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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

c167d2 No.182 [Last50 Posts]

26OCT20 to 27OCT20


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

c167d2 No.129091

File: 7370078b48ff801⋯.png (13.45 KB,734x142,367:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279000 (260124ZOCT20) Notable: The big Trump rallies you don't see

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The big Trump rallies you don't see

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c167d2 No.129092

File: 3b6c03cebbf9600⋯.png (439.53 KB,759x802,759:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279027 (260125ZOCT20) Notable: Buzz Aldrin endorses Republican Martha McSally for Senate in Arizona. Rejects fellow astronaut and leftist Mark Kelly.

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Buzz Aldrin endorses Republican Martha McSally for Senate in Arizona. Rejects fellow astronaut and leftist Mark Kelly.


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c167d2 No.129093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279065 (260128ZOCT20) Notable: (lb), , Hunter Biden SILENT HILL Tattoo Cryptic Posts Referencing what looks like a Cabal statanic location…like JE's island

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Hey Bakes...trying to figure it out...it's tied to Hunter's tat (I think)...looks like a Cabal statanic location...like JE's island...but maybe not the cameras.


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c167d2 No.129094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279096 (260130ZOCT20) Notable: Jaw dropping In-Depth Interview on HOW WE GOT HERE

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Jaw dropping In-Depth Interview on HOW WE GOT HERE

The past tells the story of the future…the NOW.

Want to know when it all started?

Who all the 'guilty' POS' are?

Why they did it?

Was it really all for $$$, or their DS Religion?

How did they do it all?

How many FF's have been perpetrated/attempted upon the US/China/Russia so we blow the hell out of one another…for PROFIT?

This will be the best eye opening, educating, informative 2+ hrs you will ever spend.

Learned things I NEVER knew.

Knockout News:

SpaceShot/Mike interviews Juan O Savin


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c167d2 No.129095

File: f8a8530a43ba4ac⋯.png (1.53 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279109 (260130ZOCT20) Notable: Hillary Clinton: Most Republicans are "cowards" on Trump

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Hillary Clinton: Most Republicans are "cowards" on Trump

Hillary Clinton tells Kara Swisher for her New York Times Opinion podcast, "Sway," that most Republicans "have been cowards, spineless enablers" of President Trump.

"Most Republicans are going to want to close the page," Clinton says. "They want to see him gone as much as we do, but they can't say it publicly."

Clinton also said she thinks a female president would have handled the pandemic better.

Swisher: "You noted that a lot of countries that did best in the pandemic were led by women. … Do you think a woman president in the United States would handle the pandemic better?"

Clinton: "I have no doubt, especially if it were me. I have no doubt. I mean, I was born for that."

Swisher asked, "Would you say 'lock him up?'"

Clinton: "No, I would never say that. … I believe in the rule of law, unlike some of these people."

Clinton said she "can't entertain the idea of him winning. … It would cause cognitive dissonance of a grave degree."

"[I]t makes me literally sick to my stomach to think that we'd have four more years of this abuse and destruction of our institutions. And damaging of our norms and our values. And lessening of our leadership. And the list goes on.

Clinton added, "I think I live rent-free in his head."

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c167d2 No.129096

File: 6cc444c6402ede8⋯.png (637.13 KB,553x707,79:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279148 (260133ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook Adds Label Defending Mail-In Voting to Breitbart News’ Post of Trump Rally Livestream

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Facebook Adds Label Defending Mail-In Voting to Breitbart News’ Post of Trump Rally Livestream

Facebook added a label to a post on Breitbart News’ page trying to persuade voters that mail-in voting has a “long history of trustworthiness,” citing a “bipartisan” think-tank from the D.C. swamp. The social network added the note underneath a post from Breitbart containing a livestream of President Trump’s rally in Lumberton, North Carolina.

“Voting by mail has a long history of trustworthiness in the US and the same is predicted this year. Voter fraud is extremely rare across voting methods (Source: Bipartisan Policy Center),” reads Facebook’s label on the Breitbart News post.

Facebook has yet to provide a comment to Breitbart News explaining why the note was added to its post.

Instead, a Facebook spokeswoman pointed Breitbart to a post from Mark Zuckerberg explaining the company’s efforts to, among other things, stop “misinformation” about voting from going viral on the platform.

The Bipartisan Policy Center, the source cited by Facebook in its note, is an establishment think-tank whose founders included Tom Daschle, George J. Mitchell, Bob Dole, and Howard Baker.

While the BPC did release a report calling voter fraud “extremely rare,” it also published a report warning that the large numbers of mailed ballots in 2020 could overwhelm the system. Facebook did not emphasize that in its note. The think-tank called it a “threat to election legitimacy.”

Via BPC:

The tabletop exercise narrowed in on the three legitimacy threats that we see as most concerning heading into November: a tsunami of absentee ballots; staffing shortages; and unexpected issues with reporting and counting the vote.

Political parties, candidates, and others are inundating voters with paper absentee ballot requests that, when returned at the volumes expected, are likely to swamp some smaller elections offices where the process must be handled by hand. If many of these requests come into elections offices near the deadline to request an absentee ballot, it is possible that elections offices may not be able to process them fast enough to get ballots to voters, even when they technically meet statutory deadlines. Statutory deadlines that for years have left election administrators scrambling as they close in on Election Day are simply no longer feasible at a certain volume of requests.

There have been numerous reports of issues with mail-in votes as the election has drawn closer. In September, the FBI announced it was investigating an incident in a key Pennsylvania county after it was discovered that mail-in votes for President Trump had been discarded. In the same month, mail containing ballots in the swing state of Wisconsin were found discarded by the side of a road.

A Democrat insider who spoke to the New York Post has claimed that Democrats are sometimes assisted by anti-Trump USPS workers who throw Trump votes in the garbage. Earlier this month, a mail carrier in New Jersey was arrested for allegedly dumping mail that included 2020 ballots.


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c167d2 No.129097

File: 8156a06a144bccd⋯.mp4 (3.69 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 035999fbd3df8d0⋯.png (590.46 KB,914x732,457:366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279172 (260135ZOCT20) Notable: Kamala Harris Awkwardly Cackles After 60 Minutes Host Questions if She Presents a “Socialist or Progressive Perspective” (Capped)

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cackling kamala video

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c167d2 No.129098

File: 0ccb5043653a6bb⋯.png (1.58 MB,1224x871,1224:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279183 (260135ZOCT20) Notable: Thank You! To the anon who gave us this code…CODE for js to blur images on 8Knun

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Thank You!

To the anon who gave us this code…

.post-image {

opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */

filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */

transition: all 233ms;


.post-image:hover {

opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */

filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */

transition: all 89ms;


.thread-image {

opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */

filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */

transition: all 233ms;


.thread-image:hover {

opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */

filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */

transition: all 89ms;


Add it to your themes to make all the images/thumbs fuzzy. Mouse over is half-fuzzy. Have to click it for the image to be clear. VERY NICE.

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c167d2 No.129099

File: 22edacb0f73a183⋯.png (662.79 KB,1116x798,186:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279188 (260136ZOCT20) Notable: Biden's remarks relief efforts Haiti

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https: //www.c-span.org/video/?291390-2/vice-president-bidens-remarks-relief-efforts-haiti

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c167d2 No.129100

File: 2f8f87f6c478cd6⋯.jpg (36.78 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279239 (260140ZOCT20) Notable: Biden's remarks relief efforts Haiti

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c167d2 No.129101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279272 (260142ZOCT20) Notable: Holy Crap, Guise, FOLLOW LUDE MEDIA On Every Platform.

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Holy Crap, Guise, FOLLOW LUDE MEDIA On Every Platform.

I'm the faggot who told you on Friday that they would be dripping Hunter pics, emails, and vids. Lots it you gave me cheap but I was right.

Lude is affiliated as one of Bannon's sources. Part of CCP Whistleblower movement

Just now, on tonight's midstream, they said CIA has been collecting data on Biden's selling out of USA to the evil Chinks of CCP (my eords, not theirs) since 2003.

A CIA whistleblower claims they habe 47 hard drives on the Biden family and over 600 million pages of info since 2003.

Play this video, which is live. Until PooToob kicks them to another platform the video will be up.

Lude is on Parler and Gab.

Holy shit, we've been infiltrated by the CCP since 2003. THE DEEP STATE IS REALLY THE COMMIE CHINK GOOKS.


Video - https://youtu.be/pn48VRPrrc4

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c167d2 No.129102

File: 8af1998f265e743⋯.png (178.05 KB,841x335,841:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279310 (260144ZOCT20) Notable: The 'missing' manuscript of the creation of the 14th Amendment

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The 'missing' manuscript of the creation of the 14th Amendment

This is intriguing anons ….I call it missing because for the longest time there was only one copy of this important piece of our history

Within this manuscript it talks in layman's terms about what a LEGAL VOTE is!

Also…debt was VOID if it had anything to do with the Civil War uprsiing funding/etc.

It will be BIBLICAL!


The cabal doesn't want WE THE PEOPLE to read this!

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c167d2 No.129103

File: 3ea7b3b1471571e⋯.png (11.43 KB,695x349,695:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279316 (260144ZOCT20) Notable: Why the FBI may have sat on the HB Laptop

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Why the FBI may have sat on the HB Laptop

by Shipwrecked RedState.com

Don't Draw Too Many Conclusions from the Fact the FBI Described the Laptop as Being Evidence in a 'Money Laundering' Matter

key points–

1- The real clue that the FBI used 272 as a placeholder in this instance is the fact that it was opened as a “D” file — “Unknown SUA” which means “Unknown Specified Unlawful Activity.” That shows the FBI had no information at the time about what underlying criminal activity might be involved.

2- My guess is that when they took the laptop with a grand jury subpoena, the computer shop owner didn’t give them much more information than there were financial documents and/or documents that looked like they involved foreign business activities by Hunter Biden.

3- when a computer is obtained via a grand jury subpoena, that does not give the FBI authority to search the hard drive. To do that the Agent needs to get a search warrant.

4- A federal agent can only seek a search warrant if authorized to do so by a federal prosecutor. The process for getting a search warrant begins with the question “What crime do you think Hunter Biden might have committed?” The second question is going to be “What evidence do you have that he committed that crime?”

5- Having a suspicion based on what the computer shop owner told the agent is not going to be enough when you are talking about a white collar crime

6- It’s called a “private party search” and the FBI can use information learned in that fashion to justify getting a search warrant since the information didn’t come from an FBI search. That information can be used to establish probable cause to search the computer for other evidence.

My take-

Regarding Impeachment, if releasing the actual call transcript was not enough to prevent, the laptop prolly would not be the holy grail regardless of speculation to the contrary.

Basically it could be tied up in investigative speculation and perceived as political, using a current investiagtion and accusations of a crime, yet unproven to clear Potus. At the time Potus etal, had alot of proof of criminality and while the public and Senate was made aware of a small taste, based on the WH Defense team presentations, they were not trying to prove a crime per se, but to justify a mention of looking into things for an accusation of a politically motivated quid pro quo that did not even occur. In other words it was not the time nor place to present the laptop, imho.

So assuming Potus knew of laptop, it is a vital part of the Plan, of which timing is everything. The FBI got a GJ subpoena, but likely no search warrant early on. They lacked the probable cause from outside to prevent a unlawful search defense, but had a legal right to seize it. The FBI may have tried to cover it up for political reasons, but either way the search of the laptop needed a warrant and a proper predicate for probable cause, and the store owners statements would likely not hold up against DS lawfirms defenses.

When the time was right RG released some contents legally, in a way that ensured the public would see what he wanted them to, and also released key evidence required for DNI, DIA, UST to gain a investigative interest which would prevent a FBI coverup. When RG released the data it became open source and would constitute a probable cause search warrant of the entire hard drives.

How to Introduce Evidence Legally.


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c167d2 No.129104

File: eb45dbe8078eae1⋯.png (104.93 KB,1048x344,131:43,Clipboard.png)

File: e0b235a9d36423a⋯.png (48.75 KB,778x287,778:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 094c896da5b5d55⋯.png (86.32 KB,805x615,161:123,Clipboard.png)

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c167d2 No.129105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279387 (260149ZOCT20) Notable: Systemic racism ‘runs very deep’ in Canada, Freeland says

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Systemic racism ‘runs very deep’ in Canada, Freeland says

In the wake of the violence towards Indigenous fishers in Nova Scotia, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said on Tuesday that systemic racism runs deep in the country.

Speaking at a media conference, Freeland was asked by a reporter about the clashes over Indigenous fishing rights.

“We were appalled by the violence that we saw and we know as a country we need to do better and need to find a resolution,” Freeland said. “But systemic racism, in this case, specifically toward Indigenous people in Canada, runs very deep in our history.”

Freeland said she has reflected in on her own upbringing and beliefs and hopes other Canadians are doing the same as the country continues the long road to reconciliation.

Tensions between local commercial fishers and Mi’kmaq fishers in the province have escalated in recent weeks, resulting in several suspected cases of arson and multiple arrests.

Non-Indigenous lobster fishers have destroyed traps and catch, and violent mobs have threatened Mi’kmaq lobster fishers.

During an emergency debate Monday in the House of Commons about the conflict, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said the dispute over Indigenous fishing rights is an example of systemic racism.

“I think it’s really important for all of us in Canada to acknowledge that there is systemic racism in Canada … towards Indigenous people,” Freeland said. “It is helpful for us to acknowledge that with all the pain and difficulty that it brings.”

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c167d2 No.129106

File: 5124d10d3a7674f⋯.png (305.91 KB,1063x816,1063:816,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279388 (260149ZOCT20) Notable: Biden's remarks relief efforts Haiti

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279449 (260154ZOCT20) Notable: #14408

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>>129082 , >>129080 (lb), >>129085, >>129093, Hunter Biden SILENT HILL Tattoo Cryptic Posts Referencing what looks like a Cabal statanic location…like JE's island

>>129103 Why the FBI may have sat on the HB Laptop

>>129102 The 'missing' manuscript of the creation of the 14th Amendment

>>129099 , >>129100, >>129106, Biden's remarks relief efforts Haiti

>>129101 Holy Crap, Guise, FOLLOW LUDE MEDIA On Every Platform.

>>129105 Systemic racism ‘runs very deep’ in Canada, Freeland says

>>129098 Thank You! To the anon who gave us this code…CODE for js to blur images on 8Knun

>>129096 Facebook Adds Label Defending Mail-In Voting to Breitbart News’ Post of Trump Rally Livestream

>>129095 Hillary Clinton: Most Republicans are "cowards" on Trump

>>129094 Jaw dropping In-Depth Interview on HOW WE GOT HERE

>>129092 Buzz Aldrin endorses Republican Martha McSally for Senate in Arizona. Rejects fellow astronaut and leftist Mark Kelly.

>>129091 The big Trump rallies you don't see

>>129088 Call for Digg Rosemont-Seneca

>>129087 , >>129089, >>129097, Kamala Harris Awkwardly Cackles After 60 Minutes Host Questions if She Presents a “Socialist or Progressive Perspective” (Capped)

>>129086 , >>129104, Did Kamala Harris Violate Ohio Voting Law?

>>129084 Australia Premature baby found abandoned in a terminal bathroom at Doha Airport is ALIVE - as Scott Morrison demands answers after 13 Australian women were 'invasively strip-searched on the tarmac without their consent'

>>129081 , >>129031 PB, Flase Flags list


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c167d2 No.129108

File: 7a83a80f8c20457⋯.png (365.95 KB,987x727,987:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279487 (260156ZOCT20) Notable: Trump to immediately fire Haspel / Wray after Election Axios is reporting.

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Trump to immediately fire Haspel / Wray after Election Axios is reporting.


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c167d2 No.129109

File: 1b275b78d09fa36⋯.jpeg (1.86 MB,2048x1428,512:357,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279505 (260157ZOCT20) Notable: LUDE PHOTO and OBAMA's Schedule APRIL 4, 2016

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LUDE is saying this picture was taken in the Oval Office of a secret meeting between Hunter and Hussein.

Per the LUDE YT channel that is live now.

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c167d2 No.129110

File: 209f08274f3fb4b⋯.png (701.44 KB,649x910,649:910,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279530 (260159ZOCT20) Notable: HUNTER SMOKING CRACK IN .GOV VEHICLE? or a Marshall's cap

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Window sticker on left above steering wheel blown up

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c167d2 No.129111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279602 (260205ZOCT20) Notable: Silent Hill

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Silent Hill

Video Game


Silent Hill is a survival horror video game for the PlayStation published by Konami and developed by Team Silent, a group in Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo. The first installment in the Silent Hill series, the game was released in North America and Europe in February 1999 and in Japan in March 1999.Wikipedia


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c167d2 No.129112

File: 381d6672067ecf2⋯.jpg (51.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279607 (260206ZOCT20) Notable: HUNTER SMOKING CRACK IN .GOV VEHICLE? or a Marshall's cap

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Good eye anon


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c167d2 No.129113

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279611 (260206ZOCT20) Notable: Ballot boxes being set on fire in Boston

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Potential notable:

Ballot boxes being set on fire in Boston. ~5 completely destroyed. More damaged.


''The Boston Police Department is asking for the public's help in identifying a man in connection with a fire that was set inside a ballot drop box in the city.

Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin contacted U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling's office after he was notified of the incident Sunday morning. He is also calling on the FBI to investigate what appears to be a deliberate attack.

The Boston Elections Department notified Galvin's office that the fire was set at about 4 a.m. in the ballot drop box outside of the Boston Public Library's main branch in Copley Square.

Boston police said officers responded at 4:11 a.m. to the area of 700 Boylston St., which is the location of the library's main branch. When they arrived at the scene, the officers saw Boston firefighters tending to smoke coming from the ballot box.''


Someone set fire to a ballot drop box in Boston's Copley Square early Sunday morning, police said, prompting a search for the arson suspect and calls for increased security amid ongoing early voting in Massachusetts.

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c167d2 No.129114

File: 2a6ee0b4c324093⋯.jpg (38.35 KB,415x134,415:134,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279617 (260206ZOCT20) Notable: Move over, Clinton Foundation: Here comes the Beau Biden Foundation for Protecting Children

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Move over, Clinton Foundation: Here comes the Beau Biden Foundation for Protecting Children

By Charles Ortel

In October 2016, it was materials in WikiLeaks that changed voter inclinations against Hillary Clinton, not foreign interference. So many documents confirmed suspicions of corrupt Clinton family behavior, barely hidden in plain view for decades. Four years later, almost to the day, it is unproven but not yet credibly denied allegations of criminal behavior by the wider Biden clan that may usher in a sequel and spectacularly upend the nominal favorite in this presidential election.

Reporting just out through the New York Post, foreign outlets and the blogosphere puts a spotlight on the Beau Biden Foundation for Protecting Children. It seems there may be connections between the hard drive and computer equipment so much in focus and this charity that ramped up after Joe Biden turned over the vice president's residence to Mike Pence.

https ://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/10/move_over_clinton_foundation_here_comes_the_beau_biden_foundation_for_protecting_children.html

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c167d2 No.129115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279653 (260209ZOCT20) Notable: “Biden’s Staff Told Us He Misspoke” – Joe Biden Confuses His Agenda in 60 Minutes Interview so His Staff Steps in to Correct the Record

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“Biden’s Staff Told Us He Misspoke” – Joe Biden Confuses His Agenda in 60 Minutes Interview so His Staff Steps in to Correct the Record

Joe Biden sat down for an interview with 60 Minutes host Norah O’Donnell and it didn’t go well.

Biden ‘confused’ his agenda during the 60 Minutes interview so his staff had to step in and correct the record.

“I can send every qualified person to a 4 year college in their state for $150 billion,” Biden said. “I can make sure every single person who qualifies for community college can go and we’d still have a lot of money left over.”

Pizza for everybody!

It turns out Joe Biden was lying about his tax plan. Shocker.

“After our interview, Mr. Biden’s staff told us he misspoke and that the cost of free public college could be twice as much as he said,” O’Donnell said.

Biden got caught in another lie and got checked in real time.

CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell fact checked Joe Biden’s claims on the trade deficit with China: “lower in 2019 than it was during the last three years of the Obama administration”


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c167d2 No.129116

File: 8e82ea185e2115b⋯.jpg (216.83 KB,2594x675,2594:675,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279660 (260209ZOCT20) Notable: Voting Numbers

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CD 1 (Southern MN) +1,171 added to Trump's margin here. Well above the 887 daily average looking back. Looking very good for a Republican hold of this seat.

CD 2 (Southeast Twin Cities Metro and SE MN) - added +794 to the margin here and that's on pace with the 850 daily average. Jason Lewis's backyard is looking good for a Republican flip of this seat.

CD 3 (Minneapolis West Suburbs) - This one is still going to be the most difficult in the state for Republicans to flip. But, the velocity of margin being added is slowing down. 850 daily average and only +350 added yesterday. Could slow down even more.

CD 4 (St. Paul and adjacent suburbs) - Margin banking still going on here at the same as the trailing daily average around +2,600 added to the margin. But, Republican vote still yet to vote, so the margins now will be cut into on ED.


CD 5 (Minneapolis and adjacent suburbs) - Ilhan Omar's district. Still have healthy vote banking here at nearly +6,200 added into the margin with daily average of 5,094. But the Repub vote on ED will cut into the margins.

CD 6 (Washington County and Anoka County) - Healthy vote margin banking of +2,200 per day continues here. Definitely will be a hold for Tom Emmer and the Republicans based on what I'm seeing.

CD 7 (Northwest Quadrant of MN) - Healthy Republican vote margin banking which all but guarantees Colin Peterson will be sent into retirement and Michelle Fishbach will flip this one back to Republican hands.

CD 8 (Iron Range) - Adding to the vote margin banked in here and that's good news for Pete Stauber to keep this seat in Republican hands and also give Trump some margin to offset Biden's banked in margins in the Twin Cities.


If we look at the Twin Cities vs Outstate (blue cells) in terms of remaining votes each candidate can get out… We find that Biden has had to burn 18K votes in the Twin Cities and only 11K burned by Trump, but outstate, Biden burned 30K vs Trump's 28K. This means Biden is eating into his vote pool faster than Trump and this means Trump's advantage in votes he can turn out on ED is growing larger. If Biden runs out of easily convertible votes in CD 3, 4, 5, Trump has the upside on ED.

Still overall, Trump heading for a narrow win. What we watch for is if the vote margins begin to slow down in their velocity over the next week or so before ED.



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c167d2 No.129117

File: 244394bdb36d4b2⋯.png (22.88 KB,698x313,698:313,Clipboard.png)

File: efea9513e668dd2⋯.png (52.21 KB,857x638,857:638,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ea90b0c0b4244b⋯.png (45.83 KB,952x531,952:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279671 (260210ZOCT20) Notable: Amy Coney Barrett numbers

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c167d2 No.129118

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279677 (260210ZOCT20) Notable: LUDE PHOTO and OBAMA's Schedule APRIL 4, 2016

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forgot this


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c167d2 No.129119

File: 9838eb102cad459⋯.png (433.41 KB,613x748,613:748,Clipboard.png)

File: 598bf5b9a9b76d4⋯.png (975.58 KB,980x860,49:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279678 (260210ZOCT20) Notable: Who Built the Cages Joe?

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That was the WiFi password the PRESS had to use at President Trump's rally last night in Wisconsin.


That was the WiFi password the PRESS had to use at President Trump's rally last night in Wisconsin.

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c167d2 No.129120

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279689 (260211ZOCT20) Notable: Leo Farnesworth vs Biden Family

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Leo Farnesworth


Biden Family

Delaware state police

Delaware forensic examiners office


In pencil unreleased documents that's been hidden.




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c167d2 No.129121

File: 2756d944c102268⋯.png (131.27 KB,1815x620,363:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 51a454ac4c2506d⋯.png (658.68 KB,1815x731,1815:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 54bb3c7b91972a1⋯.png (357.62 KB,2560x1600,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 484cf7ee7850ca3⋯.png (86.55 KB,695x207,695:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279698 (260212ZOCT20) Notable: Child Advocacy Center of the Finger Lakes?

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So, has anyone mentioned this site yet?

Child Advocacy Center of the Finger Lakes?

It looks innocent enough, but I think we need more digs on it. Any volunteers?


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c167d2 No.129122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279705 (260212ZOCT20) Notable: Silent Hill, maybe there's an underground tunnel system around the finger lakes?

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Since we're talking about Silent Hill, inspiration for the game, but especially the movie, was drawn from Centralia, Pennsylvania.


You may remember it tor the coal mine that's been burning since 1962. I seem to remember it having been mentioned somewhere (here?) during a discussion on "abandoned" underground tunnel systems in many cities, namely those on the west coast.

Maybe there's an underground tunnel system around the finger lakes?

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c167d2 No.129123

File: d8eda0cd905083c⋯.jpeg (494.58 KB,828x1176,69:98,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279725 (260213ZOCT20) Notable: Biden blames Trump for pandemic in OCTOBER ‘19

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Biden blames Trump for pandemic in OCTOBER ‘19


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c167d2 No.129124

File: ba6180aad2f9469⋯.png (67.1 KB,514x634,257:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 20edb076c9fc029⋯.jpg (128.95 KB,1020x1200,17:20,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279726 (260213ZOCT20) Notable: The U.S. Senate voted Sunday afternoon to end debate on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, setting the stage for a final confirmation vote Monday evening — just over a week

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The U.S. Senate voted Sunday afternoon to end debate on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, setting the stage for a final confirmation vote Monday evening — just over a week before the general election.

In a floor vote mostly along party lines, 51 Republicans advanced Barrett, who's President Trump's nominee to fill the seat of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Following the cloture vote, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., proclaimed that "by tomorrow night, we'll have a new member of the United States Supreme Court."

McConnell added: "A lot of what we've done over the last four years will be undone sooner or later by the next election. They won't be able to do much about this for a long time to come."

The only Rinos voting against the cloture motion were Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska…


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c167d2 No.129125

File: ec030ac3fa6af94⋯.png (476.32 KB,619x346,619:346,Clipboard.png)

File: fbbf31a5e6d78e8⋯.png (491.71 KB,654x638,327:319,Clipboard.png)

File: eb36effe993fe1a⋯.png (38.52 KB,686x445,686:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279734 (260213ZOCT20) Notable: Protesters hurl eggs at Rudy Giuliani, pro-Trump demonstrators in NYC

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Protesters hurl eggs at Rudy Giuliani, pro-Trump demonstrators in NYC

Anti-Trump protesters hurled eggs and insults at supporters of the president — including former mayor Rudy Giuliani — as they rolled through Manhattan in a convoy on Sunday.

Video posted on Twitter shows a flag-draped pro-Trump caravan — identified online as a Jews for Trump demonstration — led by Giuliani being bombarded with eggs, including one spot at 59th Street and 5th Avenue — with one protester yelling “f—-g scum” at the former Big Apple mayor.

“F–k you Rudy,” another man is heard screaming.

“You f—-g coward, go back to f—-g Long Island,” another man yells.

Giuliani is seen in one clip rolling down the passenger side window of the SUV he’s riding in and calls out to a cop — “Lieutenant.”

“I’m a sergeant,” the cop says as he walks over to the vehicle, which pulls away after the two speak briefly — with Giuliani seeming to point out vocal demonstrators repeatedly shouting, “f–k you Rudy, f—-g piece of s–t.”

One protester is seen ripping a “back the blue” flag from the side of one SUV in the caravan.

Another video shows cops blocking protesters from pursuing the Trump caravan.


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c167d2 No.129126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279746 (260214ZOCT20) Notable: Cancelled Silent Hill Game Footage Surfaces Online

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Cancelled Silent Hill Game Footage Surfaces Online

BY : MARK FOSTER ON : 16 SEP 2016 12:02

A prototype demo for a cancelled Silent Hill game has surfaced online, showing what could have been a unique new entry for the series.

The footage – graciously tracked down by YouTube channel PtoPOnline – shows that an unnamed Silent Hill game was being planned for release on the PS3 before it got the chop. Presumably because Konami hates fun and its own IPs. Check out the clip for a thorough explanation of what the hell happened below.

The game would have focused around a priest named Father Hector Santos in search of his niece, Ana, who in true Silent Hill style had managed to get herself mixed up in some foggy nonsense. Series antagonist Alyssa was also set to make a return, as she infected the real world with her gruesome mumbo-jumbo, forcing buildings to spring up out of the ground, in midair and under the toilet seat.

The project never got a name but it was supposed to be open world, and would naturally feature some of the game’s classic enemies like creepy nurses and Pyramid Head. It would have also used a blend of classic fixed cameras and Resident Evil 4 style over the shoulder stuff.

Watching the footage, it kind of looks like The Suffering in the way that it was going to blend action sequences and balls-to-the-wall horror.

Although this was eventually shelved as a Silent Hill game, it’s good to know Konami are still pushing ahead with the hotly anticipated Silent Hills. Oh wait.


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c167d2 No.129127

File: 7d64d86ba9bfbae⋯.jpg (10.59 KB,227x300,227:300,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279757 (260214ZOCT20) Notable: HUNTER SMOKING CRACK IN .GOV VEHICLE? or a Marshall's cap

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c167d2 No.129128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279776 (260215ZOCT20) Notable: Seneca has Buckeye Partners LP pipelines running thru the Finger Lakes. CALL FOR DIGGZ Rosemont-Seneca

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Hello Anons…

Seneca has Buckeye Partners LP pipelines running thru the Finger Lakes.

Reminds me of a Bond movie where they showed Bond being loaded on a pug and being pushed through the pipeline to avoid detection from authorities.

You all know they tell us what they are up to…

Buckeye Partners owns a lot of pipeline mileage across the US.


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c167d2 No.129129

File: 5ec7b38e3791b10⋯.png (240.66 KB,619x443,619:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 09d418def7caa3c⋯.png (718.01 KB,618x819,206:273,Clipboard.png)

File: eb2d1017a9d969a⋯.png (717.01 KB,660x887,660:887,Clipboard.png)

File: ededf0add78ef03⋯.png (75.18 KB,698x726,349:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279801 (260217ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Fu*k Donald Trump’: 50 Cent ‘Comes to His Senses’, Withdraws Support For POTUS After Ex’s Critique

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‘Fu*k Donald Trump’: 50 Cent ‘Comes to His Senses’, Withdraws Support For POTUS After Ex’s Critique

Over the past week, 50 Cent made headlines by criticizing Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's tax plans, urging fans to vote for Trump because the rapper doesn't want to “go from ‘50 Cent’ to ‘20 Cent’”. In response, ex-girlfriend and comedienne Chelsea Handler promised to pay his taxes “in exchange for you coming to your senses.”

US rap superstar Curtis James Jackson III, aka 50 Cent, on Sunday walked back his earlier endorsement of Republican President Donald Trump, after a former girlfriend, American actress Chelsea Handler, reminded him that “he was a Black person” and called on him to “come to your senses”.

The New York musician said that he “never liked” Trump, and claimed that the president “had me set up”.

“Fu*k Donald Trump, I never liked him. for all I know he had me set up and had my friend Angel Fernandez killed but that’s history. LOL,” 50 Cent tweeted, responding to remarks made by Handler during her interview on NBC’s ‘The Tonight Show’ with Jimmy Fallon on Friday night.

On Friday, 50 Cent’s ex-girlfriend told Fallon that she was prompted to remind her “favorite ex-boyfriend” that “he can’t vote for Donald Trump” because he is African-American, arguing that the rapper's support for the GOP candidate “shouldn't be influencing” American people because the rapper is only “worried about his own personal pocketbook”.

“So he doesn't want to pay 62 percent in taxes because he doesn't want to go from '50 Cent' to '20 Cent' and I had to remind him that he was a Black person, so he can’t vote for Donald Trump and that he shouldn't be influencing an entire swath of people who may listen to him because he's worried about his own personal pocketbook,” Handler said during the Friday night interview.

The comedienne's comments came after the Grammy Award winner on Tuesday slammed Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s tax plans, which suggest an increase on taxes above an annual $400,000, calling on fans to “vote for Trump”. The rapper later defended his remarks, arguing that he doesn’t “want to be 20 Cent” under a Biden tax plan.


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c167d2 No.129130

File: ae0ea469b11f8eb⋯.png (61.81 KB,859x257,859:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279812 (260218ZOCT20) Notable: Biden blames Trump for pandemic in OCTOBER ‘19

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Agenda 21



Event 201

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.

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c167d2 No.129131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279850 (260220ZOCT20) Notable: 10/25/2020 CIA Whistle blower: from 2015 FBI & DOJ have been hiding evidence Biden Deal with CCP

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blackmail, bribery, riches w/full blown surveillance attached, worth the listen, incredible, massive China infiltration in US. politicians, security agencies, bureaucracies, no wonder Q mentions traitors everywhere, because there are!

and to think back in 1999 Senator Inhofe warned the Senate about Clinton's involvement w/Chinagate, crickets from both sides of the aisle then and here we are 20 years later hanging on to save our Country.

honestly both parties sold the American people out, just fucking amazing!

Sen. Inhofe Documents Clinton’s Culpability in Chinagate

June 24, 1999


10/25/2020 CIA Whistleblowered: from 2015 FBI & DOJ have been hiding evidence Biden Deal with CCP


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c167d2 No.129132

File: 774a887cca9e695⋯.png (472.53 KB,850x986,25:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d55aac8dfed683⋯.png (730.4 KB,633x905,633:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e0a6b7e150a84d⋯.png (73.95 KB,507x862,507:862,Clipboard.png)

File: 32ee9fb5b820eaf⋯.png (76.51 KB,508x930,254:465,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b5fc610f43d03b⋯.png (62.6 KB,506x892,253:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279856 (260221ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Had One Last Story to Sell. The Wall Street Journal Wouldn’t Buy It.

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Trump Had One Last Story to Sell. The Wall Street Journal Wouldn’t Buy It.

Inside the White House’s secret, last-ditch effort to change the narrative, and the election — and the return of the media gatekeepers.




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c167d2 No.129133

File: eca7b3135c5522a⋯.jpg (403.65 KB,1308x1500,109:125,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279885 (260222ZOCT20) Notable: Silent Hill Game Description

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Silent Hill: Downpour focuses on Murphy Pendleton (David Boyd Konrad), who has been incarcerated for several years for stealing a police cruiser and crossing state borders. The game opens with his murder of the sequestered child molester and murderer, Patrick Napier (John Grace), in prison. After a riot, Murphy is placed under the supervision of officer Anne Cunningham (Kristin Price), who has significant animosity toward him, and is in the process of being transported to another penitentiary when the transport vehicle crashes near Silent Hill. Surviving the impact, Murphy finds himself unexpectedly free and decides to flee.[12] Unknown to him, the town draws upon the psyche of its visitors, forming alternative versions of itself with symbols from their unconscious minds, mental states, and thoughts.[13][14]

In his journey through the largely abandoned town, he encounters the cryptic postman, Howard Blackwood (William Tate),[b] and travels to the Devil's Pit, a tourist attraction, where he encounters the suicidal park ranger J.P. Sater (Andy Hendrickson). Indirectly responsible for the deaths of eight children, Sater is eventually consumed by guilt and commits suicide.[16] As the game progresses, it is revealed that Murphy made a deal with the corrupt corrections officer George Sewell (Joel Bernard), to gain access to Napier, who had abused and drowned Murphy's son, Charlie.[17] Murphy eventually locates DJ Bobby Ricks (Antoine L. Smith), who has been dedicating songs to him to attract his attention. Although he has been trapped by the town, Ricks proposes a plan to escape by boat; his keys, however, have been lost. Before they can leave, Anne confronts them, and all three are attacked by monsters. Murphy regains consciousness to find himself alone again.[18] Led to a monastery on the premise of collecting a deceased relative, Murphy encounters the Bogeyman, a sledge-hammer-wielding monster who murders a child in front of him. Murphy finds it again, seemingly lifeless, and learns that it is the relative he is intended to collect. Murphy confesses Napier's murder did not bring him any solace. Spotting the keys to Ricks's boat around its neck, Murphy seizes them and is drawn into a confrontation with the monster.[19]

After defeating it, Murphy tries to leave the town by boat, only to be stopped by Anne. She shoots him when he refuses to return to the town. He wakes in a prison in the Otherworld and eventually kills the Wheelman, a massive, mute creature in a wheelchair by disabling its life support. Afterwards, Murphy relives the favor he had to repay Sewell, which required him to kill Frank Coleridge (Leer Leary), another corrections officer who was planning to testify against Sewell's corruption and who believed in Murphy. Anne reveals that Coleridge was her father, and after the attack, he lived in a vegetative state until his death years later. Motivated by revenge, Anne had arranged for Murphy's transfer to her prison. In the final sequence of the game, Murphy transforms into the Bogeyman and follows her as she attempts to kill him.[20]

There are six endings available, based on choices made throughout the game. If Murphy does not kill Anne, the "Forgiveness" and "Truth and Justice" endings show that Sewell framed Murphy for his attack on Coleridge. In "Forgiveness", Anne forgives Murphy, and the pair are transported outside of Silent Hill where Anne reports Murphy's death, allowing him to escape. In "Truth and Justice", Anne is also seen seeking revenge against Sewell by confronting him in his office. If Murphy kills Anne, the "Full Circle" and "Execution" endings reveal that Murphy did kill Coleridge. In "Full Circle", Murphy commits suicide out of guilt, only to awake in an Otherworld prison to relive the events again, observed by the Wheelman. In "Execution", Murphy is executed for the murder of Charlie by Sewell. If Anne kills Murphy, the "Reversal" ending has her awaken as a prison inmate in events mirroring scenes of Murphy in prison, with Murphy taking Sewell's role. A joke ending can be obtained that shows Murphy tunneling out of his cell, to be greeted on the other side by a party in his honor, with various characters from the game and series present.

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c167d2 No.129134

File: 196c4d1cc0f38a3⋯.png (19.94 KB,1303x504,1303:504,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279886 (260222ZOCT20) Notable: BOOM JS on the Case- Exposing WW Scientific Manipulation

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BOOM JS on the Case- Exposing WW Scientific Manipulation

Multiple journals reject major mask study amid hints that it shows masks don't stop COVID

Results will be published "as soon as a journal is brave enough," researcher says.

A major study out of Denmark that sought to examine the efficacy of face masks at limiting the spread of COVID-19 has reportedly been rejected by multiple academic journals amid hints that the study found face coverings are not effective in protecting individuals from the coronavirus.

Masks have been among the most persistent and controversial flashpoints of the COVID-19 epidemic for months. Health officials around the world initially argued strongly against their use, claiming that studies over the years had demonstrated that masks were ineffective at stopping respiratory viruses and unnecessary for the current pandemic.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, for example, told CBS' "60 Minutes" in March: "Right now, in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks."

Growing concerns over a purportedly high rate of asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 led many of those same officials, including Fauci, to reverse their recommendations, urging people to wear masks whenever they go out in public.

Reflecting the new public sentiment on masks, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges Americans to "wear masks in public settings, like on public and mass transportation, at events and gatherings, and anywhere they will be around other people."

Mandates by governors and national leaders over the past several months have further enforced those conclusions, with many public leaders issuing orders for citizens to don face coverings while in grocery stores, on public transport, and even in open outdoor areas such as public parks.

Danish study has reportedly been ready for months

In spite of their now-ubiquitous presence in most of the Western world today, relatively little evidence exists to support widespread use of face-masking to prevent the spread of respiratory disease. A 2019 World Health Organization review of pandemic mitigation measures, for instance, found "no evidence" that face coverings helped to stop the spread of influenza.

Whether or not studies on influenza transmission can apply to COVID-19 is unknown; the disease's relatively recent emergence means that scientific studies on it are in short supply. Studies can take many month to secure funding, develop methodologies, carry out experiments, interpret the findings, write a research paper and get it peer-reviewed and published.

To bridge that gap, a team of Danish scientists earlier this year sought to carry out a major randomized controlled trial study to determine how effective masks might be at stopping COVID transmission. The study, begun in April, involved around 6,000 Danish citizens, half of whom wore face coverings during "normal behavior" and the other half of whom went without them.

The study concluded in June. Yet the Copenhagen newspaper Berlingske reported this week that it has been rejected by at least three elite medical journals so far — the Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine, and JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.

"They all said no," Christian Torp-Pederson, one of the study's researchers, told the Danish newspaper this week. He added that the study's scientists "cannot start discussing what [the journals] are dissatisfied with, because in that case we must also explain what the study showed, and we do not want to discuss that until it is published."

(continued w/link)


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c167d2 No.129135

File: 24beda1e84b64a3⋯.png (241.7 KB,369x504,41:56,Clipboard.png)

File: 12e163db775bb4f⋯.png (794.25 KB,623x884,623:884,Clipboard.png)

File: 665a20780a0dca2⋯.png (283.37 KB,655x899,655:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a7ee119bbf1bfb⋯.png (582.62 KB,639x881,639:881,Clipboard.png)

File: b004702219a4ae8⋯.png (81.71 KB,643x734,643:734,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279901 (260223ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Daughter's Diary Details 'Not Appropriate' Showers With Joe As Child

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Biden Daughter's Diary Details 'Not Appropriate' Showers With Joe As Child

National File has obtained what a whistleblower has identified as a copy of the complete diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, dating from during the 2020 presidential campaign. National File also knows the reported precise location of the physical diary, and has been told by a whistleblower that there exists an audio recording of Ashley Biden admitting this is her diary.

In the diary, which our source says belongs to the former vice president’s daughter, the author writes of her struggle with drug abuse. Ashley Biden’s struggle with drugs was widely publicized in 2009.

According to our source, the diary also details Ashley Biden’s unhealthy relationship with sex, and the “probably not appropriate” showers she shared as a young girl with her father, Joe Biden.

After declaring she was “here for sexual trauma” in the previous entry, on page 23 of the diary, dated January 30, 2019, the author explores the topic of sexual abuse and how it may have led to her overactive sex drive. “I’ve had one of my hardest days – my sex drive is out of f**king control. Like literally, I am in heat,” wrote the author.

Read More: DIARY: Biden’s Daughter Ashley Resents Him For His Money, Control, Emotional Manipulation – Whistleblower

“I know it’s not the healthiest way to deal with things but @ least it’s better than drugs,” she wrote, adding that she thought she needed “sex to feel good.”

The author then explored why she felt this need to have sex, saying she believes she was molested as a child.

“Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma,” wrote the author, before listing a series of potential incidents, one of which may have included Ashley Biden’s cousin Caroline Biden, as the author says she remembers “being somewhat sexualized” alongside a person named “Caroline.”

The author then wrote that she remembers “showers with my dad” that were “probably not appropriate.”


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c167d2 No.129136

File: bf526f74cc93d78⋯.png (303.96 KB,647x496,647:496,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279912 (260224ZOCT20) Notable: When was Hunter Biden last picture in public?

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When was Hunter Biden last picture in public?

This one caused a stir.


What is there that is newer?

Is Trump trolling them with "where's Hunter" cause he knows he is already incarcerated? Will he take the "die a natural death" route after testifying?

Looking for newest picture and date if any Anon has.

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c167d2 No.129137

File: 2bb8dec9a981352⋯.jpg (185.05 KB,579x594,193:198,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279929 (260225ZOCT20) Notable: 47Months vs 47Years QPROOF

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47Months vs 47Years

so potus comes out with the statement. i have done more in 47 months than joe has done in 47 years. [NUMBERS]

so i look to twitter and the first time potus tweets this is

>Sep 12, 2020 11:35:50 PM

I did more in 47 months as President than Sleepy Joe Biden did in 47 years


10 DAYS LATER he tweets basic same comment

>Sep 22, 2020 08:30:28 PM

I did more in 47 months than Joe Biden did in 47 years!


NO big deal you say. well what if i told you the very next day q posts hit 4747

>Sep 23 2020 1:51:20 PM



*Pic Related



or am i smoking too much again anons @.@

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c167d2 No.129138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279968 (260227ZOCT20) Notable: Bobulinski

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1. The Grandson of an Army Intelligence Officer, Bobulinski Served in the Navy for 4 Years & Says He Isn’t a ‘Political Person’ His Only Campaign Contributions Have Been to Democrats

2. Bobulinski Became an ‘Institutional Investor’ After Leaving the Military & Is the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings

3. Bobulinski Says He Was a Recipient of the May 2017 Email Published by the New York Post in October 2020

4. Bobulinski Is Involved in Legal Battles With a Company He Worked With, China Branding Group Limited, & the Company’s Former CEO

5. Bobulinski Is a Former Pennsylvania State University Wrestler

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c167d2 No.129139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279997 (260229ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Biden Center’ at UPenn Under Fire over Financial Ties to China

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‘Biden Center’ at UPenn Under Fire over Financial Ties to China

27 May 2020


Penn Paid Joe Biden $775,000 to Expand Its “Global Outreach” … and Give Some Speeches

The former VP’s financial disclosures reveal that his annual salary was nearly double that of the average Penn prof — and he didn’t even have to teach.

by DAVID MURRELL· 7/10/2019, 2:35 p.m

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c167d2 No.129140

File: b57f3edeee67981⋯.png (108.47 KB,763x237,763:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11279999 (260229ZOCT20) Notable: CODE TO BLUR SHILLGORE

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.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
.thread-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.thread-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

>add to options -> themes

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129141

File: 9ebc6f566d15be1⋯.png (249.9 KB,654x478,327:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280006 (260230ZOCT20) Notable: Seven arrested after armed forces storm tanker stopped in English Channel

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watch the water?

Seven arrested after armed forces storm tanker stopped in English Channel


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c167d2 No.129142

File: 574190f611850e2⋯.jpeg (100.05 KB,640x449,640:449,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 50571ca56a3d517⋯.png (1.96 MB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280008 (260230ZOCT20) Notable: Wonder what Hunter & “Obama” we’re discussing?

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Wonder what Hunter & “O” we’re discussing?

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c167d2 No.129143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280034 (260232ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden claims he 'became a professor' at UPenn…but never taught a class

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Joe Biden claims he 'became a professor' at UPenn…but never taught a class

on Mar 26, 2020 at 9:51 AM EDT

Presidential candidate Joe Biden says he "became a professor" at the University of Pennsylvania.

Despite being paid more than $900,000 over a three-year period, Biden never taught a course.

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c167d2 No.129144

File: ebee900b9cf575a⋯.png (1.21 MB,1171x905,1171:905,Clipboard.png)

File: b8f2e04db3d2443⋯.png (1.12 MB,1171x905,1171:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280035 (260232ZOCT20) Notable: Buckeye pipeline run through Finger Lakes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129145

File: b2013ba98611571⋯.png (89.51 KB,817x439,817:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280045 (260232ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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02-4452 USAFSOC C-32B ne from Bangor, ME ground stop-prior stop at Bragg drom a McGuire AFB origin

Most likely heading to Ramstein AFB-one went there last week and had two trips se into the Med and back to Ramstein on successive days.

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c167d2 No.129146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280084 (260234ZOCT20) Notable: Buckeye pipeline run through Finger Lakes

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>Seneca has Buckeye Partners LP pipelines running thru the Finger Lakes.

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c167d2 No.129147

File: a5edc9bc76bbe31⋯.png (642.55 KB,966x1034,483:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280100 (260235ZOCT20) Notable: Sydney Powell JUST RETWEETED A SCREENSHOT FROM /pol/

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280208 (260242ZOCT20) Notable: #14409

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Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything?

>>129147 Sydney Powell JUST RETWEETED A SCREENSHOT FROM /pol/

>>129145 PF

>>129144 , >>129146 Buckeye pipeline run through Finger Lakes

>>129143 Joe Biden claims he 'became a professor' at UPenn…but never taught a class

>>129142 Wonder what Hunter & “Obama” we’re discussing?

>>129141 Seven arrested after armed forces storm tanker stopped in English Channel


>>129139 ‘Biden Center’ at UPenn Under Fire over Financial Ties to China

>>129138 Bobulinski

>>129137 47Months vs 47Years QPROOF

>>129136 When was Hunter Biden last picture in public?

>>129135 Biden Daughter's Diary Details 'Not Appropriate' Showers With Joe As Child

>>129134 BOOM JS on the Case- Exposing WW Scientific Manipulation

>>129133 Silent Hill Game Description

>>129132 Trump Had One Last Story to Sell. The Wall Street Journal Wouldn’t Buy It.

>>129131 10/25/2020 CIA Whistle blower: from 2015 FBI & DOJ have been hiding evidence Biden Deal with CCP

>>129129 ‘Fu*k Donald Trump’: 50 Cent ‘Comes to His Senses’, Withdraws Support For POTUS After Ex’s Critique

>>129128 Seneca has Buckeye Partners LP pipelines running thru the Finger Lakes. CALL FOR DIGGZ Rosemont-Seneca

>>129130 EVENT 201 Agenda 21

>>129126 Cancelled Silent Hill Game Footage Surfaces Online

>>129125 Protesters hurl eggs at Rudy Giuliani, pro-Trump demonstrators in NYC

>>129124 The U.S. Senate voted Sunday afternoon to end debate on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, setting the stage for a final confirmation vote Monday evening — just over a week

>>129123 , >>129130, Biden blames Trump for pandemic in OCTOBER ‘19

>>129122 Silent Hill, maybe there's an underground tunnel system around the finger lakes?

>>129121 Child Advocacy Center of the Finger Lakes?

>>129120 Leo Farnesworth vs Biden Family

>>129119 Who Built the Cages Joe?

>>129109 , >>129118, LUDE PHOTO and OBAMA's Schedule APRIL 4, 2016

>>129117 Amy Coney Barrett numbers

>>129116 Voting Numbers

>>129115 “Biden’s Staff Told Us He Misspoke” – Joe Biden Confuses His Agenda in 60 Minutes Interview so His Staff Steps in to Correct the Record

>>129114 Move over, Clinton Foundation: Here comes the Beau Biden Foundation for Protecting Children

>>129113 Ballot boxes being set on fire in Boston

>>129111 Silent Hill

>>129110 , >>129112, >>129127, HUNTER SMOKING CRACK IN .GOV VEHICLE? or a Marshall's cap

>>129108 Trump to immediately fire Haspel / Wray after Election Axios is reporting.


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c167d2 No.129149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280366 (260253ZOCT20) Notable: pb, University of Penn ….Trustee….Willaim P. Lauder…billionaire, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: u_of_p_trustees_1.jpg, u_of_p_trustees_2.jpg, u_of_p_trustees_3.jpg, william_lauder.jpg

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>>129139 pb [‘Biden Center’ at UPenn Under Fire over Financial Ties to China]


University of Penn ….Trustee….Willaim P. Lauder…billionaire


Does Lauder have ties to China?

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c167d2 No.129150

File: 20572553934b702⋯.png (396.52 KB,478x610,239:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280382 (260255ZOCT20) Notable: At a Major Bangkok intersection to renew calls for Premier Prayut Chan-O-Cha to resign

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Thousands gathered Sunday at a major Bangkok intersection to renew calls for Premier Prayut Chan-O-Cha to resign, after he ignored a deadline to step down set by protesters who have issued unprecedented challenges to the regime




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c167d2 No.129151

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280416 (260259ZOCT20) Notable: lb, Sydney Powell JUST RETWEETED A SCREENSHOT FROM /pol/, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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>>129147 lb


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c167d2 No.129152

File: 888e70565cd61fe⋯.png (132.25 KB,835x582,835:582,Clipboard.png)

File: f08b95cabf1bbc2⋯.png (258.68 KB,882x849,294:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 719eb0f16062e68⋯.png (65.48 KB,827x730,827:730,Clipboard.png)

File: dafa62fdf517b6a⋯.png (72.37 KB,861x797,861:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 08fc78aa9198e49⋯.png (891.57 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280431 (260300ZOCT20) Notable: NIGHTSHIFT

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did i miss anything?

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c167d2 No.129153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280434 (260301ZOCT20) Notable: (2018) Hillary Silent As Police Discover Dead Body Hidden In Huma Abedin’s Dumpster

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did a search on "dead bodies silent hill new york" and this is what immediately popped up. Weird.

Hillary Silent As Police Discover Dead Body Hidden In Huma Abedin’s Dumpster

On Tuesday evening, a woman was found dead inside a trash compactor at a New York apartment block where Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin own a home. The 48-year-old, who police say lived at the premises, was found unconscious inside the machine and was pronounced dead at the scene. Her cause of death has yet to be announced by the medical examiner.

Police had been called to the block at 1 Irving Place in Union Square just before 5pm. The deceased woman, whose identity has been withheld until police notify her family, was found by a building maintenance worker.

Police do not yet know how she ended up in the trash compactor, but neighbors at the luxury apartment block told NBC they believed the police presence was related to Weiner’s recent conviction for sexting an underage girl:

Police say a woman was found dead inside a trash compactor at a luxury residential building in Manhattan’s Union Square. Crime scene investigators were on the scene at 1 Irving Place Tuesday evening, collecting evidence in the bizarre and grisly death. Police say it’s not clear yet how the 48-year-old woman died, but her body was found at around 5 p.m.

Her purse was found near the trash chute where it appears she went in.

Neighbors said they initially thought the police presence had something to do with the building’s famous resident, Anthony Weiner. The disgraced former congressman is still listed as a resident at the building, though he’s currently serving time in prison for sexting an underage girl.

Security footage also shows the woman walking into the apartment building shortly before she was found inside the machine, PIX11 reported:

A woman’s body was found inside of a trash compactor near Union Square on Tuesday, police said. Officers found the body at the Zeckendorf Towers on Irving Place just before 5 p.m., officials said. The woman, identified only as being 48 years old, was unconscious and unresponsive when police arrived on scene.

Security camera shows the woman entering the building shortly before her body was found in the trash compactor, sources said. Property belonging to the woman, who entered the compactor area on the 27th floor, was found inside the compact room, police sources said. Police have not yet released her name. The circumstances around her death are not yet clear.

According to Daily Mail, Weiner and Abedin have owned an apartment at the address for 16 years, which was listed for rent at $11,900 a month on the same day he pleaded guilty to sexting a 15-year-old girl. Abedin also filed for divorce that same day. The listing, posted on May 19, 2017, was taken down just days later, though it is unclear as to whether the estranged couple found a renter, or if the property was taken off the market for other reasons.


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c167d2 No.129154

File: 2b785942d060c2f⋯.png (1.28 MB,970x727,970:727,Clipboard.png)

File: d4fe729a53d3d48⋯.png (2.28 MB,968x1294,484:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 65b1227766c54da⋯.png (1.24 MB,970x727,970:727,Clipboard.png)

File: 76b6f3571089498⋯.png (1.06 MB,934x619,934:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dbeee683c60a47⋯.png (1.72 MB,861x859,861:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280435 (260301ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter's Biggest Vice

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Natalie Biden's VSCO has so much one-eyed symbolism.

Crying out for help but nobody listened.


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c167d2 No.129155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280456 (260302ZOCT20) Notable: MP4 downloads for the first 12 Hunter Biden videos are available

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MP4 downloads for the first 12 Hunter Biden videos are available

In case you missed it. These files were dropped early this morning.

I have downloaded the videos from GTV and converted them to mp4 format. I have also stripped off the text screens at the beginning and the end so you just get the meat. The videos have NOT been transcoded. They are the original quality and resolution.

Video source: https://gtv.org/web/#/UserInfo/5f9428ef7de25667c0fda196

See the text file here for download links: https://gofile.io/d/ArmB2t

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c167d2 No.129156

File: d5ce0b92681572e⋯.png (526.21 KB,612x424,153:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280467 (260303ZOCT20) Notable: President salutes a tiny soldier

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President @realdonaldtrump salutes a tiny soldier. How cute. Our President and @flotus are so amazing. 🧡🎃🖤

#melaniatrump #firstlady #presidenttrump #halloweenatthewhitehouse


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c167d2 No.129157

File: b07dbfe4ca3eab8⋯.png (390.56 KB,605x557,605:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280489 (260305ZOCT20) Notable: Fox News president, top anchors advised to quarantine after coronavirus exposure

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JUST IN: Fox News president, top anchors advised to quarantine after coronavirus exposure: report


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c167d2 No.129158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280552 (260311ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes and Buckeye Partners pipelines

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Hey Anons,

If you be diggin the Finger Lakes and Buckeye Partners pipelines, check this out…

In February 2011, Buckeye completed its acquisition of Bahamas Oil Refining Company International (“BORCO”). BORCO is one of the largest marine crude oil and refined petroleum products storage facilities in the world and provides an array of logistics and blending services for petroleum products. The acquisition significantly expanded Buckeye’s market reach by adding a global logistics hub to the company’s portfolio of assets.

In July 2012, Buckeye acquired a marine terminal facility, Perth Amboy, in New York Harbor. This terminal should provide Buckeye with diversity of product supply and a link between our domestic assets and our BORCO facility in The Bahamas.


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c167d2 No.129159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280569 (260312ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes and Buckeye Partners pipelines

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Added notes…

In December 2013, Buckeye acquired certain wholesale distribution contracts and 20 liquid petroleum products terminals. This acquisition strengthens Buckeye’s presence in major markets along the East Coast and further solidifies our position in the Caribbean.

In September 2014, Buckeye acquired an 80% interest in Buckeye Texas Partners, LLC, a joint venture with Trafigura AG. The acquisition expands our geographic and product diversity with a premier position on the U.S. Gulf Coast and in the prolific Eagle Ford shale.


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c167d2 No.129160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280571 (260312ZOCT20) Notable: LIVE: US Senate debates Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination

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Ruptly: LIVE: US Senate debates Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination


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c167d2 No.129161

File: 611d1481efa9ae7⋯.png (709.51 KB,750x400,15:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280585 (260312ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes and Buckeye Partners pipelines

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c167d2 No.129162

File: 0ddce722b78c6b2⋯.png (89.4 KB,1021x716,1021:716,Clipboard.png)

File: 5820730e3c801a7⋯.png (1.16 MB,1903x2952,1903:2952,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280595 (260313ZOCT20) Notable: 'Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11280193 (pb)



Cap of link in this post from PB

House Intelligence Committee to Hold Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online

Washington, October 13, 2020

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c167d2 No.129163

File: b484600642500fa⋯.png (1.32 MB,1187x789,1187:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280602 (260314ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 26, 2020

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>POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 25, 2020


>tomorrow is October 26, 2020?

Baker / notetakers use this one

POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 26, 2020


9:15AM Depart the White House - South Portico

9:40AM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews

9:50AM Depart Washington, D.C.

10:40AM Arrive at Lehigh Valley International Airport

11:00AM Deliver victory remarks to American workers Allentown, PA

12:35PM Depart Allentown, PA

1:10PM Arrive at Lancaster Airport - Lititz, PA

1:30PM Deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally Lititz, PA

3:05PM Depart Lititz, PA

3:55PM Arrive at John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport

4:05PM Depart Johnstown, PA

4:20PM Arrive at Altoona-Blair County Airport - Martinsburg, PA

4:30PM Deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally Martinsburg, PA

5:55PM Depart Martinsburg, PA

6:10PM Arrive at John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport - Johnstown, PA

6:20PM Depart Johnstown, PA

7:05PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews

7:15PM Depart Joint Base Andrews

7:40PM Arrive at the White House - North Portico



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c167d2 No.129164

File: 6c200cb3a447be2⋯.png (1.63 MB,1572x1271,1572:1271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280609 (260314ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter's Biggest Vice

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Why is the name of Natalie's VSCO album titled

Hunter's Biggest Vice?

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c167d2 No.129165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280615 (260315ZOCT20) Notable: 'Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online'

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'Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online'


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c167d2 No.129166

File: 4228fb678975e69⋯.jpeg (432.22 KB,640x976,40:61,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280634 (260316ZOCT20) Notable: Thousands Drive Around I-275 Loop in Cincinnati for Second Trump Parade

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This is awesome!!!


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c167d2 No.129167

File: b9092b6f3156086⋯.png (2.35 MB,2408x1698,1204:849,Clipboard.png)

File: 7345400f5c26c30⋯.png (7.12 MB,3356x1692,839:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280655 (260317ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes and Buckeye Partners pipelines

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that bahamas port location, provides great access to south florida by boat, just a day trip from palm beach



Buckeye Bahamas Hub is the leading hub in the Caribbean region and the largest petroleum products terminal in the Western Hemisphere. Buckeye Bahamas Hub currently has over 26 million barrels of storage capacity and 8 berths, including 2 VLCC-capable berths. Storage includes capacity for crude oil, fuel oil and VGO, diesel fuel, and gasoline and components. These products are imported from locations around the world and stored or blended at Buckeye Bahamas Hub for export, including to regional consumers, key import locations in the Americas, and long-haul markets in Asia. Due to the scale of the location, Buckeye Bahamas Hub is ideally suited for blending, transshipping, and terminalling operations for global trade flows.

Additionally, Buckeye Bahamas Hub provides certain import and export advantages for our customers, as it is situated within the Grand Bahama Port Authority Freeport Free Trade Zone area and thus imports to the facility are granted exemption from customs duties.

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c167d2 No.129168

File: 82e5544c2007a45⋯.png (139.42 KB,1815x803,165:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280660 (260318ZOCT20) Notable: Jill Biden is board chair at Save the Children Federation inc

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Did we already know that Jill Biden is board chair at Save the Children Federation inc?



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c167d2 No.129169

File: c5bb6dcc7619421⋯.png (1.76 MB,1540x1860,77:93,Clipboard.png)

File: 20c37af042ecb0d⋯.png (462.17 KB,726x1342,33:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 637a128432f854d⋯.png (1.89 MB,1426x1776,713:888,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280688 (260320ZOCT20) Notable: Andrew Kauders wife is Halie Soifer the Executive Director of Jewish Democratic Council of America

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Was trying to figure out why someone wanted to throw us off the trail of Andrew Kauders.

His wife is Halie Soifer.

Halie Soufer is the Executive Director of Jewish Democratic Council of America.

She has "…served as national security advisor to SenatorKamala Harris(CA), where she advised the senator on matters related to foreign policy, defense, veterans and cybersecurity."

and "served as foreign policy adviser for…Sen. Coon

Soufer, married toAndrew Kaudersof the red show club!

Connection to Hunter Biden???









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c167d2 No.129170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280719 (260322ZOCT20) Notable: Hit Piece Joe Biden: Hunter Biden Email Story ‘a Smear Campaign’ (RT News)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Biden: Hunter Biden Email Story ‘a Smear Campaign’

Sunday, in an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes,” 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden responded to reports his son Hunter used his position as vice president to leverage a “lucrative” deal with Ukrainian energy company Burisma. The New York Post has published leaks reportedly from the younger Biden’s laptop showing his business dealings overseas and more.

Biden pointed out that the intelligence community has “warned” that Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, whose lawyer was given the laptop allegedly containing the “confidential information,” was being “fed disinformation from the Russians.” He then shrugged off the story about his son as “a smear campaign.”

Host Norah O’Donnell asked Biden, “Do you believe the recent leak of material allegedly from Hunter’s computer is part of a Russian disinformation campaign?”

“From what I’ve read and know, the intelligence community warned the president that Giuliani was being fed disinformation from the Russians. And we also know that [Vladimir] Putin is trying very hard to spread disinformation about Joe Biden,” he stated. “And so, when you put the combination of Russia, Giuliani, the president together, it’s just what it is. It’s a smear campaign because he has nothing he wants to talk about.”

Biden concluded by asking of President Donald Trump, “What is he running on? What is he running on?”


Putin: Hunter Biden ‘made very good money’ in Ukraine, but Moscow isn’t aware of ‘anything criminal’ there


Putin playing 5D to counter Biden???? Sure looks that way

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c167d2 No.129171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280741 (260324ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden’s Transition Chair Backs Proposal to Impose Term Limits on Supreme Court

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Joe Biden’s Transition Chair Backs Proposal to Impose Term Limits on Supreme Court

Ted Kaufman, the leader of the presidential transition team for Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden, has signed onto a letter backing term limits for the U.S. Supreme Court.

The letter, published late last week, backs a new bill introduced by Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-CA), to “democratize” the Court. The bill, H.R. 8424, the Supreme Court Term Limits and Regular Appointments Act, was introduced after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, when it became clear Republicans would be able to move ahead with replacing her on the Court before the election, creating a nominal 6-3 conservative majority. The supporters of the bill claim that they can impose term limits on the Court without a formal constitutional amendment.

The text of the letter states simply: “We are pleased that a formal legislative proposal to limit future justices to 18 years of high court service has been introduced and is advancing public discourse on court reform.”

Kaufman, 81, is identified in the letter as a legal scholar and former U.S. Senator from Delaware — not as the head of Biden’s transition team. However, he has already been acting in the role of Biden’s transition chief, speaking publicly to the press on behalf of the would-be president.

Democrats have become increasingly vocal about “packing the Court,” which means expanding the number of seats and filing the new vacancies with liberal judges.

Biden has dodged questions about whether he would pack the Court, but has voiced efforts for reform, and promised a formal answer on court-packing by Election Day.


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c167d2 No.129172

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280755 (260325ZOCT20) Notable: Another day, another reason to defund NPR.

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Defund NPR: Man Plots to Kill Biden, NPR Omits From Story That He Was Bernie Bro With Books on Islam

We don’t really need yet another reason to defund NPR, but here’s a new one anyway. It reported on Friday that Alexander Hillel Treisman, a 19-year-old from North Carolina, was arrested when police investigating a report that his van was abandoned “looked into the van’s windows and saw an array of items: an AR-15 rifle, the box for a handgun, a canister of explosive material, and a box of ammunition, according to a court document. Police say they towed and searched the van, finding more than $500,000 in cash, drawings of swastikas and planes crashing into buildings, books on survival and bomb-making, and a half-dozen firearms.” Not surprisingly for one of the flagships of the hard Left’s propaganda machine, NPR left a few significant details out of its report.

The Daily Beast, of all people, fills in the blanks, reporting that Treisman’s van contained “books about survival, bomb making, improvised weapons, and Islam.” The books on survival and bomb-making made NPR’s report, but not the books on Islam. NPR seems to be following what has by now become standard establishment media practice: minimize, whitewash, or ignore outright any aspect of a news story that might make people think ill of the Left’s favored religion, Islam.

NPR also didn’t see fit to note that Treisman, who has not yet been charged for plotting against Biden but was charged early in October with possessing “a total of 1,248 videos and 6,721 images of child pornography content,” is not the “right-wing extremist” that many Twitter Leftists have assumed (and hoped) that he was. The first comment on The Huffington Post’s article is: “Another Trump-loving incel – complete with swastikas to boot. He bought the full MAGA package apparently. White House gift shop?” Another added: “The president is an inspiration to the next generation of domestic terrorists — ready to defend white supremacy to the death — nice work there Trumpers.”

But in reality, Treisman is not a Trumper, but one of the Left, a supporter of Bernie Sanders.

The HuffPo, like NPR, doesn’t bother to inform its readers about this at all. Other reliably Leftist “news” organs did mention it, but only in a manner that would ensure that as few people as possible actually saw it. Buried in the fifteenth paragraph of the Washington Post story on Treisman is the salient fact that this psychopath himself explained that he wanted to kill Biden in order to “save bernie [sic].” The Times of Israel waited sixteen paragraphs before it got around to mentioning this.

Treisman wrote on the Internet platform iFunny: “My hatred is for the complacent American people who will turn u in for their own satisfaction. But aside from former goals, my eyes on the future. If anything I have to save bernie.” Then he wondered on the same platform: “should I kill joe biden?”

These were not just idle words. According to NPR, “Treisman bought the AR-15 rifle in New Hampshire and then traveled to a Wendy’s restaurant within 4 miles of Biden’s home in Delaware, federal agents say. He allegedly wrote out a checklist that had as its last task: ‘execute.’”

Apparently, Treisman lost his nerve, as he made no attempt on Biden’s life and returned to North Carolina, where he was living at the time. But he had already done quite enough to be of tremendous service to the establishment media. As another Huffington Post commenter wrote: “Fox nation look in the mirror!”

Actually, if anyone should look in the mirror, it is the supporters of Bernie Sanders and other hard-Leftists whose hateful rhetoric and refusal to condemn antifa violence has created a climate in which the likes of Alexander Treisman can think they’re doing something heroic by plotting to murder a corrupt machine politician who is slightly less Leftist than his hero.

But most of those who are imagining a MAGA hat on Treisman today don’t even know he was actually one of their own, because their trusted media outlets such as NPR and the Huffington Post will bury that information or not bother to tell them at all. By such propagandistic delusions, the modern Left is energized.


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c167d2 No.129173

File: 2b02a9070069407⋯.png (1.14 MB,982x984,491:492,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280759 (260326ZOCT20) Notable: How Sen. Kamala Harris Became "Incredible Friends" With Joe Biden's Son Beau

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Kamala Harris connection to Beau Biden

How Sen. Kamala Harris Became "Incredible Friends" With Joe Biden's Son Beau

"There were periods, when I was taking heat, when Beau and I talked every day, sometimes multiple times a day,” Harris wrote in The Truths We Hold. “We had each other’s backs.”

After the settlement, the two close friends continued working together on a number of issues, includingfighting online child abuse imagery, sex trafficking,gun violence, and elder abuse in nursing homes.


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c167d2 No.129174

File: ac9f5fa8ff01cad⋯.png (647.24 KB,669x692,669:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280762 (260326ZOCT20) Notable: Biden corruption claims all but confirmed with Hunter emails Devin Nunes

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Biden corruption claims all but confirmed with Hunter emails



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c167d2 No.129175

File: 2b17a7fa4df85ef⋯.png (92.79 KB,764x455,764:455,Clipboard.png)

File: f87a5d0926d4b99⋯.png (95.37 KB,779x447,779:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280771 (260327ZOCT20) Notable: Indo-Pacific and China to be focus of high-level India-US talks Military pact on intelligence sharing likely during Pompeo (KANSAS on SAM727-Espers on TITAN25)- New Delhi visit

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POKER45 USAF C-560 departed Ali Al Salem Air Base-Kuwait nw

SAM727 USAF C-32A departed Shannon, Ireland after a ground stop-origin of JBA earlier

KANSAS headed to New Delhi.

Spotted TITAN25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch but could not isolate on cap (which is most likley Espers) heading es across southern Saudiland after departing diSigonella AB Catania, Sicily

-this AC departed JBA earlier today

Indo-Pacific and China to be focus of high-level India-US talks Military pact on intelligence sharing likely during Pompeo (KANSAS on SAM727-Espers on TITAN25)- New Delhi visit

India and the U.S. are working to finalize a key military pact on geospatial cooperation during high-level talks set for Tuesday, as they intensify engagement with two other members of the so-called Quad grouping Australia and Japan to challenge what they see an increasingly assertive China in the Indo-Pacific region. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper will visit New Delhi to participate in the third edition of the 'India-U.S. 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue' with their counterparts S. Jaishankar and Rajnath Singh, respectively. Signifying the importance of the meeting is that the Americans are traveling to New Delhi just ahead of the Nov. 3 U.S. Presidential election and amid the coronavirus pandemic. Both countries are the world's worst hit by COVID-19 with the U.S. having so far reported over 8.4 million infections and India more than 7.7 million. The dialogue "will entail a comprehensive discussion on crosscutting bilateral issues of mutual interest," India's external affairs ministry spokesperson Anurag Srivastava said during a virtual media briefing on Thursday, adding that Pompeo and Esper will also jointly call on Prime Minister Narendra Modi during their two-day visit starting Monday.


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c167d2 No.129176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280772 (260327ZOCT20) Notable: NO THANKS Air Force Selects BAE Systems To Design Combat Drone For Skyborg Program

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Air Force Selects BAE Systems To Design Combat Drone For Skyborg Program

The Air Force, under the Skyborg program, has awarded defense firm BAE Systems with a contract of up to $400 million to develop a "digital design" for a fully autonomous drone that will fly with the service's stealth fighters.

The aim is for BAE to produce a low-cost autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle that will fly with manned stealth fighters to increase air combat power.

Ehtisham Siddiqui, vice president and general manager of Controls and Avionics Solutions at BAE Systems, said the "need to generate combat power faster than our adversaries is critical to address near-peer threats."

Siddiqui said, "this award will accelerate the development and deployment of manned-unmanned teaming technologies to give the U.S. Air Force a decisive edge in the battlespace."

The robotic wingmen for manned aircraft will be designed with BAE Systems' autonomous systems. The drone will be outfitted with advanced sensors and other high-tech, likely classified, payloads. Paternering, an autonomous combat drone with a manned stealth fighter jet, could be game-changing on the modern battlefield to defend against emerging threats.

Currently, the Air Force has awarded nine defense firms for competing in the service's autonomous Skyborg drone wingman program. Flushed with cash, the service is purchasing as many prototypes as possible, with testing currently underway.

Air Force envisions the winning defense firm to produce a drone that can conduct at least 15 different mission sets. We noted not too long ago that an operational capability timeline for the drone could be around 2023.

In August, a Boeing-made wingman drone was spotted in Australia.

And maybe the 2005 American military science fiction action film "Stealth" accurately predicted combat drones were to become human pilots new "wingman."


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c167d2 No.129177

File: 2b9532b5db3dcd8⋯.jpeg (458.91 KB,828x816,69:68,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280791 (260328ZOCT20) Notable: Ayyyyyyeeeee Steve… gotta bet with a friend. Do you listen to more Biggie or Sinatra?

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Ayyyyyyeeeee Steve… gotta bet with a friend. Do you listen to more Biggie or Sinatra?


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c167d2 No.129178

File: f6f838a47c2673a⋯.png (464.14 KB,842x516,421:258,Clipboard.png)

File: 48dc079ee6f3808⋯.png (508.42 KB,611x360,611:360,Clipboard.png)

File: cf50687ab210742⋯.png (25.44 KB,272x213,272:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280793 (260329ZOCT20) Notable: 4.5 earthquake in Switzerland, no history of seismic activity in the area

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4.5 earthquake in Switzerland, no history of seismic activity in the area


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c167d2 No.129179

File: 1ec013562409275⋯.png (445.96 KB,555x758,555:758,Clipboard.png)

File: a47530681d32c6d⋯.png (29.33 KB,548x375,548:375,Clipboard.png)

File: e78da3976aa8a4a⋯.png (311.04 KB,950x816,475:408,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d83bd6f142c3b2⋯.png (23.71 KB,921x198,307:66,Clipboard.png)

File: b124c5f154db9cc⋯.png (622.49 KB,903x692,903:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280798 (260329ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden Ex-Biz Associate Was Livid Over $5MM Side-Deal With Chinese

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Hunter Biden Ex-Biz Associate Was Livid Over $5MM Side-Deal With Chinese: Texts

Former Biden business associate-turned-whistleblower, Tony Bobulinski, was absolutely livid after learning that the Bidens received an alleged $5 million interest-free loan from a now-bankrupt Chinese energy company following the release of a damning Senate report.

"You can imagine my shock when reading the report yesterday put out by the Senate committee. The fact that you and HB were lying to Rob, James and I while accepting $5 MM from Cefc is infuriating," wrote Bobulinski to Jim Biden. (Via the Daily Caller's Chuck Ross):


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c167d2 No.129180

File: eb1754f34de88d3⋯.png (55.89 KB,734x844,367:422,Clipboard.png)

File: 483806dec2afa5a⋯.png (57.83 KB,748x846,374:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 6377632eff2dc8b⋯.png (40.26 KB,782x612,23:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280816 (260330ZOCT20) Notable: Confirmed influenza cases hit rock-bottom, puzzling infectious disease experts

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Confirmed influenza cases hit rock-bottom, puzzling infectious disease experts

Experts say a variety of factors — from social distancing to mask usage — might be in play; data suggest more complicated picture.

Even as worries persist over increasing COVID-19 cases in the United States, cases of another virus — influenza — have plummeted relative to their number a year ago.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's FluView influenza tracker lists an influenza-positive test percentage of 0.3% for week 42 of 2020 — a total of 33 positive tests out of 10,809 specimens. That's down sharply from 2.4% during the same week last year.

Visits to healthcare providers for "influenza-like illnesses" during week 42 were also down this year from the last, though not as sharply: This week that rate was 1.2% of all such visits, while last year it was 1.7%.

Sharp drops in influenza have also been observed elsewhere throughout the world over the past several months. World Health Organization global flu surveillance shows a severe dropoff in flu cases starting in early April; whereas in past years flu cases are sustained at a steady plateau over the mid-year months — driven by the Southern Hemisphere's flu season — WHO observation has cases more or less disappearing from April onwards.

"Globally, influenza activity remained at lower levels than expected for this time of the year," the WHO wrote earlier this month, "though increased detections were reported in some countries."

"In the temperate zones of the southern hemisphere," the organization continued, "the influenza season remained low or below baseline. Despite continued or even increased testing for influenza in some countries in the southern hemisphere, very few influenza detections were reported."

COVID measures may have played a role, though country-level data complicates things

Some experts have, perhaps unsurprisingly, cited the still-ongoing lockdowns, mitigation measures, mask mandates and social distancing orders as possible explanations for reduced flu rates worldwide.


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c167d2 No.129181

File: c119487bebd4990⋯.png (1.2 MB,1412x718,706:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280840 (260332ZOCT20) Notable: Senators resume debate on Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination

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Senators resume debate on Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination


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c167d2 No.129182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280875 (260334ZOCT20) Notable: Gov. Polis quarantines

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Hmm…coincidence, or does Governor Polis need to be invisible for a few days? I'm pretty positive he has been fudging the state's Covid numbers and his Secretary of State has straight up been soliciting illegals and other ineligibles to vote.

Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman has COVID-19;Gov. Polis quarantines

"Colorado Gov. Jared Polis is quarantining himself after they appeared with other officials at a press conference, a spokesperson for the governor said Sunday.

In a statement, spokesperson Maria De Cambra said Polis would quarantine while waiting to hear from health officials investigating who else may have been exposed to the coronavirus about whether he should continue to isolate himself.

“He will be under quarantine until the health investigation is completed and he is informed. This is just another reminder of the need to cooperate with contact tracers, quarantine when needed, wear masks, social distance, and if you have any symptoms get tested,” she said.

Coffman and Polis attended an outdoor press conference on Oct. 15 to promote Colorado's mail ballot system, which Coffman helped administer as secretary of state during the 2008 presidential election."


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c167d2 No.129183

File: e59e90d86ba891e⋯.jpg (55.4 KB,565x368,565:368,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b3e6d2b3329338⋯.jpg (30.12 KB,641x262,641:262,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3023c89775c890c⋯.png (29.21 KB,661x324,661:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11280910 (260337ZOCT20) Notable: Q #4414 Q #4144 Countdown to -17 as we are now on -7

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q #4414

Q #4144

Countdown to -17 as we are now on -7

Date	Countdown	Comment


Monday, October 19, 2020	-1	

Tuesday, October 20, 2020	-2	

Wednesday, October 21, 2020	-3	

Thursday, October 22, 2020	-4	

Friday, October 23, 2020	-5	

Saturday, October 24, 2020	-6	

Sunday, October 25, 2020	-7	←TODAY

Monday, October 26, 2020	-8	

Tuesday, October 27, 2020	-9	

Wednesday, October 28, 2020	-10	

Thursday, October 29, 2020	-11	

Friday, October 30, 2020	-12	

Saturday, October 31, 2020	-13	

Sunday, November 01, 2020	-14	

Monday, November 02, 2020	-15	

Tuesday, November 03, 2020	-16	ELECTION

Wednesday, November 04, 2020	-17

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129184

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281007 (260345ZOCT20) Notable: #14410

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Notables are NOT endorsements

Check em' missed anything?

>>129183 Q #4414 Q #4144 Countdown to -17 as we are now on -7

>>129182 Gov. Polis quarantines

>>129181 Senators resume debate on Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination

>>129180 Confirmed influenza cases hit rock-bottom, puzzling infectious disease experts

>>129179 Hunter Biden Ex-Biz Associate Was Livid Over $5MM Side-Deal With Chinese

>>129178 4.5 earthquake in Switzerland, no history of seismic activity in the area

>>129177 Ayyyyyyeeeee Steve… gotta bet with a friend. Do you listen to more Biggie or Sinatra?

>>129176 NO THANKS Air Force Selects BAE Systems To Design Combat Drone For Skyborg Program

>>129175 Indo-Pacific and China to be focus of high-level India-US talks Military pact on intelligence sharing likely during Pompeo (KANSAS on SAM727-Espers on TITAN25)- New Delhi visit

>>129174 Biden corruption claims all but confirmed with Hunter emails Devin Nunes

>>129173 How Sen. Kamala Harris Became "Incredible Friends" With Joe Biden's Son Beau

>>129172 Another day, another reason to defund NPR.

>>129171 Joe Biden’s Transition Chair Backs Proposal to Impose Term Limits on Supreme Court

>>129170 Hit Piece Joe Biden: Hunter Biden Email Story ‘a Smear Campaign’ (RT News)

>>129169 , Andrew Kauders wife is Halie Soifer the Executive Director of Jewish Democratic Council of America

>>129168 Jill Biden is board chair at Save the Children Federation inc

>>129166 Thousands Drive Around I-275 Loop in Cincinnati for Second Trump Parade

>>129164 , >>129154, Hunter's Biggest Vice

>>129163 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY October 26, 2020

>>129165 , >>129162, 'Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online'

>>129160 LIVE: US Senate debates Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination

>>129158 , >>129159, >>129161, >>129167, Finger Lakes and Buckeye Partners pipelines

>>129157 Fox News president, top anchors advised to quarantine after coronavirus exposure

>>129156 President salutes a tiny soldier

>>129155 MP4 downloads for the first 12 Hunter Biden videos are available

>>129153 (2018) Hillary Silent As Police Discover Dead Body Hidden In Huma Abedin’s Dumpster


>>129151 , >>129147 lb, Sydney Powell JUST RETWEETED A SCREENSHOT FROM /pol/

>>129150 At a Major Bangkok intersection to renew calls for Premier Prayut Chan-O-Cha to resign

>>129149 , >>129139 pb, University of Penn ….Trustee….Willaim P. Lauder…billionaire


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c167d2 No.129185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281053 (260348ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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It's time to wake up.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Cain, Abel, and the Enochs Exposing the Jews' Family Tree Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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c167d2 No.129186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281057 (260348ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


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c167d2 No.129187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281063 (260349ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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c167d2 No.129188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281078 (260349ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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At least I'm not a jew.

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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c167d2 No.129189

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1655x1080,331:216,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1788x1080,149:90,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f7543e31d182156⋯.png (1.47 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281087 (260350ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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c167d2 No.129190

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB,746x596,373:298,Clipboard.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB,474x355,474:355,Clipboard.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB,1065x595,213:119,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB,1137x590,1137:590,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3a938583c0fdecf⋯.png (2.42 MB,2790x9886,1395:4943,Clipboard.png)

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c167d2 No.129191

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB,640x446,320:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB,1332x869,1332:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB,474x656,237:328,Clipboard.png)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB,550x550,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4ec7e88483a41f4⋯.jpg (112.96 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281113 (260352ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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c167d2 No.129192

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB,720x540,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff052ed587bbee7⋯.png (1.53 MB,1200x667,1200:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e0269e3593ab62⋯.jpg (873.15 KB,1500x832,375:208,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3b2ccb09fc01bbc⋯.png (1.63 MB,1229x853,1229:853,Clipboard.png)

File: fa866851e510a2c⋯.png (1.86 MB,1502x871,1502:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281123 (260352ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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c167d2 No.129193

File: 9320041f6b2bcd8⋯.jpg (43.91 KB,474x423,158:141,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281147 (260355ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129194

File: d9344e9b70e11c1⋯.png (11.5 MB,2762x3992,1381:1996,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281159 (260356ZOCT20) Notable: Natalie Biden and more Images

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c167d2 No.129195

File: c6552040b233e42⋯.jpeg (1.91 MB,2048x1452,512:363,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281162 (260357ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter and Obama Image

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@lude just posted this on Parler

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c167d2 No.129196

File: 772b7933b655c60⋯.jpeg (567.15 KB,1114x1133,1114:1133,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281187 (260359ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter and Obama Image

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129197

File: 153fad32c3da938⋯.png (280.63 KB,529x719,529:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f4d0a10693a54d⋯.png (466.38 KB,817x613,817:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281197 (260359ZOCT20) Notable: Antifa / BLM

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>Antifa / BLM


600+ jewish groups supoport BLM


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c167d2 No.129198

File: 4d89636dfd55002⋯.png (116.72 KB,778x868,389:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281200 (260400ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Laptop Email List

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c167d2 No.129199

File: 55008747ca6ed3d⋯.png (105.88 KB,428x824,107:206,Clipboard.png)

File: a29139f6432b857⋯.jpeg (97.51 KB,1134x545,1134:545,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c6474b56949da01⋯.jpg (19.18 KB,474x264,79:44,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281204 (260400ZOCT20) Notable: Wendy vs Wendy

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Wendy vs Wendy

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c167d2 No.129200

File: e3f6f6c359ec28a⋯.png (796.44 KB,1289x1400,1289:1400,Clipboard.png)

File: 98e1d975fa6f5e8⋯.jpeg (81.87 KB,1067x1049,1067:1049,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281212 (260401ZOCT20) Notable: Page 237 Info

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they believe what the polls tell them

Even though the were lied to in '16


"Why should they believe their own lying eyes?"

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c167d2 No.129201

File: 903bafd557ab828⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 36bf6dcc2985a94⋯.png (186.32 KB,495x479,495:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281218 (260401ZOCT20) Notable: THIS is why they're hiding Kamala.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

THIS is why they're hiding Kamala.

She tries to lough of being "The most liberal Senator"

24-sec vid


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c167d2 No.129202

File: c08db6eb7e066ce⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d29ee8ff996f3c6⋯.png (201.29 KB,507x575,507:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281240 (260404ZOCT20) Notable: Only YOU can keep a zombie out of the White House!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) @TeamTrump

Only YOU can keep a zombie out of the White House!

15-sec vid


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c167d2 No.129203

File: 1d90031d05e7950⋯.png (119.09 KB,993x680,993:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281242 (260404ZOCT20) Notable: French prosecutors probing Jeffrey Epstein over rape and abuse of children in Paris widen probe to include Ghislaine Maxwell to see if British socialite was involved in his offendin

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French prosecutors probing Jeffrey Epstein over rape and abuse of children in Paris widen probe to include Ghislaine Maxwell to see if British socialite was involved in his offending


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c167d2 No.129204

File: 9015a08c32a72ca⋯.jpeg (338.24 KB,1081x953,1081:953,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281249 (260404ZOCT20) Notable: Wealthy Manhattan woman cops said died after drunkenly falling into trash chute in luxury apartment 'may have been strangled to death', according to Jeffrey Epstein pathologist hired by her family

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>>129153 (PB)

Here is an update:


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c167d2 No.129205

File: a52d8a0639f9aee⋯.jpeg (813.44 KB,828x1429,828:1429,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281307 (260409ZOCT20) Notable: Steve Bannon Warroom Tweets

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Back up. To @ the Clintons 🍿🍿

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c167d2 No.129206

File: 87dbda8febdf964⋯.mp4 (709.62 KB,1280x696,160:87,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5d3858d955b90be⋯.png (222.12 KB,489x536,489:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281310 (260410ZOCT20) Notable: Biden thinks's he's running against "George"

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Biden thinks's he's running against "George"

Jill Biden TWICE says “Trump” under her breath to remind Joe who he’s running against. Watch CLOSELY!


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c167d2 No.129207

File: 89a15b64c3950a5⋯.png (549.07 KB,750x390,25:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 507d05dc5bf428e⋯.png (60.26 KB,150x150,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281311 (260410ZOCT20) Notable: DC Must Decriminalize Snorting and Smoking Kits to Protect Our Health

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DC Must Decriminalize Snorting and Smoking Kits to Protect Our Health


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c167d2 No.129208

File: e30361327fdd4b3⋯.png (5.3 MB,1745x1902,1745:1902,Clipboard.png)

File: 131ef8233428a51⋯.png (538.09 KB,954x658,477:329,Clipboard.png)

File: 08642becc5446b0⋯.png (563.62 KB,872x622,436:311,Clipboard.png)

File: eecdf0c3042efb2⋯.png (792.07 KB,689x692,689:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281314 (260410ZOCT20) Notable: GINGER HUSAM ABD-AL-RA'UF Alias: Abu Muhsin al-Masri

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Afghan security forces have killed Abu Muhsin al-Masri, a senior al-Qaeda leader who was on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Most Wanted Terrorists list, according to Afghanistan's intelligence service.1 day ago

GINGER HUSAM ABD-AL-RA'UF Alias: Abu Muhsin al-Masri



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c167d2 No.129209

File: bfe6ad2c09ec058⋯.jpg (507.07 KB,1200x787,1200:787,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fb7b6df325a6391⋯.png (26.16 KB,415x457,415:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281316 (260410ZOCT20) Notable: The Smollett Connection

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His fraud got a Bill to become Law in the Senate by Aunt Kamala.

Proving the lack of critical thinking in these critical times.

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c167d2 No.129210

File: 0027a8398a248b8⋯.png (2.76 MB,2115x1190,423:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281329 (260411ZOCT20) Notable: Give it to the Elites first?

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Give it to the Elites first?


In a video address at the opening of the three-day World Health Summit in Berlin, WHO's Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the only way to recover from the pandemic was together and by making sure poorer countries had fair access to a vaccine.

"It is natural that countries want to protect their own citizens first but if and when we have an effective vaccine, we must also use it effectively. And the best way to do that is to vaccinate some people in all countries rather than all people in some countries," he said.

"Let me be clear: vaccine nationalism will prolong the pandemic, not shorten it."

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c167d2 No.129211

File: 063f024c17bbe36⋯.png (60.93 KB,369x557,369:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281345 (260413ZOCT20) Notable: George Bush CIA Stooge

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George Bush CIA Stooge

Manuel Antonio Noriega Moreno was a Panamanian politician and military officer who was the de facto ruler of Panama from 1983 to 1989. He had longstanding ties to United States intelligence agencies before he was removed from power by the U.S. invasion of Panama. Wikipedia

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c167d2 No.129212

File: a9c9c98b44b471e⋯.png (212.14 KB,408x360,17:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281351 (260413ZOCT20) Notable: Members of the press forced to type WhoBuiltTheCagesJoe password at MAGA rally

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Somebody has a tremendous sense of humor!


Members of the press forced to type WhoBuiltTheCagesJoe password at MAGA rally

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c167d2 No.129213

File: e0ad698874d0d38⋯.jpg (54.89 KB,258x400,129:200,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281370 (260415ZOCT20) Notable: Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus

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>The Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus. However, the demons that are invoked are not the small ones, but very powerful ones. In working with victims of this programming, it is clear that high level demons were placed within these people at very early ages. It is believed many of them were demonized before they were born by rituals like the Moonchild rituals. Blood sacrifices and human sacrifices are always required for this level of magic. Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was a Satanist who was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason. He also was a leader in a number of other Masonic rites as well as an OTO leader, a chief in Stella Matutina, and a MI-6 (Br. overseas intelligence) agent. His writings have been important within 20th century Satanism and with black magicians. He wrote Moonchild, first published in 1917.


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c167d2 No.129214

File: fda525a57ed3ffe⋯.mp4 (6.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281382 (260416ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Jews are only loyal to jewry.

If you thing they give a fuck about you, Potus, or this country, you are sadly mistaken.


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c167d2 No.129215

File: 15e761e882ec665⋯.png (64.18 KB,663x422,663:422,Clipboard.png)

File: 74bdfcccadcd115⋯.png (88.08 KB,185x209,185:209,Clipboard.png)

File: c4f326b2abee7b0⋯.png (107.81 KB,197x255,197:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281391 (260417ZOCT20) Notable: CIA Stooge, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was an Iraqi politician

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CIA Stooge

Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was an Iraqi politician who served as the fifth President of Iraq from 16 July 1979 until 9 April 2003.

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c167d2 No.129216

File: a757c851acf81af⋯.png (64.68 KB,396x204,33:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281397 (260417ZOCT20) Notable: Americans are being fed media pablum and dissension is being censored and suppressed by "Big Tech" to further the takeover of the United States, by elite tyrants especially Chinese communists.

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>>>/qresearch/11279896 (pb)

That piece had a weird feel to it. Like the author wanted to justify censorship and suppression of news as some sort of protection for the public. "Gatekeepers" indeed.

The huge implications for National Security are undeniable. Americans are being fed media pablum and dissension is being censored and suppressed by "Big Tech" to further the takeover of the United States, by elite tyrants especially Chinese communists.

Good one, WSJ- What a moment to assert your journalistic "independence" or maybe it was your addiction to Chinese money.

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c167d2 No.129217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281413 (260419ZOCT20) Notable: Trump is the Grey Champion

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Really well written article about this election and the FOURTH TURNING:


small excerpt:

Trump is the Grey Champion

Based on the Fourth Turning generational theory, there is no doubt Donald Trump is the prophet generation Grey Champion. The term Grey Champion does not mean they are a great, noble, humane person. Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt were not nice guys. They did whatever they thought necessary to achieve their means during our previous three Fourth Turnings. Millions of Americans hated Lincoln and Roosevelt, just as tens of millions hate Trump.

The Grey Champion’s appearance marks the arrival of a moment of “darkness, and adversity, and peril,” as the violent turmoil climax of the Fourth Turning approaches. Trump and Pence are from the Prophet (Boomer) Generation, while Biden is from the Silent Generation and Harris is Generation X. At this stage of the Fourth Turning a transfer of power to a Silent generation leader would not make sense. Trump is the lightning rod for a clash that must take place to sweep away the existing corrupted social order and replace it with something new.

Every four years we hear the same pablum about this being the most important election of our lifetime. No matter who wins this election, the Deep State, Military Industrial Complex, Wall Street controlled Federal Reserve, Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Media, Silicon Valley Titans, and Billionaires like Soros, Bloomberg and Gates will still be running the show. One man has extraordinarily little chance of confronting these wealthy power-hungry sociopaths and winning.

It remains to be seen whether the Grey Champion can ignite a civil uprising against the powerful forces of totalitarianism engulfing the country and the world. They will not be stopped through the ballot box. They had successfully convinced a willfully ignorant populace to love their servitude and acquiesce to allowing them unfettered control over their lives. But, the tyrannical lockdowns, martial law like mandates from bureaucrats, compulsory masking as a requirement to be accepted in society, and the dehumanizing of our daily lives has created a Resistance, peaceful thus far, who are enraged by what is happening.

These are the critical thinkers, non-maskers, no-lockdowners, no vacciners, unwilling to kneel before the altar of Fauci, Gates, WHO, CDC, MSM and tyrannical sociopathic politicians like Cuomo, Newsome and Whitmer. These dissidents and doubters are most certainly a minority, but it was only a minority who carried the load during the American Revolution.

I do not believe either side will accept the outcome of the election and will treat the victor as illegitimate. Once that mindset gains control, only violent conflict can result. The myriad of potential outcomes is too vast to comprehend. What we do know is Fourth Turnings always accelerate and intensify towards a bloody finale, with clear winners and losers.

Unconditional surrender will be demanded by those maintaining the upper hand. Whether this coming conflict remains domestic or spreads internationally, the “advancements” in the technology of destruction will endanger every human being on the planet. You cannot escape the impact of Fourth Turnings, only survive and/or do your part in helping achieve a positive outcome. There is no predetermined ending.

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c167d2 No.129218

File: 14c15f5bac8985a⋯.png (39.2 KB,545x408,545:408,Clipboard.png)

File: 846a154d6dab2a3⋯.png (7.9 KB,414x157,414:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d14ed8d7850aee⋯.png (34.65 KB,533x407,533:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281427 (260420ZOCT20) Notable: The takeaway from this story (which is a good read) is that WSJ declined to run on the record statements

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>That piece had a weird feel to it. Like the author wanted to justify censorship and suppression of news as some sort of protection for the public.

The takeaway from this story (which is a good read) is that WSJ declined to run on the record statements that:

1.) Confirmed the authenticity of some Biden laptop emails

2.) Showed Joe Biden had knowledge of his son’s business activities, contradicting his denials


>>126644 [Q / pb]

Did Hussein contact Matt Murray in attempt to persuade not to publish?

Will Murray follow the truth or buckle to pressure?

DC civil war.

Watergate x1000.


I don’t know how WSJ explains this.

Bobulinski made a serious allegation that he had backed up by teams of contemporaneous evidence that journalists dream of


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c167d2 No.129219

File: af0984d99f65640⋯.jpg (29.49 KB,440x594,20:27,Clipboard.jpg)

File: babf471ae9274d4⋯.jpg (39.7 KB,462x594,7:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5bf6b55106c0ca8⋯.jpg (64.64 KB,594x420,99:70,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281433 (260420ZOCT20) Notable: Cher Hosts Early Voting Mobilization Events In Nevada

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Cher Hosts Early Voting Mobilization Events In Nevada

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - OCTOBER 24: Socially-distanced attendees wait for an appearance by singer/actress Cher as she campaigns for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at an early vote rally at a residential shopping center on October 24, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. In-person early voting for the general election in the battleground state began on October 17 and continues through October 30. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)


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c167d2 No.129220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281434 (260420ZOCT20) Notable: Senator Cotton Speaks in Favor of Amy Coney Barrett's Confirmation

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October 25, 2020:

Senator Cotton Speaks in Favor of Amy Coney Barrett's Confirmation

(Well done, imho. Table fully set for tomorrow!)



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c167d2 No.129221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281441 (260421ZOCT20) Notable: Earthquakes striking next to high voltage power lines across WHOLE USA

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10/25/2020 – HUGE DISCOVERY! Earthquakes striking next to high voltage power lines across WHOLE USA



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c167d2 No.129222

File: 0087870cc9829b8⋯.jpg (40.99 KB,720x563,720:563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281466 (260423ZOCT20) Notable: Spitballing. Checkmae?

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Spitballing. Checkmate?

1. In early June, Bannon and billionaire CCP defector Guo pulled a stunt at the Statue of Liberty announced "The New Federal State of China".


2. Bannon and Giuliani got the laptop in August, and did the drop with precision timing re: Nov. 3.

3. A photo is released showing Giuliani and Guo arm in arm, with Bannon peeking around the corner over Giuliani's shoulder, and that Chinese virologist in a mirror beyond Bannon. (I have a hunch there is meaning to be decoded in the decomposition, but am no autist).

4. Predictably, the media screech that's all Russia.

5, On the heels of the Bannon/Giuliani release of the laptop, we get Guo releasing Hunter sex tapes, on the hour every hour for the next 13 days. He does so waving the banner of the Federal State of New China.

6. Triangulate Bannon>Guo, Bannon>Giuliani, Giulini>Guo.

8. Guo also claims he will release dirt on Pelosi and son.

9. Once the Guo drops seep into the mainstream, the media might deride it as "conspiracy", but they CANNOT scream Russia.

Considering the associations and the timing, anon senses a carefully associated checkmate afoot against the DNC and MSM.


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c167d2 No.129223

File: 53a77aca012daa1⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281468 (260423ZOCT20) Notable: Chelsea willing to screw 50 cent again if he won't vote Trump

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>50 cent has got a HANDLER


>A jew handler at that.

Chelsea willing to screw 50 cent again if he won't vote Trump! kmao

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c167d2 No.129224

File: c624cf3226b223d⋯.png (441.06 KB,535x624,535:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281533 (260431ZOCT20) Notable: HO'S MAD - CNN Tweets their tears over Trump using 'fake news'

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c167d2 No.129225

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281538 (260431ZOCT20) Notable: Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/25/2020

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Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/10/25/2020 - part 1

Virgin Australia's CEO to step down after life-saving takeover deal with Bain Capital finalises


UK: AHDB CEO to step down


Retiring Rep. Dave Loebsack reflects on Washington career


Epic Charter Schools board member resigns amid state audit fallout


Judge James Van Amburg retiring Dec. 31


Camp Hill borough manager resigns, interim manager appointed


Spencerport superintendent retiring after 25 years


CEO of Polish gas giant PGNiG resigns


Two election commissioners resign first day of early voting


West Branch Local School District’s treasurer resigns


Broemmeling resigns as executive director of West Plains Chamber of Commerce


Seneca Commissioner John Lamb Announces Resignation


Misrata members of Muslim Brotherhood Group resign


Top aide in Texas attorney general's office fired after accusing Ken Paxton of bribery


Rea Carey will step down at National LGBTQ Task Force in February


White Principal Fired for Post About ‘Black Lives Matter'


After 41 years, Hunt stepping down as head of Mass. League of Community Health Centers


William Grant CEO resigns


Crown Resorts’ (ASX:CWN) directors resign after Thursday AGM


Trustees who oversee Alameda County’s public health hospitals fired


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c167d2 No.129226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281540 (260431ZOCT20) Notable: Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/25/2020

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Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/10/25/2020 - part 2

VIAVI Announces CFO Resignation and Preliminary Fiscal First Quarter 2021 Results


Longtime Gray County magistrate retiring


Schools COO To Resign For City Role


St. Clair County Sheriff Tim Donnellon retiring after election


Lindsay to step down as Gordon College president


DeDomenic resigns from council


Monticello City Administrator Resigning


Equinor CFO Resigns


Chair of East Kent Hospitals Trust Stephen Smith to step down once term ends next Spring


Smyth to step down as dean of School of Social Work


Two-star Marine general fired after allegations he used a racial slur around subordinates


Chancellors at UW Bothell, Tacoma campuses to step down


Big chal­lenges faced re­tir­ing OCSU su­per­in­ten­dent


Flossmoor Trustee Resigns So He Can Keep Lobbying Chicago City Hall


Retiring NOFD Superintendent Tim McConnell honored at leadership transfer ceremony


Central Vermont Council on Aging leader to step down


Columbiana mayor announces plan to step down


Licking County deputies resign amid neglect of duty investigation


Redmond City Councilor Albert Calderon to resign Monday, right before election


Gov. Mifflin School District superintendent resigns


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c167d2 No.129227

File: 714438cb2e1ccec⋯.png (299.9 KB,508x297,508:297,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fcd8c8c2d0c798⋯.png (148.72 KB,910x824,455:412,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f5eb19da434a14⋯.png (137.62 KB,916x778,458:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 87982ff379b3f73⋯.png (56.88 KB,950x348,475:174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281541 (260431ZOCT20) Notable: 'Renminbi Diplomacy': How China Bought The US Government?

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'Renminbi Diplomacy': How China Bought The US Government?

In an explosive scoop, alternative news outlet Zero Hedge has laid bare how China’s state apparatchik clandestinely baited the family members of the Obama-era vice president and secretary of state into joint business ventures in order to surreptitiously influence the trade and economic policies of the US government favoring China’s geo-economic interests spanning the globe.

Here are a few relevant excerpts from the investigative report authored by Christopher Balding, Associate Professor at Peking University HSBC School of Business Shenzhen, China, and also a Bloomberg contributor:

“Hunter Biden partnered with the Chinese state. Entire investment partnership is Chinese state money from social security fund to China Development Bank. It is actually a subsidiary of the Bank of China. This is not remotely anything less than a Chinese state-funded play.

“Though the entire size of the fund cannot be reconstructed, the Taiwanese cofounder who is now detained in China, reports it to be NOT $1-1.5 billion but $6.5 billion. This would make Hunters stake worth at a minimum at least $50 million if he was to sell it.

“The believed Godfather arranging Hunter’s business ventures is a gentleman named Yang Jiechi. He is currently the CCP Director of Foreign Affairs leading strategist for America, Politburo member, one of the most powerful men in China, and Chinese President Xi Jingpin’s confidant.

“He met regularly with Joe Biden during his stint as Chinese ambassador the US when Biden chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Later he was Minister of Foreign Affairs when the investment partnership was made official in 2013.

“Hunter Biden’s 2013 Bohai Harvest Rosemont investment partnership was set-up by Ministry of Foreign Affairs institutions which are tasked with garnering influence with foreign leaders during Yang’s tenure as Foreign Minister.

“Hunter’s BHR stake (purchased for $400,000) is now likely be worth approx. $50 million (fees and capital appreciation based on BHR’s $6.5 billion AUM as stated by Michael Lin).

“Joe Biden’s foreign policy stance towards China (formerly hawkish), turned positive despite China’s country’s rising geopolitical assertiveness.”

China is known to follow the economic model of “state capitalism,” in which although small and medium enterprises are permitted to operate freely by common citizens, large industrial and extraction companies, especially multi-billion dollar corporations doing business with foreign clients, are run by the Communist Party stalwarts masquerading as business executives.


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c167d2 No.129228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281543 (260432ZOCT20) Notable: Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/25/2020

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Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/10/25/2020 - part 3

Portland financial PR chief Steffan Williams steps down


Duane Maust resigns from Meridian school board


School Committee Chairman resigns after mocking names on ‘hot-mic’


After more than a decade in charge, Zayo CEO steps down


Penn State coach Pat Chambers resigns after investigation


Illinois congressman says he’s retiring to teach at SIUE


Montana fish and wildlife commissioner resigns


Gyata Kimmons Resigns As Flossmoor Trustee


UW gymnastics head coach Elise Ray-Statz resigns


Report: Hargis retiring as president of OSU


County Attorney Announces Resignation




Chairs of Green Party youth and LGBTQ wings resign


IPL 2020: Dinesh Karthik stepping down from KKR captaincy incredibly selfless, says Eoin Morgan


Asia Society Announces Appointment of The Honorable Kevin Rudd as President and Chief Executive Officer


Egyptian bank CIB says chairman stepping down


Headteacher of Bridgwater school retiring after 38 years


Paulding administrator resigns


Fort Scott City Manager resigns amid investigation


Interim Huntington Beach police chief resigns, citing political divisiveness


Lehigh County commissioner Brown resigns


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281545 (260432ZOCT20) Notable: Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/25/2020

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Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/10/25/2020 - part 4

Tamaqua Arts Center Director Announces Resignation


Plympton-Wyoming fire chief’s controversial tenure ends with resignation


Lara Fritts resigns from Greater Richmond Partnership


LaGrange police chief resigns citing health issues


Otsego Candidate Accuses Otsego City Clerk of Election Irregularities, Clerk Resigns


Cambridge Labour councillor resigns over trans rights motion


Boise State athletic director announces resignation


2 Polk County Fire Rescue battalion chiefs resign following sexual misconduct allegations


Hammond resigns as Hughes County prosecutor, citing stress


Bozeman Chronicle editor announces resignation


Bishop Love resigns over same-sex marriage debate


Marana town manager resigns after six years


Southwest Baptist University president announces resignation


Beaufort County administrator resigns


Ameen Akbar resigns from School District of Philadelphia board


Chardon Schools Transportation Director Resigns


Monticello city administrator resigning; search for replacement starting


Umgeni Water CEO resigns with immediate effect


Boston School Committee chairman resigns after comments


Central Petroleum : Resignation of Director


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c167d2 No.129230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281548 (260432ZOCT20) Notable: Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/25/2020

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Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/10/25/2020 - part 5

Bravado CEO Mat Vlasic Resigns


VEP CEO Lund accepts request for resignation


Spencer Resigns As Democratic Leader After Sex-for-drugs Bust


UCL EFS President resigns after homophobic WhatsApp messages scandal


Chamorro Affairs president to resign


Shearer appointed to RKLD board, Jelinek resigns


Region 4 Schools Finance Director Resigns


OPA investigator Travis Hurst resigns




Police chief of 16 years resigns – details sparse


ASIC deputy chair Daniel Crennan resigns


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c167d2 No.129231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281561 (260433ZOCT20) Notable: Natalie Biden and more Images

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You can probably find the pictures somewhere here:




But I wouldn't bother, it's very likely her, given Hunter's own admission to Joe that he creates an unsafe environment for the kids, and comments made by Lude, Chanel, Rudy, and Kerik. If it is her, then it's potent blackmail material. She is 14 now and it's incest. Nobody would want a tape like to sent to family members or business partners, let alone the general public.

Also in the video around 2 minutes in he seems to call her Nattie, but I am not sure about that, it's not really definitive in my opinion.

If Lude can be trusted there seems to be even more horrific stuff on there. I guess, you can drug a person up and possibly put him in a state of anxiety or make him very aggressive via use of a directed energy weapon, tuned to the right frequency, and then let him do awful things to innocent children and tape it, that would be the most potent blackmail material. I suspect that is what happened to Hunter.

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c167d2 No.129232

File: 15ddfd7b55ede0d⋯.jpeg (692.87 KB,828x1481,828:1481,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281562 (260434ZOCT20) Notable: Steve Bannon Warroom Tweets

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c167d2 No.129233

File: 2246581752c87f8⋯.jpeg (396.04 KB,1727x2048,1727:2048,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281570 (260434ZOCT20) Notable: Steve Bannon Warroom Tweets

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c167d2 No.129234

File: b0e4232d596aab8⋯.png (5.85 MB,2146x1507,2146:1507,Clipboard.png)

File: e8d163d9b4107db⋯.png (434.26 KB,493x741,493:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281576 (260435ZOCT20) Notable: Steve Bannon Warroom Tweets

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WarRoom will answer Why Biden called campaign lid

Steve Bannon’s War Room @WarRoomPandemic

10 am Tomorrow, Monday, on WarRoom we provide the answer for why Biden called a NINE DAY campaign lid

‘We have the Receipts”


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c167d2 No.129235

File: 5c8f2604b8ef03a⋯.png (311.14 KB,1498x550,749:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281578 (260435ZOCT20) Notable: Fox News President, Anchors Advised To Quarantine After Possible COVID-19 Exposure

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Fox News President, Anchors Advised To Quarantine After Possible COVID-19 Exposure — Report

The president of Fox News and several of its anchors and on air personalities were advised to quarantine after possible exposure to COVID-19, The New York Times reported on Sunday.

The exposure came from an infected person who was on a chartered flight from Nashville to New York, the Times reported. The plane was carrying Jay Wallace, the president of Fox News Media, along with Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, as well as Juan Williams and Dana Perino, and all of those in the flight were advised of the exposure. They had been in Nashville for the final presidential debate on Thursday.

A network spokesperson would not confirm details, and pointed to a statement to the Times that cited the need to keep private health information confidential.

The Times reported that the anchors were expected to appear on air from home.

Fox News, along with other networks, had been limiting in-studio appearances since the start of the coronavirus outbreak.


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c167d2 No.129236

File: f354879f32816aa⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,384x720,8:15,Clipboard.mp4)

File: cd1b7c23f42044a⋯.png (295.31 KB,478x604,239:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281603 (260437ZOCT20) Notable: Love her smile, BLM paved over.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281693 (260445ZOCT20) Notable: How to Quickly Spot a Clown

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>concern trolling

Don't get suckered into wasting your time. Hardened anons should already know this shit; This is more a crash course for new visitors.

How to Quickly Spot a Clown

They will:

- Attempt to get a divisive or emotional response from you to derail research.

- Concern troll and copy/pasta spam shill to contradict confirmed findings.

- Employ faux debate tactics: Generalizations, gas-lighting, projection, misdirection, false equivalences, confusing correlation with causation, appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, straw-men, red herrings, etc.

- Promote social ethics that are disingenuous like doxxing, "reverse psychology", or promoting propaganda.

- Promote tactics that are unethical, illegal or involve violence outside the scope of the Law.

- Employ Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt to dissuade research.

Topic sliding If information of a sensitive nature has been posted on a discussion forum, it can be quickly removed from public view by topic sliding. In this technique a large number of unrelated posts, or posts aimed at diluting the information presented, are submitted in an effort to trigger a topic slide to literally push content out of view. Operators can control several fake UIDs via the bots they make use of; these can also be called upon in the other techniques to mask the intent of the operator from the users at large. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and bogus postings.

Seeding bad information Operatives will insert flawed or bogus information from time to time as an ongoing tactic, depending on their skill set and the needs of their mission. Their most common ruse is providing information or evidence which is backed by bad source material in the hope that the "source of the source" is never checked. This serves several objectives, mainly resource consumption, evidence pollution, discouragement and misdirection.

Astroturfing consensus This is a technique that attempts to build a manufactured consensus around a flawed set of statements or compromised information. This is related to consensus cracking, where false evidence is injected in an attempt to dispute or discredit what the current consensus is, and push it towards the desired false consensus. Misleading and false evidence and information are often salted into the evidence pool, with an aim to impede organic consensus building, while also poisoning the available information and evidence.

Cultivating tacit approval (The legal term for this is 'silent agreement') Attempting to attain this state is done using a technique where operators will try to convince the user population to ignore, or not respond to bad information or false assertions. This is done in a bid to reduce push-back against the above mentioned tactics. It's worth noting that the reply filtering mechanism of the boards (which currently can't be disabled without code changes from the site admin) is used as a weapon of sorts in this tactic: Filtering with software prevents anons from defending against seeding bad information and astroturfing consensus. This is why the operators push so hard to condition anons into filtering material they disagree with.

How to spot a Clown's bot

NEVER DIRECTLY ENGAGE A BOT It just wastes bread with their responses, and hands them a target to programmatically lock on to without handler interaction. It seems that the easiest way to foil the bots is to point them out by proxy, by copy/pasting the user's ID as a quoted reference and intentionally breaking its post link in your response and/or answering it with a meme until they start misfiring because they can't parse the response to lock onto a target correctly.. Doing this can also make the bots look artificially erratic and easier for other anons to spot.

What we know about the cl0wnbots

- Are used to facilitate topic sliding, manufacturing consensus, obfuscation of intent, and general disruption

- Require a handler to watch for and be in the thread

- Cannot enter threads themselves

- Respond to replies and each other, and can create replies

- Can pick up random or contradictory meme flags

- Activate on lists of trigger words; these can change over time

- Use a combination of legit pasta, pre-written points, or spam targeted at various objectives.

- Have unwittingly pasta'd supportive replies

- Are employed mostly at night and on weekends (US time)

- Add to bump limits

- Can be filtered by ID once they are observed

- Are not perfected and can be easily spotted

- Were deployed starting on the /CBTS/ board

- Have certain flaws that can cause them to misfire in sometimes comical ways

- The handlers can make bogus clown threads, but also can be confused by accidental ones

- Handlers still cannot access the servers

- Have still not succeeded in their mission

- Still can not meme

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c167d2 No.129238

File: c840b6e9a0fe759⋯.png (139.48 KB,478x611,478:611,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d6e469d27a83ad⋯.mp4 (757.89 KB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281694 (260445ZOCT20) Notable: Sirens of Trump Unite! How can the Left even compete?

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c167d2 No.129239

File: de2f7465f243558⋯.png (33.78 KB,820x119,820:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281699 (260445ZOCT20) Notable: Maduro says Venezuela scientists developed medicine that ‘cancels 100% of Covid-19’ with no side-effects

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c167d2 No.129240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281705 (260446ZOCT20) Notable: The Strengthening the Posse Comitatus Act would:

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ummemba this?

Schiff Introduces Bill to Prevent Misuse of Military in Domestic Law Enforcement

The Posse Comitatus Act, passed in 1878, provides a criminal penalty for the use of the Army or Air Force to enforce U.S. laws. Any exceptions to this general prohibition must be authorized by the Constitution or an Act of Congress. Schiff’s legislation would clarify in statute that the Posse Comitatus Act applies to all branches of the federal armed forces and excludes any information or other evidence collected by or with the assistance of military forces in violation of the Act during legal proceedings.

The Strengthening the Posse Comitatus Act would:

Extend the Posse Comitatus Act to all branches of the Armed Forces, as its outdated language names only the Army and Air Force. Although the Marines and the Navy have adhered to these standards according to internal policy and administrative action, this legislation would ensure their inclusion by law, as well as the federalized National Guard and Reserve components.

Prohibit the use of evidence unlawfully obtained by or with the assistance of the military in a court of law or other legal proceeding.


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c167d2 No.129241

File: 404972c8e4c118e⋯.jpeg (246.14 KB,749x1087,749:1087,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281708 (260446ZOCT20) Notable: Philadelphia has the highest number of registered voters in 35 years

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c167d2 No.129242

File: 99f25720bd01ed2⋯.png (2.85 MB,1928x1528,241:191,Clipboard.png)

File: e7e785cb12489a9⋯.jpg (6.86 MB,2880x13746,480:2291,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281729 (260447ZOCT20) Notable: Earliest I know of stemmed from MSM trying to shut down Pizzagate.

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Earliest I know of stemmed from MSM trying to shut down Pizzagate.

Here's the earliest instance of its use I know of: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/21/technology/fact-check-this-pizzeria-is-not-a-child-trafficking-site.html

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c167d2 No.129243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281738 (260448ZOCT20) Notable: El Paso coronavirus update: City reports 666 new COVID-19 cases

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666 New Cases of COVID?


Does anyone believe the LIES?

El Paso coronavirus update: City reports 666 new COVID-19 cases

4 days ago


(pb) >>129046 , >>129051 , >>129055, >>129062, >>129063 (pb)

>El Paso, Texas, issues stay-at-home order due to surge in COVID cases, says "all area hospitals have reached capacity"

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c167d2 No.129244

File: 9a96c0086e3dcb3⋯.jpg (122.99 KB,1108x505,1108:505,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 69954b21c57ff6c⋯.png (277.83 KB,598x615,598:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281750 (260449ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter unironically posts chan sreenshots

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c167d2 No.129245

File: 578b68aeee35e6d⋯.jpg (67.49 KB,1614x812,807:406,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281762 (260450ZOCT20) Notable: REVEALED: Google searches for “can I change my vote” spike after Hunter Biden sex tape & emails released.

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REVEALED: Google searches for “can I change my vote” spike after Hunter Biden sex tape & emails released.



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c167d2 No.129246

File: bbcc395c62efc5c⋯.png (56.03 KB,783x398,783:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281763 (260450ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS TWEET

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“A Pennsylvania Appeals Court turns down the Trump Administrations request for Poll Watchers to monitor satellite election offices.” @OANN How terrible is this? We are just seeking a fair vote count. This can only lead to very bad things. Bad intentions much??? Disgraceful!!!


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c167d2 No.129247

File: 79ef465231e3cc5⋯.mp4 (9.19 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281778 (260451ZOCT20) Notable: Aryan Monster explains how to view Instagram account incognito

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I’m phone fagging and about to get some shut eye.. video on how to view any private Instagram account.. I’ll try tomorrow and post results if no one confirms tonight


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c167d2 No.129248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281792 (260452ZOCT20) Notable: Child Abuse, Molestation, Incest – Biden Family’s Tradition?

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Child Abuse, Molestation, Incest – Biden Family’s Tradition?

喜马拉雅-华盛顿DC站 20 seconds ago

Author: Snow Mountain Translator: Professor

Source of picture: www.tmz.com

Recently, Hunter Biden’s Laptop has made a hit. It revealed his extremely dissolute life and complicated relationships amount family members, from some released photos and videos, yesterday.

Let’s look into the details and analysis to outline a complete picture, here’s the bellist:

Hunter’s emails to his older brother showed he has a painful soul

Hunter left many hints that he was abused by Joe Biden in childhood. What kind of abuse would it be?

In the diary of Hunter’s younger sister, Ashley Biden, written down Joe Biden’s misbehavior when she shared a bath in her childhood.

Hunter committed adultery with his brother’s widow, while in marriage.

In the funeral of Beau Biden, the first son of Joe, Joe hugged and kissed the daughter-in-law, in an astonishing manner.

The photos showed Hunter Biden had incest sex with his 14-year-old niece Natalie Biden.

When the brother’s widow, also the Hunter’s secret lover, found him had an abnormal relation with her daughter Natalie, in youth. She complained to Joe. But, Joe neither concurred nor committed, didn’t take any action to protect his granddaughter.

Obviously, no normal ethics has appeared in the family, since Joe Biden. And a person’s values, shaped by the native family, are seldom to change. Many inexplicable behaviors of a person, are able to be found in the native family. Accordingly, Hunter Biden’s peculiar sexual addiction to children largely came from his native family, particular from Joe Biden.

Joe Biden, such a corrupt politician without normal family ethics, has been disguising himself as a traditional, faithful and family friendly person. He even outright lied in the presidential debate, facing and neglecting the witness. He has always been attempting to mislead the public, even the massive evidence is about to be revealed. However, the laptop is accessible now, showing a rotten, deformed family and an extremely corrupt politician. Such a family of incest, drugs, molestation, abuse, and bribery, betrays the American and colludes with the CCP. Such a person could never lead the U.S., could never lead a free world. EVERYONE MUST GO AND VOTE, don’t let such a nasty person have any chance to enter the White House.


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c167d2 No.129249

File: 29cc9888e028442⋯.png (348.41 KB,450x450,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cd4104b26c0e49⋯.png (1.56 MB,803x795,803:795,Clipboard.png)

File: 150c4a665a00e62⋯.jpeg (892.49 KB,1120x1120,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281798 (260453ZOCT20) Notable: 17D - Cyber Operator

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17D - Cyber Operator, obviously.


Space Force, which is under the purview of the Department of the Air Force, just as the Marine Corps is within the Department of the Navy, will adopt 16 different specialty codes from the Air Force that all fall within the five main functions.

According to Crosier's presentation, they include the following:

13S Space Ops

1C6 Space Systems Ops

14N Intel

17C Cyber Ops Officer

17D Cyber Ops

1N0 All Source Intel

1N1 Geospatial Intel

1N2 Signals Intel

3D1N4 Fusion Analysis

3D0 Cyber Ops

3D1 Cyber Support

62E Development Engineer

62S Materiel Leader

63A Acquisition Manager

63G Senior Materiel Ldr-Upper Ech

63S Materiel Leader

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c167d2 No.129250

File: dd5946a3844b029⋯.png (57.25 KB,510x314,255:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281819 (260455ZOCT20) Notable: Something very big and shocking is breaking in AM.

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Something very big and shocking is breaking in AM.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281854 (260458ZOCT20) Notable: 14411

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>>129185 , >>129186 , >>129187 , >>129188 , >>129189 , >>129190 , >>129191 , >>129192 , >>129193 , >>129214 ,JQ

>>129194 , >>129231 Natalie Biden and more Images

>>129195 , >>129196 Hunter and Obama Image

>>129197 Antifa / BLM

>>129198 Hunter Laptop Email List

>>129199 Wendy vs Wendy

>>129200 Page 237 Info

>>129201 THIS is why they're hiding Kamala.

>>129202 Only YOU can keep a zombie out of the White House!

>>129203 French prosecutors probing Jeffrey Epstein over rape and abuse of children in Paris widen probe to include Ghislaine Maxwell to see if British socialite was involved in his offendin

>>129204 Wealthy Manhattan woman cops said died after drunkenly falling into trash chute in luxury apartment 'may have been strangled to death', according to Jeffrey Epstein pathologist hired by her family

>>129205 , >>129232 , >>129233 , >>129234 Steve Bannon Warroom Tweets

>>129206 Biden thinks's he's running against "George"

>>129207 DC Must Decriminalize Snorting and Smoking Kits to Protect Our Health

>>129208 GINGER HUSAM ABD-AL-RA'UF Alias: Abu Muhsin al-Masri

>>129209 The Smollett Connection

>>129210 Give it to the Elites first?

>>129211 George Bush CIA Stooge

>>129212 Members of the press forced to type WhoBuiltTheCagesJoe password at MAGA rally

>>129213 Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus

>>129215 CIA Stooge, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was an Iraqi politician

>>129216 Americans are being fed media pablum and dissension is being censored and suppressed by "Big Tech" to further the takeover of the United States, by elite tyrants especially Chinese communists.

>>129217 Trump is the Grey Champion

>>129218 The takeaway from this story (which is a good read) is that WSJ declined to run on the record statements

>>129219 Cher Hosts Early Voting Mobilization Events In Nevada

>>129220 Senator Cotton Speaks in Favor of Amy Coney Barrett's Confirmation

>>129221 Earthquakes striking next to high voltage power lines across WHOLE USA

>>129222 Spitballing. Checkmate?

>>129223 Chelsea willing to screw 50 cent again if he won't vote Trump

>>129224 HO'S MAD - CNN Tweets their tears over Trump using 'fake news'

>>129225 , >>129226 , >>129228 , >>129229 , >>129230 Resignations in the news 10/21/2020 through 10/25/2020

>>129227 'Renminbi Diplomacy': How China Bought The US Government?

>>129235 Fox News President, Anchors Advised To Quarantine After Possible COVID-19 Exposure

>>129236 Love her smile, BLM paved over.

>>129237 How to Quickly Spot a Clown

>>129238 Sirens of Trump Unite! How can the Left even compete?

>>129239 Maduro says Venezuela scientists developed medicine that ‘cancels 100% of Covid-19’ with no side-effects

>>129240 The Strengthening the Posse Comitatus Act would:

>>129241 Philadelphia has the highest number of registered voters in 35 years

>>129242 Earliest I know of stemmed from MSM trying to shut down Pizzagate.

>>129243 El Paso coronavirus update: City reports 666 new COVID-19 cases

>>129244 Twitter unironically posts chan sreenshots

>>129245 REVEALED: Google searches for “can I change my vote” spike after Hunter Biden sex tape & emails released.

>>129246 ,POTUS TWEET

>>129247 Aryan Monster explains how to view Instagram account incognito

>>129248 Child Abuse, Molestation, Incest – Biden Family’s Tradition?

>>129249 17D - Cyber Operator

>>129250 Something very big and shocking is breaking in AM.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129252

File: dd8f99cd1ebdce0⋯.png (63.77 KB,582x427,582:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281886 (260500ZOCT20) Notable: m Surprising decrease in "flu cases" this year! The pseudo-scientific BS is actually astonishing to me.

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>>129180 (pb) Surprising decrease in "flu cases" this year!

The pseudo-scientific BS is actually astonishing to me. Basically proves the information hinted by Q about flu/coronavirus conflation.

As an anti-vaxxer I have watched in real time the media op to promote fear of the flu as a method of marketing dangerous flu vaccines. Del Bigtree's team did a wonderful expose on this entire subject. The CDC (which is basically a vaccine company despite the "public health" claims) has begun to disguise the cause of respiratory illness deaths in order to manufacture "flu deaths" to scare the public into getting flu vaccines. Lab verified deaths due to actual "influenza virus" (if the entity is even real) are extraordinarily low in ANY year, but the number is deliberately inflated by lumping together deaths due to pneumonia under the assertion that pneumonia is a common sequelae of influenza virus illness.

As for all the crowded hospitals due to outbreaks of influenza Del Bigtree had some of his staff visit local hospitals which had been reported on the "news" to have large influxes of patients. In every case the facilities were very underutilized.

Turning to "COVID-19", the psyop was simply put on overdrive. One big reason for "spikes" in cases (besides huge false positives or "positives" among people with no symptoms) is the intentional failure to treat people with low cost drugs at the early stages of illness. Telling people to stay home and DO NOTHING until they are in respiratory distress is cruel and evil. There are numerous low cost strategies to prevent serious illness including HCQ (which is also, apparently preventive!)+ zinc and EGCG (green tea) + zinc, and another treatment with an asthma medication that stops the cytokine storm in the lungs.

America has way too many doctors, way too much "medical care", and way too much chronic disease. This is represents a deliberate attempt to control and ruin us.

I agree with Tim Bolen about what is likely to happen next and includes addressing the pharmaceutical industry.


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c167d2 No.129253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281890 (260501ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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It's time to wake up.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

TW1 _ Serpent Seed w Pastor Eli James - 2015 FPLZA

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129254

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB,985x218,985:218,Clipboard.png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB,603x960,201:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3668x3284,917:821,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB,1272x1023,424:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB,810x570,27:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281891 (260501ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281896 (260501ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129256

File: 56266eb2806853f⋯.png (2.22 MB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281898 (260501ZOCT20) Notable: m Surprising decrease in "flu cases" this year! The pseudo-scientific BS is actually astonishing to me.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281902 (260501ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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c167d2 No.129258

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1655x1080,331:216,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,1788x1080,149:90,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f7543e31d182156⋯.png (1.47 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,Clipboard.png)

File: e6cd82c5af1d3cc⋯.png (148.84 KB,600x540,10:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281905 (260502ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129259

File: 153fad32c3da938⋯.png (280.63 KB,529x719,529:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281909 (260503ZOCT20) Notable: 600+ jewish groups support BLM

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>BLM disinfo in notables

600+ jewish groups supoport BLM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281918 (260505ZOCT20) Notable: JQ

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JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129261

File: 8db3cc84cc2a335⋯.png (387.37 KB,1404x1448,351:362,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dc06d38ec16532⋯.png (630.53 KB,1342x1424,671:712,Clipboard.png)

File: 4aea50f7b9fbaa4⋯.png (567.79 KB,1362x1440,227:240,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bbdb98cb815bca⋯.png (922.62 KB,1398x1448,699:724,Clipboard.png)

File: 17186c1ad844834⋯.png (370.74 KB,2206x1672,1103:836,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281940 (260507ZOCT20) Notable: Continuing from LB, here is backup of the Pizzagate origin story written by the founder of the Pizzagate subreddit.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Continuing from LB, here is backup of the Pizzagate origin story written by the founder of the Pizzagate subreddit.

Sauce: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@fuckcensorship/the-truth-has-no-bias-the-real-origins-of-r-pizzagate-and-the-pizzagate-pedogate-movement-part-1

Archive: https://archive.is/DX63e

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129262

File: 2cb9ece45f4b1f3⋯.jpg (233.74 KB,1152x2048,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281946 (260508ZOCT20) Notable: m Surprising decrease in "flu cases" this year! The pseudo-scientific BS is actually astonishing to me.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129263

File: 6effc4f05665933⋯.png (246.27 KB,535x588,535:588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11281989 (260511ZOCT20) Notable: SHORT VERSION: Facebook will suppress all conservative voices

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SHORT VERSION: Facebook will suppress all conservative voices, including press coverage, on the pretext of “election safety,” and then just leave it that way.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129264

File: d8bf15177092ed6⋯.png (22.43 KB,744x241,744:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282103 (260523ZOCT20) Notable: Jim Hoft - Something very big and shocking is breaking in AM.

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Something very big and shocking is breaking in AM.

what do you think it is????

checkmate of some sorts?

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c167d2 No.129265

File: 6286229e99ac654⋯.png (1.29 MB,1668x901,1668:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282210 (260532ZOCT20) Notable: Confirmed influenza cases hit rock-bottom, puzzling infectious disease experts

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Wow, what a fucking mystery.

Confirmed influenza cases hit rock-bottom, puzzling infectious disease experts

"Even as worries persist over increasing COVID-19 cases in the United States, cases of another virus — influenza — have plummeted relative to their number a year ago.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's FluView influenza tracker lists an influenza-positive test percentage of 0.3% for week 42 of 2020 — a total of 33 positive tests out of 10,809 specimens. That's down sharply from 2.4% during the same week last year.

Visits to healthcare providers for "influenza-like illnesses" during week 42 were also down this year from the last, though not as sharply: This week that rate was 1.2% of all such visits, while last year it was 1.7%. "


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c167d2 No.129266

File: a8f8e00ca7c6be2⋯.png (929.98 KB,1261x787,1261:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282227 (260534ZOCT20) Notable: https://www.fingerlakes.com/maps

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anons over at 4pol somehow managed to organize a proper dig thread again. interesting findings related to hunter biden's tattoo of finger lakes – implications for human trafficking, underground tunnels, and hidden submarine canals. Organized crime.

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c167d2 No.129267

File: 1f9e3bd94d2d673⋯.png (878.52 KB,1253x629,1253:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282255 (260536ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden’s China Deal Partners Include Mobster Whitey Bulger’s Nephew, John Kerry’s Stepson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11281261 (pb)


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c167d2 No.129268

File: 8ee6aefdc283821⋯.png (31.36 KB,136x112,17:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 545591b6b72d393⋯.png (432.1 KB,592x573,592:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282274 (260538ZOCT20) Notable: Results of print analysis on Laptop announced Monday? I.e. whether Hunter Biden's fingerprints were on it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Results of print analysis on Laptop announced Monday? I.e. whether Hunter Biden's fingerprints were on it.


Finger print picture behind Obama as he taps his fingers on desk while looking at watch.

There's a few other symbolism comms that make me think this could be about to hit,

Why Monday?

10/25/2020 Washington Scientists Vacuum Murder Hornets

"Further details Monday."


Vacuum = forensic finger print extraction technique

10/24/2020 This Is Not a Moon Landing. It’s a Murder Hornet Operation.

"under the cover of darkness" the ambushed hornets were carefully vacuumed out" Got 'em.”


10/25/2020 NASA teases 'exciting new' moon discovery Monday


So Monday again for an announcement. Moon/Murder hornet comms are things I've decoded frequently, and use here fits.

Anyway, I just came up with this theory and I wouldn't call it high confidence, but it fits what is known and plausible to come, so I share it.

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c167d2 No.129269

File: 16f248110966765⋯.png (444.13 KB,598x608,299:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282332 (260543ZOCT20) Notable: Pakistan PM Imran Khan calls on Zuckerberg to 'place ban' on Islamophobia, 'hate against Islam' on Facebook

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pakistan PM Imran Khan calls on Zuckerberg to 'place ban' on Islamophobia, 'hate against Islam' on Facebook


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129270

File: e8112b123b53179⋯.png (831.78 KB,969x706,969:706,Clipboard.png)

File: da92a14743bc3f7⋯.png (262.91 KB,828x667,36:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 7062a1988508ff7⋯.png (99.75 KB,823x610,823:610,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282381 (260548ZOCT20) Notable: CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair

This article was originally published on December 12, 2018. The serious questions raised in the piece remain completely unanswered.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129271

File: a8523c88581e8ec⋯.jpg (532.93 KB,1242x928,621:464,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282436 (260554ZOCT20) Notable: NYT article from Feb 2020 acknowledges the finger lakes tattoo

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fwiw this NYT article from Feb 2020 acknowledges the finger lakes tattoo…


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c167d2 No.129272

File: fabfa58f5a3917c⋯.png (473.56 KB,1918x878,959:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282458 (260556ZOCT20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

P8 Out of Iceland

Planes from NC, OH, ME over UK

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282471 (260557ZOCT20) Notable: Been watching a both NXIM documentary series….

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Been watching a both NXIM documentary series….

My suspicion is that they may be whitewashes to limit NXIM as an isolated fall guy of cults. Back in the same time period NXIM was getting going up North, down here I was seeing a girl who was getting all caught up Landmark Forum. She didn’t believe me when I told her that was she was involved in a cult so I let her go. Then years later I was seeing another girl who later told me she too had done Landmark and was able to talk about it more freely because she had realized it was cult though she still defended some of their “curriculum” I think as a consolation defense mechanism. I charge red flags (Both girls were hot and crazy in bed, so don’t judge).

Anyway, my point is that I wonder if these cults are all the same at their core, but spread out regionally under slightly different guises and names, with leeway at the top to start making up much of their own crazy shit to keep them all going.

Anybody got any other cults in their region selling realization of maximizing human potential but with different names from Landmark and NXIVM or Scientology, but flourishing over the last 20 years?

A funny side not about Landmark, that killed me when I found out, was that they had essentially commandeered the word “racket” to refer to their version of demons or thetons that needed to be exorcised….so they took a word that describes what they actually are out their real world lexicon and made useless.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282473 (260557ZOCT20) Notable: The Samson Option - How Psychopathic Megalomaniacs Blackmail The World With Nuclear War

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Says the man with the baby foreskin in his mouth

Is it me kvetching about the baker?

Oy vey, there goes your bullshit.

The Samson Option - How Psychopathic Megalomaniacs Blackmail The World With Nuclear War

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129275

File: c7c88cd7742af53⋯.png (167.12 KB,800x509,800:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282513 (260602ZOCT20) Notable: https://www.fingerlakes.com/maps

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Tatoo represents Skaneateles, the small town outside of Syracuse where his mother Neilia is from. She met Joe at Syracuse where his parents attended college.

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c167d2 No.129276

File: 363af585bcfe835⋯.png (389.79 KB,1917x898,1917:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282548 (260607ZOCT20) Notable: We out here Planefaggin'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kuwait Bahrain Qatar jets making moves

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129277

File: 48957d92692cc25⋯.png (1.35 MB,1490x718,745:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282571 (260609ZOCT20) Notable: Senate Session

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Senate Session

The Senate voted 51-48 to limit debate on Judge Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court confirmation. Republican Senators Murkowski (AK) and Collins (ME) voted “no” with all Democrats.


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c167d2 No.129278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282625 (260614ZOCT20) Notable: #14412

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>129252 , >>129256 m >>129262 Surprising decrease in "flu cases" this year! The pseudo-scientific BS is actually astonishing to me.

>>129253 , >>129254 , >>129255 , >>129257 , >>129258 , >>129260 ,JQ

>>129259 600+ jewish groups support BLM

>>129261 Continuing from LB, here is backup of the Pizzagate origin story written by the founder of the Pizzagate subreddit.

>>129263 SHORT VERSION: Facebook will suppress all conservative voices

>>129264 Jim Hoft - Something very big and shocking is breaking in AM.

>>129265 Confirmed influenza cases hit rock-bottom, puzzling infectious disease experts

>>129266 , >>129275 https://www.fingerlakes.com/maps

>>129267 Hunter Biden’s China Deal Partners Include Mobster Whitey Bulger’s Nephew, John Kerry’s Stepson

>>129268 Results of print analysis on Laptop announced Monday? I.e. whether Hunter Biden's fingerprints were on it.

>>129269 Pakistan PM Imran Khan calls on Zuckerberg to 'place ban' on Islamophobia, 'hate against Islam' on Facebook

>>129270 CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair

>>129271 NYT article from Feb 2020 acknowledges the finger lakes tattoo

>>129272 , >>129276 We out here Planefaggin'

>>129273 Been watching a both NXIM documentary series….

>>129274 The Samson Option - How Psychopathic Megalomaniacs Blackmail The World With Nuclear War

>>129277 Senate Session

dont even say patriot bake when you split

anyone with a brain knows to stay the course and digs will come and shills with screetch

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129279

File: c55db99d6ee3bdf⋯.jpg (196.46 KB,1920x840,16:7,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f5f018e5c3613d4⋯.jpg (142.38 KB,1920x857,1920:857,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ea83a405285d7f5⋯.jpg (229.23 KB,1917x898,1917:898,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c5930b950e9babf⋯.jpg (260.55 KB,1918x878,959:439,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282738 (260625ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

P8s out of Iceland + Japan

America is lights out rn, save a plane from Delaware over Kansas

Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain jets over Persian gulf

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129280

File: bf8f1deee6a8e5e⋯.png (613.58 KB,1282x948,641:474,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11282847 (260632ZOCT20) Notable: What's going on behind the curtains: their plans to steal EVERYTHING from you in the next 10 years.

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While everyone is paying attention to the election, there's much moar sinister shit going on behind the curtain, shit that really matters!

Klaus Schwab says – You will Own Nothing in 10 years

October 26, 2020

In the United States, we have not reached this level of outrage among the public. It will come – eventually. But Americans are for the most part oblivious to the real agenda behind this entire grand scheme to alter the world economy to impose the Great Reset. The majority of Americans cannot see beyond Republican v Democrat and simple party politics which have dominated the American scene for decades. Mainstream media is fully on board and they have been bashing Trump because they have already signed on to Schwab’s new world order where he admits the capitalism must be really destroyed which he uses the world “Reimagine” to cover up the very same promises of Karl Marx.

People just elected to Congress go through orientation and they are told then and there that they are to vote with the Party. Someone can run for election making all sorts of promises and NEVER deliver because their personal opinion has no bearing and that goes for either party. They think this Great Reset is just anti-Democratic rhetoric. Unfortunately, Americans will be slow to wake up in comparison to the rest of the world. Even 70% of Americans believe reduced CEO compensation is the number one step to avoid layoffs. They really have no clue as to how much economic damage has been created by this COVID-19 response.


moar sauce:

Americans Think the Great Reset is just Pro-Trump Rhetoric

October 26, 2020

In the United States, we have not reached this level of outrage among the public. It will come – eventually. But Americans are for the most part oblivious to the real agenda behind this entire grand scheme to alter the world economy to impose the Great Reset. The majority of Americans cannot see beyond Republican v Democrat and simple party politics which have dominated the American scene for decades. Mainstream media is fully on board and they have been bashing Trump because they have already signed on to Schwab’s new world order where he admits the capitalism must be really destroyed which he uses the world “Reimagine” to cover up the very same promises of Karl Marx.

People just elected to Congress go through orientation and they are told then and there that they are to vote with the Party. Someone can run for election making all sorts of promises and NEVER deliver because their personal opinion has no bearing and that goes for either party. They think this Great Reset is just anti-Democratic rhetoric. Unfortunately, Americans will be slow to wake up in comparison to the rest of the world. Even 70% of Americans believe reduced CEO compensation is the number one step to avoid layoffs. They really have no clue as to how much economic damage has been created by this COVID-19 response.


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c167d2 No.129281

File: 0957db7b08fab7d⋯.jpg (160.03 KB,720x936,10:13,Clipboard.jpg)

File: daa72e30f45d24f⋯.jpg (374.83 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6bbbbc3edea159e⋯.jpg (263.11 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9327b6b41283085⋯.jpg (250.27 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c835e52c20ebf57⋯.jpg (147.94 KB,1082x717,1082:717,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11283006 (260641ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden's wife runs Adoption Agency in South Africa.

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Hunter Biden's Bizarre wife Melissa's Mother, Zoe Cohen, runs international adoption agency in South Africa

Bizarre story of Hunter Biden's new wife, "Jungle Girl", Melissa Cohen:


According to The Washington Post, she co-owns Tribal Worlds, a company that works to “promote indigenous conservation." She is also said to be a documentary filmmaker.


Can't find anything on her business or her filmmaking…supposedly she has traveled to almost everywhere in the world. Are these people fronting for child trafficking ring??? Her ex-husband Jason Landver, seems sketchy as well. Couldn't find anything on his Hollywood jewelry business, Lucas Design International. Looks like he's into Burning Man: https://www.instagram.com/jlandver/

Melissa's mother, Zoe Cohen, worked for child protection services, and runs South African adoption agency:

Welcome to the internet site of the private adoption practice "Adoption SA".

Social workers Joan Nathanson and Zoë Cohen specialize in providing adoption and related services. They have been involved in the field of adoption for over 20 years. During this time they have been privileged to facilitate hundreds of adoptions, both locally and internationally. Adoption SA can offer you a personalized and professional service in order to meet your adoption needs.

Services in this field include counselling of birth parents, counselling of prospective adoptive parents, screening of applicants for adoption, adoption placements, home studies, family adoptions and post adoption aftercare. A vital aspect of adoption is pre and post adoption support. The practice offers regular support groups for adoptive parents. Adoption SA also offer counselling services as well as services relating to legal social work.

The practice is situated in Johannesburg, but the social workers are able to work anywhere in South Africa.



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c167d2 No.129282

File: b1fc174b2459051⋯.mp4 (5.55 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11283024 (260643ZOCT20) Notable: Trump receives Native Indian endorsement "All Tribes benefit under Trump"

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The Crow Nation Indian Tribe endorses PRESIDENT TRUMP.

He says that ALL tribes benefit under THIS President.


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c167d2 No.129283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11283076 (260646ZOCT20) Notable: America gives up Internet Control To the UN

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DNS (ICANN) is no longer in the US thanks to Obummer. No one even blinked an eye when the did it…I was very pissed. Take that down big probrems.

They will take down the backbone when the can't control the flow. Chyna will stop at nothing at this point and completely disabling our infrastructure will be their only move. Why POTUS has his own emergency comms. They know whats coming.

America gives up Internet Control To the UN

By William

October 1, 2016 at 2:40pm

Often we hear the left clamoring about a “free ” Internet and “net neutrality” and what they really mean is that they don’t want the Internet controlled by “evil” corporations aka consumers, producers, and the free market. So it should be no surprise that Obama and his leftist cronies have handed over control of the Internet to the UN and other countries that don’t have American interests in mind. This can’t stand!

Obama wants to hand over ICANN to the rest of the world. This is the organization that regulates and protects the Internet. It holds all domain names and has the ability to control what can and can’t be on the Internet. Potentially letting the United Nations and China control it would be a disaster for free speech.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN /ˈaɪkæn/ eye-kan) is a nonprofit organization that is responsible for coordinating the maintenance and procedures of several databases related to the namespaces of the Internet – thereby ensuring the network’s stable and secure operation.[1] ICANN performs the actual technical maintenance work of the central Internet address pools and DNS Root registries pursuant to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) function contract.ICANN’s primary principles of operation have been described as helping preserve the operational stability of the Internet; to promote competition; to achieve broad representation of the global Internet community; and to develop policies appropriate to its mission through bottom-up, consensus-based processes.[2]Much of its work has concerned the Internet’s global Domain Name System, including policy development for internationalization of the DNS system, introduction of new generic top-level domains (TLDs), and the operation of root name servers. The numbering facilities ICANN manages include the Internet Protocol address spaces for IPv4 and IPv6, and assignment of address blocks to regional Internet registries. ICANN also maintains registries of Internet protocol identifiers.



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c167d2 No.129284

File: 28ac8f7e2a890d0⋯.png (499.08 KB,761x736,761:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11283140 (260650ZOCT20) Notable: Illinois health director Dr Ezike breaks down in tears reporting new coronavirus death toll, While Michigan simultaneously proceeds to continue forced masking

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They are really pushing the ShamDEMic for the last week heading into the election.

Illinois health director Dr Ezike breaks down in tears reporting new coronavirus death toll


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c167d2 No.129285

File: ed1ae7427e865d9⋯.png (353.05 KB,1920x870,64:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11283383 (260706ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

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=P3 telling Iran to back the fuck up==

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c167d2 No.129286

File: 88a44f91d7c5d5b⋯.pdf (2.63 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11283457 (260711ZOCT20) Notable: National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking (10.19.20)

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c167d2 No.129287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11283623 (260726ZOCT20) Notable: Illinois health director Dr Ezike breaks down in tears reporting new coronavirus death toll, While Michigan simultaneously proceeds to continue forced masking

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Michigan was supposed to lose the mask mandate on October 30.

Fuckwit Whitmer now saying 'a step back'. Surprise… not. Evil cunt.


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c167d2 No.129288

File: 1be2e234eb966eb⋯.png (545.33 KB,1918x813,1918:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11283743 (260738ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

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P8 from Iceland will be over London

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c167d2 No.129289

File: 46fc684c613c076⋯.jpg (658.17 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11283888 (260753ZOCT20) Notable: New Nightshift Pepes,

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c167d2 No.129290

File: eff882b911fc585⋯.png (440.71 KB,1920x881,1920:881,Clipboard.png)

File: 47bb05805ccc5e2⋯.jpg (216.41 KB,1920x885,128:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11283964 (260802ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

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chopper over El Paso

Delaware pathing is shit and facing Seattle

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c167d2 No.129291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11283973 (260803ZOCT20) Notable: #11413

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>>129279 Planefagging, >>129285

>>129280 What's going on behind the curtains: their plans to steal EVERYTHING from you in the next 10 years.

>>129281 Hunter Biden's wife runs Adoption Agency in South Africa.

>>129282 Trump receives Native Indian endorsement "All Tribes benefit under Trump"

>>129283 America gives up Internet Control To the UN

>>129284 Illinois health director Dr Ezike breaks down in tears reporting new coronavirus death toll, >>129287 While Michigan simultaneously proceeds to continue forced masking

>>129286 National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking (10.19.20)

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c167d2 No.129292

File: aed3d6af0a3a6a7⋯.jpg (245.86 KB,1920x812,480:203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284010 (260808ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

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Friday night

7 Active E6 over America

shit was wild as fuck

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c167d2 No.129293

File: 4c997c4b2c4b9e3⋯.jpg (867.83 KB,1274x1458,637:729,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284043 (260812ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden's crackpipe in the Marshall's vehicle en route to the CIA photograph further investigated

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So where do we go from here?

Well, we start asking questions. Is the truck registered to Hunter's name?

We perhaps could check for any F150 raptor purchases on the FOIA public documents? Maybe it was given to him?

Any record of Chinese officials in D.C. at this date (& time)?

Are there any social media posts showing photos near the area? Maybe if we are lucky, his truck is seen on Route 123.

Date, timestamp and exact location.

June 12th, 2018 6:50 PM

4884 Old Dominion Dr

Arlington, VA 22207

Focus and post what you find interesting.

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c167d2 No.129294

File: e4f767f7d169b29⋯.jpeg (690.98 KB,1106x743,1106:743,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284082 (260817ZOCT20) Notable: "Stand ready, Anons!" Why Voting next week is CRUCIAL

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>>>/qresearch/11282743 (lb)

A Thought Experiment for the True Midnight Riders on the Night Shift…

…using rough estimates to make the math easier:

1. ~330 million people in USA (current population)

2. ~1/5 or 20% of population too young and not eligible vote

3. Therefore, there are ~250 million potential voters (2016 estimate)

4. A really, really good voter turnout is ~60% (55% in 2016)

5. Therefore, there are going to be ~150 million votes cast.

6. We’ve been told that over ~50 million people have already voted. This number comes from country election districts and isn’t necessarily updated quickly.

7. Therefore, ~1/3 of eligible voters have already cast their vote

8. Whatever happens within the next week may effect the votes of 66% or 100 million people.

Hence, whatever is done, revealed, communicated could easily outdo or overcome whatever vote has already taken place.


Faithful and Dutiful Anons: Maintain Battle-ready Posture and Fire away with Laser Focus!

>Of course, enjoy the movie as well with lots of popcorn and peanuts.

>Message: (Disloyal) Anime hitotachi ga honto ni bakarashi yo. Mina, koko kara dette ike onegai shimasu yo.

There…I said it in polite Japanese.

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c167d2 No.129295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284156 (260827ZOCT20) Notable: LUDE Media: Biden's C(C)P Affairs

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Chinese Whistleblower


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c167d2 No.129296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284217 (260836ZOCT20) Notable: Don't forget to send your birthday wishes to HRC

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Has she been arrested yet?

Has she been arrested yet?

Has she been arrested yet?

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c167d2 No.129297

File: 45824f87218dff3⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1125x1379,1125:1379,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 06e085fbc318ce8⋯.jpeg (924.49 KB,1125x1471,1125:1471,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284254 (260839ZOCT20) Notable: HB Photo Nº 2002 (Hunter/Obama) further investigated

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This picture was No. 2002 in the 22000+ picture roll. The date was listed as April 4, 2016.

Steve Bannon also referenced it on his War Room site.


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c167d2 No.129298

File: 80b84fa252b733f⋯.png (602.06 KB,1920x885,128:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284313 (260852ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

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P8 heading to Med Sea, German P3 heading East

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c167d2 No.129299

File: e34b1496203665a⋯.png (468.18 KB,1920x856,240:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284336 (260856ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

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uhhhh JUSTICE17 left Washington and heading to Med Sea

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c167d2 No.129300

File: e8d41a45256c723⋯.png (317.02 KB,1920x907,1920:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284401 (260907ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

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Kuwait these past few days looks like it's getting ready to announce diplomatic relationship w/ Isreal

BlackHawk moving around and a jet taking off over Persian gulf after a P3 sweep

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c167d2 No.129301

File: 000d11eb3e362ac⋯.jpg (181.39 KB,1122x1496,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284407 (260908ZOCT20) Notable: New Time Magazine cover: "The Great Reset"

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NWO makes the cover of November Time Magazine!


Everybody get ready for the NWO to be crammed down your throats! Over 100 years in the making, it's time to give up your freedom! Because ya know… Covid!

Rise up, take off the fucking mask and resist!

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c167d2 No.129302

File: 172e6cd5a162fa1⋯.jpg (358.31 KB,720x1480,18:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284410 (260908ZOCT20) Notable: German Spy Chief warns that China is "close to World Domination.."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


If you want to know when China is at its absolute weakest, you cant get a better sign than Merkel Hitler saying the opposite.

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c167d2 No.129303

File: 21ae45a5e82bdce⋯.png (146.85 KB,733x567,733:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284449 (260914ZOCT20) Notable: Global reach statistics concerning GTV (Hunter Biden Videos Host)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


GTV, the website publishing the Hunter Biden hard drive has now been viewed over 100M times in the last 3 days, with 45% of viewers directly in China.

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c167d2 No.129304

File: b14368ff3b6334f⋯.png (37.61 KB,669x189,223:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284486 (260918ZOCT20) Notable: New NYT Opinion Piece on Qanon (paywalled)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


What Do We Do About Q?

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c167d2 No.129305

File: a0e4db66695ea3b⋯.png (516.75 KB,1920x862,960:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284521 (260922ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

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Delaware C17 wheels down in Washington

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c167d2 No.129306

File: d5f572f650d9d95⋯.png (20.8 KB,1129x157,1129:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284523 (260922ZOCT20) Notable: Federal authorities investigating possible ballot box arson in Boston

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Federal authorities investigating possible ballot box arson in Boston

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129307

File: 176a6b50e6d4594⋯.png (292.99 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284529 (260923ZOCT20) Notable: New Nightshift Pepes,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

fresh peps

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c167d2 No.129308

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284557 (260927ZOCT20) Notable: #14414

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>129306 Federal authorities investigating possible ballot box arson in Boston

>>129304 New NYT Opinion Piece on Qanon (paywalled)

>>129303 Global reach statistics concerning GTV (Hunter Biden Videos Host)

>>129302 German Spy Chief warns that China is "close to World Domination.."

>>129301 New Time Magazine cover: "The Great Reset"

>>129297 HB Photo Nº 2002 (Hunter/Obama) further investigated

>>129296 Don't forget to send your birthday wishes to HRC

>>129295 LUDE Media: Biden's C(C)P Affairs

>>129294 "Stand ready, Anons!" Why Voting next week is CRUCIAL

>>129293 Hunter Biden's crackpipe in the Marshall's vehicle en route to the CIA photograph further investigated

>>129289 New Nightshift Pepes, >>129307

>>129288 Planefagging, >>129290, >>129292, >>129298, >>129299, >>129300, >>129305

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129309

File: a9d78f35970952c⋯.png (358.58 KB,962x968,481:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284651 (260936ZOCT20) Notable: Putin: Hunter Biden ‘made very good money’ in Ukraine, but Moscow isn’t aware of ‘anything criminal’ there

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Putin: Hunter Biden ‘made very good money’ in Ukraine,

but Moscow isn’t aware of ‘anything criminal’ there

26 Oct, 2020 02:40 / Updated 4 hours ago

Business that Joe Biden’s son Hunter “had or might have” in Ukraine has nothing to do with Moscow, President Vladimir Putin said, adding that although Hunter made “good money” there, Russia sees “nothing criminal” in it.

“It doesn't concern us. It concerns the Americans and the Ukrainians,” Putin said when asked about Hunter’s business dealings in Ukraine during an interview with Rossiya-1 that was aired late on Sunday.

The Russian president said he is aware of “at least one company” Joe Biden’s son “de-facto headed,” adding that Hunter “apparently made very good money” from this endeavor. Still, Putin said he does not “see anything criminal about it.”



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c167d2 No.129310

File: 42b169f71fc0335⋯.png (1.18 MB,1439x979,1439:979,Clipboard.png)

File: b7df5b72bd6263e⋯.png (139.81 KB,1361x821,1361:821,Clipboard.png)

File: caac260ca70f077⋯.png (1.3 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284653 (260936ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



USAF E4-B 75-0125. Call sign TITAN25 landed New Delhi, India three hours ago.

National Security

US officials Pompeo, Esper to visit India for annual talks

By Ashok Sharma | AP

Oct. 22, 2020 at 8:48 a.m. CDT

NEW DELHI — India’s government said Thursday that talks next week with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper in New Delhi will cover “all bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual interest.”

The talks are also expected to focus on cooperation in building a free and open Indo-Pacific in view of China’s growing footprint in the region, though India’s External Affairs Ministry spokesman Anurag Srivastava made no mention of China when discussing next week’s meeting at his weekly briefing.

However, Pompeo told reporters in Washington on Wednesday that “I’m sure that my meetings will also include discussions on how free nations can work together to thwart threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party.”

The meetings, which have been held the past two years, bring the foreign and defense ministers of the two countries together for talks. This year’s talks come amid heightened tensions between India and China following a clash on their disputed mountain border.

Last week, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun visited New Delhi and called China “an elephant in the room,” stressing that Washington is keen to advance India’s interests in the region.

Earlier this month, Pompeo met his counterparts from India, Japan and Australia in Tokyo. The four countries together make up the Indo-Pacific grouping known asthe Quad.

The Quad is seen as a counterweight to China, who critics say is flexing its military muscle in the South China Sea, East China Sea, Taiwan Strait and along its northern border with India.


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c167d2 No.129311

File: f197e657df4f72a⋯.png (1.18 MB,1442x1418,721:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284669 (260939ZOCT20) Notable: Armenia-Azberaijan ceasefire broken. Warring continues, US Politicians involved?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

No peace again: Nagorno-Karabakh warring parties trade

accusations of violating US-brokered ceasefire

26 Oct, 2020 07:35 / Updated 22 minutes ago

Armenia and Azerbaijan have accused each other of violating the truce in Nagorno-Karabakh with heavy artillery fire. The reports of renewed hostilities came after a new attempt to reach a ceasefire was announced in Washington.

The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said that Armenian forces had “violated the new humanitarian ceasefire” on Monday by shelling its positions in several locations.

The statement came just minutes after a new ceasefire – a third one agreed for now – was supposed to take effect at 8am local time. It was announced in Washington after Armenian Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, and his Azerbaijani counterpart, Jeyhun Bayramov, met the US Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun.

Meanwhile, the army of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic denied the accusations by the Azerbaijani side. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan wrote on social media that his country is observing the ceasefire.

At the same time, the spokesperson for the Armenian Defense Ministry, Shushan Stepanyan, said that Azerbaijani artillery began firing at the positions of the Yerevan-backed Nagorno-Karabakh forces “grossly violating the ceasefire agreement.” Azerbaijan, in turn, insisted it is following the truce.



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c167d2 No.129312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284713 (260948ZOCT20) Notable: False info, conspiracy theories target Florida’s Hispanic voters

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False info, conspiracy theories target Florida’s Hispanic voters


October 26, 2020

Less than two weeks before the US presidential election, conspiracy theories, racist posts and disinformation are targeting Hispanic voters in Florida, a key constituency in the battleground state.

A purported election fraud concocted by Democrats, an alleged plot among Jewish, Black and LGBTQ people to interfere in the election: these are some of the stories that have spread among voters in the United States, and among Florida Latinos in particular.

Take influencer Liliana Rodriguez Morillo, a Donald Trump supporter who is the daughter of singer Jose Luis “El Puma” Rodriguez. The Miami-based Venezuelan shared an image to her 485,000 Instagram followers of fake driver’s licenses confiscated in Chicago.

“All registered to vote Democrat!” she wrote in Spanish. “Will there be fraud November 3? Are we playing dumb? Vote in person!”

There is no evidence that the licenses were linked to the Democratic party or to voter fraud. And US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) spokesman Steven Bansbach told AFP that CBP could only confirm that 19,888 driver’s licenses — mainly from China and Hong Kong — were confiscated.

Lizette Escobedo, director of civic engagement at the NALEO Educational Fund, a non-profit that promotes political participation of Latinos, said that mistrust in the electoral system is common among Florida Hispanics in both parties.

The problem, she explained, is that “many Latinos don’t actually trust the electoral process. They’re afraid that their votes are not going to count.”

The organization seeks to counter this perception at the national level with voter education campaigns.

“Florida is our largest digital ad buy budget that we have for this election,” Escobedo said.

She said that Latinos are particularly vulnerable to disinformation because they define their positions in the American political system “based on the political systems that they have in their home country.”

Latin America has a long history of authoritarian regimes from both the left and right, often sustained by elections flagged as fraudulent.

– Racism and anti-Semitism –

Last month, US representatives Debbie Mucarsel-Powell and Joaquin Castro asked the FBI to investigate the spike in disinformation directed at Latinos in South Florida and to “consider efforts of foreign actors to spread disinformation” in this regard.

Many of these conspiracy theories favor Trump, who is head-to-head with Democrat Joe Biden in Florida, a crucial state in the November 3 election.

Hispanics in Florida make up 17 percent of a 14 million voter electorate.

Biden, the Jewish community, and African Americans have been the subject of disinformation.

Venezuelan radio host Carines Moncada of Actualidad Radio, a mainstream Spanish-language outlet in Miami, recently associated the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement with witchcraft.

According to the public radio WLRN, Moncada told listeners that Black Lives Matter practices “‘lo negro’ — witchcraft and devil worship — and wants to burn down your property and kill police officers.” She then added that a vote for Biden “supports that rape and anarchy.”

On her Facebook, Moncada reposted and translated an article from News Punch, an outlet known for disinformation, which claimed a co-founder of BLM practices witchcraft because activist Patrisse Cullors said in an interview that her movement was “spiritual.”

“These kinds of barbarisms are said constantly,” Roberto R. Tejera, a journalist and host on the same station as Moncada, told the Sun Sentinel. “It’s sort of the daily bread of Spanish radio.”

In another instance in September, local newspaper El Nuevo Herald — the Spanish version of the Miami Herald — had to remove the weekly Libre insert aimed at Cubans in Florida after a reader protested its anti-Semitic and racist content.

A Cuban columnist had written in the insert that the police protests were “racial prostitution” and that Jewish Americans were “cowards” for supporting BLM.

Another columnist, also Cuban, spoke of LGBTQ people in derogatory terms and denounced a supposed “gay lobby” backed by international communism.

Miami’s Radio Caracol 1260 also had to apologize in August after state senator Annette Taddeo called out a paid segment in which the announcer predicted “a dictatorship of Jews and Blacks” if Biden won the presidency.

“This disgusting message, spread by Trump supporters, went out today on Miami @Carasol1260,” Taddeo tweeted.

She added: “Everyone — regardless of party affiliation — is obligated to repudiate and condemn this pro-Nazi and racist discourse.”


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c167d2 No.129313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284752 (260954ZOCT20) Notable: Armenia-Azberaijan ceasefire broken. Warring continues, US Politicians involved?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wonder if Shiffty pulled the plug.

Possible he still has juice in that area?

Kansas made him look bad.



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c167d2 No.129314

File: 121937e72a9241e⋯.png (1.15 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284761 (260955ZOCT20) Notable: Kyiv (Ukraine) mayor Klitschko tested positive for coronavirus

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kyiv mayor Klitschko tested positive for coronavirus

Oh so sad…


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c167d2 No.129315

File: 8f561e69ddccd58⋯.png (426.58 KB,1438x979,1438:979,Clipboard.png)

File: 46431881359ec1c⋯.png (318.4 KB,1441x973,1441:973,Clipboard.png)

File: ea8637c788d8d9a⋯.png (1.41 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284780 (260957ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Call sign RG01, tail 162147, Grumman C-2A Greyhound. Data seems to indicate carrier landings in the Persian Gulf.

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c167d2 No.129316

File: fca482fbe7de8f5⋯.png (522.71 KB,1440x981,160:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 83ab6fb89ff09d8⋯.png (336.7 KB,1213x597,1213:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284844 (261006ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Persian Gulf all we know is 19,000 feet up and ICAO hex code AE6877. That seems to decode as a US Navy P-8 Poseidon.


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c167d2 No.129317

File: e9ec4106433ac9a⋯.png (36.05 KB,816x482,408:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284918 (261017ZOCT20) Notable: "Some very grim stuff"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


What’s dropping today?

Some very grim stuff


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c167d2 No.129318

File: 7e43486fb0fc935⋯.png (84.93 KB,717x521,717:521,Clipboard.png)

File: f453b690b5c0f3a⋯.png (493.79 KB,717x516,239:172,Clipboard.png)

File: cc2ce4009b4d33c⋯.png (23.39 KB,717x518,717:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284921 (261018ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden: exploring the in-laws,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hunter's wife Melissa Cohen's brother is Garyn Cohen.

He is a Podiatrist in SA with 2 twatter acct's

He must have a foot fetish like Hunter.


Other is his personnel acct. Follows these elites.

Amy Schumer, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Bill Gates, Leonardo DiCaprio, Britney Spears, ,Ellen DeGeneres,

and the Mother Zoe Colen


many others with no bio/or photo. Secret acct's maybe?


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c167d2 No.129319

File: 545a7d2ce773681⋯.jpg (654.38 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11284988 (261027ZOCT20) Notable: HUSSEIN draws only 400 people which MSM blows way out of proportion.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Big crowds boasted by Fake News



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c167d2 No.129320

File: 5fb8ebb8ad9c29e⋯.png (93.73 KB,717x653,717:653,Clipboard.png)

File: c3f24c772851336⋯.png (114.34 KB,717x574,717:574,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f8b69b3ba9d40e⋯.png (1.06 MB,1800x826,900:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285030 (261032ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden: exploring the in-laws,

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Hunter's Mother-In-Law

This is Zoe Cohen business twatter and website link.




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c167d2 No.129321

File: d28d81c2b8ed365⋯.png (2.89 MB,1350x2661,450:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285067 (261037ZOCT20) Notable: Reminder: Wray had Hunter Biden's laptops since DECEMBER 2019

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reports: Wray Had Hunter’s ‘Laptop From Hell’ Since December — Kept It a Secret from President Trump

Axios reported on Sunday that it is likely that Wray will be fired immediately following the election.


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c167d2 No.129322

File: 5112ca5e8c4cd16⋯.png (90.29 KB,820x658,410:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285123 (261045ZOCT20) Notable: Has Covid killed off the flu?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Has Covid killed off the flu? Experts pose the intriguing question as influenza cases nosedive by 98% across the globe


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c167d2 No.129323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285214 (261058ZOCT20) Notable: Hunters "Laptop from Hell" is making its way around Journalists

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jack PoSo from OAN and Q expose' fame offered Mrack Cuban to look at laptop, he invited Maggie Habermann with him as well as 2 others.

Jack Posobiec

Flag of United States




Let’s set it all up, Mark.

Sharing someone’s intimate videos online isn’t news, but happy to bring some more journalistic light onto this situation with a serious effort.

Quote Tweet

Mark Cuban


· 13h

The one the fbi has in its custody ? Same serial number? Or one of Rudy’s back ups ? Sure, I’ll get a team to take a look. But why not just share it online ? Would be fun to see if all the email meta data is there. @oneunderscore__ @maggieNYT @joshtpm you guys want to come with ? twitter.com/jackposobiec/s…


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c167d2 No.129324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285225 (261100ZOCT20) Notable: #14301 - #14364

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Previously Collected Notables As of 10.23.2020~ A "Global Review" Of Daily Events. ~ "Tracking Events so You Don't Have To!"

> (So HARD! {KEK!})

Mini Guide for Reading PCN List Below:Asterisk * = NumberBaker Error Dual Asterisk ** = No FinalCritical Errors In Addition To NumberBaker Error

Friday 10.23.2020

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>127317 #14362,* >>127344 #14363,* >>127359 #14364*

>>127234 #14359,* >>127258 #14360,* >>127289 #14361*

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Friday 10.23.2020

Thursday 10.22.2020

>>127178 #14357,* >>127209 #14358,* >>127234 #14359*

>>127112 #14354,* >>127124 #14355,* >>127147 #14356*

>>127068 #14351,* >>127086 #14352,* >>127098 #14353*

>>>/qresearch/11222924 #14348,* >>127033 #14349,* >>127046 #14350*

>>126997 #14345,* >>>/qresearch/11220361 #14346,* >>>/qresearch/11221697 #14347*

>>126975 #14342,* >>>/qresearch/11218822 #14343,* >>122848 #14344**

>>>/qresearch/11216536 #14339,* >>126913 #14340,* >>122803 #14341*

>>>/qresearch/11212932 #14336,* >>>/qresearch/11213995 #14337,* >>126872 #14338*

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>>/qresearch/11212158 #14335,* >>>/qresearch/11212932 #14336,*

>>>/qresearch/11209616 #14332,* >>126758 #14333,* >>>/qresearch/11211109 #14334*

>>126674 #14329,* >>126687 #14330,* >>>/qresearch/11208850 #14331*

>>>/qresearch/11204844 #14326,* >>126615 #14327,* >>126649 #14328*

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday 10.22.2020

Wednesday 10.21.2020

>>>/qresearch/11204129 #14325,* >>>/qresearch/11204844 #14326*

>>125970 #14322,* >>>/qresearch/11203242 #14323,* >>>/qresearch/11203515 #14324*

>>126412 #14320,* >>126412 #14320,* >>>/qresearch/11200839 #14321*

>>126350 #14317,* >>126368 #14318,* >>126383 #14319*

>>126305 #14314,* >>126319 #14315,* >>>/qresearch/11196975 #14316*

>>126234 #14311,* >>126250 #14312,* >>126287 #14313*

>>126096 #14308,* >>126152 #14309,* >>>/qresearch/11191967 #14310*

12:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>126058 #14307,* >>126096 #14308*

>>125930 #14304,* >>125960 #14305,* >>126006 #14306*

>>125817 #14301,* >>125874 #14302,* >>>/qresearch/11185836 #14303*

00:00:00+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Wednesday 10.21.2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129325

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129326

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285363 (261124ZOCT20) Notable: #14415

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>129325 Long thread of posts tying to Ukraine Burisma to U.S. Bidens BO HRC JK et al Kolomoiski Soros as godfather of shadow party

>>129323 Hunters "Laptop from Hell" is making its way around Journalists

>>129322 Has Covid killed off the flu?

>>129321 Reminder: Wray had Hunter Biden's laptops since DECEMBER 2019

>>129319 Obama draws only 400 people which MSM blows way out of proportion.

>>129318 Hunter Biden: exploring the in-laws, >>129320

>>129317 "Some very grim stuff"

>>129314 Kyiv (Ukraine) mayor Klitschko tested positive for coronavirus

>>129312 False info, conspiracy theories target Florida’s Hispanic voters

>>129311 Armenia-Azberaijan ceasefire broken. Warring continues, >>129313 US Politicians involved?

>>129310 Planefagging, >>129315, >>129316

>>129309 Putin: Hunter Biden ‘made very good money’ in Ukraine, but Moscow isn’t aware of ‘anything criminal’ there

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129327

File: 044b4d75414f34d⋯.png (331.46 KB,997x658,997:658,Clipboard.png)

File: 92328b6ad1dd717⋯.jpeg (132.6 KB,1428x2000,357:500,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285406 (261131ZOCT20) Notable: Exclusive: Hunter Biden || 独家:亨特·拜登

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Exclusive: Hunter Biden


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129328

File: 0d94cc6049824a2⋯.png (391.13 KB,1440x980,72:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285427 (261134ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Take that flat earthers.

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c167d2 No.129329

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285430 (261134ZOCT20) Notable: 		————————————–——– China #1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Please add China thread to the "International Q Research Threads":



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c167d2 No.129330

File: b7048bfe80d36eb⋯.jpg (172.37 KB,732x609,244:203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285431 (261134ZOCT20) Notable: The choice to know, is yours

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[you] want to find out what else we know

play the cards and find out

[you] lose if you don't play the cards

did anon found out the countdown leaks

great week ahead

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129331

File: 9f5556771635fe7⋯.png (189.14 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e73a5be3e07a6b⋯.png (597.42 KB,1797x912,599:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285479 (261140ZOCT20) Notable: New DJT Tweet: George (+ New "George" Mag)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Joe Biden called me George yesterday. Couldn’t remember my name. Got some help from the anchor to get him through the interview. The Fake News Cartel is working overtime to cover it up!



coincidence ?





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129332

File: bc708acadbf3fc0⋯.png (31.19 KB,587x347,587:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285527 (261145ZOCT20) Notable: New DJT Tweet: 3 Big Rallies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New POTUS tweet.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129333

File: 228688a1357e55e⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,1714x2834,857:1417,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 90e8757cbe16a07⋯.png (633.74 KB,928x701,928:701,Clipboard.png)

File: cb3bcf8d431e27a⋯.png (527.91 KB,1437x909,479:303,Clipboard.png)

File: a19f3efaedcea96⋯.png (62.76 KB,1102x767,1102:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285617 (261154ZOCT20) Notable: Kirikou has some .. interesting symbolism to it. Keep calm and dig.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Major Leak

[they] know, [they] run

keep calm, no panic, we are with you.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129334

File: 9f0ba3f14ab6907⋯.png (1.38 MB,1435x2562,205:366,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285704 (261204ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden & Devon Archer allegedly had hand in Presidential Appointements

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Well Hunter and Devon were picking cabinet appointments.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129335

File: eb56aec02f4c931⋯.jpeg (1008.18 KB,1125x1943,1125:1943,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11285758 (261210ZOCT20) Notable: New HUSSEIN Tweet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New from Zero

Great photo, kek!

In the middle of a pandemic, this administration is trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act in the Supreme Court. Here’s how Joe and I fought to expand health care, protect millions of Americans with preexisting conditions, and actually get it done:


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129336

File: e50f2e97898d3bb⋯.jpeg (205.65 KB,1418x2000,709:1000,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286068 (261244ZOCT20) Notable: ~ New Hunter Pic~ NOT NEW

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286142 (261249ZOCT20) Notable: #14416

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>129336 New Hunter Pic

>>129335 New HUSSEIN Tweet

>>129334 Hunter Biden & Devon Archer allegedly had hand in Presidential Appointements

>>129333 Kirikou has some .. interesting symbolism to it. Keep calm and dig.

>>129332 New DJT Tweet: 3 Big Rallies

>>129331 New DJT Tweet: George (+ New "George" Mag)

>>129330 The choice to know, is yours

>>129328 Planefagging

>>129327 Exclusive: Hunter Biden || 独家:亨特·拜登

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286277 (261301ZOCT20) Notable: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR (Caps: )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129339

File: f0518b40006276f⋯.png (301.72 KB,800x474,400:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286288 (261302ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAM987 USAF G5 on ground at Scott AFB from JBA inbound

AZAZ0909 US Army C-560 departed JBA west

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c167d2 No.129340

File: 8a7b96d72953523⋯.png (439.47 KB,748x700,187:175,Clipboard.png)

File: 88e08ae5482d820⋯.mp4 (848.94 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286381 (261310ZOCT20) Notable: New DJT tweet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald J. Trump




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129341

File: 3e89d637d680eed⋯.png (1.14 MB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286387 (261310ZOCT20) Notable: Lude Media YT livestream.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


They allegedly used it to convince the CCP that Hunter had access to Hussein, so Hunter could be trusted to serve as middleman for CCP's payoffs to Hussein.

Guess that's why the Gateway Pundit ASSHOLES @CassandraRules) teased with #JoeKnew earlier.

Fuck the Gateway Pundit.

Keep your eyes on LUDE MEDIA


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c167d2 No.129342

File: ab118c3840acec7⋯.jpg (530.07 KB,1080x1679,1080:1679,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286395 (261311ZOCT20) Notable: Gateway Pundit drop summed up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129343

File: 39b8af8411d0f87⋯.jpeg (308.51 KB,1125x1443,375:481,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4070f85ee16dc1f⋯.jpeg (261.83 KB,1125x1447,1125:1447,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 89c3676d0f74c29⋯.jpeg (229.1 KB,1125x1445,225:289,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fe6e05f6dd90b25⋯.jpeg (213.77 KB,1124x1448,281:362,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 63bde2bd9a16aed⋯.jpeg (209.51 KB,1125x1444,1125:1444,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286406 (261312ZOCT20) Notable: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR (Caps: )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Caps gateway pundit on JoeKnew 1/2

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c167d2 No.129344

File: b3b869a1efd01d6⋯.jpeg (201.75 KB,1125x1410,75:94,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 334d065a2adf319⋯.jpeg (544.42 KB,1125x1445,225:289,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 276e537ba97977c⋯.jpeg (107.92 KB,1125x242,1125:242,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286408 (261312ZOCT20) Notable: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR (Caps: )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Caps JoeKnew 2/2

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c167d2 No.129345

File: acc1d9ca15cba39⋯.jpg (208.08 KB,1080x1059,360:353,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eb82dec77838b89⋯.jpg (203.51 KB,1079x860,1079:860,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f418de940502409⋯.jpg (590.74 KB,1547x1801,1547:1801,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286444 (261315ZOCT20) Notable: Meanwhile, in Indiana, Donald Rainwater (Libertarian) wins 1st Debate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



This is almost a week old but eyes on this race in Indiana. Hoosiers want their RINO cunt governor out…he is labeled "China friendly".

Donald Rainwater gets bigger crowds than Joe and Cuntmala combined…

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c167d2 No.129346

File: 95bcd629d1df711⋯.png (900.17 KB,910x511,130:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286544 (261323ZOCT20) Notable: 'Panic in DC' Livestream

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fearmongering going on LIVE. kek.

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c167d2 No.129347

File: dccff6ac68b7adf⋯.png (619.11 KB,887x481,887:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286591 (261327ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SAM952 USAF G5 departed Split, Croatia and on descent for Sophia, Bulgaria-this AC departed Edinburgh Airport, Scotland yesterday

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c167d2 No.129348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286709 (261337ZOCT20) Notable: Thomas Oppermann, German politician and former soccer player, unexpectedly dead at 66

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

German politican dead… He was also in the German Soccer/Football DFB (former, I think!?)


The German Football Association has reacted with dismay to the death of the Vice President of the Bundestag, Thomas Oppermann.

The German Football Association (DFB) has reacted with dismay to the death of Thomas Oppermann, Vice President of the Bundestag. "The news of Thomas Oppermann's sudden and much too early death has shaken us all in the DFB," said DFB President Fritz Keller: "We are losing an independent, committed voice that is important not only for the DFB. We will miss him."


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c167d2 No.129349

File: e27c56db65d2a37⋯.png (565.98 KB,777x448,111:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286710 (261337ZOCT20) Notable: Planefagging,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DUKE76 US Army C-560 on ground at Poznan, Poland from Frankfurt-Weisbaden Army Air Field

DUKE24 US Army C-560 departed Poznan, Poland ne after a ground stop and inbound from Weisbaden as well

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c167d2 No.129350

File: ebdb22b392aafe7⋯.png (36.82 KB,748x467,748:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286746 (261339ZOCT20) Notable: Mike and Karen Pence both test negative for Corona virus

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JUST IN: VP Pence and wife Karen Pence have tested negative for COVID-19 this (Monday) morning his office has announced. He heads to a campaign event in Minnesota today. At least 5 staffers tested positive the past few days.

8:29 AM · Oct 26, 2020·Twitter for Android


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c167d2 No.129351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11286910 (261354ZOCT20) Notable: #14417

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>129350 Mike and Karen Pence both test negative for Corona virus

>>129348 Thomas Oppermann, German politician and former soccer player, unexpectedly dead at 66

>>129346 'Panic in DC' Livestream

>>129345 Meanwhile, in Indiana, Donald Rainwater (Libertarian) wins 1st Debate

>>129341 Lude Media YT livestream.

>>129340 New DJT tweet

>>129339 Planefagging, >>129347, >>129349

>>129342 Gateway Pundit drop summed up

>>129338 Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR, (Caps: >>129343, >>129344)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129352

File: 6ff3eedfa71aca2⋯.png (402.29 KB,598x417,598:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287013 (261405ZOCT20) Notable: #8 Vote Republican @stevenegronnh

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




#8 Vote Republican @stevenegronnh

We Will Be Taking Back The House, Securing The Senate And Keeping The PRESIDENCY! #Trump2020.

Please take a moment to help support this Republican Candidate Fighting on the Front Lines.

#VoteRepublican https://twitter.com/stevenegronnh

Steve Negron


US House candidate, NH-2

This 30 day operation will be active to help get the message out to America about the #DoNothingDemocrats and to help support #VoteRepublican candidates running for that district.

Suggested Hashes:

#Trump2020 #Trump2020Landslide #Vote #VoteRed #VoteRepublican #GetOutAndVote #VoteDemsOut #VoteAllDemsOut #VoteInPerson #VoterID #GoVote #TakeTheHouse

#MAGA #WWG1WGA #RedWave #Watchyourballot #SecureTheVote #DefundTheLeft #ObamaGate #OBidenGate

-Daily Hash Trends (#mondaymotivation, #tuesdaythoughts…)

-State/District Hashes ex. #Nevada #Nevada3rd

-Named Hashes ex. #DanRodemer #VoteDanRodemer #ElectDanRodemer

#DoNothingDemocrats: The 'NO' Party

>NO School Choice

>NO Child Tax Credit

>NO Social Security

>NO Speech

>NO Jobs

>NO Wall

>NO Police

>NO Guns

>NO Military

>NO Religion

>NO Law and Order

OP: https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5520.html >>>/warroom/5520

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129353

File: f1146a693c7112c⋯.png (384.74 KB,1056x922,528:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c5650b82309d7b⋯.png (178.4 KB,691x874,691:874,Clipboard.png)

File: abe36ff43e97d0d⋯.png (221.7 KB,805x929,805:929,Clipboard.png)

File: 0693e0199c9b2be⋯.png (199.1 KB,793x911,793:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287040 (261408ZOCT20) Notable: Aide to longtime New York Assemblyman Peter J. Abbate, Jr. charged with sexually abusing teenager

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New York Assembly aide charged with sexually abusing teenager

Joseph Brady, an aide to Brooklyn Assemblyman Peter J. Abbate, charged with felony sexual abuse

sauce: https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/New-York-Assembly-aide-charged-with-sexually-15673881.php

Oct. 25, 2020

Updated: Oct. 25, 2020 4:27 p.m.

WATERVLIET — The longtime legislative director for state Assemblyman Peter J. Abbate, Jr., was arrested over the weekend on charges of sexually abusing an 18-year-old girl at his Third Avenue residence, where police said they recovered drugs and what appeared to be bomb-making materials.

Joseph P. Brady, 40, who law enforcement sources said is associated with a motorcycle gang that has ties to the Hells Angels, is accused of sexually assaulting the woman after her 16-year-old boyfriend, who was also staying with Brady, briefly left the residence.

Brady is paid more than $118,000 a year as Abbate's legislative director. Abbate, a 71-year-old Brooklyn Democrat, has been a state legislator since 1986 and chairs the Assembly's Governmental Employees Committee.

Abbate could not immediately be reached for comment on Sunday afternoon.

Law enforcement sources said Brady had allegedly sent the teenage boy and another person to a nearby motel on Saturday to purchase more drugs; while they were on that errand, Brady allegedly assaulted the 18-year-old woman.

The 16-year-old boy returned to the residence on Saturday and found his girlfriend disheveled and disoriented. She had been moved from a couch to a bedroom and showed signs of having been sexually assaulted. As the teeangers fled the residence, Brady allegedly confronted them in an alley outside where he displayed what appeared to be a firearm. The teenagers ran to a nearby residence to summon help.

FBI agents and State Police assisted Watervliet police in a court-authorized search of Brady's residence overnight Saturday. No firearms were recovered, and it's unclear whether federal authorities will pursue any charges related to the materials that authorities suspect were being assembled to make explosives or fireworks.

“Upon receiving this concerning information our agency promptly acted by coordinating with various specialized entities to ensure any threat to the public was minimal," said Watervliet police Lt. Brian Strock, the department's acting chief.

A law enforcement official briefed on the case said Brady has been on a law enforcement "watch list," and was questioned last year by State Police investigators in connection with the January 2019 disappearance of Michael P. Ahern, a 42-year-old Stillwater resident and member of the Rolling Pride motorcycle club. Saratoga County sheriff's officials last year said Ahern was last seen on Jan. 6, 2019. He had lived at the club’s headquarters on Brickyard Road in Stillwater.

Law enforcement officials said they suspect Ahern, who has not been found, is a homicide victim.

Brady was charged with felony sexual abuse and misdemeanor counts of unlawfully dealing with a child, unlawful imprisonment and endangering the welfare of a child. He was being held at Albany County jail Sunday on $50,000 bail.

Brady's business dealings with the state of New York are the subject of an unrelated investigation by the state comptroller's office. He has formed several limited liability companies, according to public records, that include Excelsior Waste & Recycling and Excelsior Construction Management.

Brady, who has been a mixed martial arts fighter in years past, has a criminal history that includes a 2019 arrest in Ohio for drug possession and carrying a concealed weapon.

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c167d2 No.129354

File: e957eef7ee6f4af⋯.png (431.19 KB,825x446,825:446,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a814112a1c7695⋯.png (185.18 KB,547x276,547:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287094 (261415ZOCT20) Notable: PF Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

09-0015 USAF C-32A departed JBA for

Lehigh Valley Int'l Airport, Allentown, PA

-POTUS delivers Remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally in Allentown, PA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129355

File: fb98832f77a98ea⋯.png (1.45 MB,1137x743,1137:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287141 (261421ZOCT20) Notable: Odd 'Monsterous' clue?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>yeah thats the symbol anon. ty. doesnt it remind you of finger lake tho???

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c167d2 No.129356

File: af72df99cb3b15a⋯.png (1.07 MB,1132x776,283:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287195 (261427ZOCT20) Notable: California's dire coronavirus prediction was wrong, hospitalizations went down instead

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California's dire coronavirus prediction was wrong, hospitalizations went down instead

In late September, California officials predicted that the state could see a whopping 89% increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations within the next month. But 30 days after that dire prediction, the rates of virus-related hospitalizations have gone down.

Dr. Mark Ghaly, the state’s health and human services secretary, was quoted in the Los Angeles Times on Sept. 25 as saying that the state was on track to have more than 4,800 people hospitalized with the coronavirus by Oct. 25.

Recent data shows that Dr. Ghaly was off by about 1,831 patients. According to covid19.ca.gov, as of Sunday, about 2,969 patients in California are hospitalized with the coronavirus – a 1.3% decrease from the previous day.

That represents a significant decline from late July when the state recorded more than 8,400 patients hospitalized with the coronavirus.

Since the outbreak began earlier this year, the state has recorded more than 900,000 coronavirus cases with some 17,345 deaths.

Data compiled by the Mercury News showed that the Golden State is reporting fewer than 3,000 COVID-19 cases per day.


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c167d2 No.129357

File: 00dfc4f8f7783d8⋯.png (653.77 KB,765x502,765:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287245 (261433ZOCT20) Notable: Rolls-Royce seeks $2.6 billion in make-or-break share issue

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rolls-Royce seeks $2.6 billion in make-or-break share issue

Aero-engine maker Rolls-Royce will ask shareholders on Tuesday for 2 billion pounds ($2.6 billion) in a make-or-break attempt to survive the COVID-19 pandemic, which has stopped planes flying and hammered its finances.

At stake is the future of a company which has been at the heart of manufacturing in Britain for more than 100 years, making engines that powered World War Two bombers and still drive the country’s fighter jets and nuclear submarines.

Investors are expected to back the rights issue, supporting CEO Warren East’s plan to cut 9,000 jobs and close factories to adjust to a lower level of demand from airline customers that fly with Rolls engines on Boeing 787s and Airbus 350s. Investors can buy 10 new shares for every three they own at 32 pence each, a 41% discount to the theoretical ex-rights price. The company, which made a 5.4 billion pound loss in the first half of 2020, faces a cash crunch at the end of next year, when 3.2 billion pounds of debt needs to be repaid.

In a sign of Rolls’s strategic importance, the UK government has guaranteed a 1 billion pound loan on top of the 2 billion pounds it backed in July through its UK Export Finance arm. Rolls accounts for 2% of all UK goods exported and is one of the country’s biggest spenders on research and development. It also buys from 2,300 smaller UK suppliers, and before the pandemic supported as many as 135,000 UK jobs. But COVID-19 has shattered the company’s finances because airlines only pay it when their planes fly, forcing it to seek a 5 billion pound debt and equity package to survive many more months of expected turmoil. Rolls's market value has slumped from over 20 billion pounds in 2018 to 4.7 billion pounds, putting it broadly on a par with online clothing retailer ASOS ASOS.L.

Analysts are positive on Rolls’s future if it secures the 50% plus one of votes cast at Tuesday’s virtual meeting. “They’ve given themselves enough time and space to make sure that they get through to the other side,” said Agency Partner analyst Nick Cunningham. Further debt options will also open up if shareholders back the fundraising, including 2 billion pounds from bonds, after strong investor demand enabled it to double the amount it had been aiming for. While the rights issue will be highly dilutive for shareholders, investor advisory groups say it is preferable to a stake sale to a sovereign wealth fund, which would not have given them the option to participate.

But ongoing travel restrictions mean the outlook is bleak. There were just three orders for the wide-body jets that Rolls supplies in the third quarter, according to UK industry body ADS.


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c167d2 No.129358

File: 15d38c584ac725c⋯.png (423.41 KB,852x441,284:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b032ddc46bf3eb⋯.png (446.96 KB,732x312,61:26,Clipboard.png)

File: e15dca1b8919132⋯.png (818.13 KB,629x433,629:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287321 (261441ZOCT20) Notable: PF Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

09-0015 USAF VIP C-32A continues to Allentown, PA

-POTUS delivers remarks at a MAGA rally-HoverTech International, Allentown, PA

00-9001 USAFSOC C-32B departing McGuire AFB and doing fly overs at home base

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129359

File: 25bef9fe5951375⋯.jpg (176.56 KB,720x1157,720:1157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287532 (261501ZOCT20) Notable: President Donald Trump TAKES LEAD Rasmussen Poll

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: President Donald Trump TAKES LEAD Over Joe Biden in Rasmussen Daily 'White House Watch' – 4 Point Swing in ONE WEEK

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287556 (261503ZOCT20) Notable: Pandemic Fatigue Is Real—And It’s Spreading

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pandemic Fatigue Is Real—And It’s Spreading

Collective exhaustion with coronavirus restrictions has emerged as a formidable adversary for governments.

From the corridors of Washington to the cobblestones of Paris, the coronavirus is roaring back and authorities are ramping up restrictions again. This time around, however, everyone is tired.

Hospital staff world-wide are demoralized after seven months of virus-fighting triage. The wartime rhetoric that world leaders initially used to rally support is gone. Family members who willingly sealed themselves off during spring lockdowns are suddenly finding it hard to resist the urge to reunite.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129361

File: 6c0764f216f4630⋯.jpeg (1023.19 KB,1098x2252,549:1126,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287579 (261504ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

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Also Trump’s approval/disapproval is 52/46 today


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c167d2 No.129362

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287584 (261504ZOCT20) Notable: #14418

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>129352 #8 Vote Republican @stevenegronnh

>>129353 Aide to longtime New York Assemblyman Peter J. Abbate, Jr. charged with sexually abusing teenager

>>129354 , >>129358 PF Report

>>129355 Odd 'Monsterous' clue?

>>129356 California's dire coronavirus prediction was wrong, hospitalizations went down instead

>>129357 Rolls-Royce seeks $2.6 billion in make-or-break share issue


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129363

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287675 (261513ZOCT20) Notable: #14418, (You) #14419, (You) #14420

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>129353 Aide to longtime New York Assemblyman Peter J. Abbate, Jr. charged with sexually abusing teenager

>>129354 , >>129358 PF Report

>>129355 Odd 'Monsterous' clue?

>>129356 California's dire coronavirus prediction was wrong, hospitalizations went down instead

>>129357 Rolls-Royce seeks $2.6 billion in make-or-break share issue

>>129359 , >>129361 President Donald Trump TAKES LEAD Rasmussen Poll

>>129360 Pandemic Fatigue Is Real—And It’s Spreading

>>129361 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

700 & final

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c167d2 No.129364

File: 00d6a799a2efe22⋯.mp4 (5.46 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287736 (261516ZOCT20) Notable: Fresh Veritas

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Fresh Veritas


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129365

File: 63ad290f52a8975⋯.png (310.78 KB,577x433,577:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11287769 (261520ZOCT20) Notable: New DJT Tweet: The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New DJT Tweet


The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288030 (261538ZOCT20) Notable: Fox: FBI Director Wray in danger of being fired: Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fox: FBI Director Wray in danger of being fired: Report

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288037 (261539ZOCT20) Notable: Live: Senate debates ahead of Amy Coney Barrett confirmation vote

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🔴 Live: Senate debates ahead of Amy Coney Barrett confirmation vote.

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c167d2 No.129368

File: 8b986ecc2eb31d0⋯.png (1.18 MB,1834x894,917:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288044 (261539ZOCT20) Notable: Texts Show VP Biden, Wife/Brother, Key Family Aware/Concerned/Colluded to Suppress Hunters Alleged Actions Around Minor

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>Former US Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the First State Democratic Dinner in Dover, Delaware, on March 16, 2019.

>>>/qresearch/11287618 lb





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c167d2 No.129369

File: 056278e06a49ac4⋯.png (492.67 KB,845x892,845:892,Clipboard.png)

File: cb934d4429ac176⋯.png (52.67 KB,849x227,849:227,Clipboard.png)

File: bce0432543dac2d⋯.png (33.48 KB,849x170,849:170,Clipboard.png)

File: 181fc918c473d2e⋯.png (83.64 KB,866x375,866:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288046 (261539ZOCT20) Notable: Delaware Sen Candidate Lauren Witzke Calls on Sen Coons to Denounce Biden

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c167d2 No.129370

File: 26da3c66d1dd6dc⋯.png (710.47 KB,839x883,839:883,Clipboard.png)

File: 64445975d3177f9⋯.png (692.86 KB,977x753,977:753,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288070 (261541ZOCT20) Notable: Texts Show VP Biden, Wife/Brother, Key Family Aware/Concerned/Colluded to Suppress Hunters Alleged Actions Around Minor

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c167d2 No.129371

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288107 (261545ZOCT20) Notable: What happened to cause bread split #14419

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WRshill put his notables in for 14418

These are the real notables collected by baker and posted in last bread as final…


Notables are NOT endorsements!


>>129353 Aide to longtime New York Assemblyman Peter J. Abbate, Jr. charged with sexually abusing teenager

>>129354 , >>129358 PF Report

>>129355 Odd 'Monsterous' clue?

>>129356 California's dire coronavirus prediction was wrong, hospitalizations went down instead

>>129357 Rolls-Royce seeks $2.6 billion in make-or-break share issue

>>129359 , >>129361 President Donald Trump TAKES LEAD Rasmussen Poll

>>129360 Pandemic Fatigue Is Real—And It’s Spreading

>>129361 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

>>129363 #14418

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c167d2 No.129372

File: c8e0d3b159fc80c⋯.png (888.85 KB,1242x1452,207:242,Clipboard.png)

File: a41b3216f6edad5⋯.png (97.96 KB,940x476,235:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288125 (261546ZOCT20) Notable: Texts Show VP Biden, Wife/Brother, Key Family Aware/Concerned/Colluded to Suppress Hunters Alleged Actions Around Minor

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c167d2 No.129373

File: de13bc18e099063⋯.jpeg (191.2 KB,1160x773,1160:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288143 (261547ZOCT20) Notable: New Emails Released to Judicial Watch re FBI Peter Strzok/Lisa Page

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New Emails Released to Judicial Watch

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received 163 pages of emails between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page. The records show that Microsoft Outlook’s exchange server had to recreate multiple meetings that were “missing” from Lisa Page’s initial calendar entries. These missing meetings included the subjects “Going Dark Strategy Meeting,” “Twitter,” and “702 Reauthorization Strategy Coordination Bi-Weekly.”


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c167d2 No.129374

File: 4d291ed9fcc9a66⋯.png (244.08 KB,296x340,74:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b835866d141c62⋯.png (568.08 KB,1320x792,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: c46b69c6c7c84c0⋯.png (469.63 KB,1117x402,1117:402,Clipboard.png)

File: d68679e77a8747a⋯.png (185.15 KB,638x527,638:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288155 (261548ZOCT20) Notable: Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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I think this post - scared the shit out of the shill BV:

I need more eyes on this anons:

The anon from PB (appears to be q team related), posted this call for a dig.


here are the keys:

>>>/qresearch/11286933 pb

>>>/qresearch/11286920 pb

and this is the map (mirrored finger lakes - from the hunter biden tattoo).

>>>/qresearch/11286922 pb

To me it looks like he is hinting that we should create our "treasure map" based on the mirrored finger lakes map, USING THE ANATOMICAL MAPS AS A LEGEND.

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c167d2 No.129375

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288191 (261551ZOCT20) Notable: VERY FISHY WISCONSIN GOV RECALL NEWS

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Pro mask, pro lockdown, chinese puppet, and likely Pedophile Wisconsin governor Tony Evers is strangely NOT BEING RECALLED

After saying 6 days ago that she had enough signatures, the recall organizer Misty Polewczynski says that now there aren't enough. She will not disclose how many she got, and despite them not being due until Tuesday, she says she won't even bother turning them in. Also, Evers was allowed to raise unlimited money while under threat of recall.

What is going on here? Blackmail? Threats? Maybe she was doing it as a distraction to keep a legit recall from happening the whole time all the while allowing Evers to collect more money?


Anyone wonder if this was really an effort to do

collect information for some targeted presidential election fraud? They collect the names and addresses of likely Trump supporters, and then they know which districts they need to truck democrat ballots into and how many. It will look suspicious if they get 30k absentee ballots in Milwaukee at 1:30 am again

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c167d2 No.129376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288195 (261551ZOCT20) Notable: What happened to cause bread split #14419

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DAanon baked the last 2 breads without any probs. WRshill got mad cuz DAanon baker didn't put WRshills twat op in the notables, DAanon created bread https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11287677.html#q11287677

WRshill split the bread, the one you are now in. Now trying to handoff after coming in out of nowhere, when everything was sailing along just fine. And then split the bread cuz his demand to include his hashtagop was ignore, not by baker, but by everybody. BO/BV locked legit bread. Notables posted in this breads dough are not from last breads baker. They are WRshill's notables.

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c167d2 No.129377

File: 4973455afde92cd⋯.jpg (77.63 KB,884x744,221:186,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288199 (261552ZOCT20) Notable: Citations: San Antonio gym cited for employees, manager not wearing masks

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this bs needs to STOP! basic human rights stripped away…

Citations: San Antonio gym cited for employees, manager not wearing masks

The City of San Antonio has issued more than 3,000 warnings and 280 citations for violating the emergency declarations, according to an enforcement report.

Officials had received over 15,200 calls reporting violations as of Monday.

The social distancing orders, intending to slow the spread of COVID-19, first went into place on March 18. The most recent, a third addendum to the eighth emergency health declaration, went into effect on June 26.

Multiple city departments — Code Enforcement, Parking Enforcement, Metro Health and the San Antonio Police Department — are enforcing the order.

Here are the citations issued so far:

October 24

- A proactive inspection at Texas Roadhouse, located at 6616 West Loop 1604 North, found patrons sitting back-to-back in booths without a partition. A citation was issued.

October 21

- A caller reported that people were not wearing masks or social distancing at Crunch Gym, located at 8725 Marbach Road. Inspectors saw multiple employees, guests and a manager who were not wearing masks. A citation was issued.

- A caller reported people not wearing masks at Midas, located at 11000 Interstate 10 West. Inspectors saw two people, one without a mask, interacting within 6 feet. A citation was issued.

October 17

- At Anchor Bar, located at 4553 N. Loop 1604 W., inspectors saw tables not adequately spaced out to maintain a 6-foot distance. A citation was issued.

- At The Lost Bar & Grill, located at 12730 N.W. Loop 410, inspectors saw tables not adequately spaced out to maintain a 6-foot distance. A citation was issued.

- At Elsewhere Garden Bar, located at 103 E. Jones Ave., inspectors saw violations of the mask and social distancing requirements. A citation was issued.

- At Social Spot, located at 930 Broadway, the business was operating over the maximum allowable capacity. There were also violations of the mask and social distancing requirements. Citations were issued.

- A Boneheadz Sports Bar, located at 9503 Console Drive, patrons were close to one another, violating the social distancing requirement. A citation was issued.

October 16

- A caller reported employees were not wearing masks at Hernandez Tire and Muffler Shop, located at 1514 Bandera Road. Inspectors saw employees in the bay area not wearing masks or social distancing. Two citations will be filed in municipal court.

- A caller reported social distancing violations at Circus Bingo SA, located at 3307 Wurzbach Road. Inspectors saw several players sitting back-to-back with no masks on. A citation will be filed in municipal court.

- At Pueblo Hall, located at 3315 Northwestern, inspectors saw the establishment hosting a mixed quinceanera. The tables were not adequately spaced out. A citation was issued.

many more https://www.mysanantonio.com/coronavirus/article/Citations-San-Antonio-gym-cited-for-employees-15187448.php

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c167d2 No.129378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288220 (261553ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS LIVE IN PA

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c167d2 No.129379

File: d1d512269055657⋯.png (304.74 KB,595x611,595:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288224 (261554ZOCT20) Notable: China demands China-based branches of ABC, The LA Times, MN Public Radio, Bureau of National Affairs, Newsweek and Feature Story News declare information about staff, finance, operation, real estate in China w/in 7 days

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#BREAKING: #China demands China-based branches of ABC, The Los Angeles Times, Minnesota Public Radio, Bureau of National Affairs, Newsweek and Feature Story News declare information about their staff, finance, operation and real estate in China within 7 days


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c167d2 No.129380

File: 76068bd90acd560⋯.jpeg (391.67 KB,607x492,607:492,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288246 (261556ZOCT20) Notable: Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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c167d2 No.129381

File: a4dd55928c9a684⋯.png (63.36 KB,432x311,432:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288290 (261559ZOCT20) Notable: Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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According to Native American legend, the lakes were formed when the great Spirit laid his hands on the land to bless it. His fingers left imprints that filled with water, hence the name “Finger Lakes.” The Cayuga-Seneca Canal connects New York's legendary Erie Canal to Seneca Lake in Geneva.


If you haven’t tried it, you’ve heard of it. If you haven’t heard of it, what are you waiting for? Wine growing and making is a substantial part of Finger Lakes history, with the first recorded vineyard in 1829. Today the region boasts over 130 wineries, most of which line the shores of the lakes they call home. The region has been compared to that of the Rhine Valley in Germany.

Comparable to the Rhine Valley, the region is the largest and most acclaimed winemaking region in the Eastern US and growing. We owe much of our success to the lakes themselves. The steep slopes that surround the lakes provide natural drainage for rainwater and air during the spring and summer growing seasons, and the extreme depth of the lakes moderates the region’s cool autumns with gentle, warming fog, thereby extending the growing season. Local wineries produce many wines, with Riesling as the standout. Years of experimentation have produced other varieties of exceptional wine, including Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, Chardonnay, and Gewurztraminer. The southern shores of Lake Ontario also lend themselves to wine growing for the same reasons.

The Finger Lakes is also home to the oldest wine trail in the country, Cayuga Lake Wine Trail which was established in 1983.


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c167d2 No.129382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288328 (261602ZOCT20) Notable: Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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According to Native American legend, the lakes were formed when the great Spirit laid his hands on the land to bless it. His fingers left imprints that filled with water, hence the name “Finger Lakes.” The Cayuga-Seneca Canal connects New York's legendary Erie Canal to Seneca Lake in Geneva.


If you haven’t tried it, you’ve heard of it. If you haven’t heard of it, what are you waiting for? Wine growing and making is a substantial part of Finger Lakes history, with the first recorded vineyard in 1829. Today the region boasts over 130 wineries, most of which line the shores of the lakes they call home. The region has been compared to that of the Rhine Valley in Germany.

Comparable to the Rhine Valley, the region is the largest and most acclaimed winemaking region in the Eastern US and growing. We owe much of our success to the lakes themselves. The steep slopes that surround the lakes provide natural drainage for rainwater and air during the spring and summer growing seasons, and the extreme depth of the lakes moderates the region’s cool autumns with gentle, warming fog, thereby extending the growing season. Local wineries produce many wines, with Riesling as the standout. Years of experimentation have produced other varieties of exceptional wine, including Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, Chardonnay, and Gewurztraminer. The southern shores of Lake Ontario also lend themselves to wine growing for the same reasons.

The Finger Lakes is also home to the oldest wine trail in the country, Cayuga Lake Wine Trail which was established in 1983.


There are many stories/myths as to how the Finger Lakes of New York State came to be. I particularly like the old Indian story that when God create the world, He rested on the seventh day and placed his hand on what would become the Finger Lakes. His handprint became one of the most beautiful lands ever created.

Of course, the geologist tells us a different story. There are actually eleven finger-shaped lakes in upper New York State that were formed when the glaciers receded at the end of the last ice age. They are: Otisco Lake, Skaneateles Lake, Owasco Lake, Cayuga Lake, Seneca Lake, Keuka Lake, Canandaigua Lake, Honeoye Lake, Canadice Lake, Hemlock Lake and Conesus Lake. This area also has an abundance of fantastic gorges and majestic waterfalls that were also created at the same time.

Each lake is unique and is named from an Native American word. Honeoye Lake (“Finger Lying“) is the shallowest. Seneca Lake (“Stoney Place“) is the deepest and widest, and Cayuga Lake (“Boat Landing“) is the longest. Our neighbor Keuka Lake (“Canoe Landing”) is also called the “Crooked Lake” because of its “Y” shape.







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c167d2 No.129383

File: d5fdaff29810e54⋯.png (73.41 KB,595x708,595:708,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288329 (261602ZOCT20) Notable: Catherine Herridge: A senior administration official tells @CBSNews POTUS has soured on CIA Director Haspel

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NEW: A senior administration official tells @CBSNews POTUS has soured on CIA Director Haspel for "failing to execute his national security priorities” + frustration over the pace of declassifying records related to Russia probe, among other issues. The SAO said need to protect

"source and methods" argument against declassification does not fly with records at issue. The SAO predicts Haspel could exit immediately after election, same for FBI Director Wray, due to disagreement over a variety of policy issues. From CIA Press Secretary Timothy L. Barrett,

“Director Haspel continues to proudly serve at CIA, and we’ll leave the election season speculation to others.” FBI has declined to comment. First reported @axios @jonathanvswan @alaynatreene


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c167d2 No.129384

File: b397b4b165a903e⋯.png (249.61 KB,506x361,506:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288331 (261602ZOCT20) Notable: Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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c167d2 No.129385

File: c7c88cd7742af53⋯.png (167.12 KB,800x509,800:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288341 (261603ZOCT20) Notable: Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288342 (261603ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS LIVE IN PA

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129387

File: 77a585e6bc4f044⋯.png (372.84 KB,532x444,133:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288349 (261603ZOCT20) Notable: New DJT Tweet: The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post Endorses Donald Trump: ‘Make America Great Again, Again’https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/26/new-york-post-endorses-donald-trump-make-america-great-again-again/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&__twitter_impression=true

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c167d2 No.129388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288358 (261604ZOCT20) Notable: Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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Finger Lakes Digg:

Q area Seneca army depot: https://www.senecawhitedeer.org/index.cfm?Page=Military%20History

Kidspeace Romulus NY (located on part of Sampson Army base), then was Hillside (closed 2019 hmmmmm?): https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/health/2019/06/18/hillside-childrens-center-laying-off-244-workers-closing-romulus-site/1485847001/

NUWC Dresden, NY: https://www.navsea.navy.mil/Home/Warfare-Centers/NUWC-Newport/What-We-Do/Detachments/Seneca-Lake/

Himrod NY salt mines: http://www.observer-review.com/himrod-salt-mine-short-lived-some-lingering-questions-cms-5625

Fuckery in this area.

Where’s Hunter? May want to check Glenora Winery, Geneva on the Lake or Belhurst Castle. High end places he would/could be.

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c167d2 No.129389

File: 6968544d51dc923⋯.png (978.92 KB,1322x520,661:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288361 (261604ZOCT20) Notable: Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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c167d2 No.129390

File: b7f1abcef3825aa⋯.png (1.49 MB,1306x855,1306:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288380 (261606ZOCT20) Notable: Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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here you go anons, it is from another drop by the same anon:

>>>/qresearch/11285557 pb

it lead me here:

42°52'20.8"N 77°15'09.9"W

42.872441, -77.252744

also check out the research that was done on 4ch:

https://archive.vn/YFvWb #1

https://archive.vn/bjVR8 #2

https://archive.vn/WQ9v3 #3

https://archive.vn/o00OM no n.

https://archive.is/nO2dD no n.

https://archive.vn/BedSK #19

https://archive.is/HMWK5 #20

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c167d2 No.129391

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288419 (261609ZOCT20) Notable: TRUMP: I'm telling you it's happening

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TRUMP : I'm telling you it's happening

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c167d2 No.129392

File: 6312f35a0d75d59⋯.jpg (121.67 KB,897x635,897:635,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288444 (261611ZOCT20) Notable: Two Bay Area counties halt COVID-19 test program run by Google offshoot

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Two Bay Area counties halt COVID-19 test program run by Google offshoot

Amid fanfare in March, California officials celebrated the launch of a multimillion-dollar contract with Verily — Google’s health-focused sister company — that they said would vastly expand coronavirus testing among the state’s impoverished and underserved communities.

But seven months later, San Francisco and Alameda counties — two of the state’s most populous — have severed ties with the company’s testing sites amid concerns about patients’ data privacy and complaints that funding intended to boost testing in low-income Black and Latino neighborhoods instead was benefiting higher-income residents in other communities.

San Francisco and Alameda are among at least 28 counties, including Los Angeles, where California has paid Verily to boost testing capacity through contracts collectively worth $55 million, according to a spokesperson for the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. About half have received coronavirus tests through six mobile units that travel among rural areas.

Gov. Gavin Newsom has heralded the investment as a game-changer in addressing persistent inequities in access to testing across the state that tend to fall along lines of ethnicity and income. The goal, he said in April, touting six new Verily testing sites, was to “make sure we’re truly testing California broadly defined, not just parts of California and those that somehow have the privilege of getting ahead of the line.”

Yet the roadblocks for getting underrepresented populations to use the program soon became apparent to Alameda County officials. In a June letter to California Secretary of Health Mark Ghaly, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and other members of the county’s COVID-19 Racial Disparities Task Force raised numerous concerns about the Verily protocols.

Among their complaints: People signing up for a test through Verily had to do so online, using an existing or newly created Gmail account; the sign-ups were offered only in English or Spanish; and participants were asked to provide sensitive personal information, including their home address and whether they were managing chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity or congestive heart failure, which could expose their data to third-party use.

“It is critical in this crisis that we continue to build trust between government and healthcare providers and vulnerable communities,” the task force members wrote.

Verily had two sites in Alameda County, and one was shuttered by May. The second, located at an Oakland church, closed in August and is set to reopen using a different testing vendor. Alameda County testing director Dr. Jocelyn Freeman Garrick said that while the Verily sites helped the county reach testing goals in terms of raw numbers, they were phased out because of long wait times of a week or more for results, and because the tests were not reaching the residents in greatest need.

Verily does not manufacture the tests used at its California sites. It contracts with major corporations such as Quest Diagnostics and Thermo Fisher Scientific to provide the test kits and perform the lab work. What Verily provides is a digital platform where people are screened for symptoms, schedule testing appointments at participating sites and check back for test results.

…Problems emerged almost immediately, she said. People were suspicious of the requirement that they sign up with a Gmail account and the request for personal information, such as health status and risk factors. “You don’t necessarily want to share that with Google,” Aboelata said.

Then there was the language in the privacy policy that allows for sharing data with third parties. “That always is going to raise suspicion and concern in our community,” she said.

…Participants in the Verily initiative sign an authorization form that says their information can be shared with multiple third parties involved in the testing program, including unnamed contractors and state and federal health authorities.

more https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-10-26/verilys-covid-testing-program-halted-in-san-francisco-and-oakland

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c167d2 No.129393

File: 15c51e5cf04aef1⋯.jpg (190.49 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c4826e07a266245⋯.jpg (179.41 KB,1705x912,1705:912,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288445 (261611ZOCT20) Notable: Continued… Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129394

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288457 (261612ZOCT20) Notable: Kremlin Accuses Biden of Spreading Hatred of Russia

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Kremlin Accuses Biden of Spreading Hatred of Russia


The Kremlin said on Monday that U.S. Democrat presidential challenger Joe Biden's assessment of Russia as the biggest threat to U.S. national security was wrong and encouraged hatred of Russia.

The comments come just over a week before Biden faces Donald Trump in the Nov. 3 U.S. presidential election. Biden is ahead in the polls.

"We absolutely do not agree," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call, when asked to comment on Biden's assessment.

"We can only regret that absolute hatred of the Russian Federation is spread in this way."

Yet they push love for Chyna.

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c167d2 No.129395

File: 63a4c7001a640c6⋯.png (311.65 KB,722x682,361:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 345233bd2439e86⋯.png (183.8 KB,847x484,7:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288458 (261612ZOCT20) Notable: Continued… Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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braindots lit up frens

Was looking up finger lakes on qresear.ch and the first post about it seemed to be from 2018.

The post in question referred to a path taken by AF1 that correlated with the path of another plane oddly tagged AZAZ0909 which was on its way to Elizabeth town, NY. Sauce: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/3057623.html#3058076

there are three lakes mentioned that were circled, along with the planes having passed by Finger Lakes.

These were:


Lake Champlain

One of them being a name thrust to the front of public consciousness recently when Bidden called the POTUS George, I decided to tack on another word that had been hung to my subconscious wall ever since the Q drop saying "Drain the swamp has other meanings" or something to that effect.

Searched for wetlands on each of these lakes and, lo and behold, they each have thrivingswamps. The finger lakes in particular caught my attention because ofHunter'statt. They actually have a land trust called: Finger lakes land trust Inc. sauce: https://www.fllt.org/

With conservation efforts directed to wetlands (swamps) and water. [watch the water]



Just a start on a dig I think could bear fruit. Draining swamps, and watching waters… and philanthropic organisations. Might be something there, this anon thinks.

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c167d2 No.129396

File: 9d841659e2c15d6⋯.png (1.54 MB,3991x3127,3991:3127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288465 (261613ZOCT20) Notable: Sec Pompeo tweet: in New Delhi for constructive meetings

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commie panic incoming…

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c167d2 No.129397

File: 8a9d8fe9f49415b⋯.jpg (151.99 KB,960x847,960:847,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288521 (261617ZOCT20) Notable: Continued… Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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c167d2 No.129398

File: b4955af7ed057d1⋯.png (228.19 KB,542x391,542:391,Clipboard.png)

File: a5914038a05d0f3⋯.png (680 KB,1272x487,1272:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288540 (261618ZOCT20) Notable: Continued… Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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more foot traffick underwater

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c167d2 No.129399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288557 (261619ZOCT20) Notable: Continued… Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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from what I see, hunters spine corresponds to lake Seneca, as Hunters company that is called Rosemont-Seneca.

Cayanga Lake goes "between" 1st rib and 12th rib, where the "intercostal nerves" innervate.

Owasco Lake goes on his left Trapezius muscle, just medially to his scapula bone - where the 1st thoracic nerve innervates.and the 8th cervical nerve.

Lake skaneateles (The name of his Chinese company and the place where his mother was born), and Lake otisco are getiing close and close to the scapula and acromion.

I guess the same kind of analysys can be done for his right side and lakes at the right side of the map Cananbaigua, Honeoye, Canadice.

I think the numbers of the corresponding ribs, nerves etc, might be a code of sort, a legend for the map.

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c167d2 No.129400

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288588 (261621ZOCT20) Notable: Continued… Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

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Skaneateles NY

Lots of Celebrities with ties to the cabal own property around this lake. Note the reference in the article on Jeter, to Clinton's Baldwins, Cruise and others.


ABC Anchor …


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c167d2 No.129401

File: 4023c96ce393ca8⋯.png (461.79 KB,456x591,152:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288813 (261639ZOCT20) Notable: #14418, (You) #14419, (You) #14420

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check'em before they cemented so yall cant say im comp'd baker too...

Global Announcements

>>127115, >>127123, >>127129, >>127141, >>127145, >>127173 Board Owner Adds 4 BV's

>>127037 CM Weighs in on State of Baking

Notables are NOT endorsements!



>>129371, >>129376 What happened to cause bread split #14419

>>129364 Fresh Veritas

>>129365, >>129387 New DJT Tweet: The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election

>>129366 Fox: FBI Director Wray in danger of being fired: Report

>>129367 Live: Senate debates ahead of Amy Coney Barrett confirmation vote

>>129368, >>129370, >>129372 Texts Show VP Biden, Wife/Brother, Key Family Aware/Concerned/Colluded to Suppress Hunters Alleged Actions Around Minor

>>129369 Delaware Sen Candidate Lauren Witzke Calls on Sen Coons to Denounce Biden

>>129373 New Emails Released to Judicial Watch re FBI Peter Strzok/Lisa Page

>>129374, >>129380, >>129390, >>129381, >>129382, >>129385, >>129388, >>129384, >>129389 Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?

>>129397, >>129393, >>129395, >>129397, >>129398, >>129399, >>129400 Continued… Digg Request: Hunter Biden's Tattoo a Treasure Map?


>>129377 Citations: San Antonio gym cited for employees, manager not wearing masks

>>129378, >>129386 POTUS LIVE IN PA

>>129379 China demands China-based branches of ABC, The LA Times, MN Public Radio, Bureau of National Affairs, Newsweek and Feature Story News declare information about staff, finance, operation, real estate in China w/in 7 days

>>129383 Catherine Herridge: A senior administration official tells @CBSNews POTUS has soured on CIA Director Haspel

>>129392 Two Bay Area counties halt COVID-19 test program run by Google offshoot

>>129394 Kremlin Accuses Biden of Spreading Hatred of Russia

>>129396 Sec Pompeo tweet: in New Delhi for constructive meetings

>>129391 TRUMP : I'm telling you it's happening


>>129353 Aide to longtime New York Assemblyman Peter J. Abbate, Jr. charged with sexually abusing teenager

>>129354 , >>129358 PF Report

>>129355 Odd 'Monsterous' clue?

>>129356 California's dire coronavirus prediction was wrong, hospitalizations went down instead

>>129357 Rolls-Royce seeks $2.6 billion in make-or-break share issue

>>129359 , >>129361 President Donald Trump TAKES LEAD Rasmussen Poll

>>129360 Pandemic Fatigue Is Real—And It’s Spreading

>>129361 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

>>129363 #14418

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c167d2 No.129402

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288931 (261647ZOCT20) Notable: Lude: Possible coup in China

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Military coup brewing in China

Buckle up! This may become World War 3



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c167d2 No.129403

File: 3b4f46e4c7c64ea⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,480x266,240:133,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11288996 (261652ZOCT20) Notable: TRUMP: I'm telling you it's happening

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"But we won't rest until we eradicate this disease once and for all, I'm tellin' you it's happening" - POTUS


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c167d2 No.129404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289012 (261653ZOCT20) Notable: Lude: Possible coup in China, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: _1_18.png

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c167d2 No.129405

File: d433e1f0de18103⋯.png (405.26 KB,526x458,263:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289024 (261654ZOCT20) Notable: Massive Fentanyl Lab In Mexico City Capable Of Processing 11,000 Pounds Of Raw Material At A Time Seized

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"Massive Fentanyl Lab In Mexico City Capable Of Processing 11,000 Pounds Of Raw Material At A Time Seized"


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c167d2 No.129406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289269 (261710ZOCT20) Notable: #14418, (You) #14419, (You) #14420

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did I miss something?

hold em til next bread after this please


>>129405 Massive Fentanyl Lab In Mexico City Capable Of Processing 11,000 Pounds Of Raw Material At A Time Seized

>>129402 >>129404 Lude: Possible coup in China

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c167d2 No.129407

File: 4cb38e51bceb75a⋯.png (388.1 KB,526x552,263:276,Clipboard.png)

File: 3afdbe98e0cbf68⋯.png (678.88 KB,598x1020,299:510,Clipboard.png)

File: 353712733356b8b⋯.png (312.96 KB,588x1032,49:86,Clipboard.png)

File: 9479e79f8eef497⋯.png (125.04 KB,566x1034,283:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289554 (261727ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook Falsely Flags Christian Worship Group As Associated With QAnon Conspiracy Theorists

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Facebook Falsely Flags Christian Worship Group As Associated With QAnon Conspiracy Theorists



In what they claim was a glitch, Facebook issued a warning to users who searched “Let Us Worship,” a Christian worship organization, on Wednesday that the search “may be associated with the dangerous conspiracy movement called QAnon.”

The group in question, Let Us Worship, organizes worship rallies in cities across the United States, most notably in cities recently stricken by violent protests, or under extreme COVID-19 lockdowns banning Christians from attending church. Sean Feucht, the founder, told The Federalist he has never publicly or privately spoken about QAnon.

“We have literally nothing to do with Q,” he said, adding that Facebook’s warning label is “a straight-up lie.”

Feucht said he feels the social media giant’s censorship is targeted, following a Daily Beast hit piece on Let Us Worship for organizing a worship rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. this weekend.

“They do have an agenda,” he said. “They’re targeting the church.”

“This is a peaceful movement from across the political spectrum and they are suppressing it by linking us to Q,” he said.

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c167d2 No.129408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289626 (261732ZOCT20) Notable: Pink, Dave Matthews, John Legend Sing for Biden Campaign GOTV Concert

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Pink, Dave Matthews, John Legend Sing for Biden Campaign GOTV Concert: ‘Joe Will Keep Us Safe. That’s All We Need to Know’

A slew of Hollywood pop stars including John Legend, Pink, John Legend, and Dave Matthews performed in an online concert Sunday to rouse support for the Biden-Harris campaign. They were joined by a bevy of left-wing celebrities, including Helen Mirren, Armie Hammer, Whoopi Goldberg, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Amy Schumer.

“Joe will keep us safe. That’s all we need to know,” Cher sang at the end of the concert, which also raised money for the Biden Victory Fund.

Joe and Jill Biden put in a brief appearance during the virtual event, answering softball questions from hosts George Lopez and CNN’s Ana Navarro.

“The Latino community can determine the outcome of this election across the nation,” Joe Biden said, adding that Latinos now account for 20 percent of the population. “It’s an enormous opportunity.”

Jill Biden added: “Latinos will have a seat at the table.”

At one point, Joe Biden confused President Donald Trump with one of the George Bush’s.

WATCH: Joe Biden confuses President Trump with George Bush.

"4 more years of George, uh, George…" pic.twitter.com/Zzt2brIaYS

— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) October 26, 2020

Kamala Harris recorded a brief video segment in which she urged voters to make a choice that will “return decency, dignity, and integrity to the White House.”

Helen Mirren noteed that she is a first-time voter after becoming a U.S. citizen a few years ago. The British actress encouraged first-time and infrequent voters to cast their ballot. “I think it’s important for the soul of America, for the character of America.”

Whoopi Goldberg echoed other celebrities during the concert who described the election as an opportunity for a national course correction. “I’m just going to do everything I can to get out the vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,” the actress said. “It’s just important for us to shift courses. It’s important for us to take a minute for this correction, which we desperately need.”

Armie Hammer used his segment to bash the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney-Barrett, accusing Republicans of trying to “load the bench however they want. It’s a scary thing.” George Lopez bashed Coney-Barrett, saying that she has only been a judge of three and a half years, while failing to mention that Justice Elena Kagan had no prior experience as a judge prior to her Supreme Court nomination by President Obama.

Pop star Pink said in a pre-recorded message that “we are this close to electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and setting a new course for our country.” She added: “We need decent, compassionate, and committed leadership in the White House.”

Other performers included the Black Eyed Peas, Darren Criss, and A$AP Ferg.

Cher concluded the evening with a number dedicated to Joe Biden, adapted from the song “Happiness is a Thing Called Joe.”

“Right now our country’s gloomy, fear is in the air,” she sang. “But when Joe’s president, hope is everywhere.”

She continued: “Troubles fly away and life will easy flow. Joe will keep us safe. That’s all we need to know.”


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c167d2 No.129409

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289638 (261732ZOCT20) Notable: Democrats Take Senate Floor Overnight to Protest Amy Coney Barrett: ‘No Hyperbole – It’s Life or Death Stakes’

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Democrats Take Senate Floor Overnight to Protest Amy Coney Barrett: ‘No Hyperbole – It’s Life or Death Stakes’

Democrats took the Senate floor overnight Sunday to protest Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court, warning that Americans are facing “life or death stakes.”

“Senate Democrats are taking over the floor all night to fight this sham process by Senate Republicans. We will not stop fighting,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced Sunday night.

“Yes, we fight to the end. No hyperbole – it’s life or death stakes,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) said, adding that he and Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) were taking the “graveyard shift overnight on the Senate floor”:

Yes, we fight to the end. No hyperbole – it’s life or death stakes.@brianschatz and I have the graveyard shift overnight on the Senate floor. If you’re up between 2 and 5 a.m. tune in. https://t.co/ENNs9ORT6q

— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) October 26, 2020

The Republican-led Senate approved a cloture motion over the weekend to cut off debate, limiting it to 30 hours. Both GOP Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voted against the motion, though Murkowski said she would approve of Barrett’s nomination in the final vote slated for Monday evening.

Several Democrats issued stark warnings on the floor, echoing the minority leader’s words. Sen Jack Reed (D-RI) said Republicans will inflict “lasting damage to both this institution and the Supreme Court” by confirming Barrett, while Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) accused the GOP of committing an “obscene power grab.”

Schatz used his time on the floor to criticize the way McConnell runs the Senate — particularly his prioritization of judges.

“It’s like a joke here,” the Democrat lawmaker said.

“His priority is judges. His priority is always judges,” he said of McConnell, adding that there is “no legislating going on.”

“That’s become the way this place operates. … “We’re just like a little factory that approves federal judges, and that’s how Mitch McConnell wants it,” he added:

“It’s like a joke here,” says @brianschatz about the way McConnell is running the Senate. “No legislating is going on. We’re just a little factory that approves federal judges.” pic.twitter.com/jCAstA4gU1

— Katie Cooper (@thekatiecoop) October 26, 2020

However, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has not wavered, telling his colleagues that the Senate is “doing the right thing.”

“We’re moving this nomination forward. By tomorrow night, we’ll have a new member of the United States Supreme Court,” he said Sunday.

The Senate is expected to confirm Barrett Monday evening. Meanwhile, Democrats do not believe Vice President Mike Pence should preside over the vote because of multiple aides testing positive for the Chinese coronavirus, including Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short:

Vice President Pence cannot come to the Senate because of his exposure to multiple COVID-positive staffers. His purely ceremonial and non-essential presence would just put Senators, staff, and Capitol workers at risk.

— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) October 26, 2020

Pence's decision to come to Senate today, when he should be quarantining, puts people at risk – mostly the staff on the dais who cannot socially distance from him.

But it's also another clear message from the White House for Americans to ignore CDC guidance. That's lethal.

— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) October 26, 2020


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c167d2 No.129410

File: 77822266936544c⋯.png (525 KB,500x498,250:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289653 (261733ZOCT20) Notable: Archive update:Graphic compilations of Q's posts in GMT

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Archive update:

Graphic compilations of Q's posts in GMT


These are available to everyone, you do not need an account, they do not expire and the site offers many options for sharing them.

Biggest thanksto GMT anon!

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c167d2 No.129411

File: f8dde0e6ec8e32f⋯.png (15.26 KB,782x140,391:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289677 (261736ZOCT20) Notable: Chris Wallace Presses Gretchen Whitmer On Biden Business Dealings

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Chris Wallace Presses Gretchen Whitmer On Biden Business Dealings: ‘It Sure Sounds Like Influence Peddling’

Read More

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace pressed Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer about the ongoing questions surrounding the business dealings of members of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s family.

Wallace introduced the topic during a “Fox News Sunday” interview by playing a clip of President Donald Trump saying Biden “owes an explanation to the American people” during Thursday night’s final presidential debate.

“New information is coming out about the Biden family’s business dealings with China,” Wallace said. “Really, two questions, one, does Biden owe more of an explanation to the American people, and wasn’t it a mistake for the vice president to allow all of this to go on, some of it while he was vice president?”

Trump saying Biden “owes an explanation to the American people” during Thursday night’s final presidential debate.

“New information is coming out about the Biden family’s business dealings with China,” Wallace said. “Really, two questions, one, does Biden owe more of an explanation to the American people, and wasn’t it a mistake for the vice president to allow all of this to go on, some of it while he was vice president?”


Whitmer responded by insisting that not a “scintilla of evidence” exists to prove “wrongdoing by Joe Biden,” then attempting to switch the topic back to Trump’s coronavirus response.

“Respectfully, I do need to ask — governor, I do need to ask you this though,” Wallace pressed. “There is evidence that maybe that Biden didn’t take money, but clearly his brother, his son were involved in business dealings. There was talk about the Biden name. One, wasn’t that inappropriate for that to be going on while he was vice president? It sure sounds like influence peddling and doesn’t he owe a fuller accounting?”

“You know what, Chris, I think that Joe has sat for questions,” said Whitmer. “He has answered these questions. The American people aren’t going to be distracted from the fact that this election is about the dinner table issues and the dinner table issue of 2020 is a Trump administration that has never been able to have a national strategy on COVID.”

Whitmer continued to talk about COVID response, at which point Wallace moved on.


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c167d2 No.129412

File: 7b01c58df0f8122⋯.png (113.88 KB,670x367,670:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289688 (261737ZOCT20) Notable: Election Interference: YouTube Runs ‘Fact Check’ on Searches, Not Just Videos, About Biden and Fracking

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Election Interference: YouTube Runs ‘Fact Check’ on Searches, Not Just Videos, About Biden and Fracking

Google-owned YouTube is running damage control for the Biden campaign, running a “fact check” at the top of searches related to Joe Biden and fracking, which claims that the Democrat candidate does not want to “ban” the oil and gas extraction method.

Searches for “Joe Biden fracking” and “Biden fracking” currently return a prominently-featured “fact check,” positioned above the list of videos.

The first result in the search results is a clip of Biden and Trump’s exchange on fracking during the second presidential debate, in which the Democrat candidate said his administration would “transition away from the oil industry.”

“The oil industry pollutes, significantly. It has to be replaced by renewable energy over time,” said Biden.

The second result in a YouTube search for “Joe Biden fracking” is a video of Biden attempting to walk back the comments at a recent live event, insisting he is not “banning fracking.”

Biden’s comments on fracking are expected to be a major problem for Democrats in swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio, both of which have enjoyed employment booms thanks to the fracking industry. Breitbart News fact checked Biden’s recent claims that he would not ban fracking in August, finding the claim “mostly false.

According to Breitbart’s fact check by Joel Pollak:

VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. Biden has promised to ban fracking — repeatedly — as has his running mate.

Biden said Monday — during a speech supposedly on violence: “I am not banning fracking. Let me say again: I am not banning fracking. No matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.”

The problem, for Biden, is that he explicitly promised to ban fracking during the second Democratic Party presidential primary debate on July 31, 2019, in Detroit, Michigan.

President Donald Trump has begun using a video of Biden criticizing fracking at his recent campaign appearances.

Breitbart News has previously revealed that YouTube tightly controls what appears at the top of many politically charged search results.

An internal file from the company, called “youtube_controversial_query_blacklist” contained thousands of search terms, including “abortion,” “federal reserve,” “Maxine Waters,” and “David Hogg” at the time it was leaked to Breitbart News, in January 2019.

When a term is added to the blacklist, it reorders search results to favor videos a set of “verified” accounts handpicked by YouTube.

One Google source called the existence of the blacklist a “smoking gun” proving political bias.


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c167d2 No.129413

File: a1b6644c72d88a4⋯.png (307.67 KB,370x405,74:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289694 (261738ZOCT20) Notable: The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election

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The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election

We can return to the explosive job creation, rising wages and general prosperity we had before the pandemic. We can have economic freedom and opportunity, and resist cancel culture and censorship. We can put annus horribilis, 2020, behind us and make America great again, again. We can do all this — if we make the right choice on Nov. 3.

The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election.


Elections are always about the economy, but never more so than this year.

So a reminder: Until the necessary shutdown to fight the coronavirus, the unemployment rate stood at 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century. African American unemployment was 6.8 percent, the lowest figure since 1972.

Adults out of the workforce for years found new prospects; for 17 months of Trump’s term, there were 1 million more job openings than people unemployed.

That drove up salaries. For the first time in a decade, wage growth exceeded 3 percent year-over-year. It also narrowed the wealth gap. Between 2016 and 2019, real median incomes rose the most, 9 percent, for those without a high school diploma. Real median incomes declined 2.3 percent for those with a college degree, mostly because older workers retired, according to the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances.

How did President Trump do it? First, by trusting the free market. He championed lowering the corporate tax rate to a figure more in line with the rest of the industrialized world. He cut cumbersome regulations, particularly ones rammed through as President Barack Obama was headed out the door. He streamlined the permitting process that would delay infrastructure projects by years, sometimes decades.

A Joe Biden administration would be beholden to a socialist left that sees an opportunity to remake the nation in its vision, one more dependent on government debt. Consider Biden’s dance on fracking — against it for his party, in favor of it in general because he knows what a positive force it’s been for Pennsylvania. Which position would he have in office?


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c167d2 No.129414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289702 (261738ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook Tries to Shut Down NYU Study on Targeted Political Ads

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Facebook Tries to Shut Down NYU Study on Targeted Political Ads

Facebook is urging researchers at New York University to shut down a study into targeted political advertisements on the platform. As one researcher put it, Facebook maintains a “walled garden” on advertising data.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, Facebook is trying to shut down a study being conducted at New York Univerisity on the way that political advertisements are distributed on the platform. 6,500 volunteers are monitoring the political advertisements that appear on their Facebook feed through a browser extension designed by NYU’s researchers.

Earlier this month, Facebook sent researchers at the NYU Ad Observatory a letter in which it claimed that the research project violates the platform’s terms of service.

“Scraping tools, no matter how well-intentioned, are not a permissible means of collecting information from us,” the letter reads. The letter went on to say that the researchers “may be subject to additional enforcement action” if they refuse to shut down their study.

Rebekah Tromble, the direction of the Institute for Data, Democracy, and Politics at George Washington University, defended the NYU study, arguing that Facebook needs to be more transparent about the way in which its various systems operate.

“There’s far too much critical information closed up behind Facebook’s walled garden,” Tromble said. “And efforts like the Ad Observatory play a critical role in breaking down those walls.”

Laura Edelson, a researcher at NYU that is working on the study, claims that their team has no plans to shut down the project. “The only thing that would prompt us to stop doing this would be if Facebook would do it themselves, which we have called on them not to do,” Edelson said.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.


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c167d2 No.129415

File: 5231fe1a7b6ca3d⋯.png (2 MB,1340x1362,670:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289712 (261739ZOCT20) Notable: New RAS - Trump with 1% lead nationally.

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New RAS - Trump with 1% lead nationally.


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c167d2 No.129416

File: a3e4670c8e6c57e⋯.png (288.61 KB,599x624,599:624,Clipboard.png)

File: 089eb1bab3707ba⋯.png (1012.11 KB,714x960,119:160,Clipboard.png)

File: d900a5dc96eef7c⋯.png (468.66 KB,645x921,215:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289736 (261741ZOCT20) Notable: Big Tech In Court!

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BOOM! Big Tech screwed!

Lawsuit filed against Google/YouTube.

> From YouTube Purge


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c167d2 No.129417

File: f3d0bf17f5060ea⋯.png (458.41 KB,639x364,639:364,Clipboard.png)

File: 53faa5fc08a96e7⋯.png (878.25 KB,692x920,173:230,Clipboard.png)

File: ebbe24274970a45⋯.png (998.96 KB,673x774,673:774,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289747 (261741ZOCT20) Notable: London Erupts in Protest Against Lockdown

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‘Shove Your New World Order Up Your *ss!’ — London Erupts in Protest Against Lockdown

Thousands of protesters descended on the British capital on Saturday to call for an end to coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions on businesses in the UK, which they described as a form of “tyranny”.

In a Breitbart London exclusive video, protesters were seen singing: “I would rather be a human than a slave”, “We are the 99 per cent”, and “You can shove your New World Order up your ass”.

The ‘Stop the New Normal’ march was organised by the anti-lockdown activist group Stand Up X and was one of the largest rallies against the government’s coronavirus restrictions since the beginning of the lockdowns in March.

The large scale act of civil disobedience followed more restrictions being imposed on the people of Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland, as well as the introduction of a ‘tier system’ by Prime Minister Boris in England, in which local regions and cities are placed under lockdown if spikes in coronavirus cases are recorded.

At around 4 pm the police in London began using tactics to split the protest into separate groups and made at least 18 arrests in Trafalgar Square and on Westminster Bridge.

One woman told Breitbart London: “I’m so angry, all these police that are storming in, they’re going to lose their pensions. They’re supposed to be protecting us, they’re not, this is tyranny.”

“I cannot believe in this day and age, in this time now, more than ever we need to stand together, and if people can’t get together and get united for the cause, for their freedom, for everybody, then we’ve lost already,” she said.

“I don’t understand, if your children are not the motivation to fight for your freedom… my grandfather and my grandad did not fight in the First World War and the Second World War as snipers to not be under a fucking dictatorship, for it to happen now in 2020,” she added, going on to urge the rest of the country to “wake up”.


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c167d2 No.129418

File: d8655c865e6d6fb⋯.png (834.14 KB,641x487,641:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cced4b0f417769⋯.png (71.1 KB,677x916,677:916,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b839fbc7b72bf8⋯.png (34.34 KB,689x473,689:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289761 (261743ZOCT20) Notable: UK Child Abuse Inquiry Refuses to Investigate Pakistani Grooming Gangs

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UK Child Abuse Inquiry Refuses to Investigate Pakistani Grooming Gangs

Britain’s national inquiry into child sex abuse has been blasted for ‘cowardice’ over race as it refused to look at grooming gang scandals carried out by mostly Pakistani gangs, or to hear from key witnesses.

Victims of the grooming gangs and their advocates blasted the public probe, which was launched in 2015 and has so far cost taxpayers £143 million, after it emerged would not be examining any of the notorious cases in which ‘Asian’ gangs have preyed on thousands of mostly white, working class girls.

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) in England and Wales has so far looked at organisations like the Church of England and the Armed Forces to investigate “what went wrong and why” with regards to “institutional failure to protect children from abuse”.

It was believed that the ‘organised networks’ section of the inquiry would look at the mostly Pakistani grooming gangs which have struck in towns across Britain including Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford and Telford, while police, social services and local councils turned a blind eye to the sexual abuse.

In two weeks of hearings for this investigation which took place from late September, the IICSA chose not to hear from grooming gang crime experts, victims of the phenomenon, or their advocates like whistleblower and former Greater Manchester Police (GMP) detective Maggie Oliver.

Instead, the probe looked at six areas of England and Wales — Bristol, Durham, St Helens, Swansea, Tower Hamlets and Warwickshire “because they represent a range of sizes, demographics and institutional practices”, according to the Times.

UK’S Worst Grooming Gang Scandal: Telford Whistleblowers Punished, Silenced, Lost Jobs https://t.co/wo8SZ4vKrc

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) March 13, 2018

None of these regions has seen a major prosecution involving South Asian grooming gangs, noted the newspaper, reporting that the proportion of the population from Pakistani backgrounds in these areas is lower than the average in England and Wales.

Oliver, who quit GMP in 2012 in order to expose the grooming scandal in Rochdale and has since launched the Maggie Oliver Foundation providing support, therapy and legal advice to survivors of child sexual abuse, disclosed that she was denied the chance to speak at the inquiry.

Speaking on the ITV talk show Loose Women, the former detective said she “repeatedly” requested the opportunity to give evidence at the investigation and was eventually invited to give a witness statement, but two thirds of this was erased by the IICSA.

“Every non-institutional core participant was denied permission to speak in public in the inquiry,” she said, reporting that “forty pages of my statement were deleted, all the statements were hidden behind numbers and symbols on the website.”

“You would imagine with a problem identified in the northern towns and cities like Rotherham and Rochdale and Middlesbrough and Halifax, you would have one of those towns included in a public inquiry looking at grooming gangs,” she said, adding that: “Not one was included. So we had an area like Swansea, St Helens, Warwickshire.”

Grooming Gang Epidemic: Nearly 19,000 Children Sexually Exploited in the UK Last Year https://t.co/ew64ytkRk2

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 31, 2019


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c167d2 No.129419

File: 5cf7eb0c2843088⋯.png (74.24 KB,730x884,365:442,Clipboard.png)

File: 44fb249d6e2255e⋯.png (61.18 KB,737x742,737:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289783 (261744ZOCT20) Notable: FDA Lets Pfizer Test Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine on U.S. Children

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FDA Lets Pfizer Test Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine on U.S. Children

Americans have been following COVID-19 vaccine trial developments for weeks, watching companies jockey for frontrunner status like contestants in a reality TV show. And though participants in some of the studies (by Moderna, Oxford, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer) have surfaced with reactions serious enough to pause several of the trials, market analysts remain “bullish” about the near-term prospects for approval of these liability-free products by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

On Oct. 16, Pfizer’s CEO indicated the company would likely file for FDA Emergency Use Authorization for its experimental BNT162b2 vaccine in late November. That statement came three days after Pfizer announced that it had received FDA permission to administer the unproven vaccine to children as young as 12, becoming the first company in the U.S. to include young participants in Phase 3 trials. In the UK, Oxford and AstraZeneca gained approval to test their vaccine in children aged 5-12 back in May, a couple of months before two of their adult clinical trial participants developed transverse myelitis.

To date, Pfizer has administered two doses of vaccine to almost 35,000 adult participants in five countries. Unworried by the dramatic side effects reported by some of these adults — including high fever, pounding headaches, body aches, exhaustion and shivering intense enough to crack teeth — more than 90 parents have already expressed interest in volunteering their teenagers.

Are these parents (perhaps left unemployed by coronavirus restrictions) tempted by the financial incentives offered to clinical trial participants, reportedly anywhere from $1200 to $2000? Otherwise, their motivation for wanting to throw their children into the experimental fray is unclear; as the director of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital stated, “most of the time, what a coronavirus causes is a cold” that does not even make children “sick enough to where a parent says they need to go to a doctor.”

The Cincinnati physician has, nonetheless, just started giving Pfizer’s shot to 16- and 17-year-olds (and soon to 12-15-year-olds). To entice additional young participants, he tells parents that the COVID-19 death rate in children is “not zero” — but declines to spell out that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the survival rate in those age 19 and under is 99.997%. Using similarly vague language, a Memorial Sloan-Kettering health policy expert said that a COVID-19 vaccine’s benefits for the young would likely be “secondary’ in nature” but characterized the gesture as “an act of service to help protect others.”

However, reports in Pediatrics and other journals assert that children are not a source of infection and are far more likely to acquire COVID-19 from adults “rather than transmitting it to them.” In other words, policymakers expect children to accept a risk-benefit equation heavily tilted toward risk.

Corporate bad guy


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c167d2 No.129420

File: 912db02bc5f14bd⋯.png (211.37 KB,577x545,577:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289820 (261748ZOCT20) Notable: Bigger than Joe Biden! John Kerry admits on tape Obama and Biden tried to rid the Ukrainian prosecutor

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Bigger than Joe Biden! John Kerry admits on tape Obama and Biden tried to rid the Ukrainian prosecutor

Ukraine corruption

John Kerry: "All of us were trying to get rid of that Prosecutor: me, Joe Biden and Obama"

also OBAMA was in it



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c167d2 No.129421

File: 0f89e6590f4ab4a⋯.png (37.56 KB,584x301,584:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289861 (261751ZOCT20) Notable: Ron Johnson was first tipped off in Dec 2017

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BREAKING: Senate Governmental Affairs Chair Ron Johnson was first tipped off in Dec 2017 Obama holdovers at GSAwhich is custodian of all govt computerssecretly turned over Trump transition records to dirty FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith. Yet Johnson just now informing the public


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c167d2 No.129422

File: 3327fe12ea4ba83⋯.png (36.08 KB,649x351,649:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289920 (261755ZOCT20) Notable: Dementia patients 'are being given "archaic and dangerous" anti-psychotic drugs to keep them sedated during lockdown

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Dementia patients 'are being given "archaic and dangerous" anti-psychotic drugs to keep them sedated during lockdown putting them at risk of early death', as grandmother, 86, dies six weeks after starting medication

Figures showed a rise in anti-psychotic drug prescriptions during pandemic

A total of 43,352 dementia patients were told to take the medication one month

Family of retired dinner lady Lily Frost believe the drugs sped up her death

The Alzheimer's Society branded the medicine as 'archaic and dangerous'

Antipsychotic drugs branded 'archaic and dangerous' were given to dementia patients during the coronavirus lockdown to keep them sedated.

Experts say the medication carries risks of premature death and is used to treat behaviour and symptoms including aggression and agitation.

Until this year the the use of the drugs had fallen over fears over whether their dangers outweighed any benefits.

But the coronavirus pandemic has seen prescriptions for the treatments rise as medics have looked to keep some patients sedate during the crisis.

Family of retired dinner lady Lily Frost believe her death, aged 86, was connected to the powerful drugs she received to calm night-time agitation.

Daughter Brenda Vickers, 68, of Chester, said: 'The change was rapid. Prescription of these drugs has to stop.'

Fiona Carragher, of Alzheimer's Society, told the Daily Express: 'Anti-psychotic drugs are an "archaic and dangerous" way to treat dementia behavioural symptoms for by far the majority of people who have it.

'People with dementia have already been worst hit by coronavirus, dying in their thousands. We must prevent any further devastating knock-on effects.


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c167d2 No.129423

File: f14ee9d388af574⋯.png (188.6 KB,732x590,366:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289959 (261758ZOCT20) Notable: Facebook (FB), Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT) and 2 Other Companies Are in Charge of All the Growth of the S&P 500

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Facebook (FB), Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT) and 2 Other Companies Are in Charge of All the Growth of the S&P 500

5 tech companies stimulated the whole growth of S&P 500 during the whole year.

The Dominance of Tech Giants on the Market

According to the data by the Market Ear, return of all S&P 500 companies, except the 5 largest ones, namely Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook and Alphabet, have negative returns YTD.

The market capitalization of these 5 tech giants, on the contrary, grew by 42% compared to the beginning of the year, thereby pulling up the rest of the index so that its capitalization increased by 6%.

The Reasons for Success

This gap is due to the fact that technology giants benefitted the most from the isolation and pandemic, as the demand for their services has decreased.

Besides, these corporations relied more heavily on advanced foreign economies that were able to cope with the coronavirus faster and more successfully than the one of the United States. Smaller companies tend to be more focused on the US domestic market.

However, the biggest companies in the S&P 500 are now in trouble. September turned out to be the worst month ever for these companies, as their shares fell by between 8% and 16%, according to Michael A. Gayed.

Despite the recovery in the S&P 500 after the correction on September 30, the AAII report showed that the overwhelming majority of investors isconfident in a bearish trend, with over 40% of those polled voting for it. Bulls, by contrast, account only for a quarter of the respondents.

Nevertheless, it is worth to mention that the views of investors have changed over the week, because the number of bearish-minded respondents on September 23 was 46%, which happened after the biggest weekly percentage-point decline since June 2020, according to The Market Ear.


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c167d2 No.129424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11289998 (261801ZOCT20) Notable: This Week At State: Fast-Paced Week in Review (October 23, 2020)

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This Week At State: Fast-Paced Week in Review (October 23, 2020)

Oct 26, 2020

Secretary Pompeo participated in the Three Seas Virtual Summit.

Secretary Pompeo launched the U.S.-UAE Strategic Dialogue.

Secretary Pompeo addressed the 50th OAS General Assembly.

Secretary Pompeo helped kick-off the first-ever U.S. Government conference on combating online anti-Semitism.

Secretary Pompeo joined President Trump as Sudan and Israel agreed to normalize their relations.

U.S. Department of State



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c167d2 No.129425

File: 294efb953c9b7b2⋯.png (438.9 KB,605x585,121:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290023 (261803ZOCT20) Notable: 45 missing children were recovered by the U.S. Marshals

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45 missing children were recovered by the U.S. Marshals as part of Operation “Autumn Hope.”


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c167d2 No.129426

File: bf8aabb9d47244d⋯.png (40.34 KB,810x513,30:19,Clipboard.png)

File: df3323168ff68fa⋯.png (36.04 KB,801x400,801:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290054 (261805ZOCT20) Notable: Dow tumbles 800+ points amid concerns over COVID-19 and stimulus talks

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Dow tumbles 800+ points amid concerns over COVID-19 and stimulus talks

1 pm: US markets take a beating as coronavirus cases climb

The Dow has plummeted more than 830 points, nearly 3%, to 27,505, which would be its worst percentage drop since June 11. The Nasdaq Composite fell 251 points, 2.2%, to 11,299.3, and the S&P 500 declined 83 points, 2.4%, to 3,382.5.

The selloff comes as coronavirus cases are surging. The US has reported an average of 68,767 cases per day over the past week, which is a record.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have yet to reach a coronavirus deal, and optimism an agreement will be reached before the November 3 election is wearing thin.

Among the biggest laggards was Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL), which lost 3.9% to $57.55.

9:40 am: Wall Street sputters at the start

Despite expectations of a mixed start, the main three indices on Wall Street were all firmly lower at the start of the week’s first trading session.

Shortly after the opening bell, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down 1.13% at 28,015 while the S&P 500 dropped 0.93% to 3,433 and the Nasdaq fell 0.58% to 11,481.

Any remaining optimism among traders appears to have been snuffed out by a surge in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the US as well as the imposition of tougher lockdown restrictions in several European countries as they continue to battle a second wave of the virus.

Meanwhile, ongoing political deadlock over more US government stimulus also has investors firmly in a risk-off mood, while on the macro front a sharp drop in the Chicago Fed’s national activity index for September, which dropped to 0.27 from 1.11 in August, is unlikely to have lifted hopes of an economic recovery.

7.48am: Wall Street to open mostly lower

The rising number of coronavirus cases plus a bump in the road on the way to a US fiscal stimulus package are discouraging US investors on Monday, with the main indices expected to start mostly in the negative.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is expected to open 281 points lower at 28,054 while the S&P 500 is tipped to open 34 points lower at 3,431; however, in a big week for results from technology stocks, the tech-heavy NASDAQ Composite is expected to advance 52 points to 11,600 when trading starts.


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c167d2 No.129427

File: 73cd2dcc030e07b⋯.png (896.59 KB,819x516,273:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290060 (261805ZOCT20) Notable: Pence won't preside over Barrett confirmation vote

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Pence, who may have been exposed to coronavirus, won't preside over Barrett confirmation vote

Vice President Mike Pence won’t preside over Monday’s Senate vote to confirm Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. Pence is busy campaigning in Minnesota, his aides explained, but the announcement follows complaints from Senate Democrats that Pence has been exposed to the coronavirus and may be contagious. Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, as well as a handful of other employees in his office have tested positive for COVID-19 in recent days. Senate Democrats sent a letter to Pence early Monday demanding he stay away from the Capitol, where he planned to preside as Senate president. “Not only would your presence in the Senate Chamber tomorrow be a clear violation of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, it would also be a violation of common decency and courtesy,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and other Democrats wrote to Pence on Monday. Pence’s role would have been purely ceremonial. He’s not needed to break a tie vote because Republicans have at least 52 votes to confirm Barrett. The vote is slated for about 7:30 but could occur earlier if Democrats give up some of the debate time. Pence tweeted he would not be in Washington today but would instead be traveling to Minnesota. “On my way, MINNESOTA! We’re just 8 days away from a Great Victory for this Nation and I couldn’t be happier to visit some great Americans in the North Star State today!” Pence tweeted.


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c167d2 No.129428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290107 (261809ZOCT20) Notable: Archive update:Graphic compilations of Q's posts in GMT

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All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #084 - #090 >>>/comms/5510 through >>>/comms/5806

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

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Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630

Archive update:

Graphic compilations of Q's posts in GMT


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Biggest thanks to GMT anon!


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c167d2 No.129429

File: fad1e1bc895eb2d⋯.jpg (279.73 KB,1536x1994,768:997,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290137 (261811ZOCT20) Notable: 100 million ballots and ballot applications set to flood the mailing system.

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🚨🚨🚨100 million ballots and ballot applications set to flood the mailing system. Twitter is CENSORING AND BANNING ANYONE WHO RETWEETS JUDICIAL WATCH FOR SPREADING THIS INFORMATION🚨🚨🚨


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c167d2 No.129430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290138 (261811ZOCT20) Notable: #14421

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>>129407 Facebook Falsely Flags Christian Worship Group As Associated With QAnon Conspiracy Theorists

>>129408 Pink, Dave Matthews, John Legend Sing for Biden Campaign GOTV Concert

>>129409 Democrats Take Senate Floor Overnight to Protest Amy Coney Barrett: ‘No Hyperbole – It’s Life or Death Stakes’

>>129410 , >>129428 Archive update:Graphic compilations of Q's posts in GMT

>>129411 Chris Wallace Presses Gretchen Whitmer On Biden Business Dealings

>>129412 Election Interference: YouTube Runs ‘Fact Check’ on Searches, Not Just Videos, About Biden and Fracking

>>129413 The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election

>>129414 Facebook Tries to Shut Down NYU Study on Targeted Political Ads

>>129415 New RAS - Trump with 1% lead nationally.

>>129416 Big Tech In Court!

>>129417 London Erupts in Protest Against Lockdown

>>129418 UK Child Abuse Inquiry Refuses to Investigate Pakistani Grooming Gangs

>>129419 FDA Lets Pfizer Test Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine on U.S. Children

>>129420 Bigger than Joe Biden! John Kerry admits on tape Obama and Biden tried to rid the Ukrainian prosecutor

>>129421 Ron Johnson was first tipped off in Dec 2017

>>129422 Dementia patients 'are being given "archaic and dangerous" anti-psychotic drugs to keep them sedated during lockdown

>>129423 Facebook (FB), Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT) and 2 Other Companies Are in Charge of All the Growth of the S&P 500

>>129424 This Week At State: Fast-Paced Week in Review (October 23, 2020)

>>129425 45 missing children were recovered by the U.S. Marshals

>>129426 Dow tumbles 800+ points amid concerns over COVID-19 and stimulus talks

>>129427 Pence won't preside over Barrett confirmation vote

600ish bake @ 650

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c167d2 No.129431

File: 200209cb40cdf2b⋯.png (330.52 KB,894x851,894:851,Clipboard.png)

File: 856e3866c2224d1⋯.png (52.95 KB,891x520,891:520,Clipboard.png)

File: 55f5329bdf78a88⋯.png (320.92 KB,717x354,239:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290255 (261819ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter Goes Full Orwell, Censors All Topics "Likely To Be Subject To Election Misinformation"

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Twitter Goes Full Orwell, Censors All Topics "Likely To Be Subject To Election Misinformation"

Twitter is pulling out all the stops, with just 7 days left until the 2020 election.

As if a complete and total coverup of the Hunter Biden story by the mainstream media and big tech wasn't far enough; and as if every social media product and app you use annoyingly reminding you to vote on November 3 wasn't enough, Twitter has now apparently gone "full Orwell" and, through a spokesperson, basically said they will prompt users with warnings on "topics that are likely to be the subject of election misinformation".

The news hit Bloomberg around 12:30pm EST on Monday:


What are "topics that are likely to be the subject of election misinformation", anyway? We're guessing it can include any literally anything that would be detrimental to Democratic nominee Joe Biden, while negative press and conspiracies about President Trump are allowed to run amok at will.


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c167d2 No.129432

File: 525e48878d1eeed⋯.png (379.52 KB,470x604,235:302,Clipboard.png)

File: dabce9f51f10dda⋯.png (360.99 KB,476x611,476:611,Clipboard.png)

File: 822c04175aa285d⋯.png (321.4 KB,862x707,862:707,Clipboard.png)

File: e9dc03fb84d426e⋯.png (338.59 KB,861x694,861:694,Clipboard.png)

File: a8b01d62c0edacb⋯.png (379.07 KB,856x784,107:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290303 (261823ZOCT20) Notable: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

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Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

Yesterday we reported on former VP Joe Biden who snapped at a reporter who dared to ask him about his son Hunter. But VP Biden can’t get out of this one.

Biden did not let WYOU reporter Andy Mehalshick get through his question before snapping during an event on Saturday.

“Questions and controversy continue today about Hunter Biden, your son,” Mehalshick began

“There is no controversy,” he interjected. “That’s all a lie.”

“It’s a flat lie because the president has nothing else to run on.” Biden said.

Biden does not want you to believe your own eyes.

Of course, Biden is the one who is lying, as leaked emails have revealed deep levels of corruption and homemade porn of his son smoking crack with prostitutes is all over the internet.

But today we have more – much more…

Hunter Biden sent the following text to a family friend where he shares that someone is accusing him of being sexually inappropriate around her daughter. This is why Hunter claims he is not allowed to be alone with that person:

In another text message from Hunter to a family friend, Hunter shares that his mother, Jill Biden, propagates the claims that Hunter is sexually inappropriate around the children and VP Joe Biden is aware as well:

In a text message sent to Hunter Biden from his Uncle Jim Biden, former Vice President Joe Biden’s brother, Uncle Jim shares that both he and former VP Joe Biden are upset with accusations of impropriety but they don’t believe them. Jim and Joe Biden want to discuss with Hunter so they can all get their stories straight:

VP Biden, this is no lie. It’s not coming from President Trump. This is not Russian disinformation. It’s coming from your nuclear family.

As an officer of the court, why didn’t you address this horrible and potentially criminal situation within your family?


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c167d2 No.129433

File: 2375cb36578a120⋯.png (1.23 MB,692x907,692:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 289df178e048722⋯.png (48.21 KB,774x736,387:368,Clipboard.png)

File: 24b3df34973d75f⋯.png (263.03 KB,813x890,813:890,Clipboard.png)

File: e0313e73dc80edc⋯.png (16.66 KB,792x240,33:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290330 (261825ZOCT20) Notable: President will immediately fire 'FBI director Christopher Wray, CIA director Gina Haspel, Defense Secretary Mark Esper AND a long line of senior officials' if he wins reelection

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Trump's chopping block: President will immediately fire 'FBI director Christopher Wray, CIA director Gina Haspel, Defense Secretary Mark Esper AND a long line of senior officials' if he wins reelection

Donald Trump is planning on immediately firing FBI Director Christopher Wray, and also intends to replace CIA director Gina Haspel and Defense Secretary Mark Esper if he wins re-election next month, a new report suggests.

Each of their names are reportedly etched atop the president's post-election execution list, which also includes a host of other senior officials, two White House sources told Axios.

Firing Wray, who has been in charge of the FBI since 2017, will reportedly be Trump's first course of action, followed by the ousting of Haspel from the CIA.

The White House sources said that both Wray and Haspel are almost unanimously 'despised and distrusted' by Trump's inner circle.

Trump reportedly would have fired them both already, one source said, had it not been for the looming November 3 election, and the political headaches that such motions can cause.

The president's ire was apparently struck with Wray after he failed to launch a formal investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic nominee Joe Biden, and his business dealings in Ukraine.

Trump was also said to be left furious at his second FBI chief for failing to purge more officials that he believes abused their power to investigate his 2016 election campaign's alleged ties to Russia.

Additionally, Trump was reportedly aggrieved by testimony Wray offered to the Senate Homeland Security Committee last month, in which he stated the FBI has not seen widespread election fraud, including with mail-in ballots, contrary to Trump's repeated claims.

While Trump appears less than satisfied with Wray's FBI tenure, a senior FBI official told Axios that, 'Major law enforcement associations representing current and former FBI agents as well as police and sheriff's departments across the country have consistently expressed their full support of Director Wray's leadership of the Bureau.'

As for Haspel, one source said the opinion among the West Wing is that she sees her job as 'manipulating people and outcomes, the way she must have when she was working assets in the field.'

Such an assessment has reportedly 'bred a lot of suspicion of her motives.'

Trump is also reportedly increasingly frustrated with Haspel for opposing Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe's declassification of documents to assist in a review of the Obama administration's handling of the Trump-Russia investigation.

But a source said Haspel may even step down from her post regardless of Trump's apparent looming dismissal, and regardless of the outcome of the election.

'Since the beginning of DNI's push to declassify documents, and how strongly she feels about protecting sources connected to those materials, there have been rumblings around the agency that the director plans to depart the CIA regardless of who wins the election,' a source told Axios.


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c167d2 No.129434

File: 7386d9537722a2d⋯.png (100.79 KB,996x755,996:755,Clipboard.png)

File: af93d89226d808f⋯.png (22.23 KB,953x177,953:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290343 (261826ZOCT20) Notable: Affidavit submitted by Texas Peace Officer: Evidence shows Houston judge and election staff committing voter fraud

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Affidavit submitted by Texas Peace Officer: Evidence shows Houston judge and election staff committing voter fraud

HARRIS COUNTY, TX- Retired police officer and Texas poll watcher, Raymond T. Stewart submitted a sworn affidavit on Thursday, October 22nd, to the Harris County District Attorney’s Office stating that he personally witnessed an election judge and staff members cheating in the 2020 election.

Thank you to those who watched me on Newsmax TV this morning. The Houston Voter Fraud allegations implicate the Joe Biden campaign Under Oath!https://t.co/YS3X54wclO

— Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) October 19, 2020

This affidavit was exclusively obtained by National File and it alleges that a Houston precinct judge and staff illegally used a stack of driver’s licenses in their possession to allow people to vote illegally in the 2020 election at a drive-through voting window, which was created to allow people to vote safely during a world-wide pandemic.

Texas Poll Watcher Testifies on 2020 Voter Fraud in Houston, Has Photos

HeatMap Column 1> https://t.co/VuXnc75cQH

#StolenElection pic.twitter.com/G4iZkeca9x

— FutureDanger Tyranny (@FD_Tyranny) October 17, 2020

In addition to seeing first-hand voter fraud, Stewart provided pictures with his affidavit. According to reports, the acting precinct judge’s identity has been confirmed by the Harris County Clerk’s Office and insiders identify her as a Democrat. Below is the sworn affidavit, under oath, of Raymond T. Stewart:

“My name is Raymond T. Stewart. I am above the age of eighteen years and am fully competent to make this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct. I am a 30+ year veteran Texas Peace Officer. I am a volunteer poll watcher for Candidate Andre Hines.”

“On 10/13/2020, at 8:40 a.m., I arrived at polling location Northeast Multi-Service Center, PRCT ID SRD141C, 9720 Spaulding Street, Houston, Texas 77016.

I informed the staff that I was a poll watcher for a candidate and had my paperwork. I asked for the precinct judge to sign my required paperwork so I could start work.

The precinct judge is identified as April Elmore (Gibson) and she was there, but refused to sign my paperwork and she instead directed me to someone inside named Madonna.”

“Madonna signed my paperwork, but not in the designated signature line. I then began my work as a poll watcher. I observed several oddities, but the most concerning was a table in between the sign-in tables One and Three. At that table there was a large stack of driver’s licenses.

Staff would come inside from the drive-through voting booth and scan a driver’s license from someone outside and get a ticket and return outside.”

“But, sometimes a staff member would search through the stack of driver’s licenses on the table, then scan it, receive a ticket and also go outside to the drive-through booth.

As a police officer, I quickly became suspicious that they were committing a crime by having the unattended D.L.’s just sitting on the table and that possible voting crimes were being committed using these forms of ID.”

“Also, during this time frame an employee of the Harris County Attorney’s Office came by and he conversed with April, but nothing changed and he departed.


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c167d2 No.129435

File: dc31a579b738267⋯.png (347.73 KB,845x774,845:774,Clipboard.png)

File: a183695b14cd93c⋯.png (455.58 KB,827x924,827:924,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290365 (261828ZOCT20) Notable: China unveils revenge sanctions on US firms including Boeing and Lockheed Martin after Washington's $1.8billion arms sale to Taiwan

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China unveils revenge sanctions on US firms including Boeing and Lockheed Martin after Washington's $1.8billion arms sale to Taiwan

China will impose sanctions on US companies including Boeing and Lockheed Martin for supplying weapons to Taiwan, a foreign ministry spokesman said Monday.

Raytheon also will be targeted, said the spokesman, Zhao Lijian. He gave no details of what penalties might be imposed or when.

China and Taiwan split during a civil war in 1949 and have no diplomatic relations. Beijing claims the democratically led island as part of the communist mainland's territory and has threatened to invade.

'In order to safeguard national interests, China decided to impose sanctions on the American companies that were involved in arms sales to Taiwan,' Zhao said at a regular news briefing.

He stated that Beijing would also punish the individuals who had 'played bad roles' in the weapon deal.

The US State Department last week approved the potential trade of three weapons systems to self-ruled Taiwan, including sensors, missiles and artillery that could have a total value of $1.8billion (£1.38billion).

Taipei welcomed the weapons package but said it was not looking to get into an arms race with Beijing.

The Trump administration has ramped up support for Taiwan through arms sales and visits by senior US officials, adding to tensions between Beijing and Washington, already heightened by disagreements over the South China Sea, Hong Kong, human rights and trade.

The latest US arms package includes sensors, missiles and artillery, and further congressional notifications are expected for drones made by General Atomics and land-based Harpoon anti-ship missiles, made by Boeing, to serve as coastal defence cruise missiles.


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c167d2 No.129436

File: 68fe311b10d68e5⋯.png (410.81 KB,600x577,600:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290408 (261832ZOCT20) Notable: 45 missing children were recovered by the U.S. Marshals as part of Operation “Autumn Hope.”

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U.S. Marshals


45 missing children were recovered by the U.S. Marshals as part of Operation “Autumn Hope.”


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c167d2 No.129437

File: 915ee8e57a0a37c⋯.png (487.95 KB,667x479,667:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290429 (261834ZOCT20) Notable: Virginia Military Institute Superintendent Resigns Amid 'Structural Racism' Probe

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Virginia Military Institute Superintendent Resigns Amid 'Structural Racism' Probe

LEXINGTON, Va. — The superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute has resigned, the school's board president announced in a statement Monday, a week after state officials ordered an investigation into what they characterized as a culture of “ongoing structural racism.”

Retired Army Gen. J.H. Binford Peay III tendered his resignation Monday, and the Board of Visitors accepted it “with deep regret,” board President John William Boland said in a statement.

“General Peay has served VMI as superintendent exceptionally well for more than 17 years. General Peay is a great American, patriot, and hero. He has profoundly changed our school for the better in all respects,” the statement said.

VMI, founded in 1839, was the first state-supported military college in the nation.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a VMI graduate, and other top Democratic elected officials sent a letter to the state-supported school's board a week ago announcing an investigation into the school’s culture, policies, practices and equity in disciplinary procedures. That decision came on the heels of a Washington Post story that described Black cadets and alumni facing “relentless racism.”

The Post story described incidents such as lynching threats and a white professor reminiscing in class about her father’s Ku Klux Klan membership.

The Roanoke Times also reported months ago on Black alumni speaking out about racism at the school.

Boland responded to the officials last week, saying that the school would welcome a review and pledges its full cooperation.

“However, systemic racism does not exist here and a fair and independent review will find that to be true,” Boland wrote in the letter, which a school spokesman provided to The Associated Press.

Boland's statement Monday said the board would “immediately” turn its attention to the search for a new superintendent.

A school spokesman said Peay was not granting interview requests.


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c167d2 No.129438

File: 4bf89f056e52ba5⋯.png (484.6 KB,620x682,10:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ba3d009458bb89⋯.png (18.46 KB,584x161,584:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bfca321c4e788d⋯.png (327.39 KB,585x766,585:766,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290435 (261834ZOCT20) Notable: 45 missing children were recovered by the U.S. Marshals as part of Operation “Autumn Hope.”

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Article cap for >>129425

45 missing children found, 109 human trafficking survivors rescued in Ohio operation


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c167d2 No.129439

File: f7126831354c26e⋯.png (1.2 MB,942x620,471:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290451 (261835ZOCT20) Notable: Netanyahu: ‘We are changing the map of the Middle East’

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Netanyahu: ‘We are changing the map of the Middle East’

In a televised speech broadcast on Saturday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said “we are changing the map of the Middle East”, in reference to the normalization deal being signed with Arab states.

“We brought three peace deals in six weeks. It’s not luck, it’s not coincidence but the result of clear policy, and our efforts,” the Times of Israel reported him saying, adding that more countries will be added to the list soon.

After the declaration of the Sudanese-Israeli normalisation deal, US President Donald Trump predicted that Saudi Arabia would soon follow suit.

Netanyahu said that Israel had already agreed with Sudan for Israeli flights to fly over the African nation’s territory — an agreement “made before we announced normalisation”.

He said that planes from Israel can now head west over Africa via Sudan and Chad — “with which we also established diplomatic relations” — to Brazil and South America, the Times of Israel reported.

As he was speaking, Netanyahu pointed to a map and said that Israel could also now fly directly to India and the Far East quickly thanks to the deals with the UAE and Bahrain.

“It’s an immense change” for Israel, he said.

Egypt and Jordan have signed peace agreements with Israel in the 1970s and 1990s respectively.


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c167d2 No.129440

File: 26c0e946ead33fa⋯.png (102.98 KB,636x917,636:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290536 (261842ZOCT20) Notable: 45 missing children were recovered by the U.S. Marshals as part of Operation “Autumn Hope.”

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U.S. Marshals Recover 45 Missing Children

Columbus, OH – During the month of October, the U.S. Marshals Service Offices in Southern Ohio and Southern West Virginia, in conjunction with the Ohio Attorney General’s Office and the Central Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force participated in operation “Autumn Hope”. Operation Autumn Hope was a multi-agency enforcement operation focused on human trafficking and the location and recovery of missing and exploited children. During the operation 45 missing children were recovered by the U.S. Marshals and 179 arrests were made by the Central Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force. In addition, 20 children were located per the request of law enforcement to ensure the child’s well-being. The operation was supported by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), and Ohio state and local agencies.

During one of the missing child recoveries, a loaded gun was recovered. The 15-year old male juvenile had two warrants and is suspected in multiple shootings and a homicide.

Another case involved a high-risk 15-year old girl who was missing from Cleveland. Information developed from that recovery linked her and other possible victims to an individual in Columbus suspected of human trafficking.

An additional recovery of two juveniles occurred when the USMS Southern Ohio task force forwarded information to Marshals in West Virginia. A recovery of the missing juveniles occurred on a traffic stop after the W.V. State Patrol was informed to be on the lookout for the adult male and the vehicle he was driving. The adult male was charged with concealment/removal of a minor child in Jackson County, WV.

During the operation the Lancaster Police Department requested assistance in locating a 14-year-old girl who was reported missing in the middle of the night. The girl was recovered in Columbus by the U.S. Marshals within six hours of being reported missing.

Over the past five years, the USMS has recovered missing children in 75% of the cases it has received. And of those recovered, 72% were recovered within 7 days. Since 2005, the USMS has recovered more than 2,000 missing children. The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 enhanced the U.S. Marshals’ authority to assist federal, state and local law enforcement with the recovery of missing, endangered or abducted children, regardless of whether a fugitive or sex offender was involved. The Marshals established a Missing Child Unit to oversee and manage the implementation of its enhanced authority under the act.

The U.S. Marshals Southern Ohio Fugitive Apprehension Strike Team (SOFAST) is comprised of 70 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies from the lower 48 counties in the state of Ohio.

“My thanks to all personnel who have stepped up for this operation,” said Peter C. Tobin, U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of Ohio. “These are the same personnel who hunt down violent fugitives every day. I’m incredibly proud of them and pleased that they were able to apply those same skills to finding missing children. I know Operation Autumn Hope has made a difference in a lot of young lives.”


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c167d2 No.129441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290544 (261843ZOCT20) Notable: Former Southeast Texas elementary teacher admits to explicit sexual conversations with minors

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Former Southeast Texas elementary teacher admits to explicit sexual conversations with minors

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – A former Southeast Texas elementary teacher pleaded guilty Thursday to transferring obscene materials to a minor.

This investigation was conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in Corpus Christi, Texas, Texas Department of Public Safety and the Corpus Christi Police Department Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

Lazaro Benito Rocha, 27, a resident of Odom, Texas, admitted Oct. 22 that he had responded to an ad on Craigslist advertising a “good time” with a teenage girl. He continued communicating with whom he thought was a 14-year-old female, which soon escalated into conversations of an explicit sexual nature via text messaging.

Using his cell phone, Rocha eventually sent a photograph of his genitals.

The investigation revealed he was a part-time elementary music teacher at the Incarnate Word Academy in Corpus Christi.

Sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 25, 2021. At that time, Rocha faces up to 10 years in federal prison as well as a possible $250,000 maximum fine.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Sara Popejoy is prosecuting the case.


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c167d2 No.129442

File: 0efcc10834149fc⋯.png (718.85 KB,755x828,755:828,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bddc8c18d7f093⋯.png (55.68 KB,774x506,387:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290564 (261845ZOCT20) Notable: 2020 presidential election ballots cast so far

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2020 presidential election ballots cast so far

Several states have already reached more than 60% of their 2016 voter turnout

2020 presidential election ballots cast so far

Several states have already reached more than 60% of their 2016 voter turnout

"Nationwide, voters will not only be sent an unprecedented number of at least 87 million mail ballots, but they are returning them sooner than in past elections," McDonald wrote. "In all nearly 40 million mail ballots have been returned so far, a return rate of nearly 46%."

"This is good news!" he continued, pointing to worries about whether or not government officials would be able to handle an election during the COVID-19 pandemic. "Yes, there have been problems, and in many places lines are intolerably long," he recognized. "But, people are voting and there are more opportunities for them to do so by Election Day. Americans’ resilience and support for their democracy is very heartening in these trying times."

Some states have already reached more than 60% of their 2016 voter turnout as of Wednesday, including Texas (80.2%), Montana (69.6%). Georgia (64.9%), North Carolina (65%), Tennessee (65%), New Mexico (60.9%), and Hawaii (60.2%).

Texas has seen the largest voter turnout so far; nearly 7.2 million Texans have cast ballots so far. California and Florida trail just behind with 6.5 million and 5.7 million ballots cast, respectively. North Carolina has already recorded 3.1 million ballots cast.

McDonald previously told Fox News that he "expected some things to be different since states changed their laws" to accommodate voters amid the pandemic. More than 87 million absentee ballots have been sent to voters so far this year.


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c167d2 No.129443

File: bb4204e6df825b0⋯.png (110.49 KB,1160x1030,116:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290570 (261846ZOCT20) Notable: 2020 presidential election ballots cast so far

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2020 General Election Early Vote Statistics

Last updated: 10/26/2020 12:42 PM Eastern Time

Total Early Votes: 61,268,367 •

Mail Ballots: 40,805,345 •

In-Person Votes: 20,463,022

Note: Some states do not differentiate between mail ballots and in-person votes.


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c167d2 No.129444

File: e1296085b1991e0⋯.jpeg (170.84 KB,750x1103,750:1103,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6c838dc89cc7605⋯.jpeg (229.01 KB,750x1081,750:1081,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 21db9fb93a4a63f⋯.jpeg (185.76 KB,749x904,749:904,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6e7504e9a3524c3⋯.jpeg (130.57 KB,750x753,250:251,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290605 (261848ZOCT20) Notable: Don Jr article related to the Wolf tweets.

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Related to this article. Remember months ago when Wolf threatened businesses that didn’t comply.


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c167d2 No.129445

File: 39402f38d4d63fa⋯.png (132.92 KB,924x889,132:127,Clipboard.png)

File: c8921fd5da9a954⋯.png (109 KB,893x775,893:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 46842fc9d39b47c⋯.png (1.05 MB,839x560,839:560,Clipboard.png)

File: be8a9eb18655f35⋯.png (8.92 KB,662x290,331:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290606 (261848ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Economist’ Failed to Disclose Lucrative Beijing Ties

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‘Economist’ Failed to Disclose Lucrative Beijing Ties

UK mag cashed Huawei checks as it covered telecom giant

The Economist provided sympathetic coverage of a Chinese tech giant widely considered a national security risk without disclosing the publication's lucrative business relationship with the firm that spanned nearly a decade.

Huawei Technologies commissioned the Economist‘s business consulting division to advance its policy agendas and deflect cybersecurity concerns raised by Western governments. The influential British magazine produced reports on a wide range of subjects—including a report on broadband access in the United Kingdom that Huawei credits to have influenced British policy. The publication has also run numerous Huawei advertisements, and its editors have cohosted several global forums with the company, helping the tech firm boost its public image as it faced growing scrutiny from the developed world for its close ties with the Chinese government.

The Economist defended Huawei in a front-page cover story in 2012—the year the publication's consulting division started working with the company—that accused Western countries of using cybersecurity concerns as a pretense to oppose legitimate competition from Huawei. The publication's coverage of the tech company has become less overtly pro-Huawei in recent years, but the Economist‘s coverage of the company is seen as friendly enough that Huawei's PR division has cited several of the magazine's articles to deflect criticism.

"The rise of a Chinese world-beater is stoking fears of cyber-espionage. Techno-nationalism is not the answer," reads the 2012 piece's headline.

Huawei nurtured a lucrative relationship with the Economist just as it faced growing concerns from Western countries that broadband networks built by the tech firm serve as a conduit for Chinese espionage. Such cybersecurity concerns have pushed the United States, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom, and other U.S. allies to severely curtail or outright ban the company's operations in their countries.


Moar Rothschild links to CCP

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c167d2 No.129446

File: 3f3fdbe14da0e16⋯.png (185.87 KB,910x461,910:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a5c92db2c75c6d⋯.png (613.09 KB,475x475,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290628 (261850ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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AZAZ0909 US Army C-560 on final approach at Memphis Int'l after a ground stop at Little Rock, AR-Bubba and Hillbags Airport-origin of JBA earlier

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c167d2 No.129447

File: a1609ec850a1d40⋯.png (504.97 KB,788x441,788:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290646 (261852ZOCT20) Notable: Massive meth, fentanyl lab and other facilities raided by Mexican authorities

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Massive meth, fentanyl lab and other facilities raided by Mexican authorities

According to the Associated Press, Mexican authorities raided a meth and fentanyl lab last week capable of processing 11,000 pounds (5,000 kg) of raw material at a time, the country’s federal Attorney General’s Office announced on Sunday. The sheer size of the facility left authorities in shock.

“In the Attorney General’s Office, we have no record of any seizure of equipment of this size before,” said Felipe de Jesus Gallo of the federal Attorney General’s Office. He also said that the lab had two-story-tall chemical preparation vats.

Last week, the “mega-lab” was discovered on the outskirts of Mexico City, CBS News reported. A fake storefront advertising industrial cleaning products was used to conceal the warehouse in which the lab was located. The warehouse housed 265-gallon tanks containing precursor chemicals as well as stacks of drums. According to Gallo, these chemicals can be used for manufacture methamphetamines and synthetic opioid fentanyl.

In addition to this warehouse, other sites across the country were also raided as part of the operation that was code-named “Blue.” Some of these other sites were located in the states of Durango and Sonora in the north, other parts of Mexico City, as well as in the surrounding State of Mexico.

A raid at another property in Mexico City saw the arrest of an engineer and the seizure of a drum of what is thought to be a fentanyl precursor and instructions on how to go about processing it. The engineer supposedly constructed and operated labs for an organized crime group.

Furthermore, another raid at a lab in Sonora discovered 290 kilograms (639.34 pounds) of meth, some of which was intended for shipment to the United States, said Gallo. The batch was said to have “a high level of purity.”

Authorities suspect that the group running this drug operation is one based out of Sinaloa, evidence of which linked all these raids together.

The intelligence gathered by Mexican marines points to the source of the fentanyl precursors as China but imported through a Hong Kong company, per CBS News. A multi-container shipment of these precursors reportedly entered through a port in Baja California after being shipped out from a port in Japan, the marines said they had tracked.


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c167d2 No.129448

File: 3aae20a784c0432⋯.jpeg (137 KB,656x820,4:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290656 (261852ZOCT20) Notable: Don Jr article related to the Wolf tweets.

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Don Jr article related to the Wolf tweets.


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c167d2 No.129449

File: 027b3bd69324ec8⋯.png (503.37 KB,603x635,603:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290682 (261854ZOCT20) Notable: Possible Smithsonian Magazine comms: Shelf life of Twinkie is 45 days

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Despite lore to the contrary and a bevy of chemical preservatives, the official shelf life of Hostess’ golden, cream-filled Twinkie is 45 days.



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c167d2 No.129450

File: e8d63a58bc8f4d9⋯.jpg (313.05 KB,1431x777,477:259,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e419fbfa200d57b⋯.jpg (307.82 KB,1433x775,1433:775,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 48828bc63f7236f⋯.jpg (310.94 KB,1435x775,287:155,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a76962c4d82b7d9⋯.jpg (329.23 KB,1435x789,1435:789,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a4fa8a3edb0d0e6⋯.jpg (398.05 KB,1435x781,1435:781,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290687 (261854ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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Planefag here. First, an ops flight - R103O1 that flew from Andrews to Peterson AFB - Space Force's home.

Part 1

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c167d2 No.129451

File: dcc560fb35ec77d⋯.png (502.18 KB,598x607,598:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290692 (261855ZOCT20) Notable: Who is Lisa Montgomery and why will she be first woman executed since 1953? Womb raider

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Stage is set?


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c167d2 No.129452

File: 4c95f3b1888d274⋯.jpg (339.25 KB,1441x771,1441:771,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c067e619152dd9e⋯.jpg (367.18 KB,1435x775,287:155,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 081cdbc9a285170⋯.jpg (430.71 KB,1435x773,1435:773,Clipboard.jpg)

File: de560af09ee84b9⋯.jpg (338.35 KB,1437x779,1437:779,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290707 (261856ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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Then we had an AZAZ0909 flight that flew to Hilldawg Airport, Little Rock.

Part 2

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c167d2 No.129453

File: 257beeb6b0a9886⋯.png (430.35 KB,558x497,558:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 04b1894a4327db7⋯.png (357.8 KB,554x520,277:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290726 (261858ZOCT20) Notable: Beyond Parody: CNN Warns Conservatives Are Seeking to 'Discredit' Facebook & Big Tech Ahead Of Election

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Beyond Parody: CNN Warns Conservatives Are Seeking to 'Discredit' Facebook & Big Tech Ahead Of Election

Big Tech seizing control of our entire election apparatus, banning right-wing dissidents en masse, rigging search results, giving billions-worth of in-kind contributions to Democrats and tens of millions directly to get-out-the-vote campaigns in Democratic strongholds, and censoring news stories to protect Joe Biden and help defeat Donald Trump is nothing to worry about – the real threat is conservatives complaining about it online!

CNN's Brian Fung wrote an article on Sunday titled, "Conservatives push to discredit Facebook, Twitter and Google just days before the election."

Here's how the piece opens:

What began as complaints about anti-conservative censorship by social media companies has now evolved into outright allegations of election interference, as high-ranking Republicans have accused online platforms of helping Democrats by way of their content moderation decisions. On Wednesday, the Senate Commerce Committee is set to grill the CEOs of Facebook, Google and Twitter amid right-wing cries of partisanship and threats to change a critical law, known as Section 230, that protects the companies' ability to moderate content as they see fit.

Outside experts have found little evidence to support claims of widespread, systematic political bias in Silicon Valley's technology. But the conservative allegations are an explosive charge and a dramatic escalation ahead of Election Day.

Big Tech's censorship doesn't exist but conservatives complaints about the non-existent censorship are "explosive!"

Fung makes no mention of Facebook and Twitter censoring the New York Post's exposé of Joe and Hunter Biden's shady dealings in Ukraine and China and banned people for sharing it (the NY Post's Twitter is still locked).

He also makes no mention of the fact(s):

- Twitter and Facebook boosted the story of Rudy Giuliani supposedly touching his junk sexually to millions only to turn around days later and censor everyone for sharing (censored) footage of Hunter Biden's crack-smoking sexcapades.

- Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are banning dissidents en masse under the guise of "fighting hate" or "misinformation."

- CNN personally lobbied Facebook and Twitter to ban Alex Jones and many others who are their competitors and critics.

- YouTube has boasted about banning tens of thousands of dissident channels, including all the most popular right-wing personalities who helped Trump win in 2016.

- Google rewrote all their search algorithms and hired a 10,000-strong "army" of flaggers to blacklist all independent media while boosting propaganda mills like CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post above all others.

- Facebook and YouTube have declared entire topics off-limits for discussion.

Instead Fung writes that, "Independent studies of social media have found little credible evidence to suggest that the technology is biased against right-wing viewpoints" and claims "the platforms themselves have gone out of their way to help conservatives"!

Propaganda this ridiculous would make Pravda blush!


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c167d2 No.129454

File: f57468c69cccc55⋯.jpg (304.82 KB,1425x786,475:262,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c7dcde1070d4668⋯.jpg (315.13 KB,1275x773,1275:773,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 091eb313b83b306⋯.jpg (289.51 KB,1435x777,205:111,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cd2e2772802235c⋯.jpg (353.11 KB,1431x781,1431:781,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5ff1153e1c502dd⋯.jpg (230.53 KB,1280x770,128:77,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290736 (261859ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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There were plenty of other Army, Navy and Marines flights out there too.

Part 3

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c167d2 No.129455

File: 3cc2097640aab28⋯.png (547.92 KB,598x608,299:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290742 (261859ZOCT20) Notable: Suspected financier of Rwandan genocide, Felicien Kabuga, transferred from France to The Hague to stand trial: court

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Suspected financier of Rwandan genocide, Felicien Kabuga, transferred from France to The Hague to stand trial: court


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c167d2 No.129456

File: 7541953deeee23e⋯.jpg (390.76 KB,1437x781,1437:781,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 638157156a299e0⋯.jpg (309.45 KB,1433x769,1433:769,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eb20b5bd3f8d738⋯.jpg (312.96 KB,1439x785,1439:785,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cdaa7b393cf243b⋯.jpg (230.59 KB,1423x780,1423:780,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8254d182a9f19d5⋯.jpg (280.92 KB,1429x771,1429:771,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290744 (261859ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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Overall, a very busy day.

Part 4

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c167d2 No.129457

File: 3827fc5e6c7198e⋯.png (296.97 KB,565x467,565:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a915813ed3f844⋯.png (431.63 KB,792x746,396:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 16da243381227b9⋯.png (50.68 KB,787x289,787:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290752 (261900ZOCT20) Notable: Hillary Clinton: 'I Have No Doubt' I Would Have Handled COVID Better Than Trump

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Hillary Clinton: 'I Have No Doubt' I Would Have Handled COVID Better Than Trump

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she has “no doubt” she would have handled the coronavirus pandemic better than President Donald Trump has. She even boasted, “I was born for that.”

“You noted that a lot of countries that did best in the pandemic were led by women,” Kara Swisher, host of The New York Times‘ podcast “Sway,” said in an interview with Clinton. “Do you think a woman president in the United States would handle the pandemic better?”

“I have no doubt, especially if it were me,” Clinton responded. Swisher laughed.

“No, I mean, I was born for that. I mean, that’s why I knew I’d be a good president,” the former secretary of State continued. “I was ready for crises and emergencies and I would have done what you see these women leaders doing: you listen to the science; you bring in people in an open, inclusive way; you communicate constantly; you make the case by explaining why what you’re doing is in the long-term interest not only of health but also the economy.”

“Yeah, I have no doubt in my mind at all that I would have stepped up to that crisis,” Hillary Clinton repeated.

Contrary to the legacy media narrative, President Trump’s policy record on the pandemic is rather solid. He restricted travel from China early on, he created private-public partnerships to fast-track medical resources, and he launched Operation Warp Speed, which aims to produce and distribute a vaccine in record time.

If successful, Operation Warp Speed may rank as one of the most impressive achievements in American — and perhaps even human — history. While the wait for a vaccine seems long, vaccines simply do not move this fast. Vaccines usually take at least 5 years, and most frequently quite longer than that.

Hillary Clinton does not have a record on COVID-19, but she has endorsed Joe Biden. During the vice-presidential debate, Vice President Mike Pence excoriated Biden’s record on COVID-19. Pence noted that Biden initially opposed the China travel ban, that Biden effectively plagiarized Trump’s policy response to the pandemic, and that the Obama-Biden administration (which Clinton joined) did not have a stellar record of success on pandemics.

“We actually do know what failure looks like in a pandemic,” Pence argued. He mentioned the 2009 swine flu pandemic. “Before the end of the year, when Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, not 7.5 million people contracted the swine flu, 60 million Americans contracted the swine flu. If the swine flu had been as lethal as the coronavirus in 2009 when Joe Biden was vice president, we would have lost 2 million American lives.” Pence quoted Biden’s former chief of staff, Ron Klain, who admitted it was the result of “luck” that more people didn’t die because they did “every possible thing wrong.”

Hillary Clinton also made news for remarks on COVID-19 back in April, when she decided to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden. She urged Biden not to let the coronavirus crisis go to “waste,” hoping he would capitalize on it by guaranteeing abortion and pushing America in the direction of “universal health care” a.k.a. socialized medicine. Clinton ran against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Castro-was-great) in 2016 opposing Sanders’ Medicare for All socialized medicine plan, but it appears she has changed her tune — and Biden was chomping at the bit to agree with her.


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c167d2 No.129458

File: 304e7ef39cf2328⋯.png (53.46 KB,1006x191,1006:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290762 (261901ZOCT20) Notable: Senate referral for IG investigation into FBI's handling of the Hunter Biden laptop

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c167d2 No.129459

File: 21a61fff7f7ed63⋯.png (422.09 KB,1920x837,640:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290777 (261902ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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E6 over Sacramento

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c167d2 No.129460

File: 09a2bc3a431c536⋯.png (1.01 MB,642x920,321:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290788 (261903ZOCT20) Notable: COVID-19 Roadmap: 12 Step Plan To Create A Totalitarian “New World Order”

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COVID-19 Roadmap: 12 Step Plan To Create A Totalitarian “New World Order” – We’re On Number 8, Headed Towards Number 9!

One can step back from all the MK Ultra mind control through the propaganda of the mainstream media and lying politicians and clearly see that the CON-vid hysteria is the invisible enemy tyrants are using to push forward both the United Nations’ Agenda 21 and advance toward Agenda 2030. Below is ann infographic that provides the 12 step plan of using a virtually unproven “virus” to bring about the New World Order, and it’s right on schedule unless the people stop it.

As World Plunges Into Poverty, Super Rich Top Unprecedented $10 Trillion Net Worth Thanks To Con-Vid-19

While You & I Get Poorer In The US, Super Rich See Exponential Jump of $282 Billion In Just 3 Weeks Due To Scam-demic

Rich Leftists Encourage People to Loot Their Neighborhoods

Study: Billionaires That Donated to Gates-Buffet Giving Pledge Now Richer Than Ever

The Faux Generosity of the Super-Wealthy: Why Bill Gates is a Menace to Society

Currently, we are on step 8 and moving quickly towards step 9.

After step 9, all bets are off because by that time, most small businesses will be out of business due to unlawful lockdowns, and the only businesses open with be giant online corporations who are making a killing from the lockdown even now.

Already we are told there are “coin shortages” and many stores are demanding payments by card rather than cash unless you have the correct amount.

Seriously, the above roadmap seems to be right on track with what we are seeing advance our way.

It’s time the people awoke from their slumber, turned off the television, quit believing the narrative of the “right/left” paradigm and start shutting down tyrants and defending liberty!


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c167d2 No.129461

File: 65ed1c040464b38⋯.png (426.67 KB,1920x931,1920:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290792 (261903ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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Badgeless Mexicans landing in Dubai

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c167d2 No.129462

File: 3b5f5847f137d50⋯.jpg (713.61 KB,1917x985,1917:985,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290797 (261904ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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A C-40C Clipper call sign SPAP19? Shurely shome mishtake, or possible comms?

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c167d2 No.129463

File: bddba4d89897f2b⋯.png (286.18 KB,535x624,535:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290798 (261904ZOCT20) Notable: 60,000 people have been told to evacuate because of a fast-moving wildfire in Southern California’s Orange County

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BREAKING: 60,000 people have been told to evacuate because of a fast-moving wildfire in Southern California’s Orange County, officials say. Power has been cut to hundreds of thousands statewide to prevent utility equipment from sparking new blazes.


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c167d2 No.129464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290814 (261905ZOCT20) Notable: Merck Partners With Drone Startup Volansi For Vaccine Delivery

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Merck Partners With Drone Startup Volansi For Vaccine Delivery

Volansi has partnered with Big Pharma Merck to launch a test program in rural North Carolina to examine their ability to deliver temperature-controlled vaccines from a central production facility to determine how far they can send them, Cheddar reported.

“Once vaccines are developed and are out there, distribution will be a key challenge,” CEO Hannan Parvizian told Cheddar. “We truly believe that autonomous aerial deliveries will enable access to all areas, both in high-infrastructure countries like here in the U.S. and also in other low-infrastructure countries in emerging markets like Africa and other places in the world.”

The drone is limited at sending packages that weigh 10-pounds, but the company says it can cover at least 50 miles in just a single run.

It has a 10-pound payload capacity and can cover a 50-mile radius on a single trip,” Parvizian said. “That allows us to carry not only a significant amount of payload but also the cargo box that is required to maintain the temperature of the payload throughout the mission.”

“That’s how we will be ramping up, starting out with more rural areas and eventually moving into much more densely populated areas,” Parvizian said.

Parvizian added that the drones are able to deliver around 80 percent of all drugs and medical supplies, including blood donations.

There are probably some specialty items that are heavier or require much more care or not compatible with this type of delivery, but right now we’re not seeing any sort of big limitations on the types of payloads we can transport,” he said.

Parvizian further said Volansi differs from its competitors in that all drones use vertical take-off and landing as opposed to a catapult launcher.

“That means we don’t require any sort of ground infrastructure for launch and recovery of our vehicles,” he said.

Profit outside the rigged system! Protect yourself from tyranny and economic collapse. Learn to live free and spread peace!

Pay no attention to automation taking yet another job from you humans. At this point it’s beating a dead horse, but Activist Post has warned you how automation would increase due to the ongoing pandemic.

A recent report by A3, Association For Advancing Automation earlier this year, further details all the ways that artificial intelligence and automation is being used in different industries to combat the coronavirus.

Last year, robots took a record number of jobs in the U.S. according to Robotic Industries Association (RIA) as Activist Post reported. Now, with the impetus of the coronavirus the number of jobs occupied by robots could multiply quite rapidly. Oxford Economics also published its own report warning that accelerating technological advances in automation, engineering, energy storage, artificial intelligence, and machine learning have the potential to reshape the world in 2020 through 2030s, displacing at least 20 million workers.

With the coronavirus as a catalyst to speed up the deployment of automated machines, we can probably safely say that number will be much more severe. It seems I am not the only one to share that opinion; a recent MarketWatch article written by Johannes Moenius, a professor of global business and the director of the Institute for Spatial Economic Analysis at the University of Redlands, agrees with this author’s conclusion stating “at least 50 million jobs could be automated in just essential industries.”

In fact, the Brookings Institution said in a report last month that “any coronavirus-related recession is likely to bring about a spike in labor-replacing automation … Automation happens in bursts, concentrated especially in bad times such as in the wake of economic shocks, when humans become relatively more expensive as firms’ revenues rapidly decline.”


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c167d2 No.129465

File: b6d2225f55c1f90⋯.png (463.07 KB,1102x988,29:26,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f1ed248c5fc640⋯.jpg (269.06 KB,1334x2000,667:1000,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290817 (261906ZOCT20) Notable: Chinese exposing CCP, Obama, Biden TREASON

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1. Obama negotiated 1 Billion $ with CCP for his supporting CCP’s militarize in South China Sea.

2. Joe B took video on the deal between Hunter B and Obama in White House. Hunter B backup this video and bargained with CCP.

3. The DEAL included that America sold sensitive military technologies to CCP via Ukraine, and sold the CIA’s informants who were inside CCP. Obama was the running dog and CCP and completely controlled by CCP.

4. The Video of Joe will be revealed soon, which is the evidence of crimes.

This came off Parler.


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c167d2 No.129466

File: e1854c44d7039ba⋯.png (384.71 KB,1920x822,320:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290832 (261907ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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Second E6 out of Albuquerque

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c167d2 No.129467

File: fe6222b90e45bb5⋯.jpg (516.05 KB,1919x961,1919:961,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290844 (261908ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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That T-38 call sign RR1 is out again, also a C-130 call sign XXXXX. Lots of SIGINT about again.

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c167d2 No.129468

File: 9fafde0819a7eb1⋯.png (92.61 KB,508x582,254:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 116200ecb7a9a46⋯.png (31.05 KB,707x225,707:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290853 (261909ZOCT20) Notable: White House to host swearing-in event for Barrett on Monday night

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White House to host swearing-in event for Barrett on Monday night

BY BRETT SAMUELS - 10/26/20 09:36 AM EDT


The White House plans to host a swearing-in ceremony for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett on Monday night following her expected confirmation, despite concerns that a gathering for her nomination in September was a super-spreader event for the coronavirus.

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows told reporters on Monday that if Barrett is confirmed by the Senate later in the day, "then we expect for a swearing-in to happen later this evening if all goes well."

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c167d2 No.129469

File: 1b12aa575019eaa⋯.png (64.95 KB,666x722,333:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290888 (261912ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS just answered one of Qs questions.

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POTUS just answered one of Qs questions.

Q: How many planes carried the cash into Iran?

A: (POTUS)5 Plane loads of cash!

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c167d2 No.129470

File: 1771dc40e996ca3⋯.png (441.89 KB,1917x877,1917:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290902 (261913ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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This is what military drills looks like

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c167d2 No.129471

File: ba98a6113d3fad7⋯.jpg (221.65 KB,1337x613,1337:613,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11290954 (261917ZOCT20) Notable: Natalie Biden Pix archived here

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> Natalie

==Natalie Biden Pix archived here:


I wonder if metadata was preserved in the archive?

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c167d2 No.129472

File: 63d9d543fdcc7df⋯.png (675.15 KB,794x974,397:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291061 (261929ZOCT20) Notable: FLASHBACK: Joe Biden's son is caught in Ashley Madison hack

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FLASHBACK: Joe Biden's son is caught in Ashley Madison hack: Hunter says account is 'not mine'- but why was a credit card registered to his address used to pay for the site?


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c167d2 No.129473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291078 (261931ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden: The 60 Minutes 2020 Election Interview

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Joe Biden: The 60 Minutes 2020 Election Interview


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c167d2 No.129474

File: e82a8336052f95c⋯.png (145.75 KB,1100x784,275:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291082 (261931ZOCT20) Notable: The Role of VP In Senate

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Reposting from last bread. Had some notable noms.

RE: >>129409 (pb)

Vice President Pence cannot come to the Senate because of his exposure to multiple COVID-positive staffers. His purely ceremonial and non-essential presence would just put Senators, staff, and Capitol workers at risk.

— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) October 26, 2020

Don't know if anyone else pointed this out, but:

The Role of VP In Senate

"The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided " (U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 3). Since 1789, 268 tie-breaking votes have been cast.

Sauce: https://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/reference/four_column_table/Tie_Votes.htm

For the keks

Also, including screengrab that shows Pence's tie breaker votes so far, and Do-nothing VP Biden's voting record in Senate as VP.

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c167d2 No.129475

File: 69fdb5b58765447⋯.png (769.81 KB,1024x587,1024:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291109 (261933ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Resistance Plans ‘Mass Mobilization’ After Election To Shut Down The Country If Biden Doesn’t Win (federalist)

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Trump Resistance Plans ‘Mass Mobilization’ After Election To Shut Down The Country If Biden Doesn’t Win

The Federalist:

by Joy Pullman

Riot and protest instigators plan to “make sure Trump leaves the White House” by any means necessary after the Nov. 3 election, according to website posts from the group Shut Down DC and their allies.

“[W]e’re making plans to be in the streets before the polls even close, ready to adapt and respond to whatever comes our way,” the group says on its website currently.

“Trump has shown that he will stop at nothing to maintain his grip on power. Trump will not leave office without mass mobilization and direct action,” an Oct. 13 version of the same web page reads, according to Internet Archive records.

The group linked to protests at the homes of Trump administration officials tells its DC-area supporters to “Come to Black Lives Matter Plaza” on election night “to create serious disruption if Trump really tries to steal the election!” Black Lives Matter Plaza is the site of repeated anti-Trump summer rioting and defacement of the historic Saint John’s Church one block away from the White House.

On the page, Shut Down DC sketches out its plans for election night and immediately following. On Nov. 4-7, the group says it plans to “do whatever it takes”:

Sauce: https://thefederalist.com/2020/10/20/trump-resistance-plans-mass-mobilization-after-election-to-shut-down-the-country-if-biden-doesnt-win/

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c167d2 No.129476

File: b6c393cd12f32bd⋯.png (375.01 KB,776x863,776:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a72ad6db6c7b21⋯.png (82.62 KB,774x864,43:48,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f6ce3245fedbab⋯.png (56.09 KB,845x630,169:126,Clipboard.png)

File: 21d82691c8bd210⋯.png (594.4 KB,766x793,766:793,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e9297a67da5f04⋯.png (419.31 KB,813x789,271:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291142 (261935ZOCT20) Notable: New Revelations Shed Light on British Hand Behind Five Eyes

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New Revelations Shed Light on British Hand Behind Five Eyes

In recent weeks, a fascinating confluence of events has increasingly moved to shed light on various aspects of the British hand running the Five Eyes Global intelligence apparatus spread across the Trans Atlantic.

In Luxembourg, the Court of Justice took a stand against Britain’s GCHQ’s practices of mass surveillance and bulk data collection on October 6 deeming it a “serious threat to national security”. Legal Director Carline Wilson Palow stated: “Today’s judgment reinforces the rule of law in the EU. In these turbulent times, it serves as a reminder that no government should be above the law. Democratic societies must place limits and controls on the surveillance powers of our police and intelligence agencies.”

Only weeks earlier, the U.S. National Security Agency and British Intelligence were both revealed to have been illegally tapping into the strategic Danish communications hub for decades (Denmark is a strategic control point for all European and Eurasian communications).

These European developments dovetail the revelations which have come to light in recent months of the vast intelligence apparatus within the USA itself which has been committed to using Russia Gate to undo the 2016 elections in order to install a president more conducive to the will of the globalists trying to run the world under a post-nation state world order.

Intelligence documents declassified earlier this Summer have pointed to high level echelons of British Intelligence behind the scenes coordinating Russia Gate. These documents have even implicated former Brookings President (and Rhodes Scholar) Strobe Talbott’s role in shaping the dodgier dossier alongside former MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove, and Dearlove’s former underling Christopher Steele… both of whom used Brookings Institute lacky Igor Danchenko to provide gossipy fact free material to fill the “pee dossier”. It was in fact the same Dearlove who not only drafted the original dodgy dossier that was used by fanatical neocons in America to justify the Iraq war in 2003, but who also coordinated the entrapment of the former Director of National Intelligence Michael Flynn as early as February 2014 at a dinner hosted by the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar. It was at Dearlove’s invitation that Flynn found himself at the seminar and it was Dearlove who used his 20 minute conversation with Svetlana Lokhova to justify the story that the renegade general was compromised by a Russian honeypot.

Flynn had, at this time distinguished himself as hero working alongside then Chief of Staff Martin Dempsey to block Obama’s plans to attack Syria in August 2013, but went further to denounce American support for terrorists in both Libya and Syria publicly leading to his firing by Obama in August 2014. The threat which the forces operating the international deep state feared then and fear even more now that light is finally falling upon them, is that Flynn has repeatedly called for a re-organization of America’s corrupt intelligence agencies and has pushed for a restoration of America’s pro-Russian foreign policy not seen in any serious way since the days of Franklin Roosevelt.

Since British Intelligence has been very effective at crafting the myth that the British Empire disappeared after WWII, only to be replaced by the American Empire, many onlookers still find themselves confused when confronted by these revelations and have great difficulty understanding the currently active British Hand running America’s deep state. These onlookers are confused by the Rhodes Scholars that run Brookings, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Five Eyes or Wall Street. I would here like to offer a few helpful historical lessons to correct this confusion.

Getting at the Heart of the Five Eyes

To properly answer the question: “How is the British Hand governing the world today”, it is vital to jump back in time to the founder of the Rhodes Scholar program. This exercise will take us to Cecil Rhodes, former Governor of Rhodesia, father of systemic colonial rape of Africa and all around degenerate.

Here we shall find ourselves looking at this imperialist’s 1877 will and testament. It was here that the self-described “race patriot” and “priest of the Church of the British Empire” called for a re-organization of the decaying empire when he said:


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c167d2 No.129477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291156 (261936ZOCT20) Notable: Kanye West: Planned Parenthood Founded 'to Kill the Black Race and to Create Population Control'

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Kanye West: Planned Parenthood Founded 'to Kill the Black Race and to Create Population Control'

Gospel rapper and billionaire fashion designer Kanye West highlighted the racial eugenicist ideology of Margaret Sanger, the founder of the organization that became abortion giant Planned Parenthood, in a recent interview with Joe Rogan.

West, a presidential candidate, said, “Plan B and Planned Parenthood were planned by eugenicists that set out and said out loud, ‘I’m doing this to kill the black race and to create population control.'”

The Grammy-winner contrasted deaths linked to COVID-19 by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) with what he said was an average of 1,000 unborn black children aborted every day.

“Let me talk about Planned Parenthood, okay? The last figure I saw is there were 210,000 deaths due to COVID in America, and everywhere you go, you see someone with a mask on. … With abortion culture, there are 1,000 black children aborted a day, daily. We are in genocide,” Kanye West said.

“So more black children have died since February than people have died of COVID, and everyone wears a mask, so it’s a matter of where are turning a blind eye to?” the Jesus Is King crooner asked. “The media can control, a lot of times it has control [over] what we care about.”

West later linked excessive use of psychiatric and psychological medications to what he dubbed “abortion culture.”

“In our culture, we’re doped up and psyched out and made to kill our children,” West stated. “We have to decouple the conversation of Planned Parenthood and woman’s choice. Of course, I’m Christian so I’m pro-life, when I go into office, I’m changing laws because I realize we live in an imperfect world and in an imperfect society.”

West repeated his call for the development of a “culture of life” that dissuades people against use of abortion, including expansion of adoption measures.


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c167d2 No.129478

File: 5af01db64b80173⋯.png (637.81 KB,648x473,648:473,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f7402f704305ac⋯.png (390.37 KB,586x842,293:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291217 (261941ZOCT20) Notable: Oxford coronavirus vaccine is to get approval ahead of Christmas so it can be used for medics and the elderly BEFORE final trials are finished

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Oxford coronavirus vaccine is to get approval ahead of Christmas so it can be used for medics and the elderly BEFORE final trials are finished, says professor who is leading the project



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c167d2 No.129479

File: d0099540c5f74f3⋯.png (247.81 KB,591x1129,591:1129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291227 (261942ZOCT20) Notable: US Surgeon General Jerome Adams threatens conservative states

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US Surgeon General Jerome Adams threatens conservative states

First time he has posted these retarded diagrams.

Health Tyrant + corrupt Governor + lying hospital officials

In Utah, hospitals are preparing to start rationing care as patients flood its ICUs. That's reportedly the prediction of a top hospital association official, who has reportedly conveyed his warning to Utah Gov. Gary Herbert. (The same UT Governor that was sweating when Pompeo called out Chyna puppets and who is not running again and as farewell fuck you to conservatives went full corruptocrat signing UT up for dirty federal dollars that his lieutenant (guaranteed to win current election) will use to make a Utah a Dem like shithole and as he is currently balls deep in Chyna fuckery, that isn't going to change.



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c167d2 No.129480

File: c8d869b6038716c⋯.png (107.07 KB,707x864,707:864,Clipboard.png)

File: c9ac6ab9ff26184⋯.png (12.03 KB,684x113,684:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291301 (261946ZOCT20) Notable: Big Tech Is Turning The United States Into A Giant Company Town (federalist)

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Big Tech Is Turning The United States Into A Giant Company Town

The robber barons of yore wanted your money; the lords of Silicon Valley want your heart, mind, and soul.

You load 16 tons, what do you get?

Another day older and deeper in debt

Saint Peter don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go,

I owe my soul to the company store.

Merle Travis’s chorus still hits home. It helps that a long list of great singers have covered it, but it was lyrical perfection before they added their musical interpretations. For all the tough talk in the verses, the refrain reveals the coal-mining narrator being bested by poverty in a company town. He’s trapped. He’s not quitting, but he can’t beat the system with his fists.

Company towns, especially the sort Travis sang about, are mostly a thing of the past in this country, and not all were as exploitative as the one in “Sixteen Tons.” By the standards of the time, some were even good, if paternalistic, places for workers to live. The defining feature was not abuse and exploitation, but control. Economic power merged with cultural and political power to control workers.

Big Tech is turning America into a giant company town. The parts of the internet everyone uses are controlled by a small number of companies. In an information economy and online culture, that ubiquity gives them dominion, and they are using it.

We expect business interests to be self-serving in their political involvement, but what sets the tech moguls apart is their desire to direct our lives, even if that draws them into political and cultural conflicts that might imperil their bottom line. The robber barons of yore wanted your money; the lords of Silicon Valley want your heart, mind, and soul.

Censorship Has Reached a New Level

The promise of the internet was openness and freedom, but Big Tech is imposing its views on the rest of us. This goes far beyond outrage mobs using social media to target people and organizations; the tech companies themselves are deploying their power to influence our culture and politics.

Instead of being open platforms for expression, social media giants act like partisan publishers, limiting and even shutting down conversations on political topics. Sometimes, such as with reporting on the allegedly corrupt dealings of the Biden family, they overreach and get caught, but many times their efforts succeed.

Facebook even has Chinese nationals working on its censorship team. The Department of Justice has just filed an antitrust suit against Google. If Google doesn’t show something to you, does it even exist?

Bad as the censorship is, this is not just a matter of partisan censorship by corporate behemoths. Big Tech companies are increasingly able and willing to dictate to smaller businesses. In an information economy, control over information is control over the economy, and therefore control over people. Everyone has bills to pay, and few are going to be willing to put their livelihoods on the line by denying the political and cultural edicts of Big Tech.

For instance, positive online reviews are essential to many small businesses, which gives tech companies enormous power over them. Thus, it is a big deal that online review site Yelp recently promised to amplify accusations of racism against businesses. Antifa activists promptly started planning campaigns against business owners who are not radical leftists, illustrating how abusive this new system will be.


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c167d2 No.129481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291302 (261946ZOCT20) Notable: From Allentown rally today…POTUS says "Tippy Top" and makes air Q gesture

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POTUS Shoutout to Anons!

From Allentown rally today…POTUS says "Tippy Top" and makes air Q gesture.

Are Anons the nuclear weapons in the information war?

(Watch 1:10:24 - :1:10:53)

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c167d2 No.129482

File: f46af89a0a55c5f⋯.png (727.28 KB,1045x583,95:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 492eaa4110d4c32⋯.png (322.97 KB,281x379,281:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291322 (261948ZOCT20) Notable: The Finger Lakes School of Massage has officiallylost its accreditation and has been directed to close its Ithaca campus

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[Adam Schiff]/Liddlekidz , Finger Lake School of Massage Closure

Finger Lakes School of Massage ordered to close (August 29, 2019)

ITHACA, N.Y. — The Finger Lakes School of Massage has officiallylost its accreditation and has been directed to close its Ithaca campusby the end of October, along with affiliated campuses in Mt. Kisco, New York, and Frederick, Maryland.

High employee turnoverandinconsistent record keepingwere some of the issues cited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training for denying the school's reaccreditation. ACCET initially denied FLSM's application for reaccreditation in April, but the school appealed the decision. In a letter to FLSM campus director Chanin Storm dated Aug. 16, ACCET announced the appeal was denied and the decision to revoke FLSM's accreditation is final.

"Upon review of the record, including the appeals brief and oral presentations, the Commission voted to affirm the decision to deny reaccreditation to Finger Lakes School of Massage based on the institution’s non-compliance with the following eight ACCET Standards for Accreditation, as the institution failed to provide documented evidence to demonstrate compliance with these standards," the letter reads.

ACCET raised concerns about FLSM's compliance with accreditation standards in December and charged the school with failing to meet standards in13 areasin April. After reviewing the school's appeal, the commission determined that the school remained noncompliant in eight areas: human resources management, records, financial assistance/scholarships, program/instructional materials, qualifications of instructional personnel, attendance, student progress, completion and job placement.

Neither Storm nor CEO Shannon Yerkic responded to The Ithaca Voice's requests for comment.

Storm and Yerkic did not respond to requests for current enrollment numbers, but former Ithaca staff saidpressure to increase enrollment over the past two years[after DJT elected!] drove a hostile workplace culture. In an October 2018 interview with The Ithaca Voice, former regional director of education Jeannie O'Neill said Yerkic, who was COO at the time,pushed for a 100% acceptance rate to turn "leads" into enrolled students.She said decision-making shifted away from local administrators, toward Trumantra executives as the company looked to increase revenue.

Thefor-profit Finger Lakes School of Massage chainoperates campuses in Ithaca and Mount Kisco, New York, and Frederick, Maryland and is owned by theTrumantra Education Group.Trumantra also owns theArizona School of Integrative Studies,which has four campuses in Arizona. ACCET issued a "programmatic probation" warning to ASIS in August regarding its part-time massage therapy program in Tucson.

moar at sauce


Why is liddlekidz linked to a massage school that's been shuttered? Smells of Epstein like recruiting and training.

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c167d2 No.129483

File: 17d5ee013377aa0⋯.png (240.34 KB,809x469,809:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291336 (261949ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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09-0015 USAF VIP C-32A POTUS departed Lancaster Airport, PA to John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport, PA-red dot is rally location

POTUS and crew will transfer east to Altoona-Blair via Marine One

-POTUS delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally in Martinsburg, PA-Altoona-Blair County Airport

09-0016 USAF C-32A departed JBA and a lazy track towards Lancaster waiting for POTUS and crew in 15 to ascend and now back to JBA

R1778 US Army G5 from Westchester, NY ground stop behind 09-0016

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c167d2 No.129484

File: 148c4801d4a2163⋯.png (259.95 KB,804x537,268:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291352 (261950ZOCT20) Notable: Soros targeting battleground States (zerohedge)

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And according to Just the News, Soros also donated millions into "strategic electoral efforts in the key battleground states of Pennsylvania and Michigan through the Strategic Victory Find, which is a super PAC linked to the Democracy Alliance donor network, which he runs."

Soros has already funneled about $70 million into the 2020 election cycle, more than doubling the amount he spent in 2016. Liberal billionaire donors, including former mayor of New York City and presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg, have spent many millions this cycle to advance Democratic candidates in swing states and the rest. -Just the News

Soros's push for blacks and latinos comes as support for President Trump swells among these two groups. Even liberal pollster Nate Silver acknowledges that "Trump is performing slightly better than last time among college-educated white voters, and he has gained among voters of color, especially Hispanic voters and younger Black voters."


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c167d2 No.129485

File: ca6fa3e684d319f⋯.png (516.62 KB,867x600,289:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291358 (261950ZOCT20) Notable: Arrests and survivors in Ohio's largest trafficking operation

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c167d2 No.129486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291368 (261951ZOCT20) Notable: 3 rescued, 22 arrested during human trafficking operation in Tampa Bay area

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3 rescued, 22 arrested during human trafficking operation in Tampa Bay area

Some of the people arrested had outstanding warrants.

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Three potential victims of human trafficking were rescued, and 22 people were arrested after a human trafficking bust in the Tampa Bay area.

St Petersburg Police investigators teamed up with Tampa Bay Human Task Force members representing the Tampa Police Department, Bradenton Police Department, Homeland Security, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the FBI and several social service agencies. Together, the agencies carried out a special operation on Oct. 22 and 23.

"The purpose was to find and rescue potential human trafficking victims," St. Pete police explained.

Detectives say they set up at a local motel and responded to online ads for sex that sounded like they might involve human trafficking. When the people responding to those ads showed up at the motel, authorities say they screened the individuals to determine if they were potentially trafficking victims who would leave willingly with social service counselors.

Ultimately, police say three potential victims, who were all adults, were saved during the two-day operation. The 22 people arrested were charged with a variety of crimes, including prostitution and drug charges. Some had warrants, according to police.


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c167d2 No.129487

File: 598c99d8dc1ebd0⋯.png (20.49 KB,598x213,598:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291381 (261952ZOCT20) Notable: Arrests and survivors in Ohio's largest trafficking operation

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WOIO: 177 arrested, 109 survivors rescued during largest anti-human trafficking operation in Ohio’s history


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c167d2 No.129488

File: 4884641d9a1428c⋯.jpg (472.75 KB,1737x969,579:323,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291405 (261953ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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So busy, Libertys, Rivet Joints, lots of military brass jets too.

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c167d2 No.129489

File: 82b6c96d58131aa⋯.png (139.96 KB,303x246,101:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291414 (261954ZOCT20) Notable: Justice Clarence Thomas to swear-in Amy Coney Barrett

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Justice Clarence Thomas to swear-in Amy Coney Barrett

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c167d2 No.129490

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291445 (261956ZOCT20) Notable: Military Grade Q/Anon Smears

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Military Grade Q/Anon Smears

Banned conspiracy channels are suing YouTube over its anti-QAnon moderation push


Cue the loons: meet the ‘QAnon’ conspiracists lining up for Congress seats


Johnny Enlow Says QAnon ‘Is Going to Be Proven so Thoroughly, It’s Just Going to Be Indisputable’


EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump's campaign is paying for private security to enforce a QAnon sign ban at his rallies and remove protesters who Secret Service aren't allowed to throw out


Facebook Falsely Flags Christian Worship Group As Associated With QAnon Conspiracy Theorists


Folk devils and fear: QAnon feeds into a culture of moral panic


Trump will exit the White House with a legacy of COVID deaths and embracing QAnon ‘loons’: conservative


Patreon Banned QAnon — But These Platforms Still Churn Money For Its Creators


Amazon and eBay Still Selling QAnon Items Amid Crackdown From Other Major Companies


What is QAnon? Why it's dangerous and how Christians can respond


Trump’s Legacy is COVID and QAnon


Facebook's sweeping Qanon ban was surprisingly thorough–I checked


Trump’s pandering to QAnon should be a deal-breaker


A Deep Dive Into QAnon: The Conspiracy Threatening US Democracyhttps://www.redbrick.me/a-deep-dive-into-qanon-the-conspiracy-threatening-us-democracy/

What Do We Do About Q?


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c167d2 No.129491

File: 8429220ae10057b⋯.png (109.78 KB,718x911,718:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 8668f7e4e8b4e14⋯.png (107.52 KB,719x900,719:900,Clipboard.png)

File: 86ba128917fb55a⋯.png (118.06 KB,730x899,730:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 90455602269637d⋯.png (47.26 KB,699x389,699:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291455 (261957ZOCT20) Notable: 7 Open Leftist Threats That Political Terror Is Coming To America Whether Trump Wins Or Not (federalist)

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7 Open Leftist Threats That Political Terror Is Coming To America Whether Trump Wins Or Not

Examples of hostilities toward Trump and his supporters abound, but leftists' threats of terror are even greater should Biden win the presidency.

Many leftists have directed some deeply disturbing rhetoric at conservatives and Trump supporters in recent months, claiming President Trump’s bombast is responsible for the political polarization of today’s America. This is pure nonsense.

Sure, Trump talks about MS-13 as “animals,” Antifa as “thugs,” and Hillary Clinton as crooked enough to “be in jail.” His supporters know his presentation to be a bombastic and theatrical schtick, but he never threatens any group of voters.

By contrast, some ominous tones, even homicidal and terrorist tones, are coming from the mainstream left. Increasingly, through mainstream media and Big Tech, high-profile leftists are speaking openly about violence to be inflicted on Trump and all his supporters.

I’m not talking specifically about the Antifa and Black Lives Matter street violence we’ve seen in places like Denver and Portland, which includes outright murders of Trump supporters. I’m referring here to voices that normalize and promote open terror against any freedom-respecting person who has different views from those blessed by left-wing leaders, media, and Big Tech. Seven examples are included below.

1. A Think Tank Guy Should Meet…A Firing Squad

First, in a chilling Twitter incident, agitator Nils Gilman called for the execution of journalist and former Trump adviser Michael Anton. Gilman publicly stated, “Michael Anton is the Robert Brasillach of our times and deserves the same fate.” Brasillach was a Nazi collaborator in France whose fate was execution by firing squad. Neither Gilman nor Twitter took down the tweet, despite many protests, including a public letter of grave concern from the Claremont Institute, where Anton is a senior fellow.

Gilman is head of the George Soros-funded Berggruen Institute and a co-founder of the “Transition Integrity Project,” which war-gamed the ouster of Trump from office regardless of whether he wins re-election. Anton’s crime, in Gilman’s mind, was publishing an article about Gilman’s project in the American Mind, titled “The Coming Coup.”

Why is Gilman’s Sept. 21 death threat against Anton still up on Twitter an entire month later? Will it remain up after the election?

2. Shoot This CEO For Not being Woke Enough

Second, former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo objected to the company Coinbase’s decision to ease up on forcing employees to engage in social justice agendas such as critical race theory. Costolo accused Coinbase’s CEO Brian Armstrong of being among the “me-first capitalists” who would be the first lined up and “shot in the revolution.”

Costolo, who has 1.5 million Twitter followers, added that he would “happily provide video commentary” of the executions. The tweet has disappeared, although there is no mention of it being deleted. One response comes with a screenshot though:


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c167d2 No.129492

File: dc8be78d55d560d⋯.png (458.63 KB,907x915,907:915,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291496 (261959ZOCT20) Notable: Arrests and survivors in Ohio's largest trafficking operation

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Additional sauce:


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c167d2 No.129493

File: 95cce36add6b931⋯.png (104.36 KB,1009x623,1009:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291511 (262001ZOCT20) Notable: Tucker interviewing the Biden whistleblower for the ENTIRE show

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BREAKING: Tucker Carlson's show tomorrow night will be devoted entirely to an interview with Tony Bobulinksi, the Biden family insider-turned-whistleblower whose explosive e-mails show that Joe Biden himself was deeply involved in Hunter's foreign business dealings.

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c167d2 No.129494

File: 728abc7edf72f53⋯.png (93.36 KB,597x604,597:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291519 (262001ZOCT20) Notable: WH travel pool report 10 – Lititz rally end, departure

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October 26, 2020 3:26 PM

Subject: WH travel pool report 10 – Lititz rally end, departure

The president finished his remarks at 1518, after 85 minutes of the normal riffs about Joe Biden, supporting the police, his withdrawal from the World Health Organization, saying Merry Christmas again, Barack Hussein Obama not drawing large crowds, having the vaccine very soon, a “super V” economic recovery, trade deal with China, corns, soybeans, doing highway approvals fast, Trump super recovery, Biden depression, coronavirus not that bad, “I got it, and I’m here,” about 30 different names for coronavirus, Barron didn’t even know he was sick, Regeneron, Gov. Wolf, “We’ve got a lot of problems with this guy,” they don’t want to have poll watchers, Biden wants to prolong the pandemic, fake polls, Rasmussen has him at 52 percent, we’re leading big in Texas, you don’t hear that, we’re leading by infinity in Utah, a lot of you people are hidden voters, rallies of thousands of boats, and cars, and trucks and tractors, “I am the only thing between you and chaos,” etc, etc.

(Much of what the president was asserting was not, in fact, true.)

Pool was led back to the vans for the short transfer back to the plane. The president was back aboard at 1525, and we should be in the air within a few minutes to head to the final stop of the day in Martinsburg.


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c167d2 No.129495

File: b3cbed6c41bb1e5⋯.png (505.1 KB,639x358,639:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291520 (262001ZOCT20) Notable: Boston Police Arrest Man for Allegedly Setting Ballot Box on Fire

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Boston Police Arrest Man for Allegedly Setting Ballot Box on Fire

Police arrested a man Sunday night for allegedly setting a ballot drop box on fire over the weekend in Boston, Massachusetts.

The suspect, 39-year-old Worldly Armand, is expected to be arraigned Monday in municipal court, according to WBZ 4.

“Police said he lit a fire inside the drop box outside of the Boston Public Library in Copley Square around 4 a.m. Sunday,” the report continued.

Prior to his arrest, the Boston Police Department tweeted two photos of the suspect:

BPD Investigating Ballot Box Fire in the area of 700 Boylston Street in Boston. https://t.co/8FYA34H815 pic.twitter.com/FNrO1PpEUg

— Boston Police Dept. (@bostonpolice) October 25, 2020

In a news release Monday, the department said, “A query led to the discovery that the male had an active straight warrant out of Ipswich District Court for Receiving Stolen Property.”

Massachusetts Secretary of State Bill Galvin described the incident as a “deliberate arson attack.”

“I’m very angry. It is our intention to make sure that the individuals who did this are apprehended and prosecuted. We want to make sure of the integrity of the electoral process,” he stated.

The majority of the 122 ballots inside the drop box were not badly damaged, but between five and 10 of them were destroyed, Galvin explained.

“The city will mail a new ballot to all those voters whose ballots were put in the box during that time period. If those voters don’t recast their ballots, the city will count the ballots recovered from the box,” the WBZ 4 report said.

Armand faces a charge of Willful and Malicious Burning, according to the department’s news release.

“My immediate concern is to notify every city and town clerk in Massachusetts. I sent out an urgent directive this afternoon to secure ballot drop boxes. If at all possible, have them inside of municipal facilities,” Galvin told reporters on Sunday.

“If necessary, as we go down the stretch in this election and they need police officers there, that’s what they need to do. We’ll deal with the compensation issues later,” he concluded.


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c167d2 No.129496

File: 54c3323db848d22⋯.png (441.59 KB,1920x907,1920:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291528 (262002ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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NM E6 made a turn at CO and currently passing East through Kansas

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c167d2 No.129497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291536 (262002ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden Explains His Call for ‘Revolutionary, Institutional Changes’

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Joe Biden Explains His Call for ‘Revolutionary, Institutional Changes’

CBS News became the first mainstream outlet Sunday to ask Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden about his recent radical rhetoric, including calls for “revolutionary, institutional changes.”

As Breitbart News has reported, Biden adopted increasingly radical language after winning the Democratic primary, sounding more like his former rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

For example:

May 4: Biden calls coronavirus an “incredible opportunity … to fundamentally transform the country”

May 11: Biden says America needs “revolutionary, institutional changes”

June 2: Biden calls for America to deal with “systemic racism”

July 4: Biden promises to “transform” America and “rip the roots of systemic racism out of this country”

July 9: Biden vows an “end to the era of shareholder capitalism”

July 13: Biden promises “systemic” and “institutional” changes

July 28: Biden promises to be “one of the most progressive presidents in U.S. history”

In the May 11 example above, Biden told a podcast with former rival Andrew Yang that the country needed “revolutionary institutional changes” and talked about the coming “revolution.”

On 60 Minutes, O’Donnell asked Biden to explain, and he replied that he wanted to tackle “institutional racism” and the “accumulation of wealth.”

From the CBS transcript:

Norah O’Donnell: I was listening to one of your podcasts and you said we need some revolutionary, institutional changes. Like what?

Former Vice President Joe Biden: Well, for example, I think we have to fundamentally change the way in which we deal with– institutional racism. For example– one of the hardest things, beyond police issues, there’s the issue of accumulation of wealth. There’s an awful lot of Black Americans who are equally as– they’re as qualified as white Americans based on the same status they’re in in terms of economic opportunity but they don’t get a chance. So, for example, if we just made every corporation pay minimum 15% tax; you got 91 pay no tax. That raises over $400 billion. I can send every single qualified person to a four-year college in their state for $150 billion. I can make sure every single person who qualifies community college can go and we still have a lotta money left over. That’s what I mean by significant institutional changes.

Later, Biden’s campaign was forced to correct his statement, as he had mischaracterized his own education policy by underestimating the cost of free public college by half.

Though Biden has shunned the word “moderate,” his wife, educator Dr. Jill Biden, has insisted that is the most appropriate word to describe him.


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c167d2 No.129498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291586 (262006ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Campaign Announces Live Event After Trump Suggests Joe ‘Waved a White Flag’ in Final Week of Race

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Biden Campaign Announces Live Event After Trump Suggests Joe ‘Waved a White Flag’ in Final Week of Race

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c167d2 No.129499

File: 616fd67e1178a11⋯.png (41.89 KB,593x467,593:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291587 (262006ZOCT20) Notable: Tucker interviewing the Biden whistleblower for the ENTIRE show

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Don Jr picked it up and RT


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c167d2 No.129500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291588 (262006ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS confirms 5 plane loads of cash delivered to Iran in 10/26/2020 rally

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Trump answering Qs question.

How many planes carried the cash into Iran?

Vid @ 2:20:30


Muh clip cutting adventure failed, sorry.

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c167d2 No.129501

File: 1b12aa575019eaa⋯.png (64.95 KB,666x722,333:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291597 (262007ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS confirms 5 plane loads of cash delivered to Iran in 10/26/2020 rally

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Q post (didn't load w/ vid)

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c167d2 No.129502

File: d75a37a3126b5d7⋯.jpg (241.72 KB,1920x857,1920:857,Clipboard.jpg)

File: aed3d6af0a3a6a7⋯.jpg (245.86 KB,1920x812,480:203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291644 (262009ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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There were 7 on Friday :)

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c167d2 No.129503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291711 (262014ZOCT20) Notable: NYPD union attacks city leadership's 'double standard' for suspending 'Trump 2020' cop but praising chief for kneeling with BLM protesters

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NYPD union attacks city leadership's 'double standard' for suspending 'Trump 2020' cop but praising chief for kneeling with BLM protesters

'Your little itsy-bitsy balls are in DeBlasio's palm'

New York City leaders were enraged over the weekend after an NYPD officer declared "Trump 2020" over his patrol car loudspeaker multiple times Saturday night and told the public they would find and deal with him.

Now that NYPD officials have suspended the officer, the police union is ripping city and police leadership for their actions, declaring the move to be a blatant double standard, the New York Post reported.

What happened?

After video of the cop's actions went viral, Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) vowed to find and take action against the offending officer, saying, "Let me be clear: ANY NYPD Officer pushing ANY political agenda while on duty will face consequences. We will act fast here, and this will not be tolerated."

NYPD officials also said they were investigating the incident, and Chief of Department Terence Monahan promised the cop in question would "be dealt with."

According to the Post, police sources identified the officer as Arthur Becerra of the 70th Precinct, and he was suspended without pay Sunday.

What did the union say?

The Sergeants Benevolent Association went after NYPD and city leadership, accusing them of a "double standard" since the officials who declared a political statement by law enforcement to be "one hundred percent unacceptable" had only praise for Chief Monahan when he took a knee with Black Lives Matter protesters.

"The NYPD has a history of officers making political & outside the norm statements & ignoring it," the SBA tweeted. "Suspending, this officer is unnecessary & way over the top. Chief of Departrnent [sic] took a knee with protestors no disciplinary action was issued. What if the officer supported Biden?"

The NYPD has a history of officers making political & outside the norm statements & ignoring it. Suspending, this o… https://t.co/kilcVJmMDM

— SBA (@SBA)1603659847.0

After the NYPD reported that the officer who had shouted "Trump 2020" had been immediately suspended without pay, the SBA responded, "What's the status of this investigation? Oh wait double standard white shirt immunity!" — referring to Monahan's BLM protest photo.

What’s the status of this investigation? Oh wait double standard white shirt immunity! https://t.co/VVmxRxtFX8 https://t.co/cJxY9Tdv9X

— SBA (@SBA)1603660549.0

Then the union had a direct comment for Monahan himself, saying that his … manhood … was under the control of Mayor de Blasio.

"Terence you said nothing when Captains & Chiefs took a knee with violent protesters who injured members of the NYPD," the SBA tweeted. "You say nothing to those who sing & dance in uniform. Now your little itsy-bitsy balls are in DeBlasio's [sic] palm & you tweet nonsense. Relax & take a knee!"

Terence you said nothing when Captains & Chiefs took a knee with violent protesters who injured members of the NYPD… https://t.co/EHxwRAizId

— SBA (@SBA)1603648393.0


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c167d2 No.129504

File: 95239d77798ec90⋯.jpg (474.19 KB,1915x961,1915:961,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8e6aaa282564daa⋯.jpg (635.96 KB,1915x963,1915:963,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2615dafd848a082⋯.jpg (732.1 KB,1919x967,1919:967,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff5a5114ea432cb⋯.jpg (547.02 KB,1919x967,1919:967,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291721 (262015ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag reports

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It's still really busy out there.

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c167d2 No.129505

File: 8ed95f2a87cc22d⋯.png (1.32 MB,843x574,843:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291751 (262016ZOCT20) Notable: Army-Navy Game to be held at West Point for first time since World War II

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Army-Navy Game to be held at West Point for first time since World War II

The 121st Army-Navy Game will be hosted by the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, this December, marking the first time it has been played at a home site since World War II, the two service academies' athletic directors announced Friday.

The game was supposed to be held in Philadelphia, but it was moved after Pennsylvania placed attendance restrictions on outdoor events due to the coronavirus pandemic. Those limits would not have allowed the entire Corps of Cadets and Brigade of Midshipmen to attend, according to a West Point statement.

Instead, the game will be held at West Point’s Michie Stadium on Dec. 12. There will likely not be fan attendance allowed at the stadium beyond the Corps of Cadets and Brigade of Midshipmen, the statement added.

Midshipmen and cadets, however, will be present and some COVID-19 mitigation measures are expected for those individuals, said West Point spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Ophardt.

Planning is still underway, but Ophardt told Army Times precautions for these types of events typically include segregation of attendees and COVID-19 tests 48 hours before their arrival.

“We want to thank the City of Philadelphia, the Eagles and all involved in the planning for their efforts to navigate this historic game in the current COVID-19 climate,” said Army athletic director Mike Buddie in the statement. “We are excited about this historic opportunity to host Navy and the Brigade.”

West Point Superintendent Lt. Gen. Darryl A. Williams said hosting the “Army-Navy Game on West Point will be the safest way for the Cadets and Midshipmen to experience” the event.

“Every effort was made to create a safe and acceptable environment for the Brigade, the Corps and our public while meeting city and state requirements," said Navy athletic director Chet Gladchuk in the statement. "However, medical conditions and protocols dictate the environment in which we live.”

The last time the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, hosted the game was in 1942. West Point last hosted in 1943. The two schools also rotated hosting the first four games from 1890-1893.

Navy leads in the series 61 wins versus Army’s 52. The game will be televised by CBS Sports at 3 p.m. EST on Dec. 12.


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c167d2 No.129506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291763 (262017ZOCT20) Notable: David Morgan: Is A Global Takeover Underway?

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David Morgan: Is A Global Takeover Underway?

For decades, war and the threat of war has enriched the technocratic elite and kept the population going along with their agenda. War and physical attacks have been repeatedly used to foist ever more draconian restrictions upon us and remove our liberties. The Patriot Act, rammed through in the aftermath of 9/11, is just one egregious example.


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c167d2 No.129507

File: c2b7d2bbd358b38⋯.png (35.54 KB,595x302,595:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291776 (262019ZOCT20) Notable: Tulsi Gabbard tweet about ballot harvesting

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c167d2 No.129508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291778 (262019ZOCT20) Notable: Anon on 28 USC, Disability or Vacancy, SCOTUS

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>>>/qresearch/11291716 Disability or vacancy

Under 28 U.S.C. § 3, when the chief justice is unable to discharge his functions, or when that office is vacant, the chief justice's duties are carried out by the most senior associate justice until the disability or vacancy ends.[20] Currently, since August 2018, Clarence Thomas is the most senior associate justice.

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c167d2 No.129509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291811 (262022ZOCT20) Notable: #14423

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Notables are NOT Endorsements


>>129508 Anon on 28 USC, Disability or Vacancy, SCOTUS

>>129507 Tulsi Gabbard tweet about ballot harvesting

>>129506 David Morgan: Is A Global Takeover Underway?

>>129505 Army-Navy Game to be held at West Point for first time since World War II

>>129503 NYPD union attacks city leadership's 'double standard' for suspending 'Trump 2020' cop but praising chief for kneeling with BLM protesters

>>129500, >>129501 POTUS confirms 5 plane loads of cash delivered to Iran in 10/26/2020 rally

>>129498 Biden Campaign Announces Live Event After Trump Suggests Joe ‘Waved a White Flag’ in Final Week of Race

>>129497 Joe Biden Explains His Call for ‘Revolutionary, Institutional Changes’

>>129495 Boston Police Arrest Man for Allegedly Setting Ballot Box on Fire

>>129494 WH travel pool report 10 – Lititz rally end, departure

>>129493, >>129499 Tucker interviewing the Biden whistleblower for the ENTIRE show

>>129491 7 Open Leftist Threats That Political Terror Is Coming To America Whether Trump Wins Or Not (federalist)

>>129490 Military Grade Q/Anon Smears

>>129489 Justice Clarence Thomas to swear-in Amy Coney Barrett

>>129486 3 rescued, 22 arrested during human trafficking operation in Tampa Bay area

>>129485, >>129487, >>129492 Arrests and survivors in Ohio's largest trafficking operation

>>129484 Soros targeting battleground States (zerohedge)

>>129483, >>129488, >>129496, >>129502, >>129504 Planefag reports

>>129482 The Finger Lakes School of Massage has officiallylost its accreditation and has been directed to close its Ithaca campus

>>129481 From Allentown rally today…POTUS says "Tippy Top" and makes air Q gesture

>>129480 Big Tech Is Turning The United States Into A Giant Company Town (federalist)

>>129479 US Surgeon General Jerome Adams threatens conservative states

>>129478 Oxford coronavirus vaccine is to get approval ahead of Christmas so it can be used for medics and the elderly BEFORE final trials are finished

>>129477 Kanye West: Planned Parenthood Founded 'to Kill the Black Race and to Create Population Control'

>>129476 New Revelations Shed Light on British Hand Behind Five Eyes

>>129475 Trump Resistance Plans ‘Mass Mobilization’ After Election To Shut Down The Country If Biden Doesn’t Win (federalist)

>>129474 The Role of VP In Senate

>>129473 Joe Biden: The 60 Minutes 2020 Election Interview

>>129472 FLASHBACK: Joe Biden's son is caught in Ashley Madison hack

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c167d2 No.129510

File: 9c27d213a4d3c7c⋯.png (468.27 KB,627x864,209:288,Clipboard.png)

File: 92c29993ac26c81⋯.png (86.89 KB,647x898,647:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291879 (262029ZOCT20) Notable: Are Recent Reports of COVID Surges an Attempt to Suppress In-Person Voting?

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Are Recent Reports of COVID Surges an Attempt to Suppress In-Person Voting?

Back in March, the COVID mantra was, “15 days to slow the spread”, meaning flattening the curve. The purpose was to avoid overwhelming the medical system as no one really knew what we were up against with the Wuhan virus.

This allowed time for the system to adapt and recalibrate to this new illness. As the virus peaked in mid-April, the subsequent months should have been the normal course of a viral pandemic, some getting sick to varying degrees, others unfortunately dying, but eventually reaching herd immunity, itself a longstanding concept – suddenly controversial.

This has been the course of past flu seasons and other viral pandemics, but none lead to shutting down economies all over the world, causing incalculable financial and social devastation to cities, states, countries, and individuals. Just when we see a light at the end of the tunnel there is a reported surge in cases, often timed to political events.

The first surge was in mid-summer, as businesses were opening and the presidential campaigns began in earnest with nominating conventions. President Trump’s rallies energized his base and are a unique feature to his campaign, something Sleepy Joe Biden could in no way replicate. Conveniently the surge put a damper on Trump rallies.

The second surge is now, just weeks before the 2020 presidential election. The Atlantic, one of many left-wing mouthpieces for the Democrat party, framed it politically, “The Coronavirus surge that will define the next four years.” How exactly does a viral illness define a future presidential term? Easily, if this has never been about the virus but instead about the election.

One only needs to look back to January 15, the same day, coincidentally or not, when the first case of the Chinese flu arrived in the US, the US and China signed a phase 1 trade deal, and the day that House Democrats waddled over to the Senate in solemn fashion carrying articles of impeachment against the President. A confluence of likely related events all on the very same day. Subsequent moves by Trump have been portrayed under a political microscope following on the heels of that January day.

What if the latest surge is just another political move, an attempt to influence election, now a week away?


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c167d2 No.129511

File: 8b83efc5d487e3a⋯.png (73.94 KB,907x511,907:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291900 (262030ZOCT20) Notable: Dems Boost Libertarian in Kentucky in Hail Mary to Defeat McConnell

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Dems Boost Libertarian in Kentucky in Hail Mary to Defeat McConnell

Dem donors are Libertarian candidate's biggest backers

A liberal PAC is spending more than $1 million to bolster Kentucky's Libertarian Party nominee in a last-ditch attempt to funnel votes away from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R.).

Ditch Mitch Fund, an anti-McConnell PAC founded by national liberal operatives, has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from far-left donors to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), campaign-finance disclosures show. The money has helped the group spend more than $10 million on ads slamming McConnell and championing Democratic nominee Amy McGrath. But in the closing days of the campaign, Ditch Mitch Fund is instead spending big to sing the praises of Libertarian candidate Brad Barron.

The move is part of a larger liberal strategy to peel votes away from red-state Republicans by putting substantial funds behind little-known third-party candidates. One anti-McConnell super PAC—Fire Mitch Save America—has spent more than $250,000 on pro-Barron mailers in October. In South Carolina, Democratic Senate nominee Jaime Harrison, the state's Democratic Party, and an outside group aligned with Harrison have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on campaign materials that call Constitution Party candidate Bill Bledsoe "the only true conservative on the ballot."

Federal Election Commission filings show that Ditch Mitch Fund launched an affiliate PAC called True Kentucky Patriots on October 13. Just days later, the group pushed back on reports that it was pulling its TV ads in the race's final two weeks, instead saying it was "simply adjusting and moving around" the ad buys. True Kentucky Patriots went on to report more than $300,000 spent on TV, radio, and digital spots that call Barron "Kentucky's true conservative for U.S. Senate." According to ad-buying tracker Advertising Analytics, the total ad blitz is worth more than $1 million.

"Brad Barron is a farmer and businessman who will protect our liberties from Washington politicians," one True Kentucky Patriots TV ad states. "Sorry, Mitch, 36 years is too long. Vote your values and for freedom. Vote for conservative libertarian Brad Barron."

The ad campaign dwarfs Barron's own spending in the race. The third-party candidate has disbursed less than $17,000 as of June 30 and has failed to file the last two required FEC reports.


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c167d2 No.129512

File: d1625085250a63f⋯.png (64.38 KB,681x768,227:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291937 (262033ZOCT20) Notable: Kanye West: Abortion has killed more black lives in 2020 than total US COVID death count

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Kanye West: Abortion has killed more black lives in 2020 than total US COVID death count

'We are in genocide'

October 26, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – So, Kanye West — 2020 presidential candidate, rap artist, and (recently) self-described Christian — headed over to Texas for a conversation with Joe Rogan, and it was quite the ride. West talked about how he plans to create stadium churches; his brawls with the music industry executives; his (very American) path from hip hop to church and sort of back again; and his apparently very real political aspirations.

Despite accusations from the Left that Kanye West is running for president as the 2020 election cycle’s Jill Stein with an eye to screwing things up for Joe Biden, West dropped $3 million on his campaign last month alone. West assured Rogan that he is running to win—although he was pretty vague on the particulars. “It was something that God put in my heart back in 2015,” West told a surprisingly straight-faced and very secular Rogan. “A few days before the MTV Awards it hit me in the shower. When I first thought of it, I just started laughing to myself and all this joy came over my body, through my soul. I felt that energy. I felt that spirit.”

When Rogan suggested that he might want to take a shot at a governorship first like Ronald Reagan, West shrugged it off, clearly having none of it. “If it’s in God’s plan that part of my path is to be the governor then that’s fine, but my calling is to be the leader of the free world,” he replied resolutely. Trump’s team might be hoping that West voters act as a spoiler for Biden, but West clearly has his own plans.

West also referenced the comments he made about his daughter North at a rally in South Carolina back in July, where he cried onstage and admitted that he and his wife Kim Kardashian had considered aborting her. He had cried, he told Rogan, because he was “gut wrenched.” He noted that at the time they found out they were expecting North, he felt he was “too busy” to become a dad. (In July, he described the incident in raw terms, stating that he had suggested the abortion, but Kim refused: “I almost killed my daughter…My girlfriend called me screaming, crying. I’m a rapper. And she said I’m pregnant. She was crying.”)

“People saw this clip of me crying and some people didn’t know what I was crying about,” he told Rogan. “But I was crying about that there was a possible chance…that we—Kim and I—didn’t make the family that we have today. That’s my most family-friendly way to word that. The idea of [abortion] just tears me up inside, that I was part of a culture that promotes this kind of thing.”

He continued:


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c167d2 No.129513

File: 1d559f49106bc4f⋯.png (547.1 KB,602x630,43:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291939 (262033ZOCT20) Notable: One person dies and nine are hospitalized after outbreak of Listeria on the East Coast - and CDC blames deli meats

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One person dies and nine are hospitalized after outbreak of Listeria on the East Coast - and CDC blames deli meats


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c167d2 No.129514

File: bc6810304bde324⋯.png (64.46 KB,592x816,37:51,Clipboard.png)

File: ec0957205598324⋯.png (210.79 KB,609x625,609:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291952 (262033ZOCT20) Notable: Did FBI alter original data on Biden computer?

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c167d2 No.129515

File: b4fae0f28da6fd4⋯.png (321.12 KB,715x500,143:100,Clipboard.png)

File: 309967ecce6fd3f⋯.png (81.23 KB,655x549,655:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291963 (262034ZOCT20) Notable: Microplastics in Groundwater (and our drinking water) Present Unknown Risk

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Microplastics in Groundwater (and our drinking water) Present Unknown Risk

Microplastics (plastics

While microplastics in groundwater likely affect human health, only a handful of studies have examined the abundance and movement of microplastics in groundwater. This gap means the potential for adverse health effects remains largely unknown.

At the Geological Society of America’s 2020 Annual Meeting today at 1:30, Teresa Baraza Piazuelo, a Ph.D. candidate at Saint Louis University, will help fill that knowledge gap by presenting new research on groundwater microplastics in a karst aquifer. “There hasn’t been that much research looking at [micro]plastics and groundwater,” Baraza says. “It’s a very new topic. There’s been a boom of research on microplastics in the ocean, even in soils… but to fully understand something, you have to explore it in all its aspects.”

Microplastics pose multiple physical and chemical risks to the ecosystems where they’re present, and those risks are exacerbated by plastics’ longevity in natural environments. “Since they’re plastic, they’re very durable,” Baraza says, “which is why plastic is great. But it doesn’t degrade easily.” Microplastics’ ability to linger in their environments for decades or longer likely has cumulative detrimental effects on both the organisms and quality of the ecosystem. Their chemical threat stems largely from their ability to transport harmful compounds on their surfaces; when organisms at the base of the food chain ingest microplastics, they ingest the toxins, too. As larger organisms consume the smaller ones, the toxins can build up (a process called bioaccumulation), eventually resulting in responses like organ dysfunction, genetic mutation, or death. “Cave ecosystems are known for being super fragile to begin with,” she explains. “All the cave organisms — salamanders, blind fish — are sensitive, so any contaminants that are introduced could damage those ecosystems.”

Groundwater can stay in the same aquifer for tens to hundreds of years, or even longer. Combining that long residence time with plastics’ resistance to degradation means that those chemical effects could effectively build up in the water and in any organisms within it, increasing the likelihood of toxic bioaccumulation. Together, these could result in long-term contamination of water sources with poorly-understood health effects and ecosystem damage.


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c167d2 No.129516

File: ce86977e10d25f4⋯.png (116.69 KB,384x247,384:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291964 (262034ZOCT20) Notable: NEW REVELATIONS SHED LIGHT ON BRITISH HAND BEHIND FIVE EYES (canadianpatriot)

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In recent weeks, a fascinating confluence of events has increasingly moved to shed light on various aspects of the British hand running the Five Eyes Global intelligence apparatus spread across the Trans Atlantic.

In Luxembourg, the Court of Justice took a stand against Britain’s GCHQ’s practices of mass surveillance and bulk data collection on October 6 deeming it a “serious threat to national security”. Legal Director Carline Wilson Palow stated: “Today’s judgment reinforces the rule of law in the EU. In these turbulent times, it serves as a reminder that no government should be above the law. Democratic societies must place limits and controls on the surveillance powers of our police and intelligence agencies.”

Only weeks earlier, the U.S. National Security Agency and British Intelligence were both revealed to have been illegally tapping into the strategic Danish communications hub for decades (Denmark is a strategic control point for all European and Eurasian communications).

These European developments dovetail the revelations which have come to light in recent months of the vast intelligence apparatus within the USA itself which has been committed to using Russia Gate to undo the 2016 elections in order to install a president more conducive to the will of the globalists trying to run the world under a post-nation state world order.

Intelligence documents declassified earlier this Summer have pointed to high level echelons of British Intelligence behind the scenes coordinating Russia Gate. These documents have even implicated former Brookings President (and Rhodes Scholar) Strobe Talbott’s role in shaping the dodgier dossier alongside former MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove, and Dearlove’s former underling Christopher Steele… both of whom used Brookings Institute lacky Igor Danchenko to provide gossipy fact free material to fill the “pee dossier”. It was in fact the same Dearlove who not only drafted the original dodgy dossier that was used by fanatical neocons in America to justify the Iraq war in 2003, but who also coordinated the entrapment of the former Director of National Intelligence Michael Flynn as early as February 2014 at a dinner hosted by the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar. It was at Dearlove’s invitation that Flynn found himself at the seminar and it was Dearlove who used his 20 minute conversation with Svetlana Lokhova to justify the story that the renegade general was compromised by a Russian honeypot.


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c167d2 No.129517

File: 9951ac1e154aa14⋯.jpg (632.18 KB,1915x973,1915:973,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11291979 (262035ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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C-17 RHINO44 just squawked a 7700 distress call - is Obama an endangered species? Could be…

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c167d2 No.129518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292112 (262045ZOCT20) Notable: Bill Gates: Big Tech companies “doing more now” to address “wild stories” about vaccines

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Bill Gates: Big Tech companies “doing more now” to address “wild stories” about vaccines

Gates questioned whether such stories would affect mask wearing and willingness to take the vaccine.

As the level of censorship on social media platforms continues to climb, investor and philanthropist Bill Gates has acknowledged that Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are “doing more now” to stop the spread of what he describes as “wild stories” and conspiracies about the vaccine.

Gates made the comments during an interview with Yahoo Finance where he questioned whether “wild stories about the vaccine,” such as suggestions that the vaccine is “a conspiracy based on evil intent,” would impact mask wearing and willingness to the vaccine.

When asked about whether he or representatives of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had been in touch with Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter to mitigate the spread of these “crazy stories” and “misinformation,” Gates said:

“I think those companies are doing more now to do that. This is kind of a wild phenomena. We’ve always had some wariness of vaccines, about vaccines but not this idea of connecting them to a plot, you know, like microchipping people to track them, or you know, things that you, you know, even in a fiction story wouldn’t be all that believable.”

Gates’ comments follow both Facebook and YouTube making sweeping changes that restrict criticism and opposition to vaccines over the last couple of months.

Facebook recently banned all ads that discourage vaccines and has been removing groups and pages that spread what it deems to be “vaccine misinformation” from its search recommendations.

YouTube has taken an even stricter approach and banned any videos that go against the World Health Organization’s “consensus” on a future coronavirus vaccine.

While both companies are aggressively clamping down on vaccine criticism and opposition, positive content about vaccines is welcomed and Facebook even amplifies messages from the WHO that tell people to get vaccinated.

In previous statements, Gates and his wife Melinda have alluded to the need for social media platforms to do more to censor what they deem to be misinformation with Bill calling for Big Tech to use “smart solutions” that slow the spread of misinformation and Melinda warning that these platforms are due a “reckoning” for failing to remove enough misinformation.

Gates has even gone as far as suggesting governments should ban end-to-end encryption in private messaging apps to tackle misinformation.


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c167d2 No.129519

File: 5ade039b3c3363a⋯.jpg (559.61 KB,1919x975,1919:975,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292155 (262047ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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Here ya go, crossing AF2's path.

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c167d2 No.129520

File: 3d4bd7de8f59430⋯.png (123.27 KB,831x481,831:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292245 (262053ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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SAM813 USAF G5 departed MacDill AFB wn after an overnight-inbound from JBA yesterday

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c167d2 No.129521

File: 8f1a30442dc1282⋯.jpg (716.79 KB,819x636,273:212,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292273 (262055ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children

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Save the Children

Save the Children - Leadership and Trustees as of July 2020 continued


Board of Trustees:

Brad Irwin, Chair

Former President and CEO, Welch’s Foods, Inc.; former President, Cadbury North America; Board of Directors, Church & Dwight; SCI Trustee since 2018; SCUS Trustee from 2003-2009; re-elected in 2011; Chair of SCUS Board since 2018

Debra Fine, Vice Chair

Founder and Chair, Fine Capital Partners; Board of Directors, Jewish Museum and Footsteps; SCI Trustee since 2018 and Vice Chair SCI Board; SCUS Trustee since 2013; Vice Chair of SCUS Board since 2017; Interim Co-Chair in 2018

Thomas Murphy, Chair Emeritus

Former Chairman and CEO, Capital Cities/ABC; former Chair of SCUS Board 1998-2005; SCUS Trustee Emeritus since 2006

Content separator with Save the Children logo

Abhishek Agrawal

Former Managing Director and Global Head of Growth Equity, Vulcan Capital; Advisory Board, Capricorn Investment Group; SCUS Trustee since 2020

Irving W. Bailey, II

Senior Advisor and former Managing Director, Chrysalis Ventures; Board of Directors, International Development Finance Corporation; SCUS Trustee since 2017

Abhijit Banerjee

Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; co-founder and co-director, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL); co-recipient of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics; SCUS Trustee since 2016

Forrest Berkley

Retired Partner, Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. (GMO); CREF Trustee; SCUS Trustee since 2019

Emanuel (Manny) Chirico

Chairman and CEO, PVH Corp; Board of Directors, Dick's Sporting Goods and United Nations Global Compact; Board of Trustees, Fordham University and Montefiore Medical Center; SCUS Trustee since 2015

Jay Collins

Vice Chairman, Banking, Capital Markets and Advisory, Citi; Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University; Board of Trustees, Center for the Study of the Presidency, U.S. Philippines Society and The China Institute; Member, Council on Foreign Relations; SCUS Trustee since 2020

Mary Dillon

CEO, Ulta Beauty; Board of Directors, Starbucks Corporation and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.; Board Chair, Retail Industry Leaders Association; SCUS Trustee since 2016

Peter Fasolo

Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, Johnson & Johnson; Board of Directors, Human Resources Policy Association and Arm in Arm; SCUS Trustee since 2018

Jennifer Garner

Actor, philanthropist, entrepreneur and advocate; co-founder, Once Upon a Farm; Artist Ambassador, Save the Children US; SCUS Trustee since 2014

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c167d2 No.129522

File: bf46813c74c815f⋯.png (410.63 KB,632x356,158:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cacb800d520ec4⋯.png (337.05 KB,632x356,158:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 0df921fce4dd77b⋯.png (18.24 KB,638x342,319:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292275 (262055ZOCT20) Notable: Extreme weather cocktail in Southern California prompts rare 'particularly dangerous' red flag warnings

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Extreme weather cocktail in Southern California prompts rare 'particularly dangerous' red flag warnings

An unusual combination of weather conditions are culminating in an extreme fire danger across Southern California, one that prompted the National Weather Service (NWS) to issue urgent red flag warnings, which called the setup “a particularly dangerous situation” in the Los Angeles mountains – a rare warning issued by the NWS. The NWS warned that the tinder dry conditions with relative humidity expected to drop off into the single digits and potentially damaging winds that will howl at 60 to 75 mph will stir up "the most dangerous fire weather conditions since October 2019" in Los Angeles and Ventura counties. The culprit behind the strong winds blasting portions of California and the Southwest will be a massive storm system that unleashed wintry weather across the Rockies and Plains, bringing brutally cold air, as well as pockets of snow and ice.

It's already been a long wildfire season as fires have broken records for the largest fires ever recorded in both California and Colorado state history, and relentless fires across the West have led to persistent, poor air quality and choking smoky conditions at times. More recently, two wildfires in northern Colorado have added to the destruction as they exploded in size this past week. Heavy snow now moving through northern Colorado will help to quell these large fires, but may also make it more difficult for firefighters to navigate the terrain to continue battling the fires. As the cold and snow pushes south, so will the highest fire threat. Parts of northern Nevada, Utah and Colorado that experienced fire weather Saturday got a reprieve on Sunday, while much of the southern Rockies and Desert Southwest experienced another day of high fire risk. Monday, the most extreme fire risk will shift its attention back to California. Offshore winds will roar both Monday and Tuesday, locally known as Santa Ana or Diablo winds. Widespread wind gusts of 40-60 mph are expected in the mountains and passes of both Northern and Southern California, as well as the upper and lower deserts in Southern California. Some of the strongest gusts of 60-80 mph will be in the western foothills of the northern Sierra, as well as around the "North Bay Hills" north of San Francisco and in the mountains around Los Angeles as well. In parts of the interior Southwest on Monday, winds can also gust to 60 to 80 mph. An AccuWeather Local StormMax™ gust of 100 mph can occur in some of the typically windiest mountain areas of the Southwest and California. This can lead to extremely fast-moving fires that are extremely difficult for firefighters to control.


Hmm, wanting to stop people from voting..interesting.

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c167d2 No.129523

File: 73a115b1346c13d⋯.png (104.62 KB,601x484,601:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292283 (262055ZOCT20) Notable: Wisconsin Early Ballot Returns Show Polls Are Wrong–Republicans Storm The Polls, Now Ahead in WI

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Wisconsin Early Ballot Returns Show Polls Are Wrong–Republicans Storm The Polls, Now Ahead in WI


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c167d2 No.129524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292295 (262055ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children

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Save the Children

Save the Children - Leadership and Trustees as of July 2020 continued


Susan Gianinno

Senior Advisor, Publicis Groupe; former Chairman and CEO, Publicis Worldwide; Chair Emeritus and Board member, Ad Council; Board member and Chair of Corporate Governance, RR Donnelley; Board of Trustees, Boston College; SCUS Trustee since 2020

Jim Goldman

Senior Advisor, Eurazeo; former President and CEO, Godiva Chocolatier; Board of Directors, Abercrombie & Fitch, Domino’s Pizza, Q Mixers, International Tennis Hall of Fame and FEED Projects; SCUS Trustee since 2015

Gabriela Hearst

Founder and Creative Director, Gabriela Hearst; SCUS Trustee since 2018

Jeremy Kohomban

President and CEO, The Children’s Village; President, Harlem Dowling; Chair, Human Services Council; national Co-Chair, Children Need Amazing Parents (CHAMPS); SCUS Trustee since 2018

Raj Kumar

Founding President and Editor-In-Chief, Devex; Member, Council on Foreign Relations; SCUS Trustee since 2019

Joe Mandato

Former Senior Advisor, Mainsail Partners; Lecturer, Stanford University; Adjunct Professor, University of San Francisco; Board of Trustees, Case Western Reserve University and Head Start; SCUS Trustee from 2009 to 2015; re-elected in 2017

David J. Mastrocola

Partner, Bradford Hill Capital LLC; former Partner and Managing Director, Goldman, Sachs & Co; SCUS Trustee from 2009 to 2015; re-elected in 2016

Margaret (Peg) McGetrick

Founding Partner, Liberty Square Asset Management (LSAM); former CEO, Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. (GMO); Board of Directors, GMO; SCI Trustee since 2020; SCUS Trustee since 2017

Anne S. Mulcahy

Former Chair and CEO, Xerox Corporation; Board of Directors, Johnson & Johnson, Graham Holdings Company, LPL Financial Holdings, Inc. and Williams-Sonoma, Inc.; SCUS Trustee 2009-2017; re-elected in 2018; former Chair of SCUS Board from 2010 to 2017

Julie Nordstrom

Former Associate Attorney with Stafford, Frey, Cooper and Stewart; Board Chair, University of Washington Medical Center; Board Member, The Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation; Co-Chair, UW Department of Global Health Leadership Council; SCUS Trustee since 2019

Catherine Oppenheimer

Co-Founder and former Board Chair, National Dance Institute of New Mexico (NDI-NM); Co-Founder New Mexico School for the Arts; SCUS Trustee since 2015

Danita Ostling

Partner and Professional Practice Director, Ernst & Young LLP US-East Region; SCUS Trustee since 2020

Joe Roth

Executive Producer and Director; founder, Revolution Studios; former Chairman, Walt Disney Studios; founder, Seattle Sounders soccer team; SCUS Trustee from 2007 to 2010; re-elected in 2018

Sunil Sani

CEO, Heritage Sportswear, LLC; Executive Officer, CGS Industries, Inc.; co-owner, Q.B. Associates; Board of Directors, Great Neck Police Athletic League; SCUS Trustee from 2009 to 2015; re-elected in 2016

Janti Soeripto

President and CEO, Save the Children US (SCUS); former President and COO, SCUS; former Deputy CEO, Save the Children International (SCI); SCUS Trustee since 2020

Tracy McHale Stuart

Managing Partner and CEO of Corbin Capital Partners; former Managing Director, Goldman Sachs Asset Management; SCUS Trustee since 2019

Helene R. Sullivan

Former Chief Financial Officer, Save The Children Federation, Inc.; Board of Trustees, Adelphi University; SCUS Trustee 2000-2006 and 2008-2014; re-elected in 2015

Dawn Sweeney

Former President and CEO, National Restaurant Association; Board of Directors, SITE Centers Corp and Medstar’s National Medical Rehabilitation Hospital; SCUS Trustee from 2007-2013; re-elected in 2015; Vice Chair of SCUS Board from 2017-2018; Vice Chair, Save the Children Action Network (SCAN)

Tsehaye Teferra

Founder and President of the Ethiopian Community Development Council; Board of Directors, InterAction; SCUS Trustee since 2020

Judee Ann Williams

Co-Head of CAA Social Impact, Creative Artists Agency (CAA); Board of Directors, Carrie Underwood C.A.T.S. Foundation, Katy Perry’s Firework Foundation, First Book, ACM Lifting Lives and USO Entertainment Council; SCUS Trustee since 2018

Dona Davis Young

Former Chairman, President and CEO, The Phoenix Companies; Board of Directors, AEGON and Foot Locker; SCI Trustee since 2016; SCUS Trustee since 2012

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c167d2 No.129525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292309 (262056ZOCT20) Notable: NXIVM Update

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NXIVM Update

Judge Garaufis denies Raniere motion for a new trial. Barely covered in national media. Here’s a local link https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/second-trial-denied-for-convicted-nxivm-sex-cult-leader-ahead-of-sentencing/2685900/

Keith Raniere sentencing to proceed on Tuesday, 27 October. ABC deftly avoids any celebrity connections https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/nxivm-founder-keith-raniere-face-sentencing/story?id=73838533

But the ever watchful Frank Report says sentencing will take place at 1100 EDT on Tuesday https://frankreport.com/2020/10/26/raniere-sentencing-moved-from-10-a-m-to-11-a-m-tomorrow/

Nobody is talking about Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s family and fundraising ties to the NXIVM cult though. How come? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/court-documents-reveal-gillibrands-father-worked-for-nxvim-sex-trafficking-group

Nobody is talking about how NXIVM raised money through straw donors for Hillary’s senate campaign either. It’s documented court testimony after all. How come? https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/nxivm-campaign-contributions-trial-kieth-raniere-834854/

Nobody talks about how Bill Clinton’s Arkansas Mafia let Raniere go 20 years ago with the help of Bill’s good buddy Richard L. Mays. And later in NY, Doug Retnik, Schumer, Gillibrand, Hillary, Preet Bahara, and other assorted NY leftist trash. https://artvoice.com/2019/07/07/making-vanguard-proud-the-mays-men-bring-executive-success-to-arkansas/

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c167d2 No.129526

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292314 (262056ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children

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Save the Children

Save the Children - Leadership and Trustees as of July 2020 continued


Senior Leadership Team

Janti Soeripto

President & Chief Executive Officer

David Barth

Vice President

International Programs

Luciana Bonifacio

Vice President

Resource Development

Natalie Burtson

Vice President &

Chief Information Officer

Wendy Christian

Vice President & Chief Communications Officer

Greg Ferrante

Vice President &

Chief Financial Officer

Eric Howell

Chief Operating Officer

Michael Klosson

Vice President

Policy & Humanitarian Response

Debbie Pollock-Berry

Vice President &

Chief Human Resources Officer

Jennifer Roberti

Vice President &

Chief Marketing Officer

Sumeet Seam

Vice President &

General Counsel

Mark Shriver

Sr. Vice President

U.S. Programs & Advocacy

Andrea Williamson

Corporate Secretary

Betsy Zorio

Vice President, U.S. Programs & Advocacy

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c167d2 No.129527

File: 137f6def78972d1⋯.png (271.11 KB,1025x625,41:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292331 (262057ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children

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Save the Children

Janti Soeripto - screencaps in Soeripto, Janti

President and Chief Executive Officer, Save the Children US


"Janti Soeripto is President and Chief Executive Officer of Save the Children, an organization that gives children in the United States and around the world a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. The global Save the Children movement serves over 155 million children in the US and in 120 countries. As a global organization, Save the Children has committed to driving down the numbers of preventable deaths of children under 5, ensuring every child gets a high-quality basic education and protecting all children from harm.

She assumed the role on January 1, 2020, having served since May of 2019 as President and COO of Save the Children US, a position having oversight for setting agency strategy, ensuring all parts of the organization are well managed, staffed and aligned and operate as effectively as possible. Strengthening accountability for results, and overseeing, integrating and coordinating divisional activities (Human Resources, International Operations, Legal and Risk Services, Information Systems, Finance, Marketing & Communications and Fundraising) also fell within her scope of work.

Prior to joining Save the Children US, Janti worked for eight years as deputy CEO of Save the Children International, where she was responsible for market growth and development, global strategy development, communication, and venture partnerships.

Before her Save the Children work, Janti spent three years with Kimberly-Clark, as Country Director in Indonesia. Immediately before this she was Managing Director for Belu in London, the first bottled water brand in a biodegradable bottle that donates all profits to charity. Previous to this, she enjoyed a 15-year career with Unilever, both in Finance, as well as general management, working in the Netherlands, UK and Singapore.

Janti graduated from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam in 1991. She is half Indonesian, half Dutch and is married with two children."

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c167d2 No.129528

File: 351e891ef40bc71⋯.png (140.54 KB,758x485,758:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292358 (262059ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children

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Save the Children

Save the Children - About Featured Corperate Partners


Global Corporate Partners





C&A Foundation

IKEA Foundation

Johnson & Johnson

Mondelēz International


$5 Million and Above Lifetime Giving

American Girl

Chevron Corporation






Mars Wrigley Foundation



MNI Targeted Media Inc.

PepsiCo Foundation


PVH Corp



$1 million - $4,999,999 Lifetime Giving

American Express

Bank of America

Baxter International Foundation


Boston Consulting Group

Bristol-Myers Squibb


Carnival Corporation & plc


Cherry Hill Programs

Citi Foundation

Cummins, Inc.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


Primrose Schools

SC Johnson

Sony Corporation



Ulta Beauty

Western Union Foundation

Western Union Foundation

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c167d2 No.129529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292364 (262059ZOCT20) Notable: Deutsche Bank Creating A Destructive Domino Effect That Will Result In Apocalyptic Economic Collapse!

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Deutsche Bank Creating A Destructive Domino Effect That Will Result In Apocalyptic Economic Collapse!

Deutsche Bank, the second most prominent bank in Europe, the greatest bank in Germany, one of the ten largest banks by assets in the whole world and, evidently, the leading authority for derivatives trading, is caught up in a huge chaos. The International Monetary Fund was the first to warn about it being the biggest net contributor to systemic risks for the global financial system, undoubtedly, the bank’s situation is decisive for the world’s economy. The banking system simply cannot allow Deutsche Bank to fall, otherwise, it will drag along the whole financial system with it, creating a destructive domino effect that will result in a catastrophic economic collapse.

However, recent developments don’t seem favorable for its reputation. In fact, many now believe that the end is near for the bank, and its downfall may be closer than imagined. That’s why today, we decided to expose the many layers of Deutsche Bank’s inevitable decay and how its meltdown will likely resonate in our already severely disrupted economy. So stay with us, and please don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up, share it with friends, and subscribe to our channel to keep updated with future videos.

When it comes to banking issues a simple rule can be applied: The louder some authority shouts on the media reassuring everything is just fine, surely, the bigger the trouble really is. So when government officials are repeatedly insisting that nothing is going on and things will be handled smoothly, we have confirmation of their despair. Just by the fact that they bother to say anything at all, we can already ascertain that there’s something much more dangerous hiding behind the covers. And by the end of this video, you’ll understand that’s the case.

Deutsche Bank could be a contrarian’s dream. But it’s not because something is cheap – in exact numbers: down 84% – that it will necessarily be a good purchase. Falling share prices is a major red flag for a company, especially when the company is the institution that ties several other institutions together. It could be an alert sign for many looming problems, but the most visible one is that a stock market crash is right on the horizon.

So one can ask “what is going wrong with Deutsche Bank?” – and, well, basically everything. Starting with the foundations in which its system was created. For a while now, the bank is facing hardships to adapt to a changed competitive situation where its business model and cost structure are no longer sustainable. Needless to say that tightened regulations have made the banking industry a bureaucracy horror show.

Just as many bankrupt businesses trying to stay afloat, the German giant announced that it will lay off over 18,000 employees, which configures nearly one-fifth of its global workforce. The bank also disclosed to have plans to pursue a vast restructuring on its functioning, which will include shutting down its global equities trading business. Such measures may help to delay Deutsche Bank’s inexorable march into oblivion, but not for long. And when the weight becomes too heavy to bear, it will trigger a massive collapse taking down a whole lot of others with it at the same time.

The newsletter Wall Street On Parade noted that the bank has 49 trillion dollars in exposure to derivatives as of the end of last year, meaning it is in the same group as the U.S. titans JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs, which registered $48 trillion, $47 trillion and $42 trillion, respectively. And even though the bank’s actual credit risk is significantly lower than the national value of its derivatives contracts, there is still a scandalous amount of exposure that can be very well illustrated when we consider the state of Deutsche Bank’s balance sheet.

Furthermore, there are many other aggravating issues at stake for Deutsche Bank right now. According to the Financial Times, the German institution is coping with a shocking number of regulatory actions and lawsuits – 7,000 to be more precise. And you can imagine when such an important piece at the European’s shaky financial system is risking to fall and spark a disastrous domino effect, investor confidence can disappear from the charts in a matter of hours. Once it’s gone, there will be no way back other than a huge bailout. But considering the track record of the bank, it doesn’t seem like a feasible option, particularly because its situation will act as an explosive destroying everything in sight in the stock market.

Deutsche Bank is a house of pyramid scheme cards!


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c167d2 No.129530

File: 7b409b435268cb2⋯.jpg (794.25 KB,760x648,95:81,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292373 (262100ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children

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Save the Children - About Emergency Partnerships


Disaster Responders


American Express

AmeriCares Foundation, Inc


Bank of America


Carnival Corporation & plc.


Cummins Inc.

DICK's Sporting Goods

Direct Relief International




Google Inc.

Heart To Heart International

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

HP Foundation

Johnson & Johnson

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Lenovo Foundation

MAP International



Middle East Broadcasting Center

MoneyGram Foundation


Penguin Random House

Procter & Gamble


Scholastic Corporation

Sempra Energy Foundation



The TJX Foundation

The Walt Disney Company

Western Union Foundation


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c167d2 No.129531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292392 (262101ZOCT20) Notable: Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Martinsburg, PA 10-26-20

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Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Martinsburg, PA 10-26-20

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c167d2 No.129532

File: 0ff483f0878ceba⋯.png (593.56 KB,969x421,969:421,Clipboard.png)

File: b7abf4983f3378d⋯.png (263.84 KB,887x582,887:582,Clipboard.png)

File: 89d6a6fbb3e27a8⋯.png (367.03 KB,887x599,887:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292395 (262101ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children

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Save the Children

Save the Children - Emergency Response


Save the Children - Where We Work


Save the Children - Regional Councils


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c167d2 No.129533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292407 (262102ZOCT20) Notable: 'Vigilantes' arrest alleged child sex predator in Perth park

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'Vigilantes' arrest alleged child sex predator in Perth park

Two vigilantes have made an extraordinary citizens' arrest on an alleged child sex predator at a suburban Perth park.

Police say the men, aged in their 30s, posed as a 14-year-old boy on dating app Grindr to lure the 61-year-old.

Detectives allege they exchanged sexually explicit messages with the 61-year-old and arranged to meet him at Creyk Park in Kelmscott, in Perth's south-east, at 10am last Thursday.

When the man arrived the pair called Triple Zero and held him there until police attended.

Officers then searched the man's phone and allegedly located the sexually explicit messages before raiding his home and seizing further electronic devices.

Armadale detectives said they did not encourage this type of behaviour from civilians, but did commend the vigilantes for not hurting the man.

Russ Alan Portelli, 61, was refused bail and will front court again next month charged with using electronic communication with intent to procure a person, under the age of 16 years, to engage in sexual activity.


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c167d2 No.129534

File: f7e4c1f63f67cbc⋯.jpg (547.45 KB,1917x963,213:107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6c0487fc0250e81⋯.jpg (614.9 KB,1917x955,1917:955,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292417 (262103ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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DDFI5899 into Huntsville Carl T. Jones Field. LOBO712 orbiting Myrtle Beach.

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c167d2 No.129535

File: 60e436a479e1df6⋯.jpg (38.43 KB,732x187,732:187,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292540 (262109ZOCT20) Notable: Something is happening in Florida

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Something is happening in florida

Dan bongino twat

"it's in the water"?

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c167d2 No.129536

File: ed0df0abb0b4ae1⋯.jpg (589.32 KB,1913x973,1913:973,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292548 (262110ZOCT20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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R1944 landing at North Canton Airport.

Canton, China? Does Canton link to Hunter Biden?

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c167d2 No.129537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292605 (262113ZOCT20) Notable: #14424

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Notables @700

Notables are NOT Endorsements


>>129535 Something is happening in Florida

>>129521, >>129524, >>129526, >>129527, >>129528, >>129530, >>129532 Save the Children

>>129533 'Vigilantes' arrest alleged child sex predator in Perth park

>>129531 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Martinsburg, PA 10-26-20

>>129529 Deutsche Bank Creating A Destructive Domino Effect That Will Result In Apocalyptic Economic Collapse!

>>129525 NXIVM Update

>>129523 Wisconsin Early Ballot Returns Show Polls Are Wrong–Republicans Storm The Polls, Now Ahead in WI

>>129522 Extreme weather cocktail in Southern California prompts rare 'particularly dangerous' red flag warnings

>>129518 Bill Gates: Big Tech companies “doing more now” to address “wild stories” about vaccines

>>129517, >>129519, >>129520, >>129534, >>129536 Planefag Reports


>>129515 Microplastics in Groundwater (and our drinking water) Present Unknown Risk

>>129514 Did FBI alter original data on Biden computer?

>>129513 One person dies and nine are hospitalized after outbreak of Listeria on the East Coast - and CDC blames deli meats

>>129512 Kanye West: Abortion has killed more black lives in 2020 than total US COVID death count

>>129511 Dems Boost Libertarian in Kentucky in Hail Mary to Defeat McConnell

>>129510 Are Recent Reports of COVID Surges an Attempt to Suppress In-Person Voting?

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c167d2 No.129538

File: d6af3ae893e78b4⋯.png (816.16 KB,1439x1966,1439:1966,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292639 (262116ZOCT20) Notable: happening: Texas Guard: Abbott to order 1,000 troops to Texas cities during election

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c167d2 No.129539

File: 5d288053c920368⋯.png (767.2 KB,1224x947,1224:947,Clipboard.png)

File: 718fdcd03c91f4d⋯.png (62.65 KB,378x357,18:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292650 (262117ZOCT20) Notable: 45 missing children found, 109 human trafficking survivors rescued in Ohio operation

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5 missing children found, 109 human trafficking survivors rescued in Ohio operation

"Forty-five missing children were recovered in Ohio by the U.S. Marshals (USMS) as part of an October operation called “Autumn Hope.”

Ohio Attorney General David Yost said this is the largest anti-human trafficking effort in state history.

Yost said more than 50 agencies were involved in the operation resulting in the rescue of 109 human trafficking survivors and 177 arrests."


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c167d2 No.129540

File: 5e5f09585a1b046⋯.jpg (374.21 KB,1913x959,1913:959,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292654 (262118ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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R103O1 (Ops flight) landing at Abraham Lincoln Airport, Springfield..

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c167d2 No.129541

File: 1cd572fba01f3e4⋯.png (1.65 MB,1192x1028,298:257,Clipboard.png)

File: ee1992aa43a664e⋯.mp4 (287.23 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292655 (262118ZOCT20) Notable: President @realDonaldTrump arrives in Martinsburg, Pennsylvania for his third #MAGA rally of the day!

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President @realDonaldTrump arrives in Martinsburg, Pennsylvania for his third #MAGA rally of the day!


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c167d2 No.129542

File: 09a805dd284ba94⋯.png (27.71 KB,845x284,845:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292658 (262118ZOCT20) Notable: Former Hunter Biden Associate Tony Bobulinski Who Flipped on Bidens Will Sit with Tucker Carlson for Extended Interview on Tuesday Night

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Former Hunter Biden Associate Tony Bobulinski Who Flipped on Bidens Will Sit with Tucker Carlson for Extended Interview on Tuesday Night

Tony Bobulinski is the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family.

Tony Bobulinski came forward last week after he was implicated in emails released from Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell.

Bobulinski touched on several key points in his damning memo and impromptu press conference Thursday night before the final presidential debate:

He confirmed “the Big Guy” AKA “the chairman” referred to in Hunter’s emails is indeed Joe Biden

He met with Joe Biden at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles in May of 2017 to discuss Hunter’s business deals in China

Mr. Bobulinski said he received an email concerning allocation of equity, which says 10% held by “H” for “the Big guy” in that email there’s no question that “H” stands for Hunter, and “big guy” for his father Joe Biden and Jim for Jim Biden

Bobulinski confirmed that he was warned by his business partner never to mention Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s shady business dealings over email or text (only face to face) because the Bidens (Joe, Hunter and Jim Biden) were paranoid people would find out.

Bobulinski said Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter Biden’s overseas grift and influence peddling scheme

He confirmed the Bidens went behind his back and got paid millions by the Chinese in side deals outside of their contract

This impromptu presser was ignored by the fake news media.

Tony Bobulinski said he is providing all of his electronic devices and other documents related to his business dealings with Hunter Biden to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and to the FBI.


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c167d2 No.129543

File: 74577ec4013c052⋯.png (1.68 MB,1902x2407,1902:2407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292709 (262122ZOCT20) Notable: Trump To 'Immediately Fire' FBI, CIA Directors If Reelected

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Trump To 'Immediately Fire' FBI, CIA Directors If Reelected

- President Trump will 'immediately' move to fire FBI Director Christopher Christopher Wray and CIA Director Gina Haspel, along with Defense Secretary Mark Esper, according to Axios - which spoke to "people who've discussed these officials' fates with the president."

And while the list of pink slips is allegedly much longer, Trump's top priority is getting rid of Wray - whose FBI sat on alleged evidence of Biden corruption in Ukraine contained on Hunter Biden's laptop (along with alleged child porn), while Trump was impeached for asking the Ukrainians to investigate exactly that.

According to Axios:

Wray and Haspel are despised and distrusted almost universally in Trump's inner circle. He would have fired both already, one official said, if not for the political headaches of acting before Nov. 3.

Recall that Haspel served as station chief for the CIA's London branch, and was - in Senator Rand Paul's words, "a close acolyte of John Brennan" (who, as CIA chief, couldn't legally spy on Americans on domestic soil). And what took place in London? For starters, the FBI's spy operation spy operation on Trump campaign aides conducted by US intelligence operative Stephan Halper. Most notably, the UK-based Cambridge professor (and longtime US intelligence asset whose father-in-law was former director of the CIA, and who allegedly spied on the Carter administration), lured Trump aide George Papadopoulos into an espionage operation aimed at the Trump campaign - predicated on 'Russian dirt' rumors allegedly fed to him by a Clinton ally, Joseph Mifsud.

London was also the venue for a summer, 2016 meeting between former FBI agent Peter Strzok and Australian Diplomat Alexander Downer - another Clinton ally who claimed that Papadopoulos drunkenly admitted to knowledge that the Russians had Hillary Clinton's emails.

More recently, Haspel was accused of personally blocking the release of documents exposing the Russiagate hoax. "This isn't just a scandal about Democrat projection, this is a scandal about what was a coup planned against the incoming administration at the highest levels and I can report here tonight that these declassifications that have come out," The Federalist's Sean Davis told FOX News host Tucker Carlson last month. "Those weren't easy to get out and there are far more waiting to get out."



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c167d2 No.129544

File: f49f004ffadadf2⋯.png (519.38 KB,661x430,661:430,Clipboard.png)

File: 40522214839065a⋯.png (626.59 KB,631x621,631:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ca3ecfebceaa32⋯.png (105.99 KB,665x884,665:884,Clipboard.png)

File: 181f53bf0470624⋯.png (63.63 KB,667x644,29:28,Clipboard.png)

File: b026ac6cc8ccd9c⋯.png (44.74 KB,660x389,660:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292719 (262123ZOCT20) Notable: 'Complaining' black Americans have to 'WANT to be successful' in order to benefit from Trump's policies, says Jared Kushner

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'Complaining' black Americans have to 'WANT to be successful' in order to benefit from Trump's policies, says Jared Kushner

President Donald Trump's policies can fix what black people are 'complaining about' White House aide Jared Kushner said on 'Fox & Friends' Monday

'But he can't want them to be successful more than they want to be successful,' Kushner said - a comment that earned him instant criticism

Kushner was talking about his sit-down with rapper Ice Cube, who has pitched his 'Contract with Black America' to members of both political parties

President Donald Trump's policies can fix what black people are 'complaining about,' White House adviser and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner said Monday morning on 'Fox & Friends.'

'But he can't want them to be successful more than they want to be successful,' Kushner said.

Kushner was talking to the trio of hosts about his sit-down with rapper Ice Cube, who has pitched his 'Contract with Black America' to members of both political parties.

Kushner spoke critically of how companies and celebrities showed their support for Black Lives Matter in the aftermath of the 'George Floyd situation,' as the White House aide put it.

'And you saw a lot of people who were just virtue signaling, they'd go on Instagram and cry, or they would put a slogan on their jersey or write something on a backetball court and quite frankly that was doing more to polarize the country than bring people forward,' Kushner said.

'You solve problems with solutions,' Kushner said.

'And one of the things I respect about Ice Cube is he actually went and said, "OK, what are the policies that are needed to solve the problems that everyone is complaining about?"' Kushner continued.

Kushner sang a similar tune back in August, when he complained about Lebron James and other NBA player boycotting playoff games on the heels of police shooting Jacob Blake, a black man, in front of his children.

'What I'd love to see from the players in the NBA - again they have the luxury of taking a night off from work, most Americans don't,' Kushner said. 'I'd like to see them start moving into concrete solutions that are productive.'

President Donald Trump's son-in-law said he connected with Ice Cube through mutual friends.

'It was a really in-depth and respectful policy discussion - there were some things we didn't agree on, but there were a lot of things we did agree on,' Kushner said. 'I think he helped make our plan better and we appreciated it.'

Ice Cube's plan - called the 'Contract with Black America' - asks for banking, prison and police reform, and federally-funded 'baby bonds' starting at $1,000 for black children.

Ice Cube also wants Confederate statues removed.

Trump has railed against Black Lives Matter activists for tearing down statues and has pushed to keep the names of Confederates on military bases.

Trump has rolled out a 'Platinum Plan' for black America, with the aim to create 3 million new jobs over four years, increasing access to capital by $500 billion.

Part of the plan calls for making immigration to the U.S. more difficult to protect American jobs.

Kushner was knocked around online for being out-of-touch with his comment that black people must want to be successful for Trump's plans to work for them.


Does Kushner know he and his Chabad buddies are fucked if Trump wins so are trying to sabotage shit????

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c167d2 No.129545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292725 (262123ZOCT20) Notable: CSPAN -U.S. Senate: Confirmation Vote for U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett

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U.S. Senate: Confirmation Vote for U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett

10,036 watching now•Started streaming 9 minutes ago


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c167d2 No.129546

File: d25eeb0f754843e⋯.jpg (115.82 KB,795x580,159:116,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292799 (262128ZOCT20) Notable: Montezuma dig

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Finger Lake wineries.

One called Montezuma winery. It's at the top of Cayuga Lake.

Montezuma was Aztec and Aztecs were supposedly involved in human human sacrifice.

Right nearby is the city of Auburn, NY which has come up in area digs as well as with regard to the Biden fam.

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c167d2 No.129547

File: 430c114c63d6562⋯.jpg (597.37 KB,1917x957,639:319,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292822 (262130ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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RHINO44 landed at Wright-Patterson AFB

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c167d2 No.129548

File: 4f0bb78614bad15⋯.png (141.53 KB,853x1080,853:1080,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292834 (262131ZOCT20) Notable: AL-Qaeda Cooperating Witness Habbenings

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AL-Qaeda Cooperating Witness Habbeings

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129549

File: a9e18559c68c807⋯.png (9.32 KB,671x100,671:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292847 (262131ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump’s Army Has Chased Biden Off Campaign Trail

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The March of The Deplorables – President Trump’s Army Has Chased Biden Off Campaign Trail…

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c167d2 No.129550

File: 15eea3d2dd4b1dd⋯.png (321.56 KB,922x640,461:320,Clipboard.png)

File: 47bc84ec2ce8b19⋯.png (577.93 KB,1021x642,1021:642,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f30a19b2f9d563⋯.png (1.05 MB,1011x664,1011:664,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d10bb36922d269⋯.png (111.36 KB,763x240,763:240,Clipboard.png)

File: ac5fbc5523888ce⋯.png (144.08 KB,348x310,174:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292851 (262132ZOCT20) Notable: Montezuma dig

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About the Refuge

Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge was established on September 12, 1938 as a refuge and breeding ground for migratory birds and other wildlife.

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c167d2 No.129551

File: 8604cf8380e0790⋯.png (14.05 KB,626x242,313:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292862 (262132ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children dig

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Moar Save the Children

Has multiple arms.

Save the Children US

Save the Children International

Save the Children Action Network


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c167d2 No.129552

File: 8ebf9a496190e1c⋯.jpg (655.44 KB,1915x975,383:195,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292866 (262132ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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SPAR80 inbound to Andrews from Chievres Air Base, Belgium.

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c167d2 No.129553

File: 80db5032ba23e1e⋯.png (307.03 KB,638x636,319:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292879 (262134ZOCT20) Notable: Montezuma dig

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SAVANNAH, N.Y. — The Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge offers a host of awesome bird-watching and other outdoor activities during the fall.

The 10,000-acre refuge is located at the northern end of Cayuga Lake in mostly Seneca County and partially in Cayuga County. It’s part of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex, which includes adjoining state lands.

The refuge is the middle of the Atlantic Flyway – a major route birds of numerous species fly each year from Canada down south during the winter and return each spring. It’s specially designed to be a resting stop, a food source for hundreds of thousands of birds making those annual trips.

By design, several large pools of water – including the one visible from the deck at the refuge’s visitor’s center. The water levels are managed to allow the growth of grasses and other plants that migrating birds feed on.

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c167d2 No.129554

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292895 (262135ZOCT20) Notable: Montezuma dig

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Montezuma Wildlife Refuge

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c167d2 No.129555

File: 01859de0d46a4d6⋯.png (359.26 KB,1908x738,106:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292899 (262135ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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We're up in Iowa

We're up in Utah


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c167d2 No.129556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292921 (262137ZOCT20) Notable: Montezuma dig

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Ducks At The Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, 11/19/2016 (HD)


Through grasses, air distortion, and long distances, the photographer sees a wide variety of waterfowl on a mild November day in the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. Along with Canada Geese (Branta canadensis), American Coots (Fulica americana), and at least one Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus podiceps), 13 different duck species were seen, including: Gadwall (Anas strepera), American Wigeon (Anas americana), Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata), Northern Pintail (Anas acuta), Green-winged Teal (Anas crecca), Canvasback (Aythya valisineria), Redhead (Aythya americana), Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris), Greater Scaup (Aythya marila), Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis), Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola), and Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis). (Approximate counts may be found here: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist… ) Montezuma, New York, 11/19/2016. (This video is available in high definition.)

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c167d2 No.129557

File: 145b59ab3911a43⋯.png (30.45 KB,478x590,239:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292922 (262137ZOCT20) Notable: Save the Children dig

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>Moar Save the Children

Even MOAR Save the Children (including a relationship map)


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c167d2 No.129558

File: 098ef7d046791d4⋯.png (602.18 KB,1920x931,1920:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292955 (262140ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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We are up in West Virginia


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c167d2 No.129559

File: dc17abeec657533⋯.png (465.47 KB,597x602,597:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11292973 (262141ZOCT20) Notable: Prince Azim of Brunei Dead at 38 in Mysterious Circumstances

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The cause of death has not yet been revealed

Prince Azim of Brunei Dead at 38 in Mysterious Circumstances

Prince Haji "Abdul" Azim, fourth in line to the throne, passed away on Saturday, the government confirmed — but it has not yet revealed the cause of death.


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c167d2 No.129560

File: 878f6c1ee8ff2f3⋯.jpg (695.67 KB,1915x967,1915:967,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293042 (262145ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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Interesting call signs - BA1234CB on a C560, SAM999 on a C-40C Clipper. Also AF2.

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c167d2 No.129561

File: 062becee9233fba⋯.png (668.29 KB,822x1070,411:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293056 (262146ZOCT20) Notable: SC chief Justice John Roberts will not be swearing in ACB tonight…the honor goes to Thomas

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Deep State lover Roberts is not welcome.


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c167d2 No.129562

File: 3e4d42e9e4288f2⋯.png (21.43 KB,584x184,73:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293058 (262146ZOCT20) Notable: Washington announces $2.4 billion-sale of 100 Harpoon coastal defense systems to Taiwan - AFP

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chynnnnna big mad, kek

BREAKING: Washington announces $2.4 billion-sale of 100 Harpoon coastal defense systems to Taiwan - AFP


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c167d2 No.129563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293078 (262148ZOCT20) Notable: Washington announces $2.4 billion-sale of 100 Harpoon coastal defense systems to Taiwan - AFP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US State Department OKs Possible Sale to Taiwan for 100 Harpoon Defense Systems Amid China Tensions

The US State Department has approved the possible sale to Taiwan of 100 Harpoon Coastal Defense Systems and their associated anti-ship missiles - a deal that would cost an estimated $2.37 billion.

In what could potentially be another massive weapons sale to Taiwan, the US State Department has given its approval to a potential deal to sell Taipei 100 Harpoon Coastal Defense Systems, 400 RGM-84L-4 Harpoon Block II surface-launched anti-ship missiles, four exercise missiles, 25 radar trucks, and a host of other related equipment. According to the Monday announcement, the deal could cost $2.37 billion.

The administration of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-Wen noted its interest in the Harpoon missile systems in May. The Republic of China Armed Forces already use the air-launched version of the Harpoon, the AGM-84.

While the RGM-84 is designed to be launched from surface warships, the missile is also capable of being fired from land-based installations or even trucks; however, only the Royal Danish Navy has been known to operate such a system, which was retired in 2003.

On October 21, the US State Department approved two other massive sales to Taiwan: $436 million in High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and their missiles and $1 billion in AGM-84H Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded Response (SLAM-ER) weapons and related equipment. The SLAM-ER is a land attack derivative of the Harpoon.


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c167d2 No.129564

File: b0b0680fd748b2a⋯.jpg (489.63 KB,1917x969,639:323,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293100 (262150ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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Lots of flights converging on Washington. AZAZ0909 inbound.

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c167d2 No.129565

File: 63213d4fea80f08⋯.png (953.65 KB,1920x946,960:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293114 (262151ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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DC crowded as fuck, a P3 doing a sweep for any fuckery

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c167d2 No.129566

File: 2a89c3f5fcd9f89⋯.png (464.08 KB,1023x794,1023:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293119 (262152ZOCT20) Notable: Breakthrough: Water Found On Sunlit Surface Of Moon, NASA Confirms

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Breakthrough: Water Found On Sunlit Surface Of Moon, NASA Confirms

“NEWS: We confirmed water on the sunlit surface of the Moon for the 1st time using [SOFIA Telescope],” posted Administrator of NASA Jim Bridenstine.


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c167d2 No.129567

File: a66b82e3dd3c4c3⋯.png (86.06 KB,320x180,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293130 (262152ZOCT20) Notable: Blumenthal in Senate floor speech warns of 'consequences' if Barrett confirmed

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Blumenthal in Senate floor speech warns of 'consequences' if Barrett confirmed


Still going on about 'court-packing'

Senator says 'measures' could be considered to 'correct' court's ideological balance

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c167d2 No.129568

File: 9be8117e959cb45⋯.png (225 KB,1079x794,1079:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293135 (262153ZOCT20) Notable: Former Hunter Biden Associate Tony Bobulinski Who Flipped on Bidens Will Sit with Tucker Carlson for Extended Interview on Tuesday Night

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293300 (262202ZOCT20) Notable: #14425

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Notables @650

(last for this bread)

Notables are NOT Endorsements


>>>/qresearch/11293277 They tried to hurt our President

>>>/qresearch/11293214, >>>/qresearch/11293223 #8 Vote Republican @stevenegronnh + #VOTEREPUBLICAN list

>>>/qresearch/11293206 If you want to CHANGE YOUR VOTE these 7 states will allow it.

>>>/qresearch/11293153 The American Republic vs the CCP—Documentary exposing China’s game plan for 2020 US election

>>129567 Blumenthal in Senate floor speech warns of 'consequences' if Barrett confirmed

>>129566 Breakthrough: Water Found On Sunlit Surface Of Moon, NASA Confirms

>>129561 SC chief Justice John Roberts will not be swearing in ACB tonight…the honor goes to Thomas

>>129562, >>129563 Washington announces $2.4 billion-sale of 100 Harpoon coastal defense systems to Taiwan - AFP

>>129559 Prince Azim of Brunei Dead at 38 in Mysterious Circumstances

>>129546, >>129550, >>129553, >>129554, >>129556 Montezuma dig

>>129551, >>129557 Save the Children dig

>>129549 President Trump’s Army Has Chased Biden Off Campaign Trail

>>129548 AL-Qaeda Cooperating Witness Habbenings

>>129545 CSPAN -U.S. Senate: Confirmation Vote for U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett

>>129544 'Complaining' black Americans have to 'WANT to be successful' in order to benefit from Trump's policies, says Jared Kushner

>>129543 Trump To 'Immediately Fire' FBI, CIA Directors If Reelected

>>129538 happening: Texas Guard: Abbott to order 1,000 troops to Texas cities during election

>>129542, >>129568 Former Hunter Biden Associate Tony Bobulinski Who Flipped on Bidens Will Sit with Tucker Carlson for Extended Interview on Tuesday Night

>>129541 President @realDonaldTrump arrives in Martinsburg, Pennsylvania for his third #MAGA rally of the day!

>>129540, >>129547, >>129552, >>129555, >>129558, >>129560, >>129564, >>129565, >>>/qresearch/11293154 pf

>>129539 45 missing children found, 109 human trafficking survivors rescued in Ohio operation

happy with the current notables?

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c167d2 No.129570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293430 (262209ZOCT20) Notable: Important news about small town voting in Minnesota as the election ends.

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Important news about small town voting in Minnesota as the election ends.


All non-metro cities with less than 400 registered voters, and townships of any size, can elect “mail-in” ballot voting. In a mail-in precinct, registered voters are automatically sent a ballot. Since 2018, over 400 precincts with about 74,000 registered voters, and an unknown number of unregistered voters, switched to mail-in balloting. This means there are a lot of first-time “mail-in” voters.

We received a distress signal from a couple in McLeod County; they got a letter saying they would be voting by mail. They did not like the idea of ballots arriving by mail and did not want to put their ballots in the mail, so we did some research:

To find out if you live in a “mail-in” precinct, visit the Secretary of State’s “Polling Place Finder” at https://pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us

Mail-in precincts are assigned a central polling place where you can vote in person on Election Day, drop off your ballot instead of putting it in the mail, and register if needed. The polling place location may be distant so plan ahead especially if you are not registered to vote. If you mail your ballot, it should be postmarked by Nov. 3.

Your poll may be open prior to Election Day. Starting Tuesday, Oct. 27, polling places may offer “direct balloting” where you can feed the ballot into the tabulator yourself. Contact your city to verify the days and times your poll is open.

If you are not registered at your current address, or if you haven’t voted in two consecutive federal elections, your voter status may have been changed to “inactive.” The deadline for pre-registering has passed.

You can still register and vote on Election Day and perhaps earlier, but you need to go in person and bring proof of residence showing your current address.

It is important that rural voters are made aware of these changes well before Election Day— and based on all the phone calls and emails we are getting, the state is not doing a good job.

As a result of a steady campaign in favor of voting by mail amid Covid, the number of precincts designated as “mail-in” precincts skyrocketed under Secretary of State Steve Simon (DFL). Consider that in 2014, there were 588 mail-in precincts. Today there are 1,345 or about a third of Minnesota’s precincts, affecting about 150,000 voters.

This should concern rural voters who might find it harder to vote — especially if they’re not registered. Even registered voters, like our friends in McLeod, might find themselves scrambling on Election Day. We also worry about the ballots that never reach the intended voter.

There are many options for metro area residents to vote, especially in Minneapolis and St. Paul. It is unfair for election policies to favor city residents over rural residents.

Whether you vote in person or vote by mail, just be sure to vote!

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c167d2 No.129571

File: 21b2b1a4de68cbd⋯.jpg (468.75 KB,1919x965,1919:965,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b91140a52e06332⋯.jpg (571.53 KB,1739x967,1739:967,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293469 (262213ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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Washington is getting crammed - popcorn at a premium. BA1234CB is headed to Huntsville - I need someone to decode the call sign - maybe a password?

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c167d2 No.129572

File: 3ed1447a07725af⋯.png (9.3 KB,255x170,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293474 (262213ZOCT20) Notable: Welcome to Q Research Kitchen Meta

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Welcome to Q Research Kitchen Meta


This bread was created as place for both Bakers and Anons to communicate away from Q Research General about all things Q Research that should not be in the General Bread.

Issues such as..


Changes to the dough

Hand off procedures

Issues on the board

Shill tactics


This is not a thread to thrash any one baker. Open lines of communication only further unity among us. The hopes are that this bread will lead to more Anons learning to bake, sharing tips and tricks, and general camaraderie that isn't appropriate in the general research thread. A lounge for discussion if you will.


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c167d2 No.129573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293500 (262216ZOCT20) Notable: Let's take a tour: Guided Tour Inside the E-4B NAOC Doomsday Plane

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Let's take a tour.

Guided Tour Inside the E-4B NAOC Doomsday Plane

Sep 30, 2013

The E-4Bs NAOC (National Alternate Operations Center) is as ABNCP (Airborne Command Post) platform based out of Offutt AFB, Nebraska. This aircraft is also know as The Doomsday Plane, where in the case of a nuclear attack, war on the United State, a terrorist attack, this plane becomes the flying Pentagon and gives the SecDef and the Joint Chiefs of Staff a way to launch nuclear weapons and communicate to anything, anywhere in the world.

The Boeing E-4 National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC), with the project name "Nightwatch", is an aircraft operated by the United States Air Force (USAF). To create the E-4 series, four Boeing 747-200B airframes were specially modified to serve as a survivable mobile command post for the National Command Authority, namely the President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense, and successors. The four E-4Bs are operated by the 1st Airborne Command and Control Squadron of the 55th Wing located at Offutt Air Force Base, near Omaha, Nebraska. An E-4B is denoted a "National Airborne Operations Center" when in action.


Upper deck: Flight deck

Middle deck: Conference room, Aft of the conference room is a projection room, Operations team area, Technical Control area, Rest area.

Forward entry area: the main galley unit and stairways to the flight deck and to the forward lower equipment area, NCA area, Briefing room, Communications control area, Flight avionics area

Lower Lobe:

The forward lower equipment room contains the aircraft's water supply tanks, 1200 kVA electrical power panels, step down transformers, VLF transmitter and SHF SATCOM equipment. AC/DC powered hydraulic retractable Airstair is located in the forward right side of the forward lower equipment area, are installed for airplane entry and exit. In the event of an emergency, the airstair can be jettisoned if necessary. The aft lower lobe contains the maintenance console and mission specific equipment.

The lower trailing wire antenna (TWA) area contains the aircraft's 5 mile long TWA reel, which is used by up to 13 communications links – the antenna operator's station, as well as the antenna reel controls and indicators. Much attention has been given to hardening this area against EMP, especially as the TWA, essential for communicating with ballistic missile submarines, is also particularly effective in picking up EMP.

Remember, Sharing is Caring.


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c167d2 No.129574

File: 55b0d64be21a23b⋯.jpg (31.07 KB,594x396,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293507 (262216ZOCT20) Notable: Getty images elite connections

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NEW YORK CITY, NY - JANUARY 18: (L-R) Ed Razek, Charlotte Sarkozy, Dr. Cem Kinay and Fred Bernstein attend The O PROPERTY COLLECTION Honors DELLIS CAY Architect ZAHA HADID in NYC at Asiate on January 18, 2008 in New York City. (Photo by NEIL RASMUS/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)


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c167d2 No.129575

File: f7247635f8ef118⋯.jpg (29.05 KB,472x326,236:163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293519 (262217ZOCT20) Notable: Getty images elite connections

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53rd Cannes Film Festival

(left to right) Ed Razek, President and Chief Marketing Officer of Victoria's Secret, Dr. Mathilde Krim, Founding Co-Chair and Chairman of the Board of amfAR, Harvey Weinstein, C0-Chairman of Miramax Films, and models Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks at a press conference for The amfAR Cinema Against Aids 2000 Victoria's Secret fashion Show at the Cannes Film Festival, 5/17/00.


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c167d2 No.129576

File: 570d5f2b73a3ba4⋯.jpg (365.18 KB,1915x959,1915:959,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293522 (262217ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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Anons were discussing hazel green eyes earlier today…get this…

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c167d2 No.129577

File: b7f003d1a769a1c⋯.jpg (60.86 KB,603x415,603:415,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293577 (262222ZOCT20) Notable: ACB TIME 7:25pm EST

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c167d2 No.129578

File: 6b571d25bff8a42⋯.png (36.58 KB,779x348,779:348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293579 (262222ZOCT20) Notable: Ohio police investigating alleged plot to hold Gov. DeWine under 'house arrest'

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Ohio police investigating alleged plot to hold Gov. DeWine under 'house arrest'

The Ohio State Highway Patrol confirmed an investigation was underway

Ohio police investigating alleged plot to hold Gov. DeWine under 'house arrest'

The Ohio State Highway Patrol confirmed an investigation was underway

The conversation prompted the man, who declined to be identified due to security concerns, to contact local authorities in Piqua. Police referred the matter to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, which oversees security for the governor.

“I can confirm we were made aware of the information reported to the Piqua Police Department on the allegations and are currently investigating the incident,” an Ohio State Highway Patrol spokesperson told Fox News. The spokesperson declined further comment.

Turner confirmed the phone call took place during an interview with Cleveland.com. She said that she does support placing DeWine under house arrest but claims no plot was ever discussed. She referred to the man who contacted authorities as a "dingbat."

A representative for DeWine referred comment to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, citing internal policy on security matters.


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c167d2 No.129579

File: 7741f5995726aad⋯.png (486.86 KB,608x1007,32:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293604 (262224ZOCT20) Notable: ACB TIME 7:25pm EST

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link to tweet in context:


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c167d2 No.129580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293605 (262224ZOCT20) Notable: India puts China on alert after threat to 'strike first' against Beijing

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WW3 warning: India puts China on alert after threat to 'strike first' against Beijing

INDIA has sent a terrifying message to China, after releasing footage of a new anti-ship missile destroying a frigate, accompanied by a pledge to "strike first and strike hard".

Tensions between China and India have intensified after the Indian Navy released footage of a new military drill. In the video, an anti-ship missile obliterates a decomissioned frigate somewhere in the Arabian Sea. The video, posted on Twitter, was accompanied with a claim: "Strike First. Strike Hard."

India is understood to have used the latest drill to send a strong signal to China, demonstrating the country's “combat readiness” in the Indian Ocean where it is challenged by Beijing.

The video shows the warship Prabal corvette sinking an old, decommissioned frigate with a KH-35 Uran anti-ship missile launched at maximum range "with deadly accuracy".

India has ramped up its war-readiness in recent weeks, such as testing the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile and Abhyas high-speed expendable aerial target.

They have also tested the Shaurya strategic missile, Nag anti-tank guided missile, and the Rudram-1 anti-radiation missile system.

In total, India has test fired a dozen missiles in just 45 days.

While it did not mention China by name, India’s Ministry of Defense stressed that given the “prevailing security situation” the Indian navy “would continue maintaining a high-tempo of operations in coming months".

The Indian media has portrayed these latest tests as a warning to Beijing amid an ongoing border dispute with China.

The relationship between China and India worsened after tensions flared up earlier this year at the disputed border, known as the Line of Actual Control, in the Himalayan region.

As a result of the fighting, 20 Indian soldiers were killed while China has refused to not confirm the number of casualties on its side.

The two nations have held several rounds of high-level talks in an attempt to secure a peaceful resolution to the stand-off.

Currently, both India and China have maintained a confrontational position along the disputed border in the remote region.


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c167d2 No.129581

File: ef272188e29444a⋯.jpg (682.24 KB,1913x957,1913:957,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293628 (262225ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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They are stacking them high at Andrews, this is not normal.

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c167d2 No.129582

File: f53c9ca8a559364⋯.jpeg (48.84 KB,456x608,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293658 (262227ZOCT20) Notable: Navy identifies flying instructor and student killed in military plane crash

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Navy identifies flying instructor and student killed in military plane crash

Navy instructor pilot Lt. Rhiannon Ross, 30, was on a routine training flight out of Naval Air Station Whiting Field, Florida, with her student, Coast Guard Ensign Morgan Garrett, 24, when their Navy T-6B Texan II trainer aircraft crashed in a residential area of Foley, Alabama, according to Navy officials.


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c167d2 No.129583

File: b36e376586f7dfe⋯.png (58.93 KB,743x777,743:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293662 (262227ZOCT20) Notable: Other News

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North American Oil And Gas Bankruptcy Debt Has Hit An All-Time High

The associated debt from North American oil and gas bankruptcies in 2020 has already reached an all-time high and is set to grow even further this year as the wave of Chapter 11 filings continues, a Rystad Energy report projects, analyzing industry data from law firm Haynes and Boone. Although the combined count of Chapter 11 filings from exploration and production firms (E&Ps) and oilfield service (OFS) companies this year in North America has so far reached 84, which is still lower than the historical high of 142 in 2016, the associated debt these companies are carrying is much higher, at $89 billion so far, some $19 billion more than in 2016.

Under the current price environment, Rystad Energy projects that more bankruptcies will follow this year, adding to the cumulative associated debt and boosting it to a staggering figure of over $100 billion.

Assuming a WTI average of around $40 per barrel this year and a Henry Hub price of $3 per MMcf, we forecast North American E&P bankruptcies to rise to 55 by the end of the year, from 40 filings at the time of writing, adding about $15 billion of debt to the cumulative total. And that excludes possible associated debt additions from new OFS company bankruptcies, which currently stand at 44 cases.

Under this scenario, associated debt for these 55 E&P Chapter 11 filings this year is projected to reach $69 billion. Should these price levels persist in 2021, Rystad Energy expects 54 new E&P bankruptcies for the year, carrying an associated debt of about $44 billion. In a more pessimistic scenario that assumes a Henry Hub price of $2.5 per MMcf, E&P bankruptcies could climb to 61 cases this year and to 68 in 2021.

In terms of the number of Chapter 11 cases, it is unlikely that we will ever see a repeat of 2016, when 142 E&P and OFS filings were recorded in North America. The previous market downturn caused a large number of smaller producers and suppliers severe financial distress, including many that were active in conventional oil & gas operations who ended up downing their shutters for good.


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c167d2 No.129584

File: bbbf7e643862f67⋯.png (384.95 KB,563x635,563:635,Clipboard.png)

File: 955d58aeef8d2a4⋯.png (91.16 KB,519x569,519:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293664 (262227ZOCT20) Notable: Pence says he will head back to DC "in case" his vote is needed for Barrett confirmation

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Pence Running


1 hr 39 min ago

Pence says he will head back to DC "in case" his vote is needed for Barrett confirmation

From CNN’s Daniella Diaz

Amy Coney Barrett is preparing to join the Supreme Court as the justices are ready to take action on a number of important petitions before them, including several related to next week's election.

Barrett will solidify a 6-3 conservative majority on the high court and will be able to participate in the court's action on the petitions, potentially giving Republican litigants an additional ally as the justices review the various requests.

Here's a look at the major petitions awaiting Barrett:

Vice President Mike Pence just wrapped his only event today in Hibbing, Minnesota. He deplaned Air Force Two with a face mask and waved to the crowd from the top of the stairs. He then jogged to the podium.

Once his remarks wrapped, Pence stepped from behind the podium and put his face mask and returned to Air Force Two.

On today’s Senate confirmation vote for Judge Amy Coney Barret, Pence said, “I’m going to head back to Washington, DC, just in case they need my vote.”

2 hr 23 min ago

Justice Clarence Thomas will administer oath to Barrett tonight, senior official says

From CNN's Pamela Brown

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c167d2 No.129585

File: d4b24d3d45e40e8⋯.jpg (118.29 KB,818x490,409:245,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293690 (262228ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden's South African bride calls herself 'jungle girl,'

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EXCLUSIVE:Hunter Biden's South African bride calls herself 'jungle girl,'claims her first language is tribal dialect Xhosa and has shocked her Jewish family by marrying Joe's son -accused of blowing money on drugs and strip clubs by his ex-wife

Hunter Biden, the 49-year-old son of presidential hopeful Joe Biden,had an impromptu wedding with South African divorcée Melissa Cohen on May 16

DailyMailTV spoke to friends and family of Cohen, 32, to find out more about thefilmmaker who met Hunter just 10 days before they wed

Cohen was adopted by a Jewish family in Johannesburg, but claims she was raised by a tribeswoman and her first language is Xhosa, a tribal dialect

She met entrepreneur Jason Landver in Los Angeles and married him in 2011, taking full advantage of having a wealthy husband

Landver realized that it was 'impossible' to settle down with a girl like Cohen and they divorced after just over two years of marriage in 2014

He gave Cohen $50K in their divorce, allowed her to keep her two-and-half carat diamond ring and helped pay for a months long trip to Europe to ease the pain

Learning of their new son-in-law Hunter's troubled past didn't come easy for Cohen's parents, as they 'are a very religious and conservative Jewish family'

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c167d2 No.129586

File: 19c7211a6f9deb6⋯.png (360.83 KB,592x646,296:323,Clipboard.png)

File: c59d36aa417af81⋯.png (641.78 KB,562x649,562:649,Clipboard.png)

File: fe3cc8920a424fd⋯.png (387.43 KB,623x545,623:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 0647a666eefe18b⋯.png (108.8 KB,677x453,677:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 87b643bd66cc310⋯.png (10.52 KB,666x120,111:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293702 (262229ZOCT20) Notable: Cardi B Freaks Out: ‘Trump Supporters Are Everywhere,’ Swarming L.A. with ‘Big A** Trucks’

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Cardi B Freaks Out: ‘Trump Supporters Are Everywhere,’ Swarming L.A. with ‘Big A** Trucks’

Rapper and Joe Biden surrogate Cardi B was terrified when she recently encountered groups of Trump supporters in Los Angeles, expressing horror at their “big ass trucks” and saying “I don’t like this shit!”

Cardi B reportedly posted a series of clips to her Instagram Stories on Saturday in which she livestreamed herself driving past Trump fans wearing MAGA hats and waving American flags.

“Look how many fuckers! I’m scared now we’re gonna get jumped. I really feel like we’re gonna get jumped. Oh my God. Ahhh!” she screamed.

In another clip, she said: “Trump supporters are everywhere, I’m scared. I don’t like it, with their big ass trucks.”

The rapper said in a third clip: “I don’t like this shit. Look at this. Look at this! Look how they’re walking around, with fake guns out and covering their fucking face. I don’t like this shit!”

Cardi B’s Instagram rants are believed to have taken place shortly before or after police officers detained her husband, the rapper known as Offset, after someone inside his vehicle allegedly pointed a gun at Trump supporters who had just participated in a rally in Beverly Hills.


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c167d2 No.129587

File: daf6d0c028feaef⋯.png (29.9 KB,590x319,590:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293740 (262232ZOCT20) Notable: Everyone is laughing at Cryin Chuck

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I just forced a vote to adjourn the Senate until after the November election.

But the Senate Republicans voted to ignore—to laugh at—the wishes of the American people.

We won't stop fighting.


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c167d2 No.129588

File: ff4d127d555fd95⋯.png (608.2 KB,715x3713,715:3713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293742 (262232ZOCT20) Notable: Full Text: FBI letter announcing new Clinton review - 4 year anniversary - Oct. 26. 2020

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Full Text: FBI letter announcing new Clinton review

4 year anniversary

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c167d2 No.129589

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293752 (262233ZOCT20) Notable: Other News

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Columbia med school professor calls for President Trump to be declared a 'public health threat'

'We are ethically bound to identify threats to the health of patients and populations'

Dr. Raymond Givens, a cardiologist and professor at the Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, would like to see President Donald Trump officially declared a "public health threat."

In an op-ed in MedPage Today, Givens claimed that Trump is "one of the most serious threats to public health and human rights in modern American history" and that the medical community has a responsibility to declare him as such.

"We are ethically bound to identify threats to the health of patients and populations, to speak the truth even if it provokes the anger of powerful people. Refusal to do so is malpractice," Givens argued. "The [American Medical Association] Declaration of Professional Responsibility asserts that physicians have a duty to 'educate the public and polity about present and future threats to the health of humanity' and to advocate for 'political changes that ameliorate suffering and contribute to human well-being.'"

Consequently, he wrote, "the entire American medical establishment has a duty to name Donald Trump, specifically, as a public health threat and strongly recommend that the upcoming election end his presidency."

https://t.co/ngvfRkzXkG My challenge to American medicine to speak the truth- that @realDonaldTrump is a threat to… https://t.co/58MLlihYAz

— Raymond Givens (@Raymond Givens)1603472042.0

What did he say specifically?

Givens specifically took issue with Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic, throughout the lengthy diatribe characterizing Trump as chaotic, unprepared, and wantonly reckless.

President Trump's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has been chaotic at best but more often destructive. He has knowingly and repeatedly downplayed the gravity of the outbreak while hobbling the CDC and undermining public confidence in the agency when trust is needed most. He has launched attacks, often ad hominem, against our best scientists and public health experts. His supporters have followed his lead in defying masking and social distancing recommendations. Based upon exceptionally low-quality data from a grossly irresponsible study, Trump promoted hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as antivirals, contributing to their regrettable embrace by desperate healthcare providers in an unprecedented crisis; multiple studies have since refuted their utility, while toxicity concerns remain.

Furthermore, Givens blamed Trump for spreading the disease, noting that "amid rising caseloads across much of the country, he has held large rallies packed with barefaced attendees."

But it wasn't all about the coronavirus. Givens also excoriated Trump's supposed racism, too. At one point, he referred to the president as America's "racist-in-chief," and elsewhere he derided the fact that while racism is now considered a public health threat, Trump is not.

Medicine acknowledges racism as a public health crisis but is silent about the racist vitriol emanating from the White House. Donald Trump exploited the racist and xenophobic "birther" conspiracy against President Barack Obama, whose election unleashed a spasm of rage and resentment that Trump rode all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Candidate Trump slandered Mexican immigrants as rapists, drug dealers, and carriers of infectious disease — the last smear now particularly ironic.

It is not immediately clear what the repercussions would be should the medical community follow Givens in his condemnation.


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c167d2 No.129590

File: 8f327234942ac78⋯.png (1.86 MB,2062x2062,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: f0cddae506b32fa⋯.png (318.75 KB,729x468,81:52,Clipboard.png)

File: cc457c835599120⋯.png (1.4 MB,1528x1336,191:167,Clipboard.png)

File: bdc1635dcb22674⋯.png (1.54 MB,1250x1250,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: f15c511fcc54e99⋯.png (16.24 KB,403x101,403:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293769 (262234ZOCT20) Notable: 53-47 old QClock overlaid on updated one.

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53-47 old QClock overlaid on updated one.

[34] today.

I found the Qclock/Q-drop number [mirror] correlation interesting at the time (and still).

ACB's age didn't hold out to fulfill the Kavanaugh (53 y/o) ACB (now 48 y/o) predictions at the time.

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c167d2 No.129591

File: 2a39c4237b45c13⋯.png (179.43 KB,861x630,41:30,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293810 (262237ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump’s New ‘Biden Zombie’ Ad Suggests Creepy Joe Biden “Craves Human Flesh”

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‘Keep a Zombie Out of the White House’ – President Trump’s New ‘Biden Zombie’ Ad Suggests Creepy Joe Biden “Craves Human Flesh” (VIDEO)

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c167d2 No.129592

File: 37d34e8e8d50bab⋯.jpg (443.19 KB,1739x961,1739:961,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293859 (262240ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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I 've got Blackhawks popping up all over the place now, WTF?

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c167d2 No.129593

File: ae5657bcecf7482⋯.png (16.71 KB,975x143,75:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293869 (262240ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Bobulinski To Play Damning Recordings Of Biden Family Operatives On Tucker Carlson

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BREAKING: Bobulinski To Play Damning Recordings Of Biden Family Operatives On Tucker Carlson

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c167d2 No.129594

File: 51839389db56062⋯.png (759.16 KB,1912x813,1912:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293918 (262243ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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this shit is straight out of a movie

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c167d2 No.129595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293928 (262244ZOCT20) Notable: LIVE ACB Vote

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c167d2 No.129596

File: 155f5bd203e4a29⋯.png (17.02 KB,643x180,643:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293943 (262245ZOCT20) Notable: Lil Pump becomes the latest rapper to endorse Trump because he doesn't 'want to pay an extra 33 percent in taxes'

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Lil Pump becomes the latest rapper to endorse Trump because he doesn't 'want to pay an extra 33 percent in taxes'

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c167d2 No.129597

File: b11c02e1c6a58fa⋯.png (907.79 KB,1920x868,480:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293950 (262245ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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c167d2 No.129598

File: cd623d91b8da106⋯.png (24.02 KB,1150x150,23:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293964 (262246ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden Is Just the Tip of the China Iceberg

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Hunter Biden Is Just the Tip of the China Iceberg

Beneath lie serious threats to the security of our tech and military information.

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c167d2 No.129599

File: 6c2c0959f33e5d8⋯.png (556.29 KB,892x593,892:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11293991 (262248ZOCT20) Notable: New York Post, Washington Examiner Endorse Trump For Reelection

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New York Post, Washington Examiner Endorse Trump For Reelection

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c167d2 No.129600

File: beb2d2ccef124a8⋯.png (18.7 KB,597x188,597:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294015 (262250ZOCT20) Notable: 17 different Supreme Court Justices have been confirmed during a presidential election year.

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17 different Supreme Court Justices have been confirmed during a presidential election year.


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c167d2 No.129601

File: 9b4d5b73a5ca2dd⋯.jpg (237.24 KB,1920x868,480:217,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5eb6db142dec3b4⋯.jpg (181.25 KB,1912x813,1912:813,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294031 (262250ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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BlackHawk meeting up w/ Jets on Runway

Large Convoy Standing By

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c167d2 No.129602

File: bc64810861680ae⋯.png (785.32 KB,874x698,437:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294066 (262253ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING - Road has been shut down due to a "suspicious package" just down the block from SCOTUS.

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BREAKING - Road has been shut down due to a "suspicious package" just down the block from SCOTUS.


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c167d2 No.129603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294104 (262255ZOCT20) Notable: #14426

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>>129602 BREAKING - Road has been shut down due to a "suspicious package" just down the block from SCOTUS.

>>129600 17 different Supreme Court Justices have been confirmed during a presidential election year.

>>129599 New York Post, Washington Examiner Endorse Trump For Reelection

>>129598 Hunter Biden Is Just the Tip of the China Iceberg

>>129596 Lil Pump becomes the latest rapper to endorse Trump because he doesn't 'want to pay an extra 33 percent in taxes'

>>129595 LIVE ACB Vote

>>129593 BREAKING: Bobulinski To Play Damning Recordings Of Biden Family Operatives On Tucker Carlson

>>129591 President Trump’s New ‘Biden Zombie’ Ad Suggests Creepy Joe Biden “Craves Human Flesh”

>>129590 53-47 old QClock overlaid on updated one.

>>129587 Everyone is laughing at Cryin Chuck

>>129588 Full Text: FBI letter announcing new Clinton review - 4 year anniversary - Oct. 26. 2020

>>129586 Cardi B Freaks Out: ‘Trump Supporters Are Everywhere,’ Swarming L.A. with ‘Big A** Trucks’

>>129585 Hunter Biden's South African bride calls herself 'jungle girl,'

>>129584 Pence says he will head back to DC "in case" his vote is needed for Barrett confirmation

>>129582 Navy identifies flying instructor and student killed in military plane crash

>>129580 India puts China on alert after threat to 'strike first' against Beijing

>>129578 Ohio police investigating alleged plot to hold Gov. DeWine under 'house arrest'

>>129573 Let's take a tour: Guided Tour Inside the E-4B NAOC Doomsday Plane

>>129572 Welcome to Q Research Kitchen Meta

>>129570 Important news about small town voting in Minnesota as the election ends.

>>129583, >>129589 Other News

>>129579, >>129577 ACB TIME 7:25pm EST

>>129574, >>129575 Getty images elite connections

>>129571, >>129576, >>129581, >>129592, >>129594, >>129597, >>129601 PF

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c167d2 No.129604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294146 (262258ZOCT20) Notable: Live Link ACB Vote

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beautiful bake, kind sir.

cant say thanks enough

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c167d2 No.129605

File: 805c47188b63a68⋯.png (87.21 KB,495x288,55:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294176 (262259ZOCT20) Notable: 67 Million Ounces: World's Biggest Gold Reserves Discovered Deep In Siberia

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67 Million Ounces: World's Biggest Gold Reserves Discovered Deep In Siberia

Last week the world's largest stockpile of gold was revealed when Russia’s largest gold producer, Polyus PJSC, said its untapped Sukhoi Log deposit in Siberia holds the world’s biggest reserves.

A company audit showed Sukhoi Log has 40 million ounces of proven reserves as measured by international JORC standards, with an average gold content of 2.3 grams per ton, according to Chief Executive Officer Pavel Grachev. Additionally, the estimated Mineral Resources for Sukhoi Log stand at 1,110 million tonnes, with an average grade of 1.9 g/t Au and containing 67 million ounces of gold as at 31 May 2020. This means that the monetary value of the estimated gold holdings is just over $127 billion at today's prices.

That means the field - accounting for more than a quarter of Russian gold reserves - is bigger than Seabridge Gold Inc.’s KSM Project in Canada and Donlin Gold in Alaska.

"The estimate of the reserves is an important milestone in development of the field," Grachev said in interview in Moscow.

Sukhoi Log, located in the isolated Irkutsk region deep in the heart of Siberia, was discovered by Soviet geologists in 1961 and studied in the 1970s. The government had long considered offloading the deposit, and in 2017 sold the field in an auction to Polyus and a state partner, which the mining company later bought out.

Some more details on Sukhoi Log:

The audit shows that as well as economically mineable reserves, the deposit has 67 million ounces of total resources, up from 63 million ounces previously estimated.

That figure may rise after more drilling and studies.

Main investment is due to start in 2023. Polyus has already started spending on infrastructure for the project, including co-investing with the government on the reconstruction of a local airport.

The world's biggest gold deposits will likely remain untouched for the foreseeable future. According to Bloomberg, Polyus said earlier this year that it would focus on smaller projects and reducing its debt ratio in the coming years before developing the giant field. The company plans to announce details on expected production and investment at Sukhoi Log once a pre-feasibility study is ready by year-end. It previously said that costs could reach $2.5 billion, with annual output totaling about 1.6 million ounces, or just over $3 billion at current gold prices.

While developing giant deposits is typically a lengthy and costly process, the field may allow Polyus to boost annual output by at least 70%. Gold prices have rallied about 60% since the company purchased it, and reached a record in August as vast amounts of stimulus were pumped into economies to curb the damage from the coronavirus pandemic.

"We want to show that a project of this quality and scale can and should be carried out, taking into account the best environmental standards, despite the hard-to-reach location," Grachev said.


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c167d2 No.129606

File: 093c4908340c153⋯.png (390.06 KB,647x837,647:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294177 (262300ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Judicial Watch announced today that it received 163 pages of emails between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page

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BREAKING: Judicial Watch announced today that it received 163 pages of emails between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page (1/3).


Judicial Watch: New Strzok-Page Emails Show ‘Missing’ Meeting Entries


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c167d2 No.129607

File: fa689c8bb170f07⋯.jpg (35.36 KB,460x600,23:30,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ae7b75ac61af5d5⋯.jpg (33.06 KB,455x600,91:120,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b22151245409323⋯.jpg (36.57 KB,454x600,227:300,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 164e1e5cb901d38⋯.jpg (35.28 KB,458x600,229:300,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3e7d08dad2e8e13⋯.jpg (33.35 KB,483x600,161:200,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294181 (262300ZOCT20) Notable: Did Hunter Get Natalie Pregnant?

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This fits perfectly with the timeline of pregnancy; would put late stage pregnancy in November - perfect time to get a pre-released copy of a book

Then you just hide her until deliver give child to a controlled proxy and threaten and bribe the mom.

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c167d2 No.129608

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294192 (262301ZOCT20) Notable: Marine Corps Law Enforcement Battalion Preps for Deactivation in Force Reshaping

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Marine Corps Law Enforcement Battalion Preps for Deactivation in Force Reshaping

Marine Corps Law Enforcement Battalion Preps for Deactivation in Force Reshaping

Designated 2nd Law Enforcement Battalion in 2011, the unit's roots date back to World War II. It was first created as Headquarters Company, 2D Military Police Battalion in 1945, and was assigned to Fleet Marine Force, Pacific. The unit remained active until May 1946, when it was first deactivated.

It was then stood back up just weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The Marines with 2nd Military Police Battalion were assigned to 2nd Force Service Support Group out of Camp Lejeune.

Members of the battalion deployed to Iraq between 2003 and 2005, before deactivating for a second time in April 2006, according to the unit's official history.

But in September 2011, a Marine Corps bulletin called for each Marine expeditionary force to activate military police battalions. The unit reactivated as 2nd Law Enforcement Battalion on June 26, 2012, and was assigned to II Marine Expeditionary Force's headquarters group.

Now Force Design 2030, Commandant Gen. David Berger's plan for sweeping force-wide changes, calls for the Marine Corps to shut down its three law-enforcement battalions. Law enforcement battalions "simply do not fit into the force's modern mission," the news release on 2nd LEB states.

"This capacity is excess to our current needs, which can be met by the remaining force with some adjustments in current operational practice," the Force Design 2030 plan adds.

The plan also cuts tank units, infantry battalions and other forces as the Marine Corps shrinks in size to focus on the new gear that Berger says the force needs to take on more sophisticated adversaries. Investments will include more rocket artillery batteries and unmanned technologies.

Other units have been reactivated as part of the plan, including 2nd Landing Support Battalion, as the service prepares for more missions in the Asia-Pacific region.

Members of 2nd Law Enforcement Battalion have supported missions and training exercises in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and at sea since its most recent reactivation.


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c167d2 No.129609

File: 7bbf84a7efb2985⋯.jpg (46.54 KB,679x400,679:400,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294200 (262301ZOCT20) Notable: The Texas National Guard said Monday it would dispatch up to 1,000 troops to five major cities

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The Texas National Guard said Monday it would dispatch up to 1,000 troops to five major cities around the state as early as this weekend, but a top general insisted Monday it was not in anticipation of trouble during the Nov. 3 election.

Maj. Gen. James K. “Red” Brown, chief of staff for the guard’s commander, said the activation of troops would be for “post election” support of local law enforcement and the Texas Department of Public Safety, “as we did previously to deter any civil disturbance at sites in various cities within Texas.”

Protecting polling stations “has not been on any mission request or in any conversation with the governor’s office,” he said.



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c167d2 No.129610

File: 118442ff5987c7d⋯.png (1.51 MB,1912x959,1912:959,Clipboard.png)

File: e252f48cf8d901b⋯.jpg (110.07 KB,581x1101,581:1101,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294206 (262301ZOCT20) Notable: Monitoring airspace for H60 blackhawks.

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Monitoring airspace for H60 blackhawks.

Currently only 5 showing on scope.

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c167d2 No.129611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294228 (262303ZOCT20) Notable: I looked through the Biden hard drive | Bernard Kerik

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I looked through the Biden hard drive | Bernard Kerik

Oct 19, 2020

Newsmax TV

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik opens up about his work with ex-NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani in investigating the possibly incriminating materials left behind by Hunter Biden and their connections to his father Joe. - with Newsmax TV's Chris Salcedo

For breaking news & expert analysis, watch Newsmax TV on DirecTV 349, Xfinity 1115, DISH 216, U-Verse 1120, FiOS 615, Spectrum (see channels), Cox, Suddenlink, WOW!, Live on YouTube, or the Newsmax app. Find your cable/streaming provider here: http://nws.mx/tv

Remember, Sharing is Caring.


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c167d2 No.129612

File: fccd08c4cbe44c2⋯.png (4.93 MB,4080x5216,255:326,Clipboard.png)


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>reminder to anons


>there is an alternative.


>just in case.


>if you don't know just ask, midnight riders.


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c167d2 No.129613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294275 (262306ZOCT20) Notable: PA Voter On Biden’s Dishonest Energy Plan: “That Is Going To Hit Home Harder For The Middle Class”

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PA Voter On Biden’s Dishonest Energy Plan: “That Is Going To Hit Home Harder For The Middle Class”

Oct 23, 2020

A Pennsylvania voter commented on 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s dishonest energy plan, saying: “that is going to hit home harder for the middle class,” when MSNBC reported from Beaver County, PA on 10/23/2020

Please excuse repost from last bread. Forgot to embed video.

Remember, Sharing is Caring.


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c167d2 No.129614

File: 79fb55aeed7c14e⋯.png (692.1 KB,1215x623,1215:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294287 (262307ZOCT20) Notable: Monitoring airspace for H60 blackhawks.

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RC-135W Rivet Joint




Country:United States

Type code:R135

Type:Boeing RC135W Stratotanker

Type Desc.:L4J


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c167d2 No.129615

File: 9fa9a343cbe2e6c⋯.png (340.38 KB,608x606,304:303,Clipboard.png)

File: 1402d3705e11161⋯.png (1.02 MB,999x801,111:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294293 (262308ZOCT20) Notable: With 17 Million Viewers, “60 Minutes” Outperforms The NFL, The World Series And Everything Else On TV

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With 17 Million Viewers, “60 Minutes” Outperforms The NFL, The World Series And Everything Else On TV

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c167d2 No.129616

File: f5f8eebc0251c46⋯.jpeg (579.61 KB,663x1363,663:1363,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294311 (262309ZOCT20) Notable: Chinese Whistleblower Scientist Predicts CCP Release of another COVID bioweapon

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Chinese Whistleblower Scientist Predicts CCP Release of another COVID bioweapon

Prolly explains Biden’s “Dark Winter“ comments and Fauci’s call to mandate mask wearing and shut downs.

Go here for interview:



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c167d2 No.129617

File: edb17892b0846f8⋯.jpg (201.65 KB,1616x980,404:245,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7c16aa6934cd3e8⋯.jpg (378.41 KB,1718x982,859:491,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6866af5777d037d⋯.jpg (328.37 KB,1912x982,956:491,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6fb671c0f90f689⋯.jpg (235.48 KB,1914x983,1914:983,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294326 (262310ZOCT20) Notable: Monitoring airspace for H60 blackhawks.

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Checking individual H60 Blackhawks.

Usually choppers do not fly long distances or high altitudes.

PF who departed in LB thought it was unusual. I'm in the backup planefag corps so I don't know if unusual or not.

The Portland one just landed moments ago.

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c167d2 No.129618

File: 354dbdd3430c915⋯.png (208.19 KB,857x497,857:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294365 (262312ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Campaign Trolls Fake News Media — Makes WiFi Password: WhoBuiltTheCagesJoe?

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Hah-Hah! Trump Campaign Trolls Fake News Media — Makes WiFi Password: WhoBuiltTheCagesJoe? at Rally Sunday in Waukesha

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c167d2 No.129619

File: 74bc6b695145e76⋯.png (2.74 MB,2384x3996,596:999,Clipboard.png)


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c167d2 No.129620

File: fa929950fb9a230⋯.png (172.63 KB,526x724,263:362,Clipboard.png)

File: 0831cfa7681a0ec⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB,320x394,160:197,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294383 (262313ZOCT20) Notable: Philly Shooting

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Philly Shooting




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c167d2 No.129621

File: 3131f6e2790aaac⋯.png (252.7 KB,508x551,508:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294428 (262316ZOCT20) Notable: ANONS got them on the run!

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ANONS got them on the run!

Big Tech Panicking – Trump’s Grassroots MAGA Army Working Around Platform Controls…

Posted on October 25, 2020	by sundance

A diverse and patriotic MAGA movement is overwhelming the mechanisms of narrative control; and they are doing it by flooding the zones with a combination of “old school” and “modern tech” workarounds. It’s quite honestly the most remarkable political dynamic since the organic Tea Party erupted in 2009.

Before getting into the details of how this truly organic situation is unfolding it is worth looking at how big tech is freaking out


keyofdisyellow says:	

October 26, 2020 at 10:11 am	

I see two mathematical concepts at work here. I don’t know the names for them. I’ll call them…”All my friends” and the “Asimov theories”.

“All my friends”

I saw a program on public television not too long ago that said that social engineering experiments had determined that the greatest influencer of social behavior was what your friends and neighbors thought and did; an effect even greater than the knowledge that a behavior is healthy for you.

They showed that Chinese leaders had determined that they could use far less expensive authoritarian methods if they allowed people to freely choose, knowing they will largely use the authority of their neighbors to inform their actions. This way only a very few influencers were needed to start the ball rolling. Social media could help reinforce desired behaviors by exposing people to their neighbors and making pariahs of them if the choose incorrectly.

The program proposed ways that this concept could be used to encourage good citizenship here in the U.S.as well.

I see this concept at work with our enthusiastic Trump supporters. Seeing images of masses of people coming forward, having fun with flags billowing and music playing, gives courage to everyone else. Keep sharing those videos. Central organization is not necessary!

“The Asimov Theories”

This concept has to do with the themes presented in Isaac Azimov’s Foundation Trilogy and how they relate to PDJT and current events.

PDJT is the unpredictable entity that has disrupted the deep state’s prediction algorithms.

From Wikipedia:

The premise of the stories is that, in the waning days of a future Galactic Empire, the mathematician Hari Seldon spends his life developing a theory of psychohistory, a new and effective mathematical sociology. Using statistical laws of mass action, it can predict the future of large populations. Seldon foresees the imminent fall of the Empire, which encompasses the entire Milky Way, and a dark age lasting 30,000 years before a second empire arises. Although the inertia of the Empire’s fall is too great to stop, Seldon devises a plan by which “the onrushing mass of events must be deflected just a little” to eventually limit this interregnum to just one thousand years.

A key feature of Seldon’s theory, which has proved influential in real-world social science,[3] is an uncertainty or incompleteness principle: if a population gains knowledge of its predicted behavior, its self-aware collective actions become unpredictable.


The problem the deep state has now, is that they over-reached with their manipulations, and exposed that they were self-serving. What happens when Azimov’s psycho-historians are corrupt?

Regardless of what happens going forward, a significant portion of the Empire is now self-aware. Mass behavior prediction algorithms are now suspect..

Like in the old SIM City game…”recalculating splines”.

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c167d2 No.129622

File: 64188a2a70337d5⋯.png (692.63 KB,913x776,913:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294430 (262316ZOCT20) Notable: Dem donors are Libertarian candidate's biggest backers

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Dems Boost Libertarian in Kentucky in Hail Mary to Defeat McConnell

Dem donors are Libertarian candidate's biggest backers

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c167d2 No.129623

File: 949129c0e0d75f5⋯.png (156.27 KB,903x323,903:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294488 (262320ZOCT20) Notable: Aide To Longtime New York Lawmaker Arrested On Felony Sexual Abuse Charges

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Aide To Longtime New York Lawmaker Arrested On Felony Sexual Abuse Charges

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c167d2 No.129624

File: f4da75b7b1f27c5⋯.jpg (276.65 KB,1914x980,957:490,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294530 (262322ZOCT20) Notable: Monitoring airspace for H60 blackhawks.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129625

File: 6eb18e31726e294⋯.png (300.81 KB,766x615,766:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294596 (262325ZOCT20) Notable: Caught on Tape: Georgia Senate Candidate Jon Ossoff Hides His Leftist Beliefs From the 'Stupid' 'Rednecks'

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Caught on Tape: Georgia Senate Candidate Jon Ossoff Hides His Leftist Beliefs From the 'Stupid' 'Rednecks'

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c167d2 No.129626

File: 75a0be6f29bc030⋯.png (894.63 KB,1326x592,663:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294606 (262326ZOCT20) Notable: So Trump left the rally via motorcade. Then this 752 leaves JBA and circles rally area then Harrisburg without landing and is now back en route to JBA? Where is 45? Any planefags on this?

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So Trump left the rally via motorcade. Then this 752 leaves JBA and circles rally area then Harrisburg without landing and is now back en route to JBA? Where is 45? Any planefags on this?

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c167d2 No.129627

File: f31aec187d8f6f0⋯.jpg (525.27 KB,1079x1337,1079:1337,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294642 (262328ZOCT20) Notable: Rose McGowan Goes in on HRC

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129628

File: 1e4d1e574d7c249⋯.png (17.49 KB,594x175,594:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294675 (262330ZOCT20) Notable: Supreme Court Rejects Dems on WI Ballot Deadline

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129629

File: c8e4666f2a92cdf⋯.jpg (335.07 KB,1846x964,923:482,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 96a305e0a07da3f⋯.jpg (453.33 KB,1863x981,207:109,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294691 (262331ZOCT20) Notable: Monitoring airspace for H60 blackhawks.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 H60s low near Savannah, GA

Hmmm circling over HUNTER Army Airfield, kek

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c167d2 No.129630

File: cfb206d8a78d203⋯.png (2.67 MB,2880x2592,10:9,Clipboard.png)


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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129631

File: 669b1bd4f795f01⋯.png (3.04 MB,1125x1922,1125:1922,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294800 (262336ZOCT20) Notable: Did Hunter Get Natalie Pregnant?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294857 (262341ZOCT20) Notable: #14427,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>129628 Supreme Court Rejects Dems on WI Ballot Deadline

>>129627 Rose McGowan Goes in on HRC

>>129626 So Trump left the rally via motorcade. Then this 752 leaves JBA and circles rally area then Harrisburg without landing and is now back en route to JBA? Where is 45? Any planefags on this?

>>129625 Caught on Tape: Georgia Senate Candidate Jon Ossoff Hides His Leftist Beliefs From the 'Stupid' 'Rednecks'

>>129623 Aide To Longtime New York Lawmaker Arrested On Felony Sexual Abuse Charges

>>129622 Dem donors are Libertarian candidate's biggest backers

>>129621 ANONS got them on the run!

>>129620 Philly Shooting

>>129618 Trump Campaign Trolls Fake News Media — Makes WiFi Password: WhoBuiltTheCagesJoe?

>>129616 Chinese Whistleblower Scientist Predicts CCP Release of another COVID bioweapon

>>129615 With 17 Million Viewers, “60 Minutes” Outperforms The NFL, The World Series And Everything Else On TV

>>129613 PA Voter On Biden’s Dishonest Energy Plan: “That Is Going To Hit Home Harder For The Middle Class”

>>129606 BREAKING: Judicial Watch announced today that it received 163 pages of emails between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page

>>129604 Live Link ACB Vote

>>129605 67 Million Ounces: World's Biggest Gold Reserves Discovered Deep In Siberia

>>129608 Marine Corps Law Enforcement Battalion Preps for Deactivation in Force Reshaping

>>129609 The Texas National Guard said Monday it would dispatch up to 1,000 troops to five major cities

>>129611 I looked through the Biden hard drive | Bernard Kerik

>>129607, >>129631 Did Hunter Get Natalie Pregnant?


>>129610, >>129614, >>129617, >>129624, >>129629 Monitoring airspace for H60 blackhawks.

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c167d2 No.129633

File: 0ea6dbb90a4e7c3⋯.mp4 (2 MB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d8eff6ab65f9524⋯.jpg (67.17 KB,580x1051,580:1051,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294942 (262345ZOCT20) Notable: GET IN HERE: PIC AND VIDEO (WOMAN VIDEO CHAT AND PORNHUB)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129634

File: 925affb0838c0a4⋯.jpg (287.21 KB,1899x981,211:109,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294958 (262346ZOCT20) Notable: A few more Blackhawks H60 just popped up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A few more Blackhawks H60 just popped up.

10 on scope currently.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129635

File: d360fa3f1a19108⋯.png (252.13 KB,887x666,887:666,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294965 (262347ZOCT20) Notable: Dark to light reference.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Leading us out of the darkness to the light.

Dark to light reference.


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c167d2 No.129636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294967 (262347ZOCT20) Notable: Biden energy policy by the numbers. Remember, we're not going anywhere!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden energy policy by the numbers. Remember, we're not going anywhere!

Biden campaign scrambles to clean up debate fracking comment

Oct 23, 2020

Fox News correspondent Mark Meredith takes a closer look at the Democratic nominee's energy plans on 'Special Report.'

Remember, Sharing is Caring.


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c167d2 No.129637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11294996 (262350ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: US Supreme Court Sides with GOP, Rejects Dem Calls to Extend Wisconsin Deadline For Absentee Ballots Received After Election Day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: US Supreme Court Sides with GOP, Rejects Dem Calls to Extend Wisconsin Deadline For Absentee Ballots Received After Election Day


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c167d2 No.129638

File: 3a7c8956aaf3b9a⋯.png (137.26 KB,1415x323,1415:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295011 (262350ZOCT20) Notable: Lisa Page meetings

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Lisa Page meetings

What was she doing at Apple and Twitter, anons?


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c167d2 No.129639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295016 (262351ZOCT20) Notable: Live senate confirmation vote

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live senate confirmation vote

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c167d2 No.129640

File: fc9da734a171d55⋯.png (340.49 KB,523x405,523:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295025 (262351ZOCT20) Notable: One would think a former Attorney General would know it's against the law to Campaign outside a polling station

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kumala breaking the law, breaking the law!


"One would think a former Attorney General would know it's against the law to Campaign outside a polling station.1:31 PM · Oct 24, 2020, from Cuyahoga County Board of Elections" https://twitter.com/netcit2/status/1320130078186098688

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c167d2 No.129641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295078 (262353ZOCT20) Notable: BAKER CALLS OUT GB, GB STARTS SPAMMING GORE AGAIN.

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c167d2 No.129642

File: 68ba05e581929c3⋯.png (12.2 MB,2525x7742,2525:7742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295148 (262356ZOCT20) Notable: BAKER CALLS OUT GB, GB STARTS SPAMMING GORE AGAIN.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295212 (262358ZOCT20) Notable: WELCOME ABOARD SCOTUS JUSTICE ACB

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129644

File: 659c14934736ae0⋯.jpeg (87.24 KB,828x342,46:19,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295259 (262359ZOCT20) Notable: It’s habbening!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It’s habbening!!


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c167d2 No.129645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295361 (270003ZOCT20) Notable: WELCOME ABOARD SCOTUS JUSTICE ACB

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


She should give her acceptance speech in tongues.

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c167d2 No.129646

File: 669b1bd4f795f01⋯.png (3.04 MB,1125x1922,1125:1922,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295376 (270004ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129647

File: 2b9b0e45cad9013⋯.jpeg (610.12 KB,828x1111,828:1111,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295458 (270007ZOCT20) Notable: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton dismissed her successor Mike Pompeo’s pledge to release more of her emails ahead of the election as “pathetic,”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton dismissed her successor Mike Pompeo’s pledge to release more of her emails ahead of the election as “pathetic,” insisting that there is nothing of importance in her unreleased communications.


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c167d2 No.129648

File: cb72f71e0c6867d⋯.png (60.58 KB,478x475,478:475,Clipboard.png)

File: eaaccf1921dfb99⋯.png (1.48 MB,1026x577,1026:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295477 (270007ZOCT20) Notable: CONFIRMED 52-48

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US Senate confirms #AmyConeyBarrett’s appointment to Supreme Court


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c167d2 No.129649

File: 0a91f724b325d10⋯.png (16.02 KB,592x180,148:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295518 (270009ZOCT20) Notable: SHOTS FIRED

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295624 (270012ZOCT20) Notable: #14428

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>129649 SHOTS FIRED

>>129648 CONFIRMED 52-48

>>129647 Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton dismissed her successor Mike Pompeo’s pledge to release more of her emails ahead of the election as “pathetic,”

>>129644 It’s habbening!!

>>129646 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR


>>129634 A few more Blackhawks H60 just popped up.

>>129635 Dark to light reference.

>>129636 Biden energy policy by the numbers. Remember, we're not going anywhere!

>>129637 BREAKING: US Supreme Court Sides with GOP, Rejects Dem Calls to Extend Wisconsin Deadline For Absentee Ballots Received After Election Day

>>129638 Lisa Page meetings

>>129639 Live senate confirmation vote

>>129640 One would think a former Attorney General would know it's against the law to Campaign outside a polling station



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c167d2 No.129651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295708 (270015ZOCT20) Notable: US Appeals Court Upholds Injunction Blocking WeChat Ban

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US Appeals Court Upholds Injunction Blocking WeChat Ban

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected a US Department of Justice (DoJ) request to overturn a September 20 ruling that found the federal government's ban on WeChat violates free speech.

The three-judge panel moved Monday to uphold US Magistrate Laurel Beeler's Friday ruling in favor of a collection of WeChat users. The referenced ruling blocked the Trump-ordered, immediate ban on the popular social media app in the web stores of Apple Inc. and Alphabet Inc.

The US judges wrote that the federal government failed to demonstrate it would "suffer an imminent, irreparable injury during the pendency of this appeal, which is being expedited," as reported by Reuters.


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c167d2 No.129652

File: 293db9f0ebbc190⋯.png (26.43 KB,607x242,607:242,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295743 (270018ZOCT20) Notable: White House: UPDATE: The President participates in a swearing-in ceremony of The Honorable Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States at 9:00PM.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

White House: UPDATE: The President participates in a swearing-in ceremony of The Honorable Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States at 9:00PM.


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c167d2 No.129653

File: 898390e4b435219⋯.png (131.06 KB,591x391,591:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 29236e27092d610⋯.png (24.78 KB,598x198,299:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295752 (270018ZOCT20) Notable: Suspicious Package Arrives at US Capitol Before the Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Vote

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Suspicious Package Arrives at US Capitol Before the Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Vote

A suspicious package turned up at the US Capitol just before the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation vote.

The US Capitol Police is responding to a suspicious package at the East Front of the U.S. Capitol Building.

As a reminder — leading leftists promised violence if Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to Supreme Court.


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c167d2 No.129654

File: a776c7a063e24aa⋯.png (460.68 KB,543x698,543:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295808 (270021ZOCT20) Notable: US Supreme Court Sides with GOP, Rejects Dem Calls to Extend Wisconsin Deadline For Absentee Ballots Received After Election Day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US Supreme Court Sides with GOP, Rejects Dem Calls to Extend Wisconsin Deadline For Absentee Ballots Received After Election Day

The US Supreme Court on Monday in a 5-3 vote rejected Democrat calls to reinstate the six-day extension for the receipt of mail ballots in Wisconsin.

This is a huge win for President Trump, the GOP and the American people.

President Trump won the historically blue state of Wisconsin in 2016 against Hillary Clinton by a razor thin margin.

The Democrats fought to reinstate the six-day extension for absentee ballots and lost big time on Monday.

Below is a key passage from Chief Justice Roberts, who voted to block the Wisconsin extension but allowed a three-day extension in Pennsylvania.

“While the Pennsylvania applications implicated the authority of state courts to apply their own constitutions to election regulations, this case involves federal intrusion on state lawmaking processes. Different bodies of law and different precedents govern these two situations and require, in these particular circumstances, that we allow the modification of election rules in Pennsylvania but not Wisconsin,” Roberts said.


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c167d2 No.129655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295818 (270022ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Campaign Calls On Supreme Court To Block North Carolina’s Absentee Ballot Plan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Campaign Calls On Supreme Court To Block North Carolina’s Absentee Ballot Plan

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has once again called on the Supreme Court to block North Carolina’s absentee ballot play after failing to strike it down in U.S. federal appeals court.

Trump Calls On Supreme Court To Step In

Trump is determined to block North Carolina in the state’s plan to count absentee ballots that arrive after the Nov. 3 Election Day, according to Reuters. This comes after the Trump campaign suffered a defeat last week when the U.S. federal appeals court left the plan in place in North Carolina.

The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in 12-3 vote last Tuesday to deny the Trump campaign’s request to stop the North Carolina State Board of Elections from tallying ballots postmarked by Nov. 3 that arrive before Nov. 12. The Trump campaign had teamed up with the North Carolina Republican Party to argue in court that the plan violated the state’s election code.

The Trump campaign sent a filing to the Supreme Court on Sunday calling for the plan to be halted.

“An emergency injunction is urgently needed to ensure that our federal election is governed by the statutes enacted by the people’s duly elected representatives, and not by the whims of an unelected state agency,” the Trump campaign wrote in the filing.

RELATED: Supreme Court Reinstates Witness Signatures For South Carolina Mail-In Ballots

Democrats Fire Back

Fourteen Democratic state attorney generals, plus Karl Racine of Washington, D.C., spoke out on Monday in a friend-of-the-court brief to urge the Supreme Court to deny Trump’s request. They argued that North Carolina’s new deadline was a reasonable accommodation amidst COVID-19 and possible delays with the Postal Service.

“As the primary managers of the election process and protectors of the public health, states have an obligation to protect each citizen’s constitutional right to vote while ensuring that this right can be exercised safely,” they wrote, according to The Hill.


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c167d2 No.129656

File: 5739a3f26ef886c⋯.jpg (2.65 MB,5096x3297,728:471,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c5bc66529f3c551⋯.jpg (68.32 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a61696f3b489867⋯.jpg (250.12 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9bb49920a47e348⋯.jpg (573.14 KB,2294x1398,1147:699,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295840 (270023ZOCT20) Notable: One of the drops reminding us that the FBI has to be clean, before big arrests can happen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

One of the drops reminding us that the FBI has to be clean, before big arrests can happen.

Who at FBI still needs to depart?

Who at C_A still needs to depart?

Make a map (diagram).

Q !2jsTvXXmXs Tue 08 May 2018 00:36:41 No.66


Mass exodus in DC?

Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?


Who has the POWER?

Who has the CONTROL?

If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?

Who is the AG?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?

Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)

Who is the FBI director?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?

Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)

If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?


Why are they slow walking unredacted data?

Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?

Why is the WH backing up DOJ?

What if the same data is being used by other investigators?

What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?

Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?

What would be the purpose of creating confusion?

What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?

What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?

If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

Common denominator.

Why did Sessions pick RR?

Everyone has an opinion.

Few have the facts.

Few know the plan.

Midterms [save & push]?

Swing voters to retake House/Senate?

Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?

Power at all costs?

Blue wave?


Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?

What is the DOJ responsible for?

What is the FBI responsible for?

Why did HRC get a free pass?


Define single shooter.

Who is HUBER?

Define IG.

When does SESSIONS step back in?

Already is?

Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?

Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?

Timing is everything.

Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,

What about the active investigation into leaks?

"Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations."

Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?

They are deeply connected.

Think Offshore.

MIL INTEL providing support during this time?

Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?

State/C_A next?

Think logically.

No outside comms.



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c167d2 No.129657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295862 (270024ZOCT20) Notable: Potus is celebrating ;-)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Potus is celebrating ;-)


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c167d2 No.129658

File: 907a003babfb05a⋯.png (145.08 KB,676x902,338:451,Clipboard.png)

File: 6134a073d5f1124⋯.png (88.33 KB,660x706,330:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295864 (270024ZOCT20) Notable: Trump threatens to destroy any Iranian missiles shipped to Venezuela after President Maduro announced plan to buy more weapons after UN arms embargo expired

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump threatens to destroy any Iranian missiles shipped to Venezuela after President Maduro announced plan to buy more weapons after UN arms embargo expired

'The transfer of long-range missiles from Iran to Venezuela is not acceptable and will not be tolerated or permitted,' State Department Special Rep. said

A UN embargo on Iran buying and selling arms expired last week after the Trump admin failed to get it extended

Last week Venezuela President Nicholas Maduro announced the creation of a Scientific and Technological Military Council

The council will seek the independence of the country in terms of its weapons system with the help of 'sister' nations, including China, Russia, Iran and Cuba

Maduro also told the armed national forced to stand by as he claimed they expected attacks from Colombia

'Every delivery of Iranian arms destabilizes South America and the Caribbean,' the State Department Special Representative for Iran and Venezuela said

It bears similarities to 1962 when President John F. Kennedy blockaded Cuba to stop the Soviet Union from shipping missiles there

The United States has threatened to destroy any long-range missiles sent to Venezuela from Iran, after a UN embargo on Iran buying or selling weapons expired last week.

The warning comes a few days after Venezuela President Nicholas Maduro announced the creation of a Scientific and Technological Military Council that will seek the independence of the country in terms of its weapons system with the help of 'sister' nations, among which he mentioned China, Russia, Iran and Cuba.

There's no confirmation that a shipment is imminent however a US official said the countries are likely to do arms deals.

'The transfer of long-range missiles from Iran to Venezuela is not acceptable and will not be tolerated or permitted.' Elliot Abrams, State Department Special Representative for both countries, told Fox News. 'We will make every effort to stop shipments of long-range missiles, and if somehow they get to Venezuela they will be eliminated there.'

The proposed blockade bears similarities to 1962 when President John F. Kennedy blockaded Cuba to stop the Soviet Union from shipping missiles there.

It nearly sparked a nuclear war on October 27, 58 years ago, but the countries came to an agreement at the last minute.

The Trump admin recently tried to convince the UN Security Council to extend an embargo on Iran trading arms but was unsuccessful.

Last week Maduro bragged that his military council would have the 'greatest minds' and that other countries around the world would be impressed.

Senior administration official, Abrams, continued: 'Iran has announced its intention to engage in arms sales, and Venezuela is an obvious target because those two pariah regimes already have a relationship.


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c167d2 No.129659

File: 4333229eb5f1f41⋯.png (370.16 KB,713x756,713:756,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295875 (270024ZOCT20) Notable: AOC triggered

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AOC triggered !


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c167d2 No.129660

File: c5c533aa7b9d6a6⋯.jpeg (314.8 KB,640x942,320:471,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295892 (270025ZOCT20) Notable: Great! Now let’s win four more years and win back majority in Congress.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Great! Now let’s win four more years and win back majority in Congress.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129661

File: fd9982b50f44acd⋯.png (269.73 KB,478x454,239:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295894 (270025ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS Donald J. Trump Retweeted

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald J. Trump Retweeted


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129662

File: b6cc68db090d4e4⋯.jpg (41.37 KB,617x469,617:469,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ca75a50e50466c2⋯.jpg (427.03 KB,1079x1563,1079:1563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295940 (270027ZOCT20) Notable: SCOTUS Blog

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129663

File: 384848cb8ff79ac⋯.png (174.59 KB,772x459,772:459,Clipboard.png)

File: 474050b3db324c2⋯.png (258.78 KB,516x541,516:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11295998 (270030ZOCT20) Notable: PF

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91-00517 US Army Beech Guardrail west/east off Soko and south of Noko trackin' in the Yellow Sea

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c167d2 No.129664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296001 (270031ZOCT20) Notable: LIVE: Swearing-In Ceremony of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of SCOTUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

🔴 LIVE: Swearing-In Ceremony of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of SCOTUS

29:00 and counting…


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c167d2 No.129665

File: 4284f26e6d3b977⋯.png (33.3 KB,598x267,598:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296006 (270031ZOCT20) Notable: Democrats, mad. Constitution, protected. ACB, Confirmed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Jim Jordan @Jim_Jordan

Democrats, mad.

Constitution, protected.

Amy Coney Barrett, confirmed.

7:02 PM · Oct 26, 2020·Twitter for iPhone



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c167d2 No.129666

File: 5bbabda66604dec⋯.png (51.56 KB,559x498,559:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296012 (270031ZOCT20) Notable: Reza's gonna come unhindged

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Reza's gonna come unhindged


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296303 (270043ZOCT20) Notable: President Trump Participates in the Swearing-In Ceremony of the Honorable Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


President Trump Participates in the Swearing-In Ceremony of the Honorable Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129668

File: 5a1fa05b985e88a⋯.png (203.91 KB,398x656,199:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296327 (270044ZOCT20) Notable: Lock Her Up crying on her birthday

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Hillary Clinton


Senate Republicans just pushed through a Supreme Court justice who will help them take away Americans' health care in the middle of a pandemic.

For them, this is victory.

Vote them out.



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c167d2 No.129669

File: 048f464a586d195⋯.png (40.67 KB,604x769,604:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296376 (270047ZOCT20) Notable: NEW GEN FLYNN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Supreme Court Justices

Gorsuch AND

Kavanaugh AND

Barrett WOW

(All amazing Picks)





Save America from Socialism





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296416 (270048ZOCT20) Notable: #14429

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>129669 NEW GEN FLYNN

>>129668 Lock Her Up crying on her birthday

>>129667 President Trump Participates in the Swearing-In Ceremony of the Honorable Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

>>129664 LIVE: Swearing-In Ceremony of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of SCOTUS

>>129662 SCOTUS Blog

>>129661 POTUS Donald J. Trump Retweeted

>>129660 Great! Now let’s win four more years and win back majority in Congress.

>>129659 AOC triggered

>>129658 Trump threatens to destroy any Iranian missiles shipped to Venezuela after President Maduro announced plan to buy more weapons after UN arms embargo expired

>>129651 US Appeals Court Upholds Injunction Blocking WeChat Ban

>>129652 White House: UPDATE: The President participates in a swearing-in ceremony of The Honorable Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States at 9:00PM.

>>129653 Suspicious Package Arrives at US Capitol Before the Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Vote

>>129654 US Supreme Court Sides with GOP, Rejects Dem Calls to Extend Wisconsin Deadline For Absentee Ballots Received After Election Day

>>129655 Trump Campaign Calls On Supreme Court To Block North Carolina’s Absentee Ballot Plan

>>129656 One of the drops reminding us that the FBI has to be clean, before big arrests can happen.

>>129657 Potus is celebrating ;-)

>>129663 PF

>>129665 Democrats, mad. Constitution, protected. ACB, Confirmed

>>129666 Reza's gonna come unhindged

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296532 (270054ZOCT20) Notable: ACB SWEARING IN CEREMONY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ACB Confirmed



[9] pm (marker)

The end has now officially begun.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129672

File: ece0125c7237ff1⋯.png (45.41 KB,660x693,20:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d6e1770c3d1df5⋯.png (31.33 KB,629x554,629:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296612 (270058ZOCT20) Notable: Sudan’s leader: We weren’t blackmailed; we’re biggest winners of Israel deal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sudan’s leader: We weren’t blackmailed; we’re biggest winners of Israel deal

Khartoum would have had to wait a year to be delisted by as state sponsor of terrorism, says Gen. Burhan; backs Palestinian state, but says it’s not only Sudan’s responsibility

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) — Sudan’s leader said Monday that the decision to normalize ties with Israel was an incentive for US President Donald Trump’s administration to end Sudan’s international pariah status.

Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, head of the ruling sovereign council, told state television that without the normalization with the Jewish state now, Sudan would have had to wait until deep into next year to be removed from the US’s list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Trump’s administration has tied the de-listing of Sudan to a deal to normalize ties with the Jewish state. The African country is the third Arab state — after the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain — to move to normalize relations with Israel in recent months. The administration was eager to achieve diplomatic victories in the run-up to the US presidential election November 3.

“If the candidate [Trump] wanted some gains, we also wanted some gains… We would have waited for August or September,” he said. “We are more winners than any other party.”

Trump announced Friday that Sudan would start to normalize ties with Israel after pledging that the African country would be removed from the terror list after it agreed to put $335 million in an escrow account to be used to compensate American victims of terror attacks. The attacks include the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania by the al-Qaeda network while its leader, Osama bin Laden, was living in Sudan. In exchange, Trump notified Congress on Friday of his intent to remove Sudan from the US list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Burhan said both deals will open the door for Sudan to be integrated into the world financial and political system. “It was necessary for us to bring Sudan back into the global system,” he said.

“We were not blackmailed over normalization,” Burhan said in the TV interview. Rather, “reconciliation” was “in the interest of Sudan.”

“We are isolated and have suffered from sanctions,” he said.

“The removal of our name from the list… will allow us to return to the international community. We will benefit economically and get technology,” he said.

In addition, the diplomatic breakthrough would “release aid” to implement the inter-Sudanese peace agreement signed on October 3, he added, referring to a separate landmark deal that brought in several Sudanese rebel factions from the cold.


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c167d2 No.129673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296682 (270101ZOCT20) Notable: CP/Gore spam removed. Keep the reports coming patriots, we greatly appreciate it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CP/Gore spam removed.

Keep the reports coming patriots, we greatly appreciate it.

Hoes mad.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129674

File: 6faee12454c0716⋯.png (788.48 KB,604x954,302:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296777 (270105ZOCT20) Notable: A CH47 #Chinook from the “Big Windy," @12thCab spins up for an evening training flight.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Even the skies love our helicopters!

A CH47 #Chinook from the “Big Windy," @12thCab

spins up for an evening training flight.

by, Maj. Robert Fellingham

#ReadyToFly #Ready2Fight


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c167d2 No.129675

File: 416e433b4c61515⋯.png (21.49 KB,593x298,593:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296878 (270108ZOCT20) Notable: I married my brother on Twitter

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129676

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296934 (270111ZOCT20) Notable: Anime baker does not BV, no bakers have BV duties. No BV has baking duties.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Millions of people say that.

Anime baker does not BV, no bakers have BV duties. No BV has baking duties.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129677

File: 5e21589b623ce2e⋯.jpg (456.02 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296955 (270112ZOCT20) Notable: WHITE HOUSE POSTER?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129678

File: a9d2910acfa2c96⋯.jpg (413.55 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11296970 (270112ZOCT20) Notable: WHITE HOUSE POSTER?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129679

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297001 (270113ZOCT20) Notable: Mossad reportedly brought Chinese coronavirus vaccine to Israel for ‘study

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Mossad reportedly brought Chinese coronavirus vaccine to Israel for ‘study’

Israel’s secret service organization, Mossad, has obtained China’s Covid-19 vaccine, taking the medicine for “study,” local media reported. Israel has already developed a vaccine of its own, which is undergoing human trials.

Mossad brought the vaccine to Israel in recent weeks, Israel’s Channel 12 reported on Monday. It was not immediately clear how exactly the agency obtained the medicine.

Multiple government sources have “indirectly” confirmed the report to local media. The goal of the procurement is said to be study of the Chinese compound and further exploring vaccination options. Apart from that, a senior health ministry official confirmed that the country is seeking to purchase Covid-19 vaccines from other countries.

“There are several diplomatic efforts going on behind the scenes,” the official told the Jerusalem Post. “We are trying everything we can to ensure Israeli citizens have access to a vaccine as soon as possible.”

Israel has already developed a Covid-19 vaccine of its own, yet its testing process remains at an early stage. Last week, the Israel Institute for Biological Research in Ness Ziona announced the name of its vaccine, which has been dubbed ‘Brilife’.

The vaccine has already received all the necessary approvals and its Phase 1 human testing is expected to begin next week. At first, the medicine will be trialed on some 100 volunteers, and if everything goes well, a further 1,000 people will partake in the Phase 2 trials next spring.

In recent weeks, Israel has endured a sharp increase in new coronavirus cases with the disease tally currently standing at the 310,000 mark. While the figure appears to be relatively small compared to the worst-affected countries, it’s rather sizable for the 8.9 million nation and constitutes some 3.4 percent of the whole population.

Worldwide, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases has reached well over the 43 million mark, the latest statistics by the Johns Hopkins University show. More than 1.1 million people have succumbed to the disease since the beginning of the pandemic.


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c167d2 No.129680

File: c052362578c9644⋯.jpg (405.96 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297017 (270114ZOCT20) Notable: WHITE HOUSE POSTER?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129681

File: 90dbfa6cb01b7f9⋯.jpg (330.69 KB,1920x953,1920:953,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0a55a8f9182b440⋯.jpg (324.17 KB,1917x960,639:320,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4615bfb7c60d006⋯.jpg (392.24 KB,1920x940,96:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f6fbd29c89afb48⋯.jpg (446.49 KB,1913x947,1913:947,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297078 (270116ZOCT20) Notable: Buckle Up?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Buckle Up?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129682

File: f274e452dbb51e7⋯.png (377.91 KB,855x807,285:269,Clipboard.png)

File: d97f19e95e2baae⋯.png (468.41 KB,850x512,425:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297148 (270119ZOCT20) Notable: College dropout billionaire Bill Gates attacks Trump adviser Dr. Scott Atlas over Covid-19 stance

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘Pseudo-expert’: College dropout billionaire Bill Gates attacks Trump adviser Dr. Scott Atlas over Covid-19 stance

Self-styled Covid-19 authority and Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates has weaponized media demands to “trust the science” to tear into Trump adviser (and actual medical doctor) Scott Atlas for not backing stricter Covid policies.

“We now have a pseudo-expert advising the president,” Gates snarled during an interview at Yahoo Finance’s All Markets Summit on Monday, denouncing Atlas – who, unlike the billionaire software tycoon, completed both college and medical school – as an “off the rails” bad influence on the Trump administration.

“The most malign thing is where you start to attack your own experts and suggest that maybe politicians know better than disease experts,” Gates continued. The billionaire is neither a politician nor a medical doctor, despite the vast sums he has spent through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and its affiliates in an effort to vaccinate the developing world. Atlas, on the other hand, has a medical degree from the University of Chicago and has taught healthcare policy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute.


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c167d2 No.129683

File: 6998ea7a3f6414a⋯.png (26.7 KB,597x378,199:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297165 (270119ZOCT20) Notable: Biggest voter fraud story of the year drops tomorrow, mark your calendar

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297196 (270121ZOCT20) Notable: TRUMP putClarence Thomasin his proper rule, because he IS the most SENIOR—- 29 years.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TRUMP putClarence Thomasin his proper rule, because he IS the most SENIOR—- 29 years.

Other Presidents passed him over (which they had that prerogative to select who he wants but Senior Chief Justice should be traditional the SCOTUS who is most SENIOR.

Trump corrected it.


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c167d2 No.129685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297233 (270122ZOCT20) Notable: CNN’s Mattingly: Judge Barrett’s Confirmation “A Cornerstone Achievement For The Trump Admin”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CNN’s Mattingly: Judge Barrett’s Confirmation “A Cornerstone Achievement For The Trump Admin”

Is it just me or does AC look like he's slowly turning into a white walker from GoT

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297290 (270125ZOCT20) Notable: #14430

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>129685 CNN’s Mattingly: Judge Barrett’s Confirmation “A Cornerstone Achievement For The Trump Admin”

>>129684 TRUMP putClarence Thomasin his proper rule, because he IS the most SENIOR—- 29 years.

>>129683 Biggest voter fraud story of the year drops tomorrow, mark your calendar

>>129682 College dropout billionaire Bill Gates attacks Trump adviser Dr. Scott Atlas over Covid-19 stance

>>129681 Buckle Up?

>>129679 Mossad reportedly brought Chinese coronavirus vaccine to Israel for ‘study

>>129675 I married my brother on Twitter

>>129674 A CH47 #Chinook from the “Big Windy," @12thCab spins up for an evening training flight.


>>129672 Sudan’s leader: We weren’t blackmailed; we’re biggest winners of Israel deal

>>129673 CP/Gore spam removed. Keep the reports coming patriots, we greatly appreciate it.

>>129676 Anime baker does not BV, no bakers have BV duties. No BV has baking duties.

>>129678, >>129677, >>129680 WHITE HOUSE POSTER?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129687

File: af6e9e290f37f73⋯.jpg (49.97 KB,814x450,407:225,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297499 (270133ZOCT20) Notable: US threatens to destroy Iranian missiles if shipped to Venezuela as Washington slams Tehran with new oil sanctions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US threatens to destroy Iranian missiles if shipped to Venezuela as Washington slams Tehran with new oil sanctions

Washington will “eliminate” any long-range missiles shipped to Venezuela from Iran, the US envoy to both countries warned after an arms embargo on Tehran expired this month – but offered no evidence a single sale has taken place.

“The transfer of long-range missiles from Iran to Venezuela is not acceptable to the United States and will not be tolerated or permitted,” Elliott Abrams, the State Department Special Representative for Iran and Venezuela told Fox News on Monday.

We will make every effort to stop shipments of long-range missiles, and if somehow they get to Venezuela they will be eliminated there.

While providing no evidence that such arms transfers have already occurred and unable to show that any shipments are imminent, Abrams nonetheless insisted Venezuela would be an “obvious target” for Iranian weapons sales, as the “two pariah regimes” have “a relationship.”

The envoy’s threat comes as Washington also slapped sanctions on “key actors” in Iran’s oil sector on Monday – including the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum – citing their alleged support for the country’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), an elite military unit the US classifies as a terrorist group.


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c167d2 No.129688

File: 1364f540d20368e⋯.png (391.98 KB,584x598,292:299,Clipboard.png)

File: 02c581440dab996⋯.png (356.29 KB,854x473,854:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297505 (270134ZOCT20) Notable: Former UK Brexit secretary reveals ‘disaster’ test and trace companies don’t face penalties for failures

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Former UK Brexit secretary reveals ‘disaster’ test and trace companies don’t face penalties for failures

Ex-Brexit Secretary David Davis has slammed the ‘systemic problem’ that protects ‘test and trace’ companies from financial penalties despite criticism over the failing system.

In an interview with talkRADIO’s morning show host, Julia Hartley-Brewer, David Davis, who served as Brexit secretary until July 2018, said that “disaster is probably not too strong a word” for the situation that is unfolding with the ‘test and trace’ system, as figures released by the UK government show that it has repeatedly failed to meet the necessary targets required to prevent further spread of the virus.

Earlier this week, in a written response to Davis, Health Minister Helen Whately revealed that, despite being accused of failures, these companies do not face any fines, punishments or loss of contracts because “we don’t have any penalty clauses” in place, as the government claims it’s “difficult” to do so due to English law.

The UK government awarded a three-month contact-tracing contract worth £108 million to Serco earlier this year to oversee and deliver the system. Alongside its involvement in the test and trace system, Serco was also recently given a £57 million contract to provide “management services” at coronavirus testing centers across the UK.

Davis described how the behavior of the government to “keep handing out these contracts to these big companies,” despite their “very, very poor” service reflects a wider systemic problem. Hartley-Brewer responded with a shocked “You’re kidding!”

Serco defended their performance, saying they’ve “played an important part in helping to reach hundreds of thousands of people who might otherwise have passed on the virus. Our team of call handlers has been 93% successful in persuading people to isolate where we are able to have conversations.”

While the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) advises that for the system to function effectively a minimum of 80 percent of “close contacts” needs to be reached and told to self-isolate, the latest set of figures show that only 59.6 percent were contacted after being identified.


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c167d2 No.129689

File: cf7d586f83ce5fb⋯.mp4 (11.07 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297536 (270135ZOCT20) Notable: ANONS & PATRIOTS ARE THE POWER & THE GLORY

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c167d2 No.129690

File: 4077f6c56651dea⋯.jpg (60.72 KB,803x451,73:41,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297551 (270136ZOCT20) Notable: Washington approves sale of 400 ANTI-SHIP missiles worth $2.37bn to Taiwan after Beijing vows sanctions for US arms dealers

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Washington approves sale of 400 ANTI-SHIP missiles worth $2.37bn to Taiwan after Beijing vows sanctions for US arms dealers

The US State Department has given the nod for the sale of 100 Harpoon anti-ship missile systems to Taiwan, the latest in a series of massive weapons transfers to the island as Beijing warns it will retaliate with sanctions.

The $2.37 billion deal, announced by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency on Monday, includes up to 100 land-based Harpoon missile systems, some 400 munitions designed to take down enemy warships, 25 radar vehicles and a number of practice missiles. The sale now awaits final approval in Congress.

JUST IN: @StateDept approves possible sale of up to 100 #Harpoon Coastal Defense Systems- including 400 Harpoon Block II Surface Launched Missiles -worth $2.37 billion "If concluded, the proposed sale of this system will enhance #Taiwan’s defensive capability" per official pic.twitter.com/rb3Wslc2dK

— Jeff Seldin (@jseldin) October 26, 2020

Monday’s announcement comes as the fourth major sale approved to Taiwan over the last week, with the State Department green lighting three other deals for advanced weaponry last Wednesday, including for the HIMARS mobile rocket artillery system, long-range air-to-ground missiles and sensor upgrades for the country’s F-16 fighter jet fleet – all valued at over $1.8 billion.

In response to the last round of sales, Beijing said it would impose sanctions on three US arms manufacturers – Lockheed Martin, Boeing and a subsidiary of Raytheon – insisting the weapons transfers destabilize the region and violate Chinese sovereignty.


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c167d2 No.129691

File: e497b74c074c1e9⋯.png (508.22 KB,1917x955,1917:955,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297574 (270137ZOCT20) Notable: P3 OUT OF DALLAS

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c167d2 No.129692

File: 9a6dc7a58128268⋯.png (300.8 KB,535x460,107:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297620 (270138ZOCT20) Notable: Justice Clarence Thomas administers the oath of office for Justice Amy Coney Barrett

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Justice Clarence Thomas administers the oath of office for Justice Amy Coney Barrett


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c167d2 No.129693

File: 1492d0bff275abb⋯.jpg (275.72 KB,1915x974,1915:974,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6ae6a2377c3f006⋯.jpg (468.51 KB,1905x978,635:326,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297633 (270139ZOCT20) Notable: P3 OUT OF DALLAS

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Still monitoring H60 Blackhawks over USA.

This one interesting, out of Davison now nearing Baltimore Harbor.

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c167d2 No.129694

File: 2bfbee7fbe000fc⋯.jpg (72.27 KB,839x497,839:497,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297635 (270139ZOCT20) Notable: Amish Voters Come Out to Support President Trump at Lititz, Pennsylvania Today

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Amish Voters Come Out to Support President Trump at Lititz, Pennsylvania Today — Video

Amish Voters came out to the Trump rally in Lititz, Pennsylvania on Monday

Thousands of supporters came out to see President Trump in Lititz.

This was an AMAZING rally!

Some Amish beards/hats behind President Trump in Lititz, PA. pic.twitter.com/lSDROOy7QC

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) October 26, 2020


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c167d2 No.129695

File: 70f3be57aeb0dab⋯.png (295.78 KB,535x601,535:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297697 (270142ZOCT20) Notable: Tropical Storm #Zeta develops into hurricane

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Tropical Storm #Zeta develops into hurricane, heads toward Mexico’s Yucatan before US


Just in time!

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c167d2 No.129696

File: f45b1756b5c4147⋯.png (32.67 KB,533x306,533:306,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297702 (270142ZOCT20) Notable: Legs Up Harris is Stil Drunk

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Kamala Harris


Today Republicans denied the will of the American people by confirming a Supreme Court justice through an illegitimate process—all in their effort to gut the Affordable Care Act and strip health care from millions with pre-existing conditions.

We won’t forget this.


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c167d2 No.129697

File: 110899ad6bd0e5b⋯.jpg (48.41 KB,589x451,589:451,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297721 (270143ZOCT20) Notable: O’Keefe Strikes Again!

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Anybody remember when those Dirty FKers use to say they had to wait until the WW2 generation died off before you could get their NWO…Now its the Boomers.

O’Keefe Strikes Again! Georgia Dem Senate Candidate Jon Ossoff Keeps Progressive Values ‘Low Key’ to Sway Georgia “Rednecks” (VIDEO)

James O’Keefe strikes again!

Project Veritas on Monday released undercover of a field organizer for Georgia Democrat Senate candidate Jon Ossoff admitting he keeps his progressive values ‘low key’ in order to dupe Georgia ‘rednecks.’

Jon Ossoff, 33, is running for the senate to flip Georgia blue.

“On the surface portrays himself as left or moderate…deep down he’s a low key progressive.” Dino Nguyen, Ossoff’s field organizer said. “He’s not going to win the election as a progressive, and that’s basically it.

BREAKING: Senate candidate @ossoff keeps progressive values ‘low key’ to sway Georgia “rednecks”

“On the surface portrays himself as left or moderate…deep down he’s a low key progressive”

“Genuine to a certain point…but he can’t show true self 100% of the time”#Expose2020 pic.twitter.com/Bso7lki3KJ

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 26, 2020


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c167d2 No.129698

File: 633561e1e3208ec⋯.png (26.67 KB,456x324,38:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297735 (270144ZOCT20) Notable: Anons watching the countdown?

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Positive this is coming into play right soon!

Anons watching the countdown?

Date	Count	Happenings

Sun Oct 18	0	Hunter Biden laptop info starts coming out

Mon Oct 19	-1	

Tue Oct 20	-2	

Wed Oct 21	-3	

Thu Oct 22	-4	

Fri Oct 23	-5	

Sat Oct 24	-6	

Sun Oct 25	-7	

Mon Oct 26	-8	Amy Coney Barrett

Tue Oct 27	-9	

Wed Oct 28	-10	

Thu Oct 29	-11	

Fri Oct 30	-12	

Sat Oct 31	-13	

Sun Nov 01	-14	

Mon Nov 02	-15	

Tue Nov 03	-16	Election

Wed Nov 04	-17	Then what???

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c167d2 No.129699

File: 54edbe5d613fb07⋯.mp4 (8.63 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297739 (270144ZOCT20) Notable: Today we honor those serving away from home and the Family members supporting them during #NationalDayoftheDeployed.

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Today we honor those serving away from home and the Family members supporting them during #NationalDayoftheDeployed.

Quote Tweet

U.S. Army


· 12h


With the constant training and deployments, the life of a #Soldier can be hard on them, as well as, their families.

However, when things get tough, think about the ones that love you the most.

Movie camera by Sgt. Yvette Zabala

#ArmyLife #QoL


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c167d2 No.129700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297752 (270145ZOCT20) Notable: I love the Constitution and the Democratic Republic that it establishes

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ACB, "I love the Constitution and the Democratic Republic that it establishes"……Were we just hood-winked?

We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC….POTUS whipped his head around at her when she said that as well

At 37:53 she says it



Democratic Republic or Constitutional Republic?

“Elected representatives create legislation within the scope and limits of government power that had been previously defined within the constitution. It is government by law. The legislature, indeed, the entire government, is constrained to act within constitutionally delegated authority and may not encroach into areas that are not authorized. Elected officials are allowed to operate only within their defined boundaries and are not allowed to act on matters outside those boundaries. These limits are designed to protect the rights of all citizens, whether in the majority or in the minority. This is the type of government that was created for the United States by the United States Constitution.” Scott Bradley

What I did not know was NONE of the men we consider to be the principle founders of the American Republic EVER used the term Democratic-Republic to describe the form of government they created under the United States Constitution. The term came into use AFTER the days of the American Founders, and is attributed in the modern writings to the FOLLOWERS of Thomas Jefferson as I indicated to you in my first response.

The American Founders were adamantly opposed to ANY linking of the nation to ANY form of democracy. In Scott’s book, “To Preserve the Nation,” (pages 51-74) he addresses the Democracy Deception at length.

Of interest is the fact that when the French Ambassador, Edmund Genet, came to America during the administration of President George Washington, Genet established “Democratic-Republic” Clubs throughout the nation. Both President Washington and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson were appalled and incensed, and denounced the clubs and the philosophy that was fostered in the name. The nation quickly saw the error they had stumbled into, and all of the clubs were disbanded. The term, Democratic-Republic, is closely associated with the debauched and perverted government that metastasized during the French Revolution and in subsequent revolutions (see chapter 14, pages 289-307 of Scott’s book).

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c167d2 No.129701

File: 13e7f146547c2cc⋯.png (29.46 KB,528x291,176:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297805 (270147ZOCT20) Notable: Nothing threatens progressivism more than a court that adheres to the Constitution.

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Nothing threatens progressivism more than a court that adheres to the Constitution.

That's why they're in hysterics. The process was completely legitimate, and they know it.


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c167d2 No.129702

File: 55b1017e7964805⋯.png (367.26 KB,564x419,564:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297840 (270148ZOCT20) Notable: Pelosi Responds to Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS Confirmation: ‘Should We Expand the Court, Let’s Take a Look and See…and Other Courts as Well’

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Pelosi Responds to Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS Confirmation: ‘Should We Expand the Court, Let’s Take a Look and See…and Other Courts as Well’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wasted no time talking about packing the Supreme Court and other courts shortly after the Senate voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the highest court of the land.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed Monday evening in the US Senate by a vote of 52-48.

Not a single Democrat voted for Judge Barrett. Republican Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) voted with Democrats on the confirmation. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s VP choice, did show up tonight to vote against the new justice along with all her fellow Democrat Senators.

This will put conservative justices in the majority on the court.

Pelosi ran to MSNBC Monday night and floated altering an entire branch of government by overthrowing the US Supreme Court with dangerous Marxists.

Pelosi and the Democrats want to destroy the US Constitution.

“Should we expand the court, lets take a look and see.,” Pelosi said. “Maybe we need more district courts as well.


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c167d2 No.129703

File: 4ea76b521fa7200⋯.png (668.15 KB,1920x982,960:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297875 (270150ZOCT20) Notable: P3 OUT OF DALLAS

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Game of RISK going on in the Gulf.

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c167d2 No.129704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297904 (270151ZOCT20) Notable: HUNTER SEX TAPE

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Video 3: The Second Wave of Shock Bombshell of Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell!

video too large


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c167d2 No.129705

File: e81f8699db7232f⋯.png (392.21 KB,652x605,652:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11297924 (270152ZOCT20) Notable: Confirmed 9:17

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c167d2 No.129706

File: 0d5a694b616ff75⋯.png (1.98 MB,1918x1074,959:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298031 (270156ZOCT20) Notable: If you only knew how bad things really are

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If you only knew how bad things really are

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c167d2 No.129707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298046 (270157ZOCT20) Notable: China will invade Taiwan and trigger a Third World War if Trump wins or if the elections are contested

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Here is what has been happening under the surface. Self-described Satanist and human fetus eater Leo Zagami sent us the following message:

“China will invade Taiwan and trigger a Third World War if Trump wins or if the elections are contested.”


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c167d2 No.129708

File: ae18a4674b64449⋯.jpg (58.73 KB,771x434,771:434,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298086 (270159ZOCT20) Notable: Delta Airlines Has Banned 460 ‘Anti-Maskers’

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Delta Airlines Has Banned 460 ‘Anti-Maskers’

There are no laws or even FAA regulations that require airlines to enforce mandates to wear masks on flights. Rather, they obey arbitrary “guidelines” issued by a questionable quasi-federal agency, the CDC.

The airlines are digging their own graves as passenger miles and economic conditions decline. ⁃ TN Editor

In a new memo, Delta Air Lines says it has banned more than 400 people from flying for not following the airline’s mask policy.

“As of this week, we’ve added 460 people to our no-fly list for refusing to comply with our mask requirement,” Delta CEO Ed Bastian said in a message to employees.

In August, the airline said it had banned roughly 270 passengers since the outset of the pandemic. Delta (DAL) began requiring that passengers wear masks on flights on May 4. All major airlines now mandate that passengers wear masks in the absence of any new regulations from the federal government.


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c167d2 No.129709

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298154 (270202ZOCT20) Notable: #14431

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>>129708 Delta Airlines Has Banned 460 ‘Anti-Maskers’

>>129707 China will invade Taiwan and trigger a Third World War if Trump wins or if the elections are contested

>>129706 If you only knew how bad things really are

>>129705 Confirmed 9:17


>>129702 Pelosi Responds to Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS Confirmation: ‘Should We Expand the Court, Let’s Take a Look and See…and Other Courts as Well’

>>129701 Nothing threatens progressivism more than a court that adheres to the Constitution.

>>129700 I love the Constitution and the Democratic Republic that it establishes

>>129699 Today we honor those serving away from home and the Family members supporting them during #NationalDayoftheDeployed.

>>129698 Anons watching the countdown?

>>129697 O’Keefe Strikes Again!

>>129696 Legs Up Harris is Stil Drunk

>>129695 Tropical Storm #Zeta develops into hurricane

>>129694 Amish Voters Come Out to Support President Trump at Lititz, Pennsylvania Today

>>129687 US threatens to destroy Iranian missiles if shipped to Venezuela as Washington slams Tehran with new oil sanctions

>>129688 Former UK Brexit secretary reveals ‘disaster’ test and trace companies don’t face penalties for failures


>>129690 Washington approves sale of 400 ANTI-SHIP missiles worth $2.37bn to Taiwan after Beijing vows sanctions for US arms dealers

>>129692 Justice Clarence Thomas administers the oath of office for Justice Amy Coney Barrett

>>129691, >>129693, >>129703 P3 OUT OF DALLAS

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c167d2 No.129710

File: f1640bdf9fc026a⋯.png (661.99 KB,1920x958,960:479,Clipboard.png)

File: ea0d41c6313472d⋯.jpg (279.43 KB,1920x897,640:299,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298257 (270207ZOCT20) Notable: PF report: E6 over Sacramento still

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E6 Over Sacramentostill

>On the weekend we had 2 E6 over San Francisco

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c167d2 No.129711

File: 0940185f46ebb45⋯.jpeg (262.22 KB,828x492,69:41,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298262 (270207ZOCT20) Notable: If only you knew how bad things really are: poor doggo witnesses Hunter Biden's underage sexcapades

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c167d2 No.129712

File: 9edf38f757be843⋯.jpg (252.21 KB,1432x774,716:387,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298268 (270207ZOCT20) Notable: Murtaugh brought the evidence of how seriously the Cuomos take the virus.

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Murtaugh brought the evidence of how seriousy the cuomos take the virus.

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c167d2 No.129713

File: 741baf6526beafd⋯.jpeg (79.44 KB,750x596,375:298,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298281 (270208ZOCT20) Notable: US airstrike kills 7 leaders of al-Qaida in Syria

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“The United States believes it killed seven senior leaders of al-Qaida in Syria in an airstrike last week as the leaders were meeting near Idlib, U.S. Central Command said Monday.

A Central Command spokeswoman, Maj. Beth Riordan, said the strike was conducted Oct. 22. She did not identify the seven leaders by name.”

Dates line up. BOOM?

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c167d2 No.129714

File: 16bb664d7f5b0cb⋯.png (445.26 KB,591x1280,591:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298294 (270208ZOCT20) Notable: Anon makes possible connection between Hunter's Huawei phone and Q1497

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posted in the wrong bread earlier but there was a notable that hunter's phone was a huawei p9. Q1497 had a female in the passenger seat also using a huawei. looks very similar to a blue p8 or p9

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c167d2 No.129715

File: f3c55426afcbd3d⋯.png (18.33 KB,555x223,555:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a88c24acd60ce5⋯.png (27.67 KB,548x305,548:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298364 (270212ZOCT20) Notable: US State Department Halts All Diversity Training After Trump's Exec Order

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US State Department Halts All Diversity Training After Trump's Exec Order

A US State Department cable, obtained by Reuters, shows "all training programs for employees related to diversity and inclusion" have been halted after President Trump directed the federal agency in September to end the programs.

"Beginning Friday, October 23, 2020, the Department is temporarily pausing all training programs related to diversity and inclusion in accordance with Executive Order … on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping," the cable said.

"The pause will allow time for the Department and Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to review program content," it said.

Reuters said the order comes nearly two months after a White House Office of Management and Budget's memo advised federal agencies that taxpayer dollars were no longer allowed to fund "un-American propaganda sessions" that taught critical race theory, white privilege, and or "taught that the United States is an inherently racist or evil" country.

Trump signed the executive order suspending the diversity training program on September 22. The order forbids any teaching by federal agencies of "divisive concepts," implying that the US is "fundamentally racist or sexist."

And the move to stop the spread of diversity training doesn't just stop with the Trump administration. The UK's equalities minister has warned schools against teaching some aspects of critical race theory.

MP Kemi Badenoch said the rise of critical race theory was a "dangerous trend in race relations."

"We do not want to see teachers teaching their white pupils about white privilege and inherited racial guilt," she said.

"Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police, without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law."

Notably, Badendoch also warned against importing the rhetoric on race from America.

“Our history of race is not America’s history of race. Most black British people who have come to our shores were not brought here in chains, but came voluntarily due to their connections to the UK and in search of a better life. I should know. I am one of them.

But, as Tucker Carlson recently discussed, the ideology is nothing but "divisive," reiterating President Trump's recent warning that "this ideology is rooted in the pernicious and false belief that America is an irredeemably racist and sexist country; that some people, simply on account of their race or sex, are oppressors; and that racial and sexual identities are more important than our common status as human beings and Americans."



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c167d2 No.129716

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298428 (270216ZOCT20) Notable: Judicial Watch Statement on Senate Confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett

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Judicial Watch Statement on Senate Confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton issued the following statement in response to the Senate confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as Associate Justice to the United States Supreme Court:

Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation is a great victory for the U.S. Constitution. It is another great victory for constitutional government. Most Americans agree with Justice Barrett that the Supreme Court should apply the law as it is written and leave the legislating to the people’s elected representatives.

We are grateful that the Senate rejected the leftist attacks on Justice Barrett and moved to solidify a conservative majority on the Supreme Court. As she testified at her confirmation hearings, Justice Barrett rejected the idea that judges should be political activists:

I interpret the Constitution as a law, that I interpret its text as text and I understand it to have the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it. So that meaning doesn’t change over time. And it’s not up to me to update it or infuse my own policy views into it.

As an immediate priority, Justice Barrett and the rest of Supreme Court should reject the Left’s desperate efforts to use the courts to undermine election security and rig the elections.


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c167d2 No.129717

File: dda317b2c2cfac7⋯.jpg (83.99 KB,608x541,608:541,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 085fb567abdb1ef⋯.mp4 (4.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298430 (270216ZOCT20) Notable: Murtaugh brought the evidence of how seriously the Cuomos take the virus.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


(((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio




, who doesn't wear masks while scolding you for not wearing them, embarrassed himself here.


brought a photo receipt!


0:06 / 1:14

8:52 PM · Oct 26, 2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129718

File: 8b81683129eff5d⋯.png (68.18 KB,803x847,73:77,Clipboard.png)

File: 31c2a2a16b78fc8⋯.png (26.63 KB,812x350,58:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298455 (270217ZOCT20) Notable: JW: New Strzok-Page Emails, Fauci’s Emails, and Important Updates on Illegal Immigration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Strzok-Page Emails, Fauci’s Emails, and Important Updates on Illegal Immigration

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received 163 pages of emails between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page. The records show that Microsoft Outlook’s exchange server had to recreate multiple meetings that were “missing” from Lisa Page’s initial calendar entries. These missing meetings included the subjects “Going Dark Strategy Meeting,” “Twitter,” and “702 Reauthorization Strategy Coordination Bi-Weekly.”

The records were produced in response to Judicial Watch’s January 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the DOJ failed to respond to a December 2017 request for all communications between Strzok and Page (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00154)). The FBI is only processing the records at a rate of 500 pages per month and has refused to process text messages. At this rate, the production of these emails will not be completed until late 2021 at the earliest.

Multiple meetings were “missing” from Lisa Page’s calendar and had the Microsoft Outlook message “Exchange Server re-created a meeting that was missing from your calendar.” These meetings include a December 15, 2017, meeting that was recreated and has the subject, “Going Dark Strategy Meeting.”

A December 7, 2017, meeting was recreated that has the subject “Twitter” and the location listed as “SFHQ/Lync” [presumably SFHQ referring to San Francisco Headquarters and “Lync,” referring to the FBI’s internal messaging system known as Lync].

A July 10, 2017, meeting was recreated that has the subject “702 Reauthorization Strategy Coordination Bi-Weekly.”

An April 13, 2016, meeting was recreated that has the subject “Investigative & Administrative Law Top Issues Update.”

An April 14, 2016, meeting with the subject “NSCLB Top Issues Update” was recreated.

A July 10, 2017, meeting was recreated that has the subject “702 Reauthorization Strategy Coordination Bi-Weekly.”

A December 7, 2017, meeting with a redacted title under exemptions b6 (personal privacy) and b7C-1 (related to law enforcement sources and methods) was recreated, as was a December 25, 2017, meeting with the subject “702 Reauthorization Strategy Coordination Bi-Weekly.”

On June 8, 2017, in an email to Deputy Asst. Director Jon Moffa and Lisa Page (and an unidentified General Counsel office official), regarding watching James Comey testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Peter Strzok concluded his note with “[Redacted] sorry you have stupid NSA.”

On June 10, 2017, Peter Strzok forwarded an email to his boss, Asst. Director for Counterintelligence Bill Priestap, Page and General Counsel James Baker a New Yorker article that Strzok called “thoughtful,” titled “Trump vs. Comey: Hope Against Hope,” discussing the dispute between Comey and Trump about the contents of conversations the two had in private Oval Office discussions about Michael Flynn.


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c167d2 No.129719

File: 47d2d3b5710c540⋯.png (586.12 KB,1920x957,640:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298489 (270219ZOCT20) Notable: PF report: Border Security = National Security

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Border Security = National Security

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129720

File: 017150492c9d8c6⋯.png (630.88 KB,1439x2042,1439:2042,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298512 (270220ZOCT20) Notable: Epoch Times is doing a profile on Devin Nunes on 10/28

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Epoch Times is doing a whole profile on Devin Nunes 10/28. Should be realy good.

Sauce to watch: https://m.theepochtimes.com/programming-alert-devin-nunes-the-man-behind-the-explosive-memo_3553369.html/amp?__twitter_impression=true

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c167d2 No.129721

File: 36b70f29695626a⋯.png (638.99 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298708 (270230ZOCT20) Notable: RECALL Colorado Gov Polis: More signatures needed by 11/14/2020 by Colorado Anons

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RECALL Colorado Gov Polis

More signatures needed by 11/14/2020 by Colorado Anons

Why Recall Governor Polis?

This corrupt tyrant has passed 178 executive orders” restricting our constitutional rights bypassing not only the US constitution but the Colorado constitution as well. Recall Governor Polis.

This man has decimated our economy, shut down small businesses across the state while mega corporations remain open and unaffected.

Spent 1.6 BILLION dollars in CARES funds without the approval of the legislative Branch of Colorado to assess where funds were needed most.

Explicitly discriminated against houses of worship taking away your right to practice your religious freedom (while keeping liquor stores and marijuana shops open).

Signed gun-grabber law violating Constitutional rights including taking away people’s right to home defense giving way to seize individual’s guns without due process.

Polis has abused his power by exceeding the scope of his powers under Colorado‘s Disaster Emergency Act by confining residents to their homes, forbidding travel, mandating masks thereby depriving citizens of liberty and property without due process of law.

The list goes on and on. Take your state back Colorado! Get out and sign the petition ASAP. We The People will not tolerate tyranny of any form.


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c167d2 No.129722

File: 3fad1d0cf7904bf⋯.png (346.44 KB,596x626,298:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298785 (270234ZOCT20) Notable: Smithsonian tweets assassination comms

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After the assassination, the grief-stricken artist painted the president’s image obsessively; finally saying she caught only “a glimpse” of him.


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c167d2 No.129723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298827 (270236ZOCT20) Notable: Ric Grenell on Fox: Intel agencies don't have a right to cover up internal mistakes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ric Grenell: Intel agencies don't have a right to cover up internal mistakes

Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell argues there is a crisis within U.S. intelligence agencies.

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c167d2 No.129724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298856 (270237ZOCT20) Notable: Harvest time?: Prepared Floor Remarks by U.S. Sen. Grassley On his Annual Social Media Series #Cornwatch and #SoybeanWatch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Grassley on his Annual Social Media Series #Cornwatch and #SoybeanWatch



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c167d2 No.129725

File: 6899580463ad6e6⋯.jpg (183.79 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 37944a8c004401c⋯.png (41.73 KB,1080x256,135:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298943 (270242ZOCT20) Notable: Clawing back votes: 7 states allow voters to resubmit ballots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Clawing back votes: 7 states allow voters to resubmit ballots

New Hampshire allows people to vote again in person on Election Day if they wish to change their absentee votes

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c167d2 No.129726

File: 04d67329eaef34c⋯.png (41.38 KB,1217x422,1217:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11298959 (270243ZOCT20) Notable: Trust Wicker? Reminder that Hearing to examine Section 230 is on Wednesday 10/28

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Trust Wicker?


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c167d2 No.129727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299009 (270246ZOCT20) Notable: #14432

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>129710 PF report: E6 over Sacramento still

>>129711 If only you knew how bad things really are: poor doggo witnesses Hunter Biden's underage sexcapades

>>129712, >>129717 Murtaugh brought the evidence of how seriously the Cuomos take the virus.

>>129713 US airstrike kills 7 leaders of al-Qaida in Syria

>>129714 Anon makes possible connection between Hunter's Huawei phone and Q1497

>>129715 US State Department Halts All Diversity Training After Trump's Exec Order

>>129716 Judicial Watch Statement on Senate Confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett

>>129718 JW: New Strzok-Page Emails, Fauci’s Emails, and Important Updates on Illegal Immigration

>>129719 PF report: Border Security = National Security

>>129720 Epoch Times is doing a profile on Devin Nunes on 10/28

>>129721 RECALL Colorado Gov Polis: More signatures needed by 11/14/2020 by Colorado Anons

>>129722 Smithsonian tweets assassination comms

>>129723 Ric Grenell on Fox: Intel agencies don't have a right to cover up internal mistakes

>>129724 Harvest time?: Prepared Floor Remarks by U.S. Sen. Grassley On his Annual Social Media Series #Cornwatch and #SoybeanWatch

>>129725 Clawing back votes: 7 states allow voters to resubmit ballots

>>129726 Trust Wicker? Reminder that Hearing to examine Section 230 is on Wednesday 10/28

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c167d2 No.129728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299084 (270250ZOCT20) Notable: Presidential Memoranda on Sudan and Nominations sent to the Senate

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Certification Pursuant to Section 6(e) of the Comprehensive Peace in Sudan Act of 2004, as Amended by the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006


Certification of Rescission of the Determination regarding the Government of Sudan



Stephen Andrew Kubiatowski, of Kentucky, to be a Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims for a term of fifteen years, vice Margaret Mary Sweeney, term expired.


Stephen Andrew Kubiatowski, of Kentucky, to be a Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims for a term of fifteen years, vice Thomas Craig Wheeler, term expiring, which was sent to the Senate on October 23, 2020.


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c167d2 No.129729

File: 883bdcb638a1d0d⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,1831x1497,1831:1497,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299091 (270250ZOCT20) Notable: Anon needs more eyes on similar looking dogs in Hunter sex photo + photo of Natalie Biden

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lb someone posted late reposting for moar eyes

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c167d2 No.129730

File: cbdb2c4ddee5fce⋯.jpg (200.37 KB,687x951,229:317,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b241c156155dc69⋯.jpg (164.88 KB,786x1014,131:169,Clipboard.jpg)

File: df07ccf8f9f36d2⋯.jpg (151.15 KB,774x1009,774:1009,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f9fbb1ee1766177⋯.jpg (330.62 KB,1112x908,278:227,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9248d2ca398cffe⋯.jpg (478.59 KB,1749x936,583:312,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299127 (270252ZOCT20) Notable: Dig: Marina Abramovic's house in Malden Bridge, NY

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>>>/qresearch/11298947 (LB)

Got you Anon.

Will link with sauce but this will get you started.

The address is:

4287 State Route 66

Malden Bridge, NY 12115

Found through all public means… that article and then google maps…. then Columbia County, NY GIS Parcel Viewer.

The NYC address listed here is old… I have a more recent screenshot with the new one. I'll dig it up and post with the sauce.

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c167d2 No.129731

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299131 (270253ZOCT20) Notable: Links to G News articles/videos about Hunter's depravity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How to Rule the Country? Joe Biden is Mr.O’s the Real Boss



Beyond People’s Tolerance! Second Part of Documents Showing Hunter Biden’s Immorality!



Video 1: The Second Wave of Shock Bombshell of Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell!



【2】Second Part of Documents Showing Hunter Biden’s immorality!



Video 2: The Second Wave of Shock Bombshell of Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell!



Video 3: The Second Wave of Shock Bombshell of Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell!



【3】Hunter Biden 3P Picture Disclosed! Obscene Hunter Biden Pictures! Darkness on the Entire World!



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c167d2 No.129732

File: 58a794ac79ae90b⋯.jpg (138.09 KB,1104x844,276:211,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 300af23baedff43⋯.jpg (10.57 KB,184x79,184:79,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 131b9162a1a0f15⋯.jpg (60.77 KB,405x480,27:32,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299143 (270253ZOCT20) Notable: "Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes" organization: Human Trafficking/Sexual Exploitation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Human Trafficking / Sexual Exploitation


Tunnel near Geneva?

Human Trafficking?

Tunnel fromGeneva(top of LakeSeneca) to Lake Ontario?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129733

File: a3cd9af6611458e⋯.png (125.29 KB,803x766,803:766,Clipboard.png)

File: fe82ef3cfa54d30⋯.png (272.94 KB,791x647,791:647,Clipboard.png)

File: d8b630eef8a6428⋯.png (723.2 KB,851x692,851:692,Clipboard.png)

File: 996c375483f3e6f⋯.png (76.67 KB,806x626,403:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299198 (270256ZOCT20) Notable: Daily Caller: These Reports Are Essential Reading For Understanding The Hunter Biden Story

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

These Reports Are Essential Reading For Understanding The Hunter Biden Story

Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine and China and former Vice President Joe Biden’s alleged participation in them are now a central pillar in President Donald Trump’s final bid for reelection, but the story is evolving daily. Here are the must-read articles to get a grip on where the Biden allegations stand.

The Allegations:

Allegations that Biden both knew of, and participated in, his son’s business dealings were first published in the New York Post. The articles reported that Hunter Biden had dropped off a laptop at a computer repair shop in Delaware and never returned to pick up the device.

The store owner — a Trump supporter — says he found lewd images and video of Biden on the laptop’s hard drive, alongside emails that, if authentic, would suggest Hunter Biden arranged a meeting between his father and an executive of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

Hunter Biden joined Burisma’s board of directors in April 2014, shortly after his father took over as the Obama administration’s chief liaison to Ukraine.

Later reports detailed further alleged emails and text messages suggesting the elder Biden also stood to gain monetarily from his son’s dealings with a Chinese investment firm.

The Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) obtained a Senate report in late September supporting the allegations leveled in the original news articles. The report says several U.S. banks flagged “suspicious financial transactions between Hunter Biden’s firms and Russian and Chinese nationals, including a businessman with extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party.”

The allegations relating to China received further support after one of Hunter’s business associates, Tony Bobulinski, came forward to corroborate emails alleging Biden was going to receive monetary compensation thanks to his son’s dealings with a Chinese firm.

Bobulinski told reporters in a much-publicized press conference last week that he had met personally with Joe Biden regarding his family’s business ties to China, with which he said the presidential candidate was “plainly familiar.”

“I have heard Joe Biden say he’s never discussed business with Hunter. That is false,” Bobulinski said. “I have firsthand knowledge about this because I directly dealt with the Biden family, including Joe Biden.”

Many news outlets and major social media platforms discounted the story outright thanks to its originating with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and a Trump-supporting shop owner.


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c167d2 No.129734

File: 5e3b0ea5f8f7d04⋯.jpg (24.04 KB,400x260,20:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299224 (270258ZOCT20) Notable: Project Safe Childhood arrests/DOJ actions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#ProjectSafeChildhood justice.gov/psc

Illegal Alien Sentenced for Unlawful Possession of a Firearm Used in Fatal Shooting of His Minor Child and Unlawful Reentry Into the United States After Deportation


Nassau County Fire And Rescue Employee Arrested And Charged With Accessing With Intent To View Child Exploitation Material


Registered Sex Offender Charged wth Possession of Child Pornography


Former Clay County Sheriff’s Deputy Pleads Guilty To Producing And Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Images


Warwick Man Detained on Charges of Possessing and Distributing Child Pornography


Norwich Man Charged with Child Exploitation Offenses


Wisconsin Man Sentenced to 27 Years in Federal Prison for Sex Trafficking


Logan Decker Sentenced to 44 Years in Prison for his Role in the Sexual Exploitation of a Two-Year-Old Child


New Orleans Man Charged With Transportation and Distribution of Files Depicting the Sexual Victimization of Children


Santa Fe man gets 85 years for multiple child pornography convictions


Cheektowaga Man Arrested, Charged With Possessing Child Pornography, Growing Marijuana, And Illegally Possessing Guns


Former Police Officer Sentenced To 8 Years For Distribution And Possession Of Child Pornography


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129735

File: 76826eaff96859c⋯.jpg (145.28 KB,560x729,560:729,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299232 (270258ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes digs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Why Hollow?

Bad Tattoo artist?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129736

File: c7c88cd7742af53⋯.png (167.12 KB,800x509,800:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299247 (270259ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes digs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129737

File: 4121ca8e4e97634⋯.png (38.67 KB,523x335,523:335,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b18de5f395cda1⋯.png (262.52 KB,834x1041,278:347,Clipboard.png)

File: acc840d61403ac7⋯.png (13.83 KB,528x158,264:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299254 (270300ZOCT20) Notable: Psycho Morning Joe fantasizes about a "Judiciary Reform Act of 2021" and Supreme Court Justice Hillary Clinton - kek

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Joe Scarborough


What a great birthday gift it will be next year for @HillaryClinton when she is one of the three new Supreme Court justices appointed through the Judiciary Reform Act of 2021. Thanks for the idea, guys. Only your colleagues’ thuggish behavior made it possible.




Amy Coney Barrett, confirmed. Happy Birthday, @HillaryClinton!


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c167d2 No.129738

File: 42ab879bd6bba87⋯.png (171.98 KB,1778x729,1778:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299271 (270301ZOCT20) Notable: Dig: Marina Abramovic's house in Malden Bridge, NY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sauce for article: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/interiors/inside-marina-abramovics-home/

Sauce for property info: https://columbia.sdgnys.com/propdetail.aspx?swisprintkey=102689-25.-1-22.110

Attached image is up to date info with new NYC address.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129739

File: 8d9621c07d28aeb⋯.png (1.54 MB,1124x718,562:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299273 (270301ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, October 27, 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, October 27, 2020


12:30PM Depart the White House - South Lawn

12:40PM Arrive at Joint Base Andrews

12:50PM Depart Washington, D.C.

2:25PM Arrive at Capital Region International Airport - Lansing, MI

2:30PM Deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally - Lansing, MI

4:00PM Depart Lansing, MI


4:15PM Arrive at La Crosse Regional Airport - La Crosse, WI

4:25PM Depart La Crosse, WI

4:40PM Arrive at MotorSports Management Company - West Salem, WI

4:45PM Deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally - West Salem, WI

6:20PM Depart West Salem, WI

6:35PM Arrive at La Crosse Regional Airport - La Crosse, WI

6:45PM Depart La Crosse, WI

7:50PM Arrive at Eppley Airfield - Omaha, NE

8:00PM Deliver remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally - Omaha, NE

9:25PM Depart Omaha, NE


9:50PM Arrive at McCarran International Airport - Las Vegas, NV

10:00PM Depart McCarran International Airport

10:15PM Arrive at the RON Location - Las Vegas, NV



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c167d2 No.129740

File: 88a44f91d7c5d5b⋯.pdf (2.63 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299289 (270302ZOCT20) Notable: Project Safe Childhood arrests/DOJ actions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#ProjectSafeChildhood justice.gov/psc

Columbus Man Sentenced to 120 Months for Possessing Child Pornography


Former elementary teacher admits to explicit sexual conversations originating via Craigslist


Registered sex offender pleads guilty to distributing child pornography


Richland Man Sentenced to 21 Years in Federal Prison and 40 Years of Supervision for Child Pornography Offenses


Sacramento Man Indicted for Production and Possession of Child Pornography


Oklahoma Man Sentenced to 30 Years in Federal Prison for Child Exploitation Offense


Findlay area priest indicted on charges of sex trafficking and coercion


Greenbrier County Man Sentenced to More than 11 Years in Federal Prison for Attempted Sex Trafficking of a Minor


Op End Game Defendants Sentenced For Seeking Sex With Minors Online


Former Baltimore County Correctional Officer Sentenced to More Than 33 Years in Federal Prison for Two Counts of Production of Child Pornography


Elk River Man Sentenced To 17 Years In Prison For Child Pornography


Perkinston Man Pleads Guilty to Producing Child Pornography


Lordsburg man charged with producing and possessing child pornography


Mescalero man charged with aggravated sexual abuse of a child


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129741

File: cb5ca22e0c32385⋯.mp4 (2.24 MB,630x360,7:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299294 (270303ZOCT20) Notable: Chanel Rion reports on Biden's Bribe Tapes - Part III

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It's coming together.


Chanel Rion OAN @ChanelRion

First Reported August 15 in my @OANN

Investigates "BIDEN BRIBE TAPES" Series, Part III… Gutseriev, Luzhkov, Baturina, Podesta, Band, Biden, Heinz (Kerry), Archer..

It's coming together.

TRUMP-RUSSIA was a Dem projection stunt. It was DEMS-RUSSIA from the start.

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c167d2 No.129742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299300 (270303ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes digs

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c167d2 No.129743

File: 1cca6ba24618897⋯.png (356.8 KB,511x333,511:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ee0f1805555fed⋯.png (299.47 KB,899x673,899:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299316 (270304ZOCT20) Notable: Pentagon "Activated" MQ-9 Attack Drone To Fight "Wildfires" In California

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Pentagon "Activated" MQ-9 Attack Drone To Fight Wildfires In California

A large military drone, commonly used for classified missions over the Middle East, was recently "activated" by the Department of Defense (DoD) to combat wildfires in California, read an Air Force press release.

"At the request of the National Interagency Fire Center and upon approval by the DoD, U.S. Northern Command activated the 432nd to provide Incident Awareness and Assessment support using the MQ-9 aircraft to aid civil authorities in California," the release stated.

The release continued, "This is the first time active-duty aircraft from the 432nd have supported in a Defense Support of Civil Authorities capacity."

The MQ-9's specialized optical sensors provided the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) with "real-time video to map fire perimeters and alert first responders of the spread and potential impact of the fires, proximity to infrastructure or buildings, and containment," the Air Force said.

Lt. Gen. Kirk Pierce, commander, First Air Force, Air Forces Northern, said, "The 432nd's 'near-real-time' support to CAL FIRE enhanced both agencies' ability to move limited resources quickly to protect lives, save property, and be postured for next day operations."

From Sept. 26 to Oct. 17, the MQ-9 conducted more than 120 hours, providing real-time data on the fire situation. The activation came as devastating wildfires scorched more than 4 million acres so far. The Utility Pacific Gas and Electric's (PG&E) meteorology team warned Friday that some of the strongest winds of the fire season could arrive in Northern California by Sunday.

The proliferation of military drones flying above American skies should be very concerning as it merely suggests the country is diving deeper into a surveillance state.



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c167d2 No.129744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299332 (270305ZOCT20) Notable: Anon on the perilous situation of the CCP and Federal State of New China

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>>>/qresearch/11298812 lb


Thick face, black heart

The Chinese people have and will take a lot of bullshit from their leaders/government, because once it pops off, blood will flow. It will flow into a river of blood. They don't fuck around when it comes to internal wars. So the people keep their nose down and take it.

Until they don't.

This is the perilous situation of the CCP. The PLA is NOT, repeat NOT part of or under the CCP.

That is crucially important.

The internal tension in China is deep and ongoing - all of Chinese history is a fight between two sides and that has not changed. Most of what Xi and the CCP have done is desperately attempting to forestall the coming civil war.

It is inevitable.

Many people here write off Bannon, but that is a mistake. There is a very, very good reason Bannon 'dropped out' of the WH and did his own thing. Did anons really pay attention to what he was actually doing?

Federal State of New China

Did anons pay any attention to what that really means, in historical context?

Do anons really realize what is on the line here?

How much the CCP stands to lose?

How much is arrayed against them?

What they will do to not lose power, considering what will be their fate if (when) they lose power?

How are Steve Bannon and Guo still alive and breathing considering that? (Who is protecting them?)

When anon mentioned The New Great Game and the 'stans, did any anons actually pay attention?

Did anyone look that up and start reading?

Who is Russia's side yard? And what's on the other side of that?

What is the Bidens' relationship there? (Why is BORAT back NOW? Why is SB Cohen targeting Giuliani?)

Considering what Rudy is exposing, can you start to put it together?

Speaking of the 'stans…

Why is the Turk (Donmeh)/Armenian conflict suddenly flaring up?? (Why is that the genocide no one is allowed to recognize or name?)

Who are the Azeris closest to? Turkey or ___?

Why would old ethnic conflicts (and old scores) be flaring up now?

Are they genuine or contrived (stirred up and imposed on a population that wouldn't otherwise bother)?

Maybe multiple fires flaring up diffuses attention, confuses "Ugly Americans" who have no concept of a specific part of the world and therefore cannot discern what is really going on. Remember Wag the Dog movie?

Put things together anons.

Draw on geographical, historical information, personal/ethnic/business relationship ties between people(s), businesses and regions.

Learn the playbook.

Learn the players.

Pay attention

Put things together.

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c167d2 No.129745

File: 4897747f05dc715⋯.png (23.94 KB,640x163,640:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 64711b63c44c4ad⋯.png (92.35 KB,831x625,831:625,Clipboard.png)

File: c60df6909916278⋯.png (194.98 KB,874x560,437:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299333 (270305ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes digs

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Correction: SENECA

tat is mirror image

Rosemont Seneca


Rosemont Seneca was formed in 2009 by Hunter Biden, the son of

then-Vice President Joe Biden, by Chris Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John

Kerry, and others.2

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c167d2 No.129746

File: c4488b69a1794a4⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299365 (270307ZOCT20) Notable: 96 mile long Trump Train in Arizona

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Biggest Trump Train Yet!!! 96 Miles Long! Arizona knows what's up


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c167d2 No.129747

File: 986f30091e317bb⋯.png (29.9 KB,1035x144,115:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 0082c1777d44305⋯.png (522.84 KB,594x670,297:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299442 (270310ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes digs

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Had always heard about sub testing in the lakes when I was a kid.

42.697371, -76.925043



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c167d2 No.129748

File: 96708afb9f9aa62⋯.png (916.21 KB,1439x2108,1439:2108,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299454 (270310ZOCT20) Notable: This is why Clarence Thomas did the swearing in tonight for ACB.

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This is why Clarence Thomas did the swearing in tonight for ACB.

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c167d2 No.129749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299486 (270312ZOCT20) Notable: Anons discuss biological warfare

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Remember, Anons.

The game has already been played. It’s been war gamed by the best that humanity has to offer, and paired with the best technology humanity has created.

The end is not for everyone. This is a critical quote.

In the end, there will be war.

The war has been gamed (played out) through and through to make sure that the result is minimal loss of life relative to the size of the conflict.

The attacks will be so quick that a lot will die.

The victory, likewise, will be so quick that the war will have a clear winner immediately.

Ask yourself a simple question.

What is the purpose of a BioWeapon?

Why is it designed to NOT kill the entire enemy population?

The answer is sobering.

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c167d2 No.129750

File: 6cb7bf5dc874eba⋯.jpg (46.88 KB,712x438,356:219,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299514 (270314ZOCT20) Notable: Deja Vu: Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit says "Something devastating is breaking in the AM"..

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Something devastating is breaking in the AM.

Keep it coming

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c167d2 No.129751

File: 74e6d76767e678c⋯.jpg (296.15 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299537 (270315ZOCT20) Notable: Photo of POTUS signing something next to ACB tonight in the WH...

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c167d2 No.129752

File: fbf1b0a3fe8be53⋯.pdf (220.92 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299538 (270315ZOCT20) Notable: Press Release: Armenta & Sol files EMERGENCY INJUNCTION AGAINST @YOUTUBE to stop the purge.

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Armenta & Sol files EMERGENCY INJUNCTION AGAINST @YOUTUBE to stop the purge.

This lawsuit was crowdfunded by YOU, through http://punchgoogle.com









SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA – On October 26, 2020, fifteen YouTube content creators filed a federal

lawsuit against Google and YouTube, alleging in seventeen claims for relief, that Google and YouTube

breached the Terms of Service and violated their First Amendment rights, when they summarily de‐

platformed the Plaintiffs’ channels and removed their content from YouTube without advance notice.

'''The Plaintiffs are the creators of YouTube channels, including: JustInformed Talk, SGT Report,

X22 Report, SpaceShot 76, TruReporting, RedPill78, Edge of Wonder, Praying Medic, Amazing Polly,

Woke Societies, Daniel Lee, Deception Byes, InTheMatrixxx, Destroying the Illusion and Sarah Westall.'''

Together, their news and social commentary channels have reached more than 800 million views and

together they had more YouTube subscribers than many legacy news channels, such as C‐SPAN, The

New York Times, and NBC News. Plaintiffs cite a recent study by the Pew Research Center that concludes

that many Americans get their news from independent YouTube channels along the same metrics as

legacy or traditional news sources.

YouTube and Google are expected to defend the case and claim that Section 230 of the

Communications Decency Act provides them immunity for the actions they took against conservative

commentators, just 19 days before the November 3 Presidential Election. '''However, the Ninth Circuit

has recently issued an opinion, retreating from the broad interpretation of the immunity''' that social

media has used for years to defend lawsuits from its contract partners and users. The Section 230

immunities were provided by Congress as a means to give internet providers an ability to remove

content that was considered “obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or

otherwise objectionable.” Enigma Software Group USA LLC. V. Malwarebytes, Inc., No. 17‐17351

(Opinion filed September 12, 2019). The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found persuasive the notion

that the “unbounded reading” of Section 230 previously employed by social media giants such as

YouTube would allow a content provider to “block content for anticompetitive purposes or merely at its

malicious whim.”

The Plaintiffs allege that YouTube removed their channels without giving them notice or without

cause under the Terms of Service that YouTube itself drafted and imposed on the Plaintiffs. The

Plaintiffs allege that YouTube also violated the First Amendment rights of the Plaintiffs, and the public

they serve through their social commentary, news and information channels. '''Although many courts

have rejected the notion that YouTube is subject to the First Amendment, concluding that YouTube is a

private party, the Complaint alleges that YouTube acted at the behest, was encouraged by and coerced

by Congress, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Representative Adam Schiff'''. The Plaintiffs attach

to the Complaint letters that Representative Schiff published on Congressional letterhead that urged

that content be removed and replaced. The Plaintiffs also reference the House’s recent action by the

House, in passing House Resolution 1154, which condemned certain content and specifically mentioned

social media. In direct response to Representative Schiff’s published letter demanding censorship,

'''YouTube Chief Executive Officer Susan Wojcicki responded by Tweet: “Thanks for reaching out, we’re

working every day to protect people from misinformation and help them find authoritative information.

We appreciate your partnership and will continue to consult with Members of Congress as we address

the evolving issues around #COVID19.”''' The Plaintiffs allege that under Supreme Court precedent, if a

private party acts when it is encouraged or coerced by the government or its agents, then the state

action theory applies and the First Amendment rights should be protected, particularly from viewpoint


This lawsuit follows the filing of a massive antitrust action against Google by the Department of

Justice and eleven states.

The “state action” theory was previously raised in by Armenta & Sol, on behalf of an African‐

American conservative commentator, Young Pharaoh, in July 2020 also against Google and YouTube.

Although the Defendants in that case filed a Motion to Dismiss and oral argument was held, Magistrate

Judge Virginia DeMarchi has not yet issued a decision.

The lawsuit will be served on Google and YouTube today.

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c167d2 No.129753

File: abad4d349d4aecf⋯.png (540.35 KB,646x629,38:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d0809e22012ba6⋯.png (84.26 KB,627x835,627:835,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e20eb698934aca⋯.png (53.95 KB,629x581,629:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299557 (270316ZOCT20) Notable: Antifag Alert: Hillsboro Oregon Resident Charged with Assaulting a Deputized Portland Police Officer

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Hillsboro Oregon Resident Charged with Assaulting a Deputized Portland Police Officer

All dressed in black, oh its just an "idea"

Skyler Roy Rider, made an initial appearance in federal court today before a U.S. Magistrate Judge Jolie Russo, was arraigned, pleaded not guilty, and ordered released pending a two-day jury trial scheduled to begin on December 29, 2020.



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c167d2 No.129754

File: c824ef07cf1bc1a⋯.png (486.59 KB,1920x862,960:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299677 (270322ZOCT20) Notable: PF report

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Pilatus U-28A Spectre over Eglin AFB


The U-28A is a modified, single-engine Pilatus PC-12 aircraft and is part of the Air Force Special Operations Command manned, airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance fleet. Operational squadrons include the 319th, 34th and 318th Special Operations Squadrons, and the 5th and 19th SOS conduct the airframe’s formal training.


The U-28A provides manned fixed-wing tactical airborne ISR support to humanitarian operations, search and rescue and conventional and special operation missions.


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c167d2 No.129755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299693 (270323ZOCT20) Notable: Links to G News articles/videos about Hunter's depravity

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Online Naked Chatting! How Perverted Can Hunter Biden Be?! More Obscene Contents!



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c167d2 No.129756

File: 080cf666e596883⋯.png (89.21 KB,970x412,485:206,Clipboard.png)

File: 41de67dff7948a8⋯.png (1.36 MB,1500x1019,1500:1019,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299748 (270326ZOCT20) Notable: We broke Alyssa Milano - crying on twitter, turns off all comments on her tweets

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She did, all of em, kek



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c167d2 No.129757

File: 0234fa4f7bac944⋯.png (131.42 KB,396x385,36:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299781 (270328ZOCT20) Notable: Anons discuss biological warfare

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Disabling agent vs deadly

The former is preferred because of the knock-on effects:

Certain amount of population become ill

1. are not able to be in the military to fight opponent

2. are not in workforce to contribute to GDP or war effort

3. require other citizens to use resources (medical) and are not available to use against opponent (treating wounded, using resources on bioweapon illness instead of other regular issues)

Lethal bioweapon can be quickly isolated and antidote created.


Disabling agents take longer to identify and isolate as the cause, especially if symptoms present like other, well-known/common illnesses and/or can be mistakenly diagnosed as a well-known/common illness/disease. In the meantime, target country wastes precious time ignoring what seems to be some common illness, and the opposing country takes other measures to weaken the enemy country (multi-pronged attack strategy).

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c167d2 No.129758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299794 (270328ZOCT20) Notable: Moar on Grassley corn comms from lb - "All but 30% corn harvested"..

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Notable from pb, Thinking Grassley Comms>>>/qresearch/11299703

Giving percentages on Harvest season- All but 30% Corn harvested. Mentions Soybean %

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c167d2 No.129759

File: 937c1f61ed430f0⋯.png (72.05 KB,930x410,93:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299834 (270331ZOCT20) Notable: Pedo lib tears are especially delicious

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Cry moar pedo Patton and fake Indian Warren


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c167d2 No.129760

File: 4172a7c03427d8c⋯.jpeg (321.36 KB,828x780,69:65,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299841 (270331ZOCT20) Notable: Pedo lib tears are especially delicious

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Moar panic


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c167d2 No.129761

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299952 (270337ZOCT20) Notable: Photo of POTUS signing something next to ACB tonight in the WH...

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Sauced the image.


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c167d2 No.129762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11299957 (270338ZOCT20) Notable: #14433

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>>129728 Presidential Memoranda on Sudan and Nominations sent to the Senate

>>129729 Anon needs more eyes on similar looking dogs in Hunter sex photo + photo of Natalie Biden

>>129730, >>129738 Dig: Marina Abramovic's house in Malden Bridge, NY

>>129731, >>129755 Links to G News articles/videos about Hunter's depravity

>>129732 "Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes" organization: Human Trafficking/Sexual Exploitation

>>129733 Daily Caller: These Reports Are Essential Reading For Understanding The Hunter Biden Story

>>129734, >>129740 Project Safe Childhood arrests/DOJ actions

>>129735, >>129736, >>129742, >>129745, >>129747 Finger Lakes digs

>>129737 Psycho Morning Joe fantasizes about a "Judiciary Reform Act of 2021" and Supreme Court Justice Hillary Clinton - kek

>>129739 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY, October 27, 2020

>>129741 Chanel Rion reports on Biden's Bribe Tapes - Part III

>>129743 Pentagon "Activated" MQ-9 Attack Drone To Fight "Wildfires" In California

>>129744 Anon on the perilous situation of the CCP and Federal State of New China

>>129746 96 mile long Trump Train in Arizona

>>129748 This is why Clarence Thomas did the swearing in tonight for ACB.

>>129750 Deja Vu: Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit says "Something devastating is breaking in the AM"..

>>129752 Press Release: Armenta & Sol files EMERGENCY INJUNCTION AGAINST @YOUTUBE to stop the purge.

>>129753 Antifag Alert: Hillsboro Oregon Resident Charged with Assaulting a Deputized Portland Police Officer

>>129751, >>129761 Photo of POTUS signing something next to ACB tonight in the WH…

>>129754 PF report

>>129756 We broke Alyssa Milano - crying on twitter, turns off all comments on her tweets

>>129758 Moar on Grassley corn comms from lb - "All but 30% corn harvested"..

>>129749, >>129757 Anons discuss biological warfare

>>129759, >>129760 Pedo lib tears are especially delicious

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c167d2 No.129763

File: fec28fece3ba73a⋯.png (53.17 KB,289x631,289:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300112 (270350ZOCT20) Notable: Q2462 reminder: B) How can arrests occur prior to safely securing a majority in the SUPREME COURT [CONSTITUTION - RULE OF LAW]

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Nov 9 2018 18:32:17 (EST)

Logical thinking required.

A) How can arrests occur prior to removing the corruption from the DOJ & FBI?

B) How can arrests occur prior to safely securing a majority in the SUPREME COURT [CONSTITUTION - RULE OF LAW]

C) What is the role of the SENATE?

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c167d2 No.129764

File: 87e7144205e4709⋯.png (323.85 KB,535x552,535:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300118 (270350ZOCT20) Notable: State of emergency declared in Louisiana as hurricane Zeta approaches, Governor Edwards says

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State of emergency declared in Louisiana as hurricane Zeta approaches, Governor Edwards says


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c167d2 No.129765

File: 8766b90fb8d7a82⋯.png (45.8 KB,689x208,53:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300119 (270350ZOCT20) Notable: Was the "temujin01" in the chat of that last camgirl video Hunters screen name?

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Guys- was the "temujin01" in the chat of that last camgirl video Hunters screen name?

If so- this may be worth digging thru? this reddit user was big time against Kavanaugh and lived in Rorabachers district in CA (and campaigned for his opponent) so that all lines up politically and in the right Congressional district for hunter…


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c167d2 No.129766

File: e069afbed76653a⋯.png (23.38 KB,535x219,535:219,Clipboard.png)

File: a56ac40e42e2b7a⋯.png (218.85 KB,876x711,292:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300130 (270351ZOCT20) Notable: AWAN-DWS laptop next? "PadAWAN"..

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AWAN-DWS laptop ,next?

"…U.S. Capitol Police found the laptop after midnight April 6, 2017, in a tiny room that formerly served as a phone booth in the Rayburn House Office Building, according to a Capitol Police report reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group. Alongside the laptop were a Pakistani ID card, copies of Awan’s driver’s license and congressional ID badge, and letters to the U.S. attorney. Police also found notes in a composition notebook marked “attorney-client privilege.”

The laptop had the username “RepDWS,” even though the Florida Democrat and former Democratic National Committee chairman previously said it was Awan’s computer and that she had never even seen it."


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c167d2 No.129767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300137 (270352ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Biden timeline 2017-2020

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Here is the timeline for Hunter Biden from 2017

Amid all of the heartache, news broke in March 2017 that Hunter and Hallie, Beau's brother and widow, had struck up a romantic relationship. Hunter was recently single after formally separating from his longtime wife, Kathleen Biden, in October 2015 (the divorce was finalized in April 2017), and Hallie was seemingly ready to find love again after the loss of her husband. But while the romance apparently made sense to the new couple, some people were confused by Hunter's decision to date his late brother's wife. It isn't a very common situation, after all.

After two years of dating, Hunter and Hallie reportedly called it quits on their relationship in April 2019, just days after Joe announced his 2020 presidential bid. The two didn't offer an explanation for their breakup, opting for the "no comment" route.

In May 2019, Hunter got hitched in Los Angeles to a South African woman named Melissa Cohen

Joe Biden's son fathered a child with a woman named Lunden Roberts might take the cake. The rumor first surfaced in June 2019, just one month after the 20-something filed for paternity in Arkansas where she gave birth and lives. "T

Hunter denied Roberts' allegations in August 2019, just one year after the child was reportedly born. But months later in November 2019, Hunter was allegedly identified as the baby's father via a DNA test,

Roberts claims her baby was conceived when she was taking classes at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., which is very close to Hunter's former home in Annapolis, Maryland. This would have been in November/December 2017, around the time he split from Hallie

Apr 01, 2020 · Hunter Biden and wife Melissa Cohen have welcomed a baby boy amid the coronavirus pandemic, The Post can exclusively reveal. He’s the fifth child for Biden…

Read More: https://www.nickiswift.com/152135/the-real-reason-hunter-biden-split-from-beaus-widow/?utm_campaign=clip


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c167d2 No.129768

File: cfd81651103ed7f⋯.png (2.66 MB,1242x1869,414:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300226 (270400ZOCT20) Notable: More Grassley corn comms: "Harvest continues"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Grassley-Harvest Continues posted-10/26/20

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c167d2 No.129769

File: f7caa8773e1bee1⋯.mp4 (473.23 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1f36ecce6592cc7⋯.png (167.28 KB,767x821,767:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300250 (270401ZOCT20) Notable: Hilarious Lincoln Project ad about POTUS serving gorillion more years

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top kek

"but I thought he could only serve two terms"


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c167d2 No.129770

File: 3d8ffda317c5205⋯.png (160.64 KB,541x351,541:351,Clipboard.png)

File: a2427936c64d9a4⋯.png (164.1 KB,929x847,929:847,Clipboard.png)

File: 75202c1ef06b3cf⋯.png (125.92 KB,970x611,970:611,Clipboard.png)

File: b1c65cb2aa79ee5⋯.png (422.51 KB,957x839,957:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300352 (270409ZOCT20) Notable: China's Top Leaders Meets To Set Policy Direction For The Next 5 Years

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

China's Top Leaders Meets To Set Policy Direction For The Next 5 Years

Today China's top leaders represented by the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee started the Fifth Plenum of its 19th Party Congress where they will chart the course for the economy’s development for the next 15 years and set the country’s long-term priorities, with are expected to focus on boosting technological self-sufficiency and domestic demand while Xi cements his influence over the party.

The Plenum will run until Thursday, and will conduct the country’s most important exercise in central-planning: drafting the next Five-Year Plan against the backdrop of a worsening global economy and US sanctions (it's unclear what if any role the recordings China intelligence has of Hunter Biden will play in this exercise). The plenum will also discuss a broad plan for the next 15 years, with goals that are likely to endure for at least the rest of 67-year-old President Xi Jinping’s rule, who as a reminder made himself ruler for life several years ago.

According to the FT, the process to draft a plan typically reveals the biggest worries and priorities for the Chinese leadership, although these are usually for private consumption and rarely officially disclosed to the public. This year’s meeting comes as the deadline for meeting the previous overarching goal of achieving a “moderately prosperous society”, is due to expire in 2021, the centenary of the founding of the Chinese Communist party.

Beijing has recently hinted it would broaden out its focus on economic growth to include targets for environmental protection, innovation and self-sufficient development — such as in food, energy, and in chips. The Planum will also explain how the government will meet Xi’s target of zero net carbon emissions by 2060, which is ironic since China is the world's biggest emitter of CO2.

Xi is also expected to use the exercise to consolidate his influence over the party and the party’s influence over governance, said Holly Snape, a fellow in Chinese politics at the University of Glasgow. "It’s useful to understand these broad goals in the context of an expression Xi seems fond of: the party, government, military, people, education, east, west, south, north, and centre — the party leads everything."

At the end of the meeting, China will release a brief summary of the proposals to describe the broader directions of the 14th Five-Year Plan at a high level, including discussions on “dual circulation" - in which China will develop domestic demand and self-sufficiency as the rest of the world remains stalled by coronavirus - strategy, a focus on technological innovation and a push for factor market reform. However, Goldman does not expect a GDP growth target to be announced in either the proposals or the detailed plan when it is released next March.

Below is a preview from Goldman on what to expect from China's 14th Five-Year Plan:

Main points

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will hold the Fifth Plenum of its 19th Party Congress on October 26–29 to discuss the proposals for the 14th Five-Year Plan. The finalized proposals from the party will be released to the public shortly afterwards in a brief summary. Over the next several months, the National Development and Reform Committee (NDRC) will consult specialists and coordinate efforts from other government ministries to prepare a detailed plan draft to be submitted to the National People’s Congress (NPC) for final approval during the “Two Sessions” in March 2021.


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c167d2 No.129771

File: 37558e11f9d0e6d⋯.png (247.96 KB,1443x888,13:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300358 (270409ZOCT20) Notable: Data on registered sex offenders in Auburn NY near Finger Lakes

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There is an unusually high number of registered sex offenders in Auburn NY near the finger lakes. Auburn is the town that Neila Bidens parents worked in. There is a list of all the sex offenders here. Another interesting factoid, John Walsh has a home is Skaneateles.



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c167d2 No.129772

File: c195b804628bcef⋯.png (117.76 KB,579x552,193:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300361 (270410ZOCT20) Notable: New court filing in Flynn case

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c167d2 No.129773

File: c80a5e171dab92c⋯.png (45.41 KB,606x337,606:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300365 (270410ZOCT20) Notable: Pompeo: Today marks one year since the U.S. launched an operation that took out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

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Today marks one year since the U.S. launched an operation that took out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Despite this milestone, ISIS remains a threat and we will continue to work with the Global


to ensure ISIS's lasting defeat.


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c167d2 No.129774

File: bb3352ea56a33d3⋯.png (218.87 KB,395x587,395:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 880bb4b904182ce⋯.mp4 (7.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300367 (270410ZOCT20) Notable: Scavino trolls Killary on twitter

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Dan Scavino

Flag of United States






Donald J. Trump

Quote Tweet

Hillary Clinton


· Oct 26, 2016

Happy birthday to this future president.


11:58 PM · Oct 26, 2020


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c167d2 No.129775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300459 (270418ZOCT20) Notable: Badges of Honor - MSM hit pieces on "Qanon"

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Badges of Honor

How Google and YouTube inadvertently created and maintain QAnon


Trump Supporters Embrace QAnon


QAnon content has circulated on SoundCloud despite the platform’s prohibition of content “related to extremist ideologies”


QAnon, Mr. President?


How conspiracies like QAnon are slowly creeping into some Canadian churches


Meet the Twitter-verified MAGA Influencers Spreading the QAnon Gospel


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c167d2 No.129776

File: a5d41feab20cd2f⋯.png (363.58 KB,593x820,593:820,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300484 (270420ZOCT20) Notable: Traitor Ilhan Omar says Biden promised progressives they can "guide his policy", will take a "liberal turn" if elected

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c167d2 No.129777

File: 91028b78322790b⋯.png (341.93 KB,1300x2811,1300:2811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300489 (270420ZOCT20) Notable: Underground hell: flashback to anon's posts from 4/10/20

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c167d2 No.129778

File: b048518236915c2⋯.jpeg (197.61 KB,1242x695,1242:695,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300589 (270430ZOCT20) Notable: Daughter of Lebanese President open to peace with Israel

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129779

File: 1ccf6900a01f642⋯.png (79.95 KB,646x775,646:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f34506d63909ba⋯.png (42.61 KB,656x468,164:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300636 (270434ZOCT20) Notable: Four Individuals Charged in $200K Coast Guard Credentialing Scheme

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Four Individuals Charged in $200K Coast Guard Credentialing Scheme

"In total, the conspiracy netted over $200,000 in profits from the production of these counterfeit MAMA certificates and involved over 150 mariners purchasing fraudulent qualifications."


These people and their schemes ..

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c167d2 No.129780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300756 (270443ZOCT20) Notable: #14434

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>>129764 State of emergency declared in Louisiana as hurricane Zeta approaches, Governor Edwards says

>>129765 Was the "temujin01" in the chat of that last camgirl video Hunters screen name?

>>129766 AWAN-DWS laptop next? "PadAWAN"..

>>129767 Hunter Biden timeline 2017-2020

>>129763 Q2462 reminder: B) How can arrests occur prior to safely securing a majority in the SUPREME COURT [CONSTITUTION - RULE OF LAW]

>>129768 More Grassley corn comms: "Harvest continues"

>>129769 Hilarious Lincoln Project ad about POTUS serving gorillion more years

>>129770 China's Top Leaders Meets To Set Policy Direction For The Next 5 Years

>>129771 Data on registered sex offenders in Auburn NY near Finger Lakes

>>129772 New court filing in Flynn case

>>129773 Pompeo: Today marks one year since the U.S. launched an operation that took out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

>>129774 Scavino trolls Killary on twitter

>>129775 Badges of Honor - MSM hit pieces on "Qanon"

>>129776 Traitor Ilhan Omar says Biden promised progressives they can "guide his policy", will take a "liberal turn" if elected

>>129777 Underground hell: flashback to anon's posts from 4/10/20

>>129778 Daughter of Lebanese President open to peace with Israel

>>129779 Four Individuals Charged in $200K Coast Guard Credentialing Scheme

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c167d2 No.129781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300843 (270451ZOCT20) Notable: Moar Hunter pics dropping

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what is hunter doing here?

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c167d2 No.129782

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300887 (270455ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Reports of multiple officers down in PA riots

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BREAKING: Reports ofmultiple officers downin PA riots


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c167d2 No.129783

File: 2c1b8470f496312⋯.png (48.7 KB,518x429,518:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300952 (270459ZOCT20) Notable: Adam Housley claims at least 3 investigations were opened when FBI received Biden hard drive last year

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Adam Housley

1/2 From multiple FBI sources..No way the computer hard drive provided to the FBI nearly a year ago has been cleared. Once they received it, there were at least 3 investigations opened: money laundering, innocent images, national security. Charges? Still too early to know.

2/2 The warrant I'm told was changed to money laundering and to even open a case, the agents have to believe there's predication…"has to be enough there". The entire hard drive was cloned….each squad involved got a copy…minus any possible images involving minors.


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c167d2 No.129784

File: 6ddd1fe86df1259⋯.jpeg (379.83 KB,750x1253,750:1253,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11300975 (270501ZOCT20) Notable: Photo shows Joe Biden with Kazak businessman who "hired his son Hunter to help broker US investments" when he was VP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11300723 LB

This comes up when searching Joe Biden Smiling


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c167d2 No.129785

File: 240d08d266b380c⋯.png (446.19 KB,911x818,911:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301048 (270508ZOCT20) Notable: Kek, Aussie MSM claims today was "Darkest day in 231 years" over ACB confirmation

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MSM narrative

‘Darkest US Day’: Amy Coney Barrett appointed in big win for Trump

Donald Trump’s nominee Amy Coney Barrett has been confirmed to the Supreme Court, in “one of the darkest days in the 231-year history” of the US Senate.

Following her death, the family of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg revealed that her dying wish was that she not be replaced before the election.

“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed,” the 87-year-old told her granddaughter, according to NPR, days before she lost her battle with cancer in September.

It’s a wish that, just a week out from election day, US President Donald Trump has steamrolled: his nominee, conservative judge Amy Coney Barrett, was confirmed to the Supreme Court by the Senate today, voted through by a 52-48 Republican majority. Susan Collins of Maine was the only Republican senator to side with the Democrats in opposing Judge Barrett’s confirmation.

“It is highly fitting that Judge Amy Coney Barrett fills the seat of a true pioneer for women, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg,” Mr Trump said following the vote, adding it was “very important” because she’s “the very first mother of school-aged children to become a Supreme Court justice”.

Judge Barrett’s confirmation will not only go down in history as one of the quickest – taking place 30 days after her nomination and seven days before the presidential election – but also, Democratic senator of New York and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said, “one of the darkest days in the 231-year history of the United States Senate”.


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c167d2 No.129786

File: 379c57d9bc1d132⋯.png (425.34 KB,674x449,674:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301069 (270510ZOCT20) Notable: ACB finished her oath at the 17 second mark in the 1-min 17-second White House video

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ACB finished her oath at the 17 second mark in the 1-min 17-second White House video


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c167d2 No.129787

File: 5a3398cc3d2ff2c⋯.png (751 KB,598x772,299:386,Clipboard.png)

File: aca94799089941c⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,390x360,13:12,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301097 (270515ZOCT20) Notable: Video of cop hit by driver in Philly

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Video where Cop is hit by driver in Philly


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c167d2 No.129788

File: d8b7152d8bab346⋯.png (639.51 KB,785x580,157:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301114 (270517ZOCT20) Notable: Open tabs on Hunter's cam chat browser (all lb)

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>Open tabs on Hunters cam chat browser.

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c167d2 No.129789

File: 5457d5d90fd3817⋯.mp4 (185.83 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 52f8465157aab15⋯.png (214.01 KB,495x510,33:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301115 (270517ZOCT20) Notable: Moar keks: Biden sign falls off podium as Jill speaks

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the Biden campaign is falling apart.

Someone should put Joe's face on that sign.


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c167d2 No.129790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301123 (270517ZOCT20) Notable: Navy Orders Aviation Stand-Down After Plane Crash Kills 2 in Alabama

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Navy Orders Aviation Stand-Down After Plane Crash Kills 2 in Alabama

Navy aviation units that aren't currently deployed were directed Monday to hold a service-wide safety stand-down following a pair of recent crashes, including one that killed two military officers.

Vice Adm. Kenneth Whitesell, commander of Naval Air Forces, ordered Navy aviation units to hold the stand-down, the service announced in a news release. The pause in flight operations is meant to give aviation commands an opportunity to focus on "how to further improve operational risk management and risk mitigation across the Naval Aviation enterprise," it states.

"The safety of our personnel and our local communities is a top priority," the statement adds. "[We] take all aviation incidents extremely seriously."

The stand-down follows two separate crashes that occurred last week.

On Friday, a T-6B Texan II trainer plane crashed in Foley, Alabama, killing Navy Lt. Rhiannon Ross and Coast Guard Ensign Morgan Garrett. Ross was a 30-year-old instructor pilot from Michigan. Garrett was a 24-year-old student aviator from North Carolina.

Three days earlier, a Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet crashed near Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in California during a routine training flight. The pilot safely ejected and was treated at a local medical facility.

No civilians were hurt in either incident. The crash in Alabama happened in a residential neighborhood near Alabama's southern coast.

The cause of both crashes remains under investigation.

The Naval Safety Center announced just before the Super Hornet crash that for the first time in nearly a century, both the Navy and Marine Corps went a whole year without suffering any aviation-related deaths.

Rear Adm. F.R. "Lucky" Luchtman, the center's commander, called the milestone unprecedented, adding that it was the result of naval aviation's tireless commitment to safety and excellence."

"We remain the greatest aviation force in the world and are committed to learning from these incidents in order to avoid these tragedies in the future," the Navy statement on the stand-down said.


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c167d2 No.129791

File: 65acc1964ef32cb⋯.png (337.22 KB,907x631,907:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301129 (270518ZOCT20) Notable: Making Pops proud: Hunter sextape is now on pornhub

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hunter vid on pornhub

someone on /pol pointed this out


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c167d2 No.129792

File: 3336720eb79630b⋯.jpg (105.44 KB,847x727,847:727,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301151 (270520ZOCT20) Notable: Grim milestone: Philadelphia records 400th homicide this year

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Grim milestone: Philadelphia records 400th homicide this year

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) – Philadelphia marked a grim milestone Monday afternoon.

A man found dead in a West Philadelphia home has become the city's 400th homicide this year.

Police were called to the 4800 block of Westminister Avenue just after 2 p.m

Investigators say an aunt discovered the 44-year-old victim dead.

Police say he had a gunshot wound to the head.


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c167d2 No.129793

File: a5000753803585a⋯.png (2.92 MB,1642x976,821:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301207 (270525ZOCT20) Notable: Moar on Marina Abromavic's house: 4,800 sq ft shed was installed in 2015 that dwarfs her house..

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>>129730 (lb)

On the Marina Abromavic digg, has anybody noticed that she had a 4,800 square foot SHED installed in 2015.

This outbuilding DWARFS her house.

Why would she need it? What has she been using it for in the last five years?

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c167d2 No.129794

File: 434d1e0e97490a8⋯.png (168.96 KB,508x315,508:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301279 (270532ZOCT20) Notable: Anons might have found Hunter's reddit

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c167d2 No.129795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301368 (270541ZOCT20) Notable: Moar Hunter pics dropping

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Video 4: The Second Wave of Shock Bombshell of Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell!



Video 5: The Second Wave of Shock Bombshell of Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell!



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c167d2 No.129796

File: de7cc8673ff7066⋯.png (619.35 KB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301373 (270541ZOCT20) Notable: Anons might have found Hunter's reddit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Sounds like Hunter.

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c167d2 No.129797

File: d589d5a397a67c1⋯.png (21.82 KB,527x244,527:244,Clipboard.png)

File: feaf5aa81229a28⋯.png (21.59 KB,536x304,67:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301444 (270548ZOCT20) Notable: Adam Housley claims at least 3 investigations were opened when FBI received Biden hard drive last year

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Adam Housley

A lot. Wray complained about the resources being used by Durham.


>Do you know many other attorneys and investigators are working under Durham?

Adam Housley



>You're being unreasonable in your expectations. When Durham investigated the FBI corruption in Boston, it took 5 years to bring the indictments. And that case was NOTHING compared to this.

>This case is unprecedented in scope and complexity. The web of corruption vast and deep.

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c167d2 No.129798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301461 (270549ZOCT20) Notable: The Plot Against the President links

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Here it is on streamable in case it gets deleted on YT. https://streamable.com/vcmuij

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c167d2 No.129799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301531 (270558ZOCT20) Notable: #14435

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>>129782 BREAKING: Reports of multiple officers down in PA riots

>>129783, >>129797 Adam Housley claims at least 3 investigations were opened when FBI received Biden hard drive last year

>>129781, >>129795 Moar Hunter pics dropping

>>129785 Kek, Aussie MSM claims today was "Darkest day in 231 years" over ACB confirmation

>>129786 ACB finished her oath at the 17 second mark in the 1-min 17-second White House video

>>129787 Video of cop hit by driver in Philly

>>129788 Open tabs on Hunter's cam chat browser (all lb)

>>129789 Moar keks: Biden sign falls off podium as Jill speaks

>>129790 Navy Orders Aviation Stand-Down After Plane Crash Kills 2 in Alabama

>>129792 Grim milestone: Philadelphia records 400th homicide this year

>>129784 Photo shows Joe Biden with Kazak businessman who "hired his son Hunter to help broker US investments" when he was VP

>>129791 Making Pops proud: Hunter sextape is now on pornhub

>>129793 Moar on Marina Abromavic's house: 4,800 sq ft shed was installed in 2015 that dwarfs her house..

>>129794, >>129796 Anons might have found Hunter's reddit

>>129798 The Plot Against the President links

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c167d2 No.129800

File: d583d47ff431273⋯.jpeg (917.38 KB,1242x1864,621:932,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301675 (270618ZOCT20) Notable: Prince Azim of Brunei, film producer who rubbed shoulders with rich and famous, dead at 38, cause unclear

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c167d2 No.129801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301676 (270618ZOCT20) Notable: Prince Azim of Brunei, film producer who rubbed shoulders with rich and famous, dead at 38, cause unclear

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c167d2 No.129802

File: f7e49945cbf423d⋯.jpeg (417.17 KB,1242x1589,1242:1589,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301681 (270619ZOCT20) Notable: Blast at Pakistan religious school kills seven, including children

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c167d2 No.129803

File: f8f9e770bf45980⋯.png (588.29 KB,977x3286,977:3286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301746 (270628ZOCT20) Notable: Was Hunter Biden posting about pizzagate on reddit? Reddit name linked to Chinese shell company..

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Live Link:


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c167d2 No.129804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301838 (270642ZOCT20) Notable: Gnews: Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin And His Grandson Alvin Jiang Provided Biden Leaks

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Gnews: Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin And His Grandson Alvin Jiang Provided Biden Leaks

The Ultimate Battle of the Revolutionary Revolution Series 4: Providing "Black Hard Disks" to Jiang Zhicheng and Wu Zheng who broke the Revolution, the wise choice of Jiang faction at a historical moment

On October 23, U.S. Eastern time, the revolutionary initiator Guo Wengui launched the world-renowned ultimate battle to destroy the Communist Party. Every hour, a blockbuster related to the CCP is announced through GNEWS. The ultimate battle will last for 13 days until the President of the United States. Until the end of the general election. Against this background, illegal videos of Biden’s son Hunter’s drug abuse, fornication, and child abuse were widely disseminated on social media through GTV and GNEWS. The names of the persons who provided the materials were noted in individual videos. They were Jiang Zhicheng and Wu Zheng, the figures of Jiang Zemin’s faction. Lutheran News Agency disclosed that the video was only the tip of the iceberg of the materials provided by Jiang Pai.

Jiang Zhicheng was born in Yangzhou, Jiangsu. He is the grandson of General Secretary Jiang Zemin and the son of Jiang Mianheng, the third-generation core figure of the Chinese Communist Party. Jiang Zhicheng worked for Goldman Sachs, a Wall Street financial institution in the United States, and has long lived in New York. Later, Boyu Capital Co., Ltd. was established in Hong Kong and became the first director. Jiang Zhicheng’s act of providing hard disk materials proved to be recognized by Jiang Zemin. Jiang Zemin is currently the oldest and most experienced key figure in the CCP. He has been in charge of the CCP for many years and has a large amount of domestic and international dignitaries in his hands. Before the U.S. presidential election, some black materials were provided to the breaking news revolution, which proved his determination to see the power of the United States draining the swamp, knowing that the CCP is over and preparing for the aftermath.

Jiang Zemin participated in the suppression of the June 4th student movement and the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong. His hands were covered with blood from the people. Jiang Zhicheng provided relevant evidence to the revolution to atone for his family, and also reserved a way for the Jiang faction. Previously, the CCP used the video of the CIA Chinese informant to intimidate people in the system and was exposed by the Lutheran News Agency. The CCP’s dehumanizing behavior turned people in the system from fear to anger, just as the revolutionary initiator Guo Wengui said, inside and outside Under pressure, the common will eventually be destroyed. Against this background, illegal videos of Biden’s son Hunter’s drug abuse, fornication, and child abuse were widely disseminated on social media through GTV and GNEWS. The names of the persons who provided the materials were noted in individual videos. They were Jiang Zhicheng and Wu Zheng, the figures of Jiang Zemin’s faction. Lutheran News Agency disclosed that the video was only the tip of the iceberg of the materials provided by Jiang Pai.

Jiang Zhicheng was born in Yangzhou, Jiangsu. He is the grandson of General Secretary Jiang Zemin and the son of Jiang Mianheng, the third-generation core figure of the Chinese Communist Party. Jiang Zhicheng worked for Goldman Sachs, a Wall Street financial institution in the United States, and has long lived in New York. Later, Boyu Capital Co., Ltd. was established in Hong Kong and became the first director. Jiang Zhicheng’s act of providing hard disk materials proved to be recognized by Jiang Zemin. Jiang Zemin is currently the oldest and most experienced key figure in the CCP. He has been in charge of the CCP for many years and has a large number of black materials on domestic and international politicians. Before the U.S. presidential election, some black materials were provided to the breaking news revolution, which proved his determination to see the power of the United States draining the swamp, knowing that the CCP is over and preparing for the aftermath.

Jiang Zemin participated in the suppression of the June 4th student movement and the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong. His hands were covered with blood from the people. Jiang Zhicheng provided relevant evidence to the revolution to atone for his family, and also reserved a way for the Jiang faction. Previously, the CCP used the video of the massacre of CIA Chinese informants to intimidate people within the system, which was exposed by the Lutheran News Agency. The CCP’s dehumanizing behavior turned people in the system from fear to anger. Just as the revolutionary initiator Guo Wengui said, internal and external pressure In the end, it will definitely destroy the total.


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c167d2 No.129805

File: 364ec5504c4a77e⋯.png (126.86 KB,537x525,179:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301859 (270645ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter suppressing POTUS's tweet about mail in ballot issues

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James Woods

Twitter is suppressing this tweet by the President. Here’s a screen grab.


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c167d2 No.129806

File: e11ff1bced8b094⋯.png (140.26 KB,1901x469,1901:469,Clipboard.png)

File: a70afb170716b34⋯.png (25.42 KB,1032x398,516:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301863 (270645ZOCT20) Notable: Was Hunter Biden posting about pizzagate on reddit? Reddit name linked to Chinese shell company..

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ask and you shall receive :) proof

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c167d2 No.129807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301873 (270647ZOCT20) Notable: Prince Azim digs

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Prince Azim: Selfie in front of Inverted Pentagram (sticker)?

9 Aprile 2019


>Prince Azim of Brunei: Dead at [38]

>>129800, >>129801

Bombshell claims made by Perez Hilton in light of the country's new laws punishing homosexuality with death suggest that Prince Abdul Azim is gay.

April 08, 2019


Is the sultan of Brunei imposing Sharia law to clean up his family’s image?

the 72-year-old sultan of the former British protectorate is in the spotlight for a very different reason as he comes under fire from governments and activists around the world for introducing the Sharia Penal Code, which includes punishments such as death by stoning for adultery or homosexuality, or amputation of limbs for theft

April 9, 2019


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c167d2 No.129808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301874 (270647ZOCT20) Notable: Philadelphia: Rioters Raid A Police Van

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Philadelphia: Rioters Raid A Police Van

238 views•Oct 27, 2020


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c167d2 No.129809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301885 (270647ZOCT20) Notable: Philadelphia: Rioters Raid A Police Van

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Philadelphia: Rioters Set Police Cruiser on Fire in Retaliation of Recent Police Involved Shooting


280 views•Oct 27, 2020

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c167d2 No.129810

File: 7dc6d9b435304ec⋯.png (75.09 KB,591x296,591:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11301921 (270651ZOCT20) Notable: Twitter finally cracking down on pedophiles, changes Terms of Service

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BREAKING: Twitter finally cracking down on pedophiles, changes Terms of Service

Twitter is finally making a change to its controversial Terms of Service – one which previously allowed for the discussion and promotion of "minor-attraction."

The platform's newly released Terms of Service have finally amended previous rules which many activists claimed helped normalise pedophilia as a sexual identity.

In January 2020, Twitter quietly reworded certain elements of their Terms of Service, allowing for the discussion of "child sexual exploitation as a phenomenon." The Terms of Service also allowed for "artistic depictions" of nude minors.

While the old policies stated there was a limit on "promoting or glorifying child sexual exploitation," it allowed for a community of "minor attracted people" to flourish and communicate in the open, often posting computer-generated and animated child pornography, with no recourse for other Twitter users to take to try and remove them from the site as their actions did not constitute a rule violation.

But the newest manifestation of the Terms of Service has changed all that, with Twitter boldly stating the website has "a zero-tolerance child sexual exploitation policy."


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c167d2 No.129811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302051 (270707ZOCT20) Notable: Nxivm sex-cult sicko Keith Raniere set to speak at his sentencing tomorrow

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Sorry, I usually add the text since some ppl are lazy and don't visit the links. Use this:

Nxivm sex-cult sicko Keith Raniere set to speak at his sentencing tomorrow

By Rebecca Rosenberg and Kate SheehyOctober 26, 2020 | 4:51pm | Updated

Keith Raniere, the sex-obsessed Svengali at the helm of the upstate cult Nxivm, has vowed to protest his innocence at his sentencing in Brooklyn federal court Tuesday.

Also set to address the judge are about 10 victims of the 60-year-old sex-trafficker, who faces up to life behind bars for masquerading as a self-help guru while leading the twisted secret group and abusing scores of members, including by branding some of them with his initials.

Raniere, asked by TV’s “Dateline” in an interview that aired last week if he planned to speak at his sentencing, replied, “Yes, I’m innocent.

“And although it is — this is a horrible tragedy, with many, many people being hurt — I think the main thrust of this has been the oppression,” he said, referring to his rights.

“There is a horrible injustice here,’’ Raniere said. “And whether you think I’m the devil or not, the justice process has to be examined.”

The convict’s lawyer, Marc Agnifilo, told The Post on Monday, “He has the constitutional right to speak to the judge, and I expect that he will do so.”

Raniere faces 15 years to life in prison after being found guilty by a Brooklyn federal jury last year of charges related to his running of the Albany-based group and physically and mentally scarring some female followers for life.

He was convicted of all of the seven felony counts against him, including sex-trafficking, racketeering, possession of child pornography and forced labor.

Raniere “portrayed himself as a savant and a genius” — yet was nothing more than “a massive manipulator, a con man and the crime boss of a cult-like organization involving sex trafficking, child pornography, extortion-compelled abortions, branding, degradation and humiliation,” then-Brooklyn US Attorney Richard Donohue said after the silver-tongued fraudster was convicted.

Among those expected to deliver victim impact statements at Raniere’s sentencing are a former sex slave only identified as Camila, one of her relatives and India Oxenberg, the daughter of blueblood TV “Dynasty” actress Catherine Oxenberg, a well-placed source said.

Camila was just 15 when she was recruited by Raniere from Mexico, prosecutors have said.

Raniere also brought along Camila’s two older sisters with them to New York — and had sex with each of the siblings, the feds said.

One of the sisters, Daniela, was kept in a room for two years — to atone for falling in love with another man, prosecutors said at Raniere’s trial in January 2019.

India Oxenberg broke her silence in the case earlier this month — saying she was raped by Raniere and among those branded with his initials as part of Nxivm’s sex-slave group.

“He’s a predator,” she said.

What was pitched to her as a female-empowerment group within Nxivm was really “a trap and a ploy for Keith to enslave women for his own sexual desires,” she said.

Oxenberg said she was lured to the group by former “Smallville’’ TV actress Allison Mack.

Mack, who pleaded guilty to racketeering in the case last year, has yet to be sentenced.



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c167d2 No.129812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302084 (270712ZOCT20) Notable: Barak Obama in the Payroll List of China Communist Party (CCP)

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Joe is irrelevant.

By December everyone will be talking about Obama.

Barak Obama in the Payroll List of China Communist Party (CCP)


新加坡狮城农场 Himalaya Singapore

新加坡狮城农场 Himalaya Singapore 5 mins ago

In 2008, the young Obama ran for President of the United States . As a young politician, he was full of energy to make some changes. However , he was not in good relationships with various political forces in Congress. Joe Biden was an veteran politician who had been in the Washington for more than two decades. Therefore, Obama chose Biden as the vice presidential candidate, and won two US presidential elections in 2008 and 2012.

Now Joe Biden is running for 2020 new president campaigns. Former President Obama supports Joe Biden’s presidential campaign openly . He praised Joe Biden for being compassionate, respecting others, and honed in his ill-fated life.

It looked like Obama and Joe Biden had established a very good personal friendship with each other during the eight years of cooperation in White House. But recently as Hunter Biden’s “Hard Drive Gate” continues to develop, the dirty deal between Obama and the Biden family was also revealed .

Hunter Biden’s “Hard Drive Gate” revealed that the Biden family obtained huge wealth from the CCP by betraying the United States. Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, as the direct person took charge of the corruption trade with the CCP since 2012. From one of the disclosed emails, the person named after “Big guy” held 10% of the shares in the joint venture between Hunter Biden and the Chinese Communist Party. It was later proved that this “Big guy” was Joe Biden. In another disclosed email, Joe Biden discussed outrageous acquisitions with “Mr. O.” People believed that Mr. O was likely to be Barak Obama. Joe Biden’s corruption with the CCP involved a large amount of selling out US interests to the CCP. It would be difficult to achieve the purpose without Obama’s consent.

On October 26, the LuDe Media disclosed a photo of Obama and Hunter Biden in the Oval Office of the White House. The photo was taken on April 4, 2016, when Hunter Biden was in the Oval Office of the White House talking to Obama about the South China Sea Militarization and other issues including disclosure of CIA Chinese spies and related arms sales to the CCP. Hunter Biden requested that Obama should not interfere in a series of matters such as the CCP ‘s militarization in South China Sea , and finally obtained Obama’s consent. Then 26 hours later, the CCP remitted $1 billion to an account of the company controlled by Hunter Biden after Hunter Biden sent email to the CCP attached with the photo . We didn’t know how much this money was transferred to Obama’s account .

This photo was obtained from Hunter Biden’s computer. According to LuDe Media, this photo was taken by someone in White House controlled by Joe Biden. Besides that photo, there was also a video recording all talks between Hunter Biden and Obama . Without Obama’s awareness, Biden and his son were able to secretly take photos and videos in the offices of While House. The purpose of the Biden is nothing more than to learn from the CCP to use these evidences to control Obama, and sell American interests to the CCP, in exchange for a huge amount of money to the Biden’s family.

【Author】 Randy Young


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Gnews : 硬盘门涉及乔拜登与奥巴马会面讨论大刀阔斧的并购


Gnews : 亨特拜登与奥巴马在白宫椭圆形办公室

独家: 亨特拜登与奥巴马在白宫椭圆形办公室



LUDE Media : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuG9hF0–Io

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c167d2 No.129813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302151 (270723ZOCT20) Notable: Biden Venmo's?

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Biden Venmo’s

Hunter Biden @huntersmith123

Ashley Biden @ABlazer

Natalie Biden @Natalie-Bid

Finnegan Biden @finneganBiden

Hunter Biden @huntersmith123

Sara Biden @Sara-Biden

Hallie Biden @Hallie-Biden

Naomi Biden @king-naomi

Missy Owens @Missy-Owens

Caroline Biden @C-Biden


Natalie Biden @Natalie-Bid Venmo @nataliepbiden twitter/tik tok

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c167d2 No.129814

File: 290439be7a8a2d3⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,2521x2565,2521:2565,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302220 (270734ZOCT20) Notable: Was Hunter Biden posting about pizzagate on reddit? Reddit name linked to Chinese shell company..

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c167d2 No.129815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302243 (270737ZOCT20) Notable: Was Hunter Biden posting about pizzagate on reddit? Reddit name linked to Chinese shell company..

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c167d2 No.129816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302293 (270744ZOCT20) Notable: #14436

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>>129800, >>129801 Prince Azim of Brunei, film producer who rubbed shoulders with rich and famous, dead at 38, cause unclear

>>129802 Blast at Pakistan religious school kills seven, including children

>>129803, >>129806, >>129814, >>129815 Was Hunter Biden posting about pizzagate on reddit? Reddit name linked to Chinese shell company..

>>129804 Gnews: Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin And His Grandson Alvin Jiang Provided Biden Leaks

>>129805 Twitter suppressing POTUS's tweet about mail in ballot issues

>>129807 Prince Azim digs

>>129808, >>129809 Philadelphia: Rioters Raid A Police Van

>>129810 Twitter finally cracking down on pedophiles, changes Terms of Service

>>129811 Nxivm sex-cult sicko Keith Raniere set to speak at his sentencing tomorrow

>>129812 Barak Obama in the Payroll List of China Communist Party (CCP)

>>129813 Biden Venmo's?

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c167d2 No.129817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302357 (270753ZOCT20) Notable: New GNEWS article: Biden-Obama’s $1 Billion deal to sell out America

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New GNEWS article: Biden-Obama’s $1 Billion deal to sell out America


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c167d2 No.129818

File: 4b7fc7e1de8fd49⋯.png (173.86 KB,828x1626,138:271,Clipboard.png)

File: cc429c639b00442⋯.png (297.22 KB,828x1593,92:177,Clipboard.png)

File: 95ad45eee2b32aa⋯.png (41.63 KB,657x833,657:833,Clipboard.png)

File: 524ae8f90b9f12e⋯.png (47.29 KB,1216x387,1216:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302402 (270803ZOCT20) Notable: More Biden family Venmo information

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Hunter Biden:



Ashley Biden:



Natalie Biden:



Finnegan Biden:



Sara Biden:



Hallie Biden:



Naomi Biden:



Missy Owens:



Caroline Biden:



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c167d2 No.129819

File: 615539b41679450⋯.jpg (79.04 KB,1020x649,1020:649,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302448 (270812ZOCT20) Notable: Moscow ready not to deploy 9M729 missiles in European Russia, Putin says

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Moscow ready not to deploy 9M729 missiles in European Russia, Putin says


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c167d2 No.129820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302473 (270817ZOCT20) Notable: Official White House video featuring US Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger talking about CCP creating digital dossiers on international citizens.

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c167d2 No.129821

File: a729b9e193bf3a9⋯.png (330.42 KB,828x1500,69:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302552 (270835ZOCT20) Notable: Malia Obama recieved money via Venmo possibly for heroin and methamphetamine in 2018?

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Anon tagged above posted the Biden's venmo accounts -> Natalie Biden had Malia and Sasha Obama added as friends -> both's "connections" (contacts) were public but Malia's transactions are public








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c167d2 No.129822

File: 4af93340c2c39e8⋯.png (17.19 KB,593x181,593:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302576 (270840ZOCT20) Notable: 30 officers injured in Philly Riots

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c167d2 No.129823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302578 (270840ZOCT20) Notable: New GTV article: 10/27 Exclusive! Who is in the photo with Hunter Biden?

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New GTV article: 10/27 Exclusive! Who is in the photo with Hunter Biden?


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c167d2 No.129824

File: 0043f6599fa7030⋯.png (282.61 KB,682x643,682:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302605 (270845ZOCT20) Notable: PAC filing show billions of dollars being transferred from Republican PACS to DNC and Biden For President committees

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Keep this in mind..The FEC system could be hacked or the files being filed could be a set up, fake, spoof of some sort. But this IS the information located at the Federal Election Commission(FEC)

Before I continue, for those that just read the headlines and the first paragraph, here is the source where you can verify this for yourself. It’s at the Federal Election Commissions website. Follow instructions in detail.

Click the link provided. It will take you to a PAC named “Biden Action Fund”. In the middle of the page it will say “Disbursements”. Don’t do a search or anything else. The link should take you to the page with “RAW” already highlighted. If that’s the case, just click “Export”

In the upper left hand corner click “RAW” if not highlighted.

In the upper right hand corner click “Export”. A box at the bottom will pop up that says “Download”. Download the file. It’s a csv. File. There is no other way to see this information. You have to download the file. It has to be the “Raw” version

The file is fairly large for a csv. It’s 2.2 gigs. To view the file, I used Apache Open Office. If you have better, use it. File is too large for Open Office. It doesn’t load the last few rows So I ended up viewing it in Firefox. It’s far better to view it and easier to understand in it’s spreadsheet form. Use Firefox as last resort. Excel should also work.

After verifying the information please leave a comment and let me know if I’m reading it wrong. For the last two days I’ve downloaded it on multiple computers and on my phone just to make sure the file was coming from the FEC. Same information each time. Please share this information if you feel it’s legitimate.

Link 1. Disbursements click here or https://www.fec.gov/data/disbursements/?data_type=efiling&committee_id=C00746651

You are going to want to see the Receipts(Sources of funding). Less than .09521% of funding for the Biden Action fund comes from donations less than $200. You must view this information. This download will show you that Biden was lying at the debates about not being funded by Wall Street. There are multiple campaign finance violations to be found. Be sure you get the “RAW” version of this also.

A “ZZ” will be where the state of residence should be for all donors that have non USA addresses.

Kamala Harris’s “For the People” committee gets 45% of its funding from the wealthy.

Link2. Receipts click here or


What will you see?

In the Disbursements download you will find multiple filings of cash being transferred from conservative Campaigns/Pacs. The amount of cash being transferred for each transaction can be as low as $100,000 to $5,000,000,000 and up..

This is either the biggest theft/ hack in American history. The biggest glitch in the FEC database in American history or the Republican party backstabbing the President, all Trump Supporter, most conservatives , and just about everyone living in the USA. What little integrity that remained in the political parties in the USA is gone. What little integrity that remained in the political parties in the USA is gone. This will prove that the Republicans are/have been working with democrats all along. A one party government.

I see Joe Biden’s “ Biden for President “ funds growing at a record breaking rate..

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c167d2 No.129825

File: 5094f139413dbcc⋯.png (308.76 KB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302678 (270900ZOCT20) Notable: Call for digs on public Venmo accounts.

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c167d2 No.129826

File: 26a2360360860a1⋯.png (240.08 KB,638x522,11:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302715 (270907ZOCT20) Notable: One of Hunter's shell companies is named after Gengis Kahn.

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>>129814 (LB)

Interesting that Hunter called his shell company GK Temujin.

Temujin was the birth name of Genghis Khan (GK). Genghis Khan, a Mongol, conquered half the known world, including a good part of China, and his grandson Kublai Khan sealed the deal and was made emperor of all of China.

In later days, the ethnic Chinese took back control of China, throwing out the Mongols, but it always stuck in their collective craw to have been ruled by a barbaric nomadic tribe.

Was Hunter poking his Chinese masters in the eye with this name, taunting them?

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c167d2 No.129827

File: 8f8739a059b03e6⋯.png (308.86 KB,856x560,107:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302716 (270907ZOCT20) Notable: Leftist teacher lectures 13 year old students on why trump is racist ( CRINGE )

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Another Unhinged Leftist Teacher Caught on Video Lecturing 13-Year-Old Student for 10 Minutes on Why Trump is Racist (VIDEO)

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c167d2 No.129828

File: 0c73c439c0e4c7c⋯.png (168.03 KB,595x876,595:876,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11302765 (270922ZOCT20) Notable: DOJ confirms veracity of documents pertaining to dismissal of Gen. Flynn case.

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Flynn filing: DOJ response to Judge Sullivan's order that the they verify gov't exhibits in support of dismissal.

DOJ verifies the contents and ends with this:

"we trust and expect the District court to proceed with appropriate dispatch" and grant the motion to dismiss.

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c167d2 No.129829

File: 094c14df6902b8c⋯.png (215.07 KB,724x611,724:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303170 (271046ZOCT20) Notable: Democrats mail vote strategy in jeopardy as ACB sworn in

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c167d2 No.129830

File: 669b1bd4f795f01⋯.png (3.04 MB,1125x1922,1125:1922,Clipboard.png)

File: fa689c8bb170f07⋯.jpg (35.36 KB,460x600,23:30,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ae7b75ac61af5d5⋯.jpg (33.06 KB,455x600,91:120,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b22151245409323⋯.jpg (36.57 KB,454x600,227:300,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 164e1e5cb901d38⋯.jpg (35.28 KB,458x600,229:300,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303174 (271047ZOCT20) Notable: Hunter Text Messages confirming the family knew

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It appears this was removed from notables about a family argument among the Biden's approx 7-8 months later Natalie pic.

You figure it out.

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c167d2 No.129831

File: 29f3095439c7849⋯.png (307.92 KB,764x432,191:108,Clipboard.png)

File: 95dda73a8dd7f57⋯.png (752.71 KB,1233x664,1233:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303184 (271049ZOCT20) Notable: Dogs on the bed

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who has seen this doggo?

who is the owner?


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c167d2 No.129832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303234 (271101ZOCT20) Notable: Two China Airlines flights out of LAX this morning

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Two China Airlines flights out of LAX this morning. CAL7 and CAL9. Both headed to Taiwan. Significant? Will post cap later.

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c167d2 No.129833

File: 2be8c38e531ae4d⋯.png (35.42 KB,597x350,597:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303253 (271104ZOCT20) Notable: Refers to changing your vote to me kek

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c167d2 No.129834

File: 2b6bc67df6f4e6c⋯.png (240.08 KB,400x327,400:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303264 (271106ZOCT20) Notable: Refers to changing your vote to me kek

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> refers changing it to me.

*refers to …

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c167d2 No.129835

File: bc9c63638b8fc6e⋯.png (31.81 KB,595x246,595:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303275 (271110ZOCT20) Notable: POTUS openly using the term handlers now

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c167d2 No.129836

File: 7ffd3568098a8e9⋯.png (853.01 KB,689x758,689:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303277 (271110ZOCT20) Notable: Of the original 23, 5 remain

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c167d2 No.129837

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303325 (271120ZOCT20) Notable: Of the original 23, 5 remain

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Of the original 23 in the photo, 17 have been removed leaving 5.

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c167d2 No.129838

File: ad89e352ce15f4b⋯.png (61.79 KB,1091x556,1091:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303330 (271121ZOCT20) Notable: .

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c167d2 No.129839

File: 875f5de3b668e09⋯.jpg (532.99 KB,2000x2000,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303350 (271124ZOCT20) Notable: Dogs on the bed

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on top of this,… there are people out there so heavily schizophrenic that they would deny facts and images of this pedo shit. They are basiclly voting for a pedo family! And the FBI, CIA or what ever law enforcment is just watching?

anons, hello?

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c167d2 No.129840

File: af00b89b35e7293⋯.png (308.12 KB,528x470,264:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e36c634d63c611⋯.png (1.21 MB,662x666,331:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11303418 (271134ZOCT20) Notable: Dogs on the bed

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last ones and serious this time….if it's not the Biden family dog Im going with the Clintons…final answer. kek

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c167d2 No.129841

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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