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722b5c  No.13253274[Last 50 Posts]

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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722b5c  No.13253283


BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

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NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

#16788 Q Research General #16788: Can You Tell Fact From Fiction Anymore? E-Bake Edition

>>13252679, >>13252888, >>13253211 PF Reports

>>13253243 Marjorie Taylor is Controlled Opposition

>>13253230, >>13253240 Grennel: Biden is weak. And many other countries are happy about it. And the woke US media is too partisan to report fairly. + Example

>>13253171 Biden Calls on UN Security Council to Act on Myanmar, Ethiopia, Libya, Syria, Yemen

>>13253153 Defense secretary Austin to North Korea: US is ready to 'fight tonight'

>>13253135 Tucker Carlson questions the purpose of taxes - except as punishment & income redistribution - given that the U.S. long ago decided printing & borrowing endless amounts of money that cannot possibly be repaid is 'sound monetary policy.'

>>13253128 Rep. Boebert: Dems Scared Because GOP Women Running for Office in Droves

>>13253118 I Accidentally Joined A Playgroup Full Of QAnon Moms. Here’s What Happened.

>>13253099 Enemy Of The PEOPLE! BREAKING: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's resolution to remove Rep. Eric Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee has been rejected by a vote of 218-200

>>13253091 George Soros ~ Soon Headed To A VERY Special Place?

>>13253048 Disney Cruise Line announces new destinations and trips for summer of 2022

>>13253036, >>13253051 STARLINK L22 MISSION COUNTDOWN CLOCK.

>>13252994 Normal? Border Patrol prevented from talking to media: report

>>13252978, >>13253103, >>13253127 White Nationalist Extremist Alert?

>>13252976 Scavino Sunset

>>13252972 How often does the FBI destroy evidence for High Profile Cases? asking for a few 3 Letter Frens...

>>13252913 Bill could ban Christians from becoming police officers (Wtf?)

>>13252898 On The Verge Of A Global Crisis: One Bank Warns Of A "Biblical" Surge In Food Prices

>>13252813, >>13252815, >>13252882 Some Caps on a Video on The Corporation Of America

>>13252874 Texas, California Blackouts Reveal Fatal Flaw in Biden’s Energy Plans

>>13252860 Vaccine Doses Pulled From Hospital That Helped Trump Hotel Workers Jump the Line

>>13252797 Bipartisan bill would require Supreme Court to allow television coverage of open sessions

>>13252739 Ghislaine... Re...Re-Dactions?

>>13252732 Pelosi: DACA Illegals Are ‘True and Legitimate Heirs’ of the Founding Fathers

>>13252729, >>13252962 Baker gets called. Thanks for calling it out anon!

>>13253269 #16788

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722b5c  No.13253285


>>13252272, >>13252276, >>13252439, >>13252490 PF Reports

>>13252506 Admiral McRaven Leaves the Audience SPEECHLESS | One of the Best Motivational Speeches

>>13252499 European “Narco Submarine” Discovered in Spain

>>13252479 Ron Says I'm Not Q, TOGTFO!

>>13252458 Jimmy Savile Accuser Steps Forward

>>13252408 Blue Anon Self Destructo

>>13252397, >>13252431, >>13252483, >>13252505 Mexico Plans Massive ‘Crackdown’ On Illegal Immigration After Crisis Erupts Under Biden

>>13252211 U.S. Sen. Patty Murray seeks a $1.9 billion boost for Sound Transit expansion

>>13252192 Tufts University to Close Confucius Institute

>>13252184 North Dakota Man Says Condo Association Threatens $200 Daily Fines Over American Flag Noise

>>13252180 New Jersey District Pays Teacher $325,000 over Trump Yearbook Censorship

>>13252176 US National Intelligence Officer Argues China Meddled in 2020 Election to Damage Trump

>>13252161 What Happened To Accountability for Customer's Personal Identities? So that TELEGRAM account you all have been pushing that supposedly belongs to Dan Scavino...

>>13252155 LabQ

>>13252147, >>13252402 Horowitz: Vaccine deliveries for COVID-19 being used to legitimize segregation

>>13252129, >>13252218 Plandemic: planned global life threatening event starring Fauci, Birx, Pence, and more

>>13252122 Seattle Church shooting: Suspect and victim were part of crime-diversion program

>>13252113 'People died because of what the governor did': Rep. Jeff Van Drew demands probe into New Jersey COVID nursing home deaths

>>13252052 NZ Knife Attack?

>>13252042, >>13252318 Russian National Pleads Guilty To Malware Intent

>>13252035, >>13252191, >>13252194, >>13252196, >>13252373, >>13252500 Tanzanian President Assassinated By Chinese Spies in Association With Western Spies?

>>13252019, >>13252021, >>13252055 #16778

>>13252001 IN. AG Adresses Amazon Censorship

>>13251985 The Inside Story of How Spygate Was Uncovered—Lead Investigator Kash Patel Tells All

>>13251978, >>13252100, >>13252119, >>13252141, >>13252188 TRUMP LLC Comms?

>>13251970 Here Are The 9 Republicans Who Voted To Pass Total ‘Dreamer’ Amnesty For Illegal Migrants

>>13251962, >>13251986 Herridge: "Follow The Pen"

>>13251950 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Invites Russia’s Lavrov to Beijing After Alaska Summit

>>13251930 Appeals Court Reinstates Guilty Verdict For Michael Flynn’s Business Partner In Turkish Lobbying Case

>>13251917 Substantial Prison Term Imposed for Fentanyl Distributors

>>13251909 Why are they so worried about the military?

>>13251907 GOP Memo

>>13251899 Telegram is fake and gay also or is it an overreaching conspiracy?

>>13251891 Former State Department Employee Sentenced to Prison for Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods from U.S. Embassy

>>13251865 PedoFiles...

>>13251861 George W. Bush: “Sick to My Stomach Seeing -Capitol Stormed by Hostile Forces” but “Populist Movements Begin to Fritter Over Time”

>>13251832 Misinformation Screen Media

>>13251798 Here we go troops hunker down and prepare yourselves for the "third wave" of raw bullshit starting in france this time but sold to you by the BBC?? Go figure!!

>>13252524 #16787

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722b5c  No.13253286


>>13251023 WATCH OUT: Senate Confirms Anti-Religious Bigot Becerra to Lead HHS Anti religion bigot Susan Collins only GOP to join Democrats in confirmation

>>13251028 Canadian Authorities Made Effort to Share Huawei CFO’s Phone Passcodes With FBI, Defense Says

>>13251040 Shadowy Firm Uses New York Times to Spread Disinformation About Epoch Times

>>13251045 Sale Of Human Placenta From Funeral Homes, Medical Waste Thriving In China

>>13251069 Facebook Says It ‘Limits’ the Reach of Groups that Break Rules

>>13251071 Pompeo tweet lines up to Q 4114

>>13251087 Dem Rep. Sanchez: Not ‘Appropriate’ for Journalists to See Inside Border Facilities Holding Children (child trafficking)

>>13251090 NYTimes gets youtube video pulled to censor medical information that goes against fakenews narratives

>>13251099 Finland IDs Hackers Linked to Parliament Spying Attack

>>13251108 Judge dismisses journalist Attkisson's surveillance lawsuit against former Deputy AG Rosenstein

>>13251112 Aust. State Media pushing WHO propaganda, ism ist and phobes all designed to control (You)

>>13251122 Biden refers to Kamala Harris as "President Harris" (the truth slipped out - Trump "be careful of the 25th Amendment Joe") DIGS needed on Harris

>>13251439 America’s Worst Drug Crisis Ever Is Causing The Streets Of Many U.S. Cities To Look Like A “Zombie Apocalypse” Has Arrived

>>13251140 Louisiana Man Indicted for Attempted Murder of a Gay Man and Plot to Kidnap and Murder Other Gay Men

>>13251157 Wuhan Virus One Of The Lockdowns’ Greatest Casualties Could Be Science

>>13251165 Biden’s Actions with Russia Escalate After Biden Calls Putin a “Killer” – Putin Responds Saying “It Takes One to Know One”

>>13251171 How the US Military Subverted the Afghan Peace Agreement to Prolong an Unpopular War (Opioid poppy fields = $$$)

>>13251173 DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: ‘Extraordinarily Disrespectful’ to Ask Me About Illegal Alien Crime Victims (America last)

>>13251180 Biden defense secretary warns US forces ready to 'fight tonight' after North Korea warning Kim Jong Un's sister criticized drills, viewed as an invasion rehearsal

>>13251188 Why Haven’t the Durham or Hunter Biden Investigations Ended Yet?

>>13251190 The Engineered EXTERMINATION of the Human Race

>>13251199 , >>13251308 Children's court judge arrested on child porn charges Served as executive for group that runs Drag Queen Story Hour

>>13251206 Dems and GOP colluding to interfere with other Nations while forgetting about Americans

>>13251207 Putin just challenged Joe Biden to an unscripted live debate.

>>13251209 US Senate hands CIA over to the Cabal

>>13251219 George Soros launches campaign against Convention of States (video)

>>13251224 Grassley - FBI Director politicizing FBI

>>13251275 Biden nominee Gupta to sell stake in company linked to chemical used by drug cartels in heroin (Afghanistan Warmonger?)

>>13251330 Curt Schilling leaves Boston area to go where people are happy and moral

>>13251352 Father of trans child JAILED for speaking out against gender transition (video)

>>13251399 NYPD should ‘(illegally / unconstitutionally) confront’ hateful conduct even if it’s not a crime: de Blasio

>>13251419 What happened to the media’s outrage and skepticism? It’s like they don’t care about accountability because a Democrat is in charge.

>>13251429 Wikileaks 1974 State Dept. Cable Confirms Gold Futures Market Was Created for Price Suppression. (They don’t want you owning gold)

>>13251481 Self confessed Cannibal Armie Hammer under investigation by LAPD sex crime detectives

>>13251483 They are going after Kavanaugh again. THis time saying Wray covered for him

>>13251502 Fake Video of Joe Biden outside the White House is real, according to fake fact-checkers

>>13251550 Biden Cabal limits what Border Patrol can share with media about migrant surge at border

>>13251572 Biden Cabal poised to announce first wave of nominations to reshape US courts.

>>13251639 Majorie Taylor Greene - I just voted NO on HR 6 (Amnesty)!

>>13251651 Feds Wanted To Bust Google’s Monopoly 8 Years Ago, But Obama Appointees Stopped Them

>>13251660 9 GOPers voted with all 219 Democrats on the DREAM Act

>>13251683 Fear Porn - "People who walk slowly may be nearly four times more likely to die from Covid-19, a new study has found."

>>13251539 FBI - More intimidation - Ross Township, PA Woman arrested for being at Capitol during FBI planned FF

>>13251742 #16786

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722b5c  No.13253296

#16785 1 of 2

>>13250820, >>13250822 NOTABLES ARCHIVE UPDATED

>>13250230 #16783

>>13250235 The governors that Who sent coronavirus-positive patients into nursing homes?

>>13250240 Putin Humiliated Biden in Moscow Meeting, Reveals Obama-Era White House Stenographer.

>>13250249, >>13250480 Head Of ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Org Arrested For Child Porn.

>>13250258 Report: Emails show how Biden will implement Green New Deal agenda through 'backdoor'

>>13250262 DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: ‘Extraordinarily Disrespectful’ to Ask Me About Illegal Alien Crime Victims

>>13250272 I Accidentally Joined A Playgroup Full Of QAnon Moms. Here’s What Happened

>>13250274 Warmonger Joe Biden Seems Quite Eager To Start A War With Russia

>>13250282 John Kerry caught flouting Biden’s mask mandate on flight, dismisses ‘elite hypocrite’ accusations as ‘malarkey’

>>13250289 Credit Suisse Claws Back Bonuses, 'Restructures' Asset-Management Unit As Greensill Scapegoating Continues

>>13250294 Who registers a military aircraft with ZZ666?

>>13250297 Joy Reid And Julián Castro Say It’s Racist To Ask White House About Failed Immigration Policies

>>13250302 Moscow Court Sentences Banker in ‘Russian Laundromat’ Case

>>13250305 Kansas has Wichita going all the way! #MarchMadness

>>13250313 Norwegian Doctor Claims To Find Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine And Rare Blood Clots

>>13250326 Michael Cohen says Trump is in for a 'proctological exam of the highest order' by New York prosecutors

>>13250337 Nolte: Joe Biden Breaks Promise to Not Raise Taxes on ‘Anybody’ Making Less Than $400K

>>13250356 Report: WHO Granted China Authority To Veto Scientists On Wuhan Mission

>>13250360 TechnoFog update on Ghislaine Maxwell case

>>13250370 Previously deported convicted rapist among group of migrants caught illegally crossing US-Mexico border

>>13250376 Boris Govt: Misogyny to Be Recorded as a Hate Crime from Autumn

>>13250401 Netherlands Changes Rules Mid-Election to Allow Rejected Postal Votes

>>13250417 The Sources who Lie and the Reporters who Protect Them

>>13250428 ‘Safe & effective’: EU drugs regulator backs AstraZeneca Covid-19 jab, though 'can’t definitively rule out' blood clot link

>>13250443 Papers Please: European Union Unveils Coronavirus Vaccine Passport Scheme

>>13250454 Another flashback to 2017, as everything connects when it comes to these BLACKMAILED Enemies Within:

>>13250482 Releasing COVID-Untested Migrant Teens into Texas Was a ‘Mistake,’ Says DHS Secretary

>>13250492 PB Fauci didn't approve HCQ 15yrs ago to cure coronaviruses

>>13250504 WH confirms Biden has seen photos from inside packed holding facilities for child migrants – as it DENIES imposing a gag order on Border Patrol agents

>>13250514 INVESTORS… Heads up! Billionaire Ray Dalio on ‘shocking’ tax changes: Could see new ‘prohibitions’ against gold, bitcoin

>>13250543 ~4,300 publicly reachable servers are posing a new DDoS hazard to the Internet

>>13250966 #16785\1 #16785

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722b5c  No.13253297

#16785 2 of 2

>>13250550 Cuomo's office is blasted for launching 'deeply troubling' SHADOW investigation into his sixth accuser who claims governor fondled her

>>13250553 Secret Republican Vote to Restore Earmarks Is a Betrayal of the Voters

>>13250561 Lindsey Graham, House Republicans Promote Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Amid Border Crisis #Gramnesty

>>13250571 Biden Regime Secretly Enforcing Media Blockade on Filming #BorderCrisis

>>13250572 Months after Trump complaints, some courts are finding irregularities in 2020 elections

>>13250576, >>13250576 Popular conservative pundit Bongino will take Rush Limbaugh's radio time slot

>>13250583 Top filmmakers dropping bomb on major Biden scandal

>>13250584 Witness given talking points by Democrats for congressional event, correspondence shows

>>13250594 North Korea confirms it has been DODGING Biden’s calls and will ‘refuse’ future nuke talks with US as tensions rise

>>13250603 Video: Former Clinton Advisor Wolf Warns Dems Are ‘In An Embrace With Big Tech’ To Censor Dissenting Voices

>>13250604 Democrat introduces bill banning transgender reassignment procedures on minors — and his colleagues are fuming

>>13250614 Texas Mayor Sounds Alarm on Border Crisis: Illegals Are Robbing Houses, Getting Into Car Chases Every Day

>>13250651 Google Wants to Monitor Your Sleep and Health Through Nest

>>13250655 Orange County DA Clears Police in Three Officer-Involved Shootings

>>13250656 Biden Says Leaving Afghanistan By May Would Be ‘Tough’

>>13250671 Report: Majority of LA County Signatures to #RecallNewsom Are from Democrats

>>13250687 Biden to send surplus AstraZeneca vaccine doses to Mexico, Canada

>>13250693 The FBI’s raid of Michael Cohen might have scooped up files involving women who say New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman “sexually victimized” them

>>13250694 McConnell: Pelosi trying to 'overturn a state-certified election' in Iowa

>>13250730 Washington Has Resurrected the Specter of Nuclear Armageddon

>>13250741 Six-month-old baby in Chile receives Sinovac's COVID-19 vaccine by "accident", reports suggest

>>13250742, >>13250770 New York nursing home administrator Michael Kraus tells Fox News that he warned state officials about Gov. Andrew Cuomo's order requiring facilities to take in COVID-positive patients released from hospitals.

>>13250764 $_TOPKEK

>>13250787 DOJ/FBI Are Compromised by Abuse of Trump

>>13250791 States sue Biden in bid to revive Keystone XL pipeline

>>13250818 President Biden refers to Kamala Harris as 'President.'

>>13250839 Texas Lt. Gov.: Biden is Sending Migrant Children Into Sex Trafficking

>>13250840 Marjorie Taylor Greene to face expulsion resolution from Dem congressman

>>13250970 #16785

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722b5c  No.13253299


>>13250153 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, March 17, 2021 ODNI, DOJ and DHS Release Unclassified Summary of Assessment on Domestic Violent Extremism

>>13249525 Nursing home administrator was ‘petrified’ by Cuomo’s order to take in COVID-19 patients

>>13249541 CDC: Covid Deaths, cases could fall in coming wks (vid)

>>13249554 Pair of V22 Ospreys down in SoCal running the coast north calling themselves ANON and RUDY. o7

>>13249577, >>13249622 Dr. Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses

>>13249599, >>13249845 Af1 over Colorado Springs? call sign GORDO14

>>13249603 'You parade around in a mask for show': Rand Paul tells Fauci during hearing

>>13249612 Reminder, Willie Brown admits it: Kamala Harris slept her way to the top

>>13249619 Lee Zeldin Considering Challenging Andrew Cuomo for NY Governor in 2022 - Bloomberg

>>13249623 Kevin McCarthy holds weekly presser following border visit

>>13249626, >>13249694 House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy filed a resolution aimed to remove Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

>>13249641 Gordo[n] again @ 49:17 - Who is the Postmaster

>>13249642 Proud Boys Leaders in 4 States Are Charged in Capitol Riot

>>13249686 Russia reveals names of 23 Latvians, including SS members, who worked for CIA after WWII

>>13244910 China-Backed Confucius Institute Rebrands to Avoid Scrutiny

>>13244908 A false conspiracy theory has spread widely in the far-right internet (not just within the QAnon community) that some incident involving a microphone and Biden talking to reporters shows he and the incident were somehow faked.

>>13244899 Trump Administration Insider Reveals How the US Military Sabotaged a Peace Agreement To Prolong War in Afghanistan

>>13244897 Democratic New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy's office was warned that ordering nursing homes to readmit residents recovering from COVID-19 would lead to unnecessary deaths, a new report reveals.

>>13244880 Soros-Backed DA Cut Plea Deals With Violent Criminals Represented by Campaign Donors

>>13244878 Marjorie Taylor Greene says Democrats are 'burning our country down' in midst of 'spiritual war'

>>13244873 Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel has announced there will be no state investigation into the COVID-19 nursing home deaths scandal, which was done at the behest of Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

>>13244862 Arizona GOP Rep: Biden 'culpable of child abuse' for fueling border surge with weaker enforcement

>>13244857 Judicial Watch Sues for Records of New York, Pennsylvania COVID-19 Nursing Homes Policies

>>13244852 @RonDeSantisFL: announces Florida's curriculum will "expressly exclude…Critical Race Theory."

>>13249758 Taking Cover under the Red, White and Blue Canada Lets 4 Accused of Child Molestation Call U.S. Home

>>13249760 Former President of Drag Queen Story Hour Foundation and Children's Court Judge Arrested on Seven Counts of Child Porn

>>13249784 Judge arrested for pedo porn is former CEO of Cream City Foundation

>>13249838 Senate confirms Xavier Becerra as HHS Sec 50-49

>>13249854 Jen Psaki live. About 23 minutes late on this, apologies.

>>13249860 More than 4 Billion Dollars has been paid out to Americans suffering from vaccine injuries and compensations to families for deaths caused by vaccines.

>>13249875 Border situation 'exponentially worse than anyone realizes'

>>13249883, >>13249919 Rafiekian - 4th Cir Opinion - Flynn case Reopening

>>13249967 Are you enjoying The Movie???

>>13249977 McCarthy hints at major security problems with Swalwell (Chqt)

>>13249989 Good Morning America Anti-Asian hate hearing gets emotional: 'Congress sees you, we stand with you'=

>>13250003 Biden DHS Chief Throws Gasoline on the Fire, Tells Migrant Parents “We Will Not Expel” Your Child if Sent Here Alone

>>13250017 Putin invites Biden to discuss relations in a virtual meeting, provided that it is a direct, live-streamed conversation.

>>13250019 Biden’s Actions with Russia Escalate After Biden Calls Putin a “Killer” – Putin Responds Saying “It Takes One to Know One”

>>13250067 Is Soros Backing Unrest in Myanmar? Military Junta Arrests Open Society Director and Staff

>>13250084 Bible study tools

>>13250105 Arkansas Dems Plan To Vote In GOP Primary To Support ‘Establishment Shill’ John Boozman Over Jan Morgan

>>13250095 Reminder, Antarctica. WAY more interesting than it seems.

>>13250178 #16784

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1b2d50  No.13253304


>>13244919 Ford announces plan to move Plant to Mexico after Cabal Puppet Biden announces crushing Tax Increases coming

>>13244910 China-Backed Confucius Institute Rebrands to Avoid Scrutiny

>>13244908 A false conspiracy theory has spread widely in the far-right internet (not just within the QAnon community) that some incident involving a microphone and Biden talking to reporters shows he and the incident were somehow faked.

>>13244899 Trump Administration Insider Reveals How the US Military Sabotaged a Peace Agreement To Prolong War in Afghanistan

>>13244897 Democratic New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy's office was warned that ordering nursing homes to readmit residents recovering from COVID-19 would lead to unnecessary deaths, a new report reveals.

>>13244880 Soros-Backed DA Cut Plea Deals With Violent Criminals Represented by Campaign Donors

>>13244878 Marjorie Taylor Greene says Democrats are 'burning our country down' in midst of 'spiritual war'

>>13244873 Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel has announced there will be no state investigation into the COVID-19 nursing home deaths scandal, which was done at the behest of Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

>>13244862 Arizona GOP Rep: Biden 'culpable of child abuse' for fueling border surge with weaker enforcement

>>13244857 Judicial Watch Sues for Records of New York, Pennsylvania COVID-19 Nursing Homes Policies

>>13244852 @RonDeSantisFL: announces Florida's curriculum will "expressly exclude…Critical Race Theory."

>>13248930 Leslie Wexner is leaving the board of L Brands. Notable resignation, I'd say.

>>13249350 How Joe Biden’s New Health Official Caused Thousands Of Extra Deaths In Pennsylvania

>>13249358 Former President of Drag Queen Story Hour Foundation and Children’s Court Judge Arrested on Seven Counts of Child Porn

>>13249359 Russian President Vladimir Putin responds to President Biden’s "killer" remark: “I would tell him — I wish you good health.”

>>13249375 Guys, anyone remember that mass shooting that killed two people in Oconomowoc yesterday morning? In the same … county!!!

>>13249388 Biden nominee Gupta to sell stake in company linked to chemical used by drug cartels in heroin

>>13250200 #16783

Previously Collected Notables

>>13250200 #16783,

>>13247073 #16780, >>13247862 #16781, >>13248638 #16782

>>13252019 #16778\1, >>13252021 #16778\2, >>13246474 #16779

>>13243965 #16776, >>13244784 #16777/2, >>13244786 #16777/1

>>13242396 #16774, >>13243345 #16775/1, >>13243347 #16775/2

>>13242004 #16771, >>13242153 #16772, >>13242311 #16773,

>>13238540 #16769/1, >>13238542 #16769/2, >>13242428 #16770

>>13236941 #16767, >>13237772 #16768/1, >>13237774 #16768/2

>>13235465 #16764, >>13235161 #16765, >>13236014 #16766

>>13235861 #16761, >>13241844 #16762, >>13236332 #16763

>>13240933 #16758, >>13241549 #16759, >>13241623 #16760

>>13208763 #16755, >>13234737 #16756, >>13235863 #16757

>>13204467 #16752, >>13205000 #16753, >>13205976 #16754

>>13202472 #16749, >>13203120 #16750, >>13203906 #16751

>>13200024 #16746, >>13200771 #16747, >>13201564 #16748

>>13197700 #16743, >>13199123 #16744, >>13199268 #16745

>>13195297 #16740, >>13196075 #16741, >>13196900 #16742

>>13195173 #16737, >>13195259 #16738, >>13195676 #16739

>>13190584 #16734, >>13191423 #16735, >>13192197 #16736

>>13189800 #16731, >>13189997 #16732, >>13189812 #16733

>>13185429 #16728, >>13186460 #16729, >>13187493 #16730

>>13165545 Q Research Notables #5: Notables

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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1b2d50  No.13253306

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>13167502 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

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1b2d50  No.13253307

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


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1b2d50  No.13253313



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1b2d50  No.13253322

E-Bake Reminder! THIS IS AN E-BAKE!

Thank you.

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387f83  No.13253328



It's not an ebake if you collected notes. It's just a bake and dump

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722b5c  No.13253350


yeah not really trying to do that this bread, people keep flooding the end with notes like dumb fucks.

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0c505e  No.13253353

File: 81cf68c0524fa0d⋯.gif (4.03 MB, 520x293, 520:293, Qanon_sign_POTUS_yup.gif)

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e1fb1d  No.13253355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Fren Who Loved Me

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3cb20b  No.13253361

File: 2fa12168fcb853b⋯.jpg (121.53 KB, 1339x911, 1339:911, cream_city.jpg)

Judge arrested for pedo porn is former CEO of Cream City Foundation

Wanna bet this is a money-laundering front for child sex trafficking?

Time to dig!


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aa9619  No.13253363


Good dubs, there.

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dc0451  No.13253364

File: 1d2a40c7575fcf8⋯.jpg (28.26 KB, 280x349, 280:349, 6d99aafc9ad0c24f9f23a87408….jpg)

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ae8feb  No.13253365

File: 61904f6231e3d3a⋯.png (304.62 KB, 400x404, 100:101, CarpetSalesTQ.png)

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a0505d  No.13253366



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387f83  No.13253367


kek.. just sayin

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aa9619  No.13253368

File: 03fdde85b7b6b7f⋯.png (473.78 KB, 651x663, 217:221, AQ2.png)

Exclusive–Wilcox: How Soros Money, Radical DAs Are Killing Our Cities


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b60caa  No.13253369

File: c426982614b39cc⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1440x900, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2021_03_18_at_….png)


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0c505e  No.13253370

File: 0e502e0b883367c⋯.gif (440.03 KB, 405x540, 3:4, Q_WW.gif)

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a0505d  No.13253371


Wow look at how breitbart preaches to the choir. Nobody who would change anything reads this shit and as a result nothing changes

Q team this is a really phenomenal plan. You've thought through everything.

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8d8722  No.13253372

File: 4e78b429844f89b⋯.jpg (44.64 KB, 566x377, 566:377, License_to_meme.jpg)



Pepe was awesome in 'License to Meme' too!

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11b64f  No.13253373

File: 7f7c9c99c84746a⋯.png (865.64 KB, 1018x765, 1018:765, pepe_samson_and_goliath.png)

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ac188a  No.13253374



Winning Bigly!!!

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441c06  No.13253375

File: 1ab40d748d6965d⋯.jpg (416.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1ab40d748d6965da056ce438f7….jpg)

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722b5c  No.13253376



>dumb fucks

Little harsh, but fuck it. if they made it here they have thick skin.


You remember.

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a0505d  No.13253377



What are we winning?

Please list at least one thing.

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4e8964  No.13253378

File: 8c4f261e77fe9f0⋯.jpg (8.43 KB, 250x202, 125:101, qq.jpg)


Can you please explain this meme to me? I can't piece together Persians and a carpet.

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654a86  No.13253379

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aa9619  No.13253380

File: 3b035975cb1078b⋯.png (473.78 KB, 646x664, 323:332, AQ2.png)

Fitton: Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Pelosi Call with Pentagon Chief


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c9bb4a  No.13253381

File: 3d158591629cad0⋯.png (3.7 MB, 1502x1080, 751:540, 39061508_AD6C_4EF6_93A8_3E….png)

Why does the government always lose stuff?

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1b2d50  No.13253382


add them 3s together and that's probably your number…


>my god…

apparently space in your brain…

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1368e0  No.13253383

File: eab14efe24f51bc⋯.jpg (114.06 KB, 756x353, 756:353, love.jpg)

Fuck Suicide

Let your acceptance of death

set you free and open doors

Savor moments of happiness

Enjoy the Show

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ae8feb  No.13253384


Everybody is selling something Anon

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654a86  No.13253385

File: ebd73c5a5344e3c⋯.png (1.35 MB, 888x592, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


dumbfucks with thick skin

yes, moar please

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441c06  No.13253386

File: a9a15db493a4e0e⋯.png (1.13 MB, 813x623, 813:623, a9a15db493a4e0ef9a6ad0f611….png)

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c9bb4a  No.13253387


Original Q team bailed after 2018 elections…Trump was ok with Senate win and made it clear there would no arrests….sounds like CM took over after that

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aa9619  No.13253388

File: 003bc3970c0c187⋯.png (718.5 KB, 895x743, 895:743, AQ2.png)

US, China spar in first face-to-face meeting under Biden


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d8072f  No.13253389

File: 019c1c91918769a⋯.png (374.78 KB, 376x527, 376:527, PanicInDC.png)


And don't forget Panic In DC

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a1aa1b  No.13253390

File: f5fed2835061aa2⋯.jpg (68.4 KB, 600x375, 8:5, cow_lemming.jpg)

>>13252531 (pb)

>Can You Tell Fact From Fiction Anymore?

Re your bread title. It's a tangled web of lies….but whose?

I know Biden isn't president.

I know we're being gas lit.

What I am uncertain of, isWHO is gaslighting us?

FYI glowniggers, gaslighting causes PTSD.

I get the "bigger picture", don't think I don't, but the damage that is being done to the American psyche is going to last generations. We were already broken, now we're shattered…is there some TRIUMPHANT RETURN planned? TADA, we were just kidding!!! What are you expecting as a response?

I'm back to envying Russia their president. Cheering him on in his Biden Baiting. He's apparently the only president of anything left that hasn't been to China to have his balls removed and put in a jar.

The only valid question isWHO is gas lighting us?

The case for the commies is strong…putting out laughable bullshit like the inauguration, Arlington, CGIJoe, everything OBVIOUSLY fake af…..then attacking people for noticing. WHY? as long as the "right" has hope by seeing the obvious fake af shit, then they'll stay in their seats waiting for the SHOW to end…..all the while sucking Wayne R. Willot cock as he continues HIS LARP.

So, are we being tricked into staying in our seats while they complete the destruction of our country? Well, are we?

IF the gaslighting is coming from "our hero" then that begs the damn question, how long has this been going on? The entire election was a gaslighting fraud? Because Joe's been CGIJoe for a LONG time. ALL during the campaign….the fake af inauguration, Arlington, everything….fake af.

This place screamed fake news for 5 years and didn't believe a word published…but now? they're furiously posting and reposting every article published, apparently believing every possible demoralizing word…Ezra's Vanity Fair interview, the Kraken debacle, the endless "tick tocks"..

I get it, nothing you see is true (including more fucking ticktock Scavino, as an example, "those who give up on Trump will regret it".) Give up? are you fucking KIDDING ME? There's always 20244!!! yet we're expecting to be set FREE by the "truth"? should anyone ever fucking decide to tell it.

Surely China and her spies know wtf is up, ZOG knows what's up, Putin sure af knows WTF is up (love that guy…seriously he stares down the ZOG he's surrounded by and doesn't afraid of NOTHING)….the ONLY people in the ENTIRE fucking earth that do NOT fucking know who/what is running our country are the CITIZENS who are hit every day with either:

Kameltoe Joe destroying our country


gaslighting SEE??? regret yet? Miss me yet? this is what the commies WOULD have done to our country if they had really won the election."Is there a single moment which someone is going to jump out of the bushes and scream TADA…every story you've read for the last 6 years has been made up? TADA….everything is fake, it's all a simulation???

I GET IT, my posts here should bear that out, but I don't think YOU get it….I read around, take the temps and right now I'm fucking sick to my stomach tapping into the despair, hopelessness…that "last straw"…..no one with half a brain believes Biden is president….but you've pushed them ONE lie too far.

NOW you're lying…well, actually you've been LYING for a very long time…if it's not the commies gaslighting us, it's been you….and for a LONG time.

CGIJoe Show requires the cooperation of HUNDREDS of people… hundreds of extras and media…all who signed an NDA on pain of death? Three people can keep a secret if 2 of them are dead. Not even one fake parade actor minuteman has spilled the beans?

Now we're going to fake going to war? is THAT the precipice? (or are we? is this a FUNNY thing to gaslight people with?). FOR WHO is this farce necessary? WHO? Pantifa? BLM? WHO? needs this level of farce? Gaslight invasion from the south, gaslight invasion from the North, gaslight bombing Syria, gaslight every fucking thing and you're expecting people to just be so "relieved" it's over that their psyche will instantly be restored?

Nothing we see is real…not even our own faces in the mirror.

Dear Vlad, just hit the damn button and put us out of our misery. Chances are, since no one knows who has the football, there will be no retaliation. Lil Rocketman Kim….could help! DC first tho. Make sure ALL of Congress is there…perhaps during CGI Joe's first fake state of the unionless speech? Just a suggestion.

Thanks, Voiceless in America

BTW OHIO took your 600 bucks a week (for 1099 contractors), kept most of it, and doled me out only 187.00 a week, precisely. There's no one to call…pretty sure I'm not the only one.

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7bc05a  No.13253391

Kellyanne Conway seals multimillion-dollar Donald Trump book deal: Report

"… expected to net Conway the biggest advance ever for a Trump tell-all," a news report says about the book deal.

Kellyanne Conway, a top political adviser for former President Trump, has reportedly inked a multimillion dollar deal to write a book.

"This one’s recipe is a little about her tough pillow talk with her husband, a little about growing up a growing family and a lot about Donald," The New York Post reported Thursday.

Conway previously wrote "What Women Really Want: How American Women Are Quietly Erasing Political, Racial, Class and Religious Lines to Change the Way We Live" in 2005.

Talk about a book deal for Conway first emerged in December 2020.

"Members of Donald Trump's inner circle are 'quaking in their boots' after learning Kellyanne Conway sealed a multi-million dollar deal to write a blockbuster memoir about her time in the White House, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal," wrote the U.K. paper.

"Details are being kept under wraps but the deal is expected to net Conway the biggest advance ever for a Trump tell-all, dwarfing the $2 million paid to former national security adviser John Bolton," said the paper.

"Of all the White House insiders, Kellyanne is going to write the most unvarnished, eye-popping account of her time working for the president," an insider told the Mail. "She's got some of us quaking in our boots."

Conway's book is expected to delve into her relationship with her 16-year-old daughter, who became a social media star with her vocal opposition to Trump, and her husband, George Conway, was also an outspoken Trump critic.

"Teenage Claudia became a strident political noise against her. The proud husband became an outspoken anti-Trumper. The more her voice was heard, the louder they screamed. To save either her family or her sanity Kellyanne eventually resigned," wrote the Post.


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000000  No.13253392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Our freedom back

You have no idea how much of a slave you really are…so you think you are awake.

Not by a long shot. Lurk and lean.

Night Shift on duty. Operations under way

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a0505d  No.13253393


This is the dumbest fucking take I've ever heard.

Q team is obviously a bunch of bleeding heart MI nerds who care more about following the rules than doing the right thing.

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b1bd8a  No.13253394

File: 47a1604ac946072⋯.png (309.34 KB, 650x433, 650:433, waiting_4_u.png)

FQ backer.

I post a pic for you, b/c this is nice.

But fq for not linkung new bread.

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34ada5  No.13253395

File: 4e2612ac0924ba9⋯.png (838.14 KB, 766x685, 766:685, ClipboardImage.png)

welcome to hell in your head world,

every door leads to something hidden !!!

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73da91  No.13253396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What Biden Green Screen Look Like Without CGI

His head is messed up, too.

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654a86  No.13253397

File: f609f20b1a68527⋯.png (1.25 MB, 888x895, 888:895, ClipboardImage.png)


they only lose your access to it

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4e8964  No.13253398

File: b11a4461e71b5c6⋯.png (459.1 KB, 891x476, 891:476, 15b03c2c4e78b803817f0af9e7….png)




I'm used to morning shift (the better shift) because they actually post memes of value.

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8a0d1c  No.13253399

File: 26d8036b0b9a163⋯.png (119.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcc0209253dc67f⋯.jpg (9.88 KB, 380x262, 190:131, witches_forks_v.jpg)

File: 869e699892e800a⋯.png (974.58 KB, 1279x786, 1279:786, v_it_numb_tired_of_winning….png)

File: 262f10723daa779⋯.png (3.08 MB, 2000x1500, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Skynet Logo


Identify symbolism (Owl / Y).

What powerful groups have owl / Y head symbols?


Why are China & Russia communist S/closed?

Can you find an owl / Y there?

Cyberdyne - "steering energy"

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4e8964  No.13253400

File: 64c334cbc4974b4⋯.jpg (35.06 KB, 563x633, 563:633, 14137fa719394cc0847cd8a86e….jpg)



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a0505d  No.13253401


I have no fucking freedom.

I have no debts, but I am tethered to the people I care about. Those people are not free. As long as they are not free, I am not free.

I don't give a shit whether or not I'm a slave, I just want a reason to keep the faith. A sign. A N Y T H I N G. All I get is "fuck you" after "fuck you" while my relationships degrade due to outside pressure that I'm just not talented enough to overcome.

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ae8feb  No.13253402

File: c4c49ce6d657905⋯.png (681.02 KB, 600x902, 300:451, BMCA.png)

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8a0d1c  No.13253403


Mike Adams - "Building their massive fleet of space exploration ships, terminator robots and silicon-based domination systems for Earth and other planets requires immense resources. Those resources water, minerals, land, energy, etc. are currently being consumed by the billions of human beings who inhabit the planet."


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c91651  No.13253404

So after getting purely punked by kju, Putin, xi and whoever else, bydin is threatening Myanmar.

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a0505d  No.13253405


Operation Get Fucked Q Losers

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c9bb4a  No.13253406


Trump baited Q team with save the republic BS…but he would have been JFK’ed in hours after first arrest

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fb0a0e  No.13253407

File: 0b6092d645f17e6⋯.png (775.25 KB, 772x412, 193:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b144bd1ee62c51⋯.png (84.58 KB, 1084x362, 542:181, ClipboardImage.png)

Notables: Former President of Drag Queen Story Hour Foundation and Children's Court Judge Arrested on Seven Counts of Child Porn.

>>13251199 , >>13251308, >>13249358, >>13249358


FLASHBACK: Houston Library Hosted Predator Who Sexually Assaulted 8-Year-Old Boy for ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’

The Houston Public Library allowed a convicted child sex offender read to children during their Drag Queen Story Hour.

Interest in this story has been reignited as the former president of the Milwaukee foundation organizing Drag Queen Story Hour events was arrested on seven charges of child pornography.

In 2019, it was revealed that Alfonso Garza, 32, who performed at the library under the name Tatiana Mala Nina, was convicted of sexually assaulting an eight-year-old boy in 2008.

“Most parents would not allow that individual to sit in this library and be held up as a role model to our children. Shame on you, Mayor Sylvester Turner!” said Tracy Shannon with Mass Resistance, a group trying to stop these events from happening at the library, according to a report from KHOU.

The library admitted that a proper background check was not conducted on the man before he was allowed to spend time with children there. He has since been banned from the library.

“In our review of our process and of this participant, we discovered that we failed to complete a background check as required by our own guidelines. We deeply regret this oversight and the concern this may cause our customers. We realize this is a serious matter,” the library said in a statement.


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1368e0  No.13253408


The people you care about are your reason. Good grief.

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a0505d  No.13253409


SO make me president, I'll fuckign arrest everyone, and then they can kill me I don't give a flying fuck.

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0c505e  No.13253410

File: 1a0d0f485ead250⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 650x348, 325:174, the_matrix_neo.gif)

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38098c  No.13253411

File: 46c0ba8fc92ef7c⋯.png (358.46 KB, 474x416, 237:208, ClipboardImage.png)

Ron, after we all watch it, please let us know what you think of it, personally

The fuckin director of the film is saying all these guys want to destroy eachother and thats what the film ends up being about instead of what it should be about? kek.. sounds like they were opportunistic and got had by the director, wtf.

>>13252790 (lb)

>>13252822 (lb)

>>13252811 (lb)

>>13252886 (lb)

Cullen Hoback is completely baseless if not a rising star among DS.. The fact that any of these guys participated just meant they were opportunistic, be it for their own reasons or for compd reasons or for genuine "fighting the good fight" reasons.. Now that they're getting their mainstream fame a huge boost, maybe they can take the opportunity to respond to cullens finished piece, and that should be revealing…

Anons should request their response to what cullen chose to exposé (ex·po·sé - exposay).. Anyone into Q anon is going to be stressed, and also experience frustration with others, even those aligned with them.. we'll see if thats what they wanted to present, that they were at war, or if that was just the chop & screw bullshit Hoback delivered.

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e8e99e  No.13253412

File: 8f30b7f8989888a⋯.png (245.68 KB, 1013x628, 1013:628, Screenshot_from_2021_03_18….png)

File: bcf49cbfafb50e7⋯.png (121.16 KB, 1194x621, 398:207, Screenshot_from_2021_03_18….png)

>>13253243 PB

>Muh Jew Space Lasers is a Media Matters generatedBlueanon Tinfoil Hat conspiracy theory

>>13253243 PB

> Media Matters generatedBlueanon Tinfoil Hat conspiracy theory

Solaren Corp. to Launch Solar Panels into Orbit

Posted in Energy Industry | Energy Inventions | Solar Power

Space Solar Power We keep hearing about harnessing the solar power from space. Some call it tall claims and some dismiss it as too costly an affair or pie in the sky. But it seems that in near future harvesting solar energy from space is becoming a reality. Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) from San Francisco is in the energy sector for decades. They have produced power from atomic energy, natural gas and water.Now PG&E has gone ahead and collaborated with Manhattan Beach start-up called Solaren Corporation.But what put this deal apart from others? Actually Solaren Corporation aims to launch a series of giant solar collectors into orbit 23,000 miles above Fresno. They will beam the energy to earth in the form of radio waves. Now PG&E has finalized a contract with Solaren to buy the power on one condition if they can make the technology work.

Gary Spirnak , who is Solaren’s chief executive, shared his thoughts, “There is enormous potential for energy security, economic development, improved environmental stewardship, advancement of general space faring and overall national security for those nations who construct and possess a space-based solar power capability.”

Why should alternative energy people look up to space for generation of power? The first point that goes in favor for solar power from space is it’s a good renewable energy source and always available. That means 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 366 days a year. The sunlight is independent of the earth’s movement and shadow of the moon. We know that solar energy is clean as there are zero carbon emissions.Solaren executives claim that by 2016 they can make the technology operational to harness energy from space. Gary Spirnak commented, “If our numbers are anywhere near where we think they will be, we will be able to provide power at a cost that’s comparable with anything on Earth, that is much cleaner and all from space.” Solaren has an ambitious plan to produce enough electricity for 150,000 homes across much of Northern and Central California. The California Public Utilities Commission is evaluating Solaren’s agreement with PG&E.


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7bc05a  No.13253413

Navy Cruiser Returns to Port Again After Crew Spots Another Fuel Tank Leak

A Navy warship has halted the start of its deployment again after turning back to shore a second time in about two weeks to address more trouble with a fuel tank.

Vella Gulf, a Virginia-based Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser, arrived in Norfolk on Sunday – a day after officials announced it was briefly back at sea following repairs to a leaking fuel oil tank. The new problem affected the same tank, but a Navy official familiar with the problem said the issues appear to be unrelated.

Tank corrosion is believed to have caused the first leak.

The cruiser turned back to shore this weekend while operating near the Virginia Capes by the Chesapeake Bay. A technical assessment is underway to repair the new problem.

"Experts are still evaluating the scope of the issue," said Lt. Marycate Walsh, a spokeswoman for U.S. 2nd Fleet. "This is an ongoing situation, and more information will be provided once it becomes available."

Vella Gulf deployed with the Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group on Feb. 19. The crew noticed a fuel oil leak in one of its engineering spaces after hitting heavy seas, forcing the ship to turn back.

It arrived back in Norfolk on Feb. 26, where it remained until March 13. The crew stayed on the ship last time to prevent possible exposure to COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus.

Walsh said they're taking the same precautions this time.

"The ship is currently in a bubble," she said. "The crew will remain onboard at this time until the extent of damage is determined."

She said the Navy remains confident in the repair work to fix the problem on the ship earlier this month, even though the new leak affected the same tank.

"The tank was inspected by qualified structural engineers, and corroded and pitted areas were evaluated using established engineering methods and standards," she said. "Repairs were completed where required."

Navy leaders always have the safety of sailors at front of mind when making operational decisions, she added.

"Technical experts deemed the ship safe for sea, and provided professional advice that informed the underway timeline," Walsh said. "We will follow the same process when preparing the ship to return to sea this time."

The rest of the carrier strike group remains at sea. A second Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser, the Monterey, is deployed with the Eisenhower.


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8a0d1c  No.13253414

File: d39d67d3e394736⋯.mp4 (14.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Bidan_green_screen_3_16_21….mp4)


>What Biden Green Screen Look Like Without CGI

Here is a full version for when they delete it

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c9bb4a  No.13253415


We could use a real “leader”

All these talking heads are cowards

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722b5c  No.13253416


>The fuckin director of the film is saying all these guys want to destroy eachother and thats what the film ends up being about instead of what it should be about? kek.. sounds like they were opportunistic and got had by the director, wtf.

Wait wait wait wait…

That was the fucking directer of the shit?

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cb1840  No.13253417

File: b43092979976fae⋯.png (329.59 KB, 565x536, 565:536, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea65ef9673f70c8⋯.png (364.3 KB, 552x413, 552:413, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan tweeted this on Feb12


Tonight new tweet same location


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657693  No.13253418

File: 7d7137247e269fd⋯.png (149.81 KB, 408x277, 408:277, FE2B9FBD_9353_419E_A0F1_99….png)


>I'm used to morning shift (the better shift) because they actually post memes of value.

When I fired up the computer today, morning shift morans were tracking a nightwatch thinking it was AF1.

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73da91  No.13253419


do we ever see who asks the question?

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a0505d  No.13253420


How? Every day they're more and more and more poisoned against me. The longer I hold out, the fewer people I have to care about.


Because that's what it feels like the plan is.

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ce3fbf  No.13253421

>>13252976 Scavino Sunset

From Q drop 32

The Maybe one day but it cannot go slow.

The initial wave will be fast and meaningful.

It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).


Remember the signal yesterday with the tree >>13245138 old past bread


It is the End for the Dems, Rinos, Cabal / Deepstate & Other collaborators (Today was their last move / play)

The last remaining ones have been exposed

One spy from [China] in custody already talking & exposing [CCP] [China] of their plans of attacks on USA over the years

All of the names of every criminal spy, Dems, Rinos, Cabal / Deepstate & Other collaborators are now in the hands of the most trusted people helping to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic

Remember the oath that was reaffirmed last month

Enjoy the show Anons

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a1aa1b  No.13253422

File: 6f233fbf79a87da⋯.jpg (727.05 KB, 1080x2001, 360:667, trump_take_vaccine.jpg)

>>13252600 (pb)

>So frustrated at parents. Their entire reality is fed to them by MSM. I told them today that I'm not taking the vaccine. They said, "Well, as long as you're not an anti-vaxxer."

>I said, "I just don't want to take it." Then there was an awkward silence.

I don't know why you're worried. Trump announced he, Melania, and Baron took it, and Eric Trump is in trouble for "jumping the line" to get his jab.

Come on now bro, belly up to the jab. Who tf cares anymore.

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654a86  No.13253423


sunrises in Florida

its a perk

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73da91  No.13253424


do you have link..i can't play it

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4e8964  No.13253425

File: 800a5fedd134f4b⋯.jpg (39.43 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1614092850127.jpg)


I said "memes of value" way to conflate the retarded planefags with garbage memes like this, >>13253402

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654a86  No.13253426


its sunrise, atlantic ocean is on east coast

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38098c  No.13253427

File: e3c6672ee628c93⋯.png (75.14 KB, 647x503, 647:503, ClipboardImage.png)



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000000  No.13253428


Thank you anon…exactly.


Its why we are all here. For the ones (you) care about. Smoar cowbell.

We don't need debbies on the front line.

Lift that vibe. Its exactly whats being suppressed. (Starting to see clearly yet?)

Anons are comfy at their stations.

Designed and wired for Psy-Op warfare.

Take a break and spend time with those you love. Recharge.

You need to get your emotions in check working so close to the battlefield.

Peace anon.

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722b5c  No.13253429


Thats the same fucking cloud. Isnt it?

The Hump over the sun? same in both no? even the Rays over the clouds?


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c9bb4a  No.13253430


If Trump told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?

The rich play games with us….

Trust your gut, not a politician

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ae8feb  No.13253431

File: fe89cce18492833⋯.png (736.93 KB, 1918x944, 959:472, ClipboardImage.png)

ENID23 Down at Barksdale AFB, LA, home of the 2nd Bomber Wing. 40+ B52 BUFFs call it home.

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828659  No.13253432

File: 9c74bc62f58d70f⋯.jpg (39.32 KB, 612x396, 17:11, 4z8nnj9b0.jpg)

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34ada5  No.13253433

File: 890b9c28c50ac25⋯.png (585.74 KB, 606x411, 202:137, ClipboardImage.png)


digits and notable assessment,

rons take on docu !!

they cannot break the anons, but they want to divide and conquer.

oldest trick in a worn out play book !!!

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6b7e39  No.13253434

File: ad0f3b9c7561669⋯.png (140.34 KB, 389x283, 389:283, clipboard_image.png)


>Why does the government always lose stuff?

Not hard to figure out, actually.

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df2476  No.13253435


Without better ‘inside’ Intel, i think I would go for a diesel-board session (don’t use water, that’s bad) on hilldog and the U1 deal. See what i could get her to spill… and maybe a couple dozen of the hundred ‘friends’ of hers that shot themselves in the back of the head, twice.

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000000  No.13253436


Operation shill scrub…ready?

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1368e0  No.13253437


I hear you anon, but it's more likely imo that 'anons' would go another direction, armed as we are with the knowledge that the plan has brought us.

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e1fb1d  No.13253438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pepe Romero agrees with this message

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eb3191  No.13253439



Correct assessment. they are exposing the "journalism" of cable TV.

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7bc05a  No.13253440

File: b193bd362d65611⋯.png (45.39 KB, 671x666, 671:666, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88f79e50de632ce⋯.png (773.4 KB, 692x486, 346:243, ClipboardImage.png)

Walmart to offer immunity passport to customers who take COVID vaccine jab

Watchdog groups have warned that vaccine immunity passports will become tools for government-backed 'abuse, discrimination, and oppression.'

Walmart has teamed up with providers of a digital immunity passport so that customers who receive the COVID-19 vaccine at thousands of the retail giant’s locations across America will be able to prove they’ve been vaccinated when such proof is required for them to travel, return to work or school, and attend sports events and other entertainment venues.

The company announced yesterday that customers vaccinated at Walmart and Sam’s Club will be able to access their vaccination records through the Health Pass by CLEAR app and TCP’s CommonHealth and CommonPass apps.

“These platforms are free to users who choose to use them in order to verify their vaccine status to safely return to travel, work, school, sports events, entertainment and other venues while protecting their health data privacy,” the company stated.

“Our goal is to give customers vaccinated at Walmart free and secure digital access to their vaccine record and enable them to share that information with third parties seeking to confirm their vaccination status,” said John Furner, CEO and President of Walmart US.

“We are proud to be the first retailer to strategically partner with both The Commons Project Foundation and CLEAR, and we look forward to working with them to empower people with digital access to their vaccination records so they can use them whenever and however they choose,” he added.

Watchdog groups have warned, however, that vaccine immunity passports will be used by those in power to restrict the rights and freedoms of those who refuse to go along with the medical experiment of receiving an unproven COVID-19 vaccine.

“The real risk of ‘vaccine immunity passports’ is the violation of our rights and freedoms,” Ted Kuntz, president of Vaccine Choice Canada, told LifeSiteNews in a recent interview. “The unstated intention of such a document would be used to restrict access to travel and services of those individuals not partaking in this medical experiment.”

Citizens in countries that have already rolled out such a vaccine passport program, such as Israel, are already experiencing what they call a “medical Apartheid.”

“It’s very intense over here in Israel,” said Ilana Rachel Daniel in a video posted March 3rd on Bitchute. “It’s terrible. It’s a very, very, very frightening situation.” Daniel related how the country has instituted a “green passport” where those who have not been vaccinated are not able to “get into theaters or malls or all sorts of things.”

“They are creating a medical Apartheid,” said Daniel.

A prominent left-leaning civil liberties group in Canada warned in December that “immunity passports” for those who receive the COVID-19 vaccination shot would ultimately become tools for government-backed “abuse, discrimination, and oppression.”

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association said that an immunity passport health program would place citizens in one of two camps, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, which would create a “dangerous social sorting, a categorization of human beings as safe vs unsafe, deserving vs undeserving, based on their personal decision about their health.”


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d68521  No.13253441

File: 7b23a80449c9764⋯.png (584.23 KB, 585x585, 1:1, d92ccda28a076dff53d7688e84….png)

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a0505d  No.13253442


I am not comfy

I am so fucking far from comfy

I am abandoned by everyone I trusted. The people I care about think I'm crazy. They are slowly starting to hate me because I refuse to pretend to buy into the bullshit that is modern society.

So no, I am not comfy. Unplugging isn't going to magically unpoison other people.




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eb3191  No.13253443


For their protection until they can be "relocated with their families".

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657693  No.13253444

File: 1c9becdbb69612a⋯.png (823.32 KB, 903x904, 903:904, A596C813_E544_4779_A49A_BB….png)


That’s a shill meme. What do you expect out of them?

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387f83  No.13253445


>Every day they're more and more and more poisoned against me.

Then why did you wear your heart on your sleeve? That's not really good opsec

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654a86  No.13253446


> They are slowly starting to hate me

cant imagine why

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ae8feb  No.13253447

File: 59065d58ba23105⋯.png (450.12 KB, 720x711, 80:79, BMC9.png)

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a0505d  No.13253448


Because it's who I am

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11b64f  No.13253449

File: df96f251e834dec⋯.jpg (173.07 KB, 819x585, 7:5, james_comey_fbi_howdy_dood….jpg)


USPS held that title for a long ass time

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6add69  No.13253450

File: 98134a748293570⋯.png (157.13 KB, 231x412, 231:412, ClipboardImage.png)


>We realize this is a serious matter

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7bc05a  No.13253451

File: 82cedf6cd1fff42⋯.png (165.22 KB, 502x330, 251:165, ClipboardImage.png)

Starbucks Founder Says China "Is An Adversary Not An Enemy" & US "Must Find A Way To Cooperate"

Former Starbucks CEO and one-time Independent presidential wannabe Howard Schultz made an appearance at Bloomberg's Equality Summit on Thursday to try and remind President Biden - whose administration has maintained many, but not all, of the tough on China policies adopted by his predecessor - that the US and China must cooperate.

In a seemingly contradictory quote, Schultz told his audience that China is "an adversary but not an enemy" and that America and the Chinese "must figure out a way to cooperate."

Schultz added: with the "rhetoric of the last four years" being unhelpful to finding common ground, if relations aren’t improved, "there will be significant problems," he said, though he is "confident that we will find a way to cooperate to benefit the rest of world".

"I have great respect for the Chinese people and the relationships we have built as a company there," Schultz said. "China is not going to conform to everything America wants in the same context that America is not going to conform to everything China wants."

Switching topics to economic inequality, an issue that Starbucks has long claimed to lead on, regarding domestic US issues, Schultz said the "underbelly" of inequality in American society can be seen in broadband Internet access, which he said is lacking in more than half of low-income households.

"That alone demonstrates the significant divide in America," Schultz proclaimed.

But to improve racial harmony, "we need to do better at teaching sensitivity and compassion,” he said. “We have to have a society with respect and dignity for all". And finally, Schultz turned his attention to small business owners, whom he said have been among the hardest-hit during the pandemic.

A "large majority" of those affected "have been Black- and brown- owned businesses" which threatens the "social fabric in neighborhoods and communities".

Whatever you might think of Schultz and his virtue-signaling, it's important to remember that China has played an increasingly critical role to Starbucks' bottom line over the last year (while he no longer runs the company, he's still the founder, and a board member). Even though Chinese consumers haven't taken to coffee like American executives had hoped (who can forget the demise of Starbucks' domestic competitor Luckin Coffee?), Starbucks' stores comprised a larger portion of its international revenue in 2020. What's more, Starbucks' stores in China were largely open for most of last year, unlike the company's stores in the US.

With senior diplomats from the US and China meeting in Alaska today and tomorrow, expect to hear more of this from American captains of industry as we head into the weekend.


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b1bd8a  No.13253452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fb0a0e  No.13253453

File: c281e4a3047ef14⋯.mp4 (945.76 KB, 640x640, 1:1, bLuTHX6ZwmfLjPnX.mp4)

Your medicine labels always states: Your doctor prescribed the medication because doctor believe the benefits outweigh the risks. Think about that.

The experts from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have not found an excessive increase in blood clots after testing AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine.The experts believe that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks.

AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine not linked to blood clot risk, EU drug agency says


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34ada5  No.13253454

File: bde574014f09762⋯.png (30.67 KB, 235x213, 235:213, ClipboardImage.png)


To the newbies and young people here with so many questions. You will face many truths and lies here. Many have died to bring this information to you. For centuries good people have given their lives so that this would be known to you now.

You will go through many emotions and heartache to know this truth. You would not be here were you not a truth seeker, bless you all.

First will be denial. The horrors will rock you to the core. To think that anyone could do these things will seem impossible.

Then will be anger. A fury and rage will rise in you so overwhelming it will threaten your sanity. Do not lash out. Do not become what you hate.

Next you wil ask perhaps if we ask them to stop they will. No they won't they are lost and only they can turn to the light. Some will but the worst will not.

Then it will weigh on your heart, the darkness will attempt to keep you in sadness and despair. Move past this.

Lastly you will know that each must find their own way and that by looking inside yourself, you will find a divine, magnificent, eternal soul who will be the future of humanity.

Do not darken your soul with vengeance, hatred or fear. You are the light you are seeking. You are a beautiful shining beacon that one day will know a world without war.

All paths lead to God. May yours be a joyous and kind one. That is why anons are here now. So that you and your children may live on a peaceful and beautiful earth.


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4e8964  No.13253455

File: 0c370990c616ef6⋯.png (475.54 KB, 1121x885, 19:15, 1615767161489.png)


Every single paragraph has something memorable.

>she gurgles and giggles and blows spit bubbles

>reveling in our retarded lust

>her troglodyte face

>Chewbacca-like roars

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a0505d  No.13253456



I'm not some goddamn military secret agent, I'm a decent human being who believes that duplicity and deception are among the most deplorable human characteristics and directly responsible for the majority, if not all, human suffering.

Honesty and transparency are the only way to build a sustainable future where humanity can realize its true potential.

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e53b8c  No.13253457

File: 008968887e520cb⋯.png (54.91 KB, 535x560, 107:112, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Sput….png)

Several people suspected of espionage on behalf of Russia arrested in Sofia


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c5defa  No.13253458


this anon had a PTA zoom call and decided to drop some red pills about the vax in the comments

response was SHOCKING considering i live in ultra liberal blue state. parents found my phone number in the directory & started texting

by end of the pta meeting, i had a group of over 50 people asking me to organize a response to the vax bullshit being pushed

that was the sign of HOPE this anon needed

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8d8722  No.13253459

File: 1e7e1bc833c270f⋯.png (270.77 KB, 512x512, 1:1, psssst.png)

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a1aa1b  No.13253460


I'm not taking the jab. I'm not fucking stupid. I also no longer believe a word out of Trump's mouth.

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b1bd8a  No.13253461


be smart enough to not give money to soros…..

this is a must watch.

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8d8722  No.13253462

File: 7fc9e17a81364b3⋯.jpg (41.17 KB, 828x789, 276:263, Bill_to_Law.jpg)

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a0505d  No.13253463


Genocide is badass!

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6add69  No.13253464

File: f65b97f95f97832⋯.jpg (77.62 KB, 852x480, 71:40, XiangguoQiu.jpg)



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df2476  No.13253465


Not alone

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4e8964  No.13253466

File: 3f9b589023d7b3c⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 1612133843623.jpg)



How have ya been?

I get it why you were posting those memes.

Still trying to provoke the "bot" you have been arguing with for over a year now?

I still don't understand why you would do that if you were arguing with a bot.

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364c26  No.13253467

File: d88da6afdd3bad4⋯.png (469.5 KB, 638x476, 319:238, gay_science.png)

File: f69d2ed13dc81e6⋯.png (1.35 MB, 921x517, 921:517, science_man.png)

We are to listen to the science, per Fauci et al…right? Now, if science is racist (especially mathematics, an integral part of something like astrophysics, not to mention medicine and epidemiology no?). Are they saying the racists will save the world? Can a black man be a racist and a scientist at the same time? At this point, shouldn't using this language -or writing at all- be deemed racist and banned too? ; This shit is just too confusing anymore. A modicum of consistency, beside insanity, would be welcomed.

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aae98a  No.13253468

File: 84ab695db9ac658⋯.png (201 KB, 433x279, 433:279, xiynab.png)

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73da91  No.13253469

File: 36a26a8ad76e590⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1241x717, 1241:717, ClipboardImage.png)

cgi Joe sure wears this suit and tie alot

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21ecef  No.13253470

Seems like a lot of you forgot this.


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a0505d  No.13253471


Too bad none of us can fucking do anything

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657ffd  No.13253472

File: f3756511c7418a6⋯.png (335.01 KB, 477x854, 477:854, Scavino.PNG)

>>13253417 He had a GIF on Fb Stories as well. Are we watching the water again?

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722b5c  No.13253473



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a1aa1b  No.13253474


Ticktock…right? SO lovely Scavino can afford to sit out and enjoy the sunset. HE gets a tan and a new job, WE get homeless, and gaslit.

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a0505d  No.13253475


yea dude watch teh water. It's worked out so well every other time

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73da91  No.13253476


>Starbucks Founder Says China "Is An Adversary Not An Enemy" & US "Must Find A Way To Cooperate"


needz some diggz on him

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d68521  No.13253477

File: 7ce5e0cae0f965e⋯.png (46.7 KB, 637x301, 91:43, Screen_Shot_2021_03_18_at_….png)

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4bb45d  No.13253478


Feel stupid

Took a reality TV President

To get things rolling in the right direction

Dubs for engagement


You watching?

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b1bd8a  No.13253479


I',m out.

See you later.

Hope the greus will abduct the moron till then.

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6add69  No.13253480

File: b720219bcd37d80⋯.png (70.8 KB, 255x192, 85:64, hero.png)



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a0505d  No.13253481


Reality TV president didn't do jack shit except trick you into giving him your time, energy, and votes.

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11b64f  No.13253482

File: 71d3f582733f50e⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 760x400, 19:10, binoculars_4.jpg)


>Are we watching the water again?

Looks that way

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882284  No.13253483


Stopped drinking their nasty ass coffee years ago but if I hadnt I sure would now

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1b2d50  No.13253484

File: e88add124726f4d⋯.jpg (64.22 KB, 466x720, 233:360, e88add124726f4de59686ba942….jpg)


I see you got your mask at the Dollar Spot

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602f49  No.13253485

File: 3358a7022ed6789⋯.jpg (37.58 KB, 334x500, 167:250, 1868983.jpg)

Hmm.. remember the Q posts with the funky underlining from way back?

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770b62  No.13253486

The sequel to the fall of the cabal. Part 10

Pedo Bill Gates exposed


<iframe width="640" height="360" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: none;" src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/oHiOT2Ksrhp6/"></iframe>

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4bb45d  No.13253487


you are wrong

Always have been

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387f83  No.13253488


their coffee is crap.

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df2476  No.13253489


I don’t talk with a lot of people any more… but when i do, i don’t fuck around with games. Maybe it’ll catch on yet.

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883cfd  No.13253490

File: 2aff70cf5f49a00⋯.png (111.09 KB, 207x214, 207:214, ClipboardImage.png)



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11b64f  No.13253491


Starbucks is aborted fetus mayhem so of course he said that

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882284  No.13253492


Yep. Tastes like burned dirt water

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9a7d80  No.13253493

File: 3325bfdc52c8606⋯.jpg (44.82 KB, 680x403, 680:403, EwANAwFXAAUVOsz.jpg)


you know what it is


how many of you have focused your autism on bringing the pain to the hedgies trying to steal our tendies?

the people have the power.


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a0505d  No.13253494


Prove it bitch

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8d8722  No.13253495

File: c2089893d87a929⋯.png (401.41 KB, 620x480, 31:24, Good_Sign.png)


>A sign.

Here, have a good sign.

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7bc05a  No.13253496

File: 6a4bdab16a970a2⋯.png (210.18 KB, 567x911, 567:911, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfc6b869c245ae5⋯.png (345.69 KB, 760x919, 760:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 539fd553d51a1c9⋯.png (445.31 KB, 777x923, 777:923, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 406fb3506599061⋯.png (205.41 KB, 797x880, 797:880, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79c7bca3b255d38⋯.png (370.23 KB, 784x918, 392:459, ClipboardImage.png)

The Ghislaine Maxwell Case And the ongoing(?) investigations of Epstein's co-conspirators

Ghislaine Maxwell remains in jail, awaiting trial for charges including (1) conspiracy to entice/transport minors to engage in illegal sexual acts; (2) transportation of a minor to engage in illegal sex acts; and (3) perjury. She doesn’t yet have a trial date and sits (or, as Maxwell would say, suffers) in jail as the the case continues.

Maxwell is currently fighting this war on multiple fronts. The first has to do with dismissal. As we previously reported, she is trying to get the charges dropped. One of her best arguments (read her motion to dismiss on Scribd) is that the Epstein plea deal precludes her prosecution:



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4bb45d  No.13253497

Send me in

Pull me out

For funs sake

Is the question

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387f83  No.13253498


homebrewed percolator coffee = win

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770b62  No.13253499

The sequel to the fall of the cabal. Part 10

Pedo Bill Gates exposed



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fb0a0e  No.13253500

File: 63c8614ff5cca87⋯.jpg (180.09 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, EwuihIqWUAshq07.jpg)

Chrissy Teigen is at it again.

Chrissy Teigen takes baths with her son.

In the photo, the cookbook author is wearing a black bodysuit from the waist down, as well as some patent leather black pumps.

Covering her breasts with her arms, Teigen, 35, looks down at Miles as he stands between her legs smiling.

"please move, mommy is trying to be thirsty," she jokingly captioned the photo.

After one commenter asked if anyone else found this photo to be "cringing," Teigen hilariously clapped back, "Wait til [they] find out we take baths together."


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d68521  No.13253501

File: d2b88d7b5287dcd⋯.jpg (139.98 KB, 620x387, 620:387, epstein_hawking_3162293b.jpg)

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6b7e39  No.13253502

File: aa92f226c307206⋯.png (282.74 KB, 618x401, 618:401, 2021_03_18_23_10_02.png)

File: 42eb9656123de13⋯.png (369.18 KB, 549x380, 549:380, 2021_03_18_23_11_45.png)

File: 8134ccb72b3f1f9⋯.png (400.25 KB, 548x427, 548:427, 2021_03_18_23_12_11.png)

File: 5eef592848e2903⋯.png (631.35 KB, 555x556, 555:556, 2021_03_18_23_13_12.png)

File: 7f5049ad13f2464⋯.png (740.46 KB, 561x753, 187:251, 2021_03_18_23_14_54.png)


>Walmart to offer immunity passport to customers who take COVID vaccine jab

Walmart is a place for masks should be mandatory every day regardless of the vaccine.

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6add69  No.13253503

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b1bd8a  No.13253504



usss sold kids to the high profile people in the wh.

why is this relevant? b/c the same usss protect their criminals, to cover their crimes.

nothing can stop what is coming, except me.

and i want you to pray.

this planet will be saved, but must ne cleaning service first.

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7bc05a  No.13253505

File: c7f300bd2b0b8e7⋯.png (65.07 KB, 817x900, 817:900, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8cdcdf404ddc06⋯.png (59.7 KB, 815x919, 815:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd6f09e96953265⋯.png (38.37 KB, 824x763, 824:763, ClipboardImage.png)

Australia's news media bargaining code is a form of ransomware, and someone paid up

The battle baffled the world. The big so-called 'tech companies' now have to pay Australian news producers to use their content, but what actually happened here?

We need to do something. This is something. Therefore we need to do it. This is the logic that led to Australia's wondrously strange news media bargaining code.

Let's take a step back. There was indeed a problem, a problem that goes back more than a quarter of a century. It's that the internet changed everything. But it was only ever really a problem for news business that failed to adapt.

News is expensive to make. That's why for most of the 20th century, commercial news operations bundled it with advertising, which was the main income stream, and cheap filler content.

The audience got the whole bundle in one lump, whether it be on dead trees whose slaughter and distribution they paid for, or via radio or TV.

But then the internet unbundled everything.

People who wanted the advertising went straight to sites that were nothing but ads for real estate or used cars or second-hand furniture or people who wanted a date.

Advertising also moved to places like Facebook, which has personally relevant content that people give them for free, or Google, which provides a whole bunch of useful services.

It turns out there's fewer people who just want quality news than the big old news factories had thought. The data finally showed them how few people read stories past the headline. Most of those people aren't willing to pay for all the news content when they only want a few bits and pieces.

Profits soon plummeted. Journalists were sacked. News got cheaper, but not in a good way.

Meanwhile, most people are happy with reading the snippets of news they see on the Facebooks or the Googles, or even just the headline. The tech giants get some ad revenue from that, but the news factories get nothing unless people click through.

So as I say, there's a problem, but only for the old news factories.


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e1fb1d  No.13253506

File: af1346117a66961⋯.png (169.73 KB, 646x522, 323:261, af1346117a66961083c64b99ff….png)

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da3e41  No.13253507

File: 47a5a06dae1cac8⋯.png (20.42 KB, 910x406, 65:29, Screenshot_2021_03_18_adve….png)

File: c2f2c6ad548dbe2⋯.jpg (196.43 KB, 600x726, 100:121, QuoteSamA1.jpg)


>Starbucks Founder Says China "Is An Adversary Not An Enemy"

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e06b82  No.13253508


Many Christians won't even look at texts outside of the bible. 100% trust in the editors/translators

And they use the bible to verify the validity of the bible

"Expand your thinking" they will do for anything except the bible as written/edited/translated

It will be the toughest redpill.

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8d8722  No.13253509

File: 980bf2a5863985c⋯.jpg (28.72 KB, 323x237, 323:237, Watch_the_Water.jpg)


> Are we watching the water again?

yes, but in color.

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73da91  No.13253510


>Howard Schultz



Early career

After graduating Schultz stayed in Michigan and worked at a ski lodge for a year.[13] He then took up a job in New York City as a salesman for Xerox, and was recruited by Swedish kitchenware manufacturer PAI Partners in 1979 to be general manager of its U.S. subsidiary, Hammarplast.[14] At Hammarplast, Schultz was responsible for the coffee machine manufacturer's U.S. operations, and in 1981 he visited the Starbucks Coffee Company in Seattle, Washington to fill their plastic cone filter orders.[6][7]

Seattle SuperSonics and Seattle Storm

In January 2001, Schultz led a group of ten investors who bought the National Basketball Association's Seattle SuperSonics and the Women's National Basketball Association's Seattle Storm from the Ackerley Group for $200 million.[46]During his tenure as the SuperSonics team owner, he was criticized for his naïveté and propensity to run the franchise as a business rather than a sports team.[47] Schultz feuded with player Gary Payton, feeling that Payton disrespected him and the team by not showing up to the first day of training camp in 2002.[48] In February 2006, he stated that the Sonics needed $200 million to renovate KeyArena or build a new arena for the team, and if the Washington State Legislature would not approve this, he would look to sell or move the team.[49] On July 18, 2006, Schultz sold the team to Clay Bennett, chairman of the Professional Basketball Club LLC, an Oklahoma City ownership group, for $350 million, after having failed to convince the city of Seattle to provide public funding to build a new arena in the Greater Seattle area to replace KeyArena. At the time of the team's sale, it was speculated that the new owners would move the team to their city some time after the 2006–2007 NBA season.[

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000000  No.13253511


You are never alone.

Meditate…Get your control back.


Free online training: Rodney is one of the best,


Listen to the first class tonight.


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4bb45d  No.13253512


1,416 persons arrested for sex trafficking of a minor in the United States from 2010 to 2015.

10000+ arrests since 2016

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6add69  No.13253513

File: 5130fa7aceabfa2⋯.jpg (164.53 KB, 1024x1365, 1024:1365, Queen.jpg)

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8c05fb  No.13253514

Only 211 breads until bread # 17000

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441c06  No.13253515

File: 292ebed7136ceaa⋯.jpg (65.56 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Q800a5fedd134f4bcf44899746….jpg)




ah ah ah

hah hahhaa


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6add69  No.13253516

File: 927769cab0a350c⋯.jpeg (56.72 KB, 630x360, 7:4, mind.jpeg)


>I see you got your mask at the Dollar Spot

clowns wear masks

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a6b93d  No.13253517

File: db2764641500f4e⋯.gif (5.56 MB, 600x600, 1:1, 9215B844_59F7_4685_BBC0_48….gif)

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882284  No.13253519


Did that fir a while, switched back to drip. Buy whole beans and grind them fresh. If I had to name my one favorite simple comfort it is coffee. For as long as I can remember

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a0505d  No.13253520


Thanks for ignoring everything I said and then giving me some prepackaged hippy bullshit.



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387f83  No.13253521

ebake cancelled

Notable Posts

#16789 @200, >>13253313, >>13253322

>>13253417, >>13253421 Anon notices that Dan poasted in the same location on Feb 12 as he did tonight, with a Q post to consider

>>13253431 Planefag reports

>>13253361 Judge arrested for pedo porn is former CEO of Cream City Foundation

>>13253368 Breitbart: Wilcox: How Soros Money, Radical DAs Are Killing Our Cities

>>13253380 Breitbart: Fitton: Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Pelosi Call with Pentagon Chief

>>13253388 AP: US, China spar in first face-to-face meeting under Biden

>>13253391 JTN: Kellyanne Conway seals multimillion-dollar Donald Trump book deal: Report

>>13253407 GP: FLASHBACK: Houston Library Hosted Predator Who Sexually Assaulted 8-Year-Old Boy for ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’

>>13253412 AEN: Solaren Corp. to Launch Solar Panels into Orbit

>>13253413 Military.com: Navy Cruiser Returns to Port Again After Crew Spots Another Fuel Tank Leak

>>13253440 lifesite: Walmart to offer immunity passport to customers who take COVID vaccine jab

>>13253451, >>13253510 ZH: Starbucks Founder Says China "Is An Adversary Not An Enemy" & US "Must Find A Way To Cooperate"

>>13253453 CBS: AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine not linked to blood clot risk, EU drug agency says claims. Muh benefits outweigh the risks? Risks like death?

>>13253457 Sputnik: Several people suspected of espionage on behalf of Russia arrested in Sofia

>>13253496 Technofag report: The Ghislaine Maxwell Case And the ongoing(?) investigations of Epstein's co-conspirators

>>13253500 People: Chrissy Teigen takes baths with her son. What a grooming pedo.

>>13253505 ZDnet: Australia's news media bargaining code is a form of ransomware, and someone paid up

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8e99e  No.13253522

File: 1b0f3fdf8d56537⋯.png (446.08 KB, 471x591, 157:197, teigenPedoon.png)

File: 62ba85c48127fb7⋯.png (446.89 KB, 471x591, 157:197, teigenPedolite.png)

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09f50c  No.13253523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wife of pastor jailed for preaching speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

It's time to wake the fuck up people.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

404ee5  No.13253524


five weeks for the sun to move that amount. Hope that means only about five more weeks for the sun to set on the Old Guard.

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4bb45d  No.13253525


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a1aa1b  No.13253526

File: 023c4843d13f18e⋯.webm (989.8 KB, 720x748, 180:187, xi_biden_head.webm)


>US, China spar

About what? KEK…China Joe and Xi are lockstep BFFs. Fake news.

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6add69  No.13253527

File: b8f91cbb8fb394f⋯.png (61.77 KB, 222x222, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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722b5c  No.13253528


Betting by April… What you think anon?



Buys Beer,

"May I see Your Id"?

Laughs to self while handing ID knowing Damn well there is no request to verify visual identity.

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c0b50d  No.13253529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Forget COVID, Global Oligarchs Are Now Rehearsing For A ‘Cyber Pandemic’




SPECIAL FREE LIVE BROADCAST 5th Jan 2021: Focus on Fauci


Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic - Benefits versus Risks | McMillan Research


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4bb45d  No.13253530

Blah blah

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8d8722  No.13253531


is that an Edsel? kek

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4e8964  No.13253532

File: 5e873c8f4d9ccd2⋯.png (394.27 KB, 498x499, 498:499, 1615532872427.png)




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722b5c  No.13253533

>>13253521 You got it? word, here's my notes. Bout to go then.


>>13253431 PF Reports

>>13253505 Australia's news media bargaining code is a form of ransomware, and someone paid up

>>13253500 Covering her breasts with her arms, Teigen, 35, looks down at Miles as he stands between her legs smiling. "please move, mommy is trying to be thirsty," she jokingly captioned the photo.

>>13253499 The sequel to the fall of the cabal. Part 10 Pedo Bill Gates exposed

>>13253496 Catch it before it's redacted again! The Ghislaine Maxwell Case And the ongoing(?) investigations of Epstein's co-conspirators

>>13253478 All For A LARP? (notq)

>>13253457 Several people suspected of espionage on behalf of Russia arrested in Sofia

>>13253453, >>13253464 REMEMBER! "Right To TRY!"

>>13253451 Starbucks Founder Says China "Is An Adversary Not An Enemy" & US "Must Find A Way To Cooperate"

>>13253440 Walmart to offer immunity passport to customers who take COVID vaccine jab

>>13253417, >>13253421, >>13253472 Scavino COMMS?

>>13253413 Navy Cruiser Returns to Port Again After Crew Spots Another Fuel Tank Leak

>>13253412 Solaren Corp. to Launch Solar Panels into Orbit

>>13253411, >>13253427 Anon Brings To Attention the DIRECTOR of the HBO Special is… Acting Funny…

>>13253407 Remember THIS?

>>13253391 Kellyanne Conway seals multimillion-dollar Donald Trump book deal: Report

>>13253388 US, China spar in first face-to-face meeting under Biden

>>13253380 Fitton: Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Pelosi Call with Pentagon Chief

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404ee5  No.13253534

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195730  No.13253535

File: 8fab8091e75063e⋯.png (68.6 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13253231 pb

>>>13253075 pb


>Do you know why it is believable? Look the fuck around. Everything is absurd. Why shouldn't people believe it? Before they "allegedly" destroyed it they didn't do shit about it anyway. Nothing would surprise an intelligent person at this point. I fucking aliens landed on the white house lawn, took a shit, left a note and said we too stupid to talk to we would all just shrug it off as yet another 2020+ absurdity.



I literally feel like we're living in a world full of fun house mirrors. NOTHING pisses me off anymore or even outrages me. ('cept the PEDOS) It's surreal AF but I'm comfy as fuck! Guess that comes from being woke for nearly 40 years. If aliens landed here right now I'd do anything to have them take me away. I don't want to know where we're going or what they're going to do to my butt hole. Just put Earth in the rear view mirror and step on it! NOTHING can be as crazy as this fucking planet!


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21ecef  No.13253536


? dafuq. I linked a video of various times trump said he won't televise or let the world know when Americas attacks.

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62ad93  No.13253537

Blount County Man Convicted Of Child Exploitation Charges https://www.justice.gov/usao-edtn/pr/blount-county-man-convicted-child-exploitation-charges #ProjectSafeChildhood

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a0505d  No.13253538


There is no way to spin this as a bad thing. If this is true, thanks. This is good.

Selfishly I wish there were more than directly affected us, but this is clearly good.

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883cfd  No.13253539

File: e12901616d281c8⋯.png (190.28 KB, 509x720, 509:720, ClipboardImage.png)

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62ad93  No.13253540

Registered Sex Offender Sentenced to 10 Years for Possessing Image and Videos Depicting the Sexual Exploitation of Minors https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdpa/pr/registered-sex-offender-sentenced-10-years-possessing-image-and-videos-depicting-sexual #ProjectSafeChildhood

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441c06  No.13253541

File: 056e8e6db71c6dd⋯.jpg (62.06 KB, 500x533, 500:533, 056e8e6db71c6dd10950e224b9….jpg)


The FBI seeks, hides and destroy things.

[They] are evil and cruel.

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8c05fb  No.13253542


5 or 6 breads a day is close to average, unless the bot shows up. That would leave less than 5 days

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62ad93  No.13253543

North Attleboro Man Sentenced to 15 Years for Child Pornography Offenses https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/north-attleboro-man-sentenced-15-years-child-pornography-offenses #ProjectSafeChildhood

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a0505d  No.13253544


It's funny because nothing is coming, so it makes sense that nothing stops nothing.

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882284  No.13253545


Those too. But u don't get em every day. I do have to wake up every day though so that means coffee on the daily. Sometimes twice!

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6add69  No.13253546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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883cfd  No.13253547

File: 1a285b91383209d⋯.png (581.3 KB, 640x533, 640:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb3191  No.13253548

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, Drink_Laugh.jpg)

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441c06  No.13253549

File: ddade5fe155d2fd⋯.png (184.38 KB, 617x498, 617:498, e6c7007e72f4924c431fda6850….png)

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6add69  No.13253550

File: 09900cd1f026848⋯.png (128.94 KB, 469x753, 469:753, ClipboardImage.png)


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04dbdf  No.13253551

File: adf307500bf4c2f⋯.jpg (84.78 KB, 600x500, 6:5, gretchen_88.jpg)

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62ad93  No.13253552

Anchorage Man Sentenced to Nine Years in Federal Prison for Stalking and Threatening Former OCS Caseworker, Attempted Extortion of FBI Agent https://www.justice.gov/usao-ak/pr/anchorage-man-sentenced-nine-years-federal-prison-stalking-and-threatening-former-ocs #ProjectSafeChildhood

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a0505d  No.13253553






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441c06  No.13253554

File: ed8b650128e9c04⋯.png (396.14 KB, 1080x725, 216:145, ed8b650128e9c04f3f59be4a6d….png)

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fb0a0e  No.13253555

File: 931be1281432c4e⋯.mp4 (234.63 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Now_when_President_Harris_….mp4)

OOPS! Biden calls Kamala ‘President Harris’ during speech AGAIN.


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62ad93  No.13253556

Pennsylvania Man Pleads Guilty to Attempted Enticement and Coercion of a Minor https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndny/pr/pennsylvania-man-pleads-guilty-attempted-enticement-and-coercion-minor #ProjectSafeChildhood

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000000  No.13253557


Heard Thank you Anon!

Very well said.

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8f628b  No.13253558

File: 8464579cbb27a6d⋯.png (171.66 KB, 756x489, 252:163, TITAN25_USAF_E_4B_Nightwat….PNG)

TITAN25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch departed Osan AB and heading into the south China Sea taking the long way round to New Delhi

Sec. of Defense to New Delhi from Seoul

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1dcb99  No.13253559

File: 5d80c4b12d9f4c6⋯.jpeg (109.95 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, 5A4CE346_4296_46D1_8CFB_D….jpeg)

File: 395fd283faa9c5a⋯.jpeg (313.17 KB, 1212x954, 202:159, 5A339599_0713_4417_9788_E….jpeg)

File: bb99eaf7854e5f3⋯.jpeg (84.3 KB, 1240x827, 1240:827, 0CBEEB4D_2504_42C3_AAFE_7….jpeg)

File: 44aa63bf504a1ed⋯.jpeg (898.72 KB, 4096x2731, 4096:2731, E9C570A9_ACA0_44B3_B2C8_F….jpeg)

File: 622221f2d62f345⋯.jpeg (19.25 KB, 338x149, 338:149, 4FA5CCCF_5AFE_4BCC_85F8_6….jpeg)

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722b5c  No.13253560


Was Much More Fun when it was like 10+ kek. So much information.

The fact that it is kind of trickling down here newswise is kind of telling to the effectiveness of it.

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df2476  No.13253561

File: 627323d4ee4c8f5⋯.jpeg (88.7 KB, 750x588, 125:98, A1DB8FA4_AC69_4EA5_A448_6….jpeg)

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4e8964  No.13253562

File: d9059d48f91db5d⋯.jpg (130.79 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 5b751980af145_image.jpg)



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6b7e39  No.13253563

File: 739a09207b5c400⋯.png (353.99 KB, 479x659, 479:659, luv_lattes.png)


>Stopped drinking their nasty ass coffee years ago but if I hadnt I sure would now

Tears will flow if their loyal followers heard that

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21ecef  No.13253564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This is a true American.

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80a770  No.13253565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Candace Owens (VO) - Social Autopsy

Any questions?

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441c06  No.13253566


Anyone got a link for Ron's special?

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4bb45d  No.13253567


One painful lesson of the Q psyop is to cure you of saviour syndrome

Q is silent because it would be psychologically counterproductive to our goals if you had the feeling superman sweeps in and saves the day

Gotta make this journey rewarding

Gotta pass boot camp

Gotta be your own god

Only then will we reap our rewards

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6add69  No.13253568

File: 1fec9570053b1b9⋯.jpg (226.06 KB, 1068x665, 1068:665, Pepleiadians.jpg)


>I don't want to know where we're going or what they're going to do to my butt hole. Just put Earth in the rear view mirror and step on it!

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fb0a0e  No.13253569

File: 6f1fa1ffd0f59e8⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Fauci_hopes_to_be_able_to_….mp4)


Fauci hopes to be able to vaccinate children as young as 6-months by the beginning of next year.

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04dbdf  No.13253570

File: 20d5f1e2d780723⋯.png (173.47 KB, 258x337, 258:337, milkies_ofthe_year.png)


I'd like to motorboat her on the Great Lakes.

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32b8ec  No.13253571

test or /random

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883cfd  No.13253572

File: bd701726046b669⋯.png (162.57 KB, 1271x536, 1271:536, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43af0086ee77ea9⋯.png (177.61 KB, 634x250, 317:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 152559a810d2dfd⋯.png (520.2 KB, 634x678, 317:339, ClipboardImage.png)


It would have seen thousands of the nocturnal creatures fitted with bombs and dropped over Japan during the day, safe in the knowledge they would seek out the dark loft spaces of homes which were mostly made from wood and paper.

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6add69  No.13253573

File: 4699f8ead8d6578⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 512x512, 1:1, baitman.jpg)


President Harris

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ae8feb  No.13253574


Well ain't that interesting.

E4Bs normally stay close to the POTUS. Whoever that might be.

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16dcae  No.13253575


You must be young. Or blind.

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387f83  No.13253576



updated notes. please check to make sure I didn't leave anything out

Notable Posts

#16789 @200, >>13253313, >>13253322

>>13253417, >>13253421, >>13253472 Anon notices that Dan poasted in the same location on Feb 12 as he did tonight, with a Q post to consider

>>13253431 Planefag reports

>>13253361 Judge arrested for pedo porn is former CEO of Cream City Foundation

>>13253368 Breitbart: Wilcox: How Soros Money, Radical DAs Are Killing Our Cities

>>13253380 Breitbart: Fitton: Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Pelosi Call with Pentagon Chief

>>13253388 AP: US, China spar in first face-to-face meeting under Biden

>>13253391 JTN: Kellyanne Conway seals multimillion-dollar Donald Trump book deal: Report

>>13253407 GP: FLASHBACK: Houston Library Hosted Predator Who Sexually Assaulted 8-Year-Old Boy for ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’

>>13253411, >>13253427 Anon Brings To Attention the DIRECTOR of the HBO Special is… Acting Funny…

>>13253412 AEN: Solaren Corp. to Launch Solar Panels into Orbit

>>13253413 Military.com: Navy Cruiser Returns to Port Again After Crew Spots Another Fuel Tank Leak

>>13253440 lifesite: Walmart to offer immunity passport to customers who take COVID vaccine jab

>>13253451, >>13253510 ZH: Starbucks Founder Says China "Is An Adversary Not An Enemy" & US "Must Find A Way To Cooperate"

>>13253453, >>13253464 REMEMBER! "Right To TRY!" CBS: AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine not linked to blood clot risk, EU drug agency says claims. Muh benefits outweigh the risks? Risks like death?

>>13253457 Sputnik: Several people suspected of espionage on behalf of Russia arrested in Sofia

>>13253478 All For A LARP? (notq)

>>13253496 Technofag report: The Ghislaine Maxwell Case And the ongoing(?) investigations of Epstein's co-conspirators

>>13253499 The sequel to the fall of the cabal. Part 10 Pedo Bill Gates exposed

>>13253500 People: Chrissy Teigen takes baths with her son. What a grooming pedo.

>>13253505 ZDnet: Australia's news media bargaining code is a form of ransomware, and someone paid up

>>13253523 vid: Wife of pastor jailed for preaching speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

>>13253529 Technocracy: Forget COVID, Global Oligarchs Are Now Rehearsing For A ‘Cyber Pandemic’

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d8072f  No.13253577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e1fb1d  No.13253578

File: 5b12016d06d5dca⋯.png (119.48 KB, 236x351, 236:351, 5b12016d06d5dca89e7a87a61d….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

62ad93  No.13253579

Anchorage Man Indicted on Child Pornography Charges https://www.justice.gov/usao-ak/pr/anchorage-man-indicted-child-pornography-charges-1 #ProjectSafeChildhood

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9661fa  No.13253580

File: fa678fae7f8a132⋯.png (392.67 KB, 490x557, 490:557, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35a99f7e8ba56be⋯.png (656.94 KB, 680x439, 680:439, ClipboardImage.png)


FAITH ALWAYS FEELS GOOD, doubt/fear always feels bad. You have to reach for the thoughts that are more optimistic and feel better. That is the only way. Nobody can think for you and they can only affect you if you allow it to. Your thoughts can work for you or they can work against you. It SEEMS as though you need the conditions around you to change before you can feel better, but the only way you can feel better is by choosing the better feeling, more hopeful thoughts. You are the only one that can take your pain away by choosing how you want to think. Take your power back. Your relationship to God is the only one that matters and you get there through faith (better feeling thoughts). Once you get your connection back then the things your perception or the way you think about the situation will change. When Daniel was in the lions den he turned his back on the lions because he knew if he focused on them, they'd swallow him up. The lions look big and scary AF but he turned his back and looked up towards the light (answered prayer/faith/God). You got this, faggot. Peter did the same thing so he could walk on water. Keep your eyes off the storm and place them on God and if you don't know God then take the journey from your head to your heart.

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4bb45d  No.13253581

Not a Drill

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04dbdf  No.13253582

File: 9d935da9ebdbcad⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 982x726, 491:363, gretchen_21.jpg)


She is pretty.

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722b5c  No.13253583

File: 415809e3898cb04⋯.jpg (19.11 KB, 480x405, 32:27, 415809e3898cb044881408b1cb….jpg)


>Q is silent because it would be psychologically counterproductive to our goals if you had the feeling superman sweeps in and saves the day

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8d8722  No.13253584

File: 0bebb66679d9c40⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1562x890, 781:445, Lords_Prayer.png)


>Wife of pastor jailed for preaching speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

She was strong. She has anon's respect. Pray for them. Deliver them from evil.

They are behind enemy lines with no First Amendment in Alberta, Chinada.

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364c26  No.13253585


they were picking them up in gobs right out of the gate… this is from Feb2017


this one from Feb2020


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62ad93  No.13253586


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d8072f  No.13253587


don't know…kek

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a0505d  No.13253588


Q gave me savoir syndrome

I would not be trusting "the (nonexistant) plan" if I was not told to do that. I would be making my own plans if not for that. Instead I'm here waiting for something to happen because that's what I was told to fucking do.

And in return, I get my relationships trashed. What a great deal!

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a1aa1b  No.13253589

File: 9a5e96064e7581e⋯.png (463.66 KB, 665x893, 35:47, hysterical_laugh_pepe_tear….png)

File: 4229fda1b1315ca⋯.webm (2.81 MB, 298x480, 149:240, fake_vaccine_jews_pretend.webm)


>Canadian Civil Liberties Association

Imagine Canada and Civil Liberties being in the same sentence. ROTFLMAO

>“It’s very intense over here in Israel,” said Ilana Rachel Daniel in a video posted March 3rd on Bitchute. “It’s terrible. It’s a very, very, very frightening situation.” Daniel related how the country has instituted a “green passport” where those who have not been vaccinated are not able to “get into theaters or malls or all sorts of things.”

>“They are creating a medical Apartheid,” said Daniel.

Medical apartheid, Palestinian Apartheid….I literally don't give AF about Israelis. ONE thing we can be sure of, if the KIKES are pretending to be vaccinated, THEIR vaccine is harmless…or vid related is happening. Watch carefully….did this filthy kike get HIS passport? How much did he pay the "doctor" to do that?

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883cfd  No.13253590

File: e9738b8954b23f7⋯.gif (3.31 MB, 320x495, 64:99, fff142b3e954857b6045a99fc0….gif)

File: 36f73e0f21c36de⋯.png (76.18 KB, 707x363, 707:363, guilt2233.PNG)

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5993c8  No.13253591

File: f44f84972a8431c⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1024x1536, 2:3, fb40255c19c3d16c3150192df5….png)


>Every single paragraph has something memorable.

It's a thing of beauty, anon.

So fucked up, it could only come from the chans.

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09f50c  No.13253592

File: 6c28300a5fa334f⋯.png (523.05 KB, 1811x906, 1811:906, Screenshot_2021_03_18_pol_….png)


> Alberta, Chinada.

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62ad93  No.13253593


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62ad93  No.13253594


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4f0185  No.13253595

you stupid heebs really don't think you're that obvious in the kitch, huh?

you glow so fucking bright just like every other faggot leftypol nigger who ever came to the chans

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441c06  No.13253596

File: 70e7e17f3db9b5f⋯.png (48.01 KB, 384x384, 1:1, 70e7e17f3db9b5fe1bc138cd92….png)

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4bb45d  No.13253597

Comfy Is important

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722b5c  No.13253598

File: 53b331c675f36a6⋯.gif (7.22 MB, 720x405, 16:9, 53b331c675f36a6fd067fa8f17….gif)


Sheeeeiit, your notes look good from a glance.

> o7

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694622  No.13253599

File: 265ec5e89f690b5⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1773x1002, 591:334, 7E66C3C9_882B_4D12_AAAB_9….jpeg)

File: f7870910b045f2f⋯.jpeg (2.32 MB, 1536x2009, 1536:2009, 182434DF_75B9_49E4_8D23_5….jpeg)

File: d63864d8c05ffca⋯.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1536x1424, 96:89, 7E7E9DCB_678F_4AB2_8C43_5….jpeg)

mRNA and Nanotechnology

Remember the Harvard Professor who got arrested for concealing money from the Chinese Government to establish a lab in Wuhan? His expertise was in nanotechnology.


Injectable Mesh Electronics Using Nanoparticles

His Lieber Research Group at Harvard specialized in nanoscience and received $15,000,000 in grants from the NIH and DoD. The site shows his development of “injectable mesh electronics that seamlessly integrate with brain tissue in living animals.” Delivery is via nanoparticles.


(Meshelectronics pic)

mRNA Covid19 Shots use Nanoparticles

“While the first two Covid-19 vaccines relying on messenger RNA technology speed toward regulatory approval in the U.S., it’s worth remembering the vehicle that gets them where they need to go in the body…Lipid nanoparticles.”



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6add69  No.13253600

File: fa7a9db3f1ee5b2⋯.png (96.46 KB, 698x904, 349:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3dc1617970c756⋯.png (201.68 KB, 698x904, 349:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 498167cd76679b4⋯.png (117.68 KB, 698x904, 349:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c38f0e7cfe8243b⋯.png (296.74 KB, 698x904, 349:452, ClipboardImage.png)

ODNI, DOJ and DHS Release Unclassified Summary of Assessment on Domestic Violent Extremism

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today released an unclassified summary of the joint comprehensive threat assessment on domestic violent extremism. The unclassified summary is attached and will be available on DNI.gov later today.

The assessment was prepared under the auspices of the DNI, in consultation with DOJ and DHS, and drafted by the National Counterterrorism Center, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and DHS with contributions from the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency. All agencies involved are mindful of the duty to respect privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties and to act within the authorities granted to them as they seek to put together as complete an intelligence and analytic picture as is possible.


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16dcae  No.13253601


Only to the Forest Hills Central drunk football team. But, you do you. If you were important, she would have fucked you and you wouldn't be here drooling about 'what could have been'. Good night, child.

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000000  No.13253602


This disgusting midget is trying to instigate a civil war - fucker is trouble.

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d68521  No.13253603

File: 5faa158fa4c79f4⋯.jpeg (136.94 KB, 1024x699, 1024:699, 5faa158fa4c79f445640ffb9a….jpeg)

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4e8964  No.13253604

File: e8e9d0070d98c39⋯.webm (692 KB, 720x404, 180:101, 1614801250675.webm)





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404ee5  No.13253605


no. example? if you are getting at something, please do it. BDT.

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387f83  No.13253606

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000000  No.13253607


Dude. Your problem is clear. You have been a headache to yourself and those around you. Been doing this shit for much longer than 4 years. I know the signs.

You cant force any of this. EveryoneMUST awaken at their own pace. So stand in your power and be an example and help rather than a Debbie spewing your rant. Not about you. its about the people we love. So lead follow or get the fuck out of the way.

Every thought matters

Pull it together anon.

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8d8722  No.13253608

File: 496c1c17980742e⋯.png (571.02 KB, 498x1024, 249:512, Trunalimunumaprzure.png)


trips indicate medication was starting to wear off, leading to same Freudian slip.

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11b64f  No.13253609

File: ae23a7d1463428a⋯.png (1.03 MB, 828x1036, 207:259, pepe_chrissy_teigen.png)

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441c06  No.13253610

File: e8a5b2b76f2a407⋯.png (565.79 KB, 714x672, 17:16, e8a5b2b76f2a407bca506eef0c….png)

File: 3bdb471b3b6dd39⋯.jpg (28.25 KB, 500x388, 125:97, 3bdb471b3b6dd398168937dbd4….jpg)

File: 1aa56f816c23a87⋯.jpeg (109.62 KB, 1004x1024, 251:256, 1aa56f816c23a87f3e0e706b4….jpeg)


And He Still Has Not Received the Atomic Football Codes.



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df2476  No.13253611


That might, just might have been true a few months ago… but i tell you no way in hell would i want to be a ‘public heath’ employee and try going into some shop (any that have made it this far), and try telling people (any that still dare going out)… and pass around some piece of paper or tell people to separate, maskup, wipe down… or anything like that. Total fucking powder keg.

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04dbdf  No.13253612

File: 138119b99ef249f⋯.jpg (325.64 KB, 685x877, 685:877, book_on_stretching_with_gr….jpg)


Yes, but only because you prayed for it.

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4e8964  No.13253613

File: e553b9e255183f8⋯.png (152.93 KB, 500x312, 125:78, 66b9c2c58b4efcf25d29079010….png)


Too funny! The response you got!


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8d8722  No.13253614


> Coincidence?


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a0505d  No.13253615


I really appreciate this though, thanks.

I just…I want to believe you but with each passing day it gets harder and harder and harder. How hard is it for Q team to fucking code up a USB stick and give it to someone, or even just leave it somewhere, and then when someone plugs it in it posts to the board and says "CHILLLLLLLLLLLLL" or something. LIterally anything. Write it up from an unconnected machine, no fingerprints, nothing. We're fucking starving here, all we want is a bone.

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c0b50d  No.13253616

File: a728103565bb310⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB, 854x480, 427:240, ModernaChief_Medical_Offic….mp4)


fauci is small potato's compared to what this sick bastard and his cohorts are planning.

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04dbdf  No.13253617

File: 9744c2510960cbf⋯.jpg (239.78 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, gretch_posts.jpg)


Responses like that are what keeps me going.

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71bc7b  No.13253618

File: a78dd05ef3c262d⋯.png (898.92 KB, 1543x632, 1543:632, Screenshot_107.png)

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eb3191  No.13253619

File: 19a0bb8e1407574⋯.jpg (87.85 KB, 400x594, 200:297, Abby_Ghent.jpg)



Fuck; I love this place.

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364c26  No.13253620


>Betting by April…

right about when president Harris takes over

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5993c8  No.13253621

File: 02ab06fa398bb53⋯.png (319.92 KB, 623x447, 623:447, 8ce136b08b114eff08bad86d78….png)


>Q is silent because

Anon has been contemplating this.

Would a FISA warrant at Q get all of us under the three hop rule?

Anon doesn't think Q will be posting until GEOTUS is back in the WH.

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7bc05a  No.13253622

File: 7972ca611cf67b2⋯.png (100.39 KB, 846x320, 423:160, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1468ff3dd15dee9⋯.png (204.34 KB, 919x684, 919:684, ClipboardImage.png)


Enabling Drug Discovery & Development

We built Moderna on the guiding premise that if using mRNA as a medicine works for one disease, it should work for many diseases. And, if this is possible – given the right approach and infrastructure – it could meaningfully improve how medicines are discovered, developed and manufactured.

Our Operating System

Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the "program” or “app” is our mRNA drug - the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.

We have a dedicated team of several hundred scientists and engineers solely focused on advancing Moderna's platform technology. They are organized around key disciplines and work in an integrated fashion to advance knowledge surrounding mRNA science and solve for challenges that are unique to mRNA drug development. Some of these disciplines include mRNA biology, chemistry, formulation & delivery, bioinformatics and protein engineering.

Our mRNA Medicines – The ‘Software of Life’

When we have a concept for a new mRNA medicine and begin research, fundamental components are already in place.

Generally, the only thing that changes from one potential mRNA medicine to another is the coding region – the actual genetic code that instructs ribosomes to make protein. Utilizing these instruction sets gives our investigational mRNA medicines a software-like quality. We also have the ability to combine different mRNA sequences encoding for different proteins in a single mRNA investigational medicine.

We are leveraging the flexibility afforded by our platform and the fundamental role mRNA plays in protein synthesis to pursue mRNA medicines for a broad spectrum of diseases.

Overcoming Key Challenges

Using mRNA to create medicines is a complex undertaking and requires overcoming novel scientific and technical challenges. We need to get the mRNA into the targeted tissue and cells while evading the immune system. If the immune system is triggered, the resultant response may limit protein production and, thus, limit the therapeutic benefit of mRNA medicines. We also need ribosomes to think the mRNA was produced naturally, so they can accurately read the instructions to produce the right protein. And we need to ensure the cells express enough of the protein to have the desired therapeutic effect.

Our multidisciplinary platform teams work together closely to address these scientific and technical challenges. This intensive cross-functional collaboration has enabled us to advance key aspects of our platform and make significant strides to deliver mRNA medicines for patients.


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a0505d  No.13253623



Just nod when people say stupid shit?

I've gotten way better at not spewing my rant, but I can't fucking keep my mouth shut to save my life. It'd be funny if it weren't so awful.

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c0f4d2  No.13253624

>>13253118 (pb notable) I Accidentally Joined A Playgroup Full Of QAnon Moms. Here’s What Happened.

QAnon Moms sound hot af.


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441c06  No.13253625



Biden calls Kamala ‘President Harris’ during speech again. (Cap 0:10 seconds)

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11b64f  No.13253626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8d8722  No.13253627

File: a72653928580201⋯.png (45.95 KB, 525x593, 525:593, No_Fisting.png)


and the Emmy goes to….

Black Lives Matter!

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8a6277  No.13253628

File: 772e95f1c06551c⋯.jpeg (129.23 KB, 698x500, 349:250, F15C5B6E_FD5C_47CE_80FA_2….jpeg)


>what they're going to do to my butt hole

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fb0a0e  No.13253629

File: 9364b8f79521da0⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB, 464x848, 29:53, US_TAX_DOLLARS_PAYING_FOR_….mp4)


Good Job @

Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

District of Massachusetts

Project Safe Childhood. In 2006, the Department of Justice created Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative designed to protect children from .exploitation and abuse. Led by U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and the DOJ’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state, and local resources to locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who exploit children, as well as identify and rescue victims.

How are we going to stop this?


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441c06  No.13253630

File: 89aa8840f8fb1b9⋯.jpg (191.18 KB, 1020x1070, 102:107, 4dbeb267f9dd308c05c601cb25….jpg)


He sound like he's dying and drunk. Biden is a disaster.

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4bb45d  No.13253631


The very plan is to NOT give you a bone right now so you can learn to become truly independent

Pain is an excellent teacher

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4e8964  No.13253632

File: cae41b4623d0032⋯.jpg (150.38 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1615648263195.jpg)




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8ed232  No.13253633


Is the woman on the left Sara Ferguson? Her name is in the black book.

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8edb3c  No.13253634

File: 6fe1336bdfe8674⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1075x805, 215:161, ClipboardImage.png)

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16dcae  No.13253635

File: 1c5300ade04c314⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 511x511, 1:1, bewbs1.jpg)


We are!

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5e702c  No.13253636

File: 82fbecc7b72cd2a⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 526x600, 263:300, how_s_the_water_Ein.jpg)


Classic Lif track.

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c0f4d2  No.13253637


By the time he gets to the word "President" he's forgotten he didn't say "Vice".

The USA is exposed with this dangerous situation.

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882284  No.13253638


Ok but don't they cry about everything anyway?

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71bc7b  No.13253639

File: a7590df70e4c612⋯.png (52.7 KB, 129x142, 129:142, Screenshot_108.png)


I'm not stopping shit.

The question should be:

How are YOU going to stop this?

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6add69  No.13253640

File: dd3dda31aa5c5a6⋯.jpg (211.49 KB, 609x676, 609:676, hmm.jpg)

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4bb45d  No.13253641


As far as I know being a retard on the Internet is not a crime

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387f83  No.13253642

Notable Posts

#16789 @300, >>13253313, >>13253322

>>13253417, >>13253421, >>13253472 Anon notices that Dan poasted in the same location on Feb 12 as he did tonight, with a Q post to consider

>>13253431, >>13253558 Planefag reports

>>13253361 Judge arrested for pedo porn is former CEO of Cream City Foundation

>>13253368 Breitbart: Wilcox: How Soros Money, Radical DAs Are Killing Our Cities

>>13253380 Breitbart: Fitton: Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Pelosi Call with Pentagon Chief

>>13253388 AP: US, China spar in first face-to-face meeting under Biden

>>13253391 JTN: Kellyanne Conway seals multimillion-dollar Donald Trump book deal: Report

>>13253407 GP: FLASHBACK: Houston Library Hosted Predator Who Sexually Assaulted 8-Year-Old Boy for ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’

>>13253411, >>13253427 Anon Brings To Attention the DIRECTOR of the HBO Special is… Acting Funny…

>>13253412 AEN: Solaren Corp. to Launch Solar Panels into Orbit

>>13253413 Military.com: Navy Cruiser Returns to Port Again After Crew Spots Another Fuel Tank Leak

>>13253440 lifesite: Walmart to offer immunity passport to customers who take COVID vaccine jab

>>13253451, >>13253510 ZH: Starbucks Founder Says China "Is An Adversary Not An Enemy" & US "Must Find A Way To Cooperate"

>>13253453, >>13253464 REMEMBER! "Right To TRY!" CBS: AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine not linked to blood clot risk, EU drug agency says claims. Muh benefits outweigh the risks? Risks like death?

>>13253457 Sputnik: Several people suspected of espionage on behalf of Russia arrested in Sofia

>>13253478 All For A LARP? (notq)

>>13253496 Technofag report: The Ghislaine Maxwell Case And the ongoing(?) investigations of Epstein's co-conspirators

>>13253499 The sequel to the fall of the cabal. Part 10 Pedo Bill Gates exposed

>>13253500 People: Chrissy Teigen takes baths with her son. What a grooming pedo.

>>13253505 ZDnet: Australia's news media bargaining code is a form of ransomware, and someone paid up

>>13253523 vid: Wife of pastor jailed for preaching speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

>>13253529 Technocracy: Forget COVID, Global Oligarchs Are Now Rehearsing For A ‘Cyber Pandemic’

>>13253552 justice.gov: Anchorage Man Sentenced to Nine Years in Federal Prison for Stalking and Threatening Former OCS Caseworker, Attempted Extortion of FBI Agent

>>13253555 Trips and an anon nom: OOPS! Biden calls Kamala ‘President Harris’ during speech AGAIN.

>>13253599 Statnews: Remember the Harvard Professor who got arrested for concealing money from the Chinese Government to establish a lab in Wuhan? His expertise was in nanotechnology.

>>13253600 Justice.gov: ODNI, DOJ and DHS Release Unclassified Summary of Assessment on Domestic Violent Extremism

>>13253593, >>13253594 Justice.gov reportsconcerning crimes against children

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8ed232  No.13253643

File: e83215fdbd823c3⋯.jpg (21.97 KB, 400x400, 1:1, e83215fdbd823c3891d947538c….jpg)

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ae3c2a  No.13253644

File: ddb8a5a493c3af1⋯.jpg (126.67 KB, 932x524, 233:131, SQSCPA_Max_3.jpg)

Holy Comms Batman!!!

Sweet dog named Max finds a new home after year and half in shelters

NEW YORK - A very good dog named Max who spent more than a year and a half in shelters has found a human and a permanent home in central New York.

Max lived at the Susquehanna SPCA for more than 450 days after coming from another shelter where he had already waited four months without finding a home.

"When he came here, we thought he would find his home easily because he is such a nice guy," executive director Stacie Haynes said. "Turns out, he just kept getting looked over and he wasn't on our radar as an urgent dog to get out because he is just so sweet."

Earlier this month, Haynes traded places with Max for a day to raise awareness of the plight of shelter dogs.Max spent the day in Haynes' office. He wore a tie and his name was taped onto the "Executive Director" nameplate on the desk. For her part, Haynes spent the day in Max's concrete kennel, "with the occasional bathroom break and an enrichment toy or two, watching people and dogs pass me by throughout the day," she said.

Ed Panus of Moravia, a village in theFinger Lakes region, saw a news story about the special stunt and then visited the shelter. He said he felt an instant connection with the 5-year-old pit bull terrier mix.

"I noticed he was almost like the dog I had that passed away here at the end of last year," Panus told WBNG News 12. So the two went home together and became fast friends.

This week, staff from Susquehanna SPCA checked on Max in his new life. He spends a lot of time bonding with Panus on their couch and also swimming in a lake.

"We visited with Max and his dad, Ed, yesterday and we were blown away at how happy and content he was after just a few days outside of his kennel," staff wrote on Facebook on Thursday.


I've no idea what the dog comms are all about, but this is filled with curious info.

good dog

switching places

Finger Lakes

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eb3191  No.13253645


Fuck did I just watch.

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04dbdf  No.13253646

File: b0032b3718641d6⋯.jpg (173.49 KB, 500x652, 125:163, gretchen_bow.jpg)

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000000  No.13253647


Its a fine line.

I have peeps in their 80s in my family. How much truth can they handle?

Depends on the person I guess.

Its hard to shut up when they are buying the entire brainwash.

I tread lightly but everyone knows where I stand.

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441c06  No.13253648

File: 76230072de407e8⋯.jpg (62.68 KB, 625x467, 625:467, 76230072de407e87a1dff42ff7….jpg)

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4e8964  No.13253649

File: 054fa101e7d5621⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 720x709, 720:709, 1611504895581.jpg)

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a0505d  No.13253650


I hate you but only in the sense that you are saying things that I dont want to be correct but I know are

So more love than hate, but I vocalize it as hate because right now it feels bad. I hope you understand.

Also thanks.

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5e702c  No.13253651


>Words of a simpleton, living in oblivion

>Is this the model for life you were envisioning?

>Free as can be in a world of imprisonment

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09f50c  No.13253652

File: 9e0cbdf91b2c5f9⋯.png (105.76 KB, 271x591, 271:591, Screenshot_2021_03_18_Patr….png)

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e8e99e  No.13253653

File: 4469bbcec383200⋯.png (477.36 KB, 612x1032, 51:86, scavinoSunrise.png)

File: e0786b412401997⋯.png (27.32 KB, 582x228, 97:38, Screenshot_from_2021_03_18….png)

File: 85f5427118f287f⋯.png (25.38 KB, 527x206, 527:206, Screenshot_from_2021_03_18….png)



>Thats the same fucking cloud. Isnt it?

>The Hump over the sun? same in both no? even the Rays over the clouds?


Looks like it anon

good eye

34 days if looking at same time today

34 days 11 Hrs 56 mins since he posted today at 8:57pm

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883cfd  No.13253654

File: 00029ca1b54251d⋯.jpeg (40.63 KB, 600x606, 100:101, 00029ca1b54251d5b4720fe0a….jpeg)

File: c8784dbf0e62015⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1202x875, 1202:875, 8chan.PNG)

File: 68b9fdd1d0b7bdf⋯.png (574.66 KB, 795x797, 795:797, Qcat.png)

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4bb45d  No.13253655


That’s just a retard move on your end

Grow up

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694622  No.13253656



I get what he’s saying, it’s super frustrating to watch all of this. Let him rant, we all deserve a good rant. We’re all in that place at one time or another and part of this is about supporting and putting up with each other when we feel like shit.

Putting on a “Sunday face” to make others comfy is bullshit and I won’t ask anyone to do it.

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8a6277  No.13253657


I predict a disproportionate focus on patriotic, law abiding white men.

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a1aa1b  No.13253658


Nellis? I wonder when they're going to come clean re the 3 Saudi helicopters, American pilots and Mossad gunners?

We're being gaslit, the only question remaining, is by WHO?

The case for the commies is strong…putting out laughable bullshit like the inauguration, Arlington, CGIJoe, everything OBVIOUSLY fake af…..then attacking people for noticing. WHY? as long as the "right" has hope by seeing the obvious fake af shit, then they'll stay in their seats waiting for the SHOW to end…..all the while sucking Wayne R. Willot cock as he continues HIS LARP.

So, are we being tricked into staying in our seats while they complete the destruction of our country? Well, are we?

IF the gaslighting is coming from "our hero" then that begs the damn question, how long has this been going on? The entire election was a gaslighting fraud? Because Joe's been CGIJoe for a LONG time. ALL during the campaign….the fake af inauguration, Arlington, everything….fake af.


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ff584c  No.13253659

File: b1f2f05116f789b⋯.gif (1.04 MB, 400x270, 40:27, 7103AAF7_2A57_46A6_8223_C3….gif)

Boobs— both fun and practical

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68c61c  No.13253660

File: 0fc34394393f757⋯.gif (985.15 KB, 500x316, 125:79, unclea.gif)

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ce3fbf  No.13253661

>>13253653 34 days between Dan's tweets

Q drop 34

Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

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6af81b  No.13253662

File: daa824cdc9b6407⋯.jpg (153.15 KB, 1242x479, 1242:479, image0.jpg)

>>13252972 pb

>this was in that article

sure this is real

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4bb45d  No.13253663


As soon as you manage to let go and stop expecting good shot to happen

Good shit will happen

A frustrating predicament

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387f83  No.13253664


>>13253417, >>13253421, >>13253472, >>13253653 Anon notices that Dan poasted in the same location on Feb 12 as he did tonight, with a Q post to consider

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38098c  No.13253665

File: e89e3b0f1a1e9af⋯.jpg (132 KB, 504x432, 7:6, eyestormlit.jpg)

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c0b50d  No.13253666

File: 2a1678b06d52b47⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 401x339, 401:339, 2a1678b06d52b472ce2c21d7e8….jpg)


picture is worth a thousand words

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4e8964  No.13253667

File: 844392d63ebd86d⋯.webm (1.92 MB, 960x960, 1:1, 1610753386325.webm)


The indoctrination of children in schools but Rated E for everyone.

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71bc7b  No.13253668

File: adde99143028c41⋯.png (343.29 KB, 680x701, 680:701, WeHaveThEsErvRs.png)

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837a36  No.13253669

File: 18c20d066cee4ea⋯.jpg (101.1 KB, 400x400, 1:1, chill.jpg)

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c3b502  No.13253670

File: 60b8f6ee0415f05⋯.jpg (3.7 MB, 5746x5502, 2873:2751, 1615604693932.jpg)




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441c06  No.13253671

File: 58b93885eeae81e⋯.jpeg (60.88 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 58b93885eeae81e302a8c396c….jpeg)


Seriously, that is one ugly fur ball.

Lookin right at it, fugly I's tells ya…

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d68521  No.13253672

File: db8a5f8958c1041⋯.jpeg (42.8 KB, 450x600, 3:4, d49a09e00f8e7a4b65034be02….jpeg)

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8d8722  No.13253673

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, Rudy_Pepe.png)

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09ed86  No.13253674

File: 534d4f3db3932d3⋯.png (395.89 KB, 625x539, 625:539, ClipboardImage.png)

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404ee5  No.13253675


I agree and find this to be increasingly problematic. Once the veil is lifted I expect Trump to lead by example and stop talking out of both sides of his mouth. The supposed need for optics will be over. It will be Blunt and Direct Time.

Very concerned that white hats are using this time to enact changes they know anons do not support, such as more people in from Mexico and a path to citizenship for DACA. As far as I am concerned, all EOs and any laws signed by Bidan should be immediately voided. Also, no new laws until all of the rightful election winners are seated. That includes Jones for Senate in MI and the two Repubs in GA. Also, any Representatives, or Senators who are being "controlled" by white hats must be exposed and cannot vote. Citizens deserve representation that votes according to what the citizens want, not what white hats want.

I support Trump, because he indicated he would expose the swamp and dismantle it, not to make decisions for me based on information I am not allowed to see. I hope he and white hats agree.

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c0f4d2  No.13253676

File: 5bdafc7940811d4⋯.png (3.41 MB, 2048x1397, 2048:1397, ClipboardImage.png)


delicious trips!

He appears to have actually read that from the teleprompter. I say they are fucking him from behind here. Joe realises, but too late and he has no mental ability to respond in realtime other than to pause.

Normally I'd say dementia for these fuck ups. But this was different.

The black widow

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a6b93d  No.13253677

File: 260d5972f0d523e⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 600x375, 8:5, B6668204_BAD6_43A8_9B75_60….gif)


They never cover nightshif in their msm hit jobs. It's almost like they don't even stop by.

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6b7e39  No.13253678

File: 565e7ef9a4b9f3f⋯.png (81.38 KB, 248x240, 31:30, laughs.png)


>Congratulations President Biden!

>"Everyone knows I like kids better than people."

>The first openly paedophile president

The democrats couldn't have possibly chosen a better individual to represent what they are.

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4e8964  No.13253679

File: 67e690ff7538a91⋯.jpg (31.11 KB, 640x614, 320:307, 1613451035611.jpg)


Tell me giant cat! How do you groom all that fur?

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590729  No.13253680

File: 7741cb5ffa6de8e⋯.png (433.35 KB, 628x353, 628:353, ClipboardImage.png)

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694622  No.13253681

File: 0fa214e1a91bcbf⋯.jpeg (699.27 KB, 2048x1448, 256:181, 903E2A8B_9463_4370_8C69_8….jpeg)

File: 28484b52e5e2133⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1536x2009, 1536:2009, 124C09F5_6A19_4A21_A243_8….jpeg)


Quantum Dots

Charles Lieber also started a company that developed a product called Quantum Dot used in TV and monitor screens.


MIT Using Quantum Dots to Deliver Vaccines

In December 2019, MIT researchers announced that they created a microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD), which can deliver vaccines and at the same time invisibly encode vaccination history directly in the skin.


Another Coincidence?

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fb0a0e  No.13253682


Gotcha, you don't give a shit.

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4bb45d  No.13253683


They are unable to relate to the true Magic that happens here

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883cfd  No.13253684

File: cfb80ebd2a860a2⋯.png (188 KB, 465x560, 93:112, ClipboardImage.png)

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3cb20b  No.13253685

File: 626b08efed766eb⋯.jpg (96.65 KB, 849x831, 283:277, drag.jpg)

File: 2cc7812e1c22137⋯.jpg (98.92 KB, 855x547, 855:547, adopted.jpg)


The Cream City Foundation is responsible for organizing the city's drag queen story hours.



Not only is this guy a pole-smoking faggot, but he and his butt-buddy have adopted two children!

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4e8964  No.13253686

File: ca422534875f095⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1616110710216.jpg)



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e8e99e  No.13253687



34 days 11 Hrs

3 11

4 11

>occur 11.3

>actionable 11.4

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441c06  No.13253688

File: 7addadae4861ae9⋯.webm (2.15 MB, 1000x1250, 4:5, 7addadae4861ae97c902b0ec1….webm)


Drama Queen much?

Need your teddy bear?

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04dbdf  No.13253689

File: d79ffcdc19ae831⋯.jpeg (273.4 KB, 732x637, 732:637, gretch_jammit.jpeg)


God, I wish that were me.

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e53b8c  No.13253690

File: 0985e8e5a0eff14⋯.png (287.02 KB, 535x616, 535:616, Screenshot_2021_03_19_DIA_….png)

DYK Former DIA Director Lt. Gen. Perroots helped de-escalate rising tensions between NATO & the Soviet Union in 1983? Perroots directed NATO not to react to perceived threats from the Soviet Union, which subsequently prevented nuclear war.


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000000  No.13253691

Q fists goats.

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273700  No.13253692



>By the time he gets to the word "President" he's forgotten he didn't say "Vice".

He can’t say the word “vice” because Hunter’s a bit sensitive

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09ed86  No.13253693

File: 5d9eaf42a1b62c9⋯.png (232.67 KB, 400x259, 400:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6465b309ebc382⋯.png (194.36 KB, 399x261, 133:87, ClipboardImage.png)



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3cb20b  No.13253694

File: fd591d3cc1204ea⋯.png (325.21 KB, 2552x1382, 1276:691, lgbt_family.png)

Found some backstory into CCF and Blomme.

Need to dig on Eric Peterson, the guy who appointed him to CEO.

Also looking into AIDS resource center of Wisconsin for links to Clinton Foundation perhaps or other such entities

>Cream City Foundation names Brett Blomme new president, CEO

The Cream City Foundation board of directors selected Brett Blomme to serve as its next president and CEO. Blomme will oversee all day-to-day operations of the foundation, including its convening, grant-making and philanthropic initiatives, and will assume his duties on June 5.

“The board is very pleased to welcome Brett as our leader,” said Eric Peterson, chair of the Cream City Foundation Board of Directors. “His passion for philanthropy is contagious. Brett believes that philanthropy has the power to bring people together, transform lives and make meaningful, positive change within communities.”

Blomme has nearly 15 years of experience in philanthropy, community organizing, law and nonprofit management. He currently serves as the director of major gifts for the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin (ARCW).

Prior to ARCW, Blomme worked on campaigns for Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, in addition to Fair Wisconsin. Blomme has a B.A. in Political Science from Marquette University and a J.D. from the University of Missouri-Columbia.


Found his archived site. Of course they took it down, but here it is.


Brett is the President & CEO of Cream City Foundation (CCF) in Milwaukee. He has over 15 years of experience in litigation, philanthropy, community organizing and nonprofit management. Before joining CCF, Brett served as the Director of Major Gifts for the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin (ARCW), a Milwaukee based AIDS service organization.

Previously Brett served as an attorney with the Wisconsin State Public Defender’s Office, where he represented low-income individuals that were charged with felony and misdemeanor crimes. Brett is a proud former member of AFT Local 4822, the Wisconsin State Public Defender’s Association.

>Director of Major Gifts for the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin

This could potentially be a front for money laundering /CP

Aids resource center was recently purchased by Vivent Health.

Vivent Health is partnered with Johnson & Johnson, another WI based entity with ties to pedophilia and corruption.

Find more Vivent donors in this pdf.


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6b7e39  No.13253695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8d9804  No.13253696

File: e170e284bb14010⋯.jpg (50.69 KB, 980x551, 980:551, e170e284bb1401013c139030e2….jpg)


>traded places with Max

And a certain "Max" had wanted out of prison in NY, eh?

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71bc7b  No.13253697

File: 86a62f199ab444d⋯.png (263.14 KB, 402x340, 201:170, ClipboardImage.png)

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a0505d  No.13253698


So right now it's this anti-Asian bullshit which is so obviously transparent. Why would they insist on saying a sexually frustrated "incel" (also a fucking obviously transparent bullshit term) who went to kill women did it because he hates Asians?

Because they're trying to push this "oh no theres anti-Asian racism" bullshit narrative they've been trying to push since trump said "China Virus" and it's obviously his fault.

My thought is the narrative is obviously going to be anti-Asian bad, pro-Asian good, which is going to be morphed into CCP-good because subconsciously people are stupid.

But I can't say any of this? I cant defend anyone? I just nod? I don't know if I can agree is the thing. I don't want to deceive these people.

It just feels so useless. It's all so obviously obvious and we just have to sit and take it? For how much longer? I don't know if I can fucking take it that much longer this is fucking agonizing.

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8d8722  No.13253699

File: 7361e459f34619f⋯.png (7.1 KB, 612x300, 51:25, Defund_Planned_Parenthood.png)


>Fauci hopes to be able to vaccinate children as young as 6-months

So is that a back-handed way to enable involuntary post-birth abortions?

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828f7d  No.13253700

File: e96d4ad3ee8a526⋯.jpg (14.55 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

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dc2c50  No.13253701

File: 42ddc0c5b96e753⋯.jpg (314.57 KB, 1440x1039, 1440:1039, IntelCommie.JPG)

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441c06  No.13253702

File: 4b653f5e35676a9⋯.jpg (65.5 KB, 654x642, 109:107, 4b653f5e35676a9464ea7d9d80….jpg)

File: 73ca02e01d6545f⋯.jpg (61.9 KB, 537x737, 537:737, 73ca02e01d6545ff398213187e….jpg)

File: ca3e7e7f4da1666⋯.png (351.81 KB, 535x536, 535:536, 071e77c0767d2cd5a347517e93….png)

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e53b8c  No.13253703

File: 6700de219dc38c7⋯.png (183.3 KB, 265x239, 265:239, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Pan_….png)


[P]an you say


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68c61c  No.13253704

File: d96d9affaa8a271⋯.gif (150.04 KB, 269x294, 269:294, FM6P.gif)

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a0505d  No.13253705


I am literally done expecting good shit to happen. That's why i'm so desperate.

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8d8722  No.13253706

File: 29958a6ac851e84⋯.jpg (352.5 KB, 1924x1546, 962:773, Radar_just_sign_here_Copy.jpg)

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11b64f  No.13253707


Absurdity with a flow and a fat beat

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000000  No.13253708



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837a36  No.13253709

File: 7d6b19f12181e55⋯.jpg (66.66 KB, 555x1024, 555:1024, 7d6b19f12181e55274e2a6c0c7….jpg)

whos that in the bed with Hunter?

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c66a0d  No.13253710

It's truly unreal how much bad news is in the notables. How anyone, including the commie dems, could celebrate this trash just goes to show we are dealing with pure evil.

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30d435  No.13253711

File: 01f5094c3a36032⋯.png (554.72 KB, 791x513, 791:513, ClipboardImage.png)

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a0505d  No.13253712



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dc2c50  No.13253713

File: 2cf80dcaa727bcf⋯.jpg (70.25 KB, 898x628, 449:314, TheShadowKnows.JPG)

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8c7ed0  No.13253714




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3cb20b  No.13253715

File: ca29d50f46bf4eb⋯.png (47.16 KB, 756x700, 27:25, just_saying.png)

File: 23a7646fa99e2fd⋯.png (98.26 KB, 1162x483, 166:69, pedo_ip.png)

File: 825c2eff412d6da⋯.png (346.42 KB, 996x652, 249:163, unbennant.png)

Oh man at least we can get some help with the "Planned Giving" programs.


the ip he was using he was just downloading anime porn a few days ago

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df2476  No.13253716

File: 6e5fc4adc1b1a2a⋯.jpeg (107.15 KB, 736x981, 736:981, CF55124B_4E30_41B5_AF04_5….jpeg)

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448672  No.13253717

File: 4465384afd6e54f⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1414x900, 707:450, Screen_Shot_2021_02_28_at_….png)


>The supposed need for optics will be over. It will be Blunt and Direct Time.

anon, please cease and desist with these notions. you are under strong delusion.

Trump's relentless shilling for the vaccine is unforgivable, and it belies the true purpose of his presidency.

He's going to burn for eternity.

Buh, buh, muh 2024!!!

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4bb45d  No.13253718


Desperate for what? Good shit to happen?

If you were done expecting you would not be desperate, you would be comfy

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458991  No.13253719

File: 6baec9041e102ea⋯.png (92.25 KB, 624x515, 624:515, ChanR_HB.png)

File: 321c5606021a53d⋯.png (505 KB, 1019x553, 1019:553, comfbi.png)

File: 2085da60bef1fe6⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 1920x960, 2:1, fauxhowa.jpg)

>>13252972 How often does the FBI destroy evidence for High Profile Cases? asking for a few 3 Letter Frens… (PB)

Rudy has all the info, as the shop owner had to finally contact somebody he could actually trust. Saw Rudy on OANN with Chanel Rion months ago, so no worries - "they're" just bucking for #35, is all.


Chanel Rion on Tipping Point with Kara McKinney discussing Laptop, at least one underaged girl, Where’sHunter with Natalie… https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7xb5dd

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21ecef  No.13253720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

George news is doing a QnA for anyone who gives a fuck

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051b7c  No.13253721

File: cf115dd91967836⋯.mp4 (14.26 MB, 586x328, 293:164, VID_20210318_214822_858.mp4)

Get some Ravencoin or you will get left in the dust. Bitcoin 3.0

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fb0a0e  No.13253722

File: e19a7750a45f650⋯.jpg (105.2 KB, 525x680, 105:136, EwyEEZHUYAIdSzW.jpg)


I don't doubt it! I think most of Anon here knows.

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eb3191  No.13253723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Man… whatever happened to stuff like this, huh?

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694622  No.13253724


Oh, they must have a lot in there about Antifa.

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441c06  No.13253725

File: b8487642e6775f2⋯.png (92.39 KB, 940x857, 940:857, b8487642e6775f26e591f53eca….png)



Winning post of this bread, awarded to you!

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71bc7b  No.13253726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Quick! Somebody make a parody song!

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dc2c50  No.13253727


We have it all.

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a1aa1b  No.13253728

File: af1e527883b05ea⋯.png (223.36 KB, 1001x563, 1001:563, fbi_biden_laptop_bigfoot.png)


Well shit, this explains it, they left it in the Bigfoot department!

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eb3191  No.13253729


Turning out she's right.

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404ee5  No.13253730


how ridiculous.

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8d8722  No.13253731

File: ad039c1b69f3810⋯.png (975.25 KB, 644x637, 92:91, A_better_publicist.png)

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441c06  No.13253732

File: d9ee3d33b92a945⋯.png (203.55 KB, 385x309, 385:309, d9ee3d33b92a945732b49fbacb….png)


You need to call me, pillowman!

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04dbdf  No.13253733

File: d0a5f8af3f09077⋯.jpeg (29.3 KB, 474x284, 237:142, gretchen_5.jpeg)

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a1aa1b  No.13253734

File: a7c8b20001f15b4⋯.jpg (251.1 KB, 1600x1519, 1600:1519, joe_biden_signature.jpg)


Joe's symbiote personality has not yet learned to sign Joe's signature.

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4bb45d  No.13253735


That all you got?

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eb3191  No.13253737

Dan Bongino 'aka' the Fox News DeepState RINO lover who data mined Conservatives on Parler, is taking Rush Limbaugh's time slot on 'select' market radio stations.

Prediction - gone in under 6 months. Bongino is on his 3rd unrelated career and propped up by such winners as '23andMe' (DeepState DNA) and Jeep.

What a disgraceful way to honor Rush… MANY MANY more better qualified people exist. Fuck you Vangino.

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fb0a0e  No.13253738


It maybe the plan to wake people up. These sick evil fucks don't even hide it anymore if you noticed.

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e53b8c  No.13253739

File: 8043cf01d87aae5⋯.png (151.04 KB, 598x600, 299:300, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Bara….png)


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eb3191  No.13253740

File: f14fa13e8859176⋯.jpg (90.21 KB, 1200x791, 1200:791, redhead_coffee.jpg)


This assessment is correct.

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16dcae  No.13253741


Where is the proof? That was 2020. What has OANN shown proving her claim? Nothing.

Fake News. Per usual.

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441c06  No.13253742

File: e4feaba63849c61⋯.png (1023.14 KB, 1043x811, 1043:811, e4feaba63849c618fc19472d70….png)


Utter fool.

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2e6fe0  No.13253743

>>13253644 Moar Dog Comms: Good Dog Max Switching Places Finger Lakes - what does it mean?


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e31ee4  No.13253744


Time to step back and try to enjoy life a bit. Let all this BS go!

Your sanity and relationships are more important. Have other conversations other that Q, Politics & the evils going on. Do a cyber fast. Step away from the digital war for a while.

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eb3191  No.13253745


You should check out swissanon on 4chins, and the story about the FBI that just "broke".

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387f83  No.13253746

Notable Posts

#16789 @400, >>13253313, >>13253322

>>13253417, >>13253421, >>13253472, >>13253653, >>13253661 Anon notices that Dan poasted in the same location on Feb 12 as he did tonight, with a Q post to consider

>>13253431, >>13253558 Planefag reports

>>13253411, >>13253427 Anon Brings To Attention the DIRECTOR of the HBO Special is… Acting Funny…

>>13253361, 13253685, >>13253694, >>13253715 Judge arrested for pedo porn is former CEO of Cream City Foundation. Adopted two kids too…

>>13253368 Breitbart: Wilcox: How Soros Money, Radical DAs Are Killing Our Cities

>>13253380 Breitbart: Fitton: Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Pelosi Call with Pentagon Chief

>>13253388 AP: US, China spar in first face-to-face meeting under Biden

>>13253391 JTN: Kellyanne Conway seals multimillion-dollar Donald Trump book deal: Report

>>13253407 GP: FLASHBACK: Houston Library Hosted Predator Who Sexually Assaulted 8-Year-Old Boy for ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’

>>13253412 AEN: Solaren Corp. to Launch Solar Panels into Orbit

>>13253413 Military.com: Navy Cruiser Returns to Port Again After Crew Spots Another Fuel Tank Leak

>>13253440, >>13253670 Walmart to offer immunity passport to customers who take COVID vaccine jab

>>13253451, >>13253510 ZH: Starbucks Founder Says China "Is An Adversary Not An Enemy" & US "Must Find A Way To Cooperate"

>>13253453, >>13253464 REMEMBER! "Right To TRY!" CBS: AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine not linked to blood clot risk, EU drug agency says claims. Muh benefits outweigh the risks? Risks like death?

>>13253457 Sputnik: Several people suspected of espionage on behalf of Russia arrested in Sofia

>>13253478 All For A LARP? (notq)

>>13253496 Technofag report: The Ghislaine Maxwell Case And the ongoing(?) investigations of Epstein's co-conspirators

>>13253499 The sequel to the fall of the cabal. Part 10 Pedo Bill Gates exposed

>>13253500 People: Chrissy Teigen takes baths with her son. What a grooming pedo.

>>13253505 ZDnet: Australia's news media bargaining code is a form of ransomware, and someone paid up

>>13253523 vid: Wife of pastor jailed for preaching speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

>>13253529 Technocracy: Forget COVID, Global Oligarchs Are Now Rehearsing For A ‘Cyber Pandemic’

>>13253552 justice.gov: Anchorage Man Sentenced to Nine Years in Federal Prison for Stalking and Threatening Former OCS Caseworker, Attempted Extortion of FBI Agent

>>13253555 Trips and an anon nom: OOPS! Biden calls Kamala ‘President Harris’ during speech AGAIN.

>>13253599 Statnews: Remember the Harvard Professor who got arrested for concealing money from the Chinese Government to establish a lab in Wuhan? His expertise was in nanotechnology.

>>13253600 Justice.gov: ODNI, DOJ and DHS Release Unclassified Summary of Assessment on Domestic Violent Extremism

>>13253593, >>13253594 Justice.gov reports concerning crimes against children

>>13253644 Dog comms on Fox5ny?

>>13253681 Georgenews: In December 2019, MIT researchers announced that they created a microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD)

>>13253719 Chanel Rion has officially blushed at the #hunterbiden hard drive.. Says it makes Weiner's problems seem like nothing

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6af81b  No.13253747


Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

Q proof

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ae3c2a  No.13253748


yep, don't like this either. Rush fans know how to spot bullshit.

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d8072f  No.13253749

File: a3abc3dc581483c⋯.png (566.27 KB, 707x485, 707:485, NS_MA4_1.png)

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c3b502  No.13253750

>>13253737 Yes. Most everything is fake these days. Bongina is no exception.

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16dcae  No.13253751

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8c7ed0  No.13253752


I agree too, Anon. There are many that would be better choices. To give this plum to Bongino chills my heart.

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8d8722  No.13253754

File: 409cc2bb31e6587⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 310x210, 31:21, Lion_yes.gif)

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a1aa1b  No.13253755

File: 52b111276114bf9⋯.jpg (61.03 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, sad_tranny_3_depressed_tra….jpg)


They need to dig out a different fucking suit for Joe.

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2e6fe0  No.13253756


I tend to agree. Bongino is a sleeper.

I wouldn't trust him.

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d3f5fa  No.13253757

File: 6b9eb1422d892a4⋯.jpg (96.82 KB, 600x335, 120:67, GiantVoice2.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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eb3191  No.13253758


Wait. What did I see earlier today about 11 and 16?

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ad318b  No.13253759

File: 929e56d03ab1346⋯.jpg (221.64 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, AbsolutDisaster11_11.jpg)


>He sound like he's dying and drunk. Biden is a disaster

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694622  No.13253760

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.png (11.91 KB, 258x245, 258:245, ClipboardImage.png)



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c66a0d  No.13253761


I keep it at a minimum to stay sane. But we are approaching civil and world war time with this bullshit. Dems are nothing but a satanic destructive force that has to be destroyed, lest they destroy the world.

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8d9804  No.13253762

File: a358d8f064b6718⋯.png (182.88 KB, 330x304, 165:152, a358d8f064b67186d75da20e3c….png)

File: efb085dad1d2870⋯.png (174.01 KB, 320x304, 20:19, efb085dad1d2870787cb8326bc….png)

File: 72553e9e4cfbfc9⋯.png (196.91 KB, 320x304, 20:19, 72553e9e4cfbfc9c75a21c3568….png)

File: 6f86827ccd231cc⋯.png (204.29 KB, 320x304, 20:19, 6f86827ccd231cc373f79e6a06….png)


>How often does the FBI destroy evidence for High Profile Cases?

Would love a straight answer from these four…

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d8072f  No.13253763

File: 660723e89cf089d⋯.png (471.98 KB, 795x429, 265:143, TheGMOWives.png)

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441c06  No.13253764

File: 1f62afa02bf8577⋯.mp4 (151.1 KB, 480x480, 1:1, giphy_Copy.mp4)


Staying very active… showing with soap and water helps. You're welcome to employee these subtle tips.

Soap and water…


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4e8964  No.13253765

File: 747bb4128a325ad⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 256x169, 256:169, 1612656427568.gif)


>Man… whatever happened to stuff like this, huh?

They started doing it on street corners, subways. Instead of being something cool it became just an annoying thing because they wanted attention.

Small Town America is the best America.

Cops are less useless and more respectable.

Not having 10 people lineup on a street corner.

Not having to share a bus at maximum capacity.

Literally. Everything is better in Small Town America unless you are into one night stands and shit bars and shit clubs.

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ec2ec7  No.13253766


Winner Winner

Meme du jour


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a0505d  No.13253767

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c0f4d2  No.13253768

File: def909e0c2f225c⋯.gif (400.65 KB, 498x278, 249:139, Heyfubuddy.gif)

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71bc7b  No.13253769


Response from GHWB would flip everyone's lid! (As he is supposed to be dead!)

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448672  No.13253770



Moderna Chief Medical Officer Says mRNA Vaccines Hack the Genetic Code of Life

from TEDx Talks 2017

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eb3191  No.13253771


Use the search. You'll find more:

>>13247954 (pb)



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5993c8  No.13253772

File: c7c6da92c2b7a63⋯.png (197.44 KB, 900x722, 450:361, c7c6da92c2b7a630e72b6d5e6f….png)


Baker, please consider adding



>>13253644 dog comm notable.

No coinkydinks.

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dc2c50  No.13253773

File: 34b2e14378adcda⋯.jpg (276.18 KB, 1270x756, 635:378, TeigenWitch.jpg)

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364c26  No.13253774

File: d343e3b306e44ee⋯.png (566.15 KB, 776x459, 776:459, obama_on_the_lam.png)


he never picked a bracket worth a shit ever….lousy handicapper…..looks like he is going chalk ….what a freddy frontrunner phony fuck face …get outta town

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448672  No.13253775

File: 430096e062d61fb⋯.jpeg (242.46 KB, 1080x903, 360:301, 1_Corinthians_2_9.jpeg)

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387f83  No.13253776

>>13253644, >>13253696 Dog comms on Fox5ny?

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441c06  No.13253777

File: ef091646457d8e0⋯.jpg (105.62 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ef091646457d8e07f258bb58c6….jpg)



bless you

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c3b502  No.13253778

>>13253541 They are worse than the criminals they convict.

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364c26  No.13253779

File: 2b64b6bb5329bc2⋯.jpeg (11.39 KB, 248x255, 248:255, Obama_Sucks.jpeg)


the link says it is not available to me….am I blocked by obama?

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8d8722  No.13253780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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eb3191  No.13253781


That gif fucked me up. And you're right; been in both and agree 100%. I was more contrasting the purpose of the music. Celebrating dance vs celebrating cannibalism.

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04dbdf  No.13253782

File: c5e2796f1ed6710⋯.png (326.12 KB, 316x639, 316:639, Gretchen_Milkies.png)

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c5defa  No.13253783

File: 8de0a9ee1d52fad⋯.png (356.92 KB, 808x1058, 404:529, sales_contest.png)

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5993c8  No.13253784


>the link says it is not available to me

Habbens all the time to anon. Just hit refresh.

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441c06  No.13253785

File: 498b14b806e0094⋯.jpg (18.45 KB, 225x255, 15:17, fc0337f067049aeafa38ee29ee….jpg)

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df2476  No.13253786

File: dfefea7db726162⋯.jpeg (115.1 KB, 1300x976, 325:244, 8156472F_C152_457A_941F_1….jpeg)


Just spitballing

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68c61c  No.13253787

File: 98754d5347d3dc2⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 500x798, 250:399, QO6e.gif)

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bc40b2  No.13253788


So if this can accurately make proteins, why haven't they made the protein dystrophin which would cure muscular dystrophy? Is it they can't make it or is it because the MDA donations are too lucrative? Either answer is evil. If they can't make it accurately enough for dystrophin, they sure as hell can't make a safe "vaccine"!

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a6b93d  No.13253789

File: 262570648bac0a4⋯.jpeg (285.76 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 6BDEBA0F_27C3_4919_B9BD_3….jpeg)

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883cfd  No.13253790

File: 06d645b3546054f⋯.jpg (111.25 KB, 1312x1005, 1312:1005, SP.JPG)


crazy lady power…becarefulnottobecomewhatyouhate

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ec2ec7  No.13253791

File: bcc00d0db131238⋯.jpg (40.01 KB, 676x353, 676:353, 20210317_115334.jpg)


Joy auditions for meme batter

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7f5503  No.13253792

File: 3d2dc5968fbeaab⋯.png (63.87 KB, 1196x795, 1196:795, HeyNewfag.png)

File: f5be5f673c04f3a⋯.png (907.44 KB, 830x829, 830:829, 549803189038.png)

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a1aa1b  No.13253793

File: a1e9929ee9f748c⋯.png (517.32 KB, 368x636, 92:159, hunter_biden_text_joe_hold.png)

File: 9426277dac5436e⋯.png (93.08 KB, 169x284, 169:284, hunter_biden_joe_text_at_l….png)

File: 37bcf896832a161⋯.png (476.49 KB, 378x642, 63:107, hunter_biden_text_joe_nata….png)

File: b113294ff46c0bd⋯.png (318.69 KB, 234x562, 117:281, hunter_biden_text_joe_begg….png)

File: 1b3a40f6ee9a940⋯.png (392.12 KB, 374x643, 374:643, hunter_biden_text_joe.png)


There were a total of 4 new ass pics, and three/four NEW text messages…and three new vocaroo. Swissanon is NOT delivering.

Joe wants to hold Hunter….and he 10/10 knows Hunter and Natalie were fucking, and Joe's at the LAKE.

Just more dysfunctional family shit….nothing we didn't already know.

Hallie whining about "damage" Hunter denying




deimos.rant NOT new.


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9661fa  No.13253794

File: 0aa2dc40e35715e⋯.mp4 (13.38 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The_Disturbing_Case_of_Chr….mp4)

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5993c8  No.13253795

File: 96b6fc28c224378⋯.png (167.8 KB, 729x638, 729:638, 96b6fc28c224378394801fc200….png)


Is that the high capacity 450 cock cauterizing amp model?

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04dbdf  No.13253796

File: a3d598fb1ddd2f0⋯.png (140.42 KB, 548x503, 548:503, nacodemon.png)


If it's anything like the heart association or breast cancer association, it's because a cure would stop the gravy train.

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364c26  No.13253797


thanks…you were correct….and i only see four teams…no winner. wanted to see if he would pick the lily white Zags to go all the way

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dc2c50  No.13253798

File: c5ebc60328582cf⋯.jpg (402.53 KB, 1617x1080, 539:360, WhitmerLogic.JPG)

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441c06  No.13253799

File: cf49d56c4cb9912⋯.jpg (52.13 KB, 500x552, 125:138, cf49d56c4cb9912dd32659389a….jpg)



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eb3191  No.13253800

Welp?!?!? 4chan /pol/ just got hit with an image of what sorta appears to be an underage moot masturbating on himself.

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654a86  No.13253801


wanna see a penny explode?

clamp it!

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4e8964  No.13253802

File: 6f8f50e2767b0cc⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 320x268, 80:67, 1611899355448.gif)


The gif was more of a "FUCK YOU" to big cities.


You first! The cat is going to watch!

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883cfd  No.13253803

File: b444ee949b30523⋯.jpg (88.45 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, EnjoyTheShow1.jpg)

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04dbdf  No.13253804

File: 33a1be6aa9a0f25⋯.jpg (260.48 KB, 1073x748, 1073:748, gretch_lizard.jpg)


I'd put my lizard in that lizard.

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441c06  No.13253805

File: 24107ae5f1a2fb8⋯.jpg (50.02 KB, 680x542, 340:271, 24107ae5f1a2fb80fa89ae0878….jpg)

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568a31  No.13253806

File: 838743bb395c17d⋯.gif (3.09 MB, 600x441, 200:147, 1611092046.gif)


I'm in the same exact situation as the anon you're replying to, the only thing keeping me going is faith that God will make things right. I thank you for posting this. I have asked God to smite me where I stand because I no longer want to participate in this fucked up game, but whenever I feel this way I always end up upon a post like yours and I'm reminded that I'm here for a reason…

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eb3191  No.13253807


That poor girl. I'll admit; I didn't just buy it, initially. I've been eating some crow on this one.

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441c06  No.13253808

File: b0db9969bf2b47f⋯.jpg (128.39 KB, 506x718, 253:359, b0db9969bf2b47f2a20ada9f48….jpg)

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90e1ef  No.13253809

File: 9052b7ccd0c047b⋯.png (304.71 KB, 474x243, 158:81, 837F7D07_2D09_444B_949E_0F….png)

& with Grace…

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1d16b5  No.13253810

Mentally unstable Trump hater Ted Lieu claims he is not a virus…..that's still being debated

'I am not a virus': Lawmakers clash during emotional hearing on attacks


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df2476  No.13253811

File: cc62901c32174ae⋯.jpeg (175.39 KB, 640x644, 160:161, 06EE0C79_E2C9_4277_8AC7_4….jpeg)

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883cfd  No.13253812

File: 5f617346ffbf5f6⋯.jpg (220.43 KB, 1300x973, 1300:973, 10873452_10203436068397721….jpg)

File: 6e7c746cf73d91e⋯.png (129.11 KB, 581x675, 581:675, squealed.png)

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04dbdf  No.13253813

File: 3548e9d3ecec519⋯.png (157.6 KB, 960x450, 32:15, michigan.png)

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7bc05a  No.13253814

Navarro urges Biden to send China 'trillion-dollar bill' for COVID-19 chaos

Former White House adviser Peter Navarro stresses the Biden administration needs to “hold China accountable” and send the country “a bill for trillions of dollars”.

Mr Navarro also warned that the party could be compromised over deals they may have with the Communist Party.

“Over 20 per cent of the Biden administration are compromised in some way through money pots by the Chinese Communist Party," he says.

Mr Navarro is urging Secretary of State Antony Blinken to “confront the Chinese” as high level talks with US and Chinese officials have begun in Alaska.

“Time to stand strong with the Chinese Communist Party. America wants that. Hear me Joe Biden on that," he told Fox News.


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694622  No.13253815


I wish I knew.

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404ee5  No.13253816


but, muh, 99% of the rank and file are good.

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30d435  No.13253817

File: b02da1b6696455d⋯.png (640.06 KB, 931x348, 931:348, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc2c50  No.13253818

File: 5ef3296f586812c⋯.png (428.91 KB, 822x366, 137:61, VoteByMailLemon.PNG)

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8d8722  No.13253819

File: 0fbc12ead475b26⋯.png (321.38 KB, 803x630, 803:630, _projecting_.png)


> Ted Lieu claims he is not a virus

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ae3c2a  No.13253820

Man arrested outside of VP residence was a former unmanned aerial drone operator who thought someone in the gov't was going to kill him

WASHINGTON - A Texas man arrested outside the vice president's residence on Wednesday told an officer "he was looking for help" and "wanted to talk to the president" before leading police to his vehicle, which contained a rifle and 113 rounds of ammunition, according to court documents.

Police had been searching for 31-year-old Paul Murray since Tuesday, when authorities in College Station, Texas, distributed an intelligence bulletin warning he thought he was being targeted by the government and had texted his mother that he was in the District of Columbia "to take care of his problem."

Court documents say that on March 12, authorities in Brazos County, Texas, obtained a "mental health warrant" allowing for Murray's "emergency detention." The warrant states, according to the court documents, thatMurray "thinks he is going to be murdered" by someone in the government.

Inside, police said, they found a case containing a Smith & Wesson AR-15 rifle and the ammunition. Authorities said Murray purchased the firearm in Texas in 2017.

The Texas police bulletin also advises that Murray told police he had been medically discharged from the Army, where he had worked as a remote drone operator at a base within the United States.

An Army spokesman saidMurray had a rank of specialist and had been assigned as an unmanned aerial vehicle operator from March 2010 through April 2014. He had no deployments.


he piloted unmanned drones for 4 years…now why would he think the gov't was trying to kill him? what has he seen???

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4e8964  No.13253821

File: a41874fac8f13c8⋯.jpg (92.47 KB, 720x777, 240:259, 1615650255271.jpg)



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441c06  No.13253822

File: be36f7aaa7471c5⋯.jpeg (452.12 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, be36f7aaa7471c53c604a8111….jpeg)


Closet's you will ever get - is putting them all in straight jackets.

In jail, where they belong.

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2cf404  No.13253823


Or they abuse children at an even greater level than men

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883cfd  No.13253824

File: e693b3d7d3b9d67⋯.jpg (55 KB, 892x270, 446:135, 1020.JPG)

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441c06  No.13253825



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df2476  No.13253826

File: 77fd1c3fe9b107c⋯.jpeg (35.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 2C0FDF41_8835_4F7C_B1BE_D….jpeg)

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1d5db1  No.13253827

We will never see the arrests we want, will we?










Answer me and be honest.

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448672  No.13253828


Mike Adams mentioned Bongino today and said that he has cancer and, like Rush did, is foolishly pursuing chemo.

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7bc05a  No.13253829

File: 6fa22b1ae48c1ce⋯.pdf (624.37 KB, BIG_PHARMA.pdf)


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c0f4d2  No.13253830


Old age will get them 1st it seems

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5993c8  No.13253831

File: 8ee94e7c41298d9⋯.png (186.49 KB, 844x827, 844:827, Screen_Shot_2020_04_02_at_….png)


>Joy auditions for meme batter

That bitch's mouth is on upside down.

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c3b502  No.13253832


'saviour' -Limey Detected.

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e8e99e  No.13253833

File: 612c4db54f22f1a⋯.png (272.95 KB, 370x516, 185:258, Screenshot_from_2021_03_18….png)

File: 3fd0d2bbf70869a⋯.png (372.08 KB, 536x502, 268:251, Screenshot_from_2021_03_18….png)

File: 2a5a3e6c1c7d07f⋯.png (438.38 KB, 626x483, 626:483, Screenshot_from_2021_03_18….png)

File: 0b50f86c9d28fa2⋯.png (600.28 KB, 760x972, 190:243, 16160155475431.png)




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71bc7b  No.13253834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c0f4d2  No.13253835


haha to anyone that's ever shaken Hunters hand… take a good look.

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5993c8  No.13253836

File: 8c559dd820e45cb⋯.png (1.06 MB, 960x1540, 48:77, 5b509a320f1d0b7fc90006d8cc….png)



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dc2c50  No.13253837

File: 06ecaa8a57413ef⋯.jpg (519.31 KB, 1618x1049, 1618:1049, BidenPlan.jpg)

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293362  No.13253838

File: a845d95c26a3bea⋯.jpg (217.44 KB, 432x523, 432:523, IMG_8768.JPG)

File: 4052a04372cb4e8⋯.jpg (222.15 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, IMG_9943.JPG)

File: 2ce043aa0bae7f6⋯.png (409.77 KB, 769x686, 769:686, 2ce043aa0bae7f6eba2df904fb….png)

File: 37187be5a786090⋯.jpg (22.38 KB, 540x960, 9:16, FB_IMG_1593010373995.jpg)

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34ef19  No.13253839


when your gov job is remotely killing people for 4 years

it kinda messes up your mind?

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7bc05a  No.13253840

File: bf3516a76e78309⋯.pdf (757.4 KB, C_A.pdf)


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2e6fe0  No.13253841

File: df62acab53eb65f⋯.png (6.55 KB, 481x107, 481:107, ClipboardImage.png)


It's probably just a coincidence that

cullen hoback = 107


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8d9804  No.13253842


>How anyone, including the commie dems, could celebrate this trash

I think most normies are just happy to stick their heads deeper into the sand again because they're not getting badgered and gaslit as much by the TDS crowd now that Orange Man Gone. At least for now, as long as the trash doesn't affect them personally.



Oddly enough, Jimbo did support enhanced interrogation after 9-11 iirc?


With you, fren. Not being alone in feeling this way means something important, even if we still feel alone.

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df2476  No.13253843

File: 022fd62ed66599e⋯.jpeg (66.58 KB, 350x484, 175:242, 4A7435B7_6346_46D5_B874_7….jpeg)

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694622  No.13253844


I don’t understand how what you posted has anything relevant to anything current.

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441c06  No.13253845

File: 07b6c8ed5ee2207⋯.jpg (38.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 07b6c8ed5ee2207974a9219e8d….jpg)


The left cant meme your Honor, exhibit Ey.

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e31ee4  No.13253846


I've been there myself. Just pray for your loved ones to have their spiritual eyes opened. They have heard enough from you. Now let them experience it for themselves and see it on their own. Sooner or later they will come to you for answers.

I stepped back door awhile on & off. Just to keep my own sanity.

It works…

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7bc05a  No.13253847

File: 6774efdde6c1e7f⋯.pdf (319.76 KB, Clinton.pdf)


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fb0a0e  No.13253848


Dear God please save our children. Let the Q team wipeout every one of them - tomorrow if possible.

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a1aa1b  No.13253849

File: 60d138b07de15fd⋯.webm (714.24 KB, 992x800, 31:25, hunter_biden_ntalie_footj….webm)

File: 515d6414caa5e29⋯.png (801.18 KB, 1048x1482, 524:741, hunter_biden_in_bed_with_n….png)


Joe is NOT president. NOTHING he signs is anything but a LARP.

The question is…WHO the FUCK is running this country and if WE know this is a fucking gaslight show, then everyone else does, including the bad guys and our "enemies"…so why keep up the pretense?


WTAF didn't you buy? Did you MISS the footjob video? Her selfie in bed with him? Watching her cast doe eyes at him the ENTIRE inauguration trying to "catch his eye" and him acting like she was the trigger on a nuclear bomb?

NOTE webm is only the FACE not the audio OR action (which was Hunter moaning and her voice saying "I didn't know my feet could do that"….action was her feet sliding up and down and her head/shoulders moving along in concert) all they did was slide a same angle of her face over the ONE frame of the footjob when her head pops slightly above the block they put on….the photos proving they were both in the same hotel at the same time? WTAF tard didn't see this shit?

Did you miss the pic of Hunter laying in Mulan's shit? JAYSUS wtf is wrong with you? Joe fucked all his kids I can bet you…HUNTER appears to be the only one that repeated the physical abuse but ALL of them have drug problems and every one of them had a PORNHUB account…Hallie, (Hunter was fucking Natalie, Hallie, Hallie's sister, and whatever whore he could get at the same time), Ashley, Hunter…..

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e610cb  No.13253850

>>13253834 Death, where is your sting?

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441c06  No.13253851

File: 75342e34afff049⋯.png (47.6 KB, 516x516, 1:1, 75342e34afff0498e7ab2ebd29….png)

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387f83  No.13253852

Notable Posts

#16789 @500, >>13253313, >>13253322

>>13253417, >>13253421, >>13253472, >>13253653, >>13253661 Anon notices that Dan poasted in the same location on Feb 12 as he did tonight, with a Q post to consider

>>13253431, >>13253558 Planefag reports

>>13253411, >>13253427 Anon Brings To Attention the DIRECTOR of the HBO Special is… Acting Funny…

>>13253361, 13253685, >>13253694, >>13253715 Judge arrested for pedo porn is former CEO of Cream City Foundation. Adopted two kids too…

>>13253368 Breitbart: Wilcox: How Soros Money, Radical DAs Are Killing Our Cities

>>13253380 Breitbart: Fitton: Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Pelosi Call with Pentagon Chief

>>13253388 AP: US, China spar in first face-to-face meeting under Biden

>>13253391 JTN: Kellyanne Conway seals multimillion-dollar Donald Trump book deal: Report

>>13253407 GP: FLASHBACK: Houston Library Hosted Predator Who Sexually Assaulted 8-Year-Old Boy for ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’

>>13253412 AEN: Solaren Corp. to Launch Solar Panels into Orbit

>>13253413 Military.com: Navy Cruiser Returns to Port Again After Crew Spots Another Fuel Tank Leak

>>13253440, >>13253670 Walmart to offer immunity passport to customers who take COVID vaccine jab

>>13253451, >>13253510 ZH: Starbucks Founder Says China "Is An Adversary Not An Enemy" & US "Must Find A Way To Cooperate"

>>13253453, >>13253464 REMEMBER! "Right To TRY!" CBS: AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine not linked to blood clot risk, EU drug agency says claims. Muh benefits outweigh the risks? Risks like death?

>>13253457 Sputnik: Several people suspected of espionage on behalf of Russia arrested in Sofia

>>13253478 All For A LARP? (notq)

>>13253496 Technofag report: The Ghislaine Maxwell Case And the ongoing(?) investigations of Epstein's co-conspirators

>>13253499 The sequel to the fall of the cabal. Part 10 Pedo Bill Gates exposed

>>13253500 People: Chrissy Teigen takes baths with her son. What a grooming pedo.

>>13253505 ZDnet: Australia's news media bargaining code is a form of ransomware, and someone paid up

>>13253523 vid: Wife of pastor jailed for preaching speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

>>13253529 Technocracy: Forget COVID, Global Oligarchs Are Now Rehearsing For A ‘Cyber Pandemic’

>>13253552 justice.gov: Anchorage Man Sentenced to Nine Years in Federal Prison for Stalking and Threatening Former OCS Caseworker, Attempted Extortion of FBI Agent

>>13253555 Trips and an anon nom: OOPS! Biden calls Kamala ‘President Harris’ during speech AGAIN.

>>13253599 Statnews: Remember the Harvard Professor who got arrested for concealing money from the Chinese Government to establish a lab in Wuhan? His expertise was in nanotechnology.

>>13253600 Justice.gov: ODNI, DOJ and DHS Release Unclassified Summary of Assessment on Domestic Violent Extremism

>>13253593, >>13253594 Justice.gov reports concerning crimes against children

>>13253681 Georgenews: In December 2019, MIT researchers announced that they created a microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD)

>>13253719 Chanel Rion has officially blushed at the #hunterbiden hard drive.. Says it makes Weiner's problems seem like nothing

>>13253814 Skynews: Navarro urges Biden to send China 'trillion-dollar bill' for COVID-19 chaos

>>13253820 Chron: It turns out Murray told police he had been medically discharged from the Army, where he had worked as a remote drone operator at a base within the United States.

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71bc7b  No.13253854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df2476  No.13253855

File: e8de4ac00a86637⋯.jpeg (240.6 KB, 1194x550, 597:275, 13634D0E_048C_463E_8E40_B….jpeg)

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a71207  No.13253856

File: 7df7bac0921f15d⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 380x230, 38:23, 1616095620268.gif)


>>13253243 (pb) Marjorie Taylor is Controlled Opposition

Bakers don't add your commentary.

1) it's usually stupid and obscures what the notable is about

2) in this case, your commentary is the complete opposite of what anon said

>>13252729 (pb), >>13252962 (pb) Baker gets called. Thanks for calling it out anon

Bakers don't make the notables about yourself. No one gives a fuck you were called an idiot. Anons call other Anons idiots all the time, just because you as baker were the addressed as such and are "magnanimous" enough to put it into the notables makes you a faggot. The story should never be about the reporter.

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441c06  No.13253857

File: 08ac784ad67aad6⋯.png (395.72 KB, 720x534, 120:89, 3a9ee4608e46b5d4fe9cad68b4….png)


More personal this way…

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7bc05a  No.13253858

File: 73177854c511872⋯.pdf (121.01 KB, Cryptome_s_Guide_To_Forum_….pdf)

Cryptome’s Guide To Forum Spies

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e8e99e  No.13253859

File: d60cd0874448f76⋯.png (127.8 KB, 404x479, 404:479, Screenshot_from_2021_03_19….png)



9:01 timestamp sauce

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387f83  No.13253860


Is this not why all op's are huge fucking faggots?

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eb3191  No.13253861


Sometimes you don't want to believe things. Like I said; eating a lot of crow over this one. I owe Bannon a bottle of his favorite drink.

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9642fb  No.13253862

File: e2b48b7fa7e9d1e⋯.png (405.31 KB, 802x733, 802:733, ted_brindisi_cheated_in_ne….png)

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c66a0d  No.13253863


She also sent naked ass selfies.

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1333e9  No.13253864

The news is dead.

You are what matters now.

Handle with care.

Have you exhausted all your resources?

Do you have more than you know?

Can you put the final pieces of the puzzle in place?

God Bless, Patriots.

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dc2c50  No.13253865

File: 3d348d6d124adff⋯.jpg (120.76 KB, 960x890, 96:89, KillerPP.JPG)

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883cfd  No.13253866

File: a22792f5d5a5cdf⋯.png (33.53 KB, 458x363, 458:363, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be483a79ab5e664⋯.png (40.31 KB, 1405x589, 1405:589, ClipboardImage.png)


clean the kitchen!

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b3a537  No.13253867

File: 854edaf752adcc4⋯.jpg (479.55 KB, 1058x940, 529:470, SmartSelect_20181015_20261….jpg)

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c0f4d2  No.13253868

File: 9f3e3761ec3039b⋯.jpg (870.6 KB, 926x1113, 926:1113, yoda.jpg)


tis true

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441c06  No.13253869

File: 56a0c12ba7081d0⋯.jpg (58.69 KB, 640x1045, 128:209, 56a0c12ba7081d08e9db2db346….jpg)


The school is a brewing ground for psychopaths, the entry exam actively looks for the corrupt to join the FBI and the CIA.

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df2476  No.13253870

File: 9dec76ba5b87a58⋯.jpeg (601.39 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 439259A0_EE1B_4DA6_BF1D_4….jpeg)

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694622  No.13253871


>Honesty and transparency are the only way to build a sustainable future where humanity can realize its true potential.

Agreed, and I don’t know how to reconcile the deception of this “show” with that.

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dc2c50  No.13253872

File: f3b6a1675c43baa⋯.jpg (234.54 KB, 1600x945, 320:189, Gas_Con.JPG)

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eb3191  No.13253873


I haven't seen anything like that; but the other vids are most certainly not the professional types.

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9642fb  No.13253874

File: 420f775e9c601e0⋯.png (148.94 KB, 594x599, 594:599, Protect_America_first_Act_….png)

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34ef19  No.13253875


support planned parenthood

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9642fb  No.13253876

File: a8b20ed85b0a406⋯.png (202.02 KB, 826x1199, 826:1199, fauci_HCQ_2005.png)

File: a5c1d39c6b81bac⋯.png (426.69 KB, 900x470, 90:47, fake_goulsbee.png)

File: 88172398956d3ad⋯.png (457.66 KB, 923x553, 923:553, Truth_in_front.png)

File: 0c533882467effa⋯.png (813.45 KB, 1407x1071, 67:51, feinstein_spy.png)

File: 3e01c933da55975⋯.png (498.76 KB, 800x779, 800:779, Battle_Cats.png)

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a1aa1b  No.13253877


We only have fake news word that ANY of that shit is actually happening.

MY question is…who is gaslighting us and HOW LONG has this been going on? A LOT of good questions.



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71bc7b  No.13253878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d8072f  No.13253879

File: 0774b17e7427d05⋯.png (539.73 KB, 955x402, 955:402, gladys.png)

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7bc05a  No.13253880

File: bee3b2ecb629fe0⋯.pdf (555.05 KB, Facebook_Is_Really_DARPA_L….pdf)

Facebook Is Really DARPA LifeLog Black Op

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883cfd  No.13253881


oh jeez..

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448672  No.13253882


"the team to beat"

if the contest is 'Fastest Self-Insertion of a Butt Plug'

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c0f4d2  No.13253883


Something's gotta give the current trajectory is very dark.

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9642fb  No.13253884

shills whine

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387f83  No.13253885


>MY question is…who is gaslighting us and HOW LONG has this been going on? A LOT of good questions.

It's been going on the entire time.. Got put on steroids in the 50's when the cia was birthed from the oss.

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8b5da3  No.13253886

File: 15707eb05d9fd08⋯.png (370 KB, 474x266, 237:133, C61E24A5_2722_4800_8C18_FA….png)

& Republic…

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d68521  No.13253887

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a1aa1b  No.13253888

File: b8e03dbc127cda8⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1920x1360, 24:17, hunter_pregnancy_test_2019.png)

File: d05e5eea9478291⋯.jpg (55.06 KB, 596x653, 596:653, natalie_biden_looking_preg….jpg)


I didn't post those for the obvious reasons….but here, have a fully clothed pregnant photo and a positive test.

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8edb3c  No.13253889

"Let's see what happens."

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b3a537  No.13253890

File: 354c1b69011fe97⋯.jpg (233.39 KB, 926x1113, 926:1113, _.jpg)

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448672  No.13253891

File: 85cdc405dfe23af⋯.jpg (105.51 KB, 725x468, 725:468, mr_pig_night_shift.jpg)

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883cfd  No.13253892

File: 947482d718ae5c1⋯.png (624.67 KB, 960x868, 240:217, AllUsV_2.png)

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7bc05a  No.13253893

File: 01944f51461fbb3⋯.pdf (784.57 KB, Connecting_the_dots_on_the….pdf)

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063c10  No.13253894


might anon suggest adding Hunter jerking into her mouth?

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71bc7b  No.13253895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df2476  No.13253896


Thisanon was VERY much opposed to the torture and “enhanced techniques” that came to light and photos after 9/11, rationalized by my government. I can think of only ONE group of people that stuff should EVER be used on now.

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30d435  No.13253897

File: b30379827020c70⋯.gif (3.91 MB, 295x278, 295:278, flotus_you_gif.gif)


I'm a faith teacherfag. I teach people how to reverse the cabal fear based programming. I don't call it that but here you know what I mean. It's a program. What happened then, is when you read that poast and you felt the relief.. you had thoughts that were aligned with faith..that is why you could feel it soothe your soul. God feels good. Faith feels good and then when you surrender and let go…you know God ALWAYS answers. It is ALWAYS only us that pinch ourselves off from God by focusing on the storm. Whenever something happens that we don't like, we can thensay, "Ok..this happened so now what do I PREFER? What do i want it to be like? (that's the prayer and the answered prayer is never seen with our eyes until AFTER we have faith and let go and trust.) Some people are scared to give it to God and let go of the control..but that FEAR that SEEMS to protect our emotions because what if we have faith and then we are let down? That fear that blocks the faith is guidance..it always feels bad and ALWAYS thoughts that are not aligned with faith feel bad. So we have an unwanted situation, we look at it and feel bad and then we think, "What is the opposite of this thing I do not want? What do I prefer now? How do I want this to turn out?" Then we face in that direction because the direction to the answered prayer always feels good…it feels good because of the thoughts that are aligned with faith..and when we have faith, God CANNOT fail. It is law just like water boils at a certain temp and freezes at another. God cannot fail, only man can separate ourselves by having doubt/fear. It's really easy and then miracles happen and all of a sudden you will see how distorted the bad feeling thoughts are but they help us drive. They're a navigational system.. so when the thoughts feel bad.. you make a legal U turn and think of the opposite and immediately you will feel the relief. Now you stay with your eyes on the prize. Then not only do you feel good on your journey thorugh life but all of your prayers get answered. FACT. I stole that Pepe. ThanQ Anon. The better feeling thoughts are the path you want to TRUST no matter how real the bad thoughts seem and LOOK. The minute scotty beams you back up, the bad fades away like mist. We want God to do things our way but that limits God. We have to get out of the way by trusting and allow God to move. Sometimes we think the prayer will be answered in a particular way but then the way it unfolds is like nothing we could imagine and it's way better.

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4e8964  No.13253898

File: 11cad29aff1cddc⋯.png (557.84 KB, 1042x500, 521:250, J1.png)

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883cfd  No.13253899

File: 42eb04d693b7f8f⋯.jpg (56.57 KB, 576x576, 1:1, ritual.jpg)

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722b5c  No.13253900

File: 5508f687b00288b⋯.png (100.93 KB, 400x225, 16:9, b93d1324febe9c5d542e9d8465….png)

>>13253856 It's an obviously untrue statement isnt it? There was a push that she is, Perhaps it was taken improperly… and that has nothing to do with me. so who is making it about them… REALLY…

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9642fb  No.13253901

File: 16bb6e1379907aa⋯.png (504.52 KB, 505x701, 505:701, Night_Shift_Worlds.png)

File: 47fc339c482adbe⋯.png (199.56 KB, 1529x939, 1529:939, ncswic_3.png)

File: 162542f7f1c17a8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 923x887, 923:887, 2_favs.png)

File: bcfd775f584636b⋯.png (189.93 KB, 958x1136, 479:568, first_2_know_kek.png)

File: 7163fccf085d49e⋯.jpg (213.54 KB, 1100x753, 1100:753, impeach_veronica_NOW_2.jpg)

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11b64f  No.13253902

File: 43c17eb68c08d9b⋯.png (155.67 KB, 242x242, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


It's the gay that never ends

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e53b8c  No.13253903

File: 248a2a3e12ff8ce⋯.png (32.18 KB, 652x371, 652:371, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Jack….png)

Never seen a CCP delegation treat a US delegation like this. They just openly bashed them to their faces. Blinken appeared amateurish and way out of his league. Completely unprepared.


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c3b502  No.13253904

File: 81f7034c82b87b0⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1440x1974, 240:329, ClipboardImage.png)


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441c06  No.13253905



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9642fb  No.13253906

ty easy filters

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883cfd  No.13253907

File: c4a5a96c1f8c3f6⋯.png (693.4 KB, 643x960, 643:960, dl.png)

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7bc05a  No.13253908

File: c1ec3babe2ab70c⋯.pdf (3.48 MB, FOUNDATION_FOR_THE_DEFENSE….pdf)


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694622  No.13253909


Well done

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9642fb  No.13253910

File: 479434358f8fcb9⋯.png (156.82 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, call_your_senetor_re_hr1.png)

File: f1cc0124c24a5f5⋯.png (768.85 KB, 1100x623, 1100:623, SW_border_stats_03162021.png)

File: 65936f38d43b699⋯.png (193.53 KB, 1163x1140, 1163:1140, 60_billi_covid_tax_hikes.png)

File: cb63f20a4356769⋯.png (602.42 KB, 962x646, 481:323, confirmed_US_deaths_re_cov….png)

File: a3dfc73ce4a5e78⋯.png (314.67 KB, 1112x1063, 1112:1063, south_west_border.png)

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e53b8c  No.13253911

File: 24c3c7865b1c96c⋯.png (374.12 KB, 598x617, 598:617, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Jack….png)



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df2476  No.13253912

File: 647cf8e566e1d41⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6C29931C_CB6C_4DB3_A941_C6….gif)

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a1aa1b  No.13253913

File: d8fd46b754bc3d1⋯.png (92.48 KB, 1774x294, 887:147, trump_vaccine_fuckery_you_….png)

File: aae92f7cdb67460⋯.png (654.82 KB, 1777x989, 1777:989, Trump_vaccine_lies_biden_f….png)

File: 5be7a6138369496⋯.png (86.72 KB, 1767x282, 589:94, trump_vaccine_fuckery_2.png)

File: 51fdea405f0abda⋯.png (229.58 KB, 1288x459, 1288:459, trump_vaccine_fuckery.png)


My post was questioning WHY continue the gaslighting. By now the Chinks have figured it out. Putin sure af knows…everyone fucking KNOWS Biden isn't president….why continue the farce and WHEN did they start it? the moment Trump took office?

HE fucked up bigely announcing he took the jab. I don't trust anything anymore. Not even Trump. WHY the fuck would he make even MORE trouble for us this late in the damn game? ALL that is going to do is fuck up even more families.

Either ALL the news re serious reactions is fake, which means every single post from vaccinetards on reddit is fake….(there's hundreds of them) or….WTAF?

WHY keep the act up? What the fuck danger is there NOW? EVERYONE knows…..

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c0f4d2  No.13253914

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9642fb  No.13253915

File: ad84c2c1cd37311⋯.png (696.4 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, cui_china_Hong_Kong_2_bide….png)

File: bfd0e4b3cf63196⋯.png (276.91 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, cui_china_Hong_Kong.png)

File: 70adb0a1523fdaa⋯.png (482.92 KB, 1100x520, 55:26, fauci_wallace_fake_AF.png)

File: f989621f312a3b7⋯.png (495.22 KB, 900x607, 900:607, impeach_swamp_creatures_ch….png)

File: eecfb6c0a89a007⋯.png (316.66 KB, 835x679, 835:679, mask_fauci.png)

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1d16b5  No.13253916

1 + 1 = Joey Ukraine aka Joey Xiden aka Joey Dominion

Mexico Plans Massive ‘Crackdown’ On Illegal Immigration After Crisis Erupts Under Biden


Biden to send surplus AstraZeneca vaccine doses to Mexico, Canada


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8d9c04  No.13253917

N.J. gym owner charged with storming Capitol, punching cop is QAnon believer who’d ‘go again,’ feds say

Updated Mar 18, 2021; Posted Mar 18, 2021

By Joe Atmonavage | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

A New Jersey gym owner, who is charged with storming the U.S. Capitol and punching a police officer, is a QAnon believer who allegedly boasted he would “go again” and has previously threatened a congresswoman, authorities said in court documents Wednesday.

In seeking to have Scott Fairlamb, of Sussex, detained pending the outcome of his criminal case, prosecutors said Fairlamb’s actions — most of which were caught on video — on Jan. 6 “show an absolute disregard for the rule of law coupled with a willingness to engage in violence.”

Continued at:


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11b64f  No.13253918

File: dc3c8e1e6299db6⋯.png (1.88 MB, 889x1024, 889:1024, joe_biden_communist_chines….png)


Slant Eyed joe

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9642fb  No.13253919

File: 53c86f5ae937387⋯.png (638.91 KB, 932x970, 466:485, Herridge_twt_03042021_1.png)

File: 21d492d0cbb27af⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, pipe_update.jpg)

File: 28f48247e259c65⋯.png (507.81 KB, 918x1100, 459:550, Herridge_twt_03162021_3_da….png)

File: ae077f33aa7e895⋯.png (477.32 KB, 926x1022, 463:511, Herridge_twt_03162021_2_pi….png)

File: 9df042cf694a532⋯.png (89.2 KB, 930x678, 155:113, Herridge_twt_03162021_1_pe….png)

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dc2c50  No.13253920

File: 298b8beb34a0a92⋯.jpg (563.81 KB, 2048x1444, 512:361, WatergateX1000.JPG)

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7bc05a  No.13253921

File: 687c8dd70662232⋯.pdf (1.12 MB, Google_s_True_Origin_Close….pdf)

Google’s True Origin Closely Linked to the CIA

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000000  No.13253922

Is Durham ever gonna get off of his fat ass and do anything?

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883cfd  No.13253923

File: 4b888195ba29472⋯.jpg (21.55 KB, 196x259, 28:37, makeNoMistakeMarines.JPG)

File: 10c1b5b47b862ec⋯.jpg (102.14 KB, 1371x430, 1371:430, Rogers.JPG)

File: 06f176c27cd9300⋯.jpg (45.28 KB, 904x292, 226:73, warFrogs.JPG)

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387f83  No.13253924


Raising on a busted flush is a thing

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441c06  No.13253925

File: aebd4b7852b23ba⋯.jpg (14.94 KB, 520x422, 260:211, aebd4b7852b23ba2fc43dd9eea….jpg)


mucking around, soz if your annoyed by clean playfulness

oh yeah


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8d9804  No.13253926

File: 170111191bcbde5⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 170111191bcbde5ca1d7b5c8c7….jpg)


>Have you exhausted all your resources?

Anyone ever figure out what Ghidra was meant for?

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8d8722  No.13253927


>Never seen a CCP delegation treat a US delegation like this

It's called "Pimp hand"

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dc2c50  No.13253928

File: 448361e623758d4⋯.jpg (40.31 KB, 434x354, 217:177, TrudeauCastro1.JPG)

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883cfd  No.13253929


soap and water comms

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448672  No.13253930


thank you, faith teacher anon

saving that morsel of wisdom for when I need a faith alignment

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b14b93  No.13253931


Your volcano is so deep

You should flush out the thetans

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9642fb  No.13253932

File: 3b5387cfed4260c⋯.jpg (64.22 KB, 741x800, 741:800, smollett_race_war.jpg)

File: 0409e7ba270ff95⋯.jpg (161.77 KB, 800x563, 800:563, Foxx_smollet_3.jpg)

File: af85ae88b9e9631⋯.jpg (231.87 KB, 960x960, 1:1, smollet_obamas.jpg)

File: b370565c8ff1758⋯.jpg (71.15 KB, 728x462, 52:33, smollett_change.jpg)

File: 388ef06e2afef33⋯.jpg (134.22 KB, 800x1051, 800:1051, smollett_dont_beat_yoursel….jpg)

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441c06  No.13253933

File: 27c64619b3ebe89⋯.jpeg (46.06 KB, 600x380, 30:19, 27c64619b3ebe890b437a2e8e….jpeg)


made me laugh


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b14b93  No.13253934


"Corned beef and cabbage"

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883cfd  No.13253935


optics..got to show them..how you take back your Own Govt…all these woke fags here cant get it together…clean the kitchen…

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dc2c50  No.13253936

File: bbd97ff5f13a6ec⋯.png (205.66 KB, 485x337, 485:337, TheMonsters.PNG)

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30d435  No.13253937

File: 7ca74d34a65efc5⋯.png (182.15 KB, 600x485, 120:97, ClipboardImage.png)


>>13253897 (me)

Sorry I butchered the grammar and punctuation, etc..

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c0f4d2  No.13253938


remove the ? from the 1st pic

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b14b93  No.13253939


Canadian bacon

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b14b93  No.13253940



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9642fb  No.13253941

File: 191584514c93085⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1056x1551, 32:47, redfield_and_birx_cdc_dire….png)

File: 4ec285ed9ff00c4⋯.png (221.65 KB, 1150x1077, 1150:1077, contrast_analysis_biden_Tr….png)

File: fa775b937c52911⋯.png (74.41 KB, 1093x500, 1093:500, cbs_talks_QAnon.png)

File: c1c249a4ea7a32c⋯.png (114.52 KB, 900x651, 300:217, hbo_down_12_percent.png)

File: 30013dc41225c1f⋯.png (182.15 KB, 900x639, 100:71, hbo_team_33.png)

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71bc7b  No.13253942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Although many have attributed "O Death" to Baptist preacher, Lloyd Chandler, printed evidence of the song has been found in Britain dating to the 17th century. Besides Chandler, contemporary versions have also been recorded by Nimrod Workman, Dock Boggs, and Ralph Stanley.

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b14b93  No.13253943


Bob barker

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441c06  No.13253944



Cassius Clay was a pretty man…


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883cfd  No.13253945


correction. Taking back our Republic and recognizing Our Own …Sovereignty…

If your focused on money you dont get it

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063c10  No.13253946


nobody eats that in Canada. strange eh?

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9642fb  No.13253947


how does the ? protect?

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7bc05a  No.13253948

File: ff1a91dfbc7e555⋯.png (442.27 KB, 643x354, 643:354, ClipboardImage.png)

Fauci: Whitmer ‘A Really Good Governor,’ Who Has ‘Done Some Really Good Things’

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) is “a really good governor, I think she’s done some really good things.” But did say the state should “hold off” on relaxing restrictions.

Fauci said, “I mean, she’s a really good governor, I think she’s done some really good things. But I am telling them, just hold off for a bit. When you get the overwhelming majority of your population vaccinated, the chances of there being a surge are minuscule. So just hang in there, don’t turn the switch on and off, pull back gradually, not all at once, everything, all things are off and everything goes, that’s not a good idea.”


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387f83  No.13253949

Notable Posts

#16789 @600, >>13253313, >>13253322

>>13253417, >>13253421, >>13253472, >>13253653, >>13253661 Anon notices that Dan poasted in the same location on Feb 12 as he did tonight, with a Q post to consider

>>13253431, >>13253558 Planefag reports

>>13253411, >>13253427 Anon Brings To Attention the DIRECTOR of the HBO Special is… Acting Funny…

>>13253361, 13253685, >>13253694, >>13253715 Judge arrested for pedo porn is former CEO of Cream City Foundation. Adopted two kids too…

>>13253368 Breitbart: Wilcox: How Soros Money, Radical DAs Are Killing Our Cities

>>13253380 Breitbart: Fitton: Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Pelosi Call with Pentagon Chief

>>13253388 AP: US, China spar in first face-to-face meeting under Biden

>>13253391 JTN: Kellyanne Conway seals multimillion-dollar Donald Trump book deal: Report

>>13253407 GP: FLASHBACK: Houston Library Hosted Predator Who Sexually Assaulted 8-Year-Old Boy for ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’

>>13253412 AEN: Solaren Corp. to Launch Solar Panels into Orbit

>>13253413 Military.com: Navy Cruiser Returns to Port Again After Crew Spots Another Fuel Tank Leak

>>13253440, >>13253670 Walmart to offer immunity passport to customers who take COVID vaccine jab

>>13253451, >>13253510 ZH: Starbucks Founder Says China "Is An Adversary Not An Enemy" & US "Must Find A Way To Cooperate"

>>13253453, >>13253464 REMEMBER! "Right To TRY!" CBS: AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine not linked to blood clot risk, EU drug agency says claims. Muh benefits outweigh the risks? Risks like death?

>>13253457 Sputnik: Several people suspected of espionage on behalf of Russia arrested in Sofia

>>13253478 All For A LARP? (notq)

>>13253496 Technofag report: The Ghislaine Maxwell Case And the ongoing(?) investigations of Epstein's co-conspirators

>>13253499 The sequel to the fall of the cabal. Part 10 Pedo Bill Gates exposed

>>13253500 People: Chrissy Teigen takes baths with her son. What a grooming pedo.

>>13253505 ZDnet: Australia's news media bargaining code is a form of ransomware, and someone paid up

>>13253523 vid: Wife of pastor jailed for preaching speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

>>13253529 Technocracy: Forget COVID, Global Oligarchs Are Now Rehearsing For A ‘Cyber Pandemic’

>>13253552 justice.gov: Anchorage Man Sentenced to Nine Years in Federal Prison for Stalking and Threatening Former OCS Caseworker, Attempted Extortion of FBI Agent

>>13253555 Trips and an anon nom: OOPS! Biden calls Kamala ‘President Harris’ during speech AGAIN.

>>13253599 Statnews: Remember the Harvard Professor who got arrested for concealing money from the Chinese Government to establish a lab in Wuhan? His expertise was in nanotechnology.

>>13253600 Justice.gov: ODNI, DOJ and DHS Release Unclassified Summary of Assessment on Domestic Violent Extremism

>>13253593, >>13253594 Justice.gov reports concerning crimes against children

>>13253681 Georgenews: In December 2019, MIT researchers announced that they created a microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD)

>>13253719 Chanel Rion has officially blushed at the #hunterbiden hard drive.. Says it makes Weiner's problems seem like nothing

>>13253814 Skynews: Navarro urges Biden to send China 'trillion-dollar bill' for COVID-19 chaos

>>13253820 Chron: It turns out Murray told police he had been medically discharged from the Army, where he had worked as a remote drone operator at a base within the United States.

>>13253903, >>13253911 Posobiec: Never seen a CCP delegation treat a US delegation like this. They just openly bashed them to their faces. Blinken appeared amateurish and way out of his league. Completely unprepared.

>>13253904 NBC stepping into the Who's a Jew? game… Are they smelling… Fear?

>>13253916 Thehill: Mexico Plans Massive ‘Crackdown’ On Illegal Immigration After Crisis Erupts Under Biden

>>13253917 lhvl: N.J. gym owner charged with storming Capitol, punching cop is QAnon believer who’d ‘go again,’ feds say.

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404ee5  No.13253950


I'm sure Trump and Q changed that. After all, Q told us how they cleaned out the upper ranks.

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448672  No.13253951


it isn't optics when you're telling people to go get the shot


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b14b93  No.13253952


Bob barker raised a small fortune off inmates supplies

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dc2c50  No.13253953


Don't talk about Third-In-Line like that.

She powerful.

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90e1ef  No.13253954

File: d46f200d441716a⋯.png (392.85 KB, 338x491, 338:491, 725C66C6_90C7_404F_BB47_A1….png)


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c0f4d2  No.13253955

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9642fb  No.13253956

File: 435ffa60e2facc9⋯.png (186.07 KB, 1018x1095, 1018:1095, paul_alexander_sex_traffic….png)

File: 18e3d9fd4df2b1b⋯.png (237.23 KB, 1894x1027, 1894:1027, paul_alexander_sex_traffic….png)

File: 785bdf83c2dc6f7⋯.png (112.24 KB, 904x624, 113:78, grammys_and_biden_losers.png)

File: f714458fd4a8618⋯.png (221.42 KB, 778x365, 778:365, five_govs_killed_Elders.png)

File: f095442dec39a70⋯.png (538.42 KB, 1100x458, 550:229, sergy_brin_ann_susan_wojci….png)

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d8072f  No.13253957



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883cfd  No.13253958

File: 641d0ddc7c93bee⋯.jpg (70.09 KB, 757x330, 757:330, 41aedn.jpg)



scare necessary

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b14b93  No.13253959


More reasons to watergapes your volcano

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448672  No.13253960


genocide necessary?

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9642fb  No.13253961

File: 7d020cbdc849052⋯.png (87.27 KB, 1011x782, 1011:782, mask_wars.png)

File: 014e1ee12bb34cb⋯.png (45.85 KB, 1187x519, 1187:519, Beirut_Anon_tale.png)

File: 1da1b1da5263401⋯.png (140.84 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, sad_AF_2.png)

File: 2fed4d9dde25298⋯.png (170 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, sad_AF.png)

File: 6e84c7af1d8ff8c⋯.png (159.16 KB, 591x583, 591:583, cy_vance_wont_run.png)

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b14b93  No.13253962


It's a chitty dude

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883cfd  No.13253963

File: 50b6774c3aaae9a⋯.png (123.58 KB, 500x332, 125:83, 50b6774c3aaae9af97ba282061….png)


its ok anon

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a1aa1b  No.13253964


Do you still NOT understand the SOURCE of the videos? Here, let me help. The chinks and god knows who else, installed spyware on Hunter's computers and cell phones. EVERYTHING he did on either of them was stashed by the CCP. Hunter also took PLENTY of his own cellphone videos, also stored by the CCP. You can tell which ones are which by the angles. The fucktard had his computer open…and they filmed him via his webcam. CCP sent copies of the harddrive to McConnel and Pelosi and I forget who else….telling them to win the election OR ELSE.

The CCP defectors took copies of the hard drive when they left. So everything the CCP had they gave Bannon/Rudy and posted on Gnews website…the laptop repairman is a totally DIFFERENT source and that would have ONLY been what Hunter had on his 1 recoverable harddrive…unless he routinely backed up / synced his phone.

The waters are muddy on purpose but it would seem that the CCP hard drives had much more….as Hunter only had 1 recoverable hard drive. The email leaks were from Archer Devon who gave (whichever agency is actually investigating) permission and password to HIS email account and they got a good deal of Burisma shit from him. There are TWO men in prison for LESS than what Hunter did….you could say they're a bit fucking butthurt.

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75eff2  No.13253965

>>13252976 Scavino Sunset (LB)

Hey. Mar a Lago is on the EAST COAST.

That would be a sunRISE.

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7f6ae5  No.13253966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b3178e  No.13253967



if the virus is fake, the shot is fake (placebo). Take it if it makes you feel better.

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883cfd  No.13253968


seeing any dead bodies with your eyes?

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441c06  No.13253969

File: 644611e95831ce2⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1125x994, 1125:994, 644611e95831ce22e80d67aba8….png)


Wonder if his health is deteriorating faster because of being under so much pressure?

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b14b93  No.13253970


Yopoleland stanks

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04dbdf  No.13253971

File: 64fa662679b5dac⋯.jpg (94.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, apu_reach.jpg)


She's certainly got the best milkies of any governor.

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b3178e  No.13253972


or he is in Calif.

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fb0a0e  No.13253973

File: e9b051a080144a0⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1132x802, 566:401, ClipboardImage.png)


>Chrissy Teigen

Interesting Note:

What is Chrissy Teigen’s race and ethnicity? Is the former model mixed race?

Teigen’s mother Vilailuck Teigen. According to The Daily Mail, Vilailuck is more commonly referred to her nickname “Pepper” and was born in Thailand. She is also an American citizen making her Asian-American.


Why Are There So Many Transgender (Ladyboys) In Thailand?

Thailand and particularly its urban areas such as Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket are safe places for LGBT people including those who identify as kathoey or transexual.

In 2017, Bangkok was named the second-most gay-friendly city in Asia. The survey included “each city’s LGBT dating scene, nightlife, openness, safety, and legal rights.” Although it must be said Asia is not exactly number one continent for LGBT issues.



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000000  No.13253974

It's hilarious that Ron & Jim Watkins grifted millions of people posing as "Q"

One for the history books.

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694622  No.13253975

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8c9db6  No.13253976

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441c06  No.13253977

File: 9057f35237f77b9⋯.png (401.37 KB, 638x632, 319:316, 9057f35237f77b9b2b55cb24f9….png)


Nancy Pelosi is a drunk.

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0659f3  No.13253978


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b14b93  No.13253979


Wonder if you're just a sad shill with chitty memes

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883cfd  No.13253980


This was done to EVERYBODY

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7bc05a  No.13253981

File: b358e3133093088⋯.pdf (1.97 MB, Industrial_Zionism.pdf)


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404ee5  No.13253982


think mirror. up is down. East is West…and never the twain shall meet.

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dc2c50  No.13253983

File: b124d5ade50053a⋯.jpg (105.85 KB, 600x478, 300:239, SchifftyOne.JPG)

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8d8722  No.13253984

File: 9389134a9fa917d⋯.jpg (97.39 KB, 629x680, 37:40, D5.jpg)


>Whitmer ‘A Really Good Governor,’ Who Has ‘Done Some Really Good Things’

and a lot of really bad things.

Anon wonders what sort of misdirection she'll use to deflect from her nursing home fuckery.

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2d6ba3  No.13253985


>The question is…WHO the FUCK is running this country and if WE know this is a fucking gaslight show, then everyone else does, including the bad guys and our "enemies"…so why keep up the pretense?

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448672  No.13253986


we haven't seen anything yet

give it two to three months

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4e8964  No.13253987

File: 9f5f721ac17d15d⋯.webm (588.85 KB, 320x444, 80:111, 1613424407388.webm)

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7bc05a  No.13253988

File: 6acd02b8b9f3531⋯.pdf (1.14 MB, MEGA_GROUP.pdf)


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b14b93  No.13253989


It's amazing how much delusional effort you invest too

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883cfd  No.13253990


exactely..it would go without saying..ones own confidence in intel here should be enough for ones self and others in panic.

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dc2c50  No.13253991

File: cc2cfefb8dfcbe4⋯.png (483.19 KB, 545x468, 545:468, FreeThinker.PNG)

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694622  No.13253992


> CCP sent copies of the harddrive to McConnel and Pelosi and I forget who else….telling them to win the election OR ELSE.

Is the show for them?

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b14b93  No.13253993


Pink fleshy polyester lunchmeat

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441c06  No.13253994

File: c5f3e614fc85a47⋯.jpg (228.1 KB, 1345x865, 269:173, c5f3e614fc85a4754689e44be7….jpg)


Did he? Made money off the suffering of others.

Disgraceful prick reminds me of another dirt bag.

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df2476  No.13253995

File: 2e6381c9d0bea91⋯.gif (974.42 KB, 500x275, 20:11, 740DD917_BBDF_49C8_B0B5_8E….gif)

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71bc7b  No.13253996


Imagine being a mouse and seeing that descending from above?

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883cfd  No.13253997


i was saying that earlier..it was sunset here on west coast..I live by the port..close to TRUMP hotel….sunset time…Trump Hotel Clock comms…I tried to get out there but couldnt

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b14b93  No.13253998



Chitty shill tries to get laid by blonde dudes

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e237f0  No.13253999



Look it up one word… BOKEH

this is fake

semi photo fag here!

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063c10  No.13254000


even if true, I learned so much about the deep state, corruption, law, the constitution, philosophy, the founding fathers, how it's our duty to rebel against TYRANNY (peacefully) so all in all twas all for the best. and shills still have nothing on the scoreboard

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850273  No.13254001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Promises made…

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e8e99e  No.13254002

File: 00e64516461af28⋯.png (325.1 KB, 919x764, 919:764, Screenshot_from_2021_02_12….png)

File: 40c110fa579cbb3⋯.png (318.73 KB, 914x772, 457:386, Screenshot_from_2021_02_12….png)

File: f63eff67d84cb82⋯.png (324.77 KB, 932x794, 466:397, Screenshot_from_2021_02_12….png)

>>13253417, >>13253421, >>13253472, >>13253653 (You), >>13253661 Anon notices that Dan poasted in the same location on Feb 12 as he did tonight, with a Q post to consider

just remembered

I cappedthe stormDan was filming that morning


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dc2c50  No.13254003

File: 23dcb11653ef2a2⋯.png (213.18 KB, 480x470, 48:47, LionFinger.PNG)

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883cfd  No.13254004

File: 3fc1ca164ca7e81⋯.png (695.06 KB, 994x518, 71:37, PANDEMIC_anagram_DEM_PANIC.png)

File: 3ec128b16b5c930⋯.jpg (173.9 KB, 1217x500, 1217:500, 41q7yx.jpg)

File: b21ff86087f40f9⋯.png (705.35 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 98G7SB.png)

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7bc05a  No.13254005

File: ed958d18d5ffeac⋯.pdf (327.57 KB, Israeli_Intelligence_Linke….pdf)

Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm Using AI to Profile Lockdown Policy

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b14b93  No.13254006


What if Zane,tucker and Lucas just homo already huh

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df2476  No.13254007


Can it break open pixelknot to go through all of Q posts?

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694622  No.13254008


Anons never got a copy of Dominion software.

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448672  No.13254009


the vaxx is the killer, not the scam flu

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b14b93  No.13254010


Oh no

Middle eastern homo gang has panic

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e53b8c  No.13254011

File: 364ec206dc57085⋯.jpg (274.88 KB, 931x1056, 931:1056, 364ec206dc57085924c030b913….jpg)


>WHO the FUCK is running this country

Nobody, you´re free, keep the secret

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4e8964  No.13254012

File: 1e6d31f8f4e0455⋯.jpg (33.26 KB, 500x669, 500:669, 1613452536537.jpg)


Yes. It's how I imagine it when death comes for me.

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441c06  No.13254013

File: a1c9631c2596add⋯.jpg (303.01 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, a1c9631c2596addb58f69768b3….jpg)

File: c7acf1bb65c046f⋯.jpg (23.16 KB, 390x360, 13:12, c7acf1bb65c046f94cc370fa5e….jpg)

File: 4cffe64526f6a45⋯.jpg (115.54 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, 4cffe64526f6a450969c3b6a83….jpg)

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722b5c  No.13254014

File: 54ed5c08827bb6c⋯.jpg (53.07 KB, 648x676, 162:169, B4T.jpg)

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b14b93  No.13254015


Little pricks

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387f83  No.13254016

Notable Posts

#16789 @FINAL, >>13253313, >>13253322

>>13253417, >>13253421, >>13253472, >>13253653, >>13253661, >>13254002 Anon notices that Dan poasted in the same location on Feb 12 as he did tonight, with a Q post to consider

>>13253431, >>13253558 Planefag reports

>>13253411, >>13253427 Anon Brings To Attention the DIRECTOR of the HBO Special is… Acting Funny…

>>13253361, 13253685, >>13253694, >>13253715 Judge arrested for pedo porn is former CEO of Cream City Foundation. Adopted two kids too…

>>13253368 Breitbart: Wilcox: How Soros Money, Radical DAs Are Killing Our Cities

>>13253380 Breitbart: Fitton: Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Pelosi Call with Pentagon Chief

>>13253388 AP: US, China spar in first face-to-face meeting under Biden

>>13253391 JTN: Kellyanne Conway seals multimillion-dollar Donald Trump book deal: Report

>>13253407 GP: FLASHBACK: Houston Library Hosted Predator Who Sexually Assaulted 8-Year-Old Boy for ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’

>>13253412 AEN: Solaren Corp. to Launch Solar Panels into Orbit

>>13253413 Military.com: Navy Cruiser Returns to Port Again After Crew Spots Another Fuel Tank Leak

>>13253440, >>13253670 Walmart to offer immunity passport to customers who take COVID vaccine jab

>>13253451, >>13253510 ZH: Starbucks Founder Says China "Is An Adversary Not An Enemy" & US "Must Find A Way To Cooperate"

>>13253453, >>13253464 REMEMBER! "Right To TRY!" CBS: AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine not linked to blood clot risk, EU drug agency says claims. Muh benefits outweigh the risks? Risks like death?

>>13253457 Sputnik: Several people suspected of espionage on behalf of Russia arrested in Sofia

>>13253478 All For A LARP? (notq)

>>13253496 Technofag report: The Ghislaine Maxwell Case And the ongoing(?) investigations of Epstein's co-conspirators

>>13253499 The sequel to the fall of the cabal. Part 10 Pedo Bill Gates exposed

>>13253500 People: Chrissy Teigen takes baths with her son. What a grooming pedo.

>>13253505 ZDnet: Australia's news media bargaining code is a form of ransomware, and someone paid up

>>13253523 vid: Wife of pastor jailed for preaching speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

>>13253529 Technocracy: Forget COVID, Global Oligarchs Are Now Rehearsing For A ‘Cyber Pandemic’

>>13253552 justice.gov: Anchorage Man Sentenced to Nine Years in Federal Prison for Stalking and Threatening Former OCS Caseworker, Attempted Extortion of FBI Agent

>>13253555 Trips and an anon nom: OOPS! Biden calls Kamala ‘President Harris’ during speech AGAIN.

>>13253599 Statnews: Remember the Harvard Professor who got arrested for concealing money from the Chinese Government to establish a lab in Wuhan? His expertise was in nanotechnology.

>>13253600 Justice.gov: ODNI, DOJ and DHS Release Unclassified Summary of Assessment on Domestic Violent Extremism

>>13253593, >>13253594 Justice.gov reports concerning crimes against children

>>13253681 Georgenews: In December 2019, MIT researchers announced that they created a microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD)

>>13253719 Chanel Rion has officially blushed at the #hunterbiden hard drive.. Says it makes Weiner's problems seem like nothing

>>13253814 Skynews: Navarro urges Biden to send China 'trillion-dollar bill' for COVID-19 chaos

>>13253820 Chron: It turns out Murray told police he had been medically discharged from the Army, where he had worked as a remote drone operator at a base within the United States.

>>13253903, >>13253911 Posobiec: Never seen a CCP delegation treat a US delegation like this. They just openly bashed them to their faces. Blinken appeared amateurish and way out of his league. Completely unprepared.

>>13253904 NBC stepping into the Who's a Jew? game… Are they smelling… Fear?

>>13253916 Thehill: Mexico Plans Massive ‘Crackdown’ On Illegal Immigration After Crisis Erupts Under Biden

>>13253917 lhvl: N.J. gym owner charged with storming Capitol, punching cop is QAnon believer who’d ‘go again,’ feds say.

>>13253948 Breitbart: Fake Fauci pushing crims: Whitmer ‘A Really Good Governor,’ Who Has ‘Done Some Really Good Things’

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b14b93  No.13254017



Crappy memes snitch

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8d8722  No.13254018

File: d5811e302346815⋯.png (3.3 MB, 2416x1608, 302:201, d5811e302346815ff984e37da9….png)

File: 863abf4f94c8041⋯.png (339.26 KB, 480x473, 480:473, D5C7FD77_0209_469D_A33B_6A….png)

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8c9db6  No.13254019


I bet he'll change his tone when he sees our new military maternity uniforms.

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1c790d  No.13254020

File: f96a15b2d4e6e95⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 514x500, 257:250, jblarp.jpg)

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7f6ae5  No.13254021

File: fae6cec7fcf9501⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 085ef54830f882355deaa15624….jpg)

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441c06  No.13254022

File: b50545a2ef03475⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 500x610, 50:61, b50545a2ef03475e4d1e8b349a….jpg)

File: 21975c5e5ab6c9e⋯.jpg (90.12 KB, 999x781, 999:781, 21975c5e5ab6c9ebba266dbb7c….jpg)

File: 98567e00e8bc94e⋯.png (305.5 KB, 600x534, 100:89, 98567e00e8bc94eaa87b8c3f9a….png)


memes to share with every anon

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b3178e  No.13254023


Dan may be at Trump property in Hawaii.

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7bc05a  No.13254024

File: 842d668d5fb8bdf⋯.pdf (437.13 KB, MAINSTREAM_MEDIA_MSM_.pdf)


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b14b93  No.13254025


Oh wow

YOU NEed deep snowflake

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a1aa1b  No.13254026

File: 16a07b53d6590c0⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 696x720, 29:30, this_is_why.jpg)


>optics..got to show them..how you take back your Own Govt

That's the stupidist fucking thing I've read on here…since 10 minutes ago.

We were told how to help take back our country…we did OUR job….dig, meme, pray, VOTE….and even now we still have ZERO idea if there really ARE white hats….because we've been honest and working hard and doing our part only to be gaslit continually with lies….and stupid shit…WHY keep up the farce now? Hell even Lil Kim is in on the game.

We have a fucking RIGHT to know whose finger is on the button. ALL our enemies appear to know, both foreign and domestic. There isn't anything CGIJoe does that is real…we ALL know it (or should) and yet…here we all sit waiting….Are they going to play it all the way out to removing Joe (who wouldn't fucking notice…just give him a desk, some paper and a pen and tell him to sign shit until nap time) and installing Kameltoe? WHY? that that was the plan is NOT a damn secret, isn't conspiring to commit treason equal to actually doing it? What is the value in making her do it when Joe's not even fucking president in the first place meaning she's not VP either.

WHO are the continuing this LARP for? For whose benefit do we get to sit there and be vilified endlessly everywhere? It makes zero sense to continue the LARP.

INB4 they're tricking the aliens so they won't eat us.

I'm starting to think Xi is in control and the gaslighting and endless attacks on us are to wear us down and the endless LARP promises and ticktocks is to keep us in line until China is ready to take over. There is no other logical reason….Even Markle is LARPing greenscreening…WHY? Stupid shit keeps on happening, stupid af headlines only Pantifa believes….are they keeping this up over a bunch of violent pink haired trannies? REALLY?

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1193e0  No.13254027

File: 0a40ed5422c74f7⋯.gif (922.69 KB, 383x204, 383:204, CD4DD5DE_D121_47F0_A4AB_F1….gif)

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9642fb  No.13254028

File: 5652c4c02f4c675⋯.jpg (62.08 KB, 800x459, 800:459, covid_survival_rate_fox.jpg)

File: d29e42fdaec995e⋯.jpg (263.1 KB, 663x867, 13:17, ventilator_3.jpg)

File: b6c63bb270da779⋯.jpg (308.69 KB, 822x871, 822:871, ventilator_2.jpg)

File: fa7633dd2ad6696⋯.jpg (310.18 KB, 804x699, 268:233, ventilator_1.jpg)

File: 266017e35f95217⋯.png (144.7 KB, 1596x902, 798:451, mask_dangerous_question_2.png)

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8d8722  No.13254029

File: 2dd5c537f26408c⋯.jpg (67.11 KB, 807x500, 807:500, fuck_n_A.jpg)


>I bet he'll change his tone when he sees our new military maternity uniforms.

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387f83  No.13254030

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04dbdf  No.13254031


That's such a nice scene it doesn't even look like real life. Guy knows exactly when to break out the camera.

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0e2c41  No.13254032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Promises kept?

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9642fb  No.13254033

shills are whine-y AF


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b14b93  No.13254034

File: aeae4ddf44ec3e4⋯.jpg (50.22 KB, 755x503, 755:503, IMG_0994.JPG)


Kilo of coke

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b14b93  No.13254035


The white supremacist shills whine most

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eb3191  No.13254036


Makes perfect sense. TY anon.

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c3b502  No.13254037

File: 0238232241ab779⋯.png (218.85 KB, 1666x798, 119:57, Screen_Shot_2021_03_18_at_….png)

File: 05a9ed9e6211736⋯.png (978.2 KB, 1626x1284, 271:214, Screen_Shot_2021_03_18_at_….png)

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b14b93  No.13254038


Someone should paste yopoleland so hard

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8d9804  No.13254039

File: cf86679023b34ff⋯.jpg (94.91 KB, 812x1020, 203:255, cf86679023b34ff7b692b26c95….jpg)


Kek if "White Hat Hackers" somehow used it to reverse-engineer the election. Maybe Ron did.


Some anons tried way back, but don't think any of the steg stuff was ever solved really.

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9642fb  No.13254040

File: fef1c8b39a2e475⋯.png (691.99 KB, 781x739, 781:739, fight_like_hell.png)

File: 85c3949eedb6b77⋯.png (658.59 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, Trump_re_racism_is_evil.png)

File: 500bc220971bf41⋯.png (916.41 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, Tom_Homan_re_mexico_border.png)

File: c5f32a6a91cf52b⋯.jpg (396.18 KB, 1331x826, 1331:826, rice_Email_2.jpg)

File: 203eb89c9cf3f79⋯.png (377.87 KB, 981x851, 981:851, attack_on_HCQ.png)

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e610cb  No.13254041

>>13253942 yea, we ourselves have had the sentence of death within ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God who raiseth the dead: who delivered us out of so great a death, and will deliver: on whom we have set our hope that he will also still deliver us

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e8e99e  No.13254042

File: 24ca279848dd64d⋯.png (528.49 KB, 1125x621, 125:69, MpeachRaskinPedoPlask.png)

File: 0f43f291785d280⋯.png (171.82 KB, 279x335, 279:335, banannobamaGor.png)

File: ea929dc302aa999⋯.png (564.55 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_02_12….png)

File: 1a67f239923329a⋯.png (531.95 KB, 1125x621, 125:69, MpeachRaskinPedoHussein.png)

File: 62ba1dbf288de58⋯.jpg (133.06 KB, 736x1111, 736:1111, NightshiftJupiterLight.jpg)


it was a good day apparently

must've taken muh meds

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9642fb  No.13254043

File: dbc4b7cf33387e4⋯.png (270.35 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ty_easy_filters.png)

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b14b93  No.13254044


Yopoleland stanks and yo momma gay

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e53b8c  No.13254045

File: df3350d5933e3a9⋯.png (266.6 KB, 535x609, 535:609, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Mike….png)




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917fa1  No.13254046


You mean


don't you ?

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b14b93  No.13254048


Horny Hogg triggers

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1252aa  No.13254049

File: ed19d183794e704⋯.png (138.56 KB, 395x238, 395:238, milkies.png)

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9642fb  No.13254050

File: 1fc1bd1d309ab28⋯.png (639.44 KB, 900x872, 225:218, C_o_r_n_e_y.png)

File: 373299dff14ec2b⋯.png (571.22 KB, 667x866, 667:866, chicaho_mayor_lightfoot_bh….png)

File: ce36e36f4bf990e⋯.png (296.6 KB, 1000x623, 1000:623, countries_using_HCQ_Z.png)

File: 960c709aeaba337⋯.png (139.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, emmet_sullivan.png)

File: d73cc7449ea68b2⋯.png (690.71 KB, 900x425, 36:17, Flynn_Timeline.png)

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b14b93  No.13254052


That dude like hogg GEHY

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e8e99e  No.13254054

File: 42a23c9edb0bb5c⋯.png (51.2 KB, 343x223, 343:223, Screenshot_from_2021_03_19….png)


Mar a Lago

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30d435  No.13254056

File: 07ac8fe57125547⋯.png (569.08 KB, 864x486, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48729704278c13d⋯.png (856.63 KB, 526x526, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9453abbd74f5013⋯.png (336.88 KB, 500x659, 500:659, ClipboardImage.png)


My mother has narcissistic personality disorder and I struggled with suicide since I was a child. The abuse and disconnection is horrible. This little morsel I shared is a lifesaver. The PTSD I got from her is almost gone. You will learn you can always trust the good feeling thoughts. Sometimes, we are so used to the bad ones (facing reality) that we don't even realize we are facing the storm, but when you catch yourself under attack and it feels like stress or anything less than GOOD, and you grab the riens and turn your thoughts around, your life will transform. It sounds easy but we have neural pathways (beliefs/thoughts practiced over and over..sometimes we are unware we have them) but just keep pivoting..keep sniffing out the good trail and you will see God ALWAYS answers. You will learn to trust the good one. You will hear God guide you. You will have clarity of thought and you will feel peace at least and joy at the most. When you soar, your feeling God. Its like when we eat something that tastes gross, we spit it out, but for some reason with our thoughts, we keep thinking the painful ones. WTF? That's the cabal programming. So then we don't have faith and God can't move and we start to doubt God. Took me 5 years to master it. I had YUGE pain, but fuck.. your entire life will change and "all these things shall be added onto (you)". I'll stop here. Just know it's like planting a seed in the ground..you understand there's a process before it yields fruit, but when you are aligned, God moves FAST. That's what Jesus did.. he ascended in consciousness and blended with God's. "I and my Father are One" but "My Father is greater than I." Thine eye is single when your thoughts aren't split/fear..that's why you feel lucid and clear and peaceful when you have faith. You cal literally FEEL God.

I'll stop now but you'll love life, warrior anon. Goodnight. o7

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b14b93  No.13254058


One of those dudes should invade yopoleland cause yo memes GEHY

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404ee5  No.13254059


and yet here we still are. Being gaslit to death, because the time still isn't right. Only legit reason to delay is if they still have hostages, or missiles, or other large means of destruction that we can't yet stop. The gaslighting because, muh, people have to be shown is ridiculous. People were shown. The majority voted for Trump. Many more know something is wrong, but are still can't get over the hump and never will because their lives are in the system. That life tells them to believe the MSM. They won't suddenly believe because of some Bidan green screen glitch. They need to be on the right side of history at the water cooler at work, and thus will laugh at the "conspiracy theorists." Need official disclosure to happen soon the same way Hemingway went bankrupt, gradually, then all of a sudden.

What happens here is not official disclosure.

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21ecef  No.13254060

Attention Autists We Need You

Some pretty solid qopium dropped by Georgenews live stream tonight, will post screenshots shortly

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9642fb  No.13254061

File: 1f3f15651aaf4a8⋯.png (906.54 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, 5_govs_kill_Elders_imo.png)

File: 87c1ed489bff520⋯.png (440.38 KB, 800x445, 160:89, 4_calls_gov_senators_congr….png)

File: ce4ccdc1898fbc6⋯.png (936.83 KB, 794x879, 794:879, justice_gov_vi.png)

File: f47c2014735889f⋯.png (841.23 KB, 769x894, 769:894, justice_gov_xi.png)

File: dc5bbb5154d4f7d⋯.png (939.82 KB, 800x600, 4:3, drivers_license_to_vote_wi….png)

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80a770  No.13254062


Okay, first of all, if Natalie is Hunter's niece, they were not "fucking". That girl was sexually abused. Show some fucking respect!

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b14b93  No.13254063


Oh no

spiritual $Pam hallucination bot offers false catharsis

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261ebc  No.13254064


Waterboarding is not torture, according to that John Yoo memo.


The memorandum concludes with a narrow definition of torture, that its "severe pain" must necessarily be pain associated with "death, organ failure, or serious impairment of body functions". It also states that the statute requires "prolonged mental harm" to accompany mental or physical pain, and that "prolonged" means a duration of months or years.

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694622  No.13254066


No, it doesn’t work like that

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441c06  No.13254067

File: 478fdee760d1e73⋯.jpeg (112.11 KB, 1242x858, 207:143, 478fdee760d1e737c0685d120….jpeg)

File: 70c790668706a7f⋯.jpg (44.66 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 70c790668706a7f109c3b263f4….jpg)

File: 3ff993b861f0c08⋯.png (943.3 KB, 625x634, 625:634, 3ff993b861f0c08484fca4c93c….png)


Joe Biden is a Human Trafficker.

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0e2c41  No.13254068

File: 869d11de62f013a⋯.png (3.98 MB, 2057x1200, 2057:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

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9661fa  No.13254069


"You're" etc.. I'm tired. Gnite.

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b14b93  No.13254070


Herndon and TIresia GEHY ?

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dc2c50  No.13254071

File: cab161b347d958a⋯.jpg (240.1 KB, 1831x1080, 1831:1080, OverTheTarget.JPG)

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1c790d  No.13254072

File: 6f81a83a903a46f⋯.jpg (230.83 KB, 1025x1025, 1:1, Brackets.jpg)

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a1aa1b  No.13254073

File: d0ba7ac045a4497⋯.jpg (85.55 KB, 450x675, 2:3, joppa_rose_garden.jpg)

File: d95d3ebc8fbc9f4⋯.png (211.96 KB, 487x624, 487:624, biden_studio_fake_conferen….png)

File: 284068700d83721⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1170x1280, 117:128, not_white_house_rose_garde….png)

File: fcb8a7e980a2ca2⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB, 320x590, 32:59, rose_garde_biden_ceremony_….mp4)


Only the most stupid of stupid believe Biden is president. The filming at Joppa studios is fucking OBVIOUS….why leak this shit then keep fucking gaslighting us? I KNOW Biden isn't president….

It's almost like the Commidems are making fuckups on purpose to keep US hoping because they know we'll notice and we're going to wake tf up one day with the CCP knocking on our doors holding the anal swap and a needle.

IF everybody fucking knows, what is the damn point of continuing to hurt people over this fucking LARP? Even the chink/jewjitsjew defense force knows it now. They're not even bothering to deboonk.

FUCK you I get the captcha game too. Post sweet missives, no captcha, post truth….endless unreadable captcha.

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46a453  No.13254074


>Honesty and transparency are the only way

honey, does this dress make my ass look fat?

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7f6ae5  No.13254075

At what cost patriotically and financially would it take to move to Russia? I know Russia is a shithole but not all of it and America is the same way.

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9661fa  No.13254076

File: 5837ed0fd10b52c⋯.png (155.01 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh noes! A faggit.

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b14b93  No.13254077




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261ebc  No.13254078


She's got the Jew sexual degeneracy virus.

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883cfd  No.13254079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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df2476  No.13254080


Day before yesterday some steg-stuff was kicked around. Someanon made a nice rundown about how it stalled for lack of any discernible protocol to run… sounded honestly worked within reason for people with such vague leads.

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441c06  No.13254081

File: 215280e9e4a8203⋯.jpg (62.27 KB, 720x438, 120:73, 215280e9e4a8203573bb1a9430….jpg)

File: f5018c6d693e174⋯.jpg (116.75 KB, 703x774, 703:774, f5018c6d693e17466e0c56802f….jpg)

File: 2f2a467b9eec4bf⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 720x863, 720:863, 2f2a467b9eec4bf48440cf5478….jpg)


Joe Biden could be dead before the end of this year, considering all the pressure he is under.

Hey joe how does a floating funeral sound?


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a1aa1b  No.13254082

File: e8900f2038d9fd1⋯.png (46.41 KB, 905x122, 905:122, wyane_willott_george_news_….png)

File: 6fc3ca6a4c9054a⋯.png (124.13 KB, 1782x442, 891:221, wyane_willott_george_news_….png)

File: f3563f205f6fb4e⋯.jpg (168.4 KB, 1800x781, 1800:781, anon_questions_wyane_willo….jpg)

File: 801bebf03fdf0b5⋯.jpg (799.16 KB, 1440x3040, 9:19, anon_questions_wyane_willo….jpg)

File: 2e4db1d5bcc1e8d⋯.png (223.75 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, wayne_willott_larp_george_….png)



FUCK OFF with Wayne Willott. FUCK you. GeorgeNews=Wayne R Willot. FAKE bullshit.

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b14b93  No.13254083


You pay too much for jealous faggot memes

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694622  No.13254084


>The gaslighting because, muh, people have to be shown is ridiculous. People were shown. The majority voted for Trump.

This. If Giuliani and Powell’s Numbers are correct, it was the biggest landslide in history. And enough aren’t convinced?

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46a453  No.13254085


>that was the sign of HOPE this anon needed

no sauce. but a nice happy dose of hopium. i'll pretend i believe it.

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b14b93  No.13254086


More proof

Pleadians can't fix willcock retarded face

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1c790d  No.13254087

File: ff45f5337b6692a⋯.jpg (172.15 KB, 1024x925, 1024:925, capchD.jpg)


>post truth….endless unreadable captcha.

That's true

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261ebc  No.13254088


Is he a Freemason?

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b14b93  No.13254089



Some old Faggots interracial fantasy

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8c9db6  No.13254090

File: b59b16d05b06c28⋯.png (280.25 KB, 624x919, 624:919, George_Soros_owned_7_red.png)

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df2476  No.13254091


If that fuck is still at his Berkeley cush, he’s be one of the first i’d drag out and strap to a fucking board.

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1c790d  No.13254092

File: 350f9b6975eff0a⋯.jpg (80 KB, 1080x581, 1080:581, newfag.jpg)

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8c9db6  No.13254094


forgot this part…kek.


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32b8ec  No.13254095


why do you direct people to imagine sexual things with children?

what a fucking creep you are.

Be gone.

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a1aa1b  No.13254096

File: c0715972c8d37dd⋯.png (56.61 KB, 389x366, 389:366, stupid_clown_pepe_idiot.png)


Manipulation… " a healthy mind says no".

I'm saying fucking NO. Enough gaslighting. FUCK this shit. EVERYONE knows…

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df2476  No.13254097


Please forgive, anon. Grumpyanon here just stomping around pulling on every doorknob and closet this late eve.

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abfde6  No.13254099


I remember that squid standing there with that look on his face. It was an act to make us trust the plan. Like "Look at me! I am gonna get arrested if I don't flip, because the Patriots are in control" kinda look. An actor. We were duped. Military planning at it's finest. Mossad planning more like it.

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df2476  No.13254101



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441c06  No.13254102

File: d996f203808b843⋯.png (836.62 KB, 526x676, 263:338, d996f203808b84301071faa9cb….png)

File: c06a006474927ac⋯.png (898.93 KB, 800x600, 4:3, c06a006474927ace5d0c5505d5….png)

File: 6576e50e0903554⋯.jpg (34.16 KB, 480x567, 160:189, 6576e50e090355403767429846….jpg)

File: f0faf7e3d994f69⋯.jpg (89.13 KB, 680x623, 680:623, f0faf7e3d994f69c5bcfde276c….jpg)

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a571be  No.13254104

Hey Gise…What if the Q posts actually beginon Oct 28, 2017 4:44:28 PM EDT, in real time…And then are a guide through life without Trump, till 2024

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387f83  No.13254105

Q Research General #16790: The 'Dropping The Ghost Like Punky Brewster' Edition


>>13254047 Bread

>>13254051 Notes

>>13254057 Ghost


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404ee5  No.13254107


and there is an example that enough people have been "shown" and we can move on with disclosure.

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8d8722  No.13254108


> i'll pretend i believe it.

I'll pretend you don't.

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a1aa1b  No.13254109


Good, good…not everyone is a fucking retard. Now…if I were you I'd keep my mouth SHUT re Trump. Just don't mention him. Once you do you'll lose all credibility when they 'instant replay' Trump's announcement we should all get the jab.

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694622  No.13254111


2024? Not waiting

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8b5da3  No.13254113

File: 87374db15044868⋯.png (290.35 KB, 318x405, 106:135, 5497598C_89DD_43D4_AA1E_F8….png)

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5993c8  No.13254114

File: 2a35da9f4c09bdb⋯.png (48.7 KB, 362x294, 181:147, 235e998fa5c17b0ef29f499deb….png)


>The gaslighting because, muh, people have to be shown is ridiculous.

Did you go to public school?

Did you find it crazily repetitious year after year after year after year?

Did you eventually realize that morans didn't catch on until the fourth year?

Napping through all that repetition was anon's training for the hurry up and wait part of this war.

Teachers learned to live with it, because damn near every time they interrupted naptime, anon gave the correct answer.

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