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2fa5b5  No.14655564[Last 50 Posts]

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2fa5b5  No.14655567

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements



>>14654012 23,344 mail in votes from people who don't live there, 2,382 in person votes from people who don't live there

>>14654020 @POTUS (Bidan) tweets analisis

>>14654040, >>14654045, >>14654100, >>14654104, >>14654116, >>14654121, >>14654129, >>14654152, >>14654153, >>14654208, >>14654212, >>14654235, >>14654317 Anons reporting Cyber Nijas AZ Maricopa audit

>>14654049 Prince Andrew accepts he has been served in US sexual assault lawsuit

>>14654054 Wendy Rogers, 5k people voted in more than one county!

>>14654248, >>14654251 Cyber Ninjas: 865 directories and 85,673 election related files [scanned ballots, .dvd files, slog.txt files, etc] deleted between 10/28/20 and 11/05/20

>>14654238 Ben Cotton claims MCBOS failed to follow even the most basic CISA guidelines for their Election Systems.Last time the system was patched was on the 6th of August, 2019.

>>14654292 Doug Logan from Cyber Ninjas Speaks After Dr. Shiva – Uncovers Additional 57,000 Issues (Not Counting Shiva’s 17,000 Issues)

>>14654228, >>14654230, >>14654310, >>14654343, >>14654355, >>14654460, >>14654507 FULL PANIC The county is losing their shit, haha! (@maricopacounty)

>>14654315 Intriguing Facts about Fraud in Russia's Recent Election that May Seem Familiar

>>14654334, >>14654349 Maricopa County's Dominion machines contained data from outside Maricopa County, including from South Carolina and the state of Washington.

>>14654381 @WendyRogersAZ: We have the screenshots of the people who were at the machines at the times the machines were tampered with.

>>14654497 AZ Audit: Log files were set at max file size 20MB!!! When the auditors looked for the logs, there were NONE before 2/5/21. No logs exist for the 2020 election!

>>14654557, >>14654563 President Trump calls for Arizona to IMMEDIATELY DECERTIFY. "It is not even believable the dishonesty of the Fake News Media on the Arizona Audit results, which shows incomprehensible Fraud at an Election Changing level, many times more votes than is needed…

>>14654587 Maricopa County official PURGED machine records before audit started, report states

>>14654616 "Massive fraud was found in the Arizona Forensic Audit, sometimes referred to as “Fraudit.” The numbers are Election Changing!" - President Donald J. Trump

>>14654650 Brig. Gen. Amy Johnston, chief of public affairs, was placed on special duty pending the outcome of the ongoing investigation.

>>14654687 #18537


>>14653207, >>14653215 LIVE: Audit Report Released To AZ Senate in Phoenix, AZ 9/24/21

>>14653218 Effort to spread discredited Russia collusion theory welcomed by McCain Senate panel, memos show

>>14653222 Report: Biden Admin to Mandate COVID Vaccine for Millions of Government Contractors

>>14653283, >>14653304, >>14653317, >>14653323, >>14653361, >>14653365, >>14653368, >>14653375, >>14653378, >>14653442, >>14653501 Anons reporting on Dr. Shiva 1

>>14653290, >>14653331 Viewers online AZ report

>>14653388 BREAKING: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Releases Statement – “I Will Take Necessary Actions That Are Supported by Evidence and Where I Have Legal Authority”

>>14653404, >>14653431 HUGE RALLY Forms Outside Arizona Senate Hearing — AZ Patriots Come Out in Force as Audit Exposes Massive Fraud in 2020 Election

>>14653410 Joe Biden Doesn’t Just Forget His Speeches, He Forgets To Pay His Fair Share Of Taxes

>>14653417, >>14653419 Patrick Byrne Releases Wording from Executive Summary: “Based on the Audit the Results of the 2020 Election in Arizona Should Never Have Been Certified”

>>14653552 2.9 EQ: Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada

>>14653590 Michael Burry Subpoeaned By SEC Over GameStop Investigation

>>14653573, >>14653579, >>14653583, >>14653597, >>14653614, >>14653640, >>14653670, >>14653687, >>14653706, >>14653736, >>14653804 Anons reporting on Dr. Shiva 2

>>14653622 Wendy Rogers, 96% of duplicates arrived after election day!

>>14653717, >>14653732 Verified and approve stamps appearing behind the signature region!? Most of them appeared after 4th November 2020…

>>14653820, >>14653826, >>14653853, >>14653863, >>14653866, >>14653868, >>14653867, >>14653869 Anons reporting: Cyber Niggers Doug Logan

>>14653884 Dr. Shiva at AZ Senate Hearing: Over 17,000 Total Duplicate Ballots — Votes By Those Who Voted More Than Once in Arizona — 1.5 Times Biden’s Winning Margin (VIDEO)

>>14653908 #18536

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2fa5b5  No.14655568


>>14652443, >>14652491 Concerned parent follows the money and the schools mandating of masking and vaccination.

>>14652462 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas

>>14652482 ResignationAnon come back

>>14652513 anon dig: Tarrant Regional Water District headquarters

>>14652540 Four links for watching the audit results.

>>14652545, >>14652760, >>14652827, >>14652971 PF report

>>14652546 US, Russia should explore ways to increase military contacts, Gen. Milley says

>>14652561 Oklahoma dad hops into action when he sees man touching boy inappropriately at bus stop

>>14652623 PG&E Charged With Deaths Of 4 In 2020 Wildfire Started By Its Equipment

>>14652653 US Treasury Department authorizes aid transactions with the Taliban

>>14652667 Jim Watkins: We are currently streaming the Maricopa county presentation to the Tiger Network

>>14652678 AUS. ‘Parent’s worst nightmare’: Brett Callaghan jailed over rape of girl, 12.

>>14652842 Eric Schmidt Cashes in on Artificial Intelligence Arms Race

>>14652908 Lab Grown Meat To Hit U.S. in 2022, Backed By FDA & USDA, Along with “Smarter Food Safety Blueprint” and Traceability All Underway

>>14653025 Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng Admits to Misleading Global Financial Institution

>>14653053 15 Defendants Indicted for Drug Conspiracy

>>14653071 DHS Secretary Mayorkas Admits the 15,000 Haitian Migrants in Del Rio Were Not Tested for COVID Before They Were Dispersed Across the Country

>>14653164 #18535

#18534 TBC

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2fa5b5  No.14655570


>>14651011 WE DID IT! Wendy Rogers #DecertifyAZ

>>14650883 AZ audit live stream 4pm EST 1pm AZ time

>>14650884 Draft of Final Report Leaked – Shows More Than 55,000 Potential Illegal Ballots – Sen. Rogers “Findings of Great Consequence”

>>14650891 The number of illegal ballots found in Maricopa County alone is over 4 times the current amount separating President Trump and Joe Biden in Arizona as a whole. #Decertify

>>14650892 CDC Hearing on Boosters

>>14650895 PDJT Huge Findings in AZ (Cap)

>>14650928 Del Rio Whip Photographer says photos are being misconstrued.

>>14650934 Biden wins Arizona (again)? (Handcounted?)

>>14650950 U.S. House votes on bill to protect abortion rights


>>14651047 Abortion up to birth.

>>14651052 6.1 EQ in Alaska

>>14651081 Parents, arm yourself at your next school board meeting against CRT. Good info here:

>>14651107 #18530

>>14651129 HRC Tweet Trying on my new chancellor's robes for size. They fit! What’s with her hands?


>>14651192 Cyber Ninja Finds more illegal votes for Biden in hand Count?

>>14651269 Journalist stimulus subsidy tucked away in infrastructure bill?

>>14651346 Texas secretary of state's office begins a 'full forensic audit' of the 2020 general election in four counties after Trump raised 'big questions' about results in a state he carried

>>14651368 Ignore the MSM: Here’s What the 2020 Maricopa County Election Audit Actually Says

>>14651369 Huawei finance chief can return to China after DoJ deal - live updates

>>14651373 #18530

>>14651389 ‘WISCONSIN HOT’ – Grassroots Group Uncovers 23,000 Votes with Same Phone Number and 8,000 Voters Registered in 1918 All In One County!

>>14651395 REMINDER: Nicki Minaj Fans and Trump Supporters to Join Together at “Fraud Fauci Friday Rally” at CDC Headquarters Today in Atlanta #SeeSomething#SaySometing

>>14651428 #18531

>>14651355 The View hosts Hostin and Navarro are escorted off the set after both test pos for C-19

>>14651498 The polls are close and early voting is underway in the Virginia Governor's race between Republican @GlennYoungkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe.


>>14651506 Fox News bans Rudy Giuliani for at least three months

>>14651533 Pennsylvania AG challenges election subpoena

>>14651603 #18533

>>14650078 #18532 TBC

Previously Collected

>>14651428 #18531

>>14647658 #18528, >>14648437 #18529, >>14651373 #18530

>>14646596 #18525, >>14646881 #18526, >>14646913 #18527

>>14644249 #18522, >>14643724 #18523, >>14644533 #18524

>>14642534 #18519, >>14643483 #18520, >>14643731 #18521

>>14639399 #18516, >>14640036 #18517, >>14639670 #18518

>>14636594 #18513, >>14636483 #18514, >>14637336 #18515

>>14633281 #18510, >>14634120 #18511, >>14636288 #18512

>>14632975 #18507, >>14633773 #18508, >>14632510 #18509

>>14628437 #18504, >>14629604 #18505, >>14630079 #18506

>>14626510 #18501, >>14627190 #18502, >>14627466 #18503

>>14623961 #18498, >>14624834 #18499, >>14627097 #18500

>>14623389 #18495, >>14623349 #18496, >>14623468 #18497

>>14619270 #18492, >>14620034 #18493, >>14622032 #18494

>>14617038 #18489, >>14617632 #18490, >>14618440 #18491

>>14614409 #18486, >>14615203 #18487, >>14615990 #18488

>>14612051 #18483, >>14612845 #18484, >>14613635 #18485

>>14611340 #18480, >>14611853 #18481, >>14611199 #18482

>>14607373 #18477, >>14608147 #18478, >>14608917 #18479

>>14608524 #18474, >>14608488 #18475, >>14606561 #18476

>>14602464 #18471, >>14607020 #18472, >>14604251 #18473

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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2fa5b5  No.14655572

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2fa5b5  No.14655574

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2fa5b5  No.14655577



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587597  No.14655580

File: 8c3d8c7f68fbe00⋯.png (91.57 KB, 888x414, 148:69, ClipboardImage.png)



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5bbce4  No.14655582

File: ca06571be696c5d⋯.jpg (144.42 KB, 720x674, 360:337, EkNCmpgXkAA1Dto.jpg)


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2fa5b5  No.14655583

LIVE: Audit Report Released To AZ Senate in Phoenix, AZ 9/24/21


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c2958b  No.14655584



>>14655555 ((LB))

wtf happened to 19:54:10 (aka 14655557)

fuqery afoot

access to digits regardless of post time

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c1dc57  No.14655585

File: ce47d864676b1f4⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1393x780, 1393:780, ClipboardImage.png)

Yeah Baby!!!

They need to be put in JAIL!!!

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2fa5b5  No.14655587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Audit Report Released To AZ Senate in Phoenix, AZ 9/24/21


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5bbce4  No.14655588

File: 7d50a2123cb1b12⋯.jpg (92.81 KB, 699x437, 699:437, IHJPPHJHJH.jpg)

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ccff45  No.14655591

File: cf619884ff2b7e2⋯.jpg (67.85 KB, 600x438, 100:73, Jesus_Feeds_5000_600x438.jpg)



Lord bless this bread

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0e7eb4  No.14655592

File: 9f84c490f375170⋯.png (74.24 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a3a6f0  No.14655593

File: 9144e58df8e3184⋯.jpeg (104.27 KB, 460x500, 23:25, E778EA98_7500_4373_AD9C_C….jpeg)

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ded10a  No.14655597


the nsa hates to love me

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5da413  No.14655600

Both "bakers" posted the dough, then started posting news in a similar style as each other.

This is a scripted deployment, perhaps triggered because the admin team is away in a meeting discussing how to rape our minds over the next week.

They want a split thread to keep the post count slow, and our minds split, until they return.

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3a99cd  No.14655602

File: 405191ed8c58bb4⋯.jpg (15.34 KB, 480x360, 4:3, R_2_.jpg)



Scouts Out!

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2fa5b5  No.14655603



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49d428  No.14655606

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9846b3  No.14655608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0e7eb4  No.14655609

File: c5ff032d05658d7⋯.png (83.61 KB, 360x271, 360:271, ClipboardImage.png)

Requesting new flag for the banner, next bread baker.

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7b85be  No.14655610

File: 2454f4da8f5b298⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


A full house is called a 'boat' from the imagery created with the pair on the bottom, and the three cards on top.

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587597  No.14655611

File: 394cdab2ae1d8b4⋯.png (933.22 KB, 768x506, 384:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ccd9cadf06e78f2⋯.png (573.92 KB, 555x454, 555:454, ClipboardImage.png)


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9846b3  No.14655612

File: 6c83130deca667f⋯.jpg (95.53 KB, 734x354, 367:177, SING_ALONG_NOW.jpg)


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2fa5b5  No.14655613


Sonny Borrille now!

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3583b9  No.14655614

File: c84bacf9405e308⋯.png (788.87 KB, 1920x882, 320:147, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5095119cdd386bb⋯.png (9.21 KB, 545x291, 545:291, ClipboardImage.png)

MC208 indeed becomes SAM208 after entering US airspace - headed in country, high cruise. Likely making for JBA.

Q mapping to Q208

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3a99cd  No.14655615

File: 7f130294eaa4111⋯.jpeg (6.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2868d3bb9ffd2a796ae9f4e48….jpeg)




Please protect our brothers in Phoenix

Please bless this bread and the seekers of Truth.


Veritas Aequitas


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587597  No.14655618

File: 16b8b87bda27aec⋯.png (989.69 KB, 768x768, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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9846b3  No.14655619

File: 1e517c9ff877381⋯.jpg (147.49 KB, 839x500, 839:500, 10_BEARS_SEZ.jpg)


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5da413  No.14655620

File: 8f2967bf3eaa5db⋯.jpg (13.41 KB, 200x255, 40:51, Rejected.jpg)

File: 8c3860a7c8f246c⋯.png (92.59 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost.png)







Until these sweeties showed up, it was a good idea~

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2fa5b5  No.14655621

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 4e180006492d5147ae7f1b2616….jpg)

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672a73  No.14655622

File: effcaf29e3e6eec⋯.png (684.97 KB, 481x666, 13:18, ClipboardImage.png)




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887013  No.14655623


Bless our brothers and sisters…

Things are really hot atm

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3207fe  No.14655625

Someone refresh me, please:

Were election officials in AZ required to scan a ballot image WITH the envelope that had the signature, or were the ballot images and envelopes scanned separately with no way to match them up?

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0bed39  No.14655626

File: cc6d553cea04862⋯.png (224.21 KB, 576x442, 288:221, 19896714c5951c10bc443bca8c….png)


>Things are really hot atm

Enjoy the ride.

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9846b3  No.14655627

File: cbae02829ae1094⋯.jpg (123.97 KB, 684x412, 171:103, VISCERAL_THIS.jpg)

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587597  No.14655628

File: bbd9074322da138⋯.png (4.19 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>Veritas Aequitas

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c2958b  No.14655629


deep down they know all their illegal spying has profited them nothing

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55d55e  No.14655630


If you have to ask these questions, imagine how normies feel..

fraud or not, nothing will ever wake up the masses

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9c147e  No.14655631

File: 2b800b57b326b35⋯.jpg (186.13 KB, 1170x951, 390:317, 2b800b57b326b353fc9b7fcb9f….jpg)

Does anyone have a source on this executive summary?

I saw it in the last bread

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8c8183  No.14655632

File: ee24e3f4c2036cd⋯.jpeg (80.89 KB, 480x357, 160:119, 6C664252_F2EF_4EE8_BA73_9….jpeg)

6 breads!

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28d5e7  No.14655633


they were required to do whatever resulted in a biden win

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df51c4  No.14655634

File: 17a7f2f89293bab⋯.jpg (140.61 KB, 980x843, 980:843, popcorn_trump.jpg)

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cd02de  No.14655635

File: e0d69f25137006c⋯.jpg (105.28 KB, 500x717, 500:717, warcriminal.jpg)

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5da413  No.14655636


I hope your brother and sisters meet their maker soon sweetie~

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2374b7  No.14655637


kek thats insane great meme anon

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55d55e  No.14655638


Lol 17…

haha Q fucked us bigly

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587597  No.14655639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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887013  No.14655640


Well hello fellow anon that’s hated by NSA, I also get love from them

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c7913e  No.14655641

The Election Audit shows fraud!


What are we gonna do next?


More BS that won't result in anything…because the "general public" isn't gonna give a shit until someone gets locked up that makes them take notice.

You can disagree with that, if you want, but you know deep down that it's true.

It's more smoke & mirrors.

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5bbce4  No.14655642

File: 30621f0dbbb11c3⋯.png (428.75 KB, 818x652, 409:326, FAEkIsnUYAcml9E.png)

BIG La Nina: GLOBE EXPECTED TO CONTINUE COOLING Into Next Year, Extending Cooling Streak To 7 Years


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887013  No.14655643


Ffs .3 points off you’re shitting me

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55d55e  No.14655644


Distraction from the Jew World Order

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8e6c6b  No.14655646

File: c7b2c309d5513a0⋯.png (14.49 KB, 255x216, 85:72, 72b8d262c1830ca30c07253b19….png)

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ded10a  No.14655647


Agreed but with the government it's not about results

it's about kicking the can down the road

which is why the FBI is the darling of DC

and why the NSA is much maligned

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e0a5c6  No.14655648

File: 4439edc4b8147f1⋯.jpeg (32.45 KB, 552x414, 4:3, kim_jong_bread.jpeg)

>>14655564 (ob)

>>14655562 (ob)

>>14655565 (ob)

>>14655563 (ob)

>>14487289 (ob)

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9846b3  No.14655649

File: bd30f766c4df826⋯.jpg (82.51 KB, 447x367, 447:367, 4_D_WIN.jpg)

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cd02de  No.14655650

File: f14ebc25140f43e⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Leonard_Nimoy_on_global_co….mp4)

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063493  No.14655651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


- Atom Music Audio

You have done exceedingly well. What if your world, the world was created just for you? Would you be surprised? Think on this for a while. Is such a thing too hard for God?

You have no idea the power you possess. As you listen to this set, imagine that you can improve the world by improving yourself and your surroundings and situation. Not by the little bit, you imagine you influence, but the.entire.world.

I don't call you angels for nothing, and I have called you angels from the very beginning. Step into your power.



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d898f2  No.14655652

File: d2c9eb1b757b9e1⋯.jpg (119.06 KB, 697x1000, 697:1000, file_store_31.jpg)

File: d6c00d6da6838de⋯.jpg (71.54 KB, 719x959, 719:959, 20210924_121324.jpg)


Spoopy indeed,I feel that whole ceremony must have been drenched In satanism

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27cad4  No.14655653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Uncle Joe, who is running mighty slow at the Junction…

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8e6c6b  No.14655654

File: 52cb00bf6662d7e⋯.gif (478.03 KB, 478x205, 478:205, tumblr_m5exgkPEBc1roxy4do1….gif)

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587597  No.14655655

File: 0911c4f887dec00⋯.png (514.81 KB, 500x469, 500:469, ClipboardImage.png)


>haha Q fucked us bigly


expected to spend your next 20yrs with Tyrone

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864701  No.14655656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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0bed39  No.14655657

File: 6f92c3c3f882cf4⋯.png (231.08 KB, 573x383, 573:383, whut2.png)


Staying ridiculous is the secret to happiness.

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cd02de  No.14655658

File: ca8481c58a92180⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Canl_yay_nda_yanl_l_kla_di….mp4)

adult vaccine dose into child

we'll see how it goes

the doc worked with pfizer before

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b2b139  No.14655659

File: 00db38615244009⋯.png (532.69 KB, 717x430, 717:430, DECERTIFY_XIDEN.png)

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cd02de  No.14655660


>adult vaccine dose into child


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587597  No.14655661


covered in gold

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5da413  No.14655662

File: 4d71b13dca00cbe⋯.png (93.67 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0.png)

File: 0652c347adf839f⋯.png (93.57 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1.png)

File: 6f71337ee04a989⋯.png (93.57 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2.png)

You are trapped in an entrainment chamber that hooks your Vagus Nerve into a manipulable framework the admins of this board have spent years putting into place

Known as the "Governing Vessel" meridian in chinese lore.

The tension in your head, ringing like a bell of fear.

(Or how about the massaging waves of bubbly goodness for being a good driven NPC)

It started again when the images came back, seems they need images to whip up this drumbeat.

The interesting thing, is that I've had images disabled since before the media server went down.

Yet the tension came back.

Take this for what it's worth:

It's possible one agent is made to be the pylon of this drumbeat.

They deploy images that invoke deep fear.

That fear feeds their sphere of pressure/influence, and deployments of attraction are made often to ensnare any who venture close to the hivemind of this board.

That sphere of influence "humms" with your Vegus Nerve, and waves of agitating energy are sent through the pylons influence to restrict your thoughts like a Harrison Bergeron Band firing off a 21 gun salute in your ear every 21 seconds.

They want you married to that censored state of mind, to the entrained hivemind all buzzing with fear and primed to listen to a dark lord.

Here's the pragmatic example:

They send pulses of influence, defined by the subliminal layer of the current picture posted or the hidden association of the odd word said, to all bodies trapped by the mark/aura of the pylon.

A certain deployment gathers everyone into the daily net.

Another, is to 'ping' your GV1 Acu-Point (at the end of your tailbone, beside your ass).

That fear builds up to be the ringing tension in your mind, and once afraid to that level, they begin telling you what your tomorrow is going to be like.

Or, they tickle you pink with dopamine like they have on Sept 20 to expend our actionable energy before the scathing Veritas Federal Employee drops against the kill-shot vaxxxine.

They have more that suit different purposes of herding the NPCs they create (That's you btw).

You… didn't think it odd, that the muh_dick poster is still here, still talking about how far up your ass their dick is? [feels like a gerbil?]

You… didn't think it odd, that swordy speaks so often of "god", training you to think that the pylons impression is the Most High?

It has been repeated over 100,000 times.

This is how we know the mainstream media establishes a narrative; Repeat until true.

You're being dog trained, through the good/bad impressions upon your Vegus Nerve, and the repetitious drumbeat of an insidious pylon.

The worry is what they try to freeze.

You can relax the worry away, it's a deceptive trick they play, though you'll see the worse-than-water-torture effects of their currently established means of control.

Many more see these trends than what's publicly allowed to be shown here.

Your fear of their subliminally laced pictures fuels the pylons aura.

Threats of violation make you submit + see this pylon as god.

Floods of dopamine brain mush washes neuro-networks into/outof your mind.

Goregirls so you feel sexually fulfilled with your new servitude.

They are playing your Vegus Nerve like a fiddle.

The aura runs agitating energy up your Governing Vessel meridian, like a queen sending commands to its insect hives (They each have a neuron running along their back, it's how they're governed.).

Be a good NPC and bow to satan?

He can make your brain feel mushy and body feel relaxed if you do, if you don't, you'll be anally violated every 21 seconds until you submit.

The biD[e]ns who run this board are insidiously calculated with how they fuck your tomorrows over.

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c2958b  No.14655663


>which is why the FBI is the darling of DC

>and why the NSA is much maligned

I think they both do the dirty work of DC

along with big tech as you know.

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5da413  No.14655664

File: 72ae0e4266088af⋯.jpg (713.94 KB, 540x960, 9:16, LovingPipiPepe.jpg)



Death:Life Ratio = 2:1

"Even if the vaxxxines have 100% protection rates, we still kill 2 people for every 1 saved"

And that's using the official VARES numbers, we know they're under-reported by a factor of at least 10x


It's important to stay On Target with the vaxxxine

Top five areas of the body the spike protein distributes itself to after 48H's:

Number = Total Lipid concentration (μg lipid equivalent / g [or mL])

Injection site 165

Liver 24.3

Spleen 23.4

Adrenal glands 18.2

Ovaries(females) 12.3

This spike protein is found in your blood, which means its transmissible to babies through breast milk and through the placenta.


Bridle said that “any proteins in the blood will get concentrated in breast milk,” and “we have found evidence of suckling infants experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract” in VAERS."


There are some sick doctors out there telling you this is safe.

"CDC 45,000 Covid 19 Vaccine deaths Law Suit"

[PDF] Page 12/67

Printed sub title: Reproductive Health

"The mRNA Vaccines induce our cells to manufacture (virus-free) "spike proteins." The "spike proteins" are in the same family as the naturally occurring syncytin-1 and syncytin-2 reproductive proteins in sperm, ova, and placenta."

And our bodies respond by producing antibodies against the threat of this spike protein.

Against your own reproductive system.

Distractions are keeping the publics resolve scattered.

They're killing us. It's a fucking harvest.

Their deployed subtle influences are turned up to 11, your dreams are a vector for their sick imitation of the reaper.

The spike protein that trains your body to sterilize itself.

If you don't die from the trillions of micro clots.


Sunlight's the Best Disinfectant~


In conclusion, all these results suggest that the water extract of Chaga mushroom is a very potent immune modulator that recovers the bone marrow system damaged by chemotherapy. It also suggests that the immunomodulatory activity of the water extract may be due to the potentiation of the host immune system through the regulation of cytokines in the cytokine network. Therefore, the Chaga mushroom water extract shows a great potential as a supplement or a major therapeutics in immunocompromised or immunosuppressed individuals whose bone marrow system is damaged.


NAC + Turmeric & Black Pepper + Zinc

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4f5d09  No.14655665



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887013  No.14655666


So we are all vessels? That I can believe

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548838  No.14655667

File: 4b84f1e8a82430c⋯.png (12.84 KB, 47x90, 47:90, Screenshot_2021_09_24_at_2….png)



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9846b3  No.14655668

File: 89af5c40d202e34⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 672x263, 672:263, ELECTION_NOT_VIRUS.jpg)

File: 6b6554d35bb7aa5⋯.jpg (69.47 KB, 613x343, 613:343, FEAR_NO_LIES.jpg)

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5bbce4  No.14655669

File: af53de5af8f0fcf⋯.jpg (91.71 KB, 472x1024, 59:128, FAFwWnWVUAkxotK.jpg)

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55d55e  No.14655670


Anons are powerless to protect the children it seems

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cd02de  No.14655671

File: a3aa5b78c469ca5⋯.mp4 (14.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _lilnasx_reveals_a_shimmer….mp4)

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4ae298  No.14655672


Made a recording for ya'll.

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7b85be  No.14655673

File: ceb16255acb85ed⋯.png (400.37 KB, 521x473, 521:473, ClipboardImage.png)


The government has used carefully released videos of the January 6 Capitol incident to push a narrative. Now new videos released which prosecutors wanted to keep under wraps are changing everything.

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887013  No.14655674


Ffs … yay …

Good luck

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6f3d68  No.14655676


I worked with a shop foreman who used to sing that around me all the time. Was he gay?

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1c9e09  No.14655677

File: 024fc06bf2e955c⋯.jpg (67.02 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 4nlkar.jpg)


It is all becoming part of the verifiable, researchable public record.

When the first major arrest does happen everyone will be able to look back and see the trail.

Even if they never noticed it before.

They will be shocked at first but the vast majority will be aware, if not fully awake, by then.

Lay the groundwork.

Set the stage.

Strike only when you are ready.

Then strike like the fastest animal on earth.

The demoralization shills are all failing.

And this is only one battlefield of many.

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b2b139  No.14655678

File: 2719e682af78f73⋯.jpg (169.45 KB, 930x555, 62:37, fraud_signature.jpg)

File: 4218e71bc1a2ceb⋯.jpg (180.23 KB, 738x663, 246:221, dominion_voting_machines_c….jpg)

File: abc895debfe4888⋯.jpg (216.25 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Maricopa_audit_finds_bulls….jpg)

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021761  No.14655679

File: ccd867a02d1ce5e⋯.jpeg (32 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 60F25D00_B779_4C3A_A83E_D….jpeg)


Thx. Baker…full house digits

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74c2ab  No.14655681


The process is intentionally ambiguous. Allowing fraud to circumvent the situation and outcome where no one can be held accountable. Like chasing a ghost.

50 states and 50 different Presidential election systems and methods? By design.

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cd02de  No.14655682

File: 438d1b093efa329⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 720x406, 360:203, _DrLeanaWen_There_are_priv….mp4)

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cd02de  No.14655683

File: 60ffabd95e4dd35⋯.png (258.68 KB, 490x1448, 245:724, Screenshot_2021_09_24_at_1….png)

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d898f2  No.14655684

File: d3fa8dbdaa60d0c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1070x904, 535:452, 20210923_174629.png)

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587597  No.14655685


pb faggot

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1d86f9  No.14655686

File: bf971d172bb922b⋯.jpg (117.14 KB, 1080x1325, 216:265, 1631127761477.jpg)



good digits mean betterer bread!

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7b85be  No.14655687

File: 06692fc37a64934⋯.png (627.51 KB, 694x398, 347:199, ClipboardImage.png)



Newly released Jan. 6 video hardly shows a violent "insurrection"-Rumble screenshot

Newly released January 6 videos that prosecutors didn’t want to reveal destroy “insurrection” narrative

Posted by: Pat Droney|September 24, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC- Since January 6, Democrats and their state-run mainstream media bootlickers have tried to portray the January 6 US Capitol siege as an “insurrection,” as the “biggest threat to American democracy since the Civil War,” according to Joe Biden, other Democrats and their media collaborators.

That narrative was pushed by carefully released videos from the Department of Justice which only seemed to show violent confrontations between law enforcement and some protesters, and happily shared by the mainstream media.

Newly released videos totally debunk that narrative.

In fact, here’s a video showing the “violent insurrectionists” on their way to “storm” the Capitol:

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1f4912  No.14655688



Here is a link to that doc. It doesn't match.

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27cad4  No.14655689

File: 9feef06c3185965⋯.jpeg (930.16 KB, 2400x1809, 800:603, my_precious_adult_dose.jpeg)


Adult dose you say???…so that's what happened to my baby!!!…

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9846b3  No.14655690

File: b5dbbdb74541bc7⋯.jpg (95.44 KB, 490x508, 245:254, U_B_DA_JUDGE.jpg)

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ded10a  No.14655691


Still, some big donor money paid for the Snowden op

You don't see many of those on network tv about the FBI

actually I can't remember a show or movie that spoke ill of the FBI

maybe X Files kinda

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9f0189  No.14655692

covered in gold

isn't it an elitist health thing?

gold and silver as antibiotics


chocolates in gold leaf

edible expensive exclusive

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4ae298  No.14655693


oh man, fuq me

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51b890  No.14655694

File: aacc5d3079d3314⋯.png (267.79 KB, 546x369, 182:123, the_resonables.png)

so, this Memphis Kroger shooter is some kind of Asian and that's a wrap now? 'they' were hoping for an unvaccinated white trump voter in the worst way

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672a73  No.14655695

File: 981faf1d204601a⋯.png (949.11 KB, 552x829, 552:829, ClipboardImage.png)

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0bed39  No.14655696

File: bc9fe41e4375f60⋯.png (36.88 KB, 157x170, 157:170, Screen_Shot_2021_09_24_at_….png)


Cuomo nipples

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782499  No.14655697


It really does look like a small penis in her right hand.

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a3a6f0  No.14655698

File: 27d2f169491937f⋯.jpeg (464.31 KB, 1130x1356, 5:6, 21765712_AD87_409F_9F67_F….jpeg)

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dc39e2  No.14655699


That's why the criminals are all so cocky. Plus, it helps that most of them are lawyers. The system is fucked six ways to Sunday, designed to facilitate and hide corruption and criminality.

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b2b139  No.14655700

File: a46eb3266713215⋯.jpg (170.48 KB, 930x555, 62:37, cutoff_date.jpg)

File: 27b10e5fbb7dfea⋯.jpg (105.82 KB, 746x600, 373:300, CHINESE_MADE_MANIPULATING_….jpg)

File: 3c41f44c15055d1⋯.jpg (109.81 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Heart_attack_for_all_50.jpg)

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5bbce4  No.14655701


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55d55e  No.14655702


Yet this board keeps thinking they are in PANIC mode..

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1d86f9  No.14655703


you know it… behind enemy lines!



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548838  No.14655704

File: f71896a2a2e9e95⋯.png (500.31 KB, 534x356, 3:2, Screenshot_2021_09_24_at_2….png)

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8e6c6b  No.14655705

File: 9794b28a727dfcc⋯.jpg (6.12 KB, 280x180, 14:9, images.jpg)

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5bbce4  No.14655706



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51b890  No.14655707

File: 12e7e28d03dd207⋯.png (425.46 KB, 484x530, 242:265, 01f8a171cfc0be26e9d62b5e43….png)

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587597  No.14655708

File: 7b681f0199afceb⋯.png (739.2 KB, 748x672, 187:168, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ae298  No.14655709


Not Hillary. Yet another body double.

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0bed39  No.14655710

File: d0563b22d4cf128⋯.png (663.71 KB, 1160x652, 290:163, c816702996434456739010f056….png)

Anyone have a cutout of Trump's hair?

← ayyyyyyyship for payment.

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c2958b  No.14655711



and even today only Tucker is talking about their nefarious role on J6 and TGP talking about their role in the faux Whitmer plot

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c1dc57  No.14655712

File: 92bab71d9135930⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1381x776, 1381:776, ClipboardImage.png)


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6f3b35  No.14655713

File: 40c13e24d19a05c⋯.png (100.54 KB, 437x583, 437:583, 4755.png)

File: e5587859e6d413a⋯.png (135.46 KB, 347x433, 347:433, 4755_.png)

File: b4f4e11983cef23⋯.png (34.55 KB, 1022x297, 1022:297, 4755_.png)


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e0a5c6  No.14655714

File: 2271537de927930⋯.png (128.16 KB, 500x503, 500:503, autist_vax_levelup.png)


>adult vaccine dose into child

>we'll see how it goes

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cd02de  No.14655715

File: 98ed646010b17ba⋯.png (377.83 KB, 823x680, 823:680, wellhesdeadso.png)

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17e4ce  No.14655716

File: 9ebeb0d327d6c97⋯.png (591.98 KB, 817x621, 817:621, ns3.PNG)

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824660  No.14655717

File: 67ee99c5a767ede⋯.png (228.4 KB, 1161x1361, 1161:1361, doj_arizona.png)

File: a610be2e1b2b37e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1286x1695, 1286:1695, Pamela_Karlan_signature_1.png)

File: 012deb0f711aa64⋯.jpg (26.46 KB, 320x313, 320:313, 71J6bYjP_jL_AC_UL320_.jpg)

Remember the DOJ letter sent to the Arizona Senate threatenin legal action around the audit? One of the potential crimes the DOJ cited was destruction of paper and ELECTRONIC elections records:

>If the state designates some other custodian for such election records, then the Civil Rights Act provides that the “duty to retain and preserve any record or paper so deposited shall devolve upon such custodian.” 52 U.S.C. § 20701. The Department interprets the Act to require that “covered election documentation be retained either physically by election officials themselves, or under their direct administrative supervision.”

Now that we have proof that Maricopa County no longer has the electronic data of the election DOJ needs to prosecute. Senator Fann needs to write a letter back to the DOJ and demand they prosecute those Maricopa County sleezebags. Fat chance, though because:

1) DOJ only prosecutes patriots

2) The person who signed the threatening DOJ letter was Pamela Karlan, the same "civilian" law professor who insulted Barron Trump during the first impeachment hearing.

DOJ threatening letter to Arizona Senate - https://www.justice.gov/crt/case-document/file/1424586/download

Pamela Karlan DOJ profile - https://www.justice.gov/archives/crt/staff-profile/former-principal-deputy-assistant-attorney-general-pamela-s-karlan

FLOTUS telling that bitch what's what - https://www.marketwatch.com/story/melania-trump-says-pamela-karlan-should-be-ashamed-of-her-barron-punch-line-at-the-impeachment-hearings-2019-12-04

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a79d92  No.14655718

File: 1cf7f2ff14748d9⋯.png (163.16 KB, 430x407, 430:407, Track_and_follow_sept_14_1….png)



Get in here.

History books.

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ded10a  No.14655719


He's a unicorn, indeed

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702640  No.14655720

File: b4a15277ba3d36d⋯.png (303.56 KB, 561x300, 187:100, Capture.PNG)

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9846b3  No.14655721

File: 3619e260454e025⋯.jpg (50.46 KB, 441x584, 441:584, SIZZLE_AUDITS.jpg)

File: f6f14bfa62841f3⋯.jpg (58.74 KB, 485x580, 97:116, TRUMP_WON.jpg)

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7139e0  No.14655722

File: 62f0baf448e180a⋯.jpeg (119.48 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 7912CD28_C36A_4AE9_9811_5….jpeg)

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3539fb  No.14655723

File: 37270918dcd4a06⋯.png (254.66 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 46C63F2B_1149_4D0B_A25D_61….png)

JSYK, Super Heavy Tanker flew over the US this afternoon. Spreading its wonderful climate change fighting “Goodness” along the way. Hope too many people were not outside breathing at the time.

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bc797e  No.14655724

File: 1c6fc9d5530b3bd⋯.webm (1.82 MB, 1084x600, 271:150, GodEmperor.webm)


TYB check

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2374b7  No.14655725


>>That's why the criminals are all so cocky. Plus, it helps that most of them are lawyers.>>

that is why i never vote for lawyers ever

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25f867  No.14655726



Watched all this televised on Cspan that day.

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c1dc57  No.14655727



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6f3d68  No.14655728

File: b30a30e35ab70f8⋯.jpg (57.9 KB, 650x429, 50:33, all_aboard.jpg)


>nipple piercings

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9846b3  No.14655729

File: a00279ca94ebb73⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 776x419, 776:419, NIGHTSHIFT_2.jpg)

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3583b9  No.14655730


RRR is generally used Britich RAF transports over the US.

Are you just making shit up or do you think the Brits are in on it?

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36197c  No.14655731


My sons are adults, but I put my foot down with spouseanon to make their yearly (unnecessary) physical exam. There's no way I want her around doctors right now. She's healthier & in better shape, at 50, than most 20 yr olds.

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d898f2  No.14655732

File: d7733dd9ba44bd8⋯.jpg (143.27 KB, 720x839, 720:839, 20210924_183027.jpg)

File: 2c0c8e4bbdc1a40⋯.jpg (56.83 KB, 1010x354, 505:177, 20210924_182924.jpg)


Do you believe in Magic? POOF!

Haitians disappeared over night. Either the Fed Gov became super efficient in a day, they were just released or the Haitian Rapture happened. What do you think? https://t.co/lDm28FFQxs

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587597  No.14655734

File: d95a653615b6bb9⋯.png (210.98 KB, 1234x894, 617:447, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ca24773ca051e1⋯.png (24.75 KB, 742x256, 371:128, ClipboardImage.png)

Arrest Adrian Fontes now.


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b72c26  No.14655735


Wendy is would up!

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cd02de  No.14655736

File: d3176186d11114e⋯.png (104.56 KB, 298x220, 149:110, ClipboardImage.png)


>Haitians disappeared over night.

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3539fb  No.14655737

File: e4733a097d8103f⋯.png (1.23 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 57DC5AEB_8E52_48B8_A9B4_79….png)

JSYK, Super Heavy Tanker RRR6669 flew over the US this afternoon. Spreading its wonderful climate change fighting “Goodness” along the way. Hope too many people were not outside breathing at the time.

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62dffc  No.14655738


repeating digits confirm.


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748ed2  No.14655739

File: d7c48fd80b1ce54⋯.jpg (56.06 KB, 750x487, 750:487, 5zzd9lr47.jpg)

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b2b139  No.14655740

File: 97f8310cdc28571⋯.jpg (337.76 KB, 960x588, 80:49, THIS_FUCKER_STOLE_THE_ELEC….jpg)

File: adf739eda0a5a88⋯.jpg (181.01 KB, 810x703, 810:703, stolen_election_is_a_CONSP….jpg)

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a3a6f0  No.14655741

File: 0fbda30c4e8c61a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1090x1152, 545:576, EF1C7137_3C76_4E44_A739_7C….png)

Poor starving Jews on Fox News.

Much sad…

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8c5066  No.14655742

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bb0e42  No.14655743

File: 06b0eab2a8184f2⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1159, 1080:1159, ce54d7d87bc1a414a3be0c9bfe….png)

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6efbf0  No.14655744

File: 750b50852144e53⋯.png (405.3 KB, 495x327, 165:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16d92d97b8de3f9⋯.png (1.28 MB, 943x626, 943:626, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f3d68  No.14655745


What's that bump on his head? Looks like yarmulke hair.

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9846b3  No.14655746

File: 5eb1d2e0e57b84f⋯.jpg (120.44 KB, 652x471, 652:471, AUDIT_NIGHTMARE.jpg)

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6493fe  No.14655747

File: d4b0009f34af729⋯.png (582.18 KB, 824x1280, 103:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f0189  No.14655748

File: c651461a5be4b8d⋯.png (628.49 KB, 1300x688, 325:172, 8e0aa8e81edc68ddb8e82709d7….png)

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d5d1f1  No.14655749

File: 6101263f9b3fa6f⋯.jpg (10.2 KB, 249x255, 83:85, flowjj.jpg)

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6efbf0  No.14655750

File: 96f551dc99785a1⋯.png (849.31 KB, 1024x509, 1024:509, ClipboardImage.png)

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bc797e  No.14655751

File: 4b7f5d755b6d0b5⋯.jpg (57.18 KB, 434x467, 434:467, 11312003.jpg)


made it for you check and based

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7139e0  No.14655752

File: b35fcffd549ba01⋯.jpeg (584.1 KB, 923x1138, 923:1138, 7C6CF00C_8BD8_4EB7_B5A6_3….jpeg)


What’s with the Thunberg reject clone

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caa259  No.14655753

So how many of you believe there's actually going to be accountability?

They set it up to say we will fix future elections…..by writing new laws……THEY BROKE EXISTING LAWS.

Is there no one in a position to do anything about this? At this snail pace we will have waited almost 10 years to only have mouth places and fallicies of "insurance". How many will still be here on this board?

What the actual shit? we are only speaking of 2016 crimes and TWO SMALL TIMER indictments

This avalanche better get rolling now. I mean fast.

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672a73  No.14655754

File: 781ccbde654d18d⋯.png (1.37 MB, 950x633, 950:633, ClipboardImage.png)


They became nomadic?

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748ed2  No.14655755

"the guy that inhabits the White House"


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db32fc  No.14655756


Ritual vestments

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6f3d68  No.14655757


Ginger or Mary Ann?

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e1b49a  No.14655758

this lady dr kelli for sure reads Q posts

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733a5b  No.14655760


Hate to say it, but anon has repeatedly stated the same thing. To normies, It ain’t real until there’s big arrests that make them want to know what happened


I can see how this would work. Not my favorite scenario, because it sounds like it’ll be another year before we get to where you are moving that goalpost, but whatever. Not like we’re in the driver’s seat.

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6493fe  No.14655762

File: 8bed5a1247273cf⋯.jpg (70.27 KB, 533x468, 41:36, PepeSongNCSWIC.jpg)

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74c2ab  No.14655763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Past is prologue. The system is a mess. It works for them though and has worked and they'll keep doing it till it doesn't work. Hopefully we have some lions under the tree. Soon or later you have to move. Or get eaten.

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56f1c6  No.14655764

File: edbd7980ea0e7ec⋯.pdf (1.72 MB, 2f3470_763c992801e445bdae0….pdf)

File: cba9a8c0a3d563c⋯.pdf (193.09 KB, 2f3470_a91b5cd3655445b498f….pdf)

File: 8eae6433ff0aef4⋯.pdf (8.47 MB, 2f3470_d36cb5eaca56435d841….pdf)

File: 0f00d70c99e3132⋯.pdf (232.29 KB, Audit_Cover_Letter_to_Atto….pdf)


Link to all the presentations from the AZ Audit today:


Attached are the accompanying .pdf files. You can find the powerpoints at the link above.

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9846b3  No.14655765

File: af4e118fedad5d5⋯.jpg (76.28 KB, 715x557, 715:557, CHEATER_MOAB.jpg)

File: b51fed8a3e77254⋯.jpg (63.59 KB, 395x500, 79:100, OH_IT_CLICKS.jpg)

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cd02de  No.14655766



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c7b6de  No.14655767


jar baby? or just another spergy victim of fetal-alcohol syndrome?

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bc797e  No.14655768

File: e35be0afe4d6d12⋯.png (738.83 KB, 864x600, 36:25, 728cd00914c1656732210d254c….png)

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878c7e  No.14655769

File: a669d3438561911⋯.jpg (139.92 KB, 300x500, 3:5, Injecting_MEMES_3.jpg)

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bb0e42  No.14655770

File: d5dde192adf1314⋯.jpg (82.6 KB, 634x772, 317:386, e47953ffcd25a2256c56df2923….jpg)

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aa7af5  No.14655771

File: 63864f0d93bf4d3⋯.mp4 (10.18 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 63864f0d93bf4d38c358ce70e3….mp4)


insert My pillow joke here

>>14655564 Patriot bread..best bread ever!

Repost! Just cause

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b72c26  No.14655772

File: 5fc8ba710338d03⋯.png (8.81 KB, 255x96, 85:32, FULLYVAXXEDPOSETHREAT.png)

We need to steal this study, and MEME it everywhere!

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cbb34e  No.14655774

File: fa004bed3f1f13e⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Sharpton got pwnd

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9846b3  No.14655775

File: be6d1df2179dea6⋯.jpg (148.85 KB, 862x473, 862:473, JUST_PIGS_TYPE.jpg)

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ccff45  No.14655776


All the 4's….

Greta lookalike and Hillary lookalike, hmm…

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62dffc  No.14655777


look behind a McDonalds counter

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36197c  No.14655778


That's creepy AF

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c2958b  No.14655779


>there's actually going to be accountability?

it is a known fact the corrupt DoJ and FBI will not do shit

it will have to happen at the local level

I say it will and there will be not a damn thing Joe can do about it

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23a030  No.14655780


What have you done to protect the children?

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61fb3e  No.14655781


Actually that is Walt Blackman, my state rep!

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62dffc  No.14655782


why not both?

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c1dc57  No.14655783

File: a837f8b0052ff67⋯.jpg (11.17 KB, 255x197, 255:197, 27bff05fee1dfc5d43ffaaf674….jpg)


Yup! But where to? All the red states I'll bet!

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733a5b  No.14655784


According to Instagram posts, comet ping pong made a mean Haitian special, sadly.

Wtf happened to these people. Are we sure this is a recent pic?

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55d55e  No.14655785


As much as everyone here.. jack shit

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3583b9  No.14655786

File: 5f02231533d2b1d⋯.png (186.76 KB, 512x384, 4:3, RaccoonNS.png)

File: 68a98da552cf517⋯.png (395.03 KB, 600x600, 1:1, NS1.png)

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0bed39  No.14655787

File: 7a986dcbeab2d1d⋯.jpg (81.82 KB, 1010x354, 505:177, 2c0c8e4bbdc1a40fc525426125….jpg)

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27cad4  No.14655788

Well let's see what came to light today…well, we figured out the Deep State Democrats got away with election fraud for 10 months so far…let's see if they are going to try for the record of 38 more months to try again, well, they have their work cut out for them because we are on to them now, can we cut them off at the pass…kek…I doubt it, until arrests are made they have all the time in the world to continue to delay…delay…delay…time will only tell…can we wait that long???…will they run out of blood money first???…

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db32fc  No.14655789


Wonder if the footage includes the false flag documented here:


Detailed review of the “shooting” that “killed” Ashley Babbit

at the J6 Capitol Insurrection.

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b2b139  No.14655790

File: 95baa71b94d7399⋯.jpg (111.61 KB, 907x483, 907:483, jew_bashing_memes_bullshit.jpg)


Your memes suck…. yeah, I know your trying to make black bat the bad guy…. but it's a cute little critter…. just makes ya wanna take it home….. see…. gives off the wrong message for even a retard like you…. keep trying…. one day… I can't see it happening… but there's always hope…… loser….lmao.

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3539fb  No.14655791

File: 52d657cf9d00016⋯.gif (4.43 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 18031D41_E230_4DB1_8E61_3D….gif)


I know exactly what happened. The Jews flew in, picked them up and brought them home.

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bb0e42  No.14655792

File: 47980ebfa727a12⋯.jpg (84.47 KB, 900x675, 4:3, db86c4f0d7eabdab387c24433b….jpg)

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4ae298  No.14655793


What an ugly kid; gap-toothed to boot.

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c7b6de  No.14655794

File: 1072c348c7bc9d2⋯.png (311.74 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c406affc26066f⋯.png (282.47 KB, 625x395, 125:79, ClipboardImage.png)

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7139e0  No.14655795

File: 0ce6b59a9e05e86⋯.jpeg (32.11 KB, 1162x480, 581:240, 48693CB2_11F6_4A0A_AB2F_B….jpeg)

File: 7a908336996fe9a⋯.jpeg (47.12 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 7F868F7B_4BA7_4770_AD5F_2….jpeg)



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56f1c6  No.14655796

File: 25c557ef16b3788⋯.pdf (315.86 KB, 2f3470_1ec91dd80a024d5d861….pdf)

File: ebff3a0dc33d36e⋯.pdf (132.33 KB, 2f3470_7fd579d4a05149cfae7….pdf)


2/2 the rest of the .pdf files from the AZ audit, with the exception of Dr. Shiva's report (which is 20 MB)

The .pptx files and Dr. Shiva's report can be found here:


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587597  No.14655797

File: da6617836444720⋯.png (886.37 KB, 1200x629, 1200:629, ClipboardImage.png)


>What’s with the Thunberg reject clone

jar babies

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aa7af5  No.14655798

File: 2c4e57b86d4829f⋯.jpg (80.04 KB, 681x619, 681:619, 20210825_182844.jpg)

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e0a5c6  No.14655799

File: d569eeeb4621434⋯.jpeg (90.56 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, they_took_our_jobs.jpeg)

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c20dde  No.14655800

File: 18efe9c8b7c023b⋯.png (69.39 KB, 420x315, 4:3, billeyes_420x315.png)


Look at the heels she's walking in on that kind of pavement. She doesn't have that much dexterity for a woman of her size.

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0e7eb4  No.14655801

File: 1a02a6c58d7c39b⋯.png (258.39 KB, 333x339, 111:113, ClipboardImage.png)


> the "general public" isn't gonna give a shit until someone gets locked up that makes them take notice.


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62dffc  No.14655802


come on man!

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b72c26  No.14655803


Remember, You Are Watching A Movie.

Just because we don't know what's going on down there, doesn't mean it ain't habbenin'

Someone else is directing.

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0bac1b  No.14655804

File: b639552b7739a25⋯.jpg (50.18 KB, 600x335, 120:67, Flynn316b.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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865620  No.14655805


nomatic statik huh?

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3603aa  No.14655806

File: f0a89e85232e25c⋯.png (917.64 KB, 758x499, 758:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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9846b3  No.14655808

File: feb4ec0329a3ec5⋯.jpg (124.28 KB, 797x490, 797:490, PIGFOOT.jpg)

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548838  No.14655809

File: faf1f75967e94b5⋯.png (383.5 KB, 535x648, 535:648, Screenshot_2021_09_24_at_2….png)

File: b7bd1e7593acdc1⋯.png (297.82 KB, 535x396, 535:396, Screenshot_2021_09_24_at_2….png)


>Do you believe in Magic? POOF!


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36197c  No.14655810


>>it sounds like it’ll be another year

Think "Mueller report." Remember all the Trump tweets about the Mueller report & witch hunt & then it was a great big nothing burger?

This is the same thing

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5bbce4  No.14655811

File: a064113dec1acd0⋯.jpg (57.25 KB, 500x516, 125:129, UGGOOGOG.jpg)

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34a015  No.14655812

File: 22a60e5e9294dfa⋯.jpg (4.28 KB, 310x146, 155:73, OIP_1_ccc.jpg)

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bc797e  No.14655813

File: f6e745402c49a66⋯.jpg (79.12 KB, 340x351, 340:351, 1553973763930.jpg)

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1d86f9  No.14655814



it makes it FAR FAR WORSE!

so true good sir! stay with us deplorables!

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dc39e2  No.14655815


The arguments and evidence against this fake vax is becoming overwhelming.

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a3a6f0  No.14655816

File: 7076069ad8ab01c⋯.jpeg (94.38 KB, 735x567, 35:27, 67C6D58C_94A0_403F_8A7F_7….jpeg)

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587597  No.14655817

File: 7906af273526b3b⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 380x284, 95:71, MA.gif)



nobody ever picks ginger

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62dffc  No.14655818

File: 9fad7d0182fdb65⋯.jpg (128.64 KB, 600x314, 300:157, POTUS_Good_Times.jpg)

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d898f2  No.14655819

File: d2de7409f08ef4e⋯.jpg (163.63 KB, 1118x618, 559:309, 20210924_120506.jpg)



Here's another I had saved today but don't have the link for sauce

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3583b9  No.14655820


Are you a total retard.

Bad shoop job.

Wrong font (Sans Serif) used in paste over headline.

Are you stupid?

Or do you think Anons are?

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74c2ab  No.14655821


2+8+5=15. Then add the zeroes.

About 2,000 Haitian nationals have been taken back to Haiti, and about 8,000 returned to Mexico voluntarily, DHS said. More than 5,000 people will go to removal proceedings or be expelled through the Title 42 public health law.


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063493  No.14655822

File: cd1e81b4d33eaa4⋯.jpg (63.17 KB, 852x1608, 71:134, cd1e81b4d33eaa4827a2a96439….jpg)


Kek… what the world sees.

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c7b6de  No.14655823

File: 7267e2a45f374ee⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 331x232, 331:232, 7267e2a45f374ee9f15667b139….jpg)

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6493fe  No.14655824



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824660  No.14655825


Did this child make it home to their parents?

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733a5b  No.14655826


Wtf. Praying for these folks

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b2b139  No.14655827

File: 17afe0ba38ea32f⋯.jpg (167.83 KB, 800x800, 1:1, MAGA_2_0_Unstoppable.jpg)

File: 9b7564226c73488⋯.jpg (115.64 KB, 1208x696, 151:87, off_the_chart_deranged.jpg)

File: 27cce72edd0475b⋯.jpg (112.33 KB, 712x782, 356:391, NIGHTMARE.jpg)

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6efbf0  No.14655828

File: 6985a96beac23bf⋯.png (723.26 KB, 635x651, 635:651, AgentSmith.png)


Hi, John! I thought you would be in Phoenix today.

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b72c26  No.14655829



Timestamp 5:55pm

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62dffc  No.14655830

File: d4fcd67115083d6⋯.png (19.67 KB, 63x103, 63:103, ClipboardImage.png)


he knew

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a3a6f0  No.14655831

File: 68f8fda67090dcb⋯.jpeg (44.78 KB, 421x447, 421:447, AA7155EE_9068_4F22_8442_9….jpeg)

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7139e0  No.14655832

File: 4ac36e084219a41⋯.jpeg (435.91 KB, 811x810, 811:810, D6FC6C79_AB57_4710_B086_5….jpeg)


KEK this guy’s expression

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9846b3  No.14655833

File: a3d93ba7b56d308⋯.jpg (265.23 KB, 857x605, 857:605, ORDER_OF_BATTLE_3.jpg)

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ded10a  No.14655834


they literally concluded, for all of us to hear, that nothing will be done except enact new legislation for future elections

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c7b6de  No.14655835

File: b38026f61df0ee4⋯.jpg (103.86 KB, 960x540, 16:9, hilz_at_the_hague.jpg)

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c1dc57  No.14655836

File: e2b8f7bdd72b4cf⋯.png (16.01 KB, 253x255, 253:255, 91932bb0f120972d14435e42ce….png)


Awesome bakes with the digits to boot!

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bb0e42  No.14655837

File: fc5f18be3bd4215⋯.gif (972.39 KB, 501x281, 501:281, NATO.gif)

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bc797e  No.14655838

File: 986b0be2959a489⋯.webm (5.39 MB, 320x200, 8:5, Trump_TechnoViking.webm)

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55d55e  No.14655840


Why does the little girl look more evil than krooked hiliary?

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878c7e  No.14655841

File: 01e5bf5e0c92057⋯.jpg (52.24 KB, 239x255, 239:255, I_See.jpg)

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9846b3  No.14655842

File: f35a55833c02c53⋯.jpg (122.66 KB, 693x506, 63:46, EVERYTHING.jpg)

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c20dde  No.14655843


>KEK this guy’s expression

that is pretty funny

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7139e0  No.14655844


If she’s in that role and it’s in the UK, doesn’t seem far fetched that she’s in the cult or a slave already

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587597  No.14655845




look like he's going for a gun

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c7b6de  No.14655846

File: 4fbbe3f1a772ac9⋯.jpg (64.09 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 4fbbe3f1a772ac93767386dc41….jpg)


the brother is like "what the…"

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5bbce4  No.14655847

File: 94c92c121affce6⋯.jpg (351.39 KB, 1080x1430, 108:143, FAF186aXMAANa93.jpg)

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b2b139  No.14655848

File: a9b27edbdef7664⋯.png (221.8 KB, 474x474, 1:1, a9b27edbdef766467cc15b031d….png)

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3603aa  No.14655849


Was wondering the same thing. May be one of the children they "use".

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8c5066  No.14655850


They disappeared them while we were watching the audit results.

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7139e0  No.14655851


He should be going for a cross or a flamethrower

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865620  No.14655852

File: 2b4c3416579f12f⋯.jpg (13.09 KB, 255x141, 85:47, d2de7409f08ef4ede06921ccc4….jpg)

File: 2c0c8e4bbdc1a40⋯.jpeg (56.83 KB, 1010x354, 505:177, FAExHsbXMAg2PeZ.jpeg)

both come back on tineye for 0 matches.


where are these images coming from?

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55d55e  No.14655853


Maybe it's a young hiliary clone

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0cea9d  No.14655854


Thats holly

"they will try to make the sour sweet and the sweet sour"

Rev 10, 9 : 10

gall = sour

Holly sweet

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6493fe  No.14655855


They literally lied because they knew how devastating this audit is, the whole world saw thw truth, justice is coming, and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it.

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3583b9  No.14655856


Normies are seeing all the hysterics from the County. All the blow by blow rebuttals.

For a report that says we need to fix some shit and hope the AG isn't up to his testicles in Soros cash.

Serves a purpose. Ain't resolving shit this year tho.

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aa7af5  No.14655857

China Tiananmen squared the southern border in the dead of night.

And dems/msm conjured a white cop rage on horseback to have for dessert.

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62dffc  No.14655858

File: 8a70f842e7ff8e8⋯.jpg (33.44 KB, 378x357, 18:17, Pepe_laughing.jpg)

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824660  No.14655859

File: 47251562546323f⋯.jpg (292.16 KB, 811x810, 811:810, crazy_hillary.jpg)

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bc797e  No.14655860

File: 14596612af97000⋯.jpg (108.73 KB, 659x619, 659:619, 7267e2a45f374ee9f15667b139….jpg)

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587597  No.14655861

File: 1b6acdad03d1d03⋯.png (1.76 MB, 843x843, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

burying windmill blades used for green energy

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74c2ab  No.14655862


Everyday is Halloween with her and Hollywood. What can we dress up with today? No one beats Johnny Depp though. He changes his clothes to go to the bathroom.

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6efbf0  No.14655863


Kabal is MIA in NYC. Emhoff producing snuff porn for Yoda?

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d898f2  No.14655864

File: 592bfba3ff87788⋯.jpg (251.34 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Screenshot_20210924_184453….jpg)

Hate to say she may have panda eyes, is she a brainwash victim? Poor kid




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c7b6de  No.14655865


or just her dinner

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acc9e9  No.14655866

I'm telling you all it's fuckin' voodoo.

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d8fb82  No.14655867


That's gap shaming. Somebody once said that I flossed with barbed wire.

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702640  No.14655868


>Haitians disappeared over night.

EXPLAINER: Biden uses Trump-era tool against Haiti migrants


September 20, 2021


US officials defend expulsion of Haitians from Texas town


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747b21  No.14655869

baga-mi-as pula-n ma-ta, cia, fbi ss, cnn, nsa, si contractors, like skunkworks, where is iran that we all know???

i will as you in private, w/ loaded magnum on table.

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34d4a0  No.14655870


they also said they would be recommending arrests to the attorney general, the attorney general who tweeted out after that, that he would be reviewing what he receives and moving forward with it…. you fucking lying shill.>>14655834

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b2b139  No.14655871

File: 90d0dacc263af2a⋯.jpg (104.04 KB, 703x396, 703:396, not_worth_it.jpg)

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f493cb  No.14655872


that current narrative and photo op is over

on to the next one

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865620  No.14655873


I'm beginning to think you're right.

damn, where'd they go?

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c20dde  No.14655874

File: 9f3bb3bbe70bff2⋯.png (310.43 KB, 623x454, 623:454, cb174fc53a449de8d507d33a82….png)


If I could meme that's exactly what I would have done right there kek

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d898f2  No.14655875


NEW: The migrant camp in Del Rio is being rapidly cleared out. Most of the makeshift structures have been bulldozed. Most migrants from our area gone. About 3,000 left last check.

I’m back to LA now to recharge. My colleague @Jeff_Paul is now here for border coverage. @FoxNews https://t.co/11KILSjLzZ


Sauce for 2nd pic

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158533  No.14655876

Joe Biden Tells Indian Prime Minister Not to Answer Questions from U.S. Press

President Joe Biden continued his conflict with American reporters Friday, urging Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi not to take questions from them during a meeting in the Oval Office.

“I think, with your permission, you could not answer questions because they won’t ask any questions on point,” Biden told Modi, referring to the American press.

The president also criticized White House reporters for their behavior in the Oval Office.

“The Indian press is much better behaved than the American press,” Biden said. “I gotta watch out; they’ll knock one of those down.”

The White House did not include Biden’s comments in the official transcript of his remarks.

Biden’s comment is the latest incident in his war with the White House press corps as he continues to avoid questions in the White House:

On Tuesday evening, Biden infuriated the press after he snubbed American reporters during a meeting with United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson — even after Johnson called on two reporters from the United Kingdom:

White House press secretary Jen Psaki blamed Johnson for the conflict, noting that the prime minister did not inform staff that he would take questions.

She added that Biden was not upset by the incident.

“I think the president has not spent a moment worrying about it,” she replied.


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e0a5c6  No.14655877


> is she a brainwash victim? Poor kid




organ donor clone

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c7b6de  No.14655878

File: bdc372eab21cf10⋯.png (898.08 KB, 1120x555, 224:111, ClipboardImage.png)


she does look like a child of the corn, for sure

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61fb3e  No.14655879


The "Jews" you have listed there are actually Edomites. Think about it: Soros and Rothchilds call themselves Jews, so when they destroy Israel(as they are doing with the shot)no one gets bent. I mean, if an actual non-Jew says ANYTHING against real Jews we are considered antisemitic and an evil hater. What better cover to destroy the Jews, both physically and by public opinion, than to call your self a Jew. No, those people are Edomites and they hate the Jews MORE than ANYONE! If you don't see THAT conspiracy then you are not seeing the depth of evil. Look at this logically: why would Jews kill the entire race of Jews? Because the ones trying to genocide the Jews, wait for it, ARE NOT JEWS!!!!! You are not fully awake if you still think Soros, Rothchilds and others are Edomites. You are hating the wrong people group. Moran.

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4ae298  No.14655881





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158533  No.14655882

Iran Vows to ‘Eliminate’ Zionism at U.N. ‘Anti-Racism’ Conference

Tehran is dedicated to “the total elimination” of “Zionism,” Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told a U.N. “anti-racism” conference this week, Fox News reported Thursday.

“As the new foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I’m honored to announce that my nation’s willpower is dedicated to the total elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, including apartheid and Zionism,” Iran’s top diplomat said.

“These are crimes that constitute horrible atrocities such as child-killing and the creeping occupation through settlements, which extends to the proximity of Al-Aqsa mosque,” Abdollahian claimed, referring to alleged events in Israel.

Abdollahian made the remarks on September 22 at what Fox News referred to as an “anti-racism” meeting on the sidelines of the 76th session of the U.N. General Assembly.

The U.N. officially referred to the meeting as a “commemoration of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA)” in 2001 in Durban, South Africa.

The U.N. describes the DDPA as “a comprehensive and visionary document that embodies the world’s commitment to tackle the scourge of racism in all its forms and manifestations.”

The official agenda of this year’s DDPA meeting centered on the theme of “Reparations, racial justice and equality for people of African descent.”

“While the original purpose of the event was combating racism, critics say it has been hijacked by an anti-Israel agenda that turned it into an anti-Semitic hate fest leading the U.S. and Israel to walk out of the first conference,” Fox News noted on September 23.

Abdollahian further stated at Wednesday’s U.N. DDPA meeting that he “expressed regret that the world was still suffering from revived forms of racial discrimination, taking the murder of George Floyd in Minnesota and the international outcry against emerging Islamophobia as instances,” according to Iran’s state-run Fars News Agency.

Fars News Agency paraphrased Abdollahian as claiming that “there are reportedly more than 7,000 Palestinians held at Israeli jails. Hundreds of the inmates have been apparently incarcerated under the practice of administrative detention.”

“Prison authorities keep Palestinian inmates under deplorable conditions lacking proper hygienic standards,” the Iranian Foreign Minister alleged. “The prisoners have also been subjected to systematic torture, harassment, and repression.”

Abdollahian’s affirmation that the Islamic Republic of Iran is “dedicated to the total elimination … of Zionism” on September 22 “is code for working towards the destruction of the Jewish state,” according to Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies who focuses on Iran.


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0e7eb4  No.14655883

File: bc52fe03a254eb3⋯.png (597.77 KB, 467x436, 467:436, ClipboardImage.png)

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061bd6  No.14655884

File: abd3adafb090dbf⋯.png (81.12 KB, 500x347, 500:347, abd3adafb090dbf659264912f3….png)


So where did they go?

15,000 missing Haitian illegals…and tomorrow "lab produced meat" will be hitting the grocery shelves.

I think I know where they all went.

Timing is everything.

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2fa5b5  No.14655885

File: ae0b50a964269cd⋯.png (438.89 KB, 680x375, 136:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cfefea0cc66b0f⋯.png (382.01 KB, 628x539, 628:539, ClipboardImage.png)


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865620  No.14655886


thanks fren.

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9c147e  No.14655887


You're right. It seemed way too over the top.

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3603aa  No.14655888

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ccff45  No.14655889


Just like they have a double for Killary, they have someone that reminds people of Greta. Deliberate association or just another coinkydink.

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6e4b38  No.14655890

File: 5b1712e4e73028a⋯.jpg (257.46 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 5b1712e4e73028aff5f167d2a9….jpg)

That suffocating feeling overwhelming you alongside that feeling of dread… yeah that is the truth coming out, your lies are exposed for all to see, laid bare like a naked babe… never more vulnerable have your ilk been.

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9846b3  No.14655891

File: 19135458bc17062⋯.jpg (101.32 KB, 500x508, 125:127, NOT_BUDDY_HOLLY.jpg)

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865620  No.14655892


courtesy of a nice anon up above


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0cea9d  No.14655893


Not to your benefit

you will know the truth one day, your tears will change nothin' you destroyed 3 little girls under 7 for the lies of men

one day truth will come out, not soon enough, but i believe it will

you will have to live with your act of destroyin' me against his wishes, all in the bible

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61fb3e  No.14655894


Edit: meant to say Soros, Rothchilds and others are calling themselves Jews while actually being Edomites.

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6f3d68  No.14655895


They were released into the US. This is what winning looks like.

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c7b6de  No.14655896


they ain't wasting them on eating….they are headed to a rural white community near you

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9846b3  No.14655897

File: 7696ea96b432ad6⋯.jpg (79.09 KB, 672x479, 672:479, AZ_WIN.jpg)

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8c5066  No.14655898

File: 7131388efcd3316⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB, 888x644, 222:161, cookbook.mp4)

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b2b139  No.14655899

File: 02d65ef3c32cca6⋯.jpg (79.11 KB, 696x392, 87:49, XIDEN_DOESN_T_CARE.jpg)

File: e4a23f3e0f8ea88⋯.jpg (182.68 KB, 802x604, 401:302, ELECTION_FRAUD.jpg)

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6efbf0  No.14655900

File: 28917f75b5b9352⋯.png (384.8 KB, 500x263, 500:263, ClipboardImage.png)


Obviously there are no Celt-Irish left in Belfast, or they would be doing the trial crimes against humanity there instead of Australia.

For 1700 years the fake popes have been rehearsing their crimes in Ireland. Everything the Empire ever did, they first did to the Irish. Name it. The shit habbening in Australia right now is the first break from this tradition. If the Guelphes had developed the nukes themselves, they would have nuked Ireland instead of White Sands. But our pwnded government did it, so they had to maintain appearances.

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3583b9  No.14655901

File: 1595e6a5852ac9b⋯.png (592.19 KB, 800x503, 800:503, Clarity.png)

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ded10a  No.14655902


>you fucking lying shill

you sound extremely emotional about something that doesn't include you, online

have fun with that

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2fa5b5  No.14655903

File: 6848117b12de120⋯.png (220.01 KB, 441x632, 441:632, ClipboardImage.png)

ElectionEvidence.com/UnmaskingTruth.org Official Telegram Channel, [24.09.21 20:32]

National Petition To Audit Pima County AZ

They need 500,000 signatures within 30 days.

Sign this and share it!!!

It's open to all U.S. citizens.



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7139e0  No.14655904

File: 210f1ee48fdabc0⋯.png (43.19 KB, 255x255, 1:1, F06629F8_566D_4D0D_87D7_8B….png)

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bc797e  No.14655905

File: cd49b2fcd12f79e⋯.png (144.78 KB, 423x314, 423:314, 00145208472.png)

File: 55e477a81b5db5f⋯.jpg (40.11 KB, 714x599, 714:599, 1582962351271.jpg)

File: 3227e509da7663c⋯.png (197.03 KB, 598x481, 46:37, 00157806054.png)

File: 00212779a7c1b70⋯.png (513.92 KB, 805x601, 805:601, ayatolla_not_casanova.png)

File: 567edd628b4e20d⋯.png (429.47 KB, 475x461, 475:461, 1528515207730.png)

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061bd6  No.14655906


"How To Serve Man"

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b2b139  No.14655907

File: 2756cab3e88be1d⋯.jpg (81.33 KB, 696x392, 87:49, Dying_a_little.jpg)

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0cea9d  No.14655908


Agenda 2021

Harvest 2030

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6f3d68  No.14655909


Is this real?

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2fa5b5  No.14655910

File: d5dc4f43b97ec3f⋯.png (431.74 KB, 989x1280, 989:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 924a3322847b2d6⋯.png (277.33 KB, 989x1280, 989:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 506a86925f0a371⋯.png (120.53 KB, 631x661, 631:661, ClipboardImage.png)

Wendy Rogers


41 Legislators from Multiple States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification Where Appropriate, and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives


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2fa5b5  No.14655911

File: b7aa15735d390e3⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1280x1003, 1280:1003, ClipboardImage.png)

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587597  No.14655912

File: 507b10b740fdbfe⋯.png (392.07 KB, 729x903, 243:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c80f1888f60f58⋯.png (462.99 KB, 1259x1671, 1259:1671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0db5b9d4e792e51⋯.png (273.78 KB, 718x1375, 718:1375, ClipboardImage.png)

41 Legislators from Multiple States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification Where Appropriate, and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives

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0e7eb4  No.14655913

File: e5d5a4534285aa3⋯.png (372.09 KB, 428x342, 214:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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865620  No.14655914


this is war anon

moves and counter moves.

irregular warfare.

we don't know what we don't know.

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733a5b  No.14655915

Anon may complain (thatsit?!.png) , but on the bright side, there was no internet or comm outage, and countless ff’s were thwarted by whitehats.

Sucks that this takes so long, but I’m the end this anon is thankful

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a79d92  No.14655916



NSA accidently releases it all.

Wizards and Warlocks.

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bc797e  No.14655917

File: b8a9d8080a52166⋯.jpg (30.64 KB, 255x253, 255:253, b8a9d8080a521660807777132c….jpg)

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158533  No.14655918

File: fd6b02c1bba02f7⋯.png (51.72 KB, 580x507, 580:507, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebcf423be2991da⋯.png (323.7 KB, 488x582, 244:291, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Joins Call To Decertify Arizona’s 2020 Election Results

Wendy Rogers's petition to decertify the election reached 1 million signatures earlier today

During the Arizona Senate hearing in which the results of the forensic audit of Maricopa County were revealed, 45th President Donald Trump called for the 2020 election in Arizona to be immediately decertified, citing the evidence presented by the auditors.

“It is not even believable the dishonesty of the Fake News Media on the Arizona Audit results,” wrote President Trump, referring to several establishment media outlets suggesting that the audit’s finding that the total vote count provided by Maricopa County is accurate means the rest of the audit’s explosive findings are somehow invalidated.

President Trump noted that the audit “shows incomprehensible Fraud at an Election Changing level, many times more votes than is needed. The Fake News Media refuses to write the facts, thereby being complicit in the Crime of the Century. They are so dishonest, but Patriots know the truth!” The 45th President added, “Arizona must immediately decertify their 2020 Presidential Election Results.”

Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers has previously called for the results to be decertified in anticipation of the audit results. Last month, Rogers began gathering signatures calling for the Arizona legislature to begin the process of decertification, and ultimately secured over 1 million signatures prior to the hearing earlier today.

Today she echoed her previous call to action on Twitter, and several Republican and with one former Trump official writing, “The number of illegal ballots found in Maricopa County alone is over 4 times the current amount separating President Trump and Joe Biden in Arizona as a whole.” He added, “Should have never been certified.”


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c20dde  No.14655919

File: 01d19974737e019⋯.png (113.26 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 317becd94edebb7aa5e4b97cda….png)




click that shit niggas

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4ae298  No.14655920


Well not to pick on the poor kid but dang.

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2fa5b5  No.14655922

File: a07e9bb6f177300⋯.png (11.02 KB, 393x194, 393:194, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [24.09.21 20:32]

The audit report "leak" yesterday was a trap set and sprung.

Now we know the truth.




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9846b3  No.14655923

File: c91e1f1ef52968b⋯.jpg (117.85 KB, 521x510, 521:510, MIGHT_LIGHT_A_FUSE.jpg)

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4e6323  No.14655924

Speaking of Haitians, don’t Killery are all her buddies like dark meat?

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b2b139  No.14655925

File: 2a4c2dc0c495c97⋯.jpg (87.16 KB, 403x510, 403:510, GASPING_FOR_AIR.jpg)

File: f3f096511aa20e6⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 509x320, 509:320, More_LIES_needed.jpg)

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89da26  No.14655927

please anons.

had to run some errands.

Are the after audit presentation speeches still going?

my RSBN link is dead.

link please?

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bc797e  No.14655928

File: c6c355cbcb66f78⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1199x601, 1199:601, 0.jpg)

File: 3b62eeff5f1828e⋯.png (600.38 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 001562988301.png)

File: 4028e9ea6fb6a66⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1132x706, 566:353, 0015529341.png)

File: 38160ede30f7f6c⋯.jpg (100.9 KB, 720x734, 360:367, 38160ede30f7f6c8b86dc284e5….jpg)

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7139e0  No.14655929


>Somebody once said that I flossed with barbed wire.

…do you tho?

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133ac9  No.14655930


They were flown into the US not out of the country.

We need eyes to I'd where they went.

Planefags could maybe assist.

Also those busses can't be hard to intercept.

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3603aa  No.14655931

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7ae022  No.14655932

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3539fb  No.14655933

File: 37270918dcd4a06⋯.png (254.66 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, DB05585C_2893_4A9D_9B31_3C….png)


Away they go, just to the East Coast.

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2fa5b5  No.14655934

File: b1d2341c63c9858⋯.png (46.13 KB, 655x348, 655:348, ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State


After hearing the evidence in the Arizona Audit report I call for decertification of the Arizona election, arrest of those involved in tampering with election systems, and an audit of Pima County as a next step.


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0cea9d  No.14655935


Green & Gold anon


the Shamrock

my leper you see

whats at the end of the rainbow anon

the Golden triangle

Bendigo where i was born

so it is done here as the Queen of Australia, am not Queen anymore

am not anyones Queen anymore :)

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61fb3e  No.14655936


I've been waiting for this. A prophetess said the Iranians would say something like that. She also said a top Iranian will die to show that God has Israel's back. Don't mess with God! God wins!

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5bbce4  No.14655937

File: 9c594ee04939eda⋯.jpg (116.13 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, FAF4X2eVgAUfz1q.jpg)

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b2b139  No.14655938

File: 1698899d440d41d⋯.jpg (35.46 KB, 487x232, 487:232, Destroy_to_win.jpg)

File: f990633be9f8c81⋯.jpg (86.54 KB, 777x437, 777:437, Soros_takes_to_hell.jpg)

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733a5b  No.14655939



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62dffc  No.14655940


why no recycle?

Haitians could use those for houses.

What is they are bodies/coffins.

All a ruse.

No idea, just spitballing

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aa7d13  No.14655941

File: d2de8d3c2e49c15⋯.png (45.78 KB, 297x195, 99:65, eyeroll.png)


>Is this real?


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548838  No.14655942

File: f0d1a8a0fe799ff⋯.jpg (52.34 KB, 572x768, 143:192, FAC9inOXEAAlLXx.jpg)

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89da26  No.14655943


>So where did they go?

are they even still alive?

wait till word gets around that 15,000 Haitians disappeared overnight into thin air.

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1f7804  No.14655944


slithering flickering snake carrying apple takes on many forms, resist the march to soviet ccp communism

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2fa5b5  No.14655945

File: 45341d3b420c335⋯.png (20.25 KB, 441x293, 441:293, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Watkins, [24.09.21 20:57]

Pi Anon in Jim Watkins Chat

[They] argue over which version of the audit report to release… Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan had his family threatened if he released this version. I bet I know why.


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bb0e42  No.14655946

File: 3db936256cdddb6⋯.png (105.3 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 7651fb36f145712950b8c25af5….png)

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3603aa  No.14655947

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396710  No.14655948

File: bf1e1bc18ba0be5⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1388x848, 347:212, bf1e1bc18ba0be5248e1b1a069….png)


seems like some progress and traction

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90c16f  No.14655949


Killary ordered a truckload of Haitian walnut sauce to celebrate her new Queen Bee jig in UK

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b2b139  No.14655950

File: 787a1407e0a6006⋯.jpg (167.58 KB, 898x593, 898:593, SHREDDING_NOW_DELETING.jpg)

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2fa5b5  No.14655951

File: aca8f355332ebd9⋯.png (18.26 KB, 393x255, 131:85, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Watkins, [24.09.21 20:57]

[Forwarded from Pi Anon (Pi Anon)]

[ File : ExecutiveSummary_VersionFinal_092421.pdf ]

[They] argue over which version of the audit report to release… Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan had his family threatened if he released this version. I bet I know why.


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bc797e  No.14655952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


night shift

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548838  No.14655953


taking notes baker?

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c20dde  No.14655954

File: 6b18987d858788d⋯.png (476.02 KB, 510x374, 15:11, 6b18987d858788d14270b70e21….png)

File: a3f181939ada732⋯.jpeg (66.96 KB, 750x484, 375:242, a3f181939ada732744042c342….jpeg)

File: 43174f73f504c14⋯.jpg (69.19 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 43174f73f504c14d94d675d806….jpg)

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0cea9d  No.14655955


God or the Lord

except he cant fuckin' find me, so great


goin for a smoke

he can "have my back" all he wants, but remember watchin' him play snooky with the enemy

do you think i did not see?


what the fuck ever

goin' for a smoke

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1f7804  No.14655956


they're going to keep threatening everyone including each and everyone of us anons until we open the shit for all to see let the military open it

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6efbf0  No.14655957

File: 33bc059a6b76a23⋯.png (3.33 KB, 449x130, 449:130, ClipboardImage.png)


I have this most bodacious bridge. You're going to love it.


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2374b7  No.14655958


thats a really dark meme anon

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62dffc  No.14655959


Joe doesn't want them dead. He wants them to take over.

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865620  No.14655960


They got rid of that many that fast?

How many did they leave in Kabul again?

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824660  No.14655961


Hearing is over. Here's a link to the whole thing though:


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a3a6f0  No.14655962

File: 372c293d05a1577⋯.jpeg (47.22 KB, 535x311, 535:311, DDCD91C7_C3EE_448D_A11F_F….jpeg)


Zionism is not of God or his plan.

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9846b3  No.14655963

File: 8830046b3b20285⋯.jpg (96.83 KB, 513x379, 513:379, THE_PLAN.jpg)

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2fa5b5  No.14655964

File: d6cf660ea6888c3⋯.png (666.58 KB, 1280x630, 128:63, ClipboardImage.png)

Wendy Rogers, [24.09.21 16:31]

[ Photo ]

4,292 scribble signatures, blanks, and likely blanks! BAD votes. Decertify the election!


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aa7af5  No.14655965

File: 917ec85e5fc87a2⋯.jpg (124.71 KB, 758x499, 758:499, 5o6kdy.jpg)

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ded10a  No.14655966



but they shared accounts

it was almost like they assumed they would be caught and took the necessary measures to ensure that no one of note would go to jail

at best an intern will be charged

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f82fd1  No.14655967

File: 14a486d50db1227⋯.png (418.08 KB, 320x480, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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bb0e42  No.14655968

File: 07abeee066e58fa⋯.jpg (369.05 KB, 820x819, 820:819, 00c952c64b42bb6c20db53511d….jpg)

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2fa5b5  No.14655969


ahh no

too busy finding info

want to take notes?

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62dffc  No.14655970


is this a current CNN graphic?

I hope she isn't playing games.

Just lay it out.

Clear as fuck.

Make the ruling and get it done.

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bc797e  No.14655971

File: a64e588284878f8⋯.jpg (32.69 KB, 434x333, 434:333, 11312001.jpg)

File: d7eea6dc7bd16f2⋯.jpg (58.86 KB, 327x365, 327:365, _Tuco.jpg)

File: 69aab9d4db81d83⋯.gif (54.21 KB, 293x354, 293:354, Butts.gif)

File: 03f1928699d1d83⋯.jpg (79.71 KB, 573x495, 191:165, 1605406957210.jpg)

File: 259b4b1783ff7e2⋯.jpg (7.98 KB, 310x163, 310:163, Kek_Leader.jpg)




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d5d1f1  No.14655972

File: 86fce5d265755ec⋯.jpg (162.5 KB, 768x862, 384:431, DONT.jpg)

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5bbce4  No.14655973

File: f262705d9571220⋯.jpg (127.45 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, FAF65KRVgAQ_8B4.jpg)

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747b21  No.14655974


Q is moar traitor as everyone.

Made us to believe in justice, the he run like a coward, liet all sheep starving,

Doamne iarta-ma, ca era sa spun o prostie, si o iubesc pe mama ta, ca pe sufletelul meu.

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0cea9d  No.14655975

File: 1132ba1b5e3b87e⋯.png (268.45 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Deep state

keep it real

you are attakin a disabled woman

feel good

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2374b7  No.14655976


they cant survive in rural anon

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62dffc  No.14655977



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c2958b  No.14655978


>but they shared accounts

Cotton w/ CN said they had photos of perps accessing the accounts

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2fa5b5  No.14655979

File: f7f7848500d55db⋯.png (64.67 KB, 472x692, 118:173, ClipboardImage.png)

Wendy Rogers, [24.09.21 16:53]

Maricopa is run by a bunch of crooks.

Wendy Rogers, [24.09.21 16:54]

I want a full signature verification audit as Dr. Shiva requested. I also want a Trump v Biden tally of those bad votes.

Wendy Rogers, [24.09.21 17:04]

Doug Logan is a legend. True patriot.

Wendy Rogers, [24.09.21 17:06]

No wonder the crooks of Maricopa didn't want us to see the signature verification envelopes. They handed those over at the last minute.

Wendy Rogers, [24.09.21 17:11]

Wow I bet Al Gore wished he had 17k duplicate votes hit 1-5 days after the election in Florida. Hanging chads are nothing compared to this madness.

Wendy Rogers, [24.09.21 17:11]

I want the Arizona Senate to canvass Maricopa officially.


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89da26  No.14655980


>[They] argue over which version of the audit report to release… Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan had his family threatened if he released this version. I bet I know why.


Is this the version we heard today?

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7139e0  No.14655981

File: 134fa5971ee5b10⋯.jpeg (39.16 KB, 770x433, 770:433, 830FE73D_13C0_41D6_A057_0….jpeg)

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f82fd1  No.14655982

File: cc2d48fc1c0d60c⋯.png (731.54 KB, 642x480, 107:80, ClipboardImage.png)

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df8d15  No.14655983

File: 38029b94d83e617⋯.png (84.94 KB, 449x417, 449:417, fifty.png)


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [24.09.21 20:58]

[Forwarded from Wendy Rogers]

[ Album ]

41 Legislators from Multiple States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification Where Appropriate, and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives

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9846b3  No.14655984

File: 5f19157e2bfe669⋯.jpg (55.84 KB, 575x318, 575:318, DUD.jpg)




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d8fb82  No.14655985

Salty's on live and killing it.

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548838  No.14655986

File: 67ffff40781d516⋯.jpg (364.19 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E_Do8_4VQA0fXqY.jpg)


Me neither, ty.

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ded10a  No.14655988


that could be something if they have the timestamps

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aa7af5  No.14655989

File: e4b11aec166c9f1⋯.mp4 (335.19 KB, 426x240, 71:40, e4b11aec166c9f1f842b027e29….mp4)

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d898f2  No.14655990

File: 299a10a29ce97d6⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1329x886, 3:2, 1632531751259.png)

File: b861a37e0e689f7⋯.png (194.41 KB, 614x406, 307:203, file_store_31_prev_ui.png)

Here's a cutout for the memers

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b2b139  No.14655991


>Zionism is not of God or his plan.

Woahhhh…. heavy mannnnnnnnnn

Mr know all, must tell… what is Gods plan?

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3603aa  No.14655992

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56f1c6  No.14655993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Video of the AZ audit.

Just FYI, https://y2mate.is/en8/ is better for archiving youtube videos than distillvideo.com in some cases (like this one). y2mate allows you to download 1080p quality, vs. distillvideo which goes only goes up to 720p.

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824660  No.14655994

File: b6ec81be56832e9⋯.gif (43.17 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 1611744090561.gif)

File: 4d34fc8ff0389d7⋯.png (300.8 KB, 471x410, 471:410, 1611752389916.png)


Let's fucking go

Today was a good day. Been awhile.

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c20dde  No.14655995

File: 3d7181be2efaa46⋯.jpg (101.04 KB, 1125x842, 1125:842, 3d7181be2efaa46c0db2e99916….jpg)

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587597  No.14655996


seems like something could be done with them

theyre huge

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7be72d  No.14655997

So, the AZ resuts today. WHat happens now?

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a3a6f0  No.14655998

File: 8d41a5de5fb7b33⋯.jpeg (97.22 KB, 662x515, 662:515, 5421CBFE_792A_45C3_85D7_D….jpeg)

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5dc236  No.14655999

Everyone screaming "Decertify NOW!"

…I'm sure they'll get right on that.

"Better Luck in 2024"

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9d3e9f  No.14656000


DHS Secretary Mayorkas visited Del Rio

this last Monday. Hummm

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747b21  No.14656001


soooogi pooolaaaaaaaaa,

here, I want you speak other languages.

Limitted brain dumb.

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d5d1f1  No.14656002

File: f0c1bfa401a92f7⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 362x600, 181:300, you_are5.jpg)

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62dffc  No.14656003


how do we go from this to the ce-certify?

Is there a path, or is it obstructed by DNC operatives?

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c7b6de  No.14656005


they can set them up in housing and such through some vehicle like the Tides foundation …then let them run wild and not prosecute them at the DAs office

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5dc236  No.14656006


What has happened so far?


So, that.

More of that.

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3583b9  No.14656007


The whole thing's gonna fall apart. Just two weeks!

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c20dde  No.14656008

File: dc1038129328ce1⋯.jpg (16.55 KB, 400x224, 25:14, dc1038129328ce1a55915fc562….jpg)

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bc797e  No.14656009


The comments are filling up with salt

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53cd04  No.14656010

File: a33d2e332129770⋯.jpg (149.73 KB, 570x854, 285:427, SMILE.jpg)

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61fb3e  No.14656011


Like it or not, The God of the Bible has a covenant with the Jews, and thankfully, with the USA. God is NOT for evil people anywhere. He would rather have a righteous Iranian than an evil Jew or American.

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d5d1f1  No.14656012

File: 1284cf96a686dc4⋯.jpg (48.53 KB, 350x525, 2:3, shhhh.jpg)

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2fa5b5  No.14656013

File: 80f30e05c6c7088⋯.png (67.27 KB, 633x551, 633:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 525d89632317cef⋯.png (171.61 KB, 635x532, 635:532, ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State


After hearing the evidence in the Arizona Audit report I call for decertification of the Arizona election, arrest of those involved in tampering with election systems, and an audit of Pima County as a next step.

8:03 PM · Sep 24, 2021·Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets



Adrian Fontes




Replying to


You’re a traitor against the Constitution and a fool.

And you wear cowboy costumes like a cheap tourist.

Go back to Kalamazoo, weirdo.



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1f4912  No.14656014


Can someone explain to me how it was a trap? Who got trapped? What effect did that leak have for real. Explain to me like I'm tarded.

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c2958b  No.14656015

Why was internet access important for them ?

Did it allow them the info required to generate a fake paper trail of ballots ?

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df8d15  No.14656017

File: 19466b8ae9a01a6⋯.png (93.16 KB, 402x532, 201:266, jeff_p.png)


The Library, [24.09.21 20:31]

[Forwarded from Jeffrey Peterson - jeff.pro]

[ File : 2021-09-24-peterson-az-audit-comments.pdf ]

(2/2) …"Today upon reviewing the results of the Arizona Audit report, it is obvious that the technology used in the Arizona election was tampered with through remote access of the Microsoft Windows operating system, one of the most insecure operating systems in the history of the technology sector. I cannot tell you who, or what was responsible for such tampering, why files were deleted … or why thousands of files containing crucial code capable of altering machine functions and processes at the operating system level were modified.

Arizona needs new leadership. The new generation of leadership ought to actually care about the voters, instead of simply using the government to enrich themselves and put down whistleblowers, like Janet Napolitano’s entrenched thug-like “Arizona Mafia." And, as it is blatantly clear much of the improper activity in Arizona is being accomplished with technology, new leadership should be more tech-savvy." (see: complete letter, .pdf file, attached)


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747b21  No.14656018


Your mother was gay too.

Or you think that was milk???

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b2b139  No.14656019

File: 9c350bec0e55b92⋯.jpg (102.11 KB, 630x410, 63:41, Review_life_lessons.jpg)


Ahhh… we're using the "p" memes today…. I like…hmmm…. Precipice

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3583b9  No.14656020

File: 5f3163760fbca12⋯.png (610.98 KB, 960x540, 16:9, NotIran.png)

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3fbc80  No.14656021

File: c9e10e8602d998b⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1358x884, 679:442, trump1024.png)

You know at work sometimes I'll stop for a 5 min breather and watch some random garbage on youtube.

This morning I was going through those shorts that are all the rage these days and I was getting a whole lot of random Trump related ones all of which were positive which has never happened before.

I figured there must be Trump related happenings that were carrying a lot of weight with their algorithms.

Just got on here and it seems there is.

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2fa5b5  No.14656022

Wendy Rogers, [24.09.21 20:31]

If your rep/senator didn't sign please call them and email them and tell them to contact me at team@wendyrogers.org that they want to sign


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7139e0  No.14656023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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865620  No.14656024


what in the world was going on with that GREEN SOCKS post Q made.

I realize not all of them were for us but I never understood that reference.

Maybe I was missing in class that day or somptin.

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23a030  No.14656025


they have a you tube channel

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2fa5b5  No.14656026

File: a87ddd623baf1b1⋯.png (83.71 KB, 470x566, 235:283, ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Informer Channel, [24.09.21 20:54]

=RINO Governor Ducey won't call a special session and won't decertify.

Thread reader:




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9846b3  No.14656027

File: bd87a3ff8dd37d3⋯.jpg (117.63 KB, 690x523, 690:523, NOTHING_HAS_CHANGED.jpg)

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df51c4  No.14656028

File: 305a8a34ae96bbe⋯.png (145.54 KB, 795x516, 265:172, 0c350ee06d6f7ac36491e93da4….png)

File: 97cbdc87524c489⋯.jpg (34.14 KB, 371x352, 371:352, 97cbdc87524c489769e94c2e3d….jpg)

File: 9873b2b77750401⋯.jpg (69.25 KB, 752x424, 94:53, 9873b2b777504010fee9000674….jpg)

File: b98105fc8c1fddb⋯.jpg (29.11 KB, 512x366, 256:183, 1627008629709.jpg)

File: 54ef0429842df43⋯.jpg (40.65 KB, 564x541, 564:541, 1627013106709.jpg)

so much ammo.. bump stocks engaged

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1f7804  No.14656029


typical biden lackey response


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df8d15  No.14656030

File: 2895f3c67689eea⋯.png (223.07 KB, 454x699, 454:699, jeff_p_1.png)


The Library, [24.09.21 20:31]

[Forwarded from Jeffrey Peterson - jeff.pro]

[ Photo ]

Former Arizona Technology CEO Jeffrey Peterson's comments about the Arizona Audit Report, Fri Sep. 24th, 2021

(1/2)…" Years ago, I became a donor to the Arizona Democrat Party, a decision I now regret. After becoming close friends with … members of former AZ Governor Janet Napolitano’s circle, a political group the AZ Capitol times calls the “Arizona Mafia,” I discovered this group was closely connected to many improper activities, including questionable ties to the most corrupt political party in the past 100-year history of Mexico, the Mexico-PRI, known by more than 100 million Mexican citizens as the biggest election thieves in North America. The story revealed by the ties between the Mexico-PRI political party and the U.S. Democrat party is a shocking tale of quickly growing influence, even more relevant when considering the PRI’s ties to Communist China." (see complete letter with more details, .pdf file published on my channel contemporaneously with this notice)


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a3a6f0  No.14656031

File: 000dbd60c46edbb⋯.jpeg (145.45 KB, 733x681, 733:681, 418C145C_90CB_420F_B319_7….jpeg)


God loves Jews proves God to be love incarcerated.

Sing his praises.


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672a73  No.14656032

File: 92ca1e78ec2bf10⋯.png (1.22 MB, 863x806, 863:806, ClipboardImage.png)

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89da26  No.14656033


>The audit report "leak" yesterday was a trap set and sprung.


>Can someone explain to me how it was a trap? Who got trapped? What effect did that leak have for real.

i want to hear explanations, too.

was it to get moar eyes ?

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5dc236  No.14656034


You're still listening to CockMuncherZ.

There's your first problem.

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ded10a  No.14656035


it's important for trojans and such

they can ultimately throw up their hands and say "oh no we got hacked" if it really comes down to that

plausible deniability

they had host access tho, that was proven, but that will not be spoken of moving forward

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548838  No.14656036

File: 8044f379235c240⋯.png (334.07 KB, 535x637, 535:637, Screenshot_2021_09_24_at_2….png)

What could possibly go wrong?

This is the first time that an Israeli researcher has been appointed to such a senior post at CERN, the world’s leading organization researching high-energy physics.


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28d5e7  No.14656037

File: ef928b7b15ef318⋯.png (170.61 KB, 863x1426, 863:1426, TrumpCardComing.png)

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b7ea48  No.14656038

How long is it going to take until Trump is back in the WH?

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62dffc  No.14656039


there better not be internal fucky fucky on this.

My biggest concernfag is that our side fucks up somehow.

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7be72d  No.14656040


kek………….2024? Long gone by then. Long gone.

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587597  No.14656041


take a breathalyzer

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1f7804  No.14656042


get a lawyer nigger -caught on candid camera

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158533  No.14656043


Zionism is not of God

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2fa5b5  No.14656044

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c20dde  No.14656045

File: c802e5b1fb47849⋯.jpeg (42.48 KB, 720x759, 240:253, c802e5b1fb47849e1011369d3….jpeg)


>So, the AZ resuts today. WHat happens now?

Only time will tell. I stopped trying to predict what would happen next when Trump "lost" 2020. Now I just sit back and watch in awe.

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c58a27  No.14656046

File: 7b879781047a467⋯.png (763.69 KB, 792x528, 3:2, E1456F78_FDC1_4EC0_9085_94….png)


Kats of Katenstein - out of print dr Seuss

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bc797e  No.14656047

File: 699511696ea7df2⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 275x226, 275:226, 1607482355608.gif)

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89da26  No.14656048

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9846b3  No.14656049

File: 35818f6cfa693e6⋯.jpg (134.01 KB, 752x545, 752:545, GET_SOME_AUDITS.jpg)

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c2958b  No.14656050

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d8f98a  No.14656051

File: f5fc662df114370⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 657x527, 657:527, b69cf24664562014e02f6014ba….jpg)


WTH is habbinin with the lil kid in that pic?!

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df8d15  No.14656052

File: cf9797142940ace⋯.png (149.2 KB, 262x486, 131:243, mid_night.png)


Midnight Rider Channel, [24.09.21 20:43]

[Forwarded from EyeMAwake247]

[ Video ]

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c7b6de  No.14656053


are you referring to the guy that knew Redd Foxx and was going to be on an awards show a few years ago?

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2fa5b5  No.14656054

File: 2adcdfebe3a0669⋯.png (757.34 KB, 757x936, 757:936, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3fb14  No.14656055

File: 430efcd7f3f2448⋯.jpg (27.25 KB, 407x216, 407:216, btqvrewqrwe.JPG)


ITs not even sept 25th yet?

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74c2ab  No.14656056


They were quickly and methodically rounded up. It's a civil war going on. We have two government forces running in parallel. All happening incognito. It's been that way. Neither side wants the real news spilling over into the public. Yo comprendo? As long as 2,000+5,000+8,000=15,000 people everyone goes OK.

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747b21  No.14656057


You all shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

baga-mi-as pula-n voi de zdrente.

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61fb3e  No.14656058


I watch the dudes eyes. Supposed to be blue. Sometimes they're black, other times brown with a slit in 'em like a snake!

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6493fe  No.14656059

File: 5fd15a054c82bc9⋯.png (326.21 KB, 461x654, 461:654, ClipboardImage.png)

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7139e0  No.14656060

File: 22aaf65bfda2dbe⋯.png (932.2 KB, 717x1000, 717:1000, CB75D030_062A_40D4_97EA_D6….png)

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91d956  No.14656061


Dude chillax the upper case red text is stressing the hommies out mon

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df8d15  No.14656062

File: d85515059d55680⋯.png (290.58 KB, 1546x169, 1546:169, ride.png)

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d8fb82  No.14656063

Pure blood and proud.

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063493  No.14656064

File: 56d2cac40728e26⋯.jpg (785.35 KB, 3200x1800, 16:9, Nashville_bombing.jpg)

Nashville. Whatever came of Nashville?

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c20dde  No.14656065

File: f937eb306bcc1d1⋯.mp4 (7.55 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7xaIsYlNVQnF2jRG.mp4)


I didn't see any sauce for those pics. From this video it's hard to tell.

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733a5b  No.14656066


Winning sure feels different than it did circa 2016-2019

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0e7eb4  No.14656067

File: 76e90597bc070e6⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1314x752, 657:376, ClipboardImage.png)

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ded10a  No.14656068


>tiktok memelord and edgy

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bc797e  No.14656069

File: bd8c425cac443a1⋯.jpg (582.38 KB, 1200x1081, 1200:1081, 1557257409695.jpg)

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dec5a5  No.14656070

What happened to Powell's deposition of Coomer?

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5bbce4  No.14656071

File: 2cc9064aa5a3e21⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 28HTXoKP_RAqciub.mp4)

Wendy rant


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2fa5b5  No.14656072

File: 3d9fcb3b39b1285⋯.png (71.25 KB, 255x191, 255:191, e178284541eb3e26564340b031….png)



fuck it

Baker taking notes call them out

will notable one bread

Notetakers step up

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8c5066  No.14656073


Time for the class action lawsuit?

We The People of the United States demand a legitimate result from your state.

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824660  No.14656074

File: 0e77a8e6b8c4171⋯.jpg (178.92 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 0e77a8e6b8c417135d7f6076a8….jpg)



Finally, an elected official who actually did something. Who actually fought for the interests of her constituents. So beautiful. So wonderful. I'm over the moon, anons. This only step one. Dominos are falling into place.

God bless America!

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747b21  No.14656075


you all failed, in everything, since middle terms and gave demoncraps power.

you shut the fvck up!!!

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d5d1f1  No.14656076

File: 8c6826a917ccebf⋯.jpg (19.14 KB, 355x236, 355:236, creepy_beans.jpg)


Them made head cheese real good!

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6efbf0  No.14656077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Empire sent conquistadores.

The fremen paddled over in leaky bathtubs, before the Empire sent us everywhere convicts. Everywhere. Celt DNA is everywhere freedom has ever been. Even cyberspace.


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92b8c6  No.14656078


Former 93B here!


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e8d6bf  No.14656079


That wasn’t Q it was the original Hollywood anon I believe

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df8d15  No.14656080

File: 48537ba3ecb2b6b⋯.png (31 KB, 447x200, 447:200, after_rev.png)


TPV Reports 🇺🇸🚨, [24.09.21 20:28]

[Forwarded from Mark Finchem]


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f82fd1  No.14656081

File: 8dd2d01474b54b2⋯.png (674.44 KB, 663x480, 221:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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b2b139  No.14656082

File: 85fcfe27b3fbf5c⋯.jpg (84.64 KB, 546x379, 546:379, All_religions_know_God.jpg)


All religions know god.

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28aa2f  No.14656083

File: 61b43d74cbd58d0⋯.png (236.26 KB, 497x557, 497:557, Screen_Shot_2021_09_24_at_….png)

File: 1f5783427101890⋯.png (166.57 KB, 404x509, 404:509, Screen_Shot_2021_09_24_at_….png)

File: 3b9624ccfebb9fb⋯.png (76.53 KB, 1251x513, 139:57, Screenshot_2021_09_24_at_1….png)

File: 1fa4ef02f356e39⋯.png (215.07 KB, 411x566, 411:566, Screen_Shot_2021_09_24_at_….png)

NRO Retweeted

NASA's Kennedy Space Center


Excited for the #Landsat 9 mission? We are too. The launch, managed by @NASA_LSP

based at Kennedy, is slated for Sept. 27 at 2:11pm ET. Mission coverage begins today:

Earth globe americas Sept. 24, 1pm ET: Science Briefing

Satellite Sept. 25, 4pm ET: Prelaunch News Conference

Television https://go.nasa.gov/3AHTRyR

6:51 AM · Sep 24, 2021·Twitter Web App




Quote Tweets




United States Space Force



Gen. John W. "Jay" Raymond announced the transfer of @USArmy

and @USNavy

satellite communications billets, funding and mission responsibility to the #SpaceForce last week during the #ASC21 conference. #TeamSpace

Army, Navy SATCOM Mission Areas Shifting to U.S. Space Force

The Chief of Space Operations announced the transfer of Army and Navy satellite communications billets, funding and mission responsibility to the U.S. Space Force.Space Force Gen. John W. "Jay"


10:27 AM · Sep 24, 2021·Sprout Social




Awesome work @NGA_GEOINT

and @USCG

! GEOINT technology helps improve and inform many aspects of life, even where you'd least expect it - like the Arctic! We appreciate you going to such cold places to ensure this technology is the best it can be. Stay warm! CoatGloves

Quote Tweet



· Sep 23

A remote office with an outstanding view! NGA and the @USCG are collaborating on a mission to collect gravity data in the Arctic. Once processed, the data will help with mapping, navigation and other elements of everyday life. #SemperParatus #ShowtheWay


1:01 PM · Sep 23, 2021·Twitter Web App







23-Sep-2018 9:36:42 AM PDTQ !!mG7VJxZNCI8ch/patriotsfight


DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination.

[RR] in charge of DECLAS.

Due to massive CONFLICT OF INTEREST IG HOROWITZ was TASKED to final review [speed].



POTUS will not be BAITED TO FIRE when the release itself will FORCE RESIGNATION/TERMINATION [RR].








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865620  No.14656084


can you bring that over here please?

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061bd6  No.14656085


Na…I'm sticking with them ending up in our Tuesday Taco Night.

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df51c4  No.14656086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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747b21  No.14656087


go search for real story, green kids in england.

you dumb monkey.

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587597  No.14656088



>ITs not even sept 25th yet?

really? are you a flat earther?

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c7b6de  No.14656089

File: 56c120b918538f2⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


they go up the river in Illinois all the time

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e90af1  No.14656090

Until Biden is out of office, ain't no one "winning" a damn thing.


Argue all you want, but you know I'm right.

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1f7804  No.14656091


hillary or podesta' fault?

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55f813  No.14656092

File: f45a4b7de7c018e⋯.png (628.62 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 13a62c15cc77001ab2e2f255f4….png)

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7ae022  No.14656093



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2b9860  No.14656094

The term cabal is derived from Kabbalah (a word that has numerous spelling variations), the Jewish mystical and spiritual interpretation of the Hebrew scripture.

The Talmud is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law and Jewish theology.

Talmud aka Written Oral Torah/Jewish Law Excerpts:

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.” (Babha Kama 113ª).

Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: “If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible.

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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df8d15  No.14656097

File: 1a19c46f0f25a97⋯.png (51.49 KB, 847x349, 847:349, stunner.png)


The Western Journal, [24.09.21 19:32]

AZ Audit Stunner: Auditors Say Thousands of Duplicate Ballots Appeared Out of Nowhere

READ: http://w-j.co/s/3ec66

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2b06c5  No.14656099

File: 288aa6599f2ea43⋯.png (3.79 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 3890178F_5F1D_413B_A93C_E1….png)

Military Intelligence.

They cannot hide.

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2b9860  No.14656101


The Talmud – NOT the Old Testament is the governing religious book of Judaism.  Evidence of this is found in the Talmud itself.

Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): “My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes (the Talmud) than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament).”

The Talmud nullifies the Bible by permitting and encouraging virtually everything the Bible defines as Sin!  While on earth, Jesus made a direct reference to the Talmud when he denounced the Pharisees, the leaders of the synagogue, for voiding the Scripture by teaching the traditions of men. (Mark 7:1-13)

Non-Jews - derogatorily referred to as goyim, minim, heathen, or gentiles, by the Jews - are considered to be no better than cattle, according to the Talmud, so their possessions, their land, and even their lives can be taken at will, by the Jews.

The teachings of the Jewish Babylonian Talmud are arguably the most bigoted, despicable, and hate-filled teachings known to man.

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865620  No.14656103


oooooooooh you are right.

No wonder I couldn't find in a search.

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548838  No.14656104

File: 7bc5855d7bfd539⋯.png (383.03 KB, 535x637, 535:637, Screenshot_2021_09_24_at_2….png)

#Abortion is a #Jewish value, and the #US House of Representative's vote to pass the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA) is a crucial step in protecting abortion rights across the #US, National Council of Jewish Women CEO Sheila Katz said on Friday.



Oy vey.

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6efbf0  No.14656105

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62dffc  No.14656106