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3cfb6b  No.13264452[Last 50 Posts]

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3cfb6b  No.13264454


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NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

#16802 1 of 2

>>13263711 New lawsuit alleges Israel’s gov’t is committing crimes against humanity in vaccination campaign

>>13263699 WATCH: CNN reporter asks entire Oklahoma restaurant about vaccine…. (video)

>>13263720 President Trump Statement on NY Times Article Defends Election Claims, Slams “Gutless” Supreme Court

>>13263729 Grenell - I will run up the stairs without tripping and then announce a plethora of Executive Orders. Stay tuned.

>>13263736 Google Accidentally Lists Richard Grenell As President, And He Promises Not To Trip On Stairs

>>13263740 Russian ambassador thanks US citizens for letters with apologies for Washington’s moves

>>13263767 China Regularly Abuses NYU Students. NYU Keeps Taking Chinese Money Anyway.

>>13263773 Cabal Puppet Biden Calls for 'China Virus Hate Crimes Act' After Atlanta Shooting

>>13263778 Arizona Senate is in the Final Stages of Putting Its Team Together to Audit the 2020 Election Results in Maricopa County

>>13263788 UK police officer on trial over meme showing naked black man kneeling on George Floyd's neck

>>13263792 Israeli Jews Petition International Criminal Court, Say Israel’s Mandatory COVID Vaccines Violate Nuremberg Code

>>13263796 Cabal Puppet Biden Gets Reamed for Using Coronavirus to Virtue Signal and Race-Bait

>>13263803 California Study Advocates Injecting Men With Female Hormones To Treat Covid.

>>13263809 Capitol Police To Remove Fencing, Admitting No “Credible Threat Against Congress”.

>>13263818 24 More Charged in North Carolina Voter-Fraud Probe, Prosecutors Say

>>13263825 Complete Foreign Policy Disaster in Alaska During U.S-China Summit – Secretary Blinken Destroyed by His own Arrogance, Had to Recall Journalists to Hear Talking Points After Initial Public Statements

>>13263830 Top finance, tech firms mulling NY exodus over proposed tax hike

>>13263848 Biden Cabal Flying Migrants to Northern Border for Processing

>>13263872 “A Threat to American Democracy” – Federal Judge Warns About Dangers of Democrat Media Cabal

>>13263963 China virus lockdown protest - Bassano Vicenza, Italy (video cap)

>>13263965 Smart Panda – North Korea Confirms It Is Actively Ignoring Biden Administration As JoeBama Engages With Fatherland, China

>>13263970 China virus lockdown protest - New York City, USA (video cap)

>>13263973 Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan tests positive for China Virus two days after being vaccinated

>>13263979 Mystery as 'sonic boom' noise shakes homes in south west UK

>>13264001 Protesters confront police in Edinburgh as anti-lockdown demonstrations sweep Europe

>>13264027 China virus lockdown protest - Serbia (video cap)

>>13264040 China virus lockdown protest - Kiev Ukraine (video cap)

>>13264044 Brilliant work by Bill Burr about US nuclear saber-rattling during international crises.

>>13264441 #16802

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3cfb6b  No.13264456

#16802 2 of 2

>>13264053 China virus lockdown protest - Romania (video cap)

>>13264076 Biden Cabal to Spend $86 Million on Hotel Rooms for Border Crossers

>>13264082 Police force mask wearing in Russia (video cap)

>>13264083 Den Haag, Netherlands - The police used water cannons, batons and dogs against the anti lockdown demonstrators. 20 people were arrested.

>>13264088 Border City Political Candidate in Mexico Arrested on Human Smuggling Charges

>>13264118 Police disarm in Turin, italy to show solidarity with the lockdown protesters. (video cap)

>>13264139 , >>13264205 Some Arizona child "protective" services workers have admitted they kidnap children professionally.

>>13264152 Fulton County Republicans Rebuke Anti-Trumper Raffensperger from Being GOP Delegate After his Office Caught Lying about Deceptive Anti-Trump Smear

>>13264169 The Lockdowns are specifically to convince you to accept a 'vaccine passport' (video cap)

>>13264176 Does the @FBI spy on #FOIA requesters?

>>13264182 China Declares a Vaccine War on the World

>>13264186 The administration is looking to welcome nearly 120,000 Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) into the U.S. this year (child trafficking)

>>13264194 Father Arrested After Continuing To Call His Child “She” After Court-Ordered Gender Transition Treatments

>>13264201 China virus lockdown protest - Scotland

>>13264202 You DON'T NEED A MASK - It's a ruse to introduce 'vaccine passports' (video cap)

>>13264241 China virus lockdown protest - Uruguay (video cap)

>>13264255 Total Collapse Of Middle Class: American Living Cost Soar 400% But Wages Only Increase By 29%

>>13264258 Fauci questioned on "healthcare crisis" at the border by GOP Senator (video)

>>13264260 China virus lockdown protest - Oslo, Denmark (video cap)

>>13264271 Behold a Pale Horse William Cooper

>>13264273 China virus lockdown protest - Norway (video cap)

>>13264299 China virus lockdown protest, Manchester, UK (video cap)

>>13264321 MSM started pushing narrative of anti-Asian violence. Pre-emptive programming for a planned invasion?

>>13264341 Remember: The dems won’t let them finish the wall that’s already paid for but they’ll use your tax money to pay for free hotels and free flights for illegal aliens

>>13264352 Pornography is a literal national security threat, here is the undeniable proof (video)

>>13264363 China virus lockdown protest, Melbourne, Australia (video cap)

>>13264375 2013 Rockefeller Paper Envisaged Global Lockdown

>>13264410 33 Arrests during anti-lockdown protests in London

>>13264443 #16802

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3cfb6b  No.13264458


>>13262908 China Virus lockdown protest - Split, Croatia

>>13262995 Former sportsball star and Pakistani Prime Minister tests positive for China Virus after vaccine

>>13263017 China Virus lockdown protest Israel (video cap)

>>13263018 Oprah Winfrey visited the estate of child sex trafficker / fashion mogul Peter Nygard (video cap)

>>13263042 Full 'hand recount' for Maricopa County AZ 2020 votes cast by State Senators

>>13263133 JAPAN out in force today protesting against the China Virus lockdown (video cap)

>>13263165 China Virus lockdown protest Belgium (video cap)

>>13263177 PF Report - This is 2 days in a row that multiple C-130s launched from separate locations at around the same time using the identical callsign of X

>>13263209 Pentagon Brass Is Worried Troops Hold Mainstream (conservative) Views On BLM And Capitol Hill Rioting

>>13263244 Myanmar is ground zero for China & Deep State illegal surveillance. Did the Clinton & Soros Cabal destabilize Myanmar in 2011?

>>13263251 , >>13263262 China Virus lockdown protest - Saxony, Germany (video cap)

>>13263320 DC fencing TO BE REMOVED After Capitol Police Admit No Credible Threat… ?

>>13263353 Kash Patel interview? Says chance of closure = indictments being served is 50/50; 5:5? @36:45 How do you catch a very dangerous animal? "Let's bait em into it" @23:00

>>13263398 BORDER INVASION! Over 2,000 Illegals Captured at Joe Biden’s Open Border at Rio Grande Sector on Thursday — IN ONE DAY!

>>13263407 German police clash with protesters at Kassel demonstration against China Virus restrictions

>>13263422 Dutch police shower anti-lockdown protesters with water cannons after crowd assembles near Van Gogh Museum

>>13263447 Republicans Join Democrat Corruption – Vote to Accept Earmarks and the Frivolous Spending That Goes with Them (money laundering using Congress)

>>13263458 NY Supreme Court Judge Rules New York Times Used 'Deceptive Disinformation' To Smear Project Veritas

>>13263484 The DeepState FakeNews British 'Sun' publication is calling lockdown protesters a 'mob' (live video link)

>>13263492 Hunter Biden Had Business Ties With Xi Jinping Himself, Email Reveals

>>13263519 China is Suing Academics Who Criticize Their Forced Sterlization and Labor Camps

>>13263530 BBC reporter says Princess Diana was source of royal family ‘smears’ ?

>>13263542 Republicans Finally Notice Hillary’s Attorney (Mark Elias) Behind Nearly Every 2020 Election Lawsuit Has Conflict of Interest in Attempt to Steal Iowa Republican House Seat

>>13263564 "Burn Your Masks!" Massive Anti-Lockdown Protests Rage Worldwide

>>13263075, >>13263377, >>13263281 Mickey Mouse clock hands dig

>>13263608 London Live - Lockdown protests https://youtu.be/GZvCPncxElI

>>13263624 , >>13263629 Arizona Senate plans hand count of 2.1m ballots

>>13263637 US government reportedly gives nonprofit $82 million of taxpayer money to book hotel rooms for migrant families

>>13263662 Signs found on Southern Border guiding illegal aliens in US

>>13263671 #16801

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3cfb6b  No.13264459


>>13262077 China Virus lockdown protest - Poland (video cap)

>>13262089 Ariz. State Senate to order hand recount of 2.1M ballots cast in 2020

>>13262091 China Virus lockdown protest - Bern - Switzerland (video cap)

>>13262101 China Virus lockdown protest - Vienna/Austria (video cap)

>>13262114 ,HINTThe President and VP NEVER travel together on the same plane

>>13262118 , >>13262139 , >>13262396 WORLDWIDE - China Virus anti lockdown protests - mask narrative failing

>>13262121 Police goes full NAZI - Germany - Kassel - China Virus anti lockdown protest (video cap)

>>13262128 China Virus lockdown protest - Serbia (video cap)

>>13262137 , >>13262155 Richard Grenell listed by Google as POTUS since 2021

>>13262149 Pornography is a literal national security threat (Video)

>>13262153 China Virus lockdown protest - Bologna - italy starts soon


>>13262094 Biden controlled

>>13262256 Short Film - Global Reset, Reptilian Overlords, Rise of the Resistance & Full Disclosure (video)

>>13262307 Durham will have Russiagate indictments ready in 6–8 weeks, says John Solomon

>>13262343 #16799 Final Notables

>>13262385 China Virus lockdown protest - Spain - Madrid

>>13262397 China Virus lockdown protest - Denmark

>>13262398 Follow the money - CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement) attempting to de-stabilize Myanmar

>>13262410 Police in Turin, Italy took off their helmets and shields and left them on the ground, in sympathy with the China Virus lockdown protesters

>>13262422 China Virus lockdown protest - Palermo - Italy (video cap)

>>13262472 The U.S Secret Space Operations & The E.Ts They Work Alongside With (video)

>>13262502 2 billion $ in security upgrades, including permanent fence, being discussed by Cabal Puppet Congressional Leaders

>>13262515 Dept of Defense - 'Grand Rising'

>>13262652 Follow the money trail to Myanmar (The new Switzerland of hidden financial assets?)

>>13262674 HUGE Worldwide Freedom Rally & Anti-Tyranny Protests (London, Germany, Netherlands, USA) (video - live)

>>13262808 Lithuanian (C_A) pedos (video)

>>13262822 #16800

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3cfb6b  No.13264462


>>13261217 Trump, Jr Posts Video of 'What Really Happened' to Biden on Stairs, Media Wants to Make Sure You Know It's 'Edited'

>>13261218 Magnitude 7.2 quake rocks northeastern Japan

>>13261222 The Chinese know very well with whom they’re dealing with Brokeback Biden

>>13261235 Two migrant teens DROWN trying to cross the Rio Grande

>>13261288 BLM Organizer Who Extorted Businesses Gets Probation

>>13261302 Biden HUD secretary may have violated Hatch Act during White House press briefing

>>13261318 Federal probe into nursing home COVID-19 death coverup circles closer to Cuomo

>>13261356 Florida Democrats call for election redo after former state senator allegedly tampered with race

>>13261362 What's next in the California recall

>>13261400 Cuomo Accuser Says Hillary Clinton No Longer Her 'Hero'

>>13261421 Overseas fans banned from Tokyo Olympics due to China Virus

>>13261454 FBI Admits to ‘Accidentally’ Destroying Hunter’s Laptop

>>13261484 Turkish President Erdogan Defends Vladimir Putin, Scolds Joe Biden, Says His Comments, “Unbecoming For a US President”

>>13261494 Texas Roadhouse CEO Kent Taylor has died

>>13261517 China Regularly Abuses NYU Students. NYU Keeps Taking Chinese Money Anyway.

>>13261555 Big NATO exercise - Defender Europe lots of military activity involved across Europe.

>>13261603 China Virus traced to the British Crown?

>>13261664 GOP and Dem Pedos - all OPEN SOURCE

>>13261680 Pornography is a literal national security threat, here is the undeniable proof

>>13261741 ISIS Op being re-deployed as prelude to war

>>13261754 Oregon trying to make masks permanent forever

>>13261756 SCOTUS meets for first time in a year after ignoring mass election fraud

>>13261797 Endorsement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

>>13261836 President of Tanzania hit job by Bill Gates?

>>13261902 The wife of a detective attached to an FBI task force in Pittsburgh was charged for allegedly taking part in the Jan 6th False Flag at the U.S. Capitol.

>>13261982 Anti China Virus dictatorship protest in Australia

>>13261987 The POTUS & VPOTUS are NEVER on the Same A/C. They have been using a Mockup… We have been giving you ,HINTS

>>13262228 #16799

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3cfb6b  No.13264463

Previously Collected Notables

>>13261192 #16798,

>>13259574 #16796/1, >>13259576 #16796/2, >>13260384 #16797

>>13257186 #16793/1, >>13260054 #16794, >>13258836 #16795

>>13256520 #16791, >>13256733 #16792, >>13257189 #16793/2

>>13253269 #16788, >>13254016 #16789, >>13256389 #16790

>>13250970 #16785/2, >>13251742 #16786, >>13252524 #16787

>>13250200 #16783, >>13250178 #16784, >>13250966 #16785/1

>>13247073 #16780, >>13247862 #16781, >>13248638 #16782

>>13252019 #16778\1, >>13252021 #16778\2, >>13246474 #16779

>>13243965 #16776, >>13244784 #16777/2, >>13244786 #16777/1

>>13242396 #16774, >>13243345 #16775/1, >>13243347 #16775/2

>>13242004 #16771, >>13242153 #16772, >>13242311 #16773,

>>13238540 #16769/1, >>13238542 #16769/2, >>13242428 #16770

>>13236941 #16767, >>13237772 #16768/1, >>13237774 #16768/2

>>13165545 Q Research Notables #5: Notables

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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3cfb6b  No.13264464

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3cfb6b  No.13264466

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3cfb6b  No.13264470

Q Research General #16803: Civil Disobedience To End The MASK Happening NOW Edition




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3cfb6b  No.13264472


Kitchen is Ghost Protocol

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a85b70  No.13264499

File: 5f57e25ec1647c8⋯.jpg (34.66 KB, 538x304, 269:152, 20210320_190535.jpg)

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4ba7a0  No.13264504

File: 7c18ec5ffc61395⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB, 480x852, 40:71, 5WH9midMecmiFS9Y.mp4)

China virus lockdown protest, Basel, Germany


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349060  No.13264507

Are you crazy fucks saying that Trump tapping the rail 3 times was a signal that Bidan would trip three times?

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4c13bc  No.13264510

File: 3ecf9a98e138e37⋯.jpeg (206.17 KB, 833x1250, 833:1250, UC5zeQN.jpeg)

Thank you, Baker!

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336068  No.13264512


install 7zip

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349060  No.13264513



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ffd538  No.13264514

File: 6d25be639699eae⋯.mp4 (5.11 MB, 352x640, 11:20, 6d25be639699eae23355498353….mp4)

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e2be78  No.13264515

File: 5ef8b9427021abe⋯.png (324.01 KB, 768x500, 192:125, 5232EF52_1191_4B9A_A00D_2D….png)


nice snipe, thx Baker…

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f66b51  No.13264516

File: 8e61e63f5621b03⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1074x650, 537:325, joe_biden_trip_storm_destr….png)

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33fa22  No.13264517

>>13264501 -future bread-

I was hunting.

I'm the chief of the tribe, I must provide food.

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8e0939  No.13264518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in Huntington Beach, California.


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4ba7a0  No.13264520

File: 870cc6feb5c11c9⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB, 320x582, 160:291, LB1nbHroH0si49uj.mp4)

China virus lockdown protest, South Africa, Cape Town


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dac65a  No.13264521


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164de8  No.13264522

File: b4d515bdacd6555⋯.jpg (262.44 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, tyb_gretch.jpg)

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69f13c  No.13264523

Why doesn't Bidans team just shut this site down?

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438d61  No.13264524

File: 47c767fbb986768⋯.png (612.94 KB, 564x610, 282:305, 47c767fbb986768551f0c3f50f….png)


they may be a pain in the ass sometimes, but damn they are gods greatest creation

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43ce35  No.13264526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clean Movies Make More Money, Not Less—Movieguide’s Robert Baehr on Hollywood | CPAC 2021

Sex, violence and swearing doesn’t sell in movies. Good video

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75df9d  No.13264527

File: 0afa4e58f67e3d0⋯.jpg (51.43 KB, 751x486, 751:486, 5bbht25rcf.jpg)

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1ea949  No.13264528

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d37424  No.13264529

File: 5f32d3734627fcf⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 531x571, 531:571, 5f32d3734627fcf3a1faf94b8b….jpg)

File: 9577da09df00410⋯.png (286.95 KB, 895x680, 179:136, 44d7971609731d4b8f3f9a76b3….png)

File: 60f3265fd72d6a0⋯.png (453.18 KB, 1061x1011, 1061:1011, 1d968aa5ad6d9a43d3a9c68623….png)

File: c566753f897d2cb⋯.mp4 (394.36 KB, 684x376, 171:94, c566753f897d2cb6e292cb8827….mp4)

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f8802b  No.13264530

File: 6439f6a2bf5ae1e⋯.jpg (317.07 KB, 734x636, 367:318, Polish_20210319_105809888.jpg)

File: 5f94a88b2d8c60f⋯.png (135.8 KB, 582x566, 291:283, Polish_20210319_131821878.png)

File: 19d1fdd618c1152⋯.jpg (77.21 KB, 728x240, 91:30, Polish_20210319_131337056.jpg)

File: adf69056d45390f⋯.jpg (201.16 KB, 751x431, 751:431, Polish_20210319_232659811.jpg)

File: a211425f9703af7⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 750x949, 750:949, Polish_20210319_123106328.jpg)

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5d58d7  No.13264531


… and there's your answer.

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4c13bc  No.13264532

File: 2c8691c384aa353⋯.jpg (90.45 KB, 951x840, 317:280, pepe12.jpg)


Why the fuck would I install that? 7za handles my LZMA and LZMA2 extraction/compression needs just fine.

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33fa22  No.13264533

File: e762a45eea45c1a⋯.jpg (67.87 KB, 827x544, 827:544, curly_baby.JPG)

ty you there.

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336068  No.13264534


Compress BOOBS

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d4457e  No.13264535

File: a97608ce20c641b⋯.png (185.77 KB, 535x585, 107:117, Screenshot_2021_03_20_acki….png)


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58343d  No.13264536

File: d00007039e62316⋯.jpeg (96.53 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 58216ABA_4546_46F8_A10C_F….jpeg)

We have the inalienable right…..

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3cfb6b  No.13264537


“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” – The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.” – Sir Josiah Stamp, president of the Rothschild Bank of England and the second richest man in Britain in the 1920s, speaking at the University of Texas in 1927.

“Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet,” – Heinrich Heine

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4c13bc  No.13264538

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB, 250x250, 1:1, pepe14.jpg)

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229b43  No.13264539


You do realize this is a trafficked woman.

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d37424  No.13264540

File: f3ea642e27a7e56⋯.jpeg (118 KB, 526x800, 263:400, f3ea642e27a7e56bde34c6933….jpeg)

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b6ced2  No.13264541

File: a542862f44fccf6⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 651x185, 651:185, ten_years_1.JPG)



Walking, talking, feeling ‘Westworld’-style sex dolls coming within 10 years

By Paula FroelichMarch 20, 2021 | 7:09pm |

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1ea949  No.13264542



remember Trump mentioning the Spanish flu

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5d58d7  No.13264543


1918 flu escaped from a US miltary research facility funded by the Rockefellers

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336068  No.13264544


logic if it is a bio weapon

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4c13bc  No.13264545


Prove it.

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8779ce  No.13264546

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b016e9  No.13264547

File: 809b0d474535fb8⋯.jpg (38.63 KB, 776x1162, 388:581, markle_harry_signing_somet….jpg)

File: e7cec2435bebbd0⋯.png (53.29 KB, 776x1167, 776:1167, markle_signing_right_hand.png)

File: 3003a12c27ad9e2⋯.png (330.29 KB, 627x563, 627:563, wallis_simpson_davids_fune….png)

File: 4d8d21b5cc5986e⋯.png (644.15 KB, 628x448, 157:112, markle_wedding_car_same_as….png)

File: 22c8987cd1e2c98⋯.png (402.02 KB, 540x405, 4:3, markle_harry_gay_porn_star….png)

>>13264396 (pb)

>The one he was playing with in the interview.

There's evidence the interview was greenscreen…Harry wasn't there…in one still the astute Grans showed Markle had a green outline around where she and Harry met. The fake Harrys have been seriously very obvious. Harry has that bone spur bump on his forehead over his right eye midway…he's got blue eyes…while many of the doubles have had brown eyes.

One sign that Harry is on business…is when he's clearly falling on his sword he wears that nasty grey suit and his holey shoes…this time the holey suede shoes were so bad one shoe is missing the heel.

They aren't IN YOUR FACE as much before the bike incident. The beach scene happy family part of Oprah's interview required careful observation but the hints were there. Markle is RIGHT handed….the beach woman is left handed.

Also my personal opinion is that eventually it's going to be known that the marriage is not valid. Hints would be the BIG wedding completely abnormal registry signing. I THINK …think not sure…that someone Markle got trolled into actually having that backyard private marriage she talked about in the interview…..or maybe she begged / pressured for it thinking somehow the Queen would stop the big wedding…and she might well have been made to think that. The AoCanterbery is a naughty man and he's in trouble (eventually)…

UK has laws re weddings/marriages and when I read them I was slightly stunned…it is doubtful Markle would have known this or even anyone of her team…..IF indeed there was any sort of "marriage" prior to the big wedding….it is invalid (some claimed she love bombed Harry into getting married in Botswana secretly…drugs…who the hell knows)….

It is entirely possible that Markle and Harry were NEVER legally married. Markle's "wedding" was not right…UK folks know what's wrong….way more than I would have….they did notice the registry signing bit was seriously off….but no one knew what it meant.

IT is possible that Harry is not straight and that it's been a private family matter….the trolling tho….they stuck Mr. Gay UK (Adam Bidwell) behind Harry in the wedding carriage….)

Everything was funny in retrospect…setting the wedding on Anne Boylens execution day and giving her the same limo Wallace Simpson rode in to David's funeral to arrive at the wedding.

It's just that she's so fucking stupid and her "handlers" so obtuse about the UK that they didn't notice. I'm starting to think they had zero clues that by having a secret wedding then demanding a big formal fancy show the world wedding, the Cabal fucked themselves. IF that happened….then Markle and Harry have not even been legally married this entire time…I wonder when they told her? The night she was found wandering in Windsor stone out of her mind in her nightshirt? KEK…The pics we do have of the official registry signing are incorrect…and she likely had no clue…unlike every other royal wedding ever, the only people that went back to sign/witness were Charles and Doria….usually it's the entire senior royals and the other family.

IF they had 2 legally required witnesses at the backyard wedding the second wedding invalidated the first…IF the Crown knew about the backyard wedding but there weren't 2 witnesses…the second wedding is invalidated because the witness/registry signing wasn't right and probably using the excuse "well you're already married"…not mentioning the UK law re witnesses). I copied the entire article on the UK laws…it's clear that the OFFICAL wedding registry signing wasn't normal….kek…all this time that yacht whore thought she'd 1 up'd the Crown.

I wonder if she's locked up. There's some VERY serious treason laws in the UK re the crown, like death sentence laws.

Her mission was to do to the UK what BLM has done to US.

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d37424  No.13264548

File: 7ec454dacd64258⋯.png (100.33 KB, 607x656, 607:656, c1b534a105974313610c938c03….png)

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823b14  No.13264549


that would be amazing… especially for us Bongs..

the state of women these days pfffft..

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58343d  No.13264550


That’s awfully strange

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b6ced2  No.13264551

File: 7e49315449b6169⋯.jpg (116.48 KB, 858x807, 286:269, feb.JPG)


Flashback: Biden Stumbled in February Climbing Air Force One Steps

By Kristinn Taylor

Published March 20, 2021 at 6:10pm

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ca9990  No.13264552

File: c6a34a4cbadca4c⋯.jpg (314.53 KB, 900x506, 450:253, c6a34a4cbadca4cfb63e46dbce….jpg)

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3ecac1  No.13264553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>red rocket red roacket red rocket













nothing can satisfy elongapes double gasketed featuresNOW


>daspoopenfarten triggered



michelles hahn bringt alle schüler auf den hofbeweis

<Harrys Dichtungstest vor der Hochzeit schlug fehl


>texaco wins north korean




<daspoopenfarten triggered



double posted shitpost auf dem poopenfarten

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3cfb6b  No.13264554

File: a51a0fa5c149339⋯.jpg (197.49 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Red_for_Red.jpg)

Hey Red, you out there?

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3ecac1  No.13264555



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195584  No.13264556

File: 88cb2545aa11e34⋯.png (627.34 KB, 1078x1552, 539:776, Screenshot_20210320_181311….png)

>>13264483 (LB)

Take a look at Operation Warp Speed. The transparency promises would indicate the Biden administration was being nice by saying there was no plan in place. The DoD don't play. Do your own research.


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3ecac1  No.13264557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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336068  No.13264558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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90e84e  No.13264559


His name was "Gates" also…….

And he worked for the Rockefellers.

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4c13bc  No.13264560

File: d1304a96a300e46⋯.jpg (14.78 KB, 340x402, 170:201, redhead.jpg)

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dc1d24  No.13264561


if spanish flu was a psyop was it related to WWI or Balfour Declaration or what?

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3ecac1  No.13264562

File: 54ff20321a17c11⋯.jpg (17.68 KB, 205x255, 41:51, DASO8471.jpg)

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b6ced2  No.13264563

File: c4de0cbb54068a1⋯.jpg (69.37 KB, 721x699, 721:699, insta_ban.JPG)


Issue: March 20, 2021

Instagram deletes post of President Biden falling up the stairs under its “violence and incitement” policy

Algorithm gone haywire?

By Christina Maas

Posted 6:53 pm

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5d58d7  No.13264564


just to trim down the population of "useless mouths"/goyim

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ca9990  No.13264565

File: 41a90f2d76b8644⋯.png (91.67 KB, 1258x304, 629:152, Screen_Shot_2021_03_20_at_….png)

File: 5ef05f006927abd⋯.png (1 MB, 1226x892, 613:446, Screen_Shot_2021_03_20_at_….png)

Breaking911 and DiscloseTV have not tweeted in about 24 hours. Seems unusual.

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942a28  No.13264566



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f66b51  No.13264567

File: a7486bc1a8880bf⋯.png (856.12 KB, 750x900, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)

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4c13bc  No.13264568

File: 5b09ab5b0560754⋯.jpg (8.44 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)

Bring it, shills. We've weathered better than you over the past 3 years.

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e440b5  No.13264569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guise, did we ever figure out the origin of this haunting video? It is so upsetting and I just want to rescue every little child from harm. Of course, I want all the abusers and adrenochrome junkies killed, while we're at it. . . .

Q, if you guise are still here lurking would you please release the truth about these vicious predators STAT? We need the world to know all about those whom they trust the most, sir. Chop chop. Thank you.

Video - https://youtu.be/_7rYUZRF-HQ

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326af7  No.13264570

Very interesting day

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58343d  No.13264571

File: 2fdc47fc6e38f42⋯.jpeg (492.4 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 1D4E60F7_33BE_495E_80D0_4….jpeg)

The vax is the beginning of the “trans human”

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5d58d7  No.13264572


yup, that's for sure

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48a624  No.13264573

File: dcafb4b6330e799⋯.jpg (5.28 MB, 4866x2948, 2433:1474, rothnet.jpg)

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b6ced2  No.13264574

File: 51292b511db9bb6⋯.jpg (89.48 KB, 979x616, 89:56, in_own.JPG)


Brad Raffensperger, who repeatedly refused to examine reports of voter fraud, failed to secure a nomination to be a GOP delegate in his own precinct.

“We are sending a message that will be heard all around the state. Raffensperger has got to go.”

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d983a8  No.13264575

File: 5748ce7bcb1aec8⋯.jpg (330.85 KB, 909x1093, 909:1093, 0320_110423.jpg)


Yes it is.


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c9dc76  No.13264576

File: a27c4021e0058c9⋯.png (12.12 KB, 255x226, 255:226, 7aa1cf31c02caa8496ed528d0a….png)

This whole thing with pence and the cover up of everything reminds me about the Delphi indiana snap chat double murder of Lizzy and Abby. Have a picture and voice of the perp and the fbi still have no clue. In fact I dropped a pic of what became known as 'bridge guy' in 4chan years ago and it only got a few replies. Mostly shills except for one anon that said it was relevant.

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33fa22  No.13264577

No to violence.

Any that does violence in our name, it is not Q supporter.

We are from God.

God is love.

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8443eb  No.13264578

Kill all child fuckers! >>13264569

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825cb6  No.13264579


Rook at size of feet, who this faggot?

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b6ced2  No.13264580

File: 232eee36067bee9⋯.jpg (77.11 KB, 848x595, 848:595, 24_more.JPG)


24 More Charged in North Carolina Voter-Fraud Probe including Nearly 20 Illegal Aliens Who Voted in National Election

By Jim Hoft

Published March 20, 2021 at 5:40pm

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e0504d  No.13264581

Q was taken to task by congress a couple of years ago and disappeared while the investigation was taking place.

Reappeared on the all clear.

Maybe not cleared a second time.

GEORGENEWS on Telegram totally quiet now.


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ca9990  No.13264582

File: 062acbb18130f94⋯.jpg (60.73 KB, 696x392, 87:49, 525a8s.jpg)


>The vax is the beginning of the “trans human”

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f66b51  No.13264583

File: 14affbac5044039⋯.png (362.02 KB, 352x399, 352:399, seagate_atlantis.png)


>Aaron McCollum

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4c13bc  No.13264584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My first impression, without watching it, is it's an homage to Gotye's "Somebody I Used to Know" music video. Clicked play and that's what it seems to be. Child and parent, or child and groomer?

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d37424  No.13264585

File: 2550945289136fc⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 1080x1066, 540:533, 2550945289136fc8db37f02c37….jpg)

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229b43  No.13264586


because tying your boobs up to something overhead and taking a selfie is normal…right…

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56a053  No.13264587


Looks like the Time article that the president told us all to read got dropped out of the globals for some reason.

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72397d  No.13264588

File: 83d13dab5312a73⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1332x999, 4:3, mono.png)


that is unusual

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326af7  No.13264589


Always thought it looked and sounded like George Webb. Is Webb even real? I dont know, but with the tech we have, the guy should have been caught by now.

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942a28  No.13264590


A scam can only run so long.

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d37424  No.13264592

File: 84189878c500da4⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, PepeTime.jpg)

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dc1d24  No.13264593

File: 327eadd4b5b3e27⋯.png (645.35 KB, 978x604, 489:302, biden_vax.png)

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d4457e  No.13264595

File: a074dbb48fe3a8e⋯.png (447.22 KB, 535x574, 535:574, Screenshot_2021_03_20_780t….png)




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384249  No.13264596

File: 82a2681a7ae2daf⋯.png (991.71 KB, 1473x495, 491:165, ClipboardImage.png)

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33fa22  No.13264597

File: 5a7261d6493e7e7⋯.jpg (56.5 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 4u.JPG)

File: 3021ff1c3d0d293⋯.jpg (91.96 KB, 800x651, 800:651, For_you_dear.jpg)

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ca9990  No.13264598

File: 62854f2a771e430⋯.jpg (29.34 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 62854f2a771e430f039981d940….jpg)


I knew it!

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bda837  No.13264599


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43c5c5  No.13264600

File: 9f10f06c475ccb1⋯.png (586.92 KB, 887x721, 887:721, 9f10f06c475ccb100b68eec3b0….png)

The Artilect War — Cosmists vs. Terrans is concerned with the possibility of a bitter controversy about whether humanity should build godlike massively intelligent machines.

This chilling work of non-fiction poses the question: Which species will dominate the world in the next century - human beings or unbelievably intelligent and potentially hostile machines?

check it out


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8b9320  No.13264601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What’s does international brothersisterhood of the shithead slut have lined up for Verbal equinox?

Something gross I imagine, farm animals?

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fd90d9  No.13264602


>>13074178 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)

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3cfb6b  No.13264603


You do realize you have no evidence that's the case, right?

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326af7  No.13264604

File: ae9d0a92dccc209⋯.jpg (130.72 KB, 720x705, 48:47, 20210320_183335.jpg)

This board

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8bb3a7  No.13264605

File: 76854d690da4d47⋯.jpg (56.06 KB, 438x639, 146:213, Punish_Evil.jpg)


Self defense is not violent. If a bunch of pedo commies get brutally killed in this war so be it. No one will shed a tear for those devils, because they aren't human.

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b342af  No.13264606


Get ready for Brood X: The once-every-17-years cicada swarm is coming


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90e84e  No.13264607


>1918 fluwas releasedfrom a US miltary research facility funded by the Rockefellers

Fixed it.

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3cfb6b  No.13264608

File: f14fa13e8859176⋯.jpg (90.21 KB, 1200x791, 1200:791, redhead_coffee.jpg)


Just now checking in.

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56a053  No.13264609

Dropped from Global Notables

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)



This shit is important.

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729106  No.13264610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A new YT channel I recently started watching….

Live Patrol in St Paul, MN….should get interesting as the night goes on

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c9dc76  No.13264611


Good question is he even real. I was in a few FB group about that Delphi case bcuz I have lived in Indiana for 4o years. One or two of the group banned the fuckin family from the groups.

It was the craziest shit I have seen to date

They have to know who the perp is. One of their own I'm sure

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3ecac1  No.13264612

File: 87d448e3bb5f446⋯.jpg (176.17 KB, 1944x1458, 4:3, IMG_9205.JPG)



>red rocket red roacket red rocket













nothing can satisfy elongapes double gasketed features


>daspoopenfarten triggered



michelles hahn bringt alle schüler auf den hofbeweis

<Harrys Dichtungstest vor der Hochzeit schlug fehl


>texaco wins north korean




<daspoopenfarten triggered



double posted shitpost auf dem poopenfarten



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5d58d7  No.13264613


yeah, that's better.

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37ccbe  No.13264614

File: a4b3019efdb84b6⋯.png (463.83 KB, 959x780, 959:780, ClipboardImage.png)


Ex-Trump aide tweets 'executive orders' after Google lists him as president

Google describes Richard Grenell, ex-intelligence chief and possible candidate for California governor, as ‘president since 2021’

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b6ced2  No.13264616

File: 48fca6160b651df⋯.jpg (89.76 KB, 854x599, 854:599, prof_from.JPG)


Media company sued for profiting from child pornography

Victim seeks court order to identify people who upload material

WND Staff By WND Staff

Published March 20, 2021 at 6:35pm

The case, on behalf of "Jane Doe" and "others similarly situated," names as defendants WebGroup Czech Republic, WGCZ Holding, WGCZ Limited and other related organizations as well as individuals Stephane Michael Pacaud and Deborah Malorie Pacaud.

The lawsuit in federal court in Los Angeles was filed by the National Center of Sexual Exploitation Law Center, which was joined by five other "survivor-focused" litigation teams.

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3ecac1  No.13264617

GEHY Dough




>fleshtrafficker sangria


>foreskin lickers chardonGEHY


>mice with matches


>"crazy jewish buttseks " >>12869331

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b342af  No.13264618


Don't worry the earthquakes and volcanoes will get them.

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dc1d24  No.13264619

there is an autonomous zone in Minneapolis?

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8779ce  No.13264620


Because a lot of sick fucks think it’s art. Has doesn’t mean she’s trafficked ffs. The state of this place…

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3ecac1  No.13264621


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37ccbe  No.13264622

File: 0e04343cd355002⋯.png (681.24 KB, 1369x734, 1369:734, ClipboardImage.png)



Trump Official Richard Grenell Weighs in After Wikipedia Briefly Names Him US President

“I will run up the stairs without tripping and then announce a plethora of Executive Orders,” former U.S. Intelligence chief said, playing along

Diane Haithman | March 20, 2021 @ 1:14 PM

Last Updated: March 20, 2021 @ 1:20 PM

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3cfb6b  No.13264623



Always found it interesting that @POTUS would reference 1917 instead; which was the "red revolution" in Russia. So basically the "invisible enemy" is communism, and the "vaccine" is freedom. Too bad so many folks aren't seeing it, and are possibly getting injected with an experimental science lab project. Of course, knowing the DS, they know exactly what will happen with many folks that get it.

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0e5b78  No.13264624


Why indeed

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4ba7a0  No.13264625

File: e9dc64df4937205⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB, 320x568, 40:71, YIEG4Idb0c62jk1U.mp4)

China virus lockdown protest, Val David, Quebec, Canada


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3ecac1  No.13264627



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43c5c5  No.13264628

File: 9c453dd8f78b5b6⋯.jpg (33.23 KB, 495x357, 165:119, 231661072.jpg)


HRH Elizabeth II is not a fly snaffling lizard.

They say.

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1eddfb  No.13264629

File: 622279258b69a1e⋯.jpeg (118.99 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 622279258b69a1ed27f0f8333….jpeg)

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ca9990  No.13264630


eyes on anon

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13310c  No.13264633


>His name was "Gates" also…….

>And he worked for the Rockefellers.


>if spanish flu was a psyop was it related to WWI or Balfour Declaration or what?

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b42dc7  No.13264635

File: c2431f26fa9701c⋯.png (387.8 KB, 600x314, 300:157, Adonai.png)

File: 5e81f5693b2a8d3⋯.png (673.72 KB, 1920x860, 96:43, Annotation_2021_03_20_1931….png)


Peace to you, winged warrior. You are recognized and lifted up.


A DON A 17

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3cfb6b  No.13264636

File: 1b48c5a4d6299a3⋯.jpg (74.82 KB, 626x417, 626:417, redhead_flag.jpg)

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ee09e5  No.13264638


>Basel, Germany

Basel, Switzerland.

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3ecac1  No.13264639




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0e5b78  No.13264640


How many pots did you take

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b016e9  No.13264642

File: d8b66dd5666dcdb⋯.png (2.19 MB, 988x7488, 19:144, markle_milo_yianopolis_art….png)

File: 53e9eb20c80d2ba⋯.png (791.09 KB, 961x670, 961:670, markle_mermaid_under_the_s….png)


>i missed that the driver actually looks like the queen a bit too in this particular picrel

Digits confirm it is close enough to induce massive keks. HEH Queen running down fake Harry.


I have peeped on that one now and then but while expository, it's far to "cautious".


Digits confirm…the BIG picture is that it's NOT JUST US….I spotted a few things….my almonds were tingling off the fucking charts…I'm not a "royal follower" as much as I am respecting their tradition and able to recognize the BULLSHIT (the Queen is a lizard…the monarchs are lizards…blah blah)…when in FACT

Jewish BOLSHEVIKS murdered the Russian royals

JEWISH Jewffa were behind both the French Revolution royal executions and Cromwell…and many other things…which begs the question, if the royals were indeed lizard people like the kikes…why were the kikes always out to kill them? I like things to make sense.

I've got a Granny crush on that elderly Welsh gal. She's got fire in her belly. When the twitter mob came for HER? She sued them (and won) and that one in particular was in the US! Most of them are. Stupid fucking niggers.

The most of black women at Lipstick Alley (where I nabbed some "tea" as they call it) re Doria's murder of her father…whew. However the place is full of niggers that are 10/10 stupid af. I had to stop peeping there as I was starting to hate black people. I don't like to hate. Bad for the body/mind/spirit…but I'll tell you this for free, black culture? at least as far as LIB black culture is horrific, vile, and…vicious.


>License plate..can't make it out..

KEK…sure you can. LOL I DIED.

I seriously never followed them, just what I see re caps clips etc. I don't have television…so it was some screencap of the media gleefully announcing Markle's pregnancy (which she rudely did at Eugenia's wedding)…that caught my attention. If you can "see" you can "see" pregnancy…I saw that announcement/photo and sat up…WTF is this shit? she's NOT pregnant. The game started then.

At least as far as The Crown is considered, I was WAY late to the party but ahead of the game as far as the general population went. KEK I had some deep diving investigating to do…because that shit tingled my almonds.

I spotted this article by Milo yesterday….HEHEHEH. Then Markle's reference to the little mermaid…under the SEA in her Oprah interview…holy CONNECT THE DOTS….(that reference is going to be too vague unless you've put other pieces of the puzzle together…)

It's ALL one big puzzle. 40K foot view so to speak.

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3ecac1  No.13264643

>>13198310 >but holy crap >can fronthole tranny gangbangs generate a ton of spam proteins >>13198306 >> the dodo caught hiv from grindr>>13198249

<still banned on grindr >> https://www.grindr.com/

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13310c  No.13264644

File: e87d95cd00a15c9⋯.png (320.03 KB, 768x366, 128:61, ClipboardImage.png)

who has the

clip of President Joe Biden falling up the stairs of Air Force One three times

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b342af  No.13264646

File: 58a6e2902e68743⋯.jpg (16.62 KB, 500x288, 125:72, tried_pot_gay.jpg)


all of them.


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3cfb6b  No.13264647

File: 03e4ef1a29a8431⋯.png (101.77 KB, 681x795, 227:265, Red_s_Post.png)

File: 4e12577b27e78be⋯.png (237.64 KB, 1149x1248, 383:416, GA_Post.png)

File: 416487ff4a720dd⋯.png (84.23 KB, 1152x1203, 384:401, McStain_post.png)

"Body to long"

I'll break it into two posts


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4c13bc  No.13264649

File: 8215adf43b30e05⋯.png (450.46 KB, 474x711, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Her name is Evgenia Talanina. She's not trafficked you retarded buffoon. Go spread your bullshit somewhere else.

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8b9320  No.13264650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who’s the square?

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3cfb6b  No.13264654

File: d83b212ac88f074⋯.png (85.73 KB, 761x637, 761:637, ClipboardImage.png)

I got liked and then blocked by this account. This is how they sniff folks out for the filters


When they do this, people watching their accounts pick up on it, then you end up getting shadowbanned.

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3ecac1  No.13264655



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3ecac1  No.13264656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ca9990  No.13264657

File: 8f8d7d3cc2f7ae5⋯.jpg (50.45 KB, 270x400, 27:40, 8f8d7d3cc2f7ae5a8ff4e125ca….jpg)


>How many pots did you take

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90e84e  No.13264659


Looking forward to more against this traitor.

Sooner rather than later?

The Year of the Tiger is looming.

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3cfb6b  No.13264660


Hey Red, attached is a cap of your post and two posts that I did and a graphic that I referred to…Sorry this long.

*NOTE: Graphics, like anything Q have truths and disinfo…the task is to determine which is which. Also, dates are used to trigger the opposition…don't be a datefag.

Many anons already understand the thinking behind these posts…but wanted to include them because they provide background to a theory.

A little more background:

Is Biden your POTUS? …Plane he flies to inauguration, gun salute, SS red button on desk, Marines don't solute, green screen mic. video,…any one or two of these can be explained away, but when viewed as an aggregate…"At what point is it mathematically impossible?"

"Learn our comms."

Also consider some team instructed: 1)the red button box to be removed 2)the plane for the inauguration to be non-military 3)the gun salute for foreign dignitary not POTUS 4)….Why would they create these Easter eggs and then leave it to random chance that an anon would see it, recognize the significance and post it here? Instead, wouldn't they document and post it here themselves…it is an anonymous message board?

Again…"Learn our comms."

In the attached graphic under "Here's the choice you get to make…" are some crazy-ass claims…but I/we started watching the top players to see if they said or did things that were out of character…wouldn't say or do unless forced to. I started seeing examples and posting them here…as did other anons. At some point for many of us anons, we reached our threshold/tipping point…"At what point is it mathematically impossible?"

That's the reason you see many anons posting "you are watching a movie" and stating that they are "Comfy"…they see the theater.

Last bit of background-

Hope Hicks was part of POTUS's 2016 election campaign, after inauguration (like S. Bannon) she left the administration. She took a job as the Communications Director for Fox New's parent company. Now, Fox News and it's parent company are part of the Murdoch family media empire. The Murdoch family are Cabal/Elites…do you believe the Murdochs willingly brought in HH to run their coms? They know/knew the threat POTUS posed. On HH's first day, I wonder how many of Eric Prince's hammers she had walking in with her? HH moved back to the administration prior to the election. How many voters realized (woke) on election night that even Fox News was deep state controlled opposition? Theater?

Sometime back in 2018 or early 2019 (anons may be able to help) over the course of 3 or 4 days there were many re-posts here from social media about people claiming to work in MSM HQs and their offices being raided by Feds. These news outlets didn't start reporting the truth following these raids, instead they doubled down on their attacks on conservatives and POTUS…theater?

So, patriots control the media and using the talking heads that the libs trust…I believe we are positioned to get to the 4 to 6 percent.

Anyway…when I wrote the attached post on The Great Awakening, I now believe that I failed to see/understand that there was another…bigger game being played…layers.

Here's the theory on that bigger game-

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0e5b78  No.13264661


I think the vaccine already did

Oh shit the halfchan bot is here wtf

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43c5c5  No.13264662

File: c37131cefbf6266⋯.jpg (83.89 KB, 905x906, 905:906, c37131cefbf626613c3dcde26f….jpg)

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3ecac1  No.13264663

File: 035ea15bfd1f63e⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_9145.JPG)

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3ecac1  No.13264664

File: 7844c9dc4922079⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 546x362, 273:181, BBBO6263.jpg)


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3cfb6b  No.13264666


2/2…this is a mess…

Here's the theory on that bigger game-

If you go back to POTUS campaign rallies prior to the 2020 election, he mentioned a few times that when he was first in office generals told him that they didn't have any bullets…No president should ever hear that again.

Additionally, early in his presidency: 1)We had Mil. aircraft falling out the skies (F16s), suspected back door in Chyna chips in avionics. 2)We had Navy ships shutting down (Black Sea) and ships losing control and colliding with other ships (lost crew members). 3)We had our Mil. infiltrated with those whose allegiance was not to the US and the Constitution. 4)Hillary gave them SAP weapons info from her home Brew server. 5)McStain gave NK EMP tech, you think China didn't get it as well? 6)Mil. was short on weapons and spare parts…

Our military was not ready for war…POTUS / Patriots needed to buy time to prepare…

POTUS has Xi at Mar-a-Lago in 2017, during dinner POTUS is discretely informed (by an attache) that they have launched the Cruz Missiles at Syria that POTUS approved…POTUS leans over to Xi and says ~"I just launched 59 Cruz Missiles at Syria…would you care for more chocolate cake Mr. President?"

"Appear strong when you are weak"

Snippet from Post #236

Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?

Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?

May 4 2018


Q !2jsTvXXmXs No.65 📁

May 4 2018 21:21:37 (EST)


Re_read drops.

Today: JK & Iran

Important - context for future news.

Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)?

HRC/BC flying under the radar - same/unreported - why?

(2) former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED?

The World is Connected.

The World is Watching.

I now believe that at this time, Hill & Bill, Hussein, John Kerry, John Brennan, GWB, D. Feinstein, others… have all been flipped or taken off the table.

Those flipped are traveling the world telling world leaders to relax, we will take POTUS out with: 1)Russian Collusion 2)25th amendment 3)we've infiltrated the SS and will assassinate him 4)ICBM to Hawaii 5) ICBM after G7 summit in Canada 6)Impeachments

In reality, this is all a show to buy time and then…Help us get Biden elected…Xi questions, what about the EO on foreign election interference? Don't worry…once Trump is out that will all go away.

Following Biden inauguration, Chyna sends mil. aircraft into Taiwanese air space…I'm not sure what happened but sounds like the US navy did not stand down (Chyna appears to have stopped this type of provocation).

I think Chyna now knows Biden is not in charge of US military.

The Xi squeeze-

The US is no longer a paper tiger, the chance to strike when the US was weak is gone. The CCP politburo must see this as well…Xi and those in charge have been played.

Miles Guo w/S. Bannon have been giving the Chinese people a voice and I'm sure the CCP is aware of the growing unrest.

I'm confident the US has proof that Chyna intentionally released the WuFlu on the world…CCP knows this too.

The election interference EO puts Chinese companies at risk if Chyna was involved.

CCP and Xi with their actions against the Falun Gong, Tibetans and the Uighurs are looking at genocide.

At what point does the CCP lose confidence in Xi and his administration? Will the CCP try to pin this all on Xi, crimes against humanity and try to re-set with the world?

Will Xi and others try to cut a deal?

This is where I think the game is now,letting the pot simmer…that's theory.

Red, Anons…any thoughts, flaws or holes you'd like to point out?

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43c5c5  No.13264667

File: 47116927e95a139⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 390x560, 39:56, reptilian_monster_pointing….jpg)

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b6ced2  No.13264668

File: 418a6f2d447124c⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 1003x150, 1003:150, to_him.JPG)


Trump mocks Biden over fall: I watched and said 'I didn't lose to him'

by Andrew Mark Miller, Social Media Producer |

| March 20, 2021 12:28 PM

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3ecac1  No.13264670

File: 44dd1bd2510a211⋯.jpg (6.93 KB, 225x225, 1:1, AZSL7335.jpg)


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43c5c5  No.13264671

File: 522d5bf5056857a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 726x720, 121:120, ClipboardImage.png)

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f8d4af  No.13264673

File: b3f07a0841efcf0⋯.png (72.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, HeyNewfag.png)

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72397d  No.13264674



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3ecac1  No.13264675

File: 7feb10d4487f5ae⋯.jpg (227.36 KB, 1075x1056, 1075:1056, IMG_9025.JPG)


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13310c  No.13264676

File: 079f448cd461044⋯.mp4 (7.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Joe_Biden_vs_stairs_.mp4)


>clip of President Joe Biden falling up the stairs of Air Force One three times

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bda837  No.13264677

some posters on the board are proof that adderall is drastically over prescribed

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195584  No.13264678


This one?


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b3ee91  No.13264679

First day Of spring brings out all the devil worshippers! Last bread was sic!

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31f136  No.13264680

File: 42fc93777a9f31a⋯.jpg (54.84 KB, 620x654, 310:327, ZomboMeme_09032020210057.jpg)

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3ecac1  No.13264681

File: a14b62b65874dbe⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 238x228, 119:114, IMG_9074.JPG)


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3cfb6b  No.13264682

File: 23e6dc4cd1b979e⋯.png (6.53 MB, 2645x5315, 529:1063, Military_Tribunals.png)

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3ecac1  No.13264683

File: fd8ffbfce0c6272⋯.jpg (148.51 KB, 620x666, 310:333, IMG_9509.JPG)

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43c5c5  No.13264684

File: 51d0ef2793b4493⋯.jpg (91.15 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 51d0ef2793b449364ae9c34744….jpg)



anon tactical analysis

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47ab72  No.13264685


Better than Subtracterall.

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b342af  No.13264686

File: 7ce64f5e8121df8⋯.png (1.7 MB, 800x886, 400:443, Trump_Jugaloo_Magic.png)



good point!

I never thought about encouraging liberals to TAKE the vaccine.

that must be DJTs strategy….OH YEAH TAKE IT! TAKE IT!

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f66b51  No.13264687


Kinda interdasting, yeah.

On another note,

>Mount Fagrad

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c0e0c9  No.13264688

File: 88076a175da9d55⋯.png (477.42 KB, 650x1043, 650:1043, ClipboardImage.png)

Operation “Moolah for the Mullahs”

Report: Once Govt is Formed, Macron to Call Intl Funders for Meeting on Lebanon

French President Emmanuel Macron reportedly will immediately call for a meeting of international funders to save Lebanon once a government is formed, Nidaa al-Watan newspaper reported on Saturday.

“If President Michel Aoun and PM-designate Saad Hariri reach an agreement next Monday on forming a government of non-corrupt ministers, French President Emmanuel Macron will immediately call for a meeting of international funders to save Lebanon,” a French official told the newspaper on condition of anonymity.



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fa841b  No.13264689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3ecac1  No.13264691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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620717  No.13264692

File: 29d9da3030cf149⋯.jpeg (342.47 KB, 1241x1856, 1241:1856, FF676226_9966_4BCB_9E79_3….jpeg)

It’s pretty bad when you have US Senators outright correcting the old fool and his social media team that creates this garbage. Cruz is funny


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bda837  No.13264694



i think thats called the pot

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fd90d9  No.13264695

File: 938d06e97b3a14c⋯.png (786.68 KB, 1338x571, 1338:571, Time_The_Secret_History_of….png)



Probably just dropped off the catalog…


The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election



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43c5c5  No.13264696

File: 16830b87ec99f6e⋯.png (982.26 KB, 778x583, 778:583, ClipboardImage.png)

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3cfb6b  No.13264700


Reading. Will post a follow up.

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f66b51  No.13264701

File: f00cec5278252c8⋯.png (95.96 KB, 580x580, 1:1, pepe_insane_clown_posse_ha….png)



Violent T

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e0504d  No.13264703


A pic and vid posted together?

How long has that been a thing?

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13310c  No.13264705

File: 53805eb82fc0591⋯.mp4 (6.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, trumpdance.mp4)

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33fa22  No.13264706

dude, even they will given you 20 years, remain calm.

I will save you.


Don't lose your mind, I send you an angel.

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43c5c5  No.13264707

File: 39cee9cda159ff1⋯.png (432.98 KB, 778x846, 389:423, 39cee9cda159ff19f167e83b1d….png)

Pedovore child stealing/trafficking networks operate worldwide.

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e0504d  No.13264709


Tricked again!

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8b9320  No.13264711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Talkin to me baby?

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bc8478  No.13264714

24 More Charged in North Carolina Voter-Fraud Probe including Nearly 20 Illegal Aliens Who Voted in National Election

A federal prosecutor’s office in North Carolina announced on Friday that 24 more people were charged with voter-related fraud over the past 18 months.

Those charged are listed as being from Mexico and several central American countries, as well as from France, Yemen, Iraq and Nigeria and other countries.

FOX 8 reported

A federal North Carolina prosecutor’s office that has been investigating allegations of voter-related fraud says 24 more people have been charged over the past 18 months.

The government says two defendants were charged earlier this year with unlawful voting in the 2016 general election.

More than 15 others face charges of falsely claiming U.S. citizenship to register to vote.

Indictments against several defendants were unsealed Friday.

Back in 2018, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Raleigh announced charges against nearly 20 non-U.S. citizens accused of illegally voting in 2016.

The prosecutor later asked for voting records from North Carolina election offices.



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b016e9  No.13264715

File: 10580f4d8cf4ffa⋯.jpg (840.38 KB, 1596x876, 133:73, Sullivan_fbi_arrests.jpg)

File: 796dda6062a9943⋯.png (716.6 KB, 1067x785, 1067:785, sullivan_judge_not_back_to….png)

File: 7f6d26c2d4559e1⋯.mp4 (10.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, jake_sullivan_arrest.mp4)

>>13264268 (pb)

That whole thing is a bullshit too. I KNOW it's a bullshit but who the HELL knows in what direction. I see the "FBI" has arrested Sullivan (finally) he's a Deep State Agent Provocateur like his FATHER and brother James who was embedded in Proud Boys…They caught him the night off and released him…he goes home…and Utah cops arrest him but the judge only gives him house arrest.

Now that the FBI is involved I expect him to be cleared of any wrong doing and they'll be off to investigate another garage door pull.

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620717  No.13264716

File: 639403905bf3e3a⋯.jpeg (421.4 KB, 1241x1765, 1241:1765, E998C331_B2F8_4E2E_BC35_D….jpeg)

“Toobin, schmoozing to get back in, sans penis”should be the title of this article


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a77074  No.13264718

File: b6ce3f05cee5cc7⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 255x188, 255:188, ffb43f0282bd948c04cebd0759….jpg)

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9d47c1  No.13264720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

… back to the potato bin…

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dc1d24  No.13264721

File: e36fb75a4cf70b0⋯.jpg (7.55 KB, 252x200, 63:50, pepe_drool.jpg)

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87e87c  No.13264723

File: f2e47f625b22906⋯.jpg (82.86 KB, 555x731, 555:731, 182a1cce7cd3b2a20ac8b6bbfc….jpg)

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bda837  No.13264724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

in case you wanna get depressed tonight

communist subversion: a plan for total world wide control

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13310c  No.13264725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Man indicted on federal hate crime charges for attempting to dismember victim he met on gay dating app

The indictment further alleges that the defendant attempted to murder one of these men because of his gender and sexual orientation, and that the defendant intended to dismember and keep parts of the victim’s body as trophies, mementos and food

“Seneca explained that he had hoped to remove and preserve White’s hands but that he could not finish his plan after seeing the bones of White’s wrists exposed under his flesh,” the complaint says.

The 18-year old victim said he “suffered from strangulation that popped nearly every blood vessel in his face, six stab wounds to the neck, blunt force trauma to his head and cuts so deep to his wrists that his hands were nearly sawed off.”

“He was just staring at me with a fearful look in his face, like a ‘I just did this?’ look,” the victim said. “I was laying in the bathtub, naked, bleeding out, the water red and cold, and I remember thinking, ‘Well, this is it.'”



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31f136  No.13264726


Tell a Catholic about it and you will see the depth of their brainwashing.

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a77074  No.13264727

File: 71fe9a5d699f0f9⋯.jpg (8.04 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 079f448cd461044e48591be45b….jpg)

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f8e8a4  No.13264728


Can this mp4 , made from a Tic,Tok video, have a hidden tracking code embedded?

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33fa22  No.13264729


HYod send you an angel, I just asked Him to do it.

Remain calm, you are under protection.

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83d778  No.13264731



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b3ee91  No.13264732


Digits say evil!

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43c5c5  No.13264734

File: 2052a6682f49017⋯.jpg (241.87 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, a4189925602_10.jpg)

File: 304e86a0452d737⋯.jpg (206.21 KB, 800x550, 16:11, rah_27506704215_1_.jpg)

File: 5edcbdb105c77c0⋯.jpg (294.85 KB, 1000x516, 250:129, Vril_FB.jpg)

The power of the coming Race: Vril


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195584  No.13264735

File: 03d8a9486f98f7f⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 972x6822, 54:379, Screenshot_20210320_183911….jpg)

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83d778  No.13264736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a77074  No.13264738

File: 96839a07450957b⋯.png (283 KB, 750x504, 125:84, 58439ca8077f647891d0372cec….png)


Fuck em

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13310c  No.13264740

File: 3ccbebd9e95252a⋯.png (625.98 KB, 1335x529, 1335:529, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00287944ca34b98⋯.png (154.54 KB, 570x175, 114:35, ClipboardImage.png)


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33fa22  No.13264741


Just don't lose your mind.


Don't lose it, idiot.

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83d778  No.13264744


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a77074  No.13264745

File: 511a9669351957c⋯.jpeg (9.07 KB, 208x243, 208:243, images_14_.jpeg)

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83d778  No.13264746


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b016e9  No.13264748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>13264258 (pb)

>Fauci questioned on "healthcare crisis" at the border by GOP Senator

Speaking of Dr. Fau Chi….

Was literal genius Dr. Kary Mullis murdered for this?

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4ba7a0  No.13264749

File: 8e1ce1d525745ae⋯.jpg (11.88 KB, 254x251, 254:251, 1948f884d25ff13e80bf15f350….jpg)


Who cares? If we don't win the info war we end up in Gulags or death by Vax anyway

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83d778  No.13264750

File: b236acf923817eb⋯.jpg (133.87 KB, 640x640, 1:1, GAHM8890.jpg)

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dc1d24  No.13264751

is Joe Biden going to debate Putin

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4c13bc  No.13264753

File: daecc1c0f299bfd⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 480x270, 16:9, triggered2.gif)


← Their reaction

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87e87c  No.13264754

File: 5af4ab1e0bd3118⋯.jpg (292.4 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 1_million_protest_in_Hong_….jpg)

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823b14  No.13264755


dont be a silly goose

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8e5fba  No.13264757

File: 79293bf6c600dba⋯.png (91.48 KB, 740x724, 185:181, 1588345648454.png)

>I use though at the end of my sentences

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18fc01  No.13264758


"Every President has a speechwriter"

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3cfb6b  No.13264760


Thanks Red….I posted a mess.

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c85d7c  No.13264761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8b9320  No.13264763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Excuse me, Can I ask you about those boots?

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ca9990  No.13264764


Roger that.

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c85d7c  No.13264765

I'm still taking it easy on em.

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04f6c8  No.13264766

File: 3ed811ce5bc0bb9⋯.png (447.36 KB, 887x486, 887:486, 263A8DC7_BB75_4EC7_83BD_D7….png)

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303087  No.13264768


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4c13bc  No.13264769

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB, 700x674, 350:337, smokingpepe3.png)


>If we don't win the info war

We have already. It's permeating cultures worldwide right now as we speak. Slowly, oh so slowly, but still spreading. This is the hill I will gladly die on.

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efb880  No.13264770


Set it to Wumbo

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b016e9  No.13264771





Spamming again to hinder coms. NOICE. Why so nervous? I'll just switch to searching my ID this thread. If you're trying to keep track of your conversations, and this fucking troll is hindering...just use your ID to search and reply.

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303087  No.13264772


now please

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18fc01  No.13264773


Thank you, anon. Be nice to em.

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ca9990  No.13264775


didn't realize this was MN. not bad.

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03a142  No.13264776


map is accurate

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83d778  No.13264778

File: fae9e60531473ff⋯.png (447.44 KB, 500x1650, 10:33, IMG_9463.PNG)

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c85d7c  No.13264779


They still my brothers. They either think I'm stupid or pussy though. They gon learn.

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38ed4f  No.13264782


it shouldn't surprise him

I'm surprised he even tried

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815d9f  No.13264783


And this al for a larp?


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5168bd  No.13264785

File: 440596dc007df72⋯.jpeg (105.25 KB, 500x643, 500:643, ElazGW_WkAAN2SM.jpeg)


This is beautiful.

Where the Spirit of God is there is liberty.

Liberty is God's idea.

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c85d7c  No.13264786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ba57d7  No.13264788

File: a525e488a6ca30a⋯.jpeg (224.69 KB, 640x530, 64:53, C716F31F_D593_43C0_B858_5….jpeg)

File: 3c16b78e9d6cc74⋯.jpeg (267.29 KB, 640x757, 640:757, C7D34293_93A5_4B64_B7DF_8….jpeg)

File: 1338762e8c6c5de⋯.jpeg (329.15 KB, 640x683, 640:683, EF1BCA9C_2628_43AD_B187_A….jpeg)

File: a2e79ee846c713b⋯.jpeg (300.32 KB, 640x700, 32:35, A3DB457A_4495_4A55_B1ED_1….jpeg)

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43c5c5  No.13264790


The internet is transparent to major players.

Private companies can also aggregate real time data on any web user. Human beings have been identified by CNNs on the basis of brief (a few sentences) of text output. We have the illusion of anonymity not the fact. If We the People want a secure network we will have to build it.

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83d778  No.13264791

File: 6025dd6047cb198⋯.jpg (151.31 KB, 700x838, 350:419, CTZG3981.jpg)

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b016e9  No.13264793


KEK at least they "heard" my fat military fuck complaint and thinned them down for this one. Holy shit they were making Marine Barracks look pathetic.

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8b9320  No.13264794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Junk of the month club

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c85d7c  No.13264795

For real though… wouldn't you be more disappointed if your leader didn't figure it out way way way ahead of schedule. I ain't gotta tell everybody, but I'm kinda over stressing about money.

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7b9ff2  No.13264796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4ba7a0  No.13264797

File: 98a28fd5555e9f0⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB, 480x852, 40:71, OdWnLxZ20I8vBqzM.mp4)

China virus lockdown protest in Luxemburg


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b42dc7  No.13264798

File: 42aa6b03dae70fe⋯.jpg (147.06 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Cicada_3301.jpg)




Comms good.

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d4457e  No.13264799

File: 69c539045669502⋯.png (154.43 KB, 535x559, 535:559, Screenshot_2021_03_20_Sput….png)


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37ccbe  No.13264800


somebody greased the steps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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90e84e  No.13264801



The year The Apprentice started (Jan):

Trump, 2004:

“It wasn’t always so easy. About 13 years ago, I was seriously in trouble. I was billions of dollars in debt. But I fought back and I won big league. I used my brain. I used my negotiating skills. And I worked it all out. Now my company’s bigger than it ever was, stronger than it ever was and I’m having more fun than I ever had. I’ve mastered the art of the deal and I’ve turned the name Trump into the highest quality brand.”

The year the Orange Revolution in Ukraine started (Nov.).

The year John Kerry ran for president.

The year Doug Schoen introduced Victor Pinchuk to the Clintons.

The year James Comey, serving "as a deputy attorney general in the Justice Department, limited the scope of the criminal investigation of Sandy Berger, which left out former Clinton administration officials who may have coordinated with Berger in his removal and destruction of classified records from the National Archives.

The year (Aug.) Eric Schmidt took Google public; and (Nov.) Google acquired a tiny and little-known 3-D mapping startup calledKeyhole Inc., which it turned intoGoogle Earth. However, it was publicized because KI was part-owned by the CIA and the "National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency" (NGA), an NSA sister agency, and also worked with U.S. military and intelligence agencies. .

The year Porter Goss was CIA Director.

The year (Nov. 15), though not yet actually existing, the "Clinton Global Initiative" is given a domain name in New York.

The year (Nov. 18) the Clinton Library opened, with an opening party in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The year Frank Giustra opened his shell company in Vancouver, Canada.

The year Epstein started engaging in minor sex trafficking at his Florida estate and his island.

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d22f97  No.13264802

File: 3282cc4b7e2b1a7⋯.jpg (286.86 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 3282cc4b7e2b1a7757c99c86c2….jpg)




Baker self confirming, Ghost Protocol deactivated

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2c507e  No.13264803

File: 58a4aaefbc41b39⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1241x1944, 1241:1944, ClipboardImage.png)


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9d47c1  No.13264804

… are there any amputees in 'The Club'?

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b016e9  No.13264805

File: e78ca06706462e5⋯.png (8.16 KB, 250x202, 125:101, cringe_pepe.png)


Why so scared? KEK....over the target?

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c85d7c  No.13264806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2c507e  No.13264808

File: 534d0888b82a87c⋯.png (136.59 KB, 1170x706, 585:353, ClipboardImage.png)

HR1 is quite literally a bill crafted by the Democrats to ensure that they can steal all future elections.

Not a single person can deny this— save for those who cannot read basic English.

It is incredible that these criminals are running our country.


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ba57d7  No.13264809

File: f973640c8748282⋯.jpeg (264.63 KB, 555x556, 555:556, 569C2B4F_CB8C_4A76_927B_4….jpeg)


The thing of nightmares is actually true..

I wonder what it tastes like

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9f41b4  No.13264810

File: b157b85f3261185⋯.png (907.81 KB, 986x555, 986:555, 8E4F5016_7CA3_46B0_9AF9_89….png)

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bda837  No.13264811


theyre all inbred

id imagine there is no shortage of deformities

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1d85b9  No.13264812

File: 730e65c52a97d02⋯.png (1.34 MB, 685x888, 685:888, ClipboardImage.png)


yes, al was a larp

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75b6e7  No.13264813


Yeah I enjoy watching. It’s an unmarked car btw.

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2f7d39  No.13264814


Russians !!!!

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47ab72  No.13264815


They got flying fish in da ocean.

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d9ce31  No.13264816

File: 4f68f7a9de72134⋯.jpg (113.82 KB, 1199x500, 1199:500, 49qwq0.jpg)


Are they even real military?

Or are they just playing the part?

I honestly don't know.

But it's worth asking the questions.

Trust nothing.

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ba57d7  No.13264817

File: 08bd8422c64cde6⋯.jpeg (210.75 KB, 640x580, 32:29, FC344063_6CE4_4B21_8024_0….jpeg)

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8b9320  No.13264818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frog #1

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b016e9  No.13264819

File: 1bc08a470e59f8f⋯.png (126.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, merchant_filter_2.png)


>I'll just switch to searching my ID this thread. If you're trying to keep track of your conversations, and this fucking troll is hindering…just use your ID to search and reply.

So it's NOT a bot…if the spammer is hindering your coms…

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13310c  No.13264820

File: 865906d9df04d38⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, russia.mp4)

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384249  No.13264821

File: e0839c28b7804e8⋯.png (296.31 KB, 386x344, 193:172, ClipboardImage.png)

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f66b51  No.13264822

File: ef9804094f98c97⋯.png (3.13 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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c85d7c  No.13264823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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86c956  No.13264824

File: 2e047a16012b312⋯.jpg (101.5 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 1615942645236.jpg)


>So it's NOT a bot…if the spammer is hindering your coms…

Please clean the litter box.

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47ab72  No.13264825

File: 5bbab28b78680b5⋯.jpeg (87.03 KB, 700x597, 700:597, B60DC8D2_C12F_4A12_98BF_7….jpeg)

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a77074  No.13264826

File: 5a786f050eeb0a9⋯.jpg (100.1 KB, 630x631, 630:631, 5a786f050eeb0a961d6d5c03d3….jpg)

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ca9990  No.13264827



>Yeah I enjoy watching. It’s an unmarked car btw.

Yep not bad. Bookmarked a couple of those best speeches mentioned too.

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989c48  No.13264828

File: d108d881b9cfa73⋯.png (173.64 KB, 480x259, 480:259, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, the level of collateral damage?

unexceptable on any terms, china wants power, they do not have the 1/2 million agenda, you have not mentioned the dual citizenship issue, or the fact that Israel has corrupted and used the U.S.A for decades, plus played other countries off each other, once trump got in and tried to broker peace, tried to take him down with mossad and all assets deployed, plus the fact that israel recoginsed the ccp in 1950 and have helped and assisted them with all assets, or the media influence,

Good story but missing the Main component?

Zionist end game and bibical, destruction of all religion, mark of the beast, and the building of the 3rd temple of Solomon

just saying out loud, the elephant in the roomor the donkey doing as it is told?

more then skynet (google)?

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620717  No.13264829

File: 2a6bd37d776dbeb⋯.jpeg (351.83 KB, 1186x2090, 593:1045, ED8165E2_29DB_4876_BE39_6….jpeg)

File: b56f98706f1b003⋯.jpeg (347 KB, 1241x1768, 73:104, D2DBF11F_AC67_47A0_9609_5….jpeg)

Aaron Rupar that totally lied and twisted the ATL spa shootings gets in the urban dictionary


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13310c  No.13264830


Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases

Unbeknownst to Harvard University, beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan

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8b9320  No.13264831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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43c5c5  No.13264832

File: 71d33798e7946c8⋯.png (608.94 KB, 512x624, 32:39, mad.png)

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87e87c  No.13264833

File: dbb2da4d3912c88⋯.jpg (56.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2Head.jpg)

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2f7d39  No.13264835



had not seen that one

thanks for posting

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4ba7a0  No.13264836

File: 66187c531e61866⋯.mp4 (8.4 MB, 352x640, 11:20, GAoLVby4QRtjQHWg.mp4)

London rocked it!!!


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13310c  No.13264837

File: 949115223b2bc93⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB, 848x480, 53:30, maskdebate.mp4)

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90e84e  No.13264838


It made Vatican City untold millions upon millions of dollars.

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1d85b9  No.13264839

File: 4bf55b0600746f6⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1024x1018, 512:509, ClipboardImage.png)

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384249  No.13264840

File: 02c583f44f11099⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1009x833, 1009:833, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca9990  No.13264841

File: 8a6d21178608a3b⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 750x563, 750:563, 8a6d21178608a3b1b6f02aa522….jpg)

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989c48  No.13264842

File: f4a1d1e0859e8d8⋯.mp4 (121.5 KB, 320x568, 40:71, strange_cat.mp4)


Hannibal the cat waiting for dinner , kek !!

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4ba7a0  No.13264843

File: 1d762fe76fbfcd5⋯.mp4 (7.96 MB, 352x640, 11:20, 1ZxAxSddnYAw4Ovn.mp4)


part 2


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2302d3  No.13264844

File: 5ff1a8e8c303a04⋯.png (113.96 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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37ccbe  No.13264845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What Biden Green Screen Look Like Without CGI

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1d85b9  No.13264846

File: 40d7dfe019214ee⋯.png (765.38 KB, 605x731, 605:731, ClipboardImage.png)

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13310c  No.13264847

File: e711bb08f40545b⋯.png (87.39 KB, 1223x683, 1223:683, ClipboardImage.png)

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620717  No.13264848

File: 62b807f73607d43⋯.jpeg (57.64 KB, 720x447, 240:149, D24260E2_CF7B_4683_9C21_F….jpeg)

File: 6f52a7d8f92ef73⋯.jpeg (535.25 KB, 1241x2030, 1241:2030, 964C3EC3_0F65_4CE9_965D_A….jpeg)

my take is they don’t have a real sense of irony and humor, but this is good


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3cfb6b  No.13264849

File: 75290baadf3020e⋯.png (127.74 KB, 710x451, 710:451, did_a_military_experimenta….png)


>>13264542 >>13264543 >>13264544

>>13264548 >>13264550 >>13264559

>>13264561 >>13264567 >>13264573

> Troops dispersing from the Fort Riley Experiments

Bill Gate's grandfather injected a cocktail of pathogens into a bunch of soldiers, then sent them out. I think he even used "serial infection" to make it more virulent.

Bill Gate's father was the director of Planned Parenthood.

Bill Gates advocates for controlling the wold population by controlling their medical care.

Noticing a pattern yet?

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c85d7c  No.13264850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d85b9  No.13264851

File: 1811a746ad3f26a⋯.png (2.04 MB, 946x1084, 473:542, ClipboardImage.png)

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620717  No.13264852

File: 70d2a29f0d09ad9⋯.jpeg (146.35 KB, 1752x2034, 292:339, 79D66C6A_4F2B_4AA9_BAD8_1….jpeg)


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83d778  No.13264853

File: 6dba600160e119a⋯.jpg (182.62 KB, 1242x1242, 1:1, BCGW2813.jpg)

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a77074  No.13264854

File: 9e93be07a8c1480⋯.png (473.83 KB, 844x958, 422:479, 818c566514fad8ab771ca46755….png)

File: cf92732361be970⋯.png (11.85 KB, 183x255, 61:85, ca17d2ad79defa6f251f3e56b4….png)

File: 27317fd0c8ebe0e⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 800x600, 4:3, 27317fd0c8ebe0ef2c312c7af3….gif)

File: fd09389d0bb91ee⋯.jpeg (8.67 KB, 211x239, 211:239, images_13_.jpeg)

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b016e9  No.13264855


>Are they even real military?

Probably not. I wrote an "ANGRY" post re the disrespect they were showing to Marine Barracks by having FAT actors LARP as the Marines….that was infuriating as Marine Barracks is one of the most sought after posts in the USMC. You have to be GRADE A in everything to get posted there and good looking and impossibly fit. It's a seriously good thing to be selected for that. At first they were avoiding or using camera cuts on the salute issue….then they started having them salute Biden….wearing MEDALS RIBBONS…etc…which is illegal, stolen valor…using fake fucks to "salute" Biden was vile…using them where ribbons/medals/rank shows is vile.

NO, IF they are real military they're NOT Marine Barracks…the military is pozzed af…but hopefully NOT that fucking pozzed. When I saw the Arlington cannon salute, it wasn't the number of booms I noted but how impossibly FAT the "military" was…when our "show guys" in uniform are the cream of the crop. Compare the guys in Trump's Arlington cannon salute to the ones in Biden's….WE DO NOT USE FAT FUCKS in our ceremonial roles. We just don't. I had steam coming out my ears over how they were making our best of the best look….

I think they're using real military NOW…because the fat fucks were too fucking obvious. I'm trying to find my "outrage" post re Marine Barracks….fuckinA…play the damn game, the military is fucked over enough.

Imagine ANYONE believing maternity flight suits? But people believe it. Stupid fucks. I guess having a pregnant woman pulls some g's is a free abortion.

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95d9ad  No.13264856

File: 3654657b62eb8fa⋯.jpg (34.32 KB, 538x304, 269:152, 20210320_200028.jpg)

File: 20ad9e660fc9fd1⋯.jpg (29.59 KB, 538x304, 269:152, 20210320_200308.jpg)

File: 97166a8d8e26c6e⋯.jpg (28.48 KB, 538x304, 269:152, 20210320_200353.jpg)

File: f1ddbc3ae5c5161⋯.jpg (33.58 KB, 538x304, 269:152, 20210320_200612.jpg)

File: 794cd4585007453⋯.jpg (30.09 KB, 538x304, 269:152, 20210320_200935.jpg)

Measure soon in hours.

Measure soon in hours.

Measure soon in hours.

Measure soon in hours.


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ba57d7  No.13264857

File: 4d46faebae84e5a⋯.jpeg (346.68 KB, 640x859, 640:859, EB7230DF_607B_4F09_BA22_A….jpeg)



Anons this is amazing. Hopefully another one next Saturday with more countries.


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05d55b  No.13264858

File: a0a2f19413a17c3⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, a0a2f19413a17c3839317c6919….mp4)

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3cfb6b  No.13264859

>>13263970 (PB)

Who the fuck are the dummas chicks with their tits hanging out? I mean … really … what point does that prove other than you like to show your tits?

>>13263979 (PB)

Just working out some kinks in that hypersonic fighter jet. It's not as quiet as was hoped. On the other hand, no one has seen it yet … so there's that, at least.

>>13264191 (PB)

The law considered no evidence and has thus confirmed nothing.


She was formerly a spokescritter for the Dept. of State. While there she assisted in covering up for numerous upper level pedophiles.

This, of course, means that the kids involved will NEVER SEE JUSTICE.

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bda837  No.13264860

i member when the image bots tried

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f66b51  No.13264861

File: b89d3b35efa2ded⋯.png (510.9 KB, 615x768, 205:256, pepe_on_giant_flying_shark.png)

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90e84e  No.13264862


>Unbeknownst to Harvard University


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3cfb6b  No.13264863

File: d2679bf42c92c9e⋯.png (466.07 KB, 770x433, 770:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f34ce233819bbf⋯.jpg (125.95 KB, 723x1080, 241:360, redhead_stunning.jpg)





>She took a job as the Communications Director for Fox

YUP! Kinda makes you want to reanalyze these drops, doesn't it?


I'm firmly in the camp that DJT did what needed to be done to "control" people that needed to be controlled (like "The Don" type of management). Turning Fox inside out, and weeding out the last idiots would be something to witness, wouldn't it? What would a military controlled MSM psyop look like if it was necessary to wake the masses? If HH didn't go after Ryan, would their tone be different now?

HH is all around amazing, btw.


The DS played some really dirty games (1st SS attached). They were using their MIL controlled assets against patriot assets, and DJT and his closest allies "in the game" asked uniformed members to "keep the faith" (loyalty) and watch what would happen. A war that was fought over the very service members to save the republic (the recetn II MEF Info Group Twitter battle, for example). Some were compromised, many were not. Those that lost their lives under DJT were victims of the information warfare we were assured was (is) going on. Think of it another way (for the movie goers out there):

<DJT+patriot's represent Captain America weeding out DS from all facets of gov't/military

>DS = hydra using the assets in all these institutions against patriots/DJT to wrest control over the republic.

Still playing out; I think. Except they are all sitting in a trap right now. That's why those dumb fucks at the II MEF Info Group that tweeted out what they did totally exposed themselves as being DS controlled assets.

In regards to the other countries and the politics/drama (including recently with China and Blinken, for example):

There are patriots and DS embedded in every gov't. @POTUS' greeting in China (Forbidden City) was a very public admission by people in the Chinese gov't that they were embracing a movement to shake off the IC control over their own country. So right now, Those "Chinese Patriots" are helping the USA to expose the bad players (Blinken and the very well scripted Joe administration) in return for freeing their countries.

This is why Silicon Valley is such a big problem; they are in bed with China all the way. They have to be because all their plans are based on technologies that the C_I_A developed with other IC communities in order to bring about the global control they needed. Forget about shit like the guidestones. They were just going to give everyone the tech needed to separate individuals so they could prey on anyone/everyone as they needed while maintaining their wars in other places on the planet.

DJT and patriots put a stop (pause) to all that, so they are flailing to get their networks ginned back up.

re: Xi:

I think he's a CCP controlled puppet that told DJT he wants out, but there's a mutual understanding that he cannot deviate from the CCP plans while trying to do what he can to help save the people of "The place everyone knows as China". China is very complicated because I think the conditioning the communists did there took much more strongly due to cultural leanings.

Yep, anon. I think you just about got that part of it. Exciting, isn't it???

2nd SS = o7

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37ccbe  No.13264864

File: 6d87792a1fcde1b⋯.png (584.45 KB, 735x741, 245:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9102031327576f⋯.png (424.93 KB, 673x636, 673:636, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d90eec7c826dbd9⋯.png (577.52 KB, 664x609, 664:609, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d315d30bb895f7⋯.png (450.31 KB, 789x659, 789:659, ClipboardImage.png)


Biden's fall on Air Force One steps is his first meme as president .#.https://nypost.com/2021/03/19/bidens-fall-on-air-force-one-steps-already-a-popular-meme/?utm_source=twitter_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons qua


Biden’s fall on Air Force One steps is his first meme as president

If Biden falls and no one was there to meme it, did it ever even happen at all?


7:17 PM · Mar 20, 2021·


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3cfb6b  No.13264865

With all the CGI surrounding Biden, is it perhaps reasonable to ask for proof of life?

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c85d7c  No.13264866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6a0af3  No.13264867


stephen colbert from pedo island, creepy as fuck…. watched it 1 time only…

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48a624  No.13264868

File: 94ebd21f7c2b963⋯.jpg (17.34 KB, 405x270, 3:2, leiberspy.jpg)

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df6ac7  No.13264869


Well, all I can say is when the GOP sudden realize that their funding is drying up because no one will donate to a rigged election and the money they saved is going for guns…a light bulb should go off in their heads…ooops…we fucked up and didn't fight when we should and since we didn't fight…the people will have to and when we are done…don't count on any one of you mutha fuckers ever getting a job back in Congress…take that to the bank!!!

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3cfb6b  No.13264870

File: fae344d28b2ce0f⋯.png (17.2 KB, 682x147, 682:147, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 448819ecb5d0a60⋯.png (68.77 KB, 547x583, 547:583, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4be5706c17e83c5⋯.png (16.63 KB, 847x133, 121:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3df8e20b6018dd⋯.png (88.3 KB, 878x470, 439:235, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c7732f886a5c39⋯.png (10.85 KB, 852x116, 213:29, ClipboardImage.png)


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b016e9  No.13264871

File: 8de5a65a50666f9⋯.jpg (35.99 KB, 554x554, 1:1, tranny_wrestler_lol.jpg)


SO true. I injected 2 marijuanas 1 time and now look at me!

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a3ac55  No.13264872



i could really go for that sorta mental reset right about now.

been ages since i've had them. though my favorite part was waking up after that great sleep while coming down.

i remember waking up feeling like i was just born in to the world, everything was new and fresh, and that feeling lasted a few days.

i know i could/should grow and microdose my own, but damn i wish i knew someone local and reliable that already did the work.

thanks for good memories

now i'm hungry

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989c48  No.13264873

File: 30d59b76f732b13⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB, 540x540, 1:1, biden_knockout.mp4)

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1ea949  No.13264874


>7:17 PM · Mar 20, 2021·

Look at the timestamp!


March, 20 is23

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6a0af3  No.13264875


homage is the wronig word freek

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1d85b9  No.13264876

File: 6c672a308a105b1⋯.png (803.21 KB, 443x800, 443:800, ClipboardImage.png)

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3fe921  No.13264877

File: 68f481b85afa06c⋯.jpg (430.92 KB, 1200x759, 400:253, IMG_271.jpg)

File: 0ef0e9f10e07b7a⋯.jpg (228.61 KB, 736x883, 736:883, IMG_272.jpg)

File: f79fcf7be476d90⋯.jpg (110.79 KB, 480x586, 240:293, IMG_273.jpg)

File: 777217afe148892⋯.jpg (396.04 KB, 1039x1412, 1039:1412, IMG_274.jpg)

File: e1570e59be68d11⋯.jpg (441.75 KB, 1000x1496, 125:187, IMG_275.jpg)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

Dominus a dextris tuis confregit in die irae suae reges mundi

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493470  No.13264878


These should all be made into non fungible tokens

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83037f  No.13264879


she gots a long neck.

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620717  No.13264880

File: 619bf62d23a2a7c⋯.jpeg (113.64 KB, 1241x758, 1241:758, 18DBEC02_E5E7_42F7_AD31_F….jpeg)

File: 3a4b316b428b316⋯.jpeg (219.65 KB, 1241x1419, 1241:1419, 071EBFE8_FEFB_43C3_9EA0_3….jpeg)

File: 17d83b6d6868c23⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, B82EF906_9769_4BB9_B01C_44….png)

File: 766ab1f885bcdcd⋯.jpeg (102.36 KB, 1241x572, 1241:572, DA20EC72_606B_4E03_9F9E_6….jpeg)

Superman and Joe, video, kek


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b3ee91  No.13264881



Amen brother/sister anons!

There’s an effort by others to take down this board. The usual suspects. They seem very desperate! I wonder why? Not really, we know.

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8b9320  No.13264882

File: 702a36c892a77f3⋯.jpeg (216.7 KB, 828x502, 414:251, 073BA002_6545_4C1F_A87A_B….jpeg)

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47ab72  No.13264883


Now I am not able to red-text because you used most all of it allocated for this bread.

Selfish corksoaker.

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b016e9  No.13264884

File: 8ad6647e22e31d9⋯.jpg (91.37 KB, 960x960, 1:1, breast_removal_surgery_wom….jpg)

File: eadffcffbad61ab⋯.jpg (133.61 KB, 567x756, 3:4, my_new_pussy.jpg)


There are a LOT of amputees in "the club."

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67aa83  No.13264885


Watched him last night on "Smoke 'N Scan"?! I think it's the same "team" that was shown…he gave out donuts and yoohoos?

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fc531e  No.13264886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Death of a Republic

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13310c  No.13264887

File: a316e1147c46338⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB, 640x368, 40:23, While_he_needed_a_little_Q….mp4)


Posobiec has it all

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1d85b9  No.13264888

File: fe1b96cc946eac4⋯.png (277.29 KB, 627x656, 627:656, ClipboardImage.png)

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ba57d7  No.13264889

File: 496c38acba6c629⋯.jpeg (388.83 KB, 640x869, 640:869, 0C027FA1_9F1E_4E5B_9C28_6….jpeg)


It took you UK fags long enough

You fucks live in a nanny state where half the population are crybaby Karen’s snitching on each other


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3fe921  No.13264890

File: 2376ada35fb55c6⋯.png (827.69 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_500.png)

File: 01be231f608c51a⋯.png (706.66 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_501.png)

File: a24b44764725962⋯.png (720.8 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_502.png)

File: f6fd96c1bdf557c⋯.png (745.07 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_503.png)

File: 3c086868c24c9bb⋯.png (688.42 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_504.png)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

gladius eorum intret in corda ipsorum et arcus ipsorum confringatur

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13310c  No.13264891

File: cf7bd99af8475ca⋯.mp4 (2.9 MB, 640x800, 4:5, WWG1WGA.mp4)

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fd90d9  No.13264892

File: f4192dc85c01807⋯.png (63.4 KB, 255x194, 255:194, Pepe_TP_Vision.png)

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cd38e7  No.13264893

File: 14415a04c4c1fef⋯.png (336.59 KB, 604x484, 151:121, joemound1.png)

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989c48  No.13264894

File: 0ce34ae885a896d⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1200x627, 400:209, ClipboardImage.png)

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33fa22  No.13264895



God invented middle finger dor 2 reasons.

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ca9990  No.13264896

File: 8c624ff762e0da8⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 8c624ff762e0da8aefd9c579ff….jpg)

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b3ee91  No.13264897


Man the bot doesn’t like you, huh?

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13310c  No.13264898

File: 4699f8ead8d6578⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 512x512, 1:1, baitman.jpg)


>Unbeknownst to Harvard University

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ca9990  No.13264899

File: 0f90fc9d20e768f⋯.png (767.21 KB, 667x692, 667:692, 0f90fc9d20e768f07d3568049c….png)

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37ccbe  No.13264900


who do trannies date?

does a man>>>>woman date another man or woman?

does a woman to man date another woman or man?

and who would be interested. ? another trannie going the opposite direction or same direction?

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33fa22  No.13264901



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90e84e  No.13264902


Xi owns the GOP.

That's why they did what they did.

Wonder how many of them were visiting Chinese massage parlors in and around their state capitals…….

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3fe921  No.13264903

File: 1a81a87af4b3120⋯.png (532.01 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_510.png)

File: 5347455c0653992⋯.png (422.44 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_511.png)

File: 2b504f2c1d6a109⋯.png (556.68 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_512.png)

File: ddfb5ae7729c439⋯.png (715.91 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_513.png)

File: 946e0e9591bc562⋯.png (468.52 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_514.png)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

Super aspidem et basiliscum ambulabis et; conculcabis leonem et draconem

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b342af  No.13264904

File: 34d358da43931f7⋯.png (1.76 MB, 587x880, 587:880, Stacey_Abrahams_doctor_pep….png)

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4ba7a0  No.13264905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apu Apustaja does a little trolling with Autist Swim

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349060  No.13264906

Been watching a lot of Star Trek: TGN. I'm sooo fuckin' attracted to Klingon chicks.

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13310c  No.13264907

File: c7cf84bdcdd24cc⋯.mp4 (3.11 MB, 472x576, 59:72, TrumpPanFlute.mp4)


>feeling like i was just born in to the world, everything was new and fresh, and that feeling lasted a few days

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d2f1c1  No.13264908

>>13264452 OP

>>13264470 Dough



>>13264504 China virus lockdown protest, Basel, Germany (Cap 34 seconds)

>>13264520 China virus lockdown protest, South Africa, Cape Town (Cap 2:20 mins)

>>13264607, >>13264623, >>13264535, >>13264548, >>13264849, >>13264559, 1918: Travel time from US to London >15 days Boat travel only, Small capacity. Spanish flu peaked exactly the same week in Paris, Berlin, and New York. Can this really be explained by an exponentially growing chain of infection? Bio warfare?


Any Notetakers please?

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989c48  No.13264909


posobiec, bannon and raheem are all assets of christian zionism plus mossad, distractions, why has trump not used bannons platform if he has such a big reach.

more then you know?

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37ccbe  No.13264910

File: f5ced2b5623c52f⋯.png (468.4 KB, 1450x700, 29:14, ClipboardImage.png)


The son of an Atlanta-area shooting victim mourned his mom in a heartbreaking GoFundMe, saying she 'dedicated her whole life' to supporting her kids

Mia Jankowicz Mar 19, 2021, 8:12 AM

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3fe921  No.13264911

File: 41bec17e138f47e⋯.png (574.57 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_505.png)

File: df7f5f865afbe4c⋯.png (846.33 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_506.png)

File: 682d50a307b88cb⋯.png (834.96 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_507.png)

File: d96248c6fea8cc3⋯.png (661.84 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_508.png)

File: 4f225d0ee8c7349⋯.png (639.22 KB, 504x896, 9:16, Img_509.png)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

Dominus a dextris tuis confregit in die irae suae reges mundi

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326af7  No.13264912


Anon hates when people say full stop. It's so weak.

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a05570  No.13264913

File: fdd669f36f54d2a⋯.png (1011.4 KB, 828x762, 138:127, SULU_FAGGOT_MEME.png)

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3cfb6b  No.13264914

>>13263758 (PB)

When we wore those in HS, we called them "friendship bracelets" … and that was their FULL meaning. Maybe you should ask her what meaning SHE ascribes to them, eh?

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1eb8c2  No.13264915

Lads does anyone have the meme from earlier about the WWII badass?

I need it to fuck up a leftist.

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b016e9  No.13264916

File: f8d52e3790ff03a⋯.png (26.2 KB, 630x163, 630:163, lockdowns_seismic_activity….png)


An astute observer on Dutch's update….noticed. You didn't think the lockdowns were REALLY about the virus…did you?

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05d55b  No.13264917


"A statist system—whether of a communist, fascist, Nazi, socialist or “welfare” type—is based on the . . . government’s unlimited power, which means: on the rule of brute force. The differences among statist systems are only a matter of time and degree; the principle is the same. Under statism, the government is not a policeman, but a legalized criminal that holds the power to use physical force in any manner and for any purpose it pleases against legally disarmed, defenseless victims.

Nothing can ever justify so monstrously evil a theory. Nothing can justify the horror, the brutality, the plunder, the destruction, the starvation, the slave-labor camps, the torture chambers, the wholesale slaughter of statist dictatorships."

-Ayn Rand

absolutely fucking damn right!

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13310c  No.13264918

File: 707307cffb24a71⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, spymasters.jpeg)


>why has trump not used bannons platform if he has such a big reach

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df6ac7  No.13264919


Most Democrat/Liberals can't read red…which is why I use it ALL THE FUCKING TIME…

piss off shill.

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33fa22  No.13264920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8b9320  No.13264921

File: ca964ceb31c4bd7⋯.jpeg (147.99 KB, 828x615, 276:205, C603D92E_6E9B_46AF_8E18_D….jpeg)

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3cfb6b  No.13264922


Hey Red, thanks for taking the time to navigate your way through it and post your thoughts.

When this is all over, I'll have a beer for ya at the parade.

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1d85b9  No.13264923




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b3ee91  No.13264924


I’m with ya anon. It’s been 3 solid weeks of this shit. Don’t get me wrong, I love this place! Best source for news/info/events.

It all gets posted here first or second.

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3fe921  No.13264925

File: ad6d3bd14b50eb0⋯.jpg (552.39 KB, 1362x922, 681:461, IMG_284.jpg)

File: c8c6519867059ff⋯.jpg (146.76 KB, 500x748, 125:187, IMG_290.jpg)

File: ee3c6dcb74116e5⋯.jpg (352.93 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, IMG_291.jpg)

File: e0124f7716e105c⋯.jpg (610.96 KB, 960x1334, 480:667, IMG_292.jpg)

File: 5b2e83729037978⋯.jpg (729.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_293.jpg)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

gladius eorum intret in corda ipsorum et arcus ipsorum confringatur

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33fa22  No.13264926

23 is in here.

only God decides when.

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bda837  No.13264927



i should have known during my undergraduate years that anyone as consistently maligned as her should have been worth reading

thankfully i did later

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df6ac7  No.13264928


long time watcher of Damon…S&S…

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326af7  No.13264929


Jaws with wings! Yikes

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164de8  No.13264930

File: 95400fa02b81394⋯.png (393.94 KB, 474x711, 2:3, gretchen_milkies.png)

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b016e9  No.13264931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Livestream….beautiful earth shitting the bed is beautiful.

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f66b51  No.13264932

File: 152a60b88198555⋯.png (997.07 KB, 714x595, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Not mine but so good

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4ba7a0  No.13264933

File: 114d2220714f25e⋯.mp4 (6.23 MB, 640x800, 4:5, Vq544vWfDLCE16qV.mp4)

China virus lockdown protest - Dublin, Ireland


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c85d7c  No.13264934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5f3271  No.13264935


Seconded. These Big Government types have to become extinct.

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989c48  No.13264936


rudy is not part of them but knows a lot more then he is allowed to say. Good guy with skeletons?

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c0e0c9  No.13264937

File: 5c2b6caed902555⋯.png (764.71 KB, 742x529, 742:529, ClipboardImage.png)


This line makes me think - there are more good than bad.

Hunter ~ "I'm really proud to be an American."

mark 4:58


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2bf13a  No.13264938


She’s not in HS…

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384249  No.13264940

File: bbe945c36e1163c⋯.png (408.32 KB, 343x659, 343:659, ClipboardImage.png)

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3cfb6b  No.13264941


This makes me so sad.

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b342af  No.13264942

File: 34c2c2488a4cf2b⋯.jpg (11.82 KB, 236x236, 1:1, A_terracotta_plaque_from_G….jpg)

File: 68f4025ee1ed4ea⋯.jpg (8.81 KB, 247x204, 247:204, Beer_in_the_butt_The_Templ….jpg)


and dis when I had a frew brewz

beer grows da breastizez lika a womyn and make em homo

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d027c1  No.13264943

Wtf. Trying to post with Tor. No post and I am transferred to random?

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3cfb6b  No.13264944



Who doesn't want a woman that will fuck you back.

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03a142  No.13264945

File: 4a3ab2a8d642e70⋯.png (764.96 KB, 1001x1001, 1:1, Haitian_Bakin.png)


sir, that requires sweet or savory.

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13310c  No.13264946

what was up with Hydroxychloroquine

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1d85b9  No.13264947


all these lockdown protests and we aint had one in Florida


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c85d7c  No.13264948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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349060  No.13264949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>but my lord there IS no such force

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90e84e  No.13264950


Joseph's ladder……

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b342af  No.13264951

File: 6b624d937f8c1aa⋯.jpg (40.46 KB, 438x578, 219:289, suicide_watch.jpg)



It will be dead within two years.

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86c956  No.13264952

File: 471612144b7c4e1⋯.jpg (246.17 KB, 1495x1495, 1:1, Beautiful.jpg)


Jesus! You got off lucky! I had 3 marijuana and found myself the butt-end of tranpa jokes.

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581fc2  No.13264953


Rand Paul Grills Fauci, Fails to Ask Critical Questions


Fauci and Klausner ran a vaccine program together at the National Cancer Institute, and were jointly awarded the “Cancer Leadership Award” from the Friends of Cancer Research in 2018.

Mixing government and individual corruption yet again, Fauci is the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a branch of the National Institutes of Health, which is in turn a branch of the US Department of Health and Human Services. The NIAID received seven (7) “grants” from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2019 alone. These totaled nearly $10 million.

Researching this funding, you ultimately come to the conclusion that the entire vaccine and in fact the entire infectious disease sector of the entire global medical industrial complex is effectively controlled by Bill Gates. Understanding that fact makes it a whole lot easier to understand how exactly this could all be hoaxed.

Imperial College London, the group that initially claimed that the coronavirus existed and was a major threat to the world, is also among the biggest receivers of Gates’ money.

Alongside that, he effectively built the vaccine company Moderna, providing them with $20 million in startup capital when they were first getting started.

Fauci Is Tight with Bill Gates

“He’s very good about not overpromising,” Gates said of Fauci in 2018 as Gates worked on a universal flu vaccine. NIAID Council minutes from 2019 show Fauci’s agency identifying a Gates Foundation workshop as being of interest. Gates met with Fauci in 2017 “to discuss research opportunities in global health.” In 2010, Fauci was named to the Leadership Council of the “Decade of Vaccines” Collaboration, which the World Health Organization, Fauci’s agency NIAID, UNICEF, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation convened.

Fauci delivered a keynote opening address on “The Challenge of Pandemic Preparedness” in Washington, D.C. at the October 2, 2017 Grand Challenges meeting, which is a project of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Fauci hung out with Gates in 2018 at an NIH workshop:

Gates Admitted That He Stopped President Trump’s Planned Vaccine Safety Commission With Robert Kennedy Jr. in the Early Days of the Trump Administration

In October 2019, Fauci Announced A Partnership Between the Gates Foundation and Fauci’s Agency, In Which The Gates Foundation Pledged To Spend $100 Million


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72397d  No.13264954


we ain't locked down

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347297  No.13264955

File: 35ce8cc8b9653b2⋯.png (111.8 KB, 500x338, 250:169, confused_pepe.png)


eewww…… what is that, bacalao?

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3cfb6b  No.13264956

>>13263852 (PB)

No habla Ingles, asshole.

In our nation's capital and can't find ANYONE who speaks English to take that abomination down?

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47ab72  No.13264957

File: cdf0c3b7380bc59⋯.jpeg (56.32 KB, 600x403, 600:403, C5F87C98_D5AF_4628_9C47_7….jpeg)

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cd38e7  No.13264958

File: 5eb8e213bc84818⋯.jpg (152.6 KB, 702x364, 27:14, sharkweek.jpg)

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ca9990  No.13264959

File: 2c5941118e4b87c⋯.jpeg (102.64 KB, 720x705, 48:47, 2c5941118e4b87cc2ec838f68….jpeg)

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326af7  No.13264960

File: 544781a01ef8800⋯.jpg (334.41 KB, 719x1320, 719:1320, Screenshot_20210320_193830….jpg)

Texas Roadhouse CEO died by suicide amid ‘unbearable’ post-COVID symptoms, family says

The family of Texas Roadhouse CEO Kent Taylor says he died by suicide while experiencing “unbearable” symptoms related to COVID-19.

Texas Roadhouse announced the death of Taylor, who founded the Kentucky-based restaurant chain in 1993, on Thursday.

In a joint statement provided to McClatchy News, Texas Roadhouse and Taylor’s family said he killed himself after experiencing ongoing symptoms, including “severe tinnitus,” after he was infected with COVID-19.


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90e84e  No.13264961


Wonder when the one at Vatican City will take place….

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b016e9  No.13264962

File: 7126ca9247f3bd2⋯.png (2.29 MB, 944x8364, 236:2091, 4chan_red_string_bracelet_….png)


SRSLY? (checks wrist….makes sure the one I put on at a Hindu wedding is gone now so I don't get associated with…)

Once you understand Kikes are an IDENTITY thieving bullshit plagiarizing LARP…literally. Then maybe you will start to see the bigger picture.

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7a35c3  No.13264963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donny Boy is a Huge Fan of Ole' Manly P. Hall…

Hint: It's where he got "Drain the Swamp" (of Corruption), from…. Also why he always played the rolling Stones Song, You Can't Always Get What You Want, which the theme comes from ancient teachings of none other than P-y-tha-gor-as.



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56a053  No.13264964


The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)



Can we get this back in the globals please.

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3cfb6b  No.13264965


They are both on Telegram posting.

Twitter may have nabbed them for a few days.

Business as usual.

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90a661  No.13264966

sirs where are notes i thank you. You take excellent notes.=

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8aae96  No.13264967


I fucking hate you. I seriously fucking hate you.

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bda837  No.13264968


yeah, i actually thought it was kinda funny

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90e84e  No.13264969


It was censored…..

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3cfb6b  No.13264970

File: 01202b41ff6a28b⋯.png (651.09 KB, 500x750, 2:3, EwsmgdhVoAEeWs3.png)


Have one right now! Bourbon, here, presently. I firmly believe we're among the anons joining the crowd near the front. Good company to be in, anon. It's always good to make connections in a positive way, and that's the best way to do it.

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2f7d39  No.13264971


a lot of people are wound up pretty tight all over america

when this thing breaks

it's going to be biblical all right

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3cfb6b  No.13264972


Early on I thought Xi was a patriot too, set up the meeting with Kim in the Forbidden city. But not any more…I think Xi is going to regret making himself leader for life…limited options on how to replace him.

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164de8  No.13264973

File: 9bd5e6534c2d366⋯.jpg (40.57 KB, 550x407, 50:37, remora_host_zebra_shark_ar….jpg)


I smell blood. What's going on here?

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94d530  No.13264974

File: 8d4c396a1ab4bfd⋯.png (630.58 KB, 679x769, 679:769, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 575d66106d04011⋯.jpg (59.87 KB, 564x447, 188:149, MalcolmX.jpg)

“The increased power of the press is so dangerous today because we are very close to one-party control of these institutions,” the judge declared. “Although the bias against the Republican Party—not just controversial individuals—is rather shocking today, this is not new; it is a long-term, secular trend going back at least to the ’70s….One-party control of the press and media is a threat to a viable democracy.”


Malcolm was telling..

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90e84e  No.13264975


Preparing for the Year of the Tiger,


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8386ce  No.13264976


No doubt about that anon. The most incredible geometric shape in the universe!!! A woman.

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8b9320  No.13264977

File: 82ed7088cbf2261⋯.jpeg (188.68 KB, 828x901, 828:901, C8BA0259_9DCA_43F2_ACF3_2….jpeg)

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83d778  No.13264978


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349060  No.13264979


When I go to heaven, I'll be surrounded by redheads and klingon chicks.

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e8658a  No.13264980

File: 52b452785dd423e⋯.png (109.76 KB, 344x175, 344:175, ClipboardImage.png)

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85a367  No.13264981



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83d778  No.13264982

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05d55b  No.13264983

File: a48acd4b0301dc4⋯.png (1.39 MB, 938x1246, 67:89, Screen_Shot_2020_11_01_at_….png)


and here's the sick 'criminally insane' fuck, among a few others, behind it all!

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3cfb6b  No.13264984

File: ad38e721569f013⋯.gif (392.36 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Stalin.gif)


Exactly, anon. God is life. Who doesn't want more life?

Gif very much related.

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87e87c  No.13264985

File: cb9675300b56433⋯.gif (828.41 KB, 360x202, 180:101, DkngInt.gif)

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e9d712  No.13264986

File: e8a4c3ba5a81f71⋯.png (1.96 KB, 241x209, 241:209, COOL.png)

File: 73ec85ce682ab6f⋯.jpg (7.16 KB, 233x216, 233:216, AWESOME.jpg)

This is like a fucking ebola apoplectica rectal supply douche thermostat sweating bullets five fucking sweaters with phonograph autographs autophagy.

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33fa22  No.13264987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

pame mfers.

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83d778  No.13264988





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8779ce  No.13264989


Imma gonna hafta call bullshit.

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1d85b9  No.13264990

File: 0ce7cb42c6026d5⋯.png (289.63 KB, 694x425, 694:425, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d701b  No.13264991


It is cheap, it works and there's no need for lockdowns or vaccines, so they got rid of it of course, can't have that it makes too much sense.

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620717  No.13264992


Very enlightening and balancing explanation. Thx anons

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83d778  No.13264993





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83d778  No.13264994

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83d778  No.13264995


secret oh

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c85d7c  No.13264996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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83d778  No.13264997

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4ba7a0  No.13264998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apu Band

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3cfb6b  No.13264999


And neither are you. Rather than make an accusation based on appearance, do the research. More than that, does she strike you as someone who is deeply immersed in the Qabalah? She's a "barely Jew" … just Jewish enough to stay married.

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8b9320  No.13265000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Carbs, nothing sounds better


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b016e9  No.13265001

File: f927913c9d33fac⋯.png (338.91 KB, 316x609, 316:609, she_strong.png)


Digits confirm…if you, as a man, refuse to date a man LARPing as a woman, you're transphobic, not gay. JAYSUS WTF did these men think was going to happen?

Surgery can't change what you are. As that Japanese man found out when he married a drop dead gorgeous woman but was stunned when his kids were born ugly trolls…it was that moment he discovered how much plastic surgery his troll wife had to make herself LOOK beautiful.

I'm planning on offering a laser bone engraving service for trannies…whereas they can pay me massive bucks to engrave "i'm a woman" or "I'm a man" on their bones so in 1k years when some archaeologist digs them up they won't be misgendered by science.


At least he didn't amputate his dick. Just part of his brain.

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125a02  No.13265002



Inbreding also causes degradation of the brain and a loss of a moral compass. After a few generations, they become moral degenerates, like Hunter, et al.

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ca9990  No.13265003

File: 9a02d15c9c87c15⋯.png (368.29 KB, 612x346, 306:173, 9a02d15c9c87c15fbfd0fb2b3e….png)


Ok thanks. That would most likely explain it.

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3cfb6b  No.13265004


How do you know for a fact that I was the one that responded to the Klingon comment?

I was, BTW

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326af7  No.13265005

File: 0352efbbce7a02a⋯.jpg (285.44 KB, 719x1286, 719:1286, Screenshot_20210320_194201….jpg)

How the U.S. Military Turned a Explosive-Laden B-17 Into a Suicide Bomber

This is how the Allies figured out how to guide a suicide plane with radio control and set it on its deadly course.


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b3ee91  No.13265006



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e8658a  No.13265007

File: bf41aeba158225e⋯.png (85.93 KB, 192x284, 48:71, ClipboardImage.png)

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a77074  No.13265008

File: 8de8f5851254ce9⋯.webm (1.87 MB, 460x460, 1:1, 8de8f5851254ce9cd2a24da2e….webm)

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1d85b9  No.13265009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





hey !

We all know the song

now you gotta go

oh oh oh

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94d530  No.13265010


You all forget..Or DontSee.. We are Fighting an Enemy of Humanity…an enemy that divided a world…mixed up languages…taught we are born sinners/sick…that We hate the planet…that We destroy it….

they taught us their ways..asabovesobelow


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125a02  No.13265011


Get lost boomer.

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6658a4  No.13265012

File: 48038cab0b6de34⋯.png (227.41 KB, 567x416, 567:416, chinese_2.png)

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8aae96  No.13265013


That fuck gets on my nerves. Has for a long time. Whoever the cunt is needs to meet me in an ally. I’ll bring the beer.

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47ab72  No.13265014

File: 3f85c39e99e6f24⋯.jpeg (58.88 KB, 672x372, 56:31, 48569E23_BF10_4720_B054_C….jpeg)


Ducking capsized.

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b3ee91  No.13265015


Bin- laden?

Word association trick

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d2f1c1  No.13265016

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

>>13264452 OP

>>13264470 Dough



>>13264635 ADONA17 Peace to you, winged warrior. You are recognized and lifted up.


>>13264504 China virus lockdown protest, Basel, Germany (Cap 34 seconds)

>>13264520 China virus lockdown protest, South Africa, Cape Town (Cap 2:20 mins)

>>13264607, >>13264623, >>13264535, >>13264548, >>13264849, >>13264559, 1918: Travel time from US to London >15 days Boat travel only, Small capacity. Spanish flu peaked exactly the same week in Paris, Berlin, and New York. Can this really be explained by an exponentially growing chain of infection? Bio warfare?

>>13264537 The Rothchild explanation of their insatiable greed and cruelty

>>13264556 Operation Warp Speed (OWS) will accelerate the testing, supply, development, and distribution of safe and effective vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics to counter COVID-19 by January 2021

>>13264563 Instagram deletes post of President Biden falling up the stairs under its “violence and incitement” policy

>>13264565 Breaking911 and DiscloseTV have not tweeted in about 24 hours. Seems unusual.

>>13264574 Brad Raffensperger, who repeatedly refused to examine reports of voter fraud, failed to secure a nomination to be a GOP delegate in his own precinct.

>>13264595 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber) "Do you remember when…" How to Prepare for the Summer’s Cicada Takeover https://vice.com/en/article/y3g8ey/how-to-survive-our-wet-hot-cicada-summer via

>>13264606 Get ready for Brood X: The once-every-17-years cicada swarm is coming

>>13264609 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)

>>13264614 Ex-Trump aide tweets 'executive orders' after Google lists him as president

>>13264616 Media company sued for profiting from child pornography

>>13264622 Trump Official Richard Grenell Weighs in After Wikipedia Briefly Names Him US President

>>13264625 China virus lockdown protest, Val David, Quebec, Canada (Cap 2:20)


Any Notetakers please?

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fd90d9  No.13265017


Best one. kek

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be07c7  No.13265018

File: ef6471d75188452⋯.png (93.53 KB, 236x259, 236:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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f66b51  No.13265019



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86c956  No.13265020

File: 8c4e29e1dc2160f⋯.png (816.87 KB, 980x625, 196:125, 1615285305535.png)


>whereas they can pay me massive bucks to engrave "i'm a woman" or "I'm a man" on their bones so in 1k years when some archaeologist digs them up they won't be misgendered by science.


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3cfb6b  No.13265021

File: 5613126d5ec2b43⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 296x296, 1:1, Putin_MBS_High_Five.gif)


>I think Xi is going to regret making himself leader for life…limited options on how to replace him.

Putin did the same thing, and he's definitelyTEAM WIN

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8386ce  No.13265022


Might be pretty accurate!! kek

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e8658a  No.13265023

File: 96f6f10140e44a5⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 76ac149563e111c05489e9456e….jpg)


i get it……i'll bring the pipe (lead, that is)

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125a02  No.13265024

Bill Gates is a Drone for the Archons.

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1d85b9  No.13265025

File: 56a0bdedcb42fd4⋯.png (264.05 KB, 367x342, 367:342, ClipboardImage.png)


dont cry Bieber

you be lovin black cock before you know it

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94d530  No.13265026

File: 4425721726db0ce⋯.png (278.96 KB, 1832x895, 1832:895, ClipboardImage.png)

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b016e9  No.13265027

File: 63c9342a87475e2⋯.jpg (480.12 KB, 1539x852, 513:284, weimar_republic_degenerate….jpg)

File: c0b6698dcc1c7d4⋯.png (173.4 KB, 777x338, 777:338, 4chan_first_tranny_surger_….png)

File: f68ef634d1ef20f⋯.jpg (51.48 KB, 540x493, 540:493, degenerate_weimar_germany_….jpg)

File: 96765804e61f8be⋯.jpg (270.04 KB, 782x1073, 782:1073, dgenerate_weimar_germany.jpg)

File: 4c63806bdefda53⋯.png (515.03 KB, 690x900, 23:30, degenerate_weimar_germany.png)


>This makes me so sad.

Jews do this where ever they go….notice a major percentage of very public gays and tranny are Jews. This is ONE reason Hilter was so eager to sign the Transfer Agreement…get rid of them once and for all. Sadly for Hitler he didn't realize it was a fucking trap.

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989c48  No.13265028


aaah gowd, just wat you need a skanky woman on here period, kek !!

imagine the smell ?

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384249  No.13265029

File: 5c1b277e479799e⋯.png (934.97 KB, 1032x697, 1032:697, ClipboardImage.png)

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326af7  No.13265030


Whatever flips your skirt

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bda837  No.13265031

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47ab72  No.13265032


Sounds super secret.

Who’s in that club?

Is there a list of names anywhere?

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f66b51  No.13265033

File: 4e71d1a5ebb0e99⋯.png (349.2 KB, 660x400, 33:20, obama_and_easter_bunny_bla….png)

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164de8  No.13265034

File: 31e51b077bffb2e⋯.jpg (25.68 KB, 645x773, 645:773, wojak_fumes.jpg)

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125a02  No.13265035


Suck that light bulb, bitch.

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3cfb6b  No.13265036


That's true…I am a Putin fan.

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8aae96  No.13265037

File: 5b862b649f04ac0⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1018x720, 509:360, 15B70E7C_116A_4DB4_BBF8_48….png)


Fucking cunt.

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37ccbe  No.13265038


>As that Japanese man found out when he married a drop dead gorgeous woman but was stunned when his kids were born ugly trolls…it was that moment he discovered how much plastic surgery his troll wife had to make herself LOOK beautiful.


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37ccbe  No.13265039




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ac5c15  No.13265040

File: 4544a33b5163175⋯.jpg (61.78 KB, 987x512, 987:512, l_out_1.JPG)


STAR BENCHED LeBron James ‘out of NBA indefinitely’ after Laker sprained ankle and SHOUTED in pain


Laura Gesualdi-Gilmore

Mar 20 2021, 20:22 ETUpdated: Mar 20 2021, 20:42 ET

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3cfb6b  No.13265041

File: 330d177e5ff6376⋯.jpg (754.73 KB, 1512x2211, 504:737, 1611046877387.jpg)


The most difficult psyop to see through. We'll get there.

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b016e9  No.13265042

File: a2b7e5d59f562c0⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1060x2805, 212:561, franklin_graham_take_the_v….png)


Joining Trump in shilling "take the vaccine" is Franklin Graham….KEK is this how we finally rid ourselves of the religitards?

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e8658a  No.13265043

File: 2a2c812a7f2b1db⋯.jpg (12.69 KB, 206x255, 206:255, 8593c58191d100f8134e16f5c4….jpg)


it is as if communism was created by the homosexuals, etc to get some kind of control of society so they could put everyone on the slippery slope to pedophilia being a "lifestyle" instead of a crime…and everyone always thought was about equality (snicker, snicker) and/or money…..it is only about power

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3cfb6b  No.13265044


Do you see flaws in what's posted? It's where my thoughts are now…but I try to stay fluid.

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5d701b  No.13265045


Is it me or does it seem like Karma is catching up lately?

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e8658a  No.13265046

File: 7a4ad3e9aaa1939⋯.png (962.09 KB, 684x461, 684:461, 7a4ad3e9aaa19391421adef14b….png)


right back atchuh

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4ba7a0  No.13265047

File: b6eab946c2f07c9⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 5vg1QQrQ5G5KJR70.mp4)

China virus lockdown protest, Calgary, Canada


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d4457e  No.13265048

File: 769c121b152342f⋯.jpg (80.15 KB, 700x683, 700:683, EUTH3_lWsAAFGb7.jpg)

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90e84e  No.13265049



Orpah (Oprah)!

Did you guys traffic Natalee Holloway to João Teixeira de Faria?

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86c956  No.13265050

File: f96e44c5f213363⋯.png (197.18 KB, 440x440, 1:1, 1614791046615.png)



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3cfb6b  No.13265051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rare Cosmological Event | Advanced Catastrophism

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1d85b9  No.13265052

File: f942675e2c5555e⋯.png (268.09 KB, 888x440, 111:55, ClipboardImage.png)



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3cfb6b  No.13265053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For good reason.

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ac5c15  No.13265054

File: 4288f25d248fe26⋯.jpg (52.34 KB, 1252x464, 313:116, james.JPG)

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b42dc7  No.13265055

File: ca609871e5efda3⋯.gif (859.07 KB, 220x125, 44:25, Pillow.gif)


Everytime I hear mask debate it sounds like masturbate and I can't shake it…kek

Srsly, listen to this clip and tell me you don't hear masturbate.

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05d55b  No.13265056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


both these video's are worth watching.

make NO mistake NWO goal, is total and thorough slavery, total tyranny, total subjugation economically and society.


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94d530  No.13265057

File: bbf3e80caab8f39⋯.jpg (7.2 KB, 196x254, 98:127, youblewit.jpg)

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d4a4a8  No.13265058


A Israeli Confederation of Brazil (Conib) accuses the national president of the PTB(center-left party), Robert Jefferson, of racism and prepares a crime news for publishing a message, according to the organization, “openly anti-Semitic”. In the post made on his social networks this Friday, 19, the politician shared the image of Baal, the main god of the Canaanite pantheon, holding a child, with the caption: “Baal, Satanic deity, Canaanites and Jews sacrificed children for receive your sympathy. Today, history repeats itself. ” Conib asked Instagram to remove the post and punish the profile. In addition, the organization stated that the position of the senator evokes “one of the most vile ways of attacking Jews, infanticide. ”

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ed3196  No.13265059

File: 79147447ad12f0d⋯.png (1.03 MB, 596x893, 596:893, tyb_juicy_redhead_for_ya.PNG)


tanks banks! wwg1wga

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b016e9  No.13265060

File: 36502666296d770⋯.png (825.71 KB, 898x1943, 898:1943, plastic_surgery_ugly_wife_….png)


This is trufax bro. He sued his wife for lying about her appearance. She was literally a troll looking woman and had massive plastic surgery…caught herself a rich husband and they had a kid…that was horrifically ugly…sorry I fucked up tho, it was a chink…I learned from Serpentza on his Jack ma video that Chinks highly value good looks..pic related sauce…good god she was ugly.

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b342af  No.13265061

File: 48316f830c613ae⋯.png (1.61 MB, 567x381, 189:127, I_LOVED_LA.png)


ummmm guise….


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fd90d9  No.13265062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Huntington Beach, California

Freedom Protest LIVE In California!

10,106 views•Streamed live 3 hours ago

An0maly - News Analysis & Hip-hop


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1d85b9  No.13265063


> masturbate and I can't shake it

i see what you did there

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e8658a  No.13265064


and it only took that long for him to sew himself up because he kept dropping the needle with them damned big gloves on

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85a367  No.13265065


High-level government employees. Mostly agency heads. Most of the people you see in that picture of the sour faces are Senior Executive Service. Many of the top level government positions can only be filled by SES members. It was created by Jimmy Carter in the 70s.

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2bf13a  No.13265066


You’re the one who childishly presented your HS experience as a basis for truth in the real world. I’m very familiar with the subject, thank you. IT is fraught with contradictions — don’t be such a fool…

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90e84e  No.13265067


What a shame………

Will he still be able to kneel on the sidelines?

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8779ce  No.13265068

File: 908f046673ff2a6⋯.jpeg (34.13 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 970520FC_6089_4C7C_81B0_5….jpeg)



Not meant for you, anon. Hope I’m not misunderstanding your post.

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ac5c15  No.13265069

File: a0e03da6152784e⋯.jpg (77.43 KB, 765x604, 765:604, know_better.JPG)


Does the Media Really Know the Atlanta Shooter's Motive Better Than He Does?

By Tyler O'Neil Mar 20, 2021 8:33 PM ET

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ed3196  No.13265070

File: 4cdaba9f04264b3⋯.png (1.26 MB, 728x887, 728:887, tyb_belt.PNG)


Thank you, Baker!

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2f7d39  No.13265071


past bread it was said that you cant get an experimental waiver on your vaccine if there is already a treatment / cure available that is tested safe

hydroxychloroquin was out of patent, generic and cheap

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8aae96  No.13265072


Yeah, how so?

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d4457e  No.13265073

File: c14efe927a4ebf7⋯.png (307.23 KB, 535x598, 535:598, Screenshot_2021_03_20_Sput….png)

Launch of Russia’s Soyuz with two Galileo satellites postponed until November - sources


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ed3196  No.13265074


You people are fucking sick.

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a77074  No.13265075

File: 30439bc287a2a0a⋯.mp4 (5.72 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 30439bc287a2a0a7483d8d29e6….mp4)

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c85d7c  No.13265076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9f41b4  No.13265077

File: 98044c73a61a695⋯.png (2.01 MB, 1125x989, 1125:989, 9D79A54E_45EE_4AA4_8844_6A….png)


that’s a shame…

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3cfb6b  No.13265078


>It's where my thoughts are now…but I try to stay fluid

That's the most difficult part. I imagine there are many that watch the whole board (not just this site) and place bets on who's getting it and who's not.

I know I would.

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d2f1c1  No.13265079

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

>>13264452 OP

>>13264470 Dough



>>13264635 ADONA17 Peace to you, winged warrior. You are recognized and lifted up.


>>13264504 China virus lockdown protest, Basel, Switzerland (Cap 34 seconds)

>>13264520 China virus lockdown protest, South Africa, Cape Town (Cap 2:20 mins)

>>13264607, >>13264623, >>13264535, >>13264548, >>13264849, >>13264559, 1918: Travel time from US to London >15 days Boat travel only, Small capacity. Spanish flu peaked exactly the same week in Paris, Berlin, and New York. Can this really be explained by an exponentially growing chain of infection? Bio warfare?

>>13264537 The Rothchild explanation of their insatiable greed and cruelty

>>13264556 Operation Warp Speed (OWS) will accelerate the testing, supply, development, and distribution of safe and effective vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics to counter COVID-19 by January 2021

>>13264563 Instagram deletes post of President Biden falling up the stairs under its “violence and incitement” policy

>>13264565 Breaking911 and DiscloseTV have not tweeted in about 24 hours. Seems unusual.

>>13264574 Brad Raffensperger, who repeatedly refused to examine reports of voter fraud, failed to secure a nomination to be a GOP delegate in his own precinct.

>>13264595 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber) "Do you remember when…" How to Prepare for the Summer’s Cicada Takeover https://vice.com/en/article/y3g8ey/how-to-survive-our-wet-hot-cicada-summer via

>>13264606 Get ready for Brood X: The once-every-17-years cicada swarm is coming

>>13264609 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)

>>13264614 Ex-Trump aide tweets 'executive orders' after Google lists him as president

>>13264616 Media company sued for profiting from child pornography

>>13264622 Trump Official Richard Grenell Weighs in After Wikipedia Briefly Names Him US President

>>13264625 China virus lockdown protest, Val David, Quebec, Canada (Cap 2:20)

>>13264647, >>13264660, >>13264666, >>13264682, >>13264863, Anon tactical analysis

>>13264688 Once Govt is Formed, Macron to Call Intl Funders for Meeting on Lebanon

>>13264692 It’s pretty bad when you have US Senators outright correcting the old fool and his social media team that creates this garbage. Cruz is funny

>>13264695 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

>>13264714 24 More Charged in North Carolina Voter-Fraud Probe including Nearly 20 Illegal Aliens Who Voted in National Election

>>13264803 Meme for keks


Check em, are there any post that removing or adding?

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75df9d  No.13265080

File: 1ed9b7bfc166be0⋯.jpg (25.18 KB, 619x462, 619:462, demartini.jpg)


What comes around goes around.

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e8658a  No.13265081

File: c1ff156fb3e80fc⋯.jpeg (11.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fb79b8e2963a7621de6a62dbc….jpeg)


looks like LePawn has made it to the eighth rank and is now Queen James.

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86c956  No.13265082


I can't wait for the Chicago weather to get nice on the weekends.

89 shootings in Wakanda within a 48 hour time period.

12 Wakandians were Thanos'd.

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c85d7c  No.13265083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b016e9  No.13265084

File: 6d87aaa9a0fced6⋯.png (376.71 KB, 1740x680, 87:34, 4chan_the_sauce_3_5.png)

File: fc1bb9251416335⋯.png (290.05 KB, 1824x736, 57:23, 4chan_the_sauce_4.png)

File: 837542ac6f5d706⋯.png (194.35 KB, 1786x387, 1786:387, 4chan_the_sauce_3.png)

File: 35b71ec17fb338f⋯.png (728.56 KB, 1713x1557, 571:519, 4chan_the_sauce_2.png)

File: 7a5116a99dacee0⋯.png (707.38 KB, 1758x1233, 586:411, 4chan_the_sauce_1.png)


>.it is only about power

MONEY and power…but why do they need it? Because what they're after takes millions upon millions to get hold of. BILLIONS….pics related based on a "looksee" I did re Q's

watch the water

History, and my wanting to know WHY…WHY…why are things like this? WHY is our history being hidden/stolen from us? WHO are these fucking space nigger parasitic Jeweffa? really….and WTF do they want…WHY…we get so caught up in the form and function we never ask WHY. I finally got around to looking at that and was blown the fuck away.

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1d85b9  No.13265085

File: 5696933f1528eb5⋯.png (817.71 KB, 713x1013, 713:1013, ClipboardImage.png)

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94d530  No.13265086

File: 4e8ce052b61b3ad⋯.jpg (113.41 KB, 1305x803, 1305:803, frens.jpg)


Total Confidence

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6658a4  No.13265087

File: d68d0031df92c42⋯.jpg (415.25 KB, 1088x725, 1088:725, nixon.jpg)

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ac5c15  No.13265088

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ac1590  No.13265089

File: a569fcbfd004b8e⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 680x1020, 2:3, klingon.jpg)

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b342af  No.13265090


That's beer…..invented for the gheys


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90e84e  No.13265091



The civilian "generals" and "admirals".

Parasitical bloodsuckers.

They'll drain you until the last drop.

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b42dc7  No.13265092

File: c4a5b2aceaabd35⋯.png (69.12 KB, 280x210, 4:3, eye_bleach.png)


If so, you're gonna need this..

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2bf13a  No.13265093

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4ba7a0  No.13265094

File: 16bb61bf1429faa⋯.png (348.08 KB, 800x765, 160:153, 16bb61bf1429faac429ec5cd4e….png)


Ahhhh see it, am i to late now?

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8aae96  No.13265095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c85d7c  No.13265096

File: 5041d9c9855a9c0⋯.png (330.79 KB, 970x1799, 970:1799, Screenshot_20210320_200248….png)

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384249  No.13265097

File: 5a82692ba9396f3⋯.png (997.83 KB, 1230x717, 410:239, ClipboardImage.png)


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94d530  No.13265098

File: aaa002ee73ab550⋯.jpeg (64.84 KB, 720x720, 1:1, DevilJesus.jpeg)


oh never mind

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b016e9  No.13265099

File: 385c89a198ddb3b⋯.png (885.67 KB, 1786x1143, 1786:1143, 4chan_the_sauce_5_1.png)

File: 12775131f9060df⋯.png (547.95 KB, 1794x1015, 1794:1015, 4chan_the_sauce_3_9.png)

File: 6e535ee867ec2d1⋯.png (199.35 KB, 1785x369, 595:123, 4chan_the_sauce_5.png)

File: a22ee3dbc58ecb5⋯.png (727.41 KB, 1715x1154, 1715:1154, 4chan_the_sauce_4_5.png)


WHY is mind blowing.


Watch the water

Pedo island pedo island pedo island…PEDO PEDO PEDO….and that's all you see. Forget the pedo…Island. WHY? The "jaffa" haven't a clue WHY. They hear and obey, they feed the money whatever they need to gain access to the money. They'll send in their "servants" to marry the money they don't already own.

WHO are "the 'people' in the dark shadows, people you've never heard of"..what is it that they seek?


Maria? (clever move….VERY clever move)

Haiti? (oops that earthquake tho…"unintended?" consequences")

24°42′20″N 77°46′9″W

Putting them in GITMO….the irony. SO close and yet….

I posted another clue…Markle brought up the "Little mermaid" under the sea….WHY?

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90e84e  No.13265100


They were apprised of it at 4 am on the morning before it happened.

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86c956  No.13265101

File: a41874fac8f13c8⋯.jpg (92.47 KB, 720x777, 240:259, 1615650255271.jpg)


>Ahhhh see it, am i to late now?



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ac5c15  No.13265102

File: 26890aae6d415fb⋯.jpg (68.43 KB, 430x675, 86:135, mi_fl.JPG)


'We've Seen Enough…Please Don't Come Here': Miami Beach Mayor Imposes 8 PM Curfew, Closes Bridges To Control Spring Break Crowds

By Sarah RumpfMar 20th

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be07c7  No.13265103

File: 8bb930eff46615f⋯.png (938.17 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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1d85b9  No.13265104

File: 27b5cb207d1f4fd⋯.png (947.66 KB, 720x493, 720:493, ClipboardImage.png)


good one

i kekked myself

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d4457e  No.13265105

File: a0f87a0799c4c3f⋯.png (176.39 KB, 500x733, 500:733, sikhs.png)

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e8658a  No.13265106

File: abc07b17f52f5f3⋯.jpg (28.61 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4c5feaad2f5076465d7160c369….jpg)


hey rasta bud man, i'm severely retarded …undiagnosed….did not catch any vibe other than showing muh similar nightshift item…filling another one up

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be07c7  No.13265107

File: 707bdc99ba67583⋯.png (539.15 KB, 685x510, 137:102, ClipboardImage.png)



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47ab72  No.13265108


List. Of. Names.

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ac1590  No.13265109

Watching ncaa wrestling championships. 90% of the winners start the interview with a version of …. I give all glory to god….. Must drive the administration nuts. Keke.

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8386ce  No.13265110


Every state should tell the federal government to go fuck themselves and nullify with malice, HR1. The federal government has no say in election law. The states and their legislatures are the sole bodies that decide how elections take place,. Voter ID, early voting, residency requirments, etc……Not the fed gubnet. And being that there is long standing precedence for state nullification ie…………sanctuary cities and states have set this precedence.

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1d85b9  No.13265111


who still got a pepe sikh laying around?

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be07c7  No.13265112

File: 747bd0766e804d8⋯.png (749.31 KB, 720x900, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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bda837  No.13265113


they're actors and its called targeted demographic marketing

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d2f1c1  No.13265114

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

>>13264452 OP

>>13264470 Dough



>>13264635 ADONA17 Peace to you, winged warrior. You are recognized and lifted up.


>>13264504 China virus lockdown protest, Basel, Switzerland (Cap 34 seconds)

>>13264520 China virus lockdown protest, South Africa, Cape Town (Cap 2:20 mins)

>>13264607, >>13264623, >>13264535, >>13264548, >>13264849, >>13264559, 1918: Travel time from US to London >15 days Boat travel only, Small capacity. Spanish flu peaked exactly the same week in Paris, Berlin, and New York. Can this really be explained by an exponentially growing chain of infection? Bio warfare?

>>13264537 The Rothchild explanation of their insatiable greed and cruelty

>>13264556 Operation Warp Speed (OWS) will accelerate the testing, supply, development, and distribution of safe and effective vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics to counter COVID-19 by January 2021

>>13264563 Instagram deletes post of President Biden falling up the stairs under its “violence and incitement” policy

>>13264565 Breaking911 and DiscloseTV have not tweeted in about 24 hours. Seems unusual.

>>13264574 Brad Raffensperger, who repeatedly refused to examine reports of voter fraud, failed to secure a nomination to be a GOP delegate in his own precinct.

>>13264595 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber) "Do you remember when…" How to Prepare for the Summer’s Cicada Takeover https://vice.com/en/article/y3g8ey/how-to-survive-our-wet-hot-cicada-summer via

>>13264606 Get ready for Brood X: The once-every-17-years cicada swarm is coming

>>13264609 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)

>>13264614 Ex-Trump aide tweets 'executive orders' after Google lists him as president

>>13264616 Media company sued for profiting from child pornography

>>13264622 Trump Official Richard Grenell Weighs in After Wikipedia Briefly Names Him US President

>>13264625 China virus lockdown protest, Val David, Quebec, Canada (Cap 2:20)

>>13264647, >>13264660, >>13264666, >>13264682, >>13264863, Anon tactical analysis

>>13264688 Once Govt is Formed, Macron to Call Intl Funders for Meeting on Lebanon

>>13264692 It’s pretty bad when you have US Senators outright correcting the old fool and his social media team that creates this garbage. Cruz is funny

>>13264695 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

>>13264714 24 More Charged in North Carolina Voter-Fraud Probe including Nearly 20 Illegal Aliens Who Voted in National Election

>>13264803 Meme for keks

>>13264808, >>13264869, HR1 is quite literally a bill crafted by the Democrats to ensure that they can steal all future elections.

>>13264829 Aaron Rupar that totally lied and twisted the ATL spa shootings gets in the urban dictionary

>>13264836, >>13264843, >>13264857, >>13264889, China Virus Protests London rocked (Cap 1:25 mins) (Cap 1:16)


Check em, are there any post that removing or adding?

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ac5c15  No.13265115

File: 74e9cd128475404⋯.jpg (47.71 KB, 804x347, 804:347, email_shows.JPG)


Report: Emails show how Biden will implement Green New Deal agenda through 'backdoor'.

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8aae96  No.13265116

File: 590beac77196ffe⋯.jpeg (17.5 KB, 182x268, 91:134, 1565847D_504F_44FB_A603_1….jpeg)

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be07c7  No.13265117

File: 6d26ae723b7faa5⋯.jpg (45.38 KB, 552x556, 138:139, 6d26ae723b7faa5888f59bf677….jpg)

File: 11303899a6b9972⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 536x960, 67:120, 11303899a6b997265c0638e8ad….jpg)

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47ab72  No.13265118


>You people are fucking sick

Is that a good, or bad thing?

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94d530  No.13265119

File: 98db88deaecba01⋯.png (701.13 KB, 708x920, 177:230, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28f8ad886d9c258⋯.png (1.26 MB, 620x775, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)




Industry group NSW Farmers has called for an emergency permit to use the pesticide zinc phosphide.

A federal government spokeswoman says while pests are “primarily the responsibility of state and territory governments”, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority has so far granted one emergency zinc phosphide permit to Cotton Australia and is assessing two more.

Locals are hopeful that heavy rains in the region this week, and more storms forecast in the coming days, will bring the months of infestation to an end.

Female mice are able to breed from six weeks old and give birth to 50 pups a year, but locals are hopeful that the rain will flood the nests and provide the circuit-breaker that’s needed to curb numbers.

“We are hopeful,” Karanouh says. “If that rain comes our way that will certainly put a big dent in it.”

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93d63f  No.13265120


poor dog

he's probably trying to run away

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85a367  No.13265121


What's that saying? Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

Trump was surrounded by the enemy and he thought he could trust their loyalty.

SES treats all elected positions as temporary while they, as lifetime employees of the state, are the real power.

That "worldview" is crucial to understanding how DC has become The Swamp. It's a literal coup.

Most if not all of the key players in Spygate are SES. And you can be sure they had a lead role in unseating Trump.

This is a clear and present danger.

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f4e9f0  No.13265122

File: 228cca88e45d36c⋯.jpg (116.23 KB, 1291x701, 1291:701, mildress.jpg)


Look at the salutes of these guys. And don't their uniforms seem poorly fitted? And why is the guy walking with Bidan wearing black gloves?

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43c5c5  No.13265123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b42dc7  No.13265124


Need a kg. Caring has pretty well cost everything. Wish I was kidding.

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be07c7  No.13265126

File: d124118596ed192⋯.png (971.73 KB, 720x640, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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a77074  No.13265127

File: eee9cdce3cf7388⋯.png (13.66 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 45fc1936986e8ab1b081d2d83e….png)

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2f7d39  No.13265128


not sure if there is a list of names but it is not secret and there are a lot of them, about 8000

it is a very high classification of the civil service

started by jimmy carter

that is who runs things just under the top politico's

they never leave and stay through any changes in dem / rep

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8aae96  No.13265129

File: 71eeba23858ecd6⋯.jpeg (149.87 KB, 1398x1188, 233:198, A0549FE0_4AD0_43B3_8F03_A….jpeg)

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3cfb6b  No.13265130

File: 1f6d7a4c7f0c863⋯.png (99.18 KB, 642x628, 321:314, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a55325914b6a74d⋯.png (327.74 KB, 619x610, 619:610, ClipboardImage.png)

Movies = symbolism/comms/truthdisguidedasfiction



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d4457e  No.13265131

File: 7ac33a5f3cb706f⋯.png (237.32 KB, 535x629, 535:629, Screenshot_2021_03_20_The_….png)

Ongoing heavy rain and flooding risk forced parts of Sydney, Australia to evacuate, and the severe downpour is set to continue throughout Sunday.



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43c5c5  No.13265132

File: 16b5e41173e4727⋯.jpg (163.33 KB, 640x883, 640:883, md_20140207_193_0.jpg)

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90e84e  No.13265133



but doubt the part about his thinking he could trust them.

I'm more inclined to think he knew precisely what they were,

and sprung the trap to lure them in.

This movie isn't finished yet.

We haven't even gotten to the Year of the Tiger yet.

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3cfb6b  No.13265134

File: 5571e26dcce07f1⋯.png (848.36 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 5571e26dcce07f118f0ced2a1c….png)


It's uplifting to think we're actually in control of our own future from here on out. Energizing, really.

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1d85b9  No.13265135

File: f232c17c9b7002c⋯.png (671 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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94d530  No.13265136

File: e1f3ec721e7fbf8⋯.jpg (144.13 KB, 996x496, 249:124, MuhSpideyMeme.jpg)

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93d63f  No.13265137

File: 16b3c9075e08aa0⋯.png (216.29 KB, 846x606, 141:101, LuvU.png)

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ac5c15  No.13265138

File: 713c6abbccb7ce2⋯.jpg (71.48 KB, 655x657, 655:657, fund_me.JPG)


GoFundMe for Atlanta spa shooting victim Hyun Jung Grant raises $2.5 million

By Sara Dorn

March 20, 2021 | 8:51pm

Grant, 51, is among the six Asian women who were allegedly gunned down Tuesday.

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b42dc7  No.13265139

File: 72b6860c955416b⋯.jpg (36.72 KB, 801x482, 801:482, BeirutExplosion_800x482.jpg)


Maybe when they have that meeting they get an answer for who's got the ability to light subnuclear blasts without a trace anywhere they feel it. You know, like Beirut…but there are a number of others lately.

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164de8  No.13265140

File: fd9e670554f70ec⋯.jpg (442.03 KB, 889x732, 889:732, gretchen_31.jpg)

If I were a dog, I would mount her.

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b342af  No.13265141

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1d85b9  No.13265142


takes a lot of handjobs to make 2.5 million

glad the story has a happy ending

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485ef3  No.13265143

File: 369863d09efdb54⋯.jpg (159.89 KB, 720x1225, 144:245, 20210320_190942.jpg)

File: 4452ba52ac952f1⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB, 720x896, 45:56, Mlo1EUEt33kb2Vuo.mp4)


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33fa22  No.13265144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RIP Padelis.

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3cfb6b  No.13265145


>guy walking with Bidan wearing black gloves?

Because we're witnessing one of the longest funerals ever.

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47ab72  No.13265146


> they never leave and stay through any changes in dem / rep

Seems that they should all go.

Current status of self-governance being usurped and all, under their watch. They have failed and must go.

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ac5c15  No.13265147

File: 0dffa8d14997f43⋯.png (766.56 KB, 1250x811, 1250:811, I_O_mirror.PNG)



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86c956  No.13265148

File: ca422534875f095⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1616110710216.jpg)



I want to know. I don't care if it sends me to the looney bin.

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d4457e  No.13265149

File: 5b2e9499279e905⋯.png (318.17 KB, 478x593, 478:593, Screenshot_2021_03_20_The_….png)

This year marks the 100th anniversary of @ArlingtonNatl

Cemetery’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Since July 2, 1937, the Tomb has been guarded continuously, without fail, no matter the circumstance.

Thanks to @USArmyOldGuard for their dedication to this sacred mission.


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fd90d9  No.13265150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Our enemy is dark and evil. They've infiltrated the planet. Too late, errbody waking up. Now what they gone do to us. fr fr kek.


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93d63f  No.13265151

File: fa0ab494ef263ee⋯.jpg (14.75 KB, 255x230, 51:46, dogguru.jpg)

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3cfb6b  No.13265152



Symbolically, we're actually witnessing the death of pedophilia. Thank God.

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86c956  No.13265153

File: 64c334cbc4974b4⋯.jpg (35.06 KB, 563x633, 563:633, 14137fa719394cc0847cd8a86e….jpg)



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1d85b9  No.13265154


i dig

you dig

we dig

anons dig

its not a pretty poem but its deep

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e8658a  No.13265155

File: dced35d4a2b93ba⋯.jpeg (8.61 KB, 166x255, 166:255, c0a59fc397d92905cb7fe42b9….jpeg)


we know more about outer space than the ocean depths ; the kraken was from down there too ; there is a Star Trek episode called Return of the Archons (the Landru computer) ; world have been in a pro-wrestling-type swerve for over the 6,000 years of "recorded" history….i.e. what we are allowed to know/think

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94d530  No.13265156

File: 79f4ea8b5c63922⋯.png (414.97 KB, 600x375, 8:5, cool.png)


Trust Sessions…quit making up stories and stuff…

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33fa22  No.13265157


I will never fvcking forget you.

You'll stay next to me.

Forever and ever.

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164de8  No.13265158

File: 8a3858c6ba5d652⋯.png (356.95 KB, 552x686, 276:343, gretchen_7.png)


I want her to eat the whole sausage.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3cfb6b  No.13265159


Having said that, this Delta 8 shit's not half bad.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bda837  No.13265160

the gretchen faggot is the most low effort fed on this board

even the random 5 image bots earn their keep moar than that fat fuck

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

5f3271  No.13265161

The US Military is an embarrassment to Freedom and Justice and the American Way of Life. They are Communist Controlled Scum and you should tell your loved one and friends to GET OUT!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

86c956  No.13265162

File: 8c4f261e77fe9f0⋯.jpg (8.43 KB, 250x202, 125:101, qq.jpg)



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6eac5  No.13265163


Gitmo bound, adios mother fucker

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

90e84e  No.13265164



and just after Jimmy signed it into law,

Mayor Dianne Feignstain tried the same set up on a city level for San Francisco.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2f7d39  No.13265165


you mean like with the rona?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

94d530  No.13265166

File: 988d36451b70771⋯.png (115.87 KB, 343x194, 343:194, ClipboardImage.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ed3196  No.13265167


How did you come to this conclusion?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1d85b9  No.13265168

File: 26f4b7f4d73db4a⋯.png (639.59 KB, 800x565, 160:113, ClipboardImage.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c85d7c  No.13265169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apu always got the best jams.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3cfb6b  No.13265170

File: 9e9aa1bded5c369⋯.jpg (21.92 KB, 500x327, 500:327, Spiderman_Hey.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f8e7e3  No.13265171

File: ecb1cd448cf1836⋯.jpg (30 KB, 600x400, 3:2, dr_evil_stolen.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

43c5c5  No.13265172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ca9990  No.13265173

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 7478891aa53c8d3767f87f2162….jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

94d530  No.13265174


thats awesome! thanks anon…pestilence begone to the abyss from whence you came…Biblical!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

90e84e  No.13265175


What a racket……

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f66b51  No.13265176

File: b1a0bd42a578840⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


This version of Godzilla had an interesting part that I dont think was explained in the film itself, but I cant remember exactly.

At the end of the movie, the tail had a collage of skeletons in it, like all the people killed were being absorbed.

Totally different from the usual cheesy stuff.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3cfb6b  No.13265177


Looks like it was another white hat psyop to expose a trafficking hub.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ac5c15  No.13265178

File: e7e0f34d6555ed7⋯.jpg (49.26 KB, 1146x250, 573:125, adio.JPG)


Andrew Cuomo

Published 5 hours ago

Cuomo threatened to compare critic to 'child rapist' in leaked audio

New York Times podcast reveals what Cuomo said to a big backer of Cynthia Nixon

A New York Times podcast Friday revealed the audio of a 2018 telephone conversation where Cuomo threatened to compare a progressive leader to a "child rapist" because he wasn’t happy with the group’s tepid political endorsement of him.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

85a367  No.13265179


What was the title of Corny's book? A Higher Loyalty? What do you suppose that higher loyalty is? I just told ya.

It's not to you or me. Or to any of the people we elect to represent us. It's to something else. The Managerial State.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2bf13a  No.13265180


Lindsey Graham

Nancy Pelosi

Sidney Powell



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

90e84e  No.13265181


May as well mount a pit viper's mouth.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fb50c4  No.13265182

File: a55a31a612e9ac2⋯.jpg (178 KB, 388x423, 388:423, Eagle.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f66b51  No.13265183

File: 1ec1a98455647f6⋯.png (636.36 KB, 990x615, 66:41, pepe_mystery_science_theat….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

be07c7  No.13265184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bdb034  No.13265185

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 613141670.png)

File: e51e9ec25acb79f⋯.png (1.86 MB, 954x868, 477:434, 6798628596.png)

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 613141670.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ac5c15  No.13265186

File: 69909f602c7f0b5⋯.jpg (70.99 KB, 1166x365, 1166:365, seeks_red.JPG)



Published 6 hours ago

Jeffrey Toobin pulls major upset in ‘Liberal Hack Tournament,’ seeks redemption from Zoom masturbation scandal

The No. 16 seed CNN star defeated No. 1 seed Matthew Dowd in the first round of the contest

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b42dc7  No.13265187

File: 628fd85d6996add⋯.png (530.84 KB, 736x424, 92:53, Master_Po.png)


Master Po seent it…now look at him.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2f1c1  No.13265188

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

>>13264452 OP

>>13264470 Dough



>>13264635 ADONA17 Peace to you, winged warrior. You are recognized and lifted up.


>>13264504 China virus lockdown protest, Basel, Switzerland (Cap 34 seconds)

>>13264520 China virus lockdown protest, South Africa, Cape Town (Cap 2:20 mins)

>>13264607, >>13264623, >>13264535, >>13264548, >>13264849, >>13264559, 1918: Travel time from US to London >15 days Boat travel only, Small capacity. Spanish flu peaked exactly the same week in Paris, Berlin, and New York. Can this really be explained by an exponentially growing chain of infection? Bio warfare?

>>13264537 The Rothchild explanation of their insatiable greed and cruelty

>>13264556 Operation Warp Speed (OWS) will accelerate the testing, supply, development, and distribution of safe and effective vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics to counter COVID-19 by January 2021

>>13264563 Instagram deletes post of President Biden falling up the stairs under its “violence and incitement” policy

>>13264565 Breaking911 and DiscloseTV have not tweeted in about 24 hours. Seems unusual.

>>13264574 Brad Raffensperger, who repeatedly refused to examine reports of voter fraud, failed to secure a nomination to be a GOP delegate in his own precinct.

>>13264595 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber) "Do you remember when…" How to Prepare for the Summer’s Cicada Takeover https://vice.com/en/article/y3g8ey/how-to-survive-our-wet-hot-cicada-summer via

>>13264606 Get ready for Brood X: The once-every-17-years cicada swarm is coming

>>13264609 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)

>>13264614 Ex-Trump aide tweets 'executive orders' after Google lists him as president

>>13264616 Media company sued for profiting from child pornography

>>13264622 Trump Official Richard Grenell Weighs in After Wikipedia Briefly Names Him US President

>>13264625 China virus lockdown protest, Val David, Quebec, Canada (Cap 2:20)

>>13264647, >>13264660, >>13264666, >>13264682, >>13264863, Anon tactical analysis

>>13264688 Once Govt is Formed, Macron to Call Intl Funders for Meeting on Lebanon

>>13264692 It’s pretty bad when you have US Senators outright correcting the old fool and his social media team that creates this garbage. Cruz is funny

>>13264695 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

>>13264714 24 More Charged in North Carolina Voter-Fraud Probe including Nearly 20 Illegal Aliens Who Voted in National Election

>>13264803 Meme for keks

>>13264808, >>13264869, HR1 is quite literally a bill crafted by the Democrats to ensure that they can steal all future elections.

>>13264829 Aaron Rupar that totally lied and twisted the ATL spa shootings gets in the urban dictionary

>>13264830 Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases

>>13264836, >>13264843, >>13264857, >>13264889, China Virus Protests London rocked (Cap 1:25 mins) (Cap 1:16)

>>13264864, >>13264880 Biden’s fall on Air Force One steps is his first meme as president

>>13264953 Rand Paul Grills Fauci, Fails to Ask Critical Questions

>>13264960 Texas Roadhouse CEO died by suicide amid ‘unbearable’ post-COVID symptoms, family says

>>13264974 Federal judge pens dissent slamming decades-old press protections

>>13265005, >>13265052, How the U.S. Military Turned a Explosive-Laden B-17 Into a Suicide Bomber

>>13265001 They can pay me massive bucks to engrave "i'm a woman" or "I'm a man" on their bones so in 1k years when some archaeologist digs them up they won't be misgendered by science.

>>13265040 STAR BENCHED LeBron James ‘out of NBA indefinitely’ after Laker sprained ankle and SHOUTED in pain

>>13265047 China virus lockdown protest, Calgary, Canada

>>13265069 Does the Media Really Know the Atlanta Shooter's Motive Better Than He Does?

>>13265073 Launch of Russia’s Soyuz with two Galileo satellites postponed until November - sources

>>13265102 'We've Seen Enough…Please Don't Come Here': Miami Beach Mayor Imposes 8 PM Curfew, Closes Bridges To Control Spring Break Crowds

>>13265115 Emails show how Biden will implement Green New Deal agenda through 'backdoor'.

>>13265119'You can't escape the smell': mouse plague grows to biblical proportions across eastern Australia


Check em, are there any post that removing or adding?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8658a  No.13265189

File: eb07552a9bb6388⋯.jpeg (79.24 KB, 750x500, 3:2, nixon_thanx.jpeg)

File: d8436410f564bc7⋯.jpeg (59.7 KB, 612x408, 3:2, nixon_keks.jpeg)


after CNN played all the watergate tapes , and while those twinks were concentrating on God knows what….what I heard from Nixon is he was a Patriot and saw who was fucking everything up and he tried to do something about it but got railroaded, not realizing he was way over his head. Albeit he was a big liberal with his EPA, OSHA, hugging China….etc….and his corn agenda fucked up people's health (and cars) for three generations… He thought government was the answer if run by the likes of himself but he couldn't see what would happen once the assholes got the reins….we have seen it in our lifetimes (he did not)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2f7d39  No.13265190


trump tried to make it easier to fire ses workers but congress et al did not like it

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fd90d9  No.13265191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I gotta know.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3cfb6b  No.13265192

File: 5aa58d140140773⋯.jpg (2.7 MB, 5760x3840, 3:2, redhead_sunlight.jpg)


When you realize it, it becomes the truth.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f6eac5  No.13265193



He knows who the pedophiles are, will they start turning on each other?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

90e84e  No.13265194


A pit viper sausage?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ac5c15  No.13265195

File: 81ea1d32db91a17⋯.jpg (63.63 KB, 1132x301, 1132:301, no_ev_sus.JPG)



Published 4 hours ago

University of Florida suspends conservative groups on campus for allegedly violating mask policy

The TPUSA chapter's president says the school has yet to produce evidence.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b342af  No.13265196

File: 5def797ad1f79ed⋯.png (234.92 KB, 169x306, 169:306, Gretchen_W.png)


It's a dude, Bruh.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7b9ff2  No.13265197

File: 02610e3278a3688⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 235x255, 47:51, youmiserablepiiudovfuybfvb….jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

33fa22  No.13265198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

de43a0  No.13265199


I'v many green screen projects in my day.

The Joe Biden Mic gaffe wad a deliberately

Bad key and composite

If Joe separately keyed for his hands to go thru the mic then why not his body also? Just his hand?

To recreate the error would take 3 layers of Joe and the top layer of just his top torso.

This was made to to look bad

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

384249  No.13265200

File: f75edfc8ca5255a⋯.png (116.39 KB, 325x317, 325:317, ClipboardImage.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

93d63f  No.13265201


As a kid didn't we all know it when adults tried to explain why God allows injustice?

The answers were always ridiculous.

And the whole "don't judge, that's only God's job" thing. Priming us to not call out bad actors.

If God is everywhere, contained within everything, then God is within us.

Why wouldn't we offer a judgment from our point of reference that God uses a one data point.

And if that data point comes from a place of pure observation, but righteous observation, wouldn't that be a useful perspective.

It's holographic.

I find this more empowering while also knowing that the final, total, judgment is not mine, I'm just one input source.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c85d7c  No.13265202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

989c48  No.13265203

File: 708d0a097c8c07c⋯.png (183.04 KB, 626x191, 626:191, ClipboardImage.png)






Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2f1c1  No.13265204

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements



>>13264635 ADONA17 Peace to you, winged warrior. You are recognized and lifted up.

>>13264504 China virus lockdown protest, Basel, Switzerland (Cap 34 seconds)

>>13264520 China virus lockdown protest, South Africa, Cape Town (Cap 2:20 mins)

>>13264607, >>13264623, >>13264535, >>13264548, >>13264849, >>13264559, 1918: Travel time from US to London >15 days Boat travel only, Small capacity. Spanish flu peaked exactly the same week in Paris, Berlin, and New York. Can this really be explained by an exponentially growing chain of infection? Bio warfare?

>>13264537 The Rothchild explanation of their insatiable greed and cruelty

>>13264556 Operation Warp Speed (OWS) will accelerate the testing, supply, development, and distribution of safe and effective vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics to counter COVID-19 by January 2021

>>13264563 Instagram deletes post of President Biden falling up the stairs under its “violence and incitement” policy

>>13264565 Breaking911 and DiscloseTV have not tweeted in about 24 hours. Seems unusual.

>>13264574 Brad Raffensperger, who repeatedly refused to examine reports of voter fraud, failed to secure a nomination to be a GOP delegate in his own precinct.

>>13264595 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber) "Do you remember when…" How to Prepare for the Summer’s Cicada Takeover https://vice.com/en/article/y3g8ey/how-to-survive-our-wet-hot-cicada-summer via

>>13264606 Get ready for Brood X: The once-every-17-years cicada swarm is coming

>>13264609 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)

>>13264614 Ex-Trump aide tweets 'executive orders' after Google lists him as president

>>13264616 Media company sued for profiting from child pornography

>>13264622 Trump Official Richard Grenell Weighs in After Wikipedia Briefly Names Him US President

>>13264625 China virus lockdown protest, Val David, Quebec, Canada (Cap 2:20)

>>13264647, >>13264660, >>13264666, >>13264682, >>13264863, Anon tactical analysis

>>13264688 Once Govt is Formed, Macron to Call Intl Funders for Meeting on Lebanon

>>13264692 It’s pretty bad when you have US Senators outright correcting the old fool and his social media team that creates this garbage. Cruz is funny

>>13264695 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

>>13264714 24 More Charged in North Carolina Voter-Fraud Probe including Nearly 20 Illegal Aliens Who Voted in National Election

>>13264803 Meme for keks

>>13264808, >>13264869, HR1 is quite literally a bill crafted by the Democrats to ensure that they can steal all future elections.

>>13264829 Aaron Rupar that totally lied and twisted the ATL spa shootings gets in the urban dictionary

>>13264830 Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases

>>13264836, >>13264843, >>13264857, >>13264889, China Virus Protests London rocked (Cap 1:25 mins) (Cap 1:16)

>>13264864, >>13264880 Biden’s fall on Air Force One steps is his first meme as president

>>13264953 Rand Paul Grills Fauci, Fails to Ask Critical Questions

>>13264960 Texas Roadhouse CEO died by suicide amid ‘unbearable’ post-COVID symptoms, family says

>>13264974 Federal judge pens dissent slamming decades-old press protections

>>13265005, >>13265052, How the U.S. Military Turned a Explosive-Laden B-17 Into a Suicide Bomber

>>13265001 They can pay me massive bucks to engrave "i'm a woman" or "I'm a man" on their bones so in 1k years when some archaeologist digs them up they won't be misgendered by science.

>>13265040 STAR BENCHED LeBron James ‘out of NBA indefinitely’ after Laker sprained ankle and SHOUTED in pain

>>13265047 China virus lockdown protest, Calgary, Canada

>>13265069 Does the Media Really Know the Atlanta Shooter's Motive Better Than He Does?

>>13265073 Launch of Russia’s Soyuz with two Galileo satellites postponed until November - sources

>>13265102 'We've Seen Enough…Please Don't Come Here': Miami Beach Mayor Imposes 8 PM Curfew, Closes Bridges To Control Spring Break Crowds

>>13265115 Emails show how Biden will implement Green New Deal agenda through 'backdoor'.

>>13265119'You can't escape the smell': mouse plague grows to biblical proportions across eastern Australia

>>13265131 Ongoing heavy rain and flooding risk forced parts of Sydney, Australia to evacuate, and the severe downpour is set to continue throughout Sunday.

>>13265138 GoFundMe for Atlanta spa shooting victim Hyun Jung Grant raises $2.5 million

>>13265149 This year marks the 100th anniversary of @ArlingtonNatl Cemetery’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

>>13265178 Cuomo threatened to compare critic to 'child rapist' in leaked audio


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2f1c1  No.13265205


>>13264635 ADONA17 Peace to you, winged warrior. You are recognized and lifted up.

>>13264504 China virus lockdown protest, Basel, Switzerland (Cap 34 seconds)

>>13264520 China virus lockdown protest, South Africa, Cape Town (Cap 2:20 mins)

>>13264607, >>13264623, >>13264535, >>13264548, >>13264849, >>13264559, 1918: Travel time from US to London >15 days Boat travel only, Small capacity. Spanish flu peaked exactly the same week in Paris, Berlin, and New York. Can this really be explained by an exponentially growing chain of infection? Bio warfare?

>>13264537 The Rothchild explanation of their insatiable greed and cruelty

>>13264556 Operation Warp Speed (OWS) will accelerate the testing, supply, development, and distribution of safe and effective vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics to counter COVID-19 by January 2021

>>13264563 Instagram deletes post of President Biden falling up the stairs under its “violence and incitement” policy

>>13264565 Breaking911 and DiscloseTV have not tweeted in about 24 hours. Seems unusual.

>>13264574 Brad Raffensperger, who repeatedly refused to examine reports of voter fraud, failed to secure a nomination to be a GOP delegate in his own precinct.

>>13264595 780th Military Intelligence Brigade (Cyber) "Do you remember when…" How to Prepare for the Summer’s Cicada Takeover https://vice.com/en/article/y3g8ey/how-to-survive-our-wet-hot-cicada-summer via

>>13264606 Get ready for Brood X: The once-every-17-years cicada swarm is coming

>>13264609 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election (Time Magazine Article President Trump urged everybody to read)

>>13264614 Ex-Trump aide tweets 'executive orders' after Google lists him as president

>>13264616 Media company sued for profiting from child pornography

>>13264622 Trump Official Richard Grenell Weighs in After Wikipedia Briefly Names Him US President

>>13264625 China virus lockdown protest, Val David, Quebec, Canada (Cap 2:20)

>>13264647, >>13264660, >>13264666, >>13264682, >>13264863, Anon tactical analysis

>>13264688 Once Govt is Formed, Macron to Call Intl Funders for Meeting on Lebanon

>>13264692 It’s pretty bad when you have US Senators outright correcting the old fool and his social media team that creates this garbage. Cruz is funny

>>13264695 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

>>13264714 24 More Charged in North Carolina Voter-Fraud Probe including Nearly 20 Illegal Aliens Who Voted in National Election

>>13264803 Meme for keks

>>13264808, >>13264869, HR1 is quite literally a bill crafted by the Democrats to ensure that they can steal all future elections.

>>13264829 Aaron Rupar that totally lied and twisted the ATL spa shootings gets in the urban dictionary

>>13264830 Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases

>>13264836, >>13264843, >>13264857, >>13264889, China Virus Protests London rocked (Cap 1:25 mins) (Cap 1:16)

>>13264864, >>13264880 Biden’s fall on Air Force One steps is his first meme as president

>>13264953 Rand Paul Grills Fauci, Fails to Ask Critical Questions

>>13264960 Texas Roadhouse CEO died by suicide amid ‘unbearable’ post-COVID symptoms, family says

>>13264974 Federal judge pens dissent slamming decades-old press protections

>>13265005, >>13265052, How the U.S. Military Turned a Explosive-Laden B-17 Into a Suicide Bomber

>>13265001 They can pay me massive bucks to engrave "i'm a woman" or "I'm a man" on their bones so in 1k years when some archaeologist digs them up they won't be misgendered by science.

>>13265040 STAR BENCHED LeBron James ‘out of NBA indefinitely’ after Laker sprained ankle and SHOUTED in pain

>>13265047 China virus lockdown protest, Calgary, Canada

>>13265069 Does the Media Really Know the Atlanta Shooter's Motive Better Than He Does?

>>13265073 Launch of Russia’s Soyuz with two Galileo satellites postponed until November - sources

>>13265102 'We've Seen Enough…Please Don't Come Here': Miami Beach Mayor Imposes 8 PM Curfew, Closes Bridges To Control Spring Break Crowds

>>13265115 Emails show how Biden will implement Green New Deal agenda through 'backdoor'.

>>13265119 'You can't escape the smell': mouse plague grows to biblical proportions across eastern Australia

>>13265131 Ongoing heavy rain and flooding risk forced parts of Sydney, Australia to evacuate, and the severe downpour is set to continue throughout Sunday.

>>13265138 GoFundMe for Atlanta spa shooting victim Hyun Jung Grant raises $2.5 million

>>13265149 This year marks the 100th anniversary of @ArlingtonNatl Cemetery’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

>>13265178 Cuomo threatened to compare critic to 'child rapist' in leaked audio


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3cfb6b  No.13265206

File: faa605ec6b033a1⋯.png (808.39 KB, 710x513, 710:513, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e94f1d217fd8484⋯.png (696 KB, 610x712, 305:356, ClipboardImage.png)


'offspring of xenomorphs in Aliens and hellspawn demons'

Godzilla 'evolving' ?

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90e84e  No.13265207


They don't want you to notice she's aiding and abetting the Chinese invasion.

Her part is to open Michigan to them.

She's done that splendidly so far.

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485ef3  No.13265208

File: 57c3e6dd3522046⋯.jpg (90.39 KB, 720x935, 144:187, 20210320_191747.jpg)

File: 6735cc1e642fbe4⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 20210320_191733.jpg)



at 1:35 in the video Flynn and family are Taking the oath

has anyone noticed the light in the window above the Generals head gets turned off?

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4dd8d3  No.13265209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live China From Above 9PM CHINA 9AM NY | Call-Ins | Crazy comments | Chinese TikTok Compilations.

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384249  No.13265210


Fren I was looking for that shot .

Excellent ………………

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b016e9  No.13265211

File: d5e1a83123bd7e2⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 720x8640, 1:12, guide_to_fucking_4chan_8ku….jpg)


>The most difficult psyop to see through

4chan is under seriously heavy fire….they started up here on me when I posted the pic re Harry….being fake af. spamming ((you)) then my ID….so I just fucking filtered the ID doing that. I hate filter fucks but one can't help but notice they can only fuck this place up so far…not like they're doing to 4chan. /pol/.

They were so afraid of me over there(been on /pol/ for as long as its existed" that they permabanned me across all boards for "posting child porn")

BTW I fucking hate the word "shill" I also hate the words item and spew. I have no idea why ….are there any words you hate? or am I just weird that way…

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ac5c15  No.13265212

File: 48161607fc724d4⋯.jpg (92.25 KB, 861x694, 861:694, cost_l.JPG)


Even Far-Left CNBC Realizes that the CDC’s 6-Foot Rule Was Likely the Single Costliest COVID Mitigation Tactic Employed to Date

By Joe Hoft

Published March 20, 2021 at 8:02pm

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44e92e  No.13265213

>>13262307 pb

>>13262289 pb

>Durham will have Russiagate indictments ready in 6–8 weeks, says John Solomon


>By Thomas Lifson March 8, 2021


>The shockingly lenient treatment of FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who lied to a federal judge in order to keep spying on Carter Page, has led many of us to despair that justice will never be done in the greatest political scandal in American history, the use of the FBI and Intelligence Community resources to spy on the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, and to bring him down once elected. But John Solomon, the journalist who has broken more stories on the scandal than anyone else I can think of, offered a ray of hope yesterday in an interview with Maria Bartiromo on her weekly must-see Fox News Channel show, Sunday Morning Futures.


>In the second half of the interview (full interview here), Solomon revealed that his sources (which have been excellent) indicate that a senior member of the FBI leadership group around Comey and Strzok has turned state's evidence. Solomon also believes that Durham will have indictments ready in six to eight weeks.


>However, and this is the soul-crushing detail, Durham needs Department of Justice approval before going ahead with indictments.


>I would put the odds on such approval coming from the DOJ under A.G. designate Merrick Garland as very low.


>MORE: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/03/durham_will_have_russiagate_indictments_ready_in_6__8_weeks_says_john_solomon.html

Clinesmith got a light sentence either because he rolled heavily on others or because he will roll in the future or because they are not done with him. Possibly more charges coming for him. The light sentence already received lulls others into a false sense of security.

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43c5c5  No.13265214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d85b9  No.13265215




the mic was super imposed

i call BS on your experience

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c85d7c  No.13265216

Anybody heard from Zuck in a while? I assume he's here watching over us while we bake, but it's still nice to confirm.

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9d47c1  No.13265217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… das useleciss.

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72397d  No.13265218


i dig it

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2bf13a  No.13265219


Agree, Anon.

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c85d7c  No.13265220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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93d63f  No.13265221


so land then?

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ac5c15  No.13265223

File: 5478ba2971bde0b⋯.png (732.83 KB, 718x841, 718:841, I_O_drop.PNG)

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a8ff32  No.13265224



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f6eac5  No.13265225



It’s simple really, earth is a training planet for souls. We incarcerate over and over learning lessons, we never really die and very soon we will finally graduate.

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33fa22  No.13265226


if only the world was sick as we are…….

you had to call this planet heaven.

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d6b09e  No.13265227


TFF! Super KEK

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4ba7a0  No.13265228

File: 7a2158df6246257⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _vwqL8_ZicmbXYb4.mp4)


China virus lockdown protest, Amsterdam, Netherlands


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6365ff  No.13265229

File: 19beb54a94480a1⋯.jpeg (71.61 KB, 500x308, 125:77, us_flag_02.jpeg)

File: 2e58380405772d1⋯.jpeg (106.67 KB, 1778x997, 1778:997, canada_flag.jpeg)

File: f06f9beb1114ce0⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 2112x1419, 64:43, swiss_flag.jpeg)

File: 0ddf8f2ef30d4ec⋯.jpeg (54.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ireland_flag.jpeg)

File: 0851db6891be0a1⋯.jpeg (66.72 KB, 1040x693, 1040:693, south_africa_flag.jpeg)

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ed3196  No.13265230


What a crock of shit.

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b42dc7  No.13265231

File: 6bb59ff84649fa8⋯.png (76.03 KB, 604x516, 151:129, 5e61ab16ad1aa378c8816c2ad9….png)


Didn't know how good I had it. Time flies. Great meme, thanks…even if it wasn't for me…it was.

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3cfb6b  No.13265232



Dreams are just unmanifested reality. Cling to them, and they gain substance.

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164de8  No.13265233


Maybe I should put in even less effort! Ramble bot just says Trump sucks 60 times in a thread and hooks more than I do.

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90e84e  No.13265234


Wonder what rewards he'll get for playing the scapegoat.

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e8658a  No.13265236

File: 9bc7900b64e3685⋯.jpeg (11.27 KB, 255x215, 51:43, pepe_in_love.jpeg)

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f80be7  No.13265237


Mostly right, except Xi and Trump are taking out the CCP.

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f6eac5  No.13265242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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de43a0  No.13265244


Agree the mics were added, but that doesn't explain the why had would go thru.

They would be one layer above

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be07c7  No.13265248

File: 65be7a97e87ae01⋯.png (273.33 KB, 750x446, 375:223, ClipboardImage.png)

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e8658a  No.13265249

File: 6119536d39679b2⋯.jpg (15.84 KB, 255x255, 1:1, sulu.jpg)

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90e84e  No.13265250


The Rothschilds,

The Privy Council,

the City of London,

the Bank of England,


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1d85b9  No.13265252

File: ff0207d891e9699⋯.png (29.51 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


get crazy with the cheez wiz

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b42dc7  No.13265253

File: 6a86edab2ecc4fe⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 4032x2268, 16:9, Pepes_sharing_covfefe.jpg)

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bda837  No.13265255


oh im aware at least

they did this shit with aoc as well

and countless others

nothing has convinced me that feds hire the top of the bellcurve moar than this board

95 iq, every single one of them

smart enough to do their work with minimal errors

way too fucking dumb to understand anything

the perfect worker bee

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33fa22  No.13265256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6658a4  No.13265257

File: 0151009b5f590e5⋯.png (116.38 KB, 343x360, 343:360, omarhumanity.png)

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3cfb6b  No.13265259

File: 8f046499c95f552⋯.png (667.46 KB, 736x854, 368:427, 8f046499c95f552dc75a1989eb….png)


Pic rel:


Not an argument.

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e8658a  No.13265261

File: 5de493935f49511⋯.jpg (23.6 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 0f831601edcd0fd3a0ea353d1e….jpg)


we are victims of too much Establishment conditioning…..VICTIMS~! i tell you

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d2f1c1  No.13265262

Fresh Bread



Fresh Bread

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814eb5  No.13265263

File: 3a5fdd337718cfa⋯.jpeg (294 KB, 1636x1216, 409:304, BidenBoom1.jpeg)

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43c5c5  No.13265265

File: 10ff066a9a68bb3⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 450x575, 18:23, 10ff066a9a68bb3c61be3d02fd….jpg)

All in the very morning hour

Our gentle Lord and Savior

Was fettered and arraigned before

the bailiff of Judea.

But heathen Pilate found no stain

In him or civil terror

Accordingly he sent him on to

Magistrate King Herod

Third hour, and the son of God

Was scourged by whips and bludgeoned.

And then those sinful people placed

A crown of thorns upon him.

Revile him, did those citizens

And beat him, did those soldiers.

The cross on which he was to die

was laid upon his shoulders.

Sixth hour, they stripped him of his robe

And on the cross they nailed him.

The Christ was bleeding freely now.

(And are the faithful wailing?)

His enemies made sport of him,

So did the true believers.

The sun itself retired then

To scorn their cruel behavior.

Ninth hour, Jesus Christ cried out

"My God I am forsaken!"

They gave him bile and vinegar

His mortal thirst to slaken.

Then Jesus Christ gave up the ghost

And all creation trembled;

The temple fell and from the hill

The rock of Ages tumbled.

And in the very vesper hour

The two thieves' bones were broken.

A spear was thrust in Jesus side,

And Jesus' side did open.

And blood and water did run out,

It flowed beyond all measure,

And all the folk from round about

did mock our lord and Savior.

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b42dc7  No.13265266

File: 6b7f4e04288af9d⋯.gif (2.6 MB, 326x195, 326:195, Pillowdog.gif)

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94d530  No.13265267

File: 54dfd7c3e57b31a⋯.png (597.76 KB, 1203x844, 1203:844, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77ea9de0c277d8c⋯.png (158.46 KB, 1080x927, 120:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30f0a86ff7c2382⋯.png (141.09 KB, 234x300, 39:50, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebd4fd4d892a6ad⋯.png (1.95 MB, 2010x827, 2010:827, ClipboardImage.png)



What if its an opening..door..guarded

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86c956  No.13265268

File: 6575501eeafbb13⋯.jpg (111.47 KB, 960x740, 48:37, 1608778235133.jpg)

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384249  No.13265269

File: 02a3ffb253502b3⋯.png (108.52 KB, 304x431, 304:431, ClipboardImage.png)

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85a367  No.13265270


Spectral evidence. I like my proofs to be more tangible. You know who they are. You see how they act. You know they belong to a "club." You see that government changing in a direction we don't like, but they seem to like it. You see a president who they don't like get run out of office.

Now show me some evidence of this Lucifer. If there is a Lucifer it is in the hearts and minds of those who have taken control.

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9d47c1  No.13265271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Don't take the brown aci… chocolates.

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86c956  No.13265272

File: 8e9717a1c5b54b5⋯.jpg (52.66 KB, 720x720, 1:1, yes.jpg)

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8bb3a7  No.13265273

File: 9c45e8aa6d290ee⋯.jpg (18.65 KB, 326x245, 326:245, America_1st.jpg)

File: e3df72217942c8d⋯.jpg (36.31 KB, 378x219, 126:73, Give_Em_Hell.jpg)

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d2f1c1  No.13265274

Fresh Bread

>>13265254 OP

>>13265235 Dough

Fresh Bread

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94d530  No.13265275

File: 90a59d62c1a19da⋯.jpg (70.34 KB, 499x550, 499:550, cleanBeaver.jpg)

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394921  No.13265277

Hey anons just arriving for some Saturday night shift shit posting, getting warmed up now.

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394921  No.13265278


see you next bread

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164de8  No.13265279

File: 6cdd0ae5bf5170d⋯.jpg (155.09 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, gretchen_point.jpg)


I'm sure the feds are just as confused as you are.

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524414  No.13265281


Thank God I was a hot little teeny bopper anon when the hair bands were hitting it! Sweetest time.

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1d85b9  No.13265282

File: 8366d33fad0a5e9⋯.png (1.19 MB, 888x592, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


memes are manifested reality

cling to them and they become dank

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be07c7  No.13265283

File: 9097b7503ee4267⋯.png (906.91 KB, 526x714, 263:357, ClipboardImage.png)

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94d530  No.13265284

File: 203c1674d1b26ff⋯.jpg (62.6 KB, 618x404, 309:202, 5thElII.jpg)

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e8658a  No.13265285

File: 1ea3c3e03daa2c4⋯.png (97.51 KB, 247x193, 247:193, 1ea3c3e03daa2c4c111ebefad4….png)


jump in…..no one has pissed in the pool yet

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989c48  No.13265286

File: 9e4e5e2f8000ddb⋯.png (582.18 KB, 500x520, 25:26, ClipboardImage.png)


i ain't no stinking victim!!!

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bc7bf4  No.13265287


you're trying to convince people of bullshit.

that's called gaslighting.

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b42dc7  No.13265289

File: 61a5cc415073a51⋯.gif (1.92 MB, 480x271, 480:271, Spock_can_fix.gif)


Putting Spock on it..

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d2f1c1  No.13265290


Sorrry i missed that one, please repost nb

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ed3196  No.13265291

File: 7d65aff5085cab5⋯.png (575.34 KB, 500x734, 250:367, ClipboardImage.png)


whatevs cutie pic related

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394921  No.13265292


hold my beer..

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164de8  No.13265293

File: f9d26aff5a7edf6⋯.jpg (30.74 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gretchen_25.jpg)


Hey anon, does the water over here feel a bit warmer than the rest of it?

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93d63f  No.13265294

File: f32a486e2a9e63c⋯.png (1002.91 KB, 1382x756, 691:378, HTL_MattCat.png)

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94d530  No.13265295


The Deception isss DeeeeeeP

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e0f24c  No.13265296


Who paid for her implants?

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e9f35e  No.13265299

File: 7a8ad8d1e55c5f6⋯.jpg (117.02 KB, 666x500, 333:250, bye_felicia.jpg)


>who repeatedly refused to examine reports of voter fraud

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4ba7a0  No.13265300

File: 7cf95ae46cce492⋯.gif (566.75 KB, 900x693, 100:77, 7cf95ae46cce49203aba26ad18….gif)

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3ad5dd  No.13265301

File: 3656748224976db⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1920x956, 480:239, didmsm.png)

File: 436cb2dba7670ca⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1636x820, 409:205, fakecomic.png)

File: 23b7c8d1399f016⋯.png (302.76 KB, 824x821, 824:821, LLWddg.png)

File: dab3a0cb7534d1d⋯.png (585.62 KB, 1023x549, 341:183, LLWwJos.png)

Anons, the Communists and their pravda are upping their attacks on Lin Wood, even getting his children into it. (pic related) search result on DDG. (Yeah, we wish!)

Here is the Communist Control Act of 1954 – this part had just BETTER still be true, or was it "quietly" repealed like #SmithMundt and so much else has been?

Statement by President Eisenhower Upon Signing the Communist Control Act of 1954: I HAVE TODAY signed S. 3706, An Act to make illegal the Communist Party and to prohibit members of Communist organizations from serving in certain representative capacities.

-any citizen who knowingly and actively participates in the Communist conspiracy to overthrow the government by force and violence should be regarded as renouncing his allegiance to the United States and forfeiting his right to citizenship-

6. The foregoing bill also includes a provision for the death penalty for persons found guilty of peacetime espionage

7. I have already approved a bill requiring "Communist-Action" or “Communist-Front" organizations, which must register under the Internal Security Act…

Note: As enacted, S. 3706 is Public Law 637, 83d Congress (68 Stat. 775).

https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/statement-the-president-upon-signing-the-communist-control-act-1954 https://archive.is/wip/l7uNc

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d2f1c1  No.13265302

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138066  No.13265303

End the fucking masks. Open your throat chakra. Express the truth of the world.

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94d530  No.13265305


everything in the world has been paused since late 2016…WAR

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d2f1c1  No.13265307

File: 8ea210a28423066⋯.jpg (17.42 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 8ea210a28423066a47a571e4a3….jpg)

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85a367  No.13265308


Corney's higher loyalty is to his SES compatriots AND to the names and organizations (all British) you named.

They're not loyal to China. They are loyal to their puppetmasters who tell them to give China preferential treatment.

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4ba7a0  No.13265310

File: 9c73c39a70a012c⋯.png (733.24 KB, 640x638, 320:319, EwyWUc6WgAk6zwU.png)

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d2f1c1  No.13265311

Fresh Bread

>>13265254 OP

>>13265235 Dough

Fresh Bread

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93d63f  No.13265312

File: 04ef9b6afbc5006⋯.mp4 (12.45 MB, 960x720, 4:3, htl_vid.mp4)

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fd90d9  No.13265313

File: 9200add049c07bf⋯.png (319.45 KB, 565x344, 565:344, General_Mike_Flynn_One_By_….png)

File: 30dca8c9bc547f8⋯.png (997.42 KB, 888x586, 444:293, Pepe_2_if_by_C.png)

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3cfb6b  No.13265315

File: 9584b52921a504e⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1896x1078, 948:539, ClipboardImage.png)


Fukkin saved.

Now, take it to the next level

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ed3196  No.13265317


Well, aren't you special!!

Many of us have been legitimately victimized.

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94d530  No.13265322

File: d9a94a88e3f6d6b⋯.jpg (27.65 KB, 237x300, 79:100, Very_lucky.jpg)


of course

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3cfb6b  No.13265324

File: 92c4c4eb352e64d⋯.jpg (140.94 KB, 1024x994, 512:497, 7d42c437e2269f4b7c1978e14e….jpg)


Love it. TY!

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ac1590  No.13265326


Everything ain't like that.

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b016e9  No.13265333

File: 1382184943d83b3⋯.jpg (99.59 KB, 1200x673, 1200:673, hallowed_are_the_ori.jpg)


I kinda went on a "journey" to have a look at everything from a distance. Anyone should know that when they point at something and say "look here" or "confess in any direction" that there's good reason to look in the opposite direction.

I had already sorted that the entire "Jew" thing was a meme but was attempting to track them historically. I'm sorry for the "believers" who have been tricked by their LARP….it's not as if Issa didn't warn them…I figured out the Library at Alexandria wasn't destroyed for what was in it, but for what wasn't. I dove deep in to documentarian science re the Elephatine document and that's when I realized some time around 250 BCish some space nigger parasite "wrote the script" currently called "the pentauch and septuagint" by collecting stories from ancient texts and inserting their "identity" as the hero.

They co-opted the Kashmiri teacher known as Issa, turned him into a Jew, sent "Paul" in to swerve the growing spirituality into something acceptable to "rome" and "rebuilt" Issa into a compilation of 3 people…a more heroic and acceptable god who would save people if they believed in him, and give them eternal suffering if they didn't. Judas Christos, Issa, and Apollonias of Tyre (with some Mitra tossed in) that became biblical "character of Jesus". What Issa was teaching was freeing people from their "slavery" to the old "gods" so they gave them a new one.

I'm reading a new hypothesis re the identity of the Jews….not sure just yet if it's a swerve (like Mark Passio sent in to flip the script..and hide his jewishness to pull it off)…it's interesting so far but it's going to require much more thought. I have already figured they were the vicious "sea people" who split into two groups when they finally stopped roaming the seas searching out the hiding places of their hated "Amalek" whom they have sworn via COVENANT to seek out and kill–where ever they may find them.

This (pdf link opens in webpage not your computer) is the latest hypothesis. I already knew they were identity thieving fucks…look how the endless talk re evil Bolsheviks conveniently leaves out…they were fucking Jews. When you find out what they did on Nazino island….holy evil evil evil…the reason "whites" are always at a disadvantage (think the Ancients) is because they just aren't willing to DO shit like that.


Then "rome" carried their new improved "religion" everywhere and inflicted it upon every "pagan" place they went….building their "houses of worship" right on top of ancient "doorways" and energy portals.


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885487  No.13265336


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e9f35e  No.13265337

File: 96c933c1209b8f0⋯.png (72.18 KB, 726x1040, 363:520, sikhPepe.png)

>>13265111 Sikh't

>who still got a pepe sikh laying around?

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d2f1c1  No.13265338

File: a4fc9983546bf8f⋯.jpg (19.12 KB, 480x443, 480:443, a4fc9983546bf8f67ceb6f3d22….jpg)

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394921  No.13265339


she's perfect example of what my mom used to call someone who talks out of the side of their mouth. A huckster.

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fd90d9  No.13265342

File: d93d08a69e986b9⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8kun.mp4)

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d2f1c1  No.13265344

File: 0a736f1214b44e7⋯.jpeg (11.39 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 0a736f1214b44e70f4333aced….jpeg)

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d2f1c1  No.13265347

Fresh Bread

>>13265254 OP

>>13265235 Dough

Fresh Bread

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6658a4  No.13265348

File: 80dedd659497171⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1410x1071, 470:357, bojack3.jpg)

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d2f1c1  No.13265349

Fresh Bread

>>13265254 OP

>>13265235 Dough

Fresh Bread

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d2f1c1  No.13265352

>>13265254 OP

>>13265235 Dough

Fresh Bread

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