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File: b1b780a20e68ed9⋯.png (605.25 KB, 954x534, 159:89, 11235813213455.png)

8d3fcc  No.14580366[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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8d3fcc  No.14580368


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8d3fcc  No.14580370

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements


>>14579634 Q in the corner of that Byedone pic issa 1 year delta proof

>>14579636 A School in Croatia has hired two bodyguards to enforce mask mandates!

>>14579657, >>14579841 RIP Norm MacDonald

>>14579658 @usairforce The 55th Communications Squadron at Offutt AFB, Nebraska, was redesignated as the 55th Cyber Squadron recently.

>>14579691, >>14579692 Officers willing to testify against Milley

>>14580141 Bowe Bergdahl: Four-star general Mark Milley handed soldier’s court martial case

>>14579695 Joe Biden’s State Dept Halted a Trump-Era ‘Crisis Response’ Plan Aimed at Avoiding Benghazi-Style Evacuations Just MONTHS Before Taliban Takeover.

>>14579710 Federal Judge blocks New York state vaccine mandate for health care workers

>>14579727 Live Now: Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle in (Not) AF1

>>14579886 NotAF182-8000 on approach to Denver.

>>14579705, >>14579752, >>14579796, >>14579851 Bork Bork. What's reflected in dog's goggles?

>>14579750 Israel Still Wants to Approve C19 Vaccine Eugenics for Children 5-11 by November

>>14579819 ICYMI: Fast-roping: for insertion and extraction operations in environments when helicopters cannot touch down.

>>14579825 Ophthalmologist Pleads Guilty To Seven-Year Healthcare Fraud Scheme And To Defrauding SBA Program

>>14579844 14 Defendants Indicted, Including the Entire Administration of the Colombo Organized Crime Family

>>14579854 Genealogists find evidence of Biden's ancestors owning slaves

>>14579857 Los Angeles-area man pleads guilty to producing thousands of sexually explicit images and videos involving children

>>14579907 America Has Given Millions for ‘Research’ At Chinese Communist-Run Facilities Since COVID Outbreak.

>>14579911 Digits Confirm: Jim has activated the Red Button.

>>14579917 Around 422,000 in Texas Without Power From Storm Nicholas

>>14579941 CONFIRMED: Four Chinese Warships Spotted Along Coast Of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands – Coast Guard

>>14579990 *yoink*

>>14579991 Satanists trying to 'flip' the Bible into their own device only shows that the Bible is over the target.

>>14580018 @NCSCgov #DYK September is National Insider Threat Awareness Month?

>>14580083, >>14580063, >>14580039 Satanic gibberish? Exactly! tHE Masonic Bible PROVES Their god is Lucifer

>>14580131 Elizabeth Warren Demands Amazon Censor Best-Selling Books

>>14580143 D.C. Attorney General Widens Scope Of Lawsuit Against Amazon

>>14580171 Prince Andrew's lawyer claims sexual assault lawsuit is 'baseless'

>>14580175 Kentucky Fans chanting F*CK JOE BIDEN in-between plays

>>14580186, >>14580213 Arson Probe: fire at an Ohio steel factory owned by Ukraine oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky suspect in massive U.S. money laundering scheme

>>14580206, >>14580238, >>14580240, >>14580263 It was never about safety!

>>14579649, >>14580242 My, how the tides have turned (lib logic)

>>14580303 Facebook Says Its Rules Apply to All. Company Documents Reveal a Secret Elite That’s Exempt.

>>14580308 Milley must resign. He usurped civilian authority, broke Chain of Command, and violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military.

>>14580297, >>14580331 Interesting Q drop I found with "It's time" and same timestamp as Joe 15:52.

>>14580360 #18443

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8d3fcc  No.14580372


>>14579023, >>14578997, >>14578935, >>14579247, >>14579253 MARK MILLEY TREASON - HEADED TO LEAVENWORTH

>>14579428, >>14579447, >>14579490, >>14579497 At least one of Milley's calls to China was intercepted by a partner nation targeting PRC leadership and resulted in a FVEY rocket of "WTF" to Meade and Bolling

>>14579535 Milley will have to resign soon before it gets to the papers to try to keep the stink off Bidan.


>>14578933 pics are back

>>14578936 (Sky News) UNITY NOT DIVISION.

>>14579037 Mayor Gavin Newsom this morning: "profound lapse of judgment"

>>14579153 A wedding to remember / Newsom-Guilfoyle nuptials talk of the town

>>14579060, >>14579062, >>14579230 Prosecution witness in Netanyahu trial and his wife killed in Greek plane crash

>>14578888 the pope's on dope and it ain't no joke

>>14578894, >>14579094 Putin to self-isolate due to concerns of Kung-flu amid inner circle

>>14579102 TASTE THE PASTE The Japanese council for public health just approved the use of ivermectin.

>>14579145 The Investigation of the Mysterious USPS Truckloads of Ballots Continues

>>14579155 Nothing to See in Israel with COVID, Please Move Along

>>14579214 Fake Terriers? WAR CRIMES? Phoenix Program?

>>14579215 Chinese Warships Approach Alaska As US Navy Increases Presence In South China Sea

>>14579227 ANTIBODIES: Doctors REFUSE to carry out a Covid antibody test for this one simple reason!

>>14579239 Czech President Milos Zeman hospitalized, condition unknown

>>14579244 UK’s Prince Andrew ignores pretrial hearing in US sex abuse case

>>14579251 Record Backups, 56 cargo ships are stuck waiting off the California coast

>>14579280 (VID) Ted Cruz EXPLODES at Blinken over Afghanistan debacle

>>14579293, >>14579417 Are we responsible to arrest Fauci yet?

>>14579224, >>14579261, >>14579258, >>14579393 Casual Anti-Semitism Confirmed

>>14579349 INB4 Shitstorm


>>14579387 Horowitz: Australia admits it is banning ivermectin for COVID because it interferes with universal vaccine agenda

>>14579426, >>14579380, >>14579494 What's the deal with all this ((symbolism))

>>14579546 New FDA Records Show Purchases of Fetal Organs, Heads and Tissue for ‘Humanized Mice’ Project

>>14579570 @usairforce The 55th Communications Squadron at Offutt AFB, Nebraska, was redesignated as the 55th Cyber Squadron recently.

>>14579587 #18442

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8d3fcc  No.14580373


>>14578023 VIDEO AOC wears 'tax the rich' dress to Met Gala

>>14578024, >>14578237 headed for another Great Depression?

>>14578028 Christian church installs first openly trans bishop

>>14576462, >>14576479, >>14576576, >>14576659 all lb CALIFORNIA voters being told they already voted when they did not!

>>14578070 https://vault.fbi.gov/recently-added

>>14578105 Sky news Australia smashing it again

>>14578162 Biden Maga Foto Bomb

>>14578179 Goldman Sachs CFO Stephen Scherr stepping down at end of 2021

>>14578201 Demons in the smoke found at 911

>>14578249 Proof That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests in 2015 and 2017.

>>14578294 CDC (quietly) changes the definition of Vaccines… again and again

>>14578422 AOC Memes

>>14578452 No Its Not ok to wish people Ill will.

>>14578502 JUST IN - Biden to call at U.N. General Assembly to vaccinate 70% of world's population in one year, White House documents show (NYT)

>>14578513 US Coast Guard spotted Chinese warships, including one of its most advanced destroyers, off Alaska and within the US’ exclusive economic zone late last month, the U.S. military revealed now.

>>14578527 Biden Speech for Gruesom Nuesom

>>14578532 FULL SPEECH: Former President George W. Bush speaks at the Flight 93 National Memorial

>>14578751 One World Trade Center lightning strike captured in stunning video

>>14578850 #18441

#18440 >>14577174TBC

Previously Collected

>>14575536 #18437, >>14576363 #18438, >>14577173 #18439

>>14575465 #18434, >>14574053 #18435, >>14574789 #18436

>>14570962 #18431, >>14571964 #18432, >>14572464 #18433

>>14568649 #18428, >>14569411 #18429, >>14569421 #18430

>>14568767 #18425, >>14566986 #18426, >>14567840 #18427

>>14566207 #18422, >>14566215 #18423, >>14565328 #18424

>>14561381 #18419, >>14562199 #18420, >>14563061 #18421

>>14559029 #18416, >>14559792 #18417, >>14560545 #18418

>>14556714 #18413, >>14557470 #18414, >>14558268 #18415

>>14555395 #18410, >>14557853 #18411, >>14558021 #18412

>>14552083 #18407, >>14552853 #18408, >>14553635 #18409

>>14551858 #18404/2, >>14550655 #18405, >>14551227 #18406

>>14548197 #18402, >>14551791 #18403, >>14551860 #18404/1

>>14548152 #18399, >>14547947 #18400, >>14547579 #18401

>>14544174 #18396. >>14544174 #18397, >>14544969 #18398

>>14540711 #18393, >>14541685 #18394, >>14542518 #18395

>>14540524 #18390, >>14538879 #18391, >>14540629 #18392

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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8d3fcc  No.14580376

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

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* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

International Q Research Threads

>>14385792 ————————————–——– Australia #18

>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

>>13167439 ————————————–——– Brazil #2

>>14317266 ————————————–——– Canada #23

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14357399 ————————————–——– Germany #86

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEtukwfLX90

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8d3fcc  No.14580378

File: 63d961c72b558a8⋯.png (2.68 KB, 310x163, 310:163, 5_5.png)



Baker is requesting handoff

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910528  No.14580394

So I think, in light of all of the things going on – and you know what I mean by that: the fake news, the Comeys of the world, all of the bad things that went on. It's called the "swamp." And you know what happened and you know what I did. A big favor. I caught the swamp. I caught them all. Let's see what happens. Nobody else could have done that but me. I caught all of this corruption that was going on, and nobody else could have done it. [Remarks by President Trump before Marine One departure, Nov. 8, 2019]


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7c4adc  No.14580395

File: a7fa20ed5ed5e81⋯.jpg (257.25 KB, 1312x1416, 164:177, Xnip2021_08_27_15_18_54.jpg)

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8d3fcc  No.14580398

Fungus big mad!

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10d634  No.14580402

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b5e113  No.14580403

Reposting from previous bake.

>>14580121 lb

Ah yes the arsonist in chief

Here's two more to add to my list from yesterday

September 10, 2021

Cal Fire arrests 2 people suspected of starting fires in Amador County

AMADOR COUNTY, Calif. (KTXL) — Officers with Cal Fire arrested two people Thursday on suspicion of starting fires.

Cal Fire said they arrested a man, with the help of the Amador County Sheriff’s Office, for “recklessly starting a fire” near Highway 88 and Dalton Road.

That same day, Cal Fire officers, with the help of another Amador agency, arrested a woman they suspect started several fires in Plymouth.

Cal Fire said the arrests and fires are not related to the Caldor Fire.

According to Cal Fire, officers with the agency have made 103 arson arrests between Jan. 1 and Aug. 31.


So the arson count is up to 103 now.

Total arson arrests by Cal Fire per year:

2021: 103 (revised from above)

2020: 120

2019: 70

2018: 61

2017: 86

2016: 73


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bb900e  No.14580407

That AZ audit information release was AMAZING yesterday. Just like it's been AMAZING every time they said they were going to release the AZ audit information.

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b86e99  No.14580408

File: d31b5c58fe59858⋯.png (668.8 KB, 1041x1178, 1041:1178, screenshot_www_wkbw_com_20….png)


Posted at 1:46 PM, Sep 14, 2021

and last updated 2:06 PM, Sep 14, 2021

UTICA, N.Y. (AP) — A federal judge has temporarily blocked the state of New York from forcing medical workers to be vaccinated after a group of health care workers sued, saying their Constitutional rights were violated.

Judge David Hurd in Utica issued the order Tuesday after 17 health professionals, including doctors and nurses, claimed that their rights were violated with a vaccine mandate that disallowed religious exemptions.

The judge gave New York state until Sept. 22 to respond to the lawsuit in federal court in Utica.

The state issued the order Aug. 28, requiring at least a first shot for health care workers at hospitals and nursing homes by Sept. 27.

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c902cb  No.14580409

File: c0884ab8a8cd811⋯.png (732.83 KB, 919x620, 919:620, BIDENknows.png)



>>14578162 (PB) Biden Maga Foto Bomb

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10d634  No.14580411

File: b4b5b0f47883daa⋯.png (373.24 KB, 550x511, 550:511, ClipboardImage.png)

Gooooood thread

It doesn't look good for Gen. Millery, but is that intentional?


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cb4278  No.14580412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sorry for the Tim Pools closed sauce

General Milley Accused Of Treason For Warning China Of US Military Plans, Staging Coup Against Trump

Sep 14, 2021

Tim Pool

1.26M subscribers

General Milley Accused Of Treason For Warning China Of US Military Plans, Staging Coup Against Trump. In a secret meeting Mark Milley 'looked into the eyes' of officers and told them to swear an oath to him not to obey Trump's orders unless Milley was involved.

At a time when China is pressing Taiwan and US allies Milley warned them that no US action was pending and if it was they would be informed. Effectively assuring China free reign in the pacific without fear of US involvement or reprisal.

This by the definition of the DoD was a military coup. High ranking officers vowing not to obey an order from the commander in chief.

Pelosi had previously sent a letter demanding that military leaders defy Trump in the event he gave lawful military orders and was accused of staging a military coup herself


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7388fd  No.14580413

File: a3deba1705b3e61⋯.png (28.47 KB, 933x899, 933:899, ClipboardImage.png)

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cb5dcd  No.14580414

Sep 11th 2001

19 people made 4 airplanes, and 3 buildings disappear. With little flight experience and box cutters. Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

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9c511f  No.14580415

File: 7bd695118f3b97c⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1063x1060, 1063:1060, evergrande_houseofcards.png)

Analysis: China's house of cards - Evergrande threatens wider real estate market

SINGAPORE/SHANGHAI, Sept 14 (Reuters) - China Evergrande is teetering between a messy meltdown with far-reaching impacts, a managed collapse or the less likely prospect of a bailout by Beijing for what was once the country's top-selling property developer.

Founded in Guangzhou in 1996, Evergrande has epitomised China's freewheeling era of borrowing and building, but with liabilities of nearly two trillion yuan ($305 billion) its possible collapse looms as one of China's largest for years.

Debt and land-buying curbs and hundreds of new rules have been imposed on Chinese developers over recent years as part of a push to cut financial risks and promote affordable housing.

Evergrande (3333.HK), which accelerated efforts to cut its debts in 2020 after regulators introduced caps, does not have any major offshore bond maturities until early next year but tardy payment of suppliers and interest on loans have brought to a head concerns that have long nagged at investors.

Now, without access to fresh funding, Evergrande cannot pay suppliers, finish projects or raise income, prompting it to hire advisors and warn of default risk. This, along with a buyout, break-up or bailout are the scenarios now being evaluated.


"If as expected Evergrande is defaulting on its debt and goes through a restructuring, I don't see why it would be contained," Michel Lowy of banking and asset management firm SC Lowy, which focuses on distressed and high-yield debt, said.


Other worries include the exposure of banks and the determination of regulators to press on with property market reforms despite hints ofdamaging consequences.

Reaction has so far concentrated in the bond market and on Evergrande's stock, as well as the stocks and bonds of other developers such as, among others, Guangzhou R&F Properties Co (2777.HK) and Xinyuan Real Estate Co (XIN.N).

Evergrande shares are down about 90% in 14 months, while its dollar bonds are trading at 60-70% below par.

"Stress is mounting for the most obvious grey rhino in China, namely the real estate sector," Natixis economist Alicia Garcia Herrero said.


The most immediate concern is of a real estate crash rather than a Lehman-style financial crisis. An Evergrande fire sale could crush prices, causing leveraged developers toblow upand crippling a sector comprising a quarter of China's economy.

"Lehman (was) very different as it went across the financial system, freezing activity," said Patrick Perret-Green, an independent London-based analyst.

"Millions of contracts with multiple counterparties, everyone was trying to work out their exposure," he said. "With Evergrande it depresses the entire real estate sector."

Bank exposure is also wide and a leaked 2020 document, written off as a fabrication by Evergrande but taken seriously by analysts, showed liabilities extending to more than 128 banks and over 121 non-banking institutions.

But data suggests non-performing loans at commercial banks were a manageable 1.76% last quarter, and compared to the United States, China has far greater control over its financial system.

A drive by authorities to cut developers' debts is also seen as increasing the likelihood of a property liquidation.

"The government has worked tirelessly to drive de-leveraging in the bloated real estate sector, sothrowing a lifeline to Evergrande now is unlikely," said James Shi, distressed debt analyst at credit analytics provider Reorg.

Analysts are increasingly expecting a managed collapse that seeks to protect smaller investors, with around a hundred angrily showing up to Evergrande's headquarters on Tuesday, while bondholders take a haircut.

"We do not believe the government has an incentive to bail out Evergrande (which is a private-owned enterprise)," Nomura analyst Iris Chen said in a note to clients.

"But they will also not actively push Evergrande down and will supervise a more orderly default, if any, in our view."

If Evergrande is to recoup anything, it must first find buyers for its assets, which it has been struggling to do as potential saviours seem content to wait for more distress.

In a stock exchange announcement on Tuesday, Evergrande said it had not been able to complete the disposal of its office building in Hong Kong "within the expected timetable".

"The ongoing negative media reports concerning the group have dampened the confidence of potential property purchasers," Evergrande added.


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7c4adc  No.14580417

File: c9c4b7471b563a9⋯.jpg (296.54 KB, 545x687, 545:687, Xnip2021_09_14_16_10_14.jpg)

If Pelosi knew Milley's loyalties, I'm willing to bet POTUS did as well.

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cb4278  No.14580418


it feels strange to see pics now

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69a2f8  No.14580419

File: 3b69aa177c0856f⋯.png (619.87 KB, 606x466, 303:233, ClipboardImage.png)




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91f9af  No.14580420

File: cf4105e9574b928⋯.png (14.91 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 010dd0282a04932e3c41abcf3c….png)

>>14580341 (pb)


Please protect this anon in their battle against evil.

Please grant Patience, Strength, Clarity, Discernment, and Wisdom.

"In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti"



Fit your Armor, Anon.

You are not alone.

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f5b806  No.14580421

File: c642dcdd7b76762⋯.png (245.37 KB, 474x474, 1:1, pepe_4th_of_july.png)

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0c30f6  No.14580422

File: bd84be1d2051b0f⋯.jpg (35.48 KB, 819x485, 819:485, kjhgrsdxchjhtfdeesty.jpg)

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f09ef6  No.14580423

File: 03e7652cbc7811f⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 03e7652cbc7811f28b72c1fbb6….gif)


It makes my autism happy

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a9165b  No.14580424


Milley had to have known his call was recorded.

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7388fd  No.14580425

File: 2f341de8498ea16⋯.png (91.61 KB, 747x313, 747:313, ClipboardImage.png)


Gavin and Hunter

on Death Row pending their appeals

with the 700 psychoss Gavin gave a pass

Every time the trustees clear out.

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91f9af  No.14580426

File: bdb58d69aec893a⋯.jpg (7.66 KB, 180x180, 1:1, OIPddd.jpg)



on patrol

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15c9b7  No.14580427


>>14580389 pb misprision of treason

>someone who knows a treason is being or is about to be committed but does not report it[1] to a proper authority.

Just can’t wrap my little anon head around how many of these people are out there. Even worse, witnesses who have no idea what they actually witnessed. The lack of knowledge (intellectual and wise) by so many in government has to be down right dismal for our situation to have arrived here.

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dc6aa5  No.14580428


who runs the "throw them under the bus crowd?"

those are the ones to trap

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a9165b  No.14580429



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fc67dd  No.14580430

File: a3d6497a164d1c0⋯.jpg (184.03 KB, 842x559, 842:559, 3710983_mugen_final.jpg)

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f5b806  No.14580431

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)




Buckle Up!

We're in for one hell of a ride during this movie.

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608991  No.14580432

File: 3932f97e5bc5702⋯.png (68.52 KB, 1105x423, 1105:423, Ameritrade_Texas_Hit_Piece.PNG)

Stock trading platform TD Ameritrade is posting a list of all the companies that have given support to the co-signers of the Texas Abortion bill that just passed. So, are they trying to affect the price of the stocks they don't like, how can they be trusted? Shouldn't the SEC take action here?

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891f77  No.14580433

File: 9e7f8457f01de95⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 1024x773, 1024:773, le_boom.jpg)



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b5e113  No.14580434


Now they're starting to talk about changing the rules again


Sept. 14, 2021, 4:12 p.m. ET2m ago

2m ago

California Recall Live Updates: Voters Turn Out Across the State to Determine Gavin Newsom’s Fate

As of July, two-thirds of Californians thought the process was ripe for change, according to a poll by the Public Policy Institute of California.


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0d9f71  No.14580436

Australian hospitals using Ivermectin to treat the vaxxed whilst killing unvaxxed with ventilators.


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f7a754  No.14580438

For what purpose?

To, to kill them!

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7c4adc  No.14580439

The State Dept. and DOD play against each other.

today's Milley announcement was cover for Blinkin's testimony before the Senate.

Narrative shift.

How will DOD respond?

The leakers from POTUS admin are still there…their arrows are just aimed at each other rather than POTUS.

This is fun to watch.

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2ffcbe  No.14580440

File: 47650f56b2010ae⋯.mp4 (6.65 MB, 320x568, 40:71, ZDyXqs5ausePJyrW.mp4)

Masked Karen with an "I'm vaccinated" badge on stalks unmasked Patriot in store.

People step up to defend her and resist his sheep narrative.


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eba2cc  No.14580441

File: 114083bdc49be64⋯.jpg (128.65 KB, 744x440, 93:55, airpepe.jpg)

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fb5718  No.14580442

Federal judge blocks New York COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers


"Judge David Hurd of the Northern District of New York issued the ruling after 17 healthcare workers filed a lawsuit saying the mandate violated their rights because it did not permit religious exemptions."

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fc67dd  No.14580443

File: e39b2a05c0f48d9⋯.jpg (108.38 KB, 499x625, 499:625, last_call.jpg)

File: d5e611a9dff07a4⋯.jpg (88.74 KB, 630x453, 210:151, The_Two_Witnesses.jpg)

File: 377840b091c2dc8⋯.jpg (189.21 KB, 499x665, 499:665, undiscovered_star.jpg)

File: 2d17ce3faab43ec⋯.jpg (140.09 KB, 533x463, 533:463, famished_pig.jpg)

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0d9f71  No.14580444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f819bb  No.14580446

File: 07f34eeaf3103a0⋯.png (4.68 KB, 500x400, 5:4, Horse.png)

does ivermectin eliminate fungus?

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a9165b  No.14580447


This is the green light meme to flood bread with division code.

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9c511f  No.14580449

File: 75573326e305d6e⋯.png (568.97 KB, 826x608, 413:304, blackswan.png)


>grey rhino

from https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/black-swan-lands-tiananman-square-24916267

Earlier this year the leader of China, President Xi Jinping, warned about"black swan"and"white rhino"events during a speech at the Politburo meeting.

State news agency Xinhua reported in January that President Xi said China shouldlook out for various risks and challenges, and make contingency plans for “black swan” and “grey rhino” events.

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918b9e  No.14580450


Perfect call?

You're watching a movie.

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d3bb9e  No.14580451


1st? never tried before?

twatter is useless

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0d9f71  No.14580452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Two nurses refused to be vaxxed, were facing termination, and got video of it.

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0dd379  No.14580454

File: 6dbbc128c14acca⋯.png (903.12 KB, 952x480, 119:60, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5e113  No.14580455


2 hours ago

By Soumya Karlamangla

How California’s recall laws could change.

This recall election has revealed something of a paradox among Californians: We hold dear our ability to recall elected leaders from office but believe the process by which we do so to be deeply flawed. In recent weeks, there have been a growing number of calls to reform the state’s recall laws.

As of July, two-thirds of Californians thought the process was ripe for change, according to a poll by the Public Policy Institute of California.

But changing it is a difficult two-step process that includes amendments to the State Constitution.


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c73e5f  No.14580456


The first arrest?

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b8e39f  No.14580457


>It doesn't look good for Gen. Millery, but is that intentional?



Jan 8

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told House Democrats that she has gotten assurances there are safeguards in place in the event President Trump wants to launch a nuclear weapon, according to multiple sources."


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95fb5d  No.14580458

File: 211e8bd8a860570⋯.png (94.32 KB, 749x891, 749:891, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c29e4e486659daf⋯.png (89.12 KB, 751x743, 751:743, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5ff5722e8d7bdf⋯.png (20.77 KB, 761x328, 761:328, ClipboardImage.png)

Iranian National Sentenced for Illegally Exporting Military Sensitive Items


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f5b806  No.14580459

>ID: cafefb

Cafe fake bewbs

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be7355  No.14580460

File: 658547206f68cc5⋯.png (12.53 KB, 346x359, 346:359, Capture.PNG)


This drop tells us there are more good than bad.

Right now that is very difficult to believe.

If this post is not disinformation, odds are Milley is /ourguy/.

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f67bf0  No.14580461


he should start a worm farm with lloyd.

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fc67dd  No.14580462

File: 08c17c5bceac546⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 2016x1512, 4:3, wurking.jpg)

Bye bye, pig.

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0dd379  No.14580464

File: a4dc734f2ca2332⋯.png (864.15 KB, 849x573, 283:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c4adc  No.14580465


hot damn…


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8923df  No.14580466




>And add anyone who knew……


>Misprision of treason is an offence found in many common law jurisdictions around the world, having been inherited from English law. It is committed by someone who knows a treason is being or is about to be committed but does not report it[1] to a proper authority.

everybody knew except some Trump loyalists, everybody was on … if Poso's info is right even the FVEY knew … Trump didn't know because nobody told him >>14580389

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c33673  No.14580467

File: 81ea3cd8625bf8e⋯.jpg (300.23 KB, 590x700, 59:70, BS.jpg)


Holy fuck.


Crazy fucker, Kek.

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b8e39f  No.14580468


>The first arrest?


>It doesn't look good for Gen. Millery, but is that intentional?


"BREAKING: Several Pentagon officers present in Milley’s secret meeting are willing to testify against him under oath, per WH official"

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a9165b  No.14580469


This smells like a sting.

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64180b  No.14580470

File: 9e657bd1603721f⋯.png (208.57 KB, 444x404, 111:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6f1eedc1f1dcd5⋯.png (17.28 KB, 444x287, 444:287, ClipboardImage.png)




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2ffcbe  No.14580471


KEK so true!

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07e68e  No.14580472

File: 3e70492dd611573⋯.jpg (16.83 KB, 304x360, 38:45, treasoncoup.jpg)

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ab6cf4  No.14580474

File: ac9e52287331166⋯.jpg (94.22 KB, 880x612, 220:153, ZomboMeme_19022021113727.jpg)

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a97dd9  No.14580475

File: e2da72c85630271⋯.jpg (60.89 KB, 640x525, 128:105, e2da72c856302716fd0c4c4b2b….jpg)

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b5e113  No.14580476


I would have had so much fun with that guy

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891f77  No.14580477

File: 6ed01e56796bab9⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 636x358, 318:179, trips.jpg)



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d9b31d  No.14580478

File: 0174df17fe1357b⋯.png (47.69 KB, 1138x250, 569:125, ClipboardImage.png)


Backchannels are important


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7c4adc  No.14580479


"my wife is a doctor of infectious diseases"

raise your hand if you believe this one.

what a moron.

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e21b1b  No.14580480

File: 15efeea6d876ab0⋯.png (525.5 KB, 828x1005, 276:335, Screenshot_2021_09_14_1317….png)

File: 6859ba57021f460⋯.png (337.83 KB, 2387x907, 2387:907, Screenshot_2021_09_14_1314….png)

File: eb6d4011e1c6d33⋯.png (254.44 KB, 2237x917, 2237:917, Screenshot_2021_09_14_1315….png)

Hmmmm…2% vaccination rate for Africa, yet apparently it has the lowest Covid infection rate for any continent in the world.



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d9b31d  No.14580481

File: debbfc696528b92⋯.png (47.2 KB, 1078x250, 539:125, ClipboardImage.png)


Backchannels are important


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07e68e  No.14580482

File: d8d326c39dd852f⋯.jpg (315.57 KB, 880x546, 440:273, gavincit.jpg)

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d7b85f  No.14580484

File: a6582522bea73ed⋯.png (844.48 KB, 1493x935, 1493:935, frikkin_laser.png)

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2ffcbe  No.14580485

File: 99adc35815567a0⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB, 320x608, 10:19, afiBQ6rLHspWDwFe.mp4)


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ab6cf4  No.14580486


He keeps saying it. Funny thing is, even if she was he isn't. That means all he is doing is parroting.

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f5b806  No.14580487

File: 294b950664c0685⋯.png (636.74 KB, 500x761, 500:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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8923df  No.14580488


>The State Dept. and DOD play against each other.


>today's Milley announcement was cover for Blinkin's testimony before the Senate.


>Narrative shift.


>How will DOD respond?


You follow Sundance/CTH?

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608991  No.14580489

Stock trading platform TD Ameritrade is posting a list of all the companies that have given support to the co-signers of the Texas Abortion bill that just passed. So, are they trying to affect the price of the stocks they don't like, how can they be trusted? Shouldn't the SEC take action here?

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a9165b  No.14580490


>Right now that is very difficult to believe

Well when choose to focus on the information sourced by bad actors…

They didn't invent the teem 'confirmation bias' for nothing.

If you feel like there is too much bad information, choose to observe and envelope yourself in the MASSIVE amount of good information that can be had….EVEN IF it's nothing but that part of you that is the same as every other person's, you can TEACH YOURSELF new things.

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b5e113  No.14580491


Hmmm need to get a dig on this guy

All she had to do is say to this guy I've had the Wuhan and natural immunity I don't need your stinking vaccine.

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f5ac46  No.14580492

File: 5b64db82d00f86a⋯.jpeg (25.21 KB, 300x310, 30:31, 334C6C3C_F21A_43C2_9F19_B….jpeg)


Why won't anyone do that to me !!!!

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0ef971  No.14580493


Straight to sporting goods, ball bats, anything below the waist is non-lethal. Kek

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7388fd  No.14580494

File: e58da6301949937⋯.gif (879.94 KB, 394x288, 197:144, soon.gif)


The clowns are throwing Milley to the shills today of all days as a decoy from the ongoing Treason, Espionage and Sedition.

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07e68e  No.14580496

File: 89626b49559035e⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1600x1220, 80:61, comfy.jpg)

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871d2d  No.14580497


much KEK

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775cc3  No.14580498

>>14580252 pb

>I've always thought it possible that the Air Force finally got its shit together and shot down that plane before it could hit Capitol or WH

Yeah that's the "official unofficial" story; people are meant to think that. That's why they have that asian WH "whistleblower" who implies that Cheney gave the order

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15c9b7  No.14580499


Got a dollar says his wife IS NOT ‘a doctor specializing in infectious diseases’… OR…

If she does exist, is a doctor, does specialize in infectious disease… she’s on the take (in one form or another), intellectually scammed by her own Medical Group.

The Stolen Valor ‘equivalence’ is OUT THERE and EVERYWHERE!!!!!!

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ab6cf4  No.14580500

File: d10b67e0bf9de5f⋯.jpg (7.15 KB, 121x233, 121:233, IMG_20191028_032929.jpg)

File: f01977b22bbf46e⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 236x214, 118:107, IMG_20191011_190913.jpg)

File: 9674d85c0e9a4e6⋯.jpg (85.38 KB, 506x506, 1:1, IMG_otqsre.jpg)

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2e14f2  No.14580501


kek, guy will get shamed when dude pulls weapon out and its not a women

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6315f0  No.14580502


Excuse me, what is that?

And where can I get one?

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087a20  No.14580503

File: 096ade0bf8fa4fe⋯.png (16.75 KB, 609x178, 609:178, ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Clinton on Twatter cranking up the trafficking biz again.

Communities across America are ready to welcome our Afghan neighbors with open arms. Hillary and I, along with @ClintonFdn

, are proud to join @WelcomeUS

, an effort for Americans who want to support Afghan families as they rebuild their lives in the U.S.

Join us.


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f819bb  No.14580504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



President Biden Delivers Remarks on his Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and Build Back Better Agenda

The White House


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a9165b  No.14580505


Didn't work…

Rand Paul asked Blinken whether he knew the family murdered by drone were aid workers or ISIS…and he said "I don't know".

That is a STUNNING admission.

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a9165b  No.14580506


Child trafficking?

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b5e113  No.14580508


Even better and less lethal just go to the kid's section and pick up one of those super soakers. Go into the bathroom, fill it up and start soaking the guy. kek

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c73e5f  No.14580509


Nice to have them back for sure

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07e68e  No.14580510

File: 651a7644aadaa1b⋯.jpg (158.7 KB, 1024x646, 512:323, billhaiti.jpg)


oh, so they saved one brown country from the VAxx

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891f77  No.14580511


>>14580378 #18444

>>14580411 It doesn't look good for Gen. Millery, but is that intentional?

>>14580415, >>14580449 China - Evergrande threatens wider real estate market, Black Swans and 50 shades of Rhino

>>14580408 A federal judge has temporarily blocked the state of New York from forcing medical workers to be vaccinated after a group of health care workers sued, saying their Constitutional rights were violated.


>>14580452 (VID) Two nurses refused to be vaxxed, were facing termination

>>14580458 Iranian National Sentenced for Illegally Exporting Military Sensitive Items

>>14580440 (VID) The Elusive Male Karen with an "I'm vaccinated" badge stalks unmasked Patriot in store.

>>14580504 (LIVE) @5:15 President Biden To Deliver Remarks on his Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and 666 Agenda

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d7b85f  No.14580512



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07e68e  No.14580513



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0ef971  No.14580515


I have a more kinetic approach, cant follow me with crushed kneecap

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a9165b  No.14580516


Stasi in training.

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1c64bf  No.14580517


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15c9b7  No.14580518


At this point, with people JUST LIKE HIM EVERYWHERE destroying civilization at every turn… not ashamed to admit my thoughts were of my boot deep up his groin. Sorry not sorry.

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c33673  No.14580519

File: 16afb4fbe64c3af⋯.jpg (214.75 KB, 444x599, 444:599, Kekleberry.jpg)


A drone in a food shop, around 2 months ago, asked me 'Do you have a mask'

I answered 'No I don't, you fat little communist dog'

I don't go to that shop anymoar.

And I didn't get my sammich

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891f77  No.14580520

File: 3bce92a26fe5321⋯.jpg (82.24 KB, 720x735, 48:49, IMG_4162.JPG)

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cf843c  No.14580521

File: f99c1aa15c57227⋯.png (933.32 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, bloatables.png)

File: 4106777cc56346a⋯.png (100.39 KB, 280x230, 28:23, shit_trans.png)


>Baker is requesting handoff

Thank fuck for that!.

Your bloatables suck even worse than Tranime's and that is saying something.

Notables are meant for posts that are worthy of note, not for shitposting in it's truest form.

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b5e113  No.14580522


It's so much fun when they start eating other alive.


Finally the Northern district steps in. So damn tired of that Southern district.

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64180b  No.14580523

File: 5dfdcaef982e8a0⋯.png (427.44 KB, 596x653, 596:653, ClipboardImage.png)


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891f77  No.14580525


I bet you're the same shill that was whining about gate keeping like 5 minutes ago, kek

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775cc3  No.14580526


saved before it's deleted by the fascists

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d3bb9e  No.14580527


COVID is the MASK!!!

Financial institutions are no longer subsidized by the Federal Govt anymore.

all these shitbags cannot sustain themselves.

rather then man-up and take the blame for their poor fiscal decisions, they will now deflect.


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15c9b7  No.14580528


Stolen Valor…

… of a third grade Hall Monitor.

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7c4adc  No.14580529


>>The State Dept. and DOD play against each other.


>>today's Milley announcement was cover for Blinkin's testimony before the Senate.


>>Narrative shift.


>>How will DOD respond?


>You follow Sundance/CTH?

sometimes. he's had some great insight into this. should have linked the recent articles

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700692  No.14580530


and he seems to take glee in it. not sure why he doesn't understand the concept. but faggots gonna faggot

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541615  No.14580531

Is Milley behind bars yet?

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775cc3  No.14580532


>boot deep up his groin

This is 2021. If you attack, you finish the job.

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c3cb2b  No.14580534

>>14580480 They sure do want us ded.

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f535f0  No.14580535


>It doesn't look good for Gen. Millery, but is that intentional?

Yes, it's intentional. Because he's tight with China. Like many in Congress, State Government, MSM, Universities and Industry (MIC).

Did he call Russia?

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07e68e  No.14580536

Actor Jeff Bridges, best known for playing The Dude in "The Big Lebowski," revealed on Monday that his cancer is in remission and that he has recovered from COVID-19, saying the coronavirus made his cancer "look like a piece of cake."

"My cancer is in remission — the '9x12' mass has shrunk down to the size of a marble," Bridges wrote on his website. "My Covid is in the rear view mirror. Covid kicked my ass pretty good, but I'm double vaccinated & feeling much better now. I heard that the vaccine can help folks with Long Haulers. Maybe that's the cause of my quick improvement."

The Dude, trying not to get cancered like Norm…cancered…canceled…hmm


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f5b806  No.14580537

File: 104dd0b094b6006⋯.png (354.18 KB, 780x620, 39:31, pepe_10.png)

Vaxx Nazi Karen: "Go take the vaccine, and stop being selfish!"

Patriot: "If you've had the vaccine, then why are you wearing a mask?"

Vaxx Nazi Karen: "Because it's a choice. And I choose to wear a mask."

Patriot: "So is taking the vaccine, and I chose not to take it."

Vaxx Nazi Karen: "That's not your decision to make! You don't get to make choices that can make me sick!"

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07e68e  No.14580538


Indoctrinated by his wife like a pussy

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5cc149  No.14580539

File: d21f8ddaf8f388c⋯.jpg (68.59 KB, 541x500, 541:500, democrats.jpg)

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775cc3  No.14580540


>lowest Covid infection rate for any continent in the world

It's a race-based weapon targeting white people. Not even the best ones are reporting that detail yet.

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f5ac46  No.14580541


And I applaud you fren ! That's how you handle a little commie…. if they get too close, I tell my wife to kick a 40yd fg with their tiny balls and call me

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95fb5d  No.14580542

File: dc41abc0efd5bd6⋯.png (304.1 KB, 537x626, 537:626, ClipboardImage.png)

This is Serious and Likely Treasonous? Milley Acted Outside of the Chain of Command When Holding Back Channel Discussions with China and Pelosi Colluded with Him

This is very serious. This is very likely treason.

According to reports from earlier today, General Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of the Staff, had at least two phone calls with his counterpart in the PLA (China’s People’s Liberation Army) assuring him that Milley would give advance warning of any US attack.

One of the calls with China was relayed to Speaker Nancy Pelosi which likely makes her an accomplice in a treasonous act. What right did Pelosi or General Milley have in communicating with China or any foreign government on behalf of the President of the United States? How was Milley able to give his assurances without usurping the duties of his President Donald Trump?

These were acts of treason. Milley was not the President nor did he obtain permission from the President. Pelosi is not President either. Yet, Milley had the audacity to bad mouth the President and call him names.

Milley wasn’t even included in the list of succession in the military.

Milley had no right to go behind the President of the United States with China. This was arguably a treasonous act, as was Pelosi’s involvement as well.


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2e14f2  No.14580543



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891f77  No.14580544

File: e5eed44dcb910d6⋯.jpg (21.85 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 466bfcdbdaa898dfa688b8b135….jpg)


Genius. We have hope yet. kek

Puts a Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40w range to shame. Ty

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b5e113  No.14580546


Crisis actors busted. "Conspiracy theorists" win again. When will people learn we are right 99% of the time.

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15c9b7  No.14580547


Much improved variation on the theme…

‘My life vest doesn’t work, if you don’t wear one.’

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2ffcbe  No.14580548

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Senator Risch: "Who in the White House has authority to 'press the button' and cut off Biden's mic."

Secretary Blinken: "There is no such person. Again, the president speaks for himself."


I think "they" TAKE COURSES IN- How to not answer a question AND LIE ABOUT IT IN A ROUND ABOUT WAY

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2e14f2  No.14580549

File: bd18f9b982a1d2c⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 355x365, 71:73, bd18f9b982a1d2c3aeb97c9662….jpg)

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07e68e  No.14580550

File: c9bb4a3d3092155⋯.jpg (28.97 KB, 332x360, 83:90, nancytreason_2.jpg)

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9d9236  No.14580551

Trusting the Plan here, my money's on Milley actually being /ourguy/ and part of the sting. The story is too obvious.

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d9b31d  No.14580553



dasting on Q3525–noice autism.

connection to notable (all lb)??

>>14579705, >>14579752 (You), >>14579796 (You), >>14579851 (You) Bork Bork. What's reflected in dog's goggles?

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b60122  No.14580554

File: 5107ab364dc6edf⋯.png (799.24 KB, 905x793, 905:793, fr12mil12.png)

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b5e113  No.14580555



I'm really sick to death of these evil and corrupt lot in congress.

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caf2cd  No.14580556


Is that a male Karen? “Kameron” Kek!

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a89dc3  No.14580557

File: 4b5ef18b4ceab8c⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 640x470, 64:47, 1620802076_Copy.mp4)

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891f77  No.14580558

File: 0348b1e93446626⋯.gif (856.67 KB, 240x228, 20:19, 0348b1e93446626b43755f40ef….gif)




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700692  No.14580560


would be nice if those who are the target of the "sting" would actually get STUNG for a change.

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eba2cc  No.14580561


Hmm, I wonder how the population density compares to others.

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f535f0  No.14580562


>If this post is not disinformation, odds are Milley is /ourguy/.

Doubt it.

'No one has a bigger smile today than I do': What Joint Chiefs chairman Mark Milley told Michelle Obama when Biden was inaugurated after fearing Trump would start a war in Iran just to stay in power



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2ffcbe  No.14580563

File: a5cbe34701e69d3⋯.mp4 (4.51 MB, 640x360, 16:9, vLafmFL1YciL_Iqf.mp4)

Joe Biden. The biggest liar in American political history.


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775cc3  No.14580564

File: 49f0846513eb4f5⋯.png (414.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, healthcare_2010_vs_2021_hu….png)


I love this meme.

Careful - the new image host is sending out a "do not cache" message, so when you save image, it pulls the image again, which does 2 things:

1) puts unnecessary bandwidth strain on the image server

2) means you may not save the image when you think you have

I nearly lost this gem for that reason

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f5b806  No.14580565

File: 46f2a75ad15ef28⋯.webm (5.51 MB, 854x480, 427:240, people_are_pissed_set_to_….webm)


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d6a942  No.14580567

File: 7afad747f8c304b⋯.png (425.19 KB, 557x861, 557:861, ClipboardImage.png)

Massive fuckery downunder…


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d48d3b  No.14580568

File: 94949fdfb209c87⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB, 848x464, 53:29, truthsource.mp4)

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b5e113  No.14580569


What Milley was really saying "My smile is bigger than your penis Michael. We caught you all."

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b60122  No.14580570

File: de49cc6ba56e7a8⋯.png (173.28 KB, 372x455, 372:455, 11d2.png)

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f5b806  No.14580573

File: 955898103df0464⋯.png (150.72 KB, 400x400, 1:1, pepe_kek1.png)


I already posted that meme on Facebook, and am waiting to see how long it takes before it gets deleted and I get another timeout.

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0bd1b7  No.14580575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sun Tzu: The Art of War - (Audiobook)

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700692  No.14580578

File: 908d294ec713eb7⋯.png (425.66 KB, 600x525, 8:7, 8b22bd70c5bbd06d0e9314a7b5….png)


I saved this one a bread or two ago with no problem.

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cf843c  No.14580579

File: 396e7f09a4a9a62⋯.png (1.23 MB, 688x770, 344:385, shills_gatekeeping.png)

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10d634  No.14580580

Bewb bot heard we have images again, kek

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49b93b  No.14580581


Going crazy eh

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f535f0  No.14580582


This had better not die on the vine like so many other prior treasonous moves by the DS.

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07e68e  No.14580583


There are no male Karens. Just Karens.

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49b93b  No.14580584


Exactly 😂 kek

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918b9e  No.14580585

File: 7ba1c52ad771e97⋯.png (57.58 KB, 915x390, 61:26, ClipboardImage.png)


Since when do we believe something just because it's in the "news"?

You're watching a movie.

"Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think)."

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49b93b  No.14580587

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3ffc44  No.14580588

File: 32a1dce4d29b364⋯.jpeg (46.99 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 54A9998F_05AE_47F7_B4D9_D….jpeg)

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4b60e0  No.14580589

File: 4bac9c98693d3ea⋯.jpg (96.99 KB, 495x234, 55:26, R_2_.jpg)

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d48d3b  No.14580590

File: a37bdd20702151e⋯.png (151.62 KB, 776x607, 776:607, Screenshot_2021_08_28_at_0….png)

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20a2f3  No.14580591



I'm calling it early. Newsome's OUT!

(Take that, Faux News!)

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15c9b7  No.14580592

File: 2104b0a4d536259⋯.jpeg (86.51 KB, 500x708, 125:177, B0CFE89A_C6D6_42E4_97E7_5….jpeg)

File: 4a01bb8b9307c5f⋯.jpeg (70.92 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 24D8A1A8_38E5_42E7_8C9D_C….jpeg)

File: d14aff322a9939f⋯.jpeg (113.88 KB, 1145x1280, 229:256, 6D32693A_FC60_4AF7_A20F_1….jpeg)


Yes, seems to work.

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b5e113  No.14580594


Never trust anyone states you can trust us

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2e14f2  No.14580596

File: 6e8edcaa3f700fe⋯.png (216.14 KB, 578x378, 289:189, the_game.png)

look here

same old game by AMA

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6315f0  No.14580597

File: e038b91395b8b54⋯.gif (3.2 MB, 420x300, 7:5, nice_meme.gif)

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c33673  No.14580599

File: 213392937e9352a⋯.jpg (185.41 KB, 602x436, 301:218, Enjoy_show_pain.jpg)


>Trust us

>Trust us

>Trust us

>No one else

>Trust us

>Trust us

>Don't listen to anyone else

>Trust us

>Trust us

This is what panic looks like.

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2e14f2  No.14580600





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49b93b  No.14580601


Well see you at the gate brother

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775cc3  No.14580602

File: 204fcb8a3dea6ce⋯.png (456.71 KB, 673x486, 673:486, bidan_at_shanksville_with_….png)

File: e5d2defa00b27c2⋯.png (1.06 MB, 794x718, 397:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Q delivers….

As clear as it gets…

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d3bb9e  No.14580604



dingo ate cha covid

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f819bb  No.14580606

File: 3d78c63756ea3ee⋯.png (453.02 KB, 640x442, 320:221, 3d78c63756ea3ee0669ff05736….png)

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c41527  No.14580607



recall fails, not enough votes


Elder wins the election by a landslide

The propaganda spin would be YUGE!

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2e14f2  No.14580608


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7c4adc  No.14580609

File: 174528b54bded25⋯.png (820.53 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Untitled_design_2020_12_09….png)


Hello? You rang?

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f5ac46  No.14580610


Meme it and it shall be sown!

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c33673  No.14580611

File: 4124bdc9786bd91⋯.jpg (79.13 KB, 616x366, 308:183, right_you_know.jpg)

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7c4adc  No.14580612

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d48d3b  No.14580614

File: d4a2d0565befea2⋯.png (414.69 KB, 1000x643, 1000:643, ClipboardImage.png)


President Biden Warns California Will ‘Get Donald Trump’ by Recalling Gov. Newsom

President Joe Biden Monday evening in Long Beach urged California voters to reject the recall of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, citing the pandemic, women’s rights, climate change and minimum wage, while warning of Republican ties to Donald Trump.

“We need science, we need courage, we need leadership. We need Gavin Newsom,” Biden said during the approximately 15-minute address at Long Beach City College. “A governor who follows science, who’s got the courage to do what’s right.”

Biden sought to tie supporters of the recall to Trump, who is tremendously unpopular in California.

“You either keep Gavin Newsom as your governor or you get Donald Trump,” Biden told the crowd of approximately 1,100, including Sen. Alex Padilla and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.

“I got to run against the real Donald Trump. Well, this year, the leading Republican running for governor is the closest thing to a Trump clone that I’ve ever seen,” said Biden, referring to radio talk show host Larry Elder.

Taking the stage before Biden, Newsom took a similar tack, declaring his oft-repeated line: “We may have defeated Donald Trump, but we have not defeated Trumpism. Trumpism is still on the ballot in California.”

The rally was the last of Newsom’s campaign to attempt to defeat the recall effort. Tuesday is the deadline for voters statewide to cast a ballot or return their vote-by-mail ballot.

Newsom has been stepping up his campaign activities in recent days, campaigning in Northern California last Wednesday with his longtime ally, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Elder, the leader in the polls to replace Newsom if the recall is successful, dismissed the presidential support for the governor.

“If Gavin Newsom thinks that flying in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — not exactly the most admired government officials at the present time — will make him look better, that’s all you need to know about how oblivious and detached Newsom is from a large majority of Californians,” Elder tweeted last week.

Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, another Republican candidate on Tuesday’s ballot, also dismissed the president’s planned visit.

“Washington, DC, is not going to save Gavin Newsom,” Faulconer said. “He wants to make it about anything else but him. This recall is a referendum on Gavin Newsom’s failure. That’s why so many Californians not only signed the recall petition, but that’s why Californians in all parts of the state, all party registrations, are ready for a change at the top.”

Earlier Monday, Biden stopped in Boise, Idaho, for a visit to the National Interagency Fire Center, and then Sacramento on Monday afternoon to survey wildfire damage. He was joined there by Newsom, who flew with the President to Long Beach.

As Biden departs Tuesday, Newsom and his potential successors — 46 of them — will begin the waiting game as in-person voting enters its final day and the deadline arrives for people to return their vote-by-mail ballots. According to the Secretary of State’s office, more than 8 million vote-by-mail ballots had been returned statewide as of Sunday. Nearly 22.4 million were sent to voters.

The recall ballot contains only two questions: should Newsom be recalled — removed — from office, and if so, who should replace him?

If 50% or more voters respond “no” to the first question, Newsom will remain in office, and the results of the second question will be irrelevant. If more than 50% of people vote “yes” on the first question, Newsom will be removed from office and replaced with the candidate who receives the most votes in the second question on the ballot — even if far less than a majority.

Although 46 replacement candidates are on the ballot, Elder has consistently led most polls with around 20% and is the likely Republican winner if a majority vote to recall Newsom.

Polls are open in San Diego County from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Mail ballots must be postmarked by Tuesday if mailed, or dropped off at an official location.

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f5b806  No.14580615

File: fc111ea462dda13⋯.png (504.16 KB, 596x418, 298:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab6cf4  No.14580616

File: d0b58490ec54e7f⋯.jpg (531.82 KB, 1080x1583, 1080:1583, Screenshot_20210914_164317….jpg)


I did something similar while images were down.

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69a2f8  No.14580617

File: c2a17e4ca8bf8dd⋯.png (778.8 KB, 1042x613, 1042:613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e15827350d72f8f⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB, 640x288, 20:9, google_is_a_vaccine_compan….mp4)



Google Building AI Systems To Ultimately Determine Corporate And Public Policy

Bannons War Room Published September 14, 2021 1,639 Views



RFK Jr. - Google is a vaccine company

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2ffcbe  No.14580619

File: 4c82659c7d0c315⋯.mp4 (827.27 KB, 640x360, 16:9, jXocF2yCfuU0Sxl9.mp4)

Remember when Gavin Newsom apologized for sleeping with his campaign manager's wife?

The guy was a longtime friend of Newsom and resigned after being humiliated.


Sending my energy to Larry Elder >>>*

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b37f70  No.14580621


so a criminology professor was arrested for starting 10 of last years fires in Ca

the Dixie fire being the largest.

fucking sickos




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d61d7f  No.14580622


That is the wrong attitude. It is not that we are right 99% of the time. It is that we are NOT Conspiracy Theorist, we simply use our brains and oppose the communist regime's narrative with facts.

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9a327d  No.14580623


▶ I helped rig the software for Biden to win Dominion IT guy 09/14/21 (Tue) 01:29:23 abb8cc (1) No.14576227>>14578633 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

As a software IT person for Dominion, we did code the software in Biden's favor.

Trump was bad for America's global image.

and he was bad for America's corporate image.

And the Democrats pay better

As a software IT person for Dominion, we did code the software in Biden's favor, with aid from CCP China engineers.

Since this an anonymous site, and no one will believe me, I can finally get it off my chest

I don't want to be a traitor, but If I want to redeem myself and release details to Wikileaks, it will be traced back to me and I will disappear.

Let's get technical:

The SQL communicated with a foreign database using encrypted ANSI through Dominion's proprietary extensions within the SQL framework.

The SQL statements updated the data on the Dominion database and retrieved the data from a foreign database. Oracle was the relational database management systems that was used, as it is so common and would go un-noticed.

But it was through Dominion's proprietary extensions that we did the dirty work. The standard SQL commands such as "Select", "Insert", "Update", "Delete", "Create", and "Drop" were transparent, but it was through the proprietary extensions that we used to accomplish everything that we needed to help the Democrats win.

I was afraid to release these details before, as they might lead back to me, but it seems, the truth is coming out through other sources

the information gathered by US intelligence that determined that smart thermometers made in China make digital contact with voting machines in the United States wa accurate .

When Nov came around and temperatures dropped below 60, the devices sent out signals through 5g to the voting machines

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6c5a24  No.14580625

I lost my illuminati invitation can you send another copy

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7388fd  No.14580627


1. Patent snake oil

2. Change the definition of the disorder so everybody has it

3. Ka-ching!


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700692  No.14580628


dammit I can't find my sessionskeeblerelf.png meme!

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f5b806  No.14580630

File: 8433fa0b9331efb⋯.png (324.95 KB, 503x512, 503:512, pepe_ace.png)


Was his name by chance "Climate Change"?

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e21b1b  No.14580632


That was my first question as well, but the maps are per capita (cases per 100k people).

It appears that population density doesn't seem to play much of a role, contrary to intuition. Population density for Sudan is ~57 ppl per square mile, the USA is at ~88 ppl per square mile, Mongolia averages 5–but both the USA and Mongolia are at the highest levels of infection (according to that data).

And you can't argue for Africa's superior infrastructure and hygiene

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a9165b  No.14580634

File: c9b94184f7f3e4f⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1458x1414, 729:707, ClipboardImage.png)


Dr. Lucy Morgan and released by New South Wales Health


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6ac8e7  No.14580636

File: 6ce34d0827e35d9⋯.png (600.9 KB, 535x651, 535:651, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_1….png)

File: 39e747b07fc683c⋯.png (429.5 KB, 535x680, 107:136, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_1….png)

File: ede4bb8d4737e71⋯.png (479.26 KB, 535x629, 535:629, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_1….png)



Business are business





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9a327d  No.14580637

File: 0d0211d5a6f11df⋯.png (454.42 KB, 1395x541, 1395:541, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_1….png)



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8d3fcc  No.14580638


>>14580378 #18444

>>14580411 It doesn't look good for Gen. Millery, but is that intentional?

>>14580415, >>14580449 China - Evergrande threatens wider real estate market, Black Swans and 50 shades of Rhino

>>14580408 A federal judge has temporarily blocked the state of New York from forcing medical workers to be vaccinated after a group of health care workers sued, saying their Constitutional rights were violated.


>>14580452 (VID) Two nurses refused to be vaxxed, were facing termination

>>14580458 Iranian National Sentenced for Illegally Exporting Military Sensitive Items

>>14580440 (VID) The Elusive Male Karen with an "I'm vaccinated" badge stalks unmasked Patriot in store.

>>14580504 (LIVE) @5:15 President Biden To Deliver Remarks on his Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and 666 Agenda

>>14580553 [UA59193SHANKSVILLEDK} dasting on Q3525, connection?


>>14580614 Biden Warns California Will ‘Get Donald Trump’ by Recalling Gov. Newsom

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a9165b  No.14580639


All caught on record.

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cafefb  No.14580640

File: 01a41b7d433bb9e⋯.png (522.67 KB, 564x725, 564:725, ClipboardImage.png)

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d48d3b  No.14580642

File: 2d5c489b673ea09⋯.mp4 (7 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Make_this_viral_They_are_u….mp4)


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dc95bc  No.14580643


Would that do something to .gifs by chance?

Have quite a few inop ones now for some reason.


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11bf3a  No.14580644

File: 23b613cc61ce67b⋯.png (43.49 KB, 746x380, 373:190, ClipboardImage.png)


'''Tonight at 6pm President Donald Trump joins me and


on #spicerandco


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2e14f2  No.14580645

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b7da9f  No.14580646


one thing is for sure, everything the current administration has ACTUALLY DONE is waaaayyyyyyyyyyy worse than anything the Trump admin was ACCUSED of MAYBE THINKING ABOUT DOING.

nuff said

oh wait… Trump Won, Biden Cheated.

now am done

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15c9b7  No.14580647


Truth there anon.

Good detectives and criminal investigations all have varied degrees of speculation as the starting point. THAT is how crime is solved. Not going ‘wild’, is the key most of the time. But when the Conspiracies get hugest, the initial speculations will always sound wild to the pedestrian.

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10d634  No.14580649

File: a198810cca0c691⋯.png (389.95 KB, 399x468, 133:156, ClipboardImage.png)

You know it's coming, kek

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cafefb  No.14580650

File: c82968a6114a1aa⋯.png (844.64 KB, 620x1157, 620:1157, ClipboardImage.png)

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642cf0  No.14580651



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918b9e  No.14580652


>oh wait… Trump Won, Biden Cheated.

Or you're watching a movie.

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7388fd  No.14580653


We want Trump. We want all the gangsters to ride the lightning.


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541615  No.14580654


The answer is….the Neem Tree.

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2e14f2  No.14580655

File: 7e173e75a5535e0⋯.jpeg (106.89 KB, 1242x923, 1242:923, 7e173e75a5535e0a54927d0e8….jpeg)

once newsom is canned, the stock market is gonna shit its bottom out and here comes 50 audits

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6ac8e7  No.14580656

File: 5a2590c98e30d0a⋯.png (469.1 KB, 535x604, 535:604, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_1….png)

Feds bust Colombo boss Andrew ‘Mush’ Russo in major racketeering case


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cafefb  No.14580658

File: d554ecf3a82643f⋯.png (720.34 KB, 620x930, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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69a2f8  No.14580659


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d5e725  No.14580661


Nothing surprises me about this shit anymore. Something needs to be done, and we all know what that is.

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f5b806  No.14580662

File: d7f8b07a3bc3909⋯.png (343.78 KB, 788x685, 788:685, pepe_toast.png)

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775cc3  No.14580663

File: f5b88856d051cca⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ThemDigits.png)


>once newsom is canned, the stock market is gonna shit its bottom out and here comes 50 audits

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b7da9f  No.14580664


yeah, have the loser who's got entire stadiums filled with people screaming fuck Joe Biden at him come campaign for you.

that'll win it for ya dummy!

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95fb5d  No.14580665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chuck Schumer Unveils Legislation to Make Voter Fraud Legal in the US

Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer introduced a sweeping voter rights bill that will make voter fraud the law of the land.

The legislation amounts to a federal takeover of the elections – a dream for Democrats despite clear language in the US Constitution that clearly puts this responsibility in the state’s hands.

The law wiil provide same-day registration that makes it easier for Democrats to cheat. The law also expands mail-in voting that allows Democrats further opportunities to cheat. And the bill allows felons the right to vote. The bill also allows a “workaround” on voter ID so anyone who walks into a polling center will be able to vote. It is the Democrat dream. Of course, ballot boxes and ballot harvesting will also be allowed. Democrats count on these tactics to steal 5-20 seats in an election. In 2018 Democrats stole 7 California seats through ballot harvesting alone.

As is typical the GOP is completely silent today as Democrats push this move to corrupt our election system.

Republicans are not up for this fight. They have failed their constituents once again.


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8d3fcc  No.14580666


>Something needs to be done,

>and we all know what that is

Walk the dinosaur?

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69a2f8  No.14580667


who he?

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cafefb  No.14580668

File: 6e9f2d19474d64e⋯.png (553.87 KB, 554x834, 277:417, ClipboardImage.png)

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d48d3b  No.14580669

File: 80399c9b4d9c2da⋯.png (669.78 KB, 744x496, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



Feds bust Colombo boss Andrew ‘Mush’ Russo in major racketeering case

The Colombos just took a hit.

The entire administrative structure of the famed but faded mafia syndicate — including boss Andrew “Mush” Russo — was slapped with a federal indictment Tuesday related to the infiltration of a Queens labor union.

A total of 14 defendants — including nine members of the crime clan — are expected to be arraigned in Brooklyn federal court on a slew of raps including labor racketeering, extortion and money laundering.

In addition to Russo, 87, the haul netted underboss Benjamin “The Claw” Castellazzo, 83, consigliere Ralph DiMatteo, 66, and captains Theodore Persico Jr., Richard Ferrara, and Vincent Ricciardo.

Prosecutors said the crew used “direct threats of bodily harm to control the management of the labor union and caused it to make decisions that benefitted the Colombo crime family,” according to a release.

Through intimidation and menace, Ricciardo had been siphoning part of the salary of a senior labor official since 2001, the papers state.

Ricciardo threatened to murder the unidentified victim in a recorded call earlier this year, the feds said.

“I’ll put him in the ground right in front of his wife and kids, right in front of his f—— house, you laugh all you want pal, I’m not afraid to go to jail, ” Ricciardo allegedly hissed. “I would f–king shoot him right in front of his wife and kids, call the police, f–k it, let me go, how long you think I’m gonna last anyway?”

The gangsters also sought to force the union to do business with vendors who were associated with the crime clan through threats of violence, officials said.

“Everything we allege in this investigation proves history does indeed repeat itself,” said Acting US Attorney Jacquelyn Kasulis in a statement. “The underbelly of the crime families in New York City is alive and well. These soldiers, consiglieres, under bosses, and bosses are obviously not students of history, and don’t seem to comprehend that we’re going to catch them.”

The feds said Colombo soldier John Ragano also ran a scheme to provide falsified work safety certificates to hundreds of workers.

Ragano’s bogus “schools” were actually used to store illegal fireworks, according to the feds.

Castellazzo has already done time for an extortion rap related to a fight over Brooklyn’s L&B Spumoni Gardens’ secret red sauce recipe.

He was sprung from federal lockup in 2015, prison records show.

The defendants are scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon in Brooklyn federal court.

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642cf0  No.14580670

File: bbaf94ba401cfa9⋯.jpg (100.49 KB, 775x518, 775:518, 4hjf49.jpg)


It's possible.

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d48d3b  No.14580672


Man, what a woman.

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d5e725  No.14580673


Fight like a Flynn

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7c4adc  No.14580674

File: 9891e6d94093357⋯.jpg (528.85 KB, 631x903, 631:903, Xnip2021_09_14_16_49_58.jpg)

File: 5d2c5ca6354dbb4⋯.jpg (577.6 KB, 641x879, 641:879, Xnip2021_09_14_16_50_16.jpg)

File: e64841a629ff787⋯.jpg (311.3 KB, 640x423, 640:423, Xnip2021_09_14_16_50_35.jpg)

File: f797cedce910ecd⋯.jpg (508.94 KB, 638x903, 638:903, Xnip2021_09_14_16_51_08.jpg)

File: 21ce28ba7f36662⋯.jpg (332.83 KB, 270x892, 135:446, Xnip2021_09_14_16_51_39.jpg)

Hunger Games at the Met

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d48d3b  No.14580675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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206262  No.14580677

We are over some targets. Watch the girls getting younger. you know what to do when it floods.

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d983cf  No.14580678


I think he is dirty as fuck and pledges allegiance to O'Nigger, et al.

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775cc3  No.14580679

File: 9dba3d86ecfe0a1⋯.png (330.7 KB, 480x300, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)



You can't deny, the AI is starting to develop quite the sense of humor

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cafefb  No.14580680

File: 4c07120901890d4⋯.png (897.75 KB, 620x828, 155:207, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5e113  No.14580681

File: dcf3dbb0d224b17⋯.png (119.75 KB, 1091x829, 1091:829, LucyMorgan.png)



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10d634  No.14580682

File: ae64b1db75e7c14⋯.png (258.62 KB, 443x229, 443:229, ClipboardImage.png)

Federal Judge blocks New York state vaccine mandate for health care workers

Judge David Hurd of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York granted the temporary restraining order on the morning of September 14. "The vaccine mandate is suspended," reads his order, and the state Department of Health is "barred from taking any action, disciplinary or otherwise, against the licensure, certification, residency, admitting privileges or other professional status or qualification of any of the plaintiffs on account of their seeking or having obtained a religious exemption from mandatory Covid-19 vaccination."


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541615  No.14580683


What a man woman.

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07e68e  No.14580684

File: 51f4c7cb8db8acf⋯.jpg (292.04 KB, 634x751, 634:751, gavinred.jpg)

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69a2f8  No.14580685


evil trips confirm, that this anon has no idea what the fuck walking the dinosaur means unless it means just breaking shit up

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c33673  No.14580686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Satanic digits check'd

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3ffc44  No.14580687

Am I allowed to have an emotional support tank?

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b60122  No.14580688

File: 914a3aeb16d1fb7⋯.jpg (90.2 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 15960074.jpg)

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cafefb  No.14580690

File: 6933532fc6c0bf5⋯.png (997.94 KB, 620x930, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e14f2  No.14580691


newscum goes to bed

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6ac8e7  No.14580692

File: 08434ec475dcefa⋯.jpg (511.92 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, E_M6o0JXIAIqnMi.jpg)

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775cc3  No.14580693

File: e9087434029edf1⋯.mp4 (291.66 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Larry_King_Live_Barbara_Bu….mp4)

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6c5a24  No.14580694

go to the new place

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7388fd  No.14580695

File: 6480f3bff99e3bb⋯.png (312.1 KB, 394x440, 197:220, ClipboardImage.png)

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95fb5d  No.14580696

Fauci Lied "Knowingly, Willfully And Brazenly": An Interview With Dr. Richard Ebright

This is an interview with Dr. Richard Ebright, the Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University and Laboratory Director at the Waksman Institute of Microbiology. Ebright received an A.B. summa cum laude in biology from Harvard University in 1981 and a Ph.D. in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from Harvard University in 1987.

Ebright recently made national headlines when he responded to The Intercept’s FOIA dump of more than 900 documents showing that Dr. Anthony Fauci lied in front of Congress about the NIH funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan.

“The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful,” Ebright wrote about the Intercept data dump earlier this month.

Given his prestige, knowledge of the subject matter and willingness to criticize Dr. Fauci publicly despite residing in academia, I wanted to reach out to Dr. Ebright and get him to expound on his thoughts about Covid-19.

Here is my exclusive interview with Ebright.

Q: Hi, Richard. You’re recently well known for your comments regarding the Intercept FOIA request, claiming it was proof Dr. Fauci definitively lied about funding gain of function research. Do you personally believe this was a nefarious cover up or a warranted situation of Fauci trying to do the right thing by not bringing these details forward?

A: It is plausible Fauci was unaware of the content of the EcoHealth/WIV grant proposals and progress reports before February 2020. But it is not plausible Fauci was unaware of the content of the EcoHealth/WIV proposals and progress reports after February 2020. Fauci lied - knowingly, willfully and brazenly - in his two exchanges with [Sen. Rand] Paul.

Q: What realistic chance do you think Covid-19 was a DIRECT result of the EcoHealth alliance work? In other words, what are the odds NIH funding is DIRECTLY responsible for Covid?

The NIH grant to EcoHealth/WIV funded high-risk surveillance research in Wuhan on bat SARS-related coronaviruses and high-risk gain-of-function research in Wuhan on bat SARS-related coronaviruses. It is possible that SARS-CoV-2 entered humans through infection of a field-worker or laboratory worker performing these high-risk research activities ("research-related spillover hypothesis").

However, it also is possible hat SARS-CoV-2 entered humans through a natural accident ("natural spillover hypothesis").

All available scientific or other secure data are fully consistent with both research-related spillover and with natural spillover. No available scientific or other secure data enable assigning relative probabilities to research-related spillover or natural spillover.

Q: What you are thoughts on the efficacy and use of vaccines? Are they as effective as we are making them out to be and should we be pushing them for everybody (including kids) as we are doing?

The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Vaccine mandates are appropriate and urgently needed. Vaccination of children of age 4-11 is appropriate and urgently needed.

Q: Why do you think the topic of natural immunity isn’t being broached or talked about widely? Is natural immunity more robust than immunity from the vaccine?

The available evidence - both based on levels of neutralizing antibodies, and based on rates of infection - indicates that the vaccines provide at least equal, and likely greater, protection than prior infection.

Most concerning, a significant fraction of unvaccinated but previously infected persons (persons who have not been vaccinated but who had tested positive, in PCR tests, for COVID-19 in 2020-2021) have no detactable of neutralizaing antibodies.

Confirmed prior infection is…


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b60122  No.14580697

File: 90dff3d43a97b5f⋯.jpg (377.54 KB, 876x610, 438:305, 0207843.jpg)

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cafefb  No.14580698

File: 37428bd67c449ec⋯.png (901.93 KB, 620x833, 620:833, ClipboardImage.png)

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ab6cf4  No.14580699


Sorry, I don't understand your question.

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dc95bc  No.14580700

File: 6e4e3de7dca68c0⋯.jpg (622 KB, 1600x1184, 50:37, AntennaDestruction_CotF.jpg)

Potato up in CO

30 mikes


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42b5b2  No.14580702

nick witch and whores going all out milley talking civil way and vigilante justice

two all out hunter biden niggers

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d48d3b  No.14580703

File: 2db041818894d32⋯.mp4 (8.25 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sammy.mp4)

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5b6ac0  No.14580704

All the COVID SCAM…It's called a "Shakedown", back in the old days it was the "Mafia" doing Shakedowns, now it's the Democrats, they need the MONEY to fund their ELITE and POWERFUL lifestyles

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2e14f2  No.14580705


kek, bitch has all kinds marks on her legs

parasites yuck

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c33673  No.14580706

File: d6137f7549215c4⋯.jpg (279.89 KB, 646x646, 1:1, Forever.jpg)

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775cc3  No.14580707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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69ace1  No.14580708

Just thought I'd post this in response to the " Joe Biden mask thread . This is just one guy in a studio . Imagine the tech of "ABC " agencies and unlimited budget …. Sorry if not embeded.


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a9165b  No.14580710


good dig,notable nom

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dc95bc  No.14580711


Some of my .gifs are not functioning after the downtime.

Is there a repair shop for them?

Have a sword I am particularly fond of.


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583777  No.14580712

File: 370b23a9f812922⋯.jpg (393.74 KB, 900x675, 4:3, ausiepirate.jpg)

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8d3fcc  No.14580713


I think it's like a dance move

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c5ca29  No.14580714

File: f5a28b87dd54dab⋯.png (387.07 KB, 694x804, 347:402, ClipboardImage.png)

Make this viral. They are using Ivermectin on the Vaxxed in Australian hospitals to make it appear like the jab works. For the unvaxxed, they put them on a ventilator and let them suffer. The entire medical system is corrupt to the core.


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b60122  No.14580715

File: d1306675e645993⋯.jpg (55.46 KB, 378x566, 189:283, 1606624568542.jpg)


it sucked…

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b37f70  No.14580716


I feel that way about AOC

its just too ridiculous…

but then

these people are stupid..

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a9bae3  No.14580717

Every day…

"Milley needs fired!"

"Biden needs removed!"

"Everything is fucked up!"

…and then jack shit.

Same repetitive rhetoric from the same assholes every single day…

Just like the same repetitive bullshit from Q for almost 4 fucking years.

Where's that heavy lifting, assholes?

No, just gonna let America crumble until there's nothing left to save.

There isn't a single piece of shit worth trusting in the whole bunch, let alone some ambiguous "plan"…

When are you dumbasses gonna figure this out?

Complacency will be the death of the US.

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8f9d28  No.14580718

File: 8609442afc25e50⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 3464x2598, 4:3, 8609442afc25e501a541caf076….jpg)

>>14579634 (pb)

Q in the corner

but its a FOUR CORNER Direct center approach

The other three of the four corners are also 'artifacts'.


Q box


black neoprene-covered hand/arm

bare arm

Direct center is Biden.

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0d9f71  No.14580719

File: 151ceaecfd90624⋯.jpg (578.15 KB, 1080x1583, 1080:1583, healthcare_vaxxed_2.jpg)

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d48d3b  No.14580720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dc95bc  No.14580721

File: 3e7a429a3a5253f⋯.jpg (7.01 KB, 255x148, 255:148, c6ce68e464e22aae31e8e07745….jpg)


evil trips chekt

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f819bb  No.14580722

File: f2f3a45c25c34e4⋯.mp4 (935.04 KB, 320x394, 160:197, vincero.mp4)

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bec121  No.14580723

>>14580206, >>14580238, >>14580240, >>14580263 It was never about safety! Fuck Fauci

This is a sad day in our country when people cannot even identify a modern mengele, stalin etc. The brain dead are truly braindead, they lost their souls

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775cc3  No.14580724


it was good for like the first 25 seconds though

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07e68e  No.14580725

File: 7dc6825fa4e72ab⋯.png (467.96 KB, 557x603, 557:603, georgewar.png)

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f3f76d  No.14580726

Software as a Service; fuck you @Microsoft and @Google and big_tech dinner!


Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better


"…It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service…"

Define Psychological Priming; get bent!

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3d9e39  No.14580727


We just exposed the reality of Treason at the highest levels of Government and Military of Nation.

wyd bruh?

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10d634  No.14580728


>black neoprene-covered hand/arm

I think that's a suit jacket sleeve, kek

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8d3fcc  No.14580729



Enough with the memes

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7388fd  No.14580730

File: 00081be5f6abec2⋯.png (565.73 KB, 670x594, 335:297, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bfe21ef643572e1⋯.png (1.05 MB, 736x552, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5d94265ff7c77a⋯.png (330.79 KB, 500x538, 250:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbe5c4c87029a4b⋯.png (587.64 KB, 521x620, 521:620, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f526a25e950990⋯.png (559.29 KB, 594x614, 297:307, ClipboardImage.png)


Little Alex

Kicking down to the Big Guy

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8f9d28  No.14580731

File: a992edd05075ac7⋯.png (6.39 MB, 3464x2598, 4:3, Whats_in_4_corners.PNG)

>>14579634 (pb)

Forgot real picrel

Q in the corner

but its a FOUR CORNER Direct center approach

The other three of the four corners are also 'artifacts'.


Q box


black neoprene-covered hand/arm

bare arm

Direct center is Biden.


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20a2f3  No.14580732

File: d7741340fac69ff⋯.png (584.51 KB, 624x588, 52:49, What_Do_You_See.PNG)

From previous thread. What do you see?

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9fb531  No.14580733

File: 822094de5068e4e⋯.png (316.33 KB, 610x258, 305:129, 822094de5068e4eca660ed18dc….png)

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d48d3b  No.14580734


needs a source

if it's true, then..

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650844  No.14580735

File: ea09d4f57291b1f⋯.png (24.95 KB, 512x512, 1:1, memberberries.png)

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a58cad  No.14580736

File: 67b89a57f6ba95c⋯.jpg (150.77 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, E_Queq0VQAMGEqY.jpg)

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bf1d43  No.14580737

Can someone ask Mike Rothschild who is the Pindar now?


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bd5e0d  No.14580738


>When are you dumbasses gonna figure this out?

We've been waiting for you to lead us. What are your orders?

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775cc3  No.14580739


wish he would elaborate his source

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15c9b7  No.14580740


A Golden Pavatriever

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6a0cf1  No.14580741



This anon just voted in Alameda county in person with paper, and the alignment mark on one corner was way off. It was off way more than the paper ballot I received in the mail. The plus was centered on outer edge of the circle. I didn't trust that one, so I wanted to vote in person.

I asked the highschoolers working the printer why the alignment mark was off so badly. They both asked, "It is?" I showed them with my phone flashlight. Then they said, "it shouldn't matter because this printer was printing ballots all morning." Not a confidence booster at all.

Anyone who is voting in person with paper day of is likely a republican who doesn't trust the rigged system. Easy to adjudicate those votes. We'll see. Still watching CA.

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10d634  No.14580742


doggo, kek kek

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8d3fcc  No.14580744


2 people under church steeple, wooded area

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b5e113  No.14580745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Democrat BLOCKS Nancy Pelosi's CRAZY Spending Package!! Dems Are FURIOUS, They Are Left With NOTHING

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2ffcbe  No.14580746

File: ef9037b306cd6f4⋯.png (143.26 KB, 296x278, 148:139, Capture.PNG)

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bec121  No.14580747


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States



Quote Tweet

Norm Macdonald


· Jun 25, 2018

Words are extraordinarily important.When you begin you're argument with "Trump's a Nazi", a provably untrue comment, it is difficult then to form a cogent argument.

3:37 PM · Sep 14, 2021·Twitter

Kek, I wonder if Norm came here?


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775cc3  No.14580748


beavis & butthead sitting on the couch watching TV

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07e68e  No.14580749

one cancer or covid death, coming right up

As the 2021 Met Gala kicked off in New York City, rapper Nicki Minaj took to Twitter to reveal that she wouldn’t be attending the event because of its COVID-19 vaccine requirement.

“They want you to get vaccinated for the Met. If I get vaccinated it won’t for the Met,” Minaj, who has 22.6 million Twitter followers, wrote. “It’ll be once I feel I’ve done enough research. I’m working on that now. In the meantime my loves, be safe. Wear the mask with 2 strings that grips your head & face. Not that loose one.” https://variety.com/2021/music/news/nicki-minaj-met-gala-vaccine-requirement-1235063671/?fbclid=IwAR09mqFSA46QS7Nwl01SdFoidtzxNM1k-qjfWpYRwbbjvq8ggGPeHrDg9uc

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a9bae3  No.14580750


>We just exposed the reality of Treason at the highest levels of Government and Military of Nation.

…and how well has that worked out for you?

How's that accountability coming?

How about that justice?

Yeah… just a bunch of barking & bitching, and nothing, as per usual…will come from it.

Well, I won't say NOTHING…just the death of the country…that's all.

Oh well, no big deal. Carry on.

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be2075  No.14580751

File: fe8e33c0727535f⋯.jpeg (276.74 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 532E282F_CE25_4B2F_AF48_2….jpeg)


NIce graphic Anon


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c33673  No.14580752

File: 768862d450c18f6⋯.png (327.44 KB, 624x588, 52:49, Praise_kek.png)


I see something…….

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caf2cd  No.14580753


Good point anon. o7

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e21b1b  No.14580754

File: 12d0f2915494d0d⋯.png (64.8 KB, 690x670, 69:67, Screenshot_2021_09_14_1400….png)


It's clearly treason–offering to give the enemy an early warning if we launch nuclear missiles? You've got to be kidding me.

We elected Donald Trump to be President, not Mark Milley or Pelosi.

The military should court martial Milley immediately on grounds of insubordination alone.

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b7da9f  No.14580755


oh looky, stoopid is the new black this season!

it's all the rage in NY & Hollywood.

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f535f0  No.14580756


>Since when do we believe something just because it's in the "news"?

>You're watching a movie.

>"Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think)."

You think Milley is committing treason and facing the punishment of execution for "the plan/Movie"? That's like actors agreeing to actually be killed in the roles they play in movies. To keep it authentic? No. I don't think so.

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46e0ab  No.14580757

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918b9e  No.14580758

File: e537aa1a6695d3a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 600x796, 150:199, ClipboardImage.png)


The "Chair" serves the Master.

Who is the Master?

P = C.


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09a3b4  No.14580759

Welcome back boob bot

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eb4d5d  No.14580760

File: 3f9a2837c850c07⋯.jpg (96.14 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, bidan_mask.jpg)

File: 4cd3e8f0f0faaf4⋯.jpg (78.64 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, biden_mask3.jpg)

File: 404e8c01a5b4388⋯.jpg (85.31 KB, 661x1035, 661:1035, bidanmask.jpg)

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f09ef6  No.14580761


Talking about worthless windmills


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3d9e39  No.14580762



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6ac8e7  No.14580763

File: 88b04cebffea1cb⋯.png (409.8 KB, 535x654, 535:654, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_1….png)



Three former U.S. intelligence operatives who worked as mercenary hackers for the United Arab Emirates face federal charges, Justice Department court documents show

The operatives were part of a secret hacking unit named Project Raven that helped the UAE spy on its enemies

Exclusive: Ex-NSA cyberspies reveal how they helped hack foes of UAE

Reuters reveals how a UAE surveillance operation, staffed by former U.S. cyber-agents, spied on dissidents, rivals and Americans. Inside 'Project Raven.'


Snowden 2.0, 3.0, ??

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2ffcbe  No.14580764

File: 2662458e3130893⋯.png (78.52 KB, 162x274, 81:137, Capture.PNG)



Maxwell Osborne

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0dd379  No.14580765


top kek

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7388fd  No.14580766

File: 355ee68d3964637⋯.png (817.98 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8df3dfcb5902c15⋯.png (366.3 KB, 609x402, 203:134, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c871b87de3e36da⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1320x903, 440:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d905d851f10745⋯.png (742.5 KB, 663x663, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdb18d445fe6e90⋯.png (462.1 KB, 1053x458, 1053:458, ClipboardImage.png)

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10d634  No.14580767

Bewb bot seems to have disappeared… BV must be on his game today kek

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d7c213  No.14580768


I thought that song was about taking a shit. A big shit.

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fa6a47  No.14580769



kekekek fucking Jews still running the P slide.

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36ab84  No.14580770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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801132  No.14580771

File: ea5782b9976c0a5⋯.jpg (32.57 KB, 300x238, 150:119, Doozers_observed.jpg)


nothing when people stop and look. U?

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07e68e  No.14580772


halves of three faces, Lincoln

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ab6cf4  No.14580773

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, f6dfcfcd28a98ac6b9065bd1bb….gif)


Strange. Do they still work when using a photo viewer? They just don't work here?

Maybe re-download?

Test gif

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f09ef6  No.14580774


They are trying to explain to puddin head how it works, kek

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918b9e  No.14580775


Who told you he committed treason? What makes you think that's not part of the plot?

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9fb531  No.14580776


>From previous thread

Sweet Jesus!

Didn't no one ever teach you to provide sauce?

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8602b2  No.14580777

File: 4f38bbbe45a2d6d⋯.png (874.58 KB, 620x838, 310:419, alexbbc.png)

File: 07a0ff7f74c5cf6⋯.png (87.81 KB, 228x255, 76:85, alex_and_maxwell.png)

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918b9e  No.14580778


Oops meant for >>14580756

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69a2f8  No.14580779



ya know, all i will be looking at now is his ear?

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3d9e39  No.14580780


Anon, it's been a few hours. the fuck lmao

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46e0ab  No.14580781

File: 03475d267024237⋯.png (1.22 MB, 750x735, 50:49, ClipboardImage.png)

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15c9b7  No.14580782


>The brain dead are truly braindead, they lost their souls

Many, maybe…

But please keep in mind that many have also had their brains hijacked by Bad Intel, and our capacity to think clearly STOLEN by our own Government[s].

‘Stolen Souls’

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d48d3b  No.14580783

File: bc8aa4eb2960a80⋯.png (311.48 KB, 680x383, 680:383, ClipboardImage.png)


Pelosi says she spoke to Gen. Milley about Trump and the nuclear codes

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897284  No.14580784

File: 2199ea4329b8c70⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 81.31 KB, 900x961, 900:961, Mush.png)

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bec121  No.14580785

hey anons can crazy nancy be charged with treason too? Two birds with one stone and all

Jack Posobiec Flag of United States


Check the date

Quote Tweet



· Jan 8

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told House Democrats that she has gotten assurances there are safeguards in place in the event President Trump wants to launch a nuclear weapon, according to multiple sources. https://cnn.it/35p922a

1:43 PM · Sep 14, 2021·Twitter


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7388fd  No.14580786

File: 3fb4d895c2f009a⋯.png (565.66 KB, 455x444, 455:444, ClipboardImage.png)


Russia is open to an Extradition Treaty.

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097bf5  No.14580787


If you really want to know..

"Walk The Dinosaur" was written by Was (Not Was) members David Was and Don Was, and producer/songwriter Randy Jacobs. It was first released as a single in 1987, but ended up being included on their 1989 album What Up, Dog?

More hear


Warning: the original song is an ear worm

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69a2f8  No.14580788


trips of truth, too much gayness

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959023  No.14580790





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7388fd  No.14580791

File: fa64dde73f8d8db⋯.png (608.02 KB, 575x748, 575:748, ClipboardImage.png)

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775cc3  No.14580792


If that was real someone would post the actual Newsweek article. Never seen it.

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07e68e  No.14580793

File: f31f77fc6a0d93d⋯.png (275.78 KB, 457x480, 457:480, bidenperv.png)


no masks, but that's fine for the elites

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f09ef6  No.14580795


They made the live tv crew leave the room where Biden was speaking.

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46e0ab  No.14580796


Alex Soros is a gay nigger lover


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ab6cf4  No.14580797



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3d9e39  No.14580798


I'm observing the field of information and processing it logically through me brain

Also I have images off so I didnt see your pic, what was it?

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4b60e0  No.14580799


black dog?

remembering that black swan that popped up in the forbidden palace in china…

what if this is analogous to a black swan event except in a beneficial way

An event that is unpredictable.

A black swan event results in severe and widespread consequences.

After the occurrence of a black swan event, people will rationalize the event as having been predictable (known as the hindsight bias).

disclosure of what 9/11 was all about, covid, and more…


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c5ca29  No.14580800

File: e8d9b6189806745⋯.png (913 KB, 683x900, 683:900, ClipboardImage.png)

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e595d1  No.14580801

File: f3477395ca3080a⋯.png (486.77 KB, 847x565, 847:565, newsom1.PNG)

File: 71f5f176cf11499⋯.png (520.64 KB, 792x563, 792:563, newsom2.PNG)

File: dbcb704a4cc72e2⋯.png (322.2 KB, 622x674, 311:337, newsom3.PNG)

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b7da9f  No.14580802


>House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told House Democrats that she has gotten assurances there are safeguards in place in the event President Trump wants to launch a nuclear weapon, according to multiple sources

Safeguards or arrows in her Quiver?

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f09ef6  No.14580803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Norm Macdonald, a truly funny guy


Here's him shitting on Hillary Clinton kek

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d48d3b  No.14580804

File: a8074f4348be9f1⋯.png (63.6 KB, 292x173, 292:173, ClipboardImage.png)




House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told House Democrats in a letter on Friday that she spoke with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley to discuss President Donald Trump and the nuclear codes, as Democrats call for the President to be removed from office after a violent pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol.

"This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike," Pelosi wrote in a letter. "The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy."

After speaking with Milley Friday, Pelosi told her caucus that she has gotten assurances there are safeguards in place in the event Trump wants to launch a nuclear weapon, according to multiple sources on a caucus call.

"Speaker Pelosi initiated a call with the Chairman. He answered her questions regarding the process of nuclear command authority," Colonel Dave Butler said in a statement.

The announcement from Pelosi comes one day after the House speaker called on Vice President Mike Pence to remove Trump from office by invoking the 25th Amendment and warned that if that does not happen, Congress may pursue impeachment.

Since that time, calls from Democrats for the President to be impeached following the insurrection at the Capitol have only grown louder and it is possible the Democrat-led House could move toward a vote to impeach Trump for a second time as early as next week.

Pelosi's letter is once again raising questions about what it takes to actually launch a nuclear weapon and whether military commanders can refuse an order from Trump.

Only the President of the United States has the authority to order the deployment of nuclear weapons.

But contrary to popular belief, the "nuclear football," which always accompanies a President does not contain a button. Instead has the equipment and the decision-making papers that Trump would use to authenticate his orders and launch a strike.

The decision to launch a strike requires the President to work with military aides possessing the materials he needs to order an attack, as well as personnel at all levels, from top commanders all the way down to service members working in the missile silos.

Current and former defense officials have also insisted that the military does not blindly follow orders from the President, noting there are layers of checks and balances intended to safeguard against a President unlawfully ordering a nuclear strike."

But the reality is that the only basis for interfering with a direct order is if it's illegal, immoral or unethical. And there is a widely held belief among military commanders that they must resign if they are unable to carry out a legal order.

Some nuclear experts argue that there is little Milley could do to prevent Trump from ordering a nuclear launch, as he and other top national security officials are not technically in the chain of command when it comes to such decisions.

"Any 'safeguards' Milley may have erected to effectively prevent Trump from exercising sole authority of nuclear launch would actually be a 'coup' by the standard definition," according to Vipin Narang, a nuclear policy expert and professor at MIT.

"The procedure for nuclear launch authority grants POTUS the sole authority to order the launch of nuclear weapons," he told CNN, adding that, by design, the President is not legally required to consult with or receive assent from any one of a number of people, including the vice president, national security adviser, secretary of defense of chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"None are, contrary to popular belief, in the nuclear launch chain of command. Therefore any 'safeguards' that could effectively prevent POTUS from exercising sole authority to launch nuclear weapons are either illegal or illusory," Narang added. "So long as Trump remains in office, he retains the legal authority to solely launch some or all of America's nuclear weapons until 12:01pm on January 20, or until he is removed from office."

The top four congressional leaders Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer and Kevin McCarthy also spoke Thursday night with Milley and acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller about the federal response to the breach of the Capitol building, according to a source familiar. It is unclear if the issue of the nuclear codes came up during that conversation.

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69a2f8  No.14580805


i know the original song, liked spy, in the house of love kek

but wat does it mean when you said it?

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7388fd  No.14580806

File: f9a64ef57d50a65⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1544x764, 386:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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4dbbd0  No.14580807

File: 5f45f781d57d882⋯.mp4 (158.07 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2mVJTUxVpi1ZIXfH.mp4)

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631665  No.14580808

File: 637fca4ed8561c4⋯.jpeg (490.09 KB, 750x867, 250:289, 34D262D8_E7BE_4DCC_BDD4_1….jpeg)

China man looks like he can’t help but gleefully laugh at how goddamn stupid he is.

Milley is a traitorous piece of shit!

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7d3260  No.14580809

File: 803ba1c460e775c⋯.png (95.14 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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09a3b4  No.14580810

File: 7c476a105494829⋯.jpeg (137.59 KB, 1440x847, 1440:847, 1524184826.jpeg)

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42b5b2  No.14580811

feinsgtein is fucking cucking milley

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64180b  No.14580812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4e5d0b  No.14580813

File: eef440581223ffb⋯.png (447.88 KB, 720x535, 144:107, pelosi_quiver.png)

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b7da9f  No.14580814


hope it wasn't vaccine related

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b60122  No.14580815

File: a7263105221fbb1⋯.jpg (63.88 KB, 565x364, 565:364, 1547001141.jpg)

this the best one

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f535f0  No.14580816


>I'm calling it early. Newsome's OUT!

I'm with you on this. We got the Cuomo crime family in NY. That's opens the door to believing we can sweep it clean out west. + If we get Newsom we get Pelosi and Feinstein by proxy. It has to happen sooner or later. Let it be now.

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8f9d28  No.14580817

File: 387f869ce2744f0⋯.jpg (183.21 KB, 1500x499, 1500:499, open_enrollment_2021.jpg)

sneaky meme

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d7602f  No.14580818


>It doesn't look good for Gen. Millery

Nancy was a co conspirator

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8d3fcc  No.14580819

File: 59dde91ad5626d1⋯.gif (12.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 34febbf1ba2e9c4786f25a2c9e….gif)


Not all of them broke, just a few.

Fire used to work.

Given to me so not sure where it came from.

Yours works and so do the others, Ill try to keep it shorter.

kek, and ty

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650844  No.14580820

File: 0b157e5484d40e6⋯.mp4 (7.71 MB, 480x832, 15:26, aus_v01.mp4)

File: 0e7c3d251f0df8d⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB, 320x554, 160:277, aus_v02.mp4)

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07e68e  No.14580821


I hope it wasn't Clinton related

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ab6cf4  No.14580822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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07e68e  No.14580823

File: 6691c2e7d81bcca⋯.jpg (103.62 KB, 493x276, 493:276, gavinold.jpg)

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a9bae3  No.14580824


>Anon, it's been a few hours. the fuck lmao

How much bullshit had been exposed prior to that?

How long has this bullshit been slow-walked?

What is the hold up?

Some people aren't gonna wake up, so everyone has to suffer over a small group of dipshits?

Never been okay with that, never will be.

Why? Because if Trump, Q, and whoever the fuck else have known about this shit… and allowed it to occur, THEY are just as complicit, and guilty as anyone. Nothing will change my mind about that.

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631665  No.14580825


>muh dayshift

Everyone knows that nightshift is the best shift

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a9bae3  No.14580826


Ironic. Milley looks more pink.

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46e0ab  No.14580827


I saw a comment about the new image host causing issues and images not saving correctly and I can't seem to find it now

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b57d0b  No.14580828


IMHO the whole Gen Milley thing is fake and ghey.

We didn't get to this level of "complacency" (the shit we are in) because Generals, C_A, F_I, Congress etc don't know how to keep a secret or make a private phone call.

This is a distraction.

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11bf3a  No.14580829





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c33673  No.14580830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steady as we go.

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700692  No.14580831


had been battling cancer for about 9 years

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46e0ab  No.14580832


>This is a distraction.

Throw it in the pile

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a4d319  No.14580833

File: cd9274eb4f2a07e⋯.jpg (49.86 KB, 877x391, 877:391, jewry_.jpg)

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cf843c  No.14580834


Isn't it funny that the "bakers" who post the shittiest notables are all so arrogant and lacking in humility that they see any criticism as shillery?

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7bd24e  No.14580835

Let's explore a hypothetical. Suppose Joe Biden is suddenly deposed because of senility. And then Kumallah Harris takes the throne, and is likewise deposed suddenly because of corrupt connections to Joe Biden or whatever. Who would be next in line if Harris doesn't have time to pick a successor? Could it be? Would they dare?

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b7da9f  No.14580836


awww that sucks, anon really hates cancer.

lost my parent to it

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36ab84  No.14580837

File: 4b43afd578d218b⋯.png (298.2 KB, 999x636, 333:212, Screen_Shot_2021_09_14_at_….png)


NYPD officer accused of spying for China to be released on $2M bail

Saturday, February 13, 2021

EMBED <>More Videos

<iframe width="476" height="267" src="https://abc7ny.com/video/embed/?pid=10336675" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Baimadajie Angwang, the New York City police officer accused of being a spy for China has been granted a release, on $2 million bail.

NEW YORK (WABC) – The New York City police officer accused of being a spy for China, has been granted a release on $2 million bail.

But Baimadajie Angwang tested positive for COVID-19 last week and may have to wait for a negative test before he's released.

The judge cited increasing coronavirus cases in the federal jail in Brooklyn where Angwang is being held, as a reason for his release.

He will likely be under electronic monitoring and confined to his home.


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46e0ab  No.14580838

NOTABLES@420 blz it fgt

>>14580378 #18444

>>14580411 It doesn't look good for Gen. Millery, but is that intentional?

>>14580783 Pelosi says she spoke to Gen. Milley about Trump and the nuclear codes

>>14580415, >>14580449 China - Evergrande threatens wider real estate market, Black Swans and 50 shades of Rhino

>>14580408 A federal judge has temporarily blocked the state of New York from forcing medical workers to be vaccinated after a group of health care workers sued, saying their Constitutional rights were violated.


>>14580452 (VID) Two nurses refused to be vaxxed, were facing termination

>>14580458 Iranian National Sentenced for Illegally Exporting Military Sensitive Items

>>14580440 (VID) Karen with an "I'm vaccinated" badge stalks unmasked Patriot in store.

>>14580504 (LIVE) @5:15 President Biden To Deliver Remarks on his Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and 666 Agenda

>>14580553 [UA59193SHANKSVILLEDK} dasting on Q3525, connection?

>>14580568 (VID) "TRUST US" also see: PANIC


>>14580614 Biden Warns California Will ‘Get Donald Trump’ by Recalling Gov. Newsom


>>14580656, >>14580669 Feds bust Colombo boss Andrew ‘Mush’ Russo in major racketeering case

>>14580665 Chuck Schumer Unveils Legislation to Make Voter Fraud Legal in the US

>>14580829 https://lindelltv.com/ WARROOM NOW! LIVE!

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631665  No.14580839


If he is charged he wouldn’t be going to gitmo he would be going to Leavenworth.

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4e5d0b  No.14580840

File: 589a2f86d1ff715⋯.png (107.59 KB, 351x319, 351:319, 589a2f86d1ff71528a529f6779….png)


Just voted.

a lot of people walking in to vote with mail in ballots in hand.

Most tards against the recall would have mailed in by now.

All the walk in's may be for recall!

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09a3b4  No.14580841

File: abfeeb94001b3d7⋯.png (462.47 KB, 1080x800, 27:20, Memeto_1602713756135.png)

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6ac8e7  No.14580842

File: 63280f85d488ac1⋯.jpg (23.44 KB, 710x399, 710:399, 1547164125486.jpg)

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07e68e  No.14580843


Trump won. Biden et al will be arrested for treason and executed.

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700692  No.14580844


namefags gonna famefag. their egos are bigger than their brains

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631665  No.14580845


>NYPD officer accused of spying for China to be released on $2M bail

How the fuck could he afford to post that bail???

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c73e5f  No.14580846


The first Domino to fall….

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b7da9f  No.14580847


But she too smells like piss, cabbages farts & treason, can't we skip straight to Grassley or something

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700692  No.14580848


sorry for your loss anon

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c41527  No.14580849


so they throw Milley under the bus for the whole Afghan shitshow.

There must be rumors of big habbenings coming for the cabal fucks to expend ammo like this.

Vax mandate

Send the Taliban aid

Milley thrown under the bus

Blinken goes all clownshow at testy-lie

This can't be because of just the AZ audits, they can spin the shit outa that. Something bigger is habbening.

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4e5d0b  No.14580850


not in the plan.

Biden is an actor

you are watching the great awakening

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64180b  No.14580851

File: bedbd404d7448ec⋯.png (149.16 KB, 1573x317, 1573:317, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cbc22a6053b8eb⋯.png (1.54 MB, 762x781, 762:781, ClipboardImage.png)

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650844  No.14580852



>Talking about worthless windmills

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775cc3  No.14580853

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a89dc3  No.14580854




You Promised To Sell out Your Own Troops!

You would Tell them the Plans And let the Enemy Slaughter your OWN Soldiers!

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a9165b  No.14580855


He's just posturing and doing what he needs to do after being given his marching orders.

This bill is unconstitutional on its face.

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b7da9f  No.14580856


the only way that tool keeps his job is by cheating, which is being CLOSELY watched for.

we'll see how it all goes in Cali.

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650844  No.14580857

File: 8ae311884f3a81b⋯.jpg (26.76 KB, 550x277, 550:277, Meanwhile_in_Colorado.jpg)

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700692  No.14580858


I believe they post a bond of 10% of the bail, which is usually borrowed from a bondsmith who gets it back when the perp shows up for court. I think.

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d7602f  No.14580859



some people should never be in a position of authority

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9fb531  No.14580860

File: 756e3a4e76b62c8⋯.jpg (43.66 KB, 521x479, 521:479, 756e3a4e76b62c8faec2f88518….jpg)


Honestly, for me it's dark in here all the time.

Might just be a side effect of my financial situation, but I love night shift, no matter what time of day or how much light I see.

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46e0ab  No.14580861

Potato Inbound

These guys don't have audio turned off.

The little windmills in the background aren't spinning.


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7388fd  No.14580862

File: 667e891ddeff290⋯.png (554.38 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Its real. You can find it yourself. Larouchies still have it.

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c5ca29  No.14580863

File: 4a4db5f50664484⋯.png (512.1 KB, 749x821, 749:821, ClipboardImage.png)

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4e5d0b  No.14580864



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68c979  No.14580865


You could tell on the few vids he did this year that he wasn't looking good.

And I recall seeing a vid Dennis Miller was in a few months back where he mentioned he was bummed about Norm.

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775cc3  No.14580866


It all makes sense once you know he's chertoff group.

For some reason that group is based on an earlier/crappier tech that causes baggy eye syndrome

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b7da9f  No.14580867


thank you anon, still gets to me occasionally.

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b37f70  No.14580868


post it

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0dd379  No.14580869

File: 64b5e81ab40a219⋯.png (1017.74 KB, 851x480, 851:480, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cca6f8f5333a19⋯.png (363.41 KB, 318x480, 53:80, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75688c87e1ebcbe⋯.png (406.76 KB, 417x480, 139:160, ClipboardImage.png)


View from Joe's left side.


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0e59a2  No.14580870

I understand Q's plan now.

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250036  No.14580871

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d7602f  No.14580872


>are willing to testify against him

probably should of spoke up back then

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cf843c  No.14580873

File: a40e1d4964dd8a7⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 648x486, 4:3, suspicious_boy.jpg)


>their egos are bigger than their brains

You think it's just ego?

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07e68e  No.14580874

File: f1f067c322ae0ba⋯.jpg (327.74 KB, 918x671, 918:671, gavinod.jpg)


Expect unrest if Gavin "Wins"

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f09ef6  No.14580875

File: b8a158858e25511⋯.jpg (170.01 KB, 720x1169, 720:1169, 20210914_151800.jpg)

File: 7df7c51c4a6985f⋯.jpg (219.16 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 20210914_151718.jpg)

File: 1241459dd5f2374⋯.jpg (147.67 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 20210914_151724.jpg)

File: 86440dc6dacfee7⋯.jpg (212.38 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 20210914_151727.jpg)

File: d3bc8eec3b69f2c⋯.jpg (190.56 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 20210914_151730.jpg)

Our People - the Sky Dragon Soldiers - are our greatest asset. That's because the Sky Dragon Soldier represents the greatest virtues of the Nation we serve. Our commitment to one another represents a bond that will last will beyond all of our time in uniform.


Hand signals?

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15c9b7  No.14580876


*blushing Pepe with flowers and a new pram*

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4dbbd0  No.14580877

File: 68f389335f643c0⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB, 406x720, 203:360, Nancy_Pelosi_Arrows_In_Our….mp4)

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700692  No.14580879


not all, but most

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a9165b  No.14580880


Are these 'tabs' part of a face mask?

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250036  No.14580881

File: 16c3ac878618ade⋯.png (309.84 KB, 616x405, 616:405, bf434a6a91b25974121e598c28….png)


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6315f0  No.14580882


███╗░░██╗██╗░██████╗░██╗░░██╗████████╗   ░██████╗██╗░░██╗██╗███████╗████████╗

████╗░██║██║██╔════╝░██║░░██║╚══██╔══╝   ██╔════╝██║░░██║██║██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝

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c41527  No.14580883

wat BILL are they gonna try and sneak through tonight? they do this ebery time.

look over here, lets vote on a bill to make election fraud legal before the midterms.

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3ac3cd  No.14580885


ThanQ mucho for this!

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10d634  No.14580886



in the url…. no pun intended, I'm sure kek

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41bb86  No.14580887

File: d0d4cb72083020d⋯.png (364 KB, 540x648, 5:6, Ezra_RT_re_Milley_Coup_9_1….PNG)

Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Wait a sec. Milley told his Chinese counterpart he would warn him of a pending attack? Wow.

“General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.”


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b7410a  No.14580888


Because he is a Chinese spy.

Bet he either disappears (returned to China) or commits “suicide” (returned to China).

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250036  No.14580889

File: 003c117add76e65⋯.jpg (79.07 KB, 750x747, 250:249, 003c117add76e659f04ed8a015….jpg)



meet you at the top?

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a9bae3  No.14580890


"If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics."


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69a2f8  No.14580891

File: 336e1e1c53172bc⋯.png (760.94 KB, 500x642, 250:321, ClipboardImage.png)


am wondering now if that flap was a skin tap to hold the wire to his ear under the mask

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6a0cf1  No.14580892


They know and expect that.

Alignment marks were way off on one corner with in person printed ballot cast just one hour ago. Off considerably more than the mail in ballot.

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631665  No.14580893

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cf843c  No.14580894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ego is not a dirty word?

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bd7d0e  No.14580895


Covaxx provides "protection". Its a "protection racket. As is Racketeering…RICO.

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d7602f  No.14580896


>Milley had no right to go behind the President of the United States with China.

was q telling POTUS that Milley had his back ?

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6ac8e7  No.14580897

File: ef4e58b9226a5d4⋯.png (242.72 KB, 535x646, 535:646, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_0….png)

File: f959795537a9d78⋯.png (37.59 KB, 535x549, 535:549, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_0….png)

File: e044055f45306cb⋯.png (206.41 KB, 478x731, 478:731, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_1….png)

File: 3618ba70fa203a4⋯.png (382.37 KB, 598x640, 299:320, Screenshot_2021_09_13_at_2….png)






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10d634  No.14580898

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2ffcbe  No.14580899

File: ec55d0a99a198c1⋯.png (112.99 KB, 193x271, 193:271, Capture.PNG)


Creepshow guy with a pope hat on

or just a dead pope with hat.

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361faa  No.14580900


satanic masons anon..

the faggot jews just join the old babylon faggots

to spread the satanic shit world wide

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4372bb  No.14580901

File: 807c25c874ee355⋯.png (713.03 KB, 1100x550, 2:1, gratuidiouspairoftits.png)

File: 38cf4b1d1d2eaec⋯.jpg (59.59 KB, 897x452, 897:452, 38cf4b1d1d2eaec8feeb16fe09….jpg)


Looks like we have had the first attempted military coup in US history.


its_night_shift.sh -somewhere.

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3d9e39  No.14580902


You're looking at everything individually instead of seeing the linear progression of events and revelations.

You can't see the forest for the trees as they say.

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07e68e  No.14580903


you mean skin mask?

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631665  No.14580904


>Because he is a Chinese spy.

Wait.. they released an accused spy on bail??

You kidding me??

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f09ef6  No.14580905

File: 55e2b6123b8eb56⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 622x428, 311:214, 20210914_152114.jpg)

That's taking orders from Nancy not from your Commander and President



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fa6a47  No.14580906


>They've only lasted this long because their deployed raperootkit ebot is still playing the drumbeat that keeps (You) locked in fear. The *chan equivalent of a CNN newsfeed.

But no one is afraid faggot.

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2ffcbe  No.14580907



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6315f0  No.14580908


>meet you at the top?


kek, you already know

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c5ca29  No.14580909

File: 4ccba36c154c71d⋯.png (183.2 KB, 1154x783, 1154:783, ClipboardImage.png)

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73b885  No.14580910

File: faa85ae898e3b07⋯.png (94.26 KB, 573x381, 191:127, Screen_Shot_2021_09_14_at_….png)


That is the old QVC logo - delivery package box. (note: QVC on the side)

Note Q in old logo to the left in picture: Identical

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ab6cf4  No.14580911

File: 6f1e6c46a9408e3⋯.jpg (54.92 KB, 750x704, 375:352, ZomboMeme_14092021150727.jpg)

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42b5b2  No.14580912

turdluver couldn't tink of one ting gavin has done well– she couldn't cite one ting

let me help — he has brought to CALIFORNIA

ed buck butt plugs

randi teacher sex ed

hunter art sales and high teck

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a9bae3  No.14580913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6ac8e7  No.14580914

File: a6de2ecdc2560ab⋯.pdf (2.4 MB, 2012_156_doc_8_part_1.pdf)

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c33673  No.14580915

File: 24beac2063773ef⋯.jpg (197.72 KB, 708x799, 708:799, Know_more_1.jpg)


>"If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics


it's about stuff, that can be here, and there, at the same time, while not being there at all.

That stuff makes up everything you see.

Good luck.


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d7602f  No.14580916


Miley's natural arrogance says your observational skills are poor

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fa6a47  No.14580917

File: 04cbdb084731bf5⋯.png (51.19 KB, 1395x922, 1395:922, ClipboardImage.png)



Also, I've only banned 2 people since I got here. You and E-bot. Kinda fucks your entire narrative, doesn't it?

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6ece1e  No.14580918


The Biden administration is imposing new limits on states’ ability to access to Covid-19 antibody treatments amid rising demand from GOP governors who have relied on the drug as a primary weapon against the virus.

Federal health officials plan to allocate specific amounts to each state under the new approach, in an effort to more evenly distribute the 150,000 doses that the government makes available each week.

The approach is likely to cut into shipments to GOP-led states in the Southeast that have made the pricey antibody drug a central part of their pandemic strategy, while simultaneously spurning mask mandates and other restrictions. That threatens to heighten tensions between the Biden administration and governors like Florida’s Ron DeSantis, who have emerged as vocal opponents of the federal Covid-19 response.

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07e68e  No.14580919

File: e918e9b4e0579d9⋯.png (1.11 MB, 854x628, 427:314, calfireg.png)

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7388fd  No.14580920


Eric Holder

Oliver North

Just the tip

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7bd24e  No.14580921


He's being released because of the likelyhood he'll be shanked on the inside.

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46e0ab  No.14580922

File: 66088003dd38394⋯.gif (2.7 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 66088003dd3839440ed57c65eb….gif)

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a4d319  No.14580923

File: e3b7a0d9b2ded3d⋯.jpg (28.53 KB, 330x341, 30:31, Jew.jpg)

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69a2f8  No.14580924

File: 216e87ba505c8c4⋯.gif (5.85 MB, 600x406, 300:203, 216e87ba505c8c48abebe585a5….gif)


nightshift in the uk anon

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10d634  No.14580925

File: ad47f2c1ab62048⋯.png (152.19 KB, 255x246, 85:82, ClipboardImage.png)

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a433ed  No.14580926

File: 42a183d930b4de4⋯.jpg (2.99 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210819_185906.jpg)

File: 782c22243483804⋯.jpg (103.43 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, rawImage_3_.jpg)


The temple is closed

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650844  No.14580927

File: 9048623f7dab776⋯.jpg (49.82 KB, meow_to_go.jpg)

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755fa5  No.14580928




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86c535  No.14580929


As far as I know, Woodward is the only sauce.

We'll have to wait and see who's word this is based on and if it can be proven.

In other news

My mailed ballot for the recall was wildly out of calibration.

So I went in and told them I wanted a new one.

Four of four workers had never heard of ballot calibration.

One told me there was no such thing and I was listening to "online bullshit".

They gave me a new one…. it was wildly out of alignment.

Only one worker cared enough to ask me to explain it to him.

When I showed him he said, "Well, I'll be damned. You're right. It's OK. That just means a worker will check who you voted for and put it in the machine."

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9fb531  No.14580930

File: 29e70c261e50d9e⋯.jpg (97.03 KB, 1079x626, 1079:626, 29e70c261e50d9e537d3f5f80f….jpg)


>its_night_shift.sh -somewhere

I do like that script!

find_night_shift.sh -anywhere

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b2982f  No.14580931

File: 7a1145eb98157f0⋯.jpg (49.04 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 7a1145eb98157f08f3ba27e555….jpg)

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4e5d0b  No.14580932


can we Dox that ass hole?

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a9165b  No.14580933


F&G, polls close 8pm

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6c5a24  No.14580934

some thing happened past live

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d7602f  No.14580935

I imagine fat bastard is no longer smiling under his mask.

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10d634  No.14580936


>reason: homo


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c3cb2b  No.14580937

On warroom, they are talking as though newsom will stay in office

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15c9b7  No.14580938



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8bd7e2  No.14580939

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4b60e0  No.14580940


one has to wonder if those in opposition to Trump were so short sighted as to be drawn in to anyone who "dared" show disagreement with the President.

maybe they approached at the first sign of "trouble" and fishing was/is fun

but d's and r's alike should be puckering up wondering who is next on the swamp expose.

let's see what happens

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918b9e  No.14580941


Yes we know.

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918b9e  No.14580942



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4e5d0b  No.14580943


pretty sure he is touching himself while harrassing her.

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ca754a  No.14580944

File: 806d3773c251b2a⋯.png (78.98 KB, 1198x518, 599:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f2823  No.14580945

File: 3d10e738fde0c7d⋯.png (623.09 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Hearding_Patriots.png)

Just voted…Pray this CA recall sees the light of truth.

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918b9e  No.14580946


When did you get here? I am neither and been banned several times for legit posts.

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a9165b  No.14580947

File: 309d1bb837b412f⋯.jpg (70.43 KB, 474x630, 79:105, DPlaybook.jpg)

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d7602f  No.14580948

Make this viral. They are using Ivermectin on the Vaxxed in Australian hospitals to make it appear like the jab works. For the unvaxxed, they put them on a ventilator and let them suffer. The entire medical system is corrupt to the core.


twitter embed fail on my part

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3d9e39  No.14580949


Bannon literally has CNN playing on the TV behind him during his shows.

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6315f0  No.14580950


That's weird, we must be in different war rooms

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f535f0  No.14580951


Who told me? See below. Maybe Milley is willing to be court martialed and possible executed for the "plot"? Tell you what. If Keanu Reeves agrees to be actually killed off for real in the Matrix 4 you'll nudge me over to your side. But right now? Nope.

A new book on the final days of President Donald Trump’s time in office alleges that Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley warned senior military officials that the commander in chief could “go rogue” and instructed them to clear any nuclear launch orders with him first.

The Washington Post reported the book also alleges that Milley made secret phone calls to his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng, that the United States would not attack China. The calls came as Chinese officials worried of a potential attack because of Trump’s instability and existing tensions between the two countries.


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a9bae3  No.14580952

File: ac4a7766188a542⋯.png (99 KB, 253x254, 253:254, keks_copy_2.png)


Kek! Good vibes here right now.

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631665  No.14580953


The fake poso tweets are funny

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d7602f  No.14580954


I am confident Gov Elder….Devine intervention

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6ac8e7  No.14580955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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cfeb2d  No.14580956

File: 940ef8c9979d3af⋯.jpeg (332.73 KB, 828x1211, 828:1211, 6DC444CD_8E5F_41FE_A298_B….jpeg)

File: 107346339724376⋯.jpeg (333.35 KB, 828x746, 414:373, D1156DC7_4554_4202_8D8A_9….jpeg)

He was their hero just yesterday.

Go woke go broke, Milley.


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