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File: edcabc463f4c988⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 0a011620c7813bab4943211e6a….jpg)

3a2bd7  No.10062275[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.23.2020

>>10058962 ————————————–—— Catherine Herridge on FBI doc declas (Cap: >>10058986)

Wednesday 07.22.2020

>>10045084 ————————————–—— Next: more 'act of violence' frame-ups, #2 attacked topic [#1 POTUS] INFILTRATION NOT INVASION.

>>10044656 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE Q#4509

Monday 07.20.2020

>>10017824 rt >>10017535 ———————— General Flynn meme: A Real American Hero

Sunday 07.19.2020

>>10017199 ————————————–—— Anons take note. You have a rival (Cap: >>10017474)

>>10016912 ————————————–—— Acknowledged. God Bless America.

>>10016468 ————————————–—— *** Are you ready to serve once again?

>>10016309 rt >>10016299 ———————— Red X over photo of Wray

>>10016273 ————————————–—— Photo of WRAY

>>10015906 ————————————–—— Batten down the hatches

>>10015756 ————————————–—— ren·e·gade

>>10015372 ————————————–—— "Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint (Cap: >>10015638)

>>10015079 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015116)

>>10015028 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015087)

>>10011517 ————————————–—— [8.19.2018] August

>>10011231 ————————————–—— Follow for days ahead [DECLAS]. [note the pen]

>>10010219 rt >>10010141 ———————— Zero Delta

>>10009912 rt >>10009900 ———————— Mark Meadows on Spygate: "It's All Starting to Unravel" Video

>>10009902 ————————————–—— THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP. (CAP: >>10009935)

>>10009877 ————————————–—— Meadows signals imminent indictments in Durham probe (CAP: >>10009887)

Saturday 07.18.2020

>>10000273 ————————————–—— UNITY NOT DIVISION (Cap: >>10000310)


>>9999653 ————————————–——– 5:5? (Cap: >>9999740)

>>9999604 ————————————–——– At what point does it become painfully obvious? (Cap: >>10000633)

>>9996420 ————————————–——– Cap of prev Q and link to NY Post article: Epstein was a puppet (Cap: >>9996455, text: >>9996339)

>>9996171 ————————————–——– Do not give up the citizen investigation (Disney child trafficking references in plain sight) (Cap: >>9996184)

Fri 07.1.2020 >>10017993

Thu 07.02.2020 >>9967719

Wed 07.01.2020 >>9967734

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Questions & Practice Thread: >>9901078

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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3a2bd7  No.10062285

Global Announcements

None at this time.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10061601 Harvard Center Hypes Chinese Communist Party Popularity While Receiving MILLIONS From Chinese Govt and CCP-Linked Companies

>>10061602, >>10061678, >>10061743 Planefaggin'

>>10061666 MA DPH COVID Report

>>10061812 China's Foreign Ministry orders US to close consulate in Chengdu

>>10061865 Boat Fags Get It Wet

>>10061907 There's a Storm Brewing in DC

>>10061718, >>10061757 Vid: what the masks are really about (compliance, dehumanization, fear)

>>10062046 (OP-ED I disagree with) The Federal Coup to Overthrow the States and Nix the 10th Amendment Is Underway

>>10062099 (Graphs) Real Clear Politics Betting Odds on Election 2016 vs 2020

>>10062113 Massive' protest erupted outside of Chicago mayor's home

>>10062128, >>10062165, >>10062217, >>10062234, >>10062239 US-Russia arms control cooperation makes the world safer, says Pompeo(Revisiting for anon) Convicted Terrorist Susan Rosenberg Raising Funds for “Marxist” Black Lives Matter

>>10062239 US-Russia arms control cooperation makes the world safer, says Pompeo

>>10062260 #12877


>>10060789 Omar Montoya to FBI James Comey, "You and the FBI Ruined Our Lives"

>>10060805 Sara Carter Hearing More About Barr/Durham Investigations Moving Forward

>>10060822 Tucker Carlson: "The Pentagon has been conducting classified hearings on UFOs for more than a decade, we know very little about what they found. But apparently just recovered are off world vehicles not made on this earth."

>>10060825 China Admits Three Gorges Dam 'Deformed' by Flood

>>10060827 Controversial Conservative UNC-Wilmington Professor Found Dead

>>10060896 U.S. District Judge Michael Simon issued a temporary restraining order on Thursday blocking federal agents in Portland

>>10060912, >>10061014 Mayor Lori Lightfoot planning to remove Christopher Columbus statue from Chicago’s Grant Park

>>10060931 POTUS Schedule for FRIDAY, July 24, 2020

>>10060935 Tanzania's former president Benjamin Mkapa dies, presidency says

>>10060958 Major Marker from POTUS +++

>>10061088 Bill Gates, World Bank Helped Build Global Digital ID Structure Before Pandemic

>>10061092 Parole recommended for Manson follower Leslie Van Houten

>>10061093 Portland Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty apologized for claiming police are sending 'saboteurs'

>>10061094 Bill Binney, Intelligence Experts Ask President Trump to Demand Sunlight from FBI and Intel Community on Russia Collusion and Other Cover Ups Like the Seth Rich Investigation

>>10061163 (Video) Bill Binney Press Conference

>>10061200 Chicago BLM Activists Go to Court To Avoid Portland Style Federal Response to Protests

>>10061267 Clinton Campaign Chief John Podesta's Interest In UFOs is Out of This World

>>10061292 (OP-ED) Secretary of State Pompeo Signals Historic Shift in U.S.-China Relations

>>10061383 Ghislaine Maxwell Fails to Block Release of Documents Obtain Gag Order US Court Rulings

>>10061460 #12876


>>10059992, >>10059801 (lb) The Federal agents are doing an outstanding job in Portland Oregon.

>>10060008 Charlamagne says Biden should 'shut the eff up forever' after calling Trump 'first' racist POTUS

>>10060045 Greenblatt: U.S. wants Israel to earmark land for future Palestinian state

>>10060061 Bill Gates warns multiple coronavirus vaccine doses likely to be needed and schools should stay closed for another YEAR

>>10060062 Report: Portland Rioters Barricaded Federal Agents in Courthouse, Tried to Burn it Down

>>10060085 Russia and China likely to build joint Moon base - Roscosmos chief

>>10060106 President Donald J. Trump Is Working to Give Students and Parents Flexibility and Schools the Support They Need to Reopen This Fall

>>10059963 Oregon says ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

>>10060178 Trump cancels RNC in Jacksonville: ‘The timing of the event is not right’

>>10060182 Prince Andrew told ‘be very concerned’ after Ghislaine Maxwell loses legal bid to keep sex secret court docs sealed

>>10060203 Pentagon approves $634 million modernization program for #Chile's F-16 fleet

>>10060247 Plane Fag Updates

>>10060360 Pentagon's U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public


>>10060107, >>10060127, >>10060146, >>10060195, >>10060494 POTUS keeps mentioning "Sandman" today: Sandman/Operation Sandman digs

>>10060458 US to discuss Russia's recent space test during Vienna talks next week, arms control envoy says

>>10060604 POTUS says +++ on Hannity [EYES OPEN] Sleepy Heads

>>10060674 #12875

Previously Collected Notables

>>10059909 #12874,

>>10057623 #12871, >>10058390 #12872, >>10059158 #12873

>>10055302 #12868, >>10056058 #12869, >>10056894 #12870

>>10053042 #12865, >>10053799 #12866, >>10054518 #12867

>>10052218 #12864, >>10052173 #12863, >>10052218 #12864

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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3a2bd7  No.10062286

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

International Q Research Threads

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France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #3 >>9941341

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

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3a2bd7  No.10062289

QPosts Archives

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MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

PUT memes in Memes59 >>9786152 for warehousing

GET from Meme Warehouse https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA

Current trending folders:

* COVID KnowinglyGovernors sent COVID to nursing homes to increase death count, prolong epidemic, justify social controls to derail election


* Hydroxychloroquine–HCQPotential therapy/prophylactic. Make it available OTC.


* Kung FluChina Coronavirus, COVID-19, Gates, social control by pandemic, mass vaccination…


* DisneygateTheir pedo connections


* China CCP - Chinese Communist Party – its nefarious intentions and evil deeds (not directed at the Chinese people but at the Marxist-Lenninist leadership)


Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #24 >>>/comms/20544

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/

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3a2bd7  No.10062299

File: 81999927d356170⋯.jpg (93.29 KB, 701x643, 701:643, 81999927d356170746bf8dd9d4….jpg)



Baker Requesting Hand Off

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1cefff  No.10062301


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c9dd10  No.10062307

Anon finds pedo search code word.

Tread careful, on tor preferably. I aint googling this shit. Please somebody report to the 3 letter agency if legit.


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0b7440  No.10062320

Live PortlandAndy


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c6367d  No.10062323


>Anon finds pedo search code word.

>Tread careful, on tor preferably. I aint googling this shit. Please somebody report to the 3 letter agency if legit.


In the twat thread

Replying to




"Atilol" is "Lolita" backwards….it is disgusting and I'm sure they think they're being clever

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f5383b  No.10062324

File: bb5b6f13899a203⋯.jpg (309.7 KB, 1080x1199, 1080:1199, 20200724_010011.jpg)


Checks out. Be careful with this one- looks bad

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0b7440  No.10062325

File: 3ecf33e67704797⋯.jpeg (37.58 KB, 500x500, 1:1, download_2020_07_24T00411….jpeg)

File: 1546b93d3daafe2⋯.jpeg (66.03 KB, 500x500, 1:1, download_2020_07_24T00192….jpeg)

File: b3ded5ef3e7ced5⋯.jpeg (169.77 KB, 1230x820, 3:2, download_2020_07_23T12400….jpeg)

File: f84f88708f1e439⋯.jpeg (24.04 KB, 450x276, 75:46, download_2020_07_23T21173….jpeg)

File: e9b8d50cb9f672b⋯.jpeg (341.86 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, download_2020_07_23T13353….jpeg)

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1cefff  No.10062328


Think mirror.


What more?

Pizza = Azzip

Walnut = Tunlaw

Hotdog = Godtoh

Cheese = Eseehc

Pasta = Atsap

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d54e06  No.10062331


>"Atilol" is "Lolita" backwards

There's also Lolli in there.

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c9dd10  No.10062333


yep i was thinking the same thing

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ab5d66  No.10062334

File: 0fb9624938cdb12⋯.jpg (56.5 KB, 888x500, 222:125, rosenbergterrorist.jpg)

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c6367d  No.10062335


>Think mirror.


>What more?

>Pizza = Azzip

>Walnut = Tunlaw

>Hotdog = Godtoh

>Cheese = Eseehc

>Pasta = Atsap


THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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337366  No.10062339

File: 341f8314c9f4e07⋯.png (108.29 KB, 598x505, 598:505, Annotation_2020_07_24_0201….png)

TODAY Twitter started blocking/preventing the posting of reference links to databases containing Q posts. So far I've confirmed these two are being blocked:



These sites offer new-anons and non-anons ability to see the whole collection, and decide for themselves.


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adf081  No.10062340

File: de86fd2ad6dc44e⋯.png (550.04 KB, 1366x728, 683:364, buying_time.png)

buying time as they shut off channels that are degraded.

more stress on other channels.

this will all give away and collapse.

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808f48  No.10062343

File: de5d282a6d4e6f3⋯.jpeg (184.88 KB, 1180x842, 590:421, de5d282a6d4e6f3ae321af23e….jpeg)

File: e7cc244ee425742⋯.gif (5.82 MB, 720x540, 4:3, e7cc244ee42574244687b70344….gif)

File: 80b519e8bd5b63c⋯.png (380.65 KB, 455x651, 65:93, 80b519e8bd5b63c658c0469b2a….png)


Thanks baker.

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c9dd10  No.10062345


loli = ilol

lolli = illol

lolly = yllol

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e8fbeb  No.10062346

File: 273aed9688f01f1⋯.png (99.38 KB, 272x639, 272:639, Amy_Barrett.PNG)

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a846e8  No.10062348

File: 7ddfd40aa4c1115⋯.jpeg (8.22 KB, 171x255, 57:85, 7ddfd40aa4c111510066664fe….jpeg)


Sounds expensive

rope is cheaper.

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dda722  No.10062350



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8f3f29  No.10062352

File: 1989d19fc9832b8⋯.png (725.43 KB, 624x800, 39:50, NSRedXs.png)

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180b62  No.10062353


Put the urls in an image.

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ba301e  No.10062354

File: 5d36a82732c9e96⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1432x817, 1432:817, watchwater_23_07_34_717_2.png)

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808f48  No.10062355


From your mouth to God's ears I hope so.

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180b62  No.10062356


Hmmm, are the floodgates opening?

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ba301e  No.10062357

File: 3c87ab2742dd78f⋯.jpg (52.85 KB, 680x602, 340:301, gameoverpepe.jpg)


XXX Game Over

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d54e06  No.10062358


Really? Where were you the last few days with lolliAnon?

Do you not know what it symbolizes? Anagrams need not apply.

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8c25f8  No.10062359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>In Search Of Sunrise 7 Asia Pt. 2

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ba301e  No.10062360

File: 556a794c3acb842⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 550x551, 550:551, waterfall.jpg)

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f8f1bf  No.10062361



Probably Correct

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24cdf6  No.10062362

>>10061868 (pb) Regarding the “E” larp

I’ve got it on good sources that there will be an alien invasion tomorrow

Need to get the word out, if we tell enough people, they won’t invade

>see how that works?

The only way for him to be verified as knowing something is if a child dies. Pretty shitty thing to be using to try and prove their legit.

Hey! If this terrible thing doesn’t happen, you can thank me!

Fuck outta here with that bullshit.

And if a child does die, then why would you not be pissed that they didn’t report it to the police in whatever area? If they knew it was going to happen and did nothing to stop it but post on twitter, then they are just as guilty as the conspirators and murderer.

Shitty larp all around.

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a41789  No.10062363


Indictments are imminent.

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9728e6  No.10062364

File: 990c0b163d19e78⋯.png (773.23 KB, 1140x498, 190:83, oppressed.png)

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71c547  No.10062365



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0b7440  No.10062366

File: 19f294461f3499e⋯.jpeg (12.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, download_2020_07_23T20173….jpeg)

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ba301e  No.10062367

File: bf90953cef70fd8⋯.jpg (60.86 KB, 750x375, 2:1, nancykneel.jpg)

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8c25f8  No.10062368

File: 0cf0971938c8613⋯.png (3.76 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 3gorge.png)

File: 1cc352dc745d419⋯.png (2.74 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 3gd_ariel_satellite.png)

File: 49e1dea962cf8e4⋯.png (5.16 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 3gd_evacuate_.png)

Here is a share of the yesterday and today. >>10062340

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4f042f  No.10062369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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808f48  No.10062370

File: c28f7d5aa9383dd⋯.jpeg (239.67 KB, 1125x900, 5:4, c28f7d5aa9383dd697304a571….jpeg)

File: 58a852d09a0e3eb⋯.jpg (223.62 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 58a852d09a0e3eb162c47e67c6….jpg)


E, steinfart, same shit different sandwich. Well stated anon.

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8c25f8  No.10062371

File: 79d28764fc4d50f⋯.png (5.04 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 3gd_Question.png)

File: 318ce88af064bba⋯.png (4.27 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 3GD.png)

File: 958165baed34a39⋯.png (2.79 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 3GDBSWork.png)

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8c25f8  No.10062372

File: cba125b96fb3b46⋯.png (5.59 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, EVACDACRANEFUCKERS3GD.png)

Current Most Recent

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f8f1bf  No.10062373


Aliens invasions are down to new low because of the Wall.

Grey Aliens?


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a41789  No.10062374

File: 2f146e34052c760⋯.jpeg (483.91 KB, 651x655, 651:655, 229E1189_6760_4660_B74A_7….jpeg)

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8c25f8  No.10062375

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fce7bd  No.10062376


Kneeling and scarfs. Symbols. Rituals. Black magic.

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15c344  No.10062377

File: 2b44506882cc86f⋯.png (700.09 KB, 514x708, 257:354, 2b44506882cc86f256630ddb34….png)


Awesome Anon!!



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180b62  No.10062378


Well, if they do invade, just make sure they are wearing their masks so the leftists don't get mad.

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f8f1bf  No.10062379



Take our your Teeth

Your at the right height now.


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49776b  No.10062380


Well, Made in China so..

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8f3f29  No.10062381

Anon gonna hafto cut my own hair. Again.

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b8cfac  No.10062382

File: 0a182dd7bd7f2ee⋯.mp4 (5.42 MB, 402x720, 67:120, s9dNYfl2bGFu4q8e.mp4)

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dfb3fa  No.10062384

File: e312504e009a4a4⋯.png (466.37 KB, 554x435, 554:435, wellwishes.png)

File: 581280a1dc53853⋯.jpg (110 KB, 669x351, 223:117, aa5d8e4a4e3a50f0d85dc4e6b8….jpg)

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4e7060  No.10062385

File: 699f13cf9cad1a4⋯.jpg (400.1 KB, 876x1110, 146:185, Hemp_for_Victory.jpg)


What date was it when Trump legalized Hemp?

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9728e6  No.10062386

File: 9889546993de287⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1140x792, 95:66, oppressed2.png)

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422e1c  No.10062387

File: 1652564cc275eaa⋯.png (222.75 KB, 595x607, 595:607, ClipboardImage.png)


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dda722  No.10062388



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000000  No.10062389



300'ish USD for a shitty chair named atilol?

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e905e7  No.10062390

Sportsball gets TONS of money from cable tv. Cut your cable. You'll save money too.

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5c6f7c  No.10062391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Even Lefty Journos like Michael Tracy get attacked in Portland

37 min mark

Live from Portland protest (notlive anymore)

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e8b01b  No.10062392

File: c6a5ea931766302⋯.png (523.7 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, BAGA_Q_Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker. You did gud.

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e646bc  No.10062393


China no like the Orange Man?

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974729  No.10062394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"You bring this network's ratings down, Flavius, and we'll do a special on you!"

- Master of the Games, as Flavius is whipped


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4087b3  No.10062395

File: a5b7da7d3ba3fdc⋯.jpg (31.17 KB, 273x405, 91:135, igfomm.JPG)

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8f3f29  No.10062396

File: 87d3b2ae6c4aa57⋯.png (247.18 KB, 320x318, 160:159, ClipboardImage.png)

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15c344  No.10062397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Time for ALL babylonian Bread & Circuses to GO

Enough is Enough of this GARBAGE!!


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3a2bd7  No.10062398


Thanks. I been trying better.

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a41789  No.10062399


Tommy killed Michael

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808f48  No.10062400

File: 79081c87eb58476⋯.png (574.98 KB, 550x550, 1:1, fasttimesatgitmohigh.png)

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a41789  No.10062401


Ty meme masher.

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bdc99d  No.10062402






It is up to you to spread the word.

There is a Deep State plan to kill a small child during

Operation Legend, triggering massive chaos.

Using one federal agent and one gun to bring Trump down.

Be Loud.






What did I tell you about the narrative being fashioned and the plans at hand re: Op Legend?

WHY does that matter?

If the information is public before it happens, does that affect the narrative? Is it harder to lie to people if someone raises a red flag about a false flag?

⭐Common⭐ Scents⭐


· 6h

Replying to @ETheFriend

Portland's going to explode tonight . . .


Just saw the video of young toddlers walking into the protests . . .




Jul 22

I don't like bringing you dour news.

I do it because you have a right to know things, good or bad.




Jul 22

Just because I can relay to you the plans of the enemy does not mean I can change them anymore than you knowing the alphabet lets you change it.

Sometimes, informing people is the best we can do.




Jul 22

Let me clarify why Op. Legend goes south.

Trump is not an army & Trump is not the actions of the troops being deployed.

When I tell you it ends badly, I promise you, it does.


It has nothing to do with Trump.

It has everything to do with one gun being fired at the wrong moment.




Jul 22

People dislike the truth.

They much prefer to have their own thoughts repeated back at them.

This has never swayed me in the slightest.




Jul 22

Listen to me,

Operation Legend ends badly.


It begins with a child,

and it ends with a mob.

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c42065  No.10062403


This is what we define in the business as full retard.

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0b7440  No.10062404

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9b1f81  No.10062405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sometimes we all need a break. Enjoy this montage of Mars. I wonder how long it took them to edit out the Ayylmao structures and ships?

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e4a157  No.10062406


nice fear porn, faggu

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bdc99d  No.10062407


this just makes it more certain ETheFriend is not fraud -thanks!

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902cf9  No.10062408



Are you guys really too bad of researcher or just too dumb to know who E is.

It is known who E is.

Stop being stupid fuckers and take some time to research.

You call this a research board but you some of you couldn't even research your own family history.

The real name starts with E you retards do some research and quit bitchin

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bdc99d  No.10062409


Gunna spread the word anyway, just so the light is on bright. NFG

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3a2bd7  No.10062410


You have no idea.

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ab5d66  No.10062411

'You know we outnumber them. We could rush them.'

-Portland Terrorist

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0b7440  No.10062412


New Mexico had none.

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bdc99d  No.10062413


me thinks thou doth protest too much

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dbb1ee  No.10062414

I have a feeling that this is the week that Q finally gets his first victory. It's about time the deep state finally faces a few counter punches because up until now, Q and Trump have both gotten their fucking asses beat for three years straight. Seriously, the Democrats are laughing their asses off right now. Time to finally get off the bench and do something for once. Let's go.

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e905e7  No.10062415


Young enough for SCOTUS, already confirmed recently, so…

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8f3f29  No.10062416


Wake the fuck up faggot. Kids have been getting killed all along in this shit show. Where the fuck have you been?

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e905e7  No.10062417


Better check to see if she was part of a hard-partying rape gang during high school though.

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bdc99d  No.10062418

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8c25f8  No.10062419

File: 07b8cb9d0d256bb⋯.png (438.98 KB, 496x505, 496:505, Dam_HorySheit.png)

File: a4286deb6dcc0ae⋯.jpeg (8.01 KB, 255x147, 85:49, Dam_Sun_Da_Phuc.jpeg)

Ho Ree Sheeit.

China orders closure of US consulate in Chengdu following Washington’s demand to shut Chinese outpost in Houston

On Thursday, China ordered the United States to close its consulate in Chengdu, located in the southwestern province of Sichuan, following Washington D.C's demands to shut down China's Consulate General in Houston earlier in the week. A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson described the action as a "legitimate and necessary response" to US provocation. Hours earlier, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo outlined the Trump administration's assertive stance on China, as trade and diplomatic tensions rise between the two nations.

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0b7440  No.10062420


it is known


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e905e7  No.10062421


A gun moll is the best kind of moll.

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808f48  No.10062422

File: 0d61a7889dcbb6f⋯.png (331.43 KB, 604x747, 604:747, 0d61a7889dcbb6fca88eedf6c7….png)

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e4a157  No.10062423

File: 1821aa3240cb6c0⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 480x640, 3:4, a4d3cbf38a125842c19d237839….jpg)

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e905e7  No.10062424


Hi Ben Fulford.

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c42065  No.10062425


Its interesting …. the us gov has determined the app is a threat. Past news cycle all I saw were stories about younger voices using the app is very good communication tool. Several articles talking about this….. they even went as far as to say its a Chinese business run in America by an American CEO. Nver mentioning once the company is owned by the Chinese government. I the media is just making shit up now.

Fake as fuck. Its a crime to knowingly lie to the American public. Q make sure they are all held accountable. NO FUCKING DEALS. Tired of this shit.

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180b62  No.10062426


E pluribus unum.

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d81580  No.10062427

File: ecdb87d252062ed⋯.jpg (64.54 KB, 995x292, 995:292, 12ser465t780kjmngtfgh6e.jpg)

Combined with the OIG Report, Recent De-class Proves Briefing was a Set-Up

Q Drop 4613 Dig

In one of the documents declassified and released on Wednesday, FBI supervisory Special Agent Joe Pientka wrote that he deliberately used the briefing to “actively listen for topics or questions” from Trump “regarding the Russian Federation.” Rather than provide the Trump campaign a specific warning that certain campaign principals were being targeted by Russian intelligence, the FBI instead gave a general, non-specific warning that foreign intelligence services might eventually target the campaign.

1 hour and 34 minutes of Entrapment?

Pientka’s notes on the meeting stated that it lasted for two hours, beginning at 3:55 p.m. and ending at 5:51 p.m. While Pientka spent only 13 minutes of the two-hour meeting warning Trump, Flynn, and Christie of foreign intelligence threats, he lamented in his notes that other intelligence officials didn’t have enough time to get through their material.

Pientka was Excoriated, (You’re a Bad Bad Boy!)

Pientka told the OIG that he was selected to attend on behalf of the FBI so he could “record” or “overhear” from Trump, Flynn, or Christie “any kind of admission” that they were colluding with the Russian government to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. Pientka also added that he wanted to get a baseline impression of Flynn’s “overall mannerisms” in case he needed to later use that information against him.


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8c25f8  No.10062428



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316f1c  No.10062429

File: 477ae5c98924aea⋯.png (466.77 KB, 629x355, 629:355, ClipboardImage.png)

New numbers for National Lawyer's Guild :)

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8f3f29  No.10062430

File: 00afcc40e398c92⋯.png (670.94 KB, 900x683, 900:683, ClipboardImage.png)

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eaa476  No.10062431


Why is he even out in public? This is all for a LARP

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180b62  No.10062432


Sorry, meant for >>10062408

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a41789  No.10062434


This now makes it seem like he IS a fraud.

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e905e7  No.10062435


These old 60s leftover demoncrats have started dying off, e.g., the Milk Dud Twins. Moar.

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b054f5  No.10062436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Alright, new rule…

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902cf9  No.10062437



So I take that as a "Yes". that you guys are just poor researchers.

To retarded to look for things for yourself.


Confirmed retarded

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180b62  No.10062438


Cleaning that Thompson. Must be a G man.

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a025a1  No.10062439

Has Q confirmed that most of the [COMMS] that happen on this board are in the form of muhjoos spam and christian holocausters?

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fe4f59  No.10062440

The Jew hate posts are Chinese bots.

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cde01a  No.10062441

File: 6fc39d41309fc92⋯.png (705.99 KB, 2100x1275, 28:17, FakeCovid.png)

comparing covid death numbers in us to other countries. interesting difference. added question to turn it into a meme. let me know what you think.

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11459a  No.10062442

File: 2cac7fd8e2a340c⋯.png (189.7 KB, 751x729, 751:729, Enter_The_Sandman_Metallic….png)

File: 727e269766b9172⋯.jpeg (30.19 KB, 678x381, 226:127, Fauci.jpeg)

File: bea624e1b8a25ae⋯.png (383.16 KB, 910x631, 910:631, The_Evil_Sandman.png)

File: 70f164cc2358757⋯.jpg (94.72 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Fauci_Cannot_Pitch_to_Save….jpg)

File: 5efe7221bbdbe70⋯.png (314.4 KB, 591x456, 197:152, POTUS_the_REAL_Sandman.png)

Enter The EVIL Sandman: Fauci Flops Onto The Field of Play

(think mirror of POTUS' day w/ the REAL & GOOD Sandman)

Start Soundtrack Now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gd4SG8I6GiQ

Fauci's NIAID Tested AIDS Drugs on Hundreds of Vulnerable Foster Children > 10 Died in Higher-Than-Expected, Unexplained Death Toll

Excerpt from 2005 NPR  interview w/ whistle-blower Dr. Jonathon Fishbein, headof research operations in the Division of AIDS at the NIH:

"National Institutes of Health researchers tested AIDS drugs on hundreds of foster children in the late 1980s & '90s. In many instances, the drugs were given without independent advocates, who monitor the safety of these children. 

Dr. FISHBEIN: Well, the similarity is that the rights of a vulnerable population were denied, and this population, foster children, were denied the right of an independent advocate who looked out for their best interests. That's where the similarity is with this…  "

https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4669470 (not in qresear.ch) 

Cross Ref w/ NIH 2009 Research Report:

"In 2005, allegations arose that hundreds of children in foster care and state institutions were improperly enrolled in HIV drug trials in the late 1980s and early 1990s.(1) A watchdog group claimed that, “The most vulnerable, disadvantaged children are being exploited by powerful entities and used as guinea pigs as if they were not human beings… Children in general are considered vulnerable research subjects.  Enrolling wards of the state in research raises two major concerns: the possibility that an unfair share of the burdens of research might fall on wards, and the need to ensure interests of individual wards are accounted for. "

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2201985/ (not in qresear.ch)  

Mohr Data Points from J. Solomon's recent article: 

"An investigation concluded the NIAID's AIDS research division that reported to Fauci had failed in many cases to provide patient advocates to monitor the foster kids' health as promised, and in some cases, as required by law. 

–At least 10 children in a pediatric AIDS drug study died in what an investigation concluded was a death toll "significantly higher" than expected and unexplained. 

 –Though some test participants died during the studies, authorities later said -none of the deaths could be linked to the tested medicines themselves.-

 – During a trial involving the drug dapsone, at least 10 children died . An unexpected finding in the study was that overall mortality while receiving the study drug was significantly higher in the daily dapsone group,' researchers said at the time. This finding remains unexplained. Several of the studies were sponsored by NIAID, a sub-institute of the NIH, which Fauci began directing in 1984 and was directing at the time of the studies.


– Investigations found the children were very often denied a personal health advocate during the course of their trials… Sumeeta Varma and David Wendle, concluded in a January 2008 article the agency did not have adequate protections for vulnerable foster children 

– NIH Division of AIDS research in Uganda : an independent assessment of the NIH's Division of AIDS research in Uganda concluded that NIH officials were suffering from “significant problems in the grading and reporting of adverse events." The analysis also discovered "the possibility that several deaths that occurred during the study" went unreported. "

POTUS w/ the REAL Sandman today:


Wiki Demonic Paradise Sandman: https://the-demonic-paradise.fandom.com/wiki/Sandman  

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e4a157  No.10062443

File: 64b87d6671c98f2⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB, 194x259, 194:259, download_3_.jpeg)

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bdc99d  No.10062444


the joint is full of em

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8c25f8  No.10062445


>Well, Made in China so..

Bet that drew em right to you.

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829073  No.10062447

File: ad69af179729930⋯.jpeg (46.92 KB, 590x481, 590:481, 18564A0B_AFC3_4959_9DD2_C….jpeg)

File: 32c4419855ed4eb⋯.gif (326.31 KB, 220x206, 110:103, 601550FC_C839_44F5_8E7A_63….gif)

File: ac6194c5a908ef9⋯.png (649.79 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 005FE9BE_2122_49A9_93E8_1D….png)

File: 8994649082e33cf⋯.jpeg (242.86 KB, 545x1136, 545:1136, E7341D72_6A9E_4739_AFCC_2….jpeg)

File: 1d5816926205eab⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1359x622, 1359:622, E17E9E19_0327_4A5C_93EF_D8….png)

Hello Anons,

An update on our dig on the NSA_Traf_CAM-ROT1 piic Q posted.

Finding out new things.

Did you know that it is IMPOSSIBLE for a Waning Gibbous Moon to appear anywhere else but in the Southeastern night sky at midnight?

What a coincidence? That moon in our Q pic is a Waning Gibbous Moon. Can you guess in which part of the night sky Q caught it in?

Mightn't that be useful to determine the time of day our picture was taken?

And that Waning Gibbous moon. Could that be useful? How many times a year do those occur? Twelve? What if we only need to search during the Winter of 2013/2014?

But what happened to 2015/2016? After all, Q did tag that anon's post where an anon said the London Traffic Cam was Lisa and Peter, right? And everyone thought those pics were from 2015/2016? Well they are not. A bicycle in the ROT1 pic was identified as a "Boris Bike" rental. We did away with those in April of 2014. And then there is the traffic bollard seen in the Corinthia Hotel pics. A terrible and tragic accident occurred when a motorcyclist lost control and struck the very solid traffic sign in front of the Corinthian Hotel on March 5, 2014. A memorial with flowers adorned the site before and after the city decided to remove that sign and replace it with a safer, collapsible sign.

And here we are, looking now at the Winter of 2013/2014. The same year the Christmas Winter Wonderland pics were taken. And the same Winter the Piccadilly Circus/Red bus pics were taken. So here we are, looking at a day or so within each of 5 months during the Winter of 2013/2014.

The Waning Gibbous Moon usually occurs at a bearing of around 135 degrees in the night sky at midnight.

Picture in your mind a circle. The bottom of the circle is North and represents 0 (zero) degrees. East is on the left of tge circle at 90 degrees. SouthEast is at 135 degrees.

South is 180 degrees.

For later discussion about tides- this is why we seem to be seeing a high tide correlation in the wee hours around 3ish when the Moon reaches its peak height in the sky at due South (aka the Meridian).

We are seeing a high tide in the LisaMI6 around 6 meters but on its way higher. A rising tide.

Now a high tide should be be expected to coincide with the Moon at its highest (aka- at the Meridian), right? Open source stats are consistently putting high tides we are looking at in our target dates as occurring close to 3 hours after the SE 12am-ish position of the Waning Gibbous moon.

What we are seeing is agreement with open source data. From appearances, it is starting to look like our ROT1 pic is indeed after business hours for the restaurant ships, and either a weekday or Sunday, but not on a Friday or a Saturday.

Oh, those target dates for Waning Gibbous moon. We are going to do a bracket search, before and after the following dates: 10/21/13, 11/21/13, 12/20/13, 1/20/14 and 2/18/14. Any science-minded anons who want to join in the conversation, do drop in and show us what you've got over in the UK thread. Godspeed, Anons. WWG1WGA

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e905e7  No.10062448


The auntie fags only outnumber the police they can see. The police have radios.

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902cf9  No.10062449

File: 534766e92e0a4d1⋯.png (3.42 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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180b62  No.10062450


KEK. No sense of humor? Figures.

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11459a  No.10062451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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509ea0  No.10062452

File: b07386ff758e798⋯.jpg (137.82 KB, 886x1024, 443:512, ESsKxcyXYAAHTWK.jpg)

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3a2bd7  No.10062453



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2df9e8  No.10062454


I cannot detect changes between those images, but I am thinking the areas circled in yellow suggest some change in structure. For example, one would think the concrete (light colored) lines would be straight or linear. Well, is many areas or patches they are dark. Why? Did the concrete crumble or break due to stress fracture? One would think if it was extreme, we'd see water coming out, but if it gets to that point, then perhaps the whole structure would give away. Not even close to an engineer. Just an observation and thinking on crumbling concrete/stress. I might try to find a picture from a few posts ago and compare those particular areas…

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8c25f8  No.10062455



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a846e8  No.10062456

File: 5b70e7e7ed7d527⋯.jpg (253.89 KB, 800x764, 200:191, chigchog.jpg)



Tripps of truth

board is crawling

with the Stinky


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4eb8d0  No.10062457


This does not make since. If they were setting Trump up with a Russia story and new it was fake. Why would they go in and see if they could hear one of them talk about Russia… must be another reason they were there.

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b2c5d8  No.10062458

File: 6968d36d4066b24⋯.jpg (101.06 KB, 673x1008, 673:1008, 1st_responder.jpg)

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17e63e  No.10062459


Someone projected this last night - Bad man with a knee on a white child. Twat posted here last night. Praying their plans are foiled—that they fall into their own traps.

E fag could be part of the projection… btw

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509ea0  No.10062460

File: 8c3a3fbc62711d8⋯.png (437.5 KB, 535x517, 535:517, Screenshot_2020_07_24_Reut….png)

File: d097a4ab4c9ae60⋯.png (46.08 KB, 416x306, 208:153, Screenshot_2020_07_24_ms13….png)

Ex-Salvadoran defense minister arrested for suspected role in gang truce



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b448dd  No.10062461


>This is all for a LARP

I hope so. Otherwise, this is the reason the DS has so much confidence.

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8c25f8  No.10062462

File: f590f5c5b89bc32⋯.png (68.14 KB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Chynah_Virus.png)

Anyone having this bullshit happen?

I am literally having to type outside the site and then post it up so I gont get shit shit:

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bdc99d  No.10062463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Neither Flynn Nor Stone Were Guilty

There Was No Russian Hack”

Bill Binney Makes His Case

Is there actually a way to know, and to then prove, that the “Russiagate” story of the 2016 elections—a story which resulted in massive federal prosecutions, escalating international tensions, national paralysis, and a presidential impeachment trial—was completely false?

William Binney, a thirty-year veteran of the National Security Agency and its former technical director, will expose the continuing suppression by British intelligence agencies and their American counterparts of his evidence disproving the entire “Russiagate” story.

“We can prove, that all the data that Wikileaks published from the DNC, that was downloaded on the 23rd and 25th of May, and also the 26th of August of 2016; all of that carried the signatures of being downloaded to a thumb drive or a CD-ROM, and physically transported,” Binney says. “So, we can prove that in a court of law. In fact, I put that in sworn affidavits that I submitted in the Roger Stone case and also in the General Flynn case. And the judges would not let my testimony in. I’ve been hard pressed to find anything (Russia) did in the 2016 election, let alone anything they’re trying to do in the 2020 election,” Binney said.

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7ce8b4  No.10062464

File: d825d8f6aa4985b⋯.jpg (30.27 KB, 618x679, 618:679, 1577428655962.jpg)


Being "outnumbered" by untrained, weak, easily frightened college kids with 0 constitution barely even counts. DHS agents train to take down armed insurgents in warzones, these dumb suburb baby cunts are more of a danger to themselves at this point.

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902cf9  No.10062466


I have told yous us real autist don't do sarcasm or your dumb jokes.

Put it in a meme if you are trying to be funny. I will understand then

I understand memes. Not retard jokes.

And what you really meant was

>>10062426 (This post)

for >>10062408 not >>10062413

But you are to cocky to own up to a mistake.

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8c25f8  No.10062467


Usually happens after posts about 3GD

Start typing and then boop page breaks. Have not too much running either, though I can run a fucking lot here. . . . . . . .

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e4a157  No.10062468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8c25f8  No.10062469


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bdc99d  No.10062470


they've been primed to do whatever to stop the reveal of good intel.

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dbb1ee  No.10062471

How many victories does Q actually have? Like, what exactly has Q brought to the table after three years? Not a shill, just wondering why people think we are winning when the entire country is on the brink of collapse and the entirety of the deep state traitors remain completely free. This doesn't seem like winning at all actually. In fact, it looks more like we are getting our fucking asses kicked on a daily basis.

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2c0833  No.10062472

File: f3c4f5cb040d754⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1911x807, 637:269, deceive.png)


>The Jew hate posts are Chinese bots.

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8c25f8  No.10062473

File: a15325840c1948f⋯.jpg (85.89 KB, 688x512, 43:32, Yang_Crywall.jpg)

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d81580  No.10062475


Pientka was a pawn following orders.The whole thing was grasping at straws trying to dig up dirt wherever they could. This was just an unsuccessful attempt.

The point is Pientka admitted and documented the plot.

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180b62  No.10062476


+++ House of Saud.


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2c0833  No.10062477


What's chinas beef with the kike?

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2c0833  No.10062478

File: 8cab4d0dead8d31⋯.jpg (57.22 KB, 346x555, 346:555, 9ce137cab2d26bb.jpg)

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902cf9  No.10062479


And by the way faggot this >>10062449 is a joke.

What you said was stupid.

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8f3f29  No.10062480

File: 09abab290ea6394⋯.png (499.06 KB, 480x575, 96:115, ClipboardImage.png)

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a41789  No.10062481


Can you explain the sandman reference please.

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e905e7  No.10062482


Trump is actually winning. A lot of the turmoil, sportsball being a good example, is merely the chaff being separated from the wheat. Same with the blm/auntie fag bullshit, it's just unAmerican losers identifying themselves. That said, I agree that Trump is WAY behind schedule to lock /them/ up.

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bdc99d  No.10062483


one and the same entity at the source

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861102  No.10062484


>Not a shill

Nice question. We give you answers then u run back to ur pencil-neck shill crew and start brainstorming ops to dissuade the public from the positives. KYS

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e4a157  No.10062485

File: 91d57ccf5dc5437⋯.jpeg (9.82 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images.jpeg)

File: 6b22855f6957e76⋯.jpg (33.26 KB, 450x337, 450:337, 915artfields_alex_podesta.jpg)

File: 25a5680e5a938a1⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 512x341, 512:341, unnamed_1_.jpg)

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8c25f8  No.10062486

File: 41c0ca1217399ff⋯.jpg (25.7 KB, 460x416, 115:104, Shill_BrickNWall.jpg)

File: 547015cd6d3a413⋯.png (26.05 KB, 487x380, 487:380, Shill_Mistake.png)

File: bb4f99b012e80c6⋯.jpg (86.27 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Shill_NPC_Revealed.jpg)

File: b11a4f57bf37c97⋯.png (106.83 KB, 720x303, 240:101, Shill_Tard.png)

File: 8c4cd19c1880e8e⋯.png (774.88 KB, 1042x663, 1042:663, Shitpost_Aussie.png)

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509ea0  No.10062488

File: 216408db4c5dcce⋯.jpg (91.59 KB, 630x354, 105:59, rudydjt.jpg)


3 strikes= Out

I member 3 strikes in NY with Rudy

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15c344  No.10062489

File: 8a1b55f02f60e85⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 346x615, 346:615, 6b7d8822dab2463fb1c03adb6b….gif)


Kek!! I had not seen this when I posted THIS…


Hive Mind engaged.



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180b62  No.10062490



Forget your midol today?

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b054f5  No.10062491

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e905e7  No.10062492


Beto, I thought we agreed you would stop posting here.

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8c25f8  No.10062493

File: 41053bfe91e146b⋯.jpg (140.2 KB, 698x516, 349:258, Anon_This_Example.jpg)

File: 95867c631c0e14a⋯.png (154.77 KB, 733x464, 733:464, BeepBoopBoop.png)

File: bfacc19b8698366⋯.jpg (91.26 KB, 767x385, 767:385, Beepboopboopmalfunctionbfa….jpg)

File: e9c3eec93397f78⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Beer_Me_Copper_.gif)

File: 03e75ab048ded24⋯.jpg (3.42 MB, 3740x2696, 935:674, Benjamin_Franklin_Join_or_….jpg)

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75638d  No.10062494

File: 1885f0ac5fd18f3⋯.jpg (765.09 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, race.jpg)

[Problematic Panderers exit scene stage right]



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2c0833  No.10062496


That's true.

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180b62  No.10062497


If you can't connect those two you may not be in the right place.

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dbb1ee  No.10062498


Don't fucking blame me for Q's failures. I'm not the one who promised arrests two years ago and never delivered. Our country is in complete turmoil while every known traitor remains completely free. Q has zero arrests and zero criminal prosecutions. That's called losing.

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509ea0  No.10062499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Chordettes - Mr Sandman (Live 1958)

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c42065  No.10062501

File: ad7c1d6b57a3df2⋯.png (395.65 KB, 474x710, 237:355, urw1.png)

File: ffde10eb6e59381⋯.png (813.6 KB, 907x1360, 907:1360, URW.png)


Just like all the crap products in the US. All the shit shils are from PLA/CCP ….they aren't necessary in China however. They are here in the United States. Infiltrating from within. Birther tourism….

This is finally becoming realized and noticed across America. Wait until Americans figure out ever single piece of technology has been compromised. Right out of unrestricted warfare play book.

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e905e7  No.10062502


Epstein, Buck, and Maxwell are the 3 arrested Q names.

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dfdb3f  No.10062503

So what's that Sh!t w/ Jeffery Epstein and Jeffrey Eipstein?

Misspeling or what?

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eaa476  No.10062504


That looks like a good way to lose some teeth

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fe4f59  No.10062505

If people hated the Jews Hollywood wouldn't be so successful.

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7ce8b4  No.10062506


Weinstein as well, plus all the child traffickers/gang members.

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bc69c3  No.10062507

File: 0386039055707e7⋯.png (531.97 KB, 655x705, 131:141, Screenshot_2020_07_23_Chin….png)


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e4a157  No.10062509

File: 98c44856b5006b8⋯.jpeg (274.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 98c44856b5006b822dd9bda2a….jpeg)

Ding Dong

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17e63e  No.10062510

File: a9c8d5625a1f471⋯.png (1014.92 KB, 1234x1242, 617:621, Screen_Shot_2020_07_24_at_….png)



>>10053109 PB - this one

>In jail this guy is a dead man.

>Somebody will shove a mop handle up his ass.

Anon id'd account - >>10053274 pb

>>10053109 pb

>https://twitter.com/GisiAnthony/status/1286121865338118144?s=19 Got him Coach

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dfdb3f  No.10062511


Why on corp tag sez Jeffery Epstein?

Did a clone died?

Why was ear different?

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75638d  No.10062512


how retarded are you?

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902cf9  No.10062513

File: db9b9030a116953⋯.png (288.59 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ABCU_George_Orwell.png)


Naw as a male I don't take meds for a period.

You fail to understand who you are talking to and making assumptions which are far off base.

Keep guessing….

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509ea0  No.10062514

11.3 occur at >11300000?

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180b62  No.10062515


+++ House of Saud




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e4a157  No.10062516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8f3f29  No.10062517

File: 4a44fedc657dd69⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1130x782, 565:391, ClipboardImage.png)

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dfdb3f  No.10062518


I know he's well protected, but I wanna know details like this. Start talking.

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116063  No.10062519

Do you genuinely believe peddling this trifling tripe of yours makes you more important than you legitimately are? Sure, you have a sense of meaning in your life now that you've set out to get them baddies, them Chinese reds, woah, I want to give yourself a pat on the back, boy. The reality of the situation is that your whole existence is entirely meaningless, as a matter of fact, as meaningless as your whole little circlejerk of a thread nobody sane is ever going to take seriously because of its inherently narcissistic and fantastical nature. No, no dam is ever going to burst, ever. Anything peddled against the Party here is utterly meaningless and absurdly insubstantial because you have neither resources nor wits to actually discredit the CCP. You're completely powerless and have no real say in what happens in the world. This whole pathetic display of juvenile superficiality in the form of this completely ridiculous circlejerk of yours may endow you with a temporary boost of self-importance, but will never ever matter in the grand scheme of things and the one thing you need to think about is whether any of this contributes to the wholesomeness of the society right now. Needless to say, the answer is no, you're not doing anything of worth because stroking your own ego like you're used to stroking your own penis in an unabashedly morbid way doesn't make you a good person, you're no better than a rodent drilling tunnels in the ground or a beaver swimming in a pond, in fact, you're worse than all other people and animals in the world. You're narcissistic, blind baizuo sycophantically regurgitating whatever flawed version of reporting the baizuo Western media chooses to run with right now.

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180b62  No.10062520


I don't care.

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1daa41  No.10062521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3 gorges dam livestream - watch the potential downfall of asia in realtime.

This dam has information that can lead to the arrests of bill and hillary clinton.

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e814ab  No.10062522

File: 6e641d599f90f33⋯.png (2.53 MB, 897x984, 299:328, _2836.png)

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b054f5  No.10062523


>11.3 occur at >11300000?

Shitpost moar faster?

:( It's our fault [soon] wasn't sooner ):

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c42065  No.10062524

File: 40b885d92244ed4⋯.png (583.07 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, chy_na.png)


Notice how all negative press about china is deflected.

Look over there not here.

The white people did it….

The black people did it….

Division is right out of the playbook. It has always been Chy-Na. I wrote several summarys on Unrestricted Warfare. Check out qresear.ch. I would post myself but for some reason I can't access qresear.ch currently.

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861102  No.10062525


Are (you) done crying or would u like to cry a bit moar? Carry on being the bord's resident concern faggot. Fits u well.

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fe4f59  No.10062526

Trump is now going to be the nice guy. I bet he will try and help Biden escape from his abusers.

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3a2bd7  No.10062528


Ummm…. Are you trying to say you want the hand off, or are you telling me something else. Either way, I'm intrigued.

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dfdb3f  No.10062529



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2c0833  No.10062530

File: e8dd1ec7f09174d⋯.jpg (531.93 KB, 744x601, 744:601, jew_media_control1.jpg)

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ab5d66  No.10062531

Portland Terrorists just made the night's first move, attacking the federal building with a mortar firework.

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8f3f29  No.10062532

File: 64139b87b95d27b⋯.png (674.86 KB, 1024x742, 512:371, ClipboardImage.png)


>I want to give yourself a pat on the back, boy.


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0cbef9  No.10062533

this is war, trump should have raided the consulate instead of letting them burn evidence

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adf081  No.10062534


having one of the largest social media platforms so scared of Q that they have to publicly denounce the mention of Q is a great victory for the movement. winning

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fe4f59  No.10062535

Everything china manufactures is garbage.

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11459a  No.10062536


Brilliant connexion, Anon!


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15c344  No.10062537

File: 822ce456b0f5732⋯.gif (3.84 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 8b54bde50ed4bae802cd8c96ba….gif)


Thank You Anon. I wonder what the measurements and weather are right now?? Any intel there??


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707a97  No.10062538


You have a good livestream ?

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bdc99d  No.10062539


the 'establishment' is doing what it did when college kids protested vietnam, the clowns sent in their agents like feminist gloria steinem, honeytraps, primed to lure the men off track as birth control pills became readily available at free clinics, drugs like lsd thru harvard professor Tim Leary moved to california, and their other own haarvard merry-jackoff pranksters to drown out the protests and bring up the volume on sex drugs flower power etc, the hippie shit- kent state was a set up ff

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fe4f59  No.10062540


Everything you buy thats made in China is made by slaves.

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7ce8b4  No.10062541

File: ea6ad5bff66cdca⋯.jpg (36.99 KB, 334x500, 167:250, 51nnvE09K7L.jpg)


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

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2bbc95  No.10062542

File: ed5afc9c4016bf2⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1470x1516, 735:758, first_vision.png)

File: ab89510439c51ab⋯.png (917.93 KB, 1018x1452, 509:726, carthage_jail_mob.png)


>It begins with a child,

>and it ends with a mob.

Reminds me of another event in history.



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75638d  No.10062543

File: 0e6934f71844dfc⋯.jpg (11.5 KB, 225x225, 1:1, m8248r23d23u243hd.jpg)

File: a900cda2c7b3ccf⋯.jpg (7.33 KB, 211x239, 211:239, m23723dj238jd42.jpg)

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509ea0  No.10062544

File: bf0821daad404f8⋯.jpg (173.4 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, bf0821daad404f853739a5bd61….jpg)


I think that's why the board has certain problems and shills, that's a good way for Q to control the speed and time, and to coordinate operations.

just saying

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dfdb3f  No.10062545



low espectations

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ab5d66  No.10062546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e2f6e2  No.10062547



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902cf9  No.10062548

File: 419af3a52310278⋯.png (104.85 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ABCU_Scott_Howard_Phillip3.png)

File: 6a0eb413682ab97⋯.jpg (441.22 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ABCU_Stronk_Frens_Thirst.jpg)

File: 75fdac66cf91cfe⋯.png (376.21 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, HonestNews5.png)

File: 66219edb9c3e652⋯.png (898.53 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Voice_Of_Truth2.png)


Seems like you care greatly. You continue to tag me and argue and cry. Did I hurt your feels calling you a poor researcher?

It is cuz you are a bad researcher who cannot figure out who E is. A known figure. And Fren of all Anons.

Why even come here just to talk shit and post dumb cryptic shit.

Try contributing something better than shitposting.

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e905e7  No.10062549


Weinstein wasnt named by Q prior to his arrest.

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180b62  No.10062550


Q post #666



5 Feb 2018 - 9:16:50 AM

Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?

Did this seem strange to you?

Watch the news.

Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].

Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].

Soros transfer of wealth.

Dopey FREED.

Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.




News unlocks MAP.

Think Mirror.

Which team?

THEY don't know.


These people are EVIL.

Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?

20/20 coming.





Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?



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c42065  No.10062551



I will own your dumb ass all day long. You already know this….what is the definition of insanity?

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11459a  No.10062552


Forgot the J Solomon sauce link:


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180b62  No.10062553


Q post #664



5 Feb 2018 - 7:41:35 AM


5 Feb 2018 - 7:33:51 AM



Would POTUS make a serious accusation if the TRUTH wasn’t about to come to LIGHT?

Black Forest.



FIRE sale days after post?

What went on there?


You have more than you know.


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fe4f59  No.10062554

What % of the China population was killed when they became China became Communists?

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e4a157  No.10062555


Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a bully may project their own feelings of vulnerability onto the target.

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1daa41  No.10062556


Supposedly in for another 5-12 inches of rain. Water throughput is north of 40k m3 / sec last I saw in video commetns.

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c42065  No.10062557


BTW….do you control your gateway? NOPE!

KEK…Thanks for responding.

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180b62  No.10062558


Q post #711



10 Feb 2018 - 2:16:54 AM

Thank you Dopey.

King to pawn.

Eyes on.


This sounds like someone who was a king being demoted to pawn. SA got a new king a while back.

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4cda3e  No.10062559

Ok, that was pretty interesting.

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fe4f59  No.10062560


If the USA turns Communist guess who get slaughtered.

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e25dd6  No.10062561

File: bd40b45241cde4b⋯.png (489.78 KB, 465x359, 465:359, Scientists_Say_A_Supermass….png)

Scientists Say A Supermassive Black Hole Glitched, Inexplicably Turning Off and On Again



what's really going on? are we in a black hole and we see the other part of the tunnel? or more simply someone has removed the cap from the cosmic sink? Black Holes Matter?

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dfdb3f  No.10062562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2c0833  No.10062563

File: 9f4a249ecb76c77⋯.png (88.5 KB, 353x305, 353:305, beatboxxin.png)

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3a2bd7  No.10062564


That looks about right.

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1eb808  No.10062565

File: 915f9e8bdb5e9d8⋯.png (395.29 KB, 540x960, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f583f76ce102c5⋯.png (380.95 KB, 540x960, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's a couple of Frauduci to add to the photo album…

Taken from FB

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15c344  No.10062566

File: 38708914ae057f3⋯.gif (551.15 KB, 400x560, 5:7, 38708914ae057f3e605baa95cf….gif)


Thank You Anon. Do we have any running ETA's on the biggest event besides POTUS winning in modern history?? This is wild.

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fe4f59  No.10062567


No mask.

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7ce8b4  No.10062568

File: 15aa84bb2b5ba5e⋯.png (1.43 MB, 968x547, 968:547, 345745674567457.png)


Honestly all his post did was make me kind of wish I was a beaver.

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b3af70  No.10062569

File: b1f51084825262b⋯.gif (7.95 MB, 400x170, 40:17, plannedparenthoodtheylive2.gif)

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829073  No.10062571


>Black Holes Matter?

All holes matter, Anon.

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1eb808  No.10062572


Yeah, not social distancing either…

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1daa41  No.10062573


Dunno, but it would be freaky if this is what "watch the water" meant…

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4e7060  No.10062574

File: de0c2743cbcf830⋯.png (363.55 KB, 931x520, 931:520, pepenado.png)

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b3af70  No.10062575

File: 76943b0afb1243f⋯.gif (11.33 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, reprorights.gif)

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39f79c  No.10062576



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3a2bd7  No.10062577


SpaceX Tech Support, This is Ravi. You are having trouble with your black hole?

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7caa50  No.10062578

File: 977ecf9f0f70cef⋯.jpg (163.85 KB, 812x538, 406:269, ACCOUNTABLE.jpg)

File: d59f4c58063abc8⋯.jpg (61 KB, 447x452, 447:452, CONFESS_SIN.jpg)

File: ed339f247b4cdd7⋯.png (394.36 KB, 560x660, 28:33, Delution_vrs_reality.png)

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8f3f29  No.10062579

File: 662c67b096ab605⋯.mp3 (156.94 KB, 2020_07_24T07_08_32.mp3)


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c42065  No.10062580



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180b62  No.10062582


You think you are a Jedi or something? Your lame attempts at trying to troll me aren't working. I see right through you. Have a nice day.

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422e1c  No.10062583

File: 97a60395d705cd7⋯.png (174.96 KB, 597x536, 597:536, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aabfa7e9a8fe3a3⋯.png (441.37 KB, 1242x1179, 138:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e67780d2e4810e7⋯.png (315.7 KB, 1242x870, 207:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9787888d73ab7ea⋯.png (334.81 KB, 1242x990, 69:55, ClipboardImage.png)



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fe4f59  No.10062584


One of my brothers was raped by a priest.

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f8f1bf  No.10062585

I’m still laughing

Best news today

AOL whines about being called a F’in Bitch.

We need to Convert her.


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012ed7  No.10062586

File: 39e62e785a1c915⋯.jpg (83.08 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, bQyrQ6sLWk.jpg)

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509ea0  No.10062587

File: cadfa2b21c167e9⋯.png (122.26 KB, 420x279, 140:93, cadfa2b21c167e9066c2ede1f7….png)

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00c0c7  No.10062588

My backup is running at dialup speeds…

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10b730  No.10062589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sister Golden Hair

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fe4f59  No.10062590


He became a child molester.

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7caa50  No.10062591

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f8f1bf  No.10062592



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bdc99d  No.10062593


scripted night shift bs- non of those slacker fucks would be doing that of their own accord for free..its all part of a play we're supposed to believe to cry out for more policing, take the heat off the militarized revenue generating cops that are not out to protect anything other than the corporate interests. Beware of what you ask for.. there's already legislation in play

installing outside oversight of police with massive grants going to unnamed suppliers



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3a2bd7  No.10062594



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e4a157  No.10062596

File: 3f4e81140d97a6a⋯.jpg (26.03 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 902e94e763e840225384f6b2d0….jpg)

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7caa50  No.10062597


lol…took a while to see that… thanks…. almost a year of posting that meme.

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fe4f59  No.10062598


I bought the first America album because I thought it was a Neill young album.

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eaa476  No.10062599


Well, they'll definitely kill their useful idiots, blm, antifa, progressives, etc. probably first to go. Maybe the media people that helped them, their comrades in local governments. They'll try and kill us, but we are prepared and know we are targets.

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39f79c  No.10062600


What "conspiracy theory" Q IS LITERALLY REAL

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978eaa  No.10062601

File: e9a3d800b65f3fe⋯.png (69.22 KB, 726x720, 121:120, 9ba2da53586061c7f276046628….png)


TFW anon keeps seeing his memes reposted from year to year.

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11459a  No.10062602


>Black Forest.



>FIRE sale days after post?

>What went on there?


664 & 666 are 2 of the MOST dasting Qposts…

Fauci is representing the other EVIL Sandman today – medical tyranny.

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3a2bd7  No.10062603


You're welcome. KEK

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dfdb3f  No.10062604

File: 4289f73e0084b5c⋯.jpg (30.82 KB, 938x662, 469:331, Sphinx1.JPG)

File: d2efd66e4ea88fc⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 1205x698, 1205:698, Sphinx2.JPG)

File: d2e8621ba093ba5⋯.jpg (42.88 KB, 1043x708, 1043:708, Sphinx3.JPG)


This is more important than any obama, killary or anything.

Hidden truth.


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ab5d66  No.10062605

File: 7e4699c129e6b73⋯.jpg (65.13 KB, 690x362, 345:181, 3vocjjixr.jpg)

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fe4f59  No.10062606

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3a2bd7  No.10062607


Very nice. It seemed relative. You did good.

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8c25f8  No.10062608


Exactly. Why are they looking like they are LEAKING!


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39f79c  No.10062609


Would jews lie to me?

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c148cc  No.10062610

File: c3dba0a0c653603⋯.png (4.34 KB, 607x97, 607:97, ClipboardImage.png)

Madeleine McCann trending in the UK


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1daa41  No.10062612


Ran some rough numbers.. supposedly that dam is golding back something like 10 billion cubic meters of water.

That's roughly 2.4 cubic miles of volume.

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3a2bd7  No.10062613


Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10062307, >>10062328 [THINK MIRROR] Anon Finds Pedo Search Code Word Lolita=Atilol etc.

>>10062387 Tik Tak Is Giving #Qanon The Cold Shoulder

>>10062427 Declassified Documents Show FBI Used Defensive Briefing in 2016 to Spy on Donald Trump

>>10062561 Scientists Say A Supermassive Black Hole Glitched, Inexplicably Turning Off and On Again

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509ea0  No.10062614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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39f79c  No.10062616


>name literally sounds like faux

I love Trump's humor

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9728e6  No.10062617

File: 47126e03edb5b79⋯.png (295.47 KB, 540x594, 10:11, Fauci_Dodgers.png)

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b5c156  No.10062618


Not our fault you didn't understand what you were a part of.

If you haven't noticed, there are governors and mayors outright threatening to arrest federal agents in defense of rioters attacking people.

Clearly, the first thing Trump and/or Q should have done was arrest Clinton.

If you thought that any of this was going to go down without a fight, you didn't understand the degree to which the problem had grown. Like at all.

If Trump had arrested Clinton, the people rioting right now would be the "good guys" fighting against a "dictator."

The smartest thing Trump has done is "nothing." Well, not nothing strictly speaking, but allowing the democrats to run the clock out and have to push everything into this year.

It makes it painfully obvious to many - and as it goes on - most - that the enemy is within and must be dealt with appropriately.

Attacks will only intensify, but each time they up the ante, they alienate a group and tip their hand as chinese agents all too quickly. But they are bound to it. They must regain control by any and all means necessary. They can't afford to play the long game any longer.

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180b62  No.10062619


Yeah, it could mean this.


The Sandman is a mythical character in Western and Northern European folklore who puts people to sleep and encourages and inspires beautiful dreams by sprinkling magical sand onto their eyes.

The Sandman is a traditional character in many children's stories and books. In Scandinavian folklore, he is said to sprinkle sand or dust on or into the eyes of children at night to bring on sleep and dreams.[1] The grit or "sleep" (rheum) in one's eyes upon waking is the supposed result of the Sandman's work the previous night.


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77157c  No.10062620

File: 72f17996b6a168d⋯.png (321.21 KB, 611x918, 611:918, 909.png)

Time to resurrect Operation Google, but for Twitter.

For those that don't know, back in the day, when the likes of Google started censoring web pages that used "racist" terms, Anons decided to strike back by turning company names into racist euphemisms. So instead of the N-word, Anons would now say "Google." Instead of Kikes, Anons would say "Skypes." And so on an so forth.

This means that on Twitter, one would refer to QAnon as "Twitter." And the only way for the company to truly censor it would be to delete ALL references to ITSELF, on its own platform - which obviously, they just can't do. And the format/idea is totally exploitable. You can even resort to things like "Jack Sent Me!" in the comments whenever Q posts a link.

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dfdb3f  No.10062621

You know what no reply means?

NSA criminals, MI cock suckers, that all of you made this sh!t happening.

You are all to blame, from the beginning, JFK, UFOs, Greada, Holloman, SkunkWorks, MJ12, Soros, CFR and so on….

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a71a19  No.10062622

File: 6310977b081c419⋯.jpg (454.24 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Edo8WhJWAAAgf7Y.jpg)

File: 58593ccc159ece0⋯.jpg (71.41 KB, 742x336, 53:24, 499ah8.jpg)

Ability to share [open].

(Heat) on who?

(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?

(Undiscovered) facts emerge?

Ability to move forward?

Occam's Razor.



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dfdb3f  No.10062623


Sad is that some retarded idiots w/ a big heart came here to help you.

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bdc99d  No.10062624


its almost like reading the daily mirror

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b3af70  No.10062625

File: 2c46bd7db31557c⋯.gif (27.19 KB, 504x331, 504:331, ramirez0606.gif)

File: 0db9eb1b25133a4⋯.jpeg (66.62 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 0db9eb1b25133a466da2b7f3b….jpeg)

File: a24c6697d3ed1e8⋯.jpg (39.31 KB, 600x432, 25:18, catholic_church_pedophile_….jpg)

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2bbc95  No.10062626

File: a93ecdaa074114c⋯.png (1021.51 KB, 1598x1146, 799:573, ClipboardImage.png)


Winning Winning Winning.

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39f79c  No.10062627


You still haven't realized who is to blame? You think it's the fucking NSA?

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902cf9  No.10062628


Not a Jedi. Something else that is based in reality unlike you.

Not an attempt to troll just stating facts.

You seem like a poor researcher and you are posting dumb cryptic shit and Q post with no context or any good info.

Calling other poor researcher and you cant figure out who E is…. KEK







Now you are just making up dumb shit that is off topic.


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116063  No.10062629

File: e288ac921321fcf⋯.jpg (71.01 KB, 838x768, 419:384, 1595375910833.jpg)

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10b730  No.10062631

File: 3e4c8a4f54f6bef⋯.png (168.16 KB, 1086x966, 181:161, Screen_Shot_2020_07_22_at_….png)

File: 2e8609bc964211f⋯.png (169.84 KB, 1082x850, 541:425, Screen_Shot_2020_07_23_at_….png)

File: b65fdbdca04d98e⋯.png (187.61 KB, 1078x1024, 539:512, Screen_Shot_2020_07_24_at_….png)

File: 202c3f2249ce5bf⋯.png (653.68 KB, 1082x1182, 541:591, Screen_Shot_2020_07_24_at_….png)

First three images tell about how Operation Legend

The use of armed Federal agents in cities where the police

Are unable to end the mob violence

Will be hit by a false flag

In which an armed Federal officer

Kills a child

People who have access to NSA data

Can often learn of these things before they happen

But knowing that an action is planned

And that the OK is given for execution

Does not mean that the NSA knows who, where and when

However if we make a lot of noise on social media

There is a real chance that the string pullers

Will back off this operation

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7caa50  No.10062632


Yes… Humans are good at copying behavior… monkey see, monkey do….

People can change.

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3a2bd7  No.10062633


That is a good use of a originally bad thing.

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2fd6e6  No.10062634

File: 25705d2c1665479⋯.png (682.83 KB, 1050x2269, 1050:2269, Screenshot_2020_07_24_Do_B….png)

…Not that this matters any. https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2020/05/13/do-black-holes-matter-2/

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39f79c  No.10062635


What is this, halfchan circa 2016?

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e643fd  No.10062636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ultimately, who gives a fuck anyway?

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81296b  No.10062637


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fe4f59  No.10062638

My Great grandmother made the headlines for years for having sex with my Great Grandfathers business partner. It's all on the Congressional newspaper files.

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180b62  No.10062639


Okay, I'll play. I list sources and give information. You keep talking about E but don't explain it. So if you are such the great researcher, why don't you just tell us who E is instead of getting all butt hurt?

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dfdb3f  No.10062640



Starting w/ Greada.

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902cf9  No.10062641


Good observation anon.

Hopefully the "Actors" involved will to be scared to act if we expose their plan.

This tactic has worked in the past to thwart previous actions of bad actors.

Get Loud be heard!

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39f79c  No.10062642


Do you even understand Israeli subversion on the American public?

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dfdb3f  No.10062643


Don't blame greys, you let them.

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902cf9  No.10062644


Im not butthurt at all fren.

E* ***

Good luck!

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abc847  No.10062645



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180b62  No.10062646

File: 0b09a332dbe1f46⋯.jpg (4.97 KB, 287x162, 287:162, greenhat_Copy.jpg)


Tell ya what. I will give you an E and a nice green hat.

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902cf9  No.10062647


fucking formatting

E### #####

Good Luck

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39f79c  No.10062648


Is that like how africans let the jew financed arabs enslave them?

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509ea0  No.10062649

File: d3df083e2c453a3⋯.png (388.56 KB, 535x536, 535:536, Screenshot_2020_07_24_The_….png)

Twitter mistakenly closes accounts that posted Star of David


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11459a  No.10062650

File: 438d750ef4f8b5d⋯.png (53.96 KB, 902x565, 902:565, FB_Illegal_Gathering_of_Bi….png)

FB Illegally Gathers Biometrics Through Photo Tags

Attempts to settle class- action lawsuit in ILL for $650mm



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1daa41  No.10062651

File: 4bdc9af96bc09f5⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1480x791, 1480:791, ClipboardImage.png)

China tells U.S. to shut consulate in Chengdu, in retaliation for Houston closure



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dfdb3f  No.10062652


Paperclip, also, your fault.

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e8b01b  No.10062653

File: 96eafa9a32116e1⋯.jpg (749.29 KB, 2100x2428, 525:607, Thinking_Pepe_Q.jpg)


So, Is English your 2nd language after chinese or did you just fail miserably in a liberal run school?

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fe4f59  No.10062654


So proud.

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ab5d66  No.10062655

Portland Terrorist dressed in red/wearing red jacket, just threw a burning box or something over the fence and onto federal property. A federal arson offense. Pepper balls being fired by federal agents in return.

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4e7060  No.10062656



>Ran some rough numbers.. supposedly that dam is golding back something like 10 billion cubic meters of water.


>That's roughly 2.4 cubic miles of volume.

Over 11 billion tons of water to watch.

How long would it take to reach the ocean?

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9f7aa4  No.10062657

File: ccbc18aaae9b448⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1144x1365, 88:105, 1595527977_0.png)

File: bba5693c7b72c76⋯.png (32 KB, 791x784, 113:112, 1595527977_2.png)

File: 07942cff9e7b4b7⋯.png (138.04 KB, 1558x1730, 779:865, 1595527977_3.png)

Imagine some cutie lil lion-kitty sneaking into your house looking for affection, wouldn't you wanna hold them down and abuse the sweet hell outta them? Ravage their body and keep them as a slave?

IDK, I am a dirty and very naughty anon, heh. I really get off to people wanting to fuck my fursona, she represents the bratty-childiish side of me, though I have medium tits IRL- hers are almost non-existent, sometimes I draw her with them regardless. My ass IRL is thicc so hell yeah she shares that feature, it's easy drawing her body as it matches mine except a flat chest.

I really like the idea of her being a doll-type, one the big mean men like to use like the cum-thirsty slut she is, a bratty slave that often needs to be reminded of her place. Yet at the same time? I like her being macro and teasing foolish boys, not sure if it's a vore thing or not. I like the size dynamics.

I love thinking about mean men surrounding her and teasing her, poking and slapping at her tiny body, making naughty remarks about her- then ganging up and being sexually aggressive monsters as she remains pure, being tossed all around and used like a toy.

She's my age (19, made her in 2019 when I was 18).

I'm 4'11 but she's smaller than that- maybe 3'5 because she's a lil kitty. She's like, a hybrid between a lion, cat, and bunny- but I just call her a cat to keep things simple.

What do yall think? Sorry for the poor art lmao.

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2c0833  No.10062659

File: 07d6bf32bda0976⋯.png (261.86 KB, 480x881, 480:881, sod.png)

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39f79c  No.10062660


Oh those poor poor low IQ babies, couldn't handle their precious Seal of Solomon being offline for even a second

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39f79c  No.10062661


Whose fault is it that you're so fucking dumb?

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902cf9  No.10062662


Fixed for formatting sorry.

See >>10062647

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771d2c  No.10062664


I think your other fursona is bait.

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f8f1bf  No.10062665

I hope you all are wearing your Masks 😷 while on this board.

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1daa41  No.10062666


Depends on how much shit it would run into on the way. It would wipe out most of their crops for the year. Very dark days for the entire country for awhile. Might kick off a war if they push out to raid their neighbors.

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dfdb3f  No.10062667


This I don't know, sorry.

I have no info on this subject, and I preffer to stay away.

Don't want to look like a fool, "knowing" but not knowing.

I'm talking about crimes against humanity that started from the most important country in the world.

If they were honest, world will follow.

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e905e7  No.10062668


Was it Ghislane?

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adf081  No.10062669


fresh popcorn is at the concession now.

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e905e7  No.10062670


The Trump Curse will strike him soon.

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7ce8b4  No.10062671

File: 2282f3ae7ce35b5⋯.jpg (91.36 KB, 960x1024, 15:16, 1595561346491.jpg)

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fe4f59  No.10062672


Hi China man. christians love the Jews . Their savior was a Jew. But you wouldn't know that because you are Chinese and brainwashed.

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ff2b3f  No.10062673



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2fd6e6  No.10062674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Wal Thornhill: Supernovas, Neutron Stars and Black Holes “Break the Rules” | Space News"

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902cf9  No.10062675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Last hint.

Works in Drug Enforcement

Going to bed anon. Have a great night till next time.

Enjoy this more to come.


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8c25f8  No.10062676

Traffic is down because they are crashing pages.

Type into notepad, word, or similar app and then pop it over copy paste style.

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7caa50  No.10062677

File: 1219e5683dfc54d⋯.png (557.21 KB, 604x756, 151:189, Bagpipes_HAUNTING.png)

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e905e7  No.10062678


She actually thinks she's popular. She got about 15,000 votes in Queens/Bronx. Maybe fewer in Nov.

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e905e7  No.10062679


Disappointing. kek

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39f79c  No.10062680


>I'm talking about crimes against humanity that started from the most important country in the world.

You're talking about Israel wearing the mask of America. If you don't know what you're talking about, shut the fuck up

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e905e7  No.10062681


Those fools in CHAZ wouldnt last 5 mins in real commie rule.

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e25dd6  No.10062682

File: 6d9ee2181623626⋯.png (262.01 KB, 449x360, 449:360, idraw.png)

War whisky

Hans Island


Cold War

Rough Sky


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acf7c1  No.10062683


Your post is totally meaningless because you didn't mention Tits.

You wasted all that time and thought you were special, and you forgot the fucking Tits…

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fe4f59  No.10062684

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5a8904  No.10062685

File: dcdb8556085815f⋯.jpeg (87.92 KB, 500x889, 500:889, 9ECAF8F7_8114_4FCB_9280_1….jpeg)

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bdc99d  No.10062686


They waited till we were all pent up and anxious fear driven by media, locked down watching livelihoods flushed and then started the ff floyd video to get us to unleash the adrenaline …they bring out every stereotype opposite -loud skanky females/trans screaming into the face of men to set off the men, violence against children to enflame women, black white red blue them us ….to get you to take a side so they can use the generated energy for their agenda.

Ultimately they had to give the anger a target- not unlike 9/11 OBL Iraq- which brought the 'establishment crooks' a huge flood of revenue at the expense of our young ones who thought they were defending America- I see the military is recruiting now too-

we've been played like this many times but this time they are all in- including economic reset while all attention is on the fake drama being created by the actor/mayors and governors with cops delivering bricks and the insurgent agents contractor types- they want Trump dead and they're using everything to manipulate the consensus for more policing over us and tighter constraints

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ff2b3f  No.10062687

File: a97f6743e3752e5⋯.jpg (175.98 KB, 962x962, 1:1, 31137830_8555567_Folklore_….jpg)

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e905e7  No.10062688


Is China suffering the Trump Curse?

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740418  No.10062689

File: 5283b7517324cc2⋯.mp4 (6.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tXrRXXeAJsqjC1DJ.mp4)

The feds appear to be shooting pepper balls at people shaking the fence


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c42065  No.10062690

File: 54fced7543a2996⋯.png (288.03 KB, 474x314, 237:157, JEW_SHILLS.png)


KEK …This is pure comedy.

Chy-Na is fucked. The world will soon own Chy-Na. What a show!

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4e7060  No.10062691

File: e8bfef8ae2f6742⋯.png (199.89 KB, 905x436, 905:436, 666.png)


Those trips don't need any interpreting re: your answer.

Any way you slice it, it comes up Biblical.

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f8f1bf  No.10062692


What a Fag

Of course I’m kidding

You big warrior boy?

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fe4f59  No.10062693


Thus begot Yacht Rock.

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e905e7  No.10062694


Trump has definitely been practicing judo on the demoncrats from the beginning.

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4e7060  No.10062695



>Is China suffering the Trump Curse?

Dubs confirm.

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adf081  No.10062696

visible evidence of terror.

a mask

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c42065  No.10062697

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b5c156  No.10062698



Well, doing the absurd thing and assuming you are being genuine, I have to say that I find your appraisal of self concerning.

Simply put, you're more than an object for a guy to dump lust into and even if you are not being genuine, there are people out there who match that description, and I find it tragic.

Not to mince words, any man wants to rock the world of 'his' woman, but that whole aspect is missing in your descriptions - the idea of a man and a woman wanting each other as a pair.

What you describe seems like someone who has rationalized the fact that physical pleasure can come from an abusive scenario means they are dirty or somehow "fit" for that kind of treatment. It's an unfortunate fact, but many who are in abusive situations can and often do experience physical pleasure from them - and it is understandably confusing for those in such situations.

Your artwork is cute, though. Given the context of your post - it becomes a bit more tragic.

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fe4f59  No.10062699


And Christian Rock.

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0ee1d4  No.10062700

File: 0a28f7f9b711775⋯.gif (128.12 KB, 613x293, 613:293, source.gif)

File: 4ecea6dd7853384⋯.gif (1.57 MB, 842x380, 421:190, Phase_shifter_using_IQ_mod….gif)

File: e2acad54c0f9859⋯.png (76.85 KB, 684x620, 171:155, download_2_.png)

File: 0ccf70ddc3f882f⋯.png (819.52 KB, 1280x946, 640:473, UnitSphere.png)

File: 37a27261f2122b1⋯.png (360.08 KB, 922x693, 922:693, crbst_rffrfrf.png)

Actually, thinking about it a bit more the E-M-RF field - a trinity field could be the color field of quantum dynamics.

Neither the EMRF field nor the Color Field has mass but both motivate and influence mass and both create charge.

A link of the Weak electromagnetic force to the 'strong' in quantum would just break the theory of everything wide open and be able to unify all fields. If the EM-RF fields ARE the Color field - mass-less and charge-less - hmmm?

In that case there is NO strong force…..

Just the GAIN and CANCELATION of the weak electromagnetic force by Field Dynamics and the manifestation of charge and mass. Then up and down and strange and charmed would just be phase shift in multiD that interacts with the field.

voltage leads current by 90 degrees - shift phase in 2D but same phase in 3D? Because the Amplitude of the wave does not actually change just rotates in the Unit Sphere and but appears to change in the Unit circle representation around the unit circle. This is rectified with Lorentz transformations and Relativity which are vector space calculations changing what ever angle within the vector and changing it to 90 degrees (orthogonal).

Basically the Tesla 30 60 90 rule is the right and left hand rule of the Electro-Magnetic-RF spectrum. it is a way to see the 3D aspects of the fields. In motors and generators it is only the electro or magnetic forces that are used - and the 30 60 90 is the interaction of the fields as perceived by us in 3D and how we understand the rotation around the unit circle of the wave pattern around the field .

The reason I included RF is in a motor or generatior the antena is not stationaary but rotational and the force is used to rotate the 'antenna' to drive a dual electromagnetic force and not drive a RF wave.

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bdc99d  No.10062701


When we declassify by spreading the potential plot massively often it won't go down that particular way or will fizzle out- like their ebola FF attempt

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17e63e  No.10062702


>>10062510 this last night

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fef62f  No.10062703




Act to thwart planned false flag in which an armed Federal officer kills a child

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d9d44e  No.10062704

File: 34be9598a8bfc70⋯.png (14.35 KB, 470x188, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 980dca4d9370341⋯.png (134.07 KB, 467x671, 467:671, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9af5749c495a493⋯.png (160.62 KB, 465x450, 31:30, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e56a17cd69c97e7⋯.png (492.64 KB, 463x683, 463:683, ClipboardImage.png)

Font generator for bypassing the algos works on facebook too.

Asking Trump to "Hang soros" got me 30 days on FB and insta banned from twatter. "Faggot" also gets me 30 for hate speech on fb.

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e905e7  No.10062705


Load of crap. If a kid gets killed out at 2 am, people will blame the parents. Duh.

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902cf9  No.10062706



Np Enjoy!

Much Much more to come.

Your Voice's will be heard!

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7ce8b4  No.10062707

File: 33eb9200a1d7449⋯.png (28.58 KB, 329x312, 329:312, 1591598696352.png)



Fight me bitch.

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dccf84  No.10062708

File: 3aef27f10d0bc55⋯.png (75.4 KB, 1040x684, 260:171, Screen_Shot_2020_07_24_at_….png)


I think you are correct about the compromised technology. How many of our drugs and vaccines are made with ingredients from China? Should we be using them?

I believe Xi wants to alter Christian scripture. "Improve" it. This will be a problem for him if it is true. Jesus did not need technology to "remote view", heal illness, drive out demons, prophesy, and after His resurrection appear in a locked room, "disguise" his appearance (apostles did not recognize him) and even ascend into Heaven. Jesus does not need "made in China" (or perhaps "stolen by China") technology and Jesus has more power than Communist China. I believe that by trying to alter the Bible, Communist China has set itself against God and God's Son, Jesus. I know who has already won. Wicked people killed Jesus, though He was innocent of any crime and He could have sought angelic help to avoid it. Jesus' death and resurrection provided us forgiveness of sins and a way back to God. Does Xi or anyone else think that killing Christians is a good idea? It will not work out like they think (or hope) it will.


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fe4f59  No.10062709


And a decade of Bob Dylan pretending to be Christian.

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8c25f8  No.10062710




cāo nǐ mā

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5a8904  No.10062711

File: cc7a6c0d72d5f01⋯.jpeg (163.49 KB, 754x611, 58:47, 95AEF9D6_92AD_40B6_B7FA_F….jpeg)

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dfdb3f  No.10062712


And Israel come to America and became Senators w/ 2 citizonship, allowed by England, France? Not by Americans?

What is that snake poem, recited by POTUS?


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84ad7f  No.10062713

File: 20beff4ac261fa4⋯.jpg (641.17 KB, 1440x1578, 240:263, obama_mama.jpg)

Your thoughts Anons

Stanley Ann Dunham born 1942

Eva Anna Paula Braun died 1945

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bdc99d  No.10062714


They really want to divert attention of mainstream away from the global pedophile trafficking and baby rape of elites and politicos because it has potential to obliterate the system

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e905e7  No.10062715

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fe4f59  No.10062716


Slaves being slaves.

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509ea0  No.10062717

File: 7185d218e9887b3⋯.png (27.82 KB, 400x964, 100:241, Screenshot_2020_07_24_QAno….png)



Q128 10-Nov-2017 1:07:15 AM -03

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c42065  No.10062718

File: 3f77344e6a56ea4⋯.png (258.54 KB, 655x381, 655:381, thisanon.png)

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8c25f8  No.10062719

Chynah Lied.

People Died.

Foreshadowing on the Dam.

The Pride of the People.

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bdc99d  No.10062720


if the baker doesn't include the bread is moldy

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fef62f  No.10062721


>planned false flag in which an armed Federal officer kills a child

Related Notable:

>>10059760 (pb) BLM Militants Portland March Toddlers & Children Outside Fed Courthouse w Signs “F*ck the Police”

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454c25  No.10062722


And going by often the sheer psychedelic, surreal aspect to his posts, is often high on the fruits of his day job.

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509ea0  No.10062723


You´re watching a movie

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e905e7  No.10062724


Communism already is a virus.

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fe4f59  No.10062725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I know you are sick of this but I'm proud of attacking china in 1979.

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dfdb3f  No.10062726


Who voted a radical muslim as president, me?

Who put him there? Clowns? And clowns were all jew, arabs, etc? If so, Who allowed? The Start, is American people.

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e905e7  No.10062727


They need to back up the trucks and take these fuckers to Idaho for processing.

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509ea0  No.10062728

File: c9737274bf42788⋯.png (438.99 KB, 535x687, 535:687, Screenshot_2020_07_24_AFP_….png)

US consulate in Chengdu has drawn controversy in the past.

2013 reports said a top-secret map leaked by Edward Snowden showed spying facilities at the consulate.

Experts say China's decision not to close a higher profile US mission shows unwillingness to derail ties completely


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454c25  No.10062729


But people are really dying?

I guess so. Life is a movie. Time is a movie.

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e646bc  No.10062730

File: dd009c035d7f210⋯.png (1.19 MB, 679x998, 679:998, ClipboardImage.png)

The battle is spiritual

We do not fight against flesh and blood but the powers, principalities and spirits of the air

POTUS and Q are up against people who literally eat their own children

You didn't think they would fight back?

Dark forces

Demonic powers unimaginable are working against the forces of light

They will do anything and will stop at nothing

Only God can help us

We need prayer more than anything

Never forget to pray

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3a2bd7  No.10062731


Get a Blue Check Mark and we'll talk

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bdc99d  No.10062732


as if that would matter to those skewing the narrative to pin it on DJT

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dfdb3f  No.10062733


Also gay, and he's wife transgender.


CNN is it?

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f8f1bf  No.10062734


I Stole your Meme.

Now what cha gonna do?

Bad Boys

Whatcha gonna do


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e905e7  No.10062735


Agree that muh corona and blm/auntie fag is fake and gay.

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17e63e  No.10062736


[p] [r] [a] [y]

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e905e7  No.10062737


Child abuse.

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cbd155  No.10062738

File: a9f20ef312cffbe⋯.jpg (47.34 KB, 680x356, 170:89, Qmap.jpg)

File: da53663ab95b66b⋯.png (2.79 KB, 300x157, 300:157, qnews.png)

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c42065  No.10062740


Control all technology….

Control supply chains…..

Its all outlined in the book. Any anons who have not read Unrestricted Warfare really need to check it out. Everything we are experiencing today and I do mean EVERYTHING is outlined in the book. Its sinister shit. Written by two chiknees generals CCP/PLA

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e905e7  No.10062741


Pray for our country.

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ab5d66  No.10062742

File: 7430f9cb6dc2579⋯.jpg (46.22 KB, 750x486, 125:81, barrlawislaw.jpg)

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509ea0  No.10062743

File: 37d9f2824527830⋯.png (412.6 KB, 535x633, 535:633, Screenshot_2020_07_24_Mela….png)

File: ee0ce9d65f8b31c⋯.png (357.06 KB, 535x458, 535:458, Screenshot_2020_07_24_mela….png)



>But people are really dying?

maybe not

like the Chinavirus

[C]hinavirus before [D]isasters

"disaster preparedness"

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fe4f59  No.10062744


T-Bone Burnett was also a fraud.

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bdc99d  No.10062745



Thanks for posting

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dccf84  No.10062746

File: 79af33a21b69c33⋯.png (49.44 KB, 392x285, 392:285, Screen_Shot_2020_07_24_at_….png)



This scripture shows that Jesus' death was by His own volition. I think this means the devil never had power over Jesus.

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0cbef9  No.10062747


"The onslaught of the overkill" is coming

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e905e7  No.10062748


"The Suburban Housewives of America" is kind of a jokey phrase at the East Coast colleges. As in, She's just here in training for The Suburban Housewives of America. Some of the girls would be, Damn right I am!

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fe4f59  No.10062749


So are 3/4 the christian Contemporary musicians.

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7ce8b4  No.10062750

File: e3a7c9a1c38c310⋯.gif (2.8 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1594147371886.gif)

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dfdb3f  No.10062751


People pray for 2k years.

Look at the results:

-Churches have gay and pedo priests

-Noon fuck , have kids, sell for satanic rituals

-Pope is a pedo

-The world is going from bad to bad, till colapse.

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cbd155  No.10062752

File: ef9b611be172d36⋯.gif (364.3 KB, 1092x569, 1092:569, 1595562751.gif)

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bdc99d  No.10062753


and still doesn't unless we grant it

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fe4f59  No.10062754


Boomers being boomer fading the fad.

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36d675  No.10062755

File: 026cdf6b3dec9e2⋯.jpg (26.62 KB, 320x224, 10:7, download_60_.jpg)


Taiwan number one

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454c25  No.10062757


Things don't look roses for Snowden.

If it is said US Deep State have been in cahoots with China on an agreed future then what 'spying' was needed?

Seems only spying to be exposed by Snowden would be spies spying on spies. (That old devil called White Hat v Black Hat again).

Snowden not really exposing without bias? But rather exposing the White Hat web through the Black Hat system?

Only guessing using info incoming.

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11e5a4  No.10062758


>Jesus' death was by His own volition

Indeed. It's the final test to become the Christ. Are you so developed spiritually that you have the power to allow the body to die and then resurrect it through the spirit? That's what he did.

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dfdb3f  No.10062759


Pray, don't ask aliens help.

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c42065  No.10062760




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fe4f59  No.10062761

Did you know everyone of your favorite rock stars wished they were The Monkees?

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3a2bd7  No.10062762


Can aliens posses people? Asking for a friend.

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fef62f  No.10062763

>>10059843 (pb)

>>>10059700 (pb)

>I used to live in that part of the world. There is an interesting region of CA that runs up the coast from north Orange County, through parts of Long Beach and into the South Bay of L.A., including the "beach cities." This coastal strip is notoriously Dem/Blue country, but it's always been a different kind of blue. Once dominated by longshoremen and aerospace industry workers, it has long been CA's home to a kind of "blue dog" Dem, who is socially and fiscally liberal, but also favors law and order and civil libertarianism.

>Don't be shocked if this corridor goes more purple in November, flipping a couple of congressional districts and perhaps giving POTUS a surprise gift in SoCal.

Some memes placed in whatever local online material these folks read might help.


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713b58  No.10062764

File: 8e08cdf0e52ff67⋯.png (186.17 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, FF433976_2EFE_4E3D_BC0B_23….png)

5G and COVID 19

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adf081  No.10062765



evil has control over the weak minded.

they have been misguided.

they need our help.

save them at all cost!

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c42065  No.10062766


>The onslaught of the overkill

Unfortunately you are right….however patriots know the patterns. Patriots in control. Learn to Ghidra!

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bdc99d  No.10062767

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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82137f  No.10062768

File: f89a82d47e38d5e⋯.png (571.99 KB, 500x562, 250:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f1bf  No.10062769


I have no clue what you two are arguing about but you got it half right.

The 10 Tribes of Israel are the Peoples who created the US, Europe, Australia and Canada.

Sad Truth for the Commies/DemonRats and BLM

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e73683  No.10062770

File: 0cf94adc35bbd19⋯.jpg (503.33 KB, 1128x768, 47:32, are_these_people_related.jpg)

I havent seen any movement on this dig, anyone else looked into it?

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bdc99d  No.10062771


There are many of those same types all over CA but they stay quiet. Thing is, CA has been rigged for decades.

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fe4f59  No.10062772

Every famous person was raped as a child.

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15c344  No.10062773

File: 69b4897f5de265a⋯.gif (16.77 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 206625b33c0eaac390938119fc….gif)


>Dunno, but it would be freaky if this is what "watch the water" meant…

I think this is it.

It's ALL about the break

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454c25  No.10062774


Can't think why. Even as a kid I found that bunch insufferable. Cringe inducing fingernails down a chalk board bad.

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509ea0  No.10062775

File: 3457ab2411b3278⋯.png (440.02 KB, 609x342, 203:114, Screenshot_2020_07_24_trum….png)

File: a67d1f0e7739e65⋯.png (158.43 KB, 601x425, 601:425, Screenshot_2020_07_24_QAno….png)


>Joe Biden´s disastrous plan for America´s suburbs




[P]residents : [C]hairs

Who is authorized to use the looking glass technology?

How long in the future can [P] observe?

Less than 4 years?

Can [P] observe the next election?

11.3 Election day

11.4 Election day +1



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ae64a3  No.10062776


>b-b-but they're not organized therefore you don't have ANY justification to be pissed at them! checkmate!


i'm so done with left wing hypocrisy

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fe4f59  No.10062777

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11e5a4  No.10062778


Chester is Johns son. Unacknowledged by John though, but obvious.


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c42065  No.10062779

File: ad189ddc264e138⋯.pdf (379.71 KB, unrestricted.pdf)


Here is a copy of some Unrestricted Warfare Material in PDF. Excellent knowledge for the days ahead.

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3a2bd7  No.10062780


I don't feel it needs much more research than just looking at it. I was presented this comparison a couple years ago. Seems legit.

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bdc99d  No.10062781


it looks pretty straightforward to me and this dig has been done. Many of these scumbags have progeny they keep on ice in the event they need a kidney or other part. Wouldn't be surprised if that was chester's end.

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dfdb3f  No.10062782


In 1 second.

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11e5a4  No.10062783


Could you post the actual link?

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dfdb3f  No.10062784


I have a walk in, for 7 years now.

Do I look crazy, want evil?

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15c344  No.10062785

File: 4048574c98634f4⋯.gif (321.72 KB, 432x404, 108:101, 4048574c98634f4bba84389c45….gif)



Love this!!


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902cf9  No.10062786


Nice Ty.


KEK doubt it.

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c42065  No.10062787


I miss yours….been a long time. Always a pleasure.


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8c25f8  No.10062789

File: 6f19217d88c51f3⋯.png (5.75 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 3gd_NewLoadingScreen_.png)

File: 3fbcf34e631f69d⋯.png (3.99 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, 3gd_wtf_Chynah.png)

Stream Froze and wierd Loading circle popped up. Happened before but havent saw that circle.


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e905e7  No.10062790


Cal is center-right but for all the tons of vote fraud. It's quite possible that Cox won as Gov, as shown in the early returns. Everybody wants to recall Newsom, so he shut down the state over muh corona, and it's still largely shutdown, for 4 months now.

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fe4f59  No.10062791


SoCal Conservatives rule! Voter suppression.

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3a2bd7  No.10062792


Why my friend, but not me? It asked me if I knew who I was dealing with then told me reinforcements were on the way. Her Eyes wer solid black.

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0ee1d4  No.10062793

File: 4f13068416459cb⋯.png (248.02 KB, 1086x984, 181:164, emfrcolor.png)

to put it into a picture -


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15c344  No.10062794

File: a4b0caa70189790⋯.gif (1.11 MB, 643x400, 643:400, 7471bbaeb1887d4eda43ffa8d4….gif)


>who E is. A known figure. And Fren of all Anons.

Fact. And if you don't know, you should. But instead of ASKING, Anon should DIG on who is and decide for themselves what is going on.


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3a2bd7  No.10062795


It also told me if I didn't stop what I was doing, Their plans will fail.

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fe4f59  No.10062796


Weeks of counting mail in votes .

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67ed02  No.10062798

File: 5a50cf0bbeb94a1⋯.png (12.34 KB, 995x232, 995:232, a_foot.PNG)


Protesters gather in front of Mayor Lightfoot’s home

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8863ff  No.10062799

File: 04cd63525969739⋯.jpg (539.37 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, guantanamo.jpg)

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dfdb3f  No.10062800




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e905e7  No.10062801


Cal is just like Philly, Mil, and Detroit etc., they just keep counting until the demoncrat wins.

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fe4f59  No.10062803

California is Reagan country.

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6de5f5  No.10062804

File: 59ab9833998d00a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1184x2048, 37:64, Screenshot_20200724_010347.png)

While the Democrat mob destroys America, the spineless GOP gives them a helping hand. Pathetic beyond comprehension.

God save us.


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3a2bd7  No.10062805


Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10062307, >>10062328 [THINK MIRROR] Anon Finds Pedo Search Code Word Lolita=Atilol etc.

>>10062387 Tik Tak Is Giving #Qanon The Cold Shoulder

>>10062427 Declassified Documents Show FBI Used Defensive Briefing in 2016 to Spy on Donald Trump

>>10062561 Scientists Say A Supermassive Black Hole Glitched, Inexplicably Turning Off and On Again

>>10062650 FB Illegally Gathers Biometrics Through Photo Tags Attempts to settle class- action lawsuit in ILL for $650mm

>>10062728 2013 reports said a top-secret map leaked by Edward Snowden showed spying facilities at the consulate.

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2c0833  No.10062806

File: f313e46b47511bc⋯.jpg (87.65 KB, 794x639, 794:639, Benedikt_Kautsky.jpg)

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fe4f59  No.10062807

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e905e7  No.10062808


Isnt Beetlejuice immortal? Sorry, never saw it.

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c42065  No.10062810


NICE! Powerful MEME!

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67ed02  No.10062811

File: 9911d5f0443353b⋯.png (13.02 KB, 770x144, 385:72, root_for_v.PNG)


Rooting for the Virus? CNN Boasts Pandemic Is ‘Beating’ ‘Irrelevant’ Trump ‘Badly’

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fe4f59  No.10062812


You look Chinese.

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e905e7  No.10062813


Name them all after Reagan, Trump, Eisenhower kek.

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2c0833  No.10062815

File: e93ed53da8af846⋯.png (88.28 KB, 600x305, 120:61, Bruno_Baum.png)

File: 50bdff7824d654a⋯.jpeg (78.95 KB, 591x477, 197:159, Buchenwald_1945.jpeg)

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dfdb3f  No.10062816


(sorry caps)

This is not a joke.


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e905e7  No.10062817


Kind of like CNN is beating FoxNews?

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67ed02  No.10062818

File: aaa618ecad5bee0⋯.png (31.37 KB, 1048x231, 1048:231, town_hall.PNG)


Longtime Townhall Columnist Mike Adams Has Died

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509ea0  No.10062819

File: 4fd573ffaaaf2fb⋯.png (191.09 KB, 455x342, 455:342, Screenshot_2020_07_24_godz….png)


Godzilla incoming in 3, 2…

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fe4f59  No.10062820

Most Californians are like John Wayne.

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f8f1bf  No.10062821


Everyone know but are too scared to do anything





In your face on TV every day

Nothing, no Republicans said shit

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bdc99d  No.10062823

personally it's actually a good thing Q posts are blocked, less useless posts that equate to spam and more thought being put into the ones that matter- besides those that want to find the pub link can look it up.

Still can get the message out without all the piles of Qsentme jump ons. Those were tedious and annoying.

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67ed02  No.10062824


Former University of North Carolina Wilmington professor who resigned amid controversy found dead in his home

CNN CNNJuly 23, 2020


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902cf9  No.10062825

File: de4080a7b14c82c⋯.jpg (416.24 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, ABCU_Stronk_Frens.jpg)

File: e71d558f36e5db7⋯.png (399.69 KB, 1200x670, 120:67, Fall_Of_The_DeepState.png)

File: 420dbbeff9881c7⋯.jpg (207.29 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, MIL_Civ_Alliance4.jpg)

File: 9c5e2c14297574c⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 544x397, 544:397, Comfy.jpg)


TY We love yous. No Homo

We do it for you all of yous. Even the ungrateful and hater anons

Together WE Win!



Use your VOICE!

Use your VOTE!


We are always here watching and waiting.

Keep up the great work anons.

Without yous there is no Us.



Agree. Remember how We always are saying your have "stronk frens" E is 1.

1 of many. Yous are not alone.

We want what you want: Justice, Facts, Truths.

Law and Order!

America as it should be.

But now I must sleep I am human after all.

WWG1WGA. Live it. Don't let it just be a slogan.

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b2b84b  No.10062826

File: ce78ad63b0685f9⋯.png (317.85 KB, 523x670, 523:670, Constantine_re_Feds_in_Sea….PNG)

Dow Constantine [King County Executive]


Consistent with this @nytimes report, we have received information that a federal government plane landed at Boeing Field tonight & more than a dozen personnel drove off to an unknown destination.

Let me be clear: this community rejects Trump’s unconstitutional use of federal force. It is a transparent attempt to intimidate. But we will not be intimidated.


1. If true, thank you POTUS, sir, finally…

2. Comments to Constantine are really quite impressive [Seattle wants none of his bullshit and is more awake than most think]

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8884d5  No.10062827

File: 4e84cfbdcdc8a2c⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 464x640, 29:40, 20200724_020917.gif)


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bdc99d  No.10062828

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67ed02  No.10062829

File: 8d6bef16ebfc405⋯.png (28.82 KB, 870x276, 145:46, hcq_yale.PNG)


Yale epidemiologist: 'Trump drug' could save 100,000 lives

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f8f1bf  No.10062830


He did as Mittens Traitor won against Obama in 2012 but had no Guts to fight

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dfdb3f  No.10062831


Belive in GOD, but you must believe that are ETs too, that are interdimensional beings, you can call them Angels.

But reality is more stranger than fiction.

God is energy, there is no heaven, but very nice realms, like this one, except that this one is bad.

I don't know to explain… and I don't know much, at this point.

I sure know I'm not from here, but only to help you.

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fe4f59  No.10062832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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406500  No.10062833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fe4f59  No.10062834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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15c344  No.10062835

File: 6904ade023b2c3b⋯.png (392.59 KB, 755x628, 755:628, 6904ade023b2c3b4e9abb9ab89….png)


>But now I must sleep I am human after all.

>WWG1WGA. Live it. Don't let it just be a slogan.

Good Night Anon. Tavel Safe and Thank You!!


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406500  No.10062836


I bet he could not surf!

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7caa50  No.10062837

File: d0243c558bc1c00⋯.png (358.17 KB, 682x406, 341:203, OLD_are_for_MONEY.png)

File: 46d90e2fa01af87⋯.jpg (90.69 KB, 618x412, 3:2, FALSE_POSITIVES.jpg)

File: 26255f2cc525963⋯.jpg (131.32 KB, 554x554, 1:1, PAY_ME_TO_POISON.jpg)

File: 4537585083a1066⋯.jpg (100.56 KB, 616x407, 56:37, Profit_over_lies.jpg)

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15c344  No.10062838

File: 6191dab97ff7691⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 1440x1920, 3:4, 6191dab97ff769162858094811….gif)


What a gift. TY friend.


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bdc99d  No.10062839


CA will be the litmus test to determine whether voter/election fraud is checked- when the results show at least purple. They used union workers threatened into voting dem last time.. I suspect there'll be some threat to unemployment somehow intimated this time

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fe4f59  No.10062840


Mitt is a gay pedophile.

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d81ada  No.10062841

File: d7fc2f3f56eafba⋯.png (688.12 KB, 740x414, 370:207, ClipboardImage.png)

Found a pic of 3GD from closer up, looks to be silt causing the discoloration

Still probably failing though

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2c0833  No.10062842

File: 01f4ea318966238⋯.jpg (25.89 KB, 646x476, 19:14, Camp_Orchestra.jpg)

File: 648c04a409084cb⋯.jpg (76.41 KB, 591x645, 197:215, Dachau.jpg)

File: 66729d9b856308f⋯.jpg (76.06 KB, 672x480, 7:5, ELIE_WIESEL_QUOTE.jpg)

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67ed02  No.10062843

File: 7ebeea96e2060a1⋯.png (186.46 KB, 722x568, 361:284, poker_face.PNG)


Charred body of professional poker player Susie Zhao found in Michigan

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0cbef9  No.10062844


some 20 yrs ago, around the same time unresricted warfare book was published, the Cox Report was happening in congress, would love to see an unredacted reveal on the 'forgotten' Cox Report, concerning china spying, shit so scary about china not much of anything in the report or congressional hearings was ever revealed to the public, but it was obvious to some of us, china stole everything US military was trying to keep secret, that is why they were able to progress so rapidly in their weapons and space technology, we can thank the clinton's for that

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15c344  No.10062846

File: 17a29933c8d1f37⋯.png (359.33 KB, 640x844, 160:211, 17a29933c8d1f37e2ae5aaed34….png)


Arrogant Newbs or Shills…??

Hard to tell.


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a71a19  No.10062847

Two Teens Arrested After Paying Bitcoin to See Livestream Murder on Dark Web

The deep-web website allowed users to pay extra to decide what torture the children would be subject to next.

Two Italian 17-year-olds were arrested for paying Bitcoin (BTC) to see children being sexually abused, tortured and murdered in live streaming.

Local media Il Messaggero reported on July 15 that the deep web website viewed by the two also allowed users to pay extra to decide what torture the children would be subjected to next. Italian law enforcement explained:

“Users that were able to reach those kinds of obscure environments are allowed to take part in acts of sexual violence and torture on minors, performed live by adults.”

Livestreamed torture on-demand

The services offered by the website have different costs. Viewing a pre-recorded video costs much less than watching live, but in both cases the viewing concludes with the death of the child. The article also provides another example, according to which “viewers can for instance request them to amputate a children’s arm or to pour hot oil over the victim.” Law enforcement said:

“The live requests really cost a lot of money and ensure particularly high profits to the foreign organizations that carry out those inhuman acts.”

The two were searched as part of an ongoing investigation that has so far involved 25 people — 19 minors and six over 18 — residing in 13 Italian provinces. The operation is nicknamed “Delirio” — delirium in Italian — by local law enforcement. It started in October and resulted in tens of searches.

The two arrested are a man and a woman who exchanged details pertaining to what they referred to as a “red room.” The man often shared with the women grim details of the livestreams.

Media found include pedopornographic videos self-made by minors, videos of children as young as three-year-olds being molested by adults, and videos depicting violence often accompanied by Nazi symbology.

It is unclear whether the website offering the services was shut down, but presumably only some of its viewers were caught. Local law enforcement has not answered Cointelegraph’s inquiry.


Original Italian news


Shit is pretty real


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0ee1d4  No.10062848


reminds me of the Vegas Shooters girl friend.

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552e97  No.10062849

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406500  No.10062850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


She should have folded.

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e905e7  No.10062851


I was expecting Trump's DHS to take decisive action, but I havent seen it. Vote fraud is the only real election issue.

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3a2bd7  No.10062852


The bread that never ends with mostly shit posts.

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67ed02  No.10062854

File: b777496f143b4fe⋯.png (231.34 KB, 853x524, 853:524, sun_light.PNG)


Bill Binney, Intelligence Experts Ask President Trump to Demand Sunlight from FBI and Intel Community on Russia Collusion and Other Cover Ups Like the Seth Rich Investigation

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fe4f59  No.10062855


He had a Laguna Beach and Newport Beach beach house. He Shred.

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e905e7  No.10062856


A dozen? hahahahahahah That's not even one chopper load.

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8d7a0e  No.10062857


Baker How u Doin

I can bake for awhile if you need help just let me know

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17e63e  No.10062858

File: 9bbd8594297e991⋯.jpg (117.66 KB, 750x757, 750:757, 9bbd8594297e991c369ea76f83….jpg)

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8884d5  No.10062859

File: 32dff6e4704730d⋯.png (219.24 KB, 1086x984, 181:164, 20200724_021822.png)

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e905e7  No.10062860


Cox didnt have the money to contest.

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bdc99d  No.10062861


Imagine being so fucking pissed you just say, fuck it and post as a professor knowing the results…only he didn't know he'd be off'd.

"This evening I ate pizza and drank beer with six guys at a six seat table top. I almost felt like a free man who was not living in the slave state of North Carolina. Massa Cooper, let my people go!" he tweeted on May 29.

Roy Cooper is North Carolina's Democratic governor.

Adams' tweet was sent a week after the state moved into phase two of reopening and a few days after protests erupted over George Floyd's death in Minneapolis.

Another tweet from Adams, on May 28, read: "Don't shut down the universities. Shut down the non essential majors. Like Women's Studies."

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67ed02  No.10062862

File: b08b3e5ea919a27⋯.png (45.92 KB, 830x516, 415:258, 4_score.PNG)


Gregg Jarrett: FBI Director Chris Wray Is Hiding Joe Pientka from Investigators – Hid Documents for 4 Years that Prove Trump’s Innocence (VIDEO)

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fe4f59  No.10062863


All Mormons are pedophiles.

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3a2bd7  No.10062864


Tik Tok

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504e37  No.10062866

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a71a19  No.10062867

File: 158d51198ee22d5⋯.png (45.94 KB, 318x119, 318:119, EcWE2aeXgAUqF_D.png)

File: 5ea849a4952415f⋯.jpg (44.7 KB, 320x320, 1:1, EcWFRQAXkAANgGe.jpg)


Anons, who own this?

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5902d6  No.10062868


Good information, thank you.

Reading now_

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0ee1d4  No.10062869


The Higgs field is basically the entire canvas

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8d7a0e  No.10062870


d2l brah

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cf433c  No.10062871

File: 65c3100f29ed3af⋯.jpeg (653.72 KB, 1200x1684, 300:421, 3A7D0BD1_90A6_4659_A875_B….jpeg)

wonder what this will be about… i used to respect this show in the 2000’s

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552e97  No.10062872

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406500  No.10062873

File: bc4eb92502c59e1⋯.png (7.07 MB, 4140x2332, 1035:583, 00jd.png)



Bill is awesome.


How many drinks have you had tonight, Sir?! kek

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e905e7  No.10062874


What was he thinking! He was a state employee ffs!

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504e37  No.10062875

>>10062870 5:5 Sometimes baker, self identified notetaker - Just ckd muh pastebin. It be gone Gone w/the exception of 8 pastes.

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bdc99d  No.10062876


what does that patch have to do with the article linked?

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fbd6d4  No.10062877

There are six things that the LORD strongly dislikes, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

— Proverbs 6:16–19

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3a2bd7  No.10062878


That would be nice.FIRMED

I have a feeling I'lll be baking much this weekend Thanks.

Notes I've got thus far

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10062307, >>10062328 [THINK MIRROR] Anon Finds Pedo Search Code Word Lolita=Atilol etc.

>>10062387 Tik Tak Is Giving #Qanon The Cold Shoulder

>>10062427 Declassified Documents Show FBI Used Defensive Briefing in 2016 to Spy on Donald Trump

>>10062561 Scientists Say A Supermassive Black Hole Glitched, Inexplicably Turning Off and On Again

>>10062650 FB Illegally Gathers Biometrics Through Photo Tags Attempts to settle class- action lawsuit in ILL for $650mm

>>10062728 2013 reports said a top-secret map leaked by Edward Snowden showed spying facilities at the consulate.

>>10062804 The List: 72 Republican Virgins Vote With Democrats to Remove Civil War-Era Memorabilia from U.S. Capital

>>10062826 FEDs Tell Seattle Anarchists to Simmer Down

>>10062829 Yale epidemiologist: 'Trump drug' could save 100,000 lives

>>10062843 Charred body of professional poker player Susie Zhao found in Michigan

>>10062847 Two Teens Arrested After Paying Bitcoin to See Livestream Murder on Dark Web

>>10062854 Bill Binney, Intelligence Experts Ask President Trump to Demand Sunlight from FBI and Intel Community on Russia Collusion and Other Cover Ups Like the Seth Rich Investigation

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a71a19  No.10062879



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454c25  No.10062881


Next they'll call for a Statue of the Queen of England to be raised in the Capitol, and pretend the War of Independence didn't happen either.

Do I jest? Hmmm, sometimes I wonder. Chuckie Schummer did say 'God Save the Queen' at a notable microphoned moment. Nobody ever explained that bit of theatre.

Anyway, as a non-US citizen observer, I shudder at how easily Americans cast aside figures of so momentus a war in World Historic terms. It has become part of your mythological history as much as it is real history. And yet here we go, tear down the mythic figures of that age.

Infuriating period we're living through.

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552e97  No.10062882


Tic Tok?

>>10062387 Tik Tak Is Giving #Qanon The Cold Shoulder

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a71a19  No.10062883



Video around 0:06

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fe4f59  No.10062884


I hung out with the Z Boys, they were fake news, they were famous because Hollywood filmed them.

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8d7a0e  No.10062885

>>10062878 ok

>>10062875 Thank you SometimesbakerNotetaker

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bdc99d  No.10062886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“Neither Flynn Nor Stone Were Guilty—

There Was No Russian Hack” Bill Binney Makes His Case

Binney clearly explains it was a thumb drive (seth rich) and the muh russia shit was poorly done addition, no sign of russia. Also goes into Assange political imprisonment

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8884d5  No.10062887

File: 01c6c8f4647e294⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 450x600, 3:4, 20200724_022556.gif)



[they] stealin yer shyte, too?

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ab5d66  No.10062888

Large group of federal agents now in the street confronting the mob. Gas being deployed.

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3a2bd7  No.10062889


I thought it was Tic Tok, but look at the graphic.

I know it isn't tik tak, but It also isn't Tw^tter.

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e25dd6  No.10062890

File: c93f728f11d4ead⋯.png (287.22 KB, 567x271, 567:271, Jali_Cat_.png)



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bdc99d  No.10062891


Not click'n that shit

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cf433c  No.10062892


shame if true! i trusted wray

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7caa50  No.10062893

File: 1ab97c318287ca2⋯.jpg (970.46 KB, 2672x1668, 668:417, INT_BILL_OF_RIGHTS.jpg)

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dccf84  No.10062894

File: fa1442b639366e4⋯.png (209.13 KB, 522x602, 261:301, Screen_Shot_2020_07_24_at_….png)

MLB is "mirror" of BLM (Just my thought on bread title, if it hasn't already been mentioned).


If you read the piece, I think it makes "social distancing" a moot point in certain environments (if true). I think people need to make their own decisions about risk and act accordingly. I personally don't want to spend the rest of my life 6 feet from everyone or else continuously masked. The risk of death from the virus (or whatever the pathogen) is not that great (unless Huawei 5G enabled?).

China rolled out a mandatory vaccine program that coincided pretty well with the start of the pandemic. I am starting to believe that COVID-19 is a one-two punch but maybe not as certain agencies wanted us to believe. Over 65 is when death rate from COVID-19 massively increases (but still not very high). In the US, those over 65 get "special" flu shots. Also, I think the virulence is enhanced with certain EMFs (alterations to 5G).

Why meat packing plants? I thought maybe a bacteria was involved, but this story claims "cold and stale" air. Sounds like Legionnaire's disease perhaps.

Anon posted video by person saying the illness was viral/bacterial tag team. My hypothesis: Vaccine injects "contaminant" of RNA from coronavirus. Body "attacks" virus (which is actually detox program). Now person's defense from intracellular pathogen (bacterial) is weakened. Bacteria enters cells and cannot be dislodged. EMF (Huawei 5G) enables bacterial translocation from outside to inside cells.

Prevention: Do not get vaccinated. Take zinc and compounds to get zinc inside cells (HCQ, quinine/tonic water, quercetin ?, green tea). Avoid venues with close crowds that are poorly ventilated, but air conditioned. City office buildings are SOL as well as health care facilities (vaccines demanded for employment to boot).

As Del Bigtree as explained on "The HighWire" T cell immunity to the pathogen is key. "Antibodies" to "coronavirus" are short lived and are not the key to immunity. A vaccine in this scenario, especially at "warp speed" seems like a fool's errand. (Not that sensible people will take it, anyway) If we are misunderstanding what viruses really are (I think they are exosomes and represent cellular detox programs) then it is exceptionally dumb to use a viral vaccine to prevent "COVID-19" (actual disease).

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15c344  No.10062895



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3a2bd7  No.10062896


I think I'm on hour ten or so for the day.



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dfdb3f  No.10062897


I'm a smoker. Regular cig.

And when I go on my balcony to smoke, I light up cig, put smoke in my mouth, but she didn't let me to inhale.

I said wtf?

Try again, same result.

Again, same result.

Thne I tried again, and mime that i let out and inhale.

Like now, same there, face is burning, she knew I fooled her.

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d3d6ec  No.10062898

Get in here! Wikileaks



Just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, McCanns being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic.

Happy Digging!


Copied/Pasted. Thanks #JulianAssange

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fe4f59  No.10062899


Just enough fella.

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fef62f  No.10062900

File: 2ad33d5a90191ce⋯.mp4 (437.9 KB, 720x720, 1:1, b_storm_memes_1.mp4)


>Act to thwart planned false flag in which an armed Federal officer kills a child

Just a jotted note for a meme. New at this, trying to get rolling.

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8d7a0e  No.10062902


been there done that, get some rest Il work for awhile

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cea14f  No.10062903

File: 0583aec5a39e2f0⋯.jpeg (962.28 KB, 1242x1451, 1242:1451, 0281A8A0_93DB_42DD_9DC9_0….jpeg)

File: 4d13c32cc1476ef⋯.jpeg (275.68 KB, 1242x619, 1242:619, 63598BE6_2EFC_4F83_B3E6_A….jpeg)


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e25dd6  No.10062904

File: 36a1e939e6f3768⋯.png (927.67 KB, 774x515, 774:515, AJohnson.png)


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3a2bd7  No.10062905



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bdc99d  No.10062906


He lost pension but retired with 500k so he figured he'd be okay and it was worth it to speak his conscience– pretty high price but he left honest

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509ea0  No.10062907

File: e298a69ad4367a6⋯.png (27.81 KB, 469x386, 469:386, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)

File: 9ef48e25170df26⋯.png (21.9 KB, 297x444, 99:148, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)




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10b730  No.10062908

File: 141273a42d18625⋯.png (374.75 KB, 705x370, 141:74, ClipboardImage.png)


Yale epidemiologist says hydroxychloroquine could save up to 100K lives if used for coronavirus


An epidemiology professor at the Yale School of Public Health said hydroxychloroquine could save 100,000 lives from the coronavirus but added that the controversial anti-malaria drug has instead been used in a “propaganda war.”

“I think 75,000 to 100,000 lives will be saved,” Dr. Harvey Risch said in an interview Tuesday evening with Fox News’s Laura Ingraham after she asked if thousands of lives could be saved if a hydroxychloroquine stockpile was released.

“It’s a political drug now, not a medical drug, and that’s caused the complete population’s ignorance. And I think we’re basically fighting a propaganda war against the medical facts, and that color is not just the population of people, how they think about it, but doctors as well,” Risch said earlier in the interview.

Risch also addressed colleagues who have denounced using the drug as a treatment for coronavirus patients.

“There are many doctors that I’ve gotten hostile remarks about, saying that all the evidence is bad for it, and, in fact, that is not true at all,” Risch said, claiming the medication can be used as a “prophylactic” for front-line workers.

And don't forget to check out this article on Zinc and zinc ionophores which explains why some HCQ studies show disappointing results. Synergy and protocol of use are important. HCQ is not a cure, it is a treatment that works well if correctly used.


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a71a19  No.10062909


is "Watch the water" about this:

American Bureau of Shipping?

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cea14f  No.10062910

File: d0e9c87d5792fe9⋯.jpeg (896.88 KB, 1242x1287, 138:143, E0DFCD3D_58EE_427C_B1CE_E….jpeg)

File: 1fadd1130f23779⋯.jpeg (281.56 KB, 1242x664, 621:332, 8601BF10_52D4_4473_9B36_2….jpeg)


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bdc99d  No.10062911


his tweet also reveals the personnel are under threat of the governor so he did some damage to their side

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8615ed  No.10062912


Its beyond out of control at this point. I would love to get my hands on that unredacted report. I think the agents in the US know what coming however. That may be what we saw with the burning of paperwork yesterday. The first of the agents in SanFran running to the consulate. My guess would be passports and visa paper trail destroyed. (yuuuge numbers big fire) or fake mail in voter ballots trafficked in to US via shipping ports.

Shipping ports on pacific rim states California, Washington, Oregon. With recent news in Houston is also key port. (I believe on the human traffic side.) They control the management software for ports / containers, the tech, freight distribution of illeagal goods, and people….straight up out of the book. Its like a bad dream. So comped and they did it right in front of the American public's face. With the help of our own corrupt officials and CEO's.

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454c25  No.10062913


EVIDENCE lay the foundations of conspiracy theories. Evidence most people don't want to hear and MSM wants to suppress.

Not Trump, not Stone and not Jones. Evidence.

So straight away, the show plots its bias. Concentrating on the 'tellers' of conspiracy narratives always distracts attention away from the evidence.

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bdc99d  No.10062915


It's been revealed that shipping container of diplomats are how many dark things are trafficked in. So that would be a great area to dig Anon. ABS

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4087b3  No.10062916


What happened with her? Current location, links? . . . .

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f8f1bf  No.10062917


The NWO /Globalization plan was to move all Business to China, Destroying the Crackers who created the Free world

and somehow Manage the CCP monster you created and Rule happily ever after over all the people who created the World by using all the people who did Nothing to Destroy them.

So far so Good.

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cea14f  No.10062918

File: 9d64a37d17b471e⋯.jpeg (264.15 KB, 1242x771, 414:257, 36318528_F67B_4E26_A36B_0….jpeg)


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509ea0  No.10062919

File: 9871e83c1dbe4e6⋯.png (440.09 KB, 535x538, 535:538, Screenshot_2020_07_24_The_….png)

Meet the new head of UK Jewry’s first-of-its-kind racial equality commission



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fe4f59  No.10062920

Everyone of my movie-star friends was raped as a child.

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6baafb  No.10062921


If you live in Cali, I hope you've signed a recall petition.

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e25dd6  No.10062922

File: 8fe401468c315f6⋯.png (678.28 KB, 503x498, 503:498, water_house.png)


Look at M.Waters House

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cea14f  No.10062923

File: c4921372d140b18⋯.jpeg (648.22 KB, 1242x1485, 46:55, BBA74F44_013B_433E_B8AC_F….jpeg)


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8884d5  No.10062924

File: 760ca2619d01d8d⋯.jpg (141.66 KB, 508x650, 254:325, 20200724_023232.jpg)



then why bother lying about the rest…

<just lie about the important part.

you know Allll of human (((science))) is вцllsнiт… яigнт?

"ıłłцмîňaтеđ even."

the reality implied by the proven existence of the higgs field does not seem to be well understood.

one wonders why such a thing is not discussed moar…

especially onchan.

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bdc99d  No.10062925


A friend had that virus for 2 months before they named it. He had to sleep sitting up to breath, coughing his lungs up etc.. once he began taking very high dose vitamin C in sodium ascorbate form which isn't acidic, tasteless, he took 15-20 grams a day and within 2 days he was back to normal.

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7caa50  No.10062926

File: 70435cde0b5c8db⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2660x1636, 665:409, FREE_INT.jpg)

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509ea0  No.10062927

File: da74474caa2fb00⋯.png (232.72 KB, 535x549, 535:549, Screenshot_2020_07_24_Haar….png)

The disappearance of thousands of babies, almost all of them between 1949 and 1951, has haunted Israeli society for decades


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fe4f59  No.10062928

The Wrecking Crew made all the music you love. The rock Stars that took credit had no talent they were just trust fund babies.

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504e37  No.10062929

>>10062887 Yeah. WTAF?? I don't even bake that much anymoar.

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f2aff9  No.10062930

File: 94766c62000df52⋯.jpg (764.29 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200724_033920….jpg)


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48f7da  No.10062931

Humanity is really starting to look bad. There is no “awakening” for most of these people. Doesn’t matter how much WE know, see- appears corruption is around every corner and nothing is being done. All these pedos- are they just gonna “magically” disappear? All the brainwashed democratic socialists - are they just gonna have a come to Jesus moment? We have lost an entire generation to BLM and Antifa and mask loving sheep. I’m getting tired of this. POTUS will you honor us who have been loyal for so many years and end it now? Why are all the good citizens made to suffer with the lost. I’m a mother who is worried for my babies. I need to see some hope for their future.

Q ARE YOU LISTENING?! ENOUGH. We are dying out here.

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3a8d65  No.10062933


Is this some new shill tactic? It wasn't that interesting the 10 times I was told it was new.

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10b730  No.10062934


Again more nonsense about Tonic Water. Do not drink fizzy sugary drinks. They make you MORE vulnerable to disease.

Read this article:


And carefully read this section the NUMBERS are important. Nobody drinks 42 liters of tonic water every day. That would kill you from H2O poisoning.

Would tonic water work just as well?

The same question might be asked as to whether there is a protective effect for those who consume tonic water which contains quinine (either alone or in the form of gin and tonics etc.). While medicinal tonic water of the past contained quite a bit of quinine, the FDA now limits the quinine content of tonic water to 83 ppm (83mg per liter) whereas, just for comparison, the modern-day studies on the use of quinine for malaria (yes, quinine can still sometimes be used for malaria) would use 3,500 mg daily. Furthermore, pharmacological doses of quinine would be expected to cause all the same cardiac and neurotoxic side effects as chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. Just to highlight this, the antiarrhythmic drug, quinidine, is just the stereo-isomer of quinine, can easily cause fatal arrhythmias if taken in just a slightly high dose (normal dosing ranges of quinidine is 600–1,200mg daily). So as long as tonic water consumption remains below 7 liters per day, one would likely avoid the side effects but would also likely be far from the beneficial effects on zinc transport as well. But there is certainly no harm in reasonable consumption and there may be some benefit as a zinc ionophore particularly in the same parts of the body the cornavirus first invades, the throat. As has been said, ‘what have you got to lose?’

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fe4f59  No.10062935


The music industry is a money laundering scheme.

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ab5d66  No.10062936

"[I have a] Newfound respect for tear gas and pepper spray."

-Portland Terrorist

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406500  No.10062937

File: ed89f681d69a446⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1730x758, 865:379, 07242020tc1.png)

QAnon believers will likely outlast and outsmart Twitter’s bans

July 23, 2020 11.00pm EDT



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17a1ce  No.10062938

File: 0ff6dd0fad67794⋯.png (890.49 KB, 939x604, 939:604, ClipboardImage.png)

With all that's happening, I find myself reminded of this tweet from douchenozzle Alex Soros.

There's a concerted effort to destroy Western Culture and white people.

We know the jews are behind it.

Stay strong, frens.

We will win.


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10b730  No.10062940


Does this mean that Israelis are more Yemeni Arab than Jewish?

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f09a12  No.10062941

The Chicom-joo complex.

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5548b7  No.10062942

It's pretty obvious that the other side has more power and influence than Q and POTUS

they can start a pandemic

Initiate civil unrest and protests

Create mass unemployment

Destroy economies

What does Q and POTUS do?

POTUS just aqueices and promotes masks and goes on twitter rants– impotence to nth degree.

Q at this point is little more than a gossip operation.


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fe4f59  No.10062943

Hollywood is a money laundering scheme.

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17a1ce  No.10062944

File: 5baec6f77045ec0⋯.png (686.18 KB, 604x655, 604:655, ClipboardImage.png)



In one week, experience a new visual album inspired by The Lion King: The Gift. #BlackIsKing film by


, is streaming exclusively July 31 on #DisneyPlus.


Nigga please

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f8f1bf  No.10062945


He didn’t have a Chance.

The Republicans are Pussies and want their $170k plus Bribes and kickbacks Period.

The GOP never comes to help but George Soros will throw down $30 Million of CCP and Globalist cash in a Heart Beat

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fe4f59  No.10062946

Politics is a money laundering scheme.

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bdc99d  No.10062947


phht yeah, nice try. A mom who is dying out on this board at this time- try harder

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a84236  No.10062948

File: b26e4b60b7ae314⋯.jpg (221.06 KB, 880x480, 11:6, PSX_20200723_212328.jpg)

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a846e8  No.10062949

Columbus statute

torn down in Chit-congo

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fe4f59  No.10062950

iThe police department, fire department and teachers are s a money laundering scheme.

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bdc99d  No.10062951


likely one of those masonic run orgs

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48f7da  No.10062952


Point in fact.

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e25dd6  No.10062953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fe4f59  No.10062955


Every charity and church are s a money laundering scheme.

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bdc99d  No.10062956


for the last few days too

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dfdb3f  No.10062957

There is a book:

At the end of the world.

Where some people, gine to Antartica, clamed one that is Jesus, raped a girl and murdered family, and all @.


If you do that, imagine what others can do?!

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f8f1bf  No.10062958


Mechanical Robot?


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10b730  No.10062959


I also found that sleeping sitting up helped with respiratory virus infections. In my case the doctor said it was likely Adenovirus and a Strep test came up negative. He gave me Dexamethasone which is also used to treat COVID.

I set an alarm to only sleep 1.5 hours at a time.

8 years ago when I had a cold that would not go away, I travelled to Russia to my wife's relatives. They greeted us with the usual food and vodka and I got smashed. We walked back to our hotel in the winter air and I just collapsed into an armchair with my parka still on. I was still coughing and felt the cold deep in my chest.

Next morning, when I woke up, the cold was gone.

My theory is that burning the alcohol in my liver heated up the bottom of my lungs due to sitting up, and that heat just killed all the viruses. Maybe this is why the Russians and Finns have a tradition of sitting in a sauna getting drunk to cure what ails you.

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406500  No.10062960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

QAnon: The conspiracy theory spreading fake news

BBC Newsnight

8,120 views Jul 23, 2020

594K subscribers

"Twitter has become the first social media outlet to announce a crackdown on the QAnon conspiracy theory, banning thousands of accounts and blocking web addresses linking to videos and websites spreading it. But what is QAnon and what do its followers believe?

At its heart, QAnon is a wide-ranging, unfounded conspiracy theory that says that Donald Trump is waging a secret war against elite Satan-worshipping paedophiles in government, business and the media.

QAnon believers have speculated that this fight will lead to a day of reckoning where prominent people such as Hillary Clinton will be arrested and executed.

It may sound outlandish, but it hasn't stopped President Trump himself retweeting tweets from accounts supporting the theories - and those in his circle have posted imagery linked to the group. Since the coronavirus pandemic took hold in the US in March there's been a surge in online QAnon groups.

As the US gears up for its presidential election in November, BBC Population Correspondent Stephanie Hegarty and producer Emma Ailes have been taking a deeper look into Q-Anon."




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fef62f  No.10062962


>if the baker doesn't include the bread is moldy

My sugg'n is that a more formal second of the nom using the red to baker might be good.


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dfdb3f  No.10062963



This is true, a book, live on Coast To Coast.


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fe4f59  No.10062964

8kun.top is a money laundering scheme.

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cf433c  No.10062966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

three gorges dam / water? biblical?

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c5c20d  No.10062967


My pleasure anon.

Here is a general overview…..

The Playbook:

Unrestricted Warfare

By Col. Qiao Liang and Col. Wang Xiangsui

Published by the Peoples Liberation Army

Published in Feb 1999 Translated to English in 2002. Used by many intelligence agencies as a reference guide however not really popularized in the US. The basic idea is simple … how a country with a weak military can defeat a much stronger one. They discuss how large military investment is inefficient and limited. They also discuss how Unrestricted Warfare has no rules, no limits and little cost.

In the book Unrestricted Warfare it outlines warfare types to be used:

1. Financial Warfare - Manipulate currency, Subvert banking and national debt.

2. Smuggling Warfare - Flood target nation with illegal goods and people.

3. Culture Warfare - Imposing others culture on target country… Compromise the culture code. Projection, Virtue Signaling (MSM Brainwashing) Men vs Women, Black vs white, Divide the people making them weak because they are fighting each other.

4. Drug warfare - Flood target country with illicit drugs… Pharma…opioid epidemic, Meth etc…

5. Media Fabrication - Intimidate journalist, Compromise journalist, Extortion. Ask yourself this…Do MSM reporters even investigate or research any more? Are they told what they can and cannot write?

6. Technology Warfare - Gain control over vital technologies. key components and production. All phones, computers, MS operating systems, Android, Apple, Software, apps. All are compromised. Zoom. Chips and other hardware technology subverted. Wireless frequency / vibration weapons (Sold to China by the Biden's 2009). Frequency manipulation 3G, 4G, 5G, 2.4Ghz etc.

7. Resource Warfare - Gain control over scarce resources (Gold, Oil, what about water and air.) Hamper development of scarce resources in target country.

8. Psychological Warfare - Divide nations ideas of government and basic right and wrong. Divide nations unity so they fight among themselves. (More MSM brainwashing) Movies, TV shows. Thought pushing. Virtue Signaling, Projection. More men vs women, black vs white, religion vs religion. Poor vs rich.

9. Network Warfare - Subvert international information systems…identity fraud. Comped credit bureau? Every Americans information compromised? Why? Surveillance. All network infrastructure is compromised. Cisco 5G, 4G more dangerous than you realize. Frequency and vibration warfare. Silent weapons for a silent war.

10. International Law Warfare - Join multinational groups and subvert their policies. WHO, UN etc…

11. Environmental Warfare - Weaken target country by altering natural environments, physical, economic, cultural, and social aspects.

12. Economic Aid Warfare - Control target country by buying it's debt then discredit it by selling it off in bulk to create concerns.

13. Bio weapons. Attack the health industry. Control health technology, pharma manufacturing. Attack the peoples subconscious. Supply chains. Ultimate take down occurring right now. Covid-19

…Sound familiar to anyone?'

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fe4f59  No.10062968


Useful idiots.

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3ce4b5  No.10062969

File: 1ba4c9631df43e3⋯.png (1.17 MB, 942x582, 157:97, ClipboardImage.png)

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0cbef9  No.10062970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


speaking of shipping containers…

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67ed02  No.10062972

File: fc116fc7a057153⋯.png (247.86 KB, 483x482, 483:482, mason_ford2.PNG)

File: f26c973221d358f⋯.png (824.49 KB, 756x501, 252:167, masson.PNG)

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454c25  No.10062973


Sentiments and frustrations shared by many.

It's either going to be one helluva fireworks show that will bring waves of euphoric release to people who share your views - or - we're being laughed at all the way to a Brave New World Order, and the folks laughing are amazed it is happening so easily.

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cea14f  No.10062974

File: dd63b5efa0cd051⋯.jpeg (306.83 KB, 1242x629, 1242:629, 45F6639D_6E7F_41B3_852E_C….jpeg)


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0d90ab  No.10062975

File: 7d4eae1b8502193⋯.pdf (162.77 KB, Grim_Weekend.pdf)


>>10062292 /pb/

>WTF are you talkin about?

No Such Agency* not NoneSuch. Tiredanon types bad.

>>10062205 /pb/

Digging into SR, got lost in a hole re: his boss Stanley Bernard Greenberg.

Quick dive turned up a WaPo article from July 19, 1999, 3 days after JFK Jr's plane went down. Turns out Clinton hosted a massive soirée on the South Lawn for Barak on 7/18. The list of guests is a who's who. How many of these folks wanted Jr. out of the way? Greenberg, a campaign guru, was there as well. We know HRC won the NY Senate race in November 1999.

Did Seth leave Greenberg Quinlan Rosner to join the DNC, but become disillusioned with the politics of it all? We know Seth was a Bernie Bro. Was he disappointed that his mentor sided with the establishment? Or, was Seth working for an outside influence? One that directly opposes the DNC? Did he complete his mission? And what does that mean for today?

Greenberg himself wrote an article entitled "How She Lost," the last paragraph of which reads,

"The progressive debate must now address: What is the role of the working class and white working class? How do you build off of anger toward an economy that fails the middle class, but still align with professionals, innovators, and metropolitan areas? How do you credibly battle corporate influence and corrupted politics? Can you simultaneously advance identity and class politics?"

Looks a lot like 2020, with angry whites assuming a role in the progressive agenda. Political leaders at all levels are aligning themselves with the progressive BLM, taking on corporations, government institutions, and more. It may be an information war, but the battlefield is class and identity.


Oh. China? No idea where they fit into this scenario.

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fe4f59  No.10062976

Every business is a money laundering scheme.

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509ea0  No.10062977


No, only proves Jews kidnapped and sacrificed childrens

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8d7a0e  No.10062978


>>10062307, >>10062328 [THINK MIRROR] Anon Finds Pedo Search Code Word Lolita=Atilol etc.

>>10062387 Tik Tak Is Giving #Qanon The Cold Shoulder

>>10062427 Declassified Documents Show FBI Used Defensive Briefing in 2016 to Spy on Donald Trump

>>10062561 Scientists Say A Supermassive Black Hole Glitched, Inexplicably Turning Off and On Again

>>10062650 FB Illegally Gathers Biometrics Through Photo Tags Attempts to settle class- action lawsuit in ILL for $650mm

>>10062728 2013 reports said a top-secret map leaked by Edward Snowden showed spying facilities at the consulate.

>>10062804 The List: 72 Republican Virgins Vote With Democrats to Remove Civil War-Era Memorabilia from U.S. Capital

>>10062826 FEDs Tell Seattle Anarchists to Simmer Down

>>10062829 Yale epidemiologist: 'Trump drug' could save 100,000 lives

>>10062843 Charred body of professional poker player Susie Zhao found in Michigan

>>10062847 Two Teens Arrested After Paying Bitcoin to See Livestream Murder on Dark Web

>>10062854 Bill Binney, Intelligence Experts Ask President Trump to Demand Sunlight from FBI and Intel Community on Russia Collusion and Other Cover Ups Like the Seth Rich Investigation

>>10062867, >>10062907, >>10062890 who is Eagle.org American Bureau Of Shipping

>>10062886, >>10062854 Bill Binney

>>10062919 Meet the new head of UK Jewry’s first-of-its-kind racial equality commission

>>10062631 Act to thwart planned false flag in which an armed Federal officer kills a child

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fe4f59  No.10062979


I owned a business.

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17a1ce  No.10062980

File: 573d570b71f2d42⋯.png (141.87 KB, 1717x725, 1717:725, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fdc7847566375a⋯.png (46.06 KB, 603x370, 603:370, ClipboardImage.png)


>>9276842 (pb)

Hecke Weltha 🐸


How to write an article about #QAnon starter pack.

1. Point out Q followers are a group of Trump supporters. Make sure to call it a "conspiracy."

2. As sarcastically as possible, inform your readers Q is helping Trump battle the Deep State cabal that's led by George Soros.



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dfdb3f  No.10062981


THIS is most ridiculous post I ever read.

You must be a shill. or frustrated moron.

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bdc99d  No.10062982

Latest update from BD Anon

This intel was uncovered by George Webb over his 4 yrs tracking and revealing the treasonous rat lines of trafficking and foreign insurgent import by those who ultimately call the shots- MIC MALTA


When Barr and Durham visited Italy they discovered enough evidence to lock Strozk and Brennan up for a long, long time. Both have overseas accounts totaling in the millions of dollars that came from their intelligence activities. Strozk has been a spy for Iran for years, and Brennan, who kept a prayer rug in his office in the CIA, was a gun for hire and worked for several intelligence agencies in the Middle East. In addition he sold the Country out to the Russians on several occasions and was a total piece of shit. In fact the Steele Dossier was a product of members of Russian intelligence working with rogue elements of the CIA. Strozk was Brennan`s pimp to ensure the Dossier made its way to the West and was labeled the Steele Dossier to hide it real origins. Afterwards Putin found out about the conspiracy and executed members of his intelligence agency,(FSA) for their participation in the conspiracy. Putin provided documentation to Trump at their meeting, (remember when they met privately), and Trump handed the information off to Barr. On a side note Huma Abedin was a spy for the Muslim Brotherhood for years and everything she got from Hillary was passed on to several terrorist groups in the middle east. Speaking of Hillary the Chinese along with others were in her private server, she kept next to her toilet, for years and their access resulted in the deaths of most of our spies in China. Fascinatingly enough there was a large contingent of spies in Wuhan, China and three who were hidden in the bio-lab that created the Chinese Virus that were executed. That bitch Clinton should for this alone be tried for treason and locked up forever. Fuck her and John Brennan. Barr and Durham have more than enough to fuck the deep state`s brains out. We will see. http://paulfurber.net/bda/index.html

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8f3f29  No.10062983


I see that we have a new iteration of Daniel.

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17a1ce  No.10062984


>You must be a shill. or frustrated moron.

When you've got 51 posts, you're basically just free-associating

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8c25f8  No.10062985



That's why you use qbin.

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c5fc52  No.10062986

The global occult ritual of mask-wearing signals your consent to your new, subservient position, under your new masters, and the loss of your position as a vocal representative of, or mouthpiece for, the Word of God on this earth.


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8884d5  No.10062987

File: 404ec7fa5b9e7aa⋯.gif (1.38 MB, 540x304, 135:76, 2fcf2483_b54f_4f00_bf0b_19….gif)

File: 1016374ece550b1⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 540x304, 135:76, fd74f352_55d6_473a_815f_2d….gif)

File: 70c338da140acca⋯.gif (805.63 KB, 540x304, 135:76, 532b0d4f_71b3_4f2b_9f37_a9….gif)

File: 26307d3ea0d4ffc⋯.gif (309.53 KB, 494x370, 247:185, 20200724_024922.gif)


Every anon's files are missing certain… parts.

Most will never even know.

processing This much data for This long… well, a bit here and a bit there won't be missed… Surely?

(you) should all check.

**gold nano particle data seems yo be of Particular Succulence to the… ahhhhh… "datavœrhounds".

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17a1ce  No.10062988

File: 21b11304974ea2d⋯.png (261.1 KB, 400x298, 200:149, ClipboardImage.png)


>This intel was uncovered by George Webb

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dfdb3f  No.10062989


This is wrong w/ people, too many retarded people.

Why I am here, when an asteroid can fix it?!?!?

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8884d5  No.10062990

File: cfc0da05e7272ad⋯.jpg (485.28 KB, 808x1562, 404:781, 20200722_232412.jpg)


<æı do No Such Thing… tyvm..

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454c25  No.10062991


So that's its full meaning - the G spot?

Freemasonry has been on an eternal quest to uncover the mysteries of the G spot.

Dear Lord, thems people be sex mad.

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bdc99d  No.10062992


Interesting hypothesis– reminds of the cryo therapy then into hot pool back and forth, only more pleasant.

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fe4f59  No.10062993


Every business is a money laundering scheme.

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406500  No.10062994

File: 8403c0efd7726f7⋯.png (5.47 MB, 2720x3866, 1360:1933, 00tqwar5.png)


and your point is?

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31ae0b  No.10062995

Is something Big breaking today? @ 3 AM Sundance tweets John Solomon to check his inbox, uses DOJ image……


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48f7da  No.10062996


Thank you, Some comfort in knowing I’m not alone. I’ll keep praying.

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7caa50  No.10062997

File: ba0e32307e65b27⋯.jpg (180.15 KB, 873x495, 97:55, Tears_will_purge.jpg)

File: 6c50c1c608006cf⋯.jpg (66.09 KB, 550x366, 275:183, END_HUMAN_SLAVERY.jpg)

File: 5b521dc50dcd4dd⋯.jpg (50.09 KB, 599x259, 599:259, HUMAN_TRAFFICKING.jpg)

File: 701f47e049b7a60⋯.jpg (190.91 KB, 1000x725, 40:29, KEEP_KIDS_SAFE.jpg)

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509ea0  No.10062998

File: bf05e5b892577c7⋯.png (1.04 KB, 184x49, 184:49, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)

File: 6c7698733f85b0b⋯.png (146.91 KB, 1066x485, 1066:485, Screenshot_2020_07_24_J_Br….png)



J. Bruce Ismay

In 1912, he came to international attention as the highest-ranking White Star official to survive the sinking of the company's new flagship RMS Titanic, for which he was subject to severe criticism.

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fe4f59  No.10062999


The government sets it up that way.

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bdc99d  No.10063000


say what you will, that dude has revealed so much his books are banned on Amazon now, he can't get on a platform, he named NATO and mossad which got his entire channel wiped without notice in less than a couple hours. All his intel is only now being reported elsewhere, in slow drip and partial.

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f8f1bf  No.10063001


They are

The Entire Media World Wide

Every Globalist, CEO, Dems and Foreign Govt.’s who want to Destroy America all working together.

I sure the Plan works

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bdc99d  No.10063002


Holy shit, that's a find!

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504e37  No.10063003

File: 9fac5e83712c9b7⋯.png (216.35 KB, 1280x604, 320:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 525f3fa67fc8d75⋯.png (349.78 KB, 1600x755, 320:151, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10062829 "If a drug could save 100,000 lives, then government agencies that block its use are responsible for 100,000 needless deaths", charges Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons.

The AAPS is giving the American Medical Association (*spit*) a run for their money and at the same time, is being labeled as a "right wing advocacy group" by the DS media machine. (cap related)

While the AAPS is promoting a 'use what works' approach, the American Medical Association is penning opinions that hydroxychloroquine should not be prescribed for "off label" uses. (Those you've been taught to trust)

"We collectively support state and federal requirements that direct a prescription must be written only for a legitimate medical purpose. Novel off-label use of FDA-approved medications is a matter for the physician’s or other prescriber’s professional judgment. We also strongly support a pharmacist’s professional responsibility to make reasonable inquiries to a prescriber to resolve any questions about a prescription."


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fe4f59  No.10063004


Prostitution is legal.

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8884d5  No.10063005

File: ee41bb4dbd6cab1⋯.gif (3.45 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 20200724_025428.gif)


reply inbound.

<trust the plan.

assuming [you] are not already at least 5oo feet below ground with a couple years supplies to hand…

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211872  No.10063006

State parks camping requires reservations. The sites are that of .gov. State parks are where people disappear. Who’s taking the reservations and who’s over the state parks? Has this been already researched? Let’s say I have kids. We make reservations to camp at a state park. Unknowingly the tunnel system is below the park. Reservation, amount of children, ppl on reservation. Easy targets. Its a perfect setup.

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fe4f59  No.10063007


Human trafficking is legal.

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49776b  No.10063008


It’s more likely your Russian brides filthy relatives gave you ‘counter viruses’ that drove out the afflicting cold.

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17e63e  No.10063009


anon said means Gay & 33 is 2 bums. So messed up it's gotta be true.

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dfdb3f  No.10063010


Dear God, I can't fix this world.

Trust me, even POTUS..

No flood, no fire, Your love!!!

BOOM us with some energy from you, so we can evolve, no destruct. Come on.

I've had anough of shit life, I ve read enough idiots, but here patriots are good.

Bring that energy , to wake up as all, and…the fuck w/ idiots.

I love you.


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d81ada  No.10063011

File: b03d6c99c14a3d3⋯.png (435.34 KB, 836x619, 836:619, ClipboardImage.png)


Is November 5, 2013 viable?

Some lady with a blog posted Nov 15, 2013

Visited on Guy Fawkes night

7pm on a Tuesday

Both the eye and the building behind it are cast in blue, same as traffic pic


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17a1ce  No.10063012

File: b9f145d050cc874⋯.png (541.57 KB, 448x506, 224:253, ClipboardImage.png)


>say what you will, that dude has revealed so much his books are banned on Amazon now, he can't get on a platform, he named NATO and mossad which got his entire channel wiped without notice in less than a couple hours. All his intel is only now being reported elsewhere, in slow drip and partial.

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fe4f59  No.10063013


Eating people is legal. Human art.

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fe4f59  No.10063014


Thats why they need the giant refrigerators.

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454c25  No.10063015


Tony salivates at these Weapons of Mass Destruction!

All of a sudden, Climate Change Activist viruses, that have been annoying us for millions of years, now want to kill all of us, Every Year!

All of a sudden, the viruses mimic the intentions of a human psychopathic warlord……. but no human had any part in it……. *whistle*

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504e37  No.10063016

>>10062985 Yup - But only have one "on the board' in qbin.

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fe4f59  No.10063017


Satanism is the earths religion.

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bdc99d  No.10063018


The titanic which held the majority of elites who were against the federal reserve bank. Convenient and he was sole survivor…hmmm

that's a lead of some importance re that org and what you said is connected to it by that article on darkweb snuff torture. The darkest underbelly ratline.

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6df493  No.10063020

Any possibility of the +++, though earlier referring to saud, now being that we are on to EU? Possible that "London bridge is down?" as Maxwell revelations are about to destroy the dignity of the Windsor House?

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406500  No.10063021

File: 1d09837b8c461f3⋯.png (526.88 KB, 1054x525, 1054:525, 2f34f4974db0be6fe192ab43d1….png)


This video is excellent and I have watched perhaps 1000's by now yet make no mistake about it, [they] have been our messengers the whole fucking time. I love it when newfags express concern! kek

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fe4f59  No.10063022


Jesus died for their sins but they chose Satan over Jesus even though Jesus killed Satan.

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bdc99d  No.10063023


yeah I researched that, its very very creepy how so many have disappeared and the gatekeepers keep a lid on the numbers/names https://www.outsideonline.com/2164446/leave-no-trace

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8d7a0e  No.10063024

File: 7e74d667d276ad0⋯.png (369.23 KB, 482x480, 241:240, 7e74d667d276ad01519e7296b2….png)

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7560d7  No.10063026

File: 515276586f01898⋯.png (286.13 KB, 565x319, 565:319, 19.png)

Fauci wearing 19. If 17=Q, then 19=S


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fe4f59  No.10063027


Satan no longer exists since 2020 years ago.

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bdc99d  No.10063028


they don't pay much on the shill graveyard shift apparently

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31ae0b  No.10063029

Fauci at last night's baseball game in DC. Mask off and not social distancing.


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fe4f59  No.10063030


The elite worship nothing they have no power.

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8884d5  No.10063031

File: e79fe5a9331c6bf⋯.jpg (101.49 KB, 406x730, 203:365, 20200724_030410.jpg)


Jesus did not kill satan ye double spaced freek.

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509ea0  No.10063032

File: 66cab9d52724704⋯.png (33.66 KB, 890x442, 445:221, Screenshot_2020_07_24_1862….png)

File: 4e6b9a95f9ffb9c⋯.png (37.45 KB, 772x546, 386:273, Screenshot_2020_07_24_1862….png)



1862 Deaths


January 30 – American Civil War: The first U.S. ironclad warship, USS Monitor, is launched.

December 30 – USS Monitor sinks in a storm in the Atlantic, off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.

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211872  No.10063033


Ty 🙏 good place to start.

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be017e  No.10063034

Does anyone have any idea how much water is impounded by the Three Gorges Dam at max fill?

Former Glacial Lake Missoula impounded an estimated 500 cubic miles of water. Max outflow when the glacier impounding it finally broke are estimated at nearly 10 cubic miles per hour.

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454c25  No.10063035


I've recently begun wondering too - did the Captain really go down with the ship, or did he too sneak into a boat in disguise?

Seems if the ship was planned for a sinking, the Captain would have to be a very dumb man in the lead up or complicit in the plan.

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c5c20d  No.10063036


Wow…posted today too. We see a lot of shit doing this work…I haven't slept for years. I won't sleep until the people behind the scenes are brought to justice. It is good to see that this information is being brought forward. Timing is everything. The Chy-Na mask is about to be publicly removed. Awakening inbound.

Patriots Fight

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49776b  No.10063037

File: 9166cd93f5e4bc5⋯.jpeg (140.2 KB, 640x625, 128:125, FCD57809_51D6_4CB3_B7E2_7….jpeg)


Sry. Just bored. Have some fucking turtles as my peace offering.

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946cb2  No.10063038


Thanks Einstein … I hadn’t thought of that.

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8d7a0e  No.10063040

Noticing image loading issues . I see the future .


>>10062307, >>10062328 [THINK MIRROR] Anon Finds Pedo Search Code Word Lolita=Atilol etc.

>>10062387 Tik Tak Is Giving #Qanon The Cold Shoulder

>>10062427 Declassified Documents Show FBI Used Defensive Briefing in 2016 to Spy on Donald Trump

>>10062561 Scientists Say A Supermassive Black Hole Glitched, Inexplicably Turning Off and On Again

>>10062650 FB Illegally Gathers Biometrics Through Photo Tags Attempts to settle class- action lawsuit in ILL for $650mm

>>10062728 2013 reports said a top-secret map leaked by Edward Snowden showed spying facilities at the consulate.

>>10062804 The List: 72 Republican Virgins Vote With Democrats to Remove Civil War-Era Memorabilia from U.S. Capital

>>10062826 FEDs Tell Seattle Anarchists to Simmer Down

>>10062829 Yale epidemiologist: 'Trump drug' could save 100,000 lives

>>10062843 Charred body of professional poker player Susie Zhao found in Michigan

>>10062847 Two Teens Arrested After Paying Bitcoin to See Livestream Murder on Dark Web

>>10062854 Bill Binney, Intelligence Experts Ask President Trump to Demand Sunlight from FBI and Intel Community on Russia Collusion and Other Cover Ups Like the Seth Rich Investigation

>>10062867, >>10062907, >>10062890 who is Eagle.org American Bureau Of Shipping

>>10062886, >>10062854 Bill Binney

>>10062919 Meet the new head of UK Jewry’s first-of-its-kind racial equality commission

>>10062631 Act to thwart planned false flag in which an armed Federal officer kills a child

>>10062974 Chinese Virus Reports

>>10063006 Who’s taking the reservations and who’s over the state parks?

>>10063029 Fauci at last night's baseball game in DC. Mask off and not social distancing.

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17a1ce  No.10063041

File: 1fc934cbbc3fc94⋯.png (293.97 KB, 1024x522, 512:261, ClipboardImage.png)

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60ab57  No.10063042


Yeah yeah yeah, big fupa anon is like sucha faail, they read just enough to get drunk qand write stupid shit while they take a shit.

Come up with better stuff willith, geeeez.

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fe4f59  No.10063043

Satan was banished from the earth 2020 years ago.

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fe4f59  No.10063044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ef8ebd  No.10063045

All these American cities completely destroyed because of incompetent, weak, and corrupt female politicians.

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7caa50  No.10063046


Good info…

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406500  No.10063048

File: 6cca20acca76ed9⋯.gif (403.71 KB, 1200x1000, 6:5, SOLg2.gif)


Don't turn the image loading machine off, man!

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a55c7b  No.10063050


more code repair huh

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fe4f59  No.10063051

I'm done baby sitting for now. you are on your own.

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0cbef9  No.10063052

this should scare our enemies


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406500  No.10063053

File: 28bcc0ecfa538f8⋯.png (110.4 KB, 752x598, 376:299, bruns.png)


I am not going to dig the news if yer gonna be a butthead! kek

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bdc99d  No.10063057


The article neglects to mention wikileaks dumps that revealed hrc selling to foreign entities, pay for play, and her ton of dead piling behind her, the revelation of child trafficking thru clinton foundation in haiti dominican republic and so much more- she sold intel to china purposely leaking classified intel from her blackberry- not to forget it became common knowledge of the pedo blackmail on those who were responsible for the checks and balances of defense against enemies foreign and domestic.

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adf081  No.10063058

throughout history they control

they "P"

Guglielmo Marconi (Bill Gates).



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fe4f59  No.10063059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cf433c  No.10063060

Pompeo said yesterday: “today the awakening is happening”

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454c25  No.10063061


Not the return of the Dark Side of the Moon Nazis?

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3a12bc  No.10063063


Happy to see that Traitors are finally being removed. It's a practice run, that's all.

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b2addf  No.10063064



When I first saw this earlier, my mind didn't turn to ayyylmao's but instead to what if the vehicles are indeed made off world, but made not by aliens, but by space faring operators from Earth (either white or black hats.

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8d7a0e  No.10063065

Save Notes for Next bread

baked early to avoid board attack as I can see the board slowing and I know the game they play.

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406500  No.10063066

File: 8e0c74efbed5197⋯.png (372.89 KB, 1258x836, 629:418, 07242020th1.png)

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509ea0  No.10063067

File: 7fb026a4bff5271⋯.png (436 KB, 535x555, 107:111, Screenshot_2020_07_23_TASS….png)


Nazis lost again

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fe4f59  No.10063068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The day of wakening.

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a55c7b  No.10063069


smart move then

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fe4f59  No.10063071


>Pompeo is retarded.

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8d7a0e  No.10063072


TY Anon u get it. They got me a few times but i won't be fooled again. It's all they got left.

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3a12bc  No.10063073

File: 224ee8fa9ea3909⋯.mp4 (43.28 KB, 480x270, 16:9, AwakeningPompeo.mp4)

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bdc99d  No.10063074


LOL yeah I got that feeling too however there are good nuggets in the read, though its colored by his perspective. Big fupa anon LMAO

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fe4f59  No.10063075


Thats some sick shit. Did anyone ever really trust Trump?

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10b730  No.10063076


Only 9.5 cubic miles

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406500  No.10063078


I have every reason to Trust him yet this does not mean that I agree with every step along the way.

If it was up to me, the first thing we would have done would have been to setup temp crazy hospitals at all walmarts and malls etc and you know why that is! kek

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c5c20d  No.10063079


This content is not for everyone….

Red Rooms

STG Report


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17e63e  No.10063080



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fe4f59  No.10063081


Trump is a WWF wrestler not a Christian not a politician. He's an actor.

He could still do Gods will if he is smart enough.

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7caa50  No.10063082

File: 93c68bd9a53387e⋯.png (74.85 KB, 202x260, 101:130, WAS_DARPA_OWNED.png)

File: fa9a3094ec5eaae⋯.jpg (97.99 KB, 750x563, 750:563, profit_ibor.jpg)

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17a1ce  No.10063083


> Thats some sick shit. Did anyone ever really trust Trump?

Says the "I'm anon just like you" cunt with 68 posts.

We see you, clownfaggot.

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811f63  No.10063084

Psychotic effectsJohn Smythies (2002) describes the effects of Adrenochrome as being wildly hallucinogenic, with participants without a mental disorder (“normal” test subjects) experiencing “very impressive visual illusions of color, movement and distance perception […]”.

Purported Effects

◾ Hallucination

◾ Thought Disorder

◾ Bizarre Ideation

◾ Masturbation

◾ Depersonalization

◾ Body Image Disturbances / Body Dysmorphia

◾ Euphoria

◾ Hyper-Mania / inappropriate affect to stimuli.

They use adrenochrome to see and become possessed by demons as well as travelling to other dimensions by looking each other in the eyes and travelling to another dimension where no time passes for the physical body.

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10b730  No.10063085

File: 3d2c8cfbf206807⋯.png (5.22 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe4f59  No.10063086


Three time loser are you smart enough?

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c5fc52  No.10063087

File: b9197a5f67884b2⋯.jpeg (635.95 KB, 1242x883, 1242:883, 024A64AC_2EC9_470F_960A_6….jpeg)

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fe4f59  No.10063088


Well are you?

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454c25  No.10063090


The more likely scenario. Human tech, but far more advanced than what is being displayed to the public as even 'prototype' technology.

For example, I always laugh when I hear all those young, enthusiastic Musk technicians cheer like kids when a rocket takes off into orbit.

It's truly yesterday's technology in my opinion but used as a cloak for far more advanced and easy methods of getting into orbit and back again.

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be017e  No.10063094


Only 9.5 cubic miles? Well then the flood from 3G will just clean the streets downstream and be contained in the Yangtze River Valley. The GLM flood permanently altered the landscape.

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c5fc52  No.10063096


Can't you just enjoy the show?

This is a HOUSE vote.

I know someone who has Veto power!

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acf7c1  No.10063099


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fe4f59  No.10063100


Dont temp me.

I've left a huge trail of dead bodies.

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509ea0  No.10063101


It´s happening

see me next bread

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406500  No.10063102

File: 71caf03257bbb49⋯.png (58.04 KB, 2162x866, 1081:433, EBQTIM211.png)


You Larp like an angry ex wife….

so here is a verse for you!

It means STFU bitch! kek

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e25dd6  No.10063103

File: e47d73905053baf⋯.png (1.44 MB, 804x603, 4:3, Populus_simonii.png)



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8f3f29  No.10063104

File: 578e5ee7965cc56⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1167x987, 389:329, ClipboardImage.png)


At least they didn't use a tranny to smear me. But smear me they did just the same. Those stupid fuckers have absolutely no idea what I believe. And I resent very much them claiming that they do.

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fe4f59  No.10063105


Some are the most famous people on earth.

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17a1ce  No.10063106


>I've left a huge trail of dead bodies.

These are the only women who let you fuck them

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509ea0  No.10063107

File: b99433d79698521⋯.png (289.91 KB, 569x342, 569:342, Screenshot_2020_07_24_jp_m….png)

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61a875  No.10063109

File: 74e53f9ac54ee07⋯.png (504.29 KB, 558x558, 1:1, armofgd.png)


I heard that!

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fe4f59  No.10063110


Stop coming on to me faggot.

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406500  No.10063111

are you doxxing yourself anon? kek

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504e37  No.10063112

File: 943f93035776246⋯.png (315.93 KB, 1750x2323, 1750:2323, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa3bc10160ca250⋯.png (143.61 KB, 1920x906, 320:151, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10062903 Heshmat Khalifa, a former trustee and director of Islamic Relief Worldwide, said the Jews are 'grandchildren of monkeys and pigs.'

The USG has blessed his 'charity' w/cash.


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8c25f8  No.10063113


If you are so big bad and unafraid reveal yourself publicly and meet what's coming to you.

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cf433c  No.10063114

File: 25d54ff7caeb693⋯.gif (224.8 KB, 460x298, 230:149, 99F5DB03_EF23_4BEA_85B1_C6….gif)


see u then, fren

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fe4f59  No.10063115

Trump is making it up as he goes along. Trump is Q.

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406500  No.10063116

File: 943ea836c82a0f5⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1436x1424, 359:356, 5ans2.png)


something is habbening!

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fe4f59  No.10063119


There is no plan.

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17a1ce  No.10063120


>Trump is Q.

No, Trump is Q+.

Is it your first fucking day, faggot?

Lurk moar, poast less

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dfdb3f  No.10063121

I did eat.

2 egs and a tomato.

Same as Pelosi.

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454c25  No.10063122

Oh I love this period, when the serious boys hold off on their lectures until a fresh new bread, leaving the territory to the wonderful shitposters.

Chaos is the best

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3a12bc  No.10063123

File: 5f3ecdb1667893e⋯.mp4 (965.22 KB, 320x690, 32:69, Flamesy.mp4)

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dfdb3f  No.10063125


"we shall see"

I see it everyday.

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cf433c  No.10063126

File: b1eb00677595728⋯.jpeg (19.68 KB, 255x228, 85:76, 412653F9_EEBC_45DB_A9D4_F….jpeg)

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454c25  No.10063127

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740418  No.10063128

File: a60b2cb06df7d3d⋯.jpg (93.24 KB, 477x477, 1:1, 1574744400169.jpg)

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dfdb3f  No.10063129


Go fuck yourself.

I want to die!

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406500  No.10063130

File: b9e221c8e8eea0a⋯.jpg (411.37 KB, 1400x992, 175:124, QANON_KING_KONG.jpg)


Boy! that's like callin' King Kong a monkey!

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c5fc52  No.10063131


The price of admission is steep.

Everyone makes choices.

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fe4f59  No.10063132


Where new go one we go all was lifted from a horrible teen exploitation movie.

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406500  No.10063133

File: 57f7bb728f6dfa8⋯.png (423.67 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, AC86.png)

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dfdb3f  No.10063134


I want to go home, you stay here and do nothing w/ idiots.

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946cb2  No.10063135

File: 44e2f66f2f572ab⋯.png (523.28 KB, 564x752, 3:4, D03FF94D_5003_4808_9D77_37….png)


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cf433c  No.10063136

File: ba27631e8d89e0b⋯.jpeg (51.05 KB, 587x438, 587:438, 4FE4A760_FBF0_4829_8384_A….jpeg)

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be017e  No.10063137


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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946cb2  No.10063139

File: 117d4829c0b54fc⋯.png (289.03 KB, 788x460, 197:115, 80F4DEAA_AC92_4355_83BE_25….png)

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946cb2  No.10063140

File: 7e116282384b548⋯.jpeg (152.31 KB, 1024x790, 512:395, 4909C05D_91BA_47D9_A297_A….jpeg)

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acf7c1  No.10063141

All this for a Carp?

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