)

ICE Director Thomas Homan reveals HSI (Homeland Security Investigations) is a dept. within ICE. HSI investigates child porn & drug trafficking.

This is why Dem’s & the left are calling to abolish ICE!

b190ab (2) No.1965794>>1965926


baseless opinion,

Q followers have reached their conclusions based on reasons,

your posted opinion has zero presented reason,

you dont do any research at all do you? you just jump to conclusions and assumptions and shit up the bread with it, gtfo

346f0c (7) No.1965795


Not releasing his treatment records to him.

Little known fact: He had every right to ask and she had every right to deny. Therapy docs are not what many people think they are. They are cold. It can be more harmful to the person who wants them than can be helpful. If a therapist has a client who wants the docs and they have a strong alliance and can discuss the language used, cool. If the therapist and client do NOT have that alliance, welp, not so cool. All parties involved can be damaged horribly in that situation.

812a65 (1) No.1965796


They preach acceptance…but can't tolerate any other point of view.

53e263 (5) No.1965797>>1965829 >>1965830 >>1965837 >>1965844 >>1965849 >>1965883 >>1965917 >>1965918 >>1965942

Shannon Breem on Fox saying RR is saying that he was USED by the White House on signing the Comey firing letter…..ooooohhhh

f8df40 (6) No.1965798>>1965850 >>1966067


The Bill Binney documentary "A Good American" goes into some detail on his disagreement with NSA data collection. Basically he'd written a program that made it massive overkill, and when he and a handful of people he'd been working on it with tried advancing their program to management, the project was eliminated and they were pushed out.

I guess they're deleting it because they never really even needed it.

d94efa (23) No.1965799>>1965814 >>1965815 >>1965898


do you see what they are doing?

b6898c (14) No.1965800


Rock on anon. Kudos.

c099a1 (8) No.1965801




Great find, anon!

^^^^Sandra O'Neill involved with MD OPIOID RAPID RESPONSE (MORR) funding opportunity…

"MORR/STR/CURES Meeting to Discuss SUD Crisis Stabilization Funding Opportunity"



Here's the details of the Funding Program:


fef91a (8) No.1965802

File (hide): cc619285e96013e⋯.png (184.34 KB, 601x600, 601:600, 1487715589810.png) (h) (u)

e9ab96 (17) No.1965803>>1965941

File (hide): 4f2055be11c21cf⋯.png (150.16 KB, 639x391, 639:391, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


It's not only about us Autists/Anons anymore.

Get used to it. Pic related.

5c865e (13) No.1965804>>1965840 >>1965965

File (hide): 22d8071d5ddba13⋯.png (1015.69 KB, 1550x1615, 310:323, MKU.png) (h) (u)

For anyone digging on MKUltra.

Here's some of the relevant crumbs from the past that people are forgetting about.

3f57cd (1) No.1965805>>1965861


Great score and Great movie.

c9bbf6 (5) No.1965806


Excellent find ThanQ

0e8cb9 (3) No.1965807

False Flag Filings - cross check

I think Maybe Q post about error was before Ramos

Thought from non-computer,patriot,real dirt digger working/fag. Is it possible to look at court filings to see if possible duplication of name of therapists, state of mind reports, fuilings of intent to practice psych in specific states prior to incidents.


Ok idiot! Q wrote "Error made," Name can be found due to filing"

Happy Now

3351d8 (8) No.1965808


You would think with all the #MeeToo that Lewinski would start to do interviews and speak more.

cd0123 (3) No.1965809>>1965935

File (hide): f0aa05ffbf8f5e3⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 640x640, 1:1, toothbrush.jpg) (h) (u)


> Bigger nipples please.

If you insist.

But, bigger are not always better, anon.

7b3475 (11) No.1965810


I haved saved this chart - thank you anon!

I would like to revise it to add "compassionate"

-A rather underrated emotional quality

6107cf (9) No.1965811>>1965828 >>1965839 >>1965841 >>1965843 >>1965884


you have linkage or sausage?

This is big.

dec6d3 (2) No.1965812

>>1965687 I want to, but I drive a 2004 not so sleek, great gas mileage. Be best would look funny. Love to FLOTUS

76ef00 (6) No.1965813

File (hide): 5c0fdf180ccf937⋯.png (793.95 KB, 736x718, 368:359, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Q, being an upside-down world, is the cabal actually a matriarchy?

e6691f (6) No.1965814


Yeah apparently so. I mean it’s not like it’s a weird thing to have an iPhone. Over a billion people have one. Ugh

d94efa (23) No.1965815


i wont tell you if i did. it's about you not me.

92fff9 (5) No.1965816

File (hide): 2359c8249c1b360⋯.jpg (555.38 KB, 762x509, 762:509, CNN_airports4.jpg) (h) (u)


Might not need this meme anymore.

22133b (2) No.1965817


ResignationAnon is awesome!

You're awesome!


b61a70 (1) No.1965818


It's just a video that essentially proves Bill Hicks and AJ are two different people.

8858b7 (5) No.1965819

File (hide): 55b88d6a119f683⋯.jpg (118.59 KB, 718x877, 718:877, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 13ac290e5bf422c⋯.jpg (97.18 KB, 714x858, 119:143, 4.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5cfcd70fa9fda30⋯.jpg (85.14 KB, 695x596, 695:596, 5.JPG) (h) (u)


5f74f3 (2) No.1965820>>1965866 >>1965870

File (hide): 1bf83a779335250⋯.png (266.05 KB, 450x653, 450:653, Oh Really.PNG) (h) (u)

Oh Really? Fuck this bitch!

71a58d (3) No.1965821>>1965846

File (hide): 1ccea6629a4918b⋯.png (421.15 KB, 468x350, 234:175, swamp-0.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 53d8239390f2426⋯.png (306.39 KB, 422x423, 422:423, iceberg-1.png) (h) (u)


"We are watching a movie"

Imagine a scenerio

where the MAIN MISSION right now

was to save children and people

who have become enslaved.

"release the children"

making it to all the MSM news shows

lots of protestors yelling

"release the children"

suppose that until we've found all the missing kids

we will be hearing FAKE NEWS

suppose FAKE NEWS was really FAKE NEWS

and part of the mission to force the cabal

to free the children

and free all the slaves

didn't someone say that there were 20 million slaves??

we have more slaves now than ever in history?

Imagine the castles in europe with their dungeons

imagine the thousands of kids that go missing every year

suppose MSM is part of the distraction

because if they reported what was really going on

the cabal would fight back

as it is now

they act more boldly thinking MSM is on their side

the evil is thick in this place

and I don't think the report about "immigrant kids"

would have been so horrific that Maddow would lose it

and break into tears

I think the stories that the press are getting

under the table

may be the real horrors

and we are just watching a movie

until people realize they love our country

and love our president

b08f20 (1) No.1965822>>1965832 >>1965943 >>1966108 >>1966174

Holy fuck anons…

Looks like reddit is good for something


Read this now!

0f00f4 (2) No.1965823>>1965838 >>1965853 >>1965863


what's the best method for getting off them?

my sister has been on anti-depressants for years and i'd like to try to persuade her to stop

816dee (3) No.1965824

File (hide): 4596727c374c3c1⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1105x877, 1105:877, Elephant in the Middle of ….png) (h) (u)

197c1b (11) No.1965825>>1965901

>>1965768 Sorry…put too much time and effort into this movement to let it get fucked up by a stupid post like that one. That was just STUPID. It made this look like such a LARP. Such a larp.

It's worse than having to defend the last October's prediction of HRC and Podesta getting arrested statement.

Oh? Did that happen? Yes…why yes it did.

Or the change in what +++ ++ + actually meant. That was pretty fucking hard to defend as well.

But still, I defend and support and push on despite it all.

But this was fuck all stupid.

925068 (1) No.1965826>>1966021


This been passed around yet? That number seems to be popping up everywhere….

c3e561 (2) No.1965827>>1965929

File (hide): a2344b9e32ed2b4⋯.jpg (82.43 KB, 599x587, 599:587, AdamB1.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 13f078e161c8c83⋯.jpg (111.17 KB, 754x866, 377:433, AdamB2.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): aad9f8363e16eae⋯.jpg (96.79 KB, 838x870, 419:435, AdamB3.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): e6f4d2328da546f⋯.jpg (135.46 KB, 664x797, 664:797, AdamB4.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 000380e5517052d⋯.jpg (60.28 KB, 470x639, 470:639, AdamB5.JPG) (h) (u)

The Australian school system right now - state of Victoria.

"HowTo Sext Safely".

A program has been launched to teach school girls 12 YEARS OLD & up how to take revealing sexy selfies to post their friends by cutting out identifying facial features & identifying backgrounds. It has been supported & praised by Federal Greens Party (Australian version of liberal left) politician Adam Bandt.

Australia is going down the toilet. Politicians are encouraging the sexualization of kids.




7b3475 (11) No.1965828


HUGE! I'll get my shovel right now!

c9bbf6 (5) No.1965829

cc7700 (4) No.1965830


He's fucked.

497511 (10) No.1965831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pepe the destroyer of worlds (just a meme)

5c865e (13) No.1965832


SB2 is awesome…

check out all of his posts.

He has good insight into what's going on.

766995 (4) No.1965833>>1965872


See, you are still driven by hate and lack of tolerance. That makes you weak, that takes you futher away from God. You know anything about me or who I've helped working in the medical field…..

Tribalism for ideologies makes you react that way, and that always leads to violence, there's no "muh group" in here, haven't you understand that WWG1WGA?

Think of what it means if this is World Wide.

fcfaac (6) No.1965834>>1965867 >>1965868

File (hide): 42f6849ae59013d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 727.6 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, muhnips.png) (h) (u)

63ffc1 (1) No.1965835


The thing is most of us here including me know that the freemasons are no damn good and are pure evil and only normies haven't reached this conclusion yet or they are a clown.

gosh its been so many years that ive known the freemasons were part of the new world order power structure. that goes for the roman catholic church too long before Q showed up.

just like we also already knew that they were taking steps to try to normalize pedophilia and make it legal before Q even told us as well.

494bfe (2) No.1965836>>1965910 >>1965953


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.96 📁

Feb 15 2018 15:02:33 (EST)


Read very carefully.

Unreleased [CLAS-HIGHEST]:

Ability to use frequencies [incoming sig]/modify/code/program over 'x' period [designate] mobile phone to 'control' target subject.

OP conducted/ORIG outside of US.

CAR control?


Statement by the driver?





statement by the driver:


"The viral video shows a car driving down an embankment, just as President Trump travelled down Kearney Street. Really, really bad timing. That's what the teenaged girls who were in the car that came crashing down the embankment just as the presidential motorcade was passing by say happened. But there are some who still have their doubts.

"I mean the location and timing are pretty ironic if it was accidental, so," said Clayton Hefner, who shot video of the incident.

Hefner shot this video of what he thought at the time was an attempt to crash into president trump during his visit to springfield. You can see the white car come out of a wooded area, just as the president was driving by.

Chris Robertson caught it from another angle, just across the street. You can see how close it came to the motorcade.

"it was terrifying," said Samantha Morris, the driver.

Samantha Morris, 17, and Nikia Hicks, 18 were in that car on their way to work when their brakes suddenly went out.

"I was pumping my brakes hard, they were smoking and i couldn't stop at all" said Morris.

That's when she swerved to avoid hitting a gaurd at the entrance of her work and ended up feet from a pond.

"i just thought we'd hit a fence," said Morris. "I thought there was a fence. We were crazy close to that pond. we could have drowned."

But instead they were surrounded by Secret Service agents, who they say combed their car for anything dangerous. They found no threat, confirmed their brakes went out and let them go. The Springfield police chief says there was no mal-intent.

"Just a untimely unfortunate coincidence," said Chief Williams."

brakes went out

what an unfortunate (((cohencidence)))

ef7c97 (2) No.1965837


Pretty sure he testified to Congress last year that that was his letter….

92fff9 (5) No.1965838>>1965877


Very slowly, with most of them, or you can make yourself quite sick with serotonergic syndrome.

7f2e46 (4) No.1965839>>1965842 >>1965875 >>1965916 >>1966081

File (hide): fea0ffd2ac1c408⋯.jpg (95.35 KB, 739x751, 739:751, hsi_bullets.JPG) (h) (u)



e9ab96 (17) No.1965840

File (hide): 9a7d59dafd803f7⋯.png (224.49 KB, 450x423, 50:47, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___.png) (h) (u)

d2d42f (15) No.1965841>>1965873


It’s the opposite.. ICE is under the jurisdiction of Homeland Security

6107cf (9) No.1965842


Thanks Anon….hitting twit with this

f8df40 (6) No.1965843>>1965880 >>1965914 >>1965953


Confirmed --

Homeland Security Investigations part of ICE


HSI -- A Diverse, Global Force

HSI is a critical investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security and is a vital U.S. asset in combating criminal organizations illegally exploiting America's travel, trade, financial and immigration systems.

HSI’s workforce includes special agents, analysts, auditors and support staff. Its men and women are assigned to cities throughout the United States and to offices around the world. HSI’s international force is the department’s largest investigative presence abroad and gives HSI one of the largest international footprints in U.S. law enforcement.

HSI has broad legal authority to enforce a diverse array of federal statutes. It uses this authority to investigate all types of cross-border criminal activity, including:

Financial crimes, money laundering and bulk cash smuggling;

Commercial fraud and intellectual property theft;


Human rights violations;

Human smuggling and trafficking;

Immigration, document and benefit fraud;

Narcotics and weapons smuggling/trafficking;

Transnational gang activity;

Export enforcement; and,

International art and antiquity theft.

The threats presented by criminals in these areas have far-reaching consequences. In response, HSI uses a versatile approach to conducting its operations so that it can achieve the best results for the nation and its people.

Forging a New Legacy

When Homeland Security Investigations was formed, ICE's goal was to combat criminal threats facing the United States with a law enforcement force that would be recognized worldwide for its expertise and effectiveness.

Years later, HSI can lay claim to achieving this ambitious goal. HSI's successes in combating terrorism and enhancing national security have resonated throughout the global law enforcement community, private industry and general public.

In HSI's first full year in existence, its criminal investigations increased in nearly every area to ICE's prior three-year average. Criminal arrests rose by almost 30 percent; indictments by nearly 18 percent; search warrants by almost 60 percent; seizures of illicit drugs by more than 40 percent; intellectual property rights seizures by 128 percent; and weapons and ammunition seizures by a staggering 762 percent. This standard of excellence has continued ever since, with HSI's dedicated workforce affecting global change and disrupting and dismantling criminal organizations.

Today, HSI carries out its mission in an increasingly complex world that poses immense technical challenges to America's homeland security. The task is daunting, but HSI has risen to the challenge with intelligence, flexibility and commitment to excellence. Indeed, HSI has proven that it will continue to achieve the goal that has become its motto -- to forge a new legacy of honor, service and integrity.

89d809 (5) No.1965844


Then why did mr integrity and smartness sign the rec to fire dirty cop comey? He should have refused on principal if he felt so strong about it.

When do you know that RR is lying? When his lips move.

f6e3bc (11) No.1965845


>>1965600 Trump admin likely to detain migrant families for months during immigration proceedings

>>1965573 Fox News Playing In Airport Terminals (CNN BTFO)

>>1965545 CTBB Dig

>>1965522 Suicide Second-Leading Cause of Death Among Anne Arundel Youths (Why is Anne Arundel ringing a bell? Just asking, BTW)

>>1965501 NSA wipes its records of phone calls, texts collected by telecom companies (I notable'd this once already today, but really noteworthy!!)

>>1965695 More Therapist Digs

>>1965478 Good Graphic Relating to Mr. (Indicted) Joel Davis

What am I supposed to have there again??

fef91a (8) No.1965846

File (hide): 3289ba33092fda5⋯.jpg (108.62 KB, 760x428, 190:107, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg) (h) (u)


Awesome poetry!!!

c618c2 (2) No.1965847

File (hide): 261bf489d0a3a95⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 7680x4320, 16:9, wew.jpg) (h) (u)

53e263 (5) No.1965849




ae53a1 (3) No.1965850>>1965874 >>1965930

File (hide): e65a4968b0b2dce⋯.png (353.81 KB, 419x570, 419:570, jtf7.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 609367a110ef67f⋯.png (674.36 KB, 1022x572, 511:286, JTFMwwa.png) (h) (u)


Look what Mr. Binney is up to now (pic related)

3bb2c8 (15) No.1965851>>1965992

Getting shilly in here…I think we're on target w/therapists

Side question: who were Cruz's therapists?


f25957 (6) No.1965852

File (hide): 5ffc933777011f5⋯.png (224.1 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180630-085037.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 24b23553505b1fa⋯.png (327.19 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180630-085026.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 957268475e1debf⋯.png (190.41 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180630-085017.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8c2cbd2818be243⋯.png (437.2 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180630-085010.png) (h) (u)

9991bc (6) No.1965853


Slide. Go get medical problems solved somewhere else. This is not a medical advice forum.

d61fe2 (3) No.1965854

File (hide): a63c48202a128bb⋯.png (140.36 KB, 1319x420, 1319:420, an2.png) (h) (u)


Trying this one out for a a different set of people.

c528d5 (5) No.1965855

File (hide): 19ba6c1e5b73d93⋯.jpg (168.09 KB, 1025x512, 1025:512, bushskull.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e033ed8d008571b⋯.jpg (13.82 KB, 255x166, 255:166, bushjrgitmo (2).jpg) (h) (u)

>>1964810 (pb)

Anyone qualified, but the Bush appointees.

76ef00 (6) No.1965857>>1965862 >>1966123

File (hide): cdae3b4de789797⋯.png (6.88 MB, 2880x1922, 1440:961, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

I'll be back, Q. Don't go posting on me while I'm gone like the last couple days.

f6e3bc (11) No.1965858


Follow the money, always…

497511 (10) No.1965860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meme wars - bottom style

84f8db (2) No.1965861


:D Agreed. Enjoy.

1c0a5b (6) No.1965862


Alright Q, he is gone

Start a storm homey!

2e1e77 (3) No.1965863


My situation was unique because I tried to kill myself with all the pills I had. Don't remember the next two days.

The whole experience was a wake up call. Turned to God. Used weed to ween off the meds. Been off of the pills for about 5 years now.

6d492a (1) No.1965864

File (hide): 514ae06e1ff3606⋯.png (977.37 KB, 1059x606, 353:202, Chip Reed 3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 209b6adb7cfa5ac⋯.png (967.67 KB, 1066x602, 533:301, Chip Reed 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 385ce9e7e9539a9⋯.png (967.9 KB, 1073x609, 37:21, Chip Reed 1.png) (h) (u)

Masonic symbols and shootings

CBS nightly news with Jeff Glor (western edition 6/29) reporter Chip Reed reported on the Annapolis shooting suspect. During his reporting, Chip Reed made the triangle with his hands several times, at his belt line, The same symbol that German Chancellor Angela Merkel makes.

Here are the clip stills from video, he did the symbol three times (notice the video clock times)


Need to add Chip Reed of CBS to the list

ca03b1 (6) No.1965865


See >1965741

Seems a little too happy about the fail. I think Ms Stevenson needs looking into.

89d809 (5) No.1965866


Cover up and collusion. Deep state is still strong at DOJ

2e8e14 (3) No.1965867>>1965882


Oh no no no no no.

That is so wrong. Insufficient spoiler.

2c992e (5) No.1965868>>1965882

File (hide): 15f6eb819639d58⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 111.4 KB, 630x339, 210:113, squirrel-630x339.png) (h) (u)

5c865e (13) No.1965869>>1965881 >>1965887 >>1965893 >>1966091 >>1966131 >>1966142

File (hide): aab3f12f2a1ee1e⋯.png (264.06 KB, 1412x716, 353:179, Q-R.png) (h) (u)

Noticing a lot of infighting between anons tonight.

Read the words of R.

Real or Larp, it doesn't matter. His words are true.

If you turn one away, you are hurting the movement.

Stop trying to 'out-anon' people on here.

New people are going to arrive all the time and in greater numbers all the time.

Deal with it.


92fff9 (5) No.1965870


That material may be needed for prosecution.

f08d13 (4) No.1965871


always thought it was just the C_A involved in


what is the benefit of having surveillance nodes

in cities with major trafficking operations?

Easier to identify competition?

Shouldn't matter IMO, their Stingrays are all over

major highways/other cities.

197c1b (11) No.1965872


Division takes us further away from God.

The more we can look at one another with suspicion. The more we learn to not trust based on race, religion, creed, club, state, town, side of town, then the further we can be divided and conquered.


ACT 1:1

One Mind

One Accord

= Miracles

The Kingdom of God is Within You

if you want to see it.


Of one mind and one accord

d94efa (23) No.1965873>>1965896


do the god damn math. im 40 when i was 10 we still had ice. the DHS move was post 9/11

BUT MUH @))) birthday

c099a1 (8) No.1965874


Thanks, anon. He also has a consulting business in another country that I ran across a few months ago but lost my sauce. Do you have his consulting website?

7b3475 (11) No.1965875

File (hide): 683834c29c2f6bd⋯.png (22.05 KB, 738x119, 738:119, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


from the "history" section of that site:


c40b59 (11) No.1965876>>1965895 >>1965969

File (hide): 461e4cd266c423b⋯.jpeg (97.59 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, albertpike.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ca2c6df6ee844fa⋯.jpeg (213.32 KB, 635x449, 635:449, pike_lucifer.jpeg) (h) (u)

0f00f4 (2) No.1965877


yeah, i thought dropping them cold turkey would have bad effects

a2934c (1) No.1965878

File (hide): e0b9036dd700881⋯.jpg (29.46 KB, 550x290, 55:29, irrelevant.jpg) (h) (u)

f6e3bc (11) No.1965879>>1966130


What Kind of Fuckery is that?? Can someone figure out what needs to be corrected and let me know?

f8df40 (6) No.1965880

File (hide): d1dcf7a15bd993a⋯.png (531.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, PepeBurnInHell.png) (h) (u)


Holy mackerel

The HSI people has a ton of enforcement AND investigative muscle

I had to read through the list twice, but that's pretty much everything the Clinton Foundation, all its octopus tentacles, NXIVM, Epstein and all the other shitheads we've been digging all these many months have been doing.

Ha! Yeah, I just BET they want to shut down ICE!

Not gonna happen, shitheads. Save your breath and go enjoy your last days outside prison.

3351d8 (8) No.1965881

File (hide): e376f19ea809775⋯.png (753.31 KB, 946x629, 946:629, Screenshot_85 - Copy.png) (h) (u)

fcfaac (6) No.1965882

7f2e46 (4) No.1965883>>1965899

File (hide): 4b6bca5c00d3210⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 500x500, 1:1, popcornpepe.gif) (h) (u)



“I wrote it. I believe it. I stand by it,” Mr. Rosenstein said to Congress last year.

2285f5 (4) No.1965884



video link there..


5e9467 (5) No.1965885



f2ab18 (13) No.1965886>>1965894 >>1965897


Just curious but what if your girlfriend said "fuck me in the ass!" What would you tell her?

4289a9 (2) No.1965887>>1965890 >>1965912

File (hide): 54cdfd5927e2990⋯.png (1.67 MB, 2550x3300, 17:22, keep-calm.png) (h) (u)


infighting = kayfabe

real anons aren't infighting

bed6a1 (4) No.1965888


Well now. This is a nice (HUNK) looking man here.

7a59e2 (1) No.1965889


Where! I want one!

5e9467 (5) No.1965890

ca03b1 (6) No.1965891


Thank you for doing that. Q said Error made in file and posted that link, it has to be in there, I would think.

c528d5 (5) No.1965892

File (hide): 67799c14e370d77⋯.jpg (38.52 KB, 279x220, 279:220, tony-clifton-alex-jones.jpg) (h) (u)


Thank you whoever did this vid and, too, whoever posted it - if not the same.

ec6849 (14) No.1965893

File (hide): fa8d686503013e3⋯.jpg (133.22 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, Qandr.jpg) (h) (u)

2c992e (5) No.1965894

File (hide): b41505868f49fff⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 125.21 KB, 2000x1050, 40:21, image.jpg) (h) (u)

197c1b (11) No.1965895>>1965957 >>1965999 >>1966064

File (hide): 4244936d6ce0062⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 298x320, 149:160, snowflakesBsnowflakes.jpg) (h) (u)


There's about a million of these idiots

Why not let's talk about Donald J. Trump - Mason?

Please elaborate on this factoid?

d2d42f (15) No.1965896>>1965940


Under DHS but does HSI and ERO

9991bc (6) No.1965897>>1965904 >>1965905 >>1965915 >>1966134


You assume everyone you are speaking to is a male?

917311 (2) No.1965898


I don't.

--Posted from my iPhone running iOS 12 Public Beta 😂

89d809 (5) No.1965899>>1965923


RR is so full of it. Lies so much. He is the smartest person in the room in his own mind.

20021d (1) No.1965900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trust The Plan


fef91a (8) No.1965901>>1965939


Fuck off.

ca03b1 (6) No.1965902


See >>1965749

I think you are on the right track with Ms. Stevenson

ec6849 (14) No.1965904

File (hide): 64d492b49c4aadf⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 3160x2403, 3160:2403, TITSORGTFO.jpg) (h) (u)

2bcd52 (9) No.1965905


There are no girls on the internet. Lurk moar

d61fe2 (3) No.1965907>>1965947 >>1966049


False flag is different than didn't happen hoax.

Annapolis shooter was told to kill by therapist, it wasn't spontaneous and random.

d94efa (23) No.1965908>>1965974 >>1966151

you all think this 8 shit is be do or some nigger kind of shit. go look for your mmm&m shit someplace else.

07882a (3) No.1965909>>1965980


I propose that all QR code pics include the URL in plain text somewhere in the image.

4088da (8) No.1965910


Video already taken down it appears

7ab0bb (4) No.1965911>>1965928 >>1965948 >>1965984 >>1966007 >>1966035 >>1966051 >>1966165


CURT SCHILLING (HOST): I tweeted out earlier this week about a group, a movement, that I had been a bit -- I had been asked about quite a bit. And I – it got to the point where I said – there was enough interest that I started to look into it myself.

And like I said, I dig into stuff and try to find out at the root level what things are. And it's, basically, it's something called the "Q." And I've been asked, "Do you believe the Q? Do you know who the Q is?" and all this other stuff.

And I started to look into it, and I tweeted out the other day something about it, and I know there's something there, for this reason: the amount of anger and the hate that came from Twitter, that came from Facebook, back towards me, just for asking a simple question.

I said, "Listen" -- I played the video, I said, "I – you know, I'm wondering, I've been looking into this, and I think this video is pretty fascinating."

It's a video that kind of summizes (sic), or summarizes, kind of where Q is right now. But it's a group of people that are very Christian, focused group of people, who believe the deep state is real -- which I don't think we can deny anymore, that the deep state exists – but, I want you to go to YouTube, and I want you to search for "Q for Beginners Part 1 – Who is Q?"

And there's a gentleman whose handle is "Praying Medic," and it's a four-minute and 50-second video that basically kind of lays out what Q is.

And if you want to find out about its impact, just tweet something about it, or social media -- watch the level of anger that comes back at you – and that, to me, in and of itself, says that there's something there. But I've been looking into it, I'm going to continue to look into it.


5c865e (13) No.1965912


Reminders are always nice.

7d1eb3 (9) No.1965913

Haven't been over to Vox Day's site in a while. Imagine my pleasant surprise learning that he also follows Q!


e7c195 (1) No.1965914



760305 (2) No.1965915


You assume only males have girlfriends that ask them to fuck them in the ass?

7b3475 (11) No.1965916>>1965954

File (hide): a49a0cede9e3b2e⋯.png (79.58 KB, 760x435, 152:87, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 86ffc31c904e0ad⋯.png (95.26 KB, 754x544, 377:272, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 81c2a92329f608a⋯.png (104.73 KB, 755x618, 755:618, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6594cdbeb21d739⋯.png (122.89 KB, 756x680, 189:170, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f7dc8d416171e04⋯.png (113.9 KB, 761x681, 761:681, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

53e263 (5) No.1965917>>1965945


According to one person with whom he spoke shortly after Mr. Comey’s firing, Mr. Rosenstein was “shaken,” “unsteady” and “overwhelmed.”

Another person in touch with Mr. Rosenstein around that time said he sounded “frantic, nervous, upset and emotionally dis-regulated.” In one of these conversations, with the acting F.B.I. director at the time, Andrew G. McCabe, Mr. Rosenstein became visibly upset.

f2ab18 (13) No.1965918


Ok…Is he now TRYING to get fired? He doesn't want to admit defeat so he's just going to perjure himself? This is confusing. I would think he's a smart man. But I am at a loss now. He's been in far too long for this to be chalked up to "panic" or "scared"

I don't know whos screwing who anymore

175fbb (6) No.1965919


aren't you bored to post same shit picture??????????

and in essence you tell nothing???????

b67613 (10) No.1965920>>1965982 >>1966012 >>1966195

Nobody really died in Sandy Hook?

d7f285 (1) No.1965921


HE's not there anymore

be03f5 (9) No.1965922

File (hide): 975671fa6a39672⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1073x710, 1073:710, bread.PNG) (h) (u)


7f2e46 (4) No.1965923


“To be clear, he was upset not because knowledge of the existence of the memos would have changed the D.A.G.’s decision regarding Mr. Comey, but that Mr. McCabe chose not to tell him about their existence until only hours before someone shared them with The New York Times,”

Reading on the dispute is interesting…and not once is the troubling nature of the leak even discussed. I assume McCabe is proper fucked from this.

5f74f3 (2) No.1965924>>1965938

File (hide): 69245002600249f⋯.png (436.54 KB, 1073x812, 37:28, Jet Blue Plane.PNG) (h) (u)


If you are around are you willing to comment on this please?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8uxmt3/so_you_want_to_know_what_really_happened_with_the/

8d4d9e (4) No.1965926>>1966029


Actually, I've been around for quite a long time. I do more research than the average little fanboy here does. It doesn't take much research to see holes in this shit. Contact real reporters for example and they'll tell you the President avoided the press when he returned to "the castle". Fake twitter account.

Or how about you try reverse searching an "original image". Too difficult? I guess you wouldn't understand how easy it is to predict a flight path either then.

This is a controlled distraction at it's finest. Make sure you do nothing when the protests start. Just like your master says.

71a889 (2) No.1965927


haha I posted here in April I think when I had to do a bunch of traveling (around the time of San Antonio bombings) that I wanted to cut the airport tv cords as a sign of protest. Glad to see this! Watching CNN is enough to make you nuts if you are in a "hostage" situation like an airport.

Dreams really do come true

e9ab96 (17) No.1965928>>1965946 >>1965948 >>1965978 >>1966007



This MUST be David's answer to Q

6d70be (3) No.1965929


they will not stop thier push for legitimacy on thier own accord

f8df40 (6) No.1965930


Hey, thanks a bunch, hadn't seen that before. Have admired the man greatly since seeing that documentary.

a95852 (4) No.1965931


Totally agree……….our government is beyond fixing without revolution and or the broadest of reforms…….its been twisted beyond recognition ……..abolish everything except the original constitution………

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."


497511 (10) No.1965932>>1965968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I drive a lonely road (Meme)

509d9a (2) No.1965933

9aeac8 (1) No.1965934

Have anons ever noticed that the Congressional Medal of Honor is the upside down star?

290a4f (4) No.1965935

27fa51 (1) No.1965936

What are some other ways (other than "goyim") do they call us sheep/cattle?

da7329 (6) No.1965937>>1965959 >>1965991

File (hide): 2cf2a2cc5218285⋯.png (21.76 KB, 1051x178, 1051:178, Sandra.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 31c6c657ce60b88⋯.png (38.87 KB, 1048x369, 1048:369, Sandra2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f24d48c1a98c373⋯.png (9.83 KB, 1044x208, 261:52, Sandra3.png) (h) (u)

MuhGut is telling me it's the LYNN one in her 50s

But… These are all in near proximity to Annaplois

5c865e (13) No.1965938


SB is most likely part of the Q team.

Even if not, his analysis are always solid.

Go read some of his past ones… they are always on the money.

The remote control plane shit is all true btw.

197c1b (11) No.1965939>>1966000 >>1966046


Woops….don't look at this. It might destroy you snowflake.


d94efa (23) No.1965940>>1965952 >>1965973


yet they still had the same ICE on their backs.

FUCKING @))) im smert newberns

f2ab18 (13) No.1965941>>1965977


I think Q also didn't mean new arrivals as new regular people checking it out, but also bad people to find ways to shut it down/discredit/use against us or something

53e263 (5) No.1965942


A spokeswoman for the Justice Department, Sarah Isgur Flores, disputed the accounts of Mr. Rosenstein’s behavior. If he was angry in the days after Mr. Comey was fired, she said, it was because Mr. McCabe concealed from him the existence of memos by Mr. Comey about his interactions with Mr. Trump. Detailing the president’s requests for loyalty and to end the investigation into Michael T. Flynn, then his national security adviser, the memos were recounted in articles in The New York Times around that time.

“To be clear, he was upset not because knowledge of the existence of the memos would have changed the D.A.G.’s decision regarding Mr. Comey, but that Mr. McCabe chose not to tell him about their existence until only hours before someone shared them with The New York Times,” Ms. Flores said.

A person close to Mr. McCabe disputed Ms. Flores’s account, saying Mr. Rosenstein did not bring up the memos with him. Their discussion came at the conclusion of a larger meeting of law enforcement officials, and Mr. McCabe recounted it to colleagues. He also documented some of his interactions with Mr. Rosenstein in contemporaneous memos that have been handed over to the special counsel, according to two people briefed on the matter.

b0c3b5 (1) No.1965943

File (hide): daf5ff793bcf02c⋯.jpg (190.2 KB, 930x1144, 465:572, Shadilay.jpg) (h) (u)


That's one hell of a writeup..

Notable for all planefags

791229 (1) No.1965944

File (hide): 2b92bbe7eb8baa0⋯.png (448.63 KB, 764x430, 382:215, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

89d809 (5) No.1965945


Might it be that they feared their conspiracy was being found out?

5c865e (13) No.1965946


Can't believe he took the bait.

What a tard.

52b6e8 (6) No.1965947>>1965964


There are a TON of people who do not understand what a False Flag is, maybe we need a dictionary of terms for them

e9ab96 (17) No.1965948>>1965956

File (hide): 2f697ebff76a62a⋯.png (213 KB, 629x461, 629:461, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



This MUST be David's answer to Q…

e29792 (1) No.1965949

File (hide): 4489dc7bfa368ef⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1280x745, 256:149, Pepe crossing the Delaware.png) (h) (u)

8858b7 (5) No.1965951

File (hide): 8816697279f76d4⋯.jpg (85.18 KB, 961x698, 961:698, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

A Vernon woman was shocked to discover her personal health information posted for the world to see after purchasing a medical alert bracelet online.

After a recent medical diagnosis, Leah Luce bought a personalized medical alert bracelet from a third-party seller on Amazon.com.

In addition to her medical conditions, the bracelet included Luce’s name, birthdate and emergency contact information.

Luce said she intentionally picked a design that had most of her personal details printed on the inside of the bracelet. She said she liked the product and even gave it a positive review on Amazon.

A few weeks later, she received a frightening phone call from her physician.

“My doctor had notified me and said you know, she didn't want to scare me," Luce said.

Luce said an employee at her doctor’s office had been shopping for medical bracelets on Amazon and came across Luce’s personal information in some of the photos advertising different medical ID bracelets.

Luce said it took her only a few minutes of searching to find the photos. She immediately called Amazon and said an agent told her the company would investigate. She then received a follow up email from Amazon, which said the company will not be able to release the outcome of its investigation.

Luce also contacted the seller, Personalized Love Jewelry. She said an employee told her the photos would be taken down within an hour. When they were still up the following day, Luce reached out to NBC Connecticut Responds.

NBC Connecticut Responds sent emails to Personalized Love Jewelry and Amazon asking how Luce’s personal information ended up in the photos.

The seller responded almost immediately with an apology and wrote in an email, “I will ask my workmate cover it with mosaics within 24 hours.”

An Amazon spokesperson said in a statement, “All Marketplace sellers are required to follow our selling guidelines and those who do not will be subject to action, including potential removal of their account. The products in question are no longer available.”

The page with the photos that contain Luce’s information is no longer available on the Amazon site.

Luce said she’s lost trust in Amazon and plans to cancel her Prime membership. She hopes telling her story will prevent others from going through a similar ordeal.

Despite the seller revealing her personal health information on the Amazon website, this is not a violation of the federal medical privacy law, known as HIPAA. Only health plans, health clearinghouse and healthcare providers are bound by the law.


6107cf (9) No.1965952


Good catch….excellent.

f6e3bc (11) No.1965953>>1966095

Muh Notables

>>1965843 Homeland Security Investigations part of ICE

>>1965836 Car Crashing Near Presidential Motorcade in Springfield brakes went out

what an unfortunate coincidence…

>>1965600 Trump admin likely to detain migrant families for months during immigration proceedings

>>1965573 Fox News Playing In Airport Terminals (CNN BTFO)

>>1965545 CTBB Dig

>>1965522 Suicide Second-Leading Cause of Death Among Anne Arundel Youths (Why is Anne Arundel ringing a bell? Just asking, BTW)

>>1965501 NSA wipes its records of phone calls, texts collected by telecom companies (I notable'd this once already today, but really noteworthy!!)

>>1965695 More Therapist Digs

>>1965478 Good Graphic Relating to Mr. (Indicted) Joel Davis

Haha been waiting to do that all day, since it occurred tome…

I am confused on the therapist Digs, what posts are notable/what not… Help?

7f2e46 (4) No.1965954


well done anon.


c40b59 (11) No.1965955


seems like he maybe was never there

d94efa (23) No.1965956>>1965989


your a fucking idiot right!

b190ab (2) No.1965957


for one, prove it,

for two, what degree? only the 33rd and above are aware of the corruption.

for three, so what? we know trump was apart of the cabal before he couldnt stand it anymore and turned on them, so whats your point exactly? spell it out…

62e68e (3) No.1965958>>1965970 >>1965971 >>1966025 >>1966048 >>1966113

File (hide): 25ccba02d4b65a0⋯.png (14.5 KB, 251x225, 251:225, Q1644.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 638f93c3e607add⋯.png (34.22 KB, 445x314, 445:314, ITALL.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1201988d86285b1⋯.png (83.91 KB, 748x364, 187:91, doesupercomputer.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ddaa83795f83aa0⋯.png (51.64 KB, 621x450, 69:50, nsa.png) (h) (u)

>>1858154 pb

My continuing running theory:

Q Group at DOE and NSA are building/using a cloud-based supercomputer for this whole information dissemination campaign. These injections and strength tests are measuring this new system's capabilities. A cure for all the censorship, AI shills, and other bots and bullshit deeply embedded throughout the internet like a virus. A literal coup in a cyberwarfare sense. A reclaiming of our internet with nothing to stop the spread of this information.

3bb2c8 (15) No.1965959


Listed as Sandra K O'Neill in filing

dbf9f4 (3) No.1965960>>1965990

File (hide): def27624aa1423c⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1242x2156, 621:1078, 90B83B03-0996-4319-9BBD-A….jpeg) (h) (u)

Being a good anon and listening to Q by reading my Bible. So the 24th book of Matthew relates to the end times, which many of us anons believe we are in. I really found the attached verse to be inspirational. I know we are all tired of waiting but we must realize that in the grand scheme of things, this justice will fall down like a hammer, then we will all spiritually circumcise our flesh together as one, and head to the spiritual world to spend eternity in bliss. They have no where they can hide. Their tunnels will do them no good for this crossing will be the final one.

The end is near.

WWG1WGA (quantum physics and double slit experiment)

The truth would put 99% of people in hospital.


b67613 (10) No.1965962

Unless it gets postponed again, the Awan hearing is July 3

917311 (2) No.1965964


A dictionary would have saved me bunches of pain months ago. I know they're around but not obvious to newfags to find…

f2ab18 (13) No.1965965>>1965981 >>1966004


That shit should be 1st & foremost to get unclassified so then when people can't believe/refuse to believe it, BAM from the horses mouths themselves. They have only released the really old stuff. Didnt they say the program stopped in the 60's or something? So that would be another redpilll. How easy it is for them to lie

405c74 (4) No.1965966

Interesting article citing Sandra O'Neill. Is this program a way to identify and "capture" troubled people to turn into weapons?


175fbb (6) No.1965968

File (hide): 61c88f6de1f331a⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 500x500, 1:1, just for you.jpg) (h) (u)

fef91a (8) No.1965969


Nice find. Got any more?

7d1eb3 (9) No.1965970>>1966057


The anti-Cass Sunstein.

5c865e (13) No.1965971>>1965985 >>1966048


What could a supercomputer do to fight censorship/AI/shills etc?

d2d42f (15) No.1965973


I get that. I’m just stating who’s under the jurisdiction of whom.

No need to get upset about your age

a23c7b (1) No.1965974>>1966087

File (hide): 506f89bb8acef6c⋯.jpg (476.54 KB, 1078x1500, 539:750, 506f89bb8acef6c12dc16fa23a….jpg) (h) (u)


damn we got a nigga here, he can barely communicate and he's also a

bb9a04 (1) No.1965975>>1966009 >>1966023 >>1966024 >>1966099 >>1966121


Q puts out disinformation in all forms, none of it will matter once The Storm hits. It's the true information that matters, as that's what events will be centered on.

Flat Earth, aliens, Nazi's, Jews, Muslims, Christians, ect ect ect…. None of that matters until we rid ourselves from the corruption of our various nations.

497511 (10) No.1965976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Life Cycle of a Meme in a nutshell

e9ab96 (17) No.1965977

File (hide): 4f9e98c3da9fa7f⋯.png (123.67 KB, 1773x718, 1773:718, 06.28.2018 23.59.18.png) (h) (u)


They're going to do that("try" to find ways to shut it down/discredit/use against us or something) anyway, let them, so that they have to eat every single word, with sauce provided by US. Pic related

The's always been the good, the bad & the ugly here, only the numbers of each will increase. Already has judging by the UIDs & lagging yesterday as Q was posting, to the point where w SEC_TEST was needed.

7d1eb3 (9) No.1965978>>1966006

File (hide): 820645427359662⋯.jpg (14.48 KB, 219x231, 73:77, roj.jpg) (h) (u)



That's a code word.

8db915 (7) No.1965979>>1966022

File (hide): f8845b98c62ee28⋯.png (705.55 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Acosta_elephant_qanon.png) (h) (u)

286c07 (4) No.1965980


very nice sentiment anon, but please tell me what assurances you have that the label will match the contents?

I've found a set of very nice tools for checking QR codes and generating them




the decoder will allow you to upload a file to be read or input a URL (you can grab that by right clicking on the graphic link and using copy link location )

5c865e (13) No.1965981>>1965995


I think Q might release more info if we can find the pieces ourselves online

92fff9 (5) No.1965982>>1966068 >>1966195

File (hide): 88c1d567a631446⋯.jpg (63.9 KB, 640x500, 32:25, sandyhook3.JPG) (h) (u)


There are many images like this.

4a2c05 (3) No.1965983>>1966017

File (hide): 44584769f9d6d21⋯.png (362.15 KB, 569x1207, 569:1207, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 800f8f99c077370⋯.png (240.71 KB, 559x1262, 559:1262, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png) (h) (u)


So many prescribed drugs, check out the list in link:


6107cf (9) No.1965984


Not much of an attack at all…..

They are shitting condos.

c099a1 (8) No.1965985>>1966001


>What could a supercomputer do to fight censorship/AI/shills etc?

It could follow the money and find all the connections? Like Thin Thread but from a financial transaction perspective.

420d89 (1) No.1965986

File (hide): 3afa213748794d1⋯.png (245.2 KB, 591x448, 591:448, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

HAHA Freemasonophobia

f8df40 (6) No.1965987

File (hide): 325b7220c59520b⋯.jpg (99.15 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, WhiteHats.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 57520f233729596⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, PepeSoldiers.png) (h) (u)

If I wanted to have unlimited access to the full arsenal of law enforcement and intelligent tools, AND be able to send some operators after the perps I found

I'd call HSI

I bet a few of them have visited here

351d57 (1) No.1965988


Know thy enemy.

These fucks are so stupid they don't even know their rules are being used against them

e9ab96 (17) No.1965989>>1965996 >>1966028


…So tell me, which David is i it then, in the same post mentioning SHAREBLUE?

09cb4e (12) No.1965990>>1966047 >>1966090

File (hide): 36fffeb1b597088⋯.png (2.15 MB, 700x10413, 700:10413, god bless the usa.png) (h) (u)


The rapture and the 1000 years begins about 2040

9a6c37 (7) No.1965991>>1966136



Look at the certificate in the background, I think it's K but I can't quite make it out myself

2285f5 (4) No.1965992



Read this^

2460e8 (1) No.1965994

File (hide): 1ed6cf616bb5ef7⋯.jpeg (871.99 KB, 1242x1865, 1242:1865, 62EE6E11-742A-41C4-93FE-9….jpeg) (h) (u)


This account has been going hard at him for a couple of weeks. He works for Media Matters I think.

8d4d9e (4) No.1965995>>1966029 >>1966043


Q uses info from the YOUR threads to give his followers a feeling of self-worth. Classic cult tactic.

d2d42f (15) No.1965996>>1966016 >>1966031


Brock. I know you know this.. but, Brock

09cb4e (12) No.1965997

File (hide): 6a112cba3af5a27⋯.png (1.46 MB, 600x6094, 300:3047, new to the chan.png) (h) (u)

newfags here is a graphic for you

6098b3 (4) No.1965998


the conflict that crossed thier paths probably the pebble that caused such large ripples….there is the accusation of the paper owner into pedophelia.

c40b59 (11) No.1965999>>1966033


If POTUS were your brother you wouldn't seem so worried would you?

fef91a (8) No.1966000>>1966020 >>1966038 >>1966058

File (hide): e602bece3346af6⋯.png (143.93 KB, 728x466, 364:233, downloadfile.png) (h) (u)



5c865e (13) No.1966001


Kek, you don't need a supercomputer for that.

Just super people with a regular computer.

I bet they already have all that information anyways.

8c767d (4) No.1966002


Anons -- THIS is why they target the young. High Emotional Intelligence is aka maturity.

d94efa (23) No.1966003>>1966013 >>1966018



8b7e3e (9) No.1966004>>1966005 >>1966027 >>1966054 >>1966127



It's coming

Sooner than later

09cb4e (12) No.1966005>>1966040


"the build is near complete" is the best line.

e9ab96 (17) No.1966006


Certainly so, right there in the title. So "absurd" that he gave an answer out the very next day after being called out. Brock is toast.

d0b459 (2) No.1966007



KEK, he took the bait, hook, line and sinker.

Fucking hilarious…

27e6de (1) No.1966008

What if the Cabal had us enslaved 12000 years ago and their world capital was Atlantis. Then something happened that wiped out almost all life from Earth.

What if the Cabal has tried to regain the control by hiding our knowledge of the past. If we knew our history they would never succeed.

581365 (5) No.1966009>>1966126


like Q says for the children

who cares if the earth is flat or a globe ?

766995 (4) No.1966010

File (hide): a099f212a4d22b0⋯.jpg (61.07 KB, 539x552, 539:552, ca0786f.jpg) (h) (u)

Shills really are full force, Clowns news also pushing hard. KEK!!

Don't know if posted earlier:

Death in a Hollywood Sex Dungeon: How a Top Agency Executive's "Mummification" Ritual Ended in Tragedy


7d1eb3 (9) No.1966012>>1966195


I thought that was nonsense untl a certain Soros-funded leftist I happened to be acquainted with started shilling heavily against anyone who would post Halbeg's research or ask questions on FB.

be03f5 (9) No.1966013



da94fa (1) No.1966014

PBS Civil War on Netflix now

3351d8 (8) No.1966015>>1966162




e9ab96 (17) No.1966016>>1966030


Ok, and Media Matters is Brock, correct?

2285f5 (4) No.1966017


save that link anons..

09cb4e (12) No.1966018>>1966037


you mean betray us

that's what i always think when I see that last name

327f97 (1) No.1966019>>1966044 >>1966050 >>1966093 >>1966094 >>1966103 >>1966118 >>1966140 >>1966172 >>1966189

Q and fellow Anons,

Former 11B, OIF vet, and lifelong patriot here. I feel like it's all finally getting to me. Everything in my personal life is in a downward spiral, and I don't know how much longer I can hang on. I'm writing this to get a message out saying I need a win so bad. Something. Anything. We've all been through so much, and there are many out there in worse shape than me. I can only speak for myself though, and I can say that I need a sign of light out here. I seriously don't have the energy to keep going. Something has got to give. I trust the plan. I'm just tired. I hope to God you all understand.


Love you guys

52b6e8 (6) No.1966020


Nice trips of truth, but that brownmakes it hard to read

f2ab18 (13) No.1966021


yup. last few threads

8b7e3e (9) No.1966022>>1966075


I like this a lot

But w/o Acosta

Do you have one w/o him?

a95852 (4) No.1966023


these evil people are merely puppets…..get rid of them more will take their places…you can take this bible verse quite literally….believe me when i say we are not alone…they have been plaguing humanity since the beginning

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

816dee (3) No.1966024

Truth is what matters and we have plenty to back up the degenerate plans and infiltration of the Jews and Masons who destroy our country. Yashua is Lord and all you can do is tear him down. Burn in hell.


3b627f (1) No.1966025>>1966113 >>1966147


connected to the recent SpaceX launching AI?

8e86ef (3) No.1966026

Feb 2016 proof?

175fbb (6) No.1966027>>1966042

File (hide): 5b3485cf8d1f6b1⋯.jpg (159.37 KB, 800x708, 200:177, chocolate.jpg) (h) (u)


Here, have a chocolate.

290a4f (4) No.1966028


Just moar triggered regressives, Brock implants these in all his sycophants…

22133b (2) No.1966029>>1966056

File (hide): d43eb9065367d91⋯.png (848.26 KB, 700x1138, 350:569, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



Your solar plexus is in overdrive, I think. (Insulting behavior towards others pointing toward a potential overload of ego alternatively compensating for a lowered or bruised sense of self - Only You know if this is the case or not)

For your consideration: See attached image.

Of course, follow this advice (Or not :) ) completely at your own discretion.

Peace, Anon.


d2d42f (15) No.1966030>>1966034



Check out Peter Daou as well

e9ab96 (17) No.1966031>>1966070

File (hide): db38d1b909324fb⋯.png (325.71 KB, 796x672, 199:168, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


With Sauce, same sauce the made notables last night. I should know, I posted it.


197c1b (11) No.1966033>>1966085


If POTUS were a brother

He would stand by and let them be thrown under the bus of conspiracy cause he would know better.

Perhaps is why they partially retracted the statement soon after.

But I promise we just lost a LOT of good Anons in the movement.

And they just lambasted most Admirals and Generals.

Sorry keyboard warriors….it's fact.

e9ab96 (17) No.1966034


> Peter Daou

On it!

7d1eb3 (9) No.1966035>>1966092

File (hide): f89e7303ce5aea3⋯.jpg (7.18 KB, 283x178, 283:178, pet streisand.jpg) (h) (u)


They're addressing this?!?


ac0831 (1) No.1966036

i do

it was hilarious


d94efa (23) No.1966037>>1966060


fuck you! he was the last one that refused to bow down to obama.

2bcd52 (9) No.1966038>>1966084

File (hide): c34c87346ac6876⋯.jpg (14.03 KB, 387x258, 3:2, s (2).jpg) (h) (u)


lol more trashing walt disney probably the greatest artist of the last century and hasn't yet been surpassed. Man (((they))) really hate him, I wonder why

c40b59 (11) No.1966039

File (hide): 612a547268c3285⋯.jpeg (3.23 MB, 5976x4506, 996:751, Solomons-Temple.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8f6369673038132⋯.png (884.18 KB, 633x719, 633:719, templar1.png) (h) (u)

8b7e3e (9) No.1966040>>1966069


Almost like something a lifelong builder might say

07882a (3) No.1966041>>1966082


Siphoning data from such fiber optics would be impractical.

My guess is black hats testing response time.

820458 (7) No.1966042>>1966059 >>1966074 >>1966109


Chocolate milk comes from brown cows.

d0b459 (2) No.1966043


kike detected, kys

ef7c97 (2) No.1966044


Thank you for your service, VetAnon! Why don't you take a few days off, get some rest, and enjoy the holiday. We'll be here when you get back!

7b3475 (11) No.1966046>>1966062


There is no wrongdoing in being a Freemason. Unless, you're an evil asshole, AND also a Mason. Shall we also rid the earth of republicans? Plenty of those are evil - and we know it all too well. Nasty fuckers show up across the earth wearing many hats - and aprons, as the case may be. Trump has also been elected, by his own free-will and ours, to sit in the most corrupt office this earth has seen in a century - the presidency. I don't condemn him for being the President, or a Mason - if it's even true.

dbf9f4 (3) No.1966047


It can't fucking come soon enough. Truthfully, the only possible answer for what would put 99% of people in the hospital (mental ward) would be the END.

Some like us probably see it as the beginning. Can't wait to exit these fleshly chains. Get me TFO of here.

fcfaac (6) No.1966048



>Ordinary computers in office buildings, dorm rooms; everywhere. It was software; in cyberspace. There was no system core; it could not be shutdown.

6107cf (9) No.1966049


I know what a false flag is.

Means people died.

Not sure how the PacCom tweet ties in.

It's saying 'good job'.

5c865e (13) No.1966050


Hang in there anon.

We're all in this together.

If you're feeling down, take some time off to unwind.

Big things are coming. Q says the deadline is 11/11.

Q also says 'fireworks'.

Can you hang in there just a little longer?

Don't quit right before the finish line… that's what (((they))) want.

509d9a (2) No.1966051>>1966083


http:// www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=7150

Self-described “progressive” media “monitor” that tracks “conservative misinformation”

A creation of Democratic Party funders and ofperatives, and of former conservative writer David Brock

Dictates the content of many mainstream media reports

Smears conservatives as liars and racists

Contends that conservatives dominate the mainstream media

Is funded and supported by the billionaire philanthropist George Soros

Had regular contact and strategy sessions with political operatives inside the Obama White House

Had collaborated with Attorney General Eric Holder's office in an effort to discredit and suppress news stories about scandals plaguing the Justice Department

8db915 (7) No.1966052>>1966080 >>1966144

File (hide): de5349730382bb6⋯.png (8.3 KB, 225x225, 1:1, habitat.png) (h) (u)


habitat for humanity definitely cabal

one logo typical blue to green

the other are the "red hats"

mclean pedophile Chris Kloman was big into habitat for humanity

dec6d3 (2) No.1966053

Lib heads are gonna explode


8d4d9e (4) No.1966054>>1966097


Q is anonymous. They don't have to prove anything. It is you who has to prove it. Can you?

fcef49 (1) No.1966055

File (hide): b679ea55c11653a⋯.png (654.28 KB, 653x575, 653:575, May 4 This.png) (h) (u)

816dee (3) No.1966056>>1966100

File (hide): fb4a0f89c171dfc⋯.jpg (21.64 KB, 493x335, 493:335, Broccoli kid.jpg) (h) (u)

62e68e (3) No.1966057

File (hide): f0a26f54fcf9997⋯.png (52.71 KB, 779x165, 779:165, cass.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): abf8be6d9fecb95⋯.png (69.26 KB, 284x284, 1:1, creep.png) (h) (u)


Interesting fellow

766995 (4) No.1966058


Nice trips!!!

175fbb (6) No.1966059


Good one.

09cb4e (12) No.1966060>>1966114


I don't know anything of that particular petraus

I think there was another one that was betray us tho.

504968 (1) No.1966061

File (hide): fe9f7dc4d8a9daa⋯.png (23.73 KB, 1014x195, 26:5, W345W.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4e4a712996f6480⋯.png (40.21 KB, 717x345, 239:115, Y458U75TY.png) (h) (u)


The key = therapist.

'''Anthony Weiner court appointed "therapist" ==Dr. Shoshanna Must==.




Dr. Must can be contacted at SMust@EmpireStateForensics.com.

Pics related.

197c1b (11) No.1966062

>>1966046 Dilly Dilly

c4c9bb (4) No.1966063

File (hide): 75d953558fdddeb⋯.jpg (36.21 KB, 300x250, 6:5, TrumpHesRight.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 78d1f273f050a84⋯.jpg (66.52 KB, 701x576, 701:576, TinfoilWasRight.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9bade47f355b303⋯.png (338.9 KB, 401x560, 401:560, ChooseLeftRight.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 750dec95e9267ba⋯.jpg (223.09 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningShineLight3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b9d3a2b702009bc⋯.jpg (143.89 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningStandUp.jpg) (h) (u)

9b21b0 (5) No.1966064

File (hide): 0c01e6740044f07⋯.png (247.16 KB, 745x623, 745:623, Screenshot-2018-6-30 Donal….png) (h) (u)

b04347 (1) No.1966065


kek - I do, been chuckling every time 'therapist' has been posted

453420 (3) No.1966066

Friend on voat compiles awesome list worth taking the time to look at. Requests making memes about information shared.

Anyone think notable worthy?

https:// voat.co/v/pizzagate/2599557

71a889 (2) No.1966067


I believe the program you mean is thinthread. Web crawler wrapping data in bundles for use only if it is needed (overly simplified explanation) but I believe the point is that it would eliminate the "unmaskings" which are fun for shitheads who wanna be subversive.

c528d5 (5) No.1966068


Yes, fuckn frauds. took all that sympathy money from the marks [average americans, who don't have time for research or to question how their emotions are manipulated.


Anybody but the Bush appointees.

>>1965058 (bp)

yeah they stole the money

And the daughter of the ringleader "suicide" when she was about to out someone.

>>1964810 (pb)

Anybody but the Bush appointees.

09cb4e (12) No.1966069>>1966160


I AM a builder. :) So is Trump!!

d2d42f (15) No.1966070>>1966078


I’m with you anon I have 2 Brock notables from yesterday as well. See the leaked playbook and the “Brock Graph”


ad9ad9 (3) No.1966071>>1966105

File (hide): 8541f8bdf22b575⋯.mp4 (4.78 MB, 318x180, 53:30, 8541f8bdf22b575c847dfb44a7….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


>4th of July

It's called Independence Day, stop calling it by the date. That's a British propaganda scheme to cause us to forget that those niggers wanted to continue to rule us. By niggers I don't mean the English people, but the tyrants that oppress the English people as much as they used to oppress us.

1c0a5b (6) No.1966072

>>1963915 lb

bumping for visibility and


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Instagram pictures


Pizza and the number 33

Wants to abolish ICE

Flint Housing Commission

Habitat for Humanity

Put her on the shit list

see OP >>1965633

She needs a closer look, when somebody has the time

4a2c05 (3) No.1966073>>1966186

File (hide): 68d0442c7257e39⋯.png (361.33 KB, 877x1083, 877:1083, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 69a0d6838e9f467⋯.png (231.5 KB, 1491x1058, 1491:1058, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png) (h) (u)

Nunes witness referrals.

ALL the names of the small group and then some!

23748e (1) No.1966074>>1966086 >>1966096 >>1966104


https:// www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/american-chocolate-milk-brown-cows-study-us-dairy-innvoation-adults-a7793016.html

8db915 (7) No.1966075>>1966143

File (hide): 368188d328481d1⋯.png (655.52 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, CNN_elephant_In_room.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 70350c99d4522e2⋯.png (694.12 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, qanon_elephant.png) (h) (u)

da7329 (6) No.1966076

Sandra O'Neill

532 Alleghany Ave., Towson, MD 21204

Sandra O'Neill

Memorable Experiences; At "Big

Daddy's" with Maggie.

Future Plans: Two years in the

hospital, then Pediatric nurse


Thought; I believe nothing can

outweigh the advantage of

knowing Jesus Christ.


Kathy Miller 85 Baker St., Aberdeen, Md. 21001

Sandra and Kathy both appear in

University of Maryland, Baltimore. School of Nursing--Yearbooks, Graduating Class of 1982


ec6849 (14) No.1966077


i had a friend growing up that died of this

pretty, smart, only like 17 yrs old … it was sad

e9ab96 (17) No.1966078>>1966129

File (hide): 8a5aab8cab55476⋯.png (65.02 KB, 783x434, 783:434, 06.28.2018 23.18.21 ….png) (h) (u)



f32a9c (1) No.1966079


(Cough!) Psychobabble bullshit (cough!)

Sorry. Had a frog in my throat. Who determines the difference between aggressive and

assertive? The difference between impulsive and enthusiastic? The therapist. Here's your

ritalin, believer. Whatever you do, do go shooting up any newspapers.

be03f5 (9) No.1966080

File (hide): 87e0dcf3ebb2594⋯.png (320.44 KB, 540x517, 540:517, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

7d1eb3 (9) No.1966081


Hey Q, can you pass along to POTUS that "homeland security" is a terrible name. Federal Police would be much much better.

c9bbf6 (5) No.1966082


Nation state hacking

Not computerfag

8c767d (4) No.1966083>>1966139


THIS ^^^^^ IS THE WHY he is so innocently looking into it, imo.

#Winning --- When they go to work to debunk you.

fef91a (8) No.1966084>>1966098 >>1966153

File (hide): cba9a253f9b8591⋯.png (405.37 KB, 1089x1024, 1089:1024, 1512002309256.png) (h) (u)


Hilarious. Way to oust yourself shill.

c40b59 (11) No.1966085


What specific Q quote is bothering you?

It seems confirmed that masons are involved in covering up false flags.

2bcd52 (9) No.1966086


With genetic modifications, who knows what the future will bring.

d94efa (23) No.1966087


your obviously a heinz kinda nigger.

8db915 (7) No.1966088

File (hide): 63fe801f45022e4⋯.png (375.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Joel_Davis_GROSS.png) (h) (u)

bafe1c (1) No.1966089>>1966110

File (hide): 8db0d1685dc3806⋯.png (87.29 KB, 1173x514, 1173:514, Kumala Harrison.png) (h) (u)

Is Enty now slut shamming?

CDAN…who has the pictures?

a95852 (4) No.1966090>>1966119 >>1966133


its sooner than you think…….

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4 But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief.

f2ab18 (13) No.1966091

File (hide): 4acd3b2772c6af8⋯.jpg (113.85 KB, 450x818, 225:409, 1509920745220.jpg) (h) (u)

76596b (5) No.1966092>>1966154


ShareBlue is a Psyop they are weak and use automation scripts. AstroTurf dies without money.

ab406e (3) No.1966093


Hope this helps…


a9429c (1) No.1966094


Hang in there, former 11B2P myself. prayen for you brother!

f08d13 (4) No.1966095



could you please add >>1965747

to ---—-→


>>1965545 CTBB Dig

Qwest owns building that houses the NSA Data center in Seattle, it also operates their node


>>1965545, >>1965747 CTBB Dig

820458 (7) No.1966096


That story is why I posted that. kek.

We are surrounded by morons.

Brown eggs are better for you too.

8b7e3e (9) No.1966097


Perhaps re read Q's post in context and try again later when you comprehend what was being said.

2bcd52 (9) No.1966098


Walt Disney wasn't part of the cabal, come off it already. All the corruption and subliminal messages in disney movies came after his death

6098b3 (4) No.1966099


Exactly. Doesnt matter. those boxes of peeps in first post are not accuarate , and at best, poor assumptions. AND..this is not the venue to discuss these matters. tell me a venue to talk with you. these fine folk are good threading thru data, their common bond. We already know what they looking to be revealed, and i would like to do same as here, with focus on the warfare that is being defined on this venue. the definition of enemy understood will save many lives…

8c767d (4) No.1966100


I'm grabbing your graphic! Reminds me of my son at that age, "No more King Crab until you eat your broccoli."

8d2f86 (1) No.1966101


Yes. The question should be something like…

MSM: Mr. President, Mr. President can you just DECLASS all the docs that the silly Nunes and the Freedom Caucus are asking for so we can finally end their endless hearings and games?

VSGPOTUS: Well… ok, I guess… if you insist.


51dd82 (1) No.1966102

File (hide): a94734da913bf95⋯.jpg (115.46 KB, 1080x665, 216:133, Screenshot_20180629-234417….jpg) (h) (u)

Sandra O'Neill pulls down a good paycheck. Just trying to be thorough.

52b6e8 (6) No.1966103>>1966173


Set your alarm for 4am. Get up when it goes off. Step outside. Take a deep breath. Find a comfy spot by the trees. Sit down. Close your eyes and listen to the world wake up. Critters will scurry. Birds start to sing as the sun rises. Shut out everything else and focus on the sounds you hear. Breath. Feel the grass under you. Ground yourself. Dont think. Open your eyes and watch the sunrise.

60cba8 (1) No.1966104


Technically does, in that actual milk comes from brown cows.

be03f5 (9) No.1966105>>1966125 >>1966128


and it was actually signed july 5th.

da7329 (6) No.1966106>>1966148

File (hide): aafb65e9cbc0321⋯.png (26.69 KB, 1221x166, 1221:166, sandra grants.png) (h) (u)


3f6a8a (1) No.1966107

Do you see what I see…?

Side note, emcee, at the end of the finale (final song, ‘Youth of America’ btw) says and remember America, what this holidday represents, freedom and liberty. Where we go one, we go all. Be safe and have a great independance day’

I am seeing Q everywhere I go now days. Attuned synchronicity. But then again, no coincidences - right?

cc7700 (4) No.1966108



That was pretty damn interesting. Can't wait for full Q disclosure.

175fbb (6) No.1966109>>1966161

File (hide): 9ba6f392422c660⋯.jpg (22.65 KB, 220x319, 20:29, Halle.jpg) (h) (u)


Is she brow enough???

ec6849 (14) No.1966110

File (hide): c0d7d382854edea⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 468x311, 468:311, k.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b2e97eeaf6ff762⋯.jpg (233.16 KB, 1131x639, 377:213, kh.jpg) (h) (u)

ac2043 (1) No.1966111


probably hates having to google his name to spell it properly

f6e3bc (11) No.1966112


62e68e (3) No.1966113

File (hide): 0569d4c38e9cb82⋯.png (89.38 KB, 588x246, 98:41, spacexai.png) (h) (u)



Hmm, might be

d94efa (23) No.1966114


go back and watch oniggers first SOTU and pay attention to where he tells allen and odinero to sit down and stop clapping.

4a2c05 (3) No.1966115>>1966171

File (hide): 56faa95035d4e14⋯.png (295.16 KB, 892x848, 223:212, Screen Shot 2018-06-29 at ….png) (h) (u)

was todays outage (((Them)))?


8858b7 (5) No.1966116

File (hide): 0b3674f4aff7cf9⋯.jpg (159.93 KB, 647x816, 647:816, 3.JPG) (h) (u)

Ruling Appears To Give Sex Offenders A Pass On Facebook


197c1b (11) No.1966118>>1966135

>>1966019 First step. Get off the most depressing board in the world! This one. Even happy news, is built upon the most depressing news in the cosmos. So do yourself a +1 surround yourself with positive peeps, and positive books. This is none of that. Ask me how I know. Shit, vast majority of Qanon vets have alienated themselves and any friends. We are rejected daily, because of what we know. DO NOT BE ONE OF US.

Ignorance is bliss.

09cb4e (12) No.1966119


>But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief.

Don't miss that part. That's the most important part. I just told you. About 2040.

Learn the signs in the sun the moon and the stars. Some brilliant thinker back in the 1750's said that's when it would happen…. close to the year 2040.

f8df40 (6) No.1966120

This reference list of utilities has been posted before, but haven't seen it in a while. Have found it useful for things away from here, too.






>Hoover's Online


>Search companies or directors






>EDGAR corporate database


>Directory of Corporate Affiliations

most complete data on corporate family trees (parent/subsidiary)



>Dunn & Bradstreet (D&B)


>IRS Exempt Organization Select Check

non-profits search




(some good info, create free account w/throwaway email to see more)



Information for donors about charities


>By State




>Legal Entity Identifier system


>FREE IMAGE UPLOAD - no account, period






Tax haven secrecy revealed


>Little Sis

incredible amount of information on people and their connections to each other, all open source & free


581365 (5) No.1966121


is the dday in holiday intentional lmao

7d1eb3 (9) No.1966122



That's brave. Filled with violent leftists.

07882a (3) No.1966123>>1966132


6.9 MB

7d7641 (3) No.1966124

File (hide): 9f1b36409278d87⋯.png (271.45 KB, 1883x1956, 1883:1956, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Good source with list of shooters, victims, incident details, articles, and shooters details in some cases. Example:

June 27, 2018

100 block of Holly Street

San Antonio, Texas

Geolocation: 29.4223, -98.537

Type: Subject-Suspect

Name: Abelardo Garcia III

Age: 22

Age Group: Adult 18+

Gender: Male

Status: Arrested


c40b59 (11) No.1966125>>1966152


Wasn't it signed throughout the summer?

But independence was officially affirmed on July 2.

a95852 (4) No.1966126


satan does ……without it… his great deception would be exposed

b67613 (10) No.1966127>>1966138 >>1966149


Q also said "public will know soon" back in March

ad9ad9 (3) No.1966128

File (hide): 8c17192363c2471⋯.mp4 (2.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 8c17192363c2471d7d2cdfba64….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

File (hide): ad19bd8d2308642⋯.mp4 (12.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ad19bd8d23086424a389e394ce….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]


1776 world wide.

d2d42f (15) No.1966129

File (hide): 107cff6a464ca19⋯.jpeg (562.71 KB, 1242x790, 621:395, 8E55232A-70E7-4F07-85D6-0….jpeg) (h) (u)


I see you anon..

We were on a fucking role.

286c07 (4) No.1966130>>1966179


a small computer joke anon

the accumulator is a memory spot used to count. each time one is added.

the numbering on the notables needs to be corrected

instead of (the way notables is numbered now)






you need to edit it





4867b3 (1) No.1966131


fk ur kike worship


so easy to fool unity^unity^unity^unity^unity

76596b (5) No.1966132


It's all about the details anon

09cb4e (12) No.1966133


specifically ON THE DAY OF THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS. There is one day in that time frame that falls on a Saturday…. making it a SILENT FEAST fulfilling a prophecy.

f2ab18 (13) No.1966134


So you're one of those prude bitch wives. Missionary is the only way to have relations kind of bore. I bet 20 bucks your man is sleeping around.

6af7e8 (3) No.1966135


Set your intentions on this Full Moon tonight and Moongaze 2 minutes.

da7329 (6) No.1966136


i see an L

8d4d9e (4) No.1966138


And in 2017 (:

6107cf (9) No.1966139>>1966181 >>1966188


Brock was a repub operative in the 90's…hated Hillary.

28b998 (1) No.1966140


I want to thank you for your service. I'd like you to know that your words are taken to the heart. Make a gratitude list, focus on that. Hug someone and you will be hugged back.

c528d5 (5) No.1966141


Aren't National Socialists NAZI . yes. Fuck off

I wonder what could possibly be the motive to put *that video here? NOT.


I want to resuscitate the "Evacuation Day" which used to be celebrated in NYC every year to commemorate the day the English were forced to leave. They stopped it for WW1 where they were our allies. Coincidence.?

55ac06 (1) No.1966142


Kek, it's NOT a competition, NOT a chat room, we are all here for the same purpose FFS

Dig, provide constructive commentary (unless you're calling out a F'n Shill, or STFU and lurk. Pretty simple. We are brothers and sisters.

Peace Anons

8b7e3e (9) No.1966143



Thank you

1c0a5b (6) No.1966144


I actually wasnt aware of the red hats, thanks

c4c9bb (4) No.1966145

File (hide): 2a34db2ec6fc266⋯.jpg (134.64 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningWWG1WGA27.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3177c62cb3fa4f6⋯.jpg (195.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningWakeUpSheep.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 12c4aa5ec113e3a⋯.jpg (323.29 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningTogether56.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ded6f743308b476⋯.jpg (311.17 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningTogether54.jpg) (h) (u)

d94efa (23) No.1966146

i told you all 6 months ago david is the darkhorse

7b3475 (11) No.1966147


Excellent connect anon! They just put up the AI Robot - it's on it's way to the space station.

We recently worked the "R" posts - and I do recall a line that said - "They have records on all of you - and you would be very surprised where it is stored". The Space Station - on "The Cloud".


3bb2c8 (15) No.1966148>>1966164



Federal Grant for over a quarter of a million dollars?

Good fucking find

09cb4e (12) No.1966149>>1966156



you don't think seeing a bunch of Q's at POTUS rallies consists of "public knowing soon"


b67613 (10) No.1966150>>1966168

Remember March Madness?

Then April Showers?

Then big stuff supposed to happen in May?

Then June ETA for Seth Rich / 187 / MS13 / DWS?

Cant wait for July

f2ab18 (13) No.1966151

File (hide): c9034f59d1fdb14⋯.gif (2.77 MB, 240x320, 3:4, 1503798599686.gif) (h) (u)

be03f5 (9) No.1966152


meh…yeah it's something like that. would like to nail that down since july 4 = 7/4 = 7+4 = ?

6d70be (3) No.1966153


says the shill that put Hitler with POTUS

453420 (3) No.1966154>>1966177 >>1966192


Unit 8200


Those UN memetic council groups

media matters

plenty of Universities

the majority of india/china

man, there's tons of shill hubs. remember when Q was talking about Armenia? that's another example.

not just shareblue, dude. any of them could probably do it if they really wanted to

b67613 (10) No.1966156>>1966175


>you don't think seeing a bunch of Q's at POTUS rallies consists of "public knowing soon"

I'll believe it when the news reports the bombs

d94efa (23) No.1966157

before his iraq command he was MI i know i was there

7d1eb3 (9) No.1966158


>Men shoving their penis into another man's rectum and feces is disgusting.


Great article on that:


>Let us consider what is in people's minds when the subject of homosexuality is brought to their attention. I am not talking about the faculty of Harvard University; I am talking about people, including even people who never went to law school (yes! there are such people!) What is in their minds when homosexuality is mentioned? Buggery, that's what.

>I was a bit disconcerted to find, when trying some of these themes out in conversation, that this word is almost unknown in the U.S.A. A colleague brought to my attention the following exchange on Booknotes back in 1991 when Brian Lamb was interviewing Martin Gilbert about his biography of Churchill (it seems you can't avoid Churchill in this area):

>Gilbert: … When Churchill was 20 and a young soldier, he was accused of buggery, and you know that's a terrible accusation. Well, he ended up prime minister for quite a long time.

>Lamb: Why was he accused of buggery, and what it is?

>Gilbert: You don't know what buggery is?

>Lamb: Define it, please.

>Gilbert [clearly flustered]: Oh, dear. Sorry, I thought the word would … buggery is what used to be called "an unnatural act of the Oscar Wilde type," … is how it was actually phrased in the euphemism of the British papers. You don't know what buggery is? It's a very nasty thing which men can do to each other.

>This strikes me as one of the more severe deficiencies of U.S. English. How do Americans cope without a verb for this action? And what do they make of Rossini's description of his mules: "bestie buggierone"? One of my earliest memories from an English childhood is of being goaded by my (older) sister to say "I chased a bug around a tree" without it coming out "dirty." Well, so far as definitions are concerned, I think Martin Gilbert provided the necessary clarification. That is buggery; and that, according to me, is the first thing that comes to people's minds when you raise the topic of homosexuality. Not equal rights for an oppressed minority; not the gruesome death of the unfortunate Mathew Shepard; not Ellen DeGeneres "coming out" on prime-time TV; not Tom Hanks fading away photogenically in Philadelphia. Buggery. Like it or not --- and I can quite understand that many homosexuals do not like it at all — buggery is, in the minds of the straight population, the defining act of the "homosexual lifestyle."

c4c9bb (4) No.1966159

File (hide): 704b9c9cd0ee9e4⋯.jpg (432.57 KB, 1532x745, 1532:745, PromisesMadePromisesKept2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3b1841fbaa7085b⋯.jpg (616.86 KB, 1500x1126, 750:563, PromisesMadePromisesKept.jpg) (h) (u)

ec6849 (14) No.1966160

File (hide): 6ccbf1d035e2821⋯.jpg (21.13 KB, 174x196, 87:98, MAGASMURF.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): aef1f193a4d24f3⋯.jpg (22.3 KB, 220x258, 110:129, handyanon (2).jpg) (h) (u)


my son gave me this

says i can fix anything : )

820458 (7) No.1966161


Can't get a very good look at the udders.

3351d8 (8) No.1966162

File (hide): c49423204fc332c⋯.png (1.44 MB, 2126x744, 1063:372, Screenshot_227.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2d2d2cedbef0743⋯.png (421.29 KB, 1865x991, 1865:991, Screenshot_226.png) (h) (u)


Keystone=Von Erlach @ 10:45


7b3475 (11) No.1966164


Do we have a date the Grant was approved? May correlate to the June 22, 2018 "Active Shooter" drilling.

f2ab18 (13) No.1966165


His name tho. IT's like it's meant to be!

c4c9bb (4) No.1966167

File (hide): 7d103a4369bfb95⋯.jpg (105.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PrayForPOTUS2.jpg) (h) (u)

453420 (3) No.1966168


March (Winds)Madness

April Showers

May Flowers

da7329 (6) No.1966170>>1966180

File (hide): dfb585dc20b2915⋯.png (17.99 KB, 1010x335, 202:67, L proof.png) (h) (u)

Proof on the


ce7b42 (1) No.1966171

File (hide): 5714faad06d9e7f⋯.png (144.6 KB, 1787x921, 1787:921, 1468042833059.png) (h) (u)


Old post from half kinda related.

c40b59 (11) No.1966172


Take a few days off, get some rest.

I did that recently, and it was good!

Other anons will be here. All part of watching out for each other.

And we're winning every day. This is the big win.

6af7e8 (3) No.1966173

774a90 (1) No.1966174


Thanks, good article

09cb4e (12) No.1966175>>1966184


>news reports the bombs

do you not understand that news reporting on Qanon also means SELF DESTRUCTION for the news????????

153cc1 (1) No.1966176


The sexual revolution was not all bad. Sex is not bad. People are not bad for wanting it nor for having it the way they want it, however that may be, provided all agree and no one is hurt.

Denying this is denying freedom. Denying this is enslaving others to your approved brand of gratification, which is just what we are fighting against, no?

76596b (5) No.1966177



b67613 (10) No.1966178>>1966182

Remember regarding "23", Q said "I'd watch the news that day"?. Well it wasnt May 23, wasnt June 23, wasnt 23 days after saying "I'd watch the news that day"…..

f6e3bc (11) No.1966179


Please come back next bread… I will correct

da7329 (6) No.1966180


forgot link


c528d5 (5) No.1966181

File (hide): 9c05900d0acf707⋯.png (417.66 KB, 514x489, 514:489, ShareBlue-Brock-SuperPAC.png) (h) (u)


Never hated Hillary. Was always a sell-out. Did what he had to do. Blew the whistle on some creepy Republicans when he left. He said he left when they snubbed him for being gay. Read his book if you have time weighing on your hands. He's an asshole , regardless. Some good memes on him lately .

5c865e (13) No.1966182>>1966187


Q said -23

not 23.


Go backwards on the clock.

f6e3bc (11) No.1966183



b67613 (10) No.1966184


Lets wait for the news to report on Q. Showing a picture isnt reporting. I want disclosures of the terrible crimes committed that evidence is just being sat on

ad9ad9 (3) No.1966185


>Teahouse in Stanley Park

>Sequoia Co.

They should receive support.

6af7e8 (3) No.1966186

b67613 (10) No.1966187


Ok what day does that end up being?

820458 (7) No.1966188


Just follows the money.

c618c2 (2) No.1966189

File (hide): 8e35b0d2de90396⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 1481005740302.gif) (h) (u)


it's okay fren

7d1eb3 (9) No.1966190


Yeah, I noticed that someone I used to know who complained a lot about 'satanic panic' seemed to have a series of girlfriends for short periods of time with young children. Furthermore I think he might be even involved in the human trafficking. In any event, when the raids come, if I see his name I won't be very surprised.

5fd879 (2) No.1966192



Niggers and Sandniggers?

9b21b0 (5) No.1966194>>1966197

ShareBlue employees rape babies

David Brock is a pedophile

df717d (2) No.1966195




My mother's brother's cousin's wife died at Sandy Hook.


76596b (5) No.1966197


Who is his partner?

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