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487297  No.14610497[Last 50 Posts]

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487297  No.14610501

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements




>>14608176 Livestream World Wide Demo live Amsterdam

>>14608191 3 yr Delta, 2 days ahead…

>>14608204, >>14606879, >>14606928, >>14606940 Covid-19 Vaccine Ingredients

>>14608234 When it's Trump……….When it's Biden.


>>14608250 Instagram Blocks Hashtag #naturalimmunity Claiming Content “Goes Against Community Guidelines”

>>14608266 Doctor Sends Scathing “Open Letter” to Jimmy Kimmel After He Said “Unvaccinated Shouldn’t Get ICU Beds”

>>14608288 Private Group’s Charter Plane Has Successfully Left Mazar-i-Sharif Airport in Afghanistan Full of Americans

>>14608296 Forwarded from OfficialMcAfee

>>14608329 Bring back "LAW and ORDER"…

>>14608338 Chris Whitty ordered the NHS to give alleged Covid-19 patients lethal doses of Hydroxychloroquine to kill them and sabotage trials?

>>14608350, >>14608366 Free Humans showing how completely powerless the Gestapo are when we all unite and move together..

>>14608383 4am talking point its a Pro- Trump Demonstration Rally in DC

>>14608449 MLB moves bat production company from United States to China

>>14608431, >>14608537 DC has Ghosted

>>14608470 Hospital Wards Empty! #FilmYourHospital

>>14608488 #18475

>>14608504 Former clown opps officer warns about vaccine passports and mandates

>>14608520 Maricopa County and Arizona Senate reach agreement after months of sparring over 2020 election audit

>>14608523 Trevor Noah on Nicki Minaj’s vaccine tweet: ‘This has turned into a real problem’

>>14608536 12,000 gather under Texas bridge, hoping for entry into US. Where did they come from?

>>14608564 BOATFAGS still play here? Can we find the boats from Haiti to Mexico?


>>14608563 DAN SCAVINO RETWEETED"The day the Marines helped" tweet 11hrs & 30min apart. (11.3)

>>14608602 Satellites Detect Construction at North Korea Uranium Enrichment Facility

>>14608622 Kennedy on Milley Allegations: ‘Even Duct Tape Can’t Fix Stupid’

>>14608658 @mikepompeo Happy birthday to the @usairforce!

>>14608702 Dan Scavino Tweet.3 Year DELTA

>>14608745 What is the ‘Justice for J6’ rally?

>>14608861 Australian police decided that it was against COVID-rules to pay respects to deceased loved ones, so they RAIDED cemeteries and arrested & fined everyone in sight!

>>14608630 Wendy Rogers Summary: We won. They dropped their $2.8 million meaningless claim for the machine replacement. We get the routers and spunk logs. Cyber Ninjas has full access. Maricopa caved.

>>14608917 #18479

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487297  No.14610502


>>14608078 100 National guard on standby to assist Capitol Police at the Justice for J6 rally.

>>14608068 DOD Manual Outlines Counterinsurgency intelligence, includes tactic titled: "Draining the Swamp."

>>14607968 Questions surround selection of John Shadegg as Special Master for router and splunk log access for Cyber Ninjas

>>14607887 The Center for Tech and Civic Life funnels grants from Facebook and other companies to Elections Offices.

>>14607812 By Sept. 24, all exchanges operating in South Korea must obtain licenses from financial and Internet regulators.

>>14607793 Vaccine hesitancy by education level, bar graph.

>>14607790 Residents banned from balconies during opening of Holocaust Monument in Amsterdam

>>14607775 Karen Fann insists they will get the routers.

>>14607699 The Australian government anticipates up to 75% of their construction force will resign when the vaccine mandate goes into effect in a few days.

>>14607565 Haitians somehow made their way to Rio Grande Texas?

>>14607521 L.A. hit by 4.3 earthquake.

>>14607508 Federal Reserve officials, including Chairman Powell, owned securities that the U.S. central bank has bought during the #COVID19 pandemic (CNBC)

>>14607504 Rolling Stone attempts to smear Nicki Minaj for going against the narrative.

>>14607486 UNMASKED: Monstrous Australian paedophile who created the global online child porn trade and abused underage sex slaves in Asia

>>14607452 White House fears debt limit may cause recession.

>>14607435 Possible chess pieces being moved in preparation for WW3?

>>14607412 ON ALERT: US Carrier Launches F35s in S. China Sea for the first time ever!

>>14608147 #18478


>>14606620, >>14606623, >>14606657, >>14606990 Cyberninjas will not have access to the routers @1:07:35

>>14606974 HUGE WIN For Arizona Senate: CyberNinjas WILL Access The Routers As Requested – Questions WILL Be Answered

>>14606698, >>14606707, >>14606870, >>14606788, >>14607088, >>14606830 AZ Former Congressman in Arizona, John Shadegg pointed out as AZ's Special Master

>>14607088 The fix is in. Shadegg actively takes money from Facebook and Hickman's Egg Ranch

>>14607325 Out of all the people that the AZ senate could have chosen, they chose the man who takes money from Facebook

>>14606642 Nicki Minaj Exposes the Media Mafia; Posts Private Messages From Reporters Threatening Her Family Members

>>14606687, >>14606711 FDA meeting today. This is why they didn’t approve the boosters today, "We are not bound at FDA by your vote"

>>14606719, >>14607174, >>14607266 Gen Flynn: “[The withdrawal from Afghanistan] was not strategic. It was a surrender.”

>>14606755 Fire destroys Palo Alto home tied to Google…co-founder Larry Page

>>14606757 Devolution - Part 11 - CrowdStrike

>>14606788 How many pilates classes does that buy for his wife? John Shadegg

>>14606835 Instagram Blocks Hashtag #naturalimmunity Claiming Content “Goes Against Community Guidelines”

>>14606862 Watch Xi correct himself in the presence of his Master *click* Gif

>>14606879, >>14606928, >>14606940 Covid-19 Vaccine Ingredients

>>14606906 Gavin Newsom: To blame the non-vaxxers again and everyone up in their houses again

>>14606969 Victoria Clipper will now operate on a four-day schedule

>>14607073 Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Jonathan Tukel, a former national security unit chief for the Department of Justice, is dead.

>>14607095, >>14607107 Once everyone realizes that you can't pay someone enough to stand in front of an angry mob, the mandates will fall

>>14607100, >>14607103 Huge crowd chanting "My body my choice" moves through the streets in Brisbane.

>>14607134, >>14607160, >>14607167, >>14607190 Vaccine Kills 5 People For Each Covid Life Saved

>>14607152, >>14607153, >>14607155 The Children in the Pictures

>>14607373 #18477

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487297  No.14610503


>>14605867, >>14606155, >>14605981 Dan Scavino POW MIA

>>14605872, >>14606062, >>14606098, >>14606106, >>14606115, >>14606123, >>14606126 Dan Scavino (Cap 0:39)

>>14605874 US Navy Hold on, almost there

>>14605878 AZ AUDIT: Maricopa County Settle with State Senate

>>14605891 Maricopa County will not continue to seek to claim $2.8 million to buy new Dominion machines

>>14605934 AZ Special Master who will be in charge of providing the data that the auditors requested in subpoenas

>>14606030, >>14606036 Agreement between Maricopa County and the Arizona State Senate PDF

>>14606173 Wendy Rogers: Maricopa caved

>>14606187, >>14606263 President Trump told us to get the routers. We are getting them. Appropriate:

>>14606195 Karen Fann: We got everything we need and more. Maricopa County goes home with its tail between its legs

>>14606303 Want to Guess How Close Trump and the GOP Came to Winning...Everything in 2020?

>>14605898 FIREWORKS: Next Week Will Be Explosive – Indications Mounting that Both Arizona and Georgia 2020 Valid Election Results May Move These States to Trump NEXT WEEK

>>14605904, >>14605888, >>14605925 John Shadegg is connected to members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer.

>>14605933 Court blocks North Carolina voter ID law, says it discriminates against black people

>>14606095 ‘This Is How You Create Terrorists’: Kennedy Blasts Biden’s ‘Shoot First, Aim Later’ Drone Policy

>>14606166 Babylon Bee: General Milley Is Releasing A Revised Version Of 'The Art Of War' – And We've Got Exclusive Excerpts

>>14606171, >>14606199 Is Chairman Biden’s final act crashing the economy and bringing us into another Great Depression??

>>14606177 The full FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee

>>14606228 'Justice for J6' organizer: Media wants blood, pray for us: DO NOT GO TO DC

>>14605977, >>14606261 CyberNinjas knows where the access originated and on which MC hardware it was delivered to. They just need to verify which "door" it took to get into the system

>>14606345 The Chinese Admitting That Once The Military Is Vaccinated Usa Will Be A Walk Over (Cap 0:58)

>>14606464 Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response

>>14605905 Aussies stepping up Business owner behind sign banning vaccinated customers speaks out

>>14605868 Australian news, Police out in force to deter Sydney lockdown protesters

>>14606526 Free airfare anywhere in the United States (Cap 1:31)

>>14606561 #18476

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487297  No.14610504


>>14605086 This week I grilled Blinken on the Aug. 29 drone strike.

>>14605126 How is California turning every state in the west more blue, blue, or purple, while doubling it's own blue votes since 2000?

>>14605165 Irvine, CA – July 13, 2015 – CrowdStrike Inc., provider of the first true Software-as-a Service (SaaS) based next-generation endpoint protection platfo

>>14605206 Remembering the Journalists Who Pushed the Flimsy Trump–Alfa Bank Connection

>>14605224, >>14604839 LB John Sullivan

>>14605241 Department of Justice Special Counsel's Office FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


>>14605264 “Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken!”

>>14605266 Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases


>>14605341 Anon Opines General Mileys phone call to General Li Zuocheng

>>14605358 Nicki Minaj just exposed reporter James Fielding on Instagram for threatening her family.

>>14605364 Happy #ConstitutionDay.

>>14605374 Week in Review: In the last couple hours:

>>14605401 Was Donald Trump Just Filmed Inside The White House?

>>14605414 AP Fact Check finds Biden made exaggerated claims on jobs, gasoline

>>14605415 Recall petitions filed against entire Cave Creek Unified Governing Board

>>14605423 Maricopa County Board of Supervisors is holding a meeting Monday, September 20th at 1:00 p.m., to discuss possible action regarding election subpoena, compliance and litigation

>>14605472, >>14605474 Arizona Audit Report To Be Made Public Sept. 24

>>14605478 IG Blasts Biden’s Handling of Border Crisis as Surge Overwhelms Del Rio

>>14605487 Board of Supervisors Meeting 9-17-21

>>14605540 Migrant crowd waiting under Texas border bridge doubles to 8K overnight

>>14605542 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America How disgraceful that so many people have been killed because of our incompetent Generals

>>14605556 Colorado high school shooter sentenced to life in prison

>>14605437 Interesting that Gabby Petito was a Clinical Study Assistant for Johnson&Johnson

>>14605625 Maricopa Snakes

>>14605683, >>14605737, >>14605740 Millionaire Robert Durst found guilty of first-degree murder


>>14605705 Statement from Arizona State Senate President Karen Fann Maricopa County agrees to settle with Arizona State Senate=

>>14605710 Did Maricopa County settle with AZ AG Brnovich?

>>14605717 Wendy Rogers, I saw the settlement agreement with Maricopa. I am researching what the heck happened.

>>14605719 Joe Biden: “We’ve Set a Goal That by 2025 Our Power Sector will be Free of Carbon” (VIDEO)

>>14605766 Now Gabby and Brian are “missing”

>>14605815 #BREAKING @MaricopaCounty has reached a settlement with the state senate. Subpoena is dropped. Routers will not be handed over.

>>14605847 Scavino - We The Media

>>14608488 #18475

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487297  No.14610506


>>14604208 A Shareable link for the New Doc "POPULATION CONTROL"

>>14604209, >>14604218 VAX DETOX DIG, LET'S GO GET IN HERE

>>14604216, >>14604282 PDJT Sends Letter to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

>>14604221, >>14604224 San Francisco Mayor London Breed Partying mask-less despite own mandate

>>14604256 General Dynamics Corporation just cancelled their vaxx mandate. 40% of their employees were prepared to walk.

>>14604262 The CDC and county health officials have obtained 2020 Census records for their vaccination enforcement protocols.


>>14604275 Phillies Shortstop Didi Gregorius claims that COVID-19 vaccine gave him arthritis in the elbow

>>14604279, >>14604279 Statement by PDJT: RE: RINO Congressman Anthony Gonzalez + "9 to go!"

>>14604286 Release the transcripts or "Save It For The Courts Martial"?

>>14604304 She was also wearing a triangle necklace

>>14604288 RE: Blinken on the Aug. 29 drone strike


>>14604351 The woke military groomers are at it again

>>14604372 Dan uses picture from Q 3826 (Which was it’s own Q proof)

>>14604402, >>14604532 This is the start of the dominos.

>>14604481 @USArmy Special Agent Gregory D. Ford assumed responsibility as director of the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division during a ceremony today.

>>14604511 Are other victims and their families getting bribed to stay quiet about the jabs?

>>14604541, >>14604605 Alex Murdaugh Pocketed Nearly $500K in Life Insurance, being investigated

>>14604555 DoD whistleblower coming?

>>14604580 they’ve now declared “free speech” a public health crisis.

>>14604598 Biden Regime Confesses To Indiscriminate Slaughter Of 10 Innocent Afghan Civilians

>>14604616, >>14604779 Political Cartoon by @ afbranco

>>14604623 PDF guides and ebooks on topics of SHTF preparedness and survivalism.



>>14604640 @spaceX return to Earth Saturday... 7:06 p.m. EDT

>>14604709, >>14604410 Nicki Minaj has counter-doxxed and roasted the reporters making threats

>>14604784 Be The Resistance Don’t be bullied, take back control.

>>14604786 Air Force Leaders: Time to 'Wake Up' About Racial Disparities in Service


>>14604801 Nicki Minaj Slams Democratic Party In A Live Stream

>>14604819 Questions for the head of Instagram @mosseri, think he will be brave enough to answer?

>>14604839 Who is John Sullivan, accused provocateur charged in Capitol riot?

>>14604842 Mark "The Mole" Milley is now under congressional investigation for treason.

>>14604862 Well if it isn't the vax card, complete with batch numbers!

>>14604925 TO REMOVE RECORD BUTTON, Post in Theme: #vrecorder { display:none !important; }

>>14608524 #18474

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>>14599685 #18463, >>14596874 #18464, >>14599671 #18465

>>14593690 #18460, >>14594519 #18461, >>14595277 #18462

>>14591383 #18457, >>14592157 #18458, >>14592924 #18459

>>14589056 #18454, >>14589837 #18455, >>14590579 #18456

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487297  No.14610507

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487297  No.14610508

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487297  No.14610511



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8be655  No.14610513



BREAKING: Armed Person Detained at J6 Rally is Undercover Agent, Pulls Out Badge (VIDEO)


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3588be  No.14610514

other bread has better title

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487297  No.14610515

File: a83d76da2d4b551⋯.png (209.79 KB, 445x473, 445:473, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Watkins, [18.09.21 16:04]

Share a tweet https://twitter.com/DerInformant_/status/1439166349599727616?s=19

Der Informant™

⚠️🇦🇺 Riccardo Bosi, ehemaliger Leutnant Colonel der australischen Special Forces Army mit einigen Erläuterungen zur Lage


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0eb5b3  No.14610516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kyle Rittenhouse Pretrial Hearing Sep 17, 2021

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487297  No.14610517

File: 94859ea1193071c⋯.png (836.07 KB, 800x636, 200:159, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e21e8  No.14610518

File: 68a18dfca8bd849⋯.jpg (95.81 KB, 538x510, 269:255, ZomboMeme_18092021163826.jpg)

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478da8  No.14610519

File: 3a77f6bd23a5a9a⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1242x1194, 207:199, clownfeds.png)





…here you go…

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487297  No.14610520

File: 86de5c75a4a14d1⋯.png (225.91 KB, 445x464, 445:464, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Watkins, [18.09.21 16:26]

[Forwarded from General Warz Channel]

[ Video ]

MUST WATCH: Powerful Message of Victory from Leader of Australia One. This is the winning message!

@GenWarz 🦅


@WeTheNews 🇺🇸


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89fd66  No.14610521

File: 6d9faa1e2743cd1⋯.jpeg (272.92 KB, 1000x888, 125:111, 51E8BE46_34A9_4D51_A707_B….jpeg)

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7b77b3  No.14610522

File: 3e0648da28d0059⋯.jpg (87.13 KB, 570x754, 285:377, 3e0648da28d0059df40a09aed6….jpg)



Was just about to prepare

The Milley Vanilley Traitors & Fraudsters Edition

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487297  No.14610523

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5e567d  No.14610525

What a moment. The cops finally arrest an armed guy at the weekend protest in DC and—Voila!—he proves to be an undercover FBI agent who proves it by pulling out his badge!

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9e6cc0  No.14610526

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Earlier at "Justice for J6" defendants rally:

Police surround masked man reportedly armed with a firearm.

He tells them where the gun is, and they pull out his badge.

He's undercover law enforcement.

Without disarming or handcuffing him, police extract him from the event

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b0bc4b  No.14610527

File: 7f53fa13c30e34d⋯.jpg (138.06 KB, 691x656, 691:656, UHUI_HH_HHTCCTTJ.jpg)

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89fd66  No.14610528

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487297  No.14610529

File: f5d2b74b74a2a25⋯.png (402.3 KB, 474x474, 1:1, f5d2b74b74a2a2502aa60f512f….png)

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5fce5f  No.14610530

File: bac367e348d4f8b⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 822x528, 137:88, 2021_09_18_10_49_18.jpg)


this is a DYNAMITE interview

UK Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid


recorded SEPT 16, 2021

Story over time:

Funeral director was called after a death in 2019 - body was in some kind of quarantine bubble. When he went, was asked to wear full PPE - press was there, he now feels he was used to promote a panic.

2020 - numbers of deaths did NOT go up, they were just relabeled COVID.

He was picking them up "still warm" - and never got Covid. Not the terrible scourge they said.

Where people started dying since Covid - Care homes.

He thought that was strange, most people die in the hospital. This wasn't making sense to him. Got called every nite for 3 weeks to Care Homes. They had been transferred to care homes and given midazolam. NEVER happened before.

He thinks they were euthanized.

Calls it a12 week CULL

As abruptly as that started, it finished.

Then someone called from gov to collate the numbers of the deceased. He started trying to steer the convo toward covid death - wanted him to put ALL deaths as COVID DEATHS. Fams w/loved ones as cancer, even traffic accidents.

But that guy recording pandemic deaths eventually said this:

"Don't honestly know why I'm doing this job - bc there are no covid deaths and everyone is saying the same thing."

Q - what about the vaccines?

A - Jan 7 2021 vaxxes rollout

He didn't believe it was going to "save us".

Overall, 2020 was actually QUIET - we WEREN'T UP ON NUMBERS.

He started saying that vax rate would soar when vaxxes started.


Went on for about 12 weeks - second rate of April.

V high death rate, 'it was awful', mostly hospital deaths.


Most labeled as Covid but they were mostly due to VAXXING, midazalom or NEGLECT.

April 21 2021

Then it was QUIETEST period in five years.

Three weeks ago -

death rate picked up again.

Heart attack, blood clots and stroke, multiple organ failure.

All ages.


He knows a lot of people who have either died or been severely disabled by the jab. People don't realize that this can happen a long time after - like 8 weeks.

Children jabs - they are going to die, will be falsely labeled as from a VARIANT. They'll hire crisis actors to play parents etc encouraging people to get the jab.

No media wants to talk with him now.

All the funeral directors are scared.

"I know my days are numbered for daring to speak the truth."

not ONE child has passed away from COVID that he knows of - and he would know.

this is absolutely indefensible

This is a depopulation agenda. Two fronts:

1 kill people outright

2 sterilize children

Will be TEN YEARS b4 people know about the sterilization.

People now reach out to him BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO.

NHS knows the truth. Docs tell him in confidence they know vax is dangerous.

"It's not right, it's not normal."

There's a BRAND NEW PRISON near him - HUGE internment camps.

They're for people who won't take the vaxxine.

You'll swiftly be dispatched, will be called covid deaths.

HMP Williamborough. Another in Leicester.

In the next five years, vax recipients will die according to experts.

He's seeing the start of it RIGHT NOW.

Interviewer is from Australia - they're building them there, too.


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8be655  No.14610532


: )

just astonishing

one can not make this shit up

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4f81a0  No.14610533

File: d7b23060612e351⋯.jpg (70.61 KB, 1007x1024, 1007:1024, 1630867103695.jpg)

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48e893  No.14610534

File: 25dec3a62cf255c⋯.png (50.5 KB, 312x230, 156:115, ClipboardImage.png)



i think i created that thread from fucking around.

note anywhere near good but fcuk first time this anon has done that,

can note take

will probably get b.v to delete or operator.

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7b147c  No.14610535

File: de1c0c546a1f89e⋯.png (1.25 MB, 915x913, 915:913, Kek_Back.png)

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e424f8  No.14610536

Clowns in America!

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487297  No.14610537

File: 7e78a464f493955⋯.png (69.58 KB, 444x430, 222:215, ClipboardImage.png)

The Election Wizard, [18.09.21 16:23]

[ Video ]

TX Congressman Tony Gonzales says food shortages are beginning at Del Rio grocery stores and that some local restaurants have been asked to close early and make food for the migrant camp underneath the international bridge, where nearly 15,000 illegal migrants are camped.


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17dae9  No.14610538

File: 844a39be09e311d⋯.png (61.63 KB, 139x143, 139:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd415f  No.14610539

File: 108a29652c6f4d5⋯.png (568.66 KB, 606x495, 202:165, Capture.PNG)

Australia’s brand new COVID detention center.

Does it remind you of anything from history?


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e15793  No.14610540

File: 5cde5442e0ee3ec⋯.png (56.28 KB, 683x452, 683:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f96f806506f707⋯.png (605.43 KB, 736x543, 736:543, 9e1aaff63db55d013be25add47….png)


The USCP also stopped a vehicle along Louisiana Ave. this morning and subsequently arrested two people for felony extraditable warrants out of Texas. One was for Possession of a Firearm. The other was for a probation violation.

So far, the USCP is reporting a total of 4 arrests.

2:53 PM · Sep 18, 2021·Twitter Web App


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320d8f  No.14610541

File: a0927cb20de0bba⋯.png (715.62 KB, 749x399, 107:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6dc08c7d9b2f897⋯.png (393.34 KB, 578x659, 578:659, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73be88de0279582⋯.png (461.66 KB, 726x571, 726:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6689efaa2396c40⋯.png (420.33 KB, 716x653, 716:653, ClipboardImage.png)

Armed Person Detained at J6 Rally is Undercover Agent, Pulls Out Badge

There was a heavy police presence at the US Capitol on Saturday in anticipation of a rally in support of the January 6 political prisoners.

Demonstrators will show support for the January 6 political prisoners on Saturday.

Hundreds of non-violent Trump supporters are currently in jail awaiting trial for walking through the Capitol on January 6.

But it was all a set up.

There were more police, reporters and undercover intelligence agents than protesters in Washington DC.

The only armed person arrested on Saturday was an undercover agent.

Reporter Ford Fischer caught the whole thing on video.

Police surrounded a masked man who was armed with a firearm.

The masked man told officers where his gun was and pulled out a badge.

“Without disarming or handcuffing him, police extract him from the event.” Ford Fischer said.


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5fce5f  No.14610542


tx new baker

ya gotta start somewhere

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487297  No.14610543


You just did! kek

hey, so did the cabal rally get called off?

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d3f45c  No.14610544


Tough guy would really be irritated if someone found his name. Opportunity to doxx an entire team of DS operators.

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3e21e8  No.14610545

File: 1de61e0d96fc8d7⋯.jpg (98.59 KB, 538x510, 269:255, ZomboMeme_18092021164434.jpg)

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77cc17  No.14610546

File: 792d348d55b48f4⋯.jpg (195.86 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, 1627809323436.jpg)

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83972f  No.14610547

File: 7379634b2c74ea4⋯.jpg (215.16 KB, 1080x1267, 1080:1267, vaccine_covid_meme_3.jpg)

>>14609903 lb

Really Ruff…



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c6ad70  No.14610548

File: 4096326b5e00859⋯.png (58.41 KB, 734x560, 367:280, ff.PNG)

File: 1a861a218d2c4eb⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB, 480x270, 16:9, a_rQP05PsIIGA_ew.mp4)

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fe5a08  No.14610549

File: 207180a661fe0d0⋯.jpg (126.03 KB, 502x575, 502:575, MAKES_A_KILLING.jpg)

File: d0f5316013e0597⋯.jpg (209.42 KB, 718x722, 359:361, fist_up_arse_puppet.jpg)

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0bd151  No.14610550

File: 461b4c799142455⋯.png (148.86 KB, 1166x750, 583:375, woke_live_streams_091821.PNG)

Lots of live streams today from all over…jump on and click "sorted" at the bottom and live streams wull be at the top…enjoy…


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d3f45c  No.14610551


The left is PISSED about this!

Time to go BALLS DEEP

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4f81a0  No.14610553

File: fa689ae1dc8d3f0⋯.png (799.41 KB, 1599x1264, 1599:1264, 1629485509262.png)



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0bd151  No.14610554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Live Stream…multi streams

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3f0b47  No.14610555

File: 40a4089f07d7e1b⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1242x1194, 207:199, fedboy_overload.png)

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068edd  No.14610556


Working on it

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487297  No.14610557

File: d02ce3c7661c7f2⋯.gif (737.78 KB, 320x180, 16:9, giphy.gif)


nice job. want to know how to report it for deletion?

go to the bread, on the arrow next to the title, click to the report

ask BV to please delete drup bread, enter

fill out the captcha

and done!

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320d8f  No.14610558

File: 5a50dc4ad1b258e⋯.png (678.76 KB, 528x763, 528:763, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06e79a28409b633⋯.png (327.9 KB, 522x449, 522:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da6b72d99f1548a⋯.png (383.96 KB, 852x607, 852:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25bf89f96acddec⋯.png (376.2 KB, 848x617, 848:617, ClipboardImage.png)

It’s an INVASION – Mexican Authorities Bussing Thousands of Migrants to ‘Bidenville’ Bridge Camp on Texas Border

Seemingly out of nowhere, thousands of illegals – mostly Haitians – began crossing the Rio Grande into Del Rio, Texas this week.

Over 14,000 have amassed in a makeshift ‘Bidenville’ camp under the nearby International Bridge, and thousands more are showing up on the Mexico side of the border awaiting their chance to cross.

Well, now we know how so many have showed up in such a short amount of time – and why they keep coming en masse.

Unbelievably, Mexican authorities have been escorting buses full of Caribbean and Central American migrants to the Texas border near the river crossing in Del Rio.

In other words, instead of enforcing Title 42 and sending illegals back across the border, Biden is allowing Mexico to send its illegal migrants to the US.

What an embarrassment.

According to Breitbart, city officials in Piedras Negras have been working with agents from Mexico’s National Immigration Institute (INM) to bus Caribbean and Central American migrants north to Ciudad Acuna, where the migrants can cross the Rio Grande into the US.

In pictures and video that have been posted online, Mexican soldiers can be seen filling busses with migrants at a military checkpoint about an hour south of the US-Mexico border.

There is seemingly no end in sight. Migrants have flooded the streets in Ciudad Acuna, gathering supplies and waiting for their chance to cross the river with the others.

In one video, dozens of already emptied busses can be seen lining the streets. Countless more are being loaded up and coming.

It’s a state sponsored invasion – Biden is letting it happen.


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8be655  No.14610559


>You just did!

God has a great sense of humor. All glory to Him.

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904369  No.14610561


This is confusing. Can not compute

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5fce5f  No.14610562


they need to make anon-bakers bv's

stupid to wait around forever for bv's who don't post anything and never hang around to show up

look at all the breads floating around that never got locked - no 'tidy ship' here

takes all of 2 seconds to lock a bread

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9e6cc0  No.14610563

File: 7c410efa8370e9b⋯.jpg (162.52 KB, 720x930, 24:31, 20210918_144606.jpg)

File: 07be9e6ab08c356⋯.jpg (269.27 KB, 554x370, 277:185, 20210918_143943.jpg)

File: a3cfd4e06f0f93e⋯.jpg (236.89 KB, 416x292, 104:73, 20210918_143946.jpg)

File: e878de7fa48b689⋯.jpg (710.03 KB, 3354x1882, 1677:941, 20210918_143949.jpg)



"Are you undercover?" the officers asked the masked man, who gave them a badge.

I guess not anymore.

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48e893  No.14610564

File: cbe100844853e50⋯.png (540.45 KB, 825x586, 825:586, ClipboardImage.png)



chek image camera caught him flashing his i.d

double kek

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fe5a08  No.14610565

File: 73548bc65b8b248⋯.jpg (44.69 KB, 364x538, 182:269, just_following_orders.jpg)

File: a037ff4df4cdc6e⋯.jpg (224.38 KB, 1284x710, 642:355, HCQ_doctor_patient_ban.jpg)

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b0bc4b  No.14610566

File: 7ed3e25e551c128⋯.jpg (143.2 KB, 691x656, 691:656, UHUI_HH_HHTCCTTJUONNINI_.jpg)

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487297  No.14610568

File: 5f8f3e5b2b11e36⋯.png (15.03 KB, 469x272, 469:272, ClipboardImage.png)


These people are stupid.

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77cc17  No.14610570

File: 56cf49fce5a5abd⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1080x830, 108:83, 20210918_154809.png)

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478da8  No.14610571

File: b3e6fb5438275d0⋯.png (773.75 KB, 600x585, 40:39, piurbloodmorans.png)

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487297  No.14610572

File: ca65c715344dcc9⋯.png (55.31 KB, 473x640, 473:640, ClipboardImage.png)

New VAERS numbers are out.

701,559 Adverse Events

60,741 Hospitalizations

80,393 Urgent Care

6,637 Heart Attacks

5,765 Myocarditis

1,862 Miscarriages

19,210 Disabled

14,925 Deaths

100% Safe and Effective



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72586d  No.14610573

Twenty years ago:

Us: Illegal immigration is out of control.

The 1%: These noble immigrants are here to do the work Americans refuse to do.

Us: What kind of work is that?

The 1%: Dishwashers, fence builders, landscapers. That kind of thing.

Us: Cool

Ten years ago:

Us: Illegal immigration is out of control.

The 1%: These noble immigrants are here to do the work Americans refuse to do

Us: What kind of work is that?

The 1%: You know, welder, machinist, electrician, plumber, carpenter, chef, that kind of thing.

Us: Cool


Us: Illegal immigration is out of control.

The 1%: These noble immigrants are here to do the work Americans refuse to do

Us: What kind of work is that?

The 1%: You know, doctor, lawyer, scientist, chemist, professor, astronomer, engineer, computer programmer, and U.S. Senator, that kind of thing.

Us: Cool.


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3e21e8  No.14610574


Chekd and kekd

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8d8fac  No.14610575


gang initiation - suck cuck rape do some baby killing and bump hump until you drop parmasian pops 10% to acheive designated

ms-33 black bidan voter by F.U. HOE himself

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8be655  No.14610576

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fe5a08  No.14610577

File: ca29cb7cda4f6dc⋯.jpg (68.37 KB, 410x489, 410:489, no_wall_for_America_.jpg)

File: 6deec461845050f⋯.jpg (282.94 KB, 992x540, 248:135, A_major_shitstain.jpg)

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89fd66  No.14610578


1 chaz arrested, infinite chaz left.

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d3f45c  No.14610579


Just like the election - 100% Secure

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b642b7  No.14610580

File: e389452a0eddcdd⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1242x1194, 207:199, 086650c740e57b20784afa0706….png)

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dd415f  No.14610581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0bd151  No.14610582


My blown has been covered…errrr…I mean my cover has been blown…kek…

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d57e41  No.14610583

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1f123a  No.14610584

File: 443b99dd7f165b2⋯.mp4 (11.94 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 7DAGJBKXx7Nnr0_C.mp4)




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89fd66  No.14610585

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487297  No.14610586

File: 739733d0f7447a3⋯.png (356.86 KB, 446x575, 446:575, ClipboardImage.png)

Liz Harrington, [18.09.21 11:43]

This is an assault on our sovereignty and the Biden regime is complicit


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0065c4  No.14610587

File: f21e0e298e430ab⋯.jpg (69.24 KB, 816x485, 816:485, tercyv3erxcfgvhjb.jpg)

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e91b72  No.14610589


There's more FBI at the Klan meeting than there are Klan members. Who really runs the Klan? Why do (((they))) burn crosses?

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77cc17  No.14610590

File: 8686911505bae5f⋯.png (526.76 KB, 1080x939, 360:313, Memeto_1631878362693.png)

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5d6517  No.14610591

>>14609874 (lb/pb)

>Queensland Residents in Home Quarantine Will Be Visited by the Cops if they Fail to Respond to Random Text Messages Within 10 Minutes

Sounds like the perfect setup for an ambush.

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b642b7  No.14610592

File: 603b6ad5c23e641⋯.jpg (60.04 KB, 719x681, 719:681, fd302b064dd39f7fcc26d49942….jpg)

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904369  No.14610593


And they bounced him the fuck out. They must have understood of bad acting agents which is seriously confusing anon.

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7b77b3  No.14610594

File: d1454c88e77b579⋯.jpg (32.79 KB, 450x556, 225:278, d1454c88e77b579c94a28bfdcb….jpg)


toilet bois, the whole lot of them.

probably one reason why the board has been so enjoyable for most parts this saturday.

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487297  No.14610595

File: 5f934a429d07893⋯.png (18.56 KB, 476x325, 476:325, ClipboardImage.png)



Their attempts will FAIL.


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48e893  No.14610596



aint got a clue how to do that.

but did try, hopefully it can be used as a reserve for now.

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b0bc4b  No.14610597

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89fd66  No.14610598

File: 6d9faa1e2743cd1⋯.jpeg (272.92 KB, 1000x888, 125:111, 22E75404_EF35_4CCC_9D99_E….jpeg)

Now we know what that “anon” looks like who asked “who’s going to the protest?” every day this week

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8e8acb  No.14610599

File: 94d18c4d2535f88⋯.jpg (171.79 KB, 621x597, 207:199, 038e031d8f561.jpg)

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aa5235  No.14610600

File: 5dfb85b238f4b8f⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, 7c0a29ee399f62230fa6ce3b58….png)


they caught one of their own. Hilarious.

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fe5a08  No.14610602

File: 6d23a60259ddfc0⋯.jpg (53.71 KB, 410x491, 410:491, open_border.jpg)

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fc67b9  No.14610603

File: 418558594c2f11a⋯.png (574.86 KB, 1006x651, 1006:651, ThanksQGaga2.png)

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3e21e8  No.14610604

File: 1590dabf28d6598⋯.jpg (58.27 KB, 511x655, 511:655, ZomboMeme_26072021101804.jpg)

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83972f  No.14610605

File: 7e0d6912ff77f90⋯.jpg (63.38 KB, 468x500, 117:125, 7e0d6912ff77f9069402f7ee29….jpg)


Shut down more businesses… This is not protecting America first.

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dd415f  No.14610606

File: 34036887da104c3⋯.png (267.36 KB, 1015x455, 29:13, Capture.PNG)

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1f123a  No.14610607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: ✯ Justice for Jan 6th DC Rally ✯

The Doe Show


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8e8acb  No.14610609

File: 3aa913128e74bc8⋯.jpg (92.33 KB, 980x653, 980:653, Chris_Farley.jpg)

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d57e41  No.14610611

File: a5ed5ab838f7fcb⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


It's a Clown World

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e91b72  No.14610612


The "immigrants" are mostly Roman Catholic.

pResident Joe Biden is Roman Catholic.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is a Roman Catholic.

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court john Roberts is a Roman Catholic.

Are we detecting a pattern yet?

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4f81a0  No.14610613

File: dbcd8c1b8fc612a⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB, 480x270, 16:9, There_are_more_of_us_than_….mp4)

Melbourne Citizens had enough


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487297  No.14610614

File: ded573e79e56032⋯.png (134.34 KB, 520x480, 13:12, 441eb1eb1607f886250a15d31c….png)

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e15793  No.14610615

File: ef3e0fab4685ebb⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1123x550, 1123:550, ClipboardImage.png)



– stance

– haircuts

– shorts

– no-collar shirts

– watches

– shades

– empty back pockets, bulging front-holes

– black sox

– no rings

– no tats

++ ogling each other

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77cc17  No.14610616

File: b8a578e1fc0f04a⋯.png (792.05 KB, 1080x1134, 20:21, Memeto_1626909362779.png)

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fe5a08  No.14610617

File: 1d618520c55920c⋯.jpg (174.47 KB, 990x514, 495:257, VACCINATED_CAUGHT_COVID.jpg)

File: 30e3c5fb25f4622⋯.jpg (89.49 KB, 828x684, 23:19, MUZZLE_FAUCI.jpg)

File: 8df22f5f1e5fcb7⋯.jpg (58.37 KB, 826x960, 413:480, snake_oil.jpg)

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7a792d  No.14610618


Is there a rail line too?

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487297  No.14610619


fair enough


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d57e41  No.14610620

File: dee291806171cc9⋯.png (705.66 KB, 1200x619, 1200:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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b16884  No.14610621

File: 15c88be3530d1e8⋯.png (25.23 KB, 763x274, 763:274, ClipboardImage.png)

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b642b7  No.14610622

File: 31a8bf1b685aa29⋯.png (735.04 KB, 1168x1200, 73:75, laff_Pepe8.png)

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b0bc4b  No.14610623

File: 721ee7a90d975a3⋯.jpg (181.23 KB, 701x633, 701:633, UBHUBUBHUBUBHUB_.jpg)

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dd415f  No.14610624

File: 6556932076d1d5a⋯.png (501.51 KB, 589x473, 589:473, Capture.PNG)


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48e893  No.14610625



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fc67b9  No.14610627

File: 86905430a93e924⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.11 MB, 1194x928, 597:464, TheyLiveHairyTwatter.png)

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77cc17  No.14610629

File: a87e677ea0b5b5d⋯.jpg (10.52 KB, 460x296, 115:74, 3007_lee_.jpg)

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7a792d  No.14610630


>This is an assault on our sovereignty and the Biden regime is complicit

The Biden-Meinhoff gang don't give AF.

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487297  No.14610631

File: 89cead23b8ad75b⋯.png (277 KB, 468x794, 234:397, ClipboardImage.png)

@RealGenFlynn, [18.09.21 09:58]

This has got to stop. People’s emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual lives are being brought to the edge. Do not put up with this any longer. It is beyond anything America has ever had to experience in our history. This is absolute health tyranny for something that is 99.5 percent recoverable!!!


@RealGenFlynn, [18.09.21 09:58]



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3c5948  No.14610632

File: 51597792140c3fd⋯.png (44.21 KB, 168x185, 168:185, golden_sticker.png)

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aa5235  No.14610634

File: 772a549492fb5c1⋯.jpg (277.09 KB, 1078x1087, 1078:1087, 772a549492fb5c16d53de30356….jpg)


People who don't get us anons are really missing out on the keks.

This anon feels sorry for them.

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89fd66  No.14610635


False flag fedboi glowing AF

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478da8  No.14610636


There should be a name for this shit…A murder of crows, a flock of sheep…a '….' of CLOWNS.

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3e21e8  No.14610637

File: 2f5ce2783f0b5c2⋯.jpg (677.45 KB, 1079x1214, 1079:1214, Screenshot_20201013_175700….jpg)

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d5cc17  No.14610638

File: 320604aef68301d⋯.png (818.52 KB, 725x474, 725:474, ClipboardImage.png)

What has it got in its nasty little pocketses?

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8e8acb  No.14610639

File: fe314d496fc9ec5⋯.png (21.3 KB, 112x112, 1:1, 1540770187903.png)


Holy Ham!

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7a792d  No.14610640

File: ded38f295e80d6e⋯.png (539.91 KB, 874x742, 437:371, i_lost_the_ball_but_its_co….png)

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8d8fac  No.14610641


that's gotta be either ben collins, mike rothscrackchild or soros poopoo faggot or a probe-ation violation.

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3e21e8  No.14610642


Those are Government Issue Butt Plugs

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4f81a0  No.14610643

File: c31172b85b588d6⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB, 490x270, 49:27, Melborn_sep_18_2021.mp4)


Melbourne Citizens finally had enough and break Police line.


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8be655  No.14610644


Did you hear about the party at Pete's place later tonight ?

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068edd  No.14610645


We the people.

Have had enough.

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487297  No.14610646

File: eb1235cb24b51c2⋯.png (214.75 KB, 474x248, 237:124, d2030fc1d37dff910e88eb97be….png)

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e91b72  No.14610648


Gay Edgar Hoovers.

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3c5948  No.14610649

File: d3df010c77babc2⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 432x342, 24:19, fbs.JPG)

File: b2d00162798761a⋯.jpg (77.16 KB, 480x360, 4:3, iwy.jpg)

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e424f8  No.14610650


Did you expect anything different from the lying Democrats?

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487297  No.14610651

File: 2dece52cc645268⋯.jpg (40.73 KB, 972x542, 486:271, 2dece52cc6452681cd81556654….jpg)


expand your purview

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2e1fb6  No.14610652

Breaking News:

CIA warned civilians were present seconds before U.S. Strike killed 10 per CNN now

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bbb954  No.14610653


How are those roided out faggot storm troopers.

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17dae9  No.14610654


The MIL did a coup against Trump.

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fc67b9  No.14610655


Why doesn't Trump just tell all his supporters not to go to these stupid fucking fake & ghey protests?

Klowns just use them to cash in political points with their zombie constituency.

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83972f  No.14610656

File: 10287370708c543⋯.jpg (575.65 KB, 1080x1051, 1080:1051, Screenshot_20210411_184142….jpg)

File: 6e77c0d36ca1e90⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 6e77c0d36ca1e9030c976bd076….mp4)




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fc67b9  No.14610657


Milley is a fag traitor faggot.

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65abe9  No.14610658

anon, anon

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3e21e8  No.14610659

File: ab322ade3d22757⋯.jpg (56.85 KB, 948x496, 237:124, ZomboMeme_31072020225703.jpg)

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48e893  No.14610660

File: c2c6f724e2f8bc5⋯.png (585.13 KB, 602x605, 602:605, ClipboardImage.png)


Believe or not, night shift anons know when it is time to step up for day shift.

always self motivated to screw up their narratives

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bbb954  No.14610661


Look like special forces

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2e1fb6  No.14610662


>People who don't get us anons are really missing out on the keks.

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9c268d  No.14610663



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8be655  No.14610664


Freedom shall not be infringed

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dd415f  No.14610665

File: c8570ff1e89f218⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 480x270, 16:9, rCBwLGLkJMLMog7H.mp4)

California USA 🇺🇲 Anti Wax MandateCollision symbol Firefighter Speaks Out Against The Mandates..He says over 600 members agree with him…3 of his mates have passed from the WAX. He wants to decide how to live his own life, which 18 months ago wasn't considered a crime…


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0bd151  No.14610666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


GOT…A gold bath…

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c6ad70  No.14610667

File: 5d52c491da2b2ad⋯.png (937.76 KB, 867x496, 867:496, ccheese.PNG)


Update: Drone Strike Thought To Have Taken Down ISIS Actually Hit A Chuck E. Cheese In Ohio

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b0bc4b  No.14610668

File: 4b1a226765d43c1⋯.jpg (60.31 KB, 324x608, 81:152, UHUOUOUOUO.jpg)

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d57e41  No.14610669

Never get in the way of your enemy as they destroy themselves.

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e424f8  No.14610670


And now the Clowns in America are the good guys? Fuck you!

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77cc17  No.14610671

File: e5bda45895f7b31⋯.jpeg (92.33 KB, 1080x611, 1080:611, 1600272709.jpeg)

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17dae9  No.14610672

File: f1772dd793b7086⋯.png (470.42 KB, 500x325, 20:13, ClipboardImage.png)


And this faggot is complicit.

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068edd  No.14610673


This is why we fight.

Clowns will deflect the righteous fervor.

Put on your armor.

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487297  No.14610674

File: 64781f59a3959af⋯.jpg (81.5 KB, 500x340, 25:17, 64781f59a3959afccb83944c41….jpg)



stupid assholes

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3c5948  No.14610675

File: 37a32fa25c091e0⋯.jpg (182.47 KB, 960x540, 16:9, REVO.jpg)

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904369  No.14610676


And they bounced him the fuck out. They must have understood of bad acting agents which is seriously confusing anon.

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7b77b3  No.14610677

File: 21b5f80cefb8171⋯.jpg (232.75 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 21b5f80cefb8171a64d742b7d9….jpg)



Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to be here?

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fc67b9  No.14610678

File: d79cf576a43cd71⋯.png (933.48 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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77cc17  No.14610679

File: 52d740dea9d82af⋯.jpeg (178.53 KB, 1440x1002, 240:167, 1531186643.jpeg)

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a7e47c  No.14610680

File: f1959a7a0161a52⋯.png (234.93 KB, 343x466, 343:466, c2fa4a45546d03d692ab0bfe3c….png)


Frankly, I'm shocked. Truly. Who could have expected that?

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bbb954  No.14610681


Looking some footies power blasting da piggies.

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27adbf  No.14610682


gud times. gud times.

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e098e2  No.14610683


>pResident Joe Biden is Roman Catholic.


>Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is a Roman Catholic.


>Chief Justice of the Supreme Court john Roberts is a Roman Catholic.

Those are three FAKE Catholics. Liberal, pretend-practicing, CINOs.

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bb26e8  No.14610684


yer missing the big picture anon

the Cabal has infiltrated literally every institution in the world

they are "roman catholic", "jewish", "orthodox", "Muslim", "atheist", "satanists", "freemasons"…

They HIDE within…



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e91b72  No.14610685


They look pretty organized to me. We're being threatened by a Catholic theocracy or Jewish Noahide laws, while the Zionized and feminized Protestants forgot what they were protesting.

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487297  No.14610686



okay, im collecting notables

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8d8fac  No.14610687


middle dude dresses his her big hole man dates

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dd415f  No.14610688

File: b4a925210546d95⋯.png (312.99 KB, 514x297, 514:297, Capture.PNG)

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c53db1  No.14610689

File: 9985b610e406c54⋯.jpg (263.2 KB, 597x494, 597:494, organized.jpg)


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48e893  No.14610690


yep know this cos worked with a few of them as my staff, trying to live normally.

feelz their feelz

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8be655  No.14610691


>@RealGenFlynn, [18.09.21 09:58]

>This has got to stop

try putting up with this for 20+ years Gen

then you will know my journey

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c3e076  No.14610692



Still need #18480 and #18481 collected?

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fc67b9  No.14610693

File: 812738aff6ec603⋯.png (247.93 KB, 773x568, 773:568, ClipboardImage.png)

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65abe9  No.14610694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe they're just happy to see you

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904369  No.14610695



>Now we know what that “anon” looks like who asked “who’s going to the protest?” every day this week


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fc67b9  No.14610696

File: 38249f3de2fd6f2⋯.png (161.77 KB, 378x276, 63:46, ObamaMaskScooby.png)

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fe5a08  No.14610697

File: 738e78437b1bdad⋯.png (91.78 KB, 225x400, 9:16, Coercion.png)

File: 210ec2da9cea1a2⋯.jpg (157.66 KB, 828x676, 207:169, WHY.jpg)


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77cc17  No.14610698


Kek caught that timing

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8be655  No.14610699


freedom on the march

fuq the nwo

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e91b72  No.14610700


The Jesuit poison cup.

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a7e47c  No.14610701

File: 69d3e7375fda76b⋯.jpg (122.33 KB, 1007x855, 53:45, 1414172685906.jpg)

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5d6517  No.14610702


> arrested two people for felony extraditable warrants out of Texas. One was for Possession of a Firearm. The other was for a probation violation.

So they're arresting antifa? George and nancy aren't going to be happy about this.

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aa5235  No.14610703


CNN reporting?


Something else is happening right now, anons.

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8d8fac  No.14610704


don't worry f.u.Afghanistan Biden has a plan, no rush no hurry, the talibidan will nevver take over.., so here's the truth (lowered whisper) we're going to tax the rich, they have to pay their fair share. for real, no joke, its the truth, come on man

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48e893  No.14610705


dubs chek'ed

he did, if you missed it

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d29b38  No.14610706

File: 8b2e279429bd054⋯.jpg (568.53 KB, 816x1145, 816:1145, bc43f2c6be24bb455f868634a0….jpg)

Cosmopolitan Magazine


Next month: Is branding for you?

Wake up NPCs

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c6ad70  No.14610707

File: 08dd0929b5468fd⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB, 498x270, 83:45, 1ltmhs1aN9X3KSbr.mp4)

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fe5a08  No.14610708

File: 2b29ed876fdf016⋯.jpg (86.59 KB, 601x368, 601:368, GET_TO_WORK_ASSHOLES_you_r….jpg)

File: 64445a4c8688abc⋯.jpg (250.13 KB, 1023x708, 341:236, go_chase_someone_with_a_gu….jpg)

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487297  No.14610710

File: 19c9cf06b365acf⋯.png (301.49 KB, 441x686, 9:14, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [18.09.21 09:02]

Aussies today are peacefully demonstrating against their tyrannical government's health mandates.

Communism is encroaching on their island and they don't have much time left.

Pay attention to what is happening to them - it is a test run for what the communists will inevitably try with you.




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c0427b  No.14610711

File: 14174849ed7a7fa⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 890x501, 890:501, MW_HW153_page_ZH_201912012….jpg)


Makes Page moist

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86cc95  No.14610712


Needs to be set to the Benny hill song.

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a7e47c  No.14610713


Melbourne citizens, FBI rally, 14,000 immigrants hiding under a bridge uhhhh…

What else am I missing? Aside from Maricopa of course

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8d8fac  No.14610714


taxpayer funded

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5730bf  No.14610715

File: bb24ca65ecf39b3⋯.jpg (147.4 KB, 663x506, 663:506, FIRST_2_FIGHT.jpg)

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bbb954  No.14610717


Page is always moist. Super spreader

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e15793  No.14610718

File: 20c2a623bfc76a6⋯.png (280.81 KB, 650x340, 65:34, da701e4a47acc4eb62014d3fe6….png)

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d29b38  No.14610719

File: cc38b5c6db7c1b5⋯.jpg (28.92 KB, 480x346, 240:173, c3f70291e5b103710003e43d7b….jpg)


tight sweater guy has bound breasts.

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c53db1  No.14610720

File: bbef7ff19d4ca79⋯.jpg (265.87 KB, 597x528, 199:176, freedomk.jpg)

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fe5a08  No.14610721

File: ca9333657ee08a0⋯.jpg (55.9 KB, 537x300, 179:100, Fauci_nazi.jpg)

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487297  No.14610722

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [18.09.21 10:16]

[Forwarded from CDMedia cdm.press]

AZ Senate Needs To Answer Questions Regarding 'Special Master' Who Will Oversee Router Investigation



AZ Senate Needs To Answer Questions Regarding ‘Special Master’ Who Will Oversee Router Investigation

Questions arose immediately after a settlement agreement was announced yesterday regarding a ‘Special Master’ appointed for Maricopa County to examine the routers, spunk logs, and other items in lieu of the County complying with AZ State Senate Subpoenas in the matter.

Former Congressman John Shadegg, who is now the Special Master, is reported to have lobbying ties with former Chair of the Maricopa County Supervisors, Clint Hickman, according to public records. Watch the video below from Ron Watkins Monkey Z Telegram Channel. He is also reported to have received money from Facebook.

Hickman made news after the election when farm buildings on his property burned to the ground killing many animals. Allegations were made the fire was to cover up massive election fraud in Arizona by destroying evidence stored there. This was not proven.

I have learned that John Shadegg has lobbied for Hickman’s eggs in the past. Hickman’s eggs is owned by the then Chair of the Maricopa County Supervisors, Clint Hickman. Supervisor Hickman has been a hostile player in regard to the audit. I feel that this is a direct conflict of interest.

So Clint Hickman accepts Facebook money to run the election. Hickman’s own lobbyist is asked to be the special overseer of the routers & splunk logs, instead of complying with our subpoena. A direct conflict of interest exists, wrote AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend on her Telegram Channel.

Publicly avaialble lobbying reports

Since the stolen 2020 election is now a national security issue for all 50 states, we call on the AZ Senate to answer the questions regarding the selection of Shadegg to the nation’s satisfaction. We are trying to get comments from the Arizona Senate on this matter and will report when we receive.

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276a73  No.14610723

File: 1ec44723aa44c69⋯.png (93.65 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0.png)

File: c1c46243876f162⋯.png (93.61 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1.png)

File: f9f331094644a52⋯.png (93.62 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2.png)

The tension in your head, ringing like a bell of fear.

It started again when the images came back, seems they need images to whip up this drumbeat.

The interesting thing, is that I've had images disabled since before the media server went down.

Yet the tension came back.

Take this for what it's worth:

It's possible one agent is made to be the pylon of this drumbeat.

They deploy images that invoke deep fear.

That fear feeds their sphere of pressure/influence, and those caught by it are marked by it.

The mark attacks beastly daemons, other auric entities that plant themselves on your skin, feed off your fear, and restrict your thoughts like a Harrison Bergeron Band firing off a 21 gun salute in your ear every 21 seconds.

They want you married to that censored state of mind.

Here's the pragmatic example:

They send pulses of influence, defined by the subliminal layer of the current picture posted or the hidden association of the odd word said, to all bodies trapped by the mark/aura of the pylon.

A certain deployment gathers everyone into the daily net.

Another, is to 'ping' your ass with threats of violation.

That fear builds up to be the ringing tension in your mind, and once afraid to that level, they begin telling you what your tomorrow is going to be like.

You… didn't think it odd, that the muh_dick poster is still here, still talking about how far up your ass their dick is? [feels like a gerbil?]

You… didn't think it odd, that swordy speaks so often of "god", training you to think that the pylons impression is the Most High?

It has been repeated over 100,000 times.

This is how we know the mainstream media establishes a narrative; Repeat until true.

You're being dog trained, through the good/bad impressions upon your aura, and the repetitious drumbeat of an insidious pylon.

The worry is what they try to freeze.

You can relax the worry away, it's a deceptive trick they play, though you'll see the worse-than-water-torture effects of their currently established means of control.

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8be655  No.14610724


>per CNN now

I am shocked they did not claim "CCP warned…."

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487297  No.14610726

File: dc9df64cbe2b0c5⋯.jpg (77.34 KB, 680x383, 680:383, dc9df64cbe2b0c5c8a83c19ede….jpg)


Yes please! and thank you

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9ce97f  No.14610727

File: 16e670c61a6d762⋯.png (731.18 KB, 1015x585, 203:117, ClipboardImage.png)

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068edd  No.14610728

You mother fuckers really deleted that video huh? You are all a sorry bunch.

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c3e076  No.14610729


o7, on it

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8d8fac  No.14610730





black bidan voters


milley nocta choir bois

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b642b7  No.14610731

File: ea36bb34aedf1e9⋯.png (285.88 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 0f8ccab0f5bb9e7cbfe77f2f63….png)

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cd58b5  No.14610732


They're trying to save face at this point … they know what's coming

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080033  No.14610733


Totally accurate, up to date information too, I'm sure.

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a7e47c  No.14610734

File: cc5b27d15c0d836⋯.png (755.98 KB, 687x549, 229:183, 6cdc881d7e887f6911287d1b54….png)


Howdy, Mr. Pig! Good to see you here

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9ce97f  No.14610735

File: 47857588beac95d⋯.png (713.04 KB, 1088x487, 1088:487, ClipboardImage.png)

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ba8733  No.14610737


At some point the Australian military and the Police will have to make a choice.

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86cc95  No.14610738


Actual quote

“Let’s talk about breast bondage because, hi, it’s totally a thing.”

Oh yeah, the lady at the grocery store was telling me stuff.


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276a73  No.14610739

File: 1a433d9eb7dbca6⋯.png (579.5 KB, 800x1105, 160:221, 0KJWSVSQ64C7.png)

File: 8dd1e8feeb27b2a⋯.png (1002.18 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 0irGzD.png)

File: 2dd954f85375151⋯.png (891.1 KB, 800x740, 40:37, 2GTjGWeH.png)

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9ce97f  No.14610740

File: eb09fb6e011b19e⋯.png (751.2 KB, 1080x576, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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0eb5b3  No.14610741


uh, he did. he called it a setup, you need to catch up

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e098e2  No.14610742

File: 28cc27581df472e⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 471x358, 471:358, WOW_Giuliani.gif)

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8d8fac  No.14610743





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276a73  No.14610744

File: 98adf1bd282968a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning01.png)

File: c1fa6371becb824⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning02.png)

File: e6047018d5f2076⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning03.png)


Deus, et páter Dómini nóstri Jesu Christi, invocámus nómen sánctum tuum, et clemántiam tuam súpplices expóscimus: ut per intercessiónem immaculátae semper Vírginis Dei Genitrícis Maríae, beáti Michaélis Archángeli, beáti Jóseph ejúsdem beátae Vírginis Sponsi, beatórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli et ómnium Sanctórum, advérsus sátanam, omnésque álios immúndos spíritus, qui ad nocéndum humáno géneri animásque perdéndas pervagántur in múndo, nóbis auxílium praestáre dignéris.

Per eúmdem Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum.

R. Ámen~


Exorcizámos te, ómnis immúnde spíritus, ómnis satánic potéstas, ómnis infernális adversárii, ómnis légio, ómnis congregátio et sécta diabólica, in nómine et virtúte Dómini nóstri Jésu + Chrísti, eradicáre et effugáre a Dei Ecclésia, ab animábus ad imáginem Dei cónditis ac pretióso divíni Ágni sánguine redémptis. + Non últra áudeas, sérpens callidíssime, decípere humánum génus, Dei Ecclésiam pérsequi, ac Dei eléctos excútere et cribráre sicut tríticum. + Ímperat tíbi Deus altíssimus, + cui in mágna tua supérbia te símile habéri ádhuc praesúmis; qui ómnes hóminess vult sálvos fíeri, et ad agnitiónem veritátis veníre (1 Tim 2).

Ímperat tíbi Déus Pater; + ímperat tíbi Deus Fílius; + ímperat tíbi Déus Spíritus Sánctus. + Ímperat tíbi majéstas Chrísti, aetérnum Dei Vérbum cáro factum, + qui pro salúte géneris nóstri tua invídia pérditi, humiliávit semetípsum fáctus obédiens úsque ad mórtem (Phil 2); qui Ecclésiam súam aedificávit súpra fírmam pétram, et pórtas ínferi advérsus eam númquam esse praevalitúras edíxit, cum ea ipse permansúrus ómnibus diébus úsque ad consummatiónem saéculi (Matt 28, 20).

Ímperat tíbi sacraméntum Crúcis, + omniúmque christiánae fídei Mysteriórum virtus. + Imperat tibit excélsa Dei Génitrix Virgo Maria, + quae superbíssimum cáput tuum a prímo instánti immaculátae suae conceptiónis in sua humilitáte contrívit. Ímperat tíbi fídes sanctórum Apostolórum Pétri et Páuli, et ceterórum Apostolórum. + Ímperat tíbi Mártyrum sánguis, ac pia Sanctórum et Sanctárum ómnium intercéssio. +

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058fd5  No.14610745


>a ‘Special Master’ appointed for Maricopa County to examine the routers, spunk logs,

Spunk??? should be splunk

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8be655  No.14610746


>They're trying to save face at this point


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8d963e  No.14610747


"LISA! Oh Lisa, I love you so much, Lisa."

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276a73  No.14610748

File: c0bdd95565ec734⋯.png (93.57 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0.png)

File: 6ea539f17146434⋯.png (93.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1.png)

File: eb4946205ed8109⋯.png (93.49 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2.png)

Érgo, dráco maledícte et ómnis légio diabólica, adjurámus te per Déum + vívum, per Déum + vérum, per Déum + sánctum, per Déum qui sic diléxit múndum, ut Fílium suum unigénitum dáret, ut ómnis qui crédit in eum non péreat, sed hábeat vítam aetérnam (Jn 3): céssa decípere humánas creatúras, eísque aetérnae perditiónis venénum propináre: désine Ecclésiae nocére et éjus libertáti láqueros injícere.

Váde sátana, invéntor et magíster ómnis falláciae, hóstis humánae salútis. Da lócum Chrísto, in quo níhil invenísti de opéribus tuis; da lócum Ecclésia Uni, Sanctae, Cathólicae, et Apostólicae, quam Chrístus ípse acquisívit sánguine suo. Humiliáre sub poténti mánu Dei; contremísce et éffuge, invocáto a nóbis sáncto et terríbili nominé Jésu, quem ínferi trémunt, cui Virtútes caelórum et Potestátes et Dominatiónes subjéctae sunt, quem Chérubim et Séraphim indeféssis vócibus láudant, dicéntes: Sánctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dóminus Déus Sábaoth.

V. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem méam.

R. Et clámor meus ad te véniat.

(Si fuerit clericus: V. Dóminus vobíscum.R. Et cum spírito tuo.)


Déus caéli, Deus térræ, Deus Angelórum, Deus Archangelórum, Deus Patriarchárum, Deus Prophetárum, Deus Apostolórum, Deus Mártyrum, Deus Confessórum, Deus Vírginium, Deus, qui potestátem hábes donáre vítam post mórtem, réquiem post labórem: quia non est álias Deus præter te, nec esse pótest nísi tu Creátor ómnium visibílium et invisibílium, cujus régni non érit finis: humíliter majestáti glóriae tuae supplicámus, ut ab ómni infernálium spirítuum potestáte, láqueo, decéption et nequítia nos poténter liberáre, et incólumes custodíre dignéris.

Per Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum. Ámen~

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b0bc4b  No.14610749

File: 2fe06ceb5a73f8b⋯.jpg (118.62 KB, 700x539, 100:77, YGKYGYGGYGY.jpg)

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e424f8  No.14610750


Maybe its just me, but I suspect the routers were given up because they have been wiped clean!

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c53db1  No.14610751


when do lovebirds sing?

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9ce97f  No.14610752

File: 3ac22316c2bc327⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1146x594, 191:99, ClipboardImage.png)

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487297  No.14610753

File: a17e6d688d43d12⋯.png (24.1 KB, 465x371, 465:371, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [18.09.21 10:54]

[Forwarded from Garrett Ziegler]

[ Voice message : Unknown Track ]


Wants to anons to dig on Special Master and every person on their team, including digging on Hickman

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [18.09.21 10:56]

[In reply to CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins]]

Garrett is right.

The AZ Senate's "Special Master" stunt may just end up owning them in the end.


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3e21e8  No.14610754

File: b4fb0c1a7844004⋯.jpg (98.68 KB, 538x510, 269:255, ZomboMeme_18092021171546.jpg)

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5730bf  No.14610755

File: 8607d639ba43b7e⋯.jpg (89.48 KB, 471x548, 471:548, o7_2U.jpg)

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fe5a08  No.14610756

File: 88854bcd5214b8d⋯.jpg (95.21 KB, 686x484, 343:242, Thomas_Borody_knows_it_wor….jpg)

File: a0d3dbaadb0ce42⋯.jpg (202.75 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, greedy_little_prick.jpg)

File: e88f47237f2badf⋯.jpg (173.54 KB, 1000x546, 500:273, PLAYING_STUPID_is_stupid.jpg)

File: c0e5ae49c381f5a⋯.jpg (234.42 KB, 900x900, 1:1, YOU_MADE_YOUR_BED.jpg)

File: e052780db75500c⋯.jpg (116.47 KB, 1025x477, 1025:477, RESPECT_MY_AUTHORITY_NO.jpg)

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c24c17  No.14610757


I hear you can't change spunk logs

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487297  No.14610758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [18.09.21 12:20]

[ Photo ]


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a7e47c  No.14610759

File: 60476ce32e5637a⋯.jpg (99.57 KB, 374x500, 187:250, 5254271006_3d7b3b62f0.jpg)


Oh. Hey, fungus.

Thanks for clearing that up for us, now would you stop posting or at least explain why you're posting all this shit?

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478da8  No.14610760


>You are all a sorry bunch.

Not as sorry as your parents

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d29b38  No.14610761

File: f7f3d0641d9d0f5⋯.png (553.49 KB, 1496x1297, 1496:1297, c92f6bc805a198ccd7e9f07af7….png)

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77cc17  No.14610762

File: 93f48a1d3bd2f41⋯.jpeg (75.96 KB, 1080x618, 180:103, 1587737965.jpeg)

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276a73  No.14610763

File: ceafdda9ab15fa3⋯.jpg (213.89 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 0ri6u9.jpg)

File: 1c791b47f39b57b⋯.jpg (337.5 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 2OnY71BZBMc0t9k1.jpg)

File: 76170760e6712f8⋯.jpg (357.7 KB, 800x1202, 400:601, 2tkL1inlx2Q0Hk2h.jpg)

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a44bfb  No.14610764


Where the fuck have you been?

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65abe9  No.14610765


Today anon

will be nice to watch

if merticulous plannin' works, should happen more than once

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c24c17  No.14610766


"Special Master"

Sounds like a name someone made up for their S&M games

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487297  No.14610767

File: e75762e97e855e8⋯.png (62.85 KB, 456x478, 228:239, ClipboardImage.png)

Mindy Robinson, [18.09.21 11:54]

Fauci knowingly recommended a drug that killed 54% of its test subjects over safer and cheaper drugs like Ivermectin that actually work. He did the same thing when he recommended AZT to AIDS patients knowing it killed all but one of the test subject that took it. Don’t forget he also funded the creation of this virus with the intent to make it more contagious and deadly to kill and control people….which is exactly why this tyrannical illegitimate regime is protecting and worshiping him.

You do not do those things unless you are trying to kill people. Fauci might go down as the most prolific serial killer of all time….and I hope we all make it through this all long enough to watch him pay.



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89fd66  No.14610768

File: 2c5c1620f07c086⋯.jpeg (261.34 KB, 1000x890, 100:89, CDA25AEE_15B5_48B2_B4FA_4….jpeg)

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5730bf  No.14610769

File: 3db23f5b3752492⋯.jpg (157.8 KB, 837x517, 837:517, PIGTOON_50.jpg)

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276a73  No.14610770

File: 8f2967bf3eaa5db⋯.jpg (13.41 KB, 200x255, 40:51, Rejected.jpg)

File: 8c3860a7c8f246c⋯.png (92.59 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost.png)

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34550f  No.14610771

File: 2c55904f03860d9⋯.jpeg (33.46 KB, 666x360, 37:20, chet.jpeg)


I am bit late to the party, but I am getting a serious law enforcement vibe here. That is a lot of Chets just "chilling".

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11e0d0  No.14610772

File: 98fc406ca84241e⋯.png (11.92 KB, 255x143, 255:143, mr_pig_is_faggot.png)


5:5 fuckstick!

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068edd  No.14610773

File: f12bc4334b3328d⋯.gif (679.03 KB, 446x349, 446:349, 1627089713786.gif)

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3e21e8  No.14610774


Where's Dildo?

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e15793  No.14610775

File: 3899e5d3e016b05⋯.jpg (71.33 KB, 923x520, 71:40, E_uRG0EXEAEwQpM.jpg)

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276a73  No.14610776

File: 759f7487a114c80⋯.jpg (37.36 KB, 200x255, 40:51, Rejected2.jpg)

File: 166fc6cfdfea52a⋯.png (92.62 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost1.png)







Filtered gibberish

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8d8fac  No.14610777



psucki and faucucki on the taxpayer dime

hunter bidens rape rugby team

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e424f8  No.14610778


Good point. What if they gave them other routers that were not used but are saying they were?

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b06bfe  No.14610779

File: 961b7f0643391b0⋯.png (853.54 KB, 831x897, 277:299, ClipboardImage.png)

What if they held a violent riot, and no one showed up?

A few weeks ago, I covered how the press was assuring us that we were on the cusp of another serving of Trump-inspired mayhem. One of these days, the press’ guarantees of MAGA violence will come true.

But, as predicted, their guarantees have fizzled out like a bottle rocket in a shower stall.

Today is the highly touted Justice For January 6 Rally, the gathering meant to show support for those people being held after arrests were made in the wake of the Capitol riot. Highly touted — but sparsely attended. Today’s protest is proving to be a rather lightly regarded affair, and yet another example of a media-fueled hysteria leading to very little in the form of promised pandemonium. As I said in August, this would be of little consequence.

I might beg for a small dose of clarity here as I take exception with CNN on one detail; it may not be so much a case of renewed fear, as it is continued fear. This is because ever since the Capitol riot, the press has been in a perpetual cycle of delivering these heart-arresting warnings that another uprising from election-denying Trump sycophants was on the verge of boiling over into a bloodbath.

One other detail — the press has also been in a perpetual cycle of being completely wrong about these outbursts.

Last month, CNN declared the city was consumed with panic over this gathering, blaring in their headline, Fears of political violence grip Capitol Hill.

Politico was no less hysterical, saying the town braced for the rally. Also, D.C. has been on alert, NPR stated it serves as a large-scale security test, as it presented a challenge to our Democracy.

Imagine if the people felt the same way — because this was, in fact, all in the imagination of the media.

Weeks of advanced intonations of a violent mob scene were followed this week by the reinstallation of protective barriers and fencing around Beltway buildings. It is now looking to be a case of assured sociopathic behavior, but somebody failed to notify the members of society.

That’s why today, instead of capturing violent imagery and recording monologues of outrage, the media are taking pictures of a lot of empty, green grass, and left to interview not unhinged MAGA-truthers, but each other.


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86cc95  No.14610780



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5730bf  No.14610781

File: ec4425eb9993a52⋯.jpg (95.82 KB, 688x498, 344:249, CAPT_WIN.jpg)

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ddbb60  No.14610782


This should have been anotableearlier today. Something's up in AZ. Only explanation is that the Cyber Ninjas already have all the router and spunk data. Nothing else fits. Letting the Supervisors walk out on that plank.

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487297  No.14610783

File: 9c7e7fa3267b30b⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1536x864, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bd1329a267c71a⋯.png (250.43 KB, 1024x747, 1024:747, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fbbf00ebf15e5c⋯.png (314.44 KB, 704x1024, 11:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a967c01f7f594fd⋯.png (423.43 KB, 1024x954, 512:477, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b19955850fe4f6⋯.png (239 KB, 744x1024, 93:128, ClipboardImage.png)

Fauci Recommended Remdesivir Over Safer Drugs Knowing It Killed 54% of Test Subjects

Despite the intense censorship on social media, and the heavily biased reporting of the mainstream media….the truth about what’s really happening with these vaccines is slowly but surely coming out. Nothing Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, or this compromised by corruption Biden administration says about this “pandemic” seems to make any sense. If the vaccine works, then why are vaccinated people catching covid and dying like crazy? Why are the most vaccinated places experiences the most breakouts?

Why are they blaming unvaccinated people for vaccinated people catching covid? Why is no one on the mainstream news talking about any of the debilitating side effects and deaths from this vaccine? Shouldn’t an informed public make their own decisions? Why are government officials gleefully suspending the constitutional rights of the people by forcing them to inject an untested substance, and show papers for a disease that’s more survivable than most? Why are the county commissioners in my state talking about banning free speech so not one can talk negatively about this vaccine? Why are they declaring the Pfizer vaccine as “fully FDA approved” when it’s technically not? Comirnaty (which they don’t even have on the market yet) had its licensing agreement approved. Nothing in what came out actually says that the Pfizer vaccine was fully approved. If they had actually approved it they’d have to pull all the other vaccines from the market, and start holding Pfizer liable for all these deaths and injuries. I’m sure it also has *nothing* to do with the fact that if Pfizer doesn’t get full approval by September 30th, 2021, then countries from around the world can get out of their predatory contract with them. That might definitely explain the intense fervor in which our compromised government is forcing vaccines everywhere before that can happen. Not sure if you’ve seen the contracts Pfizer has with foreign countries, but not only did they want full immunity from ever being sued even if they kill people in negligence or with malice (on purpose) …but they wanted these countries to put up their embassies, military bases, and airports as “collateral.” What the hell is Pfizer going to do with another country’s military base? How many people do they expect to kill and injure with these vaccines, that they’re anticipating bankrupting entire countries with their lawsuits? What the hell is really going on here?

The minute Rand Paul called out Fauci and proved he was the one that illegally funded and manufactured this disease in the first place (with our foreign enemy China of all people) he should have been dragged off to the stockades, tried, and dealt with. Fauci is personally responsible for the deaths of every single person on this planet that died of either covid and whatever’s in that jab he’s pushing….but as it turns out, creating the virus to kill us isn’t the only way he’s been committing mass genocide. Watch this video of an expert explain how Fauci lied about the both the efficacy and safety of Remdesivir which he recommended in treating covid: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pz0SBTvKrDrV/ Please do watch it, it’s more detailed than I can summarize.

“The Safety Board pulled remdesivir from the (original Ebola) study because it killed more people than any of the other three drugs,” Dr Bryan Ardis foes on to say, “remdesivir killed 54% of all the people that got the drug.”

That’s right, the “successful” study he quoted was based on a single patient, and he failed to mention how Remdesivir was pulled from trial after only 6 months because 54% of people taking it died. It causes kidney, liver, and renal failure in roughly a third of those that take it, so if they’re already sick on top of it, then this is certainly going to be the nail in the coffin.

In a study the WHO had accidentally posted and then took down, The Guardian noticed that if anything it actually proved Remdesivir didn’t help covid at all. What madman suggests a drug with that high a mortality rate, over others that are cheaper and working better all across the globe? Is Fauci *trying* to kill as many people as possible, much like Cuomo put sick patients into nursing homes to “boost” the death tolls?

The renal failure it was causing did not go unnoticed, according to PubMed.gov’s own website “The combination of the terms “acute renal failure” and “remdesivir” yielded a statistically significant disproportionality signal with 138 observed cases instead of the 9 expected.” In other words if the covid didn’t kill them, Remdesivir’s damage to their kidneys and organs will.

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276a73  No.14610784

File: 1a433d9eb7dbca6⋯.png (579.5 KB, 800x1105, 160:221, 0KJWSVSQ64C7.png)

File: 2dd954f85375151⋯.png (891.1 KB, 800x740, 40:37, 2GTjGWeH.png)

File: 2c3825171a9e3fa⋯.png (1.1 MB, 800x604, 200:151, 3YBBH3YK1KWC.png)

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a7e47c  No.14610785

File: 4948db2eaf1df6e⋯.jpg (44.61 KB, 398x600, 199:300, 239f51b07bd08f07c881a43422….jpg)


Shadegg, paid off by Hickman's Egg Ranch.

The jokes write themselves. What an shit head

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904369  No.14610786

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b0bc4b  No.14610787

File: d3366aeb5e199b2⋯.jpg (121.5 KB, 374x619, 374:619, YGOGYGYUGG.jpg)

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87a140  No.14610788

Anon is asleep but I swear I am hearing Simone Gold's voice right now


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487297  No.14610789

File: ce4f6f2843374c2⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1142x1280, 571:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e21e8  No.14610790

File: ac2700c30ab9ce0⋯.jpg (67.6 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ZomboMeme_17092021210538.jpg)

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8d8fac  No.14610791


killed in action

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ebfede  No.14610792

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

All are here.

All are ready.

Do it Q!

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487297  No.14610793

Keep in mind more way people have gotten the different flu shot over the years than the covid vaccine…so it has nothing to do with volume. This vaccine has killed and injured more people than all the other vaccines combined….for a virus with a 99.997 survival rate. Two top FDA administrators already stepped down rather than push these completely untested booster shots…I can’t imagine what it is they know about these shots that they couldn’t live with themselves if they continued to push it.

The fatal “treatments” Fauci is pushing while denying more effective ones is killing people in droves everyday …and worse, they’re chalked up as “covid deaths” so they can continue to fear monger and strip out rights away. Earlier this week ABC7 made a Facebook post asking for stories from people about losing unvaccinated loved ones, what happened instead was a deluge of people reporting only vaccinated deaths and their grisly side effects. These people were not political…these were average Americans writing from their personal accounts and they all experienced losing loved ones to the vaccine. It’s absolutely terrifying, but necessary to read: https://thedcpatriot.com/news-station-fb-post-accidentally-reveals-more-people-are-being-killed-by-the-vaccine-than-the-media-is-letting-on/

Do whatever you have to do to not take this vaccine. It will kill you, if not immediately then down the road as it destroys your own body and immune system. None of the animals survived through testing, and yet they’re giving it to pregnant women and kids? By the way, if you try to Google that “fact checkers” will tell you it’s “false” that successful animal trials were never done….because they’re currently doing new ones right now at the same time as humans:

So…….you have no successful animal trials, just say it. Considering every commercial on TV these days is for a new drug or suing about an old drug that’s killing people, and Johnson and Johnson got caught putting asbestos in baby powder…why should the American public trust anything the media and Big Pharma say? Awful catastrophes and mass genocides have all happened before to mankind…do not be so blind to think it can’t happen during ours. Do not comply, protest in person right in these tyrant’s faces, and remind the government that they work for us…not the other way around. 🇺🇸


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77cc17  No.14610794

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9ce97f  No.14610795

File: d91b852363ec332⋯.png (574.67 KB, 522x540, 29:30, ClipboardImage.png)

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c53db1  No.14610796

File: 4e51fd4f75edb56⋯.jpg (266.09 KB, 597x528, 199:176, pedopr.jpg)

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8e4145  No.14610797


As if you can believe ANYTHING the C_A or CNN says..kekekee

15 Former Spooks Who Work At CNN And MSNBC Now

CNN added to its stable of retired FBI and CIA officials Friday by hiring Andrew McCabe, who was fired by the bureau due to a lack of candor during an internal probe.

McCabe is the 10th ex-FBI or CIA official hired by the network in recent years, with MSNBC having hired five.

A vast majority of the 15 CNN/MSNBC analysts have pushed the now-debunked theory that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia.

CNN added to its deep roster of former FBI and CIA officials-turned-analysts Friday with the hiring of Andrew McCabe, the former FBI deputy director fired for lack of candor during an investigation last year.

McCabe is the tenth ex-FBI, CIA or intelligence community official CNN has hired during the Trump administration, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis. MSNBC has followed closely behind, having hired five former officials, including former CIA Director John Brennan.


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b06bfe  No.14610798

File: a8ff06b2ee2ccd1⋯.png (394.26 KB, 604x786, 302:393, ClipboardImage.png)

A campus preacher was recently assaulted by a student at UAB. Police are currently investigating..


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fe5a08  No.14610799

File: 13f103248936304⋯.jpg (112.72 KB, 589x534, 589:534, MURDERED_WITH_KNOWN_LETHAL….jpg)

File: 3cb69510b7a5dab⋯.png (467.35 KB, 537x540, 179:180, DICTATOR_DAN_IS_A_FUCKWIT.png)

File: 4da5d1669faed62⋯.jpg (201.56 KB, 1198x818, 599:409, DICTATOR_DAN_MAKING_MONEY_….jpg)

File: 7c98b973b558fcf⋯.jpg (231.61 KB, 1127x634, 1127:634, DICTATER_DAN_CURFEWS.jpg)

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ba8733  No.14610800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Australian Politicians Becoming Absolutely Ruthless

September 18, 2021

Australia is turning into East Germany. This appears to be deliberate and the politicians are clearly using COVID to impose totalitarianism. Australia will no longer be a free state and reliable sources insist that either all future elections will be suspended, or they will be rigged which is starting to become the norm as Joseph Stalin said. It does not matter how people vote, the real power lies with those who count the votes.

The Australian police are absolutely disgusting. They have become indistinguishable from the Nazi soldiers incapable of thinking for themselves and just following orders no matter what they say. The police in Australia have shown they are the most anti-democratic force next to Venezuela. None of this inspires confidence for international investment in Australia.



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65abe9  No.14610801


doesn't exist

is a cold

the paitent believes the doctor then use one of HIS names HIV to infect

thats why is called Gods disease

Doesnt exist though unless you believe

test for common cold + that are the same

HIV is one of HIS seals, names

like my daughter


or me


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276a73  No.14610802

File: 86138bb2e7c148e⋯.jpg (33.75 KB, 200x255, 40:51, Rejected4.jpg)

File: 5c43a16c921e030⋯.png (92.65 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost2.png)






















































pylon gibberish

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f6d2a7  No.14610803


1st Durham indictment

FBI coverup of Nassar

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87a140  No.14610804


^^^^^^This. They are killing your loved ones on purpose anons.

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4b7bdb  No.14610806

File: dec5cc6b6bbc9ed⋯.png (542.02 KB, 2048x1787, 2048:1787, Screenshot_20210918_141907.png)

Lee Zeldin Has Leukemia

September 18, 2021 at 5:09 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 2 Comments

Rep. Lee Zeldin R-NY), the leading Republican candidate in next year’s race for governor in New York, revealed that he was diagnosed with leukemia last year and has been receiving treatment, the New York Times reports.


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1655fb  No.14610807


just my opinion but this is so blatantly obvious my feels tell me it's white hat op.

too obvious. and don jr. tweeted about it.

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fe5a08  No.14610809

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521e70  No.14610810

File: 419a715af6f22fc⋯.png (1.1 MB, 895x1200, 179:240, redhead_144_Car_Q_You_know.png)


It's about time someone grew a pair in Australia.

Let Freedom Ring.

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5730bf  No.14610811

File: 0d98c7cb13ad50c⋯.jpg (116.17 KB, 500x514, 250:257, WHICH_IS_IT.jpg)

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140c74  No.14610812

File: 7d1a75519036b21⋯.pdf (1.16 MB, HomeProtection.pdf)

Posting PDF guides and ebooks on topics of SHTF preparedness and survivalism

For previous posts, search the phrase above at qresear.ch

(Home Protection) Breaking and Entering: How the collapsing economy is creating a new crime wave, and what you can do about it to protect your family and home

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d3ba57  No.14610813

File: 54e90c3e0d08e1d⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 680x367, 680:367, 5cnblz.jpg)


Looks like a casting call for white supremacists in gay shorts and sunglasses.

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3e21e8  No.14610814

File: dce21cfb459c794⋯.jpg (70.6 KB, 620x496, 5:4, ZomboMeme_15052021191510.jpg)

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8d8fac  No.14610815


the covid19 RONA MCDANIEL virus

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068edd  No.14610816


How fucking new are you.

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77cc17  No.14610818

File: ef33744fc035022⋯.png (580.48 KB, 1080x719, 1080:719, Memeto_1620914818656.png)

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4021c7  No.14610819


why are there two breads?

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c0427b  No.14610820


>What if they held a violent riot, and no one showed up?

They thought it was going to drop today!

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8e8acb  No.14610821

File: 37ebc5373de628c⋯.jpg (171.12 KB, 355x499, 355:499, 1598489371488.jpg)



Reminded me of MEDIC!

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c24c17  No.14610822


Over my head. we have some great ITanons that can prolly help us normies.

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11e0d0  No.14610823

File: bf9c9b75b662329⋯.png (839.42 KB, 854x480, 427:240, homo_erectus_420_kek.png)


I kekked so hard when I first saw this pic.

I was reminded of a biker music festival I attended in Australia in the 90s.

They had a comedian who outed the "undercover" cops, by describing them much as in this photo except with black T-shirts with heavy metal motifs.

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398165  No.14610824

File: 6ea929cc7b2becd⋯.jpeg (131.58 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, Leander_ISD_School_Board_….jpeg)

File: be492ddbfeff08f⋯.png (784 KB, 986x555, 986:555, Leander_ISD_TX.png)

(VIDEO) “We Sucked Eachother’s D***s” – Mother Reads Sexually Explicit School Book To Board Members

A concerned mother brought a school book to her school board to address the sexual harassment and vulgar language that is being pushed on her children.

This specific book references 10-year old fourth-graders engaging in homosexual actions and using language like “his little salamander between my fourth-grade fingers rapidly engorging with blood”.

It also used the word “f*ck” 44 times and “sh*t” 41 times before page 66, according to the mom.


This is very clearly the distribution of pornography to minors. The entire Leander ISD school board and anyone else involved in approving and distributing these materials should be fired and face criminal charges.

Texas Pornography Laws

Defining Pornography

Before a discussion can be had on Texas pornography laws, it’s important to understand exactly what constitutes pornographic material in the state. Pornography is typically defined as:

*”Visual or WRITTEN material which depicts lewd or sexual acts and which is intended to cause sexual arousal”

This applies to any painting, drawing, BOOK, magazine, movie, video, website or computer rendering which depicts sexual activity for the purpose or arousing or gratifying the sexual desires of any person. Under this definition, depictions of nudity or sex aren’t necessarily considered pornographic. To be considered pornography, the depiction must be lewd in nature and must be intended to cause sexual arousal.

For example, in Texas, in order to view or purchase pornography, you must:

-Refrain from giving such material to minors under 18

This applies to all types of pornography, both online and offline. From erotic paperback novels to high-definition websites, all legal pornography must comply with these rules or legal action can be taken.


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276a73  No.14610825

File: 3c176e857441f03⋯.jpg (229.54 KB, 800x600, 4:3, AH2xX6.jpg)

File: 661da82aa63f3fe⋯.jpg (180.58 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Akj9Bfq33fqc.jpg)

File: 3f2e599a249de53⋯.jpg (278.19 KB, 800x554, 400:277, CwxUDrp40kqlodta.jpg)

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65abe9  No.14610828


dont need to talk about


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fe5a08  No.14610829

File: d9560f605787e92⋯.jpg (82.93 KB, 640x360, 16:9, mmmmoney.jpg)

File: c0c71515c8f8adf⋯.jpg (132.2 KB, 768x558, 128:93, ODDS_ARE_WORSE.jpg)

File: 568a26b3deb0fa9⋯.png (369.65 KB, 800x451, 800:451, DICTATOR_DAN_WANTS_LOCKDOW….png)

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af7315  No.14610830

File: 931b75551ea552b⋯.png (198.12 KB, 320x224, 10:7, lowex.png)


>"Special Master"

Annnnnnd there it is!

The Cave

Classic GOP

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c0427b  No.14610831


>why are there two breads?

It's a pair of bread rolls

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fc67b9  No.14610832

File: 50ab7dd16973944⋯.png (65 KB, 758x538, 379:269, WaltDisneyGay.png)

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77cc17  No.14610834

File: c8e760ee091e3d8⋯.png (300.79 KB, 1080x620, 54:31, Memeto_1623775987350.png)

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276a73  No.14610835

File: ced8601438603c8⋯.jpg (256 KB, 800x587, 800:587, Dg0VLvcInlJ1Baqp.jpg)

File: c5526e05fc16b66⋯.jpg (248.16 KB, 800x555, 160:111, HbXKXwtm1pWfLzFa.jpg)

File: 6d2f84da7ec7aba⋯.jpg (265.62 KB, 800x533, 800:533, IA6LMo2nJXUE.jpg)

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a7e47c  No.14610836

File: 5750cc8dc2c046b⋯.jpg (40.9 KB, 600x686, 300:343, pylon.jpg)

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080033  No.14610837


There are a lot of people out there who lack empathy and abilities to reason. They are like emotionless androids, just following orders and "doing my job". Just imagine the mind of the guy that wouldn't take his mask off just for a minute to talk to this girl. That is the type of mindset that will throw you in a boxcar to go to the COVID camp. And these people are everywhere, and primarily liberal democrats. It's a problem, folks. A big problem.

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1655fb  No.14610838

File: 829d343e3392c6c⋯.png (581.96 KB, 636x632, 159:158, 829d343e3392c6c4c9189e05c0….png)

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87a140  No.14610839

Not. What is your point?

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2e1fb6  No.14610841

File: ebbdfab64930df8⋯.png (97.62 KB, 398x606, 199:303, Screen_Shot_09_18_21_at_05….PNG)

File: eaad5d4e1f1ac68⋯.png (105.55 KB, 648x729, 8:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Lee Zeldin / @leezeldin 09/18/2021 15:54:04

Everything is all good! Thank you for your messages of support. My full statement about achieving complete remission following a CML diagnosis: ⬇️


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5730bf  No.14610842

File: 1e517c9ff877381⋯.jpg (147.49 KB, 839x500, 839:500, 10_BEARS_SEZ.jpg)

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e424f8  No.14610843


Agree ! 2-3 rd level IT ANONS pls help!

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fc67b9  No.14610844

File: 0c427e8ed8f6bdb⋯.jpg (59.39 KB, 695x595, 139:119, HillaryEatingArm.jpg)

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b06bfe  No.14610845

File: 19b7158a3335a0f⋯.jpg (37.06 KB, 612x407, 612:407, PepeGoodPart.jpg)

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276a73  No.14610846

File: d16f7c247c370cd⋯.jpg (33.68 KB, 200x255, 40:51, Rejected3.jpg)

File: fced826971923cd⋯.png (92.61 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost4.png)





Found the puppeteer

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8e8acb  No.14610848


check and kek

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5730bf  No.14610849

File: 41663f24c37058b⋯.jpg (82.7 KB, 541x360, 541:360, HURTS_DONUT.jpg)

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5770e3  No.14610850


Meme majic right thar

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276a73  No.14610851

File: 8062482e76c5fa5⋯.jpg (148.23 KB, 800x533, 800:533, IFESZM5L.jpg)

File: 00276378a99fdbe⋯.jpg (233.38 KB, 800x533, 800:533, JaUauqYZHVvOtrUl.jpg)

File: 52191d24ebc503e⋯.jpg (488.55 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, KdCiAH.jpg)

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65abe9  No.14610852


not into trans tbh anon

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1f544c  No.14610854

File: 743539126cfeb3d⋯.png (47.85 KB, 403x1133, 403:1133, Screenshot_2021_09_18_at_1….png)


One Q post with Wall Street. Posted @ 1:53

pm EST.

Post 153.

Far fetched maybe but I'm really trying

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77cc17  No.14610855

File: 9929187f1df5f15⋯.jpeg (43.92 KB, 1440x964, 360:241, 1537891790.jpeg)

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9e6cc0  No.14610856

File: 5ab4b95add3f8f7⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1107x1064, 1107:1064, 1631999399241.png)

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478da8  No.14610857


What ever happened to the…'Wanted, DOA' bounty hunter culture?

Australians need help.

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65abe9  No.14610858

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86cc95  No.14610859


Go parents!

The school had to somehow approve these books.. didn’t just *magically* appear in the classroom.

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d29b38  No.14610860


launched a patreon yet?

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cbe487  No.14610862

File: 7f05a2c3ed57dad⋯.png (94.55 KB, 912x1000, 114:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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904369  No.14610863


That anon seems to still have training wheels on

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2e1fb6  No.14610864


Did you even take the time to read?

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86cc95  No.14610865


That’s good!

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48e893  No.14610866




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bbba76  No.14610867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How the JFK Warren Commission came about.

LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover, 11/29/63.

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1655fb  No.14610868

File: ce914c9d6464623⋯.jpg (305.88 KB, 1076x694, 538:347, ce914c9d64646230394b0ce5d4….jpg)

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9b4c17  No.14610869


Is anyone working on doxing these clowns? Or anyone else showing their face at this circus?

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276a73  No.14610870

File: 96eeaeb54b730a5⋯.jpg (199.17 KB, 800x627, 800:627, MH6s3qEgxPSSW9IJ.jpg)

File: 938d176e40e10cc⋯.jpg (197.08 KB, 800x533, 800:533, MejZSQbecoir.jpg)

File: 57d419a504334ce⋯.jpg (274.71 KB, 800x445, 160:89, ORSqb6EsNTbo.jpg)

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4fe050  No.14610871

who's still comfy? just checkin in on comfyness. it's been a while.

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f7251e  No.14610872


Human soluble ACE2 improves the effect of remdesivir in SARS-CoV-2 infection



To date, there are no effective drugs for COVID-19. Only remdesivir has received authorization for COVID-19 and has been shown to improve outcomes but not decrease mortality.


We have demonstrated an additive effect of combination therapy using remdesivir with recombinant soluble ACE2. This combination treatment markedly improved their therapeutic windows against SARS-CoV-2.

>>Lower remdesivir dose needed, less toxic

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c53db1  No.14610873

File: 3b24b4de97e2427⋯.jpg (108.35 KB, 600x600, 1:1, popcorn1ns.jpg)

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c24c17  No.14610874



This is dead on anon. TY

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ddbb60  No.14610875



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7b77b3  No.14610876


w/o knowing too much about how their systems were set up, but in that case you might be able to know that via the MAC address, which (by default and in unspoofed cases), is unique.

But again, I have no idea about what information has been logged and how their system were configured.

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8e8acb  No.14610877


>Want a hurts 'DONUT'?


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3e21e8  No.14610878


You dance and only have the slightest unease that your strings are being tugged on.

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8d8fac  No.14610879


clean cut fudge packers

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4b7bdb  No.14610880


What if cures exist?


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43793e  No.14610881

File: c28f225cde32dcd⋯.jpeg (3.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 9B4033F3_A324_45FB_A074_0….jpeg)


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1655fb  No.14610882

File: b8bbd537f8bd6aa⋯.png (282.22 KB, 749x727, 749:727, b8bbd537f8bd6aaa482411a45c….png)

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140c74  No.14610883

File: 58d9146458d6d8f⋯.pdf (3.66 MB, How_to_Hide_Anything.pdf)


How To Hide Anything

110 page ebook with illustrations:

As government imposes more and more restrictions on what we can - or cannot- own, as burglaries soar, as terrorism escalates, and as anarchy seems closer to home than ever, the need for having a safe space for goods and persons becomes pressing.

Here are the guidelines to the design, selection, and construction of hidden storage areas small enough to hide cash and jewelry and large enough to conceal armaments and ammo, or in the extreme - a family.

Posting PDF guides and ebooks on topics of SHTF preparedness and survivalism

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86cc95  No.14610884


I split a half cord. Comfy,

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82f611  No.14610885


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2bc97e  No.14610886

File: 83c6ff74f4c0683⋯.jpeg (62.77 KB, 793x786, 793:786, 83c6ff74f4c0683a456f814c1….jpeg)

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34550f  No.14610887

File: 110bff966c0652a⋯.png (12.09 KB, 249x249, 1:1, yikes.png)


>Super spreader


Would you say a "professional" even?

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fe5a08  No.14610888

File: c018f6601fb682c⋯.jpg (351.36 KB, 1204x752, 301:188, proud_to_serve_beatings.jpg)

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8d963e  No.14610889

File: e632c1962822ad4⋯.jpg (51.92 KB, 700x596, 175:149, bd81bda62584e9457c4d671745….jpg)

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2e1fb6  No.14610890

Holy shit CNN is going to talk about the Southern Border after the break.

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65abe9  No.14610891


Red line


pure blood

those strings were cut

not the pure blood

the marriage

took both of us away from An

why continue after i left SA

wasnt with An

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bbba76  No.14610892


No point being anything but.

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7b77b3  No.14610893

File: 84cfdcb3da0f35a⋯.jpg (36.65 KB, 845x653, 845:653, 84cfdcb3da0f35afb0f902a92c….jpg)


quite comfy here, tbh

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fc67b9  No.14610894

File: 800fe6812e15fcf⋯.png (417.57 KB, 512x364, 128:91, ClipboardImage.png)


Actually these gay fucking things look pretty fucking good!

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7cea80  No.14610895


Understatement of the century,

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43793e  No.14610896

File: c28f225cde32dcd⋯.jpeg (3.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 5697767A_A904_4169_8A5F_D….jpeg)

Got my reliablerxpharmacy .com order today

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0eb5b3  No.14610897


got a Hurts donut in OKC on 23rd…they ARE pretty damn good

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48e893  No.14610898

File: a7c4b34acc37e0f⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 720x480, 3:2, a7c4b34acc37e0f6668f5d96b5….gif)

File: f4e0f21ed6dafdf⋯.mp4 (439.82 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, no_one_showed_up.mp4)


comfy, good days work so far, trouble starts when it gets dark in d.c

holding the line

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c53db1  No.14610899

File: e4bc5fd830d9178⋯.jpg (258.23 KB, 597x528, 199:176, fbipussies.jpg)

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b0bc4b  No.14610900

File: 615bbbbc4e7d0de⋯.jpg (230.39 KB, 700x663, 700:663, YIFGGYGYFGYOOGOGY.jpg)

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0065c4  No.14610901

File: 857c759248110e3⋯.jpg (58.38 KB, 860x520, 43:26, lkjhgfyyu.JPG)

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c53db1  No.14610902


"Cures exist"

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571891  No.14610903


Couted 8 to walk him.

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e424f8  No.14610904


ThanQ Anon!

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904369  No.14610905


Anons could be way better undercovers, for good, if we could put down the beers and tendies

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2e1fb6  No.14610906


>What if cures exist?


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5730bf  No.14610907

File: 33b559b3a4a0def⋯.jpg (78.88 KB, 552x292, 138:73, BE_PREPARED.jpg)

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4578ed  No.14610908


Starting to wonder if FBI really means, Full Butt Injection. Damn Hoover anyway. Kinda makes me wonder if Hoover started a, "trend," within the FBI. Are agents more, "compliant," when threatened with exposure? "Hire the compromised, they're easier to handle," kind of thing?

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fe5a08  No.14610909

File: 6cc913dfbbe14ec⋯.png (10.21 KB, 216x255, 72:85, COMFY_AS_FUCK.png)

File: 018bef065ab876c⋯.jpg (104.35 KB, 1019x437, 1019:437, in_good_hands_hang_on_tigh….jpg)

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34550f  No.14610910

File: 67da39b5ec8965a⋯.jpg (212.09 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, viking_floki.jpg)


They are going to be famous, but not in a good way.

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fc67b9  No.14610911


COVID is a fucking PARASITE! Not a fucking VIRUS!

It's a genetically modified CREATURE!

Cybernetic Nano-lifeform that is controlled with an AI.

Modified Norwegian Scabies that attacks the lungs and internal organs.

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b06bfe  No.14610912

File: 55ddeb15f090815⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1064x1600, 133:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb2c6f13ea0c548⋯.png (3.75 MB, 1064x1600, 133:200, ClipboardImage.png)



I like Pure Bloods

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77cc17  No.14610913

File: d6136c6d2b286ff⋯.gif (2.45 MB, 498x230, 249:115, 4monthspol.gif)


Doin fine anon

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86cc95  No.14610914



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ba8733  No.14610915


This is what Fascism looks like, it's horrifying.

As the people continue to rise up, with a vengeance and if the Australian military/police make the 'wrong' choice and open fire for a slaughter fest, it is my opinion this will be the 'Shot heard Around the World'.

Think of the mil/police programmed minds that are listening to their murdering gov't officials for a few pieces of silver and open fire on their own people.

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18e7d6  No.14610916

File: ceee085e14cdafc⋯.gif (691.19 KB, 255x209, 255:209, popcorn5.gif)

Watching things crumble in slow motion.

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8055e1  No.14610917

File: 4c33a7e470dafdd⋯.jpg (153.85 KB, 1307x757, 1307:757, what_if_the_below_could_be….jpg)

File: 5b35c61efbe5d47⋯.jpg (150.87 KB, 1241x611, 1241:611, Wheels_down_potus_nov_3_20….jpg)


Does not liking seeing the pain and bullshit but being confident in why it had to be this way and how it'll turn out qualify?

I'm that.

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8d8fac  No.14610918


add pedoJoe hammering a sniff from behind at the same time


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8cab60  No.14610919

File: d758d769bf016e0⋯.png (567.39 KB, 606x396, 101:66, john316guy.png)

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fc67b9  No.14610920

File: 46edb9940718322⋯.png (160.78 KB, 356x475, 356:475, ClipboardImage.png)


They're not Pedo are they?

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dd415f  No.14610921

File: 645453e931f7758⋯.mp4 (8.84 MB, 704x1280, 11:20, au31U_MXfP2A9e9r.mp4)


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5e567d  No.14610922

FIRST ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction

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0eb5b3  No.14610923


>This is what Fascism looks like, it's horrifying.

this is what happens when the gvmnt takes your guns

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18e7d6  No.14610924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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140c74  No.14610925

File: 8be39986ee1af2a⋯.pdf (360.82 KB, How_to_live_without_electr….pdf)


How Do You Live Without Electricity?

Sooner or later, the power will go off, and you won’t know when (or if) it will come back on. What can you do now to mitigate your difficulties if the power goes off in the future, and what can you do then to help keep your situation under control?

20 page overview covering lighting, water, cooking, heating & cooling, communications, generators, inverters, and batteries.

Posting PDF guides and ebooks on topics of SHTF preparedness and survivalism

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fe5a08  No.14610926

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, deadpool_scoffing_popcorn.mp4)

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642e69  No.14610927

Ok, lads,

So it looks like this triple homicide in Timaru, NZ was a vax injury.

They were doctors, who had just immigrated to NZ, and would have had to been fully vaxxed to get in.

She killed her children……God help us.

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83972f  No.14610928

File: 58f3d91abf7e8cb⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB, 1280x646, 640:323, 58f3d91abf7e8cbf852769fc82….mp4)


And they are lying about the death numbers.

Its documented.upsards to 60k

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8d8fac  No.14610929



arrest and punish them to the fullest extent of the law -

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82f611  No.14610930


911 trips confirm emergency for humanity.

Yeah, it's been obvious for some time that a parasite/organism is involved.

What are they doing? Trying to wire humanity into the IOT?

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86cc95  No.14610931



I would love to see their cops lay down arms and March w the oz people. Quit one by one.

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5730bf  No.14610932

File: 7dbc17a2c15fe77⋯.jpg (108.89 KB, 455x641, 455:641, 2ND_AMENDMENT.jpg)

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89fd66  No.14610933

File: e3c50e70f6601a9⋯.jpeg (248.73 KB, 1000x889, 1000:889, D47F7602_059F_4295_9CC4_A….jpeg)

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4578ed  No.14610934

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0eb5b3  No.14610935


not that I've noticed, but thy sure have good donuts

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86cc95  No.14610936


Pay attention anons. Learn a new skill every day. Memorize or write down.

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b0bc4b  No.14610937

File: 9fb32c690520cec⋯.jpg (83.96 KB, 681x1024, 681:1024, E_D99TnVIAcGAPo.jpg)

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7b77b3  No.14610938

File: fd6a57183d2903c⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1459x1722, 1459:1722, fd6a57183d2903cc5e214fef42….png)


Here, have the big one.

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b642b7  No.14610939

File: cb38774cae4ab2f⋯.png (294.2 KB, 800x461, 800:461, 16e670c61a6d762c0555bcf5c4….png)

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a7420a  No.14610941

File: 4ea7419c0680de8⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 725x474, 725:474, photo_2021_09_18_17_02_46.jpg)

File: dc1932696e8028b⋯.jpg (193.55 KB, 1280x1220, 64:61, photo_2021_09_18_17_03_38.jpg)

File: b50fb9ef91edcc8⋯.jpg (76.92 KB, 621x597, 207:199, photo_2021_09_18_17_33_31.jpg)


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9e6cc0  No.14610942

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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4f81a0  No.14610943

File: 1e600bcb0fcaa4d⋯.jpg (73.85 KB, 614x591, 614:591, 1593716410576.jpg)


The mask is slipping

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e3e50b  No.14610944

File: 6bb1917e77b0004⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 425x360, 85:72, 4565.jpg)


The "One Q post with Wall Street"?

in 153?

I don't see it.


4565 has Wall Street mentioned. It's the only one I can find.

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9e6cc0  No.14610945


Wires and badges and guns oh my

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487297  No.14610946

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4fe050  No.14610947


hey anon, thanks for these, i've been downloaded all of them that i come across. where did you say that you were posting them for ease of access? i missed a couple that i wanna go and get. thanks again!

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8d8fac  No.14610948


let's get this dry bar hump party started

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b0bc4b  No.14610949

File: 9bfb9543e79d363⋯.jpg (97.76 KB, 1284x640, 321:160, E_mJCSfXsAUgfKY.jpg)

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5730bf  No.14610951

File: 2f89c01648073e7⋯.jpg (134.38 KB, 869x457, 869:457, RIDE_WITH_U.jpg)

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bbb954  No.14610952


agent provac antifa glow faggot nigger

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b668cc  No.14610953


1st arrest happened on 1/6. They were thrown into the hole to rot. That's the future direction.

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65abe9  No.14610954

Notice the liar has only the lines that are repeated ad nauseum but runs away and hides on roofs when confronted

is easy to accuse others while ignoring the hideous truth that the evil is in you

runaway, runaway

just like you did yesterday

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d29b38  No.14610955

File: e7f7b6dd0772a9d⋯.jpeg (112.38 KB, 854x857, 854:857, 89175cfbe9d3679683555e106….jpeg)

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b642b7  No.14610956

File: eb81d8420ff9622⋯.png (166.96 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Enjoy_The_Show.png)

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e15793  No.14610958



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548192  No.14610959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes anon, you are correct. You will love these two docs.

Really info packed documentary on the big picture.

Here is the second:

I haven't looked everything up on this one so I need some feedback to try to debunk it.


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d29b38  No.14610960

File: 8f01e3019e5fde7⋯.jpg (41.93 KB, 626x585, 626:585, 92dfcb6fec2678e92bc81f02a6….jpg)

TELL the shill that the men who fought on either side at Hastings' plain cared nothing for national but everything for feudal allegiance; that lex terrae means the local custom of ordeal and not the "law of the land"; tell him that judicium parium means the right of a noble to be judged by nobles, and has nothing to do with the jury system; tell him that Magna Carta was certainly drawn up before the meeting at Runnymede; that not until the Lancastrians did English kings speak English; that Oliver Cromwell owed his position to the enormous wealth of the Williamses, of whom had he not been a cadet, he would never have been known; tell him that the whole force of the Parliament resided in the squires and that the Civil Wars turned England into an oligarchy; tell him the exact truth about the infamy of Churchill; tell him what proportion of Englishmen during the American War were taxed without being represented; tell him what proportion of Washington's troops were of English blood; tell him any one illuminating and true thing about the history of his country, and the novelty will so offend him that a direct insult would have pleased him better.


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89fd66  No.14610962

File: 85f29f7acc93c93⋯.jpeg (282.57 KB, 1000x893, 1000:893, 789EF4AA_79D5_4096_8B52_6….jpeg)

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b0bc4b  No.14610963

File: 429414827b96043⋯.jpg (104.11 KB, 1242x925, 1242:925, E_mJCSfWYAEusTO.jpg)

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ba8733  No.14610964

File: e75d4814c512d36⋯.png (74.92 KB, 314x332, 157:166, Screen_Shot_2021_09_18_at_….png)


Despite what one may think of Ayn Rand, she's dead on with surgical precision:

"A statist system—whether of a communist, fascist, Nazi, socialist or “welfare” type—is based on the . . . government’s unlimited power, which means: on the rule of brute force. The differences among statist systems are only a matter of time and degree; the principle is the same. Under statism, the government is not a policeman, but a legalized criminal that holds the power to use physical force in any manner and for any purpose it pleases against legally disarmed, defenseless victims.

Nothing can ever justify so monstrously evil a theory. Nothing can justify the horror, the brutality, the plunder, the destruction, the starvation, the slave-labor camps, the torture chambers, the wholesale slaughter of statist dictatorships."

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487297  No.14610965

File: 4a8fb70613204a0⋯.png (829.89 KB, 678x829, 678:829, 7ecdffd1416478869903390d7d….png)


Good evening MR. PIG


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7b77b3  No.14610966

File: a89876ff54f4247⋯.jpg (160.77 KB, 654x459, 218:153, a89876ff54f4247eddc6d310f0….jpg)

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068edd  No.14610967


^ this is a hopeless fuck.

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c0427b  No.14610968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c8a8f6  No.14610969


#Tru$t The $cience

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1655fb  No.14610970

File: 885a013da7e41a1⋯.png (111.9 KB, 1228x450, 614:225, Screen_Shot_2021_09_18_at_….png)


Is anyone asking the question as to why we have 14,000+ Haitians living under a bridge at the US-Mexican border?


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1f544c  No.14610971

File: c1116608e06532f⋯.png (20.58 KB, 411x447, 137:149, Screenshot_2021_09_18_at_1….png)

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b0bc4b  No.14610972

File: ae28c2666641921⋯.jpg (69.34 KB, 1024x304, 64:19, E_ls1T7VEAECNJS.jpg)

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65abe9  No.14610973



Blonde is

Sarah, Holly, Violet, Ebony

part of mine

Red is me

Sarah isn't on here


i am on here





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47b820  No.14610974

File: 622279258b69a1e⋯.jpeg (118.99 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 945AE95D_CFC6_45A5_B19B_C….jpeg)

File: b24c6ec7f4c71f9⋯.jpeg (46.21 KB, 800x535, 160:107, FEA22825_9D13_4538_BB1C_F….jpeg)

File: faff1bcc14df0a0⋯.jpeg (62.43 KB, 739x415, 739:415, C7550369_DAC1_4AB9_8D16_1….jpeg)

File: 9d1690f629db98d⋯.jpeg (149.04 KB, 700x523, 700:523, 077F0C4C_91F1_47C2_B84E_0….jpeg)

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3e21e8  No.14610975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ddbb60  No.14610976


Oldanon never split a cord at one time. Did cut down a tree every early spring and with a partner saw it into 6-9' logs and haul them home. Do a couple cord's worth and was always comfy af afterwards. Did the splitting as I burned them.

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5730bf  No.14610977

File: 49eea53f5baec16⋯.jpg (196.04 KB, 771x612, 257:204, PIG_AGENDA.jpg)

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c53db1  No.14610978

File: 4cdf2f83f7b2390⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 680x533, 680:533, nsclock.jpg)

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8e4145  No.14610979

File: 7f5b20c9ee147ea⋯.jpg (50.69 KB, 578x357, 34:21, Capture.JPG)

File: 1ddb8a910b4aba9⋯.jpg (42.07 KB, 510x392, 255:196, Capture1.JPG)

“Justice for J6” Rally: Cops Surround Masked Man with Gun and Get a Big Surprise [Video]

The “Justice for J6” rally in DC has become a circus because there are more undercover cops swarming around than protesters.

President Trump warned that this is a set-up to make Trump supporters seem like domestic terrorists again.

This is ridiculous, and one example of how the cops are all over the place and troublemakers are nowhere to be seen. The Democrats are so anxious to try and make Trump supporters look bad that this event only lends proof to the reports that January 6th was a set-up.

"Are you undercover?" the officers asked the masked man, who gave them a badge.

I guess not anymore. pic.twitter.com/EBBx0e8Ucd

— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) September 18, 2021



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c0427b  No.14610980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b0bc4b  No.14610981

File: 346ebd958c4686c⋯.jpg (42.38 KB, 1102x695, 1102:695, E_lJInFXsAE3Qgw.jpg)

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8f427a  No.14610982



Chk the name under the cockpit.

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5051a3  No.14610983

File: 6e93e759a99db13⋯.png (83.03 KB, 706x1024, 353:512, ClipboardImage.png)

from:pol/.. kek

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1417e6  No.14610984


nothing confusing about it

[they] have ALWAYS bought paid trained funded armed and created just about every enemy EVER

need a fake enemy for fake conflict

make real $$

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fe5a08  No.14610985

File: 79694bc453fc10f⋯.jpg (992.27 KB, 2676x1668, 223:139, DONT_SILENCE.jpg)


lol… there was a time that, that used to happen.

Somewhere there is a clip of me talking with a cop…. on the front lines…. but that was years ago.

I've had my 15 secs of fame, a few times….lol…. not all coppers are bad.

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fc67b9  No.14610986

File: 7f2abc925a10e6f⋯.jpg (105.42 KB, 670x594, 335:297, HillaryEatingArm_Copy_2_.jpg)

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77cc17  No.14610987


Is that a ramp…

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9ce97f  No.14610988




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a7e47c  No.14610989

File: 0a18b84b45c0395⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1242x1194, 207:199, notfbi.png)

I am a civilian. I am enjoying my water with my buds. We are currently protesting. Though we may look peaceful, many are afraid that we will begin rioting. Come, civilian, join us. We have water.

Protesting for America is hard work.

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77cc17  No.14610990

File: 9c049bc8059d8f1⋯.jpeg (118.02 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1585876605.jpeg)

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d8b054  No.14610991





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140c74  No.14610992

File: f8229a121dd9ecf⋯.pdf (1.34 MB, How_to_Prepare_for_Any_Dis….pdf)


How To Prepare For Any Disaster

45 page guide. Table of Contents:

Creating your own disaster plan of action

How safe is your home?

First Aid, Emergency water, Evacuation, Action plan checklist

Wars, Terrorism, Riots, Looting, Hazardous chemicals, Earthquakes, Extreme Weather, Famine, Plague, Floods

Reducing anxiety and fear

How to recover

Long term preperations: food, water, clothes, finances, shelter, heat, light, fuel cooking, sanitation

Posting PDF guides and ebooks on topics of SHTF preparedness and survivalism

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5730bf  No.14610993

File: 72c35a00c7e051a⋯.jpg (77.71 KB, 760x436, 190:109, FOG_OF_WAR.jpg)

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b0bc4b  No.14610994

File: 5e474c1279e5c2a⋯.mp4 (807.48 KB, 576x1080, 8:15, 5d_Q2Ad_cLEEbI_x.mp4)


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b668cc  No.14610995


Twitter is a shithole of victim blaming.

"We force kids to eat food they hate. We force them to wear clothes and diapers. Kids have to be forced to do lots of shit. That's how they learn what's good for them…"

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d29b38  No.14610996

File: 663bcc8772b9d7f⋯.png (86.23 KB, 230x230, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


not hard today. No sledge and wedges.

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65abe9  No.14610997



with love

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c0427b  No.14610998


>Is that a ramp…

Yes it's the British Queen Elisabeth Aircraft Carrier in Japan with American & British F35's onboard

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fe5a08  No.14610999



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1417e6  No.14611000


Ola Pig

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21034e  No.14611001


911 digits confirm. Metamaterial tech of today is much more involved than the public thinks it is.

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9ce97f  No.14611002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


SIAI Marchetti S-211



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d872b7  No.14611003

File: f83859a9d5d4fc8⋯.gif (3.66 MB, 337x263, 337:263, YES.gif)


Monday is coming for the Hotel I work for that will require vaccine passports.

I worked at the same place last month for a week without them requiring this shit.

I will use "Radial Nerve Palsy" (which is on record) to use as an excuse why I cannot take the vaccine.

Next course of action will be just to say my religion is against it. You know… Seeing a bunch of Muslims wearing their funny clothing should be the perfect example of religious exemption.

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c0427b  No.14611004





Yes, it's about 5 past 12

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65abe9  No.14611005


One can not always be Queen

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1417e6  No.14611006

File: 0fa6a6a35d48a61⋯.jpg (53.91 KB, 668x520, 167:130, 0fa6a6a35d48a61ef7e3abdd3b….jpg)

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b0bc4b  No.14611007

File: c5bed4ea5c31647⋯.jpg (55.78 KB, 640x640, 1:1, E_fhF7_XsAo89r8.jpg)

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b668cc  No.14611008


Keep smoking that hopium, shill. Get your shots too, Q+ said they were good for you.

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104f1a  No.14611009

File: 0061fce272b1943⋯.jpg (49.25 KB, 419x510, 419:510, Biden_would_bang_little_gi….jpg)

>>14609767 pb

>>14610329 pb

Don jr. has great sense of humor, like Dad.

it was forestalled since no one showed.

FBI too obvious on an empty field

>>14610440 pb

>>14610496 pb

Someone said FBI was all PEDO

Why pass over Bidan for pedo arrest?

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77cc17  No.14611010

File: 16c9b9ad6ed536e⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 451x328, 11:8, 20210714_210845.gif)


There's always one

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8e4145  No.14611011

File: bbb0686e9421ac6⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 631x391, 631:391, Capture.JPG)

‘What a waste’: Video of 15 skyscrapers being simultaneously demolished in China stuns all online

The high-rise buildings in Kunming were demolished after sitting unfinished for eight years. In controlled demolition project, the buildings were turned into rubble in just 45 seconds.

In a jaw-dropping moment caught on camera, 15 high-rise buildings were obliterated simultaneously in China after sitting unfinished for eight years. In the country’s Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province, the skyscrapers were destroyed into huge pile of dust. Now, video of the demolition is going viral, leaving netizens stunned while starting a serious conversation about country’s excessive and unplanned urbanisation projects.

China’s state-run Xinhua News stated that 4.6 tons of explosives were placed at 85,000 blasting points in the buildings for the demolition. The report said the mission was successfully completed in just 45 seconds.

In order to ensure that the blasting work is full-proof — emergency rescue departments dispatched more than 2,000 support personnel to set up eight emergency rescue teams, including on-site fire rescue teams, comprehensive emergency teams, flood control emergency teams, and urban management logistics teams, Kunming Daily reported.


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48e893  No.14611012


yeah they don/t have no duty to contract workers.

so get ready to walk if you don;t want the jab

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8be655  No.14611013

Political operative "little boy" aka "fat man" downplayed violent BLM

General Milley Downplayed BLM Riots To Prevent Trump From Invoking Insurrection Act


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fc67b9  No.14611014


[[[THEY]]] want to wire every human being they can into their slave AI system.

The AI system will be the ultimate tool for [[[THEM]]] for population control.

The population won't even realize they are being controlled, especially when they can get all your kids and babies vaxxed.

The ultimate goal is to have the AI program to be able to shut off or on human reproductive cycles in accordance to the needs of the geographical locations and environments.

Also, can kill you whenever it wants, and probably well when one starts to reach their sixties or seventies.

It will just decide that some need to die now to clear up the "Herd".

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5730bf  No.14611015

File: 9ed9e6a9dd98a2b⋯.jpg (32.95 KB, 445x286, 445:286, TOTAL_FAN_CLUB.jpg)




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65abe9  No.14611016


you misunderstand

was talkin' about myself usin' the Royal perogative

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a7e47c  No.14611017

File: 389387c8a9046f2⋯.png (225.52 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1417230166037.png)


You're still going to be required to test weekly, which can run anywhere from $79 to $149. And the hotel certainly isn't footing that bill for you.

Sorry bud, you're fucked either way

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cbe487  No.14611018

File: 153122d73097cb1⋯.png (1 MB, 2136x714, 356:119, ClipboardImage.png)

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487297  No.14611019


no dice

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6b4849  No.14611020


This will be an opportunity for all digital warriors to unite, find the facts and run John Shadegg off the case quickly. This guy Shadegg was brought in to slow roll and deny access specifically to the routers, as well as other damning evidence. Have to turn and burn on this guy.

>John Shadegg is the infiltrator/fixer for the Cabal to shut the flow of evidence. Think Louie Freeh taking over and shutting down the Penn State Scandal without the child trafficking being affected or shut down…


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47b820  No.14611021

File: 1045c40483ba152⋯.jpeg (1.74 MB, 2620x3969, 2620:3969, B94E95E0_0FB2_4182_A866_7….jpeg)

File: 9bf1149d9c5a684⋯.jpeg (642.68 KB, 5100x3300, 17:11, 889F75FB_C7AA_4FB4_B8F4_9….jpeg)

File: a484f251d356201⋯.gif (152.34 KB, 450x502, 225:251, 0661E67A_1527_4CEC_AC0D_6B….gif)

File: b2fc67e64827cdc⋯.jpeg (293.03 KB, 1370x907, 1370:907, FEF7AFDC_F5DF_4135_81D2_5….jpeg)

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3e21e8  No.14611022

File: ec7bc11ac31850d⋯.jpg (113.35 KB, 756x1008, 3:4, ZomboMeme_21072021220708.jpg)


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22c3d2  No.14611023


From Google Translate:

I can't see it easily, I can't get a picture. It'!️! Thank you❗

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77cc17  No.14611024

File: eb6f4d84635e3ff⋯.png (285.98 KB, 1080x867, 360:289, 20210825_193808.png)

Keep trying hack

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5730bf  No.14611025

File: 11c22b68c2c7488⋯.jpg (137.63 KB, 810x504, 45:28, TITANIUM_PIG.jpg)

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ba8733  No.14611026

File: 22f038dea4fa30c⋯.png (830.02 KB, 1206x1188, 67:66, Screen_Shot_2021_09_18_at_….png)



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86cc95  No.14611027


I need one, yes.

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104f1a  No.14611028

File: a9502d9817268d2⋯.gif (118.15 KB, 488x451, 488:451, biden2020.gif)


milley was against Insurrection act.

I wonder if Bidan and Milly "got it on"?

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4dc3c7  No.14611029



all days contain pig

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7b77b3  No.14611030


hard to read, but after some light research my guess would be

Mauricio 'Getmo' Frizzarin

could also be Fozzarin or Fazzarin, but Frizzarin checks out better.

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0065c4  No.14611031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Anti-Mandate, Stop Socialism Rally in Los Angeles

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5730bf  No.14611032

File: d919a5e898f0a99⋯.jpg (141.19 KB, 789x441, 263:147, SO_GOOD.jpg)




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65abe9  No.14611033

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c53db1  No.14611034


but…we let them choose which gender they want and put them on meth to make them more compliant

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75cdc5  No.14611035


first five seconds, you can HEAR the cop punching the orange vest guy at the bottom left

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c24c17  No.14611036



that was awesome man

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fe5a08  No.14611037

File: e4a23f3e0f8ea88⋯.jpg (182.68 KB, 802x604, 401:302, ELECTION_FRAUD.jpg)

File: 634bdaa8c0a21d0⋯.jpg (180.49 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, audit_before_too_late.jpg)

File: 27b10e5fbb7dfea⋯.jpg (105.82 KB, 746x600, 373:300, CHINESE_MADE_MANIPULATING_….jpg)

File: 2719e682af78f73⋯.jpg (169.45 KB, 930x555, 62:37, fraud_signature.jpg)

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8be655  No.14611038


>Bidan and Milly

Milley " I got a big smile under this mask"

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8f427a  No.14611039


I thought it said 'Gitmo'.

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2f3c97  No.14611040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Australian Police Bash and Pepper spray 70-year old woman?

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41320c  No.14611041

File: a70318476b9d278⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1438x1080, 719:540, 49B9C16F_A186_4758_8ECD_44….png)

Why are old turds making decisions they will never live under?

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9ce97f  No.14611042

File: 846f310b974bd69⋯.png (920.14 KB, 1066x572, 41:22, ClipboardImage.png)

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8be655  No.14611043


death to tyrants

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41320c  No.14611044


The badges are not your friends….they work for the commies

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d872b7  No.14611045

File: 91309926481c02f⋯.jpg (100.84 KB, 1198x974, 599:487, 1631938941777.jpg)


Roger! I posted this yesterday but I was a little intoxicated so I could have worded in better.

I've been there 8 years (union) and willingly to use the lawyers.

>Where in my contract does it say I have to do >X,Y,Z< while you guys have no problem selling alcohol and cigarettes.


Sure. There is always two other options. Live off of the welfare they so much spent the past 12 years of my life taking 20% of my paycheck.

Anyone with a working brain can understand this.

>15 days to slow the spread


>social distance

>only go out for essentials

Then we jump to….

>take the vaccine but still wear the mask.

I have hope somebody in that building understands this stupid shit. I know people like that know what I know but they'll simply fall in line because of some forbidden master.

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65abe9  No.14611046


Gadget ded

step aside for any of the blondes mentioned

maybe all

its spring

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21034e  No.14611047


Great pivots and targeting. This guy was ready

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409023  No.14611048


The whole video wouldn't play. Stopped right after they were saying something about being at the event.

Funny thing though. Do these "Capitol Police" look different to you?

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d55731  No.14611049

Merciless retribution that will NEVER be forgotten, widespread and FINAL.

Soul disembowelment, demons conjured to be eternally vanquished.

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82f611  No.14611050


I wish this didn't make as much sense as it does.

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ad8bd3  No.14611051

File: cc093b5bd27f891⋯.png (748.69 KB, 1298x618, 649:309, Rose_McGowan_Marina_Abramo….png)

Rose McGowan and Marina Abramovic

Clones? Mother Daughter, Same Person?

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fc67b9  No.14611052

File: 5fe7c9db9f606f5⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1031x693, 1031:693, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a2d3a5c698b973⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1200x1123, 1200:1123, ClipboardImage.png)

Are they CLONING THEM????

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9ce97f  No.14611053

File: 8b0df957009e980⋯.png (441.17 KB, 680x449, 680:449, ClipboardImage.png)

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068edd  No.14611054

The pureblood discussion is further division

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8f427a  No.14611055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



QYON Aero Sports was visited by Andrey Borisevich, head of the SkyEagle Aviation Academy flight school in Florida, USA. In this video you can find out how QYON Aero Sports came about in a really cool conversation with Team Boss Maurício Frizzarin!


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fc67b9  No.14611056

File: 740b19997071550⋯.png (350.36 KB, 793x539, 793:539, ClipboardImage.png)





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727cb6  No.14611057


you need a prescription for that.

have you tried the out of country pharmacies that don't require you to submit a prescription?

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276a73  No.14611058

File: 642ba9588c26d05⋯.jpg (574.39 KB, 800x1046, 400:523, cTKKYt.jpg)

File: 4ae4648cd23f9a7⋯.jpg (188.77 KB, 800x533, 800:533, cuCq5M.jpg)

File: d60619a8de07d2b⋯.jpg (256.23 KB, 800x572, 200:143, dYrCH6Y1X6yT.jpg)

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9ce97f  No.14611059


Mauricio "Getmo" Frizzarin

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44d897  No.14611060


I disagree.

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252274  No.14611061


Started downloading and printing out on paper!

Putting into a Survival Binder!

This is another example of anons helping others! Thanks for posting invaluable info!


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548192  No.14611062

File: 0b616e29efe55bc⋯.jpg (116.72 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1495604995897.jpg)

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0eb5b3  No.14611063


How to overcome the pressure to get a COVID vaccine

Ask for exemptions

Point out liability (the lawsuits are already habbening)

Vaccine mandates for experimental COVID shots are against the law in the U.S.

Furthermore, coercion tactics are in violation of U.S. and International Law.

detail and info and links here - https://rightsfreedoms.wordpress.com/2021/06/02/how-to-overcome-the-pressure-to-get-a-covid-vaccine/

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86cc95  No.14611064


Clone posts… of clones. Kek

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f23214  No.14611065


It’s not about being a hopium junkie, it’s about raising humanities frequency with a positive mental attitude, which is the only chance we have of wining this battle against darkness. The moment we lose hope they’ve already won. It’s in the balance, first to blink will fall.

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104f1a  No.14611066

File: 3356314ad82f53d⋯.jpg (47.43 KB, 800x418, 400:209, Biden_horny_kids.jpg)


Just as they tell the relatives of the people who die from vax… "It's Covid"

They explain the mass infertilities with "Environmental Damage"

License to lie.

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36e5a3  No.14611067

File: a4431dddaabdabb⋯.jpeg (288.53 KB, 1280x1664, 10:13, LR129.jpeg)



>Also, can kill you whenever it wants, and probably well when one starts to reach their sixties or seventies.

>I wish this didn't make as much sense as it does.

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ad8bd3  No.14611068


And it took several tries on captcha! kek

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e424f8  No.14611069


Not all heroes wear capes!

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d8b054  No.14611070


Time for some Aussies to band up, follow your law abiding law officers home and crack a few of their heads.

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41320c  No.14611071


Not clones…it’s inbreeding

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487297  No.14611072

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements

>>14610511 @535


>>1461062, >>14610854, >>14610944, >>14610971 Don jr WALL

>>14610513, >>14610564, >>14610584, >>14610592, >>14610600, >>14610526, >>14610563 Armed Person Detained at J6 Rally is Undercover Agent, Pulls Out Badge (Cap 2:14)

>>14610541 Armed Person Detained at J6 Rally is Undercover Agent, Pulls Out Badge

>>14610540 So far, the USCP is reporting a total of 4 arrests

>>14610564, >>14610584, >>14610595 WHAT A CLOWN SHOW, FIRST PERSON ARRESTED AT D.C TODAY WAS A FED !!! KEK

>>14610615, >>14610638, >>14610677, >>14610796, >>14610899, >>14610933, >>14610941 Same…same? FBI and CIA poofs, poofing each other with obvious guns in their pockets

>>14610758 LIVE link to J6 Rally

>>14610779 What if they held a violent riot, and no one showed up?

>>14610797 15 Former Spooks Who Work At CNN And MSNBC Now

>>14610979 "Are you undercover?" the officers asked the masked man, who gave them a badge

>>14610515, >>14610520 Riccardo Bosi message to Australians

>>14610530 UK Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid

>>14610537 TX Congressman Tony Gonzales says food shortages are beginning at Del Rio

>>14610558 It’s an INVASION – Mexican Authorities Bussing Thousands of Migrants to ‘Bidenville’ Bridge Camp on Texas Border

>>14610586 This is an assault on our sovereignty and the Biden regime is complicit

>>14610800 Australian Politicians Becoming Absolutely Ruthless

>>14610539 Australia’s brand new COVID detention center

>>14610710 Aussies today are peacefully demonstrating against their tyrannical government's health mandates.

>>14610613, >>14610643 Melbourne Citizens finally had enough and break Police line (Cap 0:44)

>>14611026 Aussie superhero (0:27)

>>14611040 Australian Police Bash and Pepper spray 70-year old woman?

>>14610631 Gen Flynn: This has got to stop

>>14610665 Firefighter Speaks Out Against The Mandates (Cap 2:17)

>>14610722 AZ Senate Needs To Answer Questions Regarding 'Special Master' Who Will Oversee Router Investigation

>>14610753, >>14610785 CALL TO DIGG on Special Master and every person on their team, including digging on Hickman

>>14610767, >>14610783, >>14610793, >>14610872 Fauci Recommended Remdesivir Over Safer Drugs Knowing It Killed 54% of Test Subjects

>>14610824 “We Sucked Eachother’s D***s” – Mother Reads Sexually Explicit School Book To Board Members

>>14610806 Lee Zeldin Has Leukemia

>>14610942 Gov Kathy Hochul YOU ARE A CHILD ABUSER


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5051a3  No.14611073


it’s ok if you got jabbed, anon. purebloods aren’t prejudiced…

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104f1a  No.14611074


not even close.

Doesn't mean they don't clone ,, stupid shill

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7b77b3  No.14611075

File: 72c4e53d05bffdc⋯.jpg (543.17 KB, 1600x1166, 800:583, 72c4e53d05bffdc85872618c52….jpg)



Thanks guys.

Knew I had a good eye.

Always happy to get mo confirmation.

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b0bc4b  No.14611076

File: 8f12cb3f835a150⋯.jpg (155.61 KB, 662x663, 662:663, YIFGGYGYFGYOOGOGYUYGGUYUGY.jpg)

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f23214  No.14611077


I second your disagreement. Not enough meat on the bone.

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21034e  No.14611078


>muh pureblood triggers

Most divisions are arbitrary. The nano-shot is one of those things where there IS an actual difference in another's physical structure.

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b06bfe  No.14611079

File: 5fd60db0f5fa97d⋯.png (2.24 MB, 987x1280, 987:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

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ddbb60  No.14611080


KEK. It's a Chinese fire drill. All a terrorist has to do now is, when stopped, whisper: I'm undercover. The cops will protect him and when they get him away, the terrorist say: I'm deep undercover and provide some counterfeit docs. It's worse than the Keystone Kops. Are you undercover indeed.

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e424f8  No.14611081


And just like me……..but I'm married……sorry!

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ba8733  No.14611082

File: 4e6d02402d4983a⋯.png (652.44 KB, 770x942, 385:471, Screen_Shot_2021_05_19_at_….png)

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fc67b9  No.14611083


The illness is not from the Virus, it's from the spiked protein that breaks off. The spiked protein needs to be studied to find out what the fuck it is and what it is doing to the human body!

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86cc95  No.14611084


!!!! Kek

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5730bf  No.14611085

File: e24d65c3ed50ffe⋯.jpg (179.58 KB, 823x575, 823:575, SCREAMIN_PIGGY.jpg)

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1f123a  No.14611086

File: cce3aa1a4387843⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9072c09768a4ac⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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276a73  No.14611087

File: aa84f6953cbe3e4⋯.jpg (148.11 KB, 800x536, 100:67, fXCIj0dP.jpg)

File: 6278952cd01c62e⋯.jpg (224.73 KB, 800x532, 200:133, hE6OautgtSSM.jpg)

File: b85c0fd57176b98⋯.jpg (290.18 KB, 800x671, 800:671, jQYlSmjt.jpg)

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1f123a  No.14611088

File: cce3aa1a4387843⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9072c09768a4ac⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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5730bf  No.14611089

File: 6b16d19716d25b1⋯.jpg (77.42 KB, 537x492, 179:164, PURE_PANIC.jpg)

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1f123a  No.14611090

File: cce3aa1a4387843⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9072c09768a4ac⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7e47c  No.14611091

File: df6ee6170b6aecd⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 211x207, 211:207, 1414598743519.jpg)


Kek, good one

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8f427a  No.14611092


>click skip

Is he the one in the middle with the patterned shirt?

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ddbb60  No.14611093


You know the rules. Not sorry.

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ba8733  No.14611094


Indeed, that'd be the right choice!

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1f123a  No.14611095

File: aa2cdc6745e5a07⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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068edd  No.14611096

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e3e50b  No.14611097


Okay, I gotcha.

I wouldn't have thought of Wall Street when Jr posted "WALL"

(that's what threw me off the most, is why were you thinking of "wall street"?… lol)

"WALL" makes me think more of "Build the Wall", as in reference to the current craziness of the border, 1000's under the bridge-thing… IDK…

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fc67b9  No.14611098

File: 7b7013497527f95⋯.png (118.2 KB, 425x380, 85:76, JenPsakiNOT2.png)

File: 5c5661622ce4cd0⋯.png (16.82 KB, 502x262, 251:131, ArizonaAudit_SunSymbol.png)

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140c74  No.14611099

File: 8ad7e5e349d5ab3⋯.jpg (19.36 KB, 326x214, 163:107, search.jpg)


I'm making sure to include the same exact phrase on each post, so you can search for that phrase at https://qresear.ch to find all those posts.

There is probably some easier way to obtain a library of similar titles. Probably some "prepper" "SHTF" website out there offers a free one-click download, or at least sells a thumb drive with them all. Maybe someone can recommend some websites. Just sharing what I have, from what I've collected bit by bit over ten years.

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8be655  No.14611100


[Phl 4:11-13 NKJV] 11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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3e21e8  No.14611101


It's already being studied. The spike is sufficient to cause many of the exact same things as the actual virus.

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0a2159  No.14611102


kandahar giant?

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bbba76  No.14611103


Hoover tells LBJ the JFK murder weapon and empty shell casings were found on the 5th floor of the school book depository building. I thought he made a mistake and meant the 6th. But 2 times later Hoover and LBJ speaks of the 5th floor. That's a big red flag.

The entire Warren Commission foundation accusing LHO as a lone assassin is built around a snipers nest, the weapon, and the empty shells found on the 6th floor.

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b668cc  No.14611104


Agreeded, anon. Thanks for the redirection. Having fought many battles for the truth, and suffered unapeakable damage, my reserves are low. Just sick fron being mislead by so many for so long. Peace.

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f23214  No.14611105


I have never once advocated or called for violence on any platform never mind here, but fuck me how much more are the Aussies supposed to take? The politicians have gone full retard and the law has completely turned on the people. What part of the plan included 70 year old grandma’s getting pepper sprayed and beaten by the police for protesting for freedom? White hats better sort this shit or the people will take the option out of their hands.

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9ce97f  No.14611106

File: 231a80437e9d915⋯.png (190.09 KB, 462x236, 231:118, ClipboardImage.png)

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0a2159  No.14611107


I don't want digits

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8d8fac  No.14611108


blm antifa money laundry whore for soros funded anti-social marauders

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b0bc4b  No.14611109

File: ee053c9aa3fba24⋯.jpg (37.28 KB, 720x919, 720:919, E_mNKDQXIAQur4I.jpg)

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7b77b3  No.14611110

File: 606041d5365f4bb⋯.jpg (18.77 KB, 378x357, 18:17, DCoAcJ6W0AAKB5r.jpg)



Saving this for posterity.

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0a2159  No.14611111

I love the real president!

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2f3c97  No.14611112

File: 2bb6598f82d5a59⋯.jpg (268.63 KB, 1150x850, 23:17, VAX36.jpg)

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21034e  No.14611113


Quinttttt 1's checked!

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487297  No.14611114

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements

>>14610511 @600


>>14610621, >>14610854, >>14610944, >>14610971 Donald Jr WALL

>>14610513, >>14610564, >>14610584, >>14610592, >>14610600, >>14610526, >>14610563 Armed Person Detained at J6 Rally is Undercover Agent, Pulls Out Badge (Cap 2:14)

>>14610541 Armed Person Detained at J6 Rally is Undercover Agent, Pulls Out Badge

>>14610540 So far, the USCP is reporting a total of 4 arrests

>>14610564, >>14610584, >>14610595 WHAT A CLOWN SHOW, FIRST PERSON ARRESTED AT D.C TODAY WAS A FED !!! KEK

>>14610638, >>14610615, >>14610570, >>14610545, >>14610598, >>14610599, >>14610677, >>14610689, >>14610796, >>14610899, >>14610933, >>14610941, >>14611079 What has it got in its nasty little pocketses? FBI and/or CIA poofters

>>14610758 LIVE link to J6 Rally

>>14610779 What if they held a violent riot, and no one showed up?

>>14610797 15 Former Spooks Who Work At CNN And MSNBC Now

>>14610979 "Are you undercover?" the officers asked the masked man, who gave them a badge

>>14610530 UK Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid

>>14610537 TX Congressman Tony Gonzales says food shortages are beginning at Del Rio

>>14610558 It’s an INVASION – Mexican Authorities Bussing Thousands of Migrants to ‘Bidenville’ Bridge Camp on Texas Border

>>14610586 This is an assault on our sovereignty and the Biden regime is complicit

>>14610515, >>14610520 Riccardo Bosi message to Australians

>>14610800 Australian Politicians Becoming Absolutely Ruthless

>>14610539 Australia’s brand new COVID detention center

>>14610710 Aussies today are peacefully demonstrating against their tyrannical government's health mandates.

>>14610613, >>14610643 Melbourne Citizens finally had enough and break Police line (Cap 0:44)

>>14611026 Aussie superhero (0:27)

>>14611040 Australian Police Bash and Pepper spray 70-year old woman?

>>14610631 Gen Flynn: This has got to stop

>>14610665 Firefighter Speaks Out Against The Mandates (Cap 2:17)

>>14610722 AZ Senate Needs To Answer Questions Regarding 'Special Master' Who Will Oversee Router Investigation

>>14610753, >>14610785 CALL TO DIGG on Special Master and every person on their team, including digging on Hickman

>>14610767, >>14610783, >>14610793, >>14610872 Fauci Recommended Remdesivir Over Safer Drugs Knowing It Killed 54% of Test Subjects

>>14610824 “We Sucked Eachother’s D***s” – Mother Reads Sexually Explicit School Book To Board Members

>>14610806 Lee Zeldin Has Leukemia

>>14610942 Gov Kathy Hochul YOU ARE A CHILD ABUSER


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d8b054  No.14611115

File: bb82ddc53d55319⋯.png (82.64 KB, 429x281, 429:281, giraffepoint.png)


Me too and those 1's confirm

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8be655  No.14611116


the ones confirm it

no one love dirty Joe

except for Jesus

Joe should repent

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48e893  No.14611117

File: 6e7a079e8119cfe⋯.png (173.76 KB, 606x340, 303:170, ClipboardImage.png)


that is wat you are getting wrong,

first rule

trust yourself when you have research all options

see how it works,

there are no leaders, outside the barn

logical thinking = critical thinking

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5770e3  No.14611118



Fucking A Bubba…


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0eb5b3  No.14611119


>I wish this didn't make as much sense as it does.

I wish this didn't, either.

THE METHODIC DEMISE OF NATURAL EARTH - An Environmental Impact Overview By Dr. R. Michael Castle 27 March 2004

First Rule of Understanding: There are very large, winner-take-all games orchestrated by the Global Interests of the World. We have investigated, researched and found substantial evidence of a multiplicity of Global operations designed to mitigate various and theoretical Global catastrophes, as defined by a late 1980's and 1990's International Panel of Conferees. (The value of who are they, what's the politics smell like and all that is not of the utmost importance in our attempt, herein, to describe what serious destruction they have caused and are causing to Humans and our Finite Environment. (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: http://www.ipcc.ch)

1 Many of the operations we have collectively found in our investigations of this debacle have remained a secret, classified and not for general populace information or knowledge. You must answer the question, Dear Reader as to why someone would possibly deploy these Geo-weapons. Just follow the money trails. We will yield all of our voluminous data, information and all references we have used in our validation of facts surrounding this Global atrocity. The recipients of this information must be interested enough in what we are trying to expose, the Human-health risks, the Environmental risks and the plain, simple "wrongness" that prevails. We must determine first if you are provoked to really care, because the research and development of this information for a Major Media whistle-blowing expose will require passion and dedication. Our research work has spanned almost five years of….watching and discovering, with disgust, the scenarios which follow. This is not a small task…..but the Mission is simple. Expose and Stop the Methodic Demolition of our Natural Earth and its inhabitants. Executive Summary Dr. Edward Teller wrote a white paper in the late 1990's describing a remedial operation, strategy, epic-in-proportion, to change the predicted course of what was believed by an International group of Scientists, including Dr. Edward Teller, Livermore National Laboratories, et al, to be the cataclysmic certainty from the results of global-warming, crisis level Ultra-Violet/Cosmic radiation, crisis Ozone-layer depletion and other theoretical doom.

rest at - https://www.chemtrails.ch/dokumentationen/THE-METHODIC-DEMISE.htm

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86cc95  No.14611120


One to have


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ddbb60  No.14611121


Watching the couple vids all the cops did was spray pepper spray directly into a guys eyes and hit people with their batons. If those cops had used their guns and killed protesters the other protesters would have killed them with their bare hands.

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276a73  No.14611122

File: 1a433d9eb7dbca6⋯.png (579.5 KB, 800x1105, 160:221, 0KJWSVSQ64C7.png)

File: 8dd1e8feeb27b2a⋯.png (1002.18 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 0irGzD.png)

File: 2dd954f85375151⋯.png (891.1 KB, 800x740, 40:37, 2GTjGWeH.png)

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e424f8  No.14611123

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48e893  No.14611124

File: 8b18648d8ec4b9b⋯.png (251.67 KB, 606x334, 303:167, ClipboardImage.png)


quints of truth, much love to your president of the united states from over the water anon

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276a73  No.14611125

File: 1a433d9eb7dbca6⋯.png (579.5 KB, 800x1105, 160:221, 0KJWSVSQ64C7.png)

File: 8dd1e8feeb27b2a⋯.png (1002.18 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 0irGzD.png)

File: 2dd954f85375151⋯.png (891.1 KB, 800x740, 40:37, 2GTjGWeH.png)

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487297  No.14611126

File: 22910493214a869⋯.png (205.93 KB, 688x960, 43:60, 594a7b3e8b4aabef9f367cfa59….png)

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bbba76  No.14611127


>Are they CLONING THEM????

Magic ball says NO.


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5fbd76  No.14611128

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I mean….take your fucking pick. This? the border? the economy crash that us coming?

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0065c4  No.14611129

File: 531a13bad268208⋯.jpg (75.74 KB, 592x661, 592:661, bgdfghjdds.jpg)

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fe5a08  No.14611130

File: 0085879e72caa0e⋯.jpg (113.63 KB, 750x500, 3:2, it_starts_with_the_fingers.jpg)

File: bc2b8be4e4bc5d9⋯.jpg (244.4 KB, 1116x743, 1116:743, hand_in_hand_CCP.jpg)

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0eb5b3  No.14611131

File: ab3043096f4f62e⋯.jpg (223.5 KB, 2923x1414, 2923:1414, clif.jpg)


Clif High has done a lot of research on this. This is what he recommends at this time:

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6822e9  No.14611132

File: 07f118ab31b6b4f⋯.jpg (157.17 KB, 1080x1114, 540:557, 07f118ab31b6b4f6e12e3ce39e….jpg)

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276a73  No.14611133

File: 04aeef1048baee0⋯.png (818.83 KB, 800x631, 800:631, 2VZYRTqQatT5.png)

File: 2c3825171a9e3fa⋯.png (1.1 MB, 800x604, 200:151, 3YBBH3YK1KWC.png)

File: b1958855c3377bc⋯.png (802.47 KB, 800x530, 80:53, 3krFcf.png)

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d39fca  No.14611134

File: 264130b07a85033⋯.png (249.81 KB, 606x556, 303:278, k586ee856k6e75e7k6576ek5e.png)

File: 719717a8122742d⋯.jpg (844.42 KB, 1500x1137, 500:379, J_11.jpg)

File: 5b01adf856e8969⋯.jpg (205.3 KB, 1152x780, 96:65, J_11_1.jpg)

Chinese Shenyang J-11.


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1f123a  No.14611135


He stepped out of his wheelchair!

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cb8f22  No.14611136


They better come to their senses because in WAR, there are no time outs and NOBODY is immune to the horrors.

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8d963e  No.14611137

File: 004fbd2d9efadd8⋯.jpg (80.57 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 4102027484777888374445.jpg)


Quint unos

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b1d37f  No.14611138


agreed anon. ty

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f23214  No.14611139

And just like that, Trump was president again!!

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487297  No.14611140



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567bba  No.14611141


Quints of hints

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5730bf  No.14611142

File: 9a7916f881b45e7⋯.jpg (65.92 KB, 554x536, 277:268, TIC_TAC_WIN.jpg)

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b0bc4b  No.14611143

File: 06ac5e06699cf46⋯.jpg (195.02 KB, 672x663, 224:221, YIFGGYGYFGYOOGOGYUYGGUYUGY….jpg)

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8e8acb  No.14611144

File: 85f5a2bbd2b7585⋯.jpg (212.69 KB, 911x842, 911:842, gknt.jpg)

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88ff68  No.14611145

File: c667f1485eb867a⋯.jpg (108.46 KB, 1199x471, 1199:471, ChucriGatesGallardoMaricop….jpg)

File: 57d5ac3844ddd15⋯.jpg (67.76 KB, 764x460, 191:115, ClintHickmanJackSellersMar….jpg)






301 W Jefferson

10th Floor

Phoenix, AZ 85003 All men work in the same building

Follow the money

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86cc95  No.14611146


We love happy endings!

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8d8fac  No.14611147


and you're a NIGGER BABY KILLER who loves and helps as biden and nasser rapes and tortures - dances around with the aborted shrunken baby heads as you suck the witch doctors dick and ass like the jezebel whore you are – a NIGGER SLAVE OWNING DICK AND ASS OBSESSED satan devil worshipping demon

*yeah victims


why doesn't she just start whipping the child to teach it how to be black?

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c50add  No.14611148

File: ce6172ad7a2dec6⋯.png (189.94 KB, 703x717, 703:717, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 045d72d6ff52991⋯.png (171.95 KB, 701x847, 701:847, ClipboardImage.png)

WOW commie State Media pushing communism

In the 'post-American world', has Australia backed the right global superpower?

Robert Oppenheimer, known as the "father of the atomic bomb", famously quoted the Hindu text the Bhagavad-Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Oppenheimer knew he had unleashed a weapon that could destroy humanity itself.

Australia has now crossed that threshold into the nuclear world. We won't be deploying nuclear weapons, but we will be operating nuclear-powered vessels of war.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said we have entered a new era. He's right. We will now join only six other nations with nuclear-powered submarines.

The battle lines for security in the Indo-Pacific are being clearly drawn. On one side is the US and its allies, on the other China. Australia no longer pretends it doesn't have to choose between Washington and Beijing. We are all in with the US, and the risk is a catastrophic conflict. In fact, we are preparing for it.

Time for an independent path?

The US alliance has been the bedrock of Australia's security. But is that still the case? Former prime minister Paul Keating doesn't think so.

Reacting to the submarine announcement, Keating said it was a "further dramatic loss of Australian sovereignty". The US couldn't beat the Taliban, he said — how could it win a war with China?

Keating asked if it is time Australia pursued an independent path.

It is a critical question as the world ponders the durability of America. Not for nothing has this been dubbed the "post-American world".

America does not drive the global economy, China does. China will usurp the US outright as the world's biggest economy by the end of the decade.

Yes, America is still the most powerful military and outspends China on defence. But Beijing is preparing for a different war — a regional conflict that China believes it could fight and win. It has a strategy to neutralise US sea power and drag America into a fight on China's terms and territory.

The other players

It isn't just China. Russia retains the second biggest nuclear arsenal on the planet. Along with China, Washington nominates Moscow as its biggest security threat.

Russia and China have drawn closer. And President Vladimir Putin has reasserted Russian power on his borders and into the Middle East.

Despite bolstering the so-called Quad — America, Australia, Japan and India — pushing back against China's regional ambitions, Japan and India are still hedging. India remains close to Russia, Prime Minister Narendra Modhi talks about their "enduring partnership".

Russia has traditionally been India's biggest weapons supplier. Apart from the Quad, India and Japan have pursued a "trilateral" relationship with Russia.

Nations will pursue their interests in their own ways. Old-style Cold War blocs don't fit so comfortably into a multipolar world.


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e3e50b  No.14611149

File: c1b83aa954ee402⋯.jpg (33.37 KB, 600x600, 1:1, the_best_is_yet_to_come.jpg)

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276a73  No.14611150

File: 86138bb2e7c148e⋯.jpg (33.75 KB, 200x255, 40:51, Rejected4.jpg)

File: fced826971923cd⋯.png (92.61 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost4.png)





















pylon gibberish

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c8a8f6  No.14611151

File: b834a11ef553b6a⋯.png (850.83 KB, 972x552, 81:46, ClipboardImage.png)

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b16884  No.14611152


I pray it is before my company mandates the vaccine. I love my job and really do not want to lose it. I pray every day for divine intervention.

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fe5a08  No.14611153

File: 619997fb7d7c935⋯.jpg (130.92 KB, 727x484, 727:484, IT_WORKS_SO_GET_ON_WITH_IT.jpg)

File: 0623c041041a051⋯.jpg (108.46 KB, 600x600, 1:1, lockdown_fines.jpg)

File: 77fe4b3de4d885e⋯.jpg (139.73 KB, 600x600, 1:1, FUCK_YOU_DAN.jpg)

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fc67b9  No.14611154

File: f8f94f0475be4cb⋯.png (728.44 KB, 795x448, 795:448, FauciHandsNoseEar.png)

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34a369  No.14611155

File: 2d9a31e000d0e08⋯.jpg (82.38 KB, 600x345, 40:23, MAGA.jpg)

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487297  No.14611156

File: 8480a485f8f6906⋯.jpg (27.8 KB, 720x558, 40:31, 8480a485f8f69062f87911d046….jpg)

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0eb5b3  No.14611157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hang in there, anon. God's got this.

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21034e  No.14611158


If it weren't an evil inclusion to a depop shot, anon would say it looked cool.

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dd415f  No.14611159

File: 66beb3193e09b5a⋯.png (704.36 KB, 608x591, 608:591, Capture.PNG)



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17dae9  No.14611160

File: 825534820bd372f⋯.png (492.52 KB, 513x342, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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83972f  No.14611161

File: dbdd58250108683⋯.jpg (442.37 KB, 1080x1583, 1080:1583, Screenshot_20210918_041052….jpg)

File: f7027d246178d1b⋯.jpg (184.37 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, f7027d246178d1bb01428c2576….jpg)

File: b370c452e38f2aa⋯.png (79.93 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 29e33cd98506402e45fd7f5458….png)

File: 50c77e37ccfd499⋯.jpg (196.85 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 50c77e37ccfd499c4e83d142d9….jpg)


What the hell?

These people are sick. Kim has gone off the MKULTRA deep end.

Was trying to find the woman in red lace dress at one of the music awards or grammy. Can't find it

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c50add  No.14611162

File: c0f21583bb6ac03⋯.png (1.03 MB, 750x563, 750:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Pretty fucking gay uniforms homos

FFS look in the mirror!


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2bc97e  No.14611163

File: 46af6a42bb6f68f⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1079x925, 1079:925, 46af6a42bb6f68fb55f4f0e26f….png)

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d872b7  No.14611164


I used to think you spammed just for the sake of spamming. Thank you for calling out this shit.

It's painful looking at them.

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ddbb60  No.14611165


So! You chose to break the rule. It's okay this time. But don't let it happen again or………..

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eb11be  No.14611166


They all got stupid ass watches on

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2e1fb6  No.14611167


Men in DC are weird.

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0eb5b3  No.14611168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Border Crisis (Border Network News) Real Anthony Aguero live now at the border. He just kicks ass.

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bbb954  No.14611169

File: c98f0ac8927317b⋯.jpg (43.41 KB, 817x545, 817:545, chinaball.jpg)


Even chinks agree

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6822e9  No.14611170

File: 249317709614b0b⋯.png (639.9 KB, 1367x1012, 1367:1012, 78f7231a331f41714fd1de8f5c….png)

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7cea80  No.14611171

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d6d095  No.14611172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mayor Breed Addresses Mask Controversy

On Friday, San Francisco Mayor London Breed spoke to KPIX 5 about being caught without a mask inside of the city'sBlack Catnightclub. Video showed Mayor Breed dancing without a mask while watching a performance by Bay Area American soul/R&B groupTony! Toni! Toné!.

>4,386 views | Sep 17, 2021 | KPIX




17 hours ago

Instead of admitting it and apologizing she lies and blames everyone else for nitpicking.

What a piece of work.




14 hours ago

She'll be dining at "The French Laundry" with her buddies next week.




15 hours ago

And this is why I don't respect CA politicians. They always end up showing their true colors in time. And it's not red or blue, it's green. Lotsa green.


Accidental Karen Auditor

Accidental Karen Auditor

18 hours ago

When the spirit moves you, ignore the rules, and then, when it doesn’t work out for you, blame the systemic wacism.


john hud

john hud

19 hours ago

Mayor Breed says it’s ok not to wear a

Mask if there is music royalty in the house


Philip Gaynor

Philip Gaynor

16 hours ago

As long as you carry a bottle of water you don't have to wear a mask. Got it.


AJ Car

AJ Car

6 hours ago

The fact that this is not a comedy sketch is truly amazing. She is literally saying that when the event is personally amazing to you, masks are not necessary.


The Real P J

The Real P J

19 hours ago

"Rules for thee, and not for Me"..


Jerry C

Jerry C

8 hours ago

“I had a good time”…. Fair enough. Covid only attacks grumpy, depressed, and oppressed people. Hey dimwit mayor, don’t come down on anyone else when they too are dancing and enjoying themselves indoors….letting the spirit move them. Covid also doesn’t like moving spirits.




15 hours ago

As long as the music is historical, we can break rules in place. Thanks!


Faust Tsui

Faust Tsui

19 hours ago

"You dare use my own spells against me?" London Breed


john hud

john hud

19 hours ago

Breed admits she got up and danced without a mask


Mark H

Mark H

8 hours ago

Ah, so masks are require indoors unless it's a REALLY, REALLY awesome event. Got it!


Alex W

Alex W

6 hours ago

"you guys don't get it, this band had a reunion!"

Is this woman insane? People were prevented from seeing their loved ones die.

I know it's a bit apples and oranges as the mask mandate is different from the one that prevented people from going to hospitals but still, she actually thinks that's an excuse people will be okay with?


Ruby Lim

Ruby Lim

19 hours ago

“I had a great time” “ I wasn’t thinking of a mask” 😂😂😂😂


The Playlist Channel

The Playlist Channel

4 hours ago

"Why did you break the rules you've imposed on others? "

"Hey hey hey they haven't performed in years!"


Alejandro Vera

Alejandro Vera

16 hours ago

WOW !! she is definitely NOT taking any RESPONSIBLY for her actions n NOT holding herself ACCOUNTABLE for her NOT following her own rules . . . taking the attention off herself . . . .the same b.s. ALL politicians seem to follow. . . .they FEEL they are above the law . . . .


Hu Fair

Hu Fair

19 hours ago

toni tone always on tour lol


Dee Nice

Dee Nice

6 hours ago

I was in the gym running on the treadmill 6 months ago… Jadakiss’ song “can’t stop me” was playing and the spirit” moved me and I took the mask off.

I got asked to put it back on.

Guess it only works for the privileged and elite




15 hours ago

This woman is definitely privileged.


Alexander Kwok

Alexander Kwok

17 hours ago

Such an incredibly tone deaf response!




3 hours ago

”Monumental that occurred” 😂 Glad to know it’s more important than lives lost to Covid!


Savannah M. Laurentian

Savannah M. Laurentian

16 hours ago (edited)

First Newsom. Now Breed. Yup, this is the best CA has to choose from. Neither owned nor apologized for actions.


sky langford

sky langford

14 hours ago

How dare "you" the peasants incriminate and ridicule your fearless leader!


Eric Nunn

Eric Nunn

5 hours ago

Rancid said it best, "Let California fall into the fucking ocean."




18 hours ago

Don't put rules on others. If you won't follow them.


Efrain Parada

Efrain Parada

7 hours ago

The worst part is, people will still keep voting for liberals in San Francisco and California


Justin Clayton

Justin Clayton

17 hours ago

Do as I say not as I do. Rules don’t apply to me and I can do whatever I want because of my privilege!!


>Hundreds of comments like above; archived video (182Mb) and comments.

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1f544c  No.14611173


The only reason WALL Street entered my mind was they were all caps. I'm starting to get the hang of it. I hope. Cheers

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bbba76  No.14611174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let the good times roll. Never a dull moment.

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a5e814  No.14611175


One of the best Anon>Normie videos I've seen. Easy to follow, layman on the inside, beginning right up to now. Asleep to awake, to alarmed.

Must watch. Easily top ten redpill material.

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276a73  No.14611176

Trump is the real president, sweetie~

Not your pylon gibberish

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5730bf  No.14611177

File: dab7d57be895d80⋯.jpg (107.87 KB, 730x390, 73:39, CRAZYPIG.jpg)

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b1d37f  No.14611178

File: 8ffedcb7976ff39⋯.png (75.82 KB, 221x255, 13:15, tgtfo.png)


TECHNICALLY….. it only counts if she said her husband. so?? take these

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7cea80  No.14611179


Rockville was full of some lovely men.


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0244e9  No.14611180

File: cf9c466f5462e80⋯.png (364.8 KB, 535x570, 107:114, Homo_Feds_at_Capital_9_17_….PNG)

File: 13833dfedef3ca7⋯.png (2.1 MB, 948x889, 948:889, Homo_Feds_at_Capital_9_17_….PNG)

File: ee101657222ca0c⋯.png (834.83 KB, 579x543, 193:181, Homo_Feds_at_Capital_9_17_….PNG)

"How do you do fellow 4Channers."


Straight men today dress like homosexuals from 2006. It’s weird. Rolled up Harvey Nuthugger shorts with their tits sticking out of a shirt 3 sizes too small.



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487297  No.14611181


Now I wonder if that was human flesh, she wore?

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d29b38  No.14611182

File: 8f01e3019e5fde7⋯.jpg (41.93 KB, 626x585, 626:585, 92dfcb6fec2678e92bc81f02a6….jpg)

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276a73  No.14611183

File: e520ed63f301e11⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning10.png)

File: ae0254ad98a43da⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning11.png)

File: c56a2ec17cf00f2⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning12.png)

We cast you out, every unclean spirit, every satanic power, every onslaught of the infernal adversary, every

legion, every diabolical group and sect, in the name and by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. We

command you, begone and fly far from the Church of God, from the souls made by God in His image and

redeemed by the precious blood of the divine Lamb. No longer dare, cunning serpent, to deceive the human

race, to persecute God's Church, to strike God's elect and to sift them as wheat. For the Most High God

commands you, He to whom you once proudly presumed yourself equal; He who wills all men to be saved

and come to the knowledge of truth. God the Father commands you. God the Son commands you. God

the Holy Spirit commands you. Christ, the eternal Word of God made flesh, commands you, who humbled

Himself, becoming obedient even unto death, to save our race from the perdition wrought by your envy; who

founded His Church upon a firm rock, declaring that the gates of hell should never prevail against her, and

that He would remain with her all days, even to the end of the world. The sacred mystery of the cross

commands you, along with the power of all mysteries of Christian faith. The exalted Virgin Mary, Mother

of God, commands you, who in her lowliness crushed your proud head from the first moment of her

Immaculate Conception. The faith of the holy apostles Peter and Paul and the other apostles commands

you. The blood of martyrs and the devout prayers of all holy men and women command you.

Therefore, accursed dragon and every diabolical legion, we adjure you by the living God, by the true

God, by the holy God, by God, who so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever

believes in Him might not perish but have everlasting life; to cease deluding human creatures and filling them

with the poison of everlasting damnation; to desist from harming the Church and hampering her freedom.

Begone, Satan, father and master of lies, enemy of man's welfare. Give place to Christ, in whom you found

none of your works. Give way to the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, which Christ Himself

purchased with His blood. Bow down before God's mighty hand, tremble and flee as we call on the holy and

awesome name of Jesus, before whom the denizens of hell cower, to whom the heavenly Virtues and Powers

and Dominations are subject, whom the Cherubim and Seraphim praise with unending cries as they sing:

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth.

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c50add  No.14611184

‘Secret office’ mansion owned by Larry Page burns down

A multi-million dollar home owned by Google billionaire Larry Page — allegedly being used as a secret office for half a dozen employees — burned to the ground last week, according to a report.

The Palo Alto home, one of many owned by Page, who actually has been living with his family in Fiji, was the work site of about six workers, neighbors told Palo Alto Online.

The mysterious fire started in the back of the home which has a long driveway, an attached unit in the back and a basement, the site said reported.

Page owns so many homes on the street he has created a veritable complex in the neighborhood, residents told The Daily Beast. Some of the houses are occupied by tenants, while he’s installed relatives in others, the outlet said.

One thing’s for sure – Page wasn’t there. He’s been hiding out with his wife and children in Fiji during the pandemic and recently acquired New Zealand residency under dubious circumstances.


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140c74  No.14611185

File: 54cb26a7fbb67ba⋯.pdf (260.88 KB, HowtoPrepLikeanExpert.pdf)


Prepare For the Coming Collapse, On Only $3/Day

Small 8 page overview on water, food, shelter, and bug-out bag.

Posting PDF guides and ebooks on topics of SHTF preparedness and survivalism

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276a73  No.14611186

File: b26e3a12994d46e⋯.png (93.62 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0.png)

File: 66904ea870120cb⋯.png (93.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1.png)

File: b47f0696c673a58⋯.png (93.6 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2.png)

God of heaven and earth, God of the angels and archangels, God of the patriarchs and prophets, God of the

apostles and martyrs, God of the confessors and virgin God who have power to bestow life after death and

rest after toil; for there is no other God than you, nor can there be another true God beside you, the Creator of

all things visible and invisible, whose kingdom is without end; we humbly entreat your glorious majesty to

deliver us by your might from every influence of the accursed spirits, from their every evil snare and

deception, and to keep us from all harm; through Christ our Lord.

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d8323e  No.14611187

File: bf93e0d6972c718⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1000x665, 200:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b4c93  No.14611188

File: 9b7bdc61644a3e3⋯.jpg (89.32 KB, 1045x1280, 209:256, NameOneThing.jpg)

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bbba76  No.14611189


Those strings of 1's gave me a quick shot of Deja vu.

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b0bc4b  No.14611190

File: 18284dc189e8495⋯.jpg (153.05 KB, 703x663, 703:663, YIFGGYGYFGYOOGOGYUYGGUYUGY….jpg)

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cebba2  No.14611191

File: e0592f66e0bb527⋯.jpg (420.9 KB, 2048x1151, 2048:1151, wwg1wga.jpg)

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ebfede  No.14611192


If the vaxxed constantly die, the unvaxxed will continually outnumber them. That is on top of the basic ratio you explained.

No vax. They lie about all of it.


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a7e47c  No.14611193

File: 2afe7e29f43ec8b⋯.png (680.97 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 1413488595352.png)

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dd415f  No.14611194

File: ea75815c28b4e31⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB, 320x320, 1:1, 3nj_ZZT3Oi4kpnpg.mp4)

That’s weird! That’s suspicious!


Imbruvica $13,546 for a supply of 28 tablets/capsules.


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ba8733  No.14611195

File: 18d679d8b6bf252⋯.png (313.51 KB, 600x563, 600:563, 18d679d8b6bf25256b4889be08….png)


KeK, well done anon!

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d29b38  No.14611196

File: 1298fc53b5dc46b⋯.jpg (175.55 KB, 719x1111, 719:1111, feea9eb001dcf9ceb25a9e2ce5….jpg)

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147f3f  No.14611197

File: eb2f2ff885ebf2d⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, 2743228F_960F_4CB8_AC71_12….png)

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0244e9  No.14611198

File: d2d9c47c1aebc68⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1064x935, 1064:935, Scavino45FB_re_Biden_Gas_P….PNG)

Daniel Scavino Jr.

Whoever did this in Dutchess County, New York — ya have me dying here, as I get my gas⛽️ 😂🤣😂🤣


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487297  No.14611199

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements

>>14610511 @650


>>14610621,>>14611140, >>14610854, >>14610944, >>14610971 Donald Jr WALL

>>14610513, >>14610564, >>14610584, >>14610592, >>14610600, >>14610526, >>14610563, >>14611162 Armed Person Detained at J6 Rally is Undercover Agent, Pulls Out Badge (Cap 2:14)

>>14610541 Armed Person Detained at J6 Rally is Undercover Agent, Pulls Out Badge

>>14610540 So far, the USCP is reporting a total of 4 arrests

>>14610564, >>14610584, >>14610595 WHAT A CLOWN SHOW, FIRST PERSON ARRESTED AT D.C TODAY WAS A FED !!! KEK

>>14610638, >>14610615, >>14610570, >>14610545, >>14610598, >>14610599, >>14610677, >>14610689, >>14610796, >>14610899, >>14610933, >>14610941, >>14611079, >>14611180 What has it got in its nasty little pocketses? FBI Poofters

>>14610758 LIVE link to J6 Rally

>>14610779 What if they held a violent riot, and no one showed up?

>>14610797 15 Former Spooks Who Work At CNN And MSNBC Now

>>14610979 "Are you undercover?" the officers asked the masked man, who gave them a badge

>>14610824 “We Sucked Eachother’s D***s” – Mother Reads Sexually Explicit School Book To Board Members

>>14610530 UK Funeral Director John O'Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid

>>14610537 TX Congressman Tony Gonzales says food shortages are beginning at Del Rio

>>14610558 It’s an INVASION – Mexican Authorities Bussing Thousands of Migrants to ‘Bidenville’ Bridge Camp on Texas Border

>>14610586 This is an assault on our sovereignty and the Biden regime is complicit

>>14611148 MSM pushing communism In the 'post-American world', has Australia backed the right global superpower?

>>14610515, >>14610520 Riccardo Bosi message to Australians

>>14610800 Australian Politicians Becoming Absolutely Ruthless

>>14610539 Australia’s brand new COVID detention center

>>14610710 Aussies today are peacefully demonstrating against their tyrannical government's health mandates.

>>14610613, >>14610643 Melbourne Citizens finally had enough and break Police line (Cap 0:44)

>>14611026 Aussie superhero (0:27)

>>14611040 Australian Police Bash and Pepper spray 70-year old woman?

>>14610631 Gen Flynn: This has got to stop

>>14610767, >>14610783, >>14610793, >>14610872 Fauci Recommended Remdesivir Over Safer Drugs Knowing It Killed 54% of Test Subjects

>>14610806 Lee Zeldin Has Leukemia

>>14611184 ‘Secret office’ mansion owned by Larry Page burns down

>>14611172 San Francisco Mayor Breed Addresses Mask Controversy

>>14610942 Gov Kathy Hochul You Are A Child Abuser

>>14610665 Firefighter Speaks Out Against The Mandates (Cap 2:17)

>>14610722 AZ Senate Needs To Answer Questions Regarding 'Special Master' Who Will Oversee Router Investigation

>>14611145 Maricopa: All men work in the same building Jack Sellers

>>14610753, >>14610785 CALL TO DIGG on Special Master and every person on their team, including digging on Hickman


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5c7b3a  No.14611200

File: c606ad370067855⋯.png (385.86 KB, 1425x915, 95:61, ClipboardImage.png)

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c50add  No.14611201

File: 092c21d5bc255f8⋯.png (58.08 KB, 380x188, 95:47, ClipboardImage.png)


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5730bf  No.14611202

File: 19c43289edaa2b6⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 320x426, 160:213, o7_WIN.jpg)

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d872b7  No.14611203

File: ca3fe641b47b2da⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 329x248, 329:248, Dtczz4hXoAA_FaO.jpg)



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276a73  No.14611204

File: 030a0c3bfde6fec⋯.png (92.6 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost5.png)

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252274  No.14611205

File: ff00135e7bc43d5⋯.jpeg (189.8 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, 74B1C25C_BC6C_4559_AA22_D….jpeg)


An all time favorite!

I miss ya buddy! Q I know you watch/listen, I know Ya do!

Peace and Love… an anon.

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567bba  No.14611206

File: 3ac3c7442cc3afc⋯.jpg (688.28 KB, 1200x1556, 300:389, check.jpg)

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276a73  No.14611207

File: 72ae0e4266088af⋯.jpg (713.94 KB, 540x960, 9:16, LovingPipiPepe.jpg)



Death:Life Ratio = 2:1

"Even if the vaxxxines have 100% protection rates, we still kill 2 people for every 1 saved"

And that's using the official VARES numbers, we know they're under-reported by a factor of at least 10x


It's important to stay On Target with the vaxxxine

Top five areas of the body the spike protein distributes itself to after 48H's:

Number = Total Lipid concentration (μg lipid equivalent / g [or mL])

Injection site 165

Liver 24.3

Spleen 23.4

Adrenal glands 18.2

Ovaries(females) 12.3

This spike protein is found in your blood, which means its transmissible to babies through breast milk and through the placenta.


Bridle said that “any proteins in the blood will get concentrated in breast milk,” and “we have found evidence of suckling infants experiencing bleeding disorders in the gastrointestinal tract” in VAERS."


There are some sick doctors out there telling you this is safe.

"CDC 45,000 Covid 19 Vaccine deaths Law Suit"

[PDF] Page 12/67

Printed sub title: Reproductive Health

"The mRNA Vaccines induce our cells to manufacture (virus-free) "spike proteins." The "spike proteins" are in the same family as the naturally occurring syncytin-1 and syncytin-2 reproductive proteins in sperm, ova, and placenta."

And our bodies respond by producing antibodies against the threat of this spike protein.

Against your own reproductive system.

Distractions are keeping the publics resolve scattered.

They're killing us. It's a fucking harvest.

Their deployed subtle influences are turned up to 11, your dreams are a vector for their sick imitation of the reaper.

The spike protein that trains your body to sterilize itself.

If you don't die from the trillions of micro clots.


Sunlight's the Best Disinfectant~


In conclusion, all these results suggest that the water extract of Chaga mushroom is a very potent immune modulator that recovers the bone marrow system damaged by chemotherapy. It also suggests that the immunomodulatory activity of the water extract may be due to the potentiation of the host immune system through the regulation of cytokines in the cytokine network. Therefore, the Chaga mushroom water extract shows a great potential as a supplement or a major therapeutics in immunocompromised or immunosuppressed individuals whose bone marrow system is damaged.


NAC + Turmeric & Black Pepper + Zinc

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cebba2  No.14611208


the cost of Ivermectin for humans has doubled at CVS. interesting that…

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b3e933  No.14611209


It’s San Diego where’s all the Seamen

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2e1fb6  No.14611210


They don't have little characters on their socks..only thing going for them.

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5730bf  No.14611211

File: 89af5c40d202e34⋯.jpg (61.2 KB, 672x263, 672:263, ELECTION_NOT_VIRUS.jpg)

File: ce4f713b9281886⋯.jpg (85.85 KB, 675x339, 225:113, BROKEN.jpg)

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7b77b3  No.14611212

File: e89a880990919c2⋯.png (587.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, e89a880990919c26aa4a649fc4….png)


Coolest President eva!

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b1d37f  No.14611213

File: dff642ead632987⋯.png (380.28 KB, 680x379, 680:379, my_potus.png)

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f23214  No.14611214


Ahh so thats what Qanons are. Been wondering for months. Kek

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79d79e  No.14611216


No one is GMO free. Take GMO off or the meme theme is shit.

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b5da8a  No.14611217

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB, 1326x878, 663:439, 88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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d6d095  No.14611218

File: 35cea95b2e9172f⋯.png (65.12 KB, 363x61, 363:61, _11111_.png)


17 minutes ago…

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41320c  No.14611221


FBI is staffed by raging homosexuals…..this pic proves that fact

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2f3c97  No.14611224

File: 80dcaa5ba60860d⋯.png (715.65 KB, 624x600, 26:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f3c97  No.14611226

File: 80dcaa5ba60860d⋯.png (715.65 KB, 624x600, 26:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f3c97  No.14611227

File: 80dcaa5ba60860d⋯.png (715.65 KB, 624x600, 26:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e21e8  No.14611230

File: e3e04c96087b2d4⋯.jpg (84.69 KB, 500x749, 500:749, ZomboMeme_18092021182721.jpg)

I need a better phone shoop program.

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8be655  No.14611232

The nursing home death data is stunning in the second video. Half the Vaccinated died, and none of the Unvaccinated died. Watch both clips. His testimony is aggressive and forceful.


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b0bc4b  No.14611233


Many leftists are anti GMO, it is a mind trick

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17dae9  No.14611236

File: ef52ee02449f895⋯.png (359.49 KB, 777x567, 37:27, ClipboardImage.png)

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0244e9  No.14611237

File: 02233019f576239⋯.png (386.38 KB, 530x539, 530:539, Jr_re_Capitol_Milley_Parod….PNG)

When parody is so close to real life that it’s basically impossible to tell…


General Milley

@GeneralMiIIey [parody acct]

I stand ready to provide righteous assistance to quell yet another insurrection on our national mall.


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d29b38  No.14611238

File: 39cee9cda159ff1⋯.png (432.98 KB, 778x846, 389:423, 39cee9cda159ff19f167e83b1d….png)

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05d758  No.14611240


top kek

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ddbb60  No.14611241


>The fact that this is a story is sad.

That's God's Truth right there. It's sad for the evil ones. And looky looky, we got one right here.

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efcf99  No.14611242

File: 72442c3c483ae63⋯.jpg (420.55 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, IMG_070.jpg)

File: 1bcd137f5c73b11⋯.jpg (402.44 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, IMG_071.jpg)

File: c94c46d56347585⋯.jpg (283.48 KB, 750x700, 15:14, IMG_073.jpg)

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487297  No.14611243


>What has it got in its nasty little pocketses?

Fresh Bread




Q Research General #18483: FIRST PERSON ARRESTED AT D.C TODAY WAS A FED Edition

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b3e933  No.14611244

File: 3e04e663d70bc53⋯.jpeg (77.53 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 9D0B711C_5972_4C19_B447_4….jpeg)


Patriots would never dare wear black socks and shorts KMAO

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06e1f8  No.14611245

File: b522f58247c4d82⋯.png (6.64 MB, 1554x2048, 777:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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487297  No.14611246


repost nb

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06e1f8  No.14611248

File: b522f58247c4d82⋯.png (6.64 MB, 1554x2048, 777:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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487297  No.14611249

Fresh Bread




Q Research General #18483: FIRST PERSON ARRESTED AT D.C TODAY WAS A FED Edition

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ba8733  No.14611250

File: f7cdbc60655ffe0⋯.png (19.19 KB, 492x204, 41:17, Screen_Shot_2021_09_18_at_….png)

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efcf99  No.14611251

File: b1b39528ac65ad6⋯.jpg (200.45 KB, 610x610, 1:1, IMG_065.jpg)

File: 449032bed14564a⋯.jpg (700.04 KB, 1800x1125, 8:5, IMG_067.jpg)

File: 362652a38a7c86f⋯.jpg (314.9 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, IMG_068.jpg)

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6822e9  No.14611252


Triple 8's.

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06e1f8  No.14611253

File: b522f58247c4d82⋯.png (6.64 MB, 1554x2048, 777:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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068edd  No.14611254


I apologize for calling you a hopeless fuck.

I've been jazzed up today. I lack meditation. Excuses blahblah

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da5c67  No.14611255

File: 80eeedd69de11e5⋯.png (129.59 KB, 1215x702, 45:26, test_image.png)


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efcf99  No.14611256

File: df0ef6b81c53667⋯.jpg (590.17 KB, 1125x1500, 3:4, IMG_061.jpg)

File: 9d829f1fc492e91⋯.jpg (243.31 KB, 600x750, 4:5, IMG_062.jpg)

File: 3159500c2beea39⋯.jpg (965.6 KB, 1280x1918, 640:959, IMG_064.jpg)

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1b4c93  No.14611257



THERE knees though…they do not stand at combat ready…am I wrong?

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fc67b9  No.14611258

File: a5acc35572f4e54⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1636x1200, 409:300, ClipboardImage.png)


Those faggots got nothing on the real fucking deal.

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d8323e  No.14611259

File: e673c2def9f24bd⋯.png (681.37 KB, 512x481, 512:481, ClipboardImage.png)

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1b4c93  No.14611261


Sorry kitty, THEIR knees

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89fd66  No.14611262


It’d be funnier if they added: just lemme call china first.

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06e1f8  No.14611263

message to those who need to see

Millions of patriots WW are here to help

Show them some truth

Game Over

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8be655  No.14611264


>Those faggots got nothing

Reward them for committing some atrocities and get back to me with your observations

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140c74  No.14611266

File: 3d63f49366b0ed9⋯.pdf (1.21 MB, Hydrogen_Peroxide_Solution….pdf)


Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions

Using H.P. for off-grid medical care, cleaning the homestead, gardening and plant care, and grooming and personal care

Posting PDF guides and ebooks on topics of SHTF preparedness and survivalism

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b3e933  No.14611267

File: 7ef399d060e44bd⋯.jpeg (169.76 KB, 997x750, 997:750, 10D6F0A0_3C6B_4ACB_A7BD_0….jpeg)

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79d79e  No.14611269


It’s not just a lefty thing at all. Take the GMO off or you are a raging shill

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104f1a  No.14611270


That's what happened after the "Second World War" . It's how the Nazi created the C-A

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b668cc  No.14611271


Non-GMO might be more accurate. Also, "Check your privilege" should be the reply to any "elite" making mandates or barking orders.

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8be655  No.14611273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2e1fb6  No.14611274

File: 260f5e1efcb9134⋯.png (382.48 KB, 494x689, 38:53, Screen_Shot_09_18_21_at_06….PNG)


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f23214  No.14611275


Just look at the shoes kek!!!

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ddbb60  No.14611276


Cyber Ninjas have all the router and spunk data already. It's the only thing that makes sense.

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5730bf  No.14611277



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5fbd76  No.14611278


the one in that video sounds southern to me

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571891  No.14611279

File: fff062e41f7f32a⋯.jpg (161.44 KB, 599x404, 599:404, fff062e41f7f32a5dd1b94452b….jpg)



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bbba76  No.14611280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This guy.

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487297  No.14611282

Fresh Bread




Q Research General #18483: FIRST PERSON ARRESTED AT D.C TODAY WAS A FED Edition

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d8323e  No.14611283


Major gays.

Or an ugly Christmas sweater shirt.

Like, did you just get to Earth?

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6822e9  No.14611284

File: af4d9b560c0576f⋯.jpg (376.95 KB, 1536x1587, 512:529, af4d9b560c0576faad46c47755….jpg)

File: 512ddd96b135f0e⋯.jpg (612.13 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, 512ddd96b135f0e3d40547c62a….jpg)

File: af101522cfcc07e⋯.png (248.17 KB, 594x650, 297:325, 910ec29b3849670fb45165b958….png)

File: 351ddc350dea944⋯.jpg (311.53 KB, 1936x1216, 121:76, 351ddc350dea94436f4c504a54….jpg)

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567bba  No.14611285

Clown Alley


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2e1fb6  No.14611286


Hot mess!

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2bc97e  No.14611288

File: b02a4f9c72c14bb⋯.png (564.94 KB, 1182x810, 197:135, b02a4f9c72c14bb01c5f58c54f….png)

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104f1a  No.14611289



brooks brothers guy

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6822e9  No.14611290

File: 47714c739c1db9a⋯.png (14.38 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 5dd8a23cdce29236879228c0b2….png)

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487297  No.14611291

File: 8969ce56a17a58a⋯.png (286.11 KB, 413x404, 413:404, 8969ce56a17a58a575d0335f03….png)

File: 86df78fdf61fd2e⋯.png (712.1 KB, 619x546, 619:546, 86df78fdf61fd2e2031d2240b3….png)

File: eed754fc4e155a7⋯.png (1.14 MB, 776x778, 388:389, eed754fc4e155a759d255ce7aa….png)

File: f781f4a403ebdd1⋯.mp4 (775.47 KB, 640x640, 1:1, f781f4a403ebdd12367d43dc1a….mp4)

File: 948a31f31ca332f⋯.jpg (198.59 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 948a31f31ca332f9c840647568….jpg)

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bbba76  No.14611292


What street smart doesn't look like. In any decade.

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6822e9  No.14611294

File: 24246129c6fe428⋯.png (15.56 KB, 255x191, 255:191, dc04fb7a89fb1f38c9d306abde….png)

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8be655  No.14611295

Great Britain roars

You’re Not Welcome Here, Nancy!… Trump Won!… Go Back to Epstein Island…” – Nancy Pelosi Greeted by Hecklers at Northern England Stop (VIDEO)


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1f123a  No.14611296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shit! This is the real channel!:


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104f1a  No.14611297

File: d744d6bc18f6fb6⋯.png (870.3 KB, 637x639, 637:639, clownschicker8.png)


There is:

Mutiny of Clowns

Shudder of Clowns

Pratfall of Clowns

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6822e9  No.14611298

File: 4ecdac7bb1d3ca2⋯.png (15.38 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 9b0dd1631f83bb0bea0af0c980….png)

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efcf99  No.14611300

File: 245a5f25e286b2a⋯.jpg (882.97 KB, 1280x1707, 1280:1707, IMG_056.jpg)

File: afe688dafe4bf9e⋯.jpg (177.45 KB, 500x637, 500:637, IMG_058.jpg)

File: 2cbdf286a86ad7c⋯.jpg (380.72 KB, 1280x835, 256:167, IMG_059.jpg)

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487297  No.14611301


re post nb

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bbba76  No.14611302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A flock of seagulls.

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487297  No.14611304

Fresh Bread




Q Research General #18483: FIRST PERSON ARRESTED AT D.C TODAY WAS A FED Edition

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ddbb60  No.14611305


What can I say. It's a slow bread. Walked away and did stuff a couple times. Said WTF? Turns out it's same bread.

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487297  No.14611307

Fresh Bread




Q Research General #18483: FIRST PERSON ARRESTED AT D.C TODAY WAS A FED Edition

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06e1f8  No.14611308

File: 098c91cfc41dd56⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1024x984, 128:123, ClipboardImage.png)

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487297  No.14611309

File: 90be15cbf247130⋯.jpg (62.17 KB, 922x648, 461:324, EnzDSc_W8AQNn0w.jpg)

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487297  No.14611310

File: 088e4b07dfea1cf⋯.jpg (164.33 KB, 1116x1200, 93:100, 088e4b07dfea1cf22477035bab….jpg)

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