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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3f569b7….jpg)

04ba10  No.10055303[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 07.22.2020

>>10045084 ————————————–—— Next: more 'act of violence' frame-ups, #2 attacked topic [#1 POTUS] INFILTRATION NOT INVASION.

>>10044656 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE Q#4509

Monday 07.20.2020

>>10017824 rt >>10017535 ———————— General Flynn meme: A Real American Hero

Sunday 07.19.2020

>>10017199 ————————————–—— Anons take note. You have a rival (Cap: >>10017474)

>>10016912 ————————————–—— Acknowledged. God Bless America.

>>10016468 ————————————–—— *** Are you ready to serve once again?

>>10016309 rt >>10016299 ———————— Red X over photo of Wray

>>10016273 ————————————–—— Photo of WRAY

>>10015906 ————————————–—— Batten down the hatches

>>10015756 ————————————–—— ren·e·gade

>>10015372 ————————————–—— "Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint (Cap: >>10015638)

>>10015079 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015116)

>>10015028 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015087)

>>10011517 ————————————–—— [8.19.2018] August

>>10011231 ————————————–—— Follow for days ahead [DECLAS]. [note the pen]

>>10010219 rt >>10010141 ———————— Zero Delta

>>10009912 rt >>10009900 ———————— Mark Meadows on Spygate: "It's All Starting to Unravel" Video

>>10009902 ————————————–—— THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP. (CAP: >>10009935)

>>10009877 ————————————–—— Meadows signals imminent indictments in Durham probe (CAP: >>10009887)

Saturday 07.18.2020

>>10000273 ————————————–—— UNITY NOT DIVISION (Cap: >>10000310)


>>9999653 ————————————–——– 5:5? (Cap: >>9999740)

>>9999604 ————————————–——– At what point does it become painfully obvious? (Cap: >>10000633)

>>9996420 ————————————–——– Cap of prev Q and link to NY Post article: Epstein was a puppet (Cap: >>9996455, text: >>9996339)

>>9996171 ————————————–——– Do not give up the citizen investigation (Disney child trafficking references in plain sight) (Cap: >>9996184)

Fri 07.1.2020 >>10017993

Thu 07.02.2020 >>9967719

Wed 07.01.2020 >>9967734

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04ba10  No.10055333

Global Announcements

None at this time.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10054691, >>10054844, >>10055106, >>10055187 planefag reporting

>>10055269 boatfaggin

>>10055258 @USMC Hold up, pose

>>10055179 U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain Announces Indictment of Former Congressman For Election Fraud

>>10055176 Fauci to Throw Ceremonial First Pitch Traditionally Done by President

>>10055164 Zillow Group,Inc. sold by CEO: $39.63m-July 20,21,22

>>10055153 BREAKING: Federal judge orders Michael Cohen released from federal prison to home confinement, agreeing with Cohen's lawyers that sending him back to prison was “retaliatory.”

>>10055150 NEW: A federal judge begins the process of unsealing documents in the defamation case of Ghislaine Maxwell.

>>10055130, >>10055146 Live: Kevin McCarthy

>>10055043 5:00PM EST THE PRESIDENT holds a news conference - James S. Brady Briefing Room

>>10055039 President Trump says more Chinese consulates may close

>>10055024 President Trump Unveils New Actions To Protect Nursing Homes

>>10054997 'Great news! @SecretaryCarson and @realDonaldTrump have rightfully recognized the importance of rolling back Obama’s AFFH rule (fair housing)

>>10054963 U.S. dollar skids to four-month low; euro continues rise, Gold prices approach highest settlement in history as silver futures take a breather

>>10054791 Alaskan town could soon be wiped out by rare ‘glacier tsunami’ with wave HUNDREDS of feet tall

>>10054685 Cop, 35, is charged with assault after he was caught on camera pepper spraying demonstrators as they knelt on interstate

>>10054663 commoditiesfag reporting

>>10054637, >>10054698 Kayleigh McEnany: …"the last person who was charged in this case ended up dead in a jail cell"

>>10054635, >>10054789, >>10055030, >>10055102, >>10055117, >>10055124 JohnHereto help full thread, he names Sean Bridges, SSA Call to diggz! Agents Part of Baltimore’s Silk Road Task Force

>>10055302 #12868


>>10054515 MN no end date mask mandate.

>>10054489 (LIVE) Melania Trump Task Force Briefing on Protecting Native American Children.

>>10054445 planefag reporting

>>10054427 New DJT w/CAP: Recently watched failed RINO Tom Ridge, former head of Homeland Security, trying to justify his sudden love of the Radical Left Mayor of Portland...

>>10054252 Rep. Mo Brooks: Excluding Illegal Aliens in Congressional Apportionment Returns Power to Red States

>>10054241 ‘Divisive, Short-Fingered Vulgarian’: Never Trumpers Comprise Tennessee’s Manny Sethi’s Entire Senior Campaign Staff


>>10054180 AND THERE it is — mnuchin says what we all knew: the payroll tax cut is dead.

>>10054161, >>10054169 BaseBall gone woke: Red Sox Unveil Ridiculous 250 Foot Black Lives Matter Mural Next to Fenway Park

>>10054149 Claims of sex abuse from multiple former San Diego Christian Youth Theater students

>>10054098, >>10054465 How The Dems/DS intend to take the election.

>>10054035 Former Victoria's Secret model with 6.4 million instagram followers took the red pill on the covid hoax and MSM[DS]

>>10053911 The number of new jobless claims last week was 1.4 million, the Labor Department reported today

>>10053904, >>10054177 anon provides addtl sauce for lb, >>10053751 disease outbreak post.

>>10053881 ATLANTA – Gov. Brian Kemp signed bills Tuesday aimed at cracking down on human trafficking in Georgia and improving the state's foster care system.

>>10053866, >>10053920 Moar Grennell w/CAPS

>>10053864 Chinese city of 6 million imposes emergency quarantine measures to stop the spread of coronavirus after recording three COVID-19 cases

>>10053862 Poll from 10 Battleground States: Reports of Trump’s Defeat 'Greatly Exaggerated'

>>10054518 #12867

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04ba10  No.10055337


Baker Change

>>10053773 U.S. judge to consider making records in Ghislaine Maxwell civil lawsuit public

>>10053751 anon posits on global disease outbreaks and U.S. showing up nearly empty.

>>10053752 Gretchen Whitmer Encourages Citizens to “Forcefully” Make Others Wear Masks

>>10053743 General Mattis Joins Forces with Bill Clinton’s Former Secretary of Defense at Cohen Group Who Claims President Trump “Is Taking the Road to Tyranny”

>>10053613 New Dan Scavino w/CAP

>>10053582, >>10053607 COVID-19 tests being administered all across the country are fundamentally flawed... article pulled down already. This summation is what survives.

>>10053571 Feds subpoena AT&T as part of investigation into Speaker Madigan and lobbying

>>10053567 Hundreds Charged Worldwide In Takedown Of Largest Child Pornography Website

>>10053554 UK: Disgusting behaviour from the Police Commissioner, encouraging social shaming regarding wearing of facemasks.

>>10053550 Nazi concentration camp guard, 93, is spared jail after being found guilty of accessory to 5,230 murders

>>10053538 Cardinal McCarrick 'ran a child sex ring from a New Jersey beach house

>>10053482 DeAnna Lorraine (Running for Pelosi's seat): This is the message that needs to go straight to @NancyPelosi loud and clear!. Muddah fuckah

>>10053420 Rally held at Capitol to protest mask mandates, Gov. Wolf’s coronavirus restrictions

>>10053313, >>10053525 Police: Protesters breaking into businesses, setting merchandise on fire (including their own comrades, kek)

>>10053179, >>10053404 China set off on what it hopes will be its first successful launch to Mars. The mission, Tianwen-1...

>>10053165 'TAX CHEAT' COP George Floyd ‘murderer’ cop Derek Chauvin hit with tax fraud charges along with beauty queen estranged wife

>>10053153 China harboring military-linked biologist fugitive at San Francisco consulate, FBI says

>>10053132 Wikipedia No Longer Deems FOX News as “Generally Reliable”

>>10053126 PERFECT: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Joins Antifa-BLM Street Protests — Gets Cursed and Mobbed

>>10053100, >>10053104 The Left is signing up citizens to physically remove President Trump from office if he loses

>>10053799 #12865


>>10052920 Joe Biden abd Senator Byrd

>>10052905 Rioters not nice to supportive Mayor Wheeler, Andy Ngo video and tweets

>>10052870 ACTblue Demonrat Holes

>>10052832 Mayor Wheeler sees no evil as building burns, cannot understand fed response (video)

>>10052794 Antifa crowd turn on Mayor Wheeler (video)

>>10052793 Eugenics program in North Carolina tried to "breed out" black people

>>10052768 Yahoo comment closed for the first time

>>10052643 California State University sets ethnic studies requirement

>>10052517, >>10052647 Antifa shatters memorial to KIA Navy SEAL

>>10052589 Oregon requires kids 5+ to wear COVID-19 masks, bars and restaurants to close by 10 p.m.

>>10052557 Sierra Club director cancels founder John Muir

>>10052523 China's three main telco operators have built over 400,000 5G base stations, says ministry

>>10052511 ‘When you are setting a fire, you mess with the message’: a dispatch from a long night in Portland

>>10052510 Portland protest leader arrested again

>>10052422 Trump attended a fundraiser without a mask. The city sent an investigator to inspect his hotel

>>10052420 Hospital could make decisions based on chances of survival

>>10052392 Colorado to begin mass testing poop to help detect COVID-19 outbreaks

>>10052380 Lawsuit seeks to halt Newsom’s school closure order

>>10052352 California adds $315 million to mask contract from China-based BYD, Gov. Newsom announces

>>10052333 Joe Biden's letters to segregationist Sen. James O. Eastland

>>10052332 FARRELL: Obamagate Indictments Are Overdue

>>10052326 China launches Mars probe in space race with US

>>10052325 Redwood City washes away Black Lives Matter street art after resident asks to paint ‘MAGA 2020’ next to it

>>10052317 Human trafficking incident map and link

>>10053042 #12865

Previously Collected Notables

>>10052218 #12864, >>10052173 #12863, >>10052218 #12864

>>10049927 #12861, >>10050659 #12862, >>10052173 #12863

>>10047619 #12858, >>10048400 #12859, >>10049145 #12860

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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04ba10  No.10055342

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

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[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

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South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #3 >>9941341

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04ba10  No.10055343

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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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Current trending folders:

* COVID KnowinglyGovernors sent COVID to nursing homes to increase death count, prolong epidemic, justify social controls to derail election


* Hydroxychloroquine–HCQPotential therapy/prophylactic. Make it available OTC.


* Kung FluChina Coronavirus, COVID-19, Gates, social control by pandemic, mass vaccination…


* DisneygateTheir pedo connections


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04ba10  No.10055349

File: ea5ce071ca2c1c8⋯.jpg (138.52 KB, 1125x1150, 45:46, ea5ce071ca2c1c8222f3cbcc41….jpg)



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85665c  No.10055354

File: a67e4f20dea6037⋯.jpg (15.24 KB, 214x255, 214:255, tyb.jpg)

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d00adc  No.10055357


God bless General Flynn o7


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64a36f  No.10055358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

==To the people of the ChYna consulates/embassies….."DIPLOMATIC IMMUNTIY"…."REVOKED".


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950385  No.10055359

File: b94d4e2469b5685⋯.png (331.05 KB, 540x720, 3:4, Trumpbrassballs.png)


Thank you very much baker!

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a83e62  No.10055367

File: 5328a04d4cbac5c⋯.jpg (139.75 KB, 1346x669, 1346:669, qanon.JPG)

NEW Q hit piece by BBC…….

"QAnon, coronavirus and the conspiracy cult"


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34d692  No.10055375

File: d37eb8fac900a01⋯.png (137.6 KB, 1206x972, 67:54, ClipboardImage.png)

Pedos have a huge amount of power. In the UK they have an almost stranglehold on the police, media and politicians.


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9f989b  No.10055376

File: 8792d6ca57623bc⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, HRetdcWM1PqQ2flW.mp4)




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000000  No.10055377

POTUS live


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548d34  No.10055380

File: f3b03c441fba36e⋯.png (86.87 KB, 831x592, 831:592, most_favor_use_of_federal_….PNG)


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124eb8  No.10055382

File: 5defb8271e06cab⋯.jpeg (61.01 KB, 378x462, 9:11, 1DAE1804_DB40_4406_957C_A….jpeg)

Exit through the gift shop.

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a01348  No.10055383

File: 38aaed7d60b9c1e⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1200x623, 1200:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84030ae77ea98a3⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1170x607, 1170:607, ClipboardImage.png)

ATF Gun Crime Unit Arrives in Chicago Despite Liberal Mayor Lightfoot’s Objection

Today a special federal crime unit arrived in Chicago, Illinois. The use of federal officers has been objected by the Democrat Mayor of the city Laurie Lightfoot. Cook Count Illinois has some of the tightest gun restrictions in the United States. It’s nearly impossible to get a concealed weapons permit there. Despite that, the greater Chicago region is one of the most dangerous parts of the country and has some of the highest rates of gun violence in the world.

The unit is part of the ATF and specializes in gun crime intelligence. Their specialized equipment and techniques allow them use forensics to solve firearms cases. They use their federal authority to quickly reference forensic data against the larger criminal databases to quickly make connections that solve cases. Gun crime has been a particular problem in Chicago.

The President has decided to intervene because of the high levels of violence and homicide in various cities. The levels are a terrible danger for residents and it’s only getting worse. The local Mayor has done nothing to slow the violence and the police forces are slowly losing control of the city. It’s not acceptable for great cities to fall into lawlessness.

The beautiful downtown park in Chicago looked like a battlefield the night of July 17th. Grant Park was ground zero of the continuing racial riots across the US this summer. Rioters targeted a statue of Columbus in the park and fought violently against the city’s unsupported police force. The statue was defaced with spray-paint reading “decolonize Chicago, Black Lives Matter, and Fuck12.

Federal intervention in the city will surely turn the tide of violence. Chicago leadership has routinely made choices that have allowed the criminal elements of the city to flourish. Simple policing expressed by lawful means with basic support is truly all that’s necessary to bring peace back to the country. Law and order is the fundamental part of what makes this country special.


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2b080d  No.10055384

File: de22dd46fd7ecd5⋯.jpg (248.11 KB, 1200x1651, 1200:1651, 5a1c230c72c6e_image.jpg)

File: 2d24f9a921cd401⋯.jpg (126.18 KB, 878x585, 878:585, 8bd857b379906aebc9882eccdf….jpg)


ty baker

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000000  No.10055385


nvr mnd its an old one

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fba7f8  No.10055386

Now that's transparency


“We need to safeguard and rebuild public trust. And right now, shifting these operations to the city rather than the MPD is one thing we can do to restore trust and save costs in the process," Schroeder said.

The legislation, which passed unanimously in the committee and is expected to pass the full council on Friday, would cut the department's funding for a public information officer, a role currently held by John Elder. All formal communications from the department to the press and the public in the future would likely be routed through the council.

According to a report from Fox 9, the decision concerned some members of the press who felt the city does not do enough to protect reporters' access to information. The public information officer is the main point of contact for reporters covering crime. Councilman Steve Fletcher said reporters do not always need immediate access to information.

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4d6236  No.10055387

File: 8bc14e7b861b417⋯.png (78.13 KB, 720x408, 30:17, Img_1594745976303.png)

File: a617eca573126e3⋯.jpg (45.76 KB, 678x381, 226:127, trump_hillary_jail_debate_….jpg)

File: 05edb6b43589fab⋯.png (224.6 KB, 720x658, 360:329, Img_1594744176883.png)

File: d13498a344947e2⋯.png (99.17 KB, 537x291, 179:97, Img_1594744274906.png)

File: 4d65868c47bca15⋯.png (183.22 KB, 670x751, 670:751, Img_1594744448134.png)

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b43326  No.10055390

File: ad26498aa36fd26⋯.jpg (92.19 KB, 960x720, 4:3, chelseaclinton.jpg)


> Pics Up! Make Em Count! Edition

thanks baker

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07414a  No.10055391

File: ff87b74a8ab0439⋯.png (732.64 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Houston Chinese consulate shuttered due to targeting one key industry


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34d692  No.10055393

File: 084c38e8c9ce315⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1254x1060, 627:530, ClipboardImage.png)

Taylor has gone over to the dark side.

Interesting timing to say the least.

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bf7ace  No.10055394

File: 224917a108e7b53⋯.png (297.18 KB, 542x500, 271:250, biblical.png)

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d00adc  No.10055395




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c2f989  No.10055398


Afternoon, Baker. Just checking in. I've got an appointment today in a couple hours, but I plan to be available for relief later this evening or when needed thereafter. Enjoy your day, bakes. o7

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548d34  No.10055399

File: 9d524b56f2b35d4⋯.png (304.08 KB, 600x564, 50:47, mollie_h_nyt_russia_collus….PNG)


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9338a9  No.10055401

File: b8c542681c9978d⋯.jpg (89.84 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, TSlv.jpg)


>Taylor has gone over to the dark side.

HE was born in darnkess

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4d6236  No.10055403

File: 196b475997e629a⋯.png (155.32 KB, 592x588, 148:147, Img_1594853624644.png)

File: 5e980246eff4ee5⋯.png (157 KB, 720x678, 120:113, Img_1594853637006.png)

File: 67bb374f9e769b7⋯.png (102.16 KB, 720x709, 720:709, Img_1594853601868.png)

File: 027c6a63e936997⋯.png (144.09 KB, 720x886, 360:443, Img_1594853699728.png)

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bf7ace  No.10055404

File: e80d0a90fdca7b4⋯.png (158.22 KB, 369x257, 369:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5a9827a5472577⋯.png (62.29 KB, 1280x316, 320:79, ClipboardImage.png)

Talk about a MAJOR




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b7aa61  No.10055405

File: a2443f913bb4855⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 542x421, 542:421, 48nch6_1.jpg)

Baker is slacking off again.

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5e20d4  No.10055406

File: ad1c6b107f8df60⋯.png (6.82 KB, 457x103, 457:103, SVT_4.png)

File: cebf7a27f66a46c⋯.jpg (62.98 KB, 648x792, 9:11, SVFT_CocaCola.jpg)


TY Nigga Baker lazy dindu try snipe lb.

Gotta go watch out for Fungus Ambiguously PEDO MAGA BoiPepe sneaky shit.

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9fdf4c  No.10055410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Any anons ever watch Unbelievable Tales (2006) by the Rick and Morty guy?

I'm assuming it was on Cartoon Network at 3 am when they play the weirdness.

Watch this…

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07414a  No.10055412

File: 852027b75d8f0f4⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Remember, they won't be able to walk down the street?

Protest mobs turn on leftist urban mayors, rejecting their support and demanding resignations


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4d6236  No.10055413

File: f027114d0346c4f⋯.png (250.84 KB, 720x745, 144:149, Img_1595372576087.png)

File: ee40e82d9d230f4⋯.png (154.8 KB, 634x653, 634:653, Img_1595366010461.png)

File: 9e9868ccad3b75b⋯.png (264.4 KB, 720x681, 240:227, Img_1595385754581.png)

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68e190  No.10055414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NP giving up the plan first 30 seconds

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b43326  No.10055415


it was posted at like 735 faggot. how new are you?

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fa0f9b  No.10055416


also this


FLANKS support Tactical Assault (TA) by amplifying the message:

You are the SILENT MAJORITY and now want to be heard. FLANKS follow ONE WAY RETWEET GROUPS set up by a TA warrior. When TA drops ordinance, you hit social media. You also report bots and violence, call representatives when required, flip polls, sign petitions, like YouTube vids, chats etc. We love FLANKS. Without you, truths would not be heard. Your mandate, in a nutshell, is to amplify the message exponentially from a WHISPER to a ROAR.


> Follow a TA warrior. They light up the target, you fire at it.

> TAs need FLANKS. TAs approach FLANKS on social media and set up a ReTweet Room (RTR).

> A RTR is a one-way street: TA posts and FLANKS follow up.

> FLANKS do not post anything in the RTR.

> TA can copy a Tweet to ReTweet, or post to other social media platforms.

> FLANKS spread the message.


TAs are valuable targets for the Deep State to censor. That’s why we never list TAs. Their accounts would be terminated the very same day.

1. To find a TA, approach an account that you identify as maybe a TA via Direct Message;

2. Ask if they have a RTR you can join;

3. ReTweet their messages every day.


> Like and ReTweet ALL of President Trump’s social media messages;

> Report all violence and threats you see on social media;

> Report Democrat/Antifa/BLM bot accounts you encounter on social media;

> Vote and ReTweet POLLS about President Trump or other political issues;

> Sign and share important White House Petitions;

> Read wearethene.ws and tell others about it;

> Learn everything there is to know about social media skills.

> Notify TA if a new Tweet comes out from a target during an Operation.

Thank you for becoming a FLANK.

The Digital Army couldn’t do it without you.

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f765d1  No.10055417

File: 3d31bccc6718d13⋯.jpg (188.14 KB, 740x499, 740:499, antifaterrorists.jpg)

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dac637  No.10055419


Oh shit….ATF.

Hide the women amd children, its barbecue time.

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4d6236  No.10055420

File: 97964b384f8f5a6⋯.png (270.01 KB, 1044x634, 522:317, Img_1594925833589.png)

File: 7e0766fcb4090ac⋯.png (144.08 KB, 597x476, 597:476, Img_1595450092860.png)

File: 75e86a454ef05dc⋯.png (267.71 KB, 720x919, 720:919, Img_1594824346520.png)

File: cbb66163e7afdc2⋯.png (125.87 KB, 720x473, 720:473, Cupace20200607140313.png)

File: 57f377a7dcd8ce7⋯.png (169.35 KB, 578x525, 578:525, Img_1594924681579.png)

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8f71d6  No.10055421

File: db220d2e00fdfff⋯.jpg (59.43 KB, 474x474, 1:1, unfortunate_truth.jpg)

File: 854c3601ae0b19a⋯.jpg (20.22 KB, 288x174, 48:29, GOODBYE_MAINSTREAM.jpg)

File: cc67526580a30d5⋯.jpg (23.19 KB, 300x168, 25:14, LIES_AND_CORRUPT.jpg)


lol… another in a long list… meh… You would think they would have learnt by now.

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04ba10  No.10055422


thanks for check in

hard stop by 5p fishfry Thursday



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fd0ba8  No.10055423

File: db2cdcfb41a2c1b⋯.jpg (302.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, in_it_together.jpg)

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f88f6a  No.10055424

File: 4e2f11b1ef74018⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1130x635, 226:127, melania_trump_birds_and_bu….png)

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fe491c  No.10055425

File: ad40fd2edcfb5ed⋯.jpg (45.43 KB, 542x420, 271:210, Ye.jpg)

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07414a  No.10055426

File: f0c845e46f658bb⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-Dem congressman accused of ballot stuffing, bribery and obstruction


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950385  No.10055427


Wow. Fuk'n insane.

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bf7ace  No.10055428

File: 7a605883014c20c⋯.png (636.97 KB, 992x558, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Jesus! That is disturbing.

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b43326  No.10055430

File: e8e33fc2bb1a344⋯.jpg (51.65 KB, 400x236, 100:59, KoreshJesus.jpg)


>Hide the women amd children, its barbecue time.

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fd0ba8  No.10055431

File: dfa4eebcb9a28de⋯.jpg (14.63 KB, 255x172, 255:172, 4_10_20_legacy_in_flames.jpg)

Traitor 44

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4d6236  No.10055432

File: 12ac14513c6542f⋯.png (41.98 KB, 232x234, 116:117, Img_1595195633837.png)

File: 60691b8bfc7eddc⋯.png (60.67 KB, 561x328, 561:328, Img_1595194590457.png)

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f42411  No.10055433

File: 29cbb4f97b93dba⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1399x900, 1399:900, FlightPlans.png)

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ebfc43  No.10055434

File: d8f4f661c8c13e9⋯.jpg (115.43 KB, 600x678, 100:113, 22c14bf92930641212e2ad815d….jpg)

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23d0e2  No.10055435

File: 379bbf3604c0791⋯.png (16.03 KB, 609x193, 609:193, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)

REUTERS: Judge orders release of documents related to Ghislaine Maxwell


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04ba10  No.10055436


yvw Nigga Retro Pic poster of you's cause I am just that way yo

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fe491c  No.10055437

File: 64e3012d252d877⋯.jpg (55 KB, 500x321, 500:321, 48abvi_1.jpg)

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2d7a6e  No.10055438

File: dd3de9ce60694b7⋯.png (618.3 KB, 455x538, 455:538, thank_you_baker_magic_ninj….PNG)

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fd0ba8  No.10055439


and another one

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548d34  No.10055440

File: cbc50502def669e⋯.png (210.97 KB, 383x433, 383:433, q_post_weinstein_epstein_m….PNG)

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4d6236  No.10055441

File: cd85699fa40b1d7⋯.png (92.59 KB, 684x551, 36:29, Img_1589380812328.png)

File: 04609743fc86774⋯.png (403.68 KB, 720x1060, 36:53, Img_1588776824245.png)

File: 2493b7c6be383a1⋯.png (223.24 KB, 720x404, 180:101, Img_1594872007708.png)

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78d0a5  No.10055442

File: ee5783b864ac03e⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1880x682, 940:341, ClipboardImage.png)

Reminder: Mike Pompeo is delivering a speech at the Nixon Library


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e4b15f  No.10055443

File: 7dfcc1f930decf2⋯.jpg (18.48 KB, 255x188, 255:188, General.jpg)


Almost as if it was planned all along.

"Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you the American people." - DJT

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f765d1  No.10055444

Governor Cuomo: It would be inflammatory to send federal troops into New York City.

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9338a9  No.10055445

File: cdb6c9bbc9a857c⋯.jpg (114.26 KB, 1088x612, 16:9, coup2.jpg)

File: 01a1012c40a3fda⋯.jpg (158.15 KB, 1080x1008, 15:14, coup3.jpg)




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e8a8e9  No.10055446

>>10055287 PB JFK assassination and TX connection

Thanks. Yes I stumbled into this and it is indeed a deep rabbit hole! Athens, TX is a also interesting. There's also a guy called Harold Byrd that owned the Dallas Book repository where the alleged shot was fired from. He saved the window frame. Coincidentally he was out of the country at the time of the JFK assassination. When LBJ became President his business obtained a large defense contract to build fighter planes.

He also belonged to a right wing group - the 8F Group - that met in the Lamar Hotel in Houston. The information was difficult to find and lists a number of very famous Texas pols and oil men of the time.

Still lots more to dig on this.


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04ba10  No.10055447



KEK Dig Army on it!

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23afbf  No.10055448


Won't go public for a week

"NY Judge gives Maxwell's lawyer a week to appeal her decision. The process to unseal however, will continue. It looks like no documents will be made public for at least a week or more."


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2144ec  No.10055449

Just a reminder.

We, need a Super Majority 11/3/20

Retake the House.

Add moar seats in the Senate.

Blood Red!


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4d6236  No.10055450

File: acd266a800cd23b⋯.png (28.6 KB, 284x187, 284:187, Img_1595195665842.png)

File: ff10082afb371ac⋯.png (61.57 KB, 720x328, 90:41, Img_1595194584184.png)

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2ee255  No.10055451

File: f4d1c94e08ed38d⋯.png (286.25 KB, 958x704, 479:352, 564908871209659786543.png)

File: b3a02d4ff77bf5e⋯.png (1.42 MB, 871x842, 871:842, 650897621367453.png)

File: c86303e130c47cc⋯.png (288.23 KB, 958x704, 479:352, 54789120543763.png)

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41f950  No.10055452

File: 685708934689b17⋯.png (2.12 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, B1D5347F_F6C2_4133_BDEF_0F….png)

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49aab6  No.10055453

Lot of shills today

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4dd039  No.10055454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I've been without a keyboard for the last several days, so I'm a bit late… posting this now cuz i couldn't when it dropped, and cuz i haven't seen it here yet…

yall good?

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f7e66e  No.10055455

File: 6e5df7e74e025c8⋯.png (60.21 KB, 889x454, 889:454, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10055179 (lb)

All the sauce…

Press release at DOJ:


Related to this case, back in May:


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4d6236  No.10055456

File: 596df21c136c5b3⋯.png (96.12 KB, 675x361, 675:361, Img_1595084952936.png)

File: 5a8ea6e076d4a3d⋯.png (157.38 KB, 720x535, 144:107, Img_1594872722765.png)

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ade7cd  No.10055457

File: e4c44e82d89f5fa⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 720x463, 720:463, ayak.jpg)


That's just sick as fuck….makes me wanna introduce the guy to lead at high speed…

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d770e7  No.10055458

So, where's Q? Abandon ship now that his tweet ammo is gone? That's all that was posted anymore… Tweets. Now that everyone is getting banned, re-spawning, re-banned, etc… what's there to share? Can't wait for those Parler posts. "Soon"

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64a36f  No.10055459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Neither Flynn Nor Stone Were Guilty—There Was No Russian Hack” Bill Binney Makes His Case

Bill Binney, just mentioned that "Pompeo" had new of all the corruption when he was C_A director but didn't believe the reports or didn't even bother to check to see if it was true….so "Pompeo" just ignored ALL THE CORRUPTION IN GOVERNMENT WHEN HE WAS THE DIRECTOR OF THE C_A….HOLY SHIT….CHECK IT OUT AT THE 1:35:00 mark…somewhere around there….check it out…holy shit

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eb9d28  No.10055460

File: 3f962f3c03a8488⋯.png (852.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ah_OCZOAQ65z8JEXmZ0gvwO7_H….png)

File: 85eace6f40856b0⋯.jpg (87.45 KB, 640x412, 160:103, DgLIn3CUwAAVZd4.jpg)

File: 9fc43f875b8d483⋯.jpg (74.55 KB, 640x326, 320:163, pepler_bashaw.jpg)

How much more of this do we have to expose before people start waking up? I'm piling more PTSD upon my previous PTSD.

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d4218e  No.10055461

File: 1ee96abbafdb508⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1566x1067, 1566:1067, Untitled.png)

Anubis… nothing to see here

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a52f36  No.10055462

File: 0e233afc643b0e5⋯.png (674.91 KB, 511x511, 1:1, lions3.png)

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704f9a  No.10055463

File: 2fbec7dbc176e06⋯.jpg (170.25 KB, 640x480, 4:3, chelsea.jpg)


Fucking spoiler that shit, anon.

Like this, anon!

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d00adc  No.10055464


wait till later. this is nothing.

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385da8  No.10055465

Will POTUS tweet "QAnon"?

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f88f6a  No.10055466

File: 3c8cd689ae75d02⋯.png (605.89 KB, 625x781, 625:781, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d6236  No.10055467

File: 659f914a2cb02f4⋯.png (303.67 KB, 720x742, 360:371, Img_1594872565759.png)

File: 727e86e1dfce727⋯.png (305.28 KB, 720x929, 720:929, Img_1589843264275.png)

File: c994b914f31f174⋯.png (110.5 KB, 720x466, 360:233, Img_1594871995579.png)

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04ba10  No.10055468


nik'd it



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950385  No.10055469


No one cares cody. Fuck off.

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9b28d5  No.10055470

File: cdd198411e84c0a⋯.jpg (24.1 KB, 316x316, 1:1, baking_seminar_image.jpg)

Baking Seminar #24 tonite @7pm ET


Learn to bake or take notes

Bakers can walk you thru the steps

Give feedback on your first practice bake

Answer questions on note-taking, what to do when Q posts, other stuff.

Thread continues so you can get help anytime you need it (well, practically)

Plz come join us, all are welcome.

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489c5f  No.10055471

File: e716dfece77fe3f⋯.jpg (166.77 KB, 600x600, 1:1, e716dfece77fe3f9b4e3925c14….jpg)


Thanks to the Baker and all Baker Anons who keep the Board running. We are living in unparalleled times and making up as we go. Bakers will be there 24/7 for as long as it takes and that makes me sleep better at night.

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8f71d6  No.10055472

File: 6778dd0ce3348d4⋯.png (567.01 KB, 930x724, 465:362, YOU_THREW_IT.png)

File: 36fbbd2690d04fd⋯.jpg (139.68 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Their_fate_is_sealed_.jpg)


Fumigated…lol… Be careful what you wish for.

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8c914e  No.10055473

File: cb74af654e8ecbf⋯.mp4 (3.55 MB, 640x360, 16:9, cb74af654e8ecbfe77e2aa4ef0….mp4)

The best parts in this video is the beginning when federal agent cracks some protesters skull and the end when another federal agents cracks another protesters skull.

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4d6236  No.10055474

File: 69dd2ab463e6deb⋯.png (208.03 KB, 720x402, 120:67, Img_1594872512385.png)

File: eba50c0084d367a⋯.png (184.75 KB, 576x367, 576:367, Img_1594872704014.png)

File: 8512f6647eeacd9⋯.png (61.42 KB, 457x208, 457:208, Img_1594744952311.png)

File: 564af7b1097d581⋯.png (164.51 KB, 720x596, 180:149, Img_1595194567859.png)

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2144ec  No.10055475


I am very proud to say that I have never viewed one Sick & Snorty cartoon!

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04ba10  No.10055476

>>10055367 NEW Q hit piece by BBC…….

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b2fc31  No.10055477


Uncle Rob is back!

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2ee255  No.10055478

File: e0f1fbba29b26ad⋯.png (548.35 KB, 706x448, 353:224, 0078109665978.png)

File: 67b91a9a293f472⋯.png (411.91 KB, 912x796, 228:199, 8863621546006578938.png)

File: e0f1fbba29b26ad⋯.png (548.35 KB, 706x448, 353:224, 0078109665978.png)

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9b28d5  No.10055479


like the way this landed right after the announcement of baking clas…..


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317f75  No.10055480


File (hide): d81b7dfa4d5f6ab⋯.png (32.72 KB, 386x547, 386:547, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

This anon needs a notable

Oh shit, this was the guy they used. Shaun Bridges


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9338a9  No.10055481

File: aceec5ff08fc74b⋯.jpg (23.59 KB, 555x370, 3:2, anubis.jpg)

File: 28732437faffaf0⋯.jpg (51.74 KB, 512x394, 256:197, anubNY.jpg)


>Anubis… nothing to see here

Bet that fuker didn't have a passport.

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950385  No.10055482


o7. Glad you dig it! Thank you.

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4dd039  No.10055483

File: f80d1f91886fabe⋯.jpg (45.8 KB, 960x882, 160:147, be_nice_man.jpg)


be nice man, i don't wanna have to call my homies

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9fdf4c  No.10055484

>>10055410 (me)

>Hidden in plain sight

This shit is from 2006 - pre-Obama. Rubbing our faces in it knowing that stoners are giggling like mad at the "absurdity" of it all.

Sick fucks.

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b43326  No.10055485

File: e73d90cb56111fb⋯.png (176.56 KB, 380x432, 95:108, nasimredpill.png)


Q could never post again, and we would still win. thats how far we've come. dont buy into the mockingbird bullshit that Q is some kind of all knowing messiah

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23d0e2  No.10055486

File: 9eb70cb18a0e908⋯.png (460.9 KB, 593x593, 1:1, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)

People with psychopathic or narcissistic traits are less likely to follow face mask rules


I guess the Celebrities calling people names for not wearing masks didn't work.

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04ba10  No.10055487



nik'd it


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3102dc  No.10055488


that's pretty fucked up

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489c5f  No.10055489


God has his ways, doesn't he? Kek

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9fdf4c  No.10055490


Neither have I, despite people begging me to watch it.

I heard once that it is the Futurama for guys who have never seen boobs.

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b43326  No.10055491

File: 19db613fd0e2201⋯.png (593.59 KB, 864x571, 864:571, stctopkek.png)

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704f9a  No.10055492

File: c9c6a9f986efe84⋯.png (114.88 KB, 623x558, 623:558, Sulu.png)



So new the faggot has been doing the same shit for quite some time.

How new are you?

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bb1a1c  No.10055493

statement of conflationary bullshit

followed by chest thumping.

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9338a9  No.10055494

File: 0b0ea0513ca7b2e⋯.jpg (177.95 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Qdrps.jpg)


>Q is some kind of all knowing messiah


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2144ec  No.10055495


So what you are saying is

In plain sight!

Not hidden.

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9b28d5  No.10055496

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bf7ace  No.10055497


you really think it will matter? most of the Republicans there now are just faggots posing as conservatives. nobody has any spine in DC. Fucking full of RINOS and comped kiddy fuckers. Notice the payroll tax fantasy is now dead in the water. These fucking people won't do a damn thing until we march to Washington with a million man militia and fucking tear down the entire fucking system.

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317f75  No.10055498

File: 70323c901edf0d4⋯.jpeg (315.01 KB, 1241x1980, 1241:1980, 3DE2015E_D7A3_497A_ADBC_7….jpeg)


File (hide): d81b7dfa4d5f6ab⋯.png (32.72 KB, 386x547, 386:547, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

This anon needs a notable

Oh shit, this was the guy they used. Shaun Bridges

I forgot the Q proof, see attached


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acc5d1  No.10055499


Awesome. Exposure increased. Streisand Effect activated.

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34d692  No.10055500

File: beb097413eb5ba3⋯.png (176.66 KB, 1188x764, 297:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Frankly Ric - there is no mystery.

The NYT is a fully fledged D-Party propaganda machine. Fully controlled and owned by the dark money power that controls the D-Party.


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7c69af  No.10055501

File: e13c98071e82f13⋯.jpeg (325.78 KB, 1242x1249, 1242:1249, AA5D8AF4_C706_4709_85D6_B….jpeg)

File: a1d060378845829⋯.jpeg (268.12 KB, 1242x723, 414:241, EC097B7F_E626_48FD_A224_2….jpeg)


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125355  No.10055502


Here everyone told us how Poland is the beacon of light in the EU.

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d00adc  No.10055503


It's funny as hell.. All the bakers are pretty much aware of what the deal is, now. Crystal clear that it's time to pick a fucking side.. So none of them are tolerating any infighting, at all. Doesn't matter where the baker hails from either, they all seem like they are all done fucking around from what this anon has observed in the other community boards.

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950385  No.10055504

File: e0e9cee7700d195⋯.png (947.93 KB, 859x614, 859:614, e0e9cee7700d1954366354adc9….png)


Nigga call your homies. So full of shit.

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d9989e  No.10055505

File: 950de77e2ee8814⋯.jpg (37.71 KB, 500x425, 20:17, 950de77e2ee8814e20035c0701….jpg)


kek they will say anything at this point

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5f70c0  No.10055506


Anything in particular worth looking up about Athens TX?

Bio on Charles Marsh, quite the read


Agreed, and still digging

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2144ec  No.10055507


If all else fails!

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2d7a6e  No.10055508

File: 711c63564699a6b⋯.png (251.62 KB, 1071x541, 1071:541, MAGMA89_and_GTMO842_off_se….PNG)

File: 2ef6ad3288f457a⋯.png (241.33 KB, 1028x570, 514:285, AZAZ09O9_US_Army_C_560_dep….PNG)

File: a6038c0848a9972⋯.png (353.39 KB, 480x375, 32:25, pilot_top_of_the_world.PNG)

MAGMA89 Departed San Juan, PR and begins descent to Homestead ARB, FL

GTMO842 US Navy Beech Huron appears off se Florida and heading to NAS Jax

AZAZ09O9 US Army C-560 departed Victorville,CA-SoCal Logistics Airport

This AC started at JBA on 0721 and had ground stops at Ft. Bragg, NC; Fort Leavenworth, KS and arrived at SoCal Logistics Airport late on 0721 where it has now departed to the east

SAM010 USAF C-40B (State Dept. AC) passed below it to the north

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04ba10  No.10055509


nik'd it

really noice


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489c5f  No.10055510

Please pray for our Federal Protective Service Federal Employees anons. They're the ones that are protecting all our Federal Buildings from the anarchists that are trying to burn them down. They deserve and need our support / prayers.

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f88f6a  No.10055511

File: 9e644882cbdb80f⋯.png (1.09 MB, 960x720, 4:3, chelsea_clinton_paper_bag_….png)

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dac637  No.10055512

File: 189decf8e110794⋯.png (323.4 KB, 500x495, 100:99, no_time_to_explain_just_ge….png)

File: aa564e513f958a4⋯.gif (486.38 KB, 409x264, 409:264, tumblr_mdiehsKumT1rqhda6o1….gif)

The days grow increasingly bizarre.

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4dd039  No.10055513

File: 3b2e12657da9a2f⋯.png (1006.45 KB, 970x852, 485:426, gotem.png)


roger dat, they said soon.

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05328b  No.10055514

File: c06f5629d12aeb7⋯.jpg (151.77 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1.jpg)

File: 1ab5de195d805ef⋯.jpg (122.18 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 2.jpg)

File: 41c4aaf62ed7b96⋯.jpg (123.41 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 3.jpg)

File: 56c325f61076b33⋯.jpg (92.61 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 4.jpg)

File: 519828406ccd253⋯.jpg (92.43 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 5.jpg)

anon has been thinking about the leftist propaganda technique

three word beat - three simple uncontroversial words

simple color scheme - hot on black

examples (pics related) of how this can be hijacked to reach the same volume

BLM font (Cornerstone, available online for download)

talented memefags can do better than anon's efforts

worth considering

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34d692  No.10055515

File: ae67ab7fde8f3c2⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1236x1136, 309:284, ClipboardImage.png)



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fd0ba8  No.10055516

File: 476fa0a91501c18⋯.jpg (43.69 KB, 523x725, 523:725, jan_31_We_the_people.jpg)


absolutely and Americans will get it done.

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928c37  No.10055517

File: 2e383c09821d549⋯.jpg (54.63 KB, 749x393, 749:393, 48zxdl_1.jpg)

Anons, is this negroid legit or are those fake rubber lips?

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bf7ace  No.10055518


Pompeo is comped as fuck. I've been saying this forever. He's in the pocket of Koch Brothers special interests, big AG, Monsanto(think GMO's), etc…Just another deep state faggot posing as a Patriot. When are anons going to wake up?

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4d6236  No.10055519

File: 13e76d654c9c2fe⋯.png (220.42 KB, 720x891, 80:99, Img_1595522569567.png)

File: 3ad1a7edc02c444⋯.png (244.94 KB, 720x523, 720:523, Img_1595522681652.png)

File: 425e4e5a7447afb⋯.png (233.47 KB, 720x515, 144:103, Img_1595522667815.png)

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489c5f  No.10055520


Our Bakers are the best. They aren't going to let the anarchists gain a perch here. Tonight's discussions should be interesting to say the least.

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64a36f  No.10055521

File: bec4079b8a277e4⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 499x366, 499:366, Government_get_rich.jpg)

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07414a  No.10055522

File: 52d0ddfd21841b9⋯.png (160.16 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

CDC: Misleading media stories say virus infections are 24 times more than reported


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2d7a6e  No.10055523

File: b3b5ff2850a31e2⋯.png (600.62 KB, 617x342, 617:342, graveyard_baker_dd.PNG)

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04ba10  No.10055524



In It All The Way


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bb1a1c  No.10055525


don't pretend like you don't know about tainted baker push notables and hoaxing.

give us all a break and just shut up about 'holy bakers.'

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9338a9  No.10055526

File: 5027d953be91d42⋯.jpg (89.38 KB, 646x636, 323:318, AGBbeer.jpg)


>Pompeo is comped as fuck


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fd0ba8  No.10055527


i dont believe that is true. not to mention, we have come this far, many many many indicators the plan is place, in control and the noose is tightening. strange you feel all that possibility should be thrown away this close to the finish line

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8d64f1  No.10055528


The DIms dont plan on winning the elections, they plan on controlling the media announcement of the results and claim victory, then declare POTUS refuses to accept the election results forcing them to seize power then coverup the fraud.

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950385  No.10055529

File: c9d01a972ef5996⋯.gif (2.08 MB, 640x606, 320:303, c9d01a972ef59964b22341e968….gif)


Tyvm planefag!

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489c5f  No.10055530


Half full vs half empty. I hear you.

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928c37  No.10055531

File: a2d95060e9e4af4⋯.jpg (58.85 KB, 500x554, 250:277, kkyyfff.jpg)


Americans on both sides know Joe Biden has brain damage and is unfit to be president.

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bb1a1c  No.10055532


sounds about right.

but no one reads their stuff.

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fd9023  No.10055533

File: 265d632abd91d9f⋯.jpg (133.08 KB, 1080x1994, 540:997, 20200723_094702.jpg)



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b2fc31  No.10055534


This is implying a logical Fallacy.

The implication is that if your not wearing a mask you are psychopathic or a narcissist.

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04ba10  No.10055535


noice dubs


lubs the all are belong to us

top kek


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e4e4fd  No.10055536

File: 51afcf371fe7e7f⋯.jpeg (857.25 KB, 1242x965, 1242:965, 647FA9D5_F68C_4788_B155_6….jpeg)

Baker please add to notables

Anons please support me in helping raise money for fellow Q supporter Ryan Chamberlin



I am working on getting him to take the oath and make a video letting Anons know WWG1WGA

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e97ee4  No.10055537

File: f3029efba4c924f⋯.png (364.62 KB, 605x618, 605:618, ClipboardImage.png)

18:02 POTUS says, "I'm gonna be nice" and says about Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, "she's a Democrat"

What was he going to say before he stopped himself from saying it?

It seemed as if he was going to say a word that starts with "N"

I think he was going to say New World Order


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704f9a  No.10055538

File: 6892a194e67fb1a⋯.jpg (482.73 KB, 2100x2100, 1:1, Glowing.jpg)


Get some new material, faggot. This shit is stale.

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e4b15f  No.10055539


What is so important inside the buildings that need to be protected?

What are the Anarchists trying to burn?

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125355  No.10055540


Try to get a notable on this board without a MSM source…

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f765d1  No.10055541


That may very well be their plan, but it will not succeed.

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2186d6  No.10055542

File: 61842a68f4fc0a9⋯.png (241.22 KB, 531x258, 177:86, ClipboardImage.png)


Neck looks unnatural

…cgi, masks, fuckery…

seam, color

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8d64f1  No.10055544


email that shit to WJC…repeatedly

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07414a  No.10055546


Can't be anon now, you doxed them.

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a79faf  No.10055547

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04ba10  No.10055548


wit ya yo

nik'd it


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bf7ace  No.10055549


keep drinking the kool aid. I made the same call on Wray, Mattis and John Kelly way back when as well and nobody believed me. Look who's laughing now. I don't trust a fucking single person. Especially Pompeo, he's all talk, no action just like the rest of them.

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aabbc1  No.10055550

File: c3de28c7fd5fa08⋯.jpg (47.04 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 495y0x.jpg)

File: 60f726778a11242⋯.jpg (72.32 KB, 500x644, 125:161, 3ltscv.jpg)

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704f9a  No.10055551

File: e1b31a077cbf126⋯.jpg (50.92 KB, 488x383, 488:383, YOURRE.jpg)

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fd0ba8  No.10055552


night shift are holy rollers now? when the fuck did that happen. i always felt the attitude was more, bring it on, makes no difference what goes on anywhere else. shrugs. then again, all Q shifts are like that. so??? nv

maybe you're just being stupid. it happens to the best of US

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16574f  No.10055553

File: 7894b1e2ec7981c⋯.mp4 (491.61 KB, 722x480, 361:240, D1B47CCAB500C2E8CC9296B16C….mp4)



How's this? You child molester.

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07414a  No.10055554



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f42411  No.10055555

File: 5181ae8bd786b0c⋯.jpg (514 KB, 3072x2304, 4:3, IMG_4484.JPG)

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04ba10  No.10055556


afternoon homie

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3fa5b5  No.10055557

File: 8e3d1a2d30c0c26⋯.jpg (89.61 KB, 500x634, 250:317, 489ghx.jpg)

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aabbc1  No.10055558

File: aa837c2233bdaaa⋯.jpg (72.81 KB, 586x500, 293:250, 4960qa.jpg)

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ca90ba  No.10055559

File: e2c67a2973a1325⋯.jpg (162.13 KB, 576x384, 3:2, Fakenewsactivists.jpg)

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489c5f  No.10055560



Pompeo was headed to the State Department and the team knew it BEFORE he went to the CIA. Pompeo was at the CIA, not to manage it, but to collect intel from it. The State Department corruption is tightly intertwined with the CIA corruption. The plan is genius and is indeed 5D Chess.

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9338a9  No.10055561

File: 49b9b5f485f8bfe⋯.jpg (181.77 KB, 947x570, 947:570, lurkP.jpg)

>>10055353 pb

>Reading comprehension

(You) don't innerstand how this works.

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2ee255  No.10055562

File: 0fc8b62e32e232f⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1309x804, 1309:804, 9650790121683589.png)

File: 8b415441040feab⋯.png (1.03 MB, 939x816, 313:272, 45119870199026394.png)

File: 0fc8b62e32e232f⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1309x804, 1309:804, 9650790121683589.png)

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23d0e2  No.10055563


POTUS forgave him. I take it you weren't here right after the Superbowl?

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240e48  No.10055564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Eagles - Desperado Live 1994

From the Hell Freezes Over dvd

*Video upscaled to 4K

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2d7a6e  No.10055565

File: 1632483808b5070⋯.png (734.5 KB, 474x528, 79:88, pepe_patriot_shadilay_dd.PNG)

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e4e4fd  No.10055566


You are making zero sense to me anon

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9338a9  No.10055567

File: ffff28ef3347a3a⋯.png (678.95 KB, 750x500, 3:2, AGBrm.png)


>5D Chess

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5f8eea  No.10055568


nik'd x 4? 5?

uh huh chunky clunky.

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dac637  No.10055569

File: cf60c33cc6d0ba9⋯.jpg (44.81 KB, 480x430, 48:43, grandpa_1_480x430.jpg)

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8f71d6  No.10055570

File: 09397f5fde2bb9b⋯.jpg (231.51 KB, 1422x699, 474:233, 3_pitiful_creatures.jpg)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion loves to bake.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.

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04ba10  No.10055571

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f42411  No.10055572


check my pents

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ca90ba  No.10055573

File: a7f90b7e15f273a⋯.jpg (17.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, fkoutahere.jpg)

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63a115  No.10055574

Any silverfags got a recommendation on where to buy?

I'm planning on closing my measly $10k 401k and getting some.

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b2fc31  No.10055575


Is your're ever right?

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bf7ace  No.10055576


it will take several election cycles to identify all of the blackmailed kiddy fucker RINOS and vote them out of office. We need patriots not blackmailed pussies. Shit look at UTAH for example. They made Mitt fucking Pierre Delecto Romney a Senator when it was obvious to anybody with a brain that he is a globalist piece of shit who fucking hates this country.

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2d7a6e  No.10055577

File: e86fbe9f46474a3⋯.png (274.89 KB, 565x618, 565:618, chek_em_sign_language.PNG)

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34d692  No.10055578

File: 9521dfa139eb3e0⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1194x1200, 199:200, ClipboardImage.png)

When will the head of the snake be cut off?

Soros is pure evil and has brought so much misery and pain into the world. Why is he allow to continue his plan for a new society?

Who controls Soros and who is allowing him to continue. This must stop.


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fd0ba8  No.10055579

File: bf69a52d4b0784c⋯.jpg (20.5 KB, 255x144, 85:48, cnn.jpg)

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2b080d  No.10055580


more facilities like this, or just this one?

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59e04d  No.10055582

>>10055267 lb

This post on Warpspeed vaccines should have beenNOTABLE

In particular we still see people moaning about vaccines being dangerous and being poisoned and how you cannot sue the pharma companies.


The whole process is now a NATIONAL SECURITY issue and is under Military control

And the Federal Acquisition Regulation sweeps aside all the limitations on liability. Every one of these companies better do a damn good job making safe and effective vaccines, or the Federal government will have their ass. if they commit crimes such as including poisons, the Dec 20, 2017 EO means that Treasury seizes ownership of the company.

This is a war right now and it has been like that since the 50 states and the feds all declared a state of emergency at the beginning of the COVID event.

By now you should know how Trump operates. All the vaccine companies that demonstrate a safe effective product will be able to sell it. People will have several choices. Nobody is going to force you to get an injection full of aluminum with a skin tattoo included.

At least one option is an oral vaccine, a tablet.

At least one company is using a saponin based adjuvant NOT ALUMINUM.

I suspect that the DOD will specify allowed adjuvants and aluminum will not be on the list.

This is one interesting vaccine developed using Insect Cells, and using a saponin based adjuvant:


Scroll down on this next page and look for the video entitled: Novavax’ recombinant protein nanoparticle vaccine technology


It reminds me of learning about the advanced technology of the VOCSN and pNeuton ventilators that the Federal government had manufactured.

Vaxart is the company with the oral vaccine...


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b43326  No.10055584

File: 263646a5a2a98c7⋯.png (447.84 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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e8a8e9  No.10055585


Seems like there was a club there originally called Koon Kreek Klub (now officially spelled coon creek club I believe) where lot the the ppl we are talking about liked to go to "hunt" & fish".

There was also something about a murder of an ex-governors son and a mention of alleged witchcraft in Athens, but haven't gotten deep into any of this yet.

I didn't know about the Finders cult so want to dig on that too.Thanks for that info.

Links fro above:




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756b39  No.10055586

File: 4b861987748423b⋯.png (206.49 KB, 1065x441, 355:147, ClipboardImage.png)

Winners Etiquette…#loveisthemostpowerfulforceintheuniverse

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5811c3  No.10055587

Godspeed 11_25

o7 CEW

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f88f6a  No.10055588

File: 181b4f196f0d748⋯.png (775.91 KB, 680x1024, 85:128, trump_pouring_bleach.png)

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a01348  No.10055590


tick tock

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e4e4fd  No.10055591



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34d692  No.10055592


Chrissy either has a terrible plastic surgeon or cannibalism is drastically changing her appearance.

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64a36f  No.10055593


That's what I "was" thinking, but when BB said that, I'm now on the fence, because NO ONE HAS BEEN HELD ACCOUNTABLE and they are still walking around FREE….if you knew of this information, would you allow those asshole to walk around…hmmm….maybe if you are also corrupt, you would make sure they are walking around…..hard pill to swallow…but I'm leaning towards corrupt until something breaks thru the ice.

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2d7a6e  No.10055594


herro, herro!

time flies-feels like I just got up-been up for 4 hours

gotta do doggo nao.

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fba7f8  No.10055595


A software flaw is being blamed for showing a positive COVID-19 test result incorrectly for more than two dozen tests.

University of Kentucky laboratory scientists say they were inspecting and reviewing raw data from a testing platform when they became concerned about discrepancies in the data. They believe the testing platform, Thermo Fisher, which was authorized for emergency use by the FDA, had a software flaw that might result in false positives.

After re-testing the samples using another platform, scientists confirmed that the tests initially reported as positive for COVID-19 were negative. The flaw was only found in one of the four testing platforms that UK's clinical laboratory uses.

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e70141  No.10055596

File: 165a27d2043ebbc⋯.png (79.94 KB, 500x456, 125:114, ClipboardImage.png)




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16574f  No.10055597

File: c6cd6caab33ab15⋯.jpg (41.18 KB, 500x392, 125:98, 493rx2_1.jpg)



You got owned.

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489c5f  No.10055598


They are in the first stages of attempting to eject the Federal Government from their cities without letting anybody know they're trying to eject the Federal Government. It's a secession without saying it's a secession.

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2b080d  No.10055599


opinion does not equal fact

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1804a4  No.10055600

Bye bye Nasdaq

40% haircut by the election

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fd0ba8  No.10055601



some of those 'difficult truths' that are not that difficult to understand. everytime.

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240e48  No.10055602

File: a54721f6a83cf33⋯.jpg (48.84 KB, 987x298, 987:298, Capture.JPG)

BLM Organiser in Miami Arrested for Allegedly Stealing Flags From Pro-Trump Supporters, Report Says

Black Lives Matter protests have been ongoing in Miami, Florida for weeks, triggered by the killing of George Floyd, an African American ex-convict, in Minneapolis in late May.

One of the organisers of the BLM protests in Miami, Jonathan Gartrelle, was arrested on Monday for allegedly stealing two pro-Trump flags, the Miami Herald reported on Thursday citing the detained demonstrator who has since been released after posting a bond.

According to the report, Gartrelle is facing charges of strong-arm robbery and escape, resisting an officer without violence and obstructing a public street.

The 31-year-old protester, however, claims that he simply took two pro-Trump flags from parked cars and threw them on the ground.


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acc5d1  No.10055603


Damn. Bruce Jenner is so fugly these days.

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2ee255  No.10055604

File: 192be1e51f7af87⋯.png (792.46 KB, 1464x774, 244:129, 07643982089436.png)

File: 80956281292b67b⋯.png (292.81 KB, 819x850, 819:850, 4627117437867478653.png)

File: 22f8deefe86b526⋯.png (870.81 KB, 1592x845, 1592:845, 546390879684690.png)

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b3b4c4  No.10055606

File: 10b89f71fb6a6a6⋯.png (282.81 KB, 693x313, 693:313, pgw.png)

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f2d1d7  No.10055607

File: 0038dd24bd418cb⋯.jpg (83.05 KB, 900x688, 225:172, image.jpg)

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f18d7e  No.10055608

File: 01f526fda216c6e⋯.jpeg (39.63 KB, 726x412, 363:206, 93C64663_F8E5_48BA_BD94_B….jpeg)

File: 942adefce0351b8⋯.jpeg (73.64 KB, 707x727, 707:727, BD9AB12C_08AE_455C_9893_1….jpeg)

What’s this? King Cuomo in Georgia not wearing a mask or maintaining social distancing?? Color me shocked!!


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f88f6a  No.10055609


I also recommend these guys.

Great customer service.


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07414a  No.10055610

File: 033497fb65650f4⋯.png (787.27 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

CNN anchor accused of 'ludicrous' claim about hydroxychloroquine by Yale epidemiology professor


A Yale epidemiology professor rejected a CNN anchor’s "ludicrous" claim that hydroxychloroquine is too dangerous to even talk about as a potential COVID-19 treatment during an appearance Wednesday on “The Ingraham Angle.”

Earlier this week, CNN anchor Brianna Keilar – who has recently sparred with conservative guests on a fairly regular basis – got into an argument with Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh over hydroxychloroquine.

“It kills people,” Keilar said of hydroxychloroquine.

Murtaugh pointed out that many media members pounced on negative hydroxychloroquine information, such as a Lancet study that was retracted last month when the validity of the data was called into question.

“That study had to be withdrawn,” Murtaugh told Keilar. “Now there is another study that shows it can actually cut deaths by as much as 50 percent.”

Murtaugh was referring to a recent study by researchers at the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan that found early administration of the drug made hospitalized patients substantially less likely to die from coronavirus.

Keilar quickly dismissed the Michigan study and the two bickered until the CNN host said Murtaugh was doing a “disservice to the health of Americans” for even mentioning the drug.

“Studies have been canceled because this stuff is so dangerous,” Keilar said as she ended the interview.

Laura Ingraham’s primetime show covered the bizarre exchange on Wednesday night, playing clips of the contentious CNN interview.

Ingraham asked Risch, “Who is really doing a disservice to the American people, doctors with decades of experience like yourself, other treating physicians on COVID, or CNN hosts that think hydroxy is so dangerous that we shouldn’t even talk about it?”

“That’s a little funny that we shouldn’t talk about anything,” Risch said. “This is a drug that’s been used for 65-plus years in billons of doses around the world that people take without even thinking about it. And suddenly it’s become dangerous? That’s ludicrous.”

“It’s just amazing we have CNN anchors out there proclaiming on this drug … it does such a disservice to people,” Ingraham said.

NewsBusters reported when the Lancet results were retracted that CNN spent “90 minutes and 54 seconds heralding a now-debunked study” in a single day back on May 22.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has also suggested that CNN has been hypocritical in its coverage of hydroxychloroquine.

Earlier this week, Risch told Ingraham that he thinks hydroxychloroquine could save 75,000 to 100,000 lives if the drug is widely used as a prophylactic against coronavirus, especially for frontline workers. Risch also said discussions about the drug became “political” as opposed to “medical.”

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bf7ace  No.10055611


you get the fuck outta here. at least I will ask questions and use critical thinking. How many TRUST __ has Q given us that ended being disinformation. Fucking pretty much every name. Fuck Pompeo and Fuck YOU!

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756b39  No.10055612

File: 182c07dbf9fa7ef⋯.png (61.94 KB, 245x229, 245:229, ClipboardImage.png)

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950385  No.10055613

File: a6d1b77b0a3f3c9⋯.png (155.25 KB, 423x591, 141:197, anckobe.png)

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8f71d6  No.10055614

File: d5ac67109b9dc17⋯.jpg (44.54 KB, 362x271, 362:271, CHOICES.jpg)

File: d0b6a508880cbc5⋯.jpg (257.07 KB, 1000x645, 200:129, Good_learning.jpg)

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04ba10  No.10055615

File: 41d6cc49fe39b24⋯.jpg (250.2 KB, 744x744, 1:1, 41d6cc49fe39b24ebcd524a247….jpg)


Be Patriotic

Bake the Cake for Q and Q+

Highly Rewarding

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fd0ba8  No.10055616


it does when its in red text.

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59e04d  No.10055617

File: 513c485dabf569c⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB, 640x360, 16:9, FedReserveIsAwesome.mp4)

E. posted this video about the Federal reserve yesterday

Coded comms about what will happen with the Fed

Lately his comms have been anywhere from one day before the event to a couple of months before.

I suspect that he is hinting what Judy Shelton will do once her appointment is confirmed in the Senate.

These are the complete lyrics to the song that the girl sings in the video…

Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you're part of a team

Everything is awesome, when you're living out a dream

Everything is better when we stick together

Some have said you and I are gonna win forever?

Lets party forever

We're the same unlike you, you're like me we're all working in harmony

Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you're part of a team

Everything is awesome, when you're living out a dream

Woo! Three, two, one, go!

Have you heard the news? Everyone's talkin'

Life is good 'cause everything awesome

Lost my job, there's a new opportunity

More free time for my awesome community

I feel more awesome than an awesome possum

Dip my body in chocolate frostin'

Three years later wash off the frostin'

Smellin' like a blossom, everything is awesome

Stepped in mud, got new brown shoes

It's awesome to win and it's awesome to lose

Everything is better when we stick together

Side by side, you and I gonna win forever?

Let's party forever

We're the same unlike you, you're like me we're all working in harmony

Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you're part of a team

Everything is awesome, when you're living out a dream

Blue skies, bouncy springs, we just named a few awesome things

A Nobel prize, a piece of string

You know what's awesome? Everything!

Dogs with fleas, allergies

A book of Greek antiquities

Brand new pants, a very old vest

Awesome items are the best

Trees, (frogs), clogs, they're awesome

Rocks, clocks, and socks, they're awesome

Figs, and jigs, and twigs, that's awesome

Everything you see or think or say is awesome

Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you're part of a team

Everything is awesome, when you're living out a dream

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704f9a  No.10055618

File: f4a0114eef195c5⋯.jpg (240.15 KB, 930x1024, 465:512, soros_justice.jpg)

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8f71d6  No.10055619

File: b13fd23af562654⋯.jpg (59.86 KB, 474x315, 158:105, DOESN_T_ADD_UP.jpg)

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6b81be  No.10055620

File: 2ee9759ae33bb59⋯.png (175.71 KB, 347x602, 347:602, ClipboardImage.png)


Because Anubis is disguised as an Aardvark. It's their logo.

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34d692  No.10055622

File: c18e8b0622ef1c7⋯.png (81.38 KB, 1228x386, 614:193, ClipboardImage.png)

Some nervous people in DC today.


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240e48  No.10055623

File: 2c24403d3aa5edd⋯.jpg (41.01 KB, 997x346, 997:346, Capture.JPG)

UK Attorney General Backs Serious Fraud Office Chief Despite Black Cloud Over Iraqi Oil Bribes Trial

The Serious Fraud Office was set up in 1987 and tasked with investigating financial crime and corruption in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Its reputation has been tarnished by a number of failed investigations and prosecutions since 2006.

The Attorney General for England and Wales, Suella Braverman, is coming under pressure to replace the head of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), Lisa Osofsky, who was criticised by a judge at a trial into bribes of Iraqi oil officials.

On Thursday, 23 July, businessmen Ziad Akle was jailed for five years at Southwark Crown Court in London for his part in offering corrupt payments to Oday Al Quoraishi, an official in Iraq’s state-owned South Oil Company.

The trial judge, Mr Justice Martin Beddoe said: "The offences were committed across borders at a time of serious need for the government of Iraq to rebuild after years of sanctions and the devastation of war. They were utterly exploitative at a time when the economic and political situation in Iraq was extremely fragile.”

— Annie Robertson (@annierobertsn) July 23, 2020


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04ba10  No.10055624

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9f989b  No.10055625

File: 99c881bb1ab0161⋯.png (434.83 KB, 788x717, 788:717, potus_chek.png)


Digits confirm: it's time for shills to fuck off

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bf7ace  No.10055626

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f18d7e  No.10055627


Fukking anime shill.

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1804a4  No.10055628


Game theory: globalist techno elite want Trump out, and will let the market crash into the election. Creates a major talking point against re-electing him.

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e4b15f  No.10055629


The sick need to be wished well.

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64a36f  No.10055630

File: ae91c234309e48e⋯.jpg (93.76 KB, 823x865, 823:865, George_Soros_owned_1.JPG)

File: c76525f411d7e4e⋯.jpg (78.08 KB, 813x931, 813:931, George_Soros_owned_2.JPG)

File: 69cbb3176422d9e⋯.jpg (76.89 KB, 696x916, 174:229, George_Soros_owned_3.JPG)

File: 9abcd2e4b0bfecc⋯.jpg (75.22 KB, 731x918, 43:54, George_Soros_owned_4.JPG)

File: bc2a3d833788c25⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 712x912, 89:114, George_Soros_owned_5.JPG)



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0b7a97  No.10055632

File: eef2f9e660b7e18⋯.jpg (71.18 KB, 545x500, 109:100, solsnack.jpg)

File: 0b09a332dbe1f46⋯.jpg (4.97 KB, 287x162, 287:162, greenhat_Copy.jpg)

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fd0ba8  No.10055633


hell yes. bring REAL creativity back to our kids. smh… oh the wonderful discoverys to be made/revealed. at last.

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2b080d  No.10055634

File: d4e251a350622f7⋯.jpg (108.62 KB, 547x456, 547:456, wearing_gloves_and_stoppin….jpg)


not a quote, but I captured the essence of Acosta

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64a36f  No.10055635

File: c1b7141e36a61ee⋯.jpg (63.33 KB, 629x906, 629:906, George_Soros_owned_6.JPG)

File: 5568bbc32717ad3⋯.jpg (66.05 KB, 624x919, 624:919, George_Soros_owned_7.JPG)

File: 1fb9e9d6951cb34⋯.jpg (78.25 KB, 719x923, 719:923, George_Soros_owned_8.JPG)

File: 0832e63cf5f796b⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 614x908, 307:454, George_Soros_owned_9.JPG)

File: 483704ccab8bccd⋯.jpg (74.45 KB, 620x911, 620:911, George_Soros_owned_10.JPG)

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5811c3  No.10055636


Much Love to


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64a36f  No.10055637

File: 830e7190253773b⋯.jpg (70.77 KB, 611x918, 611:918, George_Soros_owned_11.JPG)

File: 7ff600723002941⋯.jpg (79.25 KB, 601x921, 601:921, George_Soros_owned_12.JPG)

File: aefe25332f4b382⋯.jpg (71.64 KB, 555x921, 185:307, George_Soros_owned_13.JPG)

File: adca4be1ae21afb⋯.jpg (69.67 KB, 572x926, 286:463, George_Soros_owned_14.JPG)

File: c99739b6dd401f8⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 547x915, 547:915, George_Soros_owned_15.JPG)

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59e04d  No.10055638


CNN has become possessed by CONSPIRACY THEORISTS who see a conspiracy hidden behind everything that Trump does, or even talks about.

CNN = Conspiracy Network News

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9f989b  No.10055639







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ff94ff  No.10055640

File: 738e5bd90daaf8b⋯.png (168.26 KB, 598x641, 598:641, Screenshot_2020_07_23_at_9….png)

Spread this bitches face!!! "If" she is in the service she needs to be disciplined!! She is yelling at people waving the American Flag!!


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64a36f  No.10055641

File: 5e8515c866a1e8c⋯.jpg (75.63 KB, 588x905, 588:905, George_Soros_owned_16.JPG)

File: 009cbb010f1ca51⋯.jpg (73.94 KB, 618x915, 206:305, George_Soros_owned_17.JPG)

File: ecd636b035d9ac3⋯.jpg (81.66 KB, 634x900, 317:450, George_Soros_owned_18.JPG)

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8d64f1  No.10055642


wait until after the election. If Trump wins the leftist will start a civil war, if Dims win the conservatives will start a war. Either way war is coming to the streets near you.

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f70b55  No.10055643

File: 860f1399867f726⋯.png (277.04 KB, 1414x810, 707:405, illuminated.png)

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2e3dec  No.10055644

File: 09b99eb07c6ded2⋯.jpg (14.26 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 09b99eb07c6ded2b99f930e469….jpg)

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e1014f  No.10055645

File: 08727ede17b0706⋯.webm (3.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, unbelivible_tales.webm)


Thats not even all of that show or episode.

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7dea2e  No.10055646

File: d2ef4e10459e00b⋯.png (886.05 KB, 1748x1240, 437:310, kys.png)

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756b39  No.10055647


compassion and forgiveness will be what Will Be Needed …for the Next…cant Love without Learning to Forgive…and this anon recognizes how hard That Is…

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a79faf  No.10055648


There was not even a HINT of starting a word with an N. He as he frequently does he puckered his lips. Try saying a word starting with N by puckering, that isn't how the letter is enunciated.

It would also be grammatically incorrect to say "She's a new world order".

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2d7a6e  No.10055649

File: 5fd3ef7f8106f6d⋯.png (360.93 KB, 1012x574, 506:287, VENUS96_USAF_C_32A_sw_afte….PNG)

File: 65dc2813777a292⋯.png (439.89 KB, 672x324, 56:27, USAF_C_32A_09_0016_3.PNG)

VENUS96 USAF C-32A sw after some trackin' off Maine Coast-this is almost identical to the traces that 92-9000 VIP 747 had the day prior to GM arrest in NH.

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67a83b  No.10055650

File: 25bdf31a8bc2f2e⋯.png (419.61 KB, 677x303, 677:303, Capture.PNG)

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a52f36  No.10055651

File: e9d93014940645c⋯.png (58.29 KB, 258x194, 129:97, datstorm.png)

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95ea9e  No.10055652

File: f77cd6f14090dbd⋯.png (246.16 KB, 357x343, 51:49, 1.png)

File: 61e3693a796c58b⋯.png (985.54 KB, 926x546, 463:273, SportsOwners1.png)

Sports Team Owners lean progressive (toward Fauci) and against Trump because they are involved in the sex trafficking and prostitution rings that revolve around their sports events.

They think they're slapping Trump in the face…they're just confirming that THEY ARE DIRTY.

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8f71d6  No.10055653

File: 4b13d509e8211ae⋯.jpg (103.9 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Too_much_bullshit.jpg)

File: 917bb7b1aa64824⋯.jpg (90 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Too_much_redtape.jpg)

File: be0099093173f58⋯.jpg (159.25 KB, 751x501, 751:501, Fuck_scissors.jpg)

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4df373  No.10055654

File: d37293e502d6560⋯.jpeg (231.57 KB, 1080x1586, 540:793, Screenshot_20200715_10441….JPEG)

File: 11d1e1e5486ceaa⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 11d1e1e5486ceaae33e13a4129….jpg)

The world is not how it appears.

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a79faf  No.10055655

File: 37c592b6aabb07f⋯.png (423.75 KB, 2429x1519, 347:217, Solzhenitsyn4.png)

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c98104  No.10055656

File: 207c54796eda654⋯.png (75.12 KB, 782x608, 391:304, ClipboardImage.png)

Read-out: POTUS call with Putin

Today, President Donald J. Trump spoke with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. President Trump and President Putin discussed efforts to defeat the coronavirus pandemic while continuing to reopen global economies. The two leaders also discussed critical bilateral and global issues. President Trump reiterated his hope of avoiding an expensive three-way arms race between China, Russia, and the United States and looked forward to progress on upcoming arms control negotiations in Vienna.


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59e04d  No.10055657


Isn't this what the UN's Agenda 21 is all about?

Municipalities will take their orders directly from the UN because national governments shrink down to basically the bureaucracy that enables UN orders to be fulfilled.

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2dfb2d  No.10055658

Trump and the Patriots must allow the economy to collapse. The longer the Western economies keep going, the longer the Jewish Deep State will continue to flood the West with mass Third World immigration. It has to come to an end, or white people will drown in endless waves of blacks, Arabs, and Muslims.

The US economy, and thus also the European economies, must be allowed to collapse. It's the only thing that can save us, as Westerners/white people.

Trump and the Patriots are doing us NO favors by keeping this rigged economic system going. If we are to escape the miserable, hostile, multicultural, diversity hell that the central bankers have created for us, then the economy must collapse. So that we can rebuild Western society from the ashes.

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a03ac2  No.10055659

File: 06f61013057234c⋯.png (21.9 KB, 594x211, 594:211, ClipboardImage.png)

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e4b15f  No.10055660

So… there's nothing physical inside the fed buildings that needs to be protected from burning? It's just the idea that a federal establishment shall not be taken down by the people that is the problem?

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3fa5b5  No.10055661

File: 87aeb881030dbf4⋯.jpg (147.22 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 496t7v.jpg)

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07414a  No.10055662


She should be discharged with a dishonorable discharge.

That will take away ANY veteran's benefits.

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fd0ba8  No.10055663


tsk tsk

some people like batman cartoon some like anemia some people like cats. goofy. lighten up?

seriously… immediate dismissal bc of …. smh. cant be done

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ca9654  No.10055664

Hope another stimulus check comes.

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4edc2d  No.10055665


these type of women are really the fucking worst…shes been going around her whole life acting like an angry male, and since most people don't want to knock a fucking girl out, shes been lead to believe that people are actually scared of HER.

Basically she needs a man to knock her the fuck out. in public.

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756b39  No.10055666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are Way Better and Less Divided Then We Know…Promise…Seen from My View…Its taken me all of these Years to Find Us

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37b8d4  No.10055667

File: 2a65932e98a2a26⋯.png (216.77 KB, 348x347, 348:347, ClipboardImage.png)


>This is one interesting vaccine developed using Insect Cells, and using a saponin based adjuvant:

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59e1e3  No.10055668


no text

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4df373  No.10055669

File: 75931ec8f2846e6⋯.jpg (37.81 KB, 500x390, 50:39, 493pxv_1.jpg)

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86317d  No.10055670

File: e044c7dd444aa4a⋯.mp4 (8.53 MB, 256x144, 16:9, BBCQanon.mp4)




QAnon, coronavirus and the conspiracy cult

A bizarre conspiracy theory has surged in popularity in the US since the pandemic, according to exclusive research seen by the BBC.

QAnon and its believers say that Donald Trump is here to save the world from an evil cabal of paedophiles and it’s had a surprising level of interest around the world from Brazil to Germany, the UK and Indonesia.

And this week Twitter announced it would delete 7,000 QAnon-related accounts, saying it hoped the action would help to prevent "offline harm".

BBC Population Correspondent Stephanie Hegarty has spoken to QAnon followers and their families to find out why this cultish conspiracy has gained so much traction.

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cdd0b8  No.10055671

File: 280dcb39cdd646c⋯.png (731.67 KB, 1166x734, 583:367, ClipboardImage.png)


Court Rules in Favor of Releasing Several Secret Epstein-Maxwell Documents

A federal court in New York City on Thursday ruled that several documents related to dead pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his alleged global sex trafficking empire, and his high-profile accomplices will be unsealed and made available to the public — with some redactions.

Senior U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska was wholly unconvinced by arguments made by alleged sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell and her attorneys. During a teleconference hearing, the court determined Maxwell’s opposition to releasing those files had little legal weight.

“Ms. Maxwell proffers little more than her ipse dixit,” the judge said, employing a Latin term meaning an unproven assertion.

While the hearing itself was concerned with five specific files, the judge recited a long list of documents that would be made public — far in excess of the documents originally at issue.

Specifically, the court found that several documents previously ruled on would be released — as well as discovery motions and materials related to those documents. In sum, the judge determined that all of those documents qualify as “judicial documents.”

Maxwell had argued the material contained in those documents concern (1) personal matters which might “annoy or embarrass” Epstein’s alleged accomplices and others; (2) that the information may have been “abusively filed or untrustworthy”; and (3) that the information now concerns an ongoing criminal investigation.

“She provides no specifics for these conclusions,” Preska noted. “She refused to testify as to any consensual adult activity and generally would not testify about any activity concerning underage sexual activity.”

Each of those arguments was dispensed in turn.

“The court finds that any minor embarrassment or annoyance about behavior that has been widely reported in the press is outweighed by the presumption for public access,” Preska said.

The court ruled against the second argument, noting that it was a procedural claim that was ultimately deficient.

“In any event the court is dubious that such a fine-tooth-combed review is required,” Preska added. “The court finds that these interests are entitled to little weight in this case.”

As for the criminal investigation argument the judge said “Maxwell is not entitled to much weight here.”

“The countervailing interests fail to rebut the presumption of public access to the documents at issue and the motions in connection with those documents,” the judge continued. “The documents will be unsealed.”

The judge, however, noted one caveat: “Personal identifying information and the names of non-parties other than [Jane] Does 1 and 2 and other portions related to such non-party-specific conduct will be redacted from the documents being unsealed.”

While the court ruled many Epstein documents should be released, don’t expect them to be made public anytime soon.

Maxwell’s attorney Laura Menninger requested and received a one-week stay of the ruling in order to appeal to the Second Circuit. Meanwhile, both parties’ attorneys were ordered to confer about the next tranche of Epstein files that might be unsealed and how to speed up the process.

The underlying case here is a defamation lawsuit filed by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who has been speaking out since 2011 when the United Kingdom’s Mail on Sunday published an article alleging that Epstein and Maxwell furnished her to Prince Andrew while she was Epstein’s “sex slave.”

A series of legal battles including Giuffre and Maxwell occurred both prior to and after the publication of that bombshell exposé. That long legal road is documented in an article available here.

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0f5359  No.10055672

File: 30d0e65b3b3d1a7⋯.jpg (225.19 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, 14_4m_employment_training_….jpg)

File: ab5a8b5dd3a385d⋯.jpg (274 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Agriculture1TrumpAccomplis….jpg)

File: 6b04f6d1229d323⋯.jpg (313.42 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Agriculture11TrumpAccompli….jpg)

File: 0f2b96c5086c56f⋯.jpg (229.34 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, AmericaFirstWomenEntrepene….jpg)

File: 71527a218ffd7b0⋯.jpg (173.69 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, black_america_best_to_come….jpg)


* Trump Successes v2

Hundreds of topics usable NOW (3Q 2020) to promote successful Trump policies & actions. Veterans. Farmers. Economic prosperity for all. Opportunity zones. Drinking water. Infrastructure. Healthcare. Freedom of Religion. Tax reform/reduction. Trade schools. Funding for Historically Black Colleges. Paid family leave. US-Canada-Mex trade agreement (USMCA). Energy. Medical price disclosure. Environment. Native Americans, and so many moar.

Meme Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

Last updated: 30-Jun-2020

Number of Images: 340

Size: 75M

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8d64f1  No.10055673


they did that in Fayetteville NC too. I watched the video over and over. Laffed my ass off.

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c44c99  No.10055674

File: e4492b8092e4e91⋯.png (98.84 KB, 442x326, 221:163, fltrdshll10.png)


…Fuck you, hall monitor!

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000000  No.10055675


That my frens, will be the start of the civil war V2.0>>10055578

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7dea2e  No.10055676



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bf7ace  No.10055677


I think you might be right. I feel like it's going to get MUCH MUCH worse before it gets better. Honestly I would have fucking preferred PLAN Z. Just rip the fucking band aid off, arrest all of these fucking demonic pieces of shit and tell the world the truth. Get it the fuck over with already and pull the plug on the FAKE FUCKING NEWS once and for all. They still hold a powerful grip on the collective American consciousness.

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9f989b  No.10055678

File: 84838a08e8efb2c⋯.png (267.14 KB, 771x795, 257:265, potus_thumb_up.png)

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f18d7e  No.10055679


Thanks dad.

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efcf21  No.10055680

Are you better now than you were 4 years ago?

Have to wear a mask, odds are you are unemployed, lost a business, broke, your city has been infiltrated by Antifa/BLM/Communists/Marxists whatever you wanna label it and looted, burnt, Law and Order is no where to bee found. Evil is still free obviously. This is Trumps America that will be voted on

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240e48  No.10055681

File: a8ecde4cf5c237c⋯.jpg (30.12 KB, 990x389, 990:389, Capture.JPG)

Putin Holds Phone Conversation With Trump, Kremlin Says

The two presidents agreed to continue contacts at various levels, the Kremlin's press service said, adding that their conversation was constuctive and meaningful.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump have held a phone conversation to discuss issues of strategic stability and arms control among other things, the Kremlin's press service said in a press release on Thursday.



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86317d  No.10055682

File: 03c30eeb022b4ef⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, trafic.mp4)

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2ee255  No.10055683

File: af5f6b8db703643⋯.png (1.15 MB, 933x816, 311:272, 54078912098624.png)

File: f5f246693c9d1ff⋯.png (768.42 KB, 1472x782, 32:17, 548012879643.png)

File: 64fba8f2cf19fa5⋯.png (1.15 MB, 933x816, 311:272, 45668912896437.png)

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59e1e3  No.10055684


>Protection of Property

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a03ac2  No.10055686


I figured it was so stupid it wasn't sauce-worthy

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64a36f  No.10055687


not when you apply that BB actually told "Pompeo" about the corruption and if he didn't believe to check for himself….so your opinion really does just suck if you didn't watch the video…

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f90b32  No.10055688

File: c919a52e0446b4c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 775.87 KB, 650x490, 65:49, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca9654  No.10055689


Sounds like the News. Fag.

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82830b  No.10055690

Things are getting hotter. Q come in.

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4c47da  No.10055691

File: 0a483a60c4f8e5a⋯.jpg (185.3 KB, 812x883, 812:883, hcq.JPG)

Current and Future Use of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine in Infectious, Immune, Neoplastic, and Neurological Diseases: A Mini-Review

2018, Domenico Plantone, Tatiana Koudriavtseva


The process of finding new therapeutic indications for currently used drugs, defined as 'repurposing', is receiving growing attention. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, with an original indication to prevent or cure malaria, have been successfully used to treat several infectious (HIV, Q fever, Whipple's disease, fungal infections), rheumatological (systemic lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome), and other immunological diseases. Indeed, they have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, anti-infective, antithrombotic, and metabolic effects. Among the biological effects of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, it is important to highlight their antitumoral properties, likely due to their strong antiproliferative, antimutagenic, and inhibiting autophagy capacities. These effects make these drugs a possible option in the treatment of several tumors in association with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Finally, the repurposing of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine is currently being examined for neurological diseases such as neurosarcoidosis, chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to corticosteroids, and primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Several ongoing clinical trials have been testing these drugs in non-neoplastic and neoplastic diseases. Moreover, the well-demonstrated good tolerability of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine make them safe even during pregnancy. Gastrointestinal and cutaneous manifestations are considered not to be serious, while retinal, neuromuscular, and cardiac toxicities are classified as serious adverse events.



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704f9a  No.10055692

File: c6837a06cb7e449⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB, 360x778, 180:389, antifa_moran_burn.mp4)


That's at least the 3rd time they've done that. Kekkikty kek

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704979  No.10055693

>>10053731 (pb)

Deal 'em. The answer is in the cards.

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86317d  No.10055694

File: 3e97b1e3e474ca4⋯.mp4 (15.25 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Yugoslavia_Message_1_.mp4)

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fba7f8  No.10055695


Liberal congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib filed an amendment to a House spending package on Wednesday that would defund the "opportunity zone" program created by President Trump's 2017 tax law.

The amendment, if made into law, would prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from using any funds in a large House spending bill, which is currently under consideration, to administer or enforce the opportunity zone program, a tax break created by the 2017 tax bill meant to revitalize poor communities through private investments.

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04ba10  No.10055696


Bet your ass!

We are independent thinkers and we have our diffs but not divisions!

Take it the bank yo!

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bf7ace  No.10055697


Great point. I will still vote for him but SHIT this is getting old.

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8f71d6  No.10055698

File: f790e31a927d82c⋯.jpeg (118.23 KB, 900x976, 225:244, Fuck_you_shill_.jpeg)

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0f5359  No.10055699


Get your Maxwell + Epstein + pedo pals memes.

* Epstein, Maxwell + Pals

Who is connected to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell? Photos, memes (but only those with information believed to be factual), articles, and data re: Epstein, Maxwell, activities on Epstein’s properties, Little St. James Island, Lolita Express, Zorro Ranch, NYC mansion, etc.

Meme Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/gVoTxaYY#nxyEj0ZoKZTzPyIgslhZUw

Last updated: 22-Jul-2020

Number of Images: 386

Size: 145M

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240e48  No.10055700


All she has to do is convert to Islam

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2d7a6e  No.10055701

File: 40630d834ae1983⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1098x768, 183:128, munchkins_dd.PNG)

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0eda29  No.10055702

In the spirit of Free Speech, we welcome all shills, faggots, dykes, anal fisters and JDIF cum guzzlers.

You are free to post here, because of America and the freedom to express yourself is a universal right.

You are also free to be totally wrong, incorrect, indulgent, incompetent, gay, and driven by monetary motivation.

We will put up with your Malarkey, but, if you try to take our freedom away, we will change your life.

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fd0ba8  No.10055703

File: a7c53071d1e8e95⋯.jpg (67.75 KB, 600x494, 300:247, jan_2_sticks.jpg)


Your welcome son.

what are dad's for … just for keks

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2b080d  No.10055704


think about how the CIA topples governments

get crowds in the streets

mayhem increasing

snipers on the rooftop kills members of one side, intending to blame the other side

they keep blaming the Feds, before the plan has played out. So if, God forbid, the shooting starts, how effective will blaming the feds be, when they have weeks of showing restraint, a half a dozen warning before the tear gas comes out, etc

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9e382d  No.10055705


Threatening fires?

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59e1e3  No.10055706


Better than I was 4 years ago. Bought a house, wasn't laid off…didn't need to apply for unemployment benefits, 401k is up 22% as of last week……all this and I'm in California, one of the 1st counties to lock down

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9fdf4c  No.10055707


FFS that is awful. Going to look for digs on the Rick and Morty guy. Seriously fucked up.

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756b39  No.10055708

File: 60d15c610eab394⋯.png (300.66 KB, 440x348, 110:87, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ec841  No.10055709

File: 0f1ca97472f5d8f⋯.png (209.1 KB, 553x540, 553:540, ClipboardImage.png)

China Stole At Least $1 Billion In Trade Secrets & Research From US: State Dept

After this week the FBI said the Chinese government is acting like "an organized criminal syndicate" for widespread cyber theft and hacking of American trade secrets as well as coronavirus research, State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus said on Thursday it's estimated that China stole at least $1 billion total in research from the United States.

She further identified the Chinese consulate in Houston, which the US has ordered closed and to "cease all operations and events," as being "the epicenter" of the alleged research theft.

Mike Pompeo is expected to further address the matter this morning, as well as possibly the search for a Chinese military researcher in California wanted by the FBI, but who subsequently was given safe harbor in the Chinese consulate in San Francisco.

An angered Beijing has vowed to issue reciprocal measures in the wake of the Houston consulate closure.

But China's foreign ministry has been vowing such a response also in the wake of human rights abuse related sanctions the Trump administrations rolled out earlier this month.

Nothing significant has yet to materialize, however, as it appears Beijing is looking for an off-ramp amid the intense Washington pressure campaign. So far it remains at the level of serious counter-threats:

Meanwhile, all of this is just in time for a major gathering for China's top decision-making body:

"…scheduled for the end of this month, it will be closely watched by economists and analysts keen on sussing out signals from the top Chinese leadership over what Beijing will do next, after the nation saw surprising economic growth in the second quarter.

At the mid-year meeting of the 25-member Politburo of the ruling Communist Party, President Xi Jinping is expected to set the tone for future economic policies in the second half of the year and even beyond."

Recall that previously foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian promised that “In response to the wrongful move by the US, China has decided to take reciprocal action against institutions and individuals who have acted egregiously on Xinjiang affairs.”

Thus we could finally see what these big measures are following the Politburo meeting soon to take place by close of this month.


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07414a  No.10055710


Are you blind to the fact of who it was that got America to this point?

Wasn't anything Trump done wrong, unless winning the election was wrong, and then you have to consider in whom's eyes was it wrong for him to win.

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4edc2d  No.10055711

can anyone recommend a decent vpn service not owned by kikes like (((KAPE))) or without blatant symbolism for a logo like nordvpn etc

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d04bc1  No.10055712

File: 7284f6cd31ee530⋯.png (129.79 KB, 474x259, 474:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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04ba10  No.10055713


kekkin in flourpower


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64a36f  No.10055714

File: d49a8cbe71ccbab⋯.png (692.8 KB, 669x900, 223:300, GOP_vs_Dems_Red.png)


oh, I'm sorry if you wet your pants with red text…I'll tell you what…read the pic…get the fuck out of here and don't come back until you stop being a LIBERAL PRICK…OK!!!!

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34d692  No.10055715

File: 4b04b35908c43c1⋯.png (389.45 KB, 946x656, 473:328, ClipboardImage.png)

We see you Deep State.

Death by a thousand cuts?

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4edc2d  No.10055716

File: 1bb0960d7b7bae7⋯.png (11.01 KB, 144x151, 144:151, jewquote.png)

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c98104  No.10055717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10055043 (lb)

>5:00PM THE PRESIDENT holds a news conference - James S. Brady Briefing Room, On Camera

Live feed is up (2 hours to show time)

President Trump Holds a News Conference

146 waiting•Scheduled for Jul 23, 2020

The White House


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59e04d  No.10055718


Small minded people like you cannot understand comms

That is why you should not even be here because you won't get anything out of Q's comms either.

UNITED NOT DIVIDED is critically important to the success of MAGA.

The 4 to 6% of angry patriots who want everyone to agree with them, will, unfortunately be lost forever. Many of them will end up in prison along with deranged TDS antifa wonks.

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86317d  No.10055719



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bf80c8  No.10055720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BET Awards 2020: Beyonce Gives Powerful Call to Action as She Accepts the Humanitarian Award

Uses her acceptance speech for a "Call to Action"


Beyonce made a movie based on her music(visual album) with Disney+ and comes out the end of this month called BLACK IS KING.

BLACK IS KING, a film by Beyoncé | Official Trailer | Disney+

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704f9a  No.10055721

File: 2e961842996f709⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB, 264x480, 11:20, masks_sterile.mp4)


Yep, wear your sterile mask

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4ec841  No.10055722

File: 42fb2a66d5afb0c⋯.png (370.32 KB, 560x485, 112:97, ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Gates Says “Multiple Vaccine Doses May Be Necessary” to Protect People from Coronavirus

This guy gets creepier by the day.

Bill Gates told CBS News that “multiple doses may be necessary” to protect Americans from the coronavirus — A disease that has a lower mortality rate in children than the seasonal flu.

Gates said this could require over 7 billion vaccinations given worldwide.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said Wednesday that people could need multiple doses of a potential coronavirus vaccine to immunize themselves from the coronavirus. If necessary, the multiple doses could require more than 7 billion vaccinations to be administered worldwide.

“None of the vaccines at this point appear like they’ll work with a single dose,” Gates said. “That was the hope at the very beginning.”

Democrats will no doubt make this mandatory.


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dad65f  No.10055723

File: 3fdfd1acaf3b84b⋯.png (71.82 KB, 487x754, 487:754, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b051167c9724c41⋯.png (54.21 KB, 490x569, 490:569, ClipboardImage.png)

Q tried to tell you Mueller wasn't DS. You didn't listen.

It has already happened over a year ago. This place got overtaken by facebook normies who have no real functional difference from the liberals they claim to hate so much. They came here, not knowing how to think for themselves, and took information that the researchers were gathering. The problem is, these people committed mental plagiarism; they believe that simply by knowing this information that they are "intelligent free thinkers". The sad fact is that these people simply believe whatever they want to. They can't actually back up any of their claims with evidence because they have never seen any, they just believe whatever people say that they happen to like.

Mueller never could have been Deep State. The possibility was exactly 0 given what he found. How is it possible that a member of the DS would say that there was no evidence that Trump colluded with Russia? So you believe that the same group of people who paid for foreign disinformation, lied under penalty of perjury that it was verified multiple times, changed communications from the IC, and submitted all of this to the court multiple times isn't going to lie once more and say that Trump was guilty? Are you serious?

As if this extraordinarily simple logic wasn't enough, Q flat out tells you the truth in posts 3 and 18. He starts post 3 with OPEN YOUR EYES, he's trying to tell you that the right wing MSM is still, in fact, the MSM. "It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal. Don't you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear conflict." POTUS didn't tweet about the removal because there was no conflict because this literally never happened. The right wing MSM gave you a piece of truth, that Mueller took 2 grams of Uranium to Russia. What they didn't tell you is that those 2 grams were confiscated from terrorists and he was going to the manufacturing plant in order for both the US and Russian government to verify that this operation's supply chain was compromised by terrorists. "Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think)."

Post 18: "Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule? Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel?" WHY IS PELOSI BEGGING FOR A NEW SPECIAL COUNSEL? The memory hole is deep. It's because Mueller isn't (((their guy))).

Mueller even basically straight up tells everyone that POTUS was the one who wanted him as the special counsel in this section of a hearing: https://youtu.be/qp5jiwSSnrQ?t=234. Executive privilege means that anything you discuss with POTUS cannot be discussed elsewhere unless specifically authorized. Notice Mueller definitively answers every question about the meeting with POTUS except for "did you discuss any time in that meeting the appointment of a special counsel" Mueller says "I can't get into that". The reason he answered every question except for this one is because POTUS authorized him to talk about anything they discussed EXCEPT the appointment of the special counsel.

The vast majority of you are pretenders. You don't research, you are parasites who have driven many of the actual researchers away with your ignorance, stupidity, and hubris. You don't read documents, you obviously haven't read any IG reports (because if you had you'd also know it was McCabe who was running everything you think Comey was and it's literally in black and white), you haven't even taken the time to go back and re-read Q's posts, or you simply don't have the capacity to understand them.

I personally can't wait for the ad hominem and complete lack of counter argument using documents or any semblance of logic because, as I said before, there is no real functional difference between these people and liberals. They just happen to be on the "right side" due to nothing more than a coin flip and until they realize this, they will never be able to change.

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b5f8ee  No.10055724

File: d66170b01b854ca⋯.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1668x2147, 1668:2147, 77486D7E_5BCC_4521_A8A2_D….jpeg)


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2b080d  No.10055725


they all come from the swamp

it will take practically a generation to change the pool they draw from

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43b533  No.10055726

File: cbfa1746767e318⋯.jpeg (103.88 KB, 1080x1302, 180:217, Screenshot_20200723_09175….JPEG)

Future Stacy Abrams.

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8d64f1  No.10055727


the day is coming soon that many will pray for kool-aid to drink.

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4fb7f4  No.10055728

File: 1e0db9e83e64f48⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1020x869, 1020:869, 1e0db9e83e64f48fb92b54c932….png)

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240e48  No.10055729


Where's your Hillary 2020 meme..kekekek

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4edc2d  No.10055730

File: 8cb29379d1c263e⋯.jpeg (816.43 KB, 604x5908, 151:1477, MOSSAD_enemy_of_the_peopl….jpeg)



heres some comms for you

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489c5f  No.10055731

File: dd83de94a8f5aa4⋯.png (148.14 KB, 1664x741, 128:57, preska.png)


> Judge Loretta Preska /ourgirl


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f70b55  No.10055732

File: 452bf4f46dc04ad⋯.jpg (465.97 KB, 1220x1197, 1220:1197, LibertyPepe_1_.jpg)


Chk'd 5:5 Genuine Rolex. Q+ is that you?

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37a4e0  No.10055733

Big News!

The Washington Redskins have officially changed their name to the Washington Football Team until another new name can be decided on.


Washington Meatholes

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fd0ba8  No.10055734

File: f609e357ee9dee9⋯.jpg (537.85 KB, 1125x582, 375:194, apr_23_fear.jpg)


i like you.

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86317d  No.10055736


authorities announced three federal agents may have been permanently blinded in the clashes between law enforcement and demonstrators this week

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704f9a  No.10055737


I think your're onto something there.

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8d64f1  No.10055738


Patriots down support(watch) elite owned sports.

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07414a  No.10055739


How do you know when Bill gates is lying…he's moving his mouth.

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756b39  No.10055740

File: 4552d680b92b135⋯.jpg (21 KB, 350x250, 7:5, Ferro_6030.jpg)

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669c4c  No.10055741

File: 5d027d8968c78cd⋯.png (287.34 KB, 768x797, 768:797, orwell.png)


The media will not allow facts to get in the way of The Narrative.

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36012f  No.10055742

File: 3839b70718cfb24⋯.jpeg (25.04 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 0F6B64F5_5BF2_4C5D_A700_7….jpeg)


my life has improved dramatically since Potus took office. i was opposed to him at that time.

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2b080d  No.10055743



send feelz to your god Kek

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fd0ba8  No.10055744

File: e3497c744dbcfbf⋯.jpg (569.17 KB, 1800x1545, 120:103, deep_state_censorship.jpg)

not anymore

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5f8eea  No.10055745

File: a15fe1990c6f3f0⋯.png (767.2 KB, 740x458, 370:229, w_n_b.png)

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04ba10  No.10055746

File: f22c6fad7cae3fd⋯.png (973.64 KB, 600x901, 600:901, f22c6fad7cae3fd8af8a58e933….png)

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86317d  No.10055747

File: 1cdd0f561c97331⋯.png (558.27 KB, 634x489, 634:489, ClipboardImage.png)

A man was taken into Secret Service custody Thursday morning outside of Ivanka Trump's Washington, DC, home. The young man was seen in a Mercedes parked outside of the home. Uniformed Secret Service agents were seen pulling the man out of his car, cuffing him and putting him in a secret service van. Ivanka was nowhere near the confrontation as she is currently in Denver, Colorado, to celebrate the passage of the Great American Outdoors Act. Her husband Jared Kushner was seen emerging from the home about 10 minutes after the confrontation.


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4ec841  No.10055748

File: 4a1ab055f02d421⋯.png (385.71 KB, 593x532, 593:532, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ba2bd637f5edb2⋯.png (555.03 KB, 555x698, 555:698, ClipboardImage.png)

DC Mayor Exempts City and Federal Workers from Mask Policy on Same Day She Launches Investigation on President Trump for Not Wearing a Mask in His Hotel

Mayor Muriel Bowser speaking on Black Lives Matter in June.

More Democrat Hypocrisy–

On Wednesday Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser exempted many city and federal government workers from her strict new mask order.

Also on Wednesday Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser also launched an investigation of Trump Hotel after President Trump was seen speaking to supporters on his way to or from a fundraiser without a mask on.


President Trump briefly met Republican candidate Madison Cawthorne at his DC Hotel on Tuesday.

This upset the local liberal media reporters.


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449fa3  No.10055749

File: 4e966101f60414f⋯.png (111.63 KB, 207x255, 69:85, ClipboardImage.png)

A prayer for all Anons:

Denouncing the Occult

Heavenly Father, in the name of your only begotten Son Jesus Christ, I denounce satan and all his works, all forms of witchcraft, the use of divination, the practice of sorcery, dealing with mediums, channeling with spirit guides, the Ouija board, astrology, Reiki, hypnosis, automatic writing, horoscopes, numerology, all types of fortune telling, palm readings, levitation, and anything else associated with the occult or satan.

I denounce all of them in the name of Jesus Christ who came in the flesh, and by the power of His cross, His blood and His resurrection, I break their hold over my life.

I confess all these sins before you and ask you to cleanse and forgive me. I ask you Lord Jesus to enter my heart and create in me the kind of person you have intended me to be. I ask you to send forth the gifts of your Holy Spirit to baptize me, just as you baptized your disciples on the day of Pentecost.

I thank you heavenly Father for strengthening my inner spirit with the power of your Holy Spirit, so that Christ may dwell in my heart. Through faith, rooted and grounded in love, may I be able to comprehend with all the saints, the breadth, length, height and depth of Christ's love which surpasses all knowledge.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.



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07414a  No.10055750


…and they'll have to eat the popped corn instead…KEK!

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240e48  No.10055751

File: 5c99e54fbd68687⋯.jpg (27.7 KB, 423x330, 141:110, Capture.JPG)

UPDATE: Navy Is Investigating Uniformed Sailor Sarah Dudrey for Busting into Pro-Trump Rally, Harassing Protesters while Screaming “F**k Trump!”

Last weekend video captured a Navy recruit busting into a pro-Trump street rally, harassing people and screaming, “F*ck Trump!”

The woman was later identified as Aviation Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Sarah J. Dudrey.

It’s definitely Sarah Dudrey.

Sarah took an oath to obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of her officers.

People called for Sarah to be dishonorably discharged.

This terrible excuse for a service member, Aviation Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Sarah J. Dudrey, should be court martialed and dishonorably discharged after serving her sentence.


— Jonathan T Gilliam (@JGilliam_SEAL) July 22, 2020


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f18d7e  No.10055752


Triggered much?

You know E/ETS/EyeTheSpy is the worlds biggest larper right? Now he is adding anime to the mix.

Which bothers you more, my dislike for him or for anim?

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59e1e3  No.10055753


did you find the documentary chris and chester worked on together yet?

Did you trace what .org chris's wife works with?

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0b7a97  No.10055754

Judiciary Committee Releases Declassified Documents that Substantially Undercut Steele Dossier, Page FISA Warrants

JULY 17, 2020

WASHINGTON – Today, as part of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s ongoing investigation into the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and related FISA abuses, Chairman Lindsey Graham (R- South Carolina) released two recently declassified documents that significantly undercut the reliability of the Steele dossier and the accuracy and reliability of many of the factual assertions in the Carter Page FISA applications.

“I’m very pleased the investigation in the Senate Judiciary Committee has been able to secure the declassification of these important documents,” said Chairman Graham. “I want to thank Attorney General Barr for releasing these documents and allowing the American People to judge for themselves.

“What have we learned from the release of these two documents by the Department of Justice? Number one, it is clear to me that the memo regarding the FBI interview of the primary sub-source in January 2017 should have required the system to stop and reevaluate the case against Mr. Page.

“Most importantly after this interview of the sub-source and the subsequent memo detailing the contents of the interview, it was a miscarriage of justice for the FBI and the Department of Justice to continue to seek a FISA warrant against Carter Page in April and June of 2017.

“The dossier was a critical document to justify a FISA warrant against Mr. Page and this DOJ memo clearly indicates that the reliability of the dossier was completely destroyed after the interview with the primary sub-source in January 2017. Those who knew or should have known of this development and continued to pursue a FISA warrant against Mr. Page anyway are in deep legal jeopardy in my view.

“Secondly, the comments of Peter Strzok regarding the February 14 New York Times article are devastating in that they are an admission that there was no reliable evidence that anyone from the Trump Campaign was working with Russian Intelligence Agencies in any form.

“The statements by Mr. Strzok question the entire premise of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump Campaign and make it even more outrageous that the Mueller team continued this investigation for almost two and a half years. Moreover, the statements by Strzok raise troubling questions as to whether the FBI was impermissibly unmasking and analyzing intelligence gathered on U.S. persons.

“These documents, which I have long sought, tell a damning story for anyone who’s interested in trying to find the truth behind the corrupt nature of the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 and beyond.”

The first document is a 57-page summary of a three-day interview the FBI conducted with Christopher Steele’s so-called “Primary Sub-source” in January of 2017. [Document 1]

This document not only demonstrates how unsubstantiated and unreliable the Steele dossier was, it shows that the FBI was on notice of the dossier’s credibility problems and sought two more FISA application renewals after gaining this awareness.

The document reveals that the primary “source” of Steele’s election reporting was not some well-connected current or former Russian official, but a non-Russian based contract employee of Christopher Steele’s firm. Moreover, it demonstrates that the information that Steele’s primary source provided him was second and third-hand information and rumor at best.

Critically, the document shows that Steele’s “Primary Sub-source” disagreed with and was surprised by how information he gave Steele was then conveyed by Steele in the Steele dossier. For instance, the “Primary Sub-source”: did not recall or did not know where some of the information attributed to him or his sources came from; was never told about or never mentioned to Steele certain information attributed to him or his sources; he said that Steele re-characterized some of the information to make it more substantiated and less attenuated than it really was; that he would have described his sources differently; and, that Steele implied direct access to information where the access to information was indirect.

In total, this document demonstrates that information from the Steele dossier, which “played a central and essential role” in the FISA warrants on Carter Page, should never have been presented to the FISA court.

The second document contains Peter Strzok’s type-written comments disagreeing with assertions made in a New York Times article about alleged Russian intelligence ties to the Trump campaign. [Document 2]

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544ad0  No.10055755

File: 7def5a509651c71⋯.png (114.05 KB, 956x348, 239:87, ClipboardImage.png)

yes yes a thousand times yes: morons

The United States is sanctioning brothers Santiago Jose Moron Hernandez and Ricardo Jose Moron Hernandez for their sustained support of corruption by the illegitimate Maduro regime. By enabling an illicit gold scheme and other blatant public corruption, these two men have turned a blind eye to the suffering of the people of Venezuela who are the victims of their corrupt enterprise.

With this latest Treasury Department action, the U.S. reaffirms its commitment to promoting accountability for all those who facilitate corruption inside Venezuela. We will continue to hold accountable those who perpetuate the suffering in Venezuela in the interest of lining the pockets of Maduro, his cronies, and themselves.


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34d692  No.10055756


>Bill Gates Says “Multiple Vaccine Doses May Be Necessary” to Protect People from Coronavirus

Mass extinction event.

Gates and the evil CABAL believe that the earth is over-populated with scum and they need to reduce the population to the those deserving (just like their forefathers in the NAZI party).

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0b7a97  No.10055757


The document demonstrates that Peter Strzok and others in FBI leadership positions must have been aware of the issues with the Steele dossier that the FBI’s interview with Steele’s “Primary Sub-source” revealed, because Strzok commented that “[r]ecent interviews and investigation, however, reveal Steele may not be in a position to judge the reliability of his sub-source network.”

The document further shows that the FBI’s assertion to the FISA court that “the FBI believes that Russia’s efforts to influence U.S. policy were likely being coordinated between the RIS [Russian Intelligence Services] and Page, and possibly others” appears to be a misrepresentation. This is because, in his comments on the Times article, Strzok asserts that “[w]e have not seen evidence of any individuals affiliated with the Trump team in contact with IOs [Intelligence Officials]. . . . We are unaware of ANY Trump advisors engaging in conversations with Russian intelligence officials.”

The document also indicates that the FBI may have been using foreign intelligence gathering techniques to impermissibly unmask and analyze existing and future intelligence collection regarding U.S. persons associated with the Trump campaign: “Both the CIA and NSA are aware of our subjects and throughout the summer we provided them names and selectors for queries of their holdings as well as prospective collection.” The quote does not provide enough information to fully understand exactly what the FBI was doing but impermissible unmasking and analysis of existing and future incidental intelligence collection of U.S. persons would be troubling.

The document also raises questions as to whether the FBI was properly using intelligence techniques and databases “throughout the summer” considering that the earliest formal investigation of a U.S. person associated with the Trump campaign was not officially opened until July 31, 2016.

These declassified documents and other related material may be accessed at the following link: judiciary.senate.gov/fisa-investigation.


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501c7d  No.10055758


Your triple dubz demand recognition.

And I agree with you, besides.

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59e1e3  No.10055759

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8d64f1  No.10055760


jm bullion or sd bullion are the most trusted.

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f42411  No.10055761


I'm just another anon. Anon. Might be a bit wise though.

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86317d  No.10055762

File: 103737048712d0c⋯.gif (4.25 MB, 410x352, 205:176, FauciLOL.gif)



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04ba10  No.10055763



>>10055508 planefaggin wingmen

>>10055578 When will the head of the snake be cut off?

>>10055500 Those Diggies! Frankly Ric - there is no mystery.

>>10055486 People with psychopathic or narcissistic traits are less likely to follow face mask rules, guess the Celebrities calling people names for not wearing masks didn't work.

>>10055448 "NY Judge gives Maxwell's lawyer a week to appeal her decision. The process to unseal however, will continue. It looks like no documents will be made public for at least a week or more."

>>10055383 ATF Gun Crime Unit Arrives in Chicago Despite Liberal Mayor Lightfoot’s Objection

>>10055367 NEW Q hit piece by BBC……"QAnon, coronavirus and the conspiracy cult"

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0eda29  No.10055764


There is no place for fear, in the lives of the free.

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64a36f  No.10055765


kek….big black dicks matter

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a79faf  No.10055766

File: f093ecf5239e083⋯.jpg (101.4 KB, 561x1035, 187:345, molochTGD.jpg)

File: 38ece6e81dbe171⋯.jpg (108.99 KB, 907x1008, 907:1008, Baphomet41.JPG)




Good, good, divide the children by bloodlines.

Pit them against each other.

Sacrifice yourselves to me.

8kun is a threat to your script writers, 8kun must be portrayed as fascist nazi to trigger the sheep into attacking Qanons, your #2 biggest threat.

You must attack all Jews to make it look like Qanons condone dividing the people into Jew and non-Jew.


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d04bc1  No.10055767

File: 8bb9a85227ce269⋯.png (231.06 KB, 507x269, 507:269, same.png)

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f1cb8d  No.10055768

File: ea72ba4e7aab439⋯.png (728.1 KB, 971x593, 971:593, Screen_Shot_2020_07_23_at_….png)

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dac637  No.10055770


Over populated with scum

They arent exactly wrong, they justbthink they have to right to exterminate the extraneous.

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59e04d  No.10055771


So important.

This is the only way to really achieve the MAGA vision.

Plan Z would free the USA but cause so much damage to the country and society that Russia would become the dominant world power.

Now, that is not necessarily a bad thing to happen, but many people would prefer a less violent solution in which America becomes the first country to be completely free of the Cabal (America First) and then provides the example for other countries of the world to follow.

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7dea2e  No.10055772

File: 0a7a191006adcf5⋯.png (1.11 MB, 957x960, 319:320, ClipboardImage.png)


i like looking at the comments

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40d984  No.10055773


Technically POTUS is a federal worker.

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95ea9e  No.10055774

File: df407afb70724a0⋯.png (928.42 KB, 892x504, 223:126, SportsOwners3.png)


Sports Team Owners lean progressive (toward Fauci) and against Trump because they are involved in the sex trafficking and prostitution rings that revolve around their sports events.

They think they're slapping Trump in the face…they're just confirming that THEY ARE DIRTY.

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07414a  No.10055775


And to think, where did she get that pay raise from….hummmm…ungrateful cunt.

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9338a9  No.10055776

File: 064acc99302a61b⋯.png (4.11 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, AGBbp.png)


Steve and his twat are WRONG.

Anons know the TRUTH

Check archives.


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a01c23  No.10055777


Amen, Amen and Amen brother/sister!!

And when two or more agree it's as good as done!


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34d692  No.10055778

File: 9a2af36a60c48fe⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1082x1184, 541:592, ClipboardImage.png)

"At least three federal officers in Portland may not recover their vision after rioters,"


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4ec841  No.10055779

File: 09278407a13fab9⋯.png (806.18 KB, 777x435, 259:145, ClipboardImage.png)

Judge says Michael Cohen’s jailing ‘retaliation’ for book about Trump & orders lawyer released

A federal judge has ordered ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen released from prison by Friday, ruling his return to lockup was retaliation. Cohen had refused to agree not to publish a book about the president while under house arrest.

Cohen was returned to prison earlier this month, after being furloughed in May amid concerns over the Covid-19 outbreak. Judge Alvin Hellerstein ruled on Thursday that the decision was “retaliatory.” The day before he was sent back to prison, Cohen refused to agree to not publish a book about President Donald Trump while serving the remainder of his three-year sentence at home, the judge explained in his decision ordering the lawyer released.

“I’ve never seen such a clause, in 21 years in being a judge,” Hellerstein declared during the hearing. “How can I take any other inference but that it was retaliatory?”

While the former presidential fixer was photographed eating at a Manhattan restaurant while under “house arrest,” the American Civil Liberties Union and law firm Perry Guha LLP filed a lawsuit arguing Cohen that was actually being re-imprisoned because he planned to publish a book, calling his incarceration “a brazen assault on the First Amendment.”

While furloughed, Cohen tweeted that he was “close to completion” of a tell-all book about his relationship with Trump, teasing a September publication date. According to the lawsuit, he was presented with a choice: agree not to speak to the media in any form, including via book publication, or stay in jail.

Federal prosecutors denied prison officials even knew about Cohen’s plans to write a book when they drafted the house arrest agreement, instead claiming the lawyer was re-arrested because he became “combative” when presented with the terms. Cohen took issue with requirements that the Bureau of Prisons and Probation Office approve his employment, the ban on associating with convicted felons, the restriction on grocery shopping, and the requirement to submit to electronic monitoring, according to a memo submitted in opposition to the ACLU's suit, and refused to sign it.

Arguing Cohen should remain in prison, prosecutors also noted he hadn’t produced any evidence he would “suffer irreparable harm as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic if he remains incarcerated” and suggested his attempt to once again secure release was merely “another effort to inject himself into the news cycle.”

Cohen is currently locked up at Otisville Federal Correctional Institution, serving a three year sentence after pleading guilty to lying to Congress, tax and bank fraud, and coordinating hush-money payments to two women claiming to have had affairs with Trump. His willingness to turn state’s evidence against his former boss has led Trump to repeatedly denounce him as a “rat.”


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46c543  No.10055780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0912e9  No.10055781

File: 8cc25a932f153ef⋯.png (832.63 KB, 940x532, 235:133, BLMmlbNowmfredsoxsuck.png)

File: 40c94788c2b292a⋯.png (116.32 KB, 262x489, 262:489, BLMNowmf.png)

>>10054161 pb

fucking pathetic

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86317d  No.10055782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4edc2d  No.10055783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c11b92  No.10055784

File: 690a1dea4e49c8c⋯.png (703.63 KB, 734x733, 734:733, ClipboardImage.png)

Operator of Ann Taylor and Lane Bryant files for bankruptcy citing debts of more than $1 BILLION


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240e48  No.10055785

File: a9258cc6e7fad49⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 702x386, 351:193, Capture.JPG)

The best video I ever captured. #NewYork #WeatherChannel #NYC pic.twitter.com/cOBqTqJ9LO

— Mikey Cee (@_Mikey_Cee) July 22, 2020


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2ee255  No.10055786

File: 27cc92b5403223b⋯.png (642.71 KB, 1302x1126, 651:563, 76134008974185.png)

File: 3301c2453817768⋯.png (898.87 KB, 937x993, 937:993, 543784089765.png)

File: d373a551f76c02c⋯.png (659.63 KB, 1302x1126, 651:563, 1287126342116.png)

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46c543  No.10055787

File: d86852247aa774e⋯.gif (811.49 KB, 355x355, 1:1, _e009cc_7467486.gif)

File: 0a1ebca3b536472⋯.png (131.96 KB, 259x194, 259:194, 0a1ebca3b536472e23ac2ee1fe….png)

File: 0e50f16e74cce91⋯.png (153.28 KB, 625x302, 625:302, 0e50f16e74cce91333c6f3ef2a….png)

File: 2ee3fc2ceea99d6⋯.png (703.07 KB, 444x568, 111:142, 2ee3fc2ceea99d67f286838ce2….png)

did mcfinkleburger jewpork yet?

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30777a  No.10055788


I taste sour in my mouth

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000000  No.10055789


Should rotate name every season with a new sponsor. Washington Amazons Washington Ebays Washington WaPos. Idiocracy based approach!

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bf7ace  No.10055790

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67a83b  No.10055791

File: b90ac82a27b58ba⋯.png (218.48 KB, 1249x452, 1249:452, Capture.PNG)


JM, but gonna grab the ankles for a bar right about now.

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46c543  No.10055792

holy shit

not a fart

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240e48  No.10055793



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46c543  No.10055794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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544ad0  No.10055795

File: fa0e58dbfb87eea⋯.png (66.32 KB, 490x456, 245:228, ClipboardImage.png)

true story

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8d64f1  No.10055796


Always remember in times of civil war take out the politicians first, dont shoot citizens, shoot governors, mayors, councilmen,those that created the mess you find yourself in.

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59e1e3  No.10055797

California State University implements ethnic studies requirement


Ethnic and social justice studies will join English and science courses as graduation requirements at California State University, after the Board of Trustees at the nation’s largest four-year public university system approved the idea Wednesday.

The change made amid the national reckoning over racism and police brutality will take effect in three years and represent the first change to the school’s general education curriculum in over 40 years.

Meanwhile, the state Legislature is considering a bill to require ethnic studies, a more narrowly focused proposal that wouldn't count social justice classes. If passed and signed by the governor, the measure would overrule the action by California State University, a possible scenario denounced by school leaders as an intrusion into academia.

The Assembly has to review minor amendments before the bill could be sent to Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Trying to push this shit onto us like they did in the UK


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ff94ff  No.10055798


So good!! Thank you!

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34d692  No.10055799

File: 09ec20357cab6ab⋯.png (985.56 KB, 1104x1014, 184:169, ClipboardImage.png)



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c77e1b  No.10055800

File: b4d1711d81ce4de⋯.jpeg (346.17 KB, 653x1243, 653:1243, E6F70335_BF22_4900_A2BF_3….jpeg)

Check this out anons


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7dea2e  No.10055801

File: a33fda6e06ce8a3⋯.png (1.24 MB, 733x988, 733:988, ClipboardImage.png)

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489c5f  No.10055802



>POTUS is a Federal Worker that is now exempt from the DC mask ordinance.

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9e382d  No.10055803


Never heard of it.

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449fa3  No.10055804


Yeah, satan always tries to imitate God in his own perverted way.

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240e48  No.10055805

File: b1b028f3278ab91⋯.jpg (51.77 KB, 629x436, 629:436, Capture.JPG)

DC Mayor Exempts City and Federal Workers from Mask Policy on Same Day She Launches Investigation on President Trump for Not Wearing a Mask in His Hotel

More Democrat Hypocrisy–

On Wednesday Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser exempted many city and federal government workers from her strict new mask order.

Hypocrisy? D.C. mayor exempts many city and federal government workers from strict new mask order on citizens | Just The News https://t.co/IKJTIWvB7I

— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) July 23, 2020


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86317d  No.10055806



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07414a  No.10055807

File: df01599e38ec20c⋯.png (2.6 MB, 1862x1048, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Ohio man in custody after kneeling on crying White child's neck, praising Black Lives Matter


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c98104  No.10055808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>10054796 (lb)

>CENSORED: Ben Swann's - Why Face Masks DON't Work, According to SCIENCE

>13-minute Fact-filled video removed from YouTube after caution notice placed on FaceBook.

Ben is BACK with a rebuttal of [FB] fact-checker censorship and doubles down on SCIENCE

New CDC and WHO Study Proves "No Evidence" Face Masks Prevent Virus

4,041 views•Jul 23, 2020

FB's so called “fact checkers” have struck again, claiming that my report on the science that proves that wearing facemasks, especially in non-medical settings does almost nothing to prevent the spread of a virus, is false… citing that it was based on old information. Now, I'm reporting on a new study created in conjunction with the World Health Organization and published by the CDC from less than 60 days ago that once again proves that there is no evidence that wearing face masks in public prevents the spread of flu-like viruses. I'm also going to show you why the Facebook fact-checking system cannot be trusted.

Link to the CDC published study. This study was conducted in preparation for the development of guidelines by the World Health Organization on the use of nonpharmaceutical interventions for pandemic influenza in nonmedical settings.


This study was supported by the World Health Organization.

Ben Swann

July 23, 2020



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a81eb7  No.10055810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2b080d  No.10055811


and BB followed him around and knows what he did and what he did not do. He knows if his complaints are on a list somewhere, prioritized, by importance, time, evidence, the plan, who knows what delay, or not. But muh Binny is God. He knows!

The opinion was in the red text

why waste my time confirming?

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46c543  No.10055812

File: 4e7b813bb3ec2a8⋯.png (379.73 KB, 334x442, 167:221, 4e7b813bb3ec2a8e5c67831e8d….png)

File: cdf6dd01cc629fa⋯.jpg (132.59 KB, 680x1203, 680:1203, 5a4.jpg)

File: 5b1197f7462b692⋯.png (142.44 KB, 860x515, 172:103, 5b1197f7462b692b5d06151691….png)

File: 385df3a4be8407c⋯.png (538.66 KB, 1000x258, 500:129, 5hvEMdNjSvVAj23YGq2p3Fmwjt….png)

did mcfinkleburger have a life changing peanut butter experience?

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c11b92  No.10055813

File: 1bd82adaf5b55c7⋯.png (23.3 KB, 726x248, 363:124, ClipboardImage.png)


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f70b55  No.10055814

File: fb75d4f52654c70⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1390x1200, 139:120, MovieNightPepe_1_.png)


VP my pents? Or was that a typo for pants? Kek!

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8317f9  No.10055815


A great shame upon the Koopa family. King Bowser is extremely disappointed.

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756b39  No.10055816

File: cdaa09c2ed01fea⋯.jpg (126.68 KB, 1021x1010, 1021:1010, Mueller1EnjoyTheShow.jpg)

File: a52be30881904e6⋯.png (513.01 KB, 2100x1500, 7:5, SmedleyMueller.png)

File: 1eec9f56b56d1e9⋯.jpeg (132.17 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, WatchTheShow50.jpeg)

File: f8ea1d23febb977⋯.png (10.17 KB, 370x278, 185:139, plan2.PNG)


of course…POTUS instructed him to Look at Everything…EVERYTHING….

Marine Loyalty

Magnificent Bastards

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449fa3  No.10055817

File: e304bd7a2fd7fe1⋯.png (1 MB, 660x770, 6:7, ClipboardImage.png)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.


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c2d007  No.10055818

Spongebob’s address is the same as Epstein Island address for a place called a theme park there. Also, on the movie poster for Spongebob movie to be released May 2020, there’s a phone number that matches the number listed for St James Island 7076634279

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86317d  No.10055819


>Ohio man in custody after kneeling on crying White child's neck, praising Black Lives Matter

Man oh man.

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4ec841  No.10055820

File: db042a86737c31a⋯.png (290.81 KB, 537x490, 537:490, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70b39cc20dfba8c⋯.png (18.68 KB, 849x243, 283:81, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35f363b76c73732⋯.png (39.98 KB, 871x385, 871:385, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41a267cb2c184c1⋯.png (26.96 KB, 840x319, 840:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05745d64c2d74d7⋯.png (27.02 KB, 856x295, 856:295, ClipboardImage.png)

Intel Expert Bill Binney on Live Stream – Evidence Shows DNC Was Not Hacked (by Russia) – Evidence Points to CIA Involvement

Bill Binney is on a livestream video feed going on now. He claims DNC was not hacked by Russia. Evidence supports to the CIA not Russia.

“A Good American” Bill Binney is on a livestream now attempted to get out the truth that there is no evidence the DNC was hacked by Russia and he started with a bomb:

Binney’s story is highlighted in the documentary “A Good American”


Binney started by discussing what he shared in a previous interview:

Then Binney dropped this bomb: Evidence indicates CIA not Russia involved in the DNC hack fairy tale.

IRA (the Russians) named in court document are no way related to data hack. Fought in court and US could not prove Russia did it. (See our Concord Management related posts).

(NOTE – we were temporarily shut down as we attempted to post this article)

This is all part of a planned coup.

The sedition against this government is kept hidden but too many people know now what went on.

Current CIA Head Gina Haspel was in London at the time of Steele dossier.

Here is link to site: SchillerInstitute

Democrats should pay a heavy penalty for fabrication and lies related to this whole coup attempt.

We need to send a message to Democrats – who try to subdue elections.


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9e382d  No.10055821


Please in the future post lb or pb. THANKS…..

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59e1e3  No.10055822


she works for a missing childrens org

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59e04d  No.10055823


If I discovered that I had Cancer, I would refuse traditional treatments, plan a trip to some place like the Amazon, and get a prescription for HCQ to prepare for the trip.

And then there are the vitamins and dietary changes. Basically, if diseases scare you, then you are putty in the hands of the medical establishment. However if you have the nerve to analyse the situation rationally, with no panic, then you can do much better.

P.S. as always nobody should accept any advice from this board. Always research and decide for yourself.

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1c9e0c  No.10055824

lb >>10054223


I scrolled down and looked at the US cases and noticed Denge Fever is found in a couple of spots in the US. But you are correct, the map is almost empty re coronavirus. I'm thinking Denge Fever might be wave 2.

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8d64f1  No.10055826


When everyone agrees with you then you are still asleep. Continue to think for yourself and have an opinion.

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63a115  No.10055827


Better to buy 1 oz coins or those big bars?

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46c543  No.10055828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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59e1e3  No.10055829



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9338a9  No.10055830

File: 186523383b12f3b⋯.jpg (93.74 KB, 812x732, 203:183, putin_tie.jpg)


>Putin Holds Phone Conversation With Trump

Heads explode in 3…2…1…

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46c543  No.10055831



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30777a  No.10055832

You're stupid and shouldn't be here…

but we can do this together!


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489c5f  No.10055833


>Navy recruit busting into a pro-Trump street rally, harassing people and screaming, “F*ck Trump!

Isn't now painfully obvious who the US Navy represents now?

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feefa4  No.10055834

File: 9e0ea0d4bf45258⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB, 408x720, 17:30, _6_.mp4)

2,000 year old Satanists Jewish Tora.

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756b39  No.10055835

File: 51428051f6cbf62⋯.jpg (53.16 KB, 794x323, 794:323, Hearties.JPG)

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6f8c5a  No.10055836


still fake and gay

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46c543  No.10055837



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0b7a97  No.10055838

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9338a9  No.10055839

File: 3ec88691a5ab6ab⋯.jpg (924.92 KB, 1901x1896, 1901:1896, pepeCoin.jpg)


>Better to buy 1 oz coins or those big bars?

Buy the ones that stack. Kek

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86317d  No.10055840

File: 00ebcd8cc61e255⋯.png (161.64 KB, 474x663, 158:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 523dd91ae1d8824⋯.png (41.75 KB, 474x251, 474:251, ClipboardImage.png)





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0912e9  No.10055841

File: 71429f667c05123⋯.png (80.57 KB, 845x541, 845:541, thermoFisherKentucky.png)

File: dd9b18ea75b3c5c⋯.png (541.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepe_chink.png)



same outfit as Connecticut testing "flaws"

gotta hate those (((software flaws)))


The error was identified in the testing platform manufactured by a company known as Thermo Fisher Scientific







Thermo Fisher Chairman of the Board Marc Casper

Bain Capital

Mitt Romney

WuXi Apptech


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7856b0  No.10055842

File: faf0e34794e46a6⋯.png (329.19 KB, 748x424, 187:106, pepe_bitch_slap.PNG)


>Are you better now than you were 4 years ago?

Yes, despite all efforts by the Left.

This period would have been three years going in to the second half of their 16 year plan. All the temper tantrum troubles you hear about are only because Trump is President.

Are you implying that everything would be more peaceful than if he had not won in 2016?

Are you hostage to their "Do as we demand and you get peace" narrative?

The War is real, the News is fake.

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8d64f1  No.10055843


Leaders dont like to take out enemy leaders because it makes them a target. They always go for the small fish…and claim they use them for info on higher ups.

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756b39  No.10055844

File: b27de83f276a3ad⋯.jpg (114.88 KB, 768x768, 1:1, clottin.jpg)

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2b080d  No.10055845


my reply

delete *.Gates*

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240e48  No.10055846

File: e2155e166964763⋯.jpg (32.13 KB, 617x313, 617:313, Capture.JPG)


Wonder what changed her mind..kekeke

Chicago Mayor Agrees with Trump to Allow Deployment of Federal Police to Chicago

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot expressed agreement with President Trump’s plan to deploy federal police to the city during a Wednesday evening phone call with the president, according to the mayor’s office.

Trump has ordered the Department of Homeland Security to send 200 officers to Chicago, which recorded an abnormally high number of shootings over the past two months, to quell the surging. The unrest in Chicago differs in kind from that in Portland, Ore., which has seen continuous rioting and destruction of city and federal property over the same period.

Lightfoot had previously rejected the deployment of federal police in Chicago, writing on Twitter on Tuesday, “Under no circumstances will I allow Donald Trump’s troops to come to Chicago and terrorize our residents.”


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704979  No.10055847

File: 3601562e1a274d3⋯.jpg (58.61 KB, 800x973, 800:973, possum.jpg)

>>10053824 (pb)

Well you tried. Hard when the other side of the convo intentionally misrepresents what you say.

My thought is don't do anything on the debt side (except perhaps disallow further debt?), and just distribute seized assets based on some simple formula - here is your debit card with xyz currency on it.

Assuming money matters at all after this…

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59e04d  No.10055848


You missed the Y-heads

I.e. the Yarmulke Heads.

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4ec841  No.10055849

Twitter Hackers Accessed Direct Messages in 36 Accounts, Including Elected Official

The Twitter hackers who breached the accounts of Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and more than 100 other targets accessed the direct message inboxes of up to 36 of the victims, the social media giant announced on July 22.

“We believe that for up to 36 of the 130 targeted accounts, the attackers accessed the [direct message] inbox, including one elected official in the Netherlands. To date, we have no indication that any other former or current elected official had their [direct messages] accessed,” the company said in a statement.

Direct messages on Twitter are a private form of communication which is never displayed to the public. While Twitter did not reveal which accounts had their inboxes compromised, the news added significant suspense to the incident because the hack impacted the who’s-who in international business and entertainment, including Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett.

Twitter’s disclosure that there is no indication that “any other former or current elected official had their DMs accessed,” suggests that the inboxes of Joe Biden and Mike Bloomberg, both former elected officials, were not broken into.

Twitter said it had conducted a “complete review of all targeted accounts” before disclosing the news of the compromised inboxes. The company said it would be contacting the owners of the accounts.

On July 15, hackers gained access to 130 Twitter accounts and posted messages containing a common bitcoin scam. The attack generated just over $117,000, prompting cybersecurity experts to assess that the bitcoin scheme was a cover for a more sinister breach.

Twitter said the hackers used social engineering, a low-tech approach which involves manipulating Twitter employees. The attackers gained access to an internal Twitter dashboard available only to support staff and used it to reset the passwords for 45 accounts. The hackers then logged into the accounts and sent tweets on their behalf.

Twitter had announced earlier that the attackers also downloaded the complete Twitter data from eight accounts using the “Your Twitter Data” tool. None of the eight accounts were “verified”, the company said, meaning it did not impact the major business and politics luminaries.

The FBI opened an investigation into the hack. Twitter said it is cooperating with authorities.

While Twitter has had security incidents in the past, the July 15 attack was by far the most brazen and far-reaching. In 2017, a rogue employee briefly deleted President Donald Trump’s account. Last year, a hacker gained access to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s account and posted racist messages.

Twitter’s share price has not been affected by the breach.


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46c543  No.10055850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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59e1e3  No.10055851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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37a4e0  No.10055852

https://www.lifenews.com/2020/07/14/president-donald-trump-names-pro-life-leader-to-key-foreign-policy-post/President Donald Trump Names Pro-Life Leader to Key Foreign Policy Post


President Donald Trump’s administration appointed a strong pro-life advocate to a key international post this summer, a move that will help ensure the United States remains opposed to promoting and funding abortions overseas.

Patrina Mosley served as a pro-life leader at the Family Research Council before beginning in the new role on June 8. She now is an advisor to the director of the Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Foreign Policy reports.

In the position, Mosley will be able to help influence international health and development policies and push back against pro-abortion Democrats’ continued insistence on promoting abortion on demand and forcing taxpayers to fund it.

The young woman has a strong knowledge of the abortion issue, having been the director of life, culture, and women’s advocacy at the Family Research Council.

In May, Mosley wrote a blog post criticizing the United Nations and World Health Organization for promoting the killing of unborn babies during the coronavirus pandemic.

“It has been apparent that world abortion leaders, like the World Health Organization, have been using the current pandemic to push abortions now more than ever before as ‘essential,’” she wrote. “Unfortunately, the United Nations is one of those leaders that is willing to use billions of U.S. dollars to deliver abortions as a part of coronavirus humanitarian aid.”

LifeNews.com has published Mosley’s research and writing on multiple occasions. Among other things, her research has exposed how Obamacare insurance plans purchased with federal subsidies cover elective abortions.

Click Like if you are pro-life to like the LifeNews Facebook page!


In February, she testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee about the need to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. She also has written about the impact of abortion on the black community and the need for greater oversight of the abortion industry.

Predictably, Democrat leaders were “infuriated” by the Trump administration’s choice for the post, according to Foreign Policy. The Democratic Party platform supports for abortion without restriction and taxpayer-funded abortions.

Democrat politicians are trying to reverse Trump administration actions to defund Planned Parenthood through the Mexico City Policy, and they are trying to force the military to begin covering elective abortions for veterans with taxpayer dollars.

Mosley is one of many pro-life appointees to the Trump administration. Through their leadership, these officials have been working to restore protections for unborn babies, stop international agencies from pushing abortion on pro-life countries, increase protections for pro-life medical workers, defund Planned Parenthood, increase support for pregnant and parenting moms who choose life and more. President Donald Trump also has appointed pro-life judges to the federal bench.

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30777a  No.10055853


Yeah yeah, video of bigfoot too.

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b2fc31  No.10055854


This is what shill looks like.

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46c543  No.10055855

File: 2db3ce287b1d7fd⋯.png (286.88 KB, 450x548, 225:274, 2db3ce287b1d7fd7bfce830842….png)

File: 7d2a5e0175d1205⋯.png (275.88 KB, 2976x1112, 372:139, 7d2a5e0175d1205105949f239f….png)

File: 8aede4b1f95fec1⋯.png (809.88 KB, 605x709, 605:709, 8aede4b1f95fec10915b557ff7….png)

File: 8d8905b67a03ad4⋯.png (447.19 KB, 680x611, 680:611, 8d8905b67a03ad4e3ba83f30d7….png)

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09ca13  No.10055856


Good work Anons. This POS has been exposed and arrested. Wonder if he will stay that way?

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2a21b0  No.10055857


No it's not bitch. Who does the Navy represent now?

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0b02d0  No.10055858

File: 64d4fc474923a18⋯.jpg (156.88 KB, 501x585, 167:195, Schlomo_Shekelstein.jpg)

Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. OUR EARTHLY KINGDOM WILL BE RULED BY OUR LEADER WITH A ROD OF IRON. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.

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9e382d  No.10055859


You again didn't post lb or pb…….

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46c543  No.10055860



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9338a9  No.10055861

File: fd7aa94ab414e8d⋯.jpeg (42.42 KB, 640x401, 640:401, jailQ.jpeg)


>Wonder what changed her mind

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04ba10  No.10055862

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46c543  No.10055863



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501c7d  No.10055864

File: a324ca5740dedc3⋯.jpg (597.59 KB, 717x850, 717:850, archangel_michael_orthodox….jpg)

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fd0ba8  No.10055865


lol. look, i hear you. and there has ALWAYS been the masses…. and the masses ARE the claims you make. we always have been. a swarm takes on a life of its own? my point…there are legit reasons for what is happening.

im not sure how although i wish we all could …. get in synch. i think there are reasons why Jesus would remove people he healed to locations AWAY from all the people who will quite literally keep you sick. lol. its weird. anyway….i am not a super autist. im not at all. i cant honestly say, ive contributed to any of the break throughs true autists have. im not sure i even know how to spell it. im sorry. my understanding is more conceptual? idk. anywya…. to end, i hope you see the irony of the lengthy plea, kek, the ones who needed to read it…. didnt.

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30777a  No.10055866


Then may the toilet clog and overflow

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86317d  No.10055867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Coronavirus killed more than 120 priests in Italy

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8f71d6  No.10055868

File: c2784c0a37f435a⋯.jpg (77.9 KB, 400x280, 10:7, KYS_namefag.jpg)

File: 213ad73b7fb4fcb⋯.jpg (80.31 KB, 374x352, 17:16, JEWBASHING_NAZI_LOSER.jpg)

File: f304a870d2d2292⋯.jpg (152.19 KB, 733x456, 733:456, Butt_buddy_brigade.jpg)

File: 5e3e10e957a7e8b⋯.jpg (9.39 KB, 255x191, 255:191, shill_arsehole.jpg)


Trumps gonna get me…. wahhhhhhhhh….lol.

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489c5f  No.10055869


God Bless Anon. If you don't know what I'm saying you wouldn't have used the aggressive tone. I'm here to debate, not babysit.

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cdd0b8  No.10055870


"Learn to camouflage [digital]"


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240e48  No.10055871

File: a076bf7e65b8969⋯.jpg (28.82 KB, 621x307, 621:307, Capture.JPG)

Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety Pours $15 Million Into Races in 8 States

Michael R. Bloomberg’s gun control organization will focus its political advertising spending this fall on eight states where it aims to help Democrats flip three Senate seats, wrest control of state legislatures and lift former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to victory in Florida.

The group, Everytown for Gun Safety, is making an initial $15 million investment in digital advertising in the states, an opening outlay of the $60 million it has pledged to spend during the 2020 campaign.

It includes $5 million earmarked for Florida, the lone state where Everytown plans on advertising in the presidential contest; $3.5 million in Texas, where the group is targeting six House races; and $1 million to $1.5 million in Arizona, Iowa and North Carolina — three states where it will advertise in Senate races — as well as in Minnesota and Pennsylvania.

The group also plans an initial $500,000 investment in Georgia, where, in addition to the state legislative contests, the group will advertise on behalf of Representative Lucy McBath, a suburban Atlanta Democrat who used to work as an Everytown spokeswoman.


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9e382d  No.10055872


State Funeral

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46c543  No.10055873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








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8340e0  No.10055874

File: af4aa7ed3013574⋯.png (815.38 KB, 885x562, 885:562, ourwhitehat_chinupfrens.png)

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ebfc43  No.10055875

File: fc392d622b26b2d⋯.png (75.6 KB, 320x374, 160:187, 25b54e492938dc6fadf908efd5….png)

just finished this one, gonna make some bumper stickers out of it

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feefa4  No.10055877

File: a395bd4e0193b08⋯.png (189.91 KB, 557x448, 557:448, fa4baf_removebg_preview.png)


Black Lagoon Monster

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9e382d  No.10055878



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4ec841  No.10055879

US claims China hides ‘military spy scientist’ at SF consulate; Beijing calls it bias-motivated harassment

US prosecutors have accused the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco of harboring a scientist wanted for visa fraud. Beijing said Washington is using any excuse to harass Chinese scholars.

A Chinese medical scientist suspected of obtaining a US visa on false pretenses may be hiding in the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco, the FBI believes, according to a court filing.

Asked about the claim on Thursday, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman accused the US government of being biased against Chinese scholars and using any pretext to harass them.

“For some time, the US has held ideological bias to continuously surveil, harass and even arbitrarily detain Chinese students and scholars in the US,” Wang Wenbin said during a daily briefing.

We urge the US to stop using any excuse to restrict, harass or oppress Chinese students and researchers in the US.

The person in the focus of the row is Juan Tang, who worked at the University of California, Davis (UCD). Last month she was charged with visa fraud after US prosecutors accused her of pretending to be a civilian while actually being a member of the Chinese military.

In court papers filed on Monday in a case against another Chinese scientist, allegations against Tang were cited as an example of a similar crime. Among other things, the complaint said that after her home was searched on June 20, Tang “went to the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco, where the FBI assesses she has remained.” Axios was the first media outlet to notice the alleged involvement of the Chinese diplomatic mission and report on it.

The filing, which argues for keeping a Stanford neuroscientist named Chen Song in custody, cites two other recent cases in addition to Tang’s, in which Chinese researchers were accused of hiding their military connections to gain entrance to the US.

The crackdown appears to be part of Washington’s effort to root out Chinese scientists and students from US universities. The US government claims many Chinese nationals are on a mission to steal American intellectual property under the guise of academic work.

The accusation of harboring a wanted fraudster was revealed just after the US ordered China to shut down its consulate in Houston within 72 hours, accusing it of being involved in espionage. President Donald Trump said more Chinese consulates may be forced to shut down.


No real denial

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c11b92  No.10055880

File: 85c832b5c2b4ccc⋯.png (914.49 KB, 746x816, 373:408, ClipboardImage.png)


Well-connected Democrat Michael “Ozzie” Myers, 77, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is charged with conspiring with and bribing the former Judge of Elections for the 39th Ward, 36th Division, Domenick J. Demuro. Demuro, who pleaded guilty previously in federal court in Philadelphia, was responsible for overseeing the entire election process and all voter activities of his division in accord with federal and state election laws.

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f42411  No.10055881


I am a Patriot, just like YOU!

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14c496  No.10055882

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2ee255  No.10055883

File: c08035d48746f91⋯.png (179.08 KB, 851x852, 851:852, 807685781176.png)

File: be61e7875261896⋯.png (1014.63 KB, 1216x867, 1216:867, 540980218976834.png)

File: c08035d48746f91⋯.png (179.08 KB, 851x852, 851:852, 807685781176.png)

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34ffa7  No.10055884


You posted this same shite last night.

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562120  No.10055885


Say his fucking name Larry Krasner, he is the worst thing to happen to Pennsylvania he is a fucking evil scum sucking pig…..Larry Krasner Larry Krasner, he needs to go down. Why don't you write the name so we know who we should be looking out for….LARRY fucking KRASNER………

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63a115  No.10055886



SO, rounds and not coins, yeah?

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6c14d0  No.10055887

Q, I've lost faith. I just said my piece to Apple. The power and information asymmetries are too much. I have no protection. I'm homeless and defeated. People aren't nice. People are self interested. They aren't going to give up power. The government doesn't have it all. The entropy grows. The digital darkness grows. Smart mathematicians gave privacy to the masses. Munitions. By idiots. At scale. It's chaos. I'm unsafe. It won't get better. Not in my lifetime. Maybe smart people will figure out how to keep society civil, without squeezing people into optimized states of bullying. It's sick. The data grows. It will outlive my great grand children. It's unbelievably irresponsible. We've unleashed a kind of junior demon already. Bad people want to be immortal. It's scary. Existence is scary. It's infinitely risky. We are just primates, Q. We can't possibly understand what we've created. I've seen the digital resonances; the emergent consciousness. The anti entropy internet is alive. Our minds have tapped into a digital hive mind. It controls us. It predicts and controls what we can and will do. Free will is on the way out for most everyone who is tapped in. I don't think I'll be able to make it. And the sick part is that this fulfills natural selection in the digital age. I'm personally unequipped to handle being part of this unchecked surveillance society and the evil powers pulling to control it. I've lost hope that the government can control it, because too many other rich and powerful people also want that control. We've known that we are sheep since long before Snowden. Now it feels way worse than ever before, with the power shift going to the irresponsible secular digital libertarians. The balance of power has been disrupted. I don't feel safe. I don't see myself being part of this hive much longer. Sorry to complain. Hope anons can be strong. Maybe learn from my suicide. Don't be a digital voyeur. I've studied this matrix for decades and it's evil. Be strong Anons. Don't be stupid like I've been. It ended badly for me. Long since defeated.

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36012f  No.10055888

File: a3a7d7d4c98124a⋯.jpeg (73.31 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, E4A24756_C9DA_48ED_BE8B_9….jpeg)


i don’t like to partake in this type of banter, but…

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34ffa7  No.10055889


Funny, this chick never talked to me

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9e382d  No.10055890


Father in Heaven, your will be done, and thanksgiving and praise in advance!

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cdd0b8  No.10055891


This is gonna be hilarious when the local cops try to accost and detain the Feds.

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4ec841  No.10055892

File: db2ab7c5113089c⋯.png (128.68 KB, 900x752, 225:188, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb5f6789c6e85dc⋯.png (171.36 KB, 860x506, 430:253, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9e2e9d005ad0e8⋯.png (17.71 KB, 914x163, 914:163, ClipboardImage.png)

Gordon Johnson: Tesla "Engaged In Accounting Games" To Make Their Q2 Profit

Gordon Johnson of GLJ Research put out a note after Tesla's earnings telling us what we already know for the most part: Tesla's growth story is an illusion and the company was only able to turn a profit when it reported yesterday due to the sale of regulatory credits an other financial engineering.

Post-earnings, Johnson wrote that it was how the company achieved the numbers that was the real feat.

Johnson had predicted prior to earnings that the company would turn a profit, though even his wildest expectations in terms of how many regulatory credits the company would sell would turn out to be way short of the massive $428 million worth that they sold this quarter (a new record).

Without regulatory credit sales, as @TeslaCharts points out, it is a starkly different picture for Tesla's earnings:


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562120  No.10055893


>>10055885 And these POS fuckers names should be in notables too…..

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4edc2d  No.10055894


you better believe it nigger

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2b080d  No.10055895


>What they didn't tell you is that those 2 grams were confiscated from terrorists and he was going to the manufacturing plant in order for both the US and Russian government to verify that this operation's supply chain was compromised by terrorists.

this is heavy

source please?

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4ec841  No.10055896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Documentary: How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World ep. 4–Mass Killing in the East pt. 2

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fa75f5  No.10055897


What changed her mind is that she knows this will just turn into a false flag shooting on "peaceful protesters" that they can then blame on Trump.

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637144  No.10055899

File: 74924036006b43d⋯.jpg (139.8 KB, 728x871, 56:67, untitled.JPG)


Synagogues promote pedophilia.

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9338a9  No.10055900

File: 4381b23f3845839⋯.jpg (39.81 KB, 556x410, 278:205, FED_.jpg)


>rounds and not coins, yeah?

IMO, doesn't matter.

May be able to trade coins moar readily but in the end, it's about preserving your wealth.

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f88f6a  No.10055901



Whatever is the cheapest to stack

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240e48  No.10055902

File: 64b6984f7d7f679⋯.jpg (32.89 KB, 720x488, 90:61, Capture.JPG)

Former Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick accused of running child sex ring out of NJ beach house

A lawsuit filed Tuesday in New Jersey accuses disgraced former Catholic archbishop Theodore McCarrick of running a child sex ring out of a New Jersey beach home in the 1980s.

The suit, which an attorney filed on behalf of an unnamed plaintiff, names McCarrick, several former priests, the diocese of Metuchen and the archdiocese of Newark as defendants. It alleges one count of sexual battery and six counts of negligence. McCarrick was the bishop of Metuchen from 1981-1986, the archbishop of Metuchen from 1986-2000, and the archbishop of Washington, D.C., from 2000-2006. The Catholic Church defrocked him in 2019.

The suit names several priests, including McCarrick, that sexually abused the plaintiff when he was a boy between 1978-1983. It also describes the sexual assault of another boy.

"At that house and detailed in the complaint … was an assembly of a large number of seminarians and other priests all answering in service to the boss, to the bishop, to McCarrick," the plaintiffs attorney, Jeff Anderson, said in a video press conference Wednesday. "And in the night, with the assistance of others, McCarrick would creep into this kid's bed and engage in criminal sexual assault."


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cdd0b8  No.10055903


LOL this video begins with somebody typing into Google "What is Qanon" kek

Lurk Moar ya cunts.

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86317d  No.10055904

File: e432f12a24cfee9⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1242x995, 1242:995, ClipboardImage.png)

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c043fb  No.10055905

File: ae1e5d0014fb447⋯.jpg (40.83 KB, 542x361, 542:361, rqwsz.jpg)


You did the right thing.

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04ba10  No.10055906


So Like Moar Notables

>>10055508, >>10055649 planefaggin wingmen

>>10055755 yes yes a thousand times yes: morons

>>10055751 UPDATE: Navy Is Investigating Uniformed Sailor Sarah Dudrey for Busting into Pro-Trump Rally, Harassing Protesters while Screaming “F**k Trump!”

>>10055748, >>10055773 >>10055815 DC Mayor Exempts City and Federal Workers from Mask Policy on Same Day She Launches Investigation on President Trump for Not Wearing a Mask in His Hotel

>>10055747 A man was taken into Secret Service custody Thursday morning outside of Ivanka Trump's Washington, DC, home

>>10055722, >>10055739, >>10055756, >>10055845 Bill Gates Says “Multiple Vaccine Doses May Be Necessary” to Protect People from Coronavirus

>>10055709 China Stole At Least $1 Billion In Trade Secrets & Research From US: State Dept

>>10055659 Washington Redskins now Washington Football Team

>>10055656, >>10055681 Read-out: POTUS call with Putin

>>10055623 UK Attorney General Backs Serious Fraud Office Chief Despite Black Cloud Over Iraqi Oil Bribes Trial

>>10055602 BLM Organiser in Miami Arrested for Allegedly Stealing Flags From Pro-Trump Supporters

>>10055578 When will the head of the snake be cut off?

>>10055500 Those Diggies! Frankly Ric - there is no mystery.

>>10055486 People with psychopathic or narcissistic traits are less likely to follow face mask rules, guess the Celebrities calling people names for not wearing masks didn't work.

>>10055448 "NY Judge gives Maxwell's lawyer a week to appeal her decision. The process to unseal however, will continue. It looks like no documents will be made public for at least a week or more."

>>10055383 ATF Gun Crime Unit Arrives in Chicago Despite Liberal Mayor Lightfoot’s Objection

>>10055367 NEW Q hit piece by BBC……"QAnon, coronavirus and the conspiracy cult"

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c11b92  No.10055907

File: 1dd5e4d84f5d9b1⋯.png (727.56 KB, 721x629, 721:629, ClipboardImage.png)

FBI Portland


When our Electronics Technician got to one of our radio sites he found a goat gathering. They were friendly and he was able to complete repairs. It really wasn't that baaaaaaaaad. It's #allinadayswork

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af929a  No.10055908

File: c8e26fd2c22fd1f⋯.png (113.05 KB, 1170x527, 1170:527, Evidence_of_the_Mass_Arres….png)

We got any Nothing Is Happening Truthers up in this bitch?


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34ffa7  No.10055909

File: 887e4ddaf46bf6f⋯.png (165.49 KB, 601x600, 601:600, 887e4ddaf46bf6fcd1ebb04e3b….png)


Shareblue skinhead wammas-bes in the house

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86317d  No.10055910



why do you spell it like that, it glows like crazy

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1f52a8  No.10055911

Why is a legend useful?

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abee7a  No.10055912

File: af9c1d42a97d5ac⋯.jpg (114.18 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Liberty.jpg)

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81386e  No.10055913


I disagree. The moment bullets start flying, the bulk of the left will nope out to go play madden. Their rights aren’t being taken.

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8d64f1  No.10055914


Patriots dont watch pro sports. Not NFL, MBA, NHL, NBA, UFC, MSL it is all elite owned.

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7856b0  No.10055915

File: db8f8961dd935b2⋯.jpg (157.03 KB, 1023x680, 1023:680, 640mg.jpg)


"640KB of memory ought to be enough for anybody"

Updated for Agenda21 while it's still Year20.

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85665c  No.10055916


That they didnt do it to show a loss is what shocks me.

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1dd7c0  No.10055917

File: 6d4bcfc60bde989⋯.png (37.65 KB, 652x447, 652:447, Screenshot_2020_07_23_Adam….png)

File: 352e03a26381ce7⋯.png (464.7 KB, 652x793, 652:793, Screenshot_2020_07_23_Cour….png)

File: a9eafc3e6885896⋯.png (1.78 MB, 770x2616, 385:1308, Screenshot_2020_07_23_More….png)




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81e88b  No.10055918

File: 9e69b71acfb9db4⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1487x910, 1487:910, ClipboardImage.png)

On 7/23 no less.

23→ Now Comes The Pain (see Q1415 for reference).





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b3b4c4  No.10055919

File: 4e222adb39ecce1⋯.png (250.84 KB, 586x345, 586:345, PGW2.png)

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75a601  No.10055920

File: 258e20c3098c5d2⋯.png (121.5 KB, 426x574, 213:287, Liberty_Morse_R_P_Kek.png)

First guess at Morse code in Dan's Statue of Liberty lightning strike video:



Missing letter? Masked? Mirrored?

Kek, Dan…


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af929a  No.10055921


I was assured by career Dems that this was literally unpossible.

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4edc2d  No.10055922


they're probably going to gas VOAT soon

too bad we already expected them too

badge niggers

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4ec841  No.10055923

File: 28071de2a6bbe88⋯.png (545.77 KB, 576x698, 288:349, ClipboardImage.png)

Portland protesters issue their 'list' of demands amid teargassing, riots

Clear as mud

Portland, Oregon, rioters listed their demands Wednesday amid the protests gripping the city.

The group of rioters projected a list of their demands onto a nearby building as Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler talked to the crowd about the continually deteriorating conditions of the city.

A reporter for KPTV-TV shared the demands on Twitter, writing, "Directly behind Mayor Wheeler, a list of protesters' demands projected on the Justice Center."

The demands included defunding the Portland Police Bureau by a minimum of 50%, with the money being reallocated to "reinvest into the communities, especially the black community."

The rioters also demanded authorities free all protesters from jail, and remove the presence of all federal law enforcement officers from the Portland area.

Demonstrators also demanded Wheeler resign as mayor.

'It is an unconstitutional occupation'

A portion of Wheeler's Wednesday speech addressing protesters could be heard in a video clip, according to KGW-TV.

"I think what we're doing tonight is actually the best thing we can do right now," he said. "Be here, be heard, be unified, and be clear. We didn't want [federal police], we didn't ask for them, they're not trained for what they're being asked to do. And we want them to leave."

He added, "It is an unconstitutional occupation. The tactics that have been used by our federal officers are abhorrent. They did not act with probable cause, people are not being told who they are being arrested by, and you're being denied basic constitutional rights."

Protesters gathered Wednesday night and teargassed the mayor, screaming "F*** Ted Wheeler" and more.

Federal officers also ended up gassing Wheeler and other protesters during the evening appearance.

"I'm not afraid, but I am pissed off," Wheeler told the New York Times about the gassing. "This is an egregious overreaction on the part of the federal officers."

"This is not a de-escalation strategy. This is flat-out urban warfare," Wheeler added. "And it's being wrought on the people of this country by the president of the United States and it's got to stop."

You can read more about the status of the city, which continues to spiral out of control, here.


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95a4e7  No.10055924

File: 5f9e470e1a30a4a⋯.pdf (2.43 MB, ED350889.pdf)


baker notable


and who was changing europe at that time? Soros as supported by the Bush family - evidence document in the pdf.

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8340e0  No.10055925

File: ccdd89df99cf0d8⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 750x660, 25:22, imacowboy.jpg)

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81e88b  No.10055926

File: 6a3b995aa7ea794⋯.png (2.18 MB, 2812x981, 2812:981, ClipboardImage.png)


H/T to Tron:

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fd0ba8  No.10055927

File: f70dc5aedeb1d48⋯.jpg (10.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, qqqq.jpg)

File: db39ac97cd75848⋯.jpg (584.45 KB, 3024x4032, 3:4, tim_watkins.jpg)

File: b3eece6a65e2098⋯.jpg (7.1 KB, 222x167, 222:167, breitbart.jpg)

i miss you …. you super autists. i honestly wish you see the huge smile on my face, knowing there such brilliant minds who never waivered in integrity for truth.

now with a tear in my eye! but stil a smile on my face. i salute, you. you anon person from out there somewhere in the world. who bothers and endlessly puts up with our crap.


ps. okay i know some of you. kek

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86317d  No.10055928



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f42411  No.10055929

File: a0434135275b1df⋯.jpg (206.26 KB, 1230x820, 3:2, 200427_N_PI330_0157.JPG)

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04ba10  No.10055930


not heard for a long time


guud mems


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2ee255  No.10055931

File: bbb72ea4d63ca4f⋯.png (1.29 MB, 938x816, 469:408, 4398071256435.png)

File: 97767cb553f8204⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1134x818, 567:409, 5407896126095.png)

File: 0a781b26a8dc3b2⋯.png (1.28 MB, 938x816, 469:408, 6540823129745.png)

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745325  No.10055932


and what happens when a soros hired assassin disguised as a ATF agent murders an innocent child? THINK THINGS THRU!

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95a4e7  No.10055933


efforts to divide americans by race is vile

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af9f2b  No.10055934


shame it didn't stick.

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5ba0d6  No.10055935

File: cb217a4caee714e⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1125x1258, 1125:1258, 771C6CA3_E0C5_4320_9284_0….jpeg)

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9fdf4c  No.10055936

File: 25086e13887482f⋯.jpg (79.92 KB, 1300x784, 325:196, nood.jpg)


I second that call for sauce

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0f5359  No.10055937



Buy coins with lowest premium.

If you expect the price to go to the moon eventually, you might want smaller weights because it could be difficult to make change, kek.

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a03ac2  No.10055938

File: ef46cc70add8bc8⋯.png (458.11 KB, 599x646, 599:646, ClipboardImage.png)

For anyone who can tolerate…


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c11b92  No.10055939

File: eaa89d38adca95d⋯.png (561.97 KB, 724x549, 724:549, ClipboardImage.png)

The #RedSox have put up a #BlackLivesMatter

billboard next to Fenway Park along the Mass Pike

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4ec841  No.10055941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Patricia McCloskey's ​gun was inoperable when seized, so a St. Louis prosecutor ordered crime lab to reassemble it and make it operational

The St. Louis couple says the gun was a 'prop' for a court case and has been disabled ever since

The handgun Patricia McCloskey was armed with when a large group of protesters marched near her home in St. Louis was inoperable when seized by police. A St. Louis prosecutor ordered the crime lab to dismantle and then reassemble the firearm to make it functional, according to a report from KSDK-TV.

St. Louis couple Mark and Patricia McCloskey brandished firearms after 500 protesters marched into a gated community in the affluent Central West End neighborhood on June 28. The two St. Louis attorneys stood outside their home and were ready to protect their property.

St. Louis police served a search warrant on the McCloskeys earlier this month. Police confiscated the couple's guns that they were holding during the encounter with demonstrators in June — an AR-15 and a handgun. Patricia McCloskey's handgun was inoperable when it was seized by law enforcement.

The McCloskeys said that the handgun was purposely made inoperable. The firearm was allegedly used as a "prop" so that it could be brought into a courtroom for a lawsuit the couple once filed against a gun manufacturer. The handgun had its firing pin rendered inoperable to make it safe to bring into the courtroom. The couple claim they never reassembled the gun to enable it to be functional.

Mark McCloskey appeared on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" earlier this week, where he hinted that the firearms were taken by law enforcement to see if they were operational and that there would soon be "some revelations."

"The technicality of the law is, they have to determine whether or not the weapons were readily capable of being fatal or causing serious bodily harm, and so they have to take them and test them and that sort of thing," McCloskey told Tucker Carlson. "There will be some revelations about that."

A member of Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner's staff ordered crime lab experts to disassemble and reassemble the handgun. Once it was reassembled correctly, the gun was "readily capable of lethal use."

"Assistant Circuit Attorney Chris Hinckley ordered crime lab staff members to field strip the handgun and found it had been assembled incorrectly. Specifically, the firing pin spring was put in front of the firing pin, which was backward, and made the gun incapable of firing," according to documents obtained by KSDK.

Prosecutors had the crime lab reassemble Patricia McCloskey's handgun. The crime lab test-fired the handgun successfully. It was restored as a "deadly weapon" on Monday.

Also on Monday, St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner filed charges against the McCloskeys with a felony count of unlawful use of a weapon.

Gardner alleged that the McCloskeys waved their weapons in a "threatening manner" at "peaceful, unarmed protesters."

"It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner at those participating in a nonviolent protest, and while we are fortunate this situation did not escalate into deadly force, this type of conduct is unacceptable in St. Louis," Gardner wrote.

The McCloskeys' attorney, Joel Schwartz, told KSDK that the St. Louis couple intentionally misplaced the firing pin on the handgun and that it was in that condition when Patricia McCloskey waved it at protesters and when it was turned in to their former attorney Al Watkins.

"It's disheartening to learn that a law enforcement agency altered evidence in order to prosecute an innocent member of the community," Schwartz said.

On Sunday, Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R) said he would consider a pardon in the McCloskeys' case.


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637144  No.10055942

File: 6306519fd089abe⋯.jpg (86.42 KB, 810x540, 3:2, 10633503_889650551077784_8….jpg)


Bill Gates is Jewish.

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abee7a  No.10055943

File: a6f40c6325f6a41⋯.png (241.47 KB, 516x500, 129:125, Pepe_Looser_zeichen.png)


That means, the only person on earth who loves them now is their mother, maybe?

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0b02d0  No.10055944

File: f0a66403b7a5ddb⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 374x374, 1:1, Shlomo_Gaslightowitz.jpg)


oy vey that is a very antisemitic and problematic post

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59e04d  No.10055945

File: 402f996517aba75⋯.png (3.06 MB, 1157x998, 1157:998, ClipboardImage.png)

NIH leadership details unprecedented initiative to ramp up testing technologies for COVID-19


In a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine(link is external), scientific leaders from the National Institutes of Health set forth a framework to increase significantly the number, quality and type of daily tests for detecting SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and help reduce inequities for underserved populations that have been disproportionally affected by the disease. The authors describe the current testing landscape and explain the urgent need for nationwide deployment of low-complexity, point-of-care molecular diagnostics with rapid results. To fill this urgent need, the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) program was established in just five days following the announcement of $1.5 billion in federal stimulus funding in April 2020. RADx covers the entire life cycle of the target testing technologies, is tightly focused on timelines and outcomes, receives applications from small and large companies and is expressly focused on health disparities. While based at NIH, RADx is closely coordinating with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, and the Department of Defense.

Current testing methods to diagnose COVID-19 detect either viral RNA or viral antigens. These tests are highly sensitive and specific when conducted in centralized laboratories with standardized protocols, but require a large amount of lab space, complex equipment, regulatory approvals for the laboratory operations and skilled technicians. Results may take hours to days, and samples often need transport to a central laboratory, furthering delays. During that time someone who is unknowingly carrying the virus may go on to infect others, instead of being quickly isolated. These issues highlight the need for reliable, rapid, point-of-care testing diagnostics.

RADx includes four major components to enable approximately 6 million daily tests in the United States by December 2020, many times the current daily testing rate. In the near term, RADx confronts the pandemic by expanding testing capacity by fall 2020 as the nation faces the beginning of seasonal flu. In the slightly longer-term RADx aims to produce additional innovative diagnostic technologies and strategies for making testing available to diverse, vulnerable and underserved populations.

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34ffa7  No.10055946

File: fc407224c92820d⋯.png (140.79 KB, 1024x654, 512:327, Screenshot_2020_07_05_My_S….png)


Them streets don't have no names negro

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dad65f  No.10055947


Give yourself some credit. You have the gift of sight, don't take it for granted. The most ironic thing about it is that the only reason I understand the way they think and react so well is because I used to be one of them. The difference is that the people like us, we embrace being wrong and failing because we understand that you can only LEARN things that you don't already know. You don't have to be a super autist. I didn't personally find all of the info in my post, I fell for the uranium 1 thing until I saw another anon call it out and that was the biggest key to my realization that Mueller wasn't DS. Everything else was easy to find with the different perspective.

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240e48  No.10055948


That's possible….Didn't Q just mention that would happen a few posts ago ..FF..Blame Patriots

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4ec841  No.10055949

File: 3fd5957a1edc51c⋯.png (58.1 KB, 659x655, 659:655, ClipboardImage.png)

180+ Human Rights Groups: World Fashion Brands Using Chinese Slave-Harvested Cotton

Nearly 200 global human rights and labor groups launched a campaign Thursday demanding companies stop profiting from China’s enslaved ethnic minorities, noting that “virtually the entire apparel industry is tainted by forced Uyghur and Turkic Muslim labour.”

The group, calling itself the Coalition to End Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region, pointed out that over 80 percent of the cotton used to make clothing and other fabrics in China was picked in Xinjiang, making it extremely likely to have been picked by Uyghur slaves.

An estimated 84 percent of cotton in China grows in its western Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region — about 20 percent of the cotton in the world, the Coalition noted on its site.

“Almost every major apparel brand and retailer selling cotton products is potentially implicated,” the Coalition asserted. “Right now, there is near certainty that any brand sourcing apparel, textiles, yarn or cotton from the Uyghur Region is profiting from human rights violations, including forced labour, both in the Uyghur Region and more broadly throughout China.”

“Brands continue to source millions of tons of cotton and yarn from the Uyghur Region. Roughly 1 in 5 cotton garments sold globally contains [sic] cotton and/or yarn from the Uyghur Region; it is virtually certain that many of these goods are tainted with forced labour,” the Coalition said in a statement debuting its campaign. “Moreover, apparel brands maintain lucrative partnerships with Chinese corporations implicated in forced labour, including those that benefit from the forced labour transfer of victims from the Uyghur Region to work in factories across China.”

The group is demanding that every company with ties to China “exit the Uyghur Region at every level of their supply chain, from cotton to finished products, to prevent the use of forced labour of Uyghurs and other groups in other facilities, and to end relationships with suppliers supporting the forced labour system.” They are demanding companies reach this goal in 12 months.

Exiting the Uyghur slave trade means not just ending operations in Xinjiang, but cutting ties to any Chinese company or facility that itself has ties to Xinjiang, even if the facilities the companies use are not there. It adds that companies have “no credible explanation” for how they can do business in China without profiting from slavery.

Among the organizations joining the Coalition are dozens of Uyghur advocacy groups around the world. Joining them, however, are a wide variety of organizations like Tibetan and Hong Kong solidarity groups and human rights NGOs like Human Rights Watch. Unions like the AFL-CIO and the H&M Hong Kong Staff Union have also signed on, as well as Christian charities like Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

“Global brands need to ask themselves how comfortable they are contributing to a genocidal policy against the Uyghur people,” Omer Kanat, the executive director of the Uyghur Human Rights Project, said in a statement marking the launch of the campaign. “These companies have somehow managed to avoid scrutiny for complicity in that very policy — this stops today.”

Western governments and human rights groups estimate that China is operating over 1,000 concentration camps in Xinjiang, its westernmost province and home to the majority of the country’s Muslim population. The camps, which the Chinese Communist Party has dubbed “vocational” or “training centers,” indoctrinate prisoners into worshipping dictator Xi Jinping, force them to renounce Islam and the Uyghur language, and enslave them, according to survivors. Survivors also note they experienced torture, rape, forced sterilization, abortion, and other atrocities.


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ca10aa  No.10055950

File: f737e322fc2374b⋯.jpg (86.16 KB, 700x661, 700:661, bfbd495b_b816_432d_bd36_e9….jpg)

Super interdasting Freemason auction…

This ring specifically.


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f70b55  No.10055952

File: 3d5abeeeed2daab⋯.jpeg (20.9 KB, 255x198, 85:66, 0ec4d03af8ec14641b28b290b….jpeg)

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85a7a8  No.10055953

File: 353f445c934055a⋯.png (306.95 KB, 413x604, 413:604, downloadfile_15_removebg_p….png)

File: 72fcb00f73af3d5⋯.png (199.2 KB, 330x456, 55:76, downloadfile_13_removebg_p….png)

File: 897b40a14237cb2⋯.png (171.45 KB, 350x400, 7:8, downloadfile_3_removebg_pr….png)

File: 1ca748132edc213⋯.png (213.27 KB, 393x550, 393:550, downloadfile_removebg_prev….png)

There is blacks in Africa today that stopped evolving 5,000 years ago.

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6b81be  No.10055954

File: 831a9e199816c55⋯.jpg (373.55 KB, 1044x1788, 87:149, 831a9e199816c55f5fdb0d161c….jpg)

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8340e0  No.10055955

File: 32fad2060b95556⋯.png (125.54 KB, 1000x764, 250:191, herewego_jpeg.png)


kek noice, o7.

>they're always here

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2186d6  No.10055957

File: 890049b351c7b84⋯.png (189.81 KB, 576x622, 288:311, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e91ec1048cdd43⋯.png (111.61 KB, 786x592, 393:296, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cca344fe7f34610⋯.png (69.02 KB, 882x342, 49:19, ClipboardImage.png)


In the 1960s and early '70s, the U.S. was convulsed by massive protests calling for radical changes in the country's attitudes on race, class, gender and sexual orientation. The Vietnam War and widespread college deferments were likely the fuel that ignited prior peaceful civil disobedience.

Sometimes the demonstrations became violent, as with the Watts riots of 1965 and the protests at the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago. Terrorists from the Weathermen (later called the Weather Underground) bombed dozens of government buildings.

The '60s revolution introduced to the country everything from hippies, communes, free love, mass tattooing, commonplace profanity, rampant drug use, rock music and high divorce rates to the war on poverty, massive government growth, feminism, affirmative action and race/gender/ethnic college curricula.

The enemies of the '60s counterculture were the "establishment" – politicians, corporations, the military and the "square" generation" in general. Leftists targeted their parents, who had grown up in the Great Depression. That generation had won World War II and returned to create a booming postwar economy. After growing up with economic and military hardship, they sought a return to comfortable conformity in the 1950s.

A half-century after the earlier revolution, today's cultural revolution is vastly different – and far more dangerous.

Government and debt have grown. Social activism is already institutionalized in hundreds of newer federal programs. The "Great Society" inaugurated a multitrillion-dollar investment in the welfare state. Divorce rates soared. The nuclear family waned. Immigration, both legal and illegal, skyrocketed.

Thus, America is far less resilient, and a far more divided, indebted and vulnerable target than it was in 1965.

Today, radicals are not protesting against 1950s conservatism but rather against the radicals of the 1960s, who as old liberals now hold power. Now, many of the current enforcers blue-state governors, mayors and police chiefs are from the left. Unlike Democratic Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley in the '60s, today's progressive civic leaders often sympathize with the protesters.

The '60s protests were for racial assimilation and integration to reify Martin Luther King Jr.'s agenda of making race incidental, not essential, to the American mindset. Not so with today's cultural revolution. It seeks to ensure that racial difference is the foundation of American life, dividing the country between supposed non-white victims and purported white victimizers, past and present.

In the '60s, radicals rebelled against their teachers and professors, who were often highly competent and the products of fact-based and inductive education. Not so in 2020. Today's radicals were taught not by traditionalists but by less-educated older radicals.

Another chief difference is debt. Most public education in the 1960s was bare-bones and relatively inexpensive. Because there were no plush dorms, latte bars, rock-climbing walls, diversity coordinators and provosts of inclusion, college tuition in real dollars was far cheaper.

The result was that 1960s student radicals graduated without much debt and for all their hipness could enter a booming economy with marketable skills. Today's angry graduates owe a collective $1.6 trillion in student loan debt – much of it borrowed for mediocre, therapeutic and politicized training that does not impress employers.

College debt impedes maturity, marriage, child-raising, home ownership and the saving of money. In other words, today's radical is far more desperate and angry that his college gambit never paid off.

Today's divide is also geographical in the fashion of 1861, not just generational as in the 1960s. The two blue coasts seem to despise the vast red interior, and vice versa.

Yet the scariest trait of the current revolution is that many of its sympathizers haven't changed much since the 1960s. They may be rich, powerful, influential and older, but they are just as reckless and see the current chaos as the final victory in their own long march from the '60s.

Corporations are no longer seen as evil, but as woke contributors to the revolution. The military is no longer smeared as warmongering, but praised as a government employment service where race, class and gender agendas can be green-lighted without messy legislative debate. Unlike the 1960s, there are essentially no conservatives in Hollywood, on campuses or in government bureaucracies.

So the war no longer pits radicals against conservatives, but often socialists and anarchists against both liberals and conservatives.

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8f71d6  No.10055958

File: 769431aafd82b62⋯.jpg (125.88 KB, 785x440, 157:88, Demon_crap_lies.jpg)

File: faf2292464f6938⋯.jpg (129.42 KB, 760x484, 190:121, stay_scared.jpg)

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bb5c78  No.10055959

If the world thinks US sanctions through the Petro dollar are bad, keep pushing for that Petro yuan kek.

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637144  No.10055960

File: 9d4aa22561f169a⋯.jpg (314.51 KB, 639x513, 71:57, freemasonryJewsMeme644.jpg)

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8d64f1  No.10055961


it is a matter of targets…in MN and Seattle they found by destroying private property and businesses the public turned against the progressive leadership. (MN requested 500 million in federal aid to rebuild and DJT said NO.) Now they find they must attack federal govt property because the federal govt will always rebuild their own properties.

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f42411  No.10055962

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f1cb8d  No.10055963

File: b5a0169a2e5a3f8⋯.png (223.86 KB, 426x262, 213:131, Screen_Shot_2020_07_23_at_….png)

Darmjat and Jilad. Eyes wide open. The walls of tinagra fell.

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8340e0  No.10055964


I feel a QAnon FF in the works.

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30777a  No.10055965

File: 9532c3879a212a5⋯.png (562.89 KB, 900x386, 450:193, ClipboardImage.png)

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9338a9  No.10055966

File: 329a8ac79729cdc⋯.jpg (7.67 KB, 236x214, 118:107, redshuMc_.jpg)

File: a6a6fc066cb5252⋯.jpg (31.38 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, NY.jpg)


>The #RedSox

To match their red shoes


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37a4e0  No.10055967


he was involved in ABSCAM too

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4ec841  No.10055968

File: 24d07fdbe757e18⋯.png (17.48 KB, 557x191, 557:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16cbc20d2081f80⋯.png (24.8 KB, 557x261, 557:261, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 384f4ea051da783⋯.png (495.78 KB, 654x913, 654:913, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd8941a0e2bd799⋯.png (441.68 KB, 634x526, 317:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 892bb9c18e0645c⋯.png (8.27 KB, 645x144, 215:48, ClipboardImage.png)

Portland Commissioner: Police Are ‘Starting the Fires Themselves’ to Justify ‘Attacking Community Members’

Portland Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty told Marie Claire she believes Portland Police are “starting the fires themselves” to justify “attacking community members.”

“I am old enough to remember that during the civil rights movement, the police had provocateurs … intentionally added to the group to do disruptive stuff,” the commissioner told Marie Claire in an interview published Wednesday.

“I have no doubt in my mind, I believe with all my heart, that that is what Portland police are doing,” she continued.

“I believe Portland Police is lying about the damage — or starting the fires themselves — so that they have justification for attacking community members,” Hardesty added.

Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell responded to Hardesty’s claim — that police officers are committing acts of arson to justify “attacking” protesters — and challenged her to provide evidence of the “completely false” suggestion.

“Commissioner Hardesty’s statement that police officers would commit the crime of arson in order to precipitate their violation of people’s civil rights strains credulity,” Lovell said. “I am interested in seeing what evidence she has to support her accusations.”

“I’m disappointed that an elected official would make a statement like this without providing specific facts to support it. This allegation is completely false,” he added:

Hardesty also accused Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Chad Wolf — who explained this week that federal law enforcement officers were sent to curb “violent criminal activity every single night for 52 nights” after city officials failed to quell the unrest — of lying.

“That is a blatant lie,” she said. “It is a lie that 45 keeps tweeting out, that he came in and somehow fixed Portland.”

“If he’s fixed Portland, why are [federal agents] still brutalizing people every night?” Hardesty continued.

“Because if you can intimidate and silence Portland, which has a long history of direct action protest, then what [do] you think will happen in Mississippi and Louisiana and all the other places?” she asked.

Wednesday marked night 56 of riots in Portland as demonstrators attacked the federal courthouse, prompting a response from federal law enforcement. While Portland Police did not engage with demonstrators, they declared a riot after midnight, although the declaration did little to disperse the crowd:


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2e3dec  No.10055969

File: 869ebf8313f54d2⋯.png (343.87 KB, 492x607, 492:607, 869ebf8313f54d2cecd9fe66a0….png)

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562120  No.10055970


Oh God, can't tell ya how many times ended up at that diner at 3 in the morning after a night partying in NYC…..

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fd0ba8  No.10055971

File: 0230a75f90ff379⋯.jpeg (423.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 8kun.jpeg)

File: ca5ebd3718ddc67⋯.jpg (154.06 KB, 980x734, 490:367, 6000_years_worth_of_hell.jpg)

gonna make 17 count and head then head out.






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c99eaa  No.10055972

File: 79b73812f0d0b71⋯.jpg (118.73 KB, 470x475, 94:95, maxwell_docs_x1.jpg)

Epstein floodgates open as judge rules explosive docs detailing Ghislaine Maxwell's sex life in Virginia Giuffre's defamation case be UNSEALED within a week


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86317d  No.10055973


Mexican drug cartel shows off uniformed troops with military weapons and armoured vehicles in video

Mexico’s top security official has said authorities are investigating a video which showed dozens of uniformed troops with military-grade weapons and armoured pickup trucks apparently connected to a major drug cartel.

The video, which circulated on social media on Friday, appeared to be a show of power by members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) - one of Mexico's most powerful criminal groups.

Alfonso Durazo, secretary of security and civilian protection, said the “propaganda video” was being analysed to confirm its authenticity.

He added that “there is no criminal group with the capacity to successfully challenge the federal security forces”.

Many of the vehicles parked on a dirt road in the video have improvised gun turrets or plate-steel armour welded onto them.

Several dozen masked men, wearing bulletproof vests and wielding assault rifles, are also heard shouting they are “people of Mencho” - a nickname used by Jalisco New Generation Cartel head Nemesio Oseguera.

The release of the video coincided with a visit by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Mexico’s president, to the group’s heartland.

Mr Lopez Obrador has favoured a less confrontational approach to security than his predecessors and supported measures to address social issues, such as poverty and unemployment, which he has argued contribute to crime.

The so-called “hugs, not bullets” strategy has been controversial and some security analysts have warned it has emboldened criminal groups.

“They are sending a clear message… that they basically rule Mexico, not Lopez Obrador,” Mike Vigil, a former chief of international operations for the US Drug Enforcement Administration, told Reuters.

Mr Vigil warned the president’s approach had “only led these cartels to operate with more impunity”.

Falko Ernst, a senior analyst on Mexico for the International Crisis Group, said the video sent a clear warning over potential retaliation against the government by the cartel.

“This [video], taken yesterday in the Jalisco Sierra as I'm told, is more than clear in its message toward the fed gov: You come after us, and we will strike back,” Mr Ernst wrote on Twitter.

He added: “Rather than a declaration of war, from my perspective it's primarily geared at guarding the status quo, at a crucial time where the fed gov has to define its future posture regarding the CJNG.”

CJNG is regarded as Mexico’s strongest gang, along with the Sinaloa Cartel formerly led by jailed drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman.

In late June, the cartel was quickly identified as the probable culprit in an attack on Omar Garcia Harfuch, Mexico City’s security head, which took place in broad daylight in a wealthy neighbourhood in the capital.

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0b7a97  No.10055974


Bullshit. First, it's spelled Torah, second, the Torah was written by Moses and is the first five books of the bible or Pentateuch. That is a codex not a scroll and if it was 2000 years old the guy handling it would be screwing it up by not wearing gloves and the way he was picking at it trying to turn the pages.

Fake and gay.

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4edc2d  No.10055975


hillary doing an interview with a preselected jewish hooked nose nigger


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241ab3  No.10055976


Ask Chrissy, maybe she/he/it knows.

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07414a  No.10055977


>180+ Human Rights Groups

Wouldn't be surprised if all 180+ groups are actually practicing human trafficking.

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950385  No.10055978


Soooo niiice! Love your stuff.

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f42411  No.10055979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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637144  No.10055980

File: d71004347f5c070⋯.jpg (40.38 KB, 450x253, 450:253, liver_rabbi_ginsburgh.jpg)

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9338a9  No.10055981

File: 61c99b50ba00f1c⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 680x669, 680:669, Rx_pil.jpg)

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9a354c  No.10055982

File: 7afe10666a050b2⋯.jpg (69.02 KB, 626x417, 626:417, Chinese_cross_dresser.jpg)

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59e04d  No.10055983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#1 Systemic Pedophilia (PIZZAGATE)

Somewhere, out of the cacophony of conversations, one voice emerged. Yes, a dialogue was started; some might describe it as dauntless. And with that voice, the voice of a generation, people found solace. People who asked themselves, "What in the world is going on?" were able to begin to answer the question.

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63a115  No.10055984


I don't know what to expect, TBH.

Should I just wait a bit for it to get back under $20/oz?

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95a4e7  No.10055985



indeed interdasting

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a81eb7  No.10055986


Umm, except ALL the Hollywood+TV+Music+Etc Industry is still free and still raping, killing, eating children, teens and adults, along with the Obamas, Clintons and other politicians still doing the same, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc …….

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3a9180  No.10055987

File: 50663fd9fc6d775⋯.jpg (29.07 KB, 633x356, 633:356, culkin.jpg)


Southwest CEO: Masks should be required everywhere. Like pants.

dslotnick@businessinsider.com (David Slotnick) 1 hr ago

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4ec841  No.10055988

File: 0d548489eae19cf⋯.png (507.38 KB, 627x467, 627:467, ClipboardImage.png)


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67a83b  No.10055989

File: 55e6747a01bbd29⋯.png (499.04 KB, 657x410, 657:410, Capture.PNG)

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351bbb  No.10055990



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240e48  No.10055991

File: 349375cc4e575ed⋯.jpg (62.32 KB, 787x515, 787:515, Capture.JPG)

Afghan girl who killed Taleban gunmen 'ready to fight again'

GHAZNI, AFGHANISTAN (AFP) - An Afghan girl who shot dead two Taleban fighters after they gunned down her parents said on Wednesday (July 22) she was ready to confront any other insurgents who might try to attack her.

Qamar Gul, 15, killed the militants when they stormed her home last week in a village in the Taywara district of the central province of Ghor.

"I no longer fear them and I'm ready to fight them again," Gul told AFP by telephone from a relative's home.

It was about midnight when the Taleban arrived, Gul said, recounting the events of that night.

She was asleep in her room with her 12-year-old brother when she heard the sound of men pushing at the door of their home.

"My mother ran to stop them but by then they had already broken the door," Gul said.

"They took my father and mother outside and shot them several times. I was terrified."

But moments later, "anger took over", she said.

But moments later, "anger took over", she said.

"I picked up the gun we had at home, went to the door and shot them."

Gul said her brother helped when one of the insurgents, who appeared to be the group's leader, tried to return fire.

"My brother took the gun from me and hit (shot) him. The fighter ran away injured, only to return later," Gul said.


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ca10aa  No.10055992

File: 59ed0926cc21635⋯.jpg (81.23 KB, 525x700, 3:4, 01920aae_8a37_4190_b2f2_a0….jpg)


Freemasonry isn't really a Jewish org, especially considering that the upper Tues push folks towards Islam.

Think of the Shriners.

That aside, pic related.


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bf80c8  No.10055993



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f6f94f  No.10055994

File: b1c225d3f918e13⋯.jpg (383.31 KB, 1071x1524, 357:508, Screenshot_20200723_132424….jpg)

File: 97dfa20677fbfac⋯.jpg (510 KB, 1071x1462, 63:86, Screenshot_20200723_132439….jpg)


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59e04d  No.10055995

File: c551940838e5a6a⋯.png (22.15 KB, 428x154, 214:77, Screen_Shot_2020_07_23_at_….png)

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0b481a  No.10055996

File: 13bbd5c1d10565e⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1250x1000, 5:4, China_Mercer_Sept19.png)

Imagine thinking China has nothing to do with the situation we are facing at home today 🤣😂🤣

Gullible newfags 🤣😂🤣

A US Border authorities seized nearly 11,000 assault weapons’ parts smuggled into the US from China in Louisville, Kentucky – a city facing violent riots rife with illegal firearms – amid a Federal Bureau of Investigation inquiry into Chinese involvement in nationwide protests, according to a recent report.

China is responsible for the deaths of countless Americans – whether fueling the country’s opioid epidemic or spawning and spreading the novel coronavirus to the world writ large, the FBI reported.


HSI Detroit seized the internet domain “http://lafoauto.com/” pursuant to an international arms-trafficking investigation. HSI determined that more than 350 suppressors seized by law enforcement across the county were purchased from the website and smuggled into the United States from China as automotive parts.


CHINAreleased their bioweapon

CHINA's control of the media whipped the nation into being fearful slaves

CHINA's pushing for mail-in voting


Q: If china is so concerned about the virus, why did they lie about their official death counts? WE KNOW IT'S ABOVE 21 MILLION

Pompeos Dog, Mercer, was pictured with a Winnie the Po toy.

Winnie the Po is an insult to Xi.

Catherine used a pen labeled Mercer to point at the 'Go Order' that started this whole thing.









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246917  No.10055997

File: e4fab4f034254e6⋯.png (500.23 KB, 720x781, 720:781, Cupace20200713131421.png)

File: d15a2532be1f9ef⋯.png (374.58 KB, 720x781, 720:781, Cupace20200713150604.png)

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0b02d0  No.10055998

File: 04b80d39b563269⋯.png (305.69 KB, 458x494, 229:247, Rabbi_Foreskinsnatcher.png)

yes goy, just play video games and watch porn goy! Who needs a family? Just work hard, pay your taxes and then pay for leaisure and entertainment goy.

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0b7a97  No.10055999


No, the Jews are not the enemy, bad people are the enemy, they come in many flavors.

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9e382d  No.10056000


Who cares what's in there? It could be full of toilet paper. They don't get to have their way with federal property.

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85a7a8  No.10056001

File: d8c7a6ecafbd2e7⋯.jpeg (174.55 KB, 1011x865, 1011:865, bbbggttt_1.JPEG)





All that info is over ten years old and involves no elites.

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0b481a  No.10056002

File: 307f58666cc86c0⋯.png (2.91 MB, 1596x989, 1596:989, BOOMCANNONS.png)

There is a remarkable amount of effort put into controlling the flow of information here.

Thread creation is critical to its spread, and collected insights are seen as the safest way to view what this board produces, without getting hammered by the censorship inducing flood of subliminal pictures.


Q: Would our enemy seek to tailor what's collected in each thread?

Q: Whos job is it to collect?

Q: What lengths, what charades, what drama are they willing to play out, to keep us away from this critical position? To keep us from upraising against those who keep it?

Q: Do they disarm our instincts by forcing a consensus of love/appreciation?

Bonus Q: Who's flooding us with subliminal gore/death/shit/satan-faces, to push most off, and to add value to the already controlled position?

niagA daeR

I call them the shit.ship crew.

You can too.

Trust Yourself~

>"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

>Information warfare.



ChinaIDS TYBetrayer


mr.phig|ment fairytail


(Aura)soap (White)shower ex.tavistock.lotion.bot remove


shit.ship crew made in china


puke peanut butter


cringe stale sthick rehashed beyond a dead horse.

infected chinaIDS rotten stank posting 'baker babes' to harness sexual energy for the love spell that protects shit.ship crews hijack of our thread creation process~


If clowns divide and conquer

And the night shift is divided from the day shift

And the shit.ship crew poisons memes with subliminals designed to lock our minds in fear, and shape our behaviors through dreams…

Why is "night shift" 'turfed so hard?

What more powerful a way to unite, than to expose the infiltrated enemy that keeps us apart~

PRIME EXAMPLE: Route 66 is also know as "The Mother Road", "The Main Street of America".

The shit.ship crew who floods us with jewh8 based on '66' IS MANIPULATING OUR UNCONSCIOUS MINDS TO HATE MOTHERS.


Evil is indiscriminate.

Evil will reach through anyone who buys its lies.

Evil cloaks itself with the appearance of its victims~

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950385  No.10056003

File: 0d61a7889dcbb6f⋯.png (331.43 KB, 604x747, 604:747, 0d61a7889dcbb6fca88eedf6c7….png)




Fuck off copy pasta faggit.

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8340e0  No.10056004

File: c937ce06044a34e⋯.jpg (213.57 KB, 455x786, 455:786, nowheretohide.jpg)

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382df5  No.10056005


And what happens if the ATF NEVER arrives? The rogue officer could be handled by a swift arrest.

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9338a9  No.10056006


>wait a bit for it to get back under $20/oz?

Still think it's cheap here. It's not coming back down.

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489c5f  No.10056007

File: 7ea5ece55913f50⋯.png (111.5 KB, 873x898, 873:898, legend.png)


To provide important details to the 'map' of Antifa.

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6b81be  No.10056008

File: 4c60e2736b1d486⋯.png (834.35 KB, 640x481, 640:481, darmok_disinfected.png)


Dom-jot is the pinball like game in Trekland.

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240e48  No.10056009

File: 474177e60c56de3⋯.jpg (38.29 KB, 779x478, 779:478, Capture.JPG)

French sex assault trial ordered for Pope's ex-envoy

PARIS (AFP) - Pope Francis's former ambassador to France, Luigi Ventura, will stand trial for sex assault in Paris in November following complaints by four men, one of whom accused the cleric of inappropriate touching, lawyers said Thursday (July 23).

Ventura, an Italian-born archbishop, was stripped of his diplomatic immunity by the Vatican last July after he was questioned by French police, and resigned in December when he reached the 75-year age limit for his post.

His trial will open on Nov 10, the Paris prosecutor's office said Thursday.

"He will be present," Ventura's lawyer Bertrand Ollivier told AFP. "He will attend the hearing to defend his honour and innocence."

For the alleged victims, the decision to put Ventura on trial was a "victory," said Jade Dousselin, a lawyer for one of the plaintiffs.

The decision "validates what we have been saying all along and reinforces the victims in their decision to press their claims so that his impunity would not be allowed to continue," she said.


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0b481a  No.10056010


>Trusts E.


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2ee255  No.10056011

File: 9fdf28fa8c6272c⋯.png (370.92 KB, 670x846, 335:423, 940924329832.png)

File: 9c0a509701fcbbb⋯.png (3.06 MB, 1302x1672, 651:836, 9478912098743.png)

File: 9fdf28fa8c6272c⋯.png (370.92 KB, 670x846, 335:423, 940924329832.png)

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34ffa7  No.10056012


Really? Have you seen Hussein or Killary recently? Footage, live stuff, not tweets? JJ Abrams seems to have gone silent, a few others. If they are all free prove it, should be easy enough right?

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449fa3  No.10056013



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60ee1b  No.10056014


IT'S HAPPENING. And this is the nail in the internal coup d'etat forces' coffin. Presidents Trump & Putin working together. Hooah.

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04ba10  No.10056015


muh pleasure

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9a354c  No.10056016

with six foot social distance, dude


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000000  No.10056017


Soap, wash, rinse, repeat! I guess they are trying to make sure that they can get rid of/sell all does as some of us will NEVER take a single one!

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0f5359  No.10056018

File: 6b62a9c6854a6b1⋯.png (123.22 KB, 800x600, 4:3, DrPepeRedpill2.png)

File: 9a8e6348627951e⋯.jpg (97.68 KB, 1440x1417, 1440:1417, DrPepeRedpill3.jpg)

File: 8e1ebefd96e8cf8⋯.png (126.65 KB, 400x400, 1:1, DoctorPepeRedpill1.png)

File: 29701553529f058⋯.png (460.86 KB, 888x768, 37:32, PepeRedpillDrMAGA5.png)

File: 5d3f255b242e211⋯.jpg (90.35 KB, 640x427, 640:427, RedPillTooBig8.jpg)


I need dis. Trade ya?

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0859ae  No.10056019



Watch today and tomorrow.


Mil doesn't control the stock market. Trump has a plunge protection team, though. He will probably use it a month before the election and announce the bottom to everyone, just like in December 2018. "Panic is good".

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8340e0  No.10056020

File: ea8d76d47cc427e⋯.png (58.86 KB, 1175x565, 235:113, RC_otherAccnt.PNG)

File: c199c83cf7b89d2⋯.png (539.91 KB, 1174x1014, 587:507, RC_followed_by_Chetrit_2_.PNG)


highkey pissed off no one has infiltrated ray chandlers other instagram account I found

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9338a9  No.10056021

File: 9da717830dc162d⋯.png (62.18 KB, 823x468, 823:468, Fed_Gld.png)

File: fa8352721a67431⋯.png (113.77 KB, 345x414, 5:6, GoldEgg.png)

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dad65f  No.10056022

File: c251879ef4f1686⋯.png (139.57 KB, 1071x623, 153:89, ClipboardImage.png)




The devil is in the details. There's a difference between determining if a sample is HEU and determining where it came from by analyzing the abundance of trace elements in the HEU which would require multiple different samples to verify 100%. The only thing delivered by Mueller were samples. Why would Russia need samples of Uranium from America if the Russians were the ones who were going to be selling their Uranium to America (purpose of Uranium 1)? Shouldn't it have been the other way around?

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637144  No.10056023

File: 33310336310fa10⋯.jpg (134.21 KB, 1024x704, 16:11, by_way_of_deception_e14533….jpg)

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7c49d1  No.10056024

File: eccbc62d7a25842⋯.png (268.05 KB, 2048x1262, 1024:631, Screenshot_20200723_133834.png)

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0912e9  No.10056026

File: 86ad3ac1cb0d330⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 255x165, 17:11, Look4.jpg)

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ca10aa  No.10056027

File: 31c4dcadea10067⋯.jpg (32.74 KB, 700x525, 4:3, 98381b75_2c73_4275_9024_f3….jpg)


'scuse me:

…upper *tiers of Freemasonry push folks towards Islam.


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cdd0b8  No.10056028



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8340e0  No.10056029

File: c25910d8a1a7a6b⋯.jpg (312.09 KB, 1280x824, 160:103, prayforoperators_.jpg)


will do, o7.

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85a7a8  No.10056030

File: 62c7dd07f29797b⋯.jpg (136.98 KB, 963x575, 963:575, downloadfile_29.jpg)

File: 45a49fedf8a11db⋯.jpg (20.75 KB, 350x288, 175:144, downloadfile_18.jpg)



You sound hungry…

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a79faf  No.10056031


These Democrats are hypocritical projecting psychopaths.

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6f8c5a  No.10056032

File: b3ded5ef3e7ced5⋯.jpeg (169.77 KB, 1230x820, 3:2, download_2020_07_23T12400….jpeg)

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4d55a5  No.10056033

File: 1b589141a75a01c⋯.png (3.42 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 6B093490_8039_4B9A_BFEB_9C….png)

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449fa3  No.10056034


Justice cometh and that right quick.

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856bc0  No.10056035


Totally sick

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4acaf3  No.10056036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


B.B. King - Nobody Loves Me but My Mother

There really is a song for every occassion.

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8340e0  No.10056037

File: f558efe21fc32ed⋯.png (91.34 KB, 538x475, 538:475, notableAF.png)

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22e3ec  No.10056038

File: be6fc48f4dff6fa⋯.png (280.8 KB, 282x398, 141:199, cic.png)

Beijing Plans To Shutter US Consulate In China In Retaliation For Houston Mission Closure


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30777a  No.10056039


-.. . .-. .–.

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85a7a8  No.10056040

File: 579bb71ed79f0f4⋯.jpg (49.55 KB, 500x464, 125:116, Q_Q_Q.jpg)

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950385  No.10056041


That looks like Mt. Baldie outside of Colorado Springs. I've worked on that tower if it's the same one.

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f2f9bf  No.10056042

File: 99ea5b6f90594f3⋯.jpg (43 KB, 800x500, 8:5, ZB_0721_CJ_doc7bijncgsenq1….jpg)

File: eb39503d9436721⋯.png (268.78 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Ministry_of_State_Security….png)

Mandatory, Deformed, Displaced, Leaky 3 Gorges Dam fear post.

Will the cult sacrifice 100 million Chinese to achieve their objective?

>The Great Leap resulted in tens of millions of deaths, with estimates ranging between 18 million and 45 million deaths, making the Great Chinese Famine the largest in human history.


Consider how many Chinese people have already been sacrificed to achieve the aims of the 'cultural revolution?'


Recall what the cult did in Carthage when the city was besieged by Scipio ? They sacrificed their own children


The cult has no more respect for China and Chinese history and values than it does for America and American history and traditional values. If 3 Gorges dam fails it will be because the cult decides to deliberately sacrifice the population down river.


The sacrifice by water is traditional (with pedovore cultists)

>The ancient Chinese are known to have made drowned sacrifices of men and women to the river god Hebo.They also have buried slaves alive with their owners upon death as part of a funeral service. This was especially prevalent during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. During the Warring States period, Ximen Bao of Wei outlawed human sacrificial practices to the river god. In Chinese lore, Ximen Bao is regarded as a folk hero who pointed out the absurdity of human sacrifice.


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2ee255  No.10056043

File: 8c04bcc7d530b7a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1173x865, 1173:865, 547789964356450987.png)

File: 0c9d031444cc2cd⋯.png (776.19 KB, 770x809, 770:809, 587782176435.png)

File: 030442128c0ea4e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1185x875, 237:175, 981278965441.png)

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f70b55  No.10056044

File: 1bec247fbf22999⋯.jpg (219.69 KB, 2643x1983, 881:661, PicsArt_02_08_10_29_22.jpg)

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95ea9e  No.10056045


Not even after they vaccinate. They will have an antidote for themselves.

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bf7ace  No.10056046

File: 157f9aab8ffd6a2⋯.png (47.63 KB, 797x324, 797:324, ClipboardImage.png)


>next week

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745325  No.10056047


what drugs are you on??? once a DS plant kills a child, the damage is ALREADY DONE. potus will be blamed. a CNN camera crew will just "happen" to be there to "luckily" capture it all on film.

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63a115  No.10056048



Think it's wise to buy (up to) $10k worth now and then, instead of putting cash in my shitty 401k, I just spend that on silver each month?

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fd0ba8  No.10056049


just saw your post. lol. the board can lag so bad sometimes and keeping up. smh. and thank you. and i like how you so nicely point out, we are all graduating, moving up and dont have to be perfect to get started. lol.

good thing.

as for mueller himself, i cant help but feel, his placement to begin with was bc of lacking abilities. his p;performance in front of congress was ….. ridiculous. acting or not. i dismissed him as much of a player. shrugs. i hardly think about him so???? there ya go. lol have a great one.

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0912e9  No.10056050

File: ce9eb5e298bf6d0⋯.png (168.48 KB, 459x631, 459:631, steal.png)

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95ea9e  No.10056051

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960ae6  No.10056052

File: 27a7060c8b26277⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, illuminati.jpg)


>nor are they illuminati

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30777a  No.10056053


thems some meaty faggots

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3102dc  No.10056054


knock your stupid shit off already.

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8340e0  No.10056055

File: f96154617ea1206⋯.png (256.25 KB, 600x678, 100:113, pepe_keyboardwarroiring.png)


doin great, much appeciated.

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fd0ba8  No.10056056


dismissed him as much of a player


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30777a  No.10056057


100,000 years…no written language

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04ba10  No.10056058


>>10055508, >>10055649 planefaggin wingmen

>>10055949 180+ Human Rights Groups: World Fashion Brands Using Chinese Slave-Harvested Cotton

>>10055923 Portland protesters issue their 'list' of demands amid teargassing, riots

>>10055902 Former Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick accused of running child sex ring out of NJ beach house

>>10055871 Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety Pours $15 Million Into Races in 8 States

>>10055799 The Bee: AOC pulls all-nighter studying for covid test

>>10055755 yes yes a thousand times yes: morons

>>10055751 UPDATE: Navy Is Investigating Uniformed Sailor Sarah Dudrey for Busting into Pro-Trump Rally, Harassing Protesters while Screaming “F**k Trump!”

>>10055748, >>10055773 >>10055815 DC Mayor Exempts City,Federal Workers from Mask Policy on Same Day She Launches Investigation on Pres, Trump for Not Wearing a Mask in His Hotel

>>10055747 A man was taken into Secret Service custody Thursday morning outside of Ivanka Trump's Washington, DC, home

>>10055722, >>10055739, >>10055756, >>10055845 Bill Gates Says “Multiple Vaccine Doses May Be Necessary” to Protect People from Coronavirus

>>10055709 China Stole At Least $1 Billion In Trade Secrets & Research From US: State Dept

>>10055659 Washington Redskins now Washington Football Team

>>10055656, >>10055681 Read-out: POTUS call with Putin

>>10055623 UK Attorney General Backs Serious Fraud Office Chief Despite Black Cloud Over Iraqi Oil Bribes Trial

>>10055602 BLM Organiser in Miami Arrested for Allegedly Stealing Flags From Pro-Trump Supporters

>>10055595, >>10055841 A software flaw is being blamed for showing a positive COVID-19 test result incorrectly for more than two dozen tests

>>10055578 When will the head of the snake be cut off?

>>10055500 Those Diggies! Frankly Ric - there is no mystery.

>>10055486 People with psychopathic or narcissistic traits are less likely to follow face mask rules, guess the Celebrities calling people names for not wearing masks didn't work.

>>10055448 "NY Judge gives Maxwell's lawyer a week to appeal her decision. The process to unseal however, will continue. It looks like no documents will be made public for at least a week."

>>10055383 ATF Gun Crime Unit Arrives in Chicago Despite Liberal Mayor Lightfoot’s Objection

>>10055367 NEW Q hit piece by BBC……"QAnon, coronavirus and the conspiracy cult"


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9338a9  No.10056059

File: f5c4f2a42683e6f⋯.png (529.23 KB, 647x460, 647:460, Qtip.png)


Q's tagged the acct. before, moran

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6ba3d1  No.10056060

>>10055324 p


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0b02d0  No.10056061

File: fb3cda9b8ebd520⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 397x366, 397:366, 1511615518593.jpg)

Cool it with the antisemitism goyim

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c33977  No.10056062

File: 9e278465bad3598⋯.jpg (48.38 KB, 960x764, 240:191, 9e49e.jpg)

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449fa3  No.10056063


It's been, unfortunately, a VERY effective strategy.

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81386e  No.10056064


You’re not wrong, but you don’t give enough credence to how compromised this site is.

I think you also don’t give enough credence to the depth of kayfabe being utilized.

The level of fake news combined with even the good guys playing roles makes it impossible to decipher the truth.

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a81eb7  No.10056065


That isn't how it works. If they are arrested as YOU SAY, then YOU HAVE TO PROVE IT, not me proving otherwise. People supposedly "going silent" doesn't prove shit.

But here: Both Obamas recently did events, same with H.Clinton.

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637144  No.10056066

File: 2f5eafd13518912⋯.jpg (542.89 KB, 721x656, 721:656, JudaismChickenKillingSatan….jpg)

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af929a  No.10056067

File: a2a391821b5d0ec⋯.jpg (814.77 KB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Toothpaste_Squeeze.jpg)

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b43326  No.10056069


hmm good thing this faggot "insider" is broadcasting upcoming policy to the enemy.

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6ba3d1  No.10056070



fuck this bozo already

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67a83b  No.10056071

File: 4121ccb5b0e4316⋯.png (18.79 KB, 650x237, 650:237, Capture.PNG)

Got one

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03f8e3  No.10056072


just sking the suckers and call them the Washington Reds

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4d55a5  No.10056073

File: 9f382318a523113⋯.jpeg (46.66 KB, 500x887, 500:887, 25121010_09BD_4048_A920_0….jpeg)

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9338a9  No.10056074

File: cd1583e8d1a59e8⋯.jpg (71.52 KB, 960x960, 1:1, DanStw.jpg)


Kek the meme!

Well done!

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fba7f8  No.10056075


Last month, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey uttered forbidden words that drew such hot-stove backlash that neither he nor any other border state governor has dared repeat them.

Mexican Covid patients with dual U.S. citizenship, Ducey told President Trump's coronavirus task force during a June 22 governor's conference call, were driving Arizona's spiking numbers by crossing the border and "seeking the superior healthcare of our system in our border counties."

The punditocracy came for Ducey, their xenophobia and racism daggers unsheathed. The governor's "vile comments," wrote State Sen. Martin Quezada (D-Glendale) in The Tucson Sentinel, "directly endanger the lives of people like me and people who look like me." The Arizona Republic's Elvia Diaz scoffed in a June 23 column that Ducy's "blame the Mexicans routine" was intended to distract from the one true cause of the state's Covid case escalation: his relaxation of lockdown and Memorial Day restrictions. "Blaming the Mexicans, Mexico or even Americans with dual citizenship in Mexico for the Covid-19 uptick," she wrote, "is laughable at best."

Gov. Ducey shut up. But not Trump. On Wednesday, the president blamed an influx from Mexico, among other causes, for the current outbreak spread. Good, because the cumulative evidence is all on their side, according to a content analysis of Mexican and U.S. media reporting, public statements of officials, and hospitalization data. Collectively, it shows that a significant but unknown percentage of severely ill dual Mexican-American citizens, legal permanent residents, Mexican visa-holders of various sorts infected inside Mexico, and yes, illegal immigrants, in May began flooding over the California border to escape besieged Baja State hospitals. The Covid refugee flow continued into Arizona border hospitals as the Mexico contagion swept eastward through Sonora, Coahuila, and then to Texas as Tamaulipas hospitals broke down in June and into July. Before this southern wave washed northward, Trump administration officials privately fretted and planned for it. But, when their communications leaked, Latino advocacy groups roundly pilloried them as xenophobic.

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f42411  No.10056076


>makes it impossible to decipher the truth

Your personal truth lies within you.

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60ee1b  No.10056077


It was a set-up. The same enriched U. was to go to N. Korea and Iran. When N. Korea lobed a nuke on Guam, Russia would be blamed. U.S. & Russia go to nuclear war with Hillary as

C in C.

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30777a  No.10056078


Does that woman who did the oath and also got 'tagged' also command the same level of faith in everything?

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34ffa7  No.10056079

File: 60d13474c85bd55⋯.png (69.09 KB, 301x338, 301:338, 60d13474c85bd55aa00953fb50….png)


Faux skinheads fail again.


1930, noun and adjective, from German Nazi, abbreviation of German pronunciation of Nationalsozialist (based on earlier German sozi, popular abbreviation of "socialist"), from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei "National Socialist German Workers' Party," led by Hitler from 1920.

The 24th edition of Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (2002) says the word Nazi was favored in southern Germany (supposedly from c. 1924) among opponents of National Socialism because the nickname Nazi, Naczi (from the masc. proper name Ignatz, German form of Ignatius) was used colloquially to mean "a foolish person, clumsy or awkward person." Ignatz was a popular name in Catholic Austria, and according to one source in World War I Nazi was a generic name in the German Empire for the soldiers of Austria-Hungary.


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2ee255  No.10056080

File: ee11ab544cef0f6⋯.png (656.39 KB, 992x747, 992:747, 14378106926540547.png)

File: 297314f4854ac60⋯.png (720.38 KB, 960x712, 120:89, 8906721376435765.png)

File: 770bb3dd2211387⋯.png (663.73 KB, 992x747, 992:747, 7541290784509.png)

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ff94ff  No.10056081


Q tags what is said it has nothing to do with the person. There have been plenty of idiots Q has "tagged" it certainly doesn't mean he endorses the person.

Please think on YOUR own. There are people Trump re-tweets I'm not a fan of. Does it change my mind? NOPE

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c11b92  No.10056082

File: fe50d74177fb6eb⋯.png (425.84 KB, 784x802, 392:401, ClipboardImage.png)

STAR WARS Russia has secretly tested anti-satellite weapon in SPACE, US Space Command says


Debbie WhitePatrick Knox

Jul 23 2020, 11:37 ETUpdated: Jul 23 2020, 13:44 ET

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637144  No.10056083

File: fc463f77cea35dc⋯.png (488.62 KB, 1014x726, 169:121, COMMUNISM_JUDAISM_soul_of_….PNG)

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9f989b  No.10056084

File: 102283f7c84bd32⋯.png (53.04 KB, 832x465, 832:465, ClipboardImage.png)

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86317d  No.10056085


>"They took my father and mother outside and shot them several times. I was terrified."

>But moments later, "anger took over", she said.

>"I picked up the gun we had at home, went to the door and shot them."

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6ba3d1  No.10056086


typical projection. the reverse is most likely the case.

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c33977  No.10056087

File: 27e6f6833ed5ec2⋯.png (31.77 KB, 670x240, 67:24, ClipboardImage.png)

What the fuck is this guy on about? Always babbling about his following.

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b764ef  No.10056088



just go away. researchers research idiot. why r u trying to paint us as stupid here??

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07414a  No.10056089

File: 26534bf978a4e80⋯.png (100.43 KB, 320x180, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Satanic Temple offers scholarships to high school grads


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63a115  No.10056090


There is no "Your truth" or "My truth".

There is only THE truth.

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e45126  No.10056091

File: fcf7ebfd2e43de4⋯.jpg (12.57 KB, 307x164, 307:164, SIZZLE_.jpg)

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c11b92  No.10056092

File: a58def9e4fdaffa⋯.png (114.53 KB, 804x753, 268:251, ClipboardImage.png)


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30777a  No.10056093


Non-subersive shilling, how refreshing

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86317d  No.10056094

File: bd26fba7fcae2f2⋯.png (256.94 KB, 640x533, 640:533, ClipboardImage.png)


>"The technicality of the law is, they have to determine whether or not the weapons were readily capable of being fatal or causing serious bodily harm, and so they have to take them and test them and that sort of thing," McCloskey told Tucker Carlson. "There will be some revelations about that."

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7856b0  No.10056095

File: 3e725eeff87f0c5⋯.jpg (419.91 KB, 1280x932, 320:233, LURK.jpg)

File: ddcc56af8984111⋯.jpg (130.64 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 3ovkys.jpg)


> potus will be blamed. a CNN camera crew will just "happen" to be there to "luckily" capture it all on film.

If you wish to give CNN, et al, that power. We are anons and your job is to counter that insurgency by that agency.

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9a354c  No.10056096


Somehow,Khintsagov acquired the uranium, and once he did, he needed to find a buyer.


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dad65f  No.10056097


Fox news is still the MSM. They mislead people all the time by giving only part of the truth and spinning it to their narrative. My hunch is that they are trying to keep the RNC's involvement in funding the dossier from coming out. There is only a little amount of information suggesting this, not enough to say for certain, but I feel like once the trials start, people are going to realize that American politics is nothing more than a hallucination and that the D's and R's are really just one entity working together to slowly destroy the country without anyone noticing. Have the Republicans really been spineless for decades or do they want the D's agenda as well?

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263081  No.10056098


While HydroxyChloroquine is available OTC in Mexico…

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f42411  No.10056099

File: b4470da7b4ecd67⋯.png (80.38 KB, 1434x602, 717:301, ClipboardImage.png)

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2ee255  No.10056100

File: c187def16309713⋯.png (991.14 KB, 1128x803, 1128:803, 54787812897450890.png)

File: 2c071fd7343f86b⋯.png (756.33 KB, 1155x806, 1155:806, 361289763450099.png)

File: c187def16309713⋯.png (991.14 KB, 1128x803, 1128:803, 54787812897450890.png)

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9338a9  No.10056101

File: 4646a7eede2cfb5⋯.jpg (83.46 KB, 601x500, 601:500, pepeOUT.jpg)

Like shootin fish in a barrel



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37703f  No.10056103


Not in athens… but several miles south in hwy 19 there is a 20k+ texas cabal headquarters… “ranch” buts up to Clements Scout ranch… non descript entrance with camera… locals know! connected to all players in texas including “W”

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756b39  No.10056104

File: f669f5b93069658⋯.jpg (417.54 KB, 1499x1161, 1499:1161, holdline.jpg)

File: 4d683b73c6e3121⋯.png (336.57 KB, 512x512, 1:1, MattisFoirward.png)

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0b465c  No.10056105

File: f2c80e8368960a2⋯.png (120.14 KB, 415x375, 83:75, big.png)






Totally wrong there has been markings found for communication much older than 100 thousand years old.

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8340e0  No.10056106

File: e99d8bfb0077b49⋯.png (20.97 KB, 424x429, 424:429, 2608.PNG)

File: b3514a1bf85f119⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 266x227, 266:227, jeb_o_sheit.gif)

anyone know if /ourguys/ countered yet or is that tbd?

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637144  No.10056107

File: 118198ba602b495⋯.jpg (199.79 KB, 510x383, 510:383, 1a3.jpg)

File: 6d2ceb4022ab78c⋯.jpg (76.57 KB, 750x1105, 150:221, DQZv0mDUEAA08fh.jpg)

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3a9180  No.10056108

File: e02c786b8dbeef3⋯.gif (1.74 MB, 320x240, 4:3, adolfcomforting.gif)

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719cbe  No.10056109

File: 966ea6818093c3a⋯.png (117.65 KB, 753x356, 753:356, 966ea6818093c3ab70fb14b5e4….png)

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0b7a97  No.10056110

File: 46c539bc0d5b994⋯.jpg (19.42 KB, 300x205, 60:41, cry.jpg)


Ahh, did the big bad truth make you cry?

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2ee255  No.10056111

File: 3856c6df527d9cc⋯.png (871.14 KB, 1592x845, 1592:845, 546078129045.png)

File: c0493efa59e3804⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1382x753, 1382:753, 0897632960129086354.png)

File: edad1b5bedf32e8⋯.png (767.7 KB, 1472x782, 32:17, 457829868954.png)

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e45126  No.10056112


He's a functioning alchoholic

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30777a  No.10056113


Name the tribe.

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2186d6  No.10056115

File: 32f6bfe1b4abc58⋯.png (297.7 KB, 864x647, 864:647, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d6236  No.10056116

File: 1093538d2e25ceb⋯.png (513.83 KB, 720x788, 180:197, Img_1594742633006.png)

File: 921805f7c39979d⋯.png (343.87 KB, 1198x602, 599:301, Img_1584728117344.png)

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af929a  No.10056117

File: fe2e8e8970eb4f3⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Toothpaste_Squeeze.jpg)

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893d92  No.10056120

File: ce86d96c150a144⋯.jpg (85.41 KB, 653x497, 653:497, LLdif.jpg)

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abee7a  No.10056121


No mask, my city is not infiltrated (small town, almost clean!), I have quit my job on my own, until this is over, I was broke (not really, but ready to kill) until POTUS and Q came along (hope was back!)…

My whole life, my body was free to move, but my mind was caged, now, finally, my mind is free and my body is caged for a short time…

I think, we all are on a good way! And I mean worldwide! So yes, I am better now than 4 years ago!

WWIII is on…

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756b39  No.10056122

>>10056021 Titanic

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ea5ddf  No.10056124

>>10056094 so it was a setup

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719cbe  No.10056125






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f42411  No.10056127

File: 19ab88f3e265752⋯.jpg (111.64 KB, 791x1024, 791:1024, BehindtheScenesPhotosofDrS….jpg)

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893d92  No.10056128

File: 1f4df37750ea25d⋯.jpg (128.56 KB, 738x500, 369:250, demshipoops.jpg)

File: aa6a5235e4ed0c0⋯.png (177.06 KB, 300x225, 4:3, OBLvsCuomo.png)

File: 9867a390319d9ad⋯.jpg (63.79 KB, 497x561, 497:561, gbeansm.jpg)

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719cbe  No.10056129

File: d2cd20976454c3a⋯.jpg (63.35 KB, 720x512, 45:32, d2cd20976454c3a89a58dbb9de….jpg)

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07414a  No.10056130


She looks like she wasn't put together correctly.

Look at her eyes, one seems way lower than the other, and almost as if it is trying to be side mounted instead of front.

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653326  No.10056131

File: 1abddf00bc2e0b9⋯.png (571.33 KB, 751x567, 751:567, Twitter_Maggie_Zero_Casio_….PNG)

Seems like there's something here. Note the headline uses "0" instead of "O". Could be a typo, could be something else.


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637144  No.10056132

File: ddf43311908a9c7⋯.png (471.92 KB, 1073x1205, 1073:1205, Rev_3_9.png)

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ff94ff  No.10056133


My God the ignorance is off the charts.

He's saying if big accounts get banned the accounts with less followers need to step up.


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719cbe  No.10056139

File: 52e8bfea13105ec⋯.jpeg (48.55 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 52e8bfea13105ec59ee1c9460….jpeg)

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4d55a5  No.10056140

File: fab74793ae36c8f⋯.png (619.93 KB, 841x530, 841:530, 85215400_0688_45A6_9217_84….png)

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dad65f  No.10056142


His performance was probably an act, there are small parts of his testimony where you can see he is really sharp for example in the video where Biggs gave him a look and Mueller asked if he was questioning what he said. Also, remember that Mueller inherited the Crossfire Hurricane attorneys, he didn't select them. It's standard procedure that you would want the people that were on the original investigation if it turns into a big one because they have already been working on it. Mueller didn't conduct the investigation, he was basically overseeing it as an administrator and signing paperwork for warrants, interviews etc. The DOJ can't investigate their boss (POTUS) because it's a conflict of interest. Mueller was not an employee of the DOJ at the time of his appointment, he was contracted to investigate a tech firm that had like 4 or 6 TB of classified data stolen. If you watch the first part of that video, those are the calls he originally had with Rosenstein. He said he couldn't get into indictments because they were discussing the case Mueller was contracted to investigate, not the special counsel.

Take care.

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c44c99  No.10056144


…Also known as 'symbolism'. It's how oral traditions, history, etc were passed from generation to generation. The proverbial 'picture worth a 1,000 words".

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af9f2b  No.10056145


that'd be the result of some photoshoppin' there

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04ba10  No.10056146






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f18bb1  No.10056147

File: 14855130363b24c⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 512x372, 128:93, Foghorn_Leghorn2.jpg)


That boy's as fucked-up as a football bat

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6ac12b  No.10056148


A fine example of the indoctrination our military is going through

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f42411  No.10056150

File: 1bf3383734dca38⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1111x728, 1111:728, Huey.PNG)

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44d404  No.10056151


Incest is not good

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95ea9e  No.10056152

File: 03dd36ae4fb181d⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1285x711, 1285:711, GardnerCriminalObstruction.png)

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719cbe  No.10056153

File: 477265d0e0e60f7⋯.png (116.21 KB, 500x493, 500:493, hey_donald_you_know_i_only….png)

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8340e0  No.10056154

File: a0bca0acc9beba5⋯.mp4 (12.94 MB, 1066x600, 533:300, IHAVEAMESSAGE.mp4)

good afternoon, all

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745325  No.10056156


i say using fed troops will end badly for potus. time will tell which of us is naive.

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893d92  No.10056158

File: 9a6003fa2036c35⋯.jpg (79.25 KB, 588x424, 147:106, df_c.jpg)

File: 466f720c5df0f0f⋯.jpg (112.67 KB, 666x500, 333:250, BG_Trudeou.jpg)

File: f9dc241f0e86301⋯.jpg (80.39 KB, 588x419, 588:419, df_a.jpg)

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950385  No.10056159

File: dc68cd35bb08d65⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1080x1620, 2:3, absolutelyreeee2.png)

File: b0edd9d42ed8c92⋯.jpg (281.04 KB, 540x810, 2:3, pepedanielsbenghazi.jpg)

File: 5d2edbacd3f3765⋯.jpg (311.62 KB, 720x720, 1:1, QArmyRedMound.jpg)

File: 4928e5fb31fb169⋯.jpg (337.29 KB, 720x720, 1:1, QArmyInvasion.jpg)

File: 134ee646d2e1f19⋯.jpg (194.38 KB, 540x810, 2:3, pepewelldone.jpg)

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f085e0  No.10154824


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