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e3d965  No.14919926[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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e3d965  No.14919931


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Standard Information Warfare Procedures


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'God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.' -SwordAnon

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e3d965  No.14919938



>>14919245, >>14919631 #ExposeNJ

>>14919433 School Blocks Parents From Attending Vaccine Drive for 5-Year-Old Students

>>14919595 Los Angeles County sheriff says vaccine mandate is a threat to public safety, won’t enforce it


>>14919609 New Scavino on IG bringing attention to Pearl Harbor

>>14919732 Senator Ron Johnson Expert panel on vaccine mandates and vaccine injuries

>>14919744 Australian Civilians appeal for protests at Australian Embassies Worldwide

>>14919746 Caught on camera Ciattarelli selection does not register…

>>14919794 pedo bun

>>14919883 inb4 NASA zombies

>>14919922 #18873


>>14918471, >>14918620 LAW OF WAR: THE STORM THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS (Series 6)

>>14918492, >>14918507 PF REPORT - Any PFs ever see an E4B with the callsign HOTRD?

>>14918499 Johnson & Johnson Australia – Tasmania Opium Poppy Farms

>>14918543 ‘Kill the Bill’: 38K+ sign petition in ONE day - Petition to be served on the Governor of Victoria.

>>14918559, >>14918570 Los Angeles County sheriff says vaccine mandate is a threat to public safety, won’t enforce it / YOUTUBE VIDEO EMBEDDED

>>14918565 BEN CARSON: CDC Should ‘Absolutely Not’ Approve Vaxxing Kids, COVID-19 Vaccine Is ‘A Giant Experiment’

>>14918603 Facebook, Instagram and Messenger went down worldwide / back online following a three-hour outage that affected thousands worldwide

>>14918643 Georgia: Fulton County elections director Rick Barron to resign at the end of 2021.

>>14918687 My quick video breakdown of the curious middle of the night Dem vote flipping in New Jersey was just featured by the Gateway Pundit

>>14918689 Lt. Governor of Virginia speaks out against racial division and race baiting

>>14918716 FBI Releases Declassified Documents on Sept. 11 Attacks


>>14918737 United States v. Maxwell - Exhibit G — Document #382, Attachment #7

>>14918746 Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyer compares her lockup conditions to Hannibal Lecter's

>>14918770 LIVE: Election Integrity Rally; The One Year Anniversary of the Corrupt Election hosted by Kari Lake

>>14918846 Files of the Nuremberg Trials / Taube Archive of the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg (1945-1946)

>>14918855 WATCH THE WATER - Radioactive Materials Flagged in US Water - 56 harmful 'Forever Chemicals'

>>14918885 The Genesis of U.S. Government Population Control

>>14918930 PURE EVIL: Disturbing Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They’ll Get Superpowers from COVID Jab (VIDEO)

>>14918955 Agenda 21 / Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

>>14918956 Recent Athletes Death from Covid Vax

>>14918969 Wendy Rogers - Youngkin didn’t mention Trump or audits in his victory speechZ

>>14919002 NJ Election Chaos: 56 Voting Machines Shut Down Overnight Without Votes Being Counted

>>14919017 Husband of 'Rust' cinematographer Halyna Hutchins has hired lawyers and 'is set to file wrongful death lawsuit'

>>14919029 Ciattarelli Does Not Concede NJ Governor’s Race, Calls MSM ‘Irresponsible’

>>14919040 Virginia Victory: The Power of Turnout Paired with Poll Watchers and a Plan

>>14919060 Is This A JOKE?? "Let's Go Brandon!" Now BANNED?!

>>14919128 U.S. Fleet Forces - USS Gerald R. Ford Welcomes A Special Visitor!

>>14919143 Ex-President of Florida Democratic Black Caucus Admits To $300,000 COVID Relief Fraud

>>14919158 U.S. Naval Institute - ‘Quad’ Will Continue to Push Back Against Chinese Aggression in Indo-Pacific, Panel Says - USNI News

>>14919169 NSW paramedic finds state's COVID-19 vaccine mandate 'morally repugnant', court hears

>>14919172 #18872

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e3d965  No.14919944


>>14917643 LIVE: President Biden delivers remarks on COVID-19 vaccines for kids ages 5-11

>>14917687, >>14917694 Ford is first major US automaker to mandate vaccines

>>14917690 New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy won reelection in close race against Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli.

>>14917707 5 women shot, 3 killed in ‘mass shooting’ in Norfolk, Virginia, police chief says

>>14917744 2 restaurant shootings, 2 injured Chipotle & Applebees in Florida & Tennessee

>>14917892 Here is your "Remain in Mexico" policy. It's a health code.

>>14917901, >>14918129 New Jersey double-counted votes in deep-blue county as governor’s race on knife edge / NJ Election Chaos: 56 Voting Machines Shut Down Overnight Without Votes Being Counted

>>14917926 NOTABLE DECODE ON GAB, SHARED FOR ANONS / What happens when the Queen dies

>>14917943 Kentucky college president fired following sexual assault allegations

>>14917979 Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ] - This is our time to shine! If you canvassed, were a poll watcher, worked the audit…

>>14917986, >>14918040 Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ] - The win in Virginia was kept honest by overwhelming the polls with more voters than the algorithm could handle.

>>14917998, >>14918346 Follow Huma. What are the odds that exactly 4 years later - to the day - Huma is on primetime MSNBC for an interview?

>>14918120 McCarthy calls out the media for their Trump obsession

>>14918144 Red Wave incoming for 2022

>>14918154 How The Massive Money Manager BlackRock Endangers U.S. Prosperity And National Security

>>14918179 BREAKING: Fulton County Elections Director announces his resignation effective Dec 31.

>>14918235 Scott Morrison leaked a 15-page US government document to embarrass President Joe Biden

>>14918267 Supreme Court takes up W. Va. case challenging EPA authority under Biden’s climate agenda

>>14918278 One America News Network - Zeroing in on Ray Epps and FBI's Jan. 6 involvement

>>14918348 Here’s Why President Trump Has Not Endorsed NJ GOP Candidate Jack Ciattarelli For Governor

>>14918391 From Alec Baldwin to the Coast to Coast Red Wave - Scotty Films Delivers

>>14918398 Drug Addicts Complain Heroin Was Replaced With Chinese Fentanyl Around Time Of Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal

>>14918416 #18871

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e3d965  No.14919946


>>14916908 Truckers Tired Of Taking Blame For Congestion Crisis At California Ports - Freightwaves.com

>>14916917 The Air Force says nearly 8,500 active duty members of the Air Force and Space Force have missed the deadline for getting COVID-19 vaccinations, including 800 who flatly refused and nearly 5,000 with pending requests for a religious exemption. - AP twat

>>14916937 A Guide to the Management of COVID-19 - FLCCC alliance

>>14916982 Texas Border Protection officers seize over $1.5 Million in meth being smuggled into U.S. by American woman - breaking911

>>14916995, >>14917006, Fauci Staffers Flagged Potential Gain-Of-Function Research At Wuhan Lab In 2016, Records Reveal

>>14917011 Louisiana Court Temporarily Blocks Healthcare Vaccine Mandate - epoch times

>>14917015 Video of the Rittenhouse judge communicating to the ADA, mp4 video of judge doing cut throad sign, kek

>>14917025 ANALYSIS: Governor-Elect Youngkin Promised to End Lockdowns, Stop Vax Mandates, Strip Anti-White CRT from Education - national file

>>14917035 DeSantis unveils plan for new police force to pursue election crimes in Florida - just the news

>>14917042 Another great moment - twat of judge handling automatic machine gun twat

>>14917065 Biden Looks Angry and Wiped Out and Blames President Trump for the Impact on the US of His (Biden’s) Horrible Policies – Americans See Right Through It- gwp

>>14917066 Double-Counting? What Is This Fugazi Vote-Counting Scheme We Have Going on in New Jersey? - townhall

>>14917078 Washington Post Wants Facebook to Shut Down PJ Media and Others for ‘Climate Denial’ - pjmedia

>>14917087 Greenwich to hold recount in tight race for Republican seat on school board - greenwichtime

>>14917121 Lavaca Man Charged in $100 Million COVID-19 Health Care Fraud Scheme - justice.gov

>>14917130 Pharmacy Owner Sentenced to 41 Months in Prison for Role in Multimillion-Dollar Illegal Kickback Scheme and Evading Taxes on Over $33 Million of Income - justice.gov

>>14917132 Ex president of florida black caucus, Florida resident Damara Holness pled guilty to $300k relief fraud

>>14917160 Former state Rep. Luis Arroyo pleads guilty in corruption case - chicago times

>>14917168 Lt. Gov of Virginia Winsome Sears challenges Joy Reid to have her on MSNBC if she's 'woman enough'- thepostmillennial

>>14917184 PEDO BUN 3 November 21

>>14917209 "Shocker": Pentagon Review Finds 'No Misconduct' Or Legal Violations In Kabul Drone Strike That Killed Children - zerohedge

>>14917220 The Corps' New Plan Aims to Treat Marines 'Like Human Beings Instead of Inventory - military.com

>>14917333 PF REPORT - SAM 707 and SAM 438 returning from Europe.

>>14917327, >>14917370, >>14917475, >>14917505, >>14917524, >>14917535 ACLU busts Biden's narrative on payments to illegals / Biden’s Response to a Question About Giving $450,000 to Illegal Aliens in DOJ Settlement Case SHOULD ALARM EVERYONE

>>14917351, >>14917401 Anyone know what this guy is up to? / John Podesta

>>14917431 Video: Iranian gunboats point machine guns, swarm US warship - americanmilitarynews

>>14917510 Jack Posobiec: Pelosi Telling People She Won’t Seek Re-Election After VA Disaster

>>14917521 ICC Launches Investigation Against Venezuela Over Crimes Against Humanity

>>14917561 #18870

Previously Collected Notables

>>14916885 18869

>>14914419 #18866, >>14915212 #18867, >>14916309 #18868

>>14913911 #18863, >>14912877 #18864, >>14913659 #18865

>>14909824 #18860, >>14910585 #18861, >>14911372 #18862

>>14907554 #18857, >>14908333 #18858, >>14909141 #18859

>>14905279 #18854, >>14906081 #18855, >>14906764 #18856

>>14902964 #18851, >>14903723 #18852, >>14904443 #18853

>>14900663 #18848, >>14901428 #18849, >>14902658 #18850

>>14899416 #18845, >>14900265 #18846, >>14899740 #18847

>>14895768 #18842, >>14896556 #18843, >>14897309 #18844

>>14893485 #18839, >>14894246 #18840, >>14895018 #18841

>>14891188 #18836, >>14891957 #18837, >>14892916 #18838

>>14888916 #18833, >>14889685 #18834, >>14890441 #18835

>>14886627 #18830, >>14887384 #18831, >>14888151 #18832

>>14884327 #18827, >>14885008 #18828, >>14885870 #18829

>>14882037 #18824, >>14882806 #18825, >>14883563 #18826

>>14879707 #18821, >>14880459 #18822, >>14881238 #18823

>>14877312 #18818, >>14880151 #18819, >>14878904 #18820

>>14874902 #18815, >>14875719 #18816, >>14876536 #18817

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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e3d965  No.14919947

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

* Whats Tweeting https://onemilliontweetmap.com

* Check Hash Trends https://www.hashtags.org/

* Download Any Videos https://distillvideo.com/

Other Tools

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* The Brain Project: https://bra.in/5jQ7RE

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

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>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

>>14740217 ————————————–——– Japan #3

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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e3d965  No.14919948

File: 8b084b4595df92a⋯.png (2.9 KB, 310x163, 310:163, 2f5f3f1584ef1c983ba121f32a….png)



Kitchen is open

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2f95bf  No.14920346

File: a1e33d6e9ae5f58⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, 5fb497343f2834636a3e7c0198….jpg)

provisional bread is provisional

thanQ shills

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6a5778  No.14920486

File: b2865844c2c7ab2⋯.png (466.32 KB, 753x577, 753:577, elmo_reparations.png)

Well, frens, they just stole another election in plain sight. Virginia was just a bone thrown for optics. They'll triple and quadruple down in '22. Why? Because they know that American men, despite being still in possession of the Second Amendment, won't do jack diddly fucking SQUAT about ANY of it.

Now that the ones stealing the elections are starting to push jabs on children, any response to such an attack is not violent. Self-defense is not violence, it is righteous force.

But go ahead and talk about the wrath of the patient man while your country is dismantled like an animal in a slaughterhouse.

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d85359  No.14920549


who do you think we're supposed to shoot and when?

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c8cbc3  No.14920576

File: 3c04824dece181e⋯.png (594.75 KB, 769x605, 769:605, ClipboardImage.png)


Hey Ray, I didn't realize you were on the back channels.


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33bd5a  No.14920588

File: f8d8449d50e6028⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1030, 108:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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33bd5a  No.14920618

>>14919948, >>14920346

pls correct bread number to #18875

notables from NIGHT TIME E-BAKE Edition #18874


>>14920477 Seems comfy.

>>14920199 it’s almost time

>>14920007, >>14920245, >>14920019, >>14920138 Still over target

>>14920010 New Jersey Voter Fraud

>>14920017 San Fran "Mandates" vax for ages 5-11

>>14920027 This mandatory vaccine shit is like a Jim Jones cult

>>14920102 Take your kids out of the Government Socialist Public School System

>>14920235, >>14920383, >>14920261, >>14920244, >>14920247, >>14920211 news screencap bun

>>14920366 [They] are mad at Tucker.

>>14920412 Early Rollout Vax Injured Claim Ivermectin Successfully Treated Their Paralysis

>>14920419 Power Returns To We The People, [DS] Has No Chance, Red Wave

>>14920430, >>14920511, >>14920514 [WFP] World Funded Pedophiles!

>>14920445 Elon Musk Claims His Mysterious Cyborg Dragon Tesla Is “Almost Done”

>>14920468 RED WAVE: Republican Elected City Attorney In Deep Blue Seattle

>>14920470 "FL Billionaire" bought Sandcastles in NY. It's on 17,000square feet

>>14920488 Rep. Tim Ramthun calls for decertification of Wisconsin’s election.

>>14920493 Dr Rochagné Kilian - Blows the Whistle on Covid-19 Vaccines and D-Dimer Levels

>>14920507 'Watch the water', taking on yet another context.

>>14920508 COP26: World Leaders Tell Us: ‘Do as We Say or We’ll Let You All Die’

>>14920519 Pelosi Telling People She Won’t Seek Re-Election After VA Disaster

>>14920530 Health care veteran: Minnesota is not ‘forthcoming’ with breakthrough numbers; against the “message”?

>>14920565, >>14920570 Can you feel it Anons? (storm watch)

>>14920605 Here comes another wave of bullshit.

updated dough


barker signing off

kitchen is ghost

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6a9b22  No.14920646


>A regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial.

>In a list of “action items” circulated among Ventavia leaders in early August 2020, shortly after the trial began and before Jackson’s hiring, a Ventavia executive identified three site staff members with whom to “Go over e-diary issue/falsifying data, etc.” One of them was “verbally counseled for changing data and not noting late entry,” a note indicates.

>The next morning, 25 September 2020, Jackson called the FDA to warn about unsound practices in Pfizer’s clinical trial at Ventavia. She then reported her concerns in an email to the agency. In the afternoon Ventavia fired Jackson—deemed “not a good fit,” according to her separation letter.

>Jackson has provided The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails.




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6a9b22  No.14920647



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955b36  No.14920650

File: 44bcc192b795271⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB, 480x640, 3:4, Lets_go_Brandon.mp4)

Hey, Brandon, wazzzz up?!?!?!?!

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d65765  No.14920659

File: 8e3e9de51467087⋯.jpg (498.88 KB, 902x692, 451:346, 320L_FullGround.jpg)

Morning folks and shitbags can a kind anon post the cointel pro image I need for another battle.

thanks in advance!

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955b36  No.14920665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

She deserves moar views, get the fuck up there.

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955b36  No.14920668

Is this bread closed?

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3c33ae  No.14920699


Did Podesta get indicted yesterday does anyone know?

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af6e60  No.14920768


go back to bed moran

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aaaf87  No.14920782

File: 1c0a2f10cbfc81a⋯.jpg (250.73 KB, 1080x886, 540:443, Screenshot_20211104_063554….jpg)

I'm sorry Ron, this could not be more wrong. I'm not buying it. Either mil intervened in the personnel, stopped the steal electronically, or this VA gov-elect is not /ourguy. He's up to his eyeballs in the Carlyle group, which bodes like a crossbones with Geronimo's skull.

These people will just change numbers in the computer system to make the corrupt win, even if 99% vote for the non-corrupt candidate. They don't give a damn what happens. They must be physically stopped, or this will continue. The fox won't stop plucking the hens from the henhouse so long as he's still allowed to be in charge of it.

Nice try.

So what actually happened in VA?

Did they stop the steal?

Is youngkin another Bush loyalist neocon?

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3edf49  No.14920783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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161531  No.14920784

File: 6a14e39f73f3006⋯.png (577.75 KB, 848x421, 848:421, COMFEFE_COVFEFE.png)


TYB. Mornin' anons.

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ccc5dc  No.14920785

File: 958a60af4905ae6⋯.jpeg (19.77 KB, 255x255, 1:1, b5f0f988f7a8ab108bcde214b….jpeg)

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22bdfc  No.14920786

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, 8C95BAB0_4448_4CF8_AE24_61….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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ccc5dc  No.14920787

File: b47bdabb9e41183⋯.jpg (29.69 KB, 359x450, 359:450, b47bdabb9e41183688fd86d6f7….jpg)

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aaaf87  No.14920788


Morning, Sam.

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cddfee  No.14920789

I wanna know who did it. 🤷‍♂️

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3edf49  No.14920790

File: 2a299452bf6f7d3⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 253x204, 253:204, file_store_1.jpg)

When the bread is stale and the kitchen is closed.

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e19024  No.14920791

File: c10100349662bf4⋯.jpg (162.95 KB, 732x645, 244:215, 2021_11_04_063922.jpg)


"Crimes against humanity."

Children aged five to 11 will be forced to prove they are vaccinated if they want to enter restaurants and entertainment venues in San Francisco, officials have said.

The progressive city became the first in the country to impose strict vaccine mandates for indoor venues in August for all children and adults over 12.

Now, City officials plan to extend such requirements to children as young as five and made the announcement at a town hall meeting Tuesday, the same day the CDC granted emergency approval for that age group to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech shot.

However, the CDC's decision to approve the vaccine for the five to 11 age group has caused a storm of controversy nationwide, with opponents pointing to the fact there is little evidence to suggest vaccinating young children is necessary.

Data shows Covid poses a low risk to the age group, with children accounting for less than 0.1 percent of the more than 750,000 Covid-related deaths in America.

The decision means the US becomes one of the first countries in the world to officially approve jabs for this age group, with scientists in Britain warning officials there against 'blindly' following America and recommending the jab to age group.

There have been more than 1.9 million cases of Covid-19 among five- to 11-year-olds in the United States, and more than 8,300 hospitalizations, more than 2,300 cases of MIS-C (pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome), and around 100 deaths.

Polls suggest many parents are not likely to have their kids vaccinated, with one poll finding around a third would 'definitely not'.

A further third said in the poll they would 'wait and see' and five percent said they would 'only if required'. Meanwhile, just 27 percent of parents questioned said they would get their children vaccinated 'right away'.

San Francisco Health Officer Susan Philip said the city would give children roughly two months to get fully vaccinated before they must show their vaccination passports or be turned away from local establishments.

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13f2a0  No.14920792

File: 770cd110f627011⋯.png (170.67 KB, 576x769, 576:769, Screenshots_2021_11_04_03_….png)

Ciattarelli hasn't conceded. This is a tweet from his communications director.


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36517c  No.14920793

File: e815571e2a226b3⋯.jpeg (293.83 KB, 1461x968, 1461:968, e815571e2a226b372387d55c3….jpeg)

File: cf1a06da63bd72d⋯.png (846.65 KB, 504x896, 9:16, df7f5f865afbe4cca7722f8e26….png)

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13d855  No.14920794

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4fe609  No.14920796

File: 1e46558c5cf1a53⋯.jpg (62.46 KB, 550x995, 110:199, 5e8f9cc304cb977d5.jpg)

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b92c64  No.14920797


Don't think I didn't notice, you will be docked…

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02fd38  No.14920798

File: 7780ea80e602249⋯.jpg (214.39 KB, 1602x1606, 801:803, floodchan1_8_.jpg)


good mornings



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22bdfc  No.14920801


Sorry, had alarm troubles

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378ca5  No.14920802

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frens, I'm sure you all know about Garrett Ziegler and the MarcoPolo organization, and our work to expose the crimes in the Hunter Biden laptop and other related crimes of the Biden Crime Family and their cohorts in government & industry (we sometimes call it the Biden Crime Syndicate; it fits).

MarcoPolo.guru recently became MarcoPoloUSA.org, and we've opened a board here on 8kun - it's called The Polo Grounds. We did it because we're hoping Anons will help us to dig on some people and organizations to help pursue some of the crimes exposed in the laptop. Everyone knows that QR, as well as /pol/ and a few other boards on the chans, have produced incredible results in finding things out. The Autists are here. TG is a nice platform but it's not what Autists and Anons prefer, so we have come to you.

Here's what The Polo Grounds is not about:

- It isn't another Q Research

- It isn't an attraction to get you away from your favorite boards

We're asking for your help; we're not trying to build a narrative, a forum slide or anything else that would affect your work here. We don't have any agenda other than MAGA and getting justice.

The embed vid is a short message from Garrett about this (he's not an Anon, but he has some appreciation of the fact that frens who are here prefer to be here because of the anonymity.)

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

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0e1539  No.14920803

File: 68018e8a811332e⋯.png (380.97 KB, 851x1112, 851:1112, ClipboardImage.png)

Guidance Counselor Once Honored at White House Is Charged for Child Porn

It was the Obama WH.. go figure.

Anon knows a few Lefties whose kids go to this school and never thought pedos were a big problem. May this be their redpill moment.


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b92c64  No.14920804


Your alarm should be the atomic clock in your head…

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378ca5  No.14920808

File: 154fc98e1b390de⋯.png (16.68 KB, 514x133, 514:133, MP_Dolphin.png)


Apologies - here's the link to the Polo Grounds


I suggest a quick read-thru of the Welcome/Tutorial bread - none of you need the tutorial, but it has some info on how the Polo Grounds board works; it's a bit different from QR.

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36517c  No.14920809

File: fc8d5fd379988cf⋯.jpeg (23.87 KB, 360x240, 3:2, FDTeu4pWQAQm_YV.jpeg)

File: 640400d51e6c303⋯.png (107.23 KB, 766x702, 383:351, 41.png)

File: e20e46c5ef3612c⋯.jpg (12.74 KB, 255x173, 255:173, e20e46c5ef3612c0c989870943….jpg)

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bdc7dd  No.14920811

=Q Research General #18875: Kenosha Kid For the Win Edition





New Bake

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36517c  No.14920812


Boards been FOOKED since a planefag posted Russian Air command up in the air suppertime yesterday.

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737ea3  No.14920813

File: 30acab8f723b7ca⋯.png (626.03 KB, 1143x2048, 1143:2048, Screenshot_20211104_040142.png)

House Democrats Suddenly Agree on Passing Both Bills


Playbook: “For now, the GOP sweep in Virginia and Dems’ razor-thin victory in New Jersey seem to have done what months of negotiations on the Hill could not: force moderates and progressives into line on passing both bills.”

“There’s a sense among Dems that if they just stop the bickering and get something done, they might be able to reverse what looks to be a devastating trajectory for the party heading into the midterms. Underscoring this feeling, Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) retweeted moderate leader Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) saying that the message from the election was ‘loud and clear’: Democrats need to pass both bills ASAP. Not a pairing we see every day.”

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6a3478  No.14920814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See | Hidden Agendas


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e19024  No.14920815



"familiarity breeds contempt."

"absence helps the heart grow fonder."

Good Morning Sam.

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19e35b  No.14920816

File: a75f4064a58ec66⋯.png (332.52 KB, 424x338, 212:169, snd.PNG)

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ef4d4c  No.14920818

File: 1fac4f40103e2d0⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1602x1606, 801:803, ClipboardImage.png)

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3edf49  No.14920819


Top Kek

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e19024  No.14920821


Vile mother fuckers! They want to split this country apart.

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cddfee  No.14920822

… I'm going for a swim. What are you doing?

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e99e6b  No.14920824


watch the water

that thing's not what it appears

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cddfee  No.14920825

… I'm sexy in water.

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65d23d  No.14920827

File: c56107f92ce9aa8⋯.png (208.36 KB, 393x417, 131:139, USFLEETFORCES1.png)

File: fba2ed5216a06ba⋯.png (326.66 KB, 552x515, 552:515, USFLEETFORCES2PROOF.png)

File: c8cc61ebf4841ba⋯.png (44.25 KB, 638x603, 638:603, POTUSORDEROFSUCCESSION.png)

File: 2069ed98597c261⋯.png (444.34 KB, 1198x414, 599:207, SECDEFtoVPJCS1_4.png)

>>14919128 PB

Help me out here, fellowAnons…

Could there be "another" Special Visitor, and/or reason for a visit from VJCS?

In looking at the line of succession, (and knowing that #1,2,3,4 and 5 are guilty AF/ineligible) would SecDef be up for POTUS, once 11.3 takes effect- until the real POTUS can rightfully return to the WH?

Tryin to get a bead on the eventuality of "The Plan"

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3edf49  No.14920828


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e99e6b  No.14920829

File: bbc28d9348fa106⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1896x1522, 948:761, Screen_Shot_2020_05_06_at_….png)



i see our flag was still there again

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cddfee  No.14920830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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0340fc  No.14920833


how is it fresh if the dough is unchanged?

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3cf5ec  No.14920835

File: 5cc5f7e3255c668⋯.png (175.65 KB, 1907x882, 1907:882, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e281ec188543769⋯.png (197.51 KB, 1907x833, 1907:833, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90ecb460a95e64e⋯.png (179.43 KB, 1907x882, 1907:882, ClipboardImage.png)

Woke up thinking about the experiment in the 70's where college students were assigned to be prison guards or prisoners. Looked it up and came across this article: 7 Famous Pyschology Experiments which includes The Stanford Prison Experiment . Stanford Prison Experiment had to be stopped after six days b/c the "guards" became too sadistic and the "prisoners" became too depressed. Also listed in the 7 experiments was the 1920 "Little Albert" experiment at Johns Hopkins which traumatized a 9 month old child using a white rabbit….hmmm

7 experiments article: https://archive.ph/JYsVP)

Stanford Prison dot org: https://www.prisonexp.org/

Stanford Prison story: https://www.prisonexp.org/the-story

Listed in the 7 experiments article was The Asch Conformity study; different sauce outlines variations on the original Asch study that have been carried out:

Solomon Asch - Conformity Experiment By Dr. Saul McLeod, updated Dec 28, 2018

Asch used a lab experiment to study conformity, whereby 50 male students from Swarthmore College in the USA participated in a ‘vision test.’

Using a line judgment task, Asch put a naive participant in a room with seven confederates/stooges. The confederates had agreed in advance what their responses would be when presented with the line task.

The real participant did not know this and was led to believe that the other seven confederates/stooges were also real participants like themselves. ….

Each person in the room had to state aloud which comparison line (A, B or C) was most like the target line. The answer was always obvious. The real participant sat at the end of the row and gave his or her answer last.

There were 18 trials in total, and the confederates gave the wrong answer on 12 trails (called the critical trials). Asch was interested to see if the real participant would conform to the majority view.

Asch measured the number of times each participant conformed to the majority view. On average, about one third (32%) of the participants who were placed in this situation went along and conformed with the clearly incorrect majority on the critical trials.

Over the 12 critical trials, about 75% of participants conformed at least once, and 25% of participants never conformed.

This part was very intrasting: "Optimum conformity effects (32%) were found with a majority of 3. Increasing the size of the majority beyond three did not increase the levels of conformity found. Brown and Byrne (1997) suggest that people might suspect collusion if the majority rises beyond three or four.

According to Hogg & Vaughan (1995), the most robust finding is that conformity reaches its full extent with 3-5 person majority, with additional members having little effect.

sauce: https://archive.ph/VBZ8K

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aaaf87  No.14920838

File: 50e814ed81385d3⋯.jpeg (83.01 KB, 500x756, 125:189, download_7_.jpeg)


Beats me, fren.

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afc20a  No.14920840




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cddfee  No.14920844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

… your next movie.


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311c43  No.14920848

>>14918855 pb Notable

While the water is important for certain, also consider these chemicals and how they contaminate the soil. They’re called superfund sites. Have a look. Right under our noses. Link below if interested.


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afc20a  No.14920851


Brandon was in the center in Rome.




in the mirror




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672d72  No.14920853

The freemasonic mechanism can't be trusted





and is being trusted


and those who should do something, do nothing.

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cf4664  No.14920857

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 339x195, 113:65, 5kuz14.gif)


>Morning, Frenz

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afc20a  No.14920859


darkness is near, only candel souls will shine.

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99c6db  No.14920865

Morning anons…

Slow am…calm before?

We are CLOSE!

Morning 8200…what do you think?

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dff51d  No.14920867

File: 6d221d077a0ef8f⋯.png (507.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Hold_the_line.png)

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c84b5a  No.14920869

File: b63c0f6638a0e36⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 716x536, 179:134, LT_2.jpg)


Mornin Sam

carry on…

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7b0db1  No.14920882

File: b8b26151362e4d4⋯.png (451.52 KB, 599x880, 599:880, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_11….png)

#OTD 1979, Iranian students seized the American Embassy in Tehran and took 66 Americans hostage. Fifty-two of the hostages, including 6 CIA officers, remained in captivity for 444 days. Hours after President Reagan was sworn in the hostages were released.


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7b0db1  No.14920885

File: 6b3cf62d1ad31f0⋯.png (264.69 KB, 606x672, 101:112, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_11….png)

The July 2020 incident is the first known case of a "modified unmanned aircraft system likely being used in the United States to specifically target energy infrastructure," the memo states.


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afc20a  No.14920889

Black face matters.

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5df34c  No.14920891

As usual the trainime fag juveniles appear and the breads get fucked up

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364d48  No.14920892

File: ad0dcc422a41438⋯.png (616.98 KB, 632x632, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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29e962  No.14920894

File: f93892f2ed7e5b3⋯.png (235.97 KB, 480x358, 240:179, cristo.png)


There is a joke in Brazil:

Q. Why will there never be a military coup in the US?

A. Because there is no American Embassy there.

Many a true word spoken in jest.

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3cf5ec  No.14920899

File: cabaa8b7791d16f⋯.png (814.09 KB, 1928x892, 482:223, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14920835 (me)

>using a white rabbit

Not true - anon (me) misread the article. It was a variety of different objects: "As reported by Simply Psychology, Watson would introduce an infant to a variety of animals. If the infant did not display fear of the animals, the doctor would introduce a "loud, fear-arousing sound" while the infant was interacting with one of the animals — in an attempt to condition the infant to fear the animal. Watson also wanted to determine whether the fear would transfer to other animals or objects that resembled the animal, and how long the conditioned fear would persist.

The subject of Watson's experiment was a 9-month-old infant, who was identified only as Albert B. In the beginning stages of the Little Albert experiment, Watson and his graduate student, Rosalie Rayner, introduced the infant to a monkey, a rabbit, a white rat, and a variety of masks. Simply Psychology reports the infant did not display any signs of fear while interacting with the animals or the masks. However, he did have a fearful response to a loud noise, which was made by striking a metal pipe with a hammer."


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364d48  No.14920904

File: 665f3452698edd2⋯.png (102.34 KB, 378x241, 378:241, ClipboardImage.png)

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c84b5a  No.14920908

File: 819ef75e85b9d73⋯.jpg (130.2 KB, 1028x657, 1028:657, Capture.JPG)

QAnon supporters gather in downtown Dallas expecting JFK Jr. to reappear

Some believe the reappearance of John F. Kennedy’s son, who died in a plane crash in 1999, will bring about the reinstatement of Donald Trump as president.


Scores of QAnon believers gathered Tuesday afternoon in downtown Dallas in the hopes that John F. Kennedy Jr. would appear, heralding the reinstatement of Donald Trump as president.

The supporters first gathered Monday night in downtown Dallas, and about 1 p.m. Tuesday there were several hundred people near Dealey Plaza, where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.

Kennedy’s son died in a plane crash in 1999 at age 38, but some supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory believe that he has spent the last 22 years in hiding. They think John F. Kennedy Jr. will reappear at the plaza before midnight Tuesday, Newsweek reported.

Here at Dealey Plaza, where hundreds of QAnon supporters have gathered expecting JFK Jr to reveal himself where his father was assassinated. (JFK Jr. died in a plane crash in 1999.) pic.twitter.com/jssBXpf4iM — Michael Williams (@michaeldamianw) November 2, 2021

One post from a widely followed QAnon social media account said that after Trump was reinstated as president, he would step down and JFK Jr. would become president. Then former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn would be appointed as his vice president and Trump would ultimately become the “king of kings,” according to Newsweek.

Experts who have been following QAnon since its inception said that even they were surprised by the number of people who showed up Tuesday in Dallas.

QAnon supporters gather along Elm Street at Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas on Nov. 2, 2021. The group believes John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in plane crash in 1999, will return and reinstate Donald Trump as president. (Elias Valverde II/The Dallas Morning News)(Elias Valverde II / Staff Photographer)

”Frankly, I’m kind of shocked at how many people turned out for this,” said Jared Holt, a resident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab who researches domestic extremism. “This wasn’t a widespread belief, even among QAnon followers.”

The QAnon conspiracy theory centers on fealty to Trump, who adherents believe will dismantle a shadowy “Deep State,” which they believe comprises leftist politicians and celebrities who are pedophiles.

Law enforcement groups, including the FBI, have warned of the dangers of real-world violence by followers of the movement. QAnon believers were well-represented during the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

In 2019, a supporter of the movement allegedly gunned down a reputed underboss of the Gambino crime family ― an act The New York Times described as “the most high-profile mob killing in decades.” Earlier this year, a California man said the conspiracy theory led him to kill his two children, NPR reported.


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c84b5a  No.14920910


QAnon is an umbrella group, in which different segments don’t always agree on ideologies, Holt said. He believes Tuesday’s event grew out of chat channels that are obsessed with numerology.

Posts in those channels indicated JFK Jr. would reveal himself Tuesday, but Holt said he was uncertain why believers decided he would pick Dallas, the site of his father’s death, of all places, to reveal himself.

While it may be hard not to laugh at some of the theory’s more outlandish claims, Holt said the fact that such a large group was able to mobilize in person is concerning.

“If they’re willing to show up to the Grassy Knoll thinking JFK Jr. is coming back, it scares me to think of what happens when they get real power,” he said.


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ef4d4c  No.14920917



"Staged"by the left, to make people who follow Q look like complete nutjobs.

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727d2d  No.14920919


replace the long dash (–) after /voooy7 with a single dash. Forum seems to convert these double dashes to a single long dash and messes up the link. Happens every time with his videos.


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19e35b  No.14920920

U.S. traffic deaths soar 18% in 2021

> never have seen so many people drive in the middle of the road, over the yellow line, even around blind turns. It's a 'tard trend. like the obsession with backing into your parking space even when there are pullthroughs all over the place.

> Connection to the poison jab?. (My sister manages a group of sales reps.. She says most of those that are vaxed are not able to do their jobs anywhere near the level they did before the jab. She has had to take away a portion of their work and redistribute it as she is not permitted to let them go.



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0340fc  No.14920925

File: 7b921cf9b89ca89⋯.png (55.29 KB, 572x811, 572:811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 895943df5ebf5fe⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1920x926, 960:463, ClipboardImage.png)


the epitome of

[Be Careful Who You Follow]

also israel made a zepplin

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eb364a  No.14920928

File: 07d94d9ab8ed23f⋯.jpg (113.37 KB, 664x960, 83:120, 07d94d9ab8ed23f4e1642a0607….jpg)

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29e962  No.14920934


Speaking of Diplomatic licence plate codes, when I was in Rio back in 2012, I followed the arrest of a Drug trafficking gang security chief live on TV (as I listened to the news and police helicopters above my head).

What I found most interesting and could not understand at the time, was that, according to initial reports, he was found, along with millions of Reais, in the trunk of a car bearing Turkish diplomatic plates. Now, post Q, I understand the full breadth and extent of the global corruption.

I tried to search online recently to confirm the details, but it seems any mention of the involvement of a vehicle with Turkish Diplomatic plates has been scrubbed from the net.

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c006eb  No.14920937

File: b89a29f22b24234⋯.png (211.98 KB, 1545x858, 515:286, ClipboardImage.png)

Space Weather Message Code: ALTK07

Serial Number: 119

Issue Time: 2021 Nov 04 0934 UTC

ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 7

Threshold Reached: 2021 Nov 04 0934 UTC

Synoptic Period: 0900-1200 UTC

Active Warning: Yes

NOAA Scale: G3 - Strong

Potential Impacts

- Area of impact primarily pole-ward of 50 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude.

Induced Currents

- Power system voltage irregularities possible, false alarms may be triggered on some protection devices.


- Systems may experience surface charging; increased drag on low Earth-orbit satellites and orientation problems may occur.

- Surface charging may occur on satellite components

- Corrections may be needed for orientation problems.


- Intermittent satellite navigation (GPS) problems, including loss-of-lock and increased range error may occur.


- HF (high frequency) radio may be intermittent.


- Aurora may be seen as low as Pennsylvania to Iowa to Oregon.


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eb364a  No.14920938

File: 360b2011a160e55⋯.png (536.47 KB, 1766x1623, 1766:1623, 1635583182198.png)


good morning sir

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afc20a  No.14920941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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29e962  No.14920943

File: 480737cec140ed9⋯.png (687.48 KB, 627x481, 627:481, jfk_jr_time_is_ripe.png)


And so we see the progression of the R larp that was heavily pushed on here.

The first I heard of the expected resurrection of Jr was once this fake news story broke.

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65d23d  No.14920944

Why are there two active breads?

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c84b5a  No.14920955






>Q Research General #18875: Kenosha Kid For the Win Edition

move to this bread

baker/bv, lock the second #18874 bread

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672d72  No.14920968

Dear God,

if you can hear me, i am too weak to do something and the minds of everyone else seems to be rotten as to act against the massive corruption that grew to the most powerfull influence on the human race, the freemasonic.

Those people who keep the freemasonic alive have to be removed by your hand, oh lord.

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afc20a  No.14920979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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672d72  No.14920983



>If Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad becomes the next U.S. Ambassador to China, he may want to leave any Masonic symbols at home.

Which means, Branstad is a freemason.

Also, note, ccp banned freemason because

>Masonic groups usually run into trouble in Communist countries because of their secret meetings

well known fact those secret meetings, and if people of high ranks contribute to those secret meetings its basiclley considered as cheating. Don't know why other coutnries allowe this(?),..anyhow.

Here is the big shoe:

>Branstad accepted President-elect Donald Trump’s job offer Wednesday

>Branstad accepted President-elect Donald Trump’s job offer Wednesday

>Branstad accepted President-elect Donald Trump’s job offer Wednesday

>Branstad accepted President-elect Donald Trump’s job offer Wednesday

posted at the end of last bread, sudden bread splitt and derail.

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afc20a  No.14920985

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21cf74  No.14920988

File: a624beb4bb1c3f3⋯.jpg (80.83 KB, 853x428, 853:428, 2u9vv7.jpg)

Matt Best was just on Faux & Fiends to announce a $1bn + deal to take Black Rifle Coffee public. I seem to remember anons positing after Little Evan went on his tirade against Kyle Rittenhouse that is was an effort to distance themselves from MAGA so that they could acquire swamp capitol. It seems they weren't wrong.

Anyone still drinking BRC is asshoe.

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afc20a  No.14920997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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672d72  No.14921001

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c84b5a  No.14921004






>Q Research General #18875: Kenosha Kid For the Win Edition

^^^^^ move to bread 18875 ^^^^^

Baker/BV, lock this second #18874 bread

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afc20a  No.14921015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Take the vaxx, you fuck.

The planet is overpopulated, I want to save you.

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c84b5a  No.14921018






>Q Research General #18875: Kenosha Kid For the Win Edition

^^^^^ Move to bread 18875 ^^^^^

Baker/BV, lock this second #18874 bread

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c84b5a  No.14921020






>Q Research General #18875: Kenosha Kid For the Win Edition

^^^^^ Move to Bread 18875 ^^^^^

Baker/BV, lock this second #18874 bread

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e9230a  No.14921021


other bread memed it better.

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c84b5a  No.14921025






>Q Research General #18875: Kenosha Kid For the Win Edition

^^^^^ Move to Bread 18875 ^^^^^

Baker/BV, please lock this second #18874 bread

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b27b83  No.14921058


R = Radziwill . . . .

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5df34c  No.14921060

File: 395954b800a8f21⋯.png (71.22 KB, 660x310, 66:31, hawley_j.png)

flipping through news

first glimpse of this pic

… something looks off

shape in the window over his right shoulder???

maybe I'm a bit sensitive today but just saying

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c84b5a  No.14921064






>Q Research General #18875: Kenosha Kid For the Win Edition

^^^^^ Move to bread 18875 ^^^^^

Baker/BV, Please lock this second #18874 bread

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4d7874  No.14921119

File: b1dc8cb6e17850f⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1733x954, 1733:954, fauxratings.png)

File: 381e25764f58263⋯.png (733.17 KB, 1631x952, 233:136, MikeLfaux2.png)

PULL them, Mike. MUCH lesser-known LEGITIMATE NEWS outlets could make good use of expanded budgets!

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c8cbc3  No.14921125

File: 783531f700995e6⋯.png (573.53 KB, 630x539, 90:77, comey_bait.png)

File: b8d951624b94322⋯.png (582.29 KB, 878x543, 878:543, MAGA_Feds.png)


Just business as usual


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c84b5a  No.14921153






>Q Research General #18875: Kenosha Kid For the Win Edition

^^^^^ move to bread 18875 ^^^^^

Baker/BV, please lock this second #18874 bread

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99c6db  No.14921209

File: f723fb70c8a77a2⋯.png (1.14 MB, 984x1204, 246:301, Screen_Shot_2021_11_04_at_….png)

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09d011  No.14921269

File: 1e8b06310b41f32⋯.png (577.12 KB, 721x480, 721:480, fat_ass_hillary.png)

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8e0dc4  No.14921288

File: 0f0d286db4616b0⋯.jpeg (440.98 KB, 1080x946, 540:473, 0f0d286db4616b0b59072568d….jpeg)



President Trump interview with John Fredericks

3 Nov. 2021


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b95a53  No.14921389

going with this one because an anime muhjooshill would never say #SAVETHEAUSSIES

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b95a53  No.14921407


wrong bread pedo

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706604  No.14921454

File: d45ca340f4bbbfd⋯.png (234.63 KB, 642x495, 214:165, Father_Died_Injection_3.png)

Father died following a 3rd Injection

Telegram channel: The Imperfect Individual

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146c48  No.14921481


Looks like the lamestream media got scooped again.

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146c48  No.14921526


The operative word there is "incomprehensible." They didn't comprehend the risk and danger of being a test subject in a untested gene therapy injection.

This is clearly an intelligence test.

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1fc520  No.14921592

Fauci Doesn't Sound like himself today. Where is his accent?

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1fc520  No.14921606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1ec3da  No.14921626

File: 323261b24898310⋯.jpeg (77.98 KB, 1202x230, 601:115, Screenshot_2021_11_02_223….jpeg)

Steele dossier researcher arrested in Durham probe: report

A researcher who gathered information for the Steele Dossier was reportedly arrested by federal authorities on Thursday.

The New York Times,Tciting people familiar with the matter, said analyst Igor Danchenko has been arrested in connection to the special counsel investigation headed by John Durham, who was appointed during the Trump administration to probe the FBI’s inquiry into Russian interference.

The controversial Steele Dossier was a 35-page document, later leaked, that pulled together intelligence on potential links between former President Trump and Russia.


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cd0c53  No.14921900

File: 3558d87e86a74ad⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1112x2642, 556:1321, 11_4_2021_A1_Igor_Danchenk….png)

Igor Danchenko, source for Steele dossier, arrested as part of Durham probe


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70ba22  No.14922105

January 6th is a very old Mystery religions holiday.

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a05549  No.14922152

this lady seems nice too bad she wants to pressure me to get a medical procedure i don't need or want and think could harm me

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cb3add  No.14922165


Marker 11.4?

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cb3add  No.14922174

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93cc81  No.14922254



In Athens and the Attica of the Classical period, the main festivities were held in the month of Elaphebolion (around the time of the Spring Equinox) where the Greater, or City, Dionysia had evolved into a great drama festival - Dionysos having become the god of acting, music and poetic inspiration for the Athenians - as well as an urban carnival or Komos. Its older precursor had been demoted to the Lesser, or Rural, Dionysia, though preserved more ancient customs centred on a celebration of the first wine. This festival was timed to coincide with the "clearing of the wine," a final stage in the fermentation process occurring in the first cold snap after the Winter Solstice, when it was declared Dionysos was reborn. This event was later explicitly set to January 6, a day on which water was also turned to wine by Dionysos in a separate myth. The festivals at this time were much wilder too, as were the festivities of the grape harvest, and its "carnival-esque" ritual processions from the vineyards to the wine press, which had occurred earlier in the autumn. It was at these times that initiations into the Mysteries were probably originally held.

In sharp contrast to the daytime festivities of the Athenian Dionysia were the biennial nocturnal rites of the Tristeria, held on Mount Parnassus in the Winter. These celebrated the emergence of Dionysos from the underworld with wild orgies in the mountains. The first day of which was presided over by the Maenads, in their state of Mainomenos ("madness") in which an extreme atavistic state was achieved, during which animals were hunted - and, in some lurid tales, even human beings - before being torn apart with bare hands and eaten raw (this being the infamous Sparagmos, said to have been once associated with goat sacrifice, marking the harvesting and trampling of the vine). The second day saw the Bacchic Nymphs in their Thyiadic ("raving") state, a more sensual and benign Bacchanal assisted by satyrs, though still orgiastic. The mythographers would explain this with claims that the Maenads, or wild women, were the resisters of the Bacchic urge, sent mad, while the Thyiades, or ravers, had accepted the Dionysiac ecstasy and kept their sanity.

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621c99  No.14922279


It's happening

Authorities Arrest Analyst Who Contributed to Steele Dossier

Igor Danchenko, a Russia analyst who worked with Christopher Steele, the author of a dossier of rumors and unproven assertions about Donald J. Trump, was taken into custody as part of the Durham investigation.

Igor Danchenko was a primary researcher of the so-called Steele dossier.

Igor Danchenko was a primary researcher of the so-called Steele dossier.

By Adam Goldman and Charlie Savage

Nov. 4, 2021

Updated 9:59 a.m. ET

WASHINGTON — Federal authorities on Thursday arrested an analyst who in 2016 gathered leads about possible links between Donald J. Trump and Russia for what turned out to be Democratic-funded opposition research, according to people familiar with the matter.

The arrest of the analyst, Igor Danchenko, is part of the special counsel inquiry led by John H. Durham, who was appointed by the Trump administration to scrutinize the Russia investigation for any wrongdoing, the people said.

Mr. Danchenko, was the primary researcher of the so-called Steele dossier, a compendium of rumors and unproven assertions suggesting that Mr. Trump and his 2016 campaign were compromised by and conspiring with Russian intelligence officials in Moscow’s covert operation to help him defeat Hillary Clinton.

The people familiar with the matter spoke on condition of anonymity because the indictment of Mr. Danchenko had yet to be unsealed. A spokesman for Mr. Durham did not respond to a request for comment.

Some claims from the Steele dossier made their way into an F.B.I. wiretap application targeting a former Trump campaign adviser in October 2016. Other portions of it — particularly a salacious claim about a purported sex tape — caused a political and media firestorm when Buzzfeed published the materials in January 2017, shortly before Mr. Trump was sworn in.

But most of the important claims in the dossier — which was written by Mr. Danchenko’s employer, Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent — have not been proven, and some have been refuted. F.B.I. agents interviewed Mr. Danchenko in 2017 when they were seeking to run down the claims in the dossier.

The interview suggested that aspects of the dossier were misleading: Mr. Steele left unclear that much of the material was thirdhand information, and some of what Mr. Danchenko — who was born in Russia but lives in the United States — had relayed was more speculative than the dossier implied.

A 2019 investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general sharply criticized the F.B.I. for continuing to cite material from the dossier after the bureau interviewed Mr. Danchenko without alerting judges that some of what he said had cast doubt on the contents of the dossier.

The inspector general report also said that a decade earlier, when Mr. Danchenko worked for the Brookings Institution, a prominent Washington think-tank, he had been the subject of a counterintelligence investigation into whether he was a Russian agent.

Mr. Durham has been known to be interested in Mr. Danchenko and the Steele dossier saga. In February, he used a subpoena to obtain old personnel files and other documents related to Mr. Danchenko from the Brookings Institution, where Mr. Danchenko had worked from 2005 until 2010.

The charges against Mr. Danchenko follow Mr. Durham’s indictment in September of a cybersecurity lawyer, Michael Sussmann, which accused him of lying to the F.B.I. about who he was working for when he brought concerns about possible Trump-Russia links to the bureau in September 2016.

Mr. Sussmann, who then also worked for Perkins Coie, was relaying concerns developed by data scientists about odd internet logs they said suggested the possibility of a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, a Kremlin-linked financial institution. He has denied lying to the F.B.I. about who he was working for.


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6a14b1  No.14922290

File: b2fb465eba16737⋯.jpg (127.74 KB, 1282x718, 641:359, squids.jpg)

Q, Q+ and Anons. On the metaphysical Spiritual Warfare side, it is obvious that we are dealing with an enemy of humanity that is literally feeding on our electrical energy. An enemy out of this world that is in the shadows right next to us. The Invisible Enemy of humanity. Our negative emotional energy that is generated from fear and trauma. Our thoughts are invaded by this enemy and we are in a constant fight or flight mode. Q, Q+ is this why The Wall is for so much more? Is this what Space Force is really about. This is the real enemy. Somehow a wall between us and them was broken and they have illegally invaded the realm. CERN? But it seems they have been here through all recorded history. Are they the ones that cause the mass extinction events? The controllers? If humanity was not a food source for [them] what would this amazing realm be like? From your drop about the Matrix. It is hard to imagine but I feel like it would be the most magnificent place. Q how do we get humanity united in the Spiritual Warfare? We are divided by so many things. Ultimately we are in this Spiritual Battle the biggest battle of our times it seems. Q what about all those children that have been abused and tortured…..can they be healed? Can that emotional trauma be removed from them? If it can be and I have high hopes that it can that means all of us can heal. Q, Q+ we really need you to come back and be beacon for us. Can you give us a sign?

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18d0ed  No.14922331

File: d7965eed5b650d9⋯.jpeg (68.5 KB, 500x375, 4:3, C6D18AA5_9595_4273_9187_7….jpeg)

File: dedc5d758ca02e8⋯.jpeg (210.72 KB, 717x657, 239:219, F8B50E5B_6493_456F_AEF1_0….jpeg)


When does the Joe & Hunter Biden corruption charges come down?

On National tv Joe Biden talked about how he extorted the Ukrainian govt to fire a prosecutor who was investigating Joe/Hunter Biden’s crimes!

That Gas Pipeline that Biden let Putin open up to Europe? Only 10% goes to Pop!

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6b111d  No.14922333

Hi there, can someone tell me what time does the kyle rittenhouse trial start today

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6b111d  No.14922357

+- hour im on the other side of the world and would like to watch

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6b111d  No.14922374

+- in how many hours im on the other side of the worl and would like to watch

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c4617f  No.14922375

File: 234e8acc4c8557b⋯.png (5.96 MB, 1634x2048, 817:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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75cf70  No.14922376


When it is the next logical step in the process. We have to wake up the retards first.

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75cf70  No.14922413


Chekt. Day 3. I think it started already.

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6b111d  No.14922425


Ok thanks I thought it will be day 4

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75cf70  No.14922426

File: 91d83a316020be3⋯.png (226.3 KB, 675x515, 135:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08050dd2826e5b1⋯.png (183.75 KB, 484x360, 121:90, ClipboardImage.png)

Are we filling up this bred?

Juror in Kyle Rittenhouse trial excused for telling offensive joke

A juror in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial was excused Thursday for telling a deputy an offensive joke.


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75cf70  No.14922430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here ya go fren.

I found this one.


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b70ba2  No.14922446

9/11 = COVID "bioweapon" hoax

Bush = Trump

Al Queda = China

Patriot Act = Vaxx Mandate

They're running the same playbook

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18d0ed  No.14922455



Anon, you re on to something here!

For some reason Q cannot explain to anons exactly what is going on! (First we must show them/you) Rules of humanity? Who/what presided over this from the beginning?

The universe is made up of parasites! Some are good, some bad. Unfortunately for us humans, they learned how to gain control of humankind and their goal is simple…consume it via infiltration! Sound familiar?

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29d6a3  No.14922466

File: b94971b1c893c65⋯.jpeg (250.83 KB, 828x532, 207:133, 810EEB63_3813_4BC3_B17E_0….jpeg)

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6ad95b  No.14922522

File: b1dbca2b725c9d7⋯.png (559.71 KB, 485x578, 485:578, ClipboardImage.png)

That's the old snl driving cat. Nothing that came after was ever funny

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6a14b1  No.14922559

File: a895b308915686a⋯.png (526.4 KB, 974x726, 487:363, loosh.png)



Yes Anon. The parasites rule the realm. How do we kick them out? What puzzles me is that POTUS and Q stay on the surface political tangent when the real issue is that THE TRUTH would put 99% in the hospital….contemplate that…..what is the truth? Only the truth can break us free. Humanity must be united against the invisible enemy but when we are stuck in elections and this other surface level stuff it seems we completely asleep. Where are the real healers? Where are those that can cast out the parasites? They must exist……

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8c3dec  No.14922586

File: 3b6dc3e0eb51c28⋯.png (174.43 KB, 1279x476, 1279:476, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6a4dda484993f9⋯.png (816.19 KB, 962x607, 962:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a7586fabfa70d9⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1200x628, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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5fa442  No.14922589

File: 6567fba4f826b73⋯.jpg (71.26 KB, 994x662, 497:331, 6567fba4f826b7369425d608e3….jpg)



Are any of them competent?

The attorney saying the joke about running out of bullets was racist?

Everything is racist these days.


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8c3dec  No.14922596





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404265  No.14922614

File: 23993490d4f08aa⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3C4EB66B_7CDF_48B4_87DA_0C….png)

File: c9d4500754d0080⋯.jpeg (784.64 KB, 1242x1296, 23:24, E667AD86_D405_449A_9448_2….jpeg)

BOOM! BREAKING: Trump dossier source charged with lying to FBI in special counsel John Durham’s probe

Russian analyst Igor Danchenko, who was a source of the infamous ‘Steele dossier’ was arrested Thursday for lying to the FBI.

According to the Associated Press, a “grand jury indictment issued in federal court in Virginia charges […] Danchenko with five counts of false statements. The case was brought as part of special counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the FBI’s probe into ties between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.”


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75cf70  No.14922617

File: 1c42e28dbd8ea43⋯.jpg (99.08 KB, 728x960, 91:120, jesus_popcorn.jpg)

File: 9fce8361c6fd311⋯.png (209.7 KB, 487x399, 487:399, caveman_faith.png)

File: 7bb237c8955369f⋯.png (357.24 KB, 490x557, 490:557, lion_faith_trump.png)

File: 7c46dac3b6a0e87⋯.jpg (34.25 KB, 206x252, 103:126, IMG_2623.JPG)


No. Just no. THAT is how someone who feels powerless explains it. THAT is someone who does not understand consciousness or God. Do you even God, bro?

NOTHING OUTSIDE OF US EVER does anything to us. We are perceiving ALL of it. If you tune your mind to the frequency of fear then you will be perceiving such thoughts and they will become your experience. When you have Faith and KNOW YOU are the awareness of being and the Kingdom of God IS within you.. "Greater works than these shall ye do.." THEN you won. Plus with FAITH, you vibrate at a high frequency. WTF.

Hello.. people have NO CLUE how to HAVE FAITH. It is VERY simple:







It's so easy, a child can do it and figure life out in 5 seconds. Get aligned with God, faggots. 143 <3

Jesus spent the whole fucking time teaching people how to have faith and know God delivers miracles and all people focus on is the day He was crucified. You talk about Spiritual Warfare. God already won. God already conquered the World. It's up to us to know this, but until we know it then we will keep the ILLUSION going. The crucifixion is about dying to the world and rising up to God. EVERYTHING COMES from the Spirit realm BEFORE it manifests. That is the LAW OF GOD. Cause and effect. You think it and it becomes your reality. That is why some people can look at the same thing and some see it through the eyes of Faith and have a totally diff experience than those who see it from a place of fear.

Thoughts aligned with God/FaithALWAYSfeel BETTER than those aligned with the illusion of separation/fear/satan.

Starve the fuckers.

4th picrel (you)

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8c3dec  No.14922645

File: 8d7874330c5d862⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1200x600, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a41727ea5e39bda⋯.mp4 (125.15 KB, 208x208, 1:1, REEE.mp4)

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e797df  No.14922649


fuuuuck you

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5fa442  No.14922660



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5fa442  No.14922669

File: 09c87548af612d5⋯.mp4 (969.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 09c87548af612d5d443799c701….mp4)


Liberal tears…yessss

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8c3dec  No.14922687

File: 50161f6bd93fcd9⋯.png (482.54 KB, 605x1285, 121:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 320991c0d6632c4⋯.png (320.85 KB, 950x635, 190:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44412ff40525432⋯.png (442.83 KB, 1799x1159, 1799:1159, ClipboardImage.png)

Anybody in DC?

Can anybody see if there is a parade of SUVs outside Johnny's office?


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caf9ea  No.14922720


Let's say this is true. I've seen no proof, but keep an open mind. My personal belief is that it would be prudent for us to TRULY know our enemy and the best possible way to combat them and protect ourselves. Since we haven't received that information, I have to think 2 options. 1, its bullshit. 2, nobody gives a fuck about us enough to share that knowledge.

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af08e8  No.14922745


mornin' red


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d9178a  No.14922773

File: 2ae72a26b21263d⋯.png (310.8 KB, 801x852, 267:284, Navy_nothing_can_stop.png)

Nothing can stop the JMSDF and #USNavy team!


and U.S. Carrier Strike Group 1 conduct bilateral operations in the #SouthChinaSea. #freeandopenindopacific


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d9178a  No.14922774

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dcb81e  No.14922834

File: 2f240b7c500dca3⋯.jpg (84.02 KB, 593x584, 593:584, kglobal_Charles_Dolan_Jr.jpg)

Danchenko Indictment - PR Executive 1 is Charles Halliday Dolan Jr.

https:// kglobal.com/team-member/charles-dolan-jr/

Credit goes to a friend who was helping me dig. WWG1WGA

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6a14b1  No.14922868

File: ecb923e513338d3⋯.png (431.81 KB, 745x406, 745:406, SpiritualWar.png)



My research suggests from especially researching things found by Jerry Marzinsky you can look him up on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNoxH3e_xoufUo4MTVJ2XQ. He found some very interesting information that is also disclosed by other Spiritual teachers and by Q many many times. We are not wresting with flesh and blood but with "Entities" [demons] that feed off of negative emotional energy in a dimension NEXT to ours [invisible enemy of humanity]….or as in Corinthians other realms. They find people who have experienced some emotional trauma and attack them. I am sharing this because I sense that if we people really understood this as a PEOPLE we would be able to fight it better. They are able to insert negative thoughts into your mind….not all of your thoughts are from YOU. Those negative thoughts then create the negative emotions that they then consume for FOOD. They can take total control over a mind. Probably many in heads of state and big pharma and politics are completely under the influence. I am simply sharing that THIS LOOKS like the real enemy and Q has said this many times. This Anon is very fortunate and successful but I am under attack from past emotional trauma….so I am sharing….I am not crazy… but I sense the Spiritual Warfare like very few in the realm!

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404265  No.14922872

File: 3d05adb7701c732⋯.jpeg (753 KB, 1242x1471, 1242:1471, D38E45B9_BC07_439F_9FDD_C….jpeg)

File: 2711d3e468d7fb0⋯.png (389.58 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 17AA403E_67F7_4F81_BA7E_B7….png)

File: db7339923718c40⋯.jpeg (310.95 KB, 1242x1203, 414:401, F6E7C575_EC26_448C_B350_0….jpeg)

File: 739fff453405eb6⋯.jpeg (259.17 KB, 1242x1017, 138:113, C3B71A05_4C6D_4C0C_A1C0_2….jpeg)

File: 3bbad905ccdc3ae⋯.jpeg (224 KB, 1242x1115, 1242:1115, E26B3617_4895_4E8E_9CAF_6….jpeg)

HRC TWEET—> Another flashing red warning sign for the health of our democracy.


There are 12 4year “Alice & Wonderland” deltas today!

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caf9ea  No.14922912


As I said, I keep an open mind. I believe the truth is stranger than fiction. I want proof though and a detailed description on how to combat them.

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79c1ac  No.14922931

File: 775a01f22352579⋯.png (371.23 KB, 691x554, 691:554, 6645762c9e83ef23251973426f….png)


Anon thinks there is an agenda behind the constant use of the word "democracy" in every single thing they say, they want to get replace the Republic with a true democracy. "You will not have an electoral college and you will be happy."

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b79a7b  No.14922952

File: e20bf159720b367⋯.png (169 KB, 1600x888, 200:111, 1636046112492.png)

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79c1ac  No.14922989

File: f9c6472fe8ed1f3⋯.jpg (26.58 KB, 255x195, 17:13, IMG_9609.jpg)


Glad to see this discussed here as it sums up perfectly everything I have read and learned. I would add that all humans are born with a "force field" that protects us from this unseen enemy and this field is strongest in prepubescent children.

Humans that voluntarily sell their souls opt out of the right to this force field because they are opting out of God, and this is the real reason that the Satanic cabal seeks out children for sex. They require the energy to maintain the illusion of having a force field. Pedovore activity is done mostly by the blue-bloods, i.e. the bloodline that has more Archon DNA and have kept it that way by interbreeding, in the case of human sacrifice they are feeding off the negative energy.

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c84b5a  No.14923002







^^^^^ Use bread 18877 ^^^^^

Baker/BV, Please lock this second #18874 bread

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c84b5a  No.14923003







^^^^^ Move to bread 18877 ^^^^^

Baker/BV, Please lock this second #18874 bread

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c84b5a  No.14923007







^^^^^ Move to bread 18877 ^^^^^

Baker/BV, lock this second #18874 bread

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404265  No.14923008

File: bc6056bb5eddd6e⋯.jpeg (245.73 KB, 1242x626, 621:313, 2C51CEE5_B621_4D20_AB3D_9….jpeg)

File: f0787c28b918a71⋯.jpeg (274.19 KB, 1242x887, 1242:887, A3E3FABE_61CF_43AD_835E_C….jpeg)


I think the same thing anon. [they] have been using the term frequently

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6a14b1  No.14923045

File: b0066bf8bdda3e0⋯.png (821.16 KB, 607x754, 607:754, tlrip.PNG)



Anon yes. This is why I wrote this. I am part of the proof. I experience it. It has been "disclosed" quite a bit in movies as well. Stephen King's It….Poltergeist…..Entity are all pretty much very similar things. Yes Anon yes…how to properly combat? I have prayed and fasted and continue to ask for help but I am still under attack…I cope well but am sharing again because I know I am NOT THE ONLY ONE. For proof my suggestion is the Youtube of Jerry Marzinsky. I think Schizophrenic people experience this at the HIGHEST LEVEL. Think of all the homeless people in LA and in all our other cities. The population is at all time highs. These people are not themselves they are under the influence of something. How do we really combat ….them……that is what I want Q to help us with…. if it is truly WWG1WGA then there is a way to beat them….

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79c1ac  No.14923053




Drug and alcohol addicts often have holes in their force fields and have non-earthbound entities attached to them that feed off the negative energy of addiction. These openings in the electromagetic field can be seen in Kirlian photography of the person.

Many addicts report being coerced by inner voices to head to the bar, or to use drugs when the person actually tries to quit.

Anon has an alcoholic relative that causes lights to flicker and things to fly off shelves, and has become a totally different person since the problem started, sleeps with the lights and TV on etc.

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6a14b1  No.14923089

File: 2e0bf4a3ce306da⋯.png (356.46 KB, 545x611, 545:611, pepe_sherlock_holmes_hot_o….png)


Anon yes. So with me I have had childhood trauma that is being exploited. Other trauma too but layered upon the original childhood. When your shield has a break THEY ATTACK. There has to be a way to rebuild the shield somehow is what I am hoping. So many innocent children have suffered needlessly. There has to be a way to rebuild the shield.

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79c1ac  No.14923108


Strengthening your field is a good way, with rose water spray and strong grounding stones like hematite or carnelian agate, carry them in your pocket. Chelation of heavy metals via nutritional supplements will make you less of a human antenna so you won't hear the telepathic messages they send via TV, satellite, cell towers etc.

But most importantly, stay in constant prayer with God. Prayer works especially when affirmed properly, i.e. "thank you God that I am healthy in mind body and spirit" vs. the negative wording that a lot of people use "God please don't let such and such happen", basically visualizing bad things happening when praying is no different than worrying.

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33bd5a  No.14923183

File: 9dcdb2faea1c3c5⋯.jpg (752.69 KB, 1080x2058, 180:343, Screenshot_20211104_140158….jpg)




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79c1ac  No.14923254


>but I sense the Spiritual Warfare like very few in the realm

Anon was working next to a building that was being demolished and suddenly our building had a rat problem. That's how earth is right now. The weird thing is, Satanism has been in our faces forever, they don't even hide it. For the unawakened it will be like one of those "when you see it" memes, they will realize that it was there the whole time.

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6a14b1  No.14923262

File: f7428e316f328d5⋯.jpg (282.74 KB, 876x732, 73:61, QCrumbsBuckle_Up_ArmorGod_….jpg)



Yes Anon. I experience some of this. I know I am not the only one. Something is attached and I can tell I am being fucked with. I also know [It] is not ME. Before I was on anti depressants and use to smoke weed all the time to cope. Broken shield. Got off of all of it. AND IT IS PRETTY PAINFUL. Again I am very fortunate amazing family that grounds me but as I had posted before….I sense this shit and I know millions of others probably do as well and there has to be a away to GET RID OF THESE THINGS…. There has to be a way! The more Anons can unite against this invisible enemy the more we can come figure it out. Like a world wide exorcism so to speak.

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6a14b1  No.14923281



Yes Anon we are under a demonic illegal alien invasion….

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4bde0e  No.14923295

File: 7379e61411562ea⋯.jpg (217.28 KB, 960x700, 48:35, Kenosh.jpg)

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c9158b  No.14923300

File: 8b4596ee32460a3⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1079x1931, 1079:1931, Screenshot_20211104_121730….jpg)

>>14922817 lb

Fauci makes Mengele' look like Micky Mouse

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eb364a  No.14923308

File: 9bbffcdcdbeeee3⋯.jpg (22.59 KB, 254x254, 1:1, 1629311150545.jpg)

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79c1ac  No.14923320


Meditation and prayer are your best bets. The trick we use here on 8kun to break or confuse the AI bots, meditation does basically the same thing. It takes practice but if you can have 10-45 minutes a day of having no thoughts, your life will change tremendously. Your true essence as God's creation will be able to shine for the amount of time that you pull the plug so to speak. And the thoughts are not just from outside you, many are subconscious and were implanted during your trauma. Wish you much success, anon

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4b0094  No.14923325

Real bread–



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c9158b  No.14923326

File: 6d45064a61f2a73⋯.jpg (443.92 KB, 819x1564, 819:1564, Screenshot_20211103_204337….jpg)

File: 44b523fa8c9bb59⋯.jpg (485.38 KB, 1079x1393, 1079:1393, Screenshot_20211103_215055….jpg)

File: e46106fd7d2e477⋯.jpg (246.18 KB, 1072x628, 268:157, Screenshot_20211101_135058….jpg)


<seems we have a mocker/Mockingbird amongst us

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6a14b1  No.14923357

File: de366658fb97886⋯.jpg (97.96 KB, 350x600, 7:12, St_Michael_Triumphant_by_D….jpg)



Thank you Anon. Yes I am working on it daily. Stop the thinking. It is obviously not easy but yes I am also hopeful that all humanity can be helped WWG1WGA style

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79c1ac  No.14923377

File: 7ad32ac994a8413⋯.png (532.81 KB, 1266x1302, 211:217, Screen_Shot_2021_11_04_at_….png)

File: 88aa3f4138dada4⋯.png (4.05 MB, 2802x1278, 467:213, Screen_Shot_2021_11_04_at_….png)


>Like a world wide exorcism

Pretty sure that's what's been happening and why MSM has something like 150 hit pieces per day on "Qanon", kek

Mysterious booms and sinkholes in earnest since Nov. 2016, hell has been literally below us the whole time

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c9158b  No.14923463

File: 6a7c4b4e576bf16⋯.png (61.41 KB, 189x268, 189:268, 247e2e9676af83550ec7f4d273….png)



And how is he connected to anything?

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733eb1  No.14923522

File: 8f2db8bfcbfe467⋯.png (141.84 KB, 1140x778, 570:389, ClipboardImage.png)


>Charles Halliday Dolan Jr.


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3a1d00  No.14923552


Seriously stop posting and spend this weekend reading. You know nothing absolutely nothing.

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d4b3b7  No.14923634



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33bd5a  No.14923804

File: 8420dfbfbdacfbd⋯.jpg (532.57 KB, 1076x1082, 538:541, Screenshot_20211020_191334….jpg)


The easy into meditation is to distract (y)our "thoughts" initially by simply focusing on other sensations, sounds, smells, vibrations until the "noise" of (y)our accompanying thought processes is easier to turn down. Once the volume knob of reactive individual "thought" processes is controlled, then the state of reception and oneness, rather than seperation and transmission, is easily accessible.

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33538f  No.14924036


If she shows some tits, i'll look. Otherwise, she's just another teleprompter reader.

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7ba762  No.14924045

File: 4c3dadf9062e57f⋯.jpg (619.27 KB, 1552x2592, 97:162, 11491.jpg)

>>14923476 pb

still waiting

Happy Diwali

weird public out there today

mad / angry / funning stop lights

Be careful out there

Mood of the public in my town is generally sketchy;

If it foreshadows the rest of the year it's gonna be like the "Fall of Rome?" Fellini movie?

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df1e4d  No.14924133

File: 92d295685266f92⋯.png (337.49 KB, 373x500, 373:500, ClipboardImage.png)

Many Anon's view 'channeling" the supposed messages of Bozo entities as pure crap.

#11 the one called "danse macabre"

"Little Anthony" Fauci, stressed, hitting the 'chrome, commissions a ballet about himself and has the script delivered to himself by a troop of Girl Guides on some great public occasion.

The script for the ballet is accompanied by a petition. The petition, signed by millions, demands he, himself, Anthony Fauci MD and no other dance the inaugural performance role of of Anthony Fauci MD in the three hour (estimated) world premiere ballet, "Paging Doctor Babylon" at the Kennedy Center.

Naturally, Fauci refuses the role. "I'm not a trained dancer, it wouldn't be fair, I'm too old to play myself etc"

Only when the Girl Guides (who presented the petition) initiate a hunger strike, threatening to starve themselves to death on Pay Per View, and Anderson Cooper kneels and begs him on behalf of all bloodline families and the Mother's of Darkness does Fauci give in and agree to dance the part.

"You are watching a ballet" becomes a slogan of a public Awakening.

Ballet Impresario

Sergei Drivingglove

- channeled by anon


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7ba762  No.14924139

File: 80acf3da9265262⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 468x736, 117:184, georgewashingtonblessing.jpg)

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bf1974  No.14924148


Youngkin should immediately call for full forensics audit, when sworn in, set an example.

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df1e4d  No.14924166

File: f289c2b15fd77d0⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1200x963, 400:321, ClipboardImage.png)

Aby Warburg's Meme Collection

"In this final panel for an encyclopedic undertaking that Warburg well-knew could never be perfected, he spurns the temptation of seeking synthesis, preferring instead to open up a whole new series of surprising, illuminating relations between past and present, East and West, and, above all, subject (Warburg) and object (the Book of the World or, better yet, the Atlas of the World).

Could say that, or that this is Aby Warburg's meme collection -and the subject of the final panel of his life's work is focused on the miracle of transubstantiation. As the critic notes, AB is "warily eyeing the demonic"

Aby Warburg's life work, the analysis of his enormous historical meme connection, looks at first glance like an uncertain ending to systematic effort to disguise the evident; to prolong the interval before the failure of weakening self deception.

At any rate, it's probably the best meme collection in 3 D material spaces, since the QR meme collection covers only 4 years. However the QR meme banks are the result of multiple permutations, combinations and reassignment of Aby Warburg's historical images, texts, gestures expressions and graphic design.

No doubt in anon's mind this reluctant Gnostic would have been cheered and relieved by the continued extraction of useful meanings from the collection of images, expression and gestures he collected, and which he recognized as making up a unrecognized lexicon and vocabulary."

As an anon curator remarked recently, "We'd like to have some of that shit for the QR Shill Post Museum and Archive ." No doubt.


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df1e4d  No.14924179

File: f948cd9f91a0f5a⋯.png (94.49 KB, 758x417, 758:417, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ba762  No.14924183

File: 8f0bd448a2182c8⋯.jpg (89.05 KB, 350x379, 350:379, assahaul_1_.jpg)


arrested today 11.4

Maybe DeepState is shocked..

Noose tightening.

He's been Ass-Hauled.




He was a Double, yesterday too?

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df1e4d  No.14924187

File: 6ca6965362c66fb⋯.png (52.81 KB, 1150x599, 1150:599, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ba762  No.14924197


Hi Aby.


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7ba762  No.14924220

File: fe47c875e3c7c5f⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB, 240x320, 3:4, ballotburnttrumpw.mp4)


don't we have any good looking perpy people or is that just the way it is?

Here's somebody from last year burning ballots .. Weird they must have felt totally safe, they uploaded their evidence / confession to twitter.


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df1e4d  No.14924242

File: 9afbc3ed7440b8c⋯.png (127.9 KB, 717x900, 239:300, ClipboardImage.png)

Chyna fentanyl too strong for 'Melicans?

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df1e4d  No.14924264

File: 147cf9c750dbb67⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7034c014e50a1f8⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1012x675, 1012:675, ClipboardImage.png)

Wish a favorite pedovore a seditious Christmas in GITMO

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c1d7cc  No.14924282

File: 8f439ff99767799⋯.jpeg (150.67 KB, 712x761, 712:761, 01544CE4_7128_40F3_80FC_4….jpeg)

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18d0ed  No.14924307

File: 37d3e4c7b33875b⋯.jpeg (108.81 KB, 1016x848, 127:106, 53D1AC3E_7414_4C14_8818_A….jpeg)

File: 699b1fa5a9ad563⋯.jpeg (522.86 KB, 828x1030, 414:515, A89D8E9B_C6A0_4541_87ED_2….jpeg)

Famefags and attention whores aren’t in this bread.

This bread is the epitome of waste!

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ac07af  No.14924541

Actionable 11.4

Good datefagging time travel Q but isn't it supposed to be Hitlery and Pedosta today? You are at 1 horsepower when you should be at 1000.

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9c89c5  No.14924570

My religion exemption letter was denied so either I get the shot or I’m terminated. It’s getting so real now, getting depressed.

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e1c51e  No.14924654

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924655

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924656

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924660

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924662

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924663

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924666

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924670

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924672

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924673

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924674

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924676

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924677

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924684

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924686

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924688

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924689

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924693

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924696

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924698

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924699

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924702

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924704

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924706

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924709

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924713

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924715

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924718

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924722

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924724

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924725

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924727

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924728

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924730

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924733

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924736

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924738

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924739

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924740

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924743

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924745

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924747

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924748

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924754

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924757

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924765

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924766

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924767

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924769

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924770

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924775

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924777

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924778

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924780

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924781

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924784

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924785

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924788

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924789

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924791

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924793

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924795

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924798

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924800

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924803

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924804

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924805

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924807

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924808

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924814

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924817

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924818

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924820

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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06b408  No.14924822

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.











bitchute embedded

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e1c51e  No.14924824

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924825

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924828

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924832

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924833

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924834

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924835

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924836

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924838

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924839

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924840

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924841

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924842

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924843

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924847

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924848

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924850

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924851

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924853

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924856

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924857

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924860

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924861

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924864

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924867

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924870

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924873

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924876

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924878

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924880

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924881

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924885

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14924887

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924888

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14924891

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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903783  No.14924978

>>14924600 PB

Durham tightening the screws one crank tighter.

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d797c8  No.14924995

Durham had Igor's indictment ready on October 28th (Qs bday) and decided to wait until AFTER the election to drop it.


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903783  No.14925004

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e1c51e  No.14925028

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925033

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925034

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925035

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925038

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925041

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14925044

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925046

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925049

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925050

File: e51ad255c6715c0⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog1.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925052

File: 51c75a8659b25fc⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 660x882, 110:147, pepe_the_frog3.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925055

File: e059af6c6022a73⋯.jpg (204.42 KB, 660x719, 660:719, pepe_the_frog7.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925057

File: cc2b08d37e8904b⋯.jpg (161.81 KB, 660x881, 660:881, pepe_the_frog8.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925059

File: b09302c121463b0⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 422x848, 211:424, pepe_the_frog11a.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925062

File: e817a082d794c4a⋯.jpg (99.66 KB, 421x850, 421:850, pepe_the_frog11b.JPG)

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e1c51e  No.14925064

File: f1ccdf7a445c045⋯.jpg (174.75 KB, 660x825, 4:5, pepe_the_frog13.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925067

File: e254c8b522758c9⋯.jpg (263.14 KB, 660x826, 330:413, pepe_the_frog14.jpg)

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e1c51e  No.14925069

File: 9b3c318c7068503⋯.jpg (144.53 KB, 660x495, 4:3, pepe_the_frog15.jpg)

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b72581  No.14925108

File: abe36481d533fba⋯.gif (214.01 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, LETSGOBRANDON.gif)

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a4ed73  No.14925124

File: 63f29ede8a45e61⋯.png (20.04 KB, 332x585, 332:585, timecop.png)

names are irrelevant to anon now, too late for that. only interested in evaluating message.



Ezra A. Cohen, [03.11.21 10:06]

DS narrative imploding.

Voter fraud being exposed.

Watch for major FF.

A pawn on its last strings.

Ezra A. Cohen, [04.11.21 07:06]

Last minute desperation move by Biden.

No compliance at all costs.

Defend homes second amendment necessary now.

Fall of the Cabal.

Show begins.

Ezra A. Cohen, [04.11.21 07:16]

Who was arrested today?


Ezra A. Cohen, [04.11.21 07:17]

[ Audio file : <unknown> – Timecop - On The Run ]



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/14/2020 13:11:22 ID: 49d14d

Archive Bread/Post Links: 11067747 / 11068186

Direct Link: 11068186

Your ability to spread information across the digital battlefield and bypass their control is what they fear [narrative failure] and why they are doing everything in their power to disrupt [false labeling [daily attacks], censorship, termination, gov hearings > foundation to term/censor, etc].

Keep charging, Midnight Riders!


Information Warfare.

Hunters become the Hunted.


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b72581  No.14925179

File: 9dbc6c28b343a4a⋯.png (40.73 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, LGBTQ.png)


or maybe

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d797c8  No.14925251


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f728f1  No.14925265

File: 18af8df76ec76e6⋯.png (572.68 KB, 629x792, 629:792, fauci.png)

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33bd5a  No.14925300

File: 0107f7bf94aeee0⋯.jpg (46.51 KB, 1080x1081, 1080:1081, FB_IMG_1636043494937.jpg)


Document everything so you can be set for life after the class action lawsuits

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d797c8  No.14925301

BREAKING: Charles Dolan’s lawyer, Ralph D. Martin has confirmed that his client is “PR Executive 1” named in the indictment

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b72581  No.14925327

File: a01cff1f64570ac⋯.png (209.52 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, notaq1.png)

With the libtards so triggered and so motivated to crush anything Q - - you know Q had to go dark and incognito.

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903783  No.14925367

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b72581  No.14925415


You just know the libtards are conducting massive investigations into anyone who has or had Q clearance to unmask the Q

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a4ed73  No.14925442

File: 5a0800d506a7c6b⋯.png (658.94 KB, 451x545, 451:545, Paul_revere_.PNG)


kek, tippy top shelf

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e8bfd4  No.14925553

Durham. Bottom-to-top

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260e08  No.14925558

File: d94f1fb4582d875⋯.jpg (300.02 KB, 1275x719, 1275:719, catch_fly_workshop.jpg)

Good eveningz

How is the memewar going?

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8c3dec  No.14925836

File: 279127be4f04792⋯.png (455.37 KB, 634x500, 317:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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64a727  No.14925934

Wtf is going on

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308b23  No.14925981

Jack posted a Jack Chat re: the NJ Count on Twitter.


Let the proces splay out and act then while preparing now.

Interesting the GOP doesn't seem to really be supporting Jack.

Murphy fraud via videos is out there.

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4d7874  No.14926055

File: 539ac7d97df040f⋯.mp4 (8.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, NH_TBIYTC.mp4)

Natalie Harp @NatalieJHarp

THE BEST IS YET TO COME! 10:09 PM · Nov 3, 2021


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bbc705  No.14926224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Official SOS from Australia

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c1baca  No.14926460

File: e7f11501748bdaf⋯.png (440.88 KB, 667x397, 667:397, d8f20e4878172329fc566aec86….png)

There once was a LARPing faggot named Q, A few useless clues the riddlenigger did spew.

A one year delta turned into two, three, and four, Anons are a sucker for punishment so let's wait ten more.

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design, Is just a place to shitpost in your spare time.

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made, But future proves past they were never repaid.

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope, For nothing to habben so now we just cope.

"The Great Awakening" fell flat on it's face, to your friends and family an outcast and disgrace.

A natural death has been the only "justice" so far, Maybe Q could hang just one traitor and at least raise the bar?

Pissy smell Hill was supposed to be caught in October by the team, But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme.

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment, But he's still scot free and tortures minors for excitement.

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage?, Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage.

Whether you know it or not Donny is related to rotten cabbage Hill, You claim to be woke but ate the Blue Pill.

A few million people had to die just for "optics", While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics.

But don't worry frens Q said "this is war", While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore.

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun, To use on the public when Q's job was done.

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab, So we wait in line like good little sheep just for the jab.

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel, Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history, Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur, Undone in a year by Joe his victories were a blur.

You thought Donny would deliver us to the land of milk and honey?, Nah the country burns while his face shines on zionist money.

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior, Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

For thousands of years they've won at this game, Red vs Blue it's always the same.

A cognitive dissonance when faced with this proof, Cry all you like every word is the truth.

With this ballad of truth you might call me a shill, but only the learned chose the Red Pill

History repeats itself all through the ages, those who can see are the wisest of sages.

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225bf6  No.14927441

File: 6a72523a66cbf51⋯.jpeg (110.86 KB, 451x362, 451:362, 2A3075CD_6A01_4F5D_BC69_E….jpeg)

Appears all MIL aircraft along the northeast coast are hidden. Quite odd, theres usually always some you can see. Even in the middle of the night

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b30169  No.14927509

>>14917926 PB

In statistics, the empirical rule states that 99.7% of data occurs within three standard deviations of the mean within a normal distribution. To this end, 68% of the observed data will occur within the first standard deviation, 95% will take place in the second deviation, and 97.5% within the third standard deviation.

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c36518  No.14927556


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c36518  No.14927581




I don't think it's Podesta.

He was chair of her 2016 campaign.

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c36518  No.14927597


Who is the guy that Hillary secretly corresponded with re Benghazi?

Is he still living,?

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812831  No.14927706


Australia is a NWO test-bed

Tyranny is coming to your country soon

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4d2ee9  No.14927909


The tranny military is sure doing something great behind doors, and not usual excersices

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5ec78d  No.14927965

what's up anons

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7b4ec6  No.14928187

File: 10cc128e721a5bb⋯.jpg (84.85 KB, 938x595, 134:85, Roddyqiqer.jpg)

File: 1a79617409a0091⋯.jpg (139.45 KB, 900x504, 25:14, roddyqiqer2.jpg)

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552e2d  No.14928401

File: c5f9fd0676b92c0⋯.png (129.87 KB, 1216x501, 1216:501, ClipboardImage.png)


What he said.

Keep sitting your guns as though they were dicks, faggots.

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12c700  No.14928449

File: c5f9fd0676b92c0⋯.png (129.87 KB, 1216x501, 1216:501, ClipboardImage.png)


What he said.

Keep sitting your guns as if they were dicks, you glorious faggots.

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02757e  No.14928463


the end will not be for everyone…

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d384b6  No.14928481

last time i tried to post, got denied, months back

looks like i have missed little by ignoring this board for a while

NOW, as to 11/4/21, Durham drop, let us recall Drop 34, hopefully from memory, if you know thing or 2

First letter of 34 is Q, first use of Q to ID Q in Q Code

Q = 17, drop 34, a double Q as in double meanings, Q and Q+ among others

drop 35, 22 seconds after 34, delta = 22

Q teaches Anons to code: 4,10,20 ending 35, next day explains to Anon



reread 34, "Q", meaning 17

think dates:

11/3, already known to Anons

11/4 new date, drop 34

Podesta, think PLACEHOLDER, sidekick to Hillary, misinformation is necessary, learn to discern, reread, rethink, expand your thinking

11/4/21, Durham arrested Hillary sidekick fingering many more, think Huma

but do not fail to see 17 11 3 and 4, CFR, Fed Regs, look it up. That is Durham in action on 11/4/21, think double meanings

what hour is 34 (35) posted


what year is it now


DELTA between 34/35, 22 seconds… ending in 4,10,20, what year follows 21, 22 of course, the delta, the difference

What is Q's second to last drop


when, 11/13/20

time stamp 00:20:55

T, loud and clear

TRUTHSocial, Trump Media, white T on black background due to launch this month…

or will we hear more from Durham 11/13

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13dd27  No.14928512


Look up at the sky faggot. White hats are everywhere

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0ad392  No.14928591

File: bbf7de6341346d6⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1245x686, 1245:686, ClipboardImage.png)

Good Morning frens..

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edf80c  No.14928663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sabotage Afoot in the Kyle Rittenhouse Defense? Viva & Barnes

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98fba0  No.14928678


TYB. I propose the next bred be named in honor of Vanwatech. Had a hell of a time getting to the catalog page with a stopover Vanwatech page.

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bddb5e  No.14928771

File: b2438f9f2ff2282⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, Bourla.jpg)

Anyone heard anything about the CEO of Pfizer's arrest?


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e83877  No.14930382


>Anyone heard anything about the CEO of Pfizer's arrest?


logic 101 - a CEO who just made shareholders 65 billion in profit can do anything he wants and no one, especially the FBI, will touch him.


this website likes FAKE AF

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bb4e97  No.14930631

File: 0889bfb4f054ead⋯.png (261.33 KB, 509x480, 509:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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bb4e97  No.14930639

File: 9244c653e8a394a⋯.png (2.99 MB, 1200x1036, 300:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7bec99ccb4e7090⋯.png (469.87 KB, 372x525, 124:175, ClipboardImage.png)

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bb4e97  No.14930675

File: 296fc8d8e9741a9⋯.png (115.82 KB, 706x1280, 353:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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77be5c  No.14930703

You lads need to be paying attention to these Twitter accounts, right now:





They're all talking about the Steele dossier and Durham's moves. It's all coming apart RIGHT NOW. SHIT IS HAPPENING I REPEAT SHIT IS HAPPENING.

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77be5c  No.14930718

More talking about it:




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82a8f5  No.14930812


Did you miss the date that tony podesta actually got arrested?

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82a8f5  No.14930844


Whatever. Fuck off now.

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03af1a  No.14930879

File: a6813bd89b9a658⋯.png (2.44 MB, 600x451, 600:451, ClipboardImage.png)

In Memory of the Blessed Terry Davis, RIP.

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03af1a  No.14930901

File: 5a5dfa91edda48d⋯.png (628.88 KB, 894x501, 298:167, ClipboardImage.png)

Hah hah, the Warren Commision was two volumes - av gas wouldn't burn it -

and the Warren Commision was only a drum roll for the 911 Commision Report.

1200 people in 10 countries were interviewed, 500 k pages of documents…

The biggest, officialist, indisputably, verifiably, thoroughly, comprehensively, incontrovertibly, complete bullshit report in the entire history of bullshit government committe reports and spy agency cover ups.

The 911 commision was monstrous blather and, when every cultist from Plum Island to Astana had signed it, cult authorities sent it to the media slaves with orders to favorably review:

Richard 'Poz'd' Posner, writing for The New York Times, praised the 911 reports as "uncommonly lucid, even riveting" and called it "an improbable literary triumph".

The 911 report rose to the top of several bestseller lists, and became one of the best-selling government reports of all time.

The cult C_A front National Book Foundation named the report a finalist in its 2004 National Book Awards' non-fiction category

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03af1a  No.14930935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The unrecognized hypnogogic or trance induction produced by exposure to (oc) cult media programming from infancy accounts for almost the entire behavioral repertoire of a normal NPC.

Restoring cognitive autonomy to those who have been conditioned from birth to respond to specific words and images in binary fashion is not "rehabilitation;" in order to rehabilitate, an individual must once have been habilitated. It is habilitation for people who have not been taught to think, but have learned by osmosis that sophistry, advertising and marketing make economic sucess which makes power which makes truth.

Learning to recognize the cult's use of symbols, musical cues, and visual allegories, we begin to habilitate ourselves; by learning to identify common control mechanisms employed by the cult in circulating MSM cultist media content, 'news' stories, or popular music and movies and live events; we see how the cult mixes and combines elements which attract us; sex imagery, loud music and light, romanticized violence directed at our enemies -how these these attractive things are used to poison us, inducing us to imitate self destructible behaviors and propagated distorted 'truths' or beliefs that appear beneficial initially but will, in practice, prove dangerous or fatal.

Making cute and pretty things, like children's toys, into deadly IEDs is SOP for the cult. The pedos do not just do this with material world objects, but with abstract weapons - the deadliest weapons are conceptual - the ideas which kill as surely as any g man's popgun, and kill in ways unrecognized by the great mass of humanity and attributed to other causes. Consider the success of Marxism, an entirely artificial complex of ideas, that has deceived millions into the slaughterhouse of history promoting and opposing it.

"Whom the devil would deceive he tells not a lie but a lesser truth."

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03af1a  No.14930959

File: 23f92b4a1cca84a⋯.png (991.95 KB, 592x800, 37:50, ClipboardImage.png)

"Leading Thoughts"

was written by the dying Rudolph Steiner, and speaks directly to the psycho spiritual crisis of our time. They say.


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03af1a  No.14931060

File: fc7e8c58c1bc787⋯.png (876.03 KB, 3260x1842, 1630:921, ClipboardImage.png)

All of QR shills (and anons) have been called away on urgent business.

newfags please shill yourselves until a genuine mason, dement or shill becomes available.

- maintenance

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e0a12d  No.14934974

Faggot baker needs to get on it!

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e0a12d  No.14934976

File: c9205993d661279⋯.jpg (188.01 KB, 715x722, 715:722, 1634924248458.jpg)

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e0d54d  No.14935324

File: 79e1afc22c9b097⋯.jpg (260.64 KB, 773x846, 773:846, PuppetPresidentElf.JPG)

Christmas season is approaching!

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