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File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB, 255x143, 255:143, _bakermeme.png)

5e04ad  No.10362654[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 08.20.2020

>>10354418 ————————————–——– FIFTH COLUMN

>>10354372 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap: >>10354670 )

Wednesday 08.19.2020

>>10351796 ————————————–——– Biden Island (Cap: >>10351928)

>>10351616 ————————————–——– Epstein island. Who owns the surrounding islands [close proximity]? (Cap: >>10352443, >>10353136, >>10353299)

>>10351242 ————————————–——– Ask yourself a very simple question -

Monday 08.17.2020

>>>/projectdcomms/110 —————————— [Placeholder - Indictments Tracking > Non_Civ] (Cap: >>10322497, >>10322510)

Friday 07.31.2020

>>10134839 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution

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Questions & Practice Thread: >>9901078

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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5e04ad  No.10362671

Global Announcements

>>10347454 POTUS responds to the 'Q'

>>10347880 Transcript of POTUS responding to the 'Q'

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10361942, >>10361970, >>10362155, >>10362356 President Trump's Tweets And News

>>10362077, >>10362220, >>10362451 Planefag Reports

>>10362367, >>10361899, >>10362413 LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #28 >>>/comms/23071

>>10362205, >>10362218, >>10362339, >>10362447, >>10362560 Probable FF blamed on Qanons in TX woman hits people with car

>>10361937, >>10361950, >>10362207, >>10362576 Stephen Bannon post arrest info

>>10362374, >>10362329, >>10362275 Bidens lobotomy and other info

>>10362449, >>10362475, >>10362599 Republican Rally Outside DNC Event in Wilmington

>>10362042, >>10362080 GOP chairman subpoenas former Obama official linked to Steele dossier

>>10362234, >>10362326 Active shooter UTA campus

>>10361944, >>10362331 DNC convention info

>>10362109, >>10362005 FL Keys to be force infested with GMO mosquitos

>>10362417, >>10362442 Maggie H tweet on POTUS and pizza stop

>>10361948 Ninja museum in Japan hit by elusive late-night bandit

>>10361949 GOODYEAR INC under Anon surveillance

>>10361971 Antifa BLM terrorist reports

>>10361999 Shut It Down Boys VERY MAD at FBI

>>10362163 School assignment shows police as slave owners, KKK, drawing outrage

>>10362118 Great Grabs from DNC ladies Poll

>>10362196 Texas Rapper Charged in Narcotics and Prescription Opioid Conspiracy

>>10359085 QRV adds Canary Statement to Permanent Sticky asserting we are a non-violent movement

>>10362317 Kevin Clinesmith Case Notes and Discussion Info

>>10362328 Calif. Dems’ Taxes on Millionaires Could Spell Disaster in Golden State

>>10362436 The Marketing of Children’s Blood: Adrenochrome Goes Mainstream on Turkish TV News

>>10362589 Rep. Greg Pence was a passenger in a vehicle involved in a minor accident Thursday afternoon on South Eighth Street.

>>10362649 #13260


>>10361303, >>10361584 PF updates

>>10361830 Steve Bannon Pleads Not Guilty To Fraud Charges, Freed On $5 Million Bail

>>10361751 Portland rioters target ICE facility and reignite feud with federal police

>>10361629 LIVE: MSM waiting for Steve Bannon to exit court after being charged with fund-raising fraud

>>10361571 Video of ancient, hidden temple of Lord Shiva in #Kenya goes viral on Twitter in #India

>>10361521 Here is a book on 4GW that is used by the US military. Attached as PDF.

>>10361513 Yates panics but we know her truth vid

>>10361504 Bannon Was Set to Release a Documentary on Xi Next Week

>>10361450 Pelosi faces progressive backlash over Joe Kennedy endorsement

>>10361423 Secret Luxury Submarines Billionaires Have

>>10361302 'Fight Club In The Skies': Brawl Erupts On American Airlines Flight Over Mask Policy

>>10361868 #13259

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5e04ad  No.10362676


>>10360554, >>10360684, >>10360895 planefaggin

>>10360996 The G550 is being modified to include a telemetry system and additional equipment designed to support the Navy’s future operations.

>>10360801 LIVE: Trump delivers remarks on Biden's 'Half a Century of Failures' in Pennsylvania

>>10360724 Cuomo signed legislation on Thursday allowing voters to request absentee ballots for November's election if they are concerned about contracting the coronavirus.

>>10360699 Secretary Pompeo Delivers Remarks from the United Nations -3:30 PM

>>10360622 Obama making fun of the Flint Water Crisis, pretends to drink the water twice….

>>10360612 Q and Bannon boat?

>>10360547 There’s a plane flying over Wilmington, Delaware with a banner that reads: “JOE BIDEN IS LOSING IT. VOTE TRUMP 2020”

>>10360543 Just a heads up Storm #13

>>10360531 Grenell Joins RNC, Labels Trump ‘Most Pro-Gay President in US History’

>>10360509 Trump admin asks Supreme Court to review decision on Twitter blocks

>>10360482 AF1 has landed according to RSBN reporters. POTUS soon.

>>10360469 A group of more than 70 former national security officials spanning the last four Republican administrations endorsed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Biden

>>10360466 Trump Meets Iraqi Leader to Discuss US Future Role in Iraq


>>10360430 Bay Area man sentenced to 108 months for child pornography

>>10360404 creep factor vids mobile ahead of Biden tonight

>>10360401 AG Bill Barr met with @CLEpolice officers, along with FBI, DEA, USMS and ATF agents this afternoon to discuss violent crime strategies and the results of Operation Legend. He also toured an @ATFHQ

>>10360392 Puerto Rico Legislator and Two Capitol Employees Indicted for Theft and Bribery

>>10361083 #13258

Previously Collected Notables

>>10359547 #13256, >>10360316 #13257

>>10357235 #13253, >>10358009 #13254, >>10358781 #13255

>>10355285 #13250, >>10356270 #13251, >>10356472 #13252

>>10353332 #13247, >>10353339 #13248, >>10354126 #13249

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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5e04ad  No.10362677

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

Germany #63 >>10275120

UK #20 >>10226357

Australia #9 >>10099681

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084 - #090 >>>/comms/5510 through >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630 through >>10092908, >>10180323

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5e04ad  No.10362678

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

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Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes60 >>10031965 for the Warehouse

GET from Warehouse — tagged, sorted, reformatted, compacted ammo from memers & scouts

USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes — https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


* Obamagate https://mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw

* Biden Everything Biden that isn’t in Obamagate or Ukraine folders — https://mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

* Kamala Biden’s running mate — https://mega.nz/folder/hMhwDabC#z12ZBjbeqey-JXq9A9PS3A

* Trump Successes v2 Promote Trump policies & actions — https://mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

* VoterID / ElectionRigging Vote-by-mail, fraud — https://mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

* HCQ — https://mega.nz/folder/AdAgCKRD#mC2IVsbIJ4J2qD07Pf9jxA

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, protests, law & order, defund/support police — https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #28 >>>/comms/23071

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTYUwt5rV5s

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84de48  No.10362679

File: 48894b39e0c2793⋯.png (807.67 KB, 697x1514, 697:1514, ClipboardImage.png)

McLean, VA

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98749c  No.10362680


Bridgestone crew here. That isn't bad, right? Japan are our friends.

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5e04ad  No.10362681

New Dough



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5615bf  No.10362682

File: 25243b60c2ff894⋯.png (194.54 KB, 677x729, 677:729, DNC.png)

>>10362630 (/lb)


Their need for symbolism will be their downfall

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5e04ad  No.10362683

New Baker Needed When Possible

Thanks Q Thanks Anons WRWY All the way

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6e66e2  No.10362684

Anons a few months back we’re discussing Postmaster General for a few days IIRC.

I didn’t t have time but skimmed some of it

Anon have helpful link?

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bee4d3  No.10362685

qawww qawww u crying bennie soi boi soroi non stop train from old mafiosos?/??



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ee905c  No.10362686

File: b6123a04025e19c⋯.mp4 (7.72 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, AWarriorPreperes.mp4)

A Warrior prepares

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72890a  No.10362687

File: 31766c20a3277e1⋯.jpg (168.57 KB, 1040x2048, 65:128, Ef5QjGZWoAA8GRh.jpg)


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796483  No.10362688

File: 8e93ff6b75c1375⋯.jpg (65.31 KB, 888x485, 888:485, 3y28bhtt.jpg)

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5e04ad  No.10362689

File: 2e3abfe20023352⋯.png (85.08 KB, 846x763, 846:763, 2e3abfe200233525a0841c030b….png)

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e3cc9d  No.10362690

>>10362469 (pb)

Doctors have to be waking up to the fact that the "CDC vaccine program" is all about population control and making "cash cows for the Pharm". If doctors simply administer the recommended vaccines they will kill a certain number of children. I have wondered for some time when doctors would realize what is happening and behave accordingly. I also wondered if a person was racist would they make sure to give the dangerous vaccines to their less favored race.

In any case, no one should allow their child to be vaccinated without clear informed consent. I think there are a couple of vaccines that may have had benefit for some people some of the time (small pox and BCG come to mind), but mass mandated vaccines are simply evil.

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42df1f  No.10362691

File: 5d4e3187e146216⋯.png (150.67 KB, 943x944, 943:944, Screenshot_20200820_152600….png)

File: a92445b630ea6d9⋯.png (735 KB, 952x1052, 238:263, 80202_original.png)

File: 61eb83f25defefc⋯.png (765.48 KB, 864x1150, 432:575, 80070_original.png)

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84de48  No.10362692


Wakers would be better

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689b33  No.10362693

File: 75876dbde6c8859⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 484x645, 484:645, Mask_Of_The_Beast.jpg)

>>10361302 (lb/pb)

> Mask Policy

Masks are the ultimate "divider". United we're strong, divided, we're weak.

Masks, mark of the beast.

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b39988  No.10362694

File: 6deb16f2b893f8c⋯.png (466.35 KB, 550x550, 1:1, bernell_trammell_black_lie….png)

File: 71ed48759b12ad2⋯.png (83.36 KB, 1014x588, 169:98, Screenshot_2020_08_20_demc….png)

File: 960e95401098637⋯.png (484.7 KB, 1268x890, 634:445, Screenshot_2020_08_20_demc….png)


For the next few days we will be targeting the above hash and posting our intel.

Scouts - Please notifey when Biden or Harris Post

Tactical Assualt anons - please target directly

Flanks - Please RT and Report all BOTS

Operations - Please share this op to your social networks

Joe Biden Supporters Are Older And More Moderate

Kamala Harris Claims She Pushed Taxpayer-Funded Gender Reassignment Surgery For Inmates

As Attorney General, Kamala Harris claims that she helped push for taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgeries for California inmates. In 2015, Harris defended the California corrections department in a case regarding gender reassignment surgeries for inmates as 'necessary'. The outcome of the case allowed for convicted murderer Shiloh Quine to receive gender reassignment surgery.











#dnc #bidenharris2020 #demconvention #DemocraticConvention #DNC #DNC2020 #WomenForBiden #BidenCoalition

BIDEN https://mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

KAMALA https://mega.nz/folder/hMhwDabC#z12ZBjbeqey-JXq9A9PS3A

OBAMAGATE https://mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw

TREASON https://mega.nz/folder/JYxk1Q6I#GfQXk5sF-5GjKzIIeGp7Ag



Biden does better among black voters than white voters primarily because of the Obama effect.


Joe Biden Supporters Are Older And More Moderate



kamala Harris: "What else do we know about this population 18 through 24…THEY ARE STUPID…that is why we put them in dormitories and they have a resident assistant…they make really bad decisions"



The Fake News Media is giving @KamalaHarris a free pass despite her Radical Left failures and very poor run in the Democrat Primary. There was nobody meaner or more condescending to Slow Joe, not even me, and yet she quickly evaporated down to almost zero in the polls. Bad!


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0f68dd  No.10362695

File: 98476cbdf456b4c⋯.jpg (158.01 KB, 757x1250, 757:1250, a99dfe99b1b6e635c20a9536ee….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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df41c0  No.10362696

File: 357980c62ba8387⋯.png (1.18 MB, 2780x987, 2780:987, zB2.png)

File: fd6f259cebeead2⋯.png (106.31 KB, 455x428, 455:428, JARQ2.png)



A Catholic made it famous first! kek

I mean a Failed Catholic Priest who chose Pussy over the Church. At least Alphonse was honest about that! kek

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169791  No.10362697

File: c20dfaa9d620ffa⋯.jpg (573.47 KB, 1555x2160, 311:432, ythnol8bu4i51.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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2068d4  No.10362698

File: bedf2229680765f⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 385x530, 77:106, bewbsgif.gif)

That was a quick bake, good job, baker!

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151e05  No.10362699

File: 90109f6881e3c0a⋯.jpg (73.02 KB, 680x332, 170:83, Bake_More_Bitch_Less.jpg)



Much better now. Day by day. Thank you.Stay Blessed.


If baking didnt work there would have bene a problem IMHO it's too late for anything like that now though. Far FAR Too Late for that.

This weak ass attempt at a FF is just the latest example of what they do.

POTUS Literally only mentioned it AS A RESPONSE To a Reporter Question.

Very Next day Car attack by "Supporter".

Right. .

>>10362656 Useless idiot or whatever.

Believe what you want as you were freely admitted.

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822137  No.10362700

File: 00ae32693181582⋯.png (48.84 KB, 406x345, 406:345, ClipboardImage.png)

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5615bf  No.10362701




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5d17dc  No.10362702

TORKLAW - Feb. 25 , 2019

Defective G - 159 motorhome tires and a 20 year coverup by Badyear

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fac7c2  No.10362704


doctors these days are evil scumbags who only care about money.

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bee4d3  No.10362705






fakken ckunt RACHEL MADDOW

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7376a4  No.10362706


nice work baker

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b03acb  No.10362708

sams club has a rebate for pirelli right now

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076476  No.10362709


Who is Audrey Strauss, the woman stepping in as Wall Street’s next top cop?

by Chris Dolmetsch, Bloomberg News, Posted: June 21, 2020

Barr fires Berman, SDNY.

Audrey Strauss in his temporary replacement.

She is the one who just indicted Bannon.

Seems pretty clear that she just walked into a trap and is exposing all the DS 5th column players at SDNY

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5e04ad  No.10362710


Whew that was a fast bread !! TYAnon proud to serve you

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c1e454  No.10362711

File: 03e20a923213677⋯.png (327.44 KB, 624x819, 16:21, Dems_finest.PNG)

The DNC this week welcomed convicted rapist, torturer and killer Donna Hylton to speak to their supporters. Democrats introduced Hylton as an impactful community leaders.

Hylton squeezed her victim’s testicles with pliers before he was murdered.

She’s a good Democrat.

The digital Democratic National Convention kicked off this week with a pre-recorded video of “America’s most impactful community leaders” reading the preamble to America’s Constitution. The various participants, mostly Democratic politicians and party activists, might be alarmed to learn that their segment featured Donna Hylton, a 55-year-old Jamaican woman convicted for the kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder of a 62-year-old Long Island real estate broker in 1986…

…Before receiving accolades for her work as an “impactful community leader,” Donna Hylton and her gang of prostitutes had drugged real estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo, brought him to their Harlem apartment, and subjected him to a three week torture session which included starvation, beatings, burnings, and various forms of sexual torture leading to a gruesome murder. Hylton had raped Vigliarolo with a three-foot metal rod, later laughing it off, quipping “he was a homo anyway.” Hylton had demanded ransom from the victim’s friend, planning on spending her cut on professional photos to launch a career in modeling. She was paroled in 2012, having served 26 years in prison.

Out of prison, Donna Hylton quickly found work as a Democrat activist joining the Coalition for Women Prisoners and advocating for the early release of convicted prisoners, specifically women and minorities.


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5615bf  No.10362712


"Failed" Catholic Priest is just an attack ON the Priest for 'insulting' the Satanists.



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d6611d  No.10362713

Q on BB fox news now

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383163  No.10362714

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wake Up!

It's up to US!

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060950  No.10362715

File: 0e8f34f8cec083f⋯.png (294.06 KB, 646x756, 323:378, EfjpQP1XYAE2kFL.png)


Wearing a mask/face covering while not being sick is a satanic ritual.

6 feet separation

6 feet in front

6 feet behind

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e70f26  No.10362716

File: 66d3e1a69d61195⋯.png (10.64 KB, 194x255, 194:255, f7fb39b1e7d06b16c87bc318a0….png)

File: 4039c27def858ee⋯.jpg (45.85 KB, 707x353, 707:353, 4c162g.jpg)

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6f5c9c  No.10362717

Anyone feel like a Q vs Antifa poll?


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13adb9  No.10362718

File: 48496a25a82a82c⋯.mp4 (858.73 KB, 272x480, 17:30, VcxuhshGwlPQTWbI.mp4)


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98749c  No.10362719


>Audrey Strauss

She's the same one who announced charges on Maxwell, right?

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449e65  No.10362720

Moar Habakkuk for a one from last bread

Habakkuk 2:12–14 (ESV):

Woe to him who builds a town with blood

and founds a city on iniquity!

Behold, is it not from the Lord of hosts

that peoples labor merely for fire,

and nations weary themselves for nothing?

For the earth will be filled

with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord

as the waters cover the sea.

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d6611d  No.10362721



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822137  No.10362722

COVID-19 Melbourne live updates: Trump drug tested in Melbourne hospital

A controversial drug used by Donald Trump is being trialled in a Melbourne hospital, after hundreds of health care worker infections in Victoria.

A controversial drug used by Donald Trump is being trialled in a Melbourne hospital, after hundreds of health care worker infections in Victoria.

St Vincent’s Hospital is recruiting doctors and nurses to take part in a trial to see whether Hydroxychloroquine can stop them getting the coronavirus while treating patients.

The government’s coronavirus task force has recommend against using the drug for treating the disease or preventing its spread. However, a new trial run by the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, has been set up to test the drug on 2250 health care workers in Australia.

The trial will take place over a four month period and 40 staff members at the of hospital have already signed up. Half will be given the drug, the other a placebo.

“This will allow us to see if hydroxychloroquine is better than placebo in preventing COVID-19 and if hydroxychloroquine reduces the severity and duration of COVID-19 symptoms,” a spokesperson for the trial said.

St Vincent’s has also issued an urgent call to other states and even to New Zealand for more doctors and nurses to help fight COVID-19.

In an online advert by the hospital, St Vincent’s staff warn Victorians and their health system “have been hit hard by the pandemic and our hospitals are stretched to the limit”.

There are 753 active coronavirus cases linked to healthcare workers, with a total of 2563 professionals in the ­industry infected since the start of the pandemic.


Australian MSM

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bee4d3  No.10362723


fuck you nigger

so i ses it!!


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8beb2d  No.10362724

you Obviously get paid to do what you do.


>why do you Not enjoy it?

you never heard [me] say you were wrong... yet immediately to the attack.

probably a complex neuroses there, if not a full_blown psychoses.

[i] have simply been looking for the proof for a very long time now.

expecting a fine, upstandingnazisuch as yourself to help [me] is obviously beyond your capabilities.

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b03acb  No.10362725


maybe your inner hubbard tard is screaming in lesbian daydreams on the guey to mordor

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5615bf  No.10362726



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ea9393  No.10362727

File: a6b3e324ee43212⋯.png (116.14 KB, 598x835, 598:835, Screenshot_2020_08_20_Ice_….png)

File: 28068a854c2dd41⋯.png (277.12 KB, 598x847, 598:847, Screenshot_2020_08_20_Bata….png)

File: 783462fd0092d48⋯.png (202.73 KB, 598x526, 299:263, Screenshot_2020_08_20_bage….png)

I'm so fucking tired of Twitter getting away with this shit. Ok, fine - attack them for kicking us out because muh conspiracy but


the Hashtag #bagets has been known now for a while. Still going on and now they are going to try infiltrating the alter hashtag.

This hash is used by a community of D.I.D. sufferers - a lot of which got that way through child exploitation and trauma - as well as fakes. and now will have predators as well.


I need a lie down.

reported these through this throw away acct: https://twitter.com/ThrowayP

if wanna retweet or whatever. I'm deflated… tired and in a foul mood. this anon needs a break from this shit.

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42df1f  No.10362728

File: 54b44cfd800e0d7⋯.png (130.76 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Screenshot_20200820_152925….png)

File: 4fd2a82dbd9f52a⋯.png (725.56 KB, 1080x2111, 1080:2111, Screenshot_20200820_152904….png)

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fac7c2  No.10362729


I would but i got a permanent suspension from twatter, i don't even care to go back either.

they don't like me saying their messiah bill gates should hang for crimes against humanity

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689b33  No.10362730


>Anons a few months back we’re discussing Postmaster General for a few days IIRC.

I don't have the link, but it was astonishing if what was said is true. That the Postmaster General has powers and authority I hadn't guessed at. Wasn't the ultimate authority rested in the British Postmaster for the world? Something outrageous like that if memory serves.

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a6f222  No.10362731


>Anyone feel like a Q vs Antifa poll?


KEK All of the JOOOOOOOZZZZZZ people wont know which way to vote.

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bee4d3  No.10362732


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076476  No.10362733


>Who is Audrey Strauss, the woman stepping in as Wall Street’s next top cop?

NEW YORK — Audrey Strauss emerged as the next chief federal prosecutor in Manhattan after her former boss, Geoffrey Berman, agreed to leave the job Saturday, ending a confrontation with Attorney General William Barr. In a statement, Berman said he decided to step down because Barr reversed course on a plan to appoint an outsider as his immediate replacement and instead named Strauss acting U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.

Berman called Strauss the “smartest, most principled, and effective lawyer” he has ever worked with and said the office, the most important in the country for prosecuting white-collar crime and policing Wall Street, could be “in no better hands.”

Who is Strauss?

Strauss, 72, has been Berman’s second-in-command since April 2019, but her history in the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s Office stretches back more than four decades. A graduate of Barnard College and Columbia Law School, Strauss first became a Southern District federal prosecutor in 1976. She served in the office until 1983 and then worked in Washington as a staff lawyer in the independent counsel investigation into the Reagan-era Iran-Contra affair.

Before rejoining the Southern District in 2018, Strauss had a long career in the private sector, including stints as a partner at New York law firm Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson LLP and as chief legal and compliance officer at Alcoa Corp., where she oversaw the aluminum producer’s $384 million settlement in 2014 of federal probes into whether it paid bribes to members of Bahrain’s royal family and officials at a state-owned company. Strauss also previously served as a board member on the Innocence Project, a non-profit that seeks to exonerate wrongfully convicted prisoners.

What’s her reputation?

The Southern District’s leading role in prosecuting white-collar crime, terrorism, political corruption and organized crime is buttressed by its longstanding reputation for independence, such that it is frequently referred to as the “Sovereign District of New York.” Barr’s original plan to shuffle top New Jersey federal prosecutor Craig Carpenito into Berman’s role raised alarm bells, but the choice of Strauss showed the attorney general would “respect the normal operation of law” and maintain the office’s independence, Berman said. His predecessor, Preet Bharara — who was also fired after refusing to quit — likewise tweeted Saturday that the office will “continue the long tradition of integrity and independence” under Strauss.


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ee905c  No.10362734

big Qanon hit piece on fox just ended

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ea9393  No.10362735


I blurred that first one because it was full of CP

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b03acb  No.10362736


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98749c  No.10362737


The word of the Lord. Thanks anon

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223dd4  No.10362738

File: b3d05511fc95eee⋯.jpeg (42.95 KB, 800x543, 800:543, 5B1349D4_94F6_4245_A8B7_E….jpeg)

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076476  No.10362739



>Who is Audrey Strauss, the woman stepping in as Wall Street’s next top cop?


How long will Strauss be in the role?

Strauss would step aside once a new U.S. attorney is confirmed by the Senate, but there are indications that President Donald Trump’s proposed nominee, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Jay Clayton, could have trouble clearing that hurdle. South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, a close Trump ally and Judiciary Committee chairman, has said he won’t move forward on Clayton’s nomination without the consent of New York Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand. Schumer has already called for Clayton to withdraw and for Congress to investigate the circumstances of Berman’s dismissal. Clayton has also never worked as a prosecutor before and spent many years representing Wall Street banks as a partner at New York law firm Sullivan & Cromwell LLP.

Berman himself was never confirmed, though. Several months after Trump fired Bharara, then Attorney General Jeff Sessions named Berman to a 120-day interim appointment that was subsequently made permanent by the district court judges. It’s unclear if a similar appointment might be planned for Clayton.

What cases has Strauss worked on as deputy?

Over the past year and a half, Strauss has played a supervisory role in some of the Southern District’s highest-profile cases, including one that reportedly led to friction between Berman and the White House. Her name appears in documents relating to the case that led Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to plead guilty to campaign finance violations. She also signed the Oct. 16 indictment of former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker Bryan Cohen, who pleaded guilty earlier this year to passing tips about deals involving Buffalo Wild Wings Inc. and Syngenta AG to a Swiss trader as part of an international insider-trading ring.

What are the politically sensitive cases she will inherit?

There is an ongoing probe into Trump’s lawyer and political ally, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, himself a former Southern District U.S. attorney. The office is examining his efforts to secure political dirt in Ukraine on Trump’s 2020 opponent Joe Biden and has already brought charges against two of Giuliani’s associates. There has also been a long-running investigation into Deutsche Bank, a major lender to Trump’s companies.

The office is currently prosecuting Turkey’s state-owned Halkbank for allegedly helping Iran evade sanctions on billions of dollars in oil funds. Former National Security Advisor John Bolton claims in his upcoming book that Trump promised Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the Halkbank “problem” would be “fixed” once “his people” controlled the Southern District.


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bee4d3  No.10362740


MUHBEE u should be looked into — CHILD TRAFFICKER

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5d17dc  No.10362741


CDC vaccine program = is a NWO US State Department program to reduce population.

Office of Population - US State Dept. fully covered by William Cooper in book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE

Kissenger pops up again and again

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4036aa  No.10362742

File: c7e7591a4376815⋯.png (113.02 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04908bde1431c46⋯.png (141.63 KB, 199x255, 199:255, ClipboardImage.png)

Jews Chaotix safe Pray!

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84de48  No.10362743

File: 926817e0d9aa73e⋯.png (782.36 KB, 574x898, 287:449, ClipboardImage.png)

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782ed0  No.10362744

File: ab5168bc2eba328⋯.png (491.15 KB, 700x525, 4:3, blimp1.png)

File: f6d0c16402bd192⋯.png (610.87 KB, 500x661, 500:661, blimp2.png)

Up your woke ass, Goodyear. Not one more penny from me.

Partial transcript from Goodyear (Toledo) audio…“Some people may wish to express their views on social justice or inequity or equity issues such as black lives matter or LGBTQ pride on their face coverings, shirts, or wristbands. That will be deemed approved because it applies with a zero-tolerance stance,” said the speaker. “However if any associate wears all, blue, white lives matter shirts or face coverings, that will be not appropriate.”

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c1e454  No.10362745


Not one media has looked up the date when 'Pizzagate' happened and when Q first started posting.

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e70f26  No.10362746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How to fool the normie jews into joining the evil jews?

Watch whole video and learn.

A video made BY JEWS FOR JEWS

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5d4df8  No.10362747


key on the long-suffering of God….it is very important

in addition , I recommend


.com are usually profit orientated

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6e66e2  No.10362748

Yeah the info was really out there


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0bdb47  No.10362749


Fuck that!

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b39988  No.10362750

File: 8ef86a42cd13bd2⋯.png (101.75 KB, 203x256, 203:256, 8ef86a42cd13bd28e959e74c77….png)

File: ffe50b818595e95⋯.png (4.63 KB, 320x66, 160:33, ffe50b818595e9574b241a98c5….png)

File: 76019210aa3bd48⋯.jpg (802.41 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, e45eabc656ee89896619552f15….jpg)




look at header lettering of graphic, as well as the graphic itself. lots if lines crossing the text.


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9d2674  No.10362751

What exactly is a "Full fledged Qanon member"

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604d6f  No.10362752

Column 5

I'm only talking to those who know what the hell I'm talking about.

Long, long, the Q question has looked for a Trump answer. 

First of all , in the Trump presser 8-19-20, there was NO Q question.

There was Qanon question.

Qanon is an outsider view. It started early on, caught on, likely much because it is totally unique, where as Q is not. There are many Q entities in this world. I dare to bet there is only one Qanon, thus it is unique, novel, specific, avoids confusion… for outsiders.

I have long fought the Qanon handle. It is a composite, a confusing conflation used out of ignorance. Q has gone along with it… I always felt in a bit of a mocking manner. Q mocks their attacks against Qanon and I perceive along with that, ridicule of the outsider term itself, Qanon. More recently Q has suggested moving away from IDing as Qanon… favoring WWG1QGA, you look it up.

Whatever the Q board, closing in on 3 years, there has never been confusion between Q and Anon. Nobody mistakes one for the other. Sure, absolutely WWG1WGA. And yes, we are all Q. Nevertheless no honest Anon claims to be Q. There is no Qanon within. We always all know the clear lines of demarcation, differences in function. It is fully true, Q came to the board as Anon, like everyone else. I do not think Q ever looked for a Q handle. Study the early days, bread after bread, including those with no Q. Q favored a handle of Patriot. Even the Q revelation was 'Q Clearance Patriot'. Q handle came out of the ranks of Anons of those days, to distinguish and establish unique Anon. Anons' voices wished to give this new arrival a handle. Board agreed, Q was used and accepted, first as tripcode and later as sign off. It was organic growth, maturation of fellow compatriots.

So POTUS in 8-19 presser said he did not know much of Qanon to someone, and likely a whole world full of people who know far less, outsiders all. Only a day or so before he turned away from a snarky Qanon question. The one on the 19th had an ounce of respect, sincerity, though from a front row snark. POTUS had no Q question. Perhaps he will never say much until somebody who has studied Q and can ask a damn intelligent Q question, C_A automatically disqualified.

So POTUS, suggesting ignorance about the misnomer Qanon… something that really does not exist and does not deserve his thoughts, full truth be understood. He felt a bit bad slighting Anons, post presser. Talking it over with Q, likely team, remedy was devised, 'Fifth Column' drop. There just happened to be an abundance of Anons alert who could immediately explain it all… THE Q PROOF. Many Anon give the meaning, many put up the graphic. One Anon says 1-21-2017 C_A speech, 14:50 marker. One Anon puts it in graphic with speech text… 'We get rid of the columns'. It was no sleepy night for many well informed Anons who jumped on it swiftly and rightly. It was Q PROOF in action, shot of confidence in arm for every Anon. Feel the love my friends.

10-28-2017 marker swiftly and suddenly moved and leaped to 1-21-2017. Q/Q+ moved the whole movement back to the start of term. I'd say rather officially. I for one will have trouble using 10-28-2017 as start date for Q. Are we about to learn much more, early 17+ code, in 17?

This Q stuff is only for those who put in the head time to get it, snarks not welcomed. 

PS Does any anon want POTUS 24/7, learning this board. I sure do not do that or want it from him. I think he has a bit more to do. How can he ever say he knows much about this board?

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9f1e72  No.10362753

Notable from 2009 H1N1 Cases Overestimated (will MSM do the same for C19?)


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b03acb  No.10362754


now spam something unflattering

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e3cc9d  No.10362756

Anons see "Qanon" all over Faux News just now?

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9270a5  No.10362757

File: 32266ab50e92838⋯.jpg (160.28 KB, 1333x824, 1333:824, b2_lurkin.JPG)

yall good in here? can we get someone to bake a couple?

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de7722  No.10362758


>What exactly is a "Full fledged Qanon member"

a 3rd week newfag

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151e05  No.10362759



>.com are usually profit orientated

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060950  No.10362761



>CDC vaccine program = is a NWO US State Department program to reduce population.


>Office of Population - US State Dept. fully covered by William Cooper in book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE


>Kissenger pops up again and again

Correct, Vaccines in their current form are soft kill weapons. (On the general populace)

I am vaccine damaged, spent 20 years researching why a FLU shot did what it did to me..

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223dd4  No.10362762

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d6611d  No.10362763

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f6ffdb  No.10362764

File: 9ec0edcc4e52ffe⋯.png (165.63 KB, 987x1040, 987:1040, Screenshot_2020_08_20_Bide….png)


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5615bf  No.10362765

File: b40de8b7e37d45e⋯.jpg (14.09 KB, 420x279, 140:93, Roach14.jpg)

File: 02ebbb019783924⋯.jpg (73.41 KB, 500x626, 250:313, Self_kill36.jpg)

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a6f222  No.10362766


>What exactly is a "Full fledged Qanon member"

They are the ones who bought a super premium vip membership.

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df41c0  No.10362767

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB, 586x614, 293:307, CHOOSEPAIN.png)


Baker not use an image, confuse pepe! kek


kek!!! Talk about triggered!

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b03acb  No.10362768










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98749c  No.10362769


Biblegateway only charges for extra study materials. Gives all of the bible translations for free.

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e28992  No.10362770

File: 3b2aeb3932d0eaf⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, melberg.jpg)

ari melberg….this guy. argh

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151e05  No.10362771



Go for the bake pls anon has IRL and class soon.

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2ffeb0  No.10362772

File: 17c185d7bdb2d91⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1200x1180, 60:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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bee4d3  No.10362773

brett yo backside looks bigga than fat arse cumalotee harris

thats quite a feat

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d6611d  No.10362774


Do you have your Gold card? You can't be full fledged unless you have a gold membership.

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f50687  No.10362775

File: 9adb0d27c03426f⋯.png (568.23 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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b03acb  No.10362776


you must have a list of unrequited homo

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de7722  No.10362777


are you telling me

that some religious groups

are profit oriented?

learn something new here every single day.

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223dd4  No.10362778




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449e65  No.10362779


Highest ranking anons

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392d2f  No.10362780

File: b063b4b5bba9517⋯.png (181.92 KB, 639x361, 639:361, mascot.png)

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9270a5  No.10362781

File: ee97b31800be26e⋯.png (258.51 KB, 425x740, 85:148, doggo.png)



im tryin' to call the hounds for ya anon…


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5e04ad  No.10362782

File: b8d247f5d212f79⋯.gif (483.82 KB, 498x498, 1:1, b8d247f5d212f79f6aade15b8e….gif)


Il hold the line until someone who is not exhausted can bake . I know the crew is overworked. Il be ok for another bread if needed. I got this do not fear and thank you !

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d1aa5c  No.10362783


Very few flags to be seen either.


>What exactly is a "Full fledged Qanon member?"


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992604  No.10362784


getting too obvious to not be full control

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592cee  No.10362785

File: f5dba82c569fe8f⋯.png (438.1 KB, 435x435, 1:1, f5dba82c569fe8fbe4dc872ccc….png)

Welp patriots, we've just been called terrorists on Bret Baier Special Report Faux New. The enemy has been creeping' over our bread posts because they showed many of anon posts..

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98749c  No.10362786


No, publishers are.

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5615bf  No.10362787

File: 386db581aaa33b9⋯.jpeg (28.43 KB, 433x480, 433:480, Triggered.jpeg)


Nah, you and the 'anon' who posted the deceitful meme are triggered.

Non-Triggered people don't have to deceive.

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392d2f  No.10362788

File: c68cf4ace4fde3d⋯.png (229.53 KB, 424x424, 1:1, me.png)

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6b2213  No.10362789


sauce it

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b03acb  No.10362790



lame duck possing with fronthole tranny

and token negro

and koko gorilla

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223dd4  No.10362791


Nigga I even told them my blood type. I’m legit 100%

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13adb9  No.10362792

File: ac647727911ba5c⋯.png (302.49 KB, 535x634, 535:634, Screenshot_2020_08_20_Sput….png)

Players flock to #JeffreyEpstein's virtual 'pedo-island' recreated in Microsoft flight simulator


Nothing can stop what is coming


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fdcf22  No.10362793


>>10362694, >>10362750 Attention Keyboard Warriors: Warroom Op #DemConvention

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ef22e7  No.10362794


Once you've posted your tits with a timestamp you achieve the status of Highest Ranking Anon

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bee4d3  No.10362795


maddcow is uglier

payma aymand wins though- he a goat labanese BEIRUT LANANON BOMBER

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ea9393  No.10362796


@IceIceB60238332 blocked my account. @IceIceB60238332 still active

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060950  No.10362797

File: 2780462d1a0e3a9⋯.jpg (40 KB, 760x428, 190:107, CHKD.jpg)





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0ddf7f  No.10362798

File: b4c569f3634280b⋯.png (172.66 KB, 596x607, 596:607, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Watkins Targeted by YouTube


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df41c0  No.10362799

File: dde2ac55fb26f0b⋯.jpg (945.74 KB, 1250x1023, 1250:1023, dde2ac55fb26f0b3770ca38ac7….jpg)


I added failed because after four years of Seminary, anything but entering into the Priesthood is failure and it is way easier to meme! kek

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383163  No.10362800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9270a5  No.10362801


they only show fake aflb lies, they'll never show you the REAL (you)'s

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42df1f  No.10362802

File: 3d1f19852bd5fdc⋯.jpg (242.99 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, dtbo.jpg)

File: d769ef5dd34fa08⋯.png (873.79 KB, 1080x1877, 1080:1877, Screenshot_20200820_153400….png)

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6b2213  No.10362803

File: 088a3f695a7953b⋯.jpg (241.8 KB, 700x819, 100:117, St_Michael_Raphael.jpg)

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a6f222  No.10362804


>>What exactly is a "Full fledged Qanon member?"


We need to somehow get word to the media that it is a paid thing to somewhere. When they report it, all those who jump on the bandwagon will expose themselves.

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98749c  No.10362805

Even 4chan refuses to promote anything to do with "Cuties". What a timeline.

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d1aa5c  No.10362806


>Do you have your Gold card?

Speaking of which… anyone getting the golden text box?

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b03acb  No.10362807



homo has doggo

watching peanut butter glory holeing

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392d2f  No.10362808

File: 0cf6abedb54a432⋯.png (500.48 KB, 630x756, 5:6, free_thinkers_ARE.png)

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df41c0  No.10362810

File: 71f8d1ff774fdea⋯.png (352.21 KB, 622x485, 622:485, 3quotestwa.png)


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de7722  No.10362811

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3cdee9  No.10362812


8kun must be where people go when facebook deletes their shit.

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e70f26  No.10362813


That is one smart dog

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fc3b5b  No.10362814

File: 938caf3b25b1171⋯.png (104.73 KB, 318x201, 106:67, baking_class.png)

Bake, Bake, Bake

Half hour til the next great bake-a-thon

FREE live bakin' class

Chills, Thrills, Daredevil Feats of Bakin' Virtuosity

Today: Eight Things to Know Before you bake LIVE

All welcome, bring yer favorite virtual snacks…..

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b03acb  No.10362815


willcock is such a homo huh

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5615bf  No.10362816

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5e04ad  No.10362818

File: 55162fea2faf42d⋯.jpeg (27 KB, 422x750, 211:375, 750x750bb.jpeg)


It's not an emergency just when possible Il keep the fight up. TYso much fren

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d6611d  No.10362819


Just checking. We get some phony faggots in here, ya know.

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ef22e7  No.10362820

Fox Jews

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5d17dc  No.10362821


VACCINE makers lobby CONgress , pay them off , now cant be SUED for damages

MANDATORY poisoning is coming folks

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1599c8  No.10362822

File: 55264dfcdfda4d5⋯.png (364.88 KB, 535x528, 535:528, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10361999 (lb)

Who do they think they are fooling with this strawman bs.

"sparking anger"

Only people digging on the Deep State go to FBI Vault.

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01ea06  No.10362823


Message to all the MSM eyes: Get your story right or we will be "lighting'' you up very very soon.

Dark to Light

Until then…..

Enjoy the show….

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076476  No.10362824

File: 7caf2c7e98dbb24⋯.jpg (246.21 KB, 1388x704, 347:176, audrey_strauss_wiki_1.jpg)

File: cd12ef9bd9d2021⋯.jpg (278.45 KB, 1364x647, 1364:647, audrey_strauss_wiki_2.jpg)


>Audrey Strauss


registered democrat

investigating Rudy and other Trump associates and Rs

nothing to see here but a dumb DS person who fell into a trap…imho

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45bd23  No.10362825

File: 690ae2fe9ea0ba6⋯.jpeg (257.59 KB, 993x974, 993:974, F2B1E25F_B954_4FEC_B451_9….jpeg)


You have to do the thing and take the oath

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2ead42  No.10362826

File: 078fc781edb4f80⋯.png (139.6 KB, 528x395, 528:395, Screen_Shot_2020_08_20_at_….png)


you have it absolutely right, ebot can see into the past and future and your prediction about that Tard is correct, they got mad and responded like a tard would and the guey from Mordor is affirmed for them

bee4d3 is a tard, Ebot will continue to monitor them from very far away. That kinda dumb is contagious. They should wear a mask. The kind that keeps them from biting you.

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fc3b5b  No.10362827


Baking Seminar #28 >>>/comms/23071

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01e28e  No.10362828


E-Sword is a great Bible program …. Chcek it out … Works well with Biblegateway

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98749c  No.10362829


uh, no it's where people went (8chan at first) when 4chan became cuckchan.

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72890a  No.10362830

File: 504d2ae94150b8e⋯.jpg (112.86 KB, 1076x1059, 1076:1059, Ef5bPi8WAAAY6Td.jpg)

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de7722  No.10362831


keks in Gutenberg

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31611f  No.10362832

File: 9aa6cd37e5597f8⋯.png (294.51 KB, 475x355, 95:71, ClipboardImage.png)

Good grief!


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b03acb  No.10362833


we saw your homo resignation rebuttal earlier

it all proves you are homo

and in the throws of homo

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060950  No.10362834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How Metallica REALLY Got Their Name: Augochloropsis Metallica, THE GREEN BEE

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6022c0  No.10362835

File: 3bb2a0c9ea6e68b⋯.jpeg (436.73 KB, 1125x1888, 1125:1888, 569CD47B_ABA9_4328_AF62_3….jpeg)

Just a reminder to all UK anons - the goverment has just secretly installed a cvoid monitoring app on your phone.

On an iphone it can be found under settings>privacy>health

On android its just under settings

The app is not live yet but you can turn it off by turning off bluetooth


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5e04ad  No.10362836


>>10362690, >>10362761 CDC vaccine program

>>10362691, >>10362728 CUTIES netflix documentary backlash

>>10362694, >>10362750 Attention Keyboard Warriors: Warroom Op #DemConvention

>>10362709, >>10362733 Who is Audrey Strauss, the woman stepping in as Wall Street’s next top cop?

>>10362700 Pro Trump banner fly's over DNC convention

>>10362722, >>10362753 Chinese Virus Daily Reports

>>10362792 Players flock to #JeffreyEpstein's virtual 'pedo-island' recreated in Microsoft flight simulator

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5d4df8  No.10362837


that may be true but what else might they do for profit ?…..worse case I could think of is corrupt the translation which would be horrific to those that may not know better

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0f68dd  No.10362838

File: 1b980bc48622a38⋯.jpeg (197.47 KB, 1080x1441, 1080:1441, 1b980bc48622a388569fe0864….jpeg)

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0bdb47  No.10362839


That’s actually true.

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9270a5  No.10362840

File: 751ea3fa9762d84⋯.jpg (55.13 KB, 1261x717, 1261:717, thank_you.JPG)

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b03acb  No.10362841

get your hobbits married

prevents COHIVS

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42df1f  No.10362842

File: 51cbe96955579da⋯.png (743.39 KB, 1080x2041, 1080:2041, Screenshot_20200820_153653….png)

File: 0467904b5e13886⋯.png (679.26 KB, 1080x1853, 1080:1853, Screenshot_20200820_153700….png)

File: 890176315cd4272⋯.png (552.96 KB, 1080x1895, 216:379, Screenshot_20200820_153707….png)

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449e65  No.10362843


It wasn’t controversial for 50 years or so

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45bd23  No.10362844

File: 41572f29dc905e9⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1125x1673, 1125:1673, 74390675_3C26_4D20_9B83_C….jpeg)

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5d17dc  No.10362845


means as much as a reporter saying " full throated ''

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84de48  No.10362846

File: d4bda64a65758f6⋯.png (541.67 KB, 511x510, 511:510, ClipboardImage.png)

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b03acb  No.10362847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>hobbits married

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076476  No.10362848


>Audrey Strauss

Trump Fired Her Boss. Now She’s Taking Cases That Incensed White House

reddit.com/r/politics · Jun 21, 2020 · Article from: www.nytimes.com

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d6611d  No.10362849


oooohhhh I hadn't heard of that… I think I would like.

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3cdee9  No.10362850


this is fucking diabolical

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17e041  No.10362851




Been seeing this last 24hrs

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392d2f  No.10362852


you are certainly free to think so. kek

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992604  No.10362853

File: 637bccd80ec4984⋯.png (352.56 KB, 516x420, 43:35, ClipboardImage.png)





E5 <<

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223dd4  No.10362854

File: d658ce371c58a13⋯.jpeg (167.72 KB, 1050x875, 6:5, 43AF6F49_CD51_4CA0_BBAB_C….jpeg)


And even if all fails, I still have one of those.

Wanna join? I’m pretty sure I can get you a discount

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30cf71  No.10362855


If you put a big friggin Q sticker on your damn truck, you might be a full fledged memeber

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13adb9  No.10362856

File: a2cd096c56e5a3c⋯.png (309.98 KB, 535x593, 535:593, Screenshot_2020_08_20_Sput….png)

Using mercenaries to operate UK drones is 'dangerous' and 'should be ended immediately', expert says



Who cares?

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6933b2  No.10362857

File: d7af4030187fbe6⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1626x1064, 813:532, HighestRanking.png)

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b03acb  No.10362858

oh no

jealous homo is doxxing my comms

for being called a homo

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72890a  No.10362859

File: fb24e21a1f4b8e4⋯.jpg (157.22 KB, 996x1341, 332:447, Ef5eSJRU0AE2bpb.jpg)

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2eaa55  No.10362860

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bee4d3  No.10362861



its brian stetler


come on MOAN

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ef22e7  No.10362862


Bubbles and White Rabbit are the MVPs

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b03acb  No.10362863


lets ask mrs. willcock

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383163  No.10362864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck the corporate stores!

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3cdee9  No.10362865

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ffb2e4  No.10362866


Another beautiful female Patriot!

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31611f  No.10362867

File: 37bab582f163d84⋯.png (53.94 KB, 279x210, 93:70, ClipboardImage.png)

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54e15f  No.10362868

File: 057f3d9f4dfaf6f⋯.jpg (91.04 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 4as4hm.jpg)

File: e68c07be0cb0c4c⋯.jpg (71.4 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 46c4ca.jpg)

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e70f26  No.10362869


People who put Q stuff on their truck in the spring of 2018

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392d2f  No.10362870

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a6f222  No.10362871


Alchoholica was taken?

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df41c0  No.10362872


Well that sucked yet Baby steps! kek

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5d4df8  No.10362873


only the highest ranking anon knows the answer to your question

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e7c997  No.10362874


Or if you fly a big Q flag on your boat at the Trump parade….

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98749c  No.10362875


They'd be called out on it if they even tried. But most of the texts are given to them from nonprofits. Most translations are run by non profit commitees (Bible Societies and such). But the job of the publisher is formatting (or digital formatting). Which they tend to charge for. Except with these websites. All of them offer bible translations for free. But some do tend to charge for extras (like theological books and study materials).

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782ed0  No.10362876


Don't let the others fool you.

I am the highest ranking anon because I paid the $1700.00 for a full PLATINUM Qresearch membership! Plus, my neighbor showed her tits here for me, and I only had to pay her $10.

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72890a  No.10362877

File: 3862f9d691de9f8⋯.jpg (73.96 KB, 662x800, 331:400, Ef5eCfnWoAAfp1F.jpg)

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84de48  No.10362878


Leftist alert.

Can't even get the fucking letters in the frame. Be better faggot.

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b82a24  No.10362879

File: 23659d02948221a⋯.png (998.46 KB, 623x801, 7:9, stop_it.PNG)

File: 5b9b2ca16670ab8⋯.png (314.04 KB, 592x572, 148:143, must_not.PNG)


You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science

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1599c8  No.10362880

File: 96120b1d200741f⋯.png (529.04 KB, 748x534, 374:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4182151b547e5c3⋯.mp4 (4.32 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Treason.mp4)

Trump always knows.

A blast from the past.


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b03acb  No.10362881


only a loser would need a meme like that to feel like winning

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464d33  No.10362882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How to Replace Lower Control Arms and Spring to Fix Noisy Suspension

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108628  No.10362883


that's a joke

or she needs to be arrested

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592cee  No.10362885


Nope they showed some x'd out pics of some traitors

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955369  No.10362886

If Bannon can be taken down for supposed misusing funds for a private border wall, what does that bode for the Clintons and the Clinton foundation.

"How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?" Q

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42df1f  No.10362887

File: d72b15884f94ad0⋯.png (662.74 KB, 1080x1606, 540:803, Screenshot_20200820_154026….png)

File: f5d860c23f06d2a⋯.jpg (36.01 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 898d3e20cdf24c7aa1943246ef….jpg)

File: a3dcbe584cd7445⋯.jpeg (89.79 KB, 1100x772, 275:193, 5922f54434911bf24b8b4ebb.jpeg)

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d23f91  No.10362888

Patriot Anons

Just found out that a friend of mine just got laid off from a ammo manufacture

He said it's very odd that he would get laid off with so many gun sales & even though their is shortage of ammo as well as a limit of ammo to buy per customers at gun stores ( Note: Allot of firearms are not always available at gun stores 3-6 month back order waiting list )

He was told by a long time employee the ammo shortage is not very common these days & it's not good news in a 2A country. ( The long time employee did also say the US Government is still buying up allot of ammo under contract since 2011 )

He did buy some ammo from his job on his last day of work - He bought ton of ammo just in case

Side note: I'm not going to tell you what company he worked for.

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b03acb  No.10362889


even lame duck has pensive homo resignation from homo resignations

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5615bf  No.10362890



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2eaa55  No.10362891


Norwegian !

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223dd4  No.10362892


Kek i got it for 5 bucks

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84de48  No.10362893


8kun premium subscriber

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8beb2d  No.10362894

File: 0d03714cc408f27⋯.jpg (48.28 KB, 896x208, 56:13, 20200820_164109.jpg)

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df41c0  No.10362895

File: 333020f3620491e⋯.png (402.74 KB, 502x498, 251:249, 5ans230.png)


FBI says QANON is violent terrorists!

I am so confused!


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5d17dc  No.10362896



I am an anon , and I have a thinking problem

I thought i could control it , but soon i found myself thinking all the time even at work.

Sometimes its all i can do to not think.

Used to think just socially or on weekends but now its all the time.

John The Savage - BNW

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0bdb47  No.10362897














>Imagine being so retarded you forget to fill out the name field whilst shilling

Your masters should fire you faggot!

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e6933f  No.10362898

File: 77b956da41ec7a3⋯.jpeg (293.54 KB, 883x1434, 883:1434, 06EC76A3_E0D9_4ADC_9D9D_8….jpeg)

Nothing like looking theM dead in the eye, taunting them, dancing on their lawn.

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689b33  No.10362899


>Wearing a mask/face covering while not being sick is a satanic ritual.

Some think it's even more than that:


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4036aa  No.10362900

File: 12b5e7beaf323a5⋯.png (124.48 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52e61cb4337c9ae⋯.png (1.15 MB, 960x498, 160:83, ClipboardImage.png)


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383163  No.10362901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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98749c  No.10362902


I remember when I was young when the joy of science was all of the demonstrations and putting it in practice.

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b03acb  No.10362903

>>10362888 maybe they are suppose to suck on a nail

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5e04ad  No.10362904


Ewww the rake !! Inever seen that one .

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822137  No.10362905

Germany, France & UK REJECT US push to reinstate UN sanctions on Iran

The US exited the Iran nuclear deal and therefore has no right to demand a ‘snapback’ of UN sanctions on Tehran, the foreign ministers of three European powers involved in the JCPOA said in response to Washington’s latest push.

“France, Germany and the United Kingdom, the so-called E3, note that the United States has not been a member of the JCPOA since their withdrawal from the agreement on May 8, 2018,” their respective foreign ministers Jean-Yves Le Drian,Heiko Maas and Dominic Raab said in a statement on Thursday.

Therefore, the E3 “cannot support” the US demand for UN sanctions against Iran to be reimposed, as it is “inconsistent” with their current efforts to implement the deal, the trio added.

JCPOA stands for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the name given to the 2015 nuclear agreement negotiated by the Obama administration, endorsed by all five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany.

Citing UNSC Resolution 2231, which codified the deal, US envoy to the UN Kelly Craft officially requested the “snapback” of sanctions on Thursday, accusing Iran of “significant non-compliance” with the deal. However, China has previously pointed out that the US is not eligible to make that request, having exited the treaty unilaterally. The E3 statement indicates the Europeans share Beijing’s stance on the issue.

The E3 statement came during the press conference US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was giving at the UN, declaring confidently that the rules of the Security Council are “straightforward” and will lead to the sanctions being restored.


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30cf71  No.10362906


Bret Baier???… you mean that secret Luciferian cult member who operates as a DS fifth column agent and pretends outwardly to be a member of a Catholic church?

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449e65  No.10362907


The Logos Bible app has more than you’d expect at the “free” level.

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060950  No.10362908

File: a78f4f5470cac4d⋯.png (607.8 KB, 620x873, 620:873, JW.PNG)

Larry Gelbart was one of Hollywood’s great comedy writers. After his wife’s (apocryphal) face lift, he was asked if she looked any younger. He famously replied, “I don’t know if she looks any younger, but she always looks surprised!”


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bee4d3  No.10362909

WONDER WHO RAN that flynt water district that just settled for deonrat brett brair fucked up WATTER ( watching you nigger) but if it wasnt the DEMONRATS

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01ea06  No.10362910

File: b39edc4de200a19⋯.png (107.74 KB, 531x500, 531:500, q4201.png)


That would require research and fact checking. Something the US media does not do without permission from GS or Chyna.

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e3cc9d  No.10362911

Hope some anons will have some fun with this interesting coinkydink.

Read a WSJ story about Pompeii today and they referenced a new theory as to the date Vesuvius erupted. An inscription was found with the date October 17 written in charcoal, so it is now believed the eruption occurred on or after that date.

I found a number of references to this story on line.


Funny because Q drops started in October 2017.

Haha. "Q proof" a couple millennia ago.

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151e05  No.10362912

File: 9b2983490c8784d⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 640x350, 64:35, Another_One1.gif)

File: 97a6dd856b87d62⋯.jpeg (10.14 KB, 255x187, 15:11, Baker.jpeg)

File: 86b06f7a60e4bec⋯.png (200.05 KB, 565x648, 565:648, Baker_Salute.png)

File: c06890d05d54848⋯.png (37.99 KB, 308x305, 308:305, Baker_ThanQ.png)

File: fffba42ba133775⋯.mp4 (11.75 MB, 512x320, 8:5, TheQuestion_AndAnswer1.mp4)

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e6933f  No.10362913

File: 445b2d228bbe912⋯.jpeg (129.88 KB, 828x704, 207:176, 29641AF0_CAC2_4DBC_9892_8….jpeg)

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8b6909  No.10362914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d1aa5c  No.10362915

File: ade4a644b84485f⋯.png (590.79 KB, 1111x777, 1111:777, pepeQR.png)


An Anon was on about it the other night. Then one appeared when this Anon posts- all week. Nothing special- doesn't do anything, but it's different. Wanna know who and why.

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72890a  No.10362916

File: a3ddb73ae4002fb⋯.jpg (58.17 KB, 680x383, 680:383, Ef5e_Q_WoAUGfEl.jpg)

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ef22e7  No.10362917

File: 10b576b81895eb9⋯.png (201.26 KB, 529x469, 529:469, But_my_legacy.png)


Those are the worst looking pigs-in-a-blanket I have ever seen in my life

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060950  No.10362918


Nicely done Fren kek..

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5d17dc  No.10362919


FBI is asshoe

FBI says preppers are dangerous while DHS says be prepared get a kit make a plan

WTF ? which is it ?

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b03acb  No.10362920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i can;t believe my husband fapps to this bullshit and then spends all his time filling the room with lies

like a homo

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f4f83a  No.10362921

File: 183f4a0a1aba767⋯.png (120.71 KB, 350x350, 1:1, clear.png)

WTF is this, just got SMS text from 406-282-8748 (they used my first name):

Anon, Conservative views are being silenced by social media truth squads with radical liberal agendas. Pres Trump is fighting for us all and he needs your voice heard at the polls. But official records indicate you're not registered to vote. Register now: http://mtvreg.com/** AC

The stars were my phone number, I am registered, unless someone unregistered me.

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98749c  No.10362922


Indeed. They used to not be free, but they offer a decent "entry" app now.

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0bdb47  No.10362923


The precedents are being set, it’s a beautiful thing.

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b03acb  No.10362924


lame duck prides

proves homo

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e28992  No.10362925

File: 7af7fe1c0350b4f⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 640x300, 32:15, StephenKing.jpg)


must be able to recite 17th post of each bread….

in reverse order. you can do it.

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5d4df8  No.10362926



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a07068  No.10362928


Go to nearest 5 story building take the stairs to to the rooftop, face away from the door and start running!

Membership is free!

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c57789  No.10362929


What is A Qanon?

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de7722  No.10362930

File: 30acacf36bbcf33⋯.jpg (56.59 KB, 474x651, 158:217, watchtower.jpg)


"get off my porch."

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592cee  No.10362931

File: 04369a8e0f5bcb8⋯.jpg (83.42 KB, 788x685, 788:685, 1571613673639.jpg)

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b03acb  No.10362932


was it dogboy rabbi walrusjew josh faggot goy boy twat?

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060950  No.10362933


Thank you for link Fren.


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31611f  No.10362934


>Ewww the rake !! Inever seen that one .

kek trail cam photo!

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4c297e  No.10362935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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84de48  No.10362936


Its beautiful how the score is 538 - 1.

We got Clinesmith. Woo hoo.

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37b182  No.10362937


Chk'd and how any work at this company? Do they have municipal contracts?

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e6933f  No.10362938

File: 6c00dd0a44c1245⋯.jpeg (98.46 KB, 530x793, 530:793, 2D1FE85C_97EC_402F_9F2A_0….jpeg)

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592cee  No.10362939

File: 3579a3323b4d752⋯.jpg (30.43 KB, 414x508, 207:254, 3579a3323b4d752003c5b6166e….jpg)


Sup Barry?

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bee4d3  No.10362940



big swingin mike and alaweeds

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076476  No.10362941


>Audrey Strauss

Audrey Strauss' husband is John 'Rusty' Wing a prominent criminal defense attorney who defended a fellow lawyer against chilld pornagraphy charges


>Edmund Duffy

Summary: A former Skadden Arps partner convicted of child pornography has been disbarred by the New York Appellate Division.

A former Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom partner was convicted of child pornography, resulting in an automatic disbarment by the New York Appellate Division, First Department. Edmund Duffy had practiced law for fifty years until it all came to an end. The attorney was disbarred Thursday a result of the conviction for charges of child pornography against him in July 2016.




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Duffy had a successful career as an attorney, gaining prestige when he became the head of Skadden’s China practice, according to Law.com. A 1994 book by Lincoln Caplan detailed the law firm’s success called, “Skadden: Power, Money and the Rise of a Legal Empire.” Duffy’s work in China was a big part of the firm’s growth.

Eventually, Duffy moved to an of counsel role at Skadden before retiring in early 2016. Just a few months later he was charged in Manhattan’s federal court with possession of child pornography after he participated in a peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing network that the FBI gained access to. The FBI alleged that Duffy possessed and accessed child pornography through his computer at his Manhattan Upper West Side home from 2011 and 2016. The images were of prepubescent minors shared through the P2P network. FBI special agents working undercover gained access to the network, monitoring its users and activity. This is where they found Duffy, who used the screen name “Daddisc.”

The authorities issued a search warrant of his residence in June 2016, where he admitted to the agents that he enjoyed “images and videos of adults and children between the ages of 10 and 14 being spanked.” They seized a laptop and portable flash drives from his apartment.

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First Name


Duffy was arrested on July 19, 2016, posting a $500,000 bond so he could be released on bail. He cooperated with federal prosecutors and U.S. attorney Catherine Geddes. He agreed to computer monitoring, mental health evaluations, no unsupervised contact with minors, searches of his phone, and travel restrictions. The then 75-year-old entered a not guilty plea January 2017, but soon after changed it to guilty.

>Duffy was represented by John “Rusty” Wing, a criminal defense attorney and partner at Lankler Siffert & Wohl. Wing was also a partner at Weil, Gotshal & Manges for nearly three decades. Wing argued for the transcript of the sentencing hearing to be sealed, but was unsuccessful. He also argued for leniency because the child pornography images were less extreme and could be considered art in some places.

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b82a24  No.10362942

File: 84dcaaac3c3e945⋯.png (27.33 KB, 648x298, 324:149, under_god.PNG)

File: 677389444aa6bb8⋯.png (418.8 KB, 568x555, 568:555, purple_carpet1.PNG)


DNC groups drop 'under God'

from Pledge of Allegiance

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b4420a  No.10362943

Stepping up the fraud in Virginia, drop boxes for ballots proposed by Governor


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3cdee9  No.10362944


how is bannon's alleged border wall scam introducing evidence of anything about the Clintons into any record?

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49429c  No.10362945


That is actually really interesting. At this point they either are completely inept to such a level that they have completely lost all semblance of reality (such as putting Warren as the main Native American speaker). There is just no other way to really be able to see it as they are either not just stupid but complete braindead stupidity status or Trump has completely destroyed them and everything they are doing comes at Trump teams behest to further expose them. If the latter is true then I will be seriously impressed because the amount of moving parts needed to have that much control is just mind boggling. So I have to go with they truly are that stupid and truly have no idea what a normal everyday citizen thinks and likes. If that is true, Christ…, if that is true then that is even worse because those people are in decision making positions without having the first clue about the citizens.

Either way, the DNC is at a point where I truly didn't think possible. You know it's bad when even hardcore former libs are questioning it which has happened a whole lot lately. I wonder what will happen if everything QAnon has eluded to happening does end up happening and criminals those people thought were their friends and allies are all put away. I personally don't want them in my party as I have been pissed off enough by shitheads like Loomer getting a nomination but for the stragglers who are demoralized after all the shit they helped put this society through, I don't want them in the party and I will never forgive them, especially the self hating white individuals who have done everything in their power to destroy the history, family structure, religion, and unity it once had only to meet an attempt to kill it off which seems more and more like it truly is their desire.

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955369  No.10362946


I believe the deep state took the bait. Bannon is that bait.

Q post 1753


Bottom to top.


FISA = Foundation.


People are more aware of current events.

Establish link.

Think criminal/illegal act(s) to prevent/overturn Presidential election of POTUS.

Public awareness.

Evidence introduced.

MSM covert link.

Think Sessions open statement re: leak investigations.

How do you build a home?

Foundation to structure (layers).


Layers (U1, Iran, Human Traffic, Haiti, Corruption, etc etc).

Logical thinking.


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df41c0  No.10362947

File: fcd4e392da87f7b⋯.png (68 KB, 244x189, 244:189, ao2.png)


No! FBI linked to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion so pay no attention to everything else, focus only on this! kek because we are not Catholics/Christians who have been taught to hate Jews and it shows HUH UH!

Bwahahahahahah and they think I am trapped in here with them………

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01ea06  No.10362948

File: afd0673f32a8089⋯.png (317.29 KB, 500x501, 500:501, weareQ.png)


There are no members anons are everyone and no one….Only one consciousness….and where we go as one we all go together.


Some will never get it….

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5d4df8  No.10362949


I have heard good things about them as well

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689b33  No.10362950

File: 3e46960eee5b755⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 15.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8_chan_premium.jpg)

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5299dd  No.10362951


Those who carry the 'Q Anon' I.D. card.

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6b2213  No.10362952

File: dcf041b0577bf19⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 960x446, 480:223, Kicking_Screaming_copy.jpg)


Inquire at the gift shop.

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13adb9  No.10362953

File: acf4dc871247062⋯.png (142.74 KB, 535x603, 535:603, Screenshot_2020_08_20_Sput….png)

Crew of #Russia's Soyuz MS-17 preparing for a record fast flight to the ISS, training centre says


Digits everywhere

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b7c7ba  No.10362954

File: b26a2649a3a9820⋯.png (235.39 KB, 1440x680, 36:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa9c4d31b958f39⋯.png (186.59 KB, 1440x680, 36:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 349ca59004ca644⋯.png (238.46 KB, 1362x1384, 681:692, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c55037ba3c38775⋯.png (215.83 KB, 1440x680, 36:17, ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting 2015 rendezvous in London between Jonathan Winer and 'Chris' Steele. Also interesting that searching "Christopher Steele" returns 8 results all of which are 2017 or later, while searching "Chris Steele" nets some juicy bits. Winer is on the LG subpoena list.

Chris Steele: https://foia.state.gov/Search/Results.aspx?searchText=%22chris%20steele%22&beginDate=&endDate=&publishedBeginDate=&publishedEndDate=&caseNumber=

Christopher Steele: https://foia.state.gov/Search/Results.aspx?searchText=%22Christopher%20Steele%22&beginDate=&endDate=&publishedBeginDate=&publishedEndDate=&caseNumber=

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de7722  No.10362955


pop quiz: how many anons know when it was added?

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8fbc77  No.10362956


That Dog is a Patriot!!!! IQ way above and beyond of a progressive liberal.

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84de48  No.10362957


Whats this?

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98749c  No.10362958


Oh, I like them all. I tend to use https://www.studylight.org/ which is very similar to blueletter and just as free. But they have a few more things.

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955369  No.10362959


It is setting the precedent to go after org's like the Clintons for misplaced money.

The can of worms has been opened… by them!

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060950  No.10362960


Also upside down SPACE FORCE arrow..

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8f9618  No.10362961

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cf7d10  No.10362962

File: 5871562bf031045⋯.gif (4.12 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 1587421819_Copy.gif)

This is How you know your Training is Complete.

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383163  No.10362963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is this thing on?

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8b6909  No.10362964

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b82a24  No.10362965

File: bc3b7176dbc5d56⋯.png (77.19 KB, 687x362, 687:362, 16_year.PNG)


16-year-old girl allegedly gang-raped by 30 men in Israel hotel

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b03acb  No.10362966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f6ffdb  No.10362967

File: f06d3e33fe2446e⋯.png (261.9 KB, 298x590, 149:295, Screenshot_2020_08_20_27_S….png)



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6e44e5  No.10362968

File: cd99f5a5eaf628b⋯.png (3.08 MB, 2112x1180, 528:295, Screen_Shot_2020_08_20_at_….png)

Did I miss any?

Pathetic, they had to double up on some of these clowns.

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449e65  No.10362969



Everything they do is a mass initiation occult ritual, 9/11 being the most blatant. For those that doubt, consult SK Bain’s “The Most Dangerous Book in the World.”

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8beb2d  No.10362970


>4chan became cuckchan


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a976f7  No.10362971



All the tards calling it 'Qanon' - you know we hit mainstream status now

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fe22bc  No.10362972

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a6f222  No.10362973


>Nicely done Fren kek..

I have to admit, its not mine. I believe I heard Joe Elliot saying it.

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df41c0  No.10362974

File: 7df0d51d6480a6b⋯.jpg (54.54 KB, 736x484, 184:121, pinhead.jpg)


no wait… wait…. kek… they have me surrounded the poor bastards!

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2ead42  No.10362975

File: 52618094dd19df3⋯.png (189.99 KB, 266x307, 266:307, Screen_Shot_2020_08_20_at_….png)




Maybe if you quit looking like this Mrs Peterson, your husband would not fap off to Trump Girls and actual truth and the whole bitch cunt thing might be a turn off also, just saying Newfag shill

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5d4df8  No.10362976


an anon that follows what q has to say

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97c93d  No.10362977



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de7722  No.10362978

File: ec2c2f4fe7fcf7e⋯.jpg (18.16 KB, 474x266, 237:133, sliders.jpg)


there is a separate thread for this shit

hint: when you can't tell the sliders from the biblefags, it no longer matters.

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4a3078  No.10362979



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b82a24  No.10362980

File: f8a53a9626d0e08⋯.png (18.98 KB, 721x272, 721:272, neo_plot.PNG)


Neo-Nazi ex-soldier jailed for bomb plot to overthrow government

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98749c  No.10362981


Didn't you get the memo?

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b03acb  No.10362982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


its legal name is "andrew joshua blu miller" and intellius says it has an adress in ABQ

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ef22e7  No.10362983


It's true anon

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c27ede  No.10362984

Q researchers have now been Named Domestic Terrorist by

Fox News

moments ago….

You are now being Tracked… 24/7/365

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84de48  No.10362985



How does one feel like winning exactly? I confuse.

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cf7d10  No.10362986


ALICE for tv

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e70f26  No.10362987


At least it wasnt the faggots this time. Siver lining?

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060950  No.10362988



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8f9618  No.10362989


June 14, 1954

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1a16bd  No.10362990


I think Eisenhower had something to do with the addition. Could be wrong

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4036aa  No.10362991

File: b48c84ad2f9afaf⋯.png (124.58 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 641dafbf953832c⋯.png (122.95 KB, 184x255, 184:255, ClipboardImage.png)


Jews Repeat Pray!

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30cf71  No.10362992


Science has degenerated into abstracts of confirmation bais based on second hand information offered by third parities with financial and political conflicts of interest.

It has become a preisthood of ideology rather than a quest for truth.

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bee4d3  No.10362993


I NOWs i'm not the only one drinking

who else gots biden making his first gar the moment he opens his mouth and sum KUNT liek brett covering his arse hole

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01ea06  No.10362994


We are the news

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076476  No.10362995


good point.

do you really think Trump would take out Berman and put leave a die-hard Democrat Trump hater in charge if he didn't know what she was going to do?

Even moar, CNN just showed Bannon coming out smiling big with not a care in the world.

You think he wasn't aware of what was coming his way?

I have a feeling the Q drops last night were moar for Bannon or about Bannon than anything else.

heck, they could have been made by BAnnon.

He knew the 5th column of NYSD cabal was indicting him today. He was probably given a heads up.

that stupid prosecutor just exposed all the DS in her office and she is too dumb to know what she did.

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592cee  No.10362996

File: e77fc05b2279657⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e77fc05b227965781de78b0069….jpg)


I want that on my headstone!

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84de48  No.10362997



Ya but is it a vid game advertisement?

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31611f  No.10362998


>she always looks surprised!


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98749c  No.10362999


What hole did you crawl out from? Everyone talks about religious subjects here.

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fc3b5b  No.10363000


You sound like a break is needed, anon. Do something you love, walk in nature, get away from here til you feel ok. Too much of this dark stuff makes life unbearable.


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060950  No.10363001

File: 7fb49ef2f0a3b95⋯.jpg (297.55 KB, 1200x970, 120:97, 7fb49ef2f0a3b9511b12e378b9….jpg)

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b82a24  No.10363002

File: 4bfa0f323ac0b70⋯.png (83.32 KB, 819x791, 117:113, net_pedo.PNG)


Netflix Pushes Pedophilia Fantasy 'Cuties' Starring Twerking 11-Year-Olds

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108628  No.10363004

File: d5bff29d58dc358⋯.jpg (202.98 KB, 600x500, 6:5, kinzinger_dude.jpg)

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de7722  No.10363005

>>10362989 winner!

during Army-McCarthy.

the loyalty oath got an upgrade.


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5d4df8  No.10363006


these folks are good as well


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5d17dc  No.10363007


I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER , and to the U.N. for which it stands …..

What is Lucis Trust ?





Who's the first rebel ?

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c57789  No.10363008

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8b6909  No.10363009


it´s more than that and you are to stupid to answer the easy questions yourself, back to bootcamp !

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b1adc6  No.10363010

File: 59a740b509d104b⋯.jpg (838.75 KB, 1200x1625, 48:65, BehemothLeviathan23.jpg)

>>10362258 pb


I thought recently like this:

if a weed is young and shallow rooted;

it can easily be removed.

But if it's grown deep roots it's very hard.

THINK: this "organism" "Octopus" Leviathan" "Behemuth" is OLD

at least 50 years in USA alone been focused on growing very deep roots.

It's experienced. It has routines.

It has "rackets' it uses over and over.

It's has to work hard because it functions by means of lies, betrayals, brute force, misdirection, ruthlessness and thievery.

So it works overtime, knowing it is less favored by Nature and by God


As the Beast starts to surface it will start to flail around and struggle for "life"

The water will get bumpy.

It will make waves.

That's what we see in the panic and irrationality of the shill forces.

The advantage of the white hats, as I have heard it?


Also Truth is just stronger.

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c169b5  No.10363011


Ever notice how people formerly associated with Trump get indicted with relative ease, but it takes 3-4 years to charge anyone connected to the Clintons?

Speaks volumes to how deep the corruption in this country goes.

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ef22e7  No.10363012


Only if all those Israeli men died of AIDS

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42df1f  No.10363013

File: de414feb878d4a1⋯.png (759.2 KB, 1080x1762, 540:881, Screenshot_20200820_154352….png)

File: 6d5cfd8fc714ea3⋯.png (216.44 KB, 433x547, 433:547, Screenshot_20200820_154841….png)

File: 2df98b43b1bd6d5⋯.jpg (40.51 KB, 500x495, 100:99, 51ZhzFhdbYL_2.jpg)

Sam Heughan sextape leaking soon.

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79ad9b  No.10363014

File: 4c1c9d384c6cd3e⋯.jpeg (163.36 KB, 724x703, 724:703, B83B8294_F95F_4102_8413_F….jpeg)

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7c2011  No.10363015

File: 97c25cd8386b1f4⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1299x833, 1299:833, cold_war.PNG)



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13adb9  No.10363016

File: f0750ef22aca57b⋯.png (495.61 KB, 581x388, 581:388, f0750ef22aca57b52395ba847d….png)


These people are sick

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5d4df8  No.10363017

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b03acb  No.10363018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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de7722  No.10363019

File: 028bcf019899be1⋯.jpg (69.28 KB, 960x958, 480:479, story_time.jpg)


ok, i'll jump right in.

slide away.

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bee4d3  No.10363020



can it say





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e6933f  No.10363021

File: 546e70c7438263f⋯.jpeg (102.05 KB, 828x694, 414:347, 8EC342CB_2026_4C55_88DA_9….jpeg)

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b2ccc3  No.10363022


Or get rid of the discord baker cult and let other seasoned bakers bake.

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e28992  No.10363023

File: 654b3c789a7eab9⋯.jpg (167.55 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, rbgholdon.jpg)


> Twerking 11-Year-Olds

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fe22bc  No.10363024

File: ff21b38b1d7128c⋯.jpeg (146.99 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ff21b38b1d7128cc3531a375b….jpeg)

File: 1d4a9f1677de703⋯.jpg (513.77 KB, 2600x2600, 1:1, 1d4a9f1677de7034763d93cd2c….jpg)

File: b9b42605277f76f⋯.png (263.47 KB, 720x624, 15:13, b9b42605277f76f7e96230a696….png)


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cf7d10  No.10363025


Normalize it, So that you can't be Prosecuted for past Offences

Getting Ahead of the Story…

Something Big is Coming down the Pipeline.

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151e05  No.10363026


Step up baker.

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392d2f  No.10363027

File: b46968005d48eb2⋯.png (554.02 KB, 480x854, 240:427, my_Q_nov_2018.png)

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b03acb  No.10363028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


like ernesto poorass?

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98749c  No.10363029


Yeah, but even the normies are getting pissed. Thank God.

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b82a24  No.10363030

File: cf5b561846ffe5e⋯.png (135.72 KB, 690x464, 345:232, toc_rem.PNG)


TikTok removes 380K videos in US for violating hate speech policy

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aea918  No.10363032

"Full Fledged Q-anon"

How do tell?

That is Simple.

When one can no longer behave as is expected due to understandings of the cause and effect relationships that build the realities of our society.

In short…

We Full Fledged Qanons don't act as expected.

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7ef049  No.10363033


Idaho? if so, same situation here

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5d17dc  No.10363034


welcome to the party pals

bring moar chips

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a07068  No.10363035

File: d96e27b97d173c8⋯.jpeg (94.34 KB, 912x480, 19:10, 8A49243A_6643_4BC9_B709_A….jpeg)


Those homos couldn’t even roadie for me!

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ffb2e4  No.10363036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's in my blood.(BayAreaThrashOldfag)

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076476  No.10363037

File: 7672862f19ca17d⋯.jpg (191.11 KB, 1301x651, 1301:651, audrey_strauss_statement_b….jpg)


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9afc3f  No.10363038

File: f680a831e79e5a3⋯.jpeg (22.09 KB, 620x387, 620:387, E16806A7_FEBD_4D99_B580_5….jpeg)


Whatever nigga, I know what you are

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b96e10  No.10363040


Love these guys. Easily the in my top 3 of best live shows I've seen. If this is the future of music after all the satanic jew pedophiles are removed from the music industry, then life's gonna be guuud.

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5e04ad  No.10363041

>>10363026 i got it Im sure he's mad about the Shut it Down notreable last bread. I know the game . No sweat on my end been baking since 700's era. TYAnon

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2e93e8  No.10363042

File: 3a14f72dc4c5948⋯.png (650.23 KB, 1232x722, 616:361, Screen_Shot_2020_08_20_at_….png)

File: 66de412b8e2b7aa⋯.png (353.72 KB, 1240x429, 1240:429, Screen_Shot_2020_08_20_at_….png)

File: 03274b99a954350⋯.png (525.8 KB, 986x667, 34:23, Screen_Shot_2020_08_20_at_….png)

GoodYear board of directors - All roads lead to Chyna


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b82a24  No.10363043

File: dd184d65696b489⋯.png (15.84 KB, 841x186, 841:186, liz_q.PNG)


Liz Cheney condemns QAnon conspiracy

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01ea06  No.10363044



bring it….kek, kek…fucking comedy.

Like Antifa? MSM will never accurately report anything. Its a crime to knowingly lie to the American public. This will not end well for MSM.

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cf7d10  No.10363045


Trump threw a Wrench in the slow reveal…

This is a Desperate attempt to Normalize.

It will only further their Destruction

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ef22e7  No.10363046

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fc3b5b  No.10363047


tanks much for your dedication, bakes

i'm teaching bakin' class today

so not available

(like i'd be available daytime anyways kek!)

mebbe see ya later…


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81d548  No.10363048

>>10360883 PB


Link to the complete list - scroll to end names begin page 4.


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151e05  No.10363049

File: fb7b3d2ad139e31⋯.jpg (507.84 KB, 1392x1161, 464:387, DeepWithin.jpg)

File: eea4ca189f3275f⋯.jpeg (700.99 KB, 1470x1882, 735:941, Defend_Freedom.jpeg)


Kek they think they just started being tracked when they came here. . .

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c169b5  No.10363050



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d23f91  No.10363051


Patriot Anon

Didn't ask him about how many employees, He has only worked their since early 2019

Don't know how many contracts just what the long time employee told him

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2eaa55  No.10363052


New to me, t y!

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0ddf7f  No.10363053

File: 5ac344560bddafd⋯.png (372.99 KB, 594x612, 33:34, ClipboardImage.png)

Sen. Bill Cassidy has tested positive for the coronavirus, the Louisiana Republican's office said Thursday.

Cassidy, a medical doctor, will quarantine for 14 days, which in standard protocol for those infected by the deadly virus.

"I am strictly following the direction of our medical experts and strongly encourage others to do the same," he said in a statement.

Cassidy is one of two senators who have tested positive for the virus. The other is Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a fellow Republican.

Several House members have also tested positive including GOP Reps. Rodney Davis of Illinois, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Morgan Griffith of Virginia, Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida and Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania,


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de7722  No.10363054

File: e5c2bbc3cc1515d⋯.jpg (34.82 KB, 640x480, 4:3, leader.jpg)


this is the difference between anons

and Qanons.

anons don't do the cult thing

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b2ccc3  No.10363055


Nice try.

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8beb2d  No.10363056


¹Any anon that has accepted the fact of satanic cabal control of known reality via various control mechanisms both subtle and gross.

²the main identifier of said being (((their))) propensity to torture, fuck, kill and partially consume the remains of, children for Very Real physical, mental and spiritual benefits.

Q knows evil.

Q Stands.

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108628  No.10363057

File: 14f187136318f84⋯.jpg (33.29 KB, 598x742, 299:371, not_everyone_is_always_rea….jpg)

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b03acb  No.10363059

File: bcd6816d6c66c60⋯.jpg (161.28 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, IMG_2264.JPG)

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151e05  No.10363060


>Go To Baking Class! https://8kun.top/comms/res/23071.html#23071

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c169b5  No.10363061



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13adb9  No.10363062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>I want that on my headstone!

Badge of Honor

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5e04ad  No.10363063

>>10363047 im good for now Qsuper soldier engaged. Enjoy the baking class thanks for doing that.


>>10362880 President Trump Everything Reports

>>10362690, >>10362761 CDC vaccine program

>>10362691, >>10362728, >>10363002 CUTIES netflix documentary backlash

>>10362694, >>10362750 Attention Keyboard Warriors: Warroom Op #DemConvention

>>10362709, >>10362733, >>10362848, >>10362941 Who is Audrey Strauss, the woman stepping in as Wall Street’s next top cop?

>>10362700 Pro Trump banner fly's over DNC convention

>>10362722, >>10362753 Chinese Virus Daily Reports

>>10362792 Players flock to #JeffreyEpstein's virtual 'pedo-island' recreated in Microsoft flight simulator

>>10362798 Jim Watkins Targeted by YouTube

>>10362942 DNC groups drop 'under God' from Pledge of Allegiance

>>10362953 Crew of #Russia's Soyuz MS-17 preparing for a record fast flight to the ISS, training centre says

>>10362954 2015 rendezvous in London between Jonathan Winer and 'Chris' Steele

>>10362980 Neo-Nazi ex-soldier jailed for bomb plot to overthrow government

>>10363043 Liz Cheney condemns QAnon conspiracy

>>10363042 GoodYear board of directors - All roads lead to Chyna

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bee4d3  No.10363064



gran pappi wasnt allowed to drink

fucked up time for them old timers

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6022c0  No.10363065

File: 89b06ecc4ca1a0a⋯.jpeg (635.89 KB, 1125x2304, 125:256, 21EF9EF6_5106_4A7D_BA0F_3….jpeg)


Here’s more details on the secretly installed app - has this happened in the US too?

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b82a24  No.10363066

File: c78875e10568780⋯.png (18.79 KB, 827x183, 827:183, fire_f.PNG)


FIRE FAUCI: Country with Strictest Coronavirus Lockdown Policies Now Has Highest Death Rates

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4c297e  No.10363067



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b03acb  No.10363068


thats your inner hubbard tard craveing teh homo

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e28992  No.10363069

File: 70c03f957f21f15⋯.jpg (37.02 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Nigel_Faragehappy.jpg)

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c57789  No.10363070


Cant follow something that does not exist.

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4036aa  No.10363071

File: 98888352e4eda04⋯.png (645.28 KB, 476x722, 238:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56f5f314dedff94⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

"Hear, O Israel: the LORD is our God, the LORD is One."

Jews deep Mind Pray!

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076476  No.10363072


She is not even charging Bannon with using the funds for himself but funneling them to a paraplegic vet, Brian Kolgage.

God, these people are sick



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8a91b8  No.10363073


It might be 'NOTABLE' if the file had a fucking link!

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8beb2d  No.10363074

File: 0ec02ac119b622b⋯.gif (465.98 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1575478949418.gif)

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9a4f89  No.10363075

5th column- a

outside the definition if you start left to right on the 5 dollar bill (2 columns on the side) and the 3 in front u have 5 columns. Above the fifth column you also have 3 states MI,PA,NJ… all dems with bad covid records… I believe he has visited them all recently well MI he did

downtown lansing has gotten weird… @joyinliberty helped with 1st post… hope I did it rightlol

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060950  No.10363076


Did he take the PCR test?


It's bullshit, don't get tested.

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daec20  No.10363078

File: 126a4902c00002a⋯.jpg (151.16 KB, 472x446, 236:223, DIFFICULTTRUTHS2.jpg)

File: f1c90defe819798⋯.jpg (136.41 KB, 425x425, 1:1, DIFFICULTTRUTHS3.jpg)

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49429c  No.10363079


Pay close attention to wording used.

>We're deeply sorry for the inappropriate artwork

Notice how they focus on "artwork" only? Nothing else, just the "artwork"

>"… that we used for Mignonnes/Cuties. It was not OK"

Again, only referencing the "art work", nothing else. The ARTWORK was not okay. Here is where you can see the intention more.

>".. nor was it representative of this French film"

The artwork is not okay, but the film which is totally accepted in France is perfectly okay because….

>".. which won an award at Sundance"

The artwork is not okay, the film is okay because it is accepted in France and it was given an award which further makes it okay.

>"We've not updated the pictures and description"

Notice the picture? Still young girls in skimpy clothes, still called "Cuties", still specifically points out "Amy" being "11" and "twerking" and still specifically pointing out that its okay because all she is doing is "exploring her femininity".

But how is she exploring it?

>By defying her family's traditions.

So let's sum up. Artwork not okay. Movie okay because it was French and Sundance gave it an award. It is also okay because an 11 year old named Amy is defying her parents, because it is okay to defy your parents when you seek to join a prepubescent girls group showing your body off to adults who are attracted to children which are the only people who would ever watch this movie… oh… nevermind someone else would watch it as well. Who? Prepubescent girls who now have a reason to believe it is normal to defy your parents traditions to twerk for adults in nothing but spandex while showing your pussy, tits, and ass to a round of applause. I mean, gee wiz, Sundance gave it an award and most of all guys, it's French, so it must be okay.

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01ea06  No.10363080

File: 5a83907b5d7f64e⋯.png (79.48 KB, 255x250, 51:50, lizard.png)


The eyes tell the real story.


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30cf71  No.10363081


Saving the world from Satanic Pedophiles… is that a bad thing or a good thing?

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c5b13a  No.10363082

File: 4b90be1999e1f89⋯.png (88.95 KB, 538x168, 269:84, Screenshot_2020_08_20_Tita….png)

File: 38a43abbe7e65a0⋯.png (171.67 KB, 538x338, 269:169, Screenshot_2020_08_20_Tita….png)

Titan International, Inc. responds to Trump's suggested Goodyear boycott

QUINCY, Ill., Aug. 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – Titan International, Inc. (NYSE: TWI), manufacturer of Titan Tires, Titan Wheels and Goodyear® Farm Tires, is responding after Wednesday's reports focused on Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company's alleged diversity training document that gained nationwide attention. "Wednesday morning, we learned of the news being shared about Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company's reported diversity training and felt it was important to make clear that Titan is in no way connected to the training in question," said Titan CEO, Paul Reitz. "While Titan has licensing rights to design, produce and sell the Goodyear Farm Tires brand, we are an entirely separate publicly held entity under separate management and have no shared staff or facilities with Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company."

The fight for American jobs President Trump has repeatedly expressed support for U.S. manufacturers through his "Buy America" campaign. Titan has long-been a champion of American manufacturing and has invested heavily in legal action to protect American manufacturing jobs. In 2017, Titan won a favorable 5-0 ruling from the ITC fighting back against the unfair trade practices from India and Sri Lanka related to off-road tires. In this respect, President Trump and Titan are well-aligned in protecting the more than 2100 hard-working Americans employed by Titan in multiple manufacturing facilities across Illinois, Iowa, Ohio and Tennessee who proudly build Goodyear Farm Tires, along with Titan Wheels and Titan Tires. Titan has also played a vital role as an essential service during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. When others shut down, Titan ensured safe operation to keep America's vital workforce working with the equipment they need to do their jobs. "One of our primary concerns as a manufacturer is the safety of our employees. Titan is proud of the important role we play in our nation's critical infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic, as our plants have continued to operate safely in support of the farming and construction industries," said Reitz. "Titan has a diverse workforce throughout all of our locations in the U.S. that build some of the world's best agriculture, construction, and forestry wheels and tires. While at work, we believe our employees should be focused on operating safely and manufacturing high-quality products, and therefore employees are allowed to wear what they would like as long as it meets safety standards and isn't offensive," said Reitz. "Our employees take tremendous pride in our products and we welcome any politician, customer, farmer, construction operator, or just curious folks that would like to see how we operate and meet the fine men and women that we employ."

The ripple effects In addition to Titan's 2100 hard-working employees across the United States, Titan and Goodyear Farm Tires are sold at nearly 2,000 local tire dealers across the country. And a misguided movement to cancel Goodyear Farm Tires — manufactured and sold by a completely separate company from Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company — could adversely affect thousands of additional hard-working family-owned tire businesses across the country.

About Titan International, Inc. Titan International, Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of off-highway wheels, tires, assemblies and undercarriage products. Headquartered in Quincy, Illinois, the company produces a broad range of products to meet the specifications of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and aftermarket customers in the agricultural, earthmoving/construction, and consumer markets. In the United States, the company produces two distinct tire brands — Goodyear® Farm Tires and Titan Tires.


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822137  No.10363083



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9f1e72  No.10363084


Influenza spread from by guinea pigs through dust particles


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b03acb  No.10363085

File: 3ece3c2b2d899e5⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2706.PNG)


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108628  No.10363086

File: af3b6537483fcdd⋯.jpg (93.17 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, OHHH_HE_says_that_name_002.jpg)

he's his own man, that's for sure.

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060950  No.10363087


Distraction bullshit for teens and arrested developed adults.

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9afc3f  No.10363088



That’s old kek, can’t steal what’s given.

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31611f  No.10363089


>Liz Cheney condemns QAnon conspiracy

Right after Liz Cheney 'condemns' the FEMA camps her fucked up father built across America I might give a damn wtf she thinks!

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b03acb  No.10363090





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392d2f  No.10363091


so…. the left has managed to keep the kids in cages. smh

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d6611d  No.10363092


uuum I don't know. looks a little sketchy to me

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076476  No.10363093


does anybody care if a paraplegic vet who served 2 deployments in Iraq and is noted for being the most injured soldier lives a lavish lifestyle/

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bcc995  No.10363094

>>10362163 (LB)

RE: A Texas school district is facing fire today after a junior high school teacher distributed an assignment that included a depiction of police as slave owners and members of the Ku Klux Klan.

Wylie ISD is smack in GOP land. I dont know hat gongress district Wylie is in, but I bet it's GOP. Send it up the line and send to ZBetsy At the dept of education….

Wish the article named the EXACT SCHOOL and Named the Teacher…

because if this teacher did the 'reverse" you know the name would be out there.

"poor Choice" how about firing them. We need to remove the teachers certification barrier from getting a job as a teacher.

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9f1e72  No.10363095


I’d like to know how this is spreading.

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a976f7  No.10363096


Who is that

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15129c  No.10363097

Come on, man! There's a Full Fledged level here too? I'm still like 10 notables away from opening the Copper level!

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e34215  No.10363098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

X22 for a comfy listening pleasure for the rest of the bread

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9e592c  No.10363099



Notable: The Left Can't Meme (PROOF)

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49429c  No.10363100


Was Q referring to this movie when they stated "What is coming"? Need to verify that and see the history of this movie because if it began development when Q posted that then that is another proof.

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6933b2  No.10363101

File: 296eb36d38684e7⋯.png (257.79 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Vote_WearYourMask.png)

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169791  No.10363102

File: d7fd4febd168ccc⋯.png (205.47 KB, 409x409, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

So damn comfy…

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23dfcf  No.10363103

File: d3b327ddab65dbe⋯.jpg (326.18 KB, 1969x1313, 1969:1313, _20200820_185141.JPG)

File: 942ed3330f4d2e2⋯.jpg (262.83 KB, 1440x1738, 720:869, _20200819_212854.JPG)

both situations would scare me

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b82a24  No.10363104

File: 142bf9e0335d581⋯.png (632.78 KB, 802x725, 802:725, drag_queen.PNG)




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7cfeee  No.10363105

File: ae5680f08c7ad58⋯.png (324.23 KB, 443x526, 443:526, No_sleep_Adm_Rogers.png)

File: d43389a19d107c4⋯.png (663.18 KB, 599x793, 599:793, cozy_pepe_ready_to_go_to_s….png)

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b03acb  No.10363106

File: 4d59d83ca0e7b50⋯.png (1.99 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2813.PNG)

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5615bf  No.10363107

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e70f26  No.10363108

File: 243360800b97679⋯.jpg (50.85 KB, 612x407, 612:407, 4c5ef7.jpg)


My dad fucked me as a kid. with his enormous dick. Thats why I lick pussy now.

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b4420a  No.10363109


lol weak

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689b33  No.10363110


>I am an anon , and I have a thinking problem

There are several 12 step programs to help your addiction. Here's a few, hope it helps.

Mapping Militants


The Mapping Militants Project identifies patterns in the evolution of militant organizations in specified conflict theatres and provides representations of changing relationships among groups.

Giant Searchable Map

http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&amp lat=39.977120&amp

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners


The ACFE is the world's largest anti-fraud organization and premier provider of anti-fraud training education and certification.

Foundation for Defense of Democracies

http://www.defenddemocracy.org/csif The Center on Economic and Financial Power (CEFP) at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) studies national economic security, with a focus on how the U.S. can leverage its economic and financial power to achieve its national security objectives.

Financial Action Task Force


The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 by the Ministers of its Member jurisdictions.

The objectives of the FATF are to set standards and promote effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system.

Global Modern Slavery Directory


Collection of anti-slavery organizations



High-quality and timely information makes all the difference to businesses that depend on the decisions made by Brazilian institutions. That is why JOTA offers a series of personalized products and services for every specific need.

Mixed Migration Centre


The MMC is a leading source for independent and high quality data, information, research and analysis on mixed migration.

Remittance Flows by Country


Tracking remittance payments worldwide is difficult because many countries do not track funds that are sent or received. Based on data the World Bank is able to collect, a statistical model is used to estimate the amount of money coming from each sending country to each receiving country.

Project Follow


The project studies daily practices of public and private actors who are countering terrorism financing. We study the dilemmas and ethical and practical challenges of detecting/monitoring, reporting and prosecuting terrorist financing in an increasingly technology- and data-driven context.

Resources for Development Consulting


A wide range of associates, including extractive sector economists and lawyers, mining and petroleum company executives, and financial auditors. We assist resource-rich countries in securing a fair share of the revenues generated from oil, gas and mining projects.

Search Opener


Simple tool for searching multiple search engines at once.

Small Arms Survey Weapons ID Database

http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/weapons-and-markets/tools/weapons-id-database.html This database was developed with the support of the Royal Armouries UK, and features downloadable Weapons ID Sheets, which detail the visual information required to accurately identify and record particular types of weapons. With well over 30 varieties and copies of the original Kalashnikov assault rifle alone, this database is a valuable tool for any practitioners working in the field of small arms.

Tax Justice Network


The Tax Justice Network is an independent international network launched in 2003 (see our history here). Our core mission is to ‘change the weather’ on a wide range of issues related to tax, tax havens and financial globalisation. We push for systemic change.

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060950  No.10363111


Nothing is spreading, you cannot catch a virus.


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0f68dd  No.10363112

File: e1f50b9adb18e25⋯.jpg (18.97 KB, 158x188, 79:94, 20200510_092231.jpg)

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bee4d3  No.10363113

hate to dissapoint

buit the bioden show is already over

yes, like a Mike Lindell commercial over and sold before it bagan

LU MUHpillow

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992604  No.10363114


it starts with brainwashing

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e28992  No.10363115

File: ba3ff7efaae686c⋯.gif (17.39 KB, 395x395, 1:1, cletus.gif)


aint never seent it before.

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a976f7  No.10363116


you sound straight up retarded

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b4420a  No.10363117


i have that exact blanket, need to find it

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98749c  No.10363118


34. Imagine my shock.

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72890a  No.10363119

File: 16b507f9f317342⋯.jpg (171.13 KB, 466x1171, 466:1171, potus_pizza_x345.jpg)

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fe22bc  No.10363120

File: 2034009ac1c0f08⋯.png (223.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2034009ac1c0f086a9f37ed91b….png)

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d23f91  No.10363121


Patriot Anon

Such a great job to work at a ammo manufacture

I remember some years ago during the early years under numb nuts leadership allot of ammo companies were threaten to be shut down by the Dems / Rinos

At least allot of great American Patriots know how to make ammo on the side

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b03acb  No.10363122

File: 4b1a0d1ecedde75⋯.png (3.16 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2726.PNG)


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2eaa55  No.10363123


Those are really bad

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c1e454  No.10363124


Uh Huh….bet their little dogs are all pos too

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ef22e7  No.10363125

File: c50ec9cf807db4d⋯.jpg (97.01 KB, 1023x511, 1023:511, goofy_time.jpg)

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5615bf  No.10363126

File: 2e38e9ce3c84eef⋯.png (3.09 MB, 2151x1354, 2151:1354, MSDNC2.png)

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31611f  No.10363127

File: 99718926c9b2d33⋯.png (723.75 KB, 728x500, 182:125, BEST_POTUS_EVER_.png)

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b03acb  No.10363128

File: 585665dee63733c⋯.jpg (309.87 KB, 751x564, 751:564, IMG_3889.JPG)

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5436c2  No.10363129

File: 6d41b8dcd836b10⋯.png (25.96 KB, 183x152, 183:152, 20200331_191000.png)



Um… was the sticky white stuff leaking out of her holes corn starch or semen? Perhaps the hotel CCTV footage could elminate that word "allegedl-


>no 'allegedly'

Imagine my fucking shock that a white male is already jailed for noncomitting a hypothetical nonexistent precrime. Fuck this gay earth and fuck the cumrag ny post.

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bee4d3  No.10363130


definately you


maraquis the roundhouse obongo endorsed kicker


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13adb9  No.10363131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Preacher man don't tell me heaven is under the earth

I know you don't know what life is really worth

Is not all that glitters in gold and

Half the story has never been told

So now you see the light, aay

Stand up for your right. Come on

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8fbc77  No.10363132


Yes, Dogs are the highest ranking anons!!!! They know!!!!

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383163  No.10363133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d0493a  No.10363134

File: 937aa4f2fc7e0c6⋯.png (245.45 KB, 590x758, 295:379, cutiesBTFO.png)


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108628  No.10363135


it's a free speech zone but I'm free to say 'shut up with this shit.'


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2068d4  No.10363137

MASK REPORT from flyover country.

I went to a store I frequent a couple times a month. They had a big red sign on the door, can't miss it - Mask Required. I always ignored it, and so did many other customers and some clerks for the past 6 months with no trouble.

Today, they have a sign that reads:

Mask Required

If you aren't wearing a mask,

We assume you have a medical condition

And don't have to wear one.


I guess they got a visit from the Nazis, and are letting customers know that if one comes in, just tell him you have a medical condition :)

I went to Harbor Freight, never wore a mask in there before in the dozens of times I've been there, but at the door was a girl handing out masks, telling me "Sir, you have to wear one!"

I said okay, I'll come back another time.

I guess they got a visit from a Nazi, and are buckling down.

I went to Tractor Supply, hardly anyone wears one there, not even the employees, and there was this snowflake faggot making a fuss about all these people not wearing masks. I have no idea what he was doing there, that store is patronized by real working Americans, but anyway, the manager suggested that the little faggot leave for his own safety. Not sure what the manager meant exactly, but it could be taken two different ways I guess.

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4c297e  No.10363138

File: 81578e95deb6484⋯.png (1.27 MB, 2072x1254, 1036:627, Screen_Shot_2020_08_20_at_….png)

File: c3e84062f865a7a⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Call_of_Duty_Black_Ops_Col….mp4)


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a2ccbe  No.10363139

File: a4bb306a21d5772⋯.png (248.69 KB, 1893x1651, 1893:1651, MarkMueller.png)

>>10362560 (LB)

The real story here IMO is on the attorney who told the story, Mark Mueller (of all last names). Get a load of this guy:


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49429c  No.10363140


Have you ever considered why the left can't meme? A year or so ago I was bored and truly considered it and the funny thing is that the explanation not only explains why the left can't meme but it also explains why the left is how they are. Their inability to meme truly encapsulates their entire life in so many ways that I don't think they really recognize what it says about them.

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8b6909  No.10363141

File: a54258fc35a7a2b⋯.gif (214.79 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shillcon_2_flash.GIF)


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9afc3f  No.10363142

File: 32aea1b4ab91703⋯.jpeg (45.82 KB, 468x468, 1:1, C5091FCF_9EE9_4597_91BF_B….jpeg)


Y’all niggas still can’t meme.

Couldn’t even format it correctly, pathetic.

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992604  No.10363143

File: e39d925ecf36e0e⋯.png (562.72 KB, 897x630, 299:210, ClipboardImage.png)


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4036aa  No.10363144

File: fe4c7491dfeb38a⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10bd1dbe72b5660⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1300x866, 650:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10bd1dbe72b5660⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1300x866, 650:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

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ffb2e4  No.10363145

File: b3d42f04233c0a9⋯.png (997.73 KB, 1041x1873, 1041:1873, Screenshot_20200820_155923….png)


Dave and James back at it!

Hive mind alive and well.


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6933b2  No.10363146


This needs to be in a commercial.

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98749c  No.10363147


>Have you ever considered why the left can't meme?


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5d4df8  No.10363148


yes yes potus (Q+) must have deniability

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daec20  No.10363149

File: 85e9f620eaf0fc2⋯.jpg (121.79 KB, 472x446, 236:223, DIFFICULTTRUTHS2.jpg)


You're right. The font on the first could be a bit bigger.

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5299dd  No.10363150


The problem is that pluribus currently contains jews

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3cd660  No.10363151

are we the news now?

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b03acb  No.10363152

File: 1306afec9656db6⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_3414.PNG)

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5d17dc  No.10363153

who are anons ?

Howard Beale - Network 1976

" Mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore "

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b82a24  No.10363154

File: 3a9197fe2808292⋯.png (21.61 KB, 871x223, 871:223, 73.PNG)


73 Former Republican National Security Officials Endorse Joe Biden, Say Trump Is 'Dangerously Unfit to Serve'


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13adb9  No.10363155


Maybe Dan would RT it

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ba79ae  No.10363156

File: 4966eb9a89b746e⋯.png (395.83 KB, 511x791, 73:113, ClipboardImage.png)

The CIA Democrats in the 2020 elections

In the course of the 2018 elections, a large group of former military-intelligence operatives entered capitalist politics as candidates seeking the Democratic Party nomination in 50 congressional seats—nearly half the seats where the Democrats were targeting Republican incumbents or open seats created by Republican retirements.

Some 30 of these candidates won primary contests and became the Democratic candidates in the November 2018 election, and 11 of them won the general election, more than one-quarter of the 40 previously Republican-held seats captured by the Democrats as they took control of the House of Representatives.

In 2020, the intervention of the CIA Democrats continues on what is arguably an equally significant scale: besides the reelection campaigns of the 11 representatives who won seats in the House in 2018, half a dozen of those who lost 2018 races are running again in 2020. Some of these are running for House seats again, while others have been promoted by the Democratic Party leadership and are running for the US Senate. And an entire new crop of military-intelligence operatives is being brought forward, some running for Republican seats targeted by the Democratic leadership as possible takeovers, others in seats not currently considered competitive.

Left to Right: Cal Cunningham, Amy McGrath, MJ Hegar. (Image Source: Candidates’ Campaign Website)

The bottom line: at least 34 Democratic candidates for the House of Representatives have a primarily military-intelligence background, up from 30 in 2018, as well as three of the party’s 35 candidates for the US Senate, compared to zero in 2018. For each branch of Congress, this represents about 10 percent of the total.

As we explained in 2018, the extraordinary influx of candidates coming directly from the national-security apparatus into the Democratic Party is a two-sided process: the Democratic Party establishment welcomes such candidates as a demonstration of the party’s unshakeable devotion to the interests of American imperialism; and military-intelligence operatives are choosing the Democratic Party over the Republican Party in large numbers because they are attracted by the Democrats’ non-stop campaign against the Trump administration as too “soft” on Russia and too willing to pull out of the Middle East war zone.

CIA Democrats for US Senate

Three Democrats seeking US Senate seats in November have a primarily military-intelligence background, including two who ran unsuccessfully for House seats in 2018. In each case, the CIA Democrat won a contested primary, with the support of Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), defeating a more liberal candidate.


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7cfeee  No.10363157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Red Skelton recites the Pledge of Allegiance.





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108628  No.10363158

File: 869d0475ba2cbb3⋯.jpg (98.83 KB, 895x850, 179:170, shes_a_rainbow_003_.jpg)

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e28992  No.10363159

File: ca061501542fc09⋯.jpg (52 KB, 369x552, 123:184, bobherb.jpg)

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cf7d10  No.10363160


The People are Awakening

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108628  No.10363161

File: 6e092d936f0f683⋯.jpg (71.06 KB, 918x579, 306:193, have_you_seen_her_dressed_….jpg)

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0b835d  No.10363162


I don't watch his stuff, so I's ignorant.

What is the "ship show" a reference to?

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42df1f  No.10363163

File: 9c8281f4b7dd843⋯.png (709.13 KB, 1080x2077, 1080:2077, Screenshot_20200820_160300….png)

File: d3d6a7584a29a49⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1080x2125, 216:425, Screenshot_20200820_160348….png)




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4036aa  No.10363164

File: a16585f59189225⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1024x681, 1024:681, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb686678b2fe060⋯.png (225.52 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Jews Chaotix safe Pray!

*for ever, and ever and ever.


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b03acb  No.10363165



>that pluribus currently contains jews


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8b6909  No.10363166


don´t have to focus anger, just a pro tip

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048b71  No.10363167

Why bill gates dosent';t die of coronavirus?

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bd8dac  No.10363168


Impressive moves!!!

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5398b7  No.10363169

File: f3f677c5a0b1a6a⋯.gif (2.67 MB, 441x300, 147:100, 954A038A_2002_4AB1_A7BF_34….gif)


KEK! (See GIF)

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6933b2  No.10363170


Trying to shut down the news.

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01ea06  No.10363171



Thank you MSM …. best Red Pill Ever!

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5436c2  No.10363172

File: 43b9060b6443885⋯.jpg (149.75 KB, 640x800, 4:5, memebetter_com_20191111145….jpg)


Cry harder, cuck. (You)r tears are delicious.

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b03acb  No.10363173

File: 0d918f8924f1991⋯.jpg (116.87 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, IMG_3238.JPG)

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bc2b40  No.10363174


From the article

>Let’s start with a simple, low-stakes example: fluoridated drinking water. On the one hand, fluoride is a simple ion that shows up in various concentrations, including naturally through calcium fluoride, in bodies of water all across the world. When humans ingest too little of it, particularly at a young age, it leads to weakened tooth enamel and greater rates of cavities; when humans ingest too much of it, it leads to tooth discoloration and various severities of dental fluorosis. In extreme cases, significantly too much or too little fluoride can also lead to other problems, such as osteoporosis (with too little) or skeletal fluorosis (with too much).

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7ef049  No.10363175


I agree. Except when they fire CEO and bring in the liberal to replace them and they change everything. Contracts have gone to shit, morale is low, took away benefits and retirement. Not cool man, not cool.

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c57789  No.10363177


They have meds for those voices

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4cf49e  No.10363178

>>10354418 past Q post

fifth col·umn

/ˈˌfi(f)TH ˈkäləm/


a group within a country at war who are sympathetic to or working for its enemies.

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689b33  No.10363179


>Haha. "Q proof" a couple millennia ago.

I'm waiting for the Q proof to turn up in ancient cave art carbon dated to be 60,000 yrs old. He's a rascally ol' time traveler, that Q.

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b82a24  No.10363180

File: 9e8a1590817c6d1⋯.png (13.53 KB, 788x143, 788:143, left_fury.PNG)


Leftist Journalists, Organizations Furious Over Facebook Purge of Groups ‘Tied to Violence’

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b4420a  No.10363181


love hot jewish girls for the shills

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463803  No.10363182

File: 5686cfe473ccd0a⋯.gif (7.05 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 49216D0E_60E9_4506_BB84_78….gif)


It’s comms

If you don’t know then ya shouldn’t.

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5e1473  No.10363183

File: a635131fee0eb77⋯.gif (3.83 MB, 558x347, 558:347, Ban.gif)


Someone who has been perma-banned from two or more main-stream social media sites for speaking truth to power.

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5d17dc  No.10363184


was willing to wait and see if GY reversed itself but then learned of 20 year coverup of low speed rated G 159 tires put on RV's , resulting in many crashes / injuries

Never Again

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9e592c  No.10363185



My favorite part: this tool was so proud of their work that they actually saved them (note the filename, not just clipboard) X-D

Someone check if Biden found a computer.

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a60553  No.10363186

File: 255c53a9f0c2621⋯.png (783.58 KB, 1114x890, 557:445, 54797012064659.png)

File: c262c240786af7a⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1618x975, 1618:975, 897962397612978645.png)

File: 8a8b633050516ab⋯.png (814.45 KB, 1100x823, 1100:823, 78964321146585454.png)

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5299dd  No.10363188


Nah, it's been flush'd proper

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8fbc77  No.10363189


And like I give a fucking rats ass……….FUCK EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.

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42df1f  No.10363190


The film was announced by filmmaker Maïmouna Doucouné as her debut directorial venture.[8] She rose to limelight and prominence with her award-winning 2016 short film Maman(s) which was selected and premiered in over 200 film festivals and also won around 60 awards in several international film festivals.[9] Maïmouna penned the script for the film taking her life experience as a refugee girl into account. The script eventually won the Sundance's Global Filmmaking Award in 2017.[10] Doucouné says she based the film after seeing a talent show in Paris.[11]

The casting procedure for the film was held for nearly six months and Fathia Youssouf, a 11-year-old girl among the 650 candidates was chosen to play the female main lead role in the film after being auditioned.[12] In January 2020, after the film premiere at the Sundance Film Festival, Netflix purchased the worldwide rights of the film excluding France to release the film in the platform.[13]

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be4ca5  No.10363191


Well trained with hand signals.

That dog is def #2 for smarts locked in a room with Biden and Harris. Might be a photo finish for #1.

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108628  No.10363192

File: 46f2c17ceb42e18⋯.jpg (106.99 KB, 640x504, 80:63, Matt_montage.jpg)


at least you have good taste in a subject for your meme.

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5d4df8  No.10363193


you should take them faggot

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8c8a4b  No.10363194


She was scheduled to attend Trump's prison reform summit on 2018, but wasn't allowed thru the WH gate once she got there.

I'd be interested to know who recommended a convicted kidnapper, rapist, torturer and murderer to attend in the first place. Someone got wise to it and stopped it before damage could be done to the forum.

Last week, I traveled to the White House to participate in the Prison Reform Summit hosted by Jared Kushner and the White House Office of American Innovation. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together prominent voices and leaders of criminal justice reform – from the left, right, and center – in one place to discuss meaningful and long overdue change and action around our nation’s prison system. One of the items to be discussed was reform legislation pending in both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives and how to move Congress to action.

I arrived. The summit took place. But I can’t tell you what happened in the room.

I wasn’t allowed in.

It was pouring rain as I waited to enter the White House with my invitation from Mr. Kushner in hand. However, when I approached the entrance, security personnel told me I was on the “Do Not Admit” list. Unceremoniously denied entry, I was escorted away. I was soaked, cold – and stunned.


Her website doesn't mention why she went to prison…I wonder why? PURE EVIL who should have never been allowed out of prison.


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3cd660  No.10363195


WH defends Trump's embrace of baseless QAnon conspiracy followers


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6b2213  No.10363196

File: a250302e93f9488⋯.png (36.2 KB, 578x244, 289:122, Better_Made_Potato_Chips.png)

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b1adc6  No.10363197

sorry fabricated by FAKENEWS


That was formally denied by FBI

"News" made it up again.

And it is projection, since guess who are the authentic domestic terrorists

The people wrecking various cities who POTUS publicly stated QAnon was against!

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68ae50  No.10363198

File: b68c84b044f0004⋯.jpg (23.66 KB, 474x282, 79:47, bretass.jpg)

File: 50096a2ade941e8⋯.jpg (52.85 KB, 450x717, 150:239, bret.jpg)

Bret was mobile in Wilmington and he has a giant ass

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2eaa55  No.10363200


He was looking for the giant Kong toy for his….

Um…dog. Kek

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98749c  No.10363201

Colin Powell endorses Biden again..

I can't believe I ever liked him. I used to defend him and thought he was used by the Bush admin for pushing "yellowcake", but Powell was always just as in deep as they were.

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e70f26  No.10363203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


73 Rinos sailed out of the San Fransico Bay.

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ffb2e4  No.10363204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A godly, wonderful man. (Video related.)

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8beb2d  No.10363205



yer both daft gits.


<surrounded by morans and chillz.

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0f68dd  No.10363206

File: e234a926b0e8a91⋯.jpeg (97.64 KB, 1020x800, 51:40, 1539190798.jpeg)

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b82a24  No.10363207

File: b46bc9e7bd08874⋯.png (12.69 KB, 749x154, 107:22, forgive.PNG)

File: 4970b34662570a7⋯.png (1.52 MB, 987x751, 987:751, _Obamagate.PNG)


OH PLEASE: NY Times Wonders If Obama Can Forgive America for Voting Trump?

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b03acb  No.10363208

File: 4ca2d69c790e5e3⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1280x1083, 1280:1083, IMG_2709.PNG)

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be4ca5  No.10363209


WiFi strong enough to go from the basement to the attic and still be logged on?

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24dee8  No.10363210

File: b018be0b402bfd2⋯.png (822.94 KB, 556x669, 556:669, bolsheviktears.png)


finally a COD game based on real life. i wonder if they'll have a "no russian" school shooting mission.

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8fbc77  No.10363211


Democrat plant with the R next to his name. Fuck Colin Powell.

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31611f  No.10363212


>73 Former Republican National Security Officials Endorse Joe Biden, Say Trump Is 'Dangerously Unfit to Serve'


73 Former Republican National Security Officials JUST ADMITTED to being satanic pedophiles, just like Joe Biden!

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5d4df8  No.10363213


cat got your tongue ?

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1ac2b3  No.10363214


>What exactly is a "Full fledged Qanon member"

Hold on. Looking up the meaning of "fledged."

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a4c155  No.10363215

File: 0e233afc643b0e5⋯.png (674.91 KB, 511x511, 1:1, lions3.png)

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5e1473  No.10363216

File: a3127376e416fad⋯.gif (427.59 KB, 500x207, 500:207, dank.gif)

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9afc3f  No.10363217


Hi FakeNews

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689b33  No.10363218

File: ef0e50464dd0d13⋯.png (130.5 KB, 1457x934, 1457:934, Usual_Suspects_08_16_2020_….PNG)

File: c8c07915a791658⋯.png (134.61 KB, 1459x932, 1459:932, Usual_Suspects_08_16_2020_….PNG)

File: 07d5f41c230e9ba⋯.png (25.71 KB, 720x931, 720:931, Usual_Suspects_08_16_2020_….PNG)


>Its beautiful how the score is 538 - 1.

Don't rub it in.

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2eaa55  No.10363219


The pixels need to be much much bigger.

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0b835d  No.10363220


Butt stuff, gotcha.

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e70f26  No.10363221


Seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay

Rolled off of their ship, and here's what they had to say

"We're callin' everyone to ride along to another shore

We can laugh our lives away and be free once more"

But no one heard them callin', no one came at all

'Cause they were too busy watchin' those old raindrops fall

As a storm was blowin' out on the peaceful sea

Seventy-three men sailed off to history

Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship

Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip

Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship

On your way to a world that others might have missed

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bee4d3  No.10363222


just bomebed worse than a late show with bill maher

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7217f9  No.10363223

Districts Are Using Empty Schools as Expensive Day Cares, and Taxpaying Parents Are Being Charged Twice. This Needs to End.

Some school districts are charging parents between $140 and $325 per child, per week, to provide day care. School districts created this artificial demand by keeping schools closed, and are now “double dipping” by charging parents who are already paying the schools to remain closed through taxes.


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b82a24  No.10363224

File: b3ed6a155b3e59e⋯.png (53.31 KB, 620x442, 310:221, thermo.PNG)


Socialism: Jerry Brown crabs at sweltering Californians to 'turn up your damn thermostats'

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/08/socialism_jerry_brown_crabs_to_sweltering_californians_to_turn_up_your_damn_thermostats.html#ixzz6Vhe0QdUx

Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

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6b2213  No.10363225

File: e2fdfbfbfdfe5b7⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB, 360x640, 9:16, Maxine_Dog.mp4)

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955369  No.10363226


If your only measuring stick is people put in jail, then your numbers might really be 7-1. (No name put to death?)

On the other hand, my measuring stick includes resignations and firings.

Score 2435 to 134 our favor!

(Deep state is being dismantled…. deal with it.)

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383163  No.10363227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b03acb  No.10363228

File: af29ce3152df03d⋯.jpg (220.25 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, IMG_3237.JPG)

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e28992  No.10363229

File: 1da789d8b639cf8⋯.jpg (8.31 KB, 297x218, 297:218, zucker_jpg.jpg)

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13adb9  No.10363230

File: bd4148b7a68734c⋯.png (412.06 KB, 535x599, 535:599, Screenshot_2020_08_20_Sput….png)

Russian #COVID19Vaccine based on adenaviruses, they've been used by US Army for decades - RDIF CEO




What if cures already exist?

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5299dd  No.10363231


The people on W's cabinet weren't chosen because they had morals.

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5e1473  No.10363232

File: d1337a0e93b170f⋯.gif (2.2 MB, 300x170, 30:17, Yes_.gif)

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5e03c9  No.10363233

this just in

Qanon condems lesbian cheny

nez at eleven

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524562  No.10363234

Will there be some kind anon who will monitor the goings on at the DNC tonight for a heads up when the real life Waldo aka Hunter! is about to appear?

So the rest of us don't have to bear the pain? Many thanks for any anon who chooses to make this sacrifice

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6933b2  No.10363235


Happened a long time ago by a satellite office in Arizona with something to hide.

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c57789  No.10363236

Triggered much

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108628  No.10363237

I wanted to find the one with Matt as a helicopter and Pepe helicopters flying along with him.

but my favorite one is the one where he's in the shades.

now if only some people could be as laid back and intense as Matt is and I have to say that Matt to me is the model of that guy . . . who knows and can not sleep.

what a fucking dude!

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be4ca5  No.10363238


who on here was christened as QANON?

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42df1f  No.10363239

File: 857d1082e00dd4e⋯.png (200.39 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Screenshot_20200820_160709….png)

File: 90c36ebe1b8bbec⋯.png (330.95 KB, 1080x1730, 108:173, Screenshot_20200820_160715….png)

File: 2bd34f2007e76ec⋯.png (432.49 KB, 1080x2039, 1080:2039, Screenshot_20200820_160723….png)

File: a5cf78e7736cbfb⋯.png (332.9 KB, 1080x2052, 10:19, Screenshot_20200820_160728….png)

File: 10c523f68706398⋯.png (132.36 KB, 1080x1973, 1080:1973, Screenshot_20200820_160752….png)

Anons, pay attention to Wikipedia and the timestamps of when the articles were edited or changed!

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392d2f  No.10363240

File: c38818fb05dcc56⋯.jpeg (22.39 KB, 382x247, 382:247, rinos.jpeg)

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b03acb  No.10363241

File: 4f08fdd01f29190⋯.jpg (213.37 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, IMG_3235.JPG)

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c169b5  No.10363242

File: a4e13c60bc15ede⋯.jpeg (273.23 KB, 702x458, 351:229, F1FB68F0_DE74_47E4_8486_C….jpeg)

Foreign influence dilutes the loyalties of US Congress. Hidden dual loyalties are repugnant to The Constitution.

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b82a24  No.10363243

File: e78236ea1cc71a2⋯.png (23.56 KB, 1248x213, 416:71, pov_back.PNG)


Anti-poverty billboards urging people to get a job, finish school removed after backlash

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bee4d3  No.10363244


who's the lesbo cheny?

u mean chinkos and ukrainians?? i agree!!

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30cf71  No.10363245


One day "School Vouchers" will be the norm and Government run Public Schools will not.

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2bad62  No.10363246

so the only proof we have that fauci isn't at gitmo finally is that he has been texting reporters for several days?

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4036aa  No.10363247

File: 194a773f1eb878a⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1156x878, 578:439, ClipboardImage.png)

Jews imagine The Most High In Your Minds Eye, Pray!

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e70f26  No.10363248

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Listen to the legend and the one and only.

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bee4d3  No.10363249

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13adb9  No.10363250


Good boy is based and redpilled

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b03acb  No.10363251

File: f3fb90fc8b61986⋯.jpg (444.23 KB, 1536x1024, 3:2, IMG_3236.JPG)

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b03acb  No.10363252


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54e15f  No.10363253

File: 3385ad184ee65b0⋯.jpg (40.13 KB, 654x628, 327:314, fauchi.JPG)


He had a polyp removed.

I'm sure he's fine.

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b1adc6  No.10363254

File: 9d740c8cc54dc98⋯.jpg (224.02 KB, 1280x1682, 640:841, allforalarp.jpg)


>And it is projection, since guess who are the authentic domestic terrorists?

>The people wrecking various cities!

POTUS publicly stated our research group popularly called "QAnon" was against! the destruction in the various cities







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185322  No.10363255

File: 184dad10d52c2b3⋯.png (584.47 KB, 840x886, 420:443, Screen_Shot_2020_06_13_at_….png)


> moments ago….

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405c54  No.10363256

per Lou Dobbs - The Federal Government has 65 separate Federal Law Enforcement Agencies and 27 Inspector General Agencies that carry guns and have the power to arrest people.

Overkill? They never thought she would lose. Now they all lose.

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55a063  No.10363257


Why need vouchers at all? When you have remote learning, there's no need to settle for being taught by some local who barely graduated. You can be taught by the BEST IN THE WORLD.

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1a16bd  No.10363258

The New York Times (toiletpaper) should be wondering if America will ever forgive them their treason.


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bee4d3  No.10363259



fuk off nigger luving juh!!


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463803  No.10363260

File: fac87129445a05c⋯.jpeg (59.31 KB, 735x507, 245:169, 2C0F00F1_0770_421B_B1D3_5….jpeg)

MSM represents a tiny percentage of America’s population.

They are like the venomous pope puffing his gills out to appear larger and intimidate an adversary.

Don’t get fooled by animals natural defenses.

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861dd5  No.10363261


Yep, first thing that came to mind when I saw it.

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992604  No.10363262

File: 38c835312c21143⋯.png (354.81 KB, 515x423, 515:423, ClipboardImage.png)

Q getting eyes on

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bc2b40  No.10363263



>It’s part of why scientific consensus is so remarkably valuable: it only exists when the overwhelming majority of qualified professionals all hold the same consistent professional opinion.

>scientific consensus

what the fuck

>It’s absolutely foolish to think that you, a non-expert who lacks the very scientific expertise necessary to evaluate the claims of experts, are going to do a better job than the actual, bona fide experts of separating truth from fiction or fraud.

>But that requires a kind of transformation within yourself. It means that you need to be humble, and admit that you, yourself, lack the necessary expertise to evaluate the science before you. It means that you need to be brave enough to turn to the consensus of scientific experts and ask, legitimately, what we know at the present stage.

>humble and brave

virtue signaling at its finest

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b03acb  No.10363264

File: 3e07d3d74eb199b⋯.jpg (491.22 KB, 751x750, 751:750, IMG_3840.JPG)


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d30ecb  No.10363265

File: 74ba2094c7cb458⋯.png (332.98 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DIMOCRAT4.png)

File: 54b50697f4a4e33⋯.png (249.83 KB, 800x600, 4:3, dimocrat5.png)

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42df1f  No.10363266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e28992  No.10363267

File: 575cb945098d467⋯.png (772.17 KB, 716x871, 716:871, jfkruthlessconspiracy.png)

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7cfeee  No.10363268

File: be4a56b408b3cbe⋯.png (989.58 KB, 1437x797, 1437:797, 2782_Gavin_Newsome_s_keepi….png)

File: c2c7cb2cb4e1092⋯.png (1023.78 KB, 1352x772, 338:193, 1MAGA_JERRY_BROWN_FWY.png)

File: 8b2dc22e6acf240⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1304x797, 1304:797, MAGA_JERRY_MOONBEAM_BROWN_.png)

File: 023fdceb778ce21⋯.png (741.71 KB, 545x797, 545:797, JerryOCRegister.png)

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5d17dc  No.10363269


RINO's are puppets of the CFR / black nobility of old europe who will never recognize US Independence

The Secret Treaty of Verona ( in Congressional record ) details their alliance

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cf7d10  No.10363270


Sauce it Jack…

So me the Documents

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31611f  No.10363271

File: 3ea34a7391856df⋯.jpg (404.79 KB, 1036x1132, 259:283, Dual_Citizenship_Israel.jpg)


>dual loyalties are repugnant to The Constitution.

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51d8ae  No.10363272

File: 814248984ac2425⋯.png (134.1 KB, 2037x1528, 2037:1528, warning_shame.png)

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42df1f  No.10363273

File: a118f281d1f13cd⋯.jpg (39.15 KB, 257x388, 257:388, Midnight_Sun_Stephanie_Mey….jpg)



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ea36fc  No.10363274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You must be invited to subscribe to 8kun gold

Like being invited to own a Ferrari

If you have to ask how much it costs

You cannot afford it

8kun gold

To us and those like us

Damn few


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e70f26  No.10363275


It what jews do.

Following the September 11, 2001, attacks, Silverstein sought to collect double the face amount (~$7.1 billion) on the basis that the two separate airplane strikes into two separate buildings constituted two occurrences within the meaning of the policies.

Learn to think like a Jew and it will make sense.

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bee4d3  No.10363276



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5e1473  No.10363277

File: ca0b8651434073e⋯.gif (4.13 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 8KUN.gif)

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c5b13a  No.10363278


Not enough for them to be an American company, but they must all deal with those customers with honesty and efficiency or we American's walk with our wallets to others who will appreciate the reputation customers gave to them with their approval of those products.

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4036aa  No.10363280

File: 116aae437834544⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d74c41e3e6d9e01⋯.png (1.36 MB, 620x812, 155:203, ClipboardImage.png)

*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Jews Relax safe Pray!

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2bad62  No.10363281

File: 2aebe29c2c4fe57⋯.jpeg (377.07 KB, 1221x791, 1221:791, 5A01194C_4F8F_4A9E_9C3F_7….jpeg)

leaving cookies out for santa was also a lie

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42df1f  No.10363282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5e1473  No.10363283

File: f75c2d94ad9a83f⋯.jpg (425.25 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, KekComfie.jpg)

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5d17dc  No.10363284


Bravo anon, an apt lizard comparison

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b03acb  No.10363285

File: 1e3401ce55020b2⋯.png (1.64 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2697.PNG)


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3cd660  No.10363286

Liz Cheney is afraid the little black book is going to open up to her page.

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6933b2  No.10363287

File: f7f523cb1b90490⋯.png (377.15 KB, 783x455, 783:455, TRUMP2020_AmericaFirst.png)



>Maybe Dan would RT it

HI Dan. Can you retweet this please?


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b03acb  No.10363288


now toss a dookie out there for us

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42df1f  No.10363289

Hispaniola (/ˌhɪspənˈjoʊlə/,[3][4][5] also UK: /-pænˈ-/;[6] Spanish: La Española; Latin and French: Hispaniola; Haitian Creole: Ispayola; Taino: Haiti)[7][8] is an island in the Caribbean archipelago known as the Greater Antilles. It is the most populous island in the West Indies and the region's second largest after Cuba.

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b82a24  No.10363290

File: 42c68d37fb01ba6⋯.png (815.27 KB, 935x654, 935:654, jesus_stamps.PNG)


Cash-Strapped USPS Killed Profitable Custom Stamp Program Over Jesus Stamps

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d0493a  No.10363291


So if they vaccine has to be injected, how does the virus get spread? Aren't vaccines modeled off of virus'?

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a1c5ea  No.10363292

File: 21f98d9f1124f55⋯.jpg (95.83 KB, 472x478, 236:239, DABATWOMAN.jpg)

Zephaniah 1

New International Version

1 The word of the Lord that came to Zephaniah son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hezekiah, during the reign of Josiah son of Amon king of Judah:

Judgment on the Whole Earth in the Day of the Lord

2 “I will sweep away everything

from the face of the earth,”

declares the Lord.

3 “I will sweep away both man and beast;

I will sweep away the birds in the sky

and the fish in the sea—

and the idols that cause the wicked to stumble.”[a]

“When I destroy all mankind

on the face of the earth,”

declares the Lord,

4 “I will stretch out my hand against Judah

and against all who live in Jerusalem.

I will destroy every remnant of Baal worship in this place,

the very names of the idolatrous priests—

5 those who bow down on the roofs

to worship the starry host,

those who bow down and swear by the Lord

and who also swear by Molek,[b]

6 those who turn back from following the Lord

and neither seek the Lord nor inquire of him.”

7 Be silent before the Sovereign Lord,

for the day of the Lord is near.

The Lord has prepared a sacrifice;

he has consecrated those he has invited.

8 “On the day of the Lord’s sacrifice

I will punish the officials

and the king’s sons

and all those clad

in foreign clothes.

9 On that day I will punish

all who avoid stepping on the threshold,[c]

who fill the temple of their gods

with violence and deceit.

10 “On that day,”

declares the Lord,

“a cry will go up from the Fish Gate,

wailing from the New Quarter,

and a loud crash from the hills.

11 Wail, you who live in the market district[d];

all your merchants will be wiped out,

all who trade with[e] silver will be destroyed.

12 At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps

and punish those who are complacent,

who are like wine left on its dregs,

who think, ‘The Lord will do nothing,

either good or bad.’

13 Their wealth will be plundered,

their houses demolished.

Though they build houses,

they will not live in them;

though they plant vineyards,

they will not drink the wine.”

14 The great day of the Lord is near—

near and coming quickly.

The cry on the day of the Lord is bitter;

the Mighty Warrior shouts his battle cry.

15 That day will be a day of wrath—

a day of distress and anguish,

a day of trouble and ruin,

a day of darkness and gloom,

a day of clouds and blackness—

16 a day of trumpet and battle cry

against the fortified cities

and against the corner towers.

17 “I will bring such distress on all people

that they will grope about like those who are blind,

because they have sinned against the Lord.

Their blood will be poured out like dust

and their entrails like dung.

18 Neither their silver nor their gold

will be able to save them

on the day of the Lord’s wrath.”

In the fire of his jealousy

the whole earth will be consumed,

for he will make a sudden end

of all who live on the earth.

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383163  No.10363293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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689b33  No.10363294


Sheeit, that's nothing. I knew several girls in high school that would pull a train every weekend after Ike and Tina played at the local community center. 30 guys? Nothing to them. Funny that those I still hear of did quite well in life, financially.

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b1adc6  No.10363295

File: 81fa7528f34097d⋯.jpg (43.51 KB, 552x385, 552:385, WHATISHAPPENING.jpg)




liar liar pants on fire.

they can only win by lying.

fear pron

well they tried to name the President domestic terrorist too

in Cahoots with RUSSIA

There's nothing they won't say

They said he peed on a bed Obama slept in


what is more insane than that?

That Hillary is innocent


That Biden is capable?


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6d4290  No.10363296


The libtards are freaking out over the Q uestions Trump answered, but everybody else is taking it on face value. PANIC

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05b3bc  No.10363297

File: 57e4ef0152304b9⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 1037x1457, 1037:1457, Salt.jpg)

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97c93d  No.10363298


I saw a pope in the wild once. I was startled but intrigued.

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d0493a  No.10363299

File: 5565119652609a0⋯.png (47.66 KB, 603x493, 603:493, lightfoot.png)


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42df1f  No.10363300

Taíno is an Arawakan language that was spoken by the Taíno people of the Caribbean. At the time of Spanish contact, it was the principal language throughout the Caribbean. Classic Taíno (Taíno proper) was the native language of the northern Leeward Islands, Puerto Rico, the Turks and Caicos Islands, and most of Hispaniola, and it was expanding into Cuba. The Ciboney dialect is essentially unattested, but colonial sources suggest it was very similar to Classic Taíno and was spoken in the westernmost areas of Hispaniola, the Bahamas, Jamaica, and most of Cuba.

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02d990  No.10363301


maathas vineyaaad


thought that waz the case

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2068d4  No.10363302


So after all those words, you still didn't tell us why the Left can't meme.

Is there a sequel post?

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e3cc9d  No.10363303


Fluoride is an industrial waste that contributes, I believe to calcification of the pineal gland. It was sold as a cavity preventive and added to our water supply as an involuntary mass medication without our informed consent. The neurotoxicity of fluoride has recently been compared to that of lead. Fluoride exposure lowers the IQ of children.

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49429c  No.10363304


Have to consider what a meme truly is and why it is so effective. The left literally can't do it because they have no understanding of the two basic principles needed to make a successful meme. They have absolutely no ability to critically think as their entire world is based upon a script that first indoctrinated them thus turning them into what they are and removing even the slightest glimmer of normal human interaction, discussion, and critical thought which sets us all apart in our ability to do. To them there is only ever one way, only ever one answer, only ever one acceptable group to blame, only ever the script and the script is never wrong because if the script was wrong then that would mean their entire life was based on a lie which none of them can understand since their entire lives center around it and without it they literally have nothing.

The second thing is they cannot understand humor since their entire life is centered around what is acceptable and not and therefore cannot understand how normal people see humorous, ironic, facetious, sarcastic, silly, goofy, or anything relating to an humor connected feeling of expression that doesn't fall into their "acceptable or not acceptable" script that is literally all they have and dictates every aspect of their lives. So they cannot see what a normal person sees as humor because to them humor doesn't exist unless the script allows something to be humorous. So this is why their memes fall flat because their memes must always first adhere to their script which completely disallows any form of humor so they are left with either copying a meme from the right and changing the words around or creating something like the above. They are so oblivious to the real world that they recently made Donald Trump Thanos in a meme thinking it showed him as some villain when they actually did him a favor since everybody fricking loved Thanos and thought he was the baddest mofo around and stole the show.

So when it comes to memes, the left cannot do it, much like athletics, much like writing their own scripts (notice how they always have to steal old movies and redo them?), much like comics (notice how they always have to steal old comic characters and redo them?), much like self help books, much like media coverage, much like education, much like everything, literally everything they do. It all must adhere to their script and if it doesn't then it must be attacked because the script is their literal God and they are merely the servants of their God. Their feelings are nothing more than a reason to further rely on the script because the script proves their feelings are right and their feelings prove the script is right thus they are in a constant trapped loop of relying on and only on those who also adhere to the script and must have safe spaces because anyone who doesn't adhere to the script cannot be trusted or accepted… because the script says they are bad and to even give them time or a chance to counter a statement means the script is not being followed so the only recourse is to go out and break things, burn things down, attack people, because the only way those people will learn to love the script is when they learn the consequences of not loving it.

These people are literal movie props no different than a wooden bush in old time plays. They have one role, they follow their role, they cannot deviate from their role and will never be anything buy that role forever trapped in mental nothingness and never knowing what it is to be free.

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f8bafd  No.10363305

File: 33fa32ff5b21889⋯.png (15.48 KB, 513x150, 171:50, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10362108 lb

Who's the conspiracy theorist now?

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d0493a  No.10363306


Citing threats, Mayor Lori Lightfoot defends ban on protesters on her block: ‘I have a right to make sure that my home is secure'

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e34215  No.10363307

File: ea74c0a6ebd68cc⋯.jpg (43.27 KB, 680x439, 680:439, ea74c0a6ebd68ccefd37dfc966….jpg)

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9554c1  No.10363308

File: 0d5b78d3140b904⋯.jpg (17.17 KB, 199x200, 199:200, dpc.jpg)

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bee4d3  No.10363309


p00 p00 suck swallwell smchuck throug two garden hoses

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ac1b0c  No.10363310


Head smart and put together very well.


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c68765  No.10363311

File: a1c72e66681cfcd⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 800x458, 400:229, Cecillia_Fulbright_QAnon2_….jpg)

File: 6f89c0706a8e432⋯.jpg (361.17 KB, 2400x1350, 16:9, QAnon_Part_2_tease_1_lp5t0….jpg)

They look so much alike?



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2068d4  No.10363312


Is she even SLIGHTLY self aware of what she says?

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49429c  No.10363313


Yep, it just took awhile as I like to fully explain everything.

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e34215  No.10363314

File: d2836d165959791⋯.png (512.01 KB, 505x494, 505:494, 2020_02_11_18_58_33.png)

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181a53  No.10363315

File: 9ee8131089f9e83⋯.png (490.17 KB, 790x543, 790:543, rachel_levine_car_show_fuc….PNG)

Pennsylvania’s Health Secretary made a secret deal to allow a car show to open for a multi-day event although it would violate the state’s coronavirus gathering restrictions, WPXI reported.

Dr. Rachel Levine made the confidential settlement agreement with the Carlisle Car Show, a huge, outdoor event near Harrisburg that let 20,000 people in per day despite the state-wide 250 person outdoor gathering limit, documents reviewed by WPXI showed.

The secret agreement showed that Levine reportedly allowed the car show to take place for four days. Lawmakers around the state say they had no idea of such agreement, and that it was unfair to the rest of the state that obeyed the restrictions, often at great financial loss.

Butler County, located in the western part of the state, canceled multiple fairs, shows and carnivals that usually attract significant economic activity for the area in order to comply with the state’s health safety guidelines. Republican State Rep. Marci Mustello said her district suffered from these cancellations, and taxpayers deserve an explanation for why an event near the state’s capital was exempt from these rules.

“I think somebody needs to explain why this agreement was allowed or even offered. So yes, it’s outrageous to even think this,” Mustello said, according to WPXI.

Republican State Rep. Aaron Bernstein, who represents Beaver County, located west of Harrisburg, also expressed his shock.

“It’s not fair that eastern PA set up deals when we abide by rules,” he said according to WPXI. This is the first I’m hearing of it. It’s despicable.”

Similarly, Democratic State Rep. Chris Sainato, who represents Lawrence County, also in western Pennsylvania, had no clue that such an agreement took place.

“That was surprising to me when you told me we’ve been making the sacrifices for five months,” Sainato said.

Lawrence County also had its fair canceled in compliance with state gathering restrictions.

“I don’t think it’s truly fair throughout the state. You have to play by the same rules for everywhere no matter where you are in the state,” Sainato said.

The lawmakers interviewed by WPXI said they would call for a special hearing to give Levine an opportunity to answer their many questions. Levine told the news station that no comment could be made on an ongoing legal issue.


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822137  No.10363316

File: 1c30b0b2dab4cd7⋯.png (699.85 KB, 645x862, 645:862, ClipboardImage.png)

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0f68dd  No.10363317

File: 93f48a1d3bd2f41⋯.jpeg (75.96 KB, 1080x618, 180:103, 1587737965.jpeg)

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dfd151  No.10363318






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083fab  No.10363319


Not sure if posted here yet, but "PANIC IN DC" poster was seen back in November 2018.

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5d17dc  No.10363320


Anons are a " Terrrist " because they blow up the …..narrative , in real time.

cant allow that

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8beb2d  No.10363321

File: 4611e0e2aaa75d7⋯.jpg (441.53 KB, 808x2902, 404:1451, 20200815_013423.jpg)

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dfd151  No.10363322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d0493a  No.10363323


>Is she even SLIGHTLY self aware of what she says?

keking out loud!

I have to believe she's an automaton.

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42df1f  No.10363324

File: e3e50ac6b94376e⋯.jpg (82.79 KB, 424x512, 53:64, unnamed_9_.jpg)

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5e04ad  No.10363325


>>10362880, >>10362700 President Trump Everything Reports

>>10362691, >>10362728, >>10363002, >>10363134 CUTIES netflix documentary backlash

>>10362709, >>10362733, >>10362848, >>10362941 Who is Audrey Strauss, the woman stepping in as Wall Street’s next top cop?

>>10362722, >>10362753, >>10363066 Chinese Virus Daily Reports

>>10362711, >>10363194 The DNC this week welcomed convicted rapist, torturer and killer Donna Hylton to speak to their supporters.

>>10362694, >>10362750 Attention Keyboard Warriors: Warroom Op #DemConvention

>>10362690, >>10362761, >>10363230 CDC vaccine program and moar

>>10362792 Players flock to #JeffreyEpstein's virtual 'pedo-island' recreated in Microsoft flight simulator

>>10362798 Jim Watkins Targeted by YouTube

>>10362942 DNC groups drop 'under God' from Pledge of Allegiance

>>10362953 Crew of #Russia's Soyuz MS-17 preparing for a record fast flight to the ISS, training centre says

>>10362954 2015 rendezvous in London between Jonathan Winer and 'Chris' Steele

>>10362980 Neo-Nazi ex-soldier jailed for bomb plot to overthrow government

>>10363043 Liz Cheney condemns QAnon conspiracy

>>10363042 GoodYear board of directors - All roads lead to Chyna

>>10363082 Titan International, Inc. responds to Trump's suggested Goodyear boycott

>>10363156 The CIA Democrats in the 2020 elections

>>10362718 For fun : Smart Dog loves President Trump

>>10363223 Districts Are Using Empty Schools as Expensive Day Cares, and Taxpaying Parents Are Being Charged Twice. This Needs to End.

>>10363224 Socialism: Jerry Brown crabs at sweltering Californians to 'turn up your damn thermostats'

>>10363243 Anti-poverty billboards urging people to get a job, finish school removed after backlash

>>10363290 Cash-Strapped USPS Killed Profitable Custom Stamp Program Over Jesus Stamps

>>10363299 Citing threats, Mayor Lori Lightfoot defends ban on protesters on her block: ‘I have a right to make sure that my home is secure'

>>10363315 Pennsylvania’s Health Secretary made a secret deal to allow a car show to open for a multi-day event although it would violate the state’s coronavirus gathering restrictions

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1f740f  No.10363326

File: 6b65062b3ea9aec⋯.jpg (162.27 KB, 811x455, 811:455, goodyear_blowout.jpg)

File: 68bd34dc3b8fc84⋯.jpg (179.05 KB, 1193x896, 1193:896, goodyear_blimp_hindenberg.jpg)

GOODYEAR literally BTFO and going down in flames

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97fbe6  No.10363327


Saw a Q sticker on a soccer moms Ford Expedition driving through town today!

Doesn't get anymore mainstream than that!

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060950  No.10363328

File: 3fc3c153bba2070⋯.jpg (259.42 KB, 1117x1122, 1117:1122, EeIHLzLXYAEz78U.jpg)


Went to No Frills today, everybody was wearing a mask now, personalized.


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be4ca5  No.10363329


someone told me they are spraying toilet paper with nano-chips for tracking.

How do I wipe?

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30cf71  No.10363330


cuz satanic pedophilia is a path to spiritual enlightenment… by the way?

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2d2dcc  No.10363331

>>10361949 (You) GOODYEAR INC under Anon surveillance

Sounds like Baker is trying to provoke Anon into providing more digs.

Game on.

To be cont'd.

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b03acb  No.10363332

File: 73c3bd56eda784e⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 347x424, 347:424, IMG_2267.JPG)

dick lickers are jealous of angry of peanut butter and jealous hookers stealing all teh homo

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05b3bc  No.10363333

File: cab8d07e2885dce⋯.jpg (38.22 KB, 318x99, 106:33, dank.jpg)

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9f1e72  No.10363334


“You cannot catch a virus.”

Yes you can. People get colds, flus,etc. every year.

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1ac2b3  No.10363335



>What exactly is a "Full fledged Qanon member"

Since 'member' has more than one connotation, and anon is lacking advanced skills with photoshop, let the other 25 replies suffice.

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49429c  No.10363336


AndBakerif you are light on notables this bread, throw this on there as a response to the recent media attacks. Posts like this are a good way to help normies see the truth in the modern left. If not, no problem, but I think adding such things always is helpful.

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72890a  No.10363337

File: 4b04f394aceb0ac⋯.png (65.95 KB, 420x361, 420:361, 4b04f394aceb0ac56debb2201b….png)


They can say all they want.

But without us on an official list it is fake news.

Derived from a low level officerr, who told it is potentially ….everyting is potentially

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181a53  No.10363338

File: cae9729be47f6ac⋯.png (218.31 KB, 606x493, 606:493, if_biden_wins_terrorists_e….PNG)


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4036aa  No.10363339

File: 219784ee9f1cfb8⋯.png (95.9 KB, 142x255, 142:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e593c88421b3d7⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1024x798, 512:399, ClipboardImage.png)

*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Jews enflame strong Pray!

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44840c  No.10363340

File: 367d0f95eb212f0⋯.jpg (175.87 KB, 675x747, 75:83, 1597960247922.jpg)





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8f7ee9  No.10363341

File: 9a6900dd8722be6⋯.jpg (19.59 KB, 220x219, 220:219, 20200820_161526.jpg)


Call of duty

Black ops

Cold War

Almost seems planned if you ask me…

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6d4290  No.10363342


They aint called demoncrats for nuttin!

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1f740f  No.10363343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5d4df8  No.10363344

Weird : percentage wise Delta has the most ex navy pilots…..very weird. I wonder if their pilots will speak out

Delta Bans Navy SEAL Credited with Killing Bin Laden For Posting Picture of Himself Sans Mask


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b82a24  No.10363345

File: 39635a35f5c4713⋯.png (445.51 KB, 600x562, 300:281, argue_q.PNG)


Qanon violence really Juan! Rolling on the floor laughing

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35407b  No.10363346

File: a73509730253743⋯.png (2.2 MB, 960x838, 480:419, Covid_19_nurse_worked_thro….png)


Was it something I said?

Factor in $$$ incentives of states, counties, hospitals

Nurses ($100/hr hazard pay in empty hospitals making TiTok videos)

Ventilator co


Testing labs

PPE co

BIGChem cleaners & soaps

& MSM panicking viewers for ratings

= 0 RISK to Gen pop

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ba79ae  No.10363347

File: 93f5f003429be0b⋯.jpg (708.62 KB, 4096x2304, 16:9, 159052255.jpg)

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2dadd7  No.10363348

File: 793b5a3af3ef164⋯.png (454.95 KB, 525x557, 525:557, vlad_adren.png)

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cf7d10  No.10363349


MemeCannon are now Autoloading

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463803  No.10363350

File: e115164fdcc2a75⋯.jpeg (180.03 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 14A27446_D7AE_479F_8774_A….jpeg)


Show up in this mask, for Keks.

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bc2b40  No.10363351


I agree.

Complete article is about sucking "consensus" dick and denying your own capacity to understand. Being "brave" and humble" enough to accept what "Scientists" tell you.

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777549  No.10363352



The answer is the most logical!

Simply smuggling!

Smuggling What?

What ever is required!

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392d2f  No.10363353

File: db08f85af4bebb9⋯.png (998.87 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, gab_overwrite_1.png)

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3d41d4  No.10363354

File: 8c7993b49f98080⋯.jpg (265.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

I wonder if you inject helium into the structural beams of aircrafts, (including tires) if this would make them lighter and use less fuel?

or am I just smoking too much again @.@

>planefags might know

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ea36fc  No.10363355

File: 4ab000019b74462⋯.png (1.36 MB, 720x1370, 72:137, 497E864D_03C7_4549_90EA_51….png)


That set designer needs to be fired

Or that homeowner needs to be introduced to egyptian cotton

Big tits are genetic

Good taste is developed

Fix your fucking bedspread

And get that body fat to a healthy level

Fühkin panty droppers

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8c8a4b  No.10363356


I'd be worried if she didn't.

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ded60a  No.10363357


Right on cue…

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b03acb  No.10363358


now fall into that round hollow

where my friends were decieved

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691060  No.10363359

i believe what paul revere really said was the british are cooming

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8365ef  No.10363360

File: e73c59af275bd87⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1922x570, 961:285, Doctors_for_HCQ_google_aga….png)

File: df2c9c2f61c7eec⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1536x909, 512:303, request_absentee_ballot_Tr….png)

File: e8b2ed9d6c9e231⋯.png (98.1 KB, 765x250, 153:50, Trump_lists_treasonors.png)

File: aa91bd68350172d⋯.jpg (110.96 KB, 926x583, 926:583, Fist_pumps.jpg)

dang, lots of winning, it's making me lazy, kek

thas why i always say: Thank you Anons

Landing this big ass plane is gonna be tricky.

We got days to learn; get the manual.

Mean Time, meme Time drop; over the target

shills scramble to intercept but we are already miles ahead

fake news real obvious these days

real news hard to find still (unless you check in w the Anons ]Notables[)

thas why i always say: Thank you Anons

POTUS speeches are great, thank you POTUS.

Vote all dem leaders out, all; ask your Fam/Frens this favor, ty.

We come back for the RINOs after.

clinesmith treason, imo

How much trouble did he cause?

Should he get off light?

He better talk LOUD or i don't ever want to see him again, imo.

If you feel the same Vote all dem leaders out and we come back for the RINOs after

]impeach/recall saves us[

Work together, Vote together, Buy together, SHOW together, Write together, PRAY together.

Godspeed Anons, o7

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1f740f  No.10363361

File: 0125f4080a81da1⋯.png (290.89 KB, 600x450, 4:3, the_eyes_of_dankness.png)


The Quads of Dankness

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5436c2  No.10363362

File: cbaa780b87330c2⋯.jpg (71.17 KB, 555x679, 555:679, Saturn_Phi_333_3_555.jpg)


Quads of teh g0dz

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6d4290  No.10363363


The govt has a long history of doing medical experiments on blacks and Indians.

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bee4d3  No.10363364


grammer kitty comin for u know

frens not lied just comprmised

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98749c  No.10363365


I can't help it. It's just my default state. At least since 2016. Like scales falling from the eyes.

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49429c  No.10363366


We knew this was coming and we knew that they would set up some stupid shit to make the research look bad. No idea if this is real or not but might as well look into this broad as I have a feeling, merely by her appearance, that she is not an anon. At this point I can see it merely by their appearance as it always has one of a few similar patterns.

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0f68dd  No.10363367

File: f94d4026a524ad1⋯.jpg (134.24 KB, 680x1020, 2:3, f94d4026a524ad1b7205020be8….jpg)

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5e04ad  No.10363368


Sucks because Akron is just now making a comeback

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b82a24  No.10363369

File: 6e00716d515b50d⋯.png (259.13 KB, 606x479, 606:479, fox_q_hit.PNG)


Yep FOX just did a Qanon hit piece #TheMoreYouKnow

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f8bafd  No.10363370


Is this lady even real

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463803  No.10363371

File: f71bb7a64b5d32d⋯.jpeg (46.76 KB, 300x439, 300:439, 36F63B42_F518_4FCC_9469_B….jpeg)

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e28992  No.10363372

File: e066ec1c15aea8d⋯.png (282.47 KB, 500x500, 1:1, princecharles.png)

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5e04ad  No.10363373

>>10363331 WHY AKRON?

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bee4d3  No.10363374


pick up YO fallen BROTHERS

AND lets go niggas@!@@!

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bcc995  No.10363375


Fraud is fraud, now charge BLM with the same thing regarding Act Blue so Democrats can live lavish lifestyles.

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35407b  No.10363376

File: aff56811d22f0ab⋯.png (2.34 MB, 960x773, 960:773, Cannibus_and_Occult.png)


You will never be 'enlightened' and remain 'stoned'

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42df1f  No.10363377




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4036aa  No.10363378

File: d587f60cd36c64e⋯.png (91.74 KB, 255x165, 17:11, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3207b0f8293d8d⋯.png (116.28 KB, 175x255, 35:51, ClipboardImage.png)

*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Jews Curioux make babies Pray!

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992604  No.10363379






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97c93d  No.10363380


Ah that's lame I thought they would at least pretend until October.

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6d4290  No.10363381


Just unpleasant.

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be4ca5  No.10363382


welcome to the rice fields!!!!!

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5d17dc  No.10363383


magic 8 ball says > doubtful

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2068d4  No.10363384


Good analysis, I see what you're getting to.

Try to shorten it up - read aloud what you wrote and see what words, phrases, and sentences are not essential or repetitive.

Then come back and post it again.

Caveat - I saw your next post - that's a no-no, don't suggest your own post as a Notable.

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b03acb  No.10363385


dookie smells intensifies

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992604  No.10363386

File: e2a7be51164f58e⋯.png (257 KB, 687x547, 687:547, ClipboardImage.png)

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02d990  No.10363387

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691060  No.10363388


kek, ded

been a minute since seeing that one

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a850cb  No.10363389

File: 4fce9e2c35ab33c⋯.png (16.04 KB, 649x329, 649:329, ClipboardImage.png)

y'all eating this bread up like southerners eat niggertoes.

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a07068  No.10363390



Poochies can sense Evil!

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49429c  No.10363391


>Try to shorten it up

Story of my life my friend, when I get to writing it just takes off. Story of my life, wish I could.

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bee4d3  No.10363392


Space FARCE supreme flatulent leader

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6d4290  No.10363393


That's one degree below High-Ranking.

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1a16bd  No.10363394


Every time I see this thing I'm reminded of Dr. Oaken on Independence Day.

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383163  No.10363395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5e04ad  No.10363396


>>10362880, >>10362700 President Trump Everything Reports

>>10362691, >>10362728, >>10363002, >>10363134 CUTIES netflix documentary backlash

>>10362709, >>10362733, >>10362848, >>10362941 Who is Audrey Strauss, the woman stepping in as Wall Street’s next top cop?

>>10362722, >>10362753, >>10363066 Chinese Virus Daily Reports

>>10362690, >>10362761, >>10363230 CDC vaccine program and moar

>>10362711, >>10363194 The DNC this week welcomed convicted rapist, torturer and killer Donna Hylton to speak to their supporters.

>>10362694, >>10362750 Attention Keyboard Warriors: Warroom Op #DemConvention

>>10363262, >>10363379 Fake News On The Attack Against Qanons

>>10362792 Players flock to #JeffreyEpstein's virtual 'pedo-island' recreated in Microsoft flight simulator

>>10362798 Jim Watkins Targeted by YouTube

>>10362942 DNC groups drop 'under God' from Pledge of Allegiance

>>10362953 Crew of #Russia's Soyuz MS-17 preparing for a record fast flight to the ISS, training centre says

>>10362954 2015 rendezvous in London between Jonathan Winer and 'Chris' Steele

>>10362980 Neo-Nazi ex-soldier jailed for bomb plot to overthrow government

>>10363043 Liz Cheney condemns QAnon conspiracy

>>10363042 GoodYear board of directors - All roads lead to Chyna

>>10363082 Titan International, Inc. responds to Trump's suggested Goodyear boycott

>>10363156 The CIA Democrats in the 2020 elections

>>10362718 For fun : Smart Dog loves President Trump

>>10363223 Districts Are Using Empty Schools as Expensive Day Cares, and Taxpaying Parents Are Being Charged Twice. This Needs to End.

>>10363224 Socialism: Jerry Brown crabs at sweltering Californians to 'turn up your damn thermostats'

>>10363243 Anti-poverty billboards urging people to get a job, finish school removed after backlash

>>10363290 Cash-Strapped USPS Killed Profitable Custom Stamp Program Over Jesus Stamps

>>10363299 Citing threats, Mayor Lori Lightfoot defends ban on protesters on her block: ‘I have a right to make sure that my home is secure'

>>10363315 Pennsylvania’s Health Secretary made a secret deal to allow a car show to open for a multi-day event although it would violate the state’s coronavirus gathering restrictions,

>>10363304 Anon response to the recent media attacks

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5436c2  No.10363397

File: 39059d66779ef75⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1431x1525, 1431:1525, 39059d66779ef75daf9db0cf06….png)

File: 40cbcfb0ed34099⋯.png (279.7 KB, 444x699, 148:233, d6aa7e98e62d76917d3b462b7a….png)

File: b6fcac08cd87852⋯.png (139.99 KB, 290x640, 29:64, b6fcac08cd878526dc7ffff6c4….png)




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6933b2  No.10363398

File: 90d970182b48c58⋯.png (178.61 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, AllAgree_Questions.png)

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b1adc6  No.10363399

File: 3ec4dbb7dcee93f⋯.jpg (77.01 KB, 640x480, 4:3, FEMA_coffins.jpg)


right a FB friend was in total meltdown

And a long thread ensured with all the pals

They thought it meant POTUS was going to kill people who live in cities.

They are afraid of being "rounded up" by POTUS , for realz.

If you take the projection principle I guess we know what they plan to do to us

And fer sure if it happened none of them would lift a finger. They'd be happy.

seemed almost suicidal..

Thread was erased.

They were saying that even if he were dead they would n't feel better.

And they wouldn't want to witness all the love his followers have for him.

They could be "possessed?"

What could it be?

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4036aa  No.10363400

File: dd450f1fac97ee9⋯.png (119.75 KB, 170x255, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ceb295fca2d7fc2⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1024x681, 1024:681, ClipboardImage.png)

*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Jews roll deep Pray!

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b03acb  No.10363401


plenty of time to hunt rabbi dyke walrusjew josh

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5d17dc  No.10363402




FOX = 666

F = 6

O = 1 + 5

X = 2 + 4

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9f1e72  No.10363403


Is Juan pretending to be a democrat? Literally what he said made no sense.

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44840c  No.10363404


Yea, I'm just kiddin buddy, I really think it's funny when you nutjobs kill someone. Keep up the good work depopulating the Earth and such.

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bee4d3  No.10363405


so ukrainians!! OK

GOOD suaxce

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42df1f  No.10363407

File: d30e9e492032514⋯.jpg (160.62 KB, 630x1200, 21:40, MV5BMTQyNzk2MjA2NF5BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: c260c8c806352bb⋯.jpg (266.29 KB, 1200x898, 600:449, flex_moana_header_ddaba7de.jpg)

File: 93b5eda6fc7562a⋯.jpg (202.94 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 614f4f68f860173977ee1c1b3d….jpg)

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b03acb  No.10363408



maybe your double speak forked tongue

can larp a isrealbutt double thought fart

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bee4d3  No.10363409


and go get shiffty sschitt in yo toilet bowl too ben collins soroi goi boi werido fig

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49429c  No.10363410


And I agree by the way and would never self nominate but only did in this case since I have not seen anybody attacking the media narrative of late. But I agree, fully agree, deserve a backhand for that which I will accept. I just want to get something out there that I know the media will read and be unable to counter.

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cf7d10  No.10363411


QAnon Loyalty is Toxic, like Masculinity.

Says the Clown

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72890a  No.10363412

File: 64a3e2d222faf81⋯.png (102.57 KB, 500x489, 500:489, milkyway.png)


Milk drinkers are potential domestic terrorist, even curling teams

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98749c  No.10363413


This is why I don't even consider myself a southerner (I'm a Texan anon). Y'all got some weird ass food traditions. Even our bbq is different.

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2068d4  No.10363414


Make the effort. You have talent, but it's wasted if you fail to write concisely.

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42df1f  No.10363415

File: a0c9695a6c98933⋯.jpg (27.78 KB, 356x500, 89:125, 51OovkfWLoL_AC_.jpg)

File: 9284e541672edba⋯.jpg (278.07 KB, 978x1440, 163:240, f99d8c1aeb172d05353d9ab384….jpg)

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060950  No.10363417


Freemason Science Bullshit CGI

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b03acb  No.10363418

File: 0a8646e92211935⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 140.57 KB, 800x918, 400:459, IMG_4652.JPG)

new scientologoy tranny cruises to dodo island

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2dadd7  No.10363420

File: 550d164da85eaf4⋯.png (1.16 MB, 976x782, 488:391, so_hot.png)

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02d990  No.10363421

File: 83930933e4c5304⋯.jpg (87.65 KB, 638x479, 638:479, how_to_read_tire_codes_and….jpg)

File: 05ea0526e3574eb⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 400x225, 16:9, ReadDOTCode.jpg)

File: aff3332584fd6db⋯.jpg (22.42 KB, 500x126, 250:63, image_dot_full_label_r1.jpg)


how to "read" decode a tire

in case one is faulty and shit

all detail down to time and date


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a07068  No.10363422


What’s your name again?

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bcc995  No.10363423


Why? Would billboards saying be lazy , get knocked up and get on the dole be more to their liking.

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2d2dcc  No.10363425


So this post is clear:

There is nothing negative in it.

Baker motivated me.

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3d41d4  No.10363426


but i am not 'stoned', my body is.

I am.

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b03acb  No.10363427


your daughter betrayed you

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cf7d10  No.10363429


Oh sorry I meant to say Jake Tapper. Not you Anon

My mistake

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026994  No.10363431


pork is better than beef

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30cf71  No.10363432


dat's how I imagine "The Gronk" would play a cello… then spike a football in the end zone after a TD

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7fb836  No.10363433


you're all going to bore people to death with your silly codes and games

kinda childish

can I be in your gang?

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0f68dd  No.10363434

File: d7005c3bbc9ad20⋯.jpeg (67.7 KB, 908x1020, 227:255, 1564241464.jpeg)

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31611f  No.10363435



>Socialism: Jerry Brown crabs at sweltering Californians to 'turn up your damn thermostats'

March 2019Judicial Watch: 900,000 Illegal Aliens Voted in 2018 Midterm Electionshttps://neonnettle.com/news/6862-judicial-watch-900-000-illegal-aliens-voted-in-2018-midterm-elections

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1f740f  No.10363436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Karl Rove, the OG destroyer of email (eat shit Hilldawg, TurdBlossom did it first) called QAnon followers "kooks and nuts".

hey Karl, Fuck You! segment starts starts at 18:55

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b03acb  No.10363437

File: 56b3a9aff3c007b⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 639x524, 639:524, IMG_4065.JPG)

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0b835d  No.10363438


kek nobody gonna read that War&Peace nigga

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42df1f  No.10363439

File: 7a5a58b0bbdc95e⋯.jpg (113.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault_13_.jpg)

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bee4d3  No.10363440

joi less reid tying in bannon and Q anon –

wow the saux


get the fuck out of here

sauxless bread shitter

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b03acb  No.10363442


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e70f26  No.10363443

File: 39fc53354d2c3ed⋯.jpg (57.18 KB, 680x367, 680:367, 4c5hou.jpg)

File: f3f603f56ec78e3⋯.jpg (68.63 KB, 768x325, 768:325, 4c5hs7.jpg)

File: dcde0cabd22dae3⋯.jpg (58.93 KB, 668x374, 334:187, 4c5hun.jpg)

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98749c  No.10363444


I'm afraid to knock swine now… Someone will probably call me a Jew.

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2068d4  No.10363445


She's frightened?

Now what would innocent little Sally Yates be frightened?

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463803  No.10363446


You are the great “I am”?

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d30ecb  No.10363447

File: 4b4e39b6d5aa224⋯.png (951.95 KB, 800x600, 4:3, GOODYEAR1.png)

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24dee8  No.10363448

File: 3c96a07962ebc11⋯.png (448.86 KB, 338x678, 169:339, ClipboardImage.png)


>pork is better than beef

be gone heathen

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405c54  No.10363450

Someone made a BUNCH of money on GoodYear stocks. We need a big digg to find the trail of $$$. In the last 2 weeks SOMEONE of a group of people shorted their stocks on GoodYear (bet the stock would go down). There are no coincidences. DeepState is broke and I suspect this was a money laundering psyop.

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8365ef  No.10363452

File: 7fb13b892fa7928⋯.png (4.05 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, absentee_ballot.png)

File: 0b89c28f8e9f3b6⋯.png (544.48 KB, 1200x673, 1200:673, who_ordered_clinesmith_to_….png)

They tell lies about you?

How to prove them wrong?

Will people believe them if they lose their credibility?

Will fake news ggl utube push anything that SHOWS their lack?

Once you know the Questions, can almost see the counterMoves.

Thank you Anons.

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b82a24  No.10363453

File: 2ec1bd8b4eba696⋯.png (521.93 KB, 633x555, 211:185, who_gets.PNG)

File: 5641168f04b3dad⋯.png (3.42 MB, 1373x956, 1373:956, who_owl.PNG)


John Hopkins Experts Share Who Should Get Virus Vaccine First

two sides to the same coin….

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