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f0a6a8  No.13259596[Last 50 Posts]

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f0a6a8  No.13259604


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>>13259007, >>13259063, >>13259097, >>13259101, PF Reports

>>13258902, >>13259088, VIRGINIA: Blackface Northam Calls for Backup, Allows 69,000 Felons to Vote Ahead of Governor Race

>>13258924, >>13258964, >>13258994, Iran contra cover up network

>>13259011 Friday night late news items warning

>>13259024 Media Spreads Misleading Context About Atlanta Police Officer’s Comments On Massage Parlor Shooter

>>13259077 Current aide accuses Cuomo of sexual harassment

>>13259082, >>13258626 pb, There is some sort of pattern with 10:17 (time) or 10/17 (date). Think October Revolution in Russia. Think date of first Q post (month and year)

>>13259093 America's Worst Drug Crisis Ever Is Causing The Streets Of Many Cities To Look Like "Zombie Apocalypse" Has Arrived

>>13258961, >>13259096, DJT Jr, 2 twats later about the US Military. Missing D typo

>>13259102 Oregon Health Officials Propose Making Mask Mandates Permanent

>>13259116 Kamala Harris Takes Veiled Shot at Trump, Trashes America as a Racist and Xenophobic Country After Meeting with Asian Community in Georgia (VIDEO)

>>13259123 Digital Trails: How the FBI Is Identifying, Tracking and Rounding Up Dissidents

>>13259124 Senators see dire conditions in packed border stations, as officials consider flying migrants north

>>13259136 Kabbalah & Society Non-Jews

>>13259151 The full-size passenger airliner, which bears Trump's name across the side in large block letters, has fallen into disrepair. One engine is shrink-wrapped and the other is missing parts.

>>13259152 Trump Was Right: Michigan Judge Rules State's 2020 Almost-Anything-Goes Ballot Signature Rule Was 'Invalid'

>>13259155 REWIND: CNN, MSNBC Spent 50 Mins Analyzing Trump’s Ramp Walk, Water Glass

>>13259170 Podcast on which Morell supported "Trump CIA" Gina (his distinct lookalike) is still going strong

>>13259188 Texas Gov. Abbott: COVID, Water Issues Reported at Youth Migrant Facilities

>>13259189 Two FOX 11 LA journalists among five people injured in Hollywood as SUV slams building: report

>>13259205 Since When is it Ok to Use Military Force to Intimidate Civilians?

>>13259219 Mike Pompeo I know we’re all enjoying MarchMadness, but tune your second screen to FoxNews — I’ll be joining seanhannity coming up at 9p ET

>>13259240 South Carolina Updates Nursing Home Visitation Guidelines; All Facilities Required to Provide Visitation with Few Limitations

>>13259252 Another FBI clown arrested.

>>13259574 #16796

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f0a6a8  No.13259608

>>13259253 MASS POISONING — Alkaline “Real Water” linked to liver failure in kids—and reports are rising

>>13259272 (2018) America’s foster care system is the pipeline for child sex trafficking

>>13259302 New questions about Biden’s physical and mental health ignored by the press

>>13259322 California recall all but certain based on official signature update

>>13259327 COVID-19 outbreak prompts Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort to partially close, quarantine workers

>>13259343 How fuzzy Covid math could ruin Easter

>>13259339 Nice Trips

>>13259352, >>13259401, ENGLISH tabloid paper The Sun: 'IT WASN'T THE WIND' Donald Trump Jr posts hilarious vid of his dad appearing to knock Biden over on Air Force One stairs with golf ball

>>13259370 Fauci Warns Another Covid Surge Is Very Possible If Mask Wearing, Social Distancing Stops: ‘Plateauing at 50,000 Cases a Day Is Not a Good Place to Be’

>>13259391 The Bamboozlers Syndicate - Deep State and technocracy merge (Vid link)

>>13259423 Progressive Governor Of ‘Sanctuary State’ Faces Backlash From Immigrant Groups Seeking COVID-19 Benefits

>>13259441, >>13258695 lb, Iran is one of the largest producers of ornamental flowers like a tulip in the world Happy NoWruz

>>13259446 "Come on man, I/we need you to get vaccinated" sounds like they must be puttin' something in the vaccines, full Biden transcript

>>13259453 WHAT? Pelosi Says Illegal Immigrants are “Legitimate Heirs” Of Founding Fathers

>>13259477 Walter Veith & Martin Smith - False & True Prophets - What's Up Prof? 55 (Video)

>>13259479 Nothing to see here: How most of the left-leaning US media totally ignored Biden's Air Force One stumble - while the foreign press did their job for them

>>13259484 Kamala Harris is Asian and Black. That shouldn't be confusing in 2020 — but it is to some.

>>13259495 President Trump and His Team Deserve the Nobel Prize for Middle East Peace | Opinion

>>13259508, >>13259521 If Kamala Harris is also of Asian descent, why does the press only label her ‘Black?’

>>13259528 Watch volcano erupt in southwestern Iceland, flight warning issued

>>13259530 Pompeo: Declassified intel points to Wuhan lab leak Casts doubt on upcoming WHO-China report on origin of coronavirus

>>13259531, >>13259544, DJT Jr missing y and extra 's== typos

>>13259541 White House insists corporations won't pass tax hikes to consumers

>>13259553 Explosive German child abuse investigation reveals 200+ perpetrators, 300+ victims in Catholic Diocese of Cologne

>>13259576 #16796

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f0a6a8  No.13259611


>>13258659, >>13258671, >>13258705, >>13258752,PF Reports Not AF1 departing Dobbins

>>13258107, >>13258133, >>13258398, >>13258536, >>13258406, Q proof Biden's trip

>>13258215, >>13258244, >>13258299, >>13258305, Trump Jr. shares edited video showing father knocking Biden down with golf ball 3 times in 9 seconds (Cap)

>>13258106 Biden’s Military’s Number One Focus – Not China – Not Iran – But Promoting the Rights of LGBTQ Around the World

>>13258113 Foreign Nationals Sentenced for Roles in Transnational Cybercrime Enterprise

>>13258115 WHO’s COVID Researcher Peter Daszak – Who Refuses to Investigate Wuhan Lab – Donated to Joe Biden OVER 70 TIMES.

>>13258116 Iranian Nationals Charged with Conspiring to Evade U.S. Sanctions on Iran by Disguising $300 Million in Transactions Over Two Decades

>>13258118 CNN's Ratings In Absolute Freefall as Post-Trump Slump Claims Almost Half Its Prime Time Audience

>>13258129 Bill Gates Does Reddit AMA, Dodges Questions About Meetings With Jeffrey Epstein

>>13258132 DHS Secretary Suggests Jihad Is Over, 'Domestic Extremism' Most ‘Lethal and Persistent’ Threat to U.S.

>>13258135, >>13258153, Michigan Governor May Have Covered Up Deaths in Nursing Homes Like Cuomo

>>13258139 Michigan Governor May Have Covered Up Deaths in Nursing Homes Like Cuomo

>>13258143, >>13258078 lb, 1st C19 case lands @ Seattle-Tacoma Airport

>>13258149 Biden admin considering flying Latin American migrants to states near Canadian border: report

>>13258155 Riviera Maya Gang Members Sentenced in Romania

>>13258164 Gov. Abbott slams Biden for 'failure' at minors facilities. DHS reportedly considers flying migrants to states near Canadian border.

>>13258170 Thailand braces as refugees from Myanmar flee to border

>>13258196 Kamala Harris Takes Veiled Shot at Trump, Trashes America as a Racist and Xenophobic Country After Meeting with Asian Community in Georgia

>>13258212 Sen. Hawley on China Meeting: Beijing Believes It Can Push Biden Administration Around

>>13258214 Iceland volcano Fagradalsfjall between capital & main airport ERUPTS, triggering halt to air traffic (PHOTOS) #SkyEvent

>>13258223 Senior NATO Official Convicted of Spying for China, Tarmo Kõuts, an Estonian military defense scientist

>>13258231 Charles Hurt: Woke Rage Mob Tries to Pit World Against Asian-Americans, the mob went after her for a twitter messages she wrote as a college freshman over a decade ago

>>13258234 Pro-Biden group won’t disclose donors

>>13258236 Biden Inauguration Priest Under Investigation in California: University

>>13258247, >>13258429, >>13258272, Pakistan connects first Chinese-designed nuclear power plant to electrical grid

>>13258251 The Last 3 Dem Governors of New York Sexually Harassed Women

>>13258260, >>13258415, >>13258508, >>13258436, >>13258457, >>13258573, Assassination of JFK investigation

>>13258269 'Sham Presidency of Joe Biden is Coming to an End'

>>13258300, >>13258276 Mary Trump has her next act — and believes her uncle’s guilty of sedition

>>13258297 A new filing by the Government in the Carter Page lawsuit might their strategy:

>>13258308 Dude Schools Millennials ABout Masks and Using the Brain

>>13258315 US occupation loots new batch of wheat, removes it to northern Iraq

>>13258339 "WH blames 'wind' for pedo Joe falling THREE times." kmao

>>13258340 White House signals Mexico must curb migrant flows in exchange for AstraZeneca vaccine doses

>>13258357 Trump aides seeking jobs 'blocked everywhere'

>>13258367 Bill Gates Does Reddit AMA, Dodges Questions About Meetings With Jeffrey Epstein

>>13258449 Hunt for Red October Continues

>>13258443 Anon lays out the extent of the infiltration

>>13258490, >>13258502, >>13258561 Dan Scavino WOW — There is some A++ TROLLING happening out there today

>>13258503 Iranian Nationals Charged with Conspiring to Evade U.S. Sanctions on Iran by Disguising $300 Million in Transactions Over Two Decades

>>13258541 FBI Director Says Atlanta Massage Parlor Murder Spree "Does Not Appear To Be Racially Motivated

>>13258545 California Caves on AR-15 Registration Fight

>>13258554 Cuomo's possible opponent Tom Reed accused of sexual harassment

>>13258589 Line 5 'very different' from Keystone XL and Canada will fight hard for it: O'Regan

>>13258695 U.S. Central Command Happy NOWRUZ!

>>13258836 #16795

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f0a6a8  No.13259613

#16794 TBC

#16793 1 of 2

>>13255908 Baking instructions

>>13256000 , >>13256063 Pompeo - 1327 days

>>13256039 PF Report

>>13256120 , >>13256123 Perspective #2 of Biden falling upstairs

>>13256354 FLASHBACK - Biden prides himself on his ability to run up ramps

>>13256408 We laugh….. But Kamala is one slip and fall away from the Cabal Presidency… (25th Amendment)

>>13256465 Repost of Kash Patel Interview Listen @ 36:55 (video)

>>13256468 Grassley - Let’s pull back the curtain +let the sun shine in on our judicial system bringing greater transparency & understanding for the American people

>>13256476 Majorie Taylor Greene - was just told @Twitter suspended me for 12 hrs in “error,” on the same day Dems introduced a resolution to expel me from Congress.

>>13256571 Suspect that robbed and shot people at a pot store and prostitute spa in standoff with SWAT

>>13256577 Biden’s Inauguration Priest Under Investigation in California for ‘Inappropriate Behavior’

>>13256587 ‘The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength’ – China’s Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden Cabal on American Soil

>>13256601 "Things Are Out Of Control" - There Is A Shortage Of Everything And Prices Are Soaring: What Happens Next

>>13256611 President Trump playing golf (video cap)

>>13256617 Twitter Admits "Error", Un-Freezes Marjorie Taylor Greene's Account

>>13256640 Candace Owens triggers Twitter by inviting Putin on show, says Biden dodged Kremlin request for debate over ‘mental health’ issues

>>13256655 Biden Cabal spokesman Karine Jean-Pierre seems to blame the wind for President Biden's fall

>>13256671 Andrew Cuomo accused of meddling in sexual harassment investigation against him

>>13256694 New CDC Guidelines Permit Students To Sit Closer Together So Long As Masks Remain

>>13256698 Users are reporting that Instagram, Facebook, and Whatsapp are all down at this hour.

>>13256705 Look at this news, they are trying to drive GME down

>>13256713 Coroner Calls for Audit As People Who Recovered 9 Months Ago Counted as COVID Deaths

>>13256726 14 House Republicans voted against a resolution condemning the military coup in Myanmar

>>13256730 Biden White House reportedly weeds out dozens of staffers for past pot use despite Kamala Harris bragging about using cannabis

>>13256748 Biden Should Be Ashamed’: GOP Says Border Crisis Feeding Child Sex Trafficking

>>13256756 US Federal Grand Jury Charges Four 'Proud Boys' Members With Conspiring to Impede Congress on 6 Jan

>>13256758 Scavino tweet on Cabal Puppet Biden falling up stairs

>>13256766 Former Florida Senator Arrested For Violating Election Laws

>>13256776 Stop Sending Migrant Children for Cartels to Abuse, Says Rep. Chip Roy

>>13256781 CBP Refuses To Explain How Silencing Officials Adheres To Mayorkas’ Transparency Promise

>>13256794 Michigan House Makes Moves to Subpoena Former Gretchen Whitmer Health Director in nursing home murders

>>13257186 #16793/1

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f0a6a8  No.13259615

#16793 2 of 2

>>13256801 A Man-Made Disaster at the Southern Border

>>13256810 The 30 job killing GOP RINOS that voted for illegal aliens amnesty

>>13256812 Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis: Vaccine Passports ‘Terrible Idea’; State Mandate ‘Totally off the Table’

>>13256821 Myanmar’s Dirty Timber Entering EU

>>13256828 People Have Fallen Sick After Drinking Alkaline Bottled Water, Warns FDA

>>13256868 Conservatives now calling for huge cuts to military budget as Pentagon goes full “woke”

>>13256872 Iran will cold test its redesigned Arak nuclear reactor as prelude to fully commissioning it later in the year, Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said on Friday.

>>13256903 Emergency sites in Texas for migrant children raising safety (human trafficking) concerns

>>13256914 FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever

>>13256939 Scavino tweets = Q Comms?

>>13256949 10-year civilian bloodbath follows NATO airstrikes in Libya

>>13256970 Kremlin ready to hold Putin-Biden talks at any time convenient for US president - The Biden Cabal has not accepted the offer to hold live talks between Putin and Biden yet

>>13257008 Russia’s FSB detains 14 members of Ukrainian neo-Nazi community in Gelendzhik, Yaroslavl

>>13257009 Combat Footage: All-Out Battle Breaks Out Between SDF, Turkish Forces Around Ain Issa (video)

>>13257026 Lobbyist in $60 Million Ohio Bribery Probe Found Dead in Florida

>>13257035 Putin says Crimea is Russia’s 'holy land', center of nation’s spiritual unity

>>13257084 Biden falling 3x 'boom boom boom' Q Post 954

>>13257086 , >>13257102 More propaganda to keep mask narrative alive

>>13257090 Russian Navy to get three nuclear-powered submarines by year-end

>>13257125 NEW POMPEO Looking forward to speaking with @OhioCRs tomorrow - a group of young conservatives, who are the future leaders of the Republican Party!

>>13257150 @DeptofDefense Flame control. @TeamTyndall airmen conduct firefighting exercises on base.

>>13257189 #16793/2

Previously Collected Notables

>>13256520 #16791, >>13256733 #16792,

>>13253269 #16788, >>13254016 #16789, >>13256389 #16790

>>13250970 #16785/2, >>13251742 #16786, >>13252524 #16787

>>13250200 #16783, >>13250178 #16784, >>13250966 #16785/1

>>13247073 #16780, >>13247862 #16781, >>13248638 #16782

>>13252019 #16778\1, >>13252021 #16778\2, >>13246474 #16779

>>13243965 #16776, >>13244784 #16777/2, >>13244786 #16777/1

>>13242396 #16774, >>13243345 #16775/1, >>13243347 #16775/2

>>13242004 #16771, >>13242153 #16772, >>13242311 #16773,

>>13238540 #16769/1, >>13238542 #16769/2, >>13242428 #16770

>>13236941 #16767, >>13237772 #16768/1, >>13237774 #16768/2

>>13235465 #16764, >>13235161 #16765, >>13236014 #16766

>>13235861 #16761, >>13241844 #16762, >>13236332 #16763

>>13240933 #16758, >>13241549 #16759, >>13241623 #16760

>>13208763 #16755, >>13234737 #16756, >>13235863 #16757

>>13204467 #16752, >>13205000 #16753, >>13205976 #16754

>>13202472 #16749, >>13203120 #16750, >>13203906 #16751

>>13200024 #16746, >>13200771 #16747, >>13201564 #16748

>>13165545 Q Research Notables #5: Notables

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f0a6a8  No.13259616

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Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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f0a6a8  No.13259621

Dough: https://controlc.com/b50862ed

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6c674c  No.13259623





Gather Everyone In the AM and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got in the PM! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https://botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Try to Post Meme/Cap/Vid/Article (Not just plain text)

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts and ask question instead of making statement.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots (New account, no followers, lots of RT's)

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information Warfare https://ghostbin.com/paste/pklIf [ARCHIVE OFFLINE]

Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

>>12765115 ————————————–——– NOTABLES AMMO #4

>>>/warroom/925 ————————————–——– Twitter Information and Warfare

Select Notables Ammo ————————————–——– https://endchan.net/qanonresearch/res/50695.html


* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Whats Tweeting https://onemilliontweetmap.com

* Check Hash Trends https://www.hashtags.org/

* Download Any Videos https://distillvideo.com/

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Compress Video https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4

* Remove Image Background https://www.remove.bg/

* Download Bitchute Video https://pastedownload.com/bitchute-video-downloader/

* Download Rumble Video https://pastedownload.com/rumble-video-downloader/

* Download Webpage as PDF https://webtopdf.com/

* Military Ship Tracker https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

* Browsers TOR: https://www.torproject.org/ | Brave: https://brave.com/ | Palemoon: http://www.palemoon.org/

* Notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/

* Screencapping https://getgreenshot.org/ https://print.sc

* Paste sites https://pastebin.com | https://textbin.com | https://zerobin.com | https://controlc.com | https://ghostbin.com

MORE TOOLS AND SERVICES: https://ghostbin.com/paste/I0F9k

Baker tools: q v2021.03-03.js - https://controlc.com/9f10e3d9

Synch Dough https://winmerge.org/

Standard Hashes #MAGA #KAG #FGNC #WWG1WGA #Q #Trump #Qresearch #45 #GreatAwakening #Anonymous

>Suggested Follow

Standard ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/wWofT

Military ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/Wp16g

FBI ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/cXW3i

Civilian————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/lYWIE


Psyop Link Dump https://ghostbin.com/paste/xZsDo

Basic Course https://ghostbin.com/paste/NkQu8

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6c674c  No.13259625


>Relevant Links







#RecallCuomo >>>/warroom/6587 https://8kun.top/warroom/res/6587.html

>>>/warroom/6626 Andrew Cuomo faces investigation into alleged sexual misconduct

>>>/warroom/6592 COVID-19 Nursing Home Data

>>>/warroom/6593 NY Dem says cuomo nursing home scandal is impeachable offense, as governor blames Trump for vaccine woes

>>>/warroom/6594 ‘Watch Your Back’: Cuomo Accused Of “Gangster” Threats Against “Flood” Of People

>>>/warroom/6595 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is finally facing the heat for his botched and negligent coronavirus response policies,

>>>/warroom/6596 New York Gov. Cuomo’s nursing home scandal may rise to federal level of criminal offense, legal experts warn

>>>/warroom/6597 It makes me sick that @NYGovCuomo was seriously being considered as attorney general just a few months ago by

>>>/warroom/6598 Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn’t find out

>>>/warroom/6599 Government memo crushes Cuomo’s defense in COVID nursing home scandal

>>>/warroom/6601 Cuomo takes gaslighting to shocking extremes

>>>/warroom/6602 Huckabee: There's 'blood in the water' as bipartisan tsunami grows against Gov. Cuomo

>>>/warroom/6589, >>>/warroom/6590, >>>/warroom/6591 memes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6c674c  No.13259631

>Board Flood

In case of Board flood and baker is unable to create a new thread, please commandeer first bot thread created.

scrape titles and links of notables and repost as a bun into new bake, when we can bake one.

>505 posting error

Refresh or ctrl +F5 refresh

Retry captcha https://sys.8kun.top/dnsbls_bypass.php

>Thread Lag

Add a ? at the end of the url


*this will allow you to read, but you will need another tab for posting.

Exit Protocol

QR CLEAR DOWN https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

QR BORKED https://jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/midnightriders/catalog.html

KUN DOWN https://s6424n4x4bsmqs27.onion/qrbunker/catalog.html

END DOWN https://webchat.freenode.net/#qanonresearch (DO NOT ENTER A PASSWORD)

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f0a6a8  No.13259638

File: 3a5767f1bc782f9⋯.jpg (286.74 KB, 994x720, 497:360, 3a5767f1bc782f991365d6d24f….jpg)

>>13259596 OP

>>13259621 Dough

BAKER requests Handoff

Kitchen is open

Ghosting at 100

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6c674c  No.13259646

File: 9ca3252d1c7b15a⋯.jpg (211.73 KB, 718x488, 359:244, 9ca3252d1c7b15a1b4fd280cbe….jpg)


I would bakes, but you know Dayshift!

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dc3046  No.13259653


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a102d8  No.13259654

File: 1cba333f9458728⋯.jpg (846.35 KB, 2648x1349, 2648:1349, Tip_Top.jpg)

>>13259172 LB Don Tip Top COMMS

Don Tip Top COMMS updated image graphic

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24513c  No.13259656

File: b3f07a0841efcf0⋯.png (72.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, HeyNewfag.png)

File: 2487bcf59512ba7⋯.jpg (10.78 KB, 190x255, 38:51, hwfg.jpg)

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a87af2  No.13259660

Enemy = Those who try to rule us

Enemy = Those who poison our bodies

Enemy = Those who attempt to hold us down

Enemy = Those who misdirect us

Friend = Everyone, every race, every nation, every skin color

Muddy = This isn't about religion, this is about freedom VS. tyranny

Peace is the Prize


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8eea61  No.13259673

File: e861bf594f1af40⋯.png (85.27 KB, 1013x588, 1013:588, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Impe….png)


i should update that to #ImpeachCuomo

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e36806  No.13259676

File: 5a1abfa0e3430e2⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 500x415, 100:83, IMG_1609.JPG)

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6e45ec  No.13259678

File: 6c528fa7c0e49ca⋯.jpg (234.98 KB, 692x856, 173:214, 6325f031b3e76449db4a795778….jpg)

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33c1e2  No.13259679



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9c2a94  No.13259681

File: 583f4eb187ab413⋯.png (1.89 KB, 208x60, 52:15, ClipboardImage.png)

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5bf681  No.13259682

File: 6439f6a2bf5ae1e⋯.jpg (317.07 KB, 734x636, 367:318, Polish_20210319_105809888.jpg)

File: 5f94a88b2d8c60f⋯.png (135.8 KB, 582x566, 291:283, Polish_20210319_131821878.png)

File: 19d1fdd618c1152⋯.jpg (77.21 KB, 728x240, 91:30, Polish_20210319_131337056.jpg)

File: a916d2d75bd64f8⋯.jpg (196.85 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, Polish_20210319_194016600.jpg)

File: a211425f9703af7⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 750x949, 750:949, Polish_20210319_123106328.jpg)

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e21cea  No.13259683

>>13259594 lb

>i wish i was a cow eating grass in a field. no rent. no job. no college. just moo

kek… don't we all dear.. Don't we all.

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dcf538  No.13259684

File: f0328a1a815bac6⋯.png (1015.59 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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e36806  No.13259685

File: 2b471a1bfa248b4⋯.jpg (51.3 KB, 395x422, 395:422, IMG_9842.JPG)

File: fa58adcd38ca1b7⋯.jpg (116.28 KB, 828x756, 23:21, IMG_9846.JPG)

File: 4849283a8fcb33c⋯.gif (9.19 MB, 670x420, 67:42, IMG_9850.GIF)

File: acb7bd8d8818be4⋯.jpg (139.35 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 95369316_946E_4DE8_8F4A_60….jpg)

File: 438f5f6531ac589⋯.jpg (157.64 KB, 600x900, 2:3, IMG_9858.JPG)

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2ec853  No.13259686

File: 82a2681a7ae2daf⋯.png (991.71 KB, 1473x495, 491:165, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8d703  No.13259687

File: 7208bf29fb9a788⋯.png (1.27 MB, 757x1855, 757:1855, ClipboardImage.png)

@NCSCgov · 4h

Iranian Nationals Charged with Conspiring to Evade U.S. Sanctions on Iran

by Disguising $300 Million in Transactions Over Two Decades

WASHINGTON – A federal criminal complaint unsealed today charges 10 Iranian nationals with running a nearly 20-year-long scheme to evade U.S. sanctions on the Government of Iran by disguising more than $300 million worth of transactions – including the purchase of two $25 million oil tankers – on Iran’s behalf through front companies in the San Fernando Valley, Canada, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates. In addition, a forfeiture complaint filed today seeks a money laundering penalty in the amount of $157,332,367.



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af294f  No.13259688

Flapple is number 841 kek

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beddb1  No.13259689

File: 933eab2e3e263a9⋯.jpeg (79.39 KB, 317x417, 317:417, 56C8518B_4B3A_4330_B4AC_4….jpeg)

Father in heaven,

thank You for this day,

this bread,

and the anon who prepared it.

Thank You for our military,

and for the ways they serve.

Keep them safe,

and give them discernment.

Thank You for helping us hold the line

in the presence our our enemies.

Thank you for the coming Truth,

for we know the best is yet to come.

Your will be done.

All glory and honor to You,

in the name above all names,


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db8521  No.13259690

File: db188a078b03668⋯.jpg (89.59 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, bf4c8b12_d921_4395_a417_6c….jpg)

photos of suspects released

"suspect is described as a taller, light-skinned man with a thin build"


what do you think anons? are the police right? does this photo they released look like a light skinned person?

ofc not, why are they protecting the criminal? they got everyone looking for a whitey…

(you can tell they overexposed the photo raising its white level as high as they could to try and drown out his skin color. LOL)

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c0b330  No.13259691

File: 6a54d6841b7c401⋯.png (95.82 KB, 530x470, 53:47, felix.png)


That is a Felix the cat graph

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e703ee  No.13259692

File: 1fa2e3b5f93759c⋯.jpg (72.44 KB, 640x449, 640:449, turboencabulator_patent.jpg)

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4ed716  No.13259694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

50% Sale on US Dollars in Idlib | March 2021 | Syria

Mar 19, 2021



Pinned by R&U Videos

Van Die

2 hours ago

was this all the hard cash America would just give away to proxy militia's to fight for us ,. then we "Froze " the money so it can never be circulated


R&U Videos

Jay vee

Jay vee

1 hour ago

I agree. During Obama yrs. they had both factions funded by different sections of govt. fbi nsa cia dod

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d237b8  No.13259695

File: 3d2dc5968fbeaab⋯.png (63.87 KB, 1196x795, 1196:795, HeyNewfag.png)

File: bd0d25bf6fa75c7⋯.jpg (110.42 KB, 618x552, 103:92, bd0d25bf6fa75c75fac5a2ca18….jpg)

File: 155f8332a88ff96⋯.png (806.09 KB, 681x429, 227:143, Hey2_.png)

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e34370  No.13259696

>>13259662 (PB)

Erin who needs the Bra

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5d093b  No.13259697

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c0e89c  No.13259698

File: c8197c404cb3d12⋯.png (16.18 KB, 1031x107, 1031:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Nice snipe post by anon lb.

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9c2a94  No.13259699

File: 4bf77e13e76d6cd⋯.png (927.19 KB, 888x467, 888:467, b727f2330ef6b19be12b1159b3….png)



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f0a6a8  No.13259700

File: 9bf7fe89d78059a⋯.png (377.92 KB, 992x704, 31:22, ClipboardImage.png)


BO the catalog is being flooded by a board BV?

Good luck

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dcf538  No.13259701

File: 897d0745644683a⋯.jpg (162.49 KB, 840x641, 840:641, 1574313824086.jpg)

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e36806  No.13259702

File: 42bae62c457e177⋯.jpg (167.29 KB, 792x792, 1:1, IMG_0827.JPG)

These cheesesteaks make themselves

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5e57bb  No.13259703

File: 134160f8c2a8603⋯.jpg (93.59 KB, 581x614, 581:614, EjhxsAwXcAEgQ6D.jpg)


Ill get dark enough SOON for Coke

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e703ee  No.13259704


Thank you for the #2, Anon.

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967d08  No.13259705

File: 9ccd4e6ed509da2⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1200x1797, 400:599, redhead_127_Car_Q_NS.png)

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2bd386  No.13259706


My heart went pitter-pat.

Cardio App says Afib.

Thanks fucker.

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9c2a94  No.13259707


Man are they going to kick themselves when they figure this shit out… eeehhhhehehehehehe.

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a87af2  No.13259708


Share these with those who need to wake up about the real enemy "Mr Global"


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e703ee  No.13259709


Saved is as I found it, Anon.

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82253a  No.13259710

File: 2d8d62adba6b580⋯.png (285.85 KB, 380x380, 1:1, ymca.png)

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ec0cca  No.13259711



March 19, 2018

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f0a6a8  No.13259712

File: 76c41f3523c284f⋯.jpg (9.63 KB, 258x195, 86:65, 76c41f3523c284f983cf7a7514….jpg)


Your plan is ordinary at best…

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dcf538  No.13259713

File: 36beb6d41801cce⋯.png (337.95 KB, 500x415, 100:83, ClipboardImage.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c8950d  No.13259714

File: 563a0da2bec0469⋯.jpg (149.68 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, mad_vaxxer.jpg)

File: 7f489ce5efc7b09⋯.jpg (173.84 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, bad_wall_good_wall.jpg)

File: 38e1bbf185995f4⋯.jpg (165.9 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, gun_control.jpg)

File: f7b855a407c214b⋯.jpg (155.8 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, fauci_is_a_quack.jpg)

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e7460b  No.13259715

>>13259560 lb

did you see Fredo's show tonight.

he had some woman who supposedly is exwife of a trump employee's son….and she was a total nutcase

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e34370  No.13259716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sweet driving.

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2bd386  No.13259717

“When you die, are you going to Heaven,… or not?

Find out today..”


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9c2a94  No.13259719


>exwife of a trump employee's son

That's… desperate.

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e703ee  No.13259720

File: 6f99ba60b0b402d⋯.jpg (111.99 KB, 500x375, 4:3, auto_craps.jpg)


Come on, press the button!

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d6a951  No.13259721

File: 00a9e9c88b935dc⋯.png (376.42 KB, 775x653, 775:653, pepe_blushing_guiness.png)

File: de0ce3a8c62c1a8⋯.png (153.55 KB, 413x266, 59:38, de0ce3a8c62c1a849c1b0169de….png)

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a102d8  No.13259722

Q i noticed one of the Q team members COMMS in the middle of some research

Glad the trip code worked out & it is now updated

The Anons WW will be looking forward to seeing you & the full team back on the board

Q + & 10 Q teams devices on the board should be really fun

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ec0cca  No.13259723


I am immortal and will live forever.

now what?

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e36806  No.13259724

File: 6a6387dcf9ba47f⋯.jpg (58.99 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMG_0780.JPG)

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8dfcbe  No.13259725


they have a 2 for 1 deal for a limited time.

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82253a  No.13259726

File: 9308346e27846bf⋯.png (384.08 KB, 535x601, 535:601, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Sput….png)

US citizens send letters to Russian embassy to apologise for Biden's remarks, ambassador says



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9c2a94  No.13259727


Didn't you know that unless you do "X, Y, Z" you might burn in Hell for eternity?

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c0e89c  No.13259728

File: e127341cea9419d⋯.png (314.89 KB, 453x261, 151:87, ClipboardImage.png)


Not a lot to do with Trump not sending them off to war anymoar.

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f0a6a8  No.13259730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Uptown Funk You Up


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4089b4  No.13259731

File: f37c32c7487c277⋯.jpg (10.92 KB, 259x194, 259:194, Day_Shift_Doll.jpg)

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24513c  No.13259732

File: 3cc5e983d165f22⋯.png (885.53 KB, 1080x724, 270:181, NotIranian.png)

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dcf538  No.13259733

File: 3b76a192b1ff026⋯.jpg (73.2 KB, 720x452, 180:113, 3b76a192b1ff026b65b5c4c478….jpg)

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50d8e3  No.13259734

File: 2ce83d44b898016⋯.png (347.75 KB, 640x266, 320:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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e21cea  No.13259735


>50% Sale on US Dollars in Idlib | March 2021 | Syria

Da fuck….?? and please someone splain wtf is he doing with the tooth pick??

And id say this is


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4ed716  No.13259736

File: bc6ececfd0e61ed⋯.png (980.36 KB, 1150x607, 1150:607, uggukure.PNG)


vid supposedly from Idlib in Syria. Anybody know why they would keep doing this to the 100 dollar bills? dude puts toothpicks through a portion where the metalic anti counterfeit foil is.

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ec0cca  No.13259737

Just a Reminder, Dirt lied to you and now your stuck inside it.


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2bd386  No.13259738



At least I will spend eternity with frens.

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2ec853  No.13259739

File: e68bcca292c53a7⋯.png (964.17 KB, 831x749, 831:749, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8d703  No.13259740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Chinese government using Black Live Matter as a weapon against US



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967d08  No.13259741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c0e89c  No.13259742

File: 3039a0f846a229b⋯.png (501.26 KB, 894x658, 447:329, PepeSammo.png)

File: 69879c3d19c4451⋯.png (516.14 KB, 824x764, 206:191, PepeSDoorknob.png)

File: 676037a362fe326⋯.png (535.13 KB, 856x668, 214:167, PepeSGramLove.png)

File: 0dca23161f16240⋯.png (437.01 KB, 888x652, 222:163, PepeSlasagna.png)

File: 6d56a38cb1dd7f2⋯.png (431.84 KB, 764x652, 191:163, PepeSlimCrazBitch.png)

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7f79b0  No.13259743

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e34370  No.13259744


Monty hall pick a door? I'll take the steampunk.

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24513c  No.13259746


Proves it is a metallic strip and not printed to look like one.

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c49c63  No.13259747

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c0e89c  No.13259748

File: 57e5ee7113b64d0⋯.png (471.42 KB, 737x641, 737:641, PepeSlimfast.png)

File: 5822f141525a28a⋯.png (401.53 KB, 742x648, 371:324, PepeSlimHCQ.png)

File: e0e6a14c2e6ce42⋯.png (496.43 KB, 806x654, 403:327, PepeSlimQtipfast_Copy.png)

File: 9dbf9dddd55dcef⋯.png (425.5 KB, 840x646, 420:323, PepeStrapon.png)

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4ed716  No.13259749




I don't have access to American bills because I suffer from Leaf. anybody got a 100 bill to experiment with? I have no idea what that guy is doing.

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e703ee  No.13259750


Ammo and lasagna - acquired! TY, Anon.

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50d8e3  No.13259751

File: efe82b54b57f148⋯.png (731.34 KB, 500x579, 500:579, ClipboardImage.png)

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e36806  No.13259752

File: b420db0fb8fafc6⋯.jpg (190.83 KB, 1080x1634, 540:817, IMG_0781.JPG)

Funny hahahahahaha


Funny queer

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4ed716  No.13259753



makes sense

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33c1e2  No.13259754

File: 91a524adafc8bd0⋯.jpg (18.08 KB, 589x423, 589:423, nstyy6r75e65weif2.jpg)

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c8950d  No.13259755

File: af5edeea27c1648⋯.jpg (108.54 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, people_are_mighty.jpg)

File: 355ddc64bd276a7⋯.jpg (201.68 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, state_of_the_union_2021.jpg)

File: 4890d56f343909f⋯.jpg (278.16 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, why_pay_taxes.jpg)

File: 5f286f66a370e21⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, blue_states_clinging_masks….jpg)

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d79371  No.13259756

Another covid death in small town Michigan. Second young adult dead from the lock down here. Both overdoses. Fuck you Gretchen, Gordon, Nessel, Upton, Meijer, Fauci, CDC, and most of congress.


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2bd386  No.13259757


Do some pots, enjoy the ride.

Remember, the answer is 42.

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437194  No.13259758


funny stuff, anon

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c8950d  No.13259759

File: e2f3f0dca61a2eb⋯.jpg (44.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, persons_a_person.jpg)

File: 1fcec4b76b83151⋯.jpg (72.89 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, vaccine_sets_you_free.jpg)

File: 53ede121301731a⋯.jpg (124.11 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, biden_crowd.jpg)

File: 13052b92a422ae5⋯.jpg (165.3 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, scrotus_rule_of_law.jpg)

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e703ee  No.13259760


…and don't forget your towel.

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31c615  No.13259761


The ccp studied and adopted Jewish strategy successfully.

Also, why is everything sex with the left? Gays make up many within their ranks, who in large part made their sexual identity the most defining characteristic. This goes for the rest of the letter people. The primary insult they use in incel and have sex. Do they aspire to anything higher?

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9c2a94  No.13259762


You rock. TY.

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195d3d  No.13259763

File: be706657f541d34⋯.jpg (49.89 KB, 680x383, 680:383, be706657f541d34167f44e6301….jpg)

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e36806  No.13259764

File: b436c0e97eb7a2d⋯.jpg (131.34 KB, 1204x663, 1204:663, IMG_0439.JPG)

File: d5e2a64398474e3⋯.jpeg (46.05 KB, 406x511, 58:73, D92F94CC_7D35_48BC_9D99_4….jpeg)

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000000  No.13259765


Dear Vlad

Im sorry you bitch slapped Joe

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e703ee  No.13259766


Guiness acquired. TY, Anon.

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f2147f  No.13259767

File: 8e252b0fa66c6d0⋯.jpg (371.37 KB, 800x533, 800:533, night_shift_ospreys_deck.jpg)

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5e57bb  No.13259768


Horny Toad

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a54906  No.13259769

File: 843cfb6dc581568⋯.png (249.91 KB, 478x541, 478:541, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13259587 (lb)

Thanks anon!

My bad.

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a5e9f7  No.13259770

File: 32cad95aab29c33⋯.jpeg (133.05 KB, 750x1009, 750:1009, BF513A95_F403_4595_B216_F….jpeg)

File: d06469a5cb14dbd⋯.jpeg (170.19 KB, 750x898, 375:449, 40D01D65_24BC_41DF_9452_1….jpeg)

File: 2dd6ea80492a638⋯.jpeg (67.72 KB, 750x408, 125:68, 3978FAB8_DEFD_4E90_BB15_C….jpeg)

Possible False Flag

Someone is dropping links on face book claiming this is a worldwide event. This is only MSM I can find reporting this.


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8b28ee  No.13259771


>50% Sale on US Dollars in Idlib | March 2021 | Syria

The 'toothpick' thing can be done on a real $100 bill, I just pulled one out and tried it so he must be trying to show they're "real".

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e36806  No.13259772

File: 1e70528798d5d02⋯.jpg (41.07 KB, 640x702, 320:351, IMG_1094.JPG)

These ball point pens from the space race are GEHY AF

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33c1e2  No.13259773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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22ce72  No.13259774

Retired AF next door.

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c0e89c  No.13259775

File: 1a538fa847a1cbb⋯.png (568.34 KB, 572x428, 143:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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b492f8  No.13259776


Fuck yeah. Saved. BQQM.

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6e55dd  No.13259777

File: a27fa14353ece79⋯.png (486.81 KB, 629x733, 629:733, rohinikamala.png)

>>13259469 pb

It means lustful

"Kamala (कमल) is a Sanskrit technical term translating to the color "lotus" or "lotus-flower", but can also refer to "pale-red", "rose-coloured" etc. and in a different context can also refer to "desirous", "lustful" etc"

A RED STAR krttikeyas , one of them?

They nursed the God of War.. Milkies


2 red stars… She picked "Rohini" also the name of a red star.


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e21cea  No.13259778





hear 100's are hard to get rid of normally… the frozen ones would be near impossible before you all go booking flights to syria for some half price dollar kek.

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fda6a1  No.13259779

File: 916a85498239577⋯.gif (7.35 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 0C0401BD_331B_484B_B276_30….gif)



>>13259659 (pb)

Good cannabis oil works wonders.

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4bf4e1  No.13259781

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB, 984x555, 328:185, ybrwevtrwer.PNG)

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ed6e9b  No.13259782


Damn you, now I forgot the question.

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e34370  No.13259783


>Chinese government using Black Live Matter as a weapon against US


>Chinese government using Black Live Matter as a weapon against US

Nooooooooooo. Are you serious? For real? Holy fucking shit. Holy shit. That is some instigative journalism you got there. I owe a heartful thanks to the MSM for this one. Whew. Let the sunshine in. I had an inkling. But to get this kind of verification. You have no idea what it means to me.

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4ed716  No.13259784

File: 82e15aea078621b⋯.png (652.25 KB, 1159x586, 1159:586, kjge.PNG)


seller of US cash says the pallets of cash are from Libya, in online ad

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e703ee  No.13259785

File: abdf149a72dd59a⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 600x300, 2:1, 2017eagles.jpg)


What REAL money looks like.

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9c2a94  No.13259786

File: 0fe1418214d871b⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 802x720, 401:360, BQOM_r2_zgeaBT3o.mp4)


Check that file name

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4089b4  No.13259787



That's a "demographically-challenged" area in South Seattle/Renton, just saying.

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4ed716  No.13259788

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977c1a  No.13259789

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)

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ed6e9b  No.13259790


whats with the coinage vs bullion anyhow. Outside of the higher resale, is it just about having the bullion graded or something when you resell?

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b492f8  No.13259791


Saw it earlier. Today's been a bad day for [them].

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ec0cca  No.13259792

File: 119687422623ef8⋯.png (1.31 MB, 858x772, 429:386, 1585411838770.png)

File: 0cad63c5d65a0e6⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 208x300, 52:75, 580e90675c4fc3fd5a23acd669….jpg)

File: baf72443f9ec6c6⋯.jpg (94.54 KB, 718x593, 718:593, 4eeb1e029f116f8b3f1d87f6a8….jpg)

File: a433dc94e720c22⋯.png (516.31 KB, 646x798, 17:21, the_cross.png)

Ok einsteins, which religions worship Saturn/Satan?

A. Christians

B. Jews

C. Muslims


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e7460b  No.13259794


>he had some woman who supposedly is exwife of a trump employee's son

Jennifer Weisselberg was on Cuomo tonight…she was cra cra


Prosecutors question ex-wife of the son of Trump Organization's CFO


MARCH 19, 2021 / 6:20 PM / CBS NEWS

The ex-wife of a Trump organization employee says she has been in contact with prosecutors from two different New York investigations into Donald Trump and his company.

A spokesperson forJennifer Weisselbergsaid criminal investigators with the Manhattan District Attorney's office began questioning her in December, and investigators with a New York Attorney General's office civil probe interviewed her in September.

Weisselberg's ex-husband Barry has for years managed an ice skating rink in Central Park that is operated by the Trump Organization under a contract with New York City. Barry Weisselberg's father, Allen, is the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization.

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c0e89c  No.13259795

File: b873706c16761e8⋯.png (523.93 KB, 375x498, 125:166, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c2a94  No.13259796


Mmm Hmm

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6e55dd  No.13259797


sure it's not a female?

wearing light purple?

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8b28ee  No.13259798


>What REAL money looks like.

yeah, I meant 'real' fake money! kek

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4089b4  No.13259799

File: 11fb66bd29eac2a⋯.png (236.33 KB, 401x402, 401:402, 777.png)


The trips are Truthing tonight, anons.

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33c1e2  No.13259800

File: 69566a8ae74d316⋯.gif (3.08 MB, 420x431, 420:431, gifkinga8fe93a59fe9ed9093c….gif)

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6e55dd  No.13259801


That has to be on purpose..



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468680  No.13259802

File: be844346bbb491c⋯.png (950.85 KB, 1440x796, 360:199, 749_the_Matrix_movie_Comey….png)

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e7460b  No.13259803

File: 15f2241f61879d4⋯.png (527.69 KB, 711x711, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)





Jennifer Weisselberg, the ex-wife of a Trump Organization executive, says business there was conducted with a "lack of integrity."

"I feel very strongly that there is an abuse of control" in the organization, she said.

8:42 PM · Mar 19, 2021

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b73dc5  No.13259804

File: 3d33fe502e53310⋯.png (311.2 KB, 974x1016, 487:508, on_standby_booms.png)

File: f53354b1cf8a6e9⋯.png (793.23 KB, 1944x1316, 486:329, 3_19_21_Scavino_post_Trump….png)

>>13258315 pb

>US occupation loots new batch of wheat, removes it to northern Iraq

17 trucks.

I'm pretty sure the US can pay for 17 trucks of wheat not steal them.

What is this silly story?


In other news, Anon posted this yesterday.

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e34370  No.13259805


50% will get you 20 years. Step right up fools.

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e7460b  No.13259806


what is 'abuse of control' in an organization,

she didn't get to call the shots?

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8b28ee  No.13259807

File: 52e9f6cec46429d⋯.mp4 (368.62 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Pedo_Joe_Down_He_Goes.mp4)


I wish someone talented anon would put President Trump making a golf shot before this video of pedo Joe busting his ass like the one of Killary tripping! kek

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beddb1  No.13259808

File: f77f759370ac3d7⋯.jpeg (106.53 KB, 517x445, 517:445, D4F919A0_8C00_4452_9A79_A….jpeg)


Shows they are legitimate bills.

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c86ca0  No.13259809

>>13259152 lb

Michigan was a crucial state for the Traitors working for China to retain.

Whatever it took,

they had to keep Michigan.

Investigations of other states they took in order to "beat" Trump,

also had to be stopped.

If one were successfully investigated,

then they lose the whole ball of wax,

and finally,

the plot in Michigan would be brought into full sunshine.

Then there's Georgia.

DS seems to settle around Atlanta.

Methinks New Mexico got too hot for human trafficking,

so they moved their HQ to Georgia.

If that state were successfully investigated,

then the Chinese sex/human trafficking is revealed also,

and when that falls,

their who operation in every state of the union will fall,

like dominoes.

This is on top of the election fraud/steal.

The election fraud was needed to protect the plot for Chinese invasion,

as well as saving DS's skin,

but then they got sloppy with the fraud,

and that in itself threatened to give up the whole goods,

Michigan included.

They cannot let this fraud be prosecuted.

But now it's bloomed into nursing home murders.

Their plot to spread the Covid by infecting the elderly inmates got out of control.

Now that is also threatening their invasion plot.

China and DS will lose everything for which they have worked since the 70/80's.

The year of the Tiger is 2022,

and it is an auspicious and "lucky" year,

and it starts on Feb. 1.

Is that the time of their invasion?

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579962  No.13259810

File: be7479126afa697⋯.png (982.57 KB, 975x707, 975:707, BidenLove.png)


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e34370  No.13259811


Luckily the world doesn't revolve around what you feel. Ex-wife. How's your finances?

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ea0e55  No.13259812

File: 4c90fe64bc37890⋯.png (274.44 KB, 339x735, 113:245, Screenshot_20210319_195003….png)

File: 4a6ad23f19da619⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1236x953, 1236:953, Nightshiftfallingjoe.png)

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9c2a94  No.13259813

File: ef0c25dcd02b60a⋯.png (318.32 KB, 513x600, 171:200, Trump_Top_Knot.png)



She doesn't understand how a private business can operate. Ever see a "Trump" stock ticker? Now you know why.

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22ce72  No.13259814

Which means CIA next door.

And probably across the street… probably the entire block.


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4ed716  No.13259815


great pic

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bea8a6  No.13259816

File: 4cb3d3e732086eb⋯.jpg (545.61 KB, 2500x1500, 5:3, texs.jpg)

what in the world is coming out of texas?

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e7460b  No.13259817



she even said that Donald and Melania gave her and her hubby an apartment to live in for their wedding present….that…she said..is an abuse of control

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f0a6a8  No.13259818

File: 88b8627ca1d9339⋯.png (548.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 20a2e136b4cc2c4db2b2f77c22….png)

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2bd386  No.13259819



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b73dc5  No.13259820

File: 3636c21e8d3a086⋯.png (289.19 KB, 1428x364, 51:13, doppel_is_nunes_another_ry….png)

>>13256810 pb

>The 30 job killing GOP RINOS that voted for illegal aliens amnesty


I TODL you.

I see Ryan.

Ryan is a big group. Previously poorly-known.

There is a fuckingRYAN GROUP.

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33c1e2  No.13259821


Steers and Queers

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50d8e3  No.13259822

File: 493b32607b26688⋯.png (688.97 KB, 500x503, 500:503, ClipboardImage.png)

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68d255  No.13259823

File: a2fbd3ccd81d011⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 700x400, 7:4, rswhite.jpg)

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e703ee  No.13259824


Point I was trying to make was fiat vs tangibles with inherent value. Paper dollars became worthless in 1971.

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ada191  No.13259825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

End Times Delusions # 39: The Power Of The Sword Of The Spirit Through The Ages!

Today literally millions of people who study bible prophecy have their eyes fixed upon Jerusalem. Right now, all over "planet Earth", Christians are talking about the modern state of Israel, a rebuilt Jewish temple and a final battle called Armageddon involving Russia, China and the Jews.

What is the (biblical) truth?

Does the book of revelation really focus on the middle east?

Start @ 6:55 with Tom Freiss on the book "End Times Delusions. The book is a good read.


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579962  No.13259826

File: cb83a3b0db9756b⋯.png (256.13 KB, 318x482, 159:241, ClipboardImage.png)

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ea4174  No.13259827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Magic Sword For The Operators Operating Operationally

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195d3d  No.13259828

File: 8e50fcc7bd2dff1⋯.mp4 (353.66 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 8e50fcc7bd2dff15bd01ac8eaf….mp4)


>President Trump making a golf shot before this video of pedo Joe

wut??? like that you mean?

It's been posted here all day long.

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d8ac27  No.13259829

File: b439af1f05465be⋯.jpeg (59.21 KB, 750x439, 750:439, 5740DD68_B8E4_4691_9E61_7….jpeg)


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e703ee  No.13259830

File: 9b6daafc52b2a4a⋯.png (446.16 KB, 894x658, 447:329, PepeSammo.png)

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e34370  No.13259831


When the American majority finally wakes up and unite. The minority traitors will need protection. Never in history has it been different. It's like the mathematics of the Titanic sinking. Once the water went over the bulkhead it was all she wrote.

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e7460b  No.13259832

File: a9a7d166a8d6126⋯.mp4 (12.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cuomo_jennifer.mp4)



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f66f5b  No.13259833

File: 3619f252a51c8c6⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 2992x2992, 1:1, 20210319_152740.jpg)

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5e57bb  No.13259834

File: 3e00bb875194871⋯.png (12.94 KB, 255x245, 51:49, ab2ddf9cbd5a2919c345d807bc….png)

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ed6e9b  No.13259835


Yes well. Historically speaking coinage was also linked to silver in value, not just the gold standard, so that the coinage would contain its value in silver as well.

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33c1e2  No.13259836


Why do wives have to be Cunts all the time?

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e21cea  No.13259837



you seen the donkey kong one… thats good too.

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e36806  No.13259838


Wrong and gross

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fda6a1  No.13259839

File: fd26426a6a44cb5⋯.gif (4.06 MB, 480x272, 30:17, A4FECA29_D7FE_49C9_B75B_9C….gif)

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e703ee  No.13259840


I thought that was Oklahoma.

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24513c  No.13259841

File: cdb202db9484d7c⋯.png (85.05 KB, 474x248, 237:124, NS2.png)

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bea8a6  No.13259842


weatherfag stuff, i guess: sauce


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82253a  No.13259843

File: 1e01ad84e0e8fbd⋯.png (318.34 KB, 535x586, 535:586, Screenshot_2021_03_20_U_S_….png)

Pit stop! #SilentService

#USSSanJuan departs Souda Bay, Greece after a brief stop for fuel and supplies. @USNavyEurope

conducts naval operations with allied & partners, in order to advance U.S. national interests & security, & stability in Europe and Africa.


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9c2a94  No.13259844

File: d856d7252031e06⋯.png (328.51 KB, 757x565, 757:565, ClipboardImage.png)

That's fucked up, man.

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967d08  No.13259845

File: fec3cf296243659⋯.png (2.67 MB, 980x1470, 2:3, F_22_4_Neon_Q_NS.png)

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e703ee  No.13259846


You are exactly correct, Anon.

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4ed716  No.13259847


Idlib is "Moderate Rebel" ISIS , Al Qaida, HTS controlled. so getting in and getting out with your head is also a problem.

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9c2a94  No.13259848


Why do people do this to themselves?

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589cfb  No.13259849

File: 5775513ed6ff943⋯.gif (270.72 KB, 240x320, 3:4, c594f0d309ad6b31512ced86fc….gif)


cyber punk floyd

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c8950d  No.13259850

File: f60ed3364d3f10c⋯.jpg (67.36 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, restore_every_legal_vote.jpg)

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579962  No.13259851

File: 57817826116b5c6⋯.png (188.07 KB, 481x376, 481:376, halfbaked.png)

Did you ever think that maybe there are only like three of four Anons that are talking to each other and they keep switching VPNs?

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4eb451  No.13259852

File: 2391e059af7bd24⋯.png (762.61 KB, 1138x716, 569:358, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d6e12051113b7d⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1891x539, 1891:539, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96fb265542fb3d1⋯.png (455.04 KB, 1157x2666, 1157:2666, ClipboardImage.png)

DEFENDER-Europe 21

What is DEFENDER-Europe 21:

DEFENDER-Europe is an annual large-scale U.S. Army-led, multinational, joint exercise designed to build readiness and interoperability between U.S., NATO and partner militaries. This year’s exercise:

Focuses on building operational readiness and interoperability with a greater number of NATO allies and partners over a wider area of operations

Is defensive in nature and focused on responding to crisis if necessary

Demonstrates that the U.S. commitment to NATO is iron clad

Integrates approximately 28,000 multinational forces from 27 nations to conduct nearly simultaneous operations across more than 30 training areas in 12 countries.

Includes strictCOVIDprevention and mitigation measures, such as pre-deploymentCOVIDtesting and quarantining.

Has significant involvement of the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.

Utilizes key ground and maritime routes bridging Europe, Asia and Africa

Exercises new high-end capabilities such the new U.S. Army Security Force Assistance Brigades, air and missile defense assets and the recently reactivated V Corps

Demonstrates our ability to serve as a strategic security partner in the western Balkans and Black Sea regions while sustaining our abilities in northern Europe, the Caucasus, Ukraine and Africa.


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ed6e9b  No.13259853

File: c3c788f785ce13c⋯.png (236.38 KB, 798x660, 133:110, crazyhot.png)


Not according to this chart.

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574bf2  No.13259855


AF prob spraying sulfur dioxide high up…absorbs sunlight

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d6a951  No.13259856

File: 04345dd8c36db41⋯.png (518.27 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_03_19….png)

File: 0fe26403038d528⋯.jpg (59.76 KB, 562x612, 281:306, nightshift11.jpg)

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33c1e2  No.13259857


Unicorns are fucking assholes, anon.

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2bd386  No.13259859

File: 0bc5495b3bb80c1⋯.jpeg (70.23 KB, 450x626, 225:313, B3B1425E_02FE_4A2E_8F5D_B….jpeg)

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4bf4e1  No.13259860

File: 47a4be8df3ad9b5⋯.png (151.75 KB, 888x812, 222:203, b65v234323.PNG)

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bea8a6  No.13259861


make sure you bring the mixtape

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ed6e9b  No.13259862


True, but they don't exist.

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ea0e55  No.13259863

File: 8af7183a609d068⋯.png (667.58 KB, 1449x813, 483:271, Bidensinking.png)

down goes Joe

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4089b4  No.13259864


>These ball point pens from the space race are GEHY AF

Many newfags aren't going to understand that obtuse angle you're coming in at regarding ball point pens, anon. It might come as a shock to them.


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ed6e9b  No.13259865

File: c3a5f11b11cf091⋯.jpg (43.78 KB, 704x764, 176:191, c3a5f11b11cf0916ad507ad775….jpg)

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044e60  No.13259866


says who?

why you always post this bullshit?

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e21cea  No.13259867


I think were all in individual rooms full of bots and no one else.

certainly things seem strange here last 2 days.

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579962  No.13259868

File: 08e5a35959f6428⋯.png (138.86 KB, 366x564, 61:94, Screenshot_2021_03_12_2208….png)

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33c1e2  No.13259869




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50d8e3  No.13259870

File: a912a6b0e36257d⋯.png (391.42 KB, 720x475, 144:95, ClipboardImage.png)

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82253a  No.13259871

File: a88b11a4576fd5c⋯.png (379.5 KB, 535x525, 107:105, Screenshot_2021_03_20_New_….png)

Father arrested for discussing child's gender transition in defiance of court order


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2bd386  No.13259872

File: 49e9b446b9583fc⋯.jpeg (28.17 KB, 236x349, 236:349, 1C910483_2F86_4C26_91D9_8….jpeg)


This one goes wit it.

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33c1e2  No.13259873



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5e57bb  No.13259874


everybody had a ouzo Russian sub get away

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195d3d  No.13259875

File: 16dfc0e1ada4c78⋯.jpg (73.54 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 16dfc0e1ada4c788540b795a75….jpg)


>there are only like three of four Anons

welp in that case I must be one of them, and I'm not "switching VPNs".

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f241bb  No.13259876



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589cfb  No.13259877

File: 6950842cce4a594⋯.jpg (149.23 KB, 800x663, 800:663, d4ehw8x_0520438c_5f8c_422c….jpg)

File: 35c2038d02117ea⋯.jpg (131.58 KB, 944x1264, 59:79, Hercynian_unicorn_stag_sep….JPG)


They probably have some in Antarctica.

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579962  No.13259878

File: 5543935578ce63c⋯.png (491.2 KB, 547x498, 547:498, Screenshot_2020_12_23_0946….png)


Just a handful of ANons conversating with AI programs?

Wouldn't doubt it.

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4ed716  No.13259879


does NoCuomo screen these people? this is almost worse than Avenatti

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f241bb  No.13259880

File: d81868d46326ccb⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, videoblocks_narwhal_whales….png)

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85933b  No.13259881

File: c88025a7ebdea23⋯.webm (5.12 MB, 888x500, 222:125, spray_my_SWORDY.webm)

File: 2a7bdab7149c5f9⋯.png (323.01 KB, 692x589, 692:589, SwordyGodBlessYou.png)

File: 30b68c1ee31e9d2⋯.png (187.3 KB, 888x573, 296:191, tuff_times_4_swordy_and_sh….png)



I'm just prowling around in the background, blending in with the common lurker…don't mind me.

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1b4856  No.13259882


modern day martyr for truth and freedom

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4eb451  No.13259883



out of context?

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574bf2  No.13259884


AI bot learns moar here in a few hours than thousands of Twitter posts

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5d093b  No.13259885

File: ba4dcbae1ebb962⋯.jpg (46.59 KB, 399x400, 399:400, pepenohope.jpg)

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1ebae7  No.13259886

File: 843152a9ddc814a⋯.png (85.89 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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50d8e3  No.13259887

File: 5831e257d94a47d⋯.png (282.89 KB, 604x539, 604:539, ClipboardImage.png)


NEW - Dr. Fauci hopes to be able to vaccinate children as young as 6-months by the beginning of next year.


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a264c8  No.13259888


Yeah. Those family court judges are real stand up people.

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82253a  No.13259889

File: bed101cb290a2b1⋯.jpg (250.88 KB, 1300x730, 130:73, Pelican_Brief.jpg)


That´s so epic

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f241bb  No.13259890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Internets Biggest Rabbit Hole

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dcf538  No.13259891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6fe8f7  No.13259892


It's a fucking rhinoceros.

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574bf2  No.13259893


Go ahead old fucker….touch the kids

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fda6a1  No.13259894

File: c3817990a855ce3⋯.gif (4.6 MB, 600x1079, 600:1079, 55989951_D2B2_4544_A7FA_5B….gif)


Ty. Fire.

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9c2a94  No.13259895

File: b6ef2d9163c1c1e⋯.png (2 MB, 1080x900, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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eeff0e  No.13259896


Chinks are Dinks,

and other stories.

Not nearly gifted enough to do the work.

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bea8a6  No.13259897


nice dubs. would they do that at night? thats current pic.

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dcf538  No.13259898

File: 5875b8640170e35⋯.png (901.17 KB, 526x779, 526:779, ClipboardImage.png)

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e21cea  No.13259899


idk really…. are the iud's down? thing is, ive been posting easy on clearnet too.. not having to mess around with tor.. Captcha's bk to normal too.. breads seem to be moving fast atleast

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0fa6be  No.13259900

File: 251774bf9573614⋯.gif (2.95 MB, 500x500, 1:1, Praise_Kek.gif)

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3dbce5  No.13259901

Worst bread ever, spooky baker censors like Xi


Times Up

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e34370  No.13259902


Gold and silver will always retain value. Currencies come and go. For all the digital coin lovers the central banks are already planning to destroy with you.


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6822fa  No.13259903

File: 1c226a5a4f36d19⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1896x912, 79:38, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Home….png)


The future of social media in control.

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53f14a  No.13259904

>>13259878 kek

>>13259867 rofkmao

praise kek

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bea8a6  No.13259905


KEK is here, anons. Praise.

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55e170  No.13259906


Because 100% of the criminal traitors remain completely free because Trump decided to give them all a get out of jail free card. Or, Trump was working for them the entire time. Either way, Trump is a lying con artist who can die for all I care. A fucking traitor.

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53f14a  No.13259907


I had those backwards

>>13259878 rofkmao

>>13259867 kek

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82253a  No.13259908

File: e842dcaf2c2de7d⋯.png (660.89 KB, 598x582, 299:291, Screenshot_2021_03_20_New_….png)

Cuomo joked he would 'mount' former aide Lindsey Boylan if he were a dog: report


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7f3aaf  No.13259909


Definitely a norweigian.

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195d3d  No.13259910

File: 29f19ee0e320a6a⋯.jpg (42.58 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 29f19ee0e320a6ac342a733219….jpg)


>Fauci hopes to be able to vaccinate children as young as 6-months

>The Vaccinator

eewww. sounds almost like some pervertly sick obsession of his.

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bea8a6  No.13259911


whoa, what just happened

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2bd386  No.13259912

File: 2d93f3ec1cd67c4⋯.gif (631.84 KB, 576x250, 288:125, AD694E10_0A30_4356_BCD3_8C….gif)

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e34370  No.13259913


Who cares. Write like a diary.

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589cfb  No.13259914

File: 024fe9c3e3cc28e⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 284x200, 71:50, 200.gif)

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437194  No.13259915


And Russia just used a pencil.

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53f14a  No.13259916


some kind of kek synchronicity.. in this case your call to praise kek was answered a split second before you asked.

Praise kek

your dub dubs confirm

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1ebae7  No.13259917


We Are The Borg. You Will Be Assimilated.

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9c2a94  No.13259918

File: f48f8890f3e3a03⋯.jpg (205.61 KB, 457x396, 457:396, AF1_Selfie_Cat_and_the_Q_t….jpg)

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589cfb  No.13259919

File: a2122200871dee9⋯.jpg (56.02 KB, 750x501, 250:167, screen_shot_2020_08_26_at_….jpg)

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0fa6be  No.13259920

File: a6017e90fd87ea2⋯.jpeg (142.99 KB, 861x645, 287:215, a6017e90fd87ea271dabbbc5f….jpeg)

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6fe8f7  No.13259921


I love nature!

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bea8a6  No.13259922


didnt even see that. thanks, wow.

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977c1a  No.13259923

File: fda05400e30e83e⋯.jpg (230.04 KB, 1920x1021, 1920:1021, Rumble_Fish_1983_1920_x_10….jpg)

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574bf2  No.13259924

File: 698a3f23b6c6b6f⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1138x1080, 569:540, 0EA5075C_14C1_42EA_9231_97….png)

Not enough old fuck politicians have stolen all the money

Now they are gonna double down on an untested vax

And you complaining about it will be considered “extremist”

Military so gay they can’t see the domestic enemy

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4089b4  No.13259925


>The future of social media

is not very social, at all.

See: Math is racist, cancel-'cult'ure.

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9c2a94  No.13259926


I pondered "instancing" before a while back. Totally plausible. It would be incredibly effective.

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bea8a6  No.13259927


Jesus saves.


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7f3aaf  No.13259928


I hope by early next year this midget is burning in hell.

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82253a  No.13259929

File: a270fe034ca5a28⋯.jpg (79.18 KB, 500x473, 500:473, EtbNTRNWYAAhZAC.jpg)

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4ed716  No.13259930


so…these ladies are all making this shit up to build his shelter from one of the biggest manslaughter negligent homocide cases in history , right?

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e34370  No.13259931


IF. He were a dog. He hasn't ascended to that level. He's a fucking toad in pond created by his father and supported by a degenerate named Fredo. And the DS machine. His number is obviously up. The question becomes why now. The Queens Gambit.

A Gambit is a chess opening where a pawn is sacrificed in order to grab the initiative. The Queen's Gambit is called a Gambit because White sacrifices the c-pawn in order to get a better control over the center. Practice has shown that accepting the gambit is not the best option for Black.

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4089b4  No.13259932

File: a72b0d292be3b81⋯.jpg (54.12 KB, 425x402, 425:402, dubdubstep.jpg)

>>13259911 DUB DUBS

>whoa, what just happened

Communication habbened.

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752f95  No.13259933

File: 3c4a63f672f56bd⋯.jpg (688.22 KB, 1242x1644, 207:274, IMG_520.jpg)

File: c5741d8f5a7f996⋯.jpg (679.71 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, IMG_522.jpg)

File: 5c05f5a7f4d6a12⋯.jpg (647.35 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, IMG_523.jpg)

File: 982f54900dac83f⋯.jpg (542.18 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, IMG_524.jpg)

File: 57aa2ccebf76977⋯.jpg (195.92 KB, 565x599, 565:599, IMG_526.jpg)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

gladius eorum intret in corda ipsorum et arcus ipsorum confringatur

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e21cea  No.13259934


Have no idea what you just said, but thanks man..

i think i was half kidding when i typed it and its going viral ..

Praise Kek.

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b2d357  No.13259935


Well you can't blame him for that…the thought crossed my mine too when I saw her…I mean she is HOT!!!

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f66f5b  No.13259936

File: 7b9e6fe2540e206⋯.jpg (126.57 KB, 821x1007, 821:1007, 0.jpg)


my stack

plus these delivered today >>13259833

more on the way

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116528  No.13259937


Welp. Fuck Nunes. Patriot my ass.

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9c2a94  No.13259938


Surely the UIDs weren't accurate all this time… Surely.

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2bd386  No.13259939

File: 7c18f4312ebfea1⋯.jpeg (210.53 KB, 1200x795, 80:53, 3A8F9774_1E42_4D4C_AFE3_5….jpeg)

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a264c8  No.13259940


Honestly, after all of this time, they are now just coming out with all of this?

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e7460b  No.13259941



i am starting to think that the vaccines so far are like placebos. They have something in them but are harmless.

That is why the virus rate in going up in areas with the highest vaccination rates.

people think the vaccine is protecting them, so they go about moar and get infected because the vaccine does nothing.

that is why Trump said it's good…it's harmless.

the real vaccines will come when they do children…..then they will use harmnful vaccines.

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e7460b  No.13259942



i am starting to think that the vaccines so far are like placebos. They have something in them but are harmless.

That is why the virus rate in going up in areas with the highest vaccination rates.

people think the vaccine is protecting them, so they go about moar and get infected because the vaccine does nothing.

that is why Trump said it's good…it's harmless.

the real vaccines will come when they do children…..then they will use harmnful vaccines.

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6fe8f7  No.13259943


Got it.

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50d8e3  No.13259944

File: e173576be34054d⋯.png (216.11 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d5cfbfcf40d5c8⋯.png (686.87 KB, 637x426, 637:426, ClipboardImage.png)


The big thing is what happens to the fed and the coming digital currency linked to identification and bio metrics and health.

this thing is a monster and china is firmly in control.

everything else is a side show.


SIMPLE DECENTRALIZED BE GOOD (peer to peer only) !!


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bea8a6  No.13259945


Romans 8:28

28 We know that in all things God works for good with those who love him,[a] those whom he has called according to his purpose.

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db3723  No.13259946

File: 3a7cf6774c71943⋯.png (310.99 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, joe_biden_lost_in_space_2.png)

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e7460b  No.13259947




i am starting to think that the vaccines so far are like placebos. They have something in them but are harmless.

That is why the virus rate in going up in areas with the highest vaccination rates.

people think the vaccine is protecting them, so they go about moar and get infected because the vaccine does nothing.

that is why Trump said it's good…it's harmless.

the real vaccines will come when they do children…..then they will use harmnful vaccines.

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4bf4e1  No.13259948

File: 3d6a615d90bd6fd⋯.png (648.47 KB, 735x550, 147:110, 5b4354326h53464f5.png)

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e34370  No.13259949


I love multiple choice questions where you can't go wrong. Reminds me of how I took my SAT's. First to finish.

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ed6e9b  No.13259950

File: 8c1cab10477109d⋯.png (243.71 KB, 798x660, 133:110, c3c788f785ce13c145dc89fa95….png)


You know, normally I could say that nobody here was going to fuck a rhinoceros but if you insist, I will add it to the chart for you.

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db3723  No.13259951


Cool fucking image, anon

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2bd386  No.13259952

File: 74ee3c236ea2c9c⋯.jpeg (187.33 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 58A245BF_B9C3_48E7_B6FC_1….jpeg)


Terrible house guests.


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9c2a94  No.13259953

File: aa21caa7ab06f94⋯.jpg (94.73 KB, 750x1124, 375:562, redhead_beauty_brian_dowli….jpg)


You can create and build value into your own coin. When everyone can float currency based on interest and worth, every individual can be free to pursue their ventures without penalty.

Think forward.

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195d3d  No.13259954

File: 06bb9dff2f2924a⋯.jpg (103.37 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 06bb9dff2f2924a119775520c5….jpg)


>distract from homocide

yep, possibly.

I always suspected cuomo homo was a self-hating masochist psychotic bastard.

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afdc0b  No.13259956

Mar-a-Lago partially closed due to Covid outbreak

Updated 7:06 PM ET, Fri March 19, 2021


(CNN)Former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort has closed its dining room and suspended beach club services to guests due to a Covid-19 outbreak among "some" staff, according to an email sent to members Friday afternoon and shared with CNN.

The email says the closure is out of "an abundance of caution."

Banquet and event services remain open, the email says, adding: "We have already undertaken all appropriate response measures in accordance with CDC guidance, including activating a thorough sanitization and cleaning of any affected areas and all club facilities, and we will continue our heightened environmental cleaning regimen."

News of the closure was first reported by the Associated Press.

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7f3aaf  No.13259957


Does that homo also shave his arms??

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50d8e3  No.13259959

File: b81492badedbaa5⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1414x1064, 101:76, ClipboardImage.png)


it is linked to 5g and IOT (Internet of things) blockchain !!!

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1ebae7  No.13259960


It appears that homo does shave his arms. What a homo.

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50d8e3  No.13259961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Jr asked cat, what should we invest in to keep from losing everything?

Answer from Cat: A army, because, assets or gold does not matter unless you can protect it, learn to live off the land and be self sufficient !!!

Absolutely amazing insights from Catherine, even Robert was amazed at the knowledge and inner workings of how finance and government departments are run, including all aspects over peoples lives?

I have made some notes to give a over view of 40 minute interview.

https://youtu.be/-c553fa0D_4 ←full video



1) GOING DIRECT RESET: The main battle is to take the fed away from the USA and stop the power of sanctions and control to benefit the D.C !!

2) BUILD BACK BETTER : Live Stock Management system (humans) controlled by Crypto Currency, this includes, energy, food, finance, water, tech and basically everything all controlled by Cloud companies, i.e AMAZON WEB SERVICES, GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, ETC (About 10) controlling all governments data?

3) HEDGE FUNDS FINANCE AND ASSETS: Vanguard and BlackRock.

Vanguard - Pensions, stocks, savings, and all public financial investment apparatus.

BlackRock - Buildings, solid assets and precious metals (trump let them take control).

4) Global and National Debt - Broke, they have wasted and lost everything including everyone's pensions and savings, there is around 50 trillion missing in finance due to accounting terms, [a] unaccountable document entry [b] 2018 secret book account (sanctioned by Obama admin).

5) Solution and timeline: Only way out is to take what you can now, including pensions and any assets and become self sufficient, with water, food, electricity and find a way to live off the grid, making sure you can protect yourself for the fall out?

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437194  No.13259962

File: 705e65627dcb408⋯.png (1.25 MB, 880x848, 55:53, NS_J4_3.png)

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24513c  No.13259963


White children sterilized by unforeseen vaccine side effects….

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4089b4  No.13259965

File: 3e8d93010962e7f⋯.png (435.96 KB, 671x528, 61:48, How_Old_Cuomo.png)


>Honestly, after all of this time, they are now just coming out with all of this?

Yes, and more will come forth, when needed, to continue to suppress the Nursing Dachaus scandal. It's not just New York. Many Liberals lost loved ones too and will come to discover the D party was lying to them.

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e34370  No.13259966


What's the significance of falling 3x going upstairs vs downstairs. I think we need the 25th Amendment. And a call to revisit KH's eligibility. Any of you Republican Congressman douche bags reading this? Corn to be cut and all that bullshit. Ted Cruz if you do something I promise to stop spreading the truth it really WAS your father hanging with Oswald in New Orleans. And ended up in Canada. Don't fuck with us Cubano, we're Americans we find out everything,

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437194  No.13259967


bot says what?

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d88026  No.13259968

File: 148d54d4b7dcf4a⋯.png (384.87 KB, 612x570, 102:95, Screen_Shot_2021_03_19_at_….png)

Are we moving forward with 11.3, 11.4


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50d8e3  No.13259970


so, you think they will let you use your own currency without them tracking you, via cctv, banks,whistleblowers, naming you a terrorist,

get real, cos you have a digital currency, it does not mean you can use it in their society.

history shows, they do not care what money you have as long as they issue it.

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deaad4  No.13259971


I found this Docs COVID (and other pandemics) explanation pretty interesting.


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437194  No.13259972


I hope you find your Dad.

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579962  No.13259973

File: bb330fe1addd8c3⋯.png (138.36 KB, 352x563, 352:563, Screenshot_2021_03_19_2218….png)

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b55d13  No.13259974


Hey, I'm tired of smart guys!

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bc3d19  No.13259975


bullion is a valuable thing to have

gold or silver coins are the official money of a country

so usually less counterfeiting because of the gov laws

coins are more easily identified and have strict content that everyone knows

coins are legal tender

a one ounce gold eagle has a value of $50 by the gov

if you sell something for one gold eagle you could claim you only got $50

you might want to give someone some of your money before you die

so maybe give them say $1000

do the math

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195d3d  No.13259976

File: 5ec222f08932f80⋯.png (50.34 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 16094412791000.png)


how would I know? With his italian roots, one should think that yes.

But he's homocidal …. so LGBTQ (and whatever other letters) should have a say in this too.

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24513c  No.13259977


Then you are in the right place.

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dcf538  No.13259978

File: 51a721dbfa037c2⋯.png (151.88 KB, 600x600, 1:1, c62c6c2a6de467bd79a62d889f….png)

File: a9ca317c36e0a12⋯.jpg (20.66 KB, 536x264, 67:33, 158362514_4522831224400125….jpg)

File: dd3be67bd87cf29⋯.png (136.71 KB, 537x183, 179:61, 0d44f31c77cc913af8c780effd….png)

File: 5bfdb87bcb67274⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 478x473, 478:473, 5bfdb87bcb6727486ec34f4d67….jpg)

File: 73a2812f926c9b5⋯.jpg (23.26 KB, 448x224, 2:1, 73a2812f926c9b5486425c8927….jpg)

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ae4ed7  No.13259980


I think if it's gold the IRS doesn't think of it as $50 but the value of the gold . . . eh?

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437194  No.13259981


He needs to take ALL the vaccines he recommends for a baby.

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db3723  No.13259983

File: e12ee55e749ae02⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, joe_biden_alien_in_suit_ov….png)

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752f95  No.13259984

File: a4a38b303caf57f⋯.jpg (107.71 KB, 480x586, 240:293, IMG_510.jpg)

File: cd5b3285d3988fd⋯.jpg (331.98 KB, 1356x1200, 113:100, IMG_511.jpg)

File: c5c512bbe1c6439⋯.jpg (997.36 KB, 1521x1137, 507:379, IMG_514.jpg)

File: e657bf9cf9d5c59⋯.jpg (164.29 KB, 500x714, 250:357, IMG_518.jpg)

File: 2010f63614b461c⋯.jpg (337.03 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_529.jpg)

[[[ ✝ ]]]

Masks fade away

Lightspark ignites


[[[ ✝ ]]]

non est fortis sicut Deus noster

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ea0e55  No.13259985

File: 969c5d44ee01af3⋯.mp4 (4.2 MB, 640x640, 1:1, AO2JFYBe3hJ_Jw2B.mp4)

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2bd386  No.13259986


>cos you have a digital currency, it does not mean you can use it in their society.

If you use their established methods and back intended currency use with threats of violence wouldn’t they then accept said currency?

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b2d357  No.13259987

File: e48c255ba90a26b⋯.mp4 (10.72 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Barr_1991.mp4)


I wished he practiced what he preached

He let "Way, Way, Way" too many things slip by without even questioning them…I see nothing, I hear nothing, I'm (stupid) know nothingggg…

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50d8e3  No.13259988

File: aa853478dcb5c22⋯.png (165.89 KB, 346x637, 346:637, ClipboardImage.png)


don't be dumb, it has nothing to do with colour, it is everyone, white black yellow does not matter, these are just division tactics to get you to blame and fight amongst each other.

it is just the white turn now=

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0fa6be  No.13259989


Significant…Nay, Notable.

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967d08  No.13259990

File: 086684858c77d36⋯.png (3.97 MB, 2000x1287, 2000:1287, V22_Night_Shift.png)




I'm one of the handfull. Trust me….

The Few, the Proud, the Handfull

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4089b4  No.13259991

File: fa0f9c1ba3150c2⋯.png (285.52 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dubs_party.png)

File: fa0f9c1ba3150c2⋯.png (285.52 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dubs_party.png)

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9c2a94  No.13259992

File: 8f046499c95f552⋯.png (667.46 KB, 736x854, 368:427, 8f046499c95f552dc75a1989eb….png)


"They" aren't going to be around anymore, anon.

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e34370  No.13259993


I've lost all respect for NY'ers. And then some. If he pulled that shit in Boston. He would be beat up in the street. Or worse, if someone knew for sure their mother or father was killed by putting her or him somewhere off limits during a pandemic. What is wrong with people.

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258ed6  No.13259994

File: 99b9c1f6328ce43⋯.jpg (1018.34 KB, 1772x867, 1772:867, TintenKuli_1930_Tiku_Hande….jpg)

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dcf538  No.13259995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6e55dd  No.13259997


yeh, but look who's Speaker of the House

What can you expect?

If this wakes people up when nothing else has, I will be surprise.

It's the pocket book, gas prices that might wake them

They say you can't force anyone to wake up.. ?

But if you had charge of Mass Media, it could be done easily.

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bea8a6  No.13259999

>>13259951 thx


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50d8e3  No.13260000

File: 709030ee3fa81d8⋯.gif (4.08 MB, 600x750, 4:5, trump_savage.gif)


concur !!!

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e5ebf3  No.13260002

File: 1ad7607e617aae0⋯.jpg (7.8 MB, 5728x14048, 179:439, Twisted_Sister.jpg)


Don Jr is Q… see graphic.

I hope HBO has time to edit their doc!

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3f529a  No.13260003

What part of “Enjoy the show” did you not understand?

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4089b4  No.13260004

File: 5e82105352c33a4⋯.jpg (46.69 KB, 460x460, 1:1, deaf_leo.jpg)


>bot says what?

shit, this means I just blew my cover and I'm a bot because I answered you naow.

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ed6e9b  No.13260005


Dunno, did we find a marker for either?

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a102d8  No.13260006

File: 90690989ed0111a⋯.jpg (211.7 KB, 1192x750, 596:375, Silent.jpg)

>>13259843 Pit stop! #SilentService

Silent COMMS dark

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50d8e3  No.13260007


how has that worked out looking at history?

ask the middle east, and fallen countries ?

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6e55dd  No.13260008

File: f9e694ad8e203ed⋯.mp4 (660.69 KB, 320x568, 40:71, sundaymorning.mp4)


"sunday morning"

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bea8a6  No.13260009

What's happening here?

03/19/21 (Fri) 23:04:54bea8a6 (9) No.13259816

03/19/21 (Fri) 23:24:10bea8a6 (9) No.13259911

03/19/21 (Fri) 23:26:33bea8a6 (9) No.13259922

03/19/21 (Fri) 23:46:49 bea8a6 (10) No.13259999

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50d8e3  No.13260010

File: 6b6805227c49934⋯.gif (3.95 MB, 480x308, 120:77, CHOSEN_FOR_A_RISEN_GIG.gif)


dat is our only hope, cos it is a endgame now !!!

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b55d13  No.13260011


Trump taking care of Allan W's kid. Duh.

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7ffbc9  No.13260012

File: c008c781c30ae17⋯.png (737.03 KB, 595x753, 595:753, c008c781c30ae171a65555aeab….png)

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138276  No.13260013


Howdy! Can you please give me directions to Reddit? I seem to have taken a wrong turn.

Thank you!

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b55d13  No.13260014

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3f529a  No.13260015

Don’t hope, don’t wish. Choose to KNOW that God wins, always, in all ways.

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2bd386  No.13260017


Look at the Jesuit Order and the RCC.

Seems to have been effective for them.

Are they somehow better at it?

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7ffbc9  No.13260018

File: f7db97dd9f1f862⋯.gif (503.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, f7db97dd9f1f86248db82dc2e7….gif)


>"They" aren't going to be around anymore

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9c2a94  No.13260019


>But if you had charge of Mass Media, it could be done easily.

What do you think's happening, anon? Sit back a sec and think about it.

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bea8a6  No.13260020


teach more pls

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437194  No.13260021

File: 61734c47aef94dc⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 595x598, 595:598, catchess.jpg)

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42e86d  No.13260022

File: 495208f342a0aa8⋯.png (1.33 MB, 2061x1429, 2061:1429, 2020_9_September_habbening….png)

File: afbc35dd3cdd248⋯.png (1.43 MB, 2077x1377, 2077:1377, 2020_10_October_habbenings.png)

File: 9a9b174a5f2bbf6⋯.png (1.87 MB, 2417x1641, 2417:1641, 2020_11_November_habbening….png)

File: 99b8df97f2753f0⋯.png (1.94 MB, 2409x1629, 803:543, 2020_12_December_habbening….png)

File: ba9098b14f87f60⋯.png (3.86 MB, 2757x2165, 2757:2165, 2021_1_January_habbenings.png)

Has calendaranon posted Feb 2021's habbenings calendar yet?

Anyone have it?

Past 5 attached.

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50d8e3  No.13260023

File: 782ca683121026d⋯.png (445.31 KB, 572x680, 143:170, ClipboardImage.png)

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116528  No.13260024

Do anons have an opinion on Gene Decode? Michael Jaco? Juan O Savin? Are they all just fuckwit liars? I know what I think of them but I would like to hear from frens.

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8b66d4  No.13260025

File: d734960ab7f5eeb⋯.jpg (16.99 KB, 577x177, 577:177, Q585.JPG)

File: 4e4bfab91a4688c⋯.jpg (100.48 KB, 500x661, 500:661, 4okk4p.jpg)


How many others did the same?

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bc3d19  No.13260026


if you send a gold eagle to the irs to pay your taxes

they will credit you $50

it is legal tender and has a value of $50

if you pay them with pre 1964 dimes

they will credit you 10 cents for every one

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e34370  No.13260027


I'm near the end of reading "Pit Bull" by Marty Schwartz. See what he did when he felt financial fear. He was the biggest SP500 Futures trader in the country. Maybe the world.

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9c2a94  No.13260028

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579962  No.13260029

File: 27faf39a1742087⋯.png (786.95 KB, 1292x1004, 323:251, Screenshot_9_Copy_2_.png)

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e21cea  No.13260030


all flowers and butterfly's then?..

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b55d13  No.13260031


The gold-silver ratio is an ancient standard of value. Currently, it shows silver as undervalued, or gold as overvalued. Gold has been going lower for a year but silver is up. So the gold-silver ratio is closer to the standard 60x than it was a year ago. 66.44 at present, was up around 80x last year.


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6e55dd  No.13260033


Shameful, turned on the Country and on Trump..

Likely was chosen since he could be relied upon to be a traitor

All necessary for the deep cleansing.

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c23d09  No.13260034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0b0527  No.13260035

>>13259908 This is all B.S. These women are plants. They don't want the Nursing home scandal to be exposed. I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually in on this.

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50d8e3  No.13260036


it is called the brave new world

you will own nothing and you will be happy

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b55d13  No.13260037


The woman vote is why we have libtards, commies and faggots in so many govt offices.

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3d9d25  No.13260039

File: f288b93a771a1d6⋯.png (2.81 MB, 2472x1440, 103:60, Screenshot_20210318_155157….png)

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2bd386  No.13260040



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b55d13  No.13260041


Shouldnt trannies by on the top of the danger zone?

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c23d09  No.13260042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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563a90  No.13260043


just replace fbi w/blm/anitfa/proud boys.

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ed6e9b  No.13260044


I was kind of surprised that this is actually a thing now.


It is totally possible for us to create a pepe silver dollar with an real monetary value fixed to silver (and/or) gold

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24513c  No.13260045

March Madness

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e21cea  No.13260047


>it is called the brave new world

>you will own nothing and you will be happy

its seeming more inevitable everyday.

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0b0527  No.13260048

>>13260043 U.S Government using BLM against America. fify

go here: www.antifa.com

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0fa6be  No.13260049

File: d14d31d04e624e3⋯.png (893.98 KB, 1449x814, 1449:814, KimJongFreaked.png)


Yarp. Describes the dilemma many of us face now in thinking nothing is happening…who's with us and who's against?

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df38ad  No.13260050

File: f556e0824abcfa7⋯.png (585.18 KB, 620x369, 620:369, Daleks_Exterminate.png)

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2bd386  No.13260051


>It is totally possible for us to create a pepe silver dollar with an real monetary value fixed to silver (and/or) gold

It would remain useless as money without bewbs.

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bccd98  No.13260053

all the games are over we just keep winning now nonstop

they get what they projected onto trump basically

does it last long

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f0a6a8  No.13260054


>>13257250 Covid Deep Background: Victor Rothschild Was a "Soviet" Agent

>>13257283 Canadian Tried in China on Spy Charges, No Verdict Announced

>>13257285 Terrorists Preparing Provocations Using Poisonous Substances in Syria's Idlib, Russian Military Says

>>13257288 DJT Jr - Biden Spox: Yea, the wind!!! That’s it… the wind. The Cabal Puppet Biden is in tip top shape.

>>13257292 The WHO Confirms that the China Virus PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis

>>13257300 China celebrates humiliating Biden Cabal envoys at Alaska meeting

>>13257308 Man Sentenced to Prison for Sextorting Numerous Children Around the Country

>>13257316 Pedophile British school teacher is on trial in Spain accused of child sex offences - four years after being spared jail for the same offence in the UK

>>13257327 1967 "Russia Today" Look Magazine article shows that reporters have been for sale to the highest bidder for quite some time.

>>13257335 Colleges Dump the SAT, the New Admission Standard is Intellectual Curiosity

>>13257363 White House blames wind for Biden fall on Air Force One steps

>>13257384, >>13257466, Russian attack sub reportedly disappears from NATO radars in the Mediterranean

>>13257385 Trump rescued all the kids he could and they are rushing to refill their coffers.

>>13257405 CATin Scavino Flashback Friday twat

>>13257440, >>13257453, NOTABLE Q proof! 11.3 marker confirmed?

>>13257487 Tennessee's two U.S. senators and nine congressmen are urging a "state funeral" to the nation's last remaining World War II Medal of Honor recipient when the time comes.

Baker Change

>>13257503 Son of Chinese Rights Lawyer Wang Yu Applies For Political Asylum in US

>>13257527 Speaker Pelosi rejects resolution by fellow House Democrats to expel GOP Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene

>>13257545 3 NOTABLE NOMS, In incredible dissent, federal judge launches broadside attack on SCOTUS precedent protecting left-wing press

>>13257553, >>13257560, >>13257600, >>13257717, Dan Scavino REPLAY From Steve Inman 44sec vid length QDrop # 44

>>13257557 German security forces conduct raids targeting human trafficking

>>13257250 Covid Deep Background: Victor Rothschild Was a "Soviet" Agent

>>13257577 New Mexico rancher tells ‘America’s Newsroom’ migrant crisis not only impacts border, but entire nation

>>13257552, >>13257044 (pb), >>13257095 (pb), >>13257602, Q321 is referencing an early [3] marker Q/Potus proof 3 min delta 3 booms 3 falls

>>13257604 Benghazi in the news about buried bodies:

>>13257606 Complete Foreign Policy Disaster in Alaska During U.S-China Summit – Secretary Blinkin Destroyed by His own Arrogance, Had to Recall Journalists to Hear Talking Points After Initial Public Statements

>>13257609, >>13257652, More Joe comms…Timestamp 3:56 pm 15:56 1+5+5+6 = 17 5:5 in there as well

>>13257303 Usually don't share these kind of comms but this seems comfy

>>13257680 Congressional leaders are currently discussing a $2 billion package for new Capitol fencing and security personnel -CNN

>>13257759 What's with the gr8's? Chuck Grassley

>>13257789 Theyyyy really want him GONE Alyssa McGrath, a current employee of Governor Cuomo, accuses him of sexual harassment (NYT)

>>13257809, >>13257825, WHO Insider Blows Whistle on Gates and GAVI

>>13257810 Pornography is a literal national security threat, here is the undeniable proof

>>13257331 Mike Pompeo reminds: '1,327 days' Coincidentally, that’s the number of days until the next presidential election.

>>13257830 'Asylum' signs spotted welcoming migrants who cross illegally in Texas

>>13257846, >>13257866, Libs always end up eating their own

>>13257886 Biden's fall on Air Force One steps is his first meme as president

>>13257955 Sharyl Attkisson Author, Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism

>>13257995 The owners and operators of the major media companies don't just protect pedovores, they are the operators of the mass mind control system, the social engineers, the mind poisoners.

>>13257981 Biden is suspending staff and making others remote workers. THERE IS NO WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF THE MILITARY


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ed6e9b  No.13260055


Anon. It could have boobs on the back side and pepe on the front side.

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9c2a94  No.13260056



Theta coin get members to co-opt with nodes to build value. Serivce provided is a decentralized youtube platform and other services.

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230e8b  No.13260057

File: f9903a2d0e555fa⋯.png (119.89 KB, 533x622, 533:622, Instagram_removes_Biden_Fa….PNG)

Instagram is deleting the video of Biden falling for “incitement of violence”


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7e7973  No.13260059

File: b4e2b8630ab9a7d⋯.png (942.92 KB, 1080x1295, 216:259, Screenshot_20201216_170806….png)

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2bd386  No.13260060

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15c3af  No.13260061


Nice Biblical Unicornis Ya got There!

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b55d13  No.13260062


Screening people is not Fredo's strength.

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8b66d4  No.13260064

File: ac39cf13293442f⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 564x442, 282:221, 4h98h7.jpg)



It is so frustrating to be on the outside looking in.

But that's where most of us are.

Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.

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838dac  No.13260065


There's always 2 side to a coin

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ed6e9b  No.13260066

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9c2a94  No.13260067


Instagram needs to get their shit together QUICK.


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dcf538  No.13260068

File: 7abc310446f0c81⋯.png (78.15 KB, 627x203, 627:203, ClipboardImage.png)

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b55d13  No.13260069


One almost destroyed my family. I saved my family but lost everything else I had, which was a lot.

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bea8a6  No.13260070

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579962  No.13260071

File: 986b5ab4432a4a2⋯.png (229.71 KB, 364x330, 182:165, Screenshot_19.png)


Bidan fell?

FactCheckers say: FALSE

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dcf538  No.13260072

File: 2d83c50f507cfd2⋯.png (99.6 KB, 917x206, 917:206, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c2a94  No.13260073

File: cc3d5d86b7276be⋯.jpg (58.45 KB, 598x792, 299:396, identifying_arguments.jpg)

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20b6ff  No.13260074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guess were fuckt

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e34370  No.13260075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a102d8  No.13260076

File: 76f39782730ad8f⋯.jpg (359.55 KB, 1752x752, 219:94, Brave_new_world.jpg)

>>13260036 it is called the brave new world

Is this what you mean by Brave new world

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f0a6a8  No.13260077

>>13259596 OP

>>13259621 Dough


Notables for >>13260054 #16794


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dcf538  No.13260078

File: 350ade3c1516f2d⋯.png (480.69 KB, 464x600, 58:75, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4b9c9e3d71c2c1⋯.png (163.79 KB, 917x269, 917:269, ClipboardImage.png)

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3f529a  No.13260079

When will you stop playing behind your keyboard and get out into the real world, where the real battle is? Be the Light in the Dark.

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9c2a94  No.13260080



Wait… Is Prince Andrew Ray Chandler and Marshall Mathers' dad? LOL.

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980f86  No.13260081

File: c905a99047ed054⋯.jpg (614.01 KB, 1079x2012, 1079:2012, Screenshot_20210320_000242….jpg)


Welcome to socialism…

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50d8e3  No.13260082

File: 6e4015859fb4785⋯.png (262.17 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)


i am still holding out hope that there is a plan, and if it is, lets not get carried away about being saved, cos it could be a problem reaction solution, remain vigilant and best was is stop paying taxes, live below the tax threshold and as much as you can, prep , prepare and stay engaged. !!

we have always worked and provided for ourselves whilst propping up the state,


The things holding us captive?

1) language (mind control)?

2) statism (ideologies , government, groups)?

3) monetary system (dollars, petrodollar, euro, sterling, digital etc etc )?

4)emotional manipulations,

(fear, love, hate , anger, empathy apathy, feminism, liberal, leftist behaviors) (used by the state to to take away civil rights, privacy, anonymity by bribing the vote, democracy or mass rule)?

Q and the anons will help set your mind free.

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dcf538  No.13260083

File: 9ce6415a810576d⋯.png (750.51 KB, 872x1079, 872:1079, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e5907  No.13260084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

guess were fukt

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563a90  No.13260085

File: d211c7a326b3e87⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1690x946, 845:473, Screen_Shot_2021_03_08_at_….png)


been posted several times, but learn all about them here:



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b55d13  No.13260086


KYS, Cuhomo.

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bea8a6  No.13260088


dubs on top of those trips.

something happening…

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3f529a  No.13260089


Eminem’s sister

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b55d13  No.13260090


Fredo, is that you?

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ea0e55  No.13260091

File: e55651416a9233c⋯.jpg (133.7 KB, 720x1178, 360:589, 20210319_220432.jpg)

File: 9e6653fe829df56⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB, 464x848, 29:53, oAOfL0H_3A9xhQeG.mp4)

That’s right Mr. President, you didn’t lose to him! You WON.

President Trump looks fantastic!


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afb25f  No.13260092

File: 9a8245e18c8727b⋯.jpg (2.74 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Gadsden_distressed_emblem.jpg)

something i created during the Obama years

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15c3af  No.13260093


Only if they are Trailer Park Cousins!

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43a791  No.13260094

Happy Birthday, Barron!😁

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50d8e3  No.13260095

File: 73d633e190f0452⋯.png (305.32 KB, 517x490, 517:490, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55b1eaea1de3dc5⋯.png (436.62 KB, 598x746, 299:373, ClipboardImage.png)


close, but read these four book - road map !!

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9c2a94  No.13260096


That's pretty cool. How tall is that dude now?

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dcf538  No.13260097

File: 4bc901e0267ac73⋯.png (477.1 KB, 860x674, 430:337, ClipboardImage.png)

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044e60  No.13260099



any suggestions how to download from bitchute?

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0a6397  No.13260100

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0e5907  No.13260101


2 year delta. Maybe today is Chandlers unlucky day?

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908dcb  No.13260102


this is gonna be a looong 4 years if he's doing the Andrew Jackson rhyme.

God bless you DJT o7

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2bd386  No.13260104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

afo yo ristening preasure…

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e34370  No.13260105


Gene decodes? Last time I listen to him was the last time. He said all those busses with painted out windows during the inauguration were to rescue children trapped in tunnels under the White House. I guess that implies during the PDJT administration they were there. Right. Then he said Biden was a clone. A clone that was imbedded with an alien being found in a DUMB (deep underground military base). He's a crazy liar and so isn't this bald headed dufus warrior.

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df38ad  No.13260106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A Blinken!!!

every time I hear that name, I think of this part and kek my ass off

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3f529a  No.13260107


Open wide Fauci, big mouth of dicks cumming your way

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2bd386  No.13260108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mistaka was amadea.

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50d8e3  No.13260109

File: c15e8908bb82696⋯.png (1011 KB, 1154x631, 1154:631, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e8c4475e39cc30⋯.png (31.52 KB, 567x339, 189:113, ClipboardImage.png)








a) London in lockdown until 17 July 2021(power extended to local councils)

b) Death of Nigel Farage Friend in the Bahamas Robert Rowland?

c) Pompeo tweet Hebrews 11.1 (latin cross) and verse?

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

#SundayScripture ✝️

7:39 PM · Jan 24, 2021·Twitter for iPhone


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8266a2  No.13260110

File: dfce3a5b314ed5b⋯.png (120.02 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Screen_Shot_2019_07_25_at_….png)

File: f2f2e66dc3480bb⋯.jpg (174.11 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, D5BHej8WsAMOMV7.jpg)

File: 679afd58f98f789⋯.jpeg (86.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 081319_nyc_lindseyboylani….jpeg)

File: fdbbba3327ec4ba⋯.jpg (52.55 KB, 700x510, 70:51, Lindsey_Boylan_wiki_700x51….jpg)

File: 909972f0dfaf15f⋯.jpeg (7.52 KB, 201x251, 201:251, images_3_.jpeg)


Hot? Meh.

Her "hotness" is from make up and touched up pictures. She has a nice smile though, and a natural down to earth pretty going for her. All these Cuomo harassment stories are kind of weak sauce to be honest. Nothing like Les Moonves or Weinstein. He sounds like a guy who sucks at talking to women he's attracted to. Not like a groper or rapey pervert. He just asks if he could kiss them, says suggestive things, and touches shoulders. Not the worst sexual harasser we've come across.

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a102d8  No.13260111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1984 Red Dawn Prison Camp

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15c3af  No.13260112


Think that boat has already sailed,

she hasn't done media since weFlamedher in 2017!

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df38ad  No.13260113

File: 113b9690a2bd5be⋯.jpg (37.59 KB, 404x372, 101:93, A_Blinken.JPG)

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3f529a  No.13260114


Apparently because DJT dissolved the UNITED STATES CORPORATION

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2bd386  No.13260115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0fa6be  No.13260116

File: 3839b70718cfb24⋯.jpeg (25.04 KB, 213x255, 71:85, pepenboss.jpeg)

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ea0e55  No.13260117

File: 96aa3ca676a06b1⋯.mp4 (13.65 MB, 640x480, 4:3, JoeFalling.mp4)


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b55d13  No.13260118


I rate her 4.5 beer-level.

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e7460b  No.13260119

File: 1afdd5f241fed6d⋯.png (117.69 KB, 918x709, 918:709, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41a21473bcb369d⋯.png (33.61 KB, 1343x189, 1343:189, ClipboardImage.png)


The son of an Atlanta-area shooting victim says he's not buying the suspect's sex addiction excuse

Ashley Collman 9 hours ago

He also addressed suspicions that at least some of the victims were sex workers. Park said he confronted his mother at one point after coming across the website for her workplace, which hints that staff provide sexual services.

"She would always tell me if anyone asks, that she works at a makeup parlor," he said. "So that's what I fronted to everybody. The truth was she worked at a massage parlor and I knew that for a fact because she admitted it to me after I looked it up online. I confronted her about it, because I was worried for her. It's kind of shady. When I went there and saw it — I don't want to say it was a bad looking place, but it matched the image in my head that I was worried about."

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0e5907  No.13260120


hahahaha I posted this vidya cus no one answered my plain text question >>13260024.

I believe Bidan could be a clone but highly unlikely, but there is no way he was infused with a demonic ET soul from the underground.

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15c3af  No.13260121

File: 1e205c549865b90⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 480x322, 240:161, jackanope_.jpg)

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563a90  No.13260122


i believe fbi is all in those groups, of course wray was never asked that question in the Senate hearings.

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f0a6a8  No.13260123

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

>>13259596 OP

>>13259621 Dough



>>13259687 Iranian Nationals Charged with Conspiring to Evade U.S. Sanctions on Iran

>>13259690 photos of suspects released "suspect is described as a taller, light-skinned man with a thin build"

>>13259694 50% Sale on US Dollars in Idlib | March 2021 | Syria


>>13259726 US citizens send letters to Russian embassy to apologise for Biden's remarks, ambassador says

>>13259740 Chinese government using Black Live Matter as a weapon against US (11 mins)


Baker picking up the ghost

Baker self confirming

Ghost protocol terminated

Call out any notables

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15c3af  No.13260124


Low Lighting and a 6pack at least!

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ab68be  No.13260125

File: 68dfe723a5c5ed4⋯.mp4 (286.73 KB, 426x240, 71:40, IMG_5396.mp4)

File: f3a2a1c1a54a95b⋯.mp4 (489.86 KB, 426x276, 71:46, IMG_5394.mp4)

File: 404d6a7c4a57a57⋯.mp4 (231.77 KB, 284x426, 2:3, IMG_5395.mp4)


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000000  No.13260127

Does anyone have info on whether a Covid Vaxxed person can spread it to an Un-Vaxxed person through sex by chance?

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0e5907  No.13260128


True but there hasn't been a public arrest or anything so I'm just holding out hope she gets the Ghislane Maxwell treatment.

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0fa6be  No.13260129

File: dc820465a9e9f79⋯.jpg (27.4 KB, 400x400, 1:1, bagodicks.jpg)

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3f529a  No.13260130

File: ef9e2bb6607f4c9⋯.png (30.96 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Here’s some Bigfoot Dick since you seem to be in the mood

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df38ad  No.13260131


Back when I was growing up in the 60's…that was called "Flirting"…unbelievable that now it's called "Harassment"…I believe like Polly's believe…there is someone behind all this cancel culture shit…in the shadows…but I think the Company name is FTI Consulting…check them out on AmazingPolly's bitchute video…they magicians and your/we are looking at the magic trick but not the magician…


Which is one of Soros companies…just something to ponder…

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e7460b  No.13260133


>Her "hotness" is from make up and touched up pictures. She has a nice smile though, and a natural down to earth pretty going for her. All these Cuomo harassment stories are kind of weak sauce to be honest. Nothing like Les Moonves or Weinstein. He sounds like a guy who sucks at talking to women he's attracted to. Not like a groper or rapey pervert. He just asks if he could kiss them, says suggestive things, and touches shoulders. Not the worst sexual harasser we've come across.

agree, anon,

he thinks he is cool and a stud ,

kind of a jerk, but harmless.

not going to rape anybody.

just a horny dude who never grew up.

I think he did all of the things he is accused of doing.

Why are the women coming out now?

because they have been coerced to come out now.

the powers want cuomo to resign.

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15c3af  No.13260134


Seals are Wonderful Animals!?

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15c3af  No.13260135

File: caf5061f9a55ba3⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 255x170, 3:2, hoffoff.jpeg)

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e21cea  No.13260136


>hahahaha I posted this vidya cus no one answered my plain text question >>13260024.

based AF

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50d8e3  No.13260137

File: e18a87c48bb4b0f⋯.png (568.48 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, ClipboardImage.png)


Digits !!!

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3f529a  No.13260138


Praying the you!

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0e5907  No.13260140



Do you mean creatures?! If so then yes they are!

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3f529a  No.13260141


Silly me. Praying FOR you! Peace and Love

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5dfdbc  No.13260142

A landlord was arrested for allegedly coercing more than a dozen of his tenants into sexual acts in exchange for financial relief

ELIZABETH — A landlord was arrested Friday on several charges for allegedly coercing more than a dozen of his tenants into sexual acts in exchange for financial relief.

Elizabeth landlord Joseph Centanni was charged with eight counts of second-degree sexual assault, one count of second-degree attempted sexual assault and 14 counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual contact from 2016 to 2020, NJ Advance Media reported.

Four alleged victims had previously told authorities that Centanni, 73, sexually assaulted them, according to police reports obtained last year by NJ Advance Media. One woman alleged that he assaulted her after she lost her job and was struggling to pay her rent amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a police report.


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a102d8  No.13260143


[C] before [D]

[China] before red [D]awn

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3f529a  No.13260144

Did anybody else get a call from North Korea the other day?

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908dcb  No.13260145

File: 0b2133b0bca809e⋯.png (2.79 KB, 425x48, 425:48, 2021_03_20_00_21_02_20_qre….png)

File: 591241b6725754f⋯.png (3.46 KB, 472x62, 236:31, 2021_03_20_00_21_15_20_qre….png)


your uid baked the bread though.. Your uid is the same as the OP?

Not bitching, just pointing out.

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2ec853  No.13260146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df38ad  No.13260147


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

The first person to use it in the form we know today (“beauty is in the eye of the beholder”) was an author called Margaret Wolfe Hungerford. She included the phrase in her book 'Molly Bawn' (1878)…

I still think she is HOT…with or without makeup…

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838dac  No.13260148


No, your wife hasn't given covid to me yet but I gave her herpes

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e7460b  No.13260149

The vaccines don't have any protection against the virus.

that is why fauci still wants you to wear masks and social distance even if you have been vaccinated.

But people aren't necessarily doing that after vaccinated and causing cases to go up in areas where people have been vaccinated.

they still want to control the infection rate and want it to go down when Bidan and kamala are in office..

But they won't be able to if herd immunity takes over without the vaccine.

they are trying to introduce variances, but the variances aren't working like they thought.

take or don't take the vaccine….it doesn't matter.

That is why trump says take it or not take it.

I bet the vaccine is harmless.

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2ec853  No.13260151

File: 7c94ed149ecb184⋯.png (869.54 KB, 638x470, 319:235, ClipboardImage.png)

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b55d13  No.13260152


Concede the point.

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15c3af  No.13260153

File: 67009671b57e1b7⋯.png (365.23 KB, 474x326, 237:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e5907  No.13260154

File: 6c595dfc2fd6472⋯.gif (5.3 MB, 600x336, 25:14, 6c595dfc2fd6472753048e86c1….gif)


I knew I should've answered that one!

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174ff4  No.13260155



Back to back quads.... Checked

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b11774  No.13260156


make a call, chinese embassy will answer all your questions

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8266a2  No.13260157


kek, I like you anon.

Rock on.

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908dcb  No.13260158


she's got a butterface

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ae4ed7  No.13260159


cool story bro.

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e7460b  No.13260161


i think she is pretty

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000000  No.13260162


Kerry Cassidy, Robert David Steele, Shawn of SGT and reportedly many others had dinner with Juan Osavin in Las Vegas, 107 picked up the tab for about $4000.

He owns million dollar cars. He may be a well financed CeyeA dis info larper but he's def got something going on

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15c3af  No.13260163

File: 5ceb8ae17cf91af⋯.jpeg (173.29 KB, 1252x1252, 1:1, eveniseeit.jpeg)


Smells Wonderful!

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b55d13  No.13260164


Only if she's Mexican.

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9c2a94  No.13260165


I tend to agree with this assessment. It's obvious the other team is dragging him along with as little as they can grasp just to deflect from the nursing homes.

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de60cc  No.13260166


Looking for: Past President

You were a great president. I don’t care what they say, you are chosen one.

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7e7973  No.13260167

File: 5d0ac5923d09b5a⋯.png (594.85 KB, 1080x358, 540:179, Screenshot_20201207_161301….png)

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174ff4  No.13260168




Whoops, fucked up that check

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a102d8  No.13260169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Listen to everything Sgt Major Dan Page from 2014

Take notes & you will notice how many things are connected today

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e7460b  No.13260170


>Back when I was growing up in the 60's…that was called "Flirting"…unbelievable that now it's called "Harassment"

you are correct.

some women really liked it,

most didn't but just didn't say anything because it didn't really bother them.

they just told the guy to shove off.

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7ffbc9  No.13260172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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15c3af  No.13260173


Depends on which pond you fish in!

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845904  No.13260174


What if I told you Stevie could see this whole time?

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df38ad  No.13260175

You can't fault Cuomo for taste…his taste in women are up there pretty hight…I don't see him "Flirting" with a "Rosie O" type woman…do you???

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e7460b  No.13260176



that's why i said some liked it and others walked away laughing at you

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0e5907  No.13260177


Yeah it seems like it was for the screening of the Sound of Freedom. Sean seems the most grounded but is getting more black-pilled by the day so I stopped listening. Idk I'm just using my own discernment of the bunch. And We Know is the shit though!

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000000  No.13260178



4-years = 1461-days

1461 - 1327 = 134

6 JAN 2021 + 134-days = 20 MAR 2021


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15c3af  No.13260179


I would saySauce Itfaggot!

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000000  No.13260180


They just make shit up, false test results and false death counts.

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9ccd4b  No.13260181

File: 6794b94d0515bc8⋯.png (2.32 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 12E4F95D_38E2_44F3_8672_60….png)

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670797  No.13260182

>>13254990 (PB)

Probably the wisest comment on the internet today!

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ee5949  No.13260183

File: 45fb638a39fe8c1⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1616x482, 808:241, Screenshot_2021_03_19_shm_….png)

File: a788ac28da8eb08⋯.png (540.31 KB, 530x744, 265:372, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Spac….png)

…Why must I be stuck on this fuckin' ride? Here's some random space stuff and a Schumann report. Back to lurkin'.

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e7460b  No.13260184

watch an old james bond movie if you want to see what flirting use to be and considered sex harassment today

i am really surprised they haven't banned Sean connery as Bond.

only a matter of time, now that he is dead

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845904  No.13260186


Then I'm not gonna tell you.

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e7460b  No.13260187



the vaccines do nothing.

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df38ad  No.13260188


True…pretty honest back then…you knew if a girl like you or she didn't…if she didn't tell you…one of her friends did…and they was no backlash…except from your friends if she turned you down…it was a lot of fun back then…

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b55d13  No.13260189


Keep your hands to yourself should be pretty safe, and dont talk dirty unless she likes it.

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bc3d19  No.13260190


they will inflate the supply of fiat dollars until the value of them is zero

hello venzuala

online copy of a book written in 1876

by a man who was a collage professor at age 25 and the first dean of cornel university

fiat money inflation in france

andrew dickson white

this was read to congress and the senators in 1876 so it is easy to understand kek

explains how money printing in france lead to all kinds of problems in 1790

starvation, infrastructure collapse, business failings

guilitining of the king

by 1786 one gold franc was worth 600 paper ones

a year ago here in the us a silver dime was worth 12 paper ones

it will now cost you 24 paper dimes = $2.40

next year ??

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15c3af  No.13260191

File: b1d529e3d92d232⋯.png (88.04 KB, 406x480, 203:240, dishesbond.png)

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7f3aaf  No.13260192


Dear lord

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15c3af  No.13260193

File: 227311f90cf2e67⋯.jpg (30.84 KB, 704x528, 4:3, Photographer_Sevie.jpg)


You will have to look at his eyes!!

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e7460b  No.13260194


good advice

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b55d13  No.13260195


I just found a silver half-dollar made into a button, pretty cool. Must be .5 oz.

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4c03cb  No.13260196

File: 258cb671b72efe3⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1554x1638, 37:39, ClipboardImage.png)

What if cures already exist?

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845904  No.13260197


>[C]hyna attacks before [D]onald returns

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b55d13  No.13260198


Best is when they come onto you. I like it easy.

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e7460b  No.13260199

per cnn.

now the complaint against cuomo is that the governor was looking down her shirt and then asked her a questionl.

this is getting better by the minute

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b55d13  No.13260201


You cant ogle cleavage at work if shes not showing cleavage at work.

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15c3af  No.13260202



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7ba1db  No.13260203

File: b11ec42455d216d⋯.png (384.05 KB, 749x500, 749:500, nothing_Rachel.png)

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e7460b  No.13260204

I am starting to think that this is a planned campaign to get Cuomo's poll numbers to go up and new yorkers to come to his aide.

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f0a6a8  No.13260205

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

>>13259596 OP

>>13259621 Dough



>>13260091 Donald Trump "I watched as Joe Biden went up the stairs' That’s right Mr. President, you didn’t lose to him! You WON (Cap 0:13 seconds)

>>13259687 Iranian Nationals Charged with Conspiring to Evade U.S. Sanctions on Iran

>>13259690 photos of suspects released "suspect is described as a taller, light-skinned man with a thin build"

>>13259694 50% Sale on US Dollars in Idlib | March 2021 | Syria


>>13259726 US citizens send letters to Russian embassy to apologise for Biden's remarks, ambassador says

>>13259740 Chinese government using Black Live Matter as a weapon against US (11 mins)

>>13259770 Possible False Flag Someone is dropping links on face book claiming this is a worldwide event. This is only MSM I can find reporting this.

>>13259777 A RED STAR krttikeyas , one of them? They nursed the God of War.. Milkies

>>13259794, >>13259803, >>13259832, Prosecutors question ex-wife of the son of Trump Organization's CFO (Cap)

>>13259825 End Times Delusions # 39: The Power Of The Sword Of The Spirit Through The Ages!

>>13259843, >>13260006, USS San Juan departs Souda Bay, Greece after a brief stop for fuel and supplies

>>13259852 DEFENDER-Europe 21

>>13259871 Father arrested for discussing child's gender transition in defiance of court order

>>13259908 Cuomo joked he would 'mount' former aide Lindsey Boylan if he were a dog: report

>>13259961 This is the full video of Robert F Kennedy Jr with Catherine Austin Fittz

>>13259968 Are we moving forward with 11.3, 11.4

>>13259987, >>13260085, (1991)I wished he practiced what he preached, let "Way, Way, Way" too many things slip by without even questioning them BARR (Cap)

>>13260034 A Sudani was shot 5 times dead - police belived an arab israeli shot and killed partner in drug business (7:54 mins)

>>13260057, >>13260067, Instagram is deleting the video of Biden falling for “incitement of violence”

>>13260077 Notables for >>13260054 #16794

>>13260081 Welcome to socialism…The new monthly stimulus checks for families: How do you get them, and when?

>>13260091 Donald Trump "I watched as Joe Biden went up the stairs" That’s right Mr. President, you didn’t lose to him! You WON (Cap 0:13 seconds)


Baker picking up the ghost

Baker self confirming

Ghost protocol terminated

Call out any notables

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ea0e55  No.13260206

File: bf29f6a2f174d97⋯.png (227.96 KB, 1120x1024, 35:32, frog_2029752_1280.png)


None of your videos loaded anon

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f1f682  No.13260208

File: 5113c472606ba17⋯.jpg (134.16 KB, 311x489, 311:489, _bannon_hangon_0.jpg)

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a10d00  No.13260209

=Hey racist faggots, what q bullshit are you pushing today.==

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845904  No.13260210


>I am starting to think that this is a planned campaign

It is, but instead to deflect from nursing home deaths.

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a87af2  No.13260211

File: 24970aafd4a21a1⋯.mp4 (9.75 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ground_control_major_tom_p….mp4)


May Gods Love be with You

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674612  No.13260212


Tell the world.

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7e7973  No.13260213

File: 856636268ffa4b8⋯.png (796.05 KB, 1080x1058, 540:529, Screenshot_20201202_160636….png)


[They] say it be like that but it don't be.

Shills make it appear as such.

Divisional tactics.

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1ebae7  No.13260214

File: 258bd099e323662⋯.png (5.43 MB, 1920x2500, 96:125, ClipboardImage.png)


She's Perfect

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df38ad  No.13260215

I'm thinking the vaccines actually deplete your body's immune system, it takes the place of your natural protection from the cold and flu…so now when the NEXT flu and cold season comes…with a immune system working on 50%(because the vaccine did all the work) it will be more severe on your body's way to protect itself…which "THEY WILL CALL AS COVID PART 2"…see how it's played…there is a company that actually thinks of how to twist and rearrange how things work to make it sound bad to instill FEAR in to get what they want the outcome to be…negative for us, positive spin for them…damn it…i'm rambling again…

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cd6de2  No.13260216

Amazing how often breads are ghosted and a "ebaker" shows up to bake conveniently armed with a new bread banner. Kek.

But sure, let's keep pushing the narrative that we have a shortage of bakers when it's one group doing all the baking and "ghosting".

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967d08  No.13260217

File: dd9774e473fc679⋯.png (764.96 KB, 1428x1080, 119:90, redhead_128_Car_Q_God.png)

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044e60  No.13260218


two anons three bots

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044e60  No.13260219


the buffalo won't let us bake so we let them bake

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437194  No.13260220

File: 82b3ae06273ed05⋯.png (493.91 KB, 699x396, 233:132, NS_0215_1.png)

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f0a6a8  No.13260221


None working, can you redo them so I can notable them?

Thank you

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7f3aaf  No.13260222


Anyone see the Deshaun Watson accusations? 12 women suddenly come out of the woodwork as "massage therapists" who are accusing him of basically being a man. 7 of the women are black. I was talking to some people in the massage industry and they were all saying that a black female massage therapist is rare. It's just not a profession they are in typically, for whatever reason. Just seems a lot of chics take these opportunites to run a get rich quick scheme.

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df38ad  No.13260223


That sounded like me today trying to make a Doctors appt…damn woman talked so fast…I had to get her to repeat herself 3 times and slower…kek.

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f0a6a8  No.13260224

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0b0527  No.13260225

>>13260204 It clearly is a tactic. Start with one sex harassment allegation. Then flood the media with multiple harassment 'victims'. Soon the MSM will be defending Cuomo from being harassed. *poof* Story dies.

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15c3af  No.13260226


Honey Rider!

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65a27a  No.13260227

File: 696f14032494178⋯.png (485.86 KB, 900x794, 450:397, smollet_says.png)

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bc3d19  No.13260228


it seems like flags used to be only flown at half staff if someone like the president died

maybe in your state for a govenor

now they are down half the time

but flying all the government flags at half staff for dead asian hookers looks like a new low

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b560e0  No.13260229


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f0a6a8  No.13260230

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

>>13259596 OP

>>13259621 Dough



>>13260091, >>13260117, Donald Trump "I watched as Joe Biden went up the stairs' That’s right Mr. President, you didn’t lose to him! You WON (Cap 0:13 seconds)

>>13260057, >>13260067, Instagram is deleting the video of Biden falling for “incitement of violence”

>>13259687 Iranian Nationals Charged with Conspiring to Evade U.S. Sanctions on Iran

>>13259690 photos of suspects released "suspect is described as a taller, light-skinned man with a thin build"

>>13259694 50% Sale on US Dollars in Idlib | March 2021 | Syria


>>13259726 US citizens send letters to Russian embassy to apologise for Biden's remarks, ambassador says

>>13259740 Chinese government using Black Live Matter as a weapon against US (11 mins)

>>13259770 Possible False Flag Someone is dropping links on face book claiming this is a worldwide event. This is only MSM I can find reporting this.

>>13259777 A RED STAR krttikeyas , one of them? They nursed the God of War.. Milkies

>>13259794, >>13259803, >>13259832, Prosecutors question ex-wife of the son of Trump Organization's CFO (Cap)

>>13259825 End Times Delusions # 39: The Power Of The Sword Of The Spirit Through The Ages!

>>13259843, >>13260006, USS San Juan departs Souda Bay, Greece after a brief stop for fuel and supplies

>>13259852 DEFENDER-Europe 21

>>13259871 Father arrested for discussing child's gender transition in defiance of court order

>>13259908 Cuomo joked he would 'mount' former aide Lindsey Boylan if he were a dog: report

>>13259961 This is the full video of Robert F Kennedy Jr with Catherine Austin Fittz

>>13259968 Are we moving forward with 11.3, 11.4

>>13259987, >>13260085, (1991)I wished he practiced what he preached, let "Way, Way, Way" too many things slip by without even questioning them BARR (Cap)

>>13260034 A Sudani was shot 5 times dead - police belived an arab israeli shot and killed partner in drug business (7:54 mins)

>>13260077 Notables for >>13260054 #16794

>>13260081 Welcome to socialism…The new monthly stimulus checks for families: How do you get them, and when?

>>13260091, >>13260117, Donald Trump "I watched as Joe Biden went up the stairs" That’s right Mr. President, you didn’t lose to him! You WON (Cap 0:13 seconds)

>>13260095, >>13260109, >>13260114, The battle has now shifted to the city of London District and the monetary side of the battle? Why?

>>13260111 1984 Red Dawn Prison Camp

>>13260119 The son of an Atlanta-area shooting victim says he's not buying the suspect's sex addiction excuse


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65a27a  No.13260231

File: 0409e7ba270ff95⋯.jpg (161.77 KB, 800x563, 800:563, Foxx_smollet_3.jpg)

File: af85ae88b9e9631⋯.jpg (231.87 KB, 960x960, 1:1, smollet_obamas.jpg)

File: 6cbf5eeb6992e9a⋯.jpg (117.79 KB, 800x694, 400:347, smollet_diagram.jpg)

File: 388ef06e2afef33⋯.jpg (134.22 KB, 800x1051, 800:1051, smollett_dont_beat_yoursel….jpg)

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df38ad  No.13260232

My father taught me that two types of women…

one built for speed (date them if you can catch them)..

and the other built for comfort (easy to catch)

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e7460b  No.13260233



cnn is too happily jumping on the cuomo harassment bandwagon.

people are getting tired of hearing anything and everything about cuomo.

they will turn deaf toward anymore complaints and this and nursing home will just go away.

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65a27a  No.13260234


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7142f6  No.13260235

File: f2a6dfe2ac6c8c0⋯.jpg (298.86 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Digital_Hive_Mind.jpg)


>dubs on top of those trips.


>something happening…

chekt -

Indeed, care to take a guess at it, auts and eights digits anon?

Notice anything different? Do you like the challenge of knowing the truth?

We are all here for a reason. The Republic of the United States of America

has been under attack from hostile forces that exploits the brain and body.

We're putting a stop to that nonsense with Math, Logic and Reason.

Tyranny entropies quickly by the truth.

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e36806  No.13260236

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65a27a  No.13260237


takes a man decades to learn that

lucky to have a father to pass down info, no?

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b560e0  No.13260238




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e36806  No.13260239


Closet faggot compounding fraud

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e7460b  No.13260242


the son admits she was a sex worker but doesn't think the kid killed her because he had a sex addiction problem. it has to be raycism, he says.

i think he killed them because he was MK'd to do it so they could say asian raycism.

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ea0e55  No.13260243

File: a94eceeb8ce3c95⋯.jpg (164.4 KB, 720x942, 120:157, 20210319_224816.jpg)


NEW China military bans Tesla, claims ‘spy cameras’ are installed on the cars https://t.co/sPRxV85jU2

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4c4569  No.13260244

File: ee01c3d179d8902⋯.jpg (204.61 KB, 1000x748, 250:187, BIDEN_ON_BORDER.jpg)

File: b1fdfde2e449d0a⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 872x1024, 109:128, MR_POTATO_HEAD_TO_HASBRO.jpg)

File: 77d1673a94bb698⋯.jpg (114.91 KB, 935x1280, 187:256, COME_BACK.jpg)

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df38ad  No.13260245

but I also learned of the other two types of women…

The cute ones…naturally cute (sally fields cute)…when you wake in the morning…no makeup and sometimes they look cuter then when they went to bed…

The Pretty ones…makeup and all the dressing…go to bed with one, wake up with someone totally different…

I married the cute one…and she still looks like Sally Fields early model…

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f0a6a8  No.13260246

File: c0364c98e742e7b⋯.jpeg (119.85 KB, 880x1174, 440:587, c0364c98e742e7b4492640a0a….jpeg)

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65a27a  No.13260247

File: 7df8877f075fb34⋯.jpg (150.59 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Waves_Crashing.jpg)


yeah but some1 started to read the Bible and he started to smoke

then he made some lame excuse and walked away Quickly/Quietly

he thought we didn't see but it was obvious his feelings were hurt

oh well, he can go hang w the haters

2 busy; dig meme PRAY

Thank you Anons!

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b560e0  No.13260248




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e36806  No.13260249

File: aac124fdb71bc42⋯.jpg (188.45 KB, 640x780, 32:39, 7F157424_1C5A_49DC_9DB4_C5….jpg)

File: a212f63b7e6cc4c⋯.jpg (110.62 KB, 700x821, 700:821, IMG_9817.JPG)



>Closet faggot compounding fraud

Buy book

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0e5907  No.13260250


So he just handed it off to himself? What kind of clown show are we running here?

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65a27a  No.13260251

File: c3a0266eded820e⋯.jpg (115.63 KB, 683x800, 683:800, Night_Shift_Helo.jpg)

File: c3e0fa2a11e0c72⋯.jpg (150.12 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Thank_you_POTUS_AF1.jpg)

File: 540f830eec10929⋯.jpg (457.51 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, Great_Awakening_ANDROID.jpg)


i love it, ty

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e36806  No.13260252

File: 84dd4a116b0d701⋯.jpg (104.48 KB, 720x884, 180:221, IMG_0284.JPG)

File: 86ad4290b89b916⋯.jpg (155.62 KB, 1080x1464, 45:61, IMG_0285.JPG)

File: 6e6224d52a1d056⋯.jpg (126.04 KB, 1005x965, 201:193, IMG_0289.JPG)

File: d632777ee181dbb⋯.jpg (95.75 KB, 550x527, 550:527, IMG_0295.JPG)

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f0a6a8  No.13260253

File: 19485059b099611⋯.jpg (85.03 KB, 1057x897, 1057:897, 19485059b0996113d3f65fbe08….jpg)


mmm call out the ones you object too, you two line screamer

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df38ad  No.13260254


great father, still alive at 90, just talked to him yesterday…he worked at the Pentagon…high rank.

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4c4569  No.13260255


Friday night special. Love you anons. God Bless! goodnight.

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65a27a  No.13260256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


aj slapping himself

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cd6de2  No.13260257


All the ebakes and ghosting you've seen today comes from the very same shill team. There's never really a ghost and there aren't any ebakers. Just the same group who've been running QR for months now.

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eb5b4c  No.13260258

File: f1f659ce8d74837⋯.jpeg (162.81 KB, 1024x925, 1024:925, A6E722B5_011C_4D49_912C_3….jpeg)


You’re the bread to my butter anon , appreciated

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e36806  No.13260259


Expand your red rocket homo

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b560e0  No.13260260


I' call out anything, just saying.

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4c4569  No.13260262


He's sending Trump in.

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7142f6  No.13260263

File: a109deccc0572e2⋯.jpg (132.27 KB, 1102x658, 551:329, To_Europe.jpg)


>NEW China military bans Tesla, claims ‘spy cameras’ are installed on the cars

…but USMIL doesn't ban Tik-Tok.

See what's going on here, anons?

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ee5949  No.13260264


…Uh, you're welcome?

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4a10ab  No.13260265

File: abae9050660ca35⋯.png (732 B, 8x255, 8:255, 896969c5d862d787c2504778bc….png)

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65a27a  No.13260266

File: 20f96e9bc7e1b56⋯.jpg (139.98 KB, 633x501, 211:167, Faith_Shared.jpg)



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000000  No.13260267



While the DEMOCRATS are diverting your attention about Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head…

A list of pedophiles became unsealed and here's what’s been happening while you all were distracted.

💥Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl.

💥Democratic spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr, was charged with distribution and possession of child pornography.

💥Democratic Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr, resigned from his position after being charged with possession of child pornography and abusing children between 2 and 6 years-old.

💥Democratic activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, was arrested and charged with human trafficking and underage prostitution.

💥Democratic Texas attorney and activist, Mark Benavides, was charged with having sex with a minor, inducing a child under 18 to have sex and compelling prostitution of at least nine legal clients and possession of child pornography. He was found guilty on six counts of sex trafficking.

💥Democratic Virginia Delegate, Joe Morrissey, was indicted on charges connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl and was charged with supervisory indecent liberties with a minor, electronic solicitation of a minor, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography.

💥Democratic Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, was censured by the House of Representatives after he admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old.

💥Democratic Former Mayor of Stillwater, New York, Rick Nelson was plead guilty to five counts of possession of child pornography of children less than 16 years of age.

💥Democratic Former Mayor of Clayton, New York, Dale Kenyon, was indicted for sexual acts against a teenager.

💥Democratic Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan, was given a life sentence in jail for raping a 4-year-old girl.

💥Democratic Former Mayor of Winston, Oregeon, Kenneth Barrett, was arrested for setting up a meeting to have sex with a 14-year-old girl who turned out to be a police officer.

💥Democratic Former Mayor of Randolph, Nebraska, Dwayne L. Schutt, was arrested and charged with four counts of felony third-degree sexual assault of a child and one count of intentional child abuse.

💥Democratic Former Mayor of Dawson, Georgia, Christopher Wright, was indicted on the charges of aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, rape, child molestation and statutory rape of an 11-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl.

💥Democratic Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, was charged with providing alcohol to young adults during a game of strip poker that included a 16-year-old boy at a camp for underprivileged children run by the mayor.

💥Democratic Former Mayor of Millbrook, New York, Donald Briggs, was arrested and charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a person younger than 17.

💥Democratic party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, plead guilty to possession and receiving over half a million child pornographic images.

💥Democratic activist and fundraiser,

Terrence Bean, was arrested on charges of sodomy and sex abuse in a case involving a 15-year-old boy and when the alleged victim declined to testify, and the judge dismissed the case.

💥Democratic Party Chairman for Davidson County, Tennessee, Rodney Mullin, resigned amid child pornography allegations.

💥Democratic activist, Andrew Douglas Reed, pleaded guilty to a multiple counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor for producing child pornography.

💥Democratic official from Terre Haute, Indiana, David Roberts was sentenced to federal prison for producing and possessing child pornography including placing hidden cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms at a home he shared with two minor female victims.

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e36806  No.13260268

File: cf27664a4cca43f⋯.jpg (60.01 KB, 286x512, 143:256, IMG_9540.JPG)

File: a07f2c6ad69e69d⋯.jpg (61.72 KB, 424x600, 53:75, IMG_9541.JPG)

File: 84a257e1f439495⋯.jpg (173.71 KB, 800x520, 20:13, IMG_9648.JPG)

File: 55930329a1d71c4⋯.jpg (94.82 KB, 903x903, 1:1, IMG_0559.JPG)

File: 2abeabcabe0da9b⋯.jpg (174.47 KB, 800x1165, 160:233, IMG_0646.JPG)

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bc3d19  No.13260269



for anyone wanting to find values for coins see


(it will tell you the metal value not collector value)

a pre 1964 half dollar has .3617 troy oz of silver

todays value for the silver is $9.50

a current half dollar has 11 cents metal value

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df38ad  No.13260270

File: ba1b47fe870f2e1⋯.jpg (165.68 KB, 980x846, 490:423, Direct_link_to_Q.JPG)

File: ac8773e1ae60cf0⋯.jpg (118.97 KB, 1056x528, 2:1, Q_and_Q_.JPG)


I tend to agree with you…I got these before Q started posting…

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044e60  No.13260271

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e36806  No.13260272

File: cf8c1cd50db12d8⋯.jpg (64.55 KB, 700x853, 700:853, IMG_0760.JPG)

Red rocket

Red rocket

Come over

Red rocket

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0e5907  No.13260273


Does that make this place any less viable? I realize it's nothing more than a news aggregate at this point but still why would they even waste the time…. need to ponder dis.

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15c3af  No.13260274


Elon won't share source Code!!

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b560e0  No.13260275


I failed captch about 30 times in a row. I was so fucking angry.

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437194  No.13260276

File: dcb64cc65e5629b⋯.png (466.04 KB, 413x613, 413:613, PanicInDC2.png)

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65a27a  No.13260277

File: 999757d6218fa0c⋯.png (464.69 KB, 886x967, 886:967, 8_ways_HR1.png)

File: 41c531f976322a9⋯.png (248.17 KB, 880x586, 440:293, Greenwald_vs_fake_news.png)

File: 36407406d64a0ca⋯.png (361.32 KB, 888x731, 888:731, georgia_fake_election.png)

File: 3e8749e4b323723⋯.png (305.36 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, call_leaders_impeach_recal….png)

File: 28f48247e259c65⋯.png (507.81 KB, 918x1100, 459:550, Herridge_twt_03162021_3_da….png)

haters on the sidelines but it's getting moar Quiet these days

shills losing their audience

twtr banning it's customers, haha [dummies]

go from defunding the Police to refunding the Police [dummies]

SHOW the People and enjoy the show; ty

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b560e0  No.13260278


This captcha is so fkin' weird.

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e36806  No.13260279

File: 54635389bb85872⋯.jpg (84.72 KB, 617x708, 617:708, IMG_0561.JPG)

File: 46168fda7aff93f⋯.jpg (123.01 KB, 1422x800, 711:400, IMG_0648.JPG)

File: 9367f76da8e3f22⋯.png (157.8 KB, 740x559, 740:559, 54121732_3E5B_42FD_889D_A0….png)

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0e5907  No.13260280


Shabooyah Roll Call! Screenshotting for tomorrows day shift cus the shill bakers will ignore this.

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b560e0  No.13260281


call Q , CM, back.

CM is Q ahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhaahhahaa

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e36806  No.13260282

File: a0dcc1cfc08e6e6⋯.jpg (142.36 KB, 735x1019, 735:1019, IMG_0617.JPG)

Never forghetti Mom's spaghetti in the pasta wars

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437194  No.13260283

File: 37e6847a83b4425⋯.png (716.27 KB, 1056x620, 264:155, 99thMonkey.png)

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e367b7  No.13260284

File: ff92eddb19baa5d⋯.png (61.82 KB, 250x241, 250:241, eyeroll.png)


wow… amazing! Earthquakes on fault lines. Incredible stuff here.

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bc3d19  No.13260285


that seems more likely

it was very convinent

another thing that will never be proved

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e36806  No.13260286

File: 11b2cd0d6b29db9⋯.jpg (93.08 KB, 577x432, 577:432, IMG_0997.JPG)

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ea0e55  No.13260287

File: 8de8f5851254ce9⋯.webm (1.87 MB, 460x460, 1:1, file_store_14.webm)

Putin wishing Bidan well

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b560e0  No.13260288


Ron is good w/ a tastature in front, but Q……

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044e60  No.13260289


>nothing more than a news aggregate

this place is about the anon opines, all that useless news bullshit is just shills.

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d44238  No.13260290

File: 68e16bed6eb984e⋯.jpg (33.61 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, kamalallah.jpg)

Earlier in the day, Biden and Harris also stopped by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, praising an agency that was sidelined during the Trump administration and endured false accusations and political interference as it produced critical guidance.

In Atlanta, standing in an emergency operations center, Biden and Harris listened to a briefing by top CDC officials, who noted that the country is still seeing significant community transmission of the virus in many areas. The officials also detailed trends about various variants circulating — and particularly one that is resistant to some treatments.

“Science is back,” Biden declared during brief remarks. “I hope this is beginning of the end of not paying attention to what’s going to come again and again and again and again,”


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15c3af  No.13260291


(sic) But he remote Viewed it!?

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ee5949  No.13260292

File: 84e0434ae11fea9⋯.png (163.31 KB, 715x377, 55:29, Screenshot_2021_03_19_Spac….png)


…Now, to make the correlation between earthquakes and solar activity. It is quite incredible.

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7142f6  No.13260293


When did Pepe trade-in his Edsel?

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65a27a  No.13260294

File: a5c1d39c6b81bac⋯.png (426.69 KB, 900x470, 90:47, fake_goulsbee.png)

File: 70adb0a1523fdaa⋯.png (482.92 KB, 1100x520, 55:26, fauci_wallace_fake_AF.png)

File: fcadc8a995bf5eb⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1920x921, 640:307, fake_fox_news_03132021.png)

File: 4d76a8bc215b1d4⋯.jpg (200.2 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, impeach_fake_leaders.jpg)

File: 3963cfadff5a3fe⋯.png (374.51 KB, 551x725, 19:25, fake_MAGA_rioter_imo.png)

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dcf538  No.13260296

File: d7150b2c849a721⋯.jpg (17.37 KB, 338x139, 338:139, 140711761_4364269430256306….jpg)

File: d75461c8ea30954⋯.png (501.36 KB, 452x879, 452:879, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79b65db01bcbd5f⋯.png (181.03 KB, 360x413, 360:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb15f782c5da259⋯.png (782.09 KB, 828x1492, 207:373, ClipboardImage.png)

Mylanta FF


Cuo Moe

All Of These Agenda Driven Scripted Synthetic Events Are To Feed The Narrative

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a06393  No.13260297


Imagine the influx of these retards after Sunday. Gonna be a shit show of knuckle daggers that makes Redditards look high-brow

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044e60  No.13260299

had a long talk with techanon friend this evening about how to recreate current board as p2p using pouchdb in browsers or node.js

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f0a6a8  No.13260300

File: bc07c214c7a5e24⋯.png (992.22 KB, 1440x987, 480:329, f32e5e9c5e5250fffc74176464….png)

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65a27a  No.13260301











'World's largest paedophile ring' uncovered







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eb5b4c  No.13260302

File: 970f4ee0ff8d000⋯.jpeg (61.11 KB, 704x786, 352:393, DA434135_F3FA_40C5_B662_1….jpeg)

File: 08be8bd4b8b8570⋯.jpeg (109.48 KB, 777x500, 777:500, 3D9D77C7_45AF_475C_9436_A….jpeg)

File: c9bb689d63ef089⋯.jpeg (121.52 KB, 1080x1111, 1080:1111, 6AED9DB5_9170_4D83_B0EA_D….jpeg)

File: ed5c9b94833d700⋯.jpeg (137.29 KB, 888x652, 222:163, 11621605_0C26_4ED4_B404_B….jpeg)


And to think they’ll get the bots will figure it in no time, while our struggle increases all because that one fucking letter could’ve been a c or a 6 with a line straight through!

But I’m just glad to be posting.. got error codes for two weeks straight last hit so .. meh

Still better than Twatter

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b37a45  No.13260303

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b560e0  No.13260304


that mf has so annoying face.

i will fuck that face w/ my tastature.

horrible shit.

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15c3af  No.13260305

File: 6207b51ee40dc2b⋯.jpeg (638.27 KB, 828x1199, 828:1199, duckkiller.jpeg)


That's just what 'Q' said when you showed up!

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437194  No.13260306


He decided he needed a GTO.

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174ff4  No.13260307


>“Science is back,”

Fuck an A man. Science has been on the back burner this whole time and it's sure as fuck not back yet.

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85933b  No.13260308

File: f8239df57ae1a5b⋯.gif (4.17 MB, 800x448, 25:14, NIGHTSHIFT_clewds.gif)

File: 31b8893952c7c58⋯.gif (1.53 MB, 400x602, 200:301, revtrap.gif)

File: aa5f90173c4552c⋯.png (147.67 KB, 476x393, 476:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eae6cf2d10b9604⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 386x600, 193:300, 103445b.jpg)

File: 291684a64ac5804⋯.jpg (93.01 KB, 516x538, 258:269, 291684a64ac58041d27f64b398….jpg)

A shower?

For all of the many reasons as to why I should and would go into it, I realize that something much more pertinent to the situation is already at hand; influence and control. Despite being able to mimic the mistaken perception of someone I know of great significance, I still, will not, obey the inert commands that pepper themselves within the woven words these, ‘professionals,’ express…day after day; NIGHTSHIFT after NIGHTSHIFT.

No, fuck you, and your shower.

Unless you’re getting into it, alongside me.

I know how to clean others, quite well actually.

In fact, I usually incorporate massage into the stroking actions of cleansing; it’s regarded as ‘wonderful.’ this may be an exaggeration

Never mind, of whom ass doeth I blow smoke up?



Oh, by the way, there are some possible research leads to quest upon:

- externally imbibe/absorb up to 5 gallons of water in shower

- energetic beings must lose reserved lifeforce charge from being submerged in water

- fluoridated water consumed at that rate, frequency, and toxicity could have extremely detrimental long-term afflictions to the CNS, specifically in regard to the pineal gland; resulting as induced calcification- which totally negates the gland’s ability to operate correctly and optimally

- bad hair day

- that ‘just cleaned smell’ | as if to say… “I’m trying to hide what I smelt like a priori to the shower.” Wonder what you were up to? ;-)

- vulnerability from a security stand-point; think PSYCHO

- if the water doesn’t get hot enough in a hasty fashion, it can be very traumatic if it leaves you there with the unforgiving ultimatum, cold-shower or bounce, still grungy, and now cold & damp?

I’ll do it when I’m good and fucking ready; okay miss ‘I’m too professional to pull my rabbit ass self’ out of my superior’s flesh obstacle’s ‘hat-of-top’ kek, err, KAK!? *like a hairballin’ cat; it’s old, fat, and slow walking.*

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b560e0  No.13260309




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7e7973  No.13260310

File: e8e93ff4081f630⋯.png (967.14 KB, 1899x845, 1899:845, Screenshot_20201111_135104….png)

File: 3cf62613618bdbc⋯.png (821.29 KB, 2160x973, 2160:973, Screenshot_20201111_134326….png)

File: 1c1234c29a2dd3d⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1069x842, 1069:842, Screenshot_20201023_210952….png)


Evil surrounds us

Full Armor of God

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df38ad  No.13260311

The F_I are holding out the pipe bomb person(agent), until they find another patsy they can blame it on…believe me..the first chance they can blame someone even close to someone that fits that description will be the guys…it will hit the news on a day something more important is going on…and then it will just vanish…seen too many of them…SOP..

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954e40  No.13260312

File: e9b609961eaeafc⋯.jpg (89.17 KB, 682x601, 682:601, counter_this_narrative.JPG)

how do I combat this liberal marxist shit? Pic related.

Please help

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f0a6a8  No.13260313

File: 85fe705532f3e4e⋯.png (405.88 KB, 733x576, 733:576, 78cb7bfe581bd2b953408c6618….png)



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68bd6c  No.13260314



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b560e0  No.13260315


Sorry buddies for filling this brea w/ laughing.

My domain is ET.

From this part we have no big news for the moment.

MJ12 is doiung a good job in masking.

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7142f6  No.13260316


>They just make shit up, false test results and false death counts.

and fiat, don't forget the fiat, oh, and the dross too.

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50d8e3  No.13260317

File: cc9ced70d67e30b⋯.png (291.75 KB, 417x322, 417:322, ClipboardImage.png)

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b560e0  No.13260318


btw, did you hear any boom lately, since Q left?

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50d8e3  No.13260319

File: 4679b85523b9584⋯.png (1.03 MB, 934x500, 467:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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bea8a6  No.13260320


all kinds of synchronic activity. want data, not guesswork. I trust Truth, anon.

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cb12d9  No.13260321

so joe biden is found unfit under the 25th amendment..

kamala's choice as VP is in question, since joe is incompetent..

so we come to Speaker of the House..


(its even a P)

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b560e0  No.13260322


very honest question.

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df38ad  No.13260323

ok, who had Bidan "OUT" in 2 months on the sheet???…winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!

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b560e0  No.13260324


b/c evil didn't fvcking go.

only Q vut not evil.

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bef85b  No.13260325

File: c7f503b1afbb046⋯.png (714.62 KB, 1023x549, 341:183, clownatit.png)

File: c62a24d0845334a⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1636x820, 409:205, clownctry.png)

File: cb9917a3e92de0f⋯.png (142.91 KB, 803x587, 803:587, Janet_sPlea.png)


Baker, clown carlson NOT notable-worthy unless anon's post goes along with it. >>13259783

OAN remains invisible because of small budget, being censored, and fauxNOnews geting all the attention.

This truthful lady's name is fittingly ironic:


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e2e4e9  No.13260326

Fauci is a psychopath.

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7142f6  No.13260327

File: 6682df40bc272fb⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1998x2000, 999:1000, solar_flares_2.jpg)


Smart move, and it can still survive a Solar Flash.

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65a27a  No.13260328

File: 467c62377923428⋯.jpg (173.39 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Meme_this.jpg)

File: 8f1ac459cd7d2f5⋯.jpg (239.86 KB, 1000x564, 250:141, 777.jpg)

File: 73c048a067a3903⋯.jpg (242.85 KB, 900x875, 36:35, Americans_wont_apologize.jpg)

File: 028f59512258056⋯.jpg (229.27 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Comfy_Q_2.jpg)

File: 61137d1384c90c7⋯.jpg (95.24 KB, 730x408, 365:204, Selfless_Nameless.jpg)


when you are making [epic] excuses, it's time for a shower, kek

clean water wipe down? [at least? haha]

getting the Anons excited?

]classic[ NIGHTSHIFT after NIGHTSHIFT all the way back

thank you Anons

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ea0e55  No.13260329

File: ae935497e99a75e⋯.jpg (330.7 KB, 552x515, 552:515, 20210317_074500.jpg)

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e2e4e9  No.13260330

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65a27a  No.13260331



>Love you anons. God Bless! goodnight.


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7142f6  No.13260332

File: a3501d032c092ea⋯.png (643.77 KB, 800x1104, 50:69, ET.png)


>My domain is ET.

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85933b  No.13260333

File: 09cbeafa71e3b9a⋯.jpg (379.7 KB, 950x716, 475:358, Jesus_calms_the_storm.jpg)

File: 44c93b7ce9b1506⋯.jpg (120.86 KB, 850x562, 425:281, general_mark_milley_fuck_c….jpg)

File: 8a8080ee717b00c⋯.png (457.15 KB, 1140x1447, 1140:1447, Calm_before_the_storm.png)

File: 67c75bec79cb60f⋯.jpg (83.43 KB, 1090x1944, 545:972, CalmLawyer.JPG)


Remaining 'calm' during moments of intense 'debate' can reveal how patient a person can potentially behave consistently. However, referring to perseverance, optimism, and an outward expression of unconditional love for your fellow person; has nothing in relation to taking an unfair advantage of some form of unofficial privilege, and inadvertently requires more research and investigation into the matter.

tl;dr - Being calm during storm is best skill ever, even if femAnons get pissed, they should learn it too! (especially for ugly stupid won't uninstall ex-significant other/spouse bloatware.)

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65a27a  No.13260334

File: 7447d060be5a95b⋯.png (586.53 KB, 1100x329, 1100:329, feinstein_face.png)

File: 0c533882467effa⋯.png (813.45 KB, 1407x1071, 67:51, feinstein_spy.png)

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bef85b  No.13260335

File: e45916f611423b9⋯.png (750.62 KB, 1024x548, 256:137, clownchina.png)


This fvcking dumbing-down sludge is #HalfOurBattle.

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7ffbc9  No.13260336

File: 61871da3e15985a⋯.jpg (350.98 KB, 496x1278, 248:639, Screen_Shot_2021_03_20_at_….jpg)


Q #4630

Sep 2 2020 11:53:16

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e2e4e9  No.13260337

California when from lockdown to do whatever you want.

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eb5b4c  No.13260338

File: f3b42f5a4a54151⋯.jpeg (39.62 KB, 328x360, 41:45, 9D23E80A_23DF_4C0C_AA85_B….jpeg)


Elon doesn’t want to share it with those that will abuse it, but he stared and seemed genuinely wished for another competitor, just not for the wrong reasons.

Btw , in a document of crimes against humanity with China included as well as Hillary being the perpetrator, children, humans and even AI being involved in inhumane creation/use and purposes and genetic manipulation..

Elon was also named.. but was curiously added. Not as a defendant or plaintiff.. just that his company may be under observation/surveillance in hopes to aid and try to heal what has already avalanched around us…

I had a funny feeling … Elon may have been manipulated or attempted to be …

Neural networking and all that of course, not because he’s a live interactive and learning AI already among us … shit no


Eh who even knows .. the world is beautifully strange and terrifying … but if Elon is the big bad wolf … well fuck the silly pigs with straw houses. Level up ffs and do something

Gotta find link on the document for courthouse .. gotta it off declass Dropbox but haven’t seen it floating around much so kinda dampens my hopes that’ll it actual come to fruition.. or legit.

One could hope

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0b0425  No.13260339

File: 391c1a5a09e207a⋯.png (163.95 KB, 832x761, 832:761, Screen_Shot_2021_03_19_at_….png)


In the law of war manual anon. Someone dropped just before the election. Chapter 11 may describe the situation in DC. There's some speculation that the fence coming down will trigger further action by the Mil. Time will tell.

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5f0f5c  No.13260340

Senior NATO Official Convicted of Spying for China

After being arrested in September, a senior official for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was convicted of spying for China last week.

The alleged Chinese spy who worked for NATO is Tarmo Kõuts, an Estonian military defense scientist. The scientist was sentenced last week to serve three years in prison after been arrested by the Internal Security Service in September.

According to the report, intelligence services for the Baltic countries allegedly have been warned of the growing Chinese threat for years, but Kõuts’ conviction would be the first of its kind. He was tried in the Tallinn-based Harju County Court.

A Baltic Offical allegedly told Business Insider:

Russian intelligence activity obviously takes the highest priority in our neighborhood but the amount of resources required to monitor China increases for us each year. Our natural experience is more with the Russians but we have been warning about China for well over a year.

The deputy director of Kaitsepolitsei (KAPO) and Tallinn’s top counterintelligence official, Aleksander Toots, spoke to the Beast about Kõuts:

Kõuts was recruited in 2018 by China’s Intelligence Bureau of the Joint Staff Department of the Central Military Commission—as Beijing’s military intelligence agency is known—along with an alleged accomplice who is yet to be tried in court. Both were arrested on September 9, 2020, with no publicity or discussion of the case in the Estonian media.

Kõuts was recruited on Chinese territory, said Toots, who spoke exclusively with The Daily Beast and Estonia’s Delfi newspaper: “He was motivated by traditional human weaknesses, such as money and need of recognition.”

Toots added that Kõuts received cash payments from his Chinese handlers as well as paid trips to various Asian countries, with luxury accommodations and dinners at Michelin star restaurants. The intelligence operatives handling him were operating under cover of a think tank. Inna Ombler, the prosecutor handling the case confirmed that Kõuts earned €17,000 — a little over $20,000 — for his espionage, which the Estonian government has since seized from him.

Toots also said the reason the Chinese went after Kõuts was due to the security clearances he held. This is why “we decided to put a stop to his collaboration [with the Chinese] so early,” Toots said.

The scientist pleaded guilty to “conducting intelligence activities against the Republic of Estonia on behalf of a foreign state,” said the report.


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f0a6a8  No.13260341


included, thank you Anon

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437194  No.13260342


Election infection is over.

We're on BidAn's watch now.

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4ed716  No.13260343



don't do it AJ. Zach and the shills have so much on the scoreboard

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b560e0  No.13260344


at least put 7 sisters, not pyramids.

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7142f6  No.13260345

File: b83550d520bec82⋯.png (420.19 KB, 718x598, 359:299, melania_trump_the_eighth_w….png)


>I trust Truth, anon.

Can you see what is underneath the right front paw of the Sphinx?

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85933b  No.13260346

File: dc707eadfd84ffb⋯.gif (5.98 MB, 666x666, 1:1, qheqk3d.gif)

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4ed716  No.13260347


darnk lives matter

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65a27a  No.13260348

File: 66eb1059bb5a822⋯.png (301.04 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Steve_Timeline_nice.png)

File: 9f0e2841d60cfe8⋯.png (389.1 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, smartmatic_dominion_manill….png)

File: 776b84fff08c33a⋯.png (69.68 KB, 872x780, 218:195, Hunter_Project_Timeline_ch….png)

File: 90626ed64cfbb7e⋯.png (950.47 KB, 1223x800, 1223:800, Herridge_FISA_Carter_4_tim….png)



>especially for ugly stupid won't uninstall ex-significant other/spouse bloatware.)


calm is always the better way ime

anger leads to PAIN ime

Youngsters, learn the easy way and listen

losing control is regretful [full of regret path]

i say this now so you can't say no one told you, kek

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b560e0  No.13260349


i've said it many times, destroy the pyramids.


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15c3af  No.13260350


If the world wants a drink, and your the only Nigger with a canteen!

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65a27a  No.13260351


>>13247606 PB PB PB

>Holy shit. I love how get gets ready to punch himself and then goes back to slapping bahahahaha

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f0a6a8  No.13260352

File: 344f8c648a33f7a⋯.jpg (233.81 KB, 508x508, 1:1, 344f8c648a33f7a18fd797b6ab….jpg)


Trips of a tripper

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15c3af  No.13260353


Does he generate a Workers Comp Claim,

doing that Sh_t??

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65a27a  No.13260354

File: dc0d75b3de5ff4e⋯.png (401.62 KB, 640x551, 640:551, biden_s_hand_over_the_line….png)

File: cb63f20a4356769⋯.png (602.42 KB, 962x646, 481:323, confirmed_US_deaths_re_cov….png)

File: e3177794cd86678⋯.png (627.97 KB, 1137x1145, 1137:1145, bad_open_borders.png)

File: 47c211203d1e333⋯.jpg (278.72 KB, 1100x725, 44:29, biden_china_flag_1.jpg)

File: e642257cf99139f⋯.png (813.85 KB, 1100x750, 22:15, trafficking_small.png)


don't even say (type) that

i feel cold now

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044e60  No.13260355


has always seemed to be more plausible "markers" than datefagging

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000000  No.13260356

Anyone of importance been arrested yet? Any justice? Askin' for a fren…

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b560e0  No.13260357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5dfdbc  No.13260358


anyone have Nadler shitting his pants vid

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15c3af  No.13260359


You will need a Higher classification for that info!

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6abf1f  No.13260360


No not yet, but be sure to Trust Sessions lmao.

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f0a6a8  No.13260361

File: 76a6cebe45cce39⋯.png (240.78 KB, 1200x2225, 48:89, 5f8e055d801344e9109d22d273….png)


Your such a shit.


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bef85b  No.13260362

File: 2ae036b1ee74576⋯.png (448.26 KB, 1024x551, 1024:551, thisvidis.png)



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65a27a  No.13260363

File: f244b1720db035a⋯.jpg (318.58 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, Alex_Jones_Q.jpg)

File: 864f3d41a4d4090⋯.jpg (149.51 KB, 614x591, 614:591, jerry_corsi_alex_jones.jpg)

File: 7b251a0b3660bec⋯.jpg (88.9 KB, 632x352, 79:44, Alex_Jones_talked_to_QAnon.jpg)


it will take 2 teams of lawyers to figure that out and five years, but i say the jackass that slaps himself gets nothing but a red cheek, haha

i just saved them millions, they are welcome

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7142f6  No.13260364

File: dff42fe40de0e25⋯.png (989.78 KB, 802x1060, 401:530, Trinity_Trips.png)

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437194  No.13260365

Night, all.

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954e40  No.13260366


this is as useless a post to my request that could be possibly posted. You offer NOTHING.

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e4b81f  No.13260367

File: e744b3dc3eb3968⋯.png (25.52 KB, 914x200, 457:100, 98ugq7qge41hrgacbab.png)

File: a9ba6741c1b426b⋯.png (62.49 KB, 1121x695, 1121:695, ahughv67qgbq.png)

File: 95e56b04b715eb8⋯.png (113.4 KB, 321x347, 321:347, ue97fbq9f5t8fsft7fboaunfah….png)







Yes booms

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e2e4e9  No.13260368


Yup. Someone tell Fauci.

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eb5b4c  No.13260369


Don’t you think about it …

Look into the pyramid code, leylines, and the equator energy that many temples and structures are built on…

It’s your perception and understanding that’s skewed on the subject… a structure is no less evil or good than the residual impressions left by us.

Anything good can be used for bad, and likewise

And anything bad can be used for good.

If the pyramids were being used as they were intended… as an anchor that can hold energy and spread it like a dome from its space held. we’d be completely different state worldwide .

Tesla understood

Eh maybe I’ll roll a better timeline next round, not feeling like the worst one but sure could improve kek

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65a27a  No.13260370

File: 314c78da6fbb6b4⋯.jpg (160.09 KB, 795x671, 795:671, Big_fan.jpg)

File: 4d89c5d6858cf1a⋯.jpg (307.17 KB, 800x1333, 800:1333, birds_of_a_feather.jpg)

File: f7373106f91c1ca⋯.jpg (114.47 KB, 626x749, 626:749, Bruce_Ohr.jpg)

File: eea0881c6f096cd⋯.jpg (37.38 KB, 500x387, 500:387, China_stats_cement_consump….jpg)

File: 14326ed5743993c⋯.jpg (121.46 KB, 900x450, 2:1, Conflicted_much.jpg)

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563a90  No.13260371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

March 11, 2021–Interview with Sidney Powell "What is the Kraken?" On The Right Side w/Doug Billings


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bea8a6  No.13260372


nope, not that good. I do see Melania standing next to it.

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15c3af  No.13260373


What if he turns it into a sexual assault!


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bea8a6  No.13260374


…. to piss off.

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65a27a  No.13260375

File: f60fed9cb9ffe41⋯.jpg (285.52 KB, 800x578, 400:289, Ben_art_stairs.jpg)

File: 79235e6adeb9938⋯.jpg (304.11 KB, 643x928, 643:928, BHO_and_VJ_2.jpg)

File: 6cd1938a606d1c7⋯.jpg (66.1 KB, 499x394, 499:394, BHO_know.jpg)

File: a011a6552992728⋯.jpg (115.35 KB, 700x732, 175:183, Comey_cornfield.jpg)

File: 1329cae978d7a4d⋯.jpg (387.56 KB, 1199x868, 1199:868, Fires_in_CA.jpg)

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15c3af  No.13260376

File: 6ef23be7182587a⋯.png (104.75 KB, 255x201, 85:67, ClipboardImage.png)


Another thing for obummer to mispronounce!

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f0a6a8  No.13260377

File: bb02195c0466d20⋯.jpg (82.07 KB, 500x627, 500:627, bb02195c0466d203c68fd7ed13….jpg)


>No, fuck you, and your shower.

>Unless you’re getting into it, alongside me.


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7142f6  No.13260378

File: 7b7644c5a8a9a81⋯.jpg (69.62 KB, 720x960, 3:4, passed_out_cat.jpg)


>Night, all.


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65a27a  No.13260379

File: 2bcb147f91ef763⋯.jpg (120.08 KB, 800x889, 800:889, 100_mil_to_1.jpg)

File: ba4c5672194e91d⋯.jpg (181.59 KB, 760x758, 380:379, abandoned.jpg)

File: 27622cda3f6d857⋯.jpg (387 KB, 1146x909, 382:303, Angela_Merkel.jpg)

File: 289d9be4d501d0f⋯.jpg (315.99 KB, 993x894, 331:298, Bill_and_LL_tarmac_fbi_hun….jpg)

File: 156c4f7d8274070⋯.jpg (100.97 KB, 449x535, 449:535, Billboard.jpg)


oh no, now they need a third team of lawyers

and they will jus over rule each other until aj is broke and they get bored of him

then they will move on to the next person who needs 'justice'


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0b0425  No.13260380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fkn KEK!

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8266a2  No.13260381

File: c87ab88a0384d52⋯.jpg (63.6 KB, 620x436, 155:109, 52g4ut.jpg)

The Obama presidency will be known as giving us Biden. Nothing more. Nothing else.

For a guy so obsessed with muh legacy, when he chose Bidan as his figurehead, his hubris blinded him to the possibility that the blubbering idiot would retrospectively become the indelible image of the Obama years. Like watching the original star wars, even though there is no mention of Vader being Luke's father, you know that reveal is on the horizon, and it's impossible not to see him as that. This is what the Obama years have come now, just a prequel to Bidan. A precursor to the stair fall laughed at around the world.

Ofcourse, Durham could change all that. Let's hope for Barry, history, and our sakes, Durham gives us a different perspective when looking back on the Hussein years.

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6abf1f  No.13260382


Sidney Powell is just another lying fraudster. She's no different than Sean Hannity, Sara Carter, Gregg Jarrett, Jon Solomon, Mike Lindell, Lin Wood, Mark Taylor, etc. All are completely full of shit. Not only that, they are evil. Anyone giving false hope to innocent Americans is a lying traitor and should be punished to the fullest extent.

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e2e4e9  No.13260383

Did the deep state run out of children to rape? Is that why the borders were opened?

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f0a6a8  No.13260384

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

>>13259596 OP

>>13259621 Dough



>>13260091, >>13260117, Donald Trump "I watched as Joe Biden went up the stairs' That’s right Mr. President, you didn’t lose to him! You WON (Cap 0:13 seconds)

>>13260057, >>13260067, Instagram is deleting the video of Biden falling for “incitement of violence”

>>13260267 A list of pedophiles became unsealed and here's what’s been happening while you all were distracted

>>13259687 Iranian Nationals Charged with Conspiring to Evade U.S. Sanctions on Iran

>>13259690 photos of suspects released "suspect is described as a taller, light-skinned man with a thin build"

>>13259694 50% Sale on US Dollars in Idlib | March 2021 | Syria


>>13259726 US citizens send letters to Russian embassy to apologise for Biden's remarks, ambassador says

>>13259740, >>13260325, >>13259783, Chinese government using Black Live Matter as a weapon against US (11 mins)

>>13259770 Possible False Flag Someone is dropping links on face book claiming this is a worldwide event. This is only MSM I can find reporting this.

>>13259777 A RED STAR krttikeyas , one of them? They nursed the God of War.. Milkies

>>13259794, >>13259803, >>13259832, Prosecutors question ex-wife of the son of Trump Organization's CFO (Cap)

>>13259825 End Times Delusions # 39: The Power Of The Sword Of The Spirit Through The Ages!

>>13259843, >>13260006, USS San Juan departs Souda Bay, Greece after a brief stop for fuel and supplies

>>13259852 DEFENDER-Europe 21

>>13259871 Father arrested for discussing child's gender transition in defiance of court order

>>13259908 Cuomo joked he would 'mount' former aide Lindsey Boylan if he were a dog: report

>>13259961 This is the full video of Robert F Kennedy Jr with Catherine Austin Fittz

>>13259968 Are we moving forward with 11.3, 11.4

>>13259987, >>13260085, (1991)I wished he practiced what he preached, let "Way, Way, Way" too many things slip by without even questioning them BARR (Cap)

>>13260034 A Sudani was shot 5 times dead - police belived an arab israeli shot and killed partner in drug business (7:54 mins)

>>13260077 Notables for >>13260054 #16794

>>13260081 Welcome to socialism…The new monthly stimulus checks for families: How do you get them, and when?

>>13260091, >>13260117, Donald Trump "I watched as Joe Biden went up the stairs" That’s right Mr. President, you didn’t lose to him! You WON (Cap 0:13 seconds)

>>13260095, >>13260109, >>13260114, The battle has now shifted to the city of London District and the monetary side of the battle? Why?

>>13260119 The son of an Atlanta-area shooting victim says he's not buying the suspect's sex addiction excuse

>>13260142 A 73 year old landlord was arrested for allegedly coercing more than a dozen of his tenants into sexual acts in exchange for financial relief

>>13260243, >>13260263, China military bans Tesla, claims ‘spy cameras’ are installed on the cars

>>13260267 A list of pedophiles became unsealed and here's what’s been happening while you all were distracted

>>13260287 Putin wishing Biden well (0:07 seconds)

>>13260290 Biden and Harris visit Atlanta after shooting rampage, vowing to stand against racism and xenophobia

>>13260301 List of random items



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65a27a  No.13260385

File: dfa0daf00aa7034⋯.jpg (157.79 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, Brrrrt_2.jpg)

File: 503911058d7c053⋯.jpg (83.92 KB, 998x632, 499:316, fighter.jpg)

File: 854008c4b9b3c74⋯.jpg (181.88 KB, 865x642, 865:642, Fighting_child_trafficking.jpg)

File: c4a300b0c72757e⋯.jpg (273.93 KB, 1007x751, 1007:751, Finland_QAnon.jpg)

File: 49a9fe62e795f2b⋯.jpg (69.45 KB, 738x375, 246:125, Flynn_knows.jpg)


aww, gn Kitty, tendies in the morning

some Cats fight their tails off and sleep GOOD


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15c3af  No.13260386

File: 966a007c9b97ddf⋯.jpg (63.75 KB, 500x578, 250:289, youwrong.jpg)

This is a Bewbless Bread Baker!

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afdc0b  No.13260387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live patrol St. Paul mn

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52ff95  No.13260388


My buddy made the twatter graphic…how goes it fren?? Miss you dude. Still waiting to get my new G phone number smh

Don Jr. possibly part of Q fam…can't be disproven

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dcf538  No.13260389

File: 45fc1936986e8ab⋯.png (3.19 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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15c3af  No.13260390


What if it is a Rescue Mission?(flip the scrip)

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0b0425  No.13260391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Forgot to tag you.

See >>13260380

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845904  No.13260392

File: 317e6b2f1d7b3bf⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Thats a good looking baby. Take a look at that baby.

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954e40  No.13260393


this is as useless a post to my request that could be possibly posted. You offer NOTHING of value to my situation.

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dcf538  No.13260394

File: ae98bc4843d5982⋯.png (26.68 KB, 801x167, 801:167, ClipboardImage.png)



Frequently asked questions about TRIPS [ trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights ] in the WTO

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65a27a  No.13260395

File: 482a353348d18e4⋯.png (441.67 KB, 800x799, 800:799, puppet_nadler.png)

File: 127692da4a593dd⋯.png (246.61 KB, 544x470, 272:235, dig_nadler.png)

File: 323d84cd9a88bc2⋯.jpg (99.5 KB, 800x553, 800:553, nadler_.jpg)

File: 4ab6e4f01fb9d1e⋯.jpg (51.32 KB, 470x420, 47:42, Well_fed_nadler.jpg)

File: 318f77fd9babd06⋯.jpg (135.47 KB, 740x800, 37:40, 14_terms.jpg)



f'n clown show

it's so embarrassing

World, don't look


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7142f6  No.13260396


> I do see Melania standing next to it.

It might be why is she standing there, at that spot.

Remember your history rhymes.

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15c3af  No.13260397

File: fcd64fc4e1674be⋯.jpeg (116.56 KB, 880x880, 1:1, darkbaker.jpeg)


Welcome to Night Shift!

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05e4db  No.13260398

File: abcda1674f8b3fa⋯.jpg (179.39 KB, 1024x933, 1024:933, Bewbs.jpg)



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50d8e3  No.13260399

File: 8b9b3e8e7f26596⋯.png (795.9 KB, 500x665, 100:133, ClipboardImage.png)


Digits noted !!!

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85933b  No.13260401

File: bfe30a047aa2572⋯.png (1020.42 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 143_together_we_will_win.png)

File: 7a69cde97cb9994⋯.png (881.13 KB, 773x1056, 773:1056, AncientFaggotry.png)

File: 78159e70d169fd8⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, anons2Storm.png)

File: 06b35cb42945264⋯.png (980.92 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, AnonsDig.png)

File: 7f186048562e319⋯.png (486.57 KB, 500x498, 250:249, archive_corpsBadge.png)

>>13260366 Nice getting dubs of uselessness while pointing out my trips of try-hard-didn't.

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65a27a  No.13260402

File: ef373954a028db8⋯.png (474.17 KB, 696x799, 696:799, hmm_palm_Jr.png)

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d6bd5e  No.13260404

File: 232d267cbe7c019⋯.jpg (127.36 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, hawaiian_pizza_16_1200.jpg)


lp/pb >>13259143 lp/pb

You can't even get your own fucking argument.

Have to take someone else's words because you are too much of a retarded fucking kike.

I seriously hope you get skin necrosis and muscle death throughout your entire body.

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e2e4e9  No.13260406


Hope so.

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65a27a  No.13260413

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954e40  No.13260414


We deserve it. Embrace the elction fraud. The libtard mental illeness is just as pervasive as it ever was. Where is the fukkin' great awakening? I 'm not seeing it.

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85933b  No.13260416

File: 7c83f2c5bd95182⋯.jpg (314.44 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, bubblehouses_truth_transpa….jpg)

>>13260377 - DubbleBubblesInTheTubbles!

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563a90  No.13260417


common man, tell us how you really feel.

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d6bd5e  No.13260419


The "great awakening" is greater Israel.

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15c3af  No.13260420


Border Patrol does answer to Homeland Security!

And they seem to be taking their cues from the

guys controlling AF1!!

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f0a6a8  No.13260421

Fresh Bread

>>13260400 OP

>>13260415 Dough

Q Research General #16798: Instagram Wipes Chin and deletes Biden Video Edition

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eb5b4c  No.13260422

File: ec464d0d84ea88c⋯.jpeg (132.91 KB, 652x960, 163:240, 15FDA0AC_E3BA_4293_A583_2….jpeg)

File: 13a1ade15a479da⋯.jpeg (209.06 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 743D31F3_7DA4_4A74_BD68_A….jpeg)

File: 7c431aa905e6843⋯.jpeg (121.22 KB, 750x747, 250:249, DF623059_7F4D_45A0_8DCE_2….jpeg)

File: 4c11b2334c4127c⋯.jpeg (77.61 KB, 538x967, 538:967, 184172A2_3D2A_4265_BB8D_9….jpeg)

File: eaf151b092ca7f8⋯.jpeg (102.57 KB, 716x960, 179:240, A2BD6550_8B87_4582_B7DD_C….jpeg)


Thing is truth is subjective..

I want the data then can play with the data… but guessing with nothing is just either silly… or .. faith..

But when the truth hits … it hits home..

Universal truth? Perhaps not. But a personal one is something to start with though..

It’ll hurt but it’s a needed growing pain many will have to swallow no matter how much they deny/avoid the confrontation

Truth is what leaks between the cracks… and is impossible to keep hidden forever. Here’s some pics that vibrate some truth in the similarities..

Digging on these will have thousands of documents , hundreds of pages long.. perhaps something may tickle your fancy perhaps not

Cheers and goodnight anons


It’s finally fucking Spring!!! <3

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553677  No.13260423

File: 474773cea055c35⋯.png (10.92 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 091d5b0abb3d0ca05efdea1372….png)


Not On My Watch.

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0b0527  No.13260424


no Republicans?

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a334b5  No.13260426

File: 55acf8a884bf99a⋯.jpg (101.16 KB, 816x528, 17:11, 5550136915788.jpg)

File: e984bec0374600c⋯.jpg (98.49 KB, 816x528, 17:11, fu.jpg)

File: 5cda733c3c9045c⋯.jpg (338.54 KB, 816x528, 17:11, the_politicians_Addiction_….JPG)

File: 08bb84d673952f7⋯.jpg (137.36 KB, 473x390, 473:390, 3ef542c6_3808_4377_829c_ba….jpg)

File: 574ee7fcf16b04c⋯.png (265.61 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 574ee.png)

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15c3af  No.13260427

File: a3a4b62df55d19f⋯.png (324 KB, 400x534, 200:267, comfy.png)

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50d8e3  No.13260428

File: 2797f6b0874f6b5⋯.png (594.42 KB, 697x500, 697:500, ClipboardImage.png)

board filler meme !!!

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65a27a  No.13260431

File: 5c8bbda19ee4422⋯.png (444.69 KB, 800x610, 80:61, thank_you_POTUS_FLOTUS.png)

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a3bc7c  No.13260432

>>13259302 pb

> New questions about Biden’s physical and mental health ignored by the press

"….we just watched the current president literally collapse and there’s not a peep of concern from the press.

Joe Biden on Friday was climbing up to board Air Force One when, even with his hand on the rail for support, he tripped over one of the steps. He pushed himself up only to see the same thing happen a second time. Finally, gravity got the best of his 78-year-old ankles and he fell to his knees."

fake news. Anons already know that the Air Force Patriots won't let Fake Prez Biden to fly on Air Force One.

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4576d0  No.13260433

Fist US mil tries to scapegoat CM as their MI assisted qbert

and now this

Apparently this has been deemed as a domestic cell full of supremacists……kek

Colon-Lopez also admitted in his briefing that the US military is keeping an eye on any member who Googles Qanon, the online movement that NEVER caused any harm to any American and push support for President Trump and loathing of child sex trafficking.

PURE INDOCTRINATION: Military Leaders Very “Concerned” that Troops Compare Jan. 6 to BLM Riots – Pushing for More Brainwashing to Train them on “Right from Wrong”


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65a27a  No.13260434

File: 7fdc214c5ad8a56⋯.png (307.4 KB, 683x821, 683:821, Easy_Voting_machines_Trump….png)

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4ed716  No.13260435


"we committed treason on some folks, folks"


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65a27a  No.13260440

File: f095442dec39a70⋯.png (538.42 KB, 1100x458, 550:229, sergy_brin_ann_susan_wojci….png)

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65a27a  No.13260441

File: 9df042cf694a532⋯.png (89.2 KB, 930x678, 155:113, Herridge_twt_03162021_1_pe….png)

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d6bd5e  No.13260442

File: 0d3163f20487864⋯.jpg (113.68 KB, 750x746, 375:373, 1608636892050.jpg)

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bef85b  No.13260443

File: 6f733b07e1d19c2⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 1623x951, 541:317, LLifevenhf.jpg)


By A LOT more, Mr. President. OANN has aired the figures. Too bad it remains relatively unknown - SUPPRESSED.

The Communists in GA. are upping their attacks on Lin Wood and his Civil Rights simply for telling the Truth!

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65a27a  No.13260444

File: 435ffa60e2facc9⋯.png (186.07 KB, 1018x1095, 1018:1095, paul_alexander_sex_traffic….png)

File: f1cc0124c24a5f5⋯.png (768.85 KB, 1100x623, 1100:623, SW_border_stats_03162021.png)

File: 2efaf9d6ea264ca⋯.png (521.22 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, Gab_News_03152021_1.png)

File: 66dee36a8e3617e⋯.png (767.43 KB, 1899x1122, 633:374, south_china_seas_03142021_….png)

File: e8bd69274f42f99⋯.png (559.41 KB, 1916x1126, 958:563, south_china_seas_03142021_….png)

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a8edb8  No.13260445

File: 96a4caca8a23e71⋯.jpeg (15.52 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6c7d0462b8401c961d51f9bf7….jpeg)

>>13259621 Thank you, Baker!

>>13260205 Thank you incoming Baker!

Can't wait to open that bottle sitting in my fridge.

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65a27a  No.13260447

File: e01072ac87281f9⋯.jpg (499.83 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, Some_News_12082020_8.jpg)

File: 72d5abe5546394e⋯.jpg (538.5 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, Some_News_12082020_6.jpg)

File: bee9bf93dcba1e2⋯.jpg (572.96 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, Some_News_12082020_1.jpg)

File: d1b92145e940166⋯.jpg (842.17 KB, 970x1126, 485:563, Herridge_twt_12062020_1_im….jpg)

File: 1eea99a3465d45b⋯.jpg (216.45 KB, 1024x707, 1024:707, Pepe_soccar_ball_cry.jpg)

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db3723  No.13260448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Michael Salla

The U.S Secret Space Operations & The E.Ts They Work Alongside With

Classified space programs have been an integral part of a complex jigsaw puzzle concerning UFOs, extraterrestrial life, ancient civilizations and advanced aerospace technologies, which have long defied any coherent understanding. Now finally, we have something to put all the pieces together with the disclosures of secret space program whistleblowers.

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85933b  No.13260449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice Dubs MagisteriumAnon!

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d6bd5e  No.13260450

File: 5e873c8f4d9ccd2⋯.png (394.27 KB, 498x499, 498:499, 1615532872427.png)



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50d8e3  No.13260451

File: 6c129d2bf9833f2⋯.png (482.36 KB, 833x500, 833:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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65a27a  No.13260453

File: 13971567607770a⋯.png (1.78 MB, 2026x1379, 2026:1379, Jr_on_the_slopes_kek_2.png)

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f0a6a8  No.13260454

File: b6975eb3461d1d7⋯.png (68.17 KB, 239x211, 239:211, b6975eb3461d1d72c37eafc1f0….png)



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15c3af  No.13260455

File: c63ef2a916ead60⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1260x1080, 7:6, minenow.png)

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65a27a  No.13260456

File: 735715d2868bbf0⋯.png (375.28 KB, 928x837, 928:837, falling_joe_stairs_AF1.png)

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65a27a  No.13260457

File: fd3809ff3ad332d⋯.jpg (78.67 KB, 747x630, 83:70, perfect_black_bubbles_for_….jpg)

File: 400a93ed64d34de⋯.png (28.34 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, mail_in_voting_fraud_bubbl….png)

File: 9603be872799658⋯.png (932.18 KB, 800x524, 200:131, The_Room_with_text_bubbles.png)

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f0a6a8  No.13260458

File: ff6be42f660fc55⋯.jpg (106.29 KB, 694x500, 347:250, ff6be42f660fc55b9444fbca18….jpg)



remedy that anon


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000000  No.13260459



Bigger than you can imagine.

Everything is right on time and on schedule.

The truth will be known.

What truth?

What is it ultimately the [DS] wants to control?

The minds perception in their matrix?


What happens when the universal agreement changes direction?

The majority of the consciousness awakens and the the truth of how powerful they really are is realized.

Whats going on with the planets frequency?



Nothing can stop what is coming.

… its habbening

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d6bd5e  No.13260460

File: 009e7444722eb56⋯.png (300.25 KB, 497x500, 497:500, 009e7444722eb563673489e0bc….png)

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5dfdbc  No.13260461


Multiple keks

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65a27a  No.13260462

File: 182bede9b57c48b⋯.png (375.44 KB, 832x801, 832:801, 9_percent_covid_bill_9_of_….png)

File: a0112a3c45bf35b⋯.png (72.26 KB, 813x724, 813:724, RINOs.png)

File: bf6bacf390408c9⋯.jpg (148 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 63_billi_in_improper_unemp….jpg)

File: 922edfbd32ebdf6⋯.jpg (280.28 KB, 977x768, 977:768, iran_bukamal_shadow_plane_….jpg)

File: f67fd442cdd7249⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1100x993, 1100:993, iran_map.png)

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15c3af  No.13260463

File: c846237977ecac4⋯.jpg (18.18 KB, 124x137, 124:137, dankyouveddymuch.jpg)

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d6bd5e  No.13260464

File: 9f5f721ac17d15d⋯.webm (588.85 KB, 320x444, 80:111, 1613424407388.webm)

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a334b5  No.13260465


Keep safe & God Bless!

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d6bd5e  No.13260466

File: 71483201eb01115⋯.webm (2.08 MB, 348x476, 87:119, 1610803562774.webm)

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65a27a  No.13260467

File: d500dbac6b2c97f⋯.png (310.67 KB, 833x714, 7:6, dems_against_Trump_0214202….png)

File: ff28cff8c3e8149⋯.jpg (198.38 KB, 1100x642, 550:321, ashamed.jpg)

File: fef1c8b39a2e475⋯.png (691.99 KB, 781x739, 781:739, fight_like_hell.png)

File: 85c3949eedb6b77⋯.png (658.59 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, Trump_re_racism_is_evil.png)

File: 500bc220971bf41⋯.png (916.41 KB, 800x1100, 8:11, Tom_Homan_re_mexico_border.png)

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8266a2  No.13260468



>In one instance earlier this year, Cuomo allegedly asked the two women if they were planning to "mingle" with men during a planned trip to Florida. The governor purportedly referred to the women as "mingle mamas."

Filthy fucking animal. What if someone talked to his daughter like that!


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f0a6a8  No.13260469

File: ed3ee4c70e5e428⋯.png (690.45 KB, 922x648, 461:324, ed3ee4c70e5e42853fd278071a….png)

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d6bd5e  No.13260470

File: 8e9717a1c5b54b5⋯.jpg (52.66 KB, 720x720, 1:1, yes.jpg)

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65a27a  No.13260471

File: d96fa8236de5b16⋯.png (478.81 KB, 828x501, 276:167, Ellis_twt_pic_Overcome.png)

File: 878e8616e55fbaf⋯.png (1.39 MB, 800x800, 1:1, Midnight_Riders.png)

File: dd05e1a97e3e536⋯.jpg (132.65 KB, 900x585, 20:13, biden_press_secretary_chuc….jpg)

File: f03ed26bf4d50f1⋯.jpg (120.77 KB, 596x999, 596:999, same_guy_in_senate_chamber….jpg)

File: b830d81a3cb1a3c⋯.png (163.56 KB, 800x600, 4:3, epstein_and_biden_islands_….png)

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