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587c8f  No.14574060[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>14468268, >>14471221, >>14484364, >>14490001 Jim Watkins, images will not work on 8kun until a new host is found.

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587c8f  No.14574068

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements


>>14573374, >>14573385, >>14573391, >>14573411, >>14573436, >>14573457, >>14573535, >>14573352, >>14573354, >>14573386, >>14573416, >>14573462, >>14573535, >>14573680, >>14573696, >>14573358, >>14573363, >>14573367, >>14573372, >>14573378, >>14573403, >>14573419, >>14573450, >>14573452, >>14573549, >>14573565, >>14573573, >>14573835, >>14573352, >>14573354, >>14573362, >>14573364, >>14573373, >>14573376, >>14573379, >>14573386, >>14573416, >>14573462, >>14573535 , >>14573605, >>14573629, >>14573694, >>14573796 Anons celebrate Jim Watkins and images on *kun Image Board, Thank you Jim and team.

>>14573394 West Virginia University Employee Speaks Out About Her Horrible Pain and Suffering After Getting Vaxxed at Employee Meeting Against Mandatory Vaccine Mandate

>>14573395 Jeffrey Peterson See you at tonight's "Ask and Answer" Linux audio Livestream with Will Welker, here @ 8:00pm EST!

>>14573404 New Yorkers Chant “F**k Joe Biden” as They March on Brooklyn Bridge Against Mandatory Vaccines

>>14573459 Israeli spy tech firm exploited vulnerability on ALL IPHONE devices to implant ‘Pegasus’ malware

>>14573481 Governor: State law bars cities, employers from firing unvaccinated workers $5,000 fines for compliance with Biden vaccine mandate

>>14573504, >>14573546 Veronica Wolski Thank you for your service and love, you lead by example. Godspeed

>>14573632, >>14573655, >>14573685, >>14573691, >>14573693, >>14573720, >>14573822 Biden photo bombed by Q and Q+

>>14574053 #18435

#18434 TBC


>>14571823 COVID Data, Facts Not Fear

>>14571832 VPOTUS pushing vaccines on children

>>14571842 Afghanistan right now is going to be [stolen by] 'NGO and UN agencies' ~ Blinken testimony

>>14571845 Biden Regime To Send $64 Million In Foreign Aid To Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan After Humiliating Retreat

>>14571851 Small plane crashes off the Greek island of Samos after leaving Israel

>>14571911 Three California Recall Ballots Were Sent to Address of Deceased American Veteran and Patriot Ashli Babbitt, Who Was Shot and Killed at Capitol on Jan 6

>>14571919 #Marines assigned to the U.S. Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon rehearse aboard @MCB_Hawaii

>>14571939 Washington Woman Convicted of Terror Charge On Train Tracks

>>14571974 Trump gave a dire warning detailing what he believes is happening to military equipment left behind by the Joe Biden administration in Afghanistan

>>14571975 Libyan authorities arrest Somali crime lord for human and organ trafficking

>>14571981 Pentagon reclaims 6% of the entire internet that was mysteriously handed over to a Florida company on the day Trump left office

>>14572016, >>14572041 anon dig on Michael Morell

>>14572034 Blackburn Suggests Biden’s Afghan Exit Was Intentionally Botched to Aid China

>>14572038 Apple issued emergency updates to fix a flaw that allows highly invasive spyware to infect anyone’s iPhone, Apple Watch or Mac computer without so much as a click

>>14572058 Israeli Ministry of Health recorded saying to the Minister of Interior "there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate"

>>14572085 Rep Scott Perry to a virtually-present Sec. of State Antony Blinken: "[You] couldn't be bothered to come down here and see Congress. Alright, that's great."

>>14572091 Veronica Wolski, Chicago woman at the center of ivermectin firestorm, dies. See you on the other side Patriot o7!

>>14572112 Thank you for honoring them Rep. Mast!

>>14572236 Secretary of State Blinken Says Only “Some” of the 60,000 Afghans Brought to US Meet the Qualifications For SIV

>>14572240 Switzerland: "Very important to engage with Taliban at present moment" - UN chief Guterres

>>14572250 Federally Contracted Workers Destroy Building Materials From Trump’s Border Wall in Arizona for Scrap as Hole in the Wall Remain

>>14572260 Jury Convicts Foreign Service Officer and Former Spouse for Obtaining U.S. Citizenship by Fraud

>>14572290 Fauci-Funded Wuhan Research Relied On Human Blood Samples Provided by China’s Military

>>14572309 Delta Airlines official says 4,000 unvaccinated employees got shots after surcharge announcement, Delta is guilty of coercion

>>14572328 PA Senate President Pro Tempore Corman Responds to Governor Wolf’s Recall Request, "False Accusations"

>>14572436 Brave supermodel exposes the dark side of Victoria's Secret | 60 Minutes Australia

>>14572408, >>14572442 Dan Coats, an American statesman and diplomat, will be honored with the International Citizen of the Year Award at the September 14, 2021 event

>>14572464 #18433

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587c8f  No.14574071


>>14570986 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America: So interesting to watch former President Bush

>>14571062 More people showing up to vote and being told that they already voted in California's recall election.

>>14571066 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America: Does anybody really believe the California Recall Election isn’t rigged?

>>14571116 Here we go! Chris Wolfe reports for the KTLA 5 News –What is going on in the Recall Election?

>>14571119 California Republicans told they ‘already voted’ when showing up to cast recall ballots

>>14571150 Three California ballots were mailed to Ashli Babbitt's address: Ashli (deceased) and two other people don't live at her address.

>>14571157 According to VAERS Website: The US Is Averaging 70 Deaths per Day Due to COVID Vaccine Since July 24th — Or 3,296 COVID Total Vaccine Deaths

>>14571255 Secretary Blinken testifies before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs - 2:00 PM

>>14571368 Homeland Security chief of staff abruptly resigns

>>14571376 BREAKING: North Atlanta Gwinnett County GOP Passes Resolution For Full Forensic Audit Of 2020 Election In Suspect Counties

>>14571441 The trial of Malka Leifer opened in the Melbourne court on Monday morning, with the former principal being accused of 74 counts of child sexual abuse and rape.

>>14571964 #18432

Previously Collected

>>14570962 #18431,

>>14568649 #18428, >>14569411 #18429, >>14569421 #18430

>>14568767 #18425, >>14566986 #18426, >>14567840 #18427

>>14566207 #18422, >>14566215 #18423, >>14565328 #18424

>>14561381 #18419, >>14562199 #18420, >>14563061 #18421

>>14559029 #18416, >>14559792 #18417, >>14560545 #18418

>>14556714 #18413, >>14557470 #18414, >>14558268 #18415

>>14555395 #18410, >>14557853 #18411, >>14558021 #18412

>>14552083 #18407, >>14552853 #18408, >>14553635 #18409

>>14551858 #18404/2, >>14550655 #18405, >>14551227 #18406

>>14548197 #18402, >>14551791 #18403, >>14551860 #18404/1

>>14548152 #18399, >>14547947 #18400, >>14547579 #18401

>>14544174 #18396. >>14544174 #18397, >>14544969 #18398

>>14540711 #18393, >>14541685 #18394, >>14542518 #18395

>>14540524 #18390, >>14538879 #18391, >>14540629 #18392

>>14535630 #18387, >>14538858 #18388, >>14540421 #18389

>>14533269 #18384, >>14534064 #18385, >>14535165 #18386

>>14530963 #18381, >>14531713 #18382, >>14535669 #18383

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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587c8f  No.14574075

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

International Q Research Threads

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>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>14357399 ————————————–——– Germany #86

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41

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587c8f  No.14574076

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587c8f  No.14574086


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4c4b57  No.14574092

File: 518484842940338⋯.png (1.92 MB, 961x918, 961:918, b705a0d19b4856079cc6be2d10….png)

Why did you not add this to notables baker?

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587c8f  No.14574112


What do you think this stuff is?

piss off

>>14573504, >>14573546 Veronica Wolski Thank you for your service and love, you lead by example. Godspeed

>>14573632, >>14573655, >>14573685, >>14573691, >>14573693, >>14573720, >>14573822 Biden photo bombed by Q and Q+

>>14574053 (You) #18435

#18434 TBC

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f0e877  No.14574113

whrrrr on whhrrrrrr bots

went backchannel to backchannel

so you could doxx yourself to jet fuel lies


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da8727  No.14574114

File: c0327568b7f6a8c⋯.jpg (68.55 KB, 720x645, 48:43, 20210912_172736.jpg)


Who makes a box with a Q on the side?

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c93fe3  No.14574115

File: 5ee4937248f594a⋯.jpeg (82.89 KB, 854x1024, 427:512, EyKE5iJW8AQdDxN.jpeg)

A reminder that Jesus loves you.

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121a8d  No.14574116

File: 1e933c76f274b8c⋯.jpg (34.24 KB, 403x604, 403:604, 1e933c76f274b8c5e6c96fbd18….jpg)


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5cda30  No.14574117



Makes this pb rather fitting...scramble they must.


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da8727  No.14574119

File: 04da7495616b96a⋯.png (14.16 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 0e33749c25ec9d8baf570ca891….png)

>>14574059 pb


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d3af6d  No.14574120

File: b75ce9542a8a31a⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2731x4096, 2731:4096, E_NGu_DWYAQ25Ge.jpg)

have we reached tippy top Globalhomo yet?

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c0e215  No.14574121

>>14573573 pb

are those froot loops stuck at the bottom

I don't understand what is going on down thare

glad pics are back

I guess

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da7a27  No.14574122

File: 9435a3aa643080e⋯.png (804.08 KB, 814x623, 814:623, dmbwhr3.PNG)

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814d68  No.14574123

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)


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e1ed0d  No.14574125


Is it my imagination or do I see the punisher on the right face of box?

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5cda30  No.14574126


Quakerstate oil

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3a989a  No.14574127

File: 79df9755d45bfda⋯.jpg (63.24 KB, 1000x538, 500:269, NightFlag.jpg)

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71610c  No.14574128

File: e28a4aa6898698d⋯.png (839.59 KB, 971x915, 971:915, biden_meme_2.PNG)

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760077  No.14574129

File: 8852819d89a3064⋯.jpg (2.79 MB, 5616x3744, 3:2, 1628222677914.jpg)

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4c4b57  No.14574130

File: c4b24179c532acd⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1160x773, 1160:773, ClipboardImage.png)

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a6dcba  No.14574131

File: 1f7e1a4c0f5a0ad⋯.png (775.14 KB, 790x700, 79:70, ClipboardImage.png)

It's gonna blow.

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dd4d23  No.14574132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Didn't he have some posts in there with that?

Anyway, did you know Jim Breuer is an anon? He talks about JFK coming back in this. Literally one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.

God speed, moving soon, so going to lose the ID.

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00f4a1  No.14574133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3a989a  No.14574135



aka "the Q"

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da8727  No.14574136

File: 45843210fd72267⋯.jpg (201.3 KB, 1670x1166, 835:583, 20210912_145837.jpg)

File: 893559f47bce293⋯.jpg (98.8 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 20210912_145841.jpg)

What's up with the square shaped skin flap by Joe's ear? This is from 9/11

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940b5d  No.14574137

File: d108c9532a15446⋯.jpg (116.94 KB, 960x540, 16:9, d108c9532a15446301f4bd6de3….jpg)

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cb0e32  No.14574138


Poor Eugene Levy

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8772c2  No.14574139

File: 3e557b575b172f3⋯.png (1.24 MB, 801x809, 801:809, 117.png)

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b0f2a2  No.14574140

File: 93cbb387c98cd21⋯.jpg (66.99 KB, 716x429, 716:429, Screenshot_20210913_201005….jpg)

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0d8576  No.14574141

File: 8a6ae5a6763ee70⋯.jpg (465.11 KB, 736x1040, 46:65, 35353636.jpg)



man, that last bread flew !

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0db326  No.14574142


Quaker Oats

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cc8cc9  No.14574143

File: be5fd2b42d5178a⋯.jpg (71.81 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, night_shift_sea_king_stars.jpg)


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f9e05b  No.14574144

Thank you, Jim!

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b0f2a2  No.14574145


His mask

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6177ec  No.14574146

File: 8b18648d8ec4b9b⋯.png (251.67 KB, 606x334, 303:167, ClipboardImage.png)



man that last bread went fast.

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4c4b57  No.14574147


>God speed, moving soon, so going to lose the ID.

You as well, best of luck on the move man. Hope it works out well.

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ab4b85  No.14574148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b0368a  No.14574149

File: 7337f04167be7af⋯.png (715.48 KB, 1032x665, 1032:665, ClipboardImage.png)


Matthew Hopkins is an Australian attorney who has filed an historic lawsuit in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. The lawsuit targets the tyrants responsible for implementing the New World Order down under, the prototype for the West!

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0c84e1  No.14574150

File: cb423e548997646⋯.jpg (86.75 KB, 681x681, 1:1, 20210818_194657.jpg)


Quaker state

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5cda30  No.14574151



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121a8d  No.14574152

File: 79f845aedc2b9d0⋯.jpeg (54.18 KB, 560x702, 280:351, 79f845aedc2b9d01caa77efb9….jpeg)


No worries. We will counter MSM-globohomo

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71610c  No.14574153

File: 66f0c487ea84c1a⋯.png (397.09 KB, 609x719, 609:719, comp_guard.PNG)


Biden is showing complete disregard for individual freedoms.

In South Carolina,


is standing firm in his opposition to this dangerous and unprecedented act of government overreach.


Gov. McMaster says he'll oppose Biden and vaccination requirement "to the gates of hell"

COLUMBIA — Gov. Henry McMaster lashed out at President Joe Biden's new federal vaccine requirements, saying he would fight Biden and what he called his supportive Democrats "to the gates

1:00 PM · Sep 13, 2021

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68df50  No.14574154



Make sure to archive the COUNTRY threads and other important resources that are IMAGE-RICH.

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f0e877  No.14574155


whrrrr on whhrrrrrr bots

went backchannel to backchannel

so you could doxx yourself to jet fuel lies

#windows10farts >>14574077

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dc0e39  No.14574156

File: 750c24ce7008dd1⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 509x490, 509:490, 750c24ce7008dd1d909c90246c….jpg)

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773599  No.14574157

File: 266965a6e7ee1ea⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 266965a6e7ee1eae9713332c93….jpg)

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f0e877  No.14574158


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ab4b85  No.14574159

File: edf02a4c25d6f21⋯.png (313.7 KB, 764x327, 764:327, downloadzz.png)

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cb0e32  No.14574160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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da7a27  No.14574161

File: a0424ef65800f5c⋯.png (498 KB, 485x626, 485:626, dmbwhr2.PNG)

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b0368a  No.14574162

Mask slip.

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34eaff  No.14574163


You're right, but that box is very old. Some anon at the Fire Station must have had it in his attic, and brought it to the station for a live meme

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0d8576  No.14574164

File: 8fafecbe7cbd365⋯.png (624.33 KB, 500x707, 500:707, 3.png)


night shift with images back


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f0e877  No.14574165


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b33508  No.14574166

File: 64d56b6197837b4⋯.png (9.76 KB, 549x360, 61:40, Screenshot_2021_09_13_at_2….png)


the 'greatest ally' is Canada

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b1e2a3  No.14574168

File: 2db42a2b8cc3e14⋯.jpg (44.12 KB, 395x248, 395:248, 7669.jpg)

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9c17ab  No.14574169


Folded Band-aid.

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d3ba2d  No.14574171

File: e2a939f12daa472⋯.jpg (23.96 KB, 474x456, 79:76, KushnerKreeeepy.jpg)


Images are back!!

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00f4a1  No.14574173

File: 666f5788f467b6f⋯.jpeg (393.73 KB, 828x1019, 828:1019, 93481912_5804_49F4_98A5_4….jpeg)

File: 69def87d0e4b864⋯.jpeg (92.95 KB, 600x746, 300:373, 9F0BCDC2_66CD_4281_9D10_4….jpeg)

File: 4ebc028942ff930⋯.jpeg (396.1 KB, 828x867, 276:289, 65CCE8BF_C89F_40D6_BB14_7….jpeg)

File: d573833d3e6d784⋯.jpeg (51.62 KB, 338x500, 169:250, FD426CAD_DB00_437A_A82F_0….jpeg)

File: 87cdbd9013a9268⋯.jpeg (194.52 KB, 828x537, 276:179, E6373202_DA2A_4098_BA64_A….jpeg)

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c93fe3  No.14574174

File: 304e809386ad7ec⋯.jpeg (105.36 KB, 793x870, 793:870, E_4qfD9XoAQznGN.jpeg)

File: da0e8e7d1b5ef95⋯.jpeg (51.67 KB, 661x570, 661:570, E_4qfD_XEAMBQYG.jpeg)

File: 3521431ac75f1d9⋯.jpeg (170.8 KB, 1020x1445, 12:17, E_4qfEBXsAsAwCg.jpeg)

File: fc2346033523dc7⋯.jpeg (140.85 KB, 975x1175, 39:47, E_4qfD_WEAItDF9.jpeg)

Now that we got images back, start loading up meme ammo boys

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68df50  No.14574176


why u ragging on baker?

stuff already posted.

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ab4b85  No.14574177


One of my absolute favorites.




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02be32  No.14574178

File: dcb6794cebb5ee6⋯.jpg (103.7 KB, 645x827, 645:827, dcb6794cebb5ee60ff52555119….jpg)

File: 4cb34b1bf670ce8⋯.jpg (63.74 KB, 843x537, 281:179, 4cb34b1bf670ce886da175a1a1….jpg)

File: 112599ec68f2724⋯.png (218.81 KB, 577x715, 577:715, 1staf.png)

File: 7a1e1971762690d⋯.jpg (18.46 KB, 530x208, 265:104, 4714.jpg)

>>14573911 lb

NORAD's Continental U.S. Region will conduct a routine air defense exercise, Falcon Virgo, midnight-2:30 a.m. (EDT) Sept 14 in the Washington, D.C., area. This is a recurring exercise in support of Operation NOBLE EAGLE.


>>14574034 lb

>>14574097 lb


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b1d751  No.14574179

File: ef2eae60744ed68⋯.jpeg (485.72 KB, 1284x812, 321:203, A6F2BDE6_F33D_49C7_9DFF_8….jpeg)


Omg omg guise!

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e21f0c  No.14574181

File: f7db97dd9f1f862⋯.gif (503.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, f7db97dd9f1f86248db82dc2e7….gif)

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4c4b57  No.14574182

File: 0f56bef09ad8de4⋯.png (4.1 MB, 1740x2024, 435:506, c4b24179c532acd140b8a0b761….png)

Will the picture be the signifier?

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7dc50d  No.14574183

File: 45abd98edb5effe⋯.png (1022.81 KB, 795x528, 265:176, ClipboardImage.png)

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b33508  No.14574184

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cb0e32  No.14574185



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26ad51  No.14574186


I hope tomorrow i will wake up, w/ hunter president

and columbia cartels, the goverment

at least, i'll have no hope anymore.

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0c84e1  No.14574187


Lobe looks like its a cover

Whole thing looks fake

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1570f2  No.14574188

File: e61aada988044c9⋯.jpg (42.86 KB, 612x401, 612:401, 5m4gy6xdd.jpg)

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d3ba2d  No.14574189

File: a00b31c04b6d18a⋯.png (495.32 KB, 748x682, 34:31, WatkinsQ.png)

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bd05d7  No.14574190


it does look like that

but i don't think it's that

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f0e877  No.14574191


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3a989a  No.14574192

File: 858c816f96c146d⋯.jpg (17.42 KB, 450x450, 1:1, QVCbox.jpg)


>>14574135 (me)


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f7f820  No.14574193

File: 86b693f441768e9⋯.png (75.2 KB, 341x75, 341:75, _Comfy_.png)

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286229  No.14574194


>Why did you not add this to notables baker?

I say don't add it due to your objection. (not baker)

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68df50  No.14574195

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e93128  No.14574196

Just Drive

By: Ken Noreika

Date: 2017-03-09

Genre: Short Stories

The car whispers through the humid night and past the bright lights of the old yacht club and the yawning black of the bay. The road grows narrow and the asphalt becomes wavy as they drive among tired sand dunes crowned by clumps of dried-out sawgrass.

“I didn't know there was anything past the marina,” she says.

He flicks his cigarette out the window. “Keep driving,” he says.

The broken asphalt yawns and crumbles into a cul-de-sac with a port-a-potty to the right and a massive jetty to the left. A long pier runs alongside the jetty and out into the water. The couple get out of the car and walk onto the pier, their footsteps echoing in the open space beneath it.

“It's on fire,” she says, pointing at the moon, hanging large and low like over-ripe fruit dangling on the lowest branch of heaven.

“It's almost like you can reach right out and grab it,” he says, holding up his hand as if to pluck it from the sky.

“Would you give it to me?”

“I don't know,” he says. “What's it worth?”

“Are we negotiating?”

“Aren't we always?” he says.

“Is that what it all comes down to?” she says.

“I didn't make the rules.”

“So,” she says, kicking a stone down the pier, “it's a game?”

“What do you think?”

“I think you're cute,” she says and she turns to him and kisses him on the neck.

“Cute,” he says. “Thanks.”

A loud shriek comes from the nearby dunes and is abruptly silenced.

“What was that?” she asks, grabbing his arm and pulling him closer.

“I don't know,” he says, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a pint of Dewar's and unscrewing the cap. “But I'd say it wasn't cute.” He takes a hit from the bottle and passes it to her.

She takes a sip and winces, then wipes her lips with the back of her hand.

The moon casts its reflection on the water, where it looks less like rotting fruit or fire and more like blood.

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c91e47  No.14574197

File: 2715cb50382b903⋯.png (605.02 KB, 572x833, 572:833, ClipboardImage.png)


Edge of mask

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c93fe3  No.14574198

File: ca67b139b5813cf⋯.jpeg (53.02 KB, 712x921, 712:921, E_4ArrrXIAEVRhD.jpeg)

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c30f33  No.14574199


what is that on the side the box on the Q's left? looks like half a skull

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121a8d  No.14574200

File: 0dcfb53d0d99afa⋯.jpg (32.18 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 0dcfb53d0d99afaa50daf74a6b….jpg)

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f0e877  No.14574201


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021fb2  No.14574202


That’s the Velcro attachment part.

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bdcd00  No.14574203

File: 8d9d54c61466df3⋯.jpg (75.43 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, 0dc0c5dc5f5af9459a0ff6e0e0….jpg)


Quaker State oil

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d3ba2d  No.14574204

File: 79c26e2413af104⋯.png (80.46 KB, 811x500, 811:500, SherlockHolmes.PNG)

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ac93e8  No.14574205

File: f6e1ff78bf354be⋯.png (26.24 KB, 195x195, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d751  No.14574206


Nope. Facelift scar. Try harder.

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6177ec  No.14574207

File: b7a12fc9130b21e⋯.png (396.07 KB, 618x404, 309:202, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c84e1  No.14574208


the edges of a mask

Got to keep the ear free

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babc19  No.14574209



America Winning














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7fe78e  No.14574210

File: 6b1eb34275bad2d⋯.png (856.67 KB, 768x512, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Iran and IAEA Reach An Agreement On Nuclear Equipment Monitoring

On September 12th, the UN nuclear watchdog – the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reached an agreement with Iran to solve “the most urgent issue” between them.

Namely, the IAEA and Iran agreed on the overdue servicing of monitoring equipment to keep it running.

IAEA chief Rafael Grossi obtained the agreement in a last-minute trip to Tehran he called “constructive” before a meeting of his agency’s 35-nation Board of Governors this week at which Western powers were threatening to seek a resolution criticizing Iran for stonewalling the IAEA.

A resolution risked an escalation with Tehran that could kill the prospect of resuming wider, indirect talks between Iran and the United States on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

Those talks stopped in June, and Iran’s new president Ebrahim Raisi took office in August.

Western powers have urged Iran to return to negotiations and said time is running out as its nuclear programme is advancing well beyond the limits set by the deal, which Washington abandoned in 2018.

“This is not a permanent solution, this cannot be a permanent solution. This has always been seen, for me at least, as a stopgap, as a measure to allow time for diplomacy,” Grossi told reporters.

“We managed to rectify the most urgent issue: The imminent loss of knowledge we were confronted with until yesterday. Now we have a solution.”

The coordinator of the now-stalled nuclear talks, European Union political director Enrique Mora, said on Twitter that the agreement “gives space for diplomacy”, adding it was crucial for the talks to resume as soon as possible.

The 2015 agreement introduced monitoring of extra areas of Iran’s nuclear programme beyond those supervised under Iran’s core legal obligations to the IAEA.

Iran said in February it was abandoning that monitoring, which covers areas like the making of parts for centrifuges – the machines that enrich uranium.

“The reconstruction and the coming together of the jigsaw puzzle will come when there is an agreement at the JCPOA level, but at that time we will have all this information and there will not have been a gap,” he said.

The agreement did little to resolve another issue between the IAEA and Iran – Tehran’s failure to explain uranium traces found at three undeclared former sites.

Grossi said Iran had invited him to return soon and he expected to meet the country’s “highest authorities”.

“This may take time. It’s not heroic but it’s much better than any alternative,” he said of efforts to resolve that issue.

Diplomats said the United States and its European allies had not yet decided whether to seek a resolution against Iran at the IAEA Board of Governors meeting, which starts on September 13th.

While describing Iran’s “concessions” on monitoring as “very modest,” Eurasia Group analyst Henry Rome said “they will almost certainly be sufficient to avert censure at this week’s meeting.”


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71610c  No.14574211

File: 784dc161205b186⋯.png (127.14 KB, 451x636, 451:636, good_quest.PNG)


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [13.09.21 14:17]

[ Photo ]

Knowink Pollbooks are iOS and run on iPads.

Remember the Pegasus iOS hack that can secretly take over iOS machines?

Were the Knowink Pollpads hacked?

Why are so many people in California being told they already voted?




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c473c2  No.14574212

File: ea46d9a43fbcac8⋯.png (2.31 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 111aaaa.png)



look at bannon's tits!!!


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cb0e32  No.14574213


Always deceiving

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ec59e9  No.14574214

File: 7e0bfeb352cb312⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 327x327, 1:1, crosseyed_steve_buscemi.jpg)


Creative use for a single bed sheet!

Props to the designer.

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ab4b85  No.14574215

File: 4b1f529b7f95152⋯.jpg (12.54 KB, 162x180, 9:10, OIP_1_.jpg)


translator chip

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8557bb  No.14574216

File: 7460b5b53c9ea88⋯.png (995.65 KB, 1590x2175, 106:145, redhead_107_Car_fixed2_Fir….png)

File: 7ca0e735a702a07⋯.png (702.19 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, Lookout_NS.png)

File: efbffde4b70a2ca⋯.png (733.09 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Frogs_to_Destroy_Them_Car_….png)

>>14574086 ThanQ Baker !

Evenin' Night Shifters !

Memes are Back ! ThanQ Jim & Crew.








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da7a27  No.14574217

File: 2a58fcc4f1a8908⋯.png (437.9 KB, 613x603, 613:603, fgdwds.PNG)

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db311c  No.14574218

File: ef33744fc035022⋯.png (580.48 KB, 1080x719, 1080:719, Memeto_1620914818656.png)

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a145f5  No.14574219

>>14574017 lb

why is he not banned in the USA yet?

he needs to be put in his special place already

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f0e877  No.14574220


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814d68  No.14574221

File: 488e4fbda25adba⋯.jpg (144.23 KB, 917x516, 917:516, ZomboMeme_13042021210639.jpg)

File: 35d12a05f53a097⋯.jpg (43.59 KB, 585x354, 195:118, ZomboMeme_13042021210800.jpg)

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a00b59  No.14574222

File: 1dc924b06a97211⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 777x753, 259:251, 1dc924b06a972115887cfefcfd….gif)


Thank You Baker and Thank You Jim!

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00f4a1  No.14574223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We had more then theY ever knew

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b33508  No.14574224

File: 06fb8e19c709377⋯.png (79.75 KB, 545x134, 545:134, Screenshot_2021_09_13_at_2….png)


Conr´s ready AF!


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771ac7  No.14574225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Larry Elder for CA Governor Rally in Costa Mesa, CA 9/13/21


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286229  No.14574226

File: d2ab5c67d23180f⋯.jpg (476.5 KB, 809x1280, 809:1280, d2ab5c67d23180f9fd822367bd….jpg)

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e21f0c  No.14574227

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5cda30  No.14574228

_ _

| \ / | \

| \ / |___/

| \/ | \

| | |___/


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f7f820  No.14574229

File: 59cc70d8e4b71f4⋯.jpg (228.87 KB, 851x556, 851:556, Jordan_Peterson_s_13th_Rul….jpg)


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c30f33  No.14574230


one cannot stop Pig…..one can only hope to contain him

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d3ba2d  No.14574231

File: ba158d751a592f5⋯.png (184.49 KB, 400x303, 400:303, BRun.png)

Nothing can stop this.


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f0e877  No.14574232


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bd40c6  No.14574233


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94e723  No.14574234

File: 2a2ba2ca5521b1a⋯.png (393.54 KB, 498x472, 249:236, ClipboardImage.png)

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a6f30e  No.14574235


Finally looking like QResearch around here, again.

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b5dc07  No.14574236

File: 5d5e9eae3a7507c⋯.png (344.38 KB, 1357x892, 1357:892, 5d5e9eae3a7507cde64ff3ec0a….png)

FYI Jim said in his telegram voice post that each image will be removed after 24 hours from time of posting, this contracted host is only short term hosting, so if you see any you like make sure to archive them they'll be gone by tomorrow.

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cb0e32  No.14574237


When the timestamps arrive, the circle will be complete

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b1d751  No.14574238

File: fd1d33f06d61178⋯.jpeg (814.5 KB, 1155x853, 1155:853, 53E4B22A_CE89_4C8D_8211_0….jpeg)

Holy fuck guise!!!

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00f4a1  No.14574239

File: 730858be7891c4a⋯.jpeg (85.5 KB, 828x749, 828:749, 0B7D7A3C_36E9_4E95_846D_9….jpeg)

File: 988e9c0c9f438b8⋯.jpeg (125.49 KB, 828x637, 828:637, 04116878_E877_4E5F_9D97_D….jpeg)

File: 691596110c3d4df⋯.jpeg (167.24 KB, 828x1123, 828:1123, F59E6ABB_B9B4_4571_A469_3….jpeg)

File: 65b2369f33d452d⋯.jpeg (90.5 KB, 828x601, 828:601, 893F29F1_5CA2_4FE7_96FE_D….jpeg)

File: 66fad994febc0f4⋯.jpeg (135.33 KB, 828x763, 828:763, C90CFCDF_BCFB_42C8_9C2B_C….jpeg)

Lets go

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dd4d23  No.14574240

File: 547433b03a1c0ab⋯.png (859.46 KB, 2048x1417, 2048:1417, joe_biden_ear.png)


The picture with Biden and the pro-Trump kids was on /pol/, and I literally have no idea what's going on there. I don't know what's more confusing, that picture, or pic related.


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e21f0c  No.14574241

File: e7baa9f20166f2c⋯.gif (3.95 MB, 540x300, 9:5, e7baa9f20166f2c13b6eeeb42e….gif)

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c473c2  No.14574242

File: e27e00af440b0e1⋯.jpeg (118.25 KB, 756x505, 756:505, giants_potus_blank_skittl….jpeg)

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2966c8  No.14574243

>>14573383 (PB)

Yep, Changing the entire world before your eyes.

Pretty damn amazing.

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a145f5  No.14574244

Got any lawfags on tonight?

Can the police really enforce the mask and vaccine thing?

If police enforce it, aren't they violating your constitutional rights?

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d3ba2d  No.14574245

File: fe1f48f25becb27⋯.jpg (127.3 KB, 499x667, 499:667, CamelToe.jpg)

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f0e877  No.14574246


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7fe78e  No.14574247

File: 5a71d0dd4678dc3⋯.png (425.84 KB, 544x420, 136:105, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 777923ed94cb82b⋯.png (402.76 KB, 561x453, 187:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd3490ec8d6ab22⋯.png (382.88 KB, 576x493, 576:493, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd3490ec8d6ab22⋯.png (382.88 KB, 576x493, 576:493, ClipboardImage.png)

“F*ck Biden!” – Trump Supporters Gather to Protest Governor Newsom’s Campaign Rally with Joe Biden in SoCal

Joe Biden departed Idaho and traveled to California on Monday as part of his tour to the western part of the US to survey wildfire damage.

Earlier Monday Trump supporters in Idaho welcomed Dementia Joe with “F*ck Biden” signs.

Joe Biden got the same “F*ck Biden!” welcome wagon in Southern California Monday evening.

Trump supporters carrying “F*ck Biden” signs lined up out outside of Long Beach City College where Biden will be campaigning with Governor Gavin Newsom on the eve of the recall election.

“Please hide your kids and hide your wife!” a protester shouted into a megaphone ahead of pervert Biden’s visit.

A protester was asked if she had anything to say to Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom: ‘F*ck him’

An Asian protester said Joe Biden should be sent to China.


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021fb2  No.14574248


Perfect oppy for shy femamons to post boobies.

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babc19  No.14574249

File: 40faacaa6e1c406⋯.jpg (132.59 KB, 869x485, 869:485, NS_OWNS_DA_NIGHT.jpg)

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286229  No.14574250




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4c4b57  No.14574251


>If police enforce it, aren't they violating your constitutional rights?

How long were you in a coma for?

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5cda30  No.14574252


very notable point

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b0f2a2  No.14574253

File: 4bd8d46d9cce3ca⋯.jpg (249.96 KB, 720x908, 180:227, Screenshot_20210913_202226….jpg)

Two sheriffs in Arkansas will not mandate COVID-19 vaccines for their employees

Two sheriffs in Arkansas do not agree with this all-out effort to curb the surging COVID-19 delta variant, and they posted letters on Facebook that said they will not mandate COVID-19 vaccines for their employees. Letters signed by Cleburne County Sheriff Chris Brown and Faulkner County Sheriff Tim Ryals each were posted to their department’s respective Facebook accounts.


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94e723  No.14574254

File: 4fa33e2bba0f035⋯.png (426.26 KB, 498x373, 498:373, ClipboardImage.png)

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00f4a1  No.14574255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0c84e1  No.14574256

Anyone one got the madcow_rimming_jeff tobin.png?

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f0e877  No.14574257


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9c17ab  No.14574258

File: e6d0b6ebed96adb⋯.jpeg (240.33 KB, 1040x1072, 65:67, AB6BC492_848E_462F_95D7_5….jpeg)

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66b900  No.14574259

File: 694d49a50a3ac90⋯.jpg (3.74 MB, 2373x3566, 2373:3566, Arwady_Allison_2019_023.jpg)

>>14573556 PB Veronica Wolski RIP

Was refused ivermectin by...

Allison Arwady, M.D.

Commissioner, Chicago Department of Public Health

Dr. Allison Arwady, MD, MPH, is the Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH). Dr. Arwady started at CDPH in 2015 and served as Chief Medical Officer before being confirmed by the City Council as Commissioner in January, 2020. As Chief Medical Officer she oversaw the disease control, environmental health, emergency preparedness, and behavioral health divisions. She has worked on disease outbreaks, immunization promotion, tuberculosis response, lead poisoning prevention, substance misuse, and more. Prior to CDPH, she worked for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as an Epidemic Intelligence Service officer. In that role, she focused on outbreak response, including international work on Ebola and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. While based at the Illinois Department of Public Health, she responded to disease outbreaks across the state. She has a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University, a master’s degree in public health from Columbia University, and completed medical school and clinical training at Yale University. She is a board-certified internal medicine physician and pediatrician, and continues to see primary care patients weekly.

If U R her patient find another Doc!

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cb0e32  No.14574260


That's the spirit!

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7fe78e  No.14574261

Chinese State Media Slams Soros As "The Most Evil Person In The World" And "The Son Of Satan"

It didn't take China long to respond to George Soros after he went nuclear on Beijing and US investment titans abandoning their "ESG ideals" to capitalize on China's massive market.

Over the weekend, China’s state-run tabloid Global Times labeled George Soros a “global economic terrorist” in a tit for tat exchange playing out in dueling op-eds that underscore the rising temperature in US-China relations, the Standard and Asia Times reported.

The article, published on September 4, accused the billionaire hedge fund manager and liberal donor and Democrat supporter of providing finance to Hong Kong’s jailed newspaper owner Jimmy Lai to support the city’s anti-Beijing protests in 2019.

Soon thereafter, Soros penned an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal that said New York-based BlackRock’s recent $1 billion mutual fund investment in China was a “tragic mistake” and would lose money for the asset manager’s clients. Soros wrote the BlackRock investment “imperils the national security interests of the US.” That followed an August 30 op-ed Soros published in the Financial Times that said Chinese President Xi Jinping’s crackdown on private enterprise has been “a significant drag on the Chinese economy” and “could lead to a crash.”

Soros said indices such as MSCI’s ACWI, ESG Leaders Index and BlackRock’s ESG Aware, have “effectively forced hundreds of billions of dollars belonging to US investors into Chinese companies whose corporate governance does not meet the required standard — power and accountability is now exercised by one man (Xi) who is not accountable to any international authority.”

The billionaire urged the US Congress to pass legislation limiting asset managers’ investments to “companies where actual governance structures are both transparent and aligned with stakeholders.” Previous reports said that Soros’ hedge fund had disposed all of its exposure to Chinese assets earlier this year.

Having made a name (and $1.1 billion ) for breaking the Bank of England in 1992, during the Asian financial crisis in 1997, Soros also tried to break the Hong Kong dollar’s peg to the US dollar but was ultimately defeated by the Hong Kong government, which intervened heavily in markets to protect the peg. Soros was given the nickname “financial crocodile” by local media at the time.

In September 2001, Soros was invited to visit China and met then Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji in Beijing. But after the 2008 global financial crisis, Soros told media in October 2009 that China should step up to the plate as the leader of a new global economic order.

Then, in January 2016, Soros told a dinner audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos that “a hard landing is practically unavoidable” for the Chinese economy. A few days later, the People’s Daily, China’s Communist Party mouthpiece, warned that “Soros’s war on the renminbi and the Hong Kong dollar cannot possibly succeed – about this there can be no doubt.”


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121a8d  No.14574262

File: 0ab65171506a907⋯.jpg (226.76 KB, 1242x694, 621:347, 0ab65171506a907ff5dbef69de….jpg)

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cc8cc9  No.14574263

File: 99195dd5a8f2bca⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 4096x2730, 2048:1365, night_shift_seahawk_1.jpg)


Night shift is way more comfy with images.

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c91e47  No.14574264


I can't try harder. I gave it all on that one guess.

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eb0ca1  No.14574265


its a jew

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3f43ae  No.14574266

Madcow is madcowing like she has never madcowed before, she's not her confident self. Tony Blinken made a Custer's last stand on live TV. Media? They fucked. Can't wait for tomorrow in California. Media telling lies. Let's see what happens.

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5cda30  No.14574267



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9fe17e  No.14574268



ty anons… great to see it in the wild… was off the board for months after January… back a month or so ago but somewhat infrequently. This makes me happy.


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c30f33  No.14574269

File: 28206a16348f6b9⋯.jpg (125.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 28206a16348f6b9526e506425c….jpg)

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f0e877  No.14574270

crazy canadain serial spammer stuck in revolving closet of girefer snowflake keywords for shekels during dead baby research

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e05ef0  No.14574271

File: 79f4c25118288e3⋯.jpeg (460.25 KB, 750x924, 125:154, C0102B41_430C_4B24_B43A_1….jpeg)

All is right in the Kun again.

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d3ba2d  No.14574272

File: 5fac72a44826c90⋯.png (513.8 KB, 516x415, 516:415, CHLukeComfy.PNG)

Nice to see images back.

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71610c  No.14574273

I support


’s right to choose


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94e723  No.14574274

File: 22d23179ec85f47⋯.png (616.35 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


better pic

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39774e  No.14574275

File: 93bfe5c72c1b444⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1079x821, 1079:821, DJT_17_sandwich.png)

File: 87d54a615d62a23⋯.png (391.65 KB, 577x673, 577:673, DJT_sign_911_log_book.png)

>>14573562 LB

DJT signature in the 9/11 NYPD logbook is sandwiched between two entries with the number (and only number) of 17.

God is great.

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ab4b85  No.14574276

File: cc5f29906c7f665⋯.jpeg (10.68 KB, 288x216, 4:3, OIP_27_.jpeg)

Who is going to go back and collect all the bewb IOU's

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f0e877  No.14574277


madcow still not banged

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92226a  No.14574278


Thanks anon! (Adds to Olga folder…)

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021fb2  No.14574279


>If U R her patient find another Doc!


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0c84e1  No.14574280

File: 8353cf657b27db3⋯.jpg (113.85 KB, 659x500, 659:500, 5cpux4.jpg)

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a145f5  No.14574281


2 years

what's the answer.

Can I sue?

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e7d324  No.14574282

File: 03b4c5af0766c32⋯.png (353.46 KB, 398x394, 199:197, ClipboardImage.png)


Imagine china rigged the election, but now they're starting to be like "fuck, we actually miss Trump"

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121a8d  No.14574283

File: 1a5cd61e24764fa⋯.jpg (101.42 KB, 540x809, 540:809, 1a5cd61e24764fadbfeb088bcb….jpg)

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7a7d8a  No.14574284



latex mask that wraps around ear to hide seam

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92d03f  No.14574285

File: 0c351630d5d5318⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1292x858, 646:429, 74c00fbf736698c5ba83760d4a….png)


evenin yo

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4c4b57  No.14574286

File: f98e26e81a10c04⋯.png (222.83 KB, 500x323, 500:323, ClipboardImage.png)


Where was Biden when the Q pic was taken, kentucky?

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cb0e32  No.14574287


I've got a ledger going. Sorry *ledgers

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0d8576  No.14574288

File: 1e90ad54d4e9a2e⋯.png (625.41 KB, 1006x1024, 503:512, 25552.png)


>Was refused ivermectin by…

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286229  No.14574289

File: 7a57ba05cb2f408⋯.jpg (113.84 KB, 793x500, 793:500, 4twpst.jpg)

File: 5823627de8ba67c⋯.jpeg (88.68 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 51ipjz.jpeg)

File: 044c590b7ac37d2⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1568x1216, 49:38, Screen_Shot_2020_10_16_at_….png)

File: 9f8c0715aac32d3⋯.jpg (56.63 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 9f8c0715aac32d36609fcc9cf4….jpg)

File: a50453d7876a0ac⋯.jpg (49.96 KB, 700x745, 140:149, a50453d7876a0ac58d16f8e05f….jpg)

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9c17ab  No.14574290

File: c69a2eb1b76cfaf⋯.jpeg (84.07 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 9EB51FBB_93F9_4BFF_B23F_B….jpeg)


I care not of your comfort.

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b0368a  No.14574291


>Chinese State Media Slams Soros As "The Most Evil Person In The World" And "The Son Of Satan"


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7fe78e  No.14574292

177 Stanford Faculty Members Urge DOJ To Stop Looking For Chinese Spies In Academia Because It Causes "Racial Profiling"

A group of Stanford professors have come together to urge the Justice Department to stop looking for Chinese spies at U.S. universities, a September 8 letter from the group reads.

Arguing that such programs cause "racial profiling", the professors claim the "China Initiative", which was set up to prevent U.S. technology theft, is "harming the United States' research and technology competitiveness and "is fueling biases", Reuters reported.

The Justice Department brought 27 cases as a result of the initiative. While some have been dropped, others are ongoing. Peter Michelson, Stanford's senior associate dean for the natural sciences told Reuters: "I think what the FBI's done in most cases is to scare people - investigating people and interrogating them. And it's harmful to the country."

What country, Peter?

177 faculty members signed the letter, which was posted on a site they called "Winds of Freedom".

"We, a group of 177 Stanford faculty members from more than 40 departments, have sent the following open letter to the U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, requesting that he terminates the Department of Justice's China Initiative. The China Initiative was introduced by then Attorney General Jeff Sessions in 2018, with the objective of combating economic espionage, intellectual property theft and other threats associated with the government of China," the site reads.

It continues: "However, we believe the China Initiative raises concerns of racial profiling and is harming the United States' research and technology competitiveness. This initiative has led to a significant increase of investigations and prosecutions to researchers in academia, with most cases unrelated to intellectual property theft or scientific/economic espionage. The investigations have been disproportionately targeting researchers of Chinese origin. The chilling effect of the China Initiative is discouraging many scholars from coming to or staying in the U.S. We believe that the China Initiative should be terminated."

You can read the full letter here:



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f0e877  No.14574293


crazy serial spammer shows connections to crack prices high in detroit and turdOH mad

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286229  No.14574294

File: 943bf8d8b934527⋯.jpg (54.68 KB, 904x527, 904:527, EcWyQQuWAAU1WhM.jpg)

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71610c  No.14574295

File: 49baceae735b64e⋯.png (813.15 KB, 717x468, 239:156, horse_meme_1.PNG)

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b1d751  No.14574296


Fair enough. Honest. Don’t usually get that here.

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5960b9  No.14574297

File: 0143ad96e2926d3⋯.jpeg (839.36 KB, 828x1343, 828:1343, 5FEF87E5_C651_4B1B_8BF0_9….jpeg)



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c473c2  No.14574298


Beijing Institute = SPY FACTORY

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d3ba2d  No.14574299

File: f8c53a99aab8550⋯.png (323.6 KB, 521x504, 521:504, CO_Jewish_Mafia.png)

Where's Tina Peters?

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814d68  No.14574300

File: 6d61516ef2e2276⋯.jpg (42.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ZomboMeme_01062020212146.jpg)

File: d9a89e017f3eb8f⋯.jpg (41.23 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ZomboMeme_25062020120316.jpg)

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f0e877  No.14574301


queer doxxin priest of questionable tax schemes decodes lickin foreskin for jet fuel lies of gehycowboys

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7dc50d  No.14574302

File: 4dd0d968f0aadd1⋯.png (337.68 KB, 399x479, 399:479, ClipboardImage.png)


Don't end a sentence in a preposition, moran

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a6dcba  No.14574303


Do you mind if I borrow this pepe for a while? Will return when finished.

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bd40c6  No.14574304


I am not aware of any state that has passed legislation and signed into law by a governor nor has congress passed a law and Xi's man signed into law anything. These mask mandates are edicts and actually should be litigated by someone who has actually been arrested for not wearing a mask under "Deprivation of RIghts Under Color of Law". Some serious ass penalties are attached to this law.

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a00b59  No.14574305

File: 58f94f18e592b11⋯.jpg (95.59 KB, 710x815, 142:163, 8c7615d32ef5b8cd1d95962fbf….jpg)

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db311c  No.14574306

File: 4ec5f0a6c1ef1b8⋯.png (840.91 KB, 1074x796, 537:398, 20210826_182611.png)

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d46782  No.14574307




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286229  No.14574308

File: 3d0ba5f5ff4abc0⋯.png (813.48 KB, 1284x1000, 321:250, dec7dd8d460e5a51317982034d….png)

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cb0e32  No.14574309


No offense to jewish women but I would never want to have sex with them. Or talk or be near them

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40a846  No.14574310



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bfab71  No.14574312

File: 93c06f29a8778d0⋯.gif (2.52 MB, 332x334, 166:167, 93c06f29a8778d044bc37ee998….gif)

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68df50  No.14574313


At this point, all the images that were created prior to images going 'away' are missing.

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f0e877  No.14574314


joshua not banged since trampstamp proof

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c473c2  No.14574315


didnt finding forester address this???

your the man now dog!!!!

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3a989a  No.14574316



It's NOT QuakerState.

It's an old QVC shipping box.

Anon cannot find another pic but has seen enough of them!

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b0f2a2  No.14574317


Missed you so, grammar nazi kitty

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0c84e1  No.14574318

File: 1f54ed94fa3b8a8⋯.gif (4.45 MB, 340x255, 4:3, 1f54ed94fa3b8a83d435648a0b….gif)


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587c8f  No.14574319

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements

>>14574086 @150


>>14574114, >>14574126 Who makes a box with a Q on the side?

>>14574153 Biden is showing complete disregard for individual freedoms

>>14574154, >>14574154, >>14574236 Due to some fucked up censorship shit, images on 8Kun will disappear in 24 hrs

>>14574178, >>14574224 NORAD's Continental U.S. Region will conduct a routine air defense exercise, Falcon Virgo, midnight-2:30 a.m. (EDT) Sept 14 in the Washington, D.C., area. This is a recurring exercise in support of Operation NOBLE EAGLE.

>>14574182 Will the picture be the signifier?

>>14574211 CM: Remember the Pegasus iOS hack that can secretly take over iOS machines?

>>14574247 “F*ck Biden!” – Trump Supporters Gather to Protest Governor Newsom’s Campaign Rally with Joe Biden in SoCal

>>14574253 Two sheriffs in Arkansas will not mandate COVID-19 vaccines for their employees

>>14574259 Veronica Wolski RIP Was refused ivermectin by… Allison Arwady, M.D.

>>14574261 Chinese State Media Slams Soros As "The Most Evil Person In The World" And "The Son Of Satan"


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caca20  No.14574320





fake news

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587c8f  No.14574321

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c473c2  No.14574322


no. it's only you! are you the one who shut down pics.


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f9e05b  No.14574323


That's a hotfuckingmess right there.

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f0e877  No.14574324


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d3ba2d  No.14574325

File: 4615c9244a79417⋯.jpg (26.79 KB, 474x357, 158:119, Biden.jpg)

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39774e  No.14574326

File: 88eae177daf975b⋯.jpg (216.9 KB, 800x787, 800:787, 0bce9a4e965afa1eb9e42bd191….jpg)

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caca20  No.14574327




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eb0ca1  No.14574328

File: 158f8c85bd24329⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1200x994, 600:497, 0ddb9e7cacbdc0d8f4b8f280ec….png)

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f0e877  No.14574329


you must be into dead tings huh

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bfab71  No.14574330

File: 60cd081a6d272b0⋯.jpg (17.59 KB, 474x294, 79:49, 60cd081a6d272b016b1e5e5488….jpg)

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e7d324  No.14574331


confir.med memefag han.doff

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caca20  No.14574332


looks like i just gotta shitpost now

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e05ef0  No.14574333

File: 6ae9b3953084f0f⋯.png (55.93 KB, 734x605, 734:605, 298648FE_B17F_4601_B7F4_F6….png)


Always end a sentence in a proposition.

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a6dcba  No.14574334



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b1d751  No.14574335

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da8727  No.14574336

File: 3e6fad3f08a7611⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 840x473, 840:473, biden_840x473.jpg)

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c30f33  No.14574337

File: 9b042ca619a035e⋯.jpg (10.38 KB, 208x204, 52:51, 9b042ca619a035e89cf1a00f23….jpg)

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831ee1  No.14574338

>>14574110 lb

that's some funny shit right there

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92226a  No.14574339


Now if it was caca17, THAT would be the shit.

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121a8d  No.14574340

File: a8c84b9cea9fe43⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1895x917, 1895:917, 0cb6188233543476f778d8c56e….png)

Watch out for red sea commies

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9d032c  No.14574341

File: 9817e96443f2472⋯.png (171.46 KB, 1268x769, 1268:769, DNS_checker_on_94_103_81_8….PNG)

Pinged media.8kun.top…

Results……I hope it a good DNS…looks ok to me…

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08f57f  No.14574342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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34be97  No.14574343


>Who makes a box with a Q on the side?


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587c8f  No.14574344

TheStormHasArrived17, [13.09.21 18:56]

[ Video ]

Wendy Rogers joined the John Fredericks show today and provided an update on the AZ audit.

She expects to have it sometime this week.

I suspect they have it ready, but likely are waiting for the perfect time to release it.

Timing is everything.


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0d8576  No.14574345

File: 2e03da63446110f⋯.png (104.75 KB, 268x400, 67:100, 53535.png)


I have your six, kitty

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d5092b  No.14574346


Dude where is it, don't make me Google.

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bdcd00  No.14574347

File: ce7bbd75a1348b7⋯.jpg (9.98 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 4e27553454f61ed1ffdbbe5358….jpg)


some one needs to meme the Taliban with a BUILD BACK BETTER meme

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b33508  No.14574348

File: 9636f4b08bce486⋯.png (545.47 KB, 598x693, 598:693, Screenshot_2021_09_13_at_2….png)




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d411dc  No.14574349

File: d503dd9dfc4006e⋯.jpeg (106.82 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, Quinine.jpeg)

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587c8f  No.14574350

@RealGenFlynn, [13.09.21 18:16]

We must never forget that there are men and women who willingly step in harms way so we can live in a free nation. Their sacrifices will NOT go in vain and we must remind our current leaders to never forget it is our youth we place, all to often, in the breech to protect and defend our country. God bless them and may they rest in eternal peace and may God continue to bless and shine his light on the United States of America 🙏🏼🇺🇸



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f0e877  No.14574351

canadian pervert involved in international flesh trafficking coverups offers false righteousness book bout molesting feels and tendies for foreskin sucker shekels of flat earth

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d98967  No.14574352


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00f4a1  No.14574353


Hunter doggie pic please

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b1d751  No.14574354


Soon ™️

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d604fa  No.14574355

File: 708cdf73cca5649⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 600x506, 300:253, big_xo_Q_Tron.jpg)

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babc19  No.14574356

File: a58a32c7d033770⋯.jpg (268.91 KB, 769x538, 769:538, TAKING_IT_BACK.jpg)

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0c84e1  No.14574357

File: 3f89cb96bc74e9e⋯.jpg (36.66 KB, 460x338, 230:169, 20210324_205633.jpg)


Look how giant Trump hand is. Bummer barely got fingers around it

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f0e877  No.14574358


jenkem jesus turdOH still mad detroit crack prices high

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b0f2a2  No.14574359

File: 8e9f5a34210058a⋯.jpg (166.75 KB, 622x614, 311:307, Screenshot_20210806_163850….jpg)

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cb0e32  No.14574360



You need to rethink your life

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229f40  No.14574361

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jack Posobiec


Unconfirmed reports that Senator Dianne Fienstein, 88 years old, has passed away.

9:02 PM · Sep 13, 2021·Twitter for iPhone



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ab4b85  No.14574362


Welcome back

Ones like that got me through

Pax Tibi


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da8727  No.14574363

File: 0e580a33ac2971f⋯.jpg (175.73 KB, 1125x1214, 1125:1214, 20210913_115024.jpg)

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da8727  No.14574364

File: a3dacce626afb88⋯.jpg (169.71 KB, 2000x1617, 2000:1617, qvc_box.jpg)

File: 9cf4059e2593fe3⋯.jpg (931.48 KB, 2880x3840, 3:4, qvc_box_2.jpg)


I think it's an older QVC box.

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d857d0  No.14574365

File: f50d6e66bb280dc⋯.jpg (229.81 KB, 998x511, 998:511, p61_3_night_shift.jpg)

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d3ba2d  No.14574366

File: 69d8e2fee698857⋯.png (369.64 KB, 438x594, 73:99, ClipboardImage.png)


Seems normal. WTF?

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00f4a1  No.14574367

File: 916baf3e4a64485⋯.jpeg (175.84 KB, 828x799, 828:799, 7396B806_9529_4399_96CE_1….jpeg)

File: 059678d1af158a1⋯.jpeg (74.39 KB, 733x517, 733:517, FA229EA1_ED56_4717_85FA_C….jpeg)

File: faa33c23383b41f⋯.jpeg (169.71 KB, 828x878, 414:439, B9CCF724_8F3C_45F7_A2D1_0….jpeg)

File: bab2dcd333d898c⋯.jpeg (196.49 KB, 828x804, 69:67, 20A9BDA6_B705_4EA1_8B80_E….jpeg)

File: 1a6c69623b527b3⋯.jpeg (62.03 KB, 828x534, 138:89, 68AC1DA5_785D_482D_9837_1….jpeg)

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a145f5  No.14574368


I called the head of my republican party tonight and she still wears them to go in and eat and shop.

I was escorted out of a store today for not wearing one. Told them about deprivation of rights under color of law, they still booted me out with force. Cops never showed up. I waited outside for 30 minutes for them.

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caca20  No.14574369


what if i happened to be in the 420 when getting caca20 for >>14574320

that's still some shit

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b1d751  No.14574370

Mr pig. Stay the fuck away. Thx.

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b02658  No.14574371


Thank You baker

( • )( • )

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450eb6  No.14574372

File: 35ac85a101f332e⋯.png (680.66 KB, 1045x1117, 1045:1117, 35ac85a101f332e9df969df84e….png)


That's not a facelift scar on his cheek! Facelift scar will be hidden behind the ear in the folds next to the skull. There wouldn't be a scar on his cheek. You cut & then pull up & back & tuck suture stitches behind ear & back in hair.

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02be32  No.14574373




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33ade4  No.14574374

Pepcid helps treat covid??? Maybe?


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021fb2  No.14574375

Haha she discussed the enlarged testicle claim and is getting hammered.


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08f57f  No.14574376

File: 190d6b1d9c63e07⋯.png (741.54 KB, 813x654, 271:218, Screen_Shot_2021_09_13_at_….png)

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40a846  No.14574377

File: 45b5e729cdff68e⋯.png (282.66 KB, 588x468, 49:39, shitpostin4lyfe.png)

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d4db51  No.14574378

File: 7f01bf0a10abfdc⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 368x210, 184:105, 64F70E44_9B02_488B_A086_0C….gif)

File: 1fd577dce27635e⋯.jpeg (569.97 KB, 2042x1538, 1021:769, 285E313C_CFD1_477C_B9A7_8….jpeg)

File: d799591a029af67⋯.jpeg (63.51 KB, 610x564, 305:282, 6EAAECF8_3351_48EE_8113_B….jpeg)

File: 463abf3309667d7⋯.jpeg (204.92 KB, 697x968, 697:968, 7FF987F2_EE72_4C46_9A55_7….jpeg)

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831ee1  No.14574379


wrong Q

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5960b9  No.14574380

File: 42e671db9e1d629⋯.jpeg (694.46 KB, 828x1241, 828:1241, CC62DDAE_0AD7_4DD7_92DB_0….jpeg)


Here’s another view


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0d8576  No.14574381

File: 758fed7f42cdfb5⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 275x291, 275:291, 35353536.jpg)

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7a7d8a  No.14574383


that is the seam of the silicone mask. I cut one of my fingers off…for a while I had a "fake finger" made out of the silicone they use for prosthetics. the edges are real thin and they have a glue that you use to make that thin silicone edge blend in with your skin.

I'm thinking this was made to wrap around the ear to hide the seam. the glue let up.

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c30f33  No.14574384

File: bd7361a70b38906⋯.png (413.36 KB, 499x633, 499:633, ave_toots.png)


she has more lives than Toots himself. Ave Toots!

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92226a  No.14574385

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caca20  No.14574386



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33ade4  No.14574387


I had an enlarged testicle.

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2905fa  No.14574388


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/19/2018 20:25:34 ID: 98088e

Archive Bread/Post Links: 3093640 / 3094236

Direct Link: 3094236

Anonymous 09/19/2018 20:10:44 ID:5948d8

Archive Bread/Post Links: 3093640 / 3093831

Direct Link: 3093831


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?



Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.


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cb0e32  No.14574389

File: e674985fd93d5d1⋯.gif (2.9 MB, 270x480, 9:16, giphy.gif)

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286229  No.14574390

File: fc3eba49b706843⋯.jpeg (569.23 KB, 750x990, 25:33, fc3eba49b7068438c7accd00d….jpeg)


>You're right, but that box is very old. Some anon at the Fire Station must have had it in his attic, and brought it to the station for a live meme

Maybe but the best part is that when POTUS put that picture out there with one of his statements, it was zoomed in to leave out the Q box.

Nice little bonus on top of the original pic.

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d46782  No.14574391


Canary Islands

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f0e877  No.14574392

incestuous enabler closet queer doxxin priest of NAMBLA canadian corporation caught licking old fehgel pecker for russian potato image board

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7dc50d  No.14574393



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e252ac  No.14574394


Powerful, but true, I think.

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00f4a1  No.14574395

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a6dcba  No.14574396

File: c10bc6ff25cf50f⋯.png (24.13 KB, 400x338, 200:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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40a846  No.14574397

File: 54b373c615c647e⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1126x1125, 1126:1125, fad3d483ce01038bbc887ec4bf….png)

fuck i missed posting this

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39774e  No.14574398

File: 051287c7304f62b⋯.gif (101.33 KB, 1027x731, 1027:731, 051287c7304f62b0abad2a7916….gif)


This looks like our work. Is this legit beyond the box…which is awesome…if the hats and shirts are legit, this is troll gold medal sh*t here…for the ages.

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0c84e1  No.14574399


Imagine the smell

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b1c279  No.14574400

The box with the Q on the side is a box from a company that makes Quarter Pounder burgers that are frozen they sell the same box to Waffle Houses

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b0f2a2  No.14574401


Look at his hair at the temple. Looks glued on.

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db311c  No.14574402

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a00b59  No.14574403

File: 81748b0bed11590⋯.jpg (370.81 KB, 1200x447, 400:149, 81748b0bed11590538357d591b….jpg)

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635471  No.14574404

File: 51ac2fa9a8579c5⋯.jpg (43.21 KB, 500x375, 4:3, dcau280.JPG)

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b1d751  No.14574405

File: 855c514974e27bc⋯.jpeg (451.86 KB, 1284x1520, 321:380, D6535FED_5A33_45FC_8446_7….jpeg)


Ok dr pimple popper. Pic not related. Jus cuz.

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00f4a1  No.14574406

File: 20a6bbc762543eb⋯.jpeg (511.64 KB, 781x607, 781:607, B981ACB8_E38D_4BE0_9A5D_B….jpeg)

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eb0ca1  No.14574407

File: 0f792d073fa9c27⋯.jpeg (152.66 KB, 597x477, 199:159, 0f792d073fa9c27ed66d43843….jpeg)

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caca20  No.14574408

File: c2172942d9584a2⋯.jpg (474.22 KB, 1524x1524, 1:1, QANON.jpg)



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7dc50d  No.14574409


chk'd & kek'd

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4c4b57  No.14574410


>The box with the Q on the side is a box from a company that makes Quarter Pounder burgers that are frozen they sell the same box to Waffle Houses

Got sauce?

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a6dcba  No.14574411

File: 393b157c16e0a9c⋯.gif (847.23 KB, 400x338, 200:169, canary.gif)

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8557bb  No.14574412

File: b84e2fab20f43a9⋯.png (881.62 KB, 1200x1250, 24:25, Aircraft_Flares_Q_Weown.png)

File: 928565554c2afbe⋯.png (700.19 KB, 779x586, 779:586, Marine_K9_Night_Shift.png)

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b1c279  No.14574413


I'll go by Waffle House tomorrow and ask where they get the meat from

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831ee1  No.14574414


this looks like a different double than the usual Bidan

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021fb2  No.14574415


I’ve got that little toy stove too. Wow!

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f0e877  No.14574416

whrrrr whrrrr your mind is molested by babel whrrr whrrr keywords keywords buy prime bilbos whrrr whrrr whrrr unexpected journeys whrrr whrrr mt doom blah blah blah four novels later all for a larp

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c91e47  No.14574417

File: 46cfee16ed2b0e0⋯.png (297.82 KB, 466x297, 466:297, ClipboardImage.png)


What was the early boomers obsession with getting married and then getting a china cabinet with fine china?

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1f8638  No.14574418

File: 47aa286716578a9⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Q_The_Voice_of_Q_1982_.mp4)

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92226a  No.14574419

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771ac7  No.14574420

File: 8aaed10c5ecd53a⋯.png (646.33 KB, 500x624, 125:156, ClipboardImage.png)

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34eaff  No.14574421


Shanksville Fire Station

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71610c  No.14574422

File: aaafae72cfae485⋯.png (277.81 KB, 598x727, 598:727, f_j_horse.PNG)





3:38 AM · Sep 13, 2021

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c473c2  No.14574423

File: eeda1ac5d35f807⋯.png (114.6 KB, 253x208, 253:208, ClipboardImage.png)

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2905fa  No.14574424



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caca20  No.14574425

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4c4b57  No.14574426


>Shanksville Fire Station

This happened on 9/11?

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0d8576  No.14574427

File: e7bc3e2e080e1c1⋯.png (602.91 KB, 1236x632, 309:158, 35353636.png)

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286229  No.14574428

File: 4e2f937824e09d7⋯.png (6.61 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 77abe1c2fdf7599e1c69d55f38….png)

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2905fa  No.14574429


Anderson Cooper?

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5cda30  No.14574430


>>>14574114, >>14574126 (You) Who makes a box with a Q on the side?

may need correction (pending): QVC


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babc19  No.14574431

File: 699d55e9676a2ad⋯.jpg (107.96 KB, 736x399, 736:399, CASHE.jpg)

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34eaff  No.14574432


Status symbol, family heirlooms

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c1019c  No.14574433

File: 2abbdb354ddd895⋯.gif (314.11 KB, 270x270, 1:1, 20200125_103044.gif)

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c91e47  No.14574434



Whats with the early boomers obsession in getting married and then getting a china cabinet with fine china?

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b1c279  No.14574435

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bd40c6  No.14574436


The Deprivation of RIghts Under Color of Law would not be actionable against an individual, business, organization etc……Public Officials, elected, appointed, LE etc…..

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d5092b  No.14574437


Shit La Palma

Is that the one that could split and landslide a nice fat tsunami right at the East Coast?

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0c84e1  No.14574438


The pot belly guy in the white shirt near the q, his hat says something too

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f0e877  No.14574439

what/why does the 'select post' make a little camera on the post ?

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eb0ca1  No.14574440

File: e8a6a80247c16ab⋯.jpg (57.35 KB, 852x1123, 852:1123, 50b214a3cdbe470abe455f61b7….jpg)

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7a7d8a  No.14574441

File: 03bac21199d1f71⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1040x788, 260:197, ClipboardImage.png)


this was the girl who got her nose cut off i think in Iraq..

guy in pasadena created a nose for her.

Biden really could be a guy in a mask

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3a989a  No.14574442


It's a freakin QVC shipping box.

>>14574364 <- see

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1ff6f9  No.14574443


OK Someone have a twitter acct? Just ask him WTF? Again?! Im perma banned

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40a846  No.14574444

File: df656333c8e2509⋯.png (244.23 KB, 267x414, 89:138, americorn.PNG)



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7c036c  No.14574445


What is a Commonwealth for $$$$

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b1d751  No.14574446


Mother fucker!!!

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7dc50d  No.14574447




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9d032c  No.14574448

Of course it's a face lift scar, they had to take a nobody and make him look as close as possible to Joe "is fucking nuts" Bidan…

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f0e877  No.14574449


oh boy

dead gehy wigger fables of shekels and tax evasions

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1ff6f9  No.14574450



>OK Someone have a twitter acct? Just ask him WTF? Again?! Im perma banned

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c30f33  No.14574451


that is the first place to check if you can get into an estate sale before they open it up to the public

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9f8f1f  No.14574452

File: 2df25013cd1e57f⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1023x896, 1023:896, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c17ab  No.14574453

File: 53dd3af34c7347c⋯.jpeg (110.18 KB, 622x622, 1:1, CF7C08C4_0363_4730_9A96_0….jpeg)

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b33508  No.14574454

File: 275640970ea4dcb⋯.png (231.02 KB, 478x741, 478:741, Screenshot_2021_09_13_at_2….png)

Nicki Minaj


3 lies in a row from huge news platforms. I cited my young child as why I didn’t want to travel. But notice how NONE of them mentioned that? Ask yourself why that was.


Go Niki!

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6177ec  No.14574455

File: a7e2c5f72ddb15f⋯.png (300.66 KB, 460x246, 230:123, ClipboardImage.png)


now you do not see that every day, kek


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450eb6  No.14574456

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB, 236x207, 236:207, f2c8a70267acd3e7a03e853906….png)


Look at that glob of an earlobe too!

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cb0e32  No.14574457

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caca20  No.14574458

File: d6dd7ea211b0fd2⋯.png (147.92 KB, 303x232, 303:232, ClipboardImage.png)


*bass solo starts*

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b0f2a2  No.14574459

File: a67d880663a97dc⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 720x699, 240:233, Screenshot_20210913_203751….jpg)

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b1c279  No.14574460

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b1d751  No.14574461


Confirmed quads. Us mil is gay as fuck.

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a6149c  No.14574462

File: eeabf98879a3189⋯.jpg (768.22 KB, 1944x1950, 324:325, IMG_20210913_183554.jpg)

File: a109c1914cd968f⋯.jpg (621.13 KB, 2022x1599, 674:533, IMG_20210913_183615.jpg)

File: ebc64ab6ba65573⋯.jpg (525.39 KB, 2160x1023, 720:341, IMG_20210913_183635.jpg)

File: 30cba04bb016f21⋯.jpg (268.66 KB, 1773x617, 1773:617, IMG_20210913_183653.jpg)

File: 3a4f9590edc9386⋯.jpg (369.62 KB, 3286x552, 1643:276, IMG_20210913_183723.jpg)

Images are back! Just in time.

California anon found some issues with my Governor recall election mail in ballot. First issue is voting yes to question one to recall the governor has the potential to bleed through or otherwise be seen in the Larry Elder box and potentially send the ballot to adjudication. Second, the lower printing alignment marks are significantly off at the centerline but close on the outer edges, not clear if this is a problem but is a clear abnormality. Third a vote for the former governor election republican challenger John Cox is potentially visible through a hole in the envelope depending on ballot orientation. It is already known that the question one vote is also visible through that hole, flip the ballot over and you can find a vote for John. Pics related.

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a6dcba  No.14574463

File: cb44c8c2fb9683e⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1183x696, 1183:696, ClipboardImage.png)



Watch the water.

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275db8  No.14574464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




the goods

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4c4b57  No.14574465


>I think it's an older QVC box.

Out of all the "Q" boxes you would expect, this seems to be least likely.

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34eaff  No.14574466


When I was a kid, we brought out the fine china to use when we had company. Having company was a special occasion. Kinda lost nowadays, with phones and puters to connect with other people.

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66b900  No.14574467


La Palma


Understanding the La Palma mega-landslide hypothesis


Not showing up on the US govt earthquakes


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babc19  No.14574468

File: 72bb7b6e26fbbca⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 672x435, 224:145, BLESS_LINDELL.jpg)

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0c84e1  No.14574469


ear hole for the mask

look at the nose

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caca20  No.14574470


it's not just the ear, there's a line all the way down to the mask…

shop job?

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55e66a  No.14574471

File: 082819b7b2f65fe⋯.png (399.02 KB, 647x352, 647:352, potus_american_flag.PNG)

we have pictures again?

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b1d751  No.14574472


Is a Jew.

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c30f33  No.14574473

File: f5ddf331ce6df4b⋯.jpg (13.18 KB, 255x255, 1:1, huck.jpg)


killer blue slut pumps

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c473c2  No.14574474


go nikki?


she is a horrid human

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c1019c  No.14574475

File: f18e4354718e4f6⋯.gif (25.59 KB, 311x311, 1:1, 20190728_171811.gif)


good to see you too яаиdy.

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f0e877  No.14574476


two old fehgel wiggers

will spamm your image board

seeking oval wresteling from the past feels

must find horicrux

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587c8f  No.14574477


got it

>>14574114, >>14574364 Who makes a box with a Q on the side?

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7a7d8a  No.14574478



correction: her nose was cut off by C_A "Taliban"

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9d032c  No.14574479

Why oh Why are we still playing "Defense"…isn't it our turn to hold the "BALL"???…

When are we going on "OFFENSE"???

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dd4d23  No.14574480


It's so obviously fucked, I have literally no idea what's going on.

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d4db51  No.14574481

File: 2b9e4dd485d1551⋯.jpeg (120.38 KB, 750x551, 750:551, 0627CB31_0DAA_4214_9DDF_1….jpeg)

File: c77dbaebddc0493⋯.jpeg (74.19 KB, 497x503, 497:503, DE01A63C_CEC6_4412_BD1B_2….jpeg)

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7dc50d  No.14574482


ok, I must have missed it. Why are we posting all these pics of this brainless twat?

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c8ecee  No.14574483

File: 18db61264320d9f⋯.jpeg (471.74 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, night_shift.jpeg)

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7dc50d  No.14574484

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40a846  No.14574485

File: 5385af64d26c82f⋯.jpg (7.39 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 5385af64d26c82f49a4124755e….jpg)

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bd40c6  No.14574486


Sarah showing some leg there uh? I like it.

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34eaff  No.14574487


Sarah's got some nice legs, and ain't afraid to show them.

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1f8638  No.14574488


doesn't mean it wasn't strategically placed there…

What would a QVC box be doing there…

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d5092b  No.14574489

File: a8d14db9646de37⋯.png (585.64 KB, 739x813, 739:813, MrMuhJooBack.png)

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b047fe  No.14574490

I see the images have returned.

I guess that means the disgusting inhumane and illegal images women and children being assaulted have returned too.

I guess that's it then.


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db311c  No.14574491

File: e5ca17987c25a8b⋯.jpeg (115.67 KB, 1020x968, 255:242, 1551196264.jpeg)

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635471  No.14574492

File: bf09bea233859cb⋯.jpg (88.43 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 5jtr1r.jpg)

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814d68  No.14574493


Similar MOA as NAC, interacts electrostatically with the spike protein and deforms it so it can't dock with the ACE2 receptor. Without docking it can't duplicate amd eventually the body will recognize and form antigens/antibodies.

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587c8f  No.14574494

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5cda30  No.14574495


stuff from 80's punk DK's jello biafra re: feinstein if interested. (trivial unless looking for something concerning the matter)


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b1d751  No.14574496


A pond near the Red Sea turned red. Go figure. Muh red wave…!!!!!!!!!!!!!……!!.!!.!.!.!.!!..!!.!..!.!.!.!Muh muh muh.

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babc19  No.14574497

File: 03af6a582d6a87e⋯.jpg (217.24 KB, 822x608, 411:304, FORWARD.jpg)

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71610c  No.14574498

File: 31cc56341fd89cf⋯.png (645.34 KB, 600x539, 600:539, just_eyes.PNG)


Look at the eyes. Just the eyes. #DantesInferno

2:36 PM · Sep 13, 2021

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b1d751  No.14574499

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b399f1  No.14574500

File: b1553cda07410a2⋯.png (484.78 KB, 634x648, 317:324, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28e7cac96113031⋯.png (323.37 KB, 809x662, 809:662, ClipboardImage.png)

I can only paste pictures from clipboard.

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f0e877  No.14574501


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121a8d  No.14574502

File: 882c34f18148012⋯.png (874.57 KB, 875x526, 875:526, wong_way_out.png)


All part of the game

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91e29b  No.14574503


and your answer for the square skin flap? smh,

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39774e  No.14574504

File: e188a40dc43aa2b⋯.jpg (92.01 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, DJT_be_strong.jpg)


Why would Poso have this go out at 12:20 AM September 12, 2021 ?

Sum Ting Up with 12 20? 12/20

Christmas present?

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b1c279  No.14574505


I will go by Waffle House tomorrow and have the manager let me take a photo and send it to you board manager

I have gotten several of the boxes from them in the past in order to ship things

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b33508  No.14574506

File: f5d7406ccc5949d⋯.jpg (353.74 KB, 825x825, 1:1, frogs_on_a_slide_96_1841.jpg)

Meanwhile in Qresearch…

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c473c2  No.14574507


for the love of God….

nice legs?

she was a great worker. but legs?

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40a846  No.14574508



FKN KEK. anyone have the anthony bourdain / epstein ear pics handy? i hate to ask…

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7dc50d  No.14574509

File: edb33df8b6136f9⋯.png (87.71 KB, 251x233, 251:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d751  No.14574510

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5cda30  No.14574511

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021fb2  No.14574512


Oh, you again.

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7c036c  No.14574513


spil on keybrd. ig nore 4 nw

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da7a27  No.14574514

File: 194fbeb015d34e1⋯.jpg (40.38 KB, 495x405, 11:9, htja.JPG)

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d5092b  No.14574515


And images are DOWN

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bdcd00  No.14574516

File: a78a9f665b3d005⋯.jpg (88.53 KB, 532x956, 133:239, 8c93a517973758473cd9832a5b….jpg)


Can not even look him in the eye. Trump intense look ofYOUR'E FUCKED

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34be97  No.14574517


>Who makes a box with a Q on the side?

"Q RESEARCH" can't identify a QVC box, really? ffs smfh

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cb0e32  No.14574518


Not by blood dipshit

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c30f33  No.14574519


>playing "Defense"

it wins championships

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d5092b  No.14574520

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bd40c6  No.14574521




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9c17ab  No.14574522

File: c2b9978897724ab⋯.jpeg (89.38 KB, 600x584, 75:73, F92076E5_59D1_4693_A103_F….jpeg)

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da8727  No.14574523

File: cea261b28fadd5a⋯.jpg (211.68 KB, 519x699, 173:233, 20210913_080424.jpg)


DeSantis with the Trump "ill be back" 2021 shirt

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f0e877  No.14574524


some people enjoy starring at old asshole

even worse

there are people that collect the photos and republish them to the russians

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40a846  No.14574525


it was at precinct 17 too kek. also, if you look back in that bread, i had posted "i love you all etcetcetc… right before he did that. just a coinky dink prolly.

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771ac7  No.14574526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b1c279  No.14574527


I actually had them cut off a side panel and took a picture of my Vietnam veteran friend holding it

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d5092b  No.14574528


I'm tho thaw I can't pith

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0c84e1  No.14574529


You got to get both vaxxs

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226cf3  No.14574530

File: 0b643208b1a2988⋯.jpeg (112.63 KB, 848x476, 212:119, 2202B1C0_81DB_4ED1_856A_6….jpeg)

We are back with images.

Memes ready?

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81fec2  No.14574531

File: d706bf5beacd663⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1213x1174, 1213:1174, 177east51st1.png)

File: 8c7615d32ef5b8c⋯.jpg (95.59 KB, 710x815, 142:163, 5_5_pepe.jpg)

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2905fa  No.14574532


George's "special place"….IS THE ENTIRE PLANET NOW.


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f0e877  No.14574533



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e21f0c  No.14574534


What's she signing?

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814d68  No.14574535


It's a Quantum Box.

There is a cat inside.

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587c8f  No.14574536

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements

>>14574086 @430


>>14574114, >>14574364 Who makes a box with a Q on the side?

>>14574153 Biden is showing complete disregard for individual freedoms

>>14574154, >>14574154, >>14574236 Due to some fucked up censorship shit, images on 8Kun will disappear in 24 hrs

>>14574178, >>14574224 NORAD's Continental U.S. Region will conduct a routine air defense exercise, Falcon Virgo, midnight-2:30 a.m. (EDT) Sept 14 in the Washington, D.C., area. This is a recurring exercise in support of Operation NOBLE EAGLE.

>>14574182 Will the picture be the signifier?

>>14574211 CM: Remember the Pegasus iOS hack that can secretly take over iOS machines?

>>14574247 “F*ck Biden!” – Trump Supporters Gather to Protest Governor Newsom’s Campaign Rally with Joe Biden in SoCal

>>14574253 Two sheriffs in Arkansas will not mandate COVID-19 vaccines for their employees

>>14574259 Veronica Wolski RIP Was refused ivermectin by… Allison Arwady, M.D.

>>14574261 Chinese State Media Slams Soros As "The Most Evil Person In The World" And "The Son Of Satan"

>>14574341 Pinged media.8kun.top…Results……I hope it a good DNS…looks ok to me…

>>14574344 Wendy Rogers joined the John Fredericks show today and provided an update on the AZ audit

>>14574373, >>14574275 PDJT signature in the 9/11 NYPD logbook is sandwiched between two entries with the number (and only number) of 17.

>>14574462 California anon found some issues with my Governor recall election mail in ballot


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b1d751  No.14574537


Neither are Jews. Late here?

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5cda30  No.14574538


try refresh

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7dc50d  No.14574540

File: 9cfd825946f58e6⋯.png (661.96 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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862c28  No.14574541

File: b12f25c988e7162⋯.png (1.52 MB, 907x782, 907:782, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3ba2d  No.14574542

File: a531581e16aa85d⋯.png (606.89 KB, 464x528, 29:33, CEJews.PNG)


I guess Jim figured the truth is more important.

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0d8576  No.14574543

File: c258e051d33ece4⋯.png (68.3 KB, 221x200, 221:200, 353636.png)


her cooter is full of those vax spike proteins


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a6dcba  No.14574544

File: 750ee00b282d079⋯.png (89.62 KB, 1164x915, 388:305, ClipboardImage.png)

Some serious activity going on. East coast should be watching. USGS is not even registering this activity. Makes you wonder.


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2905fa  No.14574545


Satanic garbage

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d46782  No.14574546


Is everyone else unable to nic the pic?

Since the came back they've been unniccable.

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71610c  No.14574547


do you have your mom or dads eyes ANON ?

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92226a  No.14574548


Dead or alive?

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ec3624  No.14574549

ummm… pics not loading.

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d5092b  No.14574550


Thx. But still pulling 2 out of 3 as blanks.

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b3f0b7  No.14574551


TOP KEK 241, anon take it

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81fec2  No.14574552

File: f91786d80f01d92⋯.png (884.44 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_09_11….png)

File: 7cc8d40b9534a5c⋯.png (109.47 KB, 620x487, 620:487, scavinoQ74firetruck.png)


also 911 at Pentagon

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bb1ad2  No.14574553

File: 6a1eb0d5d361980⋯.png (1.04 MB, ClipboardImage.png)

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afe6aa  No.14574554

File: 58b3f5356f3a65f⋯.jpg (82.78 KB, 1384x742, 692:371, 2021_09_13_214331.jpg)



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b1d751  No.14574555


You have to subscribe first.

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2f1f51  No.14574556

File: 746c75d45519966⋯.png (1.03 MB, 820x895, 164:179, Girlscout_Fatass_Snacks_me….PNG)

Do we still call Girl Scout cookies, Girl Scout cookies?

Or are they called Gender Neutral Fatass Snacks now?

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caca20  No.14574557

oh also btfo all the useless scripts bros.

did nothing.

pics back,.

simple as.

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ebba7a  No.14574558

File: ea74d85078b2abb⋯.jpeg (99.63 KB, 435x640, 87:128, 0BE2E29A_A889_4306_8059_9….jpeg)

The Galactic Federation knew and expected this attack on the people of Earth, so we started working and trying to eliminate this threat. The virus what was released, it was not just one virus about 100 different viruses were released and they all were related to Coronavirus. This virus is actually a living entity that can live and thrive in negative energy, but as soon as it's exposed to the light or higher vibrations it dies. I have a great suggestion for all of you, if you start meditating or being in higher vibrations by doing things that uplift your spirit then this virus will never affect you.

We are happy to announce that we were able to help humankind to prevent this catastrophic event. We eliminated more than 90% of the Coronavirus, so only a few are left that are still here around the planet, but they are going to die also, we working on that. Humanity was now able to see with their own eyes on how their governments really are. The governments showed their true colors, they really don't care about the people at all, they only care about their own interests. Your leaders shut down whole countries, they shut down everything they possibly could, not thinking or caring on how this was going to effect everyone. They were supposedly saving you, but actually they were saving themselves. The governments were not thinking about you on how to help you, all they were interested in was how to gain more power and control over you by taking away most of your rights. Your leaders didn't care if you had food on the table or how you were going to pay your basic bills, all they cared about was to do their own agenda.

Also, their famous and amazing doctors you keep seeing on TV and everywhere, they are not your friends. These doctors are not here to help you, they here to put you down or to poison you, so I want to ask all of you not to get vaccinated. Don't let anything to be put in your body, like any foreign substances, because they are not going to tell you what they are going to put in your body. They will just try to destroy your body and kill you.


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6177ec  No.14574559

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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74552c  No.14574560

File: d41a83076da8239⋯.png (451.42 KB, 612x667, 612:667, 22AD896D_5F81_424E_9BB5_A0….png)

Taxpayers ultimately pay the money for ivermectin human and horse to be made but then get spanked when trying to get the human form for saving own life. Scolded for trying to get the horse form.

That about sum it up?

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1f8638  No.14574561

File: 771a9caccaca938⋯.png (1.07 MB, 960x590, 96:59, ClipboardImage.png)


So the box actually says "Q delivers"

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0d8576  No.14574562



image server is starting to bork

oh well, we had images back for a while

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33ade4  No.14574563


Schroedinger's cat?

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db311c  No.14574564

File: 92f2d63978eb596⋯.jpeg (73.09 KB, 848x476, 212:119, 1538855794.jpeg)

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65122b  No.14574565


Matrix: Resurrections release date is 12.22.21

This was after they had the release date postponed twice.

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814d68  No.14574566


Ask Mr. Pig.

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d3ba2d  No.14574567

File: e9b86a409d69b30⋯.png (311.38 KB, 785x873, 785:873, ClipboardImage.png)

I see what's going on here.

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bb1ad2  No.14574568

File: 3646468e12ed162⋯.jpg (249.16 KB, 1440x1800, 4:5, rivcoawesomeness.jpg)

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dd4d23  No.14574569


Baker Notable

>>14574136 Joe Biden weird mask?

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814d68  No.14574570


What's with the Chink writing?

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08f57f  No.14574571

File: 3799ec28a307ed6⋯.png (37.19 KB, 667x273, 667:273, Screen_Shot_2021_09_13_at_….png)

File: 733a3e7fa313b0b⋯.png (30.55 KB, 698x249, 698:249, Screen_Shot_2021_09_13_at_….png)

File: f34aa747442421c⋯.png (979.06 KB, 872x654, 4:3, Screen_Shot_2021_09_13_at_….png)

File: 39fa90e93548936⋯.png (703.14 KB, 510x656, 255:328, Screen_Shot_2021_09_13_at_….png)


Qbox = [Q]

[Q]uaker state = Keystone State = [P]ennsylvania


these are two Israels. double meanings exist, right?

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021fb2  No.14574572


I can see it tho.. Clint Eastwood.

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d3ba2d  No.14574573


They'd be a day late.

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3f43ae  No.14574574


That tee shirt does not say: I'll be back. It says I'll be Bach. Bach was a famous German composer. Bach is also translated from German as 'a brook, a small stream'.

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74552c  No.14574575


Q on side goes from dark to light as well

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814d68  No.14574576

File: b8d133291a31e25⋯.jpg (57.44 KB, 538x542, 269:271, ZomboMeme_27082021094620.jpg)

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caca20  No.14574577


nah i'm seeing yours and not the one below

just a bit sketchy, it is getting bombarded too

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f0e877  No.14574578


oh sure

Chernobyl lizard has feels for GEHY

like it killed and milk and has guilt


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9a7ffe  No.14574579

File: 7c62694d1928de6⋯.png (894.1 KB, 900x601, 900:601, 81a92171b5ce8c8904f1c91ccb….png)

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db311c  No.14574580

File: 16c9b9ad6ed536e⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 451x328, 11:8, 20210714_210845.gif)

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40a846  No.14574581

File: dc01e2c9326dd00⋯.jpg (56.56 KB, 669x499, 669:499, dc01e2c9326dd00f5d7a08dc74….jpg)

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34eaff  No.14574582


doxx yourself much? You know the drill, TOGTFO

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2905fa  No.14574583

File: ffe9a9f474a6c18⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1313x1027, 101:79, ClipboardImage.png)

Look at this sorry excuse for a politician.

Pretending to be a hooker on the red carpet in pedowood.

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0d8576  No.14574584

File: 0687153cde4fd3c⋯.png (409.52 KB, 747x488, 747:488, 525.png)

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bfab71  No.14574585

File: 80e81f9db29f51c⋯.png (477.55 KB, 1080x859, 1080:859, 7172971ba40461cb139672e354….png)

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f0e877  No.14574586


that my cue






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c5214e  No.14574587


nah, people are going to learn the value of their money soon enough

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c30f33  No.14574588


are you referring to "Xmas" upside down on the left ?

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babc19  No.14574589

File: 876ca3da6de79bc⋯.jpg (100.83 KB, 388x525, 388:525, LEMAY.jpg)

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98e22e  No.14574590

File: 013c1b20c83b9e9⋯.png (74.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 013c1b20c83b9e9ecf6524b3ca….png)


You still here? What happened to the internets police. You must really suck at reporting. Going to give us another finally warning before you go to the internets supreme court?

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0c84e1  No.14574591

File: c11f82708bc2903⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 681x582, 227:194, 20210821_192638.jpg)


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80bf08  No.14574592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Four Birds Singing

Trump wears agold tiewhile singing with 4 newly hatched chicks

Chevy Chase dumpspopcornon Trump's head

Trump wears apurple tiewhile hosting SNL during the election

I think he trumped the Clinton plan to wear imperial purple after winning

Comms are important to notice and understand

The Planbegan long before Trump was the Chosen One'

To be the Republican Presidential candidate.

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c1019c  No.14574593



and second.



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afe6aa  No.14574594

File: 69ca66eb5754887⋯.jpg (161.92 KB, 1384x742, 692:371, 2021_09_13_21433thqu4thq9.jpg)

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8fdc9d  No.14574595

File: e4466a6b986d3d3⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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40a846  No.14574596

File: 2108167b1b66b79⋯.jpg (303.93 KB, 597x792, 199:264, 2108167b1b66b79c8f4f844b0b….jpg)

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98e22e  No.14574597


>You still here? What happened to the internets police. You must really suck at reporting. Going to give us another finally warning before you go to the internets supreme court?

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1a48fa  No.14574598


now don't be filling us up with hopium

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f0e877  No.14574599


maybe it is made out of pedosta flesh

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229f40  No.14574600

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jack Posobiec


Unconfirmed reports that Senator Dianne Fienstein, 88 years old, has passed away.

9:02 PM · Sep 13, 2021·Twitter for iPhone



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babc19  No.14574601

File: 75e2971be90a0af⋯.jpg (137.67 KB, PIG_ARMY.jpg)

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605989  No.14574602


or the:




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02be32  No.14574603

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021fb2  No.14574604



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286229  No.14574605

File: 76d93ce1b5f3f16⋯.jpeg (143.19 KB, 755x768, 755:768, 76d93ce1b5f3f16bf9f1f90c7….jpeg)

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da7a27  No.14574606

File: 9da81c1876bac42⋯.png (513.93 KB, 572x478, 286:239, bydone.PNG)

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3a989a  No.14574607


Note "QVC" is on the side.

"QVC" is also known as "the Q" to its fans.

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aa1c73  No.14574608

Q on a box in a pic with Bidan?

Then Bidan is not Biden. Which anons knew. Bidan is wreaking devolution and having fun!



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0d8576  No.14574609

image server is down…………………

Error 521

Web server is down

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a6dcba  No.14574610

File: 9ce6c69f05c71c1⋯.png (208.13 KB, 1255x504, 1255:504, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78631e25e811047⋯.png (413.65 KB, 701x405, 701:405, da_la_palma.PNG)

USGS is hiding something.

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b33508  No.14574611

File: b53519d29e1e388⋯.png (425.4 KB, 478x652, 239:326, Screenshot_2021_09_13_at_2….png)

File: 3df1824bfa22246⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 4096x2731, 4096:2731, E_LMZHuXMAAvhd0.jpg)

US Strategic Command


The #Wranglers of the #MightyNinety stay ready.

They recently conducted a Response Task Force exercise to ensure they maintain a high state of #readiness and proficiency.



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40a846  No.14574612

File: fa73b4cd4faa04f⋯.jpg (81.4 KB, 938x635, 938:635, fa73b4cd4faa04f61312db804f….jpg)


or just snip it like a normal not retarded person

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34eaff  No.14574613


That's a K, not an H, Gavin.

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db311c  No.14574614

File: c243a46dba58d4a⋯.jpeg (118.81 KB, 1080x684, 30:19, 1585860578.jpeg)

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2f1f51  No.14574615



>are you referring to "Xmas" upside down on the left ?

Or the numbers on the right


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c30f33  No.14574616

File: 97e00cbdd14b877⋯.jpeg (12 KB, 255x145, 51:29, chinx.jpeg)


we have no proof it isn't them….so….

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b0368a  No.14574617

File: 44583924aa6df89⋯.png (694.76 KB, 990x872, 495:436, ClipboardImage.png)



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1880c0  No.14574618

File: ca3fe641b47b2da⋯.jpg (17.63 KB, 329x248, 329:248, Dtczz4hXoAA_FaO.jpg)






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ebba7a  No.14574619

First, I would like to bring your attention to the Coronavirus. I mentioned in my past message that this virus feeds on fear. Fear is a lower vibration and it feeds and mutates on fear, so remember don't let fear take over you, as soon as you allow for that to happen the virus will thrive on you and will try to destroy your body.

There is more to it, I would like to tell you more information, you probably heard about it. When the Cabal and the rest of the Negative Ones created a program on how to destroy humanity, they were planning to release this virus, which was created a while ago, after releasing this biological weapon on humanity, they wanted for the economy to crash and then kill 95% of human population, it was called The New World Order. If you see for yourselves they failed to wipe out most of the humans on the planet and their agenda didn't work. It had the opposite effect, a lot of you got awaken instead and you start questioning what's really going on around you.

The Galactic Federation knew and expected this attack on the people of Earth, so we started working and trying to eliminate this threat. The virus what was released, it was not just one virus about 100 different viruses were released and they all were related to Coronavirus. This virus is actually a living entity that can live and thrive in negative energy, but as soon as it's exposed to the light or higher vibrations it dies. I have a great suggestion for all of you, if you start meditating or being in higher vibrations by doing things that uplift your spirit then this virus will never affect you.

We are happy to announce that we were able to help humankind to prevent this catastrophic event. We eliminated more than 90% of the Coronavirus, so only a few are left that are still here around the planet, but they are going to die also, we working on that. Humanity was now able to see with their own eyes on how their governments really are. The governments showed their true colors, they really don't care about the people at all, they only care about their own interests. Your leaders shut down whole countries, they shut down everything they possibly could, not thinking or caring on how this was going to effect everyone. They were supposedly saving you, but actually they were saving themselves. The governments were not thinking about you on how to help you, all they were interested in was how to gain more power and control over you by taking away most of your rights. Your leaders didn't care if you had food on the table or how you were going to pay your basic bills, all they cared about was to do their own agenda.

Also, their famous and amazing doctors you keep seeing on TV and everywhere, they are not your friends. These doctors are not here to help you, they here to put you down or to poison you, so I want to ask all of you not to get vaccinated. Don't let anything to be put in your body, like any foreign substances, because they are not going to tell you what they are going to put in your body. They will just try to destroy your body and kill you.


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eb0ca1  No.14574620

File: 7b185195b1b77c0⋯.jpg (37.51 KB, 600x710, 60:71, 7b185195b1b77c0f0992ee3b64….jpg)

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acf674  No.14574621

File: 0a7fc671af039dd⋯.jpg (19.07 KB, 222x245, 222:245, Toots1.JPG)


Alas poor Toots we knew him well

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80bf08  No.14574622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sia -Bird Set Free(Live From SNL)

Introduced by Donald Trump

I think this anwers the question

That Q asked us 6 times

When does a bird sing?

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9c17ab  No.14574623

File: 0c09d0a7fae526c⋯.jpeg (227.99 KB, 636x900, 53:75, 0FB01417_342A_457E_B69C_E….jpeg)

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da7a27  No.14574624

File: 5dc21d35c4d010e⋯.png (141.88 KB, 232x263, 232:263, bydone1.PNG)

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286229  No.14574625



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55e66a  No.14574626

File: 7277dc63060728c⋯.png (205.25 KB, 397x259, 397:259, fuck_joe_biden.PNG)

File: 7277dc63060728c⋯.png (205.25 KB, 397x259, 397:259, fuck_joe_biden.PNG)

File: 7277dc63060728c⋯.png (205.25 KB, 397x259, 397:259, fuck_joe_biden.PNG)

File: 7277dc63060728c⋯.png (205.25 KB, 397x259, 397:259, fuck_joe_biden.PNG)

thanks for indulging me

feel much better now

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babc19  No.14574627

File: 74826de811c596f⋯.jpg (73.56 KB, 659x369, 659:369, BOX.jpg)

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5cda30  No.14574628


could be multiple meanings.

could just mean he is being steered exactly where he is told and signifies an easter egg (wink and a nod)

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ab4b85  No.14574629


Firefighters like cheap costume jewelry?

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91e29b  No.14574630

File: 33ef6c8c94ed09b⋯.png (504.82 KB, 1393x800, 1393:800, ty_jim_watkins.png)


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8fdc9d  No.14574631

File: 2286ffc74d462cd⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0e877  No.14574632

File: 9d0aee797d38693⋯.png (80.82 KB, 254x198, 127:99, e400c0aedd61ba21d8b5ed351c….png)

foreigner hooker GEHY gangbang caught on news for shekels on cue

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81fec2  No.14574633

File: 43f174eb4687adc⋯.png (11.6 KB, 118x81, 118:81, Screenshot_from_2021_09_13….png)

File: 8c699f36e8fc8a5⋯.png (35.12 KB, 178x151, 178:151, Screenshot_from_2021_09_13….png)

File: fb32ffad96fba57⋯.png (101.79 KB, 595x162, 595:162, mike.png)

File: 3ee35b77357ae46⋯.png (127.46 KB, 544x477, 544:477, Screenshot_from_2021_09_13….png)

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ec59e9  No.14574634

File: 446fd90bb6fd969⋯.jpg (13.94 KB, 255x175, 51:35, freedomhuddle.jpg)


And I got called a shill last bread for saying people are pissed off and can't take much more.

Thank you for your service, VAnon.

At this point Im greatly hoping that my 4 tours (years) of Kun duty qualifies me for said PTSD antics!

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7b47c8  No.14574635

File: bde215d9e811c2b⋯.png (212.26 KB, 438x594, 73:99, 20210913_205319.png)


So much wrong in this area

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38849d  No.14574636


watch out fakies

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ab4b85  No.14574637

one off that time

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92226a  No.14574638



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6b15d9  No.14574639


These jagoffs should protect the southern border.

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6177ec  No.14574640

File: 8151a1155de0511⋯.png (655.01 KB, 500x572, 125:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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277b8b  No.14574641

File: 4bbf5a478274aa4⋯.jpg (297.38 KB, 1333x2000, 1333:2000, 20219132115324image.jpg)


Fake & ghey

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286229  No.14574642

File: 3cbbaba4f7301c5⋯.jpeg (37.76 KB, 707x353, 707:353, 53tnxa.jpeg)

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f0e877  No.14574643

there is no way they connect us to NAMBLA jew bullion coCIAne @TURDohprimeministerjenkemjesus

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814d68  No.14574644


My eyes ain't what they used to be. Are those numbers?

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3f43ae  No.14574645