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b43625  No.14674145[Last 50 Posts]

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b43625  No.14674164

NOTABLES Are Not Endorsements


>>14673386 Coronavirus Dashboard [CD]

>>14673402 Pharmacy Owner Pleads Guilty to Federal Charge Involving the Vaccination of Minors Under 12

>>14673401 Catalog spammers have to be the stupidest type of shills

>>14673417 Anyone see what’s sewn in Joe’s jacket after he gets his shot?

>>14673437 Meme Related

>>14673439 Techno Fog: Michaeal Sussman


>>14673468 57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations #StopTheShot

>>14673473, >>14673524 Breaking News: R. Kelly has been found guilty of racketeering.

>>14673454 durham indicts sullivan?

>>14673484, >>14673463 La Palma looks pissed (Needs Politician)

>>14673490 BV Reminder Next time they spam or post loli send me a message in discord. (Discord?)

>>14673508 NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Proclaims Unvaccinated People ‘Aren’t Listening to God’ (God Provides All my Needs)

>>14673419, >>14673511, >>14673569 Florida Governor DeSantis directs the Secretary of State to investigate Facebook for alleged violations of election laws.

>>14673534 REMINDER: Nothing can stop what is coming.

>>14673554 Government officials declare unvaccinated Australians 'will lose their freedoms' in October (You Threatening Me?)

>>14673614 REVEALED: Mainstream Media’s Massive Government Payoff

>>14673652 oaNboard o7

>>14673665 Reaction after R. Kelly found guilty of racketeering in sex trafficking case| LIVE

>>14673698 New York to deploy National Guard to fill expected staff shortages

>>14673739 Dallas Fed President Kaplan just announced he is resigning October 8

>>14673773 Today, I followed the advice of experts and my doctors and received a booster vaccination for COVID-19 #StopTheShot

>>14673788 <- This (Cap Related)

>>14673817 Fluoride and the link to aluminum Dig

>>14673845 GOP Senators Introduce Bill To Block Biden’s 'Weaponization' Of IRS Bank Account Surveillance

>>14673850 R. Kelly Q post

>>14673866 LB Biden's Two suns = Tucson, Arizona

>>14673880 Hundreds of School Bus Drivers Expected to Skip Work over Connecticut Vaccine Mandate #HoldTheLine

>>14673889 Internet Kill Switch dig

>>14673900 Gov. Newsom signs bill making universal vote-by-mail permanent in California #RecallNewsomAgain

>>14673903 JUST IN: Jurors have found R&B singer R. Kelly guilty of racketeering and sex trafficking charges.

>>14673495 @USNavy Sailors and Marines conduct daily operations oaboard #USSIwoJima

>>14673936 Canadian school health policy counts all sick students and staff who decline COVID tests as if they're COVID-positive #CovidisaConspiracy

>>14673559, >>14673774 David Vigneault was announced as Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service on 11 May 2017, to take charge on 19 June 2017.

>>14674011 The USDA Crop Progress Report released today shows Kansas at 36% harvested.

>>14674016 BIDEN: 98% Of Americans Must Get Vaxxed In ‘Some Industries’, Schools Before Life Goes Back To Normal #DivideAndConquer #HoldTheLine #StopTheShot #CovidConspiracy

>>14674032, >>14674040 Justin Trudeau on LGBTQ"P" For the Keks

>>14674074, >>14674085 California is now PERMANENTLY a vote-by-mail state. #RecallNewsomAgain

>>14674080 NATO expansion in Ukraine a "red line" for Putin, Kremlin says

>>14674086 Lawfag here. >>14673074 pb, notable I called the Prescott Attorney Generals office

>>14674094 LIVE: Senate leaders speak before procedural vote on spending bill

>>14674100, >>14674104 DJTJ - The Second Amendment is non-negotiable!!!

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b43625  No.14674167


>>14672504 A judge will lift all restrictions on John Hinckley Jr. next year if the shooter of President Ronald Reagan remains mentally stable.

>>14672508 New York governor Kathy Hochul has wasted no time in attacking unvaccinated Christians. (GOD PROVIDES MY NEEDS)

>>14672522 Someone redpill me on what's happening.

>>14672529 WATCH LIVE: Senate votes on raising debt ceiling

>>14672530 3,000 Physicians, Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing Governments of “Crimes Against Humanity” Through Covid Regime

>>14672571, >>14673055 "Hillary circa 2018 telling us what their plan was (VID)

>>14672573 The [Booster] shot heard round the world.

>>14672599 "The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe

>>14672612 00::00 (Cap Related)

>>14672613 Biden Delivers Remarks and Receives a COVID-19 Booster Shot

>>14672633 While the Biden administration wants to close the Guantanamo prisons, a major construction project is underway


>>14672685 German elections require voters to have identification and they don’t use machines to count votes.

>>14672698 Watch live: Biden receives Covid booster shot

>>14672796 #18553

>>14672797 Five people hospitalized in Australia after leak of unknown substance, reports say

>>14672799 Call sign IRON55. (RINO?)

>>14672805 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki On deck

>>14672871 Biden Admin Loses DACA Appeal In Texas… So They're Just Making A New Rule

>>14672857 2 Suns in the Window?

>>14672602 NCF Dr Rima Laibow Codex Alimentarius and the Nazi Agenda 21 depoulation plan

>>14672915 Facebook ‘pausing’ under-13s ‘Instagram Kids’ app to give company time to consult parents and policymakers

>>14672903 Reminder: give me liberty or give me death!

>>14672932 South Korean President Says ‘Time Has Come’ for a Ban on Eating Dogs

>>14672944 Dozens Of Massachusetts State Police Troopers Resigning Over COVID Vaccine Mandate, Union Says

>>14672960 Nancy Pelosi Connected To Criminal Trial For Pelosi Jr. Associate Who Was Busted In A Trump Building?

>>14672974 Pfizer CEO: ‘Normal Life’ Will Be Back ‘Within a Year’ but Vaccinations Necessary

>>14672975 #18554

>>14673008 Biden Asks Supreme Court for Permission to Destroy Gun Rights #ShallNotInfringe

>>14673048 JackPosobiec - It has Begun

>>14673056 Britney Spears was spied on by father using Israeli firm, ex-employee says


>>14673057, >>14673069, >>14673083 LIVE Vanderberg SFB Launch Schedule for ALICE?

>>14673074 I called the Prescott Attorney Generals office to ask about the audit

>>14673099 President of Croatia | We will not be vaccinated anymore!

>>14673103 Canadian nurse whistle blowers say many people are dying after getting vaccines while hospitals are filled with the fully vaccinated #StopTheShot

>>14673108 Trump card coming????

>>14673131 These Countries Have an Internet Kill Switch … And They Admit It

>>14673163 Biden regime to set gas prices to $8 a gallon by February?

>>14673177, >>14673180, >>14673183 How to travel time (o.0)

>>14673188 #18555

>>14673261 "Operation Highjump," in 1946-1947.


>>14673376 #18559

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b43625  No.14674171



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b43625  No.14674173


>>14669870, >>14669891 50 of the biggest companies in Texas sign a letter blasting Governor Abbott’s abortion ban, saying that not only does it violate their values, it’s also hurting their profits

>>14669878 The Symptoms of Our Insanity

>>14669903 School shooting 25th anniversary Columbine thwarted: cops

>>14669922, >>14669968, >>14670015, >>14670242 "Gabrielle Petito" plus 11 other "Petitos" visited the Obama White House from 2010 to 2013

>>14669947 Bidan adm denies sending Haitians to Gitmo despite placing ad for Creole speaking person to run "illigration" at Gitmo.

>>14669954, >>14669997 Theoneste Bagosora, architect of Rwandan genocide, dies at 80 in Mali

>>14670059 DJT trolling YMCA playing that song at all his rallies for years

>>14670071 Canada is the only Five-Eyes country that has not banned Huawei 5G contracts

>>14670076 PF

>>14670134 Jeep and Ram partner with bonos red for special edition vehicles

>>14670088, >>14670154 The Epoch Times has done one of the most concise summaries of the findings and partisan reactions to the Maricopa Audit.

>>14670159 Anon: The view from where I sit

>>14670245 @AlexanderSoros, It was good to be introduced to President @Macky_Sall of #Senegal by my friend @ediramaal of #Albania this week during #unga

>>14670296 New York may tap National Guard replace unvaccinated healthcare workers

>>14670356 @rothschildmd: Once you've accepted Donald Trump as presidential, Mike Lindell as an election fraud expert, and an 8chan shitposter as a military intelligence team saving the world, you'll accept pretty much anything.

>>14670481 Zuckerberg and Democrats worked hand in glove with the CCP to rig the elections and usurp the will of the American people

>>14670498 CodeMonkeyZ: Did you know that Olivetti actually built the hardware for the first electronic "voting" machines? Now you do. Bizta did the software, Smartmatic sub-contracted out the hardware to Olivetti, who in turn actually made the damn things.

>>14670512 Italians are fed up. 10 weeks in a row of health pass protests

>>14670562 #18556


>>14669189 Falun Gong Practitioners Gather Outside UN Building to Protest Against the CCP’s Crimes

>>14669203 Psaki meme for the keks

>>14669231 Liz Cheney: The 60 Minutes Interview

>>14669121, >>14669304 Anyone have a pic of Herschel Walker’s necklace from last night? With the archangel.

>>14669348 ‘Sonic wave’ wreaks havoc with Channel 4 programmes

>>14669675 Son Of Carnegie Mellon University President, Thomas Jahanian, Dies After Being Pulled From Monongahela River

>>14669687 China says will reduce the number of abortions for "non-medical purposes"

>>14669708 Victoria records 705 new Covid-19 cases and one death as Dan Andrews announces new freedoms and 'extreme' plans to force all schoolkids to be vaccinated are leaked

>>14669832 CDC: Mysterious Salmonella Outbreak in 29 states

>>14669722 Grassley harvest comms

>>14673188 #18555


>>14668319, >>14668917 Clockfagging: Why is Clinton Foundation back in the news?

>>14668340, >>14668621, >>14668795, >>14668829, >>14668850, >>14668851, >>14668899, >>14668928 Planefagging

>>14668416 For anons who would like to help the oppressed in Australia, Call or fax the embassies

>>14668726, >>14668732, >>14668735 WATCH: The lava from volcano in La Palma has destroyed the church spire in Todoque

>>14668867 Petition Calling For Victorian Premier to Resign Gathers Over 150k Signatures: “He Must Be Held Accountable”

>>14668883 Vandenberg SFB Launch Schedule Monday 11:11

>>14668945, >>14668971 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki joins 'Influencers with Andy Serwer' to weigh in on the Elizabeth Holmes saga

>>14672975 #18554

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b43625  No.14674174


>>14667502, >>14667514 Rowdy celebrations erupt in Norway as COVID restrictions end

>>14667607 Sidney Powell revealed that she’s discovered that the DOD patented an algorithm in 2006 that can predetermine the outcome of elections

>>14667616 Space Force abolished? House bill would do just that

>>14667635 CDC study: 85% of COVID-19 cases in July were people who often or always wear masks

>>14667701 John Bolton warns Taliban may get nuclear weapons amid Afghanistan withdrawal

>>14667528, >>14667721 Institute for Strategic Dialogue needs a dig.

>>14667728, >>14667730, >>14667745 Here Are the House Republicans Who Voted for the Red Flag Laws in the NDAA Bill

>>14667700, >>14667727, >>14667736 planefagging for the KECK236

>>14667758 Voter Integrity Expert Garland Favorito at Trump Rally: “VoterGA Sued State of Georgia to Permanently Ban Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5 Voting System”

>>14667759 This is just a different rendition of the [Confucius Institutes]

>>14667772 “IT’S HIGH NOON” – Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich: “If We Don’t Stand Up Now And Protect The Constitution And Rule Of Law, We’ll Never Get It Back.”

>>14667777 "Be the true whitehat"

>>14667853 Remains of Medal of Honor recipient Fr. Emil Kapaun return to Kansas after 70 years

>>14667866 Mexican Illegal Alien Arrested For Allegedly Starting Multiple California Wildfires That Threatened Endangered Species

>>14668078 The definition of creepy, over the top and soul-paralyzing.

>>14668118 Pfizer CEO: COVID-19 vaccine data for kids will be submitted to FDA in ‘days’

>>14672796 #18553


>>14666666 6s?

>>14666719 No Jail or Public Sex Offender Register for Officer Who Solicited a Child for Sex While On-Duty

>>14666726 14 Mexican Soldiers Detained by U.S. CBP After Incursion at Texas Border

>>14666727 Clinton and Yeltsin got drunk in Kremlin restroom, book claims

>>14666741 Texas Sues Biden Administration Over Federal Transgender Guidance

>>14666753, >>14666839, >>14666896 vids. Potus destroyed the lame stream media last night.

>>14666758, >>14666848 Bill Gates continues to invest in companies related to the environment. Now the founder Microsoft put his money into a startup that develops robots that can grow plants in a sustainable way.

>>14666822 'Fauci' earnings mystery: No info on box office take for gushing documentary about COVID czar

>>14666832 Horrors of Child Trafficking, Exploitation Exposed at Texas Border Rally

>>14666838 Maria Bartiromo Brings Up Creepy John Podesta Today Noting the Clintons Had More to Do with Russia than the Trumps Ever Did

>>14666846 Shortcuts by U.S. Mission in Iraq lead to $663 million in non-competitive contracts: watchdog

>>14666847 dig: Obama listed as muslim in catholic school in Indonesia

>>14666853 Scavino pic (Trump´s football ball) Q34 Q clearance Patriot

>>14666878 U.S. B-52H Bomber Intercepted Near Russian Border

>>14666881 Turkish-Backed Militants Fired At Russian Helicopters Conducting Patrol Over Northeastern Syria

>>14666905 Arizona Audit Final Report Was Watered Down: Reports from Cyber Ninjas Were Edited, Most Damning Statements Removed – What Else Was Removed?

>>14666907, >>14666922 microbiologyanon: AIDS is casued by the CHAGAS parasite.

>>14666925, >>14666987 Neil Oliver: The ‘New World Order’ Is on Verge of Collapse – ‘Strongest Smell of Fear Coming From the Elite, Hold the Line’

>>14666944 "F–k Them": Tucker Reacts to ADL Calling For Him to Be Fired

>>14666949 Female US service member allegedly assaulted by male Afghan refugees at Fort Bliss

>>14666981 Gaetz requests meeting with Israeli ambassador after extortion plot

>>14667074 Turkey Wants US Military to Leave Syria, Iraq After Afghanistan Withdrawal, Erdogan Says

>>14667199 Private Equity May Now Own Your Life Insurance Policy


>>14667302, >>14667329 Pfizer stands to make $26 BILLION from COVID-19 vaccine boosters as the US approves third dose for all adults over 65 as well as those with pre-existing conditions and high-risk jobs

>>14667410 #18552

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b43625  No.14674176


>>14665869 In Counterclaim, ‘Kraken’ Attorney Sidney Powell Sues Dominion Voting Systems for Alleged ‘Abuse of Process’ for Suing Her First

>>14665886, >>14666365 Dig U.S. Naval Institute

>>14665888 QAnon leaders look to rebrand after tech crack downs

>>14665887 Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

>>14665891 House Passes “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Bill For Ex-Military Members — And Lots Of Republicans Voted For It

>>14665895, >>14665907, >>14665912, >>14665925, >>14665939, >>14665945, >>14665964, Someone edited this video right when Cotton talked about the shared passwords, and then he says “just to crystal clear"

>>14665901, >>14665928, >>14665987, >>14666361, >>14666501 PF

>>14665949 Anons…why hasn't Disclose.tv covered the election fraud in AZ???

>>14665957 The classiest version of the FJB chant: At a golf event.

>>14665970 House Passes Bill Requiring Nation’s Daughters to Register for Military Draft

>>14665984, >>14666359, >>14666344, >>14666396 "No Name" Because of his involvement with the release of Sin Nombre Hantavirus on native land

>>14665995, >>14665996, >>14666034 Independent summary of the AZ Audit Report PDFs

>>14665989 Jeffrey Peterson Linux

>>14665998 "TRUMP - LEGACY OF A PATRIOT". It can be viewed in its entirety (48:30) here

>>14666016 Bank surveillance was taken out of the bill at the committee vote

>>14666034 REASONS TO DECERTIFY AZ – THE LIST: 70,000 Duplicated, Fraudulent, Illegal or Ghost Ballots (7 Times Biden’s Margin of Victory), Devices Missing, Data Deleted, Criminal Acts Referred to Authorities

>>14666044 Arizona Audit Finds 25-30% of Duplicated Ballots Received Between November 4th-9th After They Knew How Many Ballots Were Needed

>>14666066 Wendy Rogers If you voted to draft our daughters or for #RedFlag gun confiscation in the latest trash bill to come out of DC resign now

>>14666087 This is what the New World Order looks like in Australia (1:57)

>>14666105 Haha…look what they're trying to do now:

>>14666122 CNN, and EVERY other network but faux , aired Mike Lindell's Symposium AND FrankSpeech commercials. faux wouldn't air even ONE

>>14666131 Bill Clinton

>>14666171 Remember "FLOOD THE ZONE" from Event 201

>>14666206 Biden middle class tax cut

>>14666244 Is this a 2 Prong Attack?

>>14666249 Thousands of Unapproved Viagra & Cialis Pills Seized by Louisville CBP

>>14666291 Trump Calls Out Hunter Biden, Calls Milley 'Stupid' During Georgia Rally

>>14666435, >>14666468, >>14666485, >>14666496 Marc Elias FLASHBACK APRIL 2019: Bogus Trump-Russia Alfa Bank Connections Were Created By Hillary Supporter, Working with Fusion GPS — And Pushed BY CROOKED HILLARY!

>>14666543, >>14666595, >>14666597 Marc Elias

>>14666439 Whose kid is that? Dems want big changes in who qualifies for child tax break

>>14666442 Liberal Soros Connected Group Sends Letter to FCC Calling to “Shoot Republicans”

>>14666482 Department of Defense “Bells Across America for Fallen Service Members.”

>>14666487 Aussie PM offers lockdown-frustrated people ‘gift’ of getting their lives back, but with QR codes & other measures in place

>>14666494 PDJT "Q was with me…" (Cap 0:12)

>>14666508 Liberals claim democracy at stake over video of Republican congressman calling for new Biden v Trump election THIS year

>>14666475, >>14666551, >>14666562, >>14666568, >>14666569, >>14666570, >>14666582, >>14666599 CIA was ready to wage gun battle in London streets against Russian operatives to kill or snatch Assange, bombshell report claims

>>14668557 #18551

Previously Collected

>>14666996 #18549, >>14667129 #18550

>>14662683 #18546, >>14663446 #18547, >>14664472 #18548

>>14661302 #18543, >>14661175 #18544, >>14661937 #18545

>>14659172 #18540, >>14658574 #18541, >>14659547 #18542

>>14654687 #18537, >>14658366 #18538, >>14656353 #18539

>>14658237 #18534, >>14653164 #18535, >>14653908 #18536

>>14651428 #18531, >>14658272 #18532, >>14651603 #18533

>>14647658 #18528, >>14648437 #18529, >>14651373 #18530

>>14646596 #18525, >>14646881 #18526, >>14646913 #18527

>>14644249 #18522, >>14643724 #18523, >>14644533 #18524

>>14642534 #18519, >>14643483 #18520, >>14643731 #18521

>>14639399 #18516, >>14640036 #18517, >>14639670 #18518

>>14636594 #18513, >>14636483 #18514, >>14637336 #18515

>>14633281 #18510, >>14634120 #18511, >>14636288 #18512

>>14632975 #18507, >>14633773 #18508, >>14632510 #18509

>>14628437 #18504, >>14629604 #18505, >>14630079 #18506

>>14626510 #18501, >>14627190 #18502, >>14627466 #18503

>>14623961 #18498, >>14624834 #18499, >>14627097 #18500

>>14623389 #18495, >>14623349 #18496, >>14623468 #18497

>>14619270 #18492, >>14620034 #18493, >>14622032 #18494

>>14617038 #18489, >>14617632 #18490, >>14618440 #18491

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>>14588182 Q Research Notables #9

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b43625  No.14674180

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b43625  No.14674181

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* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.5: https://controlc.com/a0409084

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Compress Video https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4

* Remove Image Background https://www.remove.bg/

* Download Bitchute Video https://pastedownload.com/bitchute-video-downloader/

* Download Rumble Video https://pastedownload.com/rumble-video-downloader/

* Download Webpage as PDF https://webtopdf.com/

* Military Ship Tracker https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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b43625  No.14674198

File: 7cfa02a62d5a7b6⋯.jpg (34.55 KB, 500x350, 10:7, 7cfa02a62d5a7b69bf801f24bc….jpg)


#18561 https://controlc.com/093ded55

#HoldTheLine #StayTogether #StopTheShot #FGNC /\



>!!!! GOD WINS !!!!!

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95c61a  No.14674203




>>14670992 "gay youth" might be the next major way [they] attempt to normalize pedophilia

>>14670998 Ex-Rochdale footballer jailed for 24 years for child rapes

>>14671028 Small plane crashes on landing in Fort Lauderdale

>>14671010, >>14671027, >>14671090, >>14671125 Charles Lieber & Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering [Harvard]

>>14671123 Greek island of Crete hit by 6.0 earthquake and multiple subsequent tremors

>>14671154 Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng Admits to Misleading Global Financial Institution

>>14671200, >>14671299, >>14671317 Gen Flynn [27.09.21 07:17] The “Shot” heard round the world!

>>14670653 "Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America" - Here Is The 'Spartacus COVID Letter' That's Gone Viral

>>14671218 New CMZ

>>14671328 A big kek for Pompeo

>>14671334 May 14, 2018 Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence on Australian politics

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ef48d1  No.14674210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


History Making Speech


@55 seconds


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95c61a  No.14674211

collecting #18558

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1ca846  No.14674212

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1ca846  No.14674214


>dude's dropping Q quotes

yet dude shows his face and fights unlike q

Here is his most recent

Watch: Blueprint For Victory Against Globalist Lockdowns Laid Out


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1ca846  No.14674215

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f6f218  No.14674216

File: ec90fff557d77db⋯.gif (819.14 KB, 480x368, 30:23, 5dollars.gif)

>>14674197 lb

so butthurt

go back to walmart, sugartits

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5a7f4d  No.14674217

File: 15791c4c392aa9d⋯.png (897.96 KB, 1194x793, 1194:793, Rig_For_Red.png)




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32cbd8  No.14674218

File: 0aad9339526d715⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 200x174, 100:87, HE_S_READING_IT.gif)



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fba6ed  No.14674219

File: 4ad7c9349faf684⋯.gif (15.64 MB, 770x434, 55:31, NS443322.gif)



lawfag from AZ still around?



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e8573d  No.14674221

No tsunami will hit the eastern seaboard!

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1ca846  No.14674222

The ccp shills have failed to post this accomplishment

Millions Of Chinese Residents Lose Power After Widespread, "Unexpected" Blackouts; Power Company Warns This Is "New Normal"


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dd976c  No.14674224

You can thank your bank for putting this out to the public.

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58f22f  No.14674225

File: a88498518b0d27d⋯.jpeg (237.69 KB, 1215x229, 1215:229, 3b20741a0611ba36.jpeg)

White House says 'no link' between release of Huawei exec and 'Two Michaels'

The Department of Justice announced on Friday it dropped its extradition case against Huawei’s chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, who was arrested by Canadian authorities in 2018 at the request of the U.S. on charges of violating U.S. sanctions against Iran.

Later on Friday, China released Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, dubbed the "Two Michaels." Kovrig, a former Canadian diplomat, and Spavor, a businessman, were detained in China in December 2018 on espionage charges. Although China denies it, the arrests of the two men were in apparent retaliation for the detention of Wanzhou in Vancouver.


White House press secretary Jen Psaki was pressed on the coinciding releases during a press briefing Monday.

“I think it’s important to note, and to be very clear about this, there is no link,” Psaki said. “We have an independent Justice Department. We can’t determine how the Chinese or others manage their business over there. It's a little bit different.”

“But we have an independent Justice Department that made independent decisions, law enforcement decisions. At the same time, we have made no secret about our push to have the Two Michaels released. That’s certainly positive news and good news,” she added.


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0f498c  No.14674226

File: b0883e914412468⋯.jpeg (400.05 KB, 750x982, 375:491, B2A6CB24_E71C_45BE_BB42_D….jpeg)

Zuckerberg and Democrats worked hand in glove with the CCP to rig the elections and usurp the will of the American people



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30f90c  No.14674230

File: f51f650242ecd22⋯.jpeg (532.85 KB, 1000x1414, 500:707, 6F7D547F_F3F8_49C9_9C5C_3….jpeg)

ty baker

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dd976c  No.14674232

File: c6d1d8b23349a20⋯.png (542.77 KB, 924x960, 77:80, file_store_4.png)

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c01af9  No.14674233

File: 0e222f840bc9d41⋯.png (457.68 KB, 816x427, 816:427, zuck_laugh.png)

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891425  No.14674234

so we have a catalog for people get froze in it?

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05c327  No.14674238

File: 83fea8af1ec2df1⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 4AE68771_F06C_4DB2_B41F_C….jpeg)

File: 771719b7c4729b3⋯.jpeg (99.74 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, CB6564F7_7DBB_412A_8368_7….jpeg)


Thank Q Baker


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1ca846  No.14674239


fear porn faggots were all over that one

same goes for mRNA in vegetables

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32cbd8  No.14674240

File: 3ace3c19987aa4b⋯.mp4 (2.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Huawei_CFO_Meng_Wanzhou_th….mp4)

File: b25add84095fa8a⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, An_Air_China_plane_carryin….mp4)

File: 0ac51ba15a681ad⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BREAKING_Prime_Minister_Ju….mp4)


>White House says 'no link' between release of Huawei exec and 'Two Michaels'

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58f22f  No.14674242

File: 02f585964868b38⋯.jpeg (237.69 KB, 1125x244, 1125:244, 3b20741a0611ba36.jpeg)

Democrats scramble to satisfy disparate members on spending package

The exact timing of a vote is unclear as Pelosi balances demand from liberals and centrists related to the $3.5 trillion package and a separate bipartisan infrastructure bill that the Speaker now says will get a House vote on Thursday.

Biden on Monday acknowledged the uncertain fate of his legislative agenda.

“It may not be by the end of the week. I hope it’s by the end of the week,” he said Monday.

The House took a step forward on the reconciliation bill on Saturday, when the House Budget Committee voted to advance it.


But one Democratic lawmaker, Rep. Scott Peters (Calif.), joined Republicans in voting against moving the bill out of the budget committee, saying he was concerned the party was rushing to craft the social safety net package. Peters pointed to concerns he had about some of the spending levels in the legislation and said he had “other objections to the bill that have not been resolved but could be if given more time.”

Peters was also one of three House Democrats, along with Reps. Kurt Schrader (Ore.) and Kathleen Rice (N.Y.), who voted in the House Energy and Commerce Committee against a portion of the bill that would allow the Health and Human Services secretary to negotiate lower drug prices.


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28ce16  No.14674243

>>14674166 lb

Whenever that BV shows up, gore & CP shows up with them. Happened a few nights ago.

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0f498c  No.14674244

File: a1d12b0324f8fb3⋯.jpeg (393.66 KB, 750x988, 375:494, EEF1981B_1CD6_4213_82A0_7….jpeg)

Zuckerberg and Democrats worked hand in glove with the CCP to rig the elections and usurp the will of the American people

Zuckerberg going to prison for treason!!!


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e72916  No.14674245


Bye, dickless wonder

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4c096a  No.14674249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Viganò Tapes #16: “The infernal plan to cancel Christianity”

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32cbd8  No.14674250

File: 47b80d183585915⋯.png (382.05 KB, 904x760, 113:95, ClipboardImage.png)


>Millions Of Chinese Residents Lose Power After Widespread, "Unexpected" Blackouts; Power Company Warns This Is "New Normal"


Northeast China's Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province has been through a sudden and unexpected power curb. Meanwhile, dozens of provinces across the country are also facing power curb due to govt's pursuit to cut carbon emission even though the supply for coal remain adequate.

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891425  No.14674251


you must try harder.

learn from bv.

He banned everyone, now he's reading some satanist books. Aloone.

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c01af9  No.14674252

File: 8a79789706ca6a3⋯.png (244.92 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepe_filter_spam.png)

Post it once, fine

Post it twice, getting to the red line

Post it three times….. BYE

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e318d2  No.14674253

File: e7d9019fa6b96df⋯.png (336.14 KB, 605x394, 605:394, e7d9019fa6b96df153ec3c797d….png)

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58f22f  No.14674254

File: cc88d0f9dfac212⋯.jpeg (237.69 KB, 878x401, 878:401, 3b20741a0611ba36.jpeg)

Bill Nye explains the real differences in people's skin colors

It is elementary to say racism is morally wrong, but ever had an educator invalidate racism to its last element?

Humanity began in Africa. People started branching out to different locations of the world and expanding civilizations. Depending on the UV rays of the sun and the temperature, people’s skins were altered as a result of getting too much or too little vitamins, to sum up what Bill Nye the science guy said on TikTok.


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0f498c  No.14674255

File: a550c24375e87cc⋯.jpeg (400.93 KB, 750x985, 150:197, B1AAB5E2_D87B_40BC_80D2_7….jpeg)


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32cbd8  No.14674256

File: 14229e6eac93fdd⋯.mp4 (11.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Anne_Wojcicki.mp4)

Theranos covid tests?

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5a420d  No.14674259

File: 966b28f38118e86⋯.jpg (81.07 KB, 828x729, 92:81, 966b28f38118e86a3d4dc4c4e3….jpg)

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f6f218  No.14674261

File: 762cd45471a23bf⋯.gif (989.78 KB, 500x281, 500:281, DDru.gif)


not going anywhere cunt.

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94c46b  No.14674262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Closer and closer the precipice comes…

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6c8f45  No.14674263

File: 0a559fc58eb65a1⋯.jpg (144.92 KB, 907x1100, 907:1100, 462e7b1ccb910405cae2218699….jpg)

We have some "staff shortages" here in California, and we could use some National Guarding. Would suggest a cordon around the legislative buildings in Sacramento and every court house in all areas to prevent escape of judiciary or legislators, who may attempt blend in with the local population.

- Anon

Venice Beach

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0f498c  No.14674264

File: 32c7fcee660fd93⋯.jpeg (397.3 KB, 750x999, 250:333, 81A804D7_EBA7_495B_99D3_9….jpeg)

Just fyi this is why the shills are fucking with us


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dd3ee4  No.14674265

File: 9dfc4bd12bb98a3⋯.png (41.64 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, CulpeperFlag.png)

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32cbd8  No.14674266

File: 1d8f630c692a767⋯.mp4 (552.16 KB, 480x270, 16:9, The_View_hosts_were_rushed….mp4)

results are in; it was a false positive (IQ test)

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cf5f05  No.14674267


Over the target! 5:5 checked!

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e318d2  No.14674268

File: 659b3b08e119b91⋯.jpg (472.92 KB, 1036x773, 1036:773, 659b3b08e119b914ca6bf6e791….jpg)

>>14674146 (lb)

not quite praying. some might consider that blasphemy, don't know.

but (pic relates)

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c01af9  No.14674271

File: bc9a06752512675⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 239x320, 239:320, popcorn_everywhere_.gif)


Time to load up on popcorn.

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58f22f  No.14674274

File: abd82579db8b9d3⋯.jpeg (237.69 KB, 588x290, 294:145, 3b20741a0611ba36.jpeg)

Ds pledge not to raise "1 penny" of taxes on ppl earning under $400K. Don't believe it Non-partisan Joint tax cmte analysis shows no income group is safe from Ds reckless tax hikes Over 12% of taxpayers w incomes $50K-100K would see tax hike &35% of taxpayers w incomes $100K-200K


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ad7130  No.14674275


mRNA doesn't change your DNA, but vitamins do ?

The fuckery of stupid talking heads is off the charts.

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85381f  No.14674281

File: 355859cfd2acf55⋯.png (760.3 KB, 2348x1032, 587:258, 3e32e86619646e9d53f1e5aa4e….png)

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693209  No.14674282

File: 10c29d81235af48⋯.png (32.74 KB, 590x181, 590:181, ClipboardImage.png)


>Whenever that BV shows up, gore & CP shows up with them. Happened a few nights ago.

That's cute, actually what happened is I called JonKikel out on trying to act like he was an insider and part of Q team. Immedaitely after JonKikel stopped posting but we got catalog spam and loli posting. Weird how that happens.

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32cbd8  No.14674284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Bill Nye explains

fuck all

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58f22f  No.14674285

File: 6a77f59eab9a553⋯.jpeg (237.69 KB, 649x500, 649:500, 3b20741a0611ba36.jpeg)

Senator Cory Booker insists police reform bill would have given MILLIONS to police - after GOP Senator Tim Scott blamed Dems' defund police movement for negotiations breaking down


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c01af9  No.14674286

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pepe_dank_3.png)


Bill Nye isn't even a real scientist.

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da0fe7  No.14674287

File: f98f8d21b997873⋯.png (1.01 MB, 970x541, 970:541, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14673962 PB


"Could be the calm before the STORM."

"What storm, Mr. President?"

You'll Find Out

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e7dea6  No.14674288


yeah i know i should not pray for someone to die, but when they are evil personified i think it is ok right. I know we are supposed to forgive our enemies but that is i thought only if they ask for forgiveness. Not to give it out for free. Still i want him to shit himself on camera at least, i am sure he has i just want a reporter to ask him directly because of the smell.

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6c8f45  No.14674289

File: 7abc1bef7a5f1e5⋯.gif (813.24 KB, 553x640, 553:640, 7abc1bef7a5f1e5a26d360adbf….gif)

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518d96  No.14674290

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161036  No.14674291

File: 8f4616647b6cc60⋯.jpeg (579.04 KB, 1242x1319, 1242:1319, 6D32BBE8_0360_4DB0_B503_3….jpeg)


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6ce662  No.14674292

Michael Sussmann funneled the Alfa Bank conspiracy theory to the DOJ and FBI, but was indicted for lying about who he was working for?

Who’s the Steele dossier equivalent of Michael Sussmann? Wasn’t it McCain who gave the dossier to the FBI? That isn’t a crime? Because he was working on his own behalf??

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32cbd8  No.14674293

File: 680683704222715⋯.png (196.68 KB, 510x192, 85:32, simple_science.png)


>Bill Nye isn't even a real scientist.

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5a420d  No.14674294

File: 5e87282242735d8⋯.jpg (69.72 KB, 992x744, 4:3, 5e87282242735d822d676609ce….jpg)



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802863  No.14674295


Vastly preferred Beakman's World.

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693209  No.14674299

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58f22f  No.14674300


Doesn't explain why the Nubian Sub-Saharan Region is darker then the Arabian Peninsula, seeing how their BOTH deserts.

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32cbd8  No.14674302

File: dfa55d1db0cdbda⋯.mp4 (14.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, After_Truth_1_.mp4)


>You'll Find Out

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94c46b  No.14674303

File: 9a1bdcc02b3693f⋯.png (757.13 KB, 600x916, 150:229, bigpopcornpepe.png)


Roger that

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32cbd8  No.14674304



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f2d858  No.14674305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Jan. 6 Security Camera Footage Released

Sep 27, 2021

TheDC Shorts

316K subscribers

Following a request from multiple media outlets, US District Chief Judge Beryl Howell ordered federal prosecutors to release security camera footage from the capitol riot on Jan. 6.


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71a520  No.14674306

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, dafuqPepe.JPG)


Funny thing BV. I was on your side 'til you targetted me.

Always seemed more transparent than the previous ones. When you posted stuff like this.

But now that you are sperging out at random anons (me), I find it really hard to believe whatever reasons you give…

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c01af9  No.14674307

File: 49d893109de57fe⋯.png (344.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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e318d2  No.14674308

File: ab3f6e6c76a61f7⋯.png (344.62 KB, 700x740, 35:37, ab3f6e6c76a61f72c8a21e9655….png)


>Still i want him to shit himself on camera at least

Check'd & Kek'd!


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b60fe8  No.14674310

File: 14998b2141b06cd⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 588x412, 147:103, 3h778ipca.jpg)

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58f22f  No.14674311

On the Senate floor, GOP LA Sen Kennedy on Dems attaching debt ceiling provision to bill to fund gov't and provide hurricane relief: "Nature abhors a moron."


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32cbd8  No.14674313

File: 73948843ed24286⋯.png (977.78 KB, 960x600, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)



Wuhan scientists planned to release coronavirus particles into cave bats, leaked papers reveal

Documents reveal researchers applied for $14m to fund controversial project in 2018

Wuhan and US scientists were planning to release enhanced airborne coronavirus particles into Chinese bat populations to inoculate them against diseases that could jump to humans, leaked grant proposals dating from 2018 show….

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693209  No.14674316


>But now that you are sperging out at random anons (me

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

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0f498c  No.14674318


>Just fyi this is why the shills are fucking with us

Team Zuck fucking with us cause he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar

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e7dea6  No.14674319


was thinking i wonder if the they had something to do with the diseases in the bat populations i remember hearing something about it a few years ago down at Carlsbad. Some fungus or something. I may be misremembering though.

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6c8f45  No.14674320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When death cults die.

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71a520  No.14674321


>The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Oh yeah… I'm the one crying…

Keep trying.

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0f498c  No.14674322


>Funny thing BV. I was on your side 'til you targetted me.

We are all anons kek wtf you talkin bout

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94c46b  No.14674323

File: 3156aee72b938d6⋯.png (157.1 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)

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ad7130  No.14674324


McCain was always a traitor. The armed forces are brain washed about him because of his POW status.

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f8113c  No.14674325


ILS is Green


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5a7f4d  No.14674326

File: cb644e59cddd83e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 867x921, 289:307, enjoy_the_show.png)

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f2cef3  No.14674327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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32cbd8  No.14674328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Team Zuck fucking with us cause he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar

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b0f948  No.14674329

for what is this bann:

sooooooooji poooolaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

cu ma-taaaaaaa, simandicoasa, de la coasa, taranca proasta.


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5a420d  No.14674330

File: f385d87acd0151c⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 500x680, 25:34, Eqz5Ww5XIAEcueq.jpg)


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4cde9e  No.14674331



White nose disease.. iirc.

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71a520  No.14674332


>wtf you talkin bout

BV keeps track of my posts. To him I'm not anon.

He made that very clear (lb)

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f2d858  No.14674333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I liked The Bloodhound Gang. Kinda prepped me for being anon

The Bloodhound Gang (1983) Opening Credits v.2


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693209  No.14674334


Oh look, they've even decided to pull out the fake Q playbook.

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244bc6  No.14674335

File: de17efa66a3eb87⋯.png (353.17 KB, 513x342, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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b58104  No.14674336

File: 0cbdd7158812e44⋯.pdf (159.66 KB, Jesuit_Extreme_Oath_of_Ind….pdf)

>>14673407 lb

Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction

Explains a lot wrt Dr. Fauci.


Oldfags have probably seent this, newer ones maybe not…that said, I didn't know Fauci was a Jesuit protege'.

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1416ef  No.14674337


I thought Brennan gave the Steele dossier to the FBI.

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7c64f4  No.14674338


Calling curses down on someone is called an imprecatory prayer. It's perfectly justified to ask God to make His enemies a footstool at His feet, and to smite them. I pray God will strike Nancy Pelosi dead most days. And guess what? When He does, it will be an actual answer to MY PRAYER. You're welcome.

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6c6f1a  No.14674339

File: 5e86810d9c2576e⋯.png (507.46 KB, 687x1065, 229:355, Screenshot_2021_09_27_1427….png)

File: 73d513196ff89e9⋯.jpg (968.75 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, gettyimages_609337922_2048….jpg)

File: 58bffa3f95bbe57⋯.jpg (238.29 KB, 355x354, 355:354, bassball_cover.jpg)

File: 57721b0a2a5bf81⋯.jpg (38.27 KB, 810x539, 810:539, Jean_Luc_Brunel_3.jpg)

File: 9f0f8cd3972ddbe⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 290x333, 290:333, bunny_brunel_thumbs_up.jpg)

Is Bunny Brunel Jean-Luc Brunel's brother? If so, what role does he play?

Anons, I remember digging on a bunch of Ghislaine Maxwell's acquaintances (pic related shows Carole Radziwill and Lisa Heiden Koffler). That event ("Lillian von Stauffenberg dinner for ALLEGRA HICKS" over at getty images) in particular was openly cabalist.

Anyway, Lisa Heiden Koffler is based in Miami, and frequently shows up at something called the "Bass Ball":


Ostensibly, it's supposed to be some kind of fundraiser for the Bass Museum. But when I did a search on it, something else came up–an album by some guy named Bunny Brunel, sold on his website:


Notice some similarity here?

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e353d8  No.14674340

Mafia princess Nancy Pelosi hasn't had to campaig for her seat in congress for over 30 years. She just goes straight to Bibi and Shrimp Boy and Taco Pop.

What kind of dumbacrisy are you running?

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da0fe7  No.14674341


Violent insurrection?

Juxtapose against any BLM/ Antifa footage.

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b8ed65  No.14674342

File: 7b9d242116353c3⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 1050x656, 525:328, ShiningEnding1_1050x656.jpg)

What's with the catalog? How is Q going to find the bread to post in?

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e353d8  No.14674343

Mafia princess Nancy Pelosi hasn't had to campaign for her seat in congress for over 30 years. She just goes straight to Bibi and Shrimp Boy and Taco Pop.

What kind of dumbacrisy are you running?

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b0f948  No.14674344


You bann people b/c you feel like, now?

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57f9dc  No.14674345


Would wager a few magical beans he was cooking up some fresh human meat

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13dba1  No.14674346

Ok, what the fuck are [they] hiding in Antarctica?

Alien spacecraft?

Ancient Temples?

The Beatles White Album?

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e7dea6  No.14674347


trips confirm gen'x in the house. Loved that shit.


isn't that what Hunter has.

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f2d858  No.14674348




>Team Zuck fucking with us cause he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar

moar like Fortune cookie jar

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c01af9  No.14674349

File: f69ae7bcb803bbe⋯.gif (530.88 KB, 620x341, 20:11, uhhh.gif)


An ILS is never referred to as green. Localizer Captured would be relevant, so your LARP is an obvious LARP.

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98dbb1  No.14674350


What the fuck is wrong with these republicans who are always willing to sit down and "negotiate" with these treasonous P'sOS on the left?

You know, I would for just once, like to see a God Damn republican stand up and tell these people to FUCK THE HELL OFF!!! What a bunch of fucking LOSERS!!!

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b8ed65  No.14674351


I got banned last Friday for a couple of screwing around Red Text posts.

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32cbd8  No.14674352

File: 61a063b51dcd47c⋯.png (44.06 KB, 160x160, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


it tastes doubly better when you hunt it yourself

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b0f948  No.14674353


b@ rapanoswle, ma pij pi tini.

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e4d71d  No.14674354


What do those options mean on the right there?

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f8113c  No.14674355

Lima Alpha Papa - Tango Oscar Papa

[Full Accountability]

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aa557e  No.14674356

File: 24ebf3d3a72e67c⋯.jpg (237.82 KB, 1018x777, 1018:777, CitAlrt1.jpg)

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f2cef3  No.14674357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'This Is Intentional!': Marsha Blackburn Excoriates 'Miserable Failure' Biden In Fiery Senate Speech

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85381f  No.14674358

File: 5eb094840dca268⋯.png (636.83 KB, 1411x1977, 1411:1977, WTF.png)


.>Ok, what the fuck are [they] hiding in Antarctica?

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57f9dc  No.14674359


Probably all of the above and then some. Anon believes they are hiding a shit ton of land as per Admiral Byrd.

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98dbb1  No.14674360

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67cd03  No.14674361


>Closer and closer the precipice comes…

That shit has come and gone already.

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e7dea6  No.14674362


still not sure it is right, but at least i got some biblical justification for my anger and wrath i want to see befall these fucking scum fucks. ty

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32cbd8  No.14674363

File: 5f41cec3f1d419a⋯.png (608.64 KB, 976x703, 976:703, ClipboardImage.png)


1913: When Hitler, Trotsky, Tito, Freud and Stalin all lived in the same place

A century ago, one section of Vienna played host to Adolf Hitler, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Tito, Sigmund Freud and Joseph Stalin.

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f70ce8  No.14674364

File: 241f4eaed2f756b⋯.png (400.64 KB, 535x607, 535:607, twatemerald2.png)

Emerald twat


America's Elections Are Rigged (And Everybody Knows It)

The Arizona audit is just the latest example of how rotten our election system has become in recent years.

Emerald Robinson


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f2d858  No.14674365


>trips confirm gen'x in the house. Loved that shit.

I find a lot this to be rather Gen x. Last star fighter death blossom for example. We were chosen for a reason kek

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58f22f  No.14674366

File: 6e67e5db539b938⋯.jpeg (237.69 KB, 975x196, 975:196, 3b20741a0611ba36.jpeg)

Over 27,000 pounds of frozen DiGiorno pizza recalled over misbranding, allergen concern

Nestle USA Inc. is recalling 27,872 pounds of frozen DiGiorno Crispy Pan Crust pepperoni pizza due to misbranding and undeclared allergens.

The frozen pepperoni pizza cartons are believed to actually contain frozen three-meat pizza, which includes possible allergens such as textured soy protein.

Health officials with the Food Safety and Inspection Services say the problem was discovered after the firm received a consumer complaint about the misbranding.

There are no confirmed reports of adverse reactions due to consumption at this time. Anyone concerned about an injury or illness should contact a healthcare provider immediately.

The pizza products were produced on June 30 and have a "best buy" date of March 2022. For consumers who have this pizza in their freezer, they are encouraged not to eat it and instead throw it away or return it to the store from which they bought it from.


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6e0cff  No.14674367

File: 2f195626fda4cf2⋯.png (153.61 KB, 1050x964, 525:482, Screenshot_2021_09_27_at_1….png)



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5a420d  No.14674368

File: fb38ea911ade3b2⋯.png (105.66 KB, 535x680, 107:136, Screenshot_2021_09_27_at_1….png)


>Q playbook


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690c11  No.14674369

WARNING TMI - But, went to a nurse's retirement party yesterday; and the hot topic was that one of the nurses told everyone that she has a friend in the Secret Service who told her that Joe Biden poops in his pants and refuses to wear a diaper.

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71a520  No.14674370


>Initials spells out L A P T O P

Uuuuh that's clever. Do H U N T E R next. That'll be the ultimate LARP code.

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424930  No.14674371


How come no one is knocking over the statues and spray painting graffiti all over the walls? Pretty lame and calm. Looking like tourists that were let off the bus on their DC tour.

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4cde9e  No.14674372

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b8ed65  No.14674373

File: 15d621b70c3df2c⋯.jpg (514.08 KB, 1080x2044, 270:511, Screenshot_20210927_175014….jpg)

I got a successful crystallization of the curcumin metabolite today. TLR4 inhibitor.

Going to be making a nasal spray with Acetyl-Carnosine (see study) as both a preventative and for those who took the vaxx .


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b0f948  No.14674374


He's a tard w/ a hammer, and mouth full od fick.

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94c46b  No.14674375

File: 5b09ab5b0560754⋯.jpg (8.44 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)


Nah… it's going to get worse. We haven't reached the precipice yet.

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2ea143  No.14674376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Back in my day, it was platoon fight music

Veritas Aequitas


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e353d8  No.14674377


Why don't you investigate, agent Bathhouse? We'll be here when you get back.

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98dbb1  No.14674378


And when one Republican does stand up and call these fucking people exactly what they are it's a Woman!!!! Who has bigger balls than fucks like Tim Scott.

Thank you Marsha!!!

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85381f  No.14674379

File: 94462ebd304b7b4⋯.png (802.16 KB, 750x910, 75:91, 26969d991c9c4ea79f6ab13a61….png)


>allergen concern


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85381f  No.14674380

File: f0e464a9f09a5b5⋯.gif (316.3 KB, 592x320, 37:20, BZhEx37.gif)

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e318d2  No.14674381

File: 53f4d446e9c057c⋯.gif (902.89 KB, 400x214, 200:107, 53f4d446e9c057cd429a58426f….gif)

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5c1cb0  No.14674382

File: 2f195626fda4cf2⋯.png (153.61 KB, 1050x964, 525:482, Screenshot_2021_09_27_at_1….png)







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5a420d  No.14674383

File: a340b65bc416d0d⋯.jpg (138.85 KB, 800x534, 400:267, 28025100690_2e60c6f4f8_c.jpg)

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cf5f05  No.14674384


>Cardgame is a real ancient wall of glyphs.

This is like saying Freddy shitposts are found in caves.

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b0f948  No.14674385

Someone take BV acc, or I'll blow up the entire planet!

Like yesterday!

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b53e70  No.14674386


Because there is NO Dem/Rep issue.

The Dems are the conniving demon seeds doing their best to feed

their addictions of power/wealth/positional influence, and the Reps like

all the perks from riding the Dems coat tails to wealth/job security while not getting their own hands dirty.

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b8ed65  No.14674387



L'il prehistoric fighter!

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7c64f4  No.14674388


What we are trying to do has never been attempted before in history:

Give our enemy everything they want. Let them roam free and irreversibly destroy our nation. Elect them to every office in the land. Make it so they codify mail-in cheating for the entire nation, so that they can never be removed by anyone ever again. And then make sure that the only people who see what's going on, keep waiting to reach the precipice of destruction, when it's already come and gone years ago. It'll totally work.

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95c61a  No.14674390



>>14671529 Federal authorities cash in on safety box seizures as owners fight back

>>14671631, >>14671644 “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.” - Psalm 143:8

>>14671669 Today is a lot of three year deltas about FEINSTEIN, and CHINA connections.

>>14671710 Link to VAERS data analysis on COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths

>>14671720 "Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America" Here Is The 'Spartacus COVID Letter' That's Gone Viral

>>14671724, >>14671746 Will judge in Sussmann case consider recusal after wife represented Lisa Page?

>>14671635 ‘Wildly political’ environment around vaccines creates room for ‘new leadership’: 23andMe CEO

>>14671875, >>14671892, >>14671898 Macron getting egged

>>14672191 John Hinckley, Who Shot President Reagan, Wins Unconditional Release

>>14672210 Robert F. Kennedy assassin granted parole after 53 years, a move backed by two of RFK's sons

>>14672272, >>14672309 JUST IN: President Biden will receive a COVID-19 booster shot later today, White House says

>>14672288 Maricopa County audit flags 57k+ ballot issues in a state Biden won by fewer than 11k votes

>>14672071 "Shaman" charged with starting California wildfire after allegedly 'boiling bear urine to drink' could be chemist from Moscow.

>>14672086 The stock market would plunge 33% if the government defaults: Moody's

>>14671840 Possible La Palma triggered Tsunami?

>>14672163 New Trump

>>14672171 Ladies who lunch: Hillary Clinton dines out with female friend at swanky The Mark in NYC - with Secret Service agents keeping watchful eye

>>14672189, >>14672222 Fed agent provacateur confirmed

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98dbb1  No.14674391


First anon is right. We ain't no where near that precipice. There is a long way to go.

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85381f  No.14674392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e7dea6  No.14674393


it does seem to be that way. Our love of 80s pop culture saving the republic.

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4cde9e  No.14674394


>heard it from a friend he was messin’

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67cd03  No.14674395


>Nah… it's going to get worse. We haven't reached the precipice yet.

There's a problem with that theory. There are lines that, once crossed, there won't be any going back from. Every single event that SHOULD be considered "the last line"…always ends up being disregarded with this slidey bullshit. That's why I get so frustrated with the "comfy" assholes. Comfy is just another word for "complacent."

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da0fe7  No.14674396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Admiral Byrd had a little something to say about it.

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4cde9e  No.14674397


Sometimes I wonder if it’s because we straddle two worlds.. pre internet and post, yet we’re old enough to remember.

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27c4d6  No.14674398



BAKER, I'll collect notables from #18557–

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0f498c  No.14674399

File: f64e658f4d2aae0⋯.jpeg (391.97 KB, 750x996, 125:166, 3F59387F_4252_4E9B_AEBE_2….jpeg)

Zuckerberg and Democrats worked hand in glove with the CCP to rig the elections and usurp the will of the American people


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e7dea6  No.14674400


we just want to watch him burn. BURN MOTHER FUCKER BURN.

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c01af9  No.14674401

File: 922c9f6661ba67d⋯.jpg (53.29 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Kek.jpg)


>The Beatles White Album?

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6c8f45  No.14674402

File: 3b67a4152dc243a⋯.png (2.91 MB, 2599x2242, 2599:2242, 80473293fe0972f4253120cb97….png)

The speed of sound in knots is 666.739

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2ea143  No.14674403

File: b76d2a600dd2dc8⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 500x263, 500:263, R_11_.gif)

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34afa2  No.14674405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Neil Oliver: Government leaders are frightened of their own people - and there's a lot of us

173,165 viewsSep 25, 2021

Hold The Line

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f2cef3  No.14674406

File: 0e99b5fb28a6df7⋯.png (693.76 KB, 486x700, 243:350, 35dfd0fb77a852f14e51cb159b….png)

File: c7ee194cc83a26e⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 266x400, 133:200, titty_boy.jpg)

File: b3ad83527ae7515⋯.png (896.55 KB, 720x712, 90:89, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a420d  No.14674407

File: 5959517e262bf90⋯.png (227.6 KB, 535x552, 535:552, Screenshot_2021_09_27_at_1….png)

Norway listed as "very high" risk for travel after lifting pandemic restrictions


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0d5df1  No.14674408

File: b5089b632460614⋯.png (375.35 KB, 593x714, 593:714, 20210927_174449.png)

File: 74eceaf6cf74f8b⋯.jpg (103.72 KB, 1386x590, 693:295, 20210927_180215.jpg)

>>14673495 lb

Anons posted about the Navy last bread




Pics - Cleaning the deck


[C]los[I]ng [A]ct:


Impossible to clean.

Operations → [N]o [S]uch [A]gency


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58f22f  No.14674410

File: d53e5a600add850⋯.jpeg (237.69 KB, 578x563, 578:563, 3b20741a0611ba36.jpeg)

According to the #FBI’s annual crime statistics report, the estimated number of violent crimes rose for the first time in four years.


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b0f948  No.14674411


You, gorgeous…..

Not even finish up high school, but educate me, is it????!?!?!?!?!?!

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87a56f  No.14674413


This is biblical. I agree with your statement.

Yah really doesn't like it when we as a people keep silent and let the rot continue and don't speak up about evil, or play along accepting evil as good.

This is why I have such a disdain for leadership in politics, gov. military, and other institutions that keep tearing our nation down and nobody stands up to fix it.

This is why I am here, to put a stop to this degeneracy, because most wont come to the table to fight.

Prayer is our greatest weapon.

My words are my sword and my memes are their gravestones.

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b53e70  No.14674414


"Sparticus Letter" is a 404 link.

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95c61a  No.14674415

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18b995  No.14674416


They're all the same, and all useless. We need a massive house cleaning to occur.

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e7dea6  No.14674417


i should watch that again i love that movie i have it somewhere.


that could be we are that bridge. Maybe that is why we had to be forgotten for a time like this, undercover generation.

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95c61a  No.14674418

File: 430d5b071bbb0bb⋯.png (182.72 KB, 800x675, 32:27, 1_Corinthians_2_9.png)

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b8ed65  No.14674419

File: 9cf90a738752680⋯.jpg (184.55 KB, 1080x822, 180:137, Screenshot_20210927_175808….jpg)

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94c46b  No.14674420


> Every single event that SHOULD be considered "the last line"…always ends up being disregarded with this slidey bullshit. That's why I get so frustrated with the "comfy" assholes. Comfy is just another word for "complacent."

Subtle, but inflammatory in a glowing sort of way.

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802863  No.14674421


Career politicians are a curse on us all.

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5a420d  No.14674422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f2d858  No.14674423

File: 4c12cf2f517a5da⋯.mp4 (8.44 MB, 854x480, 427:240, feinsteincrying.mp4)


>>14671669 lb

Today is a lot of three year deltas about FEINSTEIN, and CHINA connections.

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f2cef3  No.14674424

File: ca80abcc1bc1087⋯.png (267.86 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5429c594f379dd3⋯.png (218.62 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 374b445e2d39a8a⋯.png (580.59 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



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ec99f3  No.14674425

File: 98410ceef59485b⋯.png (573.37 KB, 708x397, 708:397, ClipboardImage.png)

Wouldn't post this except that hanging around here has made me realize there's more to Nashville than meets the eye… and mostly not in a good way.

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58f22f  No.14674426

File: b535bf275b3d823⋯.jpeg (237.69 KB, 649x361, 649:361, 3b20741a0611ba36.jpeg)

Democratic Rep. Karen Bass officially announces she is running for LA Mayor with the city in 'crisis' and becomes the NINTH member of her party to bail before the 2022 midterms

The six-term lawmaker is the ninth House Democrat to announce retirement or an effort to seek another office. She is a former state Assembly speaker who headed negotiations in Congress on the George Floyd

Democrats hold just a three-vote majority in the chamber, and off-year elections are usually a challenge for the party holding power.

But a handful of House Republicans and GOP senators have also announced their decisions not to seek reelection, at a time when former President Donald Trump is contemplating a run and heavily engaging in primary races to try to take down Republicans who voted to impeach him.

Unlike retiring Rep. Cheri Boustos (D-Ill.), who holds a Trump district, and Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.), who won his last race by just three percentage points, Bass' LA district is heavily Democratic.

California is set to lose a seat due to redistricting.


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2ea143  No.14674427

File: c68243e99855312⋯.jpeg (106.48 KB, 1183x776, 1183:776, c68243e9985531224dcbf3f0c….jpeg)

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1ca846  No.14674428


This is what happens when the satanists realize they are a minority

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d2f492  No.14674429



Don't go without an adblocker such as Ublock Origin.

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242cfb  No.14674430

File: 6222be51d8b2b9d⋯.png (388.55 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_09_27….png)

File: 391260b64e70340⋯.png (82.78 KB, 292x177, 292:177, Screenshot_from_2021_09_27….png)

Pastor Pavloski arrested by Canadian gestapo.

for baptizing his son?

1st time back in Canada after 3 month US tour


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95c61a  No.14674431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e7dea6  No.14674433


i am old school i still watch dvd's lol. i just have to dig through my movie collection .

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0f498c  No.14674434

File: 03599cf9b8ac22a⋯.jpeg (294.65 KB, 750x762, 125:127, 0E87EF3A_6225_4B36_8A11_E….jpeg)

File: 8f3fcd818928fcc⋯.jpeg (412.3 KB, 750x968, 375:484, 5005F7CA_39E4_459C_B975_1….jpeg)

CM tried to call Wendy a grifter..

How it started vs how it’s going..

Pic related

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42add2  No.14674435

File: 3b86dd6b91fc15c⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1787x1047, 1787:1047, ClipboardImage.png)

You want to really wake people up and watch them begin to take or demand real action?

Show them how Red team will lose again.

Many look to 2024 as being just around the corner and figure they will vote Blue team out of the White House.

They believe the government over reach will end soon after Trump (or whoever the Red team nominates) gets elected.

It won't, the problems are just beginning.

Red team loses in 2024 because DJT administration changed census rules that effeced the electoral college numbers.

Red team won't have enough electoral college votes.

We won't be able to stop what's coming.

Wake up.

Florida is only worth 30 now.

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c01af9  No.14674436

File: 5df549a73fc2808⋯.png (109.84 KB, 226x300, 113:150, ClipboardImage.png)


>You, gorgeous…..

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b58104  No.14674437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gates of Mordor getting wider. Volcano pumping lava pretty good now.



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159c06  No.14674438


he was an average comedian with a mechanical engineering degree…then they used him for the global warming push in the 90s to brainwash kids on saturday mornings …spent four years as a pow in japan, so….yeah….

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1ca846  No.14674439


[Eph 6:18 NKJV] 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints–

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58f22f  No.14674440

File: 450645569782d0c⋯.jpg (125.62 KB, 674x1024, 337:512, FATzFGOVEAQZYOm.jpg)

File: ee5bb8e9a16f18e⋯.jpg (126.52 KB, 734x1024, 367:512, Screenshot_2021_09_25_1658….jpg)

A coalition of activist groups including Greenpeace is protesting outside Joe Manchin’s houseboat to urge him to support reconciliation.

“We’re staying until he hears us out.”


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98dbb1  No.14674441


In the later stages of dementia parts of the brain that controls involuntary bodily fumctions start to deteriorate. Involuntary functions like beathing, heart pumping blood, kidney's filtering etc……..start to fail. Joe Biden is losing control over his sphincter or……………..he just likes shitting his pants. Little of both I thnk.

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85381f  No.14674442

File: 0a61fcb760ceca8⋯.jpg (39.66 KB, 685x456, 685:456, Berserk.jpg)


Try and find out for yourself, the will sink your boat and kill your friends.

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802863  No.14674443


Man, if we could take out everybody west of the I5 Corridor, the west coast would be glaringly red forever.

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f2d858  No.14674444

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67cd03  No.14674445


>Subtle, but inflammatory in a glowing sort of way.

Anything and anyone that doesn't shout "Trust the Plan" and questions shit or has an opinion… is automatically labeled as "glowing" or being "glowy"…

Do you not see your own hypocrisy in using the liberal playbook "Think our way, or you're wrong"

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b8ed65  No.14674446


I gotta be honest….I thought it would be funny for me and 50k of my friends to vote for Biden.

I guess it wasn't that funny. Sorry.

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2ea143  No.14674447

File: eb1bc156b86a5f8⋯.jpeg (214.84 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, R_48_.jpeg)




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159c06  No.14674448


HIS OLD MAN…"spent four years as a pow in japan, so….yeah…".

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f2d858  No.14674449

File: d1894e21a2709b1⋯.jpeg (49.9 KB, 413x534, 413:534, d1894e21a2709b12bfe650864….jpeg)





my fucking quads ruined by board fuckery!

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58f22f  No.14674450

File: 9554f14f51c3d4b⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1600x1150, 32:23, Good_Fellas_Hilarious.png)


Wasted quads.

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85381f  No.14674451

File: 41cdb699c3be6d6⋯.png (49.11 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 41cdb699c3be6d66ea024e822b….png)


>Man, if we could take out everybody west of the I5 Corridor, the west coast would be glaringly red forever.

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0f498c  No.14674452

File: b3b9e4665604d7b⋯.jpeg (545 KB, 750x856, 375:428, 84BD7E69_DC25_4DC7_B23F_B….jpeg)



You miscalculate.

You see, they never intend to give up power. They are going to do mail in voting indefinitely. They will steal every election. They don’t work for YOU they work for CHINA.

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2ce912  No.14674453

what's a JonKegel insider?

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30f90c  No.14674454


I remember!

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5a420d  No.14674455

File: d720a918e1b3df0⋯.png (288.52 KB, 535x551, 535:551, Screenshot_2021_09_27_at_1….png)

File: 77f57211f097692⋯.jpg (87.32 KB, 769x800, 769:800, dancing_israelis_fbi_6.jpg)

File: 4532a433213d1cb⋯.png (485.54 KB, 503x480, 503:480, 42322cdcef71c9ce6632e23326….png)

NYC police impound vans being used as Airbnb rentals in Manhattan


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94c46b  No.14674456


I never told anyone how to think. I just told everyone what I think of you.

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242cfb  No.14674457

File: 4d4936ccebd165f⋯.png (136.49 KB, 370x214, 185:107, pepelook.png)

File: 0b4ea07d78eb6ca⋯.png (10.9 KB, 576x107, 576:107, Screenshot_from_2021_09_27….png)

File: e88d14bfce6f3d2⋯.png (11.51 KB, 593x95, 593:95, Screenshot_from_2021_09_27….png)

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58f22f  No.14674458

File: 218dc9240354a62⋯.jpeg (237.69 KB, 600x265, 120:53, 3b20741a0611ba36.jpeg)

Better headline: Newsom signs bill making it permanently impossible to verify who’s voting.


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41b60d  No.14674459

File: d961c6a2c9dcf08⋯.png (571.23 KB, 619x358, 619:358, interesting.png)

Sooo they want to come to America for "A better future and to work.

They also want to come here because "they are sick and need treatment"

Not one said they were here for political or religious persecution.


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0374ed  No.14674460

File: e851578d9c80c4e⋯.png (861.24 KB, 842x960, 421:480, 1625341207.png)




not going to end well for you though


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5a420d  No.14674461

File: ea4c8e4c64bcb4f⋯.jpg (55.52 KB, 937x401, 937:401, dancing_israelis_fbi_10.jpg)

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802863  No.14674462


… a man can dream …

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0374ed  No.14674463


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b0f948  No.14674464

BV, when I'll finish here, I'll invite you in a special room.

Do you speak Sumerian?

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85381f  No.14674465

File: e386ca78ec17faa⋯.jpeg (10.96 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 7b22260337ddc205a092ff149….jpeg)

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16061e  No.14674466

File: 6237870f5434f80⋯.png (397.92 KB, 676x422, 338:211, expel.png)

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98dbb1  No.14674467


Gives a fuck what he says? He doesn't even know where he is. Rice, Klain per [Hussein] are the ones directing every bit of this shitshow.

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2ea143  No.14674468

File: 3990f0d936715bd⋯.png (10.32 KB, 255x145, 51:29, 1e2aa177a91f63a320ad828bfa….png)

File: 6fccb343db5371e⋯.gif (441.31 KB, 500x212, 125:53, R_1_.gif)

File: 9f3f80e720c0fe0⋯.gif (865.33 KB, 315x152, 315:152, R_13_.gif)

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e353d8  No.14674469

File: 7e0a0a4cb92995f⋯.png (374.4 KB, 500x368, 125:92, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbd25b7cba69356⋯.png (689.47 KB, 700x463, 700:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc2df9ab3444598⋯.png (592.6 KB, 600x448, 75:56, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51813ceea5a8e16⋯.png (340.67 KB, 510x390, 17:13, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14672411 lb

They are slaughtering their own blue constituents, the easy, slow ones.

They are turning everybody in the world against them. Even the immigrants.

Let them work.

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802863  No.14674470


You go. I like the BV.

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0f498c  No.14674471

File: 40bf69f19e4e689⋯.jpeg (135.58 KB, 750x560, 75:56, 69625CB8_8AB5_4711_BA71_E….jpeg)



>You miscalculate.

>You see, they never intend to give up power. They are going to do mail in voting indefinitely. They will steal every election. They don’t work for YOU they work for CHINA.



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cad712  No.14674472

File: c768987e43852c6⋯.jpg (68.67 KB, 569x495, 569:495, rk2d75yz.jpg)


are you calling BV a cunt or are you asking BV to remove some other cunt?

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89d37d  No.14674473


>forgive our enemies

We forgive our enemies so they can't live rent free in our heads.

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5a420d  No.14674474

File: c94e8c2378a1d9c⋯.jpg (13.95 KB, 480x360, 4:3, dancing_2.jpg)

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928ec2  No.14674475



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e353d8  No.14674476

File: b0a5e8c91adab6b⋯.png (1.55 MB, 828x822, 138:137, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8682c  No.14674477

15 reasons why frontbutt trannyism doesn;t work

1. chit

2. fart noises

3. curtains match drapes

4. lotions

5. whine

6. extra culo

7. journeys to rohan

8. gehy barr vaxx shots to head


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e7dea6  No.14674478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

movies used to mean something, they allowed people to dream of a better tomorrow to uplift and become the hero they needed to be. To discover new worlds and to rediscover ancient ones. This is why i think we may have been called because we were the dreamers who were always ready to become Jedi's or starfighters or be a bunch of kids riding our bikes in search of pirate treasure. Everything changed after us. We are becoming the heroes we always dreamed of being.

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e4223d  No.14674479

File: 6fca75ae90688df⋯.png (834.6 KB, 581x745, 581:745, 6fca75ae90688dfd2a4b329b36….png)


>Man, if we could take out everybody west of the I5 Corridor, the west coast would be glaringly red forever.

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3ce89e  No.14674480


Did he delete your spam? How sad for you.

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a8682c  No.14674481

boomers still don;t get greta tranny

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ca4c2f  No.14674482


It's tight af brah.

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5a420d  No.14674483

File: 8eecb263beeb233⋯.jpg (77.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dancing_1.jpg)

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67cd03  No.14674484


And this is why I say the precipice has come and gone.

You have the momentum of the people, here and now, to take the needed actions. Dragging it into 2022, 2024, or beyond… will cement this as the "way of life" for good. People start dying off, putting a dent in the movement, and allowing those to be replaced with more brainwashed drones…will kill it off altogether.

When you've been given an opportunity to strike down your enemy, you fuckin' do it. You don't let them regroup…you punch them in the fuckin' mouth. You defeat them. You flip their whole world upside down.

There's something to be said for the whole "strike while the iron is hot" thing.

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0f498c  No.14674485


>Gives a fuck what he says?



They are doing mail in voting nationwide

We will never be free again. They are just going to steal every election.

They are the grifters who will facilitate the managed decline of America while China rises and dominates the world

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b0f948  No.14674486



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41b60d  No.14674487


Perhaps if you hadn't burned so many ip's last bread you wouldn't have to cry like a bitch in this one.


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2ea143  No.14674488

File: ba9111026e0f2bc⋯.jpg (22.09 KB, 431x250, 431:250, ba9111026e0f2bc753875cda10….jpg)


i like this

we raised ourselves

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f2d858  No.14674489


this is amazing. A lot of people around the world love this guy for his great history, geography etc documentaries

Thank you Neil Oliver

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ec512b  No.14674490

I am amazed a doctor in my part of the world is a signatory on this:


Doctors who want to restore the doctor patient relationship and to treat people with illness like "COVID" prior to them becoming so sick they must be hospitalized.

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58f22f  No.14674491

File: aa7d405aa2cce48⋯.jpg (187.46 KB, 1632x1080, 68:45, FATzFGOVEAQZYOm.jpg)

The American Academy of Pediatrics wants all kids masked until vaccinated?!?

Let's go to their website and see who the biggest donor is….


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85381f  No.14674492

File: c0ab2899228e7e0⋯.png (1.13 MB, 606x890, 303:445, c0ab2899228e7e0247805494d0….png)

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e353d8  No.14674493

File: 6c76d0e64aa9b89⋯.png (646.57 KB, 551x464, 19:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cada31419cc56ff⋯.gif (927.31 KB, 500x500, 1:1, itburns.gif)

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867c63  No.14674494

good to know which stupid cunts to filter.

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e4d71d  No.14674495


The bigger question is what the fuck are we talking about fucking petitions for? Holy shit people evolve already.

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32cbd8  No.14674496


>Pastor Pavloski arrested by Canadian gestapo.

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0d5df1  No.14674497

File: 2025ba09bfe3031⋯.jpg (432.34 KB, 1425x782, 1425:782, Screenshot_20210927_181339….jpg)



>>14640455 old bread BV

Same BV same playbook.

Gore arrived at the same time BV was butthurt, then tries to blame it on Anonskek

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6b046e  No.14674498

File: 61553d55fc2b01e⋯.jpg (38.37 KB, 530x537, 530:537, kazaam_cov.jpg)



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242cfb  No.14674499





Q !UW.yye1fxo 03/03/2018 23:08:25 ID: 85cc02

Archive Bread/Post Links: 543463 / 544119

Direct Link: 544119


Bring the thunder.




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4cde9e  No.14674500


“Choose Your Own Adventure”

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f2d858  No.14674501



Remember the Q drop about X . it had to do with Ghidra.

Q said X grew up in the 80s so thats why the logo of Ghidra looked like Thundercats

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c5e4fe  No.14674502


Alex is the Bomb! Used to think he suffered from cat-toxic-plasma schizo…brilliant dude!

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e7dea6  No.14674503

File: 5974f92cc50cb1a⋯.jpg (13.57 KB, 252x200, 63:50, ewok.jpg)


amen to that.

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e4223d  No.14674504

File: dcd8eec1c72d88f⋯.jpg (115.33 KB, 637x680, 637:680, killdozer.jpg)


>We are becoming the heroes we always dreamed of being.

Anon prays an hero is making plans for the Georgia guidestones.

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85381f  No.14674505

File: 2fbc2f9aaa629b8⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 320x480, 2:3, 2fbc2f9aaa629b82b8c91c012b….gif)


He's doing it right!

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0f498c  No.14674507


>The bigger question is what the fuck are we talking about fucking petitions for? Holy shit people evolve already.

It was a stunt to discredit Wendy like who in their right mind signs a paper a random person just shoves in their face?

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34afa2  No.14674508


>this is amazing. A lot of people around the world love this guy for his great history, geography etc documentaries

>Thank you Neil Oliver

Please nominate, I'm trying to spread Neil's words, he's now being attacked by the media.

Have a look at the comments below the video, people love him. WWG1WGA WW hope you come here Neil. Cheers…. Smells like victory!

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5a420d  No.14674509

File: c37d1298c7d107f⋯.jpg (39.32 KB, 496x487, 496:487, all5_1.jpg)




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18b995  No.14674510


It's one big circle jerk. Imagine all the dirty shit they're all up to their neck in. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a sinister common thread between all of them. This is probably just the surface level crap.

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6b046e  No.14674511


>Man, if we could take out everybody west of the I5 Corridor, the west coast would be glaringly red forever.

I approve, since my house is on the esat side of the freeway.

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cad712  No.14674512

File: 63ae408f3586c97⋯.png (199.26 KB, 376x1060, 94:265, ClipboardImage.png)

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b0f948  No.14674513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


thank God we have a BV that ban all around.

Say a prayer for him.

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98dbb1  No.14674514


2022, 22024? Think it will be any different than 2020? It won't. The communist have seized power and they will not voluntarily give it up. They've waiting and worked for damn near 100 years and now they are THERE. (((They))) have it all. Right Q? The difference? They are willing and able to use it all. Right Q? GFG




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ec512b  No.14674515


Who needs movies? How about some Dr. Who quotes?!


My favorite is #4:

“I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams.”

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331a6a  No.14674516


A lot of us are getting caught up in this bullshit. Just because I’m hashes match means nothing when people all over the fucking place use the same vpn. I got banned for being gerbil on my home and work spectrum WiFi’s Had to switch to vpn which was going fine until today. One of the ips got banned a board I’ve never posted on. About done with this place. It’s really not worth it anymore.

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cf5f05  No.14674517

File: 45aa3792c201b60⋯.mp4 (14 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Vanned.mp4)


Dubdubz chekk'd and vanned!

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867c63  No.14674518



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32cbd8  No.14674519

File: 770f214663c5a0b⋯.png (310.39 KB, 450x561, 150:187, blaz.png)


>who in their right mind signs a paper a random person just shoves in their face?

you must be an antisemitic white supremacist alt-right conspiracy theorist

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242cfb  No.14674520






Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/14/2018 18:41:23 ID:

Archive Bread/Post Links: 1 / 89

Direct Link: 89
































ACTIVATE CODE: [0 0000 018739 7-ZjG]


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2ea143  No.14674523

File: 126e17b9080d0cd⋯.png (9.48 KB, 255x227, 255:227, 610ef1d7bcfaa856f99c8767fa….png)

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3dc2e0  No.14674524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't Walk Away

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32cbd8  No.14674525


Source of that video?

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e318d2  No.14674526


Was posted for example in #18557:

>>14670653 (pb)

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18b995  No.14674527


It's coming.

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f2d858  No.14674529



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e353d8  No.14674530

File: 503e01d60713565⋯.png (565.81 KB, 640x421, 640:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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71a520  No.14674532

File: b3d2ad0c5f6fbf4⋯.png (54.24 KB, 625x626, 625:626, baitWentWrong.png)

Ain't gonna work fellas

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867c63  No.14674533


this fucking BV faggot has to go.

creating discord and chaos for everyone now.

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6c8f45  No.14674534

File: 71fabbc9a491773⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b064abfad3d74f⋯.png (225.89 KB, 576x324, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


NAZIs can't surf

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42add2  No.14674535


Of course we won't see electoral college numbers dicussed on lamestream.

Most of the media is just grifters and propaghandists.

None of the politician/criminals and election/media fraudsters will be perp walked.

Once you realize what the electoral college numbers will be… your favorite lamestream and some indy news souces will sound totally different. You will hear the lies clearer when you can see the truth.

Nothing can stop what is coming… Blue team gets 270.

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32cbd8  No.14674536

File: c37f8695c9e94ed⋯.mp4 (329.32 KB, 460x258, 230:129, goboris.mp4)


>It's coming.

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57f9dc  No.14674537


>We are becoming the heroes we always dreamed of being.

Not sure how that comes to fruition for anon. Seems like a fairytale on lsd

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0f498c  No.14674538

You really don’t get it do you

They are making vote by mail nationwide so they can keep stealing elections and remain in power indefinitely

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e4223d  No.14674539

File: 6799002f66f97f1⋯.jpeg (271.48 KB, 633x660, 211:220, 6799002f66f97f18347131563….jpeg)


>we raised ourselves

There's a lot to be said for that.

Some good, some bad, but we wouldn't be who we are today without those latchkeys around our necks.

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439736  No.14674541

File: ddece61a0681d22⋯.jpg (351.75 KB, 1038x711, 346:237, gain_of_fauci.jpg)

Heads up. Blitzer interviewing Fauci on CNN in a few mins.

Get a booster mask with your booster vax?

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2ea143  No.14674542

File: da5bb4162e64b24⋯.jpg (85.63 KB, 800x463, 800:463, 01_leone_di_s_marco_vittor….jpg)

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b0f948  No.14674543

Take off BV acc, for your own good!!!!

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2ea143  No.14674544

File: 59dde91ad5626d1⋯.gif (12.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 34febbf1ba2e9c4786f25a2c9e….gif)


if you can fix it, you can keep it

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26c207  No.14674545

File: f0378d86c8074ac⋯.png (327.1 KB, 903x678, 301:226, UAS.png)

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2ce912  No.14674547



BV starts posting then gore & cp posts start showing up.

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e7dea6  No.14674548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i was not able to see Who until it came back with the 9th doctor. Fell in love with it, had seen some episodes on Pbs but never caught them in a row so it was confusing as a kid.


We are all fairytales, and knights and princesses, its not about Lsd it's about imagination for tomorrow.

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e72916  No.14674549


Fuck off

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20447d  No.14674550


We're at the point where we can pretty much assume they are lying and they will naturally deny anything that looks suspicious because we have come to be suspicious of every denial.

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8ad734  No.14674551

National Guard to be deployed everywhere to fill staff shortages caused by the sacking of people not stupid enough to get a vaccine.

What did Q say about widespread National Guard deployment?

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34afa2  No.14674552

File: d1efdd7f41a4e7f⋯.png (111.82 KB, 1232x919, 1232:919, Screen_Shot_09_27_21_at_11….PNG)


>Neil Oliver: Government leaders are frightened of their own people - and there's a lot of us

>173,165 viewsSep 25, 2021



1 day ago

His final words made my spine shiver. "Smells like victory, hold the line!"

Fucking legend

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0f498c  No.14674553

File: 595aeec7991ecd7⋯.jpeg (689.81 KB, 750x983, 750:983, 46374A1A_530D_48F1_BB0C_3….jpeg)






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32cbd8  No.14674554

File: 3f3c91887467790⋯.png (462.11 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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244bc6  No.14674555

File: b9a7e2343855c93⋯.png (599.59 KB, 1299x712, 1299:712, ClipboardImage.png)

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ebe8b2  No.14674556

full disclosure. Not an expert diggeranon. Anyway, here goes. Covid 19 IS NOT a virus. What is it then? I haven't figured that out yet. Here's where I am so far. We have, without knowing it, parasites living in our bodies, in our cells. Who knows when or where we got it. For oldanon it could have been over 40 years ago. There are no medical tests for determining this presence of parasites in our bodies. One thing those unknown parasites are doing is weakening us oldtimer's immune systems, plus the youngers who have 'heath problems and there we go, we die early because of this Covid 19. (what did Q often say: can't remember the exact quote but it was that one part of something is fake while the total is real).

We aren't dealing with Covid19, it's a weak flu.. We dealing with the main pathogen allowing other diseases (heart, cancer, etc) to kill us (Covid19 today). We dealing with parasites, Prove me wrong.

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89d37d  No.14674557


I started homeschooling my son when he would have been going into 4th grade. (in 1998)

The next year, I brought him to a pediatrician to get his "5th grade shots" because when I was a kid I had to get shots to go into 5th grade.

The pediatrician said that if my son wasn't going to "regular" school, he didn't need to get any shots.

At the time, I was surprised about this.

No school, no shots.

I just wanted my son to be healthy and thought he needed shots.

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5b4755  No.14674558



That was epic

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879164  No.14674559


snorus borealis

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e4223d  No.14674560

File: d81c00a77d6e5f9⋯.png (492.26 KB, 503x407, 503:407, d81c00a77d6e5f9506e5dcc16e….png)


>We are becoming the heroes we always dreamed of being.

>Not sure how that comes to fruition for anon. Seems like a fairytale on lsd

Honestly ask yourself if you're afraid.

Most anons aren't.

We used to be, but we've seen so much shit that nothing phases us any more.

A hero is just a guy who has the balls to do what needs done while everyone else is soiling their panties.

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c24ac4  No.14674561

File: 4a246401e3b63e8⋯.png (1.17 MB, 706x704, 353:352, 4a246401e3b63e82c670e857dc….png)

File: 7c76f350d281070⋯.jpg (87.7 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 7c76f350d28107069a2569c07a….jpg)

File: 69e4971ce553d38⋯.jpg (282.23 KB, 858x720, 143:120, 69e4971ce553d38ea99edca31f….jpg)

File: 809628b32b3bb21⋯.jpg (286.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 809628b32b3bb2194137a462ca….jpg)

File: a3905953e4a2cf0⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 999x800, 999:800, angel_warrior_by_everetrem….jpg)

You will not escape justice. Your most imaginable fears are laughable compared to what is coming. You will not die quick, nor will you be able to even "find" death. You were written about, thousands of years ago…it is[YOU], who "we", are here for.

I know you won't kill yourself, because you can't. You've been sent a powerful delusion to believe your own lies, and therefore, to virtuous to even contemplate such an end, and so it shall be. God bless the vengeance that's coming, for all black hearted, empty vessled souls…Someof us will be more than witnesses, some will be the chains that bind you.

God bless the pure and faithful.

God bless this BV, may you retain your strength through the upcoming days…anons will need it.

It's going to get much darker, much faster.

P.s. Coming for loli faggot…my eyes are all you're ever gonna remember.

Cage rattler/out

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cebd9c  No.14674562

File: 0a8e98259c043f1⋯.jpg (219.13 KB, 1440x1317, 480:439, Screenshot_20210122_231626….jpg)


Fucking KEK

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41b60d  No.14674563


>They are making vote by mail nationwide so they can keep stealing elections and remain in power indefinitely

When's the protest?

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67cd03  No.14674564


>It's coming.

"Soon" right?

Yeah, heard that before.

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e4d71d  No.14674565


Where else do anons chat?

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f2d858  No.14674566


and in the 2017 posts kek

Show that to people who think Q is bullshit. I know they still won't believe it. Some of the first posts have to do with borders being shut (at least northern ones) antifa rioting and NG called out.

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e4223d  No.14674567


>When's the protest?

You're allowed to mail in your objections.

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454190  No.14674568


Evil people scoff at consequences,

then when Consequences comes calling,

the Evil ones cry,


as if others were to blame.

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c5a53a  No.14674569


I second that.

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4cde9e  No.14674570


I did not know this..

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0f498c  No.14674571


>When's the protest?

Sorry due to CDC guidelines on Covid-19 protesting tyrannical and illegitimate government is illegal.

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2ea143  No.14674572

File: fe7ca32d7b7f8f2⋯.jpg (602.7 KB, 2560x1440, 16:9, R.jpg)


Forged in Fire

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57f9dc  No.14674573


>A hero is just a guy who has the balls to do what needs done while everyone else is soiling their panties

Let’s get to that part already. When everyone is shitting their pants and anons are the ones, proverbially speaking, walking through the streets reciting Scripture… calm and cool as a cucumber.

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20447d  No.14674574


Canadians are proud shitholers.

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5151c2  No.14674575

File: 80f7a2461439bb8⋯.png (426.61 KB, 341x480, 341:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8ed65  No.14674576

File: 3af9a75553b9963⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 538x304, 269:152, ZomboMeme_27092021140353.jpg)

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5a420d  No.14674577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0f498c  No.14674578

They are doing mail in voting nationwide. They will never lose another election. We are no longer free.

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98cc79  No.14674579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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454190  No.14674580


There is a prayer which has 100% efficacy:


thy will be done.

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b0f948  No.14674581


In here, we don't appreciate any kind of abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

So take the abuser acc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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41b60d  No.14674583


yesterday an anon had a great theory about parasites being the true disease

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4cde9e  No.14674584


>A hero is just a guy who has the balls to do what needs done while everyone else is soiling their panties.

The beauty of this is that we all can do this.. the thing you fear the most is probably what God will call you to do. Call it karmic irony or whatever you want, but it’s true. Being a hero means facing your fears and doing it anyway.

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85381f  No.14674585

File: 7ad30d4b2993be4⋯.jpg (623.68 KB, 1016x682, 508:341, _habanero_pepper.jpg)

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282a43  No.14674586

File: d21b4efba36c869⋯.png (730.23 KB, 903x483, 43:23, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't see anything.

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b0f948  No.14674587


I'm talking nicely.

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982edd  No.14674588

File: cb82b390c212f7f⋯.jpg (48.82 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, fuck_around_find_out.jpg)

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631cb1  No.14674589

File: 4fc898dd89659d7⋯.png (281.27 KB, 601x490, 601:490, ny_gov_firing_unvaxxed_hos….PNG)

Artificially creating a hospital staffing shortage while simultaneously claiming that a deadly pandemic is overwhelming the hospitals. This is one of the most twisted and evil things I’ve ever seen.

BREAKING: New York Governor Kathy Hochul says she will deploy medically trained National Guard troops to replace unvaccinated healthcare workers in hospitals, who will be fired tonight.


hitler in heels

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ec99f3  No.14674591

File: 7f9dcab45f47677⋯.png (702.53 KB, 829x466, 829:466, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21888a43d2c27e4⋯.png (199.58 KB, 648x708, 54:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 887a3ae6c337a3c⋯.png (329.13 KB, 1193x657, 1193:657, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d50b5a7f46e177⋯.png (153.27 KB, 1290x476, 645:238, ClipboardImage.png)

John 3:16 time on-screen?

Lower right teaser?

Jr.? Scalise & Mika? Louisiana?

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aaecdb  No.14674592


Bullshit! He is THE Science Guy!

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a2bac9  No.14674595

File: a5c15648815106e⋯.png (122.39 KB, 855x647, 855:647, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 921c760614ad743⋯.png (137.06 KB, 844x755, 844:755, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 446edfc4b452a91⋯.png (144.19 KB, 844x784, 211:196, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91f25311efc23ad⋯.png (147.67 KB, 844x825, 844:825, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1004af485225362⋯.png (138.82 KB, 835x814, 835:814, ClipboardImage.png)

AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend Files S.B. 1487 Against Maricopa County For Unanswered Questions From July Hearing And Audit Report

Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend has filed another 1487 request to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s office seeking answers to the questions raised by the Arizona audit.

In August, State Senator Sonny Borrelli used this same law which requires the Attorney General to investigate a potential violation of the law and withhold 10% of state shared funds if the violation is not corrected within 30 days.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich delivered, forcing the County to settle with The Arizona Senate over Senate subpoenas.

The questions raised over the last six months about the 2020 election remain unanswered and after the most recent audit report, Townsend wants the answers.

Townsend: Today, Senator Paul Boyer sent an email to his colleagues claiming the Audit proved the Joe Biden won, and that if there was any fraud, we would have seen something the first thing this morning. Perhaps this is a little late for him, however I have chosen to submit a 1487 complaint to the Attorney General’s office asking for a formal investigation into the unanswered questions that were raised by the Summer audit preliminary report, as well as last Friday’s final report. Because this is a 1487 request, it is required by law for these questions to be investigated and answered within 30 days. I did ask a multitude of questions, however I believe we already have the answers that were obtained by the audit committee. It should not take the full 30 days, but it if does and takes longer, I will reissue a new 1487 to reset the clock for the more time-consuming issues. I am not satisfied with unanswered questions and unreported issues. I want to know what laws were broken, who broke them, and who will be held accountable.

Please see below a full list of what was asked of the Attorney General today. I look forward to his response.



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e0618c  No.14674596

File: b0c6e7466dcdf35⋯.png (561.57 KB, 753x707, 753:707, Screenshot_2021_09_27_at_1….png)

IDGAF I Love me some Real WAR News!

President Donald J. Trump on Sunday said he would swiftly return to power after learning that the U.S. military was nearing completion on a comprehensive investigation into the illegitimacy of the 2020 presidential election, a probe which–absurd as it sounds—began back on November 3.

On Sunday afternoon, Trump and his most trustworthy advisors convened a clandestine meeting at his Mar-a-Lago command center, a makeshift bunker and digital metropolis from where the businessman-turned-president has been working alongside military adjuncts to either prove or disprove claims of election fraud. As reported by RRN earlier this year, the military had taken notice of election irregularities during the late-night hours of November 3, as Trump’s commanding lead in battleground states seemed to magically evaporate at 3:00 a.m., after polling stations across the country had closed and it was assumed tallying would resume the following morning.

“Votes for Trump disappeared, and votes for Biden appeared from nowhere. We found this highly irregular and highly suspicious, but we had no authority at that time to act on it,” Command Sergeant Major William M. Rinehart of the U.S. Army’s Intelligence and Security Command told Real Raw News.

He added, “INSCOM has monitored presidential elections for a long time. I can’t reveal exactly when we began. Typically, we track and that’s all; we have no power to refute or invalidate results except under special circumstances, meaning there is clear and present evidence of election fraud, and the sitting president activates the Insurrection Act of 1807, which grants the U.S. military agency to supersede civilian authority.”

He nebulously said that Trump triggered the Insurrection Act between November 15 and January 18, in a secret executive order not published on Whitehouse.gov. Ever since, the U.S. military has coordinated with “lawful” civil authorities to gauge the extent of fraud.

On Sunday INSCOM presented Trump a preliminary report, which prompted him to assemble his team of confidantes.

Our Mar-a-Lago source said the report is damning for the illegitimate Biden administration, as it gives conclusive and irrefutable proof that Biden knowingly stole at least 4,000,000 votes across 6 battleground states, and that superdelegates—theoretically free to vote for any candidate—were paid huge sums of cash by the DNC to toss their support behind Biden.

“Trump now has very solid proof that tons of votes in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada were stolen beneath his nose. He told us the military is in the final stages of investigating, and that he will swiftly return to power once the culminary findings are released. It won’t be long now,” our source said, but refused to provide a specific date.

Asked if 4,000,000 votes were enough to overturn the election, our source said the number of votes is irrelevant.

“One million, ten, twenty…. now we have proof votes were stolen. That will be enough to topple the criminal Biden regime and restore prosperity to the nation and the people,” he said.

(Visited 34,653 times, 13,874 visits today)


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203d40  No.14674600

File: 89be6b963ae4d2d⋯.jpg (58.68 KB, 800x400, 2:1, tcghidovr.jpg)


me neither

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41b60d  No.14674602


you know the witch tries to have her own step- daughter murdered right?

which fits Bitch face's storyline pretty damn good since she seems to kill more "friends" than "enemies"

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ec512b  No.14674603


Elijah called down fire on about 150 men.


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5a420d  No.14674605

File: c20a8faa176dc90⋯.png (334.77 KB, 535x627, 535:627, Screenshot_2021_09_27_at_1….png)

File: d52c878a9560bc6⋯.jpg (29.36 KB, 247x325, 19:25, gatesbill.jpg)

The Hill


Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates on Arizona election audit results: "It is my hope that this is the beginning of the end of the big lie. Clearly, the former president doesn't agree… the 2020 election is done. It's time to move on."



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439736  No.14674608

File: d11da7661f9a294⋯.mp4 (6.84 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Someone_is_in_Schumers_sea….mp4)


>We dealing with parasites, Prove me wrong.

Anon is unable.

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42a127  No.14674610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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85381f  No.14674612

File: 9d5b77d47ec1961⋯.jpg (9.9 KB, 255x135, 17:9, 8f852134990abf920c1fb689de….jpg)


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5a420d  No.14674613

File: 522536f8962f027⋯.png (388.1 KB, 535x669, 535:669, Screenshot_2021_09_26_at_1….png)

#Abortion is a #Jewish value

#Abortion is a #Jewish value

#Abortion is a #Jewish value #Abortion is a #Jewish value

#Abortion is a #Jewish value #Abortion is a #Jewish value

#Abortion is a #Jewish value #Abortion is a #Jewish value

#Abortion is a #Jewish value #Abortion is a #Jewish value

#Abortion is a #Jewish value #Abortion is a #Jewish value

#Abortion is a #Jewish value #Abortion is a #Jewish value

#Abortion is a #Jewish value #Abortion is a #Jewish value

#Abortion is a #Jewish value #Abortion is a #Jewish value

#Abortion is a #Jewish value #Abortion is a #Jewish value


Shall we play a game?

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aaecdb  No.14674614


are ya just gonna stand there and watch me blow my mind…

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27c4d6  No.14674615

BAKER, collected notables from #18557–

>>14670582 https://t.me/CodeMonkeyZ/1820

>>14670630 ElectionEvidence.com/UnmaskingTruth.org Official Telegram Channel

>>14670649 Zuckerberg and Democrats worked hand in glove with the CCP to rig the elections and usurp the will of the American people

>>14670684 UK Labour leader says it’s ‘not right’ to claim only women have cervixes

>>14670708 Vaccine injured and friends and family attack NZ Prime Minister

>>14670744 Aussie man claims to have more ‘proof’ he is Prince Charles and Camilla’s son

>>14670789 AUDIT ALL COUNTIES: AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem – Pima County, AZ – NATIONWIDE Petition

>>14670812 Australian C-17 Globemaster Conducts Insane Maneuver Between Skyscrapers

>>14670823 https://twitter.com/mikepompeo/status/1442175715298852869

>>14670871 NY Times Excuses Australia's Authoritarianism in Failing Fight Against Covid

>>14670883 Transdermal vaccination via 3D-printed microneedles induces potent humoral and cellular immunity

>>14670896 Sidney Powell on Maricopa County Audit, and the 2006 DOD Patent on Technology to Flip Votes

>>14670925 Aussie cop who stepped down to voice officers' concerns to brass

>>14670931 Template to use to submit a medical, legal, religious and U.S. Constitutional exemption to your employer or educational institution.

>>14670988 Ex-Rochdale footballer jailed for 24 years for child rapes

>>14671028 Small plane crashes on landing in Fort Lauderdale

>>14671043 vlog guy has been spending time speaking with Amish, Mennonite

>>14671113 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/democrats-go-christianity-judaisms-holiest-sites-new-bill-turns-jerusalems-jewish-quarter-western-wall-christian-holy-sites-palestinians/

>>14671123 Greek island of Crete hit by 6.0earthquake

>>14671149 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki

>>14671154 Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng Admits to Misleading Global Financial Institution

>>14671202 Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

>>14671246 The Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees welcomed Eric Schmidt, Emeritus Trustee.~ November 8, 2013

>>14671287 watch HRC telling about colluding with Silicon Valley

>>14671344 https://twitter.com/EmeraldRobinson/status/1441919953280520200?s=20

>>14671419 Jan 6 defendant who sought police help dies awaiting trial

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a2bac9  No.14674616

File: 4b4a462503fac5e⋯.png (227.68 KB, 487x569, 487:569, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba9f2706c42c95f⋯.png (149.68 KB, 872x697, 872:697, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 696c08d0448e57f⋯.png (66.01 KB, 852x596, 213:149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a134f3cb3d7fd2⋯.png (103.89 KB, 888x743, 888:743, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2aa2360ba7b9a4⋯.png (87.77 KB, 858x632, 429:316, ClipboardImage.png)

AUDIO: Maricopa County Supervisor Clint Hickman Demands That Auditors “Speak Loudly And Publicly To Us and God” While Lying Out Of His A**

On Friday, Maricopa County Supervisor Clint Hickman went on air to cover up the damning audit report and invoke the Lord’s mighty wrath on Doug Logan and Ken Bennett.

Clint Hickman appeared on the Mike Broomhead Show on Friday morning to declare a victory for Joe Biden, Bash AZGOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward, and lie about the resignation of Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri.

In the disgusting on-air segment, Hickman admitted that the Cyber Ninjas audit was “done for everybody out in the open”, but he continually mislabeled this full forensic audit a “recount”.

This was before the final report was presented and Hickman ran with the leftist talking points while disregarding all other findings.

Hickman also used the Lord’s name in vain to attack Logan and Bennett, and cover his lie.

He stated that he would put his “hand on The Bible and say what great work our County did.” But, only if he went to court over this.

That is just shameful.

Hickman: I’m pleasantly surprised that the Cyber Ninjas and Ken Bennett was able to entice good solid Arizona’s to come and be honest. And I’m honestly pleasantly surprised that that count that almost totally matches up to the County count and so I appreciate that. There’s a lot of people that gave their time to get to this point. But clearly, this was all about a recount done for everybody out in the open, and they’ve come back with Biden winning, and their count says Biden won by even more votes. I don’t think we need to go more beyond that, personally.

Broomhead: So do you believe that, I’m asking you now to get into the mind of somebody else, but do you believe that this afternoon, when this audit report comes out from the Cyber Ninjas when they are giving the report on all of this. Do you believe the headline will be Biden won, or do you think it will be some of these other questions they have that are going to be the headline?

Hickman: President Fann is providing a hearing, without any questions to be asked. I read the story about Doug Logan I’ve never met the man. He seems like a godly individual. I know Ken Bennett. He’s a godly individual. Senate President Fann needs to swear them in on a Bible. And, and speak loudly and publicly to us and God, and determine what they want to say, because this county might be in a courtroom. And if it’s in a courtroom, I am going to go in there and put my hand on The Bible and say what great work our County did.

Broomhead: So with some of the other questions that they asked and in this at the end when they say if the county had cooperated, that these obstacles would have been easily overcome. It reads to me like they’re saying we had questions that weren’t answered but we believe the county could have, so maybe they weren’t problems, they were just things they didn’t understand is that the way you read that?


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ec512b  No.14674617


Maybe time to evacuate the City? Angry volcano threatens and hospitals are a mess.

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2ea013  No.14674618

are there any sites like kodi for movies that work and you do not have to subscribe?

asking for a friend

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5b4755  No.14674619

File: 0e4ba8e2fee9dd3⋯.png (381.19 KB, 708x608, 177:152, ClipboardImage.png)


The mutliverse awaits!

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e7dea6  No.14674620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Demon's run when a good man goes to war.

another great Who episode.

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4cde9e  No.14674621

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cebd9c  No.14674622

File: 5dd58ae43434391⋯.jpg (248.22 KB, 1424x782, 712:391, 20210927_183730.jpg)


>>14640455 old bread BV

The only mother fuckers who use that derogatory Jewish word is a fucking SHILL. BV is a fucking SHILL

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a02bb0  No.14674623

Hey Q how much longer are you going to let this plandemic go on along with the death shots?????

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159c06  No.14674624

File: 651151d69d580a4⋯.png (87.03 KB, 320x183, 320:183, ClipboardImage.png)


that makes me have a Mandela Effect moment : Dolly had braces

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e353d8  No.14674625

File: a768c16f44bd542⋯.png (417.94 KB, 460x461, 460:461, ClipboardImage.png)

No you didn't. You fought for our enemies who put the synthetic female hormones in your water supply, Todd.

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95e93d  No.14674626

File: 00f81bedc0f1aee⋯.jpeg (93.46 KB, 1440x759, 480:253, 1539352374.jpeg)

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9e3d27  No.14674627



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a8682c  No.14674628

i ordered my muhjoooos pre-GEHY'd from prime bitchites

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5151c2  No.14674629

File: 9302ddbbc8176f0⋯.png (435.66 KB, 661x480, 661:480, ClipboardImage.png)


>he continually mislabeled this full forensic audit a “recount”

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a8682c  No.14674630

Joshua still touched by moseshomo

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20447d  No.14674631


Schumer is drunk again. Must have just got back from a meeting with Pelosi.

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b0f948  No.14674632


I have 3.

But can't help you.

Every time when shared, where closed.

Use duck, type free online movies, and go from there. sorry.

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87a56f  No.14674633


If they keep putting people on all those ventilators POTUS sent them as per request from SCUMO, lots of people will be dying.

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e7dea6  No.14674634


yup, her not having braces changes the ending and why she liked jaws.

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879164  No.14674635


anon is a fairly stable person but is inches away from snapping. how is it that nobody or no group has "snapped" yet and started what needs to be started?

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f5a2d8  No.14674636

America is over, change my mind

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98cc79  No.14674637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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631cb1  No.14674638

File: 94e37a5ae356a08⋯.png (34.09 KB, 802x211, 802:211, az_mirrors_mich_voting_sca….PNG)

File: 565acfc52ddbd2e⋯.png (598.88 KB, 781x501, 781:501, az_mirrors_mich_voting_sca….PNG)

On page 2 of the early Cyber Ninja report: There were substantial statistically significant anomalies identified in the ratio of hand-folded ballots, on- demand printed ballots, as well as a statistically significant increase in provisional ballot rejections for a mail-in ballot already being cast, suggestive of mail-in ballots being cast for voters without their knowledge . Then on Friday the Cyber Ninja Report revealed that 58,550 voters appeared on election day to vote who had reportedly already received a mail-in ballot , page 59 : 5.7.1 Real-Time Provisional Ballots TRENDING: Exclusive: Pattern Identified in Arizona Audit Mirrors Michigan Scandal Revealed in DetroitLeaks Tapes on Provisional Ballots


On page 2 of the early Cyber Ninja report:

There were substantial statistically significant anomalies identified in the ratio of hand-folded ballots, on- demand printed ballots, as well as a statistically significant increase in provisional ballot rejections for a mail-in ballot already being cast, suggestive of mail-in ballots being cast for voters without their knowledge.

Arizona was not the only state in 2020 that illicit acts with provisional ballots.

In Michigan, leftist operatives taught poll workers how to cheat with provisional ballots.

Damning audio was released by Detroit Leaks before the election that outlined poll worker training wherein workers were trained in how to lie, trained on how to handle ballot challenges from Trump supporters, told to call 911 on any challengers and to use COVID as an excuse to deny poll challengers access to view the ballots as they were being counted and tabulated.

In fact, the poll workers in Detroit were taught tactics on how to cheat with provisional ballots.

The reporter who initially published this video was later threatened by far left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel demanding he take down this damning audio or face charges.


jack booted thug nessel

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67cd03  No.14674639


>I Love me some Real WAR News!

Imagine believing RRN is legit.

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42add2  No.14674640


What's sad is that Trump is still being asked about if he's running in 2024… and he still strings everyone along.

He must realize he has no path to 270 again, why doesn't he tell the 80 million of his voters?

Current strategy is a total failure, doing nothing but pacifying.

Perp walks and agressive action needs to happen or America will never be great again.

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29dc7b  No.14674641


>electoral count act is unconstitutional

>and states need to enjoin to overturn

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159c06  No.14674642


there was even a commercial he did and the bank teller had braces, to mimic the movie

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5151c2  No.14674643

File: d85da7c15465f41⋯.png (378.61 KB, 505x480, 101:96, dana_nessel_election_fraud.png)

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d11b58  No.14674644

DeSantis orders Florida official to investigate Facebook for 'alleged election interference'

09/27/21 04:12 PM EDT

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has instructed Secretary of State Laurel Lee to investigate Facebook for "alleged election interference."

The investigation follows The Wall Street Journal's explosive report entitled The Facebook Files, which said that, among multiple other accusations, some VIP users were exempt from the social media giant's policies during the 2020 election under a program called "cross check." According to the Journal's report, millions of those users — mostly celebrities, journalists and politicians — were not subject to Facebook's usual standards of behavior.

"It’s no secret that Big Tech censors have long enforced their own rules inconsistently," DeSantis said in a press release. "If this new report is true, Facebook has violated Florida law to put its thumb on the scale of numerous state and local races. Floridians deserve to know how much this corporate titan has influenced our elections."


DeSantis's release said that, if the Journal's reporting proves to be accurate, Facebook created "a privileged class of speakers and has empowered them to manipulate our elections with impunity."

"We do not know where exactly this alleged electioneering occurred, and the scope is known only to Facebook," DeSantis's press secretary Christina Pushaw said in an email to The Hill. "That’s why Governor DeSantis ordered this investigation. If Facebook’s double standards amounted to interference in state and local races in Florida, then Floridians deserve to know the extent of it."


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2cb3b4  No.14674645

File: e3d2cd3341fa054⋯.png (89.4 KB, 510x682, 255:341, Screen_Shot_2021_09_27_at_….png)

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29dc7b  No.14674646


>dagmal trinpf is sheldonadelson

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b58104  No.14674647


Their version of Laurel Canyon.

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e4223d  No.14674648

File: 4cc3dfc4b5ef270⋯.png (115.25 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 4cc3dfc4b5ef2704104d6f9dd9….png)


>the thing you fear the most is probably what God will call you to do.

God called me to spend time with muh inlaws once.

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d2f492  No.14674649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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89d37d  No.14674650


A Christian veteran could wear a shirt that says:

Christian Veteran

I fought for your right

to hate me

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05439a  No.14674651

File: 383ba486790d6fb⋯.png (615.85 KB, 405x540, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Pedo swirls, eyes and triangles?

You can’t make this shit up!

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d2f492  No.14674652


It's only over if you allow it.

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0f498c  No.14674653


>They are doing mail in voting nationwide. They will never lose another election. We are no longer free.



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a8682c  No.14674654

File: 75b0ec50de15675⋯.png (94.36 KB, 281x179, 281:179, ClipboardImage.png)

hot moist lizard sex don;t know yet

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29dc7b  No.14674655


4th turning

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db1768  No.14674656


How many are still in jail for burning cities last year?????????????

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631cb1  No.14674657

File: 01cabda664d8cf3⋯.png (34.85 KB, 1228x204, 307:51, 50_cent_supports_Trump_1.PNG)

File: c3a74a096b3a23f⋯.png (254.69 KB, 518x483, 74:69, 50_cent_supports_Trump_2.PNG)

File: f86fe58af7d32d2⋯.png (172.7 KB, 664x414, 332:207, 50_cent_supports_Trump_3.PNG)

50 Cent, one of the wealthiest rappers and entrepreneurs in America was not happy when Trump won in 2016. He mocked Trump supporters for voting for a “realty show host.” In his comments, he wrote, “yeah we f**ked up big time, but we gonna be alright watch.”

On Thursday, 50 Cent appeared on MSNBC to discuss his latest family drama series, “BMF,” that explores the life of a Christian black family living in Detroit.

MSNBC host Ari Melber began his interview with a question about an Instagram post by 50 Cent where he announced that he is now a Trump supporter and that he’s making an exodus from New York City to Texas.


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a8619c  No.14674658

File: 94b0a44be374099⋯.png (52.66 KB, 877x777, 877:777, USA_Rebirth_and_Pluto_Retu….png)


>And this is why I say the precipice has come and gone.

Not yet.

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41d7d0  No.14674659


If you leave and never return, you will never be bothered by BV.

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95e93d  No.14674660

File: 145d05c472a9305⋯.jpg (6.28 KB, 279x180, 31:20, Hy.jpg)

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67cd03  No.14674661


>What's sad is that Trump is still being asked about if he's running in 2024… and he still strings everyone along.

I cancelled my voter registration. I'll only re-register if 2020's election is corrected. If not, I won't participate any longer.

>He must realize he has no path to 270 again, why doesn't he tell the 80 million of his voters?

>Current strategy is a total failure, doing nothing but pacifying.

>Perp walks and agressive action needs to happen or America will never be great again.

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454190  No.14674662


Michelle Obama paid Barcelona a little visit.

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ce305c  No.14674663

File: e2c60f014a508c5⋯.png (40.74 KB, 862x230, 431:115, pat_id.png)


Exclusive: Pattern Identified in Arizona Audit Mirrors Michigan Scandal Revealed in DetroitLeaks Tapes on Provisional Ballots

By Jim Hoft

Published September 27, 2021 at 8:05am

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2ea143  No.14674664

File: feffdf8453cdab5⋯.png (14.45 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 62e486fcd144083151acb446a7….png)

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a8682c  No.14674665

File: 18178b3b05a891a⋯.png (98.41 KB, 266x190, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>muhjoooos pre-GEHY'd from prime bitchites

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5a420d  No.14674666

File: a82eedfda0271fc⋯.png (386.14 KB, 535x620, 107:124, Screenshot_2020_06_09_The_….png)


A strange game.

The only winning move is

Not to play.

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67cd03  No.14674667

>>14674661 (me)

Fucked that all up. Damn lagging/freezing.

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f5a2d8  No.14674668


Not much I can do

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ce305c  No.14674669

File: 1ce7e90e544449c⋯.png (389.46 KB, 567x491, 567:491, fbi_1.png)

File: b1c8effca0404f0⋯.png (36.73 KB, 778x245, 778:245, sandy_d.png)


Gabby Petito was in 2013 ‘Irreplaceable’ music video for Sandy Hook

By Yaron Steinbuch

September 27, 2021

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f72d2c  No.14674670


America is an idea, you are America.

The end is the beginning.

Being conscious of something which is not,

Brings forth that which will be.

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2cb3b4  No.14674671


>I cancelled my voter registration. I'll only re-register if 2020's election is corrected. If not, I won't participate any longer.

making it that much easier for ID thieves to register in your name and vote in your name w/o your knowledge.

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159c06  No.14674672

File: 93f96c7f5d03f4e⋯.jpeg (10.65 KB, 255x204, 5:4, lurking_grammar_nazi.jpeg)

File: 2a24324642af2d8⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 103x222, 103:222, 180c592e59e61188cd1f26b0b5….jpg)



you misspelled Big Mike

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a8682c  No.14674673

File: f5d52e8e26cdd2a⋯.png (278.03 KB, 740x415, 148:83, 95c245461db67dc8ca31e73c51….png)


>pre-GEHY'd from prime bitchites

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cf5f05  No.14674674


Anon highly doubts the watermark is original, but anon thought it was connected to petito somehow. Maybe find it on worldstar to get context then check back with an update? Anon does not want to go there.

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b58104  No.14674675


Months from the end…when the walking gets impossible without assistance, several weeks…bedridden, few weeks to days.

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5b4755  No.14674676

File: dae1dabe683725a⋯.png (386.48 KB, 1143x644, 1143:644, ClipboardImage.png)

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2239dd  No.14674677

>>14674161 pb 18557 Notables

Currently making a list for 18557. Will link to this one.

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ebe8b2  No.14674678

That's what got this anon digging. It was past bread posts:

>>14666907 and


This anon dug on it. Nothing else makes sense. It must be a parasite. Logic: how could a super dangerous virus get out and children and healthy young adults be immune to it. Yes they get it but over 90% show no symptoms and the others fill a little off for half a day. That's impossible! Never in history has the young been immune to a flu virus while 80+ year olds are dying of it like crazy.

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89d37d  No.14674679



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ce305c  No.14674680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7ceb27  No.14674681


I'm getting really tired of their games

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29dc7b  No.14674682


>sad. many such cases

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a8682c  No.14674683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

polka bewb'd

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631cb1  No.14674684

File: 9668f5df2824f22⋯.png (792.59 KB, 730x514, 365:257, sheryl_sandberg_chinese_of….PNG)


don't forget the mastermind behind zuckerberg pulling the strings, sheryl sandberg

sandberg is traitor of highest degree

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f5a2d8  No.14674685


we are fighting against a conspiracy that is too vast honestly, America will continue to unravel one year at a time.

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a8682c  No.14674686


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c24ac4  No.14674687

File: d4e445486c30440⋯.png (764.1 KB, 697x693, 697:693, d4e445486c304402b4557bff6f….png)

File: d09a3cf674bc28b⋯.png (385.85 KB, 474x344, 237:172, d09a3cf674bc28bd50f2bd1f2c….png)

File: dbdc583371194b9⋯.gif (7.07 MB, 640x640, 1:1, dbdc583371194b9e9a75ed999e….gif)

File: e0038710c3c3a0d⋯.jpg (187.51 KB, 605x611, 605:611, e0038710c3c3a0dbc8a2a96a20….jpg)

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e7dea6  No.14674688


i don't remember that but i remember seeing all the bond movies on VHS around 1989 or so and i remember thinking that was cool having braces at the time also. One of the few mandelas i actually think are legit.

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0c4e67  No.14674689



>BV is a fucking SHILL

we are under attack by this BV cunt.

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29dc7b  No.14674690


is this still the shrill psycho campiagn?

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5151c2  No.14674691

File: 8b6a697f50ac9e3⋯.png (742.53 KB, 710x480, 71:48, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f80dd  No.14674692

File: a31010362230dfe⋯.jpg (271.51 KB, 717x779, 717:779, Screenshot_20210927_173418….jpg)

File: 31caf0ae570a73c⋯.jpg (242.73 KB, 720x893, 720:893, Screenshot_20210927_173905….jpg)

This kid was vaccinated

Nederland's Dre'den Lowe, 12, in coma after MIS-C & COVID


Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a condition where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal organs. We do not yet know what causes MIS-C. However, we know that many children with MIS-C had the virus that causes COVID-19, or had been around someone with COVID-19. MIS-C can be serious, even deadly, but most children who were diagnosed with this condition have gotten better with medical care.


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98cc79  No.14674693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Leave me alone

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8a7119  No.14674694

File: 2bc1798c84b0c49⋯.png (441.07 KB, 885x516, 295:172, ClipboardImage.png)


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0c4e67  No.14674695

wonder what Karen BV is hiding?

cunt sure doesn't want us talking about her

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a8682c  No.14674696

File: 880dfa22934e52b⋯.jpg (54.34 KB, 406x400, 203:200, 880dfa22934e52bb7a69d4d487….jpg)

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ce305c  No.14674697

File: 469b82e7dead488⋯.png (48.03 KB, 902x361, 902:361, last_reff.png)


New York Medical Providers Begin Shutting Down Services as Vaccine Deadline Hits and Unvaccinated Workers Terminated

September 27, 2021 | Sundance

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e7dea6  No.14674698


it will do that if good people do not stand up, and people like you are not helping so get out of the fucking way. That is a quitters mentality saying something is too big. We have God on our side, who do they have?

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a8682c  No.14674699



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0fc6bb  No.14674700


>We do not yet know

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879164  No.14674701


>This kid was vaccinated

so were 3.8 billion other people - there's gonna be some fucking fall out. calm the fuck down

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242cfb  No.14674702


A high-quality photo, top, shows the area the dancing Israelis were staged. Credit | Panamza

According to a former high-ranking American intelligence official who spoke to the Jewish Daily Forward in 2002, the FBI concluded in its investigation that the five Israelis arrested “were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, NJ, served as a front.” At least two of the men arrested were determined to have direct links to the Mossad after their names appeared in a CIA-FBI database of foreign intelligence operatives. According to one of their lawyers, one of the men, Paul Kurzberg, had previously worked for the Mossad in another country prior to arriving in the United States. Another of those arrested, Oded Ellner, subsequently stated on Israeli TV that the five Israelis had been in New York at the time “to document the event,” meaning the attack on the World Trade Center


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a8682c  No.14674703

File: 1d05677bbfd6d1c⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1700x956, 425:239, 1d05677bbfd6d1c38d4e04a192….jpg)


>hot moist lizard sex don;t know yet

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1f9777  No.14674704

anon, anon

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a8682c  No.14674705


>hot moist lizard sex don;t know yet

call trevor

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159c06  No.14674706


can tell you my girlfriend in school then had braces at that time and after this movie came out she was more comfortable about them….her and a bunch of young people…what? we all forgot that? ….this is the main Mandela one for me

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05439a  No.14674707


Freaks, all of them!

Back in the good old days, they knew how to deal with people with mental illness. Now they treat diseased minds with hormone therapy and suggestive conditioning. Only speaking from experience with a family member.

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aaecdb  No.14674708

File: 92f639ab8a4cfb6⋯.jpg (50.66 KB, 739x416, 739:416, burroughs.jpg)

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89427b  No.14674709

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0f498c  No.14674710


>America will continue to unravel one year at a time

CCP puppet Biden said there will be no Republican Party next year. Look it up.

China and Zuckerberg are some serious Nowfags. They want patriots in concentration camps yesterday.

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da0fe7  No.14674711


Only you can change your mind.

I see absolute panic everywhere I look.

Turn on MSNBC right now and see for yourself.

The will of the People is all that matters and they are trying as hard as they can to keep it.

It will not work.

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67cd03  No.14674712


>making it that much easier for ID thieves to register in your name and vote in your name w/o your knowledge.

Well, guess that's the gamble I've chosen to take. You can't show and/or tell me the game is rigged…and expect me to continue to play.

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ce305c  No.14674713



America First with Sebastian Gorka

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Up next: America First with Dr. Sebastian Gorka

9:00 pm - 11:59 pm

Liz Callaway



I am tired o local radio going on and on about it every morning with all the fuckery going on right now

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b58104  No.14674714

File: 22252b0d8c159dd⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 3770x2360, 377:236, Nashville_ATT.jpg)

File: 866a37deb3f46b0⋯.jpg (160.4 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Saurons_eye.jpg)


Whatchu talkin' 'bout?

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f5a2d8  No.14674715


There is honestly nothing I can do that will make any difference at all

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d2f492  No.14674716


Sounds like you've already given up.

Might as well KYS now so you can vote D fifteen times in all future elections.

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95e93d  No.14674717

File: 5b06831b1cd99b5⋯.jpeg (193.33 KB, 1440x811, 1440:811, 1539732721.jpeg)

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0f498c  No.14674718


>Well, guess that's the gamble I've chosen to take. You can't show and/or tell me the game is rigged…and expect me to continue to play.

I’m done voting. What’s the point if they are making vote by mail nationwide?

They will never give up power and will always win because they always cheat.

We will never have our freedoms again. The CCP controlled deep state and big tech took over.

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746cc0  No.14674719

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e7dea6  No.14674720


then you should kys like the cowardly stain you are you have no purpose and are a bitch.

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ce305c  No.14674721

File: b1950f365f8f8ed⋯.png (28.11 KB, 935x184, 935:184, bidden_fidd.png)



Life along the border collapses as Biden fiddles

by Salena Zito, National Political Reporter |

| September 26, 2021 12:00 AM

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95c61a  No.14674723

File: 3fd2008da54f8e8⋯.jpg (119.46 KB, 800x370, 80:37, Nashville_Masonic_Temple_I….Jpg)

File: a1a2e0ee6b0c52d⋯.jpg (239.6 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Nashville_Masonic_Temple.Jpg)

File: 948630764e5b5a6⋯.jpg (125.27 KB, 435x1435, 87:287, Mall.Jpg)

File: f19c3e64967ac6b⋯.jpg (203.36 KB, 903x1361, 903:1361, WILLIAM_HENRY_BICENTENNIAL….jpg)

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a8682c  No.14674724


its the israeli cheeseburger wizard script on moe's sql treasonous databases huh

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f5a2d8  No.14674725


Our military surrendered, our politicians surrendered, business leaders surrendered, our FBI and DoJ surrendered, not sure what little ole me can do.

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67cd03  No.14674726


the "you are watching a movie" slide is boring bullshit, and a grade A coping mechanism.

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f5a2d8  No.14674727


I will just watch

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ded716  No.14674728

The reason they are stretching the budget so high is all the pork in there, and I'm willing to bet that a lot of that "PORK" will end up in DEMOCRAT "KICK BACK" COMPANIES…

You see what they are spending it on, but it doesn't show who owns those companies that the money will be going to…

It's just like the Planned Parenthood SCAM…they put money in there for PP and then PP donates a shit load of it "BACK" to the DEMOCRAT party…it's goes round and round and back into probably a lot of the DEM's pocket…

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fec55f  No.14674729



this is the most notable shit ever. EXCELLENT FIND.

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a8682c  No.14674730


>not sure what little ole me can do.

if you are dude with tranny problems

rosenstein recommends blue scarfs and doorknobs

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8f5f88  No.14674731

File: 8f3c721b9d50a51⋯.jpg (269.16 KB, 1418x698, 709:349, Screenshot_20210927_185712….jpg)


C19 narrative kill date:Election Day +1

Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.


Whatever +1 means

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f6e964  No.14674732

File: d61b900b15c82f3⋯.jpg (626.96 KB, 1378x2289, 1378:2289, Screenshot_20210927_173539….jpg)


You might want to check on this BV, not very mentally stable. kek

check the hash history

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879164  No.14674733


Guard your front door and your family. If you're single - blaze of glory at the front door or on the street near you if they come. If you're a father, protect your family at home.

There's nothing more to do.

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e7dea6  No.14674734


still a coward. I hope you get necked for being such a fucking little bitch you and your faggot family.

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dd976c  No.14674735

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3bdd30  No.14674736

BV is a cowardly cunt stain



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a8682c  No.14674737

File: 8e039548e7acac2⋯.jpeg (247.73 KB, 1137x1441, 1137:1441, 8e039548e7acac2e49df699a7….jpeg)

every step gets them closer to mt doom

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ce305c  No.14674738

File: 4644a939889f178⋯.png (478.65 KB, 904x678, 4:3, every_fuck_joe.png)

File: 0fe3b59ca68d19e⋯.png (1.05 MB, 724x875, 724:875, biden_ice.png)


News & Politics

The 'F*** Joe Biden' Chant Is EVERYWHERE

By Victoria Taft Sep 27, 2021 2:37 PM ET

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95c61a  No.14674739

Weare School Board member quits saying mask mandates are child abuse



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ebe8b2  No.14674740


Don't know what didn't happen, This post war a reply to


strange things going on a qresearch

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cf5f05  No.14674741

File: 2f836eaf9f2f183⋯.jpg (239.63 KB, 691x1057, 691:1057, Q3837.jpg)


>Border Collapses

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bd1a6a  No.14674742


Vanderbilt University in Nashville should have been a clue.

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0f498c  No.14674743


>Our military surrendered, our politicians surrendered, business leaders surrendered, our FBI and DoJ surrendered

But at least they all get to keep their pensions and retirement. That’s what it’s all about.

Meanwhile CCP puppet Biden will invite his Chicom buddies to start rounding up patriots and sticking them into concentration camps while retired military and cops get to collect retirement and play golf.

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f5a2d8  No.14674744


yea pretty much that's it

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6b9519  No.14674745

File: ab6668f853b473e⋯.jpg (117.15 KB, 572x481, 44:37, ayygt.jpg)

File: eb8a9fc4c01f0b6⋯.jpg (56.53 KB, 466x391, 466:391, 4weeksmilley.jpg)


From the beginning it should have been criminal, now 4 more weeks plus usual delays means this will carry on until just before thanksgiving/christmas break…..it just goes on and on while the bank robbers have actually moved into the bank vault with their families. Greatest heist ever.

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3bdd30  No.14674746

BV you're a fucking shitstain

hiding behind your wittle keyboard


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802863  No.14674747

File: db1f8579f071e33⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 680x680, 1:1, nfb3k.jpg)

"Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America" - Here Is The 'Spartacus COVID Letter' That's Gone Viral


My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough.

We have been forced to watch America and the Free World spin into inexorable decline due to a biowarfare attack. We, along with countless others, have been victimized and gaslit by propaganda and psychological warfare operations being conducted by an unelected, unaccountable Elite against the American people and our allies.

Our mental and physical health have suffered immensely over the course of the past year and a half. We have felt the sting of isolation, lockdown, masking, quarantines, and other completely nonsensical acts of healthcare theater that have done absolutely nothing to protect the health or wellbeing of the public from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Now, we are watching the medical establishment inject literal poison into millions of our fellow Americans without so much as a fight.

We have been told that we will be fired and denied our livelihoods if we refuse to vaccinate. This was the last straw.

We have spent thousands of hours analyzing leaked footage from Wuhan, scientific papers from primary sources, as well as the paper trails left by the medical establishment.

What we have discovered would shock anyone to their core.

First, we will summarize our findings, and then, we will explain them in detail. References will be placed at the end.


COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.

Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients, accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator-induced lung injuries). The continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical benefit constitutes mass murder.

Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater.

Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs.

The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID-19, despite the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus’s proteins, and not just one.

Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV- 2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal.

There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

COVID-19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in brain-computer interface (“neural lace”) tech, one of whom was indicted for taking grant money from China.

Independent researchers have discovered mysterious nanoparticles inside the vaccines that are not supposed to be present.

The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into serfs and untouchables.


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e7dea6  No.14674748


Why is that? Mr one post, whatever did he do to you. Never bothers me. Did he touch your no no area?

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bdad2e  No.14674749

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95c61a  No.14674750

Director of Luzerne County Bureau of Elections resigns, election a little over a month away

WILKES-BARRE, LUZERNE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Bob Morgan, the Director of Luzerne County Bureau of Elections, has resigned from his position, Acting County Manager Romilda Crocamo tells Eyewitness News.

Morgan’s last day will be October 8. Crocamo says he is pursuing another employment opportunity. This comes as we are just over a month away from the 2021 General Election in November. Polls open in Luzerne County on Tuesday, November 2 at 7:00 a.m.

Just last week, Dave Parsnik also resigned. Parsnik was Luzerne County Director of Operations, which also helps oversee the county bureau of elections.



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26c207  No.14674751


No Needle went into that furry arm!

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