26-29 panel 1
>*It must have been because of the stench of blood
<*It must have been because of the stench of blood...
>*This guy didn't even made an effort to hide in the first place!!
<*This guy didn't even make an effort to hide in the first place!!
26-30 panel 1
>You can actually function pretty well.
きれん is a shortened きれない.
<your brain can't properly judge the data.
26-30 panel 2
>But because you can detect another person's presence easily, without even putting any thought into it,
<Since you can detect another person's presence easily, without even putting any thought into it,
>Then you tend to think you're safe if you don't feel a presence.
<you end up assuming you're safe if you don't immediately feel anything.
>When the time comes to put your minds to work, you simply leave that kind of thought processing to your subconscious.
"When you have to focus on thinking (思考作業に専念する時), you unconsciously suppress your senses (無意識に感覚機能を抑えちまう)"
<So then, when you start seriously thinking, you unconsciously suppress your senses.
26-31 panel 3
>*Even if I didn't ask, I know who this man is...
<*Even without asking, I know who this man is...