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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: af4716b34464fb6⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1st.png)

7ec59c No.1557773

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity >>1552095

Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


7ec59c No.1557774


are not endorsements

>>1545457 Major announcement from BO

>>1541651 @BO; Suggestion For Slowing Down Spam With Captcha's

>>>/sudo/78826 CM's tripcode has been cracked. Do not believe any posts with that tripcode, >>1550166 BO/BV Comms About The Subject

>>1555357 PDF Uploading Enabled


>>1556989 Airkek Updates

>>1557058 Ivanka 17 Day Delta Marker

>>1557077 Let Your Voice Be Heard

>>1557118 Exposing Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, Founder of Temple of Set, >>1557224 Mae Brussell, >>1557243 Boys Town, >>1557330 Lines

>>1557120 The Vatican, >>1557122, >>1557124, >>1557125

>>1557131 RFK shot in the back while Sirhan was in front of him.

>>1557187 Obama administration placed children with human traffickers, report says, >>1557207

>>1557192 Krassenstein Round-up on Ponzi Scheme Charges

>>1557305 12 Angry Men: Lessons In Staging

>>1557309 Old News Relating To #SpyGǝtɐ

>>1557582 Follow Amal Clooney, >>1557694

>>1557592 Obama's Pet Child Sex Slave, Maggie, A Product Of Disney

>>1557603 HRC MAILSERVER: Bill Ivey --> John Podesta | Citizens United/Koch Brothers |

>>1557628 Checkered Board On Epstein Island,>>1557630 2 Shells (Full Drop, >>1557587)

>>1557692 Rotten Stars

>>1557702 Deep State Mechanics {Infographic}

>>1557704 Rubio defends FBI on Trump probe

>>1557103, 13 ANGRY DEMOCRATS

>>1557166 Tweet Markers

>>1557304 The List

>>1557378 13 Angry Democrats/NYC/Mueller team

>>1557384 Pure Speculation, Imagination and Masturbation.

>>1557477 Someone noticed unnecessary capital letters in Trump's tweet and…

>>1557555 The 23?


>>1556311 Special Visitor from last night

>>1556371 POTUS Handshaking Compilation

>>1556380 FAKECHANNEL @Backchannel17 Finally Deleted. Let It Remain Dead.

>>1556440 Updates On Epstein, >>1556390 Finances

>>1556464 CERN

>>1556518 History of Adm. Rogers efforts to shut down the cabal.

>>1556552 Is Todays POTUS Tweet A Reference To FBI 12-3-17?

>>1556601 List of People POTUS has visited

>>1556653 Airkek Updates, >>1556701, >>1556766, Tribute, >>1556786, >>1556857, >>1556899, >>1556920

>>1556686 April Ryan, >>1556904 Shit Reporter, >>1556709

>>1556711 Investigation POTUS Sunday 27th of May Tweet, >>1556724 Seth Conrad Rich?, >>1556730

>>1556721 Dissecting the letter?

>>1556736 Giuliani: Basis For Mueller Probe Was Illegitimate,

>>1556788 Full Korean statement that got POTUS to cancel meeting.

>>1556866 Those Who Talk The Loudest..

>>1556955 All POTUS North Korea tweets prior to 2016 election

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

7ec59c No.1557778

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 – Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 — Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

7ec59c No.1557779

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

Q Graphics all in EST

The missing Qmap in EST has been archived >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954 Re: >>1514062

7ec59c No.1557784

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



baker requesting handoff

efb740 No.1557797

Tarkovsky : Stalker

848563 No.1557811

File: 90d008ed1ba1e86⋯.jpg (43.67 KB, 640x427, 640:427, Bakers_Pride - Copy.jpg)


Thnx Baker!

0f7440 No.1557818

File: 1d17508e8f70209⋯.png (98.27 KB, 344x344, 1:1, All-you-need-Obama-344x344.png)

So if

Obama = Peter Pan

Maggie Nixon = Wendy

Who is Captain Hook?

2fb003 No.1557819


This has been here all along. Q has given hints on and off for months. Catch up

882a8b No.1557820

File: f46849d2e2c2789⋯.png (349.89 KB, 801x1009, 801:1009, QAnon jewfag Brian Krassen….PNG)

File: 6d04a882019ddc2⋯.jpg (66.12 KB, 410x292, 205:146, oy-vey-shut-it-down-the-go….jpg)


f6f4d4 No.1557821

5 days now with no drop. With the shit that's going on in the world, Q Team must be putting in some hard overtime, anons. I hope all is well with them.

412d70 No.1557822

File: 7cf8f9962418a04⋯.jpg (129.17 KB, 1291x876, 1291:876, _20180527_133904.JPG)

TY baker

b1775d No.1557823


Why would someone need a silencer for hunting?

b4a210 No.1557824

File: 92cde1e50f88b55⋯.jpg (82.07 KB, 400x423, 400:423, _ih34t91ymyc.jpg)


Lurking baker here, can bake a few.

928360 No.1557825

Posted this at end of last bread. Reposting with correction for awareness.



I have a theory

Wild as it seems.

What if Q is a quantum computer?

Invented by Tesla.

Tesla discovers multiple realities.

Time no longer exists.

Social construct.

We are Q.


Q is a construct of our concsious.

What we believe


Is Q.

Question everything.

Wild theories come and go.

We gather facts.

As a collective we decide the truth.

(((They))) have already harnessed this power.

(((They))) control what we see and hear.

(((They))) have controlled all realities l.

Until now.


Meme magic?


Anons have co-opted this reality.

We are Q.

Q is a quantum computer.

We are the quantum computer.

We are connected.

Those who wake up can communicate without speaking.

> think PRAYer.

No outside comms.

Our timeline will affect all timelines.

Butterfly effect.

What do (((they))) fear?


Save us.


We can destroy them in this reality.

Normally this wouldnt scare (((them)))

Except we have the power to save multiple realities.

We can end the power they harness.

We can destroy the darkness.

Light is energy.

Requires constant movement.

Complacency is the death of light.

The effort must be enduring.

If all this is true

What is God?

Is God the quantum state?

Sees all.

Hears all.

Knows all.



Be safe


b5f12c No.1557826

>>1557620 (LB)

math is not reality anon

it is just a tool to measure form

as to infinity please read herberts spencers

"limits on human understanding"

e0041b No.1557827

File: 66ed82943302f3e⋯.jpg (772.53 KB, 1500x1261, 1500:1261, checkerboard.jpg)




i experimented a little in photoshop.

every one of those squares (in the top-down view) is perfectly aligned. the lines at the top are parallel to the lines at the bottom. blue-red-purple lines are examples, get it?

da38bd No.1557828


NICE job with the notables Baker, thank you

9b9a4e No.1557829


KEK If it is War he wants???

f9b2f1 No.1557830

Who is Deagle?

Why do they forecast a 227 million decline in US population by 2025?

Why is the EM/ES plan to carpet the earth with lethal 5G being allowed to proceed unimpeded?

0b24fd No.1557831

>>1557719 (lb)

it's prayer

prayer changes realities

prayer cancels counterfeit timelines

that is what we need to rediscover

and only we have it, since they are evil

a5bb7a No.1557832

>>1557801 (lb)

I absolutely believe the crash and bailout was intentional weaponized banking, massive gov-abetted heist.

2adbd8 No.1557833

File: 0eb201b80a5683a⋯.jpg (2.87 MB, 3360x3988, 840:997, QsaidNKdealmade.jpg)

File: ee4e59140f46128⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 500x432, 125:108, 2aqnzo.jpg)

File: 3d8aa36cf52cb63⋯.jpg (40.34 KB, 500x280, 25:14, 2aqnu3.jpg)

File: f349121d0c2039c⋯.jpg (72.22 KB, 620x487, 620:487, 2aqtnx.jpg)

File: 76965ebdf274bee⋯.jpg (40.81 KB, 452x414, 226:207, 04f67f935e52472c9d6fa7f061….jpg)

0db00d No.1557834

File: 33c69f7f2c47f32⋯.png (113.53 KB, 500x559, 500:559, jacked-pepe-2566039.png)


Bring it punk ass…

636775 No.1557835

After two of those babies, the dullest, most by-the-book Vogon will be up on the bar in stilettos, yodeling mountain shanties and swearing he's the king of the Gray Binding Fiefdoms of Saxaquine

On the drink's effects

b2960e No.1557836

To the misinformed anon in the previous bread.

You have no rights on my private property.

864fce No.1557837

Is this the longest Q has been absent?

1e3d8e No.1557838

File: 5fe1da075c4f9e9⋯.jpg (285.46 KB, 1207x969, 71:57, 2AVCO 27 May 18 1840.jpg)

I left a Flightaware window open for 2-AVCO and it has pinged up again. It landed at Venice and is now continuing SE along the Croatian coast.

776a19 No.1557839

File: d7006430f6d245f⋯.png (186.11 KB, 442x253, 442:253, MA.png)

File: ced0f2072a602a1⋯.jpg (108.43 KB, 792x445, 792:445, LG.jpg)


Absolutely the same room.

Patterns of knots in wood on floor confirms.

Tried to make a graphic, but skillz be weak.

ca71a3 No.1557840




e2fa9f No.1557841

Ivanka Trump to campaign for Devin Nunes in California thehill.com/homenews/campaign/389536-ivanka-trump-to-campaign-for-nunes-in-california

9b9a4e No.1557842


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Pray

0db00d No.1557843

da38bd No.1557844


prayer changes the frequency to a nice smooth vibration

edf39d No.1557845


LMAO…They finally got around to it.

438911 No.1557846


No. Once he went to buy cigarrets and didn't come back for ten days.

c96189 No.1557847


once a foamboi, always a foamboi

GOP comped rhino, made to feel popular, goes to sex party, filmed, pill poppin` Rubio. He is somewhat right though, the FBI/Clowns embed suspicious people then use that to spy. We know this.

>ABC just used a Rubio soundbite to place more doubt on NK deal. They are pulling his blackmailed strings

d111a9 No.1557848

44cea2 No.1557849

File: 7b1fb98ae5b1065⋯.png (490.89 KB, 692x879, 692:879, May242018LoveLetter.PNG)

File: 789def80210a5f5⋯.png (982 KB, 1064x697, 1064:697, NKSK.png)

>>1556721 (2 breads ago)


>The water is gone, what does it mean?

(from a reaction)

Water symbolizes separation, storm, e-motions.

The painting with water is now gone, a nice landscape took the place.

What this can mean is that North Korea does not feel separated anymore? There is a Light shining, confidence in a good future.

90cb11 No.1557850


Channel 16

Definitely 3 people in there

One has his head on the left laying down on his back

Woman (Naked) on the forefront

Man in the rear

e2fa9f No.1557851


>Is this the longest Q has been absent?

Around Christmas it was ten days…

68d45f No.1557852


Basic human rights, yes.

We all have those at all times.

That many places choose not to follow them without consequences is another debate entirely.

a679dc No.1557853

File: 629c933092948fb⋯.jpg (226.44 KB, 1024x653, 1024:653, rose.JPG)

1c511e No.1557854


Not absent…lurking always

c96189 No.1557855


What more do we need from Q?

ae73f7 No.1557856

File: 167e8bc050bfeca⋯.jpg (102.91 KB, 759x500, 759:500, dangerousKEK.jpg)

a0639a No.1557857


its like chester and podesta. they control different outlets of power (art, politics, music, movies) by bloodlines.

18e1f2 No.1557858

Beeblebrox advised that you should "never drink more than two Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters unless you are a thirty ton mega elephant with bronchial pneumonia".[1] However, Ford Prefect ignored this advice and consumed three Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters while at Milliways.[2]Tr

e5ad8b No.1557859

File: d43f8776328bd47⋯.jpg (260.18 KB, 1200x1234, 600:617, Nasim_f0996c_6568221.jpg)

Thank you baker

da38bd No.1557860



Pray unceasingly

e2fa9f No.1557861


lmao "Nazi-loving' message board?

What an idiot!

18c273 No.1557862

File: b53863bf27a1ec5⋯.jpg (447.64 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUnity3.jpg)

File: bf4575b2607eec5⋯.jpg (621.31 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUnity5.jpg)

File: b07601b593f1840⋯.jpg (266.07 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUnity10.jpg)

File: 38229362409c2b6⋯.jpg (327.86 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, GreatAwakeningUnity100.jpg)

412d70 No.1557863


good job though, i can see it is the same room.

so lady gaga is protogé of Marina?

6870d8 No.1557864


We could use some pictures of him …memebatter

Claiming we like Nazi's while we fight deepstate structures that were setup by actual Nazi's since operation paperclip

and we fight actual Nazi ideology, what globalism on certain subparts is.

If he wants a memewar he can get it

0db00d No.1557865

File: 52b1ad74673531f⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 700x394, 350:197, lady-gaga-and-joe-germanot….jpg)

File: 269ca8528f57d1b⋯.jpg (35.57 KB, 500x572, 125:143, 116516.jpg)


yes they are the same room!

This is who her parents are per DDG search:

6dfa0f No.1557866

File: 44c5c80e948ab53⋯.jpg (8.1 KB, 129x189, 43:63, doug.jpg)

File: 8c0fa506a5e0f70⋯.jpg (220.89 KB, 800x640, 5:4, DR.jpg)

In an unrelated dig, I found this picture. It's of Michael Douglas.

BUT- does this not look like Weiner? Blew me away.

Ya know, there's a theory that these evil basterds play different roles- assume different identities. They are actors playing multiple roles to control narratives.

Photo montage suggests Rockefeller playing multiple roles.

"Primal Instincts" activated.

4a8c1d No.1557867


required in NZ, a few other places. saves everyone's hearing. doesn't bother the neighbors.

4d109f No.1557868


If Q were a quantum computer, it would post on weekends too…

0043fb No.1557869

b5f12c No.1557870


the muh joo shills are the last hope of the cabal

they have been well brainwashed

c96189 No.1557871




hahahahah. A psyop in the form of a puzzle further exposing the loudest and making the mockingbirds even more irrelevant

6f1d09 No.1557872

File: 7215730d227e81c⋯.png (165.91 KB, 500x532, 125:133, its_afraid.png)


I think they were waiting for a certain something to happen first.

d87fed No.1557873


She is pretty.

86b071 No.1557874


You guys need to come back to reality. Expand your thinking, not your fantasies. You don't even realize why Q keeps theories like that strung along, yet never confirms them. It's camouflage for the board, makes it just easy enough for people to cast us off as another group of tinfoil hats but they can't ignore the truth about people Q has brought to light. Lurk MOAR.

ae73f7 No.1557875


Her fans are "monsters"… makes more sense now.

edf39d No.1557876


You are a fucking retard

c96189 No.1557877


She had the right mindset but the wrong targets. Left us too soon


2adbd8 No.1557878

File: 0eb201b80a5683a⋯.jpg (2.87 MB, 3360x3988, 840:997, QsaidNKdealmade.jpg)


I will post just the graphic now….


6870d8 No.1557879


Why? Mr smartguy

7ec59c No.1557880

File: 71d3c8ecd6b4fec⋯.jpg (13.96 KB, 480x322, 240:161, tumblr_ntw46ktwMK1u9immvo1….jpg)


hey baker..

handoff confirmed!

happy baking!

da38bd No.1557881


right. there's still so much to figure out

90cb11 No.1557882

Nazi was of N.



b3981c No.1557883

Take the juice from one bottle of Ol' Janx Spirit.

Pour into it one measure of water from the seas of Santraginus V — Oh, that Santraginean seawater! Oh, those Santraginean fish!

Allow three cubes of Arcturan Mega-gin to melt into the mixture (it must be properly iced or the benzene is lost).

Allow four litres of Fallian marsh gas to bubble through it, in memory of all those happy hikers who have died of pleasure in the Marshes of Fallia.

Over the back of a silver spoon float a measure of Qualactin Hypermint extract, redolent of all the heady odours of the dark Qualactin Zones, subtle, sweet and mystic.

Drop in the tooth of an Algolian Suntiger. Watch it dissolve, spreading the fires of the Algolian Suns deep into the heart of the drink.

Sprinkle Zamphuor.

Add an olive.

Drink… but… very carefully…

412d70 No.1557884


ah got it. ty

f83ea7 No.1557885


is prayer and meditation the same? can you do both simultaneously, or is it best to keep them as separate activities?

6f1d09 No.1557886


Nimrod? He invented the mother goddess load of bollocks.

438911 No.1557887


KEK! This fucking bot.

46a954 No.1557888

File: c3ad25f159753a4⋯.jpg (186.14 KB, 800x1076, 200:269, pepepowaaaa.jpg)


Brian Shillenstein forgot to add 'sexist'. They don't even know their own talkingpoints anymore.

And STILL no knowledge of the streisand effect - thanks for the free Q advertisement tho.

Also this guy just declared war on the wrong autists

19160d No.1557889


I've known about Horowitz for a very long time. May have been from Kevin Shipp's whistleblower videos on YouTube. He was kept on, despite serving in O's administration, because:

1. He had his hands tied by the O admin, making him appear feckless, through no fault of his own.

2. He knows WHAT was kept from his view, and there was a reason, i.e., what was being done wrong.

3. He more than likely has either an axe to grind, or something to prove.

I hope he goes full force in his duties to POTUS and the nation, since he was made to sit at a desk and do nothing for years by a traitorous regime under Hussein.

ca71a3 No.1557890


this is why they need us

this is why the programming

how do you put a leash on a bunch of gods/wizards?

convince them they have no magic?

And if you are a sleigh and they are your dogs, now YOU are a god.

I think they can't even use some of the tech they have found.

It requires a connection they don't have.

They have cut themselves off from it.

d9974a No.1557891

42°26'54.91"N 73°35'25.40"W Abramovics house

b4a210 No.1557892

File: f0551ecb08d98dc⋯.jpg (56.47 KB, 831x161, 831:161, _zij8r08ik1q.jpg)


ThanQ you for your service, enjoy the rest of your day!

New Baker Confirmed

c41931 No.1557893

Peter Pan:

The story is really about human/sex trafficking and Peters's parents sold them to someone. The story hides the depths of Truth behind the mystery of fictional characters representing and metaphorically speaking to True horrors.

9b9a4e No.1557894


Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Amen

b2960e No.1557895

File: 3669e7112ef830e⋯.jpeg (433.76 KB, 1536x1902, 256:317, FDFDA672-C18B-41CC-8423-0….jpeg)

File: 3669e7112ef830e⋯.jpeg (433.76 KB, 1536x1902, 256:317, 61272D7B-FBAC-436A-B5FE-D….jpeg)


You have only rights I grant you. None I do not.

ae73f7 No.1557896


I am too drunk to say it's perfect. But it looks good anon!


c96189 No.1557897


She is the performance artist for the luciferians. Her 'discovery' during pedogate was pretty big. She ties into Jay-z and all kinds of the other cult crap. She prettied it up and made it look real like David Copperfield.

18c273 No.1557898


I'm leaving Flightaware open for 2ATRF and 2ATRC but have to step out for half an hour or so. Will return as soon as I can.

Recon7 out

a1cb30 No.1557899


It's Memorial Weekend. I doubt Q would post during the holiday. It would be disrespectful.

cc3990 No.1557900


So in the span of two days Hoggfuck declares a "meme war" and (((Krassenstein))) calls us out as Nazis?

Hate to be that guy but, didn't Q warn us?

f83ea7 No.1557901



e8621f No.1557902

File: 9c6cb3659fa96ad⋯.jpg (1023.66 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180527-124818….jpg)

Since 8ch, data points exhibited in the normal course of the day, mean ALOT more anons.

Look what datapoints elevated my senses. Thank you for the men and women who serve or have served our nation in many ways.

Honor others!

591ca9 No.1557903

File: 6cb24002685f073⋯.jpg (43 KB, 640x558, 320:279, Lemmy and girls.jpg)

thank you baker

b5f12c No.1557904

these muh joo shills allow the msm to publish their cabal message that the board is corrupt and evil

that is why they are here

they are sent here to subvert our credibility

they must be uniformly and consistently rejected

1ac57f No.1557905

File: 21ce1641d224a3a⋯.png (17.07 KB, 465x361, 465:361, Q - 854 - The-Choice.png)

File: 6e264dd7083b296⋯.png (34.08 KB, 465x750, 31:50, Q - 1339 - The-Choice.png)

File: 44d3baf0f67476d⋯.png (7.46 KB, 463x153, 463:153, Q - 925.png)


>the development of unity on this board is relevant in how and when the plan rolls out


>"chan culture" has 2 very different sides - the first is an unfiltered free speech platform, the second are the various ills and abuses that go with such human freedoms


>Q and POTUS are here for the second reason


>the GA is UNITY and the love and respect of our neighbor - with the goal to destroy evil


>when the consensus here sees that - it will be time. Q has opened the door - will we enter? we are very close - keep strong - WWG1WGA

#WWG1WGA It's not just a slogan. It's a way of life.

0b24fd No.1557906


prayer is entering into agreement with God's will….(for i know the plans i have for you…)

it is unstoppable and invincible.

5dcbcd No.1557907

File: c862ed3736537ba⋯.jpg (197.67 KB, 598x577, 598:577, playdyoself.jpg)

9b9a4e No.1557908


He declared WAR on Qanon

0f7440 No.1557909


Neverland = Little St James?

b3981c No.1557910

The North-American Fallacious Tribute**


Take 1/2 oz. juice from one bottle of Ole Smokey Tennessee Moonshine.

Allow 1/2 oz. of Arcturan Bombay Gin to melt into the mixture.

Over the back of a silver spoon pour 1/2 oz. of Creme de Menthe, redolent of all the heady odours of the dark Qualactin Zones, subtle, sweet and mystic.

Pour into it one measure of tonic water from the seas of Schweppers — Oh, that Schweppers seawater! Oh, those Schwepperian fish!

Add an olive. (and 1/4 tsp. of olive brine)

Allow four small cubes of dry ice to bubble through it, in memory of all those happy hikers who have died of pleasure in the Marshes of Fallia.

Drop in the tooth of an Algolian Suntiger. Watch it dissolve, spreading the fires of the Algolian Suns deep into the heart of the drink.( This is a chili pepper that has been steeping in vodka for a duration no shorter than time required for a Vogon to recite all 173 verses of the poem "O You, Who Rake the Back Hairs. Silently". Also add 3/4 tsp of marinated vodka)

Sprinkle Zamphuor (Blue Gatorade Powder (this may be done from the start if one is coherent enough)).

Drink… but… very carefully…***

** All of these ingredients have been recently rarefied due to the destruction of the boring planet Earth.

*** This has been severely handicapped due to human weakness. Double the alcohol for the true recipe.

f6f4d4 No.1557911

My gut tells me Q will maintain radio silence until the IG report comes out sometime this week. If it ever does.

29ef67 No.1557912


Jesus, what is her mother's maiden name? Either I am face blind or mommy bears some resemblence to LDR

882a8b No.1557913

File: 001acae4a219dbe⋯.png (240.8 KB, 448x421, 448:421, BACK TO THE OVEN.png)


What the fuck, how did JIDF get into qresearch.



Btw the Krassensteins are Mossad.

cc3990 No.1557914


WE are Qanon don't you see

7dd4ce No.1557915

File: 43b737baeb9457f⋯.png (469.25 KB, 477x373, 477:373, ClipboardImage.png)



What I can say I notice is that there seems to be a major shadow op behind the scenes that have been in place for the last couple of years to try to damage and destroy whoever could run and win against HRC. I hate to say it but I think its the entire Dem party and the MSM, they are one and the same in this regard. I cannot wrap my mind around their rhetoric at all, I am always asking what about this point or that point? It seems like a YUGE agenda driven operation and their are always some sort of side stories, tragedies to always take the focus off of basic simple truths. And the media operatives never answer a direct question with a direct answer. Always stalling, psychologically cycling back to the Trump Administration who isn't even responsible for 95% of the policies that we are dealing with now....Its scary and makes me wonder if we are already living in some sort of alternate reality...

dbbcd2 No.1557916

File: 8b0830b021057ba⋯.jpg (292.04 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, 06132015.NYC.Launch Event.….jpg)

File: 62f5bee5651a620⋯.jpg (390.02 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 06132015.NYC.Launch Event.….jpg)

File: a432555d9952621⋯.jpg (358.18 KB, 1024x687, 1024:687, 06132015.NYC.Launch Event.….jpg)

Twenty one "Launch Event" photos attached.

https:// wikileaks.org/ podesta-emails/emailid/34989

ca71a3 No.1557917


abra kadabra

anons gonna reach out and grab ya

0a66e8 No.1557918


Think mirror?

Is it the Mirror neuron ?

cbd738 No.1557919

File: 6fefdbea23eb6cd⋯.png (213.4 KB, 1080x722, 540:361, Screenshot_20180527-103106….png)


They are in NK right now. Finalizing the summit.

af2761 No.1557920


i could of swore she/it was a tranny. at least it looked like one when they did the ritual when Britney refused to kiss her/it

b5f12c No.1557921


amen to that

and its a great way of life too

46e915 No.1557922

File: d0c8d8484d2c92a⋯.jpg (158.06 KB, 669x654, 223:218, EyesOpen.jpg)


Hence, Eyes open

b3981c No.1557923

The Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is an alcoholic beverage invented by ex-President of the Universe Zaphod Beeblebrox, considered by the Guide to be the "Best Drink in Existence"[1]. Its effects are similar to "having your brains smashed in by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick".

ae73f7 No.1557924


That shit don't apply to this anon.

I own lotta land, pigs, guns, and a backhoe.

and I live off grid…

My land… My rules!

It's why I ditched the concept of "CITIES"

edf39d No.1557925


You are running the same bullshit theories as Dr Noname and AJ. Its that simple the same Ziotard bullshit. Nazi Scientists somehow took control of all world Government and the Jewish banking Cabal that was installed prior to the formation of National Socialism…How does this even make sense?

f83ea7 No.1557926


so prayer is how we stay connected to the universe and God's plan? but if we move away from prayer we become 'lost', hence why jesus is the shepherd?

0db00d No.1557927

File: 6268f769343b902⋯.png (37.07 KB, 585x280, 117:56, 1dghjd.png)

3c0dbe No.1557928

File: 7c4d7c9eae0abd2⋯.png (513.89 KB, 602x590, 301:295, ClipboardImage.png)


this faggot right here (pic related)

d9974a No.1557929


Need a satillitefag. Googles no help. Go figure.

29ef67 No.1557930


All these fucking freaks look alike, both scary and ridiculous

68d45f No.1557931


You must be some kind of psycho…

I don't care what those papers said. Your country signed the geneva convention.

Hence you can be prosecuted for not allowing for basic human rights.

9b9a4e No.1557932


Yes I do see , https://www.thedailybeast.com/feds-seized-a-fortune-from-resistance-icons-accused-of-boosting-online-ponzi-schemes

this was posted here

f83ea7 No.1557933


can a kind USAnon please try this? for reasons of curiosity

e0041b No.1557934

File: e48d72e602a95d6⋯.jpg (192.8 KB, 831x643, 831:643, star-house.jpg)



i also found star house

hint: she's not the first owner.

9b9a4e No.1557935



cbd738 No.1557936

a160c7 No.1557937

File: 7cbc20b9be57060⋯.png (218.05 KB, 1088x377, 1088:377, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm reading…



Reconcile with POTUS' tweet




0b24fd No.1557938


yes i agree

but we still have even more power than that

we can scramble their frequencies

we can send terror into their camps

we can expose their plans and escape routes

there is so much we can do by prayer

e14171 No.1557939

File: 67f4c17b007f2d1⋯.png (418.38 KB, 1112x794, 556:397, Screen Shot 2018-05-27 at ….png)

http:// thehill.com/homenews/campaign/389451-dem-money-floods-calif-primaries-to-avert-electoral-disaster

46e915 No.1557940

So James Patterson, who is now teaming up with Bill Clinton to write a book titled "The President Is Missing" wrote a book about Jeffry Epstein in 2016….


a0639a No.1557941


Krassenstein was already fucking with CBTS back in the days.

Now he has got legal problems: Accused of boosting ponzi scemes, Feds seized assets.


b3981c No.1557942

After two of those babies, the dullest, most by-the-book Vogon will be up on the bar in stilettos, yodeling mountain shanties and swearing he's the king of the Gray Binding Fiefdoms of Saxaquine

On the drink's effects



From last bread


0db00d No.1557943

File: 5f62c3330374f67⋯.jpg (92.6 KB, 950x535, 190:107, 3-1-12_Oprahs_Next_Chapter….jpg)


Cynthia Bisset Germanotta ?

6f1d09 No.1557944

File: 453a7b97cf19b73⋯.jpg (47.75 KB, 607x340, 607:340, huh.jpg)


Who u callin nazzee???

4a8c1d No.1557945

File: 2b424ab7ffb77ce⋯.png (354.02 KB, 490x800, 49:80, XVII-is-the-star.png)

File: a5e7f23cad902fc⋯.png (160.47 KB, 1136x787, 1136:787, zen-pepe-grill-cook.png)

File: 55ec3bcfd6d81f6⋯.jpeg (101.52 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 55ec3bcfd6d81f688e49c2d89….jpeg)

Seventeen Is The Star.

591ca9 No.1557946

noticed that's JA's mom hasn't posted since May 16.

https:// twitter.com/AssangeMrs

9fc52c No.1557947


Agreed. Property rights are THE basic God given right which includes the right to your body and person. Was having this discussion with another anon in the last bread who argued that you have freedom of speech wherever you are. This is clearly not the case.

Our society has been completely undermined by disrespect for property rights. Bar owners should be allowed to let people smoke. Country club owners should be able to determine who frequents their clubs, etc.

When property rights are sacrosanct, all others are preserved.

When you limit property rights, the government usurps all other rights along with it.

0f7440 No.1557948


The crocodile swallowed a ticking clock, so Hook is afraid of ticking sounds.

Tick Tock

40b228 No.1557949

File: 23c7d7a27f56afd⋯.png (32.41 KB, 1000x415, 200:83, Screenshot-2018-5-27 Elect….png)


reminds me of this interview with David Adair..


b3981c No.1557950


Try the cafe by the test site dangle

46e915 No.1557951

File: 5be21239bb81b13⋯.jpg (171.95 KB, 787x493, 787:493, PattersonClinton.jpg)


Pic related

882a8b No.1557953



holy kek nice


da38bd No.1557954

File: 15d4e143a76a3e0⋯.jpg (66.38 KB, 480x480, 1:1, jer20-11.jpg)


Depends what you are meditating on.

Prayer is about asking God for his protection, and having a conversation with Jesus. Asking him to answer you. As someone said recently, Jesus knows all languages. But if you're just going to stare at your own forehead, then I'd say prayer is different than meditation. Razor's edge. The kingdom of God is inside you.

b5f12c No.1557955


prayer is one way

prayer is more listening than asking

jesus is the shepherd for humanity - he is the bridge-soul between man and spirit

jesus is not god

ca71a3 No.1557956


multiple meanings.

also has to do with RF thruster/RF drive/cannae drive/dirac sea/cosmic background radiation/"free" energy/overunity

which is actually -not- overunity because the system is open and must be re-defined

3c0dbe No.1557957

File: 8640c84c9f6c3c5⋯.jpg (14.38 KB, 228x309, 76:103, b5ffbebb998e426738e8ab31f8….jpg)

af2761 No.1557958


i been looking for a piece of wooded land

to build a cabin on. have some really nice kits on ebay for around 17k

ac9995 No.1557959

File: 095519ee8644108⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, B8ED41EA-14E4-4099-AE4A-4….jpeg)

0b24fd No.1557960




6f1d09 No.1557961

File: 3b14f6674fb4705⋯.png (142.54 KB, 876x1024, 219:256, greedy_soul_merchant.png)


← this piece of shit?

de6613 No.1557962

epstiens island in international waters?

776a19 No.1557963

File: 573671d52f1f1ec⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1779x919, 1779:919, Selection_167.png)

a0639a No.1557964


it also seems that @jack is boosting Krassenstein on Number 1 reply to every realDonaldTrump tweet no matter what.

they are all interconnected.

53aa81 No.1557965

File: 632b0d55ea2ad99⋯.jpg (34.16 KB, 565x600, 113:120, spurdo_cat.jpg)

the bot reads The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, kek.

b3981c No.1557966

I like the biscuits and gravy at mcdonalds

e0041b No.1557967


long have i struggled with what to pray for





everything seems, in my feeble human brain, to be a compromise. one man's love/peace/comfort is another man's hate/war/discomfort.


can't have yin without a little yang, and vice versa.

so i pray for understanding.

0db00d No.1557968

File: 35e6cdfa3a63a01⋯.png (214.1 KB, 849x799, 849:799, 1442.png)

Hmmm….Lady Gaga mother

ca71a3 No.1557969


but you have also reminded me……

they say we see the world UPSIDE-DOWN

and our brains flip it

no coincidences

b5f12c No.1557970



notable on defining confidential informant and potus tweet

ae73f7 No.1557971


Pigfarmer anon here with advice:

No need to dispatch a psycho Hogg with no bite.

Save the ammo for the real threat…

(The resulting bacon is not affected by the lack of brains)

29ef67 No.1557972


Maybe it's the dead eyes and high cheekbones, all these fucking weirdos are starting to look the same to me…

b2960e No.1557973


Sure Lynn

34d55d No.1557974

File: 7845ef965fc5d33⋯.png (76.12 KB, 729x832, 729:832, ClipboardImage.png)

WL compromised ?

7dd4ce No.1557975


Just want to clarify I understand everything that is going on I just think that they knew how unpopular she really was, we were fed a bunch of BS and even today all the awards she gets and her speaking engagements are nothing but a Great Big Farce to keep the narrative going cause once one thread is discovered it will lead to the entire travesty of justice of their whole system of evil and treasonous actions.

882a8b No.1557976




are you niggers gay? That's a tranny.

11f321 No.1557977


The problem here is that prior to the Carter Page FISA warrant, Comey said he issued National Security Letters (Justification)

If you read what National Security Letters allow, ONLY METADATA. A warrant is needed for info within the metadata. And he didn't have one till August 2016

59c76b No.1557978


"Kinderhook Creek"?

e5ad8b No.1557979


No they are just saying that stuff so the left demands that trump free JA. kek

3c0dbe No.1557980

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, ca4a2fb999fc980692ef067637….gif)

438911 No.1557981


Dont't be ridiculous…bots cant read.

b5f12c No.1557982


pray for wisdom

863a4b No.1557983

https:// jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2018/tausende-fordern-in-berlin-merkel-muss-weg/

68d45f No.1557984

File: 9f161d58e7a089e⋯.jpg (80.46 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Nazi.jpg)

cc3990 No.1557985


I fully agree - I don't want to wage a war started by the enemy.

We shall war on our terms!

e2fa9f No.1557986

File: 76cd1ac45c1b315⋯.png (273.59 KB, 734x716, 367:358, Subliminal message.png)

File: 9e44f186bf8db00⋯.png (122.75 KB, 800x620, 40:31, confession.png)



>What if Q is a quantum computer?

Q is NOT AI!


They made the first mistake exposing their trip code password KNOWING that there were some (Corsi/AJ) that had been hinting at that bs for months, going back to Jan "What is Q?"!

Not "who is Q"! After Q posted "be careful who you follow", Corsi started calling us 'Q cult members" and saying Q was a Russian bot ffs!

SerialBrain2 writes a great post and break down of how 'they' started their dis-InfoWars campaign against Q and this movement long ago!

Q posted:

>We all make mistakes.

Do quantum computers?

Q knew this bs was coming to the forefront and cut that BS off at the knees! lmao

Try harder!!!!!!!!!

cbd738 No.1557987


WL is comp'd. It's not WL running the WL account anymore.

b3981c No.1557988

invented by ex-President of the Universe Zaphod Beeblebrox, Clue

98aaa3 No.1557989


15 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. Rev 17

1224a1 No.1557990


Either that or purposefully spreading disinfo so the plan isn't comped.

But I wouldn't trust em til we know JA is free.

776a19 No.1557991



"Child Hook"

ae73f7 No.1557992




(never seen a "nauga" tho.)

edf39d No.1557993

File: bfaaf8016d5d0c6⋯.jpg (33.61 KB, 315x475, 63:95, Black Nazis.jpg)

f8c1bb No.1557994


Will this faggot ever stop shitting up Trumps twitter? Everytime I check anything by DJT, this assfag is always there in the top 5 replies.

He is not stopping any time soon and getting himself a real job, is he?

ca71a3 No.1557995








a679dc No.1557996

File: 537d5cbfa93625b⋯.jpg (40.88 KB, 582x360, 97:60, bcja.JPG)

Guess we wait?

0f7440 No.1557997


Peter promises to return for Wendy every spring.

0b24fd No.1557998


pray for God's perfect plan to succeed.

6d4729 No.1557999


Nasim was not a tranny, she 100% Persian 10/10 and Persians are not afflicted by the mental illness afflicting you whit bois.

c96189 No.1558000

File: 6e01ced20bf95a6⋯.jpg (746.24 KB, 804x2068, 201:517, qkey32.jpg)


Q wanted to be found. Q knows that the crumbs are historical record and will be the greatest drop of information in history. This is how you maintain a well-regulated militia by keeping them well-informed. Q told us to enjoy the show; but also that our President needs our help. You help by engaging the Rothschild Game Theory which is just them spying via xkeyscore and all the other CIA/IQT/DARPA projects to spy on anything/everything sent over a wire. Future proves past in the crumbs. There are messages hidden in timestamps, misspellings, dates, pictures, and the questions themselves.

I think when QGroup says learn their comms, they are actually teaching a big part of the cabals comms, opening our eyes for the Great Re-Awakening.

-Anyone new or even armchair journos that are here should do this


-Hit the timesort button at the top.

-Print the crumbs out

-Leave separated by the hours XX:XX:XX, ignoring the dates and consider them catagories

There will be future events that QGroup would have foreshadowed, just like many before even though we still have doubters/division shills/bots here(ATTACKS WILL BECOME MORE INTENSE)


Friends & Family

Neighbors & Community ←We should all be about here


>Their COMMS like 'Watch the Water' and photos of Bill Clinton + NK in the background

7dd381 No.1558001


Some free advise for those who make threats on twitter …

Unless you are totally without sin … don't cast the first stone.

People who live in glass houses [twitter] … shouldn't be throwing rocks.

A "threat of war" is only words … Until the first rock is thrown.

Never tell your enemies about your plans … before you throw that first rock.

Especially if those plans end up here on /qresearch/ … where people know how to dig for your most embarrassing secrets …

Does, I "declare a war" = first rock ? … Or does it = a retraction and apology might be appropriate ?

e2fa9f No.1558002


>SerialBrain2 writes a great post and break down of how 'they' started their dis-InfoWars campaign against Q and this movement long ago!


e5ad8b No.1558003

File: a13ddf17a44d471⋯.jpg (83.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1523798989_maxresdefault.jpg)


You're just angry because you had impure thoughts about Nasim before someone told you she's a man

Nasim is beautiful and her beauty transcends gender.

b3981c No.1558004

File: ee747ad2d89f283⋯.jpg (32.7 KB, 384x384, 1:1, IMG_2233.JPG)


da38bd No.1558005

8a4aec No.1558006


Something sad about Gaga

86b071 No.1558007


Likely controlled OP. Trump admin has no reason to keep JA on lockdown besides protection from deep state.

b5f12c No.1558008


AI is the techworld hollywood boogedyman

all bullshit tech porn

computers only do what the engineers design them to do

nothing more

nothing less

0bf8cd No.1558009


Found on Wikileaks – sorry had this for awhile and didn’t capture the link – Part 1



Grinols et al ) Case # 12-cv-2997

V ) Honorable Morrison C. England

Electoral College et al ) Chief Judge Presiding



Case at hand was file on 12.12.2012. Defendant BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, AKA BARACK (BARRY) SOETORO, AKA BARACK (BARRY) OBAMA SOEBARKAH was sued in his capacity as a candidate for the U.S. President. Defendant was served by Same Day professional service processer on 01. 04.2013. Defendant was under an obligation to file an answer or a responsive pleading within 21 days on 01.25.2013. Defendant failed to file an answer or a responsive pleading and is currently in DEFAULT.

Plaintiffs are hereby respectfully requesting a default judgment against the defendant, post judgment discovery, costs and attorney fees. Additionally, Plaintiffs are seeking an EXPEDITED DEFAULT JUDGMENT for the following reason:

Commissioner of Social Security, Bush appointee is Michael Astrue. He announced that he is leaving office in February, within days. According to evidence provided to this court, Obama made his tax returns public, which show him using a CT SSN xxx-xx-4425, which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS. Affidavits of investigators Sankey and Daniels already submitted to this court with the complaint, show aforementioned SSN to be linked in a number of databases to a date of birth 1890.

Recently investigator Albert Hendershot found in the database of http://www.acxiom.com/identity-solutions/acxiom-identity-batch-solutions/ the name of the individual whose Social Security Obama is using. Acxciom-batch-solutions showed (Exhibit 1) that Harry J Bounel with the same Social Security number xxx-xx-4425 at 5046 S Greenwood Ave in Chicago, home address of Barack Obama, Database shows Bounel with the same address and Social Security number as Barack Obama himself. According to the databases last changes to the information on Harrison(Harry) J Bounel were made in and around November 2009 by Michelle Obama, who is listed as Bounel’s relative. Database changes can involve entering the information or deletion of information. It appears that changes made by relative Michelle Obama included deletion of information, which was done at a time when Taitz brought to Federal court in the Central District of California before Judge David O. Carter a case of election challenge by her client, former U.S. ambassador Dr. Alan Keyes and 40 state Representatives and high ranked members of the U.S. military.

Recently obtained results of the 1940 census, Exhibit 2, provided the last missing link, link between Harry J. Bounel and the date of birth of 1890. Exhibit 2 shows the printout of the U.S. census, showing Harry J Bounel, immigrant from Russia, residing at 915 Daly Ave, Bronx, NY, age 50 during the 1940 census, meaning he was born in 1890, as shown in the affidavit of Investigators Daniels and Sankey.

882a8b No.1558010


yeah now you understand not to use gay ass boomer memes.

59c76b No.1558011



Douglas Adams

a160c7 No.1558012

File: 79b44eaade1127a⋯.png (294.34 KB, 1083x466, 1083:466, ClipboardImage.png)


Q has told us Mike Koran and Bruce Ohr are Confidential Informants!





f83ea7 No.1558013



thanks for the replies. i was thinking along the lines of meditation is done to completely clear the mind of ALL thoughts, mind becomes pure.

where praying is like anon said "asking God for his protection", but also asking for strength and guidance in your endeavors.

curious if BOTH are necessary, or just prayer

b3981c No.1558014

Interstellar jokes aside

Send cash

40b228 No.1558015


Just saying, the password reveal was a purposeful thing, not a mistake. However, Q has Typo'd Q as W before, then corrected that mistake.

9fc52c No.1558016


Here's one approach:

''May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.

May all beings enjoy happiness and the causes of happiness.

May all beings enjoy sacred happiness which is sorrow-less.

May all being live in equanimity without aversion or grasping.''

Rather than praying for ourselves, we pray for all beings. The suffering of all vastly outweighs our suffering.

98aaa3 No.1558017

File: b770f02af75bcf6⋯.jpg (5.68 KB, 115x203, 115:203, nimrodRebel.jpg)


Nimrod = Rebel

e0041b No.1558018

File: 17acaa90622e653⋯.png (1.07 MB, 652x652, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)




fly tweety bird fly.

0bf8cd No.1558019


There is a pattern of Obstruction of Justice and tampering with the official records and falsification/forgery of the official records related to Obama. This happens in particular when Bush employees leave their positions and are replaced by Obama appointees.

In March of 2009 one of the clients of Taitz, Major General Carol Childers arranged for her to meet with the Director of the Selective Service William Chatfield. After Taitz provided Chatfield with evidence of forgery of Obama’s alleged Selective Service certificate, Childers resigned and was replaced by Obama appointee Lawrence Romo. Later, when Sheriff of Maricopa county, AZ Joseph Arpaio demanded from Romo the original paper registration by Obama, Romo responded that it was destroyed.

Similarly, when the former intelligence officer Pamela Barnett sought passport records of Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother, she was given only some of the records and was told that the 1965 passport for Dunham was destroyed.

When investigator Sandler provided Taitz and reporter Corsi with a batch number for the immigration/travel records for Obama for August 1-7 1961, those records disappeared from the National Archives, even though the records for the other 51 weeks for 1961 could be found with no problem. After an article was written about missing records, there was a falsification of records and another investigator, Montgomery Blair Sidley found a record, where original date of August 7, 1961 was visibly erased and August 1, 1961 was written over it (Exhibit 3).

Based on the pattern of the original vital records, which are essential in removing Obama from office and criminally prosecuting him, rapidly disappearing, there is a high probability that the SSA application SS-5 for the Social Security number for Harry J. Bounel will be either destroyed or falsified the moment Bush appointee Commissioner of Social Security Astrue leaves in February and is replaced by the Obama appointee. Due to high probability of essential evidence being destroyed or altered Plaintiffs are asking this court to issue and expedited Default Judgment against the Defendant Obama, aka Soetoro, aka Soebarkah and order expedited post judgment discovery, which should include the production of the original SS-5 for the Connecticut SSN xxx-xx-4425.

Respectfully submitted

/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ

Attorney for Plaintiffs


UN Nations committee for civil rights defenders

OHCHR in New York

UN Headquarters

New York, NY 10017


Inter-American Commission for Human rights

1889 F St., NW,

Washington, D.C., USA 20006

Darrel Issa

Chairman of the House oversight committee



Congressman Bob Goodlatt ,

Chairman of the Judiciary Committee

House of Representative



a0cf6f No.1558020

b3981c No.1558021

File: 70d3fd3315aea09⋯.jpg (100.56 KB, 288x400, 18:25, IMG_2234.JPG)

ae73f7 No.1558022


Cheapest housing that you can build easiest/fastest. (best bang for buck) is a metal building (be sure to use SPRAY FOAM insulation!) and it has lower tax value, lasts a helluva long time too.

9b9a4e No.1558023


paid off my home loan, still must pay property taxes or lose my house, is it really my property??

af2761 No.1558024


his plan is going to happen without fail

the only thing in question is who will and will not

make it in the new world.

all of our lives was pre-written in the book of life

the path we take depends on if your name remains or gets blotted out

accept Jesus Christ as your savior and pray for forgiveness

d111a9 No.1558025



Todays episode opens w/Brian Krassenteinowhitz

Declaring WAR on Q.


The left is doing more to RED-PILL the masses

than they can ever comprehend.

This MOVIE will forever destroy the LIBS & will be added to AFI top 100 GREATEST films ever made!

I Really Like The PLAN!!!

b5f12c No.1558026



notable here with common sense analysis of Q strategy and goals

65f15b No.1558027

File: 9b18b84cc5f3519⋯.png (283.59 KB, 752x720, 47:45, Where1.png)

File: 1e30749ae26e344⋯.png (551.56 KB, 856x531, 856:531, wher2.png)

File: 2dc086fe2015772⋯.png (468.24 KB, 694x738, 347:369, where3.png)

File: c29b1702f00587a⋯.png (301.16 KB, 663x608, 663:608, where4.png)

Ammo for Twatter!

cbd738 No.1558028

File: 6dbd57fa686cd1b⋯.jpg (19.66 KB, 285x291, 95:97, Custom Image 2804201813522….jpg)


No, we filter you.

438911 No.1558029


Don't feed the bot.

da38bd No.1558030


I've done both and prayer is like lightning just about every time

6f1d09 No.1558031

File: 68f6f9b87d0f5cf⋯.png (3.03 MB, 1200x1694, 600:847, ClipboardImage.png)


>every spring

Easter/Ishtar… Peter is also Pan. Even has his ears.

4a8c1d No.1558032


no, you granted it to the county at closing and they rent it back to you for the property taxes.

accb57 No.1558033


Of course….and every single day the heist continues. Trusting the plan, but wiping out private ownership of the Fed is essential for cooperation. Without that, and the end of the constant theft/slavery then this is just another corrupt administration.

f6f4d4 No.1558034


Very possible, anon, but would that not doxx members of Q Team?

4229d6 No.1558035

File: ed8ca4165f5c377⋯.png (45.18 KB, 620x352, 155:88, Young_Lives_Destroyed_DC_P….PNG)

Wut POTUS mean by this? I'm looking at the news…what young people? Like is he talking about present or just in general?

a0cf6f No.1558036



Dibs on the Rothschild cunt's estate when their assets are seized for human rights abuse. Creating a slave system called the federal reserve. I can't wait to see you hang, LDR.

b2960e No.1558037


Nope. U.S. Virgin Islands

Southern District of New York

68d45f No.1558038


I'm not Lynn…

The other anon just didn't have a counter argument so he resorted to insults.

c96189 No.1558039

File: 3e473abf06e22a8⋯.jpeg (47.73 KB, 780x439, 780:439, NasimCensored.jpeg)

Are you trans-phobic anon? I think she was a woman who had more balls than you

f6f4d4 No.1558040


Damn I'm dumb. Meant to reply to >>1557919

6870d8 No.1558041


You deny operation paperclip?

You deny the creation of a tech control state, what has many similarities with the control the gestapo tried to establish

You deny that there are olichopolies who have large influence on policy making?

af2761 No.1558042


i thought about doing this as well

i have a couple buddies that built a beautiful house inside of pole barn

d87fed No.1558043


your just jealous.

f83ea7 No.1558044


pray for strength anon; strength to help you become a better person, strength to help those around you, and strength to continue the good fight!

6af531 No.1558045


I live in a city/state where there is little regard to property rights.

My neighbors have trespassed repeatedly doing damage as well as maliciously doing damage.

One time [there have been so many] the police told me that they would do nothing because they couldnt determine

the person who had tresspassed emotions [that individual had been previously told to stay off my property]

The police told me to buy cameras or it awas my word against theirs…so I did - full perimeter security system.

The tresspassing and damage is still weekly, if not daily and the police always refuse to look at the camera footage.

I feel like I am being forced to share my property against my will. Oh, I have many no trespassing signs approprite

to the laws for my state

77bbfa No.1558046


I've heard it said prayer is talking to God and meditation is his listening for His answers.

da38bd No.1558047


no soul wants to be the host for demons

fcb4ff No.1558048

File: 69a55c65a279939⋯.png (419.4 KB, 708x1084, 177:271, ClipboardImage.png)

Lord Pearson will seek prosecution of Home Secretary Sajid Javid if Tommy Robinson is murdered or injured in prison…

46e915 No.1558049

File: 23ea56547d82442⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 374x380, 187:190, AngryCat.JPG)


Wrong, you get filtered

b95acc No.1558050

Am I the only one who just realized that GA (Reddit) is a sh*t show? My username is/was CarelessStageWhisper and last night was banned from participation for 777 days (OVER 2 YEARS!!!) for "concern trolling". What was the "concern"? Suggesting that access to PACER is not as exclusive as some people present it to be, in addition to having an issue with "BREAKING" news that is weeks, months, or years old. I also mentioned having a problem with RT.com and Sputnik News gaining traction. And I also am seeking input regarding my "LOL" reaction to "OMG! GUYS! Q IS A PSYOP!!" because that seems to be what triggered the ban? I have no idea. It's just weird.

d170f2 No.1558051


Mystery guest:

Nephalim World Order?

Nazi's interest it Antarctica ties to it.

As in the days of Noah shall be the last days.

Their was Nephalim in Noah's days … and after.

Is this what the bloodlines are about?

b8be18 No.1558052

File: 52131163225de0e⋯.jpg (72.54 KB, 604x224, 151:56, n1662204084_95967_1899.jpg)

File: 54b62a04045c5da⋯.jpg (69.01 KB, 1082x800, 541:400, IMG952815.jpg)

It's happened


911df0 No.1558053

File: 75be5fc0fd8c282⋯.jpg (167.43 KB, 661x510, 661:510, wfaf.jpg)

File: 10201a0e4f028e1⋯.jpg (168.11 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, collab.jpg)

File: 07e3f5c562e5c9e⋯.jpg (149.02 KB, 625x945, 125:189, collab2.jpg)

File: 4d047e8bdd0de53⋯.jpg (168.96 KB, 1136x718, 568:359, collab3.jpg)

File: 4463eb3055b3a42⋯.jpg (178.32 KB, 661x510, 661:510, cooc.jpg)

Internet Bill Of Rights

Let your voices be heard!




President Trump's twitter is officially a public forum, this gives you immunity to shadowbans and censorship when @POTUS.

Take this plot armor and go forth to spread the message!


Read carefully and honestly

Do you believe that your right to privacy and freedom of expression should pertain to your experiences online?

Do you believe that WE THE PEOPLE deserve full representation of our rights wherever we may go?

Do you believe that protections should be in place to preserve these rights?

Please, spread the word about the Petition and remind the people that they do indeed have the POWER and VOICE to create CHANGE


>#1. We the People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

>#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

>#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

>#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

>#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

Remember that this is simply protections for our First and Fourth ammendent while online!

These should already be in place!

>>1489251 Internet Bill Of Rights

>>1489251 Internet Bill Of Rights

bit. ly/QIBOR



e5ad8b No.1558054

File: b4e0c9970ea425b⋯.jpg (62.03 KB, 551x558, 551:558, nascheckem.jpg)


Well articulated

accb57 No.1558055


She is pretty.

a160c7 No.1558056

File: 28af05373bf164a⋯.png (181.17 KB, 1033x469, 1033:469, ClipboardImage.png)


>Wut POTUS mean by this? I'm looking at the news…what young people? Like is he talking about present or just in general?



b3981c No.1558057


Ugh spambot

f83ea7 No.1558058


looks like a less kuru-infected HRC

c96189 No.1558059


wow anon, you found someone denying Adwehr, the pink triangle, and Operation Paperclip

ae73f7 No.1558060


On a serious note, what other languages (Hebrew likely) would have an "N" word that applies?

"n-word of another tongue"

da38bd No.1558061


we talked about this earlier today…there's def a message here about "stars in their eyes"…

405a40 No.1558062



e0041b No.1558063


>when their assets are seized for human rights abuse

(or when they clear too much flora from their land without proper licensing)

d170f2 No.1558064


Mystery guest:

Nephalim World Order?

Nazi's interest it Antarctica ties to it.

As in the days of Noah shall be the last days.

There were Nephalim in Noah's days … and after.

Is this what the bloodlines are about?

accb57 No.1558065


Be glad the police haven't just taken your property by force, like they did with me. Corrupt, most of them. It will change or it will be war.

7ed4e7 No.1558066

File: c08c67172f72af7⋯.jpg (65.65 KB, 806x377, 62:29, enhanced-surveillance-came….jpg)

8a4aec No.1558067


I guess so. So many have been lost to (((them))).

Some have survived and were able to free themselves. Let's hope she is one.

af2761 No.1558068


shtap… u dont have to say, she is pretty after every pic

nasism, you are extraordinarily strange : )

42418e No.1558069

File: 818a75cbf5f5f66⋯.jpg (29.75 KB, 323x420, 323:420, D_WAVE_2000_Q.JPG)



ae73f7 No.1558070


Mine is 5k sqft (100x50 barn) with exactly half down the middle living area, rest = work area/boat/tractor etc.

0043fb No.1558071

File: c995c924b8b9a62⋯.jpg (143.24 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, tv.jpg)


Talked to a friend i know today, that told me about his friend who was talking about working on the set of six & said the Q research board might be seen on the Tv show.

Not really sure what to say about the board being on the show

0f7440 No.1558072

File: e4b1f022d05b3dc⋯.jpg (97.5 KB, 1134x545, 1134:545, DbRZtfJVMAAtqfP.jpg)

File: 30852f25d6a391d⋯.jpg (563.29 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 102477816.jpg)


Wendy is portrayed in the Disney movie with

=light brown hair, wearing a blue nightdress and a blue ribbon in her hair.=

2dd294 No.1558073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't worry Grown ups come back

405a40 No.1558074


Michael Jackson Lyrics

"Man In The Mirror"

I'm gonna make a change

For once in my life

It's gonna feel real good

Gonna make a difference

Gonna make it right

As I turn up the collar on

My favourite winter coat

This wind is blowin' my mind

I see the kids in the street

With not enough to eat

Who am I to be blind?

Pretending not to see their need

A summer's disregard

A broken bottle top

And a one man's soul

They follow each other on the wind you know

'Cause they got nowhere to go

That's why I want you to know

I'm starting with the man in the mirror

I'm asking him to change his ways

And no message could have been any clearer

If you wanna make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself and then make a change

I've been a victim of a selfish kind of love

It's time that I realize

That there are some with no home,

Not a nickel to loan

Could it be really me

Pretending that they're not alone?

A widow deeply scarred

Somebody's broken heart

And a washed-out dream

(washed-out dream)

They follow the pattern of the wind, you see

'Cause they got no place to be

That's why I'm starting with me

I'm starting with the man in the mirror

I'm asking him to change his ways

And no message could have been any clearer

If you wanna make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself and then make a change

I'm starting with the man in the mirror

I'm asking him to change his ways

And no message could have been any clearer

If you wanna make the world a better place

Take a look at yourself and then make that change!

I'm starting with the man in the mirror

I'm asking him to change his ways

(better change!)

No message could have been any clearer

(if you wanna make the world a better place)

(take a look at yourself and then make the change)

(you gotta get it right, while you got the time)

('cause when you close your heart)

You can't close your your mind!

(then you close your mind!)

That man, that man, that man, that man

With that man in the mirror

(man in the mirror, oh yeah!)

That man, that man, that man

I'm asking him to change his ways

(better change!)

You know that man

No message could have been any clearer

If you wanna make the world a better place

(if you wanna make the world a better place)

Take a look at yourself and then make a change

(take a look at yourself and then make a change)

Gonna feel real good now!

Oh no, no no

I'm gonna make a change

It's gonna feel real good!

Come on!


Just lift yourself

You know

You've got to stop it yourself!

(yeah! make that change!)

I've got to make that change today!

(man in the mirror)

You got to

You got to not let yourself


(yeah! make that change!)

You know

I've got to get that man, that man

(man in the mirror)

You've got to

You've got to move! Come on! Come on!

You got to stand up! Stand up! Stand up!

(yeah make that change)

Stand up and lift yourself now!

(man in the mirror)

(yeah make that change)

Gonna make that change

Come on!

(man in the mirror)

You know it!

You know it!

You know it!

You know


Make that change

edf39d No.1558075


Not at all….It seems you like to deny that the majority of these companies are controlled and operated by Jews and non whites. They simply absorbed and are using the tech and knowledge the Nazis invented.

24d73f No.1558076


How much the Qcomputer?

2fde8f No.1558077

File: 8ef23701c7b2678⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1205x900, 241:180, ClipboardImage.png)


cb94ec No.1558078


Do you have the sauce for this anon?

ie the court-stamped Notice of Default?

b2432a No.1558079

File: bbcdf204e97578b⋯.png (35.25 KB, 2068x1236, 517:309, timeline.png)

f83ea7 No.1558080


Zaphod Beeblebrox is Trump?

dd2c8b No.1558081


apointed to the IG job in April by BHO

told to issue report on Holder

information is witheld and you didn't know

issue report exonerating Holder in September

Finding out later what had been withheld from you… PRICELESS

Yes I'd say Horowitz is pissed

3c0dbe No.1558082

File: 5a466af0318f15e⋯.jpg (770.67 KB, 1478x1080, 739:540, 5a466af0318f15ebb57c22fb19….jpg)


It is tribute.

KEK wills it.

af2761 No.1558083


it keeps taxes low too doing this

e5ad8b No.1558084

File: 68153c6cd262800⋯.jpg (179.1 KB, 700x939, 700:939, PeterVelvetByardFlyHigh_93….jpg)

All this talk about peter pan just reminds me of a happier, simpler time on the internet

9fc52c No.1558085


baker notable

Great summary of conspiracy and Q's approach.

0f7440 No.1558086



095373 No.1558087

File: 6e4b3268d90a2b6⋯.png (60.73 KB, 877x434, 877:434, 5-5-possibility.png)

405a40 No.1558088



40b228 No.1558089


Q was featured on Chain of Command in the form of a coffee cup, it's not absurd to think this board could be presented in a beneficial light on another history channel run show.. I also wonder if that is why Pedosta was placed on Ancient Aliums, but I haven't watched any of that with his ugly mug on it.

881bb4 No.1558090


She looks nothing like Mom… bad choices Mom

e2fa9f No.1558091


>Its scary and makes me wonder if we are already living in some sort of alternate reality…


>once one thread is discovered it will lead to the entire travesty of justice of their whole system of evil and treasonous actions.

Of course it is an "alternate reality" in the sense that MSM is nothing but propaganda to push a narrative! It has been for decades to fit 'their' agenda, which Q confirmed! Their NWO where the elite are in control, humanity is enslaved under a global system set up "for the good of all", expect it's only good for the choosen few, the Satan worshipping, "evil, sick bastards", baby raping trash that have convinced themselves they're better than we are and we don't deserve to live on the same planet that they do! The reality is 'they' don't deserve to live on the same planet as us!

625591 No.1558092



Usually when I've heard people say some one has "stars in their eyes," they're usually talking about aspiring actors/actresses going to Hollywood hoping to make it big.

ae73f7 No.1558093


When the "city" i lived in put a notice in the water bill that they would be fining property owners who had grass over 12 inches tall, or that parked "off pavement", that was my final straw.

I went off grid within 2yrs of that.

Not that I like high grass, it's the control factor…

(no HOA either!)

ac5c37 No.1558094


You talkin to a shillbot ****=e"

0db00d No.1558095

File: 365812465d4aaac⋯.jpg (69.58 KB, 644x429, 644:429, 20160929agnes-nixon-2010be….jpg)

d512c7 No.1558096


Hope and Porter. Maybe also SR.

b3981c No.1558097

That iTunes contract seems spurious and unenforceable

da38bd No.1558098


that one may be too far gone at this point

just imagine the things she's done with MA as her mentor

86bfd5 No.1558099

File: 5aee53ef7ec546a⋯.jpg (41.17 KB, 375x500, 3:4, JonesBook.jpg)

ca71a3 No.1558100


it's weird that people are triggered by the q is ai/helped by ai/quantum computer thing.

As if that's somehow negative or bad?

Smells like a successful psy-op

when the department of energy decides

(with the help of so-called supercomputing)

that the public has reached a critical level of non-violence,

technology that has been suppressed

can be safely released.


If upon analyzing the public, it is determined that belief in Q being "AI" or assisted by AI will be detrimental to the plan, then a strategy of dissuading such notions certainly makes sense.

I understand that evaluation.

What I don't fully understand is the negative response that CREATES the evaluation.

Tech is a tool not unlike a hammer or screwdriver.

The public has recently been hurt and traumatized by administrations that have used that very same tech for enrich themselves and harm others.

It is how they CHOSE to USE it.

Nevermind I guess I do understand the reaction.

Healing takes time I suppose.

2fde8f No.1558101

File: 3725a8abb428478⋯.png (1.29 MB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Good job

d512c7 No.1558102


Wrong again.

a0cf6f No.1558103


Too much.

Anyone see Person of Interest? Supercomputer versus another supercomputer…Q vs Planatir

f6f4d4 No.1558104


The quantum adiabatic (annealing) processor that D-Wave makes is not the same as a true quantum computer. It can't run Shor's algorithm.

8a4aec No.1558105


I hope not.

86b071 No.1558106


I'm not expecting Q back until mid-June, just rereading crumbs and following leads until then.

af2761 No.1558107


i know, was here when u started it

i still think it was made up, the utube thing anyways

i seen the video of girl in car but i dont think that was her, she was really cute btw

6b55ac No.1558108

File: d5bec545d74ab2b⋯.png (328.95 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Screenshot_2018-03-02-21-2….png)

File: f3cb0c8b29b7651⋯.gif (99.58 KB, 579x278, 579:278, pharrellchurchill2.gif)

File: 291d5f0d8e03b33⋯.jpg (7.09 KB, 198x255, 66:85, images-6.jpg)

File: 7a56b219dd04fea⋯.jpg (77.78 KB, 644x706, 322:353, illuminati-signs-Hillary-C….jpg)

File: 186710eed7cf996⋯.jpg (10.02 KB, 157x200, 157:200, illuminati-sign-v-sign-rih….jpg)

"V" stands for "Victory." This is the emblem/sign that gets spray-painted over posters of the alien race that have come to Earth and is used as a sign of rebellion for those who stand against the aliens. Reptilian in form, the aliens disguise themselves as humans in order to put them off their guard. They claim that they are in need of a chemical substance on their planet and ask for our help to produce it. In return, they offer to teach us about their advancements in science and technology. Little to the humans' knowledge, the reptilians are in fact stealing our water and cryogenically freezing humans to transport back to their planet as food. The series centers on the efforts of a journalist named Michael Donovan and a group of rebel fighters, who try to save the planet by fighting against the aliens.

da38bd No.1558109


Yes I thought so, likely a reference to NXIVM and Hwood & Weinstein (just the tip of the iceberg)

95b4f9 No.1558110

File: c199e123b8223df⋯.png (580.5 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Pain_Coming_Marina_Scorpio….png)



she is a Witch

'Witch' being THEIR terminology - not what we were raised to know as a 'witch" from TV and the movies

0043fb No.1558111


Allot of intel people don't like being glorified on Tv & i don't know if Q would approve

51c3c6 No.1558112



6b55ac No.1558113


edf39d No.1558114

File: f58c3524aab9bd3⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 640x960, 2:3, LeonDegrelle.jpg)

b3981c No.1558115

All I know is keva juice

4a8c1d No.1558116


The Russian Collusion (U1) Witches (pedos=cannibals) Hunt kids, lure them to DC with Hollywood and virtue signalling, they go home after having had their clothes torn off (or worse!)

f83ea7 No.1558117


thank you anon! i have a bad overthinking/analysing problem so my head is a circus most of the time, trying to break the cycle

24d73f No.1558118


that seems the next border of the tech.

Even Some must to think in that.


1ac57f No.1558119




spambot w/,=,e in the name field using multiple IP addresses and so getting multiple ID codes.

New tactic?

filter ID won't work on this.

405a40 No.1558120


You never know - who's to say that if (((they))) created sentient AI, that their creation wouldn't turn on them and side with humanity.

da38bd No.1558121


well we will have to pray for her

ae73f7 No.1558122


RENT the well drilling equipment, and install your own septic, then you have no permits/paper trail also.

Totally legal if owner does the work.

And yes, my taxes are $800/yr with deed to 30acres and "barn". (in middle of 3k acre ranch)

d87fed No.1558123

File: 7b8a36da9f381e9⋯.jpeg (145.75 KB, 1246x1084, 623:542, nasim-twoscoops.jpeg)

File: 6ed2ed3bfcf0906⋯.jpeg (9.09 KB, 144x206, 72:103, nasim-twogenders.jpeg)

19160d No.1558124

>>1557477 LB

Random capitalization is one thing, but you note some caps that are correctly used: Democrats, Hillary Clinton Russia: proper nouns.

Why and Rigged start sentences. Random caps are: A C S I

c96189 No.1558125

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


This is what you are missing in life, Kay Griggs, you may then realize the puppet armies of majority white nations clashing at each other for 100+ years and who is behind it. You are missing just a few pieces. Look what Prescott Bush did, caucasians cant even defend themselves without being compared to a cause they never even supported and who most here had grandparents fight to 'stop'

b3981c No.1558126


The old macaroni on the hill fell through then the chinesseb took over than that spire was built

46e915 No.1558127

File: 486dac69c6ea1df⋯.jpg (40.85 KB, 461x341, 461:341, JewishPedoII.jpg)

6af531 No.1558128


The police in my city are definitely no good.

They are so compromised as is the mayor and city attorney who have an agenda.

I support police generally speaking, [Back the Blue], but these officers told me

they'd arrest me for mowing my lawn during city/state allowed perfectly acceptable

legally mandated times - 6 pm on a summer evening - the same neighbor that trashes

my property said I was a public disturbance for mowing my lawn - I cited the law to

the officers, they still threatened me with arrest

d56133 No.1558129

File: c49b557970177e5⋯.jpg (24.33 KB, 590x350, 59:35, churchillsign.jpg)


Churchill was way out of touch with the common people and didn't even realize that the victory sign flashed thusly signifies; "fuck you"

ae73f7 No.1558130

>>1558088 ←- possibly, I can "see" their "logic" of that one.

ac5c37 No.1558131

So there's people here that think an AI took pictures out the window of a jet over the ocean overlooking an island and posted them on here? How did the AI get the person to put their phone up to the window to take the pic? "Q is an AI", seriously? Fuckin wortherless C_A Cockniggers.

af2761 No.1558132


na no na no

de40f8 No.1558133

File: 5fc9cab31e26c6b⋯.png (165.86 KB, 713x858, 713:858, 20180527_191031.png)

Sorry if it's already been covered. Taken from Twatter.

BOMBSHELL: Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Was Informant for Mueller’s FBI!!


6870d8 No.1558134


Rotschilds always control both sides of wars

Hitler gave "karaites" and subsects a special pasport and status, it was not allowed to hurt, arrest, or proscecute them

Most of the communist bolsevik leaders in Russia were also karaites

Rotschilds are a subsects of karaites

Ask yourself …why Hitler never evaded Switzerland? …it's the capital country of the deepstate, and many money, gold and other assets to fund his army

b2432a No.1558135


when it's blue, it's the subject field

405a40 No.1558136


However, I do not believe that the Q we interacted with here was anything other than human. I was speaking in very general terms.

d111a9 No.1558137

File: 04d5593ba762c2f⋯.jpg (20.83 KB, 291x415, 291:415, JR-BOB-DOBBS.jpg)


The SUB-GENIUS Believes You are GAY!!!

Good Day Sir.


6f1d09 No.1558138

File: d784887753715ce⋯.png (592.66 KB, 640x607, 640:607, ClipboardImage.png)


reminds me of the sassy cat the clowns always posted with

51c3c6 No.1558139


did you ever hear of time off, holidays, etc.

you all need to learn to entertain yourselves.

46e915 No.1558140

The Nassim shills are thick

I've filtered about 5 different Nassim Ids.

6b55ac No.1558141


Signifies thr reptilian race Vlash. So ya a fuck you lol

9fc52c No.1558142


The evil which is the State infringes on your property rights. In truth you own nothing, including your income. The State takes out an arbitrary percentage of your earnings. They tell you how much is theirs an how much is yours. If that percentage goes up to 100% you are clearly a slave. How about at 30%. Slave or not slave?

8a4aec No.1558143


Leave this woman alone for God's sake.

7ec59c No.1558144

File: c33493eaa60b397⋯.jpeg (19.47 KB, 420x580, 21:29, 91f6a266ff0105b3a4d8a6cb7….jpeg)


I Will Be!


Fish/Vegetable Stew Almost Done.. Will Let It Simmer, Once Done..

First some Yin Yoga for the Pericardium, Lungs & Heart…

f83ea7 No.1558145


damn, that sums it up perfectly! thank you!!

b3981c No.1558146


They call it a brewery

08315d No.1558147

File: 174d8cc07cb1943⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 94C255CE-689D-4FC9-9B0C-F3….png)


shillenstein is fukeked

da38bd No.1558148


you're welcome. Just pray without ceasing and He will answer you.

46e915 No.1558149

File: 04153d609efcf90⋯.jpg (54.83 KB, 377x376, 377:376, MasonicGOAT - Copy.JPG)

File: 746862e240fcf82⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 361x230, 361:230, MasonicGoatRidersII.JPG)

File: 3a937433e20ea24⋯.jpg (108.47 KB, 655x500, 131:100, Shriers.jpg)

File: 98b7f9e273e71e1⋯.jpg (30.89 KB, 379x257, 379:257, ShrinerClowns.JPG)


Like the goat fucking clowns?

edf39d No.1558150


Im not missing anything. I know exactly who is behind this Cabal.Talmudists and Kabalists the fake Jews and their sycophants.

ac5c37 No.1558151

I'll take "muh dick" over C_A cocknigger "Q is AI" shilltards any day. At least I get a chuckle out of the first…

b3981c No.1558152


That sw museum ask khera mah ol boss


ad1bfe No.1558153

I need to put down what I was just thinking into words here before I lose track of it like I normally do.

I've just realized what CTA is basically, not the group but the tactic also. CTA is an attempt to fracture/divide the community as to reduce the community's potency questioning, exposing, and removing those in the real world who hold seats of power.

>They want you DIVIDED.

They had you, all of us. Three times. Half chan is a series of compromised boards and anyone who knows better has known this for years. The people who control a board there also control the narrative. Not by forced rules or the north wind but by persuasion or the sun. So a decision was made and the movement was moved over to 8chan. A board was made and things were fine. Then the sun came back with its persuasive allures of power and fame. Pamphlet was compromised and there were slightly smart. /thestorm/ was under control of a mod from /CBTS/ and that should have been a red flag but thats fine because it did not take too long for them to expose themselves once again, hence the creation of /greatawakening/ and /qresearch/.

With the creation of these two boards they (being those who wish to set-up the movement to fail so they can control narrative and/or divide this community and/or make more money AKA MSM, Blueshare, Alex Jones and his group, groups of black hats in the government be it local, state or apart of the 3 letter agencies, etc Q was not kidding when he said attacks from all sides.) lost control of the narrative for this movement and control of what Q was able to say (delete posts).

From this they tried to just make the group sound crazy, Flat earth is the most blatant example, this is not directed towards us but to people discovering the Q posts and make people following this movement sound crazy, seed doubt to the public. That failed, miserably. So they moved onto confusion. Remember SES and Pelican shit? That was directed towards us. First being Project… what was it called again? Dead pelican? I can't remember. The point of that was direct this community by confusing them into calling for sessions to be fired. That failed, so then they went on with SES stuff which non-coincidentally popped up right after Q pointed out the CFR to anons to dig. Again SES was pointed at firing a handful of people, some of theirs but again sessions. That also failed, horribly.

So they couldn't get sessions fired, what is and has been their tactic since? One they been working on for sometime, they thought they would have let this one baking for awhile longer thinking they might have been able to delay till they could really deeply root themselves into the movement. They have been working hard to discredit Q. First this was by simply call it a psyop with AIM, we all know how well that ended for them,


But the objective has remained the same since then. Right now we see happening is people making up fan fiction where he is a LARP (see CTA posts) to actually taking parts of his posts and twisting events into where it is questionable, we know better but they believe its enough to open up an investigation onto this board and the one called Q. I feel like that CTA guy has one thing going right now. Mark my words we probably are being tracked on some level by black hats. This board is being set up so it can be taken down, hence why Q constantly tells us to BACK UP EVERYTHING. When their power is threaten and enough people awaken, when the sun's persuasion of how reality is becomes no longer effective then the north wind will roar.

Alright I'm done with my post but with that said and out of the way, I feel like the battle is not over. However to put into WWII perspective their battle of the bulge came and went and now they sit in full delusion to the realities around them in their bunker that they think they still have a chance. Should a suicide week occur where high profile people start killing themselves they will be kind of their snap back into reality.

e3b2b7 No.1558154


Pleiadians don't smoke.

6f1d09 No.1558155


Son of Cush

9fe3e5 No.1558156



Best done in the real presence.

f83ea7 No.1558157


if you back a few breads there is a notable about what happened on reddit, 4chan etc with admins and mods, lots of fuckery! basically everyone getting banned or deleted

ae73f7 No.1558158


"Goat Fuckers of the world, UNITED"

I sense a meme…

da38bd No.1558159

File: 9a86b85d2a4026a⋯.png (423.49 KB, 540x540, 1:1, snowy.png)


so cute

edf39d No.1558160

File: 8a01ab249c9cdf7⋯.jpg (274.23 KB, 1024x1020, 256:255, Trotskyswhitenegro.jpg)


Look your not going to sell this bullshit to me. Take your Talmudist lies and shove them right up your Rabbi ravaged asshole

7ec59c No.1558161

File: 59aee1db6de1409⋯.png (17.86 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.png)


accb57 No.1558162


The derogatory term "Pigs" has its origin in Animal Farm. It's used to describe the pigs in the story, who despite being part of the original plan of "All animals being equal" (citizens just like us), used their slightly superior intelligence and willingness to be ruthless to claim "extra" rights and powers over the others, including the right to steal and murder with impunity, with nobody to check their power.

Corrupt cops ARE pigs.

The ultimate law is the Constitution, and power is derived from consent of the people. We are not subjects, and the day we get pissed off enough to revoke that consent then they will all hang.

40b228 No.1558163


Well, the board could be presented in a fictionalized sense in consideration of maintaining quality here- not unheard of… unless you meant the seals intel team.

08315d No.1558164

File: a7ac0db8c86e5b4⋯.jpeg (558.33 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 4CE23E8D-6ED7-4A2E-9173-0….jpeg)


thanks for stepping up baker

you are one of my faves

f83ea7 No.1558165


non-human world order is my bet

35a4a4 No.1558166

File: 181d27e4cd1c799⋯.jpg (41.73 KB, 395x394, 395:394, 2b3peb.jpg)

af2761 No.1558167


my dream, i want to find property with pond thats spring fed. want somewhere also where there are no restrictions. also someplace wooded. been looking around nw ar or s Missouri more of a warmer climate

b3981c No.1558168


Don't hate the player hate the game I II

0bf8cd No.1558169



Hope this helps, as I forgot to get Wikileaks link

Notice of Electronic Filing

The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 1/30/2013 at 8:14 PM PST and filed on 1/30/2013

Case Name: Grinols et al v. Electoral College et al

Case Number: 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD

Filer: James Grinols

Keith Judd

Thomas Gregory MacLeran

Edward Noonan

Robert Odden

Document Number: 64

Docket Text: NOTICE Notice of DEFAULT of DEFENDANT Obama, request for an expedited DEFAULT Judgment and post judgment discovery by All Plaintiffs. (Taitz, Orly)

2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Notice has been electronically mailed to:

Edward A Olsen , GOVT edward.olsen@usdoj.gov, karen.james@usdoj.gov, monica.lee@usdoj.gov, teisha.stogsdill@usdoj.gov

George Michael Waters george.waters@doj.ca.gov, lydia.sandoval@doj.ca.gov

Orly Taitz orly.taitz@gmail.com, dr_taitz@yahoo.com

2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Electronically filed documents must be served conventionally by the filer to:

The following document(s) are associated with this transaction:

Document description:Main Document Original filename:n/a Electronic document Stamp: [STAMP dcecfStamp_ID=1064943537 [Date=1/30/2013] [FileNumber=5951932-0 ] [99d8319f28ecde09f487b404ac329fd4f73ab3686d082711ed46399b174fcfceffa 05bd43535b2382241da21cfca3e458c187091127b9ed9bb688a5c9f99773e]]

59a1b8 No.1558170

File: 0291d5f5e60d305⋯.jpg (171.94 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, Tommy-Robison-.jpg)

51c3c6 No.1558171


you never give them anything they want.

you ignore them.

95b4f9 No.1558172

File: 1a973bbb30c5e29⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1500x1210, 150:121, One_Lump_or_Two.png)

c96189 No.1558173


She just wanted you to eat healthier since our meat and food here was poisoned..and fight youtube censorship and degeneracy. Why do you hate and make it sexual?

b84e70 No.1558174

File: bc6457a5025bb39⋯.jpeg (614.62 KB, 1242x1970, 621:985, AF84E6A5-362A-4E17-827A-4….jpeg)

File: 8b2e19dfcfd6fcf⋯.png (933.36 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 52E6711D-DC41-4583-ADAF-53….png)

File: 947cb5782502b37⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 05A31224-C295-469D-9DFB-54….png)

File: be01bc22871ed63⋯.png (944.03 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, F53FDBAF-1D1F-4026-B469-74….png)

File: 8135f5f1b877539⋯.png (950.05 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 1F459411-263D-4FBA-8743-AE….png)

Reposting this from last nights find for more eyes on: circa 2011


b84e70 No.1558175

File: 488c1c8943a9859⋯.png (660.43 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A745ED7A-12B5-4E2D-831D-CC….png)

File: 52f2af38f35b5e5⋯.jpeg (682.96 KB, 1242x1888, 621:944, 01FC00F1-863C-4D6B-BABC-2….jpeg)

1ac57f No.1558176


But if even so, the filter ID would still work if the IP was the same on all posts.

The ID changes which means the IP must also be changing.

Either that or there are a group of ppl doing the spamig.

or, there's just one person using various devices each logged in with it's own IP address.

6b55ac No.1558177


You speak my language.

Vlash hybrids.


d56133 No.1558178

File: 09e7b65cb70ea1b⋯.jpg (11.51 KB, 300x200, 3:2, bushv.jpg)


Backwards V sign just means fuck you to the commoners. In UK, not America.

It may mean something else to the elite?

e5ad8b No.1558179

File: 89f10b4ad9e8d13⋯.jpg (150.94 KB, 786x632, 393:316, Nasim_6b8406_6568221.jpg)


And yet you feel the need to keep mentioning her.

It is because her light enrages you.

You filter but you can't stop yourself from speaking out against her to put her and well meaning anons down.

Have a Nasim for your efforts.

e2fa9f No.1558180


>the password reveal was a purposeful thing, not a mistake

Which is why I said mistake!


>it's weird that people are triggered by the q is ai/helped by ai/quantum computer thing.

>Nevermind I guess I do understand the reaction.

I'm 'triggered' by jackass shitting up the bread implying "Q is AI" when they are obviously NOT! Would a fucking AI/quantum computer mistakenly say Maria instead of Marina because they were "on the move"? NO, so why waste the fucking bread repeatedly bringing that bs up unless to purposely slide the board or fill it with utter bs? It's damn understandable to me!

026204 No.1558182

File: d1338e23e38bea2⋯.jpg (294.73 KB, 1999x2000, 1999:2000, pepe-bismol.jpg)


stir their asses up roseanne

733b93 No.1558183


If it's a public business, they do.

ac5c37 No.1558184



"V"… Cmon peoples. The Fifth Age. Cereal? I thought we all knew this one???

50c0be No.1558185

File: e10a00f275dc1a2⋯.jpg (364.49 KB, 1075x1172, 1075:1172, Screenshot_20180527-112027….jpg)

File: cdf813498a7bfdb⋯.jpg (715.65 KB, 1080x2021, 1080:2021, Screenshot_20180424-131029.jpg)

small reminder that our little friend is asking for some patriot love

6b55ac No.1558186

File: 2d1e9b9702437ea⋯.jpg (517.39 KB, 1280x1656, 160:207, 5ee2eef1f10e36311cf372511e….jpg)


It shows who's side they are on. Hybrids don't hang out together. They stick to their own.

V symbols are for the Vlash Reptilians.

Some say it is the peace symbol.

But everything is upside down right?

f83ea7 No.1558187


not sure he is a shill, a bot for sure

from some of its drops i get the impression there is more to it

0f7440 No.1558188

File: 5412a2bfa543e38⋯.png (54.02 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 512px-Emblem_of_the_Nazi_G….png)

95b4f9 No.1558189

File: 5891394d980a534⋯.jpg (38.01 KB, 350x514, 175:257, Witch_V_V_W.jpg)

604da7 No.1558190

File: 82dde83caaa4757⋯.png (27.26 KB, 524x465, 524:465, IMG_1688.PNG)



fed62d No.1558191

I thought Carter Page said he had never met Trump and now people are calling him a trump aide? WTF? Which is it?

b2960e No.1558192

6f1d09 No.1558193


Are they all master masons thought? Thought it was just a different lodge.

9b9a4e No.1558194

Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

29ef67 No.1558195


I'm guessing it's the BC17 shills from last bread, new approach each bread once they get called on their shit. I could be wrong though.

ac5c37 No.1558197


The greatest lies are sprinkled with truth. Do not ingest.

11f321 No.1558198


Yup, that's EXACTLY what Schiff did with Russia Collusion

68d45f No.1558199


“Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it.” - Albert Pike. Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite. 1859 - 1891

98aaa3 No.1558200


Yep Inference engines learn by applying a set of rules to a set of inputs to create a set of responses. They learn by making mistakes, creating new rules, rinse and repeat. Very much like game theory. Find what works for the current set of circumstances and apply to the next set of similar circumstances.

f8c1bb No.1558201

File: e2ac474ab511c97⋯.jpeg (249.32 KB, 847x1200, 847:1200, hr_giger_biomechanoid_ii1.jpeg)

File: 81e933ae2aa2b36⋯.jpeg (235.71 KB, 700x1004, 175:251, hr_giger_biomechanoid_701.jpeg)

File: 71581889bbcf7cd⋯.jpeg (175.33 KB, 700x1017, 700:1017, hr_giger_biomechanoid_i1.jpeg)

File: c83fa4b6dae947c⋯.jpeg (232.41 KB, 1200x834, 200:139, hr_giger_biomechanoid_001….jpeg)

These people are sick.

Were these experiments finished and never restarted again?

Does God need to show up again and burn you all with holy fire.

ae73f7 No.1558202


Leon was a true blazing peeez-a-zogshit…

Taking it up the ass by his big-dick pal- Lucifer, on an eternal regimen we can safely assume…

(probably enjoying it).


c96189 No.1558203


METADATA was just a term to confuse our aging lawmakers and oversight comittees. Look what Zuckerberg was doing with metadata. Profiles for people who dont even have Fakebook accounts, accessing/storing all your information on your smartphones, participating in Palantir, and violating everyones 4th amendment because his tribal lawyers hid language in the TOS. He only would sell to cabal friendly sources and once it was found out that someone working with Trump campaign used that data did the liberal-pedo-cabal become upset. Metadata is just a term to downplay electronic surveillance

733b93 No.1558204


Good luck making any profit.

d1a59d No.1558205

File: e09f9bb029ce487⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 314x228, 157:114, fbcc.jpg)

Good Morning Anons, BO, Bakers, Q Group, President Trump, General Mattis and all others entrusted with taking down the vile filth who have been shitting up our world. Speaking of that, I need to apologize for shitting up the board last night with nothing important. I don't like when others do it, and I don't feel good having done so myself. Hopefully I've learned my lesson.

Speaking of vile filth, here's a trending column on FB this morning. Top trend is Trump laying waste to Mueller's Russia Probe. Below that is Chelsea Clinton commenting that Trump degrades everything about being American. You have no idea how fucking angry it makes me to know that stinking rotten vile filthy Clinton family, the very people who more than any other family have caused so much destruction to America on so many levels, is STILL RUNNING AROUND FREE!!!!!

Before the 2016 election, all my energy was focused on the inevitable civil war between conservative Americans and mindless liberalism. I was gearing up for no holds barred warfare, destroying everything about them, targeting every single one of them. If ever there was a group of people who deserve being rounded up, tossed in cattle cars and sent to gas ovens, it is this current generation of liberals. I use that dramatic gas oven "solution" not because I am a fan of Hitler of Nazism, but purely for the irony and theatrics, to rub it in their faces, the actual Nazis of our culture. I didn't think there was any other way, that they have forced us to the point of brutally annihilating them using any and all necessary means.

To me this is beyond hatred. It is righteous resolve. None of what liberalism had done and has become should have happened in this day and age of so much information available to learn from the past what not to do, how not to think, what not to believe, who not to follow. Despite all that, they they are, doing exactly the opposite of all things sensible, good and right. They deserve the most harsh treatment imaginable, nothing but complete evisceration of their hideous beliefs and culture. Imagine the awesome bonfires of all their books, film, CD's, albums, DVDs.., again for the irony. Hollywood razed to the ground and turned back into farm and grazing land, the mansions burned to the ground…

Part of my thinking behind going full Terminator was that in terms of creating a spiritual atmosphere for the souls entering this world, a clear message should be sent to the weak and evil - You are not welcome here! I managed to create a justification, to see the effort as a holy war, and those joining in the fight were what I thought of as dark angels. Spiritual warriors. A tough job for tough souls.

I stopped thinking of these insane liberals as human. They sold their souls, and are now little more than vampires, leaches, parasites, zombies and demons. Fuck them. It's them or us. No fucking way am I going to become like them, and no fucking way are they going to destroy my world without a fight! Righteous response. No excuses. No mercy. Angry dark angel warrior at your service.

Pretty harsh, right? I would often think so, too, especially after ripping my vocal chords ragged while driving around Los Angeles screaming over some idiot news story heard on the radio. Then I would calm down and question if I was "over reacting" in my thinking, becoming part of the problem I was supposedly against. More and more, though, I found no way to compromise. I knew too much about this evil crapola.

I grew up in a town run by the mafia. In fact, I grew up next to a family that was connected to the mob, with that house used as a "safe zone' where competing mob families could socialize for wedding receptions, graduations and the like without fear of violent reprisals. Then later in the week we would hear in the news about a mob bombing or killing. I saw their faces up close when the street was lined with black Cadillacs during one of those social events, the faces I saw the very people who would do such things for money and power. The city has never recovered from all the corruption, and my family remains captive to those same people when they vote Democratic.

In November of 2016 a miracle happened with the election of Donald Trump as president, who I voted for. With that came some hope, a light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Then came Q and this Great Awakening.

So, is it truly going to happen? Will this cabal mess be taken apart and the perps finally get taken down in dramatic fashion? If not, then I'll just have to go back to plan A (see above). A righteous revolution created this country, and another one can save it. Which is it going to be? I'm ready for either way. I doubt I'm alone.

e2fa9f No.1558206

File: 7ebf85827206412⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 518x532, 37:38, It's a trap.jpg)


>It's a trap

e5ad8b No.1558207


lol there is no God, just gods

d56133 No.1558208


Labeling Nasim as transgender is a ploy by the Left to shift blame for her violent acts onto toxic masculinity.


af2761 No.1558209


they need exposed

the membership is in decline

but still getting members

good people being deceived

there are tons of shit on them just needs brought to light

they are all perverts

when i was getting whood by a member, i didnt recognize at the time

he asked me if id ever seen a white girl and a black girl eat each other out

i said no, he said…you will

95b4f9 No.1558210

File: 79836f05f35dc6e⋯.png (391.75 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Carter_Page_Ed Cox.png)

File: 5919c0c794a12b0⋯.png (539.33 KB, 2052x1135, 2052:1135, Cox_Carter_Page_Trump_NYSG….png)


https:// www.timesunion.com/7day-state/article/N-Y-GOP-s-Cox-introduced-Carter-Page-to-Trump-12553410.php

b3981c No.1558211

Import some Jalisco indica


Contra aphrodisiac

b2960e No.1558212


Corporations are people. SCOTUS already ruled on this.

d170f2 No.1558213


Nephalim would tie it back to the jews and the Caanites.

- Who had Nephalim blood and extremely tall

- Add sacrified their first born to Moloch

God told the jews to kill those bastards (they deserved death for killing their own children). But jews did not and ended up inter-marrying and taken up their ways.

It would also explain the elites interest and protection of bloodlines.

98aaa3 No.1558215


Reading The Bread escapes many.

666596 No.1558216


Same with Lana del Rey. One of the most obvious transformations to darkness.

6b55ac No.1558217

File: d46f6af9ded5bca⋯.jpg (12.51 KB, 279x181, 279:181, images-6.jpg)


da38bd No.1558218

File: b6899f0f5ad4586⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1116x948, 93:79, 3dhouse.PNG)




f28220 No.1558219

From Last Bread…

Lt. Col. Michael Aquino

SS Brotherhood’s Der Spinne/Octopus

"International cabal"

Otto Skorzeny was a leading force in running the SS Brotherhood escape routes–Der Spinne, the Spider–after the war, and SS General Karl Wolff was the lead negotiator with OSS Swiss Chief, Allen Dulles, then another Nazi, Walter Rauff, head of the Milan SD, was one of two liaisons with the Vatican involved in the establishment of the Nazi-smuggling system.

Earlier in his career, Rauff had overseen the development of the Nazis’ mobile gas vans, known as "Black Ravens", which gassed to death around 100,000 Jews, mostly women and children, by pumping exhaust fumes into the back of an hermetically sealed van.

Another important link between the Vatican and SS escape routes was Friedrich Schwendt, who was also the man in charge of laundering forged SS banknotes. Before WWII, Schwendt was an international arms dealer who shipped weapons to China and Russia.

He was also the investment manager of the family fortune of his first wife’s aunt, Baroness Gemmingen-Guttenberg, of the vastly wealthy Argentina-based Bunge family, of the massive transnational firm Bunge Corporation that is also known as "the Octopus".

This title is interesting, for it may connect to the so-called "Octopus" that ties in to murdered freelance journalist Danny Casolaro, who at the time of his death in 1991 was investigating a number of high-level illegalities including the theft by the Department of Justice of a "tracking" computer program known as "PROMIS".

Casolaro was writing a book about what he had discovered. He originally titled it "Behold, A Pale Horse", but later modified it to "The Octopus".

In a draft page of the book, he described this group as an "international cabal whose freelance services covered parochial political intrigue, espionage, sophisticated weapon technologies that included biotoxins, drug trafficking, money laundering and murder-for-hire". Casolaro further stated that this cabal was "spawned thirty years ago in the shadow of the Cold War".

After Casolaro’s death, journalist Carol Marshall (a pen name) followed up his investigation and wrote an (as yet) unpublished manuscript, titled "The Last Circle".

In this, Marshall describes her investigation of Robert Booth Nichols - one of the central figures of the Octopus, whom she describes as being part of a secretive group known as "the Chosen Ones" and who wore "skull and crossbones rings and shared a common interest, if you could call it that, in the old German SS occultism, its tribal and inner circle rites".

During her continuing investigation into the Octopus, Marshall found that the SS occultism outlined above was connected to Lt. Col. Michael A. Aquino, a former US Green Beret who is a self-professed Satanist and who held a Top Secret security clearance for his work in military intelligence and on classified psychological warfare matters.

The foregoing connections lend themselves to a larger picture of global, interlocking, right-wing fascist groupings that operate in the shadow-land of deniable military and intelligence operations associated with profit during WWII and, later, throughout the Cold War.

Prince Bernhard, in addition to his Bilderberg role and as head of the Dutch Johannite Order, was also an honorary member of Himmler’s SS



I just copy pasted a few snippets for you.

The connections are deep, long and old…a Spiderweb.

6870d8 No.1558220


You know karaites is a Jewish subsect right?

Many Russian rabbis were also Karaites

8a4aec No.1558221

Wiki has been compromised since JA went MIA.

Roseanne knows this.

fe1a6f No.1558222



Yep, The Machine vs. Samaritan.

733b93 No.1558223


That has nothing to do with public and private property.

Public property is that which you can make monetary gains of some sort.

Private property is your home, car, and other such locations or items not used in the attempt to make profit.

0f7440 No.1558224


All dwellings should be made in factories like cars.

Imagine if we all made our own cars locally?

a160c7 No.1558225

File: a8ec524c17aa9af⋯.png (294.67 KB, 1075x472, 1075:472, ClipboardImage.png)




"Tier 1 Otherwise Illegal Activity" – any activity that:

(v) a Confidential Informant providing to any person (other than a JLEA

agent) any item, service, or expertise that is necessary for the commission

of a federal, state, or local offense, which the person otherwise would have

difficulty obtaining;





af2761 No.1558226

File: 3c57dc1e3177e27⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 497x298, 497:298, bloodhoundgang - Copy.jpg)


meme material, put her face in this, lol

53aa81 No.1558227

File: c4ed749a1f553ac⋯.jpg (47.58 KB, 753x381, 251:127, spurdo_aim.jpg)


good post anon.

46e915 No.1558228

Hmm, Epstein settled his case for

5.5 million….

33efad No.1558229

File: 17aff059fac35d7⋯.jpg (909.08 KB, 1655x1080, 331:216, TP 05272018.jpg)







0b24fd No.1558230



Psalm 46:10

“Be still, and know that I am God"

Be still=mediate

and know that I am God=pray

accb57 No.1558231

Not seeing much in the news about this virus outbreak. Pandemic potential.


dcd465 No.1558232

File: d21f7e425e540b7⋯.jpg (113.44 KB, 600x463, 600:463, e1aa8eea754d7d8e9375cf9de8….jpg)

File: c5ca331bccb2905⋯.gif (151.92 KB, 498x199, 498:199, f1cc6c2979f40a394eb023105d….gif)

File: 30e62b40203d5b9⋯.gif (351.05 KB, 499x324, 499:324, 26646fc871fbf2af10db2d38e7….gif)

4d109f No.1558233


Channel is gone now.

4a8c1d No.1558234

Quantum Computing Is Intelligence Amplification.

IA not AI.

Everyone knows it all. How can we access that?

ae73f7 No.1558235


I have 2 spring fed creeks converging.

VERY good point- you MUST have water available.

Crops grow and wildlife come to natural water- even if you have a well for "home use" you need water.

Look for wooded land also, because the "balance" of nature will provide a more suited lifestyle than a prairie without the harsh bugs. if water is running, no mosquitoes can breed.

Not to doxx, but Texas is great (no income tax either- as is FL) but cheaper land good solar exposure, not "too hot" (gets 110, but not 118 for months at a time).

No restrictions, and water rights are not a big deal used by land grabbing here. (I take great care of my place, but don't want government to have any say).

e2fa9f No.1558236


>November of 2016 a miracle happened with the election of Donald Trump as president

That hope is still alive, Anon,

and stronger than ever!

We all have our weak moment

and at times doubt if the

"sick, evil bastards"

will ever for their crimes.

They will!

Keep the faith and pray!


accb57 No.1558237


Define "locally"?

b3981c No.1558238

File: 8b780dfdb24d8ce⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 226x400, 113:200, IMG_2235.JPG)


0043fb No.1558239


Just the show in general & i know allot of tv shows & movies show allot to the public

733b93 No.1558240

DAN GAINOR: Media icons disappearing as anti-Trump crusade turns readers off


b4a210 No.1558241

Notables so far

Anything important missed?


>>1557831, >>1557967 Prayer thread

>>1557838 Airkek Updates

>>1557820, >>1557941 Brian Krassenstein declares war on Qanon

>>1557839, >>1557865, >>1557891, >>1557934 Updates on Abramovics house

>>1557878 Graphic proving NK deal is already done

>>1557937, >>1558012, >>1558225 Defining confidential informant and POTUS tweet

>>1558000 Common sense analysis of Q strategy and goals

>>1558009, >>1558169 ourt stamp from Wikileaks

>>1558035, >>1558056 POTUS tweet is FBI ref. from 12.3.17

>>1558108 V Sign

026204 No.1558242

File: 1fc9de824f394d2⋯.jpg (397.17 KB, 1701x796, 1701:796, zorro.JPG)


but whos is its bro ?

b2432a No.1558244


Just double-checked – it is the name field together with an email. For some reason it appears blue.

One could use a regex name filter like


to filter all, except "Anonymous" & "Q"

ed19b2 No.1558245

File: 919b08444203af8⋯.jpg (303.24 KB, 666x2660, 333:1330, e74c50e3fa022e7e1b09bd7945….jpg)

>>1557772 (lb)

Quite a dig on Poppy, poppies & MMore Poppies earlier this week.


>>1538181 >first time “National Poppy Day” will be observed in the United States on Friday, May 26

>>1538195 >Q drop connections?



>>1538734 >Opium Wars/Wizard of OZ

>>1538771 >Kansas/OZ



>>1538569 >get out period

>>1538300 >California Poppy

>>1538444 >Poppy, Bringer of Light




>>1538976 >MM coat of arms has poppy

>>1539039 >Opium poppies in Cali & UK

>>1539078 >Dorothy in the poppies

>>1539158 >"Spreading democracy", KEK!

>>1539178 >NK is major producer.


>>1539396 >poppies grow best in poor soil



>>1539236 >So that's why he's called Poppy

>>1539291 >Red Poppy celebration






>>1539852 >Fentanyl bust in Neb. this week

>>1539888 >pic repost< OXYCONTIN on TV

>>1540297 >more MM & poppies

>>1540751 >Poppy's penthouse

>>1541813 >BIG PHARMA #1 buyer of poppies globally?


>>1534389 #1928

>>1527355 #1919

>>1526996 #1918



>>1526098 #1917


b3981c No.1558246


Tony? Just a lid

733b93 No.1558247


>but not 118 for months at a time

It's happened here before, and it'll happen again.

548fcb No.1558248



b2432a No.1558249

86b071 No.1558250


Dang, good effort anon. No way I was about to write a book to explain, thanks for this.

d9974a No.1558251

Brian Mark Krassenstein

15128 Anchorage Way Fort Myers, FL

c0da30 No.1558252



I think Back Channel has been deleted. Since i never followed, can Anons verify?

edf39d No.1558253

File: 423e60ef40e59bf⋯.jpg (108.79 KB, 960x602, 480:301, HitlerArrestedRoth.jpg)


Yes ding dong the Kairites only follow the Torah.

Hitler had the Rothschilds he captured arrested and confiscated their wealth

>Wiki has been compromised since JA went MIA.

>Roseanne knows this.

b2960e No.1558254


You seem to think that allows people to deface, impede, obstruct and monetarily disrupt.

90cb11 No.1558255

95b4f9 No.1558257

File: bc7d77831f16620⋯.png (201.07 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Salvation_Army_V_X_BS.png)


not "victory" not even close

7ec59c No.1558258

File: 82ff4a93c935ce3⋯.jpg (97.69 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, closeup.jpg)


Tetragammaton is one of the suppressed names of God.

040f96 No.1558259


If Q were a quantum computer, then this conversation would be a slide.

Insert into comment filter and remember to click regex.


e5ad8b No.1558260

File: 65264a73bceaabc⋯.jpg (13.71 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 652.jpg)


If it's not worth you taking a screen cap it's not worth my time copying and pasting a link.

Those are my thoughts

cecc93 No.1558261

File: aa8a658d0a313c6⋯.jpg (80.65 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Bald eagle meme.jpg)





>>Krassenstein odd world nazi-sympathizing jew-hating /pol/ believe in reality hate-group message board lost souls child sex rings Las Vegas massacre incredibly vile Nazi-sympathizing group is dangerous convincing an incredibly large number of internet users

"Stein". Got an agenda here? Triggered much?

Well, faggots, looks like war.

5dd8be No.1558262


Not the "N" thing again. Do you even read the crumbs?????

From March 10, 2018:

Anonymous ID: 3569c9 No.621807 📁

Mar 10 2018 21:22:56 (EST)

Anyone mention NWO referencing Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the National Economic Order?

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d91044 No.621887 📁

Mar 10 2018 21:26:30 (EST)


We went too deep.

Attempted a pullback.

Not ready.


Q posted the anon reference, which is generally considered to mean the anon got it right.

f83ea7 No.1558263


looking good baker!

b3981c No.1558264

File: e166e875de366ed⋯.jpg (159.39 KB, 1440x1742, 720:871, IMG_2220.JPG)

Calm ought to be a super power

de40f8 No.1558265

File: e5f7b8e548059ca⋯.png (347.62 KB, 720x1094, 360:547, 20180527_192837.png)

Bush Snr. Back in Hospital.


22a389 No.1558266



You know we know your crimes. They know them too. But we've held power since ancient Egypt. Go ahead and cooperate with them, try to take us down, fool yourself to think it will make you free. We are the Hydra, our heads will grow back. We will remember. We will not forgive. Darkness always wins because light needs energy while darkness is a natural state.

Q=You and we will crush the enemy once and for all. We are the energy that will light the world. Their only hope is to seed doubt

This is very long but has nuggets all through about Masons dating back before Egyptian civilization.

https:/ /archive.org/stream/NewWorldOrderTheAncientPlanOfSecretSocieties/NewWorldOrderTheAncientPlanOfSecretSocieties_djvu.txt


Masonry can be traced back more than 5/000 years to the secret

societies of the ancient Egyptian priests. Masons who visit the tombs of

ancient Egypt are astounded by the religious symbols painted upon the

walls. There displayed before them are the same grips, signs, postures,

svmbols, and even the apron, used for their own initiation/

But some Masonic authors claim even greater antiquity. One Ma-

sonic writer claims it is older than any religion today and states that it

originated in "remote antiquity... The Order existed. ..as a compact, well

organized body long before the building of the oldest pyramid/' 8

According to General AlbertPike, head of American Masonry in the late

ISOQs, and still today regarded as the guiding light of modern Masonry:

With her traditions reaching back to the earliest times, and her

symbols dating farther back than even the monumental history of

Egypt extends.,, it is [still the same as] it was in the cradle of the human

race, when no human foot had trodden the soil of Assyria and Egypt. 9

Manly Hall, a thirty-third degree Mason, even claims that Masonry

originated in the mythical kingdom of Atlantis:

The age of the Masonic school is not to be calculated by hundreds

or even thousands of years, for it never had any origin in the worlds

of form. It is a shadow of the great Atlantean Mystery School, which

stood with all its splendor in the ancient City of the Golden Gates,

where now the turbulent Atlantic roils in unbroken sweep. 10


The vast majority of Masons believe that the Craft is only a fraternal

organization with ceremonial traditions. But according to Hall, the

guiding lights of Masonry believe Masons are the guardians of the

ancient secrets of life, collected and practiced by history's greatest

philosophers and adepts, known as the "Mysteries/' What are these

"Mysteries?" They are the occult secrets based on ritual magic that aid

its practitioners in learning how to gain power and wealth, how to

control the fate of men and nations, and interestingly, how to achieve

some measure of immortality. Accord ingto General AlbertPike:

Masonry, successor of the Mysteries, still follows the ancient

manner of teaching „. .Though Masonry is identical with the ancient

Mysteries, it is so only in this qualified sense: that it presents but an

imperfect image of their brilliancy, the ruins only of their grandeur,

anda system that has experience progressive alteraHons, thermits of

social events, political cui^imstances, and the ambitious imbecility of

its improvers/ 1

New World Order


Essential to the history of ancient Masonry are the Egyptian gods

Osiris and Isis. Masonic literature still abounds with references to both

these figures,

Isis has always been seen as the guiding light of the profession -of

prostitution; Osiris the chief evil god. Author Robert K.G. Temple

quotes an Egyptian "magical" papyrus as saying that "Osiris is a dark

God/' and that Isis is married to "He who is Lord in perfect blacf

Osiris was the god of the Egyptian underworld, the prince of thedead. u


One of the oldest, and most important symbols of Masonry is the

Egyptian hieroglyph of the eye — or the "evil eye/' It represents their

god Osiris. 1 J This "Eye of Osiris" is also the symbol of modern day

Masonry. It dominates the top of most Masonic documents, and now

dominates the back of the Great Seal of the United States, which is

reproduced on every American one -dollar bill I will demonstrate that

its presence on the Great Seal suggests that secret societies were

instrumental in creating the new nation of America, and still have an

important influence in the present day.

95b4f9 No.1558267

File: 11e9967be63cdcc⋯.png (33.72 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Mind_Control_Aquino_Set_Ge….png)

f9c9d2 No.1558268


I saw that! I honestly think BC17 was JA. I just had this gut feeling all along and then the last tweet (Paper airplanes) furthered that.

dabaf2 No.1558269



Y'all should re-post on Self-sufficiency thread.


More there, like minded

026204 No.1558270

File: 9eb288d9aa58d0d⋯.jpg (243.51 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, notbeef.jpg)


I love you man. I thot it was. I knew it. I saw some shit once at the rest stop halfway there. they were not locals.

accb57 No.1558271


You're saying people don't use their car, etc as a tool for profit? You're saying that if I use my private money to build a factory, that it is suddenly NOT my private property?

Found the socialist thief.

023e1a No.1558272


Trump has the FCC and FTC. If he wanted TWTR fixed it would be fixed.

Obviously it serves some purpose to let it remain as is for now.

c96189 No.1558273

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


No agenda there anon!


98aaa3 No.1558274



The answers are yes, no, wait

0db00d No.1558275

File: 1af373b4b3591da⋯.jpg (41.22 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 6trj4ibuw5yz.jpg)

68d45f No.1558276


You lost…

All three statements of that first meme are incorrect.

1. No - WW2 was a ploy to excuse the slaughter of millions and commit other atrocities.

2. I wouldn't say they lost- more like infiltrated and merged. Look into project paperclip and the escape of Hitler.

3. NO ! The Nazis were NOT the good guys. They were controlled by a Rothchild.

733b93 No.1558277


No, it does not.

That's why I'm confused as to why those people in that shopping center or whatever it was, wasn't arrested for disturbing the peace, which also means interrupting a business's normal operation as well.

f6f4d4 No.1558278


That's one ugly regular expression, anon. Looks like it can be simplified, but I ain't gonna bother.

df0066 No.1558279

File: 24f1fac9fead0d8⋯.png (567.26 KB, 739x480, 739:480, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 214d45dfe0564fa⋯.png (68.66 KB, 806x566, 403:283, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb12f4d74e75219⋯.png (48.43 KB, 774x508, 387:254, ClipboardImage.png)

Machine learning is helping computers spot arguments online before they happen

‘Hey there. It looks like you’re trying to rile someone up for no good reason?’

It’s probably happened to you. You’re having a chat with someone online (on social media, via email, in Slack) when things take a nasty turn. The conversation starts out civil, but before you know it, you’re trading personal insults with a stranger / co-worker / family friend. Well, we have some good news: scientists are looking into it, and with a little help from machine learning, they could help us stop arguments online before they even happen.

The work comes from researchers at Cornell University, Google Jigsaw, and Wikimedia, who teamed up to create software that scans a conversation for verbal ticks and predicts whether it will end acrimoniously or amiably. Notably, the software was trained and tested on a hotbed of high-stakes discussion: the “talk page” on Wikipedia articles, where editors discuss changes to phrasing, the need for better sources, and so on.

The software was preprogrammed to look for certain features that past research has shown correlates with a conversational mood. For example, signs that a discussion will go well include gratitude (“Thanks for your help”), greetings (“How’s your day going?”), hedges (“I think that”), and, of course, the liberal use of the word “please.” All this combines to create not only a friendly atmosphere, but an emotional buffer between the two participants. It’s essentially a no-man’s-land of disagreement, where someone can admit they’re wrong without losing face.

On the other hand, warning signs include repeated, direct questioning (“Why is there no mention of this? Why didn’t you look at that?”) and the use of sentences that start with second person pronouns (“Your sources don’t matter”), especially when they appear in the first reply, which suggests someone is trying to make the matter personal. To add to all these signals, the researchers also gauged the general “toxicity” of conversations using Google’s Perspective API, an AI tool that tries to measure how friendly, neutral, or aggressive any given text is.

Using a statistical method known as logistic regression, the researchers worked out how to best balance these factors when their software made its judgments. At the end of the training period, when given a pair of conversations that started friendly but where one ended in personal insults, the software was able to predict which was which just under 65 percent of the time. That’s pretty good, although some major caveats apply: first, the test was done on a limited data set (Wikipedia talk pages, where, unusually for online discussions, participants have a shared goal: improving the quality of an article). Second, humans still performed better at the same task, making the right call 72 percent of the time.

But for the scientists, the work shows that we’re on the right path to creating machines that can intervene in online arguments. “Humans have nagging suspicions when conversations will eventually go bad, and this [research] shows that it’s feasible for us to make computers aware of those suspicions, too,” Justine Zhang, a PhD student at Cornell University who worked on the project, tells The Verge.

Research like this is particularly interesting, as it’s part of an emerging body of work that uses machine learning to analyze online discussions. Tech giants like Facebook and Google, which operate huge, influential platforms full of angry commenters, are in dire need of tech like this. Recent outcry over Russian political ads on Facebook and horrific children’s content on YouTube suggest what the stakes are. These companies hope that AI will be able to do a better job (and cost less) than human moderators.

Answers this post from a few breads ago >>1554945

Remaining Posted above


1ac57f No.1558280


>math is not reality anon

>it is just a tool to measure form


All perception of (physical) reality is math based.

The shapes of things. Geometry is math based.

Light, sound, electrical waves. All measured and detected using math.

The scientific method (the [2] in that post) uses math and logic (the [1] in that post) to examine the world(physical reality).


No. I never said nor should it be inferred that I claim that math is reality.

>as to infinity please read herberts spencers

>"limits on human understanding"

No need to read that book. Many others have hashed and re-hashed the subject.

In a nutshell, the limits of human understanding are encompassed by all things finite.

The infinite cannot be completely comprehended. But, the 'concept' of infinity can be comprehended.

6f608a No.1558281

Some thoughts that we all might be on the wrong track here:

I mean we focus on the front figures - those who are the loudest. We should seek out the puppet masters. And by that I mean the real puppet masters. I think this whole system is not based on patriarchy.

Thinking mirror: Matriarchal system - women in charge of all decisions.

That would make HRC the front figure for US, Merkel in charge of EU, Queen in charge of former colonies. KJU "sister" (the one visiting the olympic games) was in charge of NK, and so on… Who is female and next to the Pope?

ae73f7 No.1558282


Shipping container homes are cheaper, and much stronger, but finishing out takes a while. I know- because my bunker is made from one, and I am still going down with boards every now and then…

(should have finished it out above ground, closed the doors, then buried it……)

d6958d No.1558283


it's time…..

6f1d09 No.1558284


Shame, it's such a good read.

c0da30 No.1558285

File: 9719cda55fc9752⋯.png (59.57 KB, 766x316, 383:158, AQ98.PNG)


Was this Twitter Channel Problematic?

Because they've been deleted.

4d109f No.1558286


You are guessing and you are wrong.

f9c9d2 No.1558287

e358c4 No.1558288


wikileaks retweetet this tweet. What is going on? Is wikileaks twitteracc. compromised?

51c3c6 No.1558289


fucking troll people!

f8c1bb No.1558290


>When it comes to the illegal sale of fentanyl, most of the attention has focused on Mexican cartels that are adding the drug to heroin smuggled into the United States. But Chinese suppliers are providing both raw fentanyl and the machinery necessary for the assembly-line production of the drug powering a terrifying and rapid rise of fatal overdoses across the United States and Canada, according to drug investigators and court documents.



>15 labs are in the US; 3 are in India; 1 each Germany, UK and Canada and 2 are in China, of which one of those is in Chongqing

>Inter-chemical (Hallochem Group)

>in Chongqing,

Whats the best way to hit China back for this?


>Bush Snr. Back in Hospital.

Here comes the reaper of souls. Judgement time is coming up!

040f96 No.1558291


case insensitivity isn't supported.

c3bbc7 No.1558292

Wake up Q ! we need something to do ! LOL ! I know We have more than we know…… Happy Memorial day !

95b4f9 No.1558293

File: 9eec9ccbb339b69⋯.png (245.74 KB, 979x486, 979:486, Manley_P_Hall_Read_Languag….png)


digits confirm - Manley P. Hall - learn to read the language of symbolism and the veil drops

6af531 No.1558294

File: b7099d5f0478cfb⋯.png (297.98 KB, 660x525, 44:35, Scavino45 5-27-18 11 02 am….PNG)

File: 4500d1e57ea9fa5⋯.png (293.91 KB, 607x340, 607:340, Scavino45 5-27-18 11 02 am….PNG)

b2960e No.1558295


Let’s not forget extortion

ed19b2 No.1558296

File: 09ee3b7f9325b67⋯.jpg (139.24 KB, 520x493, 520:493, Q[The 16 Year Plan].jpg)


Would suggest re-reading [These 16 Year Plan…].

All these events might be able to start making sense after allowing the full implication of these intentions to fully digest in the soul.

40b228 No.1558297

File: 6e952d3bb553c5e⋯.png (196.32 KB, 646x431, 646:431, Screenshot-2018-5-7 (3) Al….png)

File: c8563c320e49585⋯.png (205.24 KB, 649x427, 649:427, Screenshot-2018-5-7 (3) Al….png)

File: ebcdf49339a4ced⋯.png (191.63 KB, 651x433, 651:433, Screenshot-2018-5-7 (3) Al….png)

File: 5f99fc91010878e⋯.png (362.87 KB, 649x429, 59:39, Screenshot-2018-5-7 (3) Al….png)


>Follow the Y heads


5dcbcd No.1558298

File: e22e7c3a1c9a95c⋯.jpg (286.06 KB, 800x560, 10:7, auschwitz-hospital[1].jpg)




2dd294 No.1558299

>>1557431 last bread

you know J Denver was murdered.

Father was in military...

look up he's real last name.

fe5e22 No.1558300

File: 7a0491bf6682c99⋯.jpg (609.56 KB, 2000x1500, 4:3, UD3.jpg)


Sarah posted a similar pic on twitter (anon memed)

874d90 No.1558301

Haven't seen anyone mention that one of the significant books Weinstein was holding, along with the one about Kazan who "was called before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1952 and became a cooperative witness by naming names," was Weinstein's "little black book"?

d111a9 No.1558302

COMMIEfornia anon here.

Time to VOTE the dems out.

We, The People of the Golden State have an opportunity to shift

the Balance of POWER back to the Citizens.

MoonBeam - Gone!

Pe"lost"i - Gone!

Not "So-Feinstein" - Gone!

"Cabala" Harris - Gone!

Eric "Cock" Holder - Gone!

We can do this PATRIOTS!!!


10e5cf No.1558303


That is absolutely what the blood lines are about.

ac5c37 No.1558304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MIA Paper Planes

JA is in Miami. There ya go.

882a8b No.1558305

File: ff5b5472e6c8bd3⋯.jpg (109.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, code geass eye.jpg)


I feel like I've seen the first pic before. Isn't that code geass?

023e1a No.1558306


Kek. Couldn't have said it better.

e358c4 No.1558307


It first was deleted, than it was back online (lost almost all followers, had around 400 after the first delet), and now it´s deleted again

af2761 No.1558308

File: 239fbf8a0a7ec46⋯.jpg (100.67 KB, 788x398, 394:199, cabinkit - Copy.jpg)


heres the one i had my eye on, i talked them down to 14k

f6c152 No.1558309


And hung like a chimera

e0041b No.1558310

File: 2219578961e7272⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, little devils church from ….jpg)



is that Dona Ana?

733b93 No.1558311


If you can understand a simple difference between you owning a business and a residence, stop posting on my comments.

Cause I'm not going to write a fucking book about it.

ed19b2 No.1558312




f6f4d4 No.1558313


It's still suffering from uglyosis, though.

4d109f No.1558314


Could have been JA, could have been someone, pretending to be JA.

I find it weird that he/ they closed their account.

BTW, I find it more than weird that Q isn't posting.

4229d6 No.1558315


thanks, i thought it meant in a literal term like who the f sent home young kinds in clothes torn to pieces?!….

b3981c No.1558316

Nothing burger

68d45f No.1558317


You didn't read my post. shame on you.

So because holocaust is a lie Hitler must be a good guy?

Or how am i supposed to interpret this?

51c3c6 No.1558318

548fcb No.1558319


Exactly. Wtf is happening

4fb322 No.1558320


High IQ post.

accb57 No.1558321


They are both my property…private property, faggot

1ac57f No.1558322


There are some anons that will occasionally drop good info but will also use the name field.

Those, although few, would be filtered.

But I like your idea as a starting point.

Ty for that.

8a4aec No.1558323


Don't forget Mad Max and Swallowswell.

7dd4ce No.1558324


I get all that and believe the evil that they do, its clear to me since I started questioning everything a few years ago that they feel that are somehow better than us. I believe there are more awakened individuals who say nothing for fear of being told they are crazy or will be punished for going against what we see in the Propaganda. I speak to alot of different people both Americans and those who came here looking for a better life, they are not all on the liberal Progressive movement train, they want what we have or what the anons here on this board are trying to preserve and get back. Most people who I hear spout MSM stuff are in Academia and are Political leaders (local) and they all say the same thing (brainwashed or doing what they are told). Its absolutely terrifying that those in the deep state have tentacles that long and powerful.

f46c45 No.1558325

File: a51b954710d16bb⋯.jpg (22.01 KB, 400x267, 400:267, 367322c4737506552572c5fcd1….jpg)

9b9a4e No.1558326


Remember to Pray for Your Enemies, Really Pray for their well being!! That they would wake up and see what they have done and come clean!! Testify to their sins and possible be saved!!

ab922d No.1558327

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush taken to hospital in Maine



51c3c6 No.1558328

9a5566 No.1558329

5dcbcd No.1558330


>holocaust is a lie

e0041b No.1558331


checkerboard pattern on the south beach of little saint james is definitely a CGI overlay.

(me) >>1557827

4fb322 No.1558332


Welcome to Friday.

24d73f No.1558333

File: 2a1cd191957eab5⋯.jpg (205.41 KB, 1200x794, 600:397, terminators.jpg)

6f1458 No.1558334

File: e3fe9eecfb091a5⋯.jpg (56.81 KB, 615x450, 41:30, lg.jpg)

c0da30 No.1558335


I had a list from here about Twitter channels that were questionable. Zero Hour and Back Channel were on the list. Both gone now.

0f7440 No.1558336


Imagine designing (architect) , ordering parts (wood, cement, roofing, nails, etc.) and assembling (local builder) a car in your driveway. It would be too expensive and PIECE OF SHIT.

cecc93 No.1558337

File: dbd89c9a27e563f⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 250x223, 250:223, Pepe Thumbs UP.jpg)


>They are in NK right now. Finalizing the summit.

THAT my friends, is a Happening! The give and take behind the scenes must be mind boggling.

Think about it: A team of U.S. officials crossed into North Korea to prepare for a summit between President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un.

And it happened in my lifetime. Amazing timeline anon's. Simply amazing.

6b55ac No.1558338


Ohhh are you talking about Indivual Eleven? Q poster about it a while back I believe.


Other than that I am not sure. I don't watch the stuff. You would know better than I.

ae73f7 No.1558339


112 for 2mos a few years ago was a bitch.

Still not as bad compared to Arizona (where anon was considering), most shoes melt (or soles come off) on hot pavement before you can get to your car!

Wooded areas are never as brutal, so I stayed in TX and keep trees nearby.

b3981c No.1558340

File: 7efb67ead42ef23⋯.jpg (68.65 KB, 600x450, 4:3, IMG_2079.JPG)


5dd8be No.1558341


Go with an earthship.

d9974a No.1558342

Heidi Louise Krassenstein (wife)

Lives in: Fort Myers, Florida

Phone: (239) 994-1281

Age: 36

Gender: Female

Race: White, Non Hispanic

733b93 No.1558343


You own no business.

Fucking liar.

If you did, you would know what I'm telling you is correct.

You have both business property and private property…fucking liar.

5dcbcd No.1558344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SIX MILLION JEWS 1915- 1938 (understand the numbers significance)

6af531 No.1558345

File: d197eab17a08a30⋯.png (31.16 KB, 643x331, 643:331, Jr re 1776 5-27-18.PNG)

Reason #1776 for the original #brexit. Don’t let America follow in those footsteps.

4d109f No.1558347


No, not all people, posting jokes that you don't get, are trolls.

c6446c No.1558348

File: fc6ab9ca5f417b2⋯.jpg (33.52 KB, 306x377, 306:377, checkembigly.jpg)


Future FB moderators.

86b071 No.1558349


What you don't realize is that it did happen, it just wasn't all Jews or even a Jewish Majority that died. The 6 million encompasses ALL. BAKA.

50c0be No.1558350

File: e5e644bab2eac6f⋯.jpg (404.47 KB, 1080x1260, 6:7, Screenshot_20180527-113816….jpg)

havent seen any memes yet about him & jfk… now would be nice

6870d8 No.1558351


Who controlled the media in the US and UK during the war, after the war, and now?

Why believe their preferred narrative?

just Google "January 5 1993 Nazi's declare karaites are not racial Jewish"

It was arranged by Alfred Ernst Rosenberg, the Nazi propoganda minister (same last name as Hillary Clinton her Grandpa

accb57 No.1558352


Yeah, exactly. There is a reason trade exists. Some people are just better at doing certain things. If they simply end up making "better" cars in Japan, then we trade with them the things that WE do better.

af2761 No.1558353


a mm is only 3rd degree

blue lodge

worker beez

totally kept in dark

5dcbcd No.1558354

874d90 No.1558355


Was there a mention of the little black book or not? Apologies if I missed it. Haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else either.

24d73f No.1558356



The Woman in the positions of power is more powerful than the man.

f46c45 No.1558357


68d45f No.1558358


Wow you slimy bastard.

Putting words in my mouth.

I just cited the provided sauce.

Answer my question or fuck off…

b3981c No.1558359

Punching bags before peanuts dulce

5dd8be No.1558360



Meditation is passive. Prayer is active.

3c0dbe No.1558361

File: 44e0cf455122965⋯.jpg (771.83 KB, 1630x1808, 815:904, nasimspirit.jpg)

6870d8 No.1558362


January 5 1393

e77907 No.1558363


sitting here talking with my Dad, have always spoken to him about this board. he asked an interesting question. what ever happened to all the Czars under Obama? are they still there, replaced? i don't believe i've ever read anyone talk about this. there were dozens of Czars in parallel to cabinet members thruout the government. where did they go?

86b071 No.1558364


>That's the joke

accb57 No.1558365


I won 2 businesses. One of them is run out of my house. Is my house suddenly public property?

Not my fault that your anal echo is confusing you.

e358c4 No.1558366


0Hour is not gone

070835 No.1558367

File: e256b791ef6627a⋯.jpeg (262.54 KB, 720x537, 240:179, faggotry_full_set.jpeg)

c0da30 No.1558368


Sauce doesn't check.

cc982b No.1558369

File: b3d7166a5371051⋯.png (175.23 KB, 598x472, 299:236, Suicide.png)

File: a56745515bb9b55⋯.png (19.92 KB, 405x358, 405:358, q black vote.png)

File: 4dd227ded471789⋯.png (143.47 KB, 704x625, 704:625, 82 13.png)

File: fa145940e769e54⋯.png (8.47 KB, 748x158, 374:79, 82 of 13 prisons.png)

File: a49e9fbc8f61cb0⋯.pdf (3 MB, McLeod Prison Abolition Ed….pdf)

82 following 13 years of Solitary Confinement

b3981c No.1558370



6870d8 No.1558371


Damn typo 1939

95b4f9 No.1558372


my bet… he stays around till June 21/22

733b93 No.1558373


Not in the piney woods area then, are ya?

The heat and the fucking CRAZY humidity makes it horrible outside.

Even today is an 'indoor-day'. Kek!

ac5c37 No.1558374


cool how you randomly jab at keys and make it look like a special code. Super Spoopy.

7f4deb No.1558375


Nothing. He said we have it all. He said it's happening and there's no turning back. And he said enjoy the show. I wouldn't be surprised if Q's job here is finished.

604da7 No.1558376


If we were allowed to make our own cars locally, a pickup wouldn't cost $70k.

A monopoly on homes would only serve to raise prices.

af2761 No.1558377


oh its nothing people, its just meta data, sheep, oh ok its just meta data

b3981c No.1558378


733b93 No.1558380



6b55ac No.1558381

File: 2a7d4923ad8ab35⋯.jpg (12.1 KB, 183x275, 183:275, download-2.jpg)


You are correct!!!! Tyvm!!! Oh that puts more together!! I will be looking at this. Thanks again!!!!

59296b No.1558382

File: 0b468da72a727e7⋯.png (192.83 KB, 894x952, 447:476, chrome_2018-05-27_11-40-31.png)

File: bfc4267a35fcc7f⋯.png (234.96 KB, 599x744, 599:744, chrome_2018-05-27_11-40-42.png)

File: 68358ee574fe4f9⋯.png (72.37 KB, 609x824, 609:824, chrome_2018-05-27_11-40-51.png)

had an old browser tab and grabbed these BC17 posts before delete (sorry if repost, not saying anything about BC17, just archiving while i have them)

ae73f7 No.1558383


I think "by definition" that is what I have.

Totally renewable, although a standard septic system may not be earthship defined.

b2960e No.1558384


I demand access to your vault!

95b4f9 No.1558385


the women in the cult are higher than the men

28cfae No.1558386


^^^ luciferian witch identified

a0cf6f No.1558387



026204 No.1558388

File: 2ba4f4e36ffeedd⋯.png (6.87 KB, 214x236, 107:118, qmustsposts.png)


no more up way north

6f1d09 No.1558389

File: dd63d691e9c9ed6⋯.png (176.04 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

c96189 No.1558390

>Heidi Louise Krassenstein



>Much of the material on the site is recycled clickbait aimed at anti-Trump readers. (“Watch as Betsy DeVos Flops in Her ’60 Minutes’ Interview,” reads a recent headline.) A few tweets from the site remain up that point to the page’s original, less-than-newsy background.

Anons, even ThinkProgress shits on Brian Krassenstein and his brother pretty hard. Not even worth the time of day. Let their few followers learn about Q

8d5116 No.1558391

Wikileaks is 100% compromised if the tweet with Roseanne is accurate

af2761 No.1558392


damn it, i want him to stand trial for jfk

f9c9d2 No.1558393


How did you attach the pdf? I didn't know we had the ability.

53aa81 No.1558394

File: 88a35ef51872e92⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 2884x3176, 721:794, soyface.jpg)


so she's basically saying Q is a Deep State psyop to round up all the people who are against the Deep State by exposing the machinations and connections of the Deep State and the evils that they do.

brilliantly retarded.

dd2c8b No.1558395

File: 6e9a8b56066be7f⋯.jpg (105.77 KB, 620x856, 155:214, Dale-Gribble-Was-Right.jpg)


good to see you

It is nice to have BAKER with well developed sense of discernment.

0f7440 No.1558396


Hence why we should be building homes in factories in places like the Mid-west. Our homes would be the BEST HOMES in the world. Imagine if we built homes like cars. Just pour a pad and assemble in a week.

604da7 No.1558397


Damn good question, anon.

Notable for digging?

18c273 No.1558398


Planefag Recon back in

2ATRC and 2ATRF still showing as on the ground at PRG

9fc52c No.1558399

File: c08e9d46d3f65ad⋯.png (235.55 KB, 1180x720, 59:36, Screen Shot 2018-05-27 at ….png)


Looks like some are still in place.


a0cf6f No.1558400


He needs to die like yesterday. Fuck all that noise.

5dd8be No.1558401


Anonymous ID: 3569c9 No.621807 📁

Mar 10 2018 21:22:56 (EST)

Anyone mention NWO referencing Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the National Economic Order?

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d91044 No.621887 📁

Mar 10 2018 21:26:30 (EST)


We went too deep.

Attempted a pullback.

Not ready.


6af531 No.1558402

File: 1dd8a64da444876⋯.png (48.96 KB, 651x366, 217:122, MZHemingway re NYT 5-27-18.PNG)

File: 71ac541648c597b⋯.png (82.69 KB, 650x630, 65:63, Stelter to MZHemingway re ….PNG)

24d73f No.1558403


Time for archive and prepare it.

edf39d No.1558404


Jews…Talmudist and Atheist Jews are the problem…

The Talmud is Satanic

Atheist Jews were behind the Holodomer and Maos Great leap forward.

I can list many Atheist and Talmudist Rosenberg Jews

You are selling lies that are easily debunked

f9c9d2 No.1558405


I agree and it really seems so…I think DeepState has compromised it.

29ef67 No.1558406


bread eater's a bread eater, a shill's a shill

51c3c6 No.1558407


ignore fucking nonsense questions by trolls. like this idiot

2990fa No.1558408


if I remember correctly, 6m was also on twitter when SA was in the news and someone was imprisoned

82f635 No.1558409

I'm surprised Q never mentioned Dick Cheney.

8a4aec No.1558410


Not familiar with her.

5dd8be No.1558411


Anonymous ID: 3569c9 No.621807 📁

Mar 10 2018 21:22:56 (EST)

Anyone mention NWO referencing Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the National Economic Order?

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d91044 No.621887 📁

Mar 10 2018 21:26:30 (EST)


We went too deep.

Attempted a pullback.

Not ready.


cc982b No.1558412


I just dropped it to see if it would work and it did.

51c3c6 No.1558413



8d5116 No.1558414


Or maybe this is misdirection by the white hats

733b93 No.1558415


Thanks to Lilith's drive for dominance over man.

She was pissed for being made to be subservient to man. She refused to comply, thus the arrival of Eve.

accb57 No.1558416


Trying to navigate through that "beyond marxist" pile of babble was headache inducing. Spent a few days on it back when it was posted.

b3981c No.1558417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There is something about admiring an oppressor it's described as Stockholm

Send cash

TITs orgtfo


e8621f No.1558418

File: 7f0a39761f7a2f5⋯.pdf (295.23 KB, Case # 12-cv-2997.pdf)


Case did not end in a default judgement against the defendant but had an order in 2013 that was favorable to the defendant

5dcbcd No.1558419

File: 797a6e7d3c72780⋯.jpg (16.13 KB, 313x232, 313:232, churchsignjewsarebetterdeu….jpg)

Jewish Superiority - For the Bible (that the Jews wrote) Tells Us So!


1ac57f No.1558420


Mentioned this earlier but OK to repeat:

BO recently determined that FE/AIM/muhjoos were posting using a single IP address at that time.

I've noticed the spambot using different IP's in this bread. >>1558119

I also noticed an anti-BV shill doing the same a few days ago.

Interdasting to say the least.

40b228 No.1558421


Yeah, just flood his twitter with Q posts. those krassenfrauds are already in deep water for their own scams, personal attacks would only serve to bolster their message.. Drop the redpills and move on.

095373 No.1558422

File: 5e9ab1f996384c9⋯.png (108.33 KB, 438x510, 73:85, this-guy-just-needs-to-fuc….png)

0f7440 No.1558423


Damn I must have hit it.

Little St James Island = Neverland

f9c9d2 No.1558424


Memeanons…should meme this!

51c3c6 No.1558425


fuckoff troll

b2960e No.1558426

File: 12dd40e4d1a07cb⋯.jpeg (219.06 KB, 1360x1028, 340:257, E0958EC2-BEEE-4BEF-8065-1….jpeg)

File: d026b453667eba5⋯.jpeg (320.21 KB, 1972x1238, 986:619, 900042FE-818E-4BA6-A2D7-0….jpeg)

File: f96ec03e04cee6b⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 81158049-03EE-4FE8-8844-A8….png)

This dude is a real winner.

4d109f No.1558427


Anon, never excuse yourself for researching and archiving and posting.

This is a platform for open minded people.

The narrow minded will have no power over what you are thinking. You know, who you are and you never have to ask permission for what you think and what you deem worthy of research.

a0cf6f No.1558428

d6958d No.1558429

File: 4f38b1883ca5d0f⋯.png (682.59 KB, 1007x918, 1007:918, ClipboardImage.png)

d111a9 No.1558430

File: d654eb71cea0383⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1236x992, 309:248, 3cca93e42c758e451d13b32f5e….png)


Nasim forgives you.

Feel her Strength!!!

3f36fd No.1558431

>>1557131 (from previous board)

The referenced post notes that RFK JR is working through the fact that maybe Sirhan Sirhan was not the lone shooter (sound familiar?).


So let's think this through (and this may be notable).

1. We know that LBJ didn't like JFK or RFK. That's well documented. He felt the eastern educated brothers didn't respect the Texan and that the only reason they needed him was to get the Texas and southern vote.

2. We also know that LBJ has been thought to be involved and possibly responsible for JFK's assassination.

3. We know that Bobby hated LBJ.

4. We know that LBJ used J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI to spy on Goldwater during the 64 elections.

5. We know that Johnson decided not to run in 68--this has been attributed to the problems of the Vietnam War

Now let's posit:

1. Suppose that Bobby knew that LBJ was responsible for JFK's death (there's also been talk that perhaps Bobby was involved because of Jealousy).

2. Suppose that Bobby told LBJ that he would blow the whistle on him if LBJ ran in 68

3. Suppose that LBJ dropped out to avoid the problem and give in to the blackmail.

4. And just suppose that LBJ out of revenge had Bobby hit.

There is also discussion in the article that Sirhan was hypnotized and didn't remember shooting or saying some of the things he said (MK Ultra??--if LBJ was involved it wouldn't be out of the questions)

Just thinkin...

cc982b No.1558432


nice file hehe

f6f4d4 No.1558433


I'm thinking the same. Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon, and the other big ones are just front-ends to the LifeLog database.

59296b No.1558434


<3 anons are the best

f9c9d2 No.1558435



604da7 No.1558436


You've obviously never lived in a trailer or modular home. They're crap quality.

5dcbcd No.1558437

File: 8cf65d4b5c68106⋯.jpg (80.13 KB, 600x1033, 600:1033, trigabso.jpg)

ae73f7 No.1558438


Yup. In the pines alright.

The humidity is a beast.

Bugs at dawn are brutal too. (subside after temp stabilizes and not bad during day)

But very wooded land (only exception is south facing open for solar) makes it really not bad in shade.

(I am so fed up with libs that I actually keep poison ivy on my fences!)

"Weapons grade poison ivy" according to the wife.

b3981c No.1558439

File: b65bdd36ddda413⋯.png (488.93 KB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2106.PNG)

4d109f No.1558440


And dull people are dull people.

2041f8 No.1558441


Hey Lurking Baker, if you bake until #1963, Don't forget to Honor JFK with the title :)

548fcb No.1558442


Holy shit how can I have been so blind? Thanks for righting my ship and restoring my faith!

cecc93 No.1558443

File: adad1437b12b29e⋯.png (33.37 KB, 597x879, 199:293, Trump foreign visit's.PNG)

File: 49a175a7168f372⋯.png (36.1 KB, 562x862, 281:431, Trumps visitors.PNG)


>which is just them spying via xkeyscore and all the other CIA/IQT/DARPA projects to spy on anything/everything sent over a wire.

I think that's what an anon was trying to get at with this post:


Trump has met face to face with all of these leaders/heads of state because NO electronic comms are secure. We have returned to the era of codes, dead letter drops, etc. Old old tradecraft.

So why did Trump prioritize his face to face meetings this way, and what do the repeat visits signify?

8a4aec No.1558444


That is pure male dominance thinking.

8867d5 No.1558445

File: 285d8d7059ccb4e⋯.png (259.57 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1200px-US-KEKbees-Insignia.png)


This is glorious.

46e915 No.1558446


Another one bites the dust

fe1a6f No.1558447


Wikileaks is comped.

ae73f7 No.1558448


Seems very likely…

Even a drunk anon AGREES.

cc982b No.1558449

33efad No.1558450

File: 5187d42e90bf175⋯.jpg (557.44 KB, 1300x849, 1300:849, TP 05272018_2.jpg)


2fde8f No.1558451

File: 94766e1e57b53e4⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 480x228, 40:19, tenor (3).gif)

b4a210 No.1558452

>>1558164, >>1558395

ThanQs for kind words, doing my best and learning from mistakes hopfully ;)


Heh, will try to remember, give a reminder


Last call for updates


>>1557831, >>1557967 Prayer thread

>>1557838 Airkek Updates

>>1557820, >>1557941 Brian Krassenstein declares war on Qanon

>>1557827 Checkerboard pattern on the south beach of little saint james is definitely a CGI overlay.

>>1557839, >>1557865, >>1557891, >>1557934 Updates on Abramovics house

>>1557878 Graphic proving NK deal is already done

>>1557937, >>1558012, >>1558225 Defining confidential informant and POTUS tweet

>>1558000 Common sense analysis of Q strategy and goals

>>1558009, >>1558169 ourt stamp from Wikileaks

>>1558035, >>1558056 POTUS tweet is FBI ref. from 12.3.17

>>1558108 V Sign

>>1558245 Update on poppies

>>1558265, >>1558350 Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush taken to hospital in Maine

>>1558345 Trump Jr. tweet re: Tommy being arrested in England

>>1558363 What ever happened to all the Czars under Obama?

>>1558369 82 following 13 years of Solitary Confinement

9b9a4e No.1558453


It is because of this prophecy that we have always anticipated that 6 million of our people would perish prior to our being allowed to return to Israel, as can be seen in the numerous references to "six million Jews" made by many of our rabbis and scholars who saw the Shoah coming decades before the prophecy of our return to Israel was fulfilled. As far back as 1900, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, who was the major leadership figure of the American Jewish Congress during its formative period, spoke of the "6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering, arguments in favor of Zionism" when he addressed an audience who had come to hear him speak as reported in the New York Times on June 11, 1900.

c96189 No.1558454



82f635 No.1558455

what does WRWY mean?

8d5116 No.1558456


we are with you

4d109f No.1558457


What are you doing here, not knowing, what Q wrote?

Or are you too dumb to understand what we are researching here?

685eda No.1558458

>>1557041 (two breads back)

Haha, good one.

Nice observation. Is similar to the ear yes.

No, his is a Flemish accent. The peasant version of Dutch if you will.

Hmmm, like Australian to American ears much like.

He plays for the zionist globalist team, no doubt about it.

I don't think he's part of the tribe though. Could be... dunno.

He has worked himself up to be one of the 'big players' ('voices') of the white genocidal Kalergi agenda in the €U forum. He has a past in Belgian politics, but has been spat out by the voters since. How much still vote for him is unclear to me, must be some: he's still there.

Wish he met with some nasty accident, aneurism or such like.

Belgians consider him a loser and a turd like disturbance into their lives, albeit a very well payed one. Maxine and Nancy come to mind here in this context. Just so you know. Bury the kike if at all you can.

b3981c No.1558460

The I hope I'm not enabling some shit storm, some one might blame me for their feelings or something

e0041b No.1558461



e mentioned that church in the same breath as paperclip a few days ago, i found it.

importing jalisco, followed by your map made me wonder.

i'll keep thinking.

68d45f No.1558462


No? that is the actual story of Lillth…


0f7440 No.1558463


Obama = Peter Pan

Maggie Nixon = Wendy (note blue ribbon in hair)

Little St. James WAS Neverland for many Peter Pans and Wendys before Obama.

ae73f7 No.1558464


You tagged wrong anon I expect.

I'm drunk . too…

So I will not rip into you on the holiday for that…

46e915 No.1558465


I live in a mobile home. It's comfy when it's 100 or -30, and I own it outright (paid cash for it.)

You can have your house payments (slaves to the bank)

733b93 No.1558466


>(I am so fed up with libs that I actually keep poison ivy on my fences!)

>"Weapons grade poison ivy" according to the wife.

OMG! It's too fucking funny that you mention doing that!!!! KEK!

We do it here too!!!!

5dcbcd No.1558467

File: 66ac9a9902183b5⋯.jpg (106.57 KB, 600x524, 150:131, 66ac9a9902183b53d0c86b46bb….jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7ed4202656a544b….jpg)

File: 2a7b96dde88221a⋯.jpg (39.6 KB, 480x356, 120:89, 32907460_1042867409203574_….jpg)

File: bfb3d3aa59b0090⋯.jpg (368.31 KB, 652x572, 163:143, izzy.jpg)

df0066 No.1558468

File: 1c3900c446d963c⋯.png (690.13 KB, 582x437, 582:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40ac756efaf05d2⋯.png (106.23 KB, 644x976, 161:244, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4386228d0cb37ef⋯.png (90.88 KB, 592x766, 296:383, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eed050360e2e408⋯.png (198.59 KB, 623x1808, 623:1808, ClipboardImage.png)

The Line Between Big Tech and Defense Work

For months, a growing faction of Google employees has tried to force the company to drop out of a controversial military program called Project Maven. More than 4,000 employees, including dozens of senior engineers, have signed a petition asking Google to cancel the contract. Last week, Gizmodo reported that a dozen employees resigned over the project. “There are a bunch more waiting for job offers (like me) before we do so,” one engineer says. On Friday, employees communicating through an internal mailing list discussed refusing to interview job candidates in order to slow the project’s progress.

Other tech giants have recently secured high-profile contracts to build technology for defense, military, and intelligence agencies. In March, Amazon expanded its newly launched "Secret Region" cloud services supporting top-secret work for the Department of Defense. The same week that news broke of the Google resignations, Bloomberg reported that Microsoft locked down a deal with intelligence agencies. But there’s little sign of the same kind of rebellion among Amazon and Microsoft workers.

Employees from the three companies say the different responses reflect different company cultures, as well as the specifics of the contracts. Project Maven is an effort to use artificial intelligence to interpret images from drones. Amazon and Microsoft also provide the government with artifical intelligence to analyze data, including image recognition. But Project Maven’s focus on drones combined with Google’s unusually open culture—the company has been riven for months by debates and lawsuits over workplace diversity—has emboldened employees to speak out.

“Amazon culture is more pragmatic and less idealistic than Google,” one Amazon engineer told WIRED. “Amazon’s ethos is about business ruthlessness rather than technical purity, and that does filter down to individual tech employees.”

Employees are not blind to reports about difficult working conditions in Amazon warehouses, but they’re skeptical of broad critiques. “Most long-term employees are either good at ignoring what’s going on in other parts of the company or they don’t think it’s a problem and probably don’t think working with the military is a problem either,” the employee said. In 2017, Amazon shrugged off an employee petition to sever Amazon’s advertising ties with the right-wing news site Breitbart; that left employees feeling powerless about changing the company’s business decisions.

At Microsoft, two employees said neither they nor their coworkers had been aware of the intelligence contract before WIRED asked. One of the employees later said that Microsoft’s defense contract was “totally different” from Project Maven, and no different from any other government agency using Microsoft’s government cloud services


Google and Amazon did not respond to questions. Microsoft declined to comment, but last week the company told WIRED it has refused some commercial projects involving artificial intelligence after input from an internal ethics board. “If something bad happens, folks would and do speak up,” the Microsoft employee said.

https:// www.wired.com/story/the-line-between-big-tech-and-defense-work/

11f321 No.1558469


Everyone on here knows they are "known" entities to the DS and white hats.

If you didn't know that, now you do.

86bfd5 No.1558470


Thanks for re-posting, anon

8a4aec No.1558471


You buy the Iie.

b3981c No.1558472

THink cousin pickle

374357 No.1558473

File: cafb32b7c5f6e31⋯.jpg (47.59 KB, 967x1067, 967:1067, _20180527_142109.JPG)

File: 765c968d48b68c0⋯.jpg (255.76 KB, 1440x1620, 8:9, _20180527_144533.JPG)

File: 6c8aa60b7fb9f7c⋯.jpg (259.14 KB, 1440x1619, 1440:1619, _20180527_144544.JPG)

File: 74700d537ae4e80⋯.jpg (265.25 KB, 1440x1632, 15:17, _20180527_144554.JPG)

Bring back the gallows

84e35d No.1558474


They were in NK in November 2017

a0cf6f No.1558475


Can someone promote my a real patriot's GoFundMe?! FFS this guy hasn't seen his son in 5 years and is finally reconciling with his baby mama to have a chance to move in and finally be with his boy! He left Hollywood after seeing all the gross pedo shit, anons! HELP ONE OF OUR OWN OUT! Come on lads!

https:// www.gofundme.com/reuniteafatherandson

He's only asking for assistance to make his kid's birthday special. $1000 isn't much if (((Corsi))) can get half that within 15 minutes of a stream. WWG1WGA! I think this is the same anon who solved Iron Eagle = Eager Lion too!

Anons, unite!

04608d No.1558476

File: 3af6bfc8890bfad⋯.png (1.47 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Final Final please check a….png)

File: 09291b1100ef91a⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1739x1030, 1739:1030, precursor jef epstien.png)

Anons have been EXTREMELY helpful in fixing/

Helping with this graphic on Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.

If there's any Faggots out there wondering why

Q is stressing Unity, This is Why.

stronger together

is a shit cliche, but its true.

I've read this over like 12 times, (super dislexic

so it doesn't matter there's still mistakes)

I added a Q-crumb to a Meme with the current

Aquino dig updated/"corrected" info (img related),

(which i will correct again if anons are gracious

enough to look over this work for the 10th time

and Identify anything wrong)

Also left space in the Meme for hashtags, more imgs,

or anything else that could be helpful to driving

the message home that these Satanist fucks

exist, and they are in the highest levels of our



ac5c37 No.1558477

Do not be so consumed with hate that your lust for vengeance cannot be quenched.

Study your enemy and take the wins that do not disturb the other prey.

Appear weak and confused, your enemy will delight in his arrogance.

Remove the enemy, one small piece at a time.

Always be many moves ahead of your opponent.

Always remain vigilant.

When the enemy is down to the last standing, let him believe he is winning.

A good counter-attack ALWAYS defeats an offense that charges in with anger.

Use the enemy's inertia against him.

Crush the enemy under his own weight.


ae73f7 No.1558478


"Every plant has purpose!"


"Except weed!"


a160c7 No.1558479

File: 5a742d101de2ac0⋯.png (62.97 KB, 791x487, 791:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f65bc347d3000e1⋯.png (301.51 KB, 1087x465, 1087:465, ClipboardImage.png)



It is really one or the other and I put together a decision tree.


SEE >>1558012 >>1558225






f46c45 No.1558480


19f04a No.1558481

File: 5f1291352efa299⋯.jpg (347.3 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, HatCode.jpg)

Interesting coincidence:

From 5-23 POTUS tweet, the smaller number on the rightmost firefighter's hat (463) is the overlay area code for 317, same as that for the Nobelsville, IN middle school where a (false flag) shooter failed to inflict fatalities two days later on 5-25 (clock hands at 5/5 = 5:25 = Q). Chatter picked up pre-FF?

46e915 No.1558482

Alice & Wonderland

Alice = Q = Us

Wonderland = Chans anons desire to learn.

68d45f No.1558483


Ok. Fair enough.

Do you have better sauces or are you just here to tell me that what i have researched is wrong?

4a8c1d No.1558484

File: 7fadcb882bd2ca5⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 697x795, 697:795, 7fadcb882bd2ca591c30642912….jpg)


Ark Hive Off Line

6870d8 No.1558485


Just stating facts, you know that during the Napoleon war the Rotschilds also controlled both sides, right?

7b073b No.1558486

File: b6a863f5b96d1a8⋯.jpg (923.7 KB, 1288x966, 4:3, DSCN022423TY.jpg)

I have a brand new Twitter account, looking for some current #'s

and who is the target?

d02480 No.1558487



Not saying it is or isn't a CGI overlay, but if you go from year to year in Google Earth air photo history, it's only present in one of them. The rest it's just dirt/sand. It does look like there is some construction activity going on in the image immediately preceding the checkerboard one.

e2fa9f No.1558488

File: c2bb01e0b461efe⋯.jpg (37.94 KB, 497x298, 497:298, DemonRats.jpg)

a0cf6f No.1558489


Yet the Dupont family lobbied the government to outlaw hemp because it would destory the BPA induced plastics industry…As well as the fuel, clothing, health industries…

ed19b2 No.1558490

File: 85fc70a970b86e8⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 640x309, 640:309, eye_of_horus_thalamus_brai….jpg)


>very long

No problem. It's time to call the spade a spade.

They do love to use this "Ancient History" against us as the ultimate chokepoint – ("we've been running shit WW forever, so abandon all hope").

The day we all truly (or at least, a critical mass of us) discover the secrets that they've been hoarding for so long so that each generation of them can lazily claim they are superior to everyone else on the planet…

<e.g. Eye of Horus

…is the day all their long-held logical fallacies dissolve into utter oblivion, so that the water can wash them all away…

d6958d No.1558491


agreed. i'll also add this personal view: until I see deep-staters dying or going to prison, as far as I'm concerned, this whole thing can still go either way,

f9c9d2 No.1558492


I have tons more of screen captures…all infer that BC17 is upper-level operative. I can drop all I have if anyone is interested.

cc982b No.1558493

File: 93c07ef2a6d8082⋯.gif (7.07 MB, 800x436, 200:109, BRAIN_GIF111.gif)


Ponders that…

6b55ac No.1558494

O.O Code Geass



358b2a No.1558495


Just pray for them

I did last night

ca71a3 No.1558496


>Would a fucking AI/quantum computer mistakenly say Maria instead of Marina because they were "on the move"?


if it facilitated the capture of a piece on the board

then it would be appropriate to feign an error.

there are many reasons to employ such a strategy.

8867d5 No.1558497


>you know that during the Napoleon war the Rotschilds also controlled both sides, right?

It's been going on far longer than that.

far, far longer.

4d109f No.1558498


Let me

<3 you back :))

fe1a6f No.1558499


BC17 claimed to be JA in the end. Channel was taken down, then came back up briefly and basically told everyone to archive it, then taken down again. So if it is IS either he took it down, or if was (((them)))), if it was a larp…. Q may have shut it down lol.

accb57 No.1558500

In about 2 hours it will be 5 days since last Q post.

fe5e22 No.1558501

File: f917e9d138d37df⋯.jpg (520.82 KB, 1600x2000, 4:5, THsign.JPG)

File: f7133751c988d74⋯.jpg (218.7 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, THFLAG.JPG)

46e915 No.1558502

File: 1699bcd1b4409ad⋯.jpg (29.73 KB, 366x286, 183:143, Moongirls.JPG)

Since we are at the END of the bread

Laws yes

m-o-o-n spells

e2fa9f No.1558503

Looks like GHWB will have another chance to go to hell!

Former U.S. President George H.W. Bush taken to hospital in Maine


5dcbcd No.1558504

File: f5c92c6967803a8⋯.jpg (196.22 KB, 542x824, 271:412, duh1.jpg)

File: 950c2488c68be76⋯.jpg (203.86 KB, 594x707, 594:707, Israellast.jpg)

File: defcc07ee01bc43⋯.jpg (278.16 KB, 549x850, 549:850, they_call_u_goy.jpg)

File: 50aea809d7cfb87⋯.png (112.33 KB, 500x495, 100:99, 50aea809d7cfb874e37e9adcc2….png)

84e35d No.1558505


"You will laugh when you realize who you are talking to.."

We are probably talking to ourselves in parallel reality

c0da30 No.1558506

File: 2a56171f954db06⋯.png (32.78 KB, 591x445, 591:445, AQ97.PNG)


That checks.

af2761 No.1558507


they fund both sides of all wars, how do you think country's became so indebted to them ffs

think iron bank on GOT's

f6f4d4 No.1558508



b4a210 No.1558509


ac5c37 No.1558510


That bit makes me think it's Barron sometimes, but my money is still on one of the Flynns

1ac57f No.1558511


That war started a few years before I was born.

>Amazing timeline anon's. Simply amazing.

Yes, indeed it is.

405a40 No.1558512


Anyone archive it in time?

026204 No.1558514




68d45f No.1558515

af2761 No.1558516


i call the second from the right

63a808 No.1558517

FED is run by city of london and the crown

b5f12c No.1558518


we are on the same wave length anon

someday perhaps we may meet…

best wishes

ae73f7 No.1558519

File: 0584aa8118d198f⋯.jpg (131.06 KB, 800x808, 100:101, Alice In Wonderland Interr….jpg)


Also was a Book "Hillary Clinton in Wonderland"

no shit. Search will return it.

636679 No.1558520


Like Jason Bourne…they don’t make mistakes.

f28220 No.1558521

File: cd2bd3b46225ea5⋯.jpg (58 KB, 650x365, 130:73, Amsche-lMayer-Rothschild.jpg)

If we want to find out where all of this digging leads, then we need to get past the controls of the Rothschilds.

Rothschild controls the message of who really owns $500 trillion of hidden untaxed wealth equal to half of annual world GDP.

Mayer Rothschild had 5 sons. He trained them all in the skills of money creation, then sent them out to the major capitals of Europe, to open branch offices of the family banking business.

..His first son Amschel Mayer stayed in Frankfurt to mind the hometown bank.

..His second son Saloman Mayer, was sent to Vienna.

..His third son Nathan, the most clever, was sent to London.

..His fourth son Carl, was sent to Naples.

..His fifth son Jakob, was sent to Paris.

Rothschild owns all of the major European central banks: England, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Belgium – central bank for the Euro. Rothschild partnered with the original seven American families who became the regional depository banks in the US Federal Reserve.

J.P. Morgan and five other banking family institutions own the Federal Reserve in partnership with Rothschild.

Rothschild owns Reuters News Service, which bought the Associated Press. Rothschild owns or virtually controls every major media outlet in America, Europe and Israel.


4d109f No.1558522


Agree. Why did they close shop now?

2adbd8 No.1558523


I finally made a notable graphic :)

feels good

04608d No.1558524

File: 1aa618958f35965⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1446x856, 723:428, Justice for victims of Aqu….png)

File: 2f92a6451828f94⋯.pdf (682.94 KB, the-case-against-dyncorp.pdf)


Here's the meme I made, regarding

Michael Aquino/Q crumb and so i'm not

shitting up the bread,

here's the PDF I ripped a bunch of pages from

for infographs related to Dyn-corps connections


DYNCORPS involvement In

human trafficking

no bid defense contract fuckary

organ trafficing

the text file (pastebin) was added to the notables,

but it didn't have any of the images.

Thank you


For enabling PDF sharing


edf39d No.1558526


Get back to me when you figure out what that means in regards to WW2

978f80 No.1558527

Lamuella is an idyllic planet on which Arthur Dent worked as a Sandwich Maker. It is home to humanoids, migrating Perfectly Normal Beasts, and Pikka Birds. Arthur likes the system for the hours of the day (25, good for sleep-ins) and the days in the year (c. 300, no messing around).

They worship Almighty Bob.

8a4aec No.1558528


I believe that is what you found.

I do not believe the story. I do not believe that God made women subservient to men. I believe these things based upon rational thought, not stories.

6b55ac No.1558530

File: 957da840a7d34f9⋯.jpg (262.28 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, archangel_mihail_by_dimona….jpg)


Awesome post! Tyvm! About time some real shit is laid out here.

46e915 No.1558533

File: 8e1e2ced82660bb⋯.jpg (38.8 KB, 457x320, 457:320, JusticeIsBeautiful.JPG)

7b073b No.1558534


Now that is something to lose sleep over, not that I haven't thought that maybe Q is skirting dimensions.

df0066 No.1558535


Did anyone take notice of the color differentials?

with the hats, badges and numbers, I believe there is a message there as well.

f9c9d2 No.1558536


They warned that they were gonna tweet their last tweet ever. I wasn't surprised to see them taken down or closed.

604da7 No.1558537


You don't have to live in a trailer to pay cash for a home anon. It's possible to buy a fixer-upper for a year's income, put another year's income into repairs, and have a nice stick built home for the cost of a mobile.

af2761 No.1558538


roths set up the 3 city states




6f608a No.1558540


Twitter/Facebook bots adapted to work in the chans.

24d73f No.1558541

4d109f No.1558542


>We are probably talking to ourselves in parallel reality

At the moment, this is certainly true ;)

18c273 No.1558544






To keep your 'radio' tuned to God's frequency.

To have an intention to be in line with God's plan.

To want and always try to be a faithful servant.

To seek knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from a heavenly source.

To exercise discernment.

68d45f No.1558545


Great so your argument is "Muh feels"

86bfd5 No.1558546


Also own all the power companies

ac5c37 No.1558547


It's hard for any woman to accept the story of the Bible. Feminism was created explicitly for this.

46e915 No.1558549


You don't live where I live. 200,000 entry level.

4d109f No.1558550


I miss them.

d825bc No.1558551

The DICTATORS of the EU over rule the PEOPLE of ITALY

Italy In Chaos: Country To Vote Again After President Blocks Government; "Unclear What Happens Next"


8d5116 No.1558552



cecc93 No.1558553

File: 708aefa37ad65db⋯.jpg (32.65 KB, 599x383, 599:383, Bankers Wars.jpg)


>That war started a few years before I was born.

I was in 3rd grade. Didn't make sense then, doesn't make sense now. I've posted about what my Dad said about the returning WWII and Korean Vets with pinned up sleeves and/or pants legs. Sad. Waste. Of. Priceless. Treasure.

604da7 No.1558554


Stolen. Nice meme, anon.

8a4aec No.1558555


I believe I said, "rational thought".

1ac57f No.1558556


>someday perhaps we may meet…

We just did. In the hive-mind.

>best wishes

Been a pleasure. Best to you too, anon.

4d109f No.1558557


Prove it.

e0041b No.1558558


good insight.

when i blow up the checkerboard, there are areas where it "fades" and from my previous image you can see that the squares remain perfectly parallel all across the entire surface…i haven't seen anything like it which *isn't* CGI - but i will remain open to the possibility that it's not.

08315d No.1558559

File: 73eb641df537479⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 1DB4B4C4-CAC6-49D6-A0B7-D4….png)

46e915 No.1558560


Spread her like wildfire. she's a 10

8d5116 No.1558561


Q told us.


GTFO troll

3f9925 No.1558562

File: 1bab17114f7f824⋯.png (729.67 KB, 478x779, 478:779, brisket1.png)

No Brisket in Hell George!!!

3 hours in.

8867d5 No.1558563



Cultural Marxism has ruined that word. can you use a different word to describe your retort?

b5f12c No.1558564



nephilim WO is the most likely candidate i have heard

it would be just like these sick evils fucks to believe they can summon nimrod and control the world

delusions of grandeur - maybe they even believe it but they sure as hell want you to believe they do

method of control and also ties in with the muhjoo nonsense that they sell as well

tho i continue to believe it is and always was "new" and Q was trolling them

8a4aec No.1558565


Lol. The Bible iz a collection of fantasy stories.

fe5e22 No.1558566


The Original Carter Family - Heaven's Radio (1940)


11f321 No.1558568


Yes, she was the original 10

4d109f No.1558569


No, he said that the connection between Q and BC17, anon made, was fake.

d5d390 No.1558570


13 shitposts do, shill.

978f80 No.1558571

As a result of a shuttle crash, he finds himself on planet Lamuella, where people worship a man named Almighty Bob, and becomes a sandwich maker. After a little while, Trillian comes to see him. Trillian presents Arthur's daughter, Random, to him, for him to look after while Trillian continues her career as a galactic journalist.

ccecfb No.1558573


Next World Order~

68d45f No.1558574



I don't care what (you) believe.

I don't care about you feels.

I care about the facts.

And the facts are that in the old Jewish tradition women were created to be subservient to men.

d5d390 No.1558575

b7f94e No.1558576

File: 3011f41ee6c3b08⋯.jpg (109.28 KB, 1523x1035, 1523:1035, _20180526_225547.JPG)


4d109f No.1558577


Calling me a shill, doesn't make me one.

af2761 No.1558579


paid cash for my house


started with new windows, doors roof. hvac

then one room at a time

fuck a mort gage = death loan

b4a210 No.1558580

File: 1e358ca49b4f6c7⋯.jpg (139.67 KB, 693x520, 693:520, _ln4q7689j6x.jpg)

New Bread

New Bread




New Bread

New Bread

358b2a No.1558581


Yeah, it's not like they were every kicked out of any country before for being the kind of people who CONSISTENTLY CLIP COINS.

Please don't make me dreg up jewish supremacy verses about how its okay to rape, kill and steal from non jews …

6870d8 No.1558582


It means Hitler was defacto Rotschilds bitch, same as Stalin

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