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File: 07d13cdd87e9620⋯.png (951.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, maine image.png)

fc0e7c No.1706453

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Board Rules (Please read the rules) https://8ch.net/qresearch/rules.html

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's "Proofs" Authenticating Q >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

FF weather alert (WW).

Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.


Q's Latest Posts

Monday 06.11.2018

>>1704083 rt >>1704039 ---- Patriot.

>>1704013 rt >>1703935 ---- What recent news came out re: SR/JA/WL lawsuit?

>>1703795 rt >>1703606 ---- What else might (23) refer to?

>>1703304 ----------------------- They (you) will fail

>>1702026 rt >>1701934 ---- PUNISHER

>>1701934 rt >>1701838 ---- This statement should ring alarms.

>>1701838 ----------------------- #[[[RR]]]#

>>1700867 rt >>1700690 ---- Provides Timeframe. (Winter Wonderland, London)

>>1700371 ----------------------- London pics [prev]. Year determined?

>>1700175 ----------------------- EU sanctions (IRAN). Nothing to do w/ NUKES (cover_). Hussein pallets of cash. More coming. Got Popcorn?

>>1699928 rt >>1699813 ---- There will be many redactions on the IG report. Optics are meaningful. Political hit job narrative. Who appointed Huber?

>>1699764 rt >>1699750 ---- IG>Huber. You have more than you know.

>>1699714 ----------------------- What is Kim REALLY doing? The World is Safer. IRAN developments...

>>1699229 rt >>1699199 ---- Gardens by the Bay. See prev pic. Timestamp. Coincidence? Everything shown has meaning. You are watching a 'scripted' movie.

>>>/patriotsfight/103 ----------- Where Was Kim Tonight?

Sunday 06.10.2018

>>1694930 ----------------------- Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.

>>1694863 rt >>1694833 ---- Not necessarily from /ourguy/s…

>>1694816 ----------------------- Every single picture posted is ORIGINAL.

>>1694734 ----------------------- Track ALL suicides.

>>>/patriotsfight/102 ----------- Specx.png

>>>/patriotsfight/101 ----------- #FLY[RR]FLY#

>>1693998 ----------------------- Not POTUS.

>>>/patriotsfight/100 ----------- Start the Clock.

Sunday 06.03.2018


Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ----------------------- Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown, >>1510286 Useful filters & >>1652199, >>1674519 Freedom of Speech

fc0e7c No.1706466


are not endorsements


>>1666554 BO Creates Static Welcome Pages For Newfags

>>1545457 No more bans announcement from BO


>>1705797, >>1705859 POTUS Schedule update

>>1705799 All eyes on Singapore: President Trump Poised to Make History

>>1705829 New POTUS Tweet

>>1706054 NHS Docs who kill patients can keep their Jobs (UK)

>>1705964 Iran Is next

>>1705905 Another potential Pedo Location in Arizona

>>1706113 Nasa Releases two decades worth of Satellite imagary

>>1706096 Supreme Court Upholds Ohio Voter Purge

>>1706178 POTUS and Sessions creating "amazing/unusual" week at dept Justice

>>1706247, >>1706309 Larry Kudlow has Heart Attack (Pray if you Pray Anons)

>>1706430 Deception is necessary


>>1704960 Here's the SR/FOX news complaint

>>1704990 LAPD surround suspect who jumped into lake to evade police

>>1705034, >>1705120, >>1705151 Dat neck tho

>>1705068 "Goldenhair" Donald Trumps 007 - ABC Insiders

>>1705091 It's the end of the line for BC

>>1705093 Judicial Watch: Federal Court Orders DOJ to Provide More Details on Search for Obama-Era Communications with John Podesta and Clinton Campaign

>>1705112, >>1705183 Few more 23's

>>1705136, >>1705184 Pompeo on his way to Summit

>>1705198 Prince William to meet with Netanyahu, Abbas in Middle East

>>1705294 Key West man hanged himself live on Facebook June 11, 2018

>>1705358 New CDAN Blind Item #11

>>1705429 Planefag update

>>1705473 Rand Paul: Lindsey Graham is a ‘danger to the country’

>>1705489 Maybe this was the intercept?

>>1705554 It's just a guess. Could it be the Military? Count the persons in this room.

>>1705663 POTUS Schedule update


>>1704225, >>1704229, >>1704285 New Trump tweet, missing i & p

>>1704235 Curious that Q is mentioning the server again.

>>1704323 UCMJ Article 23

>>1704371 Why won’t Seth Rich’s brother authorize Wikileaks to tell what it knows?

>>1704379 Here's where I'm at on "the big picture".

>>1704574 Storm building up just off the mexican/cali coast

>>1704575 Slow and Careful

>>1704583 Tick Tock Pope

>>1704590 HAARP Wave

>>1704618 AP picked up on asylum change

>>1704668 Netflix down: site and app not working amid mystery outage

>>1704694 Weather: Tornado warning including Fremont NE, Cedar Bluffs NE, Inglewood NE until 5:45 PM CDT

>>1704733 Earthquake update

>>1704777 Skull&Bones trending

>>1704843 United flight from Rome to Chicago diverted to Ireland after bomb threat

>>1704853 Planefag Update


>>1703421 BO on the run tip off?!

>>1703463 Graphic on [RR]

>>1703576 Interesting about Kate Spade, isn't it?

>>1703563 Dilley = ETS & other LARPS

>>1703652 Roseanne apologizes to Soros..

>>1703674 Doorknob suicides pattern

>>1703739 New Trump tweet on meetings

>>1703828 Trump-Kim Summit: US willing to offer North Korea ‘unique’ security guarantees in exchange for denuclearisation, says Pompeo

>>1704079 Planefag Update


>>1702660 Trump adm. new moves on asylum

>>1702663 EU Protecting its companies in Iran

>>1702711 RR & LDR together in Montreal

>>1702738 [RR] has some interesting comments in his speech in Canada!

>>1702748 Bomb threat jet diverts to Shannon

>>1702756 Re-unification not just de-nuclearization.

>>1702885 December 2015 London tube attack

>>1702897 President Barack Obama has big plans for Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren

>>1702914 5.4 EQ in Japan

>>1702961 Two people jump to deaths in apparent suicides: cops

>>1702977 ‘Star Trek’ actor Jon Paul Steuer died of suicide

>>1703015 Argentina President says Obama adm. tried to convince her to provide Iran w/ Nuclear Fuel

>>1703023 Trump-Kim summit : Former NBA star Dennis Rodman arrives in Singapore

>>1703047, >>1703287 Imran Awan is now working as an employee of the law firm of his defense attorney, an ex-Hillary Clinton aide

>>1703138, >>1703181, >>1703182 Active shooter at Dept. of Justice building in DC (Called off)

>>1703180 Crypto's are here to stay

>>1703184 Both pictures are of the same thing, different angles

>>1703293 Hannity to interview Trump and will have a press conference

>>1703331 Planefag Update

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

fc0e7c No.1706470

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1618616 - Tucson Human Trafficking Thread

Graphics of All Q's Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1628987

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>1683845 >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————– >>>/comms/966

fc0e7c No.1706473

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Proofs https://qproofs.com

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

23 >>1602811 – 22 >>1485456 – 21 >>1352458 – 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ------------------------ qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon -------------------- http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

fc0e7c No.1706483

File: 642d1e949d031aa⋯.jpg (204.3 KB, 1000x1483, 1000:1483, Richard montgummery.jpg)

Prev Dough 2146


664c33 No.1706502

File: feb73a1b38b4233⋯.png (498.45 KB, 2048x1248, 64:39, IMG_4704.PNG)

File: 96cb04e69e9bef4⋯.png (439.53 KB, 2048x1244, 512:311, IMG_4705.PNG)

File: ac8c7f183b160a1⋯.png (361.72 KB, 2048x1244, 512:311, IMG_4706.PNG)

7a81a3 No.1706510

File: 62538abecedfe1b⋯.png (793.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

thanks baker!!

korean baker girl for you!



3624c6 No.1706519

WTF they got Larry?

ea3336 No.1706535

I fucking love you guys. I'm in tears watching this summit.

I fucking love you.

c6de2e No.1706536

File: 4d09d1fe843e73c⋯.jpg (36.74 KB, 485x340, 97:68, kim arrives.jpg)

c0b478 No.1706537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fa1643 No.1706538

VERY small press pool gathered in front of hte handhsake platform. Strange.

7a81a3 No.1706540

File: 3426ceb55e62381⋯.png (11.83 KB, 201x255, 67:85, pepelove.png)


truly historic

honor to serve with you anons o7

dc21a3 No.1706541

What stream shows Kim walking in? I'm watching Channel NewsAsia right now and they haven't showed that.

At: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OH50Rv_GSSM

665d06 No.1706542

>>1706520 lb

What makes you say this anon?

Postulating or?

443bc2 No.1706543


Is it me, or does he look scared shitless?

8a7780 No.1706544


Do not worry anon. Nothing is quite what it seems.

0c5040 No.1706545

anyone else got a sense of impending doom coming ?

27b0be No.1706546

File: 9b21949993555cf⋯.png (340.11 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180611-205659.png)

File: 8f04c31d00dde5d⋯.png (311.61 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180611-205647.png)

Heads up to DC fags. It appears that a trove of stolen guns ended up there. Unfortunate name for the gun store-"gun runners"


26170d No.1706547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


907460 No.1706548

Trump rocks up at 9:11?

59f1b9 No.1706549

>>1706469 (lb)

>But look at it this way - at least you aren't french.

LOL!!! But I am!!! Québécois. ;)

I have much hope too.


78ab42 No.1706550



b4b43a No.1706551


Golden State Times on youtube has it.

8b1a00 No.1706552


the exact opposite

a20fa1 No.1706553


the good kind of doom

c0b478 No.1706554

They just took Kim out, now they'll send in the double….

8a7837 No.1706555

File: c136f3348289e85⋯.jpg (200.51 KB, 1000x942, 500:471, Band of Anons 2.jpg)


Honor AND a pleasure, anons

9d6f17 No.1706556

So let's see how the fake news plays this great day in history….

fa1643 No.1706557


ludlow heart gun attack perhaps a warning to kim to not cross the deepstate.

"this could happen to you, behave".

c48363 No.1706558


nobody greeted him?

b3fbd0 No.1706559

Kudlow was just on tv yesterday denouncing Canadian PM for stabbing POTUS in thr nack at G7 summit. Fuckery!

6b1f56 No.1706560

File: b3f34c50cffe33d⋯.jpg (75.41 KB, 800x450, 16:9, qreal.jpg)

To all the shills and concernfags

283d94 No.1706561


He looks horrified or maybe he just has to poop?

0bef30 No.1706562

File: e8144e1c065a896⋯.jpg (18 KB, 216x255, 72:85, 2c69f454297058376d0092d61b….jpg)

53f720 No.1706563

File: 4b6f69dfdcf5a08⋯.png (35.66 KB, 1194x761, 1194:761, 012643893483658089274.png)

The Solution.

5648b4 No.1706564


No. Impending BOOM coming.

01605f No.1706565

With all the attention to symbolism and protocol, I find it hard to believe that no one has noticed that flag and not corrected it.

They are presenting a very controlled image, that can't be a mistake.

a7739c No.1706566

4a8a3e No.1706567

File: 7c9b9ada0e467c8⋯.jpg (182.37 KB, 594x396, 3:2, sab1.jpg)

File: 4b7eb3c22c0ccd7⋯.jpg (162.61 KB, 1157x1600, 1157:1600, sab3.jpg)

Sabrina Menschel (Priestap)

58f6bb No.1706568


Enjoy the scripted SHOW.

7cfa30 No.1706569


Hung over from partying too much the night before.

8346bc No.1706570

Anything happen yet with this Q Star Trek role impersonation fest?

Been too distracted by the big ass tities and big handfulls of round asses posted here.

c1440c No.1706571

c48363 No.1706572


yep. he is only 32.

8b1a00 No.1706573



fa1643 No.1706575


7a81a3 No.1706576


03dffe No.1706577

Hey, Kim, isn't Singapore where those deep state fellas assassinated your step-brother as a threat to you before I took them all down? You're welcome.

9bce43 No.1706579

larry kudlow heart attack + DOJ shooter/Police ?

3c1271 No.1706580

I like this feed the best so far. Any others??


665d06 No.1706581




af9da8 No.1706582

File: d400c9f15e1d9e1⋯.png (48.92 KB, 593x405, 593:405, Screenshot from 2018-06-12….png)



59f1b9 No.1706583



fbe99d No.1706585

Kim looked like he was walking into the wood shed.

0bef30 No.1706586


when will he be


e8d60c No.1706587

File: d324f6417ce98c4⋯.jpeg (131.7 KB, 785x640, 157:128, 6C45DDD7-5344-4474-AEFE-3….jpeg)

Feed a cat once it never leaves..

687947 No.1706588


the elders council is very gratefull with the early results of our alliance, specially your dedication to ensure safe skies. Goodspeed in your incoming meeting.



db52ac No.1706589

prayers for /ourguy/ Larry Kudlow

33b9e8 No.1706590


JUST IN TIME FOR HANNITY (who is there, btw). They planned this shit well!!!

024664 No.1706591


b557d0 No.1706592

File: 5d5b49952e9bfac⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 1122x1058, 561:529, 5d5b49952e9bfac5a991a2ba83….jpg)


I cannot help myself - this is an EPIC moment.

An Honor to be here with you Anons. A Honor.

8b1a00 No.1706593


all in fun, anon.

c0506c No.1706594


15b4a3 No.1706595

File: 50b35dc2a69dc9d⋯.png (510.86 KB, 651x651, 1:1, POTUS Schedule 6-11-18 5 ….PNG)

31623b No.1706596

We have both the RT feed and the Guardian feed going, both show same images. This whole thing was recorded long time ago.

c0b478 No.1706597

It's Q!!! Did you see the pin?

e0c4cd No.1706598

High Energy

8a7837 No.1706599


Singapore pussy will do that to ya

83b109 No.1706600

File: b54e5128506da39⋯.jpg (98.03 KB, 620x580, 31:29, boom.jpg)

Happenings in the making!

fa1643 No.1706601

Trump arrives at EXACTLY 10am. Kek. Very on time. Very presidential.

f42853 No.1706602

File: d38a6967e605c71⋯.jpeg (126.4 KB, 680x639, 680:639, Huber_Confirmed.jpeg)

Huber is building the cases

26170d No.1706603



3624c6 No.1706604

File: 62bbb9302f64d47⋯.jpeg (86.92 KB, 640x320, 2:1, download (6).jpeg)

db52ac No.1706605


A great time to be alive, anon

dc21a3 No.1706606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Looks like the same stream, I guess I just looked away at the wrong time. They're showing it again anyway.


I had that one on but the one I posted has the same cameras but was further ahead and better quality.

I now recommend this one



314f71 No.1706607

File: ff0f7a76643d710⋯.jpg (70.09 KB, 545x767, 545:767, asian.jpg)

TY baker

f5bd88 No.1706608

Trump arrives

no smile, no wave

024664 No.1706609

POTUS body double?

b03ab6 No.1706610

File: b104ccc464d1dd9⋯.jpg (100.04 KB, 669x591, 223:197, Trump Earthquake.jpg)

bd3972 No.1706611

File: 435ad6346f687b2⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 829.17 KB, 232x300, 58:75, 268226138.gif)

Gracias Baker

283d94 No.1706612

FOOTBALL is there…

3b3d45 No.1706613

File: 75c5b94a87e90b6⋯.jpg (95.2 KB, 700x500, 7:5, tp jt1.jpg)

>>1706417 (prev)

59f1b9 No.1706614


Yes, indeed!


Love ya (no homo)

0c5040 No.1706617


well doom cuz the cabal is gonna try some shit

and good feeling cuz of the meeting

a63869 No.1706618

File: 1b79e65af5b7797⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1706x886, 853:443, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

Game face

c0b478 No.1706619


Can't, fucking your mother later after the show.

b744e1 No.1706620


>Is it me, or does he look scared shitless?

Eric Prince earned his keep.

517363 No.1706621

File: dc114fbb686d8f5⋯.png (132.93 KB, 838x267, 838:267, ClipboardImage.png)


EyeTheSpy CheshireCat faggot blocked me

What a shit ass larp

Tell everyone that follows you on twonk.

03bec7 No.1706622

Giddy as a schoolgirl.

Anyone notice that KJU opened his car door by himself?

58f6bb No.1706623

Enjoy the SHOW.

95b6e3 No.1706624

File: 333ac24efdb5108⋯.jpeg (255.27 KB, 1440x1081, 1440:1081, 1527464321.jpeg)

024664 No.1706625



a59e2c No.1706626


Where did you get a Pic of my Girlfriend?

9d3e55 No.1706627

Tucker Carlson as DJT walks into the the Summit with KJU:

"That is unbelievable."

And unbelievable it is. It just goes to show how far we have come.

092f12 No.1706628


if you mean impending hope, then yes

664c33 No.1706629

File: b1eb4accf82877d⋯.png (239.63 KB, 1641x1169, 1641:1169, IMG_4709.PNG)

File: 5067cc5e9fbe4ae⋯.png (291.67 KB, 1979x1143, 1979:1143, IMG_4710.PNG)

File: 0e834a2cf3a8be7⋯.png (287.32 KB, 2048x1153, 2048:1153, IMG_4711.PNG)

488c2b No.1706630

POTUS looking like a baws!

e0be07 No.1706631


Sitting here with my homeade popcorn with real butter and a little seasalt, a glass of white wine and iced tea. Getting ready to see history in the making. Thank you with all my heart and soul, Q, Team, anons, diggers, bakers and yes even you shills and larps hopefully we can all get together after this and find common ground…Peace.

3c9086 No.1706632

File: a511d253e1b7ed3⋯.jpg (12.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, kek has spoken.jpg)

2420ec No.1706633

John Roberts rockin a purple tie

04692c No.1706634


Looks like he's ready to hit someone widda bat. kek

bc6f01 No.1706635

File: c755c8195e8274b⋯.png (22.42 KB, 248x206, 124:103, brofist.png)


<3 anon - Unity, Strength, WWG1WGA.

Our fight is just. Knowledge gives strength to the arm.

also interestingly …


59f1b9 No.1706636

>>1706583 woops, meant for


Yes, indeed!


Love ya (no homo)

0bef30 No.1706637


Noice job anon!

7a81a3 No.1706638

File: 21ceaa9f54fac90⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1979x1143, 1979:1143, ClipboardImage.png)



gonna meme the fucking hell outta this

c0506c No.1706639

Actually kims walk was a show, like he is trying to puff his chest and still show he is in control

c8aad9 No.1706640


Maybe. But he is older and spent about 20 years snorting the shit out of coke

If he’s in the hospital he will probably be fine…most people die on the way or immediately

95b6e3 No.1706641

We are watching a fucking movie

c6de2e No.1706643

POTUS has arrived.

c48363 No.1706644

File: 42f3870c38ebc73⋯.png (798.97 KB, 1087x619, 1087:619, like a boss.png)


like a BOSS

e60da1 No.1706645

WTF Kudlow had a "heart attack"??

687947 No.1706646

the elders council is very gratefull with the early results of our alliance, specially your dedication to ensure safe skies. Goodspeed in your incoming meeting.



2eb48c No.1706647


but…but…the world will be a different place after today and Assange and stuff

57cdcd No.1706648

File: e9d616e8f771c28⋯.png (16.31 KB, 255x221, 15:13, 0d99b3d77e70fe2838ecc53949….png)


chill anon , you are watching a move . enjoy the show .

7a81a3 No.1706649


first private

second public

9de4d2 No.1706650


love yall too

great times ahead!

be6f48 No.1706651


TV outage ?

a59e2c No.1706652


Determined and Strong is what he's trying to convey

31623b No.1706653


Great movie though. They did such a nice job

2b7ee5 No.1706654

File: 6c55a0a28a6837f⋯.png (6.82 MB, 2436x1125, 812:375, E9B63355-27A5-4687-96E8-57….png)

File: a7acad9cc69c2b9⋯.jpeg (450.13 KB, 1021x824, 1021:824, B07DD3B1-90FA-4A80-9AFC-A….jpeg)

File: 3858730eacc3b56⋯.jpeg (686.17 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, F8D65D9D-A261-46F2-9AF6-A….jpeg)

File: 8581ba1f5e80691⋯.jpeg (530.34 KB, 1777x1051, 1777:1051, A46770F2-8C41-4871-A6C8-6….jpeg)

Do you see the fucking diamond casino being advertised in the bottom right????? The same one from Tucson!?!

fbe99d No.1706655

File: ab615967985c971⋯.jpg (95.83 KB, 960x909, 320:303, doxiewin.jpg)

3ef860 No.1706656


He did stop for a moment to look for something and then quickly went inside. Something is up for sure as he was so calm yesterday. It might very well be related to Kudlow.

a7739c No.1706657

Where's Julian?

a63869 No.1706658


I'm an asshole kek.

30bb38 No.1706659


really hoping they're not as deadly as Q says. that would suck.

5bcda0 No.1706660

File: 37f5d9f2ca03264⋯.gif (892.68 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ll.gif)




>Some Gave All

Thank you for giving this bread your ALL.

f2f5c5 No.1706661

this must be the red carpet event Q posted about

6ea0b0 No.1706662



7a81a3 No.1706663


stfu shill

e60da1 No.1706664

History moment. Cheers, Anons. We built this city

e63edd No.1706665


good stream, thanks anon

3c1271 No.1706666

File: e6528c5bc34b40b⋯.jpg (429 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, american-flag-2260839_1280.jpg)


I honor you as well Anons. We all played a part. I'm sure POTUS would say that this is "OUR Moment."

8d7092 No.1706667

I'm taking a wild guess.

Kudlow had a heart attack.

26170d No.1706669

File: 2569fd21b86f326⋯.png (674 KB, 1068x661, 1068:661, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: ca1a7062806bcb6⋯.png (651.97 KB, 960x660, 16:11, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


Kim looks very serious - maybe scared shitless he is going to be shot getting out of the car.

517363 No.1706670


The faggot sold us 9pm… ha ha ha when the summit starts

This needs a strong attack on twit

He blocks everything to protect their standing, like wictor

95b6e3 No.1706671


Absolutely brilliant movie

3c9086 No.1706672

File: 96645d038f4735b⋯.jpg (107.48 KB, 600x284, 150:71, minority-report-2002-movie….jpg)

93be3e No.1706673

File: 9796cbe41298c5f⋯.png (160.42 KB, 372x432, 31:36, WhoIsOrderingYou.png)

>>1706513 lb

A man does things differently than a hu-man:

Karl Lentz - Who is Ordering You? Be a Man!


822461 No.1706675

File: a20046ded9d2d68⋯.jpg (54.13 KB, 600x471, 200:157, Q - Booms 3.jpg)

File: 9ce34e1a5afb833⋯.jpg (63.08 KB, 526x440, 263:220, q - booms 4.jpg)

File: cea771b2ee1c5e7⋯.jpg (176 KB, 685x500, 137:100, White Castle.jpg)

File: 3fca11f9cf653b1⋯.jpg (109.2 KB, 500x627, 500:627, Q - Booms 5.jpg)

File: 3c6a90f816a316f⋯.jpg (101.91 KB, 500x575, 20:23, Q - Booms 2.jpg)



For the White Castle Q?

… Pretty please!? :)


296c7a No.1706676

File: 0944867a6218c8f⋯.jpg (314.31 KB, 1653x2048, 1653:2048, St Michael Prayer.jpg)

33b9e8 No.1706677

File: a5e0ed53bcd7430⋯.png (175.97 KB, 500x698, 250:349, a5e0ed53bcd74308f879608f4d….png)

Ty Baker!!! History in the making!

60e77b No.1706678

Larry Kudlow has a heart attack right before the summit…

Feels like a bad omen…

3d5d90 No.1706679

File: 3c2c45f2ab8d696⋯.png (291.24 KB, 497x473, 497:473, 3c2c45f2ab8d69608420356eff….png)


I feel it, anon…



c6de2e No.1706680


yeah, looks nervous. Flushed even.

fa1643 No.1706681

@wikileaks tweets analysis of why NK will aggree to troops on SK penisula and get closer ot USA.

*CHINA is their biggest threat*

15b4a3 No.1706682

File: 1faeae3f1e01160⋯.png (28.97 KB, 633x233, 633:233, POTUS Schedule 6-11-18 6 ….PNG)


#POTUS #Motorcade Official Arrival

40bcce No.1706683

File: b8c84c4c4c1dc0e⋯.png (284.38 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, b8c84c4c4c1dc0eb02a1215d08….png)


yeah. that dig is not done. even though VOP poisoned the well. we'll get back to it.

6d9c66 No.1706684


That kind of claim needs sauce.

3b3d45 No.1706685


He certainly doesn't look as jovial as he did last night while he was out about town.

I think he is trying to look like a hardass. He simply isn't as good an actor as Trump is.

03bec7 No.1706686


He's looking for a shooter.

Bless both of them. They are so very brave.

92883a No.1706687

File: 5077dbb3f5a9d37⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1438x838, 719:419, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

a7739c No.1706688


There's going to be a great hook at the end, I can feel it

db52ac No.1706689

File: eec6bfa346bec42⋯.jpg (17.08 KB, 255x253, 255:253, ab50c0c8228128263ed67ec773….jpg)

486b21 No.1706690

Sit back and watch the show anons - good acting!!

314f71 No.1706691

File: 54ac3771905f555⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 1200x852, 100:71, liftpepe.jpg)

POTUS making the world great again. Doing all the heavy lifting by himself.

58f6bb No.1706692


feels like a last ditch effort

7a81a3 No.1706693


9de4d2 No.1706694

anyone know how to get a split screen with opera?

i cant find an extension for it damn

3624c6 No.1706695

File: ea1c15ef0578621⋯.jpeg (37.97 KB, 389x536, 389:536, download (7).jpeg)

b557d0 No.1706696


NO doubt Anons…. POTUS would say to us…

This IS.. OUR Moment. NOW

024664 No.1706697


Is he holding the server?

71105a No.1706698


This. Was honestly hoping it'd be Rodman just to break the MSM even further but it's always a pleasure to see our POTUS being his awesome self.

fa1643 No.1706699


2420ec No.1706700


Toronto socialists are universally hated across Canada.

There is no real core identity and Cultural Marxism fills the gap.

e6ee9e No.1706701

The handshake!!! Gah there's something in my eye.

1dc86f No.1706702


If you're not an 'insider' with knowledge about Kudlow, you need to be careful making a comment like that.

3c9086 No.1706703


57cdcd No.1706704

File: 618d3cd40e67acb⋯.png (1.02 MB, 889x574, 127:82, zzxcx.PNG)

e0c4cd No.1706705


that is avoid the WWIII in Asia and entry in a Cold War 2.0

China will leave that White Hats clean the Western World

21b079 No.1706706

File: def41da9daefb18⋯.jpg (267.98 KB, 1088x879, 1088:879, nasa-north-pole.JPG)

File: 70b9f7537419e6b⋯.jpg (157.37 KB, 1097x882, 1097:882, nasa-south-pole.JPG)

welllp,, heres what nasa 20yr archive says:

north pole and south pole . . .

024664 No.1706708


36cb85 No.1706709


Kim was in awe just like I would be

a7739c No.1706710

Did that look like KJU to you all?

c0506c No.1706711




fa1643 No.1706712






3d5d90 No.1706713


75b802 No.1706714


Assault cameras

All those shutters

a20fa1 No.1706715

>>1706694 multiple resized tabs/windows

7a81a3 No.1706716

File: fe3af80091a2192⋯.png (295.23 KB, 606x302, 303:151, ClipboardImage.png)

03bec7 No.1706717

These two. Kek.

They just (might) be breaking up a bit.

Looking a little smiley.

eaf2b4 No.1706718


Where do you find these? I want to go see it!

15b4a3 No.1706719

POTUS and Kim look very comfortable together

40bcce No.1706720


that poor guy. that's situational awareness right there. He's been enslaved and on yellow for years

815573 No.1706721


it's like (((they))) are asking for us to dig, advertising in our faces

d128d1 No.1706722

That handshake. Oh my goodness.

They're both smiling and look pretty relaxed now, under that breezeway.

This is just astonishing.

Kim beaming from ear to ear.

8346bc No.1706723


This happened months ago, he looks fatter in this film than he does now. Also cheeks are swollen, eye shadows, droopy eyes from stress, lack of sleep and worry.

Future proves past. kek we are finally allowed to see something that has already happened. Talk about Platos cave but add a time twist to it.

2b7ee5 No.1706724


Yeah but I mean it’s literally being broadcast on the livestream right now…

2efd1d No.1706725

Larry Kudlow suffered Heart Attack


6ea0b0 No.1706726

Fuckhead media yells..

"What do you hope to accomplish Sir?"

314f71 No.1706728

Anons, they look pretty fucking friendly for being their "first" meeting.

1c633f No.1706729


For all the DILLEY posts about being a LARP. Bullshit clowns. In great Dilley style he said "You can give them a heads up and say "Dilley said to pull your heads out of your asses, he would NEVER create a gay ass alt account."

36cb85 No.1706730


Almost like they've met before

2a198e No.1706731


crazy to think that all the other pics of KJU with people. They are inside in NK. No flags. The stage is set.

0bef30 No.1706732

File: aaa4dabf53f61d3⋯.png (979.5 KB, 1218x1160, 21:20, ClipboardImage.png)

c6de2e No.1706733


25f830 No.1706734


And Kim was grinning like a schoolboy.

664c33 No.1706735

File: ee9bade0db8d817⋯.png (3.3 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_4712.PNG)

File: afc384d3ceee5b4⋯.png (418.08 KB, 2036x1141, 2036:1141, IMG_4713.PNG)

File: 64ea1ea63a6098a⋯.png (444.22 KB, 2047x1143, 2047:1143, IMG_4714.PNG)

File: ccfc94753ab9226⋯.png (495.47 KB, 2038x1143, 2038:1143, IMG_4715.PNG)

bf1fd5 No.1706736

File: eb5f4a6c799f176⋯.png (205.29 KB, 409x231, 409:231, potus-kim.png)

b557d0 No.1706737

TEARS Anons.. wow.

Wish we were all together for this… live. We could raise a glass of choice and celebrate.

7d5c94 No.1706738

File: baba7cfa5fb8d1e⋯.png (18.52 KB, 745x245, 149:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38e24b60101c111⋯.png (445.3 KB, 733x530, 733:530, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32225ca220cffd8⋯.png (509.66 KB, 743x537, 743:537, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// graphics.straitstimes.com/STI/STIMEDIA/Interactives/2018/06/trump-kim-summit/index.html

92883a No.1706739

File: b09c022b07f1e32⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

dff433 No.1706740



"The Star Never Sets"

6fee63 No.1706741


yes hillary, doom is coming

b620e9 No.1706742


…what Woodrow Wilson broke…what FDR broke…what LBJ broke…what Bushes and Clintons broke…and on and on anon…

8e312d No.1706743

File: 22fe3a33fef4fc2⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

The movie has started

e60da1 No.1706744


He looked pissed. This is a blow to America's economic state. These people will sink to any level. They do not deserve mercy.

59f1b9 No.1706745

File: 0034ba0c5b8b46f⋯.jpg (107.91 KB, 436x310, 218:155, ___You-are-watching-a-movi….jpg)




2987c9 No.1706746

any doubt that those two have been together before

a7739c No.1706747


Deal already done, they looked jovial

Please let there be big surprise at the end of this

95b6e3 No.1706748

File: 2570336bb79dec7⋯.jpeg (116.86 KB, 1440x899, 1440:899, 1528765642.jpeg)

3c9086 No.1706749


bd3972 No.1706750


Crazy oilfield worker friend sent em to my phone in a txt msg, dont know origin

78ab42 No.1706751


i think they "sponsor" the local fox channel there. i remember back when sheriff arpaio was giving his press conference about the birth certificate, it was there too

03bec7 No.1706752

File: b08510db615c280⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 480x414, 80:69, champagne pepe.jpg)


Cheers anon.

c0506c No.1706753

File: e77293881a3979e⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 839x464, 839:464, YEAH.jpg)



33d849 No.1706754

T minus 2 hours anons. Glad to be here with you.

8f8ec9 No.1706755


Nor Trump, really.

Not the setup ;)

Both looked very serious, as well.

2eb48c No.1706756


Now he is saying he got bad intel on JA…fuck him

04692c No.1706757


Who Terrance and Phillip?

3d9f77 No.1706758


Hollow Earth confirmed?

b8fa56 No.1706759

>>1705831 (prev. bread)

and this wasn't addressed until AFTER the primaries in CA.!

He won a spot on the general election for november. He will (hopefully) be indicted long before that and be ineligible to run or at least a terrible candidate to run. that will give the republicans a chance to grab the AG seat!

6b8cd4 No.1706760

Great warm body language on display from Kim and POTUS.

443bc2 No.1706761

Notice the body language. Trump putting his hand on Kim's elbow at the hand shake, Trump gesturing where to go, and Trumps hand on Kim's back as they walked into the room. It's as if Trump is hosting… This says a lot about their relationship and who is in control.

bc6f01 No.1706762


C'est moi .. ne pas francais - anglais. Francais de base :). I was refering to Macron, unrestricted no homo love for French anons.

da842d No.1706763







92883a No.1706764


07b4c8 No.1706765

File: 0652a1746853cd4⋯.png (418.92 KB, 599x456, 599:456, psalm 23.png)

Military 23?

8f8ace No.1706766


who da man!

3624c6 No.1706767

that dickhead

>what would you like to accomplish, sir?

everyone: SHHHHHH!!!


0f3ccd No.1706768

File: 8ec429d2cd9fe04⋯.png (630.34 KB, 593x924, 593:924, ClipboardImage.png)

9e4e17 No.1706769

File: c4ec8f1c408628a⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: a0d2d6f4062e959⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 2154df202983d11⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: e7e6d93ffe2fc53⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

File: 5bf72cd93d89aab⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

6ea0b0 No.1706770

"How ya' been since November Donny?"

"Good Kim..I brought some Big Macs!!"

e60da1 No.1706771


I cut out once but it's been solid now.. I won't be surprised if I have internet issues at select timings. I had a bunch of issues when Gulliani was being interviewed on Hannity

283d94 No.1706772


Until what…?????

2987c9 No.1706774

File: 60be3e27a1dce24⋯.png (714.71 KB, 1025x587, 1025:587, ClipboardImage.png)

b03ab6 No.1706775

File: ceff07982d47d7c⋯.jpg (231 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, MAGA2TYjpg.jpg)

File: d9ed8eb4a44a181⋯.jpg (375.82 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, NavySEALSjpg.jpg)

File: 2a1ff5515ad5b9a⋯.jpg (392.64 KB, 1200x764, 300:191, TY POTUSjpg.jpg)

File: 3c222102f809bc2⋯.jpg (275.31 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, TYPOTUSJFKjpg.jpg)

File: 1703a9070603623⋯.jpg (410.86 KB, 1200x806, 600:403, TYQ.jpg)


i'm here raising a drink to you.

3c1271 No.1706776

File: 3b020d3468b5431⋯.jpg (172.37 KB, 536x618, 268:309, Who_Sent_You_MAGA.jpg)


Yup!! Kim all smiles walking down the hall.


bf1fd5 No.1706777

File: ad063ea01145c68⋯.jpg (52.58 KB, 436x310, 218:155, 0034ba0c5b8b46f9ea5d2be51d….jpg)

a21ce3 No.1706779


look away from your device and just watch history for a bit anons

78ab42 No.1706780


go back a few years on the timeline scale. antarctica will show up then.

36cb85 No.1706781

A Q photo from inside this meeting would be the most baller crumb ever.

db4c6f No.1706782

Hang on tight lads.


fa1643 No.1706783


WTF is that?

a7739c No.1706785

Look at that happy fat face… deal is done

d128d1 No.1706786

283d94 No.1706787

KJU Speaking fucking english…. it's not a secret he went to school in switzerland? Why they fuck do they need translators? lol I'm sure he's fluent.

664c33 No.1706788

File: 5e441478f0937f4⋯.png (519.68 KB, 2033x1144, 2033:1144, IMG_4722.PNG)

File: 0a69cda783a4025⋯.png (526.93 KB, 2043x1145, 2043:1145, IMG_4723.PNG)

File: 3768eda9455e931⋯.png (517.21 KB, 2041x1141, 2041:1141, IMG_4724.PNG)

File: d5a30f0893ba00d⋯.png (504.49 KB, 2045x1157, 2045:1157, IMG_4725.PNG)

7234f6 No.1706789


"That Brackwater better be fukken gooood"

that is exactly what he was thinking

dff433 No.1706790


A Capella also means "Without Accompaniment". KJU is attending the Summit without his C_A Handlers.

3624c6 No.1706791


cant tell if its a human in a cow suit or a cow in a human suit…

59f1b9 No.1706792

File: 35e8ea3ad2afe7e⋯.png (77.25 KB, 500x336, 125:84, comfybed-pepe.png)


Love you too!

c8aad9 No.1706793

This is fucking NUTS

314f71 No.1706794

Test, captcha bugging out.

7fc1d8 No.1706795

what flowers on the table?

fa1643 No.1706796

Scavino Jr is running a periscope.

0bef30 No.1706797

i love you guys.

443bc2 No.1706798

Notice, how as they are taking questions that Trump is in the light, and Kim, is not.

ff2dc8 No.1706799

Poor Kim looks so shaky.

3c9086 No.1706800

thumbs up!

fa1643 No.1706801


same getting a captcha every few posts

7ec880 No.1706802

Couldn't hear squat with all those camera shutters going…

e62e3c No.1706803

8b016f No.1706804

Did POTUS just give him a thumbs up after the handshake just before the photogs were ejected?

07cfea No.1706805

File: d83822d1bdd67f2⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2018-06-11.png)


5bcda0 No.1706806

File: c58cc6693af3ea0⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, you are awesome.jpg)


It's an Honor to be here with ((you)) Anon.

7b0709 No.1706807

Did I see a thumbs up from POTUS?

17ed06 No.1706808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just Sayin…

5a64ed No.1706809

5:5 Ready

0d3f70 No.1706810

File: 245b5743c1c47dc⋯.png (95.87 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PostDetectorOK.png)

25f830 No.1706811

File: 7cca90562c349c9⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Kim-Kek.jpg)

1dc86f No.1706812



bdd59f No.1706813

I'm smiling so hard right now…what a timeline

c8aad9 No.1706814


What happens in 2 hours?

eaf2b4 No.1706815

Sara looking hot!

d5efd1 No.1706816


These two are so…


with each other

a48a59 No.1706817

3c48d3 No.1706818


Did POTUS just say, "I'll tell you when we're done?"!?!?!??!

33b9e8 No.1706819


He looks very happy and very relieved.

75bc0e No.1706820


So, flat urth is a larp as we knew, but modern day Antarctica is [REDACTED]. It still makes you wounder wtf is going on down there that nasa is shutting the cameras off or blocking out the data..

db52ac No.1706821

Anons, take a moment to be thankful and appreciative that we are living through these moments and events, and getting to witness actual history in front of our eyes. This world is bigger than just us, and its easy to forget that. Tonight be proud that the good guys are finally winning, and that we are experiencing this storm together

9f83cd No.1706822



a21ce3 No.1706823



give kim a break

he's /ourguy/ after all (I know, he did some fucked up shit but didn't know anything different)

cd883f No.1706824


Do you think the people of NK know that he knows English? isnt common knowledge there anon. gotta still put on a show for the home crowd

f2f75d No.1706825

File: 2804d19cb03df1f⋯.png (659.31 KB, 844x476, 211:119, done.png)

a59e2c No.1706826


I guess this would be the best time to tell you.

You know how Pedro your Gardner moms your lawn when your Gone?

e6ee9e No.1706827


Yep, tears over here too. Cheers, Anons!! God Bless POTUS, KJU & Qteam! WWG1WGA

6c5e4e No.1706828

MSM just said now they are going for their meeting.

Just before Kim said something the effect of we had a few obstacles but have over come them!

Repeaters are terrible reporters!

71a1f6 No.1706829


It's like watching "Titanic". You know how it's going to end, but still entertaining.

Spoiler alert: This time, the ship misses the iceberg.

8a7837 No.1706831

File: 2ec531659059308⋯.png (442.64 KB, 576x536, 72:67, trump and kju historic.png)

c8aad9 No.1706832


I had like 10

Shit looked like Arabic too

a20fa1 No.1706833


>What happens in 2 hours?

<This will break the MSM.

b744e1 No.1706834


Kim Jong Un also looked somewhat tense.

e0c4cd No.1706835


Sharia. FUCK!

283d94 No.1706836


Well that is true…. fair enough.

Can you imagine how shocking this will be to the regular people of NK…

When can we get some of the NK hunnies in north america for the incels..

63e058 No.1706837

There a fucking idiots in live stream chat on www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjmTXxNuH1M

calling for a nuke to strike now… wtf is wrong with people. God the retardation is strong.

ff2dc8 No.1706838


Yeah he does but very nervous

58f6bb No.1706839


71105a No.1706840

File: 11fe5517e580704⋯.gif (2.88 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Still not tired of winning.gif)

Still not tired of winning lads! I can smell your popcorn, Q.

This >>1706781

9de4d2 No.1706841


ty anon

8a7837 No.1706842

We are in CAPTCHA hell!

060970 No.1706844

File: f05bcfbd6e945bf⋯.png (674.77 KB, 889x574, 127:82, 618d3cd40e67acb955ebd27e6b….png)

Hey Anons, I want to take a moment to point out that right here, the world watched History being made! The World is watching….

You however have been involved, (((YOU))) are MAKING History, right along side of POTUS!!!!!!!!!

What a great day to be alive!!!


024664 No.1706845


Or the EYEce berg misses the ship ;)

e63edd No.1706846


you mean the engine fire

8e312d No.1706847

File: c95818d9f49b01f⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

best movie ever

captcha is messing up

89a8c1 No.1706848


really wish my dad was still here to witness this.

314f71 No.1706849



CM hasn't said anything. annoying as fuck though.

78ab42 No.1706850


yeah, i'd have to say that antarctica is in my top 3 things i'd love to know everything about

b620e9 No.1706851

I love Trump is kicking ass but some of you anons claiming to be crying…

Let alone feeling the need to tell the board about it…

Really need to get your shit together and stop being such silly boomerfaggots…


96c264 No.1706852


is this the daily prediction larp?

c6de2e No.1706853

File: bb5b95bdeb92172⋯.png (293.52 KB, 464x242, 232:121, singapore summit.PNG)

Kim looks nervous, POTUS looks like he is wanting to smile through the whole thing.

9e4e17 No.1706854

File: cad5f772296637f⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


May the slaves be freed (around the world)

33b3bc No.1706855


Who the fuck is that? Or is it multiple people?

8346bc No.1706856


>Can you imagine how shocking this will be to the regular people of NK…

>When can we get some of the NK hunnies in north america for the incels..

Imagine what this will do to the average Starbucks sipper. As far as they know we have always been at war with North Korea, are at war with North Korea and always will be.

9de4d2 No.1706857


yes we r

ff2dc8 No.1706858


How do we know he did it and wasn't the real ones in control of the country? I don't think he did. He did what he was told.

645a75 No.1706859

File: e2bfded44b89f99⋯.jpg (140.66 KB, 630x630, 1:1, KeK AF Glide Path Jake.jpg)




462f2e No.1706860



I love OUR POTUS!!!

b557d0 No.1706861


Love you too Anon… what a night

4d98cc No.1706862

File: a71b01f70af840a⋯.png (448.53 KB, 636x348, 53:29, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


2b7783 No.1706863


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 27d57d No.594016 📁

Mar 8 2018 19:55:52 (EST)


Thank you Kim.

Deal made.

Clowns out.

Strings cut.

We took control.

Iran next.


4dfc5d No.1706864

File: cde3b9a15f8840c⋯.jpg (141.79 KB, 800x450, 16:9, _iskfu7t19o7.jpg)

File: b5b6c88075926fb⋯.jpg (202.52 KB, 800x450, 16:9, _z8rdk4mpzc5.jpg)


>Historical handshake

d2609b No.1706865


That look "Trust the plan"

d5efd1 No.1706866


Perhaps captcha shit in place to disrupt mass bot shilling faggotry.

fa1643 No.1706867

The Handshake was 12 seconds long.

That:s fucking long.

dfcd99 No.1706868


3c9086 No.1706869

File: f90b4c65b3596f4⋯.jpg (9.25 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 0ede9f4d5e75e704618575d8ff….jpg)

File: 77661a425094762⋯.jpg (52.67 KB, 900x506, 450:253, gettyimages-617806558_wide….jpg)

3ef860 No.1706870

Kim jong-un looked like he was sure someone would kill him the moment he leaves his car. After he met Trump, you could see clear sign of relief.

c0506c No.1706872

Doors close, Media leaves.


>Been a long flight how about a snooze, make it look like we are talking



Both sleep for 2 hours

a20fa1 No.1706873




normal, happens when the board goes crazy.

save your posts if possible, anons

85f5c1 No.1706874

The mindless speculation on NBC right now is laughable. Knowing what we know!

087a6d No.1706875


hahaha I know, it's so good.

b849e0 No.1706876

Clapper on CNN: "Things are going very well"

Trump compd??

dfcd99 No.1706877

got stuck in captcha HELL!!!

What did Kim say? I couldn't hear it?

c8aad9 No.1706878


More blue balls…kek

Why all the captchas???

a21ce3 No.1706879

File: 1eab49e0036bb1d⋯.png (248.13 KB, 606x302, 303:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 942efb472dc2285⋯.png (378.42 KB, 606x302, 303:151, ClipboardImage.png)


St. Michael the Archangel, watch over and give POTUS the (added) strength to MAKE THE DEAL

2eb48c No.1706880

File: ab6f77597265e14⋯.png (331.87 KB, 572x410, 286:205, Screenshot 2018-06-11 at 8….png)

File: 682b1425e30c3ca⋯.png (133.26 KB, 270x406, 135:203, Screenshot 2018-06-11 at 8….png)

This …gets this….but you Drumpfkins have a "plan"

645a75 No.1706881


Took 14 attempts to get through captcha


fbe99d No.1706882

Dear Sister must be nearby.

3c1271 No.1706883


I'm still laughing. God I love all of you (no Homo)



75b802 No.1706885


Not my take, he looked well composed, just stoic.

57e584 No.1706886

damn anons. teared up on that one! Potus & Kim KEK!!!

re: throttling

DirecTV is getting a hatefilled call from me tomorrow. have been throttled for HOURS; thought it was my internet co and then switched all viewing devices to extended cell network and that didn't work either….just running internet and gootube now. total pisser.

but WOW what a day!

Nice tweet decode from that anon on Mssle Stoped too!!!!

f10a88 No.1706887

File: ccfdc8ef76c6e64⋯.jpg (127.9 KB, 720x476, 180:119, d7624135767894678367235673.jpg)

Oh that few moments of History In The Making makes me so happy!!

c48363 No.1706889

04692c No.1706890


right back atcha…it's weird…the media narrative is that the two have never met…we should feel speshul for "knowing" otherwise. KEK!


a7739c No.1706891

Trump saved KJU, he looks ecstatic

b744e1 No.1706892


President Trump is leading Chairman Kim Jong Un in this photo. Our President is certainly old enough to be his father, and kind enough to lead him peacefully.

9f83cd No.1706893

Kim was a little jumpy. Potus tapped him when he was passing up the door . Kim's had snapped left - he looked startled that someone was touching him.

930b47 No.1706894

if hitler had travelled to London

would they not have grab the fucker

bracelets for despots

815573 No.1706895

So historic, I'm thinking this will go well, and they will be cutting the marionette strings

26170d No.1706896



Solid Trump win for 2020.

fab9b4 No.1706897


He's going to be alright. The White Hats are everywhere there.

fbe99d No.1706898


Stop it

a48a59 No.1706899


Same, It makes me captcha a dozen times before I can post.

Many successful attempts.

3c48d3 No.1706900

I swear when they were done and Kim looked at Trump to get up as mics were going dim; POTUS said, "I'll tell you when we're done."

15b4a3 No.1706901


I agree

He looked a bit fearful getting out of the car then completely relaxed when he met POTUS

33d849 No.1706902

166 UID right now


7ee7d9 No.1706903

File: cc33f62bdadffaa⋯.png (580.41 KB, 1025x481, 1025:481, M 389.png)

fa1643 No.1706904

only 14 reporters in the press pool for the handshake. 7 from NK, 7 from US.

Wonder if CNN Was there.

9de4d2 No.1706905


board under attack?

3db1c4 No.1706906


She got him hooked on drugs again and he'll be dead in a year.

314c8f No.1706907

This is fantastic to see. History in the making.

be6f48 No.1706908


POTUS doesn't sleep.

9c1893 No.1706909

Confirmed. Kim himself was never a real threat.

He was a prop/puppet in the show the clowns were portraying in NK.

The body language is clear as can be.

Kim looking to POTUS for all "q"ues.

How many will stop taking the sleeping pill after seeing this?

e7eccb No.1706911

File: 1797ed1c8198cf6⋯.png (438.64 KB, 844x476, 211:119, kimhandshake.png)

6c5e4e No.1706912


He looked much happier when he was inside!

3260f8 No.1706913


No, 8:59 exactly.

4d98cc No.1706914

File: 0cd872e2ae8a284⋯.png (284.31 KB, 638x360, 319:180, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

I don't think I've ever heard his voice before. Different than I thought.

7d5c94 No.1706915


Anon, your sentiments wonderful and just brought tears of joy to my eyes, I prayed we would see this moment. I am so happy to have witnessed and been a part of it.

314c8f No.1706916

BTW just went through captcha hell

dfcd99 No.1706917


I had to refresh

fab9b4 No.1706918


Didn't I read a few breads back that Hussein had a secret meeting with Elizabeth Warren to prepare to run her in 2020?

da842d No.1706919

Love you all!

95ea56 No.1706920

anyone have images or video out of NOKO right now?

71105a No.1706921


Same here

c9ee89 No.1706922


KJU sounds like a Samurai from the old b&w movies.

2eb48c No.1706923


worth it

04692c No.1706924


and just like that, NewsAsia says "they may have met before. we just don't know"

dfcd99 No.1706925


DId you hear what he said?

3c1271 No.1706926

File: 17effa1b79ddeea⋯.png (642.66 KB, 916x371, 916:371, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

The commenter on this stream was laughing at the "fake news" for only getting one shot. Looks like POTUS had them shoved to the back and then they were sorta pushed out.



0e49c9 No.1706927

It's a very ancient saying

But a true and honest thought

That if you become a teacher

By your pupils you'll be taught

As a teacher I've been learning

You'll forgive me if I boast

And I've now become an expert

On the subject I like most

9f83cd No.1706928


me three

c1440c No.1706929


POTUS doesn't sleep, he waits. BOOM!

cea0e1 No.1706930


what kind of flowers?

dff433 No.1706932


They're busy with a BREAKING story about Stormy Daniels

fbe99d No.1706933


Same issue here

7afbd6 No.1706934

To be a fly in that room right now..

a21ce3 No.1706935

File: 6667e005a01420f⋯.png (13.79 KB, 335x118, 335:118, ClipboardImage.png)


and this

a59e2c No.1706936


As Long as his Eyebrows don't fall off I'm good

3e4576 No.1706937


looks like it should eat grass and moo

26170d No.1706938

"Trump can NEVER be ready by 6/12"

"Trump is NOT prepared."

"Trump doesn't know Foreign Policy"


b849e0 No.1706939


Kim: "It took two of my hands to get around his."

21b079 No.1706940

File: 950eeb353557771⋯.jpg (124.31 KB, 1368x1026, 4:3, brows2.jpg)

File: d6e0c6a7656ea98⋯.jpg (134.26 KB, 1250x937, 1250:937, gadsden_pepe.jpg)


truth right here lul

2efd1d No.1706941

I have hope for the World now. I suspect the fake media will ignore these glorious moments in actual history. This meeting is about the financial stability of the World. Today is the anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's "Tear down this Wall" speech. Trust the Plan Anon's. Thank you Potus and Q Team. WWG1WGA

8b1a00 No.1706942


very true… and those downtown snowflakes are losing their minds with Ford election.

i've lived in both… Toronto, and most of Western Canada/Territories… it's only an issue in the 416… and it's tightening.

e0c4cd No.1706943


7ee7d9 No.1706944


haha, we know.

3c1271 No.1706945


That's awesome!! KEK!! Yours Anon??

44ffee No.1706946

And here we have the wild and exotic, Historic first.


Heard all around the world.


324334 No.1706947

Thank you Trump and Q Team for freeing that man and country. The relief on his face is obvious. He was a hostage just like the rest of them.

4d98cc No.1706948


I didn't, did you catch anything he said?

9de4d2 No.1706949

who has link im getting fucking traffic ffs

b557d0 No.1706950


I couldn't hear the Interpreter

e7eccb No.1706951

25f830 No.1706952

File: 769f56d38889379⋯.jpg (893.13 KB, 2889x1906, 2889:1906, kim-jong-Sanders.jpg)



>Didn't someone say something about free KFC??


>Wanna sneak out the back door?


>(pic related)

9f6dda No.1706953


Audible kek

8215ad No.1706954

File: b46be7815d1898b⋯.png (16.46 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 3768eda9455e93120c1d7a61bc….png)


No gold fringe on US flags

6ea0b0 No.1706955

Trump rescues Kim and NK from China, and you can't spell CHINA without C…I….A.

fab9b4 No.1706956

Somebody post a link to the feed. THe one I was watching is still showing outside the building.

314f71 No.1706957

File: c6ace8f7a152415⋯.jpg (17.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Brows moar.jpg)

930b47 No.1706958

File: e0633110a4d2c10⋯.jpg (78.33 KB, 889x500, 889:500, fucked.jpg)

a21ce3 No.1706959




CM says it happens when we have alot of lurker and UIDs

just button mash the "New Reply" button

770114 No.1706960

File: 6ce02c4a9531605⋯.jpg (25 KB, 266x400, 133:200, whatdoesmean.jpg)

db7966 No.1706962


Came to thread just to make sure someone else saw that shit.

a20fa1 No.1706963

newfags plz stop

telling us about capchas.

we know.

doesn't help.

much traffic very posts.

normal. thanks.

da06d6 No.1706964


>You ready to LARP this bad boy?

>By all means, let us LARP.

0e49c9 No.1706965

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.




8d9d31 No.1706966

File: a0c37f98e3ad07c⋯.mp4 (479.24 KB, 480x326, 240:163, habbening.mp4)

dc21a3 No.1706967



Great stream, nothing but talking now though until they come out in 30-40 minutes

9de4d2 No.1706968


good, shit needs gone off all of them

a21ce3 No.1706969


they met when POTUS went to SHina

3c9086 No.1706970

0c24c4 No.1706971

I love you faggots! (No homo) It has been a pleasure and will continue to be so as we press on with our work. WWG1WGA

da06d6 No.1706972


Oops, meant for >>1706788

087a6d No.1706973


Can confirm on the fox feed.. also saw.

a48a59 No.1706974


Will try.. thanQ

7d5c94 No.1706975


He who laughs first doesn't laugh last…

5bcda0 No.1706976


I see…

green hydrangeas, roses, orchids, possibly gardenias

cd883f No.1706977

Welcome to the family KJU and the NK people. Hang with us, we are going to right this fucking ship.

92883a No.1706978

File: 3f84d37603903e1⋯.png (65.85 KB, 587x66, 587:66, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)

04692c No.1706979


I noticed that, too…

e63edd No.1706980


more like winner helps others win

dc21a3 No.1706981


Got a Q mission on this captcha.

If you get a success and it doesn't work just keep clicking on "new reply" and it'll go eventually

b620e9 No.1706982


Hitler wanted peace and the deep state cabal FDR Churchill and Stalin didn't. Fuck off retard nigger kikesucking faggot TV couch potatoe shill turbofaggot.

3624c6 No.1706983

Twitter Trending RN:

1. #PlayStationE3

2. #TheBachelorette

3. #TrumpKimSummit


13baed No.1706984

Kim’s body language shows him leaning in toward Trump when both are sitting in chairs.

Appears to be liking and looking for protection Trump provides.

92883a No.1706985

File: f67b3a1697255b4⋯.jpeg (26.6 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpeg)

b849e0 No.1706986

The MSM is indeed 'broken' tonight.

But, the 4am marching orders will come through and they'll be back at it.

b3d3f6 No.1706987

China and the entire Cabal just shit their collective pants, then threw up in tin foil and ate it. Done! We out!

3d74ec No.1706988

File: 90bf380f4e40827⋯.jpg (123.92 KB, 941x686, 941:686, ohmybots.JPG)

the bots are literally everywhere

Four different accounts, but all the same paragraph basically

I know this isn't Q related directly, but the bots are all over the damn place.

found the attached in the comments section under the pinned comment


a21ce3 No.1706989

File: 53805eb82fc0591⋯.mp4 (6.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 53805eb82fc05910599f20ec41….mp4)

KJU's mood right now

e60da1 No.1706990


They're already dealing with Iran. This is all just for show. The deal is already done. We know this. Everyone else thinks it's still up in the air what could happen. why do you think the coins were already printed ;)

8d9d31 No.1706991


its very…….asian…

96c264 No.1706992

File: c33cf89f073c736⋯.png (252.53 KB, 992x1337, 992:1337, 2018-06-02 why 8ch went do….png)

is this legit?

>June 6

>June 11

>June 12

7234f6 No.1706993


If normies weren't so fucking stupid, this event alone would completely break the MSM.

b744e1 No.1706994


Lol… Peace Treaties are bad news to MSM!

Rock on, Isaiah's 45!

9f283e No.1706995


Have fun in turdistan.

7fc1d8 No.1706996


i thought something was off.

2420ec No.1706998


There just as much a swamp in Queen's Park as there is in DC.

Patrick Brown was looking into corruption, and his female staff cooked up a scheme to get him booted.

db4c6f No.1706999

Firewall up

There might be a butthurt shill or dozen. ; )

This board is yours, Patriots. Enjoy the clear air.

462f2e No.1707000


You think these fucks are gonna try something?

a9c3f4 No.1707001

Idk if I already posted this:


The Videographer: He was right in the middle of the kidnapping and murder of tens of thousands of people. If you were female, the chances were good you were going to be sent to a special facility which was frequented not only by members of the elite in the country but also the elite from many other countries too. Those coming from other countries seemed to have the philosophy that they could do as they like with no repercussions because who would ever know. Ahh, but when you have a regime that corrupt, they want some leverage and many, if not most of these encounters with the females were captured on film or video. The video is grainy stuff and old now, but the films are vivid and you can identify everyone in them. The person in charge of collecting and cataloging the videos and the subjects belonged to a cabinet level member of the government. Long though destroyed, many of the world's elite who had participated, breathed a sigh of relief last year when the videographer died. It turns out though, the films and video and who is who in each, was never destroyed. They were all in a garage next to a guest house where they had been for decades. In February, one of his children started digging through it. She told members of her family and lots of her friends, and also, in March told one of her long time friends she had met through her sister . The person she told was a foreign born permanent A list celebrity. The subject of our blind was not blasting this all on social media, but she was not keeping it quiet either. None of the people she told had really seen much of the films. They were too hard to watch. Two weeks ago, the government of the country came to collect the entire library of films. What they had not recovered were the volumes that named names in each of the films. After such a long time, they needed the volumes to be able to identify every person in the films. They said they wanted them to let relatives of the long dead females know their fate. No one knows where the volumes are now. What we do know is the woman who held them back is dead.

Country: Argentina/former Argentine army general Luciano Benjamín Menéndez

Cabinet level member of the government: Jorge Zorreguieta

Who found the library: Inés Zorreguieta

Sister: Queen Máxima of the Netherlands

A list celebrity: ?




a21ce3 No.1707003


I keep having to do it

button mash the living hell out of it

71105a No.1707004


At least it wasn't 80+ anons screeching like when POTUS mentioned Larry.

8b1a00 No.1707005


exellent point anon… i agree… absolute relief.

3c9086 No.1707006


645a75 No.1707007

File: c080918fd8d9056⋯.jpg (265.31 KB, 960x660, 16:11, Kim Scared.jpg)

I had children!

I know that look!

be6f48 No.1707008



(kEk! I had to go thru Captcha to post how to Captcha

a7739c No.1707009


Does trump do this downward pyramid hand symbol when he is owning somwone from the cabal?

6fee63 No.1707010


God Bless POTUS, Q, Pompeo

fc0e7c No.1707011

9f6dda No.1707012


POTUS limo has gold fringe.

314f71 No.1707013

File: e4cb4c88933318f⋯.jpg (27.49 KB, 427x360, 427:360, Dfc-dqSWkAAGV6c.jpg)


fafe89 No.1707014

File: e822017cc529260⋯.jpg (771.28 KB, 5568x3712, 3:2, (You).jpg)

07b4c8 No.1707016


<3 me too…no homo

4114ed No.1707017

This stream had Kims comments translated

Channel News Asia (mostly not fake news)


92883a No.1707018

80ee94 No.1707019

File: 2460a2cba32e314⋯.jpg (68.86 KB, 799x561, 47:33, EYETHESPYCHESHIRE2.JPG)


He's a jerk.

230018 No.1707020

File: e77ec400ae2052d⋯.png (221.71 KB, 564x396, 47:33, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump is such a gentleman. He looks like he's handling someone who has been manipulated and controlled his entire life, and Trump is sensitive to that.

c9ee89 No.1707022


WW1 went the same…Germany had them whooped and near starved…then kike banksters stepped in

03bec7 No.1707023

3 - 2 - 1…

"Obama would have done this if he'd had a third term."

fbe99d No.1707024


Or, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

b4711e No.1707026

(Bread #2146)


Magnesium IV and cayenne pepper for a start.

3b3d45 No.1707027


Two Canadian characters on South Park, which is where the background came from.

Guess it wouldn't make sense if you never saw it, my bad.

Was pretty joke, if you knew the context.

3624c6 No.1707028


This one.

The worlds greatest magician.

7d5c94 No.1707029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kim Jong Un told Donald Trump the way to the summit was not easy, while the US President said: "We'll have a terrific relationship."

The handshake between the two men lasted 12 seconds.

.@POTUS Donald J. Trump meets North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore. #SingaporeSummit pic.twitter.com/CWhiLO4dAa

— Department of State (@StateDept) June 12, 2018


https:// graphics.straitstimes.com/STI/STIMEDIA/Interactives/2018/06/trump-kim-summit/index.html

ceec0a No.1707030

File: 488ca33f74a8630⋯.jpg (8.49 KB, 200x100, 2:1, f8aa6753b4c86e5246ba509ec1….jpg)

File: 3468d4572a7b9e4⋯.jpg (38.25 KB, 500x234, 250:117, peppals.jpg)

977c3c No.1707031


no homo

0bef30 No.1707032

File: 439a634796c2359⋯.png (2.74 MB, 2159x1248, 2159:1248, SINGLIVE.png)

LIVE raw-feed overlooking Sigapore.


c8aad9 No.1707033


I think they already broke up

3ccfea No.1707034

So far, Kim has kept his eyebrows on. Good for him. Eat your heart out Justin!

c3ab1b No.1707035

File: 72e36b3d17dd561⋯.png (402.48 KB, 627x577, 627:577, e3af7109da90e207a3ff12c471….png)

36cb85 No.1707036

Thanks Q for making this moment special for us anons. I know it's just the beginning and our country, and the world, will be the best it's ever been soon. God Bless!


30aab6 No.1707037

File: 34d2b6725122aaa⋯.png (927.89 KB, 1066x534, 533:267, ClipboardImage.png)

3260f8 No.1707038

File: 6ba3692418b8234⋯.jpg (616.48 KB, 1080x715, 216:143, Screenshot_20180611-212018….jpg)

KJU said, "We came here after overcoming" all the obstacles.

610d0b No.1707039





Amazing. Simply amazing. Thank you porus, thank you Kim , thank you Q and Patriots and white hats! And WE ARE FUCKING WINNING SO BIGGLY!

Thank you God for making this possible, without you, we are nothing

b849e0 No.1707040

Never Trump:

Rick Wilson

‏Verified account @TheRickWilson


Senator sends:

"Start the Kudlow Death Clock"

b744e1 No.1707041

The pressure on these two leaders is tremendous.

Praying big time here.

a20fa1 No.1707042

File: f778bab4227d969⋯.jpg (27.51 KB, 400x400, 1:1, pepeadmiring.jpg)

8d9d31 No.1707043


hahah dont worry about the normies…

they are realizing it takes A LOT more energy to literally rewire your thinking patterns because you hate trump as a person rather than just accept he is a ood president.

theyre coming around

"its the economy, stupid!"

fc0e7c No.1707044

File: a220e1a2b27abf5⋯.png (142.65 KB, 512x512, 1:1, face palm pepe.png)



>>1706706 Nasa Shot of North/South Poles

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Anons Watching Summit)

If you'e got a notable

Baker would love to hear about it

03bec7 No.1707045


Really good observation, anon.

a1f6dc No.1707046

anyone notice the Q in the carpet between Trump and Kim trying to find a photo

03dffe No.1707047

File: 7cc853ea99b4043⋯.jpg (63.34 KB, 634x272, 317:136, POTUSKimFrenz.jpg)

5 minutes later…

314f71 No.1707048


What a Faggot.

2b7783 No.1707049

File: 5d921173c226985⋯.jpeg (84.51 KB, 636x348, 53:29, meme.kim.trump.handshake.….jpeg)



6ea0b0 No.1707050



57c7d6 No.1707051


Too much noise from the cameras going off. Couldn't hear the translator.

0e49c9 No.1707052


Getting to Know You

Julie Andrews

It's a very ancient saying

But a true and honest thought

That if you become a teacher

By your pupils you'll be taught

As a teacher I've been learning

You'll forgive me if I boast

And I've now become an expert

On the subject I like most

Getting to know you

Getting to know you

Getting to know all about you

Getting to like you

Getting to hope you like me

Getting to know you

Putting it my way

But nicely

You are precisely

My cup of tea

Getting to know you

Getting to know all about you

Getting to like you

Getting to hope you like me

Getting to know you

Putting it my way

But nicely

You are precisely

My cup of tea

Getting to know you

Getting to feel free and easy

When I am with you

Getting to know what to say

Haven't you noticed

Suddenly I'm…

e7eccb No.1707054


Gives me goosebumps. This show is starting to get good.

dfcd99 No.1707055



No sadly, didn't get to hear his voice, much less what he said.

Still can't post without refreshing. GRRRR


0bef30 No.1707056



14e753 No.1707057

who the fuck still uses 35mm film?

The damned camera snapping sound is making it impossible to hear the 2 of them.

24cdc9 No.1707058

The talking heads on Fox News are pissing me off!

Shut the Fuck up for one minute….please!!!

21b079 No.1707059

File: 9c88b34681caef1⋯.jpg (232.72 KB, 2000x1133, 2000:1133, captain2.jpg)


fuking overwatch is gonna be even more trash now sigh

b96461 No.1707060

File: 1f287e5e71c34f3⋯.jpg (98.09 KB, 1200x749, 1200:749, Kim worried.jpg)

3b3d45 No.1707061



c6de2e No.1707062

I think I like Kim better than I like Macron.

0a35bd No.1707063


thanks for saving it

03bec7 No.1707064

Has CNN exploded yet?

a21ce3 No.1707065


lol baker not notable

I'd just gather up some good pic for memes over that

a20fa1 No.1707066


"we guess sometimes"

this better be dead for real now

71105a No.1707067

File: adbd20b5df174e9⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 640x705, 128:141, 1525984382595.jpg)


Might be a slow bread Baker but you're doing a good job buddy, hang in there.

3db1c4 No.1707068


Is there a return policy on nukes?

96a6f4 No.1707069


I think the world needs to know

2eb48c No.1707070


What kind of douche nozzle goes to that much trouble just to fuck with people?

96c264 No.1707071

e0c4cd No.1707072


Trump will do the Veto?

cd883f No.1707073


why are you fags still talking about that shitshill ETS on twatter,, what do you not understand about "NO OUTSIDE COMMS"

9bce43 No.1707074

File: 3342936e60bb87f⋯.jpg (77.66 KB, 660x528, 5:4, 3342936e60bb87f448103c419d….jpg)

File: b456b84d7ed8467⋯.png (610.61 KB, 518x735, 74:105, a7eb748fe69be16e3232638d1d….png)

File: 61dcf73abb3a185⋯.jpg (124.3 KB, 666x499, 666:499, 61dcf73abb3a1852b464b2952d….jpg)

7d5c94 No.1707075

File: 3fec6e2f2560c74⋯.png (793.35 KB, 725x545, 145:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cdd695c41de0c2⋯.png (702.61 KB, 725x482, 725:482, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f004eb0f13d04b1⋯.png (791.12 KB, 725x484, 725:484, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ce7d4a8a6a06fb⋯.png (789.54 KB, 725x482, 725:482, ClipboardImage.png)

ST's Kevin Lim captured the historic Trump-Kim handshake 09:20

https:// graphics.straitstimes.com/STI/STIMEDIA/Interactives/2018/06/trump-kim-summit/index.html

c0b478 No.1707076


If you look it up, you'll find the fringe on the flag stands for exactly nothing. It's a matter of choice if it's used or not, nothing more.

b557d0 No.1707078

File: d72ad03fc2a665f⋯.jpg (456.37 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, d72ad03fc2a665fb462266300b….jpg)

This moment makes me think of this Meme…


fbe99d No.1707079


If you're serious about your work, you still use film

8d7092 No.1707080


You are out of your mind.

03bec7 No.1707081

822461 No.1707082

File: b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB, 158x255, 158:255, The Magician.jpg)


Hahahahahahaha x7…

4ff2b0 No.1707083


0a35bd No.1707084

File: e413e1895103ae8⋯.png (292.82 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ENJOYING_THE_SHOW_POPCORN.png)

b849e0 No.1707085


I can't turn it off. It's glorious.

c0506c No.1707086



>We both have many things in common


>Like what?


>Our Hairdo

59f1b9 No.1707087


C'est toi???? La plume?????

462f2e No.1707088


I don't get it.

fafe89 No.1707089

File: 0af542364a504a7⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 594x796, 297:398, 1493512660075.jpg)




04692c No.1707090

d126ef No.1707091

James Clapper on CNN praising Dennis Rodman, how he gave KJU's men the Art of the Deal last week in Washington. wot

4dfc5d No.1707092

File: bcde0a472708630⋯.jpg (172.23 KB, 576x536, 72:67, _7e5tixpf1ld.jpg)

File: d76ef0c81099657⋯.jpg (139.97 KB, 576x536, 72:67, _g6fv7yvc51g.jpg)


>Better version

>Worth staying up for

e7eccb No.1707093


Take it from a baker that is usually a bit tight with the notables: you're doing fine. I've had breads where I only found one or two notable.

c6de2e No.1707094

File: fdfeeac1107c293⋯.png (891.97 KB, 852x562, 426:281, The handshake.PNG)

529e0b No.1707095

File: cef650dfa6fcc3a⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 4248x2832, 3:2, F-35_Kekistan_Top_Kek2.jpg)



a21ce3 No.1707096

FFS, switched to a CNN feed to see what they were doing and they got fucking Clapper bitching

f2f5c5 No.1707097


Clapper on now. Rodman on with Make America Great hat on

4ff2b0 No.1707098

File: 1714968778e9d22⋯.jpg (56.81 KB, 952x517, 952:517, Capture345.JPG)




e62e3c No.1707099


You know this is scripted theater, don't you? That they already met months ago and already agreed on everything. This is a movie. Enjoy the show!

db4c6f No.1707100

File: fe44a919c1f0459⋯.jpg (698.21 KB, 1392x928, 3:2, IGIVEYOUFREEDOM.jpg)

8b1a00 No.1707101


very true… dunno that he would have won without the accusations.

speaking of said accusations, which were proven false, and derailed a candidate (which is vulgar)… but it is whispered that it was a party scheme to get him out for Elliott… all blindsided by Ford.

770114 No.1707102

File: 446351a04b08e42⋯.jpg (85.09 KB, 633x358, 633:358, q_summit.jpg)

3c9086 No.1707103

rodman cnn maga hat

3b3d45 No.1707104


There is no question about that. Kim was dealt a bad hand and needs time to recover.

Macron goes out of his way to be a fucking douche. I'd l like to kick his little ass.

610d0b No.1707105


Macaroni sucks. I like Kim more too

c3b568 No.1707106

>>1706526 LB

Exactly. Plus 5 eye and they are a British proxy controlled by the Crown Corporation and even have a Canadian sub corp. It is not the people but the controllers. BTW our own county was against us.

9e4e17 No.1707107



"The way coming to here was not easy.." (female translator)

"…[something something] on our limbs, the old prejudices and practices worked as obstacles on our way forward, but we overcame all of them and we are here today."

59f1b9 No.1707108


C'est toi???? La plume?????

3d5d90 No.1707109

File: 72e7a5a45f383f7⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 72e7a5a45f383f736133d6755f….png)


Kek! What timeline is this, that I feel fondly for a NK "dictator"?!


The Power of Anons! ;)

b4711e No.1707110


Manly voice. Asians like their leaders chunky.

023607 No.1707111


Most if them if not all ARE digital.

SLR mirrors make noise.

b620e9 No.1707112


The truth will put (nursing homes) people into the hospital.

Its so true. Knowing the real red pill truth is such a heavy burden to carry. The truth will out.

2b7783 No.1707113

314f71 No.1707114


I think everyone is just enjoying the show right now.

63e058 No.1707115


Nice fucking photo

good res

Great PRES


b4b353 No.1707116


DPRK / N. Korea

f5bd88 No.1707118

CNN interviewing Dennis Rodman now

Rodman wearing red MAGA hat

b849e0 No.1707119


That's the best shot.

230018 No.1707120

So how scripted is this? Was all this footage we're seeing shot long ago? Is Trump going to come online from the Oval Office after the meeting and bring down the house?

"This will break the MSM."

8b1a00 No.1707121


none of them are wearing stupid fucking socks

14e753 No.1707122


no shit.

It was rhetorical - but you'd think by now there'd be 'silencers' for cameras.

21b079 No.1707123

File: be4674310038e4e⋯.jpg (93.86 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, qtips-lewenski.jpg)


thx baker !

c6de2e No.1707124

File: c71b9579696fa6b⋯.jpg (110.63 KB, 904x522, 452:261, Scavino Kim Trump handshke.jpg)

a4be3c No.1707125

Jim Clapper is exposing himself as knowing absolutely nothing..

Doesn't even know if Kim speaks English.

71a1f6 No.1707126


"Me Watchie Brackwater Rong Time!"

dfcd99 No.1707127


He's a fucking liar. He said he was JA. It's his fault all this talk of JA and Alice in Wonderland. Too bad he didn't get shot for real.

9e83f7 No.1707128

File: f1cb455f744ce53⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 3493x1838, 3493:1838, 1633EC8D-0CFF-4D02-A81C-9….jpeg)

9f83cd No.1707129


US Extradites Former President of Panama to Face Illegal Wiretapping and Embezzlement Charges


b744e1 No.1707130


Thanks for reminding me, Anon.

Prophecy fulfillment isn't a done deal until it's done.

04692c No.1707131

>>1706954 No gold fringe on US flags

baker notable

be6f48 No.1707132



a48a59 No.1707133


Obstacles = CLOWNS

24cdc9 No.1707134

Fox News really sucks tonight!!!

They are tripping over each other to get a word in while I am trying to hear Trump and Kim.

Between that and the cameras….FFS.

Please, FOX NEWS shhhhhhhh

da06d6 No.1707135


That would rule ass.

03dffe No.1707136



c3b568 No.1707137


Once again no gold fringe. Sorry if pointed by other patriot anon.

85f5c1 No.1707138


Holy shit! I flipped over and Rodman was on screen. I dropped my beer!

59f1b9 No.1707139

File: 8c527c8c6f2a6d5⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 3e48eb940e501b24d22730bbc1….jpg)


Nice trips!


dfcd99 No.1707140


ThanQ anon…:)

9f6dda No.1707141


Right chair leg looks like it has a wheel.

fc0e7c No.1707142

File: f2c384e58cbb772⋯.png (324.38 KB, 700x703, 700:703, pepe celibrate.png)

69832d No.1707143


WTF is that shit?

da6f14 No.1707144

File: f886b2fea23927f⋯.jpg (59.04 KB, 485x340, 97:68, kim.jpg)

Feelings intensify

c3ab1b No.1707146

File: f520f77570ce3d4⋯.jpg (141.82 KB, 800x450, 16:9, peace Iran.jpg)

8b1a00 No.1707147


we all miss the quality of that silver in the film.

b4711e No.1707148


Naaah, his assignment was to help move the chess pieces around. The wars were prescheduled.

b849e0 No.1707149

True, if big

Wired Sources

‏ @WiredSources

BREAKING: North Korea has agreed to 'verifiable' denuclearization ahead of historic Summit with President Trump, a source tells us

f10a88 No.1707150


That swagger they shared. Almost like cadence.

03bec7 No.1707151

Teeny tiny slide.

Independent countries anon - have you ever considered the autonomous Native American nations within the U.S.? Shitloads of money laundering possible with those casinos.

3fdfdb No.1707152


spicer said today on twat POTUS made Justin jump out of his eyebrows or smth like that

Passed captcha from the first attempt, kek

e0c4cd No.1707153



dfcd99 No.1707154


Harris does that all the time. Can hardly stand to watch Fox anymore.

a21ce3 No.1707155

File: 710bff92bbf2add⋯.png (210.58 KB, 606x302, 303:151, ClipboardImage.png)


2987c9 No.1707156


fuking brilliant

33b9e8 No.1707157


Attempts to discredit. Don't follow anyone. They are all false prophets. Q only, no outside comms.

26170d No.1707158

File: c969fd7e6bb616f⋯.png (826.87 KB, 1094x657, 1094:657, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


049768 No.1707159


nicely done

3260f8 No.1707160

Fox News just reported that Kudlow is fine.

dfcd99 No.1707161



b557d0 No.1707162


Yes… wonderful news!!! A Blessing

c0b478 No.1707163

File: 33dddc1beb053c9⋯.jpg (60.3 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 34507502_2129981867016460_….jpg)

5b0a3a No.1707164


Why is the www.sethrich.azurewebsites.net

countdown clock now counting UP?

Major blue balls on that one…

15b4a3 No.1707165

Roberts on Fox verbally reporting on Hannity that Kudlow is fine

049768 No.1707166


muh home slice!

6b8cd4 No.1707167

File: 398e725718b7a2e⋯.jpg (26.92 KB, 500x396, 125:99, treepe.jpg)

It could be the Northern Lights, but I feel like I can fucking feel the energy coming from that building.

The air is fucking electric, anons.

Something good is coming.

822461 No.1707169

File: 01f12bd681eb212⋯.jpg (146.44 KB, 750x500, 3:2, The Hand 1.jpg)


POTUS is putting his arm on his shoulder, showing a presence of dominance. Body language is key. Little Rocket Man is playing the role of the bitch in this gesture.


The Pimp hand laughs last.


c48363 No.1707170


the best

digits confirm too

9f6dda No.1707171




>Records indicate that fringe was first used on the flag as early as 1835. It was not until 1895 that it was officially added to the national flag for all regiments of the Army. For civilian use, fringe is not required as an integral part of the flag, nor can its use be said to constitute an unauthorized addition to the design prescribed by statute. It is considered that fringe is used as an honorable enrichment only. (Military tradition)

40bcce No.1707172

and their own police forces


59f1b9 No.1707173


<3 Nord

3ef860 No.1707174


>hey kim what the hell is that smell? did you not take a shower before showing up in here?

>sorry donald but I shat my pants because I thought they were going to kill me the moment I left my car

3fdfdb No.1707175


May be it was just a rare non coincidence

71105a No.1707176


Scripted in the sense that they've done this already, dress-rehearsal was the actual show, now is just an encore IMO.

17e66b No.1707177

File: 16dc1f58251ded4⋯.jpg (2.54 MB, 4685x3124, 4685:3124, KIM DONALD.jpg)


a48a59 No.1707178

2420ec No.1707179


Wife says he's fine.

03bec7 No.1707180


Kim said "nice to meet you mister president" so I guess at least six words.

fafe89 No.1707181

File: edab818121e953c⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 5375x3583, 5375:3583, 1528766389498.jpg)

File: a4eac06e58abd3e⋯.jpg (554.43 KB, 3689x2459, 3689:2459, 1528766421101.jpg)

File: bf320c14877c98c⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 5082x3388, 3:2, 1528766521021.jpg)

File: 724aac0bab13f92⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 4696x3130, 2348:1565, 1528766688134.jpg)

File: ae924781744951f⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 4598x3065, 4598:3065, 1528766602320.jpg)

69832d No.1707182


Feckless cunts!

2987c9 No.1707183



fbe99d No.1707184


Idk why

a20fa1 No.1707186



almonds hoping it was a move to trap bad actors' fiendish plots

b849e0 No.1707187


Black man with MAGA hat..

.. on CNN..



da6e58 No.1707188

File: b4ae8fa88cdfd43⋯.jpg (111.96 KB, 1008x568, 126:71, images.duckduckgo.jpg)


You might be on to something

c48363 No.1707189


power of prayer

30bb38 No.1707190

File: 6412dc0df5a482e⋯.gif (5.17 MB, 512x288, 16:9, its_happening2.gif)


we already knew this was true. why? well… you're here aren't you…?

80ee94 No.1707191


Liberal heads exploding all over the place. It's glorious. I'm so proud to be here with all, well almost all, of you. WWG1WGA.

a1f6dc No.1707193

File: 7fd7317957837af⋯.png (574.75 KB, 509x378, 509:378, QTrump Kim.png)


is this a Q?

a48a59 No.1707194



2b7783 No.1707195



6c5e4e No.1707196



dfcd99 No.1707197


Thank you anon. That is great news!

be6f48 No.1707198


No, it's a metal band around the bottom of the chair. Look at the other chair leg.

3fdfdb No.1707199


Uncle tom

a21ce3 No.1707200

yo Rodman straight crying/chocking up on CNN..

e60da1 No.1707202

CNN is talking to Rodman

e62e3c No.1707203



Dazzle camoflage to conceal the shape of a very heavy woman. At least it's covered, eh?

Competence is what matters, not the physical envelope of flesh that a person's spirit is presently attired in.

e0c4cd No.1707204

7b0709 No.1707205


Calling ACLU now, kek

fa948b No.1707207

File: 91b30a31f423515⋯.jpg (110.23 KB, 867x681, 289:227, DfdENqVVMAE2uTP.jpg-large.jpg)

89a8c1 No.1707208


this won't age well

fbe99d No.1707209

Rodman emotional

40bcce No.1707210



71a1f6 No.1707211


I shoulda known better than post something that innocent in room full of conspiracy theorists.

Here come fifty more possibilities about what sunk the ship and who benefitted when it did.

a21ce3 No.1707212



180f22 No.1707214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2be5c1 No.1707215


There is always someone putting a Jewish turd in the punch bowl.

fafe89 No.1707216

File: e6aa0c4a63d7cd1⋯.png (1.21 KB, 210x161, 30:23, e6aa0c4a63d7cd1df48763b71d….png)

314c8f No.1707217

Rodman going nuts on CNN. I love it.

42608b No.1707218

File: 29de20c552bd5b0⋯.jpg (68.88 KB, 1124x1200, 281:300, Kudlow.jpg)

Q, we NEED a response about Larry.

After Melania, now Larry Kudlow,

And obviously so many witnesses. How can they just be allowed to do this with impunity?

When will POTUS or someone at least tell the truth so the media can't cover it up?


c0506c No.1707219


Its like saying

"my big cock"

Shows power

b4711e No.1707220


One of the best I've seen.

9de4d2 No.1707221

File: f570ff68a534961⋯.jpg (56.29 KB, 576x495, 64:55, longsmell.jpg)

664c33 No.1707222


I posted this immediately to my Facebook.

729fed No.1707223

File: 642fc33625c9f4a⋯.png (157.24 KB, 498x302, 249:151, twainPatriots.png)

File: 7d969597b5ea7ea⋯.jpg (22.43 KB, 400x400, 1:1, daleGribbleSmiling.jpg)

a4be3c No.1707224

==Rodman redpilling

"Kim told him that Rodman was the first person to even keep their word with him"

Exposing CIA/Puppetry

fa948b No.1707225

Is Rodman crying on CNN????

a48a59 No.1707226


Redpill redpill redpill redpill redpill

GO RODMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3260f8 No.1707227


Keep praying. SR was also fine when he got to the hospital.

8b1a00 No.1707228

the TRULY amazing thing about this peace agreement is not just the enormity of it for the world…. but having to break the CIA/deepstate to do it… just awesome!!

db52ac No.1707229


I am sorry he isnt, anon,

e60da1 No.1707230


Race war confirmed. What is going on. Rodman is losing his shit. Good for him. Let's some real black folks on MSM!

ff2dc8 No.1707231

Rodman crying on CNN

9e83f7 No.1707232




Excellent photos!

If peace is made tonight then the whole world will smile.

Trump is the greatest President we’ve had in a hundred years or so!

40bcce No.1707234


if we'd pay attention to it, we'd probably see that the different resets correspond to a specific timeline

36cb85 No.1707236


Honestly who cares, the guy is a cokehead prick and to even have him in the same sentence as FLOTUS is insulting to her.

4c876f No.1707237

File: eb3a8d37cd1d1dd⋯.jpg (192.94 KB, 1011x651, 337:217, ruleandlaw.jpg)

>>1705689 (lb)

>>1705635 (lb)

>>1705752 (lb)

>Natural World Order

> the Golden Rule

> Law of the Jungle

As determined by nature, the law of nature is implied to be objective and universal; it exists independently of human understanding, and of the positive law of a given state, political order, legislature or society at large.

Natural law

From Wikipedia,

Thomas Aquinas, a *Catholic* philosopher of the Middle Ages, revived and developed natural law from ancient Greek philosophy.

Natural law (Latin: ius naturale, lex naturalis) is a philosophy asserting that certain rights are inherent by virtue of human nature, endowed by nature—traditionally by God or a transcendent source—and that these can be understood universally through human reason.


646121 No.1707238

File: 7416844db9bbb0e⋯.jpg (64.46 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, mst3k.jpg)

MSM is the movie

Joel is Q

I suck at memes.

8a7837 No.1707240


Digging it! Teamwork anon

7d5c94 No.1707241

File: 2c6dd1697395d11⋯.png (558.54 KB, 725x484, 725:484, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0cfc75ee02d966⋯.png (526.78 KB, 725x484, 725:484, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// graphics.straitstimes.com/STI/STIMEDIA/Interactives/2018/06/trump-kim-summit/index.html

4ff2b0 No.1707242


had to have been planned

dc1a5f No.1707243


Kim went to school in Europe. Surely he speaks fairly fluent English.

8d9d31 No.1707244

File: 43b35c4c1fa11a7⋯.png (324.46 KB, 588x474, 98:79, ClipboardImage.png)

fa948b No.1707245


I said that this morning….it went to zero and right back up

0e49c9 No.1707246


How did I get Here?

2420ec No.1707247

File: d5ee169352246c5⋯.jpg (6.31 KB, 186x186, 1:1, OES.jpg)


> whispered that it was a party scheme to get him out for Elliott

You got it, Pontiac.

Her brother in law is mob connected, did you know that? I know for sure the public doesn't. Millions of coke money laundered through racetracks and casinos.

7ee7d9 No.1707248

File: f1f64b64aa08fe2⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1450x709, 1450:709, CNNgo CNN.com.png)

3bd17a No.1707249

File: 103d4eb7c83d10e⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1272x777, 424:259, ComplicatedBiz.PNG)

dfcd99 No.1707250


Larry is going to be fine.

b620e9 No.1707251


Nah you no can discern. Also…

You will never be white nigger faggot

3db1c4 No.1707252



Never come down anon

96c264 No.1707253

File: c0923edd22f69cc⋯.png (278.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, apatosaurus woman.png)

9f83cd No.1707255

File: b05eb2f0689c02e⋯.png (95.79 KB, 436x487, 436:487, ClipboardImage.png)




74 Arrested in Coordinated International Enforcement Operation Targeting Hundreds of Individuals in Business Email Compromise Schemes

42 Alleged Fraudsters Arrested in the United States



Q May 14:

Image search for 'fire truck / engine'.

Letter common in front of #?

Post 74.


U.S. Flag [post] 'Castle LOCK' - pointed ref?

Comms understood?


6fee63 No.1707256


macron, trudeau and merkel are actually the ones trying to destroy planet, if hillary had won they would have murdered millions with nukes by now

fbe99d No.1707257

Cuomo doesn't get it.

a48a59 No.1707258



This deserves a "I told you so"

c6de2e No.1707259


His wife just made a statement that he is fine and the doctors are great. Calm the fuck down.

2efd1d No.1707261

Potus to sit down with Fox News Hannity tonight live after Summit with Kim Jong Un.

9de4d2 No.1707262


i wish he was too anon

God bless you

b9a51a No.1707263



3c9086 No.1707264


no more hatred…sounds great.

69832d No.1707265

File: f5e9cee7ccb9783⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 5375x3583, 5375:3583, POTUS KJU.jpg)


That look from POTUS!

314c8f No.1707266

Wow. Rodman has a tremendous heart. God bless him.

He's not a dummy. Very well spoken.

2b7783 No.1707267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

03bec7 No.1707269

You can tell the very moment the /qresearch/ team's adhd kicks in.

Onward and upward, anons.

95ea56 No.1707270


because it's the same bullshit countdown it was years ago. that shit isn't new.

462f2e No.1707272


Maybe Kim will come and and tell everything that's been going on - in perfect English. Lay it all right out there for all to hear.

40bcce No.1707273


ferchrissake cap that so he can't delete it

he blocked my twatter long ago

e7eccb No.1707274



1dc86f No.1707275


What did Rodman say to cuomo??

a48a59 No.1707276


Missed it. Any anons have a replay/link?

1410b5 No.1707277


Not seeing a Q. Looks like a random design to me.

36cb85 No.1707278


I hope this is an epic bromance of our times. Much better than Macron.

cea0e1 No.1707279



I never noticed POTUS doesn't wear wed ring.

1efe10 No.1707280


That is a different Desert Diaond Casino that is located in phoenix but run by the same tribe. The Phoenix casino is nowhere near their reservation but about 50 years ago a dam was built that displaced a small band of the Tohono O'odham and as compensation they were allowed to buy land anywhere they wanted so they chose west phoenix and eventually built another casino there.

b8fa51 No.1707282

Sauce on Rodman interview?

2420ec No.1707283


>British proxy controlled by the Crown Corporation

Through Gurensey. There are French and Dutch interests and Guernsey was legally better than using the City of London.

Oh, and then there was this:


83b109 No.1707284

File: c5abecede8fc7ed⋯.jpg (257.71 KB, 725x484, 725:484, history books.jpg)

File: 0be141aedd19d01⋯.jpg (319.14 KB, 725x482, 725:482, history boooks.jpg)

History Books, Lads.

42608b No.1707285


Are you fucking retarded?

This is a step BEYOND a threat to POTUS. This is a half-step away from an assassination attempt.

f10a88 No.1707286

File: d3e6f713dd9ec8c⋯.jpg (93.8 KB, 696x500, 174:125, d56725456145134672547.jpg)

da6f14 No.1707287

File: 6d53d2ec2b7af86⋯.jpg (958.98 KB, 2748x1767, 916:589, 20180611_203325_HDR~2.jpg)

Look at this face… Rodman is doing work

4dfc5d No.1707288

File: efc2ff4e746bf57⋯.jpg (127.19 KB, 500x643, 500:643, _8158ggzwv85.jpg)

>>1707173, >>1707159, >>1707240

ThanQs, teamwork indeed. ;)

>Now off to sleep

71105a No.1707289

File: 1d53599ccc11987⋯.jpg (53.08 KB, 413x395, 413:395, top pop.jpg)

Who else is waiting for MSM to be confused about what exactly the 2 leaders are discussing, only for POTUS to say at the end, "Oh btw, we're just here to finalize some trade deals, KJU and myself met months ago about denuclearization… Didn't you get the memo?"

a4be3c No.1707290



We now know why Rodman is in Singapore.

Massive redpilling via CNN.

Cuomo asking if Trump admin has being communicating with him!!

06fc89 No.1707291


Where do we go from here? What can we guess dates and time about now?

3d5d90 No.1707292












3fdfdb No.1707293

8d9d31 No.1707294

File: c306e3304b18d97⋯.png (273.43 KB, 444x385, 444:385, ClipboardImage.png)

e1a621 No.1707295

File: bd8c19237782557⋯.jpg (149.83 KB, 867x681, 289:227, 91b30a31f423515ec8306e0a24….jpg)

03dffe No.1707296


In before Wictor does a 25 tweet analysis of Kim touching Don's arm.

92883a No.1707297


>Rodman on with Make America Great hat on


486b21 No.1707299


Macron is dead to us

049768 No.1707300


Dennis gave cuomo Tuckerface!

b744e1 No.1707301


Very nice!

"I think we can reach a deal."

1aeba4 No.1707302

somebody needs to record Denis Rodman on CNN live now, i think he just confirm that KJU was a prisoner of the deep state

e7eccb No.1707303

I got that CNN sauce.


3b3d45 No.1707304

File: 3599e895838562a⋯.jpg (127.36 KB, 752x500, 188:125, cheshireCat.jpg)


I'm twatterless, hope some of you anons let him have it.

Here's a start, I'd be grateful. : )

b8fa51 No.1707305


OMG do you have a link?

3260f8 No.1707306

Rodman twice avoids answering CNN question, Does KJU understand or speak English?

b96461 No.1707307

File: 8443087cb23916d⋯.png (292.46 KB, 554x426, 277:213, AMB Rodman.png)

d128d1 No.1707308


Really love these, anon!! <3

Thank you so much!

da842d No.1707309



ce09a5 No.1707310


omg did anyone see that cow stalking in with a trail of reporters following her?

9de4d2 No.1707311

nk is celebrating

03bec7 No.1707312


Why don't we figure out the "more than we know" part.

fa948b No.1707313


The documentary about his trips to NK is really interesting

Also, this morning an Kim "expert" was talking about how Kim's mother never made him go to school

He spent most of his day playing Playstation

a48a59 No.1707314



4d3509 No.1707315

File: 391c82928071348⋯.png (91.12 KB, 314x346, 157:173, ClipboardImage.png)

saw this today for the first time

https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=0zzQk8IwSJE

George Soros appears in conversation with Google CEO Eric Schmidt. This event took place on Auguest 9, 2006, at Google's headquarters in Mountain View, CA.

of note:

• Soros uses OSF to fund intellectuals & universities

• Post 911 the open society (as Soros understands it) is in danger in US – bubble of American supremacy

• CANT BASE DECISIONS ON INFO ALONE – have to introduce JUDGEMENT & BIAS – idea that could base decisions on KNOWLEDGE is a FALICY

• US as sole super power has obligation to strengthen international organizations and have to be concerned w/ welfare of world not just its own citizens

• His #1 example was climate change of course

• Right wing theory = Nazi propaganda machine

• Promote open society everywhere and his example of success was South Africa that has only ONE DOMINANT PARTY that could change the constitution but its functioning open society because independent judiciary and civil society holding govt accountable [fast fwd 10 yrs]


• Free markets would collapse w/o GOVT REGULATIONS

• His philanthropy is to INFLUENCE THE WAY GOVT SPENDS PUBLIC MONEY [ie bribe politicians to waste taxes on

4c876f No.1707316


More on "Natural Law"

Contemporarily, the concept of natural law is closely related to the concept of natural rights. Indeed, many philosophers, jurists and scholars use natural law synonymously with natural rights (Latin: ius naturale), or natural justice.[3] while others distinguish between natural law and natural right.[1]

Because of the intersection between natural law and natural rights, natural law has been cited as a component in the United States Declaration of Independence, and claimed by natural law proponents thus to be incorporated into its constitution, as well as in the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789). (See: "Laws of Nature" First Paragraph Declaration of Independence[4])

Although natural law is often confused with common law, the two are distinct. Even though natural law theories have exercised a profound influence on the development of English common law,[5] the latter is not based on inherent rights, but is the legal tradition whereby certain rights or values are legally recognized by virtue of already having judicial recognition or articulation.[6] Natural law is often contrasted with the man-made laws (positive law) of a given state, political entity or society.[7] In legal theory, the interpretation of a man-made law requires some reference to natural law. On this understanding of natural law, natural law can be invoked to criticize judicial decisions about what the law says, but not to criticize the best interpretation of the law itself.


fafe89 No.1707317

File: b502ad5d6e5c9a7⋯.jpg (968.96 KB, 5370x3580, 3:2, 1528766721506.jpg)

File: 975ba63e6ab1fad⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 4804x3202, 2402:1601, 1528766567207.jpg)

File: 0347f144358c67d⋯.jpg (549.81 KB, 3642x2428, 3:2, 1528766446133.jpg)

File: 687abe103058dad⋯.jpg (458.26 KB, 3083x2055, 3083:2055, 1528766747916.jpg)

3d5d90 No.1707318

File: 079de29a758dedf⋯.png (282.21 KB, 750x221, 750:221, TuckerFace.png)

9e83f7 No.1707319

File: 3b69bf37155a58c⋯.jpeg (57.45 KB, 635x477, 635:477, 1585BD54-DCD7-4F38-B27E-3….jpeg)

Too much winning anons..

Idk if I can handle anymore..

3c1271 No.1707320

File: 1a3aae2f923022a⋯.png (104.87 KB, 287x212, 287:212, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at ….png)


Fuck this guy. Rodman is cool tho.

a48a59 No.1707321

Now that I think of it..


3c9086 No.1707322

b744e1 No.1707324


Non Admiralty US flags!!

fc0e7c No.1707325

Current bread>>1706453

Fresh Bread





Dangit! Already baker'ed

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