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c361d7  No.14616815[Last 50 Posts]

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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c361d7  No.14616819

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements


>>14615343 Another Joint Base Andrews flight this AM.

>>14615371 Do not talk about the Great Replacement

>>14615403 Texas report: Nurses and Doctor dead after receiving vaccination

>>14615409 Flashback: Schiff blocked Michael Sussman transcript back in May 2020

>>14615479 What's going on in Arizona? , >>14615480

>>14615491 Happy Sunday

>>14615496 Hillsong’s Brian Houston steps down from church boards amid charges

>>14615511 26 years ago..

>>14615695 New Presidential Statement

>>14615726 Kind reminder on why the war against National Socialist Germany was waged

>>14615811 Volcano at Las Palmas (Canary Islands) is erupting. Potentially huge happening., >>14615896

>>14615813 German Antifa rioted in Leipzig and smashed up businesses and started fires in the streets.

>>14615756 Death of the Deep State - Episode 1 - ROCKEFELLER MEDICINE

>>14615963 Yelp data shows 60% of business closures due to the coronavirus pandemic are now permanent

>>14615990 #18488


>>14614575 Do Anons remember the Mossad Massacre of december 2018?, >>14614590, >>14614594

>>14614794 Instagram censores content about natural immunity because it 'it goes against community guidelines'

>>14614839 Newly-discovered 'Borg' DNA Is unlike anything scientists have ever seen, >>14614846

>>14614739 Does the Vaccination wipe out helpful antibodies?, >>14614777, >>14614792, >>14614837

>>14614929 Why are there more COVID-19 cases in areas with high levels of COVID-19 vaccination?

>>14614956 9/11: Silverstein, Schwab (WEF) and (((a certain religion))) connected?, >>14614967, >>14614983

>>14614980 MSM OpEd on Durham/Sussman indictment, >>14614988

>>14614984 Texas AG Paxton: Fifth Circuit issues sanctions against Perkins Coie lawyers

>>14614998 PF Update: Gindi Capital is back from Casablanca

>>14614936 Tropical Depression Seventeen formed over the Atlantic, >>14615009, >>14615024, >>14615030, >>14615120

>>14615086 AOC's 'Tax the Rich' dress designer owes taxes & is accused of being a rent deadbeat while simultaneously running a sweatshop of unpaid interns.

>>14615119 How to break the stranglehold Big Tech has over you

>>14615110 Who is Jake Sullivan? Why does he have such a pivotal role in the HRC skeleton closet? >>14615117, >>14615122

>>14615146 Breakdown of COVID-19 vaccine ingredients, >>14615153

>>14615203 #18487

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c361d7  No.14616820


>>14613697 DT jr. : The Yukon. Coming back from a great adventure.

>>14613710 Lib supervisor upset at the Maricopa/AZ Senate agreement.

>>14613718 Jim Watkins: Now we know who they are.(Fed Protestors)

>>14613716, >>14613729 Re Bill Clinton tweet: BLM PROGRAM, CHEK OUT THE LINK?

>>14613746 On Jan 6 the Secret Service Offered to Escort Roger Stone to the Front of the Capitol March and Into the Capitol – Stone Smartly Declined

>>14613757, >>14613760, >>14613766, >>14613773 James O'Keefe: Our tip lines are blowing up. (Vax mandates in military)

>>14613768, >>14614171 PF Report - There was a flight FROM gitmo, to Joint Base Andrews today. Royal Saudi Air Force to Islamabad

>>14613770 “We Will Not Comply!” – Thousands March Against Covid Vaccine Mandates in NYC

>>14613795 Nurse speaks out how hospitals are killing non vaxxed w/ ventilators while using ivermectin on vaxxed people to save them

>>14613798 In Arizona, school boards have been given a policy update by ASBA to silence parents.

>>14613807 Twin baby pandas made their public debut at China's Chongqing Zoo. Chongqing China Trade War comms?

>>14613822, >>14613824, >>14613834 Senator Fann remains very confident that the auditors will have full access (to routers)

>>14613848 Damning Revelations During an FDA Vaccine Advisory Hearing 09/17/2021

>>14613861, >>14613864 Reminder - AG Pax­ton: Fifth Cir­cuit Issues Sanc­tions Against Perkins Coie

>>14613923 Scientists announce observation of elusive ‘intermediate’ black hole devouring a star

>>14613929 New Yorker’s ‘repugnant’ bid to marry their own child rejected by judge

>>14613946 Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax: 'FBI Work Model Is to Lie to People'

>>14613997 DR. BRYAN ARDIS: Remdesivir Is Killing People And Fauci Is To Blame

>>14614019, >>14614027 Fitton: Documents show Obama FDA buying fetal heads 'fresh, never frozen'

>>14614040 BlackCube, Jan Miller. Re: Rose McGowan, Harvey Weinstein

>>14614049 Abramovic's "Cleaning the House" workshops

>>14614051 Bill Gates, Fauci, Schwab and Depop agenda

>>14614097 Barack Obama destroyed rock 'n roll because "rock 'n roll was about white male angst

>>14614152 Mike Rothschild: (Qanon) still is a thing.

>>14614234 Hong Kong holds first elections under new "patriots only" law imposed by Beijing

>>14614247 @NatReconOfc: #OTD in 1992, the NRO was publicly acknowledged in an official press release.

>>14614380 BIG: Hillary Clinton Implicated in New Durham Indictment?

>>14614383 FLASHBACK: Fauci Disavows ‘Controlling’ People To Limit Disease Spread (ytube)

>>14614409 #18486

Previously Collected

>>14612051 #18483, >>14612845 #18484, >>14613635 #18485

>>14611340 #18480, >>14611853 #18481, >>14611199 #18482

>>14607373 #18477, >>14608147 #18478, >>14608917 #18479

>>14608524 #18474, >>14608488 #18475, >>14606561 #18476

>>14601634 #18469, >>14602219 #18470, >>14602464 #18471

>>14599897 #18466, >>14599472 #18467, >>14599988 #18468

>>14599685 #18463, >>14596874 #18464, >>14599671 #18465

>>14593690 #18460, >>14594519 #18461, >>14595277 #18462

>>14591383 #18457, >>14592157 #18458, >>14592924 #18459

>>14589056 #18454, >>14589837 #18455, >>14590579 #18456

>>14587020 #18451, >>14587529 #18452, >>14588304 #18453

>>14584607 #18448/2, >>14585069 #18449, >>14586924 #18450

>>14582681 #18446, >>14583399 #18447, >>14584517 #18448/1

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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c361d7  No.14616822

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

>>14110921 ————————————–——– Jew Research General #1

International Q Research Threads

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>>14601422 ————————————–——– Germany #88

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41

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c361d7  No.14616823

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c361d7  No.14616826

File: 3dfbec7277e9e77⋯.png (797.62 KB, 640x451, 640:451, 3dfbec7277e9e777da26ed93f7….png)



Baker collecting pb notables and updating the dough


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19c1cd  No.14616831

>>14616749 (LB)

I can’t take the vax because I’m IB+ I be positive you ain’t sticking me with that vaccine.

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c77027  No.14616832

File: 1528711d767075c⋯.jpg (72.56 KB, 539x675, 539:675, ZomboMeme_14062021213849.jpg)

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e18f44  No.14616834

File: 660dc6592e733ce⋯.png (92.01 KB, 981x885, 327:295, ClipboardImage.png)

Walt Disney Funds Holdings DIS


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5f3a25  No.14616837

File: d2b1c163e7571b6⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB, 464x848, 29:53, Do_you_see_it_yet.mp4)

>>14616625 (pb)


"15 days", "death toll tallies", "intubation", "lockdowns", "masks save lives"

months pass by

"get tested", "vaccines save lives"

months pass by

"death toll tallies", "economic collapse"

months pass by

"masks don't work", "vaccines don't work", "the tests don't work", "get tested anyway"

Do you see it yet?

"Climate change", "sex change", "follow the science", "men are women", "ignore the science", "women are sis, they don't exist", "breastfeeding is chestfeeding", "they / them", "kids are sexual", "little girls are kinky", "8 year old drag queens", "because trans is beautiful", and "degeneracy is tolerance"

Do you see it yet?

"1776", "1984", "left", "right", "democrat", "republican", "captalism", "sexism", "racism", "socialism", "communism", "globalism", "new world order", "chaos", "disorder", "BLM", "CRT", "MAGA", "Antifa", "defund", "debase", "erase", "virus", "death toll declines", "death toll surges", "open borders", "kids in cages", "kids trafficked", "kids raped", "kids killed in the womb", "get jabbed anyway", "variants", "because you are not complying"

Do you see it yet?

Do you see it yet?

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bd40a6  No.14616840

File: 8f457092556c60b⋯.png (86.21 KB, 185x275, 37:55, STOLEN_bacon_treats.png)



like that bread truck…..

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e18f44  No.14616841

File: eca4d4709c5a250⋯.png (719.8 KB, 547x647, 547:647, ClipboardImage.png)

Protests Against COVID-19 Mandates and Lockdowns in the Netherlands

Massive protests have broke out in the Netherlands against Covid-19 mandates as you’re seeing in many parts of the world as tyrannical governments try to push more lockdowns and mandates.

In the video, these people are literally partying for freedom, it’s a beautiful site, and what’s needed in America, and around the world. Say NO MORE to tyranny world, say NO MORE!


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04845f  No.14616843

Hooktube, can’t embed.


Make your own free fire logs from junkmail.

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09ea76  No.14616844

File: b3b5b6b9454c44f⋯.jpg (32.02 KB, 666x363, 222:121, 5bwvvxfj3n.jpg)

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0deb0c  No.14616845

The mother of all BOOMS

Perhaps someday (in the coming weeks) people will understand “they” had a plan to conduct’ ‘another’ MASS extinction event.

Now that would be a BOOM, wouldn’t it boys?

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e18f44  No.14616846

File: 018d8755b37fe55⋯.png (54.97 KB, 727x856, 727:856, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d70116007dfe052⋯.png (15.56 KB, 717x246, 239:82, ClipboardImage.png)

Amid homeless surge, California spent only $2M of $316M homeless COVID relief allocation: audit

California Gov. Gavin Newsom's state housing arm "did not take critical steps to ensure" that federal pandemic relief aid for the homeless "promptly benefited the vulnerable population for which it was intended," the auditor found.

This week's Golden Horseshoe is awarded to the California Department of Housing and Community Development for failing to disburse hundreds of millions of dollars in federal COVID relief funds earmarked for the homeless in time to help the "vulnerable population for which it was intended," according to a scathing report compiled by the state's auditor.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom's state housing department received $316 million from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) through the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program, but "as of early August 2021, the federal government reported that the State had spent only $2 million of the $316 million it was allocated — less than 1 percent," according to the California state auditor's report.

Homelessness has been surging in California in recent years, and the homeless are especially vulnerable to COVID-19, the report emphasizes.

"As of January 2020, more than 161,000 Californians were homeless, a 16 percent increase since 2007, and the COVID‑19 pandemic poses a particular set of health risks for this vulnerable population," according to the report.

"Individuals who are homeless often face an increased risk of serious illness from COVID‑19, for reasons ranging from inadequate access to sanitation to a lack of health care resources. The homeless population also tends to be older or have underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension, which are risk factors that complicate the effects of the virus."

The CDHCD received CARES funding for the homeless in two rounds, $44 million in April 2020 and $272 million in June 2020, but the "department did not take critical steps to ensure that the $316 in ESG-CV funds promptly benefited the vulnerable population for which it was intended," the auditor determined.

The audit found that as a result of CDHCD mismanagement, the ESG COVID relief funds (ESG-CV) were not disbursed to local Continuum of Care entities (CoCs), local organizations and individuals that deliver homeless care and prevention services.

"These CoCs cannot access the ESG‐CV funding until the department finalizes contracts with them," the report explained. The department's "failure to expedite its contracting process meant that most CoCs could not access the first round of ESG‐CV funding until December 2020 — five months after they had submitted their applications for funding," the audit found.


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5f3a25  No.14616847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are a machine baker?


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04313a  No.14616848


Yes, Cap't Obvious, it would.

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2895cb  No.14616849

Military Plane Crashes In Residential Area, 3 Injured Up To 6 Homes Hit


(Live feed)


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3af9e5  No.14616851

File: a2c0e8bc3912fde⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 540x400, 27:20, a2c0e8bc3912fdeee89185ece8….jpg)

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76e66d  No.14616852

>>14616686 shake and last bake

that's one out of control dildo / butt plugg combo ; that or the handler of the remote control turbo button

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5f3a25  No.14616853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Because you need to change to back to youtube.

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200f97  No.14616856

>>14616311 lb

>THIS JUST IN— Chris Rock says he has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and urged his followers to “Get vaccinated.” The 56-year-old comedian has previously said he was vaccinated. Seems his vaccine doesn’t work…

But the MSM doesn't tell them that he's been vaxxed already.

This is their community's (per Joy Reid) best attempt to counter against Nicki Minaj?

Bwahahaha! Nicki has the Qresearch power of the anons on her side. I pity the fools.

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91dc6b  No.14616858

File: 9ac308395d156c3⋯.jpg (689.47 KB, 830x870, 83:87, good_dog.jpg)

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04313a  No.14616859


Hooktube died years ago.

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3af9e5  No.14616860

File: 17cca801b8201c7⋯.png (361.17 KB, 774x643, 774:643, Ouch_.png)

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bd40a6  No.14616861

File: 9c31c33b4858ead⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 1180x8480, 59:424, 2021_09_19_9_51_17_m.jpg)

File: bbc3e882fadfe91⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 1225x7098, 175:1014, 2021_09_19_9_55_33_n.jpg)

File: 3cbd840b404532a⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 1215x5710, 243:1142, 2021_09_19_9_58_14_o.jpg)

File: 3e46798c43987ee⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 1190x6370, 17:91, 2021_09_19_9_59_33_p.jpg)

Serbian article from Nov. 2 2020 on CANVAS, SOROS color revolutions and BIDEN'S Role in supporting these efforts.

EXCLUSIVE: Soros-Biden Network Ukrainegate (US Elections and The Day After)

Nov. 2, 2020


First part of this article gives detailed info on Ukrainegate & Soros' roles in both that and how he has controlled USAID in the the US for decades.

Second part is oncolor revolutions. Here are some interesting specifics:

Serbia Created Soros' CANVAS >>> Antifa and BLM

One of the initiators of the wave of new colonialism worldwide is the CANVAS (Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies) organization which is one of the first on the list of organizations that should be banned. The founders and leaders of this organization are former leaders of the OTPOR organization, Srdja Popovic and Slobodan Djinovic. Having gained fame for the first successful colour revolution which lead to establishment of colonial government in Serbia, they created CANVAS, the organization for execution of coups, and were engaged worldwide by CIA to change regimes that were disapproved by George Soros, the Clintons, and other world speculators and venturers.

CANVAS trained activists from about 50 countries who were the protagonists, among other things, of the so-called colour revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia, Egypt, Tunisia, as well as of the unsuccessfully attempted revolutions in Belarus, Russia, China, and Syria. CANVAS harms reputation of the University of Belgrade since the teaching subject Methods and Tactics of Nonviolent Action is misused for training of colour revolutionaries from all over the world at the Faculty of Political Sciences.

CANVAS and Srdja Popovic are involved in organization of protests against Donald Trump, The president-elect of the United States (late 2016-January 2017).

They are also connected to the Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and they are operationally involved in organising violence, riots and terrorist attacks that are happening across the USA in the last several months. Antifa is run by Hillary Clinton, while George Soros is in charge of Black Lives Matter.…..

Serbia is a part of all of this subversive acts against the sovereignty of the US. Serbia and the Balkans in its entirety are a colony of George Soros and the globalists and this is the part of the world where they wield the most power. This here is the safe house for their (anti) USA operations.This is why there are no data coming out concerning the globalist network and crime in Serbia. Because unlike in Ukraine, in here, they’re still in the positions of power through the political players they’ve installed and they are still holding onto that power.


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85d054  No.14616863

>>14616782 (lb)

You missed the truth of the matter. Anyone who uses money to live is already a slave. The bankers control access to the money and its value. Lincoln and Kennedy were both killed for printing US money instead of using Central Bank currency. The new money will be digital and you'll have to be current on your vaccines to access it.

They control it all. They know it will cause and uprising and revolution, and they are counting on it. No matter who wins, they will have to have money to have a country to govern.

The 6,000 year old death cult began when they started 'printing' money on clay tablets.

The bigwigs at the World Bank already have half a dozen digital currencies ready for transition. We the people don't get a vote on our monetary system. We live under the system TPTB create.

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bd40a6  No.14616865

File: 4a78b7c6b1b7f9e⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 1159x6449, 1159:6449, 2021_09_19_10_00_40_q.jpg)

File: f5b57b616668bc6⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1186x4313, 1186:4313, 2021_09_19_10_01_35_r.jpg)

File: a6e5ab17f221d4f⋯.jpg (365.97 KB, 2003x1421, 2003:1421, 2021_09_19_10_27_45.jpg)

File: 87f80a707307a84⋯.jpg (532.41 KB, 1940x2750, 194:275, 2021_09_19_10_31_16.jpg)



Role of Serbia in Pushing HRC Campaign and Taking Down Alex Jones

"Before the US elections in 2016, Serbian government led by Aleksandar Vucic (then – the Prime Minister, now – the President of Serbia) has been heavily involved in supporting Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign. Not only has Vucic publicly endorsed Hillary, but also the Government of Republic of Serbia donated 2 million US dollars to her campaign. This is a clear interference of a foreign country in the US election process and a criminal offence that Hillary Clinton must be prosecuted and convicted for. Data on this payment was found in the content of Hillary’s emails and Trump’s associate Roger Stone spoke about this donation which has made him the target of the Clintons. Stone was indicted and convicted (all organised by Hillary Clinton). YouTube channel belonging to Alex Jones, on whose show Stone divulged this information was terminated, all of the shows were deleted, and the FBI covered and destroyed all of the evidence."

However, the Serbian Government and Vucic were not the only financial contributors to Hillary’s campaign. Serbian oligarch Zeljko Mitrovic has made a payment of 5 million euros to a bank account connected to Joe Biden, to be used in Hillary’s campaign. Mitrovic took out a loan in the amount of 27 million euros from the AIK Bank belonging to Miodrag Kostic. However, he was obligated to first transfer the aforementioned sum of 5 million before he could receive the rest of the money (22 million euros). Kostic organised this transaction through the wealthiest of the Ukrainian oligarchs Rinat Akhmetov, since Akhmetov’s daughter is married to Kostic’s son. The intermediary in this arrangement was Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

BIDEN FAMILY made $3 BILLION Off Deal with Former Serbian PM

During the last 20 years, hundreds of millions of dollars of American taxpayers’s money were extracted and laundered through USAID in Serbia alone. I’ve already mentioned Srdja Popovic and CANVAS as a key figures in organising of riots and in the future, post-election attempt of a violent overthrow of President Trump. A company owned by Joe Biden and his son Beau has made over 3 billion US dollars on a debt collection that former Yugoslavia had to Iraq. Former Serbian President Boris Tadic have sold a debt claim in a sum amounting to 3.5 billion US dollars for only 300 million US dollars to Beau Biden’s company. In return, Tadic was fully politically supported by Biden.


Also posted in qrbunker/endchan #33 to retain the graphics for further research.

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5f3a25  No.14616866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video channel of that (based) woman.


Original tiktok video was already 404d.

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e18f44  No.14616867

Fauci: Officials Will Decide on COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendation for Children Aged 5 to 11 Soon

Biden administration COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci said that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will likely make a decision on whether to recommend COVID-19 vaccines to children under the age of 12 in the fall.


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4aaab8  No.14616868

File: 97877027e8affdd⋯.jpg (37.82 KB, 713x401, 713:401, 1629311347040.jpg)

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04313a  No.14616870

File: d2b1c163e7571b6⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB, 464x848, 29:53, doyouseeityet.mp4)


>Original tiktok video was already 404d.

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ea2669  No.14616871

Hey dumbasses. Finish filling the other bread with 500 posts.

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3590ab  No.14616872

File: d1f612a8dc44db2⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB, 640x480, 4:3, tookinstructionshome.mp4)

>>14616237 pb

two different photo takes

hand is different

expression is different

>>14615695 pb

The Libs I know just love these "unbearables" flowing over the border.

they love it. they eat it up

virtue signaling

They see the wealth of our Country USA as a free-for-all for all the "have - nots"

They believe our Country is selfish, when actually our enemies use our "guilt" (blood( and sense of entitlement (virtue signal) to gain advantage?

They also hate people who have success, unless that success is politically "approved" by the Mass Media / Hollywood / the UN / the News Infrastructure?

They also love to Thwart DJTrump.

Haters. They just love this. Believe me, I know them.

Does this look real to y'all

Supposedly military equipment left behind in Afghanistan

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5f3a25  No.14616873


Corbett had a good video about this.


9/11 Truth - Lesson learned?

Running after their reality will get us nowhere. We have to create our own reality.

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91dc6b  No.14616874

File: 7c95653dcb10ace⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 858x830, 429:415, loser_pepe.jpg)


Old bread anon.

Check #

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7adc45  No.14616875


it's rotten and like three days old

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200f97  No.14616876

File: 13a2d34e45327e1⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 13a2d34e45327e1e4aa6e4ecc2….jpg)

File: 37498447b931c2d⋯.jpg (54.67 KB, 614x586, 307:293, Pepe_Wild_Keks.jpg)


>Hey dumbasses. Finish filling the other bread with 500 posts.

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3590ab  No.14616877


which bread. ? one before this Said it was full

i got the error message.

maybe a lot was deleted?

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825c78  No.14616879

File: 31cadea3c0f32ef⋯.png (115.89 KB, 550x597, 550:597, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5659680e02c259f⋯.png (147.72 KB, 624x612, 52:51, ClipboardImage.png)

1. https://twitter.com/FOOL_NELSON/status/1439028711764987904.

7. https://twitter.com/FOOL_NELSON/status/1438666807360081921

14. https://twitter.com/FOOL_NELSON/status/1437973481422049282


NEW: McCain's committee enlisted Dan Jones to examine the Trump-Alfa server connection… Furthermore, on August 18, 2021 Alfa deposed Jones and he is now trying to seek a declaratory judgement that exhibits for the deposition are confidential.


Rodney Joffe is hypothetically Tech executive-1 in the #Durham indictment.

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04845f  No.14616880


It did, but am trying to save you all from google.

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ea2669  No.14616882


Ah fuck me. That fucking thing is still around?

Tard jail. Carry on.

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d35f02  No.14616883


I'll bet this will go over like a lead balloon.

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cff0ac  No.14616884


It should be locked.

It's stale as 4 am talking points.

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fab286  No.14616886

File: ad9e94df0fda888⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 250x244, 125:122, 1554248844794.gif)

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4f56fc  No.14616887

File: 49729ad49b387e4⋯.jpg (75.04 KB, 600x450, 4:3, blfr.jpg)

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c77027  No.14616888

Hey dumbasses…bread #1723 still has two spaces left. Fill it up

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91dc6b  No.14616889

File: 13fa30a420ae5b5⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Comfy.png)



You are forgiven anon.

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eb6fec  No.14616890

Could the volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands potentially cause the use of the EBS?

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e18f44  No.14616891

Police PEPPER-SPRAY & ARREST journalists at latest Melbourne protest

WATCH & SHARE how the MSM won't even defend their own.

Independent and mainstream journalists accuse Victoria Police of targeting them at the latest lockdown protest in Melbourne.

Video has emerged showing officers pepper-spraying several members of the press who posed no risk to police.

One photographer from The Age newspaper said he doesn't mind if he's accidentally hit, but the fact police purposely walked up and sprayed him in the face is frightening.

Jason Edwards, who was there for the Herald Sun, also claims police assaulted him.

Police arrested at least one journalist who was later let go.

Independent journalist Real Rukshan had to stop recording when he couldn't keep his eyes open after police 'attacked' him.

The mainstream media have painted protesters as the only violent party at the protest, ignoring who instigated the violence.

It's unclear if they plan to defend their staff injured by police brutality.



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ea2669  No.14616892


I figured it was filled up or locked by now, didn't look.

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fed820  No.14616893

File: 356927719200706⋯.png (602.63 KB, 1136x2048, 71:128, Screenshot_20210919_114504.png)

Chris Rock announces he has a breakthrough coronavirus case, urges followers to get vaccinated


The former 'Saturday Night Live' star announced on 'The Tonight Show' earlier this year that he was vaccinated


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cd5840  No.14616894

ok so obviously gabby was pissed off they were getting pulled over because they were getting high or had a bunch of weed on them. then what?

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1629df  No.14616895

File: fc8b1a76dc800c4⋯.png (169.52 KB, 524x504, 131:126, 76b3cd52057f5d59abd745728d….png)

>>14616664 lb

She's right you know


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8b4778  No.14616896


If it triggers a Tsunami warning that could be catastrophic to the east coast.

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fab286  No.14616897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e1e67b  No.14616898

File: ac6f3f507a29676⋯.png (578.07 KB, 606x457, 606:457, ClipboardImage.png)

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200f97  No.14616900

File: eea25adf9a6ff94⋯.jpg (34.27 KB, 618x410, 309:205, eric_schmidt.jpg)


>Tech executive-1

There can be only one Tech executive-1, anon.

He resigned Two days later.

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d34532  No.14616901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live streams of La Palma

DIRECTO: Entra en erupción el volcán en la isla de La Palma - https://youtu.be/PVeQJiVPLTU

DIRECTO | Erupción del volcán en La Palma - https://youtu.be/IqdPDsSwQ7Q

Isla Bonita La Palma Volcán La Palma en directo - https://youtu.be/UlutBDjrVZc

ERUPCIÓN VOLCÁNICA del CUMBRE VIEJA en LA PALMA - https://youtu.be/XmyHHm0Pz_4

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b45837  No.14616902



You mean we should watch the water?

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eb6fec  No.14616904


I already warned family and friends that live along the coast.

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c77027  No.14616905


You mean a bird is about to sing?

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825c78  No.14616906

File: e0c7283c7dd1711⋯.png (325.42 KB, 526x574, 263:287, ClipboardImage.png)

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91dc6b  No.14616908

File: e52d211e00bfa88⋯.jpg (439.81 KB, 716x909, 716:909, watch_the_water.jpg)

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200f97  No.14616909

File: 980bf2a5863985c⋯.jpg (28.72 KB, 323x237, 323:237, Watch_the_Water.jpg)


>You mean we should watch the water?


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04313a  No.14616911


Don't save others from themselves.

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261482  No.14616914

My friend just died from the vaccine

She went to take a shower and dropped dead

Blood clot

2nd dose 3 weeks ago

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7adc45  No.14616915


OMG!! Q PROOF !! I might be getting ahead of myself.. that would be crazy if a wave took out 10million folks on the east side..

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fab286  No.14616916

File: 36112cb10c372a8⋯.png (15.17 KB, 262x278, 131:139, 1603764256493.png)

File: 03f1928699d1d83⋯.jpg (79.71 KB, 573x495, 191:165, 1605406957210.jpg)

File: 1fe66ca1f0ef396⋯.jpg (302.7 KB, 598x714, 299:357, 1554107652745.jpg)

File: 1870ee27d60c089⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 243x291, 81:97, 1598424091907.jpg)

File: fc44825f9ecc2f9⋯.jpg (54.6 KB, 287x265, 287:265, TR_Cohagen.jpg)



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1fa6ce  No.14616917

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5debc4  No.14616918

File: 1f2ac5d15f38f7c⋯.png (458.08 KB, 960x936, 40:39, ClipboardImage.png)

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04313a  No.14616919


Sorry to hear that, Anon.

Got any pics?

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803e4d  No.14616920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ty e-baker

Tchaïkovsky - Литургия Иоанна Златоуста / Liturgy of St John Chrysostom


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e18f44  No.14616922

File: b1d228154f1c9b5⋯.png (112.71 KB, 1436x781, 1436:781, ClipboardImage.png)

Gary D. Barnett – Covid Vaccine Equals State Sanctioned Murder

Funeral Director John O'Looney spills the beans. Here is another address for the video.

"We are in the midst of pure evil, and the purposeful injury, murder, sterilization, and depopulation of mankind. There is no longer any doubt about this, regardless of the apathetic and gullible nature of most. We are at a crossroads so important and so dangerous, that we are facing death from every angle, and few are standing against this onslaught of terror."

At times, the frustration is so great that I question why I continue to write and expose this premeditated murderous plot called 'COVID-19'. That question is always answered by: "I have to do this for my own sanity, and for others that are not capable of seeing the truth."

We are in the midst of pure evil, and the purposeful injury, murder, sterilization, and depopulation of mankind. There is no longer any doubt about this, regardless of the apathetic and gullible nature of most. We are at a crossroads so important and so dangerous, that we are facing death from every angle, and few are standing against this onslaught of terror.

Yes, some protest and carry signs, and some beg for redress from their state enemies in politics, but that will never get the job done, and it certainly will not stop the agendas of the state. Only mass resistance, dissent, and total disobedience to any government mandate will stop this assault on all of us. That includes not allowing under any circumstances any deadly injection called a 'COVID vaccine.' It is simply a bioweapon for murder!

I will keep this short because the video below must be watched. It is a real life account of exactly what is and has been going on during this fraudulent scam.

This is a very brave funeral director/owner named John O'Looney talking with Max Egan, and the information is staggering to say the very least.

Please watch and listen to it all, including Max's wrap-up at the end. While it will sicken you, it is necessary in order to grasp the scope of the horror being attempted and prosecuted by those in power, and all their fascist partners and accessories in the media, corporate world, the medical establishment, and of course the evil state.


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fab286  No.14616923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Another livestream

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3af9e5  No.14616924

File: 05352c5ab6afcfe⋯.jpg (25.24 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 05352c5ab6afcfeece0cb79116….jpg)

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2895cb  No.14616925

File: c3097377fdda8ad⋯.jpg (100.85 KB, 588x653, 588:653, AQ1.jpg)





that the “Justice for January 6th” rally at the U.S. Capitol “remained mostly peaceful.”

“At one point in the beginning of the rally, I think there was more police than there actually were demonstrators.”


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91dc6b  No.14616926

File: 1e86badbae2d840⋯.jpg (428.14 KB, 1478x2082, 739:1041, Archive_offline.jpg)

File: fed5d3b32504274⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1851x2561, 1851:2561, Msm.png)

File: 9e6c0f045e714bd⋯.jpg (192.95 KB, 418x608, 11:16, Research_yourself.jpg)

File: 71d42daef622ad6⋯.jpg (493.45 KB, 2391x3063, 797:1021, Ready.jpg)

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fab286  No.14616927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4801b6  No.14616928

File: ea3aa069072cfbe⋯.jpg (6.12 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 87004122580085155412558870….jpg)

The corruption concerning DC interns will come into the light as well.

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d34532  No.14616930

File: 80869d3aab9ea27⋯.jpeg (647.82 KB, 2366x956, 1183:478, money.jpeg)


Jonathan Kleck money

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e1e67b  No.14616931


a bit of advice young man,

cut back on the booster vax's

they do not agree with you


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c77027  No.14616932

File: 9863d38bd7e6d8a⋯.jpg (101.82 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ZomboMeme_08032020014642.jpg)

File: 34ff9a1d7c4e30c⋯.jpg (54.17 KB, 800x449, 800:449, ZomboMeme_07032020204049.jpg)

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fed820  No.14616934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Another volcano view


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fab286  No.14616935

File: d41e79892ef69f7⋯.jpg (238.41 KB, 756x560, 27:20, 1579929164244.jpg)

File: 215882dadcbc41c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 951x496, 951:496, 1576370705007.png)

File: 0cb3fd2ff018f8b⋯.jpg (123.5 KB, 740x606, 370:303, 1605905102478.jpg)

File: 2b0e4b8fea0cfe2⋯.jpg (300.71 KB, 700x699, 700:699, 157992916420031.jpg)

File: d967e8e448f947b⋯.jpg (294.52 KB, 710x750, 71:75, 160482629018067.jpg)

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b395df  No.14616937


Wife anon attended a funeral for a co-worker last weekend. 40 yr old female, competed in olympics (karate). died of heart attack 4 weeks post 2nd dose.

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2ea1a6  No.14616938


FUNNY shit right there…

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e18f44  No.14616939

File: df74ec0cf28deaa⋯.png (38.98 KB, 1027x454, 1027:454, ClipboardImage.png)

Iran Becomes Full Member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Geopolitical and Economic Implications

On 17 September 2021 Iran has become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). It is an extraordinary achievement and new beginning for US and western sanction-badgered Iran. Transcript of Press TV interview with Peter Koenig.

PressTV: Iran is finally a member of the SCO. It is said that this solidifies a block to stand up to the West and US hegemony: will it be able to do that, and is the era of unilateralism over?

Peter Koenig: First, my deepest and heartfelt congratulations for this extraordinary event – Iran the latest member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization – SCO. Bravo!

Yes, this will definitely open new doors, prosperous doors with new relations in the East. SCO with the current membership covers close to 50% of the world population and accounts for about one third of the world’s GDP.

Being a member of this organization, will take a lot of pressure away in terms of western sanctions, western impositions, monetary manipulations via the US dollar as a remedy for payment.

No more.

Iran is now free to deal in her own currency and in Yuan as well as in any currency of the SCO members, because western-type trade currency restrictions do not exist in SCO member countries.

This will drastically reduce the potential for US / western sanctions and will increase on the other hand, Iran’s potential to deal with the East, i.e., especially China and Russia; entering partnership agreements with these and other SCO countries, benefitting from comparative advantages. It may open-up a new socio-economic era for Iran.

Also, in terms of defense strategy – although SCO is not a military defense organization per se, but it offers strategic defense assistance and advice – and as such is a solidifying force for member countries.

SCO also respects countries’ autonomy and sovereignty – and facilitates trade arrangements between member countries.

Having said this, Iran must not lose sight of potentially disrupting internal factors, like the so-called Fifth Columnists – those who will keep pulling towards the west, and they are particularly dangerous as infiltrates in the financial sector, Treasury, Ministry of Finance, Central Bank, and so on. They are everywhere, also in Russia and China. But internal Iranian awareness and caution will help manage the risks and eventually overwhelm it. Russia has gone along way in doing so. And so has China. And so will Iran. I’m confident.

Again, excellent momentum to celebrate. Congratulations!

PressTV: Iran will also be part of the different regional bodies in neighborhood regions, including Eurasia, that could spontaneously break the “sanctions wall” and lead to diversified fruitful foreign relations. Does this mean the US sanctions will not be as effective?


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04845f  No.14616940


I’m sorry to hear that anon. I think it’s a lot more common than everyone realizes…

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bee34b  No.14616941

File: 593f4e041b2b31f⋯.png (1.17 MB, 900x648, 25:18, ClipboardImage.png)

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659623  No.14616942

Funny as fuck if true! Grain of salt anons

Anonymous ID:KFxgbYtA Wed 15 Sep 2021 21:27:31 No.339315902

Quoted By: >>339318168 >>339321009

Joe Biden is sucking Milley`s dick because he and Milley were the ones who conspired to fuck Trump. Has it sunk in that Biden is supporting Milley because Milley has enough on him to sink the whole ship. Biden approached Milley and the plan was for Biden to get out of Afghanistan and the government was supposed to be stable enough to survive at least a year. This would make Biden a hero. Next Milley would fuck Trump over and the book being released would be a big fuck you to Trump. Understand Milley and Biden met in December to put this together and coordinated the whole thing including the release of the book to happen right after the 9/11 love feast. What they did not count on was Kamala Harris fucked both of them with her own deep state traitors. Now let this sink in. Biden and Milley conspired in December of last year before Biden became President to put this little shit fest together 'Biden will defend Milley to the end because if comes out what happened Biden is done. Both the CIA and the National Security Agency have tapes of their conversations and Kamala has one. She plans on releasing it fairly soon. Biden is such a fucking moron. It seems the goat fuckers in Afghanistan are the smartest group in the world.


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0f029a  No.14616943

File: edd51ecf8c31a4c⋯.jpg (292.96 KB, 1024x613, 1024:613, grammar_kitty_thumbs.jpg)


>have broke out

The present perfect tense is constructed using the "have" auxiliary verb, plus the past participle of the following verb - have broken.

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831ed6  No.14616944

File: a83d5061d2989b0⋯.png (1.7 MB, 789x2516, 789:2516, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5383c891d50472c⋯.png (1.3 MB, 720x1451, 720:1451, ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Rogan EXPOSED with CIA Elon Musk, MAPS, Esalen, Military MK Ultra Brave New World (((IDW)))


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8ea3d2  No.14616946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Freedom In China Quarantine Ended | Chongqing | 在中国获得自由

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0f029a  No.14616947

File: 3ef5215c6f94338⋯.png (843.81 KB, 1257x1261, 1257:1261, macron_butt_plug.png)

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eb6fec  No.14616948


DAAAAAAANG! Never thought of that.

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fed820  No.14616949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ben Davidson from Suspicious 0bservers on the volcano. Logical thinking.


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cd5840  No.14616950


I'm sorry anon, you tried to warn friend but i know that isn't comforting. will pray for you and their family.

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4801b6  No.14616951

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.

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04313a  No.14616952


Fear pron.


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e18f44  No.14616953

Biden Takes a ‘Casual’ Bike Ride by the Beach as Multiple Crises Sink His Presidency

Joe Biden and his wife Jill took a ‘casual’ bike ride onto Gordon’s Pond Trail in Rehoboth Beach on Sunday as multiple crises sink his presidency.

Biden returned to the sound of silence to his home state of Delaware Friday for a long weekend at his Rehoboth Beach vacation home–no supporters, not even his wife were there to greet him.

Biden is away from DC on vacation after a disastrous week.

Americans are still stuck behind enemy lines in Afghanistan, France recalled its ambassadors to the United States, more than 15,000 illegal aliens mostly from Haiti crossed the Rio Grande into the US and the FDA declined approval for the Covid booster.

The government of French President Macron announced Friday afternoon it is recalling their ambassadors to the United States and Australia for consultations in the wake of a defense agreement with the U.S., Australia and the United Kingdom that shut out France and cancelled a multi-billion dollar submarine deal between France and Australia, TGPS’s Kristinn Taylor reported.

This is the first time France has recalled its U.S. ambassador in the well over 200 years of close relations dating to France’s support for the American Revolution.

Americans are still stuck in Afghanistan and the Pentagon admitted this week the Biden Admin droned innocent civilians, including 7 children, in its military response to the Kabul suicide bomber that killed 13 US service members.

Approximately 15,000 illegal aliens made their across the Rio Grande into Del Rio Texas this week and are being held in a makeshift detention camp dubbed ‘Bidenville.’

The FDA also declined to approve Pfizer’s booster shot which was another blow to Joe Biden because of confusing messaging.

Meanwhile, Joe and Jill are out on a bike ride without a care in the world.

“Mr. President, what will you tell [French President] Emmanuel Macron?” a reporter shouted as onlookers cheered the Bidens.


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bee34b  No.14616955

File: d03b08d0dd6bd56⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1919x795, 1919:795, ClipboardImage.png)

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659623  No.14616956


Nailed this am, I said theyd say “”mostly peaceful, when it was peaceful!””

It was deserted

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d34532  No.14616958


>Blood clot

Prayers for comfort, anon. Daughteranon had COVID last month. No vax. Took her to emergency room in Texas, no improvement. A couple days later, took her to an urgent care, they examined her for clots and found a pericardial cyst. Doc said it was a 1 in 100,000 chance of finding it. Normally only found when looking for other things. She recovered, says she's glad she got it, natural immunity now. Thankful they found cyst. A co-worker of hers got vaxxed, got COVID, died 2 weeks later.

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2895cb  No.14616959

File: 8678f182b3c88fb⋯.jpg (100.85 KB, 783x106, 783:106, AQ1.jpg)

Juvenile Jim Acosta cracks himself up word-playing with Tucker Carlson’s balls

With several double-meanings loaded into the script, Fox-obsessed CNN anchor and Trump nemesis Jim Acosta called out Tucker Carlson for supposedly being obsessed with the now-famous Nicki Minaj tweet about purported COVID-19 vaccine side effects.

“No doubt about it, over on Fox this week, it got a little nuts,” Acosta said, perhaps hitting below the belt, as it were, on his ratings-challenged show called CNN Newsroom.

Acosta seemed particularly triggered by a Tucker Carlson Tonight segment about the Minaj controversy with Lara Logan in which the host implied, in part, that people forfeit their freedom if they allow the government to make them take certain drugs.

“Such a sad sack,” Acosta commented in the segment embedded below, while accusing Tucker – who has said repeatedly that he is pro-vaccine – of spreading “more paranoia about getting the shot.”

“The problem is not Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s medical issues. It’s that some of the most prominent voices on the far-right, whether on Fox or their podcasts, have the ‘balls’ to tell you the truth. If you just get the vaccine, you’re protected. That’s it. If everybody gets on board, the pandemic can finally end.”


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aef9c9  No.14616961


Damn. Looks serious.

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803e4d  No.14616962


My condolences, anon.

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8b7ef6  No.14616963

File: a0bc8204867cbd2⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 61.3 KB, 496x498, 248:249, ClipboardImage.png)



One ironic thing is the actual hyptnotic effect that a tsunami has on those that see it coming. Once they look, they're locked. They will watch the water until it consumes them.

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fab286  No.14616964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is another one

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1629df  No.14616965


Hehehe… must watch this!

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485eed  No.14616967

Efficacy of Bamlanivimab/Etesevimab and Casirivimab/Imdevimab in Preventing Progression to Severe COVID-19 and Role of Variants of Concern


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fab286  No.14616968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3a1611  No.14616969


>You mean a bird is about to sing?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI09/21/201818:46:16




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e18f44  No.14616970

Senior Rugby Australia executive arrested over possession of child sexual abuse material

A senior Rugby Australia executive has been remanded in custody after appearing in a Sydney Court after Federal Police seized a laptop and mobile phone of his allegedly containing videos of young children being sexually abused.

Arrested on Friday after Australian Federal Police (AFP) raided his Sydney home, the 41-year-old Sydney man appeared in the Parramatta Local Court on Saturday where he was refused bail in advance of appearing in the Central Local Court on 10th November.

As reported by Sydney newspaper The Sunday Telegraph, the executive was arrested as part of the AFP’s Operation Arkstone which saw his Sydney home raided on Friday and the seizure of a laptop and a mobile phone allegedly containing videos of young children being sexually abused.

AFP Child Protection investigators and Digital Forensics specialists will allege they located instant messaging conversations on the executive’s mobile phone about the abuse of young children, and details of an alleged payment for a person overseas to produce child abuse material under instruction.

In applying for bail on Saturday morning, the executive’s barrister Matthew McAuliffe said his client would be at risk if sent to prison.

McAuliffe stated “he is a senior executive at Rugby Australia and is on the board for Oceania Rugby - in short, he is significantly involved in the business community.

“The nature of the offending, of course, will add to the onerousness of his custody.

“Just tonight, corrective officers have been calling him a faggot all night, and he’s been told if he goes to jail he will be killed.”

The executive was charged with one count each of using a carriage service to solicit child abuse material, possessing or controlling child abuse mat­erial obtained or accessed using a carriage service, using a carriage service to access child abuse material, and causing child abuse material to be transmitted to self using a carriage service.

Operation Arkstone is an investigation of an Australian online network of alleged offenders accused of abusing children and sharing the abuse online.

The AFP-led investigation has so far resulted in 21 arrests in Australia, including 15 in NSW, and more than 1301 charges of child exploitation and bestiality. In addition, 55 child victims in Australia were identified and 11 animals were removed from harm.

Since the first Operation Arkstone arrest in February 2020, AFP investigators and forensic specialists have been examining the evidence from each arrest and identifying more alleged offenders linked to the online network.

Investigations into the abuse network, believed to span Europe, Asia, the US, Canada and New Zealand, are continuing.

The accused, who Australasian Leisure Management has chosen not to name, is also a former Australian Sports Commission employee, who has been involved in community, participation and school sport programs for much of his 20-year career.


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9e4be2  No.14616971


Is there an actual livestream on the Volcano that actually stays centered on the fucking volcano?! ZOOM THE FUCK OUT YOU FUCKING CUNT

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eb9e56  No.14616972


These idiots are too old to be going on bike rides. Dumbfucks are both pushing 80. There are other things to do out in nature that are safer for old, feeble, unstable individuals.

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bd40a6  No.14616973

File: 4a78b7c6b1b7f9e⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 1159x6449, 1159:6449, 2021_09_19_10_00_40_q.jpg)

File: f5b57b616668bc6⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1186x4313, 1186:4313, 2021_09_19_10_01_35_r.jpg)

File: a6e5ab17f221d4f⋯.jpg (365.97 KB, 2003x1421, 2003:1421, 2021_09_19_10_27_45.jpg)


>lead balloon

let's hope so


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0f029a  No.14616974


One of the most horrific songs out of Australia to be foisted on the world.

What deal did they make to have this rammed down our throats like a circumcised penis 24/7?

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91dc6b  No.14616975

File: 02aab2ed5595cad⋯.jpg (159.61 KB, 562x460, 281:230, Look.jpg)

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ea2669  No.14616977


Problem is continental shelf falls into the deep ocean west of Canaries. Any big movement of material will displace a fuckload of water.

More happiness from Jim Stone:

The Cumbre Viaje volcano on LaPalma is now venting

UPDATE: IT IS NOW IN FULL BLOWN ERUPTION. It started with venting and is now actually going off with lava. Not a whole lot of ash

It is REAL CLOSE to houses, it looks like it is going off right in town. Sorta "where the kid's tree fort is"

Ahora mismo en la Palma pic.twitter.com/ecCZaDLuaY

— Mary Arellano Moreno (@mary_aam) September 19, 2021

Additional video. pic.twitter.com/8MFmhgMIlv

— Doge (BAL 0-1) (@IntelDoge) September 19, 2021

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b395df  No.14616978


You didn't even watch the video you stupid fucking shill. Try again fucktard.

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c18e37  No.14616979

File: 026ff07dc8d3870⋯.jpg (83.78 KB, 800x534, 400:267, E_HTT8bVgAA_2XB.jpg)

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222998  No.14616980





This is fucking bullshit, impossible that it's live!

Look at the sky! It's night in Europe!

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1133b4  No.14616981

File: 3e10284b64b9972⋯.png (446.92 KB, 441x702, 49:78, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee7bb7dd6b5e6be⋯.png (802.36 KB, 1920x937, 1920:937, ClipboardImage.png)

SAM185 up out of JBA heading looks like towards Colorado Springs.

Mapping Q185

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380667  No.14616982

File: b0abd24796f0c72⋯.png (437.71 KB, 957x726, 29:22, La_Palma.png)


right now

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aef9c9  No.14616983


I'm not familiar with eruptions - are the locals worried?

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825c78  No.14616984

File: ac96045b97349be⋯.png (44.47 KB, 523x411, 523:411, ClipboardImage.png)


Vernon Jones For Governor



@ ' JoyAnnReid official statement on taking the vaccination! “I was against it with Trump, before I realized I’m Black and now I’m for it with

@joebiden '


#JimCrowJoe wins every time or you ain’t Black!

2:55 PM · Sep 19, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

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2ec093  No.14616985


hello, retard..

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2895cb  No.14616986

File: 611f560cb98e1eb⋯.jpg (100.85 KB, 785x421, 785:421, AQ1.jpg)

‘Just wall-to-wall fear porn’: Justice for J6 protesters outnumbered by media cameras, police

A “highly anticipated” #JusticeForJ6 rally Saturday at the U.S. Capitol on behalf of the Jan. 6th rioters reportedly turned up more “journalists” than actual rallygoers, despite weeks of “wall-to-wall fear porn” by the mainstream establishment press.

BuzzFeed estimated that “about 100” protesters actually showed up, but even that seems like an exaggeration.

Of those who did show up, they seemed as eccentric but ultimately harmless as the infamous Jan. 6th barbarian.

“The protesters came dressed in American flag symbols, constitutional slogans and anti-BLM messages. One wore a coon-skin cap and a Daniel Boone flask. Another boasted a hat that said: ‘We the People Are Pissed Off,'” according to The Hill.


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803e4d  No.14616987

File: bb45e0e43026006⋯.jpg (259.31 KB, 1352x900, 338:225, see.jpg)

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5f3a25  No.14616988

File: 4d604011c6ba9a6⋯.jpg (5.31 KB, 197x256, 197:256, red_red_red.jpg)

File: be665716dac3533⋯.jpg (165.57 KB, 600x400, 3:2, RED1.jpg)

File: 3b86862abb07f45⋯.jpg (64.19 KB, 768x461, 768:461, RED2.jpg)

File: 9e752da231db0eb⋯.jpg (6.84 KB, 275x183, 275:183, RED_RED.jpg)



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485eed  No.14616989


The two authorized anti-SARS-CoV-2 mAbs combinations, bamlanivimab/etesevimab and casirivimab/imdevimab, may have different efficacy against VOCs. Compared to casirivimab/imdevimab, bamlanivimab/etesevimab seems to be associated with an increased risk of hospitalization or death in patients infected with the Gamma variant. The knowledge of infecting SARS-CoV-2 variant may allow a more appropriate use of mAbs.

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91dc6b  No.14616990

File: 88617712f33b90d⋯.png (274.49 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Planefags_2021.png)

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e1e67b  No.14616991

File: c925f2e4cab4200⋯.png (34.07 KB, 300x240, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)




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04313a  No.14616992


They've been shilling this scenario for years, fucktard.


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fab286  No.14616993

File: d1298bc2674c0e9⋯.jpg (73.17 KB, 959x534, 959:534, veru.jpg)


She might blow!

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c18e37  No.14616994

File: 2d22a06566cde85⋯.png (494.79 KB, 640x640, 1:1, E_q4CebWYAICcFs.png)

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bee34b  No.14616996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"When I was a kid, whenever I'd feel small or lonely, I'd look up to the stars.

Wondered if there was life up there.

Turns out, I was looking in the wrong direction"

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d34532  No.14616997


Hardly. I know Ben personally. No way he does fear pron. People have been watching this for years, you must be late to the game. If that thing drops it will be something else.

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f6e7a1  No.14616998

File: e01a4ab93d62273⋯.jpg (56.07 KB, 640x425, 128:85, XRP_gold.jpg)

Is XRP a good investment? Will XRP be backed by gold? Will XRP be part of our new financial system?

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1133b4  No.14617000

File: d8420b7f0a3702e⋯.png (10.9 KB, 432x277, 432:277, ClipboardImage.png)


Squawking 2405 - also mapping to Q2405

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fab286  No.14617001


some houses have already been destroyed by lava. Red Cross on site.

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9e4be2  No.14617002


So you really didn't watch it then? Wow.

Go scrap that Bernie sticker off your EV loser

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4801b6  No.14617003


Multiple meanings.

I still think back to the emphasis PDJT put on

Fiji water.

(among other things naturally)

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2ec093  No.14617004

Pureblood I Am!

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fab286  No.14617005

File: f21c22963fe08d2⋯.jpg (25.1 KB, 354x286, 177:143, 1553471598664.jpg)


I love it

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9ea5da  No.14617007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Volcano erupts on La Palma in the Canary Islands

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f89b49  No.14617008


You smell like Retardation

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b395df  No.14617009


whatever. suggestion: if you are going to comment on a video, at least watch first, otherwise you make an ass of yourself. ass.

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eb9e56  No.14617010


Don't worry about it, fren. There's one in every crowd. Assholes.

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3e2cb9  No.14617011


Check out Ben's video here:

La Palma Volcano | What It Means/Data Update


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aef9c9  No.14617012


Canary islands are in Atlantic Ocean so maybe it is dusk?

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825c78  No.14617013

File: 712adf005f713a2⋯.jpg (96.34 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 712.jpg)

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803e4d  No.14617014

File: cca606ec1b229f6⋯.png (338.42 KB, 758x423, 758:423, gry_line.png)



Grey line is about Canary Islands right now.

Twillight there.

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4801b6  No.14617015


There is no pureblood anymore.

Either duped or don't know.

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0f029a  No.14617016


>I love it

My commiserations, Philistine.

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04313a  No.14617017


Been hearing this since the fucking seventies, tard.

Ben doesn't do fear pron?

Give me a fucking break.

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d34532  No.14617018

File: c12143dfd886d87⋯.png (140.97 KB, 1010x373, 1010:373, 2014.png)


Only because it has been a potential threat for years. http://seektress.com/elhierro.htm

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8b4778  No.14617019


I get the whole watch the water stuff. But thinking logically, there is no way to predict (know exactly) a landslide of that magnitude is going to happen. Unless, there are planted explosives or something on that fault to make it slide.

Anon is knowledgeable of rock mechanics, FWIW.

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659623  No.14617020

File: fd991ad5e575260⋯.jpeg (18.01 KB, 224x255, 224:255, B64B9A4B_E44C_4C23_B68C_9….jpeg)

File: 3d6b1992fa033b8⋯.jpeg (684.43 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, BD8A0201_03E7_43F0_8CA2_1….jpeg)

Similar face one angry, one young FBI embrassed as hell. He didnt get the action he wanted

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2ec093  No.14617021

vagi-mate sandwich..

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04313a  No.14617022

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7d7cd6  No.14617023


“When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government”

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ea2669  No.14617024


Fiji water, like some others including Starkey Springs (Idaho) are high in orthosilicates, which chelate aluminum. Guess which two have been "tagged" for so-called "high mercury levels".

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44cd65  No.14617025


Needs to pay the piper to land those acting jobs, right Chris?

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d34532  No.14617026


Uh, yeah. Because the potential threat has been there all along. And no, he doesn't.

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fab286  No.14617027

File: 4dc5b5313ac59ac⋯.png (81.73 KB, 1400x900, 14:9, 1540794989897.png)

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4f56fc  No.14617028


Isnt this one of "their" plans?

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a3fda0  No.14617029


Red leg red leg

Check your fire

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c77027  No.14617030


So…the Palm of Canary?

Canary Palm.

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04313a  No.14617031


Right, along with the ice age we were supposed to be in by the nineties.

And the global warming a dozen years after that.

Now they're back to calling for an ice age again.

Go fuck your mother.

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b395df  No.14617032


Just getting his name out there. I usually find, when a celeb speaks it's because of this:


2021 film

Spiral is a 2021 American horror film directed by Darren Lynn Bousman and written by Josh Stolberg and Peter Goldfinger. It is the ninth installment in the Saw film series. The film stars Chris Rock, Max Minghella, Marisol Nichols, and Samuel L. Jackson, and follows police efforts to stop a Jigsaw copycat killer.

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1629df  No.14617033

>>14616981 or Utah?

I wanna know where it lands

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d34532  No.14617034


Apples and oranges, dear.

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e1e67b  No.14617035

File: 9ee0f7ca7477ca8⋯.png (1.09 MB, 600x900, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)



They must be out of their minds to go into partnership with china, again this is a elites move, these things do not happen unless it is sanctioned by the world banking control. Follow the money

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c18e37  No.14617036

File: 3ade414577a640a⋯.jpg (137.64 KB, 1125x1204, 1125:1204, E_jNVS3VcAQuh3O.jpg)


The unvaxxed are the litteral clot free #purebloods

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4f56fc  No.14617037

File: 4ebdc84306ec205⋯.png (163.13 KB, 1266x701, 1266:701, sealed_Septemeber_18.png)

Just a an update on Durham and team.


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c361d7  No.14617038

File: b9dd66de4b6fed1⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, 488babf81f742bb2262cb09763….png)


>>14616826 Old Dough




>>14616045, >>14616114, >>14616114

>>14616132 vid: Why the Ruling 'Elite' is Anti-American

>>14616179, >>14616254 National Hurricane Center, Tropical Depression 17

>>14616267 Australian nurse of 40 years says that Unvaccinated with covid are given Vents (and die). Vaccinated with covid are given Ivermectin (and survive).

>>14616273 Today´s Wife Appreciation Day

>>14616277 What’s Going On? Arizona Recently Processed 673,000 Voter Identities with the Social Security Administration – 58% Had NO MATCH FOUND

>>14616305,>>14616311 Chris Rock, Hey guys I just found out I have COVID, trust me you don’t want this. Get vaccinated.

>>14616335, >>14616356 >>14616372 Military aircraft crashes in residential area in Lake Worth, Texas

>>14616346 So how did 15,000 Haitians suddenly find their way to Del Rio, Texas?

>>14616383 Here’s a Medical Professional Talking about how they Basically Killed Covid Patients in Hospitals

>>14616416 This is infuriating! No one should be doing this to a little kid. THIS IS CHILD ABUSE.

>>14616454 Constitutional Attorney Held as Medical Hostage at Multicare Medical Center in Auburn, WA (VIDEO)

>>14616459 Huge Mistake? – Teen Requests Flu Shot, Then Told To Come Back For Her Second Dose: “I Never Gave Consent For The COVID-19 Vaccine To Be Injected Into My Body”

>>14616545 Texas Abortionist Says He’s Already Violated the New ‘Heartbeat’ Law

>>14616553 Eric Trump: We Didn’t Know Until 2 Days Ago Hillary Clinton Funded the Alfa Bank Mainstream Media Scam

>>14616571 Fauci Scrambles to Defend Joe Biden’s Confusing Messaging on Boosters After FDA Declines Approval

>>14616581 Dr. Fauci Funded 60 Projects at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and All Were in Conjunction with the Chinese Military

>>14616587 Ogden, Utah, a Hotbed of Ritual Child Sexual Abuse

>>14616592 Is Biden Trying to Collapse the US Dollar? Current Actions Indicate He’s Handing the Dollar Over to International Entities Like the IMF

>>14616609 India plans to reopen for international tourism within 10 days, reports say, will issue free visas to first 500,000 travelers

>>14616618 Chinese Regime’s Forced Organ Harvesting Could Spread to Other Countries, NGO Director Warns

>>14616634 vid: The Viganò Tapes #8: “Protect the Children”

>>14616641 No Vaccine Rules for Big U.N. Meeting: Free Pass for World Leaders

>>14616652 Gay Swedish Priest Vows He Will Not Marry Straight Couples

>>14616661 German Chancellor, Angela Merkel steps down after serving 16 years as head of Germany's govt


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ea2669  No.14617039


Next thing you know (they)'ll be saying that there's a conspiracy to kill people with vacc… oh, wait. Nevermind.

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825c78  No.14617040

File: c3242178e0975a7⋯.png (733.89 KB, 582x524, 291:262, ClipboardImage.png)

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fab286  No.14617041


this one is getting crazy

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f89b49  No.14617042


Oh, he is such a little thing

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4801b6  No.14617043


>Red Cross on site

how long ago did it erupt?


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fed820  No.14617044

File: ee04ce282d156e8⋯.png (2.39 MB, 2048x1021, 2048:1021, Screenshot_20210919_121228.png)


The volcano is not in Europe. West of Africa in the Atlantic ocean.

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e18f44  No.14617045

File: 36cab7bad330301⋯.png (74.15 KB, 686x729, 686:729, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2b3fcc0650476e⋯.png (84.99 KB, 694x898, 347:449, ClipboardImage.png)

Baton Rouge Laboratory Owner and Florida Woman Charged with Scheme to Pay and Receive Health Care Kickbacks as Part of National Enforcement Action


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fab286  No.14617046



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3590ab  No.14617047

File: 2dabe936b03e25d⋯.jpeg (77.07 KB, 777x858, 259:286, cliffhanger.jpeg)


Exactly it would be weaponized.

They would have everything ready and maybe use it as blackmail

This has been "on the table" for over a decade.

Not sure how fast a tsunami moves.

Or if the warnings would also be muted.

I thought about it and figure it out back n the day.

I think there's only a 2 hours lead time to get out of Dodge

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4e9776  No.14617048

File: 7c36994b4985def⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 3264x1836, 16:9, 20210919_150347.jpg)

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4f56fc  No.14617049


currently 8:14 pm in Grand Canary

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1133b4  No.14617050


Will call it when clear.

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380667  No.14617051

File: 6b52069a189f4c4⋯.png (361.77 KB, 917x699, 917:699, La_Palma_dusk.png)

dusk setting in, easier to see lava geysers glowing

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659623  No.14617052



Tricycle ride

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4801b6  No.14617053


If we are 'as in the days of Noah' time frame this will make more sense.

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fab286  No.14617054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This one is good

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1629df  No.14617055


Just like the dream i had

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c94ff1  No.14617056

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ed654e  No.14617057





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ea2669  No.14617058

File: f2295328cd58afa⋯.jpg (392.51 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Phoenix_canariensis_CBMen_….jpg)


Very interesting observation, anon.


Phoenix canariensis is a species of flowering plant in the palm family Arecaceae, native to the Canary Islands.

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c361d7  No.14617059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>14616826 Old Dough

>>14617038 Notables #18489






Fuck Joe Biden

Fuck The DS

God Bless America!

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4f56fc  No.14617060


ELF(haarp type tech) waves too. But yes a nuke would do it as many speculate was cause of Japan 3-11

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9ea5da  No.14617061

File: 572f17673c47e11⋯.png (748.54 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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fab286  No.14617062


Apparently the feed and the news is about 1 hour behind. I'm not sure when it started, but it's getting more powerful and some new lava flows have begun.

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3590ab  No.14617063


o right off the coast of Affrica

so West of Gibraltar?

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9e4be2  No.14617064


Yeah, I get it already. You didn't watch the 3 minute video.

That's a big part of the reason your mom hated you & you have the clap. Because you talk out of your ass to bad mouth something you didn't even fucking watch.

GERD is too good for you

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fed820  No.14617065

File: 979432f91234efa⋯.png (712.11 KB, 1068x2048, 267:512, Screenshot_20210919_121556.png)



Quake swarms started September 11th.

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d34532  No.14617066


> Unless, there are planted explosives or something on that fault to make it slide.

Back in 2015, there was a lot of speculation that it would be purposefully dropped.

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7822a7  No.14617067

File: 517cc21b174fc24⋯.jpeg (204.54 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 1542645747.jpeg)


Dank Badge, thanx anon.

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76e66d  No.14617068

biden satanic admin and his base of all (true) black voters resume the practice of droning innocent civilians and citizens

democrats and their cucksucking biden fucking republicans all party (whiney slimey dirty nasty witches&whores) = 666

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9ea5da  No.14617069




Brings to mind "When does a bird sing"


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825c78  No.14617070

File: 4d1e1f707f86283⋯.png (17.47 KB, 793x860, 793:860, 505536a50d269fdc996fc0ba13….png)

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fc13de  No.14617071

Article in german newspaper from 2004

Tsunami simulation: danger from the Canary Islands

"We would be right there on the edge of the massive landslide that could devastate the Canary Islands and the east coast of the United States." Doris and Heinz Birkemeier have been looking up at Cumbre Vieja from their El Sombrero restaurant on the outskirts of the mountain village of El Paso on the Canary Island of La Palma since 2002 with quite mixed feelings. This fourteen-kilometer-long volcanic chain attracts quite a few mountain hikers from Europe every year, some of whom stop off at the German chef's and his Swiss wife's restaurant in the evening after the long march between the rather fresh craters. For almost three years, however, the couple has also known that one day they could slide into the Atlantic with all their belongings.

Up to 500 billion tons of rock from the western flank of Cumbre Vieja could break loose in the event of further volcanic eruptions, plunge into the Atlantic and throw such huge waves that parts of New York would be devastated by 25-meter-high breakers even 6,000 kilometers away.

Huge crack in the rock

High up on Cumbre Vieja, which rises almost 2,000 meters above sea level, geologists have found a huge crack in the rock that runs for several kilometers along the ridge from north to south. This crack could have been formed during the last major eruptions of the volcanoes up there in July 1949. Simon Day of the Benfield Greig Hazard Research Center in London has studied the geology of this area in more detail. Cumbre Vieja is considered one of the most active volcanic zones on Earth. Since 1493, seven of the 120 volcanoes on this 14-kilometer-long mountain range have erupted; since 1949 alone, four eruptions have terrified the population. The more frequent such eruptions are, however, the steeper the flanks of the volcano become and therefore slide more easily.

Deep underground on Cumbre Vieja there are also some rock layers that contain a lot of water, as Simon Day, a researcher at the University of California in Santa Cruz, has discovered. If the magma in the volcanic vent rises before an eruption, the heat vaporizes this water. This creates a large pressure that could enlarge the existing crack. Under certain circumstances, the entire mountain flank along the crack could even break away, and up to 500 billion tons of rock would then fall into the sea.

Landslide on El Hierro

On the neighboring island of El Hierro, the director of the Canary Islands Institute of Volcanology, Juan Carlos Carracedo, has found evidence that a similar landslide was caused there 120,000 years ago. At that time, the entire northwestern part of a 1500-meter-high volcano plunged into the sea. Even today, a 15-kilometer-wide, strikingly rugged bay bears witness to this event. The tidal wave that was thrown up at that time hit the Bahamas, among other places, and heave rocks weighing 2,000 tons twenty meters above sea level there.

Hans-Erwin Minor and Willi Hager of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich recreate such landslides in their laboratory. They are using a natural disaster from July 8, 1958, as a model: In Lituya Bay on the southern coast of Alaska, an earthquake caused a steep cliff to sway and plunge into the sea. At first, the rock displaced lots of water, but it quickly sloshed back, creating a 160-meter-high wave. On the beach on the opposite shore of the bay, this wave then ran up to a height of 524 meters, washing away soil and vegetation down to bare rock.

650 meter high wave simulated

After the Swiss researchers used the data from this landslide to calibrate their experimental apparatus, they were also able to simulate the effects of a similar landslide on La Palma, where up to ten thousand times more rock could travel into the Atlantic at the speed of a high-speed train. The result of these calculations makes not only Doris and Heinz Birkemeier in their restaurant under the Cumbre Vieja thoughtful: 650 meters high a wave should pile up directly near La Palma. At jet speed of 720 kilometers per hour, this wave would chase across the ocean, weakening as it did so. When it reached the coast of Morocco after an hour, it would be a hundred meters high. A few hours later, waves 25 meters high would pile up off New and devastate the U.S. East Coast up to twenty kilometers inland.



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3590ab  No.14617072



This would be some distraction from the Voter Fraud / Deep State / Eugenics Program Lethal Injection info surfacing

Wonder if Trump Tower is tall enough to escape if you were at the top?

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91dc6b  No.14617073

File: e7227ab00197b9a⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 1645x1645, 1:1, 8_kun_seal.jpg)

A bleak future is on the horizon. Use logic. The Wu-Flu was just to push the vaccine, right?

What is in the vaccine? Fuck knows, the point is, they are sterilizing the population.

That means that the un-vaxxed males will eventually become 'The golden Jizz'.

You think you will be able to sell that jizz for say $10,000 a shot? Think again.

They will round up all the fertile males, and take them to a human battery farm.

Men will literally live in cages, and every morning, George Soros will come in to 'milk you'

George's arthritic gnarled hands, milking your member, like some horrendous cash cow.

Awkwardly making eye contact with you as he tugs, tugs, tugs, on your swollen John Thomas.

Probably up to 4, 5, 6 times a day. While George tries to make small talk about Economic stability.

I wont do it anons. You are not taking me to the battery jizz farm to be milked raw by Soros.

Those commie fucking scum.

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6729d1  No.14617074


>I be positive you ain’t sticking me with that vaccine.

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1629df  No.14617076

File: 13a1b3adc235b4e⋯.jpg (137.85 KB, 586x952, 293:476, Screenshot_20210919_131852….jpg)


This site doesn't work for phone fags

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7822a7  No.14617077

File: fcfb89aa757e9ed⋯.jpg (54.53 KB, 513x640, 513:640, 1St_Cup.jpg)

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9e4be2  No.14617078

File: 69d078cfee2d6c8⋯.gif (3.8 MB, 877x754, 877:754, pepeearthquake.gif)

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91dc6b  No.14617079

File: dfb55e5140bd33d⋯.jpg (397.1 KB, 642x622, 321:311, Alchemy.jpg)


Ty anon.


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c361d7  No.14617080

File: 608a022659ee26b⋯.png (375.64 KB, 478x639, 478:639, Screenshot_2021_09_19_at_1….png)

File: b189d4ebfdca32f⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 614x406, 307:203, 11_3.jpg)

Russian Embassy, UK


Russia government organization

It’s the Election Day!

Voting for @State_Duma members begins in #Kamchatka Peninsula, with time zone 11 hours ahead of London. Our colleagues at Russian Embassy in #NewZealand are also ready to welcome voters.



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4801b6  No.14617081


Yes and


Plus natural/unnatural disasters.

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04845f  No.14617082


Yikes.. my thought was unvaxxed blood was valuable (same scenario tho).

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44cd65  No.14617083

File: 3de951da27284f5⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1024x668, 256:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Have to dress in drag to get famous. Jump when your handlers say jump. Get sick and push the vaxx to stay in the game.

Yes, it's publicity. Another way for the handlers to work the actors.

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9e4be2  No.14617084

Canary Islands

When does a bird sing?

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1629df  No.14617085


Not gonna do it either. They will have to hold me down, kill me with their bare hands.

Heart conditions here

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91dc6b  No.14617086

File: fe2d20fd0d0ee3d⋯.jpg (114.1 KB, 367x371, 367:371, Sauron_Pepe.jpg)

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fed820  No.14617087


If on android, view as 'desktop site' and it works fine like on a pc.

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05a4a0  No.14617088

File: 4c424164b2830fd⋯.jpg (229.69 KB, 476x669, 476:669, ash.jpg)

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eb6fec  No.14617089


So this would be biblical. 9/11 is theorized as the birthday of Jesus. Could be an earthquake like the world has never seen. We have the canary potentially singing and watch the water.

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6729d1  No.14617090

When is the next 9/11 release to public?

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4801b6  No.14617091




Although there is good and bad in almost every organization, I still get red flags whenever

they pop up.

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4f56fc  No.14617092

File: c938d2569bf974d⋯.png (383.49 KB, 1249x2076, 1249:2076, canary.png)


They move at roughly 300-500 mph depending on a few different factors. Canary to New York is about 3300 miles so 6-8 hours lead time. No way people get out in time.



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f1f282  No.14617093

File: e1ff7dea469971b⋯.jpg (8.89 KB, 310x163, 310:163, index2.jpg)


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9ea5da  No.14617094

File: a0c38bf3cd2a9f8⋯.png (741.72 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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fc13de  No.14617095

File: 42186c387e4ec4a⋯.png (589.57 KB, 659x936, 659:936, LaPalma2.png)

File: 806309e6577c5e5⋯.png (917.24 KB, 887x1116, 887:1116, LaPalma1.png)


And now quite topically from acquaintances on La Palma, Canary Islands

Watch the water

A portion of land that is feared to be slipping into the Atlantic Ocean and causing a tsunami on the East Coast of the United States appears to be breaking away at its top. There is a very distinct crack in the forest on the mountain, showing bare earth along the top ridge where the trees on the land are torn away from each other. If this photo shows what the locals claim, then the landslide could be happening today

People on the East Coast of the U.S. need to be especially alert today. Events are taking place at a greatly increased rate.

If the entire piece of land (the size of Manhattan, NYC) breaks off the island and slides into the Atlantic Ocean, a tsunami would be generated. This tsunami would hit the east coast of the U.S. seven hours later, potentially flooding several miles of U.S. coastline with several dozen feet of water and destroying almost everything in its path as it came ashore.

If this really happens, folks, New York is finished!

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200f97  No.14617096

We're going to trust Australia with nuclear powered submarines when they've shown they can't even be trusted with their own citizens?

What a shitshow.

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c18e37  No.14617097

File: d1a5224d8cb8fa6⋯.jpg (56.05 KB, 828x806, 414:403, E_qSM17XIAkw8hM.jpg)

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fab286  No.14617098

File: 6ebaa301ea1e782⋯.jpg (108.97 KB, 970x554, 485:277, frgt.jpg)

Twitter posts


More lava flows popping out, there is a little village or town that might get wiped out.

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04845f  No.14617099

Ok, taking a break from harvesting our potatoes. Here’s how we planted. It’s the easiest crop to grow.

Got a bag of seed potatoes. Cut them up so each piece has one eye. Spaced them on bare soil, maybe 2 inches apart, scattered. Eye up or down, no difference. Cover with straw, preferably non sprouting.

When the leaves that have poked up die, you go out and harvest your abundance. Pull up the straw and peek. Just pick them off. Take them in and store, unwashed, with dirt on. They will keep in a cool dark place for a long while. When you check them (weekly), immediately remove any that may have spoiled, along with the neighbors.

My next post will be potato chips so good you’ll skip the store.

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d34532  No.14617100


Thanks. I like that there's no people speaking. Just want to observe.

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e3dee7  No.14617101

You guys should really help this u/DigitalSoldier1776 out on Reddit


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c361d7  No.14617102

File: 2695404d0929edf⋯.png (53.35 KB, 507x216, 169:72, Screenshot_2021_09_19_at_1….png)

File: 34c371001e0180d⋯.jpg (87.16 KB, 796x500, 199:125, 1te0fm.jpg)




It´s gonna be biblical

The Zanclean flood or Zanclean deluge is a flood theorized to have refilled the Mediterranean Sea 5.33 million years ago. This flooding ended the Messinian salinity crisis and reconnected the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, although it is possible that even before the flood there were partial connections to the Atlantic Ocean.Wikipedia

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cd5840  No.14617103

something bad must be going on at the moon flower co - op. it seems like that is what all these bizarre events are connected to.

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2ec093  No.14617104

File: f116c2fd263ba4e⋯.png (88.99 KB, 634x721, 634:721, ClipboardImage.png)


i wasn’t sure.. kek

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b3bd06  No.14617105

File: 79a671433b8ad97⋯.jpg (93.29 KB, 793x731, 793:731, 2021_09_19hvytcf_152536.jpg)




Crisis Crisis

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3590ab  No.14617106

File: 76886fad548f61f⋯.png (548.69 KB, 1100x1329, 1100:1329, fantasy.png)



You got talent in the porn field

Fear Porn.. kekkekke

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4801b6  No.14617107


Such a clean pristine outfit for a true believer.

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1629df  No.14617108

File: d20260d6f79341f⋯.png (152.46 KB, 299x323, 299:323, 1ec5b608280b8bac7cdb841126….png)

Ok my pepe's,

I'm a bit taken back by Allen West running against Greg Abbott. WTH is going on?

Splitting the ticket so a demoncrat will win?

Is Allen West a RINO/GLOBALIST too?

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91dc6b  No.14617109

File: 2d77d8fae6ff1ce⋯.png (315.48 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Shitpost_23rd.png)

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04845f  No.14617110

Ok potato chips. Easy.

Cut the potatoes into chips, the thinner the better but the key is all even size.

Toss in a bowl with a little olive oil (less is better)

Spread on a parchment paper baking sheet (trust me, buy the p paper), in one layer and sprinkle salt on them.

Bake 425 F for about 20 min, turning the pan halfway through.

Turn the oven off but leave chips in for another 30 min, turning pan every 10 min and checking to make sure they don’t char (unless you like that).

Chips are done when you say so. Take off and let finish dry on a piece of newspaper.

I cannot make these fast enough for my fam.. kek, so have multiple cookie sheets filled and ready to go.


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fab286  No.14617111

File: 2c22ef7217d3d71⋯.gif (1.52 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 1544161450371.gif)



I think at least one of them has natural sound




This one is the news of Canary Islands.


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fc13de  No.14617112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c77027  No.14617113

File: 2486095cc83f035⋯.jpg (366.51 KB, 1080x1919, 1080:1919, Screenshot_20210919_152716….jpg)

So The Army injected me with the Anthrax Vaccine shit and fucked me up. I'm reading an article about getting tested and look what I came across….

Emmitt Fucking Sullivan

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f89b49  No.14617114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another weird transformation, and look at his throat

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85d054  No.14617115

In the end, control of America will either be in the hands of mandatory vaccinators or those who believe in freedom of choice with informed consent.

The power to override the constitutional rights of Americans came with laws like The Patriot Act and Emergency War Powers. They won't give up their powers, nor can they be voted out. We are being controlled by corrupt elite powerbrokers in all 3 Branches, who are now controlled by a corrupt military due to the invocation of emergency war powers after the COVID-19 hoax attack.

These shots will never end. It's like a reverse drug addiction. If you want your earnings, you have to take the drugs.

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f1f282  No.14617116

File: 88ff05f41f4c7b7⋯.png (228.21 KB, 948x1050, 158:175, R_1_.png)


interesting coincidence about that area

-11 = 17

canary islands has been pinging me for quite some time

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4f56fc  No.14617117

File: 839daf1ab6de2bd⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 480x360, 4:3, chang.jpg)


You have clearly fantasized about this in great and vivid detail. You are clearly top ranked faggot.

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2ec093  No.14617118


new Qanon shaman? i wasn’t notified…

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1629df  No.14617119



Just like in the Dune series.

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f6e7a1  No.14617120

File: 6080f8fd2f6d133⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 2560x1707, 2560:1707, XRP.jpg)


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52762c  No.14617121

Just read that a tsunami could potentially wipe out the east coast of the US.

It's been nice knowing ya'll. See you on the other side.


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989f5b  No.14617122

If a politician is redpilling the public about The Great Replacement we need to give all our support. Obvious Man going to be obvious, but this is a nice whitepill.

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4f56fc  No.14617124


284k now

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f1f282  No.14617125


nice to see they have their own now.


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9ea5da  No.14617126

File: 9f309a4e78fed44⋯.png (803.58 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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85d054  No.14617127


Swampeo is DS cabal. He probably refused to go along with genocide, so they replaced him with a clone. They have a clone ready to replace all of them.

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eb6fec  No.14617129


Wasn’t there a Q post regarding a flood incoming.

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fab286  No.14617131

File: c0879a56310d97b⋯.mp4 (3.1 MB, 640x352, 20:11, La_Palmas_Volcano.mp4)

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0ce0a4  No.14617132


Bad clone, DS, surely you can do better than that!

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4801b6  No.14617133


So many are wrapped up in mammon it is their god. Only one thing will set them on a different course.

Told thousands of years ago and ongoing to this day.

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9ea5da  No.14617134

File: a2c4629baabd178⋯.png (711.55 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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c361d7  No.14617135

File: 6dba753ba0bae48⋯.png (277.37 KB, 478x585, 478:585, Screenshot_2021_09_19_at_1….png)

File: 82589de06f14591⋯.png (279.06 KB, 478x628, 239:314, Screenshot_2021_09_19_at_1….png)

File: 92815f51717432b⋯.png (299.07 KB, 478x563, 478:563, Screenshot_2021_09_19_at_1….png)

Switzerland buys US rather than French fighter jets, Macron disinvites Swiss president from planned summit




Fuck you Monsieur Payseur

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f73a74  No.14617136

Tonight is the corn moon…..ready for harvesting

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fab286  No.14617137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1133b4  No.14617138

File: f75997d17da8f6c⋯.png (28.96 KB, 428x892, 107:223, ClipboardImage.png)

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47c384  No.14617139


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: c78f8c No.1694930

Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST)

FF weather alert (WW).

Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.


A massive eruption or tsunami would definitely qualify as a WW weather event.

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c77027  No.14617141


P = Mr. PIG

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04845f  No.14617142


I had to look that word up (money). Yes, agree.

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a75b25  No.14617143


He has lost weight, indicating illness. Could have had thyroid or other surgery, and/or treatment.

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6729d1  No.14617144

File: 426862bea0b7693⋯.png (281.27 KB, 496x386, 248:193, Screen_Shot_09_19_21_at_03….PNG)

Bill Melugin


Just spoke to this Haitian man at the international bridge in Del Rio. He told me he left Haiti in 2016 and has been living in Chile. He said not enough food is being provided & asked me when more is coming. Some men have asked if they’re going to be deported.



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9e4be2  No.14617145



That always stuck out to me. It was in regards to Hurricanes. At the time, I thought it was more about the future influx of illegals & how NYC was gonna get stuffed.

But now I'm also thinking maybe it has something to do with Canary Island.

Makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside when I think about it. Am I weird

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bd0d46  No.14617146


That does look awfully strange. He coulda just lost some weight but just seems very odd

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05a4a0  No.14617147

File: 4b4bc549366c72c⋯.jpg (228.2 KB, 476x669, 476:669, ashb.jpg)

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f73a74  No.14617148

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90c627  No.14617149


Or, he's on a keto diet.

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68f22f  No.14617150

File: cce964acdd5e8ec⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 933c6c2eb404541⋯.png (1003.3 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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91dc6b  No.14617151

File: 3b03254e61f9786⋯.png (269.58 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Shitpost_17th.png)

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254409  No.14617152

File: ef618dfaee4576e⋯.jpeg (2.6 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, E5277413_AC78_477D_A1BA_3….jpeg)

They didn’t get the memo

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6729d1  No.14617153

File: c57f51470cc4b6e⋯.png (269.19 KB, Screen_Shot_09_19_21_at_03….PNG)

Bill Melugin


NEW: U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz says there are currently 12,600 migrants under the bridge in Del Rio. Told me single adult men will be expelled via Title 42, but most family units will be processed and released into US w/ NTA (notice to appear).


Bill Melugin




For the migrants who are being expelled, repatriation flights have already started. The Mayor of Del Rio says he knows of several flights that have flown out of San Antonio already.


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b3bd06  No.14617154

He had a neck plastics surgery done and or he lost weight.

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e3dee7  No.14617155


when gme and amc squeeze I imagine the United States corporation dollar value with inflate in comparison to the crypto currency. So the crypto conversion to us $ or euros or whatever will exponentially increase as the vale of the dollar decreases. When the us corporation is bankrupted and you still have these high dollar amounts, you will be very wealthy living bsck in the United States republic yet again. What a brilliant move to have borne in office while everything shits the bed

You should watch this video NOW


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813a32  No.14617156

File: 009ddd19f11d9bd⋯.png (298.46 KB, 550x304, 275:152, ClipboardImage.png)


Crack in the World

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76e66d  No.14617157


it is obvious and transparent for all to see …,

clearly the betrayal and turning of their backs to all voters disenfranchised - votes stolen in a continual tortious method - as the globalist pass laws and mercy to birds of same feather in the name of voter rights

voters rights = slave rights, plantation owner rights

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38ca0f  No.14617158


Ripple XRP once invited Bill Clinton to be their spokesperson or keynote speaker….LOL.


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9e4be2  No.14617159


I've been watching the clouds through the ISS & I've seen some weird shit.

They just happen to be goig over that area live now how funny

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f89b49  No.14617160


Maybe just age + weight loss.

I just dropped a few pounds myself and my family noticed facial changes that I dont see

Throat still looks funky to me in that vid

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aed989  No.14617161


>The mother of all BOOMS


>Perhaps someday (in the coming weeks) people will understand “they” had a plan to conduct’ ‘another’ MASS extinction event.


>Now that would be a BOOM, wouldn’t it boys?

depopulation theory is inane … the elites want growth including population growth.

Depopulation would crash the economy and melt the property values away. Why would the elites want to become poorer?

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a75b25  No.14617162


excellent comparisons!

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fed820  No.14617164

File: b794b55db5243da⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 523x600, 523:600, system_5.jpg)

File: 4a96b30dbee9ad2⋯.jpg (109.2 KB, 1080x814, 540:407, system_7.jpg)


Lens of perception and projection.

We have all lived in survival mode since the dawn of time.

Our time is a new chapter in a new world. Some see death as the final strand cut. We are eternal having an experience here. Good or bad depends on the lookout one has.

Comfy as fuck here, anon. Either way we ride out the storm in victory, taking back our freedom. God won, we are playing the long movie to help souls see the truth and choose which side of the fence they want to have in the future.

Peace out.

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f1f282  No.14617166

File: 2bc9765e7ad1421⋯.png (15.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7c2bfb1cc6d236c07a45e88ade….png)


expert quality badge

as always



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4801b6  No.14617167

File: 99c8b86fb2a57a8⋯.jpg (138.65 KB, 284x423, 284:423, Ff_hi_i_it_eghjhgg.jpg)


Use your own head.

Does a system with no real controls sound prudent?

If that ultimate control were say, quantum computing does that sound wise?

There are other strong indicators but just this should suffice unless you have….

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bd0d46  No.14617168


Jersey shore won’t smell so bad anymore. Sucks because all major corporations would scoop up all the beachfront properties like they did in every hurricane and natural disaster.

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6729d1  No.14617169


>most family units will be processed and released into US w/ NTA (notice to appear).

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c361d7  No.14617170

File: 3333fabd9ab2f9b⋯.png (406.03 KB, 571x285, 571:285, Screenshot_2021_09_19_at_1….png)

File: 8686c64ba430b77⋯.jpeg (90.62 KB, 1323x712, 1323:712, hYzcBmA.jpeg)

File: f42c67d2a7ed717⋯.png (208.58 KB, 579x304, 579:304, epstein_bird.png)


>Canary Islands

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ea2392  No.14617171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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91dc6b  No.14617172

File: 589de905c68ca68⋯.png (260.84 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Cyberspace_force.png)



ty anon.

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1629df  No.14617173

Do you think DC Congress is fleeing do to possible Tsunami? We shall see i guess.

Is Congress still on break?

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9f5aac  No.14617174

File: 06e342a22792d5a⋯.png (326.94 KB, 1233x843, 411:281, ClipboardImage.png)


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6729d1  No.14617175


Welcome to America! Enjoy! Anybody else want to come? Door is WIDE OPEN!

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c361d7  No.14617177

File: 41882b926a46ce7⋯.jpg (109.32 KB, 775x1043, 775:1043, b13109e5c53fbad584bc00f0db….jpg)

File: b542fb050642df4⋯.jpg (40.1 KB, 650x365, 130:73, macron_als_napoleon.jpg)



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cff0ac  No.14617178


Mammon does not actually translate to 'money'.

Yeshua went out of his way to use a word from a different language specifically because of it's meaning.

Decisions where made to translate it as 'money' to obfuscate the message.

Mammon, most simply translated into English, means SECURITY.

You can either fear the future and believe you are insecure, barring you from following the Spirit and condemning you to a life of FEAR.


You can "know the Father is GOOD" and know that you are SECURE. Freeing you to live each moment in freedom and LOVE.

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e35643  No.14617179


Looks like Centennial or Denver now. Starting to descend a bit.

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05a4a0  No.14617180


you can carry a dollar bill in a power outage.

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bd0d46  No.14617181


Strange, ain’t it? Many seem to be losing weight but there is something very odd about that video.

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eb6fec  No.14617182


Plane fags should see an exodus out of dc then

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76e66d  No.14617183


Alert Life: Bird sings when it is alive, lives, loves

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fed820  No.14617184


>>A massive eruption or tsunami would definitely qualify as a WW weather event.

Concur with that, anon.

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9f5aac  No.14617186

File: dc08d61c41d4717⋯.png (1.08 MB, 988x860, 247:215, ClipboardImage.png)

Villa Winter

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04845f  No.14617187

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9f5aac  No.14617188


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fab286  No.14617189

File: 12c5021763a4549⋯.jpg (19.63 KB, 428x343, 428:343, 1554143979506.jpg)


The eruption is getting worse. It had started at about 3:30pm. The Town in danger of being wiped out by lava has been evacuated and is a ghost town. EARTHQUAKES have been expected, small tremors have been felt throughout the island.

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b395df  No.14617190


Yup. 'There's no such thing as bad publicity'

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cda4da  No.14617191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oscar El Blue is reporting almost 17,000 are there.

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365a4a  No.14617192

File: d9afbe3894aba15⋯.png (3.31 MB, 3346x1733, 3346:1733, la_palma.png)


This is some crazy shit.

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4f56fc  No.14617193


plane fag was talking about many out of Edwards

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85d054  No.14617194


That is not Mike Pompeo. It is CGI. We're being hoaxed non-stop by the MSM. He's bitching about a coup in Afghanistan and Biden bribing Afghans.

The Dems literally stole our seat of gov't and Biden is bribing Americans to take the kill shot. Why isn't Swampeo speaking to that? Because it's all a hoax to control people's outrage.

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52762c  No.14617196


>Comfy as fuck here, anon. Either way we ride out the storm in victory, taking back our freedom. God won, we are playing the long movie to help souls see the truth and choose which side of the fence they want to have in the future.

Thanks anon. I am not worried about myself, I am concerned about family who live closer to the ocean. Trying to evacuate some of those area would be total night mare. Better to just let the wave wash over you.

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d35f02  No.14617197


Did it get worse or is it just because it's dark out now?

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aed989  No.14617198






>They must be out of their minds to go into partnership with china, again this is a elites move, these things do not happen unless it is sanctioned by the world banking control. Follow the money

"Elites move" lol

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9ea5da  No.14617199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6729d1  No.14617201


Thank you for link, anon.

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9f5aac  No.14617202

File: b90013ac42ac49d⋯.png (54.71 KB, 504x234, 28:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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c361d7  No.14617203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


God bless Russia


Tchaikovsky : Overture 1812 (Full, Choral) (Sure, best version ever)

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5f3a25  No.14617204

Just found this while digging:


Scoring systems in the intensive care unit: A compendium

Severity scales are important adjuncts of treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU) in order to predict patient outcome

A prospective study by Meyer et al.[9] showed that among patients who were predicted by clinical judgment and APACHE II score to die, more than 40% of actually survived. They concluded that no method is reliable for predicting the mortality of surgical ICU patients

First described in 1993 by Le Gall et al.,[15] SAPS II [Table 2][15] is used to score the ICU patients’ severity. The model includes 17 variables: 12 physiologic variables, age, type of admission and three disease-related variables. As with other scoring systems, the SAPS II score registers the worst value of selected variables, within the first 24 h after admission. The SAPS II score can vary between 0 and 163 points (0-116 points for physiological variables, 0-17 points for age and 0-30 points for previous diagnosis).

Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea?

"As with other scoring systems, the SAPS II score registers the worst value of selected variables, within the first 24 h after admission."

Are they fucking retarded, or just eugenicists?

What about input errors, or measure errors? What if the device that measures is simply broken?

Who the FUCK uses the lowest variable of everything, instead of the average or median?

Who the FUCK designed this system?

And for what is it designed for?



Probability of death (P)for this expanded model is again calculated using logistic regression, where:

Q's [P]?

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c77027  No.14617205


Do what now?

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b395df  No.14617206


Tonights news:

Climate change causes volcano to erupt.

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d34532  No.14617207

File: dbe7e85207fe433⋯.png (492.4 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, volc.png)


Just now

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9f5aac  No.14617208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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76e66d  No.14617209


hilldawgs gash or kamel toes?

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c18e37  No.14617210

File: bd175691dcbd463⋯.jpg (18.52 KB, 240x233, 240:233, E_rB999WEAM4l9d.jpg)

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b230ea  No.14617211


so they decided to make a cgi of pompeo. not as he actually was looking like but as they decided they wanted him to look, because someone(cgi) who doesn't look like mike, would be so much better to accept. right?

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cff0ac  No.14617212



It's worth meditating on.

This one KNOWING changes EVERYTHING.

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cda4da  No.14617213

Oscar El Blue just said that he has been delivered a message from a Mexican National Guard Officer, saying that, "there is going to be a massive influx [of illegals] through the Gulf of Mexico, also the jungles, to avoid inspection points."

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3af9e5  No.14617214

File: da167dfab6eead9⋯.png (545.74 KB, 1140x651, 380:217, Night_Shift.png)

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c77027  No.14617215

File: b105125322dc40e⋯.gif (2.08 MB, 827x498, 827:498, mount_doom.gif)


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365a4a  No.14617216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It seems to be strengthening.

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380667  No.14617217


both… much easier to see all the lava geysers

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4801b6  No.14617218

We call them third world, behind the times, unsophisticated, failing to realize how many times

the world system has collapsed before.

Perhaps they had it right.

Live simply in small tribes close to your land.

Even that system gets infiltrated and corrupted

but is again, simple and more maintainable.

We at least see where this may be heading.

History repeats.

Ah, the cycle of life.

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ea2392  No.14617219


Thank you!

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813a32  No.14617220


Frodo through the Dam Ring! Now

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1629df  No.14617221


"Make the deal MOTHERFUCKER, or you are going to die!"


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ef205e  No.14617222


Never To Appear

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0f029a  No.14617225

File: 0883f9b91fb724c⋯.png (16.94 KB, 213x255, 71:85, grammar_kitty_speling.png)


> do to

Just because you filthy fat foreigners pronounce due that same as do, does not mean they are spelt the same.

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bd0d46  No.14617226


>Even that system gets infiltrated and corrupted

By whores

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200f97  No.14617227

File: 7f008a2101b1ab5⋯.jpg (49.75 KB, 474x650, 237:325, The_Red_domination_in_Spai….jpg)


The Red domination in Spain - the general cause (Causa general)

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85d054  No.14617228


It's about gaining the sheep's trust. In general, people trust and respect thin people more. He looks better on camera, so that's why they did it. Optics, optics, optics. They want Americans to be outraged at Biden regarding Afghanistan…but not the mandates for the kill shots.

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9f5aac  No.14617229

File: 5f5c0e4f972ba1f⋯.png (99.04 KB, 220x304, 55:76, ClipboardImage.png)



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0f029a  No.14617231

File: edd51ecf8c31a4c⋯.jpg (292.96 KB, 1024x613, 1024:613, grammar_kitty_thumbs.jpg)


> that same

*the same

Quick, before GK gets me.

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c77027  No.14617232

File: 7e2cf160eff618c⋯.jpg (85.9 KB, 500x749, 500:749, ZomboMeme_18092021192401.jpg)

File: 971b95a0d3277cf⋯.jpg (47.48 KB, 284x538, 142:269, ZomboMeme_18092021112933.jpg)

File: 239869c6e4ebd1b⋯.jpg (72.29 KB, 540x457, 540:457, ZomboMeme_17092021223108.jpg)

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9b507f  No.14617234

File: efdfd9b1616ce8d⋯.jpeg (22.51 KB, 190x266, 5:7, 421E865D_DD4D_4818_876A_5….jpeg)

East Coast anons be like

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d4340c  No.14617237

File: 79b3f12c57c0364⋯.png (419.27 KB, 1345x790, 269:158, faucibioweapon.png)

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993c71  No.14617239


it looks like cgi shit

fucking all digital fuckery

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bd0d46  No.14617240


Happened really fast. He was just in camera like two weeks ago and looked the same. Even drastic exercise and fasting can’t do that

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cff0ac  No.14617241


It's much like the rally yesterday.

Small groups = less cover/ chaos for black hats to pull their moves.

Larger groups are much easier to take advantage of from behind the scenes.

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05a4a0  No.14617242

File: 6fdd9963eb01ae8⋯.jpg (146.57 KB, 416x769, 416:769, junter.jpg)

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b230ea  No.14617243

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3af9e5  No.14617244

File: 3feced9959b6260⋯.jpg (53.54 KB, 345x336, 115:112, 3feced9959b62600a8016cfc02….jpg)

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cda4da  No.14617245

Oscar El Blue: All of us in Mexico know that this [mass illegal immigration] was orchestrated…by somebody, for these people to travel, freely, to these particular places, and unite…They are smuggling a lot of people through the Gulf of Mexico.

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5f3a25  No.14617246


That was probably intentionally released to get more people to get the vaxx (the actual bio weapon).

FEAR based mind control

>oh God, it's a chink bio weapon, just give me the shot NAOW

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803e4d  No.14617247

File: d291c95b7e29536⋯.jpg (142.42 KB, 1440x1157, 1440:1157, hm.jpg)

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8c0f91  No.14617248



Seriously? …spelled…

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4801b6  No.14617249



But while this still puts us back in the same comfy fiat rut, bartering without usury and signed documents of agreement might

hold fairer.

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1e8ed4  No.14617251


filtered orc

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37f711  No.14617252

Any anon have the Q post that was a pic that appeared whoever was taking it was sitting in a parked helicopter and palm trees were in the backdrop

I thought post said something like waiting on the order

Fug can’t remember

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8c0f91  No.14617253


Well shit… I think gramuh kitteh was joking too.

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3590ab  No.14617255


six to eight hours, some people could get out.

Believe me, I 've thought about ths

The Long Island would even be a barrier.

And then Manhattan island?

So POTUS is safe in New Jersey?

He's away from the Coast a bit.

When would it break?

If you knew that could you take a speed boat and ride over it?

This was done in prelude to the 2012 "End of the World" psy-op push, in film

And some people claimed it was immanent and had visions of it. (while high Ayahuasca) I never did that stuff.. … too dangerous .. But people I know did do it.

Cant find the vid I'm looking for at the moment.

I don't doubt they'd try to wreck everything if they thought they were losing.

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c361d7  No.14617259

File: 1e104dd54caa379⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 411x603, 137:201, TrumpRingOfLies_05ab154c6a….jpg)

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3af9e5  No.14617261

File: 48476f270cda764⋯.png (632.83 KB, 1148x662, 574:331, WOW.png)


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189913  No.14617262



Why would they want the "live" feed to be 1 hour behind?


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1e8ed4  No.14617263

File: b2456ed993e09f0⋯.png (82.72 KB, 860x589, 860:589, ClipboardImage.png)

fill moon

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f73a74  No.14617264

File: 2b3cb53a8cccb8c⋯.png (525.98 KB, 1001x551, 1001:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 788ed4758a8a506⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1211x591, 1211:591, ClipboardImage.png)


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aed989  No.14617265




>It's about gaining the sheep's trust. In general, people trust and respect thin people more. He looks better on camera, so that's why they did it. Optics, optics, optics. They want Americans to be outraged at Biden regarding Afghanistan…but not the mandates for the kill shots.

so there are twp pompeos the fake slim Pompeo, and the good old fatso true Pompeo?

the Pompeo who has supported all the time Trump's fight against the election fraud?

Think logically tards. Pompeo was never pro-Trump, he's aiming for the 2024 elections …

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189913  No.14617267



Why would they want the "live" feed to be 1 hour behind?


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9e4be2  No.14617268

File: 9aeae5e08785c10⋯.png (428.51 KB, 929x505, 929:505, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_09….png)


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b230ea  No.14617269


spelt in the UK

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1629df  No.14617271



Didn't catch that one.

ty grammer kitty.

Now answer the question!

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813a32  No.14617272


My Precious!!!

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4f56fc  No.14617274


I was looking at some weather maps and looks like chem for sure.

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0f029a  No.14617275

File: f0519ce4fc124d9⋯.png (40.21 KB, 884x330, 442:165, spelt.PNG)


Besides being a grain, spelt is also the preferred spelling of the past form of spell in British English.

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bd40a6  No.14617276

question: do Rumble embeds ever work for u in 8kun?

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2ec093  No.14617278

separate the wheat from the chaff.

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3590ab  No.14617279


How close is D.C. to the Coast.

Isn't there a bay?

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04845f  No.14617280


Kind of.

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831ed6  No.14617282

File: 7ab2408d722b3aa⋯.png (238.55 KB, 847x476, 121:68, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 460506c8a12f516⋯.png (460.04 KB, 847x476, 121:68, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cddf6804d83de4c⋯.png (695.31 KB, 847x476, 121:68, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9959ea733ec0aa8⋯.png (456.8 KB, 847x476, 121:68, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a2b5f5c0356171⋯.png (365.32 KB, 847x476, 121:68, ClipboardImage.png)



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bd0d46  No.14617283


Average speed of a tsunami is 500mph. A wave even 50ft high would be inescapable.

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bd40a6  No.14617284


do u get the video you thought u would or a random vid?

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04845f  No.14617285


Very close.. yeah, a bay-river of sorts. DC has a very high water table.

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c90dd3  No.14617286


Francisco Franco is still ded

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3590ab  No.14617287


isn't ISS fraud?

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264be9  No.14617288


There are 7 fissures spouting lava. When did the first fissure erupt? It was only hours ago I think.

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aed989  No.14617289

Apr 30, 2018 1:38:11 PM EDT

Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of IRAN.

Today, POTUS took control of IRAN.


well is he still in control of Iran?

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04845f  No.14617290


A random vid. So yes, it works, but not the video you want. Kek.

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3590ab  No.14617291


oh right. Right near Virginny, the Swamp?

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bd40a6  No.14617292



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4801b6  No.14617293


great analogy

satan will deceive and infiltrate all of man's doings

thus, the cycles. We have to change and adapt as God comes to the rescue time and


There will be an end to it all though therefore it is wise to pay close attention to what He said.

Most won't heed though as He has said.

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5f3a25  No.14617295

File: 0b0f6d1424e5fb5⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Reflections_matter.mp4)


You decide

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85d054  No.14617296


The Swampeo on FOX reads the "damn" script exactly as it is written. The real Pompeo is a player, who serves himself and his cabal masters. Who knows where the truth about him actually lies.

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fab286  No.14617297

File: 532df4cdecd8d29⋯.jpg (52.5 KB, 1087x572, 1087:572, nve.jpg)

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0f029a  No.14617298

File: bdd4a61a3f14895⋯.jpg (353.97 KB, 1024x613, 1024:613, grammar_kitty_thumbs_corre….jpg)


>ty grammer kitty.


>Now answer the question!

There will be no tsunami, doomtrads.

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0f029a  No.14617301




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9f5aac  No.14617302

File: 305f354f1b84dfe⋯.png (96.75 KB, 782x782, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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bd40a6  No.14617303


>no tsunami

…and i was actually beginning to be glad i lived on the west coast.

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4f56fc  No.14617304


kek. never let a good nite pic go to waste

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3b26d4  No.14617306

File: 7c436379c50fe36⋯.jpeg (175.09 KB, 828x545, 828:545, 79230862_E7C1_44A6_A022_1….jpeg)

File: 40896956dcc6675⋯.jpeg (169.86 KB, 653x471, 653:471, D0E09F17_84B2_44DD_BA9F_4….jpeg)


Dr. Peter McCullough’s COVID Update


A lot of great info dropped in this video. For example, the doctor says he was contacted by the Federal Reserve recently to ask him how they can succeed with the vaccine mandate. @1hr 10 min he talks about the whole world being under a mass psychosis.


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aed989  No.14617308




>Swampeo is DS cabal. He probably refused to go along with genocide, so they replaced him with a clone. They have a clone ready to replace all of them.

there are no clones

but Pompeo was always a DS wannabe/hangaround and not a Trumper

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9f5aac  No.14617309

File: 75b70492b950755⋯.png (1.01 MB, 892x930, 446:465, ClipboardImage.png)


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1da48d  No.14617311

Dr.Bryan Ardis: "We are witnessing intentional medical GENOCIDE" from the Remdesivir + Ventilator protocol.

With Reiner Fuellmich.




He mentions Thomas Renz

Intro to who Renz is: (Idk.. just found it. Haven't listened yet but it's from his website.


Rumble — Attorney Thomas Renz speaking at Clay Clark's ReAwaken America Tour in Michigan says he is constantly contacted by families across America who have loved ones being killed by the hospital protocols that Fauci instituted in all US hospitals. The Remdesivir + Ventilator protocol finds people dying and hospitals make money.

You have Medical Rights!

During this speech Attorney Renz gives you several key peices of information on how to fight hospitals and why you must fight for your family members.

Please watch the entire speech.


1- Do not let the hospitals isolate your family members from you.

2 - Remdesivir and Ventilators equal death for your hospitalized family member. That is the Fauci protocol.

3 - Early treatment / intervention is key. Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Budesonide work. Go here for protocols that work:

The Math+ and I-Mask+ protocols that Renz references in his speech are here:


Another great treatment resource is https://www.truthforhealth.org/patient-treatment-guide

Renz website:


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5f3a25  No.14617312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4801b6  No.14617313


Understanding the whore of babylon and mystery

babylon, this would make sense.

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d34532  No.14617314


could be a re-streamer

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bd40a6  No.14617315



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bd0d46  No.14617317


>there will be no tsunami, doomtrads.

We know. Fun to chat with tards, though

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c90dd3  No.14617318



>You got talent in the porn field

>Fear Porn.. kekkekke



what a shilltard

the east coast is safe from tsunamis

look it up

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04845f  No.14617319

File: 1f20455ee87632e⋯.jpeg (222.5 KB, 1139x1133, 1139:1133, 71F976BD_B9F5_4B39_BAF7_5….jpeg)


Yes.. but if you mean DC proper, Delaware state is blocking the ocean and would absorb the brunt. Here’s a pic.

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3b93fc  No.14617320

File: a9386d847153c74⋯.mp4 (660.58 KB, 460x460, 1:1, a9386d847153c740ac3a1ed35f….mp4)

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b88975  No.14617321


what are we looking for?

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ea4517  No.14617322

File: 948491cf8501fdf⋯.png (598.54 KB, 1352x662, 676:331, Screen_Shot_2021_09_19_at_….png)

File: 193286369ee5eb5⋯.png (354.73 KB, 1112x657, 1112:657, Screen_Shot_2021_09_19_at_….png)

File: 518a5308109b967⋯.png (230.79 KB, 380x519, 380:519, Screen_Shot_2021_09_19_at_….png)

File: a7ba0589eafb0ba⋯.png (252.33 KB, 1183x645, 1183:645, Screen_Shot_2021_09_19_at_….png)

Fascista International = Borghese = Rothsch

The Black = Red / Evergreen



causa general

la cosa nostra

same same

Born Junio Valerio Scipione Ghezzo Marcantonio Maria Borghese

6 June 1906

Rome, Lazio, Italy

Died 26 August 1974 (aged 68)

Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain

Resting place Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

Nationality Italian

Political party National Fascist Party[1]


Italian Social Movement


National Front[2]


Height 1.75 m (5 ft 9 in)

Spouse(s) Darya Vasilyevna Olsufeeva

(m. 1931; died 1963)​

Children 4

Alma mater Italian Naval Academy

Profession Military officer

Awards Gold Medal of Military Valour

Military service

Nickname(s) The Black Prince

Allegiance Kingdom of Italy

Italian Social Republic

Branch/service Regia Marina

Years of service 1928–1945

Rank Frigate captain

Unit Decima Flottiglia MAS

Commands Decima Flottiglia MAS

Battles/wars Second Italo-Ethiopian War

Spanish Civil War

World War II

Mediterranean campaign

Raid on Alexandria


The family name lives on, however, via a branch of the Borghese family, descended from the marriage of Olimpia Aldobrandini with Prince Paolo Borghese in the 17th century. This line is descended from Don Camillo Borghese, Prince Aldobrandini (1816–1902), a leading member of the soi-disant Black Nobility, who in turn was the younger brother of the then Prince Borghese and head of that family. Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendant of Napoleon on her mother's side, married into the Rothschild family.[1]


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0f029a  No.14617324


>and i was actually beginning to be glad i lived on the west coast.

A good purging never goes amiss, but alas, not this time.

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1629df  No.14617325

File: 93b73cade9f1245⋯.png (453.37 KB, 703x468, 703:468, 39ad893db8b35be5b2a9d2661a….png)



grammer kitty…

Just goes to show nobody's perrrrrfect.

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5f3a25  No.14617326


Reflections sometimes matter.

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85d054  No.14617327


Iran in now teamed up with the Chinese, against "Western Hegemony" which is the cabal. It's the gov't, powers, and principalities and their nanny-state bootlickers who are pulling all this shit. The people of the world could probably get along well, if they weren't constantly bombarded with state controlled media messages of how awful the behavior of "others" is.

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fab286  No.14617328

File: b460204b82f7858⋯.jpg (177.12 KB, 1363x1129, 1363:1129, 1616044687024.jpg)


You know what. Full Moon gravitational pull, like what it does with our tides, probably has something to do with it?!?!?

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3af9e5  No.14617329

File: bc74a3d4048e8f1⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1372x774, 686:387, FAIL_.png)


Rain will cause the tsunami, watch the water.

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c77027  No.14617330

File: 4e4697eca7caa23⋯.jpg (102.76 KB, 1020x764, 255:191, ZomboMeme_11072020202744.jpg)

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b88975  No.14617331


i only see gear, and maybe the dodge dog..

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c90dd3  No.14617332


>what are we looking for?

ice mice

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cff0ac  No.14617333


It's not an analogy.

It's a fact.

Exactly why the founders broke the Government down all the way to locally elected Sheriffs holding the power.

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feee98  No.14617335

File: b9be9e6ee1bea40⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1900x1445, 380:289, ClipboardImage.png)






>you can carry a dollar bill in a power outage.

You can both carry/spend Silver in that power outage AND help physically repair the outage, as Ag is the most conductive metal for electricity.

Scavino dropped subtle "silver to the moon" comms on us yesterday. How many people noticed?

>>14612211 (pb)

>>14612504 (pb)

Made the attached meme (just found again now) on 8-18 with silver hitting $23.23, which is "11 11"… now it's 9-19 (sound kinda like 8-18?) and it's "11 11" of sorts on the Qclock today. (11:02pm)

I sound utterly nuts saying this, but I believe Silver is going to spike so much in value IMMINENTLY that 170 troy ounces will be worth $1 million U.S. Dollars. Convenient multiplier? Yeah, realized that 2 months AFTER I had already concluded what they're going to reset the price to. TIme will tell if I'm full of shit or not, but all signals (and I could write a book of them) are go!

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5bffd8  No.14617336

File: 74d8cf26a8b245e⋯.jpg (20.89 KB, 255x236, 255:236, bat_potus.jpg)

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c22c41  No.14617338


That looks more like the Iceland one

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1da48d  No.14617339

>>14617311 (me)

I before e but I copy pasta'd and just saw it says "peices".

And I forgot to close my parentheses. But you know the thing..the thing! You know how we do.


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c22c41  No.14617340


9 dubs!

Thanks for the link

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380667  No.14617341

File: c2b3940d9421265⋯.png (389.43 KB, 993x551, 993:551, Lava_bombs.png)

that sucker is launching lava bombs now

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0f029a  No.14617343


>Rain will cause the tsunami,

Even your most fervent prayers won't bring the tsunami, but just keep whacking off to to your fear porn.

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4801b6  No.14617344


Point taken and agreed.

The issue was this though-

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

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567689  No.14617345

File: 37b4e6ac3b21ac1⋯.png (295.16 KB, 540x610, 54:61, file_store_17.png)

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bd40a6  No.14617346


No matter - it's great stuff.

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fab286  No.14617348

File: dc0cf0965fcd060⋯.png (428.88 KB, 860x589, 860:589, b2456ed993e09f0dbc56662de3….png)

File: 040b174b4653c98⋯.png (283.78 KB, 975x551, 975:551, 12d.png)

File: ef2306e0d30f534⋯.jpg (42.2 KB, 969x550, 969:550, 12134.jpg)

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9ea5da  No.14617349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



There appears to be police cars on the mountain (blue blinking lights) perhaps trying to get people out

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bd40a6  No.14617351



Dems will have to look elsewhere for a good distractor.

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5f3a25  No.14617352

File: ed76c7c2ee99802⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Reflections.mp4)

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9e4be2  No.14617353



But I bet THIS is the "Scare Event" we were told about in here

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1e8ed4  No.14617355

File: 8413f1006af345a⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1909x782, 83:34, craak.png)


since gravity dont exist its more likely electric forces, whatever it is, full moon likely amplifies everything

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fed820  No.14617356




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e4a7e4  No.14617357


American ballot boxes should look like this.

Clear with tamper-evident locked lids.

All votes should be in person with very rare and specific exceptions.

Mail-in ballots would have to be requested with a mail-in form >6 weeks ahead of the election.

A photo copy of driver's license/state ID will be necessary for this application.

Mail-in ballots come with a tamper evident envelope, with prepaid postage and pre-addressed to the person's local voting center

Not just mail-in, but ALL ballots are watermarked on special paper and come with a watermarked carbon copy for the voter's records and for any future audits.

>my opinion is the federal gov't should print these ballots for distribution, not the states.

The physical ballot boxes should be escorted and visually monitored by civilian volunteers every step of the way.

The military should also be escorting them.

At no time should there be no eyes on the ballots by multiple parties.

Each ballot should be scanned several times when counting.

Once by a member of the military (NG?)

Once by a (R) volunteer

and Once by a (D) volunteer

(and if an (I) volunteer wants to get in on it, let them scan them too):

Any individual vote that has a discrepancy between these different scanners should be re-scanned until every party agrees.

This can all be automated for speed.

Once the counting starts, it doesn't stop for any reason until it's complete.

Even if that means a change of venue (once again, monitored visually by all parties +MIL)

It's not hard to prevent fraud.

That simple process in addition to voter ID would help the public be able to trust elections again.

>It's not perfect, but it's also not complicated.

Yes, it would take longer, but for something as important as elections, the people would gladly wait to get a real honest result.

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f6e7a1  No.14617358

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c90dd3  No.14617360




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9b507f  No.14617362

File: dd263a102e66d55⋯.jpeg (91.83 KB, 506x499, 506:499, 458F3E68_3C5F_45A5_9760_0….jpeg)

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ea4517  No.14617363

File: 8aa95a147afe634⋯.png (246.68 KB, 788x587, 788:587, mikey_bitch_wings.png)

File: d8e092039e63b59⋯.png (597.23 KB, 689x441, 689:441, rothschild_chairman_yotRot….png)

File: a6d2963a32b52d2⋯.png (836.65 KB, 878x648, 439:324, rothschild_alifantes.png)

File: a5539b3f74bf116⋯.png (322.71 KB, 852x475, 852:475, witch_rothschild_blood_dri….png)


dropping like frys


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c77027  No.14617364



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d4340c  No.14617365


he lost about 20 pounds

good for him

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3af9e5  No.14617367

File: 488547ef12ce13f⋯.jpeg (2.01 MB, 2400x3515, 480:703, derp.jpeg)


Fuck you nigger! Rain in the existing "crack" causes hydro static pressure, lubrication. Read a book!

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cd5840  No.14617368

gabby fam histry?

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fed820  No.14617370


Did you try advance twitter search?

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3b93fc  No.14617371


Gaia letting it rip

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1133b4  No.14617374

File: 1b131c79eb91707⋯.png (28.94 KB, 702x182, 27:7, ClipboardImage.png)


SAM 185 Landing at Colorado Springs Muni.

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c90dd3  No.14617376


go back to you tartaria flat earth slide shillboi

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3b26d4  No.14617377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>If it triggers a Tsunami warning that could be catastrophic to the east coast.

Tsunami seems unlikely

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1133b4  No.14617378

File: aa093f6a7e0189f⋯.png (732.14 KB, 1919x921, 1919:921, ClipboardImage.png)

SAM 185 Landing at Colorado Springs Muni.

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9ea5da  No.14617379


It's amazing. I wonder if this is to fill in the tunnels so they cannot be used again

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fab286  No.14617380


Add eartquakes to that too

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1133b4  No.14617382


Wrong image - tard jail.

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d0d6c9  No.14617383

>>14616375 pb

The 'spread' of what is the real question. Based on all actions to date, by spread they mean liberty, freedom and personal responsibility.

The FDA panel decision on vaccine boosters shows the process worked: FauciDr. Anthony Fauci emphasized the panel's recommendation that extra Pfizer shots should be given only to those 65 and older or those at high risk of severe COVID-19.

The approval was for people 65 years of age or older, and a considerable number of people who are 18 to 64 who have underlying conditions that put them at a higher risk for severe disease, and people from 18 to 64 who are in institutional or occupational situations that would put them at an increased risk to exposure and infection," Fauci said Sunday. "So that's a pretty good chunk of the people."

Fauci told ABC "This Week" co-anchor Martha Raddatz that he was not disappointed by the panel's decision and he thinks the process worked.

"We would hope that ultimately when we get the proper vaccination to everyone or we get a more extensive distribution of the boosters, that it will have an effect of stopping the spread, but the – but the goal of this particular decision was to prevent people from getting serious disease who are at risk,such as the elderly and those that have underlying conditions," Fauci said. "Ultimately, Martha, we hope that enough people will be vaccinated either with the primary regimen or following a third-shot booster with Pfizer that we will get that effect of preventing spread."

Thepanel also said it supports giving boosters to health care and other front-line workers, including teachers. A final decision is expected within days.

Raddatz pressed Fauci on whether the White House's premature announcement that they would begin rolling out shots to the general population this month created any confusion. Fauci defended the administration's earlier plan.

"You yourself have said how important consistency and messaging can be, and you mentioned earlier, President Biden talked about planning for a September 20th rollout for all Americans. I know he said 'planning,' I know he said it depends on the FDA, but isn't a timeline like that just confusing to people?" Raddatz asked.

"These are the kinds of things that when you make a decision, you don't snap your finger and it gets rolled out the next day and that's, I think, the thing that the people in the United States need to understand," he responded.

"The plan was that we have to be ready to do this as soon as the decision is made and when you have a plan, you put a date on it and you say we want to be able to get ready to roll out on the week of September the 20th," Fauci added. "So giving that date, I don't think was confusing. We needed a date to be able to say, let's get ready to roll this out, pending the decision of the deliberation by the FDA and ultimately the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)."

Fauci said on Sunday that in three to four weeks as more data from Israel and the U.S. emerge the FDA advisory panel will continue to reexamine and modify recommendations for boosters.

“The story is not over because more and more data is coming in and will be coming in," Fauci said.

He also said data on potential booster shots from Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines is only "a couple of weeks away" and that the information will be examined in the same manner as Pfizer's data.

COVID-19 cases in the U.S. continue to soar. The country has reported more than 1.02 million cases over the last week and the U.S. recorded more than 10,000 confirmed COVID-19 related deaths in one week, according to federal data.

With many students back in the classroom in person, pediatric COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations remain at one of their highest points of the pandemic and Raddatz asked Fauci when a vaccine might be available for children."It will certainly be this fall," Fauci responded. "What we're going to almost certainly see is that sometime in the next few weeks as we get into October we'll be able to see the vaccines for children get enough data to be presented for safety and immunogenicity."

"But in the fall, you know, rather than specifically saying what week, sometime in the mid- to late-fall, we will be seeing enough data from the children from 11 down to 5to be able to make a decision to vaccinate them," Fauci added.


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4801b6  No.14617384


Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.

It is truly a personal and internal issue each must

work out.

Everything has consequences whether we

see them immediately or not.

Getting rich quickly tends to have effective blinders.

Use discernment.

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1da48d  No.14617385

File: e456d8c11b87a04⋯.jpg (37.67 KB, 403x324, 403:324, gkpepe.jpg)

File: 5546cc2a03218d0⋯.png (138.44 KB, 701x525, 701:525, ClipboardImage.png)



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2ec093  No.14617386

susu sudio

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2d0252  No.14617387

File: c28f225cde32dcd⋯.jpeg (3.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 929F3A59_528E_439D_A5F4_A….jpeg)

I posted about ordering HCQ and 12mg Ivermectin tablets about a month ago. I was a little concerned whether or not I’d actually receive them as I had no prescription and the whole thing seemed a bit sketchy, but I received them yesterday. Reliablerxpharmacy.com. You can just ignore the section about uploading a prescription (just don’t check that box) and you should still receive the product. It took ~4 weeks to arrive in my mailbox.

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1e8ed4  No.14617388

File: 34364f582ff258c⋯.jpg (679.49 KB, 1699x891, 1699:891, clicknsub.jpg)

space force evacuating the US east coast, beaming everyone up to joopiter

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c90dd3  No.14617389

File: 7ae69fb07e7febc⋯.png (531.97 KB, 888x440, 111:55, ClipboardImage.png)

this larper is going down


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9e4be2  No.14617390

File: 48cb6b440a43942⋯.jpeg (73.59 KB, 450x818, 225:409, gayboi.jpeg)

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85d054  No.14617391

>Anthony Fauci emphasized the panel's recommendation that extra Pfizer shots should be given only to those 65 and older or those at high risk of severe COVID-19.

These are the people, who are targeted for death because their gov't doesn't want to pay them under the system their gov't set up. Fauci is an executioner.

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b230ea  No.14617392


Great way to get them shut down.

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c4740d  No.14617393


In this vid, the last 4 minutes are “the gates of Hell”

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5f3a25  No.14617394


What was it declared as (customs)?


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1133b4  No.14617396

File: 128c96cd9a25639⋯.png (112.32 KB, 428x881, 428:881, ClipboardImage.png)

Two posts contain the word tsunami.


2288 (Contains copy of 2287)

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7822a7  No.14617397

File: ac24443f898d789⋯.png (643.68 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, CatNazisFukkenUp.png)

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4f56fc  No.14617398


If everyone aside from them are dead they dont need those things.

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1133b4  No.14617399


Oh yeah and check the date delta.

Sep 27th 2018

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c4740d  No.14617400


My phone says unsecure or comp’d site. Is it?

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c19162  No.14617401


Hold my beet

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2d0252  No.14617402


Was shipped from the continental US.

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4801b6  No.14617403


>It's much like


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c4740d  No.14617404


What about secure payment?

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2d0252  No.14617406


Idk. Worked for me though.

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bb5b13  No.14617407


Yeah, well we're in the US bread.

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e18f44  No.14617408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REPORT: Beto “Hell Yes, We Are Going to Take Your AR-15!” O’Rourke Preparing to Run For Governor in Texas

Beto O’Rourke is preparing to run for governor in Texas in 2022 according to a report by Axios.

A decision has not been made yet, however Beto is expected to make an announcement in a couple months.

Axios reported:

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke is preparing to run for governor of Texas in 2022, with an announcement expected later this year, Texas political operatives tell Axios.

Why it matters: O’Rourke’s entry would give Democrats a high-profile candidate with a national fundraising network to challenge Republican Gov. Greg Abbott — and give O’Rourke, a former three-term congressman from El Paso and 2020 presidential candidate and voting rights activist, a path to a political comeback.

But he would be running in a complicated political environment. Immigration is surging at the southern border and Democrats at the national level are bracing for a brutal midterm election and potentially losing the House of Representatives in 2022.

A new poll for the Dallas Morning News shows that O’Rourke has narrowed the gap with Abbott in a hypothetical matchup, down, 37%-42%. In July, O’Rourke faced a 12-point deficit, 33%-45%.

Over the summer, Abbot has seen his approval rating sink to 41%, with 50% disapproving, in a separate poll.

Beto’s gun confiscation platform won’t do well in Texas.

Texans love their firearms.

Beto O’Rourke said during the presidential primaries in 2019 that he would forcefully take people’s firearms.

“No, it’s not voluntary. I want to make sure that we make the distinction here. It is mandatory. It will be the law. You will be required to comply with the law,” Beto said of his proposed gun confiscation program on MSNBC in 2019.

Here’s Beto in 2019 saying, “Hell yes, we are going to take your AR-15!”



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264be9  No.14617409


No it's not. It's time in 2 locations. One is La Palma and the other is someplace else. Maybe where the studio is.

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1629df  No.14617410


Thank for the update plane fag

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189913  No.14617411

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af5102  No.14617412

All blackhat/cabal minions ESPECIALLY in military/law enforcement/Intelligence will face a retribution BEYOND comprehension, NEVER SAFE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do NOT sleep!!

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68f22f  No.14617413

File: 5bf26e9c2f46f45⋯.png (61.13 KB, 704x414, 352:207, 8kunpro.png)


Adverts are for pro members only anon.


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d34532  No.14617414

File: 8fc26a2e61cde2b⋯.png (1.1 MB, 871x857, 871:857, dia.png)


Unless it collapses. Cumbre Vieja Volcano – Potential collapse and tsunami at

La Palma, Canary Islands - 2001 - Abstract. Geological evidence suggests that during a future

eruption, Cumbre Vieja Volcano on the Island of La Palma

may experience a catastrophic failure of its west flank, drop-

ping 150 to 500 km3 of rock into the sea. Using a geologically

reasonable estimate of landslide motion, we model tsunami

waves produced by such a collapse. Waves generated by the

run-out of a 500 km3 (150 km3) slide block at 100 m/s could

transit the entire Atlantic Basin and arrive on the coasts of the

Americas with 10-25 m (3-8 m) height. - https://websites.pmc.ucsc.edu/~ward/papers/La_Palma_grl.pdf

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bb5b13  No.14617415




Do better

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d4340c  No.14617416


Do you wear diapers?

Why not? I wear diapers

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7822a7  No.14617417

File: 9bf905843399c2d⋯.png (2.47 MB, 877x1153, 877:1153, ClipboardImage.png)





>Hold my beet

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5f3a25  No.14617418


>Depopulation would crash the economy

That's exactly what they want to introduce their digital currency to "save humanity"

That's why for them more chaos = betterer.

>Why would the elites want to become poorer?

You think the ones at the top have a FED dollar bank account?

Tons dead, the rest enslaved in a few global cities. And you think they would become poorer?

"2030 - you will own nothing and be happy" because you survived our genocide event and also believe that you being under 100% surveillance and control 24/7 would have saved 'the climate'

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2d0252  No.14617419


Yeah it said it was. I didn’t get any additional “mysterious” charges or anything after I placed my order so…. Also, I got email updates about shipping just like when ordering any other product.

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803e4d  No.14617420

File: e05dfa9b25ffae2⋯.mp4 (15 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Megatsunami_Scenario.mp4)

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c361d7  No.14617422

File: 3a76738acb30483⋯.jpg (218.31 KB, 1242x934, 621:467, E_lv_FSXoAU2H44.jpg)


>>14617059 Updated Dough



>>14616841 Protests Against COVID-19 Mandates and Lockdowns in the Netherlands

>>14616846 Amid homeless surge, California spent only $2M of $316M homeless COVID relief allocation: audit

>>14616867 Fauci: Officials Will Decide on COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendation for Children Aged 5 to 11 Soon

>>14616891 Police PEPPER-SPRAY & ARREST journalists at latest Melbourne protest

>>14616901, >>14617065, >>14617071, >>14617095, >>14617111 Livestream: La Palma Vulcano

>>14616922 Gary D. Barnett – Covid Vaccine Equals State Sanctioned Murder

>>14616939, >>14616991 Iran Becomes Full Member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Geopolitical and Economic Implications

>>14616970 Senior Rugby Australia executive arrested over possession of child sexual abuse material

>>14616981, >>14617264, >>14617378 PF report

>>14617045 Baton Rouge Laboratory Owner and Florida Woman Charged with Scheme to Pay and Receive Health Care Kickbacks as Part of National Enforcement Action

>>14617080 It’s the Election Day in Russia.

>>14617135 Switzerland buys US rather than French fighter jets, Macron disinvites Swiss president from planned summit

>>14617144 Just spoke to this Haitian man at the international bridge in Del Rio. He told me he left Haiti in 2016 and has been living in Chile. He said not enough food is being provided & asked me when more is coming.

>>14617282 PROMIS, PRISM, PALANTIR, PEGASUS Exposed! NSA Surveillance 2019 Documentary

>>14617311 Dr.Bryan Ardis: "We are witnessing intentional medical GENOCIDE" from the Remdesivir + Ventilator protocol.


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5debc4  No.14617423

File: 3832a42e02d89d1⋯.png (447.61 KB, 800x450, 16:9, angry_baby_and_doge.png)

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cff0ac  No.14617425



Money is just an idea.

It is what most humans use to provide SECURITY.

The question is, are you willing and capable to listen to the whispers of the Spirit and act in accordance with no though of Fear/ Insecurity/ Lack of provisions and safety?

Trusting in Fear is what [THEY] want for you.

Trusting in Love is what we must remember to do.

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9b86ee  No.14617426

The nwo shitbags want to enslave Australians first then you next.

Do your part to keep Australians free and in turn defeat the nwo shitbags

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3590ab  No.14617427

File: 7a52df60b02890e⋯.jpg (335.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, thatsitcomey.jpg)


100 ft wave hits N. Amreica

Is that it?

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73cae2  No.14617428

File: 6ceb849d078dc48⋯.png (144.19 KB, 800x420, 40:21, Ackshly.PNG)


The us does not have an individual bread per se.

This is Actually the Q research GENERAL board

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