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File: 8d1a7c74560296b⋯.jpg (8.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, e9e92714eb6469333494374e72….jpg)

ea47f8  No.14909852[Last 50 Posts]

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ea47f8  No.14909858

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ea47f8  No.14909862



>>14909160 17% of Virginia Vote and Younkin leads @56.6%

>>14909470 Wendy Rogers, Fox News stopped their live coverage of the election results because Glenn Youngkin was ahead. Now they tinker with the numbers while everyone goes to bed

>>14909189, >>14909201, >>14909240, >>14909263, >>14909291, >>14909322, >>14909333, >>14909370, >>14909393, >>14909675 Accumulative percent reporting so far PAIN for McAuliffe

>>14909278, >>14909282, >>14909287, >>14909295, >>14909297 Repeat curve of 2020 The steal is in

>>14909302 That is LOUDOUN COUNTY

>>14909164 RSBN LIVE: VA Election Night at Youngkin HQ

>>14909471 Youngkin is leading 60-30 in King George County

>>14909531, >>14909540 Youngkin takes the early lead in the Virginia Governor race but results from Fairfax, the largest county, are reportedly delayed due to "ballot rescanning"

>>14909544 Ballot re-scanning? Here we go. Rigged election everyone. Counting the votes they need.

>>14909736 Cook Political Report calls it for Youngkin

>>14909757, >>14909803 Decision Desk called for Youngkin

>>14909277 Live: Terry McAuliffe holds election night party

>>14909163 You are not going to want to hear this but this how it is. They will steal this election as well, it will be in your face obvious.

>>14909357 Virginia election results by county from Virginia Board of Elections

>>14909404, >>14909505 VA’s Largest Blue County Just Announced It is *Re-Scanning* Ballots & Will Announce Vote Totals Later Tonight

>>14909422, >>14909519, >>14909561 FAIRFAX COUNTY ground zero for the cheat

>>14909425 Fairfax board asks Northam to waive witness requirement for absentee ballots

>>14909205 If anywhere in Virginia is [DS HQ] = Fairfax County is it

>>14909513 It is happening again? Democratic-controlled Fairfax County announces vote count delay!

>>14909517, >>14909719 FAIRFAX

>>14909638 Fairfax County is Delayed in Reporting Vote Count and Won’t Have Results by 8 PM Deadline: McAuliffe Camp

>>14909516 Democrats may be in danger of losing their majority in the Virginia House of Delegates

>>14909696 Fairfax County is Delayed in Reporting Vote Count and Won’t Have Results by 8 PM Deadline: McAuliffe Camp

>>14909796 Chesterfield County Results

>>14909146 Heavy Democrat Fairfax County Won't Have Vote Count In On Time

>>14909156 Ari Hoffman interviews President Donald J. Trump

>>14909198, >>14909241 NSA Cyber @NSACyber #CodebreakerTechTip: GCHQ’s Cyberchef is a super handy site for fiddling around with data

>>14909249 Loyola Marymount University (LMU) will host a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood on Friday, November 5.

>>14909258 FAKE NEWS reports Nike has filed seven trademark applications as it prepares to enter the metaverse

>>14909342 Gen Flynn Navajo code talkers

>>14909415, >>14909414, >>14909492 CDC director Walensky signed off Pfizer's #COVID19 vaccine for kids ages 5-11. Injections to begin tomorrow

>>14909444 Dain, Blake production designer for Nike

>>14909372, >>14909408 Is it going to come today? Done.

>>14909523 Maurice Strong

>>14909524 Marine Addresses Vaccine Mandates and Provides Documents Showing It’s Unconstitutional

>>14909794 Military Vaccine Deadline: Clash Begins With Troops Who Refuse Shots

>>14909529 Marc Elias just threatened Elise Stefanik w/ lawsuit over recent tweet that criticizes Elias

>>14909555 Tonight we might experience another "Boom" from the VA election results. Regardless of the outcome, Anons will continue our work

>>14909801 Ghislaine Maxwell has final pretrial hearing

>>14909824 #18860

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ea47f8  No.14909864


>>14908576 ELECTION NIGHT IN VA: LIVE from the Glenn Youngkin for Governor Headquarters 11/2/21

>>14908609 Virginia Election Results - LIVE COVERAGE

>>14908631 Virginia Anon voted a few hours ago….Anons ballot was 771 counted

>>14908663 Virginia Polling Precincts Block Maskless Residents from Voting

>>14908703 Rumble RSBN LIVE: VA Election Night at Youngkin HQ

>>14908805 Virginia elections chief scolds poll workers over reports maskless voters turned away

>>14908847, >>14908845 Virginia Polls Closed

>>14908869 ACLU files lawsuit to extend polling hours in New Jersey over 'technical issues'

>>14908771, >>14908806, >>14908829, >>14908911 I voted tonight in NYS 1 - was given a "sharpie pen".. not sure of the significance

>>14908968, >>14908970, >>14908978 Early results so far in Virginia Youngkin leading by double

>>14908373 Stop the Shot! Caught on Tape: Hospital CEOs collude to deny medical care (1:34:24)

>>14908437, >>14908694 Tucker Carlson New Video's On The Jan 6th Set Up, Links To Part 1 And 2 Below

>>14908439 Virginia Department of Elections Slams Reported Attempts to Suppress Maskless Voters

>>14908466 PF Report AF1 82-8000 airborne out of Edinburgh. Poopy pants heading back to US

>>14908553 PF Report AF1 being tailed by C-32A 09-0016 SAM46 >>14908815

>>14908727, >>14908728, >>14908932 PF Report AF1 & SAM46 heading out over the Atlantic.

>>14908483, >>14908552 Meta End times: Inject the people to make them connectable, realize the body will push the graphene oxide and other nanotech out after about 6 months

>>14908508 Mike Rowe is hip to The Precipice

>>14908533 Fully vaccinated air passenger infected with coronavirus is found dead in his seat

>>14908562 Colombian Drug Kingpin and Paramilitary Leader Pleads Guilty to Operating a Continuing Criminal Enterprise and Conspiring to Provide Material Support to a Foreign Terrorist Organization

>>14908594 Leader of Wholesale Drug Distribution Network Pleads Guilty to Distributing Synthetic Cannabinoids and Laundering Millions in Proceeds

>>14908613 Ringleader and Members of Multi-State Anabolic Steroid Trafficking Network Sentenced

>>14908641 WATCH: Mike Pence Says ‘James Madison’ (4th President of the USA) Told Him Not to Overturn Election

>>14908686 PEDO BUN 2 November 21

>>14908754 Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa “Antifa is a global terrorist organization

>>14908850 Navy investigation reveals sub hit uncharted underwater mountain China keeps up propaganda barrage over USS Connecticut incident

>>14908862 Senator @WendyRogersAZ calls for withdrawal of Arizona School Boards Association from National School Boards Association

>>14908882 Facebook's covid "fact checker" is run by the vaccine companies themselves

>>14908885, >>14908899 Four Carriers and escorts in the pacific? U.S. Navy @USNavy 1️ #USSBenfold transits the San Bernardino Strait

>>14908891 Inspection Further Confirms Horrific Conditions And Abuse In Dc Jail Housing January 6 Prisoners

>>14908910 FJB

>>14908918 Why did the CDC change the definition of "Vaccine"? We obtained CDC emails via FOIA for the answer.

>>14908924 Microsoft launches Metaverse rival, staking out uncanny valley territory before Facebook can build its own reality

>>14908925 Whoever is running the Kenosha courthouse stream accidentally played their copy of never-before-seen FBI footage of the Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting

>>14908938 U.S.-based pharmaceutical giant #Pfizer is "making a killing"

>>14908949 Sen. Grassley: Garland’s Refusal To Retract Bogus ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Memo Will Have ‘Chilling Effect’ On Parents’ Speech

>>14908890 The @USNavy ship #USSConstitution is the world’s oldest commissioned warship afloat. "Old Ironsides" went underway in Boston Harbor for Chief Petty Officer Heritage Week.

>>14908983 @US_Stratcom: #GlobalThunder, our annual training exercise focusing on #nuclear #readiness, kicks off testing our #strategicdeterrence forces and our command and control enterprise.

>>14909141 #18859

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ea47f8  No.14909869


>>14907638 'Falsified Data': Pfizer Vaccine Trial Had Major Flaws, Whistleblower Tells Peer-Reviewed Journal

>>14907673 Clinton Campaign Spread Alfa Bank Ruse Throughout Obama Admin to Press Trump-Russia Probe

>>14907676 BREAKING: Rumble moves headquarters to the free state of Florida

>>14907678, >>14907679 Pfizer booster shot: Expect 'arthralgias' to be likely after a third vaccine

>>14907690 Pfizer adds ingredient to Vaccine for kids… Used to stabilize heart attacks…

>>14907726 US Navy Officer Provides Documents That Show Navy Lacks Legal Basis for Mandating Vaccines Currently Available to its Naval Forces

>>14907775 Israel to establish climate change working group with Bill Gates foundation

>>14907827 State by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14907871, >>14908083 EXCLUSIVE: Ari Hoffman interviews President Donald J. Trump - 10/28/21

>>14907897 LIVE: CDC meeting on Pfizer's Covid vaccines for kids ages 5 to 11 — 11/2/2021

>>14907922 TechnoFog submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to see what was happening inside the CDC

>>14907924 Washington Post Uncritically Publishes Far-Left Org’s Attack on Breitbart, Conservative Media, Facebook

>>14907940 Virginia Democrat Caught Tampering With Campaign Signs by Police Hours Before Election

>>14907951 US President Joe Biden on Tuesday said he is not worried about an armed conflict accidentally occurring between Washington and Beijing.

>>14907964, >>14908096 Why Roger Stone 'May Be Forced' to Run for Governor in Florida

>>14907968 VIDEO: US Army Surgeon Says She ‘Had To Ground 3 Out Of 3’ Pilots One Morning Due To Vaccine Injuries

>>14907977 Gingrich Warns About Dems Late-Night ‘Steal’ Plan in Virginia

>>14908035 Anon, I posted this on the board last night, posting one more time, I would love to get feedback - Truth Social / Obama Drop - Theory


>>14908100 PF REPORT - RULEO8E-6 TACAMO heading to E coast.

>>14908097 Published Oct. 29, 2020 Tucker Carlson Suddenly Says It’s Time to Leave Hunter Biden Alone

>>14908118 PF REPORT - CHOSE07West coast E-6 TACAMO.

>>14908121 Jesse Ventura: another fake ass Patriot

>>14908160 Virginia 'election results' from local news in Maryland.

>>14908207 Large, naked Scottish man exposes himself to President's motorcade as it drives past his house to COP2


>>14908333 #18858

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ea47f8  No.14909870


>>14906810 Over 20 Fauci-Funded Researchers Have Served At the Chinese Communist-Run Wuhan Lab.

>>14906851 Prosecutor Claims Kyle Rittenhouse ‘Chased Down’ Joseph Rosenbaum Despite Video Showing The Opposite

>>14906859 CDC: Immunity From Both Vaccines, COVID-19 Lasts at Least 6 Months

>>14906865 Fentanyl seizures at border double over the past 12 months: report

>>14906874 De Blasio: 12,000 NYC Workers Seeking Vaccine Exemptions Will Likely Be Denied

>>14906882 Slovenian Prime Minister: Antifa Is ‘International Terrorist Organization’

>>14906891 Green Hypocrisy: BBC Took £300K from Saudi Arabia National Oil Corp Last Year

>>14906953 Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Bret Baier projects Terry McAuliffe as the winner of the Virginia gubernatorial race despite 0% of polls reporting

>>14906987 Biden’s Build Back Better Includes $2.25 Billion for Climate Police

>>14907005, >>14907060 WATCH LIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse trial begins over Kenosha, Wisconsin, shooting

>>14907025 Media didn’t disclose doctor’s $2m in Pfizer funding in coverage promoting child vaccination…

>>14907039, >>14907078, >>14907202 An Antonov An-26 cargo plabe is said to have crashed near Juba Airport, South Sudan, killing all 5 on board

>>14907044 ABC, CBS, NBC nightly newscasts ignore Virginia gubernatorial race on eve of election

>>14907062 Michigan poised to vaccinate kids ages 5-11 as soon as Wednesday

>>14907064 Internet in #Sudan remains largely disrupted for a ninth day

>>14907090 Weeks before covid appeared in U.S., Congress redefined the word “vaccine” to include mRNA injections

>>14907114 Blinken Discusses Taiwan With Chinese FM Amid Heightened Tensions

>>14907123 Balfour Declaration that gifted Palestinian land to Zionists

>>14907156 Taliban bans use of foreign currency amid economic woes in Afghanistan

>>14907161 Never-Before-Seen FBI Footage of Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting – Shows More Proof He Acted in Self Defense

>>14907166, >>14907243, >>14907472 Poll Workers Are Telling Virginia Voters They Can’t Vote without a Face Mask

>>14907215 Iranian Oil Sales to China Skyrocket as Experts Say Biden Admin Turns Blind Eye to Sanctions Enforcement

>>14907233 Why was Mossad meeting in Sudan with coup leaders? - analysis

>>14907236 Biden Holds a Press Conference, Glasgow UK

>>14907251 Nationwide Voluntary Walkout & Stand For Freedom Against Vax Mandates

>>14907283 New Zealand PM Shuts Down Press Conference Over Unauthorized Questions From Indy Reporter

>>14907296 Anon Digs on Karen Fann - I'll do more digging later, seems like a lot more to pull it, her prior maiden name was Karen Fann Thompson

>>14907298 Jeff Bezos Pledges $2 Billion In Climate Funding

>>14907345 Swiss Authorities Charge FIFA Official, Ex-President with Fraud

>>14907368 Former Montgomery County Deputy Sheriff Sentenced to 15 Years for Conspiring to Import and Distribute Deadly Opioids Nationwide

>>14907396 Online child sex operation nets several arrests in metro Atlanta, police say

>>14907399 Chesterfield police arrest 17 men in online child sex sting

>>14907431 'Falsified Data': Pfizer Vaccine Trial Had Major Flaws, Whistleblower Tells Peer-Reviewed Journal

>>14907457, >>14907546 Virginia Election Absentee and Registration stats

>>14907461 Hundreds Of South Korean And U.S. Warplanes Are Conducting A Secretive Exercise In Korea

>>14907554 #18857

Previously Collected Notables

>>14905279 #18854, >>14906081 #18855, >>14906764 #18856

>>14902964 #18851, >>14903723 #18852, >>14904443 #18853

>>14900663 #18848, >>14901428 #18849, >>14902658 #18850

>>14899416 #18845, >>14900265 #18846, >>14899740 #18847

>>14895768 #18842, >>14896556 #18843, >>14897309 #18844

>>14893485 #18839, >>14894246 #18840, >>14895018 #18841

>>14891188 #18836, >>14891957 #18837, >>14892916 #18838

>>14888916 #18833, >>14889685 #18834, >>14890441 #18835

>>14886627 #18830, >>14887384 #18831, >>14888151 #18832

>>14884327 #18827, >>14885008 #18828, >>14885870 #18829

>>14882037 #18824, >>14882806 #18825, >>14883563 #18826

>>14879707 #18821, >>14880459 #18822, >>14881238 #18823

>>14877312 #18818, >>14880151 #18819, >>14878904 #18820

>>14874902 #18815, >>14875719 #18816, >>14876536 #18817

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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ea47f8  No.14909876



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63a37f  No.14909882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6815a7  No.14909897

File: 6b16d2e53f6630e⋯.jpg (58.04 KB, 867x569, 867:569, youngkinwins.jpg)


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98726f  No.14909898

File: 0b330375971ae0c⋯.jpg (66.66 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ZomboMeme_28022020233100.jpg)

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413bfe  No.14909911

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cc8252  No.14909912

File: 4fdcc661b6e8018⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 550x453, 550:453, 4fdcc661b6e8018cf8914650f5….jpg)

Every election will fail until these cock suckers are arrested and executed.

Big name arrests or GTFO.

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1fa4ab  No.14909913

File: daca2feb5457c75⋯.png (124.39 KB, 346x346, 1:1, daca2feb5457c75b0dc258707e….png)

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79ce59  No.14909915

File: 2a723c7b19368ac⋯.jpg (145.09 KB, 500x809, 500:809, 2h7wim.jpg)


Thank you Baker

Bread number glitch (repeat)

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b7c33d  No.14909916

File: bd62428b2129268⋯.jpg (97.19 KB, 978x853, 978:853, bd62428b2129268192aaae160a….jpg)

The pendulem swong in VA

Great awakening

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17c369  No.14909917

File: 431f4ffadc6d481⋯.png (6.01 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ClipboardImage.png)


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d237ab  No.14909918

maddcowness all over the femmsmsplain

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413bfe  No.14909919


all the calls for Youngkin tonight will make the results tomorrow morning even more unbelievable when Terry eeks out the win.

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55cc0c  No.14909920


It's running well, not many hits but hey everything starts somewhere. And please post your guts out there. If she goes down she goes down. Jim is pretty good about not shutting down people so I am sure if something happens we can say something to him.

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0e5eac  No.14909921

File: 9c337bcd9b25a3a⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1000x720, 25:18, WeThePeople.jpg)



fast bread…o7

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cb769e  No.14909922

File: fc11a4a28c7ce4b⋯.jpg (137.19 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, img_2021_01_10_17_14_46.jpg)


Thanks bakes.

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a25e84  No.14909923

File: 4ee73d05cf7bd85⋯.png (417 B, 76x37, 76:37, Screenshot_2021_11_02_at_2….png)


Let´s go Baker!

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55cc0c  No.14909924


shit sry, lb pb

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966172  No.14909925

peter goes cough cough

magic slappers

still slappers

your choice

no beer no wine no women

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38ee93  No.14909926

File: a43c0bb3c457596⋯.jpg (18.87 KB, 193x255, 193:255, CCP.jpg)

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38a582  No.14909927

File: 7d3afc74f70fc09⋯.jpg (39.22 KB, 728x342, 364:171, 3m48exbvu.JPG)

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ad5253  No.14909928

Biden Staffer: Where's that truck with the ballots!?!

Field Glowie: The driver got canned for not getting the vaxx.

Biden Staffer: D'oh!

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966172  No.14909929


no red head

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e154c0  No.14909930

File: 4a40a31512c5670⋯.png (36.85 KB, 625x345, 125:69, ClipboardImage.png)

did Trump put out a statement

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d237ab  No.14909931

anyone got eyes on the Herschel Walker run?

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151769  No.14909932

File: cfcacc5c3a8d22b⋯.png (341.5 KB, 336x480, 7:10, ClipboardImage.png)

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966172  No.14909933


fuck your audi its a shit heap peter

just like you

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5dd4d9  No.14909934

File: 801aadb350d777c⋯.png (730.98 KB, 1562x700, 781:350, Screen_Shot_2021_10_12_at_….png)

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79ce59  No.14909935

File: 7c53296bb577db4⋯.png (4.33 MB, 1977x3400, 1977:3400, 72757commsexpwQwAClong210w….png)

Virginia is the 757

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a1e5eb  No.14909936

File: 06e4f13ac77a6d1⋯.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3474x2112, 579:352, 633F0588_455D_42F2_9109_C….jpeg)


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84f3ec  No.14909937

File: 39b71b5fb8379d0⋯.png (660.19 KB, 960x600, 8:5, CME_for_110321_1800_EDT.png)

Sun's been busy…got another CME inbound for tomorrow around 1800 EDT…1700 CDT.


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43628c  No.14909938

File: b94971b1c893c65⋯.jpeg (250.83 KB, 828x532, 207:133, 34856072_F863_47B8_9674_3….jpeg)

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17c369  No.14909939


Is he walking or running?

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e154c0  No.14909940

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4347af  No.14909941

>>14909687 pb

>>14909608 pb

>Well, that's certainly easy to translate.

ok then, if you're up for a challenge…


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871743  No.14909942

File: 53829aff6b71e8c⋯.jpg (28.3 KB, 594x588, 99:98, pooping_pepe.jpg)

>>14909871 (pb)

I have no doubt /pol/ probably did that, but I was not there for that one. Smells like something we'd do tho.

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8e4878  No.14909943

File: 9cbdf70d36f16b3⋯.jpeg (74.97 KB, 591x496, 591:496, 5B104DEE_0737_4EDE_8E08_A….jpeg)

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e154c0  No.14909944

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82e7f2  No.14909945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

remember e-estonia virtual citizenship for sale to all? 2018


The Technocratic Global Government of the Future Is Here

Aug 17, 2018

Truthstream Media


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b9f69d  No.14909946

File: 60d29d45e9156b3⋯.png (51.73 KB, 545x821, 545:821, ClipboardImage.png)

Just reread this post.

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad

Well, no indication of who is POTUS in this one.

Red October - Nov 7th

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ea47f8  No.14909947

File: f9b1d3eca207b36⋯.png (137.78 KB, 963x741, 321:247, ClipboardImage.png)


BV please renumber to #18861, ty baker

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144865  No.14909948

File: 78d503eda28270c⋯.jpeg (126.92 KB, 595x891, 595:891, 9B91E6D4_5670_4248_AFEB_2….jpeg)

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d237ab  No.14909949


aww, commie brains and ears all bent out of shape

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c7fa3a  No.14909950

File: d9d73bc5586ff88⋯.png (618.89 KB, 659x378, 659:378, ClipboardImage.png)



eyes on board last bread, and UID 171

the world is watching

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99b8b6  No.14909951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14909838 ((LB))

>>14909905 ((LB))

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a1e5eb  No.14909952


Top fucking kek!

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46cccc  No.14909953


The relic of the Virginia Company of London heading on out

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84f3ec  No.14909954

File: 143f83615558052⋯.png (675.57 KB, 960x600, 8:5, CME_for_110321_1800_EDT.png)


This one shows it better

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6dbe43  No.14909956

Who's got the Joker in the phone booth blank handy?

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4c1b34  No.14909957

Is the G Maxwell Trial by chance televised? Or steaming?

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40f886  No.14909958

File: 273ec488fa2a60a⋯.jpeg (358.64 KB, 1068x677, 1068:677, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Republican Glenn Youngkin defeats Democrat Terry McAuliffe in high-stakes Virginia governor's election


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3f561b  No.14909959

Based on the politico numbers: https://www.politico.com/election-results/2021/virginia/

There are about 478,000 outstanding votes in Fairfax County.

Lead is currently about 223,000.

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363cf7  No.14909960

File: 33e41722c1ac02f⋯.jpg (75.63 KB, 721x458, 721:458, 2021_VOTE.jpg)

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ea47f8  No.14909961

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680254  No.14909962


65% precints reporting in.

Younkin winning.

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4347af  No.14909963


>Big name arrests or GTFO.


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98726f  No.14909964

File: 9f77623e9841a59⋯.jpg (191.17 KB, 1020x747, 340:249, ZomboMeme_02112021191338.jpg)

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7dfe2a  No.14909965

File: f675685d7bbc7b9⋯.jpeg (146.4 KB, 802x1120, 401:560, POTUScard.jpeg)

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17c369  No.14909966



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40f886  No.14909967


Not on Gab.

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b9f69d  No.14909969

File: 86bb84096369b8f⋯.png (287.67 KB, 1905x898, 1905:898, ClipboardImage.png)

GRIM99 E4B Headed back home.

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ea47f8  No.14909970

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82e7f2  No.14909971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

night shift


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f6dd84  No.14909972

File: f4bce7c169f6b17⋯.png (228.86 KB, 1871x731, 1871:731, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone else see this or is it just me? Catalogue is gone mostly picrel.

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98726f  No.14909973

File: 189415b59787b87⋯.jpg (44.9 KB, 822x220, 411:110, ZomboMeme_02112021203519.jpg)

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437d6d  No.14909974

File: ba25ba4f0d77d63⋯.gif (2.58 MB, 320x480, 2:3, ba25ba4f0d77d6361bdfda2c83….gif)

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99b8b6  No.14909975


I find it hard to believe any American would vote for any democrat in our current state of the nation. Just beyond rational explanation.

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76bcc3  No.14909976

File: f486ee24b7aeade⋯.png (529.14 KB, 590x440, 59:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d470e9c9de95fc5⋯.png (230.21 KB, 754x341, 754:341, ClipboardImage.png)



Just Watch!

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c47464  No.14909977

File: 8e0d738df47af9f⋯.jpg (9.91 KB, 263x192, 263:192, gs44.jpg)

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c7fa3a  No.14909978

File: 8960b088be2f871⋯.png (689.02 KB, 500x572, 125:143, ClipboardImage.png)



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144865  No.14909979

File: 0b8fbebc72964a5⋯.jpeg (57.9 KB, 625x579, 625:579, 27AE054D_9BA7_4068_B53C_7….jpeg)


So this means Democrats put aside their cheating ways?

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151769  No.14909980

File: e8b68fce4f87647⋯.png (324.72 KB, 763x480, 763:480, shills_whine_1.png)

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84f3ec  No.14909981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reminds me of this…ginger bonanza

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1305e0  No.14909982

File: ba012cdf4f4e13d⋯.jpg (516.82 KB, 999x999, 1:1, Screenshot_20211102_184228….jpg)

File: 37fdaa9a698c0d3⋯.jpg (722.24 KB, 1169x828, 1169:828, info.jpg)

File: 89c0e6e69a1ab94⋯.jpg (352.97 KB, 1080x618, 180:103, Screenshot_20211102_184249….jpg)

File: 590ef2a92263252⋯.jpg (78.18 KB, 423x471, 141:157, Screenshot_20211102_184359….jpg)

File: 131065e3b2bc0f6⋯.jpg (227.72 KB, 1076x1121, 1076:1121, 20211102_184821.jpg)


This bastard has the oddasity to even say this shit? Has he seen how many black families are standing up against Critical Race Theory and pedophilia & trans BS being taught?

What a CIA/ Mocking bird, Deep State Stooge Juan Williams is!

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696ef1  No.14909983

File: f3d3627bc0fc783⋯.png (5.57 MB, 1429x11850, 1429:11850, ClipboardImage.png)

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7dfe2a  No.14909984

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8c4fa1  No.14909985

File: cab86898bbb3f80⋯.png (4.52 MB, 1830x2274, 305:379, e2a8fa2247663f5d4e0329a1db….png)



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96f2d3  No.14909986


There is not enough votes remaining to be reported in Fairfax County to make up the 200k margin Youngkin has.

Mathematically impossible.

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4e07f4  No.14909987


Why do they use clocks?

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a1e5eb  No.14909988

File: 0df7a20c883cf17⋯.jpeg (899.97 KB, 1237x750, 1237:750, 26E981E4_9833_47C8_8589_5….jpeg)



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0361cf  No.14909989

File: 46adfd610463bf7⋯.png (164.83 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20211102_205943.png)

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bbf1d2  No.14909990


cool ID

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f6dd84  No.14909991


hmmm just me, curious ty for reply.

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6dbe43  No.14909992


Just you.

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8258dc  No.14909993


There’s also those 300k they were trying to get thru the postal service

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1fa4ab  No.14909994

File: 7d2631f89c624db⋯.png (121.19 KB, 766x333, 766:333, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14909828 (lb)

repost using last update from CreepyNewsNetwork:

63% in. 2,004,832 counted out of 3,182,273 est. total.

1,177,441 more to go …. room enough still to cheat Youngkin out off his current 200,092 votes lead.

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76bcc3  No.14909995

File: 914898377b104c4⋯.png (1.44 MB, 887x731, 887:731, ClipboardImage.png)

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ea47f8  No.14909996



>Business Insider calls: Republican Glenn Youngkin defeats Democrat Terry McAuliffe in high-stakes Virginia governor's election

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26d058  No.14909997


The ballots are still at the port.

Mayor butt-guy-itch was on the swing set with his ? whatever you call it.

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0e5eac  No.14909998

File: 4ca6a030415890d⋯.jpg (143.5 KB, 879x768, 293:256, HuntersMoon2NS.jpg)

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3f561b  No.14909999

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40f886  No.14910000

File: d091084276a7adf⋯.jpeg (74.97 KB, 614x347, 614:347, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

GOP not seen win in Virginia statewide race in 12 years, could sweep all three tonight


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696ef1  No.14910001

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79ce59  No.14910002

File: 55f485c95dcb8ab⋯.png (2.32 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, firstcircwlqpost.png)


Q said it was essential.

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ea47f8  No.14910003


>GRIM99 E4B Headed back home.

Did AF1 change its name to GRIM99?

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e154c0  No.14910004

File: 979b6a4b4f65e41⋯.png (113.96 KB, 964x663, 964:663, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f475fec8bc8e48⋯.png (109.01 KB, 1073x693, 1073:693, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2110203c81fcd9⋯.png (97.03 KB, 1022x610, 511:305, ClipboardImage.png)

appears VA Lt Gov and AG are winning with same numbers as Youngkin

they can cheat in just the Gov's race, but still….

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c47464  No.14910005

File: f9d078d46a060c3⋯.jpeg (459.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, kek44.jpeg)

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17c369  No.14910006


By my calculations, 20-40% are stupid enough

Perhaps as many as 10% are vocal about it

And they are loud and annoying enough

to make it seem like they are 50%

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cc8252  No.14910007

File: 2201fc0b19b5f81⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1024x701, 1024:701, f10cc6f83d63e76f66e34830cd….png)


You must be happy there have been no big name arrests.

Trust the plan and all.

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f1456f  No.14910008

File: 661bbd89161628d⋯.png (120.83 KB, 1189x599, 1189:599, Election_for_Virginia_Nov_….PNG)

2021 November General

Unofficial Results

Absentee ballots may be accepted until noon on November 5th. Therefore, results are incomplete. Results will be certified on November 15th.

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8c4fa1  No.14910009


It might be condition training for next year. Fairfax stop counting bull might be tried again next time with greater results. Time will tell.

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2c765c  No.14910010

File: cda9ce3297cafc4⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 900x583, 900:583, cda9ce3297cafc4d16c729fc40….jpg)

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144865  No.14910011


I work with American people at my yob every day. Watch George Carlin some time. He will explain you the problem.

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d9f063  No.14910012


Where does he put out those statements first? Definitely not on his website or gab. Liz Harrington on twatter seems to be one of the first to put them out

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fdb87c  No.14910013

File: e85a691348de277⋯.png (489.81 KB, 768x784, 48:49, betof.png)

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a1e5eb  No.14910014





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5dd4d9  No.14910015



Yep. Way too early to be calling shit imo.

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363cf7  No.14910016

File: 29b33de2c0a3c4d⋯.jpg (157.93 KB, 1161x808, 1161:808, VA_UPDATE.jpg)


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98726f  No.14910017


Math is Racist.

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b9f69d  No.14910018


No this is the E4B Nightwatch they took over as a flying WH in case of 'situations'.

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696ef1  No.14910019


President wouldn't under normal circumstances hitch a ride in an E4B.

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76bcc3  No.14910020

File: ed7348e46b38f6e⋯.png (1014.55 KB, 710x666, 355:333, ClipboardImage.png)

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cb2012  No.14910021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sun Controls Climate | Part 1 - Upper Atmosphere

Amazing breakdown, easy to comprehend.

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40f886  No.14910022

File: 13bd374abf87f62⋯.jpeg (74.97 KB, 584x513, 584:513, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Youngkin continues to lead in Virginia with 60% reporting


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9c87f4  No.14910023


He didn't just beat him… he whupped him up one side, and down the other.

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17c369  No.14910024

File: e4b11aec166c9f1⋯.mp4 (335.19 KB, 426x240, 71:40, e4b11aec166c9f1f842b027e29….mp4)


fake news

lol @ inb4

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dd6b89  No.14910025

File: 555933b0ca61112⋯.jpeg (81.58 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_1_.jpeg)

File: 9a6cdd30fbb20e7⋯.jpeg (77.47 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_2_.jpeg)

File: 97acbd637370da1⋯.jpeg (92.24 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_3_.jpeg)

we're goin back in bros

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d9f063  No.14910026


Top kek

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fea479  No.14910027


I seent it

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396957  No.14910028


Polls closed in Virginia.

Right now, they are counting the votes in Fairfax to calculate just how many extra votes are going to be needed to put McAuliffe over the top.

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76bcc3  No.14910029

File: 5a20eb15b20a997⋯.png (1.41 MB, 872x717, 872:717, ClipboardImage.png)

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ec0bd1  No.14910030

File: 631817d06f31075⋯.png (30.05 KB, 894x552, 149:92, Loudon_County_.png)

Loudon County, where all those parents are pissed, seriously???

Going for McCauliff?

Horse shit!


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38a582  No.14910031

File: db46450fc463e1a⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 636x668, 159:167, tgfhgwjewdf.jpg)

Local news in Maryland now has Youngkin up by 11 pts, and the republican ahead in both Lt. Governor and Attorney General. They have also now removed the checkmark that was 'mistakenly' next to McAuliffe. kek


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871743  No.14910032

File: 112eea985161b7f⋯.jpg (8.29 KB, 250x237, 250:237, parasite_pepe_2.jpg)


can you post a link? Sorry,…not sure how to find that, looking at top now and not seeing it. I agree there needs to be a place, but my experience stepping outside the box here hasn't been great. I'm not saying Jim is responsible but the person that has that power has been here since day 1. Deleted my RV posts then deleted the dedicated thread, then the board. I sincerely hope it gets going. it can be a valuable resource for people who want to learn and experiment and find out for themselves. I myself have a horror story of my own. Whatever tf creature I had/have actually made it through all assasination attempts and I have discovered a "hideout" where it apparently built a survival shelter. Want to talk about mind control? I only got alerted to its presence which I still struggle to believe is true (it is) when I started wormpill posting…and I started feeling these "sensations" which I jokingly called "frightened anus" because I sincerely thought I was having flashbacks or some psychological reaction to talking about it again.

it…was…real. There are no words. It (they) had managed to survive and not alert me to their presence until I started posting tryna help other people kill their creatures.

>make a hidout by the exit

>Larp as a hemmie

>forget yourself and panic move when host talks about killing you

>oh shiiii

>exploration confirmed

>assault happens

>proof acquired

>demoralization commences…how tf can they do that shit?

Pun intended.

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537021  No.14910033


Did the NSA and cla promise to delete them as well? This is just not getting caught with the data and it served it's purpose.

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8c4fa1  No.14910034


Well, that's a wrap. Sweeping victory in all fields.

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fdb87c  No.14910035

File: 8800313d85b4439⋯.png (4.59 MB, 2880x3708, 80:103, bakergangchart.png)


They are waiting for five more days to pass, to collect all the mail ins.

You know what will happen , right?

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98726f  No.14910036

File: a4332c49b201465⋯.png (332.54 KB, 766x2536, 383:1268, 964.png)


FB Data Dump.

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40f886  No.14910037

File: bf5f51ccbd8ef3c⋯.jpeg (74.97 KB, 575x490, 115:98, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Pair o' Trumps coming in.

I would like to thank my BASE for coming out in force and voting for Glenn Youngkin. Without you, he would not have been close to winning. The MAGA movement is bigger and stronger than ever before. Glenn will be a great governor. Thank you to the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia and most particularly, to our incredible MAGA voters!


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5dd4d9  No.14910038

File: ee77b5666d0d7f1⋯.png (422.28 KB, 2214x1356, 369:226, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)


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bbf1d2  No.14910039

File: da1ffd38a741edf⋯.jpg (94.37 KB, 600x738, 100:123, Night_sight.jpg)

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17c369  No.14910040

File: e20184eef7cad73⋯.png (9.54 KB, 800x159, 800:159, shill.PNG)


backyard alchemist shill filtered

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bec4f7  No.14910041

File: 58a5f7524ab7b7d⋯.png (600.54 KB, 700x351, 700:351, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab7a93  No.14910042


With the MAGA turnout White Hats are now DARING the Cabal to cheat. My personal opinion is Fairfax pulled the cheat out once everybody started looking directly at them. Now the only cheat they have is mail in ballots which can be counted till Nov 5th. The more calls for Youngkin tonight, the more risky the Dem/FakeNews cheat becomes.

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b9f69d  No.14910043


E4Bs are always within easy reach when POTUS or Sec of State travel abroad.

AF1 should show up off Newfoundland around 11.30 or Midnight EST given when they left Edinburgh..

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cc8252  No.14910044

File: 3efe780219c5e33⋯.png (478.37 KB, 911x977, 911:977, 8ad4d16bf8ac9a553fe30c769d….png)

File: d7fb4a6bfcde1da⋯.png (10.22 MB, 1104x9958, 552:4979, 82fd02e46999fef217097e66c3….png)

File: 85d40428b2484ce⋯.png (3.05 MB, 808x5776, 101:722, 9081d64d45814c497a144688a5….png)

File: a7bac1566835cc0⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1599x1522, 1599:1522, f3e121c8a5488a7bf36b861c0b….png)

File: b012521069a9237⋯.jpg (71.28 KB, 865x452, 865:452, b012521069a92376b317b40a44….jpg)

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f1456f  No.14910045

overheard McAuliffe saying…"Why ain't I 50 points ahead"…

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396957  No.14910046

File: 64502f4347fb96b⋯.png (89.23 KB, 297x170, 297:170, cocky.png)


>Well, that's a wrap. Sweeping victory in all fields.

Wait until 3AM.

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871743  No.14910047


IF that's even true, they're being sued in EU for violations of privacy and that EU data protection act. I doubt they're doing it from the goodness of their hearts.

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40f886  No.14910048

File: 80eecc035dd7423⋯.jpeg (74.97 KB, 573x150, 191:50, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Early indications are that MAGA voters are turning out big for Glenn Youngkin, let’s see what happens. All eyes are on Fairfax, why the delay?


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71ce77  No.14910049


Kek. Let's Go Brandon!

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ca20bb  No.14910050

can an anon help me out here, sometimes i need a Q translation like i'm a 3 year old child

would a win by youngkin mean -

patriots in control, plan is working


patriots are not in control


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84f3ec  No.14910051

File: 9cf246d3377c687⋯.jpg (209.82 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Gold_bar_3_nines_fine.jpg)


Nine, nine, nine, nine…

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144865  No.14910052


Is that poop?

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aeb323  No.14910053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14909392 LB

Your post reminded me of my post here: >>14908365 PB

I checked the video again and it's 5:48 long > 5+4+8=17 It's everywhere… The 17 is at 5:22.

November (2021) Yellowstone Volcano

Nov 2, 2021



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e154c0  No.14910054


>The MAGA movement is bigger and stronger than ever before

^^^^^^^^^^^this sentence is NOTABLE on its own

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cc8252  No.14910055

File: 3efe780219c5e33⋯.png (478.37 KB, 911x977, 911:977, 8ad4d16bf8ac9a553fe30c769d….png)

File: d7fb4a6bfcde1da⋯.png (10.22 MB, 1104x9958, 552:4979, 82fd02e46999fef217097e66c3….png)

File: 85d40428b2484ce⋯.png (3.05 MB, 808x5776, 101:722, 9081d64d45814c497a144688a5….png)

File: a7bac1566835cc0⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1599x1522, 1599:1522, f3e121c8a5488a7bf36b861c0b….png)


>Trust the plan

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38a582  No.14910056

File: 857fd61980629be⋯.jpg (68.45 KB, 782x491, 782:491, William_Binney_NSA.jpg)

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76bcc3  No.14910057

File: 5a20eb15b20a997⋯.png (1.41 MB, 872x717, 872:717, ClipboardImage.png)

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99b8b6  No.14910058


coprolite ?

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3f561b  No.14910059


My math is wrong. It is the % of precincts not % of votes.

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429955  No.14910060


>you are watching a movie

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363cf7  No.14910061

File: 14a7464aeea06b7⋯.jpg (84.26 KB, 701x676, 701:676, TRUST_GOD_COIN.jpg)

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a30982  No.14910062

Fairfax is the ground zero for the cheat.

However younkin lead is too large.

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4f8bdc  No.14910063


It means Patriots are still hard at work.

Nobody said it would be easy or quick.

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a91233  No.14910064



Fire on the bridge, multiple hull breaches, warp core failure immanent and the swivel on my chair no longer swivels!

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1305e0  No.14910065

File: 1432aac1adc4467⋯.gif (71.86 KB, 200x250, 4:5, 1432aac1adc44671cca4193a9c….gif)


Nope, mines normal. Refresh

What I see is…

baker has the wrong number on this bread. Needs fixed, should be #18861

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76bcc3  No.14910066

File: 54f7da8f345830a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 869x715, 79:65, ClipboardImage.png)

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fea479  No.14910067


Lying ass nigger, TOGTFO

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84f3ec  No.14910068


They don't Joe near anything important…this was the real command post if the reds went full tard.

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c7fa3a  No.14910069

File: aa9c75bcf2e347f⋯.png (469.93 KB, 606x395, 606:395, ClipboardImage.png)



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17c369  No.14910070


This nigga is trying to synthesize precious metals with a blow torch in his garage and thinks its Q research related

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e154c0  No.14910071


> younkin lead is too large.


see >>14910054

>The MAGA movement is bigger and stronger than ever before


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b90bc8  No.14910072


You don't need the original images anymore if you've already created a deep profile.

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0611e2  No.14910073

Fuck this country. Fuck the world.

Fuck Trump. Fuck Q. Fuck niggers. Fuck kikes. Fuck the FED. Fuck the lRS. Fuck niggers twice and kikes three times. Fuck everyone. Praying it all burns amen.

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363cf7  No.14910074

File: 561fff89482d572⋯.jpg (83.01 KB, 727x366, 727:366, VA_NCSWIC.jpg)

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b7c33d  No.14910075

File: 9ae4f6d559459b5⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 600x595, 120:119, 9ae4f6d559459b535bf436a534….gif)

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8df05e  No.14910076

File: e3adbafebc167a5⋯.jpg (89.46 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5srk4x.jpg)

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98726f  No.14910077

File: 4ea2fdfc0a60fba⋯.jpg (102.08 KB, 600x729, 200:243, ZomboMeme_02112021211129.jpg)

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396957  No.14910078

File: abe37617572ac16⋯.jpeg (56.7 KB, 640x592, 40:37, 50_points.jpeg)


>overheard McAuliffe saying…"Why ain't I 50 points ahead"…


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6dbe43  No.14910079


Fuck off.

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ec0bd1  No.14910080


perhaps they don't have the statewide cheating apparatus they need to steal it, especially with such a large turn out for Youngkin.

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49d038  No.14910081

The Fairfax Fail?

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fdb87c  No.14910082

File: d119ff12860fabe⋯.jpg (73.39 KB, 499x513, 499:513, gaagaagross.jpg)


The Republican Broadcast announced for "Youngkin" early

Announcing early works both ways

Remember when Gaga tried to appeal to conservatives?

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b90bc8  No.14910083

File: 34b66f08b3bdec3⋯.png (459.68 KB, 1010x1014, 505:507, ThinkGod_2.png)

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fea479  No.14910084

Fed hands typed this


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429955  No.14910085


Why don't you stop sugar-coating it and tell us how you really feel.

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8c4fa1  No.14910086

File: 97045db799b3921⋯.jpg (34.47 KB, 317x332, 317:332, 2ca4c07b5fdab5dac6e51bc381….jpg)

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17c369  No.14910087

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b9f69d  No.14910088


Aww diddums did the big bad nasty Youngkin kick your Terry's ass. Hard.

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ab7a93  No.14910089

GOP is leading with big numbers on Gov, Lt Gov and Attorney General. Virginia Statehouse goes to GOP.

I honestly don't see how they're going to be able to pull a cheat off anons, but they're pretty brazen.

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cc8252  No.14910090

File: b012521069a9237⋯.jpg (71.28 KB, 865x452, 865:452, b012521069a92376b317b40a44….jpg)

File: d8ecf2a03ea72ce⋯.png (263.12 KB, 605x411, 605:411, a49ed3140f01d296720f4095b0….png)

File: 6d96ddd66d4078e⋯.png (73.93 KB, 518x284, 259:142, b6a442c3ff0b9fa86493f0b46c….png)

File: 5f769266d7fd609⋯.png (505.67 KB, 840x795, 56:53, d0fd1931046b1544c3467637b7….png)

File: 3c1dfd9691e513b⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1024x640, 8:5, 8be0ed24a3daf673967736de23….png)


>Trust the plan

You are so programmed that you are defending a lack of results.

As you will continue to.

Define "cognitive dissonance".

The psyop worked well on you…

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c069d4  No.14910091

File: 11b9f20588439e0⋯.png (356.66 KB, 590x589, 590:589, 11b9f20588439e0796eb23a7a2….png)

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dd6b89  No.14910092


I have hundreds of thousands of pounds of gold

and the ark of the covenant and the next book in

the bible so I can help all the anons WW who

are screwed because of covid and unite the 12

tribes in the West, and build the school of the


We Have the Gold

Isaiah 49:6 59:19

2nd Baruch 6:7-9

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5dd4d9  No.14910093

File: 31770c9dfd38df1⋯.png (74.02 KB, 1812x522, 302:87, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)

Look at this anons. Now it's less than a 10 point lead according to this:


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99b8b6  No.14910094


Klaus Schwab ?

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29b984  No.14910095

File: 51d3d9ac185c7ad⋯.png (585.15 KB, 1080x805, 216:161, Memeto_1624023563552.png)

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17c369  No.14910096

File: 15871f83c2cebe1⋯.jpg (77.07 KB, 654x343, 654:343, 15871f83c2cebe169079b7c019….jpg)


>Fed hands typed this

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e154c0  No.14910097

What does a R control of VA mean for prosecutions of cabal in DC?

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fea479  No.14910098


True Patriot

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909520  No.14910099


Feel better with all that fuvking finished ?

Setting the dominos up takes much longer than triggering the chain reaction.

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8df05e  No.14910100

File: 4356a0fc9fc6348⋯.jpg (90.85 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5srk25.jpg)

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38a582  No.14910101


Probably shaking uncontrollably.

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b7c33d  No.14910102

File: e7987b9cb9a5839⋯.jpg (187.92 KB, 599x872, 599:872, obozo_gate_x224.jpg)

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8c4fa1  No.14910103

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99b8b6  No.14910104

Gov Youngkin says no to DC statehood.

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84f3ec  No.14910105

File: 422433aa1510beb⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 1265x1600, 253:320, iwo_jima_from_atop_mt_suri….jpg)


Alexis de Tocqueville once said, "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."

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e154c0  No.14910106

cnn just changed their headline to

'Election Nightmare in America'

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680254  No.14910107


70% in. Youngkin leading by about 190k.

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4b4791  No.14910108


Filtered crap

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1305e0  No.14910109

File: 2eef53db8d10f34⋯.jpg (190.99 KB, 1079x1065, 1079:1065, Screenshot_20211102_191346….jpg)


70% in

Youngkin has slipped down a bit.

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59ae41  No.14910110

File: a0bff65a1ebdf6d⋯.png (83.43 KB, 680x845, 136:169, ClipboardImage.png)

Researchers In Peer-Reviewed Study Call For “IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL of mRNA COVID Vaccines For Use in Pregnancy, Those Breastfeeding, Those Of Childbearing Age and Children”


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f2d8b7  No.14910111


Or so they say…

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2c765c  No.14910112

File: 1a295c28a8c5941⋯.jpg (63.84 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20200707_213129.jpg)

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396957  No.14910113

File: 067e361a83c95fb⋯.jpg (103.16 KB, 640x669, 640:669, astral_fucks.jpg)


Well, Good bye then.

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d00533  No.14910114

File: 34a42c4f7203dac⋯.jpg (124.81 KB, 1125x1424, 1125:1424, 20211102_211426.jpg)

America Winning

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360969  No.14910115

/ourgirl/ on FoxNews.

Good to see her again.

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55354e  No.14910116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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db022c  No.14910117

File: f211eea657d8e09⋯.jpg (74.92 KB, 661x381, 661:381, B_52_engine.jpg)


Of COURSE Virginia will be stolen

My God, have we learned nothing?


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1f8718  No.14910118

HAHAHA!!! McAwful going down the shitter fast.

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bbf1d2  No.14910119

File: 03244e351022cc2⋯.jpg (36.69 KB, 678x381, 226:127, drinking.jpg)

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144865  No.14910120

File: 6094e713570c6f4⋯.jpeg (70.61 KB, 666x500, 333:250, A1471144_EF01_4DC1_9E69_6….jpeg)

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fdb87c  No.14910121

File: 5508b189e370549⋯.jpg (80.77 KB, 500x500, 1:1, cuomokiller.jpg)


ahead of the arrests and lawsuits?

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680254  No.14910122


If Youngkin is smart, he’ll make the minimum punishment for election/voter fraud the death penalty.

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99b8b6  No.14910123

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f6fc32  No.14910124

File: 86fbd6af7fa9465⋯.jpeg (330.98 KB, 750x507, 250:169, 124F3702_5C1A_4C0F_BC4E_B….jpeg)










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a25e84  No.14910125

File: 9ba8423c1637d25⋯.jpg (35.43 KB, 479x640, 479:640, FDHYy9vWYAMJxyA.jpg)

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17c369  No.14910126

File: c08bb9a9a42b215⋯.png (202.01 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 783r237r2973ty9782f9.png)


Send doge coin to:



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db022c  No.14910127


That's not enough. Anon grew up in VA. You need at least a 10-15 point margin to keep a win going to the end. Those blue counties always report late, and are very densely Democrat.

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bbf1d2  No.14910128

File: 1fce54a98d8b368⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 370x319, 370:319, MathDoggo.gif)

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c47464  No.14910129

File: 72e16533cb2918b⋯.jpeg (19.79 KB, 448x296, 56:37, OIP_13_.jpeg)


its cool lil' Fredo

ill still watch your show

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5dd4d9  No.14910130

Youngkin wins tonight by 275,000 votes.

McAullife wins on Saturday morning by 25,000 votes.

275,000 mail-in votes were for McAuliffe.


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e154c0  No.14910131

R gaining in NJ….

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40f886  No.14910132

File: 4366e715b568fec⋯.jpeg (74.97 KB, 575x413, 575:413, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

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4347af  No.14910133


the exit is right over there. it ain't rocket science. no one is holding you back.

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6dbe43  No.14910134


Pretty please?

I'll post my tits.

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55354e  No.14910135


yup. the night is young.

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680254  No.14910136


210k lead with 72% reporting.

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ab7a93  No.14910137


The Dems are sitting on 350,000 absentee ballots. Question is do they have the balls to use them?

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98726f  No.14910138

File: 0122e4f8661068b⋯.jpg (449.02 KB, 998x749, 998:749, Screenshot_20211102_211543….jpg)

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8c4fa1  No.14910139


Fuck-in-A that's great

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53ca5b  No.14910140


you forgot fuck shills

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3f561b  No.14910141

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7aae04  No.14910142

File: a1c9f80fd5e1938⋯.png (127.08 KB, 350x208, 175:104, juan_buttplug.png)


>What a CIA/ Mocking bird, Deep State Stooge Juan Williams is!

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8df05e  No.14910143

File: 8d1d9ad93c1ba4b⋯.jpg (87.88 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5s8bwo.jpg)

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500c44  No.14910144

File: fd7eb3c853d2b46⋯.jpg (67.81 KB, 749x716, 749:716, Jeasus_Yes.jpg)

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98726f  No.14910145


Where the poking stick meme.

"Go ahead…use the fake ballots'

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aeb323  No.14910146

File: c2f2b2399b46f64⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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4347af  No.14910147

File: 8b9413aa56590cc⋯.png (711.24 KB, 870x608, 435:304, Screen_Shot_2021_06_04_at_….png)


>If Youngkin is smart, he’ll make the minimum punishment for election/voter fraud the death penalty.

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17c369  No.14910148

>>14910110 Researchers In Peer-Reviewed Study Call For “IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL of mRNA COVID Vaccines For Use in Pregnancy, Those Breastfeeding, Those Of Childbearing Age and Children”

wtfkind of link is that shit, my guy?

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55354e  No.14910149

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84f3ec  No.14910150


There are many variations on this theme going back to ancient Greece.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic." ― Benjamin Franklin

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4b4791  No.14910151

>>14910067 it's a joke dude

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6dbe43  No.14910152

File: 3a40a2d61458a25⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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022e81  No.14910153


it means voters are pissed

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1305e0  No.14910154

File: 32014d42c396f90⋯.png (121.67 KB, 398x395, 398:395, fe950e9f918aa54a5364141b10….png)



Baker needs to fix bread number to #18861

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360969  No.14910155

Where's pig?

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8df05e  No.14910156

File: 2184e5ebfc80046⋯.jpg (85.57 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5sg2y9.jpg)

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c47464  No.14910157

File: 5eee5d7f666b39a⋯.png (342.51 KB, 500x544, 125:136, 08e47afad67d0cd276f9789fee….png)

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c7fa3a  No.14910158

File: 7786924627aa74d⋯.png (516.48 KB, 496x499, 496:499, ClipboardImage.png)


For Fucks sake

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ab7a93  No.14910159


100% - anon. Let's see if they walk in the trap…

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fdb87c  No.14910160


Never stopped 'em before.

They just claim more votes than people


Maybe too many "eyes on" though

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a0fe78  No.14910161


Fucking Military Intelligence (Naval) flipped it back for Trump in 16. Military in control in VA?

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5dd4d9  No.14910162


nah i fucked up my math by a lot

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f6fc32  No.14910163

File: e1b4cfefcdf6640⋯.jpeg (321.17 KB, 750x618, 125:103, 9DC33BA6_D570_4663_9FB6_A….jpeg)


>Youngkin wins tonight by 275,000 votes.

>McAullife wins on Saturday morning by 25,000 votes.

>275,000 mail-in votes were for McAuliffe.



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7dfe2a  No.14910164

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360969  No.14910165


Someone thinks McAuliffe lost.

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909520  No.14910166


No they are very densely populated with dead people, mail in ballots from incompetent nursing home residents, mail ins from people who left VA.

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4347af  No.14910167


send that shit into jay leno and see if he uses it on his show. KEK!

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f21d57  No.14910168

File: 7857c9864f4fa01⋯.jpeg (233.13 KB, 750x526, 375:263, 35122ADB_021A_4BCE_BAD5_C….jpeg)

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144865  No.14910169


>Peer-Reviewed Study

Peer-Review. You get what you paid for..

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680254  No.14910170



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696ef1  No.14910171

File: e93e545f2f413eb⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1903x1080, 1903:1080, ClipboardImage.png)

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6dbe43  No.14910172


A deal is a deal.

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db022c  No.14910173

File: f81d95992734f63⋯.jpg (165.25 KB, 1008x622, 504:311, shack.jpg)

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a25e84  No.14910174

File: ac713fdb1131c55⋯.png (3.32 KB, 388x46, 194:23, Screenshot_2021_11_02_at_2….png)


He can´t.

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8e4878  No.14910175

File: 29618d9745a2ca9⋯.jpeg (72.61 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 5EEF9F77_0667_4F26_8DFC_7….jpeg)


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8df05e  No.14910176

File: 08bc8efebaa5feb⋯.jpg (87.35 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5srl1o.jpg)

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17c369  No.14910177

File: f3ace7513c42b23⋯.png (495.05 KB, 748x423, 748:423, ClipboardImage.png)

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b9f69d  No.14910178

File: 75c0419c14d3ca7⋯.png (9.91 KB, 422x168, 211:84, MediaMatters.png)


Sore Loser!

Hey Libtard, you should call for an audit.

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84f3ec  No.14910179

File: 4e3480adee6173e⋯.gif (3.5 MB, 360x270, 4:3, Pig_rider.gif)


Mr. Pig getting it done..

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500c44  No.14910180

File: d318ae6f75a7af6⋯.png (375.62 KB, 562x327, 562:327, ClipboardImage.png)

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e154c0  No.14910181


>Fucking Military Intelligence (Naval) flipped it back for Trump in 16. Military in control in VA?



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29b984  No.14910182

File: eb3f8491323372d⋯.jpeg (106.4 KB, 1440x864, 5:3, 1544575497.jpeg)

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cb4ddd  No.14910183

Don't let the media steal your vote

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55cc0c  No.14910184


>can you post a link?


go to the catalogue

I hope that things work out for you on the board this time, your wisdom and experience is very valuable. Lots of people need help

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d648b7  No.14910185


They'll do what they're told regardless of risk.

Imagine what can happen.

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b7c33d  No.14910186

File: 60e0a480ce81730⋯.jpg (111.54 KB, 765x1280, 153:256, 60e0a480ce8173034bbde537c4….jpg)


We forced the wannabe election stealers into the shut the steal down call

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e154c0  No.14910187

the FLOOD happened tonight

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40f886  No.14910188

File: a2f0bf0a714dcea⋯.png (42.96 KB, 575x413, 575:413, ClipboardImage.png)


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96f2d3  No.14910189

File: 6a495cd435d76ff⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1079x713, 1079:713, Sons_of_Liberty.png)


it means that some moar complacent normies

became pissed off patriots…


that was probably "The Plan" all along

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5dd4d9  No.14910190

File: 71f790d23da6f96⋯.png (150.41 KB, 1222x602, 611:301, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)

File: 33fe6954cad7c62⋯.png (20.86 KB, 401x375, 401:375, 33fe6954cad7c626376d61f054….png)


John Pavlovich has infiltrated the boards. Taking screenshots of everything..

"We had to change our phone numbers (which was a hassle) but we shared everything we had with them as of this afternoon. Fortunately, we had some people infiltrate their boards and they are taking screenshots of everything. The FBI and local police are taking this seriously.

9:06 PM · Nov 2, 2021·Twitter Web App


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c47464  No.14910191

File: c0520da46c4c28f⋯.jpg (15.3 KB, 311x162, 311:162, sb4455.jpg)


tetras chkt

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76bcc3  No.14910192

File: 42d59678ba6f588⋯.png (1.01 MB, 887x887, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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360969  No.14910193


Either McAuliffe wins in a steal, or Youngkin wins in MAGA glory.


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38a582  No.14910194

File: aa7b1ddf397d2b8⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 612x395, 612:395, 3vnhddsgt.jpg)


Elections are rigged. Until they aren't.

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d00533  No.14910195

File: d7bc34b4a1ceb91⋯.jpg (256.88 KB, 715x978, 715:978, 1635066868547.jpg)

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0611e2  No.14910196

File: 544c9afa0fc822c⋯.jpg (44.9 KB, 508x332, 127:83, 916759761537.jpg)











When the lRS locks up your bank account because you wouldn't get the jab l'll be sure to check in here to see you all jerking it to tHe prEciplCe bEfoRe ThE gReaT AwAkenlNg.


Niggers and kikes should cover that.

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a25e84  No.14910197

File: 6a91e3557764938⋯.png (49.43 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 6a91e355776493850460417130….png)

File: 96a22fcff81cd28⋯.png (495 B, 92x38, 46:19, Screenshot_2021_11_02_at_2….png)

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363cf7  No.14910198

File: 8830046b3b20285⋯.jpg (96.83 KB, 513x379, 513:379, THE_PLAN.jpg)

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cb2012  No.14910199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just checked the live election party feeds, D's body language, no smiles, wearing maks on several, barely moving, low energy … They know. https://youtu.be/fm_-i2TwKS4

R's mingling, hugs, handshakes, no masks, few drinking beers, can sense the vibe as he won this https://youtu.be/jaRGcK6Z4fY

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b9f69d  No.14910200


Not even close, maybe the first ripple behind the dam.

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a0fe78  No.14910201


to fuck is the prime directive. you. with your wife.

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c069d4  No.14910202

File: 11b9f20588439e0⋯.png (356.66 KB, 590x589, 590:589, 11b9f20588439e0796eb23a7a2….png)


Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

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360969  No.14910203

File: b08510db615c280⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 480x414, 80:69, champagne_pepe.jpg)

HFS! It's anon's favorite JV cheerleader! Sure do miss her.

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396957  No.14910204

File: a359ac742043f8e⋯.png (529.79 KB, 721x834, 721:834, Grammar_k.png)


Hyphens matter.

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4e07f4  No.14910205


>C b4 D

Nigga wut

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c7fa3a  No.14910206

File: 1e2afec845dbf0b⋯.png (135.77 KB, 286x288, 143:144, ClipboardImage.png)

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e2cb2b  No.14910207


First of all democrats do not have balls. Second, of course they will use them. And more. Question: why do you say it takes balls to cheat? It's what all ball-less cowards do. They cheat.

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55cc0c  No.14910208


oh, one other thing you can post pdf files on the board. So if you want to post your guide you can do so.

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f6fc32  No.14910209

File: 2d2b9aff15558bc⋯.jpeg (74.34 KB, 591x496, 591:496, 46BB7F79_4AF0_48CF_B9A4_E….jpeg)


>Don't let the media steal your vote

Too late

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38a582  No.14910210


They 'infiltrated the board' by completing the captcha. kek

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17c369  No.14910211

File: 80be81e76fc2c48⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1077x943, 1077:943, Capture.PNG)



baker baker

nom fo notabruh

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956866  No.14910212

Hey Anons,

Just wanted to drop by and say "hello", and don't forget to vote… especially in Fairfax County!

Thanks for your continued support!

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5dd4d9  No.14910213

File: 8608c5709390486⋯.png (255.04 KB, 1214x706, 607:353, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)

"Qanons are dangerous to children."


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98726f  No.14910214


Man, that guy "Anonymous" is fucked.

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680254  No.14910215


4 year delta?

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b7c33d  No.14910216

File: 271af24c05068fc⋯.png (223.62 KB, 646x599, 646:599, 271af24c05068fca6518820de0….png)


How can he steal with just 200k mail in ballots?

Lead is moar

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43628c  No.14910217

File: 294f84fb29f5d3e⋯.jpeg (121.97 KB, 828x462, 138:77, 6D9ABAE4_A4AC_4CB3_8C4D_7….jpeg)

ANYONE involved in election fraud has MINUTES

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92c400  No.14910218

File: 8f8eda5a0d23eb7⋯.jpg (11.35 KB, 255x247, 255:247, F_U.jpg)


Dear John

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76bcc3  No.14910219

File: 2ec55192c6e0f6f⋯.png (83.08 KB, 679x385, 97:55, ClipboardImage.png)


>John Pavlovich

6 retweets 36 likes

the guy is a nobody

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db022c  No.14910220


I'm tellin ya, for you non-Virginia anons, DO NOT GET YOUR HOPES UP.

They've been stealing this shit for decades in VA, and election night always looks like this.

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2c765c  No.14910221

File: c158c5bc9f35176⋯.gif (13.06 MB, 640x360, 16:9, c158c5bc9f35176c5afdc290a3….gif)

President Trump has more clout than both parties combined. And he's still a billionaire (and alive, Praise the LORD!) after all the powers of the world attacked him.

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d00533  No.14910222

File: 63a3fd5355c5e44⋯.png (187.67 KB, 900x596, 225:149, file_store_7.png)

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bec4f7  No.14910223

File: e7b1f19451f7230⋯.png (409.17 KB, 615x410, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


What about the aliens tho?

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dd6b89  No.14910224

File: 60955fd65bace27⋯.jpeg (81.82 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_25_.jpeg)

File: 061b0ef901f6820⋯.jpeg (67.57 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_4_.jpeg)

File: a40cea50066314b⋯.jpeg (90.55 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_10_.jpeg)

File: b5af84530ab4b22⋯.jpeg (91.36 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_24_.jpeg)

File: 8911da1b63f7ab5⋯.jpeg (106.12 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_18_.jpeg)




I used oxy acetalyene too. Its all acid proof, been

heated over 6000 degrees so its not pyrite. Got

electrospectronomy laser scans done, said they

were all gold and silver. Cracked a 200 year old

cipher. If you don't have the correct key to a

cipher it won't make any sense, but it sais on

the first page that this is Israels inheritance

that Moses divided from the years that he

and the men warred up unto the Lord.

And that I Am to bless them wherewith the Lord

has blessed me out of my walls, and my floors,

and my winepress. I'm about to electrowine it

in a few hours here.

God himself and the Daughter of Zion told me I had this gold, and the key to the Thomas J Beale ciphers. I hadn't ever even heard of them. I live in a 100 year old

bank building with the safe in the living room.


The stuff I used to make that anode came out of my wall

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17c369  No.14910225


>They 'infiltrated the board' by completing the captcha

after several failed attempts

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8136f2  No.14910226


Field glowie after 1st staffer:

'We don't know how big of a truck or trucks we need yet. Cool your jets'.

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f6fc32  No.14910227


C before D

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8e4878  No.14910228


Cringeworthy fanfic

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e154c0  No.14910229

File: a10455746456958⋯.png (50.96 KB, 968x597, 968:597, ClipboardImage.png)


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0611e2  No.14910230

File: fc7674d5cae65f9⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1505x1102, 1505:1102, 1610202525719.png)


So much damn copium holy shit.

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c7fa3a  No.14910231

File: 9baeec02f3b5c76⋯.png (65.29 KB, 221x250, 221:250, ClipboardImage.png)



well done moran, you summoned the pig!!

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76bcc3  No.14910232

File: 04a61208fd52947⋯.png (667.85 KB, 590x411, 590:411, ClipboardImage.png)

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40f886  No.14910233

File: b0ee3ad7f299996⋯.jpeg (74.97 KB, 807x215, 807:215, c4510adc5529f054.jpeg)

Roger Stone Demands Governor Ron DeSantis Perform an Election Audit in Florida, If Not Stone Will Run Against DeSantis in Next Election


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360969  No.14910234


Ask Milwaukee!

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04dfd7  No.14910235

Can we celebrate a Youngkin win yet?

Larry Sabato called Virginia a bloodbath!

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7dfe2a  No.14910236


pretty good mental gymnastics on that one

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17c369  No.14910237

File: 146f56392253449⋯.jpg (55.87 KB, 577x433, 577:433, simmerdownclown.jpg)

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c47464  No.14910238

File: d59874ca4271706⋯.jpg (15.79 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 667788.jpg)

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76bcc3  No.14910239


Trump himself couldnt beat DeSantis in Florida

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363cf7  No.14910240

File: 8dd4db7b007cd69⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 473x337, 473:337, FIGHT.jpg)

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db022c  No.14910241

Has anyone seen the SUPER KAREN video clip with the lady refusing to take her seat on the airliner? She is pitching a fit because the guy next to her isn't vaccinated and she doesn't want to breathe his air. It's a couple minutes of pure gold.

Waifu just showed me on FB, not sure where else to find the link.

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fdb87c  No.14910242

File: ccf04f0c464df83⋯.jpg (16.82 KB, 403x400, 403:400, aaronschwartz.jpg)

File: fb6c981ef4320a4⋯.jpg (502.53 KB, 778x645, 778:645, antifas2ghislaine.jpg)


So they try to steal Virginia?

or they do steal it?

and that's some marker

Ya never know

Still waiting

Fuck Jizzlaine.

They killed Aaron Swartz, then Jizzy got to be Mod.

R.I.P. Aaron.

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1fa4ab  No.14910243


>wtf kind of link is that shit, my guy?

Kek! was wondering as well. checked the original link on IPAK PHPI

Funny thing is they really do link their articles like that.


IPAK PHPI certainly is not indexed anywhere, looks not very professional, is relatively new and asking for donations … so, yes, you were right.



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680254  No.14910244


77% in. 193K lead.

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8ee3ef  No.14910245


Yes, just like celebrating the supreme court wins.

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17c369  No.14910246


kek, he was already here tho?

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38a582  No.14910247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVEL: Virginia Department of Elections press conference; Youngkin and McAuliffe watch parties

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cb4ddd  No.14910248

File: 914eb5c933d62c8⋯.jpg (202.98 KB, 679x935, 679:935, 20211030_001122.jpg)

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d648b7  No.14910249




Even better, it's under "mentoring day"

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c069d4  No.14910250

File: 9909ef5b4e3645e⋯.gif (843.97 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 9909ef5b4e3645edbdd674107d….gif)


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e154c0  No.14910251

File: 94edbf37747a578⋯.png (53.61 KB, 907x669, 907:669, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd6b89  No.14910252

File: 065f43cd3005401⋯.jpeg (100.61 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_22_.jpeg)

File: f290f9bd739a2d0⋯.jpeg (100.87 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_16_.jpeg)

File: 53363a0eb508fce⋯.jpeg (93.97 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_8_.jpeg)

File: 7d04b5cf58b2ce6⋯.jpeg (100.14 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_7_.jpeg)

File: 31c4cd232c35f99⋯.jpeg (98.94 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_11_.jpeg)

I took like 200 of these photos

I finally know how to treat this material

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92c400  No.14910253

File: a48346888fd691e⋯.jpg (17.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, finger.jpg)


Dear John>>14910190

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19a5f2  No.14910254


They tried but they never got him. Now they all lose.

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c7fa3a  No.14910255

File: ba0b5bbce957c49⋯.png (573.82 KB, 606x448, 303:224, ClipboardImage.png)



night shift o7

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5c7e3a  No.14910256

File: b48f05516fe7063⋯.png (599.51 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Children_Kiss_Car_Q2_RedNo….png)

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b9f69d  No.14910257


Time for them to quit for tonight and come back in the morning.

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c47464  No.14910258


he's right

they all should have conducted an audit

DeSantis took the easy route

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caa550  No.14910259

File: 22a86ca860352ea⋯.jpg (130.19 KB, 664x416, 83:52, Prunes.jpg)

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aeb323  No.14910260

File: fd93f975837f830⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

No party yet…

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898614  No.14910261

File: d6bb2f996177df0⋯.png (344.59 KB, 798x785, 798:785, bethune.png)


Brenda Bethune wins: Myrtle Beach mayor reelected to second term, besting 4 challengers By J. Dale Shoemaker Updated November 02, 2021 8:50 PM

Read more at: https://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/politics-government/article255488481.html#storylink=cpy


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363cf7  No.14910262

File: 39c8f977a892785⋯.jpg (177 KB, 807x615, 269:205, NOV_AGENDA.jpg)



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d648b7  No.14910263


Gotta be careful of walking into traps.

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1f8718  No.14910264

Incoming! A Fairfax County water main leak just flew over my house.

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71ce77  No.14910265


Shit! I thought he was a comedian.

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500c44  No.14910266

File: cf25c1bfd9243cb⋯.png (44.96 KB, 703x867, 703:867, ClipboardImage.png)

Wow Jersey getting close


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5dd4d9  No.14910267

File: 8a6d21178608a3b⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 8a6d21178608a3b1b6f02aa522….jpg)

Hey John Pavlovich board infiltrators. Screenshot this.


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1fa4ab  No.14910268

File: 2b2769b350753ef⋯.mp4 (4.89 MB, 406x720, 203:360, 2b2769b350753ef865f191c6c0….mp4)

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d648b7  No.14910269


If baker could fix it, then so could you.

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7aae04  No.14910270

File: 747449731a015f2⋯.png (289.14 KB, 419x433, 419:433, butthurt.png)


>Fuck this country. Fuck the world.

>Fuck Trump. Fuck Q. Fuck niggers. Fuck kikes. Fuck the FED. Fuck the lRS. Fuck niggers twice and kikes three times. Fuck everyone. Praying it all burns amen.

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84e5d6  No.14910271

File: 94f5bcd2ca0b488⋯.png (331.81 KB, 814x1243, 74:113, Screenshot_2021_11_02_1929….png)

File: a3d07b0bda687d1⋯.png (127.57 KB, 631x895, 631:895, Screenshot_2021_11_02_1928….png)

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29b984  No.14910272

File: 64a34f31b1c59c6⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 265x341, 265:341, 7f7bfd642d2632e2cd9b4fe0d5….jpg)

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fdb87c  No.14910273

File: c3c007f9f2d9077⋯.png (10.61 KB, 233x255, 233:255, 048e6e2e4ae016561d30f3190e….png)

File: 1102c4a3ff20ab2⋯.jpg (87.34 KB, 640x853, 640:853, kavanaugh_2_.jpg)

File: 3ddcfceb2b4287f⋯.jpg (58.64 KB, 800x533, 800:533, kavanaugh2.jpg)


I remember being so happy about Kavanaugh and Cunty.

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f1456f  No.14910274


Princess Blanding???…

"Let's go Blanding"…kek…

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4347af  No.14910275





the email address of the bimbette that wrote that headline is in her by-line. anons should flood her inbox with KEKs.

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396957  No.14910276

Maybe there will be a water main break.

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84f3ec  No.14910277

File: a845d2658a3adca⋯.gif (724.7 KB, 400x225, 16:9, checking.gif)

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49fff5  No.14910278

File: 630530569c19e52⋯.png (168.08 KB, 314x571, 314:571, 000.png)

We have visitors tonight?

That's amazing…

I want to post ALL the memes

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f6fc32  No.14910279


Where’s Bret Baier when you need him?

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ad5253  No.14910280

File: 392f2dbb18345a4⋯.png (1.45 MB, 930x581, 930:581, MillieBeaver_ShirtTooSmall.png)


Love your work, Millie.

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17c369  No.14910281


stick it up your ass while its still hot and report back.

Otherwise nobody cares

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e154c0  No.14910282

File: 4a95bcf1a97ff4c⋯.png (60.32 KB, 987x699, 329:233, ClipboardImage.png)


>Wow Jersey getting close

^^^^^^^^^^VA is getting closer and closer…within 2

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a30982  No.14910283

So the people in Virginia don't want CRT, and Vax mandates. Strange that democrats think that's a winning message. Evil is evil however.

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55cc0c  No.14910284



if this is a proof… it's like the dad joke of Q proofs

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a9df5c  No.14910285

File: fb1ef63099822b3⋯.png (18.03 KB, 528x208, 33:13, BSexton_MSNBC_meltdown_VA_….PNG)

MSNBC is currently going through the 7 stages of grief on an endless loop in real time-

It’s great, highly recommend


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ed9644  No.14910286


Sounds good, let's get it over with.

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c7fa3a  No.14910287


kek dubs chek'ed

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17c369  No.14910288

File: 71511b269476325⋯.png (135.17 KB, 157x342, 157:342, ClipboardImage.png)

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e154c0  No.14910289


not VA..

meant to say NJ

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c47464  No.14910290

File: cff70b743bb88ca⋯.jpg (5.07 KB, 275x183, 275:183, nvg444.jpg)


"CNN Projects Eric Adams Wins NYC Mayoral Race"


30% of vote is in


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8e4878  No.14910291


Beautiful- tks for posting

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898614  No.14910292

File: f4e26add2728050⋯.png (371.3 KB, 782x532, 391:266, gene.png)


Coming in second place behind Bethune was the photographer Gene Ho, who won 1,155 votes. And just behind Ho was businessman Bill McClure, who won only two fewer votes, with 1,153. Former police officer Tammie Durant won 199 votes, while former firefighter C.D. Rozsa won just 84 votes. Voter turnout was 21.7% on Tuesday, Kruea said.

Read more at: https://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/news/politics-government/article255488481.html#storylink=cpy

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98726f  No.14910293

File: 607c841e88476b4⋯.jpg (120.42 KB, 1016x960, 127:120, ZomboMeme_17092021221150.jpg)

File: 61d54b6747468cd⋯.jpg (83.03 KB, 539x704, 49:64, ZomboMeme_04082021114841.jpg)

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dd6b89  No.14910294

File: 39c286f46854826⋯.jpeg (66.15 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_21_.jpeg)

File: e8c2f3a75cb9250⋯.jpeg (70.96 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_20_.jpeg)

File: 7c9136f47fff3bb⋯.jpeg (89.84 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_14_.jpeg)

File: a4828285c096e37⋯.jpeg (87.27 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_23_.jpeg)

File: 1699010eeccb9ee⋯.jpeg (75.07 KB, 512x1024, 1:2, download_13_.jpeg)

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aeb323  No.14910295

File: 2d2d7bec29e0e81⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok you can party now…

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b90bc8  No.14910296


real POTUS thinks we're BASED

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a9df5c  No.14910297

File: 44984a95861118b⋯.png (14.1 KB, 521x150, 521:150, Miller_re_Lincoln_Project_….PNG)

Everything The Lincoln Project Touches Dies or is Under 18.


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9d9229  No.14910298

Y’all are happy a China plant will win? Youngkin. It’s in his fucking name!! Duped again and Trump fell for it again. Dumb as fuck you all are.

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caa550  No.14910299


And so it begins

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c97c6a  No.14910300

File: 0fa075735dba23d⋯.png (484.21 KB, 2160x1620, 4:3, 0FC345A5_5B80_4C44_80AF_FE….png)


Colorado votes starting to roll in for anyone wanting to keep an eye on CO

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cf8c74  No.14910301


true dat

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84f3ec  No.14910302

File: 55ace9a51b1c3ba⋯.jpg (91.43 KB, 1242x828, 3:2, IvankaShowingOff.jpg)

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396957  No.14910303

File: 4229241c12d8d6d⋯.png (131.68 KB, 293x392, 293:392, Coomer_Dominion.png)

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17c369  No.14910304

File: 86aef71ae91b40a⋯.png (176.7 KB, 443x351, 443:351, 8627e616171da549c58a979c96….png)

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76bcc3  No.14910305

File: 2cd3416792faf02⋯.png (1.74 MB, 843x800, 843:800, ClipboardImage.png)

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edee0a  No.14910306

File: 908ba682df63343⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1000x1150, 20:23, yoda_suck_my_balls_you_sho….png)

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e154c0  No.14910307

I would find it hard to believe that VA goes R, but NJ doesn't

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c069d4  No.14910308

File: 2764e11f1b61551⋯.jpg (77.04 KB, 960x898, 480:449, 251825310_171381278541710_….jpg)

File: 960279ead1b8f36⋯.jpg (38.86 KB, 470x960, 47:96, 251761230_171380648541773_….jpg)

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c785ab  No.14910309

File: 239e458980db19a⋯.jpeg (20.63 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 2EB8F654_FC77_4A00_B4DC_A….jpeg)

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ab7a93  No.14910310

The Virginia House of Delegates is +12 to 15 GOP seats. If McAuliffe cheats we'll bury him. We have a story to tell and anons will tell it 24/7

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d6b2ca  No.14910311


Fox still won't call it….Deja vu

2020 Election: Trump camp calls on Fox News to retract Arizona call for Biden

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s campaign is heavily disputing Fox News’ decision to flip the swing state of Arizona to Joe Biden and has called on the network to retract the call.

Fox News’ decision desk called the Grand Canyon State for Biden just after 11 p.m. with 73 percent of the precincts reporting.

The Associated Press joined Fox News in calling Arizona for Biden at 2:52 a.m. Wednesday.

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8df05e  No.14910312

File: b01d793f7c826eb⋯.jpg (92.3 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5srmmd.jpg)

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898614  No.14910313

File: 076362a4395dbb9⋯.png (62.3 KB, 633x294, 211:98, condit.png)


NEW: USMS says suspects being held in connection with 1/6 at a D.C. jail complex do not need to be removed despite complaints about conditions there, but about 400 other inmates from a secondary building will be moved to a facility in Pennsylvania over sub-minimal conditions.

9:28 PM · Nov 2, 2021·

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8c4fa1  No.14910314

File: bc28f69dbd5585c⋯.jpg (25 KB, 600x405, 40:27, 1580120850.jpg)

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b9f69d  No.14910315


Hrm you sacrificed an IP for that?

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49fff5  No.14910316

File: b460c1aa4f025a2⋯.jpg (99.03 KB, 755x470, 151:94, b460c1aa4f025a2ade07554f74….jpg)

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d648b7  No.14910317

File: 840d0e498b273ec⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1095x730, 3:2, so_many_phones.png)


Technically FEDs aren't allowed to view porn n'stuff.

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db022c  No.14910318


It is a winning message in Dem controlled areas, all 3 of them. They don't give a fuck about the rest of the state.

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29b984  No.14910319

File: 3e9e2491baba446⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 320x173, 320:173, 3e9e2491baba446d8e31b3f0e1….gif)


Hey lets store these ballots in a suitcase and hide it under the table for safe keeping until we can count it after we send all the poll watchers home

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2c765c  No.14910320

File: 23845109ed22f2a⋯.png (284.75 KB, 474x691, 474:691, 23845109ed22f2a0b3e301bda1….png)

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17c369  No.14910321


hate to see it

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e154c0  No.14910322

File: f2dc47377de8c81⋯.png (47.47 KB, 883x589, 883:589, ClipboardImage.png)

NJ within 1 with 25% in

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363cf7  No.14910323

File: be64589bfd717a8⋯.jpg (64.13 KB, 528x431, 528:431, NOT_THIS_TIME.jpg)

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6dbe43  No.14910324

File: be9cd93867d151d⋯.jpg (357.04 KB, 1333x2000, 1333:2000, joaquin_phoenix3_2000.jpg)

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898614  No.14910325

File: e06e6d66c3dd0d0⋯.png (247.1 KB, 610x537, 610:537, eric_ad.png)


JUST IN: Eric Adams elected New York City mayor

Election 2021 NYC Mayor


Eric Adams elected New York City mayor

Democratic candidate Eric Adams won the New York City mayoralty on Tuesday.

9:25 PM · Nov 2, 2021·

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79ce59  No.14910328

File: 69f6f7328bec6b5⋯.png (4.36 MB, 3000x3200, 15:16, 13838PANICnoPPDayv2wTPwmis….png)

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b90bc8  No.14910329

File: a27a34cd8821794⋯.png (561.15 KB, 838x630, 419:315, ActingEd.png)

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5dd4d9  No.14910331

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1fa4ab  No.14910332

File: c33de6afda54f98⋯.jpg (12.45 KB, 474x268, 237:134, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>Millie Beaver

Don't even know her name. Just an old meme/mp4 I stole from here a couple of years ago.

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fdb87c  No.14910333

File: 74e6d76767e678c⋯.jpg (296.15 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, coneybecomejusticee9.jpg)

File: 5e21589b623ce2e⋯.jpg (456.02 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Amy_Coney_Barrett_signedin….jpg)

File: 22db0b7658f1238⋯.jpg (337.68 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, coneybarrett.jpg)


Now I want them both impeached.

The things you learn

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ea47f8  No.14910334


>>14909876 @300


>>14909897, >>14909919 VA Governor Race Called For Republican Youngkin

>>14909958 Business Insider calls: Republican Glenn Youngkin defeats Democrat Terry McAuliffe in high-stakes Virginia governor's election

>>14910008, >>14909959 There are about 478,000 outstanding votes in Fairfax County. Lead is currently about 223,000.

>>14909962, >>14910109, >>14910136 65% precints reporting in. Younkin winning.

>>14909994 Repost using last update from CreepyNewsNetwork: 63% in. 2,004,832 counted out of 3,182,273 est. total.

>>14910000 GOP not seen win in Virginia statewide race in 12 years, could sweep all three tonight

>>14910004 2021 November General Unofficial Results Absentee ballots may be accepted until noon on November 5th. Therefore, results are incomplete. Results will be certified on November 15th.

>>14910022 Youngkin continues to lead in Virginia with 60% reporting

>>14910030 Loudon County, where all those parents are pissed, seriously??? Going for McCauliff? Horse shit!

>>14910031 Local news in Maryland now has Youngkin up by 11 pts

>>14910093 Look at this anons. Now it's less than a 10 point lead according to this:

>>14910110 Researchers In Peer-Reviewed Study Call For “IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL of mRNA COVID Vaccines For Use in Pregnancy, Those Breastfeeding, Those Of Childbearing Age and Children”

>>14909969 PF Report GRIM99 E4B Headed back home.


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9d9229  No.14910335


See ya in a few months. Idiots. Muh ip. Sure thing.

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396957  No.14910336

File: 08de4b82ccc45f1⋯.png (264.73 KB, 472x373, 472:373, No_Points.png)

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edee0a  No.14910337


Fucking DOOOOSH BAAAG you are.

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c7fa3a  No.14910338

File: d84307d7a026f5c⋯.png (662.08 KB, 606x423, 202:141, ClipboardImage.png)

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17c369  No.14910339

File: de2cdc49471af71⋯.gif (644.79 KB, 300x194, 150:97, tenor.gif)


blessed be the supplier of dank templates

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ea47f8  No.14910340

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9d9229  No.14910341


Research you fucking turd. Likely chink.

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e154c0  No.14910342




msnbc just said NJ R needs to run 8-10 points better than Trump did to win.

guess what? He is

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360969  No.14910343

Suck it Reince.

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d6b2ca  No.14910344

File: 980fb7d3a6e9d0a⋯.png (63.18 KB, 358x377, 358:377, Bugs.PNG)


Seems you want to FK everybody and everything…your a horny FKer aren't you….KEK

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2c590e  No.14910345

File: a389f0ed38349af⋯.jpeg (11.48 KB, 205x255, 41:51, professional_class_libera….jpeg)


seems to be a winning message for those that take their shower in the morning, and wear nice clothes to 'work' for the taxpayer as public servants, educators, legal, financial and medical services, etc ; the 'professional' class is the problem

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8c4fa1  No.14910346

File: 6b57e6c043af9bc⋯.jpg (116.04 KB, 716x716, 1:1, 1589822495208.jpg)


>Replaced by C.S. Venkatakrishnan

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af6c16  No.14910347

File: 8ea8b10b290a46f⋯.gif (61.02 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 8ea8b10b290a46f43cc02c8df8….gif)



We had that and Karen Fann being put in submission 4y delta

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db022c  No.14910348

File: b56c0969611f1af⋯.jpg (330.86 KB, 565x2362, 565:2362, q_card.jpg)

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76bcc3  No.14910349

File: f29c200206ec61f⋯.png (173.65 KB, 658x989, 658:989, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c7c2e0d97a49a6⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1095x898, 1095:898, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9df5c  No.14910350

File: cffbf2a055f3f46⋯.png (21.45 KB, 525x226, 525:226, Cotton_re_Garland_Parents_….PNG)

Merrick Garland threatened to sic the FBI on concerned parents. Parents noticed and just turned Virginia red.

Thank you, Merrick Garland!


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a3c59d  No.14910351

File: f71f9d50ed421cd⋯.png (78.61 KB, 258x297, 86:99, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch the WATER!!!

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898614  No.14910352

File: 1d81f5f56d29d48⋯.png (141.01 KB, 672x638, 336:319, print_more.png)


BREAKING NEWS: Republican Youngkin opens big lead over Democrat McAuliffe in Virginia race with 70% of votes counted: Biden braces for earthquake in state he won by 10 points

By Morgan Phillips, Politics Reporter For Dailymail.Com and Katelyn Caralle, U.S. Political Reporter

Published: 19:03 EDT, 2 November 2021 | Updated: 21:27 EDT, 2 November 2021

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1f8718  No.14910353

Uh oh, 25% of Fairfax county votes just flew backwards over my house. Sounds like fuckery afoot.

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e154c0  No.14910354

File: cb307bd92890bce⋯.png (60.11 KB, 977x679, 977:679, ClipboardImage.png)

R just took lead in NJ


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909520  No.14910355


Bwahahaha…. infiltrated an Open Source, Free Speech board, readily accessible.

Now if he went to half chan, I'm sure they burned those faggots posts down.

2020 Vote 135 million registered voters, 155 million votes counted. What more than a 20 million discrepancy is needed to decertify the whole shit show ?

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17c369  No.14910356

File: 1d9861b6989e08b⋯.png (254.18 KB, 450x450, 1:1, naker_nicked_it.png)

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5dd4d9  No.14910357

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ab7a93  No.14910358

Voting updates from Virginia Election Boards has stopped updating. Damn, here comes the cheat.

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76bcc3  No.14910359

File: 0cdb52046720c11⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1200x610, 120:61, ClipboardImage.png)

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396957  No.14910360

File: 3a9f3a9c1a5692f⋯.jpg (81.88 KB, 391x792, 391:792, ruby_freeman_look_at_my_ba….jpg)

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4c1a4e  No.14910361

VA race- just saw Princess go from 16033 to 15935 then jump up to 16042

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2d3b05  No.14910362


they deserve what they get

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fdb87c  No.14910363

File: f77e70c0b4ddc12⋯.jpeg (1011.98 KB, 1170x1087, 1170:1087, messedupagainae.jpeg)


They are gonna steal it

Stealers gonna steal.

Until they are stopped.

Haven't been stopped. yet. No way, no shape, no form.

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1f6cb1  No.14910364

File: d8110343d15b429⋯.png (32.09 KB, 773x364, 773:364, 11_2_2021_6_36_33_PM.png)

Jack Leads in Jersey


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e154c0  No.14910365


msnbc starting to fret over NH

saying there is no way R wins

but then they are looking at what it would mean if NJ goes red.

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f6fc32  No.14910366

File: 86fbd6af7fa9465⋯.jpeg (330.98 KB, 750x507, 250:169, 33E1EE78_34AC_43C3_B79C_5….jpeg)

File: e1b4cfefcdf6640⋯.jpeg (321.17 KB, 750x618, 125:103, F582D320_DA7D_4305_BE5C_F….jpeg)

File: c9ae1432371ccae⋯.gif (251.16 KB, 498x375, 166:125, 8C5739AE_B0C6_404E_9915_1B….gif)


>Voting updates from Virginia Election Boards has stopped updating. Damn, here comes the cheat.

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cc8252  No.14910367

File: 4fdcc661b6e8018⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 550x453, 550:453, 4fdcc661b6e8018cf8914650f5….jpg)


>Now they all lose.


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1305e0  No.14910368

File: c7e6c41b3050380⋯.jpg (179.71 KB, 1080x1846, 540:923, 20211102_193613.jpg)

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82e7f2  No.14910369


they used it to build the virtual you, your avatar base model.

no need for visual surveillance anymore, as thermal, bioacoustic, vaxx/metal content, etc has all your deets anyways.

all that shit was made, including Sims/Simpsons, gaming, etc and now human API via vaccination, to be a bridge or GATEWAY into the MATRIX

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274b3a  No.14910370


You'll soon twatt:

"we have to save ourselves from that moran from the sky…"

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96f2d3  No.14910371

File: 465b577dacaeffe⋯.png (365.33 KB, 707x558, 707:558, Streisand_Effect.png)


Caittarelli is closing the gap

hopefully there are enough NJ patriots pissed off by the Dem commies…

cuz you know if the Dem commie candidate wins reelection he gonna go full lockdown medical tyranny

he already told you he will do that

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abb725  No.14910372

File: f8f6433e6166ae7⋯.png (417.42 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Here, have a scarf faggot.

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b7c33d  No.14910373

File: c29f061c301f762⋯.png (432.99 KB, 1076x1000, 269:250, c29f061c301f7626057bea9856….png)

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d237ab  No.14910374



left behind in Afghanistan

in American Capitol Hill Gulag

book deals

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84f3ec  No.14910375


You have to think(know) that we won before they steal it. Watch. This is about them flexing in our faces. You can only lose what you had. Wait.

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26d058  No.14910376

File: b60ff3d2372ae80⋯.png (98.41 KB, 255x242, 255:242, ClipboardImage.png)


And who believes sleepy Joe won Virginia in 2020 honestly?

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cc8252  No.14910377

NSA did a great job of protecting the election.

All three letters are useless cunts.

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fea479  No.14910378


Nipples protruding, very disrespectful

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2c590e  No.14910379

File: bbee863891595cd⋯.png (71.16 KB, 318x180, 53:30, ClipboardImage.png)


you have no leespect fol china, glasshoppel?

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4347af  No.14910380


wanna have it verified at a major research university? write me.


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fe06db  No.14910381


Can’t say thanks enough baker!

So happy to see someone holding down the ship while we’re out and about…

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898614  No.14910382

File: 4a9ec96442d5437⋯.png (333.78 KB, 840x633, 280:211, biden.png)


Biden: We're going to win tonight in Virginia

Allahpundit Nov 02, 2021 6:00 PM ET

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4a78d7  No.14910383

File: b26263d1ff58984⋯.png (802.78 KB, 1098x932, 549:466, Screen_Shot_2021_11_02_at_….png)

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d6b2ca  No.14910384

File: c5a83bac04f6def⋯.jpg (41.99 KB, 747x395, 747:395, Capture.JPG)


Where the FK ya been the last 30 years…Idiot..kekeke

Feinstein Employed Chinese Spy for 20 Years

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) employed a Chinese spy for over 20 years, allegedly without knowing it, and now claims to be “mortified” that she could have spent two decades being secretly watched by Beijing.

Upon the discovery of the staffer’s identity, he was summarily fired and the whole affair was kept quiet — until now.

In a story published by Politico about spying in Silicon Valley, the fact that there was a spy on Feinstein’s staff was but an afterthought.

According to four former intelligence officials, in the 2000s, a staffer in Senator Dianne Feinstein’s San Francisco field office was reporting back to the MSS. While this person, who was a liaison to the local Chinese community, was fired, charges were never filed against him.

(One former official reasoned this was because the staffer was providing political intelligence and not classified information — making prosecution far more difficult.) The suspected informant was “run” by officials based at China’s San Francisco Consulate, said another former intelligence official. The spy’s handler “probably got an award back in China” for his work, noted this former official, dryly.

MSS is the Ministry of State Security — China’s main foreign intelligence agency — and they were able to plant a spy in the office of one of the country’s most publicly recognized lawmakers. The source who dropped this bombshell claims that the agent was handled by Chinese officials working out of that country’s San Francisco Consulate.

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76bcc3  No.14910385

File: 2abd98b3d2f4cf7⋯.png (1.41 MB, 855x705, 57:47, ClipboardImage.png)

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49fff5  No.14910386

File: 41a9d4c2a6c0c4d⋯.png (144.38 KB, 894x217, 894:217, ClipboardImage.png)


Did you watch the new Polly? She goes into detail. Good vid.


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8df05e  No.14910387

File: 28ce2cb57355825⋯.jpg (85.73 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5srn6t.jpg)

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d00533  No.14910388

This is very fucking dangerous. >>14910219

They have parents who aren’t residing in reality any longer.

They have parents who can’t discern fact from fantasy.

They have parents whose religion has become toxic.

They have parents who traffic in blatant untruths.

They have parents who believe that CNN isn’t a valid new source—but that a YouTube video from an account launched last week, is.

They have parents who don’t trust the president’s medical expert for advice on a pandemic, but will make the words of some random woman in a white coat on Facebook—gospel truth.

How can kids growing up with these people as their moral guides and role models, hope to become perceptive adults connected to objective reality?

How can they come out of homes like this mentally unscathed?

How can they learn to reject nonsensical conspiracy when they have been weaned on it?





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363cf7  No.14910389

File: f3301d07f1c4622⋯.jpg (114.67 KB, 717x478, 3:2, 81_PIGS_ASS_FIX.jpg)

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e154c0  No.14910390

File: 6913fa8a3d63366⋯.png (56.86 KB, 920x660, 46:33, ClipboardImage.png)

D back in lead by less than 1 in NJ.

too early to call in NJ with 30 % vote in.

close close race

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360969  No.14910391

File: a445a8c1df1cf2b⋯.jpg (184.65 KB, 575x615, 115:123, are_we_there_yet.jpg)

Thanks baker! Couldn't be here without you!

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8c4fa1  No.14910392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kek! He is fucking stupid not crazy.

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e2cb2b  No.14910393

ANONS! Just got a prescription for Ivermectim. My doctor confirmed what has been reported on the board. He said: If you have parasites in your body the first dose of Ivermectim is going to kill them immediately and your bowels are going to flush them out along with everything else. So be prepared.

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d648b7  No.14910394


She is likely the one to have facilitated transferring a ton of classified groom lake stuff.

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edee0a  No.14910395


China plant? Did your mommy have any children that lived?


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76bcc3  No.14910396

File: 3a0b01fa4f33c83⋯.png (671.63 KB, 887x548, 887:548, ClipboardImage.png)


>You'll soon twatt:

>"we have to save ourselves from that moran from the sky…"

have no idea what you are trying to say

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898614  No.14910397

File: 7008e6d6315cafa⋯.png (655.12 KB, 877x823, 877:823, poll_watch.png)



Poll Watchers Flood Virginia as GOP Raises Doubts About 'Election Integrity'

Sanya Mansoor 2 hrs ago

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e154c0  No.14910398

File: 6f570852dc36429⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1193x790, 1193:790, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c590e  No.14910399


'trump fixed it' will be the message if they can't fix it themselves ; they better remember those down ballots dems when they manufacture these late votes

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360969  No.14910400

File: ae99ea711d8b12c⋯.png (432.34 KB, 500x496, 125:124, ae99ea711d8b12ce60293e98da….png)

McCauliffe's campaign party has a bunch of masks on to hide their distress.

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5dd4d9  No.14910401

File: 352f0e14477cf95⋯.jpg (39.83 KB, 680x460, 34:23, 352f0e14477cf9566930dfae87….jpg)

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79ce59  No.14910402

File: e863c524e43a4f9⋯.png (13.76 KB, 323x423, 323:423, ClipboardImage.png)



The 757

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7400d5  No.14910403

File: d6d1fde03394ca9⋯.jpg (157.18 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Rebel.jpg)


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bec4f7  No.14910404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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17c369  No.14910405

File: 158471a4cc2484d⋯.jpg (7.87 KB, 460x262, 230:131, ceiling_cheems.jpg)


>Poll WatchersFloodVirginia as GOP Raises Doubts About 'Election Integrity'

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f21d57  No.14910406


This happened to me. There was a renewed sense of mental clarity that was pretty dramatic.

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7dfe2a  No.14910407


who the fuck is this guy and why should we care?

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05cf91  No.14910408

File: f11ea075a5f80af⋯.jpg (21.22 KB, 236x314, 118:157, 20210425_165418.jpg)

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49fff5  No.14910409

File: 64756a2ecfeab1c⋯.png (491.8 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 68859c42476fb8c6deef2dee54….png)

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898614  No.14910410

File: 87b6dfbef7018cd⋯.png (414.62 KB, 675x767, 675:767, set_tone.png)


* Election Night Livewire * Virginia, New Jersey Governor Races, Battles Across America Set Tone 10 Months into Biden Era

A voter fills in her ballot as her child tries to put a snack on a table at a school cafeteria being used as a polling location on election day in McLean, Virginia on November 2, 2021. - With the eyes of America watching, Virginians cast their ballots Tuesday as …


Matthew Boyle2 Nov 2021Washington, DC

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84f3ec  No.14910411

File: b640f0ac574b8cb⋯.jpg (206.42 KB, 784x500, 196:125, ballot_resupply.jpg)

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99b8b6  No.14910412


I think so.

Don't want to count the chicks before the eggs have hatched but it appears VA has said :




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d6b2ca  No.14910413

File: be78cb4a649028d⋯.png (386.96 KB, 518x347, 518:347, Bush1.PNG)


No Doubt about it…She is just one of them bought and paid for ..Selling our freedoms out for years ..Say goodbye America

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1fa4ab  No.14910414

File: ca9580efece676c⋯.jpg (228.03 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ca9580efece676c0e606adf51f….jpg)


>Taking screenshots of everything

Guess I gotta check if dumbass Pavlovitz is some high paid elite professor in Berkeley or some shit. Sure sounds like he could be.


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8c4fa1  No.14910415

File: 699511696ea7df2⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 275x226, 275:226, 1607482355608.gif)

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f6fc32  No.14910416


Show us your turds

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fdb87c  No.14910417

File: 365333ad05e3c94⋯.png (337.5 KB, 448x450, 224:225, readvave.png)


nobodys getting banned for that

shill team


no we're not "fallng for it"

Funny but yeah, DJTrump POTUS backs many people, it seems, gets them to win with his endorsement. Then they turn out bum. Turn on him.

Look at the "Justices" he installed

But by calling the guy (the Republican) and causing him to win; DJTPOTUS shows his power. That's all

Trump is going to win.

The people are behind him. And he is behind the people. We're a team.



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75fd59  No.14910418


here's a (you)

everyone else seems to be handing them out

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5dd4d9  No.14910419


>who the fuck is this guy and why should we care?


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d648b7  No.14910420


They are using the independents to steal votes

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360969  No.14910421


What other drops about Virginia?

Pig? Is Virginia on the fraud list?

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76bcc3  No.