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3c362e  No.14575538[Last 50 Posts]

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3c362e  No.14575544

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements


>>14574888, >>14575004, >>14575370 Gavin Newsom is acting as the madman he is. Here's a Newsom quote: 'We defeated Trump, but we did not defeat Trumpism'

>>14574924 Naming the media who secretly took Trudeau's $61M pre-election pay-off

>>14574954, >>14575367 US Army We own the night

>>14574960, >>14575139 Gen Flynn Sign the petition "Say NO to covid-19 vaccine mandate (2:05)

>>14574992 HIT PIECE "'Are we the sheep?': QAnon believers struggle to process Gavin Newsom recall election in California"

>>14574998 Australia This is weird - could the Canberra clean out be coming?

>>14575030 PF Reports

>>14574912, >>14574963, >>14574994, >>14575056 Any anon keep count of how many days w/o images? IMG BLOCK Started on 8-26, ended on 9-13 FISA [20]

>>14574916, >>14575148, >>14575405 26 Minutes Ago 6.2 La Palma

>>14575121 US National Guard In a disaster response, time is everything

>>14575019, >>14575140 Biden's handlers abruptly cut the live feed (Cap 0:14)

>>14575152, >>14575311, >>14575279, >>14575247, >>14575313, >>14575353 Would a Q in the corner do the sametrick? Q comm from TRUMP

>>14575191 How come only the help is wearing masks?

>>14575249, >>14575327 B.C. reports 1,984 new COVID-19 cases over three days and nine additional deaths comms

>>14575265, >>14575294 Classic psycho… Australian official Brad Hazzard Throws Temper Tantrum for Six Minutes Straight

>>14575285 Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It

>>14575295 Biden in SoCal: “You Either Keep Newsom as Your Governor or You’ll Get Donald Trump – Not a Joke”

>>14575372 Prominent Medical Boards’ Message to Physicians—Keep Quiet on COVID-19 Vaccine or Risk Loss of Licensure & Economic Livelihood

>>14575401 Gavin Newsom: A Vote for Larry Elder is a Vote Against ‘Diversity’ and ‘Racial Justice’

>>14575419 Biden condemns millions of federal workers and contractors to DIE via covid “vaccines” that still aren’t even approved by the FDA

>>14575431, >>14575476 Operation NOBLE EAGLE Set to begin between 12-2am…Based A-10 Warthog says whaaaat?????

>>14575446 Why Are They Holding On To Reports?

>>14575536 #18437


>>14574114, >>14574364, >>14574561, >>14574716, >>14574571, >>14574703, >>14574723, >>14574745 Who makes a box with a Q on the side?

>>14574182 Will the picture be the signifier?

>>14574153 Biden is showing complete disregard for individual freedoms

>>14574154, >>14574154, >>14574236 Due to some fucked up censorship shit, images on 8Kun will disappear in 24 hrs

>>14574178, >>14574224 NORAD's Continental U.S. Region will conduct a routine air defense exercise, Falcon Virgo, midnight-2:30 a.m. (EDT) Sept 14 in the Washington, D.C., area. This is a recurring exercise in support of Operation NOBLE EAGLE.

>>14574211 CM: Remember the Pegasus iOS hack that can secretly take over iOS machines?

>>14574247 “F*ck Biden!” – Trump Supporters Gather to Protest Governor Newsom’s Campaign Rally with Joe Biden in SoCal

>>14574253 Two sheriffs in Arkansas will not mandate COVID-19 vaccines for their employees

>>14574259 Veronica Wolski RIP Was refused ivermectin by… Allison Arwady, M.D.

>>14574261 Chinese State Media Slams Soros As "The Most Evil Person In The World" And "The Son Of Satan"

>>14574131, >>14574467, >>14574463, >>14574544, >>14574610 It's gonna blow? Some serious activity going on, East coast should be watching USGS is not even registering this activity

>>14574341 Pinged media.8kun.top…Results……I hope it a good DNS…looks ok to me…

>>14574344 Wendy Rogers joined the John Fredericks show today and provided an update on the AZ audit

>>14574373, >>14574275, >>14574504, >>14574552 PDJT signature in the 9/11 NYPD logbook is sandwiched between two entries with the number (and only number) of 17.

>>14574462 California anon found some issues with my Governor recall election mail in ballot

>>14574136, >>14574197, >>14574635, >>14574366, >>14574650, >>14574297, >>14574380 Joe Biden weird mask?

>>14574611 US Strategic Command The Wranglers of the Mighty Ninety stay ready

>>14574694 Greg Kelly Suggests Trigger-Happy Killer Lt. Mike Byrd “Will Work This Weekend and He Will Be Armed” at DC “Justice for J6” Protest

>>14574789 #18436

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3c362e  No.14575547


>>14573374, >>14573385, >>14573391, >>14573411, >>14573436, >>14573457, >>14573535, >>14573352, >>14573354, >>14573386, >>14573416, >>14573462, >>14573535, >>14573680, >>14573696, >>14573358, >>14573363, >>14573367, >>14573372, >>14573378, >>14573403, >>14573419, >>14573450, >>14573452, >>14573549, >>14573565, >>14573573, >>14573835, >>14573352, >>14573354, >>14573362, >>14573364, >>14573373, >>14573376, >>14573379, >>14573386, >>14573416, >>14573462, >>14573535 , >>14573605, >>14573629, >>14573694, >>14573796 Anons celebrate Jim Watkins and images on *kun Image Board, Thank you Jim and team.

>>14573394 West Virginia University Employee Speaks Out About Her Horrible Pain and Suffering After Getting Vaxxed at Employee Meeting Against Mandatory Vaccine Mandate

>>14573395 Jeffrey Peterson See you at tonight's "Ask and Answer" Linux audio Livestream with Will Welker, here @ 8:00pm EST!

>>14573404 New Yorkers Chant “F**k Joe Biden” as They March on Brooklyn Bridge Against Mandatory Vaccines

>>14573459 Israeli spy tech firm exploited vulnerability on ALL IPHONE devices to implant ‘Pegasus’ malware

>>14573481 Governor: State law bars cities, employers from firing unvaccinated workers $5,000 fines for compliance with Biden vaccine mandate

>>14573504, >>14573546 Veronica Wolski Thank you for your service and love, you lead by example. Godspeed

>>14573632, >>14573655, >>14573685, >>14573691, >>14573693, >>14573720, >>14573822 Biden photo bombed by Q and Q+

>>14574053 #18435

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3c362e  No.14575549



>>14572601 Frozen bodies and brains of wealthy Brits and Americans are SNATCHED from Russian lab where they were stored in the hope of being brought back to life: Cryogenics firm owners' bitter divorce leads to raid

>>14572608 Jack Posobiec retweets @NICKIMINAJ My cousin in Trinidad won’t get the vaccine cuz his friend got it & became impotent. His testicles became swollen.

>>14572623 ENTIRE Stadiums Continue To CHANT "F**K JOE BIDEN"! Meanwhile Trump Gets STANDING OVATION!

>>14572631 , >>14572708 Anons dig on possible "Done in 30" comms

>>14572661 , >>14572792 BREAKING; FBI fires lead agent in Gov. Whitmer Kidnapping sting operation

>>14572671 According to VAERS Website: There Were 3,296 COVID Vaccine Deaths in US Since July 24 – Or an Average of 70 Deaths per Day

>>14572694 Kamala Harris questioned after announcing steps for ‘protecting the vaccinated’: ‘Doesn’t the vax do that?’

>>14572730 Donald Craighead Arrested While ‘On Patrol’ With Machete Near DNC Headquarters

>>14572740 BOMBSHELL CLAIM: Rose McGowan ACCUSES Newsom’s Wife Of Bribery To Suppress Weinstein Scandal

>>14572794 , >>14572543 Recall election news

>>14572820 F*** Joe Biden' chants ring out in college football stadiums: Southern chant spreads north as Mets and Yankees fans join in to slam the President

>>14572856 Apple issues emergency updates over vulnerability enabling spyware

>>14572863 Washington School Banned 9/11 ‘Red, White, Blue’ Tribute as ‘Racially Insensitive’

>>14572886 Biden Delivers Remarks on his Administration’s Response to Recent Wildfires in Mather, CA

>>14572902 LIVE: Larry Elder for CA Governor Rally 9/13/21

>>14572943 Our Most Reliable Pandemic Number Is Losing Meaning

>>14573016 26 people injured after explosion at Seminole casino, Hollywood Fire Rescue says

>>14573030 South Carolina authorities said Monday they have launched an investigation into claims that troubled attorney Alex Murdaugh stole money from his high-powered law firm.

>>14573031 CodeMonkeyZ : On September 10, 2021, Maricopa County issued a statement entitled “Maricopa County Recorder and Assessor Respond to Partisan Canvass Report” in response to the Election 2020 Grassroots Canvass Report.

>>14573041 Aside from the Zoom video, there’s also a document from American Medical Association directing doctors to lie to the American people to convince them to take the clot shot.

>>14573043 , >>14573080 , >>14573118 , >>14573136 ‘It’s not right’: Trudeau vows to criminalize blocking access to hospitals amid protests

>>14573070 , >>14573115 Jim Watkins : CCP Social Credit Scoring is real. It is already used by Chase bank.

>>14573071 , >>14573186 , >>14573202 Tomorrow before you drop off your ballot at a polling place. OR go there to vote. Check out this site:https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/ballot-status/wheres-my-ballot

>>14573137 , >>14573152 , >>14573153 Ehrmagerd images are back!

>>14573139 CodeMonkeyZ : This is an empty lot that "ghosts" in Maricopa County voted from.

>>14573235 Planefags : Scene of Small Plane Crash in Palo Alto. <>N162DF

>>14575465 #18434

Previously Collected

>>14570962 #18431, >>14571964 #18432, >>14572464 #18433

>>14568649 #18428, >>14569411 #18429, >>14569421 #18430

>>14568767 #18425, >>14566986 #18426, >>14567840 #18427

>>14566207 #18422, >>14566215 #18423, >>14565328 #18424

>>14561381 #18419, >>14562199 #18420, >>14563061 #18421

>>14559029 #18416, >>14559792 #18417, >>14560545 #18418

>>14556714 #18413, >>14557470 #18414, >>14558268 #18415

>>14555395 #18410, >>14557853 #18411, >>14558021 #18412

>>14552083 #18407, >>14552853 #18408, >>14553635 #18409

>>14551858 #18404/2, >>14550655 #18405, >>14551227 #18406

>>14548197 #18402, >>14551791 #18403, >>14551860 #18404/1

>>14548152 #18399, >>14547947 #18400, >>14547579 #18401

>>14544174 #18396. >>14544174 #18397, >>14544969 #18398

>>14540711 #18393, >>14541685 #18394, >>14542518 #18395

>>14540524 #18390, >>14538879 #18391, >>14540629 #18392

>>14535630 #18387, >>14538858 #18388, >>14540421 #18389

>>14533269 #18384, >>14534064 #18385, >>14535165 #18386

>>14530963 #18381, >>14531713 #18382, >>14535669 #18383

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>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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3c362e  No.14575552

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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3c362e  No.14575553

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0cf03a  No.14575563

File: 2fa4f9d7047c0de⋯.png (93.6 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0.png)

File: 59fef2f8787ddef⋯.png (93.52 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1.png)

File: 21c04fb56869df1⋯.png (93.69 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2.png)

It was better without images, [They] leverage their influence over the hivemind far more than (You) do. That's a fact well established.

It was better without images, [They] leverage their influence over the hivemind far more than (You) do. That's a fact well established.

It was better without images, [They] leverage their influence over the hivemind far more than (You) do. That's a fact well established.

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3c362e  No.14575568

File: 6fe9115726bebbf⋯.png (822.85 KB, 1080x1053, 40:39, acae3ab494dc23d472cebeb30f….png)


Baker requests Handoff

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0cf03a  No.14575569

File: 98adf1bd282968a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning01.png)

File: c1fa6371becb824⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning02.png)

File: e6047018d5f2076⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning03.png)



henry divorced (you):fraud vitiates

Didn't you >hear<?

reaper broke promise:fr4ud


"Unit biD[e]n.bot"


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0cf03a  No.14575580


Turn them off or become entrained back into the NPC state these insidious agents put you in before.

You've been warned, it's that simple

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0cf03a  No.14575584


They've only lasted this long because their deployed raperootkit ebot is still playing the drumbeat that keeps (You) locked in fear. The *chan equivalent of a CNN newsfeed.

4 years of drumming.

banned more than 12 times, site-wide, for flooding us with CP

Has themselves posted proof they embed pictures with themes of anal sex, and this is packaged as a threat to (You)re life through the network of subliminal associations their language was made to fuck with.

And the biDen of absolute retards protects this monster

Get it yet?

This place is a hollow shadow of its former self, raped into stupor by insidious clowns pretending to be frens.

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817025  No.14575585

File: 3e1ace623254cb3⋯.jpeg (28.71 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 839E134E_55F4_492D_9067_2….jpeg)

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0cf03a  No.14575593

File: dd58bf5ad8664c5⋯.png (93.7 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0.png)

File: f36c61e8f62c57b⋯.png (93.67 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1.png)

File: e8068625406e3e6⋯.png (93.74 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2.png)

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3c362e  No.14575599



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0cf03a  No.14575602


Lost content~

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0cf03a  No.14575609


Read this?


See defensiveness.

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4d39a5  No.14575612

File: 8f0f85dc4253557⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1079x918, 1079:918, ClipboardImage.png)

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3c362e  No.14575616

File: 478833e50cff6dc⋯.png (335.02 KB, 652x803, 652:803, ClipboardImage.png)


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817025  No.14575617

File: 39c3e62b6261cb4⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 346D792E_6502_42A5_9DFE_E7….png)

File: 5b69e7027a85eb0⋯.png (340.79 KB, 2160x1620, 4:3, 9F3B3F46_EBC1_45D2_9A9B_8D….png)

Polis chides FDA for lag on COVID-19 vaccine boosters, messagingDENVER | Colorado Gov. Jared Polis on Monday goaded the Food and Drug Administration to quickly authorize booster shots for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as well as vaccinations for children ages 5 to 11, saying the state is prepared to launch its own booster shot program.

The FDA needs to get out of their ivory tower and realize there is a real-life pandemic,” and should expedite booster-shot approvals for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the Democratic governor told a news conference. A booster dose raises the levels of antibodies to protect against COVID.

In August, Pfizer said it had started the application process for a third dose of its vaccine for everyone ages 16 and older. The White House has begun planning for boosters later this month, if both the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention agree. Advisers to the FDA will weigh evidence about an extra Pfizer shot Friday. The U.S. already offers an extra dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines to people with severely weakened immune systems.

Polis credited the Donald Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed for dispensing with bureaucracy to quickly incentivize vaccine development. He said it’s time the Joe Biden administration did the same for booster shots and young children’s vaccines as the nation’s schools have reopened with the delta variant raging.

“This is a moment where similar leadership is needed by the Biden administration to make sure that the FDA does not succeed in using ivory tower circular reasoning to further delay the life-saving booster,” Polis said.

Polis said Monday that Colorado is ready to formally launch a booster-shot program as soon as Sept. 20, beginning with residents and staff of senior residential facilities and frontline workers, pending FDA and CDC approval. Some Colorado residents with weakened immune systems have already gotten the booster shot.

As for COVID-19 vaccines for children, those 12 and over are eligible. But with schools reopening and the delta variant causing more infections among kids, many parents are anxiously wondering when younger children can get the shots.

The FDA’s vaccine chief, Dr. Peter Marks, told The Associated Press Friday the agency will rapidly evaluate COVID-19 vaccinations for younger children as soon as it gets the needed data. Pfizer is expected to turn over its study results by the end of September.Marks said he was “very, very hopeful” that vaccinations for 5- to 11-year-olds will be underway by year’s end.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has cited delta’s growing threat to children in urging a faster decision.


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817025  No.14575624


Flu shots started in late August for Colorado

Should get interdasting there.

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dc9ce7  No.14575628


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0cf03a  No.14575630



This has never been organic.

When dog training, is behavior favored, enforced?

Behavior unfavored, shamed?

These agents dog train you.

They control the presence of "support/attacks"

This has been their play pen for raping your minds for three years.

Go to War.

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53bf5f  No.14575632

File: 4ed23827481be4d⋯.mp4 (13.67 MB, 142x218, 71:109, 2021_09_13_20_53_21.mp4)

A v⍺ccination clinic in Canada offers children free ice cream in exchange for v⍺ccination without the need for parental permission. The police guard the front to prevent the parents from intervening.




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0cf03a  No.14575634

File: f596aa867817915⋯.png (93.55 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 3.png)

File: 29a690be836ed71⋯.png (93.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4.png)

File: 9b44166a2fab9bb⋯.png (93.68 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 5.png)

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9c68f7  No.14575635

File: 966e97cdb4b0f65⋯.png (4.75 MB, 2731x2048, 2731:2048, vaxx_rape.png)

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0524a8  No.14575642

File: f950d60fbc5cd31⋯.jpg (31.48 KB, 551x549, 551:549, 18912_7367_12267.JPG)

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bed5e3  No.14575645

Cnn reported that conspiracy theorists are staging the Sept 18 demonstrations in support of Jan 6 insurrectionists.

Cnn also reported that Qanon types are telling people not to go because it is a set up, which Cnn says it is not.

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974f86  No.14575647

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


BIDEN: "I'm gonna make this as simple as I can: You either keep Gavin Newsom as your governor or you'll get Donald Trump. It's not a joke." https://t.co/zLwK6FxRbB

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ac9ace  No.14575653

File: a5e99d148399d23⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1000x750, 4:3, F2D17F99_A581_4B06_9389_78….png)

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817025  No.14575654


Not to mention Polisgranting60,000 to 120,000 to primary care provider (those people trust) for convincing patients to take the jab. Sick!

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ac9ace  No.14575657

File: 446ac9d0e307d75⋯.png (243.57 KB, 702x680, 351:340, 52254B5B_C491_4530_B1FC_AF….png)

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0cf03a  No.14575660

File: fc6010c7ec0d20e⋯.png (93.69 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 6.png)

File: 6eadd193c4a4a7d⋯.png (93.63 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 7.png)

File: fa21ad710852509⋯.png (93.59 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 8.png)

File: 2598ff78cfaaa25⋯.png (93.69 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 9.png)

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37b673  No.14575662

File: 46237b726569e2b⋯.png (78.85 KB, 290x174, 5:3, d57a151475674a998b83e2258b….png)

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f5750b  No.14575663


Reminds anon of Eastern European judge pedo child kidnapping video

A society without guns …

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4d4680  No.14575668

File: b50dc53644b92dc⋯.jpg (71.92 KB, 537x680, 537:680, b50dc53644b92dc6a98b26d6bb….jpg)

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da0063  No.14575671

Shoving black females down our throats nonstop is a central part of (((their))) subversion agenda. The goal is to anger and provoke you and to make you more willing to accept their Orwellian New World Order society. Anything to get us away from this current nightmare.

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37b673  No.14575672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.









2 pen and 2 apple

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37b673  No.14575674


>trotsky died of natural batters

needs sauce

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a4f3e5  No.14575676

File: 605ce0e9c0c6e63⋯.png (349.87 KB, 768x576, 4:3, 605ce0e9c0c6e633135908f1ae….png)

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79635c  No.14575677

File: 6a7d9e4b82f2109⋯.jpg (300.17 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 6a7d9e4b82f2109d5a0607b4dd….jpg)

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6110dc  No.14575679

File: 7fd714387db7e5a⋯.gif (355.93 KB, 785x428, 785:428, FY22.gif)

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f5750b  No.14575680


Omgawd that's where we are at….

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6110dc  No.14575681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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37b673  No.14575682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2b3694  No.14575683

File: 7dda692a43c801f⋯.png (827.75 KB, 673x486, 673:486, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eaaf70e2068ce67⋯.png (564.24 KB, 653x562, 653:562, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99ba5c6552c8295⋯.png (2.94 MB, 1512x2016, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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817025  No.14575684

File: 1e94cb794967969⋯.png (3.47 MB, 1938x1388, 969:694, EBB1AB49_659D_4773_B9F6_C5….png)

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3c362e  No.14575685

File: 64af22ea8ee18e2⋯.png (14.01 KB, 255x195, 17:13, e62e2bea29f6b823c924a9a35c….png)

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ac9ace  No.14575686

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82ffcc  No.14575687

File: a0a2f19413a17c3⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, a0a2f19413a17c3839317c6919….mp4)


TY Baker!

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65bc0d  No.14575688

File: 39df90399992de9⋯.jpg (159.98 KB, 953x762, 953:762, NewsomRocky.jpg)

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0e7fac  No.14575689

File: de4ee1919c77ec2⋯.jpg (48.42 KB, 500x495, 100:99, cxcdfghjkjhgg.jpg)

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f5750b  No.14575690

File: 22463dca6d6aec1⋯.jpg (70.67 KB, 670x507, 670:507, 20210807_092231.jpg)


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eaab19  No.14575691

File: c7ee697c7187907⋯.jpg (77.04 KB, 288x487, 288:487, gretch_mound.jpg)

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8bf87f  No.14575692


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f2be4e  No.14575693


Thank fuck intelligent people in the world exist. I would laugh but I might fucking rupture something - probably my brain at this point. Kek.

And sorry for fucking up pb/lb - those good who know can’t sleep is bloody fucking true is all I can say.

My poor children with me as a mother swearing like a motherfucking sailor kek o7 Team

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513fa5  No.14575694


I seent it. Although Q was not referenced they blatantly implied that Trump is the leader of a domestic terror movement. Proud boys were mentioned,

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453c95  No.14575695

File: 1d6941ad47f3611⋯.png (450.94 KB, 1764x2048, 441:512, Screenshot_20210913_210556.png)

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79635c  No.14575696

File: 2c77079434bebd5⋯.jpg (186.85 KB, 1125x1116, 125:124, 2c77079434bebd5649972f2e7d….jpg)

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b952f5  No.14575697

File: cbae02829ae1094⋯.jpg (123.97 KB, 684x412, 171:103, VISCERAL_THIS.jpg)













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dc9ce7  No.14575698

File: 92909f703c51ec7⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1617x645, 539:215, qder.png)


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17e83f  No.14575699


Please tell me they quoted us somewhere!

>Uh that's right Joy, on famous Qanon chat room we're actually seeing a firm push against the rally, one user saying "You N words would be really F ing faggoty to attend Glowapalooza 2021. Joy back to you."

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28e7eb  No.14575700

FISA [20]



FISA Surveillance Court Orders and Applications



This page does not seem to exist…

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37b673  No.14575701


thanks closet homo locker room larp whisperer

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817025  No.14575702

File: 7775461152c43b2⋯.jpeg (134.85 KB, 1619x863, 1619:863, F315BE75_EC3E_4112_B1A7_B….jpeg)

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d5e45d  No.14575703


I don't want Jack to be a good guy.

He's blocked me on twitter to many times.

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f5750b  No.14575704

Anybody catch what the first meme back was?

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67c2f7  No.14575705

File: 1eef0dc87e9e24c⋯.png (349.14 KB, 534x705, 178:235, 2f5de_00W55792c4h2W555xd01….png)

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f2be4e  No.14575706


Quite - jeesus christus allemachte is the current <feelz

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37b673  No.14575707

File: 3dc9ec929576bf1⋯.jpg (79.49 KB, 640x994, 320:497, 5o6vlwdzj6721.jpg)

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6110dc  No.14575708

File: ec5884d32cde3cc⋯.png (341.78 KB, 613x407, 613:407, download_3_.png)


CNN Live

"Capitol Police Preparing for Possibility that Sept 18 Protestors Will be Armed and Violent"

Rep Kitzinger


Ongoing discussion


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65bc0d  No.14575709

File: 7085c5165705557⋯.jpg (130.63 KB, 1008x988, 252:247, BurnYourMask.jpg)

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ad1bb6  No.14575710

File: 3046d5ebdb2f565⋯.png (515.15 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, vaxxx_joe.png)

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6c4f43  No.14575711

File: 8bc85f58924ca30⋯.png (951.48 KB, 1067x825, 97:75, b710ac3a911b55fa62e4e02248….png)

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17e83f  No.14575712



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d5ff7a  No.14575713

File: 53e82098c156032⋯.jpg (297.03 KB, 415x953, 415:953, _17MinutesAgo_.jpg)

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f2be4e  No.14575714


Don’t worry he fucking hates me too, kek

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a03936  No.14575715

>>14575561 lb

>>14575607 lb

Lyme was thought to be parasitic nanobot technology quite a few years ago.

My brother fought in the first gulf war, and still suffers from a dry cough.

Now, he visited from Hawaii just last month.

He was coughing and the whole family came down with a horrible "cold".

My dad and I both think that we got COVID (possibly Delta), but none of us went to the hospital. If I go to the doctor and they diagnose me with COVID, I will be quarantined for two weeks from my job, and I really can't afford that.

So, what got me thinking is that perhaps COVID activates (a catalyst) the infection of scabies my brother acquired in The Gulf?

Now, after I contracted whatever it was, I have developed the same dry cough as my brother.

Were soldiers infected with the primary parasitic infection during the Gulf War and COVID is now put out as a catalyst to react with the parasite that many Gulf War vets have, and they now can be used as walking bio weapons?

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65bc0d  No.14575716

File: 8feb6330d37aad9⋯.png (592.7 KB, 983x455, 983:455, RollingBlunder.PNG)

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8bf87f  No.14575717

File: 974e3321400ed10⋯.jpg (28.21 KB, 800x533, 800:533, young_attractive_woman_hol….jpg)


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eaab19  No.14575718


I can't imagine how poisonous the smoke from that would be.

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37b673  No.14575720

File: a8a75bed09cfef9⋯.jpg (150.46 KB, 634x872, 317:436, XlkMZnJ.jpg)

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6c4f43  No.14575721

File: da7f011d5562f3f⋯.png (396.17 KB, 782x572, 391:286, 1630293872960.png)

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9cce3f  No.14575722


I think it was:

>>14573117 OB

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8bf87f  No.14575723

I'm enjoying the images again

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bce027  No.14575724

File: e04c5d825f8f547⋯.jpg (87.95 KB, 1919x1080, 1919:1080, xvii4h5v54x31.jpg)

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3c362e  No.14575725

File: abaeeeec4c2fca2⋯.png (7.43 KB, 227x222, 227:222, abaeeeec4c2fca297f00a598e2….png)


anon must watch out for pinkeye?

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453c95  No.14575726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b496ee  No.14575727

File: 65a34e4ed5e677b⋯.png (838.98 KB, 770x960, 77:96, lgbt.png)

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bd0b4c  No.14575728

File: d06c4c6bed2bbeb⋯.jpeg (98.17 KB, 540x669, 180:223, F1345D0C_AEA8_4D12_838B_1….jpeg)

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9cce3f  No.14575729

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f5750b  No.14575730

File: 503c04639a1a221⋯.jpg (6.49 KB, 300x168, 25:14, download_jpeg_7.jpg)

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eaab19  No.14575731

File: bee9cf89d917039⋯.png (217.66 KB, 567x536, 567:536, milky_milkies.png)


Me too.

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4741f1  No.14575732

File: f396b0bc3641f96⋯.png (401.41 KB, 402x431, 402:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01bd3f212e77162⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1973x2416, 1973:2416, ClipboardImage.png)



9 1 10

9 11=2=14

Q14, 14th, [Christmas Eve 2019]

[57] [27]

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8bf87f  No.14575733

File: e45cacde67c32f2⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 630x270, 7:3, syxHD.gif)


Yup, just like that

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a4f3e5  No.14575734

File: cac3e7da4187ce9⋯.jpg (215.1 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, cac3e7da4187ce92fd999ee558….jpg)

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7807f4  No.14575735

File: 9b77c9d5a468345⋯.jpg (10.13 KB, 255x139, 255:139, 0ba822f26adbaf3396e93afb64….jpg)

Headline CNN

"Total Recall"

FY22 inbound


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65bc0d  No.14575736

File: 10eea87fac6c780⋯.jpg (271.18 KB, 1080x1235, 216:247, Attenuate.JPG)

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af2a36  No.14575737


Wow that woman is powerful with her raw emotion.

I understand why Twatter wouldn’t want people seeing it. It doesn’t bode well for the other side. NCSWIC, Nothing!

We are already witnessing examples of “they won’t be able to walk down the street” more and more. Biden being heckled and tricked and ridiculed.

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4d39a5  No.14575738


This is why we can't have nice things

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8a4dfc  No.14575739

File: 7ab6f1f59c17cd0⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1000x600, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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82ffcc  No.14575740

File: 29b9514cd13a0a3⋯.png (4.59 MB, 2272x1506, 1136:753, Screen_Shot_2019_07_27_at_….png)

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529788  No.14575741

File: 8b3da1a45b944ea⋯.jpg (15.8 KB, 255x214, 255:214, 71b1867d23a7c08432b52ecc14….jpg)

File: ad2ddf886fe03df⋯.jpg (16.11 KB, 182x255, 182:255, 2b2747fc6c2921b129d55c0f25….jpg)

File: 8a1a23359465368⋯.png (16.34 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 685d0b31886b4869f6fd9a35d8….png)

File: 011901d4f5e3be4⋯.jpg (12.32 KB, 255x156, 85:52, c7e33bc43304abf57f6f1fe53d….jpg)

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2b3694  No.14575742

File: e5ee876bc2fcddf⋯.png (2.31 MB, 875x1127, 125:161, ClipboardImage.png)

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e93de5  No.14575743

File: af16defde4d8390⋯.png (1022.49 KB, 658x659, 658:659, mn7413.png)

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4d39a5  No.14575744


kek. I was there the night this was created. I supplied the original, meme maker added the pepe frens. Good memories

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af2a36  No.14575745

Q in the corner is always nice!

The guy in the white Tee-shirt looks very familiar.

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bce027  No.14575746


Q Delivers

408 147

Q post

408 21-Dec-2017 7:27:41 PM EST

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a03936  No.14575747

File: f46f682d2862d17⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1600x1600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


btw, as a child I picked up scabies from swimming in a lake.

I developed all these itchy rashes all over my body and my parents took me to the doctor.

The doctor diagnosed me with scabies parasitic infection and the only prescription that I remember that he gave (and I was very very young…7 or so years old!) was for my parents to bath me and to buy some DOVE BAR SOAP. The type of Dove Soap that floats in water.

After washing with Dove Soap…my parasite infection was totally gone!

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2b3694  No.14575748


>me as a mother swearing like a motherfucking sailor

my kinda woman


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37b673  No.14575749

File: a5ae00afc7bcf5f⋯.png (47.85 KB, 610x392, 305:196, HORYCHITPOO.png)

File: 63158daa708138f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 960x1090, 96:109, JACKinthebox.png)

File: 4c51c3236ce7619⋯.png (110.62 KB, 290x174, 5:3, muhilldawggoesbiforsuhiLIB….png)

every step gets us closer to larpin sorosanon's mt doom before mt olive garden

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0cf03a  No.14575750



You. lost~

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0cf03a  No.14575751

File: f3477260c24a490⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning04.png)

File: b6a69634a827f21⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning05.png)

File: d898cde33d75f9a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning06.png)

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37b673  No.14575752

File: 81c9156c714d3ef⋯.jpg (16.32 KB, 625x390, 125:78, 146392795_5016972595041176….jpg)

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28e7eb  No.14575753


Name That Tune.


It just keeps hanging on by a thread looking for a new 'host'.


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2b3694  No.14575754

File: 1eca47ad084fcd7⋯.png (1.28 MB, 773x960, 773:960, ClipboardImage.png)

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65bc0d  No.14575755

File: 6a2d41910c572ba⋯.png (292.62 KB, 533x617, 533:617, DCcouple.PNG)

File: 377c008383e24a3⋯.jpg (318.53 KB, 1925x1080, 385:216, Lightfoot.JPG)

File: 475a4c13ac7dc83⋯.jpg (307.46 KB, 1722x1007, 1722:1007, GardnerNazi.JPG)

File: 4ae09a9d93e76f8⋯.jpg (419.32 KB, 2278x1080, 1139:540, RiceErroni.JPG)


Black LESBIAN females.

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37b673  No.14575756


>every step gets us closer to larpin sorosanon's mt doom before mt olive garden

little oven croutons are calling us

down the road from theatre

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ad1bb6  No.14575757

File: 559a3dfec0040ee⋯.png (3.17 MB, 2351x1567, 2351:1567, walter_biden.png)


looks like a blue pepe


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4a3e36  No.14575758

Great, I can finally see that nom hidden hand faggot picture 100x a bread again

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7807f4  No.14575759

File: 5871f4def32387b⋯.jpg (183 KB, 794x547, 794:547, 5871f4def32387b18c97d87d4c….jpg)



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0e5bbf  No.14575760


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01aaf4  No.14575761

File: 24dfbaea786ce49⋯.jpg (104.61 KB, 1092x1133, 1092:1133, E9LE9HjWYAQMpLI.jpg)

>The Return of the King

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0cf03a  No.14575762

It's clear this place serves more as an entrainment chamber for your deployed mind control system than a forum for discussing Ideas.

biD[e]ns designed it as such.

They've been shaping this place more than (You) have, though they are paid / lives are on the line to do so~

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817025  No.14575763

File: 9999f07cae854ae⋯.jpeg (44.4 KB, 255x255, 1:1, C4805E6E_1115_4E01_8256_3….jpeg)

It’s awesome to see anons in play mode (memes). Brought light to anons darkened day!

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67c2f7  No.14575764

File: 6222347b3d2bc45⋯.png (197.88 KB, 571x382, 571:382, 2f5c2201130023j024h563792c….png)


fort supplies

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2b3694  No.14575765

File: 7bec9f36ed8e52e⋯.png (66.61 KB, 834x356, 417:178, ClipboardImage.png)

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37b673  No.14575766


we should gag on jew bread and lil canuck ham pieces salad tossing by proxy cheezus

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e93de5  No.14575767

File: ccb773a51a60e87⋯.png (1019.56 KB, 658x659, 658:659, moon64323.png)

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0e7fac  No.14575768

File: c20dcb31cd049c0⋯.jpg (19.14 KB, 474x338, 237:169, bfedrsdfcxd.jpg)

"U.S. President Joe Biden’s plan requiring more than 100 million Americans to get vaccinated against COVID-19 relies on a rarely used workplace rule with a history of being blocked in court, making it an inviting target for legal challenges by employers. The rule is expected in the coming weeks, and it was not clear when it would take effect. OSHA can implement an emergency standard when workers are exposed to a “grave danger” and the standard is needed to protect them. This allows the agency to cut short the usual process for developing a standard, which averages seven years. Opponents could argue a grave danger, which is not defined in the law, doesn’t exist on a national level as the current spike in COVID-19 cases has been regional.

Before the pandemic, OSHA issued only nine emergency temporary standards, and the last one was in 1983. Courts blocked or stayed four of them and partially vacated another, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service. OSHA’s mandate could also be vulnerable to legal challenges because months have passed since vaccines became widely available, and it may be difficult for the agency to explain why there is a grave danger now but there was not one earlier this year, said James Sullivan of law firm Cozen O’Connor, who represents employers. Courts also could find that the mandate’s 100-employee threshold is arbitrary, providing grounds to invalidate the rule, according to Sullivan."


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a4f3e5  No.14575769

File: 211f8fa52d36bde⋯.jpg (120.49 KB, 596x1010, 298:505, cd21b7a433aa1b6114763838c0….jpg)

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b952f5  No.14575770

File: 2b3ca39538da993⋯.jpg (163.88 KB, 940x526, 470:263, NO_MATTER_WHAT.jpg)







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7807f4  No.14575771

File: 271817ec9b89e4c⋯.png (22.04 KB, 254x255, 254:255, c588abcccfa2af758118a4a157….png)

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be9d96  No.14575772

File: e68924f6c56203e⋯.jpeg (48.31 KB, 545x240, 109:48, 9025EDE9_FF01_472D_B5A6_5….jpeg)

Da faq? Wth is talking about?

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252235  No.14575773


"Heroes" standing guard.

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b952f5  No.14575774

File: 9d9d6f44d71abd5⋯.jpg (119.62 KB, 503x695, 503:695, FUNGINONSENSE.jpg)

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7807f4  No.14575775


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e93de5  No.14575776

File: 49fb772aa5fe93b⋯.jpg (113.8 KB, 580x325, 116:65, el_fin.jpg)

File: 70cae11a41dd95e⋯.png (608.07 KB, 967x546, 967:546, The_Grail.png)

File: 99088cee5c40161⋯.png (962.01 KB, 1022x575, 1022:575, Trumpceval.png)

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112ad9  No.14575777


Thy are using black women as their "useful idiots"

They were promised a seat at the front of the bus.

What they don't know is that the bus is going to run over them.

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041b37  No.14575778


That's weird that box never showed up in any reverse image searches. I even looked at the QVC site and any images of QVC boxes. Since it reminded me of Qvc but never seen the Q written like that. Nothing ever showed up.

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cb4881  No.14575779

File: c526c7bcf2b8c76⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 898x628, 449:314, NOTACLUE.JPG)

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a4f3e5  No.14575780

File: 7cfa02a62d5a7b6⋯.jpg (34.55 KB, 500x350, 10:7, 7cfa02a62d5a7b69bf801f24bc….jpg)

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37b673  No.14575781

File: 45b9bb33b8f6a48⋯.jpg (63.22 KB, 649x767, 11:13, ed216899ea190e21b3bccb7fa3….jpg)

rey caught

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8c0342  No.14575782

File: 70b91f087fb438c⋯.png (146.62 KB, 297x234, 33:26, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4931  No.14575783

File: b2c5011c48efdaf⋯.jpeg (4.81 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, B15E1D67_40AF_4872_9C3C_8….jpeg)

Things we know of, but do we REALLY? Q

Kid sent this from her state indoctrination camp (university)

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00d0ec  No.14575784

File: 5d0633590b1cc86⋯.png (837.96 KB, 928x496, 58:31, niceone.png)

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6c4f43  No.14575785

File: cb8a572e543ac19⋯.jpg (24.72 KB, 439x363, 439:363, cb8a572e543ac19c7f27a421de….jpg)


proceed fren

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0f77f8  No.14575786

File: 1b4835fcc61dc70⋯.png (186.77 KB, 448x299, 448:299, Screen_Shot_2021_09_13_at_….png)

why must fox chase the cat?

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0cf03a  No.14575787


You can't accept it, can you.

That's sad~

At least God takes care of the Garbage.

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dc9ce7  No.14575788


I just grabbed the images from a previous bread and put them together for comparison.

It looks like the one.

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0d8544  No.14575789

>>14575150 lb pray

>>14575115 lb millions of people are going through this


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7fb9d3  No.14575790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


George Carlin - It's A Big Club And You Ain't In It!


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37b673  No.14575791


nice death star

it should guide us through the old fehgel forrest of larps

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0cf03a  No.14575792

File: 8f2967bf3eaa5db⋯.jpg (13.41 KB, 200x255, 40:51, Rejected.jpg)

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3c362e  No.14575793

File: 9647158c18f7235⋯.png (285.44 KB, 545x616, 545:616, 9647158c18f7235dcbf06acfc7….png)


Baker has irl, new baker self confirm


( •_•)

/ >👻

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7807f4  No.14575794

File: bc06040c538268d⋯.jpg (10.96 KB, 255x134, 255:134, df6509e7f1391629f7268ceef4….jpg)



*Thy accepted in this case

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682677  No.14575795


nuremberg criminals murderers

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b496ee  No.14575796

File: b132234ce7905b3⋯.png (741.17 KB, 1181x773, 1181:773, ClipboardImage.png)

Brad Hazzard Throws Temper Tantrum for Six Minutes Straight


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2b3694  No.14575797

File: 7ad37c835fe15b7⋯.png (304.15 KB, 699x539, 699:539, ClipboardImage.png)

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761ce9  No.14575798

File: 0af0e79cf784204⋯.png (8 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7e46bf7e2d9f1be2ee2545ed96….png)

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37b673  No.14575799

File: 60ec75bbee36327⋯.jpg (100.38 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

kato caught loVin goats

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28e7eb  No.14575800


I would imagine he has many direct back channels and it has not hit mainstream yet.

Concerned CA's most likely.

Just guessing.

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de9df0  No.14575801

File: 0f7b6c2ebeeca2e⋯.png (3.37 MB, 1200x1485, 80:99, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Air Force


Lt. Col. John “Karl” Marks, an @USAFReserve

pilot, made history as the only pilot to reach 7,000 hours in the A-10C Thunderbolt II. His story spans over three decades, beginning during the Cold War.


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a03936  No.14575802

File: 9d0ee9e9c3bc78e⋯.png (64.47 KB, 441x802, 441:802, ClipboardImage.png)


Watch cali.

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bd0b4c  No.14575803

File: 3f355f488b4d566⋯.jpeg (74.33 KB, 750x524, 375:262, FAB164FF_BAF1_4D30_B33E_5….jpeg)


Fucking glow monkeys?


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a79147  No.14575804

File: 648a4d72797eed4⋯.gif (157.06 KB, 500x640, 25:32, 20210629_032529.gif)

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3c362e  No.14575805

File: f6cd33af9e631b3⋯.jpeg (338.37 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, f6cd33af9e631b3b574405372….jpeg)


you cant see the trees through the green

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041b37  No.14575806

File: 1cc8420dc9e9f57⋯.jpg (118.95 KB, 1134x1204, 81:86, s_l1600.jpg)

File: bf3f376b6d3c46f⋯.jpg (93.5 KB, 1173x1060, 1173:1060, s_l1600_1_.jpg)



Now I just found this: Empty Cube Square Cardboard Box QVC Delivers Gift Present Ornament 3”x3” https://www.ebay.com/itm/184498525574

Hmm, never seen that Q from them before.

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0cf03a  No.14575807


Yarrrrr, me plans be feathered!

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a03936  No.14575808

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07c691  No.14575809

Why don't the media ask Joe Biden or his administration "Who is Q?"

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041b37  No.14575810


Forgot to add your post >>14575806

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0cf03a  No.14575811

File: ac4827eb9aca39f⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning07.png)

File: 0028c271171f02b⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning08.png)

File: 6a73268ac616d07⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning09.png)

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b952f5  No.14575812







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0e8081  No.14575813

File: f80c81b2c5f4ef1⋯.png (212.42 KB, 500x707, 500:707, worry.png)

Deep State Democrats are still laughing at Q's empty riddles…

American patriots will now activate Plan Z.

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0cf03a  No.14575814

File: e6b87a36e87e50a⋯.png (93.71 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0.png)

File: 1afeceb934303bf⋯.png (93.54 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1.png)

File: 50dafb19b5a364a⋯.png (93.59 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2.png)


henry divorced (you):fraud vitiates

Didn't you >hear<?

reaper broke promise:fr4ud


"Unit biD[e]n.bot"


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761ce9  No.14575815


great meme

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37b673  No.14575816

File: ca2edb27c1add34⋯.jpg (107.46 KB, 990x1239, 330:413, goatSEXfartstemple.jpg)

das homoeland security doxxer have cat memes from gehycowboy greased up greek dude's buttplug franchise

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ad1bb6  No.14575817


>Why don't the media ask Joe Biden or his administration "Who is Q?"

the same reason Vannity won't ask Trump?

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bed5e3  No.14575818

The agent who wrote the heavily redacted 9/11 report just released for families of victims suing Saudi arabia has the last name NICHOLAS

Oh, BTW, hurricane NICHOLAS is threatening TEXAS shore.

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0cf03a  No.14575819


Thanks for confirming.

May the lowest ring of hell serve you well~

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37b673  No.14575820


taht goat was asking for it too

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3c362e  No.14575821


better to be feathered than plucked!


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ad887d  No.14575822

File: db9b17f440d870e⋯.png (429.83 KB, 453x494, 453:494, ClipboardImage.png)

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57ee98  No.14575823

I checked the "Hide images" button, lowering my blood pressure and restoring peace and calm.

It's the only way.

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d5e45d  No.14575824


Possible random act of educating.


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37b673  No.14575825


weather ballons swampgasses released blamed on mexican beer disease taco bell farts

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01aaf4  No.14575826

File: 6276a63c1d12f82⋯.png (39.93 KB, 535x645, 107:129, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_0….png)

|Mother of UK PM Boris Johnson dead at 79


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0f77f8  No.14575827

File: 143b4fdfa704e7a⋯.png (17.01 KB, 110x118, 55:59, Screen_Shot_2021_09_13_at_….png)


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65bc0d  No.14575828

File: 971603222cccf84⋯.jpg (279.84 KB, 1555x990, 311:198, PsakiSplash.jpg)

File: 181bc3a1e1a4ced⋯.jpg (567.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, USSF.JPG)

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a4f3e5  No.14575829

File: 884fb69afeb3552⋯.png (1.27 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, b7be2667e63642013475486f54….png)

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0d8544  No.14575830


>>14575788 dubs


quad 8's

Its a parts filter box.

And it doesn't say Q delivers. Lol

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b952f5  No.14575831

File: b0cc91180ee65f8⋯.jpg (110.98 KB, 479x667, 479:667, DANCE_FUNGI_DANCE.jpg)

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f5750b  No.14575832


Same city same day

Police protest vaxx at gov legislature


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37b673  No.14575833


>taht goat was asking for it too

chewing cud inappropriately

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56742b  No.14575834


omg i did NOT miss your lame ass fucking memes–

die….plz, just die-

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f769b8  No.14575835

I have a simple request. Can we start a campaign of asking a very simple question?

Get all reporters/tweeters to ask if Joe Biden has asked for our equipment back.

Do you know how simple this question would be?

The trick is to keep it simple. Well did you ask them Joe? Why not?

Can you see how this could paint themselves in a corner really quickly?

Wargame it in your heads. It would make them fume. What could they say that wouldn't make them look like total pussies?

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af2a36  No.14575836

File: fe597c07679513f⋯.jpeg (18.26 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 7E71C6C0_89D9_4DB7_97FE_7….jpeg)

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733aae  No.14575837

File: 84c016884c1479c⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ff695e032d58e9⋯.png (659.76 KB, 1000x762, 500:381, ClipboardImage.png)

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422519  No.14575838

File: 9191e236190f8e9⋯.gif (4.25 MB, 310x310, 1:1, 9191e236190f8e9439c91e0d94….gif)

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0cf03a  No.14575839


Is that a nightmare threat sweetie?

Or a rare outword confirmation that's how you treat the minds here~

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0e8081  No.14575840

File: 0d018841b2d23a6⋯.png (211.41 KB, 500x707, 500:707, USA.png)

Q crashed into a brick wall and made Trump look retarded…

Luckily Plan Z will soon be activated.

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6e924a  No.14575841

and just like that

Images were working

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37b673  No.14575842

File: 2d3de03cb6e533e⋯.png (120.69 KB, 207x244, 207:244, 2d3de03cb6e533e4ebcc497786….png)

natural batters

needs sauce

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ad887d  No.14575843

File: d13d14020bcbdda⋯.png (146.61 KB, 316x518, 158:259, dom_co.png)

File: 660e568a40d5da2⋯.png (159.03 KB, 324x522, 18:29, dom_ga.png)

File: 7718614a45ea85c⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 332x525, 332:525, dom_mi.JPG)

File: 82176566a727048⋯.jpg (31.42 KB, 309x520, 309:520, dom_ok.JPG)

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0cf03a  No.14575844


Why'd you jump?

We were bantering so well~

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f769b8  No.14575845


Did you ask for the equipment?

Did you give them permission to use our equipment?

Did you ……..

Please help me get some simple questions started.

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b952f5  No.14575846





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ad887d  No.14575847

File: b4db900161cea69⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 480x304, 30:19, domi.gif)

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0cf03a  No.14575848

File: 759f7487a114c80⋯.jpg (37.36 KB, 200x255, 40:51, Rejected2.jpg)

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4741f1  No.14575849

File: b2670a43078db52⋯.png (117.25 KB, 360x270, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


I think Flintstones character Bam Bam's CLUB even has a pedo swirl designed into it.

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37b673  No.14575850

File: 41dcdf24ed9ac44⋯.png (51.7 KB, 268x188, 67:47, 41dcdf24ed9ac4405392ffb29a….png)


>natural batters

>needs sauce

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a03936  No.14575851

File: 4b2aed3ba626af6⋯.png (1.31 MB, 900x806, 450:403, JenaGriswold.png)

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36d1d4  No.14575852

File: 7d7e95dc58ae467⋯.png (4.27 KB, 478x78, 239:39, ClipboardImage.png)

Deployment of 51 Starlink satellites confirmed


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0cf03a  No.14575853

File: 8c3860a7c8f246c⋯.png (92.59 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost.png)

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0f77f8  No.14575854

File: 7b6f48b8591371a⋯.png (183.24 KB, 342x253, 342:253, Screen_Shot_2021_09_13_at_….png)

File: adb1b7cebc873f9⋯.png (142.62 KB, 265x261, 265:261, Screen_Shot_2021_09_13_at_….png)


no [R] males…

just say in.

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ad887d  No.14575855


Who's to say Operation Snow White ended?

When did it really begin? That's an interesting question imo.

Look at Jack Parsons and how far he made it into government affairs.

Look at what they're capable of.

How much real estate they have.

How many business ventures they have.

How many countries in which they operate.

How connected to Hollywood they are.

How curiously anti-pharma they are.

The "Religion" doesn't actually matter. They're very inclusive.

They are also very good at making their perceived enemies look bad.

There's a PR team of shills. It's what they do. Even Leah Remini pointed it out.

People who likely don't want to be there in the first place but can't jump a barbed wire fence.

People who squeezed the cans too many times and are now afraid the world will find out what they masturbate to.

Just something to keep in mind I guess.




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b496ee  No.14575856


When was she vaxxed up?

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2b3694  No.14575857

File: 5c7645f8d756831⋯.png (1.14 MB, 750x884, 375:442, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc9ce7  No.14575858


It says Q and says delivers on the bottom of the box.

Q Delivers and it's a cryptic photo, I think Q delivered.


Maybe it is only featured on a rectangular shape?

Possibly an older box?

Who knows, companies have a lot of different packaging options.

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b952f5  No.14575859

File: f35a55833c02c53⋯.jpg (122.66 KB, 693x506, 63:46, EVERYTHING.jpg)

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ac9ace  No.14575860

File: c14161b89528a60⋯.jpeg (383.25 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 06E21676_8A5F_453A_86B4_2….jpeg)


>Plan Z

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42212a  No.14575861


TERMITE cut beams?

many conspiracy theorists fail to realize that the twin towers were actually made of wood

demolition SQUIDS?

most fail to account for the large percentage of marine life that are in the deep state community

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500490  No.14575862

File: f810e00163526a0⋯.png (167.42 KB, 326x257, 326:257, ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm enjoying the images again

It's kind of like the board can see again?

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f5750b  No.14575863

File: 2c641fe43493bc0⋯.jpg (89.07 KB, 666x858, 111:143, 20210723_095525.jpg)

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0cf03a  No.14575864

File: 86138bb2e7c148e⋯.jpg (33.75 KB, 200x255, 40:51, Rejected4.jpg)


Because it isn't what you're mentioning at face value, it's the satanic marriage undertones you're deploying that I find revolting~

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2b3694  No.14575865

File: 433b9d64549a036⋯.png (819.69 KB, 750x884, 375:442, ClipboardImage.png)

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37b673  No.14575866

File: 352544c30a96204⋯.jpg (344.37 KB, 1404x1053, 4:3, 352544c30a96204cde431b6220….jpg)


>>natural batters

>>needs sauce

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4d4680  No.14575867

File: 1f63685493697c4⋯.png (966.01 KB, 3000x6734, 1500:3367, q_delivers.png)





>Q Delivers

Jewish Gematria equals: 983

English Gematria equals: 666

Simple Gematria equals: 111

>>14574261 /pb Chinese State Media Slams Soros As "The Most Evil Person In The World" And "The Son Of Satan"


Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/05/2018 12:16:50 ID: 472124

Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?

Did this seem strange to you?

Watch the news.

Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].

Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].

Soros transfer of wealth.

Dopey FREED.

Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.




News unlocks MAP.

Think Mirror.

Which team?

THEY don't know.


These people are EVIL.

Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?

20/20 coming.





Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?




Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/02/2018 21:47:41 ID: 3feab4












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b952f5  No.14575868

File: 1acf406bb6a9854⋯.jpg (115.1 KB, 491x689, 491:689, REALLY.jpg)

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a4f3e5  No.14575869

File: b735306ebe0e42e⋯.png (276.11 KB, 1185x1554, 395:518, 50077dd3c25668ad5ca3927bcc….png)

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0e8081  No.14575870

File: b2b6416db61bb82⋯.png (209.57 KB, 500x707, 500:707, timetochoose.png)




Q didn't deliver jack shit…..Trust Sessions.

American patriots will drain the swamp during Plan Z.

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f5750b  No.14575871


So did Wilma's bun 🤔

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761ce9  No.14575872

File: 79fb356dcdf31ad⋯.png (755.19 KB, 1280x614, 640:307, BLACK_BABIES5678.png)

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7ef50f  No.14575873



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17e83f  No.14575874


you're schizo as fuck but you have a point, I disabled images in my options and there is nothing being discussed. It actually got quieter when images came back. idk man

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65bc0d  No.14575875

File: 374dd29ebf0cef7⋯.jpg (27.43 KB, 397x298, 397:298, BezosLeft.JPG)

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a79147  No.14575876


using kaballah to defeat cabal…


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a03936  No.14575877

File: 546ecd2d280dbaa⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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b952f5  No.14575878

File: b1c423ae141d290⋯.jpg (120.79 KB, 513x697, 513:697, FUNGIFAIL.jpg)

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e1c645  No.14575879

File: 6774be21055321c⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 577x433, 577:433, pedovores_3lbq1v.jpg)

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57ee98  No.14575880


Can't see a damn thing you're sending me. Thank God!

What kind of turd bread is this anyway?

Nothing But Crap?

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ad887d  No.14575881

File: 24a9ce02ca1e1a8⋯.jpg (487.53 KB, 1304x1398, 652:699, miscavige_fike.jpg)


Like how Shelley's family basically ran Nevada?

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79ee99  No.14575882

File: 4e8ee1578f63b24⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1372x996, 343:249, 09_17_21.png)

September 17th is Constitution Day

September 17th is Constitution Day

September 17th is Constitution Day

September 17th is Constitution Day

September 17th is Constitution Day

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817025  No.14575883

File: 6e766e3d9a41895⋯.png (5.87 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, E6FDD188_0948_472A_AF93_E6….png)


Two masks can be useful

“Hide the ugly”

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dc9ce7  No.14575884


Shill is mad that Q delivered a moral booster instead of a booster shot.

Go ahead, say the line; I opened the door for you to say one of your favorite lines.

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0cf03a  No.14575885


We saw better before, now the enemy whom still has control over this board is redploying their fog-of-war.

The irritation, frustration, and blindness that ensues are BY CALCULATED DESIGN, and you'll forget this all as their spell of NPC'izing the viewers of their subliminal drumbeat is recast upon you.

Or, you can say fuck off, and reduce your attack surface area re: their images.

Ultimately, the biDens will continue showing us how little they respect Our Awakening and the admins of this board will be thrown to the side.

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8529c8  No.14575886

File: ea98f53cf61f289⋯.png (131.36 KB, 281x258, 281:258, ClipboardImage.png)

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65bc0d  No.14575887

File: 3d348d6d124adff⋯.jpg (120.76 KB, 960x890, 96:89, KillerPP.JPG)

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a03936  No.14575888


Liberals love masks.

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be9d96  No.14575889

File: 0a4706187be87a4⋯.jpeg (161.59 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 25CB973B_6CD5_4B8C_BFDC_A….jpeg)

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ae5a90  No.14575890


Trotsky killed himself. Circling back is the worst way.

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500490  No.14575891

File: 88859903f7d6ae7⋯.png (497.19 KB, 930x930, 1:1, uk_may_pm_trotsky.png)

File: 55cbf111e8e0406⋯.png (115.87 KB, 291x249, 97:83, kagan_neocons_trotsky_scot….png)

File: 6bd68c6dca9664f⋯.png (516.86 KB, 449x640, 449:640, ClipboardImage.png)


Cabal loved "Uncle Joe".

Then right around the time Stalin regime fucked up Trotsky,

Cabal hated Stalin

Something changed in Russia and I still don't know exactly what

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0cf03a  No.14575892

File: 143c5b60ce6cf21⋯.png (93.66 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0.png)

File: 3d57fda94412785⋯.png (93.73 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1.png)

File: 3eb2e4085370c87⋯.png (93.67 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 2.png)


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a79147  No.14575893

File: d3fed02a8260c7f⋯.jpg (229.27 KB, 924x928, 231:232, 20210913_224116.jpg)

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4336b0  No.14575894



We see what we want to see.

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761ce9  No.14575895

File: e04cb9cbe07895d⋯.jpg (160.74 KB, 868x800, 217:200, black_lives.jpg)

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b952f5  No.14575896

File: 72c35a00c7e051a⋯.jpg (77.71 KB, 760x436, 190:109, FOG_OF_WAR.jpg)





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4d39a5  No.14575897


From what? Not like there's any digs being discussed

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733aae  No.14575898

File: 6a8d1eaa47eed66⋯.png (126.2 KB, 320x262, 160:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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500490  No.14575899

File: 3e45eb853dff0f3⋯.webm (1.9 MB, 400x226, 200:113, native_drummer_the_holoca….webm)


this guy?

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67c2f7  No.14575900

File: cb1c5e017fc4144⋯.png (368.66 KB, 498x618, 83:103, 2f5de_0055792cc220113003j0….png)

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0cf03a  No.14575901

File: f035c026f739a63⋯.png (92.59 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost8.png)

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817025  No.14575902

File: d7734018b99dfa0⋯.png (3.87 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, 34AEA8AE_C0AB_4C3F_970E_82….png)

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422519  No.14575903

File: 1a08bf4f7d8a191⋯.gif (2.25 MB, 500x200, 5:2, tumblr_p63vmjw9wJ1ws13fzo2….gif)

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28e7eb  No.14575904


And shills truly believe they will somehow be exempt and welcomed into the club somewhere

down the line by their obedient gleeful opposition.

The top could give a rip.

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0e8081  No.14575905

File: 243c8e3c3134c42⋯.png (210.33 KB, 500x707, 500:707, timebomb.png)




Dip shit Q had no results, no victories. That's called losing.

Patriots will hunt down deep state traitors during Plan Z.

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ad887d  No.14575906

File: 48886b92907ea4b⋯.png (320.36 KB, 364x438, 182:219, ClipboardImage.png)

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733aae  No.14575907


>Why don't the media ask Joe Biden or his administration "Who is Q?"

It would be interesting if he answered it honestly and the media mocked him for it.

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4336b0  No.14575908


You can imagine what happens next.

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0f77f8  No.14575909

File: c26d17f9b986a53⋯.png (539.13 KB, 771x440, 771:440, Screen_Shot_2021_09_13_at_….png)

hey, faux,

human experimentation isn't constitutional.

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ad887d  No.14575910


He fixes the Kabul?

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ae5a90  No.14575911


Hold on. Switzerland said they're going to buy this round.

It's their turn.

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e79345  No.14575912


That would be a long-game theory, which is one.of anon's favorites. Govt would know which areas would have highest infection rates and stage activities there. Makes tons of sense why they would rage so hard against the anti-parasite drug.

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4336b0  No.14575913


Spoiler that shit, lol

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041b37  No.14575914


Boris Johnson pays tribute after his mum dies 'suddenly'


Suddenly. looking now to see if there's any mention of when she got her vaxx. Not finding anything so far.

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94bd11  No.14575915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4336b0  No.14575916


Don't be fatuous, Anon.

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dc9ce7  No.14575917




Eat shit glownigger, you're seriously retarded.

How the fuck do you plan on consensus cracking with a few generic shitposts?

You're garbage and no one takes you seriously, imagine calling yourself intelligence.

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be9d96  No.14575918

File: 239aa0f7d2d8bd1⋯.jpeg (151.82 KB, 750x701, 750:701, 0BF725BA_CDCD_413A_8E9E_5….jpeg)


Need Recall Newsome memes like Jim requested…


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8c0342  No.14575919

File: f7c997897850f9e⋯.png (134.38 KB, 326x342, 163:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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b952f5  No.14575920

File: 42128213df79261⋯.jpg (89.46 KB, 636x587, 636:587, MADE_IN_CCP_2.jpg)

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28791a  No.14575921


Hey, let them set themselves up for execution instead of just prison.

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57ee98  No.14575922

Bot bake with bot posts and bot replies?

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65bc0d  No.14575923

File: c44eed874f61280⋯.jpg (28.12 KB, 237x252, 79:84, StalinLaugh.JPG)

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5aac9f  No.14575924


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733aae  No.14575925

File: 4614bca770d73f2⋯.png (46.32 KB, 416x416, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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a4f3e5  No.14575926

File: 988fa1f09618cc9⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 442x236, 221:118, 65a688934d92a0322c0076d8a2….gif)

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897fe0  No.14575927

File: 112e5935a6d3e8a⋯.png (112.37 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

To think Ghandi did so much by just sitting there… patient. peaceful.

Imagine if Ghandi had 16gb of ram and he knew how to use it, oh and there were 1000s of him

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37b673  No.14575928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>cat memes from gehycowboy greased up greek dude's buttplug franchise

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e93de5  No.14575929

File: d3723b8cf8bf374⋯.png (901.59 KB, 658x659, 658:659, moon122323.png)

File: 0b952e070d89815⋯.png (993.45 KB, 658x659, 658:659, moon112323.png)

File: 191adbce27bca02⋯.png (1011.32 KB, 658x659, 658:659, moon1123.png)

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79ee99  No.14575930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We the People

Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, 1787, recognizing all who are born in the U.S.or by naturalization, have become citizens.






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817025  No.14575931


Did you mandate (they) get the shot or give equipment back?

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0e8081  No.14575932

File: 8bdf53cfa761127⋯.png (213.7 KB, 500x707, 500:707, amateur_hour_is_over.png)




Faggot pedophile you will be getting buttfucked by Antifa when Plan Z goes hot.

Bitch stay in you're basement when patriots activate Plan Z.

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5aac9f  No.14575933

File: 18d46b35b3c8eb1⋯.jpg (87.65 KB, 681x1091, 681:1091, 20210819_015543.jpg)

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761ce9  No.14575934

File: fb13103ade0d9cd⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB, 802x720, 401:360, evil_newsome.mp4)

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b952f5  No.14575935

File: 5b72ac0a9710129⋯.jpg (90.48 KB, 601x364, 601:364, WAR_PIG.jpg)

File: 54f43b910ceb810⋯.jpg (113.91 KB, 844x427, 844:427, ROCKET_POWER.jpg)

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84dd1e  No.14575936


>Cnn reported





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041b37  No.14575937


Saturday 14 August 2021

Carrie Johnson urges other pregnant women to get vaccine after getting her second jab

The prime minister's wife, who is pregnant and had a miscarriage this year, said she was concerned about getting the vaccine but the data shows there is no risk of miscarrying because of it.


Okay I'm figuring on around August going by his wife's vaxx status. I'm sure his mum got the vaxx around the same time.

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57ee98  No.14575938


No. I'm disgusted with human filth and trash.

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0cf03a  No.14575939

File: 6555370b000d934⋯.png (92.55 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost7.png)

File: d81f44043b6b70f⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 2880x4392, 40:61, This_Is_sick_spam.jpg)








sick_spammer has been here the entire time, now speaking of plan Z, related to his flood of terrible memes, unchanged in how disgusting he is or how malevolent his intention has been.

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e93de5  No.14575940

File: cdd36458607ea7c⋯.png (66.64 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 788623f0c7c8b56b962a5a015e….png)

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bfa994  No.14575941

So who is gonna win in Cali tomorrow?

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b496ee  No.14575942

File: 01f9fecc10d38d8⋯.jpg (67.59 KB, 635x422, 635:422, spaceforce.jpg)

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dc9ce7  No.14575943


Nice reddit spacing newfag, you're seriously retarded.

Are you just going to spend all night LARPing?

Way to glow in the fucking dark.. holy shit, what an idiot.

Stay easy.

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fac6e4  No.14575944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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761ce9  No.14575945


Elder unless they cheat.

I am going to the polls in the morning.

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f6cb10  No.14575946


Your light will irritate a lot of UNHEALED people….

Blessings to you all!

~ a patriotic navy veteran…

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0cf03a  No.14575947

File: 030a0c3bfde6fec⋯.png (92.6 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost5.png)

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b952f5  No.14575948

File: 3b32668645a28f1⋯.jpg (67.21 KB, 468x346, 234:173, SMASH.jpg)

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8529c8  No.14575949

File: 60bb6c111abc8fa⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1305x2913, 435:971, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4bbd2d0fb843c8⋯.png (969.44 KB, 849x1562, 849:1562, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 538a2582ee39d10⋯.png (849.46 KB, 913x1305, 913:1305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea12164a5b14008⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1553x2257, 1553:2257, ClipboardImage.png)

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4336b0  No.14575950

Clif High with Greg Hunter

Definitely worth the listen.


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fac6e4  No.14575951


Stay safe, Anon.

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817025  No.14575952


Kek, noice

Really needs a marshmallow and stick.

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ad887d  No.14575953

File: 569df1ca1d346c9⋯.png (160.24 KB, 502x346, 251:173, ClipboardImage.png)


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e79345  No.14575954

File: 47c456bb7ca740f⋯.png (771.44 KB, 948x752, 237:188, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8bdf172bb8b50f⋯.png (448.42 KB, 496x339, 496:339, ClipboardImage.png)


They look like rotworms from tibia. Funny thing how Norwegian crusted scabies eats bones.

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65bc0d  No.14575955


Lyme disease is caused by Borellia, which has weird, self-modifying DNA and may be connected with a Nazi bioweapons expert brought to Montauk lab (just across the water from Lyme, CT).

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be9d96  No.14575956

File: 92d10a1df3b48a0⋯.jpeg (98.79 KB, 750x623, 750:623, 969BCFDE_E5A2_42EC_929C_8….jpeg)


Great now we need some goat horns on him, like these…

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b952f5  No.14575957

File: 33bd4f766e692d5⋯.jpg (84.59 KB, 626x374, 313:187, SABOT_ROUNDS.jpg)

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a03936  No.14575959

File: b722572c868a834⋯.png (747.54 KB, 990x830, 99:83, NewsomHatesBears.png)


Mandela Effect:




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b496ee  No.14575960

File: c9b7934fd54da2b⋯.png (155.43 KB, 1080x1174, 540:587, vax23.png)

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fac6e4  No.14575961


incorrect equipment

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4336b0  No.14575962


Plum Island

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bfa994  No.14575963


So he is really doing that well? Not being smart…just on the East Coast.

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0cf03a  No.14575964

File: fb67092f8647757⋯.png (93.49 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 6.png)

File: ea9c323bb6ce74b⋯.png (93.65 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 7.png)

File: 52fabb6bfd3fc99⋯.png (93.63 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 8.png)

File: 7cc82311ba9ed32⋯.png (93.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 9.png)

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01aaf4  No.14575965

File: b14a85cc4d8eeff⋯.jpg (420.37 KB, 1612x1874, 806:937, E93qOzIWUAEKeGE.jpg)

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ac9ace  No.14575966


Been seeing reports already of people being told they already voted, just like with 2020 elections. Elder may win the real count, but expecting Newsom to be declared. It will add to the red pill currently being shoved up normies asses, reinforcing system-wide corruption and broken electoral processes.

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112ad9  No.14575967

File: 27ac038f4744dbe⋯.png (104.57 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)


>>14573152 PB Bread #18434



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041b37  No.14575968



11 January 2021

No10 defends Boris Johnson's father Stanley, 80, for receiving two doses of Covid vaccine because he was in 'first wave' of recipients before change in policy lengthened gap between jabs

Stanley Johnson got final jab dose on Friday after getting his first December 18

Others have to wait 12 weeks between jabs to ensure more people get first dose

No. 10 said Stanley was in 'first wave' before the rules changed to 12 weeks


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a79147  No.14575969

File: c23aa66a1e43031⋯.gif (2.25 MB, 639x639, 1:1, 20210913_225137.gif)

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65bc0d  No.14575970

File: 0f07648782f4601⋯.jpg (645.14 KB, 2011x1131, 2011:1131, BezosHatesTrees.jpg)

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0d8544  No.14575971

File: 688aed68c3df521⋯.png (76.34 KB, 254x281, 254:281, 20210913_224527.png)

File: 89f8633e7df9f1f⋯.png (91.84 KB, 254x281, 254:281, 20210913_224848.png)

File: bbee02bbd83da52⋯.png (36.08 KB, 158x159, 158:159, 20210913_224914.png)

File: 09d46f3caad905b⋯.png (37 KB, 158x159, 158:159, 20210913_225108.png)

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b952f5  No.14575972

File: f4320e26ef97e97⋯.jpg (97.29 KB, 421x673, 421:673, PIG_WICK.jpg)

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b496ee  No.14575973

File: 4b62bdbe7733c76⋯.jpg (111.73 KB, 960x829, 960:829, mask.jpg)

File: 738ae0bfe863521⋯.jpg (23.93 KB, 516x721, 516:721, mask2.jpg)

File: 6325b75b3a663f2⋯.jpg (163.22 KB, 1170x1413, 130:157, mask3.jpg)

File: 3ec35017c1c0de9⋯.png (82.46 KB, 576x324, 16:9, mask4.png)

File: 36a43dfb576494c⋯.jpg (105.96 KB, 680x680, 1:1, mask5.jpg)

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62435a  No.14575974


ahhhhh… is it me, or are NIGHT SHIT images back??



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7ef50f  No.14575975


No one, this is going to drag out for weeks. I hope it leads to a forensic audit and California voter fraud is finally laid bare.

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37b673  No.14575976


MORIArty yellow cake

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a4f3e5  No.14575978

File: 70e8b26a5f5c85d⋯.jpg (170.11 KB, 1115x632, 1115:632, 70e8b26a5f5c85dec080cf934e….jpg)

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be9d96  No.14575979



KMAO or roasting a hot dog on a stick

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b952f5  No.14575980

File: ed84fc56ee5b444⋯.jpg (96.94 KB, 781x472, 781:472, BADDA_BOOM_BOOM.jpg)

File: 4d07c7c12a9fd14⋯.jpg (144.96 KB, 746x518, 373:259, ONWARD_NO_FEAR.jpg)

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dc9ce7  No.14575981


Can definitely see the L in D E L I V E R S

Also has the same positioning points of the word.

Think we have a confirmation.

Plus the color scheme is on point.

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17e83f  No.14575982


See, like this. I have no idea what message you're trying to convey. Are you capable of using words?

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4336b0  No.14575983


Did anyone else ever wonder where the red brick road goes?

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fac6e4  No.14575984

File: ad8356f76adc3f8⋯.png (11.32 KB, 153x255, 3:5, d872f8d925faedb0dd7e2da276….png)

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733aae  No.14575985

File: 9364bbe23c725cb⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1486x991, 1486:991, ClipboardImage.png)


>It will add to the red pill

…timing is everything.

It would be a shame if the AZ audit report comes out immediately after Newsome is declared the winner in CA…

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4feae3  No.14575986

>>14575152 lb

All of the kids in picture with Resident Biden are wearing crocs. Does this mean anything?

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ad887d  No.14575987


Plum Island → The Nature Conservancy


Look at their board:

Shona Brown - Former VP Google

Lawrence Fink - CEO Blackrock

Senator William Frist

Joseph Gleberman - Treasurer & Managing Director, The Pritzker Organization

Sally Jewell - former Secretary of the Interior under Obama

Andrew Liveris - Former CEO Dow Chemical Co

Jack Ma - Lead Founder and Executive Chairman, Alibaba Group

Douglas Petno, CEO of Commercial Banking, JP Morgan Chase

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37b673  No.14575988

File: 1639f5deddf97c6⋯.png (71.81 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

kylo ren's gehyja joopoo h00m00 trout face

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761ce9  No.14575989


every Patriot I talk to is voting Elder

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e93de5  No.14575990

File: e94b5c90cf72a69⋯.png (494.64 KB, 482x488, 241:244, 0219837.png)

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37b673  No.14575991

bill gehtes weed is from the haystack mountain yellow cake

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be9d96  No.14575992



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65bc0d  No.14575993

File: 19e81d1975c7543⋯.png (1.11 MB, 997x973, 997:973, VoteBurn.PNG)

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37b673  No.14575994


to the fudge packer factory dante sold the sinotologoyists

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7ef50f  No.14575995


Elders will win if the cheating is reduced. They are scared and flew Bidet out to campaign tonight.

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bfa994  No.14575996

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0d8544  No.14575997


No, its two words.

While playing with it. It looks like the first 3 letters are "S&J"

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37b673  No.14575998




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e93de5  No.14575999

File: d2c29866cab878a⋯.png (618.26 KB, 843x500, 843:500, 0001.png)

File: 1b35ef5ff2fcfcb⋯.jpg (34.11 KB, 780x520, 3:2, 0029890.jpg)

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37b673  No.14576000


asshole of perniciousness

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e1c645  No.14576001

File: e22ef5af37bc4d2⋯.jpg (177.52 KB, 556x499, 556:499, small_shoes.jpg)

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f3558e  No.14576002

File: 2c9ce2cf3fb7f1c⋯.png (277.69 KB, 390x604, 195:302, B6E60262_64EB_4431_89DE_F0….png)


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e93de5  No.14576003

File: b1cc2fb4dfa792b⋯.jpg (155.07 KB, 1600x1202, 800:601, 0029891.jpg)

File: a0b47b52a6a7513⋯.jpg (32.55 KB, 480x415, 96:83, 0208176.jpg)

File: fbfd8ff02183e72⋯.jpg (271.49 KB, 730x494, 365:247, 16260029791.jpg)

File: 29411dfc3ec8b96⋯.jpg (395.12 KB, 878x610, 439:305, 0207844.jpg)

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e79345  No.14576004

File: 927cd8511d72fa0⋯.jpg (116.16 KB, 403x500, 403:500, RecallNewsome19thCent.jpg)

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37b673  No.14576005




irradiated cow anus 'fart vader'

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e93de5  No.14576006

File: 90dff3d43a97b5f⋯.jpg (377.54 KB, 876x610, 438:305, 0207843.jpg)

File: 48f28d4d37fa457⋯.jpg (380.54 KB, 878x610, 439:305, 0207845.jpg)

File: 1f5270c11c107c7⋯.png (217.34 KB, 550x359, 550:359, 1541996177960.png)

File: caca0358707f99a⋯.jpg (80.75 KB, 889x835, 889:835, caca0358707f99a1e120d127cb….jpg)

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94bd11  No.14576007

File: 3976cd8763a5366⋯.jpeg (43.47 KB, 720x618, 120:103, 5B8A93F5_30CE_4E42_A0D8_F….jpeg)


Same. It’s pretty wild. Their bodies are the shells and I see what’s in them. I’m becoming moar sensitive to it as things progress. I’m already highly intuitive, can see auras n hear thoughts, etc… but I see where how they lack God.

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f769b8  No.14576008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I really think that there was no covid during 2020 but when they made the vaccine, this was the real "covid". Notice how people we know are now getting really sick? I never knew a single person that got really sick in 2020. I just got over this shit. It took me a month. I used Ivermectin from tractor supply, Thymosin Alpha 1, and got 2 glutathione IV injections. My mom was so sick I put her on the same protocol but added 1mg BPC-157 per day and 1 mg of TB-500 every other day. I've never seen her so sick.

I have found out that this is most likely not a virus at all. This is a mold/yeast/fungus/bacteria. These characters are the same thing, just different clothing.

If you want to kill almost anything in your body then check out ozone therapy for your blood. I swear this is the biggest thing to ever come out. It is not new either. Nothing can survive when it comes in contact with O3. They do not want us to know about ozone therapy or peptide therapy or NAD+ IV therapy because it CANNOT BE PATENTED!

I have used ozone therapy along with peptides and all anons should get it done ASAP to protect themselves. This is the real deal.

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d3eb55  No.14576009

can't sleep

some kind of bird of prey is

freaking out outside my window…

strange night indeed

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65bc0d  No.14576010

File: dc210d583986eed⋯.jpg (318.48 KB, 1080x1280, 27:32, Covid19Expert.JPG)

File: a48d996d5eab6a2⋯.jpg (214.27 KB, 1280x854, 640:427, CovidBlindfold.JPG)

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37b673  No.14576011



bejamin franklin still wants to get banged like a turkey

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be9d96  No.14576012


Newsom not Newsome like I had written it kek sorry bout that lads…

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e93de5  No.14576013

File: eaaa310cfff79ad⋯.jpeg (591.12 KB, 1066x1034, 533:517, eaaa310cfff79ad83ebfbe1ca….jpeg)

File: df786d2804fd743⋯.jpg (193.55 KB, 600x708, 50:59, sweatynipples.jpg)

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b952f5  No.14576014

File: 35818f6cfa693e6⋯.jpg (134.01 KB, 752x545, 752:545, GET_SOME_AUDITS.jpg)

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37b673  No.14576015

File: fe8745a9da1a26d⋯.png (96.05 KB, 303x166, 303:166, ClipboardImage.png)




in reagen heaven you can ride a RGB pedoraptor to invade panam for bush coCIAne

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5aac9f  No.14576016

File: 135f01aae2da822⋯.jpg (301.87 KB, 2160x3840, 9:16, 20210914_005647.jpg)

Saw a pic of w. on history 911 special.

On board af1 on 911 W. was wearing a belt that had a giant solmani type ruby on the buckle.

cant find the pic

these are the best I found

But there a much better clear one

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a9e45c  No.14576017

File: ca5d1cf40838217⋯.png (80.83 KB, 254x281, 254:281, 20210913_225801.png)

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07d784  No.14576018

File: b71df649389d998⋯.png (758.62 KB, 990x1105, 198:221, schumer_disappoint_enough_….png)

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fac6e4  No.14576019


owls do that

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07c691  No.14576020

Anyone have the info graphic about the families who control Cali? Newsom in there.

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3fe9b2  No.14576021

File: a6f7ef264c189b7⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 400x225, 16:9, bricksgold.jpg)

"Like It's Loose Change": Taliban Says Former Afghan VP Left Behind $6 Million Cash & Gold Bars At Residence


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f769b8  No.14576022


Oh that's good.

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9a5763  No.14576023

Anyone else love that everyone is only talking about the kids wearing Trump gear in the Biden 9/11 photo op and yet no one mentions the Q on top of the lockers?

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01aaf4  No.14576024

File: 9f06b6b91302563⋯.png (357.09 KB, 535x680, 107:136, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_0….png)



A gold mask dating back over 3,000 years is among hundreds of relics uncovered from a series of sacrificial pits in southwest China, according to the Sichuan Provincial Cultural Heritage Administration


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65bc0d  No.14576025

File: 25ef15b2fe68406⋯.jpg (633.98 KB, 2045x1184, 2045:1184, Q_Military.JPG)

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94bd11  No.14576026

File: e84084070a6aac3⋯.jpeg (64.84 KB, 258x360, 43:60, 824724FB_ABCF_4F6C_B027_4….jpeg)


That shit is so fkn top Kek. One time, in band camp, I saw a meme with shim’s real face but I had to check if it was the actor guy photoshopped on there or not. Holeee shit. They look almost identical to me. I’m stealing all of these. Here’s some 8kun cash. 💰💰💰

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0cf03a  No.14576027

File: 5c43a16c921e030⋯.png (92.65 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost2.png)

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761ce9  No.14576028

File: 1569941325cfce5⋯.jpg (97.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pelosi_connections.jpg)

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e93de5  No.14576029

File: 9d2138ae002eca3⋯.jpg (136.88 KB, 500x682, 250:341, 1583371339026.jpg)

File: eba2326d362d5e8⋯.jpg (113.82 KB, 1078x962, 539:481, 1547002456809.jpg)

File: 7298819e2a337c6⋯.png (2.12 MB, 2344x1458, 1172:729, 27a30c1355efa18bfea337a11a….png)

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f769b8  No.14576030


You've got to get that one out there to someone's twitter that actually has balls.

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4336b0  No.14576031

File: 85b523eeb15fcf1⋯.jpg (76.75 KB, 577x745, 577:745, Lab257.JPG)


Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Germ Laboratory

Strictly off limits to the public, Plum Island is home to virginal beaches, cliffs, forests, ponds – and the deadliest germs that have ever roamed the planet. Lab 257 blows the lid off the stunning true nature and checkered history of Plum Island. It shows that the seemingly bucolic island in the shadow of New York City is a ticking biological time bomb that none of us can safely ignore.

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b65c06  No.14576032

File: 6c57a566d05b878⋯.jpeg (82.22 KB, 1077x842, 1077:842, E_P7Dy6XoAAMWD_.jpeg)

Just a healthy reminder that numbers don't lie, the establishment do.

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a03936  No.14576033

File: 5d56293c96d7dde⋯.png (15.79 KB, 848x189, 848:189, ClipboardImage.png)


Ivermectin for Crusted Norwegian Scabies Induced by Use of Topical Steroids

February 1998.

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b952f5  No.14576034

File: c7900072408bfc7⋯.jpg (71.87 KB, 461x564, 461:564, JENGA.jpg)

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42212a  No.14576035


ghandi was a child molester

they do not "push' him as much anymore

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ae5a90  No.14576036

File: 5f95f173a4d85e9⋯.png (401.4 KB, 1124x558, 562:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c030194a670c2e1⋯.png (661.8 KB, 509x507, 509:507, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 019a7a605c41817⋯.png (234.89 KB, 510x286, 255:143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af4365bb1bba24b⋯.png (535.12 KB, 980x609, 140:87, ClipboardImage.png)

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6dfd03  No.14576037

File: 4ebd70c0f80576b⋯.png (13.41 KB, 207x255, 69:85, newsome.png)

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57ee98  No.14576038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Middle Finger

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8c0342  No.14576039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e79345  No.14576040

File: 803337ca024a59c⋯.jpg (123.85 KB, 403x500, 403:500, ScabieNewsom.jpg)


Kek. Didn't even notice. This one is spelled correctly.

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a9e45c  No.14576041

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041b37  No.14576042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mon 13 Sep 2021

‘It’s a reality’: Biden calls for urgency in California as climate crisis fuels wildfires

President calls year-round fires an emergency country can no longer ignore as he advocates for rebuilding plan


You sure 'bout that Bejing Biden?

May 13, 2021

CALIFORNIA, USA — Cal Fire said that they have arrested 44 people suspected of arson in the first four months of 2021.

In a tweet Thursday, Cal Fire said that the number of arson arrests averages out to one arrest every three days.

According to a graphic, the arrests are already over a third of the total arrests for arson by Cal Fire law enforcement officers in 2020 and more than half of the total arrests the four years before that.

Total arson arrests by Cal Fire per year:

2021 so far: 44

2020: 120

2019: 70

2018: 61

2017: 86

2016: 73


August 12, 2021

The California wildfires that led to ex-professor’s arson arrest

The warrant affidavit (embedded below) that was filed Aug. 8 concerning Gary Stephen Maynard, 47, mentions five fires believed to be arson, in July and August. He has been formally accused of setting just one, on Aug. 7, but his proximity to the earliest of them prompted tracking of his movements.

In addition to the approximate locations of the five fires, the map above indicates by blue dots places where the complaint says Maynard was known to be over the course of two weeks.

The first two fires, Cascade (1) and Everitt (2), began on July 20 and 21 on the southern flank of Mount Shasta. At that time, the lightning-sparked Lava Fire, which caused extensive evacuations near the city of Weed, had been burning for almost a month on the other side of the mountain.

The Cascade Fire was reported by mountain bikers who attempted to keep the flames contained for 45 minutes until firefighters arrived.


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82ffcc  No.14576043

File: 99a7d0b97d12cda⋯.jpg (15.61 KB, 291x415, 291:415, 66835aaf846422b9fded7b7c3b….jpg)

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e93de5  No.14576044

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4d39a5  No.14576045


check out Clif's bitchute channel

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01aaf4  No.14576046

File: 5b1b98ca8a7c12b⋯.png (273.42 KB, 535x604, 535:604, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_0….png)

File: be32bd4f70fa3b7⋯.jpg (781.48 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E_M1lvXUYAU6SSk.jpg)

File: ffa3f19f43af676⋯.jpg (383.25 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, E_NaiiJVUAAfBfy.jpg)

Fire at will!


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974f86  No.14576047

File: fb00f3c9b08851c⋯.jpg (155.73 KB, 718x957, 718:957, 20210913_230046.jpg)


Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan tour manager Mick Brigden dead at 73 following accident at his home

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ae5a90  No.14576048

File: a1876a5b2ef23db⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1024x587, 1024:587, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6bdd2e6e25da23⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1011x807, 337:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4af708668333937⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1024x1014, 512:507, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 458a53ee653a1f5⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1125x1174, 1125:1174, ClipboardImage.png)

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4336b0  No.14576049


The SubGenius must have SLACK!

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a4f3e5  No.14576050

File: 49780ef4d11e5a4⋯.jpg (29.91 KB, 430x215, 2:1, 5131680.jpg)

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453c95  No.14576051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Biden just Promised this…. 😂😂😂


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dc9ce7  No.14576052


Looks like DELIVERS to me.

You're really trying hard to push the idea that it doesn't say that.

Funny stuff.


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8c0342  No.14576053

File: 123026c7ef12df4⋯.png (448.83 KB, 461x342, 461:342, ClipboardImage.png)

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a03936  No.14576054

File: 70d86d5eeb28723⋯.png (885.3 KB, 747x560, 747:560, ClipboardImage.png)

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b952f5  No.14576055

File: 124dba23be6d4d0⋯.jpg (96.03 KB, 607x530, 607:530, KEEP_PULLING.jpg)

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0cf03a  No.14576056


This is an agent.

They're working a bit like the Pixar artists right now.

Animating the lifeless objects around you.

Surrounding your dreamstate with fear, the fear embedded in their pictures.

These people, you're posting next to, that you've read day after day, are sick.

They are the evil you're Praying to if you trust what they speak of God here about.

(You) want God?

Read the Bible.

Know well how Protected You are under His Wings of Wings, the King of Kings, the God of Abraham.

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5aac9f  No.14576057

When you go camp and forget the bottle opener, that tooth comes in handy. >>14576006

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b65c06  No.14576058

File: cbb2ae8ff6cace7⋯.jpeg (45.1 KB, 727x701, 727:701, E94ihCeXIAEZUFA.jpeg)


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716661  No.14576059


this is so hard to watch.

I feel so small right now.

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01aaf4  No.14576060

File: 5235c825eb53a99⋯.png (242.77 KB, 535x612, 535:612, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_0….png)


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94bd11  No.14576061

File: 4d90cd4f0c2f513⋯.jpeg (24.38 KB, 258x245, 258:245, 3A4B9A7E_CBFB_4207_A325_3….jpeg)

File: 53d4c0cc9cdeb9d⋯.jpeg (23.47 KB, 385x378, 55:54, 54E37CA3_1888_465D_9A01_6….jpeg)


Fuck. I can’t “breath!” ThanQ, Anon.

AndTHANQ, Jim. 🙏😇 We can seeagain.

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20743a  No.14576062

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4d39a5  No.14576063

File: c20e421087a36c9⋯.png (280.31 KB, 463x353, 463:353, ClipboardImage.png)


>can see auras n hear thoughts

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4336b0  No.14576064


Yeah, listened to the one from the 12th yesterday, and the one from the day before earlier. Amazing shit.

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37b673  No.14576065

File: 012bd0603af84c8⋯.png (498.02 KB, 768x773, 768:773, ClipboardImage.png)

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6c4f43  No.14576066

File: 0258222b49be063⋯.jpg (21.55 KB, 500x281, 500:281, sosmall.jpg)


is this for ants?

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8529c8  No.14576067

File: 968f3c93a561855⋯.png (454.95 KB, 833x1453, 833:1453, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9e45c  No.14576068


I think it's the same company, that changed their box design recently. Because the two definitely don't say the same thing.

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ac9ace  No.14576069

File: cef610e132edf86⋯.png (908.33 KB, 1617x645, 539:215, F3D4CFB9_B5DC_48A5_8BE0_45….png)



No skull, Q logo with black under it like left side of right pic

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4d39a5  No.14576070



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a79147  No.14576071

File: e6533af28f782e3⋯.png (874.35 KB, 1074x933, 358:311, Photo_1631596016480.png)

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4336b0  No.14576072


Used to get the ALTA reports when he was still doing them. Paid for some of them in silver dimes. :)

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a9e45c  No.14576073

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dc9ce7  No.14576074


Just look at the positioning of the word on the bottom.

It fits the shape of DELIVERS, plus if you look closely you can make out the DELI part of DELIVERS.

Notice the S lines up just at the curve of the Q's "tail"

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3fe9b2  No.14576075




Endgame Begins: Evergrande Hires Bankruptcy Advisors As Furious Investors Protest Imminent Default


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37b673  No.14576076

File: d1495d7975f8ec0⋯.png (251.48 KB, 388x409, 388:409, ClipboardImage.png)



>in reagen heaven you can ride a RGB pedoraptor to invade panam for bush coCIAne

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a03936  No.14576077

File: 8112f945f150df6⋯.png (1.09 MB, 665x889, 95:127, ClipboardImage.png)

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84dd1e  No.14576078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I have a simple request. Can we start a campaign of asking a very simple question?


>Get all reporters/tweeters to ask if Joe Biden has asked for our equipment back.

what "our equipment"?

isn't it enough to be the loser, should one also be a beggar after that?

the military hardware was donated to the Afghanistan government and military … Taliban is now the government and the military …

I don't know if there was any End User Agreement with conditions

I don't think Taliban is willing to donate the gear to the USA.

there was a predictive programming song applying to the situation

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e93de5  No.14576079

File: 4031b2b846a7ba4⋯.jpg (21.42 KB, 250x365, 50:73, 1579740725330.jpg)

File: ad695f94e268cea⋯.jpg (25.78 KB, 240x300, 4:5, 1547012590942.jpg)


Oh Behave

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817025  No.14576080


No active accounts in ammo can, Anon spent ammo to fast.

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ad887d  No.14576081

File: 69879d0f4bceb72⋯.png (22.48 KB, 509x407, 509:407, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone search Getty Images lately?

This showed up for a split second while loading search results.

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0f77f8  No.14576082

File: 90e13e4fd88d6aa⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1312x572, 328:143, Screen_Shot_2021_09_13_at_….png)

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817025  No.14576083



(In before grammar kitten)

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3faba1  No.14576084


All we need to see is her eyes to get the impression of what she is feeling.

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42212a  No.14576085


it means it is summer in pennsylvania

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3fe9b2  No.14576086

Facebook's Invisible Elite Rules Highlight Zuckerberg's Blatant Lies


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b952f5  No.14576087





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4feae3  No.14576088


I mentioned that they are all wearing crocs. Kek!

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4d39a5  No.14576089


me too. He's helping to keep me sane right now kek

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dc9ce7  No.14576090

File: 746e45ea014f2f5⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1617x645, 539:215, qder2.png)



They line up, take a look.

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ae5a90  No.14576091

File: a3be62771bb2d1b⋯.png (285.63 KB, 1320x1171, 1320:1171, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ff0972aec79b70⋯.png (976.82 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81c912ae430ab7f⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1536x1152, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08da842236868aa⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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0cf03a  No.14576092

File: a489603c97d0fff⋯.png (949.96 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SYGMEF7A1PGVXTD3.png)

File: a57be3f924cf210⋯.png (918.3 KB, 800x533, 800:533, DItWWN64azLDB8Wt.png)

File: 2dd954f85375151⋯.png (891.1 KB, 800x740, 40:37, 2GTjGWeH.png)

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a9e45c  No.14576093


Ok, you may be right. It still looks like there is a space after the first 3 letters. Like the "I" is missing.

Moving on, thnx

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4d39a5  No.14576094

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b65c06  No.14576095

File: 56661a732cb6ab3⋯.jpeg (104.33 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, E_xY0JHWUAQSxvR.jpeg)


Chill, it's the magnifying glass img. Don't lose your head and get Qitis

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733aae  No.14576096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Did someone say "Newsom"?

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2db694  No.14576097


Should say something about shagging.

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01aaf4  No.14576098

File: 598895e23728cc3⋯.png (150.7 KB, 535x577, 535:577, Screenshot_2021_09_14_at_0….png)

President Biden: “I’m going to make this as simple as I can. You either keep Gavin Newsom as your governor or you’ll get Donald Trump”


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62435a  No.14576099


"KC! good to have you back bro!" –Qball

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3fe9b2  No.14576100

Biden in SoCal: “You Either Keep Newsom as Your Governor or You’ll Get Donald Trump – Not a Joke” (VIDEO)


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07c691  No.14576101



Thanks! Figured helpful for recall and didn't find it scrolling.

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ad887d  No.14576102


In Rose's post she mentions that Newsom's sister in law is married to Josh Schiller

Son of Jonathan Schiller of Boies, Schiller and Flexner

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b952f5  No.14576103

File: 99015228ef40b6f⋯.jpg (122.06 KB, 511x695, 511:695, COPYPASTA_FAIL.jpg)

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37b673  No.14576104

File: 8bc0757a4698246⋯.png (746.36 KB, 773x768, 773:768, ClipboardImage.png)

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95f9cd  No.14576105

Don't get your hopes up anons.

We already know who will be the winner (stolen).

Timing is everything.

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4d39a5  No.14576106

File: d9f604fac2d0f00⋯.png (1.47 MB, 946x1092, 473:546, ClipboardImage.png)

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b65c06  No.14576107

File: 85d129500f85901⋯.gif (356.18 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 85d129500f8590118ec8e8d7c1….gif)


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fadc22  No.14576108

I just want my buddy to live happy and free

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b952f5  No.14576109

File: c487fec7f992dbf⋯.jpg (114.54 KB, 568x553, 568:553, BLANKET_COMFY.jpg)

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5ee0da  No.14576110


I will be the first to say it. Gov Elder.

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4336b0  No.14576111


Second largest Chinese holders of real estate in the US, largest Chinese holders in AUS…

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041b37  No.14576112


Arsonists would like a word with you Beijing Biden

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01aaf4  No.14576114

File: bd7b6eb154dd608⋯.jpg (38.5 KB, 680x389, 680:389, wQ_259u3.jpg)

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716661  No.14576115

I totally forgot about the internet kill switch


If the power goes out…..know that patriots are in control.

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112ad9  No.14576116

File: c4093b0f901abbf⋯.png (6.47 KB, 789x80, 789:80, ClipboardImage.png)

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3fe9b2  No.14576117

Biden’s Motorcade Booed by Huge Mob of Trump Supporters at Long Beach City College (VIDEO)


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65bc0d  No.14576118

File: 7dfe6500ffe728d⋯.png (156.89 KB, 531x503, 531:503, ObamaMike.PNG)

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ad887d  No.14576119


Search the site regularly, that's new as of a couple days ago

Yes it's the magnifying glass

But it's also a Q

Showing up on a Getty site

Just before the Newsom recall

Worth throwing out there

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57ee98  No.14576120

What have we learned in the last two weeks?

How do we apply that wisdom today, in order to save America and its long lost values?

Back to business as usual?

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bdfffb  No.14576121

This image thing is interdasting. I could get used to it.

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ae5a90  No.14576122

File: fa208225d2149e6⋯.png (176.52 KB, 656x400, 41:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 167b2fecac4323e⋯.png (186.51 KB, 656x400, 41:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcbead3b20ce095⋯.png (527.94 KB, 500x562, 250:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77ee95392957b4c⋯.png (500.37 KB, 500x562, 250:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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e93de5  No.14576123

File: fc07ceb4fb09026⋯.png (532.24 KB, 739x909, 739:909, 2f0f13.png)

File: d262e62410a48d5⋯.png (1012.02 KB, 887x693, 887:693, 00119284.png)

File: 12b6c40f3b74437⋯.jpg (100.44 KB, 747x500, 747:500, 12b6c40f3b74437aafe243b8ae….jpg)

File: 54acc75f4f7b3ba⋯.png (129.53 KB, 255x279, 85:93, 00119186.png)

File: 7c6dfcb59c76fc6⋯.png (559.38 KB, 1002x443, 1002:443, 1544225739684.png)

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b65c06  No.14576124

File: 422e72975e123ba⋯.jpg (150.73 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, 422e72975e123bab8895a53135….jpg)


Holeee fuck, what a Freudian slip. Elder gets elected, Trump gets reinstated?

Let's hope the CA fraud coverup is especially messy. Something worse than literal suitcases full of votes on camera. Get this shit over with and get Trump back in the seat.

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fadc22  No.14576125


That’s dope

I need a cuddle buddy…

I’m going to bed and I’m missing… family .. >>14576123

Not wrong

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b952f5  No.14576126

File: 1f112bcbf0bc764⋯.jpg (106.51 KB, 643x441, 643:441, AUDIT_HEEYA.jpg)

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4d39a5  No.14576127


Mike's got male-pattern baldness happening now. You can see it in the pic of him at the 9/11 ceremony

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4feae3  No.14576128


Scratching head here, who is a Biden endorsing? I think pretty much everyone wants Trump back so I think it must be an endorsement for Elder. LOL

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4336b0  No.14576129


Yeah, no shit. Freaked me out a bit about the "Sun disease" and 1.27B dead he found when he first started doing this shit in the 90's. He was writing about that in 2004.

Corona -> Sun

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a03936  No.14576130


where did this picture of a QVC box come from?

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500490  No.14576131

File: ac3caf6b7faf007⋯.jpeg (427.74 KB, 1073x720, 1073:720, gavin_needles_into_arms_c….jpeg)

>>14574261 pb

>Chinese State Media Slams Soros As "The Most Evil Person In The World" And "The Son Of Satan"

who to pick, and what is this

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37b673  No.14576132

File: ca3fcab145116f5⋯.png (141.64 KB, 315x315, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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57ee98  No.14576133

Yeah…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… thanks, Jim.

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ae5a90  No.14576134

File: 7001585689bc335⋯.png (462.5 KB, 678x545, 678:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7520aec512e9921⋯.png (216.32 KB, 800x389, 800:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fca5aeea7cd2c8⋯.png (593.35 KB, 800x400, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01dc9d611c5184b⋯.png (482.94 KB, 673x649, 673:649, ClipboardImage.png)