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Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 4e094838c2c77ba⋯.png (8.72 KB, 255x143, 255:143, qresearc.png)

b19fc8 No.1537318

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


b19fc8 No.1537322


are not endorsements


>>1536591 Graphic on DJT’s Twitter and the 1A argument

>>1536648 Patrick Fitzgerald and the Plame Affair

>>1536829 Irish plane struck by jet on runway

>>1537012 Weinstein turns himself in

>>1537021 ; >>1537077 Further digs on Antartica

>>1537047 US websites dark in Europe due to GDPR data rules

>>1537311 McConnell supports Mueller probe after Gang of Eight meeting


>>1536010 DPRK Statement transcript

>>1536162 FBI shuts down domain behind Russian 'VPNFilter' botnet

>>1536102 Jung vs Jong Explanation & Proof [Amazing]

>>1536105 Participants of the DOJ Meeting >>1536070 Picture Proof

>>1536336 Rudy's involvement as possible AGG? [Great graphic]


>>1535065 Explosion in Ontario 15 vicitims 3 critical blast injuries

>>1535130 Senate passes sexual harassment bill

>>1535827 GWB unauthorized biography

>>1535056 The clock has officially struck 5:5

>>1535051 Airstrikes in syria http://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-syria-airstrikes-20180524-story.html

>>1535069 The Gay Fish doin some freaky shit. He spent $85K on w. Houston's suicide bathroom

>>1535510 Qproof Habbenings

>>1535531 Kim Jung Jum

>>1535434 Interview with Patrick Little When Winter comes, they're going to take all our shit

>>1535815 Trooper with same name as officer falsely accused of sexual assault fights Shaun King's posts

>>1535424 Jung vs. Jong Explanation & Proof


>>1534373, >>1534382 Geo-politics of Syria, Iran, Iraq,

>>1534541 3 FBI Interviews Scheduled for June

>>1534480 Sen. Mark Warner calls DOJ intelligence briefing a 'farce'

>>1534486 Booms In Pennsylvania, this time in Philadelphia, Claim "explosions"

>>1534536 NYT front page, march 18th 2017

>>1534608 Where was the (current) Boston police commissioner during the Marathon Bombing?

>>1534673 Kim Prepping his nation: ITS HABBENING

>>1534713 FBI plans raid of Nxivm leader Keith Raniere / Allison Mack compound

>>1534763 Amazon Alexa ect. (incase you didn't know)

>>1534783 Having been kicked out of Hungary, (((Soros))) meddles in Ukraine

>>1534825 Jung Un misspelling of name by POTUS, Signals Friendship Brilliant and Beautiful


>>1533509 WJC commutes 16 members of FALN, P-Rican terrorists, 120 bombs in USA

>>1533492 WSJ NK calls off summit calls pence 'dummy' (CFR Propoganda)

>>1533587 Indonesian police Board yacht hunt $$$playboy who gave Miranda Kerr $9mil in diamonds

>>1533669, >>1533606 armed citizen stops "mass" shooting

>>1533697 (((Nikki Haley))) confronted in Houston, "Palestinian blood on her hands"

>>1533698 Bishop Accountability Chart

>>1533673 Dem candidate Iowa accused of sexual misconduct drops out

>>1533760 wash-times, Limbaugh Coin new Narrative "deep media"

>>1533554, >>1533560 NameFag Zika/Ebola, ties to Bill Gates

>>1533760 wash-times, Limbaugh Coin/push new Narrative "deep media"

>>1533779 Cap Police “Accidentally” Gave evidence to Awan’s Attorney, not Fed Prosecutors

>>1533845 strong Correlations b/w PLAME AFFAIR & MUELLER PROBE (Moar digging please)

>>1533735 2018 just begins the prosecution timeline

>>1533922 Potus Meets With Kim in Nov Q post connections

>>1534030 Pedo-Joe-Biden Accuses GOP of "false" Nationalism

>>1534035 Potus Schedule

>>1534047 FBI Spy Stefan Halper and Aussie Diplomat Alexander Downer Go Way Back

>>1534056 Markle 'notables' press tries to ignore

>>1534119 Full text of House GOP Resolution


>>1532724, >>1532732 40k ft view ofnew construction, Internment camps? 29 stumps CA

>>1532766, >>1532837 US Has Leverage on Iran and NK

>>1532808 Space Policy Directive "2" Signed Today (with Sauce), >>1533301 related

>>1532826 LA County DA rejects sex assaults against Tyler Grasham

>>1532845 Ft Irwin National Training Center Dig (related to 29 stumps construction?)

>>1532885 4635 + proceedings sealed between CA-AZ... DIG!!

>>1532915 Pics related to Malaysian Faggotry, 0bey my missing billions

>>1532920 , >>1532956 Black Forrest Club Weinstein related (q post related)

>>1533015 Trump asks Giulliani to attend "Muh Russia" Briefings

>>1532097 Harvey Weinstein expected to be arrested Friday in New York

>>1532256 New emails show Roger Stone seeking dirt on Hillary Clinton from WikiLeaks founder

>>1532407 Stefan Halper is obviously a bigger scandal than the media want to admit

>>1532986 Sara debunks theory that other FBI agent who interviewed Flynn will blame Comey.

>>1533096 Reagan's Honor the Fallen (replaced with hooktube link), >>1533129

>>1533130 AlanA/B aka Billy Jack Watkins aka Welcome aboard, Alan (?) is back

>>1533172 What Happened During the FBI Interview With Flynn

>>1533284 two recent Sanela Diana Jenkins mentions

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

b19fc8 No.1537323

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

b19fc8 No.1537324

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

the missing Qmap in EST has been archived >>>/comms/1194

Q Graphics all in EST

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

>>1499677 Archive Update (not really sure where to put it)

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

RE: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1514027.html#q1514062


b19fc8 No.1537326



1a604c No.1537327

>>1536057 (previous)

Congress didn't "get wind" of a Q post. Q is public, probably most congressmen read it or at least have staff following it.

22fb16 No.1537360

This perhaps has been mentioned since I was not active on the board yesterday and only checked the FBI vault this morning. It looks like these were released 5/23.




Download these. Archive offline.

I do not yet know if there is anything new in these documents.

I suppose there probably is. There are 8 parts to this. Looks like PDFs 7 and 8 are just FOIA notes.

Happy Hunting!

1763ba No.1537371

The Mooch says "Tippy Top" twice on Fox and Friends an hour ago. In regards to Obama spying.

Don't know how common it is but it was the anon request from someone close to the campaign.


Start at 5 min mark

158b61 No.1537372


thought we searched those yesterday, did you see notables?

6a23bb No.1537375

File: 61ccc89899b73dc⋯.jpg (298.04 KB, 467x700, 467:700, IMG_0751.JPG)

VAMOS Baker!

5efb4e No.1537378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did you guys already see this?

Scaramucci says "tippy top" twice




22fb16 No.1537379

File: 9ef648dd43c14b9⋯.png (18.79 KB, 596x523, 596:523, myspace-response-epstein.png)


I did not find it in the notables. I wasn't active yesterday, so I can't attest to that. My apologies if this was found already. Wanted to make sure people saw it in case.

Did you see the MySpace subpoena?

cf6045 No.1537380

File: 930acac57181269⋯.jpg (59.65 KB, 800x416, 25:13, obama-netflix-01-800x416.jpg)

File: 834e13a70cf6a59⋯.jpg (83.11 KB, 798x1071, 38:51, 28c0731b8b5aa61d34566db4d6….jpg)


Netflix just turned into an arm of the Democratic party…ADD YOUR NAME TO THE BOYCOTT!

The content streaming company Netflix has officially partnered with the Obama family to create documentaries and shows that are likely to oppose President Trump at every angle.

This means that Netflix will quickly turn into nothing but an Anti-Trump propaganda machine…and we will NOT stand for that!


cf6045 No.1537386

File: 4a5d916dfb72e3e⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 480x570, 16:19, 2azgf3~2.jpg)

File: ed8680183fbefbb⋯.jpg (47.86 KB, 480x699, 160:233, 2azg5v~2.jpg)

Wouldn't trust this moron as far as I could throw him.

b19fc8 No.1537387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Please see >>>/comms/225 for records of past thread notables, including those from yesterday.

The Epstein dump was a major event yesterday afternoon.

You will find several highlights and summaries of the material in yesterday's thread.

22fb16 No.1537391


Thank you brother!!

a63765 No.1537392

Do we consider Weinstein arrested on rape allegations only a win?

d7f784 No.1537393



if something is a day old… unless it's really obscure…. you aren't letting us in on a big scoop. we were digging those 3 minutes after they were uploaded yesterday

31baf1 No.1537394


333524 No.1537395


2 days ago don't post old news.

ca00f3 No.1537396

File: 1dd4b337848117f⋯.jpg (151.57 KB, 665x661, 665:661, epstein.jpg)


Why would a millionaire commit larceny and defraud the government?

952989 No.1537397






6037aa No.1537398

File: 50f9086dee24401⋯.mp4 (651.29 KB, 240x240, 1:1, MsTriaI-999996374090383360….mp4)


129cd9 No.1537399

File: 95b7dbff8721b17⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1240x3107, 1240:3107, DJT TWATTER.png)

Not sure Anons have learned the comms…

cf6045 No.1537400

File: 38fc887f6edec70⋯.jpg (972.02 KB, 2048x1843, 2048:1843, 5nk9jy1tpnz01.jpg)

File: c1e57cce7851ece⋯.jpg (94.9 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 2aucmu~2.jpg)

Corsi what's your problem?

dc4fe7 No.1537401

File: 38d9ea4224a2092⋯.png (140.55 KB, 514x968, 257:484, dealmade.png)

Are NK & US just posturing for the public?


1c830c No.1537402

File: 0e0e43e12cc7e0a⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1217x931, 1217:931, Harvey Surrenders.png)

Smirking Harvey Weinstein stares down the crowd outside New York police station before being booked and charged with rape, criminal sex act, sex abuse and sexual misconduct

Harvey Weinstein turned himself into police in New York on Friday morning, appearing at Precinct 1 in Tribeca

'Today … Harvey Weinstein was arrested, processed and charged with rape, criminal sex act, sex abuse and sexual misconduct,' said the NYPD

The charges are related to two of the women who spoke in those first articles, Lucia Evans and another woman who remained anonymous

Evans said in an interview with The New Yorker that Weinstein had forced her to perform oral sex on him back in 2004 at his Tribeca office

The second woman was also interviewed in that story and alleged that Weinstein forcibly raped her in a hotel, but asked to remain anonymous

Weinstein seemed nonplussed as he walked into the precinct while carrying a copy of the Rodgers & Hammerstein bio Something Wonderful

He also had a book on Elia Kazan, whose testimony to the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1952 exposed communists in Hollywood

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5771269/Harvey-Weinstein-turns-police.html

8a8c6a No.1537403

Posted at end of previous bread, reposting summary of Rodman at West Point video.


Summary of Rodman at West Point's Modern Institute.


+ You never know who you can learn from

+ Third party actors can influence State action.

+ No embassy in NK.

+ Ping Pong championship influenced Nixon's trip to China.

+ Unofficial envoys are important.

Rodman's trip.

+ First trip 2013.

+ Kim's friend for life.

+ Kenneth Bay was released by Rodman.


+ Dad was in army in Germany and Phillippines.

+ Moved to Ghetto in Dallas.

+ Mom worked four jobs.

+ Graduated highschool 5'7"

+ Started playing bball at 20.

+ College Oklahoma with only 20 other blacks.

+ Racist environment

First trip

+ Globetrotters.

+ Didn't know about NK.

+ It was about sports.

+ Pulled out red carpet on first trip.

+ Kim Jung Un came to see him at lunch.

+ They hit it off as friends, loved the Bulls.

+ KIm went to school in Switzerland.

+ Rodman offered to play basketball on his birthday.

+ Kim promised to give him Kenneth Bay.

+ Wasn't about politics was about sports.

+ Koreans feel it is an honor to respect their leader.

+ When they saw Rodman with him they loved him.

+ Rodman represented what people thought of Americans.

+ Leader accepted him. Huge step.

+ Koreans were afraid of Americans.

+ After seeing their smiles, they became friends with Americans. Friends for life.

Second trip

+ Kim said he wanted to go Nicks game.

+ Between first and second trip asked for Bay's release.

+ No answer but it happened.

+ Rodman complements the West Point cadets for commitment. Shows great respect.

+ Kim treated them like family.

+ Went to his home.

+ Friendly. Not serious.

+ They showed that Americans are not bad people.

+ Rodman's lifestyle represents freedom.

+ Ask Rodman about the murder of 300 people.

+ Rodman said he doesn't get into politics and he wasn't like that at all.

+ He said the executed family was right there on the boat and alive.

+ Fake news.

+ Met with Trump and Trump said he wanted to go on the trip.

+ Rodman said he can go now because he's president.

+ People thought Rodman betrayed Americans.

+ What you see on TV is not real life.

+ This is a new era. Kim trying to change his culture.

+ Kim helping his country.

+ Rodman small step in the right direction.

+ Kim modernizing NK culture.

+ No denying NK is impoverished.

+ Much change there since Kim took over.

+ Infrastructure is improving.

+ Economy is doing well despite sanctions.

+ More food supply.

+ Situation is improving.

+ Need a presence there to interact and influence.

+ Science, music, sports exchange important.

+ Need diplomatic relationships to prevent military conflict.

+ Must understand their perspective.

+ Must empathize.

+ Rodman says sports heals things.

+ Celebration in NK was for Rodman. 150K people. Olympics opening ceremony. Kim said,"this is for you".

+ Kim's power impressed him with his power and how much people loved him.

+ Rodman was amazed.

+ If Trump sends him back, he will go.

Question's off the record.

f4af4a No.1537404

File: 11c168e7d5d3ef7⋯.jpeg (430.95 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 31051F83-E4CF-4177-9175-8….jpeg)

22c50e No.1537405


Its P.PS. "Post Post Script"

You know nothing.

31baf1 No.1537407

File: 9f181412f9249dd⋯.png (478.47 KB, 701x701, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


if that's a bible, he'd better start reading it FAST!

5d8c53 No.1537408

File: d894c026dc95d60⋯.jpg (20.67 KB, 331x250, 331:250, multiculturalism-poster-de….jpg)

File: 95a8ad4279336fc⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 960x720, 4:3, turd world.jpg)

EU: How to Stop Mass-migration from Africa? Bring Everyone to Europe!


White genocide in action. Every day a little further…

traitorous politicians clearly bought and payed for.

by whom?

soros, arabs, who else?

How to start dismantling this disaster?

How to reverse this process of forced and assisted decay?

People here want their homelands back but EVERY politician over here seems to have turned SJW over the whole political spectrum.

Hungary and Poland are the only exceptions IMO.

Even the Austrian 'right wing' government leaves the islamists alone but turns the screws on the Identitarian Movement.

Is there a peaceful solution out of this?

How to roll back the Kalergi-Oudenhove plan?

Call me old fashioned but I really miss the Europe of sovereign nations.

58697b No.1537409

Huge news from yesterdays meeting will be revealed today…

He that leaked it will have some 'sensitive' information released on him this weekend…

cf6045 No.1537410

File: e66eb10dfa39410⋯.jpg (18.19 KB, 300x265, 60:53, 2att0k~2.jpg)

File: e035da7626e1ce0⋯.jpg (13.31 KB, 255x215, 51:43, fcf5d899af953f92ed68b0c161….jpg)

12d185 No.1537411


>Not sure Anons have learned the comms…

Not sure you have either…

57d250 No.1537412

File: 75be5fc0fd8c282⋯.jpg (167.43 KB, 661x510, 661:510, wfaf.jpg)

File: 4f590ae0a468860⋯.png (154.1 KB, 767x767, 1:1, InternetBillofLove.png)

File: 44a84504bdc7936⋯.png (182.15 KB, 760x1620, 38:81, Itcostsfolkslikeyouandme.png)

File: 01a8bfcd72a0a13⋯.png (563.63 KB, 2872x3448, 359:431, QIBOR.png)

File: 3a9d087e8070e4b⋯.png (360.82 KB, 1313x805, 1313:805, 400d0422ec5aa3437f6f79570f….png)

Internet Bill Of Rights

Let your voices be heard!





President Trump's twitter is officially a public forum, this gives you immunity to shadowbans and censorship when @POTUS.

Take this plot armor and go forth to spread the message!


Read carefully and honestly

Do you believe that your right to privacy and freedom of expression should pertain to your experiences online?

Do you believe that WE THE PEOPLE deserve full representation of our rights wherever we may go?

Do you believe that protections should be in place to preserve these rights?

Please, spread the word about the Petition and remind the people that they do indeed have the POWER and VOICE to create CHANGE


>#1. We the People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

>#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

>#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

>#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

>#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

Remember that this is an American issue and humanitarian issue of Rights.

All voices deserve equal and fair representation so that an honest dialog may take place.

The people have been divided for too long, let us be the anthem of hope and freedom that WE THE PEOPLE deserve!

Attached are combinations of memes for a variety of viewpoints.

Freedom of speech and privacy is not a partisan issue, but that of all people.

>>1489251 Internet Bill Of Rights

>>1489251 Internet Bill Of Rights

bit. ly/QIBOR


If you have yet to sign and are on the fence about it, be BRAVE and remember that YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAD THE POWER!







053696 No.1537413

File: 930acac57181269⋯.jpg (59.65 KB, 800x416, 25:13, obama-netflix-01-800x416.jpg)

File: 2f990ee94afceb6⋯.jpg (214.6 KB, 1242x1228, 621:614, Road to guantanamo.jpg)



Well I guess we will see if the Q team as the control they claim they have. No way in hell they can let this traitor have such an important megaphone to mislead the public again.

No Fucking way!

129cd9 No.1537414


Schneiderman gone, Weinstein booked.


477f3b No.1537415



tons of goodies clipped form the epstein vault if you go through past 24hr of bread.. it wouldn't take long

there was only so much actually worth looking at

f4af4a No.1537416


baker notable

Trump tweets with deltas 5-24 late to early 5-25.

also nice dubs

cca092 No.1537417


It's billionaire and it was 1993. Maybe the billions were made by larceny and defrauding the government.

c89444 No.1537418


The books mean he's flipping on everyone?

5d8c53 No.1537419


no, it probably is his unsealed indictment just handed to him.

All the same, he'd better read it PRONTO.

cf6045 No.1537420

File: f81c6f77c9bf12d⋯.jpg (108.6 KB, 500x642, 250:321, 2a2ast.jpg)



Netflix just turned into an arm of the Democratic party…ADD YOUR NAME TO THE BOYCOTT!

The content streaming company Netflix has officially partnered with the Obama family to create documentaries and shows that are likely to oppose President Trump at every angle.

This means that Netflix will quickly turn into nothing but an Anti-Trump propaganda machine…and we will NOT stand for that!


9dbc89 No.1537421

File: fdbcc27602b417a⋯.png (563.07 KB, 749x460, 749:460, spaceforce.png)

22c50e No.1537422

File: 2cfc9839d785396⋯.jpg (127.95 KB, 750x499, 750:499, bennyBoy.jpg)

f4ca93 No.1537423

>>1537036 (previous bread re: Soros buying stock in "The Geo Group"

Just did a search (Federal Procurement Site) for "The GEO Group"



in Govt. Awards since 2000.

b6626b No.1537424


hey thanks for this

I had it on this morning

but tuned out when Pelosi was shown

f4af4a No.1537425

File: 993c035a237d276⋯.png (759.97 KB, 799x799, 1:1, B79A70B7-2A1B-471B-AF3D-76….png)



baker notable

Rodman is a BadAss and is helping save NK

last bread digits confirmed

129cd9 No.1537426

File: 471ed3bd1c47d7a⋯.png (316.6 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Rodman.png)

cf6045 No.1537428

File: e6aca39c9a2e18b⋯.jpg (31.32 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 21598r88tlx01.jpg)


Yes indeed.

952989 No.1537429


dunno about that post but lmao at all the shit spread by the vacuum bot

cca092 No.1537430


He already has 103 million followers on twitter.

6037aa No.1537431


Art of the Deal

12d185 No.1537432

Trudeau's leadership is really having an impact in Canada!

Canada restaurant blast: Bomb explosion injures 15 people in Mississauga as two suspects flee

The pair fled the scene late on Thursday and a manhunt is under way. The motive for the attack is unknown and there was no immediate claim of responsibility.

Paramedics took 15 people to hospital. Three of those hurt had what were described as "critical blast injuries".


10ca2e No.1537433

File: 8a5d93336e66032⋯.png (24.5 KB, 600x334, 300:167, Disqus update.PNG)

Any anon's put off by the updated terms to comment with disqus? I read it that you can't restrict distribution of your comments anymore. Maybe a fine print fag can allay my concern.

fa1e40 No.1537434

File: 82483bf016d3726⋯.png (2.82 MB, 2255x1045, 41:19, 2018-05-25_08-50-46.png)

I am very leery to ask the name of that chair.

What the hell?

Ok, Is there one? (as anon waits for the punchline)

952989 No.1537435

File: 7f6cde26f6137f3⋯.png (279.6 KB, 1419x946, 3:2, 7f6cde26f6137f3dfc2e2e67fe….png)

File: 6188acad6dd1179⋯.jpeg (60.34 KB, 413x395, 413:395, 1a18e64344cff28f68e92b535….jpeg)



Bringing a smile to my face this morning anons. Thank you and God bless!

cf6045 No.1537436

File: c1e57cce7851ece⋯.jpg (94.9 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 2aucmu~2.jpg)


Obama's followers are mostly fake.

1c830c No.1537437



Could be?

He also had a book on Elia Kazan, whose testimony to the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1952 exposed communists in Hollywood

Book symbolizes one of 2 things,

Those be attacked in Hollywood because of Me Too/ sexual harrassment( meaning Harvey is sticking to his pigness)

Or He could rat on all the pedophiles in Hollywood( try to make a deal)

7de500 No.1537438

File: 0cb7cddaae885a5⋯.jpg (12.65 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1b902bd04c62ecf48e525d21c6….jpg)

1c830c No.1537439



those being attacked in Hollywood

fa1e40 No.1537440



477f3b No.1537441

File: 0e0320ce858d9eb⋯.png (407.29 KB, 640x420, 32:21, ClipboardImage.png)



the media totally twisted rodman's visit

kekkk, it so funny how the fake news has painted NOKO as evil my entire life

, the media does a great job of twisting the truth and confusing the masses

they mocked rodman for giving kim trumps book years ago

well the fake news looks dumb yet again!


22c50e No.1537442


Agreed. This is spit in our face. One can say "Its part of the plan. They are going to take them down while its mid-season." Blah blah blah… Its about principle. If you have all the power then do something about this. Bottom line. "Oh but Q says we have the power"… We can talk in circles all day. WE do not have the ability to arrest these people, indict, etc.. thats on them.

f4ca93 No.1537443

File: 82f45348e10db4a⋯.png (246.31 KB, 787x444, 787:444, ClipboardImage.png)

What???? A/C called ADSB test?

Planefags have ideas on this???

bb59e8 No.1537444


Ummm. How many of these are you going to shit the bread up with. Not as many as last bread, I hope.

9a79cc No.1537445

File: 6aa5e89fe2ffcc2⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1022x683, 1022:683, now take the pig to slaugh….png)

7a13ec No.1537446


The Rod of God

>>Don't Forget It!!

333524 No.1537447

611638 No.1537448

File: fb824cd85bd92a1⋯.jpg (17.06 KB, 220x283, 220:283, USNAdmJSNoName.jpg)

>>1537345 (lb)

>You see his grandfather was a famous FOUR STAR Navy admiral and his dad was at the time of the incident was a powerful Navy FOUR STAR admiral and McCain graduated from the Navy Academy. So the old boy Navy tradition cover his ass network went into high gear immediately; and make no mistake, it does exist and it did for him.

<pic related

Funny you should mention NoName...

Was recently at a local HS that had a memorial case for local Vietnam POW/MIAs.

Guess who had a prominent place w/ laminated bio in the bottom right corner?

No mention of the "incident" on 07-29-67, of course.

Told my companion, "Now that's some black magic right there."

6abe5c No.1537449


What if it's his blackmail book????

12d185 No.1537450

Capitol Police "Accidentally" Gave Evidence To House Hacking Suspect’s Defense Attorney

"The Capitol Police turned over a trove of evidence in the alleged Imran Awan House cyberbreach and theft case to the defense attorneys when they were supposed to deliver it to prosecutors instead, according to court documents and a source."


5fc3aa No.1537451


1h1 hour ago


I will be making the Commencment Address today at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Look forward to being with some of the greatest people on earth!


Heard on the audio channel between songs [200 200].


When is POTUS speaking at the USNA?

Kickoff time?

57d250 No.1537452

File: c7d42423a6cb7f1⋯.jpg (154.81 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, NumeroUnoIBOR.jpg)

File: eb779a0ca3c17fa⋯.jpg (185.52 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, DosIBOR.jpg)

File: dccf7cefb1d83bb⋯.jpg (237.76 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IBOR3.jpg)

File: db28f8b78aec1c9⋯.jpg (165.43 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IFOUR.jpg)

File: 66a92912b26c51c⋯.jpg (212.78 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, IBORfif.jpg)


Internet Bill Of Rights





If you have any ideas for memes, or memes/information related to IBOR or Internet Bill Of Rights direct your posts into the Internet Bill Of Rights thread found here.

>>1489251 (thread link)

>>1489251 (thread link)

This does not preclude you from the general bread, simply an area to store Internet Bill Of Rights related matters.

Discussion and dialog matters. That is what the general bread was designed for.


aca310 No.1537453


So you are predicting somebody will leak today details about yesterday's meeting that will hit the news. And in the cause and effect of that leak will cause something damning to come out about the leaker?

333524 No.1537454


It is the big trade off the Trump admin has decided they have to make:

leave them their megaphones and freedom while we build the case.

477f3b No.1537455

File: 962a75f514e8c2b⋯.png (584.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 917e854f47973c6⋯.png (137.81 KB, 413x216, 413:216, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6675a61742de261⋯.png (686.96 KB, 1095x643, 1095:643, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02591887ce159b0⋯.png (179.09 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dab490de4308e10⋯.png (176.97 KB, 485x639, 485:639, ClipboardImage.png)


6c1503 No.1537456


Sick of this type of fuckery.

cdd73f No.1537457

Harvey Weinstein = ace in the hole

He is working with white hats, and is going to give up half of Hollywood

12d185 No.1537458



If POTUS actually made Rodman Ambassador to NK that would send Liberals into a tail spin they'll never recoup from! lmao DOITPOTUS!

32aef5 No.1537459


I have a theroy about Schneiderman and Bharara,

What are the chances, their non prosecutions, of Weinstein were purchased, and he spilled in favor of lesser charges.

5d8c53 No.1537461


hussein admitted as much by saying the deal would give him opportunity to EDUCATE the NEXT generations LEADERS.

The movement wants One World, all over the world, and that One World MUST be the Turd World, just like they create in Europe these days, or in Baltimore and places much like it. That's why Q's advice to unite frightens me, be one with the cucks, the kikes, the Muh Race niggaz, the SJWs, …

That's part of the plan that remains foggy yet.

Just for now we'll have to go on based on our faith.


cdd73f No.1537462


No coincidence. Weinstein is giving up all of Hollywood to us

ac0e47 No.1537463

DC will be packed with Patriots this weekend, culminating with Rolling Thunder on M-Day.

Great weekend to go on offense.

Semper Fi

236194 No.1537464

File: f37cc2b7dba234d⋯.png (46.21 KB, 640x374, 320:187, 576756765.png)


He consummated the marriage at age 12? He's telling everyone about it?


12d185 No.1537465


>Sick of this type of fuckery.

You know how you can confirm it was no fucking accident? Because it is ALWAYS in favor of the crooks and never against those bastards! Every. Single. Time.

bb59e8 No.1537466


Already in notables.

6a23bb No.1537467


Cheers, thank you

So very interesting

12d185 No.1537468


Good grief, Huck is making a joke about his age! ffs smh

0e23ae No.1537469

Hey Anon's:

This Sunday is 'The Greatest Spectacle in the World", the Indianapolis 500 - while not the race it used to be, it does have worldwide coverage and according to Autoweek, it reaches 292 million people in 213 countries worldwide. I know it's a long shot, but maybe a good time for an announcement?

32aef5 No.1537470

File: ba12b631382ba90⋯.png (791.83 KB, 770x435, 154:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Federal prisons director stepped down due to strained relationship with Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions

The director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Mark Inch, stepped down from his post last week due to his strained relationship with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, according to a report Thursday.

Inch, a retired Army major general, claimed that he had been barred from weighing in on important decisions by Kushner and Sessions, and noted there was a disregard for “departmental norms” when he announced he was resigning, the New York Times reports.

For example, Inch was excluded from budget decisions and also was kept out of conversations regarding a prison reform bill that the House recently approved, officials familiar with the situation told the Times.

Furthermore, Sessions dismissed Inch’s suggestions to hire Sara Revell, a regional prisons official, as his top deputy.

The report comes after Trump announced last week that he would approve a prison reform measure if lawmakers passed it. Earlier this week, the House approved prison reform legislation that attempts to reduce recidivism and enhanced education opportunities for federal prisoners, in addition to other things.

However, the future of the bill remains uncertain in the Senate, as leaders like Judiciary Committee Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, have said they will not back a prison reform bill unless it includes broader sentencing reforms.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/federal-prisons-director-stepped-down-due-to-strained-relationship-with-jared-kushner-jeff-sessions

22c50e No.1537471


"I'm mad as hell and i'm not gonna take it anymore" …. I have no COC to follow. You should see how hard I am on local government here lolol. Hilarious. I hold feet to the fire in every aspect of my life… even with Q.

96c478 No.1537472

Harvey Weinstein arrested on rape, criminal sex act charges

Harvey Weinstein was arrested Friday on rape, criminal sex act and other charges from encounters with two women.

Seven months after the allegations destroyed his career and set off a national reckoning known as the #MeToo movement, Weinstein left a Manhattan police station in handcuffs.

Weinstein turned himself in at the police station early Friday.


9b7d33 No.1537473

File: 0030200931e2b0f⋯.png (48.4 KB, 1029x750, 343:250, EmailPerkinsCoie.PNG)


Clinton Foundation Pay to Play smoking gun!

cca092 No.1537474


He's a leftist icon and a Black icon. He's going to have quite a few real followers and short of that picture of him with an AK-47 surfacing it's hard to see his followers taking it lightly if he is denied a platform.

f4af4a No.1537475


>plane callsign adsbtest


yeah wtf

looks like USMC is saying hello to anons!


7554d8 No.1537476


You honestly think he is 56 years old?

6f539f No.1537477

I find this a touch disturbing as JK is pushing for prison reform. I never realized Soros was on the other side of the table. Kushner, Soros, Deep News Van Jones and Jeff Sessions, strange bedfellows indeed. Might be some fireworks ahead of us in this regard....Already got a head start.


Get Soros out next!!!

The Head of the Federal Prison System Reportedly Quit Because He Got Sick of Jeff Sessions and Jared Kushner





>While Soros poses as justice advocate with one hand,

> between December 31, 2007 and March 31, 2008,

>Soros had purchased 105,354 shares of GEO Group stock

>the second-largest private prison company in the U.S.


cdd73f No.1537478

File: 977ef884f08f9e1⋯.jpg (64.26 KB, 710x473, 710:473, 2azk32.jpg)

236194 No.1537480


Is he? Doesn't sound like a joke to me!

6a23bb No.1537481


Correction to my reply>>>

thanks, very interesting, I shall keep digging

Muchly apprecaietd

31e3cb No.1537482


clever way of dropping a big hint about arkansas

1be3c1 No.1537483

Not a slide.

Not good at diggingb but this whole Antarctica info has fired up my interest.

As a kid almost every comic book had an ad in the gack about hollow earth stuff.

But the recent visits there indicate something.

Anyone that can point me in the right direction would be nice.


Been here since bread 500'ish…


fa3e8b No.1537485


who is the guy on the left?

1827b9 No.1537486

Remember when Q said gitmo would be full

That was funny

cca092 No.1537487


The greatest spectacle in the US maybe. The Isle of Man TT is the greatest spectacle in the world.

33e466 No.1537488

lol…hes joking….hes like 62 or 63


0e23ae No.1537489


Wonder if he'll get to post bond?

22c50e No.1537490


Plus… this Weinstein "scene in the movie" was done. People removed from power to prosecute blah blah blah.. i get it… but its old news… this stuff has already been aligned and done and "in the books". Perhaps we are supposed to start getting reallllly pissed off.. its really the only way. It just sucks being on the outside.. realistically we are.

f4af4a No.1537491

File: 9742eb10446330d⋯.jpeg (90.78 KB, 785x840, 157:168, fullsizeoutput_1877.jpeg)



looks just like him

236194 No.1537492


How is anyone supposed to know how the pastor is?

03df21 No.1537493


My concern is that Q will be used as evidence of Russian interference in US politics. How else will the Mueller probe be able to end without the Democrats looking like totally delusional dipshits? there is literally nothing to find in terms of Russia/Trump collusion except if the deep state invent something like Q, use it as the core of the Mueller investigation and then discredit the millions of Trump supporters who were 'duped'.

God I hope I'm wrong.

1c830c No.1537494


He married when he was 19 and he is 62 years old( it's either a typo or a joke)

637728 No.1537495

File: 280cc2b929719ef⋯.png (59.61 KB, 589x297, 589:297, Screenshot (24).png)

4e4f48 No.1537496

File: f51ab2dde3fcf54⋯.png (30.52 KB, 657x117, 73:13, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

What is the symbolic significance of the books weinstein is reported to have been holding while being arrested?

a1769a No.1537497




b3059b No.1537498

"muh 3 books" kek

ad6d7f No.1537499

File: 14a0284b85626c7⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 635x481, 635:481, perp_Walk.jpg)

31baf1 No.1537500

i think he already made one…

d7f784 No.1537501

File: 7e435b7e2459fd5⋯.png (34.41 KB, 612x89, 612:89, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 2ccd25b289e77f9⋯.png (118.07 KB, 1263x478, 1263:478, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 3308df989f3b1e5⋯.png (279.6 KB, 1253x692, 1253:692, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 57a795c24b9447c⋯.png (106.85 KB, 1266x482, 633:241, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 719bfa836b6abd3⋯.png (112.83 KB, 1280x502, 640:251, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


calling attention to :04

here are posts associated with :04

9b7d33 No.1537502


A joke… married at 22. He's 63 years old.

efe16c No.1537503


Michael Dale Huckabee, Aug 24, 1955, Hope, Arkansas, U.S.

236194 No.1537504


For that joke to work, people need to know or suspect how old he is. If he's just stating it like that, it comes across as being part of a child marriage.

d7f784 No.1537505

File: 6adc38ff100a714⋯.png (149.64 KB, 1280x622, 640:311, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: c5f873ec3c5bf63⋯.png (44.75 KB, 1113x197, 1113:197, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

fa3e8b No.1537506


I'm not using that meme.

Don't be a vigilante.

Let the Law handle it.

4e57b6 No.1537507

One thing I don't get is this.

The past.

We (Canadians) get fucked on our taxes every day, year after year.

I trust the plan, and have faith - although that is dwindling and I'm ready to just put a bullet in my head but..

How can we recover?

Yes if all these people are arrested it doesn't change the fact that WE CANNOT get ahead!

We are taxed 50% and after sales tax and what not you are damn near looking at 70%!!!!!!!!

So all this money wasted, even if these people are arrested, what changes?

I am still poor, still suicidal.

25 years old, 6 years military service, nothing to show other then car debt because I had to rent because of constant moves.

Our country is letting in mass immigrants, we will turn into the UK soon with muslim rape, no go zones, knife prohibition and NO MORE freedom of speech(we are already slim to none)

Trudeau is a fucking loser, child pedo.

I know for a fact our god damn police force (RCMP) is involved because I have had people tell me they were looking into human trafficking lines and they were scared away BY THE FUCKING COPS.

I did a stint up north with the army and I talked to the kids, they tell you yes, the come and rape and steal and the chiefs keep all the money and the people starve.

It's the same across the board in Canada, just ten times worse for the natives cause nobody cares.

One week left until I am out of the army, and I will enroll in school.. but god damn.

I am ready to pull the trigger.

Have to remember trust the plan..

31baf1 No.1537508

File: 6bb56d9eb520714⋯.png (414.46 KB, 963x506, 963:506, tint.PNG)

22c50e No.1537509


Rodman is an agent and has been for a long time working for Good… at the end of this he most likely will receive a medal… not that its why he did his work… but he deserves one.

5d8c53 No.1537510


Castro on the other hand was a leader and stood up for his people.

Trudeau on the other hand is the one putting the turd in Turd World.

But damn they look alike, carbon copy like.

9dbc89 No.1537511

File: 538d334bb8699fb⋯.png (747.93 KB, 800x800, 1:1, spaceforceneedsyou.png)

333524 No.1537512


For all his faults lack of sense of humor is not one of them. Huck is funny.

cdd73f No.1537513


There's going to be enough real evidence provided and enough people taking plea deals and singing, that some larp on 8ch wont matter a bit

(I'm not saying Q is a larp, I was saying it to make the contrast between him and the vast amount of real evidence to where nothing else will matter)

7bd1c4 No.1537514

I can't wait for the arrests to happen and these targeting programs shut down. There are still American citizens being stalked and assaulted with EMF weaponry every day.

It's surreal to be targeted all day and then turn on the news to see Comey talk poetically about a higher loyalty, truth, facts and American values. Lying POS commies.

54a789 No.1537515

File: 6f120b951f6b35a⋯.png (67.64 KB, 879x617, 879:617, cpIndictment.PNG)

More CP indictments announced. The judge is a Clinton appointee who blocked one of POTUS's immigration EOs.

14d7e7 No.1537516

>>1537245 lb

Lots of unnecessary CAPS as well - I was looking at that earlier

952989 No.1537517


How is Soros still alowed to walk around Europe after what he did to the British economy back in the early 90s by intentionally crashing the Brit pound?

Reckon the British Secret Intelligence would have a chat with him after that to clear up a few misunderstandings.

7cd3d6 No.1537518

On the Awan front, strange stuff seems to keep happening:

Capitol Police Accidentally Gave Evidence To House Hacking Suspect’s Defense Attorney

by Luke Rosiak 5/24/18

The House IG said Democratic IT aides made unauthorized access to data, but prosecutors haven’t charged them

Democrats appear to want to keep the case out of court; a trial could expose their reckless IT practices

Capitol Police didn’t make arrests despite numerous red flags and then ‘inadvertently’ gave evidence to defense attorneys that was supposed to go to prosecutors

Prosecutors appear to be sharing info with someone on Capitol Hill who is leaking details to the hacking suspect’s lawyer


603f2d No.1537519



Here's a list of places to start digging on that front.

33e466 No.1537520

You are kidding about Castro, right?

Spouse is Cuban….they have been terrorized by Castro for years

Castro stood up for himself


efe16c No.1537521


Janet McCain Huckabee (born July 16, 1955) is an American politician, the wife of former 2008 and 2016 Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas governor, Mike Huckabee.

1663a7 No.1537522


Yep yep. Canceled Netflix. Garbage mind filler drama anyway–a win all around.

d7f784 No.1537523

File: 2c741fac3fdbf8d⋯.png (46.76 KB, 610x125, 122:25, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: cf8e25fb4812ced⋯.png (47.99 KB, 1167x211, 1167:211, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 26e82fc876d6145⋯.png (86.93 KB, 1010x407, 1010:407, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 7cde1c777393fb5⋯.png (159.31 KB, 986x735, 986:735, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)




and :14

12/21 is one of the days!

f6c2a7 No.1537524

File: 541baf131676499⋯.png (797.78 KB, 747x558, 83:62, ClipboardImage.png)

6a23bb No.1537525


Damn right it is!

Mother fckers all crazy mad arse nutters


f4ca93 No.1537526


If you don't learn something new everyday you're not trying. TY

826882 No.1537527


He also says "We now have the opportunity to Clean this up" at 5:50

5df9cf No.1537528


I bet they either gave the Dems different info or ONLY gave them the info so they'll know if it's leaked it only came from them.

d7f784 No.1537529

File: 2c7ea20f4053865⋯.png (127.98 KB, 1220x583, 1220:583, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: d42733cf19d69a4⋯.png (159.46 KB, 1089x720, 121:80, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: e055ede32ea848d⋯.png (139.88 KB, 999x577, 999:577, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 805c3b9ef86f92c⋯.png (240.54 KB, 964x731, 964:731, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 770dba98c2cf3e2⋯.png (136.1 KB, 994x658, 71:47, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)




and 4/20


weinstein the canary card????!?!!?!!!

7bd1c4 No.1537530


I totally would.

31baf1 No.1537531

File: f6b1876a4b6f969⋯.png (551.75 KB, 1652x628, 413:157, ClipboardImage.png)


still sleeping west of the mississippi

1ca75e No.1537532


A shot across Hollywood's bow no one is untouchable. . . .

a5c8ed No.1537533

File: 99271b9854c5d4c⋯.jpg (659.74 KB, 1296x2160, 3:5, on-having-everything.jpg)



just wanted to add this graphic - seems like while it was 'noted' and articles were posted, nobody used this snippet. i think it will be particularly relevant in the coming minutes/hours/days/weeks/months.

i was on the road yesterday - if anyone memed the shit out of this, i may have missed it, but that's life.

ed009c No.1537534


You know Acosta is going to drill Sarah over this. Joke or not joke

f4af4a No.1537535



so we only have until 2020 to fly without adsb out equipped


I hate extra rules

cf6045 No.1537536


Fox news Chris Stirewalt.

54a789 No.1537537

File: 184109034ee5c00⋯.jpg (148.19 KB, 850x435, 170:87, nextDumbFkQuestion.jpg)


Sarah's response

96c478 No.1537538

Is there an estimate on what % of the general public is now awakened or is aware of what's happening currently? Has it reached maybe 0.5%?

cca092 No.1537539


Then all of Q's posts and the research done on them would be used as evidence in court.

Look people. Trump really did collude with the Russians. Just read all of Q's posts that will prove it!

If they wanted to go down that road they would have already.

1c830c No.1537540

File: af288745e32f815⋯.jpg (39.51 KB, 545x365, 109:73, malitrudeau.jpg)

File: db313baf4cea247⋯.jpg (101.53 KB, 570x748, 285:374, o-PIERRE-MARGARET-TRUDEAU-….jpg)


He looks like Castro, and the way he is holding him, and showing him off as a baby.

His Father is fugly and wierd looking, and he looks nothing like him, yet looks like castro.

We know these people hide bloodlines and have children in secret, or with different fathers( or adoption)

b6626b No.1537541

File: 415093a84e34ad8⋯.png (1.01 MB, 727x1069, 727:1069, ClipboardImage.png)

and a great star will fall

and it's name is Wormwood

f4af4a No.1537542

File: b6f5cd77ba0ad17⋯.jpg (1001.89 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_4024.JPG)

54a789 No.1537543


As a data point, POTUS has 52 million twitter followers and many more lurkers, like me.

58697b No.1537544


No, he's making fun of Southern people, fuck him.

a278e6 No.1537545

1aefbb No.1537547


Shut it down

Complaints have been filed against Facebook, Google, Instagram and WhatsApp within hours of the new GDPR data protection law taking effect.

The companies are accused of forcing users to consent to targeted advertising to use the services.

Privacy group noyb.eu led by activist Max Schrems said people were not being given a "free choice".

If the complaints are upheld, the websites may be forced to change how they operate, and they could be fined.

What's the issue?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new EU law that changes how personal data can be collected and used. Even companies based outside the EU must follow the new rules if offering their services in the EU.


576741 No.1537549


fuck off homo

7554d8 No.1537550


He is fucking with Ruthie

d7f784 No.1537551

File: 3c6ab8cab1652ef⋯.png (41.36 KB, 522x305, 522:305, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 01af79c01bb8445⋯.png (99.6 KB, 1152x641, 1152:641, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 9bcf69d9026d103⋯.png (50.14 KB, 1235x509, 1235:509, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 07c9eb60a9758f2⋯.png (63.38 KB, 850x618, 425:309, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)




uh shit

did that crazy painteranon call it

4 posts at 7:04





a07bda No.1537552



Making fun of white niggers!

576741 No.1537553

Keep the queers off the boards, kids.

Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.

6f539f No.1537554


No Southern Fag, He's makin fun of people from Alabama!

cdd73f No.1537555


the Baker is prob a chick

31baf1 No.1537556



cc958e No.1537557

File: 210e16fc3202765⋯.png (1.22 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Screenshot_2018-05-25-14-3….png)

Our first perp walk…

4d0db5 No.1537558


if the world is freed from the (((international finance))) debt ponzi scheme so too will the flow of migrants end.

a07bda No.1537559


chick wit dat dick

637728 No.1537560

BREAKING: Trump: US now `talking to' North Korea after canceling summit, says `everybody plays games' .

611638 No.1537561

File: e86204d89b83105⋯.jpg (117.6 KB, 992x744, 4:3, I-AM-MM-HH-TOR.jpg)


>Canada restaurant blast:


>Trudeau's leadership is really having an impact in Canada!

Maybe Prince HH & Dutchess MM can come clean it up.


According to well-placed sources, palace aides are already drawing up plans for the couple’s first overseas tour and there is speculation that the couple could follow in the Cambridges’ footsteps by traveling to Canada shortly after their May wedding.

given Meghan’s close connections with Canada after filming Suits in Toronto for years, it seems a likely destination.

TORONTO was also the location of their first joint public appearance, when Meghan joined Harry there at the Invictus Games in September.

0a8448 No.1537562

File: c085959c9dce855⋯.png (708.84 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180525-092844.png)

School shooting?

Indy500 is two days away

952989 No.1537563


The public one or the classified one or the triple black project one?

Where do I sign up for Stargate Command SG units as a foreign communications and relations officer? I am wonderful at talking with people and I am a great communicator. Crack many jokes and not offensive at all. Would make a great deals with all sort of different extraterrestrials.

cf6045 No.1537564

File: 135bd87ef66f28e⋯.jpg (174.82 KB, 797x1000, 797:1000, 9e7b088fef4904c5eebf63a6eb….jpg)



Don't mess with Alabama.

889ff7 No.1537565


He pre-negotiated a $1MM bond, and will leave with an ankle bracelet.

bb59e8 No.1537566


That's pretty big…. Epstein squelling.

d7f784 No.1537567

File: 46e36d98c6bb45f⋯.png (125.23 KB, 473x610, 473:610, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 0e3b033b6b591a7⋯.png (34.69 KB, 492x164, 3:1, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: b83823f9e420ac7⋯.png (70.09 KB, 467x339, 467:339, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

1c34b8 No.1537568

File: 8bbc766a5c9eb5c⋯.png (936.04 KB, 1084x1084, 1:1, Screen Shot 83.png)


Maybe. No posts 111 days ago but based on USMC's tweet this morning about 101 days of Summer, I checked 101 days ago 2/13:

Think image drop.

Think OP.

Think United.

>When does a bird sing?

Everything has meaning.


9a79cc No.1537569

File: 0c163752fc3f738⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1070x718, 535:359, 5534.png)

5df9cf No.1537570


Brings attention to it anon. What is thought seeding?

c191ea No.1537571


he left off the /sarc/ tag ffs

12d185 No.1537572

File: d6eb34c3bc29c0b⋯.png (485.41 KB, 696x872, 87:109, POTUS & Stallone.png)

Great photo of POTUS & Stallone

a07bda No.1537573

File: 8d63f30e193ba7a⋯.jpg (33.28 KB, 550x590, 55:59, 1480183950556.jpg)


Come at me bro

58697b No.1537574


'Attacks the elite'

'Acts like an elitist'

96c478 No.1537575


But the majority of them still don't understand the concept that there is slient war going on. I don't think I have met anyone personally that understands the scale of things.

576741 No.1537576


Well, good anon, that's just what they told you to think.

fa3e8b No.1537577


What makes you think he is a pedophile? Where's the sauce?

12d185 No.1537578


Ole Harv ain't smiling any more!


576741 No.1537579



b19fc8 No.1537580

File: df680ca93430d45⋯.jpeg (40.21 KB, 640x960, 2:3, AfcKoao.jpeg)


For what little it's worth, I like pin-ups and flapper girls best.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter.

I'll say no more about it.

062df0 No.1537581

File: a98ccee82a593fe⋯.jpg (80.52 KB, 828x435, 276:145, interdasting.jpg)

5df9cf No.1537582


101 sounds like a mirror marker.

POTUS tweeted several 0 min deltas.

Q drop Corinthians 13:4-13

All mirrors.

cf6045 No.1537583

File: bcaf0aac37b17ca⋯.jpg (35.83 KB, 477x340, 477:340, 2augep~2.jpg)

Harvey Weinstein has dirt on hundreds of celebrities.

He'll get off with probation and a fine.

d7f784 No.1537584

File: 4c672346d082623⋯.png (885.33 KB, 777x666, 7:6, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


would be awesome if that black book is his book of names of people he has dirt on… that he is gonna trade for leniency

you know schiff would be in that motherfucker

5fc3aa No.1537585

File: 08fddb7661fb5a2⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 236x213, 236:213, download (5).jpg)


On the clock.

9f1991 No.1537586

Any guesses on today's FF? I am sure something is up!

31baf1 No.1537587


i'll take a stab at it.

'something wonderful' is also a much repeated line from Kubrick's 2001 and the 'wonderful something' was 'full of stars'.

the kazan bio is self explanatory…it's what he's about to do.

he's signaling that he's about to BTFO Hollywood that is full of 'stars'.

576741 No.1537588


That's it, anons. All eyes on weinstein. All eyes. Verrrrrrry good.

d5b067 No.1537589

File: f5ebe16707fa944⋯.jpg (87.43 KB, 564x848, 141:212, dc7c4be510db54c95547d6f411….jpg)



Lower case. It's not a planet. We're inside. Pic related.

58697b No.1537590


It's a distraction

504e5a No.1537591

Hey famalam

I wanted to share an observation that made me happy.

Yesterday while workfagging I took a lunch break and stopped to read Instagram. I follow a few entertainment outlets/IG "Blogs" (accounts that post gossip) and in my feed I saw that a predominantly black entertainment focused account posted some ridiculous shit about a "repirations happy hour" somewhere in Oregon where basically white people gave money for black people to have free food and drinks. Blah blah muh white guilt.

I read the comments expecting the standard kill whitey shitshow - but over half were black men and women replying how stupid that is, how racist it is against anyone not black (including racist against whites) and how we need to come together and stop this shit.

They are waking up, anons. This would have never been the case a year ago. Glad they are finally seeing they need to get off the plantation and that we are all equal and these bullshit SJW exercises are liberal tools of enslavement.

54a789 No.1537592


I'm not sure who completely understands the scale of the fuckery. Even the libtards I know understand that that the system needs to be cleansed and that there seems to be such a cleansing afoot.

cca092 No.1537593


Stop thinking like a loser soldier. You're only 25 with your whole life ahead of you. Canada isn't the only country in the world. If it bothers you then leave.

d7f784 No.1537594


i mean shit… its all coming together

schneiderman out

weiner file… reopened

weinstein turned himself in

epstein fbi docs released

holy fuck

we're about to see the goddamn pedo storm blowup

6c8bcd No.1537595

File: ffd80fc62fc360c⋯.jpg (202.87 KB, 1484x2257, 1484:2257, somethingwonderful.jpg)


Red book = 'Something Wonderful'

d95833 No.1537596

File: 38fff1c9b27ec66⋯.jpg (62.21 KB, 587x391, 587:391, The Future Belongs to the ….jpg)


>I'm not saying Q is a larp

If “Q” is a LARP,

…I would still believe that what makes America Great are the principles and values upon which she was founded (as written in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution), and NOT on the corporatism, war profiteering, neocolonialism, consumerism, identity politics, and immoral pop culture pestilence that now seeks to destroy it from within…

…I would still believe that our POTUS has a heart of gold and would give his life to save America…

…I would still believe that our POTUS won the 2016 election because ‘we the people’ were inspired by his message…

…I would still believe that there are ‘more good people than bad’

…I would still believe that the ‘world is fighting back & destroying the cult [that] runs the world’

…I would still believe that the Rothschilds, the Saudis, and Soros et al. should be charged and neutralized for their crimes against humanity…

…I would still believe that the [deep state] should NOT have the ability to control ‘public opinion’ thru their centralized corporate minions in Hollywood, the MSM, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google.

…I would still believe that TOGETHER our UNITED Qanon effort to RED PILL the Public has been an EPIC success…

…I would still believe that ‘There is NO bigger threat to ‘them’ than the public being AWAKE and thinking for themselves.’

…I would still believe that the ‘TRUTH belongs with the PEOPLE’

…I would still believe that YOU should ‘Trust in yourself’

…I would still believe that ‘The choice will always be yours.’

…I would still believe that ‘The future belongs to the dreamers, not to the critics.’

…I would give “Q” an award for the BEST LARP EVER!!!

AND if “Q” is REAL, then multiply all the above by a factor of Q!

1c34b8 No.1537597


Also, use logic. 1s and 0s. 111, 101, 110…

22fb16 No.1537598

File: b02f2642f53571d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, disgrace.png)

cf6045 No.1537599

File: a9ceb27d71e93c5⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 474x405, 158:135, downloadfile-6.jpg)

File: 035a548a949aa04⋯.jpg (164.14 KB, 1024x767, 1024:767, 36079802062_119c9e61c5_b.jpg)

Juan GFY

ed009c No.1537600

611638 No.1537601

File: 60a7c4c5b3d2049⋯.jpg (64.28 KB, 853x555, 853:555, IsleOfManTT.jpg)



Too bad Red Bull's not fuelling this race.

daed0c No.1537602


that he is talking and that this time no bullshit smearing of people like mccarthy is going to happen. burn in hell hollywood

a5c8ed No.1537603


do we know 5534?

oh, 5:5!

31baf1 No.1537604



he was born in Hope? like WJC?

he was born on July 16? that's a cabal day…same day Apollo 11 launched, JFK Jr 'killed', and several other events of note.

a6862f No.1537605


A great many have felt we were all in a handbasket headed to hell.

Now more and more are learning what the basket is made of and (((who))) holds the handle

The Great Awakening

More and more every day

f45f3e No.1537606


My ovaries contradict your homo statement


54a789 No.1537607



c0b8f6 No.1537608


THAT made me KEK

22fb16 No.1537609

File: 1b05a57f268b767⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, disgrace2.png)

>muh legacy

9f1991 No.1537610


School Shooting? Nah, getting too lame and mundane.

Plane Crash? Probable. Seems to be the new push these days.

Bombing in Indy before the race? My guess. Those bastards love that kind of think. Although it may be similar to the LV incident.

267acc No.1537611

Trump leaving for the naval academy.Talking about playing games. john you should know that. we all play games.

12d185 No.1537612


Hang in there Anon!

'The cure will spread WW'

Look how fast POTUS is turning the tide here in the U.S.! It will happen in Canada as well.

54a789 No.1537613


Schools closing up shop for the summer

cdd73f No.1537614


Yes me too. Something sexy about the pin up girl. My fav also

6037aa No.1537615

File: 1a543fae07d45e0⋯.png (286.4 KB, 617x555, 617:555, RussiaInsider_status_99996….png)


bb59e8 No.1537616


Nice anon.

a5c8ed No.1537617

File: 071eac671b07025⋯.jpg (189.5 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, whatstein.jpg)

d95833 No.1537618


>My ovaries contradict your homo statement

Epic KEK!

88aa29 No.1537619

File: 2b97cb46599bce2⋯.jpg (260.95 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, schatz-obama-white-house3.jpg)

File: 6674d6bbcd15d1c⋯.jpg (68.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2017-04-21T00-07-34-966Z--….jpg)

From the BBC


North Korea ready to talk 'at any time' with Donald Trump…

"In the US, Republican Senator Tom Cotton praised President Trump for "seeing through Kim Jong-un's fraud". But Democratic Senator Brian Schatz said the move was what happened "when amateurs are combined with warmongers".

Who is Democratic Senator 'Brian Schatz'?


Jewish Senator from Hawaii Supports Iran Deal

Democratic Senator Brian Schatz announces he backs nuclear deal with Iran, becoming the 16th senator to do so.

cdd73f No.1537620

House Republicans are preparing to conduct the first interviews in more than four months in their investigation into the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe.

A joint investigation run by the Judiciary and the Oversight and Government Reform committees has set three witness interviews for June, including testimony from Bill Priestap, the assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, and Michael Steinbach, the former head of the FBI’s national security division.

Multiple congressional sources confirmed Priestap’s interview. Steinbach confirmed to The Hill that he would be appearing.

The third witness is John Giacalone, who preceded Steinbach as the bureau's top national security official and oversaw the first seven months of the Clinton probe, according to multiple congressional sources.

Priestap, in particular, has come under fire from conservatives.

As the head of the FBI counterintelligence division, he held a pivotal leadership position in both the Clinton and Russia probes and was in a supervisory position over counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, whose text messages criticizing Trump and other political figures during the 2016 presidential race have been the focus of a maelstrom of scrutiny from the right.

Republicans are ramping back up the controversial investigation amidst what has become a direct assault by a number of conservatives on special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia.

President Trump's allies on Capitol Hill have alleged widespread misconduct within the FBI and the Justice Department during the 2016 election and say it is evidence of systemic bias against the president.

The allegations have spawned a number of counter-investigations and thrust a host of formerly anonymous FBI and Justice Department career officials into the limelight.

The joint Judiciary–Oversight review — led by chairs Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), respectively — is centered on the bureau’s decisionmaking in both the investigation of Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of State and the investigation into possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

But its progress had stalled in the months since it was first announced.

Since October, the panel is believed to have interviewed only two witnesses — of about 20 potential witnesses — infuriating conservative members who are eager to uncover what some have characterized as “corruption.”

All three interviews are scheduled separately. Priestap will appear in the first week of June, Giacalone in the second and Steinbach in the final week of the month, according to the congressional source.

Democrats have derided the probe as a partisan exercise designed to shield Trump by muddying the waters around the federal investigation into his campaign.

Gowdy has described the investigation as a serious inquiry into the bureau’s conduct during the Clinton investigation — also under the microscope of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz — rather than an effort to re-litigate the decision not to bring charges against the former secretary of State.



5fc3aa No.1537621



Sorry to say…


fe7526 No.1537622


Until you realize that Soros did the Queen's bidding to crash the economy, bring in the immigrants, further enslave the loyal subjects of the U.K.

b34b19 No.1537623

File: 522949cedd48c85⋯.jpeg (116.41 KB, 1020x772, 255:193, 1527255569.jpeg)

c3c6f5 No.1537624

IBOR is words.

If you want to really protect freedom

It must be thought word deed

Ie you must support the "rights"

We claim by instantiating those rights in network protocols.

It bothers me no one adequatly appreciates that everything rests

On networking.

Until we fix that

We will not be secure in our rights, in the identity of friends or enemies and the trust that permits civilization to evolve is impossible.

Secure identity based networking with assured elective anonymity is necessay to support advanced comoutation dependant civilization.

So we better build such a network to replace our primitive anonymous insecure internet - that is the ONLY way the IBOR can exist in material form.

470f45 No.1537625

Well, look what I just found. A positive change to YT.

gaggle seems to have to loosen it's strangle hold on it.

Thank You President Trump.

the changes are beginning!

Hi i,

We’re changing the way we enforce Google+ restrictions for YouTube comments, effective June 21, 2018.

Google+ allows users to set country and age restrictions around who can see their public posts. Previously, the same settings applied for any YouTube comment created with a Google+ account.

Several years ago, we announced changes to using YouTube with Google+. As part of those changes, you don't need Google+ to use YouTube. Therefore, beginning June 21, YouTube comments will no longer enforce these Google+ profile settings.This applies to any comments you’ve made on YouTube.

If you would like to modify or delete your comments, you can find your comment history here.

The YouTube Team

fe7526 No.1537626


Margaret is in the bloodline as a Sinclair.

Has spoopy long arms like LdR.

1827b9 No.1537627

What if there will never be any arrests and it's just a ploy by Q to maintain our attention?

58697b No.1537628


The royal family is a joke, it's the bankers that are the new royality.

0a8448 No.1537629

School shooter Noblesville Indiana. 2 injuries

12d185 No.1537631


Do you realize there is no law against collusion?

Mueller is "investigating" a non-crime!

Dec 2017

Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, 'it’s not a crime' thehill.com/homenews/administration/366746-trump-even-if-there-was-collusion-with-russia-its-not-a-crime

e1c639 No.1537632


it's a joke…like saying your 29 when you're 40th b-day rolls around…

611638 No.1537633

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Blast from last year:

Wasserman Schultz Threatens Capital Police With "Consequences" Unless They Return Equipment

58697b No.1537634


Be quiet, you'll just get attacked for questioning anything…

396227 No.1537635

File: 5647bb7ba0689f7⋯.jpg (451.33 KB, 552x877, 552:877, 229011537452754.jpg)

(((Iran's 5 Demands)))


▪Iran's Demands: Europe Must Guarantee It Will Buy Iranian Oil▪

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has issued five demands to the European Union (EU)—including Europe guaranteeing Iran’s oil will be completely sold—that European leaders could find quite difficult to meet.

“Iran will resume halted nuclear activities if Europe fails to provide guarantees,” Ayatollah Khamenei said, a week after the EU said that it would act to protect the interests of EU companies investing in Iran as part of the European bloc’s continued commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal.

After the U.S. withdrew from the deal, the EU, China, and Russia are trying to salvage the deal, and their diplomats are expected to meet with Iranian counterparts for talks in Vienna on Friday.

Ahead of those talks, Iran’s Supreme Leader stated his demands:

1. “The US has rejected the Resolution 2231 [the UN resolution endorsing the Iran nuclear deal]; Europe needs to issue a resolution against the US’s violation of it.”

2. “Europe must promise not to raise the issues of missiles and regional affairs of the Islamic Republic.”

3. “Europe must encounter any sanction against the Islamic Republic and explicitly stand to US’s sanctions.”

4. “Europe must guarantee that Iran’s oil will be completely sold. If the US can damage the sale of our oil, we must be able to sell as much oil as we want. Europeans must guarantee that they compensate for the loss, and that they buy Iran’s oil.”

5. “European banks must guarantee transactions with the Islamic Republic. We have no conflicts with regard to these three countries; but we do not trust them, based on previous experience.”

According to Eurasia Group analyst Henry Rome who spoke to CNBC, Khamenei’s demands should not be taken as the final position, because he is known to have changed his mind in the past.

https:// oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Irans-Demands-Europe-Must-Guarantee-It-Will-Buy-Iranian-Oil.html

d7f784 No.1537636

File: 2b6d8515db6c426⋯.png (642.49 KB, 1235x622, 1235:622, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 5406107f173f550⋯.png (310.82 KB, 728x661, 728:661, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: b28db3637d2325b⋯.png (87.2 KB, 626x365, 626:365, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 72982c69a4c216f⋯.png (481.8 KB, 721x648, 721:648, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 50728f9390cdad2⋯.png (197.15 KB, 693x396, 7:4, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


the fucking shitstorm is upon us lads

it appears we have the perfect conditions for a category 5 pedophile/deviant shitstorm

new york attorney general… resigns because of sexual abuse

which led to

anthony weiner evidence file to be reopened

we also have

weinstein turning himself in (i'm sure he has dirt on a lot of people)

yesterday the fbi releases a bunch of jeffrey epstein documents


NXIVM is blowing up… and the feds are seizing two more of their properties today

57a040 No.1537637


tits or gtfo

b3059b No.1537638


If flapper girls combine with redhead anon then we're not going to get any more work done… too dangerous, shut it down! :P

40f644 No.1537639


>His Father is fugly and wierd looking


e1c639 No.1537640


nice post Anon…thx

c3c6f5 No.1537641


Married in Christ


7554d8 No.1537642

File: d18bfb1a6c2a7ee⋯.jpeg (111.24 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, B983CE9F-214E-44D5-A792-B….jpeg)

cb3dc8 No.1537643

File: 996e45cda03c98e⋯.jpg (5.19 KB, 186x271, 186:271, download-3 (1).jpg)



02b5c5 No.1537644

File: eef0ac1c041dcd2⋯.png (393.26 KB, 581x361, 581:361, ClipboardImage.png)

What's this now?

cdd73f No.1537645


Lol love it :D

31baf1 No.1537646

File: 4a3c65946608a1f⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1603x880, 1603:880, ClipboardImage.png)

c1c820 No.1537647

File: c67b4cb35e91839⋯.png (2.35 MB, 2330x934, 1165:467, 1527255128515.png)


@realDonaldTrump CONFIRMS Q onTwitter banner?

Q calls POTUS 4 10 20 which is DJT. So, if you add up the helmet numbers, minus the 5:5 you get 17.

The 17th letter of the alphabet is Q. BOOM!

fe7526 No.1537649


Still a favorite theory that Musk is either the son or grandson of Von Braun.

5df9cf No.1537650


You forgot Backpage plead to human trafficking and Conspiracy charges.

(That fag ms13 named "animal" was sentenced on RICO charges) ie. it's happening

d7f784 No.1537651



are prominent democrats… or big time democrat donors

cdd73f No.1537652


Something else of note here….this was Michael Flynn's first tweet since Dec 2, 2017

22fb16 No.1537654

File: cc0c2a1f3483c5a⋯.png (1.69 MB, 800x1135, 160:227, gangs-of-ny.png)


you are watching a movie…..

ad6d7f No.1537655



spying on woman !!!!!

the Queen strike again or something bigger?

f45f3e No.1537656

File: 680fe6af601b1a1⋯.png (168.74 KB, 1070x718, 535:359, IMG_1117.PNG)

6c8bcd No.1537657


>It's not a planet. We're inside.


Earth still is a name, though, written with capital E, no matter if it is a planet or not. Lower case 'earth' is mud.

898bae No.1537658


i am curious to hear from oprah and deniro…

31baf1 No.1537659


lots of graduation ceremonies this weekend. lots.

fe7526 No.1537660


The royalty ARE the bankers. You are relatively new here?

5efb4e No.1537661



distraction for who? not anons, sex crimes in hollywood is super old news

distraction from what? everything in the news right now is old news

4e4f48 No.1537662




You think he is going to expose Israel/Mossad's true grasp on hollywood, and his role in crafting & producing movies that (((they))) hand pick & rewrite for social engineering/inception purposes?

Most are speculating he will turn on other actors & hollywood types… Typically, plea deals require evidence ABOVE one's self, not further down the food chain.

A cartel boss has no leverage in being willing to give up street level dealers, however if he gives up his international financial backers, trafficking routes, and political/military 'fixers', then deal makes sense.

Harvey would need to be offering BIGGER fish

a5c8ed No.1537663



Donor gala F F for Clinton Foundation?

b3059b No.1537664


"tits? bitch please, OVARIES OR GTFO"


36a90e No.1537665


It's obvious that Mooch is still deeply involved with Trump

a63765 No.1537666


Is it some type of code? Btw real, just checked

8dc63f No.1537667


"Don't get fucked fighting for CF"

35bb0a No.1537668

File: e7b5312f34346b7⋯.png (33.96 KB, 472x419, 472:419, hwood.png)

34d455 No.1537669


>A cartel boss has no leverage in being willing to give up street level dealers, however if he gives up his international financial backers, trafficking routes, and political/military 'fixers', then deal makes sense.

>Harvey would need to be offering BIGGER fish

Correct! You rat/snitch up, not down.

02b5c5 No.1537670



DGFFFCF = 4766636

mean anything?

4d0db5 No.1537671


could be Donor Gala 6 6 6 Clinton Foundation

ad6d7f No.1537672


Mossad !!!!! Ophra

FBI spying !!!!! MI6

2b893c No.1537673

File: eace2ced6e0fe29⋯.jpg (142.68 KB, 919x1132, 919:1132, curious.JPG)

Active shooter at school - all while Winestain gives himself up

d95833 No.1537674


>Nice anon.

thanks :-)

b6626b No.1537675


but can he do the fandango?

4e4f48 No.1537676


They all have (((something))) in common…

062df0 No.1537677

File: 7cbc8e9d78156aa⋯.jpg (30 KB, 736x581, 736:581, checkem.jpg)



898bae No.1537678



78783f No.1537679

Now they resort to blackmail and threats?????

David Hogg demands Publix donate 1 mill and state NO NRA support….


611638 No.1537680

File: 03f5729a2926a4d⋯.jpg (374.55 KB, 557x485, 557:485, MAP-INDY500Noblesville.jpg)



Nobles ville?

b34b19 No.1537681

I think this Weinstein arrest is bigger than we imagine. He was one of the top players in the cabals propaganda arm. Untouchable so he/they thought. Should strike fear in the faggot cabal members.

Popcorn at the ready!

4fcd52 No.1537682


Maybe DiG fff Clinton Foundation? Not sure what fff’s are.

22fb16 No.1537683

File: 4f5a2fae78898ca⋯.png (354.5 KB, 609x443, 609:443, blue-on-black.png)

Rachel Dolezal under arrest

a26de1 No.1537684

File: d8d95499934bb25⋯.png (203.52 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 295-245435.png)


d1c3cb No.1537685

File: f7905de798714c9⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1047x783, 349:261, SHS_w_Stallone_5-24-18_PIC.PNG)

File: bef283492eec4e4⋯.png (931.36 KB, 778x596, 389:298, ClipboardImage.png)

>>1533581 (brd#1927)


Be tough, DON your gloves, and Fight! Fight! Fight!

Double play on Don and THE Don.

cdd73f No.1537686


Harvey has been our ace in the hole for a long time. He is going to sell out all of Hollywood

cca092 No.1537687


Pure testosterone fuels the Isle of Man TT. Plus a dash of insanity for extra octane.

a565ac No.1537688


Breathing is racist

1a604c No.1537689


15:20 - 18:20 my favorite part. Maybe like the murky times we're in now.

cca092 No.1537691


Only if you're White.

5df9cf No.1537692


POTUS held a private dinner with Guilfoyle, Hannity and Mooch about a year ago.

34d455 No.1537693


When you take larping as a black woman too far. Good riddance.

f45f3e No.1537694


Balls, if you have any, or YOU GTFO


ddfa72 No.1537695


WOW… BOOM 17=Q Baby…

062df0 No.1537696


yes it could

d9d429 No.1537697


I want to marry (you sight unseen)!

Love me women with spine.

099c2f No.1537698

I prefer the 'classic' chicken sandwhich over the 'mcchicken'

b34b19 No.1537699

File: 9bb56b4ffad0987⋯.jpg (82.02 KB, 678x751, 678:751, Agreed.jpg)

cb8c5c No.1537700

File: 2125e5e2e7a0e47⋯.png (545.42 KB, 789x531, 263:177, ClipboardImage.png)


1827b9 No.1537701

What if Q is a nigger?

That would end racism

187812 No.1537702

holy moly 5:5 baker notable

cdd73f No.1537703

File: 98457e607483c5c⋯.png (451.59 KB, 645x423, 215:141, Flynn.png)

Michael Flynn makes this tweet today. His first tweet since Dec 2, 2017 Hmmmm

9b7d33 No.1537704




504e5a No.1537705

It feels like it's going to be a comfy weekend

36a90e No.1537706


More like the voodoo that you do…

cf6045 No.1537707

File: 834e13a70cf6a59⋯.jpg (83.11 KB, 798x1071, 38:51, 28c0731b8b5aa61d34566db4d6….jpg)

File: c1e57cce7851ece⋯.jpg (94.9 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 2aucmu~2.jpg)


My white house was scandal free.

Obola is a piece of shit.

a5c8ed No.1537708




DON GLOVES Fight Fight Fight, Clinton Foundation

( thanks >>1537685 )

b34b19 No.1537709


I believe you are correct. I don't see him as having much of a spine

1a604c No.1537710


I guess so. From what I have seen, HW hasn't done much legally wrong. All his "conquests" were of age and consenting. The deal was:do this and I'll make you a star, don't do this and I won't. (This is how I learned almost all of the female A-list are whores.) Like it or not, that's legal, and it's a hell of a lot better than what we've heard about others.

be2623 No.1537711

is https://qanon.pub/ not working anymore? 99% certain i saw a q post about 20 hours ago about what a patriot is and not been updated, cant find it anywhere now, had a load of replies

cab8ce No.1537712

File: 49586bfbf9fb26d⋯.jpg (67.45 KB, 639x601, 639:601, dgfffcf.JPG)



Yeah what is Dgfffcf hinting at ??

187812 No.1537713


holy moly 5:5 baker notable

cdd73f No.1537714

File: fc4cde68715dc5b⋯.png (97.52 KB, 300x206, 150:103, basement_5691.png)


Good one lol. When I see Anons saying "tits or gtfo" I always imagine them to look like this :D

d1c3cb No.1537715

>>1537708 succinct, targeted - Noice!

adaf5a No.1537716

File: 237f8e277947fc2⋯.gif (800.16 KB, 220x220, 1:1, 1523543799087.gif)


yes, I do believe that may well be correct. Why turn himself in?

d9d429 No.1537717

Was redpilling my old parents and they were pushing back.

Mom had Alexa sitting on the patio table, so I casually said…

"Alexa? Are you connected to the C_I?"

It shut down immediately. Mom turned it back on and while they couldn't reconnect it to Wi-Fi, I casually strolled to my car and drove home with the biggest shit eating grin you've ever seen.

Took my nephew to come over the next day to reconnect it and he even admitted he'd never seen anything like it.

099c2f No.1537718

Who hired the closet homo spammers ?

5df9cf No.1537719


Could be a password or the missing part of a password/encryption key. Think puzzle.

31baf1 No.1537720


mooch? michelle?

d7f784 No.1537721

File: 6611176bd2f97d5⋯.jpg (421.23 KB, 2048x1612, 512:403, stallonepunched.jpg)

898bae No.1537722


pretty big?

it is HUGE!

Do you not remember who has been there, multiple times?

31e3cb No.1537723


a reminder the post of Q mentioning people will be distancing themselves from anything "clinton"

5644a7 No.1537724




333524 No.1537725


Actually would not be a stupid move by him. He could guarantee a fuckload more free time for himself for the remainder of his life, has plenty of cash to live comfortably even if there are fines, and has zero reason to care what anyone thinks. Bosses don't need approval, they can walk off into the sunset and remain as "chastened elder statesmen" until they die. Think Richard Nixon.

33e466 No.1537726

I think the NY charge is about that Asia chick….she is claiming rape and has the physical evidence to back it up

She went to the cops right after and they investigated, but got blocked from going further


b34b19 No.1537727

File: 4a73b6476d6007c⋯.jpeg (122.94 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 1525281697.jpeg)


Or this

898bae No.1537728

c712d5 No.1537729

Trump says US, North Korea now 'talking' after summit pullout: 'Everybody plays games'


90a24d No.1537730


Flynn has been busy posting here (wink wink) since Oct 28th.

a5c8ed No.1537731

File: d16ae365fe3d8fe⋯.jpg (38.31 KB, 508x200, 127:50, q-hospital.jpg)


reading my mind e.

i've been thinking about (quote attached) all week.

are we [all] eating people?

57a040 No.1537732



You got me there. Workfagging right now but happy to post my balls later.

Just like me some tits…

36a90e No.1537733

File: da55f92bf2f5f41⋯.jpg (415.57 KB, 989x1199, 989:1199, ClintonPayday.jpg)



Sorry, original source file has been deleted.

fe7526 No.1537734



This is the hard link to wikileaks


The reference is to OBAMA, not the Clinton Foundation.

It's almost 2 years old.


cf6045 No.1537735

File: 7b9a1c8a1cb54f1⋯.jpg (62.47 KB, 551x516, 551:516, 1409840283923775.jpg)


Most niggers are borderline retarded.

c1c820 No.1537736



f4ca93 No.1537737




January 2013 - Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No.



Hillary and Weinstein were on a first name basis…

Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05771313 Date: 08/31/2015 from the FOIA files….

From: Marshall, Capricia P <MarshalICP@state.gov

Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 8:35 AM

To: H (email redacted)

Cc: Abedin, Huma

Subject: Fw: From Harvey Weinstein

Very sweet email from Harvey. Let me know if you want the movies.

You were amazing yesterday. Will look for direction on details for the upcoming talks.

From: Office, HW

To: Marshall, Capricia

Sent: Fri Aug 20 12:50:18 2010

Subject: From Harvey Weinstein

Dear Capricia,

As time moves on, I realize I haven't seen you and Mrs. Clinton (Hillary) in a long time, but I think of you both often. I don't know if movie producers are still worthy in your world, but next time you're in NYC I'd love to see you. I have such fond memories of you guys watching SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE. I made another movie you might like about the ascendancy of King George after Edward abdicated, it's called KINGS SPEECH. The movie brings to light something that many people don't know, which is that King George was a stutterer and he hired an actor to try and help him overcome it. It's a fun movie that is much in the tradition of SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE, again I think you would both like it (and Hillary would approve because it's PG-13 with not too many swear words).

If you have any trips coming up I'd love to send it to you so you guys can watch and give me your opinion. I could also include a copy of THE TILLMAN STORY, that one is obviously not a happy film, but it's an incredibly important one.

PS (completely redacted ~2 lines)

Your bad friend,


099c2f No.1537738


Bacon awareness is not just shitty police or slanderous closet homos

cb3dc8 No.1537739

File: 1cf783888d65147⋯.jpg (40.69 KB, 620x388, 155:97, putin_2288082b.jpg)


Settle down Harvey.

1a604c No.1537740


Well if he's a rapist, that's different. We'll see.

22fb16 No.1537741


I was just curious to see if "dgfffcf" produced anything from my script to decode stringers…

got the following:

Decoded using 9 forward; 1 backward




def496 No.1537742


Epstein or Weinstein???????????

cdd73f No.1537743



An InsiderAnon told me this back in like Dec/Jan that Hollywood and cabal were sending him to europe for the rest of his life to live in some lavish mansion as a consolation prize for throwing him under the bus for a distraction, but the white hats grabbed him at the airport, and he took deal to sing. It just wasnt safe before now. The stage wasnt set, so to speak. He is going to give us EVERYTHING about Hollywood, all the pedo's, all the trafficking routes, etc. He took a deal with white hats

9a79cc No.1537744

c712d5 No.1537745


Both are 'steins'.

31e3cb No.1537746


so likely we'll see some related obstruction of justice charges

cb8c5c No.1537747


KEK! nice work Anon

427144 No.1537748


He hasn't tweeted since Dec.

Those letters mean something, lets combine our brains. Dgfffcf

CF= Clinton foundation

cdd73f No.1537749


Oh my money is totally on him being one of the Q posters (Q has said multiple people). 100% Flynn is one of them :D

613507 No.1537750


I question your assessment of the posters to this board

f45f3e No.1537751



6c8bcd No.1537752


Raman Ghavami is a zionist propaganda clown.

504e5a No.1537753


Yes. Exactly. I said this back when we were still on half.

Stop eating meat if you cannot verify the source. I buy all the meat we eat from Farmers I know personally and I also know where it is processed.

Fast food meat, I think, has human meat in it tbh. I know that sounds bizarre but ever since Q posted that I couldn't think of anything else - we guessed everything — but honestly what would really fuck even US up to find out (considering we know they fuck kids and eat kids already) – it would have to be that we're unknowingly eating them too.

477f3b No.1537754



24d082 No.1537755

File: 2c937a3a489de88⋯.jpg (40.67 KB, 564x752, 3:4, allouttagum.jpg)


helps to have love to come home too

it is beauty that they wanted to destroy

& it's beauty that will save the world

we're hear to find the truth & deliver justice

-anon, what is best in life?

be merry, have fun, cherish every little wonder

let someone know you love them

stay safe, sweetdreams, godspeed

be well. >

089ef6 No.1537756


Harvey does the perp walk. I like it.

90a24d No.1537757


Donald gotcha!

Fifty Felonies for Clinton Foundation

a5c8ed No.1537758


pork. the *other* other white meat.

thanks e. thanks a bunch.

ed009c No.1537759


I hate this porn guy.

cca092 No.1537760


Racism is about races not individuals. It's just normal tribalism/nationalism that's been given a negative connotation if you're White. Just being White and wanting your race to survive is enough to be called racist these days.

5df9cf No.1537761


He is deffinitely naming names because his lawyer said "we agree to the protection order" right after mentioning the gps monitor and agreeing to wave all extradition rights.

cdd73f No.1537762


did the Weinstein thing happen before this post? Q might be talking about Corey Feldmen in this post

35bb0a No.1537763



Down Goes [FFF] Clinton Foundation

33e466 No.1537764

Could be

Asia is the woman who gave a speech at Cannes in 98 or so and old everyone in the audience that he raped her


c712d5 No.1537765

Active shooter situation reported at Indiana middle school; suspect in custody, officials say


b8ec68 No.1537766


BOOM we going in for the kill now?

cdd73f No.1537767


Exactly, this was very purposeful

898bae No.1537768



22fb16 No.1537769


Just realized I haven't shared this script. It's simple and someone could pick it up and work on it to make it better. If anyone is interested, here is the code:

https:// pastebin.com/2Juc428f

You'll have to configure the stringer you want to decode as well as the $backward parameter prior to execution.

Compatible with PHP 5.4+

b8bcb8 No.1537770


>these aren't the memes you're looking for

cdd73f No.1537771


We need to focus on those letters, this was very purposeful.

cca092 No.1537772


I wonder if he'll start wearing those funky boots that no name was wearing.

fb17a2 No.1537773


Baker Notable

f4af4a No.1537774

File: f7f9184faf30244⋯.jpeg (708.53 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 7E657CD4-68FE-4964-AF1B-A….jpeg)

cf6045 No.1537775


Trump may declassify the spying intelligence.

def496 No.1537776


He said it will make us laugh. Feldman is not the guy someone got to him a while back.

1ca75e No.1537777

File: eee5a5471691280⋯.jpg (88.9 KB, 1219x250, 1219:250, 6nVYDQE.jpg)

f6c2a7 No.1537778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>> 1537589

Implying Tesla was a FLATTARD


Start at the 11:00 mark retard, the stuff preceeding is above your pay grade & intellect, the flattards tried to sidle up to this guy, to glomm onto his magnetism discoveries, but he refutes them all right here, for once & for all & for good.

Fuck off with your nonsense.

31baf1 No.1537779

File: 970e52784b27431⋯.png (844.06 KB, 1135x669, 1135:669, ClipboardImage.png)

This is for you, Sarah…

dc8cf6 No.1537780

File: dbd1711097f4570⋯.png (650.07 KB, 890x845, 178:169, ClipboardImage.png)


was Harvey at the Clinton Foundation Gala

last night in NYC?

ddfa72 No.1537781


No Anons are getting the NOTABLE.. I bet Q will when He Wakes Up soon

a5c8ed No.1537782


(fight fight fight)

cb8c5c No.1537783


Excellent, ThankQ!

b936f3 No.1537784

File: 24970ecbc644c32⋯.png (186.74 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-25-10-0….png)


Another School Shooting

((They)) are in full panic mode

898bae No.1537785


don't you just wonder what oprah is thinking right now…or deniro?

and how about epstein talking.

they are all going down.

there is justice in the world.

Thank you President Trump.

22fb16 No.1537786

d7f784 No.1537787


and its gone


089ef6 No.1537788

Rose McGowan on Meghan right now.

361f33 No.1537789

File: aeee6e4f9aa6e72⋯.png (338.82 KB, 577x382, 577:382, FireShot Capture 675 - Gen….png)

First tweet since december.

6c8bcd No.1537790



You sound like a dude… What should we call you then? A Saya-dyke?

9b6978 No.1537791


Donor Gala False Flag For Clinton Foundation?

Is the good General linking Donors at the Gala to False flags for the Clinton Foundation?

f4af4a No.1537792

File: d8adb14206c7496⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, E310D9CB-7322-4A5B-8AAB-3B….png)

099c2f No.1537793

Any fetatds spoofing tls handshakes to cover up tredeau trannyshill pedovore racket ?

6f539f No.1537794


So ALL Anons look like Defangor?

a26de1 No.1537795

File: fb82e6c1479bab7⋯.png (259.83 KB, 499x498, 499:498, CNNShill.png)

361f33 No.1537796


now its gone =(

4e4f48 No.1537797


That doc is dated 2008…

28d2b4 No.1537798

File: 352ffd8c014af0f⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1432x2266, 716:1133, 32469364843698261`.png)

File: bbca72f2992ced5⋯.png (878.09 KB, 1488x915, 496:305, 2189642893689652193.png)

File: 1be94dec14e44a5⋯.png (840.82 KB, 532x600, 133:150, 353632.png)

f45f3e No.1537799


Nailed it

I've been thinking same for a while now

People will be destroyed


cdd73f No.1537800


No lol it was a joke. It just comes across as desperate when anons try and force chicks to show their tits

898bae No.1537801



57a040 No.1537802


Why would baker take a notable from a namefag who calls himself Larpo Marx?

Doesn't seem notable anyway, just overly autistic…

b8ec68 No.1537803

File: c224d28a804e998⋯.jpg (351.64 KB, 978x959, 978:959, 1lvcqnfi9pz01.jpg)

4e4f48 No.1537804


>You think he is going to expose Israel/Mossad's true grasp on hollywood, and his role in crafting & producing movies that (((they))) hand pick & rewrite for social engineering/inception purposes?

>Most are speculating he will turn on other actors & hollywood types… Typically, plea deals require evidence ABOVE one's self, not further down the food chain.

Most end up dead before Israel is ever 'officially' implicated in anything.

fe7526 No.1537805


Macauley Caulkin plays in here big time.

At least that's what my gut says.

277950 No.1537806

Trump about to give the commencement at the Naval Academy graduation


Can POTUS give all of us a nod with a WWG1WGA?

f6c2a7 No.1537807

File: fb0f7ec5e0eaa9b⋯.png (89 KB, 552x649, 552:649, prezpoints2.PNG)


TOGTFO gets the quads. Nice get, with a chans axiom.

0dedeb No.1537808

File: 809f47d410fac2c⋯.png (469.11 KB, 472x669, 472:669, ClipboardImage.png)

4 10 20

bb59e8 No.1537809


Not sure what the deal is. Should be notable but seems weiner is all everyones interested.

Epstein and his island shitshow is NOTABLE.. do I have to do it in red?

33e466 No.1537810


I laughed way harder at this than I probably should….kek

210c04 No.1537811

Watching the graduation ceremony. Cant wait to hear POTUS. God bless our military.

b8ec68 No.1537812

099c2f No.1537813

Perhaps the fetards are vpn poisoning for royal trannyshills at the request of tredeau pedovore racket

fb17a2 No.1537814

File: c1599518522e5db⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 634x430, 317:215, ZomboMeme 24052018124618.jpg)

5df9cf No.1537815


Could be Clinton. 7 digits. See what the number changes equal; might be a clue.

d276f7 No.1537816


Transparent Traitor is tippy-top of creativity. Way to go, anon!

51eb6b No.1537817


Naming conventions need to be established.

I vote for the battlecruiser USS Robert A. Heinlein.

c712d5 No.1537818


Hey, I've been watching the interviews with congressional personnel in the hallways of congress, and to be honest, those hallways look to be like underground in a bunker as well.

31baf1 No.1537819

daed0c No.1537820


that would just make me mad not put me in the hospital. and i dont think its actual meat if anything its aborted fetus cells. or fetus tissue. fucking senomyx was doing it

7de500 No.1537821


baker notable re OBAMA pay to play email from his lawyers

post says clinton

if notable please correct title to obama

5fc3aa No.1537822


Further confirmation it is today.

25 May 1977

Star Wars Opens

Star Wars was soon a bona-fide pop culture phenomenon. Over the years it has spawned five more feature films, five TV series and an entire industry’s worth of comic books, toys, video games and other products.

Two 5's in that para.

1827b9 No.1537823



That is awesome

306cd5 No.1537824



How does email this reference Hussein?

If anything, it would connect with DWS, which would lead to HRC's campaign.


Jacquelyn Lopez | Perkins Coie LLP


*Admitted in State of Florida; Admission to DC Bar pending.

4e4f48 No.1537825


Feldman & the Hobbit

90a24d No.1537826


I propose renaming the Sun to Trump. Then Sunday becomes Trumpday.

4b25bb No.1537827

File: a911f933bda0103⋯.jpg (57.59 KB, 606x472, 303:236, IMG_20180525_193837.jpg)



He deleted it. Screencapped.

c3c6f5 No.1537828


Anon please tell the wormwood star story. I have only the certainty it is important

08dd5a No.1537829

File: 3c40643b212065b⋯.jpg (4.05 KB, 129x115, 129:115, ce3d070edc.jpg)

This bread is sliding into a retard black hole

a1769a No.1537830



d9d429 No.1537831


See what confusion you dumb shits cause when you crop out the date/timestamp?????

099c2f No.1537832

The organ traffickers used malware drivers and the pedos used game registers keys . How much carpet does circus circus really need .

d276f7 No.1537833

File: deac58de0c2be7a⋯.jpg (282.12 KB, 1800x1197, 200:133, Covfefe1.jpg)


Hi. Just got on. Is there a link for watching POTUS?

c712d5 No.1537834


Happy I didn't fall into that trap!

dc4fe7 No.1537835

File: 4b636233c15a122⋯.png (135.5 KB, 514x833, 514:833, NKdealmade.png)


Better Graphics

>Are NK & US just posturing for the public?



ad6d7f No.1537836

File: 15ec27049c07fb8⋯.jpg (43.7 KB, 640x486, 320:243, DV3QoXuXUAEI9S3.jpg)

File: 0da190d8c260ab5⋯.jpg (46.5 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Hillary Clinton Hillary Cl….jpg)

5efb4e No.1537837


weird how long did he leave it up?

i still have it open. it was posted 28 min ago but i can't tell when it was deleted

cdd73f No.1537838

oh wow Anons, Flynn's tweet is gone now. Everyone save offline

b8bcb8 No.1537839


what are you pointing out here?

That the badge number is 5:5???

that its secret service doing the arresting? (that would be INTERESTING)

or just the gayness of the tie?

d276f7 No.1537840



Navy commencement ceremony

POTUS will speak


31baf1 No.1537841

File: e1fd4a234360b5a⋯.png (726.46 KB, 1003x624, 1003:624, ClipboardImage.png)

099c2f No.1537842

I have uninstalled nearly 700 root kits after my third windows reset this year .

e7fe2c No.1537843





Staring POTUS The Stable Genius and Troller in Chief

With The Apprentice Kim Jun Un

Any other Anons get the feeling that Trumps formal sumiit cancellation letter

Was another major Rick Roll

Like table talk before the flop

Suggesting your easing back cause all you got is a haystack looking for a needle

When instead you are down with all matching suit, have counted all the CARDS at the table and

know you will HIT and are playing to sucker in the “these people are stupid” still sitting at

the table in a game they have already lost.

I mean what master player could resist the opportunity to wipe the table clean

Assuming it is true that Trump and Kim have already met and

Assuming that it is true that for years Kim has been made to be the puppet of the Deep State.

Why wouldn’t Trump offer Kim a chance to become a player on the world stage with him

and give his keepers a just payback. Trump plays the dog and sets up the pony for the show.

Trump lays out his regrets and rescends, the evil stupid fucks double down in public, and

Kim PONIES up the pot buster. Damn I like waking up and thinking these kinds of things

about our POTUS.

7de500 No.1537844


overton window at 30%

moabs incoming this sumer

10ca2e No.1537845

File: 30aa4e40e97e39f⋯.jpg (8.93 KB, 255x204, 5:4, Atom bomb.jpg)



>The reference is to OBAMA, not the Clinton Foundation.

So it looks like Perkins Coie was laundering money for Obama AND HRC/CF/CGI. Is this the source of the overseas millions we've been kicking around?

ad6d7f No.1537846



De Flower

b8bcb8 No.1537847


My guess is Roseanne. She's been tweeting about mkultra from way back

318361 No.1537848

File: daff5963a59627f⋯.png (249.2 KB, 494x525, 494:525, 1512680072465.png)

9261fc No.1537849

File: 6ee2b1aef26bb1d⋯.jpg (253.53 KB, 1235x1500, 247:300, il_fullxfull.892124671_hca….jpg)

Dolce Gabana

Fashion in Film Festival

Clinton Foundation


4b25bb No.1537850

File: 6610850d3b7ec0a⋯.png (456.81 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180525-194321.png)

def496 No.1537851


Nah I don't think it's him, I the only reason I thought Epstein and Weinstein was because it's ironically laughable. Culkin isn't in anyway funny.

1c34b8 No.1537853

bb59e8 No.1537854


Thanks for pointing that out. I'd missed it. Must be time to sleep. Night all.

Hold the line anons…WWG1WGO.

cdd73f No.1537855

File: 98457e607483c5c⋯.png (451.59 KB, 645x423, 215:141, Flynn.png)

File: c7fcd75fdd599bb⋯.png (767.71 KB, 1311x897, 19:13, FlynnTweet.png)

Anons, everyone save offline. The tweet is gone now. Was posted at approx 8:45am central time

ad6d7f No.1537856

File: ba0b2a9f06debdb⋯.png (22.01 KB, 320x320, 1:1, ba0b2a9f06debdb3df6433e68b….png)

c3c6f5 No.1537857



Good to know. Serious problem in Hollywood from Speilberg to Redstone. And deeper.

12d185 No.1537858

File: 5c765cd9de6ffdf⋯.jpg (165.41 KB, 500x880, 25:44, Harvey Weistein - Oprah.jpg)

267acc No.1537859



@genflynn twitter account was hacked this morning… currently addressing…

099c2f No.1537860

Magicall peanuts from those moments when the inequalities of the selfishness could not be erased . Whole train load now

4e4f48 No.1537861

File: a84e101b882f4c1⋯.png (78.18 KB, 637x504, 91:72, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 8cbf032060cbb16⋯.png (50.47 KB, 593x238, 593:238, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 9b8a161f547e0f9⋯.png (39.7 KB, 615x181, 615:181, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

fe7526 No.1537862

File: 4eaf68350eca5ab⋯.png (34.18 KB, 382x286, 191:143, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)




Such a small amount, though.

cbb1ab No.1537863

File: 98aac2fbc5aeec8⋯.png (311.46 KB, 871x643, 871:643, Screenshot 2018-05-25 at 7….png)


AIM made their own version of Q called T

apologies if posted -

NOT NOTABLE - just pathetic

90a24d No.1537864

File: 94065ebdf8a3997⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 780x439, 780:439, 092216_clinton2[1].jpg)

Can't get enough

0c8a8c No.1537865



1827b9 No.1537866

File: 86cd83d3c7dcbf4⋯.png (110.18 KB, 1055x559, 1055:559, Screenshot_2018-05-25-16-1….png)


4e4f48 No.1537867


That means UPSTREAM, people ABOVE him, like FOREIGN governments, politicians, BIG $$ etc..

6a3900 No.1537868

File: 381dcc4fc0e4b45⋯.png (167.11 KB, 1410x391, 1410:391, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Docum….png)

speculation…of course

12d185 No.1537869

File: e73ca2fb9206dd3⋯.png (1.02 MB, 992x1066, 496:533, HW.png)


Weinstein's Book

'Something Wonderful Rodgers and Hammerstein's Broadway Revolution'

1e8f9c No.1537870

File: 0a71ec7941815df⋯.png (635.81 KB, 750x713, 750:713, IMG_3113.png)

Flynn's tweet this morning. His lawyer told him to take it down. DGFFF meaning? CF could be Clinton Foundation.

b8ec68 No.1537872


DG David Geffen


CF Clinton Foundation

c1c820 No.1537873


Baker NOTABLE… Come on anons!!!

35bb0a No.1537874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nothing out of the ordinary about the video

9f1991 No.1537875


I bet the covers don't match the contents on those books.

36a90e No.1537876

File: 92bda891b170b2a⋯.png (30.95 KB, 684x408, 57:34, ClipboardImage.png)


Possible hidden twitter account?

cb3dc8 No.1537877

File: 6a22386cd874fb8⋯.jpg (6.16 KB, 220x179, 220:179, images-5 (7).jpg)


He posts one time since Dec and it's all of a sudden hacked.

12d185 No.1537878



4e4f48 No.1537879


Another 'asset'. Ex of Marilyn Manson

7cf1a2 No.1537880

3 FBI agents set to testify in front of a congressional panel, and a school shooting comes up in Indiana

099c2f No.1537881

the frump shillary vs thing is their attempt at simulating '90s divorce culture . Kimda gross cannibals not really in office . Wtf

ee4bcc No.1537882


He just hired ex-Mossad to track everyone that might spill the beans on hm to try to prevent his being outed, nothing to see here.

31e3cb No.1537883


was my first thought

fe7526 No.1537885

File: f49a56e8b17a497⋯.png (34.08 KB, 371x273, 53:39, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


Strange. Clicked it again and this showed up.

Clicked several times since then, each one is different. Obviously I don't understand this stuff.

Still think it's relevant. Any other ideas?

ad6d7f No.1537886



Special Place

c3c6f5 No.1537887


You pretty funny sometimes whoever you are.

e2daf3 No.1537888


amazing. it's like a solid 80% of memes have a yuge glaring typo in them, pretty impressed at the consistency.

Dem memers, have their idea, go into their memeing prog or however they do it, type in the text, save the file, and proudly upload their work for Posterity on this uneditable board… and didn't check their shit once?

ok, sometimes, but damn, it happens allllll the time…


smells habbenings today, bringitttt

f4af4a No.1537889

File: b3b995c64bad250⋯.png (1.17 MB, 3334x1180, 1667:590, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


says ironman

1827b9 No.1537890


Just sharing

cb3dc8 No.1537891


Weinstein's choice of book

David Sillito, Media and Arts Correspondent

When the former movie mogul arrived at court on Friday, eagle-eyed observers noticed he was carrying a biography of Elia Kazan. Perhaps he was expecting a long wait.

Kazan was a film boss who found himself reviled by large parts of Hollywood in an atmosphere likened to a witch-hunt - making the book an interesting choice for Mr Weinstein to carry into a police station.

Kazan - who directed On the Waterfront, A Streetcar Named Desire, and Splendour in the Grass - faced criticism all his life for his decision to name names to the House Un-American Activities Committee, which investigated communist activity in America the 1940s and 50s.

The investigation led to a blacklist of actors, directors, and screenwriters, ending or putting on hold hundreds of Hollywood careers. Nearly 50 years later, when Kazan was awarded an honorary Oscar in 1999, some refused to applaud and there was a picket outside the auditorium.

Kazan's story is one of defiance in the face of moral outrage. If Harvey Weinstein is trying to send a signal, it doesn't seem to be one of contrition or regret.

02b5c5 No.1537892


Could be 666

062df0 No.1537893


wonder if it corresponds with a secret email addy?

4dc819 No.1537894


The LA Times, Chicago Tribune, New York Daily News, Baltimore Sun and Orlando Sentinel websites all displayed the same message saying they could not be accessed.


d9d429 No.1537895



KEK! Thanks for sharing. Made me smile.

fe7526 No.1537896


Is he still sporting a boot for the pesky broken ankle?

1e8f9c No.1537897

File: fdf4dbdf483046a⋯.png (634.97 KB, 750x713, 750:713, IMG_3113.png)


I was hoping this was legit.

d5b067 No.1537899


>Lower case 'earth' is mud.

Agree. But it conveys a message. It's the dialogue that is important. :-)

10ca2e No.1537900


>Active shooter at school - all while Winestain gives himself up

Every. Single. Time.

f9fbc1 No.1537901

File: 69d061f3384e78b⋯.jpeg (948.36 KB, 912x2141, 912:2141, 3D830D45-CD8C-4FAB-919B-6….jpeg)


So…. given what we know now-there is no date on my CDAN screen shot but I took it mid January (for context) pre nexium, post weinstein, pre rchandler

Would like to focus on the next to last paragraph re: the director of a government agency

099c2f No.1537902

Anabolic ~ gives to a system

Catabolic ~ takes from system

9f1991 No.1537903


I'm thinking it's more legit than not. Just calling off the direct reference.

f6c2a7 No.1537904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rabbi Finkystain tells the truth about the children sacrificed on Passover.

Disgusting. Sausage & hamboigers.

The goyim are shleppers sheep cattle.

5efb4e No.1537905

File: 5e39938d0219d27⋯.png (509.46 KB, 882x649, 882:649, Potuskju.png)


>Any other Anons get the feeling that Trumps formal sumiit cancellation letter was another major Rick Roll


cdd73f No.1537906

My thoughts: DGFFFCF is a name for one of the files on Weiner's laptop, and MF was trolling HA and HRC. Not coincidence he tweets this 30min after HW gets arrested… and being his first tweet in 6 months

089ef6 No.1537907


"Asset" for whom?

099c2f No.1537908

File: 2219578961e7272⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_2222.JPG)

Little 'devils church' from old paperclip days

c712d5 No.1537909


There was another school shooting this morning as well.

Suspect in custody after shooting at Indiana middle school; 2 victims reported


b8bcb8 No.1537910


Dont act like such a scrub-newb. Tits or GTFO isn't about tits, its about the value of an anonymous opinion.

90a24d No.1537911




e2daf3 No.1537912


>Not coincidence he tweets this 30min after HW gets arrested… and being his first tweet in 6 months

have to agree, there.

and then the hackneyed "hacked" excuse for normie cover…

10ca2e No.1537913

File: 9ce23ec7cf44ac6⋯.jpg (125.82 KB, 919x1132, 919:1132, School Shooting.jpg)


>I think this Weinstein arrest is bigger than we imagine.

Big enough for a diversionary school shooting.

ad4ec6 No.1537914

File: 8be4ce2c4df3d5d⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1970x4081, 1970:4081, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….jpg)

Looks like the shills are really trying to abuse the report system now. Just so you're all aware.

Can't fool me shills, you're way too fucking stupid.

48da05 No.1537915

File: 7b2bd9c7e321fc4⋯.png (3.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, AF1_over_hyangsan-NK.png)


That is not the DMZ out the window, it's Hyangsan North Korea.

Here's the rundown and proof.

>Trump twats Thank You Asia video

>https:// twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/930490487903084544

>At 0:36 short clip of a scene out a window of a plane (presumably AF1)

>Geographic features exactly match Hyangsan North Korea

Key to solving the puzzle was realizing the video was flipped horizontally.

Check it yourself.

477f3b No.1537916




eat whole food plant based diet… non gmo if you can

they only care about profit

they want you to stay sick

9f1991 No.1537917


I find it notable that the school shooters this year are all taken alive. That is a clue me thinks.

cdee51 No.1537918

Mike Flynn junior claims his father was hacked but more like a code to Q

15208f No.1537919


First (we) Fuck Flynn

062df0 No.1537920


could donor gifts be divided up into seemingly insignificant contributions by something automated and funneled to the CF?

84f40a No.1537921

File: 71a45d02760dc7c⋯.jpg (90.9 KB, 667x500, 667:500, everybody plays games.jpg)

File: 95540f4a21f787b⋯.jpg (89.12 KB, 667x500, 667:500, we all play games.jpg)


>playing games

1e8f9c No.1537922


Exactly. If his account was truly hacked why would they post a pic of Harvey, HC & HA? That would be the last thing they would upload imo…

ad6d7f No.1537923

File: 11a9b0d07e15fc1⋯.jpg (36.21 KB, 473x449, 473:449, 11a9b0d07e15fc151294c1bb4c….jpg)

4f96d6 No.1537924


Scaramucci is Q.

Sorry to dox.

cbb1ab No.1537925



was it suppose to be a private message?

1fcb38 No.1537926


-Soros - rich man/ island gifter? or…..

-Branson or more likely Epstein - island owner/pedo

-Weinstein director?

-Comey? Government agency director? he really liked LA…..but welcome other guesses

fe7526 No.1537927


Relying upon the analysis from a couple of years ago. You are free to draw your own conclusions.

5df9cf No.1537928

cbb1ab No.1537929


Rudy Qiuliani

b17148 No.1537930

File: 88c75d846b7bdee⋯.png (2.06 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_1097.PNG)

File: 37bd51d2d617ccf⋯.png (3.43 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_1100.PNG)

Detailed article on murder of Secretary of Defence FORRESTAL


Forrestal wanted to see two priests and it was denied to him on numerous occasions and the priests didn’t believe the suicide story. Forrestal brother wanted to take him out to the country for rehabilitation and had booked the hotel and when he came to pick him up, he was already dead - sounds like dirty business. I think he was definitely put in a vip suite on the 16th floor and when he 'fell' out the window, he hit the 8th floor on his way doon.


51eb6b No.1537931


God sent angles to save them, but only Lot listened. Bad things happen, God tries to give people an escape….that's what you meant, right?

099c2f No.1537932

File: b531cdd2f407053⋯.jpg (69.23 KB, 606x720, 101:120, IMG_2229.JPG)

Motivational poster

637728 No.1537933

could be a threat?


dd04d0 No.1537934


Stephen Colbert is Q…he is the only one smart enough

57d250 No.1537935

File: 20c71be044b01e2⋯.jpg (356.39 KB, 1000x1214, 500:607, 20c71be044b01e2e4cc6fb482b….jpg)






4e4f48 No.1537936


You got the 'who works for whom' backwards there…

ad6d7f No.1537937

File: 0555ddb8305278f⋯.png (9.26 MB, 2224x1668, 4:3, 0555ddb8305278f38efa548205….png)

e1fc35 No.1537938


a 30-60-90?

08dd5a No.1537939



Story smarts: Opening arguments: More than you imagined

So, what is a story?

Starting at the top: Nod to the noodle

Noggin know-how: Mind is what the brain does

Mind mechanics

Thanks for the memories

"That reminds me of a story…": Finally a better definition

Story proof: Peak at the anecdotes

We've reached the research results

Using story improves comprehension

Story structure improves logical thinking and general learning

Using story and story structure enhances meaning

Story creates motivation and enthusiasm for learning

Stories create involvement and sense of community

Story structure improves literacy and language mastery

Story structure improves writing success

Story structure enhances memory

Final summation

Proof is in the pudding: Putting stories to work for you


48da05 No.1537940

File: a177b68d256fab1⋯.png (484.07 KB, 810x610, 81:61, douche.png)


>Stephen Colbert is Q…he is the only one smart enough

f6c2a7 No.1537941

>> 1537908 Anyone got a working filter script for this faggot?

>******,=,e \_ヾ(ᐖ◞ )

I hate him almost as much as I hate flattards

f4ca93 No.1537942

File: 5c1b408778bc966⋯.png (112.11 KB, 1904x882, 136:63, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 633fa7dba4c34be⋯.png (15.93 KB, 325x232, 325:232, ClipboardImage.png)


Got to thinking - and yes, there's more.

Here is a list of The Geo Group Subsidiaries from the SEC. (pics related)

Later, after Real Life, I'll look againat the procurement web site - unless you guys beat me to it.

e4dcea No.1537943


Huma, HW, HRC

dgfff The force exerted on an object when it is in contact with another object as it moves or tries to move


fe7526 No.1537945


Come on anons! It's an cyber funds transfer code. Just need to figure out which transfer.

aca310 No.1537946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yall should be watching the naval academy commencement ceremony right now.

7b784e No.1537947

Ready Q when you are

GOD bless USA

7cd3d6 No.1537948

We should contact every incumbent and every candidate seeking election this fall whether they will request the FBI to insert an informant into their campaign to protect them from foreign interference? AND why or why not?

Publish the answers.

36a90e No.1537949

File: 42eb2ce44f18b26⋯.jpg (26.5 KB, 415x230, 83:46, RealLife.JPG)

dd04d0 No.1537950


Q's full name is Qbert

de64a7 No.1537951



Check starkindusti.. channel.mentioned in the begging.. something there?

099c2f No.1537952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is MCA singing bout witches while they dance round a cube ?

203b8c No.1537953


[\*]*,=,e.* does most, theres a thread with Zelda as a pic that has a lot of them

4f96d6 No.1537954


I'm waiting for the father of one of his rape victims to put a 9mm hollow point between this cunt's eyes.

Save us all a shitton of money in court costs and incarceration.

c4ff72 No.1537955

Chaffetz said IG report on Tuesday or Wednesday just now

Goodlatte said by the end of next week

427144 No.1537956

General Michael Flynn has now deleted the Harvey and Human, Clinton Tweet.

c712d5 No.1537957


Cut middle finger, left hand.

Eat the pain.

36a90e No.1537958

dc4fe7 No.1537959


Wow! Excellent work, anon! Thank you!

cbb1ab No.1537960


Thanks for looking out BO

d7f784 No.1537961

File: 35b65d68ee8d127⋯.png (417.46 KB, 598x656, 299:328, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


i haven't closed the page yet

cdd73f No.1537962



Haha exactly! Plausible deniability. We are watching a movie. actors acting

b6490f No.1537963

I tried this yesterday, and then got banned from Twatter promptly afterward. I'm hoping to unite some of us anons on twatter more, to move that IBOR. It's time, and we are the best ones to spread Q's information. Anon here, anon there. No glory.

Please follow, and I'll follow back. I'll post this in one more bread.



de64a7 No.1537964

File: f4650811e2fa327⋯.png (572.03 KB, 1080x1549, 1080:1549, Screenshot_20180525-195506….png)

Hahaha. Hacked?

1827b9 No.1537965



We've been hearing that for months

fe7526 No.1537966


I don't understand how crypto works, but I do think it's a confirmation code.

15208f No.1537967

Eyes peeled.

[IG] is a GO.



898bae No.1537968


this is for research, not guessing games

cc4e7f No.1537969


It's her job to keep them busy and entertained. Like these press meetings matter still. They ask stupid questions and never get a straight answer. She is great.

b34b19 No.1537970

File: 88994423c42a00f⋯.jpeg (143.66 KB, 1440x1182, 240:197, 1526607841.jpeg)

f1f1e6 No.1537971


I'm very very interested in this.

Is this a verifiable fact? That he lost a bunch of planes in Antarctica??

4e4f48 No.1537972


Saying it was hacked, brings more otherwise uninterested attention to what was posted.


d276f7 No.1537973

File: beedef280b40ef6⋯.png (277.64 KB, 473x449, 473:449, ClipboardImage.png)

099c2f No.1537974

File: f5c44b2c5b4efb1⋯.jpg (90.81 KB, 800x516, 200:129, IMG_2008.JPG)


Technological hedgemony

15208f No.1537975


400 pages.


fe7526 No.1537976

File: 5a5b703f1a6ece4⋯.png (6.79 KB, 255x196, 255:196, friendly pepe.png)


Does anon need a hug?

b192f7 No.1537977


([*]*)=,e (Regex) usually does the trick.

f1f1e6 No.1537978


Totally not a muslim

d276f7 No.1537979



90a24d No.1537981


Flynn was hacked by Russians. He has called Crowdstrike for help.

cdd73f No.1537982


tweeted at ~845central and gone at 915central

4f96d6 No.1537983


This will elevate Sessions investigation level to "Well, that's not convincing enough to investigate".

9a79cc No.1537984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


b8ec68 No.1537985

File: d7fe3aa6151fc57⋯.jpg (97.05 KB, 1037x402, 1037:402, Untitled.jpg)

10ca2e No.1537986

File: 5f664c1ce2c018b⋯.jpg (156.2 KB, 1199x778, 1199:778, X-15.jpg)


>I vote for the battlecruiser USS Robert A. Heinlein.

Seconded. Also:



A.E. Van Vogt








Then there's:












Oh gee, just getting started!

We're gonna need a big fleet!

8a8c6a No.1537987


Posted this in another bread.

Lew Rockwell dot com is a very trusted source. Lots of links here as a starting point. Focus in on Admiral Byrd's mission. That's in the public record and easy to verify.


f1f1e6 No.1537988



b17148 No.1537989



6037aa No.1537990

File: df38ac136a7a643⋯.png (14.13 KB, 617x147, 617:147, At Trump Tower, Michael Co….png)


Eleven days before the presidential inauguration last year, a billionaire Russian businessman with ties to the Kremlin visited Trump Tower in Manhattan to meet with Donald J. Trump’s personal lawyer and fixer, Michael D. Cohen, according to video footage and another person who attended the meeting.

306cd5 No.1537991

File: 52696f5ff3e2881⋯.jpg (65.74 KB, 777x521, 777:521, HW-BLUE.jpg)

File: c8c14c51d08ffaf⋯.png (211.45 KB, 531x369, 59:41, HRC-blue-04.13-nyc.png)

File: 5e1c7593f8299fb⋯.jpg (70.72 KB, 634x442, 317:221, NYAGs-blue.jpg)

File: 08656f41ff2492a⋯.jpg (72.09 KB, 422x733, 422:733, BC-BLUE.jpg)

e2daf3 No.1537992

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


very odd event that stands out as real but unclear what happened exactly…

Operation Highjump 1947 US NAVY


"Operation Highjump, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946–1947, was a United States Navy operation organized by .

The Secret Land is a 1948 American film about an American expedition code-named Operation High Jump to explore Antarctica. It won the .

Operation Highjump 1947 Admiral Richard Byrd Part 5 from 5 parts Official U.S. video materials . Admiral Byrd's ."

8ab4d8 No.1537993

Just waking up, so sorry if this is old news, but there has just been another school shooting in Noblesville Indiana.


aeefc4 No.1537994

Trump LIVE

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/live/

6d1238 No.1537995


Russia? Oh this is a great new shill technique! Muh Russians!

aca310 No.1537996


TRUMP Speaking

267acc No.1537997

File: 843070bfba454b4⋯.png (1004.24 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

game on

9b7d33 No.1537998

Fake twat?

Look at time stamp 3:44PM 25May …is in like 6 hrs. Went to GenFlynn account and no such posting.

396227 No.1537999

File: beb79191cbcf670⋯.png (161.56 KB, 500x598, 250:299, may-2-2017-huma-abedin-har….png)



b8ec68 No.1538000


Does a new IP always get a Captcha?

Possible to up the Captcha rate for say after 5, 10, 15, 20 posts or with reports?

455643 No.1538001

File: 296b17fdc62eaa3⋯.jpg (55.17 KB, 1318x294, 659:147, drod.JPG)

Re: Rodman

a day or two before Prez cancelled the meeting the former Piston retweeted this. We are watching a Reality TV Movie Book Video Game. :D

427144 No.1538002


No, not fake. We as many witnessed it. Took screen shots. Was recently with in the last half hour deleted.

50f50d No.1538003


not hers…oh please God no…

c712d5 No.1538004



c4ff72 No.1538005


Yea. The Flynn tweet was real

f1f1e6 No.1538006



Is that actual footage from O:HJ?

dd04d0 No.1538007



Twitter has super banned me. I can't even go to the site. Even using a vpn. They suspend every account I open immediately so I resorted to just visiting certain accounts to read news. Tonight they stopped letting me evn open Twatter

I seriously think they might hunt me down.

Whatever you do don't tell Jack to enjoy Gitmo

16718b No.1538008

File: e43a4acd67c0bfb⋯.jpg (152.85 KB, 1024x539, 1024:539, FinalDays2.jpg)

File: 754169dd2bd33c9⋯.jpg (144.4 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, FinalDays1.jpg)

08dd5a No.1538009


Theres more than one time zone being posted from here. Its central european time.

90a24d No.1538010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1992 Trump throws a football, wins a million dollars

4e57b6 No.1538011

File: 6d47eb0d6593217⋯.png (374.4 KB, 1358x884, 679:442, dsadsaa.png)

File: aef6090a7c17dc3⋯.png (547.8 KB, 2364x1230, 394:205, dsadsa.png)

File: 2f940df0ea1d70f⋯.png (511.05 KB, 1764x1386, 14:11, dsds.png)



603f2d No.1538012

File: bdbb91c30beb447⋯.jpg (195.98 KB, 560x642, 280:321, 5f776a3e32628f198b1885363d….jpg)


I'd like to put in a bid for a position on the USS Tesla.

f1f1e6 No.1538013


Cooper was in the Navy

Carr was in the Navy

Who's Trump meeting over there?

50f50d No.1538014


Ken is a smart mofo…I had more than one physics teacher point me to his videos

427862 No.1538015

School shooting just happened Noblesville West middle school in noblesville Indiana.

No sauce yet. Story still developing.

c1c820 No.1538016

6a3900 No.1538017

File: 9facbb6048b7b34⋯.jpg (683.36 KB, 1612x1731, 1612:1731, Screenshot-2018-5-25 AISG,….jpg)

File: 5d0edb55155045c⋯.png (83.05 KB, 805x341, 805:341, Screenshot-2018-5-25 TPD a….png)

found this….

4e4f48 No.1538018





a5c8ed No.1538019

File: dce3ad18f856cae⋯.jpg (710.83 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, HA-HW-HC-at-PP-Gala.jpg)


the picture he used has been scrubbed from most sources, and none of them reference the event.

this was taken at a PLANNED PARENTHOOD gala.

ddfa72 No.1538020

The President Is Speaking to our Hero's…

God Speed.

43a152 No.1538021

Sometimes the memes write themselves…


306cd5 No.1538022


Difficult to draw any conclusion on your claim if you only allude to analysis but don't provide any specifics.

e2daf3 No.1538023


pretty sure it is - haven't had time to watch this one, but i remembered seeing footage some years back when researching ufos etc.

it seems undeniable there was indeed a large military operation heading to Antarctica in 47, but i have no clue what really happened once they got there

90a24d No.1538024

Trump pardoned midshipmen

96c478 No.1538025


LOL. And he retweeted it.

daed0c No.1538026


does this imply that they have access to the cabals security guards who are blowing the whistle ?

1c34b8 No.1538027


Great job!

1827b9 No.1538028




Plot twist

Hillary was in the crowd

5df9cf No.1538029

88aa29 No.1538030

File: c7e0b07cc13d5fb⋯.jpg (14.98 KB, 590x84, 295:42, Screenshot-2018-5-25 Dgff….jpg)



c712d5 No.1538031


Why is that notable?

What's remarkable enough to make it a notable?

31baf1 No.1538032

File: c55ff6596368386⋯.png (560.87 KB, 768x762, 128:127, ebb573e309b910415b4e0bbdcd….png)

31e3cb No.1538033


"on restriction for minor offences hereby absolved " re : naval

ad4ec6 No.1538034


Unfortunately there is no such option. The only options are:

1 captcha every 24 hours


captcha on every post.

cc4e7f No.1538036


maybe, but they won't.

still a good deal imo.

053696 No.1538037

File: c9b10922a5a1171⋯.png (977.58 KB, 1422x753, 474:251, Vacation camp1.png)

File: 23eaadcf2873f68⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1577x823, 1577:823, walktheline.png)

File: c70673991e3e941⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1607x814, 1607:814, pog_barracks.png)

Who do you think will win an all expense paid vacation in the California desert this summer!

c1c820 No.1538038



31baf1 No.1538039

File: d01627a28ea0a35⋯.jpg (37.18 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 29wfdc.jpg)

90a24d No.1538040

Waiting for Trump to say..

that traitor McCain

35bb0a No.1538041


Considering Trump's SS name is Mogul….

6a3900 No.1538042


I do not know how to evaluate .. I have just taken note of the circumstance of the name and the address

a97153 No.1538043


Where in San Bernardino is that located? I lived many years in the San Bernardino area.

cc4e7f No.1538044


coz the most important thing is that she is hot…

b19fc8 No.1538045


dc4fe7 No.1538046



e1c639 No.1538047

File: 4615b4743a10e65⋯.jpg (70.84 KB, 1174x480, 587:240, dgfffcf.JPG)





50f50d No.1538048


DGFF - Development and Globalization Facts and Figures…For Clinton foundation


10ca2e No.1538049

File: e2d86cc14d8828f⋯.jpg (7.33 KB, 255x140, 51:28, B2.jpg)


>>>1537986 (You)


>I'd like to put in a bid for a position on the USS Tesla.

It would be the USSS Tesla (United States Space Ship).

What position. This isn't sliding BTW, we're exploring Trumps Space Force Initiative.

8b1bfa No.1538050



306cd5 No.1538051




>Down Goes [FFF] Clinton Foundation

+ >>1537830 >FFF=666 =

Down Goes 666 Clinton Foundation


8ab4d8 No.1538052


Thank you Baker.

b34b19 No.1538053

9a79cc No.1538054

Chief Tecumseh, a Native American of the Shawnee tribe.

“A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong.” (teamwork)

“Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, or even a stranger, if in a lonely place.” (courtesy)

“Let us form one body, one heart, and defend to the last warrior our country, our homes, our liberty, and the graves of our fathers.” (common bond for a common cause)


So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.

Trouble no one about their religion;

respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours.

Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life.

Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people.

Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend,

even a stranger, when in a lonely place.

Show respect to all people and grovel to none.

When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living.

If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.

Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools

and robs the spirit of its vision.

When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled

with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep

and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way.

Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.

d7f784 No.1538055

File: 1b4328794d28994⋯.png (448.25 KB, 609x659, 609:659, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 35b65d68ee8d127⋯.png (417.46 KB, 598x656, 299:328, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


to remove all doubt

b17148 No.1538056


Good work, Anon :-)

e0efef No.1538057


Coordinates? Long weekend, might be able to check it out, if they are not too far away!

4f96d6 No.1538058

File: ade367f613d5945⋯.png (72.57 KB, 276x141, 92:47, ClipboardImage.png)


I can't stand turd-pushers. So I can understand your frustration with those cunts.

But, rules is rules ….

pic related.

fa6bfa No.1538059


This seems to me the most likely - good digging, anon.

c1c820 No.1538060


Notable Baker? God speed.


c712d5 No.1538061



US Space Craft

f1f1e6 No.1538062


Not a flat-earther, or concave-earther, or anything. But I am tickled by the idea that Tesla's world-wide wireless free power project was shut down because in order for it to work, it would necessarily prove that we're not on a globe. Just something funny to think about.

b34b19 No.1538063

b6490f No.1538064


LOL! I've told everyone else to at this point …

Also, don't threaten to shoot down their drones. They don't like that …

31e3cb No.1538065


yeah i noticed that in the subtitles too TECUMSEH

4e57b6 No.1538066

File: 0fb38604a5e7f9b⋯.png (62.46 KB, 1998x68, 999:34, DIGEMMM.png)






1966ae No.1538067

Come out

Come out

Where ever Q are.

089ef6 No.1538068


The only prison I know of in San Berdoo is Chino.

This might be Ironwood near Blythe.

This was posted yesterday and poster never identified location.

267acc No.1538069

Victory! Victory! Victory!

1929 Bruce Van Voorhis Medal of honor recipiant


90a24d No.1538070


These are supposed to be bouncing GIFs

- Jimmy Kimmel

b7a222 No.1538071


Junior says Flynn's account was hacked this morning.

ec3fe5 No.1538072

File: c06aebf2fd3849d⋯.jpg (184.61 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1449284049253.jpg)

36a90e No.1538073

File: 6b8656fc8aa6c4e⋯.png (112.92 KB, 429x313, 429:313, ClipboardImage.png)

Dead man walking

206914 No.1538074



We have to get this video down there. I've tried everything..even capturing..didn't go well due to suck ass hardware..


I watched it twice and there's tons of material.

re: Russia 'relations'

re: Pelosi

re: Uranium

re: Alexey Likhachev (Q drop)





4e57b6 No.1538075




c1c820 No.1538076

File: e530b446d8a9d1b⋯.png (216.04 KB, 570x667, 570:667, staytogether.png)

d7f784 No.1538077

File: 65682d05d5f1b8b⋯.png (759.31 KB, 633x631, 633:631, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

90a24d No.1538078

Trump is describing a heroic Naval aviator

3df3a6 No.1538079


Well, go annex some more of Cuba.

cc4e7f No.1538080


I liked their work until they became exclusive truth owners.

c712d5 No.1538081


Wonder why they didn't just call it 'Fuckyoucoin'?

f6c2a7 No.1538082

File: d98d46aa13057f7⋯.png (1.31 MB, 947x801, 947:801, glowsmoker.PNG)




Thanks BO & anon, I had it but it got removed when I Ccleaned last nite.

I've often wondered if free versions of these software disk maintenance gibs are direct funnel tunnels of your deletions that go directly to NSA/CIA or any other alphabet?

There is no such thing as a free lunch my Dad used to say, they (CCleaner) had a "hack" last September, wonder if it truly was a hack as they claimed or a glimpse into the probably clown infested world of "free" downloads.

Back to work sorry for the shitpost.

12d185 No.1538083


What WAS the Flynn twat deleted?

daed0c No.1538084


well theres this Causes Shelton cares about:


Disaster and Humanitarian Relief


hmmm i think when i get home from work im gonna dig into this company and make a post about it

9bb41f No.1538085


I doubt that AF1 landed on that strip. It's only like 1,700 ft. long on Goog Earth. A 747 needs five times that to land/take-off.

a1028a No.1538086


>Russia Investigation is Mirror-image of Plame Affair

For discussion and possible posted links on this case, go to any long-time Dem. internet forum (or on search engine to find those forums) and do a search for the term "Fitzmas" ...

a97153 No.1538087


There used to be a military base out there that closed down. Could they have repurposed it? THere was also a Federal Pen out there too that was closed down in the 00s as well.

f1f1e6 No.1538088


holy SHIT

look at Streep's dress

d7eb7f No.1538089


One down, two to go! Heads up Anons / Patriots. It's happening

603f2d No.1538090


Kek, I've got experience in logistics, but would settle for washing the windows.

31baf1 No.1538091


please explain for us non-crypto anons…

0a8448 No.1538092

Noblesville IN.

2 students at hospital

1 science teacher got got

1 shooter in custody

Searching for a reported 2nd

Running bomb dogs through now

Per PD radio traffic

cc4e7f No.1538093


have I told you lately that you are wonderful?

ba1f45 No.1538094

File: 426990341e5f918⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1335x730, 267:146, pepeMOON.png)

306cd5 No.1538096

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier!!!


c4ff72 No.1538097


Huma Weinstein Hilary.

He was saying something for sure….no one is going to hack a Twitter and put that up

f1f1e6 No.1538098


Q! Drop some truth MOABs. WE CAN TAKE IT

1e8f9c No.1538100

File: a6c7cde532a3a91⋯.png (429.28 KB, 590x811, 590:811, MFLYNNJR.png)

Love this tweet…

089ef6 No.1538101


Where was the military base?

3dd731 No.1538103

Reminds me or a certain presidential portrait>>1538088

267acc No.1538105

No storm the american sailor cant conquer

1827b9 No.1538106

Trump just spoke about a sword and shield

Similar to Qs Bible post

51eb6b No.1538107


The "perp walk" was invented by US Attorney Rudy G.

ba1f45 No.1538108

ea843b No.1538109

File: a51ea98b4d3aa5f⋯.jpg (303.33 KB, 1079x424, 1079:424, Screen Shot 05-25-18 at 03….JPG)

https:// www.rt.com/newsline/427784-iran-continue-talks-deal/

c1c820 No.1538110

File: 1fd10eff250ef40⋯.jpg (3.72 MB, 1500x2284, 375:571, image (1).jpg)


Got helmet and belt this week.

a97153 No.1538112


Look up Norton Air Force Base

15208f No.1538113

If this speech is not a "tippy top" tip of the hat…..

Seize Today. Change Tomorrow.


365937 No.1538114

PART I This is the stuff I paid attention to before POTUS and Q came along: US insane foreign policies; US insane trade policies that gutted our nation's productive capacity and with it, gutted our middle class; the petrodollar dominance that was established when Bretton Woods failed and allowed the US to be the hegemonic military bully around the world for the benefit of a few; the fraudulent central banking system brought to us in 1913 by the cabal, which over time has transferred our nation's capital to global banking cabal elites; the overt lawlessness that has pervaded our institutions over the past many decades. Hillary would have been the final nail in the coffin for the complete undoing of the USA. This is what POTUS inherited. This is a new reality that we all face. We can only hope POTUS can guide the best deals possible from a hugely weakened position that he inherited.

These are the monumental challenges this administration and the Q team face. I think Anons better listen up to the following. One of our huge tasks will be to counter the narrative that "it's all DJT's fault." No it isn't. These problems brought to us by an elite cabal have been in the making for the past century, at least. And so here we are now:

062df0 No.1538115

File: 16f634eec8e5651⋯.jpg (15.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, cookies.jpg)


Hat tip and cookie offering to anons who can see outside the crop

267acc No.1538116


goes on to talk about evil forces trying to take out america! Its not working too well anymore.game on!!

089ef6 No.1538117

ddfa72 No.1538118

Trump just spoke about a sword and shield

Similar to Qs Bible post

That's NOT all he got this week Anon…


He Got the full ARMOR…..

637728 No.1538119



oh man. there is a lot here. BHO left us a message:

11891 03/22/2018 22:53:29 3PATo7fAWbhzxN93s15wHhwsT22yBjV54rS AYnucisBwMEhjWjkXP4tHwW2b4h7n4f2Uzx7ixeTrY9j OBAMACOIN i HOPE this coin with do well AND see its value CHANGE in the future. Be Strong America!

a5c8ed No.1538120

File: 7f1de7718e681f0⋯.jpg (344.07 KB, 1288x729, 1288:729, HC-GG-MS-PP-Gala.jpg)

365937 No.1538121

PART II "…….There’s a reason why this Sturm and Drang is coming from the Trump administration on trade and tariffs now. Trump needs wins on this front for the mid-terms and to counter the very real changes to the world’s financial structure China and Russia are spearheading.

He needs to press what advantages we still have to maintain our position in the world.

However, things like the petroyuan contract, ailing emerging markets enbracing cryptocurrencies (Venezuela and now Argentina), NATO allies siding with Iran (Turkey, the EU) are threatening to unravel everything Trump is trying to accomplish.

So, why is this announcement by the LME such a big event?

The effects are legion:

1. It removes yet another important source of dollar demand from the global financial market.

2. It creates more demand for the Yuan which will feed China’s need to expand its money supply if it’s to liquefy its trade.

3. It helps countries circumvent sanctions by removing its need to hedge in dollars for trade with China.

4. It provides Europe and Russia a new way to avoid tariffs and resist sanctions.

5. It insulates emerging markets from a potential spike in the U.S. dollar as China will allow the Yuan to fall versus the dollar while keeping its overall REER — Real Effective Exchange Rate — relatively stable.

This leads to one conclusion. This is massive assistance to emerging market companies with big dollar-denominated liabilities. These are the catalysts to take shake up the world completely.

They will better handle any dollar liquidity crisis by separating its supply-chain management for buying metals in earned yuan while using dollars earned to service dollar-denominated debt.

I’m becoming convinced that Trump is pursuing this kind of trade policy to punish the world for taking advantage of past administrations destruction of the U.S. capital base through Byzantine WTO regulations and lopsided trade deals.

The problem with this approach is that with China’s strategic acquisitions and movements, it can respond with what look like small, inconsequential moves that have out sized repercussions.

China sees what I’m seeing with what’s happening, a massive dollar liquidity crisis and it needs to put in place alternative to keep global trade from collapsing.

c3c6f5 No.1538123




We have a square buttload of advanced nav technolgy for the solar system at George Hale Insitute - scientist anons from our top institutions.

We can be harvesting asteroids and processing in space and a perm moon base.

365937 No.1538124


And if it is going to rise to challenge the U.S.’s unipolar world, it cannot let that happen. And the free flow of strategic commodity metals in the face of strong U.S. tariffs is the means by which to ensure that happens.

The Critical Shift

The reason why the petroyuan contract was so immediately successful is because China provided traders with a direct path to convertibility into gold. It de-risked listing because profits wouldn’t be trapped behind China’s capital controls.

This convertibility wouldn’t be worth anything if China didn’t have a steady source of gold streaming in via the LME, however.

China is the world’s largest oil importer. With Trump’s threats to cut everyone off from dollar-funding markets over Iran making the switch, sans real risk, from dollars to yuan was an easy choice to make.

Now let’s bring Europe, Russia and the rest of the world into that realm to coordinate the attacks on the U.S.’s dominance of global financial markets.

The chaos unleashed by the confluence of Italy’s new coalition, a strengthening dollar and trade wars is putting insane pressure on those emerging markets vulnerable to a dollar shock. Turkey’s lira and debt are under extreme pressure while President Erdogan defies NATO and U.S. foreign policy over Syria, Israel and Iran.

Trump’s near inhuman treatment of Venezuelans over President Maduro’s defiance is frankly, shocking. This is not an endorsement of either Maduro or Erdogan, but simply a statement of how vicious U.S. foreign policy is right now.

And both Turks and Iranians are taking notes as to what their future holds if they submit to this pressure. Erdogan, while a lunatic, is right to stay his central bank’s hand on raising interest rates IMF-style.

They are staring massive corporate debt defaults if the Lira continues to spiral down. And that will absolutely blow back on the banks carrying that debt, all $222 billion of it.

This is simply yet another attempt at regime change through hyperinflation that we’ve already tried on Venezuela which didn’t work.

Iraq just thoroughly rebuked U.S. intervention. So did Lebanon.

And Turkey is next on the list, with elections brought forward by Erdogan a year for early in June. Iran is publicly gaining support as it stands firm. And Russia is acting like everyone’s friend making deals and honoring them without ever firing a shot or even issuing a threat.

All of this ties back to China’s tacit financial support of these nations currently being attacked by U.S. power brokers through the financial markets trade policy. As these countries survive the worst of these attacks, as the near-term crises fade, these markets will adjust to a different landscape.

A landscape where the U.S. bullies and no one listens.


637728 No.1538125


Asset Distribution Report [last update Mar 28 2018 22:04:31 UTC]

Asset ID : AYnucisBwMEhjWjkXP4tHwW2b4h7n4f2Uzx7ixeTrY9j


Symbol :

Issuer : 3PATo7fAWbhzxN93s15wHhwsT22yBjV54rS

Reissuable : True

Decimals : 8

Total supply : 10000000.00000000

Max supply : infinite

Circulating : 342030.00000000

# Address Balance


1 3PATo7fAWbhzxN93s15wHhwsT22yBjV54rS 9657970.00000000

2 3PNXxmFE3hRGH1LwfvzPufQmJ7JXzZrRuan 331030.00000000

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4 3P84V3P6DY5qVdAn87fjqBtBrqpjcx1AgkV 1000.00000000



ba1f45 No.1538126


052e63 No.1538128

File: 20e68528e9b00db⋯.jpg (103.57 KB, 874x963, 874:963, spy1.JPG)

File: 1b348ca8e774810⋯.jpg (174.91 KB, 1340x931, 1340:931, spy2.JPG)

File: 8b03f618be3d9eb⋯.jpg (136.55 KB, 1246x898, 623:449, spy3.JPG)

File: 14cd4a5f0498819⋯.jpg (155.1 KB, 1182x934, 591:467, spy4.JPG)

File: 1fac8d7f9314337⋯.jpg (98.16 KB, 914x707, 914:707, spy5.JPG)

da14c1 No.1538129

aca310 No.1538130


Just about to post that!!!

6f539f No.1538131


Why does her dress look like Q's?

10ca2e No.1538132


>US Space Craft

I beg to differ. I think there's a long history of calling them "ships".

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starship

So it would properly be: United States Starshp or Star Ship? USS or USSS?

dd04d0 No.1538134

Trump just said we put a man on the face of the moon

Why does he have to go along with that bullshit?

He knows the truth

d7f784 No.1538135

"the great reawakening"

1827b9 No.1538136

The great reawakening!

b8ec68 No.1538137



ba1f45 No.1538138


hahahaha kys dumbass

267acc No.1538139

fa6bfa No.1538140


You're going to have to explain in longhand for us non-techies. Sounds interesting but can't get my head around what you're talking about and how you discovered it. Tia.

5d8c53 No.1538141


That's what leaders do.

A leader who can't stand up for him/her self isn't a leader.

Throughout time leaders tended to be the biggest baddest on the block.

Timeless really.

Married to a SJW?

dd04d0 No.1538142


Whatever you say moonfag

a26de1 No.1538143

DJT just said in speak, -You are witnessing the Great Reee Awakening

b19fc8 No.1538144






ddfa72 No.1538145

"the great reawakening"

Is On Anons

ad6d7f No.1538146


victims threaten

cannot leave outside ny or ct

took passport

used power and money

video live

http ://newyork.cbslocal.com/2018/05/25/harvey-weinstein-turns-himself-in/

603f2d No.1538147


I believe USSS is generally more common in the fictional sense.

31baf1 No.1538148


autists think we can read their minds.

9a79cc No.1538149

File: bb17fd45272636c⋯.png (2.67 MB, 2346x1415, 2346:1415, Screenshot_22.png)

ba1f45 No.1538150



ad6d7f No.1538152


flight risk

90a24d No.1538153


0708cd No.1538156


turning their numbers around on them

101 is a special cabal number

Rockefeller lived to be 101

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