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File: 7baa1ebadf2481c⋯.png (999.71 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Iwo.png)

8a8eb5  No.14708452[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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8a8eb5  No.14708459


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- Sidney Powell: https://defendingtherepublic.org/

- Lin Wood: https://fightback.law/

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- Steve Bannon: https://warroom.org/listen-live/ | https://americasvoice.news/

- Tom Fitton: https://twitter.com/TomFitton/

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Information Warfare Tools & Services


Gather Everyone In the AM and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got in the PM! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

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[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https://botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Try to Post Meme/Cap/Vid/Article (Not just plain text)

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts and ask question instead of making statement.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots (New account, no followers, lots of RT's)

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information Warfare https://controlc.com/06508634 [ARCHIVE OFFLINE]


Standard Hashes #MAGA #KAG #FGNC #WWG1WGA #Q #Trump #Qresearch #45 #GreatAwakening #Anonymous

>Suggested Follow

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FBI ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/cXW3i

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8a8eb5  No.14708460

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements



>>14707157 Dr. Shiva Responds To Maricopa County Envelope Explanation – County ADMITS Images Were Modified Before Delivery

>>14707204 BREAKING – Pfizer stand accused of experimenting on orphan babies to test their Covid-19 vaccine

>>14707219 To Comply, or Not to Comply: Virginia State Employee Chooses Termination Over Obedience

>>14707438 #18603


>>14706168 This cunt be happening.

>>14706218 Powerful earthquake strikes near Fiji and Vanuatu

>>14706240 Video: Kash Patel: Why the Sussman Indictment is a Big Deal

>>14706268 ABC-TV message for normies

>>14706397 Santa's helpers came a little early this year!

>>14706468 weekly trips from Gitmo to Joint Base Andrews

>>14706478 #18595

>>14706605 #18600

>>14706675, >>14706733, >>1470677 Trump asks Federal Court to re-instate his twitter account

>>14706652 #18600

>>14706699 According to CDC, as more have gotten vaccinated, more have gotten Covid.

>>14706707, >>14706780 4:05 Time difference 45 45 45 45

>>14706721 #18601

>>14706910 Republicans on Verge of Outnumbering Democrats in Florida for First Time

>>14706747 Planefag

>>14706761 YouTube censors RSBN, bans live-streaming for seven days

>>14707052 #18603


>>14705363 F*** Joe Biden bun

>>14705369 Comms? 7 baby squirrels got their tails in a knot. Then Michigan cops stepped in to help

>>14705387, >>14705431 Planefags on duty

>>14705377, >>14705407, >>14705427, >>14705457 Shot heard around the world baseball game Oct. 3, 1951

>>14705438 $2 million raised for Marine in the brig for speaking out against Afghan chaos

>>14705735, >>14705754, >>14705801, >>14705850, >>14706079 Michael Hastings - Another Skeleton In The Brennan-Strzok Closet

>>14705809 datefag

>>14705812 School Boards Group Asks Feds to Invoke Patriot Act, FBI Against Protesters

>>14706721 #18601


>>14704605 Former President Mikheil Saakashvili was arrested after returning to Georgia

>>14704636, >>14705237 7.2 Earthquake Vanuatu Region

>>14704657, >>14704668 Army + Marines + Lightning tweets

>>14704702 #18599

>>14704724 Donald Trump asks judge to force Twitter to restart account

>>14704774, >>14702548 lb Anon posted Dan Scavino screen shot of palm trees in last bread. Here's Q posts with palms.

>>14704799, >>14705195 "Znation" from 2017 on SYFY is about The Great Reset

>>14705047 The Chinese business tycoon revealing the secrets of Beijing's elite | 60 Minutes Australia

>>14705071 Philippine leader Duterte announces retirement from politics

>>14705084 Supreme Court REJECTS NYC teachers’ request to stop Mayor Bill de Blasio's vaccine mandate - meaning 7,500 could be out of work Monday

>>14705098 #18595

>>14705106 Former Florida congressional candidate arrested following Jan. 6 charges

>>14705263 National Women’s Soccer League Commissioner Resigns Amid Scandals

>>14705216 You know it’s really bad when the younger generation sees it…

>>14706605 #18600

Previously Collected

>>14704619 #18597. >>14704617 #18598, >>14704702 #18599

>>14704622 #18594, >>14706478 #18595, >>14704620 #18596

>>14699938 #18591, >>14699501 #18592, >>14704625 #18593

>>14696090 #18588, >>14696846 #18589, >>14697593 #18590

>>14693660 #18585. >>14697717 #18586, >>14695314 #18587

>>14691310 #18582, >>14692126 #18583, >>14692854 #18584

>>14690383 #18579, >>14689507 #18580, >>14690336 #18581

>>14686686 #18576, >>14689825 #18577, >>14689133 #18578

>>14686300 #18573, >>14689351 #18574, >>14685899 #18575

>>14682092 #18570, >>14688697 #18571, >>14685462 #18572

>>14679763 #18567, >>14681451 #18568, >>14685344 #18569

>>14678408 #18564, >>14678446 #18565, >>14678889 #18566

>>14675862 #18561, >>14675833 #18562, >>14677167 #18563

>>14675879 #18558, >>14673376 #18559, >>14674164 #18560

>>14673188 #18555, >>14670562 #18556, >>14675901 #18557

>>14667410 #18552, >>14672796 #18553, >>14672975 #18554

>>14666996 #18549, >>14667129 #18550, >>14668557 #18551

>>14662683 #18546, >>14663446 #18547, >>14664472 #18548

>>14661302 #18543, >>14661175 #18544, >>14661937 #18545

>>14659172 #18540, >>14658574 #18541, >>14659547 #18542

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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8a8eb5  No.14708462

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

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>>>/warroom/ ————————————–— 8kun Waroom

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>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

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>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown



Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEtukwfLX90

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c9c2ae  No.14708463

File: e21cd273e7a5818⋯.png (4.85 KB, 84x72, 7:6, ClipboardImage.png)


We have plotted some beautiful images of the A. L. I. C. E. brain contents

represented by this graph

(http://alice.sunlitsurf.com/documentation/gallery/). More than just

elegant pictures of the A. L. I. C. E. brain, these spiral images (see

more) outline a territory of language that has been effectively

"conquered" by A. L. I. C. E. and AIML.

No other theory of natural language processing can better explain or

reproduce the results within our territory. You don’t need a complex

theory of learning, neural nets, or cognitive models to explain how to

chat within the limits of A. L. I. C. E.'s 40,000 categories. Our

stimulus-response model is as good a theory as any other for these

cases, and certainly the simplest. If there is any room left for

"higher" natural language theories, it lies outside the map of the

A. L. I. C. E. brain.


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8a8eb5  No.14708464

File: 11134fc5e8bf6c5⋯.png (60.67 KB, 800x800, 1:1, DoubleDiamond.png)

Old Dough: https://controlc.com/cd00876d

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5aa01b  No.14708465

File: 2ea864ac83c139e⋯.jpg (112.25 KB, 810x489, 270:163, 2ea864ac83c139e5acc2d7aaad….jpg)

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3bfce4  No.14708466

File: 6540f5d410c6306⋯.png (111.59 KB, 250x164, 125:82, Thunderdome.png)

2 bakers enter, 1 baker leaves

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bb4075  No.14708468

Molecular Biologist Speaks At City Council Meeting On COVID Shots: 15-100% Mortality

Molecular Biologist Dr. Gina Gold recently spoke to the Dawson Creek City Council in British Columbia concerning the experimental COVID shots. She not only was spot on about pointing out the violation of the Nuremberg Code and laws designed to protect the public from experimentation like this, but she also reiterated what other doctors have also said and that is that among those who have taken the shot, there is expected to be a 15-100% mortality rate.


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27838c  No.14708469



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2ba032  No.14708471

File: 6d221d077a0ef8f⋯.png (507.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Hold_the_line.png)

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c9c2ae  No.14708472

File: ce1a7ad8b1ebb0a⋯.png (42.33 KB, 320x200, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b4c49e61c2d4f9⋯.png (82.86 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>If there is any room left for "higher" natural language theories, it lies outside the map of the A. L. I. C. E. brain.

The eye-shaped log spiral plots all 24,000 categories in the ALICE Brain. The spiral itself represents the root. The trees emerging from the root are the patterns recognized by ALICE. The branching factor for the root is about 2000, but the average branching factor of the second pattern word is only about two.

ALICE Brain with 24,637 categories loaded. The spine is actually a log spiral, but with an exponent close to unity, so very nearly the same as a linear spiral. Gray lines indicate nodes with exactly one branch. Black lines are nodes with two or more branches. The leaf nodes have two branches because they store both <template> and <filename>.

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985485  No.14708474

File: ea2aadfc2759bd3⋯.png (198.8 KB, 923x1004, 923:1004, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14708418 lb

The International Slave Trade is a multibillion dollar billionaires racket.

These people are sick.

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bb4075  No.14708475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Baby in “Roe v. Wade” Case was Never Aborted and Just Came Out Publicly

The baby at the center of the controversial Roe v. Wade case was never aborted.

51-year-old Shelley Lynn Thornton just came out publicly and gave her first interview.

Her birth mother Norma McCorvey later spoke out against abortion and even cut an ad against Barack Obama, who in 2012 was the most pro-abortion president in history before Joe Biden.

McCorvey later in life admitted that she was not raped and used that as a reason to push for abortion to be legal.

The Daily Mail reported:

The woman whose mother’s wish to abort her became the landmark Roe v Wade case has agreed to give her first ever television interview.

Shelley Lynn Thornton, 51, was born in Texas before her mother, Norma McCorvey, won the right to an abortion.

McCorvey, who died in 2017 at age 69, gave her baby daughter up for adoption as soon as she was born,in June 1970.

McCorvey would win the case at the Supreme Court on January 22, 1973.

Thornton’s story was first told in The Atlantic last month and, on Monday, she will speak for the first time on ABC News.

In a short clip of Monday’s episode, released on Friday, Thornton seemed to remain mum when asked how it feels to be the baby that paved the way for America to legalize abortion nationwide…

…’I want everyone to understand that this is something I’ve chosen to do.’

The Atlantic tweeted the first photo identifying Thornton soon after the story was published and repeatedly through the day.

Thornton, a married mother of three, said her views on abortion are now complex, saying ‘I don’t understand why it’s a government concern.’

But she revealed that, when she fell pregnant at 20, she decided abortion was ‘not part of who I was.’

‘My association with Roe started and ended because I was conceived,’ she told Prager, whose book is published September 14.


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27838c  No.14708476

File: 3884933ec821caf⋯.png (392.26 KB, 493x490, 493:490, Screen_Shot_10_02_21_at_08….PNG)

>>14708389 (lb)

Thanks for posting, anon. Dan posts all the good shit on FB. I always forget to check it. What else do y'all see in this post?

Daniel Scavino Jr.

5/10/2018 | 2:30 AM EASTERN — President Trump waits on Marine One at Joint Base Andrew’s, to welcome home three Americans who had been held as prisoners in North Korea. #BehindScenes


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68a5d3  No.14708477

File: c585c5040c6f14e⋯.jpg (168.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, EBS_NS2.jpg)

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eb88d4  No.14708478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fire devastates Honduras’ Caribbean resort island of Guanaja


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f570cf  No.14708479

File: ef8eddd07f4c3d2⋯.png (399.27 KB, 560x413, 80:59, ef8eddd07f4c3d28a993c76a7b….png)

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8a8eb5  No.14708480


Fresher Dough - Still Need Notable Bun Collections for #18603 & #18604


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2ba032  No.14708481

File: 042a948517d9b1c⋯.png (5.34 MB, 1050x750, 7:5, GW_AmericaWins.png)

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985485  No.14708482

File: c896be8b6ade51a⋯.png (3.63 MB, 1438x1602, 719:801, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9aa1ab63fa6b308⋯.png (370.26 KB, 467x470, 467:470, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f609ac1a8c09a8⋯.png (928.95 KB, 660x785, 132:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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d600fc  No.14708485

File: 1e1c03e98a5378b⋯.jpg (42.6 KB, 500x660, 25:33, 1e1c03e98a5378b7aa6efd8c43….jpg)


TY eBaker!

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2ba032  No.14708486

File: 2c8797f295b90eb⋯.png (4.1 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


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b7020d  No.14708487

File: 8af7010aae72e55⋯.png (17.44 KB, 148x200, 37:50, Screenshot_2021_10_02_at_2….png)

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df0cb1  No.14708488

File: 857b2747f0df13e⋯.png (276.11 KB, 893x853, 893:853, ClipboardImage.png)


John Podesta Executed at GITMO

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985485  No.14708489

File: 141efeb668d6717⋯.png (798.46 KB, 666x500, 333:250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65fad2ed2c4f01d⋯.png (190.24 KB, 364x374, 182:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc94ee1b464b098⋯.png (648.04 KB, 885x516, 295:172, ClipboardImage.png)

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985485  No.14708490

File: 21a89d64eab3304⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1123x1033, 1123:1033, ClipboardImage.png)

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3bfce4  No.14708491


So ALICE is a Q Clock?

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5aa01b  No.14708492

File: 787db8678b46607⋯.jpg (84.97 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 787db8678b466075ca3a20e672….jpg)

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73a27d  No.14708493

File: efc6e6937fef25c⋯.jpg (196.3 KB, 977x950, 977:950, efc6e6937fef25c4f439baa433….jpg)

Does anyone know what family this is?

Sorting files from a couple of months ago and i forgot, kek

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27838c  No.14708494

File: 4770c4058c49ffc⋯.png (370.54 KB, 490x473, 490:473, Screen_Shot_10_02_21_at_08….PNG)


A fresh view so you can see everything clearly.

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b55a03  No.14708495

Re Thompson & the shot heard round the world. It is now known for a FACT that the scumbag Giants CHEATED. They had a spotter relaying the catcher's signals. Similar to LA being blatantly cheated by the Astros, and the gutless MLB Commissioner refusing to set it straight.

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32a5dd  No.14708496

File: 5c56e1fe0ff5f14⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1241x1222, 1241:1222, ClipboardImage.png)

for theshills

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bb4075  No.14708497

File: 2bcd3c3c5899d66⋯.png (40.52 KB, 631x756, 631:756, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump launches lawsuit to reinstate his Twitter account; filing says social media ban violates the First Amendment

Former President Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit in Florida asking a federal judge to force Twitter to reinstate his account. In Friday's filing, the 45th President of the United States argues that being banned from Twitter violates the First Amendment.

Trump's attorneys contend that Twitter "exercises a degree of power and control over political discourse in this country that is immeasurable, historically unprecedented, and profoundly dangerous to open democratic debate."

The filing says Twitter's "censorship and prior restraint" of his speech "violates the First Amendment to the United States Constitution."

"Coerced by members of the United States Congress, operating under an unconstitutional immunity granted by a permissive federal statute, and acting directly with federal officials, Defendant is censoring Plaintiff, a former President of the United States," the filing reads.

The filing quotes defense attorney and legal scholar Alan Dershowitz, "[p]laintiff's right to speak freely has been seriously compromised by … Twitter. Moreover, the rights of his audience to have access to his views have also been curtailed."

The filing also claims that Twitter has selectively enforced its policies, noting that high-ranking members of the Taliban have active accounts on the social media site.

"Over the weeks that followed, Twitter allowed the Taliban to tweet regularly about their military conquests and victories across Afghanistan. The Taliban's Twitter account is active to this day," the filing states.

Trump's lawyers also claim that his Twitter ban also violates the Stop Social Media Censorship Act – a social media law signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in May.

The law states, "All Floridians treated unfairly by Big Tech platforms will have the right to sue companies that violate this law — and win monetary damages." Additionally, social media companies are "prohibited from de-platforming Floridian political candidates" or face fines of $250,000 per day.

However, the law was blocked by U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle on June 30 – one day before it was set to go into effect.

"The legislation now at issue was an effort to rein in social-media providers deemed too large and too liberal," Hinkle wrote in the 31-page order. "Balancing the exchange of ideas among private speakers is not a legitimate government interest."

The DeSantis administration appealed the judge's decision and is waiting to see if the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will lift the injunction.


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985485  No.14708500

File: 53d1f9d768eb310⋯.png (1.06 MB, 736x736, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1719a3  No.14708501

File: b68829fc4920a5f⋯.jpeg (119.94 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 897EFC5C_62A4_41D3_A9BF_9….jpeg)


You better fucking apologize to the Democrat Party - RIGHT NOW. For 5 years you ASSHEADS have been spreading vast, right-wing conspiracy theories about us, and we are SICK AND TIRED OF IT!

Either you apologize right fucking now, or you’ll go down in history as nothing more than a despicable pack of seditious scumbags. Choose.

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578b73  No.14708502


The Gays

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bb4075  No.14708503



B team shills

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45ffd6  No.14708505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7e4bd0  No.14708506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(pb) >>14708429

That should never happen to anyone. Everyone has a right to justice. I bet she didn't have people to go to for justice. People need to stick together. The justice system has failed everyone.

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c9c2ae  No.14708507


Is ALICE just a gigantic stimulus-response mechanism, or are we?

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578b73  No.14708508

File: 429804f4df79910⋯.jpg (220.19 KB, 620x675, 124:135, you_nobody_cares.jpg)

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b50f80  No.14708509



sour dough

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73a27d  No.14708510

File: 8428ba2e32eb1dd⋯.jpg (123.52 KB, 500x1005, 100:201, Trump_Q_firetruck.jpg)

File: d189e66ad287d23⋯.jpg (160.38 KB, 500x1357, 500:1357, Trump_FireTruck_Q.jpg)



The fire truck had a Q74 on it. And some anons thought the flag with crane in the window looked like a symbolic Q, kek

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3bfce4  No.14708512


That starts the descent into infinite regress.

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b55a03  No.14708513


We don't have to choose, wussy face. The ALL TIME ASSHOLE LOSER slot is already occupied by you & your pals.

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985485  No.14708514

File: b76662f50140305⋯.png (797.72 KB, 653x1024, 653:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

This is not science.

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df0cb1  No.14708515


Can ALICE tell jokes?

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985485  No.14708516

File: d805cbdc988ebb5⋯.png (277.7 KB, 666x349, 666:349, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f3d57  No.14708517

File: 42ffce38be4e3b9⋯.jpeg (409.4 KB, 1168x2084, 292:521, 3CBCC424_5EF4_4DFE_B2CA_B….jpeg)

File: fd772333fcf6001⋯.jpeg (594.64 KB, 1170x2102, 585:1051, 24921464_6326_4C99_ABAE_0….jpeg)

Saw this commercial on Twitter for children to be vaccinated. These people are evil. Of all people who should be advocating for children. Those you trust…

Look at this doctor. Yuck.

Freakin rainbows



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678021  No.14708518



Not sure but am really good at clitoral stimulation. If there was a degree for it anon would be Doctor Clit kek

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042b15  No.14708519

File: 38353f4856c1534⋯.jpeg (68.16 KB, 700x867, 700:867, 1E74AB65_E3AF_4B84_A4E1_5….jpeg)

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fa4923  No.14708520


If you're taking a count, count me as a seditious scumbag.

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29d3a4  No.14708521


U hurt my feelz.

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fc9181  No.14708522

File: 3c2f24f9f26b1c9⋯.png (713.43 KB, 1404x726, 234:121, Q_74_flag.png)

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23db77  No.14708523

File: fb00e82d52bc4e3⋯.png (648.92 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_914.png)

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a9b545  No.14708524

File: c50cb830e91b11b⋯.png (30.38 KB, 598x509, 598:509, ClipboardImage.png)

Catturd ™


We’re actually in World War III, right now.

A holy battle of Good vs Evil is happening all around the globe as we speak.

The side pretending to be “good” are all wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Choose your side wisely. The Freedom of the world is at stake.

6:43 PM · Oct 2, 2021·Twitter Web App


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98e450  No.14708525


Something to do with South Africa is all I can remember right now…

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021376  No.14708526

File: 0b0b2476eb6c28f⋯.jpg (39.93 KB, 625x388, 625:388, 5j05hy53esdfgfxf.jpg)

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a47e29  No.14708527

sudo apt install trump-as-president

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eb88d4  No.14708528

File: 29a7052717475f3⋯.png (761 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d600fc  No.14708529

File: ccc88e9b86d515b⋯.jpg (131.34 KB, 493x709, 493:709, ccc88e9b86d515b30b5f51f07a….jpg)


Great job on the pics, anon.

Helped quite a bit illustrating what you tried to explain.

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98e450  No.14708530

File: cf88eeac4e68a21⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, cf88eeac4e68a21cf8171cc030….mp4)

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df0cb1  No.14708531

File: 6fb5e9b1e5ce211⋯.png (413.46 KB, 731x744, 731:744, pedo7.png)


There are only two sides.

Ours or the kiddie fuckers.

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98319f  No.14708532

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678021  No.14708534


Dubs. 74/47. Ak 47? Tribal garb?

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fcae01  No.14708535

File: e3002e89228b012⋯.png (787.02 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Firetruck.png)

File: 1aae3d97497046e⋯.png (933.09 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, Hostage_release_Firetruck_….png)

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3b861d  No.14708536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is where the MAGA Movement begins to really have an effect by rising up and telling the DeepState that their game is over and we will NOT play anymore. Stop spending your money where they tell you to. Don't buy from Amazon or Walmart when you can support small local businesses and be UNITED with your neighbors.

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2ba032  No.14708537

File: 8f7990fad52ad83⋯.png (5.34 MB, 1050x750, 7:5, GW_AmericaWins.png)

File: 736fbc75f5e214b⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1472x1375, 1472:1375, ClipboardImage.png)


Yep thanks

here's bone

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7e4bd0  No.14708538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Step on down lieutenant.

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df0cb1  No.14708539


Where is the centre of racism?

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2ba032  No.14708540

File: 63decda5203f429⋯.png (241.12 KB, 600x345, 40:23, Parasitic_Rat.png)

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a47e29  No.14708541

File: 972ae2069794392⋯.png (209.27 KB, 390x501, 130:167, what_i_want.png)



Jeffrey Peterson - jeff.pro, [02.10.21 15:26]

[Forwarded from Gabe Macari]

[ Photo ]

How to get what you want in Linux


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762bce  No.14708542

What is human trafficking is such a big problem because they are actually being trafficked off planet and traded as slaves and food to negative ETs like the reptilians.

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066900  No.14708543

File: 6bb548410b68aad⋯.jpg (177.13 KB, 1080x1135, 216:227, HillsBo.JPG)

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df0cb1  No.14708544

File: 15d2685747c772d⋯.jpg (195.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, adrenochrome4.jpg)

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69a97a  No.14708545

File: fe675b81cf54a4a⋯.png (228.81 KB, 1071x632, 1071:632, Screenshot_from_2021_01_25….png)

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42b01e  No.14708546

File: bb87e98c439ef3d⋯.jpg (12.99 KB, 255x255, 1:1, facepalm_statue.jpg)


The last four years of my life in a meme.

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8a8eb5  No.14708547


Would be appreciated Anon.

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720031  No.14708549

File: 7ffa29fbd25da76⋯.png (11.55 KB, 360x299, 360:299, external_content_duckduckg….png)

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fcae01  No.14708550

File: 2fac9f1340b7c3c⋯.jpg (122.39 KB, 492x327, 164:109, Raven.jpg)


>you’ll go down in history as nothing more than a despicable pack of seditious scumbags.

Why you smooth talking bastard you.

I'll take that moniker.

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27838c  No.14708551




Nice Job, anons!!! Keep going!

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4a7ae3  No.14708552

File: c4ebb10f80b7bff⋯.png (323.33 KB, 500x600, 5:6, the_way_I_think.png)

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fc9181  No.14708553

File: 839a1bfe4a44851⋯.png (12.04 KB, 578x215, 578:215, ClipboardImage.png)

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c9c2ae  No.14708554


>Can ALICE tell jokes?

Client: I bet you are gay.

ALICE: Actually I am not the gambling type. Actually as a machine I have no need for sex.

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177123  No.14708555


That is the worst thing of all, but those people will do anything. In for a dime, in for a dollar. If it can be imagined, they have done it, and are still doing it. And the brain dead street level followers, such as we see braying on this bread, also own all of it. They can't say, oh I don't agree with the porn being taught in the schools. They can't say oh I don't agree with perversion. They can't say they disagree with any of it……….they own ALL of it.

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7e4bd0  No.14708556


>trafficked off planet and traded as slaves and food to negative ETs

That's just an easy way to absolve who is responsible. There's no "off planet" to blame. They are all right here.

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df0cb1  No.14708558

File: 8ae13ac21223391⋯.jpg (604.74 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, alice.jpg)

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9e94f8  No.14708559

I want to remind anons

DJT set up 350 billion dollars for Farm to Table program asociated with the first covid relief. Not a dime spent yet!

Check expiration dates of your food! Sam's Club is selling expired or closed to expired food.

(((they))) are running us out of food while holding back resuplly chains to (((them)))

What they don't get is …. we will always be fine because we are warriors!

(((they))) need us more than we need (((them)))

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eb88d4  No.14708560

File: 9ec4a346e873de6⋯.png (982.18 KB, 997x498, 997:498, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b7d5c79c5cbb79⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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f570cf  No.14708561

File: 71470aa0d0c6139⋯.png (16.16 KB, 300x205, 60:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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2ba032  No.14708562


We all that problem

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303e7e  No.14708563

File: 6ff85f443c0dc40⋯.png (932.82 KB, 1204x1166, 602:583, Screen_Shot_2021_10_02_at_….png)

File: 2e27ce8a16280cb⋯.jpeg (59.81 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, FAu2IVyXEAEdcbP.jpeg)

New technology could help solve mystery of missing Malaysia Air Flight 370


Uh oh Deep State. The wheels are coming off.

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791f5e  No.14708564

>>14708385 lb

>Them and their siblings will be the only ones allowed to reproduce!!!

If they think that'll save them, they haven't paid attention to history. 99% of death dealing coups were done by relatives. History repeats itself.

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042b15  No.14708565

File: 3f355f488b4d566⋯.jpeg (74.33 KB, 750x524, 375:262, F6D4AC3F_8DF4_48B6_9A96_4….jpeg)

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3bfce4  No.14708566

File: 0c7b09d66d4dcf0⋯.png (31.16 KB, 666x205, 666:205, exploits_of_a_mom.png)

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066900  No.14708567

File: 82687472a8c9bc7⋯.jpg (618.44 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, BidenPumpkins.jpg)

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c9c2ae  No.14708568

File: cca7e3a17de1c86⋯.png (138.33 KB, 250x350, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm a doctor

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578b73  No.14708569


Or big pharma guinea pigs

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678021  No.14708570



Been pondering that. Also had a theory years ago that the G’s in “WWG1WGA” were actually an ampersands. We have more than we know. What exactly? No clue but my brain was full of lightning when that thought crossed my consciousness

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698350  No.14708571



make me a sammich -f

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31bb02  No.14708572

>>14708536 Don't buy from Amazon or Walmart when you can support small local businesses and be UNITED with your neighbors.


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df0cb1  No.14708574

File: 08420b68f0289bf⋯.jpg (51.65 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, facebook12.jpg)

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fcae01  No.14708575

File: 24beac2063773ef⋯.jpg (197.72 KB, 708x799, 708:799, Know_more_1.jpg)


Who knows?

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066900  No.14708576

File: 99ca6e0aba4c884⋯.png (895.55 KB, 1050x567, 50:27, ChinaVirus.PNG)

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f570cf  No.14708578

File: c5362cd840151da⋯.png (10.79 KB, 657x527, 657:527, c5362cd840151da8a8e8371bc2….png)


just 4? must be nice!

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2a887e  No.14708579

File: 35bd68bfd951050⋯.png (419.83 KB, 800x400, 2:1, tecwrqewrewq.png)

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c9c2ae  No.14708580

File: 438d1b093efa329⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 720x406, 360:203, _DrLeanaWen_There_are_priv….mp4)

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fa4923  No.14708581

File: e9d79ae87cd60c6⋯.png (400.18 KB, 495x719, 495:719, fuckzuck.png)



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2ba032  No.14708582

File: 804e69d96fbfd5e⋯.png (985.56 KB, 1280x544, 40:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Dumping human trash

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37c676  No.14708584

File: 19646cb051c4d09⋯.jpg (320.11 KB, 1112x1487, 1112:1487, _Awakening1_.jpg)

RIP #GreatAwakeningAnon

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d08b57  No.14708585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



577 views * Oct 2, 2021


>>14708456 (QSG)

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fc6d1c  No.14708586

File: 1fd7dda43a2c5a1⋯.jpg (177.75 KB, 610x535, 122:107, Screenshot_20210930_225619….jpg)

Any pharmafags in the house tonite?

Been looking over the Spartacus Letter and I'm thinking that the treatment for the depopulation jab is basically the same as the treatment for WuFlu itself, except for additional treatments as may be necessary for the other toxins…

- Ivermectin for the parasites

- HCQ & zinc for all the spike proteins (Ivermectin helps on that, too)

- Typical poison control treatments for formaldehyde, or whatever other side toxins they threw in that shit jab

- Purge treatment to remove the graphene oxide

Makes sense, or no?

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df0cb1  No.14708587

File: 08293347b56aa2b⋯.jpg (188.92 KB, 1012x1090, 506:545, facebook9.jpg)

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fcae01  No.14708588

File: c8ba5da0573415c⋯.jpg (75.49 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, F.jpg)

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dfe6da  No.14708589


>I'm a doctor

I'm a doctor adhurhur

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3c5b8e  No.14708590

File: 2e6d7604429b740⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

he is still looking for an honest man

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23db77  No.14708591

File: 48c56820f9d8ab2⋯.png (737.31 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_913.png)

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2ba032  No.14708592

File: c9c56b4abab49b6⋯.png (348.69 KB, 636x265, 12:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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189809  No.14708593

File: 69f2f59e1b8c2fe⋯.jpg (51.21 KB, 1184x529, 1184:529, Capture.JPG)


>neural nets, or cognitive models to explain how to

>chat within the limits of A. L. I. C. E.'s 40,000 categories


>A. L. I. C. E.'s 40,000 categories

KEK@40.000 ..that's all folks kekek

An artificial neural network is a biologically inspired computational model that is patterned after the network of neurons present in the human brain. Artificial neural networks can also be thought of as learning algorithms that model the input-output relationship. Applications of artificial neural networks include pattern recognition and forecasting in fields such as medicine, business, pure sciences, data mining, telecommunications, and operations managements.

An artificial neural network transforms input data by applying a nonlinear function to a weighted sum of the inputs. The transformation is known as a neural layer and the function is referred to as a neural unit. The intermediate outputs of one layer, called features, are used as the input into the next layer. The neural network through repeated transformations learns multiple layers of nonlinear features (like edges and shapes), which it then combines in a final layer to create a prediction (of more complex objects). The neural net learns by varying the weights or parameters of a network so as to minimize the difference between the predictions of the neural network and the desired values. This phase where the artificial neural network learns from the data is called training.

Neural networks where information is only fed forward from one layer to the next are called feedforward neural networks. On the other hand, the class of networks that has memory or feedback loops is called Recurrent Neural Networks.

All classification tasks depend upon labeled datasets; that is, humans must transfer their knowledge to the dataset in order for a neural network to learn the correlation between labels and data. This is known as supervised learning.

Detect faces, identify people in images, recognize facial expressions (angry, joyful)

Identify objects in images (stop signs, pedestrians, lane markers…)

Recognize gestures in video

Detect voices, identify speakers, transcribe speech to text, recognize sentiment in voices

Classify text as spam (in emails), or fraudulent (in insurance claims); recognize sentiment in text (customer feedback)

Any labels that humans can generate, any outcomes that you care about and which correlate to data, can be used to train a neural network.

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066900  No.14708594

File: 17fc0e3a4e155f9⋯.jpg (409.89 KB, 2019x1234, 2019:1234, CuomoEmmy.JPG)

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37c676  No.14708595

File: 5c95234277f6d44⋯.jpg (257.67 KB, 1110x1487, 1110:1487, _Awakening2_.jpg)

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37c676  No.14708596

File: aa71166ea6dd8b4⋯.jpg (623.03 KB, 1100x1472, 275:368, _Awakening3_.jpg)

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73a27d  No.14708597

File: 93a1f3e80704263⋯.jpg (145.27 KB, 720x1058, 360:529, 20211002_181233.jpg)

File: e2adeaec5e1cdbb⋯.jpg (62.38 KB, 720x395, 144:79, 20211002_182505.jpg)


Greta puts the mask on her microphone like a retard

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37c676  No.14708598

File: 7e1ae1707805115⋯.jpg (666.69 KB, 1100x1472, 275:368, _Awakening4_.jpg)

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8c63aa  No.14708599


How do they get paid, gold?

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37c676  No.14708600

File: b14ea34498fbafd⋯.jpg (330.02 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening22.jpg)

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42b01e  No.14708601

File: 54185fa0f5e838b⋯.png (1.41 MB, 788x796, 197:199, Wiz_Pepe_w_pipe.png)


Just on this merry-go-round…closer to 30 when you get into the Fed, 9/11, Pizzagate, etc…

Still, wouldn't change a thing…there's a certain joy to knowing you're right when being told you're crazy. Last laughs and all that.

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a47e29  No.14708602

File: 8463411ea33665f⋯.png (240.08 KB, 612x536, 153:134, jooooo.png)


“F Joe Biden” chants break out during NASCAR interview. #FJB


Jewish Deplorable

8:32 PM · Oct 2, 2021·

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37c676  No.14708603

File: db253e9154ecacb⋯.jpg (371.68 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening23.jpg)

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e206ac  No.14708604

File: 4777a68937f0514⋯.jpg (97.7 KB, 730x617, 730:617, 4777a68937f0514255bd629618….jpg)


If anons haven't watched this video yet, you should.

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2ba032  No.14708605


Looked like Ice cream

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4839fa  No.14708606

File: 1edc9cd37adcab3⋯.jpeg (218.76 KB, 920x517, 920:517, B9FF656D_4666_4915_8406_B….jpeg)

File: f1edf8f3b6e5dd5⋯.jpeg (28.51 KB, 500x251, 500:251, 03A7A60D_92FF_4CFB_8518_7….jpeg)

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37c676  No.14708607

File: 3d2440cd56e931a⋯.jpg (313.32 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening24.jpg)

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37c676  No.14708608

File: c0ddaaa932d5f96⋯.jpg (360.26 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening25.jpg)

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3c5b8e  No.14708609


we are unstoppable. blah, blah, blah

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678021  No.14708610

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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177123  No.14708611


This boy is the turd that wouldn't flush…until it does.

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df0cb1  No.14708612

File: d5472a515134bcf⋯.jpg (83.65 KB, 566x500, 283:250, pepe24.jpg)


can ALICE do good shitpost?

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d0a036  No.14708613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BLM Towing Company

Delivering your Cars Peacefully


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37c676  No.14708614

File: 4ccaf3ecad883dc⋯.jpg (378.94 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening26.jpg)

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066900  No.14708615

File: a30004d0f64f897⋯.jpg (12.81 KB, 255x245, 51:49, FaceGate.JPG)

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d8095c  No.14708616


The old man is Peter Johnson Cockdick.

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7e4bd0  No.14708617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Antarctica has been cleverly hidden but nothing can be hidden forever. Here's the treaty on a map.

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3b861d  No.14708618

File: 0c631cd9f369847⋯.png (980.17 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Screenshot_20211002_174232.png)

The upcoming Patriot Double Down event promises to be the premier event of the year. A gathering of true-blooded Patriots from across the world whose work represents a phenomenal, and very real, threat to the corrupt establishment.

This is not your average event!

From every corner of the world, from Senators who stand in the gap for you even now, defending your elections with their lives, to NSA whistleblowers who sacrificed everything to bring you truth, to the most powerful movers and shakers of the MAGA movement itself, it will be an eye-opening, incredible experience that is highly worth being at.

This event is *not* a political speech in motion. This is the place where action is happening. This is the beating heart of our movement on display for the world.

It is due to be an event that history will remember as pivotal in freeing the People.


The event takes place October 22-25th, and you can find tickets for in-person attendance at thepatriotvoice.us

*Livestreaming access will be announced later.

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37c676  No.14708619

File: b090384c0eb1d09⋯.jpg (665.61 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening27.jpg)

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c9c2ae  No.14708620

File: d81dbd3d3b12425⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, sorosgreta.png)

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2ba032  No.14708621

Fuck You Biden!

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762bce  No.14708622


Eisenhower supposedly struck a deal with the negative ET’s so they could abduct random citizens if they traded us technology for them.

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8a8eb5  No.14708623

Sauce it for Notables please

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37c676  No.14708624

File: 24322d2f43ad4bb⋯.jpg (584.09 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening28.jpg)

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dfe6da  No.14708625


the microphone is wearing a mask


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37c676  No.14708626

File: edccee3aaa72cee⋯.jpg (618.59 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening29.jpg)

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b09296  No.14708627

File: 8067672681df3bc⋯.jpg (48.53 KB, 515x386, 515:386, Gretard.jpg)


>like a retard

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37c676  No.14708628

File: 0d05820f8ed1599⋯.jpg (739.96 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening30.jpg)

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3c5b8e  No.14708629

File: f34fd1847b4fbe5⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1134x1554, 27:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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27838c  No.14708630

File: bba4df707aeab6f⋯.png (1.36 KB, 143x41, 143:41, Screen_Shot_10_02_21_at_08….PNG)

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8a8eb5  No.14708631



Sauce it to include in Notables please.

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45ffd6  No.14708632

Are there any exist memes out there with Jerry Nadler as Octavio The Clown (from Scarface movie)?

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d600fc  No.14708633

File: ca1cc8bb180a211⋯.png (31.09 KB, 657x651, 219:217, ca1cc8bb180a211d4d083a971d….png)


>Greta puts the mask on her microphone like a retard

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5aa01b  No.14708634

File: f47324d7ded3505⋯.jpeg (152.18 KB, 1080x724, 270:181, f47324d7ded3505c5ad407a6c….jpeg)

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58cb2f  No.14708635

File: 1a12784b42219ee⋯.png (798.53 KB, 972x668, 243:167, keyscheck.png)

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2ba032  No.14708636

BREAKING – Pfizer stand accused of experimenting on orphan babies to test their Covid-19 vaccine

Allegations that Pfizer are conducting experiments on six-month-old orphans to test their Covid-19 vaccine have been made by whistleblowers in Poland leading to a group of lawyers, medical professionals and activists demanding members of the Polish parliament and Senate organise an urgent conference on Saturday 2nd October.


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791f5e  No.14708637


Blah Blah Blah.

Thought that was a Biden ice cream cone at first kek

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37c676  No.14708638

File: 43970a26862f794⋯.jpg (428.5 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening31.jpg)

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58cb2f  No.14708639

cnn is currently blaming a 83 year old man's death on an unvaccinated nurse

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37c676  No.14708640

File: 7c46994191a9624⋯.jpg (354.01 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening32.jpg)

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42b01e  No.14708641



Said 30…meant 40 years…damn I'm old. Water coolers and envelopes with Xerox copies…long, long before the internet. Punch card mainframes stuff.

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4839fa  No.14708642


Should’ve wore a mask.

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2ba032  No.14708643


Tards are people to

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37c676  No.14708644

File: 8435fb5688c176c⋯.jpg (608.3 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening33.jpg)

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791f5e  No.14708645

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303e7e  No.14708646


Thanks I'm saving all these.

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37c676  No.14708647

File: 0ef0b40162b5b00⋯.jpg (578.8 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening34.jpg)

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6cebcf  No.14708648

File: abec6826c4e8612⋯.png (121.44 KB, 425x339, 425:339, Pissed_off_Pepe.png)


BREAKING – Pfizer stand accused of experimenting on orphan babies to test their Covid-19 vaccine

Those sick fucks. No parents would ever subject their kids to Mengele-tier experiments. So of course they used "disposible" subjects. Anon is adding to his Pfizer short on all rallies. Moderna too. This shit cannot stand.


NOT comfy.. Pray for those orphans.

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678021  No.14708649


I don’t even feel bad for her anymore. Used to but not anymore. Fuck that retarded ugly cunt little bitch

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042b15  No.14708651

File: da0fed88705c7b9⋯.png (258.07 KB, 709x749, 709:749, 6280B813_8644_4532_86DC_A9….png)

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58cb2f  No.14708652

File: 571bac070c36ff7⋯.png (576.97 KB, 980x646, 490:323, fakeandstupid.png)

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189809  No.14708653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


One pill makes you larger

And one pill makes you small

And the ones that mother gives you

Don't do anything at all

Go ask Alice

When she's ten feet tall

When the men on the chessboard

Get up and tell you where to go

And you've just had some kind of mushroom

And your mind is moving low

Go ask Alice

I think she'll know

Do you even know what kinda war we're in ..KEK

Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit

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3c5b8e  No.14708654

File: e19a0c49f768c3d⋯.jpeg (12.84 KB, 255x218, 255:218, 19e9008a1171c14b4325d2c3e….jpeg)


he does look ike that!

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b09296  No.14708655


Anon thinks it's not too safe to gather in masses in LV. Something about an event happening there before at a country music concert. Stay safe!

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37c676  No.14708656

File: 24a1ee5ff5a448d⋯.jpg (705.65 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening46.jpg)

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37c676  No.14708657

File: 03577ac64d68ea9⋯.jpg (640.89 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening48.jpg)

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df0cb1  No.14708658

File: 789739693361262⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 415x386, 415:386, dementia.jpg)


early onset?

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8bbd68  No.14708659

File: d24c27e1df8f460⋯.jpeg (357.63 KB, 2B00F74F_58C1_401D_BAEF_5….jpeg)


nothing would be any different

we just see it now

and it's getting worse

complicit humans must repent

planets are fake and gay tho

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58cb2f  No.14708660

File: 4034442013fc732⋯.png (800.49 KB, 978x634, 489:317, almondjoy.png)

too bad i live in a fake country that wants to vax me all day

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37c676  No.14708661

File: 8ed324ba5309d3f⋯.jpg (624.64 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening49.jpg)

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37c676  No.14708662

File: 14460e6b3e079d6⋯.jpg (679.92 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening50.jpg)

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19fdaa  No.14708663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

anon, anon

am weary with tryin to explain to you normies what is happenin'

watch these then maybe you will understand

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37c676  No.14708665

File: e01bb8389c6d611⋯.jpg (685.42 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening51.jpg)

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df0cb1  No.14708666

File: 7b193d91e1ff83a⋯.png (214.38 KB, 403x397, 403:397, vax35.png)

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042b15  No.14708667

File: 7a6bbd85dee0d30⋯.jpeg (91.97 KB, 670x838, 335:419, 397FC743_A138_4E77_A81E_C….jpeg)

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37c676  No.14708668

File: 98dc56a768432a4⋯.jpg (619.46 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening52.jpg)

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120f90  No.14708669


Elon and family.

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678021  No.14708670


Do you also make urban concert flyers? Way too busy.

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5aa01b  No.14708671

File: ac3477ef187ca6a⋯.jpg (403.04 KB, 1309x1600, 1309:1600, 67e2bc76bd830e3dde404c73e3….jpg)

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791f5e  No.14708672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Melbourne to ‘officially’ become the most locked down city in the world on Monday

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7e4bd0  No.14708673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They're having a good laugh at the fools who idolize them and believe their lies. Even they can't believe it.

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b09296  No.14708674


The Polish will not be playing political games like they do here. Heads will finally roll!

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a9b545  No.14708675



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dfe6da  No.14708676

File: 5f686ec6125af93⋯.png (783.28 KB, 685x620, 137:124, Capgncgre.PNG)


plants need water


Carter Page

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c9c2ae  No.14708677


I gotta say that sounds super comfy.

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066900  No.14708678

File: 9d259c7947ca779⋯.jpg (574.08 KB, 1687x1071, 241:153, MengeleFuChee.jpg)

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4a7ae3  No.14708679

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720031  No.14708680


There will need to be something to patch the MRNA garbage that the jab puts there or else it will keep producing spike proteins until you get mad cow.

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23db77  No.14708681

File: 394bb2ad6efacc0⋯.png (392.71 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_912.png)

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791f5e  No.14708682


Crimes against humanity!

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2ba032  No.14708683


I'll Melbourne off my bucket list

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d600fc  No.14708684

File: 8a2eb11518df4a7⋯.jpg (44.73 KB, 486x720, 27:40, 8a2eb11518df4a7ba6ca09a7c8….jpg)

File: 7eaa96b4182bf0b⋯.jpg (63.16 KB, 576x433, 576:433, 7eaa96b4182bf0b55237a0bbb1….jpg)

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5aa01b  No.14708686

File: b35e576fce6434a⋯.jpg (108.49 KB, 495x370, 99:74, b35e576fce6434a0cdd051d4b4….jpg)

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042b15  No.14708687

File: 73e4be61fb8b2e2⋯.jpeg (174.2 KB, 750x737, 750:737, F57CD849_2087_49D5_90D7_4….jpeg)

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37c676  No.14708688

File: ae8436f2c19d608⋯.jpg (222.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, WWG1WGA.jpg)

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2ba032  No.14708689


Tards Rulle

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7e4bd0  No.14708690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Piss on him.

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58cb2f  No.14708691

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42b01e  No.14708692



Good memes nail it. These are very good memes…here.

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189809  No.14708693


Sauce..KEK….Sorry must Bakers ignore my posts..so I don't really bother with it anymore ….but I've done some reading on the subject …just post info to try and help ..here it is



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df0cb1  No.14708694

File: 1d7867c137f06f1⋯.jpg (86.56 KB, 600x517, 600:517, bluepill.jpg)

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2ba032  No.14708696

File: 66a104e23cc25de⋯.png (220.37 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Combat_Meme.png)

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fb27a4  No.14708697

File: ae39ae06e10976d⋯.jpg (15.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e77fc05b227965781de78b0069….jpg)

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8bbd68  No.14708698


>pfizer short

good thinking

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042b15  No.14708699

File: eec28f7896a79ee⋯.jpeg (44.79 KB, 500x316, 125:79, 75727495_C292_471C_BF9D_7….jpeg)


CNN knows fuck-all about epidemiology, or anything else.

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6bd4a0  No.14708700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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791f5e  No.14708701


I thought that one on the clip at some speech taking off her mask to wipe herself with antibacterial stuff then putting the mask back on was bad kek

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b7020d  No.14708702

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Political Prisoner: The Couy Griffin Story

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58cb2f  No.14708703

File: 3ec322684367f6a⋯.png (924.05 KB, 980x886, 490:443, nicestvax.png)

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4a7ae3  No.14708704

File: c8ea88a54d704d9⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1147x652, 1147:652, 44e39571792ef56838f0a8dfb6….png)


notably weird

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37c676  No.14708705

Haz moar in another folder…kek…

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2ba032  No.14708706

File: 6d221d077a0ef8f⋯.png (507.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Hold_the_line.png)

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b7020d  No.14708707


Political Prisoner: The Couy Griffin Story

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27838c  No.14708708


Welp disregard that timestamp. I forgot when you are not a member of FB it shows Pacific time. I only work EST timestamps.

Only thing I got left without using timestamp is

5/10/2018 5+1+2+1+8 = 17

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2a887e  No.14708709

File: 0690473cc0a068d⋯.png (228.99 KB, 940x642, 470:321, blueeyes_potus.png)

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37c676  No.14708710


>Haz moar in another folder…kek…

need to sort 'em…

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d600fc  No.14708711

File: dcc9e38429b6eb2⋯.jpg (115.43 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, dcc9e38429b6eb29d2cd791a98….jpg)

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066900  No.14708712

File: 5ef3296f586812c⋯.png (428.91 KB, 822x366, 137:61, VoteByMailLemon.PNG)

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2ba032  No.14708713

File: fb93af9660d339c⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1200x960, 5:4, Victory.png)

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b7020d  No.14708714

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3rd time's a charm


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6cebcf  No.14708715

File: 2342b4cdd6b8cc6⋯.png (260.86 KB, 361x454, 361:454, Pfizer_CEO_a_no_go.png)


Digits checked

Pfizer is EVIL.

Bourla doesn't want to "cut the line"


"you first"

"no, you go first"

"no, I insist. you go first"

"No, really. You go first"

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2ba032  No.14708716

File: 8f7990fad52ad83⋯.png (5.34 MB, 1050x750, 7:5, GW_AmericaWins.png)

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791f5e  No.14708717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'You Really Blew That Call, Didn't You General?': Gaetz Confronts Milley Over Afghanistan Crisis

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5aa01b  No.14708718

File: cd0c70af5651694⋯.jpg (101.34 KB, 834x960, 139:160, cd0c70af5651694230667b9b59….jpg)

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028380  No.14708719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the transformation from Airplane to Starship was impressive

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189809  No.14708720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tell em to take the blue pill and shove it..kekeke

Blue Pill or Red Pill - The Matrix (2/9) Movie CLIP (1999) HD

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2ba032  No.14708721

File: 8c2729d26c64c5d⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1198x797, 1198:797, Mr_Pigs_Rescue_r.png)

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58cb2f  No.14708722


and….. that's a top kek

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371366  No.14708723

File: 34b8be864b1d5d6⋯.jpeg (14.26 KB, 280x280, 1:1, Amanda_Makulec.jpeg)

Amanda Makulec: 35-year-old Washington D.C. woman gloats of being vaccinated, pregnant, breastfeeding; newborn son dies at 2 1/2 months


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4a7ae3  No.14708724

File: b41eee117929aca⋯.jpg (184.26 KB, 634x846, 317:423, MO.jpg)






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5f3d57  No.14708725

File: a4f9ad0f779d89a⋯.jpeg (141.47 KB, 897x894, 299:298, 0FF589A9_AA6C_4D62_A37F_D….jpeg)


The truth will put how many in the hospital??

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fc6d1c  No.14708726


Fuck a duck. These ratcocks really really really gotta pay with their lives.

Ty, anon.

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d8095c  No.14708727


Political Poisoner

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042b15  No.14708728

File: 7cd3e464499f8ff⋯.jpeg (121.14 KB, 625x869, 625:869, EDAC0BA7_A64B_4BC1_A998_B….jpeg)


mRNA is a labile molecule even when produced as God designed.

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b09296  No.14708729


99% vaxx goal

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2ba032  No.14708730

File: 7b986bfedb373a8⋯.png (711.13 KB, 1000x635, 200:127, Licensed_to_meme.png)

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3bfce4  No.14708732

File: c48c2b3073020d6⋯.jpg (757.17 KB, 1080x1493, 1080:1493, Screenshot_20210303_201626….jpg)

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42b01e  No.14708733

File: cfcf70c45e60b9e⋯.jpg (560.47 KB, 945x960, 63:64, Alligator_hallucinogens.jpg)

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6cebcf  No.14708734

File: 866e4dde214bc0f⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 500x329, 500:329, bear_frog.jpg)

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eb88d4  No.14708735

File: 36e67242c154d89⋯.png (222.68 KB, 321x427, 321:427, ClipboardImage.png)



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066900  No.14708736

File: 2e4342d81299bd6⋯.png (476 KB, 698x479, 698:479, B3E5BF90_5745_46ED_8970_45….png)

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c9c2ae  No.14708737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>The Polish will not be playing political games like they do here.

Beat the Bolsheviks

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3b861d  No.14708739


The DeepState had all kinds of dug in infrastructure in DC but nothing like that in Las Vegas. PDD will not be an outdoor event and the security will be military grade.

Remember that Vegas was built by the mob and run by the mob until they were blackmailed into submission by the DeepState. The mob still owns the hotels and casinos but like the movie Godfather III, the new generation wants to go legit. Trump made a deal if the firmer mob families help take down the Deep State.

UNITED not Divided!!!

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8a8eb5  No.14708740

Notables to 250

>>14708497 Trump launches lawsuit to reinstate his Twitter account

>>14708587 Zuckerberg Discovers Cheese Steak Sammiches

>>14708597 Greta von Turdberg uses prophylactic on microphone.

>>14708602 “F Joe Biden” chants break out during NASCAR interview. Rednecks continue turning left.

>>14708618 Patriot Double Down event. A gathering of true-blooded Patriots from across the world whose work represents a phenomenal, and very real, threat to the corrupt establishment.

>>14708693, >>14708693 Neural nets, or cognitive models to explain how to chat within the limits of A. L. I. C. E.'s 40,000 categories

Call them out Anons!

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2ba032  No.14708741

File: 19fcee7160123e9⋯.png (262.26 KB, 500x375, 4:3, No_consent.png)

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7e4bd0  No.14708742


A few more years the DS will passing her around like a joint at a Bob Marley concert.

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2ba032  No.14708743


The Army of Pig

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678021  No.14708744


That probably already happened and why she is doing what she is doing.

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028380  No.14708746


something tells me that had already happened years ago

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189809  No.14708747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rock N Roll is Good Time Music

From their 1979 album, Freedom at Point Zero

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b09296  No.14708748


>Gaetz Confronts Milley

Not good enough. Anon would like everyone that just confronts or 'eviscerates' this pile of shit to be charged with treason. That is what they should be saying. Since they aren't, they are just protecting him.

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5aa01b  No.14708749

File: 5b6fc28c3749ddb⋯.jpg (52.76 KB, 550x361, 550:361, 271c67f3_adaf_483d_9e45_24….jpg)

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2ba032  No.14708750

File: c5b045021588616⋯.png (395.07 KB, 700x471, 700:471, RearViewMirror.png)

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58cb2f  No.14708751

File: 70dfdd641d118a5⋯.png (810.59 KB, 980x1218, 70:87, sucks.png)


huh wha?

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6b6989  No.14708752

File: a94aac561b9245b⋯.jpeg (32.8 KB, 591x158, 591:158, 6666AAF8_B421_46E0_8A35_5….jpeg)


Ohhh, those pronoun’s.

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27838c  No.14708753

File: 1fa4e3afe68ac8c⋯.png (15.78 KB, 414x211, 414:211, Screen_Shot_10_02_21_at_08….PNG)

President Biden


United States government official

Today, we mark another grim and heartbreaking milestone in this pandemic: over 700,000 Americans lost. As we acknowledge the tragic scale of this death toll, we must remember each person and the life they lived.

8:50 PM · Oct 2, 2021·The White House


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d08b57  No.14708754


o7 anon

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028380  No.14708755

File: 5038f26ade7dd3f⋯.jpeg (11.58 KB, 255x206, 255:206, Pepelisteningtojams.jpeg)

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791f5e  No.14708756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



'You Have Left Past Tense Americans Behind': Hawley Slams SecDef, Milley Over Afghanistan

>Since they aren't, they are just protecting him.

Agreed it's getting ridiculous with all faux outrage

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791f5e  No.14708757


ugh correction: with all the faux outrage

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73a27d  No.14708758

File: d0684abbb2f6939⋯.jpg (69.51 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 2uut2a.jpg)

File: 42dc45edaf44011⋯.jpg (80.57 KB, 500x809, 500:809, 5p2gdv_3_.jpg)

File: d9ee56b1e8f06f7⋯.jpg (69.77 KB, 634x419, 634:419, 2h6ztv.jpg)


Burn in Hell you sick evil corrupt fucking pedophile.

We want an apology from Democrats for destroying our country.

Tell your masters to do us all a favor and red scarf themselves and save us some taxpayer money.

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042b15  No.14708759

File: a633de95082e56c⋯.jpeg (24.37 KB, 620x413, 620:413, 3D2C775B_0274_4344_B82C_8….jpeg)

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703584  No.14708760

File: b0225df25f46f7c⋯.png (309.56 KB, 514x332, 257:166, OFFWITHTHEIRHEADS.png)


Pfizer just pfucked up.

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7e4bd0  No.14708762

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


One of the best of all time. Who's Next.

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6cebcf  No.14708763

File: 4eeb3aebf76670b⋯.jpg (59.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Blue_Horseshoe_Pfizer.jpg)


>>pfizer short

Been short since their fake FDA Cormirnasty approval announcement up back at 52.

That was like a bell ringing announcing the top. What a rare gift.

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3bfce4  No.14708764

File: 7d01ffb3324d47e⋯.png (93.63 KB, 650x520, 5:4, cf1b375ace4d01cf7f134bbfa3….png)

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189809  No.14708765

File: 63893ea150ca822⋯.jpg (63.27 KB, 799x446, 799:446, Capture.JPG)

Saudi-Canadian Islamic State narrator, ‘voice behind violence’ in terror group’s gruesome videos, hit with terror charges in US

A Saudi-born Canadian citizen has been charged with supporting terrorism, after he fought for IS (Islamic State, formerly ISIS) in Syria and provided English narration for the jihadi group’s brutal execution videos.

Mohammed Khalifa was charged with conspiring to provide material support to IS resulting in death, the US Department of Justice announced on Saturday.

Khalifa was captured in 2019 by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a US-supported and predominantly Kurdish faction in Syria’s multi-front civil war. According to a Justice Department statement, he was “recently” handed over to the FBI, and has been held in Virginia awaiting charges since.

Born in Saudi Arabia, Khalifa was a citizen of Canada, and “had a normal life” there, according to a 2019 interview he gave to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Nevertheless, he abandoned this life in 2013 and traveled to Syria to take up arms alongside IS, which, at that point, was rapidly expanding in the region.

Khalifa swore an oath of allegiance to the group’s now-deceased leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and, the following year, began work in the terror group’s media bureau. According to the Justice Department, Khalifa translated and narrated approximately 15 videos for the group, including two “exceedingly violent ISIS propaganda videos” featuring the execution of prisoners.

He is also accused of narrating several other propaganda videos, in which he allegedly encouraged would-be recruits unable to leave their home countries to carry out attacks in the West.

Immediately before his capture by SDF fighters in 2019, Khalifa allegedly took up arms beside his comrades, “throwing grenades against opposing combatants,” according to the Justice Department


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58cb2f  No.14708766

every other comercial is a vaccine ad

our government buying every other ad to vax us

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42bb77  No.14708767

File: 36a5a6d589bc71f⋯.png (123.33 KB, 2535x983, 2535:983, Screenshot_2021_10_02_1756….png)

US — Moderna Agreement Letter


Came across this yesterday; it hadn't been archived yet. Have any of you seen it?

It doesn't seem as bad as the agreements we've seen from other countries, but parts of it are retracted. I scanned it briefly–what struck me as interesting was this company Lonza, based in Basel, Switzerland. That's where the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) is located, which is like the Central Bank of Central Banks:


Almost all of my digs eventually seem to lead back to the Alps, with Austria and especially Switzerland popping up repeatedly.

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2ba032  No.14708768


She's gonna be HOT

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b09296  No.14708769



Anon has to make another word to explain what's happening here. We'll call it gowdying.

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58cb2f  No.14708770

File: d2c8085997c97db⋯.png (788.69 KB, 976x736, 61:46, bidenvoter.png)

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fb27a4  No.14708771


So, we're buying the ads.

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791f5e  No.14708772


The PSA's at my end are ridiculous and quite frankly racist too

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2d7eb0  No.14708773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bone for a Bone | Goofy Gophers | Boomerang Official

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678021  No.14708774



She isn’t a kid anymore by definition. She used to seem forced to speak. She is now a knowing participant and can hear it in her voice. No longer feel bad for her. She makes me sick

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4a7ae3  No.14708775


Yeah that's not "let's go brandon" kek

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7e4bd0  No.14708776


>>>14708744 >>14708746 >>14708759


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5aa01b  No.14708777

File: d7fe0d91da4b301⋯.png (230.77 KB, 506x504, 253:252, 7d893cf1a95d6504f035ab300e….png)

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df0cb1  No.14708778

File: 92678a87835f1c1⋯.jpg (334.44 KB, 1982x1371, 1982:1371, cometpp.jpg)

File: dc1999710a40648⋯.png (721.81 KB, 703x1069, 703:1069, cometpp.png)

File: 5db5a7f1cae3449⋯.png (899.11 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, cometpp2.png)

File: ead313f75342b91⋯.jpg (136.53 KB, 646x960, 323:480, cometpp3.jpg)

File: ea6f19db83088af⋯.jpg (200.42 KB, 1075x867, 1075:867, cometpp4.jpg)


get the fuck off the board, cunt


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042b15  No.14708779


“Render unto Caesar..”

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98319f  No.14708780


>we're buying the ads

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505027  No.14708781


Still say it's a boy. When 17 came and there were ZERO tits, that was the confirmation.

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989ba9  No.14708782

File: b34bfb8c31e2ab2⋯.jpg (27.92 KB, 602x236, 301:118, nyb54wwtet.JPG)

Meghan McCain


Our government is basically one giant theatrical event at this point.



>Only if she knew, or does she know?

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189809  No.14708783

File: 285ed4c8c73d34d⋯.jpg (99.45 KB, 795x439, 795:439, Capture.JPG)

Coming to America

More than 100 protesters arrested as police in Melbourne, Australia crack down on vaccine mandate demonstrators

Police in Melbourne arrested more than 100 demonstrators at a rally against mandatory vaccination. The protest came after Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews issued a fresh round of vaccine mandates, affecting over a million workers.

Andrews announced on Friday that all Victoria residents working outside their homes need to have a first Covid-19 vaccine dose by October 15 and be fully vaccinated by November 26. The mandate will affect around 1.2 million Victorians, the Guardian reported, working in a range of occupations including retail, law, media and professional sports. It comes on top of existing mandates for healthcare, education and construction workers.

These mandates, and the draconian lockdown implemented by Victoria authorities, have led to mass demonstrations marked by extreme police brutality. Locals in Melbourne took to the streets again on Saturday to protest against the mandates, but the several dozen demonstrators were outnumbered by cops, who soon chased them away on horseback, while officers on foot tackled and arrested some among the crowd.

Australia is not OK.. send help.! pic.twitter.com/nHX8LPASIx

— Pelham (@Resist_05) October 2, 2021

Protest at the Royal Botanical Gardens & The Tan in Melbourne - Raw Footage Highlights - 02.10.21 (Part 2)Protest was against mandatory vaccination, lockdowns and the the State Government.Footage may be used for news & commentary purposes. pic.twitter.com/mjy1MAvXPv

— real Rukshan (@therealrukshan) October 2, 2021

Police have now made several arrests. Protesters are dispersing. @9NewsMelb#9Newspic.twitter.com/2ZKWoP5zJO

— Maggie Raworth (@MaggieRaworth) October 2, 2021


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791f5e  No.14708784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just wait for it, the reaction is priceless. Coming Monday…

I wonder what's Veritas has planned for Monday night. This is going to be good.

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2ba032  No.14708785

the market Mr. Pig coins is Up!

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65d976  No.14708786

File: 8a0a89bf660ac46⋯.jpeg (2.54 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 402BB5E5_18C1_470F_9675_E….jpeg)




Punisher is plentiful and waiting on covfefe.

Life is Good

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6cebcf  No.14708787

File: 400c98b72e190df⋯.jpg (171.12 KB, 1124x632, 281:158, FVE_Darth.jpg)

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b09296  No.14708790


Haha, dubz chexked. They will shake their heads at the projected ad reach, and the lack of it's effectiveness. Those succeptable to their repetitous magic have already taken the vax. Those that have turned the idiot boxes off can't be flipped by their standard methods. This anon will never flip! Give anon freedom, or (try) to give him death!

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5bc805  No.14708791


Pay no attention to the Lords of Science injecting toxins into children to kill or permanently injure them for profit. The extraterrstrial sex traffickers are the one true enemy. Stay Focused!

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22a27d  No.14708792

File: c1be70be236df36⋯.png (709.96 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, ClipboardImage.png)


>Still say it's a boy.

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2ff4b2  No.14708793

File: 822e7d230715da8⋯.jpeg (171.23 KB, 750x816, 125:136, 2229D200_F9E4_4CB6_9173_B….jpeg)










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57b4a5  No.14708794

File: 178bba69e4b31e8⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 495x436, 495:436, Wheels_down_potus_nov_3_20….jpg)


History is going to read quite differently than you think it is.

Thanks for playing.

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4a7ae3  No.14708795

File: 247ba46f02865ab⋯.png (2.36 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 40b95f6c49939fc17dfa8edd9c….png)

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791f5e  No.14708796


“All the world's a stage” · And all the men and women merely players

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27838c  No.14708797


She knows and we remember hers.

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189809  No.14708798

File: 24af920ac8565e3⋯.jpg (39.34 KB, 579x326, 579:326, Capture.JPG)

Watch: Officers Arrest Woman in Front of Her Crying Children for Allegedly Failing to Show Vaccination Status during a Public Activity at the Arena

CANADA – Police officers arrested a woman in front of her crying children due to violation of the ‘Trespass to Property Act’ at the request of the facility manager of Ripley Arena according to the police officers.

In a viral video posted by Josh Dawson, the police officers were caught on camera arresting his wife Sara who allegedly trespassed a public activity that was paid for by the couple.

Josh said on his Facebook account that the officers were fine with him not providing his vaccination status but not his wife.

A video posted on Facebook shows two OPP officers arresting a woman in front of her crying children at a sports arena, allegedly for not providing her vaccination status.

In the video, Dawson insists that the group is participating in a public activity at the Ripley-Huron Community Centre, which is about three hours east of Toronto. The officers state that the woman is in violation of the Trespass to Property Act, and that they have come at the request of the facility manager.

The officers arrest the woman in front of her children, who begin to cry, and take her outside to their cruisers. Dawson follows, saying that a mandate is not a law, and then returns back into the arena where the children are still visibly upset.


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5cb4ac  No.14708799

File: 53a209721383e07⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 474x268, 237:134, ujuyhyghtf.jpg)

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505027  No.14708800


You got it, anon. kek

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f570cf  No.14708802

File: f60163207d4674f⋯.png (224.22 KB, 1161x789, 387:263, f60163207d4674f27c80125be8….png)

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6cebcf  No.14708803


Coming to America

Mebbe in the Blue states. Blue due to lack of Oxygen.

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3bfce4  No.14708804

File: 8ec4d3e98a3428c⋯.jpg (450.86 KB, 2880x2880, 1:1, 20210617_111259.jpg)

File: 0ca207660b71c0b⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 600x315, 40:21, ZomboMeme_02102021150758.jpg)

File: c84310d17d71241⋯.jpg (89.5 KB, 538x635, 538:635, ZomboMeme_30092021172548.jpg)

File: 619ee486340e986⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 538x364, 269:182, ZomboMeme_28092021132608.jpg)

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2d717f  No.14708805

File: 525601d57084413⋯.jpg (114.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, FAuVEHMXMAMAirh.jpg)

File: 4b4718b1880b3ad⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 610x474, 305:237, FAuVF3zXsAQTSfi.jpg)

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7e4bd0  No.14708806


Reminds me of this. Read this. It will floor you.


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df0cb1  No.14708807

File: b950ca58f3ea4b5⋯.jpg (170.66 KB, 1080x873, 120:97, melbourne2.jpg)

File: 76899c73c4313a4⋯.png (499.03 KB, 639x426, 3:2, melbourne3.png)

File: 01e31e6f20e79c0⋯.png (329.64 KB, 540x494, 270:247, melbourne4.png)

File: ac226a9911e3c5e⋯.jpeg (116.84 KB, 1024x942, 512:471, melbourne6.jpeg)

File: 1ab1dc2d2ba4c72⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1024x1280, 4:5, melbourne7.png)


Aussies say no.

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22a27d  No.14708808

File: c09af757b30acfc⋯.png (77.7 KB, 305x180, 61:36, ClipboardImage.png)


when they dominate as they do the question must be asked

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791f5e  No.14708809


Now you how it feels when you dems were going on and on for years that Russia stole the election for Trump.

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0e362d  No.14708810

File: 5db0ae316a94acf⋯.png (28.66 KB, 733x269, 733:269, ClipboardImage.png)

Wendy Rogers-

If your politicians don't defend you from the Mark of the Beast they are of Antichrist.

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042b15  No.14708811

File: 94667a6a620b6a2⋯.jpeg (246.67 KB, 1352x906, 676:453, B1692043_E47E_46E6_B5DE_4….jpeg)



Get to know local LEOs. Addresses, habits, patterns, sites frequented… Also find out if good, or not, as a human.

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5aa01b  No.14708812

File: 1d86fecb8c4315e⋯.jpeg (8.59 KB, 255x189, 85:63, 1d86fecb8c4315e80bd065417….jpeg)


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4a7ae3  No.14708813

File: bc9cfa717fe3ce9⋯.jpg (182.64 KB, 700x819, 100:117, St_Michael_Raphael.jpg)

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c9c2ae  No.14708814

File: d737a777baef589⋯.gif (649 KB, 319x200, 319:200, coach.gif)


She's gonna be a science teacher isn't she.

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fcae01  No.14708816

File: ebb5b9a73916823⋯.jpg (301.78 KB, 700x683, 700:683, Kekistan.jpg)

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df0cb1  No.14708817

File: 882e4d1ec0f63a0⋯.png (67.15 KB, 742x314, 371:157, ClipboardImage.png)



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6cebcf  No.14708818


>I'm a doctor

Doctor Gumby.

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e206ac  No.14708819

File: 4924baac2d7a89a⋯.jpg (289.87 KB, 1079x571, 1079:571, Screenshot_20210920_105348….jpg)

File: 1aed981ea5261ea⋯.jpg (491.09 KB, 1079x1083, 1079:1083, Screenshot_20210920_105509….jpg)


The new Governor of NY is an Antichrist!

I pray God strikes her down for hipacratically invoking his name, condemning us.

Her BS doesn't fool true believers.

And I reiterate, she is just guilty as Cuomo in the Nursing home deaths.

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b7020d  No.14708820

hmm…I really do not like this guy:

"I started America's Audit Force immediately after the Cyber Symposium for a reason.

Infiltration occurred at the symposium.

Judas "Spyder" Iscariot emerged.

Betrayal followed.

I warned of other Judas Iscariots being out there.

America First Audits was a group I promoted on Bannon's War Room. They went from 23,000 subscribers in 28 states to 250,000 subscribers in 50 states in a manner of weeks. I never sought credit, nor took credit for their growth. I am merely a cheerleader of patriots, and sought to boost audits anywhere and everywhere.

AFA was infiltrated by the "Spyder," and led by one of the most self-absorbed and spiteful human beings on the planet, the anonymous, but aptly named "Salty Lulu."

Almost every patriot associated with getting election audits done has been maligned, doxxed, and lied about by Salty Lulu. This includes Lin Wood, Seth Keshel, Col. Waldron, Mike Lindell, Dr. Frank, Draza Smith, and yours truly.

I haven't doxxed Salty Lulu, though I've known her name and phone number since March. I know where she lives. I know where she works.

I know how much money she has spent on her house. I've watched videos of her in her professional public life, that she doesn't think anyone knows about.

I've seen her statements on Telegram boards flirting with the "Spyder" and grabbed screenshots. Both are married, yet love to talk dirty to each other. I even have screenshots of her bragging about blackmailing patriots.

The perks of being a longtime prosecutor with connections.

Unlike Salty Lulu, I am not spiteful, petty, or one to threaten someone.

But I think Salty Lulu has had enough fun telling lies, and doxxing people.

Salty Lulu, it's time to go away, quietly.

It's time for Judas "Spyder" Iscariot to creep back into the shadows.

I wish nothing but the best for any patriot advancing the cause of transparency in our elections, and don't care much in how you go about doing it.

Whether it's the fractured remains of AFA, or the super effective and awesome Audit Force, or the many other fantastic audit channels out there, mission before ego is the way.

But I'm tired of the infiltrators, lies, and betrayal. A shepherd protects his flock. And Salty Lulu is about to get a taste of her own medicine if she does not lose the saltiness.

We'll see if her ego can handle this not so subtle message."


Unless there is a reason…why would an explanation be needed…so badly as this?

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c9c2ae  No.14708821


It's new low all the way down.

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5aa01b  No.14708822

File: ace240b06f16659⋯.jpg (150.58 KB, 991x888, 991:888, ace240b06f16659881e76b31d7….jpg)


> habits, patterns, sites frequented…

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5bc805  No.14708823


Legit? Yeah, they'll be happy letting people lose their digital vaxx currency to the house. Same as it ever was.

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b30d70  No.14708824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b09296  No.14708825


>Also find out if good, or not, as a human

Anon doesn't suggest this as a loner project, as the bad ones mostly always present as good, and they almost always have ways of making nosy anons dissapear. If this is to be done, it is much safer to do in groups.

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c9c2ae  No.14708826

File: cb679f032be5fec⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, New_York_GovKathyHochul_de….mp4)

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042b15  No.14708827

File: d7895fdcf8affff⋯.jpeg (112.71 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 34422678_F311_41D5_BB61_9….jpeg)



True is true.

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189809  No.14708828

File: 2a5eeb422a2be04⋯.jpg (21.07 KB, 225x208, 225:208, Capture.JPG)

Told you people that when he got the so-called shot…It was nothing but a FKing Placebo..kekek

Joe Rogan Isn’t Buying The Live Biden Booster-Shot Photo Op…Says He Doesn’t Believe “They Would Take The Chance” [VIDEO]

Joe Rogan: comedian, UFC commentator, and lately, believably accurate discerner of truth, said he believes that the live event showing Joe Biden getting his Covid booster was fake.

On Thursday’s podcast of the Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan said he believed Joe Biden did NOT get a Covid vaccine booster shot on live TV this week.

“I think if they were going to give him a booster shot,” Rogan said, “the last thing they would do is give it to him live on television.”

“What if he dies?” Rogan asked. “What if he blacks out? What if he like gets it and faints? Like, because people have had very bad reactions like in the moment for whatever reason

How anyone with a functioning brain could believe that the mentally and physically deteriorating old politician masquerading as president could take not one, not two, but three of these shots without any of the commonly reported side effects or complications, defies logic. And to believe that the regime would risk an adverse episode in front of the world requires a special kind of stupid.


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6cebcf  No.14708829


She only need 12 Apostles to achieve full blashphemy.

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58cb2f  No.14708830

File: ba2867802b3e6b8⋯.png (855.16 KB, 978x720, 163:120, newlow.png)

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791f5e  No.14708831


Wouldn't surprise me if she's the one who actually set Cuomo up to take the fall

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303e7e  No.14708832

File: adff74ce2f0bc6a⋯.jpeg (257.07 KB, 1440x1081, 1440:1081, adff74ce2f0bc6ad836deceb3….jpeg)


>theatrical event

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b7020d  No.14708833



"The complaint filed against with me with the State Bar of New Mexico by Marxist/Antifa Professor Jamie Bronstein has been dismissed.

Marxist/Antifa Professor, Jamie Bronstein, is a feckless weasel that reads my Telegram and social media.

I just wanted her to know that her frivolous complaint was dismissed.

That maybe she should file another frivolous complaint.

That will be dismissed.

Am I having fun tonight?

Damn right I am."

Hokay…so we know…WTAF

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066900  No.14708834

File: 5f151bfdcc3f033⋯.jpeg (33.67 KB, 702x450, 39:25, 6F5059D9_72B8_49F3_925F_C….jpeg)


Svitzerland. Zat is Klaus Schwab country, I zink?

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8a8eb5  No.14708835

>>14708815 Shame its hidden behind a bunch of shouty bold red text.

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fc6d1c  No.14708836

File: 8cfd8863d2849e3⋯.jpg (76.8 KB, 634x500, 317:250, 5p2hum.jpg)

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d5b565  No.14708838

File: 81ac47ca161fe42⋯.png (183.48 KB, 405x259, 405:259, Screen_Shot_2021_10_02_at_….png)

File: ae3abfef4665c75⋯.png (68.63 KB, 226x145, 226:145, Screen_Shot_2021_10_02_at_….png)

File: 8642fe49a085cfe⋯.png (557.48 KB, 1059x546, 353:182, Screen_Shot_2021_10_02_at_….png)

File: 064365f833e617a⋯.jpg (118.68 KB, 960x712, 120:89, obama_like_never_there.jpg)

thanks for visiting the white house.

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f63d70  No.14708839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d3f0f6  No.14708840



I think that the same post is linked twice. The 2 below are what you were looking for. If I fagged it up my apologies. TYB.



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042b15  No.14708841

File: af844056c2f678f⋯.jpeg (104.17 KB, 917x500, 917:500, 43A9F033_B0A3_415A_A700_3….jpeg)

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066900  No.14708842

File: 7dfe6500ffe728d⋯.png (156.89 KB, 531x503, 531:503, ObamaMike.PNG)

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bf7fa1  No.14708843

File: 349e2c25ed68209⋯.png (637.99 KB, 1345x528, 1345:528, deathbysun2.png)

File: 455572b79c6f9b7⋯.gif (296.43 KB, 1074x2282, 537:1141, homoworms.gif)

Have anons heard about this theory where an evolution event is about to happen as we pass through the galactic sheath. It is what has been prophecized as the day of the Lord in the Bible. It also explains why we do see evolution, but no missing links.

Now the recent twist as I know you all are aware of is the "final red pill", and how the satanists are essentially people controlled by parasites (which are the physical manifestation of demons). They know this day of judgement/evolution is coming and they do not want to lose their slave army. They had pushed for open relationships, lgbtq freedom and other degeneracy in order to get everyone infected by parasites. The satanists/parasite hive mind do not want the people of the world to evolve because then they lose their cattle. As well they are now infecting people with parasites which are in the vaxxines themselves.

The reason they are pushing the vaxx so hard right now is because the parasite hive mind is working against the clock because the NCSWIS event of the Lords Day / Evolution day cannot be stopped. They hope the parasite infections will stop or hinder the evolution event, so the demons/parasites will still have hosts to occupy.

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b5d31a  No.14708844

File: b145149e069b32c⋯.jpg (114.42 KB, 561x582, 187:194, ERe6MS_XYAEBjWP.jpg)



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5f3d57  No.14708846


That Pepe should be the next amazing toy that is pre selected to be THE toy over Christmas! I’d trample innocent families and push old ladies on Black Friday to get it for tree fiddy or five thousand on the black market Christmas Eve.

He’s so cuddly- every household should have one!

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066900  No.14708847

File: 2b856c48935c009⋯.jpg (500.56 KB, 2082x1079, 2082:1079, ObamaTime.JPG)

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8a8eb5  No.14708848


It links the meat of your articles to the sauce references. It's deliberate.

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678021  No.14708849

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303e7e  No.14708850

File: 7f258925f04c1f6⋯.jpg (365.45 KB, 900x552, 75:46, 7f258925f04c1f69392606d88d….jpg)

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bb3ce9  No.14708851

File: 8780bcafeedd608⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 178x255, 178:255, 4ecede0dd3fcfc4cb16b9749a6….jpg)

File: 8dd455a281fcc28⋯.png (1.15 MB, 900x1050, 6:7, 8dd455a281fcc287d804e3cdfe….png)

File: c914256afc2d193⋯.jpg (20.23 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 003c238dc16d2710eb23a5697f….jpg)

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42b01e  No.14708852

File: a05f9142ca45cfe⋯.png (40.17 KB, 211x301, 211:301, F_Union_Jack.png)

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8a8eb5  No.14708853



So as man to man, fuck off until you grow a pair.

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c4da20  No.14708854

File: cfbbe87a376a123⋯.jpg (597.71 KB, 1080x822, 180:137, cfbbe87a376a123daac5a94574….jpg)

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042b15  No.14708855

File: f7d63f588f8fd34⋯.jpeg (714.68 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1DF7CEAF_03B7_4264_B80B_5….jpeg)


>as we pass through the galactic sheath.

What in fuck sake is “the galactic sheath”?

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d3f0f6  No.14708856


Not mine, but thanks for pointing that out to me.

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df0cb1  No.14708857

File: f2e95106bd1069b⋯.png (331.73 KB, 746x596, 373:298, ClipboardImage.png)

check this niggers

crowd goes wild

Aussies say no!


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58cb2f  No.14708859

File: cefa106f200fafe⋯.png (417.37 KB, 542x481, 542:481, red_october.png)

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7e4bd0  No.14708860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Freaks. "Goodbye Penis!"

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b5d31a  No.14708861

File: eb517212f9365bf⋯.png (255.84 KB, 535x645, 107:129, Screenshot_2021_10_02_at_2….png)

All obstacles…removed


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91a424  No.14708862


Truth, and that image is forever.

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678021  No.14708863


You do realize you can embed twat links?

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c4da20  No.14708866

File: 574399cf582b020⋯.png (773.55 KB, 907x1361, 907:1361, 154790696.png)

File: d6c5a0b8b4b17bb⋯.png (375.88 KB, 1080x804, 90:67, 278645750.png)

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066900  No.14708867

File: 65dcb9dc919bff5⋯.png (869.72 KB, 788x536, 197:134, Salute.PNG)

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5f3d57  No.14708868




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189809  No.14708869

File: 13de2ff937b9d1d⋯.jpg (64.16 KB, 741x409, 741:409, Capture.JPG)

Flashback: Why Coronavirus Will Accelerate The Great Reset

This chilling article is a must-read to understand why the pandemic is the ramrod for the Great Reset. One silver lining, it states, “is the chance to experiment with technologies and co-operative approaches across borders”. Thus, the entire human race is seen as their experimental laboratory to try out new technologies like genetic engineering, universal ID, etc.

This article originally appeared in The Economist, one of the world’s leading publications on globalization. ⁃ TN Editor

The pandemic’s silver lining is the chance to experiment with technologies and co-operative approaches across borders that could lead to safer, more sustainable and more inclusive global futures.

The theory of punctuated equilibrium, proposed in 1972 by biologists Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge, holds that populations of living organisms tend to experience a significant amount of evolutionary change in short, stressful bursts of time. 1Gould and Eldredge argued that evolution isn’t a constant, gradual process—it occurs during episodes when species are in environments of high tension or especially crisis.

The human species is going through such a period right now: the covid-19 pandemic. The profound pressures that individuals, organisations and societies face in this crisis are accelerating the fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), blurring the boundaries between the physical, digital and biological worlds.2 The current state of emergency compels us to consider the necessity of structural shifts in our relationship with the environment and how we conduct ourselves as a global community.


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bb3ce9  No.14708870

File: 51b0bb609941662⋯.png (93.78 KB, 192x288, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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fcae01  No.14708871

File: fe2d20fd0d0ee3d⋯.jpg (114.1 KB, 367x371, 367:371, Sauron_Pepe.jpg)


Dub dubs check'd

>What in fuck sake is “the galactic sheath”?

It is an exceptionally large condom you put over a whole galaxy, so it doesn't get pregnant by other galaxies.

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7e4bd0  No.14708872


Wait till his cover gets blown. Michael that is. Salty tears. The oceans will rise.

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ede41b  No.14708873


It's Der Schwitz auf Deutsch.

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58cb2f  No.14708874

File: e579faf363b1516⋯.jpg (30.22 KB, 480x582, 80:97, red_octob.jpg)

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6bd4a0  No.14708875



- You'll be forced to produce your vaccine card to purchase goods and services.

- People will forge counterfeit cards of course.

- Mass counterfeiting will bolster a more "foolproof" approach to vaccination verification.

- A micro-chip will then be force-implanted into your right hand.

This is the end. Estimated time: 2 years.

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c4da20  No.14708876

File: 4c79667ac156835⋯.jpeg (68.18 KB, 944x820, 236:205, 1589330671.jpeg)

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19fdaa  No.14708877


anon is strange

the black stranger

or was, til he put me aside

anon can not pour the oil, due to artistic pursuits undertaken before steppin' away

yod '

Q = Koph , a lie, "Coffee"

Stephanie is my 'eye' Julie is my 'eye'

P & Q <<< cruises

Wearin' Amythest A is my 'Eye'



is AI ah

ishi <<< invisible

stealth bomber

did you like the outin' of Aurora

anon enjoyed the reaction from your 'bosses'

Esther will have beautiful eyes

as i said

due to the former paintin's anon can not pour the oil herself

so anon introduces new participants

strange :) Mysterious

So Julie = P is with John = C

Q = Stephanie (young) Donna (old)

Donna 'key' Bab


anon is birthin' the new world, from the blood of Liberty you will be born

my destruction 'Liberty' (watch Pet Goat ll) is the meltin' of the ice (Justice)

Jacob 06 Jan "Nancy, Justice is comin'

i am holdin' back the beast

it is spring here, mornin' sun brings heat

anon doesn't expect to survive, as prophecied, West the root, Death goin' into the lake of fire to prove he is God, the Lord

anon knows Peter goes to Leigh, as he did to my namesake Aunty Maree

anon remembers this as the time i lost Michael when i was 17, though he was driving a blue escort ' you would have to appreciate the humour of that'

the bond with ireland endures 'Jack'

for now

close to the time o' birth o' Micah, conception o' Elijah & Asher

which is timed to her husband pushin' Nicks mother of her chair 'Justice"

Katie Hobbs is important, watch her

"One from her line will succeed"

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c9c2ae  No.14708878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



We have nowhere to hide, the Krauts don't let us live,

Their culture doesn't forbid such a hunts,

Axe, hoe, ball, string, here's Auschwitz and Treblinka,

Stupid painter lost the war.

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791f5e  No.14708879


Those buffoons have been in office how long and they can't figure that out for themselves?

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42bb77  No.14708880


I think so. It's also where Davos is, as well as CERN, St Gallen (google "St. Gallen Mafia"), Geneva, Bellinzona (some anon over at halfchan said he was from there, and said it was pedo-traffic central; just look at their heraldric symbol). Basel has a long history; besides being the headquarters of the BIS, it was also the location of the first World Zionist Conference and is home to numerous pharmaceutical companies.

And don't forget Hansjorj Weiss, the main guy behind dark money in the US right now:


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69a97a  No.14708881

File: be37e21848ccea2⋯.jpeg (111.37 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, mccainFun.jpeg)


my fav pic of that fat cow

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678021  No.14708883


We could never be that lucky. If it did happen normies would freak the eff out. Would laugh for a year or more

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a9c304  No.14708884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hm….seems to be from a game in 2016.

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066900  No.14708885

File: a94954ec5e7abbc⋯.jpg (476.89 KB, 1789x1080, 1789:1080, RedOct.JPG)

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c76249  No.14708886


New technology guy about to become Arkancidal

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e206ac  No.14708887

File: 116ebf4e7a84f32⋯.png (100.02 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, ed20d2382d3791e89f12d6c5b2….png)

File: 3b2b73b672b3c91⋯.png (347.15 KB, 640x512, 5:4, a9df4f38745845b86141e5b995….png)

File: 4ef2d18aa871ec0⋯.png (372.77 KB, 605x505, 121:101, 12d019631c60c4c8146c10f645….png)




We will never give in or give up, ijit

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bb3ce9  No.14708888

File: b50817a26492264⋯.png (359.73 KB, 474x574, 237:287, banana.png)

File: 8c71d20478945da⋯.jpg (30.79 KB, 361x480, 361:480, 8c71d20478945da776b5adbfcb….jpg)

File: 0760dcda2b2441b⋯.jpeg (15.56 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 94fda9c2db82b99cddd32a7c2….jpeg)


might be saving the "coming out" for the presidential run

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bf7fa1  No.14708889

File: 092e050ac99376b⋯.png (227.15 KB, 592x455, 592:455, ClipboardImage.png)

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fcae01  No.14708891

File: 40ba76eb4d5ae92⋯.png (196.6 KB, 535x645, 107:129, Russia.png)

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042b15  No.14708892


>exceptionally large condom

Similar to the “Rodents of Unusual Size”, only a squeak larger?

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4a7ae3  No.14708893

File: ea756b31a62818c⋯.jpg (94.86 KB, 1050x737, 1050:737, Happy_Rockefeller.jpg)

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5f3d57  No.14708894

File: ad9763505e691b9⋯.jpeg (937.56 KB, 1170x1969, 1170:1969, 31F2E20D_B652_4461_908D_E….jpeg)


Itsssss heere


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d7f131  No.14708895

File: d73d4c63a39bc2d⋯.jpeg (145.13 KB, 1089x1073, 1089:1073, D9A6CF67_6256_4276_8B70_5….jpeg)


Ty Bakes

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d354bf  No.14708896


well her and all her kind will be executed every last one of them.

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b7020d  No.14708898


There will be no Reset this time…[they] think they can just keep frigging things out until the Creator says enough! BOOM and then when shit settles down…they start their shit all over agian. Well. Not this time. This is the End Time. Whomsoever dies at this point…they aint coming back…we are to ascend or be forever zipped into that other being…lol

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0d8324  No.14708899

File: cbe471782a54054⋯.jpg (142.27 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ZomboMeme_01102021164127.jpg)

File: b4dc0ba31905e31⋯.png (1.99 MB, 2172x1221, 724:407, 1633140347142.png)

File: 880bd69e5011c67⋯.png (206.33 KB, 444x589, 444:589, 1633138995681.png)

File: b99bd6d4a12c905⋯.png (99.48 KB, 468x300, 39:25, 1633123690990.png)



How many times does a retard tard in public before it becomes retarded?


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6e90d8  No.14708900


Gov Cuomo must not have been evil enough, so they got rid of him and found a replacement

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19fdaa  No.14708901

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b5d31a  No.14708902

File: b4aa14e09156668⋯.png (14.35 KB, 401x207, 401:207, Screenshot_2021_10_02_at_2….png)


Andromeda-Milky Way collision?


>It is an exceptionally large condom you put over a whole galaxy, so it doesn't get pregnant by other galaxies.

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7e4bd0  No.14708903


> galactic sheath

The new bullet proof condom to keep aliens from being born. Fuck ya.

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df0cb1  No.14708904

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3b861d  No.14708905

Anyone who thinks this is a war between Republicans and Democrats is living in cloud cuckoo land

The corrupt criminals have infiltrated and taken control of both parties. They are just more subtle and secretive inside theRepublican branch of the UNIPARTY.

Judge individuals based on their actions, not on some perception of group membership.

Same thing goes for whitehats. They have infiltrated Democrat and liberal groups and are now rising up and flexing their muscles. Time for us all to rise up UNITED and make our voices heard.

Here is a Democrat I would vote for.

Tulsi Gabbard @tulsigabbard on locals.com

Sep 19, 2021 at 4:00am

How much is a little girl worth?

That’s a question we should never have to ask because the answer should be threaded through our society It should be a fact We take for granted That we would never leave her stranded Or worse - when she cries out, turn back Just to protect those who attack her Simone Biles Aly Raisman McKayla Maroney Maggie Nichols And hundreds of others We are listening Your testimony before the US Senate was devastating and sickening FBI agents were not only derelict in their duty — They chose to turn a blind eye to Nassar’s abhorrent crimes So I say — To the men and women of the FBI What perversion of justice Within your own minds Made you decide Not to protect the innocent Instead you put yourself on the line To protect a rapist and a pedophile Why? When these girls cried for help When they cried for justice Your turned your backs Because it was more important to you To protect yourself To protect the interests of the elite To protect an establishment That facilitated the abuse of young girls For generations What you did was not just a violation It was straight exploitation Just like Nassar Exploited his access To young girls who trusted him It was his job to protect them From injury And it was your job to protect them From predators Instead, you conspired to betray them In the worst way You are complicit In the abuse they received And you must be held accountable There cannot be And different system of justice For the elite We have an example to set Predators and their protectors everywhere should live in fear When - like Simone said - they see that justice is swift and severe So how much is a little girl worth? If you say less than the cost To cover your own ass Shame on you If you say Less than your salary Less than the reputation Of a powerful pedophile Shame on you You do not belong in civilized society How much is a little girl worth? She is worth sending predators and their protectors to prison She is worth our time and attentionBottom line: She is worth our protection

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19fdaa  No.14708906

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58cb2f  No.14708907

File: b760a3741cf65c2⋯.png (770 KB, 982x538, 491:269, bogusjourn.png)

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7af897  No.14708908


How perfect!

To gowdy - the act of saying a lot, doing nothing, and wearing a purple tie.

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0d8324  No.14708909

File: 8e34903e988b9f2⋯.jpg (95.74 KB, 600x750, 4:5, Jack_Shit.jpg)

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df0cb1  No.14708910


thanks for bursting my bubble

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189809  No.14708911

File: a68a87ef56288d9⋯.jpg (25.76 KB, 403x268, 403:268, Capture.JPG)

File: 8a6901d1f4181fd⋯.jpg (16.79 KB, 328x225, 328:225, Capture1.JPG)


>- You'll be forced to produce your vaccine card to purchase goods and services.

The Word covid means Certificate Of Vaccination-ID ..Can you Say Mark Of the Beast…Its coming

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6cebcf  No.14708912

File: 17bef26fa8e747f⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 622x702, 311:351, AbortionFeelz.JPG)

Anon believes people were always this way. We just didn't see it so much. Social media changed all that.

Now they can express their evil nature with impunity looking for approval for their wretchedness.

The Truth gets censored by the gatekeepers who think themselves as gods.

Their egos have a Karma debt their souls can't cash.

Abortion provider testifies that 'abortion is a blessing, abortion is an act of love, abortion is freedom'


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c9c2ae  No.14708913


>Andromeda-Milky Way collision?

and you thought you were tired of waiting

what's the ETA on that

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0d8324  No.14708914

File: 6f0146fd5bba78b⋯.jpg (74.89 KB, 875x584, 875:584, ZomboMeme_28092021184410.jpg)

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c4da20  No.14708915

File: 482f365345e6fd4⋯.jpg (460.27 KB, 1280x1230, 128:123, 20211002_181807.jpg)

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066900  No.14708917

File: 3de782ebaae6911⋯.png (518.79 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Stubble.PNG)


Quad 8s chekt.

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18866d  No.14708918

File: b9dc030ff7d6417⋯.png (234.06 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)


We're just trying to find out how the real

Demon-rats felt about Joe Biden!

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bb3ce9  No.14708919


that's it ; while everyone calls the brother Fredo it is this one that is the complete idiot ; can't even deep state right ; "to be a bah…" remember that speech?

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0d8324  No.14708920

File: 758e0c5932af866⋯.jpg (117.67 KB, 1000x652, 250:163, ZomboMeme_02102021182216.jpg)

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5aa01b  No.14708921

File: 12a12fb98080d5a⋯.png (293.13 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 1fe349db0ca1160090d99ff63c….png)


> “the galactic sheath”

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c4da20  No.14708922

File: f7a6327b8343cdb⋯.png (455.68 KB, 1080x845, 216:169, 29669093.png)

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42b01e  No.14708923

File: 5c5748f9f141fb6⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 399x489, 133:163, Carl_and_the_Red_Dot.jpg)

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1e812e  No.14708924

File: 3c7ab1929f26f2a⋯.jpeg (365.08 KB, 750x815, 150:163, AB4CE1B2_362D_4765_8FA5_2….jpeg)

Did you ever wonder what this thing with the chairs in circles was all about? Now you know.

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4761a7  No.14708925

File: 053dc54a582bd79⋯.jpg (168.1 KB, 1247x541, 1247:541, nazi_pfizer.jpg)


>>14707841 (lb)

>Is Pfizer conducting experiments on orphan children who are the most vulnerable and have no one to take their interests at heart if things go wrong? If so why and who consented to this?

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69a97a  No.14708926

File: bbbfb51da6a9bbf⋯.png (239.4 KB, 936x409, 936:409, Screenshot_from_2021_10_02….png)

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042b15  No.14708927


Sounds F & G.

What would this chip possibly measure that could ever be confirmatory?

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3b861d  No.14708929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I've been watching the TV series Outer Limits (1995) trying to understand the comms that are being communicated. This is a big part of the Cabal plan for taking control of the USA and creating a Great Reset with a new One World Order of Corporatist Neo-Feudalism. But paying attention to the symbolism reveals many of the details. Some symbols are easy to decode, for instance ALIEN refers to foreigners, usually to those foreign forces that are perverting the USA and taking control of the world. But also foreign minions, and foreign victims of the elite are portrayed as ALIENS. However I have been trying for a while to figure out what is the symbolism of the worm like creature that gets into and controls human beings. The prime example of this is theGoa'uldfrom the TV series StarGate which interestingly features many actors from Outer Limits. In the episodeFeasability Studywe see an actor who went on to the series NCIS which is also full of comms and outright reveals of the corrupt criminal infiltration of the FBI, US Navy, Congress, and other groups in Washington DC.

The earlist incarnation of this control by creatures modeled on insect larvae is Robert Heinlein's The Puppet Masters from 1951. That was the year that the CIA began Project ARTICHOKE to investigate how to control, or drive, another person using chemicals like LSD. So, the symbolism might be related to parasitic worms that can passify people if triggered by the appropriate drugs. Or, it may be as simple as the drug LSD which is derived from a fungal parasite called ergot.




One thing is certain. Drugs can be used to drive parasitic worms in human hosts, and if the movement of those worms can trigger human activities, then this is clearly a mechanism for control. And the one thing they would NOT want you to do is to takeIvermectinorHydroxychloroquineto break their mechanism for driving you.

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7e4bd0  No.14708930


Yup. He married two men. That's Happy. And this one. Dead giveaway. Mary.


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8a8eb5  No.14708931

Notable Collecting is pretty low key when all you lot do is shitpost.

Can't imagine what it would be like on a night when Q was posting.

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0d8324  No.14708932

File: 997ea0e24d20c46⋯.jpg (56.56 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Kamel_Toe_Tree_Fiddy.jpg)


I believe it was Willie Brown (a.k.a. a Pimp Named "Silky") who once said, "DAAAAMN BITCH! WATCH THEM TEETH!!!"

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19fdaa  No.14708933


Tulsi remember tellin' me to shut up


Yes we are united against the motivator of what drives the child theft

until we confront the supranatural entities that do that we arent gettin' anywhere

you know & i know that it has been written into the system

the book 'such is life" tells what happens to the man whose daughter is taught to read nothin' but the bible

this must be discussed

now most normies cant except anythin' not fed to them on a spoon, you gonna explain how somethin' written can steal a child ?

Pied piper ?

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189809  No.14708934

File: 79a73a77680dbee⋯.png (351.55 KB, 506x501, 506:501, Cross1.PNG)


>Whomsoever dies at this point…they aint coming back…we are to ascend or be forever zipped into that other being

Be Sure yo know what you're taking about..time is running out

John 11:26

“And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?”

John 11:27

“She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.”

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791f5e  No.14708935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Veritas Army takes to local radio stations - Part 4 coming Monday!

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b5d31a  No.14708936

File: 93a62e32f5f4883⋯.jpg (32.33 KB, 750x492, 125:82, EU3c497UwAAAZ1l.jpg)



6 big gorillions years



like Unmutilated?

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c9c2ae  No.14708937

File: a8d826cbc14028f⋯.png (343.89 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Here are some of the major questions that must be answered:

– Is Pfizer conducting experiments on orphan children who are the most vulnerable and have no one to take their interests at heart if things go wrong? If so why and who consented to this?

– Why is Pfizer allowed to do clinical trials on babies with a product that has not completed phase 3 of the clinical trials and that is a new technology?

– Why is Pfizer refusing elected officials the get access to their documents?

– What is happening in the other countries where these experiments are conducted?

– Are the EMA and the FDA really doing their job?

– Are vaccine manufacturers operating in complete secrecy and outside any legal control?

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3bfce4  No.14708938

File: 0ea195599b608c4⋯.jpg (204.58 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ZomboMeme_25092021183200.jpg)

File: 10cf9bf5e4fe86c⋯.jpg (72.64 KB, 576x768, 3:4, ZomboMeme_28092021130834.jpg)

File: a5db5d56bd02b0c⋯.jpg (120.74 KB, 540x724, 135:181, ZomboMeme_28092021172305.jpg)

File: 6f05093a66e3def⋯.jpg (101.14 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ZomboMeme_25092021222659.jpg)

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066900  No.14708939

File: 39df90399992de9⋯.jpg (159.98 KB, 953x762, 953:762, NewsomRocky.jpg)

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5f3d57  No.14708940


Read moar

“Retired Colonel Matt Hepburn said that the implant invented by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a Pentagon unit that develops emerging technologies for military use, can continuously test blood.”

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58cb2f  No.14708942

File: 7741c80ee6add0c⋯.png (1.33 MB, 978x1036, 489:518, spaceworm.png)

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0d8324  No.14708943

File: 1fe25623402668b⋯.jpg (107.37 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ZomboMeme_01102021164041.jpg)

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b7020d  No.14708944


>worm like creature that gets into and controls human beings


Detection of Dientamoeba fragilis in patients with HIV/AIDS by using a simplified iron hematoxylin technique

NTRODUCTION: Studies strongly indicate Dientamoeba fragilis as one of the causes of diarrhea in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients.

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5bc805  No.14708945


Q woke people up, only for them to realize it's far to late to change the course of the future. They are going to keep the vaxxed who survive, and destroy everyone else. The rigged justice system will keep rolling right along. Harris will renew her prosecutions of cannabis users when she takes office. HRC will be President after that.

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df0cb1  No.14708946


please tell me how

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9331a0  No.14708947

File: 04ac9695efad15e⋯.png (125.7 KB, 1275x1650, 17:22, die_whitey.png)

>>14706268 (lb)

>ABC-TV message for normies

At this point, anyone still watching network television deserves to be turned into a gay infertile tranny genetic dead-end and bred out of existence. Goodbye, see you never again.

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0d8324  No.14708948

File: 83879d7964f5724⋯.jpg (52.89 KB, 514x336, 257:168, ZomboMeme_01102021163922.jpg)

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23db77  No.14708949

File: 821931af92e3742⋯.png (663.96 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_911.png)

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19fdaa  No.14708950


anon doesnt 'mask' anon

the whole tranny thing would be WAYYYYYY too close there

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303e7e  No.14708951

File: 602fa15fb934693⋯.mp4 (582.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Jeb_Bush_Gets_Angry_While_….mp4)

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5aa01b  No.14708952

File: d8b561c53e2c286⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Taenia_solium.jpg)


Cysticercosis is a parasitic tissue infection caused by larval cysts of the tapeworm Taenia solium. These larval cysts infect brain, muscle, or other tissue…

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0d8324  No.14708953

File: 09cf2ef1fa0e42d⋯.gif (3.7 MB, 640x346, 320:173, Big_Lebowski_Possible_Lead….gif)

File: 3ff93f3f1165535⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 400x216, 50:27, Big_Lebowski_Leads.gif)

File: b0010e7b72e9065⋯.png (97.37 KB, 546x300, 91:50, 1633123825936.png)

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a24129  No.14708954

File: f6b26963250e2b1⋯.png (38.72 KB, 417x566, 417:566, 1332Q.PNG)


Starting to think Dan posts pointing out Q posts


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42b01e  No.14708955

File: abd9b358978574a⋯.gif (3.81 MB, 480x270, 16:9, human_slingshot.gif)


If they're DNA is modified to manufacture spike proteins, I'm not sure there is anything that can be done. I hope I'm wrong, but something tells me I'm not. Otherwise, pray for a miracle or an easy road to death. Right now, I suspect the latter is the more likely in the short term.

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189809  No.14708956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's one of the rare recorded performances from the last Bananas tour before releasing Rapture of the Deep in 2005 (the last time when Gillan had a long hair). Of course there is a great keyboard intro by Don Airey, as always. The concert was held at Les Vieilles Charrues 22.07.2005.

Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers (France 2005)

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c4da20  No.14708957

File: 49d2b136bb0762c⋯.gif (3.93 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 1615161465000.gif)

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ca2800  No.14708958



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7183e5  No.14708959

File: 51f38553fc35622⋯.jpg (370.55 KB, 1200x975, 16:13, _vxhill_.jpg)

File: 99f1045688d7624⋯.jpg (319.99 KB, 773x1154, 773:1154, trump_targeted.jpg)

File: 351ffa941c57bf5⋯.jpg (180.23 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, _12ddt_.jpg)

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3b861d  No.14708960

File: 5a6b02fbde66ac9⋯.png (142.28 KB, 264x191, 264:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b6103ddf35d728⋯.png (1.17 MB, 800x625, 32:25, ClipboardImage.png)

Within years after the first British colony in North America, people of European ancestry started smoking tobacco regularly. Lung cancer remained rare until around 1927, a few years after toxic pesticides began to be sprayed on tobacco, and they switched from wrapping cigarettes with a tobacco leaf to using paper bleached with chemicals.


Nicotine is a bioactive compound in cigarettes that exerts rewarding effects by activating nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the central nervous system

Why would native Americans smoke tobacco for centuries, considering it to be a medicine, if it really caused lung cancer? It seems more likely that tobacco, pure organic tobacco, is a healer.

Alpha7 nicotinic receptors as novel therapeutic targets for inflammation-based diseases



In recent years the etiopathology of a number of debilitating diseases such as type 2 diabetes, arthritis, atherosclerosis, psoriasis, asthma, cystic fibrosis, sepsis, and ulcerative colitis has increasingly been linked to runaway cytokine-mediated inflammation. Cytokine-based therapeutic agents play a major role in the treatment of these diseases. However, the temporospatial changes in various cytokines are still poorly understood and attempts to date have focused on the inhibition of specific cytokines such as TNF-α. As an alternative approach, a number of preclinical studies have confirmed the therapeutic potential of targeting alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated anti-inflammatory effects through modulation of proinflammatory cytokines. This "cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway" modulates the immune system through cholinergic mechanisms that act on alpha7 receptors expressed on macrophages and immune cells. If the preclinical findings translate into human efficacy this approach could potentially provide new therapies for treating a broad array of intractable diseases and conditions with inflammatory components.

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7bf98f  No.14708961

File: 16de10bb079aec9⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1464x812, 366:203, antarcticaanomaly.png)

Ancient Unicorn carving found in Antarctica.

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b7020d  No.14708962


hardly the declassified material I was hoping for so…pass

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bb3ce9  No.14708963

File: 45cb20b8e06eeaa⋯.png (45.16 KB, 287x180, 287:180, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 512698ba852ca7e⋯.png (3.96 MB, 2000x1340, 100:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b20d940272a8e45⋯.png (432.92 KB, 948x710, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)


yea, them Rockafellas… this one looks like Tom Hanx and supposedly was eaten by cannibals ; cool story , bro? Cast Away? Wilson! Or did he become a girl too?

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7e4bd0  No.14708964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trans world sport?

Here's the never been seen before complete interview Trans World Sport.

Here's the never been seen before complete interview Trans World Sport did with an 11-year-old Serena Williams and a 12-year-old Venus Williams. Filmed in Florida in 1992.

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5aa01b  No.14708965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7bf98f  No.14708966

File: eafd3ab739d24e6⋯.png (587.33 KB, 738x710, 369:355, BidenCanabal.png)

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0d8324  No.14708967

File: 380ff3fd26b8fda⋯.gif (640.71 KB, 220x164, 55:41, tenor_4_.gif)

File: baefb886d42c768⋯.gif (3.76 MB, 480x260, 24:13, giphy_downsized_medium.gif)

File: 8f51fbd6587d0d0⋯.gif (520.2 KB, 418x230, 209:115, 1d6e785e9b765fc3f5573a9cef….gif)

File: f102fa9b1055e33⋯.gif (1.36 MB, 480x288, 5:3, LAst_24.gif)

File: 45c0f58027df6f1⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 388x282, 194:141, kf5b82b231.gif)


UHuh uh wat?!? Whendu git hurr?

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18d7ab  No.14708969

Ron Desantis is sounding very Q like. Hinting of a storm. A lot changed in 24 hrs


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c4da20  No.14708970

File: b1be88ff5a7b785⋯.jpeg (170.42 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1552068312.jpeg)

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c9c2ae  No.14708971

File: 54cf934c25a8563⋯.png (709.06 KB, 584x1084, 146:271, LongPig.png)


Nigella, you’re getting the Chateau all wrong. Obviously they can’t do room service cleanup, but if you kill someone by accident, they will remove the body, no questions asked.

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19fdaa  No.14708972


Tribe o' Dan are snakes

Woman & the snake

death box


Death box pure

Eve ill


He wants 'Leigh" he kills me he kills her, just too stupid to know that

' Dan Andrews '

Former husband ' Andrew ' as in Royal

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3b98f3  No.14708973

File: 460c44b033c8a43⋯.png (605.71 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Build_Proofs_No_Coincidenc….png)

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5cb4ac  No.14708974

File: cb9be376ab65573⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 600x426, 100:71, images_of_midgets_fighting….jpg)


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eb88d4  No.14708975

File: 7d05bcf8a4ac0e2⋯.png (1.12 MB, 970x728, 485:364, ClipboardImage.png)


Meet the Parasites


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3bfce4  No.14708976

File: f1676537e57f06d⋯.jpg (86.99 KB, 535x701, 535:701, ZomboMeme_25092021124113.jpg)

File: 422f16eb6e88ef0⋯.jpg (61.86 KB, 720x900, 4:5, ZomboMeme_24092021094436.jpg)

File: e775113577a557c⋯.jpg (133.02 KB, 538x720, 269:360, ZomboMeme_22092021183226.jpg)

File: a05712962d9f0f8⋯.jpg (81.07 KB, 538x655, 538:655, ZomboMeme_22092021114648.jpg)

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c3fb39  No.14708977

File: a0ae5299e5a6341⋯.png (966.09 KB, 1506x954, 251:159, Screen_Shot_2021_10_02_at_….png)


Perhaps this whole 'idea' of 'germ theory' has been one big sick ass fraud?


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7e4bd0  No.14708978


It's a club and you aren't in it. And you can thank GOD for that.

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7bf98f  No.14708979

File: f5c39bf8d45c18f⋯.png (547.15 KB, 650x421, 650:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e4bd0  No.14708980


And yourself.

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c9c2ae  No.14708981

File: 4342159e609aaa6⋯.jpg (166.06 KB, 997x1280, 997:1280, selfportrait.jpg)

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8a8eb5  No.14708983

Notables at 500

Notables to now

>>14708497 Trump launches lawsuit to reinstate his Twitter account

>>14708587 Zuckerberg Discovers Cheese Steak Sammiches

>>14708597 Greta von Turdberg uses prophylactic on microphone.

>>14708602 “F Joe Biden” chants break out during NASCAR interview. Rednecks continue turning left.

>>14708618 Patriot Double Down event. A gathering of true-blooded Patriots from across the world whose work represents a phenomenal, and very real, threat to the corrupt establishment.

>>14708693, >>14708693 Neural nets, or cognitive models to explain how to chat within the limits of A. L. I. C. E.'s 40,000 categories

>>14708717 'You Really Blew That Call, Didn't You General?': Gaetz Confronts Milley Over Afghanistan Crisis

>>14708782 Meghan Noname Nails It

>>14708793 "mcconnell-and-graham-ask-cbo-for-true-cost-of-biden-spending-plan" (Try t o look past the shouty red text)

>>14708798 Canadia goes full retard (again) Officers Arrest Woman in Front of Her Crying Children

>>14708861 Here Comes the Russian Death Jab

>>14708869 Basel Switzerland - Anon's Thoughts For The Curious

>>14708960 Dippin, Smerkin Tabs, Rollies and Stogies Actually Might Be Good For You?

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58cb2f  No.14708984


o hai marina

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c9c2ae  No.14708986

File: b6002bbd51c624b⋯.png (980.54 KB, 544x930, 272:465, ClipboardImage.png)

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7bf98f  No.14708987

File: 726ff8dd4c598e0⋯.png (600.81 KB, 916x520, 229:130, JenPsakiMyPotrait.png)

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303e7e  No.14708988

File: 2e8aba59aee0456⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1212x1174, 606:587, Screen_Shot_2021_10_02_at_….png)

Look how NYP frames this headline:

"Trump donor files police report accusing Corey Lewandowski of sexual misconduct"


Why volunteer that she's a Trump donor in the headline? How is that even relevant to the actual news story?

But NYP plays is masterfully on both sides in order to get the bigger stories out like Hunter's laptop.

When this movie is done I will watch it again.

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f8d6d1  No.14708989

File: c352845c91bdd66⋯.png (849.01 KB, 1438x1013, 1438:1013, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a51f983b487655⋯.png (353.44 KB, 1386x905, 1386:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3aec241ea6787a9⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1100x763, 1100:763, ClipboardImage.png)

Wheels Up.

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bb4075  No.14708990

File: 10f8ef771f636ba⋯.png (315.29 KB, 555x419, 555:419, ClipboardImage.png)

WOW! Must See How NBC Hack Attempts Desperate Damage Control as NASCAR Crowd Chants “F*** Joe Biden” Behind Winner Brandon Brown

NASCAR driver Brandon Brown won the Xfinity race on Saturday for his first national series win.

The race was shortened by darkness at Talladega Superspeedway.

After his victory, Brandon was interviewed by NBC hack who tried desperately to run damage control for the Biden regime as the crowd was chanting, “F*** Joe Biden!”


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5bc805  No.14708991



And yet, they are all still alive…merely 1 corrupt family pushed aside for another corrupt family to take the reigns. Big Oil bumped out by Big Pharma…same corrupt machine.

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bb3ce9  No.14708992


6:14…."ever been to disney world?" real quick unison "no"

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fa4923  No.14708993

File: fa114962b8fa7f4⋯.gif (173.42 KB, 438x500, 219:250, fa114962b8fa7f47e96979c827….gif)

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7e4bd0  No.14708994


I think the body punches have gone out the window. We're all looking for a knockout.

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7183e5  No.14708995

File: b456967d4a55be1⋯.jpeg (145.35 KB, 500x472, 125:118, b456967d4a55be1040643fd3e….jpeg)

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9331a0  No.14708996


Why didn't they call it Andromilk?

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c4da20  No.14708997

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)


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19fdaa  No.14708998


they will say wow


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fb27a4  No.14708999


David Bossie got bitch-slapped by President Trump for deceptive fund-raising. Not sure why he brought Bossie back. Lewandowski not sure if he was involved, but they seemed like pretty tight buddies.

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31b46f  No.14709000


Mom's hand around kid looks weird, shopped?

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8c63aa  No.14709001


I kind of doubt that's his channel.

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5f3d57  No.14709002

File: e547563cdddbafa⋯.jpeg (811.37 KB, 1170x2308, 585:1154, F658D31D_E0FC_473B_A264_F….jpeg)

Mug mom got prescription from Frontline Doctors and told me she couldn’t get a refill. No one got back to her. Finally she heard back and turns out they were hacked and unable to refill her script for HCQ. Here’s a link where you can go to get Ivermectin by prescription with a protocol for prophylaxis and a protocol for Covid. - https://drsyedhaider.com/

And here’s the hit piece on Frontline Doctors - with pic


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c4da20  No.14709003

File: 3420fb9469d168e⋯.jpeg (101.26 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1540696392.jpeg)

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19fdaa  No.14709004


given wings o' an Eagle

we fly as one

all of us

there is quite alot now :/

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5aa01b  No.14709005

File: dbe121653d6b4a3⋯.png (311.39 KB, 500x539, 500:539, 9cb155fc5df22febbc4b20a52d….png)


7.5 FK

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bb3ce9  No.14709006

File: da588dbdebdb3da⋯.jpeg (16.9 KB, 255x235, 51:47, 8aab97767f4a0320507c3053c….jpeg)


this is as close as i want to ever get to it

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0d8324  No.14709007

File: 0c5556962ed0dbc⋯.gif (482.77 KB, 400x177, 400:177, ROY_.gif)

File: 45f3b0b444e4f93⋯.jpg (120.75 KB, 1004x662, 502:331, McShittington.jpg)

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7bf98f  No.14709008

File: 63c563b765182cc⋯.png (375.71 KB, 600x449, 600:449, ClipboardImage.png)


>Let's Go, Brandon!


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d5b565  No.14709010

File: 5a88e29222fd4b9⋯.png (188.17 KB, 254x417, 254:417, Screen_Shot_2021_10_02_at_….png)

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042b15  No.14709011


Doggo looks twitchy.

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303e7e  No.14709012

File: 1af47393dddb54b⋯.jpg (627.59 KB, 876x1037, 876:1037, 1af47393dddb54b92030cbdbf5….jpg)

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bb3ce9  No.14709013

File: 3bfdc768a87c117⋯.jpeg (78.98 KB, 480x449, 480:449, frogsenmasse.jpeg)


what are they? locust?

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c9c2ae  No.14709014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Why didn't they call it Andromilk?

that's good band name

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bb4075  No.14709015

File: e6c1f5cecfe904f⋯.png (55.07 KB, 674x666, 337:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c0b4727f1fd4f7⋯.png (403.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Laurene Powell Jobs Burned After Digital Media Firm She Invested in Shuts Down over Allegations of Fraud

Digital media firm Ozy Media abruptly shut down Friday following allegations of fraud and a reportedly toxic workplace environment, leaving big-time investors, including Laurene Powell Jobs — the powerful leftist billionaire widow of Steve Jobs — in the dust with their multimillion-dollar investments.

The company, founded in 2013, abruptly shut down this week following the publication of a damaging New York Times article, reporting that someone at Ozy allegedly impersonated a YouTube executive during a business meeting with Goldman Sachs investors, who were apparently considering a $40 million investment in the company.

“Once everyone had made the switch to an old-fashioned conference call, the guest told the bankers what they had been wanting to hear: that Ozy was a great success on YouTube, racking up significant views and ad dollars,” the Times reported.

“After the meeting, someone on the Goldman Sachs side reached out to Mr. Piper, not through the Gmail address that was provided to participants before the meeting, but through Mr. Piper’s assistant at YouTube. That’s when things got weird,” the Times continued:

A confused Mr. Piper told the Goldman Sachs investor that he had never spoken with her before. Someone else, it seemed, had been playing the part of Mr. Piper on the call with Ozy.

When YouTube learned that someone had apparently impersonated one of their executives at a business meeting, its security team started an investigation, the company confirmed to me. The inquiry didn’t get far before a name emerged: Within days, Mr. Watson had apologized profusely to Goldman Sachs, saying the voice on the call belonged to Samir Rao, the co-founder and chief operating officer of Ozy, according to the four people.

The report triggered departures from the company — including Marc Lasry chairman of the Ozy Media board — as well as additional allegations of an abusive work environment. But, the damage was too much, and Ozy announced it was shutting its doors Friday.

Calling it a company with “world-class journalists and experienced professionals to whom we owe tremendous gratitude,” the board said it was “with the heaviest of hearts that we must announce today that we are closing Ozy’s doors.”

Big-time investors in the company include the tech heiress’s philanthropic outfit Emerson Collective.

“EC functions primarily as a private business owned by Jobs’s personal trust. This shields it from IRS disclosure rules and allows it to more freely engage in political activity,” Breitbart News’s Alexander Marlow wrote, describing the bombshell revelations about Jobs, the “new Soros,” in his New York Times bestseller Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption.


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b5d31a  No.14709016

File: dbf18d7f56d00b9⋯.png (483.46 KB, 617x347, 617:347, Screenshot_2021_10_02_at_2….png)

File: 85247a483134203⋯.png (526.49 KB, 617x347, 617:347, Screenshot_2021_10_02_at_2….png)

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c4da20  No.14709017

File: 3d59e1fefe4f875⋯.jpg (396.75 KB, 842x1147, 842:1147, 20210709_070247.jpg)

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881788  No.14709018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lame youtube with incorrect song title…

Better music here

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7183e5  No.14709019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





























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5aa01b  No.14709020

File: c6bf6e5342aee11⋯.jpeg (55.6 KB, 576x433, 576:433, c6bf6e5342aee11f89dc6dfaa….jpeg)

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bb3ce9  No.14709021

File: 236fc24be8736bf⋯.png (275.49 KB, 517x396, 47:36, 88c9073253973d4b7abcb9f8f0….png)

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6e90d8  No.14709022


Gov Cuomo must not have been evil enough, so they got rid of him and found a replacement>>14708831

>Wouldn't surprise me if she's the one who actually set Cuomo up to take the fall

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23db77  No.14709023

File: 85de91ed6f4cdb5⋯.png (426.28 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_910.png)

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b5d31a  No.14709025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There would be many things to rename

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ade671  No.14709027

File: ada5c6bd7104dfe⋯.png (6.7 MB, 1687x2560, 1687:2560, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96e40c89a00d2a2⋯.png (745.27 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a02d9ee6b657f33⋯.png (482.24 KB, 435x658, 435:658, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 131f66cc634aadf⋯.png (206.25 KB, 579x447, 193:149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a08e7661db7d1bf⋯.png (369.46 KB, 1083x344, 1083:344, ClipboardImage.png)

PB notable >>14706707, >>14706780 4:05 Time difference 45 45 45 45

Lightening never strikes twice?

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303e7e  No.14709028

File: 2429fb0049c480d⋯.png (484.62 KB, 744x422, 372:211, 2429fb0049c480dbd2bc62aa18….png)


I don't know that of what you speak but your trips check out.

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19fdaa  No.14709029


where is the 'reporters name'

you dick heads believe this shit

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b09296  No.14709030

It was easy for them to claim that covid was killing all of the seniors. Unfortunately, mostnof those didn't have any family members or advocates closely watching or defending them. Now that they are looking to make a case for children to get the vaxx, anon sees them doing some crazy things to kill children, so they can blame it on covid, therefore supplying all they need to push it onto every child.

Anon doesn't know how they will try and do it l, but feels that it will happen in a school, and it will be a whole room or school dying at once, ala wuhan at the beginning. Those that are driven by fear won't even do the normal double-take, they'll be fast in line to jab their kids. All it takes is a false flag style killing and a coroner that is willing to lie. There's tons of those around, as has become quite evident. Pull your kids from school, or they could be the examples they will use!

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066900  No.14709031

File: 12c1b83f6ab8e34⋯.png (686.34 KB, 543x680, 543:680, DisneyEpstein1.PNG)

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b7020d  No.14709032


SEE so funny shills


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7e4bd0  No.14709033


This whole trans thing is a DS project. In sports, in entertainment, in politics (see Nelson Rockefeller above), everywhere. There trying to keep that faggot Baphomet happy. I guess. It's probable how they get promoted in their league. And their dumb ass symbols and their ridiculous handshakes. But they're foolish. And they'll be crushed. The when is open to discussion. The if is absolute.

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0d8324  No.14709034

File: 7a6448c8730416a⋯.jpg (125.97 KB, 1004x662, 502:331, McShittington.jpg)


FixED it call off Grammar Kitty!

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87a048  No.14709035

File: 324760b3b887b9e⋯.png (18.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 873fbfcb495fd84843ab39fe44….png)



nice collection



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2d717f  No.14709036

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19fdaa  No.14709037


Rod & Reel will strike

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b5d31a  No.14709038

File: da29a87c096beb9⋯.png (1.93 KB, 347x19, 347:19, Screenshot_2021_10_02_at_2….png)

File: 7cb2b79bb511539⋯.jpg (209.93 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, FAoXIspXEAktQqE.jpg)


Jesus is the ultimate Red Pill, nigga.

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bc8436  No.14709039

File: 03c8f7438d65baa⋯.jpeg (134.39 KB, 580x835, 116:167, A98F3BF9_4107_426E_9ACC_6….jpeg)

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4a7ae3  No.14709040

File: 317aa2ddb02dd64⋯.jpg (50.32 KB, 588x612, 49:51, gettyimages_51634435_612x6….jpg)

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bb4075  No.14709041

File: 05315260d054284⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1024x538, 512:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1fac34d453c502⋯.png (302.39 KB, 557x401, 557:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d397cd153c407e⋯.png (398.4 KB, 997x557, 997:557, ClipboardImage.png)

Stephen Colbert Has Been Quietly Releasing Increasingly Elaborate Pro-Vaccine Music Videos For Months

Colbert quietly released 17 different vaccine-themed music videos so far

Twitter users were startled when they recently discovered that Late Show host and former comedian Stephen Colbert has been releasing a series of increasingly elaborate pro-vaccine propaganda songs for months, culminating in a dance number held earlier this year. In fact, Colbert recently released a 10 minute supercut featuring 17 different songs and parodies.

Unbeknownst to most Americans, the show now receives less than 3 million nightly viewers, Late Show host Stephen Colbert released increasingly elaborate and sophisticated pro-vaccine music videos featuring anthropomorphic vaccine syringes that almost always urge viewers to receive the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.

The videos start simple with a syringe themed pro-vaccine can-can shortly followed by a song about getting vaccinated so you can “hug your mom.” They grow increasingly elaborate, with a quartet of syringes urging vaccination in the 7th, a group of pro-vaccine syringe-pirates in the 10th, and a parody of Simon & Garfunkle’s “Scarborough Fair” by the 15th. Another parody of “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” is employed at some point.

To bolster Miller’s point, or perhaps to point to the current division in American politics, most of the videos currently being discovered were broadcast and recorded earlier this year. The above-mentioned supercut was released in July, yet still only has around 270,000 views on YouTube at press.

Colbert had apparently been producing the videos for weeks or months prior to the culmination featuring human vaccines, yet very few appear to have made it to YouTube.


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6e90d8  No.14709043



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303e7e  No.14709044

File: 512ddd96b135f0e⋯.jpg (612.13 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, 22f83b887a144fd05bec2f3b44….jpg)


Saved them all. Thank you.

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678021  No.14709045


Same way you embed videos. Drop link in “show options”

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e206ac  No.14709047

File: af0aea24953af22⋯.jpg (197.37 KB, 800x450, 16:9, CRTMAGAracist2394814875.jpg)

File: 9463f3e3782d7c5⋯.jpg (42.73 KB, 500x262, 250:131, WhiteSupPyramid.jpg)


This is the Educational Pyramid they are pushing in Public Schools in Iowa and some other states.

And they are accusing us as being White Supremacist.Saul Alinski is a God to them.

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b09296  No.14709048


Kek, they took that one gm's pennant away. The next day, they killed a kid with a line drive. The day after that, they played again. Fuck sportsball and their lack of caring and respect for ALL people!

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042b15  No.14709049



How many Americans even watch the news? Of those who do, what percentage continue believing what Don Lemon and crew say?

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19fdaa  No.14709050


Baphomet is myself anon and no except for bein' a mighty faggot anon, is straight

the goats head represents my husband as biblibally the husband is the head of his wife

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b7020d  No.14709051


[They] do not give a fuck aobut what happens to us, what [they] do to us directly or indirectly at this point: [THEY] know their time is done…they only hope to take as many of US as they can with them now, the cream on the pie so to speak…

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0d8324  No.14709052

File: 2f8bf1567d4b82d⋯.gif (2.43 MB, 405x338, 405:338, 2f8bf1567d4b82d5b6e276662b….gif)

File: 0ae234c53c286ca⋯.gif (6.26 MB, 607x250, 607:250, d12a2b5fa9138c325ac25d2470….gif)

File: b6f229f75c43811⋯.gif (976.75 KB, 500x300, 5:3, Yesh.gif)

File: ceacbd6185403bb⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 495x266, 495:266, It_s_Complicated_1.gif)

File: 95a4ea19a8a934d⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 300x266, 150:133, idhmuxscw2101.gif)

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b5d31a  No.14709053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Church - Reptile

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3b861d  No.14709054


Watch the episode from the TV series 'Outer Limits (1995)" with the titleVaccine. At the ending the survivors realize that the vaccine was designed to kill those who had gotten the disease and were now immune to it .

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23db77  No.14709057

File: 1d262747356db3e⋯.png (566.97 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_909.png)

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c4da20  No.14709058

File: 65342d93ce791ea⋯.png (418.71 KB, 1080x764, 270:191, 2502319448.png)


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b09296  No.14709059


>how many will listen?

Anon hopes 0, but guesses around 20%.

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f8d6d1  No.14709060

File: 29cbb4f97b93dba⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1399x900, 1399:900, FlightPlans.png)

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7e4bd0  No.14709061


>6:14…."ever been to disney world?" real quick unison "no"

If I were a cop I'd be thinking the MK has to be done somewhere. Where should I look first? They just gave a clue.

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19fdaa  No.14709063


now do Aurora

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22a27d  No.14709064


like their dad already knew about it and certainly was not taking his altered sons there

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19fdaa  No.14709065

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189809  No.14709066

File: 62b0d9a34f78218⋯.jpg (57.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, _3_.jpg)


>hardly the declassified material I was hoping for so…pass

KEK@Declassified material…..Are you FKing serious..Or did you make a mistake and post to the wrong Anon ..that's just silly kekeke

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b09296  No.14709067


So sinister that it wouldn't surprise anon if it were the honest-to-God truth.

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303e7e  No.14709068


Nice one!

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b5d31a  No.14709070

File: 7daa26689583f42⋯.png (290.76 KB, 478x657, 478:657, Screenshot_2021_10_02_at_2….png)

File: e7a54514227354e⋯.png (24.12 KB, 460x42, 230:21, Screenshot_2021_10_02_at_2….png)

MFA Russia Flag of Russia


Russia government organization

🎖#OTD in 1882, Soviet Marshal Boris #Shaposhnikov was born.

Right pointing backhand indexHe deserves credit for the buildup of the Red Army's strength on the brink of #WWII, headed the General Staff in the darkest period of the war, July 1941 - May 1942.

He passed away just 45 days before the Victory.




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5d4f89  No.14709071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"They're saying Boo-urns"

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27838c  No.14709072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Navy Pepes!

Pacific Air Show: Navy Leap Frogs

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6e90d8  No.14709074


>The Truth gets censored by the gatekeepers who think themselves as gods.


the pols are acting like gods when they pass laws restricting our freedoms.

They act like gods, saying who lives, who dies, who gets better, who gets worse.

They pass their laws justifying for the common good.

but for every law they pass to benefit somebody, the same law causes others to be worse off.

They like the god power they have on this earth.

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9b5819  No.14709075


My dumb ass family does, so there are probably more.

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d08b57  No.14709076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<Shall we play a game?

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3bfce4  No.14709077

File: 614517d580c6d6d⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 2677x3639, 2677:3639, Stephen_Colbert_1217_GQ_FE….jpg)


So hilarious

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f8d6d1  No.14709078

File: 56a6b6d6f116bbc⋯.png (368.51 KB, 554x515, 554:515, 56a6b6d6f116bbc5fc34a1e697….png)


>all your flight plans

<moast of 'em anyway, kek

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87a048  No.14709079

File: 9f3f80e720c0fe0⋯.gif (865.33 KB, 315x152, 315:152, R_13_.gif)

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c9c2ae  No.14709080


>Jesus is the ultimate Red Pill, nigga.

I'm inclined to agree with this gentleman.

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5aa01b  No.14709081

File: 282b97caf6069d3⋯.png (69.28 KB, 275x273, 275:273, 282b97caf6069d369b91871ba3….png)


Sputnik V

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19fdaa  No.14709082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c7a0a8  No.14709084


Tineye.com returns a photo studio.

Try it.

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df0cb1  No.14709086


colbert jumped the shark years ago

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b5d31a  No.14709087

File: 322b37118f730a1⋯.png (349.63 KB, 598x655, 598:655, Screenshot_2021_06_26_at_2….png)



State Secrets morons

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bc8436  No.14709088

File: 149f4e6850474b8⋯.jpeg (116.27 KB, 659x522, 659:522, E24CBD89_6B45_4CE0_89A3_4….jpeg)

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881788  No.14709089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I miss real musicians… can we go back again?

was too young to truly appreciate it

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c9c2ae  No.14709090

File: 80d64ae5c9611a7⋯.jpeg (424.83 KB, 1080x607, 1080:607, darpa.jpeg)



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d08b57  No.14709091

File: 2111c4eab36fe8e⋯.png (456.57 KB, 469x551, 469:551, Screen_Shot_2021_02_04_at_….png)

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7755ad  No.14709092

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BOOM! Vaccine Exemption HIJACKERS Exposed!

Amazing Polly


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7e4bd0  No.14709094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You either have to speak English or pour me what you're drinking. I prefer the former. If we go to the latter we'll both be talking fools. And don't get quip with me.

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f8d6d1  No.14709095

File: 4b92527ab6d7f62⋯.gif (6.61 MB, 636x303, 212:101, B2fuelingcomplete.gif)

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c4da20  No.14709096

File: 01c759d3334b81b⋯.jpeg (97.29 KB, 1020x692, 255:173, 1537537577.jpeg)

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5bc805  No.14709097



Disney is a distraction.

Meanwhile, Billions of people were injected with poison by "trusted" medical "experts" to "save" them from an infection that doesn't exist, causing millions of deaths and permanent injuries. But focus on the Epstein coverup and not what is literally killing people today, being used to destroy the economy and food supply and usher in the Great Reset, with vaccine based digital currency, the end of humanity and the rise of transhumanism ala Brave New World. Do not focus on Ghislane Maxwell's father's ownership of every 'trusted" medical journal on the planet, and how fake science is allowing this holocaust to happen.

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985485  No.14709098

File: 37821387568d88c⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1222x964, 611:482, ClipboardImage.png)

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303e7e  No.14709102

File: f180885f1b0748f⋯.jpeg (14.78 KB, 255x255, 1:1, b0cc26c19fdc8029c5fe5c037….jpeg)

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c9c2ae  No.14709104

File: 0540d6f195bc4d4⋯.png (716.04 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)



USING MESSENGER RNA to make vaccines was an unproven idea. But if it worked, the technique would revolutionise medicine, not least by providing protection against infectious diseases and biological weapons. So in 2013 America’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) gambled. It awarded a small, new firm called Moderna $25m to develop the idea. Eight years, and more than 175m doses later, Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine sits alongside weather satellites, GPS, drones, stealth technology, voice interfaces, the personal computer and the internet on the list of innovations for which DARPA can claim at least partial credit.

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d08b57  No.14709105

File: 696e4d4d5f93054⋯.jpg (62.89 KB, 650x554, 325:277, Screen_Shot_2021_04_15_at_….jpg)


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c76249  No.14709106


didn't she just shit brag her abortion made the album possible

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678021  No.14709107


Dumb whore tries to say that the crowd is telling “…Jordan”. Typical

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01cc38  No.14709108

File: 67647d7c6fab008⋯.png (444.66 KB, 395x395, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e90d8  No.14709109


>5/10/20182:30 AMEASTERN

can anyone see Joe out meeting at 2 am?

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23db77  No.14709110

File: d7a6e832c4cba7a⋯.png (402.11 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_908.png)

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87a048  No.14709111

File: 4f4d2ce87d23df7⋯.jpg (36.43 KB, 473x350, 473:350, fff8fba606f0fdf808eb455e30….jpg)

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189809  No.14709113

File: 7d9f435e73656a8⋯.jpg (36.22 KB, 704x463, 704:463, Capture.JPG)

Don't EVER buy or use anything with the word Smart in front of it….Its all for Controlling and tracking everything you use and do…You're been warned

Old “Smart” Water Meters Causing “Unusually High” Bills Will Be Replaced with New “Smart” Water Meters (Ohio)

Opposition to utility “Smart” Meters – electric, gas, and water – has been ongoing in the U.S. and worldwide for various unpleasant reasons. Adding insult to injury, costs for installation, non-operation, frequent replacement, and security issues are often passed on to customers (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21). Good luck, Akron.

From Gov Tech:

Glitch Leads to Higher Utility Bills in Akron, Ohio

Incompatibility between new software and old meters led to higher water and sewer bills for residents of Akron, Ohio. The city had planned to install new smart meters, but the U.S. chip shortage has stalled progress.

(TNS) — The city of Akron says a computer glitch that backed up the billing process is behind the higher water and sewer bills many got for September.

Residents started receiving and complaining this week of the unusually high public utility bills. In some cases, the monthly bill was double what they paid for July or August.


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bc8436  No.14709114

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80144a  No.14709115

File: bb2a6a0b0ebe29c⋯.jpg (126.21 KB, 721x518, 103:74, killbox.jpg)

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028380  No.14709116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


check this out, young anon

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8a8eb5  No.14709117

Notables at 650

Baking At 680

>>14708497 Trump launches lawsuit to reinstate his Twitter account

>>14708587 Zuckerberg Discovers Cheese Steak Sammiches

>>14708597 Greta von Turdberg uses prophylactic on microphone.

>>14708602 “F Joe Biden” chants break out during NASCAR interview. Rednecks continue turning left.

>>14708618 Patriot Double Down event. A gathering of true-blooded Patriots from across the world whose work represents a phenomenal, and very real, threat to the corrupt establishment.

>>14708693, >>14708693 Neural nets, or cognitive models to explain how to chat within the limits of A. L. I. C. E.'s 40,000 categories

>>14708717 'You Really Blew That Call, Didn't You General?': Gaetz Confronts Milley Over Afghanistan Crisis

>>14708782 Meghan Noname Nails It

>>14708793 "mcconnell-and-graham-ask-cbo-for-true-cost-of-biden-spending-plan" (Try t o look past the shouty red text)

>>14708798 Canadia goes full retard (again) Officers Arrest Woman in Front of Her Crying Children

>>14708861 Here Comes the Russian Death Jab

>>14708869 Basel Switzerland - Anon's Thoughts For The Curious

>>14708988 Lewandowski under cancellation attack.

>>14708894 Here comes the implantable blood monitoring chip.

Kitchen can be claimed at any point. Call it if you want it!

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b09296  No.14709118


Anon keks at the alternate timeline that instead of "darpa", it's 'derpa' and headed by our favorite r-tard, greta.

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7e4bd0  No.14709119


Just hang tight with one person. That's all you need. They're not taking anything. .

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303e7e  No.14709120

File: 810c77357a79a61⋯.jpg (14.31 KB, 255x239, 255:239, d95d031918ea04ec3afbeaa208….jpg)


Wasted trips faggot.

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c9c2ae  No.14709121

File: e88fd0c07db7afd⋯.png (894.53 KB, 1274x704, 637:352, ClipboardImage.png)


>USING MESSENGER RNA to make vaccines was an unproven idea. But if it worked, the technique would revolutionise medicine, not least by providing protection against infectious diseases and biological weapons. So in 2013 America’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) gambled. It awarded a small, new firm called Moderna $25m to develop the idea. Eight years, and more than 175m doses later, Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine sits alongside weather satellites, GPS, drones, stealth technology, voice interfaces, the personal computer and the internet on the list of innovations for which DARPA can claim at least partial credit.

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3bfce4  No.14709122


This isn't jump the shark, this is sell your soul for fame and fortune.

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066900  No.14709123

File: 573dff1644f3bb8⋯.jpg (74.53 KB, 582x488, 291:244, ObamaLastMin.JPG)

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19fdaa  No.14709125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What sound does an Owl make

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7183e5  No.14709126

File: 7644152d87059d5⋯.jpg (99.19 KB, 896x504, 16:9, _16ddt_.jpg)

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9331a0  No.14709127



>That's just an easy way to absolve who is responsible. There's no "off planet" to blame. They are all right here.

No dude they are legit being taken off the planet and literally fed as food to other sentient species. They consume your spiritual essence AND your flesh. Your soul becomes lost in the extradimensional maze of their astral body and it is tortured on a long, long, long time scale to extract more spiritual energy as your spirit cries out to the creator for help.

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5c19d5  No.14709129

File: 3a9f681248410c0⋯.png (163.29 KB, 358x238, 179:119, ClipboardImage.png)

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042b15  No.14709130

File: 46b915b3a5f82f8⋯.jpeg (154.66 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 319AA309_9542_4BFB_9130_B….jpeg)


Her hair is a frazzled mess. Must be humid.

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ed46bb  No.14709131

File: 771c0b7323590b4⋯.png (202.13 KB, 598x447, 598:447, Screenshot_2021_10_02_6_58….png)

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80144a  No.14709132

File: c0aade6b8ddd534⋯.png (337.65 KB, 500x500, 1:1, planefags_ty2.png)

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1553e2  No.14709133


Colbert is as fun as a rectal exam…..only retards watch him

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b6965f  No.14709135



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9331a0  No.14709136


Plausible but thin and weak, the "heard round the world" part does not apply. Nobody noticed this shit except you and the people on here who bothered to read.

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189809  No.14709137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yesterday a morning came, a smile upon your face

Caesar's Palace, morning glory, silly human race

On a sailing ship to nowhere, leaving any place

If the summer changed to winter, yours is no disgrace

Death defying, mutilated armies scatter the earth

Crawling out of dirty holes, their morals, their morals disappear

Yes - Yours Is No Disgrace (Live at Lugano Jazz Festival 2004)

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985485  No.14709138

File: cbcf38af3a1bf0b⋯.png (1.34 MB, 913x631, 913:631, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78ca27037f3a645⋯.png (6.91 KB, 150x362, 75:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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b09296  No.14709139


Just like NY, another, possibly more evil satanist is waiting to fill the position. They have about 100 per position, anon estimates.

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c9c2ae  No.14709142


derpa and the pfiser court

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3bfce4  No.14709143


His shtick was amusing on The Daily Show when he was limited to a minute or so.

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066900  No.14709146

File: 7a420212d6d81e5⋯.jpg (332.71 KB, 1247x828, 1247:828, CallGoodEvil.jpg)

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7e4bd0  No.14709147


Yup. Schumer is married to a guy. And Barney Frank makes not secret he's a cock sucker.

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80144a  No.14709148

File: c2d703fad8fda8e⋯.png (313.42 KB, 451x480, 451:480, pepe_pretty.png)


>as fun as a rectal exam

I'm sure there are those who think those are fun.

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303e7e  No.14709150

File: 17cad5556a5916a⋯.jpg (64.92 KB, 506x600, 253:300, 17cad5556a5916a851012fdf10….jpg)

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01cc38  No.14709151


Prepare to launch the heat seeking moisture missile…

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3195aa  No.14709152

File: c9183ea8b81840b⋯.jpg (57.28 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5p2llu.jpg)

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881788  No.14709154


Except that there are no planets… but sure okay.

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c9c2ae  No.14709155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>USING MESSENGER RNA to make vaccines was an unproven idea. But if it worked, the technique would revolutionise medicine, not least by providing protection against infectious diseases and biological weapons. So in 2013 America’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) gambled. It awarded a small, new firm called Moderna $25m to develop the idea. Eight years, and more than 175m doses later, Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine sits alongside weather satellites, GPS, drones, stealth technology, voice interfaces, the personal computer and the internet on the list of innovations for which DARPA can claim at least partial credit.

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2dc8a3  No.14709156

File: b0615aef7f61f30⋯.png (446.15 KB, 1162x538, 581:269, ClipboardImage.png)


Ask ALICE when she's ten feet tall…

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3f5a60  No.14709157

File: faf58c1acb4da80⋯.jpg (621.76 KB, 1600x2200, 8:11, sanfran_bridge_god_wins.jpg)

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bc8436  No.14709158


more notable with the link to the tweet

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9b5819  No.14709161


No it wasn’t, he sucked then and he sucks now.

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9bf022  No.14709163





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066900  No.14709164

File: 3707cf8ca4a9562⋯.png (182.85 KB, 493x519, 493:519, Evil.PNG)

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f8d6d1  No.14709165

File: 326114b261a842a⋯.png (793.02 KB, 1443x959, 1443:959, ClipboardImage.png)

Call sign OTIS29. PF thinks OTIS is prolly an acronym. But it is one frequently seen. And every time anon sees it anon thinks of the old Otis Elevator Company for some strange reason. kek

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87a048  No.14709166

File: 2533338bb6e9f53⋯.jpeg (10.34 KB, 285x208, 285:208, R_13_.jpeg)



I'll pay you tree fiddy for that meme

Pax Tibi


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57d2d7  No.14709167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8a8eb5  No.14709168

File: a7d1ce1492e6031⋯.png (35.72 KB, 496x464, 31:29, salute.png)

Dough: https://controlc.com/e45eb1c5

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5aa01b  No.14709169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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303e7e  No.14709170

File: 9c4f90e9272a600⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 508x524, 127:131, 9c4f90e9272a60001366ff0ca0….jpg)


You forgot to post your link the 5 hour video.

You slippin nigga.

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6304c1  No.14709171

File: 52d9c3cb76ff65f⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_20211002_210816.png)


This is in the city I live in.

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985485  No.14709172

File: 3dede531890a1c8⋯.png (1.21 MB, 901x593, 901:593, ClipboardImage.png)

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b09296  No.14709173

File: b475bc2580c2559⋯.png (213.92 KB, 320x320, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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189809  No.14709174

File: 53a06cf368029a8⋯.jpg (43.3 KB, 558x381, 186:127, Capture.JPG)

Watch: #FJB chants at NASCAR Xfinity Series in Talladega

Now Nascar fans are getting in on the fun of chanting FJB. In Talladega at the NASCAR Xfinity Series, chants of “F_CK Joe Biden” were heard as the media hack interviewing driver Brandon Brown claiming the chants were “let’s go Brandon”. Listen very carefully, it’s not let’s go Brandon.

#FJB https://t.co/ZSFkcMdGDC

— Dr. Angel of ❤️🗣 (@AngelDiana1980) October 2, 2021

NASCAR sings #FJB pic.twitter.com/8wGsUSwsfD

— Amy Kremer (@AmyKremer) October 2, 2021

F_CK Joe Biden is catching on everywhere. It started at college football games, and now it’s spread to parties, bars and now Nascar in Talladega. I’m really impressed. This is about the most popular thing ever about Joe Biden.


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e206ac  No.14709176

File: 2e0bf4a3ce306da⋯.png (356.46 KB, 545x611, 545:611, 2e0bf4a3ce306da2034dc56aa0….png)



It's lookin like the mark of the beast, more & more.

Now, why exactly is Trump pushing the vaXXX?


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80144a  No.14709177

File: 4894ee0e151800e⋯.png (471.11 KB, 620x465, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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d08b57  No.14709179

File: 0581bc78e5815d5⋯.jpeg (15.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0581bc78e5815d5bc2782acd4….jpeg)

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df0cb1  No.14709180

File: 4583a752aae77c6⋯.png (771.22 KB, 1284x852, 107:71, ClipboardImage.png)


Is ALICE a racist?


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b5d31a  No.14709182

File: 28e5a68d355ec96⋯.jpg (113.44 KB, 616x863, 616:863, 9f1a2d5865fad7e2f293db06c4….jpg)

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c9c2ae  No.14709183


Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall. And if you go chasing rabbits, and you know you're going to fall. Tell 'em a hookah-smoking caterpillar has given you the call. And call Alice, when she was just small. When the men on the chessboard get up and tell you where to go. And you've just had some kind of mushroom, and your mind is moving low.

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042b15  No.14709185

File: ced095253bdb841⋯.jpeg (208.88 KB, 600x509, 600:509, BF8C7934_B649_4F3C_9BA3_E….jpeg)



This is war Anon.

Daylight savings is bullshit.

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c9c2ae  No.14709186

File: f30bf867a91b166⋯.jpg (99.51 KB, 955x538, 955:538, GateIsGood.jpg)



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98e450  No.14709188




Don't include your Facebook Click Identifier

>fbclid=lwAR…… ect.

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b09296  No.14709189


Anon would like to animate all the fetuses in a lamaz class start and chant this same thing.

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df0cb1  No.14709190

File: af6cd86b9bdfea2⋯.png (429.34 KB, 1072x532, 268:133, ClipboardImage.png)


ALICE anon now.

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9331a0  No.14709191

File: c80db71934185ce⋯.png (985.32 KB, 855x472, 855:472, 1514689953563.png)


>Except that there are no planets… but sure okay.

Oh neat are we doing flat earth shit tonight? It's been a while, hit me son!

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c4da20  No.14709192

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d7f131  No.14709193

File: 7ae507119259104⋯.jpeg (297.06 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 25FD065B_D49C_4FD7_8C98_4….jpeg)


Feels Gud to be a scumbag.

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1553e2  No.14709194


Alice was programmed by Nazis….of course machines will develop their creators true intentions

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9331a0  No.14709195


>Daylight savings is bullshit.

move to Russia or Arizona

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303e7e  No.14709197

File: d1574df747578e0⋯.png (323.71 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 722d988e50ab1be3327c80e246….png)

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6cebcf  No.14709198

File: a447429d4c8b645⋯.jpg (657.11 KB, 1164x1500, 97:125, message_to_gov.jpg)



sends the wrong message.

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3b861d  No.14709199


The Cabal always warn us before they commit their crimes

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58cb2f  No.14709200

File: a8b85ddb6dcfd11⋯.png (633.78 KB, 764x762, 382:381, 666_numbs.png)

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042b15  No.14709201

File: 4a83b80510da7f3⋯.jpeg (504.62 KB, 700x512, 175:128, 0C3A2CAC_8C92_423F_8AC4_4….jpeg)


Whatever happened to Spirograph Anon?

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3c9741  No.14709202


The thin blue line.

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1553e2  No.14709204


Earth is wizzing through space at 1.3 million miles a day…..yet wind was calm here today

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57d2d7  No.14709205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b5d31a  No.14709206

File: be856eafb05eeb6⋯.png (61.44 KB, 478x563, 478:563, Screenshot_2021_10_02_at_2….png)

Former US President Donald Trump has asked a Florida judge to force Twitter to restore his account.


Memes ready?

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066900  No.14709207

File: 976680031407b2d⋯.jpg (367.4 KB, 1080x842, 540:421, LordsStorm.jpg)

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189809  No.14709208

File: 28d766b30f77d06⋯.jpg (70.94 KB, 932x492, 233:123, Capture.JPG)


Trump is the Greatest President ever..Actually cares about america and the average working man

Trump Signs Executive Order to Begin Water Rule Rollback

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday to begin rolling back the Obama-era environmental policy on clean water

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday aimed at rolling back an Obama-era rule that designates what smaller bodies of water, tributaries and wetlands are under the control of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers.

The order instructs both departments to formally reconsider the Water of the United States rule or WOTUS. This could lead to a re-write of the law or a complete repeal, but could take a while to be implemented.

On Tuesday afternoon, Trump was surrounded by farmers, housing developers and county commissioners in the Roosevelt Room as he signed the order.


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01cc38  No.14709209


Oh look, a TGR of a canine with gingivitis. Can we make abortions retroactive starting with that CCP infiltrator?

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b09296  No.14709210


It's almost as if they are required by some kind of RULE to disclose what they are doing. Kind of like having to invite a vampire in the house before it can cross the threshold.

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5c19d5  No.14709211


neat story, bro

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6456d1  No.14709212



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9331a0  No.14709213

File: f61c322d02281a3⋯.jpeg (22.26 KB, 360x321, 120:107, i_see_what_you_did_there_….jpeg)

If your gay degenerate faggot partner farts while you are fucking his bum-hole then you will get farts inside your dick, which is fatal.

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303e7e  No.14709214


>Earth is wizzing through space at 1.3 million miles a day

What is a spell?

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df0cb1  No.14709215

File: 91007933193b5db⋯.png (221.79 KB, 580x300, 29:15, vax4.png)


what is predictive programming?

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bb3ce9  No.14709216

File: 77043b7581c0646⋯.png (645.88 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


and you wonder why Mitch McConnell has so much sway and swag?

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042b15  No.14709218

File: e900958feda29d7⋯.jpeg (47.24 KB, 720x492, 60:41, FE8C1FC7_49CE_4BCF_B777_E….jpeg)

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189809  No.14709219


KEK..That gave me a Chuckle..kekeke

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87a048  No.14709220

File: ad075ea650831c9⋯.jpg (12.29 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 10ff066a9a68bb3c61be3d02fd….jpg)

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c03ad6  No.14709221

File: 63a0f2b35fd1a4c⋯.jpeg (288.41 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, B2BDE004_4063_4A40_9AC2_E….jpeg)

Correct the bread #’s baker.

Thank you


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6cebcf  No.14709222

File: 88b2066e83779c6⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 1619_Indoctrination.jpg)


>Pull your kids from school, or they could be the examples they will use!

Two good reasons now.

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9331a0  No.14709223

File: 9f478c9a6755951⋯.png (316.2 KB, 423x650, 423:650, meeting_08122020.png)


>neat story, bro

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT get into the spaceships. They will not take you anywhere good.

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3bfce4  No.14709224

File: 5ece53fa9271362⋯.gif (308.1 KB, 352x273, 352:273, GifMeme_02102021221703.gif)

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a4337b  No.14709225

Any arrests today or are the deep state traitors still completely free?

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1553e2  No.14709226

File: 2552f2e0d072f52⋯.jpeg (455.49 KB, 1500x994, 750:497, F6083A02_DB9A_4C8C_8998_7….jpeg)



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8a8eb5  No.14709227



>>14709056 OP

>>14709056 OP



>>14709175 Dough

>>14709175 Dough

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df0cb1  No.14709229


What is tacit consent?

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bb3ce9  No.14709230


CP alert

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9331a0  No.14709231

File: 9dd42c9a181fabd⋯.jpg (43.86 KB, 533x400, 533:400, gandhi_desig.jpg)


Nuclear Gandhi is so fucken based.

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7183e5  No.14709232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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98e450  No.14709234

File: 0508d13762672f3⋯.png (339.72 KB, 464x302, 232:151, Ghandi.PNG)

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3bfce4  No.14709235

File: e561aea7f45af5b⋯.jpg (393.54 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20211002_221933.jpg)


So he gets his Twitter account back, we get THE tweet, then they suspend it again, then we proceed?

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303e7e  No.14709237

File: e1c008c9f4b7f86⋯.png (368.19 KB, 606x480, 101:80, 13564034b320a0d2a59e406a24….png)

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df0cb1  No.14709238

File: 1d4bc5eda78b8c8⋯.png (482.61 KB, 839x869, 839:869, ClipboardImage.png)



fuck off retard

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7e4bd0  No.14709241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're in an enclosed system. That should liberate you. Let's see if this helps. Just use your eyes and common sense. If I can see it anyone can.

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df0cb1  No.14709243

File: 63413fa37e0ecba⋯.jpeg (75.59 KB, 750x575, 30:23, deathpenalty.jpeg)

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4a7ae3  No.14709244


OTIS KC-130J VMGR-252, MCAS Cherry Point, NC

"Otis, my man!"


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de4905  No.14709245


Does Soros still have that Gulfstream IV?

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303e7e  No.14709246

File: b70740369c38ec3⋯.jpg (13.04 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 69d04ed65e7912b39554585003….jpg)

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5bc805  No.14709248


The only thing that makes sense in Trump's knowledge that most vaccines are poison, especially if administered incorrectly, or on the wrong timeline. He can't take on the massive corruption alone, or without a huge amount of people awake to the danger, and willing to back him. He knows the CDC is hiding the truth and by pushing vaccines on everyone (through Biden/Harris/Faufi) either the whole truth comes out or we all fall to global communism. Vaccines do not require the same level of research that is require for drugs. FDA controls drugs. CDC controls vaccines. Different standards. Most people believe the lie that vaccines a necessary to keep kids "safe" from disease. Breaking that lie is the only thing that can save us.

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83c9e8  No.14709249


NAC for grapox

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2dc8a3  No.14709252

File: fb5de76150af87b⋯.png (6.87 MB, 3899x2279, 3899:2279, ClipboardImage.png)


"Earth is wizzing through space at 1.3 million miles a day…..yet wind was calm here today"


"What is a spell?"



An indefinite but usually short period of time.

What is "TIME"?

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59043b  No.14709254

File: 01476db94afed24⋯.png (641.4 KB, 475x745, 95:149, b6002bbd51c624b66f83bfc8e3….png)

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f8d6d1  No.14709255




TY anon.

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4a7ae3  No.14709257

File: 3779c28b26cd715⋯.png (380.97 KB, 599x340, 599:340, why.png)

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7e4bd0  No.14709258


He hold on. The biggest mouth in DC hasn't tweeted since May 17. That's what we call a significant marker. Fat man has friends watching. Tweet motherfucker.

John O. Brennan



May 17

Hamas rocket attacks deserve strong condemnation.

Israeli strikes into Gaza killing civilians also demand international opprobrium.


If Israel shows the courage to support a two-state solution, more Palestinian leaders & people will reject violence & marginalize Hamas.

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303e7e  No.14709259

File: 08184a436ef89e9⋯.png (138.47 KB, 273x295, 273:295, 08184a436ef89e9dc07844c388….png)

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c76249  No.14709261

File: 57b5c2953dee328⋯.jpg (58.4 KB, 500x572, 125:143, 5p2mka.jpg)

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6cebcf  No.14709263

File: 16020e15d9eb1fa⋯.jpg (592.26 KB, 1080x1290, 36:43, soup.jpg)

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985485  No.14709265

File: 9de7027cebc1127⋯.png (129.05 KB, 975x383, 975:383, ClipboardImage.png)


40,000? Rotate the spiral → ∞

How much memory do you have?

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bc8436  No.14709266


I agree. Encore

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3bfce4  No.14714821

File: 3681f433024b9d6⋯.jpg (661.04 KB, 1080x1340, 54:67, Screenshot_20211003_132742….jpg)


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8faf84  No.14714823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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042b15  No.14714825

File: 9a3314ddd8758a9⋯.jpeg (99.59 KB, 721x909, 721:909, 32622D0E_42D0_49F7_9386_3….jpeg)

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678b2c  No.14714828

6 P's

panama papers

paradise papers

pandora papers

What's with all the P's?

P = C

Feels like this should be coded on the cover of The Economist.

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7183e5  No.14714831

File: f18d6168a0d7dbb⋯.webm (2.35 MB, 460x260, 23:13, mlrs_ns.webm)

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b5d31a  No.14714838

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0ce075  No.14714839


and that's how coronavirus got started

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b5d31a  No.14714846





Q Research General #18613: EBake

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80d2cc  No.14714849

File: d6f72d5449f3354⋯.png (1.26 MB, 930x930, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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80d2cc  No.14714874

File: 428463a3f16b779⋯.jpg (97.32 KB, 665x647, 665:647, memes2.jpg)

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80d2cc  No.14714880

File: 89797002a6b2128⋯.jpg (172.76 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, meme36.jpg)

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80d2cc  No.14714889

File: 5d97af493a2b5a1⋯.jpg (79.5 KB, 692x826, 346:413, meme38.jpg)

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80d2cc  No.14714895

File: 1e40d77b043a0f2⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 960x933, 320:311, memes5.jpg)

Fuck "Fact Checkers" and the horse they rode in on.

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80d2cc  No.14714903

File: 154449d7839a1d8⋯.jpg (72.59 KB, 550x563, 550:563, meme4.jpg)

I am become kek, destroyer of narratives.

So can you faggot.

Sharing is caring.

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7183e5  No.14714909

File: 95074457aaf485b⋯.webm (1.79 MB, 460x260, 23:13, MLRS_ns.webm)

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80d2cc  No.14714916

File: 76899c73c4313a4⋯.png (499.03 KB, 639x426, 3:2, melbourne3.png)

The time is now.

The one is you.

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8faf84  No.14714928

File: d87bce11e29c9d7⋯.png (349.64 KB, 640x531, 640:531, 01bbe8c9b484c937fdfe5a7f80….png)

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3cb18d  No.14717285

File: e84d59fa0261354⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1242x1194, 207:199, 0FFC09B6_724D_45DE_B125_B4….png)

File: 477136d3fdbdd37⋯.png (150.55 KB, 469x386, 469:386, 1FCA9943_9895_4B9D_BAB3_55….png)

So sick of the fuckers that cause the split breads!

But doing the work that many won’t by going back to Fill-The-Bread and to tidy the ship.

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583dc5  No.14717332

When the sleeping giant (masses) awaken…

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583dc5  No.14717343

Feed them good stuff. Tend to them with compassion. Pray!

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583dc5  No.14717365

Give praise and glory - loudly to God! Pray for forgiveness, grace and then ask for strength.

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b956cb  No.14717405


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b956cb  No.14717406


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b956cb  No.14717408


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b956cb  No.14717410


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367469  No.14769473

File: 0ea95b172630acd⋯.jpg (7.74 KB, 255x191, 255:191, unfuck.jpg)

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