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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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First time on 8chan? First time on /QResearch/? Click here before posting, newfag.

File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

3e15b8 No.1594908

Start here.

Anon will follow with the bake

b084dd No.1594911


851df0 No.1594912


NOTHING is the only thing that doesn't exist. Our reality is boundless. Fine the edge, only to step beyond into more existence.

4155b4 No.1594913

wtH is going on?

04515b No.1594914

Welcome To Q Research General

Rest in peace, President Kennedy. Through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and, by the grace of God, activated the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity >>1552095

Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


22c83a No.1594916


>My mind is even more blown then when I realized there is no past and future, only now.

Well, when you return from your LSD trip, keep in mind that your static view of the Universe is constrained by the very language we use to describe reality. English, for example, places emphasis on the noun, whereas most other languages, such as those belonging to Native American Indians places emphasis on the verb, which actually better reflects reality where nothing is ever static and is always in flux.

While we can observe electrons as particles or waves, the latter measured by frequency includes time as an intrinsic characteristic. Even polarity presumes a time function since two opposite charges attract one another.

nothing is ever truly static within our "being"

3d805d No.1594917


are not endorsements


>>1583589 BO on Clown's bots

>>1545457 Major announcement from BO

>>1555357 PDF Uploading Enabled


>>1594158, >>1594207 Mystery Booms in PA

>>1594270 Israeli Banker Troubles

>>1594314 Dig relating NXIVM to Podesta

>>1594326 Brennan & Clapper Hacked FISA Court Judge?

>>1594361 Dig Needed, Baker Has Seen Video Posted Over & Over... Leaving it out there for Anons to decide - Cranberries <3


>>1593388, >>1593366 CIA Undermines North Korea Summit By Leaking Report To Media Asset

>>1593685 Obama Second Guessing His Influence - Reluctant Godfather Handing Off

>>1593825 Expert: NASA’s Cybersecurity Flaws Leave Agency Exposed to International Threats

>>1503437 Unite & Fight Anons, They Want Us Divided


>>1593260 Dinesh D’Souza Just Posted a Brutal Soros Interview on the Holocaust

>>1592540 POP QUIZ!

>>1592906 MKUltra, Rosie and Ambiens

>>1592658 3m Redpill Video

>>1592749 Pruitt: ‘We’re Going to Be Energy Dominant and Energy Independent’


>>1591958 , >>1592002 The most embarrassing revelations from the Sony hack

>>1591836 Update to StormWatchers sealed indictments

>>1591848 Harvey Weinstien Emails from 2013

>>1591869 Is it a "coinky-dink"? Valerie Jarrett Connections (autists check in)

>>1591885, >>1592357 Quality Xpost from reddit: What is a True Q Follower?


>>1591085 , >>1591468 Valerie Jarrett Wikileaks Sony Files Family tree

>>1591233 1994 Vice "What is Al-Qaeda" | Counter argument for this being false: >>1592773

>>1591162 His-story continued from previous bread

>>1591175 Milenial spelt with one "L" for a reason

>>1591399 POTUS KNEW Watch this even if you know it was inside job

>>1591224 , >>1591329 , >>1591591 Nano/Thermite

>>1591308 , >>1591270 , >>1591563 Pentagon

>>1591344 , >>1591328 , 1591447 Treason

>>1591580 , >>1591559 Flight 93, no people

>>1591259 Spreadsheet compiled all Q timestamps and deltas

>>1591369 Q clock predicts RR firing

>>1591395 Charles C. (Sandy)-NXIVM-PODESTA-Wilkes is Pam Cafritz's Adopted Brother

>>1591461 Sky Event Related Notables

>>1591449 AUTISM pieces together Puzzle from Helpers (great work anon)

>>1591523 AZ Governor Meets With NoName About Whether He Will Step Down

>>1591091 55 exclamation points on a day that lines up with :55 on the Q clock

>>1591601 Brown Brothers Harriman Building 1 block away from Towers

>>1591492 Midterm senate election Missouri: Greitens invited to resign by the plan

>>1591658 Lawfag dig on Statute of Limitations and Sealed Indictments


>>1590402 >1590698 Colors, why are they significant

>>1590369, >>1590585 NXIVM linked to Podesta infograph

>>1590498 Cancer Cure related, right to try

>>1590541 For Clock Fags, think mirror

>>1590531 Social Media Update (FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT)

>>1590476 Fed moves ahead on easing post-crisis 'Volcker Rule'

>>1590557 Helper Posts From Previous bread

>>1590418 December 21 EO in action Notable AF

>>1590659 Valerie Jarrett Cablegate files 2009-2010

>>1590758 Trump to Unleash, steel, aluminum tarrifs on EU

>>1590814 Updated Sealed Court docs, 28,937

>>1590826 Roseanne fags, she needs Our Help

>>1590871 NYT Admits lied about crowd size, YOU'RE WINNING ANONS

>>1590883 Jagdstaffel 11 ("No 11 Fighter Squadron)


>>1589621, >>1589863 American Bankruptcy, moar his-tory

>>1589618 Milwaukee, military plane, emergency landing, explosions at scene

>>1589581 Humans are worth more sick, Big pharma is evil

>>1589549 Gov Abbott Submits School Safety Plan (Arm Teachers & Hire Vets)

>>1589789 Obama Meeting with MSoft, Zynga to discuss Gov Surveillance


>>1589900 Airkek Updates

>>1589986 Valerie Jarrett Wikileaks Beret Box Files 2013

>>1589980 BO <3

>>1590046 Michelle Obama's brother managing director @ loopCapital

>>1590144 Harvey Weinstien indicted on rape charges Manhattan DA Grand Jury

>>1590279 Texas Sheriffs standing up (there are white-hat LEO's!)

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

c91ba2 No.1594918

File: d79fcdebd24d1ed⋯.jpg (195.98 KB, 1200x1726, 600:863, you.jpg)

Lurk moar = reread crumbs

Shills derail = if this is a larp, why the attention

JIDFvsPOLvsKKKvsLeftyPOL= divide and conquer

concernfag=disillusion troll

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1510286 Useful filters

Temba, his arms wide…

Q, his board comfy…

b5e930 No.1594921


"Nothing" is still something anon.

3d805d No.1594922

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

>>1579221 - Clockwork Qrange

>>1587271 @EyeTheSpy & @BackChannel17 thread

9d94a1 No.1594923

>>1594879 (lb)

>Muh fearmongering

What an age old tactic

Fucking kys, clown.

3d805d No.1594924

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived ----------------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ----------------------------------------- >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures - >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg -------------------------------- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ------------ >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ----------------- >>>/comms/966

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954 Re: >>1514062

b084dd No.1594925

==NIGGER IN THE BREAD==>>1594921

851df0 No.1594926


Your movies entertain us

3e15b8 No.1594927

Anon, have an exam this Sunday. Didn't see any new thread thought of making one. Some kind Anon will collect notables from last bread and post w the dough. Gotta study. Pray for me Anon.

Also, attention BO!

b24a16 No.1594928


its just an emergency bake, calm down. sometimes internets go out, captchas get stupid, or something else untoward or unexpected occurs. Handoffs are usually pretty smooth, but shit happens.

82bbf2 No.1594930

File: 5586818a7c4012c⋯.png (433.9 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, weinstein abc.png)

File: 4761b3c40025750⋯.png (86.55 KB, 607x604, 607:604, kek meme corps.png)

File: 2a28a823eb16996⋯.png (44.21 KB, 500x427, 500:427, pepe bombs.png)

File: 3fc667577977a1d⋯.gif (1022.13 KB, 480x362, 240:181, popckorn aaaagh.gif)








c30b59 No.1594931

Anonymous ID: fad025 No.126928 📁

Dec 19 2017 17:37:38 (EST)


Are UFOs a distraction?

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03c2f4 No.126948 📁

Dec 19 2017 17:39:15 (EST)


How far away is the closest star?

What do you think?


12e6a8 No.1594932


I believe the Baker got hung out by Capcha

955b9b No.1594933

Which one of you fags are calling in to groundzero about covefe? I know your in here.

3d805d No.1594934



35e48d No.1594935

File: 703c44850707c20⋯.jpg (18.67 KB, 434x152, 217:76, Capture.JPG)

>>1594900 (lb)

>What is religion?

>How is religion propagated?

>How are their customs represented?

"This is not about religion" - Q

Because organized religion was one of the earliest methods they used to control us.

The existence of Good does not require a religion to recognize it. God does not, either. Neither does evil.

Anyone who tells you that you must follow a specific religion instead of simply following the natural vibration of the Creator (Love), in intentionally or not, part of the problem.

>What are governments?

>What are seals?

>What are coat of arms?

Additionally, the symbols were in a lot more places than one would think. For instance, take any empire that had coin currency. They did not have any internet, but if they could sneak a symbol into their currency, then everyone in their empire who handled money would be, in effect, empowering the symbol.

575452 No.1594936

File: 4f39cc216717303⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1544x1544, 1:1, 2018-05-31 00.15.31.png)

Clockfag 5th request to fixit

41d126 No.1594937

File: 41c27a89131712f⋯.jpg (180.84 KB, 801x1200, 267:400, 11_big.jpg)

File: cb4aa4d3470cdc2⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2122x1415, 2122:1415, shortbread.jpg)


Nice emergency shortbread baker. Thank you

Take some milf titties

b5e930 No.1594938


I'm not even the anon you were replying to lol

4155b4 No.1594939

File: 8c5638803b5c9d2⋯.jpg (457.46 KB, 1080x1065, 72:71, Screenshot_20180530-222534….jpg)

thx Emg Baker!

45fe0a No.1594941


a non-answer

4155b4 No.1594942


necessary evil my ass! :/

8b2251 No.1594943

File: dd4d59ed278135d⋯.jpg (55.28 KB, 576x864, 2:3, The-Wreck-of-the-Titan-or-….jpg)


<(PB, checked)

>so how did this work when there was no mass communication ?

Books and literature.

See the Titanic for an example- The book 'The Wreck of The Titan; or, Futility' 14 years prior..

614ecc No.1594944


its a bot dude, filter it and move on. Its been set up to automatically be first post on knew general breads.

f0f3a2 No.1594945

Thanks EBaker!!!!!!!

Some of the best loaves are whipped up in a hurry!!!

04515b No.1594946


>Anon, have an exam this Sunday

These (((faggots))) aren't even half-assing it anymore.


ba0fe0 No.1594947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



c30b59 No.1594948


and how about before books and literature ?

276e3a No.1594949

>>1594832 lb


Yes, what do you think about that post tho? Pompeo's notes missing #23?




575452 No.1594950


10/28 is 4:20…. fugggg just noticed

b084dd No.1594951


I ain't no bot faggot. I just like playing Nigger in the Bread. Sometimes I miss the Nigger but I always get it like 10% of the time.

abdbc3 No.1594952

so we're staying?

3d805d No.1594953

OMG Anon

Thanks so much… So Fucking Shilly…

I had teen here assisting…

kept failing, had 2 windows up trying to make a new thread running simultaneously

2a2c1d No.1594954

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

ty emergency baker

7ebcdd No.1594955


https://www.weaselzippers.us/386596-ben-rhodes-remix/ via @weaselzippers

b5e930 No.1594956


Roger roger

f0f3a2 No.1594957


Captcha been a bitch lately!

3f3fd7 No.1594958

File: b1b92167124c151⋯.png (660.44 KB, 602x504, 43:36, A1.PNG)

TY Emergency Baker

666f3e No.1594959

File: d50539392ccac0d⋯.png (129.09 KB, 500x314, 250:157, tumblr_inline_nrhwq8u00B1s….png)


Thank you E baker

2d71c2 No.1594960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(Bread #2002)





What, are you rewriting history with fake pictures to mislead

the people who haven't researched 9/11?

04515b No.1594961

File: 33e2acc2f01fb51⋯.jpg (120.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bakerteam.jpg)

64fbd7 No.1594962

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18


Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Too many hints at 06/11/2018

19564a No.1594963

>>1594725 (prev bread)

Bipolar is NOT multiple personalities. It is a depressive disorder (manic depression). BP is also Borderline Personalities. They are not one and the same.

b084dd No.1594964


Thats a good nigger

2d46c1 No.1594965


I tried to find 'nonlit gaseous star' and couldn't find anything.

I'm either a total artard at the moment or…..

WHAT is that nonlit star??

And could that be the closest??


35e48d No.1594966


You mean before recorded history?

I don't know. The answer depends on how far you think this has been happening (meaning, how long we've been manipulated for).

If it's happening now doesn't mean it was always happening, anon.

This reality could have been working rather well until it was exploited.

12e6a8 No.1594967

File: c8a65dd42383950⋯.png (5.68 KB, 494x130, 19:5, 06.PNG)

>>1594866 lb Baker

3d805d No.1594968


Yes, Original Baker Here

We are staying,

851df0 No.1594969


Some need meditation to quiet the senses so they can maintain resonance in the Eleventh Dimension of Reason.

It's not required though, once you train yourself to make it your natural state.

It should be noted that everyone is in this state, but few engage in it.

64fbd7 No.1594970

File: 5a93944bad727df⋯.png (132.49 KB, 674x484, 337:242, ClipboardImage.png)



c30b59 No.1594971


ive been listening to steve quayle and tom horn today. it touches on that very interesting stuff

7ebcdd No.1594972


forgot to add description…hilarious remix of the recently discovered Ben Rhodes election night tape

27b704 No.1594973


How many times have we heard that recently?

8a441c No.1594974

File: 2f71a3853474fae⋯.png (82.03 KB, 722x515, 722:515, tweet.png)


0c4063 No.1594975

File: acd70bcfd118bc3⋯.png (22.56 KB, 745x120, 149:24, uscp.PNG)

in case this got over looked last bread re-posting

8cdaba No.1594977

File: 67c945f8b8ed36d⋯.jpeg (43.66 KB, 601x345, 601:345, 2094123723060bf72162a4d91….jpeg)

We need to be more PC around here.

bb704b No.1594978


That one anon posted a diagram of a molecule, implying it was a small star

40a641 No.1594979

File: 3fbc2696884502d⋯.png (255.24 KB, 400x300, 4:3, aunt-jemima.png)

Thanks Baker.

ba0fe0 No.1594980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

homage to elysium

2b70b2 No.1594982


BiBi doesn't want the (Multi-Culturalism)

7fae69 No.1594983


God Bless you, Anon as you study. May God give you wisdom, knowledge, a clear head, and peace during your test.

229198 No.1594984





every star is "lit" and they're not gaseous, they're plasma


the orbital mechanics are the exact same, just on WAY different scales

27b704 No.1594985

3d805d No.1594986


Baker couldn't after so many tries had reinforcement here…

An Anon was able to make a thread post and Baker added rest of bread

Just fucking crazy…

Over Target Much?

c30b59 No.1594987

as above so below ?

955b9b No.1594988

WOW. the Anti-Q famefags are calling in attacking us. Calling us addicted cult fans waiting for a war that will never happen. Leave it to a famefag to never turn down an opportunity. I keep expecting Corsi to call in here any minute. I should call in on the show but I dont wanna sit on hold for 45 minutes.

27b704 No.1594989


Sorry to offend anon.

Lurk moar.

45fe0a No.1594991

File: 63533c2928e435a⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2500x1407, 2500:1407, george-hw-bush-tweet-today….jpg)

8cdaba No.1594992

File: 59350b0aa9e2976⋯.jpeg (55.28 KB, 580x622, 290:311, 57683fc04ece2843d67d088e4….jpeg)


Who can blame him?

But too bad, because here it comes, jews.

2ee097 No.1594994


Why chose to be such an idiot?

04515b No.1594995

File: 6fefe1e1c92c3b9⋯.png (65.68 KB, 220x279, 220:279, CHUCKTOPKIKE.png)

575452 No.1594996



Iam YOUing myself because y'all aren't looking. Q first post was 10/28

On the clock it is 4:20

4 10 20

4 20

Donald Trump! Please fix the clock!!!

067985 No.1594997


Atoms are the closest stars

2b70b2 No.1594998



ba0fe0 No.1594999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

some strange wiggle

27b704 No.1595000


Last portrait? (Please?)

3d805d No.1595001


Damn, so wicked up in here

806be4 No.1595002

File: 24b6ea0c5e274e8⋯.png (411.03 KB, 1234x971, 1234:971, Avenatti Graves.png)

File: c32672fcefe6908⋯.png (74.4 KB, 615x303, 205:101, AvenattiBasta.png)

WOW - -MICHAEL AVENATTI worked on a case for 5 years between 2009-2014 on JEWISH CEMETERY GRAVE-ROBBERS!

Who knows where the bodies are buried?



2d46c1 No.1595003


Shit….I remember that/have it saved.

It's creepy….I keep popping on into breads that …whoever it is, is in.

It's like a bat signal KEK.

Hmm. Interdasting. This bread is alive with the sound of braincells fuming.

166611 No.1595004

File: 1a569b6f47763cd⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 300x496, 75:124, TypicalJew.jpg)

229198 No.1595005

f0f3a2 No.1595006


The moar I watch this vid the moar it seems like what (((they))) are doing to us. Complete with Adrena-[Chrome] spray for their mouths!

c30b59 No.1595007


so if atoms and stars work the same. could all the negative energy on our planet be going somwhere ..

c6af74 No.1595009

File: 9492be55bce9a89⋯.jpg (47.49 KB, 600x496, 75:62, brennantweet.jpg)

>>1594326 (lb)

77914a No.1595010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A song for the Heebs! Scroll past the the weak minded Chan indoctrinated twatwaffles. They are weak minded just like the indoctrinated regressive left. Good verses evil. Good and Evil comes in all shapes and forms.

2b70b2 No.1595011


Check the news in the last weeks.

UN went that. But BiBi doesn't leave to entry.

cdbc8d No.1595012


>When did they corrupt cosmology? After Tycho Brahe?

It all happened in the rebellion against the Catholic Church. Galileo looked into his telescope and proclaimed the Earth revolved around the Sun. Copernicus created the heliocentric model, Tyco Brache the correct geocentric model.

But people didn't want to listen to the Church, so the Protestant Reformation adopted the Copernican model under the idea that the Church and Bible were WRONG because Galileo said so.

500 years later...we can see farther. The Church, and the Bible, were correct all along. Earth is a sphere. It does not move. And we are the center of all of creation.

NASA hides the truth of course, because the truth would have to admit that GOD exists, created all, and evolution is false.

Can't have that now.

ba0fe0 No.1595013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

homage to burningman prekillbill1&2

b084dd No.1595014


Trust the plan.

851df0 No.1595015


My friend, we agree on this too


04515b No.1595016


you need a break YNoCaptchaBaker?

27b704 No.1595018


Or shilling. Really past baker?

3d805d No.1595019

Ebaker, Thanks - are you handing off? Your initial post seemed to indicate as much?

2d46c1 No.1595020


I have Aspergers.

Sarcasm isn't always apparent to MANY of us around here, though we also dish it out.

That is why I was asking, Anon.

Because I dug myself and found nothing/knew of thing but….Mandela man…shit has changed on me in ways that are even stranger.

So I ask just in case. Thank you for clarifying of course, as that went over my head so kek. I literally ranted out loud with my in-house Q-partner for five minutes before putting feelers out to see wtf. -salutes;

6fe14b No.1595021


Thanks, I was going to say the same thing.

229198 No.1595022


cosmology doesn't refute God actually, it implies it

COSMOLOGISTS are the ones doing that

cd6e17 No.1595023


Last week he was Critical Thinking Anon, This week he's CCA, I'll give him an F for creativity

585d6a No.1595024

File: 9d0fe0f357d53c1⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 830x522, 415:261, WHO2005letterheadToSteiger.JPG)

File: ec95e269d9435f0⋯.jpg (79.82 KB, 834x253, 834:253, WHO2005tellsSteigerNoDiscu….JPG)

>>1593723 lb

>>1593858 lb

Steiger: WHO insider, pandemic angle, SSRI angle

This anon was pharmafag with DoD bioterrorism countermeasures after 9/11, when given skeleton of Q plan. For years the whitehats in Mil have been laying a protective net around us in all areas cabal can hurt us, preparing for this day. We do have countermeasures even to “weaponized” strains of anything they can throw at us--if they can think of it, we thought of it first--so no need to fear big picture.

But the cabal can still do the temporary, small scale mayhem as they're doing with shooters and jihadists etc. Whitehats will want to minimize that as cabal gets more desperate. Steiger, as former WHO exec, would "know where the bodies were buried" re: vulnerabilities and bad actors in this arena.

Another angle to consider is POTUS's recent challenge to Big Pharm, which is only the beginning IMO. Most of us here know SSRI's and other psych meds are a real problem, nearly all school shooters are on them. Found this letter from WHO to Steiger in 2005 where it appears they're tabling his desire to discuss the problem of SSRI's, among a disregard of other of his suggestions. Can't be sure without more context, but maybe Steiger was someone that had inclination to be whitehat, met with establishment resistance, and is now /ourguy/.


3e15b8 No.1595025

File: 90acfd58e8bff23⋯.gif (2.69 KB, 220x160, 11:8, 5ef8bd41f36bba4f3e5a88d615….gif)

229198 No.1595026


lol o7

c30b59 No.1595028


thats what i was implying. hmmm now can anyone tell me why q and multiple people are pushing unity and positive thinking ?

27b704 No.1595029


Same schtick, new time.

It gets old.

212de5 No.1595030

File: 67584f87d438f7d⋯.png (2.36 MB, 4876x2800, 1219:700, Valerie Jarrett.png)

File: 10498e4c6e0bb6c⋯.png (2.05 MB, 2860x3388, 65:77, Obama's Top Adviser Valeri….png)

Can i get a hand creating this GRAPHIC

re: Valerie Jarrett

And as it turns there is strong evidence to

suggest that [Valerie Jarrett] is Muslim.

Just saying.

8b2251 No.1595031

File: 1c27cf2c5681b00⋯.jpg (134.84 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ayyy micro.jpg)


How does that make any sense in relation to the original question the anon asked…

40a641 No.1595032

File: ab5d7bccbfe963e⋯.png (29.05 KB, 970x620, 97:62, drunk-pepe.png)


The bar is closed faggot. Go to bed.

3d805d No.1595033


Shilling?? Fuck off dickhead

You don't know how many times I tried…

b084dd No.1595035



bb704b No.1595036

File: e6f6fba8c756370⋯.png (438.01 KB, 1198x1202, 599:601, brahe.png)


Interesting, thanks anon

0c9a9c No.1595037

File: 7232d468d047eb2⋯.jpeg (97.67 KB, 390x300, 13:10, how_many_lights.jpeg)

Captain's Log [SD–304589.0411]

It's been nine days since we last encountered the entity known as Q.

How can we be prepared for that which we do not know?

You wanted me to say, 'I need you'?

Perhaps what we most needed was a kick in our complacency - to prepare us for what lies ahead.

2d46c1 No.1595038


KEKing myself to death over here, honestly.

I. Love. This. Damn. Place.


851df0 No.1595040


Time doesn't work like that. You can only observe what manifests to you, and that is what we call time. In that context, there is no other time. Of course, my observations are different than yours which is why the Tenth Dimension is paramount.

128e20 No.1595041


>>1594945 - Anon see above. Keep baking.

229198 No.1595042



my emphasis in research is supermassive black holes (SMBHs)

love will talk cosmology all day

ignorance is one of the biggest problems in our society today, the GREAT AWAKENING is one thing that can help

92c605 No.1595043

File: d24d08bbf7b8102⋯.png (555.16 KB, 1023x514, 1023:514, pedosal.png)

File: c2c78abbd51d8bc⋯.png (427.39 KB, 894x555, 298:185, bpeckx.png)

File: 20de8752bd6f05c⋯.png (605.66 KB, 1004x524, 251:131, bpeckdis.png)


Just two years after Disney bought Merimax from Weinstein, they hired Salva. Sure appear to like child rapists, don't they?

27b704 No.1595044


We've been over this…

254ebc No.1595046


Good work Anon. People get upset when their relatives (father) are murdered to enable cabals plans.

27fea7 No.1595047

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

c30b59 No.1595048


The electrons of an atom are attracted to the protons in an atomic nucleus by this electromagnetic force. The protons and neutrons in the nucleus are attracted to each other by a different force, the nuclear force, which is usually stronger than the electromagnetic force repelling the positively charged protons from one another. Under certain circumstances, the repelling electromagnetic force becomes stronger than the nuclear force, and nucleons can be ejected from the nucleus, leaving behind a different element: nuclear decay resulting in nuclear transmutation.

3d805d No.1595049


Baker needs to handoff, baker not willing to handoff to a shill

ba0fe0 No.1595050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

did you see it yet

fe0391 No.1595051

File: 5855ffef5067474⋯.jpg (71.06 KB, 696x500, 174:125, bush die meme.jpg)

229198 No.1595052



you know Tycho's data was used to PROVE heliocentrism right?

Tycho was also BURNED AT THE STAKE bu the Chruch

2b70b2 No.1595053

This tonight is interesting.

Even in Half-Chan are talking about of the incarnations..

704385 No.1595054

what's wrong with me? what's right with me? see y'all at 6

8b2251 No.1595055

File: 06b9ad6af6d3b97⋯.webm (1.92 MB, 320x240, 4:3, We're_just_friends,_Q,_no….webm)


>the entity known as Q.

229198 No.1595056



also due to energetic transitions too (absorptions and emissions)

4b5bed No.1595057


And three decades of cosmic radiation background satellite tests have all proven the heliocentric model wrong.

ba0fe0 No.1595058

File: 3d1595db2223b29⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, jbear.jpg)



bb704b No.1595059

The evil interdimensional beings, why not just call them demons?

fe0391 No.1595060


Yep, Flat as a pancake and in the center of Uranus, no doubt.

7ed771 No.1595061


Got it.

bde8b4 No.1595062


A five foot drop should be sufficient for this one.

540a97 No.1595063

Perhaps this is not a good time, seeing as we have an Ebaker (ty vm btw this one is for you)

I have some baking questions seeing that more bakers are needed.

I can't say I can bake all the time, but I wouldn't mind learning just to cover a few dead spots as I'm awake all sorts of weird hours.

What is the general time span for a baker shift? Can a baker hand off to another baker if the bake is not complete and said baker needs to leave?


ba0fe0 No.1595064

File: 46c92963aadefd7⋯.jpg (396.2 KB, 1600x1089, 1600:1089, 3lanterns.jpg)


1776 was a white coat rag by franklin

82bbf2 No.1595065

File: 56696c617e904b1⋯.png (151.76 KB, 704x706, 352:353, liberal madness.png)

File: 04fcbc6cabb6ab4⋯.png (297.59 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, LIBERAL FULL RETARD.png)




c30b59 No.1595066


demons aliens does it really make a difference ?

229198 No.1595067


lol no they haven't

45fe0a No.1595068


i don't know much about that. took some astronomy classes in college over 30 years ago and that's about it. but even back then, i felt as if our progression as a people had stalled. i tell my kids now that life looks and functions for the most part exactly like it did in the 70's from my perspective. take away the advances in internet, cellular, what's really different? how much have they held back from us because we went from horses and buggies to space in less than 75 years and nothing since.

fe0391 No.1595069


I have Tourettes fuck you! Sometime s it gets me asshole ok cheers fuckhead

04515b No.1595070


Oh, I wasn't offering…I'm busy at the moment…and I'm having fun watching you defend yourself for being such a shitty baker.

Fucking (((loser)))

35e48d No.1595071


Because the word "demon" carries with it connotations and an identity that carries with it power undue to those the label is applied to. Additionally, it misleads others on how to deal with them.

To put a mask over them is to conceal them and make them more difficult to deal with.

067985 No.1595072

File: f724ac8d81d852a⋯.png (109.64 KB, 940x458, 470:229, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

36223b No.1595073


Maybe there's a double-meaning to Q's post about "class actions" being "effective"??

3d805d No.1595075


Nice, now the small dick shills attack baker

It is like Alice in Wonderland in here

229198 No.1595076


my major is physics/astronomy and I graduated in december, WE'VE MADE YUGE PROGRESS in the field

my professors were saying the field is completely different from when they started teaching (~15-20 years ago)

if you're interested look into it

68399c No.1595077


Montgomery left the NSA and CIA with 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information, much of which is classified, and sought to come forward legally as a whistleblower to appropriate government entities, including congressional intelligence committees, to expose that the spy agencies were engaged for years in systematic illegal surveillance on prominent Americans, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen such as Donald Trump, and even yours truly. Working side by side with Obama's former Director of National Intelligence (DIA), James Clapper, and Obama's former Director of the CIA, John Brennan, Montgomery witnessed “up close and personal” this “Orwellian Big Brother” intrusion on privacy, likely for potential coercion, blackmail or other nefarious purposes.


cdbc8d No.1595078


You might want to re-visit your history there…it was Galileo who the Church branded a heretic

93f40c No.1595079

File: f8c883f2d68832a⋯.jpg (113.41 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DBq05prXUAQYJN0.jpg)

File: 36d1d150817600e⋯.jpg (132.37 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, DBq05pqWsAApbSZ.jpg)


FBI evidence inventory list

7ed771 No.1595080


Saturn and Jupiter.

212de5 No.1595081


Can i get a hand creating this GRAPHIC

re: Valerie Jarrett

with Q profs?

And as it turns there is strong evidence to

suggest that [Valerie Jarrett] is Muslim.

(It was Valerie Jarrett that did not want to/didn't approve any mission to capture Osama bin Laden)

Just saying.

with the websites this time.

I have more articles on here if needed








3d805d No.1595082


Dick or GTFO

Baker is back to doing what a baker does, go two finger your little dick and go away

4b5bed No.1595083


Explorer 66, Wilkinson M.A. Probe, and Planck results all say suck it.

2b70b2 No.1595084


As above, so below.

As all in the universe.

cdbc8d No.1595085


But as long as the Earth moves, it is in no special place in a vast universe, endless theories are spun about how this came to be.

851df0 No.1595086


Mass is most certainly being converted for electric fields to manifest.

Here's the secret.

Energy is the latent state that mass wishes to return. After, what your scientists call "The Big Bang", energy was condensed into mass and density pushed it outwards.

One of your religious texts are close when it declared God said let there be light.

What is the c in E is Mc2?

540a97 No.1595087

File: d7bc7fbb456ae95⋯.jpg (196.75 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, Freedom.jpg)


>forgot pic

im reeee

955b9b No.1595088

Fuck the narrative is gettin kinda missed. Heres a caller talking about how Q is this huge thing on the internet and he doesnt understand it. He thinks its an AI bot that is spying on him. Q is a collective of people "in the know" 'that are leading the online conversation. ugh

806be4 No.1595089





e150a0 No.1595090

File: e09094e3a0b0015⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1237x1221, 1237:1221, H7 DNA Q post Callage.jpg)



Look at what POTUS is holding up! There is a DNA strand on the back of his speech notes. He held that up during his speech last night…. Take a look….

2d46c1 No.1595091


I find the times Q is not posting….just as …-shifts eyes around; well you know.

If anything…things get real…big time. and they have been.

What a time. We're left (with helpers) to think. To really *think.* I'm not into fairy tales, but there is no way to deny something possibly quite literally Biblical is going on and we need to get with it (but in the time we're meant to?) before …something happens.

b24a16 No.1595092

File: 426355b6f28da74⋯.png (964.49 KB, 833x833, 1:1, cta-is-cia.PNG)

04515b No.1595093

File: b512f22847a08f8⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 359x346, 359:346, merchant.gif)

c30b59 No.1595094


all i wanna know is what caliber of bullet stops a nephillim/giant/demon

3d805d No.1595095

OK, Anons - I am back and done being mad

So what notables did I miss?

Could use a little help…

Shit gets real when we are over the target

f5fc33 No.1595096



The cartel is destroying evidence. I assume Q team is on top of it.

77914a No.1595097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A forgotten classic..

ba0fe0 No.1595098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

these fags are terrible


8b2251 No.1595099


Not sure what's being called in to, but why not call in yourself and provide them with some useful info?

169362 No.1595100


Andy's memos.

RR Problems incoming.

https:// www.usatoday(dot)com/story/news/politics/2018/05/30/mccabe-memo-trump-asks-rosenstein-mention-russia-comey-firing/658394002/

82bbf2 No.1595101

File: 2ce3873cf4f1f3f⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 576x768, 3:4, 2ce3873cf4f1f3f6a0b7a89d08….jpg)

File: df76df6907cac6b⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 320x179, 320:179, popckorn huge.gif)




229198 No.1595102


anon they both were, not to mention the ALL THE OTHER SCIENTISTS

but you're right about the not being burnt part, my bad that was Bruno


believe what you want FEtard


the constant of proportionality between mass and energy, and the speed of light of course


endless theories about what?

ae36a7 No.1595103


I first heard this story about 2 years ago. Montgomery was telling his story to, among others, Sheriff Joe Arpaio. It was mind blowing.

2d46c1 No.1595104


Literally or figuratively, I think that's exactly what we're going to need to figure out. And I don't take lightly the warnings that many will not be able to handle it easily if at all. Who even knows at this point. I've seen too much to deny it's about to hit the fan in one form or another whether in biblical fashion or cabal.

ba0fe0 No.1595106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lord plz saves teh me from teh terrible fags plz


169362 No.1595107


Nation of Islam.

Training Camps.

N. Philly known!

BS that no one is moving in.

I'm expecting a FF soon.

c30b59 No.1595108


literally. prayer probly works best but i dont think low caliber will work lol i have 9mm rifle.

bb704b No.1595109


I believe I have sent evil spirits away before, through the power of the name of Jesus Christ.

Does that make sense into your framework, or do those frameworks divide there?

e150a0 No.1595110


This is in reference to Q post 522

585d6a No.1595111


Indeed. Many of us get pulled in to serve cabal if our families have signed up, but just as in freemasonry, you are only given one layer of truth at a time as you descend deeper layers of initiation. When you start out, you just figure you're making you way through life like anyone else, and the successes you have are 100% on merit, not because (((they))) have you marked and have invested in your brainwashing. You may even mean well, in a naive way. I did. Maybe Steiger did too.

My understanding is only a few (((bloodlines))) are fully evil puppet-master tier, the rest are sell-outs that make literal deals with devils to offer up their young to early childhood indoctrination/abuse so they can "make the big time." Many of us from that tier are awakening right now it seems. When the evil gets too blatant or personal, it can shock the system out of its programming. And I suspect there's a spiritual element at play. God calling/protecting his own, that sort of thing.

2b70b2 No.1595112


Check the news in BBC and some webpages of the UK.

3d805d No.1595113



Got it

2d46c1 No.1595114


Love you too faggot.

bb704b No.1595115


Tycho's bladder burst at a party I believe – fascinating figure. A metal nose!

70c73c No.1595116

File: 1a48c9e64501508⋯.png (334.92 KB, 2365x1751, 2365:1751, thomas.png)

Since this fool still has a significant following, and occasionally still shows up here. Here's one of his latest gems.

Q and POTUS: "Fight, Fight, Fight!"

Doubting Thomas: "I have an invisible friend, and please stop engaging the traitors."

955b9b No.1595118


Its the ground Zero show.

http: //www.kxl.com/shows/ground-zero-clyde-lewis/?listen-live=true

I would call in, but Ive called in before and you pretty much sit on hold for no less than 40 minutes. Its a show about as big as coast to coast. So the wait line is fucking huge. Im just reporting to anaons what is going on in the show because I think you guys need to hear it.

851df0 No.1595119

We must depart for the moment.

We enjoyed revealing truth to you.

45fe0a No.1595120

File: 20fc19342812892⋯.jpg (18.81 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7103037feec4ba6a8be60850a0….jpg)

35e48d No.1595121


Who/what are you proclaiming yourself to be?

Not that you have.

But if you had to.

229198 No.1595122


lol foreal

those scientists must have been having their mind blown daily

I got Tycho mixed up with Bruno, should've sauced

713b19 No.1595123

Sorry if this has been posted a ways back.. I couldn't find any

thread on the subject.

Possiable reason that Scalia 187 could be connected to

the case of Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association.

Note the date of which this was to be heard.

Antonin Gregory Scalia ; March 11, 1936 – February 13, 2016) was an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1986 until his death in 2016. Appointed to the Court by President Ronald Reagan in 1986, Scalia was described as the intellectual anchor for the originalist and textualist position in the Court's conservative wing.

Scalia died in his sleep at age 79, his body discovered on the morning of February 13, 2016 in his room[8] at Cibolo Creek Ranch in Shafter, Texas. He had gone quail hunting the afternoon before, and then dined. The justice was pronounced dead of apparent natural causes. His physician, Rear Admiral Brian P. Monahan, said Scalia had a history of heart trouble, including high blood pressure, and had recently been deemed too weak to undergo surgery for a torn rotator cuff.

Scalia had begun hearing the case of Friedrichs v. California Teachers Associationthe case of Friedrichs v. California Teachers Associationthe case of Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association

01/08/16 09:00 AM EST

From the Hill:

"The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association next Monday, and likely rule in June on what could be a landmark case for the First Amendment rights of public workers across the country.

Already in 25 states, legislatures have passed and governors have signed laws guaranteeing that no employee - public or private sector - can be forced to pay union dues as a condition of employment. However, in most of the remaining states, workers in unionized jobs are required to pay hundreds of dollars in union dues even if they opt out of union membership.

Friedrichs’ home state of California is one such state lacking worker freedom.\

In these states, public employees like teachers can technically opt out of union membership, but only from the “political” portion of the dues, which amount to about one-third of the cost. They are still responsible for $600-$700 a year in “agency fees,” which the union says it designates for collective bargaining purposes.

In this case, the union Friedrichs and the other plaintiffs are forced to pay is the California Teachers Association, one of the most powerful labor organizations in the country.

In bringing this lawsuit, Friedrichs and her fellow teachers argue that because government-employee collective bargaining deals directly with taxpayer dollars and taxpayer-funded resources, it is inherently political (albeit without actually giving taxpayers a voice at the table). Because this collective bargaining process is political in nature, forcing employees to pay a union engaged in it means forcing them to support union political positions with which they may disagree.

Obviously, the First Amendment protects all Americans - including public employees - from being compelled to bankroll a political agenda against their will.

There are many reasons public employees may object to the union bargaining on their behalf, even though it is intended to benefit them. For example, teachers may disagree with the union-supported policy that makes schools use longevity, rather than merit, to determine which teachers are fired or rewarded.

Reasonable people can differ on these issues, and Friedrichs is not asking the Court to rule on any of them one way or another. The teachers are simply asking that they not be forced to pay a union that only supports one side in these debates. "



The current case is here: (LA Times) Feb 17 2018



04515b No.1595124


>go two finger your little dick

wtf does that even mean?

<and do i count the thumb?


>I have Tourettes fuck you!

Tourettes. On a keyboard.

You glorious faggots, you. KEK!

6b00c7 No.1595125

File: d378468c4bed134⋯.jpg (73.64 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Fran1.jpg)

2ace1d No.1595126

Keep dreaming at 5th dimension, you sure go there, ALL.

Besidest the fact, in school you've learned to count: 1,2,3,4,5…. Between 3 and 5, there is 4.

Now, look @ and see how much stvpidity/anger/hate/ you see!!!

3d805d No.1595127


I got that last bread :)


b24a16 No.1595128


The poconos (around where the booms are) have had training camps. google it, you can find some of them on maps. And why hasn't the fed gov done anything about them?? well, the obama admin wouldn't not with VJ around

either the fbi is raiding the camps and making them go boom, or the terrorists are destroying and fleeing to canada. Since Q said FBI were investigating, the FBI is doing the booming

66a587 No.1595129

File: 52ec7af57f81f40⋯.png (240.53 KB, 497x749, 71:107, ClipboardImage.png)


my pleasure baker

25cd5d No.1595130

File: d3b6b14c75fb6a5⋯.png (42.48 KB, 648x282, 108:47, trumpmessage.png)

ba0fe0 No.1595131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


teh fags /r attakin teh /submarine

af2596 No.1595132


hes a whiny bitch

d80178 No.1595133

File: b961e6806b6170f⋯.jpg (42.73 KB, 320x293, 320:293, eulerbg.jpg)

229198 No.1595134

File: 5ef008b23bfe403⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1500x1041, 500:347, pepegalaxy.png)

lol pepeM51

bb704b No.1595135


Helpful insights, thank you.

I wonder if the puppet master bloodlines undergo the SRA or not.

In general, those who are "adopted in" (not bloodline) can't really get the trauma-based programming, so do they still have handlers? It seems like they could only be controlled through blackmail.

9b4608 No.1595136

The CIA's been doing more than just meddling with the NK peace talks. Has anyone else read this from any other sources?



b5e930 No.1595137

File: 65a678c2693365b⋯.jpg (115.7 KB, 709x503, 709:503, Guard all sides.jpg)

Fuck man, these shills and bots mold bread like mad.

cdbc8d No.1595138


>endless theories about what?


169362 No.1595139


My fault. I was referring to here.

https:// nypost(dot)com/2018/05/30/mysterious-explosions-plague-pennsylvania-suburbs/

ISIS in Philly is known. No excuses.

Screaming incoming FF

ba0fe0 No.1595140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

helpz teh fags are on teh mountains

3d805d No.1595141

File: d6ce45be42573cf⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 563x542, 563:542, PepeHeartSign.jpg)

e150a0 No.1595142


Thank you Anon!

128e20 No.1595144


Euler. So? Substantiate.

fe0391 No.1595145


I heard she a nigga.

ba0fe0 No.1595146


e,=, is shorthand

35e48d No.1595147


I am not one to question what has happened to you, anon, and there is much more that I do not know than I do know, this included.

But I do not think that it conflicts at all, though.

1. I firmly believe that the being behind Jesus Christ existed and was one of what I'd call Great Teachers.

2. You invoked the power of of the name Jesus, therefore it is manifested intent based upon your Faith that it would work. This is exactly what I am talking about: the power of language and symbols. It works both ways. Positive language. Positive symbols.

229198 No.1595148


oh gotcha

well the origin of the Earth (planets) and Sun (stars) are pretty well known

theories about the origin the Milky Way (galaxies) are still somewhat debated but there are accepted ones

theories about the origin of the universe are more complex and debated, but Big Bang Cosmology is probably the most known

45fe0a No.1595149


that you rosie?

66a587 No.1595152

File: ea701474773b888⋯.png (488.27 KB, 1513x594, 1513:594, ClipboardImage.png)

c6af74 No.1595153

File: 238e2017b14fa0e⋯.jpg (18.36 KB, 255x246, 85:82, kekpepe.jpg)


( • )( • )

8cdaba No.1595155

File: 1080982271f2a1a⋯.png (353.84 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Cornelimmigrationposter.png)

3d805d No.1595156

Haha, so to the Anon who complimented me on my civility earlier…

I can be a real dick…

But I do try diplomacy until it does not work…

25cd5d No.1595157

File: dfa035a7266639e⋯.png (625.59 KB, 1124x621, 1124:621, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at ….png)

see anons

gowdy was speaking about something different than it appeared


ba0fe0 No.1595158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

we must stop teh beer head

teh fags feed off of its

verified and confirmed

69f443 No.1595160

File: 07800da535ca3b4⋯.png (164.11 KB, 490x550, 49:55, 1029first.PNG)

File: 9d3497201a23c69⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, 1510280445405.jpg)



I didn't make this graphic, but Q's first post is 10/29 according to the graphic Q posted & confirmed saying others are false.

c07140 No.1595161

File: 7b3d7937400b932⋯.png (43.42 KB, 588x174, 98:29, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)

fe0391 No.1595162


Can somebody just shoot these assholes so we can move on to MAGA?

af2596 No.1595163


damn 18 posts full of shit. filtered see (you) next bread faggot.

229198 No.1595164

File: d73ec6eab06b876⋯.jpg (16.29 KB, 850x268, 425:134, e2ipi=1.jpg)

d80178 No.1595165

File: 88dfd5988096076⋯.jpg (65.15 KB, 317x475, 317:475, 2503456.jpg)

2ace1d No.1595166


Keep feed all those CLOWNS THAT SPIT HATE & ANGER.

That's what they want: distorsion, confusion and 2 create chaos.


5c71f6 No.1595167

File: d64975f675cd426⋯.jpg (192.12 KB, 700x952, 25:34, TH2.jpg)

b25fd0 No.1595168


This. I'm done w the shell games.

25cd5d No.1595169


fuck off with the thomas paine BS

he's a fucking fraud

real courageous prediction there TP

right after it was announced that june 5th there will be a hearing about the IG report

he equates guesses with "insider info"

fe0391 No.1595170

File: 90c12df3645aee6⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 400x264, 50:33, judge smails.jpg)

66a587 No.1595171


hes a spook

ba0fe0 No.1595172


,=,e is shorthand

c91ba2 No.1595173

File: c72a210d71f658d⋯.jpg (86.48 KB, 736x737, 736:737, brcc.jpg)


You ain't lying, secret squirrel…

All this because VJ day is either Aug 14 or September 2…

166611 No.1595174


Harry will never be King.

bb704b No.1595175


It depends on whether there's only one way to salvation – if so then yes

ba0fe0 No.1595176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

<<learn how to spot teh enemy fags

<<tehy hides in other cuntrys too

8cdaba No.1595177

File: fe950810d3811d0⋯.png (348.09 KB, 750x500, 3:2, cornel2.png)

af2596 No.1595178


4th general order all the way

212de5 No.1595179


More like a Commie

She comes from a commie family

and still has commie ties

3d805d No.1595180

Baker fighting the urge to engage shills

169362 No.1595181


Afraid to pull a trigger?

I will squeeze first fag.

45fe0a No.1595182


lilibet should have never been queen….

fe0391 No.1595183


Hoping for a huge blow to demoncrat unions here. Will Gorsuch deliver?

04515b No.1595184


Wanna know how I know (((you))) are a (((shill))) baker?

Any baker worth his salt would've already offered a handoff due to technical difficulties.

>>1595152 pretty much covers it. KEK!


ba0fe0 No.1595185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

frankies bikinis is teh HG of teh fags

2e4ba3 No.1595186

File: a004826ac7ab6f0⋯.png (635.25 KB, 770x444, 385:222, ClipboardImage.png)

Chuck Grassley: Fusion GPS founder's testimony was 'extremely misleading, if not an outright lie

Senate Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has accused Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson of providing the committee with "extremely misleading testimony" that borders on being an "outright lie," a new report claims.

According to Fox News, Grassley made the claim in a recent letter to Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., in response to concerns Coons had raised about Donald Trump Jr.'s testimony before the committee.

Coons had originally asked Grassley to call the president's eldest son to testify a second time in regard to his knowledge of potential foreign meddling in the 2016 campaign. Coons worried that new reports indicate Trump Jr.'s original statements about meetings he took part in on behalf of the campaign were not truthful.

In his followup letter, Grassley essentially shot down Coons' request by pointing out Simpson's own lack of candor.

Despite testifying that he did not continue conducting opposition research on then-President-elect Trump after the election, "Fusion actually did continue Trump dossier work for a new client after the election," Grassley wrote, citing FBI sources.

After initially being hired by Republicans, Simpson and Fusion GPS were paid to compile an infamous dossier which was later central to the FBI's efforts to procure warrants on Trump campaign officials from Foreign Intelligence Surveillance courts.

Grassley further referenced in his letter the criminal referral for Steele he sent to the Justice Department in January, noting, "We once again have two seemingly contradictory statements in contexts where material lies are criminal."

"I would welcome your views on what actions you are willing to take with regard to Mr. Simpson’s testimony."

Both Simpson and Trump Jr. could be slapped with fines and a prison stint of up to eight years if found guilty of intentionally providing false information to Congress.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/chuck-grassley-fusion-gps-founders-testimony-was-extremely-misleading-if-not-an-outright-lie

067985 No.1595187

File: 0c5efc2cd354ba8⋯.jpeg (176.91 KB, 1412x973, 1412:973, DeewSSAW4AY2SEC.jpg-large.jpeg)

Bill and Hitlery (in black face) Halloween

229198 No.1595188

File: 8660114e2499831⋯.jpg (8.37 KB, 244x207, 244:207, pepescience.jpg)

lurkers over the past two breads would have learned some science (cosmology/astronomy really)

pic related

back to digging

0e0ac4 No.1595189

So what do you all think Hannity's role in all this is???

8cdaba No.1595190


I bet they had great sex that night.

45fe0a No.1595191


that does not look like bill

6b00c7 No.1595192

File: 8a94b00de1b15b0⋯.jpg (80.96 KB, 960x720, 4:3, AQuiz27.jpg)

04515b No.1595193


That's Roger…and probly some fat jew.

d80178 No.1595194

here we are

sitting on the ice

all around the whole

wow how nice

b9af01 No.1595195


Thumb on table is a message POTUS asked her to do

Pressure is being applied to the enemy

Everything is under control

666f3e No.1595196

File: 6996f5cad748be1⋯.png (341.78 KB, 397x731, 397:731, Queen check em.png)


Interesting id numbers, 166611

CHECKED, Queen approves of your id digits

She loves them 6's

b7dd67 No.1595197


wasn't that supposed to be fake? (serious fucking question)

45fe0a No.1595198



ba0fe0 No.1595199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

send teh sos to teh miami cause teh fags /b on teh rager some moars

bb704b No.1595200

Taking theories on why NASA can't release a real photo of earth

1) it would show a gateway to hell at the poles

2) they can't escape Van Allen belts or a dome

3) aliens or demons forbid them from leaving the planet

4) ?

c074ed No.1595201

File: b8e49505ae07b3d⋯.png (453.42 KB, 641x719, 641:719, CHouck Newsbusters re SBee….PNG)

File: 1e32be9dce1a525⋯.png (212.2 KB, 622x738, 311:369, Newsbusters 1 re SBee re I….PNG)

File: dbdc6eac56b9e3e⋯.png (497.92 KB, 627x826, 627:826, Newsbusters 2 re SBee re I….PNG)

‘Feckless C**t’: Bee Tells Ivanka to Seduce Her Dad for Immigration Reform


1. [B]ut let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless c**t. He listens to you!”

2. “Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to f***ing stop it!

Tell him it was an Obama thing and see how to goes. Ok?”

3. She also mocked Melania for valuing her privacy and depicted her as a monster living under a bed at the White House.

4. It was the latest chapter in Bee’s vile smears and perverted rambling directed at President Trump and his family.

5. Given what has happened this week with Roseanne Barr being fired for despicable, racist comments, it’s interesting to

see if TBS will act. The show is apparently being honored with an Emmy for "advancing social change." What kind of change

would that be given this lunacy?

d80178 No.1595202

this is the story

about the torus

that tore us apart

and how anons

learned how to put it all back together again

2ace1d No.1595203


You create HATE!!!

585d6a No.1595204


Puppet masters and many of the "adoptees" def undergo SRA and trauma-based programming. There are hotbeds of it, regionally for example. Cali is pretty riddled with it, a big source of the "satanic panic" stories in the 80's, bc it's real. Also what most of the serial killer stories were invented to cover up–ritual sacrifice.

Think of it as recruiting. The programming breaks a lot of minds, but these guys don't care about collateral damage. The survivors are tested for various uses. The more useful ones are given handlers. Don't have to be top bloodlines, just useful.

High IQ and creative types are what they want, which also comes with "psychic" abilities that make for minds more resilient to the dissociative trauma-based programming. These traits are heritable. So they have "adoptee" families they've cultivated for some time. Will sometimes interbreed them. Disgusting I know. Like Q says, these people are sick.

735538 No.1595205


Flat Earth is truth.

Aliens are demons/nephilim/fallen angels.

2b70b2 No.1595206


2/3, It's very suspect that Exist the Space War.

Leaving the planet?

fe0391 No.1595207


Tick tock whole lotta nuttin blah blah blah muh friend Laura.

04515b No.1595208


you gotta "last bread" that shit, A(((shillbaker))) might get confused.

and wtf

3d805d No.1595209


Surely it is not the fucker with stupid red shoes on?

666f3e No.1595210



LMAO 666f3e

I don't like having that id number too,

Thats what i get, for making fun of yours,, KEK


2ace1d No.1595211


You are r3tarded!!!

fe0391 No.1595212


Yeah he fucked that nigga like an ape slave from monkey planet.

544cdd No.1595213

I found a "Tick Tock" refrence in a Julian Assange interview. He says there is a letter from late 2011 called "Lybia Tick Tock" that puts all the responsibility on Hillary. He says this document shows how Hillary was the central figure in the destruction of the Lybian state. He also says at the beginning of the interview that Saudi Arabia is funding ISIS and Hillary is deeply connected to Saudi Arabia. Here's the link, the "tick tock" reference is about 11:20


735538 No.1595214



c6152b No.1595215

File: 08eb977b96bdce8⋯.png (40.39 KB, 350x323, 350:323, cheap_waaa.png)

053399 No.1595216

About those 'mystery' booms across PA, here's a comment made on another blog:

"People these days have the memory span of a tapeworm.

In April someone(s) stole over 700 pounds of dynamite from a construction site in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, less than an hours drive from Upper Black Eddy. Of course ATF isn’t about to remind you that they still can’t seem to buy a clue…"

Was that dynamite ever recovered? If it was I missed it so that's why I'm asking.

212de5 No.1595217

File: 7eb38f0c1b0aa1c⋯.png (181.33 KB, 354x357, 118:119, fu.png)

6b00c7 No.1595218

File: d887514072fd957⋯.jpg (48.16 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Monts056.jpg)

229198 No.1595219


>>1595095 Pharmafag on pandemics and big pharma

>>1595116 Thomas Wictor sidebyside

>>1595123 AS 187 connection

>>1595136 Clowns In America caught with 1300 POUNDS OF COCAINE

>>1595157 Different take on TG's comments

>>1595186 Fusion GPS's founder was misleading or even lying

2ace1d No.1595220



Coz you say SO!!


b25fd0 No.1595221


FFS these people are just vile. Constantly trying to one up each other with their disgusting behavior, then acting "offended" by Roseanne. They're successfully burning down their own houses. Let them.

166611 No.1595222


KEK I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out! I don't like this ID one freakin bit!!!!

229198 No.1595223


lol not even sure what you're getting at




ab8e96 No.1595224


closest star is multiple LIGHT-YEARS away.

Q implied they are logically a distraction. Stop with this shit and the flat earth

45fe0a No.1595225


93,000,000 miles?

5f7afa No.1595226

File: d75f2f08bbe5ef2⋯.jpg (193.78 KB, 600x600, 1:1, AntiQuepepe.jpg)

229198 No.1595227




>>1595024 Pharmafag on pandemics and big pharma

>>1595116 Thomas Wictor sidebyside

>>1595123 AS 187 connection

>>1595136 Clowns In America caught with 1300 POUNDS OF COCAINE

>>1595157 Different take on TG's comments

>>1595186 Fusion GPS's founder was misleading or even lying

bb704b No.1595228


Interesting, really helpful.

I hope we will learn who is at the top of all of this.

8cdaba No.1595229

File: 255c79dea774e07⋯.png (51.2 KB, 140x157, 140:157, 255c79dea774e0771a238ed4ab….png)


It is called IRONY, not HATE.

Jesus, learn the difference.

Jews hate blacks. Blacks hate whites.

Do the trig, nigger.

b0ec71 No.1595230


E = (p^2c^2 + m^2c^4)^(1/2)

229198 No.1595231



try about 3 x 10^13 miles


only shills and complete idiots believe that shit

859682 No.1595232


Q talked about Google and Twitter and the rest going down. And 'HAMMER' suggests a massive DDoS attack to me.

Everyone in industry and media seem so calm about this VPNFilter strike package that's already so widely deployed. The recommendation by the FBI was to reboot one's router. But that puts VPNFilter into listen mode, which seems worse than just leaving it powered on but cutoff from its original C&C servers which have since been recently taken offline.

It seems to me that setting up our routers to actively listen for and await C&C signals is exactly what the US government should NOT want. Where are the mass worldwide emergency firmware update rollouts?

I am suspicious of the media, corporate, and government reactions to this national security threat, and it feels to me like we're primed for the HAMMER.

575452 No.1595233

File: d376260e591819e⋯.png (935.71 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-1….png)

File: db3671c494fa534⋯.png (382.02 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-1….png)

File: 2473599b2f07a2e⋯.png (287.61 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-1….png)


8b2251 No.1595234




666f3e No.1595235

File: f4de87b1df48a9b⋯.jpg (943.77 KB, 864x1244, 216:311, f4de87b1df48a9be7e9eccecc4….jpg)



I think it's hilarious i replied to you with queen, saying she likes your 666, and then i had a 666 in my id too,, that is top kek freaky, lol

229198 No.1595236



04515b No.1595237


>Stop with this shit and the flat earth

Flat earth. No, not worth dig.

Advanced forms of propulsion. Yes, worth dig.

45fe0a No.1595238


did q say besides the sun?

c6152b No.1595239


We have much better equipment than we did in the 70's?

2e4ba3 No.1595240

File: 5099153a7f1d8ec⋯.png (658.06 KB, 770x444, 385:222, ClipboardImage.png)

In rare maneuver, pilots eject Teamsters

A group of about 600 airline pilots succeeded in ejecting the Teamsters as their official union Wednesday, marking the first time in nearly a century that a group of airline industry workers has managed that under the federal law covering transportation industry employees.

"This is the first time in the 80-year history of the Railway Labor Act that pilots have chosen a direct relationship with their employer rather than have a labor union interfering as a third party," said Russ Brown, president of the Center for Independent Employees, a conservative nonprofit group.

The pilots worked for the carrier company Flexjets Flight Options. While most private sector workers are covered by the 1935 National Labor Relations Act, transportation industry employees are covered by the RLA, a law passed several years earlier.

Under the RLA, severing a relationship with a union is much harder because there is no straightforward decertification process. Workers are obligated to produce a "straw man" candidate to replace the union. The National Mediation Board, the federal entity that oversees the RLA, affirmed the election result Wednesday

The Teamsters told the Washington Examiner they might contest the decertification.

"The election that concluded today at Flexjet followed a rigorous anti-union campaign," said spokewsoman Kara Deniz. "The union is reviewing the results and will provide additional information to its membership in the coming days."

The Teamsters narrowly won the right to represent the pilots in a 51-49 percent vote in 2015 after Flexjet was purchased and merged with theTeamster-represented company, Flight Options. The pilots objected to the Teamsters becoming their union over a variety of issues, including the merging of the seniority list, losing vacation time and decreased pay.

"This is a great day for our pilots and our company, as we know a direct relationship with our employer is best for working together building our business, improving our culture and our financial security without the baggage that the Teamsters brought to the table,” said Flexjet/Flight Options pilot Captain Frank Woelke, who served as the straw man candidate.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/economy/in-rare-maneuver-pilots-eject-teamsters

276e3a No.1595241



93f40c No.1595242


Hammer is the name of the spy software created by Dennis Montgomery…the whistleblower mentioned in the notables.

4b5bed No.1595243

File: 9db0fb595117328⋯.png (821.44 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 93488eccb6e6abce3f4729f1aa….png)

229198 No.1595244


wtf do you mean?

of course we do

I meant idk what the caption means of your pic

544cdd No.1595245


Assange says that Quaddafi was the "cork" in the bottle that kept all the Islamic migrants our of Europe.

bb704b No.1595246


NASA says they've lost their 60s technology

c30b59 No.1595247

why do people think the earth being round means that the nephillim dont exist ?

212de5 No.1595248


The inner binary appears to the unaided eye as a single star, the third brightest in the night sky, but it lies 4.37 light years from the Sun. Faint Proxima Centauri is the one that claims the honor of being our true nearest stellar neighbor at only 4.24 light years away.

229198 No.1595249



lets go with Q MEANT the Sun

then its even more of a sarcastic answer, WHICH IT WAS

ba0fe0 No.1595250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

alert teh muhjoosshills and teh soviet kippe of teh russian fags on teh prowl

473b8d No.1595251

Next is Rubiks Cube earth

544cdd No.1595252


It was all part of Hillary's 16 year plan to get Syrian refugees flowing through Europe. She had to get rid of Quaddafi.

5a685a No.1595253


And video archive

229198 No.1595254


the Earth is round, the "nephillim dont exist"

have nothing to do with each other

53b8ca No.1595255


FAKE news from 2015

Stop it


229198 No.1595256


^^see this baker


35e48d No.1595257

File: 7953a5671d52e64⋯.jpg (243.34 KB, 1000x1426, 500:713, Movie Poster 01.jpg)


Do you actually believe that what the average person today has is in comparison to what they actually had in the 70s?

Do you believe we are getting the most up to date technology?


If not, how far behind do you think the general public is?


78ef3f No.1595258


I think Q means the closest star is the person / people closest to you programmed by (((them))) and most are actors "stars" in this fake ass reality we live in.

The closest star is right next to you.

2b70b2 No.1595259


Libya is collapsed.

Until that Africa and the Middle east doesn't find the peace.

You know the answer.

ba0fe0 No.1595260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

utah fag spotting

c07140 No.1595261

166611 No.1595262

File: bb60b16054bbf93⋯.jpg (178.25 KB, 1476x777, 492:259, nasim-topkek.jpg)

6b00c7 No.1595263

File: cebd9b2e97727e5⋯.jpg (98.08 KB, 960x720, 4:3, c-aClwn1.jpg)


Kek- try another a little more tricky

3d805d No.1595264



01b39d No.1595265


The callers on these shows are probably plants much of the time.

229198 No.1595266

File: 00801498e0e4a0f⋯.jpg (19.51 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepesleep.jpg)

cya in the morning anons


shills, read a fucking textbook or book please

FFS its hilarious

3d805d No.1595267


I sorted through it, thanks tho…

b5e930 No.1595268

File: c013bca0f890769⋯.jpg (49.64 KB, 406x364, 29:26, 1515750510230.jpg)


Not trying to be a tinfoil here but your post made me think, what if our method of measure were wrong? Not wrong exactly but the perspective seems like it is. Our measurements don't seem to account for time dilation.

2e4ba3 No.1595269

File: 4fc168df1ca0f38⋯.png (808.77 KB, 770x444, 385:222, ClipboardImage.png)

Chevron shareholders reject climate change resolutions

Chevron shareholders rejected two climate change resolutions at the oil giant's annual meeting Wednesday, upsetting activists who are pressuring fossil fuel companies to curb crude oil production and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

One of the proposals asked for the company to “better monitor, mitigate, and reduce its methane emissions in light of the significant climate change impact of methane and Chevron’s failure to disclose action to reduce methane in comparison to its peers,” according to a summary.

Methane, the main component in natural gas, is more potent than carbon dioxide, although methane emissions are relatively short-lived. Most climate scientists blame emissions from burning fossil fuels for driving manmade climate change.

The second resolution requested that Chevron disclose a plan to its shareholders on how it will transition to more renewable energy in line with the Paris climate deal.

As You Sow, a nonprofit group, filed the resolutions on behalf of some Chevron investors.

The resolutions, which are non-binding but important symbolically, needed to be approved by a majority of shareholders to be adopted. The methane resolution fell short, with 45 percent voting in favor of it.

The failure of the climate resolutions comes after Shell refused to commit to similar demands made by environmentalists, who are increasing pressure on oil companies this week to curb all fossil fuel development by 2050.

But energy companies are starting to respond to that pressure in other ways, part of an effort by the industry to show it is committed to combating climate change even as the Trump administration rolls back regulations forcing them to.

Large energy companies including Shell, Exxon and BP signed a pledge last year to reduce emissions of methane from natural gas production.

Chevron was originally the only major U.S. oil company to not join the pledge. But in the days leading up to its annual meeting, Chevron signed on.

The companies didn't make any specific emissions reductions targets, but they promise to “continually reduce methane emissions; advance strong performance across gas value chains; improve accuracy of methane emissions data; advocate sound policies and regulations on methane emissions; and increase transparency.”

Advocates are calling on Chevron to do more.

“This is an important first step, but joining a voluntary program like the Guiding Principles is no substitute for demonstrated methane reduction action,” said Danielle Fugere, president of As You Sow. “Chevron has lagged behind its peers on implementing and disclosing methane best practices for too long. Shareholders today recognize Chevron’s progress, but underscore the importance of demonstrating on-the-ground change on this important climate change issue.”

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/energy/chevron-shareholders-reject-climate-change-resolutions

212de5 No.1595270


2.4925e+13 miles = 4.24 light years

2ace1d No.1595271



CIA lost JFK's medical files 2….

229198 No.1595272


before I go see this: >>1595256

53b8ca No.1595273

Not reliable sauce…

"Mobile · World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content."

c30b59 No.1595274



tell that to flat earth anon

2ee097 No.1595275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Night Anon.


2b70b2 No.1595276

File: 3a30abf3a34075e⋯.png (18.87 KB, 622x208, 311:104, DEALINRISK.png)


https:// syria.liveuamap.com/en/2018/31-may-syrias-assad-threatens-force-against-usbacked-kurds

04515b No.1595277


She is pretty.

8fd2f0 No.1595278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

229198 No.1595279


look up special relativity



<3 astronomy

30c49d No.1595280


Welcome to the party Julie!

Maybe if the "free Press" did not lie its ass off all the time, you might make more friends!

c6152b No.1595281


If i get in my spaceship, start driving. By my watch I get to Alpha Centari (circled in the diagram,) in about 45 minutes.

Relativistic effects did not occur regarding earth time.

Back in time for lunch if you will.

4b5bed No.1595282


>our closest star



42a6b8 No.1595283


And hung like a leviathian

ba0fe0 No.1595284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

they did what for a mcdonalds in teh North ???

cdbc8d No.1595285


Origin is all explained in Genesis, first book of the Bible.

the rest are theories of men, endlessly wrong.

9b4608 No.1595286


That's why I asked if there was any other source for the story.

3d805d No.1595287


Done, Thanks

45fe0a No.1595288


i'll jump in here. was having similar convo in another bread. take away cellular/wireless and internet, nothing is different than it was in the early 70's in any real way.

8cdaba No.1595289

File: 566d885ecbed34c⋯.png (353.38 KB, 750x500, 3:2, cornel3.png)

b0ec71 No.1595290



e^(ix) = cos(x) + isin(x)

e^(ipi) = cos(pi) + isin(pi)

e^(ipi) = -1 + 0

e^(ipi) + 1 = 0

e, i, pi, 1, 0

All in one equation

e^(i2pi) = cos(2pi) + isin(2pi)

e^(i2pi) = 1 + 0

fe0391 No.1595291

File: 9b7131b07033e0d⋯.jpg (102.21 KB, 1033x500, 1033:500, jarrett ape meme.jpg)

166611 No.1595292


your just jealous.

fe0391 No.1595293


Youll squeeze a fag first, no doubt.

c074ed No.1595294

File: 96fd3ba16a7ab1c⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1139x640, 1139:640, Seattle Crash Pic.PNG)

File: 04d51eaca59fd40⋯.png (1.2 MB, 929x724, 929:724, Seattle Crash Pic 2.PNG)

File: dbfa6489454d011⋯.png (39.42 KB, 594x694, 297:347, KOMO re Seattle Crash 5-30….PNG)

Todays Darwin Award…

Stolen guitar recovered after robbery, crash on Mercer street during rush hour


Investigators don't know why, but the group ended up chasing each other and

causing a multi-carcrash at the intersection of Mercer St. and Dexter Ave. N.

53b8ca No.1595295


Already researched… FAKE

2e4ba3 No.1595296

File: 7db458415af0dd1⋯.png (733.41 KB, 770x513, 770:513, ClipboardImage.png)

Boom: Team Trump cuts nearly twice as many regulations as promised

The Trump administration is showing no signs of slowing its slashing of Obama-era regulations, beating their plans to cut two for every new rule and saving more than double what was hoped for, according to a new report.

“The Trump administration is making substantial deregulatory progress,” said a new report from American Action Forum.

“The administration is prioritizing deregulation, and it is set to double its goals of a two-for-one deregulatory-to-regulatory ratio and $686.6 million in net savings,” said the report from forum experts Dan Bosch, director of regulatory policy, and Dan Goldbeck, a senior analyst.

When he came to office, Trump promised to cut two regulations for every new one he imposed.

The duo said that the percentage is actually 3.75 to 1, an unprecedented reduction.

Trump believes that cutting regulations, while it receives few headlines, is one of his team’s biggest accomplishments and a driver in the improving economy and investment in the United States.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/boom-team-trump-cuts-nearly-twice-as-many-regulations-as-promised

78ef3f No.1595297

File: a534ba3a410598e⋯.png (43.38 KB, 640x374, 320:187, Screenshot-2018-5-30 Donal….png)

File: 184070455b6a6c1⋯.png (60.07 KB, 640x470, 64:47, Screenshot-2018-5-30 Donal….png)


>our closest star

41d126 No.1595298


what does it do other than lead me back to reddit?

666f3e No.1595299

File: 0dcdc4dbf0c0bdc⋯.jpg (96.56 KB, 601x601, 1:1, 0dcdc4dbf0c0bdc431d7dd5bff….jpg)


Good night

We should have a contest and vote for the worst, most tarded shill, kek

8fd2f0 No.1595301

File: c91a7092e3b4951⋯.png (395.19 KB, 1037x903, 1037:903, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// qz.com/1035897/the-bizarre-story-of-a-long-lost-horror-film-made-entirely-in-esperanto-starring-william-shatner/

ba0fe0 No.1595302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c6d576 No.1595303


Agree anon. Organized religion has always served as a barrier between the creator and the creation.

After Jesus rose up to challenge organized religion, the Catholic church rose up to reign them back in . The purpose was to control the masses.

In America the various denominations were created to divide believers. The people were too powerful when united so something had to be done thus was borne the Baptists, Methodists, etc. Denomination leaders, under orders from the cabal set up division theology to separate believers and have them fight amongst themselves.

Basic psychology was used…people's egos hate to be wrong. Once groups of believers were convinced that their set of beliefs were right, it was easy to turn them against other believers who had a different set of beliefs. To entertain the idea that the other believer may be right would mean that you would have to admit you may be wrong…ego wont allow that.

They used human ego to divide believers and make them ineffective. The plan worked perfectly

After that they used the tax code to further squeeze churches/believers out of the political arena. 501c3 designation was given to churches with a condition…no politics.

Church leaders convinced their followers that God would take care of everything and there was no need for believers to get involved with politics, "the ways of man"

The plan worked like a charm. Believers fight amongst themselves about which set of beliefs is the right one. Churches are out of politics and the masses are neutralized. The cabal can do what it wants and believers will soon be slaves.

04515b No.1595304

File: b0cdedb6711abab⋯.jpeg (141.46 KB, 524x677, 524:677, nasimtopkek2.jpeg)

File: bca7a25254bc580⋯.webm (2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, nasimwink.webm)

3d805d No.1595305


I am down, tonights have been especially eye opening…

168a3f No.1595306


you have no clue of geography!

take a map and look at where syria is and where gaddafi and libya is

bb704b No.1595307


Wow amazing to hear about the early days of this plan

cdbc8d No.1595308


Bible says hell is inside the Earth. No place for hell in a concave or a flat Earth. Impossible.

As the Bible CANNOT BE WRONG, the Earth, logically, must be a sphere.

3f0299 No.1595309

File: 11b1df2ede42ce6⋯.png (123.64 KB, 315x225, 7:5, Untitled.png)

955a11 No.1595310

File: e75ec94c7c534e7⋯.jpg (484.93 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Roseanne Rooster Q.jpg)

File: 4c41a7bbb982121⋯.png (1.2 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Roseanne Rooster Q Alpha.png)

Roseanne Rooster Q .jpg & Alpha .png Files

Let's show Our Girl a little support with her favorite ugly shirt

8a26c6 No.1595311


That's some stupid shit

8cdaba No.1595312

File: d8f3e899ffde7cb⋯.png (348.99 KB, 750x500, 3:2, vornel4.png)

3d805d No.1595313


Sleep Tight Anon

313481 No.1595314


fucking kek!

on that note im out

fe0391 No.1595316


Yes, very important. Govt overreach has strangled business. Get rid of much MOAR govt everywhere!

4b5bed No.1595317


Everything is inside Earth's cavity. Deal with it.

d9979c No.1595318


wow what a dog, now he is barking. seems like the jaws of defeat are closing around this one.

4fe89d No.1595319


That's not how denominations came about. People were free not to be tied to a single church as had been the case in Europe. America allowed them to break off.

575452 No.1595320

File: 96765e216ff2a9c⋯.png (810.8 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-3….png)

File: d998e5c663fc340⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-3….png)

File: 8d1d6c98f67955b⋯.png (161.56 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-3….png)


8a26c6 No.1595322


How are you supposed to redpill/spread the Great Awakening if you are so utterly wrong and stupid?

544cdd No.1595323


I'm quoting Assange

3f0299 No.1595324

File: 59966d406f9c627⋯.png (887.15 KB, 1600x855, 320:171, 1_fadYD6tHfZKvxXDGfxaxbA.png)


about 2 to 4 hours or more

c6152b No.1595325


I'm thinking I heard the "45 minutes" thing back in the 70's. I wasn't really worried about the average person thingy you have going there.

166611 No.1595326

File: abc4303e2054c65⋯.jpg (11.31 KB, 191x255, 191:255, jazz-music-stops.jpg)

4b5bed No.1595327





To sum up, Scripture does not tell us the geological (or cosmological) location of hell.

ba0fe0 No.1595328

File: 215db565cc48662⋯.png (57.25 KB, 495x495, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


with a

b0ec71 No.1595329


Euler. It's considered one of the most important mathematical equations ever. Part of the study of complex numbers; things involving (-1)^(1/2)

Shows up everywhere in physics, waves, quantum mechanics, etc…

07f058 No.1595330

File: c22602140eb476b⋯.jpg (8.81 KB, 243x255, 81:85, bb5e90ce5b7cd5ab6561830c91….jpg)

File: 7299d6cdd91f88d⋯.jpg (990.7 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, the-dark-crystal-film-boar….jpg)

File: 14d016c18089689⋯.jpg (76.29 KB, 590x499, 590:499, 2bbupt.jpg)



Fuck me, right?

8a26c6 No.1595331


IDGAF where hell is

ba0fe0 No.1595332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

eisteins E is different than euler fyi

575452 No.1595333

File: 15c4e7ee2e40570⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-3….png)

File: c8fe9537ac9fcc0⋯.png (404.38 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-3….png)

File: e84de8b350a1836⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-3….png)

File: 74cb48efcbdc63f⋯.png (261.3 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-3….png)

File: a1205a107ffbf6b⋯.png (433.71 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-3….png)


Kind of like Syria, news that we are pulling out and a big FF attack

955b9b No.1595334

File: 8c655bbff664035⋯.jpg (26.69 KB, 590x350, 59:35, gitdwnwtdafltert.jpg)

585d6a No.1595335



>hope we learn who's at the top of all this

>why not just call them demons

the simplest answer is usually the truth.

When it comes to God and Satan, angels and demons, I believe these concepts operate at the level of metaphor in a nearly perfect way as far as how to be a good person, healthy nation, and fend off dangers. The bible and these entities may also be some version of literal truth, but I've decided I don't care one way or the other since I can't know and don't need to.

It's a lot like the Q movement. There are ppl who obsess on who he is vs. those that say the fruits are enough. If following his lead brings us greater truth, peace and freedom, then the teachings are good. Fruits should always be our litmus test, never titles. That's why anons dig for ourselves and reject the false authority of mainstream bs.

Whatever you call them, if you've faced true evil, you know "demons" exist. And anyone that's been under attack by them knows there is some good force, call it "God," that gives you strength to withstand the assault. This has been so for thousands of years. It's why the bible stories have lasted this long. I know a lot of ppl have deep resentment and suspicion over biblical teachings due to the subversion of the religions claiming to represent it, but spend enough time digging any topic and you'll learn the official narrative is usually a psyop.

313481 No.1595337

File: 3d221044bcee1f8⋯.jpg (63.41 KB, 731x611, 731:611, muhnose.JPG)

07f058 No.1595338


Is…. is that ECC?

629073 No.1595339

from last bread



>>>1593505 >>1593513 >>1593655 >>1593889 >>1593897 >>1594044

i dont know about you guise but act we are missing is 9 months in womb and then my first memories are perhaps 2-3 yrs of age.....

212de5 No.1595340

File: 43bcd0b5c1f3288⋯.jpg (114.84 KB, 565x758, 565:758, 7950ff3cad83cd6db8fd528d5f….jpg)

91babd No.1595341

Whoa… What happened to the bread this time?

Are we in need of a baker currently?

c6152b No.1595342

BTW folks. Had a double red pill today. Delivery driver googled TPDAW. Said he showed his wife. "She did say a fuckin' word."

Keep kickin anons!!

4b5bed No.1595343

File: cc9ee4f81272a99⋯.jpg (308.66 KB, 650x495, 130:99, TrumpConcaveEarth.jpg)

ba0fe0 No.1595344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

at the bottom of avicii a judas goat is a type of superhero

955b9b No.1595345


LOL nice

4fe89d No.1595346


Some captcha unpleasantness.

8b4238 No.1595347


>there will come a time when they are afraid to go out in public

2b70b2 No.1595348


Afghanistan is very dangerous.

If join Forces with Pakistan.

it could be a big problem for the world.

8a26c6 No.1595349


Answer this simple question:

What is 2 + 2 = __???

35e48d No.1595350


What I'm implying is that it is well within the real of possibility, (I believe it is True), that the cabal has been keeping technology from us.

To the point where the average american's current state of technology is actually subpar to what they ACTUALLY had in the 70s.

The gap has only widened, in my eyes.

What they have been telling us, about almost everything, has not been the Truth, anon.

575452 No.1595351

File: 2a9ea502b4362c3⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-3….png)


ecab9a No.1595352

07f058 No.1595353

File: 934911c0cfda11c⋯.jpg (4.96 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, Myrimemetamagic .jpg)


Pic related.

ba0fe0 No.1595354


t to infinity with from the curve ball the factoral was just the upside down timetravelling pyramid estimates

3d805d No.1595355


I am still here Board Owner…

Weird Captcha shit happening, I had my 15 year old helping me with captcha's, just to make sure I was getting them right…

Then shills start attacking me, saying that that I am a shill baker

0a1119 No.1595356


If anyone of the anons missed it:

The research being done on the new series on the History Channel showed in their last show, that the Hotel New Yorker is not just connected with underground tunnels to the subway and many other facilities, hotels and other skyscrapers, but also that the Hotel has it's OWN power supply and is independent in questions of energy. It harvests in some sort of way it's own independent energy.

The closing of the video contained the question whether the New Yorker might had been used as the real Wardenclyff Tower in plain sight!!!!!!

I'm desperately waiting for the next episode.


Rest in peace Nikola. Greatest patriot of all times. A true servant to humanity. You will never be forgotten.


(Croatian words in remembrance to his doings)

07f058 No.1595357

File: 4865002d7194c21⋯.jpeg (9.14 KB, 240x210, 8:7, images-4.jpeg)

45fe0a No.1595358


no doubt the quality of most everyday items is subpar to the 70s.

8fd2f0 No.1595359

File: 8eef24239e70d57⋯.png (674.04 KB, 1673x900, 1673:900, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incubus_(1966_film)

276e3a No.1595360



0c9a9c No.1595361




ba0fe0 No.1595362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0a1119 No.1595363


Obviously The Tesla Files on History channel

2b70b2 No.1595364


Poland, don't be stupid..

8a26c6 No.1595365



I think you got it though

45fe0a No.1595366

File: 33ef4ab3b04b6e8⋯.jpg (13.63 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 4130d65e96df555e1268a95c8e….jpg)

d9979c No.1595367

File: 365eef567700847⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 4724x3149, 4724:3149, _M9A1333-2_k.jpg)

2006 threads and podesta still free. do not want!

04515b No.1595368


Whatever you do, don't start crying…there's no crying on h8chan.


dc5b7c No.1595369

European here

Sorry for the trouble, but I would have a question that perhaps some kind soul could answer: in what key was written the national anthem of America? of course is in Maj but the key?

thanks in advance for your kindness!!!!

12e6a8 No.1595370


Baker has been hanging tough even with it being Shilly in here.

8a26c6 No.1595371



3d805d No.1595372


Another Anon was able to get a bake in place and then left it for me to fill up…

I may need assistance when it comes time to bake again? I had 2 tabs opened trying to create threads in each, I must have "failed" captcha 7 or 8 times…

0a1119 No.1595373



Here's a link so you can watch the series.

Have fun anons!

4b5bed No.1595375


Scott Key

0a1119 No.1595376




Here's a link so you can watch the series.

Have fun anons!

OOPS: >>1595373

4fe89d No.1595377


Well thats a new one.

ba0fe0 No.1595378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5a685a No.1595379


Get digging anon. That's what we are here for.

0a1119 No.1595380


WTF Copy and paste newfag


07f058 No.1595381

ffcf13 No.1595383


Just one monument of lucidity on the board makes it all worth while…

82bbf2 No.1595384

File: 5586818a7c4012c⋯.png (433.9 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, weinstein abc.png)

File: 4761b3c40025750⋯.png (86.55 KB, 607x604, 607:604, kek meme corps.png)








45fe0a No.1595385

File: 423655d5491c9d3⋯.jpg (6.44 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ed4d468efce822af401e467e2d….jpg)


this one…

ba0fe0 No.1595386


podesta is a catholisc power peanut and ginsberg has a hell to live off from it, long story

2b70b2 No.1595387


I know. only that Poland is the decent in Europe.

it has a lot of lose if play against the russkies.

d9979c No.1595388

File: 20592aabfc3bdef⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 4724x3149, 4724:3149, _M9A1324-3_k.jpg)



3d805d No.1595389


Yeah, I was gonna put that at the Tippy Top of my list, LMFAO

dc5b7c No.1595390



36223b No.1595391

Have any anons managed to reconcile this tweet from POTUS with Q's "Trust Sessions"?

Donald J. Trump

‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

3h3 hours ago

“The recusal of Jeff Sessions was an unforced betrayal of the President of the United States.” JOE DIGENOVA, former U.S. Attorney."

I'm thinking something is going on behind the scenes that involves distancing TG and Sessions from any suspicion of partiality regarding Potus by getting Dems to come out in support of them against Potus Then the IG report drops…

8fd2f0 No.1595392

File: 614624b43795b44⋯.png (368.71 KB, 1666x808, 833:404, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milos_Milos

bb704b No.1595393


directed free energy?

steel to dust

07f058 No.1595394

File: cc585adb9a392c2⋯.jpg (41.23 KB, 600x502, 300:251, chris-be-like-0c65ua.jpg)

45fe0a No.1595395

File: 977dee8467f0fa0⋯.jpg (41.59 KB, 400x400, 1:1, smug-pepe2.jpg)

04515b No.1595396

File: 369e77846eebecf⋯.png (564.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ricflairchris.png)

cdbc8d No.1595397


That's not a good site at all.

So where did Christ go ("HE DESCENDED into hell") after he died on the Cross?

into the Earth anon….I'm going to give you the final answer, but remember these so called interpretations appeared a thousand years after the Church declared hell was inside the Earth.

8a26c6 No.1595398




Russia is in a completely DEFENSIVE posture in relation to NATO, they think we will invade (which they should be concerned about)

The USA could stop any EU attempts to fuck with them if we got a permanent vase

As a USAanon, Id support this

ba0fe0 No.1595399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

damn muhalienjoos

07f058 No.1595400

File: 6c45a3e444c26da⋯.png (22.04 KB, 658x658, 1:1, Kekel Municher.png)

4b5bed No.1595401


POTUS is playing to the public crowd. "Oh, wow, POTUS hates and regrets selecting Sessions. We the blind masses should listen and trust Sessions as he is against POTUS." Then POTUS springs the big Pepe surprise.

212de5 No.1595402

File: fe2fa2724ba92ae⋯.png (1.14 MB, 941x721, 941:721, Harp Antarctic.png)

Hey does this look like a HAARP array?

12e6a8 No.1595403


I've been working for days and I can't find Facts to put to theory.

30c8f8 No.1595404



53b8ca No.1595405


The United States is being insidiously usurped and the invader is already inside the gate. The time for real concern is now.

"Gulftainer, a firm co-owned by a UAE emir and the former head of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons program, is making a bid for control of the Port of Wilmington, Delaware. Authors Mary Fanning and Alan Jones have returned to continue their vital research and expose the machinations of this foreign entity that undermines the security of our vulnerable port facilities. In “Gulftainer Taking Second U.S. Port” they write:

The Obama administration placed a declared enemy of the United States who was on U.S. Central Command’s Operation Iraqi Freedom “Blacklist” inside the wire at Port Canaveral, Florida with a 35 year cargo container terminal lease. That lease bypassed both the congressionally-mandated national security review by the full Intelligence Community and a full review at CFIUS"


07f058 No.1595406

File: 973573d96c11f8d⋯.jpg (237.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_sz2rgzdsy8c.jpg)


I see you, nerd.

91babd No.1595407


No problem. I'll stick around for you while you bake.

Don't let the shills get to you. They are shills. Little pieces of shit. Nobodies.

Stay tough, patriot. We got your back.

2e4ba3 No.1595408


Absolutely! There is too much of in our lives!

3d805d No.1595409

Baker Notables So Far


>>1595186 Fusion GPS founder's testimony was 'extremely misleading, if not an outright lie

>>1595123 Antonin Scalia 187 connection

>>1595024 Pharmafag on pandemics and big pharma

>>1595240 Teamsters Getting the Classic "Bye Felicia" from pilots??

>>1595296 Anyone Tired of Winning??? Team Trump cuts nearly twice as many regulations as promised

276e3a No.1595410

b0ec71 No.1595411




Seams like WAR always has to do with EUL.


8a26c6 No.1595412


… I'd suggest rereading crumbs


2b70b2 No.1595413

File: 9360c1e5e418afa⋯.jpg (233.84 KB, 619x480, 619:480, 619px-Vlcsnap-2014-03-12-2….jpg)


Thundercats. Good Reference…

955b9b No.1595414

File: 001ec560791d187⋯.jpg (12.52 KB, 320x240, 4:3, fltertitsallgd.jpg)

575452 No.1595415

File: 855b31295b3cc4d⋯.png (438.06 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-4….png)

File: 5401c970ac2e054⋯.png (490.76 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-4….png)

File: 2302ed81cd0753c⋯.png (430.52 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-4….png)



8a26c6 No.1595416


LOL the ebot has a sense of humor

d9979c No.1595417


best earth pic so far :P

82bbf2 No.1595418


Watching the counter live, I can say this twit is being throttled or/and shadowbanned.

Just naturally it should add up impressions every 5 seconds, and with all your help retwitting it should be jumping 5-10 impressions every 5 seconds.

The twit is moving at 1 impression every 30 seconds which is ridiculously slow.

Shadowbanned post is shadowbanned

Lets hurt their feels retiwting it more so they have to work extra time.

ba0fe0 No.1595419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what if star trek was just making fun of nasa from the spaceship

067985 No.1595420

File: 66fcedcd25e8042⋯.png (1.13 MB, 984x642, 164:107, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at ….png)


The earliest sheet music of The Star Spangled Banner

955b9b No.1595421


LMAO. THanks

0c9a9c No.1595422

File: ea2e0dfdc9e5852⋯.png (495.99 KB, 960x720, 4:3, the_guild.png)


We are training it.


Slimline cutaway.

25cd5d No.1595423



its not that fucking notable

a major executive in a picture with a major producer….. WOAH STOP THE PRESS!!!!

19280e No.1595424


Looks like a possible planar array of antennas.

Whether it is, and has anything to do with HAARP…. I do not know.

2e4ba3 No.1595425


Indeed, I can't tell you how many discussions I have had about Union's in general. My view, legal theft from an individuals paycheck, while the Union's do nothing to earn it.

2ace1d No.1595426

File: 34650879f9332d2⋯.jpg (88.61 KB, 920x500, 46:25, Egypt base.jpg)


And this, what is it?

08ca4e No.1595427


It was the humane thing to meme

fe0391 No.1595428

File: db4d2c36e1d62e2⋯.jpg (36.8 KB, 494x498, 247:249, pepe ok.jpg)

dc5b7c No.1595429

File: f5b8569022b30c3⋯.gif (233.15 KB, 220x472, 55:118, ten.gif)



well done..eh eh! 'bye…and thanks again :)))

ba0fe0 No.1595430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dude needs a rug homo

42a6b8 No.1595431


The other day it posted:

All this for a North Korean Mcdonalds?!


2b70b2 No.1595432


No Choice. With muslims or not.

The EU must be destroyed.

If they are still in the power. A WWIII is sure.

Europe is very dangerous.

b79c49 No.1595434

File: f70b60486893b2d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1979x1464, 1979:1464, Screenshot 2018-05-30 21.2….png)

638475 No.1595435


Thanx for ur work patriot. Knock that exam outta the park!



07f058 No.1595436

File: 3b3864e0a13527b⋯.jpg (166.96 KB, 693x520, 693:520, dream_jmg9ru9sza0.jpg)


This is a self derping invite to my personal dig site. It's not for chatting, it's just my own brand of autism. Oddly, after I set this up after getting kyked out of the bakeries, suddenly everyone started doing this.


067985 No.1595437


Potus reassures the public that he and Sessions are not working together -


ba0fe0 No.1595438

File: a3c9a58101786a2⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2161x2849, 2161:2849, cannonballbabe.jpg)

36223b No.1595439


That's my thinking, too. Then Sessions and TG (both white hats) can be brought in WITH DEM SUPPORT to deal with any judicial requirements arising from IG report.

07f058 No.1595440

File: 521a41f3be7db3d⋯.jpg (64.27 KB, 600x600, 1:1, kjhg_cat_bread_plush_ls.jpg)


I'm just glad someone finally fucking did something with it.

It's almost like you autistic faggots forgot how to play!

21fd02 No.1595441


What seems to happen is quality goes up, and then down.

Why is audio compressed in video cams when 20 years ago you had 16/48 across the board, and now everything is 320K max. They could easily give us high bitrate 24/192 stereo everywhere, build it into chips, it would cost practically nothing, but they don't. It should be there, but it isn't. But across the board, yes, quality is down.

d9979c No.1595442


some suggestions:

- pyramid structure under construction?

- subterranian base with air ventilation on top?

- platteau with radar installation?

- military defense structure without the canons attached because of sand?

2e4ba3 No.1595443

File: 5ba80e943772424⋯.png (475.83 KB, 770x483, 110:69, ClipboardImage.png)

E-Verify targeting illegal immigrants wins big boost from Social Security chief

The push for mandatory national verification that all workers be Americans or legal immigrants won a big boost Thursday when the acting director of the Social Security Administration called on Congress to pass “E-Verify,” the voluntary employment identification system.

At a House hearing addressing Social Security fraud, Nancy Berryhill, the Obama-era acting Social Security commissioner, said that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' E-Verify system would limit fraud and the theft of Social Security numbers by illegals.

“The administration also encourages Congress to pass legislation with a requirement that employers use DHS's E-Verify system,” said Berryhill in her testimony.

“Mandatory use of E-Verify by employers would help reduce the incidence of fraudulent use of SSNs. We would be happy to work with you as you contemplate that or similar legislation,” she added.

There are immigration reform bills before Congress that include E-Verify, which has also been endorsed by President Trump but that is only in effect in a handful of states.

“Any solution must be a durable and comprehensive one in order to reduce and ultimately prevent identity theft throughout public and private industry,” Berryhill said.

Her endorsement indicates a shift from what Trump officials have described as a private push back on assisting the administration and immigration authorities on enforcement measures.

“Despite the SSA being potentially hugely helpful in cutting off the illegal-aliens jobs-magnet, they’ve been absolutely unwilling to cooperate,” said one official.

According to federal reports, over 3.1 million illegal immigrants have been allowed to work on basis of holding fraudulent Social Security numbers.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/e-verify-targeting-illegal-immigrants-wins-big-boost-from-social-security-chief

3d805d No.1595445


Thanks Board Owner, around noon, I nailed it on my 1st shot… rn, not so much, super shilly and treacherous

585d6a No.1595446

File: 65d93f6b33b1a01⋯.png (414.67 KB, 445x474, 445:474, MedievalBaker.png)


TY baker. G'nite anons.

ba0fe0 No.1595447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

trust tacos homos

45fe0a No.1595448

File: f4ed0b7c5a882f5⋯.png (566.64 KB, 750x499, 750:499, ClipboardImage.png)

5c71f6 No.1595449

File: a067a9f8a73999f⋯.jpg (159.84 KB, 1000x661, 1000:661, Safe3.jpg)

955b9b No.1595451


Holy Shit an actual supporter of Q called in. Well spoken girl.

575452 No.1595452

File: 63fc59f7b8f2465⋯.png (362.69 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-5….png)

File: 266adfa6bd84a7a⋯.png (355.83 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-5….png)

File: ea13b82fae0ea85⋯.png (349.53 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-5….png)

File: db9b12b060241bb⋯.png (337.77 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-5….png)

File: 65790bb6adb1a5c⋯.png (362.97 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-5….png)


Iran Iran Iran Iran Iran

07f058 No.1595453

File: 96427381ac37652⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 512x446, 256:223, wrkvle.jpg)


Golly, could there be any reason you're ignoring me?

7e21a5 No.1595454

File: 381d9aa57f9f0f4⋯.png (57.08 KB, 893x772, 893:772, ClipboardImage.png)


For Scale.

(seriously if you have never seen this, you should)


71973f No.1595455


Baker, notable

>E-Verify targeting illegal immigrants wins big boost from Social Security chief

ba0fe0 No.1595456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@harry a stepson of teh dentist and jhis child

3d805d No.1595457


Night, sleep well Anon

2b70b2 No.1595458


it seems the strange airports of China (Chinese Area 51)

955b9b No.1595459


Oh if your online well played. Smart girl thanks for calling in. Good job.

ba0fe0 No.1595460


send weed chris

638475 No.1595461



Can't spell probably.

Da fuq?

3d805d No.1595462

Got it - added already - Thanks patriot :)

2e4ba3 No.1595463

File: d56f98ca451c558⋯.png (73.36 KB, 770x595, 22:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump tax cuts spark more reductions in 13 states

The Trump tax cuts, which prompted hundreds of companies to dole out $2,000 bonuses and wage hikes, has also prompted several states to proposed reduced taxes, according to a sweeping review of the nation.

About a quarter of all governors have proposed tax cuts, said a new analysis of the 47 “State of the State” addresses in 47 states.

According to the annual “State of the States Report” from the American Legislative Exchange Council, 13 governors proposed tax cuts, a sizable shift from past years. Two others proposed cuts and some increases.

“In a majority of the 2018 State of the State addresses, governors focused heavily on tax policy, with many pointing to the pro-growth effects their states have experienced as a result of tax relief,” said ALEC’s report.

“As a result of the first federal tax reform in more than 30 years, many states are looking forward to higher tax revenues or surpluses. A number of governors outlined their plans for this unexpected tax revenue, often with the focus of giving it back to the people through their own tax relief plans,” added the analysis.

Most of the tax cut proposals impacted personal income and only one governor – Alaska’s Bill Walker – proposed an income tax.

The change in the federal tax structure also led to other fiscal policy changes in the states, said the report.

“The untold story of federal tax reform's success is the opportunity the new law has provided governors to advance pro-taxpayer proposals. Unexpected state revenue resulting from federal tax reform has shifted the debate in many state capitals this year towards proposals that favor tax relief,” said Jonathan Williams, chief economist and vice president of the Center for State Fiscal Reform. “These 2018 state tax reforms continue to build on a trend, as states continue to look for ways to become more competitive. All told, in the past five years, more than 30 states have significantly reduced their tax burdens,” he added.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/trump-tax-cuts-spark-more-reductions-in-states

544cdd No.1595464

File: 1db6febc733faa5⋯.png (33.94 KB, 906x839, 906:839, tick.PNG)

"Tic Tock"

45fe0a No.1595465

File: d94056a93ee0503⋯.png (532.92 KB, 770x856, 385:428, ClipboardImage.png)

0ac877 No.1595466

Who was the idiot who put 'sovereign citizen' gold-fringed flag bullshit in the notables? Way to help the MSM lump us in with tinfoil hatters and the crazies who scream things at the judge in court claiming he has no jurisdiction over them..


19280e No.1595467


Prepping a counter.

There is only one Aim on the internet, and it's about time for him to take his handle back.

I've got the face for fame-fagging, and I suppose it's time to weaponize it. Time for my persona to get a literal voice and some animation.

64Charlie out.

067985 No.1595468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Pretty funny

2 min

212de5 No.1595469


guessing an alien base of some kind?

ancient ruins

a bunker of some kind

honestly no clue!

where is this?

(ov. it's in Egypt)

2b70b2 No.1595470


Fall of a M'king once Mullahs!!!

a1f853 No.1595471

File: d86040d169607f6⋯.jpg (608.61 KB, 1440x967, 1440:967, Screenshot_20180529-201509….jpg)

Thanking God, it's Trump's America now!


d9979c No.1595472


another thought: the structure on the upper right seems to have two ways leading to ist top big enough for a car to go up there. so ist maybe an analog spy post in a flat area near to some border (to israel?) to watch behind the horizon.

ba0fe0 No.1595473

955b9b No.1595474

Fukin kek caller! I hear ya. good call in. Cant help but notice how he cut you off. well fuckin played. True anon.

70c73c No.1595475

Agree, he's being very specific to qualify his answers in terms of criminal justice system and not in regards to espionage.

"O’DONNELL: Was there a spy?

GOWDY: That is not a term I’ve ever used in the criminal justice system. Undercover, informant, confidential informant, those are all words I’m familiar with. I’ve never heard the term spy used.

O’DONNELL: So when president says ‘spygate,’ there was no spy, and ‘inserted into the campaign’ — have you seen any evidence of that?

GOWDY: I have not. That’s an espionage term, that’s not a law enforcement term."

There's a significant reason to be found for the qualification of his answers.

629073 No.1595476


opposite poles attracting each other would make a donut ring world like putting two ends of a slinky together kinda sorta, however ive heard the south pole doesnt actually have magnetic properties or something like that

41d126 No.1595477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is far out

45fe0a No.1595478

File: 723339cdd11abc5⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1500x1005, 100:67, ClipboardImage.png)

0c9a9c No.1595479

File: 501bbd800c553de⋯.jpeg (278.25 KB, 800x779, 800:779, *************************….jpeg)

No Such Agency vs Clowns In America.



What is being revealed?

What will it lead to?


Faces of lawmakers stepping out.


When did Adm R step down?






Next [1/2].


Did you drink your Ovaltine?

c6152b No.1595480


Some things are better, some things are not. Beyond time invested for said result, I can't describe a matrix really.


If it was JFK fuckin' Norma Jean recorded on a crappy piece of wire, you would still listen to it. Content is king. :)

629073 No.1595481


wtf is that

3d805d No.1595482

Updated Baker Notables

>>1595002 Michael Avenatti Knows Where The Bodies Are Buried

>>1595186 Fusion GPS founder's testimony was 'extremely misleading, if not an outright lie

>>1595123 Antonin Scalia 187 connection

>>1595024 Pharmafag on pandemics and big pharma

>>1595240 Teamsters Getting the Classic "Bye Felicia" from pilots??

>>1595296 Anyone Tired of Winning??? Team Trump cuts nearly twice as many regulations as promised

>>1595443 E-Verify targeting illegal immigrants wins big boost from Social Security chief

>>1595463 Democratic States having to "Tighten Up" amidst Trumps Federal Government Leveling The Playing Field

2e4ba3 No.1595483

File: e67d7b9d501e735⋯.png (717.14 KB, 741x492, 247:164, ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Pompeo dines with top North Korean official in New York ahead of scheduled ‘day full of meetings’

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with a senior North Korean official in New York on Wednesday as the U.S. and North Korea continue to hammer out details about a potential summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, a new report says.

Former military intelligence chief, and one of Kim's closest aides, Kim Yong Chol met with Pompeo for an hour and a half over dinner, the Associated Press reports. The dinner comes just hours before the pair were scheduled to meet for the first time on Thursday morning.

They will spend the day sharing a “day full of meetings,” according to the White House.

The two men will discuss if it’s possible to rectify a potential summit between Trump and Kim.

Trump issued a letter to Kim Jong Un last week announcing that he was canceling the June 12 summit in Singapore with North Korea, citing the “tremendous anger and open hostility” from the rogue regime. However, Trump urged Kim to contact him if his behavior changed.

North Korea responded to Trump walking away from the negotiating table by saying the regime remained open to talking with the U.S. Additionally, North Korea demolished its nuclear site just before Trump’s letter was released, which was meant to show good faith to the U.S. prior to the summit.

Since then, the Trump administration has put in overtime working to revive the summit. For example, U.S. delegations met on Wednesday with North Korean officials in both Singapore and at the Korean Demilitarized Zone.

The White House said Wednesday that the goal is for the summit to occur on June 12 as originally planned.

“If it happens, we’ll certainly be ready,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Wednesday. “We’re going to continue to shoot for June 12th.”

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/mike-pompeo-dines-with-top-north-korean-official-in-new-york-ahead-of-scheduled-day-full-of-meetings

ed905f No.1595484

"They thought you would follow the stars"

Have we started thinking constellations yet?

2b70b2 No.1595485


Libya in Civil War.

ba0fe0 No.1595486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ever have thirty to plan a us18rico in the valley of death??

45fe0a No.1595487

File: 84196599eed5adc⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1200x894, 200:149, ClipboardImage.png)

45fe0a No.1595488

File: ff745f427e620d2⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1280x840, 32:21, ClipboardImage.png)

ba0fe0 No.1595489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


stir teh noodles Dr.

0c9a9c No.1595490

File: 4668b555dcb2a49⋯.jpeg (24.93 KB, 600x600, 1:1, decoder_ring.jpeg)

Ab Fhpu Ntrapl if Pybjaf Va Nzrevpn.



Jung vf orvat erirnyrq?

Jung jvyy vg yrnq gb?


Snprf bs ynjznxref fgrccvat bhg.


Jura qvq Nqz E fgrc qbja?






Arkg [1/2].


8fd2f0 No.1595491

File: 14bd1776f4767ab⋯.png (179.78 KB, 564x279, 188:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9f91bf8c542a92⋯.png (238.99 KB, 1661x675, 1661:675, ClipboardImage.png)

04515b No.1595492

File: b8b0144c6ecb5de⋯.gif (3.44 MB, 280x208, 35:26, monkryGIF.gif)



Very specific word for a seasoned prosecutor.

2e4ba3 No.1595493

Now that is EPIC!

955b9b No.1595494

File: d677362e990a8bd⋯.jpg (44.58 KB, 611x353, 611:353, hrcondamoon.jpg)

a1f853 No.1595495

Just looked at the 2007 midterm election thread. Looks like they could use a good bit of help digging and baking.

Anybody up for it, follow me. I'll give a hand, anything for our Prez

45fe0a No.1595496

File: 75d9574e9aa36ea⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1152x768, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15837fc18950699⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1300x839, 1300:839, ClipboardImage.png)

c2553b No.1595497

File: e373f2f3a1d0567⋯.png (103.55 KB, 393x213, 131:71, superrr.png)


Weird happenings tonight.

bb704b No.1595498


>the simplest answer is usually the truth.

>For years the whitehats in Mil have been laying a protective net around us

Thanks for the great answer. As a Christian so much of this movement has made sense, even the disturbing things, like where the Bible says the devil is the ruler of this world (2 Cor 4:4). I suppose at the 'top' of the pyramid is a person who is especially possessed by evil powers.

I had wondered why the cabal hadn't mounted a major attack; it is good to hear that it is because our military has prepared so thoroughly and is so strong that they can't do it.

It is so incredible to be a part of this.

c6152b No.1595499


>What they have been telling us, about almost everything, has not been the Truth, anon.

Agreed anon.

d9979c No.1595500

Not only German but also British Wikipedia contaminated with Antifa-Deepstate-Accounts slendering everbody left and right who is against war 24/7/365.


2b70b2 No.1595501


It's the thread in /Pol//, //Halfchan// or //Qresearch//?

2e4ba3 No.1595502

I was looking over those who will not be returning to Washington, and I was struck by something, Why aren't there more from the Black Caucus on that list? I don't see anything relative in the Q drops for further understanding on this.

3d805d No.1595503


Yeah, that is an understatement… Really choppy, rough waters. Happy for the opportunity to serve you people and take a small part in the GA

73071b No.1595504



Obama was foreign agent, Jarrett probably foreign agent etc.. and maybe one of the spy/leakers. Espionage.

47ffa4 No.1595505


Are you pointing to the nog or is there a guy in a hat standing behind him?

5c71f6 No.1595506

File: a7dbee2ad7223f2⋯.jpg (150.48 KB, 1000x661, 1000:661, Safe1.jpg)

File: 3b1d8049fedf88a⋯.jpg (156.54 KB, 1000x661, 1000:661, Safe2.jpg)

File: 05ba9d33f5d9b63⋯.jpg (160.04 KB, 1000x661, 1000:661, Safe3.jpg)

File: 2061281cdd13975⋯.jpg (46.69 KB, 372x193, 372:193, TopKek.jpg)



Fixed my new Sessions pics. Didn't realize I had a layer turned off. Weird.

ba0fe0 No.1595507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

frump is biting mah style

04515b No.1595508


>Obama was foreign agent, Jarrett probably foreign agent etc.. and maybe one of the spy/leakers. Espionage.

Sounds like military tribunal territory. Kek!

955b9b No.1595509

So clyde. I know your in here dude. Nice show I guess. Half the shit was misinformation. WTF man?

212de5 No.1595510

File: 0c284aa534867a4⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1354x754, 677:377, satellite tracking station.png)


except it's a French Antarctic Research station

(the pin on google map says its a satellite tracking station and the name of the road to access it is called "route 66" )

7e21a5 No.1595511

File: c1176a47170e938⋯.jpg (111.31 KB, 1000x701, 1000:701, melania-kek.jpg)

a1f853 No.1595512


Ah, the enemy of my friend…

7e21a5 No.1595513



was for you.

2e4ba3 No.1595514

File: d556b3c620bb618⋯.png (466.75 KB, 770x433, 770:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump endorses Dan Donovan over Michael Grimm for New York’s 11th District

President Trump is backing Rep. Dan Donovan, R-N.Y., in the primary race for New York’s 11 Congressional District against Michael Grimm, who is running to win his seat back after stepping down in 2015.

“There is no one better to represent the people of N.Y. and Staten Island (a place I know very well) than @RepDanDonovan, who is strong on Borders & Crime, loves our Military & our Vets, voted for Tax Cuts and is helping me to Make America Great Again,” Trump tweeted Wednesday evening. “Dan has my full endorsement!”

"Very importantly, @RepDanDonovan will win for the Republicans in November…and his opponent will not," he said in a separate tweet. "Remember Alabama. We can’t take any chances on losing to a Nancy Pelosi controlled Democrat!"

There is no one better to represent the people of N.Y. and Staten Island (a place I know very well) than @RepDanDonovan, who is strong on Borders & Crime, loves our Military & our Vets, voted for Tax Cuts and is helping me to Make America Great Again. Dan has my full endorsement!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 30, 2018

Very importantly, @RepDanDonovan will win for the Republicans in November…and his opponent will not. Remember Alabama. We can’t take any chances on losing to a Nancy Pelosi controlled Democrat!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2018

Donovan did not vote for the GOP's tax reform measure that passed in December, citing that the "bill that came out of the conference committee still means a tax increase for many Staten Island and Brooklyn residents."

Earlier this month, Donovan released an ad where he touted how he was working to advance Trump’s agenda.

“I am working with Donald Trump to deport dangerous illegal aliens, build the wall, and end sanctuary cities,” Donovan said in the ad.

Grimm resigned after being charged with federal tax evasion, fraud and perjury. He then served a prison term that began in September 2015 and ended in May 2016.

Grimm was endorsed by former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon late last year. Bannon also endorsed GOP Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore, who lost the race to Democrat Doug Jones in December.

Donovan and Grimm will go head to head on June 26 in the primary race.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-endorses-dan-donovan-over-michael-grimm-for-new-yorks-11th-district

07f058 No.1595515

File: 54a03dd0d81d12a⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 476x398, 238:199, 8c34b90578152a4f06cf01a833….jpg)



If you enjoy that, you'd enjoy the VQC.

Right now we're trying to figure out what in fuck pi+mandelbrot has to do with RSA, ECC, or P=NP.

bb704b No.1595516


That's very weird

07f058 No.1595517

File: 2a4e08d3d630464⋯.jpg (15.11 KB, 250x285, 50:57, leave-chris-alone.jpg)

2ace1d No.1595518


I exclude ETs base.

Too obv.

7e21a5 No.1595519

File: 9a244ac805dd248⋯.png (3.48 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ClipboardImage.png)



Wine opener.

here is the high rez.

5c71f6 No.1595520

File: d6d53743032b858⋯.jpg (94.39 KB, 432x318, 72:53, inspcaptkirkpreviewxm1.jpg)


Thanks anon. Would that be pronounced Kirk?

ba0fe0 No.1595521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

teh envy delta in teh synagoge of satan built a ton of shit and even crapped on it's own books, kys

look at all teh techs from teh muhalienjoos

3d805d No.1595522

Early request for new Baker

I have got this one, if folks will start posting and fill it up… Next Bread, I will be out though

41d126 No.1595523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

here's a mandelbrot zoom that spells out something like "six six six" in English deep into the zoom. Pretty weird

c6152b No.1595524

File: e828038da8942ad⋯.png (2.74 KB, 350x323, 350:323, bafcuberoot2.png)

2ace1d No.1595525


I think those to are entrance in the base.

No one says wtf is it.

I also wonder, where the power from?

2e4ba3 No.1595526

File: 7918277a9ea1849⋯.png (367.34 KB, 658x283, 658:283, ClipboardImage.png)

Union Sues Trump For Telling Fed Workers To Stop Doing So Much Union Business On Taxpayers’ Dime

A federal workers union sued President Donald Trump Wednesday over an executive order limiting the amount of time federal workers can spend conducting union business on official time, Bloomberg reported.

Trump signed the order on May 25 with several others prohibiting federal workers from collecting pay for time spent lobbying the government, charging rent to union workers using federal office space and directing more aggressive union contract bargaining.

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) filed a complaint over the order in a federal court in Washington, D.C. The union is asking the court to block one of the orders because it violates the First Amendment and separation of powers, according to Bloomberg.

“This is more than union busting — it’s democracy busting,” AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. said in a statement Friday after the orders were announced. “These executive orders are a direct assault on the legal rights and protections that Congress has specifically guaranteed to the 2 million public-sector employees across the country who work for the federal government.”

The order in question limits the time federal workers can spend conducting union business — such as filing grievances and negotiating contracts — to 25 percent of their taxpayer-payed work time.

A May 17 report by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) found federal workers spent $174.8 million worth of time on union activities in 2016 — all of it taxpayer funded — Inside Sources reported.

“The data shows that Taxpayer Funded Union Time is at a steady increase,” OPM Director Jeff T.H. Pon said, according to Inside Sources. “This Administration is passionate about protecting hardworking Americans and the use of their tax dollars.”

http:// dailycaller.com/2018/05/30/union-sues-trump-taxpayer-dollars/

04515b No.1595527


not as weird as him holding up a pair of JFK socks. and why's he sticking out his tongue? Lixard much? kek

955b9b No.1595528

File: ba174cf93181822⋯.jpg (3.95 KB, 96x129, 32:43, 1stcav.jpg)

File: 32f80b1d76e5f60⋯.jpg (25.78 KB, 493x928, 17:32, ATURPLEASURE.jpg)

my old man died exactly one year ago today. Miss him. Was the 1st Sargent of the 1st Calvary in Vietnam 1969 - 1971. Was called a baby killer on his arrival back in the states in San Francisco. Tomatoes thrown in his face. Spent the rest of his life suffering from agent orange. Died from it May 31, 2017.

212de5 No.1595529


well ya.

wasn't being serious with the ET base

0c9a9c No.1595530

File: 0003e97bb859248⋯.jpeg (43.04 KB, 400x322, 200:161, QEKMG.jpeg)



47080a No.1595531



ea3f47 No.1595532


Generations will benefit from his service while the haters will die forgotten as the pawns of leftists they were

8d1fbd No.1595533


The answer is: too far. Rockets dissolve during cenury long travel.

fdd098 No.1595534


ETS said NP sold nuclear tech secrets to NK (pic related).

Might explain NP's net worth being way above her pollie salary...

955b9b No.1595535


Ah thanks. is wut it is. I guess. We gotta win this bullshit. gotta stop ((them))).

71973f No.1595536

File: 56693621a00cbfe⋯.jpg (101.66 KB, 847x489, 847:489, LesDeplorables.jpg)

ba0fe0 No.1595537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2e4ba3 No.1595538

File: b0769c14c813554⋯.png (377.04 KB, 658x283, 658:283, ClipboardImage.png)

Disgraced Congressman Faces Trial For Campaign Abuses After Failed Appeal

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected former Rep. Aaron Shock’s request to toss out indictments against him on constitutional grounds Wednesday, in a massive blow to his efforts to duck a criminal trial.

Shock hoped rulings from other federal courts affording special status to the internal rules of the House of Representatives might shield him from criminal prosecution, but a three-judge panel repudiated those theories.

“The ruling is not consistent with those rendered by other U.S. Courts of Appeals in similar circumstances, thus we will be evaluating our options regarding further appeal on these constitutional issues,” Shock’s attorney, George Terwilliger, said in a statement.

The former congressman, a Republican, resigned in disgrace in 2015 after press accounts revealed profligate spending practices. He was subsequently charged with wire fraud, mail fraud, and submitting false tax returns.

Shock argued his actions were protected by the Constitution’s speech and debate clause, which provides immunity to members of Congress when they are engaged in official legislative activities. The indictments impermissibly draw from the internal rules of the House of Representatives, he further said.

The Constitution’s rulemaking clause grants the House alone the prerogative to set its rules and punish members. Shock’s lawyers contend federal prosecutors — officers of the executive branch — cannot bring charges for violations of those internal regulations without violating the separation of powers.

In his opinion for the three-judge panel, Judge Frank Easterbrook made short work of these arguments. Courts regularly interpret the internal rules of private and public entities during criminal prosecutions, the judge explained.

“The proposition that if Body A has sole power to make a rule, then Body A has sole power to interpret that rule does not represent established doctrine,” Easterbrook wrote. “Microsoft Corporation has the sole power to establish rules about how much its employees will be reimbursed for travel expenses, but no one thinks that this prevents a criminal prosecution of persons who submit fraudulent claims for reimbursement.”

He declined to resolve the second contention on jurisdictional grounds. Easterbrook concluded the rule-making clause establishes an institutional rather than personal immunity, and the Supreme Court only allows pre-trial appeals for arguments relating to the latter.

Four other circuit courts permit appeals of the sort Shock sought.

Shock can now ask the full 7th Circuit or the U.S. Supreme Court to review the decision.

http:// dailycaller.com/2018/05/30/aaron-shock-seventh-court-of-appeals-campaign-abuse/

955b9b No.1595539


Thank you agreed. With or without Q I will not quit. I cant.

4d92ab No.1595540


Got an eerie feeling that there is more than one use for that "wine opener".

067985 No.1595541


Sorry for your loss anon. My older brother also was in Vietnam. When he returned, every time a plane flew over low (lived by airport) he would drop to the ground. He also sufferers from agent orange. His nervous system is shot and he shakes uncontrollably.

638475 No.1595542


Disseminates POTUS's public message. Sets the timing/attitude of general public.

b9ceba No.1595543

Confidence debate at the moment in Spain !


ea3f47 No.1595544










Closest star is the sun, I thought you autists would have figured that one out by now.

86b364 No.1595545

Shills visible on this board now.

They seek to convince you earth is flat and extraterrestrials are demons. How? Based on what evidence? Are ancient and plain wrong belief systems evidence?

The agenda is visible. Why do you follow it?

0c9a9c No.1595546


Imagine if we could get close enough to one and harness its energy.

2b70b2 No.1595547


Why the important if Spain is as the same as the EU?

638475 No.1595548


He didn't die anon. U carry his memory on. He is here with us. WWG1WGA

27fea7 No.1595549

"Illinois Passes Equal Rights Amendment, More Than Three Decades After Deadline"

Something tells me the left is going to try to weaponize this against POTUS.

955a11 No.1595550


Johnny's got his panties in a bunch. Sounded more like code than a rant to me. He didn't mean AMERICA as in you and me, he's panicking HARD.

2e4ba3 No.1595551

File: b63dbfdd0aefb0d⋯.png (122.94 KB, 309x145, 309:145, ClipboardImage.png)

US Pacific Command Name Change Sends A Powerful Statement To India And China

Secretary of Defense James Mattis announced that the U.S. Pacific Command will now be called the Indo-Pacific Command, a clear indication of a stronger alliance between the U.S. and India. The secretary made the announcement Wednesday while attending a change of command ceremony at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii.

“In recognition of the increasing connectivity of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, today we re-name the U.S. Pacific Command to U.S. Indo-Pacific Command,” Mattis said, according to Inside Defense. “Over many decades, this command has repeatedly adapted to changing circumstance and today carries that legacy forward as America focuses west.”

“It is our primary combatant command,” Mattis said during his speech.

The new Indo-Pacific command is “one of six geographic combatant commands” in the U.S. military and “is in charge of using and integrating United States Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps forces within the [Indo-Pacific] area of responsibility,” according to the command’s website.

This name change comes as tensions between the U.S. and China continue to escalate. U.S. warships are conducting freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea in defiance of the Chinese, who have promised to send their own ships to chase the Americans. Although Mattis did not identify the Chinese by name, he did issue a clear warning by saying, “we are prepared to face any who would seek to challenge America’s resolve.”

As the current relationship between China and the U.S. becomes more contentious, India is emerging as a powerful ally for U.S. interests in the Pacific.

“I think India and the relationship with the United States is the potentially most historic opportunity we have in the 21st-century and I intend to pursue that quite rigorously,” said Admiral Philip Davidson, the new head of Indo-Pacific command, according to Reuters.

While the name change is a powerful political gesture to both India and the Chinese, it does not represent a change in the way the U.S. plans to deploy its forces throughout the region, and the Pentagon is not expected to send additional assets to India at this time.

http:// dailycaller.com/2018/05/30/us-pacific-command-name-change/

91babd No.1595552


My condolences, anon. I'm sure he was an exceptional person.

As >>1595548 stated, he lives on through you. Be proud.

a1f853 No.1595553

File: de60dc27b1f0759⋯.jpg (475.88 KB, 1440x1585, 288:317, 20180531_031827.jpg)

File: de45645a8376d14⋯.jpg (385.71 KB, 1440x1432, 180:179, Screenshot_20180531-031735….jpg)

07f058 No.1595555

File: 23288b964949edf⋯.jpg (158.26 KB, 721x450, 721:450, dream_2gucya9wbs1.jpg)


ba0fe0 No.1595556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

like all you assholes want teh benis but teh benis does not want you

212de5 No.1595557






part of the Integrated Cairo Air Defence system and are Surface to Air (SAM) launch sites designed to protect the city, its airport and other military installations. They are part of the Egyptian Air Defence Forces network or EADF

To be exact they are SA-2 missile launch sites designed to fire an upgraded derivative of the Volga 75 (V75) rocket. Originally of Soviet design, Egyptian scientists reverse engineered the weapon which is now known locally as the Tayir as Sabah (Early Bird) and dates back to around 2006.


955a11 No.1595558


Brilliant trolling China…. kek

505d01 No.1595559

File: 6ecc42721e0a82a⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2829.PNG)


You see this? 2013 he "got NASAs blessing" to dive for them and recover them.


2b70b2 No.1595560


Cold War 2.0

0c9a9c No.1595561

File: 074306b8994b9b6⋯.jpeg (227.16 KB, 1024x769, 1024:769, wood_have_advantages.jpeg)

We're not dealing with an individual mind. They don't have a single leader. It's the collective minds of all of them… a single leader can make mistakes which is far less likely in the combined whole.

21e0b1 No.1595562


But that is ASSUMING that UFO's/aliens/etc..come from stars and/or space. It WAS a non-answer; aliens could be from any (but not limited to) somewhere here on Earth, parallel/alternate dimensions, anywhere really.

Q's response was 2 questions that 'sounded' kinda smirk. I think he wasn't ready to "go there" with us just yet. IMHO

2e4ba3 No.1595563

File: 0b167b84c66810a⋯.png (357.61 KB, 658x283, 658:283, ClipboardImage.png)

Facebook Co-Founder’s Wife Donated $650K To Shaun King’s PAC

A Facebook co-founder’s wife donated $650,000 to Shaun King’s super PAC, which is targeting district attorney races in the 2018 midterms, the Washington Free Beacon reported Tuesday.

Cari Tuna, wife of Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz, donated $653,480 to the Real Justice PAC on March 9, 2017. Moskovitz is worth an estimated $14.9 billion as of Wednesday, according to Forbes.

Tuna’s donation was by far the most any donor has given to the PAC. The second most donated was $5,000, according to the Center for Responsible Politics, which was donated by self-described male feminist Joss Whedon, director of the first two Avengers movies, on March 2.

King, a Black Lives Matter leader, formed Real Justice PAC, to elect far-left district attorneys to implement a social justice agenda, or as the organization’s website puts it, “elect prosecutors who will fix our broken criminal justice system.”

As district attorneys become more powerful of a political force in the U.S., far-left activists have targeted their campaigns to block President Donald Trump’s legislation. For example, George Soros donated $1.45 million to fund a super PAC in support of Philadelphia district attorney candidate Larry Krasner, The Daily Caller reported in May 2017.

“No position in America, no single individual has a bigger impact on the criminal justice system—including police brutality, but the whole crisis of mass incarceration in general—than your local district attorney,” King told the Huffington Post on February 15.

Real Justice PAC filed its statement of organization to the Federal Election Commission on February 7, 2017. It formed after the 2016 presidential election, modeling its organization after Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ failed campaign for the Democratic presidential nominee.

“The Bernie Sanders presidential campaign pioneered a new approach to mass participation electoral campaigns called ‘big organizing,'” Real Justice PAC’s website says. “The low-cost, high impact, digitally enabled, and volunteered powered strategies developed during the 2016 primary election offer a new playbook for winning down ballot races.”

http:// dailycaller.com/2018/05/30/facebook-donated-to-shaun-king-pac/

067985 No.1595564

91babd No.1595565



What do you mean 'you just looked' at that thread? 13/15 posts in there are yours. Noone there but you. What's going on there?

b9ceba No.1595566


Catalonia and the wish of independence from Madrid. The EU don´t want it

5a8ff7 No.1595567


Stop the presses, anon has an "eerie feeling"! Oh dear whatever shall we do?

86b364 No.1595568


He went with us, anon. He went with those that have eyes to see. Two crumbs that prove it all.

Can you find them?

47080a No.1595569


Can I date your sister?

ba0fe0 No.1595570

File: 803057154f316b5⋯.jpg (96.67 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Putting-a-Limit-On-Anythin….jpg)

955b9b No.1595571


thanks BO appreciate it

629073 No.1595572

File: be84e609dd79099⋯.png (934.07 KB, 984x642, 164:107, pencil.png)

what is written in faded pencil above these notes? it seems more than just scale letters, there are some strange symbols, and look at publisher address 3(x)6 and air anarcheon

2e4ba3 No.1595573



No matter what the other side has to say about this President of ours. They will never be able to hold a torch to his ability to hone in on a situation and troll it with action or a name. I love that he does it so naturally.

21e0b1 No.1595574


Workfagging atm, anon…but I don't doubt what you are saying.

a1f853 No.1595575

File: 1d6031161ac540c⋯.jpg (440.15 KB, 1103x907, 1103:907, Screenshot_20180531-033539….jpg)

After being heavily question in three Federal investigations.

Soros is pushing hard with Pro spin, to make this crook look electable.

Time to play : Shine the Light on the crooked politician.

2b70b2 No.1595576


Spain should to awake as a Country. not with the division .The Cabal also wants Small countries for to have more power (Small countries= More Control)

4d92ab No.1595577


My gut check tells me Bezos is evil.

Gives me the creeps.

Time will tell.

2ace1d No.1595578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



They fvckin hate this!!!!!!!!

21e0b1 No.1595579


I would be most grateful, however, if you could direct me to said crumbs.

473b8d No.1595580


pitch black eyes

3d805d No.1595581


"You're leaving now…"


ba0fe0 No.1595582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1ab7c6 No.1595583

File: 06253ac099c209b⋯.jpeg (91.33 KB, 846x500, 423:250, download (4).jpeg)




You monkeys are a joke.

Not everything you see is a hint at some secret world. Some things are just things.

2b70b2 No.1595584


China is a yuge monster.

Even push for the automatización of the Jobs and more the Gold.

For Now, They have advantage

86b364 No.1595586



a7efec No.1595587

Trump no longer a Russian Red.

Trump is now a child trafficker/predator.

Q: change of narrative

Q: think mirror

2e4ba3 No.1595588


They do compliments of the Clinton's IMO. I don't know how we get ahead of it.

128e20 No.1595589


Mr P|q is busy.

212de5 No.1595590





5f4229 No.1595591

A Wikileaks from Stratfor is a narrative of the decision to kill Osama bin Laden. The email writer called it a temporary coup.

Hillary, Gates, Panetta, Petraus, and everyone advising President Obama except Valerie Jarrett were all for the attack on bin Laden's compound. President Obama strategically hesitated, refused, and rescinded permission under the guidance of Valerie Jarrett.

Unknown to the President and Jarrett, the raid had already been set up and was ready to go. When Obama hesitated by Jarrett's advice, Leon Panetta gave the go order and the raid was carried out. President Obama and Valerie Jarrett were the last to know, after even the Vice President.

This sort of relationship must have been expected for President Trump as well.

The email ends by speculating on Jarretts resignation, but says

"I find that unlikely given my strong belief she needs the protection afforded her by the Oval Office and its immense powers to delay and eventually terminate investigations on her back in Chicago, but we shall see."


2e4ba3 No.1595592


Indeed the pace has gotten to be very swift, kek

21e0b1 No.1595593


ThankQ, good sir.

2b70b2 No.1595594

File: 0a6725ab1b0c56b⋯.png (40.88 KB, 772x628, 193:157, C'MON.png)

If Assad wants the War with Turkey, welcome..

Really Assad doesn't understand the plan.

Kurdistan Coming…

https:// syria.liveuamap.com/en/2018/31-may-assad-the-us-has-to-leave-syria-as-it-did-in-iraq

4d92ab No.1595595


Poppy and Snowbank.

A marriage made in well, hell.


46250a No.1595596


Moral Relativism.

IOW, Anarchism.

Both, the position you present and the position you oppose are wrong.

The position you present requires a person to make their own determination about what is good. Different people will have different views on what is deemed as good.

The position you oppose is wrong because it's a straw man. The religion can and will be subverted by unscrupulous people with the will, power, and determination to do so. People must be able to recognize that infiltration and call it out for what it is.

God exists. He must exist as a matter of rational introspection, and unbiased examination of the world around us.

IOW, if you look around you and contemplate the world you can find the truth about what is good and what is evil. By the same token, you can make the same observations and come to an erroneous conclusion about that definition.

There must be an objective measure to compare your observations to.

b9ceba No.1595597


But someone had to do the first step to get out of the EU-fetters. Italy they had blocked …..

Before the EURO life had been better, the countrys had have their independence; now Brussels dictate all

ba0fe0 No.1595598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what is reverent

what is spitefull


955b9b No.1595599

Well I know you guys hated muh posts about the Clyde Lewis show, but thought you needed to know how we are perceived. It was kind of a hit piece. The attacks keep coming. And this is a conspiracy theory talk show. I think Clyde tried to stay as middle ground as possible but I could tell he is under the thumb. The whole Roseanne story is why he talked about it tonight. (((They))) had to knuckle down on. And what better than to have a well known conspiracy show discard us as an Internet Cult. Oh well keep fighting. We have no other choice, unless we want to live like this…. Video related.

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE1kA0Jy0Xg&authuser=0

86b364 No.1595600


Enjoy the rabbit hole. Do not fear :)

21fd02 No.1595601

File: 7f5f56b55cf0ce8⋯.jpg (18.31 KB, 539x293, 539:293, GsugcUS[1].jpg)

Roseanne was right

a1f853 No.1595602



Shit I thought I picked up the campaign request and posted it with that quote not talking about the thread talking about what was asked of me . By 2020, up for 26 hours now not that much I guess but I'm having trouble amassing what they're needing. Anons are capable of the best research and background assimilation at far greater speeds than most . I'll grab the request out of my email and post it now. Should have took my time what I was saying sorry. I looked at the request sent me background research on the opposition only partial of Trump's picks identified, ugh happy to help day and night have been since 2015 but woe on this little sleep I'm way over my head researching… sorry if I'm talking in circles, I meant look at the thread 20/20 needs help. Give me a second and I'll slide you the request.

0d8756 No.1595603


How is that racist, that lady ain't black and blacks are the only ones that are stereotyped as being ape-like.

35e48d No.1595604


You said a whole lot that actually didn't address anything that I said.

You made end-statements without backing them up wit anything, it seems.

I will simplify what I am saying:

God exists.

God does not need religion in order to exist or operate.

Religion is, thus, an unnecessary component to understanding God and, thus, Goodness.

God is still the objective measure, anon, for all things come from the Source.

2e4ba3 No.1595605


I posted a story about him here earlier, I wonder if this is how the truth comes out about the raid on him that night.


ba0fe0 No.1595606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the original leon shot himself cause of the cia cover up

505d01 No.1595607

File: 15922f18d2c8cd6⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_2830.PNG)


Understatement of the year😂


47080a No.1595609


>He must exist as a matter of rational introspection, and unbiased examination of the world around us.

Assumptions are monsters.

c6152b No.1595610


That was indeed my response the night Q posted the question.

I also posted that GERONIMO was the US military designation for UBL.

I was reminiscing. Sorry.

2b70b2 No.1595611


Amigo, Really the EU is a complete dictatorship,

The Europeans now have to use the VPN/TOR.

The plan to the EU is create the United States of Europe and the War against Russia

Red-pill your people and search a way to escape to US or Argentina/Chile.

666f3e No.1595612


By chance her familys online geneology was changed on may 25th 2018, ( they are saying her grandfather was black)

She was always considered Iranian

21e0b1 No.1595614


Found them, thank you again.

And I do not fear…I have always believed in aliens & I have also always felt that to believe "we" are the only 'intelligent life' in this vast/infinite universe is pure hubris.

46250a No.1595616



[1] If they're from here on Earth then they're not Aliens. Kek! no1

[2] If they're from another dimension you have to prove, by the scientific method, that those 'other' dimensions exist. No one has done that and they never will because by definition they cannot be observed. If they can't be observed then how do you know they're even there? Take your word for it? Kek no2

[3] >Q's response was 2 questions that 'sounded' kinda smirk.

Muh feeeelllzzz! Kek no3

Good game.

You lost.

ba0fe0 No.1595617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it inspire murdoch to go full retard , and that motherfucker did go full retard , ty

0d8756 No.1595619


No one would assume or know she's any part black. Middle Eastern, maybe partly.

638475 No.1595622


I feel she connects to Loop capital and Loop connects to Le Circle.

35e48d No.1595623


I don't know the answer to that, anon. This is the first time I've heard of such a thing, but I would be interested to learn more of what you have to offer.

ba0fe0 No.1595626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3b40c0 No.1595627

File: 66d89ef3a045363⋯.jpg (23.22 KB, 530x311, 530:311, sundy.jpg)

>>1594207 lb notable

quakertown pa where those booms are occuring has connections going back to the masons and the nwo, could be these booms are them covering up evidence? blasting their hidden bunkers before they can be found and searched for evidences.

""Within Masonic symbolism, the sex act is portrayed as the union of the perpendicular and the base. Masonic author, R. Swinburne Clymer typifies Masonic symbolism of the Tau when he states, "The Phallus, or Lingam, and the Yoni, the male and female emblems of generation, are found in the triangle and the tau." [Clymer, The Mysteries of Osiris or Ancient Egyptian Initiation, (((Quakertown))), PA, The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1951, p. 131] Masonic author, Albert Mackey, tells us of the sexual connotation of this hexagram. "The triangle pointing downward "is a female symbol corresponding to the yoni and the upward pointing triangle is the male, the lingam ... ""

""“One of the strangest things for this author was to continue running into evidence that seems to indicate Charles Taze Russell, the man who started the Jehovah’s Witnesses Watchtower Society, was secretly an important Satanist. Lest the reader devalue the evidence, permit this author to state that the evidence came in first before I came up with my theory that Russell was an important Satanist, and not vice-versa.

Some of the outstanding clues are:

a) C T Russell was definitely a Mason, yet he puts up some great smokescreens in his writing concerning his membership.

b) C T Russell’s Bethel staff became concerned about his occult activities and required him to take an oath forswearing any further occult activities.

c) In my previous book The Watchtower and the Masons, I study 35 parallel beliefs that Russell had with Masonry. I spent a page per parallel. These 35 are not in any way inclusive; Russell had many other identical ideas to what the Masonic lodges propagate.

d) Various items from magic were part of Russell’s religious beliefs including healing handkerchiefs, phrenology, the Winged-Sun-Disk, Enochian Magical Planes etc.

e) Russell family’s possible Illuminati links, and his wife’s possible connections with a family line of Satanists.

f) Russells apparent secret Rosicrucian membership with the (((Quakertown, PA))) group of Rosicrucians, as revealed by the pyramid he ordered erected, his use of the Winged-Sun-Disk, and his cremation three days after his death. ""



212de5 No.1595628

File: 53b823cc67fab6d⋯.png (1.28 MB, 686x3314, 343:1657, Obama's Top Adviser Valeri….png)

a7efec No.1595629


their is no last Pharaoh. P

3d805d No.1595630


Numbered Bread incorrectly, My 1st time…

Please Correct

ba0fe0 No.1595631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



all teh kittehs murdoch

b4fa16 No.1595632

Roseanne is a genius.

It looks like a massive attack on her. People don't like that.

It looks like she did nothing wrong because the lady doesn't look African American.

No one is questioning the Muslim Brotherhood bit so that's thinking past the sale.

She is free from the interference in her show.

She now has no network handlers.

47080a No.1595633


I think he's talking about Moses. There are stories that he was Egyptian nobility.

86b364 No.1595635


Thank YOU for bringing some healthy and logical thinking here, anon :)

4d92ab No.1595636

File: a2bc3be684a14dc⋯.png (295.1 KB, 548x554, 274:277, 2018-05-31_03-58-09.png)



Now about that "wine opener"…

ba0fe0 No.1595637

think about natalie portman and what she ahs had to drag through life from these grief mongers

46250a No.1595638


Non sequitur. Your conclusion does not follow from the propositional statements.

Rational Introspection is not an assumption.

Unbiased examination is not an assumption.

Both are concrete steps, one physical, the other intellectual.

These actions will lead to tangible and verifiable results.

666f3e No.1595640


she is now up to 818k followers, she keeps gaining more and more

86b364 No.1595641


Good aliens don't like satanic pedos.

a7efec No.1595642


Hubris is to think it's a vast/infinite universe.

8b4238 No.1595643


638475 No.1595645


That why this was posted this last night

>>1584429 (last night)

And was further explained in the next bread. Shills stormed hard on Gowdy last night/this am.

ba0fe0 No.1595646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

trying to make these bitter truths taste like candy corn is difficult yo

21fd02 No.1595647


The quality of the content has gone down in the last 40 years as well.

The people in charge of almost everything suck.

47080a No.1595649


If thinking about things led to true spiritual insight, philosophers would have already solved the Mystery. You are too busy assuming things to find what you are looking for. I'm sorry to tell you this.

ba0fe0 No.1595650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

plain sight symbolism anyone

we can hammer herretics all night

9599e3 No.1595652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For Poppy Bush…..

2b70b2 No.1595654

Who could be the first country for the use of the terminators?


46250a No.1595657


>God does not need religion in order to exist or operate.

Again , a straw man.

The correct statement would be:

Organized religions have been subverted and so cannot be trusted to define what is good and what is evil.

What I'm saying is that once you realize how and why organized religions have been comped, you will realize that it's not the religion[s] that are wrong but rather the core of religion[s] is pure and true and only the subverted versions are wrong and unnecessary.

The determination of what is the core and what is the subversion is up to you.

This requires:

rational introspection, and unbiased examination of the world around us.

ba0fe0 No.1595658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bb704b No.1595660

Can they control the weather?

35e48d No.1595662


How is:

>God does not need religion in order to exist or operate.

A strawman argument?

166611 No.1595665

I tried listening to patriot's soapbox and had to turn it off. Complete nonsense and two guys almost got in a fight a few minutes ago. They used to suck Cori's dick on there too. Would always call him Dr. Corsi. What a joke. "Buy muh book."

46250a No.1595666


You only mention thinking about things and leave out the unbiased observation.

This has nothing to do with philosophy.

Again with the straw man.

This has to do with combining both observations of the physical and using rational thought to come to a conclusion.

You need both of these.

05d885 No.1595667



You tell me, bud !

7e21a5 No.1595669


To me the irony of the image is a kid giving a pair of socks with images of his grandfather on them, to the man who killed his grandfather…

a1f853 No.1595670

File: 7e04a3a89cbba13⋯.jpg (267.06 KB, 786x1607, 786:1607, 20180531_040429.jpg)

File: 03844779fbc35d5⋯.jpg (418.24 KB, 965x2320, 193:464, 20180531_040334.jpg)

File: 32a469f7960a7ff⋯.jpg (310.65 KB, 873x2035, 873:2035, 20180531_040237.jpg)




About to hit a wall hope this helps explain what I was trying to request help for. Take it easy man, got to crash for a couple hours.


8a526e No.1595673

File: a43f2749c80a810⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1591x2348, 1591:2348, Faked photos and footage.png)

File: b547fae1bb014af⋯.jpg (171.4 KB, 1200x929, 1200:929, 1511728496009.jpg)

File: c28765545d2556a⋯.jpg (92.06 KB, 720x802, 360:401, 1511722159167.jpg)

46250a No.1595677



I explained it.

You said religion.

I said subverted organized religion.

Your 'religion' is a straw an because your definition does not identify the true problem. It's a weaker version of the problem.

You then attack the 'weaker' version and claim victory.

IOW, Intellectual cowardice.

ba0fe0 No.1595678

File: 123ee2fa8e6322a⋯.jpg (110.28 KB, 720x960, 3:4, IMG_0335.JPG)

File: 76b76029dcb57a9⋯.jpg (147.74 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_0337.JPG)

File: a30e7a8c547806c⋯.jpg (86.02 KB, 567x577, 567:577, IMG_0338.JPG)


35e48d No.1595679


Interesting. Why do you believe religion and not subverted organize religion is the weaker version of the problem?

05d885 No.1595680




46250a No.1595681



There's nothing to offer from those statements.

Pure speculation and pre-conceived notions.

ba0fe0 No.1595682

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

these military experiments taste funny, send cash and bring weed

3b40c0 No.1595683


you get the concept of a soapbox right? its an old old concept, a platform for any anon. literally all it is meant to be.

so yeah morons will get on that box sometimes, then other times good researchers get up there too,

like all the rest of society there are more morons then not.

they just need to do a better job archiving the segments of good speakers in shorter clips, would be much more watchable then their 24hrs 70% junk chit chat

4d92ab No.1595684

File: 7aaae4962ee1ec5⋯.png (394.79 KB, 970x386, 485:193, 2018-05-24_06-05-19.png)



Bullies are COWARDS.

Now, again, what about that "wine opener"?


0c9a9c No.1595685

File: d2dff8613e99455⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1304x998, 652:499, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at ….png)

Watch the water.

2e4ba3 No.1595686

File: cdac6d153c9b5db⋯.png (895.67 KB, 789x594, 263:198, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fd18bb6698b5f8⋯.png (11.36 KB, 590x124, 295:62, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85d1d1c9bcce5a3⋯.png (66.91 KB, 788x585, 788:585, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38fc6d32b70c79b⋯.png (55.49 KB, 802x535, 802:535, ClipboardImage.png)

US, North Korea enter second day of nuclear talks in New York

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and high-ranking North Korean official Kim Yong Chol enter a second day of meetings in New York on Thursday (May 30) as they try to settle nuclear weapons disagreements and set the stage for an historic summit between their two leaders.

The two men left a 90-minute private dinner at a New York apartment on Wednesday night without providing details about their conversation. Another round of talks was scheduled for Thursday, with Pompeo expected to leave New York that afternoon.

Pompeo would only say that the dinner "was great" and that the two men dined on "American beef."

It was not yet known whether the two men made any progress toward narrowing long-standing differences between Washington and Pyongyang that could end decades of hostile relations and open the way for the summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Earlier in the day, the White House left open the possibility of a Trump-Kim summit on June 12 in Singapore, despite Trump's cancellation of the meeting just days ago.

As the dinner was underway inside an apartment on New York's East Side, just south of the United Nations, a senior State Department official separately briefed reporters on the high-level talks that were underway.

Pompeo and General Kim, vice-chairman of the ruling Workers' Party's Central Committee, "are trying to get to know each other" following their two initial meetings this year in North Korea, said the US official who asked not to be identified.

The official added that before any summit between the two leaders can occur, Pyongyang is "going to have to make clear what they are willing to do" amid demands from Washington that North Korea permanently end its nuclear weapons program.

Trump, the official said, "can make a fly or no-fly decision anytime he wants," referring to the possible unprecedented Singapore summit.

If not enough progress is made to lead to a productive meeting between Trump and Kim Jong Un, the official said, "we will ramp up the pressure on them and we'll be ready for the day that hopefully they are ready."

Shortly before Wednesday's dinner, Pompeo repeated the Trump administration's bottom-line demand in a Twitter post: "Looking forward to meeting with Kim Yong Chol in New York to discuss @Potus potential summit with Chairman Kim. We are committed to the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula @StateDept."

Trump last week called off the summit after North Korea expressed anger at comments by senior US officials. But Trump later said he was reconsidering his position and US, North Korean and South Korean officials have gone ahead with summit preparations.

Sung Kim US ambassador to the Philippines, leaves a downtown hotel in Seoul, South Korea, on May 30, 2018.

Related Story

White House remains upbeat over Trump-Kim summit, says ongoing discussions centred on denuclearisation

Mr Kim Chang Son, the de facto chief of staff of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, flew into Singapore on Monday night and is believed to be staying at The Fullerton Hotel.

Related Story

Top North Korean official seen in Sentosa for possible meeting with US officials

Related Story

North Korea issue likely to dominate Shangri-La Dialogue

The White House said on Wednesday that negotiations at the demilitarised zone along the border between North and South Korea for the summit were going well.

Separately on Wednesday at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, Admiral Harry Harris, the outgoing head of US Pacific Command who is Trump's pick to be the ambassador to South Korea, said North Korea remained the US' most imminent threat.

"And a nuclear-capable North Korea with missiles that can reach the United States is unacceptable," Harris said.

Earlier, a US official said negotiations about the summit's agenda have so far been slow going, and the two fundamental issues, the definition of North Korean denuclearisation and whether both sides would take actions at the same time or separately, remained unsettled.


ba0fe0 No.1595687

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

from my estimates i may be the last american with the religous right to scalp a traitor

so line up them cia niggas forthwith

3b40c0 No.1595688


potentially notable

0c9a9c No.1595689

File: 42585f7dfbc1caa⋯.jpeg (264 KB, 1960x1118, 980:559, out_of_stock.jpeg)

Watch the water.

2e4ba3 No.1595691

File: 58f157dd68ffe3c⋯.png (103.68 KB, 280x307, 280:307, ClipboardImage.png)

You just can't make this stuff up

What people won't say or do for their toys, even if they can't afford them. (pic related)


46250a No.1595693


Not a belief.

Pay attention.

This food is poisonous. Strong version.

Food is poisonous. Weak version.

You present poison food and claim food is poisonous.

Moar clear?

166611 No.1595694


Yes, I tune in every once in a while to see if they are discussing anything new. Sometimes they do talk about important topics. But lately it's just a bunch of know it alls who interrupt each other.

ba0fe0 No.1595695

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

35e48d No.1595696


Why is it not a belief, anon?

Your analogy just assumes that it is, like food.

Why is your assertion not a belief, anon?

35e48d No.1595698


it is not*


8fd2f0 No.1595699

File: 866eba8330ae11b⋯.png (464.03 KB, 1669x808, 1669:808, ClipboardImage.png)

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terri_Schiavo_case

21fd02 No.1595702


Racist isn't a real thing. Roseanne is saying some things that some people don't want to hear, and they're yelling racist and yanking her off the tv.

Roseanne Barr is Jewish.

Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran, but they say she's black, her parents were Americans and blacks. So, the claim that Jarrett is actually a Iranian Jew or Muslim doesn't pass close scrutiny, even though we'd like it to.

ba0fe0 No.1595703

File: 73dd7372c3c7780⋯.jpg (116.62 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_0192.JPG)

File: 3947c901899c885⋯.jpg (123.43 KB, 627x960, 209:320, IMG_0350.JPG)

File: 5e87b16d6e16596⋯.jpg (167.25 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, IMG_0360.JPG)

File: 082ebc2aaf49ec1⋯.png (81.14 KB, 915x1225, 183:245, IMG_0549.PNG)

shot no bullet

used no force

made no threats

3d805d No.1595704

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Please remember to stay and shitpost and fill up the bread, SHILLS Here is Your Chance

7e21a5 No.1595705

Scary, e-bot is on point with the soundtrack tonight. Never forget, it is learning. Soon it will become self aware.

bfd85a No.1595706



46250a No.1595707

File: 0facaf94ba89560⋯.jpg (85.06 KB, 722x500, 361:250, shills - Dont-Read-Crumbs.….jpg)

File: 752fbcf6285f524⋯.jpg (207.63 KB, 960x751, 960:751, kys.jpg)


>Why is your assertion not a belief, anon?

Because … pic related

Also … pic 2 related

ba0fe0 No.1595708

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

955b9b No.1595709

8b2251 No.1595711

File: 2f0907803e5358b⋯.png (825.64 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Tesla Files S01E03 2.png)

File: 935d5eaf0d218f8⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Tesla Files S01E03 3 der g….png)

File: ebeb00120666da0⋯.png (629.57 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Tesla Files S01E03 8 ward….png)

Tesla Dues.

ed905f No.1595714

File: 861abde38c6c510⋯.png (305.02 KB, 482x361, 482:361, daytonsux.png)

8fd2f0 No.1595715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

35e48d No.1595716

File: 438d4c1453cc9b4⋯.jpg (116.13 KB, 645x633, 215:211, mfw i know they dont but i….JPG)


Why is your assertion not just a belief, anon?

bfd85a No.1595717


She was practically an agent for the Muslim Brotherhood.

3b40c0 No.1595724

File: 86d80a9f2cbaab3⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 566x528, 283:264, kkk.jpg)

racism and bigotry are a shill distraction, political parties too, we are not just bringing liberals over to conservatism, instead remember we are bringing the mislead lied to populace over to truth, it is in the form of the right at this time but it could easily be a different party in the far future.

we must stress this battle isnt about parties or any other division labels not even jews, (the rich ones in power aside)

it is about the people versus the cabal, unity not division.

4d92ab No.1595725

File: dff80e6448b4d3a⋯.png (1.14 MB, 975x1074, 325:358, 2018-05-25_00-29-07.png)


Me likey posting with shills.


7e21a5 No.1595726


That is an immutable fact. No argument can be made against it.


Find the blue fairy. She can make you a real boy.

ba0fe0 No.1595729

File: 56daadca6bf2acf⋯.jpg (82.2 KB, 1024x1360, 64:85, IMG_0347.JPG)

File: 16155266ad90540⋯.jpg (87.05 KB, 475x329, 475:329, IMG_0349.JPG)

File: 010f0022fae7ba4⋯.jpg (130.47 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_0354.JPG)

955b9b No.1595735


LOL Im a shill assasin ;)~

21fd02 No.1595736


Sure, day of the rope for her, sure.

ba0fe0 No.1595737

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

too much salsa eh

3b40c0 No.1595738

File: c5acd7db98789dd⋯.png (20.99 KB, 466x612, 233:306, iborr.png)

File: 01a8bfcd72a0a13⋯.png (563.63 KB, 2872x3448, 359:431, Qibor2.png)

File: 6d36a5da48c92b2⋯.png (173.98 KB, 768x1562, 384:781, qibor.png)

d1b328 No.1595740



3b40c0 No.1595745

File: 2dc19fc0f99046c⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 2079x6802, 2079:6802, Qalways.jpg)

46250a No.1595748



7f1612 No.1595871


what did you find noteworthy?

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