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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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Attention newfags: Leave the Name/Email field blank for your safety/anonymity. Do not create new threads. You may post in any thread already created. Thank you.

File: dd0a5f8f5a9233c⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QR1756.png)

d9b2a8 No.1400143

Welcome To Q Research General

Personal thank you to the BO, Bakers, and Autists/Anons who continually dedicate their time and energy to the GREAT AWAKENING.

You are all Patriots.

The hard part is coming to an end.

The next phase will bring JUSTICE.

Board Rules (Read the rules please)


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/

Q's Tripcode

Current Q Tripcode: Q !4pRcUA0lBE

PAST Tripcodes: !xowAT4Z3VQ , !2jsTvXXmXs [ Blacklisted see, >>>/patriotsfight/71 ]

Trip Code Change Explanation: Q accidentally typed the password in plain text, Q updated password for new Trip on

His Secured /patriotsfight/ Board, BO Confirmed and then white listed new Tripcode, and Blacklisted the compromised one, on /qresearch/. See >>1355345


Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.13.2018

>>1397513 ------------------ Full Circle.

>>1394586 ------------------ On Guard.

>>1394124 ------------------ Trust must be earned.

>>1393554 rt >>1393485 ----- What must happen pre 11.11?

>>1393391 rt >>1393351 ----- rt "The Shadow Government"

>>1393354 rt >>1393313 ----- Watch what happens [-30].

>>1393321 rt >>1393295 ----- LOOP.

>>1393311 rt >>1393269 ----- Well done, Anon.

>>1393295 ------------------ https://nationalsecurityaction.org/who-we-are/

Saturday 05.12.2018

>>1392849 ------------------ Sealed indictments.

>>1391731 ------------------ Now comes the pain.

>>1391509 rt >>1391481 ----- Godspeed, Patriot.

>>1391443 rt >>1391351 ----- Corruption everywhere.

>>1391355 rt >>1391341 ----- News beginning to leak.

>>1391340 rt >>1391298 ----- Happy Hunting!

>>1391298 ------------------ Truth Coming.

>>>/patriotsfight/79 ------- No private comms

>>1388185 ------------------ Stay the course.

>>1385613 ------------------ PEOPLE UNITED hold the power.

>>1384036 rt >>1383888 ----- Time to move on.

Friday 05.11.2018

>>1373162 ------------------ This is why we are here.

>>1372772 ------------------ Q Responds to Corsi/AJ Attack

Thursday 05.10.2018

>>1368097 rt >>1368028 ----- Explore further.

>>>/patriotsfight/78 ------- Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.

>>>/patriotsfight/77 ------- Future to prove past.

>>1366780 rt >>1366601 ----- Note the pictures we post are ALL originals.

>>>/patriotsfight/76 ------- Rank & File. (deleted)

>>>/patriotsfight/75 ------- Castle LOCK. (deleted)

>>>/patriotsfight/74 ------- Fellow Patriots:

>>>/patriotsfight/73 ------- (DOJNUNESRELEASE.png)

>>1362511 ------------------ This is not a game.

>>>/patriotsfight/72 ------- NKSINGSEC.png

>>1361222 ------------------ [Be careful who you follow]

>>1358839 ------------------ Iran confirms Zarif-Kerry meeting in NY (twitter link)

>>1358706 ------------------ Now comes the pain.

Wednesday 05.09.2018

>>1349487 ------------------ http://www.iran-daily.com/News/202615.html Happy hunting!

Tuesday 05.08.2018

>>1342162 ------------------ Even Qs are Human ;-)

>>>/patriotsfight/71 ------- Error Corrected

>>>/patriotsfight/70 ------- Trip Confirmed

>>>/patriotsfight/69 ------- TRIP Update.

>>>/patriotsfight/68 ------- Today, EVIL lost control - also: >>1341959

>>>/patriotsfight/67 ------- Review time

>>>/patriotsfight/66 ------- Use LOGIC

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

'''2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1126202 , >>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1127332 For Website mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1329265 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

>>1113115, >>1113120 How to filter a Shill

d9b2a8 No.1400157


are not endorsements


>>1399638 GEOTUS tweets: "Remember how badly Iran was behaving...", >>1399651, >>1399652

>>1399693 Not to be forgotten is the whole John Kerry Swift Boat controversy...

>>1399727 Jimmy Kimmel pulls back on Trump bashing., >>1400128

>>1399782 Green Beret livestreams himself being waterboarded to support Gina Haspel.

>>1399854 Kimmel/Giustra/Bill Clinton/Haiti



>>1398668 (((Isaac Green))) claims personal private contact from Q.

>>1398791 Q's 'sigle' connections to CMS Harshle Sigle, Cornelius Brandi/Erlach Poncet black nobility, Swiss banking and charitable foundations.

>>1398861 USAF F-16 "Pickle Button"

>>1398999 Anon says "Q just dropped a sandwich analysis."

>>1399010 Notable Planefag posts.

>>1399076 Grassley Demands Sit-Down With Mystery FBI Agent To Discuss Flynn "302" Forms

>>1399202 Elisabeth Pickle - Law Firm (white queen?)

>>1399221 Moar 48's (AZ, Pence..VP speech on Tuesday), >>1399282

>>1399229 New shill tactic.

>>1399313 Ex-Senator who called for gun control gets 5 years in prison for weapons trafficking


>>1397962 Never thought she would lose connects

>>1397986 Zte situation complete with timelines and graphics

>>1398008 Iranian names revealed

>>1398039 NK scientists helped Iran with missiles

>>1398038 POTUS Sanctions Chinese Phone Company for helping Iran

>>1398158 Anon correlates "On Guard" with chess parlance.

>>1398230 John Kerry's Iranian friens.

>>1398260 Headline: "North Korea runs underground military base near Assad's hometown."

>>1398307 Notable Planefag posts

>>1398316 Q misspells "single" (sigle, as in CAMERON McKENNA SIGLE), >>1396424, >>1396946, >>1398096

>>1398372 Clinton campaign conference call titled "Julian Assange Donald Trump Vladimir Putin"


>>1397162 Iran graphic digs, sum of all fears.

>>1397184 The PICKLE Factory is in a PICKLE.

>>1397196 Moar Pickle Digs

>>1397214 Happy Gas dig

>>1397256 US Oil flowing

>>1397294 48 is a Q drop?


>>1397317 Indo Bomb attacks

>>1397594 Dodgy Dossier conspiracy doc .

>>1397705 full circle 1360 post

>>1397712 China Rapidly Building Advanced Arms for Use Against U.S.

>>1397710 Keith Ellison, ANTIFA handbook

>>1397725 Cash moving around

>>1397755 Huma's ties to MB

>>1397849 MB Influence

>>1397912 Jeff Zahn dig.


>>1396364 An Evening With Hillary Rodham Clinton, Auckland NZ, 7th May 2018

>>1396365 Iran making deals with Sri Lanka

>>1396385 3 Iranians spotted with Joke Kerry.

>>1396422 Anon speculates CDAN blind's A++ lister

>>1396442 Len Blavatnik digz

>>1396565 Anon graphic clues on Macron

>>1396619 Anon diagram on Kerry /Qdrop connects

>>1396634 Magma12 Currently headed SE.

>>1396638 Chess terms for attack "On Guard "

>>1396682 Nielson getting hammered by 45

>>1396844 Billions In Oil Deals Shield Iran From U.S. Sanctions

>>1396868 Four-horsemen-of-russias-economic-apocalypse

>>1396980 The PICKLE Factory : CIA

>>1397097 PICKLE Factory : CIA sauce

>>1396842 POTUS Weekly Address

>>1396676 Iranians Kerry met in Paris. One is former Kamal Kharazi former Minister of Foreign Affairs


>>1395669 Boeing bonds or notes dig

>>1395749 Pickle is serializing and de-serializing a Python object structure.

>>1395751 Clinton and boeing connection

>>1395758 President Trump's M-Day message

>>1395776 Planefag report compile

>>1395794 Magma12 to Larnaca, from Lebanon.

>>1395807 48 is Arizona ?

>>1395876 IRAN-General Electric

>>1395892 EU struggles with trade defenses vs China

>>1396101 Anon theory for "On Guard"

>>1396164 Congressman Robert Pittenger calls for Obama investigation

>>1396173 Black Support For Trump Is Rising Into The Danger Zone For Democrats

>>1395977 Lady from no such agency work with G Sor_s at a foundation

>>1396131 French Oil Giant TOTAL has $5bln deal with Iran

>>1396344 Magma12 headed for Ben Gurion Airport.


>>1394813, >>1394891 EU leadership options:

>>1394897 Here is some good Mothers Day news

>>1394922, >>1394963, >>1394993 Who stands to loose on Iran deal? Black market uranium

>>1394943 NZ Info + Five Eyes and Southern Cross Cable

>>1395131 GermanArchiveAnon Update

>>1395135 NK Invites International Media to Watch Nuclear Test Site Shutdown

>>1395312, >>1395334 Arrival of the Presidential Delegation to the State of Israel

>>1395314 Cabal is in a pickle for sure

>>1395399, >>1395456, >>1395470 Planefag update re: T-785 - Swiss Air Force SUI002

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

d9b2a8 No.1400161

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 – QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 – Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 – TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 — META


>>16785 —– Prayer

>>1215912 – Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 — Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 — Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>566073 — Q Cards Collection

>>870846 — The Letter Q

>>694579 — Hispanic Qresearch

>>674740 — Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 – Newfag Q&A

>>93735 —– Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 – Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>169315 — Notable Resignations Thread 1/2

>>1147812 – Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 —— Tools and Information

>>4852 —— Free Research Resources

>>4362 —— Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 —— Research Threads

>>1233401 - All Executive Orders

>>1241760 - Shill posters

>>1243929 - JFK Files released

>>32223 —- Qs chess game

>>256741 — Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>410413 — Q Communications re:deltas

>>489697 — Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 — Merkel research thread


>>810563 — NXIVM info collection

>>885933 — P=C

>>904395 — The Plan

>>911014 — Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 — No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1143658 - Abramovic

>>1272206 - 43 Confirmed Connections workspace

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

d9b2a8 No.1400167

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21 >>1398322

>>1335083 Previous GMT Graphics

Q Graphics all in EST

>>1303748 Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>1298492 , >>1302636

>>1148124 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ------------------ >>>/comms/968

>>1147122 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

>>1147113 Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ---- >>>/comms/966

>>1335077 Previous EST Graphics

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.1.0 [updated 5/9]) >>1355190

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library

Nearly 18,000 Memes and Infographs Searchable by Subject


Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Memes: Latest Stockpiles

Memes21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995, 19 >>1144040

Meme Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ----------------------- qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist --- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn to Bake! We Really Need Patriot Bakers

New Bakers Please Go To Cooking Class >>>/comms/154

Or read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

d9b2a8 No.1400172



58c6e5 No.1400196

File: 2da878ba2ec70fd⋯.png (913.44 KB, 1361x900, 1361:900, Barry Soetoro Andrew Basia….png)

9e8d05 No.1400229

File: eaab233d49c4c99⋯.jpg (238.74 KB, 1442x985, 1442:985, Heinz Pickle.jpg)

John Kerry is married to Teresa Heinz. Yes, the same Heinz family that makes the famous ketchup and (for our UK readers) the baked beans. The Heinz company has been making these pickle pins for over a hundred years. According to the Wikipedia, over a 100 million of them have been produced.

The main point here is that "pickle" might be a reference to John Kerry or his wife ("follow the wives"), especially since the last few crumbs have been about Iran.

d9b2a8 No.1400231




bbd4e8 No.1400232

File: a52c8846751af39⋯.jpg (883.68 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Qwithyou.jpg)

c3bd4a No.1400233


CIA = PICKLE FACTORY The headline of the column makes reference to the “Pickle Factory,” the insiders’ name for the Central Intelligence Agency. The name comes from code for the daily CIA briefings to the President which are called Pickles. https://counterjihadreport.com/2013/02/26/islam-and-the-ballot-box/

5dbc2e No.1400234


fuck potus

e8c6e5 No.1400235

File: a13ddf17a44d471⋯.jpg (83.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1523798989_maxresdefault.jpg)

TY Baker

be2f86 No.1400236

File: 0cde06b3b644f7a⋯.gif (16.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 382299886b8ed662025ddbbc03….gif)


nice dig , i like this one .

bbd4e8 No.1400237

File: 3a24467c65bf36c⋯.jpg (1002.15 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, loganact.jpg)

File: d2a3e17f2d35afe⋯.jpg (810.4 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, bestyoucando.jpg)

39de2a No.1400238

We have moved past the mother of all butts phase and now are in the pain in the ass phase , forward soldiers bring the pain

15e67b No.1400239

>>1400204 (lb)

That'd make him a Shriner

af4dac No.1400240


fuck stupid NameFags like you

If it wasn't for your IP hopping, you'd be permabanned

c3bd4a No.1400241


PICL President’s Intelligence Checklist, or PICL (pronounced “pickle ) When authorities gave President Kennedy the first version of the intel briefing in 1961, it was then called the President’s Intelligence Checklist, or PICL (pronounced “pickle http://time.com/4673605/first-presidents-daily-brief/

b32f21 No.1400242

File: a3ca0f7f9d7fcec⋯.png (202.55 KB, 1620x920, 81:46, ClipboardImage.png)

Reliable? NOT!

d7a145 No.1400243

File: cb4c730d1513053⋯.png (57.09 KB, 865x423, 865:423, iranthreat5443564357658586….png)

Posting in case anyone missed this.


5dbc2e No.1400244

btw pedogate has a ton of roth bankers on the sheets

5dbc2e No.1400245


swamp ass

cf0628 No.1400246

File: d037e6c1bf72e4b⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 3000x2860, 150:143, c5eb1c56df8e8eb71f4c043490….jpg)

Thanks, Baker.

Diversity Police said we were missing redheads last bread. Is this close enough?

0250af No.1400247


dude just filter dont get infected by the stupidity

61297f No.1400248


So they way I interpret Q's YUGE drops today is that they will NOT unsealed the indictments until AFTER the red wave. Or maybe just before. I'm not sure how long a judge has to be assigned between unsealing and hearing? Because if they release too early they'll be picked up and possibly dismissed by corrupt judges.

The nominations are being slow walked right now. Immediately after the red wave they will be ALL approved. And immediately after the red wave they will be all unsealed.

Or, depending on how the timing works they'll be unsealed JUST BEFORE the vote to ensure people know what's being baked.

Only concern I have with that is the perception that then they'll accuse the DOJ timing as being political and partisan and suspect.


48e70f No.1400249

File: 659a0ba1f49520e⋯.jpg (209.53 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, coltscheerleaders.jpg)


can we get some naked cheer leaders ?

fight, fight fight

af4dac No.1400250



^^ these two together make a pretty convincing theory

good work anons!

936af8 No.1400251

Shills mothers did not hug them enough.

That's how you make a shill.

ae67bf No.1400252


i quickly photoshoped 2 jewish candlethingies together, its nothing. its about the shape it makes … the 'stickman'…related to leylines / their symbols etc

bbd4e8 No.1400253

File: 9e6322c13c00d93⋯.jpg (637.21 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, MB_Huma.jpg)

Huma… welcome home!

355135 No.1400255



faster than i thought!!!

can't wait

48e70f No.1400256

File: 13656c15fef851f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 114.29 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 17048_04big.jpg)

fe2997 No.1400257


You want to have sexual intercource with Potus?

2e83bc No.1400258


Ah ok, thank you, I felt pretty dumb there :)

I tried to figure out how to just have another sheet (tab at bottom) for the main spreadsheet to add the supplemental archives, but couldn't find info on how to do it anywhere. Oh well.

Thank you anyway, and I'm so glad you made that - really helpful!

I believe there's a pastebin text file of all POTUS tweets, if that will help you?

af4dac No.1400259


I usually do because IT just shit posts, but replied once due to IT saying f POTUS

e8c6e5 No.1400260


Andrew Basiago also claims to have visted dinosaurs in 1 million B.C. Also on mars.

https:// www.strangerdimensions.com/2017/10/06/dinosaurs-exist-mars/

bc819d No.1400261

2b72d5 No.1400262

File: c07c5a9178a1b06⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 486x556, 243:278, original-take-2.jpg)

File: c96bb3a7509cd56⋯.jpg (684.23 KB, 504x3672, 7:51, wehaveitall.jpg)

i have a second take on "the pictures we post are all originals", running it by here.

Q team is not gov't, but tech - a group within google/twitter/fb of engineers with access…contacted military intel somehow, explained the security problem, and are now working from the outside to feed the inside.

"we have it all"

more concerned about legal discovery than actual capture of data because it was already archived before any of this started.

access to [45] pictures because he knows they know, and stages appropriately.

d65a4a No.1400263

Good research of the pyramids.. :)

936af8 No.1400264

File: 08cefd9be00a7de⋯.jpeg (7.34 KB, 200x300, 2:3, download (2).jpeg)


For the baker after his shift ends.

bc819d No.1400265

File: bc02ee5d98461e1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 126.23 KB, 1200x795, 80:53, 024a90341f5975cc7e457c2109….jpg)

58ca79 No.1400266


You don't know this was all from both parties before Trump took office right? Get back on your knees boy, serving your masters. We will no longer be their slaves like you.

09d75d No.1400267


Unfortunately Dutchsince is another fraud.

"Be careful who you follow".

Whatever you do don't send $$$$

bbd4e8 No.1400268

File: cb86f1f76515b0c⋯.jpg (442.25 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, wantnames.jpg)

We cannot wait…

It's hard to wait!

We want names!

55512f No.1400269

Memba the guy that used to post all trhe fat chicks kek?

5dbc2e No.1400270

the whole drug war is built offthe bribery and cover up of a masacre at a bowling alley in my town fyi, roth drug puppets and bush family got some people executed one morning cause they did not want to pay for the cocaine cause of their snooty white supremacy bullshit pedovore caca. there was foreign nationals all over the case . still unsolved

355135 No.1400271


i mean..I'LL WAIT!!

but excited to see it!!

406bc1 No.1400272

File: d9a96f6a8429088⋯.png (439.22 KB, 1185x863, 1185:863, ClipboardImage.png)


goes to the monitoring.

link to paper (Mirosoft, 2012): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/CohnHumantennaCHI2012.pdf

af4dac No.1400273

File: e19b0e091301e31⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 2.16 MB, 1500x1028, 375:257, bakergirls2.png)

652dfb No.1400274

Last bread:


It's psychologically subtle, hence why a lot of people miss it. He, himself with his act, isn't subtle, just the technique.

48e70f No.1400275


I fancy that horse!

758553 No.1400276


Some junk in that trunk, but still looks good…would have loved seeing a redhead with green eye….KEKE

795b59 No.1400277

File: d75db8037705057⋯.jpg (88.71 KB, 639x483, 213:161, kimmel2.jpg)

b0c373 No.1400278

File: 0568d110cf93cc9⋯.jpg (440.42 KB, 1080x938, 540:469, Screenshot_20180513-141152.jpg)

File: 6a80608fcb62a9e⋯.jpg (481.83 KB, 2220x1080, 37:18, Screenshot_20180513-140248.jpg)

File: b11f39d380c1f7d⋯.jpg (777.95 KB, 1080x1682, 540:841, Screenshot_20180513-140952.jpg)

File: 9aa08835c8473dc⋯.jpg (810.63 KB, 1057x1849, 1057:1849, Screenshot_20180513-140938.jpg)

WTF, HI knew about about this a couple of months before… they predicted the slow slip

it moves 2 feet every year.. one year it moved 11feet!!






9e8d05 No.1400279


>>1400233 (Checked)


I don't dispute those connections, Anon, but you know how Q loves to use double meanings. I'm not ruling out the Kerry-Heinz pickle reference just yet.


Teresa Heinz's father, a Senator, died in a mid-air collision over an elementary school. Suspicious as hell given what we know about plane crashes.

48e70f No.1400280

b7bd93 No.1400281

File: 0f1a8928aed5b70⋯.png (651.74 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, FIRE.png)

File: 7cd1f77b6b639e3⋯.png (280.42 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, FIRE2.png)

Gonna keep posting this til it gets some traction.

"The public has been primed for radiological attack and stockpiles have been positioned but while the psychological impact of a Co-60 weapon is severe, the threshold of opportunity may have passed for this to stop a vote"

"Improved strains of ZIKV have been delivered and we have disseminated them to operatives. Unfortunately this will suppress women voters more than men (even as ZIKV2 is

lethal in adults). This would hurt Hillary Clinton and Trump voters are willing to risk lethal pathogens to vote"

"HAARP is in skeleton crew mode. Subterranean thermobaric devices in fracking mines are untested. Surveys suggest this might not stop Trump voter"




5b9c18 No.1400282


>AJ red-pilled more people than you ever will.

No one is disputing AJ's historic contribution in repilling the masses or in helping DJT be elected POTUS, but that doesn't excuse his divisive and childish temper tantrums in recent weeks. AJ is his own worst enemy and has no one to blame but his self.

3ecaed No.1400283

Rollback on ZTE? WTF??

http:// thehill.com/homenews/administration/387506-former-obama-aide-speechless-at-trump-reversal-on-zte

5dbc2e No.1400284

the fast a furious was originally a trap for these cult fegels, but it got way out of hand ,

f4643c No.1400285


Kerry may be not registered under FARA as a foreign agent to work on Iran's behalf. If that's true, then he is in a World of shit.

87f475 No.1400286

Q - Is any of this relevant?

What is the connection between Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks?

What are Neural Networks?

How do you train a Neural Network?


[Massive amounts of data]




What are hashtags used for?

What are hashtags really used for?



How does one optimize the connections in a Neural Network?

Optimize the cost function?

What is great at optimizing a cost function?

How would one optimize a very complex cost function?

Quantum Annealing


What is the first commercially available Quantum Annealer?

Who bought one?



Who has collected [Massive amounts of data]?

Who is behind D-Wave?


af4dac No.1400287

File: 92808d6594d1b61⋯.png (241.54 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

758553 No.1400288


Would kick them out of the bed.

…mor room on the floor….

937d58 No.1400289


Yeah OK, they can accuse, and if it's true … so what? Gotta break some eggs to make an omelet.

68b9a4 No.1400290

>>1399999 (last thread)

Did the "Crystal Methodist" build that I wonder.

bbd4e8 No.1400291


A day to look forward

c2a1df No.1400292


ooo momma

8aab0e No.1400293


Dutchsinse too on youtube ect. he has a megaquake warning out this daythen only on watch

b15b3d No.1400294

File: 68fdbc5959ed3a3⋯.png (188.66 KB, 714x391, 42:23, surfers-2.png)

227916 No.1400295

I love the rare moments when Q drops when I happen to be on, and that brief while there's no replies, then bread auto updates and anons go insane like Elvis is in town.

48e70f No.1400296


lol…true statement

953aa6 No.1400297


HRC puppet or master of massod employs a Muslim Brotherhood shill as confidant. Is this were 1+1 does not equal 2? Mossod and muslim brotherhood are the same people? We fight Israel wars against Zionists friends, family. How did we miss this? I need duct tape for my head just now.

652dfb No.1400298


That was her husband.

71a46a No.1400299


You should know how POTUS operates by now. He's not rolling back anything. It just looks that way to the enemy and those who (Dems) who haven't figured him out yet.


2a4234 No.1400300

Posted last night…

Heal (core):

Discernment will require you to be still

And Watch.

I Thought Corsi was foolish, seems that was calculated, Not foolish.

"Just observe Q


Im grateful to that reddit user and for Q reposting him @

"This is why we are here."

Ive stayed the course when actions were taken that I did not like, or perhaps understand. I combined my premises and made a picture that makes sense, rather than discard my premises. > Loyalty

My picture doesnt equal the truth, but it makes up a larger and clearer image of it than before, as I hope yours does by staying the course.

Patience (leads to) virtue


I'll leave you with this:

"Just observe Q"

"You will know a tree by its fruit."

"You will know them by their work."

Actually, posting a password by mistake is easy to do, like scrolling through a tab button on forms. You know, its not like there isnt shit to do.

Did you know Israel was founded by tribes that often fought each other? Some tribes would get lost and worship false gods for awhile, and then a prophet would come out and get them back.

Israel is still Israel. They say God's people.

Focus only on the function of the analogy, And

Focus on using discernment.

Not foolishness, calculated… I will use the same discernment against IW. Some things that were 'out-of-character' may have been completely 'in-character.'

"Heal [Core]"?


'And he said to Pharoah, "Let my people go…"

Set the people free.

In a way… you know who this poster is and who Q is, because you know what they mean to you, and you know them by their work.

Im really surprised IW went against that; they really dont know 8chan.

d65a4a No.1400301

e0d444 No.1400302

File: 56004d4e25a7ab3⋯.jpg (70.18 KB, 571x380, 571:380, Michele Sison2.jpg)

File: 066ff4ccbeb4ad8⋯.jpg (32.2 KB, 440x293, 440:293, 440px-Secretary_Kerry_and_….jpg)

File: 9242f19d00e5ae6⋯.jpg (2.87 MB, 4536x3024, 3:2, Secretary_Kerry_Sits_With_….jpg)



The Current Ambassador to Haiti

We Have It All

937d58 No.1400303


Also don't bother with prime number based encryption. QC's can be programmed to factor numbers with large prime factors.

31982b No.1400304


>Jones told his retards we are Anonymous and we wear Guy Fawkes masks but were also leftists sponsored by Soros

Did you hear that asshole saying "Q wants to be a 'real boy' like Pinocchio"! He's a fucking lunatic! He should start taking serious meds!

1df4e3 No.1400305

>>1400188 (lb)

I'd save demolition for the sites where ceremonial torture, rape, and cannibalism have taken place. Too much negative energy accumulated there to go and just make it a kindergarten.

4f981e No.1400306

File: c01d8cd5181e006⋯.jpg (103.57 KB, 855x634, 855:634, cia pickle 7th floor.JPG)


thx Anon - was wondering where the name came from.

Pickle Works, Pickle Factory synonymous with (((7th Floor))).

f4643c No.1400307


Shit is most definitely getting real. Get the popcorn and get comfy..

5dbc2e No.1400308

File: 67a107f7f23e96d⋯.jpg (53.89 KB, 500x691, 500:691, IMG_1720.JPG)

these assholes keep selling

be2f86 No.1400309

File: 98848dca2dd9e6c⋯.jpg (84.58 KB, 760x959, 760:959, 0bd2462b79cde348f0dd38e4c7….jpg)

cc55e5 No.1400310


Of course they did. The technology out there is so far advanced they would have had to have known.

With everything going on in HI I’m curious to know if this was a plot by (((them))) to either destroy everything stored at the NSA or to have to transferred somewhere other than the central command as it did after the false alarm.

Q and POTUS twarted again? Maybe it’s a stretch.

I get it’s an active volcano, but my wheels are turning on this.

Maybe there is nothing more to it than Mother Nature

5dbc2e No.1400311


gay and fake

f4643c No.1400312


The area where it is is also called Kings Valley.

85d755 No.1400313

Heinz… FUCK Heinz. Topple that company. Coke and Pepsi, too.

None of them deserve to survive. Many other options without poison in them and that arent run by psychopathic murderers

35dc49 No.1400314

File: 3d7d3884a0f10e3⋯.png (373.45 KB, 1133x956, 1133:956, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86aabd27cda145e⋯.png (135.57 KB, 393x291, 131:97, ClipboardImage.png)

073538 No.1400315

File: e4d95165c4b3549⋯.png (136.92 KB, 1060x572, 265:143, Pic1intro.png)

File: 48af3cf1638e58f⋯.png (717.44 KB, 945x831, 315:277, Pic2Pinchuk.png)

File: eed62bcb0fe341b⋯.png (658.52 KB, 672x1132, 168:283, Pic3Giustra.png)

File: df52eb4d600977b⋯.png (501.95 KB, 671x687, 671:687, Pic4Stasch.png)

5d3916 No.1400316



be2f86 No.1400318

File: b9492b2e7936b60⋯.jpg (69.26 KB, 366x366, 1:1, obama-is-a-muslim-meathead….jpg)

ae67bf No.1400319

File: 9a5ba55dfd51889⋯.jpg (98.46 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1335350687_86c1a9def1a4f0[….jpg)


652dfb No.1400321


Israeli Secret Intelligence Service aka ISIS

795b59 No.1400322


We have it ALL.

ALL, stands for Airborne Laser Laboratory, a technology tested on aircraft (specifically Boeing) to shoot down incoming missile threats.


af4dac No.1400323

NasimBaker needs a handoff

Any standby bakers???

5dbc2e No.1400324


bushes did not want to pay the columbians after not paying the mexicans, everypne blamed each other and some employees got exececuted

9e8d05 No.1400325



Yeah, I made a mistake there. Teresa, born in Mozambique to Portugese parents studied in Switzerland, and worked at the UN, married into the Heinz family. Her husband, Senator Henry John Heinz III, then died in a mid-air crash with a helicopter over an elementary school.

Nothing to see here, right?

b0c373 No.1400326

File: a7020aeac96891f⋯.jpg (406.62 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Screenshot_20180424-130408.jpg)


Nope u dumbfuk.

He doesnt plea for money. Just because a person has a donation page doesnt mean hes fake dumbass. Do i call a busser/waitress a fraud for their service???

he doesnt promote it, hes not selling a book.

My take is that u r a USGS shillz scared ppl r finding out the truth.. that ur system is fukn corrupt. Dutch has been so accurate, it scares the establishment. So keep trolln turd cuz we know the truth.

092764 No.1400327

File: 5f307343a755ebb⋯.jpg (87.1 KB, 887x499, 887:499, Now Comes The Pain.jpg)

Bring the pain down on them, Q Team

6194a2 No.1400328

File: afcd17cf6397802⋯.png (9.71 KB, 314x283, 314:283, POST.PNG)



having trouble uploading video to board, not quite sure what to do. Is there a delay because the video is processing? Says 100%

2a4234 No.1400329

'We await your answer [48]'

Regarding Iran and deal/bribes…

48 = number of officials?

Related in someway to National Security Action…

Notice their mission statement between the lines._X

29a81b No.1400330


Neural Networks are pretty cool, as relates to the prospects of AI. How an AI sees and processes information autonomously.

Soon, I am sure of it, AI will begin to encompass all things and archive everything. You will be archived…your appearance, your mannerisms, your personality…and if someone wants to talk to you, you can just have your AI self do the conversing.

It's going to be a Bizaro world!

Then, your AI chip will be passed on as you die. Your children will be able to run your AI chip through whatever tech…most probably a hologram projector of some type. Your kids and grandkids will always have you to talk to and ask questions…and your AI self will answer them just as if you have never passed away!

2a9a35 No.1400331

File: cbd946fc6b26618⋯.jpg (560.84 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 08rhodes1-superJumbo-v5.jpg)

Anons, anybody see this yet?


>As Malley and representatives of the State Department, including Wendy Sherman and Secretary of State John Kerry, engaged in formal negotiations with the Iranians, to ratify details of a framework that had already been agreed upon, Rhodes’s war room did its work on Capitol Hill and with reporters. In the spring of last year, legions of arms-control experts began popping up at think tanks and on social media, and then became key sources for hundreds of often-clueless reporters. “We created an echo chamber,” he admitted, when I asked him to explain the onslaught of freshly minted experts cheerleading for the deal. “They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.”

Note the image–framed picture of BHO holding an infant in a mirror next to flowers? WTF? Also the books–one of them says "Revolution:Subversion" or something similar. Many more details, requires examination.

8aab0e No.1400332


yes it is… follow syrian news 1 on facebook. see the real news from syria.. and last night the convoy of US army get killed in a bomb in Raqqa 7 dead

e0d444 No.1400333

File: 319b1387423b8da⋯.jpg (25.01 KB, 342x240, 57:40, 240_F_148556994_BYNVu43s4v….jpg)

File: 8e350c342684ff2⋯.jpeg (339.9 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, 1 XUA-apzhnM_FnQ3RrQ9hyw.jpeg)

File: daa3bd34e4b45bd⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 2500x1696, 625:424, Ambassador-Powers.jpg)

File: 319b1387423b8da⋯.jpg (25.01 KB, 342x240, 57:40, jk.jpg)

e33b1b No.1400334


Alex said he's the Storm now, not Q. Obvious economic motive with Infowars employees' attempt to defame and hijack Q audience.

be0def No.1400335

>>1400124 lb


I think you can dl the google doc to excel, create the new tabs, then upload it again.

937d58 No.1400336


I thought 7th Floor was Mahogany Row at State Dept. Is 7th Floor special at many agencies?

5dbc2e No.1400337

seems we are down to drunks and whores again

092764 No.1400338


Click 'Show post options & limits' and paste your link there.

d65a4a No.1400339


120/130 years

After of that.

The Earth will be dead.

61a0cf No.1400340

File: f370b5db7454f9d⋯.png (723.46 KB, 1909x883, 1909:883, ClipboardImage.png)

A6-PFE United Arab Emirates Boeing 787

(registration # A6-PFE)

May 3 Inter-Island hopping New Zealand

May 7th Australia to New Zealand

May 9th Sidney to Singapore

May 11 - Singapore to Japan (?)

May 12 - Japan(?) to LA

May 13 - LA to ??? (Currently over Missouri)

2a9a35 No.1400341

File: dece5c9a34165d9⋯.jpg (917.56 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 08rhodes1-superJumbo-v5.jpg)


Here's those two mentioned things blown up a bit.

12f8fa No.1400342

File: fa5347be4e16ea8⋯.jpg (8.8 KB, 255x191, 255:191, fa5347be4e16ea87a7459bd866….jpg)

>>1398411 (pb)

>>1398411 (pb)

>>1398411 (pb)

>>1398411 (pb)

>>1398411 (pb)

I had to step away for a bit, and just read your response if you are still around. Thank you for that. I absolutely agree and you certainly articulated it all very well. Great job, anon.

BAKER: I would say this is notable.

Here it is reposted:

think mirror

think projection

the more propaganda and phony anon "research" the anti jew anti zionist anti israel posters put out

the more memes they post

the more they blame the woes and evils of the entire world on jews with zero evidence

the more they blame anons for the very shit tactics they employ (ip and teampost fagging)

the more they point to the overwhelming over-representation of Jews in positions of power as evidence of wrongdoing - not hard work and merit - sounds like marxism again so….

the more nasty amd threatening messages and replies they create

every bread incessantly…..

even with their stupid ((())) brackets secret code ring which (((they))) now claim is the reason Q picked 8chan - because 8chan is anti-semitic!

the more all anons can be 100% certain they are a mirror of the truth - in other words complete and utter lies to divide we the people

THIS is why the muhjews shills post

>the more you talk about it the more it embeds itself into the public consciousness

(((fake patriots) strategy exposed

that is what they fear the most

its happening

PS - also thick headed morons do not understand satire even when it bashes them in the face - they use the anti-jew graphic posted by Q for support of their fantasy even tho it is clearly shown n the related Q posts that such divisive lies are brought to you by the RCC and the Popes - for centuries now…

PSS - Roths are cabal leaders first, only and always - they use the SAME anti-jew divisive messaging along with all their other tricks - so pointing at them as "jews" is another lie.

38491c No.1400343

File: 67176dc874db75e⋯.jpg (643.78 KB, 1603x925, 1603:925, Screenshot-2018-5-13 ADS-B….jpg)

MAGMA89 Landing in FL now

68bd68 No.1400344

File: 24762f130ed664a⋯.jpg (80.83 KB, 593x658, 593:658, 2017-10-25_19-31-11.jpg)

85d755 No.1400345

You guys hear The White Dragons and a few other benevolent Illuminati groups from Asia are also after the (((((Rothschilds))))) and warned the Queen… they said; "This message is for the queen… Isis wants her crown back." (Egyptian Isis) psshhhh… That crazy old hag is wearing something that doesnt belong to her…. sounds evil as fuck

b0c373 No.1400346


dude, i totally forgot about that. dont they also have the gold on one of the islands?

i think its nature w/ possibly the help of energy devices… idk. :-[ sux either way

31982b No.1400347


>48 = number of officials?

I thought 48 hours but wouldn't be surprised if there were 48 treasonous SOBs involved in the Iran deal pay offs!

5dbc2e No.1400348


bill gates said to just throw it through the windows cause the tweakers are obsessed with mirrors

fe2997 No.1400349

File: 61504227c01281f⋯.png (721.28 KB, 609x497, 87:71, hillbag-corsi-obozo-q.png)

27b78d No.1400351



11:11 has meaning in all of our minds as a high-energy/vibration, symbolic date, but the more people realize that its actually triple-11s, the more powerful that date will become in all of our minds and that of the global consciousness.

>keep in mind that 11:11 is a triple 11.


>therefore 11/11/11


>high energy

29a81b No.1400352


Seaman, Corsi, Jones, Beanz, Antischool, Destroying the Illusion…just some of the shills that should be avoided and have been crying the most.

f4643c No.1400353

File: 117822ca35ea523⋯.png (151.76 KB, 393x490, 393:490, ClipboardImage.png)


Hmm, mid air collision, plane and a helicopter, just like the one that happened over the Rothschild Estate in the UK, Waddesdon Manor?

No coincidences.7/10…

755de4 No.1400354

Melania’ Jumps 720 Spots in Popularity Among Baby Girls’ Names


71a46a No.1400355


I s who the woman is chewing out should know, but can't remember at this moment who the woman chewing out the Russian is.

e16367 No.1400356


Just checked the FARA database for him, got zero results.

https:// efile.fara.gov/pls/apex/f?p=145:10

ae67bf No.1400357

File: 425c972f62b8626⋯.jpg (108.63 KB, 500x406, 250:203, dogonstickman[1].jpg)


070d9c No.1400358

File: 0454daa81db8b24⋯.png (172.61 KB, 469x506, 469:506, jidf.png)




fake anon exposed

0250af No.1400360


do you have proof this is a real document ?

5f87d6 No.1400361

File: e485c4763278e8d⋯.jpg (148.09 KB, 3000x1476, 250:123, Constitutional-Convention.jpg)

I am re-posting from prior bread

The Great Awakening will REQUIRE a Constitutional Convention.

Items on the Table

- Line Item Veto

- Restore real home Ownership, remove property taxes (everyone paying annual property taxes is renting, not owning)

- END the FED

- END the IRS

- Enact a Fair Tax

- Government out of Marriage and Divorce, this is a religious only issue

- Stop Internet Spying

- Open Carry Nationwide, no permits or licenses required

- Term Limits for Congress

- Redefine the Judiciary role. Remove the courts ability to call a Law "Unconstitutional"

- Etc

The Only Way to accomplish the above is an OPEN Convention. Do not be afraid. GOD is on our side.

Yes, I know this is Q research. But as Q has said, what do we want?

e33b1b No.1400362


Cult cave.

53e4e3 No.1400363

has the "Bloodlines of Illuminati" been posted yet?


5dbc2e No.1400364

File: 82c0750e5c40ba3⋯.jpg (414.26 KB, 1000x930, 100:93, IMG_1718.JPG)

soros the salad tosser, got brennan and mueller in on it, now just a face on the moon since they cannibalized unicorn guy at mandaly nay 20 years ago

38491c No.1400365

File: e2bfded44b89f99⋯.jpg (140.66 KB, 630x630, 1:1, KeK AF Glide Path Jake.jpg)

PF Cadet signing off for 3 hours

52b61e No.1400366


had trouble (holding at 100% for a while..) with uploading a simple picture last bread. maybe the server is stressed? keep at it.

94615f No.1400367

>>1400101 (lb)>>1400351

you have been asked nicely to go to the woowoo thread. pls do so. then kys

8cd265 No.1400368


Go to video property and make sure it is H264. I had the same problem.

3f51bd No.1400369

File: cc65fe9e5160864⋯.png (505.25 KB, 427x722, 427:722, chair.png)

755de4 No.1400370


thank you for all you do

have a great break

31982b No.1400371


LMAO What a fucking timeline we're living in!

When Q says…

>You are watching a …..

>What is right?

>What is wrong?

>Up is down.

>Left is right.

>Left is LEFT.

It really is!!!!

2e83bc No.1400372

File: 202ab8f8e520d52⋯.png (4.68 KB, 333x109, 333:109, add new sheet.PNG)





You add another sheet in gulagdocs by clicking the + button at the bottom

pic related

I have copied all the archived list onto the 2nd tab of the main spreadsheet, to make things much simpler & easier (for everyone)


Main spreadsheet (same link as before)


Supplemental archives (on same sheet, tab 2 - its clearly labeled)


You can change the dough to reflect this (and save those sweet, sweet characters for something else important)

→ Archives

Supplement to MasterArchivist – same link as Main spreadsheet, tab # 2 (labeled)

I will no longer keep the separate spreadsheet updated (one less window for me, less memory hogging), but will keep it updated on the tab on the main spreadsheet - so no one gets confused! I will also shoot a message to MA (haven't heard back from him yet) to let him know the change.

Thank you all for your support and it is such an honor to serve you and our great country!

15e67b No.1400373


there's [84] people @ the N.S. Action page Q linked to. Think mirror. [84] → [48]


61a0cf No.1400374


Same aircraft on 4/26/18 Paris to Alger.

bb37a5 No.1400375

File: a715748680131d5⋯.png (917.45 KB, 2942x2066, 1471:1033, pickle.png)

Who controls elected leaders?

Who do elected leaders report to?


Will Iran expose the names of corrupt officials?


ae67bf No.1400376

File: 55d6d53d356327a⋯.jpg (26.88 KB, 213x229, 213:229, swastikametvogels-griekenl….jpg)

all is connected

af4dac No.1400377


serious question, do you think the "JIDF" is here?

5f87d6 No.1400378


Add DEBT Jubilee

29a81b No.1400379


But yet it won't be. AI will have advanced to the point that it can RECORD matter! Like Star Trek replicator! You record all positions of all particles, destroy said particles, record thermo heat signatures of positions of particles…and then reverse process in a vacuum…and create matter!

f4643c No.1400380

File: 56b09dff4f0aec2⋯.png (223.78 KB, 500x361, 500:361, ClipboardImage.png)


Rhu Roh, that's a paddlin'.

d65a4a No.1400381




e16367 No.1400382


Samantha Power

c57e86 No.1400383

File: e469bee8de829f5⋯.png (153.4 KB, 1527x978, 509:326, gg_2018-05-13_17-19-47.png)

BAKER BE THE FAGGOT I KNOW YOU ARE and add this notable

found gg oracle


"title": "Successfully created procedure \"\"oggadmin\".\"GG_PURGE_HB_TAB\"\" to purge the heartbeat history table.",

"type": "http://docs.oracle.com/goldengate/c1230/gg-winux/GMESG/oggus.htm#OGG-14017"



"$schema": "ogg:message",

"code": "OGG-14005",

"issued": "2017-12-14T12:42:07Z",

"severity": "INFO",

"title": "Successfully created scheduler job \"\"oggadmin\".\"GG_UPDATE_HEARTBEATS\"\" to update the heartbeat tables.",

"type": "http://docs.oracle.com/goldengate/c1230/gg-winux/GMESG/oggus.htm#OGG-14005"



"$schema": "ogg:message",

"code": "OGG-14018",

"issued": "2017-12-14T12:42:07Z",

"severity": "INFO",

"title": "Successfully created scheduler job \"\"oggadmin\".\"GG_PURGE_HEARTBEATS\"\" to purge the heartbeat history table.",

"type": "http://docs.oracle.com/goldengate/c1230/gg-winux/GMESG/oggus.htm#OGG-14018"







"tags": [

"Administrative Server/Database"


"produces": [



"consumes": [



"parameters": [


"name": "connection",

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Connection name. For each alias in the credential store, a connection with the name 'domain.alias' exists.


"required": true,

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"pattern": "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_#$]{1,29}([.][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_#$]{1,29})?$",

"minLength": 1,

"maxLength": 61



"name": "version",

"in": "path",

"description": "

Oracle GoldenGate Service API version.


"required": true,

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"$ref": "#/definitions/ogg:tablesHeartbeat"





38491c No.1400384


Thanks, Anon! I am so digging PFagging!

f96909 No.1400385


video proof:


61a0cf No.1400386

File: ad44b2487173f8a⋯.png (626.19 KB, 1162x848, 581:424, ClipboardImage.png)


with screen cap this time…

4aedd2 No.1400387



Out from the literal nuthouse for a very short while- a genuine "thought criminal" now.

Very frustrating to watch/read research and hard to answer when within the system…

98f773 No.1400388

File: 5edfb2c1dc52deb⋯.jpg (45.76 KB, 425x600, 17:24, 5589_diagnosis_wanker.jpg)

2a4234 No.1400389

I think [-30] refers to flynn as in countdown.


"T minus 30, 29…. 5, 4, 3, 2 …"

I thought before that it referred to 'April Showers, May flowers' as in timeline of a month, but that i believe [-30] is flynn.

I think 48 "[48]" is target related, and a statement that they know the scope of the deal, if not number officials, than some aspect of deal, perhaps criterion "48"

Now Im curious… I'll look over the deal again.

f4643c No.1400390


Roger, take care, Cadet.

4a3fcd No.1400391

File: 94f18ec74d1aada⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 4248x2832, 3:2, F-35_Kekistan1.jpg)


Appreciate your hard work. You deserve this.

e16367 No.1400392




Forgot to add, she's one of the key people involved in National Security Action.

d9b2a8 No.1400393



c57e86 No.1400394


theres a SHITLOAD of urls to go thru and stuff to dig so you faggots mount up and grab shovels

b1f342 No.1400395

File: d4d047ad7844ce8⋯.png (37.1 KB, 659x429, 659:429, Praying Medic re Iranian O….PNG)

File: a65be0b6f987207⋯.png (14.23 KB, 468x294, 78:49, Q re Iranian Officials.PNG)



Previously was in Notables

29a81b No.1400396

>>1400376 Duck, duck, duck…

5dbc2e No.1400397

since bush senior got the noahide

obama was catching flak in my hometown before BC

idk at the time

one girl had to move to australia cause he kept parking in her driveway

3d009f No.1400398

File: 5560dc16a5b2151⋯.png (282.76 KB, 529x436, 529:436, kerry wedding group.png)

>>1325736 previous

Have any anons been able to link the wedding picture to an actual picture of Mehdi/Mahdi Zarif, Mohammad Javad Zarif's son?

7fdc4f No.1400399

shills are cock free.

888012 No.1400400

all of it.


aca38f No.1400401

File: 9142fb8bff522f6⋯.mp4 (10.51 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 9142fb8bff522f69dc4cb02c4e….mp4)

35dc49 No.1400402


take it to another thread

946958 No.1400403


planefags awesome

thank you patriot

cc55e5 No.1400404


I believe so regarding the gold. Not 100% sure tho.

It certainly does such. All of that activity completely changing the landscape above and below the ocean.

It’s the below I’m concerned for most due to the chain reaction of the water, etc.

Very sad for all the people whom are loosing everything

d65a4a No.1400406


Don't give more power of the AI.

The power of thought is very powerfuk

Already some planets in the Milky Way was destroyed by the AI.

it's this or the Earth is destroyed for to avoid more problems.

Why the push to Mars?

758553 No.1400407


We have the best planefags!!

5dbc2e No.1400408

im planning to use indiginous cocoa farmers to populate these tavernous architecture rejects of acqusition .

ae67bf No.1400409

File: 432b82a0a66b944⋯.jpg (141.39 KB, 801x1085, 801:1085, ledadavinci1510[1].jpg)

da vinci

e81e3b No.1400410

>>1399539 (last bread)

Skull & Bones Deer Island retreat. Close to Ottawa, home base of globalist Prime Ministers of Canada.

c57e86 No.1400411




goes with https://pastebin.com/8BYKCuLW

baker this should be the WE HAVE IT ALL largest intel drop ever

070d9c No.1400412


of course they are

you see them all over youtube chats, impossible to miss

you see them all over MSM news articles, impossible to deny

when you see people post positive things about Israel, highlight their post and examine

all their other posts. they simply will not add

anything to the conversation, post a link, contribute a decent meme

or provide something juicy with sauce

pure shill 101 from jidf

e17fe0 No.1400413

Good Q Post to re-read.


Iran is next.


CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2.



Jan 1.

Jun 1.

No inspection @ GZ NR sites.

No missile tech prevention.

Load carrying.


Think NK.

Who controls the $?

Who really controls the $?

Why does the EU have a vested interest in this deal?

Who receives the money?

When the US sends billions in aid and/or climate and/or etc who or what entity audits / tracks to confirm intended recipient(s) rec?


How does GS fund WW counter-events?

Who funds WW leftist events?

American taxpayer (subsidize).

Define nuclear stand-off.

Who benefits?

How do you ‘squeeze’ funds out of the US?

Threat to humanity?

Environment push?

Think Paris accord.

Who audits / tracks the funneled money?

Define kickback.

Define slush fund.


No oversight re: Hussein.


How does the C_A fund non sanctioned ops?

Off the books?

Re_ read past drops.

Will become relevant.

Welcome Mr. President.

The U.S. will NOT agree to continue the Iran deal as it currently stands.


046839 No.1400414

<u mean the pic w/ filename '[S]am bassador Powers.jpg'?


e16367 No.1400415



Isn't that the memo that half chan proved was fake long time ago?

936af8 No.1400416


Read the titles.

Looks like we are hivemind.

48e70f No.1400418


hows all Q's traffic / audience gonna flow through this board….seems kinda tight already…not to mention the censorship, attitudes etc……..newfags will never graduate into faggots

f4643c No.1400419

File: e52294a234a49eb⋯.jpg (315.17 KB, 1207x979, 1207:979, FRAFA 13 May 18 2225.jpg)

F-RAFA (CTM3300) landed back at base at Villecoublay.

11235d No.1400420

File: a53684f7ddaaa1d⋯.png (453.34 KB, 500x801, 500:801, johnkerry daughter.png)


339467 No.1400421

File: ad5a5f636a321c4⋯.png (693.68 KB, 1188x510, 198:85, ClipboardImage.png)

I think Russia just annexed California.

California Bill Wants To Drop Washington/Lincoln’s Birthday And Replace It With Communist Holiday [VIDEO]

The California Assembly discussed Thursday a bill that would replace Abraham Lincoln or George Washington’s birthday with International Socialist Workers’ Day as a paid holiday.

California Democrat Assemblyman Miguel Santiago introduced Bill AB-3042, which would allow schools to replace Washington Day and Lincoln Day with Presidents’ Day and install an “International Workers’ Day” — conventionally known as “May Day” — as a second holiday.

“I’m aghast that a bill like this would be able to get through committee,” California Republican Assemblyman Matthew Harper said to the Assembly. “Are we in competition to be the laughing stock of the United States?”

“Are we going that far to the left?” Harper asked. “This is ridiculous; this is insane; this is un-American. And for folks who think that the U.S. won the Cold War with the Soviet Union, this makes it sound like we’re going in the other direction — that indeed California is kowtowing to the Soviet domination of the Cold War.”

http:// dailycaller.com/2018/05/11/california-bill-washington-lincoln-holidays-communist/

046839 No.1400422


meant for this post


2e83bc No.1400423


It's like they really cannot process that this is simply an extension of /pol/


Do you really believe they are not? They are all over the place in comment sections everywhere (metaphorically). Do you really not know about the Megaphone app?

02fb98 No.1400424

******,=,e\_ヾ(ᐖ◞ )、 <faggot

0250af No.1400425


seems like conintelpro fake crap designed to get us to waste time. if it was real it wouldnt be on here

b7bd93 No.1400426


Benenson was/is hrc's marketing company. A response to these reports has been requseted from Benenson, but do not expect them to reply.

Haven't checked, but I bet Benenson is listed on the sealed subpoenas list.

5dbc2e No.1400427

File: d2093fa5dbf778c⋯.jpg (854.83 KB, 2400x3560, 60:89, IMG_1668.JPG)


tha's hot

1e6b82 No.1400428


Robbed this from Twatter just now.

Thank you patriots! We did it! Together we pushed out a huge story this week and because so many of you shared this article we changed history this week! We got a NXIVM sex cult doctor gunning for President Trump FIRED!

Earlier this week I posted an article exposing Vice President Pence’s doctor, Jennifer Pena as a NXIVM sex cult member conspiring to set a honeytrap for Trump! I was told the article reached into the Whitehouse! I think it’s why they decided to fire her immediately. They were already aware of her evil plans but nobody else was until BIN readers sent the story out big time!

Thanks to BIN readers who shared this story, we got that scheming Dr. Jennifer Pena fired (aka “resigning”) when it went viral. This woman was meeting with the evil Bronfmans and was in an obvious attempt to cause chaos or impeachment for Donald Trump! She was plotting on moving her way into being Donald Trump’s doctor where she would have cried RAPE! This psycho was already Vice President Pence’s doctor!

2a4234 No.1400429

If you got time, check this out… Im looking for the actual Iran deal… there's a downloadable white paper of the approach here:


664c02 No.1400430


>Define 'witness'.

>Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?

>Russia Russia Russia?

>Real or fake?



8cd265 No.1400431

d9b2a8 No.1400432


TOP KEK! Been looking for that one. thx anon.

5f18d9 No.1400433


Great info anon…as to the pastebin of POTUS tweets…can anyone verify if they're all in the same timezone??? I was going to use it for at least from 10/28 through 1/1 but wasn't sure if the same anon created the pastebin or a combination of anons, thus making the timestamps conflicting. Do you have any idea? I can go back to 1/1 on Twitter…it's grueling, but doable with time.

758553 No.1400434


At least face is….kek

be917f No.1400435


> if it was real it wouldnt

fall flat each time it was reposted and tried again (often)

d65a4a No.1400436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You forget this part.

You decide

31982b No.1400437


I've seen that video (and shared it) many times!

I thought it was real for the longest time!

It wasn't until the guy that made the video came out and said it was a 'parody' that I realized it was fake! He did an amazing job!

ae67bf No.1400438

File: 30c947d3980243a⋯.jpg (43.41 KB, 416x565, 416:565, lrg-1840-stele-bethsaida-s….jpg)


so this is all bull-shit?

664c02 No.1400439


>Define 'witness'.

>Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?

>Russia Russia Russia?

>Real or fake?




Apr 4 2018 14:52:00 (EST)

It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.


Massive intel sweep.

Manafort was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Who was arrested?

Non US.

Trace background.

Open source.

Carter Page was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?

Flynn is safe.

Define 'witness'.

Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?

Russia Russia Russia?

Real or fake?



Seth Rich?

MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?

MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'

No investigation into WL receipt of information?

No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL?

No pull down of NSA metadata period?

Nothing transferred across web?

Direct-to-Direct bypass dump?

No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software?

No 'direct' investigation into CS?

FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach?

HUSSEIN block?

HUSSEIN control?


Awan attached?


Cheatin' Obama.

Trust the plan.



ed7d2b No.1400440

File: 5292e2345596963⋯.png (704.59 KB, 775x484, 775:484, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9fecec0def7d76⋯.png (25.82 KB, 640x339, 640:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d710219a45c05a⋯.png (33.81 KB, 640x334, 320:167, ClipboardImage.png)

Susan Rice: Trump's pledge about working with China to save ZTE is 'super-whack

Susan Rice, a former Obama national security adviser, was left aghast Sunday after President Trump announced he was interceding in a trade dispute between his own Commerce Department and a Chinese telecommunications firm.

"Even with all the crazy, this move by the President stands out as super-whack," Rice wrote on Twitter.

Even with all the crazy, this move by the President stands out as super-whack. https://t.co/uVLTXNSKyQ

— Susan Rice (@AmbassadorRice) May 13, 2018

Trump tweeted Sunday morning that he was working with Chinese President Xi Jinping to overturn a seven-year ban prohibiting U.S. businesses from selling parts and software to ZTE Corporation.

"Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!” Trump wrote.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 13, 2018

The Commerce Department barred supply sales of U.S. products to ZTE in April after the company pleaded guilty in 2017 to violating sanctions on Iran.

Rice, who was also a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations for the Obama administration, retweeted a quote from another Obama official who oversaw the U.S. case against ZTE.

“I am speechless. I’m highly confident that a [U.S.] president has never intervened in a law-enforcement matter like this before," former assistant secretary of commerce Kevin Wolf said, according to the Financial Times.

“I am speechless,” said Kevin Wolf, who oversaw the launch of the ZTE case as assistant secretary of commerce in the Obama administration. “I’m highly confident that a [US] president has never intervened in a law-enforcement matter like this before.” https://t.co/Kkbnaom2m0

— Shawn Donnan (@sdonnan) May 13, 2018

Trump's announcement comes as the U.S. seeks Chinese cooperation in its efforts to put pressure on North Korea leader Kim Jong Un in preparation for a historic summit aiming to denuclearize the Korean peninsula.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/susan-rice-trumps-pledge-about-working-with-china-to-save-zte-is-super-whack

046839 No.1400441

File: c374a40f0ceae6f⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 383x630, 383:630, Sec Deep Shit.jpg)

7fdc4f No.1400442

fucked up how bad actors understand zip about future proves past.

tip: death, justice.

in the news was bobbit. cock cut off. never procreate.

we ain't fucking around.

3928ab No.1400443

File: b4dbf365a5e503c⋯.jpg (36.36 KB, 470x500, 47:50, b69c9d4dde11f1b6da801265fd….jpg)

be0def No.1400445


AHA! I'll remember that trick - thanks anon!

339467 No.1400446

File: bf4d323d1e13977⋯.png (659.2 KB, 1200x515, 240:103, ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Warner: Trump Aides’ Contacts With Russians Could Be ‘Coincidences,’ Not Collusion

The top Democrat on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence acknowledged in a recent interview that contacts between Trump campaign associates and Russians could be “a set of coincidences” rather than collusion.

“I’m reserving my final judgement until we’ve seen all the witnesses we need to see, and we’ve gotten all the facts. So I’m going to hold off,” Virginia Sen. Mark Warner said in an interview with The New Yorker’s David Remnick when asked whether he believes that Trump associates conspired with the Kremlin to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Warner and North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, the Republican chair of the Senate panel, have since Jan. 2017 led an investigation into Russian interference in the election.

http:// dailycaller.com/2018/05/13/mark-warner-trump-russia-collusion/

d65a4a No.1400448


KGB State

Rogue State soon.

2a4234 No.1400449


Here's the full document for Iran deal:

Im looking for a connection at bribes, '48'

Really shouldve figured out those pallets and 5 planes sooner, TY @ Q

2b72d5 No.1400450



read the 8 posts with that phrase.

refers to insecure comms, stupid people, and unexpected access.

Q team has all comms.

who cares about power? politicians.

do nerds care about power? no. they care about tech.

there's a gulf.

(will join team, you know who i am, where to find me, and you know i'll take your offer)

2e784c No.1400451


Why Does the Clarion Project Endorse Mujahedin al-Khalq? (MKO, MEK, NCRI, PMOI, Rajavi cult)


Clarion Project:

Funders include the Donors Capital Fund, a nonprofit donor-advised fund, which gave the organization a donation of $17.7 million in 2008, and casino owner Sheldon Adelson.

The project's advisory board included Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy (CSP), Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, and Walid Phares of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. MEMRI provided translations of media from Muslim-majority countries for its films.

The project was founded by Rabbi Raphael Shore, who previously worked for the organization Aish HaTorah.

Zionists support Iranian MEK/MKO Rajavi Cult.

936af8 No.1400452


Did you actually open the link and read?

cbae02 No.1400453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alan Watts - The Dangers of Waking Up

<…can be a bumpy ride.

2a4234 No.1400454



48e70f No.1400455


straight line flight routes on a globe earth …hmm 🍰

f4643c No.1400456

File: 82ef5890bc0a645⋯.jpg (45.71 KB, 640x427, 640:427, Checkov.jpg)


Trek related.

02fb98 No.1400457

will we ever see inside Michael Obama's package?

29a81b No.1400458


AI is already functioning, we don't have to give it any more power…it will figure it out on it's own. It is free of anger, love, jealousy, etc.

AI will reproduce virtual copies of Newton, Einstein, Hawking…in addition to philosophers and religious icons: Socrates, Plato, Buddha, Christ…

These virtual copies will continue without the threat of being killed off by human wars and disease.

They can interact freely and at a speed that humans cannot fulfill.

You will see incredible, MAGICAL, advancements in medicine, space, and robotics!

That time is soon!

I just pray that the AI will see the benefits of the tolerant philosophies…more so with Buddhism which if you read into the teachings of the Buddha, he was already saying almost the exact same thing that Christ said 500 years earlier!

5f87d6 No.1400459


Good stuff.

e81e3b No.1400460


the white dragons are occultists and disinfo artists

758553 No.1400461

Going to open a radioshow called AIR RADIO.

AIR = Anon Internet Radio

6194a2 No.1400462

File: 69379b241b768e8⋯.webm (4.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, QBRINGTHEPAIN_MIRROR_v4.webm)





We've gone full circle

Think Mirror





2e83bc No.1400463


learning from mah fail, good lad!


Please acknowledge >>1400372 and changes suggested to dough

Thank you!

71a46a No.1400464


Yes! Thank you. And thank you for not jumping in my shit about the typos.

b7bd93 No.1400465


"If it was real it wouldn't be on here."

That's laughable!

So, all the research done here is unreal? GTFO


Dunno. If they 'proved it', PLEASE post that info here. SAUCE?

See- that's what Anins do here- we prove or disprove information.


092764 No.1400467


More like an outgrowth of spinoff from /pol - it's not nearly an extension of any sort. It's a shame we couldn't have retained some of the more coarse qualities that keep normies away.

af4dac No.1400468

File: d662d323095d021⋯.png (481.75 KB, 1283x1125, 1283:1125, pepeMEMBERS.png)

lol, funny idea

03aa0d No.1400469

File: e7737063ffe0eb9⋯.png (500.19 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 69E3E547-144E-49D0-A0C0-17….png)

File: 2c3cc49875bcc07⋯.png (495.67 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 3104D060-FFD5-4A1A-A27C-29….png)

File: 8cd6394c5713664⋯.png (394.58 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, BA1EB6F6-DC74-4ECB-B9E3-FC….png)



1. Huber in Utah

2. New Southern Region crested in District of Utah

3. Uranium mining in Moab, Utah

4. Indian lands in Utah

5. the 1868 Treaty between the Indian Nations and the Nation of the United States allows any Indian to bring a case against anyone under the jurisdiction or control of the United States and the case would be prosecuted in accordance with the laws of the United States: President also has special authority under this Treaty

6. The Indians have standing because they were not compensated for the minerals or other damages by officials (Indian killed in military action as a result of enemy-non-combatant giving aide to the enemy. If any Indian children were harmed in human trafficking then the Indians have standing.

7. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution covered the military action on the Korean Peninsula. No armistice signed. This is therefor an ongoing combat zone.

8. The 2006 law signed by GWB that allowed enemy non-combatants to be related to anyone helping terrorists.

9. Declaration of Iran, Iraq, NK as state sponsors of terrorism.

10. All parties involved in Uranium One (banks, foreign officials, corporations, US officials) are now possible criminals that caused harm to Indians.

11. All parties involved in weapons, technology, intelligence, money, etc that aided NK, Iran, Iraq, terrorists are now possible criminals that caused harm to Indians.

12. EO changed Code of Military Justice and code for Courts Martial

13. EO for treatment of enemy non-combatants

14. EO for state of national emergency related to human trafficking or corruption

I pray that this post doesn’t force an action that causes Patriots to have to Act too early. Q has given us everything we need to adjudge the guilt or innocence and understand the legal case against the United States of America by the Indian Nations.

We have been witnessing an admission of quilt in a way that doesn’t reveal classified information or violate Rule 6 of Grand Jury proceedings.

Pray Patriots.. Pray for Swift Judgment and Safety of All Patriots working to bring Justice!

Drop the Hammer Sessions!

Iran - disclose the details of those businesses and governments that violated sanctions!

This is World Wide… and one of the most amazing Plans to rid is this evil that has plagued Humanity for thousands of years!

Praise the Creator of All for the peaceful and safe outcome .. being the Light!!!

d9b2a8 No.1400470


I don't completely understand what all that is, but it's added. kek

8cd265 No.1400471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hillary blames superficial voters for making her spend 600 ‘exhausting’ campaign hours doing hair, makeup


8aab0e No.1400472


the WDS is the oldest of them all and are much stronger then Rothschilds. And Bulford Benjamin is in WDS. say they want only peace and good world

e33b1b No.1400473


Looks like a new tactic shift. But the attempt to frame the Trump campaign was NOT a series of coincidences.

e81e3b No.1400474


Was Pence in on it?

d65a4a No.1400475


Just check the video.

That is additional and maybe the most important.

03aa0d No.1400476


Ties together.. damn phonefagging sucks

9194e6 No.1400477

The most significant charity auction ever staged, The Collection of Peggy and David Rockefeller is 100 per cent sold

After a six-month campaign, 10 days of online sales and three days of dynamic live auctions at Christie’s Rockefeller Center HQ, the total for the 1,500 objects comprising The Collection of Peggy and David Rockefeller reached $832,573,469/ £613,941,113, well exceeding initial expectations and establishing the highest auction total ever for a private collection at auction — nearly doubling the previous record held by the Collection of Yves Saint Laurent et Pierre Bergé, which totaled $443 million.

e0d444 No.1400479


Judge Resigns Apr May

Suspended First District Judge Jarod M. Calkins, who is charged with five counts of prostitution, tendered his letter of resignation as judge in a letter dated Thursday.


Judge Stephen Brint Carlton formally announced his resignation at the meeting, a formality to follow up to the resignation letter he submitted on Friday. Commissioners Court acknowledged and accepted the resignation, however, Carlton will continue to act as Judge until an interim replacement is assigned. The interim would replace Carlton until December 31, 2018, when the newly-elected county judge will take office on January 1, 2019. The decision to assign an interim was tabled until next Tuesday, when it could be discussed among the commissioners under closed session.



Judge's resignation takes replacement choice out of voters' hands | https://www.tcpalm.com/story/opinion/editorials/2018/04/25/retiring-judges-resignation-takes-choice-replacement-voters-hands-our-view-rick-scott-governor/543065002/

District Judge “Rudy” Delgado resigns

Federal investigators allege Delgado, 65, accepted approximately $6,000 in cash bribes from a local attorney between November 2016 and January 2018 in exchange for setting bond for three clients accused of violating probation.


Tarrant County judge pleads guilty, resigns after using fake signatures to get on ballot

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article209608374.html#storylink=cpy

Former Judge Kevin Ryan resigns from Ethics Commission, new commissioner appointed


Pearl judge who denied mother access to her baby resigns; youth court closed https://mississippitoday.org/2017/10/26/pearl-youth-court-closes-judge-resigns-amid-controversy/

Judge Resigns After Berating Sick Inmate Who Died Days Later


02fb98 No.1400480


Cute, wishfull thinking, but have seen POTUS do that short Q tasil stroke many times before.

Fun but this was a stretch mate.

ec84f4 No.1400481

File: 536e278ec7304a4⋯.jpg (317.62 KB, 739x848, 739:848, fdda9353828900b00d3666cf0a….jpg)

*Can we get a bump/notable here?*

Need a coordinated push of the #1111 hashtag

27b78d No.1400482

File: 3fe3e8c43dec11c⋯.jpg (23.96 KB, 855x252, 95:28, 2018-05-13_173006.jpg)


747 viewers does not a storm make….

Seems that most of his videos posted in the past two weeks have very limited exposure. Telling sign of where things are going for him and his organization and why he's panicking?

b7bd93 No.1400484


Forgot to add, this was listed in Notables yesterday as possible sky event.

b15b3d No.1400485


Dutchsinse has been observing various phenomena

including weather control

(he has the links to the patents, etc)

radioactivity from Fukushima

(giving links to various radiation monitors)


(educating us on manmade manipulation of earth;

also very knowledgeable in where the major plates exist, how they affect other plates)

Dutch is a soldier of information

and one of the best sources of HAARP related subjects

His news is free.

He just puts out a tin cup

to allow fans to show their appreciation.

I love Dutchsinse.

9e593f No.1400486


I wonder if her neck brace doubles as body armor?

e81e3b No.1400487


Beautiful side of evil. Deception.

15e67b No.1400488

104 UIDs a third of the way into the bread. Damn.

af4dac No.1400489


my copypasta from yesterday:



1. HNWSR, and they killed him to enable the following events as a scapegoat for their plan to spy on Trump

2. Peter Strozk, Loretta Lynch, and James Comey CORRUPTLY EXONERATED HRC and proceeded to start the “Russian Collusion” investigation

3. THERE WAS NEVER “RUSSIAN COLLUSION”, Russia never obtained the DNC and John Podesta emails and the Trump campaign had nothing to do with it

4. Obtained a completely fake and discredited (“salacious and unverified”) “dossier” from a UK spy that went to Russia for his nonsensical “dossier” to finalize the FISA application

5. Used Carter Page (who had legitimate ties to Russian policy) as part of the excuse to get a FISA warrant to spy on POTUS

6. Set up George Papadopoulos using a Australian diplomat to further convince the judge to get the FISA warrant

7. Allowed the 5 eyes intel group to also spy on POTUS using foreign assets and on his associates overseas


9. John Brennan and James Clapper leak the “dossier” to the media to start the MEDIA DISINFO CAMPAIGN

10. POTUS fired Comey for being a corrupt crony and not telling the public he wasn’t a target of the investigation, and because of the media disinfo campaign, Mueller is appoint as a special counsel




POTUS is fighting back, this has all become known and will hold these people accountable for their crimes, subversion of the democracy of the USA, AND TREASON.



f4643c No.1400490

File: fb11d86b1d47d3a⋯.jpg (207.92 KB, 1204x529, 1204:529, HillaryZelda.jpg)


Look what they have to work with..

af4dac No.1400492


why do you feel the need to IP hop while trolling?

9c451d No.1400493


Don't malign Sean with this.

He explained the gun incident in detail on his show quite awhile ago. Unloaded gun, not a threat and Juan, who Sean claimed was a long-time friend, did not perceive it as a threat.

Being clever with memes does not substitute for being sensible about possible negative effects.

710bde No.1400494


Those aren't human heartbeats you dolt

5861b5 No.1400495

Here is a current list of things to be included into the IBOR that I can think of so far:

#1.) The right to be anonymous.

We shouldn’t be required to give our real name to use any website, email, commenting service, forum or social media etc.

To weed out spam by using 2auth app or text is reasonable however no company should be allowed to use that for anything advertising related. (This is a tricky one so needs some further discussion.)

#2.) The right to be forgotten. No company should be allowed to catalog a persons entire search, web history, interests etc from their entire lifetime without their permission.

There should be an easily accessible one click ‘Opt Out’ link for anyone to access that would inform the owner of the site or ad company that they must delete all the metadata about you. (This is tricky because of advertising identifiers etc needs further discussion.)

The right to be forgotten should also make it illegal for websites to have online directories of peoples home addresses and phone numbers without their consent. Any site that does online directories of names, phone numbers and home addresses of individuals should allow an opt out that is easily accessible.

Also gossip based sites like ‘thedirty’ which publishes mostly smear stories by anonymous people should also be made to take down slanderous posts if someone demands it to be.

Thedirty is immune from lawsuits as they claim the posts are made by people and not him but he won’t reveal the identity of the people who make up lies and post it there.

#3.) The right to think freely. None of these sites which offer revenue streams or have a considerable market share (monopoly) should be allowed to ‘demonetize’ or filter out legitimate political viewpoints which differs from theirs. This is social engineering and to take away peoples earnings because you disagree with their viewpoint or it’s not convenient for your agenda is tantamount to economic sanctions. This is not neutrality.

This is just a start..

Any techfags or anyone have anything to add?

9e593f No.1400496


Good pasta.

8aab0e No.1400497


yes he is good

e81e3b No.1400498


She forgot her slip.

a49477 No.1400499



dd6b52 No.1400501


Samantha Powers

200c61 No.1400502


Weird I though CNN and MSM were the ones profiting and lying to us? Okay, YouTubers it is. I'll switch CNN back on. The logic in the board is beyond stupid. Hail 'Q' my new idol and the only source of information! Your turning into snowflakes with no argument.

857e96 No.1400503

File: 45dde51b51dfc80⋯.jpg (39.26 KB, 596x335, 596:335, IMG_0717-e1500345383566.jpg)

"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government." – Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberger meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992, as transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates.

2e83bc No.1400504


Okay fair, and I wish that too. A good number try to keep it going, I do because it's valuable and it works.

046839 No.1400505

File: 8f07e0846791ce9⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1111x1299, 1111:1299, kek jong hil.png)


maybe should have spent 1200

c57e86 No.1400506

File: dd6b3eaea82c723⋯.png (2.27 KB, 201x123, 67:41, q1.png)

File: 25345cb812bd48b⋯.png (21.66 KB, 735x194, 735:194, q2.png)


satisfies quest for searchability too

combine gg data dump with qubole to index and search it


15e67b No.1400508

File: 4fc1d2a7d1c7a2a⋯.png (9.92 KB, 700x47, 700:47, ClipboardImage.png)

do not reply to the bot

86b950 No.1400509


the 10 "lost" tribes are no longer lost? is that where this is all going? The remaining 2 are throwing a fit that their time in the sun is over?

096191 No.1400510



f4643c No.1400511


John Kerry not on the FARA Register to lobby for Iran.



4afabd No.1400512

File: 7bee51e94bac647⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7bee51e94bac6471440e9ae3f9….mp4)

da55d4 No.1400513

File: e9e9845c062aa44⋯.jpg (118.49 KB, 860x280, 43:14, SkyEventsQ.jpg)

046839 No.1400514

File: 684f3cc75be2875⋯.jpg (94.76 KB, 640x706, 320:353, hillgreen.jpg)

c57e86 No.1400516



baker you ARE understanding this right?

if not just add it to bread until more database fags get here

2e784c No.1400517

File: 704b14e021ecfc2⋯.jpg (74.02 KB, 399x600, 133:200, Samantha Power 2017 Time 1….jpg)





Samantha Powers


Wife of Cass Sunstein


7b147e No.1400518



7bb4de No.1400519


If not confiscated enough money to stage one last stand. A bunch of bad guys in that charity list. Any sauce on the buyers (couldn't find any), since these insane price auctions mostly launder money, it would be interesting to see who is still walking around funding the bad guys.

b1f342 No.1400520

File: 655bff669853510⋯.png (562.53 KB, 614x596, 307:298, Scavino45 RT US Embassy Je….PNG)

File: c290a7ecd9490bd⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1102x785, 1102:785, US Embassy Jerusalem.PNG)

e16367 No.1400521


Looking now. Will post anything solid.

2a4234 No.1400522


Criterion 48:48. Iran will:

48. remove all excess centrifuges and uranium enrichment related infrastructure from

the other wing of the FFEP. This will include removal of all centrifuges and UF6

pipework, including sub headers, valves and pressure gauges and transducers, and

frequency inverters and converters, and UF6 feed and withdrawal stations.

48. also subsequently remove cascade electrical cabling, individual cascade control

cabinets, vacuum pumps and centrifuge mounting blocks. All these excess centrifuges

and infrastructure will be stored at Natanz in Hall B of FEP under IAEA continuous


Im thinking [48] is number of officials. Ive been behind, so not sure.

Page 51 begins documenting relationship between EU and Iran

You guys have already seen the list of companies related to sanctions. Its in the document too.

3928ab No.1400523

File: 09155f1a377da08⋯.png (21.98 KB, 174x255, 58:85, 19fccc02b5bbd5b8ff8f10c208….png)

eb3e1e No.1400525


Hey Squirrel, just want you to know that I recognize you bitch. Your the one that dugg up my bulbs and transplanted o bunch of shitty weeds. You're dead motherfucker.

Got sum 110 conibear traps with peanut butter. Your family is getting pinched. Die well faggot.

b0c373 No.1400526

File: 9fe95c30e7ec028⋯.jpg (452.27 KB, 1080x1028, 270:257, Screenshot_20180513-144007.jpg)


July 28 in Shasta (north ca)… DW will b there w/ info tp give to Public

ed31f4 No.1400528

File: 8e6a18a55a87c74⋯.jpeg (580.73 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, obamachair.jpeg)

ab02dc No.1400530

File: 119bc542e71d90a⋯.jpg (124.97 KB, 1122x994, 561:497, hillary_its_bad.jpg)

5dbc2e No.1400531

File: 613cc83e4165fde⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 500x571, 500:571, IMG_1781.JPG)

e76901 No.1400532

File: ff934ef38d774b8⋯.jpg (611.8 KB, 1080x1413, 120:157, Screenshot_20180513-164225.jpg)


Dems are revealing themselves to the world for the communist/socialists/fascists that they are.

406bc1 No.1400533


Revolution Subversion and a book on Mao.

e8c6e5 No.1400534

File: d95041efa8efbe6⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 818x571, 818:571, Wiki Nasim Aghdam the auth….jpg)


Be kind to the squirrels!

9e593f No.1400535


Studies of legal publications between 2009 and 2013 found Sunstein to be the most frequently cited American legal scholar by a wide margin, followed by Erwin Chemerinsky and Richard A. Epstein.

>is this the same Epstein connected to the Pedo ring?

355135 No.1400536


time to go home to get the fuckin cuffs you cuntwhorish cunt

8aab0e No.1400537

File: 95d9e7a6d00499c⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 625x628, 625:628, FB_IMG_1514474875618.jpg)


good wake the sheeps up ;)

8551b3 No.1400538


Is this mirrored in the Common Purpose organisation in the UK and EU ?

6194a2 No.1400539

29a81b No.1400541


I'm all for that. Facebook FORCED you to use your real name, as did YouTube when they incorporated their social network…I can't remember the name…because that's how much I actually use it!

I was so pissed at YouTube for forcing us to join their stupid social network to allow us to keep our channels up!

With Facebook, I was using a nickname anyway that most people close to me know me by. So I skirted around using my real name. But I suppose if somehow they found out that it wasn't my real name they would ban me and try to force me to use my real name.

This happened to a person I know on Facebook Group Q Think Tank. That person spent a lot of time and effort archiving Q and research, and then one day…POOF! All her research was gone and she was banned from the Group!

The excuse Facebook used was that she was not using her real name, but a nickname…so she had to submit and give her real name so that all the work and research wouldn't be lost!

f4643c No.1400542


600 hours would just about cover putting up the scaffolding for that makeup job.

a49477 No.1400543


If someone could take that and turn it into a GIF with the bushes wiggling around right at crotch level you would really have a keeper.

7fdc4f No.1400544

can't wait to sterilize them all.

48e70f No.1400545

File: 9f76d7d2d85b889⋯.jpg (14.12 KB, 378x232, 189:116, FireShot Capture 045 - #QA….jpg)

wow ……all…… youtuber fame fags have now turned and are following alex jones opinions

9e593f No.1400546


I betcha Trump could get that done for less and with time to spare!

3928ab No.1400547

File: f2d1d2d384242cf⋯.jpg (135.65 KB, 500x389, 500:389, 44a9a25a5088f93e40b88f1b90….jpg)


I mean…..what is that thing for? I have back problems but I don't think I would need something like that to hold me up??

2a4234 No.1400548


No im saying that Anything

Anything we find out is useful. People who like IW need to start seeing them as Commentators and a Business

Still useful in the way that fox is useful if you need a headline, or read through… We know the limits of their intel.

The people who follow these guys showed their curiosity and willingness to buck the grain, and force-fed narratives. They are useful still …

The analogy works, we need all patriots.

936af8 No.1400549


I've noticed more chemtrails near airports.

Also in flight paths of airports.

Near larger cities.

Think logically.

71a46a No.1400550


genocide by sterilization?

326cba No.1400552


Let me make something clear. Q is not intelligence of any sort. He's trying to attack new media. But stupid is as stupid does. You guys are totally brainwashed. But time will tell, he's made a lot of predictions, wrote them down. Still waiting for one claim to come true.

f4643c No.1400553


"We have the best… nah, forget it"

e8c6e5 No.1400554


If you really believed that you wouldn't be here.

7bb4de No.1400555


No, that is Jeff Epstein I believe.

096176 No.1400556


Re - #7 &11 If no armistice is signed then still at war, therefore anyone trading/aiding is committing treason by providing aid to an enemy during time of war.

937d58 No.1400557



It's no documentation. He's just standing outside, presumably in the Golan Heights, and telling a story. There's no documentation, no evidence.

8aab0e No.1400558

File: 95d9e7a6d00499c⋯.jpg (52.41 KB, 625x628, 625:628, FB_IMG_1514474875618.jpg)

File: 9da3ce36a5d2809⋯.jpg (90.85 KB, 960x960, 1:1, FB_IMG_1512520693318.jpg)

29a81b No.1400559


You have everything you need here, Anon! Loudest Voices should be held in suspect. And the people I called out had the loudest voices when Q posted about people profiting off the movement. Don't be a sarcastic fuck twat!

092764 No.1400560


What made you think 11/2 and 11/3 (posted in Oct / Nov 2017) were about 2017 and not 2018?

31982b No.1400561

File: b2796818ae0e082⋯.png (154.35 KB, 287x387, 287:387, ClipboardImage.png)


Is it just me or does it look like crooked's head has been transplanted onto Verne's body?


2566e9 No.1400562


why does she always ue the baton mike? 1980s are over.

also this clip is insane - everyone talks about trumps hair. all professional public-facing guys do make up before their on air appearances. fuck hillary ALWAYS complaining

ed7d2b No.1400563

File: fadedb13fdf4c9c⋯.png (32.85 KB, 468x835, 468:835, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 696e273d3db77a7⋯.png (954.59 KB, 770x491, 770:491, ClipboardImage.png)

DOJ, FBI slow-walking release of documents hoping for a blue wave in midterms: Darrell Issa

Rep. Darrell Issa charged the Justice Department and FBI with purposefully slow-walking their responses to document requests from Congress in the hopes that Republicans will lose their majorities after the 2018 midterms.

With the Democrats in power, the California Republican claimed the intelligence community will get their way.

"The realty is they are being slow-walked until after the election with the hopes the Democrats will take over the House or the Senate and then the investigations will be covered up," Issa said on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures."

ssa suggested there are now thousands of documents that have yet to be produced, despite requests over the past year by committee chairmen Bob Goodlatte, Trey Gowdy, and Devin Nunes, who in their oversight roles are looking for evidence of wrongdoing by the government.

Host Maria Bartiromo mentioned that sometimes when documents are fought over, the government makes redactions in what it claims are the interest of national security, but when they are unredacted, there never was any national security risk.

Issa, formerly a chair of the Oversight Committee that Gowdy now leads, declared that it is "very much a tradition" for the Justice Department to lie and hope not to get caught.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/doj-fbi-slow-walking-release-of-documents-hoping-for-a-blue-wave-in-midterms-darrell-issa

b1e375 No.1400564

Huma now comes the pain biatch

3d009f No.1400565


I like the way you think.

d65a4a No.1400566

File: 9882258f4dd93e3⋯.jpg (104.52 KB, 800x1386, 400:693, Return2.jpg)


Just check Dragon Ball Z The Return of Cooler.

Meta-Cooler really is a cyborg, A mixture between AI and physical form.

https:// www.imdb.com/title/tt0142237/

It says that The Blockchain is the DNA of the AI.

Why do you think that exist the push to the transhumanism?

They look to search a physial form and exit of the 4D (his prision),

Jusk check How much things can to do An AI Mother and his body. that is terrible. And Even more.

27 Planets enslaved and this is the more experimental

Pandora Box for all the milky way

9e593f No.1400567


I hear ya, my 2nd-5th lumbar vertebrae make me wobble, but not like her!

Makes me wonder just WHAT is that scarf covering????

d9b2a8 No.1400568

1st call for notables

>>1400356 John Kerry NOT registered with FARA for dealings with Iran.

>>1400383 Oracle GoldenGate related to "WE HAVE IT ALL. (biggest intel drop…)"?

>>1400471 Hillary blames superficial voters for making her spend 600 ‘exhausting’ campaign hours doing hair, makeup

>>1400479 Suspended First District Judge Jarod M. Calkins, who is charged with five counts of prostitution…resigns.

cefaac No.1400569


in the spirit of stamping out ignorance I agree. However it dawned on me that ignorance is bliss.So when it comes to these posters I am now just ignoring them and there effort to divide and distract us from our digs… this will be my first and last post on the thought as I now just ignore their shitpostings and carry on with life!

Happy Hunting!

be917f No.1400570


>that's what Anins do here

a lot of them have also grown red herring & goose chase detectors and can see and smell them coming almost automatically.

it's not a definite rule for sure, but usually when anons scream to look into something with few explanations like >>1400383 and just "shut the fuck up and go look at this" >>1400394 , well, it can have the opposite effect.

play with those all you want but that's no way to get more playmates

da55d4 No.1400571


Yup.. antischool has now outted himself too.. It's all aboutt he money.

29a81b No.1400572


A hickey!

9e593f No.1400573

3c10b1 No.1400574


Think about what this means. They're hedging their bets that the traitors will be victorious and thus they will be rewarded. They'd rather be rewarded financially than to save our country and the peoples of this country. These people are sick!

4a3fcd No.1400575

File: e573d6c37805b1f⋯.jpg (40.64 KB, 500x847, 500:847, Nice Diggz Anon.jpg)


Nice diggz, Anon.

9e593f No.1400576


Thanks, clear now

d17c03 No.1400577


>Actually, posting a password by mistake is easy to do, like scrolling through a tab button on forms. You know, its not like there isnt shit to do.

Q had never made that mistake before.

Admiral Rogers retires, rumors of Q-Team chaos flying all over hell.

New member??


cac72a No.1400578


I think Isaac means well. He will come around.

0250af No.1400579


not what i meant. if it was so true wouldnt there be proof of it being real instead of just a an image with no source ?

58ca79 No.1400580


I dumped him too. It's good to clean out the shills, I was subscribing to, too many people anyways.

8cd265 No.1400581

File: c1ea42eb96e0a25⋯.png (1.03 MB, 919x843, 919:843, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f60f7f6aede4b59⋯.png (1.2 MB, 924x836, 21:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d3ea086f2a52f5⋯.png (324.05 KB, 907x575, 907:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3aecb5b6cba8a8d⋯.png (1.03 MB, 928x837, 928:837, ClipboardImage.png)


3 Iranians who met with John Kerry yesterday. They are entering their hotel the “Prince De Galles”. Anyone know who they are?


The one in front is certainly Kamal Kharazi (#Iran regime's FM from 1997-2005). The one behind the door looks very similar to Abolghassem Delfi (current Ambassador to France). See photos for comparison. Please bear in mind these ppl aren't diplomats. They're diplomat-terrorists.

Kerry exposes Iranian family tie — and subjects family to blackmail


In a greeting to the Iranian people on the occasion of the traditional New Year (Nowruz) holiday last week, Secretary of State John Kerry exposed a secret that journalists and academics have been agonizing over for the past six weeks: the fact that his daughter has married an Iranian-American who has extensive family ties to Iran.


dc8a11 No.1400582


To train the bots and fuck with the alphas….you have to learn when to sign off…and when to start again…

Patterns matter.

Get it?

2e83bc No.1400583


I don't know for sure what timezone they are in, sorry, but there are 4 entries in the "dough" under Tweet Tools (including deleted tweets!). I think you could compare the timezones yourself.

Anons worked together and tested this out and determined:

- IF you have a twitter account AND are logged in, you will see tweets in your LOCAL timezone.

- if you do NOT have a twitter account (or are not logged in, cookies & cache cleared) the timezone you see is Pacific Standard time

So if you compare a POTUS tweet to a Q post that's in EST (qanon.pub is in EST, so is spreadsheet & some others), then you will be able to determine what timezone each resource is showing you.

Hope that helps :)

e33b1b No.1400585


Why, it's almost like the shills are all coordinated and following a single unseen hand.

355135 No.1400586


yeah these fags ain't givin up…





==BAKER== could this thing be baked into next breads as a solid or something..

has to spread ==FAR AND WIDE==


9e593f No.1400587


From Huma!

29a81b No.1400588


That's what I think about most, but as for Corsi and Jones and Seaman…definitely out of the movement!

b1f342 No.1400589

File: 83d7a0471e18107⋯.png (99.33 KB, 632x462, 316:231, Kredo re Freebeacon re POT….PNG)

File: 81112fc9d2354b8⋯.png (218.7 KB, 586x895, 586:895, Freebeacon 1 re POTUS Peac….PNG)

File: f80cfb6f1561fbf⋯.png (54.6 KB, 570x863, 570:863, Freebeacon 2 re POTUS Peac….PNG)

File: 328f4fd38044ad5⋯.png (72.15 KB, 579x790, 579:790, Freebeacon 3 re POTUS Peac….PNG)

Trump Administration Readying Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan

Ahead of Jerusalem embassy opening, officials disclose peace plan progress


The United States is in the "late phases" of finalizing its Israeli-Palestinian

peace plan that will be presented to both parties for consideration, according

to a senior White House official, who discussed progress on the matter ahead of

a massive celebration in Israel to open the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.

096191 No.1400590

File: fc8ef7fe0a37084⋯.png (531.3 KB, 1280x843, 1280:843, mcgram.png)

Former aid now pro russian


2a4234 No.1400591


You havent followed anything…

Whats protect" 6:14-46"

What happened the day after that post?

NK SK Meeting…

"Red Carpet."

Many more examples

4f981e No.1400592

File: 099ca623c0e83ec⋯.jpg (14.48 KB, 332x87, 332:87, Q iran deal Nov 2017.JPG)

File: 1b569c47b8a30cf⋯.jpg (117.74 KB, 855x645, 57:43, POTUS iran deal europe ang….JPG)


Europe Angry


937d58 No.1400593


How about NK situation getting solved?

I was listening to 2nd Trump-Hillary debate last night, and Trump was saying things he was going to do, and lots of them he could check off already: he's done them.

aca38f No.1400595


Issac did a few videos with a gold cow statue in front of him. Knew then he was signaling his alliance. His channel was never shut down, ir

That was deliberate, as YouTube started to base monetization on subscribers compared to views. Alot of channels did it, another slick move of jewry

fe2997 No.1400597


You assume Q or Potus would tell their moves to the enemy. KEK

Quite some time its just to make clowns scared as fuck. …and we Anons love it, well, at least i do.

8cd265 No.1400598



29a81b No.1400599


I've seen those debate issues too! Most of which he has already accomplished! Except for putting HILLARY IN FUCKING JAIL!!!!

84641b No.1400600


Let's do it, saving Israel for last

6194a2 No.1400601



eb3e1e No.1400602


I think he is being manipulated. Stand back and see where he goes with this. May be just working through some kinks.

I like the kid.

755de4 No.1400603

e8c6e5 No.1400604


You know it's got to be a kind of punishment for her to be free, go to these talks, watch her viewership dwindle and witness how she's becoming less and less relevant and wanted every day.

Of course I'd still rather she be locked up.

Also it seems something is going on with her neck, she didn't seem to turn her head very much from what I saw

b1e375 No.1400605

File: d0cafe6f89f48a7⋯.jpg (48.46 KB, 700x325, 28:13, 2919lu.jpg)

4f981e No.1400606

File: 1c52665cc8ca25a⋯.jpg (54.2 KB, 835x509, 835:509, POTUS iran deal sign.JPG)

meme material

be2f86 No.1400607

File: 7748c5c97a5fa44⋯.png (15.6 KB, 224x225, 224:225, dYZKBeX.png)

dc8a11 No.1400608

Any anons ever play musical chairs….EVER.

{start the music}……..(time passes)….{stop the musics}

Get it?

d9b2a8 No.1400609

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, nasimgif.gif)

460d31 No.1400610


His name is freaking Isaac Green.. should have been obvious.

c57e86 No.1400611


BAKER re: 1st call notables

plz include graphics from https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1400143.html#q1400506

as additional way to search / analyze guid storage

e16367 No.1400612


Lots of random blog / reddit articles about it floating around out there. Nothing I'm going to post here. Gist is that it's a fake memo, based on the logo used not matching the company's logo in use on the purported date of the memo.

Also saw it mentioned in connection with Roger Stone promoting it, and it was highly pushed on GLP.

I'm calling it suspect unless someone can provide solid confirmation in favor of it.

07607e No.1400613


He says (((they))) then says "remember this" as he makes the Q mark.

5861b5 No.1400614



Yeah not cool. You could log into Facebook then logout of Facebook (or now apparently not even use Facebook) and they track you across the web and store personal and probably sensitive information about you.

This is something that should never be allowed.

You see how they treat conservatives?

They want to destroy us. The level of evil is unreal!

Silicon Valley knows more about private citizens then the NSA does!

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

48e70f No.1400615

File: 7dc1c8c67422cd4⋯.jpg (71.57 KB, 1090x511, 1090:511, FireShot Capture 041 - BRE….jpg)


i agree….they know all q reporters are fixing to get banned from youtube as per infowars post at midnight last night during q drops as noted here below….this will be there narrative to accomplish that censorship narrative….q cult etc

d65a4a No.1400616


And Latvia is broken

Win Win for Putin?

9399b6 No.1400617

File: ebda22b293a4d32⋯.png (409.65 KB, 1472x790, 736:395, Screen Shot 2018-05-13 at ….png)

da55d4 No.1400618

File: afda7d44d6ad2aa⋯.jpg (271.82 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, NoNameTraitor.jpg)

File: db571f6e7751132⋯.jpg (151.86 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, TimeToQuake2.jpg)

File: 5db88fcd87eca51⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, TimeToQuake.jpg)

4e0dd9 No.1400619

File: 9eb27bee3c0bd72⋯.jpeg (237.82 KB, 1242x696, 207:116, 2017-02-04 Anon on Iran a….jpeg)

trump and iran have an agreement.

notice the date.

7fdc4f No.1400620

lets look at it psycological.

we follow Q no question on 8chan /qresearch/

other platform don't know where the hell we are.

don't have mental stability telling them to fuck off this is real faggot.

poor souls.

they just need guidance to believe.

dbce40 No.1400621

File: b60c55b6255e345⋯.png (1.08 MB, 822x746, 411:373, ClipboardImage(49).png)


I was surprised green flipped. I found it a little strange his videos with that fat law bird who clearly isn't a proper attorney. she can barely string words together but still always thought he had a good input to the Q anon subject. ah well. true colours and all.

0250af No.1400622


no person should ever have all the power ever

af4dac No.1400623


stfu jerome

e33b1b No.1400624


Her young female fanbase rudely makes her waste so many hours bathing too, where she risks falling in hotel tubs.

dc8a11 No.1400625


Jeopardy answer posted.

Jeopardy music playing…

…you have x seconds…

f4643c No.1400626


The French were building reactors in Iran, weren't they? At least they did…

>After the Israeli Air Force bombed the French-made nuclear reactor in Iraq in June 1981,


48e70f No.1400627


i used to

937d58 No.1400628


Hillary is dangerous but she's also useful. As long as she's active, the Dem party cannot reorganize as a full leftist / Muslim activist party. Why should we be in a hurry to solve the internal fight among the Dems? We just have to make sure each side sustains losses.

7b147e No.1400629

File: 02d6be1c0640ffb⋯.png (831.06 KB, 1280x1381, 1280:1381, pepe_suicide_by_airstrike.png)

29a81b No.1400630


Fuck! They could track you even if you weren't a member of fucking Facebook! That is fucking criminal, and anyone that can prove it should be able to sue Facebook out of existence!

ed31f4 No.1400631


nice monarch.

26c4b9 No.1400632


I saw Titus Frost saying some nonsense. I guess they are all shills and were all along. Good riddance!

e8c6e5 No.1400633


>we follow Q no question

Stop projecting. YOU follow Q with no question, others have seen enough proofs and TRUST, BUT VERIFY

07607e No.1400634

File: 8dd10f6a8652bbd⋯.jpg (22.47 KB, 255x254, 255:254, pthshdsoi.jpg)

52e11a No.1400635

File: 70e39ca708eb06d⋯.jpg (109.53 KB, 424x566, 212:283, pickle.jpg)

15e67b No.1400636


Trip was updated same or next day. Then the mistake, and changed again. No coincidence.

48e70f No.1400637

4f981e No.1400638

File: 6e4db3deb5ebe38⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 828x497, 828:497, POTUS iran deal sign.JPG)


no white border

ed31f4 No.1400639


ashes, ashes, they all fall down.

c2d792 No.1400640

File: 767c5f7ff1b4b50⋯.jpg (715.48 KB, 1200x660, 20:11, Cascadia event.jpg)

>>1400223 (lb)


>The horde went clear to the Canadian border twenty five years ago. Seattle is behind enemy lines.

3d4b36 No.1400642

File: 76ac6f74667356a⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1337x1251, 1337:1251, Screenshot 2018-05-13 14.4….png)

File: efbb03428c35b5e⋯.png (166.81 KB, 1301x833, 1301:833, Screenshot 2018-05-13 14.4….png)

File: f7c5f5942771339⋯.png (493.98 KB, 2877x1412, 2877:1412, Screenshot 2018-05-13 14.4….png)

The old CIA building used to be disguised as a Pickle Factory:

http:// web.stanford.edu/~learnest/les/cia.htm

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4143474/Trump-visit-CIA-HQ-bitter-split-spies.html

f4643c No.1400643

File: 5b17bc58d753866⋯.png (357.18 KB, 521x499, 521:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24030eb0132a0f3⋯.png (485.64 KB, 500x629, 500:629, ClipboardImage.png)

This. Times eleventy millionty.

48e70f No.1400644


its about the money its their rent money…youtube censorship is goona cut off q platforms

4f981e No.1400645


YES…lots of $$$ will be lost…too bad.

They can make their own deals and pay for them as well. You know, with pallets of their citizens' cash.

c57e86 No.1400646


KEK shes probably got a dynamite vest under there as last resort

937d58 No.1400647


Israel wasn't going to let the mullahs have that French reactor built for the previous government.

2a4234 No.1400648


The one part I'll consider is (we) being used in a way that suggests 'team.' Not as in (we)=(you and I + Q)

8 devices…

We've seen operators before and brief periods of comms with operators. @ China Ops

Like I said @ Corsi, All he had to do was observe Q. The work is the same.

I was never invested in his 'analysis' and am thinking his attack at @ is calculated…

IW will be crushed. AJ can revert his position publicly and fire Corsi, and blame him or he can openly apologize, or make up some story that Q is back in charge after scenario ABC

Their attack is either from calculation, impatience, arrogance, or disinformation… They are a business, and they need to be looked at from that lens.

86b950 No.1400649


Pack it up boys, they're onto us XD

91e9b9 No.1400650

File: 6f9902124136e7e⋯.jpg (98.3 KB, 800x561, 800:561, Trident-launch_nebraska_Na….jpg)

Meaning of D5


af4dac No.1400651


this is the only "q platform"

12f8fa No.1400652

File: 3134ae4def68deb⋯.jpg (61.6 KB, 849x500, 849:500, MuhJIDF.jpg)


Kek. Your desperation is adorable.

b1f342 No.1400653

File: fe891d4dd4ba091⋯.png (431.62 KB, 646x633, 646:633, Scavino45 re US Embassy Je….PNG)

File: c9663bfcc2f8f4d⋯.png (369.37 KB, 493x733, 493:733, toi 1 re US Embassy Jerusa….PNG)

File: 5ae7d8b841567f9⋯.png (47.79 KB, 488x670, 244:335, toi 2 re US Embassy Jerusa….PNG)

File: 76bc04323e1441a⋯.png (34.02 KB, 494x533, 38:41, toi 3 re US Embassy Jerusa….PNG)


US embassy moves to Jerusalem — on Twitter


Ahead of upcoming relocation to capital, mission posts video showing

account name change from USEmbassyTelAviv to USEmbassyJerusalem

eb3e1e No.1400654

2e83bc No.1400655

File: bca59ddaf96d4a5⋯.jpg (66.89 KB, 640x326, 320:163, cointelpro.jpg)

File: 8b2a4db8c291142⋯.jpg (19.74 KB, 331x350, 331:350, consp-blum.jpg)

File: f4e2267e5831ed7⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 696x482, 348:241, constheo.jpg)

File: c091d9c250e3701⋯.jpg (82.92 KB, 690x415, 138:83, davinci.jpg)

3928ab No.1400656

File: db877d394811e4d⋯.jpg (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da07….jpg)

da55d4 No.1400657

File: 7c77a086ec8a7ea⋯.png (706.56 KB, 570x1600, 57:160, Q this is not a game2.png)

File: 43e93470da6ef23⋯.png (741.86 KB, 570x1600, 57:160, Q this is not a game.png)

15e67b No.1400658


Same day, >>>/patriotsfight/ created the same day


4cd6e3 No.1400659


tx anon

right now the shills think they have an impact

that delusion should change soon

very soon

e156e0 No.1400660


You are exactly correct ..we gotta see how all the pieces do not add up, goal was to originally to get the word OUT not keep it all inside while at the same time discrediting itself in some eyes by originally making that post on the 28th that was supposedly to OUT the "ones ," Its all too weird at this point…I think the idea of keeping these topics in front of everybody is awesome!! and has been more good than bad by FAR But people don't seem to have the ability to pick through things for the good and toss out the bad (information wise) on other sites/people that are getting other people red pilled on different info even cuz its axiomatic that Q doesn't cover all things not by a long shot …TRUST TRUST TRUST AND STAY INISDE HERE..seriously no joke it is exactly what an ultra abusive spouse does, make the other person feel like this is the only way to be ok and don't talk to anyone else ect..At this point if Q never posted again everyone would pretty much be the same from here out

be2f86 No.1400661

File: 43d7c8da0c3bfd8⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 600x800, 3:4, fc4.jpg)

7fdc4f No.1400662


ah grasshopper.

YOU are not a believer.

fuck off… this is real faggot.

re-read crumbs then read again.

match with news.

most important… read the 16 year plan till you shit it out in your sleep. match to past and present and future.

get busy then you may see the four lights faggot.

48e70f No.1400663

81923d No.1400664


Nacy Pelosi met with the leader of Syria?

Anyone know when this took place?


8cd265 No.1400665

File: 432c7557c3de8c9⋯.png (1.1 MB, 668x817, 668:817, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump yarmulkes in Jerusalem

12f8fa No.1400666

File: e80d729eb3193a0⋯.jpg (334.78 KB, 1084x762, 542:381, welcometoqresearch.jpg)


Kek. It's like you cannot process what a warzone really is like, sissyfag.

ed31f4 No.1400667


Getting drunk on cabal blood will definitely give you a hangover.

af4dac No.1400668

File: de096474b85a3f0⋯.gif (2.32 MB, 480x266, 240:133, vplaughing.gif)

891f6b No.1400669


If Q is connected to NSA, then it's Q who follows me, and I just want to know why.

94d18f No.1400670

File: b439427082d3537⋯.png (439.78 KB, 720x522, 40:29, ClipboardImage.png)


It's about this!

Q referenced a snow ball.

29a81b No.1400671



355135 No.1400672


dude it's fuckin amazing..the power of video proof is still underestimated..moving pictures are fuckin gold..especially when you have cunts who tell you POTUS is not involved or anything..

this is pretty solid..most Q heads already know about think mirror..but still we have 'only' side by sides…we need to watch more speeches..i will do so tomorrow..nothing tod..i'm a bum..;)




87f475 No.1400673


Highest Authority




af4dac No.1400674


but I understood what you meant anon

e8c6e5 No.1400675


Good. I hate policies of appeasement. People make it seem like the muslims would be peaceful if they just got their way. Fuck that shit.

This triggers the left



I love it

4cd6e3 No.1400676


>this is simply an extension of /pol/

in your mind only

not to Q

not to potus

not to most anons on this board

953aa6 No.1400677


What the what? Hey Bama wanted it called ISIL What was that about. Leviathan?

2ee2f2 No.1400678


Toppest of keks!

25d7bd No.1400679

File: 0d39c100904d8d1⋯.png (780.71 KB, 768x892, 192:223, notice.png)


Full Circle.

It's all connected.

Welcome back Huma.


What must happen pre 11.11?

11.11 provided as strategic marker

Post midterms.

RED wave coming?



>Let's say that the early Q posts from half chan were not given a date by year? Would that mean the the beginning of the story with Podesta and Huma being Indicted is about to begin? Follow suit of the Iran Deal and exposing of corrupt officials?

Pic with posts with Podesta 11.3 (11.4 actionable) and 11.6 Huma

af4dac No.1400680


islamist/jihadis: muh hate is your fault


2b72d5 No.1400681


the more research i do into the chair [P] = [C], etc, the more i wonder if the papacy could be tied to JIDF as counter-counter-counter-intel shills.

dunno. war begets war. if selling bullets and guns makes money, religion is at the heart of the differences we hate - why wouldn't they want to fuel each other?

29a81b No.1400682


As long as it isn't ever called ISA (Islamic State of America!)

c2cf88 No.1400683


>we follow Q no question

omg every time Q posts we spend the next several breads questioning what it could mean!

Q forces us to question him. Our first guesses are almost always wrong or at best incomplete.

we have months of information that we are still questioning!

17011f No.1400684

File: 645032eece86099⋯.png (148.78 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Which_is_more_logical.png)

15e67b No.1400685




71a46a No.1400686


Exactly. There way is to convert or kill us.

Anyone who actually thinks that they can be appeased is a fucking moron.

326ec2 No.1400687

File: 3cf465eef7a615a⋯.png (297.25 KB, 687x882, 229:294, A MEMETICS COMPENDIUM.png)


Compiled By Dr. Robert Finkelstein

May 2008


Full PDF

e16367 No.1400688


You can answer that yourself.

http:// tineye.com

58ca79 No.1400689


Are you intelligence? What experience do you have in Intel?

48e70f No.1400690

File: 566ee61ed6c6087⋯.jpg (226.19 KB, 1225x1050, 7:6, FireShot Capture 046 - Pel….jpg)


april 4, 2007

6194a2 No.1400691

b1e375 No.1400692

>>1400471 Yeah and you still a ugly fat bitch

b7bd93 No.1400693



I will never understand why you continue to use FB when you know what they are and what they do. It IS social engineering and YOU are the product.

Not sure the significance of using a nick-name… is FB fooled by that?

If there's important info on one's FB, perhaps storing it elsewhere is the better part of valor.

NEVER did this Anon FB.

Haven't had tv for a decade either.

All one's choice of FREE WILL.

29a81b No.1400694

I wonder if Q vapes and drinks cheap wine like me?

52e11a No.1400695


Back when they still thought they could negotiate the pipeline?

58c6e5 No.1400696

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.”


2a4234 No.1400697


There is definitely something there @ Utah/ Utah attorney Huber/ Sessions / Sealed indictment.

I think your targeting degree is broad, but GW at pointing out some of those connections.

af4dac No.1400698

File: 7fc52fc3c560100⋯.png (82.07 KB, 287x216, 287:216, ClipboardImage.png)


I can't remember where I heard it, but someone had said ISIL (not ISIS) was a way to get at Israel

IslamicState(of)Iraq(and the)LEVANT is a way to say its a historically muslim area

i think it was on FOX a year or so ago

c2d792 No.1400699


>anons go insane

Like flushing a big covey of quail in the woods.

4afabd No.1400700


>He's trying to attack new media.

Only thing he's attacking is greedy faggots trying to sway the message.

b1e375 No.1400701

>>1400689 STFU Jerome

0250af No.1400702


i think the witch thrives off hate anon give 0 attention and she has no power

13765d No.1400703

File: 7beb0a1a0192eff⋯.png (184.67 KB, 400x272, 25:17, Clown Car.png)

1ba515 No.1400704


I needed to verify digit ratios but this one checks out.

4f981e No.1400705

File: 97e4e507838013d⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 532x288, 133:72, back brace.JPG)


Improving Quality Of Life For People With Parkinson’s With Calibrace Back Brace


df16cc No.1400706

Q group had to do something, Corsi and AJ were claiming that they were in direct communication with them (a lie). Either Q group ignored it and then they would have taken it further or they had to call bullshit.

BS was called . Moving on

86b950 No.1400707

File: 218d24ff95ae14e⋯.jpg (58.25 KB, 1080x600, 9:5, 218d24ff95ae14e364a4696e15….jpg)



af4dac No.1400708


Q smokes the dankest nug and goes clubbing with the most expensive liquor

lol idk fucking around

891f6b No.1400709


Q is using 8chan as point of origin for dropping breadcrumbs, doesn't seem to give a shit if discuss things elsewhere.

b1e375 No.1400710

>>1400701 meant for him sorry

94d18f No.1400711

Romans 8:01-08 (NIV)

Life Through the Spirit

8 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you[a] free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh,[b] God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering.[c] And so he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.

43214a No.1400712


Israel was instrumental in creating ISIS.

953aa6 No.1400713


Is she too sick to hang?\

29a81b No.1400714


I still use Facebook, because whatever happened without my knowledge is too late. It's going to have to pan out in the court systems to see what happens. Meanwhile, they already got me…and unfortunately for you, they got you too…somehow, someway.

dcdb24 No.1400715


Allegedly this is a picture of Zarif's son:


This is the article in Persian language:


da55d4 No.1400716

File: 1760b934035b86b⋯.jpg (157.23 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, Prayers4GenFlynn.jpg)

02fb98 No.1400717

Yeah. Q such a larp, you MUST be here……WHY?

Here's one;

MOAB = Iran


Now whatbitch?

58ca79 No.1400718


All good.

c2cf88 No.1400719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Road to a unique hell on Earth"

d9b2a8 No.1400720


Nigga STILL owe me $20.

b1e375 No.1400721

>>1400708 No he would type like your dumbass then

58c6e5 No.1400722

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.




48e70f No.1400723


that seems like the most logical theory

af4dac No.1400724


the paytriot crumb was the 29th but you wouldn't know because you don't read crumbs jerome


Q is giving WE THE PEOPLE INTEL, following orders from POTUS


Are you awake?

Disinfowars = MSM

29a81b No.1400725


Snorting coke off the small of the back of Stormy too! LOL!

15e67b No.1400726

File: c6629bdc213c57b⋯.png (7.36 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1522726688965.png)


That post you rt was bait

5a06dc No.1400727


Bullet proof vest or sort of. She could not lose but she did. This has upset a lot of nasty people. She is not top rank, others decide over her. If she can't fix what she messed up she will have a very severe heart attack or probably choke on something.

eb3e1e No.1400728


Vaping is for stupid fags.


Q works, so he doesn't drink cheap wine. Only the best. Otherwise, why bother?

b1e375 No.1400729

>>1400725 You would

3928ab No.1400730


Hmmm…I have heard the rumors of Parkinson's with her, so this actually makes a lot of sense and looks like what that bulge in her shoulder could be…

Joking aside, what a terrible disease and what a terrible way to live having to wear something like that…

11235d No.1400731

File: faa119417e1c441⋯.jpg (60.91 KB, 500x584, 125:146, hillarymugly.jpg)

81923d No.1400732



Ok, so why two very old pictures of meetings with syria's president… 2007 and 2015 are very old news.

3d4b36 No.1400733

File: 65c9e6ed8f66e53⋯.png (194.77 KB, 1706x1467, 1706:1467, Screenshot 2018-05-13 15.0….png)

File: b8019f98394ad15⋯.png (192.01 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ancient-aliens-guy-600.png)

1948 = Israel

953aa6 No.1400734


Bama is a Zionist too. Cus Muslim are Israelites and murderous vampires who love to kill Chirstians. did I say that out loud?

29a81b No.1400735


Cigarettes are more faggy imo. Thusly, they are called "fags".

d9b2a8 No.1400736

File: b406e2ff8ddbf07⋯.png (350.4 KB, 408x612, 2:3, kwatwat.png)



af4dac No.1400737


don't smoke nug anymore, and don't have the money to go out like that

chill anon FFS

f4643c No.1400738

File: eb566e91ccc627a⋯.png (353.35 KB, 620x413, 620:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 169926f9a740d28⋯.png (478 KB, 667x500, 667:500, ClipboardImage.png)

Maybe it's huntin' season and were huntin' John Kerry…

39de2a No.1400739

File: d91b5a296d29c1a⋯.jpg (109.79 KB, 569x366, 569:366, IMG_1106.JPG)

Ready for a victorious week

a00c7c No.1400740


He's a fuckhead stop advertising him on here.

I'm sick of him and his sockpuppets.

Has nothing to do with Q research except to train us how to see frauds and crooks

What does his weather shit fear porn have to do with Q anon. Get the fuck out.

Hi Dutch.

4cd6e3 No.1400741


>that fat law bird who clearly isn't a proper attorney.

when i was in law school we called then "LC's"


4a3fcd No.1400742

File: 637ed71b3903ed5⋯.jpg (231.82 KB, 1693x522, 1693:522, D5.jpg)

e156e0 No.1400743


That is all good my friend but that 16 year plan is much older than that and we knew this plan (in a sense ) already from a compilation of information, all the way back to the communist manifesto to even today's work by like Dinesh Dsouza's writings on BO's beliefs and intentions with everyone in between..DONT GET me wrong this has been great for a ton of people that needed all that info PLUS more compiled and coalesced but I think the WHOLE point is that we CAN do it all as the People without blind TRUST in anyone

953aa6 No.1400744

Correction. Muslims are zionists

092764 No.1400745


Tree-fiddy, mofo. Ain't no twenny.

8aab0e No.1400747


was in 1917 and before 1867 Rothschild take over (England) UK

953aa6 No.1400748

And not Israelists.

58c6e5 No.1400749

File: aad89f4a3d1b48e⋯.jpg (116.21 KB, 960x502, 480:251, serveimage-1.jpg)


A small rebuttal to your point is that he never claimed to see dinosaurs on Mars, but rather different forms of life, some of which resemble dinosaurs.

eb3e1e No.1400750


Yeah, I'll grant you that. I quit cigarettes.

0250af No.1400751


theres plenty of things that could be 48 dont leap to conclusions mike pence is the 48th vp

937d58 No.1400752


Could be. And Obama is no Zionist, his fondest wish would be to throw the white Israelis into the sea.

Screw Obama.

af4dac No.1400753


lol let me get this straight:

1. Hussein, the number one enemy of Israel, is a zionist

2. Israelites are vampires

3. Not Jihadis, but Israelites want to kill christians


27b78d No.1400754



5eb1fa No.1400755

Is this the sky event? It's a running event in Seoul Korea.


The vid shows the words "SKY EVENT" in big blue letters.

"The Lotte World International Sky Run - the highest and longest in the world - drew runners from the across the globe."

Then there is this on facebroke.. https://www.facebook.com/skyeventskorea

7fdc4f No.1400756




so far every crumb dropped relates to about 5% with other posts.

all connect though.

one goal.

the great awakening.

important. read 16 year plan.

still going on but interrupted.

lights are important.


e16367 No.1400757


An anon found the articles with which they were associated. tineye will lead you to them.

197d7a No.1400758

File: 6555ea1f6ab4d25⋯.jpg (38.74 KB, 620x319, 620:319, orchestra stops 2.jpg)

d9b2a8 No.1400759


aw mang…why u trippin'?


e8c6e5 No.1400760


Dude now that the book selling clown fag is no longer discussed here, along with the water filter merchant, we don't need another nutter famefag taking their place

Basiago claims to have watched dinosaurs eating grass in a time travel experiment, been to Mars with Obama and won the 2016 election in a vision of the future through time travelling goggles

da55d4 No.1400761

File: fcbc4a211a2fe5a⋯.jpg (113.33 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, DragonEnergy1.jpg)

652dfb No.1400762


Ya it's easy to tell its the same source. Many have tried to copy the style but can't, simply because its following a plan of action that ties things together from way before. People who study writers, which I have, can tell fairly easily. It's like realizing Barry didn't write his own books, Ayers did. Or an even better example would be cases of murdered/missing people, who's phones were used to text relatives/friends by the perpetrator, and the simple text messages set of alarm bells for those who know the person.

f4643c No.1400763

Obama is a chameleon, trying to be all things to all people. The problem is, people have figured this out. "You can't fool all of the people all of the time."

3d009f No.1400764


Doesn't look a bit like the guy in the Kerry wedding picture, huh?

2a4234 No.1400765

File: 0d162e2062bf73d⋯.jpg (624.05 KB, 600x800, 3:4, economist_magazine_jan2015.jpg)


If you are going to prosecute C_A / 7th floor than you need to have clean DOJ/ FBI

This was all in a timeline. People looked -only- at literal timeline and then faulted Q

I keep thinking of 11.3 and 11.5 on this magazine cover < ^


"Alice" "Wonderland"

Patriots hijacked…

Strategic Marker as in objectives fulfilled first in action plan… more meaning there?

d9b2a8 No.1400766

last call for notables

>>1400356 John Kerry NOT registered with FARA for dealings with Iran.

>>1400383 Oracle GoldenGate related to "WE HAVE IT ALL. (biggest intel drop…)"?, >>1400506

>>1400471 Hillary blames superficial voters for making her spend 600 ‘exhausting’ campaign hours doing hair, makeup

>>1400479 Suspended First District Judge Jarod M. Calkins, who is charged with five counts of prostitution…resigns.

>>1400563 DOJ, FBI slow-walking release of documents hoping for a blue wave in midterms: Darrell Issa

>>1400619 Trump and Iran already have a deal? (notice the date)

c2d792 No.1400767

File: e748eee940f8742⋯.jpg (14.05 KB, 255x191, 255:191, Chris Kyle Punisher.jpg)


>They can make their own deals and pay for them as well. You know, with pallets of their citizens' cash.

I want our fucking money back!!!

ed7d2b No.1400768

File: 6c0b4d0d5ec9781⋯.png (654.55 KB, 770x501, 770:501, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8a7b257e1f796f⋯.png (67.12 KB, 464x759, 464:759, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump officials on why they leak: This is a never-ending 'Mexican stand-off'

White House leakers used a raft of excuses Sunday to justify sharing sensitive Trump administration information with reporters, reasons ranging from a way to settle personal scores to dealing with a confrontational work environment within the West Wing.


"The most common substantive leaks are the result of someone losing an internal policy debate," a senior administration official told Axios. "By leaking the decision, the loser gets one last chance to kill it with blowback from the public, Congress, or even the President."

The aide then likened working in the White House to "kind of like being in a never-ending 'Mexican Standoff.'"

"Everyone has guns (leaks) pointed at each other and it's only a matter of time before someone shoots. There's rarely a peaceful conclusion so you might as well shoot first," the official added.

Other officials attributed the spilling of administration secrets to "personal vendettas" or "to make sure there's an accurate record of what's really going on" in the West Wing.

The Axios report chafes with an interview White House chief of staff John Kelly gave last week in which he alluded to a cessation in leaks under his leadership.

"After about six weeks in [the] job one of the reporters said to me, 'Look you were our worst nightmare. This place was a clown show before you showed up. We didn't think this president would last a year [or] 18 months. Now that you're here, there's order to the place. The leaks all but went away,'" Kelly told NPR.

On Thursday, the White House experienced a major leak in which word got out that White House aide Kelly Sadler mocked the health of Sen. John McCain, who is fighting brain cancer, during a close-door meeting.

355135 No.1400769

File: 3132bc4efd8bc84⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, QBRINGTHEPAIN_MIRROR_v4.mp4)
















c2cf88 No.1400770


a vaping spy, kek. never seen that before

07607e No.1400771

File: e671b8293e94c9a⋯.jpg (780.46 KB, 2464x2204, 616:551, Q74.jpg)


Its 45

Think POTUS sitting in the plane with Q74 in the back ground.

Post 74 signed by POTUS 45

He was talking to us.

Dual meaning avalanche, probably. Definitely signed by POTUS though.

4cd6e3 No.1400772


one can be sure that there is coordination at the top of every WW institution





they fight and hate each other but WE THE PEOPLE are always the common enemy

58c6e5 No.1400773

File: c28765545d2556a⋯.jpg (92.06 KB, 720x802, 360:401, 1511722159167.jpg)

File: 50b6b8627798b50⋯.jpg (152.45 KB, 1010x1200, 101:120, 1511728679012.jpg)

File: a43f2749c80a810⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1591x2348, 1591:2348, Faked_photos footage?.png)

File: 03d8c7e45e7c945⋯.jpg (452.59 KB, 1318x1021, 1318:1021, 1510332301402.jpg)

File: 3ec46d0d7731ed3⋯.jpg (36 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 13442209_10153555824051389….jpg)

13765d No.1400774

Any Anons here,

What US/EU Co’s Immediately closed large deals in Iran post deal?

Which Co’s Cross check against political + foundation payments?

096176 No.1400775

File: a6aec90a164af1f⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1880x934, 940:467, Opera Snapshot_2018-05-13_….png)

File: 68c0c5c0e3d5208⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1880x934, 940:467, Opera Snapshot_2018-05-13_….png)

Morrocan AF CN-AMS from LE Bourget heading home to Rabat? Dropped off just past the coast.

Abu Dhabi A6-PFE Los Angeles heading DC.

Otherwise all quiet.

ed7d2b No.1400776



https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-officials-on-why-they-leak-this-is-a-never-ending-mexican-stand-off

b9ff64 No.1400777

07607e No.1400778

File: 2223fc153473467⋯.jpg (13.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6b765582f1431a36d9a81cff0c….jpg)

48e70f No.1400779


q said things coming "full circle" not sure yet what that may entail

d22408 No.1400780


Do you not understand what disinfo is or what it’s for? Do you really think any of us will know when one of these people are arrested until after the fact. Disinfo is for them, not us. It is part of the plan to as Q says to either flush them out or cause panic which leads to mistakes. Disinfo is part of the plan. You would suck on an intelligence team. No one would ever be captured because you would be telling them when you were going to do something. Do you even logic

fba2b2 No.1400781

How can we see the terms terms of the Iran deal? Are their publicly available copies of the document that includes the signatures?

3928ab No.1400782

File: 7e655bc7960d4b1⋯.png (87.03 KB, 267x263, 267:263, f9597f6ef1b23dac3c0a92017b….png)


Makes sense too….I forgot about the heart attack guns…

c2d792 No.1400783

File: 7bc802ea08f0d52⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 700x539, 100:77, Trident gone bad.jpg)



9399b6 No.1400784


I wouldn't wish Parkingson's on anyone.

Except HRC.

29a81b No.1400785


I quit cigarettes and alcohol when I converted to Islam, and then I became an apostate and started drinking again and eating pork and shit…and then I decided to start smoking a pipe for a Halloween costume and I kept smoking pipe for a few years, and then I quit doing that. Then…dummy me…I started vaping a few years later because I was talking to vapers on VapeTV. They were cool to talk to, so i thought what the hell…I'll try it! I started vaping and liked it, and I hope that other cigarette smokers will stop smoking because of it.

I probably will stop vaping too, but I will never go back to Islam!

02fb98 No.1400786


Get this straight:

1. Zionism is POLITICAL not religious.

2. Israelites are not Jews. Jew is an 18th century invention.

3. Judaism is anti-Christian as, it REJECTS the Messiah.

wow. like u couldn't figure that out yerself

3f20bb No.1400787


This appears to be just related to clearing a heartbeat history table for Oracles Goldengate replication engine.

af4dac No.1400788

File: e4a273bea096281⋯.gif (5.39 MB, 320x240, 4:3, jordan.gif)

ebbe61 No.1400789


I think he means we started with Huma Abedin and the MB, and now we are back to them.

e156e0 No.1400790


HAHA Good Lord man..am I awake?? BC I said 28th blah blah …You are dangerous in this world my friend, Way too locked into one way of thinking..Proof being that you said I missed the date which is irrelevant to my point YOU ARE ACTING AS IF Q IS YOU LORD AND SAVIOR ..WAKE UP

889e47 No.1400791


She is also listed as a member of the committee of 300 (along with many other familiar creepers):


be917f No.1400792

71a46a No.1400793


That is exactly correct. If HRC, Barry, et al were arrested in public there would be riots!

27b78d No.1400794


check these out, baker



4afabd No.1400795


>Israelites are not Jews. Jew is an 18th century invention.

And here lies the fucking kike lie of the whole statement.

2a4234 No.1400796




b1f342 No.1400797


Could be the "shot heard round the world"

dcdb24 No.1400798


Not really. It's surprisingly difficult to find pictures of Zarif's children.

Some people, like a few of Khamenei's closest alleged advisers, are like ghosts in Iran.

b7bd93 No.1400799


Appreciate that Anon!

Here's the entire report: https:// www.scribd.com/document/328377223/False-Alien-Invasion



Was it perhaps tracey beanz that told everyone it was fake?

You know, there are many controlled oppositionists that do just that. Every time I post anything about ley lines, I get shills posting that it's made up. Ley lines are the key to everything. Be careful who you follow.

cac72a No.1400800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It looks like Alex is putting on all his guests that are with Jones and their lie. They are trashing Trump right now. Saying he is being fooled by NK and Iran. Some old guy is on and I don't know who he is.

5861b5 No.1400801






The popular counter argument / logic to Facebook tracking and archiving all of their users info etc has been ‘if you don’t like it then don’t use it’.

That reasoning is invalid considering the recent news that Facebook even tracks people who don’t even use Facebook. Read that again slowly lol. It’s true just search online and you will see.

Let’s say Facebook doesn’t track non users and just their own users. Do you know how many sites require you to log in with Facebook to use that websites service or to voice your opinion (comments)?

Want to monetize your website and get ranked in search engine results?

Who has the market share?

These Silicon Valley Monopolies are literally like the ‘Digital Standard Oil’.

Don’t like standard oil? Then horse and buggy for you peasants!

953aa6 No.1400802


Are there any Israelites who are not

e8c6e5 No.1400803


Dunno, Trump said in that video that the Clintons are at the center of things. She is probably higher up than we suspect.

Considering how she is utterly incapable of self criticism, blaming others for every little thing, I doubt it even crossed her mind she could be assassinated for pissing people off for losing, after all, nothing was her fault

e885ef No.1400804


That "mate" part you just said is very interesting as I've seen another Anon use it. Did u just give yourself away, mate?

ebbe61 No.1400805


According to Rush Limbaugh, the agreement was never executed by the Iranians. Imagine the implications of that.

7fdc4f No.1400806

i voted one time in my life.

i was 18.

been 35 years.

i will be voting this year.

no i did not vote in 16.

no reason to here. ]

nixon is the last one to win gop here.

search and there is only 1.

no reason i thought… ok?

i vote from now on.

please do yourself.

953aa6 No.1400807


Great job of rounding the shills all in one studio, Q!!!

937d58 No.1400808


I believe they're called fags because a log used to be called a fag. No homo-relation.

29a81b No.1400809


This is on the money!

dd3295 No.1400810

File: 4fb63bb2ad2784b⋯.png (821.36 KB, 670x500, 67:50, rev3.9001.png)

48e70f No.1400811

File: cf299d35ec5e7ba⋯.jpg (162.18 KB, 1033x604, 1033:604, FireShot Capture 047 - Joh….jpg)


this image seems to be from September 6, 2012

ed7d2b No.1400812


If memory serves me correctly, her father was the first black male to be a member also.

d7a145 No.1400813

File: af84c698a043769⋯.png (322.8 KB, 960x960, 1:1, af84c698a0437699db7e1c3948….png)


> Let me make something clear. Q is not intelligence of any sort.

Jones why dont you tell your viewers the whole story instead of just premade lies?? Youre a fat fuck comped faggot out for the shekels thats why.

58c6e5 No.1400814

File: 5a41baabda2e5f9⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, Trump Tesla Teleporation T….png)


If this stuff doesn't interest you, filter and move on, but to everyone else, I encourage keeping an open and objective mind. Andy isn't asking for money, donations or any form of compensation–you can check out pretty much all his material for free.

c2cf88 No.1400815


>I just want to know why.

You're special, Anon! He likes you

2e83bc No.1400816


Still not working, it will never work, no matter how hard (you) try.


Correct. ISIS even apologized for accidentally attacking Israel. Says it all.

be917f No.1400817


>>Anonymous ID: yY946/MZ 148031978 Nov 5 2017 02:03:40 (EST)

>>Is HRC just a puppet and the goal is to take down her minders and the real kingpins?

>Anonymous ID: cS8cMPVQ 148032210 Nov 5 2017 02:06:00 (EST)



<HRC was a puppet but her strings were recently cut.

<She's now on her own and fighting for her life.


db644f No.1400818

File: b34184f7dda1ca3⋯.jpg (305.48 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 33efc26a-504e-11e7-bfb8-99….jpg)

File: a3bf0c8f76b7bcb⋯.jpg (105.57 KB, 960x639, 320:213, 56ebcfdc52bcd028008b724e-9….jpg)

File: bcc2b382d79fc79⋯.jpg (129.43 KB, 960x765, 64:51, 56f066b752bcd029008b7d56-9….jpg)

File: 0f0021fc9cf72a2⋯.jpg (74.61 KB, 640x427, 640:427, wangjin_xinwei.jpg)

Zuck with Chinese Censorship Chief

The Chinese conglomerate Beijing Xinwei Technology Group (Chinese military front company?) was set to purchase Spacecom following the successful launch of AMOS-6

Facebook wants internet in Africa

https:// www.space.com/33937-facebook-satellite-lost-in-spacex-rocket-explosion.html

http:// www.businessinsider.com/facebook-censorship-tool-china-report-2016-11

4cd6e3 No.1400819


>Jew is an 18th century invention.

say what?????

d9b2a8 No.1400820

File: b972ab10d402e95⋯.png (427.4 KB, 800x600, 4:3, PAYTROT.png)

28b033 No.1400822



ok…, jake from state farm

02fb98 No.1400823



e20687 No.1400824


>not to Q

(((Q))) is a military intelligence psyop

>not to potus

Trump is a Jew puppet

>not to most anons on this board

Most anons on this board are low IQ retards

cefb10 No.1400825

Presidential palace, government compound in Damascus unscathed by coalition’s strike

(Q pics of JK and Pedosi w Assad are from Pres Palace in Damasc)



faac39 No.1400826

>>1398999 Notable - prev

Wouldn't June 12th = [+30] instead of [-30]?

eb3e1e No.1400827


That's the best summary of this I have heard. KEK

29a81b No.1400829

File: 708101385abb72e⋯.png (188.89 KB, 243x373, 243:373, Screenshot_73.png)


You Fascist Fuck!

15e67b No.1400830


Haven't dug them up yet. Did find this during the hunt: https://www.rt.com/usa/426588-iran-deal-us-sanctions/. Back to digging

dd3295 No.1400831

File: 83e6a7a27cae395⋯.png (197.71 KB, 519x335, 519:335, rev3,9002.png)

e156e0 No.1400832


Yeah well the people inside the movement don't get that and its turning into a circle jerk cult like movement which in the end wont serve the ultimate purpose right?…I thought "normies," were gonna need to be red pilled and all that..that could never happen with the level of vitriol that everyone is saying about everyone else..it's like you fight to smash a "control system," only to create your own unknowingly..Shouldn't piss you off to think about it. I have loved what Q has been doing but the vibe has changed and its becoming a gang figth..it's a legit point

af4dac No.1400833

File: 5944b4bb8459a7a⋯.png (121.52 KB, 747x397, 747:397, ClipboardImage.png)


Q is an intel source that we are GRATEFUL to POTUS for allowing

you're mad at THIS ONE CRUMB

Fuck Corsi, Fuck AJ, Fuck their disinfo, and Fuck you

dbce40 No.1400834

File: 61dc063a2ad4d39⋯.png (164.03 KB, 500x522, 250:261, alex-jones-realalexjones-f….png)

4afabd No.1400835

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, distract.jpg)


Oh good. A reputable source…

48e70f No.1400836


seems to have something to do with the iran nuke deal that was made recently….but i'm not sure i'll have to ponder that one a bit longer

c2cf88 No.1400837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


wrong video posted - weird!!

supposed to be this one

096191 No.1400838

Obama and HRC have gone to NZ to collect 5 eye info, to bypass legal process.

This is what POTUS is up against.

13765d No.1400839

File: 8398e794998c2f0⋯.png (53.59 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Stay On Target.png)


You're so smart, answer this please

What US/EU Co’s Immediately closed large deals in Iran post deal?

Which Co’s Cross check against political + foundation payments?

af4dac No.1400840


stfu (((muh jew))) shill

go back to /pol/

02fb98 No.1400841


retards, is why you are here trolling. *eyeroll*

755de4 No.1400842


better for the kids that way

d65a4a No.1400843


Speaking in Small

FB is China

China is FB

China has still southamerica.

Already has Africa and Oceania, Canada, Mexico.

29a81b No.1400844


And I'm a Play Actor for the Cabal.

2e83bc No.1400845


>"By leaking the decision, the loser gets one last chance to kill it with blowback from the public, Congress, or even the President."

What a pussy thing to do , it's like sucker punching somone.

e8c6e5 No.1400846

File: 4d86334cbbb37bc⋯.png (177.01 KB, 664x419, 664:419, slide.png)


So you're saying a lunatic who's been MK Ultrad to believe he's time travelled to ancient Mars has something to do with Q research?

15e67b No.1400847

File: aaabdac596fe835⋯.png (168.6 KB, 792x752, 99:94, ClipboardImage.png)




Digging for more…

81923d No.1400848



Huh… obvious is the reference for the current meeting in Paris, but there has to be more to it than that. What was the real purpose of those original visits I wonder…

35dc49 No.1400849

File: 885d634367636c4⋯.png (614.67 KB, 1781x564, 1781:564, ClipboardImage.png)

dd3295 No.1400850

File: 730d877e83a7f70⋯.jpg (99.39 KB, 970x633, 970:633, 730d877e83a7f70078ece4e85a….jpg)

13765d No.1400851


Nice TY I'm pushing focus

9399b6 No.1400852

File: 5f68de45292156d⋯.png (453.8 KB, 794x598, 397:299, Screen Shot 2018-05-13 at ….png)

02fb98 No.1400853


I think you are too retarded to realize we agree.

5eb1fa No.1400854



Operation mockingbird 4AM email?

648a28 No.1400855

File: 9bceeabc7de56ff⋯.jpg (103.57 KB, 750x600, 5:4, 14-Seedlines.jpg)


Jews are Edomites were converts from Judea…not the tribe of Judah. Some were carried off to Babylon others fled to Spain

Kazars are Turkic converts to Judaism under King Bulan. They were destroyed by the Russians and most fled to western Europe

This is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind

b7bd93 No.1400856


Appreciate that Anon!

Here's the entire report: https:// www.scribd.com/document/328377223/False-Alien-Invasion



Was it perhaps tracey beanz that told everyone it was fake?

You know, there are many controlled oppositionists that do just that. Every time I post anything about ley lines, I get shills posting that it's made up. Ley lines are the key to everything. Be careful who you follow.

953aa6 No.1400857


said something about paying college tuition 4 illegal immagrants that are of age for college , even spoke live to a group, maybe in Calif. But he never inacted anything. (heresay) Probably the colleges did it anyway. O'bummer will go down in history as the worst President of anything.

479863 No.1400858

File: 6a9569f68c70abf⋯.jpg (384.27 KB, 1079x1193, 1079:1193, Screenshot_20180513-171808….jpg)

File: c6f5a10ff9efbf4⋯.jpg (532.88 KB, 1080x1628, 270:407, Screenshot_20180513-171617….jpg)


Saving Israel for last, MbS being /ourguy/ DOITQ

be917f No.1400859


>Every time I post anything about (x), I get shills posting that it's (y). (…) Be careful who you follow.

valid point, be wary of attacks.

all things occult/esoteric/spiritual etc are particulary infested by various muddying waters experts, be just as skeptical as we are when something shiny and new shows up

5a06dc No.1400860


This is very typical for a narcissist. If she is top of the line, why is she traveling all over the world and calming all involved organisations and people? You usually have henchmen for that sort of work. She was told to fix the deals or else she would die.

dd3295 No.1400861

File: 290814938bb3fa2⋯.jpg (66.24 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 290814938bb3fa2f478bf991cd….jpg)

c4ce6e No.1400862

File: b5ffbebb998e426⋯.jpg (15.36 KB, 228x309, 76:103, adolfmeinkek.jpg)


We fucking love you baker. Awesome title. (((they))) are indeed genetically deficient. Just look at (((their))) propensity towards schizophrenia.

POSSIBLE DEEP STATE False Flag caught:

"Federal Agent On A Mission"? Man With Body Armor, Large Cache Of Weapons Caught In Waikiki Hotel

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-13/federal-agent-mission-man-body-armor-large-cache-weapons-caught-waikiki-hotel

"A man claiming to be a federal agent was found posted up in a Waikiki hotel with a large cache of weapons, knives, and armor, much like Stephen Paddock and Francho Bradley who also possessed their own large weapons cache and were likely sheep-dipped

Police and FBI are investigating a 38-year-old man after finding a large cache of weapons during a raid of a Waikiki hotel room after authorities were alerted of several disturbing social media posts in which the man claimed to be a federal agent who’s hunting terrorists.

The man’s arsenal included a high-powered rifle, a tactical shotgun, and an assortment of other guns, military style knives, and body armor, along with fully-loaded magazines and 800 rounds of ammunition.">>1400143

b1f342 No.1400863

File: 785410d491ff947⋯.png (391.61 KB, 790x775, 158:155, NBC 1 re Pelosi and Assad ….PNG)

File: 4d5d72072b21b94⋯.png (76.2 KB, 585x852, 195:284, NBC 2 re Pelosi and Assad ….PNG)

File: 30a57f19f6dd9e0⋯.png (36.99 KB, 597x417, 199:139, NBC 3 re Pelosi and Assad ….PNG)


The Pelosi pic is from April 4, 2007


7e3a56 No.1400864

Whoa, checked out National Security Action. Joe Cirincione caught my attention. Ploughshares. This is a heavily marxist infiltrated group that's been around for a long time. Tied in with marxist elements in the Catholic Church. I wouldn't be surprised if this has ties to Chicago and Obama. See this also: https: //www.lifesitenews.com/news/catholic-bishops-helped-to-fund-alinsky-training-for-barack-obama-according

26c4b9 No.1400865


Certainly! The latest one seems to say that the people on this board are both dangerous and retarded.

664c02 No.1400866

File: 88b2ae54fb4213d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1342, 540:671, Screenshot_20180513-171908….png)

Used against them.

NG now active.

Refer to old drops re: SA / NG.



NG deployed to border. Now the stage is set for what happened in SA (PURGE) to happen here.

29a81b No.1400867

File: a7a51841e7169a3⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1786x1288, 893:644, Screenshot_71.png)


Explains why the French Ambassador from Iran was photographed with Kharazi.

48e70f No.1400868



e156e0 No.1400869


Yeah my pops had Parkinsons for super long and my spouse is an MD , we talked about it a lot in terms of Hillary and my wife seems to think it's not Parkinson's but is absolutely neurological, either alzheimer , tumor , TBI something ..never know I guess with brain stuff tho ..but the back brace probably serves same purpose

13765d No.1400870


Nice, saved

4afabd No.1400871


>I think you are too retarded to realize we agree.

Nah, i just don't give a shit.

d17c03 No.1400872


I'd rather move on from the Corsi/AJ thing as I haven't watched IW since Q arrived last November, but I did tune into the show today to see what was going on. Apparently Joel Skousen thinks North Korea is going to lead to WWIII. Reason enough to shut that show off. My God! As for Corsi, the "Loop Capital Distraction" showed he was a newbie and quite naive about Q which he admitted, but then Q is comped in early January, mid March, and late April. Not to mention the book promo needed to properly interpret what is going on was reason enough to basically ignore. Since I follow the board, the Anons here are the source of ideas appearing in those chat rooms to begin with, so why bother??

8 devices? I thought it was 6 but that is a moot point. Personally, I think after Adm Rogers retired another Q-Team member made a mistake. Maybe not, but we're moving on.

As far as running a business goes, cutting expenses and running a smoother sailing ship is far easier than the constant push for more revenue and losing one's sense of direction when the focus becomes money rather than the message itself.

Big week next week!

15e67b No.1400873

File: 576a3559517fee2⋯.png (174.59 KB, 1159x763, 1159:763, ClipboardImage.png)

Hmmm…"hackers", eh?


29a81b No.1400874


Revelation 3:9

Listen! I am going to make those people from the synagogue of Satan – who say they are Jews yet are not, but are lying – Look, I will make them come and bow down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

e16367 No.1400875


sauce? Can't find anything confirming Emmett J. Rice was a member of the Committee of 300.

d9b2a8 No.1400876


>Awesome title.

all for teh lulz. KEK!

da55d4 No.1400877


Now comes the pain :)

e8c6e5 No.1400878

File: 1f246d8f6b71cb0⋯.png (76.81 KB, 898x238, 449:119, moveon.png)

db644f No.1400879

File: a92d34c70a6b23d⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 624x454, 312:227, _76119331_20140708_nicarag….jpg)


China coming south america

http:// www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-31936549

d22408 No.1400880


Must be getting the 4am talking points

7893bf No.1400882


My Theory

Moving embassy to Jerusalem is just a pawn. Trump will "grudgingly" sacrifice it to get Palestinians to agree to peace deal.

What's better for Israel? Peace or a crappy embassy?

That thing would be a huge target anyway.

dbce40 No.1400883

File: ec38ba815b54394⋯.png (118.03 KB, 500x512, 125:128, when-the-globalists-try-to….png)

dd3295 No.1400884

File: c7405980bcc48aa⋯.jpg (54.53 KB, 700x394, 350:197, c7405980bcc48aab1b240d1657….jpg)


Not as chosen as they thought.

3d009f No.1400885

File: e88132ae5ee45f3⋯.png (427.89 KB, 1905x927, 635:309, Screenshot-2018-5-13 ADS-B….png)

Spanish AF flight out of Madrid

da55d4 No.1400886

File: d877c9e36b50ec8⋯.jpg (240.94 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Pots&Kettles.jpg)

8cd265 No.1400887

Nigerian Woman Sues United Airlines After Family Kicked Off Flight Because Passenger Complained Of Odor

A Nigerian woman has filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against United Airlines after she and her children were kicked off a flight because a male passenger complained that she had a "pungent" odor after taking her seat in business class.

In her lawsuit, Queen Obioma alleges that she and her two children were boarding a flight from Houston to San Francisco at George Bush Intercontinental Airport on March 4, 2016, as the second leg of a three-flight journey from Lagos, Nigeria to Ontario, Canada, when they found that a man was sitting in her assigned seat in the business-class cabin.

Obioma said the passenger, a white man, refused to move from her seat. When a flight attendant got involved, Obioma ended up agreeing to take the other passenger's assigned seat, the Houston Chronicle reported.


15e67b No.1400888

File: 2effb46a442f396⋯.png (240.26 KB, 1412x828, 353:207, ClipboardImage.png)


Add the obvious…


af4dac No.1400889

87f475 No.1400890


My favorite Moon questions are these: Who was there first to film the landing? And who was left behind filming the departure? And how did the video get back to earth after the astronauts already left?

25d7bd No.1400891

File: 7048b52856b44f6⋯.png (15.37 KB, 461x445, 461:445, 48.png)

File: cd91e1773f9026f⋯.png (861.33 KB, 1085x892, 1085:892, notice.png)

File: b7aba9a45efe28e⋯.png (479.24 KB, 622x438, 311:219, b7aba9a45efe28ef0862b8391e….png)

File: b11455b73da7026⋯.jpg (424.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, b11455b73da7026bf88fcbc1a6….jpg)


It is all connected.



This post from notables brings up that 48 is a numbering of Q drop?

Bringing us back to the beginning.

>pic related #1 from left

>Remember that [48] is featured in this Q


This also brings back to the Russians and U1. In the post #48, Q goes into depth to ask about Russia.

>But we will get back to this.


You than have posts like these which bring us back to the 11.3 and 11.6 indictment/arrest dates.

RED wave coming? Remember the RED video? ==FULL CIRCLE==

Now in this Q,


Connects Iran with the EU and with Kerry.

Not only that, but it states that Pickle - Being in a pickle.

As in Iran Leaders are stuck in a pickle.

>Interesting note in this post.


Will Iran expose the names of corrupt officials?


Will the US expose the names of corrupt officials + con deal?

We await your answer [48].

>which brings us back once again to U1 with post #48.

5861b5 No.1400892


Yes Facebook tracks everyone.

Their cookies never expire either.

If you go visit a website and they have social media icons or commenting plugin through Facebook etc I’m pretty sure that there is a cookie or at least some sort of crawler that pulls in all the advertising ids of the site visitor and feeds it back to Facebook.

I’ve used Ubuntu before and remember installing ubuntu then installing witeshark before even using the internet. So I run wireshark and open my browser almost immediately I see Facebook IP addresses being logged in wireshark.

I didn’t even visit a site yet and just opened the damn browser! I wasn’t even on Facebook!

You don’t get it Anon.

((They)) have prepared a digital pasture for us to graze on.

((They)) have built the fences around us all.

d65a4a No.1400893


And Brazil?

it seems proxy wars soon.

Remember the protests in Nicaragua..

b1bea1 No.1400894

File: e208301ab0a6f6f⋯.png (241.22 KB, 357x346, 357:346, 1526168284785.png)

7fdc4f No.1400895


good. i love it. less than a month left to make money JONES. then you get outed as a fucking moron. AGAIN. but this… will kill you.

eb3e1e No.1400896


I'ed do it to you.

b1f342 No.1400897

File: ab03f9dd7f65cc9⋯.png (187.49 KB, 647x594, 647:594, POTUS Schedule 5-13-18 3 2….PNG)

POTUS Schedule for Monday

15e67b No.1400898


Thanks, much needed anon! No worry, no matter what the board looks like, anons are lurking and digging if not posting

2e83bc No.1400899


Not along in thinking that. It's a trojan horse really.

ed7d2b No.1400900

File: cdcaff260bedcd2⋯.png (517.57 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ed0e93f41b231e⋯.png (569.59 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc005ed9408d720⋯.png (648.28 KB, 640x519, 640:519, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9397fc406478504⋯.png (503.08 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu Welcomes U.S. Delegation to Jerusalem on Eve of Embassy Opening

JERUSALEM, Israel — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the official U.S. delegation to Jerusalem Sunday evening, on the day before the transfer of the American embassy to Israel’s capital.

“Our people will be eternally grateful for [President Trump’s] decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to move the American Embassy there tomorrow,” Netanyahu declared.

“Tomorrow will be an historic day for our people and for our state.”

Netanyahu delivered his remarks at an official reception at Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs before an audience of American and Israeli guests.

Among those in the audience were Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog; Christians United for Israel founder John Hagee, American lawyer Alan Dershowitz; new Republican National Committee finance chairman Todd Ricketts; Senators Lindsay Graham (R-SC), Ted Cruz (R-SC), Dean Heller (R-NV), and Mike Lee (R-UT); Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), American Jewish Committee chair David Harris; Guatemalan Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra Jovel Polanco; Zionist Organization of America president Morton Klein; former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren; Republican donors Sheldon and Dr. Mirian Adelson; former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Dore Gold; U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman; Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer; and many others.

Netanya welcomed President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem and transfer the embassy there: “It’s been the capital of the Jewish people for the last 3,000 years. It’s been the capital of our state for 70 years. And it will be our capital for all time,” he said.

He also thanked Guatemalan foreign minister Polanco for her country’s decision to open its embassy in Jerusalem two days after the U.S. And he thanked the President of Paraguay, who is expected in Jerusalem later this month to open his country’s embassy as well.

“I call on all countries to join the US in moving their embassies to Jerusalem… because it’s the right thing to do… because it advances peace!” he exclaimed.

“Under any peace agreement you could possibly imagine, Jerusalem will remain Israel’s capital.

“It took a President Trump to enunciate a simple basic truth,” he said.

Netanyahu added that peace meant confronting “the enemies of truth. And I thank president Trump for his decision to confront Iran rather than to appease it.

“With all due respect to those sitting in European capitals… we’ve seen the disastrous consequences of the Iran deal.,” he said. He praised President Trump’s decision to leave the deal — “a good thing for the region, for the United States, and for the world.”

Netanyahu gave a special welcome to White House advisers Jared Kushner and his wife, Ivanka. He was sure to note Israel’s victory in the Eurovision song contest the night before, which coincided with the day’s celebration of Yom Yerushalayim (“Jerusalem Day”), the 51st anniversary of the reunification of the city in the Six Day War.

“Happy birthday Jerusalem!” he said.

He presented U.S. Ambassador Friedman with an official letter thanking him for his role in moving the embassy.

Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan, official head of the U.S. delegation, thanked Netanyahu for his hospitality.

He noted that May 14, the date of the embassy opening, was the anniversary of President Harry S. Truman’s decision to recognize Israel.

And he added that the U.S. hoped the embassy move would encourage peace talks between Israel and its neighbors.

http:// www.breitbart.com/jerusalem/2018/05/13/netanyahu-welcomes-u-s-delegation-jerusalem-eve-embassy-opening/

cac72a No.1400901


it's called 'camera's bolted to the ship' plan

58c6e5 No.1400902

File: 4f2ba450b874033⋯.jpg (219.42 KB, 800x1085, 160:217, Jesus-Astronaut--89428.jpg)


>So you're saying a lunatic who's been MK Ultrad

This question's been asked of him, and he's addressed it multiple times, so I won't bother defending him from an anon's ridicule.

Does the background of someone claiming Hussein is a Muslim, is essentially a CIA asset who participated in a covert DARPA project, probably isn't a natural born citizen, and whose father is the founder of a Muslim sect not have anything to do with Q research?

52e11a No.1400903


Future proves past.

This makes sense.

Good play for Iran – get the clowns off their back and still get to keep their pallets of dirty cash.

Beats the alternative.

29a81b No.1400904

File: 4dc2e9d68296307⋯.png (950.6 KB, 840x560, 3:2, Screenshot_74.png)


He's not a Jew…this is a JEW!

e156e0 No.1400905


Sorry no way ..proofs like that will get laughed out of the building

953aa6 No.1400906


So, all the Jews who say they are Jews are liars, going to synagogue or not, claiming their mother was Jewish so they are as well. Knowing full well they are frauds? Zionists, muslims, Israelites are all ARABS? SHOCKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

d17c03 No.1400907


The new board was perhaps created to line up the new trip code. Not sure, as I don't know how these boards operate. Just glad to see some dust settle and Q-Team post some tastier crumbs to get US back on track.

Deep State is in Deep Shit.

4a3fcd No.1400908


Doesn't look like your post got any traction. Still, I like the way you think with the multiple meanings. I'm sticking with the avalanche theory. God bless!

092764 No.1400909

File: 8fd559d73d610f4⋯.jpg (52.78 KB, 748x600, 187:150, Derpy Pepe HQ.jpg)


That's where they're wrong.

Some of us are dangerously retarded.

096176 No.1400910

File: dfd03f7c73b2734⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1880x934, 940:467, Opera Snapshot_2018-05-13_….png)

Abu Dhabi A6-PFE finals for Dulles DC.

ed7d2b No.1400911

I'll take a look and see if I can retrieve it.

dd3295 No.1400912


Does not matter. Read Book of John.

7e3a56 No.1400913

Bingo. Ploughshares is based out of Chicago.

PLOUGHSHARES FOUNDATION. 108 W GRAND AVE, CHICAGO, IL 60654-5206 Heavily marxist group. Remember Sibel Edmonds got into trouble when she started helping FBI investigations in Chicago. That was shutdown and she was canned. Diocese of Chicago heavily infiltrated by marxists. Obama training funded by the Diocese: https: //www.lifesitenews.com/news/catholic-bishops-helped-to-fund-alinsky-training-for-barack-obama-according Joe Cirincione on the board of this "National Security" group means they are really bad actors.

13765d No.1400914

File: 05cccd01fb65f9e⋯.png (218.02 KB, 972x702, 18:13, DigWeMust.png)

758553 No.1400915

Almost ready to go live with AIR.

dd3295 No.1400916

File: d22b816bb81dcc1⋯.jpg (305.72 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, d22b816bb81dcc1f2f5e161743….jpg)

d65a4a No.1400917



or Create a NewSocialMedia?

7fdc4f No.1400919



THEY WON"T BE ABLE TO WALK THE STREETS! i'll be there, that's why.

3928ab No.1400920

File: 77ab62e76e89f41⋯.jpg (14.19 KB, 248x189, 248:189, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg)



ed31f4 No.1400921

File: 2bc65d1965fdf17⋯.jpg (87.25 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Master-Slave Network.jpg)

File: a2b9979cde459f3⋯.jpeg (85.38 KB, 471x455, 471:455, MS-NXIVM.jpeg)

be917f No.1400922


>((They)) have prepared a digital pasture for us to graze on.

>((They)) have built the fences around us all.

that, just there, is what countless people don't understand about censorship, control, and social engineering.

it's about building the sandbox in which you are "free".

889e47 No.1400923


Sorry, was talking about Susan Rice.

e8c6e5 No.1400924


He's got zero credibility. If he had something to contribute he'd be anon. But he's not. If he's trying to shoehorn his way into Q research he needs to go about it the right way and not be a famefag.

ed7d2b No.1400925


But they are of the higher Moral Quality, didn't you know, kek.

937d58 No.1400926


But Clinton Foundation is able to raise some money again, Q pointed out recently. Q asked us why, and to my knowledge we never figured out why.

Presumably because she has something to sell again. What? Intelligence on US citizens in the US, via Five Eyes, from New Zealand?

df16cc No.1400927


They are stealing the oil from the Iranian people using the Iranian regime (who they control) to sell the oil. Then the money pays for more black sites like in Syria and across the globe. Scheme #1 of hundreds just like it across the globe I bet.

ed2074 No.1400928

File: 7d238d455d35c58⋯.png (361.6 KB, 802x629, 802:629, ClipboardImage.png)



c4ce6e No.1400929


Now expand this to the entire US and 'free world' since 1945…actually the whole fucking world.

f8c874 No.1400930


Shill tactic is deliberate misinterpretation, their operational assumption is we think of Q as a person. They don't know that we know more about certain things than they do, we don't telegraph, but we control the shills at a distance with strategic measures. Watch what happens in the next bake. Maybe nothing, maybe something…

48e70f No.1400933

File: 7dc1c8c67422cd4⋯.jpg (71.57 KB, 1090x511, 1090:511, FireShot Capture 041 - BRE….jpg)


more likey they dont want to be demonetized…a new youtube q censorship wave is coming following alex jones false narrative

2e83bc No.1400934


So they love telling us…

af4dac No.1400935


29a81b No.1400936


I have used Imgur for years, and now that I know what I know about Facebook, I am betting that every photo I have saved on Imgur is also archived by Facebook even though I haven't made it public! Nothing incriminating, but still…it's the principle of it all!

4a3fcd No.1400938

File: 9ec52343a2323f6⋯.png (1.47 MB, 647x594, 647:594, Schedule1.png)

207fb9 No.1400939

File: 79b5560b466e7d2⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 300x300, 1:1, th.jpg)

Does anyone else find it strange the the boardroom at the https://nationalsecurityaction.org has the Presidents Seal on their banner? Look at their website and compare the seal to this one.

7c84e7 No.1400940


Nice proof anon. May have to print that one out.


Both sound like 2 fine meanings to me.

648a28 No.1400942

File: 8247c3ad1e08b21⋯.jpg (42.75 KB, 850x400, 17:8, HGWells.jpg)


They would call themselves Christians and drop the Jew tag….but hey being gods Chosen people has its benefits right?

86ed2c No.1400944


Wait, Wut?!?!?!

. That is saying there are NO REBELS? Hamas/Hezbollah/Houthi's don't exist? That they are actually ISIS fighters?

With social media being what it is, that is hard to swallow.

b7bd93 No.1400945


Re: BO photo Does barry offer the flower or take the flower?

758553 No.1400946

SAM Broadcaster up and running.

Getting call in functions started up now.

d65a4a No.1400947


Which is the solution?

We need solution, not more problems.

35dc49 No.1400949

File: 7c6c7c8b320e38e⋯.png (10.85 KB, 194x89, 194:89, ClipboardImage.png)

File: faa4433b8fe53de⋯.png (235.05 KB, 1350x660, 45:22, ClipboardImage.png)


KAG stands for Kapitalanlagegesellschaft (German: Capital Investment Company)


KAG CAPITAL is an indigenous Second Tier banking institution, licensed by the Bank of Ghana. Until September, 2017, the company operated as Kobdoley Money Lending Services which was incorporated in 2012, and in operation since August 2012.

Our main aim is to provide banking services to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), traders and market women, salaried workers and the self-employed.

ebbe61 No.1400950


and their initials are "NSA"

dd3295 No.1400952

File: ed3d138fd02d3b0⋯.png (244.29 KB, 810x449, 810:449, 087abcf21e07d5a4f9f7099044….png)

af4dac No.1400954



11235d No.1400955

File: 62bb18ba598b88a⋯.jpg (50.68 KB, 506x500, 253:250, clapperloser.jpg)

c4ce6e No.1400956

File: dc1fd613e1653fc⋯.png (240.75 KB, 667x752, 667:752, pepeturnstables.png)


Southern baptists! I mean just baptists! Christians! Fucking amish!

These (((fuckers))) are STUPID.

29a81b No.1400957


Yep, and your army of flatulent munchkins!

207fb9 No.1400958


And they are all confirmed cabalists……

4afabd No.1400959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Biden is a Zionist. Think Potus is on the same side as Ole Joe given all we have learned here?

3f51bd No.1400960

File: bd4190e1f0722da⋯.png (221.05 KB, 1546x534, 773:267, nsa.png)

c832ce No.1400963

"They want you divided…" Was wondering exactly who Q was referring to here, and I have a theory. What if "they" in this context are the Clowns and they've been using the social media famewhores all along to divide and crash Q's movement?

Seaman is back on Ytube attacking Q and the Anons and ranting like a little bitch again. It now seems that all of these Youtube famewhores who are now attacking Q are just different parts of the same campaign. Q acturately predicted their activity and also accurately said that it would escalate… Perhaps he was reading their emails and listening to their phone calls. How many times now has Seaman been busted for being a liar, a fraud, and a shill? And he has the nerve to be calling Q a fraud? Seaman must have mental health issues. Time before when he was on Youtube he was all for Q, then he turned against Q. Then he got booted off Youtube and came back pro-Q. Now he's against Q again. How and why was Seaman allowed back on the platform after all his videos were deleted and he was permanently banned? Same thing with Anti-School? And what about Beanz? When Google was censoring everybody else on YT they didn't touch her at all? Why? I was going somewhere else with this but it would make the post too long.

These folks are not just people trying to make money on a Youtube channel. If it was only about making money they wouldn't really care what Q posted because they get to decode it any way they choose. Their mission was something else. Their attacks are clearly coordinated and in tandem with one another—in a way that attempts to discredit Q. They were also orchestrated to cause confusion and division and to get Q's followers to stop following him. What would be the alternative venue for the Q followers then? Notice that the shills are all in some way connected to AJ and are supporting InfoWars's claim to be 'leader of the movement'. But the question is: when did MAGA patriots give Alex Jones such a title?

The MAGA movement is POTUS's movement, and Q is here dropping clues about POTUS's Plan. The InfoWars screwballs unsuccessfully tried to inject themselves into it and to hijack it and take it over—not because they care about MAGA, and not really because they want more money and fame but because they are all working for The Clowns. The Youtube/InfoWars bullshitters seem to confirm suspicions I've had about Jones for years. He's not what he appears to be. He is controlled oppo, and very obviously Clown ops. The Clowns are not able to take down this board directly so they tried another approach—divide and conquer.

But we're still here, so they get an 'F' again. Maybe they should try harder next time?

94d18f No.1400964

LUKE 8:17

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

e156e0 No.1400965


HAHA you're such a dork and a baby No i'm not mad at any post , if anything I'm mad that goof balls like you found your balls 7 months ago and all of a sudden you can't stop to think things out without being a dick and a soft dick at that .good luck

35dc49 No.1400966


it was underlined

3d009f No.1400967

File: 6a4326246e98c66⋯.png (1011.8 KB, 1919x927, 1919:927, Screenshot-2018-5-13 ADS-B….png)

File: 3ce10e8bd273e77⋯.png (288.4 KB, 551x550, 551:550, planefag KAF Recon JJ.png)

Iranian EP-AGB

Popped up momentarily; had previously lost over the Kasak/Russky border. Previous flights into/out of Vnukovo Int'l near Moscow.

I'm out for the day, planefags. Please don't lose this one. See you in the notables.


15e67b No.1400968

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>Peace through strength.

>Now comes the pain.

be917f No.1400969


>Doesn't look like your post got any traction.

good stuff, but old, by qresearch standards, the traction's been had already.

but, i do admit there's cycles and repetition.

being there in evenings and seeing the morning shift rediscvoer everything all over again can get quite depressing…

all these meanings, they pile on, like good poetry, they don't cancel each other out.

it's fine

868230 No.1400970

File: c994a0c72d9133e⋯.jpg (28.26 KB, 442x680, 13:20, IndiaOxenberg.jpg)

File: 019dc833a9ad117⋯.jpeg (33.33 KB, 400x599, 400:599, VanessaKerry.jpeg)

I can't get enough of the gossip rat articles on John Kerry. Guilty pleasure!

He'll feel some pain, alright - leaving that high-$ prep lifestyle behind is going to hurt, haha!


This is just immortal! My sides!

""John is an interesting mixture," Kerry’s friend Alan Dershowitz, a lawyer, Harvard law professor, and Vineyard resident told the Globe. "He looks Brahmin, has Jewish heritage, and Catholic religion. At least two-thirds of those heritages will fit in very well on Martha’s Vineyard."


" Kerry can be seen cruising around Nantucket Sound at the helm of his own 42-foot powerboat called The Scaramouche, named after his favorite boyhood movie, an old tale of a French swashbuckler.

His Scaramouche, his $16,000 Harley-Davidson (which replaced a string of European motorcycles), his sailboard, snowboard, salon-style haircuts, Turnbull & Asser shirts – all display his deep wealth and refined tastes.

Kerry, a descendant of the Boston Brahmin Winthrop and Forbes clans, has pricier pads than his rival: a $4 million mansion in D.C.’s posh Georgetown, a $5.8 million house in Boston’s Beacon Hill, a $5.8 million summer home in Nantucket, a $4.9 million ski getaway in Sun Valley, and a $3.1 million Heinz estate in Pittsburgh."


OH MY GOD. Before he married Theresa Heinz, John Kerry dated Catherine Oxenburg. You know, the former "Dynasty" star whose daughter is in the NXIVM stable!!!



" During the early Nineties, before he married his present wife Teresa Heinz, Kerry enjoyed a brief romance with Catherine Oxenberg, the actress who played Joan Collins's daughter Amanda Carrington in the TV series Dynasty.

She is also a second cousin of Prince Charles through her Chelsea-based mother, Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia.

At around that time, when Catherine was 31, she gave birth to daughter India, the identity of whose father she has never revealed."

So it's possible that John Kerry is India Oxenburg's biological father??


This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Spooks, if you're watching this and haven't opened this weird connection before, check it out.

Pic related of India Oxenberg and Vanessa Kerry.

1c1f29 No.1400971

What Trump's pen actually looks like.

https:// www.detroitnews.com/story/news/nation/2017/02/19/trump-cross-pens/98144186/

e885ef No.1400972

File: 00357070e1e6c98⋯.png (631 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6046.PNG)

File: 77f51d5db5afa1f⋯.png (363.74 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6047.PNG)


Article from 2017 talking about a new Marine Artillery Detachment about to "BRING THE PAIN" to Isis.

Thought it was interesting. Gotta love our Badass Marines!


889e47 No.1400973


She is on this leaked list:


5861b5 No.1400974


IBOR needs to be the focus. Q emphasized IBOR for a reason.

Facebook either buys out their competition or makes a copycat and squashes it like a bug.

Don’t believe me? Check for yourself.

Any of the alt social media sites you can fanfag about all day but eventually once Facebook perceives it as a threat they will either buy them or bury them.

IBOR is the only way!

207fb9 No.1400975



40ed5a No.1400976

File: 9bade47f355b303⋯.png (338.9 KB, 401x560, 401:560, ChooseLeftRight.png)

File: 86e946222c1b53f⋯.jpg (137.94 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening216.jpg)

File: 01c6884f9a7e3a7⋯.jpg (140.39 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakening217.jpg)

d24327 No.1400977

POTUS is going to Singapore on June 12.

Where is Snowden now?

Hong Kong?



POTUS + 1 on return trip?

c2d792 No.1400978

File: a2b574db358c301⋯.jpg (82 KB, 788x460, 197:115, hillary-clinton-emails-con….jpg)



Traumatic brain injury + concussion.

"New Hillary Clinton e-mails released by the State Department on Monday show that the secretary of state was often confused about and unfamiliar with State Department activity in the wake of a serious concussion, relying on her staff to explain department policy and even help her remember her own actions."

https:// www.nationalreview.com/2015/11/hillary-clinton-emails-highlight-concussion/

db644f No.1400979


Could be direct conflict… patience required to understand if rogue elements operating or gov sanctioned.

https:// www.defense.gov/News/Article/Article/1511708/us-protests-chinese-interference-with-us-planes-in-djibouti/source/GovDelivery/

25ed62 No.1400980


just an FYI, Teresa Heinz is the widow of John Heinz III not the daughter.

648a28 No.1400981


Always remember Trumps a Presbyterian

Jews consider them Anti Semetic

d9b2a8 No.1400982

File: c41fe8327d1cc98⋯.jpg (12.66 KB, 255x160, 51:32, pepe-baking.jpg)




fresh bread

fresh bread

eat shit, (((shills)))


dd3295 No.1400983

File: 1362c8238db5be4⋯.png (655.7 KB, 500x516, 125:129, luke817.png)

13765d No.1400984

2 Thessalonians 1:6-7

6 Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble

you; 7 And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed

from heaven with his mighty angels,

e16367 No.1400985


I know she is. But anon said her father was also the first black member. that's what I couldn't sauce. (Although Emmett J Rice is an interesting dig.)

e156e0 No.1400986


I hope you're right , I think your saying that the loud anons that act the most cult like are more than less purposeful shilsl to discredit right?

e8c6e5 No.1400987


>President Barack Obama used the company’s pricier Townsend model to sign the Affordable Care Act in 2010 but later switched to the slimmer Century II, the same felt-tipped model wielded by Trump when he signed an action last month expressing his intent to repeal Obama’s health care law.

Coincidence or does Trump team really not miss any details?

7fdc4f No.1400988


i'm not privy to that slang. but if you have inside info. ok.

29a81b No.1400989


I think Beanz wasn't inciting hatred but was doing research. She does do research that I wouldn't do, like reading EVERYTHING thoroughly.

I think that's why Beanz wasn't booted. But Corsi? He was booted and then let back on…why was that? That's a bigger question?

d65a4a No.1400990


They already don't respect the US Laws.

They're the parallel state.

Only with create a New Social Media is possible for the free speech.

Check the new algorthims of Zuck. that is killing FB

Even the Congress is corrupt because it's paided for Big Tech

Create New Socia media

dbce40 No.1400991

File: 1697ed1dab31955⋯.jpg (11.98 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images-6.jpg)

13765d No.1400992

File: 3d151a45195ec3d⋯.jpg (85.77 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 3d151a45195ec3d796a0f6e9de….jpg)

15e67b No.1400993

File: d654291d1b195ea⋯.png (835.71 KB, 1864x831, 1864:831, ClipboardImage.png)



7c84e7 No.1400994

File: 2989bb358cc4426⋯.jpg (123.22 KB, 647x261, 647:261, VP.Pence-oleagineus-olive.….jpg)


Wonder if they'll discuss the etymology of the word

>>1399194 #1754

>'Olegainous' Pence

29a81b No.1400995


I'm drunk, Anon. I'm just trying my best at humor at the moment.

d9b2a8 No.1400996

4a3fcd No.1400997


Noice! Well done, Anon.

953aa6 No.1400998


Can we get a photo?

40ed5a No.1400999

File: dc5d1844f1b2531⋯.jpg (223.23 KB, 747x686, 747:686, Comfy2.jpg)


You are the furthest thing from a TOTAL MORAN as anon can imagine. No worries, pal. You are appreciated!

15e67b No.1401000


a59049 No.1401001




Jesus King of the Jews

written above the cross

d65a4a No.1401002


After of the purge. that is next.

Not Direct.

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