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cb2b67  No.14685894[Last 50 Posts]

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cb2b67  No.14685899

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>>14685184 HAPPENING: White House Exposed Staging Biden’s Booster Shot as National Media Psyop With CNN

>>14685190 Don't know what I am doing really, anons. Enjoy! (TYB)


>>14685289, >>14685438 This plan is going mainstream. Hold on to your butts

>>14685296 Learn to Bake Video

>>14685319 Whistleblower Alleges Mayorkas is Threatening to Terminate Significant Portion of Border Patrol Workforce if They Don’t Get Covid Vax by November (#HoldTheLIne)


>>14685368 Who is co-founder BLM?

>>14685383 "In other news, Pfizer is testing Ivermectin, now renamed PF-07321332, to help with Covid

>>14685385 Whistleblower Paramedic Speaks Out

>>14685388 They just executed their Commander In Chief in testimony

>>14685389 131 Federal Judges Broke the Law by Hearing Cases Where They Had a Financial Interest

>>14685390 Judicial Watch Just Blew The Roof Off The Benghazi Cover Up With Breaking FOIA

>>14685391 Date of General Mikey phone calls to China?


>>14685411 Feinstein returning to D.C. after husband’s hospitalization

>>14685446 YouTube could face total BAN in Russia if tech giant doesn’t unblock RT’s German-language channels

>>14685462 #18572

>>14685476 Conscientious insider at the NHS actually wrote the truth on the consent form".

>>14685484 Good example of how to post an embedded video

>>14685510, >>14685494 BRENDA BANCEL DIG

>>14685344 #18569

>>14685565, >>14685603, >>14685691 The Reimann and Quandt Family

>>14685599 Unborn Children are Human Beings Who Have Actual Beating Hearts at 22 Days

>>14685640 Biden's Vax Mandate To Be Enforced By Fining Companies $70,000 To $700,000? Section [17] of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (29 U.S.C.666)

>>14685657 This ain’t gonna age too well (AntiAudit Vid)

>>14685769 PHARMA [CLAS-D] in that Q post. C before D?

>>14685785 Two Stabbed At Annapolis High School, Lockdown In Place

>>14685788 FinanceFag Chies in SEC this week

>>14683799 PB nasal Swab Test (Bleeding from the eyes to be expected?!)

>>14685866 Anon digging on Jennifer Wright the Assistant County Attorney for Mark Brnovich.

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cb2b67  No.14685903




>>14682893, >>14682881 Podesta on Alfa Bank scam

>>14682887, >>14682913, >>14682907 Chateau Marmont, Bourdain

>>14682891 Terry McAuliffe: "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."

>>14682892 former healthcare worker on the jab

>>14682895, >>14682980 DJT: "Maricopa County audit flags 57k+ ballot issues in a state Biden won by fewer than 11k votes"

>>14682897 DJT: Endorsement of Kari Lake

>>14682899 DJT: America will continue losing with Milley and woke television Generals who are only looking to be stars!

>>14682901 DJT: Warmonger Liz Cheney and Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger. Thirteen dead AMERICAN HEROES

>>14682911 DJT: ICYMI: Letter from Arizona Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright

>>14682971 Chardy puts his season on hold due to Covid vaccine complications

>>14683000 CM: Dear Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

>>14683021, >>14683127 Twatter black banner comms

>>14683047, >>14683055 Lloyd, you made history. Everyone is going to remember the results of you running the DOD.

>>14683066 how do you verify the legitimacy of a vote?

>>14683067 PA: house-republicans-begin-process-to-amend-state-constitution-to-require-voter-id-and-elect-secretary-of-state/

>>14683077 John Solomon interview on everything Russia Collusion, Durham. Didn't know James Baker was at Twitter now.

>>14683126 SCOTUS GIVES BACK 18 -20 YEAR OLD'S. Back their 2A rights.

>>14683156 Antifa member charged with shooting anti-vaxxer in Washington

>>14683170 19,000 ballots were counted from a single Zuckerberg dropbox over one weekend, but surveillance shows only 24 people dropping off ballots

>>14683171, >>14683305 Moab Police Chief Suddenly Leaves For Mental Health Reasons. Petito Connection?

>>14683213 SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: What Really Happened in Wuhan

>>14683202, >>14683236 Milley Admits Leaking Information About Trump to Several Journalists

>>14683276 Clockfaggin. Shiffty's Dog Comms and 23 cycles around the Qlock!

>>14683303 Texas 2020 election audit of four counties to be carried out in two phases

>>14683327, >>14683332 Did anons read the supposed post that got Scheller thrown in the brig?

>>14683329 CTH: Milley Admits Trump Was Being Managed By Administrative State Group Who Run Government

>>14683349 Man confesses to 3 'human sacrifices'

>>14683370 Fake news Fox: Election investigation continues Despite Arizona audit results

>>14683483 Bun for Baker: Gagged Australian Nurses Form Whistleblower Group to Expose What is Really Happening in Hospitals with COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

>>14683489 Australia Under Siege /AUS/ Anon 09/28/21

>>14683513 ‘3 Warfares’ Doctrine Underpins CCP’s Sprawling Campaign to Infiltrate the West: Report

>>14683573, >>14683588, >>14683588, >>14683582 What the hell's going on in Pittsburgh? Eagle missing, govt choppers over the stadium?

>>14685462 #18572

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cb2b67  No.14685904



>>14681410 History: Ivermectin [Mectizan] the "Wonder drug"

>>14681416,>>14681457 Yellen warns Congress has just three weeks before US expected to default on debt

>>14681440, >>14681626 131 federal judges failed to recuse themselves from cases in which they had financial interest: report

>>14681470 vid. Senator Tom Cotton tells generals to resign.

>>14681489 West Virginia National Guard to respond if government shutdown happens

>>14681547 WHO 'heartbroken' by Congo sex abuse probe findings

>>14681571, >>14681598 Antifa member charged with shooting anti-vaxxer in Washington

>>14681617 Home heating sticker shock: The cost of natural gas is up 180%

>>14681621 Hospital System That Serves 4 States Fires 175 Workers After Vaccine Mandate

>>14681631 @usairforce: @SpecialTactics_#Airmen joined in the Columbian-led search and rescue and disaster relief exercise Ángel de los Andes Cooperación VII, bringing together over 740 participants with the motto, “Unidos para salvar vidas” or "United to save lives."

>>14681637 IT’S HAPPENING: True the Vote Is Meeting Wednesday in Atlanta – Next Step in Organized Multi-State Ballot Harvesting Investigation Captured on Video

>>14681647 Milley defends remarks, says he "knew" Trump didn't intend to attack China

>>14681649, >>14681666 PF

>>14681665 What if the Gov defaults?

>>14681681 Thousands of hospital workers could be fired as New York COVID vaccine mandate goes into effect

>>14681682 DJT Statement

>>14681690 China halts phosphate exports

>>14681692 'Crimes against humanity': Over 5,000 doctors and scientists sign declaration blasting Covid policymakers

>>14681826 Hussein Tweets today

>>14681833 South Carolina Governor Voices Concern Over ‘Aggressive’ School Mask Enforcement Policies

>>14681868 AZ State Senator Sonny Borrelli – Evidence Turned Over To AG Brnovich For Criminal Investigation

>>14681920 Utah Democratic Party Chair Jeff Merchant Resigns

>>14681922 China Energy Crunch Triggers Shutdowns, Pleas for More Coal

>>14682092 #18570

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cb2b67  No.14685908


>>14678227 LB Camp Victory on fire?

>>14680585 Biden when asked about what would happen if China invaded Taiwan replied, “Will get Milley to ask Xi about that”

>>14680587 Barack Obama Presidential Center and Library Groundbreaking

>>14680588, >>14680629, >>14680963 noticed a pattern regarding mind control in many newer tv series & movies… specifically alien originated mind control.

>>14680589 McAfee Says Hello

>>14680590 impressive, teachers resigning in a dramatic graphic way

>>14680603, >>14680607, >>14681057 Blackburn to Milley, Austin, McKenzie

>>14680604 Poster found a Covid quarantine zone under construction on highway 702

>>14680612 Christina Hochul, married to the governor’s son, is a director of federal policy at Biogen, according to her LinkedIn page.

>>14680613 AG Garland should assign a federal prosecutor/special counsel to uncover what the FBI knew & when abt Nassar

>>14680614 Q Reminder - Welcome to the Revolution.

>>14680615 Georgia Democrats Got Caught! 24 Criminal Operatives Caught on Video Stuffing Dropbox with 19,000 Ballots in 3 Days

>>14680616 Michigan’s electoral college votes would go to winner of national popular vote if ballot initiative succeeds

>>14680620 Remdesivir Drug has 25% Death Rate!

>>14680623 Milley Defends Calls with Chinese Counterpart, Pelosi, and Acting on Trump Nuke Fears

>>14680628 DHS secretary says 1 in 5 migrants have an 'illness' while releasing thousands into the US

>>14680634 man-who-survived-covid-19-undergoes-heart-transplant-after-virus-resurfaces/

>>14680640, >>14680645 Euro arrests. suspicion of trafficking offences

>>14680647 Fauci, Daszak cover-up of COVID-19’s origins

>>14680649 Man Sentenced for Role in International Human Smuggling Conspiracy

>>14680656 CBP Officers Intercept Methamphetamine Worth Over $24M at the Camino Real Cargo Facility

>>14680658 Free Britney WATCH LIVE: Senate committee discusses need for reforming conservatorships

>>14680678 The American public is slowly waking up to the fact that they are being led by an ineffectually devious, senile halfwit,

>>14680686 Senate Republicans Block New Schumer Bid to Suspend US Debt Ceiling

>>14680697, >>14680729 New DJT statement

>>14680706 Blinken digs

>>14680745 If my money that’s in the bank is backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government and they default what happens to my money?

>>14680746 /pittsburgh-high-school-tightens-security-after-shooting-rumor

>>14680781, >>14680846, >>14681159, >>14680822 Ford stock up after unveiling $11.4B investment in new US EV plants. 11.4 comms?

>>14680783, >>14680850, >>14680864 Lt. Col. vaxx whistleblower from MIL: AFFIDAVIT OF LTC. THERESA LONG M.D.

>>14680825 Andrew Brettler is Dog's lawyer also Prince Andrew's lawyer

>>14680831, >>14680835 BlackRock closed Wall St. today.

>>14680842 FF??? man-high-xanax-crashes-into-south-hills-daycare

>>14680900 Pfizer Submits Vaccine Trial Data For Kids As Young As 5

>>14680904 When you call 2 Chinese Restaurants (Keks)

>>14680905, >>14680910, >>14680926 Superposition (I'm up and down for this)

>>14680913 Trudeau's 'censorship czar' adamant about 'policing news, internet'

>>14680949 “We Were Threatened” – Exclusive Interview with Doug Logan from Cyber Ninjas on the Arizona Senate Forensic Audit

>>14680953 Two possibilities…

>>14680999 Governor Ron DeSantis- By signing the Biden Border Crisis Executive Order

>>14681049 Hot mic until >41:45 >Then the suck appears.

>>14681112 Yellen says US may exhaust cash by Oct. 18 without debt ceiling hike

>>14681183 gunman who killed five Capital Gazette employees in June 2018, was sentenced

>>14681204 WHO finds Ebola health workers sexually abused women and girls

>>14681210 New Poso tweet

>>14681218 Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Sends Letter To Maricopa County – FIRST REQUEST: Preservation Of Evidence/Litigation Hold investment in new US EV plants (11.4)

>>14685344 #18569

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cb2b67  No.14685909


>>14679817 Milley Justifies His Secret Calls to China

>>14679846 Fuck Joe BidenChanting heard around the world.

>>14679861 Gov Hochul signs E.O. for potential hospital staffing shortages

>>14679972 Generals McKenzie, Milley Contradict Joe Biden’s Claim About Afghanistan Withdrawal

>>14679984 Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem Calls for the 2020 Election Results to be Decertified

>>14679993, >>14680051 PF Reports - satan has left portsmouth?

>>14680005 General Milley on not resigning - “My Dad Didn’t Get a Chance to Resign at Iwo Jima"

>>14680019 Panel finds 80 alleged abuse cases tied to WHO’s Congo work

>>14680044 US: Capital Gazette gunman gets more than five life sentences

>>14680083 Psaki Says It Doesn't Matter That Border Patrol Didn't Really "Whip" Migrants

>>14680088 Navy Creates New Atlantic Destroyer Task Group to Hunt Russian Submarines

>>14680112 SHOT TO DEATH - Vaccinated Michigan couple die minutes apart from COVID-19 while holding hands

>>14680126 Lancet Scrubs ENTIRE COVID Origins Investigation Team After National Pulse Exposés

>>14680133 Hospital System That Serves 4 States Fires 175 Workers After Vaccine Mandate

>>14680140 Arizona AG Office letter to AZ Senator Karen Fann, RE: Audits

>>14680143 Nancy Pelosi Decides to Fund the Government, Avoiding a Shutdown

>>14680144 Prince Andrew has October deadline to respond to Epstein accuser suit

>>14680149 Mo Brooks Cosponsors Legislation to Nix Federal Vaccine Mandates

>>14680155 Gen. Mark Milley Admits Leaking to Book Authors About Donald Trump

>>14680184 Astonishing results of investigation into ten deaths linked to the Covid-19 Vaccines

>>14680200 The government can now decide whether or not your religious beliefs are legitimate

>>14680210 Pfizer submits data to FDA on Covid vaccine in children. Kids could start receiving shots within a month

>>14680222 Army Flight Surgeon Urges Pentagon To Ground Pilots Who Took COVID Injection

>>14680244 Prince Andrew to be honoured with Platinum Jubilee medal from Queen

>>14680264 New Hillary: Every single vote can matter in close elections.

>>14680335 Milley: Al-Qaeda may rebuild under Taliban, pose threat to US in 12 months

>>14680377 UK hospital data shocks the world: 80% of COVID deaths are among the vaccinated

>>14680379, >>14680384 KEK! Pelosi just named the devil (Obama) by name! (Vid Embed)

>>14680403 @BarackObama - had fun surprising some of the hardworking women from the Chicago Women of Trades

>>14680419 , >>14680430 Groundbreaking ceremony for [Renegade] Presidential Center in Chicago (vid embed)

>>14681451 #18568

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cb2b67  No.14685913


>>14679045 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) and COVID-19

>>14679087, >>14679210 Cotton to Milley: Why haven't you resigned?

>>14679119 Biden said no senior military leadership advised him to leave a troop presence in Afghanistan.

>>14679140 Covid Vaccines Confirmed to Kill Twice As Many People As They “Save”?

>>14679213, >>14679236 CA USPS mail delivery is about to get permanently slower and temporarily more expensive

>>14679241, >>14679539 Sooooo What the [F***] was this?

>>14679291 The JusticeDept Election Audits Stuff (Comply or else?)

>>14679190, >>14679311 Marine officer who blasted leaders over Afghanistan withdrawal now in the brig

>>14679317 @mikepompeo Happy National Sons Day (Suns… 2Suns… Tucson?)

>>14679319 "As Many as [17],000 Illegal Haitian Immigrants Released Into the US in Recent Days"

>>14679330 Anon Details Clinic Visit

>>14679335 Milley’s unclassified memo detailing his Jan. 8 call with @SpeakerPelosi, submitted to the Senate Armed Services Committee today

>>14679342 WWI at Camp Devens. The bakers could turn out 37,000 loafs of bread each day. (Pulling 3.7 atm here o/)


>>14679409 Milley again called his Chinese counterpart on Jan. 8, 2021, two days after the attack on the U.S. Capitol

>>14679523 Brian Laundrie's Parents May Be Forced To Pay For Estimated $1.2 Million Manhunt For Son

>>14679544 Deleted James Woods tweet from last night. Look at their eyes, just their eyes

>>14679591 “All of the evidence is being turned over to the State Attorney General for criminal investigation and/or hopefully criminal prosecution, because people need to be prosecuted for this. (3 individuals Identified)

>>14679637 Canadian nurse whistleblowers say many people are dying after getting vaccines while hospitals are filled with the fully vaccinated

>>14679638 Hollywood Star Russell Brand Comes Clean: ‘Trump Was Right About Hillary and Russia’

>>14679641 BREAKING: Pastor Artur Pawlowski ARRESTED again after landing at Calgary airport

>>14679594 Anon Opines - The fact that Milley has not been court martialed for his treason pretty much confirms that the CCP has FULL CONTROL of DC

>>14679698 Earthquake right on the la palma ridge

>>14679732 Military - lets violate the constitution!

>>14679763 #18567


>>14678247 Facebook announced Monday it was pausing development of the children's version of its Instagram photo-sharing app,

>>14678305 Is Biden being played by an actor named Arthur Robers?

>>14678316 #18563

>>14678315, >>14678320 Federal ‘Cash For Access’ Controversy Reaches into BC

>>14678332 General Milley & SecDef Austin Testoify LIVE on Sept. 28 at 9 a.m. EST

>>14678338 Our voice- To all Australians

>>14678363 Greetings, beloved ones. We are the Crystalline Human Template.

>>14678378 #18564

>>14678394 In case u need some direction, or just bored

>>14678408 #18564

>>14678430 California becomes 8th U.S. state to make universal mail-in ballots permanent

>>14678446 #18565

>>14678522 Thank you Note Takers! and Baker

>>14678516 if-people-get-jabbed-after-watching-this-they-are-beyond-saving-3-mp4

>>14678581 updated dough

>>14678538 Luzerne County pennsylvania election director Morgan resigns weeks before election

>>14678615 Covfefe Wendy trollin hard.

>>14678616 poss. quarantine camp being prepped in Washington.

>>14678626 Newsom signs bills allowing children to hide sex operations and abortions from parents #RecallNewsomAgain

>>14678858, >>14678868 I think Milliy just called out NP as a domestic enemy.

>>14678889 #18566

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cb2b67  No.14685915

Previously Collected

>>14678408 #18564, >>14678446 #18565

>>14675862 #18561, >>14675833 #18562, >>14677167 #18563

>>14675879 #18558, >>14673376 #18559, >>14674164 #18560

>>14673188 #18555, >>14670562 #18556, >>14675901 #18557

>>14667410 #18552, >>14672796 #18553, >>14672975 #18554

>>14666996 #18549, >>14667129 #18550, >>14668557 #18551

>>14662683 #18546, >>14663446 #18547, >>14664472 #18548

>>14661302 #18543, >>14661175 #18544, >>14661937 #18545

>>14659172 #18540, >>14658574 #18541, >>14659547 #18542

>>14654687 #18537, >>14658366 #18538, >>14656353 #18539

>>14658237 #18534, >>14653164 #18535, >>14653908 #18536

>>14651428 #18531, >>14658272 #18532, >>14651603 #18533

>>14647658 #18528, >>14648437 #18529, >>14651373 #18530

>>14646596 #18525, >>14646881 #18526, >>14646913 #18527

>>14644249 #18522, >>14643724 #18523, >>14644533 #18524

>>14642534 #18519, >>14643483 #18520, >>14643731 #18521

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cb2b67  No.14685917

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown


Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEtukwfLX90

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cb2b67  No.14685933

File: 71f6913005e4226⋯.webm (10.41 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, 71f6913005e42260b0a594edd….webm)


#18576 https://controlc.com/ffeb96c8






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8b892a  No.14685943

File: 2a4a732d1b7b067⋯.jpg (170.54 KB, 960x712, 120:89, Bulletproof_Mind.jpg)

Anons Who Support & Defend Our Beautiful Country Against ALL ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC need to Develop aBULLETPROOF MIND. Not a Vitimized PTSD Cuck mindset.

LtCol Dave Grossman

Bulletproof Mind


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8b892a  No.14685945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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cb2b67  No.14685960




Alexandra Thompson

April 29, 2021·3 min read

Potentially life threatening' nosebleeds have occurred after coronavirus swab, report reveals

medics from Helsinki University have reported eight patients were admitted to their hospital's ear, nose and throat (ENT) unit with "complications" following a coronavirus swab.

Of these, four endured "nasal bleeds", two of which were "potentially life threatening".

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d44a03  No.14685962

File: 39b9ace793ba86e⋯.gif (1.56 MB, 350x254, 175:127, 1629770065398.gif)

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9891b8  No.14685965

File: 5037501bfc98929⋯.jpg (140.98 KB, 720x867, 240:289, 20210929_075502.jpg)

File: 474131afd5a46ad⋯.jpg (112.17 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 20210929_075707.jpg)


Marines reportedly told to clean graffiti insulting Taliban at Kabul airport

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374c71  No.14685967

File: a6e1f2c48af92b6⋯.png (23.5 KB, 598x369, 598:369, ClipboardImage.png)

information warfare.



JUST IN - YouTube will ban any video that claims "vaccines are ineffective or dangerous" from now on and has suspended the accounts of prominent vaccination opponents, including Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (WSJ)

8:38 AM · Sep 29, 2021·Twitter Web App


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55b0f2  No.14685986

File: e428a72cf4637cc⋯.jpg (17.41 KB, 637x462, 91:66, FAZT3OhVcAAbq86_jpeg.jpg)

Stephanie grim_reaper exposed as reptile

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9891b8  No.14685991

File: 1492d2039f70301⋯.jpg (193.67 KB, 720x1172, 180:293, 20210929_081002.jpg)


The US Fish and Wildlife Service will announce 23 new extinct species Wednesday, including the ivory-billed woodpecker — the most well-known animal of the doomed lot.

23 species declared extinct

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9f37ba  No.14685992

File: d800d318c933cc0⋯.jpg (21.36 KB, 400x280, 10:7, DinoTits.jpg)

DINO. kek. She's a Tyranatitty Rex. Flip the script on their playbook. Simple.

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e54a7a  No.14685993

File: a57b8708ac2b311⋯.png (528.48 KB, 602x667, 602:667, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_09….png)

"For bears, fat equals survival."

Finally, it's Fat Bear Week – a most welcome week of healthy competition among brown bears.


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31161d  No.14685994

File: 450fd6450737db1⋯.jpeg (517.15 KB, 750x1177, 750:1177, F533092F_5EB3_4658_BB92_A….jpeg)


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773bae  No.14685995

Austin, Milley face questions on Afghanistan at House hearing


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e4686c  No.14685996

File: e61aada988044c9⋯.jpg (42.86 KB, 612x401, 612:401, 5m4gy6xdd.jpg)

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bc75c2  No.14685997


just makes you look ridiculous.

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d44a03  No.14685998


Whatever you say faggot.

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bfdc7a  No.14685999

File: 0d7a991cb32f151⋯.jpg (40.94 KB, 506x506, 1:1, PurePepeGoldCoin2.JPG)

File: 6b036f90b378680⋯.jpg (37.28 KB, 510x500, 51:50, PurePepeSilverCoin2.JPG)


TY all bakers

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31161d  No.14686000


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763834  No.14686001

Ready when you are.



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b41e31  No.14686002

>>14685987 lb

blog it where it will stick - that way when she does her crime, the board, and everyone else who didn't do anything will get caught up in criminal neglect.

and take a shill pill dude

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bc3e57  No.14686003


As long as it's only about Ice Cream…

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f0ebfe  No.14686004

File: 4ec5fcc46918acf⋯.png (150.06 KB, 552x292, 138:73, 2f5Wd74h02x0179201134_c226….png)

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d44a03  No.14686005

File: e947c1ac24c736b⋯.png (580.29 KB, 715x715, 1:1, cfc4177743d4e80bbf5ba44d92….png)

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342c5d  No.14686006

Jennifer Wright's husband Travis Wright digz continued.

Yesterday I started digging on Jennifer Wright the Assistant County Attorney for Mark Brnovich. She ran for mayor of Phoenix back in 2012. Anyhow, her husband Travis Wright is what I found more interesting. Travis Wright is vice president of a massive data center in Phoenix called QTS. Here is an article talking about how much water they use to cool the data centers. Jennifer is the one who sent the letter to Maricopa County supervisors asking for more information. At this point I don't have much faith in Brnovich doing anything.







File Number: 23192938

Filing State: Arizona (AZ)

Filing Status: Active

Filing Date: March 7, 2021

Company Age: 6 Months

Registered Agent:

Map Icon spacer Travis Wright

4533 E Lafayette Blvd.

Phoenix, AZ 85018

It looks like Travis Wright has his hands in multiple pies. The Stucco Palace they own in Phoenix is a pretty cool house.

Nvent LLC

Company Number




Incorporation Date

7 July 2019 (about 2 years ago)

Company Type

Domestic LLC


Arizona (US)

Registered Address

4533 E Lafayette Blvd



Maricopa, AZ

United States

Business Classification Text

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)

Agent Name

Travis Wright

Agent Address

4533 E. Lafayette Blvd, PHOENIX, AZ, 85018


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dd16fa  No.14686007

File: 5949b140d7d4213⋯.png (478.43 KB, 626x585, 626:585, ClipboardImage.png)

If we really shut down this "government" all the parasites will die and the lawful, rational, sustainable social order will be restored.

Do it. Make it permanent.

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d44a03  No.14686008

File: a47fa271671f1a5⋯.png (336.76 KB, 606x569, 606:569, f72151791387d327bcad78fd3a….png)


So close…

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463545  No.14686009

File: 1b25a5049843a96⋯.png (995.84 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, dba6bcf9f8f0fcf3661a6eff22….png)

File: 1b16d4cb937e348⋯.jpg (256.51 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, shills2_Copy.jpg)

File: 42c596094ffeaf5⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 425x416, 425:416, Shills_Black_Mask_2.jpg)

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9f37ba  No.14686010


You must be a very low wage, illiterate shekel slave. How's that moldy kebab?

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9fe548  No.14686011

>>14685461 (lb)

>The call in question occurred in October 2020.

Would make no difference.

If the CCP knew what was going to happen with the election, and they thought Bidan, who would thereby win and get access to nukes, and may have motive to make possible China blackmail issues go away, either the Oct call or the Jan 8 call could have been about Bidan.

Oct, because, China may have been able to fuck up the election steal if there were no Bidan not nuking guarantees, or Jan 8, because, if Bidan was able to take out congress and the courts to pull off the steal, what couldn't he not do? Would Milley still have control?

Again, a theory, but it may explain the Milley calls after Milley said yesterday that he wasn't worried about Trump and nukes. The issue may have been Bidan and nukes.

Even for us plebes, in a SHTF scenario, who would you trust to make the most rational decision on a nuke strike? Add to that, a Qui Bono vector on a nuke strike on China from a Pelosi/Bidan perspective. China knows the skinny on the election steal and has Bidan blackmailed with Hunter shit. A nuke up China's ass solves those problems.

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689c70  No.14686012

File: 76b1dfa051af3f4⋯.jpg (163.44 KB, 360x480, 3:4, 1e31bd95fd2c9aebca28dd.jpg)

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7c754b  No.14686013

Judge temporarily blocks key aspect of new Arizona abortion law

(Reuters) - A U.S. federal judge temporarily blocked a key aspect of a new Arizona abortion law that would have allowed felony charges to be laid against doctors for terminating a pregnancy solely on the basis of a hereditary abnormality in the fetus.

U.S. District Judge Douglas Rayes raised concerns in an order granting a partial preliminary injunction against the law, according to a court filing late on Tuesday in the United States District Court for the district of Arizona.

"This problem is exacerbated by the reality that the decision to terminate a pregnancy is a complex one, and often is motivated by a variety of considerations, some of which are inextricably intertwined with the detection of a fetal genetic," Rayes wrote in the order.

However, the judge declined to grant a preliminary injunction for another aspect of the legislation requiring fetuses, embryos and fertilized eggs to be referred to as "people" from the point of conception.

In April, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed into law a measure banning abortions performed strictly on the basis of genetic disorders detected in the fetus, such as Down syndrome or cystic fibrosis, unless the condition is considered lethal.

The bill, approved earlier in Arizona's Republican-controlled legislature along strict party-line votes, makes it a felony for a medical professional to terminate a pregnancy solely on the basis of a hereditary abnormality in the fetus.

Cathi Herrod, president of the Center for Arizona Policy, which sponsored the legislation, said Tuesday's ruling was "only the first review by the federal courts".

"We remain confident the law will be upheld and ruled enforceable in its entirety," Herrod added.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) expressed relief in a statement cited by news website Axios. The ACLU had filed a lawsuit challenging the legislation on behalf of the Arizona Medical Association and a local doctor.

"People should not be interrogated about their reason for seeking an abortion," the ACLU said. "There are no right or wrong reasons."


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b41e31  No.14686014


shut down the government



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e4686c  No.14686015

When asked by Rogers, Milley was just unwilling to specifically say who decided to go from 2500 troops to 650:

"The decision was made in a national security consultative process, by the highest levels of our government."

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b41e31  No.14686016


Believe the clinical term is

biden abuse

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48aef3  No.14686017

File: b0520463c7363b5⋯.png (729.46 KB, 1536x1121, 1536:1121, 4D1C1CAC_8AAA_4C51_AF74_07….png)

EXCLUSIVE:Kash Patel, A Trump Staffer Who Exposed The Russia Hoax, Aiming New Fire At Deep State

Jordan Davidson

SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 B

Former Trump official Kashyap “Kash” Patel, who helped dismantle Democrats’ Russia collusion hoax, will join the Center for Renewing America as a senior fellow for national security and intelligence.

Patel’s primary focus in his new position at CRA, which is headed by Trump alum and former Director of the Office of Management and Budget Russell Vought, will be continuing his work to expose the deep state in the FBI, NSA, and other intelligence organizations, a spokeswoman confirmed to The Federalist.

Patel first started his work combatting the Russia collusion hoax as senior counsel for Rep. Devin Nunes who, at the beginning of Trump’s presidency, chaired the House Intelligence Committee. During that time, Patel and Nunes criticized the hysteria that arose out of what turned out to be an operation secretly designed and funded by the Clinton campaign to meddle in the 2016 election. As the conspiracy theory was weaponized by selectively leaking intelligence officials and the media figures who uncritically regurgitated the leaks and attacked anyone who didn’t take part in the operation, Patel led the fight to uncover the truth.

Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, who played a key role in the hoax by peddling absurd claims about Trump officials violating an 18th-century law called the Logan Act, later wrote a hit piece speculating that Patel was trying to overthrow the government by uncovering the hoax and holding people accountable for it. Democrats’ corrupt corporate media cronies further targeted Patel for his crusade against corruption when he served as deputy assistant to President Donald J. Trump, senior director for counterterrorism on the National Security Council, and eventually principal deputy to the acting director of National Intelligence.

During this Patel, who was featured in the film “The Plot Against the President,” sought to hold accountable corrupt intelligence agencies for using false narratives to further justify spying on the president and his campaign, but when corporate media outlets smeared him as a discredited conspiracy theorist and criminal, he launched defamation lawsuits against Politico, The New York Times, CNN, and multiple individual reporters.

Towards the end of his career in the Trump administration, Patel served as the Department of Defense chief of staff, which the anti-Trump extremists on the Jan. 6 commission used to subpoena Patel following the Capitol riot. Following the subpoena, Patel received multiple racist death threats fueled by the media’s mistreatment of him.

While members of the same deep state he targets attempt to malign him, Patel uses his Kash Patel Legal Offense Trust to help others fight “against the defamation and malicious attacks propelled by the media” and “give those smeared by the fake news media and big tech a voice.”


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d3d159  No.14686018

File: c80feef4c59b626⋯.jpeg (573.8 KB, 2200x1494, 1100:747, hostage.jpeg)

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d3d159  No.14686019

File: cb679f032be5fec⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, New_York_GovKathyHochul_de….mp4)

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d3d159  No.14686020

File: 85fd5635d4ea942⋯.mp4 (5.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, colbertishillarious.mp4)

File: 15c6f42fe73e59c⋯.mp4 (621.86 KB, 640x360, 16:9, soul_paralyzing.mp4)

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b41e31  No.14686021


satanic ritual abuse proponents see nothing wrong in collecting shrunken baby abprted heads and selling them in the market square

savage barbarians. lead by rothchilds

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689c70  No.14686022

File: 169f3bbdba9cc31⋯.jpg (161.79 KB, 360x480, 3:4, 1e31bd95fd2c9aebca28dd3.jpg)

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f0ebfe  No.14686023


last time when Trump withheld the Fed Monkey Pay some of them went wacko about it

would prolly get a little chaotic but would be well worth it

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d3d159  No.14686024

File: 674bbaa32b17fea⋯.mp4 (7.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, NEW_Greta_Thunberg_says_bl….mp4)

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e4686c  No.14686025

Rogers: This was the State Department and the White House that caused this catastrophe, not the Defense Department.

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9f37ba  No.14686027

File: 32b5882df6dfeb4⋯.gif (18.54 KB, 400x400, 1:1, CROSSMARK.gif)


Talk about a Red October! "Red" meaning budget cuts. Treasury Dept talking about the "X Date". Like a CEO with a giant fkn red marker. "Fk this. Fk this. And this. Fk state bailouts. Fk aid to Pakistan…"

Pain is coming.

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e1ee67  No.14686028


They had Top Men working on it. Top…..Men.

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342c5d  No.14686029

File: af5645ebe75e5b8⋯.png (90.92 KB, 829x515, 829:515, Screenshot_2021_09_29_at_0….png)

File: 6567aa825bc451f⋯.png (351.69 KB, 561x542, 561:542, Screenshot_2021_09_29_at_0….png)


I'm seriously starting to doubt whether or not Jennifer is a native of AZ like she claims.

Travis grew up in Wisconsin.




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d3d159  No.14686030

File: 322504c913b08c9⋯.mp4 (14.34 MB, 854x480, 427:240, oioioi.mp4)

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7c754b  No.14686031


Timing of this drop, future proves past (convo's)


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/01/2020 12:51:00

Spy campaign failed.

Russia Russia Russia failed.

Weissmann [Mueller] failed.

Leaks failed.

Fake news reports failed.

Impeachment failed.

CDC/WHO recommend 'do not close' border failed.


What if C19 didn't exist?

Economy today?

Unemployment today?

Trade today [China phase II held accountable]?

Rally POTUS v BIDEN attendance?

BIDEN interview(s) non_basement?

BIDEN question(s) non_basement?

Removal of delay(s) re: Durham (GJ + interview(s) + testimony + DECLAS]?

Removal of BIDEN ammunition P_Debate 1, 2, and 3 [200k dead, down-economy, unemployment, debt, …..]?

Removal of mail-in ballot harvesting + fraud [normal in-person voting]?

Removal of tech [tyranny] censorship [WHO foundation _anti WHO = suspend/terminate [C19 basis]]?

Removal of bailout attempt re: CA & NY [debt solution]?








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d44a03  No.14686032

File: c187f2323fec742⋯.jpg (78.47 KB, 900x1164, 75:97, c187f2323fec742c14d393c2dc….jpg)


He's a good man and a patriot!

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ccd179  No.14686033

File: 85aa3b9394a8519⋯.png (386.73 KB, 1474x956, 737:478, laser_weapon.png)

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374c71  No.14686034

File: 63426131d5407ee⋯.png (464.88 KB, 598x701, 598:701, ClipboardImage.png)

GOP wants YOU to get BOOSTED

Emerald Robinson ✝️


The GOP's Senate leader is pushing booster shots - in case you're wondering if the GOP is going to save you from the Democrats' medical tyranny.


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dd16fa  No.14686035

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dd16fa  No.14686036

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9f37ba  No.14686037


Well, she's 100% wrong on religious exemption. Even a fake lawyer like Barack Obama knows that the Supreme Court will slap this down in one second.

She's a bucktooth clown

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d44a03  No.14686038

File: d91b8b5dd555fb0⋯.jpg (500.47 KB, 1076x1080, 269:270, d91b8b5dd555fb0d578ff429f2….jpg)

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dd16fa  No.14686039

File: 741974c0de55af6⋯.png (589.81 KB, 491x489, 491:489, ClipboardImage.png)



That's some real sloppy (((MiM))), faggot gangsters.

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8bc78b  No.14686040



( • )( • )

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eed744  No.14686041


stop using that image

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48aef3  No.14686042

File: e76aa1db2cffd07⋯.jpeg (460.48 KB, 1241x1737, 1241:1737, 97FF8F2A_A715_4B28_94DC_A….jpeg)


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6a854b  No.14686043

Staind opened for Korn - lead singer had "Fauci Lied" shirt. Whole crowd chanting "Fuck Joe Biden".

Was glorious.

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e4686c  No.14686044

Wilson: [Biden is responsible for] terrorists that are now crossing the southern border, to plan attacks on American neighborhoods.

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689c70  No.14686045


don't tell me what to do fuck off.

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e1ee67  No.14686046


It's like a rapist or child molester. By even attempting to knowingly violate Constitutional rights she's committing a crime. To let her get away with it any time, she'll keep doing it.

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aef151  No.14686047


I just sent that cunt an email this morning.

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55c76b  No.14686048

File: b844ca5b2191b6f⋯.jpg (507.16 KB, 1080x2004, 90:167, 20210929_103122.jpg)

Guise! McAfee Telegram has a bunch of files posted this morning.

Am phonefagging and workfagging and cannot post files right now.

https://t.me/McafeeAfterlife/492 is the link to the latest message

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8b892a  No.14686049

File: 45b98c5ee5f2a37⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Gen_Milley_Throws_Biden_Un….mp4)


His Facial Expression of His "Oh Shit" Moment….


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48aef3  No.14686050


Listening to McConnel is like admitting you wanted to die anyway

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463545  No.14686051

File: 47116927e95a139⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 390x560, 39:56, 4253324.jpg)

Shill who places 3'd in post count this thread will be sealed in an incubator cell with the female larvae of his honor the ambassador Odonata Anisoptera, representing the 900,000 insect species we are currently aware.

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e4686c  No.14686052

Wilson: The war has moved from Afghanistan to American neighborhoods.

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dd16fa  No.14686053

File: 741974c0de55af6⋯.png (589.81 KB, 491x489, 491:489, ClipboardImage.png)


Dig here


You may not be an insider trader but these criminals are.

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e1ee67  No.14686054

File: 10cf9bf5e4fe86c⋯.jpg (72.64 KB, 576x768, 3:4, ZomboMeme_28092021130834.jpg)

File: 516a3b5d68d2053⋯.jpg (49.78 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ZomboMeme_28092021185024.jpg)

File: 0ea195599b608c4⋯.jpg (204.58 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ZomboMeme_25092021183200.jpg)

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d3d159  No.14686055

File: 98ed646010b17ba⋯.png (377.83 KB, 823x680, 823:680, wellhesdeadso.png)


>I just sent that cunt an email this morning.

That'll do it.

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8bc78b  No.14686056

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

Smooth reminder 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are blessed and loved


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48aef3  No.14686057


Love Kash, so rational and really a patriot of major proportions

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3345ed  No.14686058

File: 00a3328773b72a3⋯.jpg (23.06 KB, 329x317, 329:317, jki.jpg)

File: 5eae1e3f8c07ced⋯.png (578.39 KB, 749x402, 749:402, new_meme.png)

File: 62dfc04ada7a329⋯.png (576.86 KB, 749x402, 749:402, new_meme_2.png)

File: ab285f61184f99f⋯.png (260.71 KB, 565x463, 565:463, Untitle33ed.png)

File: 2800db8efaf7d6e⋯.jpg (46.23 KB, 502x780, 251:390, jakimime.jpg)

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3345ed  No.14686059

File: 4795266314195b7⋯.jpg (295.67 KB, 886x1774, 443:887, jakiduchi.jpg)

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b18cca  No.14686060

A republican member brought out the truth. The order to reduce troop level from 2500 to 600 came from the State Department. That's why the military had to leave Bagram (sp) airbase. I keep telling you anons, the military is not in charge of anything.

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d3d159  No.14686061

File: 3b2054441478101⋯.png (381.24 KB, 671x492, 671:492, ClipboardImage.png)

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3345ed  No.14686062

File: 498ec4bf23f5289⋯.png (2.25 MB, 709x2269, 709:2269, jorgeramos_jaki.png)

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d44a03  No.14686063


Neck yourself Karen

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55b0f2  No.14686065

File: 480761e674dd5e7⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 383x602, 383:602, 20210929_103618.jpg)


NYC fat bear in it's feeding season

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aef151  No.14686066


We'll see!

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3345ed  No.14686067

File: 9d5403ff3b7d888⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1066x1404, 41:54, 0915cd854b045abd26c0557f8d….png)

File: dcf88b475089001⋯.png (556.88 KB, 884x546, 34:21, 99d9913bbf10da7d0a4630c34a….png)

File: a7fb9135a56adc0⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1170x1162, 585:581, 0915cd854b045abd26c0557f8d….png)

File: 0a7ee9821be47bf⋯.jpg (182.54 KB, 837x783, 31:29, 301200831.jpg)

File: 342a403f9dfc159⋯.png (640.89 KB, 648x551, 648:551, 7075db33f460e985414471ab4a….png)

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d3d159  No.14686068

File: daaee7cded9e657⋯.png (244.72 KB, 350x495, 70:99, ClipboardImage.png)


What does he mumble at the end?

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8b892a  No.14686069

File: b17e8724f91a445⋯.jpg (138.65 KB, 961x526, 961:526, ZomboMeme_29092021093737.jpg)

File: a35464dbff689bc⋯.jpg (138.08 KB, 950x539, 950:539, Highest_Cuck_Mi_Li.jpg)



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ed87fc  No.14686070


Aaron Lewis is a Patriot!!

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e1ee67  No.14686071


He wants some French fried potaters.

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d44a03  No.14686072

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB, 1027x731, 1027:731, 2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, a69d74b6460d620a5d32743578….gif)

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c9353d  No.14686073


wow, you don;t need to be body language expert to decipher this

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8b892a  No.14686074

File: 31e1edfb4336f87⋯.jpg (1006.89 KB, 1899x1078, 1899:1078, Screenshot_20210929_093607….jpg)

File: a53b12b5c60c92b⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1921x1052, 1921:1052, Screenshot_20210929_093625….jpg)



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463545  No.14686075

File: cdf5b2abac83313⋯.jpg (56.38 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, the_lizard.jpg)


Several members of Congress have been implicated in potential insider trading scandals stemming from stock transactions that occurred at the beginning of COVID-19 crisis before the major stock market decline. As reported by the press, members of Congress were regularly being briefed on the implications of the spreading virus. Some of the members were making public statements discounting the significance of the virus.

Senators Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), Diane Feinstein (D-CA), Jim Inhofe (R-Idaho) and Richard Burr (R-NC) were publicly identified. The investigations against Senators Loeffler, Inhofe and Feinstein appear to be closed, while the criminal investigation of Richard Burr appears to be continuing. A public report cited the FBI’s seizure of Sen. Burr’s mobile phone.

Insider trading law has been the subject of significant challenges. The Supreme Court, in United States v. O’Hagan, brought some certainty to what is called the “misappropriation theory,” which imposes liability if a person trades stock based on material nonpublic information in violation of duty owed to the source of that information. In the O’Hagan case, the Court upheld the conviction of an attorney-defendant where the attorney-defendant engaged in stock transactions based on information he obtained while representing an acquiring company in an unannounced takeover of a target company. Trading on the confidential information is only prohibited when such activity violates a duty owed by the trader to another person or entity.


Yesterday, reporters revealed the Department of Justice had discontinued the investigations into coronavirus-related trading by Senators Kelly Loeffler, James Inhofe, and Dianne Feinstein (whose holdings are in a blind trust). The three Senators each had sold—and in Senator Loeffler’s case, bought—large amounts of stock the same day or soon after a confidential senatorial briefing on January 24 by the CDC’s Director and Dr. Anthony Fauci.


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a45845  No.14686076


>My default position is to ask people, please do this, this is why; it's been proven to be safe, the vaccine's been out there a long time now.

>There are not legitimate religious exemptions because the leaders of all the organized religions have said there's no legitimate reason and we're going to win that in court in a matter of days.

>And so, this is so un-nec-ess-ary, and I just want to appeal to the individuals to know that, ya know, your coworkers want you to do this.

>Don't make the burden heavier on them as well.

Guilt trip much?

Fuck you, Kathy!

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3b9b60  No.14686077

File: 1b01927f903cb90⋯.png (52.71 KB, 669x418, 669:418, Capture.PNG)

There are two scenarios, both very plausible.

One, the government is lying about this figure.

Two, the overwhelming majority of our military is a bunch of faggot cucks.


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9f37ba  No.14686078

File: 0e59290f2801934⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 907x675, 907:675, rl.JPG)

Gabby Petito case has helped bring apparent closure to the family of a Texas man who went missing in Wyoming

>On Tuesday, remains matching Lowery’s description were discovered near the Black Canyon Trail at the base of Teton Pass


Are you ready, normies? Accept the truth, become stronger, & learn to fight, because it's coming.

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c9353d  No.14686079



I keep expecting Milley to yell

Yabba Dabba Doooooo

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ae0cd5  No.14686080

File: a550686cfc1d3f6⋯.png (88.32 KB, 400x220, 20:11, ClipboardImage.png)


"i should have been a farmer like my mama said"

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55b0f2  No.14686081


no honor among thieves

They will devour each other to gain power.

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787c69  No.14686082

File: 139a2e16306e355⋯.jpg (120.06 KB, 850x458, 425:229, Miami_final_aerial_photos_….jpg)


>Supreme Court will slap this down in one second


Maybe not

Who run BARter Town?

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7c754b  No.14686083




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ccd179  No.14686084

File: ea845d583cca347⋯.png (735.45 KB, 1080x1070, 108:107, SES_Keystone.png)


State Dept = pic related

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374c71  No.14686085

File: 03505c435d0f705⋯.png (6.1 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Seen Over the Skies of Perry, Georgia on Afternoon of Trump Rally…

By Jim Hoft

Published September 28, 2021 at 8:10pm

We received this email on Monday:

Hello Jim, At the Perry Ga Trump rally Saturday at 4:49 pm I saw this and wanted to share with you. Something you will never see at a Biden rally, it’s encouraging to think God is with us and the cloud just formed that way.


We reached out to Tom and asked if he had any more photos of this phenomenon.

Tom responded today…

We analyzed these pictures and it turns out it was taken straight from Tom’s camera. Thanks Tom!


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e1ee67  No.14686086


This SHOULD be a good test case. The governments argument is basically that the only valid religious beliefs are ones that belong to an "approved" list of accepted religions, which they have controlled for centuries.

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d3d159  No.14686087

File: e06b449b089b5c7⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB, 852x480, 71:40, China_Not_an_Enemy.mp4)

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76157e  No.14686088

File: ccf5d7eea0e76f4⋯.jpg (112.64 KB, 448x442, 224:221, cashflip.jpg)

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8b892a  No.14686089

File: 9c79329f7ba1eb4⋯.jpg (508.49 KB, 1074x948, 179:158, Screenshot_20210929_094100….jpg)

File: c819a793b39d0e4⋯.jpg (81.13 KB, 537x474, 179:158, Buck_Cuck_Fuck.jpg)

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9f37ba  No.14686090


Biden, the sacrificial goat. He doesn't get the Ollie North body shield.

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d3d159  No.14686091

File: a558dd886641e77⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Senator_Tom_Cotton_tells_g….mp4)

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d44a03  No.14686092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Aaron Lewis was always a whiny cunt but he turned it around, finally, with this one. Did he sing this song too?

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e4686c  No.14686093

Turner to Milley: Those comments were in the press because that's where you put them.

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b18cca  No.14686094


The top level in no dementia Joe. It's the State Department.

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463545  No.14686095

File: 5d438ddc47a5fc7⋯.jpg (27.34 KB, 680x323, 40:19, 5d438ddc47a5fc7653a38564e7….jpg)

File: ed390084ecf097e⋯.jpg (63.72 KB, 1104x680, 138:85, ed390084ecf097e3e352c7f75e….jpg)

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4d02be  No.14686096

Programmed to keep fucking up?

Watch this go both ways, fegits

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48aef3  No.14686097

File: b320d51b7179a37⋯.jpeg (178.8 KB, 1241x774, 1241:774, E0529C05_B29F_4845_81B3_6….jpeg)

DHS really doesn’t want people from Afghanistan to be in the US, wonder what kind of info they have?


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8b892a  No.14686098



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773bae  No.14686099

File: 2def9d7992bbdc6⋯.png (120.47 KB, 180x255, 12:17, ClipboardImage.png)

I don't reckon I got any reason to kill anybody mhmmmmm

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d3d159  No.14686100

File: 2cda8672ca3a322⋯.jpg (74.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, brrrt.jpg)

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55b0f2  No.14686101

File: 102b576d7d7b6dd⋯.mp4 (327.39 KB, 320x568, 40:71, Who_s_running_the_governme….mp4)

Pelsoi acknowledges

Obama is the father of

6uild 6ack 6etter

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689c70  No.14686102

File: 76b1dfa051af3f4⋯.jpg (163.44 KB, 360x480, 3:4, 1e31bd95fd2c9aebca28dd.jpg)


see won't do what you tell me faggot.

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b41e31  No.14686103


slurp slurp

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aef151  No.14686104


One's own personal religious beliefs should be sufficient. Technically, they cannot stop you from being, establishing your own religion.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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a4884a  No.14686105


The Pentagram works with them to make the president powerless…..just ask Trump

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36eefb  No.14686106


Nosebleed from nasal swab?

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d3d159  No.14686107

File: 6fe02be1a72a056⋯.mp4 (780.58 KB, 480x852, 40:71, mixtape.mp4)

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2eeaf7  No.14686108


>What does he mumble at the end?

"Can't wait to get muh nails & rouge on when this is over."

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689c70  No.14686109


yup story was posted 2 breads ago.

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845794  No.14686110


can a nigga get a vid?

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a4884a  No.14686111

File: a389f0ed38349af⋯.jpeg (11.48 KB, 205x255, 41:51, professional_class_libera….jpeg)


the 'professional' class is the probelm

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e4686c  No.14686112

The State Department is CIA.

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48aef3  No.14686113

File: f2578f995d92244⋯.jpeg (416.95 KB, 1241x1762, 1241:1762, 5D45E189_6A32_4222_9FAB_D….jpeg)

Wait, wouldn’t that open Obama Admin up to all kinds of requests?


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f0ebfe  No.14686114


what are they going to do shoot it down

fucking land the bitch on an interstate

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76f92e  No.14686115

Judicial Watch


Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on "The Federalist Radio Hour" to discuss Clinton campaign & Democrat party lawyer Michael Sussmann's indictment by Special Counsel John Durham over ties to the anti-Trump smear operation.


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76f92e  No.14686116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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e1ee67  No.14686117



But we know the world is packed full of sheep that are only able to follow the herd.

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d3d159  No.14686118


REUTERS: DHS denies U.S. landing rights for charter plane carrying over 100 Americans and green card holders evacuated from Afghanistan

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55b0f2  No.14686119

Gabby Petito fam:

let's get matching tattoos then shift focus on to other missing cases…..

Makes perfect sense

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a4884a  No.14686120


that is why Kansas was able to run both so easily

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aef151  No.14686121


and the judicial system is entirely corrupt

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773bae  No.14686122


shits fake

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e54a7a  No.14686123


I would be truly heartbroken if it was ever announced that Kash was actually a bad guy.

He is awesome. I love him.

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7c754b  No.14686124

File: 07ea308c23a95c4⋯.jpg (17.34 KB, 218x227, 218:227, Piglosi.JPG)



Barak's Build Back Better

Who is this? Her face is wonky. Same stuttering, stammering, and witchy-spell hand waving, but the eyes look strange.

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d3d159  No.14686125

File: f4212919faa6b6a⋯.png (744.92 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. bars flight from landing with Americans from Kabul - activists

The Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday denied U.S. landing rights for a charter plane carrying more than 100 Americans and U.S. green card holders evacuated from Afghanistan, organizers of the flight said.

"They will not allow a charter on an international flight into a U.S. port of entry," Bryan Stern, a founder of non-profit group Project Dynamo, said of the department's Customs and Border Protection agency.

Stern spoke to Reuters from aboard a plane his group chartered from Kam Air, a private Afghan airline, that he said had been sitting for 14 hours at Abu Dhabi airport after arriving from Kabul with 117 people, including 59 children.

His group is one of several that emerged from ad hoc networks of U.S. military veterans, current and former U.S. officials and others that formed to bolster last month's U.S. evacuation operation they saw as chaotic and badly organized.

DHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

An administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said they were unfamiliar with the matter, but that the U.S. government typically takes time to verify the manifests of charter planes before clearing them to land in the United States.

U.S. President Joe Biden's administration has said its top priority is repatriating Americans and green card holders unable to leave Afghanistan in the U.S. evacuation operation last month.

A senior State Department official on Monday said the United States was aware of about 100 American citizens and legal permanent residents ready to leave Afghanistan.

Twenty-eight Americans, 83 green card holders and six people with U.S. Special Immigration Visas granted to Afghans who worked for the U.S. government during the 20-year war in Afghanistan were aboard the Kam Air flight, Stern said.

He had planned to transfer the passengers to a chartered Ethiopian Airlines plane for an onward flight to the United States that he said the Customs cleared to land at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City.

Customs then changed the clearance to Dulles International Airport outside Washington before denying the plane landing rights anywhere in the United States, he said.

"I have a big, beautiful, giant, humongous Boeing 787 that I can see parked in front of us," he said. "I have crew. I have food."

Stern said intermediaries in Kabul had obtained permission from the Taliban-run Afghan Civil Aviation Authority for the groups to send a charter flight to retrieve the passengers from Kabul airport.

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13d1bb  No.14686126

File: ca12b78371ac0ad⋯.jpeg (118.63 KB, 563x487, 563:487, ca12b78371ac0adfac484c570….jpeg)


Yep, he also defied DJT orders, droned an Afghan family, didn't act on the suicide bomber, 13 service members killed, contacting the Chinese a foreign enemy.

Who is Milley taking orders from?

Alex, I'll take 1000 for TREASON.

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463545  No.14686127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Entertainment is not just entertainment, it is adult education, consumer conditioning and social engineering. It is the principal mechanism employed by nation states to reliably influence social behavior.

The content of entertainment exerts significant, predictable effects on human behavior and belief systems and over the course and direction of future scientific, economic and moral evolution.

Entertainment directs popular attention, lends support to or selectively subverts social issues, fosters unity or division and incrementally enhances or gradually constricts collective cognitive capacity. “Entertainment” determines who we are, and who we will be.


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65e11e  No.14686128


The vaccine isn't the mark of the beast, but there are many out there sure trying to make it look that way with every fiber of their being. Set aside the fact that religious texts can be translated into just about anything you want, TPTB have made it 100% obvious that replacement is the current strategy, and vaccines most likely play into that strategy. People that are vaccinated are going to have health issues related to the vax later on, some will die as a result. Those unvaxxed might face a bit of isolation until the COVID narrative finally wears off (2-3 years?). The real issues are going to be all these immigrants imported directly into major cities, and subsequent Balkanization, on top of shortages that everyone's already rumor-mongering about. People quitting their jobs are doing their selves a disservice. Make them fire you. Then, you at least have recourse legally speaking.

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763834  No.14686129


Probably something along the lines of “fuck this shit for a laugh, my commander in chief is bating our enemy to push the nuclear button. Why the fuck am I left to deal with this TV personality….”

I mean…o7 US MI

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a4884a  No.14686130


some talking head has it on their site…bongino? plante?

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d3d159  No.14686131

File: 3ca7d27aaa6af83⋯.png (773.36 KB, 960x639, 320:213, ClipboardImage.png)


Afghan central bank drained dollar stockpile before Kabul fell

The Afghan central bank ran down most of its U.S. dollar cash reserves in the weeks before the Taliban took control of the country, according to an assessment prepared for Afghanistan's international donors, exacerbating the current economic crisis.

The confidential, two-page brief, written early this month by senior international economic officials for institutions including the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, said the country's severe cash shortage began before the Taliban took control of Kabul.

It criticised how the central bank's former leadership handled the crisis in the months before the Taliban's conquest, including decisions to auction unusually large amounts of U.S. dollars and move money from Kabul to provincial branches.

"FX (foreign exchange) reserves in CB's (central bank) vaults in Kabul have depleted, the CB cannot meet … cash requests," the report, seen by Reuters, said.

"The biggest source of the problem is the mismanagement at the central bank prior to the Taliban takeover," it added.

Shah Mehrabi, chairman of the central bank's audit committee who helped oversee the bank before the Taliban took over and is still in his post, defended the central bank's actions, saying it was trying to prevent a run on the local Afghani currency.

The extent of the cash shortage can be seen on the streets of Afghan cities, where people have been queuing for hours to withdraw dollar savings amid strict limits on how much they can take out.

Even before the shock of the Western-backed government's collapse, the economy was struggling, but the return of the Taliban and abrupt end of billions of dollars in foreign aid has left it in deep crisis.

Prices for staples like flour have spiralled while work has dried up, leaving millions facing hunger as winter approaches.


Under the previous government, the central bank relied on cash shipments of $249 million, delivered roughly every three months in boxes of bound $100 notes and stored in the vaults of the central bank and presidential palace, according to three people with direct knowledge of the matter.

That money has dried up as foreign powers shy away from dealing directly with the Taliban, which fought against foreign troops and the ousted government. Thousands of people - many of them civilians - died.

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d3d159  No.14686132


>Afghan central bank drained dollar stockpile before Kabul fell

The central bank, which plays a key role in Afghanistan because it distributes aid from countries like the United States, said on Wednesday it had finalised a plan to meet the country's foreign currency needs. It gave no details.

The hard currency crunch is making it difficult for the Taliban to meet basic needs, including paying for power or dispersing salaries to government employees, many of whom have not been paid in months.

Afghanistan's roughly $9 billion of offshore reserves were frozen as soon as the Taliban captured Kabul, leaving the central bank with just the cash in its vaults.

According to the report, the central bank auctioned off $1.5 billion between June 1 and Aug. 15 to local foreign exchange dealers, which it said was "strikingly high".

"By August 15, the Central Bank had an outstanding liability of $700 million and 50 billion Afghanis ($569 million) towards the commercial banks," it said, adding that this had been a major factor in emptying its coffers.

Afghan central bank official Mehrabi said, however, that although almost $1.5 billion of auctions had been announced, the actual amount sold was $714 million.

He said the central bank had "continued its foreign exchange auction to reduce the depreciation and inflation."


The report also questioned a decision by the central bank to shift some of its reserves to provincial branches, putting it at risk as Taliban militants made advances across the country from late 2020 in the runup to their victory.

It said around $202 million was kept in these branches at the end of 2020, compared with $12.9 million in 2019, and that the cash was not moved as provinces started to fall to the insurgents.

"Some money is reportedly lost (stolen) from 'some' of the provincial branches," the report said, without specifying how much.

Mehrabi said the central bank was investigating money "stolen" from three of its branches, although not by the Taliban. He gave no further details.

Former central bank governor Ajmal Ahmady, who left the country the day after Kabul fell, did not respond to emails and other messages requesting comment on his and the bank's actions in the months before the Taliban returned to power.

Ahmady has said on Twitter in recent weeks that he did his best to manage the situation, and blamed any cash shortfall on the freezing of central bank assets abroad.

In his statements, he also said the central bank had managed the economy well prior to the fall of Kabul and that he felt bad about leaving staff behind but feared for his safety. He has said no money was stolen from any reserve account.

($1 = 87.8700 Afghanis)

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6799ab  No.14686133

File: 2bc9765e7ad1421⋯.png (15.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7c2bfb1cc6d236c07a45e88ade….png)

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76f92e  No.14686134

File: 9091ab476fa273c⋯.png (471.27 KB, 774x676, 387:338, ClipboardImage.png)


>What does he mumble at the end?

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d364c5  No.14686135

File: 23fd8c2ee238af6⋯.png (320.27 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 119C6F77_C6C5_4B16_B14C_AC….png)

East coast anomaly

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f0ebfe  No.14686136


>One's own personal religious beliefs should be sufficient

That's what I am going with

Anyone else been turned away from business because you are not vAxed

I am starting to see the divide in my area

just wondering how long this two towns in one shit is gonna carry on

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7c754b  No.14686137


Just curious, are you going to force your theory every day?

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c9353d  No.14686138




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2eeaf7  No.14686139


That's PANIC!

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ed87fc  No.14686140




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8be720  No.14686141

File: 3047d94b9539607⋯.jpg (12.26 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9bd43d697eb9d6424522897b58….jpg)


guud luck wit dat vid



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9f37ba  No.14686142


"Look there, not here!". They're a bunch of Clintonista's recruited when she invaded NY. Probably showed up on Weiner's laptop contact list of Clinton Foundation "suppliers".

Gabby's mom is an "artist". Yeah, ok. Dad is a total fuck up & pedo. Look up his SM posts. He doesn't hide it.

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e4632f  No.14686143


shove your shill pill, cunt

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d44a03  No.14686144

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763834  No.14686145


Just Anon projecting their thoughts half the motherfucking time, doing research and getting PTSD in the goddamit process.

Any other Anons feel that Epstein’s slush fund should be redistributed to us? Kek. Not kek.

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a4884a  No.14686146

File: 57ad8aac70784f2⋯.png (950.2 KB, 976x650, 488:325, ClipboardImage.png)

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c0175a  No.14686147

File: 6ffd12dc6b9cc2f⋯.png (124.13 KB, 219x300, 73:100, Ellen_Van_Geest_Berends_21….png)

Ellen Berends: Michigan woman who posted about her cousin dying after Johnson & Johnson injection in April, dead five months after Pfizer mRNA injections


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e1ee67  No.14686148

File: 33c5ce2d4211039⋯.jpg (49.77 KB, 540x288, 15:8, ZomboMeme_08042021174955.jpg)

Chick on Bannon saying Katie Hobbs gonna be in jail soon.

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d3d159  No.14686149

File: 4439eb8f3d96f35⋯.png (905.42 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, ClipboardImage.png)

The confidential, two-page brief, written early this month by senior international economic officials for institutions including the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, said the country's severe cash shortage began before the Taliban took control of Kabul.

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48aef3  No.14686150


So thats why Trump said “you should hsve told us”, when Pompeo announced “Covid was all out war” (or something like that), at one of the covid WH briefings!

Why is the State Dept telling the military what to do? Was this only done under Bidan? Doubt it!

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b18cca  No.14686151


It works with those snakes in the military like Vindman. You know, the Nat. Sec advisors at the White House and all our embassies. 0bama started removing military decision making away from the Dept. of Defense to State (see Hillary & Kerry) Now it is back with a vengeance with Biden.

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355ceb  No.14686152

File: d86b4348ffff9c9⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Gonna be Biblical.

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d44a03  No.14686153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Monkey Werx 1 hour ago.

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aef151  No.14686154


Not yet, but there are places I'd like to go that are requiring it.

Was at the local Dept of Motor Vehicles the other day and they were requiring masks. Guy was protesting saying why did we get vaxed if we still have to wear masks? Kek.

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c0175a  No.14686155

File: 5a3701e6d52f5b1⋯.png (116.17 KB, 235x300, 47:60, Uncle_Bevan_Costello_235x3….png)

Bevan Costello: 65-year-old Australian indigenous elder receives second Pfizer mRNA injection during televised event, dead six days later


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c9353d  No.14686156


>Barak's Build Back Better

remember when she blabbed about going to North Korea ? Q said to archive offline. SHe went too far. She was offered missiles by NK General

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1e7485  No.14686157

File: 27181fcc52d845d⋯.png (662.08 KB, 600x800, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Stutter more

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d364c5  No.14686158

File: 23fd8c2ee238af6⋯.png (320.27 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 7250C41E_595D_4A67_8CA3_95….png)

East Coast Anomalous Radar

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fb483d  No.14686159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Guise, did you know that Miss Gabby Petito, star of what appears to be the latest False Flag perpetrated by the clowns and MSM, is connected to the Sandy Hook, um, "event"? In 2013 she and her two brothers appeared in a video that appears to be propaganda meant to convince the masses that Sandy Hook was real. Has the Remington company been given the purported victims' school records yet? Was the school even operational at the time?

Is anyone surprised to see that Gabby Petito was involved? I read yesterday that one of the visitors to Obama's White House was a Gabrielle Petito, and that there were 11 references to Petito people visiting during the occupancy of our presidency by Obama.

Here's the link to the video, guise: https://youtu.be/bE7ygCA3C0g

I'll post a couple of stills in a follow-up. Thought you all should know that she's connected, and this only seems to underscore how fake the Gabby thing is this year. I kinda knew it once I realized how hard the MSM was pushing the story. Essentially if they're pushing something, I know it's fake. BRB….

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76f92e  No.14686160

File: 3f43881d684bde4⋯.png (531.23 KB, 620x370, 62:37, ClipboardImage.png)


Lets go, lets go

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ed87fc  No.14686161

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d364c5  No.14686162

File: 78db6f5024e161a⋯.png (950.81 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, 934258A9_C5BE_4C6A_A3A7_FE….png)

Zoom Out

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e4686c  No.14686163


Was it Pompeo that said it was an 'exercise'? I can't remember.

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d3d159  No.14686164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>65-year-old Australian indigenous elder receives second Pfizer mRNA injection during televised event, dead six days later


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9fe548  No.14686165


Yes. I think it's necessary to consider the possibility of China being used as a scapegoat on the Covid shit. Russia wasn't working any more. Covid was DS/dems plot to take over power. All accoutrements of the plot, like masks, continuing lockdowns, tests, vaccines are just to seed divisional promotion issues amongst the populace. (It's certainly fucking working.)

My take is Trump would have been in a worse position had he kiboshed the steal and won. Good guy plan all along was to withdraw from any prominent front and go to asymmetrical warfare. Dems have no other pathway than to fuck things up. If that is the case, then Milley could have been given the go ahead by the good guys to connect with the Chinese and assure them the good guys had any Bidan/Pelosi nuke threat under control.

Really helps explain why Pelosi and Harris wanted the nuke codes in early February. Military shut Bidan off.

Doesn't explain the Afghanistan disaster, to me, though, except maybe that there's a political faction in the military kissing ass trying to make rank who got to Bidan, and the resistance military couldn't engage in Afghanistan for some strategic reason. Could be why Milley isn't resigning; it wasn't his fuck up.

Trying to process the Milley comment that there was no Trump threat, and have to look at other vectors to try to come up with a good hunch.

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fb483d  No.14686166

File: 13413cde60fab43⋯.png (272.68 KB, 845x693, 845:693, Petito2.png)

File: 3059d32fbe91e6d⋯.png (243.42 KB, 853x697, 853:697, Petito.png)


Here are a couple of still photos from the video. Same girl. Different hoax.

Pass it on.

Holy False Flag, Batman!

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424751  No.14686167


POTUS hasn't been CoC of US Military for many years.


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689c70  No.14686168


would not oppose.

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48aef3  No.14686169


Yes something like that, use of military language

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9f37ba  No.14686170


You don't need to claim religious exemption either. The Supreme Court fight is going to be about PERSONAL PROPERTY, meaning you, & I, as American citizens, OWN our body, & that is private fkn property.

WE ARE THE GOLD. Each American citizen is property & that property belongs to you.

Sue the hell out of every job trying to force you, tell every person who tries to impose their petty tyranny to go fuck themselves.

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c0175a  No.14686171

File: 4d8cc2119d06af2⋯.png (119.61 KB, 262x300, 131:150, Willie_Garson_262x300.png)

Willie Garson: “Sex and the City” actor calls non-vaxxed people “ignorant morons,” dead five months after potential Pfizer mRNA-induced cancer


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76f92e  No.14686172


>Sandy Hook

Invasion of the Bodysnatchers scenario

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d44a03  No.14686173

File: 40afd7faad97ee2⋯.jpg (699.04 KB, 758x556, 379:278, 40afd7faad97ee2a9c32ddd235….jpg)

File: 48d35f0a4a932f2⋯.png (15.42 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c8fe3d13a1231b74a1e9eb6367….png)

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a4884a  No.14686174

File: 2a24324642af2d8⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 103x222, 103:222, 180c592e59e61188cd1f26b0b5….jpg)


never understood that meme…that is… until listening to the show ; Hobbs is yet another unattractive 'woman' taking out their disappointment with life out on everyone around them…..part of the Tranny Tyranny agenda

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424751  No.14686175


simply a distraction from AZ audit results.

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d3d159  No.14686176

File: 0dd10f252cc5500⋯.png (658.37 KB, 862x485, 862:485, ClipboardImage.png)



Aboriginal elders and teenagers are leading the push to get more people in Queensland's Indigenous communities vaccinated.

Cherbourg elder Uncle Bevan Costello this week received his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

"I feel more confident now that I'm fully vaccinated that if I come into contact with COVID I should be OK because I'm a diabetic," Uncle Bevan said.

Figures released earlier this week showed only 4.6 per cent of the Cherbourg population aged over 15 were fully vaccinated.

It's among the lowest vaccination rates in the nation.


Elders and teens from Queensland's Indigenous communities push back against vaccine hesitancy to boost immunisation rates

9 Sep 2021

Aboriginal elders and teenagers are leading the push to get more people in Queensland's Indigenous communities vaccinated, but the biggest challenge is dispelling myths and misinformation about the vaccine.

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that the following content contains images of people who have died.

Cherbourg elder Uncle Bevan Costello this week received his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

"I feel more confident now that I'm fully vaccinated that if I come into contact with COVID I should be OK because I'm a diabetic," Uncle Bevan said.

Figures released earlier this week showed only 4.6 per cent of the Cherbourg population aged over 15 were fully vaccinated.

It's among the lowest vaccination rates in the nation.

"A lot of my people have been hesitant because of a misunderstanding of the information, mostly on social media," Uncle Bevan said.

Mixed messaging about the AstraZeneca vaccine and other myths circulating online were partly to blame.

Katie Panaretto from the Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service said staff were working closely with the Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council to address the vaccine hesitancy.

She believes sentiment is changing now that Pfizer is the only vaccine being offered in the community.

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374c71  No.14686177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4d02be  No.14686178

Tough luck Agent Smith, I have overwrite protection set to ON

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d3d159  No.14686179

File: 56d3378d5f318b0⋯.png (512.22 KB, 862x575, 862:575, ClipboardImage.png)


Katie Panaretto has been working to address vaccine myths and fears among Cherbourg locals.

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8b892a  No.14686180

File: c2f3931f6727080⋯.jpeg (80.52 KB, 780x508, 195:127, 030127_F_9999G_002.jpeg)

While these Cucks claim that BAGRAM AIRBASE couldn't be held with the "Drawdown" (Aka RETREAT), I would like to point out the fact that Bragram was protected for over 2-Decades by approximately 200-300 USAF SECURITY FORCES DEFENDERS. We owned the Battle Space efficiently and effectively for over 7,300 days as a matter of record. (Public Media, DOD & National Archives)

I would personally like to extend a hearty and vehement GO FUCK YOURSELVES to these LYING TRAITORS!





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55b0f2  No.14686181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stephanie Grisham reptilian eyes at the G20.

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e4686c  No.14686182

Garamendi: …the most awesome and successful evacuation of civilians ever in the history of this world.

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0df8f2  No.14686183


Didn't Q say ask about the possibility of Trump working with Russia and China to take [them] down?

If so then there must have been a line of communication between the USA, Russia and China in order to coordinate against [them]..

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aef151  No.14686184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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76f92e  No.14686185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yahoo News

WATCH LIVE: US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Texas’ abortion ban


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f0ebfe  No.14686186



I agree with this observation

seems plain as day, they want a new serf class

and middle class here is not going to go for it

so they need ded

this is why no vAxe for immigrants at the border

no vAxe for the plane loads of unvetted Afghans they are drop shipping to every state

no vAxe for the Postal Union workers ( already programmed serfs that are proven to be controlled)

no vAxe for the Congress Slime

no vAxe for the elite who will never be checked or have proof of any vAxe verified

nope just vAxe for the middle class whose money and life they stole and who are wanting the billions of dollars of entitlements they paid for that have long ago been pilfered away by the corruptocrats in DC

if they ded, they don't need paid, and all the new blood suckers are to prime the pump again

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d3d159  No.14686187

File: 98b495e375ce681⋯.png (85.17 KB, 509x433, 509:433, ClipboardImage.png)


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13d1bb  No.14686188

File: 786b07072cd1836⋯.png (642.38 KB, 806x736, 403:368, Screen_Shot_2021_09_29_at_….png)

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2415e3  No.14686189

File: 95dca65a69ad9d7⋯.jpg (16.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 47251562546323f477ed2b6ebc….jpg)


it is like how a bladder infection comes raging back on you when you tried penicillin the first time and now you got to use ciprofloxacin… and almost kill yourself in the process, and quite possible experience some kind of lasting damage

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0df8f2  No.14686190


Was he in a fake, made up room in a studio when he took his booster shot too?

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355ceb  No.14686191

File: d844544502aa703⋯.png (5.44 MB, 2558x1176, 1279:588, ClipboardImage.png)


Well, he didn't succeed in pulling down the whole diseased temple.

But at least he knew it was diseased and something had to be done about it.

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48aef3  No.14686192


The story behind all of this needs to come out, something very sinister happened in Afghanistan, probly plane fulls of cash, of much worse

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7c754b  No.14686193


>Doesn't explain the Afghanistan disaster

It appears that [THEY] need a way to get rid of Bidan. Millie vanilli throwing Bidan under the bus just might do it.

(Although, maybe the white hats are keeping him there for a reason?)

Whatever the script is, it's all coming together. They can stall and delay only so long.

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617a34  No.14686194



Do you trust downloading any of that from a guy who trapped everyone by capturing their files??

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2eeaf7  No.14686195

File: a1c7b91ddea4d92⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1140x1437, 380:479, b3208737fa5bf1228441ca84e4….png)

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b18cca  No.14686196


I remember his using the word hot. Like things are hot, we're in a hot situation, something like that.

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94f147  No.14686197

File: 9bd310013bf5831⋯.png (439.08 KB, 666x376, 333:188, psaki_tongue.png)


>Stephanie Grisham reptilian eyes at the G20.

She's got that Psaki reptilian tongue action going there also.

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d3d159  No.14686198


>What does he mumble at the end?

by the highest levels of our government

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2415e3  No.14686199


the budget was last balanced in 1969….was it before that?

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fb483d  No.14686200


Exactly. [THEY] always seem to recycle their crisis actors for their bullshit, and even now, in 2021, after all of us Q faggots have demonstrated how tirelessly we'll dig into their bullshit, [THEY] still haven't changed up their script at all.

It reminds me of how they used a guy named David Burke aka Colonel Mustard in the Living Room With the Candlestick to magically be connected to all three of the Kennedy boyz (i.e., President John F. Kennedy, then Robert F. Kennedy, then Senator Ted Kennedy) at the time that each one of the Central Bank-hating Kennedy boys was in or was about to enter into a position of power.

Research David W. Burke. He was an "aide" to all three Kennedy BoyZ when they each had "bad luck," and after Ted's hopes for the presidency were destroyed by Chappaquiddick, Burke was given the lofty position of Vice President of ABC News, followed by a stint as President of CBS News.

His son, by the way, is a clown named @OwenBurke on Twatter.

Seems like [THEY] just keep moving their clown pieces around into places where they're needed most, and this Gabby Petito thing just seems to be the latest. . . .

Dig lads. Dig. Let's keep digging.

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e12fc6  No.14686201

File: 876a15eded9cb8b⋯.png (440.21 KB, 650x571, 650:571, dieselboarding.png)

File: 86445ea021700c4⋯.jpg (25.1 KB, 529x462, 529:462, photo_2021_09_29_10_59_21.jpg)

For all incoming detainees, pick your poison, memes.

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82ea20  No.14686202




Happy hunting anons

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689c70  No.14686203

File: b916f6bc2c87fe9⋯.jpg (782.48 KB, 1015x670, 203:134, xzqgjz1zff.jpg)

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7c754b  No.14686204



Crisis Initiated Actors

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845794  No.14686205


she drunk

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424751  No.14686206

the consequence of her publicity has twice been against citizen control of principalities

1. Increased pressure for gun control

2. Decreased pressure for election integrity

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95a2fc  No.14686207



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2eeaf7  No.14686208

File: 22775e5e7655bb7⋯.jpg (33.2 KB, 644x322, 2:1, illuminati_signs_obama_dou….jpg)

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e54a7a  No.14686209

File: 48cb6b440a43942⋯.jpeg (73.59 KB, 450x818, 225:409, gayboi.jpeg)

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355ceb  No.14686210


The rug was pulled out from under the C!A.

But Whitehats are making it look like it was a big mistake.

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2415e3  No.14686211

File: 236fc24be8736bf⋯.png (275.49 KB, 517x396, 47:36, 88c9073253973d4b7abcb9f8f0….png)

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1a9c16  No.14686212

File: cb4cfd2cb07aff0⋯.png (250.63 KB, 342x455, 342:455, aka.png)


That's a bitch hon.

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ad2360  No.14686213


thunbs out = ASL

thumbs in = hail satan

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2eeaf7  No.14686214

File: 4db34f319f2509e⋯.png (467.88 KB, 634x441, 634:441, 5fe7d534d5198a72e9eb1fd167….png)

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845794  No.14686215



Pompeo: "This is a live exercise"

Trump: "Now you tell us"

referring to the press conference starting

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82ea20  No.14686216



Correlation? Evergiven cargo belongs to who? Evergreen incorporation under who? Dig time.

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d3d159  No.14686217



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9f37ba  No.14686218


Damn right. Great song. o7

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e54a7a  No.14686219


Remember when the President of Afghanistan left the Country with 169 Million dollars?

Then the next day, it was reported that the MIL "rescued" 169 "American Citizens" from a Hotel?

That was never talked about again…No one said who was among those 169 "people".

I think 100% that was COMMS.

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e4686c  No.14686220

Speier blaming President Trump in her first sentence spoken.

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48aef3  No.14686221


He was under oath, he supposedly couldnt lie but he did, he sayd he reported his calls to Miller, and both Miller and Kash said they didnt know about these phone calls. Milley is not a great liar

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6799ab  No.14686222


Almost like they are trapped

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b18cca  No.14686223


No different than Kiev. Kabul embassy was a corrupt wonderland for the money changers. How much of that $2+ trillions went into the pockets of corrupt Americans busy protecting us Americans putting their lives on the line at foreign hotspots? Masha Yovanovitch anyone?

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7c754b  No.14686224


>Didn't Q say ask about the possibility of Trump working with Russia and China to take [them] down?

Yes, I remember something like that.

Brings a curious point to the last part of the drop. CDC flying blind? Making up numbers? As are ALL country's with Lockdown shit ongoing? When the truth comes out, the WORLD will know their Country's Traitors Clearly?


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2415e3  No.14686225

File: 9aaa3f1f51930c2⋯.png (26.01 KB, 768x167, 768:167, ClipboardImage.png)




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b5791b  No.14686226

File: c27302f7e8c93fb⋯.jpg (325.28 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20210929_100939….jpg)


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845794  No.14686227

File: 5ecbd316fcc62f5⋯.png (7.89 KB, 255x141, 85:47, bidenvsbidan.png)


Bidan being removed would be a red pill for millions of normies/trottels

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94f147  No.14686228

File: 488b61bc9aaa857⋯.png (195.99 KB, 382x369, 382:369, pshaki.png)

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617a34  No.14686229



The Afghanistan withdrawal was Trumps plan and it was essentially Bloodless. Yes Thirteen marines died supposedly but it could also be symbolic of the Thirteen Bloodline Families dying. It did look like an inflatable plane at Kabul Airport with no exhaust blowing out. IDK, maybe Milley is taking a hit publicly but did let China know there was no nuclear threat.

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aef151  No.14686230


Ye, The Clash was the best. Used to be you could learn a lot from listening to the radio.

RIP Joe Strummer, killed by the CIA quick cancer.

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317f3f  No.14686231

File: 4d5054203514ad2⋯.png (387.4 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 4d5054203514ad2feafb216829….png)


Bidan being removed and THEN "dying" of the booster would be an even bigger red pill.

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c0175a  No.14686232

File: 57ba6c659230284⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB, 640x1138, 320:569, QZnxp0Ugp_Jyka_Y.mp4)

Crying 11 year old girl handcuffed for not wearing a mask in Sydney


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339f95  No.14686233


are you smearing Trump with the deaths of 13 ?

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b0ad96  No.14686234

File: a2dbe05b79a44ee⋯.jpg (420 KB, 1080x1890, 4:7, 20210929_101227.jpg)

Uh oh

Coverage of Gabby Petito case leads to apparent discovery of another body


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d3d159  No.14686235

File: 7da7ec65cd270d0⋯.png (257.15 KB, 350x350, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>I think 100% that was COMMS.



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82ea20  No.14686236


'The Military is the only way'

Whose Military?

Nothing can stop what is coming.

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845794  No.14686237


plastic surgery can't change the shape of a forehead

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ee8ba5  No.14686238


I believe you are on the right track, anon. On Afghanistan, I still think that what went down was a complete draining of the DS clown network there. I know that Trump and the Military undertook a massive bombing campaign (the Monday after the alleged Saturday morning Marine/Ospreys raid on Langley where servers confiscated showing GPS mapping of all opium/heroin processing, manufacturing and C&C targets) to degrade the DS drug running operations there. However, the DS network still remained entrenched.

At the same time, I believe that there has been a major White Hat psyop underway concerning ALL NEWS coming out of Afghanistan since the alleged Taliban offensive. Couple that with a "counter psyop" by fake news and the DS/mil and no one knows what exactly in hell has been going on there. A true disinfo/misinfo food fight playing out even now as the generals testify on the Hill.

Whatever the truth, keeping China and Iran from gaining foothold should be a major priority.

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e12fc6  No.14686239


Crimes against kiddies, he won't get an option, lurid details will be announced, and the actor gets the rap.

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845794  No.14686240



I had this exact thought a couple days ago

Then people would reject the annual boosters that [THEY] have in store for us

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ad2360  No.14686241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






he said LIVE exercise Mar 20, 2020

1:08 in vid

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82ea20  No.14686242

The Cabal has no path to victory. Red October.

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96185d  No.14686243


>The vaccine isn't the mark of the beast

I can easily make the argument that it is.

The new testament is written in ancient Greek.

The ancient Greek word "cheiros" means both hand and arm and can be found in that use in the works of Homer.

The ancient Greek word "metopon" basically means behind/between/after the eyes.

Currently this is taken as between or above the eyes but could also be behind, where the mind is located, so this could equally mean showing allegiance to the beast as well as any physical mark.

I'm definitely not going to take your word for it over the Bible, so there is no convincing.

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339f95  No.14686244


sound when out on Millie on that answer.

she is pushing Millie to answer and he is avoiding that he warned chyna?

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76157e  No.14686245

File: de1ee8595b41b15⋯.jpg (123.02 KB, 429x467, 429:467, joechild.jpg)

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6799ab  No.14686246

File: f029b6f964c0367⋯.jpeg (35.03 KB, 455x355, 91:71, download_5_.jpeg)


Hunting grounds?

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339f95  No.14686247

Millie couldn't weasel out of that one…

he warned our enemy

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d3d159  No.14686248



President Joe Biden first spoke of the mission during an address on Friday, in which he described “military assets” bringing Americans “over the wall” of the airport.

“… the original plan was for the Americans to gather themselves up at the Baron [Hotel] and walk through the Abbey gate. The gate is right here. So you can see from the hotel to the gate,” Kirby said. “… but there was a large crowd established outside the Abbey gate ― a crowd, that, that not everybody had confidence in, in terms of their ability to walk through it. And so, local commanders on the scene took the initiative and flew these helicopters out there to pick them up.”

Three Army CH-47 Chinooks fetched the Americans from a landing zone at the hotel, Kirby said, then dropped them at the airport for processing. He could not confirm whether they had since been flown out of Afghanistan.

The extraction was the first time U.S. officials have confirmed that troops have been operating outside the walls of the airport.

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9fe548  No.14686249


>“Covid was all out war”

Could be a purely internecine political war. Dems waged it to assume and hold power. State would have priority in that situation because they would have to keep allies informed of events and prognoses on the diplomatic end.

Military's role would be protection in case enemies took advantage of this major internal political issue to attack the US. Politics is not there mission in this situation.

You would possibly, though, have politically ambitious military siding with the dems, as you would have government employees and appointees. Rumor of Trump lawyer telling him to quit, fits here. Those who decided their future was better with the dem plan bailed. Count judges in on that, as well. ACB, for example, had to decide to endure constant harassment, including her family, from dem flunkies, or being disliked and ignored by MAGA.

Events have to be initiated now that starkly divides those who decided politically from those who decided ethically. We're getting closer to the point where we shake the trees on the political side to see who falls out.

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617a34  No.14686250



Like Ashley Babbit are the deaths Theatrical? Its hard to tell for me.

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13be93  No.14686251

File: e570f1f142beea1⋯.png (519.91 KB, 631x480, 631:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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e12fc6  No.14686252


If people knowingly got a chip in them, that would be plausible, not for a vax they had no idea of what it was. Most of this is to teach the masses never have blind faith in medicine. Re: mark of the beast.

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24810e  No.14686253

File: b555df3893d2f1c⋯.mp4 (13.14 MB, 854x480, 427:240, General_Mil_Li_Code_Red.mp4)

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317f3f  No.14686254

File: a2969cde8d92bcf⋯.mp4 (10.54 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Routers.mp4)

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76157e  No.14686255

File: c7892552148cf16⋯.jpeg (407.18 KB, 676x1024, 169:256, frogno.jpeg)

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d3d159  No.14686256

File: 59cc05c207f4d19⋯.png (124.95 KB, 387x438, 129:146, ClipboardImage.png)


> https://nypost.com/2021/09/29/gabby-petito-search-uncovers-another-missing-persons-remains/

Coverage of Gabby Petito case leads to apparent discovery of another body

The intense coverage of the Gabby Petito case has helped bring apparent closure to the family of a Texas man who went missing in Wyoming, where the Long Island native’s body was found, according to a report.

The last trace from Robert Lowery, 46, a father of two from Houston, was reportedly a ping from his cellphone in Jackson on Aug. 23.

Lowery was seen on video from Aug. 19 at a restaurant at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in Teton Village. He was last spotted the following day in Bridger-Teton National Forest, where Petito’s body was found Sept. 19, CNN reported, citing the Teton County Sheriff’s Office.

On Tuesday, remains matching Lowery’s description were discovered near the Black Canyon Trail at the base of Teton Pass, Houston’s KPRC-TV reported.



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13be93  No.14686257

File: 103c2f60eb423cc⋯.png (459.49 KB, 372x480, 31:40, ClipboardImage.png)

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339f95  No.14686258

what do you call a person who promises our no. 1 enemy that he will warn them of imminent attacks?

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044f94  No.14686259


according to wiki he died of a congenital heart defect.

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48aef3  No.14686260

Yes, It is Possible to Pray for Joe Biden. Kekkity

September 27, 2021 | Sundance |

Many people struggle with this issue. However, it is entirely possible to pray for Joe Biden….

Psalm 109:8

May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

Psalm 109:8


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82ea20  No.14686261

The Cabal is in the bunker. Where is the Bunker? Who is the Cabal? Where is the last place on Earth to run and hide for Cabal players who refused to flip? Ever**** was the last stand. Red October

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e12fc6  No.14686262


Ole' Hill hiding her co-horts, just how big is that thang down there?

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48aef3  No.14686263

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317f3f  No.14686264


>The Military is the only way

…to vaxx everyone.

Those who swore an Oath to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

"I was just following orders" doesn't protect anyone.

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13be93  No.14686265

File: ee3d0710d8a5370⋯.png (524.39 KB, 481x480, 481:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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c0175a  No.14686266



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76157e  No.14686267


just a little

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ce27db  No.14686268


>script haxx

>pig in mirror is closer than it appears

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13be93  No.14686269

File: e5f7a53cd48a2ab⋯.png (757.29 KB, 531x480, 177:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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e1ee67  No.14686270

File: bb0b5feb96dec00⋯.jpg (44.36 KB, 715x450, 143:90, ZomboMeme_29092021111956.jpg)

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f8b090  No.14686271


Makes me wonder what’s really in this container ships off the coasts.

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13be93  No.14686272

File: 7b7d34aeb4f2b7a⋯.png (159 KB, 351x480, 117:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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845794  No.14686273


I believe there was another time Pompeo said "live exercise"

It was at the beginning of a press conference

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4f1340  No.14686274

File: ce3178a6b11af0d⋯.png (782.15 KB, 720x637, 720:637, Hills_are_alive_with.png)


>stop using that image

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339f95  No.14686275

Millie just dug his own grave.

Rep Hartzler is the first one to get his ire up

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31049f  No.14686276


NOTABLEbecause the 2013 date of this video ties right in with the references to White House visitors with the last name of Petito who went there during Obama's tenure. Wasn't there a name of Gabrielle Petito on the White House Visitors Log?

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94f147  No.14686277

File: bb25f891e5a4ad6⋯.png (466.08 KB, 626x1193, 626:1193, 2021_09_29_11_18_52.png)


Depopulate is her game.

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e4686c  No.14686278

Hartzler: Is it true that the suicide bomber that attacked the Kabul airport on August 23rd was a CIA prisoner, at the Bagram airbase, that the Taliban released after the Biden Administration left Bagram in July?

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e12fc6  No.14686279


Trojans???? Could be.

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d3d159  No.14686280

For he never thought to show kindness, but pursued the poor and needy and brokenhearted, even to their death.

The cursing that he loved, may it fall on him; the blessing in which he refused to delight, may it be far from him.

The cursing that he wore like a coat, may it soak into his body like water, and into his bones like oil.

May it be like a robe wrapped about him, like a belt tied forever around him.

May this be the LORD’s reward to my accusers, to those who speak evil against me.

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6799ab  No.14686281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good Luck,

Mother Fuckers!

We're not gonna take it!

Veritas Aequitas


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48aef3  No.14686282


This gov and all in it, should fall and never be restored. If there are any good souls they should recreate a government “for the people and by the people”, all our problems arise from this being ignored

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d5cf60  No.14686283

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 320x320, 1:1, budan_brain_surgery.mp4)


I do believe the mRk is in their handas they distribute it

And they focus on getting in your head to get you to compile

Speaking of devil agendas

How about a head wound?

Bidan is the antichrist.

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339f95  No.14686284

oh please,

Millie wants fingertip touch on measuring intangibles.

what a jackass

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76157e  No.14686285

File: 24836e51b95c65a⋯.jpg (230.5 KB, 680x510, 4:3, obamagate.jpg)

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845794  No.14686286



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b0ad96  No.14686287


Likely. Remember Ranger Betty.

Also the location

Something there is very bad

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0df8f2  No.14686288

File: 2e8c2c4138bd6f5⋯.png (378.74 KB, 1208x1739, 1208:1739, UKStatus_of_Covid19.png)


>Making up numbers?

Making them up and the media hyping them to create fear in order to pain the population into complying to future 'vaccinations' which is what is going to end up causing many more unnecessary deaths..

I still go back to the beginning where the UK government states that covid is a low risk mortality as of March 2020. This status still stands so why all the hype since then when the status hasn't been upgraded to something more comparative to the 'threat'? Acting like the population of the world is about to be wiped out when the government is saying there is a low risk of mortality?? Of course they haven't publicised this..

I've posted this on facebook in response to various 'covid kills, get vaccinated' propaganda and it gets ripped apart like you wouldn't believe..

A major government is telling the world that the risk of mortality is low. What else do we need to know.?


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e3b414  No.14686289


>Chick on Bannon saying Katie Hobbs gonna be in jail soon.

Recently endorsed by Trump candidate for governor, Kari Lake

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07556a  No.14686290

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Landser - Hey jew

Hey Jew, don't tell me lies

about gas chambers in Auschwitz

six million sleaze's are alive

as their circumcised sons, ugly daughters and wives

Hey Jew, the new Reich is here

and this time, it is for real

we have to stop your worldwide desecration of man

you're Satan's Spawn, and not the chosen

Hey Jew, in your Synagogue

preaching hatred for the Gentile

remember, we know what you're up to, you Jew

Zionism is Communism, there's no denial

Hey Jew, you hooked-nosed Kike

with your dreams of World domination

we'll fight, until the glorious end

and this end, is your extermination

Hey Jew, please stay away

I don't need you to cry at my shoulder

now I know, what you're all about

now that I am just a little bit older

Hey Jew, don't tell me lies

about the gas chambers in Auschwitz

six million Kikes are still alive

with their fucking children, and ugly wifes

haa-haa-haa-ha-ha-ha, haa-ha….

" K

" E


Holocauster E












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4f1340  No.14686291


>What does he mumble at the end?

"There goes my book deal"

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e4686c  No.14686292

Milley: I would never tip off any enemy to any kind of surprise thing we are going to do.

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82ea20  No.14686293

What if you actually derive your nutrition and spiritual needs from the extractions of trafficked children? What if you [Cabal] spent 6000 years developing supply lines and processing centers then suddenly in a period of 4 years it (supply lines) was all destroyed / removed?


Those that know can't sleep.

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8b892a  No.14686294

File: 3145395e180f5fb⋯.jpg (89.52 KB, 830x552, 415:276, DEEP_STATE_REVEALED.jpg)

True Fact:

AAR's (After Action Reviews) & L² (Lessons Learned) are Code for NEVER GONNA LOOK AT IT.

Funny how they're blaming President Trump for his Afghanistan decisions as if he never expected to be reelected. They're revealing themselves at every step….


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48aef3  No.14686295


Yes thats what he said, Trump’s mouth got angry looking and he whisperedyou should have told us

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ad2360  No.14686296

File: c8cb6cd04ff0f91⋯.png (267.37 KB, 278x350, 139:175, ClipboardImage.png)



>I believe

do you see what i did?

i believed something so i researched and provided evidence thet my belief was correct.


because the R in QR stands for research.

dont you just hate it when gamer kids & bored housewives get on here and sperge their unsauced theories just to seem relevant?

yeah, me too

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b18cca  No.14686297


NO WAY is MIlley a white hat. He's always been a suck-up 'tard. btw: Much of your post makes sense.

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845794  No.14686298

File: 5f17865791e29ee⋯.jpg (18.7 KB, 191x255, 191:255, obamachinagirl.jpg)

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d3d159  No.14686299

File: 4f3cf756adee8ad⋯.png (410.69 KB, 1066x800, 533:400, ClipboardImage.png)


>Makes me wonder what’s really in this container ships off the coasts.



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50c39c  No.14686300

#18573: NOTABLES

>> 14683648 Parental Rant at a Board Meeting (60 secs)

>> 14683690 Sydney Powell interview: says MIL and INTEL have been running elections for 20 years

>> 14683760 Whistleblower: Mayorkas Threatening to Terminate Border Patrol if not Vaxxed by Nov.

>> 14683770 Patriot Joe Rogan Exposes The Truth In EPIC Video

>> 14683775 COVFEFE and Petroleum-NOT a fossil fuel, but a naturally reoccurring product

>> 14683788 “Record-High” Coral Coverage across the Great Barrier Reef: Claims of Impending Extinction Proven False

>> 14683879 MANY cancers can be treated with IVERMECTIN, straight from the horses mouth. NIH gov

>> 14683912 Vaccine Death Report reveals a horrifying reality: MILLIONS died from Covid injections

>> 14683949 PF report

>> 14684054 Parasites and Covid-FDA link

>> 14684172 Parasite Pill link: https://files.catbox.moe/9rbtxh.pdf

>> 14684166 CodeMonkey COMMS TEST

>> 14684208 USARMY TWEET: Planning a large-scale Army exercise requires teamwork and collaboration.

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94f147  No.14686301

File: 543efcd5ca8d4fb⋯.gif (499.18 KB, 500x417, 500:417, the_truth.gif)


>Millie just dug his own grave.

>Rep Hartzler is the first one to get his ire up

Here it comes?

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48aef3  No.14686302


It was a covid briefing, i watched all of them

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2eeaf7  No.14686303

File: fff062e41f7f32a⋯.jpg (161.44 KB, 599x404, 599:404, fff062e41f7f32a5dd1b94452b….jpg)



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e4632f  No.14686304


>it's necessary to consider the possibility


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845794  No.14686305

File: 06141dad4a2adfc⋯.jpg (102.87 KB, 599x1024, 599:1024, childtraffickingadrenochro….jpg)

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fb8113  No.14686306


Interesting about this guy is he also appeared as a character named Martin Lloyd in Stargate SG-1, and an episode from season 10 (Called 200), and knowing what we know now, they do it right in front of our faces. Symbolysm. And given that the DoD, Airforce, And Space command had oversight of the production, who knows what's actually real.

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48aef3  No.14686307


Thanks for finding that anon

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651ca2  No.14686308

File: 5a65472844442cf⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1040x650, 8:5, 13_07_49.png)

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bb22a6  No.14686309


Speaking of whiny cunts, why are you still shilling corporal?

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ad2360  No.14686310

File: 53092b21e732e8d⋯.png (187.16 KB, 888x320, 111:40, ClipboardImage.png)



hope this didnt take you long to do

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96185d  No.14686311


It doesn't need to be a chip, it just needs to be a mark.

It could be a luciferase dye marker, a magnetic clump of skin, a distinctive vax scar, obvious blood clotting or any other visually obvious result.

This is how Satan claims you as his. God isn't picky about how you claim allegiance.

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ad2360  No.14686312

File: 8e3a4f7c8219531⋯.png (15.41 KB, 150x150, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4686c  No.14686313

Scott: We have gotten no assistance from the State Department to move them [from Tajikistan]…We have people in Uzbekistan …the State Department ignored them.

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82ea20  No.14686314

I'm shocked we haven't seen any Milley Vanille memes yet.

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f92877  No.14686315


Ask those assholes in BO's discord to collect them, they are the ones locking up the bake and doing constant ebakes while banning anyone who has anything meaningful to contribute.

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e4632f  No.14686316


so is Bancel's wife

she wrote a blog about it, for some reason

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9fe548  No.14686317


> Yes Thirteen marines died supposedly but it could also be symbolic of the Thirteen Bloodline Families dying

Not going to go there, anon.

More likely military ass kissers got Bidan's ear and they cooked up a timing plan to make the Afghanistan draw down a political home run for Joe's 911 speeches.

Timing means they were on a schedule the Taliban knew about, too. Taliban struck when the striking was good, and Bidan couldn't afford to have any major military operations going on 911. Bidan's a political shitbag. There's a reason he got jacked by the families at Dover. Going with Occam on this.

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e54a7a  No.14686318

ANOTHER mention of a DIFFERENT group of "169 people"

Such a strange number to be used multiple times for different things in regards to Afghanistan

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96185d  No.14686319


Dead man walking

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0df8f2  No.14686320

File: 2e8c2c4138bd6f5⋯.png (378.74 KB, 1208x1739, 1208:1739, UKStatus_of_Covid19.png)


Hmm.. The previous day..

'As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.

Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall)'


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7258c4  No.14686321


She looks like my little sister, i seriously am running out of patience with these people.

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e12fc6  No.14686322


You have to agree,,,,,,,that's the rule. If you unknowingly got a mark, you are immuned. It's part of their satanic deal in the universe. Like actors contracts, they tell you you are selling your soul, to those not within the families, you have to agree and sign.

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e8307b  No.14686323


"This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666."

Solomon was world famous for his wisdom. He also received 666 talents of Gold yearly "not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories."

That's two points in a single verse pointing to Solomon.

Solomon was the Son of David, the one many thought Jesus was.

>“All the crowds were amazed, and were saying, “This man cannot be the Son of David, can he?”

>“Many were sternly telling him to be quiet, but he kept crying out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!””

>“While Jesus was teaching in the temple courts, he asked, “Why do the teachers of the law say that the Messiah is the son of David? David himself, speaking by the Holy Spirit, declared: “‘The Lord said to my

Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.”’ David himself calls him ‘Lord.’ How then can he be his son?”

Solomon also had a throne built for his mother and set at his right hand. Jesus said that position was not His to grant.

Who teaches that Mary sits at Jesus right hand and is the Queen of heaven?

When Mary was standing outside Jesus said His mother is those who hear the will of God and obey. So when they pray to Mary and worship her as queen, who are they really praying to and worshipping? Does Mary stand for themselves?

>"She says in her heart, I sit enthroned as Queen. I am not a widow, I will never mourn."

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31161d  No.14686324

File: 8d2bbca9b2b45aa⋯.jpeg (115.25 KB, 750x526, 375:263, E6E80CA2_B86D_44A3_BAAF_3….jpeg)






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d44a03  No.14686325


Wtfru on about?

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a45845  No.14686326

File: 0057f9c23e52b6b⋯.png (314.83 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, religioussheeple.png)


>an "approved" list of accepted religions, which they have controlled for centuries.


>One's own personal religious beliefs should be sufficient.


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48aef3  No.14686327


It fucking pisses me off, that’s probably why Scheller was fed up, he saw his buddies die knowing the war was a farce, but the last 13 dying was for show, and sick

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d3d159  No.14686328

File: b3419ed75920aa8⋯.png (463.32 KB, 620x413, 620:413, ClipboardImage.png)


Indonesian businesses and nationals have presented 169 million VND (7,400 USD) and necessities worth more than 120 million VND to Ho Chi Minh City, which is Vietnam’s current largest COVID-19 hotspot. ​

Indonesian businesses and nationals have presented 169 million VND (7,400 USD) and necessities worth more than 120 million VND to Ho Chi Minh City, which is Vietnam’s current largest COVID-19 hotspot.

The gifts were handed over to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of HCM City by Indonesia’s Acting Consul General in the city Yovanka Yoan Siahainenia on September 29.

At the hand-over ceremony, Vice President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of HCM City Nguyen Thanh Trung thanked the Indonesian enterprises and citizens for their timely support.

The aid has practically contributed to consolidating and strengthening the fine friendship between the two countries, he said.

The official used this occasion to call on foreign businesses and communities to further support measures and policies adopted by the Vietnamese government and HCM City’s authorities to combat the pandemic and recover the economy in new normal conditions.

Edwin Setiawan Tjie, President of the Indonesian Business Association in HCM City, affirmed that Indonesian firms always pay heed to social affairs and believed that the southern economic centre will soon put the pandemic under control.

The same day, Good Neighbors International (GNI), a non-governmental organisation in the Republic of Korea (RoK), presented 1,000 gift packages valued at 500 million VND to residents affected by COVID-19 in Tan Phu district.

On September 28, Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd. of Hong Kong (China) and Deutsches Haus Ho Chi Minh Stadt Ltd. also donated 15 ventilators and other machines with a total value of 8.75 billion VND to medical facilities in the city.

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30fefc  No.14686329


Yes. Son used to get nosebleeds as a child. We once had him pinch his nostrils shut, head forward slightly. Was bleeding so much that it actually came out of each tear duct. Freaked us out. The sinuses are connected in some way.

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689c70  No.14686330


she could be any of our sisters or daughters and this should do nothing but create rage. we need more of it, these are our children and the government is abusing them and creating an environment of fear. Bad enough stupid parents subject them to it but it does need to stop.

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6a854b  No.14686331


Let's say a father who is solely responsible for taking care of his family is met with having to take "the mark" in order to buy goods and services. Otherwise he is locked out from everything and his family will starve.

How is this logical? This is not "God" - this is fake bible shit.

Unless God appears to the world and tells you to "don't take the mark" - it's bullshit. Why should I believe some retard on an anonymous image board?

Why should a "chip" implanted affect your good natured soul . You lived your life as a good person - worked hard to be kind and provide for your family - now you're presented with a choice to survive or not?

It's fucking absolutely retarded.

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d3d159  No.14686332


After a family called 169 hospitals, a dad finally got the COVID-19 care he needed

Susan started the search by Googling "ECMO hospitals in Florida." Then Georgia. Louisiana. Alabama. Virginia.

The family called 169 hospitals. No one was able to take Robby.

The day after exhausting that list, Susan appeared on CNN – fearing Robby might be out of options. But a doctor in Connecticut saw her interview and had an idea.

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4f1340  No.14686333

File: 8c8502207217b84⋯.png (132.77 KB, 255x169, 255:169, G_Wash_praying.png)


>Milley: I would never tip off any enemy to any kind of surprise thing we are going to do.

He doesn't consider China an enemy; to the detriment of America's National security.

Where are the based generals at?

"Paging General Washington, please pick up the White courtesy phone in the lobby. America is holding on line 1"

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355ceb  No.14686334


>If so then there must have been a line of communication between the USA, Russia and China in order to coordinate against [them]

The Purloined Letter.

Hidden in plain sight.

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6799ab  No.14686335

File: 3476120e13a3ca2⋯.jpg (249.67 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 20200419_trump_swabs_ap_77….jpg)

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c0175a  No.14686336

File: 4062e23aa3cdd3f⋯.jpg (146.53 KB, 1984x1580, 496:395, FAU12lzUcAAPhLm.jpg)

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9891b8  No.14686337

File: 34466aa224da363⋯.jpg (207.69 KB, 1440x2048, 45:64, 20210928_084722.jpg)

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b18cca  No.14686338


Fail. do not leave a space between the >> and the post number.

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f0ebfe  No.14686339

File: 5946eff3513b105⋯.png (283.65 KB, 497x486, 497:486, 2f5Wd_c2263d00200023j74h02….png)

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2eeaf7  No.14686340

Why we haven't heard anything from Americans left behind by Biden? Have they been threatened?

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689c70  No.14686341


that made it.

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d3d159  No.14686342


Vice President Kamala Harris flew into the Bay Area on Wednesday to headline a rally for Gov. Gavin Newsom, urging voters to reject the effort to recall him or risk seeing Republicans try the same tactic against Democratic leaders across the country.

“They think that if they can win in California they can do this anywhere,” Harris said during an 11-minute speech that brought the audience of 200 at a San Leandro union training facility to its feet, applauding. “We will show them that you will not get this done.”

Harris said Republicans were pouring “so many resources and time into trying to take out Gavin Newsom” because of “his vision” and “his agenda.”

“We are here to say that we fight for Gavin Newsom,” she said.

The Republican-led effort to recall Newsom comes to a head with a Sept. 14 special election in which voters will be asked whether they want to kick out the first-term governor and replace him with an alternative drawn from a field of 46 candidates. The latest polls show a majority of likely voters opposing the recall, including in a survey released last week by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California. Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder is currently polling far ahead of other would-be Newsom replacements.

Harris was scheduled to stump for Newsom last month at a rally outside the Cow Palace in San Francisco but the event was postponed after a bomb attack in Afghanistan that killed 13 military personnel and169 Afghans.

The vice president, who was elected as San Francisco’s district attorney at the same time as Newsom became mayor in 2003, has long run a parallel career with the governor as they ascended California’s political ladder. They also share the same political consultants, donor base and many of the same policy positions — and have been described as having a political sibling rivalry as they rose through the ranks.

But there’s nothing like a recall to draw political family members together. On Wednesday, Harris said she traveled across the country — and returned immediately to Washington, D.C., after her appearance — because “it was really important for me to come home today to stand and speak in support of my dear friend, my long-standing friend.”

She praised Newsom, from the time he supported same-sex marriages in San Francisco in 2004, as someone who can “see what can be, unburdened by what has been. We want our leaders in California to have a vision of what is possible.”

The vice president’s appearance underscored the importance of the recall fight to the Democratic establishment.

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bd9b04  No.14686343


you are a dumbass

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e4632f  No.14686344

File: 992bc0fe851b1c1⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1425x951, 475:317, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e7faf9f38903f2⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1846x3438, 923:1719, Screenshot_2021_09_29_at_1….png)



Brenda Bancel's Blog

about Sandy Hook.

"Finding Solace in Marseille"

After a rough week in the states, we arrived in Marseille to celebrate Christmas.

Like every American, it’s been hard to process the incident that happened at sandy hook. It took the stability out of life.

2012 itself was a rocky year. It was not the only shooting, there was a massive hurricane by the same name that changed the landscape of our country forever. There are also fears about the mayan calendar and the world ending.

And honestly, doesn’t it feel that way? When innocence is in danger at random– through weather, through violence. What happens to us?

In every disney movie, isn’t this where the good people get together to conquer evil? Don’t we rise up and stop the bad guys?

What does that mean after this year?

What are we doing to help our environment… really? And what can we do to stop violence?

I’m asking myself these questions. I’m vowing that in 2013, I don’t just hope that something happens. It will take each person moving the dial in their homes to turn back what we have been powering through.

This week, challenged me religiously. It was so hard to sing my favorite carol, “Oh come let us adore Him.” It choked in my throat. How horrible is that? How terrible of me to say or to admit.

I knew I needed His help. God never promised us that bad things would not happen in our lives. But He promised us that when they did, he would help us through them.

remember, she is a jew.



again, this is the WIFE of the CEO of ModeRNA Stephane Bancel.

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6a854b  No.14686345



>Where are the based generals at?

I wonder what caused the generals to all run from Trump during his administration. What could've happened? I'm sure he showed them some kind of evidence of cabal/child fuckery that should've convinced them to stay for the long game. …but no.

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76157e  No.14686346

File: 171a502e8a6ff6c⋯.jpg (71.62 KB, 554x496, 277:248, toldya.jpg)

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31161d  No.14686347



Only a Democrat could take an agency such as OSHA and make it into a tyrannical bureaucracy.

Fuck these people

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6a854b  No.14686349


>you are a dumbass


wonderful argument. kek

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ad2360  No.14686350

File: 1ac8b84861f3d27⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1150, 108:115, ClipboardImage.png)

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a45845  No.14686351

File: 8b7978a2786f252⋯.png (315.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, religioussheeple.png)

>>14686326 (me)

inb4 Grammar Kitty.


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317f3f  No.14686352


>You have to agree,,,,,,,that's the rule.

Checked skull and bones digits

Satan has no rules.

They make it up as they go.

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d3d159  No.14686353

File: 7f2af01ab91b44f⋯.mp4 (5.78 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _VP_Harris_lays_flowers_at….mp4)

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31049f  No.14686354


What does this indicate, Anon?

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7c754b  No.14686355


Free Your Mind…

Think For Yourself…

So much more, if the mind is not locked into a lie.

Preterist view. A common preterist view of the Mark of the beast (focusing on the past) is the stamped image of the emperor's head on every coin of the Roman Empire: the stamp on the hand orin the mind of all,without which no one could buy or sell.


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e12fc6  No.14686356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can you unknowingly get the mark of the beast and still go to heaven?

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48aef3  No.14686357


Definitely not, just like when Q saidif Mueller is guilty, RR is guilty(or whatever he said), I knew from day one they were traitors but we had to debate it forever

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31161d  No.14686358


The vaccines are the mark of the beast

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96185d  No.14686359


Spoken like a true Satanist

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e4632f  No.14686360

File: 762d3efc2e24cd9⋯.png (5.98 MB, 2823x5022, 941:1674, Screenshot_2021_09_29_at_0….png)

File: aca6770925b12ac⋯.png (205.91 KB, 450x669, 150:223, Screenshot_2021_09_29_at_0….png)

File: f6c4aceb65c64c1⋯.png (359.61 KB, 3067x821, 3067:821, Screenshot_2021_09_29_at_0….png)

File: 39cf1252fb8569d⋯.png (166.55 KB, 1410x2164, 705:1082, Screenshot_2021_09_29_at_0….png)

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6a854b  No.14686361


argued like a true bewildered incel

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763834  No.14686362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Final pissed off rant for the day:

The truth would put 99% of people in hospitalwas presumably Q giving a warning about Covid & people (including us Anons) the truth about satanists and their perversions.

No wonder those poor firefighters in New York vomited & cried at whatever the fuck was on that laptop.

Anon has always had too much of a vivid imagination & Skippy on his own was enough to get Anon put in a psych ward filled with actual Satanic psychopaths.

Anon needs therapy from being in a hospital because of catching COVID & then losing their metaphorical shit at how stupid normal people are…that was enough for some sick fucks to put a Lupus Covid patient in a psych ward apparently.

Brit Anon sincerely agrees with POTUSThe system is broken

And if Anon had any sort of say in the matter, Anon would give the order to “Fire at will Commander!”

And to avoid getting sectioned again for being an imminent physical danger to others through their shitty keyboard, which they now have such bad joint pain they can’t type on half the time, Anon would like to quote from the English law and invoke Parliamentary Privelege around them at all times, when they frontal lobal PTSD at what Anon regards to be more sectionable people than they are…

Anyway, Anon has had a lot of opportunity to ponder things like the decode for“do autists need red bull?”. The decode is no. Because they probably have an actual paid job with nice private medical insurance and are actually prescribed their dexamethasone when they get Covid and don’t have their human rights breached, by not being prescribed their Ritalin. And get an actual non PTSD triggering psychiatrist, who probably wouldn’t start running all the tests for paranoid schizophrenia (Anon actually stated at one point that they would indeed like to have schizophrenia, so they could get more than 1 hours sleep and stop hallucinating from sleep loss, dehydration, having mini seizures & being force fed the “blue pill” promethazine which causes them to literally hallucinate green shit everywhere….anyway. Rant over for now before I break any more laws than Anon probably has, somehow, somewhere, because they can’t read and have dyslexia.

Shit lost my train of thought, before Anon gets sectioned again and gets brain damage from having another seizure because the NHS like to withhold fluids from a sick and dying Covid Lupus Patient….

Short summary:

1) “Fire at will commander!” Means exactly what Anon intends it to mean, nothing more and nothing less (paraphrased). See Liversidge v Anderson https://learninglink.oup.com/static/5c0e79ef50eddf00160f35ad/casebook_21.htm

Anon has found this highly amusing that future does indeed prove past, seems the House of Lords endorsed Alice in bloody Wonderland just as much as Hilary & adrenochrome (Anon has now developed adrenal fatigue, which was probably donated & synthesised to send to Tony Blair himself because of how blood tests were done…pretty much modern blood letting…but mainly Anons continuous rants to everyone about Tony the psychopath Blair’s EU workingtime directive…#eyeroll

2)These people are sickyes they are. Especially in London. I mean FISA works both ways right? o7 Former Sec of State Michael Pompeo. The patients are all dying and Tony mother fucking Blair is still swanning around buying up half of England, probably from stealing all our gas resources…pity he didn’t follow David Milliband’s much more intellgent decision to flee the country and hide with Hilary and Soros. Kek.

I feel this needs some music. Which Anons should play to get the reference. Which Anon can’t explain as she also has a decode for“You are watching a scripted movie”and Anon’s actual medication scripts are currently hiding in the den of Sadie Khan’s wonderful wonderful warzone in….tbc ;

Oh and p.s If anyone anywhere tries to lecture Anon on the synergistic effects of paracetamol and water for a broken leg…Anon will personally come to the hospital you are at to “extract you”…not your blood…kek!


For Humanity!

(US Anons, Brit Anons are sarcastic as fuck - get used to it…and maybe U.S Anons can donate to Brit Anons future legal action against probably Xi Xing Ping himself…that’ll get far when Anon looks like an anaemic crack head! Anon can’t even spell, or insert a laughing emoji. Help a brother out here?)

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ad2360  No.14686363

File: 4f9efe71591d17d⋯.png (536.76 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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7258c4  No.14686364


I somewhat agree but keep in mind, bible prophecy is mostly what Jews wrote in there to make Christians think this is all Gods plan when it isn't.. it's theirs!

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8b892a  No.14686365

File: 41b602f23d1738d⋯.png (152.39 KB, 334x400, 167:200, 1632929355622.png)

File: 6111b1873299acd⋯.png (256.94 KB, 515x492, 515:492, 1632929482823.png)

File: 65289a40e5c49b9⋯.jpg (84.39 KB, 1200x834, 200:139, DelGiudiceFOFeb11.jpg)

File: f498525e2b66c4f⋯.jpg (570.31 KB, 2048x1361, 2048:1361, Navy_SEAL_Arctic.jpg)


Did someone sayFENDER?

"Sir, I cannot speak to the details of the operations that I am in charge of…"


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76157e  No.14686367

File: 6120fffe0586aa1⋯.png (1.91 MB, 2289x1505, 327:215, cdczom.png)


or the vaccines turn people into beasts

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0954ac  No.14686368


The boating photos are innocent pictures of a family outing in Italy that were thoroughly investigated by anons years ago.

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651ca2  No.14686369

File: 962d605539fb631⋯.png (89.55 KB, 720x482, 360:241, 17_36_11.png)

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9fe548  No.14686370


>This gov and all in it, should fall and never be restored.

I kind of think that is the end game. Have the ones there now ride it off the rails and create a never again reflex.

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bb22a6  No.14686371


These are actually good ones, in my opine.

Anons are beautiful minds, most of them.

As to the current hearings, live in DC,

The Democrat from Mass. Seth Moultan just got spanked by the dem chairman, WOW!

Dem on Dem crime?

I was just about to say I’ve heard the first Democrat rep. In a long fucking time that actually asked pertinent/relevant questions at a BIG hearing!

Kudos to that single Dem!

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d3d159  No.14686372

File: 7fabfe007d4b234⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB, 320x690, 32:69, unhealthywoman.mp4)


>They make it up as they go.

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7258c4  No.14686373


Q is disinfo 100%, psyop most likely, operation trust.. maybe?

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c0175a  No.14686374

File: 5bd38f6e5ea5b26⋯.png (116.69 KB, 894x798, 149:133, FAYoxj1XMAwEO_R.png)

With now 82% of its population fully vaccinated (i.e. nearly all adults), Singapore has proven much more resistant to new Covid cases.


Just kidding.

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96185d  No.14686375



"Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."

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e8307b  No.14686376



The mark is not physical. The forehead represents allegence/ownership, the hand deeds.

Read revelation again, it should be Gods name on your forehead.

Jesus told us (Mark 4:11-12 KJV) that all these things happen in parable.

Also, the mark is forced on ALL, both great and small. It's not until after Jesus returns and the 144k are sealed that those who take and worship the mark are tormented in the presence of the angels and the lamb.

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e3b414  No.14686377

File: 61fccc130257972⋯.gif (3.39 MB, 360x202, 180:101, 5oo86w.gif)

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e4632f  No.14686378

File: d29dc55c63620cc⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1755x2065, 351:413, Screenshot_2021_09_29_at_0….png)

File: f03c9fe685bbbc0⋯.png (448.06 KB, 1269x1258, 1269:1258, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b56309d3da0cd5⋯.png (975.09 KB, 1239x1861, 1239:1861, ClipboardImage.png)





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31161d  No.14686379

File: f7ce6852012ed8c⋯.jpeg (69.36 KB, 417x352, 417:352, 46263D2F_DB64_45DB_AAFD_5….jpeg)


The vaccine is the mark of the beast

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7258c4  No.14686380


All babies born will be demonic type babies from now own, from those who took the vaccines.

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317f3f  No.14686381

File: d069f369d7050c7⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 183x275, 183:275, Durham.jpg)

>>14683980 (pb)

Don't talk bad about Durham.

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d5cf60  No.14686382


The media called the election.

The media pushed the lock downs

The media champions the vaxx

The media showcases division

The media is the headquarters of this enemy

Why would they tell you anything revealing?

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f92877  No.14686383

Thanks for the effort, no space between the >> and the post number.

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c0175a  No.14686384

File: 9a4fc621d853d00⋯.jpg (47.51 KB, 828x697, 828:697, FAZ0Qq7VUAcKuut.jpg)

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48aef3  No.14686385


That seriously sounds stupid, wording isnt general like. This guy is pathetic, he wouldnt tip off the enemy, but he likes to the press about his conspiracy theories about Trump, the worst enemy of the President and People

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ad2360  No.14686386


>The boating photos are innocent pictures of a family outing in Italy that were thoroughly investigated by anons years ago.

no snopes

they were not debunked

they were spun

lurk moar and lern to do research

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f8b090  No.14686387


Chinese psyop. Very obvious now.

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017361  No.14686388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Inside Story of the Ship That Broke Global Trade




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e12fc6  No.14686389


Thank you, well stated.

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e4686c  No.14686390

Milley: The conditions could be set for a reconstitution of al-Qaeda or ISIS.

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7258c4  No.14686391


I honestly think most of our world leaders have been dead years. Most are cgi, deep fake, doubles, replaced etc.

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76157e  No.14686392

File: aec63f18c71a5d2⋯.jpg (140.63 KB, 476x803, 476:803, hitlern.jpg)

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f92877  No.14686393

Thanks for the effort, no space between the >> and the post number


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e8307b  No.14686394


No, the vaccines are helping to point out the mark that's already here.

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017361  No.14686395

File: ec5e38fdcdec405⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1164x716, 291:179, ClipboardImage.png)

That will be revealed through the investigation.

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50c39c  No.14686396




169 SEEMS to be a popular number

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96185d  No.14686397

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ad2360  No.14686398

File: feef5e03ff8cd4a⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1080x1066, 540:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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82ea20  No.14686399

There's no way to get trafficked children into China now. What is ever****? Why did they need trafficked children in China, a nation of over 1 billion people?

Red October

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ad2360  No.14686400

File: 8144c124e59f2b6⋯.png (1.42 MB, 646x910, 323:455, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3d159  No.14686401

File: fbe3f2ff7b5148b⋯.png (283.71 KB, 840x405, 56:27, ClipboardImage.png)


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ad2360  No.14686402

File: 22a4259d9206d4e⋯.png (145.82 KB, 274x300, 137:150, ClipboardImage.png)

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8be720  No.14686403




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b18cca  No.14686404


The mark on the forehead or the right hand I believe could be a metaphor. A mark on the forehead = a man's speech and the right hand = a man's actions.

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7c754b  No.14686405


>Brenda Bancel's Blog


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8fb61f  No.14686406

File: c58eb12c0780aae⋯.png (566.42 KB, 828x460, 9:5, nju.png)

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d3d159  No.14686407

File: aaf8310de4a53c4⋯.png (35.8 KB, 956x271, 956:271, ClipboardImage.png)



Soros sells Twitter, Facebook, Apple and Snap

George Soros's hedge fund, Soros Fund Management LLC, eliminated or reduced investments in some of the biggest names in tech last quarter, including Facebook Inc. FB, -0.18% and Apple Inc. AAPL, 0.88% Soros divested a 1,700-share stake in Apple as well as 1.55 million shares of Snapchat parent company Snap Inc. SNAP, -2.02%, according to a quarterly filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The hedge fund greatly decreased its holdings in Facebook and Twitter Inc. TWTR, -2.34%, cutting Facebook shares from 476,713 shares to 109,451 and chopping investments in Twitter's stock and debt. Among the new investments Soros opened in the quarter were General Electric Co. GE, 0.97%, General Motors Co. GM, -0.34%, Campbell Soup Co. CPB, 1.52% and Oracle Corp. ORCL, 0.70%

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0df8f2  No.14686408


>The truth would put 99% of people in hospital

The truth about what though? I'm not sure the truth about their perversions would be enough to put such a high percentage in hospital.

A gene mutating 'vaccine' might though and they are desperate to push the vaccine to as many people as possible before people wake up to it.

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fd3d36  No.14686409

File: 37724bd70457a8b⋯.png (377.06 KB, 1061x1521, 1061:1521, Screenshot_20210929_015426….png)

Oz Resurrected:


Larry Fink, CEO at BlackRock

How he thinks.

Brian Christopher Deese is the 13th Director of the National Economic Council serving under President Joe Biden.

Deese served as the Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock.

Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo is a Nigerian-American government official serving as the United States deputy secretary of the treasury under President Joe Biden.

Adeyemo served as a senior advisor at BlackRock and as chief of staff for the firm's CEO, Laurence D. Fink.

Michael Pyle is the Senior Economic Adviser to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Pyle came to Washington from the position as the Global Chief Investment Strategist at BlackRock.

Larry Fink, CEO at BlackRock also happens to sit on the board of trustees for the World Economic Forum.


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017361  No.14686410

File: 25f65897cfeb25d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1163x709, 1163:709, ClipboardImage.png)

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72ad57  No.14686411


>I'm sure he showed them some kind of evidence of cabal/child fuckery that should've convinced them to stay for the long game. …

Those are probably the ones IN the videos–

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96185d  No.14686412


Well, it doesn't need to be physical, I agree . Like I said, God isn't picky in how you display your allegiance to Satan.

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ad2360  No.14686413

File: 252f6fb80598507⋯.png (2.49 MB, 950x1200, 19:24, ClipboardImage.png)

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339f95  No.14686414

so the guy who says things are too partisan starts his questioning by blaming Trump for Afghanistan.

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7258c4  No.14686415


Q is a hope porn psyop, for boomers.

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791479  No.14686416

File: f59e2ce2edf1664⋯.gif (448.58 KB, 444x258, 74:43, ba_dum_tsss_drum.gif)

If Kristi Noem is really screwing Corey Lewandowski she should move to Idaho

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d3d159  No.14686417

File: 9fdd92b3a667c9f⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, OprahSoup.mp4)


>Among the new investments Soros opened .. Campbell Soup Co.

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31161d  No.14686418

File: 6babaa60b6db636⋯.jpeg (133.95 KB, 750x611, 750:611, 94980AED_300C_4EB3_B7E6_C….jpeg)


>No, the vaccines are helping to point out the mark that's already here.

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be8f9f  No.14686420

File: 0ede6d3ea066c5f⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1098x784, 549:392, 0ede6d3ea066c5f9efa3b45551….png)


how does the section 17 grab ya?

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50c39c  No.14686421

File: d3a5a7e6dedbef9⋯.jpg (9.66 KB, 255x163, 255:163, tardjail.jpg)


My bad.

Was doing the copy/paste thang…I screwed up just trying to collect notables.

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e025cf  No.14686422



But, the R's will huff-n-puff but still sign off on it.

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3cd477  No.14686423

File: 8c39ff37a97290a⋯.jpg (599.05 KB, 872x848, 109:106, 8c39ff37a97290ae1e87ae45f0….jpg)

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ad2360  No.14686424

File: 3a8d0fad4cede57⋯.png (255.87 KB, 299x359, 299:359, ClipboardImage.png)




Barbi Benton Bewbs

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651ca2  No.14686425



trivial but disturbing….

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d3d159  No.14686426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>section 17

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07556a  No.14686427

File: dc410d5f719f2f2⋯.jpg (209.35 KB, 368x719, 368:719, The_recipe_book_of_the_dev….jpg)

File: 531ac3489337fea⋯.jpg (262.24 KB, 504x671, 504:671, Jewish_Sacrifice.jpg)

File: 489f89b4e37fdd0⋯.png (645.37 KB, 500x542, 250:271, 489f89b4e37fdd07b20a2679e6….png)

File: 58e28e096a88fec⋯.jpeg (129.43 KB, 569x1024, 569:1024, 58e28e096a88fec9f778750e4….jpeg)

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d44a03  No.14686428

File: ed59075e684353e⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1204x1435, 172:205, ed59075e684353e831bb4d3793….jpg)

File: e0f641936817096⋯.png (1.1 MB, 863x537, 863:537, e0f64193681709650d0076521e….png)

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bb22a6  No.14686429

File: 4db436cb6498d54⋯.jpeg (311.01 KB, 700x535, 140:107, 702AE196_9A05_45B9_8047_0….jpeg)

File: 28c10f2874bcc65⋯.jpeg (155.92 KB, 1125x1122, 375:374, 0C808875_A3DC_40C3_9474_9….jpeg)

File: e6686e775aae130⋯.jpeg (197.08 KB, 1726x1096, 863:548, A68149BE_3AFB_444F_974C_0….jpeg)


You could be right, I don’t know for certainty yet, but I still believe the Q drops were and are relevant to things going on behind the scenes.

Without those Q drops, I feel that people like family members, who never ever paid attention to politics, would still be in the dark, hence asleep.

The Q drops started the Great Awakening!

We have just woken up. It’s time to eat!

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317f3f  No.14686430





The DARPAnet is not for you.

It's for THEM.

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8e6f5e  No.14686431


Forehead = third eye = pineal gland

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e4686c  No.14686432


I'm thinking the truth sending 99% to the hospital refers to everyone being full of parasites.

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1e7485  No.14686433


No thank you.

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355ceb  No.14686434


The "experts" are corrupt.

The "doctors" are comped.

The "mountains of evidence" is slanted.

What kind of a dumbass listens to that shit?

As a member of Congress, he is exempt from being forced to get the covid shot. If he was smart, he would take advantage of that privilege.

He probably didn't even get the jab and is just participating in the coercion.

Lying RINO mofo.

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c0175a  No.14686435

File: f5e59fa272cb4d8⋯.png (85.38 KB, 853x342, 853:342, FAWNn0XUcAAkWb2.png)

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7c754b  No.14686436


>ad2360 (13)

you have the parasite

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e025cf  No.14686437

File: ba1fb37f63ffe47⋯.jpg (39.29 KB, 313x400, 313:400, Cardinal_Moran.jpg)


>speaking of 17

The winning streak has reached Q.

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339f95  No.14686438

File: 253087bf24f03c1⋯.png (769.12 KB, 834x689, 834:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75d753df4637e53⋯.png (768.3 KB, 750x450, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Photos From Biden's Last Vaccine Shot Raise Suspicion That Joe Might Get A Lot Of IVs – Red State Nation

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8b892a  No.14686439

File: 6b449303f59883b⋯.jpg (40.1 KB, 600x338, 300:169, SecDeaf.jpg)

File: c178e7cb2e35ee1⋯.jpg (61.08 KB, 660x440, 3:2, SECDEAF_1.jpg)




I wouldn't put any of these dipshits in charge of mopping up jizz at a peepshow, much less the security of our country!

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a45845  No.14686440


<met with having to take "the mark" in order to buy goods and services.

>met with having to take "the mark" in order to buy goods and services WITHIN THEIR SYSTEM.

>How is this logical? This is not "God" - this is fake bible shit.

"God" is literally TRUTH.

Stop with the personification.

Their ENTIRE system needs to come down and be remade in the image of TRUTH.

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339f95  No.14686441

Why did you leave all the military machinery to equip a military you knew would fail in short time?

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e12fc6  No.14686442

This woman Melissa, is a bible expert, teaches, and now take the Q proofs to biblical. Here's her rumble addy and then her telegram one. There is a guide you can buy to interpret Rev. as

well, she mentions it all the time.

Telegram https://t.me/freedomforcebattalion

Rumble https://t.me/freedomforcebattalion

on her vids, she shows astronomy and the stars that line up, not zodiac signs, which are missing from our bibles.


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651ca2  No.14686443


to be able to buy new ones

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202fba  No.14686444

File: 2d5f8c75273664f⋯.png (187.84 KB, 400x400, 1:1, pepe_spinach_.png)

Where have the shills gone?

They were scared off by the high IQ posting.

This dilemma will not last. Enjoy it while you can.

Have some spinach. You'll need the iron for the clot shots.

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48aef3  No.14686445


There it is, he just made his wish to go back to Afghanistan, my opinion they fucked it up intentionally. I hope the freakin Senators are not taking his advice, Austins advice will be worse

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339f95  No.14686446

millie needs to hang

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50c39c  No.14686447


I've heardSOUP TO NUTStwice from him in the past 45 mins….

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ad2360  No.14686448

File: bc53347037fe8a1⋯.png (36.2 KB, 1784x398, 892:199, ClipboardImage.png)





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d3d159  No.14686449

File: 02f94b3bc6376fb⋯.png (935.51 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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9fe548  No.14686450


>NO WAY is MIlley a white hat.

Point discussed was that I think the Milley calls could have been to assure the Chinese that Bidan wouldn't nuke them. Looking at China holding blackmail over his head as a Bidan motive to resolve that issue.. Thought about this after reading Milley said Trump was not a threat.

If that is so, namely Bidan being the threat, then Milley could be a white hat or a black hat If Bidan didn't get the nuke codes, which is a possibility, I think, because heels and Pelosi demanded them, I think Milley leans more to being WH. If he did get the codes, then Milley leans more BH.

Either way, I beginning to think all the issues aren't caused by other countries, rather it's purely an internal US political war. Dems used Covid to usurp power. Military is split between the political ambitious siding with political power, and the purely military mission oriented siding with the defense of the US.

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07556a  No.14686451

File: 3fa4c3d2acd5bb7⋯.png (125.3 KB, 400x279, 400:279, Galym_BORANBAYEV_Kazakhsta….png)

File: 57926c3e87a7efb⋯.png (197.28 KB, 300x316, 75:79, nooooooooooo.png)

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355ceb  No.14686452


copy paste and remove the space btwn. >> and the numbers

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2eeaf7  No.14686453

File: f32fd03706f5211⋯.png (158.89 KB, 391x382, 391:382, f32fd03706f5211428d8dd8bea….png)


Shaved hair

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339f95  No.14686454

what kind of comment was that made by chair?

big sigh**** 'ug, that was helpful'..

what is that suppose to mean?

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31161d  No.14686455


That part amended 10 fold

Read the article moran

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e1ee67  No.14686456

File: 95374d00a135fb2⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 668x374, 334:187, IMG_20191011_200818.jpg)

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48aef3  No.14686457


What happened to his blond hair, is that even his arm? Looks like to much meat on those bones from the scrawny dementia patient walking around

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202fba  No.14686458


Kek. I like that. Some anons just have the right touch for memes.

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e12fc6  No.14686459

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's one of Melissa's videos, a good one as well.

Do the biblical festivals give us clues? 9-21-21 The cabal is bankrupt.

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e54a7a  No.14686460



What does that mean

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6799ab  No.14686461

File: 3a61834973b6aed⋯.jpg (11.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, arms.jpg)


tetras chkt

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e8307b  No.14686462


See >>14686323

They want you to think it's the vaccine. Who is pushing the vaccine? Who has that *authority*?

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e12fc6  No.14686463


Melissa Red Pill, won't embed correct video https://rumble.com/vmsp01-the-cabal-is-bankrupt-biblical-festival-clues-9-21-21.html

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be8f9f  No.14686464

File: 42932d760cdd171⋯.jpg (100.76 KB, 900x648, 25:18, 42932d760cdd171be60692ffcc….jpg)


trips czech't : maybe they are at seminar lunch break?

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e4632f  No.14686465


Soup to nuts definition is - covering every detail or part of something.

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ad2360  No.14686466

File: 7a98509a6a50d15⋯.png (373.58 KB, 386x395, 386:395, ClipboardImage.png)


Just curious, are you going to force your theory every day?

7c754b (11)

and (You) just cray cray

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0df8f2  No.14686467


>Point discussed was that I think the Milley calls could have been to assure the Chinese that Bidan wouldn't nuke them

And who could Milley be assuring? The CCP or the White Hats within China?

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8b892a  No.14686468

File: 93c834aeb143cd1⋯.jpg (118.13 KB, 600x760, 15:19, Winning.jpg)

I am really enjoying the Democrats assessment of President Trump'sWINNING BY FAILINGlogic…..


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e025cf  No.14686469


Quads checked.

>t. That one Anon from the other day

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6799ab  No.14686470


Money ran out


Happy New Year!


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220222  No.14686471

File: fba58096dbdde78⋯.jpg (77.23 KB, 1600x952, 200:119, normie_archipelego.jpg)

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76157e  No.14686472


99% will head to the feed store

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d60699  No.14686473

link to MillXi hearing today?

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e4686c  No.14686474

This hearing is about Afghanistan. Racist Representative Brown is worried about "white nationalism", 'systemic racism', and 'extremism' in the armed forces.

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e12fc6  No.14686475


wrong video for message. video below this one, could not embed.

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7258c4  No.14686476


and let the country and world perish

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617a34  No.14686477



It wasn't The Taliban who attacked it was ISIS-K

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82ea20  No.14686478

Was the Evergiven going to 'drop off' or 'pick up'? What was the next port of call for the Evergiven after Rotterdam? What was their cargo to be picked up in Rotterdam?

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501a8b  No.14686479

File: 87853353de4a52c⋯.png (884.89 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 067_q_is_everywhere.png)

Just gonna leave this right here.

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7258c4  No.14686480


Aka the Jews run your country, banks, media and of course Military lol

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cb2b67  No.14686481


>>14683648 Parental Rant at a Board Meeting (60 secs)

>>14683690 Sydney Powell interview: says MIL and INTEL have been running elections for 20 years

>>14683760 Whistleblower: Mayorkas Threatening to Terminate Border Patrol if not Vaxxed by Nov.

>>14683770 Patriot Joe Rogan Exposes The Truth In EPIC Video

>>14683775 COVFEFE and Petroleum-NOT a fossil fuel, but a naturally reoccurring product

>>14683788 “Record-High” Coral Coverage across the Great Barrier Reef: Claims of Impending Extinction Proven False

>>14683879 MANY cancers can be treated with IVERMECTIN, straight from the horses mouth. NIH gov

>>14683912 Vaccine Death Report reveals a horrifying reality: MILLIONS died from Covid injections

>>14683949 PF report

>>14684054 Parasites and Covid-FDA link

>>14684172 Parasite Pill link: https://files.catbox.moe/9rbtxh.pdf

>>14684166 CodeMonkey COMMS TEST

>>14684208 USARMY TWEET: Planning a large-scale Army exercise requires teamwork and collaboration.

>>14686300 #18573

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bfdc7a  No.14686482


Aug 30 she announced that her 30-week pregnant daughter got the jab. Was so happy about it. I pray for the baby.

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461646  No.14686483

File: 38b409c3b6ca48f⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1314x3220, 657:1610, 4787.png)

File: 7d1b0a744c22944⋯.jpeg (140.48 KB, 750x845, 150:169, 7d1b0a744c22944588fd43e5b….jpeg)

File: e8a5826cf9b0c1f⋯.jpeg (353.39 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, e8a5826cf9b0c1fab413edd39….jpeg)

File: 9a60ae0423c78cc⋯.mp4 (8.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, output.mp4)

File: 752bc853f930166⋯.mp4 (964.33 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, uvWm94TnyDyo9q1Z.mp4)


Sep 29, 2020 12:38:09 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 51569f No. 10835804






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50c39c  No.14686484


"Include everything.. from beginning to end"

Start to finish.

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8b892a  No.14686485

File: 8ad501d72f6c79c⋯.jpg (131.54 KB, 600x760, 15:19, Pre_Collusion.jpg)

So… Essentially what I am getting from these hearings, herrings, herons is that they rigged the election for Donald Trump to lose so Joe would fail, so that Trump would Win?

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0df8f2  No.14686486


Steady.. Greta, Gore and CNN might think this is a real projection..!

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07556a  No.14686487

File: 7c98ff9e95d06cf⋯.png (350.54 KB, 296x890, 148:445, Israel_and_wilds.png)

File: ffda3fa3a6cdcd1⋯.png (137.93 KB, 300x446, 150:223, Hou_Xiao_Qiang_china.png)

File: 6556ae64d9c3e8b⋯.png (167.84 KB, 483x534, 161:178, Reptojew.png)

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ad2360  No.14686488

File: 197a2b7787dbbd1⋯.png (96.08 KB, 954x392, 477:196, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 337f24eb4522754⋯.png (11.05 KB, 664x188, 166:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94af5162d748f3b⋯.png (70.19 KB, 874x259, 874:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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651ca2  No.14686489

File: c1798a96267ce49⋯.png (992.35 KB, 768x459, 256:153, _17_56_13.png)


the point in my opinion is: is it possible that an illegal or accidental or DELIBERATED launch of nuclear missiles occurs (by mistake or whatever)?

maybe I'm wrong…

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e54a7a  No.14686490


That makes so much sense. I didn't even think about the China Blackmailing Biden thing.

Remember AFTER Biden was in office, Pelosi & team tried to get the power to launch nukes away from Biden? They said it should be a Senate decision or some shit?

Adds a HUGE chunk into the "Nancy/kneepads are in China's pocket & control Biden 100% & had to convince China to help them take over America for them by telling them that thy won't get ANY blowback from blackmailing Biden" camp

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e4686c  No.14686491

McKenzie: We knew the strike hit civilians within four or five hours after the strike occurred. We did not know the target of the strike was an error until some time later…took us a few days to run that down.

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a45845  No.14686492



OSHA has not been authorized to mandate vaccines.

It must be "clearly defined" by congress first.


The stringent requirements for an Emergency Temporary Standard: Under section 6(c) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, OSHA can issue an ETS without the normal notice-and-comment rulemaking if it finds that “employees are exposed to grave danger from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful or from new hazards” and that the ETS “is necessary to protect employees from such danger.” The “grave danger” required for an ETS has not been clearly defined, but courts have held that it is higher than the “significant risk” needed for a permanent OSHA standard under normal rulemaking.

COVID-19 is a significant public health threat, but is it a “grave danger” to workers? Estimates of COVID’s fatality rates range from 0.4-0.7 percent. This is little more than twice the rate for influenza—significant, but hardly grave. Moreover, the risk is lower now than in the past—roughly 80 percent of the nation has vaccine or natural immunity, the Delta surge appears to have peaked and is declining, and effective treatments are available. Furthermore, the natural immunity of people who have already recovered from COVID-19 appears to be better than vaccine immunity. Requiring them to be vaccinated would do no good medically but would cause additional strife.

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1e7485  No.14686493


Did 45 knowingly change census rules so Florida only gets 30 electoral college votes?

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50c39c  No.14686494

File: 1d8ace79ccae746⋯.png (13.46 KB, 241x255, 241:255, frentrain.png)


Thanks for fixing it for me, Anon!

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07556a  No.14686496

File: d175c0aadc484d1⋯.png (28.2 KB, 220x289, 220:289, Emblem_of_the_Azov_Battali….png)

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34037d  No.14686497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The truth that we are being subjected to parasites being introduced into our bodies via food and water to make us ill on purpose.

That is why HCQ and Ivermectin are being downplayed.

The truly scary part is what these parasites really are.

Watch Harald explain about morgellons disease and co-opted insects starting at 53:00

Watch the whole video for the real deal.

We are dealing with pure evil.

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48aef3  No.14686498


Thats Obama, hes planned this for s long time

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763834  No.14686499



A) I forgot the goddamit Anderson Cooper reference as I lost my train of thought getting pissed off about the NHS

B) Dear Mr Prime Minister Boris Johnson o7 Sir and Deputy PM Dominic Raab o7 Sir Secretary for Defence Ben Wallace, Home Secretary Ms Priti Patel, but primarily Secretary of State for Health Sajid Javid,

Please may you all take the attached song as an offer for negotiations on ensuring that I am not taken to GITMO and prosecuted for treason….or indeed put in a psych ward where Anon feels that pretty much every right under the Human Rights Act 1998 was broken.

In true Anon style - I challenge you all to define “life” and indeed “torture”, or indeed “freedom of thought”, if you are being force fed promethasine and hallucinating left, right and bloody centre.

Mr Javid, please may you advise on the best medical (and probably life at this point given my absolute idiocy…Anon hopes actually qualified former counsel Dominic Raab is at least slightly amused by still being able to quote Liversidge v Anderson…Entick v Carrington is also good reading….#Anonisapparentlydyslexic) insurance policy?

Yep…you all probably have slightly bigger problems than a random, PTSD rambling Anon…#narcissticpersonalitydisorder is probably a good diagnosis for Anon?

Pretty sure thatYou are watching a scripted moviewhich Anon believes refers in part to the cinema chain O.D.E.O.N given Anons’ research into the cinema locations…think we need B’s input here?

Is B Boris kek?

Anon signing off before they drop anymore of their diazepam.

Which leads to the final decodeSometimes a MAPis useful…actual medical treatment is probably required to explain that GEM.

Maybe you could all DM me? Oh wait fucking @Jack put a stop to that particular means of communication. ]C_C[ kek.

Roger that?

Anon is on the move…sorry for any misspellings!


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9891b8  No.14686500

File: bcb60d6107a4157⋯.jpg (59.64 KB, 748x887, 748:887, 20210928_191350.jpg)

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e1ee67  No.14686501

File: 70de518dc46faa3⋯.jpg (30.23 KB, 580x342, 290:171, ZomboMeme_10042020001013.jpg)

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6a854b  No.14686502


words :(

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1e7485  No.14686503


Did DJT knowingly change census rules so Florida only gets 30 electoral college votes?

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763834  No.14686504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Motherfucking short term memory loss.

The More you know +++

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31161d  No.14686505


You cropped out where it said 666 on last photo

I guess that suits your narrative better. I guess you’re one of them fools who sold their soul for eternal damnation and got the vaccine.

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7c754b  No.14686506


After being dislodged, it was held by the SCA under court order while the authority sought compensation from the ship's Japanese owner Shoei Kisen and its insurers.

The ship was due to undergo a dive inspection of its hull in Port Said, at the northern end of the canal, before sailing to its next port to discharge cargo.


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ad2360  No.14686507

File: 51348e657135d92⋯.png (1.22 MB, 500x963, 500:963, ClipboardImage.png)

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c64504  No.14686508

File: d4490db953d4b99⋯.jpg (197.44 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, narwhale.jpg)

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31161d  No.14686509


>But, the R's will huff-n-puff but still sign off on it.

Like how Matt Gaetz signed off on a gun grab bill just recently

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017361  No.14686510


Long story short…

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1e7485  No.14686511


These parasites survive through the high temperature of cooking?

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6a854b  No.14686512


>Like how Matt Gaetz signed off on a gun grab bill just recently

which bill pls. sauce and text

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1fe953  No.14686513


>It wasn't The Taliban who attacked it was ISIS-K

Sounds like a new covid variant.

We need a booster for the isis k variant!

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31161d  No.14686516

File: 58ae2dee70ae703⋯.jpeg (70.55 KB, 640x439, 640:439, 4AC39182_205E_4E7E_87DF_9….jpeg)

File: 9ac5bf8218b6954⋯.jpeg (324.77 KB, 750x701, 750:701, 4D1533BD_E285_4D0D_A7F4_0….jpeg)


Here have a few (You)s

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a203b9  No.14686518

File: 28389130f49adc6⋯.jpg (23.48 KB, 500x366, 250:183, masked_squirrel.jpg)

Rep. Khanna has to pull his mask up every 20 seconds.

Isn't he tired of it yet?


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e1ee67  No.14686519

File: 0a5e17c992bb73c⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 588x588, 1:1, ZomboMeme_26082021213149.jpg)

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7c754b  No.14686520



The Ever Given will stay in Rotterdam until Monday, before setting sail for Felixstowe, on the east coast of England. The ship will then go to into a dry dock in Dunkirk, France, for a further inspection.


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21e9fa  No.14686521

Does anyone know if McAfee's telegram channel is legit? There are files being dropped there.

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07556a  No.14686522

File: 5719a1e6c62bfe4⋯.png (459.05 KB, 583x315, 583:315, dghbf.png)

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0df8f2  No.14686523


I've long thought that things like pesticides on food, the water supply, everything we consume over the long term is designed to make our bodies acidic over time making it easier for things like cancer (which I call body rust) and parasites to thrive causing problems..

Just a theory

Alkaline pond thrives with life whereas an acidic pond dies..

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ad2360  No.14686524

File: 945c41f0dee7317⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1200x1298, 600:649, ClipboardImage.png)


fuck off tard

your 666 shit is stupid

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e1ee67  No.14686525


NDAA Red flag provision

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6a854b  No.14686526

Did China/Evergrande default yet or what?

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c64504  No.14686527

File: 26b585b26edb633⋯.jpg (12.9 KB, 218x255, 218:255, 38f358716d0611c6c72c30d654….jpg)


he shakes hands funny

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a45845  No.14686528


The source is in the article and the OSHA standard if you had bothered to read it.

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e9d407  No.14686529


Telgram account just dumped a buttload of DNC and KILLERY files for download

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48aef3  No.14686530


Didnt Kash or someone say Milley made these calls on a phone that could have been listened to by many enemies, I’ll have to find that statement. But Milley didnt even know who was on the phone with Pelosi, how is it possible he didnt have the names of those listening in with Pelosi?

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8b892a  No.14686531

File: 1ac79c61326521f⋯.jpg (124.65 KB, 600x760, 15:19, TRUMP_WON.jpg)





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31784c  No.14686532


And they probably have those PCR cycles set to 10 in order to hide it, but these vaxed people's immune systems are absolutely shot. A common cold can kill some of them.

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6a854b  No.14686533


no telegram account. cannot access unless.

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31161d  No.14686534


>The source is in the article




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c5e0df  No.14686535

File: 19b7ab52ccad583⋯.png (240.95 KB, 722x913, 722:913, Screen_Shot_2021_09_29_at_….png)

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ad2360  No.14686536

File: eccbd8a254ae9df⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1180x1388, 295:347, ClipboardImage.png)


> telegram channel is legit?


Every. Fkn. Day.

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1e7485  No.14686537


Did Q+ knowingly change census rules so Florida only gets 30 electoral college votes?

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f0ebfe  No.14686538



can some faggot post that shit in bread

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a45845  No.14686540


>AND the OSHA Standard

But you're a shill, so you conveniently omit that part.

See you next bread, shill.

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bc3e57  No.14686541

File: f82769dc6fb46cd⋯.jpg (74.34 KB, 1038x575, 1038:575, foreskin.JPG)


Not Foreskin

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7258c4  No.14686542


Meanwhile both sides are laughing at our inaction

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e9d407  No.14686543


I’d be happy to but you have no idea how many files there are to download and then upload back to the group

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e8307b  No.14686544

File: 4812895e36f08ff⋯.png (279.07 KB, 820x787, 820:787, Trump_Pepe.png)



A lot of us already know that.

We're watching a movie.

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9891b8  No.14686545

File: f8595db81d6868b⋯.png (690.56 KB, 1085x1085, 1:1, 1630080245524.png)

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e1ee67  No.14686546

File: 0352b07a6c60020⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 539x720, 539:720, ZomboMeme_18062021114820.jpg)

File: 97bb32fdcbdbfa4⋯.jpg (148.3 KB, 900x777, 300:259, ZomboMeme_26062021115046.jpg)

File: d4b3a831ad2f1e3⋯.jpg (91.21 KB, 620x387, 620:387, ZomboMeme_23062021165955.jpg)

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a203b9  No.14686547

File: b9f8dbaa3145f97⋯.jpeg (203.1 KB, 667x543, 667:543, Pepe_magnifier.jpeg)


>Photos From Biden's Last Vaccine Shot Raise Suspicion That Joe Might Get A Lot Of IVs


>Shaved hair

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6a854b  No.14686548


confirmed. this is real.



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31161d  No.14686549


I bet Zuckerberg jacks off to these timelines

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f0ebfe  No.14686550


<Karen Croake

who the fuck is writing this movie script

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4f7d7d  No.14686551


Blame Satan, not God. God is just telling us what's to come. Prepare.

The Mark of the Beast is essentially a SEAL with loyalties given to the Antichrist and False prophet aka Satan.

It's better to starve or die than give yourself over to the evil one.

We're not there just yet. Close though.There will be Angels giving warning, the Two witnesses and more. A supernatural time for sure.

Believe in God, and Jesus. It's all you need.

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31161d  No.14686552


You don’t understand sarcasm clearly (memes related)

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ad2360  No.14686553

File: 84c41c3b863d4a1⋯.png (499.48 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)




all the teleshills attacking at the same time

its a teleswarm

now do your scavino & mcinnerny telelarps

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6a854b  No.14686554


>There will be Angels giving warning, the Two witnesses and more

That's all I'm asking for. Faith is neat, but I've seen nothing in this lifetime to have it.

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e9d407  No.14686555

File: b425a54db5b1f37⋯.png (361.73 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, AE1BB065_F555_4183_84C6_7D….png)

File: bab0570306d636b⋯.png (390.38 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 262174E3_DC62_4D94_8062_5E….png)


Just some listed

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c64504  No.14686556

File: 5b14bafed94aa12⋯.jpeg (12.83 KB, 210x255, 14:17, b7bc5ff0fd364ba1d8d695cfc….jpeg)

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143f66  No.14686557


Once JOE LOSES, we get KAMALA - the shit show goes on and on and on… What kind of control do patriots have exactly?

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9f37ba  No.14686558


Don't do anything from your phone. Home pc, do a scan of the url & file first. Save to an external drive.

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9261d0  No.14686559


And they call US stupid. Bet no outlet covers this and she will be labelled unvaxxed so that their numbers of 99% unvaxxed still dying in horsespitals is still valid. Fuck them all!

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6a854b  No.14686560


> What kind of control do patriots have exactly?


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a45845  No.14686561


>who the fuck is writing this movie script

Trust muh algorithm!

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31161d  No.14686562

Today is just another nothingburger day


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0df8f2  No.14686563


12 days after receiving a booster shot.. How can people think this is a good idea? Learn from the fatal mistake of others..

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cb2b67  No.14686564



>>14685960 Potentially life threatening' nosebleeds have occurred after coronavirus swab, report reveals

>>14685965 Marines reportedly told to clean graffiti insulting Taliban at Kabul airport

>>14685967 YouTube will ban any video that claims "vaccines are ineffective or dangerous" f

>>14686006 Jennifer Wright's husband Travis Wright digz continued.

>>14686013 Judge temporarily blocks key aspect of new Arizona abortion law

>>14686017 Kash Patel, A Trump Staffer Who Exposed The Russia Hoax, Aiming New Fire At Deep State

>>14685991 The US Fish and Wildlife Service will announce [23] new extinct species

>>14686042 Judge Orrick, who founded a Planned Parenthood abortion referral clinic that fed pregnant patients into fetus-harvesting program with @StemExpress…

>>14686048 Guise! McAfee Telegram has a bunch of files posted this morning.



>>14686078 Gabby Petito case has helped bring apparent closure to the family of a Texas man who went missing in Wyoming

>>14686085 Seen Over the Skies of Perry, Georgia on Afternoon of Trump Rally…

>>14686097 DHS really doesn’t want people from Afghanistan to be in the US, wonder what kind of info they have?

>>14686101 Pelsoi acknowledges Obama is the father of 6uild 6ack 6etter

>>14686131 Afghan central bank drained dollar stockpile before Kabul fell

>>14686147 Ellen Berends: Michigan woman who posted about her cousin dying after Johnson & Johnson injection in April, dead five months after Pfizer mRNA injections


>>14686185 US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Texas’ abortion ban

>>14686232 Crying 11 year old girl handcuffed for not wearing a mask in Sydney

>>14686234, >>14686256 Coverage of Gabby Petito case leads to apparent discovery of another body

>>14686300 #18573 >>14686494 o7

>>14686344 Brenda Bancel's Blog about Sandy Hook.

>>14686362 Rant for the day

>>14686332 After a family called 169 hospitals, a dad finally got the COVID-19 care he needed

>>14686438 Photos From Biden's Last Vaccine Shot Raise Suspicion That Joe Might Get A Lot Of IVs

>>14686529 Telgram account just dumped a buttload of DNC and KILLERY files for download

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48aef3  No.14686565


Someone should tell him “shut up nigga”

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143f66  No.14686566


Fifty shades of BS.

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e025cf  No.14686567


When Jack Dedmann and Jill Kilmee show up next in the obits we'll have a trend.

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31161d  No.14686568


>Today is just another nothingburger day


This movie must be in intermission

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e1ee67  No.14686569

File: c85ef9e876d1f40⋯.jpg (24.24 KB, 512x512, 1:1, ZomboMeme_18102020134807.jpg)

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9891b8  No.14686570

File: 3849df43f95ce18⋯.jpg (50.1 KB, 680x385, 136:77, TRmUQuYv.jpg)

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e8307b  No.14686571


The mark is forced on ALL, both great and small. It's not until after Jesus returns and the 144k are sealed that those who take and worship the mark are tormented.

Question, what do you need to legally buy or sell now?

It's nice that you think you're not included in the "all", but you might want to humble yourself before Truth is revealed.

May God open your eyes and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.

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82ea20  No.14686572


Yep. They never 'picked up' in Rotterdam, did they?

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b18cca  No.14686573



Told an RN close to that very thing. Said there could be most of us walking around today with that parasite in our bodies and not know it.

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e9d407  No.14686574

File: 5e2d8f5ab2acc56⋯.png (876.16 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 19232628_802D_4607_8EAB_C1….png)

File: 732e50851a34319⋯.png (832.37 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, D0A294EF_C860_404A_A26C_24….png)

File: 1b0622c8dba5ed0⋯.png (575.16 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 291AC8E1_D502_4147_A63F_E4….png)

File: f348f07bf0e612e⋯.png (607.84 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1D43A62F_1057_4F38_8501_F2….png)

File: d93afd13cb6b69d⋯.png (605.46 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 59C37AAC_2BA2_4F54_BDF8_00….png)

Here’s a few screen shots of a few files I opened

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07556a  No.14686575

File: 4c1284fbf55fe23⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1024x1011, 1024:1011, df360b597a808e1226c03b3628….png)

File: 9911a99e76eb02b⋯.jpg (100.59 KB, 550x331, 550:331, Hass_Und_Vernichtung_Unser….jpg)

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1fe953  No.14686576


We’re going to need moar estate auctioneers.

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6a854b  No.14686577


you could be walking around with faggot and not know it, but we can tell.

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e76091  No.14686578

File: 5fac5a28bf94f2d⋯.png (409.89 KB, 458x342, 229:171, ClipboardImage.png)


It never fails.

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9261d0  No.14686579


How much more theatrics can you get when the emergency personnel moved her cart to the ambulance with his hand firmly gripping her exposed tit?

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e025cf  No.14686580


There are rarely b2b weeks of habbenings.

Last week was AZ Audit, but I guess one could say that really didn't count.

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143f66  No.14686581


Movie director has not even been seen in public for a year, main actor is not even allowed to tweet. Don't think this movie is going to be ever made.

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4f7d7d  No.14686582


Pray to God for Faith. Read his Word.

Have you taken Jesus into your heart and believe in the Resurrection?

When you do, the Holy Spirit comes to you and will help you.

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a203b9  No.14686583

File: ab233f96de7f20f⋯.jpg (432.44 KB, 1000x1426, 500:713, Fellow_anon_T_2.jpg)

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317f3f  No.14686584


>Question, what do you need to legally buy or sell now?


You can also exchange goods, which is still effectively buying and selling combined.

You can use cash, but you don't have to.

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c5e0df  No.14686585

File: 31bd74fc3ae465e⋯.jpg (97.18 KB, 653x1000, 653:1000, 1000_F_305688433_ghlpfPNj6….jpg)

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07556a  No.14686586

File: ab2ab751e3a3f1c⋯.png (615.32 KB, 568x786, 284:393, wetfvdhfd.png)

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34037d  No.14686587


Watch the video.

Should be required viewing for anons…..

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2415e3  No.14686588


wait till you see her VP pick

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6a854b  No.14686589


Honestly I've tried. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've tried this repeatedly and nothing has happened so I don't know if I'm just not savable or what.

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48aef3  No.14686590


Because they love war too much and Trump didnt want anymore wars killing our sons and daughters. Top military are sickos

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aef151  No.14686591


Interdasting, I really thought I learned at the time it was cancer. And that's how they killed Bob Marley too, with the cancer dart in his shoe.

Can't have a cure for cancer when they use it as an assassination tool.

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82ea20  No.14686592




Start a dose of Ivermectin / HCQ for 2 - 3 months. If you can stomach it, use diatomaceous earth (1 tablespoon 2x a day in your favorite juice beverage) to beat it. Chemtrails/parasites

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cb2b67  No.14686593

>>14685933 @600


>>14685960 Potentially life threatening' nosebleeds have occurred after coronavirus swab, report reveals

>>14685965 Marines reportedly told to clean graffiti insulting Taliban at Kabul airport

>>14685967 YouTube will ban any video that claims "vaccines are ineffective or dangerous" f

>>14686006 Jennifer Wright's husband Travis Wright digz continued.

>>14686013 Judge temporarily blocks key aspect of new Arizona abortion law

>>14686017 Kash Patel, A Trump Staffer Who Exposed The Russia Hoax, Aiming New Fire At Deep State

>>14685991 The US Fish and Wildlife Service will announce [23] new extinct species

>>14686042 Judge Orrick, who founded a Planned Parenthood abortion referral clinic that fed pregnant patients into fetus-harvesting program with @StemExpress…

>>14686048 Guise! McAfee Telegram has a bunch of files posted this morning.



>>14686078 Gabby Petito case has helped bring apparent closure to the family of a Texas man who went missing in Wyoming

>>14686085 Seen Over the Skies of Perry, Georgia on Afternoon of Trump Rally…

>>14686097 DHS really doesn’t want people from Afghanistan to be in the US, wonder what kind of info they have?

>>14686101 Pelsoi acknowledges Obama is the father of 6uild 6ack 6etter

>>14686131 Afghan central bank drained dollar stockpile before Kabul fell

>>14686147 Ellen Berends: Michigan woman who posted about her cousin dying after Johnson & Johnson injection in April, dead five months after Pfizer mRNA injections


>>14686185 US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Texas’ abortion ban

>>14686232 Crying 11 year old girl handcuffed for not wearing a mask in Sydney

>>14686234, >>14686256 Coverage of Gabby Petito case leads to apparent discovery of another body

>>14686300 #18573 >>14686494 o7

>>14686344 Brenda Bancel's Blog about Sandy Hook.

>>14686362 Rant for the day

>>14686332 After a family called 169 hospitals, a dad finally got the COVID-19 care he needed

>>14686438 Photos From Biden's Last Vaccine Shot Raise Suspicion That Joe Might Get A Lot Of IVs

>>14686529, >>14686574 Telgram account just dumped a buttload of DNC and KILLERY files for download (Telegram?)

>>14686535, >>14686563 12 days after receiving a booster shot.. (Karen Croake, Croacked)




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0df8f2  No.14686594


She had cancer from what I've read in the comments..

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3cd477  No.14686595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rigged Markets Report

"Bet Jai Alai, kid, it safer."

Jimmy the Crook

Reported trades are generally misleading. Trades that are done on open exchanges are meant to be seen and reported.

More significant large block trades - including trades which negate or augment publicly reported trades, occur in the dark pools and are not reported.

Dark pools are private exchanges for trading securities that are not accessible by the investing public. Also known as “dark pools of liquidity,” the name of these exchanges is a reference to their complete lack of transparency. Dark pools came about primarily to facilitate block trading by institutional investors who did not wish to impact the markets with their large orders and obtain adverse prices for their trades.

Retail investors are not even trading on real information most o9f the time.

Here coked up Jim Cramer, leader of a coterie of corrupt financial journalists who colluded with mob hedge funds for 30 years, despite thousands of complaints to regulators - Jim spills minor scams to the surprised interviewer. . The consnortium of financial world shitbirds conspired to steal hundreds of billions, fake news, misleading analysis, fomenting false rumors, using tactics built around naked short selling.

One of the pedovore hedge funds, Tourbillion (RIP) bought off Columbia Journalism Review with a seven million dollar donation to "the bastion of journalistic ethics.'

notably active in key strategic areas like "baby biotechs" the cultists successfully, blocked, stalled, buried or bought out decades worth of innovative IP, preventing cheap effective medical technology from ever reaching the public.

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317a0e  No.14686596



noice catch

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e025cf  No.14686597


You're not wrong until you are.

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6a854b  No.14686598


This is another situation of a pre-existing condition in someone who was vaccinated.

You vaccinate half the world in record time, you're going to have some overlap like this.

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6799ab  No.14686599

File: 764471b4d03ca04⋯.png (9.9 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 1f799698c5b7949a3ae0ee048d….png)

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31161d  No.14686600


The AZ audit was significant but even then you had to read between the lines.

Definitely wasn’t an “oh shit oh shit oh shit” moment. Especially since the media ran with the raw vote talley showing Biden ackshully received more votes.

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e8307b  No.14686601



>There will be Angels giving warning, the Two witnesses and more. A supernatural time for sure.

I forgot to add… read Revelation 11:3-11 and remember Q's markers.

Mark 4:11-12 KJV

"And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:

That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them."

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b18cca  No.14686602

Gaetz going through Milley, giving him a proper trashing.

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a203b9  No.14686603

File: 2ff2d6b2762578c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 2592x2592, 1:1, member.png)


>I'm thinking the truth sending 99% to the hospital refers to everyone being full of parasites.

Remember that NK defector back in 2016-17 with all those parasites in his system? Fucking gross.

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2415e3  No.14686604

File: 28de5cf142ff3f5⋯.jpg (12.78 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 5523401492b6851bdda873855c….jpg)

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07556a  No.14686605

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

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\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

























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e4686c  No.14686606

Gaetz to Milley: You spent more time with Bob Woodward on this book, than you spent analyzing the very likely prospect that the Afghanistan government was going to fall immediately to the Taliban.

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6a854b  No.14686607


That was bad on Cyber Ninjas. They thought they'd be able to use that as an indicator that they were "fair and balanced", but it backfired massively.

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c5e0df  No.14686608


>She had cancer from what I've read in the comments..

and if she had a cold, would they say she died of cancer, or would they say she died of covid?

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6a854b  No.14686609

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9891b8  No.14686610

File: 5453e2773b03de5⋯.jpeg (171.06 KB, 1440x814, 720:407, 5471b1b9b4dfbb56d8a200212….jpeg)

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07556a  No.14686611

File: 00c12b11d0dc78d⋯.jpg (148.89 KB, 947x1200, 947:1200, 00c12b11d0dc78d278f7b6d41f….jpg)

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e4686c  No.14686612

Gaetz to Austin: …your former employer, Raytheon, ends up with a lot of money.

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2415e3  No.14686613

File: cb52c96ac8604cb⋯.jpg (10.35 KB, 255x143, 255:143, AOC_vermouth.jpg)


she isn't old enough just yet

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aa2af2  No.14686614


They Released The Croaker :-)

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7c754b  No.14686615


Curious about that NDA

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82d80f  No.14686616


"forehead" -john observed someone sitting at a computer

"RightHand" john observed someone holding a phone.

You cant get a job or buy an sell without a social security number

-these systems are the end of free humanity

The elect have already been deceived, thats why we are here already.

The antichrist is a spirit, not a person, and is already here, like the holy spirit, its an internal mark that only God knows.

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76f92e  No.14686617

File: 7ceeadf6f812d5c⋯.png (543.76 KB, 675x450, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 720ba24c98334d3⋯.png (964.21 KB, 1500x750, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Lucid will begin delivering its Air luxury EV in late October

September 28th, 2021

After roughly five years of work, the Lucid Air is finally close to reaching customers' garages. Lucid Motors said it has started production of the luxury EV and expects to deliver the first Dream Edition models in late October. There will only be 520 Dream units (conveniently a match for the car's 520-mile estimated range). However, Lucid won't be hurting for early customers. Even if only some of the 13,000 reservation holders commit to a purchase, that's a significant volume for an upscale car from a relatively new brand.

Those numbers might climb. The fledgling automaker plans a rapid expansion that will add about 65 acres (2.85 million square feet) to its Casa Grande, Arizona factory. It may need the extra output, too. Lucid plans to mass-produce its first SUV, the Gravity, in 2023, and electric SUVs have lately been in high demand.

The Air starts at $77,400. In addition to its potentially Tesla-beating range, it promises rare perks like Dolby Atmos audio, very quick charging (20 minutes for 300 miles) and a 34-inch cockpit display.

There's no guarantee Lucid will succeed when competing against Tesla, Rivian and rapidly electrifying incumbent car brands. While its strategy is familiar to Tesla fans (its first truly large-scale EV was also a luxury sedan), Lucid is entering a much more established market with competitors that have ample resources and name recognition. With that said, just making it to production is notable feat. EV startups like Faraday Future and Lordstown Motors are still struggling to reach that point, giving Lucid a considerable lead over some of its key rivals.


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96185d  No.14686618


Considering HCQ and Ivermectin are both antiparasitic it likely is.

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48aef3  No.14686619

File: db4fd0b2e9cc1e1⋯.jpeg (193.72 KB, 1241x887, 1241:887, 3A283C75_B6DF_41A7_AF5A_0….jpeg)


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2eeaf7  No.14686620

Damn! Matt Gaetz ate his Cheerios this morning!

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07556a  No.14686621

File: d73807430fdc962⋯.jpg (28.87 KB, 289x395, 289:395, Richard_Kalegri.jpg)

File: ad9bdc02e32a214⋯.png (939.09 KB, 788x788, 1:1, Race_mixing_Jews.png)

File: bb6a9e75296b632⋯.png (1.02 MB, 800x981, 800:981, Israel_Cohen.png)

File: a243abcd25cd554⋯.png (520.52 KB, 740x439, 740:439, e62849eca43a4b9a2c6faea666….png)

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c5e0df  No.14686622


>This is another situation of a pre-existing condition in someone who was vaccinated.

GTFOH, shill. if the cancer drs tell you that you have two weeks to live, who would bother with a covid clotshot?


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20c20b  No.14686623

Do any of you know why a button sayingRECnow appears next to the Reply button, and what theRECbutton does? Thank you.

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317f3f  No.14686624


02.05.2021 11:51:41

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02.06.2021 17:51:20

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08.07.2021 15:19:53

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03.09.2021 19:10:54

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7c754b  No.14686625


Look up Parasitic die off symptoms


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6799ab  No.14686626

File: 8b9be0be168ea01⋯.png (15.5 KB, 255x161, 255:161, 62d3dbea805e973dfc5914b600….png)





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31161d  No.14686627


>That was bad on Cyber Ninjas. They thought they'd be able to use that as an indicator that they were "fair and balanced", but it backfired massively.

In the end it was the Republican party’s fault because they had over a year to get their shit together and fight these legal battles where the dems kept changing the election laws but they threw Trump under the bus they wanted the party to revert to the Uniparty days where both sides enjoyed a slice of the pie and collaborated in selling America down the river like a two bit whore.

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e1ee67  No.14686628

File: 5f804ea6c375b4e⋯.jpg (127.83 KB, 630x958, 315:479, ZomboMeme_31122020152201.jpg)

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6a854b  No.14686629


shhh, you'll live anon. I promise, baby.

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6799ab  No.14686630


He did well

Still don't trust him though

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2415e3  No.14686631

File: b4ef130e54ee771⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


like dis

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144b7d  No.14686632


>cancer dart

do you have any sauce for this claim or you just pulling shit outta your ass?

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e025cf  No.14686633


I take it he's reading his sternly worded letter out loud?

They'll prolly have a good laugh about it at the country club later.

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a203b9  No.14686634


>Considering HCQ and Ivermectin are both antiparasitic it likely is.

An intelligent deduction.

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317a0e  No.14686635

File: 2d19d56b0945bf8⋯.png (259.83 KB, 400x267, 400:267, ClipboardImage.png)



Kash plays hockey. o7


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0df8f2  No.14686636


Agreed.. The symptoms of a cold, flu and hay fever are all the same as 'covid'..

No coincidence in picking the most common symptoms for the most common ailments to convince weak minded people that they have the 'deadliest' disease and must be vaccinated with an untested genetically altering 'vaccine'..

But people still believe it.

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e8307b  No.14686637


You can also exchange goods, which is still effectively buying and selling combined.

Look up your local laws, can you run a never ending yard sale?

Cash? Who does that cash belong to?

Let's say someone homeless, can they legally go catch a fish in the local lake and eat it?

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a203b9  No.14686638

File: dae33b0a5177b69⋯.gif (31.19 KB, 220x166, 110:83, Pepe_Martini.gif)

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e1ee67  No.14686639


They would invite SecDef but niggers aren't welcome.

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3cd477  No.14686640

File: a4713b799b50ede⋯.jpg (315.17 KB, 1648x2464, 103:154, 2JBP6LEXL4I6TGQW3RKR5JNEHM.jpg)


Use the power of the search engine to make your shilling less low energy waste of TCIP packets.


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d60699  No.14686641



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e8307b  No.14686642


Oops forgot the >

>You can also exchange goods, which is still effectively buying and selling combined.

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5432b2  No.14686643


Lurk moar, faggot.

It doesn't appear for this anon, and it wouldn't for you had you followed the same protocol.

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144b7d  No.14686644


>diatomaceous earth

wtf, I don't know if that's a good idea.

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2415e3  No.14686645

File: 31ddc3c1f0fb39c⋯.png (216.94 KB, 2284x553, 2284:553, peep.png)


thinking it will be the obvious C_A operative who eats all his food like a rat gnawing on melba toast

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f0ebfe  No.14686646

File: fe6283d836d5ce4⋯.png (55.44 KB, 229x340, 229:340, 25cc55c2263d00f5Wd_134h200….png)

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cb2b67  No.14686647





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4f7d7d  No.14686648


Everyone is saved that calls on the name of the Lord.

There's no blinding light or anything that happens.

It can be very quiet.

There is spiritual growth developed over time.

Just keep talking to God, (prayer) and getting to know him. Set aside some quiet time each day. 15 or 30 minutes to start.

If you've asked to be saved you have His mark on you.

Welcome to the Kingdom of God.

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a45845  No.14686649


What do record buttons typically do, Anon?

Just remove it.

Paste this in Options > Theme

#vrecorder { display:none !important; }

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6799ab  No.14686650

File: 5a48d83e0a39e38⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 405x270, 3:2, giphy.gif)


Press it

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db9735  No.14686651


The ugly-ass Dem dyke stroking the retard generals now is gross!

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aef151  No.14686652


The guy who did it admitted on his death bed. This is common knowledge. You can find it easily.

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3e4def  No.14686653


her dad reeks of law enforcement

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82ea20  No.14686654

We have the cures. HCQ / Ivermectin

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202fba  No.14686656





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0954ac  No.14686657


As you wish, Anon. There are lots more photos of that outing. Go on. Dig all you want. You'll find that the evidence was thoroughly examined and debated in the forum. Lots of anons wanted to find a scandal at the time, but there was nothing there.

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5432b2  No.14686658


The long, long list of health benefits attached to eating diatomaceous earth will make you dizzy.


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317f3f  No.14686659


>can you run a never ending yard sale?

Who cares.

You asked about selling and buying.

You can ask a farmer if he wants to exchange goods.

That's selling and buying effectively without FED fake cash and totally legal.

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d44a03  No.14686660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New York Nadia: Kathy Hochul vs. NY nurses

I was well in agreement with her until she urged New Yorkers not to vote and boycott this years mayoral races.

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cb5fa6  No.14686661


They should have competed harder.

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50c39c  No.14686662

File: bd377219d36c5b3⋯.png (22.96 KB, 349x473, 349:473, Q365POTUS12345.png)


This kind of control

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9261d0  No.14686663


Her vigor could be used on our side. Maybe that's what ot will take for those like her that are deluded to come around to the truth. Sad.

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f92877  No.14686664

File: a107cc5640ee4be⋯.png (34.3 KB, 703x452, 703:452, ClipboardImage.png)

Vaccine working great in Singapore >85% vaccinated.

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48aef3  No.14686665

File: 2c5b4ce491496d2⋯.jpeg (310.19 KB, 1241x1379, 1241:1379, CDD22057_107C_42C4_B0CC_5….jpeg)

GD senate didnt fast track Trumps, and now they are finally realising the mistakes they made with Biden’s DOD nomineesHawley doesnt impress me anymore


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2415e3  No.14686666


in the old days….one started off with soup….and then nuts were the dessert.

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cb2b67  No.14686667



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cb2b67  No.14686668


checkd before bake

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82ea20  No.14686669


I thought the same. They make a food grade. 2 tablespoons a day for 100 to 250 lb person the inorganic material slices and dices microbes / parasites. You can read about it on several health/detox websites. Parasitic infections are starting to be recognized by a lot of people who are correctly identifying the need to purge the parasites from our natural microbes / enzymes.

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bd9b04  No.14686670


from soup to nuts

Also found in: Wikipedia.

(from) soup to nuts

From the very beginning to the very end. Refers to a once-traditional full course meal, beginning with soup and ending with a dessert of nuts. OK, let's go over the plan again, from soup to nuts. Soup to nuts, this has to be the most interesting and engaging book I've every read.

See also: nuts, soup, to

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

from soup to nuts

Also, from A to Z or start to finish or stem to stern . From beginning to end, throughout, as in We went through the whole agenda, from soup to nuts, or She had to learn a whole new system from A to Z, or It rained from start to finish, or We did over the whole house from stem to stern. The first expression, with its analogy to the first and last courses of a meal, appeared in slightly different forms (such as from potage to cheese) from the 1500s on; the precise wording here dates only from the mid-1900s. The second expression alludes to the first and last letters of the Roman alphabet; see also alpha and omega. The third comes from racing and alludes to the entire course of the race; it dates from the mid-1800s. The last variant is nautical, alluding to the front or stem, and rear or stern, of a vessel.

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461646  No.14686671

File: a72a6f2d94d3350⋯.jpg (46.3 KB, 433x800, 433:800, flat_800x800_075_f_u1.jpg)

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6799ab  No.14686672

File: 958d855b3c817a3⋯.png (7 KB, 255x188, 255:188, 6d8744f89f1c2fbebab004f635….png)

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a203b9  No.14686673


>23 species declared extinct

And one new man-made one. A parasite, covid-19.

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0df8f2  No.14686674


It would appear that anti parasite treatments work best so I'd agree with your assessment..

And what about the black things (no, I'm not making a racist comment) that appear in the masks when they're heated up with steam? they look pretty parasitic, assuming they're real.

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e1ee67  No.14686675


I asked a question last night.

Learn double meanings, it says….then shutdown.

Could this be some kind of plan where Biden is removed (POTUS1) then Harris removed (POTUS2) then on and on revealing massive scandals for each?

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31161d  No.14686677


A video would be nice

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8b892a  No.14686678

File: 3068aba1700970f⋯.jpg (80.33 KB, 588x457, 588:457, ZomboMeme_29092021111552.jpg)

File: 2bb2c8f11010d60⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 660x440, 3:2, ZomboMeme_29092021111744.jpg)


So they admitted that they killed 7 kids AND knew this within hours of the strike… So then why did it take weeks for this to come out???

When asked about the other strike and who they hit, General McKenzie replies, "I think we hit HVTs"…


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50c39c  No.14686679



Karen Croake Heisler: 67-year-old former Notre Dame professor says “damn the unvaccinated,” dead 12 days after third Pfizer mRNA injection

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202fba  No.14686680


Once upon a time, people knew better than to inject venom into a pregnant woman. Where has common sense gone?

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31161d  No.14686681

Anons have a video clip of Gaetz and Milley?

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689c70  No.14686683

File: 710fe13fcd41ee3⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 7ac975669c2854394d50aaf55a….jpg)

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a45845  No.14686684


WifeAnon used to have constant bubble guts/IBS for no apparent reason.

Hell, we once met our insanely high deductible/max out-of-pocket trying to figure it out.

Finally bought some food-grade DE and, within three weeks, the problem disappeared.

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e025cf  No.14686685


Those frontmen are just made for tv figureheads anyway.

Whether they get approved or not the embedded compd af people running the show in those agencies will keep on doing their compd af shit.

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617a34  No.14686687

File: d2b1c163e7571b6⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB, 464x848, 29:53, d2b1c163e7571b6b6f6930c622….mp4)

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aef151  No.14686689


Right, get a toxic shot, the fetus should be fine, but don't eat deli meat and fish.

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e8307b  No.14686691


Everyone should care. You're missing the point entirely.

What you're looking for is already here. Who claims authority over you as the self proclaimed "substitute" of Christ?

You can not buy and sell legally without someone else's authority. Are you "owned"?

Remember they say "we've never been anyone's slaves" but they're wrong. Your ego wont let you believe that you are part of the ALL in the mark is forced on all.

It's not until after Jesus returns and the 144k are sealed that those who TAKE the and worship the mark and tormented.

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617a34  No.14686692


Yep I read the TikTok name New York nadia

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c0175a  No.14686693

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thermodynamics 101: Socrates Debunks Climate Alarm Science.


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e1ee67  No.14686695


I hear eating bugs will make you healthy and is good for climate change.

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31161d  No.14686696


>Once upon a time, people knew better than to inject venom into a pregnant woman. Where has common sense gone?

You sound a little bit ‘vax hesitant’ so let’s tweak this algorithm to serve you content that shames you for your vax hesitancy.

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8cdb4d  No.14686697


says right on the swordfish packaging that pregnant women shouldn't eat it because of the mercury

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2eeaf7  No.14686698


Same dress, same crucifix, same woman.

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bd9259  No.14686699

File: de20f7af1261443⋯.jpg (137.99 KB, 541x469, 541:469, KEK_.jpg)

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a203b9  No.14686700

File: f77d63b81b3bd94⋯.jpg (10.06 KB, 233x216, 233:216, pepe_mathing.jpg)


>Vaccine working great in Singapore >85% vaccinated.

If you increase the rate of covid testing you will get a commensurate increase in cases.

Tyranny is easy when all they have to do is lie with manufactured statistics.

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aef151  No.14686701


Was watching a tv recently, the ads were real meat in dog food followed by fake plant meat for humans.

The Irony.

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7c754b  No.14686702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump blasts 'Parasite' at rally

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8b892a  No.14686704


In the military this is used to refer to the region of the body known as the Taint/Grundle… (Asshole (Soup) to Balls (Nuts))

That is why the Chairman of the Committee giggled.

Our SECDEAF just Referenced a Taint as his official response…

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317a0e  No.14686705

File: f97a11bb1cbda7c⋯.png (13.56 KB, 459x138, 153:46, ClipboardImage.png)


thank God someone here isn't retarded.

Belt & fukken Road 10,000x better than London bankster DS Confessions of an Economic Hitman model, somewhat mirrors the spirit of US Founding Fathers, JFK, etc.

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aa2af2  No.14686706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aef151  No.14686707


I know. But mercury is bad for everyone. Don't eat that shit.

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96185d  No.14686708


I would not be surprised if nk was the testing grounds for new parasites.

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31161d  No.14686709


>I hear eating bugs will make you healthy and is good for climate change.

I think the future that people like Gates and Zuckerberg have in mind for us is where we eat straw cakes to fill out stomach and get soy injected straight into our veins

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7bfc1c  No.14686710



they're called jews

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bd9b04  No.14686711


also known as "nuts to butts"

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cb2b67  No.14686712





>>14685960 Potentially life threatening' nosebleeds have occurred after coronavirus swab, report reveals

>>14685965 Marines reportedly told to clean graffiti insulting Taliban at Kabul airport

>>14685967 YouTube will ban any video that claims "vaccines are ineffective or dangerous" f

>>14686006 Jennifer Wright's husband Travis Wright digz continued.

>>14686013 Judge temporarily blocks key aspect of new Arizona abortion law

>>14686017 Kash Patel, A Trump Staffer Who Exposed The Russia Hoax, Aiming New Fire At Deep State

>>14685991 The US Fish and Wildlife Service will announce [23] new extinct species

>>14686042 Judge Orrick, who founded a Planned Parenthood abortion referral clinic that fed pregnant patients into fetus-harvesting program with @StemExpress…

>>14686048 Guise! McAfee Telegram has a bunch of files posted this morning.



>>14686078 Gabby Petito case has helped bring apparent closure to the family of a Texas man who went missing in Wyoming

>>14686085 Seen Over the Skies of Perry, Georgia on Afternoon of Trump Rally…

>>14686097 DHS really doesn’t want people from Afghanistan to be in the US, wonder what kind of info they have?

>>14686101 Pelsoi acknowledges Obama is the father of 6uild 6ack 6etter

>>14686131 Afghan central bank drained dollar stockpile before Kabul fell

>>14686147 Ellen Berends: Michigan woman who posted about her cousin dying after Johnson & Johnson injection in April, dead five months after Pfizer mRNA injections


>>14686185 US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Texas’ abortion ban

>>14686232 Crying 11 year old girl handcuffed for not wearing a mask in Sydney

>>14686234, >>14686256 Coverage of Gabby Petito case leads to apparent discovery of another body

>>14686300 #18573 >>14686494 o7

>>14686344 Brenda Bancel's Blog about Sandy Hook.

>>14686362 Rant for the day

>>14686332 After a family called 169 hospitals, a dad finally got the COVID-19 care he needed

>>14686438 Photos From Biden's Last Vaccine Shot Raise Suspicion That Joe Might Get A Lot Of IVs

>>14686529, >>14686574 Telgram account just dumped a buttload of DNC and KILLERY files for download (Telegram?)

>>14686535, >>14686563 12 days after receiving a booster shot.. (Karen Croake, Croacked)

>>14686641 Watch Live Milley Hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teMWnlAtFH8 (#TREASON)


Q Research General #18577: More Audits Less BS Edition




Kitchen open for Next

Collect Notables anons




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e4686c  No.14686714


President Trump [2020]: We have more cases than anybody in the world, but why? Because we do more testing,

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50c39c  No.14686715


Anything is possible.

Trust the Plan

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22c395  No.14686717


Gaetz wants to give Milley the right to take guns away from our vets. He must think pretty highly of him.

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836b39  No.14686718


Parasites aren't truth.

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317f3f  No.14686719


>You're missing the point entirely.

No, you are now changing about what this is.

You asked about selling and buying and expected that "you totally need FED cash", which is even irrelevant in this discussion, because FED cash can be simply used for easier goods exchange.

You can exchange goods directly or not, it doesn't really matter, BECAUSE right now they can't track any of it. You could also in theory use gold or silver for that exchange.

Yeah yada yada fake FED cash yada yada

The point that I made was that you can still exchange goods, which means you trying to claim "we are already in the beast system" is simply incorrect and wrong.

You do not have to use their fake cash. you can, but no one is forced to do so.

With CBDC that will change. Every transaction can get tracked. You can get turned off as well.

>You can not buy and sell legally without someone else's authority. Are you "owned"?

Bullshit, I can use gold.

I don't need anyone's authority for that.

I can also exchange goods.

No authority of anyone needed.

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9261d0  No.14686720


Right. The big one that has been pissing me off lately is the never-changing 99% hospital unvaxxed death statistic. Talked to a nurse who eats it all up as the gospel. Gave her pause with vaxx stats anon has gathered, her reply was to defend the truthfulness of doctors. Anon couldn't continue due to heavy brainwashing.

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339f95  No.14686721


is Parasite the name of the SK movie?

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3e4def  No.14686722


they don't even bother testing most drugs on pregnant women, which you'd think they'd have learned their lesson after the Thalidomide nightmare… but alas they did not.



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31161d  No.14686723


>heavy brainwashing

Coping mechanism

They know what they are a part of

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8cdb4d  No.14686724


>99% hospital unvaxxed death

that is because they are being killed by the hospital…obviously on purpose

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1de3c7  No.14686725


yeah, i only know him from sg1

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7c754b  No.14686726

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202fba  No.14686727


Somebody make a meme that says: You cannot simply fix stupid.

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5432b2  No.14686728


>Was watching a tv

I did that once upon a time.

The last time was about 30 years ago,

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f92877  No.14686729


How the fuck does this fake news bullshit make the notes?

"Muh unvaxxed hubby got the coof and almost died!!! We had to call all over the country to save his unvaxxed life!!!

FFS Anon, have you no discernment?

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e45ded  No.14686730


Looking like Christmas

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9261d0  No.14686731


They can never come to terms with the lies they've helped perpetrate. Once they see the truth, they won't be able to live with themselves. Only the good-hearted ones, of course. The evil ones know they are helping push false info in order to kill, maim, and destroy their fellow man.

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34037d  No.14686732


I bet she went Agent Smith on you.

They always freak out when you start talking facts and sense.

Happened to me at work once. Fucking guy started screaming and his eyeballs popped out of their sockets a little. Freaky shit.

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8cdb4d  No.14686733

File: 58c0657afdef7bc⋯.jpeg (11.42 KB, 255x149, 255:149, d2193b2cc23deb2b3309ccbfc….jpeg)

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e025cf  No.14686734


The trend line will have to change drastically for something wild like that to happen.

Can't even get a long awaited Forensic Audit to cause a big stir.

And something like that is way moar wild than that was.

Either Devolution or some anti-vaxx mass blowback event seems the most likely source of future hopium sources at this point.

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48aef3  No.14686735


Yes the DS abides at a deep level

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202fba  No.14686736




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aef151  No.14686737


Out of curiosity I was looking at ivermectin vis a vis pregnancy and basically discovered that all preggers are to avoid any drugs that are not proven safe, and by that they look at accidental ingestion reports over time to determine whether bad outcomes have resulted. They don't (or didn't used to, not sure the timing) intentionally test anything on pregnant women. It seems ivermectin is probably okay but not tested specifically.

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cb2b67  No.14686738



Q Research General #18577: More Audits Less BS Edition




Kitchen open for Next

Collect Notables anons




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374c71  No.14686739

File: 49432ca6658db82⋯.png (24.77 KB, 677x322, 677:322, ClipboardImage.png)

Wyatt, Austere Deplorable



7:35 PM · Sep 21, 2021·Twitter Web App



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339f95  No.14686741

i don't recall!

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144b7d  No.14686742


fuck that traitor and any other R that signed the gun grabbing red flag law. fuck them all.

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48aef3  No.14686743


God Almighty, they knew who they hit, drones are super technical even seeing faces. They lie and lie and lie again

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7c754b  No.14686745

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9261d0  No.14686746


>bet she went agent smith

Yup. She started screaming that 'If the people would just get vaxxed, she could relax and live normally again'. Anon just left. No way to get through to some of them.

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355ceb  No.14686748


The TV ads have become totally unbearable.

I don't watch TV but spouse anon does so I see them when I'm walking thru the room.

The ads make me want to barf.

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