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3ea198  No.14660434[Last 50 Posts]

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3ea198  No.14660437

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements


>>14658825 AUDIT ALL 50 STATES NOW!

>>14658830 Maricopa - over 57,000 ballots were found to be compromised

>>14658839 Bless this bread Lord and all anons herein

>>14658841 Victoria Police brutally arrested a couple for not wearing mask in the beach.

>>14658843 The vaccine passport is all smoke and mirrors. Cops walk away with their tail between their legs.

>>14658936 Rand Paul Works Over FBI Director Wray On RussiaGate: ‘You Took It Hook, Line, And Sinker’

>>14658938 New Proof Emerges About the Hunter Biden Laptop: a Definitive Account of the CIA/Media Fraud

>>14658940 Senate audit liaison Ken Bennett joined John Fredericks to offer a breakdown of Friday’s audit report reveal. #AzAuditRelease

>>14658941 one year ∆ T-3

>>14658943 DONT FORGET TX Texas Secretary Of State’s Office Announces Full Forensic Audit Of 2020 General Election in Four Texas Counties

>>14658945 Three studies published by the CDC, UK Government & Oxford University find the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work.


>>14658948 Liz Harrington - "The EMS [Election Management System] server, at least on that date, was connected to the internet." And what date was that? The day BEFORE the audit began

>>14658959 Cops seize enough deadly opioids to kill 50 million people in SoCal bust


>>14656110 PB Photoshopped Ballots? AZ Auditors Say 'Verified and Approved' Stamp Mysteriously Present Behind Signature Blocks

>>14659068, >>14659056, >>14652443, >>14652491, >>14652519, >>14652521 Concerned parent follows the money and the schools mandating of masking and vaccination.

>>14659074 Chairwoman Ward brings you some of the highlights of the hearing. #ElectionIntegrity #ArizonaAudit #AmericasAudit @kelliwardaz

>>14659101 More HRC hand signals?

>>14659109 Trump touting ‘EPIC Rally’ as he returns Saturday to the key battleground of Georgia.

>>14659158 New Dan https://twitter.com/danscavino/status/1441778253035970565

>>14659167 CANARY ISLAND Volcano Belches Smegma this afternoon the most energetic moment of the eruptive process took place,

>>14659172 #18540

>>14659203 Airport closed as La Palma volcano eruption intensifies

>>14659221 Container Ships Now Piling Up At Anchorages Off China's Ports

>>14659253 @DanScavino :07 11:32 AM · Sep 25, 2021

>>14659176 Rose McGowan Claims She Was Run Off Road, Home Invasion After Clinton Outburst

>>14659316 LB, >>14656418 LB, >>14659351 Article II, Section 1, Clauses 2 RE: Audit Report

>>14659377 We are just getting started with audits. All eyes on Texas, Pennsylvania, and Pima County Arizona. 9:11 AM

>>14659434, >>14659437, >>14659444 What responsibility does AZ Senator Karen Fann have in failing to compel production of the routers months ago through a court order?

>>14659456 Can't let this "election" go to waste without redpilling a few in the greater neighborhood.

>>14659502 Italy Orders Companies Not To Pay Unvaccinated Workers


>>14658008 Panic in the MSM: Gaggle on the Audit

>>14658010 "Audit was a big win for Democracy and a Big win for US"

>>14658013 CMZ: Numbers don't lie but liars use numbers

>>14658017 Karen Fann letter on Maricopa to AZ AG

>>14658117, >>14658104 Wendy Rogers - 41 Legislators write a letter to the American People

>>14658022, >>14658309 Reminder: AZ Mark Finchem (Pinal County) calls to Decertify the Election

>>14658034 Jim Watkins: Contact the Arizona Attorney General. Maricopa vote was bogus

>>14658037 Aussie Cop News: “It’s not about health, it’s about control” (vid)

>>14658038 Sidney Powell. Wisonsin Group voter irregularities

>>14658043 Pompeo: America is special. Ruse up and take on the challenges

>>14658049, >>14658075 HRC Gets Brutal Belfast Reception: Protesters Howl 'War Criminal,' 'Scumbag'

>>14658055 AZ Governor RINO DUCEy: “we have never decertified an election before so we’ll let the corruption stand.”

>>14658074 6 Takeaways From Findings of Arizona Election Audit

>>14658089 @RealGenFlynn Follow www.theamericaproject.com for up to date legitimate and accurate information about our election audits

>>14658127 Georgia agency misused seized money for fitness devices, furniture, vehicles

>>14658132, >>14658136, >>14658138 China releases detained Canadians Kovrig, Spavor after extradition against Meng Wanzhou dropped

>>14658133 John Wells: the next pandemic will get your attention (vid)

>>14658208, >>14658522, >>14658503 Patriots are up before the sun here in Perry GA. #SaveAmerica

>>14658212, >>14658346 Ohio's Rep. Bob Gibbs officially introduced articles of impeachment to the House of Representatives

>>14658335 It Gets Worse: Look Who Worked Together to Frame Donald Trump

>>14658482 Huge Trump Won Flag on a bridge over Interstate 75 in Perry Georgia before the Trump Rally

>>14658528 Gordon G. Chang: Even if #China’s regime saved #Evergrande itself, it cannot save all the debtors

>>14658552 GP: Report Shows Fulton County, GA 2020 Election 15 Missing Routers (and Moar)

>>14658574 #18541



>>14655580 Official Website Of The Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus

>>14655587 Audit Report Released To AZ Senate in Phoenix, AZ 9/24/21

>>14655614, >>14655737 PF

>>14655717 Potential crimes the DOJ cited was destruction of paper and ELECTRONIC elections records:


>>14655732, >>14655868, >>14655933, >>14655875 Haitians disappeared over night

>>14655734, >>14656013 Arrest Adrian Fontes now

>>14655764, >>14655796 Link to all the presentations from the AZ Audit today: PDFs

>>14655876 Joe Biden Tells Indian Prime Minister Not to Answer Questions from U.S. Press

>>14655882 Iran Vows to ‘Eliminate’ Zionism at U.N. ‘Anti-Racism’ Conference

>>14655903 National Petition To Audit Pima County AZ

>>14655910, >>14655912, >>14655885, >>14656022 Wendy Rogers 41 Legislators from Multiple States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification Where Appropriate, and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives

>>14655918 Trump Joins Call To Decertify Arizona’s 2020 Election Results

>>14655922 The audit report "leak" yesterday was a trap set and sprung. FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING

>>14655934 Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State: I call for decertification of the Arizona election

>>14655945, >>14655951 [They] argue over which version of the audit report to release… Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan had his family threatened if he released this version

>>14655964 4,292 scribble signatures, blanks, and likely blanks! BAD votes. Decertify the election

>>14655979 No wonder the crooks of Maricopa didn't want us to see the signature verification envelopes

>>14655993 Video of the AZ audit

>>14656026 RINO Governor Ducey won't call a special session and won't decertify

>>14656170 Seven-Term Senator Chuck Grassley, 88, To Run For Re-election

>>14656178 ARIZONA: Maricopa Audit Reveals Thousands of Discrepancies with Ballot Forms, Serious Integrity Issues - National File

>>14656231 ‘Decertify!’: Trump Supporters Explode After Seeing What’s Actually In Arizona Election Audit Results

>>14656030 Former Arizona Technology CEO Jeffrey Peterson's comments about the Arizona Audit Report

>>14656097 AZ Audit Stunner: Auditors Say Thousands of Duplicate Ballots Appeared Out of Nowhere

>>14656110 Photoshopped Ballots? AZ Auditors Say 'Verified and Approved' Stamp Mysteriously Present Behind Signature Blocks

>>14656134 AZ Auditors Say Ballot Envelopes Without Signatures, Blank Duplicates Verified and Approved by Maricopa County

>>14656144 AZ Auditors Say Hundreds of Potential Dead Voters, Thousands Potentially Voted in More Than 1 County

>>14656147 Doug Logan from Cyber Ninjas Speaks After Dr. Shiva – Uncovers Additional 57,000 Issues (Not Counting Shiva’s 17,000 Issues)

>>14656353 #18539

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3ea198  No.14660441


>>14654773 Emails: Hunter Biden ‘Said He Has Access to Highest Level’ of Chinese Gov

>>14654775 New DJT: I will be discussing the winning results of the Arizona Forensic Audit...(at) Georgia rally

>>14654782 Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Bio

>>14654799 IT Anon opines on Audit

>>14654801 Biden twat: This morning, I hosted Prime Minister Modi at the White House

>>14654808, >>14654817, >>14654825, >>14654828, >>14654896, >>14654958, >>14654959, >>14654965 Anons AZ Audit Coverage

>>14655062, >>14655158 Anons AZ Audit Coverage

>>14654814 Hillary Clinton Heckled And Called "War Criminal"

>>14654818 Here's How Many Shares Big Tech CEOs Have Already Dumped This Year

>>14654848 DHS Touts Counter-Domestic Extremism Plan; Rights Groups Cite Threats To Civil Liberties

>>14654873 Education Secretary Miguel Cardona says he supports COVID-19 vaccine mandates for students

>>14654907 Biden Govt, Secret Service, FBI Purchase Drones From Firm Complying With Chinese Government

>>14654928 The Hunter Biden e-mail coverup is the clearest evidence yet of media corruption

>>14654951 The audit has been referred to the Arizona Attorney General for further action.

>>14654981 Scott Morrison joins Indo-Pacific leaders at first Quad nations meeting

>>14655079, >>14655095 Victorian Police have a special operations group called SOG, Sons of God terrorizing Australians

>>14655092 Fort Bliss woman soldier assaulted at Afghan refugee camp

>>14655102 Border Patrol Agents Furious w/ Biden's Promise to Make them 'Pay'

>>14655144 AZ Auditors Say 335% More 'Bad Signatures' Found Than Maricopa County Initially Reported

>>14655183 Katie Hobbs - ICYMI: The #fraudit was not accurate, transparent, or secure.

>>14655237 Links to the AZ Audit Reports (Cyber Ninjas, Pullen, etc)

>>14655268 Here are some of the findings from the AZ Hearing.

>>14655301 Joe Oltmann says this is the real report from Cyber Ninjas. Logan and his family were threatened

>>14655324 Biddeford CVS where Jeb Bush locked his keys in his van and is using the store phone to call lmao

>>14655368 German television station gives national election results two days before the election

>>14655416 PF Report: MC208 incoming after a pacific hop and stop in Hawaii.

>>14655431 The Maricopa County's twitter account is looking like a Rachel Maddow transcript today.

>>14655515 ICYMI: Run Herschel, Run!

>>14655523 DJT: a bigger Scam even than anticipated!

>>14658366 #18538


>>14654012 23,344 mail in votes from people who don't live there, 2,382 in person votes from people who don't live there

>>14654020 @POTUS (Bidan) tweets analisis

>>14654040, >>14654045, >>14654100, >>14654104, >>14654116, >>14654121, >>14654129, >>14654152, >>14654153, >>14654208, >>14654212, >>14654235, >>14654317 Anons reporting Cyber Nijas AZ Maricopa audit

>>14654049 Prince Andrew accepts he has been served in US sexual assault lawsuit

>>14654054 Wendy Rogers, 5k people voted in more than one county!

>>14654248, >>14654251 Cyber Ninjas: 865 directories and 85,673 election related files [scanned ballots, .dvd files, slog.txt files, etc] deleted between 10/28/20 and 11/05/20

>>14654238 Ben Cotton claims MCBOS failed to follow even the most basic CISA guidelines for their Election Systems.Last time the system was patched was on the 6th of August, 2019.

>>14654292 Doug Logan from Cyber Ninjas Speaks After Dr. Shiva – Uncovers Additional 57,000 Issues (Not Counting Shiva’s 17,000 Issues)

>>14654228, >>14654230, >>14654310, >>14654343, >>14654355, >>14654460, >>14654507 FULL PANIC The county is losing their shit, haha! (@maricopacounty)

>>14654315 Intriguing Facts about Fraud in Russia's Recent Election that May Seem Familiar

>>14654334, >>14654349 Maricopa County's Dominion machines contained data from outside Maricopa County, including from South Carolina and the state of Washington.

>>14654381 @WendyRogersAZ: We have the screenshots of the people who were at the machines at the times the machines were tampered with.

>>14654497 AZ Audit: Log files were set at max file size 20MB!!! When the auditors looked for the logs, there were NONE before 2/5/21. No logs exist for the 2020 election!

>>14654557, >>14654563 President Trump calls for Arizona to IMMEDIATELY DECERTIFY. "It is not even believable the dishonesty of the Fake News Media on the Arizona Audit results, which shows incomprehensible Fraud at an Election Changing level, many times more votes than is needed…

>>14654587 Maricopa County official PURGED machine records before audit started, report states

>>14654616 "Massive fraud was found in the Arizona Forensic Audit, sometimes referred to as “Fraudit.” The numbers are Election Changing!" - President Donald J. Trump

>>14654650 Brig. Gen. Amy Johnston, chief of public affairs, was placed on special duty pending the outcome of the ongoing investigation.

>>14654687 #18537

Previously Collected

>>14658237 #18534, >>14653164 #18535, >>14653908 #18536

>>14651428 #18531, >>14658272 #18532, >>14651603 #18533

>>14647658 #18528, >>14648437 #18529, >>14651373 #18530

>>14646596 #18525, >>14646881 #18526, >>14646913 #18527

>>14644249 #18522, >>14643724 #18523, >>14644533 #18524

>>14642534 #18519, >>14643483 #18520, >>14643731 #18521

>>14639399 #18516, >>14640036 #18517, >>14639670 #18518

>>14636594 #18513, >>14636483 #18514, >>14637336 #18515

>>14633281 #18510, >>14634120 #18511, >>14636288 #18512

>>14632975 #18507, >>14633773 #18508, >>14632510 #18509

>>14628437 #18504, >>14629604 #18505, >>14630079 #18506

>>14626510 #18501, >>14627190 #18502, >>14627466 #18503

>>14623961 #18498, >>14624834 #18499, >>14627097 #18500

>>14623389 #18495, >>14623349 #18496, >>14623468 #18497

>>14619270 #18492, >>14620034 #18493, >>14622032 #18494

>>14617038 #18489, >>14617632 #18490, >>14618440 #18491

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3ea198  No.14660442

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3ea198  No.14660443

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3ea198  No.14660447

File: 5f6e9631f3edd3e⋯.jpg (10.85 KB, 480x270, 16:9, watchmen_smiley_button_fac….jpg)



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94b358  No.14660449

I know stupid question but what time is rally. IRL right now

thanks faggots

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0b3edb  No.14660450

File: ad89150a62c2652⋯.jpg (159.2 KB, 900x600, 3:2, pepe_bike_pretty.jpg)

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ae0da2  No.14660451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ty e baker


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6756c9  No.14660452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0b3edb  No.14660453

File: c993165a7d0e07e⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 534x680, 267:340, c993165a7d0e07e0a0fe17dbf8….jpg)


>what time is rally.


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a7571b  No.14660454

>>14660438 ((LB)) locked bread

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6756c9  No.14660455

File: 0a5c4c9e90ac99f⋯.png (413.9 KB, 1010x727, 1010:727, clay_clark.png)


Clay Clark's Reawaken America Tour: Episode 5 LIVE

MG Show Published September 25, 2021

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9de6b5  No.14660456

File: 794805dc8b3fa16⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1603x2047, 1603:2047, e099868521c558c6a882e40607….png)



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6756c9  No.14660457

File: 126b1fba3334863⋯.png (499.17 KB, 720x700, 36:35, sec.png)



US SEC Delays Certain Assets From Enforcement Actions Under New Disclosure Rule

By Reuters

September 25, 2021 Updated: September 25, 2021

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94b358  No.14660458

File: 5caed4d44d6d40d⋯.png (101.48 KB, 604x516, 151:129, catpepe.png)


Thank you fren anon. Have a stolen cat pepe.

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4f9661  No.14660459

File: 57b79f4bf3d79c8⋯.jpg (76.75 KB, 660x690, 22:23, 20210419_212416.jpg)



Was about to do a search for that

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60a6b4  No.14660460


tyb for this, dare i say, stupendous bread.

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2cb93e  No.14660461

show up dinero gang

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a7571b  No.14660462

The real plan by Jay Dyer

Hint as if you do not already know

they want a satanic theocracy


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87e9f0  No.14660463

File: 8eb04cdda923c44⋯.mp4 (910.81 KB, 370x360, 37:36, eIG50FNcIUBcwehs.mp4)

@FLOTUS in Mich:"As we recover from the pandemic, we owe it ourselves to reimagine how we look at education, how we look at taking care of families, how we look at inequities that have plagued our country for generations. We owe it to ourselves to build back better than before."


NWO witch!

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b03347  No.14660464

File: 63f6b32ce83ad22⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 422x423, 422:423, 1632597625505.jpg)

File: 7c9091eb69cd7e1⋯.jpg (32.8 KB, 450x336, 75:56, 1632597718033.jpg)

File: ef3879d1e141240⋯.jpg (77.54 KB, 699x670, 699:670, 1632597981055.jpg)



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ed5377  No.14660465

File: bec74039c56dde4⋯.jpg (33.71 KB, 624x491, 624:491, trumpamericafirst.jpg)

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3f893c  No.14660466

File: c0997195678e212⋯.jpg (44.65 KB, 403x616, 403:616, tmynx1.jpg)

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87e9f0  No.14660467

File: 893c57778aae7dd⋯.png (460.37 KB, 530x522, 265:261, Capture.PNG)

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6756c9  No.14660468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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208258  No.14660469

File: 93f176fa456a5fe⋯.png (409.12 KB, 1345x2048, 1345:2048, Screenshot_20210925_131449.png)

Biden downplays importance to US if Haiti were to 'quietly sink' into the sea in resurfaced interview


A 1994 interview in which President Joe Biden discounted the import to U.S. policy if Haiti were to "quietly sink" into the water is resurfacing as the administration grapples with the fallout of thousands of Haitian migrants flooding the southern border.

Biden, then a senator serving Delaware, was contemplating U.S. intervention in Eastern Europe, including parts of the former Soviet Union where he said the presence of nuclear weapons posed a threat to the United States. He then measured that foreign policy issue against the prospect of a U.S.-led invasion of Haiti, whose president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, was deposed in a coup in 1991, downplaying the country's importance to foreign policymaking by comparison to the situation in Bosnia.

The words resurfaced this week as Biden found himself in a position to confront Haiti-related turmoil again, this time from the White House, in the form of Haitian nationals gathering at the U.S.-Mexico border by the thousands.

Some 2,276 of the more than 10,000 mostly Haitian migrants processed had been sent back to Haiti as of Friday, an official from the Department of Homeland Security told the Washington Examiner. Another 6,615 were released into the U.S., while 160 have been served papers ordering they be sent back to their country of origin. Thousands continued to wait for processing as of Friday.

Biden, 78, has made a handful of other remarks widely deemed racially insensitive, with African Americans often the subject of his blunders.

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3ae70b  No.14660470

File: b50088cb53370ed⋯.png (897.26 KB, 999x665, 999:665, VITIATES.png)

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7e6ef5  No.14660471

File: dbdaabeeac7d148⋯.png (5.64 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, C92BA0E6_595A_44DB_82DD_BE….png)

File: 2c33f41cb7f7576⋯.jpeg (32.04 KB, 217x255, 217:255, 3FA5462F_84A1_4A68_BD8E_C….jpeg)

File: c2e9704c3c08eea⋯.jpeg (65.79 KB, 600x685, 120:137, C5C0CD25_360B_41A5_A894_6….jpeg)

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9fdbc0  No.14660473

File: fbaeba1bb1222c3⋯.jpeg (133.34 KB, 750x1004, 375:502, 3476BEC4_D1FC_4DB8_9DA1_4….jpeg)

File: d84e712b3d81e9e⋯.jpeg (228.66 KB, 750x996, 125:166, F6D507CC_59FB_4F3C_9D88_1….jpeg)


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a90b5e  No.14660474

Globalist Fggts BTFO


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0b3edb  No.14660475

File: 305a3b2a5574941⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Comfybread.png)


Stolen cat pepes are best with frens.

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4682f9  No.14660476

anon, anon

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2cb93e  No.14660477


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dc33f9  No.14660478

Media has been going on and on an on today about how the Cyber Ninjas found Biden won Arizona by more votes that was recorded. What's Trump's game, why is he still spreading the big lie, fake media asks. WOW, there was a huge forensic audit and Biden was proven the winner. You would think Media would be happy, thrilled in fact. But no, they not happy at all. Media anchors are acting like they don't believe themselves,. It quite the sight to see.

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a90b5e  No.14660479





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e18b1a  No.14660480

File: 1a18e56748cd675⋯.png (974.77 KB, 970x552, 485:276, MSNBC_arizona_audit_widens….PNG)

>>14660445 Locked bread

>Turn the TV Off …It's all brainwashing

MSDNC right now.

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2d04a2  No.14660481

File: 5d1c18889fff824⋯.jpg (399.26 KB, 1076x986, 538:493, Screenshot_20210925_152914….jpg)

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89da24  No.14660482

File: c86d65108c3d2c7⋯.pdf (10.38 MB, eu_collective.pdf)







To complete Lenin's World Revolution




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9fdbc0  No.14660483

File: 64d24229dac8f11⋯.jpeg (92.98 KB, 750x667, 750:667, 478566EE_290E_4450_8E0C_6….jpeg)

File: bc16737ef932123⋯.jpeg (109.27 KB, 750x603, 250:201, 7F23A089_7DDD_4BEA_8A77_3….jpeg)


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89da24  No.14660484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








>To complete Lenin's World Revolution



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a6a76b  No.14660485

File: 4fb3d423cb45f17⋯.png (523.52 KB, 1280x601, 1280:601, ClipboardImage.png)

VoterGA Uncovers that More People Were Registered in Fulton County, Georgia in the 2020 Election than Were Eligible to Vote

Garland Favorito’s VoterGA identified another impossible happening in Fulton County, Georgia. David Cross from the team reportedly identified that more people are registered to vote in Georgia than are eligible.

This morning at VoterGA’s website GABallots.com, David Cross, who leads the efforts to find duplicate ballots for Garland Favorito’s VoterGA, posted this on his website.

The team was looking at voter data this week and we stumbled by this little gem. Somehow, Stacey Abrams really got out the vote in Fulton. You see, as of the April 2020 Census, there were 1,066,000 people who lived in Fulton County. When we subtract out people who can’t vote like those under 18 who make up 21.4% of the population, illegal aliens, incarcerated people, people over 65 who are cognitively unable to vote, and the homeless, you come up with about 262,000 ineligible voters. Subtract them from the starting population of 1,066,000 and that leaves you with about 805,000 possible voters but 806,451 were actually registered! That’s a neat trick!

Let’s not forget that to accomplish this, Fulton county would have had to register nearly 600 people each and every day for a full year. When we pull the records, I doubt we will see that level of activity. Stay tuned!

There is no chance that a county the size of Fulton County, Georgia legitimately has more people registered to vote than there are eligible to vote. No Chance.


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b51336  No.14660486

File: cc3c7b1a9b73e9a⋯.jpeg (127.72 KB, 828x520, 207:130, DF3910BB_8EE2_4DFC_B0BA_A….jpeg)


My response to a normie Trump supporter about tonight’s rally

LOL! What is he not going to talk about?!? 😂🤣😆

1) Biden paying Taliban terrorists to hunt down and kill remaining Americans in Afghanistan after arming them with 83 billion in high tech arms?

2) Durham's 4 year secret grand jury investigation into Russiagate issuing its first of many indictments (who's next? Soros, the Clintons, Comey?, Brennan?, the Obamas?)

3) Yesterdays historic results from the AZ forensic audit proving that Trump won the 2020 election?

4) DARPA leaking Fauci's mad scientists' 2018 grant proposal to weaponize coronavirus "gain of function" mutants and then develop aerosolized skin penetrating nanoparticle carriers that could be used as a bioweapon against a human population?

5) Biden's 1939 Nazi inspired vaccinate mandate for the entire US military and civilian population including children with the most toxic vaccine in world history, guaranteeing a massive US employment strike with economic doom to follow?

These are just some of the National Security threats we face with dementia Joe in office.

I mean, I could go on and on, but I think you get the point… 😜

Like I said, it will be historic…

"Nothing can stop what's coming"

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ae0da2  No.14660487

Walmart recently announced that the company is scrapping its layaway plan just before the holiday shopping season, and instead switching to a “buy now, pay later” program in partnership with lending company Affirm.


Zero-percent APR is the promotional financing for only certain Walmart.com products, and for a limited time. For other items, the APR rate is between 10–30%, depending customers’ credit. The rate will appear in the Affirm app upon checkout.

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6756c9  No.14660488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


NRGLab & New Technology

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7ab2a4  No.14660489


RIP Chris Story.

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4647fd  No.14660490

pretty sure that trump is now the most mentioned, discussed, and written about person in history.

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6756c9  No.14660491



Company co-founded by Nancy Pelosi’s son charged with securities fraud

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This undated photo released by Northrop Grumman Corporation in 2018 shows the first two operational MQ-4C Triton unmanned surveillance and patrol aircrafts that Northrop Grumman delivered to the U.S. Navy in Naval Base Ventura County Point Mugu, Calif. Builder Northrop Grumman says the single-engine jet can stay aloft for more than 24 hours. (Bob Brown/Northrop Grumman Corporation via AP)

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By Elizabeth Harrington - Washington Free BEacon - - Thursday, July 17, 2014

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7e6ef5  No.14660492

File: f8144b0632d3469⋯.jpeg (88.43 KB, 618x446, 309:223, B5B209D7_107B_4F13_BD18_1….jpeg)

BREAKING: MSM viewership spikes as anons tune in to ENJOY THE SHOW.

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76fb0f  No.14660493

File: 2fabc6459d16863⋯.png (889.02 KB, 898x1024, 449:512, ClipboardImage.png)


>Media anchors are acting like they don't believe themselves

Because they are spewing a lie they don't think they can sell. Angry? They should be smugly proud, yet they're not.

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2d04a2  No.14660494


>The rate will appear in the Affirm app upon checkout

Otherwise known as the Pelosi Plan. You have to buy it so you can find out how much it costs.

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e18b1a  No.14660496


Maybe. Good Ol "Jesus" has been pretty widely discussed but had a couple thousand years head start.

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eb6b1e  No.14660497

File: 7e8b02f49d6a5aa⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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2cb93e  No.14660498


also hitler

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6633e5  No.14660499

File: 277490a7e0b086f⋯.png (371 B, 277x90, 277:90, Screenshot_2021_09_25_at_1….png)

Too funny not to share

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0ae058  No.14660500

What time is the boss scheduled to speak frens?

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6633e5  No.14660501

WTF is going on with the images???

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76fb0f  No.14660502


>Jobama gibs you 100mpg travelling coffins!

Moloch needs sacrifices, so the auto industry keeps crawling at a snail's pace while insurance companies make trillions off of road deaths.

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afa8ea  No.14660504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Covers ALL the bases. Declare! Atomic Power of Prayer Dr. Cindy Trimm! Spiritual Warfare

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5cade1  No.14660505


7pm est

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6756c9  No.14660506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Even the boogie man has nightmares 😱 …

That would be us.



9:02 PM · Mar 10, 2021·

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a7571b  No.14660507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the great reset is turning into the great failure

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4647fd  No.14660509


jesus doesn't hold a candle to trump mentions at this point.

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0e7b49  No.14660510


7pm eastern

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2d04a2  No.14660511

File: be5c8a1168d91f7⋯.jpg (105.19 KB, 538x723, 538:723, ZomboMeme_25092021162111.jpg)

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9fdbc0  No.14660512

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42446f  No.14660513

File: e068fcc718a4ac0⋯.png (1.1 MB, 849x535, 849:535, ClipboardImage.png)



This is not akshully Rally Bread

Rally Bread is Best Bread

and Real Rally Bread is bester with Q

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a7571b  No.14660514


>jesus doesn't hold a candle

in foolish satanic households…you are 100% correct

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a9ad32  No.14660515

File: 51e376c79ba905e⋯.png (513.6 KB, 628x616, 157:154, ClipboardImage.png)

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76fb0f  No.14660516


>the most toxic vaccine

Definitely not a Trump talking point as he has backed the vaxx. Couldn't reverse course just yet.

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ee0a2b  No.14660517

File: 36c11e10d7eea1b⋯.png (414.65 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Taliban Hangs 4 Bodies In Public Square - Says Will Resume "Cutting Off Of Hands


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42446f  No.14660518


Mr Peepers

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7018c2  No.14660519


Show me your ID

I need to see your vax papers and registrations.

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0ae058  No.14660520

File: 1d5c2e34dafd867⋯.jpg (150.99 KB, 652x500, 163:125, 5o7oyg.jpg)

File: 4c7e2878978691f⋯.jpg (73.94 KB, 420x360, 7:6, th11208.jpg)

File: 915c1e0f1022db7⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 1921x1202, 1921:1202, journey_of_the_joint.jpg)


Thanks anon, that's 12am uk time….looks like I picked the wrong week to quit the tramadol, tea and weed, kek

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6756c9  No.14660521

File: 2a3b647092ae323⋯.png (44.64 KB, 447x308, 447:308, card_arest.png)

File: 946afdd4b183c2a⋯.png (194.33 KB, 722x363, 722:363, card_arrest.png)


The Library, [25.09.21 16:23]

😳🔴🔥DoD - Fort Hood - 3 in ICU w/ pulmonary embolisms w/in 48 hours of jab.

Army Flight Surgeon recommends to Sec Def ALL pilots/crews injected be grounded for risk of cardiac arrest in flight if carrying munitions or personnel.


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6633e5  No.14660522


>and Real Rally Bread is bester with Q

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da78b5  No.14660523

File: 56f81b08fbbe78e⋯.png (717.29 KB, 1429x2272, 1429:2272, Capture_2021_09_25_15_33_4….png)



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a9ad32  No.14660524


Better send Kabala in to reason with them…

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0e7b49  No.14660525



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76fb0f  No.14660526


Cutting hands off of thieves? Okay, how about doing the same to every Tali that touches a poe e of US mil equipment, since it didn't belong to them. We will rename them from Taliban, to Tally-no-hands

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6756c9  No.14660527

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a9ad32  No.14660528

File: be63bb9b8119b7b⋯.png (520.21 KB, 600x429, 200:143, ClipboardImage.png)


Dang! Dang! I must of left them in my other shopping cart.

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42446f  No.14660529


> that's 12am

You mean Sunday correct?

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7ab2a4  No.14660530




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4682f9  No.14660531

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6fd5a3  No.14660532


Q is here for every bread ;)

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5cade1  No.14660533


o7. Helper anon chimed in last night. Gave anons a boost of confidence

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b51336  No.14660535


>Definitely not a Trump talking point as he has backed the vaxx. Couldn't reverse course just yet

Great Point! But he never supported a mandate and several people from his administration have come out recently saying that he needs to push back on vaccinating the children, which is not scientifically justified even if it were safe. I did hear Trump say recently that he thought the boosters were a scam by Ofizer for profit, but I agree he can’t say the vaccine is toxic at this point.

Thanks for pointing that out, anon.

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87e9f0  No.14660536

File: 33f88f1b923c488⋯.png (499.46 KB, 869x473, 79:43, Capture.PNG)

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e18b1a  No.14660537


Millions of people have been addressing "Jesus" every day for thousands of years. I get your point but think you are not correct on the numbers. Doesn't need to slide further though as it doesn't matter.

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ee0a2b  No.14660539

File: c3e58d83678f546⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Cannabis manufacturer Select mixed up THC and CBD products, Oregon says, and that’s why unsuspecting consumers got high.


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2eb189  No.14660540

File: acf28eb5c7129ab⋯.png (361.98 KB, 900x450, 2:1, MudClots.png)

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04ae82  No.14660541

File: 227733716bd579c⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1000x691, 1000:691, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2ffbeda9c70051⋯.png (179.26 KB, 265x257, 265:257, ClipboardImage.png)


Elvis's wife was a scientologist

So was his daughter

Something something Michael Jackson

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01ca07  No.14660542


Weed cures COVID

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76cfae  No.14660543

File: a155ccd24361874⋯.jpg (2.14 MB, 2136x1524, 178:127, a155ccd243618745eccd42c9db….jpg)

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df3fae  No.14660544

File: cf98a4c07233d3d⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 667x703, 667:703, FAFcfxmVIAUEI_b.jpg)

China Releases ‘Two Michaels’ After ‘Feeble’ Biden Admin Drops Charges Against Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou

Communist China released the two Canadians known as the “Two Michaels” after the United States Justice Department dropped charges against Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou.

While the communist regime in Beijing has consistently denied that Huawei is a state-run company or that they imprisoned Canadian citizens Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor in response to charges levied against the daughter of the founder of the company, Meng Wanzhou, the two men were coincidently released within hours of the United States coming to an agreement with Huawei to allow their CFO to return to China in exchange for admitting wrongdoing.

Ms Meng was arrested at Vancouver International Airport in December of 2018 at the behest of the American government, which accused the tech company heiress of starting international sanctions by supplying tech to Iran. Just nine days after her arrest, two Canadian citizens were arrested in an apparent tit-for-tat move.

China has denied operating hostage diplomacy, yet they were both imprisoned on espionage charges without evidence for over three years. Further highlighting the vindictive nature of the communist government, the UK has warned activists not to travel to countries with extradition treaties with China to prevent falling prey to political imprisonment.

Over the past three years, Mr Kovrig and Mr Spavor, known internationally as the “Two Michaels”, have been subjected to being confined to small, dank prison cells in China. In contrast, Ms Meng has been free to roam a 100 square-mile zone around Vancouver, reportedly spending her time oil painting in a mansion.

Hailing the return of his citizens, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said: “These two men have gone through an unbelievably difficult ordeal,” adding: “For the past thousand days they have shown strength, perseverance, resilience and grace, and we are all inspired by that.”

The Canadian PM, who was narrowly returned to power for the next four years in a snap election just days ago, did not comment on the case’s impact on Sino-Canadian relations, but said “There is going to be time for reflection and analysis in the coming days and weeks. But the fact of the matter is, I know Canadians will be incredibly happy to know right now, this Friday night, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor are on a plane and they’re coming home.”


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23da2f  No.14660545


I bet they were so offended and frightened when they got high that they immediately called for food delivery service

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707846  No.14660546

File: abbaae12317105a⋯.jpg (54.3 KB, 750x893, 750:893, 1625491406558.jpg)

Thank You Baker

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6756c9  No.14660547

File: cff7b94c6ff941d⋯.png (219.78 KB, 603x733, 603:733, trump_won.png)


Flag of United StatesFisted handFlag of United States


0:00 / 0:25

12:44 PM · Sep 25, 2021·

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86acc6  No.14660548


Any sauce other than Twitt and Telegr?

Notable if sauced

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b51336  No.14660549


I wonder if she thinks she will be hung, shot by firing squad, or pitch forked to death?

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e87b73  No.14660550

File: 279bdb25543d529⋯.jpg (297.9 KB, 900x675, 4:3, JillCooper.jpg)



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4682f9  No.14660551


no one :)

he died remember

anon was always a classic

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3aeed2  No.14660552

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Last American Vagabond

The Last American Vagabond

First published at 20:25 UTC on September 25th, 2021.

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours.

All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/doctor-verifies-myocarditis-division-one-athlete-after-injection-tiktok-censors-him-as-misinfo


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e18b1a  No.14660553

File: 18c80799ddb1d1d⋯.png (1.55 MB, 797x1024, 797:1024, Greta_Left_eye_oil_The_tim….png)


Symbolism will be their downfall

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6fd5a3  No.14660554


o7 anon.

We are always here…a lot easier to hear when quiet.

TY anon

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afa8ea  No.14660555


No it doesn't. This anon takes the pots every day, had the Rona, sucked for 2 weeks, got over it, went back to normal. I do think, however, that the respiratory issues would have been much worse if I didn't have that protective coating. kek.

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461b68  No.14660556

>>14658133 (PB) John Wells

FyI John Wells is a shill, let me explain.

i used to like him, but then he was invited for an interview onto a podcast type show i voluntered on, after this happened he privately bribed the strongest researcher/interviewer we had on the show, bribed him to leave our show, made him sign a contract that he would never speak to us again, and would instead go to work on John's show,

now our show doesnt have money, we are all volunteers who are in it for the truth, and this researcher of ours has a family he struggles to feed so the offer was to good to pass up, besides he thought he'd still be getting to do his research on John's show so it didnt seem all that bad.

John however only had him on his own show after that a handfull of times then dropped him like a rock.

now without johns show to pay him he is still under contract to NEVER return to our show…..

this is the behavior of a shill, John is a shill

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0ae058  No.14660557


Yh 12am sunday, so will probably be 1am by the time he starts speaking

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6756c9  No.14660558

File: 0fe3b59ca68d19e⋯.png (1.05 MB, 724x875, 724:875, biden_ice.png)

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e18b1a  No.14660559


Got a cap?

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3aeed2  No.14660560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Alice Cooper - Is It My Body - Love It To Death (1971) Live (Original LP)


What have I got

That makes you want to love me?

Now, is it my body or someone I might be

Or somethin' inside me?

You better tell me, tell me

It's really up to you

Have you got the time to find out

Who I really am? Oh


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6756c9  No.14660562

File: 27d8e52a7d93e69⋯.png (353.54 KB, 604x738, 302:369, on_step.png)


Supervisor Clint Hickman urged top Republicans in the state to call on Ward to step down over her role in questioning the 2020 election results.

"She has caused a fracture in our party. She has operated outside of it for the purpose of helping herself."

Kelli Ward, Steven Slugocki

Republican Maricopa County supervisors call on Kelli Ward to resign from GOP leadership

Republicans on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors are calling for Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward, who is closely aligned with former President Donald Trump, to resign following the release…


4:29 PM · Sep 25, 2021

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2164dd  No.14660563

Every piece of bait thrown out is taken 100% of the time… still. Anons, these people are stupid, plus they do what the do, not out of principle but for profit. Now that there are no profits there is no principle or conviction to stay the course. Believe me when I tell you it's currently like a hot knife going through butter. Little or no resistance. Keep doing what you're doing and we'll all be home by Christmas 2024.

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e314fa  No.14660564

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786eae  No.14660565


No matter what the caption says, those are not germans. This has been debunked previously.

Those are Soviets with Mosin Nagant rifles. A Russian man holds the copyright for that photo.

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9fdbc0  No.14660566


Well that’s interesting.

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707846  No.14660567

File: 516029456aa8dde⋯.png (730.42 KB, 1003x812, 1003:812, 20210915_213106.png)

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df3fae  No.14660568

File: a42394d71b54470⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 351x160, 351:160, FAFcfxmVIAUEI_b.jpg)

I see Big Pharma's started their push to make the brainlets WANT the mark

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ae0da2  No.14660569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5cade1  No.14660570

File: dfb88db71f8ce58⋯.jpeg (635.03 KB, 750x1044, 125:174, 2C3CD725_D65F_4B5E_93E7_9….jpeg)

File: 48b3f2a150c5756⋯.jpeg (747.4 KB, 750x1149, 250:383, 75E7BCED_3B5D_4696_93B8_0….jpeg)


Here ya go. Was responding to anon that was curious about CMZ’s “Friday release was a trap”

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e314fa  No.14660571


Eye symbolism.

Futuristic black ooze.

Yep, a winner.

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2164dd  No.14660572



Case in point. Lil' fighters are going down swinging.

>Clint Hickman lashes out at impending charges for rigging the 2020 Election in Maricopa County

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7018c2  No.14660573


Only slaves carry an I.D.

Americans have God given liberty's that are secured rights and are free to go and do as they please.

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b03347  No.14660574

File: 41ef6d83e97c2a4⋯.png (363.82 KB, 420x541, 420:541, LIL_Fighter.png)

File: b619e5710a0ae1a⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 300x200, 3:2, 1632598943052.gif)


>Lil' fighters are going down swinging.

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5cade1  No.14660575


‘Preciate you Patriots. NCSWIC

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6ba65a  No.14660576



Just gonna keep posting this in the hope that some anon is paying attention


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44b32d  No.14660577

File: 74237a96e005b47⋯.png (303.42 KB, 1390x890, 139:89, ClipboardImage.png)

Ride the Waves Frens


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461b68  No.14660578


i also got covid despite smoking the pots daily, had it in may, been doing the pots daily for a decade and a half. my preferred method is just ole fashioned smoking a bud or two each day.

i dont think it helped, my symptoms were actually a little worse then my roomate who never smokes or drinks anything. and he is obese, i am not.

that said, for both of us it wasnt worse then a mild flu for a week or two., did both loose sense of taste and smell for about a month.

we got on ivermectin AND hcq halfway into it and were recovering rapidly after that.

i still tried smoking the pots during it but it didnt seem to make any difference.

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40b5f6  No.14660579

File: 6b0b4a7f59b918f⋯.png (5.76 KB, 156x255, 52:85, 951751ecf6e8fd1003142d81c6….png)


>Only slaves carry an I.D.

So no voter ID then, got it.

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4682f9  No.14660580


What is that anon, dont have concentration to read crap lies anymore

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df3fae  No.14660581

File: 563b6eb6c592f5e⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 1184x255, 1184:255, FAFcfxmVIAUEI_b.jpg)

FBI had informant in crowd during Capitol riot: report

The FBI had an informant in the crowd during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, The New York Times reported Saturday, citing confidential records it obtained.

The informant’s name was not revealed in the records, though he was affiliated with a Midwest chapter of the far-right group the Proud Boys, according to the newspaper.

Based on an account of the informant’s activities detailed in the records, the informant described meeting up with men from other Proud Boys chapters at 10 a.m. at the Washington Monument and eventually entering the Capitol.


The informant entered after debating whether to do so, the Times reported. He left through a window after police told him that someone had been shot — likely Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt, the newspaper noted.

The informant has since denied that the Proud Boys intended to use violence on Jan. 6 but rather were consumed by a herd mentality. He has also denied that the group planned to attack the Capitol in interviews, the Times reported.

In a statement to The Hill, an FBI spokesperson said the agency's "mission is to protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States, and intelligence gathering is essential to those efforts."


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6756c9  No.14660582

File: 493e553fc95892f⋯.png (529.13 KB, 842x795, 842:795, big_ann.png)


Arizona AG Makes Big Announcement on Eye-Opening Election Audit: 'I Will Take All Necessary Actions'

By Jack Davis September 25, 2021 at 1:22pm

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21d874  No.14660583


Trips confirm, took the pot and survived the rona.

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a9ad32  No.14660584

File: 3c62a6d380104af⋯.png (1.39 MB, 860x1057, 860:1057, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1c0b3  No.14660585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Joe - You're Talkin To My Guy All Wrong

It's the wrong tone, you do it again, and I'll stab ya in the face with a soldering iron.


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7018c2  No.14660586


I dont approve of this message.

Its not the voter id that keeps the vote frauding, its the fraudulent ballots, fake signatures, and other duplicate findings.

Keep studying!

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d9cf2c  No.14660587


Apply this to pedo's.

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76cfae  No.14660588

File: 19d2306d184e94c⋯.jpg (185.5 KB, 728x494, 28:19, 4c6a21250fbb274ea0cccba863….jpg)



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7ab2a4  No.14660589


Well worth reading. Affidavit under whistleblower law from Chief Flight Surgeon at Ft. Rucker, primary helicopter training facility for Army, if memory serves. Responsible for flight status of 4000 pilots.

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40b5f6  No.14660590

File: b4043594d5f944b⋯.jpg (162.15 KB, 670x500, 67:50, b4043594d5f944bd56a81f8f17….jpg)


>Its not the voter id that keeps the vote frauding

you're right there's many avenues of fraud.

shut them all down.

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196f73  No.14660591

File: 1a8aca333022eeb⋯.jpg (43.6 KB, 640x466, 320:233, Bob_Newhart_Hello.jpg)


>comedian baker

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e18b1a  No.14660592

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6756c9  No.14660593

File: 45d9047154eba46⋯.png (705.12 KB, 1202x603, 1202:603, re_open.png)


Texas Border Crossing Where Migrants Made Camp to Reopen

USThe Associated Press Sep 25, 2021

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7bd3bb  No.14660594

File: d2e93dcced70d17⋯.jpg (26.48 KB, 386x261, 386:261, Capture.JPG)

File: 578e2f1fed1f7ba⋯.jpg (41.58 KB, 466x261, 466:261, Capture1.JPG)

File: 051493aa70f27e0⋯.jpg (19.22 KB, 314x256, 157:128, Capture2.JPG)

File: 6861ea668814c4d⋯.jpg (29.06 KB, 249x253, 249:253, Capture3.JPG)


>Symbolism will be their downfall

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eb6b1e  No.14660595

File: 03c66bfcda4522a⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc33f9  No.14660596


>we are a brainwashed generation.

The people agree that we were brainwashed. The very best thing which has happened in oldanon's long lifetime so far. WTF can media do when we admit we've been brainwashed? No a fucking thing. It's over for them. Their mighty propaganda machine has fallen.

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f2ebb1  No.14660597

File: fd52a98313dd43f⋯.png (53.92 KB, 247x202, 247:202, yikes.png)


>China Releases ‘Two Michaels’ After ‘Feeble’ Biden Admin Drops Charges Against Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou

Just another ugly comunist ChYna CCP woman (?) in an elite purple dress.

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3cd864  No.14660598

File: 8efb17f49ff98e8⋯.png (4.48 MB, 1284x1705, 1284:1705, C526D3CF_1ACA_45D8_8122_C8….png)

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6756c9  No.14660599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Weak Execution Of A Strong Plan? How Biden Attempts to Restart A WW2 Strategy Against the CCP

20 hours ago

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208258  No.14660600

File: a661a912a74a7d3⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1418x2048, 709:1024, Screenshot_20210925_134552.png)

Furious Border Patrol agents respond to Biden's threat to make agents 'pay' over false whip story: 'Just started a war'


The photographer who snapped the now-infamous images of mounted Border Patrol agents said this week that he did not witness any abuse of migrants contrary to what Democrats and the media have claimed. An Associated Press journalist who captured the incident on video released that footage on Friday, confirming Border Patrol agents did not abuse migrants.

Border Patrol agents were left "stunned and angered" by Biden's remarks, according to Fox News.

One Border Patrol agent, in fact, told Fox News that Biden "just started a war with Border Patrol."

"I see the administration wants to fry our agents," that agent said.

National Border Patrol Council president Brandon Judd called Biden's comments "completely and totally outrageous" and accused Biden of "playing politics with Border Patrol agents' lives."

"Nobody was struck by a rein, not one person was struck by a rein, not one person was run over by those horses. They used the tactics they were trained to use, to do the job [Biden] sent them out to do — these are executive branch employees," Judd told Fox News. "He sent them out there to do the job, and now he's criticizing them because his base wants them to."

Judd made headlines earlier this week after saying he would arrest Biden "for aiding and abetting" if Biden were not president, citing the ongoing border crisis.


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23da2f  No.14660601

File: 68f966d2a376341⋯.png (1.44 MB, 797x859, 797:859, ClipboardImage.png)

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c05de9  No.14660602

File: 83d998e2e23af43⋯.jpg (278.69 KB, 1242x1229, 1242:1229, ea89f8f06e615639fed0ec8e9c….jpg)

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4682f9  No.14660603


proof ya'll dont know shit about shit

i let them in, as capitol police

see the difference

"pluck out thine eye"

i controlled washington for my life anon

and New York


West Virginia

actually you name it

England owned you, not england so much, the Magi

not now

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aaa90b  No.14660604

File: 243f898be1e3b1e⋯.jpg (264.64 KB, 1109x1350, 1109:1350, 243f898be1e3b1ee62dfe84765….jpg)



ghost reporting

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2cb93e  No.14660605

You want a mapped out

Blank existence

So you don't feel stupid

Before you leave

Everybody's here but nobody showed up

A is for apathy

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933b7f  No.14660606

File: 8aa95a147afe634⋯.png (246.68 KB, 788x587, 788:587, mikey_bitch_wings.png)

File: 5ed3e32c05b32b2⋯.png (183.62 KB, 692x639, 692:639, Screen_Shot_2021_09_25_at_….png)

File: 67187b3eef22530⋯.png (748.8 KB, 1001x595, 143:85, Screen_Shot_2021_09_25_at_….png)

File: 0f208f7da9dc30b⋯.png (1.36 MB, 850x1450, 17:29, Screenshot_2021_09_25_at_1….png)


CH I (cago)NA

Vexinations! They matter.

Bird flu (avian influenza)

Symptoms & causes

Diagnosis & treatment



Bird flu is caused by a type of influenza virus that rarely infects humans. More than a dozen types of bird flu have been identified, including the two strains that have most recently infected humans — H5N1 and H7N9. When bird flu does strike humans, it can be deadly.

Outbreaks of bird flu have occurred in Asia, Africa, North America and parts of Europe. Most people who have developed symptoms of bird flu have had close contact with sick birds. In a few cases, bird flu has passed from one person to another. Only sporadic human cases have been reported since 2015.

Health officials worry that a global outbreak could occur if a bird flu virus mutates into a form that transmits more easily from person to person. Researchers are working on vaccines to help protect people from bird flu.

Bird flu (avian influenza)

Symptoms & causes

Diagnosis & treatment



Bird flu is caused by a type of influenza virus that rarely infects humans. More than a dozen types of bird flu have been identified, including the two strains that have most recently infected humans — H5N1 and H7N9. When bird flu does strike humans, it can be deadly.

Outbreaks of bird flu have occurred in Asia, Africa, North America and parts of Europe. Most people who have developed symptoms of bird flu have had close contact with sick birds. In a few cases, bird flu has passed from one person to another. Only sporadic human cases have been reported since 2015.

Health officials worry that a global outbreak could occur if a bird flu virus mutates into a form that transmits more easily from person to person. Researchers are working on vaccines to help protect people from bird flu.

September 22, 20216:14 AM PDTLast Updated 4 days ago


China's Guangdong reports human case of H5N6 bird flu


1 minute read

Chickens are seen in a livestock market before the market asked to stop trading on March 1 in prevention of bird flu transmission, in Kunming, Yunnan province, China, February 22, 2017. REUTERS/Stringer

Chickens are seen in a livestock market before the market asked to stop trading on March 1 in prevention of bird flu transmission, in Kunming, Yunnan province, China, February 22, 2017. REUTERS/Stringer

BEIJING, Sept 22 (Reuters) - The health authority in southern China's Guangdong province said on Wednesday that a single case of a human being infected with the H5N6 strain of bird flu has been reported in the city of Dongguan.

The infected patient, a 53-year-old male, is being treated in hospital, the Health Commission of Guangdong Province said in a statement, adding that experts considered the risk of transmission to be low at this stage.

(This story corrects headline and paragraph 1 to read H5N6, not N5H6)

Reporting by Colin Qian and Tom Daly, Editing by Louise Heavens

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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dc33f9  No.14660607


Someone's been putting on weight and made a bad dress to wear.

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da9d7d  No.14660608

File: e3e95c37240be94⋯.png (150.55 KB, 1184x255, 1184:255, ClipboardImage.png)

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0b3edb  No.14660609

File: f19e773df2b38bc⋯.png (617.18 KB, 631x625, 631:625, Wall_wire_alpha.png)


>Texas Border Crossing Where Migrants Made Camp to Reopen

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a9ad32  No.14660610

File: b313cdf5835ea12⋯.png (135.91 KB, 838x287, 838:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27ffcb25b6cbc74⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6240dec5a6d7b5⋯.png (541.7 KB, 530x564, 265:282, ClipboardImage.png)

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2164dd  No.14660612


Exactly, they don't even come around here talkin' smack anymore. It's becoming apparent and the that President of the AZ Senate Fann is laser focused on what went wrong and just as important, what went right. I trust her now in a game where trust is almost impossible to assign. She's doing it by the book and she's leading to the inevitable de-certification due to all the deleted evidence by Maricopa County that makes it impossible to square the data integrity. Next Tucson… Even more fraud in Pima County than Maricopa…

The proof is in the router logs… but… much of the evidence they thought they deleted was claimed out of the unallocated server spaces. They didn't even wipe the disks.

And the 'Trump' card. NSA captured it all. They don't need the routers. They're exposing the crime, they already have the goods. Law Enforcement is at the moment monitoring all the election centers. The crime that gets them is the cover up. No need to get worked up. It was over before it started. The Cabal got 'driven' here. They didn't want to be here and now here they are. Does Trump seem worried?

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7018c2  No.14660613


shucks, Looks like i wont be voting in a fraudulent voting system that will never be changed.

Just a way to keep you registered like cattle.

You didn't always have to carry an ID fren.

Give up your liberty one cause at a time.

Keep pushing the control factor.

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df3fae  No.14660614


Wouldn't be surprised if they dropped charges against Charles Lieberman, the guy who sold China the 'colonel's secret recipe' as it were, on how to do gain of function research on Coronaviruses.

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dbf807  No.14660615





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0e0ab9  No.14660616

File: 309e7231549793d⋯.png (351.47 KB, 1216x1578, 608:789, FLCCC_net_Pharm_Barriers1.png)

Anon needs help. On the frontline trying to get people ivermectin for prevention and early treatment of Covid. People are dying and many pharmacists are refusing to dispense ivermectin and LYING about why to patients. If anons would like to help, please make phone calls to your local pharmacies and ask if they will dispense a prescription for ivermectin for Covid.

If they say no, here are the follow up questions, comments and protocol for reporting to hold these pharmacists accountable:



Will post additional details.

Please get the word out.

We need an army and we need it fast to help us not end up like Australia.

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4682f9  No.14660617

File: 82085059dbe0c7e⋯.png (146 KB, 219x291, 73:97, ClipboardImage.png)


has always been thus

a hint for you though anon

watch Pet Goat ll

when liberty falls is 11/11

as New York, that is me holdin' and fuck i am

anon can not stay that way forever, is already spring and we are goin' into Summer

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40b5f6  No.14660618

File: 4e2f937824e09d7⋯.png (6.61 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 77abe1c2fdf7599e1c69d55f38….png)


>Give up your liberty one cause at a time.

We're already there faggot and now we're taking it back.

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b576cc  No.14660619

File: 7b8b4fdf11ee8b7⋯.jpg (13.86 KB, 225x225, 1:1, OIP_3_.jpg)



the tetras surround me

where do you see them

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42446f  No.14660620

File: 05d367e21c6945f⋯.png (544.32 KB, 480x474, 80:79, ClipboardImage.png)


try harderer

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dc33f9  No.14660621


INFORMANT? Singular? The FBI had ONE INFORMANT in the Jan 6 crowd? Anon's calling horse shit.

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88ae9a  No.14660622

File: dcb89168da4fe4d⋯.png (18.55 KB, 411x187, 411:187, chuck5.PNG)

1+9+4+1+2= 17


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e18b1a  No.14660623


I thought the first post splained it just fine.

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b576cc  No.14660624


she is hot

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0b3edb  No.14660625

File: 4acec0164920068⋯.jpg (20.79 KB, 320x406, 160:203, liz_willis_bikini.jpg)


Genetically disposed to being chunky.

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76cfae  No.14660626

File: b17a3032e7611d7⋯.jpg (147.14 KB, 1059x720, 353:240, Fall_of_Liberty.jpg)

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6fd5a3  No.14660628


excellent TY anon.

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461b68  No.14660629


also, can i ask you if you live in a legalized state? and if so, what do you think of the quality of the pots there?

before it was legal i got high quality great stuff smelled like fruit, unique taste to each strain, i had a great hook up.

now when i buy it in the store its all the same shit! hardly any smell or taste, they all smell like they werent cured properly, went moldy. they all smell like there was zero tlc in their growth. every week i go into the shop i try a different brand im almost always picking their top shelf stuff cause quality is more important to me then quantity, and its really just all junk!

even worse, here recently ive noticed some of the brands seem to have some kind of sugar additive in them, they have all the hallmarks of being bad quality not cured properly except there is a sickly sweet smell to them, not in a normal way, like its had sugar added. also ive noticed any brand giving this smell seems to harm my lungs gets them hurting makes me wheeze and have trouble breathing. it actually got me looking into "diacetyl" and "popcorn lung" which is what i suspect is happening, i think they are sabotaging the weed with this shit to make it sell more, and also to make it harmful.

carefull what brands you buy, specifically look for ones that say "no additives" and hope they are telling the truth.

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0e0ab9  No.14660630

File: 36cd4b8ef4704e3⋯.png (258.52 KB, 1220x1576, 305:394, FLCCC_net_Pharm_Barriers3.png)


Overcome the Barriers to Access

Take Action and REPORT

1. Corporate pharmacy chains WANT TO KNOW who is not filling Ivermectin:

• DOCUMENT the store number/location and name of the pharmacist where a valid

prescription was refused to be filled

• REPORT the store and pharmacists name (See “Contact List for Corporate Chains”, pg. 7)

• Call, email, or direct message on Twitter

• STOP REFUSALS by their employed pharmacists by presenting the 5 Truths above

2. If you believe your pharmacist has lied, REPORT them to the state pharmacy board: • Make sure to specifically call out they “knowingly lied” in any complaints

How to Get Ivermectin

1. To find a pharmacy that fills in your zip code (for U.S.):

• Email Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals the largest in the U.S., for a list of pharmacies in your


2. Look to Online and Compounding Pharmacies as an option.

• For a complete list of pharmacies that will fill and ship prescriptions, see the FLCCC

Pharmacy Directory: https://covid19criticalcare.com/pharmacies/

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4682f9  No.14660631

File: d4134ff35ff148c⋯.png (273.08 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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df3fae  No.14660632


and JUST the FBI?

Anons know.

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88ae9a  No.14660633


Let's see what you look like.

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afa8ea  No.14660634


a normal healthy, breeder ready body, is not "chunky"

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a9ad32  No.14660635

File: d23687adadea3e0⋯.png (657.8 KB, 679x382, 679:382, ClipboardImage.png)


Which means they had prior knowledge and intended the FF up a peaceful, lawful assembly.


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1c59ba  No.14660636

File: 4ae82fb0641eac2⋯.png (976.65 KB, 1001x630, 143:90, Dirty_Hands_Q.png)

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e18b1a  No.14660637

File: 45cd28deaaef165⋯.png (348.83 KB, 740x482, 370:241, Official_trump_card_Eagle_….png)



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6756c9  No.14660638

File: c10e595ee93177d⋯.png (447.63 KB, 1103x551, 1103:551, 400_pluse.png)


More than 400 D.C. Fire, EMS workers claim

religious exemption from COVID-19 shots: Report

Washington Times, by Shen Wu Tan

Posted By: Ribicon, 9/25/2021 4:47:31 PM

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ae0da2  No.14660639

File: e30538faa996740⋯.png (562.65 KB, 1096x2244, 274:561, az.png)


Attorney General Mark Brnovich Issues Statement Regarding Arizona Senate's Draft Report on Audit


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42446f  No.14660640

File: 98c893e28be92c0⋯.png (290.73 KB, 476x367, 476:367, ClipboardImage.png)


>Let's see what you look like.

thats me in the middle

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0ae058  No.14660641


My daily Covid prevention routine

Tramadol 50mg

10 Cups of tea with 5 sugars in each

1-2g Good weed

Vit D

Touching at least one siamese cat


Worked so far

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40b5f6  No.14660642

File: adeb02115dd79e3⋯.jpeg (65.85 KB, 1080x566, 540:283, adeb02115dd79e3a1b2760c27….jpeg)


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933b7f  No.14660643

File: fb7aac598df8bb0⋯.png (265.2 KB, 815x621, 815:621, Screen_Shot_2021_09_25_at_….png)

File: 38ad9369d2048cc⋯.png (174.02 KB, 752x417, 752:417, Screen_Shot_2021_09_25_at_….png)

hard workers

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f2ebb1  No.14660644

File: 395b1a9eed97ca3⋯.png (131.34 KB, 362x355, 362:355, fbi.png)


>FBI had informant in crowd during Capitol riot: report

Garbage in, garbage out.

How much harm to the country have these thugs done since their creation?

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6756c9  No.14660645

File: 55ee52fe67c3554⋯.png (49.84 KB, 1244x373, 1244:373, cali_woman.png)



Published 3 hours ago

California woman charged with arson in spreading Fawn Fire

The fire forced the evacuation of thousands

By Julia Musto | Fox News

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b576cc  No.14660646

File: da5bb4162e64b24⋯.jpg (85.63 KB, 800x463, 800:463, 01_leone_di_s_marco_vittor….jpg)


Pleasure too meet you

Paratus Comitatus


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2164dd  No.14660647

Patriots know how to work the 'Fake News' now. When you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything.

Keep up the good work Patriots. By the time this is over we'll have Lester Holt chasing a laser pointer in circles. The truth is a powerful wrecking ball to manufactured edifices built of lies.

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0b3edb  No.14660648

File: 6b73f470a7adf42⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 564x518, 282:259, 96705.jpg)


If you want fat sympathy, go back to reddit.

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d23b5f  No.14660649

File: 4bca84fa34d73c9⋯.jpg (79.46 KB, 706x1024, 353:512, 4bca84fa34d73c9872a6b78a5a….jpg)

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42446f  No.14660650


>My daily Covid prevention routine

32oz covfefe

1 pack lil cigars

top off with 1 prayer-

"Thank You God for never letting me get sick.


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eb6b1e  No.14660651

File: ce4015d382eb306⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1415x855, 283:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e0ab9  No.14660652

File: a751b6299ed1bb2⋯.png (249.35 KB, 1220x1582, 610:791, Screen_Shot_2021_09_25_at_….png)


correct pic

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687146  No.14660653


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7bd3bb  No.14660654

File: bd229f342ec39c6⋯.jpg (68.11 KB, 728x372, 182:93, Capture.JPG)


> 'I Will Take All Necessary Actions'

Won't believe it..till I see it..just like the rest of the fake and phony RINO's ..As biden said about the Taliban …will wait to see what they do .After killing 1000's of people(then say they did nothing wrong). ..then judge them

Taliban accused of beheading two Afghan boys

An adolescent boy and a young girl have been beheaded in two separate incidents in Afghanistan, local officials and police said on Friday, in the latest brazen attacks that have raised fresh questions about a splintering Taliban.

A 12-year-old boy was kidnapped and killed in southern Kandahar province on Wednesday, his severed head placed near his body to send a warning to police, said provincial governor spokesman Jawid Faisal.

The brother of the boy, neither of whom were named by officials, was a member of the Afghan Local Police (ALP), a U.S.-trained militia charged with making Afghans in Taliban strongholds, like Kandahar, feel more secure, Faisal said.

"It's a Taliban warning to the ALP and to others who support the government," Faisal said of the killing, which happened in Kandahar's Panjwai district.

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87e9f0  No.14660655

File: e56e061f9bda60d⋯.mp4 (429.17 KB, 426x240, 71:40, 3Bw8OS71XQJsVe02.mp4)

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14d0d3  No.14660656

File: ed8504292fc7c18⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6756c9  No.14660657

File: 2a29cca564b2e78⋯.png (299.84 KB, 605x583, 55:53, cali_code.png)


Newsom Removes ‘Alien’ From California Code http://dlvr.it/S8L28N


4:54 PM · Sep 25, 2021

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b03347  No.14660658


The Maricopa County thing is beyond weird.

The stories that came out last night and this morning are the perfect example of "LIES BY OMISSION".

>Trump lost Arizona by an even bigger margin

>Forgets to add 288,000 ballots were duplicated

>Doesn't mention the 95% error rate after Nov 3rd when it came to the mail-in ballots

It's beyond retarded that people claim to be "INFORMED" by reading a 10 minute article or watching a 5 minute segment on TV that condensed a 3 hour hearing into a few soundbites.

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196f73  No.14660659


>more famous than the beetles

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17458a  No.14660660

File: 71e096c2cc9cde4⋯.mp4 (676.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, DoctorAdmitsTheTruthAboutV….mp4)

💥𝘿𝙤𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙙𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙝 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙑𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙎𝙝𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜💥

⚠️𝘿𝙧. 𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙖 𝙒𝙚𝙣 - 𝙂𝙚𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚 𝙒𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣 𝙐𝙣𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙮⚠️


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b31c2b  No.14660661

File: 216366612e33e99⋯.jpeg (258.48 KB, 1242x1522, 621:761, F78ACC35_1C2B_433D_95C3_2….jpeg)


Friend Anon is big time pharmacist/manager for CVS

Says he will be fired for giving out HCQ or Ivermectin

He gave me this

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42446f  No.14660662

File: 99589765faf446c⋯.png (921.19 KB, 608x592, 38:37, ClipboardImage.png)


Hi there

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4682f9  No.14660663

File: 6fc33e6d25bd01f⋯.png (449.89 KB, 1297x520, 1297:520, ClipboardImage.png)

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df3fae  No.14660664

File: 5816c0f2dae6ac0⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 650x459, 650:459, FAFcfxmVIAUEI_b.jpg)

(Of course HE'D be there)

Two Canadians held in China for 1,000 days are greeted with an ELBOW BUMP by Justin Trudeau as they arrive back home in prisoner swap for 'Princess of Huawei' Meng Wanzhou


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2d04a2  No.14660665

File: fce46d178f4797f⋯.jpg (38.65 KB, 600x325, 24:13, ZomboMeme_24092021175443.jpg)

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f42c7e  No.14660666


He already has more worldwide audience than Christ at his lifetime.

To be fair, the world population at Christs time was smaller and there was no internet. And Christ beats him by the overall numbers thru the ages.


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2164dd  No.14660667

'Didn't I hear something about this being some crazy conspiracy from that Q fellow?"

The most asked question in middle America over the last 5 days.

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5cade1  No.14660668


Hello newfag

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0e0ab9  No.14660669

File: 059f7cfdbebf838⋯.png (287 KB, 1326x1620, 221:270, FLCCC_net_Pharm_3a.png)



A Guide to Challenging Pharmacists

Barrier #1 – “Ivermectin is out of stock, back ordered or unavailable”

• Customer:

• I would like to document what I am hearing– what is your full name is and store

number. • Customer:

• Therefore, you are saying (repeat what pharmacist said) …

• Customer:

• Your corporate office has indicated that they want customers to report any pharmacist and store refusing to fill Ivermectin scripts.

• What is your email address so I can connect both of us directly with your customer service department?

• Customer:

• Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals says there is no supply issue anywhere in the country

• They are the only pharmacy in the U.S. authorized by the FDA to manufacture and distribute Ivermectin for human use

• They want to be connected directly to any pharmacist stating there is an issue so it can be resolved immediately.

• So, I will connect the two of us via two separate emails.

• (1) directly to your customer service department at corporate, and

• (2) To Edenbridge customer service so we can resolve the issue now.

• Customer: Thank you for your assistance

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a9ad32  No.14660670

File: 1f4adbae0f26bcb⋯.png (182.66 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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4682f9  No.14660671


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b576cc  No.14660672

File: 5542034442b67db⋯.png (15.97 KB, 255x222, 85:74, 3e026a4b2871ce3588e4171ecd….png)


could the cat be substituted for doge?

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87e9f0  No.14660673


vid here graphic


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6756c9  No.14660674

File: 372f235706b2f8f⋯.png (325.72 KB, 596x564, 149:141, j_home.png)


Court workers protest vaccine mandate outside chief judge's home https://trib.al/DtACJ8P


4:51 PM · Sep 25, 2021

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dc33f9  No.14660675


I just read the entire post. What's wrong with this quote by an FBI spokesperson? 'the agency's mission is to………………, and uphold the Constitution of the United States, and intelligence gathering is essential to those efforts'.

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0ae058  No.14660676

File: 3700d2f81b0998b⋯.png (190.85 KB, 354x337, 354:337, rachel2.png)


Oven is bunned up

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df3fae  No.14660677

File: 8bc1eca017f7f6d⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 655x433, 655:433, FAFcfxmVIAUEI_b.jpg)

Kamala Harris hires Jen Psaki’s brother-in-law as adviser to help her through border crisis and keep her presidential aspirations alive as her approval numbers plunge


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5cade1  No.14660678


o7. God bless you.

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3cd864  No.14660679

File: 455304e6e4d6382⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1284x856, 3:2, 4030F2B3_2E06_40A2_B6E6_F3….png)

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88ae9a  No.14660680

File: d315300dc63a272⋯.png (188.52 KB, 398x707, 398:707, Screen_Shot_09_25_21_at_04….PNG)

Real America's Voice (RAV)


Don't miss our LIVE broadcast of President Trump's #TakeBackTour #SaveAmericaRally from Perry, GA. Pre coverage starts at 5pm est.















🔽 Watch #TrumpRally here🔽 https://rumble.com/vmylm7-watch-president-trumps-save-america-rally-live-from-perry-ga.html


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933b7f  No.14660681

File: 7c5d8809d2a7fba⋯.gif (1.2 MB, 480x270, 16:9, america_first_apprentice.gif)


(You) are the one for meme!

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afa8ea  No.14660682


I live in a medically legal state, Oklahoma. The quality varies. Since it is a medical legalization, rules are these things must be on the label - They are as follows: The amount of THC/CBD that is in the product being sold. The terpenoid potency of the product being sold. In addition to the potencies, the following government statements must be printed on the label: “This product has been tested for contaminants”

“Women should not use marijuana or medical marijuana products during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects”

“Keep out of reach of children”

And everything has to be in a child resistant pkg.

I used to work in a dispensary. There are SO many growers around, some local, some out of state imports.We bought mostly direct from the grower. Even cart producers are monitored. One got shut down a couple months ago due to contaminants. Overall, there's good shit and crap. Buyer beware in any case, but the labeling helps.

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a9ad32  No.14660683

File: c0e3d433c3fe678⋯.png (890.12 KB, 1341x1456, 1341:1456, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58982c73f8f227a⋯.png (936.06 KB, 805x1039, 805:1039, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a451d907fbdd5b⋯.png (1.26 MB, 789x784, 789:784, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e0ab9  No.14660684

File: 6fa899be1452641⋯.png (278.18 KB, 1216x1576, 152:197, FLCCC_net_Pharm_Barriers4.png)



A Guide to Challenging Pharmacists

Barrier #2 – “FDA has not approved its use in COVID-19”

• Customer:

With respect, I have researched this topic extensively and would like to offer the


• Ivermectin is, in fact, an FDA approved drug and has been for decades

• As you are aware, over 20% of all prescriptions written in the U.S. annually

are written for off-label use

• It is also important to note that the NIH has a “neutral” recommendation for

• Ivermectin for use in COVID, not an “against” recommendation

• Please tell me you are not attempting to interfere with the sacred relationship

betweenmy physician and myself to treat my illness

• Customer:

• The customer service department at your corporate office has indicated they want

customers to report any pharmacist and store refusing to fill Ivermectin.

• What’s your email address so I can connect the two of us directly with your customer

service department so that we can resolve this immediately.

• Customer:

• My intention is not to be difficult, but please understand that if this is not resolved today, I will be filing an official complaint through my attorney with the State Pharmacy Board. Unless we are in one of the rare states that allows pharmacists to do this, what you are attempting to do is known as “engaging in the practice of medicine” and it is illegal.

• Customer: Thank you for your assistance

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078741  No.14660685

File: e0ff01d63516faa⋯.png (7.44 KB, 277x182, 277:182, me75k8weds521.png)

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c5270a  No.14660686


Whatever happened to "Right To Try"?

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370a5f  No.14660687

(((Radio Waves))) are poisonous.

In September 1998, the first 66 satellites for space telephony went into operation, causing an increase in the USA’s national mortality rate of nearly 5% in the two subsequent weeks. During the same period, it was observed that birds were no longer flying and that EHS people became particularly ill. Today, about 1,100 artificial satellites fly over us, but several companies – Google, Facebook, SpaceX, OneWeb and Samsung – are planning to launch up to 4,600 new communications satellites each by 2020, in order to blanket the entire planet with high-speed Internet access.

In 1968, even the first small fleet of 28 military satellites precipitated a worldwide flu pandemic. Unlike a ground-based antenna, whose radiation is highly attenuated when it reaches the magnetosphere, satellites act directly on it through mechanisms that are still poorly understood, thus compromising life on earth. We forget the warnings of Ross Adey, the grandfather of bioelectromagnetics, and of the atmospheric physicist Neil Cherry, that we are electrically regulated by the world surrounding us and that the safe level of exposure to radiofrequencies is therefore zero. This potentially catastrophic initiative must be opposed and the organization leading the way is the Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (GUARDS; http://www.stopglobalwifi.org/).

In 2014, the physician Tetsuharu Shinjyo published a “before-and-after” study. He evaluated the health of 122 inhabitants of a building on which base station antennas had been installed. Twenty-one suffered from chronic fatigue, 14 from dizziness or Ménière’s disease, 14 from headaches, 17 from eye pain or infections, 14 from insomnia and 10 from chronic nosebleeds. Five months after the antennas were removed, only 2 cases of insomnia, 1 case of vertigo and 1 case of headaches remained!

This human rights emergency, which affects hundreds of millions of people on a planetary scale, and the environmental emergency that threatens the extinction of countless species of plants and animals must be faced with clear-sighted and unflinching resolution.


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3cd864  No.14660688

File: 4ea2c48598d55c5⋯.png (5.33 MB, 1264x1851, 1264:1851, ECF05650_E013_4FD4_9707_8A….png)

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0ae058  No.14660689


Definitely, but you'll need to touch it twice!

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324240  No.14660690

File: e3b76056d771c2b⋯.png (726.39 KB, 915x717, 305:239, ClipboardImage.png)

LIVE: President Donald J Trump in Perry, GA


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eb6b1e  No.14660691

File: 9efcf03287e8e25⋯.png (3.37 MB, 1300x863, 1300:863, ClipboardImage.png)


not shopped


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0e0ab9  No.14660692

File: fe6f6fa80306b07⋯.png (284.42 KB, 1214x1568, 607:784, FLCCC_net_Pharm_Barriers5.png)



A Guide to Challenging Pharmacists

Barrier #3 – “Our corporate policy dictates that we do not fill your prescription”

• Customer:

• So, and I would like to document this, what you are saying is (repeat what pharmacist

said) …

• Customer:

(1) IvermectinprescriptionsforCOVIDarenotagainstyourcorporatepolicy,and

(2) Thecustomerservicedepartmentatyourcorporateofficehasactuallyindicatedthat

they want customers to report any pharmacist and store refusing to fill Ivermectin scripts.

• What is your email address so I can connect both of us directly with one of your customer service representatives so that we can get this resolved immediately?

• My intention is not to be difficult, but please understand that if this not resolved Today, Iwill be:

• Filing an official complaint through my attorney with the State Board because,

• Unless we are in one of the rare states that allows pharmacists to do this,

what youare attempting to do is known as “engaging in the practice of

medicine” and it is illegal.

• Further, although what you are doing may be technically legal in this state, it almost certainly violates the spirit and intention of the original law

• I would like to be able to provide feedback to the Board of how you are applying the law in the hope they may be interested in amending its language to not restrict the provision of life-saving medicines to their states’ citizens.

• Customer: Thank you for your assistance

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6756c9  No.14660693

File: ba40b3b25e71376⋯.png (180.95 KB, 858x630, 143:105, nba.png)


NBA Denies Player’s Request For Religious Exemption From Vax — Barred From Home Games

By ProTrumpNews Staff

Published September 25, 2021 at 3:05pm

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2164dd  No.14660694

Citizen Journalists are going through the centuries old molded and built foundations of the 'FakeNews' Industry like piranha on a cow that wandered into the wrong part of the stream. The entire face of journalism is being re-molded by a new type of world freelance journalists that uses the entirety of the social media system as it is to continue to shape the public dialogue as a whole.

Well done Citizen Journalists of all stripes. You are the new gold standard for unbiased views of our world today through competent and unbiased reporting as you search for truth for your followers.

Big time o7

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0e0ab9  No.14660695

File: 2c549307c9e1e95⋯.png (264.94 KB, 1212x1562, 606:781, FLCCC_net_Pharm_Barriers6.png)



A Guide to Challenging Pharmacists

Barrier #4 – “I will not put my license on the line to fill an unapproved drug”

• I would like to document what I am hearing – what is your full name and store number.

• Customer:

• With respect, I have researched this topic extensively and would like to offer the following:

• Please tell me you are not attempting to interfere between the sacred relationship between my physician and myself to treat my illness

• Are you in a state, which allows you to refill a prescription on this basis?

• Customer:

• The customer service department at your corporate office has indicated they want customers to report any pharmacist and store refusing to fill Ivermectin

• What is your email address so I can connect the two of us directly with your customer service department so that we can resolve this immediately?

• Customer:

• My intention is not to be difficult, but please understand that if this is not resolved today, I

will be filing an official complaint through my attorney with the State Pharmacy Board because,

• Unless we are in one of the rare states that allows pharmacists to do this, what you are

attempting to do is known as “engaging in the practice of medicine” and it is illegal. • Customer: Thank you for your assistance

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42446f  No.14660696

File: a91ae92d4811221⋯.png (590.81 KB, 756x641, 756:641, ClipboardImage.png)

Sam now a Cat 4 140mph… www.spaghettimodels.com

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6fd5a3  No.14660697


Lazed up? Light up CVS

Light them all up anons. Access to care will not be tolerated. Supply is there.

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0e0ab9  No.14660698

File: a099ac5d0e7e7e9⋯.png (354.42 KB, 1210x1574, 605:787, FLCCC_net_Pharm_Barriers7.png)


Contact Lists for Corporate Chains

1. Walgreens


• 1–800–925–4733

• Website: https://www.walgreens.com

• Email: https://www.walgreens.com/mktg/contactus/contact-us-forms.jsp?tier3Id=1125

• Chat: https://www.walgreens.com/rx-utility/pharmacychat

1. CVS Pharmacy

• Call: 1-800-SHOP-CVS (1-800-746-7287)

• Website: https://www.cvs.com

• Email:



2. Rite-Aid

• Call: 1-800-RITE-AID (1-800-748-3243)

• Website: https://www.riteaid.com

• Email & Chat: https://www.riteaid.com/customer-support/contact-us

3. Walmart

• Website: https://www.walmart.com/cp/1088604?gbo=1

• Chat: Under Help and “Contact Us”

4. Sam’s Club

• Call: 1-800-607-6861

• Website: https://www.samsclub.com/pharmacy/

• Link to email: https://www.samsclub.com/help-center/additional-help?xid=help-


5. Costco

• Website: https://www.costco.com/pharmacy/home-delivery

• Link to Email form: https://customerservice.costco.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1218

6. Kroger

• Call: 1-800-KRO-GERS (1-800-576-4377)

• Questions about prescriptions: 1-855-489-2502

• Website: https://www.kroger.com/health/pharmacy

• Email & Chat: https://www.kroger.com/hc/help/contact-us

7. Publix:

• Call: 800-242-1227

• Email Form: https://www.publix.com/contact/contact-us

• Website: https://www.publix.com/pharmacy

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f42c7e  No.14660699

File: 791ac81d02852cf⋯.jpg (930.47 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210810_204457_016.jpg)


Gosh … did I write something evil to get this set of digits?

Dear Lord save me.

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0661ed  No.14660700


The jab is the mark brainlet.

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a9ad32  No.14660701

File: bd58434592fd2bc⋯.png (971.06 KB, 1166x500, 583:250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71099c9ea00d835⋯.png (258.69 KB, 450x299, 450:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5dd851e7e264c5⋯.png (654.6 KB, 717x430, 717:430, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 777b9f9ea77134a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 816x528, 17:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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6756c9  No.14660702

File: c4f06f5ac444249⋯.png (156.34 KB, 597x714, 199:238, fda_on_heart.png)


FDA in their virtual meeting: "we were falsely mislead by (Pfizer) about the safety of the vaccine…Heart attacks are 71x higher than other vaccines…the vaccines are killing two people for every one life saved”.

5:02 PM · Sep 25, 2021

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afa8ea  No.14660703


that is not a healthy breeder ready body, sorry

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fca43c  No.14660704

File: bc925ac308c178d⋯.jpg (9.36 KB, 299x169, 23:13, index33.jpg)

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5cade1  No.14660705


You heard the man anons. Blaze ‘em. This.Is.War.

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324240  No.14660706


Collecting if another anon hasn't already claimed to do so?


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42446f  No.14660707


>The jab is the mark brainlet.

can we get it in the forehead?

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a9ad32  No.14660708

File: 43402084ddc56ec⋯.jpg (110.75 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, restore_every_legal_vote_2.jpg)

File: 089218f0e325ea5⋯.jpg (117.96 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, capt_obvious_legal_votes.jpg)

File: f60ed3364d3f10c⋯.jpg (67.36 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, restore_every_legal_vote.jpg)

File: 53a2270df1a5034⋯.png (646.9 KB, 500x535, 100:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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88ae9a  No.14660709



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d9cf2c  No.14660710

File: 9ec7c64dc90f4a9⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1200x783, 400:261, NO_ID_REQUIRED.png)

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76cfae  No.14660711

File: 8fc8873cccca581⋯.png (445.67 KB, 745x543, 745:543, Yawn.png)


So fucking what?

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7018c2  No.14660712

Unalienable rights are rights that you can carry without having a piece of paper or ID that says you're allowed to do this or that.


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42446f  No.14660713


> breeder


i couldnt even feeder!

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eb6b1e  No.14660714

File: e86b7ee6b0b5455⋯.png (493.76 KB, 768x674, 384:337, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9ad32  No.14660715

File: fc5d655a68ac5ad⋯.png (1.01 MB, 750x511, 750:511, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e0ab9  No.14660716


It is. Thank you. We can't do it alone. We need an army.


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6ba65a  No.14660717


anons don't have followers. only frens

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2164dd  No.14660718

X22 delivering Health Industry MOAB

Share share share. Zelenko unvarnished. Get your relatives and anybody who is deliberating the vaccine this link. Big big big


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7bd3bb  No.14660719

File: 2a93f0a8b1e8125⋯.jpg (65.93 KB, 390x517, 390:517, Capture.JPG)


You people are at least 16 years behind the times…where ya been …The Great Awaking

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6756c9  No.14660720

File: d42e0dc43dd6640⋯.png (179.27 KB, 339x517, 339:517, sc_flag.png)


@intheMatrixxx, [25.09.21 16:56]

[ Photo ]

Patriots at Laurens County (SC) Courthouse tonight

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9de6b5  No.14660721

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fca43c  No.14660722

File: eb1bc156b86a5f8⋯.jpeg (214.84 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, R_48_.jpeg)




I've had them before.

Their numbers have no power when you are a believer.

We take everything back from them.

Bless you, Anon

Pax Tibi


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2164dd  No.14660723


Love to hear this. Yes. The word or term is outdated. We're all frens trying to keep each other out of the ditch

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a9ad32  No.14660724

File: fbc022bc5df280e⋯.png (961.79 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f75a06eaf28b4f⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9aba74a339f95a3⋯.png (833.78 KB, 1024x600, 128:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b372737917f0ab0⋯.png (1.29 MB, 954x959, 954:959, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a8893  No.14660725


In the Harrisburg region white trash gravitates towards the jungle hoodrats. Nobody cares. She knows where she belongs. And the bloodline of her ancestors has been destroyed.

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6fd5a3  No.14660726


We are the sum of all parts.

We are one in the soul.

How would you know what lane to chose unless you experienced the extremes of both ends of the spectrum.

The patterns never change on this one…easy to iden.

We are one and it is divinely beautiful when you have the eyes to see.

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6756c9  No.14660727

File: a263ab799f81ee7⋯.png (151.39 KB, 446x383, 446:383, ny_rest.png)


Midnight Rider Channel, [25.09.21 16:44]

[ Video ]

#FuckJoeBiden https://youtu.be/6JiBVjPY3pg

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df3fae  No.14660728


Came on board when the Charlottesville "Car of Peace" happened.


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89da24  No.14660729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Which one of you posted in the comments as "WWG1WGA pure blood" ?

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f0d467  No.14660730

File: d76eb12dfef4e3b⋯.jpg (95.66 KB, 405x855, 9:19, Image_1.jpg)

Anyone seen this yet?

Sorry, no sauce…got it via e-mail.

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42446f  No.14660731

File: 222028d12167fe0⋯.png (147.64 KB, 405x475, 81:95, AnjelG_Colo.png)


>So fucking what?

you still here lemon fag?

read a book and practice new lines

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fca43c  No.14660732


Are we Watchers?

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0e0ab9  No.14660733


>Friend Anon is big time pharmacist/manager for CVS

>Says he will be fired for giving out HCQ or Ivermectin

Tell him he is killing people by not dispensing.

His choice.

>He gave me this

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0b95b7  No.14660734


Barron Trump At Oxbridge Academy, School Closed Amid Health Investigation

Posted on September 24, 2021

Note: We are all engaged in covering Palm Beach County, which we have been doing for over 100 years. Journalism like ours takes time and resources. Please consider a subscription to the Palm Beach Post.

* * *

Oxbridge Academy was closed on Friday as the state health department investigated the school.

The upscale private school west of West Palm Beach stood empty as health investigators worked with school officials on an“epidemiological investigation.”

“DOH-Palm Beach is currently working closely with Oxbridge Academy on this investigation,” Department of Health spokesperson Alex Shaw told the Palm Beach Post via email.

Previous coverage: Barron Trump enrolls in Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach in sophomore year

He declined to elaborate, saying“epidemiological investigations are confidential”.

School spokesperson Scott Benarde did not respond to messages seeking comment. The school campus and the parking lot on Military Trail were empty Friday morning.

The upscale school, which educates students in grades 7 to 12, made headlines last month when it enrolled Barron Trump, son of former President Donald Trump.

This is a developing story.



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e314fa  No.14660735


Digits of fame = evil.

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cb51a8  No.14660736

>>14660173 LB

Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group returns to South China Sea

From Task Force 70 Public Affairs

Posted September 24, 2021

SOUTH CHINA SEA - The Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group is operating in the South China Sea for the second time during its 2021 deployment, Sept. 24.

The carrier strike group includes the Navy's only forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) the embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 5, and embarked staffs of Task Force 70 and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15, as well as the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Shiloh (CG 67).


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2164dd  No.14660737



We are the watchers approved to lead to the light. God will win no matter what the cost. Up to the enlightened to help others step into the new timeline of peace.

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0b95b7  No.14660738


Anon opines bio attack on Barron to get at POTUS.

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992ab3  No.14660739


pretty sure some faggot said they're proud to be a pure blood either last bread or the one before

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3aeed2  No.14660740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Former U.S President Jimmy Carter Distributed 160 million Treatments of Ivermectin In 11 Countries

Sep 20, 2021

Dr. Iver Mectin II

367 subscribers

Former U.S President Jimmy Carter Distributed 160 million Treatments of Ivermectin In 11 Countries


Why the Horse Dewormer Narrative?


Dr. Jose Luis Abreu

Research Professor

After 4.4 billion Treatments of Ivermectin from 1988 to 2020… Without Safety Issues…



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2ae413  No.14660741

What is the attendance of the rally?

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42446f  No.14660742

File: 5109d985d89d11f⋯.png (765.46 KB, 480x573, 160:191, ClipboardImage.png)

whats a washing line?

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0e0ab9  No.14660743


They won't do it.

They are owned.


No brains, but mainly no balls.

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df3fae  No.14660744

File: 4dbe479080f7dd1⋯.mp4 (408.33 KB, 402x320, 201:160, _yF4xHp4gXPHKxzA.mp4)

Dog; The Bounty Hunter joins the hunt.

Pays visit to Brian Laundrie's home.


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cb51a8  No.14660745


DOH! Tard jail…. forgot the info…

Qdrop# 38

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147586045📁

Nov 2 2017 00:48:52 (EST)

Four carriers & escorts in the pacific?

Why is that relevant?

To prevent other state actors from attempting to harm us during this transition? Russia / China?

Or conversely all for NK? Or all three.

Think logically about the timing of everything happening.

Note increased military movement.

Note NG deployments starting tomorrow.

Note false flags.

Follow Huma.

Prepare messages of reassurance based on what was dropped here to spread on different platforms.

The calm before the storm.

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afa8ea  No.14660746

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5cade1  No.14660747


If that was “watered down” then I wonder how bad it really is? Dr. Shiva presented enough in the first 15min to justify de-certification.

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76cfae  No.14660748

File: 353cae5285e8638⋯.png (302.47 KB, 475x539, 475:539, yikes_.png)


Shove your fear porn up your ass nigger

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7bd3bb  No.14660749


Been here since 4 Chan…Been reading and researching for years ..Been laughed to scorn many of times…..Also been booted off this board at least 4 times for telling the truth and Pizzing people Off…And I can prove that….So don't hold a grudge…kekekekek

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324240  No.14660750


Found it without your input.

>>14659172 #18540

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461b68  No.14660751


the thing about diacetyl is it is natural, comes from brewers yeast, so even though it causes permanent lung damage they can still call it an 'organic ingredient'

thats good your locale has strict laws on labeling, though i suspect not all growers are being honest on their label, thx for the response.

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7018c2  No.14660752


Actually pronounced, Un-A-Lienable

RIGHTS can't be liened away by a court judgment, or by somebody signing a piece of paper that says you cant travel, or have a second amendment, or cant do this or that.

If you've done that, you just signed a basic contract, and all contracts are meant to be broken.

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c685fe  No.14660753


clothes line to hang clothes to dry

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1a8893  No.14660754


A cotton cord used to dry clothes outside.

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fca43c  No.14660755

File: 8231b8c1a627d9c⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 538x540, 269:270, 8231b8c1a627d9cef6323ff4c5….jpg)

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da9d7d  No.14660756

File: c496339e9668b2b⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1000x665, 200:133, ClipboardImage.png)


Go watch.




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2164dd  No.14660757

Remember - There is no tomorrow for the Cabal. There is no 'redemption' in their cause. We knew this day would come - the dying of the darkness. Anons - hold the line - the calm during the storm.

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42446f  No.14660758

File: f3df9655c6a5aef⋯.png (41.88 KB, 234x255, 78:85, ClipboardImage.png)


dont be scared baby

your mom is safe here with me

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a9ad32  No.14660759

File: 74d540317c6bb9a⋯.gif (5.28 MB, 800x600, 4:3, NightShift_2_.gif)

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5c99f6  No.14660760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f2ebb1  No.14660761

File: 3a1396475d4d7af⋯.png (235.33 KB, 526x446, 263:223, wtf_.png)


>Two Canadians held in China for 1,000 days are greeted with an ELBOW BUMP by Justin Trudeau as they arrive back home in prisoner swap for 'Princess of Huawei' Meng Wanzhou

Anyone Turdeau is that enthusiastic about has to be a criminal like he is.

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df3fae  No.14660762

File: fd206a5f96a94ed⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 426x282, 71:47, AQ78.jpg)


We're all frens here.

Even with the shills, kek!

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6756c9  No.14660763

File: c2c9bb6de1bb412⋯.png (135.87 KB, 1284x492, 107:41, def_rep.png)



Sidney Powell, Sidney Powell P.C. and Defending the Republic, Inc., File an

Abuse of Process Counterclaim Against Dominion Voting Systems


September 24, 2021

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76cfae  No.14660764

File: 9d88c30dbc5014e⋯.png (403.17 KB, 750x564, 125:94, 4d5d200a09857e0b8a62be3298….png)

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2d04a2  No.14660765

File: ac2700c30ab9ce0⋯.jpg (67.6 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ZomboMeme_17092021210538.jpg)

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fca43c  No.14660767


i don't have the memories

flashes only

are we bonded in pairs?

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c4b4e9  No.14660768

File: 63a0f2b35fd1a4c⋯.jpeg (288.41 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, CBDE2518_07B1_4087_BFE7_3….jpeg)


His new name should be Fake Laundry.

Hollywood fuckery fake story like OJ!


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2cb93e  No.14660769

It seems like everyone has gathered one last time

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2ae413  No.14660770

File: f8d8e65b26cf999⋯.jpg (199.04 KB, 1032x587, 1032:587, 2021_09_25_165714.jpg)

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6fd5a3  No.14660771


As soon as a person picks a side…that person has already lost the battle. Much bigger than you can imagine.

I guess we are waiting at this point for this to be realized in the universal consciousness.

We are all connected … but how? … How would a person even know with all the distraction?

…the quieter you become the moar you hear.

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f0d467  No.14660772


Found it:


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42446f  No.14660773

File: 19bfe6061caa3f4⋯.png (766.29 KB, 640x676, 160:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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9de6b5  No.14660774

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c685fe  No.14660775

2 Timothy 1:7

New King James Version

7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind

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87e9f0  No.14660776

File: c1d0c60097c7c1a⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, BVYzzAUgnacy_BJ_.mp4)



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b03347  No.14660777

File: 7596411d952cd2a⋯.png (692.39 KB, 560x803, 560:803, f2290fa5c0a1c67224b1ead4f6….png)


>Dog; The Bounty Hunter joins the hunt.


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6756c9  No.14660778

File: 1500cb984c4068f⋯.png (124.91 KB, 598x596, 299:298, y_have.png)



Why hasn’t this fraud been investigated?

5:07 PM · Sep 25, 2021

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196f73  No.14660779


was it fraud?

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2d04a2  No.14660780

File: ef0cc66ba73d48a⋯.jpg (55.58 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, theres_no_way_to_rule_inno….jpg)

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88ae9a  No.14660781

Dog the Bounty Hunter knocked on the Laundrie's door.

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afa8ea  No.14660782


> i suspect not all growers are being honest on their label

That's the thing, legit growers are. When a broker would walk in the door with his magic bag 'o bags, the first thing we would ask is "do you have numbers?" If they did, they would produce the lab reports, and we would make copies for the dispensary. If they didn't, we escorted them out the door. Not worth it.

I have to say, for an old hippie who has been taking the pots illegally for 50 years in other states, sometimes this seems miraculous, but I am SO grateful

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a9ad32  No.14660783

File: e1cbcc67f379a68⋯.gif (1022.8 KB, 852x568, 3:2, 911_PentagonUfo.gif)

File: 7661cdbb0cc944f⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 512x512, 1:1, AceVenturaActingResident.gif)

File: 564398a66767edc⋯.gif (680.17 KB, 540x303, 180:101, TZ.gif)

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df3fae  No.14660784

File: 98213f65c03f80f⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 672x637, 96:91, FAFcfxmVIAUEI_b.jpg)

As the Hispanic and Latino population grows throughout the U.S., New Mexico has established itself as a haven for people of Latin American and Hispanic descent.


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2164dd  No.14660785


We are those who turned to darkness and were remitted to the physical realm to re-learn our connection to God. We know the way to the light and to our redemption. We were chosen for a reason. There is so much more than here and now. But for now we are here to free humanity period. We fail if we do not lead them to the light so they can live in their own freedom in this realm.

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a85b04  No.14660786



Everywhere. Every Day!

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60a6b4  No.14660787

Who let the dogs out?

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6633e5  No.14660788

File: d1a100c029a3595⋯.png (18.73 KB, 776x126, 388:63, 2fuckingmillion.png)

testing images

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6633e5  No.14660789



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f2ebb1  No.14660790

File: f0b21e0728e7884⋯.png (145.65 KB, 331x338, 331:338, wow.png)


>Dog; The Bounty Hunter joins the hunt.

>Pays visit to Brian Laundrie's home.

Who stands a better chance of finding Brian Laundrie?

Dog or the corrupt, pansy-assed FBI?

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df3fae  No.14660791

File: 2d0e09374a53412⋯.png (177.69 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 5eeceea3face104ffb4b79ede6….png)


Precisely. He's cozying up

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2487a3  No.14660792

File: ae8436f2c19d608⋯.jpg (222.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, WWG1WGA.jpg)

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ae0da2  No.14660793

File: 9666405023c4d13⋯.jpg (181.18 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Calm.jpg)

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60a6b4  No.14660795


last time?… tomorrow is soonday anon. everyone knows that.

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d7d126  No.14660796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a9ad32  No.14660797

File: bbe7effef8bc237⋯.gif (3.67 MB, 444x250, 222:125, IDontKnowAskTheFbEyes.gif)

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6c5de4  No.14660798


EVERY Pantifa scumbag there was paid by the FBI - by shell proxy, of course.

Who do you think funds these idiots (while never investigating/arresting a single one)???

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5cade1  No.14660799


Was it fraud? FFS anon it was a three hour election fuckery parade. These people are literally fooked

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d658aa  No.14660800

What is the score?

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6756c9  No.14660801

File: c056a8d4de8b4c8⋯.png (418.21 KB, 851x752, 851:752, ryder_cup.png)



American Patriots At Ryder Cup Begin Spontaneously Singing National Anthem

By Joe Hoft

Published September 25, 2021 at 4:00pm

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687146  No.14660802


>whats a washing line?


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e18b1a  No.14660803


Col Waldron said the same on with Bannon.

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87e9f0  No.14660804

File: a91b1da975a3275⋯.mp4 (3.95 MB, 480x270, 16:9, _Qtu514psScPXoac.mp4)


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df3fae  No.14660805

File: ecae1e9b973e1ae⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 597x696, 199:232, FAFcfxmVIAUEI_b.jpg)

What's this shit?

EXCLUSIVE: In his first television interview, whistleblower and former top Trump DHS official Brian Murphy talks to

George Stephanopoulos about DHS downplaying the threat of Russian election interference and white supremacist groups.


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6756c9  No.14660806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c9af20  No.14660807



El Bow Bu Mp. Guesse he has a new star Member of Parliament. Straight from a ccp re-education camp.

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a9ad32  No.14660808

File: 7fa1d1d3829524c⋯.png (965.3 KB, 864x486, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


of course.

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73e137  No.14660809

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04ae82  No.14660810


How fucking strange is that

Just came across his name in an entirely different dig

Dog's lawyer is Andrew Brettler


Scientologist Danny Masterson's lawyer is Andrew Brettler


Pedo Bryan Singer's lawyer is Andrew Brettler


Cannibal Armie Hammer's lawyer is Andrew Brettler


Prince Andrew's lawyer is Andrew Brettler


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9de6b5  No.14660811

File: abf37b13fc5c397⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, BB_war_.mp4)


Feelz pretty stormy deez dayz..

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ed4e0a  No.14660812

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6c5de4  No.14660813


Have you bought (their) narrative that every girl needs to be 110lbs to be attractive?

She's pretty (inside & out) regardless.

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60ccaa  No.14660814


Well, since the FIB probably planted him, they *could* find him pretty quick-like, if they actually had a mind to…

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6756c9  No.14660815

File: 8cf15e5c9d9ca92⋯.png (38.42 KB, 990x171, 110:19, hunting_.png)


Border landowner’s 20,000-acre hunting grounds become human smugglers' paradise

by Anna Giaritelli, Homeland Security Reporter |

| September 25, 2021 04:55 PM

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687146  No.14660816

File: a45366bf8ffac29⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1703x1427, 1703:1427, POTUS_Not_This_Shit_Again.png)

File: 2f45fcc125fd4d2⋯.png (95.79 KB, 350x370, 35:37, Pepe_laugh.png)


>EXCLUSIVE: In his first television interview, whistleblower and former top Trump DHS official Brian Murphy talks to

>George Stephanopoulos about DHS downplaying the threat of Russian election interference and white supremacist groups.


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078741  No.14660817


This ride never ends.

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7b6f4a  No.14660818

File: afc262e3a686e47⋯.jpg (245.79 KB, 720x734, 360:367, Fauci_hand_booster_memes.jpg)


she has co-morbidities.

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e9eafc  No.14660819

File: 228771fc8060cf5⋯.jpg (3.45 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210925_141749.jpg)

2 'protests' smashed together at the CA state capital. 1 anti covid and a anti-modi. Strange

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87e9f0  No.14660820

File: 2ae1be1f457f98f⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6Vco_Gwb1F9y_j3J.mp4)

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9de6b5  No.14660821


only the weak see as you do.. Pray things don't go primitive you'll just be food for someone bigger

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208258  No.14660822


“The number 666 relates to the carbon atom, and man. Carbon-12; one of 5 elements in the human DNA is composed of 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons, which equates to 666. Carbon-12 is the most abundant of the two stable isotopes of the element carbon, accounting for 98.89% of carbon. Its abundance is due to the Triple-alpha process by which it is created in stars, and as Carl Sagan had once said, “we’re made of star stuff."

When the 666 of Carbon is combined with elements and mixed with Phosphorus, we get a combination or reaction of chemical elements that forms DNA and RNA. This magical god given chemical-code carrier is the very code for all life, and of course, it is the number of a man; his number is 6 neutrons, 6 protons, and 6 electrons. Various chemical elements when combined with Carbon, forms our very material reality, or what some may call, the Matrix.

The Latin word corresponding to Greek Phosphorus is “Lucifer.” Phosphorus (Greek Φωσφόρος Phōsphoros), a name meaning “Light-Bringer”, is the Morning Star. Simply put, without phosphorus, we humans would simply not be human because consciousness and our spiritual energy would not exist. It is through our DNA, which contains phosphorus, that we become conscious to the world and who we are in order to live in the light.

The facts are that Lucifer is not the prince of darkness or Satan because Lucifer is really phosphorus that resides in our DNA. Once you understand this reality that is science based, you will then have one of the secret keys to the mysteries of the universe.

The light within each one of us humans is where we find Lucifer or Jesus, AKA the morning star. Hence, KNOW THYSELF and KNOW GOD. In ancient Egypt is was said; “The body is the house of God,” and one of the many proverbs is “Man, know thyself … and thou shalt know the gods,” and what Manly P. Hall called Aquarius the Man, or the human head represented by the Egyptian Sphinx.”

“We are the gods of the atoms that make up ourselves, but we are also the atoms of the gods that make up the universe. - Manly P. Hall

In other words, the bible quote is telling us that here lies a key to great power. Humans are made of light/stardust (Phosphorus/Lucifer) and carbon (666). We are light bringers/light workers! Can you feel the power in that?

Kryon explains it like this:

“The triple six is the magnetic balance of our cellular biological code. The ‘beast’ is the unenlightened self in each of us. If we are balanced, there is nothing to fear. Only the unbalanced have the mark of the potential beast. The sum of 1, 2, and 3 reduces numerologically to 6. The same holds true for the sum of 4, 5 and 6, and for the sum of 7, 8 and 9. In this way 666 points to the first three groups of our DNA. In general, the triple six is a nine in disguise: The number 9 is hiding in this triple six at every junction and represents the energy of your time now. It deals with a vibration of balance, power and love. It also signals completion. This 9 vibration is of those who will be balanced and remain. 666 is not the number to be feared." (Kryon, The End Times, 24)

No wonder this message had to be hidden and distorted! 666 is our true divine nature and a powerful manifestation number where we can tap into our greatness and our God spark!


We have to let go of these programs and know how they used it to divide us. If you think 666 is evil, that is your projection and manifestation from your own programming. #GodWon The false narratives must be let go to move forward.


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df3fae  No.14660823



"Here we fucking go"

Brian Murphy, the former chief of the DHS intelligence agency, filed a 24-page whistleblower complaint over the summer accusing DHS leadership including former Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Acting Secretary Chad Wolf of trying to "censor" and "manipulate" intelligence for political purposes, in the months ahead of the presidential election.

From December 11, 2020


Murphy claimed that he was instructed by Wolf "to cease providing intelligence assessments on the threat of Russian interference in the United States, and instead start reporting on interference activities by China and Iran."

The request, according to Murphy's complaint, originated with White House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien.

He also said he was told to align intelligence assessments with President Trump's public comments about the threat of left-wing extremists, amid national protests over police brutality and racial inequality following the death of George Floyd.

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d55687  No.14660824

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0e0ab9  No.14660825



COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 973 studies


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2d04a2  No.14660826

File: 4c8fed097401f09⋯.jpg (76.58 KB, 719x299, 719:299, ZomboMeme_22092021200235.jpg)

File: 785dece0a5c33ef⋯.jpg (94.21 KB, 1020x572, 255:143, ZomboMeme_17082021102609.jpg)

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df3fae  No.14660827


See >>14660823

He's another straw dog, brought out to yap.

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6ba65a  No.14660828


They went after Barron?

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7018c2  No.14660829


I saw this too yesterday as it happened live, got lambasted for pointing it out.(should of screen capd)

Then I heard there was another version clownninjas decided not to go with due to threats against their family.

If clownninjas are patriots then patriots should of been protecting them and they would of not been so scared to tell the truth.

I also noticed how they tried to throw Dr. shiva under the bus with his data. Yeah they motioned ONE point but that was all the red flags I needed to tell it was a shit show on their part.

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a9ad32  No.14660830

File: 3898b8d063a4157⋯.png (766.21 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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e18b1a  No.14660831





What is this?

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ae0da2  No.14660832

File: f5e84e8a82c9835⋯.jpg (56.67 KB, 1125x769, 1125:769, 1MM_FakePregnant1.jpg)


>What's this shit?

moar fakery

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6756c9  No.14660833

File: eca7e99df9d036e⋯.png (296.67 KB, 435x737, 435:737, rally_links.png)


We The Media, [25.09.21 17:17]

[ Photo ]

Live tonight at 8pm est!

Thomas and Zak livestream the President’s rally live from Georgia tonight, where POTUS is sure to respond to the results of the Maricopa forensic audit.

1. Rumble: https://rumble.com/vmypr5-trump-responds-to-az-audit-live-with-zak-and-thomas-on-sat.-night-livestrea.html

2. Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/redpill78

3. Pilled.net: https://pilled.net/#/topic-detail/317283

4. PureSocial: https://puresocial.tv/channel/redpill78/

5. Website: https://redpill78news.com/category/live-stream/

6. https://thefoxhole.app/

7. Odysee: https://odysee.com/trump_az_ga_live:fbeff2798194972f9d2b13e4c1009dd4512ca9be

8. Clouthub: https://www.clouthub.com/redpill78

9. Trovo: https://trovo.live/RedPill78

10. Dlive: https://dlive.tv/RedPill78

And LIVE on RedPill78.tv ! Join and get RP78 on your Roku!


Donate: http://www.redpill78news.com/donate

NEW LINK FOR Telegram Channel:


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0ae058  No.14660834

File: 08474ccef1fcc5a⋯.png (109.81 KB, 337x325, 337:325, D3gF_z4UIAAQhqI.png)

File: 9b136e24dc9229d⋯.jpg (66.24 KB, 570x586, 285:293, DtsR4lIU4AA4ZZA.jpg)

Just for keks and old times

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a9ad32  No.14660835

File: 9d6158996ca1455⋯.mp4 (3.27 MB, 746x718, 373:359, Remi_Gaillard.mp4)

How MSM works, a demonstration

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1a8893  No.14660836


Smoke & Mirrors

Top DHS official means likely Senior Executive Service member. The Deep State.

Now, knowing this guy is a former top level government "official" and George Snuffleupagus was a former top level government "official," and both are likely Senior Executive Service members, what can you expect their message to be?

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b576cc  No.14660838


that explains the darkness

i find this theory plausible

how is failure measured under God?

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687146  No.14660839


>He's another straw dog, brought out to yap.

#AuditALL50 kek gotta change that headline–

Hey I know, let's do"Russia, Russia, Russia"AGAIN…. that's top kek

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c9af20  No.14660840


Ransom paid for a clean election result.

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afa8ea  No.14660841

File: 0fd2c06ede2d20d⋯.png (223.06 KB, 1000x1367, 1000:1367, joint1.png)


>epidemiological investigations

Straight from the FBI bois…

Domestic Criminal and Epidemiological Investigation Handbook

This handbook was developed to facilitate the use of resources and maximize communication and interaction between law enforcement and public health, minimizing potential barriers prior to and during the response to a biological threat.https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/criminal-and-epidemiological-investigation-handbook.pdf/view

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196f73  No.14660842

File: 555ce02f5e9b32e⋯.jpg (274.85 KB, 1280x647, 1280:647, US_1921_Peace_dollar.jpg)


>reissued 2021

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0b3edb  No.14660843

File: d0de42ab7d3b335⋯.jpg (115.02 KB, 454x640, 227:320, 128880.jpg)


>Have you bought (their) narrative that every girl needs to be 110lbs to be attractive?

Have (You) bought (their) narrative of healthy at every size?

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b51336  No.14660844

File: 2cbf082cb8ab347⋯.jpeg (132.63 KB, 511x368, 511:368, BACA9D89_A71F_429C_B77A_4….jpeg)


CCP calls Soro “son of Satan”


I’m happy to see these two at each other’s throats but does anyone else find it odd for an atheistic ideology like communism to evoke the word "Satan"?

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d55687  No.14660845


If anyone actually believes is they are an utter moron. That bump is her knee bending under her dress

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687146  No.14660846


>what can you expect their message to be?


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b576cc  No.14660847

File: 9112a611f2f26e9⋯.jpg (17.31 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fee7f6b16d0e742758f5c99a07….jpg)


Mr. Lindell for:

Promo Code




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7b6f4a  No.14660848

File: 2e5d3a231852e50⋯.jpg (438.75 KB, 962x1329, 962:1329, Harry_Megan.jpg)


because pic related

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df3fae  No.14660849

File: 69746744a87d4c8⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 971x252, 971:252, FAFcfxmVIAUEI_b.jpg)

From Christmas trees to kids' lunches, product shortages continue to hamper shoppers

Costco has even reinstated purchase limits on toilet paper, paper towels and bottled water.

From Christmas trees to sportswear, product shortages continue to frustrate consumers across the country amid ongoing labor shortages, supply chain snarls, congestion at shipping ports and extreme weather conditions.

Movie fans trying to preorder food items on the AMC Theatres app are currently greeted with an alert that “Due to nationwide supply chain issues, some of your favorite items may be temporarily unavailable.”


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ed4e0a  No.14660850



Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response


Administration of Δ9‐Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Post‐Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Exposure Protects Mice From Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Toxicity




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88ae9a  No.14660851


Sweet anon right here.

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7b6f4a  No.14660852


that's right.

yet it prolly has 100M views

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a9ad32  No.14660853

File: b31c18ece1925b1⋯.png (605.12 KB, 943x485, 943:485, ClipboardImage.png)

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b51336  No.14660854

File: a8d759f6b86805a⋯.jpeg (277.32 KB, 828x878, 414:439, 331675B9_774F_431F_B2DD_C….jpeg)





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b03347  No.14660855


>Claims to be a feminist

>Still needs a rape whistle

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da9d7d  No.14660856

File: 0eebe67dc45270b⋯.jpg (52.39 KB, 450x684, 25:38, china_waving.jpg)



Did you just turn me Chyna?


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6756c9  No.14660857


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a9ad32  No.14660858

File: 684988daf5ac714⋯.png (513.53 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a8893  No.14660859


Exactly. Trump promised to return power and control of DC to We The People. The Deep State doesn't like that. They removed Trump.

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ae0da2  No.14660860

File: 2817a4afedee5e4⋯.png (10.22 KB, 400x70, 40:7, logo_top.png)


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078741  No.14660861



I'd love to buy her dinner.

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ff0af1  No.14660862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS 45 will be live at 7:00PM EST

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64e96b  No.14660863

File: 7fde37b5f706b1a⋯.png (473.58 KB, 597x696, 199:232, ClipboardImage.png)


>What's this shit?

You are seriously asking that,



"whistleblower" and former top Trump DHS official Brian Murphy

Maybe he's one of comrade Vindman's co-workers.

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df3fae  No.14660864

File: f18c96827bf73d8⋯.jpg (129.22 KB, 907x275, 907:275, FAFcfxmVIAUEI_b.jpg)

One does not simply, "Go missing" after an Alligator finds you.

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89da24  No.14660865

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6756c9  No.14660866

File: 56aa1d87e29e1ca⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1403x879, 1403:879, alice.png)

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5f2cba  No.14660867


Your friend is a very evil person.

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42446f  No.14660868

File: 9ba2f527e2521d8⋯.png (46.02 KB, 872x469, 872:469, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7bfd3be9ed51552⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1333x795, 1333:795, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54476d111ba813f⋯.png (148.9 KB, 354x575, 354:575, ClipboardImage.png)


>Just for keks and old times

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df3fae  No.14660869

File: 4c85481bfd43ba3⋯.jpg (127.21 KB, 675x900, 3:4, FAFcfxmVIAUEI_b.jpg)

Spotted at Trump rally in Perry, Georgia with “Impeach Biden” sign.

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d1675f  No.14660870


you need to get the signal from the same eras for that to make truth anon

best to go to the eldest insignia and trace from there

anon understands that not everyone has the memories enshrined in stone

anon could help (you) understand your roots if you like

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c9af20  No.14660871


& A burger combo with diet drink on the way home from the restaurant,

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7bd3bb  No.14660872


>Even with the shills, kek!

KEK..Always plenty of them here…Now I feel right at home .kekek

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89da24  No.14660873



Son of Stephen Anthony Thomas Allan Nightingale

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b03347  No.14660874


Damn. The dude is full of energy. That's Vernon Jones, right?

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0b3edb  No.14660875

File: 088c9352bfac9d8⋯.png (46.36 KB, 589x318, 589:318, Screen_Shot_2021_09_25_at_….png)


>I'd love to buy her dinner.


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42446f  No.14660876

File: 1a457aeaf9aec69⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1200x1168, 75:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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196f73  No.14660877


>fuckery parade

incompetence isn't fraud

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7b6f4a  No.14660878

File: 95dc5bc95c6116e⋯.png (1.02 MB, 970x815, 194:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8d86a8ea8a40d1⋯.png (3.19 KB, 457x48, 457:48, ClipboardImage.png)


>>14660856 it's a smear to make China appear to be anti-Semitic.

It's right there in the caption

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df3fae  No.14660879


Oh, I though that's what the game was, considering >>14660823.

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2164dd  No.14660880

What you think becomes reality. When you think, not in a mortal sense, but a spiritual sense you are indestructible, aligned with God and on the moral righteous side of history, that is in fact what you become in this realm. You align yourself with the forces of good or the chaos of evil. You were chosen for a reason. You're starting to remember. You're starting to get an uncanny feeling this is all what has been planned for you and what you have been seeking for all your life. We are all travilling luminaries and we are called here not only because God needs us but because we need this experience in our journey of enlightenment. Anons you are a part of something so huge that leads to so much more.

Keep fighting. You are on the path of greatness for you and for humanity.

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078741  No.14660881


A fuckin men

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da9d7d  No.14660882

File: 5a95a73eb9b2df3⋯.png (443.22 KB, 1265x709, 1265:709, ClipboardImage.png)


I wonder why?

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0ffb36  No.14660883

The audit is so toxic to [them].

They can't go anywhere near the content, they can only spin, deflect, distract.

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87e9f0  No.14660884


I can't un see it now..kek

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04ae82  No.14660885

File: 61923a7e35acc99⋯.png (244.35 KB, 939x611, 939:611, ClipboardImage.png)



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ed4e0a  No.14660886


Numbers aren't evil. God made them.

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b03347  No.14660887




Even Freddy got a (you) from Q.

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ff0af1  No.14660888


Thats him

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078741  No.14660889

Dinner is the wrap up of the day.

If I can treat my woman to a nasty greasy burger after weights and run, with a good day down by the river you bet your fucking ass I will.

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92a038  No.14660890

>>14658335 PB

NO NAME has proven time and time again to be a traitor. From Viet Nam till the day he was terminated. Total POS.

Soros was a Kapo turning other Jews over to the Nazi's and fucking the world up to this day.


News & Politics

It Gets Worse: Look Who Worked Together to Frame Donald Trump With Fake Russia Hoax

By Victoria Taft Sep 24, 2021 5:40 PM ET

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df3fae  No.14660891


Yup. Think I'll go make some coffee and come back later to see what the Night Shift spits up.

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1a8893  No.14660892


Wellllllllllllllllll, I wonder where the Louisiana sheriff went to?

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9de6b5  No.14660893


Maybe scared.. if all evil people are scared and all scared people are evil where do you fall? imagine working a job and making 80k a year house.car(s),Wife,kids etc.. living a life where you didn't pay much attention to shit but your own stuff thing zang shit gets real and you don't quite know what to do so you give a truther friend a memo so he can present it to people and then anon says he's evil.. What kind of Judge are you?

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867213  No.14660894

File: 2303eb049ac44e4⋯.png (7.42 KB, 255x168, 85:56, SCOMELOOK.png)


so this shit was habbening back in 427 BC

are we ever gonna have the truth?

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79378f  No.14660895

Feel the burn?

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5c99f6  No.14660896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Down by the river!? But I brought my vagina with me!

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7b6f4a  No.14660897


do they open every alligator? Like a six monthly up a wazoo.

"just lookin fer bodies, be done in a jiffy"

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5cade1  No.14660898


There was obvious proof of fraud.

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577e8f  No.14660899

File: 9a36cc0846fcce7⋯.gif (269.19 KB, 595x595, 1:1, 20210925_153839.gif)


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7bd3bb  No.14660900

File: 3bfe2afb0c99f19⋯.png (148.95 KB, 420x387, 140:129, lies.PNG)

File: b425b108bbabe4a⋯.jpg (35.71 KB, 566x371, 566:371, Lying.JPG)


There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: There is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to… The Outer Limits.

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f094de  No.14660901


He better not be an agent of evil…

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6756c9  No.14660902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5d23f3  No.14660903

File: 23bd1b484b3b72c⋯.gif (2.38 MB, 500x275, 20:11, mr_creosote.gif)


And alligator was found inside Mr Creosote.

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7b6f4a  No.14660904

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ac073a  No.14660905


I can only imagine how fat you are. It's always the fat fucks that call people fat..

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0e0ab9  No.14660906

File: 7df653aa0ef6d83⋯.jpg (238.83 KB, 942x1200, 157:200, pepefamily.jpg)







Don't post on /pol/ but appreciate anyone who wants to spread the word. They haven't had a good flag finding challenge in a while and suspect they would enjoy this!

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867213  No.14660908


>What kind of Judge are you?

we are not called to judge anyone because only Our Lord Jesus Christ is perfect.

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577e8f  No.14660909

don is a big fan of real id.

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a9ad32  No.14660910

File: 94b398f5e902f4e⋯.png (684.84 KB, 658x669, 658:669, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 167ccae7ef4fbf2⋯.png (59.08 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0be53efe256b040⋯.png (147.64 KB, 379x509, 379:509, ClipboardImage.png)

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b03347  No.14660911

File: 1af13d0704afd40⋯.webm (1.94 MB, 1000x562, 500:281, 1632604842478.webm)


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5d23f3  No.14660912


>the fat fucks that call people fat..


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7b6f4a  No.14660913

File: 63717efa98ad76a⋯.png (37.17 KB, 92x133, 92:133, ClipboardImage.png)


best day everrrrr

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42446f  No.14660914

File: 281f37492da97bf⋯.png (1008.88 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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6756c9  No.14660915

File: e99dadcaabd6c3e⋯.png (206.91 KB, 458x351, 458:351, keep_up_with_jones.png)


Midnight Rider Channel, [25.09.21 17:39]

[ Video ]

Vernon Jones black Maga Man from the south got people chanting everything Joe Biden touches turns to what -shit -turns to what -shit -turns to what shit! 🔥

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8918a0  No.14660916

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She rode in on a lion

how obvious.

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9de6b5  No.14660917


thats fine but why are you answering my question though?

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ed5377  No.14660918

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Yesterday the house democrats voted for a federal law to abort babies up to the day of birth…I saw them celebrating…It's like they were sacrificing babies on the altar of Baal, because that's exactly what abortion is.

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577e8f  No.14660919



now you begin to see the shape of your enemy.

all of "human history" is their creation.

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4844f7  No.14660920


Can you imagine. She has the worst job of anyone.

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687146  No.14660921


>One does not simply, "Go missing" after an Alligator finds you.


Remains of Louisiana man missing after Hurricane Ida found inside 504-pound alligator


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a7d748  No.14660922


where are the greedy grubbing shark attorney gone? easy class action

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4844f7  No.14660923


Death penalty.

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7bd3bb  No.14660924

File: ccbd15e1f65d747⋯.jpg (44.02 KB, 801x431, 801:431, Capture.JPG)

‘You can’t win that one’: Trump suggests Fauci was UNFIREABLE, claims he did ‘opposite’ of what Covid adviser said

Former US president Donald Trump has said that, with regard to firing health adviser Anthony Fauci, he couldn’t “win,” though he proudly stated he had done the “opposite” of what the infectious-diseases expert had recommended.

Appearing on ‘The Water Cooler’ on Real America’s Voice this week, Trump was asked if he had regretted not firing Fauci – something his supporters had called for numerous times.

“Well, you know, David, he was there for like 40 years or something, right?” the former president told host David Brody, referring to Fauci’s long-standing position at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “He was a part of the furniture. But if you think about it, I really did pretty much the opposite of whatever he said.”

NEW: President Trump on why he didn't fire Fauci: "If I would have done it, I would have taken heat…he was there for like, 40 years …he was a part of the furniture but…I really did pretty much the opposite of whatever he said. Watch on @RealAmVoicehttps://t.co/j4w5qM4g5Wpic.twitter.com/67x7sxp1d1

— David Brody (@DBrodyReports) September 24, 2021


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7b6f4a  No.14660925

File: c4235b99770b526⋯.png (5.44 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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2164dd  No.14660926

Luminaries in time and history often never saw the result of their life's work, as it took sometimes decades or centuries to discover the contribution, socially or historically. In this age of enlightenment and storm against the fading of the light, it is what we push forward that a Society is embedded by the principals and necessities of citizen journalism and full participation by the community in our affairs of social order, government and common bonds such as education and health care. It is now up to 'We the People' to perform and County Commission Board Meetings, Education/School Board Meetings/City Council/Sheriff meetings County Health Board Meetings.

It's up to We, the People. Forget Congress. Forget the White House. Forget the Pentagon. Take your local communities back or you have nothing to barter with.. Next is State Government. But if you don't have control of the Counties you'll never get control of the States and the States can 100% get control of the Feds. Get it? This starts with you the citizen. The Constitution is the Map. Use the Map to fight. The Map unlocks everything.

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92a038  No.14660927


Hope store security was able to do something with this nasty nigger cunt.

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0ae058  No.14660928

File: cc9cec5dfc15ed5⋯.png (230.02 KB, 1706x613, 1706:613, freddy_you.png)


I had a (you) from Freddy once, can't remember what i said, kek

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7b6f4a  No.14660929


if you remove the 'demon'

you're left with cokeyZ

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92a038  No.14660930


Ray Nagin?

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e18b1a  No.14660931


Or just think up whatever you want the people to believe and smear it across the bottom of your screen.



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6756c9  No.14660932

File: f56a59d65fcf887⋯.png (263.81 KB, 592x521, 592:521, packed.png)


acked house at the #TrumpRally in #Perry, #Georgia. Full coverage on @newsmax


3:31 PM · Sep 25, 2021

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2d04a2  No.14660933


You didn't screenshot that shit?

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7018c2  No.14660934

File: 7e676f057d2b6f5⋯.jpg (18.07 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 44v56435634654.jpg)

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577f8a  No.14660935




I'm collecting #18543

Unless there already is anon on the case?

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687146  No.14660936

File: 472d29a84298618⋯.png (590.08 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Pepe_cheers.png)


>Vernon Jones black Maga Man from the south got people chanting everything Joe Biden touches turns to what -shit -turns to what -shit -turns to what shit! 🔥

that's top kek

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b51336  No.14660937


>it's a smear to make China appear to be anti-Semitic.

>It's right there in the caption

I thought I saw somewhere that the wording did originate from the CCP, but maybe it didn’t. Regardless, the left always destroy each other in the end.

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1f2565  No.14660938

File: 94381dd199c8992⋯.jpg (11.56 KB, 255x251, 255:251, Pondering_Pepe.jpg)


as Al Sharpton once called them….them Greek homos …the gays ran rampant then too but eventually;y ended up in the closet…..wondering why

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196f73  No.14660939


>"when this is over imma have that cat tatood on my ass"

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5c99f6  No.14660940


Maybe 'Truth' is the Big Lie

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a4978a  No.14660941


He was giving them out like candy, sort of was his thing

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7b6f4a  No.14660942

POTUS45 going to call it today.

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cf92d1  No.14660943

File: d4b1307150a1d51⋯.png (1.03 MB, 847x481, 847:481, ClipboardImage.png)

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60a6b4  No.14660944

How dare you profane the name of our Prophet!

Long live CodeMonkeyZ!

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0ae058  No.14660945


I'm sure I did, but can't find it

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6756c9  No.14660946

File: fea4a702b8dd919⋯.png (327.4 KB, 612x709, 612:709, fb_lock_out.png)


The campaign, called "The Facebook Logout," is organized by a racial justice group called the Kairos.

They asked social media users to log off of Facebook on Nov. 10 as a protest against the company's "toxic impact on users."

A Facebook mural

Racial justice group organizes nationwide Facebook boycott to protest 'toxic' influence

A racial justice group is calling for a nationwide boycott of Facebook, claiming the social media giant profits from "hate."


5:47 PM · Sep 25, 2021·

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cb51a8  No.14660947


Yeah, why would baker name "Rally bread" 1-2 hours before a rally?

Makes no sense.

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7bd3bb  No.14660948

File: fed36ff2f833cb6⋯.jpg (40.87 KB, 641x368, 641:368, Capture.JPG)

Remember foreign workers and illegal immigrants don't have to be vaccinated

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul to Unvaxxed Hospital Workers: Get Vaxxed Or Get Replaced With Foreigners

New York Governor Kathy Hochul on Thursday threatened to replace workers at hospitals and nursing homes with foreigners if they don't submit to being vaccinated by Monday.

From Zero Hedge:

"To those who won't, we'll be replacing people. And I have a plan that's going to be announced very shortly," [Governor Kathy Hochul] said.

"We've identified a whole range of opportunities we have to help supplement them."

Hochul said state officials were "working closely with various hospital systems to find out where we can get other individuals to come in and supplement places like nursing homes."

New York's New Gov Threatens To Replace Unvaccinated Hospital Workers With Foreigners… pic.twitter.com/O9OmiXwLYX

— Covid-1984 (@NeverSleever) September 23, 2021


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79378f  No.14660949


And all I did was question her choice of attire. However, as the months turned into years, she's gotten kind of bossy. Don't you think?

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87e9f0  No.14660950

File: 46987d6fd30bdee⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 320x564, 80:141, U7b17CJBEXcW4v8J.mp4)

In the middle of a pandemic, in the Bronx where 1 in 5 don't have enough to eat



trashed a business, destroying produce in a food desert

This family is just trying to run a small business, and sell affordable fruits & veggies.

@NYCMayor beyond wrong


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92a038  No.14660951

File: 83898329b0060b5⋯.png (1.01 MB, 970x552, 485:276, ClipboardImage.png)

Coal Burner Cunt giving Jerome Inner Tube Lips Suggs the signal she wants his ashy, infected nigger dick in her white mouth.

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eb6b1e  No.14660952

File: f18eedf00125c35⋯.png (597.51 KB, 448x672, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)




Wow I had no clue, I only know her from RSBN. I noticed today she lost some weight.

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b03347  No.14660953

File: c08a2509bf3cb72⋯.png (6.48 KB, 776x110, 388:55, Screenshot_2021_09_25_at_1….png)

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76fb0f  No.14660954


How do ewe know?

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e3c098  No.14660955

Bill Binney is B2

The Stealth Bomber

A dear friend of mine -and occasional colleague- J. Kirk Wiebe, will be speaking at the upcoming Patriot Double Down event in Vegas.

For those of you unfamiliar with his work. He is a former senior analyst at the NSA who, alongside former NSA technical director Bill Binney, blew the whistle on a secret program stealing the information of US Citizens everywhere.

They brought this information to the IC inspectors general at the time, and faced horrific backlash for it.

The FBI was used to try and intimidate and threaten them both directly. Binney himself had more than a dozen FBI agents raid his home at 3 in the morning, where they cuffed him to a tree in his underwear, as his family helplessly looked on while the agents ransacked his home.

Kirk is one of the brightest minds of a generation, and one of my many heroes who rose from within the highest ranks of the intelligence community to truly protect and serve.

He was one of the lead minds who designed ThinThread, a wiretapping program that had special safeguards built in to protect your fourth amendment rights (and could have prevented 9/11), that was purposefully rejected at the time in favor of an expansive, invasive, far more expensive and altogether far less effective program called Trailblazer (which made no attempts to protect your data).

He is a pioneer of whistleblowing, and has since gone on to become a part of the Government Accountability Project, and many other whistleblowing organizations.

His words alone, will make the event worth catching.

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d1675f  No.14660957




Anon spent a long time fat, before now when i am am thin

I chose chunky as an appreciation of the jest of New Jerusalem

to distinguish myself, as my eyes are brown, until you get close enough to see differently

tawny eyes is an appropriate description, rarely allow people close enough, ceratinly not now

Auburn hair tawny eyes

Au = Gold. Australia

Burn = Ash Wednesday fires, fires last year

Hair = Rabbit


A bird cant fly without all its feathers, anon has many feathers

What this is all about is Gabriel is destroying me, think Gab, but cant do that alone, so called to Michael, Michael = Jesus, revelation

is the book o' Dan again

iran = persia = babylon = me

so they destroy me

the fact that i am Mary, Babylon, Jerusalem, Samaria & israel is neither here nor there

they all hate me so

anyway, i'm bein replaced by Sarah, cut off because i'm not good enough

in Sarahs defence, she is a beautiful blonde, beautiful inside and out

i am

autistic, complicated, moody, grumpy, introspective and now scarred "schmisse'

the fact you all did that in order to put Sarah there is neither here nor their, anon doesn't hold onto those who do not want her

given that is everyone

anon will go sit in the corner

anon is over tryin' to stand up all the time for people who are tryin' to destroy her

anon also sulks

goes over there, watches you monsters replace me with fat, chunky convient cat girls instead

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7ea68f  No.14660958


We need more of these super alligators to deal with the hurricanes if this one can take out Ida all on its own.

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7f5c40  No.14660959

File: 5f3755804fb0e48⋯.png (763.98 KB, 1076x637, 1076:637, ClipboardImage.png)

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687146  No.14660960



I personally collecting notables for #18540 this morning–

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2cb93e  No.14660961


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7b6f4a  No.14660962


check yourself for homo

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867213  No.14660963


>'Princess of Huawei' Meng Wanzhou

DJT helped extradite that bitch, now she's free.


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078741  No.14660964


Absolute woman.

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92a038  No.14660965


Calling what 867-5309?

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22d9cc  No.14660967

File: cc5f29906c7f665⋯.jpeg (10.68 KB, 288x216, 4:3, OIP_27_.jpeg)


no idea

it popped up when i was eating

scout reporting

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4844f7  No.14660968


Not having a good time anymore? Your gory glory days are behind you.

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e18b1a  No.14660969


>all of "human history" is their creation.

Tis true.

Never seen a government funded school teaching the children about Gilgamesh or the Babylon working.

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7bd3bb  No.14660970

File: 6b428e7c7f0d1f9⋯.jpg (62.16 KB, 633x523, 633:523, Capture.JPG)

FBI's 'Domestic Terrorism' Cases Have 'More Than Doubled' Since They Wildly Expanded The Definition Of 'Domestic Terror Threats'

The FBI's "domestic terrorism caseload has exploded" in the wake of the feds wildly expanding the definition of "domestic terror threats" to include half the country, FBI director Chris Wray revealed Tuesday.

Amazing what happens when you expand the definition of “domestic terror threats” to apply to 50% of your population. https://t.co/hKcfvJfdP2

— Terry Schilling 🇺🇸 (@Schilling1776) September 22, 2021

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday testified to a Senate committee that his agency’s domestic terrorism caseload had “exploded” since early 2020, in particular cases involving racially or ethnically motivated crimes.

“Since the spring of 2020, so for the past 16, 18 months or so, we have more than doubled our domestic terrorism caseload from about 1,000 to around 2,700 investigations, and we have surged personnel to match, more than doubling the amount of people working that threat than the year before,” Wray testified during a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on threats to the homeland.

“Certainly, the domestic terrorism caseload has exploded, and meanwhile the international terrorism caseload hasn’t subsided,” Wray said later during questioning from senators.

Wray noted that the “biggest chunk” of racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism the FBI tracks is now “favoring white supremacy.”


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7b6f4a  No.14660971


Simple probabilities fren.

I know nuzz-ing.

I am but a simple shit-meme farmer.

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92a038  No.14660972

File: 0f69d02c9b234be⋯.png (471.95 KB, 612x709, 612:709, ClipboardImage.png)


Cool Nigger Free Wednesday's should be a thing.

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7d8715  No.14660973


This is a good sentiment, but it's too late! Election integrity must be reestablished. Otherwise outside local school boards or small village elections, they will flip the vote as was just witnessed in November 2020.

I think MI now stands for militia.

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76e45e  No.14660974

So in Italy they're at a point where you can die or take the vaccine. in a very literally way.

Fucking hell.

I think this shit is gettin more worser then it already is.

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0ae058  No.14660975


Kek, cheers fren, was just about to say I guess I could look in the archives

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1f2055  No.14660976

Anons, Autists,…..

This is one place that we can help behind the scenes.

The International Tribunal for Natural Justice or ITNJ is taking volunteers.

Another anon posted a video of the ITNJ put on. It was Dr. Robert O Young's testimony. It moved me.

If you have the means to help out go volunteer your time and resources.

Many of you fit the bill to help. MANY of you!

here's the link. https://www.itnj.org/get-involved/volunteer/

God Bless o7

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6756c9  No.14660977

File: fd5708c1c42d7ee⋯.png (552.36 KB, 1042x691, 1042:691, sf_gate.png)

File: d674975c5d3f2ef⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1380x837, 460:279, cali_map.png)



California Wildfires

New information emerges on Palo Alto woman who allegedly started Fawn Fire

Photo of Amy Graff

Amy Graff


Sep. 23, 2021

Updated: Sep. 24, 2021 4:08 p.m.


Arson arrest map. Pretty much destroys the narrative of “drought and lightening”

And these are just the ones that got caught. Tip of the iceberg


2:08 PM · Sep 17, 2020

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64e96b  No.14660978


Beijing is running the Whitehouse again.

That's why.

[Beijing Biden] does what [Winnie the Pooh] tells him to.

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c9af20  No.14660979


Wonder how many dual citizenship Votes were cast.

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92a038  No.14660980



I wager +20% of all seat holders from the Fed, State and Local levels have been installed through fraud.

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7b6f4a  No.14660981

File: caa18b61ebd5a57⋯.png (182.73 KB, 474x391, 474:391, ClipboardImage.png)

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a25987  No.14660982


There is a deadly factional war going on INSIDE the CCP.

Xi is battling against an entrenched and powerful rival clique, centered around Jiang Zemin and his gangster heirs. Likely, this Jiang faction is closely allied with the world-wide cabal and its multitude of criminal organizations, etc. Soros is definitely included in that group.

Perhaps Xi feels strong enough now to begin explicitly drawing lines and pointing fingers, publically defining such things that were suppressed out of necessity before.

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b03347  No.14660983

File: 453ab3f3e5b198a⋯.webm (776.72 KB, 240x320, 3:4, 1630563966908.webm)


>I could look in the archives

If you find affordable healthcare, let me know please.

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6756c9  No.14660984

File: 79a2ba994e06be5⋯.png (172.91 KB, 600x621, 200:207, per_mill.png)


In Israel deaths per million go up with the vaccine booster shots.

5:50 PM · Sep 25, 2021

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2164dd  No.14660985


The dying embers of a crime ring imbedded in the US Government as a cash cow for Brownstone Ops and breaking up the McCarthy Communist investigation.

Bye Bye FBI

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be2976  No.14660986

File: c978b64f6447954⋯.png (93.53 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 3.png)

File: 203c75aff8fca21⋯.png (93.65 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4.png)

File: 5acc6208586662a⋯.png (93.71 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 5.png)

Why do you think propaganda doesn't apply here?

Why do you think we'd be immune from the same kind of infiltration we want exposed about biD[e]n/DS?

Do you honestly believe the positions of leverage on this board are in Patriotic hands?

Do you believe the drumming new sharer is patriotic ?

Or do you see the tactical necessity to "hide in plain sight" as our enemy distributes their subliminal poison.


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22d9cc  No.14660987

File: 7fd714387db7e5a⋯.gif (355.93 KB, 785x428, 785:428, FY22.gif)



GOV shutdown

Insolvency of (Corp. of the United States of America)

Red October

Happy New Year!



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f42c7e  No.14660988



Thank You anon

I recently requested them as downloadable.

God bless

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607561  No.14660989

File: c0b71863ff3cd08⋯.png (982.99 KB, 611x768, 611:768, Scavino45FB_re_Wheels_Up_9….PNG)

Daniel Scavino Jr. is with Dan Scavino in Palm Beach, Florida.

39m / 2:14 pm PDT

Wheels up✈️to Georgia—7:00pmE start….


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5b070f  No.14660990

File: 0b796b1ff8b1dea⋯.png (721.95 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



"The prime minister spoke with the Canadians and other officials for a while before sharing hugs with both Kovrig and Spavor."


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0e7b49  No.14660991

File: df99a1883ef24f9⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Binny.jpg)

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7b6f4a  No.14660993



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be2976  No.14660994

File: 72ae0e4266088af⋯.jpg (713.94 KB, 540x960, 9:16, LovingPipiPepe.jpg)



Death:Life Ratio = 2:1

"Even if the vaxxxines have 100% protection rates, we still kill 2 people for every 1 saved"

And that's using the official VARES numbers, we know they're under-reported by a factor of at least 10x


It's important to stay On Target with the vaxxxine

Top five areas of the body the spike protein distributes itself to after 48H's:

Number = Total Lipid concentration (μg lipid equivalent / g [or mL])

Injection site 165

Liver 24.3

Spleen 23.4

Adrenal glands 18.2

Ovaries(females) 12.3

This spike protein is found in your blood, which means its transmissible to babies through breast milk and through the placenta.


Bridle said that “any proteins in the blood will get concentrated in breast milk,” and “we have found evidence of suckling infants experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract” in VAERS."


There are some sick doctors out there telling you this is safe.

"CDC 45,000 Covid 19 Vaccine deaths Law Suit"

[PDF] Page 12/67

Printed sub title: Reproductive Health

"The mRNA Vaccines induce our cells to manufacture (virus-free) "spike proteins." The "spike proteins" are in the same family as the naturally occurring syncytin-1 and syncytin-2 reproductive proteins in sperm, ova, and placenta."

And our bodies respond by producing antibodies against the threat of this spike protein.

Against your own reproductive system.

Distractions are keeping the publics resolve scattered.

They're killing us. It's a fucking harvest.

Their deployed subtle influences are turned up to 11, your dreams are a vector for their sick imitation of the reaper.

The spike protein that trains your body to sterilize itself.

If you don't die from the trillions of micro clots.


Sunlight's the Best Disinfectant~


In conclusion, all these results suggest that the water extract of Chaga mushroom is a very potent immune modulator that recovers the bone marrow system damaged by chemotherapy. It also suggests that the immunomodulatory activity of the water extract may be due to the potentiation of the host immune system through the regulation of cytokines in the cytokine network. Therefore, the Chaga mushroom water extract shows a great potential as a supplement or a major therapeutics in immunocompromised or immunosuppressed individuals whose bone marrow system is damaged.


NAC + Turmeric & Black Pepper + Zinc

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5c99f6  No.14660995

File: 74ba91822860214⋯.jpg (116.09 KB, 1357x761, 1357:761, arson.jpg)

File: d12ee9dda6406a4⋯.jpg (214.63 KB, 821x455, 821:455, dixie.jpg)


something tells me these arsonists are linked to someone (psychiatrist?) or some organization (antifa? Blm?) or party

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0e0ab9  No.14660996

File: 5f0749f4bea55b4⋯.png (876.82 KB, 914x668, 457:334, newsom_arson.png)

File: e1825c032533dba⋯.png (899.97 KB, 920x674, 460:337, newsom_bad_forest_manageme….png)

File: 78f1b1b45a8248b⋯.png (717.63 KB, 918x504, 51:28, newsom_entertained.png)

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3f893c  No.14660997

File: 9149f0468da4fdd⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1924x683, 1924:683, 519b89f9abadb85851cfd89da5….png)

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867213  No.14660998


>Simply put, without phosphorus, we humans would simply not be human because consciousness and our spiritual energy would not exist.

let me stop you right there. Tell me what is Lucifer made of. Same shit as all the stars in the universe.

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62a18e  No.14660999

If there is such a thing as Rona… and that’s what I just had. I beat it in 4 days with drinking nothing but beer.

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1f2055  No.14661000


satan is going to have a good time with her.

justice on earths soil first.

We've only just begun

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b03347  No.14661001

File: 9c96651bb3df14a⋯.png (533.59 KB, 558x537, 186:179, 1631933802100.png)

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92a038  No.14661002


Soros needs to get got.

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4844f7  No.14661003


"The power of hope"? The only thing missing is a wick on her head and a match.

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324240  No.14661004


Thank you, I've just set up for the rally, if anon hasn't claimed the bake… ?

Included 18540 in the dough.


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078741  No.14661005


I need to read up more on Xi honestly.

His meeting with Trump was surreal for sure.

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be2976  No.14661006

File: 98adf1bd282968a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning01.png)

File: c1fa6371becb824⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning02.png)

File: e6047018d5f2076⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning03.png)

You are trapped in an entrainment chamber that hooks your Vagus Nerve into a manipulable framework the admins of this board have spent years putting into place

Known as the "Governing Vessel" meridian in chinese lore.

The tension in your head, ringing like a bell of fear.

(Or how about the massaging waves of bubbly goodness for being a good driven NPC)

It started again when the images came back, seems they need images to whip up this drumbeat.

The interesting thing, is that I've had images disabled since before the media server went down.

Yet the tension came back.

Take this for what it's worth:

It's possible one agent is made to be the pylon of this drumbeat.

They deploy images that invoke deep fear.

That fear feeds their sphere of pressure/influence, and deployments of attraction are made often to ensnare any who venture close to the hivemind of this board.

That sphere of influence "humms" with your Vegus Nerve, and waves of agitating energy are sent through the pylons influence to restrict your thoughts like a Harrison Bergeron Band firing off a 21 gun salute in your ear every 21 seconds.

They want you married to that censored state of mind, to the entrained hivemind all buzzing with fear and primed to listen to a dark lord.

Here's the pragmatic example:

They send pulses of influence, defined by the subliminal layer of the current picture posted or the hidden association of the odd word said, to all bodies trapped by the mark/aura of the pylon.

A certain deployment gathers everyone into the daily net.

Another, is to 'ping' your GV1 Acu-Point (at the end of your tailbone, beside your ass).

That fear builds up to be the ringing tension in your mind, and once afraid to that level, they begin telling you what your tomorrow is going to be like.

Or, they tickle you pink with dopamine like they have on Sept 20 to expend our actionable energy before the scathing Veritas Federal Employee drops against the kill-shot vaxxxine.

They have more that suit different purposes of herding the NPCs they create (That's you btw).

You… didn't think it odd, that the muh_dick poster is still here, still talking about how far up your ass their dick is? [feels like a gerbil?]

You… didn't think it odd, that swordy speaks so often of "god", training you to think that the pylons impression is the Most High?

It has been repeated over 100,000 times.

This is how we know the mainstream media establishes a narrative; Repeat until true.

You're being dog trained, through the good/bad impressions upon your Vegus Nerve, and the repetitious drumbeat of an insidious pylon.

The worry is what they try to freeze.

You can relax the worry away, it's a deceptive trick they play, though you'll see the worse-than-water-torture effects of their currently established means of control.

Many more see these trends than what's publicly allowed to be shown here.

Your fear of their subliminally laced pictures fuels the pylons aura.

Threats of violation make you submit + see this pylon as god.

Floods of dopamine brain mush washes neuro-networks into/outof your mind.

Goregirls so you feel sexually fulfilled with your new servitude.

They are playing your Vegus Nerve like a fiddle.

The aura runs agitating energy up your Governing Vessel meridian, like a queen sending commands to its insect hives (They each have a neuron running along their back, it's how they're governed.).

Be a good NPC and bow to satan?

He can make your brain feel mushy and body feel relaxed if you do, if you don't, you'll be anally violated every 21 seconds until you submit.

The biD[e]ns who run this board are insidiously calculated with how they fuck your tomorrows over.

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79378f  No.14661007


That may be the cruelest thing I've seen this week.

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64e96b  No.14661008


Unmasking 2021

= The [FBI] has ALWAYS considered American Patriots → Enemies of The State.

They've been framing us, imprisoning us & killing us for years.

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60a6b4  No.14661009


I lived with my grandmother until I was six, and she was the centre of my world. My parents were communists, but my grandmother hated communists. She was highly spiritual – in the morning she would light a candle and pray. There was a feeling of peace and tranquillity and that stayed with me for a long time. But from my mother and father I got everything to do with willpower and courage and the idea that your life isn’t important, what matters is the cause your life is there for, its purpose. That combination of spirituality and communism is what made me.

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324240  No.14661010


Was it this one? >>14659172 #18540

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7bd3bb  No.14661011

File: 6bc2d9d01717cfe⋯.jpg (26.07 KB, 575x328, 575:328, Capture.JPG)

As per usual …Keeping it all in the family

Kamala Harris Hires Jen Psaki’s Brother-in-Law as Her Ratings Hit Bottom Amid Border Crisis

The nosediving ratings of the first female American vice president come amid failures to put an end to crises at the southern US border, and an overall fall in Americans' approval of the country's current course and its POTUS.

US Vice President Kamala Harris has hired several new advisers, including Adam Frankel – brother-in-law of White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki and the former speechwriter for US President Barack Obama – and Lorraine Voles, ex-director of communications for former US Vice President Al Gore.

The two will be assisting Harris with "organizational development, strategic communications and long-term planning", an anonymous White House official confided to the Washington Post. The latest additions to the vice president's team come as her approval ratings dropped to an all-time low of 42%.


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1f2055  No.14661012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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196f73  No.14661013

File: e2328a791f18d09⋯.jpg (6.79 KB, 300x300, 1:1, martian_squeezie_.jpg)


touch on the doll

where the fraud was shown

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a702ba  No.14661014


Says resume required? Anon doesn't have a resume…

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79378f  No.14661015


Strike that!

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7b6f4a  No.14661016



B2 - makes much more sense.

I love listening to him.

Straight shooter.

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078741  No.14661017

Traitors get the short rope.

Lizards get the Central Galactic Electric Flame

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6756c9  No.14661018

File: 5d583a1044d7fe3⋯.png (658.03 KB, 859x798, 859:798, money.png)


Not Making Headlines… AZ Forensic Audit Summary Money Quote: “Election Should Not Be Certified” and “57,734 Ballots with Known Issues – 6 Times Margin of Victory”

By Jim Hoft

Published September 25, 2021 at 4:44pm

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687146  No.14661019



BAKER…Notables from #18540

>>14656395 Statement from Jack Sellers about the Senate Audit Hearing

>>14656412 @MTG and @RepDebDingell just got into screaming match on steps of Capitol

>>14656418 41 Legislators from Multiple States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit

>>14656429 ARIZONA: Kelli Ward, Sen Warren Petersen Call On AG Brnovich to Take Action After Audit Exposes Potential Lawbreaking

>>14656431 Drake Bell sentenced to probation for sexual texts with a minor

>>14656473 Assignment details for assignor "DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS CORPORATION"


>>14656449 #JohnDurham is sending a signal with the 27-page indictment of #MichaelSussmann that more indictments are coming, Kash says.

>>14656536 218 Democrats voted to legalize allabortion—even in the 9th month—in all 50 states

>>14656539 Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou Reaches Deal With Justice Department

>>14656546 Hillary Clinton got booed and called a criminal outside of Queens University today

>>14656553 House Democrats move to abolish Trump’s Space Force

>>14656581 St. Thomas U. GOP chair pleads not guilty in child-sex trafficking case

>>14656595 Abbott signs human smuggling bill into law in McAllen, major hub of illegal immigration

>>14656643 Wendy Rogers Reads ‘New Declaration Of Independence’ Letter Demanding Nationwide Audits Amid Massive Calls To Decertify 2020 Election


>>14656735 Gospel singer Kelly Price ‘has been listed as a missing person

>>14656759 President Donald Trump Responds to Arizona Audit

>>14656811 Taiwan Deploys ‘Anti-Aircraft Missiles’ Against Chinese PLA Incursion

>>14656818 US Air Force Official: China Might ‘Strike From Space’

>>14656874 Disney cruise line sued $27m for alleged child sex abuse

>>14656928 University of Helsinki-led breast cancer research project receives US Department of Defense grant

>>14656998 'View' host Ana Navarro tests negative for coronavirus after testing positive before Harris interview

>>14657004 Great Wall of Lights: China’s sea power on Darwin’s doorstep

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6fd5a3  No.14661020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a9ad32  No.14661021

File: 3b30a6f2dd6a4ad⋯.png (1.01 MB, 604x756, 151:189, ClipboardImage.png)

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5032f6  No.14661022

File: 1699b6a1cd72fca⋯.jpg (125.56 KB, 976x552, 122:69, 20210925_155631.jpg)


now yer gettin it.

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be2976  No.14661023

File: f035c026f739a63⋯.png (92.59 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost8.png)











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2164dd  No.14661024




We have to get control of those who have control over elections.

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9de6b5  No.14661025


Do you understand why I asked (below) what kind of judge they were? Feeling frustration towards someone because They might not be responding to threats and tyranny's that we're all facing the same way we would like to see ourselves respond. Imagine the anon whos friend gave him the memo to post was actually the one who received the memo. Alienating is silly and a waste of time. We Like this place because We love Truth and freedom and there's not a single mother fucker in here that hasn't relied on forgiveness.. Attacking broads for the way they look, When someone drops truth until proven otherwise = "Eyes on" and then if it's B.S then GO TO TOWN Otherwise Why throw Rocks? What kind of judge are you?


>Your friend is a very evil person.

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7bd3bb  No.14661026

File: 438728259bb2c90⋯.png (58.82 KB, 281x233, 281:233, Everybody.PNG)

File: ce9f3541d3cee46⋯.jpg (29.56 KB, 463x256, 463:256, FBI.JPG)

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4844f7  No.14661027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"No matter what we get out of this…I know we'll never forget". Including you fat man.

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ed4e0a  No.14661028


Just because they're afraid, doesn't mean it's scary.

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df3fae  No.14661029

File: fc927ba1bc0f74a⋯.jpg (80.04 KB, 993x389, 993:389, Screenshot_2021_09_25_1658….jpg)

This caught my eye but I don't know how to grab the video.

John Durham Issues an Important Indictment

Sep. 25, 2021 - 5:41 - The origins of the Russian conspiracy story are becoming clearer.


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efff2c  No.14661030


there is something wonderfully disturbing about you.

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d1675f  No.14661031



all water

body isd how much 100/100 water

live on a submarine see

from sea


to shining sea


he seperated the waters from the waters

our own bubble

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ca00fc  No.14661032

File: a123be66a7dcba7⋯.png (509.88 KB, 607x374, 607:374, ClipboardImage.png)

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324240  No.14661033


Collecting notes for this bread

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524818  No.14661034


Loss for words.

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8cc5d2  No.14661035

File: 2dfed9fb27dd69d⋯.jpg (94.02 KB, 1024x1013, 1024:1013, 2dfed9fb27dd69d08d97beaa77….jpg)

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7018c2  No.14661036

Just so rinos know.

Those that voted for POTUS in 2016 came out who had never voted before.

Those people are me and others I have talked to.

Nobody will be voting in 2024 until they fix the 2020 election, that is the sentiment I've run into. It doesn't matter if JFK jr runs most people won't be participating in this voting scam anymore.

Now I want the worst candidate to win so americans can get to the end of this already.

So tired of the fire hoops and rino games.

Dont forget to donate to the republican party, that will save us all.

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935f3d  No.14661037

File: c1ee0833f2cbd24⋯.jpg (187.1 KB, 900x540, 5:3, Frederick_Douglass_900_1.jpg)

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a9ad32  No.14661039

File: 362404cfeb763ad⋯.png (249.89 KB, 350x520, 35:52, ClipboardImage.png)

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324240  No.14661040


Already in dough.

Thank you very much.


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c22305  No.14661043

File: 4b7e0d5fb40a3a0⋯.png (72.06 KB, 901x821, 901:821, ClipboardImage.png)

Not Making Headlines… AZ Forensic Audit Summary Money Quote: “Election Should Not Be Certified” and “57,734 Ballots with Known Issues – 6 Times Margin of Victory”

As should have been expected, the Democrat-media complex published complete lies and inaccuracies on Friday morning in anticipation of the Arizona Senate forensic audit results that were to be released on Friday afternoon.

The media purposely ran dishonest and fake news reports to divert attention from the actual results.

Does this surprise anyone? We have all seen how the media has lied about President Trump and conservative Americans for years now. Russia, Russia, Russia was probably the most notorious and ugly example.

What the audit summary did say is that the 2020 presidential election had 57,734 ballots that should not have been counted and should have been set aside, investigated or removed.

Below is a draft of the report provided before the audit presentation. This report shows:

In the 2020 presidential election, the margin of victory was only 10,457 votes, a small fraction of the 57,734 ballots with known issues. Again, this is almost 6 times the margin of victory in the Presidential race and is multiples of the margin of victory in other races. Based on these factual findings, the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable.

Here is the page from the summary report — 57,734 votes with known issues and should not have been counted and should have been addressed.

And the Arizona election should not be certified!

For some reason, this did not make any headlines!


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ca00fc  No.14661044

File: efc0dfb12aa010c⋯.png (846.73 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4305d35aae6bce⋯.png (123.49 KB, 474x270, 79:45, ClipboardImage.png)


Trolling at it's finest!

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d1675f  No.14661045


of course they are i'm droppin' the veil

problem with that, is i am single, but havin' to stay "wife' ree so i dont leave Sarah up shit creek without a paddle


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5cade1  No.14661046


Hey faggot next time you come here and spread disinfo, be sure you can back that shit up, you might start by maybe actually watch the entire presentation, or just the first 15 f’ing minutes. NCSWIC. Deal with it you corrupt POS.

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7bd3bb  No.14661047

File: adf44a4f4de38dc⋯.jpg (88.93 KB, 814x433, 814:433, Capture.JPG)

NYC urges US Supreme Court to uphold local gun control laws

As it reels from surging gun violence, New York City on Wednesday urged the Supreme Court to shoot down a lawsuit seeking to undermine local gun regulations.

In an amicus brief to the nation’s top court, Mayor de Blasio and the city’s top lawyer outlined the need to maintain laws regulating concealed handguns in the five boroughs, detailing the consequences of violence in the nation’s densest and most populous city.

The brief was filed in a case, supported by the NRA, arguing that the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right to carry guns outside the home. City Hall says an adverse ruling from the high court dominated by conservative justices could undermine local regulations. Currently, New Yorkers must meet a series of strict criteria to obtain a “concealed carry” permit from the NYPD.


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4844f7  No.14661048


>>Symbolism will be their downfall

A straight right hand to the other eye would help too.

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42446f  No.14661049

File: 223067257bbaf27⋯.png (316.54 KB, 1180x570, 118:57, ClipboardImage.png)


anons remember

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5032f6  No.14661050




AZ Forensic Audit Summary Money Quote: “Election Should Not Be Certified” and “57,734 Ballots with Known Issues – 6 Times Margin of Victory”

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196f73  No.14661051


>what the Night Shift spits up

dont step innit

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577f8a  No.14661052


No not claiming the bake.

Be back in a bit with notes from #18543


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f4285d  No.14661053

Can't we all just get along?

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cb51a8  No.14661054


Anyone visit the above link today?

Opening line:

Good morning folks. Flag flips back proper today, war mode engaged.

Video is 6mins long. explanation at the end. (AZ)


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6756c9  No.14661055

File: 0ac8553a211d075⋯.png (623.04 KB, 1237x812, 1237:812, FOSS.png)



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87e9f0  No.14661056


There is a Part 2 but it is on TicTok, but I can't see it at all.

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7b6f4a  No.14661058

File: 0cec7d9556a0ff5⋯.jpg (184.41 KB, 607x319, 607:319, Haiti_Hilldawg_Run.jpg)



and kek

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1f2055  No.14661059


tell them your job history. Include your journey here. what's the worst that could habben?

I did.

"let's see what happens"

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935f3d  No.14661060


>most people won't be participating in this voting scam anymore.

ffs, that would be really STOOPID and naive. if you don't vote, someone ELSE will, USING YOUR NAME.

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7bd3bb  No.14661061

File: 637dcf59edd151f⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 191x261, 191:261, Capture.JPG)


>Just because they're afraid, doesn't mean it's scary

KEK…That actually made me chuckle..Thanks ..kekeke

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87e9f0  No.14661062


Forgot to add..YW fren!

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7b6f4a  No.14661063



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77880d  No.14661064

File: 285364004216dba⋯.png (44.51 KB, 899x460, 899:460, ClipboardImage.png)

Muslim Passenger Screaming ‘Allah’ Tries to Storm Cockpit of JetBlue Flight Out of Boston

JetBlue Flight 261 was heading out of Boston for San Juan, Puerto Rico, Wednesday night when, according to an FBI affidavit, “an unruly passenger” had to be “physically restrained by flight crew members in response to a physical altercation during the passenger’s attempt to gain access to the flight deck.”

A little over an hour before the flight reached San Juan, the passenger, Khalil El Dahr, “attempted to make a telephone call and became angry about the call’s unsuccess.” This must have been a supremely important phone call, for a few minutes later, El Dahr “pulled himself out of his seat and rushed toward the flight deck yelling to be shot in the Spanish language.”

At that point, a flight attendant (FA) “physically redirected El Dahr into the area in front of the front row before the galley.” However, in a spectacular instance of poor judgment, bad timing, or both, “as the JetBlue FA had El Dahr corralled in the area before the galley on the right side of the plane, a flight crew officer opened the cockpit door.”

El Dahr saw his chance: He “observed the door open and then grabbed the JetBlue FA by their collar and tie with one hand while using his other hand to grab the overhead compartment to gain leverage to kick. As the JetBlue FA was kicked in chest, El Dahr yelled for the flight crew officer to shoot him. While El Dahr was yelling, he was still holding the JetBlue FA by their tie. This resulted in the tie tightening and ultimately prevented the JetBlue FA from breathing. In response, the JetBlue FA released El Dahr to loosen the tie to prevent from being choked and incapacitated. The JetBlue FA was then able to loosen the tie and grab hold of El Dahr to prevent him from successfully breaching the galley area and gaining access to the flight deck.”

El Dahr fought fiercely even when restrained: “When the second JetBlue FA responded to the front of the plane, they observed El Dahr grab the first JetBlue FA by the tie and punch them in the chest. The second JetBlue FA then assisted to get El Dahr restrained. One of the restraints used was a pair of flex cuffs provided by an off-duty FA on board the flight. The flex cuffs were applied to El Dahr’s wrists, but El Dahr resisted so much that El Dahr was able to break the cuffs and free himself. After, a second pair was fastened along with at least four seat belt extenders to secure El Dahr to a seat in the back of the plane.”

All this over a failed phone call? Was El Dahr trying to reconnect with a lost love? Send out a distress call to Batman? In any case, it ultimately took “six or seven flight crew members” to restrain El Dahr: “A struggle ensued as El Dahr requested to be shot and killed. El Dahr spoke in Spanish and Arabic which was translated by other flight crew members. The second JetBlue FA stated that at one point during the incident, they were able to understand El Dahr say Allah in a raised tone.”


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2164dd  No.14661065

The people that never wanted to get involved and didn't want to be fucked with are now involved and they're 98% plus Trump Supporters. Regardless of the progression over the next months, 2022 and 2024 voting %'s are going to be at levels unseen in modern political turnout models. President Trump comes back to lead America one way or another anons. Remember - this is a marathon, not a sprint. We are saving America together. Doesn't matter who is President or who is out Leader. We are blessed with Trump and the President knows we're putting together a template for decades to follow. It's all working out anons. Good times or bad, Trump is on the path for another term, no matter the means by which it's accomplished. Lord we are your warriors. Give us the ultimate victory of the re-establishment of our Constitutional norms so that we may continue our consecration with God Almighty.

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7b6f4a  No.14661066


twas glorious

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62a18e  No.14661067


Never hated a half-down syndrome kid more in my life.

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7018c2  No.14661068


They already do that bro. so it doesnt matter

Military is the only way.

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335cb4  No.14661069


Thats what I’ve thinking all day. Cotton saying they didnt have it, meant they didnt give us the equipment, (but we have it because they are so lazy when deleting logs but not exactly the ghost data).

They wanted the proof from commisioners, but thrse guys were willing to disobey the law, over and over again.

But the team didnt need it to prove the scam with the miniscule equipment they gave us. I sure hope Cotton is related to the team!! I like these guys. P

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a9ad32  No.14661070

File: 033f213eb7face5⋯.png (718.5 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes they did.

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afa8ea  No.14661071


>most people won't be participating in this voting scam anymore.


most QUITERS won't be participating in this voting scam anymore

there…fixed it for you

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0e7b49  No.14661072

File: 6a2e2bd78440db8⋯.png (46.82 KB, 279x533, 279:533, 6a2e2bd78440db8ef292c05963….png)


Militia is the only way, Military done been vaxxed and Cucked

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7d8715  No.14661073


Katonah NY

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6fd5a3  No.14661074


We are always here anon…setup a bread anons will visit.

Most of us don't surface any where else … but always willing to assist.

We are here until we are done. o7 always have your 6

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87e9f0  No.14661076

But C.W> didn't find the time to investigate, for 6 YEARS, the abuse to the young gymnasts??

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efff2c  No.14661077

File: 1fc09c42e1586a7⋯.jpg (32 KB, 593x421, 593:421, anjel_assface.jpg)

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a9ad32  No.14661078

File: b53c400bc8edd1d⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1539x956, 1539:956, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 240fcf100dbc9f8⋯.png (363.81 KB, 522x458, 261:229, ClipboardImage.png)

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88ae9a  No.14661079

About an hour away…WQQHQQ!!!

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4844f7  No.14661080


I was hoping the Jeannie Tremain with the tricorn hat was going to pull out a shiv and gut the witch.

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77880d  No.14661081

File: 47264fc8a0598dd⋯.png (299.04 KB, 575x671, 575:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cd15d5554dd430⋯.png (238.73 KB, 556x788, 139:197, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65b867c7332d8e0⋯.png (365.62 KB, 859x706, 859:706, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b23b8e578d7e4a4⋯.png (142.09 KB, 902x887, 902:887, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 295a3883d1f3dd1⋯.png (56.08 KB, 900x764, 225:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Never Say Neigh: FDA Lists 'Horse Drug' As Approved COVID Treatment

While the media has spent more than a year ridiculing the widely-prescribed drug Ivermectin to treat Covid-19 - branding it a 'horse dewormer for idiots,' they've kept oddly silent about another widely prescribed drug that's also used in horses, which is being pushed by official bodies worldwide to treat the disease.

The NIH, CDC, WHO and FDA have all recommended dexamethasone - a corticosteroid which has shown efficacy in the treatment of severe covid. It's also a commonly used drug to treat allergies in horses.

The difference? One can be used to treat billions of mild-moderate cases - or as a prophylactic, while the other has a much more narrow use - those suffering from severe Covid.

As Twitter user @DoRtChristians notes: "The FDA recently told the public not to take life-saving Ivermectin because "you're not a horse""


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6756c9  No.14661082

File: 70e124043de95d4⋯.png (48.42 KB, 726x267, 242:89, no_un.png)



COVID-19 live updates: No unemployment benefits for vaccine refusal in this state

The state just announced new COVID emergency plans.

ByJulia Jacobo,Ivan Pereira,Emily Shapiro,Morgan Winsor, andMeredith Deliso

Last Updated: September 25, 2021, 4:42 PM ET

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867213  No.14661083


…if that's not telling, don't know what is

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a25987  No.14661084




Scroll past all the writers/contributors listed, and read some of the articles. REALLY INTERESTING STUFF THERE.

Like this one: https://www.theepochtimes.com/unbridled-evil-the-corrupt-reign-of-jiang-zemin-in-china-chapter-9_3319593.html

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867213  No.14661085

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7d8715  No.14661086


A war within the camp of the enemy, doesn't make any of them our friend or ally.

Communism, Socialism are not governing constructs giving power to the people.

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6633e5  No.14661087

File: d8f95d6118afd39⋯.png (2.53 MB, 1397x786, 1397:786, PodiumParanoia.png)

I am always so paranoid about the peeps behind the podium at Trump rally's!

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7018c2  No.14661088


The Iraqi people got purple thumb prints why cant we have red thumb prints.

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1f2055  No.14661089

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afa8ea  No.14661090


you didn't mention what state it is

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2164dd  No.14661091


The message was this - 'Only the people that created the ballots (Maricopa County) could have committed the fraud. Maricopa is now ground central for the manufacture of 57,000 voters of which there is no reason to have on the rolls. It's getting down to there are no answers to the tough questions. That's where law enforcement has to step in. Enter AZ AG

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f42c7e  No.14661093


The numbers 1 through 36 add up to 666 too.

I have a druidic table in one of my books here that shows these numbers in six rows with six columns, each (including diagonals) add up to 111.


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6fd5a3  No.14661094


Do you even know where you are?

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5875df  No.14661095


excuse your wife needs as temporary reason to g outside when kitchen's too hot

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5c99f6  No.14661098


knew this was coming, that's why they got the peeps out of work and hooked on free money

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d1675f  No.14661099


That shit needs a spoiler

dont do that to non science anon

magic, science do not mix

i feel unclean now


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c9af20  No.14661100


Kov RIG. SP avor. Kover Rig & favors paid. Can it be any more obvious. This really is a good movie.

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f4285d  No.14661101

GEOTUS speaking during the Bama game?

Poor scheduling, Dan

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a25987  No.14661103


I'm not making such judgment calls.

I just want to UNDERSTAND

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208258  No.14661104

File: 5ae43bdfe31dfc7⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1314x2048, 657:1024, Screenshot_20210925_151152.png)

Pentagon Says It Will Continue To Defend US If Government Shuts Down


Congress has until Sept. 30 to pass an appropriations bill before government funding lapses, triggering a partial shutdown.

“We will make sure that the capabilities, the resources, the people are in place to continue to look after our national security interests” in the event of a shutdown, Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby said.

The Defense Department — in consultation with the Office of Management and Budget — is reviewing plans for a potential shutdown, Kirby said, adding that he hopes Congress can come to an agreement before the deadline.

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7b6f4a  No.14661106


nice timestamp

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438d64  No.14661107

File: 3321bdc6f01de47⋯.png (352.97 KB, 494x495, 494:495, NerdsWin.png)

Hello frens.

Ready for the rally!

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eb6b1e  No.14661108

File: 8f9168f6da8f117⋯.png (4.84 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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42446f  No.14661109

File: 9141eda5d5ee30e⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1108x816, 277:204, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9141eda5d5ee30e⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1108x816, 277:204, ClipboardImage.png)

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6756c9  No.14661110

File: a6b7446f16adca9⋯.png (202.16 KB, 709x353, 709:353, teach_ask.png)


3,000 NYC Teachers Asked For Vaccination Exemptions, Union Says


3,000 NYC Teachers Asked For Vaccination Exemptions, Union Says

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

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7bd3bb  No.14661111

File: 5ed6a2dba881655⋯.jpg (73.03 KB, 671x438, 671:438, Capture.JPG)


>Very interesting behavioral change with this one, this picture naming scheme is new and they've been doing this for 3 years

An 2 by 2 my human zoo they'll be running for to come..Out of the rain

do you really think its only been happening for 3 years ..You think these people don't know history and how to use it to their advantage ...Or in America's case deny it as it Lying about it and tearing down statues...

The Secret History Of Political Propaganda

Propaganda, or the purposeful transmission of information designed to persuade and influence primarily through emotion rather than fact-based debate, is used in many social fields: marketing, religion, and politics each rely on propaganda to persuade and inform consumers, congregants, citizens, and more. While we are regularly exposed to propaganda, we may not often think about the ways that it appeals to us and the process through which propaganda techniques have been refined over time.

Psychologists have commented on the ubiquity and power of propaganda repeatedly in recent decades; Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson famously argued that “every day we are bombarded with one persuasive communication after another. These appeals persuade not through the give-and-take of argument and debate, but through the manipulation of symbols and of our most basic human emotions. For better or worse, ours is an age of propaganda.” With the near ubiquity with which Americans are inundated with political propaganda, in particular, it is worth contemplating the development of the genre.

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88ae9a  No.14661112

I wonder if the crowd tonight will chant F Joe Biden….during Trump's speech.

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6fd5a3  No.14661113


You have no clue where you are. Clarified by your own words.

You are in for a doozie when the chaff hits the frap.

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42446f  No.14661114

File: 707bd135366ed1b⋯.png (527.55 KB, 717x453, 239:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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0164bb  No.14661116

File: 0570403d6529a1a⋯.jpg (314.45 KB, 452x513, 452:513, scribble.jpg)

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0e0ab9  No.14661117



Sep 25, 10:24 am

No unemployment benefits if fired for refusing vaccine in this state

The New York State Department of Labor has issued guidance to clarify that workers who are fired for refusing to get vaccinated are not eligible for unemployment insurance unless they have a valid medical reason.

That announcement came as part of a multi-layered plan released by New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Saturday in preparation of the state's vaccine deadline for health care workers and school employees to receive their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by Monday or face termination and to prevent resulting staff shortages in hospitals and health care facilities.

Under her plan, New York would declare a state of emergency to increase the health care workforce including allowing health care professionals licensed in other states or countries, recent graduates and retirees to work in New York state.

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5c99f6  No.14661118

File: 01386e125fbd545⋯.jpg (215.6 KB, 732x574, 366:287, joeun.jpg)

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a7571b  No.14661119


As you know people do not pray daily in Trump's name.

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196f73  No.14661120


>zoomers wont know this

>sad. many such cases

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0b3edb  No.14661121

File: b1110a00383c064⋯.png (118.19 KB, 300x359, 300:359, GRAMMAR_PIG.png)

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d1675f  No.14661123


in greek alphabet E = 6

kingdom of the south


the torah

that is what they are givin' to Sarah

my tree

my oil


replacin' me with a lovely blonde

tell me my attitude is bad again

this is what 'gods' do

fuck men

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77880d  No.14661124

File: 95c15ac659e5336⋯.png (79.08 KB, 895x870, 179:174, ClipboardImage.png)

A Nationally Televised Example Of The Chaos False Positive COVID Tests Create

Far be it for me to care much about what goes on during ABC’s The View, but for the fact that this week provided a nationally televised example of just how much chaos false positive PCR tests can randomly inject into our daily lives.

One moment, it’s a normal day at the office, the next, as co-host Ana Navarro described it this week, “it turn[s] into an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.”

In case you missed it because you were watching literally any other show that doesn’t feature Joy Behar’s “sense of humor” as one of its selling points, ABC’s The View was stopped in the middle of live taping this past week when producers awkwardly asked Navarro and fellow co-host Sunny Hostin to step off the desk and leave the studio in the middle of an episode.

Co-host Joy Behar then went to proceed with a planned interview of Vice President Kamala Harris before being notified by her producer that it wasn’t happening.

When Navarro appeared on CNN later in the evening to speak to Anderson Cooper, she revealed that after being pulled off the desk, she tested negative on two separate Covid tests. Navarro took a rapid antigen test and a PCR test, both of which came back negative, she told Cooper. Hilariously, The Hill reported Navarro still couldn’t fly back home to Miami without taking a third test and waiting for a negative result.

“It takes so much work to do an interview like this. We were very proud to have the vice president come on 'The View' and then it turned into an episode of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm,' it was surreal,” Navarro told Cooper.

The incident isn’t one I’d normally care to write about, but for the fact that I exist on the fringe and enjoy asking questions that others won’t. Even though I consider most common sense Covid cautionary measures (like protecting the vulnerable, washing your hands and staying home when you’re sick) to be just fine, I have to ask: have we considered false positive tests when we consider the cost/benefit analysis of all of the combined Covid measures we’re taking?

We’ve talked about the mental health toll of keeping people locked down, we’ve considered the ridiculous nature of mask mandates and we’ve debated the merits of forcing small businesses and churches shut while Targets and Wal-Marts remain open for business.


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7b6f4a  No.14661125


bad times indeed

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6633e5  No.14661126

File: 87adfa496e3ea63⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1397x786, 1397:786, NotJBEvent.png)

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a9ad32  No.14661127

File: 2ef3b35acd729e9⋯.png (588.5 KB, 948x942, 158:157, ClipboardImage.png)

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7018c2  No.14661128

You dont need voter ID, you just need a red thumb print.

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438d64  No.14661129

File: e21e9f77657ef60⋯.png (399.3 KB, 1171x659, 1171:659, FJB.png)


It would require tremendous strength not to.

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7b6f4a  No.14661130


they forgot to account for tiktoks

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867213  No.14661131


>to build back better

their fucking motto

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335cb4  No.14661132


They hate and love it, they have an addiction

We actually just love him for his sacrifice

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3f893c  No.14661134

File: 8f19a0b265735eb⋯.jpg (58.02 KB, 720x534, 120:89, Propaganda.jpg)

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87e9f0  No.14661135

File: f3270f6c85de435⋯.png (72.88 KB, 202x127, 202:127, Capture.PNG)

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6fd5a3  No.14661136


Ok buh bye now. take care

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64e96b  No.14661137


Come'on man.


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7bd3bb  No.14661138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Very beautiful and she has a awesome voice

Chi Coltrane - Thunder and Lightning (1972)

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7b6f4a  No.14661139


you waited this long?

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1f2055  No.14661140


wasted triple doubles

just like you


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6657fa  No.14661141


A valid medical reason: the vaccine kills people

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b03347  No.14661143

File: cf772bef8786cf6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 146.64 KB, 1200x1680, 5:7, 1632079092676.jpg)


I recognize that blonde to the left of the podium.

She has some of the sexiest legs you could imagine.

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7bd3bb  No.14661144


Thanks….I'll try and do better next time..kekeke

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9de6b5  No.14661145


Q: Why do you think propaganda doesn't apply here?

A: Because If you are a true Anon you don't trust shit you follow facts look for truths and pay attention to everything, there is good and evil how far you are on whatever side you've chosen is on you and this board as in every inch is full of it. and your Mom called and said there is no propaganda here, she promised.

Q: Why do you think we'd be immune from the same kind of infiltration we want exposed about biD[e]n/DS?

A: W/Q: what do we want exposed from Bidens other than we already Know? Did you mean to say something else more definitive?

Q: Do you honestly believe the positions of leverage on this board are in Patriotic hands?

A: W/Q: Is it possible for you to provide specific information ie: names?

Q: Do you believe the drumming new sharer is patriotic ?

A: W/Q: drumming new sharer? elaborate please.

Q: Or do you see the tactical necessity to "hide in plain sight" as our enemy distributes their subliminal poison.

A: Yes

ClipboardImage.png? Do not understand.

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64e96b  No.14661146

Pandemic of the unvaxxed = Free Range Healthy People.

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4844f7  No.14661147


The hormone bar is high here. Top shelf. That's chunky.

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078741  No.14661148

America still has over 400 million fire arms. :)

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6fd5a3  No.14661149


I like hear / feel everything

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7d8715  No.14661150


Read about the mandarins who ran China up until the last emperor.

You really think they gave up power? They infiltrate every form of government.

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d1675f  No.14661151



cant you see spoilt vanky lookin' after all your war needs

that anon, is *Kek worthy

you wanted blonde and pretty dolly

ya'll got it

just in time for the war to end all wars

go you!



fight for liberty, sure love you do that, while bein' prurty

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524818  No.14661152


License or not whatever the fuck….

In the related vids you can see the armed thugs in face masks seeing to it that good food is being destroyed by “Authority”.


LEOs!!!!!!!!!!!!! You simply do not want to remain on the wrong side of this.

Taking a knee to the City Burners last year, aiding and abetting the destruction of civilization this year???? I’ve known for some time the hiring IQ has been set a bit low… but damn!

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7bd3bb  No.14661153


>Couldn't help yourself sweetie, could ya~

Ohhh ..Hell No..and when you lose control..you reap the harvest you have sown kekeke

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77880d  No.14661154

File: d3d3252aba96eea⋯.png (625.11 KB, 671x414, 671:414, ClipboardImage.png)


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496ad8  No.14661155


They’ve always wanted everyone to be printed. No thanks

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f4285d  No.14661156

Ya'll niggas are trying to talk reasonably with AFLB?

gl hf

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ba33e7  No.14661157


And why wouldn't they? You do know what it is we are fighting don't you?

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6ba65a  No.14661158


Melania. It is over for whoever did it

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b51336  No.14661159


>Soros was a Kapo turning other Jews over to the Nazi's and fucking the world up to this day.

Agreed. He said himself on 60 min that he helped Nazis locate and confiscate property owned by the Jews. He also said that this experience defined who he became and that he had no regrets because he realized that if he didn’t do it someone else would have. This is text book behavior of a psychopath. He is also on record stating the his greatest goal is to help rebuild the Tower of Babel as a metaphor for the NWO. He is also on record stating that he wanted to destroy the United States. Like the Rothschilds before him, he made his fortune with inside info that he used to short the British economy. No doubt the world will be a better place without him. His only noble achievement was to help expose the injustices of the War on Drugs, but even this endeavor was likely disingenuous. He doesn’t give shit about minorities. Like the Prohibitionists, I think he secretly believes that drug decriminalization will destabilize society bringing about rampant immoral behavior, which ultimately helps achieve his goal of a “world without borders” - the NWO or the Tower of Babel 2.0.

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565974  No.14661160

File: f89a9073f03edee⋯.png (213.33 KB, 400x259, 400:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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a25987  No.14661161


People make such judgment calls WITHOUT actual understanding.

That is one of the biggest problems in the world.

People have opinions based on little to nothing. From the most recent news from the most questionable of media sources.

Sometimes from the one and ONLY book that they have read on the subject, without ever knowing that the author of that book was extremely biased, and was pushing an agenda that kept him from writing of the whoel truth, the complete picture of that subject.

The judgements of such lazy, sloppy people are worse than useless: they are a menace, an actual danger to others as well as themselves.

Seek to understand, first and foremost, before making judgements.

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8b4d48  No.14661163


They found Hurricane Ida inside an alligator? I wondered where it went.

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a9ad32  No.14661164

File: b6d2cc35c802b88⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1234x1051, 1234:1051, ClipboardImage.png)

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9fdbc0  No.14661165

File: 2b02c35ec38b529⋯.jpeg (82.62 KB, 750x912, 125:152, 7645C4F8_8F11_410B_9E60_5….jpeg)

File: 69f50f7241f1d87⋯.jpeg (151.68 KB, 750x832, 375:416, FDFFEE06_B576_4E93_9888_3….jpeg)


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7b6f4a  No.14661166

File: 0e17e34529950d0⋯.png (1.53 MB, 825x2092, 825:2092, ClipboardImage.png)


Dutch junior minister SACKED after criticizing ‘illogical’ vaccine passports

>Her crime? Suggesting that the country’s vaccine passport scheme is “illogical” and the Netherlands should “go back to the old normal.”


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9f9f60  No.14661167

I'm looking for the report version Logan was threatened over

>>14655945 ob

>[they] argue over which version of the audit report to release… Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan had his family threatened if he released this version

any telegram anon wanna get the pdf and share here?


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078741  No.14661168


Three kingdoms period is a good place to start concerning China's history and ruling classes.

Fantastical tales of Divine mandates, patriotic fervor and ever present ruling force. Also doesn't hurt to learn about the Triads.

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1f2055  No.14661169

File: 3f3a685781605d2⋯.jpeg (10.14 KB, 195x109, 195:109, th_52_.jpeg)

Why are these still standing?

Sometimes two wrongs make a right.

They got rid of all of our monuments…..

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7d8715  No.14661170


Sheriff's may become the last bastion of defense.

Police forces are run by politicians, the commissioner is appointed not elected. Just another rat hole.

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eea313  No.14661172


That anon didn't say "wrath".

That anon said "great persecution".

The wrath from God is not the same as the persecution against the Body of Christ.

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b03347  No.14661173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Define drumbeat

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64e96b  No.14661174

Hershel Walker - Patriot

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324240  No.14661175


NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements

>>14660447 @700


>>14660451 RSBN embed and link to rally youtube

>>14660457 US SEC Delays Certain Assets From Enforcement Actions Under New Disclosure Rule

>>14660463 NWO witch! (Cap 0:27)

>>14660469 Biden downplays importance to US if Haiti were to 'quietly sink' into the sea in resurfaced interview

>>14660485 VoterGA Uncovers that More People Were Registered in Fulton County, Georgia in the 2020 Election than Were Eligible to Vote

>>14660486 My response to a normie Trump supporter about tonight’s rally

>>14660544 China Releases ‘Two Michaels’ After ‘Feeble’ Biden Admin Drops Charges Against Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou

>>14660521, >>14660588, >>14660576 Army Flight Surgeon recommends to Sec Def ALL pilots/crews injected be grounded for risk of cardiac arrest in flight if carrying munitions or personnel.

>>14660616, >>14660692 KNOW YOUR RIGHTS On the frontline trying to get people ivermectin for prevention and early treatment of Covid

>>14660627, >>14660860, >>14660885 EX-rvid5774 Sitfunds Roger J Sit

>>14660639 Attorney General Mark Brnovich Issues Statement Regarding Arizona Senate's Draft Report on Audit

>>14660664, >>14660990 Two Canadians held in China for 1,000 days are greeted with an ELBOW Bump arrive back home in prisoner swap for 'Princess of Huawei' Meng Wanzhou

>>14660690 LIVE: President Donald J Trump in Perry, GA : Rumble link

>>14660740 Former U.S President Jimmy Carter Distributed 160 million Treatments of Ivermectin In 11 Countries

>>14660744, >>14660810 Dog; The Bounty Hunter joins the hunt. Pays visit to Brian Laundrie's home.

>>14660763 Sidney Powell, Sidney Powell P.C. and Defending the Republic, Inc., File an Abuse of Process Counterclaim Against Dominion Voting Systems

>>14660776 Australian Nurses, Paramedics, Fire Department, Police, Teachers, Pharmacists And Front Line Workers Call For Freedom Of Choice (Cap 2:20)

>>14660805 Habitual Liar Brian Murphy Russia Russia Russia and white supremacist groups

>>14660833 RALLY LINKS

>>14660844, >>14660878 CCP calls Soro “son of Satan”

>>14660924 ‘You can’t win that one’: Trump suggests Fauci was UNFIREABLE, claims he did ‘opposite’ of what Covid adviser said

>>14660932 Packed house at the #TrumpRally

>>14660946 The campaign, called "The Facebook Logout," is organized by a racial justice group called the Kairos.

>>14660955 Bill Binney is B2 The Stealth Bomber

>>14660989 Daniel Scavino is with Dan Scavino in Palm Beach, Florida.

>>14661018 Not Making Headlines… AZ Forensic Audit Summary Money Quote: “Election Should Not Be Certified” and “57,734 Ballots with Known Issues – 6 Times Margin of Victory”


#18543 TYC

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078741  No.14661176



You need nothing less than a small crane to demolish them.

Or maybe some good explosives. 🙃

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1b9357  No.14661177



Do they want people looking at this or what?

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5c99f6  No.14661178


will Free range People be the most desirable cuts?

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4844f7  No.14661179


Largest army in the world.


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a7571b  No.14661180


> Military done been vaxxed and Cucked


that 1st star was more important than the country and people that they serve

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0b3edb  No.14661181

File: bb90b0685e2a94d⋯.png (87.58 KB, 300x248, 75:62, nazi_grammar_computer_fire.png)


>Sheriff's may become the last bastion of defense.


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5c99f6  No.14661183

File: d777bbceec38aa7⋯.jpg (993.15 KB, 2597x1654, 2597:1654, aocacid_2.jpg)

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1f2055  No.14661184

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d1675f  No.14661185



ya'll thought it would be fun destroyin me

what you do to me comes back to you


you wanted nice, sweet, blonde

go whinge to her

Grace of God, just about run out

watch your crops

the more i starve the more you do

but hey, blonde pretty girl, or obese Stephanie bin girl

they all good, talk to them

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524818  No.14661188


It really is weird to watch how hard this Government is trying to spark a war upon the very population it ostensibly serves.

Very weird.

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5c99f6  No.14661190


The Left get very upset when their monuments are vandalized.

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a9ad32  No.14661191

File: 38864f0717abe84⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1098x995, 1098:995, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e0ab9  No.14661195


Cabal controlled institutions are imploding.

Up to us to rebuild our world as free people.

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a7571b  No.14661197


>The NIH, CDC, WHO and FDA have all recommended dexamethasone - a corticosteroid which has shown efficacy in the treatment of severe covid.

That should be grounds for removing the EUA for the mRNA poison

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7d8715  No.14661198


Nice digits on the id !

Yes, I've read. In line with sumerian mythos about the kings before the flood ruling by mandate from heaven, different factions aligned to the bloodline of each ruler.

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5c99f6  No.14661199

Wish I knew if my sheriff is on the right side. So many tragedies befell my community, it's hard to tell.

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87a42c  No.14661200

File: f8a0a829ec10d98⋯.jpeg (58.49 KB, 640x639, 640:639, self_identify.jpeg)

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324240  No.14661201





Q Research General #18545: Georgia Rally Bread Edition

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7018c2  No.14661202


I actually agree with this, but most people need the government rammed up their ass everyday so they can be told how to live and make decisions.

so a thumb print would be the best option to avoid IDs. Thumb prints are individually unique……………..ultimately if they just prosecuted people for voter fraud or treason none of this would ever happen again.

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9de6b5  No.14661203


I did lose it and I apologize I was trying to make it Witty and entertaining and I'm not a fast typer and the drink I had just caught up with me and fucked the donkey..I will no longer post to-nite for I will not make you suffer an additional fool and will recommence with lurking and memes.. good day Anon

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078741  No.14661204


Tennessee signed a bill allowing kids to be taken from homes for the Vax.

400 million citizen weapons at the ready. Come and try and take the kids you sick fucks.

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cb51a8  No.14661205



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d1675f  No.14661206


They're 'nice'

they're accomodatin'

they never challenge you

they never offend you

they say 'nice' things

never lose their temper in public

always nice

talk to them

i'm sure they'll connive what they need to do to get you all sorted

cos they 'care'

yeah right

nup, fuck ya

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6633e5  No.14661207

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9f9f60  No.14661208


exactly, we gotta speed up these audits

cant take half the year on every state or Biden will serve out his term and the challenge still wont be ready

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919ec8  No.14661209


What alot of us don't remember is Trump's travels during his term in office… Xi is the "Trump" of China… and Xi is driving the Chinese Swamp.

Trump also convinced MbS to do the same with the Saudi Arabian Swamp… and that's exactly what MbS did in 2017.

Trump, Xi and MbS are world allies.

Trump also advised Theresa May and Angela Merkel of his plans (with MbS & Xi) to take down Soros & the Cabal.

May & Merkel were too deeply involved and told trump they couldn't help.

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5c99f6  No.14661210

File: 67f52b5fe635997⋯.jpg (235.85 KB, 800x533, 800:533, cps.jpg)

anons knew

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324240  No.14661211

File: 4369fad7301a9ff⋯.png (19.53 KB, 272x185, 272:185, ClipboardImage.png)





Q Research General #18545: Georgia Rally Bread Edition

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f4285d  No.14661213


just speak to him for 5 minutes

if he's like other cops he'll be shaking with impotent roid rage in 2

if he's not then he's probably a good guy

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ee0a2b  No.14661214

File: 4b786364055f8ea⋯.png (646.33 KB, 761x324, 761:324, ClipboardImage.png)

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7d8715  No.14661215


Sorry Grammar and Spelling Nazi.

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7b6f4a  No.14661217

File: 16d59196c365783⋯.png (404.02 KB, 604x591, 604:591, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69fd578ba3728be⋯.png (998.83 KB, 844x855, 844:855, ClipboardImage.png)



Good clip

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6fd5a3  No.14661218


Sounds like a worthy dig…

Please go on…

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5c99f6  No.14661219

File: 52f1b6d124e36c8⋯.jpg (48.12 KB, 714x438, 119:73, trumplightpepe.jpg)

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474970  No.14661865


He is a pig. Swamp Creature. When the Alliance is done with these creatures, they will be toast. Evil Cops and all!!! Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom,

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474970  No.14661877


Luv It!!!!

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5f7518  No.14661962

File: 2b37c59c44cd9ec⋯.jpg (39.56 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 40039448_jpeg.jpg)

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e298d4  No.14664176


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e298d4  No.14664240


They turned Greta into a sex symbol.



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952b32  No.14665082

File: 4aebaf7cf5745f1⋯.jpg (554.95 KB, 2400x1601, 2400:1601, ClipboardImage.jpg)


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952b32  No.14665097

File: f3123d9b36dc9ee⋯.jpg (231.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, f3123d9b36dc9ee2fe026c4389….jpg)

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952b32  No.14665105

File: 80d20d6c8b50306⋯.jpg (308.31 KB, 720x450, 8:5, 80d20d6c8b50306c23584f1fcb….jpg)

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952b32  No.14665111

File: 81e6b6076e090cd⋯.jpg (85.88 KB, 468x359, 468:359, 81e6b6076e090cd5fa11ecbd12….jpg)

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952b32  No.14665115

File: f0dd8016a0da587⋯.jpg (62.85 KB, 540x735, 36:49, f0dd8016a0da587a9d3856fafd….jpg)

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a2c830  No.14675799

2 scoops!

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6ba250  No.14755669

File: 731d1218add2841⋯.jpg (109.04 KB, 767x600, 767:600, UseItAll.jpg)

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