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File: a894d8aa0350973⋯.png (71.76 KB, 825x510, 55:34, ClipboardImage.png)

476e29  No.14939303[Last 50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


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476e29  No.14939314

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* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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* Download Webpage as PDF https://webtopdf.com/

* Military Ship Tracker https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084

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>>14739794 ————————————–——– Germany #89

>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

>>14740217 ————————————–——– Japan #3

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


1. Watch >>14908294 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS >>>/qrb/104894

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread and Paste Dough Contents

4. Check Format against Dough link used

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

President Donald Trump Launches new Platform https://www.truthsocial.com

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476e29  No.14939320





>>14938133 Pete Buttigieg’s baby home after ‘terrifying’ hospital ordeal

>>14938143 NJ Senate President Who Loses to Truck Driver Claims to Have Found 12,000 Ballots

>>14938155 Separated migrant families ‘deserve’ compensation from US, Biden says

>>14938165 Apart from words, little-to-nothing is done by French Catholic Church to protect kids, sexual abuse survivors tell RT

>>14938169, >>14938333, >>14938679, >>14938797 5th Circuit panel believes the OSHA vaccine mandate has "grave statutory and constitutional issues" / Federal court FREEZES Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses

>>14938175 New report sounds massive privacy invasion alarm for mobile phone users: 'Delete Google Chrome on your phone'

>>14938176 LIVE: Protest against COVID measures in Leipzig; counter-protest planned

>>14938191 Tinder founder’s witness was paid $2M before trial against Barry Diller’s company: docs

>>14938203 Here Are The 13 House Republicans Who Voted For Biden’s Infrastructure Bill

>>14938221 Biden State Department ‘UNABLE’ to Help U.S. Citizens Escape War-Stricken Ethiopia.

>>14938246 Million Mask March protesters clash with police in London

>>14938255 MPs' addresses & phone numbers stolen in cyberattack – reports

>>14938259 US Virgin Islands Subpoenas Barclays Over Epstein Ties

>>14938296 Jim Watkins - These are the 13 “Republicans” who handed over their voting cards to Nancy Pelosi to pass Joe Biden’s Communist takeover of America via so-called infrastructure

>>14938322 Soros-Backed Initiative Targeting ‘Right-Wing’ News, Aims to Regulate Social Media

>>14938341 Big Pharma Spent 'Horrifying' Sums of Money to Weaken Drug Price Reform

>>14938355 Investigation Launched Into Potential Election Fraud In NJ — Votes from 56 Districts Weren’t Counted

>>14938399, >>14938426 Here are the 19 Republican Senators who voted in favor of the Infrastructure bill:

>>14938429 Australian Military Being Trained to FORCE VACCINATE In Door-to-Door Attacks (video)

>>14938438, >>14938469 Thousands of intelligence officers face dismissal for failing to comply with Biden's vaccine mandate

>>14938450 Eye-witness testimony on what happened at the Astroworld Music Festival last night!

>>14938491 EXCLUSIVE: Disinformation, division ‘true constitutional threat,’ top Air Force general warns

>>14938496 The FBI Just Admitted Something Terrifying and No One Seems to Be Noticing

>>14938502 The Big Truth: Election 2020 Really Was Rigged

>>14938524 Massive spending bill rewards illegals with windfall amid historic surge across southern border

>>14938538 Biden Admin Amassing Millions of Records on US Gun Owners Amid New Crackdown on Firearms

>>14938571 FBI carries out 6am raid on Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe's New York home over Ashley Biden stolen diary

>>14938580 Something Being Overlooked in the Danchenko Indictment – A Bigger Indictment of U.S. Media

>>14938588, >>14938636 Joe Biden Starts Wildly Screaming at a Reporter After He Gets Caught Lying

>>14938596 Chinese Officer Convicted for Spying Against U.S.

>>14938788 The Daily Wire - Support @realDailyWire in our efforts to stand up against Biden's tyrannical vax mandate #DoNotComply

>>14938810 Massive 'Let's Go Brandon' Banner Flies Over Major College Football Game

>>14938829 #18897


>>14937486, >>14937632 Protesters clash with police in Parliament Square as the Million Mask March takes place on Guy Fawkes Night in London.

>>14937509 Twenty five states officially file suit against 'Biden' OSHA vax mandate

>>14937533 Family issues keep California’s Newsom out of public sight

>>14937552 Emails Reveal CDC Changed Definition of “Vaccine” and “Vaccination” Because Their Experimental COVID Shots Didn’t Work as Advertised

>>14937586 Judge Makes Example of Jenna Ryan Who Spent Two Minutes in Capitol During Mostly Peaceful Protest on January 6

>>14937693, >>14937729 Here's Everything America Gets For $1.2 Trillion In Infrastructure Spending - Including The Crazy Stuff

>>14937873 Alex Jones Is Told to Stop Selling Sham Anti-Coronavirus Toothpaste

>>14937888 Why is the Presidential seal blurred out?

>>14937924 Biden Admin Threatens $10,000 Fine, Jail Time For Lying About Vaccination Status

>>14937992 EXPLOSIVE REPORT ON SCIENTIFIC TREASON: U.S. Traitors, Driven by Greed, are Betting on the Success of China

>>14938009 Far Left Jewish Groups Urge GOP Senators to Confirm Deborah Lipstadt as Anti-Semitic Envoy — a Hate-Filled Partisan Who Compared Trump to Nazis

>>14938016 All children will have to take Covid-19 jab in Costa Rica

>>14938023 Trucking industry hails 'huge victory' after Labor Secretary says most truckers will be exempt from Biden's vaccine mandate

>>14938035 NASCAR President Denounces ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Rally Cry That Originated at Their Race

>>14938045 Federal court FREEZES Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses

>>14938075 #18896

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476e29  No.14939326



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476e29  No.14939335

Previously Collected Notables

>>14936178 #18893, >>14936536 #18894, >>14937310 #18895

>>14933484 #18890, >>14934159 #18891, >>14936544 #18892

>>14931049 #18887, >>14931828 #18888, >>14932549 #18889

>>14928700 #18884, >>14929450 #18885, >>14930233 #18886

>>14926414 #18881, >>14927200 #18882, >>14927979 #18883

>>14923974 #18878, >>14924862 #18879, >>14925664 #18880

>>14921634 #18875, >>14922396 #18876, >>14923244 #18877

>>14919172 #18872, >>14921046 #18873, >>14921160 #18874

>>14916885 #18869, >>14917561 #18870, >>14918416 #18871

>>14914419 #18866, >>14915212 #18867, >>14916309 #18868

>>14913911 #18863, >>14912877 #18864, >>14913659 #18865

>>14909824 #18860, >>14910585 #18861, >>14911372 #18862

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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c2fa4a  No.14939608



>>14938929 Austria to Bar the Unvaccinated from Restaurants, Salons, Hotels, Public Events Larger than 25 People

>>14938952, >>14938970 U.S. federal appeals court freezes Biden's vaccine rule for companies

>>14938958 Data on Mortality in the Most Vaccinated Countries. Increased Hospitalizations of the Vaccinated


>>14938985 FBI Follows And Questions Citizen Journalist Who Confronted Alleged Jan 6 Fed Informant Ray Epps

>>14938995 Virginia: RINO Jen Kiggans Voted With Dems On Transgender Bathrooms, Now She’s Trying To Ride Red Wave To Washington

>>14939003 Twatter Poll - over 91% say NEVER to vaccinating children

>>14939072 AUSTRALIA: The List of the 28 Pedophile Politicians Has Been Released

>>14939076 Iconic photo and scenes from marches in Australia this morning.

>>14939115, >>14939173, >>14939243 Recent Athletes Deaths / If the vaccine is taking out world class athletes….what do you think it’s going to do to everyone else?

>>14939162 LIVE: Houston Officials giving press conference about Astroworld mass-casulty event

>>14939172 FBI Raids Project Veritas Founder James O’Keefe’s Home Over Ashley Biden Diary

>>14939197 Boy Scouts of America Embraces Critical Race Theory

>>14939241 GOP Rep Nicole Malliotakis Voted For Infrastructure Bill, Also Voted to Remove MTG from Committee Assignments

>>14939242, >>14939400 Ashley Biden Diary Bombshell - Second Person In Biden Family To Make Accusations

>>14939282, >>14939321, >>14939399 Outdoor festival or Satanic sacrifice

>>14939325, >>14939327 Clinton Operative Linked to Steele Dossier Did Not Disclose Work for Russia to Justice Department - Washington Free Beacon

>>14939433 Dem Governor Admits Wife Dropped Off Ballot — “Illegal Under The Election Code”

>>14939465 PETA Calls for Fauci's Resignation After Horrifying 'Experiments' Come to Light

>>14939504 Officials Investigating Reports That Someone At The TX Concert Was "Injecting Other People With Drugs."

>>14939553 Candace Owens Asks Pertinent Question After Ashley Biden’s Alleged Diary Is Purportedly Published

>>14939600 #18898

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c2fa4a  No.14939610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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44c1df  No.14939622

File: 2fa9129784c4a1a⋯.png (794.04 KB, 600x900, 2:3, pepe_rolls.png)

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476e29  No.14939624


Ignore this dough ^^^

See… >>14939610

>>14939610 TYB

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c2fa4a  No.14939625

File: 01b97bf8a59767a⋯.jpg (14.72 KB, 255x172, 255:172, 0000.jpg)

Bread image is how it is, baker in training was making a test bake.

It went well, using it for the new bread.

Next bread will be posted with banner image, Godspeed.

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746389  No.14939635

File: c7b4c113f532f97⋯.jpg (168.41 KB, 1208x236, 302:59, FDPUYmsX0AITUce.jpg)

US Navy launches ship to commemorate gay rights activist Harvey Milk

“Our force is stronger for the service of the many great members of the LGBTQ community who wear our uniform or work in our civilian ranks around the world and around the clock,” Del Toro said.


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99e1a1  No.14939642

When does the military wake up and perform their job duties?

From what I gather, they are now the enemy of the American people. By all interviews I've seen of military personnel, they are loathsome of the American people and wouldn't hesitate to waste us.

History has shown that militaries support their rogue governments.

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1f62dd  No.14939643

File: d2f6102bb5db5da⋯.png (220.52 KB, 430x419, 430:419, Screenshot_2021_11_06_1724….png)

File: fd410a3abec43a3⋯.png (338.93 KB, 671x491, 671:491, Screenshot_2021_11_06_1723….png)

File: 7d5d4e365370a5c⋯.png (786.49 KB, 1284x1163, 1284:1163, 1d65c298bbbee4287eacf39724….png)

File: 15ba7de46a940a6⋯.png (914.7 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 071515e062f0dce638244e5ca7….png)

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e3be04  No.14939644

File: 60b41fb26172116⋯.png (168.98 KB, 694x521, 694:521, ClipboardImage.png)




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44c1df  No.14939647

File: 2d5b65a2a5d5838⋯.png (162.14 KB, 500x499, 500:499, pepe_smart.png)

Pfizer is a major financial backer for all of the MSM. Pfizer sponsors newscasts nationally as well as regionally.

Do you really think that these news outlets will bite the hand that feeds?

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c2fa4a  No.14939652

File: 5ad7b58c1aa65f0⋯.gif (5.86 MB, 600x600, 1:1, 5ad7b58c1aa65f07a612573d04….gif)

If anyone wants to try out note collection feel free to open ControlC / Dough and update it and post your notable buns.

I will answer any questions you have about baking.

When posting your notable buns, include your updated dough so we may take a look if it checks out.

Godspeed Bakers

Digital Soldiers

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fe7c18  No.14939654

File: 54841707001a40d⋯.png (335.61 KB, 609x407, 609:407, 54841707001a40d4ba62649f2a….png)

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0596f6  No.14939655

File: fb2e223c59e4435⋯.mp4 (379.59 KB, 720x1072, 45:67, Collage_2021_11_06_17_38_2….mp4)



feels like a storm's brewing

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637420  No.14939663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Ranch Hands & Bikers' Brawl | Yellowstone | Paramount Network

Rip is on the scene.

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341496  No.14939664

Tyb, and glad banner drama is long past

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e181eb  No.14939665

File: 74c2938a6bd3f39⋯.png (813.98 KB, 606x524, 303:262, ClipboardImage.png)

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79e996  No.14939666

File: f98f794ccf5bec6⋯.jpg (162.45 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, marble.jpg)

>>14939649 (Last Bread)

Confirmed 'Trump Marble' activated

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435704  No.14939667

File: 411b9048bcbc3b8⋯.jpg (24.74 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Feinstein.jpg)

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fe7c18  No.14939668

File: 6fbd2793f826d63⋯.jpg (337.44 KB, 1440x859, 1440:859, 6fbd2793f826d63004d2b71ac9….jpg)


Good deal!

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972631  No.14939669

File: ac931e6916a0032⋯.jpg (8.86 KB, 190x265, 38:53, CHKD.JPG)

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0439e0  No.14939670

File: d32475975fdd25f⋯.jpeg (246.47 KB, 750x508, 375:254, 3AD16074_1787_4CD4_800E_5….jpeg)

Have anons seen this fake and ghey copy-pasta that’s gone viral on Facebook???:

A List of All the Insane Things in Biden's "Infrastructure" Bill

(Spoiler alert: less than 25% of this bill actually goes to rebuilding infrastructure.)

1. Mandatory covid vaccinations for all kids ages 5 and older by Jan 1st

2. $1k dollar fine per day per child if not vaccinated after Jan 1st

3. Critical Race Theory (CRT) officially part of the school curriculum nationwide

4. $30 Billion for gender reassignment surgery and hormone blockers for teens (no parental consent required)

5. Special Transgender bathrooms required in every school in America

6. $10 Billion to Create a ‘Civilian Climate Corp’

7. $20 Billion to ‘Advance Racial Equity and Environmental Justice’

8. $175 Billion in Subsidies for Electric Vehicles

9. $213 Billion to Build/Retrofit 2 Million Houses & Buildings

10. $100 Billion for New Public Schools and Making School Lunches ‘Greener’

11. $12 Billion for Community Colleges

12. Billions to Eliminate ‘Racial and Gender Inequities’ in STEM

13. $100 Billion to Expand Broadband Internet (And Government Control of It)

14. $25 Billion for Government Childcare Programs

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c86eb0  No.14939671

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2093dd  No.14939672

Anons when the world finds out they were doing the outrage the anger will be so much that massive amounts of negative energy will be released.

We are are here to counter balance all that negative energy and hold the light, we must support our friends and family, stay positive and reinsure them that all is under control.

Hold the Light

We are all spread out world wide for a reason.

We are all connected like web of positive energy, a web of light.

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dba4cc  No.14939673

File: 379345f13980fc2⋯.jpeg (51.28 KB, 800x459, 800:459, R_82_.jpeg)





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d1e2c4  No.14939674

File: 8648a037356d8f1⋯.png (106.98 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 3ed1fd549649db57e67a7e9e45….png)

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b82b10  No.14939675

File: 86cc55f9ba33418⋯.jpg (46 KB, 667x365, 667:365, 5r13bdedcsz.jpg)

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dba4cc  No.14939676

File: 9b6233c5c3a6377⋯.gif (838.93 KB, 498x268, 249:134, 9b6233c5c3a6377fd751272ec5….gif)

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9f9198  No.14939677

File: 6c3dd3abcea9051⋯.png (715.07 KB, 769x505, 769:505, ClipboardImage.png)



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5bc4b0  No.14939678

File: 1f85c468c532780⋯.png (399.45 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_170221.png)

File: a5a9652bfd55417⋯.png (331.41 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_170835.png)

File: 2caa92ccf3331af⋯.png (186.29 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_170905.png)

File: 87d6d1da392d65f⋯.png (208.56 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_172147.png)

File: 9d7bde5373030fd⋯.png (641.16 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_172119.png)

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cc2364  No.14939679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Have anons done any digging on the "Heme" ingredient in the Impossible Foods products?

They say it's a GMO soybean and yeast that emulates hemoglobin, but it just doesn't sound true to me. They apparently had some trouble getting FDA approval but they later ruled it as "reasonably safe (kek)"


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3660f4  No.14939680


>2. $1k dollar fine per day per child if not vaccinated after Jan 1st

Wtf I can’t afford that

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ed1d3d  No.14939681

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c2fa4a  No.14939682

File: 657d0f3ccbd110a⋯.jpeg (112.07 KB, 500x665, 100:133, 657d0f3ccbd110a86fe0a6b3b….jpeg)

Baking is really easy task once you figure out how to use the ControlC / Dough.

Highly recommend anyone interested to follow along with this bread and collect a notable bun.

I will add any notables that mine is missing to the main notable collection.

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07172e  No.14939683

File: c54f9a415a35d12⋯.png (123.43 KB, 294x430, 147:215, ClipboardImage.png)


They don't even care.


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3660f4  No.14939684


The gateway pundit?

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cc2364  No.14939685

File: 01b521fe603bd31⋯.png (163.42 KB, 342x313, 342:313, b3e08ad0fb123f558492cb193b….png)

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2d70dd  No.14939686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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341496  No.14939687

File: e3b16a3417fbe90⋯.png (1.59 MB, 640x985, 128:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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c86eb0  No.14939688

File: 529558608393537⋯.png (1.02 MB, 776x1038, 388:519, baker.png)


nice job baker

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44c1df  No.14939689

File: b4043594d5f944b⋯.jpg (162.15 KB, 670x500, 67:50, glowing_intensifies.jpg)


You've shilled this bullshit for 5 breads now.

Why don't you just fuck right off over there.

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4d1744  No.14939690

File: dc1c152293daee3⋯.jpeg (118.58 KB, 1080x616, 135:77, 892845094985109483898354.jpeg)

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3660f4  No.14939691

File: b0e709028830a21⋯.jpeg (239.1 KB, 750x753, 250:251, 4E1C6E87_BC15_4B69_B79D_1….jpeg)


Anon forgot the part where Nancy rewards the MSM for four years of ‘orange man bad’

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ba4b8f  No.14939692

File: c3ac360c4a3bee3⋯.jpg (712.18 KB, 1001x800, 1001:800, IMG_20200227_110257.jpg)


Woo-hoo! Let's go! Tyb

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8cb562  No.14939693

File: b6de6d00524d67e⋯.jpg (119.91 KB, 600x892, 150:223, b6de6d00524d67eeeac475912d….jpg)

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2d70dd  No.14939694



Keep Hope Anons, We Are Winning

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d8201d  No.14939695

House Republicans Explain Why They Voted for Infrastructure Bill



The House of Representatives passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package Friday, with most Republicans voting against and most Democrats voting for the legislation.

Six Democrats did vote against the package. That set the vote up for failure if no Republicans supported it. But 13 Republicans ultimately did, including former Democrat Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) and retiring Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.).

Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va.), another Republican who crossed the aisle, said in a statement that he refused to “play politics” and instead “put America and West Virginia first.”

“The bipartisan plan that passed the House will help transform West Virginia, resulting in better roads, reliable internet across our state, and needed upgrades to water systems that were built a century ago,” he said.

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) said he voted yes because the nation’s infrastructure is “crumbling.”

“The federal government has created the crisis of deteriorating roads, defunct bridges, and vulnerable dams and levees through its inaction. These types of arteries are the lifeblood of American commerce and must be improved. America’s infrastructure has reached a breaking point, and this is a challenge we can no longer ignore,” he said in a statement.

Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) noted that the bill drew Republican support in the Senate. It will “fix our highways, seaports, and locks, and will provide more access to rural broadband,” he said.

The bill wasn’t perfect, Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), another supporter, said after the vote.

“But truthfully, few pieces of legislation are. However, I firmly believe that we cannot sacrifice the good for the perfect. Very frankly, inaction on infrastructure risks our nation’s fundamental economic independence and strength,” he said.

Republicans who supported the package insisted they still opposed the spending bill Democrats hope to ram through Congress using a process called reconciliation, which would cut out the need for GOP votes if it draws enough Democrat votes.

The bills were tied together by President Joe Biden and congressional leaders like Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) So-called progressive Democrats had for weeks refused to approve of the infrastructure piece, insisting on a vote first on the larger package. Friday’s vote came after House Democrats reached an agreement to bring the larger package, now pegged at $1.75 trillion, to a vote in the near future.

Democrats currently control the House, with 221 members to Republicans’ 213.

That meant four or more Democrats voting against the package would doom it, provided all Republicans voted no.

Six Democrats ended up voting against the bill. All are known by the progressive label.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), one of the six, said that there has been an agreement in place to pass the infrastructure bill and the larger package in concert.

“Today that agreement was broken, as a vote was forced on [infrastructure] without a real vote on Build Back Better at the same time,” she said, adding that her “no” vote also came because she felt the infrastructure bill would “make communities like those I represent less safe, less healthy, and less protected from corporate polluters.”

Rep. Cori Bush (R-Mo.) said that voting for infrastructure separate from the spending package “would have jeopardized our leverage to improve the livelihood of our health care workers, our children, our caregivers, our seniors, and the future of our environment.” Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) offered a similar view, saying that passing the infrastructure bill first would risk not getting the larger package passed.

Virtually every Republican opposes that package, which includes a number of radical provisions. Some versions of the bill have drawn opposition from Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.). Democrats can’t afford to lose a single senator’s vote in the 50-50 upper chamber unless one or more Republicans cross the aisle.

Pelosi, meanwhile, said she voted for the infrastructure package because it will create millions of jobs and help improve roads, bridges, and public transit. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who predicted few Republicans would vote for the bill during a recent briefing, has not reacted yet to the vote.

Biden cheered the bill’s passage in remarks delivered from the White House on Saturday. He said the bill will “transform our transportation system” and modernize U.S. ports and airports.

In a nod to the GOP support that came through, Biden said he wouldn’t hold a signing ceremony yet.

“I’m not doing it this weekend because I want people who worked so hard to get this done—Democrats and Republicans—to be here when we sign it,” he said.

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5bc4b0  No.14939696

File: 1c13a63abafe3e9⋯.png (237.01 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_175050.png)

File: 2bc07e713e46387⋯.png (365.31 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_175142.png)

File: b5b9171d5b1583a⋯.png (107.09 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_175236.png)

File: 5ad432a2e803747⋯.png (202.85 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_171723.png)

File: 51aaa3013488d58⋯.png (219.19 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_171730.png)

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c0bee2  No.14939697

The 300 men that run the world


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a39016  No.14939698


The gazillion new IRS agents will explain it to you.

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2d70dd  No.14939699


Just 10

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c86eb0  No.14939700

File: 55d424437b22bb6⋯.png (995.26 KB, 1002x560, 501:280, amer.png)

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a6ea03  No.14939701

please correct me where I am wrong.

Trump has never slammed Kevin McCarthy.

McCarthy let 10-15? Rs vote for the infrastructure bill.

Cnn reported that McCarthy and Trump talk almost every day.

so, did Trump want the bill to pass and bidan to sign?

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44c1df  No.14939702

File: ac66a3d04ef7aac⋯.png (1.15 MB, 576x768, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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5bc4b0  No.14939703

File: e6e2a25a581fb22⋯.png (468.69 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_175449.png)

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3660f4  No.14939704


>2. $1k dollar fine per day per child if not vaccinated after Jan 1st

This must be how they plan to pay off the $450,000 per illegal alien

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3fffbb  No.14939705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The plane crash in Brazil

1. Roll over at low altitude dissapears into draw.

2. Doesn't appear to complete roll unless draw is that deep. Pretty sure need more than 100 feet to aileron roll a c90 through 360degrees…

3. If rollover inverted to crash why is top of fuselage pristine…..

4. One or both wingtips should be bent backwards. Forward motion and all considered as it didn't appear to be a controlled let down…


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2d70dd  No.14939706

File: 88b045fb4eaf0eb⋯.jpg (127.51 KB, 1920x948, 160:79, Capture.JPG)

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cc2364  No.14939707


Amazing Polly contends that Impossible is likely using stem cells of some kind, and having their factory HQ across the street from a major Planned Parenthood facility in Oakland is more than a coincidence.

I know it's probably old news, but just wondered if anyone has further insight.

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601420  No.14939708

File: 12ec4339714d4fe⋯.png (81.09 KB, 474x379, 474:379, ClipboardImage.png)

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3fffbb  No.14939709


Baker's kitchen

Baker's banner


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cc2364  No.14939710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Amazing Polly contends that Impossible is likely using stem cells of some kind, and having their factory HQ across the street from a major Planned Parenthood facility in Oakland is more than a coincidence.

I know it's probably old news, but just wondered if anyone has further insight.

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3697c9  No.14939711


If only there were a way they could weaponize that virtue-signalling; our enemies would run in fear.

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2d70dd  No.14939712

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c86eb0  No.14939713

File: 3b8c421f5639e07⋯.png (838.15 KB, 1002x646, 501:323, getser.png)

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3660f4  No.14939714


>The gazillion new IRS agents will explain it to you.

Thanks for the pro tip

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5bc4b0  No.14939715

File: 029a8edac3665dd⋯.png (138.94 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_175713.png)

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2d70dd  No.14939716


Faith is th Key

Keep Believing

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07172e  No.14939717


Even if true.

How can they make you pay the fine when the 'crime' is ongoing?

So long as the meter is ticking they can't bill you.

Change my mind.

fuck em all.

I'm just spitballing so don't go full retard on me.

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e3be04  No.14939718

File: 53f0eddaa308849⋯.png (699.97 KB, 769x505, 769:505, ClipboardImage.png)

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6cab3c  No.14939719

File: 962ff449acd7040⋯.jpg (22.92 KB, 399x399, 1:1, eTj3XkgV_400x400.jpg)

File: 1a88a858ab63a63⋯.jpg (69.24 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, Joe_Biden_angry_1_1024x535.jpg)

File: 3f9e45c316155d2⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 169x169, 1:1, FDeVWNqWEAQ6vwQ.jpg)

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341496  No.14939720


Anon goes further and thunks all major commercial foods include powdered fetus.

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c0bee2  No.14939721


Post the documents text images instead of arbitrarily making this up

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2d70dd  No.14939722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4d1744  No.14939723

File: 5882636e7c063cc⋯.png (16.44 KB, 255x235, 51:47, 938534905740928748957357.png)

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9ccd1c  No.14939724

File: 4cec46e26c33446⋯.jpg (68.57 KB, 720x540, 4:3, d8f8b3e809c5a4150b044baa50….jpg)

File: 8588bcee9d3cc8d⋯.jpeg (8.22 KB, 189x266, 27:38, images.jpeg)

Now that Paramount's TV series Strange Angel is busy mythologizing Jack Parsons, you need to read this description of his past.


By now, I hope you can see why I wrote this paper. JPL and Aerojet were founded by people like

Parsons, which means they were Intel projects from the beginning, being mostly hoaxes on the

taxpayers. Since the rocket and space programs had such unsavory beginnings, we can judge later

history on earlier history. So what we have discovered here confirms my later findings on nukes, the

Space Shuttle, etc. It also confirms what I have suggested in many places: JPL is a den of fakery. It

always has been and still is. This is (one reason) why physics and astronomy are so corrupt: they were

taken over by Intelligence at the behest of billionaire miners and sxold as simulacra rather than as

reality. Science lost touch with reality many decades ago.

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c0bee2  No.14939725


Yeah uh, no

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2d70dd  No.14939726

Back Up

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79e996  No.14939727


Bingo. And anons drove the Dims like a herd of cattle to passage in the dark of night.

>Team working together for the same outcome

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b3e397  No.14939728


>Keep Faith Anons


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44c1df  No.14939729

File: 07405afe25cd68d⋯.png (203.79 KB, 720x399, 240:133, Bidan_vs_Biden.png)

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07172e  No.14939730


she is pretty

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e72a7a  No.14939731

File: 2aa6c4fa0e2e15e⋯.jpg (102.05 KB, 736x943, 32:41, soylent.jpg)


Just a matter of time

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44c1df  No.14939732

File: 1a8160f83e23c59⋯.png (120.81 KB, 410x240, 41:24, ClipboardImage.png)


>she is pretty

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5bc4b0  No.14939733

File: d28851cd44a32ef⋯.png (224.78 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_180034.png)

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b82b10  No.14939734

File: 05a0153d056d090⋯.jpg (70.83 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, yahdgvcajshdgcvahsd.jpg)

No surprise- Travis Scott has a 'foundation':

November, 2020: "Travis has just launched The Cactus Jack Foundation, and its first business is to deploy the Waymon Webster Scholarship, named after his grandfather, HBCU’s Alum. In light of this, the scholarship is for a small number of HBCU students currently enrolled: Morehouse College, Howard University, Texas Southern University, Grambling State University (where their mother attended), Prairie View A & M University. He has also partnered with Parsons School of Design to introduce the Cactus Jack Program in Houston and offer online certification programs to students in the county through scholarships. This Cactus Jack Foundation is Travis’ latest charity. Travis has recently done everything from starting an elementary school farming program to partnering with Houston’s arts and parks department."


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2d70dd  No.14939735

File: fc1e89e3ef91a69⋯.jpg (39.34 KB, 810x530, 81:53, Capture.JPG)

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79e996  No.14939736



It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Anons, we're getting there.

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4d1744  No.14939737

File: a242762add591cc⋯.png (106.16 KB, 686x891, 686:891, 98456024987547875304509.png)

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d2c1ed  No.14939738

If you have to work til June to pay your tax burden you are a slave.

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3660f4  No.14939739



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d7015d  No.14939740


You did it faggot. Tippy Top Kek!

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435704  No.14939741

File: 1544a9222e6d3e0⋯.jpg (122.66 KB, 540x658, 270:329, box.jpg)

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234bb7  No.14939742

File: 9a96a6b2cd47b0e⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1607x970, 1607:970, human_compost.png)


Soylent green is old hat.

Soilant green is the new green

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341496  No.14939743


Trace back. Laws protecting the ingredients being listed on containers seems like the beginning. Anon looked, and 2011 looks like the year and the major corp tied to it is Starbucks.

100% pure speculation

>Artificial flavor is tube baby parts and Natural flavor is Planned Parenthood harvested flesh.

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5bc4b0  No.14939744

File: ca7a0bb0aeff852⋯.png (261.33 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_180205.png)

File: 85aa74d1cfd4206⋯.png (388.27 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_180249.png)

File: 63a07153d1b2e37⋯.png (127.93 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_180336.png)

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476e29  No.14939745

File: 7a52259b682c2c1⋯.png (35.47 KB, 1096x437, 1096:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5573d032112e74⋯.png (339.97 KB, 519x1732, 519:1732, ClipboardImage.png)


3 year delta today.

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1c9f14  No.14939746

File: 9e9cc5cc9629cac⋯.png (8.59 KB, 194x259, 194:259, HB_1_Cor_134_8.png)

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637420  No.14939747

File: 89590a10c544c70⋯.jpg (244.42 KB, 1280x1015, 256:203, Bgg9TXVqNKBxlvreA2SivS3sNK….jpg)


supposing we thought explore certain plane crashes off of hawaii. Maybe then we can forge through the bullshit.

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3697c9  No.14939748

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, nasimgif.gif)


>she is pretty

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79e996  No.14939749


If you have a Nation that burdens you with a tax you are a slave.

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3660f4  No.14939750


>If you have to work til June to pay your tax burden you are a slave.

They got a neat trick they are gonna tax the unvaccinated that’s how they are gonna pay the $450,000 to every illegal alien

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07172e  No.14939751

File: f009274105e3543⋯.jpg (106.01 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Austin_Anime.jpg)

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ba4b8f  No.14939752

File: 8becfce1043aa41⋯.png (615.84 KB, 666x500, 333:250, file_store_443.png)


How to convert pics into digi please?

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2d70dd  No.14939753



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be8dd3  No.14939754


That cargo crash of a 737 at night off Honolulu?

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746389  No.14939755

File: 4b4d1390028cd39⋯.jpg (168.41 KB, 978x378, 163:63, FDPUYmsX0AITUce.jpg)

'Skimpflation' is here: Longer waits, fewer options and bare-bones customer support hide the true price of inflation as businesses slash services in response to rising costs and labor shortage


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e782a9  No.14939756

File: b05b57e07f6f166⋯.mp4 (546.57 KB, 640x360, 16:9, PELOSIgoodmorningSundaymor….mp4)

>>14939508 LB

Could this be why?

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b3e397  No.14939757


>she is pretty

hello newfag

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d047e9  No.14939758

If they fine me $1000 a day, then how can I sponsor all those poor, old, starving Jewish ladies in Israel?

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3660f4  No.14939759


>that’s how they are gonna pay the $450,000 to every illegal alien

Woah woah woah hold the fuck up

Don’t forget 10% for the big guy

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bc54b5  No.14939760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d7015d  No.14939761


Not notable.

Catch up faggot.

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bc54b5  No.14939762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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79e996  No.14939763



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746389  No.14939764

File: 3840d84ef4b0863⋯.jpg (168.41 KB, 655x503, 655:503, FDPUYmsX0AITUce.jpg)

Biden's vaccine mandate is BLOCKED by Federal Court with jurisdiction over Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi: Gives his administration until Monday to respond


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2d70dd  No.14939765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f218d5  No.14939766

File: b1b4e72a2227443⋯.png (575.33 KB, 936x562, 468:281, Screenshot_from_2021_10_22….png)

File: fc3e4460e64e168⋯.png (374.28 KB, 930x601, 930:601, baldwinTweet1.png)

File: 1b5ad2a855e9e70⋯.png (730.53 KB, 1238x1202, 619:601, baldwinTweet3.png)

File: f700207079d9404⋯.png (150.37 KB, 558x630, 31:35, ericTruthSocial2.png)

>>14938979 pb


Mentions Darrell Hammond. Just like in his "typo" tweet about Alex > Alec

Cinematographer 5 times?

terrible 3 times

nut job

cuckoo bird

-you're the first one to ask

-asking me about the horror that's going on. country is being destroyed

-he's a troubled guy

-gets intofistfights with reporters

-look I don't like reporters, i mean i like some, i think some are great, some are talented

- but you don't get intofistfights

-he's a volatile guy

-he's a nutjob

-cinematographer. not even an actress who's on set with you




-maybe he loaded it

-he's a sick guy

-he did a poor job of imitating me, darrell hammond did a great job

-Alec Baldwin was terrible at imitating me, I thought.

-I mean I thought he was really terrible.

-he was terrible

-dont like him or dislike him don't actually know him

-cuckoo bird

- nut job

-in my opinon he had something to do with it, but if nothing else how do you take a gun and point it at someone who's not even in the movie and just point it at this person and now she's dead

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476e29  No.14939767

File: b27792845270892⋯.png (661.53 KB, 519x1268, 519:1268, ClipboardImage.png)


here, you forgot something.


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637420  No.14939768

File: 6af1840b7c9496e⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 3258x1892, 1629:946, 191212_F_CB366_2011.JPG)


a loss no doubt. to propel her as a sex symbol is an unethical practice.

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79e996  No.14939769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons have got to stick together and get it done.


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4d1744  No.14939770

File: ca07c6d954b476f⋯.png (516.99 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 294594260943857904753495.png)

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99e1a1  No.14939771

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

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746389  No.14939772

File: 1522ee40d3a46a7⋯.jpg (168.41 KB, 653x474, 653:474, FDPUYmsX0AITUce.jpg)

Glenn Youngkin's underage son, 17, tried to vote TWICE in the Virginia gubernatorial election his father later won: Won't face any charges because he didn't lie about his identity


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637420  No.14939773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Life According to Rip Wheeler | Yellowstone | Paramount Network

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99e1a1  No.14939774


We officially have a rogue government on our hands

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6cab3c  No.14939775

File: b8b35ab6893488b⋯.png (368.05 KB, 640x452, 160:113, ClipboardImage.png)

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07172e  No.14939776

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3697c9  No.14939777

File: 1781aea2709fb3d⋯.gif (4.38 MB, 320x320, 1:1, AlyMil.gif)


good to hear that

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2d70dd  No.14939778


Don't Think So, You Just Take The Bait ;) Enjoy

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d1e2c4  No.14939779

File: f406d72b85f692a⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1495x1499, 1495:1499, f406d72b85f692a1318102799….jpeg)

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07172e  No.14939780

File: 3bae6bf7cf87631⋯.png (933.12 KB, 850x825, 34:33, ClipboardImage.png)


They'll try to come for ours

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476e29  No.14939781

File: 2d1c8ae41a5b5d9⋯.png (72.01 KB, 1386x647, 1386:647, ClipboardImage.png)


I have the dough ready for notes. Haven't really seen any so far this bread.

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3660f4  No.14939782

File: 1167848834b97f3⋯.gif (94.03 KB, 220x124, 55:31, 88F8851B_591C_4D05_A9C9_FB….gif)



>A List of All the Insane Things in Biden's "Infrastructure" Bill

>(Spoiler alert: less than 25% of this bill actually goes to rebuilding infrastructure.)

>1. Mandatory covid vaccinations for all kids ages 5 and older by Jan 1st

>2. $1k dollar fine per day per child if not vaccinated after Jan 1st

>3. Critical Race Theory (CRT) officially part of the school curriculum nationwide

>4. $30 Billion for gender reassignment surgery and hormone blockers for teens (no parental consent required)

>5. Special Transgender bathrooms required in every school in America

>6. $10 Billion to Create a ‘Civilian Climate Corp’

>7. $20 Billion to ‘Advance Racial Equity and Environmental Justice’

>8. $175 Billion in Subsidies for Electric Vehicles

>9. $213 Billion to Build/Retrofit 2 Million Houses & Buildings

>10. $100 Billion for New Public Schools and Making School Lunches ‘Greener’

>11. $12 Billion for Community Colleges

>12. Billions to Eliminate ‘Racial and Gender Inequities’ in STEM

>13. $100 Billion to Expand Broadband Internet (And Government Control of It)

>14. $25 Billion for Government Childcare Programs

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cc2364  No.14939783


ty anon.

Like a dumbass, I tried an impossible Whopper in 2019. It tasted way too much like meat to be just plants, to the point where I thought, "Ok wtf is going on here. There's some weird loophole or something"

Haven't tried it in two years because it was too suspicious (on top of that it isn't even healthier than a beef burger, and THAT'S a first for a veggie patty.)

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07172e  No.14939784

File: ddfdd239d065369⋯.jpg (52.56 KB, 300x201, 100:67, MrLahey_Checkem.jpg)

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79e996  No.14939785

In the end of an era the darkness crushes all that was in the past and prepares a new future/start. Anons are ok as long as they can outrun the Cabal to the light of the new era.

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2d70dd  No.14939786


Realy Easy to forgot a letter ;) Marie

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6cab3c  No.14939787


The Jill Biden, Kamala Harris Feud Escalates

Fri, Nov 5, 2021

Length 6:48

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8220d7  No.14939788


Video posted LB of the police chief talking about the Astroworld deaths blacked out for a few seconds after he said "25 people were sent to the hospital".

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f218d5  No.14939789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Mentions Darrell Hammond

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3697c9  No.14939790

File: 3bce33fbd227b7f⋯.jpeg (62.94 KB, 897x624, 23:16, Gates_Van.jpeg)


>They'll try to come for ours

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bc54b5  No.14939791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c2fa4a  No.14939792


That's fine, the burden of notables doesn't rest completely on baker.

Anons call out note worthy posts as well, if you aren't seeing any then you aren't collecting any.

This is what I have so far, you may consider some non factor but who knows how this information paint a picture for other's insight.



>>14939635 US Navy launches ship to commemorate gay rights activist Harvey Milk

>>14939695 House Republicans Explain Why They Voted for Infrastructure Bill

>>14939734 No surprise - Travis Scott has a 'foundation'

>>14939755 'Skimpflation' is here: Longer waits, fewer options and bare-bones customer support hide the true price of inflation

>>14939764 Biden's vaccine mandate is BLOCKED by Federal Court with jurisdiction over Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi

>>14939772 Glenn Youngkin's underage son, 17, tried to vote TWICE in the Virginia gubernatorial election his father later won


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476e29  No.14939793


>Realy Easy to forgot a letter ;) Marie

>Don't Think So, You Just Take The Bait ;) Enjoy

i don't know hat you're talking about.

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f8cb31  No.14939794

>>14939085 (lb)

>No, because they still want to fuck with people's minds.

This right here.

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746389  No.14939795

File: 02e300b02238f4a⋯.jpg (168.41 KB, 596x602, 298:301, FDPUYmsX0AITUce.jpg)

AOC Rips James Carville for Blaming ‘Wokeness’ in Terry McAuliffe Defeat


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bc54b5  No.14939796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bc54b5  No.14939797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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476e29  No.14939798

File: 9388af04fc14dc8⋯.png (78.11 KB, 1395x644, 1395:644, ClipboardImage.png)


>This is what I have so far, you may consider some non factor but who knows how this information paint a picture for other's insight.

agreed. I'll add these so far

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dba4cc  No.14939799

File: f12d2eb3f54a8a5⋯.jpg (91.45 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, load44.jpg)


Breaking: "Appeals Court Temporarily Blocks Bidan's Vax Mandate For Big Companies."


Louisiana Atty General Says The Action Stops Bidan's "unlawful overreach"


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3bd613  No.14939800

File: 73c96953eb76407⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1500x1106, 750:553, The_Enemy_Needs_to_Win.png)

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637420  No.14939801

File: 66c73153c940ab6⋯.png (829.83 KB, 1439x1013, 1439:1013, ClipboardImage.png)

You tell that boy to watch the bass in his voice when he speaks to me.

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bc54b5  No.14939802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d047e9  No.14939803

File: 237410e4a857734⋯.png (17.69 KB, 225x255, 15:17, 75a6709e911ccfa3365cf8c677….png)


I'm sure you'll be fine, ma'am.

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2d70dd  No.14939804


Nor Me?

New Language…

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79e996  No.14939805


The Trump op retooled for Youngkin. Now the strategy is to denigrate, demean and dismiss Youngkin using the FakeNews bullhorn. Pretty soon it'll come out that Youngkin tipped cows in his youth… Anons, you've seen it all. You have the playbook.

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88d289  No.14939806


I suspect the H in HEME stands for human and the M stands for Meat and one of the E's stands for extrusion or extruded.

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c86eb0  No.14939807

File: 756aea9b4caff4b⋯.mp4 (6.04 MB, 720x406, 360:203, fauci_nov.mp4)

when an elected U.S. senator is saying a director appointed by the president is basically a criminal

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ad5f4a  No.14939808

File: c64a115610c59d7⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 425x514, 425:514, 5t8_1.jpg)

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bc54b5  No.14939809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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07172e  No.14939810

File: 9f9117756bf1ea6⋯.png (1.26 MB, 849x3010, 849:3010, ClipboardImage.png)


Big Bird loves getting jabbed, shhh don't tell your parents. Come and get jabbed. It will be our little secret.

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3660f4  No.14939811


Sorry I think this is already in the notables

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bc54b5  No.14939812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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45f20d  No.14939813

]Dem Governor Admits Wife Dropped Off Ballot — “Illegal Under The Election Code”

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf(D) admitted during a recent interview with KDKA radio that he had his wife drop off his mail-in ballot for him.

Wolf claims “it was an honest mistake.”

Just The News reported:

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf admitted this week he made a mistake when he allowed his wife to drop off his mail-in ballot ahead of Tuesday’s municipal elections.

The comments came during an interview with KDKA radio in Pittsburgh. A Wolf spokesperson told The Associated Press “it was an honest mistake.”

State law requires voters return their own mail-in ballots to a county election office or drop box. Written permission must be given to return someone else’s ballot.

It’s unclear whether Wolf’s ballot will be counted as valid. The Center Square reached out to the administration Friday for clarification but did not receive an immediate response as of Friday.

Under Pennsylvania election law, it is illegal to have a third party drop off someone’s ballot.

It is unclear if Wolf’s ballot will be counted.

Breitbart reported:

Pennsylvania election law currently prohibits most individuals from having a third person turn in their ballots. The only exceptions to this rule are for voters with disabilities or ones who select a representative to return an emergency absentee ballot for them.

State Rep. Seth Grove quickly pointed out Wolf’s violation on Twitter saying, “On Nov. 2, Gov. Wolf did an interview with KDKA where he disclosed his wife turned in his mail-in ballot for him.” “This is illegal under the election code,” Grove continued, “BUT would have been legal had he signed HB 1300.”


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be24ee  No.14939814

op your picture is faggot

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bc54b5  No.14939815



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2740f5  No.14939816

DEMOCRATS IN DISARRAY! The old man from the crypt James Carville answer to PBS News Hour host Judy Woodruff's question: What went wrong in Virginia: What went wrong is stupid wokeness………….some of these people need to go to a 'woke' detox center or something.

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2d70dd  No.14939817

Going to be Really Amazing

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71671c  No.14939818

File: e66f264dfe596ce⋯.png (109.19 KB, 420x407, 420:407, ordered.png)


The Library, [06.11.21 17:51]

[Forwarded from Judas Goat]


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bc54b5  No.14939819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dba4cc  No.14939820

File: 36c4c1304f7599b⋯.gif (864.54 KB, 245x166, 245:166, thastrue44.gif)

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6cab3c  No.14939821

The Collapse of the ‘Russia Collusion’ Hoax

Fri, Nov 5, 2021

Length 13:43


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46fda1  No.14939822

File: 82119116180bda0⋯.png (559.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, nytbretvwetr.png)


>mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

The systematic destruction of the old guard.

Right before your eyes.

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c2fa4a  No.14939823

File: 8dfb4da1e40880e⋯.png (359.07 KB, 386x557, 386:557, 525a082d1e4826813dd1111b9c….png)


For instance, this post.


Could shine a light on infighting among the left and their destabilization of a single narrative.

Faction infighting leads to deterioration, think of it as self inflicted divide and conquer.

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5bc4b0  No.14939824

File: 16998655c21efda⋯.png (372.64 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_181348.png)

File: fe4dd834f95b5e8⋯.png (123.63 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_181428.png)

File: 6928803d1e928a9⋯.png (259.7 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_181636.png)

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79e996  No.14939825

This is really going to piss everybody on all sides off but it needs to be said.

The reason the Infrastructure Bill passed is because Trump needed it to pass.

Eat it haters.

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189d8b  No.14939826

File: 1a492a35e9a5244⋯.png (799.17 KB, 892x963, 892:963, Screenshot_2021_11_06_1616….png)


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3697c9  No.14939827

File: 582c4f47201f559⋯.png (93.85 KB, 188x267, 188:267, ooooo.png)


>AOC Rips James Carville for Blaming ‘Wokeness’ in Terry McAuliffe Defeat


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2d70dd  No.14939828

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bc54b5  No.14939829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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081660  No.14939830



You know what the fucked up shit is with this…. bullshit.

It's just a matter of time before it is implemented in one way or another.

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637420  No.14939831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yellowstone | Rip Wheeler's Fierce Loyalty

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a3bc31  No.14939832

File: ccce5aee3758d6e⋯.jpg (138.79 KB, 1004x687, 1004:687, ffe.JPG)

File: e3e3a5ff34f53fa⋯.jpg (96.8 KB, 849x504, 283:168, nkbkj.JPG)

File: 95955857204c8b2⋯.jpg (31.69 KB, 333x500, 333:500, 77h6h.jpg)

File: d823439233e144d⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 912x329, 912:329, gr.JPG)

File: 6749e8597c63b32⋯.jpg (104.06 KB, 1009x608, 1009:608, gtreg.JPG)

"Through his partnership withFeeding America, Tony Robbins…"

Is it odd to anons that the CEO of 'Feeding America', Claire L. Babineaux-Fontenot, has parents that were eventually inducted into theNational Adoption Hall of Famein 2008?

In 2020, Time named her among the 100 most influential people in the world. LikeAlefantis?

After graduating from college, Babineaux-Fontenot spent 13 years in executive roles atWalmart, including executive vice president of finance and treasurer, and held leadership positions at Adams and Reese, LLP, and PwC. She was also theassistant secretary for the state Office of Legal Affairs and administrative law judge for the Louisiana Department of Civil Service

Here she is withOprah and Chef Jose Andres.

"Feeding America"

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2d70dd  No.14939833

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476e29  No.14939834

File: bbbf59b78ae05ca⋯.png (72.4 KB, 1386x617, 1386:617, ClipboardImage.png)

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bc54b5  No.14939835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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be1331  No.14939836

File: 92ec0c4e0a642bf⋯.jpeg (305.36 KB, 664x598, 332:299, 92ec0c4e0a642bf9ceda51d6c….jpeg)

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2d70dd  No.14939837


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bc54b5  No.14939838

PUSSY WINS BLUMPKIN AWARD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1kO-gm-IrI

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ed1d3d  No.14939839

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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71671c  No.14939840

File: 8e12bb5dcfe2b58⋯.png (318.95 KB, 613x541, 613:541, fuck_em_up.png)



Travis Scott orders his fans to attack a 10 year old boy… who later died at #ASTROWORLDFest



4:21 PM · Nov 6, 2021 from Manhattan, NY

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fe7c18  No.14939841


No, he didn't do shit..his handlers did. Bet his family history is made up too. Houston is so cabal..right behind Broward county.

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2d70dd  No.14939842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c2fa4a  No.14939843

File: e3b195401cf806b⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 396x396, 1:1, 1629338725784.jpg)


That's basically how you collect a notable bun.

And with the final post you simply add that link or post number to the bottom.

Title it #18899 and you're tritanium.

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ad5f4a  No.14939844

File: 44786a290352d2b⋯.jpg (47.07 KB, 502x497, 502:497, 5t8dda_1.jpg)

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8ed736  No.14939845

>>14937709 pb

> I need help finding out WHAT THIS IMAGE is!

It looks similar to algorithmic plots I used to play with when I was moire surfing.

If I were using light as a computer in an analog fashion, rather than digital… I would use a tiny array like this to split a beam and create a 'solution' moire pattern. Could it be a light based analog computer program? And this could be rally tiny.

Is this the best image you have?

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45f20d  No.14939846

File: 0a5c4f32e7aa996⋯.png (199.84 KB, 564x484, 141:121, ClipboardImage.png)

Iran Announces Large-Scale Drill in Southern Waters, Sending Warning to 'Enemies' - Report

Tensions between Iran and the West continue to escalate amid a series of maritime incidents in the area of the Islamic Republic’s South offshore waters, considered to be part of one of the most important global oil-shipping routes.

Iran announced on Saturday that its armed forces are planning a “large-scale military exercise” in parts of the Arabian and Red seas, soon after an Iranian oil tanker reportedly clashed with a US military vessel earlier this week.

According to Deputy Chief of the Iranian Army for Coordination Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, cited by Tasnim, all necessary preparations have been concluded and the joint military drills, called Zolfaqar-1400, are due to start on Sunday.

The exercise is said to include the Army Ground Force, Navy, Air Force, and Air Defense, covering “an area of over one million square kilometers southeast of Iran, stretching from the eastern parts of the Strait of Hormuz to the northern parts of the Indian Ocean, down to the 10-degrees latitude, and parts of the Red Sea.”

The admiral also pointed out that “a broad range of homegrown equipment and ammunition, including advanced reconnaissance and combat drones with various ranges” is expected to be used in the drills, adding that it will serve as a warning to “the enemies that any act of aggression against Iran will draw a crushing response“ from Tehran.

The upcoming games were said to facilitate Iran’s military readiness and defensive capacity “in protecting the country’s territorial integrity.”

The announcement comes after Iranian media reported on 3 November that the Iranian Navy had repelled a US attack on one of its oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. The US military reportedly used several helicopter gunships and warships in the attack. According to reports, they stopped the Iranian tanker and the crew of the US ship began to transfer oil to its own tanker. In Tehran, it was described as an attempt to "steal Iranian oil."

On the same day, a video was released that depicts forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps preventing the US military from its purported interception of the Iranian tanker's cargo.


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4d1744  No.14939847

File: 4a69cdcdad39b01⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB, 886x486, 443:243, 34b118049b8b7eed810f044f19….mp4)

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2d70dd  No.14939848

File: dc6a98591bda019⋯.jpg (93.76 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 4e492834ec6d40218b242126b7….jpg)

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be1331  No.14939849

File: f881989b993f375⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, f881989b993f375577002d38bd….png)

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07172e  No.14939850

File: 9fad7d0182fdb65⋯.jpg (128.64 KB, 600x314, 300:157, POTUS_Good_Times.jpg)

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71671c  No.14939851

File: bef3e2de0cd879d⋯.png (446.13 KB, 1005x771, 335:257, 30_mil.png)




Displaying 30+ Stories

The Media Made It 'Cool', so Now a Whopping 30% of Millennials Identify as LGBTQ


CBN News

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bc54b5  No.14939852





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ed1d3d  No.14939853


Right click the video on twitter, copy video address, paste in the "embed" panel under the reply box.


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746389  No.14939854

File: 305267be747f0fe⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, F6nTRToGfp1Eeuyi.mp4)

Kamala Harris interrupts a NASA presentation to ask if NASA "can measure trees" as part of "environmental justice."


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2d70dd  No.14939855



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f8cb31  No.14939856

How do the higher courts work? Is the Supreme Court next after the fifth circuit or does the ninth come in?

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e181eb  No.14939857

File: c2c6f724e2f8bc5⋯.png (585.13 KB, 602x605, 602:605, ClipboardImage.png)


can you break down to a sentence.

trump knows what happened and he knows about the lawyer.

there is a connection but it will be passed of by msm as trump being vindictive.

Maybe this statement will see the msm send out narratives to cover the hit,

Stay tuned trump knows how to get them to admit with 70 % truth and 30 % lies.

It will be the lies that lead to the truth !!

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bc54b5  No.14939858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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45f20d  No.14939859

File: e489a03d79c7c9c⋯.png (507.34 KB, 862x485, 862:485, ClipboardImage.png)

Victorian Liberal MP Tim Smith resigns from Parliament a week after drink-driving incident

Victorian Liberal MP Tim Smith has announced he will quit politics at the next state election a week after crashing his car while drink-driving.

Mr Smith resigned from shadow cabinet after he crashed his car into a Hawthorn fence last Saturday night while more than two times the legal blood-alcohol limit.

In a statement to his Kew constituents, Mr Smith confirmed he would not be seeking preselection for the blue-ribbon seat of Kew.

The former shadow attorney-general said he was "deeply touched" by encouragement he had received from Liberal Party members, but added it did not "excuse the terrible lapse in judgment" last weekend.

"In view of the response by the Leader of the Opposition, I believe it is in the best interests of the party that I do not contest the next election in Kew," Mr Smith said in a statement.

The embattled Kew MP has been under pressure from Liberal Party leaders to give up his seat in Parliament, with Victorian Liberal leader Matthew Guy saying he was "extremely angry and disappointed" about the drink-driving incident.


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71671c  No.14939860

File: d589d8e8ff9d8eb⋯.png (144.79 KB, 628x659, 628:659, birth.png)


November 6, 2021

Humans a 'mistake,' young people say

By Eric Utter

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07172e  No.14939861


They're all going crazy.

100% vaxxed for entry correct?

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c2fa4a  No.14939862

File: b4811ac28b0cc87⋯.jpg (98.46 KB, 600x561, 200:187, 895db69993a5ce00d8a5ffa5cd….jpg)


For God and Country.


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a0b76e  No.14939863

(pb) >>14938133 Pete Buttigieg’s baby home after ‘terrifying’ hospital ordeal

‘terrifying’ is right. Getting dressed up as a candy corn by freaks that have no biological connection to your existence is no doubt terrifying. And no choice for the defenseless.

Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg? Nice name. Missed the "and Mary". Secretary of Transportation? Take a Bezos space flight to begone and save a child from misery.

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e3be04  No.14939864

It's far easier to not be succesfull.

Do you have the courage…,

to act outwardly what you see inwardly?

It's requires courage!

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79e996  No.14939865

It doesn't wake people up when you talk about what 'they(cabal/dims)' want to pass. They wake up when you tell them what was passed. (IRS/Ill Imm. payouts/child vaccines etc…)

Now it can be reported what they voted on and what they signed into law. Now it's open season on their record.

Anons - you are the great awakening, you are Paul Revere and now you have a message.

Godspeed anons.

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bc54b5  No.14939866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a3bc31  No.14939867

File: 34b014ff52d8a60⋯.jpeg (265.88 KB, 896x1381, 896:1381, Web_capture_6_11_2021_151….jpeg)

File: 38fe6ea23404181⋯.jpg (49.48 KB, 990x604, 495:302, r43r43.JPG)

File: f3a2faf66f89182⋯.jpg (106.51 KB, 1007x690, 1007:690, er.JPG)

File: 4c144fdd22287be⋯.jpg (135.79 KB, 945x680, 189:136, rtwggtr.JPG)

File: 5ba07fc723294c9⋯.jpg (40.54 KB, 700x525, 4:3, hungry.jpg)





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ff4314  No.14939868


if you take into account that biden clearly has dementia then i think she may be actually dumber than him, without the alzheimers related dementia

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68b841  No.14939869


More propaganda bullshit. They all must be removed.

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cc2364  No.14939870

File: b028ea75dd25d75⋯.jpg (27.19 KB, 465x695, 93:139, b028ea75dd25d7511a5ca93164….jpg)

Dunno about you all, but it's a weird feeling being close to the point of mass arrests (maybe anyway).

As impatient as I've been for it, there's a bittersweet feeling for some reason. Maybe it's because of all we've been through. Guess it's hard to explain.

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c1a003  No.14939871

File: 2a5ff58fc3c7ec1⋯.jpeg (521.06 KB, 1800x1521, 200:169, QNightShift.jpeg)


My memory is fading with advancing years Anon… That was at the ChongQing Airport? Did we ever correlate that drop successfully?

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71671c  No.14939872

File: ba12c9d8dc0271b⋯.png (83.96 KB, 620x440, 31:22, poll_worker.png)


November 6, 2021

GOP Poll Worker in 2020 Detroit: 'They Treated Me Like a Criminal!'

By Rebecca Behrends

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07172e  No.14939873



blah blah blah

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bc54b5  No.14939874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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476e29  No.14939875


like this?

Notables so far


>>14939635 US Navy launches ship to commemorate gay rights activist Harvey Milk

>>14939695 House Republicans Explain Why They Voted for Infrastructure Bill

>>14939734 No surprise - Travis Scott has a 'foundation'

>>14939755 'Skimpflation' is here: Longer waits, fewer options and bare-bones customer support hide the true price of inflation

>>14939764 Biden's vaccine mandate is BLOCKED by Federal Court with jurisdiction over Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi

>>14939772 Glenn Youngkin's underage son, 17, tried to vote TWICE in the Virginia gubernatorial election his father later won

>>14939795 AOC Rips James Carville for Blaming ‘Wokeness’ in Terry McAuliffe Defeat

>>xxxxxxxx #18899

Call Out Notables

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762bb5  No.14939876

File: f15030150288adc⋯.jpeg (169.04 KB, 750x481, 750:481, 58327DDA_5E19_4F61_80C5_6….jpeg)

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dba4cc  No.14939877

File: 1cfe8a389391a72⋯.mp4 (4.02 MB, 480x480, 1:1, thai.mp4)






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3697c9  No.14939878

File: 8fa6dd99600f7c6⋯.jpg (133.54 KB, 900x622, 450:311, Hammer_Pepe.jpg)


>Travis Scott orders his fans to attack a 10 year old boy… who later died

Is that 2nd, 3rd or Dindu degree murder?

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637420  No.14939879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jimmy here will run you into town and leave you there.


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762bb5  No.14939880

File: 7f07d66b0eb42a2⋯.jpeg (73.6 KB, 590x590, 1:1, 4DFB9FAE_D119_46DD_8CD0_1….jpeg)

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8ed736  No.14939881


And the moire could be converted to digital by the scan pattern.. Cool cryptography idea.

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2093dd  No.14939882

Hello my fellow incarnated Extraterrestrials

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71671c  No.14939883

File: 77e2ab6c8b30ac7⋯.png (583.25 KB, 775x711, 775:711, neck.png)


Astroworld security guard pricked in neck with needle, Houston police say

By Eileen AJ Connelly

November 6, 2021 5:36pm

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99f0b2  No.14939884

File: 342c08715102d08⋯.jpeg (446.12 KB, 1316x750, 658:375, A9E3ADD1_D507_48F6_94C1_C….jpeg)

Nigga use the right banner. Fucking faggot

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746389  No.14939885

File: ddf352a552fd905⋯.jpg (168.41 KB, 592x825, 592:825, FDPUYmsX0AITUce.jpg)

Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandate was just HALTED in a federal court by a plaintiff called Brandon.


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f218d5  No.14939886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


-And then the most curious thing, you won't play trump here any more

-When he hosted is when I got my first sense of him

-no one ever came earlier, no one ever stayed later.

-he converts unpleasant into pleasant

-I saw that when tom brady hosted

-when peyton manning hosted

- and in particuler when derek jeter hosted

-his brain rejects negativity

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07172e  No.14939887


indeed it is. Same with the fake Canadian digital drivers license that was floating around here last weekend.

I believe there's a name for that. Planting seeds.

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2093dd  No.14939888

File: 2a5d62eeae04143⋯.png (84.05 KB, 690x888, 115:148, 1143.png)

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476e29  No.14939889

File: 8f467fe2e19bd2a⋯.png (22.92 KB, 519x504, 173:168, ClipboardImage.png)

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79e996  No.14939890


Hell yeah. Everybody is dropping in by the dozens now…

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c2fa4a  No.14939891

File: 7c22a07fe4fd172⋯.png (357.38 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 1629359775604.png)


Yes, that is exactly right.

The link of the Final Notable Bun you post will go at the bottom, titled with bread number.

When the notable section gets too big, for me it's over 3 buns, you can add that link to the notable buns section at the bottom of the notable section.

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ad5f4a  No.14939892

File: a861cc93c1710c3⋯.png (688.33 KB, 1080x1163, 1080:1163, Screenshot_20211105_020238….png)




Only a dumbass identifies as LBGTQ.

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8220d7  No.14939893



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bc54b5  No.14939894


>Winner dies in plane crash

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d047e9  No.14939895

File: abff7706d27d68e⋯.jpg (117.12 KB, 941x559, 941:559, ZomboMeme_16102021190952.jpg)

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bc54b5  No.14939896


>use TP to fight jumans from demon hole

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45f20d  No.14939897

Austria Bans the Unvaccinated From Restaurants as COVID-19 Cases Surge

VIENNA—Austria said on Friday it is barring those not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 from cafes, restaurants, and hairdressers as infections approach the record set a year ago and the government struggles to convince holdouts to get the shot.

Roughly 64 percent of Austria’s population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, in line with the European Union average but one of the lowest rates in western Europe. Many Austrians are sceptical about vaccines.

New daily infections have been surging and on Friday reached 9,388, close to the record of 9,586 set a year ago. The government said it expects a new record in the coming days.

“The evolution is exceptional and the occupancies of intensive-care beds are increasing significantly faster than we had expected,” conservative Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg told a news conference on the new measures that start on Monday.

These include barring the unvaccinated from hotels, events of more than 25 people and, importantly for a country that is a winter sports hotspot, ski lifts.

There will be a four-week transition period in which a first vaccination plus a PCR test will grant admission to places where the unvaccinated will be banned. After that, only the fully vaccinated and those who have recently recovered from a coronavirus infection will be let in.

Friday’s announcement comes a day after a similar move by the city of Vienna, which has the lowest infection rate among Austria’s nine provinces but the highest proportion of intensive-care bed occupied by COVID-19 patients at 20%.

While those dining out will have to show they have been vaccinated, the waiters serving them will not.

“One is a leisure activity undertaken voluntarily. No one forces me to go to the cinema or the restaurant. The other is my place of work,” Schallenberg said.


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71671c  No.14939898

File: 11183e83396827b⋯.png (505.51 KB, 848x756, 212:189, no_payout.png)


In Fiscal Year 2021 The Feds Paid Zero Claims for COVID Vaccine Related Deaths

By Joe Hoft

Published November 6, 2021 at 5:00pm

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637420  No.14939899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So now is the time.

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07172e  No.14939900

File: 92bb776af77cb73⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 3902x2243, 3902:2243, Lets_Go_Brandon_sky.jpg)

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189d8b  No.14939901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2015, no Astroglide.

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8220d7  No.14939902


infiniti trips. make it so.



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fb24ae  No.14939903

File: 52d740dea9d82af⋯.jpeg (178.53 KB, 1440x1002, 240:167, 1531186643.jpeg)

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2bf980  No.14939904


>security guard pricked in neck with needle

super cool

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476e29  No.14939905


>you can add that link to the notable buns section at the bottom of the notable section.

check it and take over, I have to go. TYB I appreciate you.


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d047e9  No.14939906

File: f447f6ad44696fa⋯.jpeg (49.77 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 36e0b587_af53_4f64_9e4f_6….jpeg)

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746389  No.14939907


Sorry, was Newsfagging.


The Old Guard in the waning Democratic Party of years' past needs to reconcile just where they stand regarding, "The Squad."

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2d70dd  No.14939908

Very Hard

Did You Stand?


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963bb9  No.14939909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Fucking Beautiful"


as a dead body being lifted through the crowd

a fucking ritual live

as all the sheep acted like the concert was way more important

they know they can get away with this shit as the sheep are retarded and cannt see that the death on full public display

and they paid to be there

these sick club Luciferians get off on this public ritual shit

really look and listen

just ask Drake

just ask Kylie Jenner

just ask Kanye

just ask Kim Kardashian

ask Kourtney Kardashian

ask Travis Barker (plane fire with DJ AM who later died years later)

they all know how this shit is done

and ALL of these people are linked together

ala 6 degrees of seperation "the light bearer" Lucifer

Travis Scott Astroworld Concert Stampede Leaves 8 Dead | TMZ

7,066 viewsNov 6, 2021

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601420  No.14939910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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07172e  No.14939911


I watched the Dave Chappell thing to see why the rainbow hair brigade were having menstrual bleeding out the ears.

I kek'd a few times.

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bc54b5  No.14939912

File: 48e79c561ae34cc⋯.png (768.89 KB, 1280x899, 1280:899, 1280px_Prettyprincesspoint….png)

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a0b76e  No.14939913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(pb) >>14938571 FBI carries out 6am raid on Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe's New York home over Ashley Biden stolen diary

The US Constitution killer steam roller keeps on keeping on. You can't concentrate on how fucked up our government is. It will drive you crazy. You have to use your imagination. Further proof the FBI rank and file should join the higher ups in either jail or wearing burger king hats.

"I'll have it my way motherfucker."

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8ed736  No.14939914


Put a couple of these in series and you have a very difficult problem if you wanted to reverse it.

Just thinking out loud. Sorry.

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081660  No.14939915

File: 6778dd0ce3348d4⋯.png (567.01 KB, 930x724, 465:362, YOU_THREW_IT.png)

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c2fa4a  No.14939916



>>14939635 US Navy launches ship to commemorate gay rights activist Harvey Milk

>>14939695 House Republicans Explain Why They Voted for Infrastructure Bill

>>14939734 No surprise - Travis Scott has a 'foundation'

>>14939755 'Skimpflation' is here: Longer waits, fewer options and bare-bones customer support hide the true price of inflation

>>14939764, >>14939799 Biden's vaccine mandate is BLOCKED by Federal Court with jurisdiction over Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi

>>14939772 Glenn Youngkin's underage son, 17, tried to vote TWICE in the Virginia gubernatorial election his father later won

>>14939795 AOC Rips James Carville for Blaming ‘Wokeness’ in Terry McAuliffe Defeat

>>14939813 Dem Governor Admits Wife Dropped Off Ballot — “Illegal Under The Election Code”

>>14939818, >>14939840 Travis Scott orders his fans to attack a 10 year old boy… who later died at #ASTROWORLDFest

>>14939846 Iran Announces Large-Scale Drill in Southern Waters, Sending Warning to 'Enemies'

>>14939859 Victorian Liberal MP Tim Smith resigns from Parliament a week after drink-driving incident

>>14939883 Astroworld security guard pricked in neck with needle, Houston police say

>>14939885 Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandate was just HALTED in a federal court by a plaintiff called Brandon.

>>14939897 Austria Bans the Unvaccinated From Restaurants as COVID-19 Cases Surge

>>14939898 In Fiscal Year 2021 The Feds Paid Zero Claims for COVID Vaccine Related Deaths


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963bb9  No.14939917


Drake screwed Kim

beef with Kanye for views

Travis Scott Kylie baby daddy

all in sick club

and now they do live rituals

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c2fa4a  No.14939918

File: 693e7d0ea264521⋯.jpg (119.78 KB, 1032x635, 1032:635, 693e7d0ea2645213f755cd641e….jpg)


Looks proper.

Godspeed Baker.


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bc54b5  No.14939919

File: 2228a3766161d0b⋯.jpg (233.79 KB, 2044x1533, 4:3, MEANLADYFARTSONCAR.jpg)

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081660  No.14939920


Shitty definition of a lie.

Planting seeds, my arse…. It's bullshit being spread.

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762bb5  No.14939921

File: 21f4e303d627ecb⋯.jpeg (58.89 KB, 800x574, 400:287, E493C997_BD85_4F3D_AB5E_6….jpeg)

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07172e  No.14939922


where can I get a dose of Covid?

I'll take that exemption thank you.

>only the fully vaccinated and those who have recently recovered from a coronavirus infection will be let in.

I was told it was everywhere. Yet I see evidence of it nowhere.

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71671c  No.14939923

File: 5ead45e235f1365⋯.png (47.39 KB, 591x241, 591:241, stand_down.png)


The President’s unlawful vaccine mandate has been stayed in federal court. South Carolina’s businesses should stand down in enforcing the mandate, pending the outcome of legal challenges.

6:29 PM · Nov 6, 2021

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84000d  No.14939924



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476e29  No.14939925

File: da79dac34a37772⋯.png (301.67 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



I'll be in and out. Hope having moar bakers around will take a little off of your plate.

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45f20d  No.14939926

Paedophile who was forced to perform sex acts on a serial rapist inmate wants the taxpayer to pay for his therapy after he was left feeling like an 'object'

Troy Allan Burley raped the 21-year-old paedophile several times while in prison

One rape occurred while the man was watching the royal wedding on television

The younger man is seeking compensation from the state to pay for therapy

The older inmate was sentenced to another seven years in prison for the abuse

A child rapist wants the taxpayer to pay for the therapy he needs after being sexually abused and assaulted by a sadistic sex offender during his time in jail.

The paedophile, 21, was forced to perform oral sex on serial rapist Troy Allan Burley as he was repeatedly abused by the notorious criminal over three months at Wolston Correctional Centre near Brisbane in 2018.

One rape occurred while Burley was watching Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's royal wedding.

The victim, who has not been identified for legal reasons and since been released from prison, was himself convicted of raping a child.

The abused inmate has filed for compensation in the Brisbane District Court claiming he suffered post-traumatic stress disorder following his ordeal and has panic attacks when he sees 'bald heads'.


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963bb9  No.14939927


giant all seeing eye on stage electrified

very similar to Route 66 Vegas shit


and is now on everyones twitter, instagram, tik tok, all social media

evil seeds of public death for all to view and consume as the sick club

pulls energy

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ed1d3d  No.14939928


No sauce, not notable. Anons know how this works.

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f218d5  No.14939929


>can you break down to a sentence.

break what down?

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79e996  No.14939930

File: f98f794ccf5bec6⋯.jpg (162.45 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, marble.jpg)

File: ca9d76ac04de28b⋯.jpg (238.04 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, greetings_et.jpg)




Special Forces re-incarnated extraterrestrials are parachuting in (spiritually). Everybody is awakening to purpose and past that proves future.

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ad5f4a  No.14939931

File: ed03e7b2b568d93⋯.jpg (9.75 KB, 400x256, 25:16, aoc_triggered.jpg)


You don't say….

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84000d  No.14939932


>No sauce, not notable

Why not both?

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754fb8  No.14939933

File: b0949af94d2bf1e⋯.png (4.91 KB, 255x159, 85:53, f013947ad3e428f9dc95007b2a….png)

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84000d  No.14939934

File: 1167848834b97f3⋯.gif (94.03 KB, 220x124, 55:31, E8D163F4_CADD_498C_BDA9_AA….gif)


>Why not both?

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45f20d  No.14939935

File: e3da2b210d8ee60⋯.png (610.63 KB, 634x722, 317:361, ClipboardImage.png)

North Carolina 'pedophile', 61, is arrested after 'girl, 16, he'd abducted with his car used secret hand signal she learned on TIKTOK to show other drivers that she was in trouble'

James Brick, 61, was arrested for kidnapping a 16-year-old girl from North Carolina, and was apprehended in Kentucky on November 4

The missing teen was performing a hand gesture she learned from TikTok to alert drivers that she was in danger

The gesture, which features victims slowly curling their fingers around their thumbs, is meant to alert people of domestic abuse

Investigators also allegedly found child pornography in Brick's possession

A suspected pedophile was arrested for abducting a 16 year-old girl after she used an emergency hand signal she saw on TikTok to alert other drivers to her plight, cops say.

Laurel County Sheriff's officers in Kentucky arrested James Brick, 61, on November 4 after receiving a call on Thursday about a 16-year-old girl in his car making hand gestures known on TikTok that represent domestic violence.

It was seen by someone driving behind Brick's vehicle, with the girl subsequently telling police she'd been abducted from her home in Asheville, North Carolina, and driven through her home state, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky.

Her parents had reported her missing.

The signal, demonstrated on multiple TikTok accounts, including one set up by news site NowThis, sees a person raise their palm and tuck their thumb, then lower their fingers so that the thumb is 'trapped' inside them, with the signal resembling a clenched fist.

It is designed to show others that the signaler is suffering from domestic abuse.

One driver called in about the teen in a silver Toyota who 'appeared to be in distress' making hand gestures known on the social media app to represent 'violence at home – I need help,' the Laurel County Sheriff's Office said.


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637420  No.14939936

Dead be past dead beyond reply.

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2d70dd  No.14939937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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cc2364  No.14939938




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963bb9  No.14939939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

pay attention to what is going on on stage


ritual and words



4 hours ago

He literally standing over the crowd looking a them carrying a limp possibility dead body out and he just making demonic noises and turns his body in such a creepy way it's disturbing. And it's still people who don't even see evil right in front of them. It's sickening. 😤


Astroworld Festival 2021| Fans asking For Help| Travis Scott Concert

18,419 viewsNov 6, 2021

Remy Adan

3 hours ago

Can't believe he's still performing while people are dying



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2bf980  No.14939940

File: 98ed646010b17ba⋯.png (377.83 KB, 823x680, 823:680, wellhesdeadso.png)



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c2fa4a  No.14939941

File: 2a14779e29cc9a1⋯.png (465.35 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1505241077730.png)


Moar the merrier, there was a time when the board had so many bakers it was sometimes difficult to get a session in without someone taking the hand off.

Would like to see Anons stepping up to the plate.

ThanQ for giving it a shot, maybe I'll step into one of you bakes in the future.

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2d70dd  No.14939942


It seems that the People are Standing

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d4c968  No.14939943


>Why not both?

Because without sauce, it is considered fake as fuck until proven otherwise.

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45f20d  No.14939944

Coronavirus boosters likely for years to come: Pharmacy Guild

Australians will be getting booster shots to combat COVID-19 for years to come, with annual injections to become an integral part of the national vaccination program, according to the Pharmacy Guild.


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2d70dd  No.14939945

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71671c  No.14939946

File: 19b4f6830724060⋯.png (364.25 KB, 718x437, 718:437, sc_flag.png)

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f8cb31  No.14939947

File: 8141f37fefb9a8c⋯.png (110.76 KB, 1170x790, 117:79, ClipboardImage.png)

US Circuit Court Map

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bfd720  No.14939948

File: 8d50cb6e7dd6fc4⋯.png (260.61 KB, 1040x1040, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


> hand gesture she learned from TikTok to alert drivers that she was in danger

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ad5f4a  No.14939949


Castration is required immediately.

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84000d  No.14939950

File: 435b6f50f18a847⋯.jpeg (271.21 KB, 656x517, 656:517, A69625B4_ED20_430A_B52C_1….jpeg)


>considered fake as fuck until proven otherwise

That’s not how it works in this country fren

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dba4cc  No.14939951

File: 3908e6b13a9188d⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 44.jpg)

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2d70dd  No.14939952

File: 3ce4e319f95c0ca⋯.jpg (84.62 KB, 540x516, 45:43, 3ce4e319f95c0ca67880d18154….jpg)

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637420  No.14939953

In as much as I am able to pray. Then I pray for you.

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5cdd9d  No.14939954

File: dbcbf037f7772be⋯.png (409.5 KB, 625x468, 625:468, Pepe_Recon.png)

Gavin Newsom got a booster vaxx jab about 2 weeks ago.

Is he alright?

Anyone seen him?

Is he having spike protein prion blood clot problems?

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cc2364  No.14939955


he's a hunk of shit

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07172e  No.14939956


just 2 weeks

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d4c968  No.14939957


>That’s not how it works in this country fren

Which country fren?

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0d4744  No.14939958

Night all, back tomorrow

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e181eb  No.14939959


your thoughts, you put up a shit load of links and connections, spell out your thoughts.

The right way to flush out a rat from experience is to drop a hint and see who panics.

anon was used a tactic years ago, send emails internally to flush someone out but not a circular, independent emails to a team of 40 employees. once the email was leaked, a miss placed comma on each email identifying each different person it was sent to !!

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2bf980  No.14939960

File: a02c60855f882d3⋯.png (65.86 KB, 634x289, 634:289, ClipboardImage.png)

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07172e  No.14939961


digits confirm

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2d70dd  No.14939962

And They always think We are Alone

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49eee6  No.14939963

File: 6302b3085a70ae3⋯.png (244.13 KB, 535x652, 535:652, Screenshot_2021_11_06_at_1….png)

U.S. Naval Institute


ADM William Halsey, who once said "I never trust a fighting man who doesn't smoke or drink," was not a supporter of the Navy's ban on alcohol on ships. During WWII, he requisitioned 100 gallons of bourbon so that flight surgeons could issue shots to his pilots. #SeaStorySaturday


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2740f5  No.14939964


>Our force is stronger for the service om the many great members of the LGBTQ community….

That's fucking it! Enough is enough!

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2bf980  No.14939965

File: cd1833316beebe0⋯.mp4 (5.3 MB, 1072x592, 67:37, DancingQueen.mp4)

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ff4314  No.14939966

Has Microchip made a Q post recently?

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46fda1  No.14939967

File: f31f2cf04c52853⋯.mp4 (847 KB, 430x270, 43:27, Fu0I_gO4YHAO6Qr1.mp4)

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5bc4b0  No.14939968

File: 2dfd598b3153d0c⋯.png (159.07 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_183020.png)

File: a921162e4c7b661⋯.png (89.71 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_183208.png)

File: 84bb4d17bef5514⋯.png (75.58 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_183706.png)

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84000d  No.14939969


You know how it works. You want rank you gotta join the mason lodge and suck some cock.

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a0b76e  No.14939970

(pd) >>14938259 US Virgin Islands Subpoenas Barclays Over Epstein Ties

Wow they're some fast cookies too. Is this a race with the Durham investigation. Like watching snails and sloths coming down the homestretch for a photo finish. Meanwhile the crowd that was watching died of old age.

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45f20d  No.14939971

Amazon drivers set to receive $60 million in allegedly withheld tips

Company was reportedly using tips to pad driver salaries.

Drivers for retail giant Amazon will be receiving a combined whopping $60 million in reportedly withheld tips, federal officials revealed this week.

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission “is sending nearly $60 million to more than 140,000 Amazon drivers,” the FTC said in a press release this week.

“The funds will serve as reimbursement for tips that Amazon allegedly illegally withheld from drivers between 2016 and 2019,” the agency added.

The FTC brought suit against Amazon earlier this year, alleging that “the company secretly kept drivers’ tips over a two-and-a-half year period and only stopped the practice after becoming aware of the FTC’s investigation in 2019.”

The drivers in question will receive an average of around $400, though one single driver is set to receive a massive $28,000 payout.


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ec44e9  No.14939972

File: c67e6403a7202ce⋯.png (390.17 KB, 709x755, 709:755, Gassy.png)

I smell a meme here…

JUST IN - Biden produced a "little natural gas" of his own at the #COP26 summit, it was audible enough to make the Duchess of Cornwall blush.


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2d70dd  No.14939973

We Told You X

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3697c9  No.14939974

File: dda9a6471a8f8cf⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 900x600, 3:2, precious_bodily_fluids.jpg)

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963bb9  No.14939975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the kardashian/jenner family

the hiltons

Travis Scott Kylie Jenner Baby daddy

all are top shit in sick club

Kourtney is now engaged to Travis Barker Blink 182 (PLANE crash GEORGIA)

DJ AM died years later

the club makes sure that you are iN the club or not in the club

ask Alliyah (died plane fire) linked to R Kelly

if you cannot see this you are truly blind

Travis Barker DJ AM Critical After Plane Crash News Complete

236,504 viewsSep 22, 2008


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637420  No.14939976


These would seem to be the miracle cure.

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3bd613  No.14939977

File: d227fd8609a615a⋯.png (606.22 KB, 634x459, 634:459, ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden or the new Mr Trump? Camilla 'hasn't stopped talking about' hearing the President 'break wind' during chat at Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow


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71671c  No.14939978

File: 8e78ae18f8c384c⋯.png (187.31 KB, 413x551, 413:551, poot.png)

File: 12950cd0e79604d⋯.png (713.23 KB, 892x894, 446:447, pootus.png)


Disclose.tv, [06.11.21 18:30]

JUST IN - Biden produced a "little natural gas" of his own at the #COP26 summit, it was audible enough to make the Duchess of Cornwall blush.



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79e996  No.14939979


Watch Trump use the Virgin Islands to hammer the EU bagman. This is going to get interesting. Trump wants Barclays to feel some heat.

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2d70dd  No.14939980


Don't Cross The Line

You Will, In Any WAY

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cb49da  No.14939981

File: 9b07713aff1b90c⋯.png (257.35 KB, 687x408, 229:136, gyfgmil9.PNG)

File: 91d16aebfb5edc4⋯.png (311.03 KB, 369x522, 41:58, gyfgmi48.PNG)

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c56495  No.14939982

File: 268f44cb157aebc⋯.gif (2.55 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 41E708B4_186D_4A7A_A86C_83….gif)


Hey good job spamming this post in every bread all day! Keep going faggot!

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49eee6  No.14939983

File: 0f7c0689b958ecc⋯.jpg (92.79 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, pink.jpg)

File: 25933ca7bf3e208⋯.jpg (69.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pinkship.jpg)

File: 76d042ce04e9a30⋯.jpg (21.31 KB, 474x358, 237:179, pinksub.jpg)


Let´s Go Brandon!

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042983  No.14939984


Here is the full list of Republican sellouts, and their office phone numbers, courtesy of Marjorie Taylor Greene – No surprise to see crybaby Adam Kinzinger on the list:

Rep. John Katko (R-NY 24th congressional district) – 202-225-3701

Don Bacon (R-NE 2nd congressional district) – 202-225-4155

Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ 2nd congressional district) – 202-225-6572

Don Young (R-AK at-large congressional district) – 202-225-5765

Fred Upton (R-MI 6th congressional district) – 202-225-3761

Adam Kinzinger (R-IL 16th congressional district) – 202-225-3635

Tony Gonzales (R-TX 23rd congressional district) – 202-225-3876

Tom Reed (R-NY 23rd congressional district) – 202-225-3161

Chris Smith (R-NJ 4th congressional district) – 202-225-3765

Andrew Gabarino (R-NY 2nd congressional district) – 202-225-7896

Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY 11th congressional district) – 202-225-3371

Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA 1st congressional district) – 202-225-4276

David McKinley (R-WV 1st congressional district) – 202-225-4172

Every one of these traitors should start looking for new jobs.

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84000d  No.14939985

File: 1167848834b97f3⋯.gif (94.03 KB, 220x124, 55:31, 5B84284C_F62F_4CB4_B2BB_02….gif)


>You know how it works. You want rank you gotta join the mason lodge and suck some cock.

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d047e9  No.14939986

File: f21da56f7f496ea⋯.jpg (19.34 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9b415828318ff3568a6e2055aa….jpg)

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be24ee  No.14939987


nah, we're still waiting for the chat logs

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2d0820  No.14939988


Guys- something really demonic going on here. This guy doesn’t flinch while people are dropping like flies- but some child tries and take a shoe- he stops

The show and puts out a live hit- WTF is going on

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71671c  No.14939989

File: e6c7af2438ac4da⋯.png (365.11 KB, 608x692, 152:173, take_em.png)


Did the 3rd vaxx take him, or did he get covid19

Gavin Newsom disappears from public view for 10 days and skips COP26 https://mol.im/a/10172023 via http://dailym.ai/android


Gavin Newsom disappears from public view for 10 days and skips COP26

Newsom was last seen in public on October 27, receiving a COVID-19 booster shot in Oakland. He said it was painless and then flexed in celebration, urging others to get boosters as well.

6:28 PM · Nov 6, 2021·

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637420  No.14939990

File: 4b92527ab6d7f62⋯.gif (6.61 MB, 636x303, 212:101, B2fuelingcomplete.gif)

Fuck. This. Shit.

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963bb9  No.14939991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dj am dead one year later

on drugs after plane crash and burns

as it did not kill him

but dead later sooooo



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79e996  No.14939992

DC Whisper

Pelosi put the Infrastructure Bill up to fail as a sign of progress to base. Trump/McCarthy engineered it's passage. Checkmate. Biden signature? Watch what happens…

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2d0820  No.14939993


Neither of those options should be a problem- but here we are

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c2fa4a  No.14939994



>>14939635 US Navy launches ship to commemorate gay rights activist Harvey Milk

>>14939695 House Republicans Explain Why They Voted for Infrastructure Bill

>>14939734 No surprise - Travis Scott has a 'foundation'

>>14939755 'Skimpflation' is here: Longer waits, fewer options and bare-bones customer support hide the true price of inflation

>>14939764, >>14939799, >>14939923 Biden's vaccine mandate is BLOCKED by Federal Court with jurisdiction over Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi

>>14939772 Glenn Youngkin's underage son, 17, tried to vote TWICE in the Virginia gubernatorial election his father later won

>>14939795 AOC Rips James Carville for Blaming ‘Wokeness’ in Terry McAuliffe Defeat

>>14939813 Dem Governor Admits Wife Dropped Off Ballot — “Illegal Under The Election Code”

>>14939818, >>14939840 Travis Scott orders his fans to attack a 10 year old boy… who later died at #ASTROWORLDFest

>>14939846 Iran Announces Large-Scale Drill in Southern Waters, Sending Warning to 'Enemies'

>>14939859 Victorian Liberal MP Tim Smith resigns from Parliament a week after drink-driving incident

>>14939883 Astroworld security guard pricked in neck with needle, Houston police say

>>14939885 Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandate was just HALTED in a federal court by a plaintiff called Brandon.

>>14939897 Austria Bans the Unvaccinated From Restaurants as COVID-19 Cases Surge

>>14939898 In Fiscal Year 2021 The Feds Paid Zero Claims for COVID Vaccine Related Deaths

>>14939944 Australians will be getting booster shots to combat COVID-19 for years to come

>>14939963 U.S. Naval Institute - ADM William Halsey, who once said "I never trust a fighting man who doesn't smoke or drink,"

>>14939972, >>14939977, >>14939978 Biden produced a "little natural gas" of his own at the #COP26 summit

>>14939984 Here is the full list of Republican who voted towards Biden infrastructure spending package


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ec44e9  No.14939995

File: 134e5701d469247⋯.png (178.27 KB, 670x710, 67:71, UB40.png)

How many is this today?

JUST IN - UB40 legend Astro (64) dies suddenly after short illness.


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e72a7a  No.14939996

File: eb55693b3cfb96a⋯.jpg (110.51 KB, 564x752, 3:4, 57612158bf39869c5431303707….jpg)


Joe has turned into a bad Benny Hill sketch

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963bb9  No.14939997





ask heath ledger

ask the olsen twins


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68b841  No.14939998


Don't count on it. There's a storm brewin' and it's brining JUSTICE and PAIN.

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f8cb31  No.14939999

File: 2940ee467e7edad⋯.png (362.46 KB, 465x494, 465:494, Screen_Shot_11_06_21_at_06….PNG)


Thank you Governor Henry McMaster and Georgia for your fight against a federal contractor vaccine mandate. This is the one I would fall under.. I think. Please keep us updated on how this one is going! Thanks!

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042983  No.14940000


I'm stem hire me but there isnt a labor shortage because I cant get one fucking interview

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637420  No.14940001

Grabby bastarda for the 9999

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f218d5  No.14940002


>can you break down to a sentence.

>your thought, you put up a shit load of links and connections, spell out your thoughts.

In a sentence, there's way too many coincidences regarding this Alex Alec Baldwin Red October shooting that I'm leaning towards it being an op.

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84000d  No.14940003


>You know how it works. You want rank you gotta join the mason lodge and suck some cock.


Got to earn them stripes one chode at a time

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2d70dd  No.14940004

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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45f20d  No.14940005

In Fiscal Year 2021 The Feds Paid Zero Claims for COVID Vaccine Related Deaths

The Feds paid out zero claims in COVID Related Deaths through September, the end of the fiscal year 2021.

Adam Andrzejewski, Senior Contributor at Forbes writes:

In fiscal year 2021, the U.S. government paid $246.9 million in claims for vaccine-related injuries and deaths. Not a single payout was related to Covid-19 vaccines.

Each person with a “provable” injury from a Covid vaccine could claim up to $379,000 from a special Covid vaccine fund set up by the federal government. The payout for death could be as high as $370,376.

However, according to an OpenTheBooks.com investigation, the federal government didn’t pay a penny for Covid-vaccine claims. The special fund for these claims is called the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

There were only 1,357 claims filed that alleged “injuries/deaths from the Covid vaccines,” and 53 were listed as deaths, according to recent reporting by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

By contrast, the self-reporting Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) lists 16,310 deaths related to Covid vaccines. Of these, “5,326 of the deaths occurred on Day 0, 1,or 2 following vaccination[.]”

We know that there were many COVID vaccine related deaths in the US this past year. In some cases the number of vaccine deaths were greater than the number of COVID deaths.


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cb49da  No.14940006

File: 01b886f2e179a5f⋯.png (617.94 KB, 880x472, 110:59, gyfgmi57.PNG)

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d047e9  No.14940007


Imagine selling your soul and not even getting enough talent to perform without autotune.

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2bf980  No.14940008

File: 08bfa88953a46d7⋯.png (442.46 KB, 634x459, 634:459, ClipboardImage.png)


Joe Biden or the new Mr Trump? Camilla 'hasn't stopped talking about' hearing the President 'break wind' during chat at Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow

President Joe Biden met Duchess of Cornwall during reception on Monday

They made polite small talk and Camilla was shocked to hear Biden break wind

Reception was hours after Biden appeared to doze off at COP26 opening

He is supposed to be committed to reducing emissions – but when President Joe Biden produced a little natural gas of his own at the COP26 summit, it was audible enough to make the Duchess of Cornwall blush.

An informed source has told The Mail on Sunday that Camilla was taken aback to hear Biden break wind as they made polite small talk at the global climate change gathering in Glasgow last week.

'It was long and loud and impossible to ignore,' the source said. 'Camilla hasn't stopped talking about it.'

The President met the Duchess during a reception on Monday at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery, attended by Prince Charles, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Boris Johnson.

Just hours earlier, the 78-year-old – nicknamed 'Sleepy Joe' by Donald Trump – had appeared to doze off during the opening addresses, prompting more questions from his political rivals over his fitness for office.

This is not the first time that Biden has faced claims that he broke wind. In May 2020, Republicans, including Donald Trump Jr, posted a video clip of Biden containing a suspicious noise while live-streaming an exchange with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf.

However, a separate video which circulated last month – and was briefly trending on Twitter under #Fartgate – was found to have been doctored to include fake flatulence.

Trump Sr is considering running in the 2024 Presidential race. After a year in the White House, Biden's approval ratings are at rock bottom, with polls putting his predecessor two percentage points ahead.

At the reception, which was originally supposed to have been hosted by the Queen until she was ordered to rest by doctors, Biden was seen laughing and joking with Prince William, at one stage placing a hand on his shoulder.

At COP26, Biden apologised for Trump's actions in taking the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord and he pledged that America would devote more resources to fighting climate change. The President was 'gonged' eight times by organisers for running past the three minutes allotted for his speech.

This summer, Johnson praised Biden as being 'a big breath of fresh air' on climate change compared to his predecessor.

Appropriately, Biden has urged world leaders to cut methane gas emissions by 30 per cent by the end of the decade. Cows and other livestock contribute substantially to global methane levels.

The White House declined to comment last night.

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630416  No.14940009


What percentage of the military population is gay?

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c1a003  No.14940010

File: 6237a096a204bf4⋯.jpg (59.8 KB, 500x625, 4:5, KEK_compels_you.jpg)



nah, we're still waiting for the chat logs

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49eee6  No.14940011

File: 3be95c19e32facc⋯.png (357.04 KB, 478x656, 239:328, Screenshot_2021_11_06_at_1….png)





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79e996  No.14940012


Always remember this. Trump has always had, and continues to have, the best lawyers on the face of this earth.

>What was in those bills Nancy?

>Surprise Surprise Surprise

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d047e9  No.14940013

File: f01977b22bbf46e⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 236x214, 118:107, IMG_20191011_190913.jpg)

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042983  No.14940014


so. Much. Winning. I can't take this winning anymore.

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ff4314  No.14940015



labor shortage is for jobs that pay less than you'd make going on welfare, not stem

stem is still flooded with indians and chinese like always

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e72a7a  No.14940016

File: 2f57767d3bf8576⋯.png (826.21 KB, 1397x1982, 1397:1982, 9bff1d3f84ca035b03c3f2f297….png)


>Did the 3rd vaxx take him, or did he get covid19

He has to spend time underground to recharge now and then. Runs in the family

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ad5f4a  No.14940017

File: 083dcac0659b4dd⋯.jpg (77.41 KB, 500x659, 500:659, 5ryzhx_1.jpg)

All of these old fucks don't give a crap about America because they are almost dead.













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637420  No.14940018

File: d2aade79fe8da28⋯.jpg (127.7 KB, 1000x719, 1000:719, tumblr_3f5fed8e8927f222698….jpg)

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2bf980  No.14940019

File: a61c3c69594f4c5⋯.gif (913.82 KB, 480x287, 480:287, cmonman.gif)



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2d70dd  No.14940020

File: 78ba77230a75c83⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1000x1214, 500:607, 78ba77230a75c8342ac7506aca….png)

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160f9d  No.14940021


Any is too much

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c56495  No.14940022

File: dd8ca99511976c7⋯.jpeg (76.66 KB, 546x457, 546:457, DDD50865_7DD0_48F8_B512_B….jpeg)


Astro…the day after Astro World??? C’mon man.

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58f4b2  No.14940023


Imagine that was in his script.

"Stand between __ and __ and audibly fart"

It almost looks like he's looking at the camera for the 'go' signal or and okay that it was loud enough.

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adc1dd  No.14940024


I remember that lady crying so hard because she couldn't find a parking space.

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042983  No.14940025


stem- job outsourced to an asian…entire department was muslim but anon- that's AT&T

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c56495  No.14940026



3 seconds, the hive mind grows

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cb49da  No.14940027

File: 043080625af3c55⋯.png (727.92 KB, 657x662, 657:662, ftmp.PNG)

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2bf980  No.14940028

File: 841eef61b2a8ac5⋯.gif (842.92 KB, 499x331, 499:331, weed.gif)


>I cant get one fucking interview

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963bb9  No.14940029





ask katy perry

ask nicole richie

ask frank ryan plastic surgeon (freak jeep accident pacific coast highway)

ask lionel richie

ask paris hilton

ask oj simpson


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601420  No.14940030


It's all about the BREAK

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cb49da  No.14940031

File: c1a1ede0de0310c⋯.jpg (43.73 KB, 661x388, 661:388, ke23w1.jpg)

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ff4314  No.14940032


muslims got in on that shit too?

did not know that, they have not made it to the S part of stem yet

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c2fa4a  No.14940033

File: 82abda31591dddd⋯.png (91.45 KB, 447x447, 1:1, 82abda31591dddda626641cc75….png)


Not sure, but do they think I'm cute?

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e181eb  No.14940034

File: 956d62a04018c3e⋯.png (553.31 KB, 606x384, 101:64, ClipboardImage.png)


quads chek'ed

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dba4cc  No.14940035


their rewards are never what they expect, and they are fleeting from what i hear

makes them have to come back for more, and up the ante in order to maintain that reward

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84000d  No.14940036

File: ac1ab47228f4020⋯.jpeg (253.44 KB, 750x637, 750:637, 375A5278_2896_4D4E_A70A_7….jpeg)


>You know how it works. You want rank you gotta join the mason lodge and suck some cock.

There ain’t no such thing as meatless Monday

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637420  No.14940037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When a bit of rock music…

You are in the mood for dance.

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c2fa4a  No.14940038



>>14939635 US Navy launches ship to commemorate gay rights activist Harvey Milk

>>14939695 House Republicans Explain Why They Voted for Infrastructure Bill

>>14939734 No surprise - Travis Scott has a 'foundation'

>>14939755 'Skimpflation' is here: Longer waits, fewer options and bare-bones customer support hide the true price of inflation

>>14939764, >>14939799, >>14939923 Biden's vaccine mandate is BLOCKED by Federal Court with jurisdiction over Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi

>>14939772 Glenn Youngkin's underage son, 17, tried to vote TWICE in the Virginia gubernatorial election his father later won

>>14939795 AOC Rips James Carville for Blaming ‘Wokeness’ in Terry McAuliffe Defeat

>>14939813 Dem Governor Admits Wife Dropped Off Ballot — “Illegal Under The Election Code”

>>14939818, >>14939840 Travis Scott orders his fans to attack a 10 year old boy… who later died at #ASTROWORLDFest

>>14939846 Iran Announces Large-Scale Drill in Southern Waters, Sending Warning to 'Enemies'

>>14939859 Victorian Liberal MP Tim Smith resigns from Parliament a week after drink-driving incident

>>14939883 Astroworld security guard pricked in neck with needle, Houston police say

>>14939885 Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandate was just HALTED in a federal court by a plaintiff called Brandon.

>>14939897 Austria Bans the Unvaccinated From Restaurants as COVID-19 Cases Surge

>>14939898, >>14940005 In Fiscal Year 2021 The Feds Paid Zero Claims for COVID Vaccine Related Deaths

>>14939944 Australians will be getting booster shots to combat COVID-19 for years to come

>>14939963 U.S. Naval Institute - ADM William Halsey, who once said "I never trust a fighting man who doesn't smoke or drink,"

>>14939972, >>14939977, >>14939978 Biden produced a "little natural gas" of his own at the #COP26 summit

>>14939984 Here is the full list of Republican who voted towards Biden infrastructure spending package


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49eee6  No.14940039

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f8cb31  No.14940040

File: c270d2bf496402c⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 540x540, 1:1, McMaster.mp4)


My bad, anon.


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cb49da  No.14940041

File: 817fe5d385e68f5⋯.png (784.65 KB, 614x838, 307:419, tss2a1c.png)

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84000d  No.14940042



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2d0820  No.14940043


The devil got him pretty good. He obviously didn’t get his soul worth- people have had enough. This guy must be thrown under the bus

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2d70dd  No.14940044

File: 2d5566d9ce09344⋯.jpg (28.08 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 42867227b6f69dabaf9a0a7c03….jpg)

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2bf980  No.14940045

File: 9a6e6e42c74e8b2⋯.png (663.38 KB, 474x632, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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cb49da  No.14940046

File: d2014dc7d5cbaaf⋯.png (343 KB, 363x468, 121:156, ipv.PNG)

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e181eb  No.14940047


agreed. now lets see who bites and what the narrative is and from where.

it is a game of cat and bigger cat !!

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71671c  No.14940048

File: eaf6798a732772d⋯.png (32.88 KB, 942x211, 942:211, law_v.png)


Pennsylvania's Democratic governor admits to violating state election law

by Daniel Chaitin, Deputy News Editor |

| November 06, 2021 04:08 PM

| Updated Nov 06, 2021, 05:06 PM

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963bb9  No.14940049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



they have COMMS

top sick club member

jay z

makes a "request" to dj am after plane crash




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4115b9  No.14940050


Why didn't they shake George's hand?

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49eee6  No.14940051

File: 7348043ce5abcc4⋯.png (189.15 KB, 478x598, 239:299, Screenshot_2021_11_06_at_1….png)

Huma Abedin Retweeted

Hadley Freeman


I went for lunch in New York with the fascinating, brilliant and surprisingly extremely relatable @HumaAbedin



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d047e9  No.14940052

File: 1b85f12a34efc7a⋯.jpg (127.59 KB, 1000x996, 250:249, ZomboMeme_26062020224047.jpg)

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2bf980  No.14940053

File: b10ef2ac32e5912⋯.jpg (25.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1stDiggers.jpg)


Hey nice, you came through.

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a0b76e  No.14940054

(pb) >>14938355 Investigation Launched Into Potential Election Fraud In NJ — Votes from 56 Districts Weren’t Counted

Well Okaaay. Arizona had a big head start but they're lost somewhere in the Sonora Desert. This is NJ so I expect the results to end up in a landfill. Of course that gem of a governor got re-elected. Those clowns even managed to narrow my 51% to 49% prediction. Fantastic work.

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99e1a1  No.14940055


The most brilliant way to take down a country. Congratulations China - you did it.

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bfd720  No.14940056

File: 5de421024152cea⋯.png (360.34 KB, 1118x728, 43:28, ClipboardImage.png)


> hive mind grows

its getting strong

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2d70dd  No.14940057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c56495  No.14940058


>ripped my heart out and stomped on it

Something says she’s speaking from literal experience

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cb49da  No.14940059

File: 3a7eecd4f873c8a⋯.png (494.5 KB, 615x520, 123:104, md1a.png)

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2740f5  No.14940060


No, I don't know how that works. At the end of WWII, victory in Europe and victory in the Pacific (unconditional surrender) we fucked up. Our hands began to be tied in Korea and got tied in Vietnam. Oldanon was to be in 'nam but got fucked. Didn't go. Heard stories as a young kid about what grunts have to do to some low ranked officers in order to win the battle. Shoot them in a fire fight.

I have one grand kid (out of 6) who thinks strong men should get to work.

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cc2364  No.14940061


kek, the dancing queen medley is amazing. I've never heard anyone play shit like that in a cathedral, much less a funeral in a cathedsal.

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e087a3  No.14940062

File: f30267fe7a6d4de⋯.png (198.05 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Nkyn_5.png)

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71671c  No.14940063

File: 691c3d000a8cff8⋯.png (329.87 KB, 864x765, 96:85, ports.png)


Port Of New York And New Jersey Reports First Slowdown After 13 Months Of Torrid Growth

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Nov 06, 2021 - 02:00 PM

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f325b2  No.14940064

File: b3e10905266c962⋯.png (101.47 KB, 457x515, 457:515, crowbar.png)



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2bf980  No.14940065

File: 6b485a5e1383497⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 634x355, 634:355, cloth.jpg)


>Why didn't they shake George's hand?

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cb49da  No.14940066

File: 1b20cac6c958d23⋯.png (182.9 KB, 478x408, 239:204, bwt.PNG)

File: c200f5d759fb2d1⋯.png (365.36 KB, 530x450, 53:45, stth.PNG)

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45f20d  No.14940067

File: e92bb779aa88b13⋯.png (1.38 MB, 980x551, 980:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fbf1fcbbb771a0⋯.png (397.87 KB, 587x462, 587:462, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65d61ff9cedde47⋯.png (348.46 KB, 843x490, 843:490, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72bfb109e08ffb4⋯.png (396.38 KB, 816x517, 816:517, ClipboardImage.png)

Clashes, arrests as hundreds protest against Covid mandates in Leipzig

Hundreds of people took to the streets of the German city of Leipzig on Saturday to protest against the government’s Covid-19 measures. They were faced with counter-protests and police.

A large police force was deployed to Leipzig where a total of 12 protests were scheduled to take place. Armored police vehicles were seen on the city's streets.

The protesters demanded “freedom” from Covid-19 measures and protested what they called “mandatory vaccination.” The police designated a second meeting area for the demonstrators at nearby Goethestrasse Street after the participants’ cap, restricted to one thousand people, was exceeded.

Footage by RT’s video agency Ruptly showed a tightly packed crowd occupying a large area not far from the Opera. People were waving German flags and were holding banners that read: ‘No to dictatorship’ and ‘Freedom instead of despotism’. The crowd was cordoned off by police officers wearing riot gear and at least two water cannons were seen deployed to the square.


A counter-demonstration involving around 800 people was organized near Leipzig’s Gewandhaus Concert Hall, just across the square from the Opera.

At a certain point, the crowd protesting the Covid-19 measures attempted to stage a march along the city’s ring-road. The police intervened and blocked the march, arguing that no marches were allowed in the city because of Covid-19 restrictions.



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963bb9  No.14940068





do you not see this shit


In an exclusive clip from AS I AM: THE LIFE AND TIME$ OF DJ AM, we hear about the tragic plane crash of which DJ AM and Travis Barker were the only survivors,

and how two weeks later, Adam hopped back on a plane to DJ for Jay-Z in New York.



AS I AM covers the late, great mash-up pioneer's entire life from seed to sorrow. His meteoric rise made him the first million-dollar DJ in the world, but alongside his artistic success was a tumultuous personal life: addiction, tabloid romances, and personal tragedy. Featuring testimonial from contemporaries such as A-Trak, Mark Ronson, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Paul Oakenfold, Steve Aoki, and Diplo, and more this is the tale of a man who changed the landscape of music.


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746389  No.14940069

File: ee38ef9a1b918e6⋯.jpg (168.41 KB, 1040x301, 1040:301, FDPUYmsX0AITUce.jpg)


Florida gov says Biden admin has landed dozens of secret flights carrying illegal migrants into the state

The office of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says that more than 70 night-time flights moving migrants from the border landed in Jacksonville since the summer – amid concerns about the effects of the border crisis on states across the country.

"Over 70 air charter flights [on] jetliner airliners coming from the southwest border have landed at Jacksonville International Airport," Larry Keefe, DeSantis’s public safety czar, told The Washington Examiner.

"On average, there's 36 passengers on each of these flights. And that has been going on over the course of the summer through September," he said.

The Examiner reported that officials said the Biden administration has refused to tell the governor’s office about who is facilitating the flights and other information.

"We're in a sad situation of trying to run an investigation. Who is facilitating this travel? How are they getting here? Who are the support people? Who are the sponsors?" Keefe said.


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2d70dd  No.14940070


Flow is Growing ;)

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be24ee  No.14940071

File: 07687a90c11be52⋯.png (1.66 MB, 645x900, 43:60, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02a578645be3a4e⋯.png (355.61 KB, 478x656, 239:328, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a7eda00fe60416⋯.png (229.2 KB, 670x710, 67:71, ClipboardImage.png)



man that's some coincidental shit

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042983  No.14940072

File: 98d266bc5bde2e0⋯.jpg (405.69 KB, 962x861, 962:861, pepejustia.jpg)

File: 75adf7fdf58c673⋯.png (441.61 KB, 846x776, 423:388, They_Want_Public_Hangings.png)

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cb49da  No.14940073

File: 7b6d29f03a630fa⋯.png (693.41 KB, 568x611, 568:611, lepfg.PNG)

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51cec0  No.14940074

File: 791cb4bf2cd4e1f⋯.jpg (157.89 KB, 600x335, 120:67, TestBanner.jpg)


Thanks Bakers!

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637420  No.14940075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck you people.

Ignorant swine.

There. I got it out of my system.

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2bf980  No.14940076

File: 4770b536a73c701⋯.png (253.6 KB, 620x580, 31:29, ClipboardImage.png)


Huma Abedin on Anthony Weiner: ‘He ripped my heart out and stomped on it over and over again’

She was Hillary Clinton’s aide and the wife of a star politician when a sexting scandal sent him to prison, destroyed their marriage – and derailed her boss’s bid to become president. How did she cope?

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963bb9  No.14940077


Travis Barker

how much you want to bet they FILMED the 27 surgeries 2=7+ 9 flipped you get 6





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2d70dd  No.14940078

File: b74ae08deafc0ff⋯.jpg (121.15 KB, 1200x901, 1200:901, C5950F07519F8888_deskad_1.jpg)

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435704  No.14940079

File: 7e109713c737a86⋯.jpg (28 KB, 400x295, 80:59, Pelosi_Farted.jpg)

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762bb5  No.14940080

File: 4ee4f118140438c⋯.jpeg (708.23 KB, 750x978, 125:163, 21809E12_F898_4FF7_AA6D_6….jpeg)

Astroworld (now canceled) - poster has symbology

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45f20d  No.14940081

2 US special ops trainees die during combat diving course, prompting safety concerns – reports

Special forces troops in the US military are sounding alarms over potential safety violations at an elite combat diving program after two trainees were reportedly killed in the span of as many months during training.

Staff Sergeant Micah Walker died during the Army’s Combat Diver Qualification Course (CDQC) exercise at Naval Air Station Key West in Florida in late July, followed by Staff Sergeant Paul Olmstead, who died on September 23 during a maritime assessment course, which must be passed before trainees are allowed into the CDQC program proper, Insider reported on Friday.

In the wake of the tragic events, a number of special ops soldiers have raised concerns about the CDQC, arguing that more should have been done to ensure repeat incidents do not occur.

“I'm clueless as to why there hasn't been a safety stand-down until we figure out why these young Green Berets are dropping dead during basic physical-fitness exercises,” a retired Green Beret who was previously an instructor in the training program told the outlet on condition of anonymity.

Despite the loss of life, the Army Special Operations Command has not issued a stand-down order to account for potential risks in the CDQC course and improve safety, according to Insider.

The program is intended to run trainees through intensely stressful underwater scenarios in order to prepare them for real-world conditions – including some legs of the course in which instructors deliberately tangle breathing tubes while “assaulting” students wearing blacked-out goggles, meant to simulate strong currents and poor vision underwater. An ambulance and dive medic accompany trainees, however their presence apparently was not enough to avert the deaths of the two men.

Though some of the troops who spoke to Insider acknowledged the training carries some inherent danger given that it is meant to imitate combat, they said standards and protocols should have been implemented that could save lives.

Another special forces source told the outlet that the training deaths have spooked some younger Green Beret students, who believe higher-ups are spending too much time “on banal stuff and not enough on the actual life-saving procedures.”

The retired special operator and former instructor lamented that current strenuous training requirements have not been “adjusted to allow for a gradual climb back into establish[ed] training requirements.”

He said that the US military is now at a turning-point, and is striving to “shift back to a pre-9/11 atmosphere,” which he dubbed a “critical time due to soldiers having spent their entire career focused on the theaters we have left and are leaving currently” – namely in the Middle East, where combat dives are rarely needed.


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d2c1ed  No.14940082

File: a73b4a988ef8f39⋯.png (423.24 KB, 541x360, 541:360, ClipboardImage.png)


What would you do if libtards laughed in your face and told you that they know they are thieving bums and have no intention of changing, because they plan to keep riding you when you have to save yourself.

They are counting on your will to survive to subsidize their living death.

What would you do?

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dba4cc  No.14940083

File: 513b5515f12b77c⋯.jpeg (48.18 KB, 696x390, 116:65, hl44.jpeg)

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cc2364  No.14940084




Apparently he chose his side.

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da3c03  No.14940085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



the u.s. military spent too much time in the desert fucking those little iraqi boys so now it's time to normalize fags

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5cdd9d  No.14940086

File: 778bd8f79f61dc7⋯.png (352.54 KB, 737x699, 737:699, LetsGo_Brand.png)

File: b8da4e037b9c95d⋯.png (660.28 KB, 680x579, 680:579, Shartbomb_Shadow.png)


coinky dinks and comparisons

wut can you pull outta your ass?

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8a1dc2  No.14940087


черт возьми

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79e996  No.14940088


The hive mind is becoming a real problem for the upper crust. Real time Q Research takedowns

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081660  No.14940089

All the dumbfuck minions out there that are a part of the "great reset"..the ones kneeling, rioting and guilty of election fraud…obviously don't study history.

Every dissenter/trouble maker in history… has always been rounded up and killed by the victor of any war or regime change.

Why?…. because they know they can't be trusted… so they get rounded up and exterminated.

The worlds useless idiots, are on that list.

For many, the choice has been made…. for a few, there is still time… but not much.

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fcab17  No.14940090


red red wine

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2d70dd  No.14940091

File: d58e5593028de74⋯.jpg (12.93 KB, 204x255, 4:5, ad4182c210daab946df59f25a8….jpg)

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5dd4df  No.14940092

File: d34a2a4b4b72b60⋯.png (45.76 KB, 813x621, 271:207, 4514350985632.png)

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a35175  No.14940093

File: 759b93d940732cc⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, ACA9406C_2B21_4C92_AB66_F….jpeg)

File: 1af8acd68e544e2⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 1053D999_443E_40DE_9849_C….jpeg)

File: 16a7a3f8d6028bc⋯.jpeg (1.82 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 9C2C1471_C2F6_4C78_9D4F_D….jpeg)

File: 60ab2e4a6294291⋯.jpeg (1.92 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, ECC158BB_276B_484C_9DCB_D….jpeg)

File: 429f5ed86895b11⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6970A598_1332_4DE9_B255_B….jpeg)

Nice sky in GA tonight

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bbe429  No.14940094

File: af9254d3b93722e⋯.png (82.45 KB, 231x265, 231:265, ClipboardImage.png)

watching the movie Noah, in his second vision, this floats out of his cup.

what does it resemble?

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cb49da  No.14940095

File: 01767d91c232f34⋯.png (143.79 KB, 413x225, 413:225, zd3.PNG)

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2d0820  No.14940096

File: 64ad8b8d3e15b13⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x2144, 585:1072, 7091A1AC_5BA0_4DA2_87AF_F….jpeg)

Interdasting- we got another Selena here-

Who else was on that plane??


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dba4cc  No.14940097

File: 669a4f389404f5d⋯.jpeg (30.37 KB, 641x530, 641:530, R_35_.jpeg)

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2d70dd  No.14940098


I Will Stand

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f8cb31  No.14940099


This deals with their respective states. No way NC's Cooper will join this. We are going to need the Supreme Court on this one.

"The plaintiffs are asking the court for an injunction blocking the administration and federal agencies from enforcing the mandate on any contractor based in their respective states."


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c56495  No.14940100

File: 6dd041772d029c6⋯.jpeg (58.15 KB, 900x471, 300:157, A5BD4FFD_CD5B_46DB_B4C6_F….jpeg)


Infinity dubs confirm

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ff4314  No.14940101



only foooooools ruuuuuush in

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bfd720  No.14940102

File: 95003b1e8a70767⋯.png (231.76 KB, 470x251, 470:251, ClipboardImage.png)


>Astroworld (now canceled)


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dba4cc  No.14940103


the spilt second initial detonation of a torpedo underwater

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2d70dd  No.14940104

I Guess

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2d0820  No.14940105

File: b359e4218bc5690⋯.jpeg (913.18 KB, 1170x766, 585:383, 80824717_AD36_4279_A02F_F….jpeg)

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d047e9  No.14940106


Just saying what they think the women normals want to hear.

My mom still insists that the only reason she doesn't like Hillary is because she let Bill get away with cheating on her. Not the psychopathic/narcissistic quest for power, not the pandering, not the corruption or murders, just the disrespect of wommenz.

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637420  No.14940107

File: 56a6b6d6f116bbc⋯.png (368.51 KB, 554x515, 554:515, 56a6b6d6f116bbc5fc34a1e697….png)


The answer is as plain as the nose on your face.

I would act as a counter agent.

Any moar questions would be too expensive.

Have a nice day.

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ba8115  No.14940108

Been loving my fireplace!

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45f20d  No.14940109

File: 14110132ec1bbe5⋯.png (118.11 KB, 689x896, 689:896, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2122211409599f⋯.png (72.64 KB, 710x526, 355:263, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Nine Eyes’? Bill would look at adding four countries to intel-sharing pact

The United States’ “Five Eyes” intelligence-sharing pact is a World War II relic that needs updating to better keep tabs on China, the chairman of a key house subcommittee on intelligence told Defense One.

Arizona Democrat Rep. Ruben Gallego, chairman of the House Armed Services subcommittee on special operations and intelligence, has added language in this year’s defense bill that opens the door for the decades-old pact’s first expansion.

The provision would require the director of national intelligence and the Defense Department to report on the current status and shortcomings of intelligence sharing between the “Five Eyes” nations: the U.S., Australia, the U.K., New Zealand, and Canada, and what benefits and risks there would be to adding Japan, Korea, India, and Germany to the trusted group.

“We are very much stuck on this ‘Five Eyes’ model, which I think is outdated,” Gallego said at Defense One and Nextgov’s 2021 National Security Forum. “We need to expand the scope. It shouldn’t just be such an Anglophile view of sharing.”

The provision says, in part: “The committee acknowledges that the threat landscape has vastly changed since the inception of the Five Eyes arrangement, with primary threats now emanating from China and Russia. The committee believes that, in confronting great power competition, the Five Eye countries must work closer together, as well as expand the circle of trust to other like-minded democracies.”

Dustin Carmack, who served as chief of staff to former National Intelligence director John Ratcliffe, said the U.S. has already increased its intelligence sharing and cooperation with Indo-Pacific nations, and that a formal change to the Five Eyes “is a lot easier said than done.”

“I think a lot of the work is already being done, personally, behind the scenes, to kind of build better links,” said Carmack, now a fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

For example, the U.S. has since 2018 finalized key agreements to share military communications and bases with India, deals that were negotiated by the Obama and Trump administrations.

“I’m all for it,” said Carmack, but cautioned that each added country would need to be assessed to determine whether they could protect the Five Eyes’ intelligence collection sources and methods.

“When it comes to the Five Eyes, you know, information that has to be protected inside that relationship is very difficult to protect,” Carmack said.


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a0b76e  No.14940110

(pb) >>14937992 EXPLOSIVE REPORT ON SCIENTIFIC TREASON: U.S. Traitors, Driven by Greed, are Betting on the Success of China

They're NOT betting on it. They're getting PAID megabucks to make it happen. They have nothing to bet. U.S. Traitors is correct.

We just got a brand new Chinese Mayor in Boston. You can bet the Chinese spies at MIT and Harvard just renewed their apartment leases.

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c56495  No.14940111



UB40 Astro


Houston Astro’s just lost the World Series

Too much to be coincidence

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963bb9  No.14940112




Jenni Rivera Dead: Mexican Superstar Killed in Mysterious Plane Crash

69,739 viewsDec 11, 2012




Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: cc0116 No.34917 📁

Dec 5 2017 00:09:40 (EST)

RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep.


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2d70dd  No.14940113

Il va être temps de se tenir

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5bc4b0  No.14940114

File: 54ab0c6c85770aa⋯.png (208.81 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_185855.png)

File: c2baf4f4cc4837b⋯.png (411.34 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211106_185820.png)

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dba4cc  No.14940115




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49eee6  No.14940116

File: 1f2759e9dc154ae⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1491x756, 71:36, Screenshot_2021_11_06_at_1….png)





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746389  No.14940117


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f37373  No.14940118



Get rid of every one of them.

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f608b4  No.14940119


is the NASA/space smokescreen failing

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963bb9  No.14940120


>7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

>Those in the know never sleep.



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: cc0116 No.34917 📁

Dec 5 2017 00:09:40 (EST)

RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep.


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be04c3  No.14940121


Because he sold out the cabal… Remember the BushSr. funeral with the Q notes inside their funeral programs? And the look of betrayal on Laura's and Jeb's faces?

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dba4cc  No.14940122

File: 043aa99b8b2d329⋯.png (9.53 KB, 255x171, 85:57, ae0028d81cd61a82c8c3b51c50….png)

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746389  No.14940123

File: 847df07d9473472⋯.jpeg (138.68 KB, 646x649, 646:649, Screenshot_2021_11_02_214….jpeg)

Ukraine COVID-19 deaths hit record amid low vaccination rate

Ukraine’s health ministry has reported a one-day record of 793 deaths from COVID-19


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cc2364  No.14940124

File: f2d605c62465fc7⋯.png (3.47 MB, 6264x2009, 6264:2009, 8as.png)


8 dead, hundreds injured at Astroworld fest Friday night, hours after stampede

looks like we're at 8 now.

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8a1dc2  No.14940125




That script is awesome looking. I always had a thing for different scripts.

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79e996  No.14940126

I'm beginning to suspect that Q Research is beginning to suspect that their outreach is far and wide with opportunity to spread truth and hope.

Anons, you were chosen for a reason. We all dropped in here behind enemy lines to fight our way to the front. That's what we do. We drop into worlds and bring the light and forge a path to the light. Soldiers of the light we are and we fight like hell and we have objectives and strategies. We step on our enemies neck and we always win win win the objective and deliver victory to the oppressed and forgotten.

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336747  No.14940127

File: 8c5c86d64511c7e⋯.jpeg (40.23 KB, 744x495, 248:165, illegal_killer.jpeg)


and one of them just killed a father in FL

The Honduran illegal arrested in the fatal stabbing of a Florida father was arraigned today on murder charges. Yery Noel Medina Ulloa, 24, pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder and tampering with evidence charges in Duval County Court in the brutal stabbing death of Francisco Javier Cuellar.

Cuellar, 46, had taken Ulloa into his house, after he illegally entered the country in Texas months earlier, claiming he was a 17-year-old named Reynel Alexander Hernandez, The Post reported.

According to Jacksonville police, Ulloa was found wandering around covered with blood after the stabbing.

Security cameras inside the home “showed the suspect stabbing the victim numerous times and repeatedly hitting him with a chair,” the report said. Ulloa is not related to Cuellar despite using the moniker.

Authorities didn’t learn that Ulloa was actually a 24-year-old man until being notified by the Miami Field Office of ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations on Oct. 13. Ulloa was then moved out of the Duval Regional Juvenile Detention Center and relocated to an adult facility, authorities told The Post.

It is unclear how Ulloa got to Florida after being detained at the border, but Cuellar’s daughter saidhe arrived on a flight that is part of a secret resettling operation by the Biden administration.


fuck joe bidan

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51b685  No.14940128


Sounds like it was a total shit show….people getting injected with drugs, gunfire, crowd surge

Real nigger picnic

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cb49da  No.14940129

File: 62dee137b1c0853⋯.png (82.22 KB, 376x285, 376:285, zd2.PNG)

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2d70dd  No.14940130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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49eee6  No.14940131

File: 734daec342d59f6⋯.png (96.84 KB, 287x144, 287:144, Screenshot_2021_11_06_at_2….png)

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cc2364  No.14940132


>Because he sold out the cabal… Remember the BushSr. funeral with the Q notes inside their funeral programs? And the look of betrayal on Laura's and Jeb's faces?


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c86eb0  No.14940133


gotta shill that covid rate somewhere, find the one country

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