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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3f569b7….jpg)

28fb5d  No.10242195[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




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Friday 07.31.2020

>>10134839 ————————————–——– Welcome to the Revolution

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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28fb5d  No.10242207

Global Announcements

None at this time.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10242155, >>10242134 Lebanese Government Resigns-over Beirut Blast Health Minister-say

>>10241990 Congressman Matt Gaetz Files Criminal Referral Against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

>>10241987, >>10241995 NASA Reveals First Findings After Journey to Mysterious Ocean World at the End of Our Solar System

>>10241964 if you are so inclined: WH petition to make HCQ OTC.

>>10241961 Trump's latest stimulus move brilliantly flips the table on Pelosi, Democrats

>>10241789 Lebanon health minister: Cabinet resigns over Beirut blast

>>10241782 Puerto Ricans, upset at botched primary, demand answers

>>10241725, >>10241769, >>10241827, >>10241882 Mayor Lightfoot – Righteous uprising that looted the City in May not Conencted to the looting last night. Police stand down order

>>10241588, >>10241906, >>10242058 planefag reporting

>>10241583 Several trapped, critically injured after houses explode in NW Baltimore, fire union reports

>>10241573, >>10241797 50 deep earthquakes this month alone

>>10241557 McDonald's sues fired CEO for 'lying and concealing evidence in relation to sexual relationships with THREE employees and giving one shares'

>>10241553 DNI_Ratcliffe welcomes Chris Miller as NCTC Director


>>10242194 #13107


Baker / ^^^Notetaker

>>10241400 New DJT w/CAP: So now Schumer and Pelosi want to meet to make a deal. Amazing how it all works, isn’t it...

>>10241286 Brooklyn College Education Prof. Claims Math Is ‘White Supremacist Patriarchy’

>>10240757, >>10240769, >>10240785, >>10240862, >>10240943, >>10241202 planefag reporting

>>10240761, >>10240768, >>10240803, >>10240818, >>10240879 Ron Johnson has subpoenaed FBI Director Chris Wray

>>10240686, >>10240748, >>10240966, >>10240967, >>10240991 Chinese Virus Reports

>>10240762, >>10240778, >>10240807, >>10240889 Q drop discussion

>>10240806, >>10241057, >>10241070 Paul (people) Farmer, PhD, Soros/Gates funded operator with a special mission to African orphans.

>>10240819, >>10240827, >>10240859 Joe Biden and obama knew about the virus

>>10240718, >>10240957 World Bank tries to bribe Belarus leader + Moar bribery

>>10240921, >>10240949 US begins highest level Taiwan visit in decades

>>10240784, >>10240810 Susan Rice

>>10240813, >>10240996 Sturgis report

>>10240748 A coronavirus testing site will open soon near the U.S.-Mexico border in Southern California's San Diego County.

>>10240774 Fire rips through Rachael Ray's upstate New York home: Celebrity chef reveals she escaped with her husband

>>10240789 Sundance at Conservative Treehouse announces release of briefing materials on Friday at 5 PM – if Barr and Durham don't begin their reveal of Obamagate crimes.

>>10240823 US Mil Tweets and News

>>10240775 boatfag Reports


>>10240815 Johnson fears loss of UK's power and magic if Scotland breaks away

>>10240855 Online teachers: Parents are dangerous… virtual Ed will not create the interpersonal relationships to allow the safe space

>>10240916 Princeton psychologist Hadley Cantril was central to development of the science of propaganda

>>10240928 Don Lemon Photo with Jeffery Epstein real or fake?

>>10241084 Financefag Reporting

>>10241170 Brooklyn College Professor of Math Education Laurie Rubel - the mathematical equation 2+2=4 “reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.”

>>10241422 #13106

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28fb5d  No.10242209


Baker Change

>>10240497 Sen. Dick Durbin said Democrats bringing lawsuits to stop President Donald Trump’s executive orders on coronavirus relief presents a “moral dilemma.”

>>10240468, >>10240494 Hong Kong Police Raid Apple Daily News Offices, Citing National Security Law

>>10240424, >>10240425, >>10240485, >>10240517 diggz on Blackstone

>>10240416, >>10240456 BLM Guy holding up drivers at gun point 'found by autists', the police should move on this prick

Ace bakers on board

>>10240361 Reminder: Sleepy Joe B tweet from October re: pandemic

>>10240371 CTH Sundance threatens to release Durham's primary investigative target by Friday

>>10240369 Security Guard shot in Chicago as mass looting event overwhelms police

>>10240359 DoD Tw*t: in 1949, the DoD was formed…Our Thanks to Everyone Who Serves!

>>10240350 Beirut Blast discussion bun

>>10240315 China retaliates - will sanction 11 Americans including Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Michael Abramowitz

>>10240134 Leaders pledge $250 Million Euros to help rebuild Beirut…..with strings attached

>>10240109 Google blocking/censorship continues - Now QAnon merchandise searches

>>10240054 CNN factually wrong about vote-by-mail - go figure

>>10240049 FBI informant in 2017 - Flynn not 'going to be around long'

>>10240024, >>10240159 CoV studies and news

>>10240010 USG award for CoV-2 statistic models significantly less this year than 2016-'19

>>10239998 Anon on "The Beast" and Marine One's "Other Side" door vehicle

>>10239994, >>10240088, >>10239932 Looters Livestream from Chicago and mainstream coverage

>>10239981 China Bank Failure - the first such insolvency since 2001 - quiet warning shot

>>10239958, >>10239953 UK - Successfully treated CV patients being counted as dead, CV wards empty

>>10239908 Arizona and Alabama will comply with POTUS EO on the 25% fed. Unemployment

>>10240589 #13105

Previously Collected Notables

>>10238297 #13102, >>10239084 #13103, >>10239830 #13104

>>10236376 #13099, >>10236847 #13100, >>10237539 #13101

>>10233118 #13096, >>10234463 #13097, >>10235119 #13098

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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28fb5d  No.10242213

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

International Q Research Threads

Germany #62 >>10171783

UK #20 >>10226357

Australia #9 >>1009981

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084 - #090 >>>/comms/5510 through >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #118 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630 through >>10092908, >>10180323

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28fb5d  No.10242217

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes60 >>10031965 for the Warehouse

GET from Warehouse — tagged, sorted, reformatted, compacted ammo from memers & scouts

USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes — https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


* Trump Successes v2 Promote Trump policies & actions — https://mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

* Disneygate Pedophilia connections — https://mega.nz/folder/gcgnySBR#9bcRU8rrOOlGs8gxdMyH7g *Warroom Op*

* Obamagate https://mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw

* HCQ — https://mega.nz/folder/AdAgCKRD#mC2IVsbIJ4J2qD07Pf9jxA

* Censorship by Big Tech — https://mega.nz/folder/hMplDZiA#ttp-iRrGPrcN2ycwdQvjTg

* VoterID / ElectionRigging Vote-by-mail, fraud — https://mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

* Epstein, Maxwell + Pals Their people connections — https://mega.nz/folder/gVoTxaYY#nxyEj0ZoKZTzPyIgslhZUw

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, protests, law & order, defund/support police — https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #26 >>>/comms/21883

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTYUwt5rV5s

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28fb5d  No.10242228

File: 99d7bf4ced22d1d⋯.jpg (294.14 KB, 1200x1176, 50:49, 99d7bf4ced22d1dbccb308549e….jpg)

File: 46ddc82856faae4⋯.png (286.53 KB, 447x382, 447:382, 46ddc82856faae462ea32604bd….png)



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e2755c  No.10242237

File: 32fd1fbe8fd7987⋯.png (181.05 KB, 300x458, 150:229, MoistBaderGinsberg.png)


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f7f5f0  No.10242247

File: 2a632e9b90136c6⋯.png (33.55 KB, 197x302, 197:302, usa1.png)

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a84e25  No.10242251

>>10240424 (pb) re: Dig on Blackstone

Just a comment: I was acquainted with one of the Senior Managing Directors when he worked at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ) before they were bought out by Credit Suisse. I notice that DLJ doesn't appear at all on his bio page (I guess putting "Credit Suisse" covers that, though). I was one of the lowly support staff (peons) at DLJ. If anons find dirt on this weasel, I will do a fucking happy dance for days!!!


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248843  No.10242253

File: e33234cebf1c8c9⋯.jpg (210.18 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, Hillondra.jpg)

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940a60  No.10242257

File: 634b49ce02ecd1f⋯.jpg (118.82 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, rBVaI1j0KeyAFsmtAAVYGropij….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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63dbbb  No.10242261

Annnnd another explosion, this time in Russia (Volgograd) where a gas station has blown up:


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faf1b8  No.10242262

File: 93baf3070fba0b9⋯.png (152.11 KB, 1054x583, 1054:583, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac1fc3dd7856df3⋯.png (54.48 KB, 413x543, 413:543, ClipboardImage.png)


RINO Ben Sasse, who needed my support and endorsement in order to get the Republican nomination for Senate from the GREAT State of Nebraska, has, now that he’s got it (Thank you President T), gone rogue, again. This foolishness plays right into the hands of the Radical Left Dems!

10:39 AM · Aug 10, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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6d87c0  No.10242263

File: 4c73b49d590be35⋯.jpg (79.29 KB, 500x643, 500:643, Black_Hole_Sun_Won_t_You_C….jpg)

File: b4bea701249f2b5⋯.jpg (93.54 KB, 500x643, 500:643, Do_I_hear_a_Ba_al_elujah.jpg)

File: 603294cd042f0a9⋯.jpg (98.38 KB, 500x643, 500:643, I_must_have_the_DoJ_and_Wh….jpg)

File: 1edb3ac5ad9c878⋯.jpg (127.64 KB, 500x643, 500:643, I_don_t_want_to_die.jpg)

File: afc85f4f674dfa0⋯.jpg (112.1 KB, 500x643, 500:643, Haitian_Whores_of_yore.jpg)


ty baker

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b4947b  No.10242264

File: 3f6dbcc9f0a6d4f⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1021x760, 1021:760, a.PNG)


o7 baker.

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5df141  No.10242265

syndicate reading p00 p00 lisps gum chewing twists and sandies paul ryan soaked panties

>>10242202 lb


>>10242079 or muhBEE sumting like this

can u flip stacy's face with sandra smiths and stacy's with sandras

and then do the same with these bitches

stephanie ruhle

joyless reid ---


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a7b706  No.10242266

File: dca0180948c9bf4⋯.png (71.82 KB, 833x482, 833:482, 59_biden_unlikely_to_finis….PNG)


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6e4b65  No.10242267

File: 88ab8391aa71694⋯.png (165.79 KB, 1357x1761, 1357:1761, schumer_2010_mail_in_issue….png)

a reminder that Chuck Schumer used to complain about the overseas

mail in vote issues.. with lots never being counted

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adbaa8  No.10242268

File: fbc3157d2ab7c9a⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 960x1706, 480:853, baker.mp4)

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0e5b83  No.10242269

File: ad5618e51bd80d7⋯.png (273.16 KB, 744x833, 744:833, Now_they_say_Corona_is_inf….png)

File: b85b948d16a6d72⋯.mp4 (410.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Corona_is_affecting_kids_s….mp4)

And just like that 97,078 kids test positive for #CoronaVirus in the past two weeks. It’s kind of like the virus knows exactly what’s going on politically and has the ability to drive whatever narrative the left want.


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63dbbb  No.10242270

Twitter search engine down? It seems to be for me. Anyone else?

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68ddff  No.10242271

File: ef44e9f8e4fde52⋯.jpg (93.22 KB, 716x346, 358:173, Thanks_Ron_Jim_and_team.jpg)

File: e51c070e8cc5922⋯.jpg (67.99 KB, 600x335, 120:67, LOST_SOULS.jpg)

File: e8f4b0a6040270a⋯.jpg (80.72 KB, 551x367, 551:367, AWAKENING_WORLD.jpg)

File: 6778dd0ce3348d4⋯.png (567.01 KB, 930x724, 465:362, YOU_THREW_IT.png)

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900031  No.10242272

File: d2a4decc856e906⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 640x469, 640:469, cpokjhgfgdg.jpg)

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ade86f  No.10242273

File: 85360c73aa2454d⋯.png (10.24 KB, 1015x74, 1015:74, logia.png)

File: 4c0b24456080ff5⋯.png (34.62 KB, 300x351, 100:117, Q_Source.png)

File: 1570d66419a7363⋯.jpg (487.41 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, Code.jpg)

It's like we're missing something, but can't see what.


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9ebe17  No.10242274

File: 42f160b9263147f⋯.png (431.23 KB, 535x592, 535:592, Screenshot_2020_08_10_Hill….png)

Update: The Trump administration committed a "Friday night massacre" to reassign and fire dozens of key USPS postal employees and consolidate power around the Trump crony installed as its new head.


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a7b706  No.10242275

File: 6e0d9087f348afd⋯.png (217.39 KB, 604x495, 604:495, djt_jr_biden_soc_sec_medic….PNG)


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b6cecd  No.10242276

>>10242234 LB

I know, I was being sarcastic...

come on they can raise $100 mil in one night

Small business not even change from under the seat

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678773  No.10242277


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dc1b6f  No.10242278

File: c77b4a15d7ba2ba⋯.png (79.66 KB, 792x441, 88:49, Screen_Shot_2019_08_10_at_….png)

One year ago Epstein didn't kill himself.

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bace48  No.10242279

Q hasn't posted anything worth 2 shits in a long time. Dumb tweets and shitty music…that's all you get now. And flag pics. Rah Rah…cheerleading bullshit. I'll never vote Democrat, this is for damn sure… but, if anything, Q has cost Trump my vote. Something big happens before the election, and we'll talk. Until then…since my birthday is election day anyway, I'll just stay the fuck home, where I don't have to worry about a bunch of Karen's bitching about masks, and drink until I forget any of this shit exists.

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adbaa8  No.10242280

File: 91addba440f50bc⋯.mp4 (2.21 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, grad.mp4)



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6d0729  No.10242281

File: fec5490ee507da5⋯.png (1.07 MB, 609x630, 29:30, pepe_3d_movie_time_comfy.PNG)

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faf1b8  No.10242282

File: 26e144f958b6799⋯.png (498.93 KB, 828x1040, 207:260, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f090b579797737f⋯.png (329 KB, 828x794, 414:397, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75e66cee068f6f7⋯.png (258.61 KB, 828x724, 207:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fe53afec46a9dd⋯.png (310.8 KB, 828x608, 207:152, ClipboardImage.png)

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39aff7  No.10242283


>And just like that 97,078 kids test positive for #CoronaVirus in the past two weeks. It’s kind of like the virus knows exactly what’s going on politically and has the ability to drive whatever narrative the left want.


1 week folks, step right up!

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36795f  No.10242284


Isn't Volgograd where that giant statue is, the one made and put up when Russia was still the USSR?

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c6a20f  No.10242285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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adbaa8  No.10242286

The flu had a mortality rate of 0.03% and 0.04%.

The coronavirus has a mortality rate of 0.01% in Texas.


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38c7e3  No.10242287

File: bfacc19b8698366⋯.jpg (91.26 KB, 767x385, 767:385, Beepboopboopmalfunctionbfa….jpg)

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9ebe17  No.10242288

File: 92eadc1183da8a2⋯.png (346.94 KB, 478x578, 239:289, Screenshot_2020_08_10_Hill….png)

Americans don't just rely on the mail for voting.

They rely on the mail for medications, Social Security checks, small business operations, and so much more.

Push your lawmakers to fight back and save the USPS.



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adbaa8  No.10242289

File: b2db2a7c55cb196⋯.mp4 (5.08 MB, 1290x666, 215:111, ThisTime.mp4)

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5df141  No.10242290

just in

biden will announce his choice of best sniffing vp once skools open, and he's around children again

–the demonrats

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f4f268  No.10242291


Vanilla Bean ice cream plz

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b71d30  No.10242292

>>10242002 (lb)

Trump must be taking out dem donors somehow. Her "thing" is that she can raise money. If she can't do that she's finished, because she's a toxic person who drives away voters if she's on center stage.

She got a visit by the suits, is my guess. Too many people on all sides saying Trump rolled her.

Adding to that, I would pretty much guess Schumer and Trump know each other well enough from back in the day in NYC that they can't bullshit each other. So, I think Pelosi is the real problem. Trump & Schumer could probably work something out.

The last $1200 helped a lot, for me. Not getting another check because of a bitch like Pelosi pisses me off.

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6d87c0  No.10242293

File: 587b28defbbc733⋯.jpg (81.31 KB, 666x375, 222:125, and_you_are_no_Tokyo_Rose.jpg)

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17ec68  No.10242294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


AG Barr calls ANTIFA a 'new form of urban guerrilla warfare'

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afe527  No.10242295



…so glad the Chicago protesters are peaceful. Thank you Mayor Lightfoot!

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2a97fe  No.10242296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You fuckers wantedBOOMS? kek

"Major Gas Explosion" in Baltimore Kills At Least One, Injures Two

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678773  No.10242297



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5df141  No.10242298


at least the ho hilldawg clinton acted interested in Americans and not just looks like hungry cannibals

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86c467  No.10242299


Volgograd, formerly Stalingrad …

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faf1b8  No.10242300

File: 2dc0f0d357a1e6f⋯.png (55.1 KB, 600x604, 150:151, ClipboardImage.png)




Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab has resigned.

Official announcement to be made soon.

Many are describing this as the "fall of the Iran/Hezbollah cabinet" in #Lebanon.

Demonstrators heading to Martyrs Square in downtown #Beirut.


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38c7e3  No.10242301

File: db506bf374bba93⋯.jpg (88.82 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, Choice_Had.jpg)


Never heard of building a case? RICO takes time.

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63dbbb  No.10242302


Thanks for uploading that in video form. I really need to learn how to do that, been here too long not to.

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a84e25  No.10242303


I think he's originally from Dallas, if that helps.

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39aff7  No.10242304



>>10242261 Massive #explosion reported at a gas station in #Volgograd, #Russia;


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2a97fe  No.10242305


>The last $1200 helped a lot, for me. Not getting another check because of a bitch like Pelosi pisses me off.

You're NOT alone!

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afe527  No.10242306


El Presidente…

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678773  No.10242307



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17ec68  No.10242308

File: 0770fb9cd587889⋯.png (181.3 KB, 1563x3279, 521:1093, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7fdf6cc12ad700⋯.png (494.95 KB, 1572x4506, 262:751, ClipboardImage.png)


'Underground utilities' being laid…

A project of this caliber can only be done once so it has to be done correct;y the first time.

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38c7e3  No.10242309

File: 95867c631c0e14a⋯.png (154.77 KB, 733x464, 733:464, BeepBoopBoop.png)

I found a picture of your friends comforting you and your concern.


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dd9be0  No.10242310

File: 19e1b0b58b1bb94⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1135x638, 1135:638, ClipboardImage.png)

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6ce40e  No.10242311

File: 17e534f1599429d⋯.png (328.48 KB, 669x531, 223:177, policeStandDownInChicagoPo….png)

Portland Riots Continue Without Feds as Local Police Stand Down

Riots continued in Portland on Sunday, where a police facility was attacked, officers were injured, and 16 people were arrested for “interfering with a peace officer”–despite claims by Democrats in Oregon and Congress that the protests are mostly peaceful and turned violent only because of the presence of federal police.


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bace48  No.10242312


And since everyone Q would rip tweets off of, keep getting banned, and re-banned, and re-banned… ol' Q has run out of material. Tweet supply keeps getting cut off. Soon tho, right? Kek. What a joke.

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20dd1b  No.10242313


And just like that, the mail-in ballot system was cleaned up….NOT

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b71d30  No.10242315


HRC: >Americans don't just rely on the mail for voting.

Straight from the horse's mouth. Dead giveaway it's going to be rigged.

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69b01c  No.10242316

File: fb617f587ad15f0⋯.png (719.18 KB, 607x963, 607:963, vlad.png)


More splosions

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6ce40e  No.10242317

File: d4b1eceaba95225⋯.png (29.73 KB, 535x243, 535:243, d4b1eceaba952250192abea927….png)

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e465e9  No.10242318


You gotta vett your sources.

If they don't believe you…

you gotta show them.

I'm convinced very dangerous black market weapons deals are happening globally in preparation for a war they know is happening.

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157fd5  No.10242319

File: 9610103403f0434⋯.jpg (411.19 KB, 1037x632, 1037:632, jPG.jpg)

all web browsers today thought to be so kind today to inform us new conservative aggregator www.thebias.org is a security risk.

Is it? Or is this a Progressive Conspiracy?

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678773  No.10242320




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39aff7  No.10242321

>>10242294 AG Barr calls ANTIFA a 'new form of urban guerrilla warfare'


Noice anon baker wanted better vid earlier

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125ae4  No.10242322

Post Office hates change

Management shuffle is about all the PO can do, unions are corrupt

Has been done before by Marvin Runyon b/c PO refused to use automated equipment in the 90’s


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90d21f  No.10242323

File: 8444e264ebe7b48⋯.png (2.83 MB, 2332x2812, 583:703, Judgement_Day.png)

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1ccb12  No.10242324

File: 813d6587ca43c05⋯.png (64.24 KB, 250x188, 125:94, 2020_06_15_13_51_40.png)

>>10242234 lb

>A Violent Institution’: These Celebrities Are Funding The ‘Defund The Police’ Movement


What's wrong with people who follow these scumbags who aren't even role models in their own lives?

And aren't most of them adrenochromers?


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63dbbb  No.10242325

File: ddb3e037350e820⋯.png (50.37 KB, 659x318, 659:318, Idiot.png)


So this is going to be their narrative when they lose, well one of them at least. That it's all a fraud win because (one of their go to bullshit narratives) there was "voter suppression". Seems to be shaping up that way at least as their lapdog Alyssa is now trying to push both the "I have Wuhan virus it's totes real guys look at my hair!" while she is also pushing the "Amazon should take over the mailing of ballots" narrative.

Just read this stupidity, so supposedly she had it in April but now the mysterious and deadly antibodies have shown up so I guess she really has it this time despite really having it in April.

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940a60  No.10242326

File: 87e1099d88f6539⋯.jpeg (62.28 KB, 1080x610, 108:61, 1587156352.jpeg)

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38c7e3  No.10242327

File: 113bc5fd6d3a686⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 270x187, 270:187, Ayy_Lmao.jpg)

File: d1a3adfa0e55c73⋯.jpg (13.75 KB, 255x229, 255:229, Barr_BOO_.jpg)

File: 6bf646e46745636⋯.png (62.45 KB, 255x197, 255:197, Crack_Smoking_NonStop.png)

File: 5a83dba65bc1cb9⋯.jpg (18.01 KB, 600x375, 8:5, 100_Kek.jpg)



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faf1b8  No.10242328

File: ff1142d81a6b2cf⋯.png (44.11 KB, 561x584, 561:584, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 305dfe0eb7347b0⋯.png (196.43 KB, 537x633, 179:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f66791e8bfbc67⋯.png (419.97 KB, 546x636, 91:106, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 392c1dcfe4e55b0⋯.png (383.79 KB, 523x639, 523:639, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b005ba3234e9e4c⋯.png (351.2 KB, 548x613, 548:613, ClipboardImage.png)



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39aff7  No.10242329


>Portland Riots Continue Without Feds as Local Police Stand Down


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678773  No.10242330



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bace48  No.10242331


I hate the red text, but that person is right, you know.

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09aff5  No.10242332

File: 125a308b35bde0b⋯.jpg (95.94 KB, 618x410, 309:205, HappiestPlaceInTheWorld.jpg)

File: 07a7df0cc50bb0d⋯.png (454.76 KB, 540x488, 135:122, RC_shoes.png)

File: f4e88b7313c1d8c⋯.jpg (62.55 KB, 672x448, 3:2, PaperClot.jpg)

File: 2be0c58a2e43959⋯.jpg (126.45 KB, 540x131, 540:131, didn_t_kill.jpg)


I really hope that all of these assholes facing justice in a very soon soon!

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a7b706  No.10242333

File: 5f13f73e3004f25⋯.png (254.23 KB, 601x437, 601:437, hillary_twat_comments_1.PNG)

File: b0516708a78ab23⋯.png (13.57 KB, 603x114, 201:38, hillary_twat_comments_2.PNG)

File: 1f7a128af361ca1⋯.png (15.58 KB, 601x131, 601:131, hillary_twat_comments_3.PNG)


few of the comments to her twat…

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b71d30  No.10242334


Bottom line, Fren.

Pelosi owns that bullshit.

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9ebe17  No.10242335

File: 2a6b1f59472d9fe⋯.png (394.54 KB, 478x490, 239:245, Screenshot_2020_08_10_TASS….png)

File: 9af42f40ae53491⋯.png (281.18 KB, 478x489, 478:489, Screenshot_2020_08_10_TASS….png)



[D]´s playbook full test in Belarus



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ca1f00  No.10242336


And yet we are still in a state of emergency so every tin pot Governor and politician can fuck you five ways from Tuesday.

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a469c0  No.10242337

We've had another 10 days of darkness. I wonder if Q will post today.

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63dbbb  No.10242338


That entire interview should really be on notables as it was a great watch that everybody should view.

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d23da0  No.10242339

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1f4ee0  No.10242340

File: dd2f03360eeb17e⋯.png (564.93 KB, 595x577, 595:577, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

Former aide confesses to killing state senator in Arkansas



An Arkansas woman has pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and confessed in the stabbing death of a former state senator earlier this year.

Rebecca O’Donnell said in a Randolph County, Ark., court last Thursday that she “intentionally killed” former state Sen. Linda Collins (R) and hid her body. O’Donnell also pleaded guilty to abuse of a corpse, according to a Little Rock-area ABC affiliate.

O’Donnell, who worked for Collins, was arrested 10 days after the discovery of the former state lawmaker's body on June 4. The court sentenced O'Donnell to 40 years on the murder charge and another three years on the abuse of a corpse charge.

Collins’s son said his mother discovered O’Donnell had been stealing money from her, and that O’Donnell “snapped” when confronted.

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17bb3a  No.10242341

File: d5c371f9fae2dbc⋯.png (224.65 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 59283_8cf655349263536cc3c7….png)

File: 0e13991f6d5f2af⋯.jpg (112.21 KB, 1200x1085, 240:217, 61F0anWyDlL_SL1200_.jpg)

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201ffd  No.10242342

File: 53733195125a722⋯.jpg (353.09 KB, 1110x832, 555:416, coffee_and_trump_45_gun_co….jpg)


Morning Bakes.

Damn, looks like a rambunctious monday!

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28eda4  No.10242343

File: 11749ddfaf15553⋯.png (153.96 KB, 616x787, 616:787, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 259d42a218b4cfe⋯.mp4 (809.32 KB, 320x598, 160:299, BOOM.mp4)




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17bb3a  No.10242344


Q is never posting again.

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1ccb12  No.10242345

File: c606c9e93b8c3e0⋯.png (71.25 KB, 223x215, 223:215, 2020_06_05_00_03_22.png)


>"Major Gas Explosion" in Baltimore Kills At Least One, Injures Two

How can you tell where the explosion was?

Most of Baltimore looks like that.

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62107c  No.10242346

File: 88aa0b4bd8cffd6⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1620x2160, 3:4, D785FE7B_C644_4572_B37A_44….png)

Is this = comms== from Gov Polis?


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adbaa8  No.10242347


>I really need to learn how to do that, been here too long not to.



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2a97fe  No.10242348

File: 5e4a1ffe581ffdb⋯.png (325.91 KB, 396x468, 11:13, Night_Shift_IS_the_best_sh….png)


>Pelosi owns that bullshit.

Yep, my nephew wants her attacked by a Dogman! kek

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e4277e  No.10242349

File: 7d96e2686acec40⋯.png (222.37 KB, 819x661, 819:661, ClipboardImage.png)


Not a working link. You got better sauce?

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38c7e3  No.10242350

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63c843  No.10242352


Hey Lou, go back to your tent and blow a dude for some tp

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b6cecd  No.10242353

File: 86bb394c2d61ada⋯.jpeg (82.43 KB, 828x174, 138:29, 4C8CB8E9_3BC5_403A_81D0_3….jpeg)


At least you got a check

We got a f’n bill from the IRS

Due Dec 2019

Idk how to make that work

Jk they are giving us til 8/31/20

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201ffd  No.10242354


I'd be turning around in the right lane too.

Holy shit man

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57f2c5  No.10242355

File: aa2428d3c6686b3⋯.png (38.38 KB, 616x268, 154:67, latinx.png)

File: 0a0586751b8140c⋯.jpg (43.12 KB, 474x315, 158:105, illegals.jpg)

File: d6020371ef0ba9d⋯.jpg (72.27 KB, 400x274, 200:137, truliodisgracias.jpg)

>>10240686 pb notes Sweden

Mazels on the Swedish success 'masked' as a remark on no mask mandate.

Makes an anon wonder what could possibly be the reasons for the U.S. having had up to now a greater problem with the Chinee virus.

It'll come to me

Oh, that's right!

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6e4b65  No.10242356

File: ddce4e8c2037c2a⋯.png (321.03 KB, 781x629, 781:629, 6_point_8_percent_for_the_….png)


she did well

everyone garnering 6.8% should declare victory

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5df141  No.10242357


meme the sugar coating media

put thar skinny liddle faces on those fat bitches

switch thar narrative around

they don't deserve our adulation

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b2ef28  No.10242358

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6d87c0  No.10242359

File: eab8bfc3c39c4c2⋯.jpg (148.48 KB, 924x500, 231:125, I_knew_Axis_Sally_and_you_….jpg)

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b2ef28  No.10242360



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c3b1ef  No.10242361





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201ffd  No.10242362

File: bcfc87c908b00ac⋯.png (632.49 KB, 970x530, 97:53, trump_postal_service_corru….png)


Get those faggots outta there

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d23da0  No.10242363

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6ce40e  No.10242364

File: 15f59a79ed985e8⋯.png (165.14 KB, 440x534, 220:267, ChicagoPoliceStandDown.png)

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678773  No.10242365

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5df141  No.10242366

#1 skank ho's on fox

currently on

gillian turner

terrorist sugar coater

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38c7e3  No.10242367

File: 39f8ef1e6280ebe⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 1944x1780, 486:445, THANQ.jpg)

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63c843  No.10242368


Kinda Reagan-esqe. Nice!

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62107c  No.10242369

File: a27a56e848eebe9⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 1759DA54_672E_4AD0_BCF7_AD….png)

For the KEK

Gov Polis is so confident inBiden’s thoughtful processof VP pick that he offered suggestions..KEK


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bace48  No.10242370

File: db49a60a8f4aa49⋯.gif (82.5 KB, 500x500, 1:1, lemmings.gif)

A real-time look at the "Plan" you keep "trusting"….

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81b768  No.10242371


Much of the voting will be completed in October, which is why the "October surprise" concept is no longer relevant

Here in my area, a state in the DC region, a massive proportion of votes will be completed by mail which means every Republican on the ballot has already lost

Thus we can see why the expected Durham "Boom" is quickly becoming irrelevant, also

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74fc0e  No.10242372

File: 79a3a5c09b7d3e9⋯.png (36.56 KB, 598x318, 299:159, ClipboardImage.png)

New DJT Twat


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38c7e3  No.10242373

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709de0  No.10242374

File: c404ecaf36041ac⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 902x377, 902:377, 4ayuus.jpg)

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20dd1b  No.10242375

File: ceea337f87855f1⋯.png (77.73 KB, 285x160, 57:32, ClipboardImage.png)

'A wolf does not concern himself with the thoughts of sheep'

…hint, hint, POTUS

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39aff7  No.10242376


>[D]´s playbook full test in Belarus


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644104  No.10242377

File: 7aaaee894ededd9⋯.jpg (166.3 KB, 802x801, 802:801, fast_day_10.JPG)

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adbaa8  No.10242378



I bet that long hyphen between 2017 2018 is being reformatted

yeah it's - - - three regular hyphens which 8kun reinterprets as — whatever that is

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678773  No.10242379

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36795f  No.10242380


Q probably will post again, fucking retard

Q team always watching, but Qteam has shit going on behind the scenes.

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530013  No.10242381

>>10242229 lb

Pro choice isn’t always bad.

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08bc43  No.10242382


Q isn't always talking to anons.

Some of Q's posts are comms to others.

Clues & hints.

Laying down a timeline that will be relevant at a future date.

Repeating for normies.

Etc. etc.

You are judging Q with the wrong filters.

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b2ef28  No.10242383


Trump will lose in november like epstein killed himself.

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63c843  No.10242384


Do anons know what mag mile is? Very high end shops..think Tiffany, etc. people would fly in from around the world to spend $$$.. similar to Rodeo Drive

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678773  No.10242385



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74fc0e  No.10242386

File: 97bb0fbf3f5b100⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1024x679, 1024:679, ClipboardImage.png)


Just sayin'.

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a469c0  No.10242387


I have had a abortion

I had covid and now have the antibodies


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5598f0  No.10242388

File: 4d7035b4c7d1019⋯.png (18.47 KB, 782x82, 391:41, Capture.PNG)

Note to newfags

this is exactly what these shills want.

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6d87c0  No.10242389


If Q not posting is protecting the President, let Q not post ever again.

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799f99  No.10242390


Imagine if any Hollywood celebrity who was on Epsteins flight log, came out loudly and say:


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05316c  No.10242391

File: cd543db358d83d7⋯.jpg (201.07 KB, 1080x739, 1080:739, 20200810_100452.jpg)

adrenochrome… itzzahhhelluvahh drug

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900031  No.10242392

DC Police [press conference]: There were multiple shooters, as many as four, at the weekend shooting. Approximately 100 rounds were fired; the off-duty police officer that was at the location is currently in critical condition.

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39aff7  No.10242393


>For the KEK

>Gov Polis is so confident inBiden’s thoughtful processof VP pick that he offered suggestions..KEK


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ecea32  No.10242394


Is it my imagination, or does evil take weekends off?

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aa8ef4  No.10242395


maybe trump should have not pushed the rino sasse so hard and let a republican win the primary

now he is bitching about what people have known about since sasse first got elected

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5df141  No.10242396

demonrats are now trying to gas light by saying the violence just started and it is spontaneous and organic

fuck you gillian - why don't u see wut those nice peaceful protesters would do to you in yo house or in the street in Seattle Portland or Chitown in the HOOD – see how many gang rape you! then come out and say again DEFUND THE POLICE

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17bb3a  No.10242397

File: 32064d1d9aed239⋯.jpg (36.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, a260_01_20_shoeless_joe_pr….jpg)

File: 9d443636a8ef4d9⋯.jpg (2.22 MB, 640x415, 128:83, 02_v_eye_luke_evans_cmyk.jpg)

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201ffd  No.10242398

File: 1fae01d775a5b05⋯.jpg (26.01 KB, 397x400, 397:400, pepe_salute_flag.jpg)

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0c7a20  No.10242399

File: a169a5c9499116e⋯.png (54.22 KB, 962x489, 962:489, foxx.PNG)

File: 85cacac9fcfe0f2⋯.png (65.05 KB, 882x654, 147:109, foxx1.PNG)

File: 4bd93ea284490ea⋯.png (21.98 KB, 888x229, 888:229, foxx2.PNG)


Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is dropping felony cases involving charges of murder and other serious offenses at a higher rate than her predecessor, according to a Tribune analysis that comes amid a growing debate over criminal justice reform.

During Foxx’s first three years as the county’s top prosecutor, her office dropped all charges against 29.9% of felony defendants, a dramatic increase over her predecessor, the Tribune found. For the last three years of Anita Alvarez’s tenure, the rate was 19.4%.

In all, a total of 25,183 people had their felony cases dismissed under Foxx through November 2019, up from 18,694 for a similar period under Alvarez.

In an interview, Foxx did not dispute the Tribune’s findings but said her office’s higher rate of dropped felony cases gives an incomplete picture of her commitment to keeping the public safe. She said her office has dismissed cases against low-level, nonviolent offenders so prosecutors can concentrate on crimes of violence.


“Hundreds of people swept through the Magnificent Mile and other parts of downtown Chicago early Monday, smashing windows, looting stores,” reports the Chicago Tribune.

There was also gunfire and violence against police officers. As of this writing, downtown Chicago is all but closed to those trying to get to work on a Monday morning.

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57f2c5  No.10242400

File: 2c5e8406e6438ba⋯.jpg (36.7 KB, 353x439, 353:439, vl.jpg)

File: 5be8516c04fbcef⋯.jpg (23.77 KB, 474x355, 474:355, vlad.jpg)

File: 80961cc36a64113⋯.jpg (32.93 KB, 474x355, 474:355, vla.jpg)





sounds like an esl thing

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5df141  No.10242401


saying it TRUE



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530013  No.10242402


Maybe, but it’s our garbage.

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1f4ee0  No.10242403

File: 9bf78d27df7d331⋯.png (501.41 KB, 592x519, 592:519, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

JUST IN: California public health chief abruptly resigns amid coronavirus pandemic


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9ebe17  No.10242404

File: bda352e50bcbf9a⋯.png (150.89 KB, 478x496, 239:248, Screenshot_2020_08_10_AFP_….png)

Mount Sinabung on Indonesia's Sumatra island has erupted, belching a massive column of ash and smoke 5,000 metres (16,400 feet) into the air and coating local communities in debris


More booms and fire around the globe

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adbaa8  No.10242405


>I'd be turning around in the right lane too.

"I am NOT in the mood for another peaceful protest."

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201ffd  No.10242406


One fags garbage is another frogs treasure

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6e85b4  No.10242407


He's great & watching little bitch's face while he was speaking was kek!

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6d0729  No.10242408

File: 7f46acdb5adc3ff⋯.png (591.5 KB, 543x438, 181:146, jerome_powell_huh_wut_righ….PNG)

File: 1a938ab3ca85234⋯.png (570.01 KB, 777x891, 259:297, FRB_CET_requirements.PNG)

Goldman, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Hit With The Fed's Highest Capital Requirements

Following its stress tests earlier this year, this morning the Fed announced individual large bank capital requirements which will become effective on October 1.

Somewhat counterintuitively the Fed unveiled that banks without major net interest income - such as Goldman and Morgan Stanley (as well as the usual foreign suspects such as Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse) - would face the stiffest capital demands even though it emerged in recent quarters that balance sheet and loan exposure is in fact the biggest risk the US banking system currently faces.

As shown in the table below, the capital levels determined by the Fed’s most recent stress-test process, give Goldman Sachs the highest CET1 Capital Requirement target among domestic banks, with an overall capital minimum at 13.7% of risk-weighted assets, while Morgan Stanley is second with a target of 13.4%; JPMorgan Chase, the largest U.S. bank, will need to maintain 11.3% under the standards taking effect Oct. 1. Among foreign-based lenders, Deutsche Bank AG is highest at 12.3%, with Credit Suisse Group AG at 11.4% and UBS Group AG at 11.2%.

The below table shows the total common equity tier 1, or CET1, capital requirements for each large bank, which is comprised of several components, including:

Minimum capital requirements, which are the same for each firm and are 4.5 percent;

The stress capital buffer, or SCB, which is determined from the stress test results, and is at least 2.5 percent; and

If applicable, a capital surcharge for global systemically important banks, or GSIBs, which is at least 1.0 percent. The new capital buffer applied individually to each firm’s capital demand was meant to simplify bank capital by incorporating annual stress-test performance into the industry’s day-to-day demand to maintain sufficient capital. As the Fed details, capital buffers, such as the SCB and GSIB surcharge, are different than minimum capital requirements for each firm.

As Bloomberg notes, each overall target number - such as Citigroup Inc.’s 10% - is made up of a base capital level that’s the same for every bank: 4.5%. The Fed then adds the stress capital buffer, which is based on the bank’s stress test performance. For Citigroup, that was 2.5%. And the last number is a surcharge based on a bank’s size, complexity and interconnectedness. For Citigroup, that adds another 3%.

Other totals among the largest U.S. lenders included: Bank of America Corp., 9.5%; Wells Fargo, 9%; Bank of New York Mellon Corp, 8.5%; and State Street Corp., 8%. The Federal Reserve also said that it supports banking organizations that choose to use their capital buffers to lend to households and businesses and undertake other supportive actions in a safe and sound manner. When using their buffers, banking organizations may make capital distributions up to prescribed limits, which include automatic limitations in the capital framework, as well as any additional limitations determined by the Board.

In retrospect, this aggressive micromanagement of the US banking system by the Fed should not come as a surprise: in a world where every market is now centrally-planned by the Fed, and where covid has made debt repayments one giant question mark, US banks are now nothing more than closely controlled utilities.


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678773  No.10242409


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5df141  No.10242410



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6ce40e  No.10242411

Report: ‘Major Explosion’ in Baltimore, Children Trapped


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9ebe17  No.10242412

File: f66ca856583a7ab⋯.png (37.23 KB, 116x257, 116:257, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)


the left can´t meme


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d23da0  No.10242413


Mr. Sasse pants should have enough evidence to know who he needs to be aligned with. Thank you President Trump!

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08bc43  No.10242414

File: 7c95653dcb10ace⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 858x830, 429:415, Loser3.jpg)


The fact that losers like you stay here with your automatic redtext - even though you purportedly think Q irrelevant - is PROOF that anons are RIGHT OVER TARGET.


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58d34b  No.10242415

Q is a small aspect of what is happening, a backchannel to inform and inspire.

We, The People, have been and will continue the movement towards justice, peace, and prosperity long before and beyond the Days of Q anon

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17bb3a  No.10242416

File: 443485da0d9c8c7⋯.png (54.52 KB, 750x500, 3:2, How_Glasses_Should_Fit_Pro….png)

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e4277e  No.10242417


That was it. Thanks.

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adbaa8  No.10242418

File: abefab7428e2570⋯.png (306.9 KB, 735x492, 245:164, ClipboardImage.png)




California public health chief quits suddenly

California’s top public health expert quit abruptly Sunday afternoon amid questions about the accuracy of the number of coronavirus cases the state had reported in recent weeks.

In an email to staffers, California Department of Public Health Director Sonia Angell said she would leave her position, effective immediately.

“I remain consistently impressed and humbled by the expertise, commitment, passion and kindness demonstrated by all of you daily,” Angell told colleagues. “We have led with science and data, and with equity at the core of our intentions. As the first Latina in this role, I am very proud to have served this Department, Administration and our State, alongside all of you.”

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69b01c  No.10242419

File: c94773a692558d1⋯.png (492.09 KB, 865x1027, 865:1027, belarus.png)


They've definitely shifted focus to Lebanon and Belarus…

As you say, practice runs for November USA.

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940a60  No.10242420

File: 31b5d5923152b83⋯.jpeg (161.04 KB, 1440x1441, 1440:1441, 1537102376.jpeg)

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678773  No.10242421



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6d87c0  No.10242422

File: 4c9d18ac11b6b86⋯.jpg (111.88 KB, 500x646, 250:323, above_Look_to_me_First.jpg)

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d9821e  No.10242423


Moron shill.

NG not coming until October, per Q's first few posts.

Nice try, sweetie. Try harder! (no participation trophies here)

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adbaa8  No.10242424

File: 4501f597fc9a210⋯.mp4 (673.02 KB, 480x198, 80:33, cope.mp4)


>That was it.

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20dd1b  No.10242425

File: 20181904ea0e306⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

AG Barr rips mainstream media portrayal of unrest raging around America


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20dd1b  No.10242426


>Nice try, sweetie. Try harder! (no participation trophies here)

Boob-shots only!

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117264  No.10242427


Maybe it is the people who analyse the test and not the test that are corrupted….

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a7b706  No.10242428

File: 9daa202b322cb74⋯.png (349.09 KB, 526x319, 526:319, hanks_streep_speilberg.PNG)

File: 51ba2f8faa82c2f⋯.png (310.89 KB, 382x351, 382:351, oprah_naomi.PNG)

File: d981e9cdbe125dc⋯.png (239.89 KB, 401x350, 401:350, alec_baldwin.PNG)

File: 8e2acd464617938⋯.png (91.22 KB, 391x518, 391:518, q_post_epstein_island_famo….PNG)


not a peep fr any of these people…

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36795f  No.10242429


> Use of "moron"

> Use of "sweetie"


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6ee90d  No.10242430


Wait is H-Dawg a white hat now? Just bringing us excellent news? LOL

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391432  No.10242431


the dtm expired aug 1st so maybe not

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dd9be0  No.10242432


>>10242164 (lb)

Beashed Whales Hay El ing A kab

G El-you UT/2tee on Y (gluttony)

do any words NOT have deeper esoteric meaning? Geesh. Their names all parse well.

The newscasters are intentionally (being forced, i presume...or maybe always did and I only now notice) revealing the "I'm also her and you're also him" thing here and there. I take it the serial swamp runs wide and deep.

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bddae8  No.10242433



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2cc5ab  No.10242434

File: 23f2454ac5646a4⋯.jpeg (22.01 KB, 255x242, 255:242, pepewarrior.jpeg)


Thanks Bakes!

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678773  No.10242435




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90d21f  No.10242436

File: 95ee03673c2a0d8⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1088x2676, 272:669, Screenshot_2020_08_10_Barr….jpg)



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117264  No.10242437


Hit a nerve, must be on target.

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26fe3c  No.10242438

File: ac7634109233883⋯.png (588.07 KB, 1096x1258, 548:629, Screen_Shot_2020_08_10_at_….png)


Hollywood Film Producer John Paul Rice, known for famous movies such as Remember the Titans, Juno, The Hunger Games, The Grudge, A Child’s Voice speaks up on child sex trafficking in the entertainment industry, politics & more!

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81b768  No.10242439


This seems like extremely positive news

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45c917  No.10242440


SSL cert expired last night. It's not an uncommon problem; ppl forget, now the site "doesnt work"

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20dd1b  No.10242441

File: 0ece82c88f281be⋯.png (92.57 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Kodak crashes as $765M loan for drug industry pivot put on hold


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adbaa8  No.10242442

File: 8c02deb3057acf9⋯.png (408.18 KB, 656x492, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>AG Barr

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799f99  No.10242443

File: 45c7802440c3f63⋯.mp4 (768 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8jEdfIl3yw1243pT.mp4)

"China would prefer Joe Biden."

Nancy Pelosi

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0c7a20  No.10242444


The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on Sunday sent a letter to the U.N. Security Council supporting the extension of an arms embargo that prevents Iran from purchasing foreign-made weapons.

The embargo is set to expire in two months, and the council voiced support for extending it because of Iran's continued "armed interventions in neighboring countries, directly and through organizations and movements armed and trained by Iran."

The GCC is a bloc comprised of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

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05a561  No.10242445

File: 7efc2cb419f1215⋯.png (42.71 KB, 386x639, 386:639, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c5eba2088a82f8⋯.png (20.78 KB, 378x461, 378:461, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7b706  No.10242446


their social justice riots are a complete failure

they are destroying their own democrat controlled cities, claiming racial injustice

American people are not stupid

American people value public safety

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90d21f  No.10242447

File: 9fb6877a8ad3d0a⋯.png (18.94 KB, 703x206, 703:206, Screenshot_2020_08_07_Q_Re….png)


Hey guys, E made a post on twitter, stop and make sure you read it. Also, he's psychic so if you don't read it he'll know.

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940a60  No.10242448

File: dfdbc93466219a7⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, PhotoCollage_20200708_2055….jpg)

File: b924ed4842bc026⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 1920x1920, 1:1, PhotoCollage_20200708_2043….jpg)

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ce7afb  No.10242449

File: 3c25290b046edd5⋯.png (118.53 KB, 214x317, 214:317, ClipboardImage.png)


Ya know who else is a Hollywood film producer?


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26fe3c  No.10242450

File: 4763555ed7a5df4⋯.png (28.35 KB, 560x300, 28:15, IBelieve.png)


Here is what you are missing.

The identity of Q revealed

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20dd1b  No.10242451


And who winds up paying for re-building….WE DO!

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c2a6ba  No.10242452


Couldn't have said it any better. I won't wear a muzzle, especially for someone who couldn't

protect my choice not to wear one

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8968c3  No.10242453

someone needed to wake Rip Van Q-BALL the fuck UP

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68ddff  No.10242454

File: 1eb44ab9ab36f90⋯.jpg (380.64 KB, 1469x835, 1469:835, WE_D_BE_DEAD.jpg)

File: 84e2c9ff9613590⋯.jpg (14.95 KB, 257x138, 257:138, EVIL_WITCH.jpg)

File: 4be0cf2948950dc⋯.jpg (80.59 KB, 518x388, 259:194, HILLARY_S_FUCKED_NOW.jpg)

File: 1f6e9f24436cc43⋯.jpg (48.96 KB, 441x255, 147:85, GLARES_DONT_WORK.jpg)

File: 040b0cd20e56953⋯.jpg (164.85 KB, 1062x619, 1062:619, indictable_smug.jpg)

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117264  No.10242455


Seems you follow Q closely. Are you a closet fanboy??

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ddb2bc  No.10242456

File: d45896164131b97⋯.png (289.86 KB, 712x680, 89:85, memes_of_war.png)

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c3b1ef  No.10242457



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adbaa8  No.10242458

File: 284710eede6d89a⋯.mp4 (13.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _SpeakerPelosi_Pelosi_tour….mp4)

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87c38d  No.10242459

File: abea65cdd0a965b⋯.png (1.23 MB, 830x1106, 415:553, FC64D9BD_5FA3_4450_95DA_DB….png)

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26fe3c  No.10242460

File: 4cf07d5ce7853b9⋯.mp4 (8.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Q_WhatIsAMeaningfulLife_.mp4)


The evidence is clear

For those with eyes to see

For they are the INVESTIGATORS

The wielders of the power of Q 🔍

Watch and Listen

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ddb2bc  No.10242461

File: c62a4443cc81618⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 543x484, 543:484, getitnow.jpg)

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678773  No.10242462

File: 3b42624558901b3⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1023x576, 341:192, ClipboardImage.png)


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799f99  No.10242463

File: de75d521c4bc3de⋯.mp4 (4.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, biden2.mp4)



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90d21f  No.10242464


>For those with eyes to see


>For they are the INVESTIGATORS


>The wielders of the power of Q

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8fe050  No.10242465


buy buy buy

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c3b1ef  No.10242466


>not an uncommon problem


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688a6d  No.10242467

File: 206f731ce4bb318⋯.jpg (69.66 KB, 1084x640, 271:160, IMG_0374.JPG)

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b2ef28  No.10242468


The absolute state of concernfags. Smh.

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ddb2bc  No.10242469

File: 23cae0081e45d3a⋯.mp4 (666.5 KB, 480x270, 16:9, insider_potus.mp4)

keks in insider

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86c467  No.10242470


wait for $1.50

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85dcac  No.10242471


e the filtered

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1c2894  No.10242472

File: 83456e99b38227e⋯.jpeg (41.03 KB, 506x338, 253:169, F7DC6F70_2654_45CE_B7D2_7….jpeg)

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8bb597  No.10242473


Thanks Baker. Board looking good!

Rumors in DC

There are whispers flying around that many of the traditional GOP Superpacs that have supported the GOP Candidate for President for decades have turned on Q+ and are actively funding Never Trump activities like the 'Lincoln Project' and groups close to the Antifa organization. If this Anon is hearing it, it must be bouncing around DC pretty good. The Parscale brew ha ha is a big nothing. Parscale built the best ground game that's ever been built in history. The only reason Q+ made the switch was to have someone more seasoned to deal with the traitorous GOP Rino Superpacs…

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adbaa8  No.10242474

File: 782a1e50b0fba22⋯.png (264.26 KB, 662x662, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)




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688a6d  No.10242475


but you are here sniffing farts

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ade86f  No.10242476

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1f4ee0  No.10242477

File: 8a3a8b86db490b2⋯.png (16.55 KB, 610x182, 305:91, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

SKY NEWS: Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab set to resign within hours


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2a97fe  No.10242478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Gov Polis is so confident inBiden’s thoughtful processof VP pick that he offered suggestions.

America's fake news tries to hide creepy pedo Joe's brain farts but NOT Sky News Australia!

Biden still manages to stumble 'despite hiding out in his basement'

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dab344  No.10242479

File: 443e8cfe1419820⋯.png (698.33 KB, 725x629, 725:629, ClipboardImage.png)

Antonio Banderas says he tested positive for coronavirus


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a7b706  No.10242480

File: 16f1f941196ca5e⋯.png (373.05 KB, 520x368, 65:46, andre_balazs_chelsea_handl….PNG)

File: 3e7e1a1e979ac39⋯.png (447.03 KB, 494x311, 494:311, chelsea_handler_marina_abr….PNG)

File: d71b6b53a1c3d4f⋯.png (401.4 KB, 477x429, 159:143, hillary_chelsea_handler.PNG)

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38c7e3  No.10242481



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90d21f  No.10242482


>but you are here sniffing farts

You aren't very smart are you

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08bc43  No.10242483


The anon who calls people sweetie is AFBL

Antie Finger BUTTer licker

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87c38d  No.10242484

File: e9e724c71f7ca80⋯.jpeg (171.58 KB, 602x407, 602:407, B76F4572_D37E_4F03_8C9B_5….jpeg)

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20dd1b  No.10242485

Well, they starting it now, strap those hog-legs on and stay safe.

At least 10 injured in Denver park drive-by shooting, police say


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00bba2  No.10242486

>>10242128 (lb) Well that is the strategic game, and our side is playing it too. China's strategic weakness is needing to import food/materials via sea, which our side can interdict. They can't openly invade central Asia without irrevocably starting it up. Financially they are far weaker than they present. Companies pulling out in droves. Shadow banking nearing collapse. Already initiated B&R aspects now in doubt…see Gwadar, far behind construction schedule, and apparently floundering. Fortress America far more insulated and self sufficient. If Beijing goes for it in Latin America, our side will smash them–can't be allowed under any circumstances. France & Germany in a weak position, but they also have limits. Neither the US or Russia will allow China to base in Europe. Africa a potential battleground, but sea power can again shut out China. Overall, our position is stronger, and our leaders are visibly using that advantage in excellent fashion. Diplomatically and militarily, the Chinese are being outplayed, and I will suggest that they are keenly aware of it.

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a7b706  No.10242487


that's what insurance is for, right?

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87e499  No.10242488

File: f2aa07db282ccb5⋯.png (87.93 KB, 273x251, 273:251, Jesus_on_Cross_for_Blog.png)

Don't lose focus of why we are here.

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36795f  No.10242489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watching this stream of Beirut "protesting"

They are breaking windows with rocks near this barricade and also banging on the barricade itself

Barricade is metal and at the top is wire to stop people from attempting to climb over.

What I find fishy as hell is some of these people are paler than they should be if they are actually from Lebanon.


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ddb2bc  No.10242490

File: 63e975b94e54adc⋯.jpg (9 MB, 5428x3593, 5428:3593, biden_neverknewhedlose_hot….jpg)

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adbaa8  No.10242491

File: d272175cce4bd96⋯.png (26.57 KB, 128x128, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Queering Mathematics: Disrupting Binary Oppositions in Mathematics Pre-service Teacher Education

Borders – territorial, political, economic, and ideological – are processes of social division. They monitor and exclude and are typically regulated, patrolled, maintained, and defended by an array of power regimes, but borderlands are also sites of movement, agency, and resistance. We draw on Thomas Nail’s and Gloria Anzaldúa’s theories about borders to elaborate on processes of social division around gender and sexuality in mathematics education. The goal in this chapter is to recognize and challenge salient borders around gender, sexuality, and other identity categories in mathematics education and to work toward opportunities for hybridity created by these borders and in the blurring or queering of them. We provide a review of literature documenting the extent to which sexist and heterosexist ideologies patrol, reinforce, and perpetuate borders in mathematics that often marginalize women and queer people. We conclude the chapter with recommendations around how to blur borders around gender and sexuality in mathematics pre-service teacher education.

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6e85b4  No.10242492

File: ee0391079dd2378⋯.png (892.62 KB, 1000x1076, 250:269, ee0391079dd237842a83533d97….png)


NanNa was so drunk after her mucho martini lunch, her staff had to walk her to her car.

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1ccb12  No.10242493

File: 8cf34e1a646fd2c⋯.png (945.94 KB, 1100x999, 1100:999, 2020_08_10_12_25_01.png)


What happened to the Kodak deal?



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d9821e  No.10242494

File: 90f1d9c91f0e676⋯.png (7.75 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)



Blessed be the bakers

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bace48  No.10242495


I have followed Q's stuff. Damn near since the beginning. Had high hopes for all of it. Relayed the info, trying to wake people up…etc. Here we are now, 3 months from election… and we finally get the jist of the whole deal… "VOTE." Muh Election. No… Q "has it all"? Do something fucking with it PRIOR to the election, or fuck off with your vote.

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688a6d  No.10242496

the fauci nazi gave its step daughter hep c intentionally, than had its step grandson molested for decades

so danalingus could be the jenkem jesus of child slaught nambla gold the xenujews evangelize about cause l dumb hubbard did goat stuff

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85dcac  No.10242497


You are correct.

Both sides actually

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2a97fe  No.10242498

File: 592870c7eb38990⋯.png (44.99 KB, 728x460, 182:115, 0.png)


>keks in insider

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dab344  No.10242499

File: a4babd74b203a8b⋯.png (48.94 KB, 735x428, 735:428, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Patrick reports Big Ten had internal vote & by 12-2 margin, league members opted on not having a fall football season. Nebraska & Iowa were only schools that voted to play this fall, @dpshow

said. Patrick said Big Ten & Pac-12 would cancel fall seasons Tuesday


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5e029d  No.10242500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mount Sinabung erupts in Karo Regency, Indonesia

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688a6d  No.10242501


still dead huh

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edb3cd  No.10242502

File: f847452c5b3ae17⋯.png (17.19 KB, 255x255, 1:1, GodWins.png)

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adbaa8  No.10242503


>Mount Sinabung erupts in Karo Regency, Indonesia

oh shit bro

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530013  No.10242504


Kek. Imagine giving a fuck.

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f0350c  No.10242505

File: d33c75e5c000187⋯.gif (186.34 KB, 375x285, 25:19, PelosiBat.gif)


Bat Shit Crazy

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662116  No.10242506

Orion Group 0

Confederation 17

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69819b  No.10242507

File: c411209ae43b42e⋯.png (50.21 KB, 466x517, 466:517, ClipboardImage.png)

He posted and then two of the accounts were removed.

Then he deleted the tweet.


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20dd1b  No.10242508


Oh but the insurance companies will claim it's too much for them, thus bringing it back to the tax-payers.

Seen that shit happen before after hurricane Rita blew through.

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e52028  No.10242509

File: ed24a4a1c05eafb⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1000x951, 1000:951, 54890708209129086543.png)

File: 430882d8fbbbedd⋯.png (1.25 MB, 932x816, 233:204, 085497821908695.png)

File: ed24a4a1c05eafb⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1000x951, 1000:951, 54890708209129086543.png)

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1ccb12  No.10242510

File: f66bc1f72df06a8⋯.png (1.04 MB, 612x996, 51:83, 2020_08_02_10_31_03.png)


wrong bear (Kodiak)?

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530013  No.10242511


To crucify someone?

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a5760a  No.10242512


Late October, early November. Read the first few Q drops. It's all there.

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e674e4  No.10242513

File: 6876c2b56854f86⋯.png (311.63 KB, 526x518, 263:259, Fitton_re_Hero_Auburn_Teen….PNG)

There is hope

This is what is right and good in the world right now

Washington teens hailed as heroes for saving deputy's life



AUBURN, Wash. - The King County Sheriff's Office is honoring five young men after coming to the rescue of one of its deputies.

The teenagers were each given the Medal of Heroism Award by King County Sheriff Mitzi Johanknect for their actions that quite possibly saved the life of a deputy.

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adbaa8  No.10242514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Mount Sinabung erupts in Karo Regency, Indonesia

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4b1607  No.10242515

File: 40ae19a9f8e7cad⋯.png (5.37 MB, 3360x1976, 420:247, Screen_Shot_2020_08_10_at_….png)

3 c-130's in tight formation about to fly over lake jocassee

gonna be beautiful

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117264  No.10242516


Pelosi and Schumer are not the shot callers, they follow orders. They are blackmailed like most politicians and told what to do and left to figure out how to do it. They are trying to start a civil war so they can work unnoticed. Trump negates their actions and laffs. Removing them would do no good (until all are removed at once) because the next pawns would do the same thing. The enemy you know is easier to beat than the enemy you dont know. Exposing liberals as anti-American is the best way to defeat them…before we arrest and execute them.

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688a6d  No.10242517

spam holocaust

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63c843  No.10242518


Agree. It’s nice to see good news. The majority of people are good. Have faith anons.

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c6a20f  No.10242519


Go on now whiney loser. Never need your kind around here.

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d83f0e  No.10242520


There is yet hope.

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ade86f  No.10242521


There's too much for just a name. And there's too much in a name.

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688a6d  No.10242522


we should use a fork on you

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36795f  No.10242523


"Breaking News" I see you cut away from the people banging on the barricade and throwing rocks

Too late, I seen the idiots there that looked like they were flown in and not actually are from Lebanon.

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678773  No.10242524



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20dd1b  No.10242525


Forked on Github!

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bddae8  No.10242526


I think its funny when people like you throw ultimatums of allegiance around demanding action..Those who know not the extent and magnitude of the situation but "backseat" drive.. your barley a faggot

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d40188  No.10242527

1:00 PM EDT

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing

The White House

Ill put up an embed closer to time.

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688a6d  No.10242528


poo poo jack poo poo

gehyja poo jack

poo poo jews homo

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9ebe17  No.10242529

File: 2dba4817f1d40ff⋯.png (280.49 KB, 478x554, 239:277, Screenshot_2020_08_09_The_….png)


the Manchurian candidate

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aa8ef4  No.10242530


your education taxes being used to write this gobeldygook and spread it to other teachers and students

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69b01c  No.10242531

File: 286bb01cae86e68⋯.png (22.96 KB, 455x469, 65:67, cohen.png)

File: 03a04136aa2334a⋯.png (37.31 KB, 547x405, 547:405, cohen_rudy.png)


Didn't take long to find a cohenincidence

Sounds like Trump's putting some safeguards in place.

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edb3cd  No.10242532

The Revolt Against Reason 1/2

It is true that some philosophers were ready to overrate the power of human reason. They believed that man can discover by ratiocination the final causes of cosmic events, the inherent ends the prime mover aims at in creating the universe and determining the course of its evolution. They expatiated on the "Absolute" as if it were their pocket watch. They did not shrink from announcing eternal absolute values and from establishing moral codes unconditionally binding on all men.

Then there was the long line of utopian authors. They drafted schemes for an earthly paradise in which pure reason alone should rule. They failed to realize that what they called absolute reason and manifest truth was the fancy of their own minds. They blithely arrogated to themselves infallibility and often advocated intolerance, the violent oppression of all dissenters and heretics. They aimed at dictatorship either for themselves or for men who would accurately put their plans into execution. There was, in their opinion, no other salvation for suffering mankind.

There was Hegel. He was a profound thinker and his writings are a treasury of stimulating ideas. But he was laboring under the delusion that Geist, the Absolute, revealed itself through his words. There was nothing in the universe that was hidden to Hegel. It was a pity that his language was so ambiguous that it could be interpreted in various ways. The right-wing Hegelians interpreted it as an endorsement of the Prussian system of autocratic government and of the dogmas of the Prussian Church. The Left-wing Hegelians read out of it atheism, intransigent revolutionary radicalism, and anarchistic doctrines.

There was Auguste Comte. He knew precisely what the future had in store for mankind. And, of course, he considered himself as the supreme legislator. For example, he regarded certain astronomical studies as useless and wanted to prohibit them. He planned to substitute a new religion for Christianity, and selected a lady who in this new church was destined to replace the Virgin. Comte can [p. 73] be exculpated, as he was insane in the full sense which pathology attaches to this term. But what about his followers?

Many more facts of this kind could be mentioned. But they are no argument against reason, rationalism, and rationality. These dreams have nothing at all to do with the question of whether or not reason is the right and only instrument available for man in his endeavors to attain as much knowledge as is accessible to him. The honest and conscientious truth-seekers have never pretended that reason and scientific research can answer all questions. They were fully aware of the limitations imposed upon the human mind. They cannot be taxed with responsibility for the crudities of the philosophy of Haeckel and the simplism of the various materialist schools.


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688a6d  No.10242533


its like a snuff flick

but the corpse keep coming back huh

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117264  No.10242534


Place has really become a third world shithole since Cummings left…..hahahahahahhahahahaha

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edb3cd  No.10242535


The Revolt Against Reason 2/2

The rationalist philosophers themselves were always intent upon showing the boundaries both of aprioristic theory and of empirical research.1 The first representative of British political economy, David Hume, the Utilitarians, and the American Pragmatists are certainly not guilty of having exaggerated the power of man to attain truth. It would be more justifiable to blame the philosophy of the last two hundred years for too much agnosticism and skepticism than for overconfidence in what could be achieved by the human mind.

The revolt against reason, the characteristic mental attitude of our age, was not caused by a lack of modesty, caution, and self-examination on the part of the philosophers. Neither was it due to failures in the evolution of modern natural science. The amazing achievements of technology and therapeutics speak a language which nobody can ignore. It is hopeless to attack modern science, whether from the angle of intuitionism and mysticism, or from any other point of view. The revolt against reason was directed against another target. It did not aim at the natural sciences, but at economics. The attack against the natural sciences was only the logically necessary outcome of the attack against economics. It was impermissible to dethrone reason in one field only and not to question it in other branches of knowledge also.

The great upheaval was born out of the historical situation existing in the middle of the nineteenth century. The economists had entirely demolished the fantastic delusions of the socialist utopians. The deficiencies of the classical system prevented them from comprehending why every socialist plan must be unrealizable; but they knew enough to demonstrate the futility of all socialist schemes produced up to their time. The communist ideas were done for. The socialists [p. 74] were absolutely unable to raise any objection to the devastating criticism of their schemes and to advance any argument in their favor. It seemed as if socialism was dead forever.

Only one way could lead the socialists out of this impasse. They could attack logic and reason and substitute mystical intuition for ratiocination. It was the historical role of Karl Marx to propose this solution. On the basis of Hegel's dialectic mysticism, he blithely arrogated to himself the ability to predict the future. Hegel pretended to know that Geist, in creating the universe, wanted to bring about the Prussian monarchy of Frederick William III. But Marx was better informed about Geist's plans. He knew that the final cause of historical evolution was the establishment of the socialist millennium. Socialism is bound to come "with the inexorability of a law of nature." And as, according to Hegel, every later stage of history is a higher and better stage, there cannot be any doubt that socialism, the final and ultimate stage of mankind's evolution, will be perfect from any point of view. It is consequently useless to discuss the details of the operation of a socialist commonwealth. History, in due time, will arrange everything for the best. It does not need the advice of mortal men.

There was still the main obstacle to overcome: the devastating criticism of the economists. Marx had a solution at hand. Human reason, he asserted, is constitutionally unfitted to find truth. The logical structure of mind is different with various social classes. There is no such thing as a universally valid logic. What mind produces can never be anything but "ideology," that is, in the Marxian terminology, a set of ideas disguising the selfish interests of the thinker's own social class. Hence, the "bourgeois" mind of the economists is utterly incapable of producing more than an apology for capitalism. The teachings of "bourgeois" science, an offshoot of "bourgeois" logic, are of no avail for the proletarians, the rising class destined to abolish all classes and to convert the earth into a Garden of Eden.

But, of course, the logic of the proletarians is not merely a class logic. "The ideas of proletarian logic are not party ideas, but emanations of logic pure and simple."2 Moreover, by virtue of a special privilege, the logic of certain elect bourgeois is not tainted with the original sin of being bourgeois. Karl Marx, the son of a well-to-do lawyer, married to the daughter of a Prussian noble, and his collaborator Frederick Engels, a wealthy textile manufacturer, never doubted that they themselves were above the law and, notwithstanding their bourgeois background, were endowed with the power to discover absolute truth. [p. 75]

It is the task of history to describe the historical conditions which made such a crude doctrine popular. Economics has another task. It must analyze both Marxian polylogism and the other brands of polylogism formed after its pattern, and expose their fallacies and contradictions.

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6ee90d  No.10242536

I'm still salty about 4/10/20 not being the Storm.

Goddamn twatter detectives were 110%, got me to like 94%.

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dab344  No.10242537

File: f181fba6031d2b4⋯.png (767.71 KB, 502x680, 251:340, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c355b  No.10242538


Hi Gorka. Piss off.

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662116  No.10242539


Traitors everywhere.

[D] leadership in joint ops w/ China [CCP] in effort to regain power?

It was never about the virus.

Sequence of events.

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adbaa8  No.10242540

File: f81aab89f6e0135⋯.png (389.31 KB, 680x383, 680:383, ClipboardImage.png)


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b2ef28  No.10242541

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a7b706  No.10242542


you make a valid point, but i would counter with the fact that President Trump just eliminated the payroll tax, at least temporarily, but he has said he wants it to be permanent, so perhaps there is coming a complete overhaul of the tax system, and as many more intelligent anons have opined, end of the fed altogether is on horizon

bottom line-we are living in very exciting times and we are about to see things we could never have imagined when we were under cabal/deep state/mockingbird mainstream media slave control programming

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b2ef28  No.10242543



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a5e83a  No.10242544

Lebanon to become a US state?

POTUS flying to Lebanon?

see how rumors start.

I just made that up.

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0510af  No.10242545


Caused by a YouTube video?

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688a6d  No.10242546

File: d8cf937fa1bab45⋯.jpg (85.61 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8689.JPG)


banned on grinder cause cohivs

and now gpa died in alaska

so its just necrosadist spam

and chicken shit

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e52028  No.10242547

File: 657883082dc3c94⋯.png (385.78 KB, 956x882, 478:441, 775430897120642653.png)

File: fca05f61d36ad3e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1034x835, 1034:835, 9807613546768.png)

File: 85abe9557d2d03e⋯.png (383.04 KB, 956x882, 478:441, 4078923908712643.png)

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d75513  No.10242548

What level of Q cope have we reached today?

Have all the baddies been rounded?

Super secret military tribunals under way?

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c3b1ef  No.10242549


i bet 1 shekel that redtext fag is gorka

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05316c  No.10242550

File: 472415a3bd29868⋯.gif (168 KB, 405x640, 81:128, 20200810_103041.gif)


<§čнřœđîņģəŕ əæþ [yəř] нæŕþ oüþ.

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09aff5  No.10242551

File: db0630161847bd6⋯.png (157.79 KB, 455x549, 455:549, Slut_removebg_preview.png)

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c3b1ef  No.10242552

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adbaa8  No.10242553

File: b2354b0a05c1244⋯.mp4 (63.03 KB, 478x422, 239:211, dramaticmusic.mp4)

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688a6d  No.10242554


ever wonder if you are just hypnotizing yourself ?

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b2ef28  No.10242555


Jesus is LORD.

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38c7e3  No.10242556

File: 9f5f09dcabef70b⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 300x224, 75:56, Milk_Chocolate.gif)

File: 6e20bd136ea8c41⋯.gif (228.59 KB, 500x375, 4:3, A_Nudes_LeFapp.gif)

File: 47f6436222d72aa⋯.gif (4.65 MB, 253x450, 253:450, Share_The_Love.gif)

File: c5ad55972e11341⋯.gif (4.53 MB, 480x600, 4:5, ThelmaAllThatAss.gif)

File: b7d91b87033c1da⋯.gif (4.03 MB, 300x533, 300:533, Danny.gif)


Gifs or GTFO

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20dd1b  No.10242557


I like your thinking, anon.

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2c355b  No.10242558

File: 5f87e4245969275⋯.png (102.27 KB, 726x720, 121:120, 5f87e424596927582be8237be8….png)


You lack of understanding is not proof of anything.

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4b1607  No.10242559

File: b4b0a61c12f30e0⋯.png (4.55 MB, 3360x1976, 420:247, Screen_Shot_2020_08_10_at_….png)


looks like they've got friends, like 6 c-130 total seem to on the same page







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688a6d  No.10242560


call your sponsor

get to those meetings

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bace48  No.10242561


Never gonna happen. A long, elaborate re-election campaign that will bear no fruits of that nature.

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cb0d9d  No.10242562

>>10241109 (lb)

The face you make...

... when you find out your family sacrifices little kids - and nobody would ever believe you.

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900031  No.10242563

Governor DeSantis [FL]: "In terms of risk to schoolkids, it's less than seasonal influenza." [coronavirus]

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90cc37  No.10242564

Lets not forget that Alyssa Milano sold/promoted a hair care line the caused many women to go bald or experience hair thinning.

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662116  No.10242565



Russia using HCQ to treat COVID-19?

Source of HCQ: China

China using HCQ to treat COVID-19?

The more you know…


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63c843  No.10242566


Give him a break. The guy has chronic baahck pain. Kek

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79f481  No.10242567

File: b839e1fd2e57eec⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1399x13224, 1399:13224, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 942a6f7ea572f97⋯.png (6.38 MB, 1399x6991, 1399:6991, ClipboardImage.png)




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68ddff  No.10242568

File: 77e86e19fc359b1⋯.png (94.28 KB, 1012x444, 253:111, occult_hidden_knowledge.png)

File: 7dfc7696a6545a0⋯.jpg (807.17 KB, 1616x2168, 202:271, wolf_in_sheeps_meme.jpg)

File: 3578d0539b3ec2a⋯.jpg (95.27 KB, 480x388, 120:97, WE_KNOW_WHO_GOT_STARVED_LO….jpg)

File: 7aa7b15f251d8f7⋯.png (270.29 KB, 853x480, 853:480, So_true.png)

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d23da0  No.10242569



What a twat this guy is. Settle down, bro.

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940a60  No.10242570

File: 9779c43bbe4ac7d⋯.jpeg (101.33 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 1555675049.jpeg)

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d75513  No.10242571


Almost like he should do something about it.

Oh well, he’s too busy covering up the Epstein pedo ring his dad was part of.

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688a6d  No.10242572

66 million jack poo poo gehyjapoo buttjoos

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edb3cd  No.10242573

The Praxeological Aspect of Polylogism 1/3

An ideology in the Marxian sense of this term is a doctrine which, [p. 77] although erroneous from the point of view of the correct logic of the proletarians, is beneficial to the selfish interests of the class which has developed it. An ideology is objectively vicious, but it furthers the interests of the thinker's class precisely on account of its viciousness. Many Marxians believe that they have proved this tenet by stressing the point that people do not thirst for knowledge only for its own sake. The aim of the scientist is to pave the way for successful action. Theories are always developed with a view to practical application. There are no such things as pure science and the disinterested search for truth.

For the sake of argument we may admit that every effort to attain truth is motivated by considerations of its practical utilization for the attainment of some end. But this does not answer the question why an "ideological"i.e., a falsetheory should render better service than a correct one. The fact that the practical application of a theory results in the outcome predicted on the basis of this theory is universally considered a confirmation of its correctness. It is paradoxical to assert that a vicious theory is from any point of view more useful than a correct one.

Men use firearms. In order to improve these weapons they developed the science of ballistics. But, of course, precisely because they were eager to hunt game and to kill one another, a correct ballistics. A merely "ideological" ballistics would not have been of any use.

For the Marxians the view that scientists labor for knowledge alone is nothing but an "arrogant pretense" of the scientists. Thus they declare that Maxwell was led to his theory of electromagnetic waves by the craving of business for wireless telegraphs.6 It is of no relevance for the problem of ideology whether this is true or not. The question is whether the alleged fact that nineteenth-century industrialism considered telegraphy without wires "the philosopher's stone and the elixir of youth"7 impelled Maxwell to formulate a correct theory or an ideological superstructure of the selfish class interests of the bourgeoisie. There is no doubt that bacteriological research was instigated not only by the desire to fight contagious diseases, but also by the desire of the producers of wine and of cheese to improve their methods of production. But the result obtained was certainly not "ideological" in the Marxian sense.

What induced Marx to invent his ideology-doctrine was the wish to sap the prestige of economics. He was fully aware of his impotence to refute the objections raised by the economists to the practicability [p. 78] of the socialist schemes. In fact he was so fascinated by the theoretical system of British classical economics that he firmly believed in its impregnability. He either never learned about the doubts that the classical theory of value raised in the minds of judicious scholars, or, if he ever heard of them, he did not comprehend their weight. His own economic ideas are hardly more than a garbled version of Ricardianism. When Jevons and Menger inaugurated a new era of economic thought, his career as an author of economic writings had already come to an end; The first volume of Das Kapital had already been published several years previously. Marx's only reaction to the marginal theory of value was that he postponed the publication of the later volumes of his main treatise. They were made accessible to the public only after his death.

In developing the ideology-doctrine Marx exclusively aims at economics and the social philosophy of Utilitarianism. His only intention was to destroy the reputation of economic teachings which he was unable to refute by means of logic and ratiocination. He gave to his doctrine the form of a universal law valid for the whole historical age of social classes because a statement which is applicable only to one individual historical event could not be considered as a law. For the same reasons he did not restrict its validity to economic thought only, but included every branch of knowledge.


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bddae8  No.10242574


If it can be Accurately predicted there is little use of it in battle since it will be used to the advantage of the Enemy

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d37fd0  No.10242575

File: 2967e2c8134e83f⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 241x209, 241:209, 2967e2c8134e83fef144e79e19….jpg)


King of Kings. The way, the truth, the light.

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688a6d  No.10242576


dodo island is full of dodo intrigue

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207102  No.10242577


Cohen, not suspicious at all.

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adbaa8  No.10242578

File: 75cdb2ad4b1f86b⋯.png (335.46 KB, 598x602, 299:301, ClipboardImage.png)


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662116  No.10242579




Why would Pelosi [D] block origination-source [roll-out] investigation of COVID-19 in [China]?

Prevent public exposure of truth?

Ask yourself, why?



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20dd1b  No.10242580


WOW! A real life Daffony? Where's the Mystery Machine? KEK!

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edb3cd  No.10242581


The Praxeological Aspect of Polylogism 2/3

The service which bourgeois economics rendered to the bourgeoisie was in Marx's eyes twofold. It aided them first in their fight against feudalism and royal despotism and then later again in their fight against the rising proletarian class. It provided a rational and moral justification for capitalist exploitation. It was, if we want to use a notion developed after Marx's death, a rationalization of the claims of the capitalists.8 The capitalists, in their subconsciousness ashamed of the mean greed motivating their own conduct and anxious to avoid social disapproval, encouraged their sycophants, the economists, to proclaim doctrines which could rehabilitate them in public opinion.

Now, recourse to the notion of rationalization provides a psychological description of the incentives which impelled a man or a group of men to formulate a theorem or a whole theory. But it does not predicate anything about the validity or invalidity of the theory [p. 79] advanced. If it is proved that the theory concerned is untenable, the notion of rationalization is a psychological interpretation of the causes which made their authors liable to error. But if we are not in a position to find any fault in the theory advanced, no appeal to the concept of rationalization can possibly explode its validity. If it were true that the economists had in their subconsciousness no design other than that of justifying the unfair claims of the capitalists, their theories could nevertheless be quite correct. Their is no means to expose a faulty theory other than to refute it by discursive reasoning and to substitute a better theory for it. In dealing with the theorem of Pythagoras or with the theory of comparative cost, we are not interested in the psychological factors that impelled Pythagoras and Ricardo to construct these theorems, although these things may be important for the historian and the biographer. For science the only relevant question is whether or not these theorems can stand the test of rational examination. The social or racial background of their authors is beside the point.

It is a fact that people in the pursuit of their selfish interests try to use doctrines more or less universally accepted by public opinion. Moreover, they are eager to invent and to propagate doctrines which they could possibly use for furthering their own interests. But this does not explain why such doctrines, favoring the interests of a minority and contrary to the interests of the rest of the people, are endorsed by public opinion. No matter whether such "ideological" doctrines are the product of a "false consciousness," forcing a man to think unwittingly in a manner that serves the interests of his class, or whether they are the product of a purposeful distortion of truth, they must encounter the ideologies of other classes and try to supplant them. Then a rivalry between antagonistic ideologies emerges. The Marxians explain victory and defeat in such conflicts as an outcome of the interference of historical providence. Geist, the mythical prime mover, operates according to a definite plan. He leads mankind through various preliminary stages to the final bliss of socialism. Every stage is the product of a certain state of technology; all its other characteristics are the necessary ideological superstructure of this technological state. Geist causes man to bring about in due time the technological ideas adequate to the stage in which he lives, and to realize them. All the rest is an outgrowth of the state of technology. The hand-mill made feudal society; the steam-mill made capitalism.[p. 80] 9 Human will and reason play only an ancillary role in these changes. The inexorable law of historical development forces menindependently of their willsto think and to behave according to the patterns corresponding to the material basis of their age. Men fool themselves in believing that they are free to choose between various ideas and between what they call truth and error. They themselves do not think; it is historical providence that manifests itself in their thoughts.

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6d87c0  No.10242582



I worry that everyone looking to Q and not God is going to be Spiritually frowned on.

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e9310e  No.10242583

File: d15c0a067040aec⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 500x340, 25:17, Devil_Beheading.gif)

File: 4c8b0a6f6689c90⋯.jpg (10.48 MB, 5400x6600, 9:11, Fisa_Abuse.jpg)

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a469c0  No.10242584

File: 27ed221478f5591⋯.png (342.05 KB, 475x274, 475:274, Baltimore_explosion.PNG)

We need to find the address of these homes and see who lives there. Could be something

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e9310e  No.10242585

File: 52644b25e8133fc⋯.png (2.94 MB, 2960x3280, 37:41, ObamaGate.png)

File: 02bb0b43716ea1b⋯.png (430.46 KB, 2033x412, 2033:412, OG.png)

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ce7afb  No.10242586


Time to reboot ebot

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297de5  No.10242587

File: 7bf7ffcacfd49c0⋯.jpg (40.2 KB, 433x276, 433:276, morans.jpg)


moran. anyone with a brian knew it would just be D(4)J(10)T(20) day.

it was a cool day

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688a6d  No.10242588

File: a00f9097911fdbd⋯.jpg (84.61 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8681.JPG)

nazi fake jesus does jenkem and larps with danalingus


bigly reveal

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6d0729  No.10242589



SEC Probing Loan Disclosure, Unusual Stock Trading Activity At Eastman Kodak

The Securities and Exchange Commission has launched a probe of circumstances surrounding Eastman Kodak (KODK) and a $765 million government loan it received last week to make pharmaceutical ingredients at its U.S. facilities.

After announcing the loan last week, Kodak shares surged to an intraday high of $60 on Wednesday before plunging back to just under $15 at Monday’s close. (As of 1:30 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, shares traded at $14). During that period of volatility, trading in Kodak shares soared – on Monday and Tuesday last week, Kodak share trading volume exceeded 275 million. On the Monday before trading volume was only about 1.64 million. However, that 1.64 million figure was still a massive spike from the 74,900 share volume from the previous Friday.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) also asked the SEC if the heavy trading volume of Kodak shares – including purchases by executives before the loan announcement – amounted to insider trading.

In a letter to SEC Chairman Jay Clayton, Warren pointed out “several instances of unusual trading activity” involving Kodak shares one day before the loan was made public.

“Over the last year, the average trading volume of Kodak’s stock has been 236,479 shares per day. On Monday, July 27, however, a day before the public announcement, 1,645,719 shares, almost eight times the daily average, were traded,” Warren wrote.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the price surge to $60 may have provided a bonanza for some Kodak executives who owned stock-option grants – some of which were granted last Monday, one day before the government loan became public knowledge.



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e9310e  No.10242590

File: 315b0c57d66362d⋯.jpg (205.91 KB, 913x1200, 913:1200, Clinton_Epstein_Connection.jpg)

File: 737647aa0f42d0d⋯.jpeg (4.73 MB, 7000x7000, 1:1, Pizzagate.jpeg)

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edb3cd  No.10242591

The Praxeological Aspect of Polylogism 3/3

This is a purely mystical doctrine. The only proof given in its support is the recourse of Hegelian dialectics. Capitalistic private property is the first negation of individual private property. It begets, with the inexorability of a law of nature, its own negation, namely common ownership of the means of production.10 However, a mystical doctrine based on intuition does not lose its mysticism by referring to another no less mystical doctrine. This makeshift by no means answers the question why a thinker must necessarily develop an ideology in accordance with the interests of his class. For the sake of argument we may admit that man's thoughts must result in doctrines beneficial to his interests. But are a man's interests necessarily identical with those of his whole class? Marx himself had to admit that the organization of the proletarians into a class, and consequently into a political party, is continually being upset again by the competition between the workers themselves.11 It is an undeniable fact that there prevails an irreconcilable conflict of interests between those workers who are employed at union wage rates and those who remain unemployed because the enforcement of union rates prevents the demand for and the supply of labor from finding the appropriate price for meeting. It is no less true that the interests of the workers of the comparatively overpopulated countries and those of the comparatively underpopulated countries are antagonistic with regard to migration barriers. The statement that the interests of all proletarians uniformly require the substitution of socialism for capitalism is an arbitrary postulate of Marx and the other socialists. It cannot be proved by the mere assertion that the socialist idea is the emanation of proletarian thought and therefore certainly beneficial to the interests of the proletariat as such.

A popular interpretation of the vicissitudes of British foreign trade policies, based on the ideas of Sismondi, Frederick List, Marx, and the German Historical School, runs this way: In the second part of the eighteenth century and in the greater part of the nineteenth century the class interests of the British bourgeoisie required a free [p. 81] trade policy. Therefore British political economy elaborated a free trade doctrine, and the British manufacturers organized a popular movement which finally succeeded in abolishing protective tariffs. Then later conditions changed. The British bourgeoisie could no longer stand the competition of foreign manufacturing and badly needed protective tariffs. Consequently the economists substituted a theory of protection for the antiquated free trade ideology, and Great Britain returned to protectionism.

The first error in this interpretation is that it considers the "bourgeoisie" as a homogeneous class composed of members whose interests are identical. A businessman is always under the necessity of adjusting the conduct of his business to the institutional conditions of his country. In the long run he is, in his capacity as entrepreneur and capitalist, neither favored nor injured by tariffs or the absence of tariffs. He will turn to the production of those commodities which under the given state of affairs he can most profitably produce. What may hurt or further his short-run interests are only changes in the institutional setting. But such changes do not affect the various branches of business and the various enterprises in the same way and to the same extent. A measure that benefits one branch or enterprise may be detrimental to other branches or enterprises. What counts for a businessman is only a limited number of customs items. And with regard to these items the interests of various branches and firms are mostly antagonistic.

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d75513  No.10242592


Why Barr is so busy covering it all up for them he can’t even be bothered with the terrorists burning down the country.

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e9310e  No.10242593

File: 7c427b6760d3b4a⋯.png (667.75 KB, 3292x2365, 3292:2365, ChildTraffickingNetwork.png)

File: 5e1baede5268484⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 3434x2959, 3434:2959, Circle_Of_Control.jpg)

File: c4fb6230f7e4008⋯.png (2.5 MB, 4135x6752, 4135:6752, JAlefontis.png)

File: 60055d212e70ea0⋯.png (2.32 MB, 2475x2863, 2475:2863, JPodesta.png)

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669a85  No.10242594


Did you work at CS as well when they took over the support role?

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688a6d  No.10242595


spam tantrum holocaust movie

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edb3cd  No.10242596



The essence of Marxian philosophy is this: We are right because we are the spokesmen of the rising proletarian class. Discursive reasoning cannot invalidate our teachings, for they are inspired by the supreme power that determines the destiny of mankind. Our adversaries are wrong because they lack the intuition that guides our [p. 84] minds. It is, of course, not their fault that on account of their class affiliation they are not equipped with the genuine proletarian logic and are blinded by ideologies. The unfathomable decrees of history that have elected us have doomed them. The future is ours.

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f838ad  No.10242597

File: e1fde9713ed2727⋯.jpg (54.77 KB, 505x499, 505:499, AnitfaSuburbFail.jpg)

In more, "I'm getting sick of your shit, Linda" news…

More evidence that Americans are fighting back

sauce: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/08/more_evidence_that_americans_are_fighting_back.html

Antifa decides to go to the suburbs…

"And then something happens. The Back the Blues later said that one of the Antifa people attacked the man in the wheelchair. We can't see that, although we hear a man say, "I'm good, I'm good." He may be "good," but whatever happened off-camera triggered a fight, with men tumbling into a ditch alongside the pathway.

It's a brawl at this point. Three things are immediately apparent: the Back the Blues are reminding each other that no weapons are allowed, at least one member of the Antifa crowd has a knife, and the Antifa crowd is no match for angry patriots."

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940a60  No.10242598

File: 787ec6c46edc27f⋯.gif (3.54 MB, 600x400, 3:2, 1568241412753.gif)

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e9310e  No.10242599

File: 77d84a11eb3f1e2⋯.jpg (987.66 KB, 3292x2757, 3292:2757, Epstein_Connections.jpg)

File: 0ab5739abf02dc0⋯.png (646.55 KB, 1217x2177, 1217:2177, ObamasGate1.png)

File: 88f575d5f9b17cd⋯.png (543.43 KB, 1177x2185, 1177:2185, ObamasGate2.png)

File: 5947da7d640d9bf⋯.png (453.42 KB, 1201x1953, 1201:1953, ObamasGate3.png)

File: 743d132d7803d93⋯.png (240.25 KB, 599x1889, 599:1889, ObamasGate4.png)

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6e85b4  No.10242600


Karma's a bitch!

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ee781f  No.10242601

File: aa59cc8e7aef034⋯.jpg (95.5 KB, 884x960, 221:240, 1597037649297.jpg)

>>10240456 pb

>>10240456 pb

>>10240456 pb

I had posted this very early this morning while the /lol/ thread was still active. The jannies killed the original thread where they initially got this guy, but both threads have been have been archived. I personally archived the second one, and I've tweeted the info to Indianapolis' Metro PD @impdnews.

This guy, Jonathan Howe, MIGHT have also killed Jessica Doty Whitaker. Check the threads.

My tweets:



The archive links:



Self NOTABLE nom (I don't know how to make it bold/red)

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9ebe17  No.10242602

File: 592db856ca52719⋯.png (331.13 KB, 478x554, 239:277, Screenshot_2020_08_10_The_….png)

One person is reported to be dead, one person is reported to be trapped and multiple people are reported to be critically injured after the major #explosion in a #Baltimore reportedly Jewish neighborhood.




>Jewish neighborhood.

11:09 AM timestamps


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e9310e  No.10242603

File: 3875ba4fc534198⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1783x1552, 1783:1552, Most_Active_Q8kun_MSM_Auth….png)

File: 6794fe09da53278⋯.png (109.45 KB, 1221x958, 1221:958, Q_and_8ch_ArticlesByMedia_….png)

File: 69dcebfa7c64fd6⋯.png (110.38 KB, 936x930, 156:155, Q_Article_Timeline_1stHalf.png)

File: 40ea9357a43b97d⋯.png (764.29 KB, 1531x1431, 1531:1431, Q_Article_Timeline_2ndHalf.png)

File: 61384cbbb290d6c⋯.png (1.24 MB, 2990x1522, 1495:761, Q_Article_Timeline_7_2020.png)

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d75513  No.10242604


All my boomer relatives that were hardcore tv news followers just talk about pedo rings and satanic cults now. Prepared has been passed, sadly action will never follow.

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117264  No.10242605


SO the head of the DOJ tactic is namecalling? how about arrests, convictions, and long prison sentences??? Is EVERY liberal untouchable??? I thought they had mapped out antifa months ago.

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edb3cd  No.10242606

Polylogism and Understanding 1/2

Some supporters of the tenets of Marxism and racism interpret the epistemological teachings of their parties in a peculiar way. They are ready to admit that the logical structure of mind is uniform for all races, nations, and classes. Marxism or racism, they assert, never intended to deny this undeniable fact. What they really wanted to say [p. 87] was that historical understanding, aesthetic empathy, and value judgments are conditioned by a man's background. It is obvious that this interpretation cannot be supported on the basis of the writings of the champions of polylogism. However, it must be analyzed as a doctrine of its own.

There is no need to emphasize again that a man's value judgments and his choice of ends reflect his inborn bodily features and all the vicissitudes of his life.15 But it is a far cry from the acknowledgment of this fact to the belief that racial inheritance or class affiliation ultimately determines judgments of value and the choice of ends. The fundamental discrepancies in world view and patterns of behavior do not correspond to differences in race, nationality, or class affiliation.

There is hardly any greater divergence in value judgments than that between ascetics and those eager to enjoy life lightheartedly. An unbridgeable gulf separates devout monks and nuns from the rest of mankind. But there have been people dedicated to the monkish ideals among all races, nations, classes, and castes. Some of them were sons and daughters of kings and wealthy noblemen, others were beggars. St. Francis, Santa Clara, and their ardent followers were natives of Italy, whose other inhabitants cannot be described as weary of temporal things. Puritanism was Anglo-Saxon, but so was the lasciviousness of the British under the Tudors, the Stuarts, and the Hanoverians. The nineteenth century's outstanding champion of asceticism was Count Leo Tolstoy, a wealthy member of the profligate Russian aristocracy. Tolstoy saw the pith of the philosophy he attacked embodied in Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata, a masterpiece of the son of extremely poor parents.

It is the same with aesthetic values. All races and nations have had both classic and romantic art. With all their ardent propaganda the Marxians have not succeeded in bringing about a specifically proletarian art or literature. The "proletarian" writers, painters, and musicians have not created new styles and have not established new aesthetic values. What characterizes them is solely their tendency to call everything they detest "bourgeois" and everything they like "proletarian."


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e9310e  No.10242607

File: b2c724b5bdf5355⋯.mp4 (182.52 KB, 720x406, 360:203, Epstein_Didnt_Kill_Himself.mp4)

File: 8ae08980d8a3ced⋯.mp4 (906.44 KB, 558x270, 31:15, Mask_Dont_Work.mp4)

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69819b  No.10242608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live Free of Die

Hannity weighs in on mail-in voting, Biden's potential VP pick

No views•Aug 10, 2020

''Host of 'Hannity' Sean Hannity joins 'Varney & Co.' to discuss his new book, mail-in voting and Joe Biden's campaign strategy,

Fox Business



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edb3cd  No.10242609


Polylogism and Understanding 2/2

Historical understanding both of the historian and of the acting man always reflects the personality of its author.16 But if the historian and the politician are imbued with the desire for truth, they will never let themselves be deluded by party bias, provided they are [p. 88] efficient and not inept. It is immaterial whether a historian or a politician considers the interference of a certain factor beneficial or detrimental. He cannot derive any advantage from underrating or overrating the relevance of one of the operating factors. Only clumsy would-be historians believe that they can serve their cause by distortion.

This is no less true of the statesman's understanding. What use could a champion of Protestantism derive from misunderstanding the tremendous power and prestige of Catholicism, or a liberal from misunderstanding the relevance of socialist ideas? In order to succeed a politician must see things as they are; whoever indulges in wishful thinking will certainly fail. Judgments of relevance differ from judgments of value in that they aim at the appraisal of a state of affairs not dependent on the author's arbitrariness. They are colored by their author's personality and can therefore never be unanimously agreed upon by all people. But here again we must raise the question: What advantage could a race or class derive from an "ideological" distortion of understanding?

As has already been pointed out, the serious discrepancies to be found in historical studies are an outcome of differences in the field of the nonhistorical sciences and not in various modes of understanding.

Today many historians and writers are imbued with the Marxian dogma that the realization of the socialist plans is both unavoidable and the supreme good, and that the labor movement is entrusted with the historical mission of accomplishing this task by a violent overthrow of the capitalistic system. Starting from this tenet, they take it as a matter of course that the parties of the "Left," the elect, in the pursuit of their policies, should resort to acts of violence and to murder. A revolution cannot be consummated by peaceful methods. It is not worthwhile to dwell upon such trifles as the butchering of the four daughters of the last Tsar, of Leon Trotsky, of tens of thousands of Russian bourgeois and so on. "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs"; why explicitly mention the eggs broken? But, of course, it is different if one of those assailed ventures to defend himself or even to strike back. Few only mention the acts of sabotage, destruction, and violence committed by strikers. But all authors enlarge upon the attempts of the companies to protect their property and the lives of their employees and their customers against such onslaughts.

Such discrepancies are due neither to judgments of value nor to differences in understanding. They are the outcome of antagonistic [p. 89] theories of economic and historical evolution. If the coming of socialism is unavoidable and can be achieved only by revolutionary methods, murders committed by the "progressives" are minor incidents of no significance. But the self-defense and counterattacks of the "reactionaries" which can possibly delay the final victory of socialism are of the greatest importance. They are remarkable events, while the revolutionary acts are simply routine.

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05af1f  No.10242610

File: 22861f79280552d⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 700x467, 700:467, hotwheels.jpg)

File: 2599731e33558ef⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 442x250, 221:125, hotwheels_elevator.gif)


Let's see that little cunt do some hard labour!

or, failing that … - images related.

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adbaa8  No.10242611

File: c5a0c8b583f47c1⋯.png (19.82 KB, 598x91, 46:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a3d0883df3a519⋯.png (348.33 KB, 598x683, 598:683, ClipboardImage.png)



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688a6d  No.10242612


your entitlements are just so engaging to watch

like you're hypnotizing yourself with a spam tantrum

like its a validation hole

maybe its the cohivs talking

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20dd1b  No.10242613

File: 38f8a52bc102ad0⋯.png (144.28 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Why KT McFarland says FBI Director Christopher Wray, James Comey are in 'big trouble'


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9ebe17  No.10242614


4ugust 10 20


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e502a5  No.10242615

File: 6ffc440efe2eb23⋯.png (202.37 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Meme_team_candles_.png)


Thank You Baker

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940a60  No.10242616

File: 1b6d740824f110b⋯.gif (1.19 MB, 480x287, 480:287, wrong.gif)

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28fb5d  No.10242617



>>10242515, >>10242559 planefaggin

>>10242597 More evidence that Americans are fighting back

>>10242589 SEC Probing Loan Disclosure, Unusual Stock Trading Activity At Eastman Kodak

>>10242532, >>10242535 The Revolt Against Reason

>>10242527 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing 1:00 PM EDT

>>10242513 Washington teens hailed as heroes for saving deputy's life

>>10242499 Dan Patrick reports Big Ten had internal vote & by 12-2 margin, league members opted on not having a fall football season

>>10242443 Pelosi: "China would prefer Joe Biden." vid

>>10242441 Kodak crashes as $765M loan for drug industry pivot put on hold

>>10242425 AG Barr rips mainstream media portrayal of unrest raging around America

>>10242408 Goldman, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Hit With The Fed's Highest Capital Requirements

>>10242404 Mount Sinabung on Indonesia's Sumatra island has erupted

>>10242399 Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is dropping felony cases involving charges of murder and other serious offenses at a higher rate than her predecessor

>>10242372 Potus twat w/cap

>>10242311 Portland Riots Continue Without Feds as Local Police Stand Down

>>10242294 AG Barr calls ANTIFA a 'new form of urban guerrilla warfare'

>>10242274, >>10242288 Killary: The Trump administration committed a "Friday night massacre" to reassign and fire dozens of key USPS postal employees and consolidate power around the Trump crony installed as its new head.

>>10242267 a reminder that Chuck Schumer used to complain about the overseas mail in vote issues.. with lots never being counted

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90d21f  No.10242618

File: 9b28d970dc02cfe⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1126x2950, 563:1475, Screenshot_2020_08_10_Why_….jpg)



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2a97fe  No.10242619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

More people die from flu with a vaccine than coronavirus without one: Alan Jones

Sky News Australia

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edb3cd  No.10242620

The Case for Reason 1/2

Judicious rationalists do not pretend that human reason can ever make man omniscient. They are fully aware of the fact that, however knowledge may increase, there will always remain things ultimately given and not liable to any further elucidation. But, they say, as far as man is able to attain cognition, he must rely upon reason. The ultimate given is the irrational. The knowable is, as far as it is known already, necessarily rational. There is neither an irrational mode of cognition nor a science of irrationality.

With regard to unsolved problems, various hypotheses are permissible provided they do not contradict logic and the uncontested data of experience. But these are hypotheses only.

We do not know what causes the inborn differences in human abilities. Science is at a loss to explain why Newton and Mozart were full of creative genius and why most people are not. But it is by all means an unsatisfactory answer to say that a genius owes his greatness to his ancestry or to his race. The question is precisely why such a man differs from his brothers and from the other members of his race.

It is a little bit less faulty to attribute the great achievements of the white race to racial superiority. Yet this is no more than vague hypothesis which is at variance with the fact that the early foundations of civilization were laid by peoples of other races. We cannot know whether or not at a later date other races will supplant Western civilization.

However, such a hypothesis must be appraised on its own merits. It must not be condemned beforehand because the racists base on it their postulate that there is an irreconcilable conflict between various racial groups and that the superior races must enslave the inferior ones. Ricardo's law of association has long since discarded this mistaken interpretation of the inequality of men.17 It is nonsensical to fight the racial hypothesis by negating obvious facts. It is vain to deny that up to now certain races have contributed nothing or very [p. 90] little to the development of civilization and can, in this sense, be called inferior.

If somebody were eager to distil at any cost a grain of truth out of the Marxian teachings, he could say that emotions influence a man's reasoning very much. Nobody ever ventured to deny this obvious fact, and Marxism cannot be credited with its discovery. But it is without any significance for epistemology. There are many sources both of success and of error. It is the task of psychology to enumerate and to classify them.


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e52028  No.10242621

File: a61e7c79545ca64⋯.png (259.16 KB, 1322x851, 1322:851, 598130054875689324.png)

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4b8dc6  No.10242622

File: 45692dd9ff2ab00⋯.png (634.63 KB, 983x1286, 983:1286, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb135589f10f222⋯.png (710.58 KB, 918x1173, 18:23, ClipboardImage.png)


9:00 AM · Aug 10, 2020



Russia state-affiliated media

A gas filling station in #Volgograd was rocked by explosions, with locals reporting a series of blasts, several minutes apart. At least four people were injured, according to preliminary reports.


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d75513  No.10242623


Yeah, they post crap like that all day long.


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688a6d  No.10242624


barr pork is ready for the microwave proof

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edb3cd  No.10242625

The Case for Reason 2/2

Envy is a widespread frailty. It is certain that many intellectuals envy the higher income of prosperous businessmen and that these feelings drive them toward socialism. They believe that the authorities of a socialist commonwealth would pay them higher salaries than those that they earn under capitalism But to prove the existence of this envy does not relieve science of the duty of making the most careful examination of the socialist doctrines. Scientists are bound to deal with every doctrine as if its supporters were inspired by nothing else than the thirst for knowledge. The various brands of polylogism substitute for a purely theoretical examination of opposite doctrines the unmasking of the background and the motives of their authors. Such a procedure is incompatible with the first principles of ratiocination.

It is a poor makeshift to dispose of a theory by referring to its historical background, to the "spirit" of its time, to the material conditions of the country of its origin, and to any personal qualities of its authors. A theory is subject to the tribunal of reason only. The yardstick to be applied is always the yardstick of reason. A theory is either correct or incorrect. It may happen that the present state of our knowledge does not allow a decision with regard to its correctness or incorrectness. But a theory can never be valid for a bourgeois or an American if it is invalid for a proletarian or a Chinese.

If the Marxians and the racist were right, it would be impossible to explain why those in power are anxious to suppress dissenting theories and to persecute their supporters. The very fact that there are intolerant governments and political parties intent upon outlawing and exterminating dissenters, is a proof of the excellence of reason. It is not a conclusive proof of a doctrine's correctness that its adversaries use the police, the hangman, and violent mobs to fight it. But it is a proof of the fact that those taking recourse to violent oppression are in their subconsciousness convinced of the untenability of their own doctrines.

It is impossible to demonstrate the validity of the a priori foundations [p. 91] of logic and praxeology without referring to these foundations themselves. Reason is an ultimate given and cannot be analyzed or questioned by itself. The very existence of human reason is a nonrational fact. The only statement that can be predicated with regard to reason is that it is the mark that distinguishes man from animals and has brought about everything that is specifically human.

To those pretending that man would be happier if he were to renounce the use of reason and try to let himself be guided by intuition and instincts only, no other answer can be given than an analysis of the achievements of human society. In describing the genesis and working of social cooperation, economics provides all the information required for an ultimate decision between reason and unreason. If man reconsiders freeing himself from the supremacy of reason, he must know what he will have to forsake. [p. 92]

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8cdcbc  No.10242626

File: 1885f0ac5fd18f3⋯.jpg (765.09 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, 1TheRealProblem.jpg)

File: 8da591a656cdc08⋯.jpg (95.24 KB, 828x659, 828:659, Problem_Revealed.jpg)

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36795f  No.10242627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HASSAN DIAB is speaking

I can't understand cause Arabic

But still posting in case anyone who understands Arabic can listen…

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6bc3d3  No.10242628


I don't trust that woman at all. I think she's bad news.

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117264  No.10242629


Let it go bankrupt, close it down, fire the union members. Start a new system or use contractors. Mail is not as crucial as it once was, there are alternatives besides just pumping money into it.

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000000  No.10242630


I just want to see the tweet where he tells us his Jew masters made him do it and a livestream of his epic flip.

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8cdcbc  No.10242631

File: db74cdfad180848⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB, 640x702, 320:351, SaveTheChildrenYouAreGodFa….mp4)

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688a6d  No.10242632

File: 72893d095015a61⋯.jpg (196.21 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, IMG_6277.JPG)

File: 0c86b3bd473cea4⋯.jpg (161.23 KB, 800x882, 400:441, IMG_6540.JPG)

File: 2241e6890b6d9d2⋯.jpg (298.84 KB, 800x1157, 800:1157, IMG_6544.JPG)

peanut butter and jealous opus

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2b4a54  No.10242633

File: e18d529522284d7⋯.pdf (587.45 KB, End_of_all_Evil_by_locke.pdf)

While we are still surrounded by Evil…maybe this will help

The End of Evil

Chapter 1


The definition of freedom is the infinite value of the human

being. The definition of evil is the destruction of freedom.

Everything that is evil teaches people that they have limited



Truth is always simple. All people recognize truth because all

people are intelligent beings. It is the nature of evil to create

artificially complex ideas. It does this to hide or obfuscate the

freedom it destroys. If you remove the complexities and fears

from your life you will find a plain and beautiful truth. This

truth is the nature of your worth.

Value of man

To understand freedom is to understand the value of a person.

Everything that evil wants is to disguise and destroy your value.

All authority is created by evil men to disguise your worth. To

understand your own worth is to understand the nature of liberty.


The crucial key for understanding our world is to understand

the nature of evil. Evil challenges the value of people by

denying them the opportunity to make their own choices; by

denying them the chance to grow strong in learning and



While evil seeks to destroy or hide a person's worth, freedom shows humans their full potential and their full value. With freedom, people have loved, cured disease, removed hunger, eased labor and lived in peace. With freedom, happiness is possible. Freedom is the exact opposite of evil.


Everything written in this book is written to destroy the ideas of culture and law. The lesson of this book is simple: nothing on earth is more valuable than you.

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dbd0fa  No.10242635



wait a few minutes. we should have some shills come in and say it was a nuke dropped by israel

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05a561  No.10242636


When did Epstein grow a beard?

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28fb5d  No.10242637

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940a60  No.10242638

File: 9e0571157fef2e0⋯.jpeg (90.78 KB, 1068x712, 3:2, 1593516188.jpeg)

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fd755f  No.10242639



Well, we got asshats like you wasting time/(and very low-quality effort) on the board, so I call it a win

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3917a2  No.10242640

File: 1217e9269cae6a2⋯.mp4 (860.83 KB, 400x224, 25:14, Trump_Walking_Hillary_Bloo….mp4)

Taking the initiative


What I do…

https://www.facebook.com/(Links back to this post)

Every now and then I float this idea out to people to do themselves. I think this is an Excellent idea, myself…

I use Notepad and save links over a few days atta time that I've posted, then use them to spam the MSM FB and Twat pages. CNN MSNBC ABC CBS SALON etc..

Hit their most recent posts or the Normie that has the most replies on their newest threads.


Copy/paste all or individually depending on MSM's subject post Or, just blast them!

When shit gets old.. Start a new notepad with date as filename to keep somewhat current.

Make accounts create emails and make more accounts!


PASTE (All namefagging removed)

It is going to be Biblical! (Video)

After the election it will be my Trump's to have "More Flexibility"!

Have a LISTEN?



Watch Dubya Bush Real-Time WHILE 9/11 was happening.




Bill Gates ADMITS a LOTTA SHIT HERE! (Video)


Obama Clooney Boat w/little girl (Image Collection)


Quite literally a Demon Abortion Doctor (Video)


Come Along Children w/P.I.P (Video)


They've flaunted it for decades! (several images)

People are only now starting to see it.




The Sound of Snowflakes! (video)


Biden's OWN words. (Video)



#SaveTheChildren (video)

100's Children saved on routine flight inspection


Warren is a Real Indian! (Video)

Ooh Ooh Aaah Sue


Trump is SUPERMAN! (video)


Trump in India v Obama in India (video)

You be the judge


Stone Cold Truth (Video)

Celebs on Racism


Can we still get "REGULAR" sick? (image)


And a MINDLESS TWIT for your Amusement! (Video)


Stick to TABLOID NEWS!!!

Because YOU SUCK as Real Journalists.



WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden's campaign announced that he would be making his pick for Vice

President soon, adding that the former Vice President had recently stated, "I'm so close I can smell her."

Biden's staff says Joe has been pacing the halls of capitol buildings, congress, and the Senate sniffing the air like a starve-

crazed bloodhound in search of the perfect female candidate. "He's huffing longer, deeper inhalations," said his campaign manager

Greg Schultz. "That means he's getting really close."

Biden's staff says at the rate he is sniffing, he'll definitely have a VP pick by the first week of August.

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e951f2  No.10242641


this comes from a bdsm video

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1841c6  No.10242642


Blacks = Victims

Hispanics = Victims

Asians = Victims

Immigrants = Victims

Illegals = Victims

LGBTQ… = Victims

Straight White Males = Victimizers

Welcome To America

Women = Victims

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2d280f  No.10242643

File: 21c29c46b1d8bb2⋯.png (319.38 KB, 598x793, 46:61, Screenshot_2020_08_10_UA_N….png)

File: b34a00ede528309⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 628x1280, 157:320, UA_News_on_Twitter_DEVELOP….mp4)

DEVELOPING: Multiple injuries and entrapments reported following explosion that leveled 3 homes in Baltimore, Maryland.


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f52af0  No.10242644

File: eb7d4d7e4a8eb01⋯.jpg (160.38 KB, 1080x1634, 540:817, Screenshot_20200810_094022….jpg)

Today is August 10, 2020.

Which means that in just 85 days it will be November 3rd.

Which means that 12 weeks from today, you reign of control and power will sadly come to an abrupt end.

Enjoy the week. Have some cute press conferences and continue to pretend like you're not about to lose it all. It's fucking hilarious to witness.


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688a6d  No.10242645

now rage quit in schadenfreude pseudoepiphanies and swear your butt is not homo

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d75513  No.10242646


Jesus! Are you my uncle?

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bace48  No.10242647

File: cf65e9aff000ed1⋯.png (338.96 KB, 512x288, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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297de5  No.10242648


not him, stupid

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6d87c0  No.10242649

File: 67a511720605ef9⋯.jpg (87.94 KB, 666x375, 222:125, Demoralization_is_not_your….jpg)

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c8de46  No.10242650


WTAF? I had to Google fu to confirm that was real. The song selections? WTAF!

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dab344  No.10242651

File: 170295756ec68eb⋯.png (770.35 KB, 734x770, 367:385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 439321d1245d130⋯.png (1.12 MB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b9006bf30683d1⋯.png (854.38 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Lebanon ‘hurtling towards implosion’ with ‘real risk’ it could spiral into bloodshed and become new Syria, expert warns


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e951f2  No.10242652


i bet she comes from the belly of the holy serpent and she's jewish

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d75513  No.10242653


I’m getting paid to sit at home. Aside from working on my golf swing, not a lot to do.

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8bb597  No.10242654


When the Clinton's wanted to terrorize the American Public during their White House occupation, who did they 'go to'? Remember the term 'going postal'?

Mail in voting? USPS to deliver on the cheat?

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940a60  No.10242655

File: 8dc2e8aa586e52b⋯.jpeg (85.56 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, 1556402393.jpeg)

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fd755f  No.10242656



Givin me flashbacks to those explosions a year or so ago - same excuse given then too

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000000  No.10242657


wait a few minutes. we should have some shills come in and say it was everybody but israel

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c8c327  No.10242658


Gee. That's too bad.

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86c467  No.10242659

Tuesday, September 22

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688a6d  No.10242660


2~3 minutes per pound in a 1100watt microwave

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f5f3a1  No.10242661

File: 165b053ef5d1cbf⋯.png (262.76 KB, 689x507, 53:39, PROGRESSIVEBULLMOOSE.png)

File: 806535bbed8bc9f⋯.png (500.89 KB, 814x570, 407:285, PRESIDENTT.png)


Found a couple of interesting things about President T (Teddy Roosevelt)


-Roosevelt steered the United States more actively into world politics. He liked to quote a favorite proverb, “Speak softly and carry a big stick. . . . ” (POTUS recently received a large stick as a gift)

-With the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, not quite 43,became the youngest President in the Nation’s history.(Would Soon lose that distinction to JFK)

MOST IMPORTANTLY-Leaving the Presidency in 1909, Roosevelt went on an African safari, then jumped back into politics. In 1912 he ran for President on aProgressiveticket. To reporters he once remarked that he felt as fit as abull moose, the name of his new party.


(SEE PIC) Former Vice President and 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden condemned Donald Trump's four Executive Orders yesterday in a statement issued by the campaign.

Saying Trump has been "unable to deliver for the American people in a time of crisis" and instead "offered a series of half-baked measures" and "cynical ploys designed to deflect responsibility," Mr. Biden said these Executive Orders if fully enacted would:

"…Put Social Security at grave risk at a time when seniors are suffering the overwhelming impact of a pandemic he has failed to get under control…Donald Trump said today that if he is re-elected, he will defund Social Security."

Take funds needed from disaster relief to pay reduced enhanced unemployment benefits for people that would last for just "a few weeks."

Institute "a third order, on evictions, (which) is woefully inadequate to deal with the emerging housing crisis."

Provide "a band-aid approach to student debt that leaves out seven million borrowers who obtained their federal loans from private lenders or their college rather than the Department."

Stating earlier that Trump's actions are not "real solutions," or indicative of "the art of the deal" or "Presidential leadership," Biden stressed that Trump should start acting like the great dealmaker he professes to be and negotiate legislation with Congressional Leaders that will benefit the American People.

Biden finished his statement, relaying:

"A real leader would go back to Washington, call together the leaders of the House and Senate, and negotiate a deal that delivers real relief to Americans who are struggling in this pandemic. We need a president who understands their struggle and believes in their courage to overcome."

If Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell can not act like real leaders to help the American People, voters will put in a new President and Senate Majority Leader this January that will.

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6d87c0  No.10242662

File: cf2af59fb18e9ba⋯.jpg (82.97 KB, 500x697, 500:697, I_AM_02.jpg)

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1841c6  No.10242663


Homeowners policy does not cover acts of terrorism.

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688a6d  No.10242664


use thauce

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d75513  No.10242666


You are my uncle! Don’t forget to take your diabetes medication

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ca85b8  No.10242667

File: c24c9b81b56b618⋯.png (577.46 KB, 1920x4029, 640:1343, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4839b6dee625b0⋯.png (43.41 KB, 653x279, 653:279, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10240010 (PB Notable) USG award for CoV-2 statistic models significantly less this year than 2016-'19

Went looking for the why on this one. Turns out it was a single but multi-year contract w/U of Mass, Amherst which began in 2016 and ends one year from now in 2021. Did the math in a spreadsheet - original award of $1.6 million less each continuation year's award. Looks like next year there will be ~ $40k left of the original. It may be that the contract was written with decreasing annual award amounts and (for once) isn't something nefarious.


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688a6d  No.10242668


danalingus wants to doxx jimmies for a plagarized version of moHAMmad

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e52028  No.10242669

File: 3e438bd893287d8⋯.png (933.34 KB, 864x828, 24:23, 438961207643.png)

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0a01ce  No.10242670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

August 10, 2018


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dab344  No.10242671

File: d7fe8edd0fd27d0⋯.png (729.67 KB, 738x802, 369:401, ClipboardImage.png)

"Do not bait us."


snaps at a reporter who asked about city officials going "too easy on the looters"


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d9821e  No.10242672


Seems like Wray was left in place to be the FBI scapegoat. Good. Fuck him.

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c8c327  No.10242673


Anon recognizes this rowdy style of indignation.

From your keystrokes to God's ear.

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33e03c  No.10242674

File: 52b02f629f0cfa1⋯.png (865.42 KB, 890x808, 445:404, Dead_Eyes.png)

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fd755f  No.10242675


That explains the low IQ posts

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4b1607  No.10242676

File: c67cdf7bdceacb4⋯.png (1.28 MB, 3354x1906, 1677:953, Screen_Shot_2020_08_10_at_….png)

did a popup survey on if respondents are going to vote Trump or not

while watching a video at this address:


Trump has 79.56% of the vote on this survey!


guess i'm now subscribed to a financial email list, but it was worth it

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a7b706  No.10242677

File: 594d7ff118dd8fc⋯.png (685.57 KB, 582x459, 194:153, meryl_streep_protect_the_p….PNG)

File: 111dbe297a45787⋯.png (440.07 KB, 537x335, 537:335, katie_couric_george_stepha….PNG)

File: dee6bf66bcb1314⋯.png (634.22 KB, 735x522, 245:174, geo_steph_says_mistake_to_….PNG)

File: 0a3c3bfbcf38256⋯.png (433.54 KB, 547x347, 547:347, martha_raddatz.PNG)

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d23da0  No.10242678


Thanks for the reminder.

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90d21f  No.10242679

File: ea9c6c8d1b12349⋯.png (610.68 KB, 1015x2189, 1015:2189, Screenshot_2020_08_10_Cris….png)


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c6a20f  No.10242680

File: 0ee65b1ba612dcf⋯.png (561.58 KB, 1080x739, 1080:739, hate_speech.png)

File: 207d483a1daa0bf⋯.png (763.82 KB, 546x686, 39:49, USA.png)

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940a60  No.10242681

File: 8d4222da572dbd5⋯.jpeg (103.42 KB, 1080x795, 72:53, 1595868728.jpeg)

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63c843  No.10242682

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e502a5  No.10242683

File: c8ba5da0573415c⋯.jpg (75.49 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, F.jpg)

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117264  No.10242684


These votes should be declared void. Election day is set by law, Nov 3 this year,show up and vote…rain, shine, or blizzard if you want your vote to count. If you are early or if you are late then you lost out.

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43e542  No.10242685


Maybe I'm confused at what the cabal is actually doing, but what exactly are [they] attempting to succeed at here with fake COVID-19 numbers in Texas?

If you're a voter who is going to vote for Trump at this point, you're going to vote for Trump, period. If you're NOT going to vote for Trump at this time, there is little chance you'll change your mind at the last minute (given nothing comes from the Durham investigation).

That being said, if you see these "skyrocketing COVID cases" and never have contracted it for yourself, what is the benefit to push false numbers? You're absolutely going to vote Trump still.

If you see these "skyrocketing COVID cases" and you tested POSITIVE but have no symptoms, again - what is the benefit to push false numbers? You're still going to vote Trump.

Finally, if you HAVE contracted COVID and you were a Trump supporter, there is an incredibly high chance you are STILL going to vote for Trump because you survived and most likely didn't suffer anything more serious than flu symptoms.

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62d7db  No.10242686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just a reminder of why we are here, frens. Pat Benatar / Hell is For Children – 1980

It was bad then. It's bad now.

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427fcc  No.10242687

Sundance from The Conservative Treehouse says he going to out John Durham's top investigator at the end of this week.

I say "good."

Maybe that will help light a fire under Durham's ass. Remember, it was Q that told us Durham has been working on this corruption since Nov. 2017

Put up or shut up…

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f21a63  No.10242688

the asteroid belt is not at the edge of the solar system

wtaf happened to the IQ here

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fd755f  No.10242689


This feels like a re-run

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6d0729  No.10242690

File: 0c7c80781417c09⋯.png (124.65 KB, 963x527, 963:527, MAGMA88_departed_Homestead….PNG)

MAGMA88 departed Homestead ARB, FL after ground stop-this AC went to Trinidad and Tobago yesterday rt from San Juan, PR and arrived at Homestead ARB last night

VVLL870 US Navy P-8 Poseiden done off Space Coast and back to NAS Jax

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6e85b4  No.10242691

File: 00312d6feb89b80⋯.jpeg (101.11 KB, 580x579, 580:579, 00312d6feb89b80ecda0b6a33….jpeg)

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c2a6ba  No.10242692

File: 26b77cc0dc79450⋯.png (136.35 KB, 286x391, 286:391, Screenshot_2020_07_21_at_8….png)


Any city that elects this mutant deserves what they get

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05316c  No.10242693

File: 566624f7a6737d1⋯.jpg (194.16 KB, 866x854, 433:427, 20200810_104707.jpg)

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c3b1ef  No.10242694


>nuke dropped by israel


66 nukes, never Our Greatest Ally™

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69b01c  No.10242695



Kite, hit, steel, plane, must - fucked me up for life.

Their depravity knows no bounds.

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000000  No.10242696


the IQ lurks, the slide is the shills

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e11b7f  No.10242697

File: ecad668b2016c1e⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1423x1855, 1423:1855, Capture_2020_08_10_11_46_3….png)

File: fb2bdc18894a61b⋯.png (15.76 KB, 720x467, 720:467, 106567369_1597066772921_20….png)

100 more years of TRUMP please! My stock portfolio went up 11% in a week!

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d75513  No.10242698


Definitely low IQ. I only make 140k in IT. My boss was so scared of losing me I’m one of 3 people the company retained at full salary even though they are closed and I haven’t worked in 4 months. I’ll keep cashing my low IQ paycheques though, it’s how I cope.

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3917a2  No.10242699

>>10242640 (me)

See anything you like chime-in and you shall receive

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20dd1b  No.10242700

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6d0729  No.10242701

File: 5a4124b698b52a1⋯.jpg (110.82 KB, 807x446, 807:446, RR_Best_troll_EVER.jpg)

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a7b706  No.10242702

File: 6a6419db3ce34ff⋯.png (590.55 KB, 458x470, 229:235, w_bush_paper_planes.PNG)

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e502a5  No.10242703

File: 4124bdc9786bd91⋯.jpg (79.13 KB, 616x366, 308:183, right_you_know.jpg)

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662116  No.10242704

When Q is silent, It's happening.

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c3b1ef  No.10242705



we're not anywhere near 'clear' until, at minimum, 1/20/21

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fd755f  No.10242706


So no work AND a small dick that makes you feel insecure. Pity

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117264  No.10242707


Time to Rapture and pour out the vials of wrath.

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e252d5  No.10242708

File: f334aa080ffe1de⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x1820, 621:910, 4FD7AC49_10AF_470B_A9B2_2….jpeg)


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2a97fe  No.10242709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>More people die from flu with a vaccine than coronavirus without one: Alan Jones

Sky News Australia

CNN takes ‘bizarre’ stance in trying to prove Joe Biden is up for the job

2:25 mark kek

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d75513  No.10242710


You forgot your blood pressure pills uncle? The doc is gonna be mad. You could’ve avoided all of this with a healthy diet and moderate exercise but instead you choose pills.

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2fd13c  No.10242711


You might need to update the list.

Women = Oppressors AKA Terfs

Trans Women = Victims AKA "Real Women"

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09aff5  No.10242712

File: ee6191a76ea9eee⋯.png (1.71 MB, 2000x650, 40:13, Journey.png)

2018 - Holy shit, I am not crazy! I had just no idea HOW fucked up everything is! I have to tell everyone about Q!

2019 - I need to help all the people I meet, so they can understand! They have no clue! How can I do it, that someone is finally listening?

2020 - Fuck humanity! Fuck them all!

2021 - ?

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3917a2  No.10242713

File: 1912137d6311c15⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 911_WAS_AN_INSIDE_JOB_.mp4)

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05af1f  No.10242714


I thought the white wig was a nice touch; very convincing.

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2d280f  No.10242715

File: 6fcb5dd53335289⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1049x516, 1049:516, Screenshot_2020_08_10_Barr….png)

Barr: Media helped create 'doomsday scenario' for abuse of government power

Attorney General William Barr harshly criticized the media's role in the "Russiagate" controversy. During an interview with conservative commentator Mark Levin, who broached allegations of Russian collusion and the conduct of former FBI Director James Comey, Barr blamed the Fourth Estate for enabling what he deemed the "doomsday scenario" unleashed on President Trump and his associates.

"It is the doomsday scenario of abuse of government power, which is the party in power uses the police and intelligence services to tilt the field against their political opponents. And that’s terrible from a governmental and civil rights standpoint," Barr said in an interview that aired Sunday evening on Fox News's Life, Liberty, & Levin. "The media was part of this, and that’s, to me, probably the worst aspect of this. The so-called watchdogs of the system — they became attack dogs. They weren’t watchdogs. They had no critical — they didn’t use any critical faculties," Barr continued. "In fact, some things that were clearly preposterous, they took hook, line, and sinker, and they fanned the flames of this worse than anybody else," Barr said. "They all got out on the limb. The limb has been sawed off, but you wouldn’t know it, because there’s, you know, they don’t even say, 'Whoops, we got that one wrong.' They’re onto the next conspiracy theory." Barr faces a growing political firestorm over U.S. Attorney John Durham's criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation. With less than 90 days until Election Day, Democrats and their allies have raised concerns about an "October Surprise." Barr, who has said he expects "developments" from Durham's team by the end of the summer, argued to Levin that his goal is to restore the criminal justice system to one not wielded as a "political tool."

Some of Trump's most ardent supporters have called for indictments for what they see as an effort to sabotage Trump's campaign and his administration. Asked to address a growing sense of impatience, Barr said that the process "takes some time," noting the "sprawling" nature of the investigation and the roadblocks posed by witnesses and lawyers. He also discussed how there is a process in gathering evidence and dealing with a grand jury. "What I want to do is make it clear that we will indict people only when we are satisfied that the standards of the department have been met, which means that we believe a crime has been committed by this person and we have proof beyond a reasonable doubt to prove it," Barr said. "And we have to go to a grand jury, and the grand jury has to agree to get the indictment," Barr continued. "And proof beyond a reasonable doubt is a high standard. And I think all political sides have gotten into the habit in this country of just sort of saying that their political opponents have done something terrible. They think it’s terrible. It’s enough for me to conclude he’s terrible, why isn’t he in prison?"


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87c38d  No.10242716

File: 72d58e9ec630ca0⋯.jpeg (175.42 KB, 868x1200, 217:300, 2E4277BF_F540_4F9F_B2AB_7….jpeg)

File: 88e4219ba2fa882⋯.png (804.2 KB, 779x430, 779:430, A49014C4_6E78_4C50_A021_03….png)

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6d87c0  No.10242717

File: 21ab7a7d74e6d85⋯.jpg (227.53 KB, 887x500, 887:500, Now_I_will_take_questions_….jpg)

Kayleigh in 10 mins

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f21a63  No.10242718


bad news for someone… lurq moar.

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201ffd  No.10242719

File: dec79aea455b234⋯.png (599.12 KB, 625x715, 125:143, nancy_pelosi_meth_im_on_it.png)


One of those synthetic robotoids

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2d280f  No.10242720


It does.

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4fec7f  No.10242721

File: 16bf5d15f4f89fe⋯.jpg (27.36 KB, 899x553, 899:553, Lebanon.jpg)



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c8cebe  No.10242722

Today's slide:



The swamp runs deep.

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edb3cd  No.10242723

File: 96fac6f86273cf3⋯.jpg (46.2 KB, 1029x600, 343:200, 53b3d3f1_ba6c_4bdd_9b71_2f….jpg)

Racial Polylogism 1/2

Marxian polylogism is an abortive makeshift to salvage the untenable doctrines of socialism. Its attempt to substitute intuition for ratiocination appeals to popular superstitions. But it is precisely this attitude that places Marxian polylogism and its offshoot, the so-called "sociology of knowledge," in irreconcilable antagonism to science and reason.

It is different with the polylogism of the racists. This brand of polylogism is in agreement with fashionable, although mistaken, tendencies in present-day empiricism. It is an established fact that mankind is divided into various races. The races differ in bodily features. Materialist philosophers assert that thoughts are a secretion of the brain as bile is a secretion of the gall-bladder. It would be inconsistent for them to reject beforehand the hypothesis that the thought-secretion of the various races may differ in essential qualities. The fact that anatomy has not succeeded up to now in discovering anatomical differences in the brain cells of various races cannot invalidate the doctrine that the logical structure of mind is different with different races. It does not exclude the assumption that later research may discover such anatomical peculiarities.

Some ethnologists tell us that it is a mistake to speak of higher and lower civilizations and of an alleged backwardness of alien races. The civilizations of various races are different from the Western civilization of the peoples of Caucasian stock, but they are not inferior. Every race has its peculiar mentality. It is faulty to apply to the civilization of any of them yardsticks abstracted from the achievements of other races. Westerners call the civilization of China an arrested civilization and that of the inhabitants of New Guinea primitive barbarism. But the Chinese and the natives of New Guinea despise our civilization no less than we despise theirs. Such estimates are judgments of value and hence arbitrary. Those other races have a different structure of mind. Their civilizations are adequate to their mind as our civilization is adequate to our mind. We are incapable of comprehending that what we call backwardness does not appear such to them. It is, from the point of view of their logic, a better method of coming to a satisfactory arrangement with given natural conditions of life than is our progressivism. [p. 85]

These ethnologists are right in emphasizing that it is not the task of a historianand the ethnologist too is a historianto express value judgments. But they are utterly mistaken in contending that these other races have been guided in their activities by motives other than those which have actuated the white race. The Asiatics and the Africans no less than the peoples of European descent have been eager to struggle successfully for survival and to use reason as the foremost weapon in these endeavors. They have sought to get rid of the beasts of prey and of disease, to prevent famines and to raise the productivity of labor. There can be no doubt that in the pursuit of these aims they have been less successful than the whites. The proof is that they are eager to profit from all achievements of the West. Those ethnologists would be right, if Mongols or Africans, tormented by a painful disease, were to renounce the aid of a European doctor because their mentality or their world view led them to believe that it is better to suffer than to be relieved of pain. Mahatma Gandhi disavowed his whole philosophy when he entered a modern hospital to be treated for appendicitis.


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dab344  No.10242724

File: bf176a16a7222f8⋯.png (149.98 KB, 736x728, 92:91, ClipboardImage.png)

Beirut explosion: Lebanon PM to resign within hours - as entire government steps down


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5598f0  No.10242725


Owned by Morgan

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d75513  No.10242726


Ahhh a Jew. The endless obsession with penis size.

Have you written your monthly article about Hitlers penis and balls yet?

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e252d5  No.10242727

File: 140684792df8ec0⋯.jpeg (651.39 KB, 1242x1165, 1242:1165, D771A740_F118_4261_A28B_3….jpeg)


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aa8ef4  No.10242728


good god they did not "drop a nuke on it"

the nuke was on the submarine under the grain elevator

we decided that a week ago

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59b98d  No.10242729

File: 12ad7601d801a78⋯.jpg (332.15 KB, 1920x1526, 960:763, 12ad7601d801a7833968724cdc….jpg)

Great Thread


THREAD: 80,000

1. Child tr@fficking is one of the most talked about topics on earth right now, despite Mainstream Media’s attempts to ensure it isn’t!

With so many fires and explosions around the world, I thought I’d have a quick look around.

UNICEF caught my eye.

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1cdc8b  No.10242730

File: 45760cb53d2587e⋯.jpg (138.11 KB, 912x621, 304:207, a1f15ec9ccb4dc2f6ae3fb422e….jpg)


I'll give em the benefit of the doubt…maybe thinking of the Kuiper belt

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edb3cd  No.10242731

File: b969f4fcef46648⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 5be07eae_5a0b_40f6_b822_2c….jpg)


Racial Polylogism 2/2

The North American Indians lacked the ingenuity to invent the wheel. The inhabitants of the Alps were not keen enough to construct skis which would have rendered their hard life much more agreeable. Such shortcomings were not due to a mentality different from those of the races which had long since used wheels and skis; they were failures, even when judged from the point of view of the Indians and the Alpine mountaineers.

However, these considerations refer only to the motives determining concrete actions, not to the only relevant problem of whether or not there exists between various races a difference in the logical structure of mind. It is precisely this that the racists assert.13

We may refer to what has been said in the preceding chapters about the fundamental issues of the logical structure of mind and the categorial principles of thought and action. Some additional observations will suffice to give the finishing stroke to racial polylogism and to any other brand of polylogism.

The categories of human thought and action are neither arbitrary products of the human mind nor conventions. They are not outside of the universe and of the course of cosmic events. They are biological facts and have a definite function in life and reality. They are instruments in man's struggle for existence and in his endeavors to adjust himself as much as possible to the real state of the universe and to remove uneasiness as much as it is in his power to do so. They are [p. 86] therefore appropriate to the structure of the external world and reflect properties of the world and of reality. They work, and are in this sense true and valid.

It is consequently incorrect to assert that aprioristic insight and pure reasoning do not convey any information about reality and the structure of the universe. The fundamental logical relations and the categories of thought and action are the ultimate source of all human knowledge. They are adequate to the structure of reality, they reveal this structure to the human mind and, in this sense, they are for man basic ontological facts.14 We do not know what a superhuman intellect may think and comprehend. For man every cognition is conditioned by the logical structure of his mind and implied in this structure. It is precisely the satisfactory results of the empirical sciences and their practical application that evidence this truth. Within the orbit in which human action is able to attain ends aimed at there is no room left for agnosticism.

If there had been races which had developed a different logical structure of the mind, they would have failed in the use of reason as an aid in the struggle for existence. The only means for survival that could have protected them against extermination would have been their instinctive reactions. Natural selection would have eliminated those specimens of such races that tried to employ reasoning for the direction of their behavior. Those individuals alone would have survived that relied upon instincts only. This means that only those would have had a chance to survive that did not rise above the mental level of animals.

The scholars of the West have amassed an enormous amount of material concerning the high civilizations of China and India and the primitive civilizations of the Asiatic, American, Australian, and African aborigines. It is safe to say that all that is worth knowing about the ideas of these races is known. But never has any supporter of polylogism tried to use these data for a description of the allegedly different logic of these peoples and civilizations.

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f21a63  No.10242732

File: 06733ed2aa109fc⋯.jpg (94.36 KB, 750x422, 375:211, dead_rival.jpg)



the "edge of the solar system asteroid Ceres"

is in notables. shills indeed.

i can go with that.

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e502a5  No.10242733

File: 8a9c31cc08e5cf5⋯.jpg (148.94 KB, 580x464, 5:4, Comfy_Bateman.jpg)


>2018 - Holy shit, I am not crazy! I had just no idea HOW fucked up everything is! I have to tell everyone about Q!

>2019 - I need to help all the people I meet, so they can understand! They have no clue! How can I do it, that someone is finally listening?

>2020 - Fuck humanity! Fuck them all!

>2021 - ?

2021 = The Great Awakening.

>Birthing a new world can be painful.

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b84434  No.10242734


I bet they see who is evil.

And eat them.

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248843  No.10242735

File: 1d710ea13cd90e8⋯.png (126.8 KB, 286x391, 286:391, Lightfoot.png)

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bace48  No.10242736


"It's Happening" is ALWAYS Top Kek. Because…it isn't happening…but it's always being said. Over and over.

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b2fb44  No.10242737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press conference live soon

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6d87c0  No.10242738


We have to fight for what's right and not look for the Escalator to Heaven. The Rapture has been imminent for 2000 years.

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cf6a62  No.10242739

File: d19335814d8851b⋯.png (79.56 KB, 982x441, 982:441, Capture_2020_08_10_12_49_1….png)

The WH needs to hold a presser where the journalists are asked the questions.

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9ebe17  No.10242740

File: 9c79be01a8b021c⋯.jpg (573.13 KB, 3000x1974, 500:329, EcDVtSiXkAIMJMW.jpg)

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2d280f  No.10242741

File: 7e043a00d1da1d3⋯.png (938.22 KB, 815x455, 163:91, Screenshot_2020_08_08_Leba….png)


Thinking it was planned. Base on images hung from their government buildings.

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0a01ce  No.10242742


Something is always happening. Tune out the noise.

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a7b706  No.10242743

File: 5ee5a057689741d⋯.png (98.4 KB, 225x224, 225:224, alex_soros_kim_foxx_1.PNG)

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297de5  No.10242744


>1. Child tr@fficking is one of the most talked about topics on earth right now, despite Mainstream Media’s attempts to ensure it isn’t!

hunters getting hunted like never before

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b29b79  No.10242745

Q, let's take over the Air Force and all their aircraft.

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63dbbb  No.10242746


About a year or so ago I was talking to a friend and she asked me what I think the POTUS will do about the riots that were just starting in various areas. I told her I didn't think the POTUS would do anything because he had to show the voters of that area how completely inept the modern DNC truly is and the only way he can do that is by letting them deal with their issues fully and not intervene at all so the voters can see just how awful they are.

I don't know if I was right or not but everything appears to be that he fully plans to allow the DNC controlled cities to destroy themselves, not give them any funding, protect federal property of course and arrest those who commit federal crimes. If you look at the recent crimes and major events they all have been in DNC controlled bastions so it makes me wonder if the red states have been completely locked down to assure their safety while the blue states have been allowed to deal with the consequences of their own decisions.

I mean I have seen this with my own eyes due to living in a blue state and seeing the decision makers decimate everything over the years while they had total indoctrination over the city voters. But now that these things have happened I have definitely noticed a major change of attitude and anger toward these same decision makers, ANTIFA/BAMN/BLM, China, and definitely the media who I would be surprised would make it out alive if they ever went into some of the cities given the hatred I have been reading on social media from traditional Dems.

I don't know, all I do know is I sacrificed and have lost a whole lot during this whole affair and though I am pissed that the feds just don't come in and sweep all the poison out I definitely would understand the strategy of letting it happen so the voters finally see who these people are. If it is that then the strategy is working from what I have seen but it just sucks given how much I have lost due to it all which I am sure many others have dealt with as well. All of this because of the same people, the same groups, the same issues, all of it, all comes down the same shit that could have and should have been dealt with decades ago but were allowed to get a foot in the door and from there have devoured so much.

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26fe3c  No.10242747


So now the pedophiles and producers/merchants of child porn

Show themselves on this board

It never fails

We are at war with these people and they continually try to divide us.

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000000  No.10242748


>is in notables.

i hate to be the Anon to break it to you, but the bakers are shills lmfao

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2a97fe  No.10242749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sky News Australia

Australia needs Trump to win the election because 'we cannot face China alone'

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36795f  No.10242750

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69819b  No.10242751

File: 5d79be31e426ddf⋯.mp4 (806.28 KB, 640x360, 16:9, eb_XMUa64yBJe7Ar.mp4)

File: ac6bf7cc9d7ff2c⋯.png (211.73 KB, 464x536, 58:67, ClipboardImage.png)

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on criminal looting and destruction: "This has nothing to do with legitimate protected First Amendment expression."

30-second vid


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e252d5  No.10242752

File: d117fb9287f58af⋯.jpeg (810.7 KB, 1242x1460, 621:730, 6C1C4B87_7538_4782_8B7D_A….jpeg)


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e52028  No.10242753

File: 127de5ea81500d1⋯.png (928.04 KB, 864x828, 24:23, 09871209654.png)

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0c7a20  No.10242754


Six people, including a pregnant woman, were shot Saturday night in Philadelphia after men clad in black stormed a barbecue.

Police said the individuals who were shot have since been hospitalised. The victims are in stable condition.

The wounded include three women – a 59-year-old woman, an 18-year-old woman, and a 24-year-old pregnant woman who was shot in her right thigh – and three young men between the ages of 17 and 18.

The shooting occurred just before 9:30 pm. Investigators found 28 shell casings at the scene.

Police believe four to five people participated in the shooting, but they currently have no suspects and no motive for the attack.

hope this doesn't become a thing, random terror

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05af1f  No.10242755


>Any city that elects this mutant deserves what they get

How quaint, you still think the electorate voted it in.

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d02cf3  No.10242756

File: 06b5721df7cfef9⋯.jpg (19.02 KB, 255x252, 85:84, habbening.jpg)


> Because…it isn't happening…

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26fe3c  No.10242757


And just look at the films that he produced.

There are still good people inside Hollywood

And now, because of Trump, they are gaining ground against the evil ones.

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90d21f  No.10242758

File: 26fb45b6e6504d1⋯.png (5.62 KB, 60x80, 3:4, osstransparent5.png)


Nice try E

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6d87c0  No.10242759


Because Bill Barr is not going to signal a single fucking thing to you and your bosses, who are second only to Hillary when it comes to being the biggest losers in the Universe.

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09aff5  No.10242760

File: fa2bd750e910537⋯.png (54.07 KB, 512x383, 512:383, weint.png)


I will spend you more than one Beer, if you are right!

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87c38d  No.10242761

File: 0a13458328f770f⋯.png (429.71 KB, 592x461, 592:461, D5253C4F_A038_476F_B61F_B9….png)

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201ffd  No.10242762

File: 0d0f18ff1dcf7f9⋯.png (1.02 MB, 770x619, 770:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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adbaa8  No.10242763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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90d21f  No.10242764

File: 11195c661b401bf⋯.png (67.12 KB, 416x343, 416:343, Screenshot_2020_08_10_E_ET….png)



Still not suspended…

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b2fb44  No.10242765

File: 1f5970eb260ad1a⋯.jpg (116.54 KB, 627x575, 627:575, 1f5970eb260ad1adea2f9bd426….jpg)


Question is……Who will step in?

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2fd13c  No.10242766


We need federal help to rid our cities of corruption. The shit is deep and ugly. I would love to see a real nationwide reckoning when this shit year is done.

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d40188  No.10242767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing.

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4b2358  No.10242768

>>10240928 pb

appears totally fake

lemon's head is as big as a lemon

and Epstein's head is obviously cut and paste.


who did this crap job?

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69819b  No.10242769

File: b03745c3eb256a8⋯.png (21.21 KB, 463x258, 463:258, ClipboardImage.png)




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6d7cfa  No.10242770


Is that what POTUS has you all believing?


Potus is the last president ever anon…. Why do you think Q started posting in the first place?


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ca85b8  No.10242771

>>10242739 I think Kaleigh would approve of this idea…and if she was the one asking the questions, it would have to be called "Inquisition the Press".

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79f481  No.10242772

File: d028851dcc3d47d⋯.png (5.87 MB, 1399x5710, 1399:5710, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 611b99f58d5e737⋯.png (920.02 KB, 1399x4580, 1399:4580, ClipboardImage.png)



>This feels like a re-run



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3d277c  No.10242773

Inheritances deflated for those who lost family in covid pandemic.

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5dfab3  No.10242774

File: 3b6a2d24be744ed⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1020x1016, 255:254, ItsFine.png)

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bace48  No.10242775

File: bbd975b5d90f1b8⋯.jpg (8.74 KB, 236x221, 236:221, derp.jpg)

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b84434  No.10242776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hot mike on here:


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4b2358  No.10242777


check the lighting

compare the lighting on the faces

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26fe3c  No.10242778



Didn't these two shills say they were going to filter me?

Typical shill behavior

They want to normalize filtering so thatYOUfilter posters on the command of the shills

But they know that you learn more by observing than by filtering.

And by reading the many articles and social media accounts that have been posted on this board.

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05316c  No.10242779

File: c599568c2b13d19⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 168x300, 14:25, 20200810_105704.gif)


just now figurin' that out, eh?

<was taking q and all you fukn psychos shyte to twat from the jump.

<you still gotta bad habit of telling fœlk what to do,

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31a02c  No.10242780


More explosions!! This is getting to be BIBLICAL!

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adbaa8  No.10242781

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3917a2  No.10242782

File: 900ca526bc30f02⋯.mp4 (8.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Warped_in_the_Head_Abortio….mp4)

File: 843f7bb395d8a32⋯.jpg (49.85 KB, 748x960, 187:240, abortion_insanity.jpg)

Hey, Liberals!

Fathom this Demon aborting your baby?

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f5f3a1  No.10242783


lots of bad memes/cartoons on that page too

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2fd13c  No.10242784


Noice. Thx

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e52028  No.10242785

File: 0cbbf536aa3a5b6⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1031x696, 1031:696, 413297045823.png)

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1c2894  No.10242786

Many, many people who have been oblivious are red-pilled. There is a lot happening but even autists sometimes miss the connections. What all anons are hoping for is undeniable “Q-proofs”. Indictments, arrests, and treason charges against deep-state actors. Royals, Hollywood, elites and politicians taken down for child trafficking; big name pedophiles exposed by their arrests and the process of law and order.

Name the unseen enemies, make the connections understandable to the deaf, dumb and blind. Otherwise, we are left to assume that Q is too deeply involved and embedded in the various cabals to risk public actions. In other words, Q may be part of the problem and exposes clues to hurt “the competition.” Wanna play a game?

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31a02c  No.10242787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing

4,753 watching now

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05a561  No.10242788

Diggers digging Big connections to Epstein Koch brothers and Pritzker.


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90d21f  No.10242789


>Didn't these two shills say they were going to filter me?

I'm only one person and I never said I was gonna filter you, I can't continue to point out that you're a Larp if I filter you ETheLarp

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e502a5  No.10242790

File: 77fe65290ef060b⋯.jpg (488.78 KB, 561x855, 187:285, We_Endure.jpg)


We will find out come November anon.

>This anon thinks all the movies will be 2021.

Time will tell.

Until then, we in here.

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d02cf3  No.10242791

File: b6ce3f05cee5cc7⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 255x188, 255:188, kekinPepecolor.jpg)

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adbaa8  No.10242793

File: ed660f2cf170619⋯.png (413.95 KB, 780x438, 130:73, ClipboardImage.png)

Former WWE wrestler James 'Kamala' Harris dies at 70

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6734c3  No.10242794


What are We The People allowed to do in a situation like this?

Do We have a responsibility to protect innocent law abiding citizens from a domestic enemy?

If We react in a way that does not follow the letter of the law exactly… would the penalty be any different if the action taken was in a theater of guerrilla warfare?

Or are We just supposed to call the cops?

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2a97fe  No.10242795

File: 9d0d3e82eaad753⋯.png (405.5 KB, 500x846, 250:423, Plato_Cities_Citizens.png)


>If it is that then the strategy is working from what I have seen but it just sucks given how much I have lost due to it all which I am sure many others have dealt with as well. All of this because of the same people, the same groups, the same issues, all of it, all comes down the same shit that could have and should have been dealt with decades ago but were allowed to get a foot in the door and from there have devoured so much.

(D)s are getting exactly wth they voted for! Unfortunately, those that didn't vote for them also suffer when They show their true anti-American agendas! That's why I'd never live in a blue state, RINOs are bad enough!

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6e85b4  No.10242796


I remember watching that & was thinking "What the hell?" And when he had the reading book in his hands it was upside down, I thought he was just goofy. I was not awake back then.

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49ff3d  No.10242797

File: 324df2bc82ebeeb⋯.png (1.07 MB, 748x2564, 187:641, memetakers072720.png)

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685a5e  No.10242798

File: 65abab33be5c888⋯.png (1.1 MB, 805x800, 161:160, ClipboardImage.png)


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a4908d  No.10242799

File: f27f728fd428591⋯.jpeg (591.48 KB, 2048x1357, 2048:1357, disney_maxwell_2.jpeg)

File: dc3d81e52a95de0⋯.jpg (122.79 KB, 1200x660, 20:11, GhislaineMaxwellBlankEpste….jpg)

File: b81873a90d83184⋯.png (341.37 KB, 507x356, 507:356, 05e6098b6c32bdfdfe36c3f714….png)

File: 492860d8b65c240⋯.png (663.99 KB, 801x693, 89:77, 01f97fe1db86b3d5efd2f4de18….png)


>>10242207 #13107

>>10241487 (You) WR Anon: 1 WEEK OPERATION #DISNEYGATE

Savethe Children


Disneygate Material


ghislaine -> epstein -> hollywood/politicians

ghislaine -> andrew -> royals -> vatican

ghislaine is the key.

who does she work for?

who does she really work for? (Moloch?)

do we have other ghislaines out there?

>We Are With (You)

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aa8ef4  No.10242800


willie brown is still an idiot

biden vp == president

ask hillary if she would rather be president or attorney general ?


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3d277c  No.10242801


They have people who do that for them.

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c3b1ef  No.10242802


I work in IT. It'sNOTrocket science, Mr. Daly.

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b86569  No.10242803


Barr called out the BOLSHEVIKS.

On the anniversary of RED OCTOBER.

November 7th.

4 days after Trump's landslide win.

Anons understand what is going to happen then.

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e52028  No.10242804

File: 9a99802ea160640⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1031x696, 1031:696, 9854301016543.png)

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28fb5d  No.10242805



>>10242515, >>10242559, >>10242690 planefaggin

>>10242751 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on criminal looting and destruction: "This has nothing to do with legitimate protected First Amendment expression." vid

>>10242749 Australia needs Trump to win the election because 'we cannot face China alone'

>>10242715 Barr: Media helped create 'doomsday scenario' for abuse of government power

>>10242643, >>10242772 DEVELOPING: Multiple injuries and entrapments reported following explosion that leveled 3 homes in Baltimore, Maryland.

>>10242622 @RT_com A gas filling station in #Volgograd was rocked by explosions, with locals reporting a series of blasts, several minutes apart.

>>10242603 MSM authors on Q

>>10242597 More evidence that Americans are fighting back

>>10242589 SEC Probing Loan Disclosure, Unusual Stock Trading Activity At Eastman Kodak

>>10242532, >>10242535 The Revolt Against Reason

>>10242527, >>10242767 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing 1:00 PM EDT

>>10242513 Washington teens hailed as heroes for saving deputy's life

>>10242499 Dan Patrick reports Big Ten had internal vote & by 12-2 margin, league members opted on not having a fall football season

>>10242443 Pelosi: "China would prefer Joe Biden." vid

>>10242441 Kodak crashes as $765M loan for drug industry pivot put on hold

>>10242425 AG Barr rips mainstream media portrayal of unrest raging around America

>>10242408 Goldman, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Hit With The Fed's Highest Capital Requirements

>>10242404 Mount Sinabung on Indonesia's Sumatra island has erupted

>>10242399 Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is dropping felony cases involving charges of murder and other serious offenses at a higher rate than her predecessor

>>10242372 Potus twat w/cap

>>10242311 Portland Riots Continue Without Feds as Local Police Stand Down

>>10242294 AG Barr calls ANTIFA a 'new form of urban guerrilla warfare'

>>10242274, >>10242288 Killary: The Trump administration committed a "Friday night massacre" to reassign and fire dozens of key USPS postal employees and consolidate power around the Trump crony installed as its new head.

>>10242267 a reminder that Chuck Schumer used to complain about the overseas mail in vote issues.. with lots never being counted

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e4523a  No.10242806


Person Woman Man Camera TV

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2fd13c  No.10242807


.. Another 7000 waiting on the channel I'm on.

US loves Kayleigh!

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6ce40e  No.10242808


video cutoff or edite4d > rightous uprising

lightfoot said Rightous Uprising describeig the first looting in may in connection with first amendement

describinhg the Burn loot murder as rightoues uprising defending antifa and BLM

she did the same in this video but it was cut off in the video attached

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b84434  No.10242809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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0c7a20  No.10242810

File: 7672ae50593588f⋯.mp4 (356.57 KB, 476x270, 238:135, beruittunnels.mp4)


Video circulating online, as well as rumors and reports, indicate that “tunnels” have been found in the wake of the Beirut explosions. Some have asserted that this is evidence of Hezbollah “tunnels” storing weapons at the port of Beirut while others think they were used for human trafficking. Both SkyNews and Russia's Sputnik News claimed there were a “labyrinth network of tunnels.”

The Lebanese Armed Forces have denied the existence of tunnels just as Hezbollah has denied doing anything at Beirut port. It’s unclear how the army could refute the claims without investigating the images and videos already circulating online. Nevertheless, the army denied the existence of tunnels.

Yet Sky News did show a ceiling of a subterranean chamber and noted that people had hope that loved ones might have survived the blast in the tunnels. The Sky News report which was posted online on Sunday said that the people excavating the site and searching for survivors “know there is a labyrinth of subterranean chambers here, they have discovered the opening of one of them.” This comment appears to indicate that the search and rescue teams and officials know about these chambers.

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26fe3c  No.10242811


What is a meaningful life?

This is a question that Aristotle wrestled with

And other philosophers as well.

Here is a free course of 10 lectures on the book

Entitled Ethics by Aristotle.

Perhaps it will help you in your searches…



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17bb3a  No.10242812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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648a41  No.10242813

File: 72ced5a692eebac⋯.jpg (170.57 KB, 696x767, 696:767, 20200810_095125.jpg)

File: 14523ef598afc63⋯.jpg (424.18 KB, 706x1150, 353:575, 20200810_095401.jpg)

File: 43df5fa11533f2e⋯.jpg (437.33 KB, 720x1223, 720:1223, 20200810_095608.jpg)

File: b753c14a3112462⋯.jpg (400.61 KB, 720x1135, 144:227, 20200810_095445.jpg)

File: 47e94e3acb51bb0⋯.jpg (472.02 KB, 720x1227, 240:409, 20200810_095417.jpg)

There is no reason drone mosquitos could not attack targets with vaccine delivery, one identified and tracked by the matrix and it's myriad nodes.

And Bill Gates is connected to 'modified mosquitos' go figure.

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c3b1ef  No.10242814



and then what? you have my attention.

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6ce40e  No.10242815


the hill edited out righteous uprising

from there video

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6ce40e  No.10242816


live stream cbs still might have it

lightfoot defending antifa and BLM

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1699df  No.10242817


>Sundance from The Conservative Treehouse says he going to out John Durham's top investigator at the end of this week.

If he had shit at all, he would just say it. Sundance, like other freerepublic namewhores, is just trying to boost readership. NO other reason for him to not just spill it.

That you believe him is a testament to how you do not belong here.

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4dc436  No.10242818


Research moar.

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c6a20f  No.10242819

File: 4ac096ad7a3578a⋯.jpg (410.13 KB, 1352x2048, 169:256, rtrpr00.jpg)

File: 8d295cbbace5983⋯.jpg (66.6 KB, 900x541, 900:541, CF911.jpg)

File: ce7f4dbd47915b8⋯.jpg (96.74 KB, 1024x662, 512:331, Netanyahu_Bush.jpg)

File: 0920c670a418a6f⋯.jpg (51.59 KB, 506x332, 253:166, georgebush_talmud.jpg)

File: f54536441db56ff⋯.jpg (122.67 KB, 561x264, 17:8, wouk.jpg)

“If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he must to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death.” -Libbre David 37

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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26fe3c  No.10242820


First of all I am not E.

I am only one of several Anons who follow E.

And who post some of his tweets here on the board

I post other stuff too.

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6d87c0  No.10242821

File: 90516a096ad6f64⋯.jpg (54.06 KB, 650x416, 25:16, Filter_early_and_often.jpg)


Free speech does not mean I HAVE to listen to anyone.


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79f481  No.10242822



>>>10242643, >>10242772 (You) DEVELOPING: Multiple injuries and entrapments reported following explosion that leveled 3 homes in Baltimore, Maryland.

My link is related to the statement "feels like a re-run", linking two articles 2018 and 2019 of West Baltimore homes exploding.

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e4523a  No.10242823


There is no Oort cloud.

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31a02c  No.10242824


She's the best!!

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86c467  No.10242826

File: 234650c8cc8195a⋯.png (59.61 KB, 217x232, 217:232, ClipboardImage.png)

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05a561  No.10242827

File: d4be6e34a8f53a5⋯.png (913.49 KB, 1600x939, 1600:939, ClipboardImage.png)


Mon Jun 3, 2019 / 1:26 PM EDT

Tunnel crossing between Lebanon and Israel went 22 storeys deep


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8e009b  No.10242828



A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true.- Socrates

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e502a5  No.10242829

File: 569ea06fa9caced⋯.png (382.72 KB, 500x676, 125:169, Death_to_namefags.png)



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e4523a  No.10242830


The pain comes from sloughing off the old world.

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99e6a1  No.10242831

File: 0bfa64f0f022002⋯.jpg (42.1 KB, 566x559, 566:559, Lebanon_Phoenicia.jpg)


Phoenicia, ancient region corresponding to modern Lebanon, with adjoining parts of modern Syria and Israel. Its inhabitants, the Phoenicians, were notable merchants, traders, and colonizers of the Mediterranean in the 1st millennium bce. The chief cities of Phoenicia (excluding colonies) were Sidon, Tyre, and Berot (modern Beirut).


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688a6d  No.10242832


joo poo gehyja poo jack jacked to jew spam 66 million times

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e5ceaa  No.10242833

File: fe7ad061c7d5aaf⋯.webm (3.5 MB, 640x480, 4:3, groidfootreverse.webm)


found some reverse speech listen kek

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f87c8f  No.10242834

File: 124668264efacb0⋯.jpg (72.26 KB, 640x320, 2:1, Baltimore_Explosion.jpg)

Not a gas explosion

No fire



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688a6d  No.10242835


that dude is not very funny or jewish

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1699df  No.10242836



Except that isnt true and you know it. Thus making everything you say untrue as you lie continuously.

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e4523a  No.10242837


Solomon the King had it all, and did it all.

And declared that everything was vanity and vexation of spirit/frustration.

The only worthwhile thing was to know the Law of God, and to follow the Law of God.

In an attempt to know God, and follow God.

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8e009b  No.10242838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son

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e5ceaa  No.10242839

File: 1e8adb7f630a1e6⋯.webm (3.9 MB, 640x480, 4:3, groidfoot2.webm)

again for full measure

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b84434  No.10242840


Sooze on that?

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195f56  No.10242841

File: 70209d0c1d570a7⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 486x422, 243:211, Chaos_is_His_Plan_OTW_23u5….JPG)

On Trump's watch. Trust God's plan.

[Health Ranger warns we’ve reached the “tipping point into a collapse spiral” that cannot be halted](https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-08-07-times-up-health-ranger-warns-weve-reached-the-tipping-point-collapse-spiral.html)

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63dbbb  No.10242842


One thing I really was hoping Trump would do would be to take mail in questions from citizens through the week which could be answered. The press never asks anything of importance, it's always the same stupid shit that very few care about and are only being asked to push their own hate narratives.

So my point is, why not completely cut the press out entirely, open the questions up to the actual people of the country instead of the anti American press, read the email question/post it on a board behind her as she reads it out, and then answer it.

I mean think about that and how many important and serious questions the public could ask about and have resolved immediately instead of waiting for the damn press to do anything when they never will. It would then force the media to cover those questions and answers because if they didn't they would go completely bankrupt because those Q/A would make the media totally unneeded any longer by the vast public.

As it stands the media does nothing except give opinion pieces and give starting points for investigations while not doing any leg work to follow up on them. This means that we the people have truly become the media and we are the ones asking the important questions that the masses care about. Why not do that? It kills two birds with one stone by eliminating the need for the corrupt media and allowing everyday citizens a chance to be involved/have what is important be answered.

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e11b7f  No.10242843

File: 2e64f9a5da49be1⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1439x1795, 1439:1795, Capture_2020_08_10_12_06_0….png)

This guy is so 2 faced.

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688a6d  No.10242844


for a nihilist

you sure do spam a lot of dogmas

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86c467  No.10242845


Labyrinth and Reisterstown Rd.

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e4523a  No.10242846


Being dumber than the person you follow is nothing to brag about, especially Anonymously.

Which you still cannot manage.

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05af1f  No.10242847


>And who post some of his tweets here on the board

Why would you post a known larper?

I can only think of one reason.

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edb3cd  No.10242848


>"Do not bait us"

…into exposing our corruption.

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00bba2  No.10242849

>>10242499 Wise move. Avoids the kneeling BS–for another year, by which time things will look much different. As it stands now, we know that many gutless universities lack the mojo to stand up. Another aspect is that they must realize that crowds/revenues will be way down anyway. So why not just write it off this year. Hard on players, yet that's life. And with the damaging & impending NFL boycott, the prospects of a pro career are weakened. Go XFL, go.

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ce7afb  No.10242850


Sauce is shit but, they built gallows


The demonstrators erected mock gallows in what were dubbed "Judgment Day" protests, as grief gave way to anger after more than 154 people were killed and dozens more remain missing. Over 5,000 people have been injured.

Protesters also held signs reading, "Here is where the nooses should be hung." The mock gallows have become a key symbol of the demonstrations, which are demanding that those responsible for the Tuesday's blast are held accountable, as well as against corruption and mismanagement of the country.

The gallows were erected in the same place where several people were hanged more than 100 years ago by the then ruling Ottoman Empire for revolting against Istanbul. The Martyr's Square statue commemorates those executions.

Moar sauce



4AM Reporting pattern detected.


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9ebe17  No.10242851

File: 199d85a34973843⋯.png (250.91 KB, 478x527, 478:527, Screenshot_2020_08_10_The_….png)

A horde of explanations has arrived in the wake of the massive explosion in #Beirut

, some straight from the #conspiracy playbook, while others are more complex. Reporting by @sfrantzman





Cons Piracy

The black flag over the dome?

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e4523a  No.10242852



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e52028  No.10242853

File: ca31e79e4461823⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1031x696, 1031:696, 21547812641076.png)

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5df141  No.10242854


bolsheviks bullshitism on the move

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62d7db  No.10242855


Time for reporters to dig in and CRUSH Lori Lightfoot.

She HAS gone light on rioters. The death toll in her city more closely resembles a war zone than a place to work, play and raise a family.

The well earned and long-established nickname for her city is "Chiraq".

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90d21f  No.10242856



>First of all I am not E.

Sure you aren't, E


>Why would you post a known larper?

It's not like E has only done it once, he does it everyday on damn near every single E tweet.

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8e009b  No.10242857

File: 28b63d1db062a87⋯.jpg (56.14 KB, 597x392, 597:392, Capture.JPG)

A Child in US 2,000 Times More Likely to be Victim of Child Trafficking than to Die from Coronavirus

They insist the coronavirus is deadly for children.

There have been 86 children who have died in the US where the death was “linked” to the coronavirus.

There are approximately 500 children who die every year from the seasonal flu.

Dr. James Todaro M.D. reported:


— James Todaro, MD (@JamesTodaroMD) August 3, 2020

And each year over 1200 children are killed in roadside fatalities.

And approximately 700 children drown.

A child in the US is over 2,000 times more likely to be a victim of child trafficking than to die from the coronavirus.

According to a FOX News report in 2019 — Over 300,000 of America’s young population is considered at risk for sexual exploitation. It’s also estimated that 199,000 incidents occur within the U.S. each year.

That makes it more likely for a child to be abducted and trafficked than die from coronavirus.


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3b9921  No.10242858

File: 49b9412b0e1d8c7⋯.png (533.91 KB, 800x597, 800:597, anongetsit.png)


triple fives… nice. Truth

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1699df  No.10242859



Except that isnt true and you know it. Thus making everything you say untrue as you lie continuously.>>10242755

>How quaint, you still think the electorate voted it in.

Its quaint that you dont add in those who didnt vote at all. Kinda like minneapolis, where a republican of ANY sort isnt running against Omar in her district. Soon they will try and chant that it is because of cheating she didnt get removed, ignoring any proof that a lack of an OPTION alone would be the reason.

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d9821e  No.10242860

File: f35a9e46c56c432⋯.png (216.13 KB, 1713x623, 1713:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33206775f8221b2⋯.png (337.47 KB, 1752x727, 1752:727, ClipboardImage.png)


Worth noting that the Phoenicians evolved from the Canaanite culture, which of course is famous for sacrificing children to appease Moloch.


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e4523a  No.10242861


You need to start thinking.

Here's a thought experiment for you to start with.

You walk into an empty room in a hotel in New Jersey.

On the table is a three scoop ice cream cone, intact, and a cup of steaming hot coffee.

How long have they been there?

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3cf9d3  No.10242862

How’s the whole LAW AND ORDERY thing coming along? Can we expect another twat of it today? Because that has been really effective.

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5df141  No.10242863


conspiracy theory = TRUTH behind the veil

golablist complex theory = LIES behind the veil

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4ac635  No.10242864

File: d759e93e0f7639b⋯.jpg (185.37 KB, 669x1024, 669:1024, sky_king.jpg)




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6d87c0  No.10242865

turn your phones off

no friggin respect!

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195f56  No.10242866

File: 1a07d38996960f9⋯.png (90.48 KB, 261x182, 261:182, Tool_09q350239857928375987….png)


[White House Staff Gathers to Watch President Depart](https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/something-weird-is-going-on-white-house-staff-gathers-to-watch-president-depart)

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00bba2  No.10242868

>>10242855 Scorched earth, no mercy. And that is just a prelim to actual justice calling on her/it.

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195f56  No.10242869

File: 5e8e11be8869f47⋯.jpg (12.88 KB, 275x183, 275:183, Fooling_Some_of_the_Anons_….jpg)

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1699df  No.10242870


Apologies to all for the combined post. I was lazy and didnt ensure it went to the right person.

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05af1f  No.10242871


>It's not like E has only done it once, he does it everyday on damn near every single E tweet.

Yeah, but it's art.

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d9821e  No.10242872


Fuck can we expose this guy already?

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8e009b  No.10242873


>for a nihilist

KEK@nihilist..Obviously you're a idiot and don't have a clue as to what I'm talking about…..Stick around ..I'll try and help you..kekekekeke

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e52028  No.10242874

File: 27cc92b5403223b⋯.png (642.71 KB, 1302x1126, 651:563, 76134008974185.png)

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d75513  No.10242875


There can only be one!

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b86569  No.10242876


Friday, November 6th… "My fellow Americans… "

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91c0f8  No.10242877

File: e70706eb3d5beea⋯.jpeg (78.74 KB, 640x507, 640:507, GlassIDGAF.jpeg)

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c3b1ef  No.10242878



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e11b7f  No.10242879

File: 50375cc2aaaa128⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1439x2296, 1439:2296, Capture_2020_08_10_12_11_1….png)


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49ff3d  No.10242880


they don't comprehend numbers



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ce7afb  No.10242881

File: 3f28558840abbad⋯.png (92.52 KB, 182x276, 91:138, ClipboardImage.png)

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b86569  No.10242882


11-6 = 9-11


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86c467  No.10242883



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d02cf3  No.10242884


>A Child in US 2,000 Times More Likely to be Victim of Child Trafficking than to Die from Coronavirus

That tells you all you need to know about the media.

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69819b  No.10242885

File: 29a03bf7e85b343⋯.png (88.96 KB, 466x659, 466:659, ClipboardImage.png)



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8e009b  No.10242886

File: 7d4d5147413184a⋯.jpg (44.96 KB, 600x298, 300:149, Capture.JPG)

China Stands Accused of Manufacturing the COVID-19 Virus

From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the virus identified as the causative agent, SARS-CoV-2, has been consistently described as “novel” because of its unique structural features.

Also since the onset of the pandemic, the conventional wisdom concerning the origin of SARS-CoV-2 has been that it was a naturally-occurring outbreak, acquired by humans after exposure to infected animals, a conclusion aggressively promoted by the Chinese Communist Party, supported by some Western scientists and endlessly regurgitated by the left-leaning global media.

That narrative is not only unproven, but much of the scientific data being used to buttress it are faulty, perhaps even fabricated.


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91c0f8  No.10242887

File: a3c8786646ac80a⋯.png (843.61 KB, 600x1440, 5:12, THE_SAUCE.png)

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05316c  No.10242888

File: 1c273a1018e6f67⋯.gif (658.55 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 20200810_111145.gif)


this is why The United States will be destroyed.

[you/we/humanity]ALLOWED THIS.

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20dd1b  No.10242889

File: aad3f493d56f13d⋯.jpg (1009.76 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 01_Highlander_30th_Anniver….jpg)

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03d7fd  No.10242890

File: 061f7b17ead2af9⋯.jpg (49.68 KB, 704x728, 88:91, 23fea5yae.jpg)

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3917a2  No.10242891


Been at this since Atari and Pong!

If you had thought to pass such info along like me..

Then you may TRY AGAIN to snatch the pebble!

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a469c0  No.10242892


there is no fire this time either. Something is not right here. We need to find out who lived in those houses

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8e009b  No.10242893


Exactly..And where their priorities lay

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a20ff1  No.10242894


In light of the recent violations of our rights under the Bill of Rights, & all of the accumulated violations thereof under corporate admiralty law, maybe it's time for an EO that would reinstate all of the Bill of Rights for our freedoms; that no law, code, or regulation may be used to abridge, violate, or delete those rights; that those rights are unalienable, given to us by our Creator, and may never be taken away by any legislative act of the US Congress or any of acts of the US States. ???

I mean, since EO's are now the law of the land ???

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63dbbb  No.10242895


Everyday you post about "E". Ask me how I know it is you, go ahead, ask. You do realize you are dealing with some seriously autistic retards who literally see the world much differently than your average normie does. Many of us can see the patterns in writing, times posted, word usage, phrases used, direct counters to any accusations and so on.

So it really comes down to the bottom line that every single day you push this "E" shit without fail, much like the Matrix shit. I will legitimately never understand why shills or people looking to do what you do think you will accomplish by doing that here as this is the very last place people will care about it since most of us are focus on very specific lines of investigation which intersect with eachother and we discuss whereas shills, famefags, glows, foreign assets, and worse always follow the same trends without fail and are so easily identified. You would have much more luck pushing your agenda on Twatter or the like where the minds there are malleable and easy molded. But here? You're dealing with people who have shown time and time again to be some of the very best researchers on the planet and you think you will be able to play that game you are playing and not be noticed?

If you want to make some money, fair enough, but at least offer something that isn't the same tired shit day in and out and at least try to conduct some research that isn't at such an embarrassing level.

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195f56  No.10242896


On Trump's watch. Trust God's plan.

[U.N. Agenda 21 is Close to Full Implementation](https://canadafreepress.com/article/u.n.-agenda-21-is-close-to-full-implementation)

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e5ceaa  No.10242897


good info here on intelliugence and race.

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17bb3a  No.10242898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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76c052  No.10242900


They are building the case that ballots were delayed in the mail so they can go to court after the election and allow late votes.

This allows them to keep slipping in however many votes are necessary to flip races.

See: Orange County, 2018.

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88b584  No.10242901

File: 7b0d6d15627f1ab⋯.png (151.19 KB, 428x428, 1:1, 7b0d6d15627f1ab955fed18793….png)


2018 - Holy shit, I am not crazy! I had just no idea HOW fucked up everything is! I have to tell everyone about Q!

>everyone I know now thinks I am crazy

2019 - I need to help all the people I meet, so they can understand! They have no clue! How can I do it, that someone is finally listening?

>waterfalls of manic information…. REEEEEEEE

2020 - Fuck humanity! Fuck them all!

>they think I am in a cult and want to have an intervention now. (thanks vice)

2021 - ?


<Birthing a new world can be painful.

yup sir

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4073a6  No.10242902

> >>10242155, >>10242134 Lebanese Government Resigns-over Beirut Blast Health Minister-say

OK, kids, this is definitely a deep state op.

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4073a6  No.10242903


Fucking Instant Regime Change

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e11b7f  No.10242904


At least Q+ has been extremely busy!

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86c467  No.10242905


2004 WA Gov race.

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662e2e  No.10242906


it is like certain people are stretching this pandemic out for other reasons.

no city state bailouts coming.

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3917a2  No.10242907

File: d751ad5421041f6⋯.jpeg (26.89 KB, 255x244, 255:244, SChumer_wife_flintstone.jpeg)


My Fucking Pebble!


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688a6d  No.10242908


"manufacturing hell" says what?

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00bba2  No.10242909

>>10242900 Anything and everything the Hag says, has a nefarious intent. Fade her ass at every opportunity.

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e52028  No.10242910

File: 395266a3ae7aec0⋯.png (1.31 MB, 981x1016, 981:1016, 94908129087365485.png)

File: d6fc90989849896⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1528x852, 382:213, 98789213987596.png)

File: 007beaf954b83db⋯.png (1.31 MB, 981x1016, 981:1016, 65_2138_80354338.png)

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6d87c0  No.10242911


who benefits?

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195f56  No.10242912


[Snipers On the Roof Assassination Teams Have Been Caught Rehearsing for Use In America](https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/snipers-roof-assassination-teams-have-been-caught-rehearsing-use-america)

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3cf9d3  No.10242913

MASKS, EO’s, Government Bailouts, Full blown socialism policy, Mandatory Vaccines, Still no exposing of TRUTH. But Vote Trump 2020

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90d21f  No.10242914


This, 1000x

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17bb3a  No.10242915


During an interview on Good Morning America, Baldwin admitted that the voicemail left him suicidal and created a strain on his relationship with his daughter. According to People, Baldwin said, “It’s a scab that never heals cause it’s being picked at all the time by other people. My daughter, that’s hurt her in a permanent way.”

Baldwin said that his suicidal thoughts were “very serious” and he said, “I spoke to a lot of professionals, who helped me If I committed suicide, [Kim Basinger’s side] would have considered that a victory. Destroying me was their avowed goal.”

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63dbbb  No.10242916


Yeah it sucks. I would be long gone were it not for taking care of elderly family who just can't move at this point in their life. What you wrote is exactly how I see it as well, it sucks, and I have lost so much due to it that I will never get back, but I love America that much to the point that I understand if that is the strategy and understand that America's health supersedes my needs.

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91c0f8  No.10242917

File: 45e1535fde1e6b9⋯.jpg (38.68 KB, 395x400, 79:80, Big_Cup_of_Shut_The_Fuck_U….jpg)

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4073a6  No.10242918



- - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - -


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688a6d  No.10242919



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e52028  No.10242920

File: ddc54c9c3f283e3⋯.png (1.18 MB, 853x848, 853:848, 54871278699476465.png)

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76c052  No.10242921

File: 728a2b14935324f⋯.png (473.17 KB, 652x1200, 163:300, ClipboardImage.png)


Texting with the Obama's secretary.

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688a6d  No.10242922



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c3b1ef  No.10242923


>How long have they been there?

re-read the drops nigga

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0fb17f  No.10242924


What about a production studio? Black tie?

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4073a6  No.10242925

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297de5  No.10242926

File: 5be002380c85363⋯.png (58.03 KB, 725x372, 725:372, ClipboardImage.png)

We have narrowed the Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech, to be delivered on the final night of the Convention (Thursday), to two locations - The Great Battlefield of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and the White House, Washington, D.C. We will announce the decision soon!


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0c7a20  No.10242927


Lebanese PM steps down in wake of Beirut explosion, protests

BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon’s prime minister stepped down from his job on Monday in the wake of the disastrous Beirut port explosion that triggered public fury, saying he has come to the conclusion that corruption in Lebanon is “bigger than the state.”

In a brief televised speech after three of his ministers resigned, Prime Minister Hassan Diab said that he is taking “a step back” so he can stand with the people “and fight the battle for change alongside them.”

“I declare today the resignation of this government. May God protect Lebanon,” he said, repeating the last phrase three times.

The move risks opening the way to dragged-out negotiations over a new Cabinet amid urgent calls for reform. It follows a weekend of anti-government protests in the wake of the Aug. 4 explosion in Beirut’s port that decimated the facility and caused widespread destruction, killing at least 160 people and injured about 6,000 others.

The moment typified Lebanon’s political dilemma. Since October, there have been mass demonstrations demanding the departure of the entire sectarian-based leadership over entrenched corruption, incompetence and mismanagement.

Diab blamed corrupt politicians who preceded him for the “earthquake” that has hit Lebanon.

“They (political class) should have been ashamed of themselves because their corruption is what has led to this disaster that had been hidden for seven years,” he added.

“I have discovered that corruption is bigger than the state and that the state is paralyzed by this (ruling) clique and cannot confront if or get rid of it,” Diab, who was a university professor at the American University of Beirut before he took the job.

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128df1  No.10242928

File: b7683f7623c7a23⋯.jpeg (132.02 KB, 741x586, 741:586, 8A55EA01_F4ED_4FAE_B897_E….jpeg)

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9d0581  No.10242929


This is so fucking boring

Typical military "hurry up and wait"

This board has become a fucking ghost town.


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688a6d  No.10242930



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a1df62  No.10242931


Lebanon's history is long and complicated, but has lots of "diversity"…my point being that seeing light skinned people is not rare

Lebanon is made up of Muslim and Christian sects which escaped persecution throughout history by seeking shelter in its mountains. No one religion is dominant. The country has Muslim Shiites, Sunnis, Druzes and Christian Maronites, and Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox



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644104  No.10242932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e394d0  No.10242933


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4073a6  No.10242934


notable if not notable

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6d87c0  No.10242935


It's not you they are trying to affect. It's the newfags that will wander in since they are not working. They do not want our ranks to swell.

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688a6d  No.10242936



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26fe3c  No.10242937


If you are so observant, then why have you not noticed that this board is read by a large number of people who NEVER post, and that even those who do post turnover and change regularly. In other words, there are always new people here looking for Qlues about what is going on.

Some of us prefer to post many sources of info that we have found over the past 3 years. E. happens to be one of those sources.

Articles from Pubmed are another big source of info.

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cc850f  No.10242938

Kayleigh must be waiting for the next bread

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6d87c0  No.10242939


I like it!


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91c0f8  No.10242940

File: ccf45f9ff6d2c93⋯.gif (4.86 MB, 514x214, 257:107, STFU.gif)

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688a6d  No.10242941



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e5ceaa  No.10242942

File: e7c32f6f825b167⋯.webm (4.35 MB, 640x480, 4:3, groid3.webm)

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cc850f  No.10242943

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c6a20f  No.10242944

File: 2e1c500919372d1⋯.jpg (55.56 KB, 580x563, 580:563, In_God_We_Trust_580x563.jpg)

File: 0c37f91eec8f4fe⋯.png (302.36 KB, 466x395, 466:395, Stand_1.png)


One Nation Under God, not jews.

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e11b7f  No.10242945





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688a6d  No.10242946


is that walrusjew josh's new tranny name

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e52028  No.10242947

File: 71bad86c7c5317d⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1309x804, 1309:804, 5468892196453.png)

File: 8b415441040feab⋯.png (1.03 MB, 939x816, 313:272, 45119870199026394.png)

File: 71bad86c7c5317d⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1309x804, 1309:804, 5468892196453.png)

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5df141  No.10242948


looking back into the glass wut theory emerges:

ldr globalist satanic theory to destroy world wide, remember the breathing and thirst threats

planned pandemic release wus to occur in 2017, but they were art of war strategic and put if off to now, cus peach mints and assassination failed…, know thar negotiating for trillions the blewwith nuting to show but death, destruction, and dementia

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662e2e  No.10242949

File: 1c1c80f11d668e7⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)

saint bumblebee

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688a6d  No.10242950



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afe527  No.10242951

File: a4fe0b72a30c90e⋯.png (141.18 KB, 300x364, 75:91, natrothschild.png)

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76c052  No.10242952


At least in terms of the Presidential race, it doesn't really help them to use voter fraud in the solid blue states. (Though it certainly helps them fill House and Senate seats.)

They have to get their mail-in voter fraud working in the red and purple states.

We should be watching there.

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28fb5d  No.10242953


>>10242515, >>10242559, >>10242690 planefaggin


>>10242751 Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on criminal looting and destruction: "This has nothing to do with legitimate protected First Amendment expression." vid

>>10242749 Australia needs Trump to win the election because 'we cannot face China alone'

>>10242715 Barr: Media helped create 'doomsday scenario' for abuse of government power

>>10242651, >>10242850 Lebanon ‘hurtling towards implosion’ with ‘real risk’ it could spiral into bloodshed and become new Syria, expert warns

>>10242643, >>10242772 DEVELOPING: Multiple injuries and entrapments reported following explosion that leveled 3 homes in Baltimore, Maryland./rerun anyone?

>>10242622 @RT_com A gas filling station in #Volgograd was rocked by explosions, with locals reporting a series of blasts, several minutes apart.

>>10242603 MSM authors on Q

>>10242597 More evidence that Americans are fighting back

>>10242589 SEC Probing Loan Disclosure, Unusual Stock Trading Activity At Eastman Kodak

>>10242532, >>10242535 The Revolt Against Reason

>>10242527, >>10242767 Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing 1:00 PM EDT

>>10242513 Washington teens hailed as heroes for saving deputy's life

>>10242499 Dan Patrick reports Big Ten had internal vote & by 12-2 margin, league members opted on not having a fall football season

>>10242443 Pelosi: "China would prefer Joe Biden." vid

>>10242441 Kodak crashes as $765M loan for drug industry pivot put on hold

>>10242425 AG Barr rips mainstream media portrayal of unrest raging around America

>>10242408 Goldman, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Hit With The Fed's Highest Capital Requirements

>>10242404 Mount Sinabung on Indonesia's Sumatra island has erupted

>>10242399 Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is dropping felony cases involving charges of murder and other serious offenses at a higher rate than her predecessor

>>10242372, >>10242926 Potus twat w/caps

>>10242311 Portland Riots Continue Without Feds as Local Police Stand Down

>>10242294 AG Barr calls ANTIFA a 'new form of urban guerrilla warfare'

>>10242274, >>10242288 Killary: The Trump administration committed a "Friday night massacre" to reassign and fire dozens of key USPS postal employees and consolidate power around the Trump crony installed as its new head.

>>10242267 a reminder that Chuck Schumer used to complain about the overseas mail in vote issues.. with lots never being counted


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26fe3c  No.10242954


I am really curious about how you think an anonymous poster could possibly make any money?

Those who make money from Q are the great unwashed who read but never post.

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d02cf3  No.10242955

File: 8397ff04fa22ef4⋯.png (331.24 KB, 669x651, 223:217, pointlaffPepe.png)


kek nope

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b2ef28  No.10242956


I'm the real fake Q fuck off.


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688a6d  No.10242957



its the flesh farms driedel throwing us a gehy beast

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77412f  No.10242958

File: 1a654f15d554e8c⋯.png (73.7 KB, 917x540, 917:540, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07e1ad420a61790⋯.png (29.87 KB, 851x277, 851:277, ClipboardImage.png)

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b22d61  No.10242959


Not bad, anon. Can't pretend to be as autistic as (you) describe. But patterns tend to betray some anons anonymity. Writing style would be this anon's fingerprint. That, and I say fuck a lot.

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8e009b  No.10242960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill Maher had an interesting exchange with CNN commentator and Clinton adviser Paul Begala on Friday night, confronting him about his former boss Bill Clinton and the former president’s ties to deceased sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein.

“Now, Bill Clinton. People are saying that there are witnesses who saw him on Jeffrey Epstein’s sex island,” Maher began. “Obviously, it’s denied.” Begala, who served as a White House adviser during Clinton’s administration, shook his head in disapproval — but Maher doubled down.

Bill Maher insists ‘it’s possible’ that Bill Clinton, ‘a horny guy’, was on Epstein’s ‘sex island’ pic.twitter.com/LmnMORUFtf

— Boone Cutler 🗽🇺🇸 (@boonecutler) August 9, 2020

Bill Maher admits Bill Clinton could have gone to Epstein Island

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11c548  No.10242961

File: 4c9143d845fa77e⋯.jpg (9.29 KB, 255x198, 85:66, asdf25.jpg)

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ca7f1d  No.10242963

File: 780666f1077c87a⋯.png (1.22 MB, 738x960, 123:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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c2a6ba  No.10242964


she looks so good in yellow

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59b98d  No.10242965



Perhaps that's the right question. I've seen lots of folks submitting prayers and appeals to God, or whomever they worship, to get this world back on the right track (myself included, of course). What I've actually witnessed, though, is the efforts of people that were willing to put it all on the line to change the world for the better. I'm not sure what that says about God, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Buddha, or Allah, or "The Lord". To be fully honest, I really don't give a shit, either. Here's what I'm 100% absolutely certain about, though. If it weren't for the efforts of patriots and anons, the evil in this world would have persisted. There was nothing to stop it. There was nobody willing to do anything against it, and those that dared try are longer with us. Even now, patriots have lost their lives to wake this world to the truth.

It should be painfully obvious to people that the God of the OT nuked Sodom and Gomorrah, back then, for what's been going on all over the world for far longer – at least that's what those scrolls tell us. Whether He's operating under a different protocol since Jesus isn't for me to pontificate on, nor do I really care to. What I do know is it's up to us to fix it. That's why we're here, and in my opinion, that's what a "meaningful life" consists of; at least in this current time and place of our existence. Q was right, there is nothing more precious than our children.

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17bb3a  No.10242966



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91c0f8  No.10242967

File: c9482501f5cd080⋯.jpeg (36.41 KB, 400x345, 80:69, Yeah_STFU.jpeg)

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688a6d  No.10242968


pedo bigot pron

means your volcano needs therapy

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e52028  No.10242969

File: 7fe2c17dd8c2532⋯.png (399.42 KB, 922x808, 461:404, 173540752984599436.png)

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ddb2bc  No.10242970

File: cf0b63297248531⋯.png (692.37 KB, 969x516, 323:172, kayleigh.png)

File: a5f391d26394fcb⋯.jpeg (279.27 KB, 1800x1012, 450:253, kayleigh_conf_ns_goeshard.jpeg)

File: 2b600a6261c3afc⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, kayleighcantbstopped.png)

File: da875a9e30fe126⋯.png (552.64 KB, 683x512, 683:512, kayleighkillsdsclowns.png)

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e502a5  No.10242971

File: 4e65e20728b4a63⋯.jpg (606.55 KB, 1134x732, 189:122, High_5.jpg)



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6d87c0  No.10242973

File: 3beab82a965f762⋯.jpg (153.49 KB, 736x1116, 184:279, 1f90a9d51cf1eebe61e1c62316….jpg)


that narrows it down

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e11b7f  No.10242974

At least Fake Q™ is loyal to us. Kek.

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77412f  No.10242975


E's asshole is faggot

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e252d5  No.10242976

File: fa19975d3beb31d⋯.jpeg (415.44 KB, 1242x747, 138:83, B05CF303_3462_46DC_8E24_0….jpeg)


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76c052  No.10242977

File: a3d5ea8ea6a83b5⋯.png (80.28 KB, 448x715, 448:715, ClipboardImage.png)


>it is like certain people are stretching this pandemic out for other reasons.

Twitter has this headline permanently pinned to their trending highlights.

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2a97fe  No.10242978

File: e8afec9bedd60bc⋯.png (373.32 KB, 526x480, 263:240, WWG1WGA_2.png)

File: f74a3962b008ce1⋯.jpg (13 KB, 213x255, 71:85, Pepe_hugs_POTUS.jpg)


> I understand if that is the strategy and understand that America's health supersedes my needs.

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688a6d  No.10242979


it just means danalingus devil needs to get stapled to a tree to solve this paperclip mystery

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dd9be0  No.10242981


now do my utilities. kek.

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e52028  No.10242982

File: bb879b760449226⋯.png (722.57 KB, 972x718, 486:359, 9681230376115.png)

File: 57b16cdfaf14a0c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 939x816, 313:272, 65870_90182906843.png)

File: bb879b760449226⋯.png (722.57 KB, 972x718, 486:359, 9681230376115.png)

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8e009b  No.10242983


KEKEK…She's Seriously Skeeered..kekekeke

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000000  No.10242985


fuck off shady

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6d87c0  No.10242986

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05316c  No.10242987

File: 4464c34597430b0⋯.gif (9.07 MB, 242x185, 242:185, 20200810_112332.gif)


ok master of none.

ye just can't deal with the fact that

æı Am þhē ¹… снцкł.

<pong, indeed.

there was a world before internationalbluemæschine ye knœ.

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e52028  No.10242988

File: 870af1c6194995a⋯.png (1.72 MB, 969x948, 323:316, 989650001000376.png)

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71efb4  No.10242989


I heard Barr but see no action. The question remains, is the FBI/DOJ so corrupt, protecting the elite, that it is unfixable?

Right now, I see all those in the FBI/DOJ, State Department and Obama Administration getting off scot-free.

What has changed? Nothing, as a matter of fact our State of the Nation is collapsing far faster and far more dramatic than one could imagine.

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63dbbb  No.10242990


I agree but at the same time they just aren't intelligent to realize that newfags don't one day randomly stumble here and they come because someone in their lives has already convinced them through whatever means that person convinced them. So once they step in here they are already pretty much crossed over and the shills will do nothing to halt that since they can't stop person to person discussion in the real world. I would be willing to bet that nearly every single newfag here that has come in the last six or so months ether did so through word of mouth or interest gleamed from the media because they have themselves figured out what the media is and assume "if the media hates this then it must be important".

FBIAnon really opened the door and they haven't been able to stop it since. I see Q related content and posts everywhere now, it has spread way too far and will never be stoppered

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b22d61  No.10242991


Check the local classified section under Fags Wanted. wink-emoji

Correct about Paytriots.

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e502a5  No.10242993

File: 9ac308395d156c3⋯.jpg (689.47 KB, 830x870, 83:87, good_dog.jpg)


kys Torfag

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161188  No.10242994


"Them"? Who is "them"?

Jumblatt? Bassil? I can see that being "them", I guess.

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688a6d  No.10242995

>>10242978 lame duck validation farming quacks

on a seaorg boat of coCIAne

outsourcing click monkeys to china

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8e009b  No.10242997


>"manufacturing hell

KEK..turn OFF the TV ..kekekeke

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86099b  No.10242998


As opposed the the jackasses who throw out my mail from Trump? I have Informed Delivery. I KNOW what's supposed to arrive each day.

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17bb3a  No.10242999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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947edd  No.10243000

I'm the original fake Q after the second Q started posting, so bow down

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a9051c  No.10243001



A Christian Nation who welcomed muslims, who then destroyed the Christians. As ACT founder Bridget what it was like to live underground during her teen age years. Coming to the surface to collect what edibles they could find.

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90d21f  No.10243002


>It's not you they are trying to affect. It's the newfags that will wander in since they are not working. They do not want our ranks to swell.

Eye the Spy has used the same pattern over and over.

Claim to be an insider related to Q

Garner a HUGE following with the assistance of Twitter

Flip on Q and make some ridiculous bullshit claims and make Q followers look stupid.


>E. happens to be one of those sources.

Doubles down on the stupid

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688a6d  No.10243003


barr said he is ready to homo in the locker room with you and ale jonesingforhomo

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000000  No.10243004


only after your lodge livestreams their an hero

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e52028  No.10243005

File: fc2f5c93767f67d⋯.png (636.19 KB, 896x929, 896:929, 318754036243.png)

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7ac4fe  No.10243006

File: 9dbeec65c308b84⋯.png (124.6 KB, 568x789, 568:789, Screenshot_2020_08_10_15_J….png)


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86099b  No.10243007


They have BEAUTIFUL blue eyes, many of them.

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28fb5d  No.10243008

Fresh Kiss Ass





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e52028  No.10243009

File: 0d787e683669fc3⋯.png (347.21 KB, 982x883, 982:883, 547890064568.png)

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5df141  No.10243010


maher boi hanx luver threw his red shoes in in front of the racing freight train along with hilldawg and billie boi clinton

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195f56  No.10243011

File: b3240a89e9b26f1⋯.jpg (37.09 KB, 580x499, 580:499, Trump_Masks_017_0942598234….JPG)


On Trump's watch. Trust God's plan.

[Social Media Imposing Modern-Day ‘Hays Code’ On Political Speech](https://www.zerohedge.com/political/social-media-imposing-modern-day-hays-code-political-speech)

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11c548  No.10243012

File: 246bc1ed6e3c3eb⋯.jpg (93.37 KB, 760x564, 190:141, dafds11.jpg)

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688a6d  No.10243013


buell is a harley davidson for homos

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b2ef28  No.10243014

File: 6f7936d29764c8f⋯.jpg (12.17 KB, 184x184, 1:1, cokefaggg.jpg)

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e502a5  No.10243015

File: 5b92e87dc6efa99⋯.jpg (459.59 KB, 654x914, 327:457, Eat_a_black_dick.jpg)



I'm not who you think I am.

Dumb cunt.

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